Card #3 - Irregular Words

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|build |under |old |shoe |

|piece |start | | |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|draw |tiny |was |why |

|have |here |tiny |draw |

|what |would |wear |born |

|under |very |shoe |start |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ew |ou |oo |ue |

|igh |ou |ew |oo |

|ou |oa |ie |ew |

|igh |ch |ck |i_e |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|stew |shout |roots |blue |

|sight |couch |stew |bike |

|crabs |honk |cracks |hunts |

Card #10 - Word Reading; Spelling Focused

|cooks |cooked |cooking | |

|shows |showed |showing | |

|dented |denting |glows | |

|jumping |fixed |stools | |

|fixing |kicked |moons | |

|snowed |rented |sighed | |

|helped |kicking |doormats | |

Mom mended Joan’s blue knee socks.

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Phonics/Decoding Strategy

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: A Fine Spring Day

Card #13 - Phonics Library: A Fine Spring Day

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|few |pout |coop |cue |

|light |bout |blew |nook |

|clean |room |sigh |blocks |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: A Fine Spring Day

I Love Reading Books #73-75

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|wear |old |start |under |

|shoe |very | | |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|building |climbing |tiny |draw |

|was |why |climbing |building |

|have |here |what |would |

|wear |born |under |very |

Card #5 - Blending Phonemes

Card # 7- Sound/Spelling Review

|ew |ou |oo |ue |

|igh |ou |ew |i_e |

|oo |ch |ie |ew |

|ee |ai |a_e |sh |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|grew |shout |boot |clue |

|might |ouch |stew |side |

|class |geese |space |time |

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Sunset Beach

Card #3 - Regular Words

|part |teacher |tells | |

|planted |added | | |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|about |tiny |draw |loves |

|because | | | |

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: taking (p. 137)

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|stew |shout |roots |blue |

|sight |couch |stew |bike |

|crabs |honk |cracks |hunts |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: A Fine Spring Day

Anthology: The Forest

Phonics Library: Sunset Beach

I Love Reading Books #73-75

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|about |draw |because |by |

|part |happy |teacher | |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|said |what’s |climbing |building |

|tiny |draw |what’s |said |

|was |why |have |here |

|what |would |wear |born |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ew |ou |oo |ue |

|igh |ou |ew |i_e |

|oo |ch |ie |ew |

|ee |ai |a_e |sh |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|new |pouch |spoon |cue |

|light |pout |dew |tide |

|shape |take |stakes |press |

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: ourselves (p. 147)

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|grew |shout |boot |clue |

|might |ouch |stew |side |

|class |geese |space |time |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: A Fine Spring Day; Sunset Beach

Anthology: The Forest

I Love Reading Books #73-75

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|everyone |have |what’s |said |

|climbing |building |have |everyone |

|tiny |draw |was |why |

|have |here |what |would |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ou |ow |ew |sh |

|ow |ou |a_e |igh |

|ay |ow |igh |ou |

|ch |wh |ie |ea |

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

|ouch |plow |drew |ship |

|prowl |cows |loot |plight |

|cake |clean |tie |leaf |

Card # 6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|new |pouch |spoon |cue |

|light |pout |de |tide |

|shape |take |stakes |press |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: A Fine Spring Day; Sunset Beach

Anthology: The Forest

Anthology: Saving the Earth

I Love Reading Books #73-75

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|walked |who |have |everyone |

|what’s |said |who |walked |

|climbing |building |tiny |draw |

|was |why |have |here |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ou |ow |ew |sh |

|ow |ou |a_e |igh |

|ay |ow |igh |ou |

|ch |ee |ie |ea |

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

|cloud |brown |flew |shape |

|chow |growl |neat |night |

|camps |chills |peek |sent |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: Mom’s Spring Jobs

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Mom’s Spring Jobs

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|ouch |plow |drew |ship |

|prowl |cows |loot |plight |

|cake |clean |tie |leaf |

Partner Reading

Anthology: The Forest

Anthology: Saving the Earth

Phonics Library: A Fine Spring Day; Sunset Beach; Mom’s Spring Jobs

I Love Reading Books #72-75

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|because |happy |under |part |

|tiny |start | | |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|always |warm |who |walked |

|have |everyone |warm |always |

|what’s |said |climbing |building |

|tiny |draw |was |why |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ou |ow |ew |sh |

|ow |ou |a_e |igh |

|ay |ow |igh |ou |

|ch |u |a_e |ee |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|crouch |down |chew |ships |

|growl |hound |steep |plight |

|food |night |place |plump |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|brown |found |how |crown |

|plow |out |clown |ouch |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|invent |happen |tennis | |

|elbow |contest |pancake | |

|until |pillow |lesson | |

|traffic | | | |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: Hound Dog and Round Dog

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Hound Dog and Round Dog

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|cloud |brown |flew |shape |

|chow |growl |neat |night |

|camps |chills |peek |sent |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Hound Dog and Round Dog

I Love Reading Books #76-77

Card #3 - Regular & Irregular Words

|because |teacher |happy |draw |

|part |about | | |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|don’t |fall |always |warm |

|who |walked |fall |don’t |

|have |everyone’s |what’s |said |

|climbing |building |tiny |draw |

Card #6 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ou |ow |ew |sh |

|ow |ou |i_e |igh |

|ai |ow |igh |ou |

|u |ch |wh |qu |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling/Focused

|ouch |frown |grew |shell |

|down |round |took |sigh |

|legs |munch |size |while |

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Allen Camps Out

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|always |eight |ready | |

|warm |arms |flowers | |

Card #3 - Regular Words

|body |seven |now | |

|about |pouch |how | |

|yellow |out | | |

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Evaluate

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading:

now (p. 166)

grow (p. 167)

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|crouch |down |chew |ships |

|growl |hound |sheep |plight |

|food |night |place |plump |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Hound Dog and Round Dog; Allen Camps Out

Anthology: Butterfly

I Love Reading Books #66-67

Card #3 - Regular & Irregular Words

|always |body |ready |warm |

|arms |eight |seven | |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|find |into |don’t |fall |

|always |warm |into |find |

|who |walked |have |everyone |

|what’s |said |climbing |building |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ou |ow |ew |sh |

|ow |ou |o |igh |

|ai |ow |igh |ou |

|u |ee |th |ng |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|sound |wow |threw |mash |

|now |shout |tight |wool |

|punch |sweet |three |strong |

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading:

pouch (p. 172)

about (p. 162)

out (p. 163)

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Evaluate

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|ouch |frown |grew |shell |

|down |round |took |sigh |

|legs |munch |size |while |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Hound Dog and Round Dog; Allen Camps Out

Anthology: Butterfly

I Love Reading Books #76-77

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|of |their |find |into |

|don’t |fall |their |of |

|always |warm |who |walked |

|have |everyone |what’s |said |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ee |ea |ou |ow |

|ea |ee |oo |igh |

|ay |ie |ee |ue |

|a_e |wh |oa |o_e |

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

|deep |beat |ouch |cow |

|each |feet |food |high |

|bounce |clap |flap |joke |

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card 3 - Regular Words

|sound |wow |threw |mas |

|now |shout |tight |wool |

|punch |sweet |three |strong |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Hound Dog and Round Dog; Allen Camps Out

Anthology: Butterfly

I Love Reading Books #76-77

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|we’re |won’t |of |their |

|find |into |won’t |we’re |

|don’t |fall |always |warm |

|who |walked |have |everyone |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ee |ea |ou |ow |

|ea |ee |oo |igh |

|ay |ea |ee |ue |

|she |a_e |a |ch |

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

|sheep |plead |pound |might |

|moon |creep |each |true |

|grouch |scout |owl |made |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: Scout the Grouch

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Scout the Grouch

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|deep |beat |ouch |cow |

|each |feet |food |high |

|bounce |clap |flap |joke |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Hound Dog and Round Dog; Allen Camps Out

Anthology: Butterfly

I Love Reading Books #76-77

Card #3 - Regular & Irregular Words

|always |body |ready |arms |

|eight |warm |seven | |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|carry |kind |we’re |won’t |

|of |their |kind |carry |

|find |into |don’t |fall |

|always |warm |who |walked |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ee |ea |ou |ow |

|ea |ee |oo |igh |

|ay |ea |ee |ue |

|th |ch |o |ie |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|teeth |peach |out |bound |

|leak |seed |boom |night |

|snap |still |drop |blue |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|saved |saving |chopped | |

|chopping |sitting |traded | |

|waved |patted |raking | |

|napped |tapping |waking | |

|raked |smiling |jogging | |

|cupped |wrapping |making | |

|stepped |flapping |taped | |

|shaking |lined | | |

Sue smiled as she jogged.

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Hen’s Big Show

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|sheep |plead |pound |might |

|moon |creep |each |true |

|grouch |scout |owl |made |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Scout the Grouch

I Love Reading Books #78-79

Card #3 - Regular & Irregular Words

|seven |body |warm |eight |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|put |saw |carry |kind |

|we’re |won’t |saw |put |

|of |their |find |into |

|don’t |fall |always |warm |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ee |ea |ou |ow |

|ea |ee |oo |igh |

|ie |ea |ee |ue |

|tch |e_e |ng |sh |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|feet |read |trout |wow |

|heal |bee |scoop |sight |

|plants |real |sleep |spring |

Card #3 - Phonics Library: Writing Home

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|carry |kind |put |were |

|work |moving |person |butter |

Card #3 - Regular Words

|like |stopped | | |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Predict/Infer

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: planted (p. 187)

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Predict/Infer

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|teeth |peach |out |bound |

|leak |seed |boom |night |

|snap |still |drop |blue |

Partner Reading

Phonics Library: Hen’s Big Show

Anthology: Johnny Appleseed

I Love Reading Books #78-79

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|kind |saw |were |carry |

|work |person |put |butter |

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|were |work |put |saw |

|carry |kind |work |were |

|we’re |won’t |of |their |

|find |into |don’t |fall |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|ee |ea |ou |ow |

|ea |ee |oo |igh |

|a_e |ea |ee |ue |

|qu |igh |ce |u_e |

Card #10 - Word Reading: Spelling Focused

|deep |scream |shout |plow |

|neat |queen |plight |spoon |

|down |use |games |glue |

Card #15 - Strategy Instruction

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Predict/Infer

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: bloomed (p. 204)

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|feet |read |trout |wow |

|heal |bee |scoop |sight |

|plants |real |sleep |spring |

Partner Reading

Anthology Selection: Johnny Appleseed

Phonics Library: Hen’s Big Show; Writing Home

I Love Reading Books #78-79

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|family |everywhere |were |work |

|put |saw |everywhere |family |

|carry |kind |we’re |won’t |

|of |their |find |into |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|y |sh |ee |ea |

|ue |ie |y |o |

|y |qu |ew |ou |

|ch |th |ai |i_e |

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

|try |fussy |out |scoop |

|sail |might |try |windy |

|Gail |lunch |fear |time |

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|deep |scream |shout |plow |

|neat |queen |plight |spoon |

|down |use |games |glue |

Partner Reading

Anthology Selection: Johnny Appleseed

Phonics Library: Hen’s Big Show; Writing Home

I Love Reading Books #78-79

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it



Card #3 - Irregular Words

|come |wasn’t |family |everywhere |

|were |work |wasn’t |come |

|put |saw |carry |kind |

|we’re |won’t |of |their |

Card #7 - Sound/Spelling Review

|y |sh |ee |ea |

|ue |ie |y |ai |

|y |kn |ew |ou |

|ck |i_e |oa |ch |

Card #8 - Sound-by-Sound Blending

|funny |by |feet |seat |

|glue |stool |sky |bumpy |

|knocks |like |toast |chips |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Phonics/Decoding

Spelling-Focused Word Reading: Sam Sundown’s Problem

Card #13 - Phonics Library: Sam Sundown’s Problem

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|try |fussy |out |scoop |

|sail |might |try |windy |

|Gail |lunch |fear |time |

Partner Reading

Anthology Selection: Johnny Appleseed

Phonics Library: Hen’s Big Show; Writer’s Home; Sam Sundown’s Problem


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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