PREFIX KEY #1 un-, dis-, re-



Word Study Cards

un 4 not or opposite of

βUnderline the prefix un and the words not and opposite of.

1. unjust - not just οThe trial result seemed unjust to the criminal.

2. unskilled - not trained or skilled οSome unskilled jobs do not pay well.

3. unusual - not usual; rare οWe had an unusual amount of rain this year.

4. unequal - not equal size or value. οThose two tables are of unequal size.

5. uncontrolled - not controlled, not regulated οOur city’s growth is uncontrolled.

6. undeveloped - not developed; in its natural state οMost of the park land is undeveloped.

7. unabridged - not shortened οI read the unabridged version of the book.

8. uncovered - the opposite of covered οIs your patio covered or uncovered?

dis 4 not or opposite of

βUnderline the prefix dis and the words not and opposite of.

1. disagree - to not agree; to have a different opinion οWe disagreed with their ideas.

2. distrust - to not trust οI distrusted the large barking dog.

3. disapprove - to not approve; to have a bad opinion of

4. disappear - the opposite of appear οThe sun disappeared behind the clouds.

5. disconnect - the opposite of connect οThey disconnected garden hose.

6. disarm - the opposite of arm ο The police disarmed the thief.

7. discredit - to not credit or believe οThat research has been discredited.

re 4 back or again

βUnderline the prefix re and the words back and again.

1. rebuild - to build again οAfter the storm, they had to rebuild the levee.


2. review - to view again; to go over οOur teacher reviewed the science projects.

3. rehearse - to practice again οThe director called the actors to rehearse the play.

4. repay - to pay back; to return what is owed οCan you repay the car loan this year?

5. rewrite - to write again οPlease rewrite your paper before tomorrow’s class.

6. reelect - to elect again οVoters reelected the mayor to another term.

7. reproduce - to produce again οSome tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs.

8. revise - to go back and change. οIs this the final revision of your paper?

ν re - back or again ν un, dis - not or opposite of

PART 1 Underline the prefix in each word.

unhappy unfair repay unknown dislike

unpaid disagree dishonest retell disorder

rebuild disgrace rewrite unlock return

PART 2 Write each word under the correct spelling pattern.

un- dis- re-


PART 3 Write the word for the definition.

UN NOT, OPPOSITE OF unwelcome unequal unhappy uncover unusual

1. not happy ________________

2. not welcome __________________

3. not usual; rare _______________

4. not equal _______________

5. the opposite of cover _______________

DIS NOT, OPPOSITE OF disapprove disconnect disappear distrust disagree

6. to not agree; to have a different opinion _______________

7. to not trust __________________

8. to not approve; to have a bad opinion of __________________

9. the opposite of connect __________________

10. the opposite of appear __________________

RE BACK; AGAIN rewrite rebuild repay review return

11. to build again _______________

12. to write again __________________

13. to view again; to go over __________________

14. to come or go back __________________

15. to pay back; to return what is owed __________________



νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

disconnected discover uncontrolled reproduce reflected

1. (to find something not known before) Scientists search to ___________________ a cure

for the disease.

2. (to produce again) Some tropical fish ____________________ by laying eggs.

3. (thrown back) The mirror ____________________ my face.

4. (undone) When we moved, the cable company ____________________ our service.

5. (not controlled; not regulated) That experiment failed because it was ________________.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

reelected discredited unjust unskilled undeveloped

1. (not just) Do you think that the new law is ___________________?

2. (not developed; in its natural state) Lack of money left much of the land ______________.

3. (to elect again) Voters ____________________ the senator to a second term.

4. (not trained or skilled) Some____________________ workers can not find high-paying


5. (to not credit or believe) People ____________________ the idea that the earth is flat.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

revised rehearsed remember disarmed unabridged

1. (take away arms from) In the story, the police ________________ the thief.

2. (to go back and change) Your ______________ poem is much better.

3. (practice again) Actors ____________________ the play before the final performance.

4. (not shortened; not abridged) Have you read the ____________________ version of Call

of the Wild by Jack London?

5. (to bring back to mind) The letters mem in ____________________ mean memory.

Rapid Reading Practice 1

PART 1 Make an arc under each syllable.

unpack retell dislike unpack retell dislike unpack retell dislike

unjust reflect displace unjust reflect displace unjust reflect

unfaithful remember dishonest unfaithful remember dishonest

PART 2 Make an arc under each syllable and word part.

un cer tain – re or der – dis a gree

uncertain reorder disagree uncertain reorder disagree uncertain

un certain – re order – dis agree

uncertain reorder disagree uncertain reorder disagree uncertain

PART 3 Underline the vowel letters in the words.

a – e – i – o - u

unpack unjust unfit retell rewrite reflect dislike dishonest

unpack unjust unload unpaid unfair

unfaithful unhealthy uncertain uncover unusual

dislike displace disgrace displease disarm

dishonest disagree discover disappear disconnect

retell recall reflect revise rewrite

rejoin rebuild rehearse reorder remember



disapprove discredit reproduce

undeveloped uncontrolled unabridged



νWrite words on the correct lines.

unjust unequal unskilled uncover unusual

1. not just __________________

2. not trained or skilled __________________

3. not usual; rare _______________

4. not equal _______________

5. the opposite of cover _______________


disapprove disconnect disappear distrust disagree

6. to not agree; to have a different opinion _______________

7. to not trust __________________

8. to not approve; to have a bad opinion of __________________

9. the opposite of appear __________________

10. the opposite of connect __________________


rewrite rebuild repay review rehearse

11. to build again ________________

12. to view again; to go over __________________

13. to practice again __________________

14. to pay back; to return what is owed __________________

15. to write again __________________


revise reelect undeveloped unabridged reproduce

16. to elect again ____________________

17. to produce again ____________________

18. not developed; in its natural state ____________________

19. not shortened ____________________

20. to go back and change ____________________


PART 2 Sentence Writing

νWrite 5 sentences. Include the prefixes un, dis, and re.

Prefix Search 1

g w v x r e v o c s i d h w t

t q h r d i s a p p e a r f s

j l r f i e d e l l i k s n u

u a u x s c p d l l a c e r j

e u r u c k f o i l m d s r n

n s u b o b r o l s d t m n u

w u r f n t u n h e a l t h y

o n g a n r v p g e v g r r f

n u m o e c u d o r p e r w u

k g c v c h i p r d b o d e u

n n i a t r e c n u r f x n e

u s s x b r l r i a f n u f u

e z e a r e f l e c t u l p q

k b n p p r d i s a r m s k x

t u n p a c k z u y u l o q m

How many of the words can you find?

disagree disappear disarm

disconnect discover rebuild

recall reflect rehearse

reproduce revise unabridged

uncertain uncontrolled unfair undeveloped unhealthy unjust

unknown unpack unskilled unusual

Word Study Cards

pre 4 before or earlier

βUnderline the prefix pre and the words before and earlier.

1. pregame - before the game οDid your team complete the pregame workout?

2. preview - to view beforehand οOur teacher previewed the movie for us.

3. precaution - to take care beforehand οTravelers use precautions to insure safe trips.

4. prejudge - to judge beforehand οThe jury tried not to prejudge the defendant.

5. prehistoric - belonging to a time before recorded history οprehistoric animals

6. predict - to tell before or in advance οWhat does the weather report predict for tomorrow?

7. preamble - a statement given beforehand οa preamble to a constitution

post 4 after

βUnderline the prefix post and the word after.

1. postscript - a note added to a letter after it has been signed οP.S. Write soon.

2. postwar - after the war οMy paper discusses postwar changes.

3. postdate - happening after the original date οa postdated check

4. postgraduate - studies after graduation οHe will begin postgraduate studies.

5. postnatal - happening after birth οBabies need much postnatal care.

6. postmortem - occurring after death οa postmortem examination

pro 4 before, forward, or for

βUnderline the prefix pro and the words before, forward, and for.

1. propel - to throw or push forward οGiant boosters propel the rocket.

2. progress - the act of going forward toward a goal οThe ship made slow progress.

3. pronoun - a word used for, or in place of, a noun οA pronoun for the word boy is he.

4. prologue - an introduction for a poem, speech, or performance οa play’s prologue

5. proclaim - to say before; to make known publicly οThey proclaimed today’s holiday.

6. propagate - to go forward; to increase οMost plants are propagated by seeds.

7. proverb - an expression for something ο“Actions speak louder than words” is a proverb.

ν pre – before ν post – after ν pro – before, forward, for

PART 1 Underline the prefix in each word.

pregame proceed postmark protest precaution

postpone postwar prepay postnatal postgraduate

proclaim pretest progress prejudge prologue

PART 2 Write each word under the correct spelling pattern.

pre- post- pro-


PART 3 Write the word for each definition.

PRE BEFORE prehistoric pregame preview precaution prejudge

1. before the game ________________

2. to view beforehand __________________

3. care taken beforehand _______________

4. to judge beforehand _______________

5. of or belonging to a time before recorded history _______________

POST AFTER postdate postscript postnatal postgraduate postwar

6. a note added to a letter after it has been signed _______________

7. occurring after the war __________________

8. happening after the original date __________________

9. relating to studies after graduation __________________

10. happening after birth __________________

PRO BEFORE, FORWARD; FOR propel pronoun prologue proclaim progress

11. to throw or push forward _______________

12. the act of going forward toward a goal __________________

13. a word that is used for or in place of a noun (The girl won. She won.) ______________

14. an introduction for a poem, speech, or performance __________________

15. to say before; to make known publicly __________________



νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

propel predict postmortem propagate precaution

1. (care taken beforehand) As a ___________________ , before the storm we purchased

extra food, water, and batteries.

2. (to tell in advance) Can you ____________________ the outcome of the experiment?

3. (push forward) Does a gasoline engine ____________________ the car?

4. (to go forward; to increase ) Most plants ____________________ by seeds.

5. (occurring after death ) A ___________________ examination determined

the cause of death.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

postwar pro-American prejudge preamble prehistoric

1. (to judge beforehand) She instructed the jury not to _________________ the defendant.

2. (a statement given beforehand) A ______________ outlines the purpose of a constitution.


3. (before recorded history) Dinosaurs are ____________________ animals.

4. (happening after the war) Write a paper that discusses ____________________ changes.

5. (to be for America) His policies are ____________________.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

prologue pronoun preview proverb postscript

1. (a word used for a noun) A ________________ for the word girl is she.

2. (an introduction to a poem, speech, or performance) The class read the ______________

to the play.

3. (to view beforehand) They went to a ____________________ of the new film.

4. (a short script coming after) I added a ____________________ to my letter.

5. (an expression for) “Actions speak louder than words” is a familiar ______________.

Rapid Reading Practice

PART 1 Make an arc under each syllable.

pretest postgame protest pretest postgame protest pretest

prepay postmark pronoun prepay postmark pronoun prepay

prehistoric postponement progression prehistoric postponement

PART 2 Make an arc under each syllable and word part.

pre cau tion – post mas ter – pro hib it

precaution postmaster prohibit precaution postmaster prohibit

pre caution – post master – pro hibit

precaution postmaster prohibit precaution postmaster prohibit

PART 3 Underline the vowel letters in the words.

a – e – i – o - u

prevent predict prejudge postpone postscript protest prohibit

pretest predict prevent preheat prepay

pregame preheat premix precede present

prefer prepare prejudge prejudice prehistoric

postwar postmark postscript postpone postponement

protest protect promote provoke proclaim

propel progress pronoun pronounce pronouncement



prehistoric precaution postgraduate

progression postponement prologue



νWrite words on the correct lines.

prehistoric pregame preview precaution prejudge

1. before the game ________________

2. to view beforehand __________________

3. care taken beforehand _______________

4. to judge beforehand _______________

5. of or belonging to a time before recorded history _______________


postdate postscript postnatal postgraduate postwar

6. a note added to a letter after it has been signed _______________

7. occurring after the war __________________

8. happening after the original date __________________

9. relating to studies after graduation __________________

10. happening after birth __________________


propel pronoun prologue proclaim progress

11. to throw or push forward _______________

12. the act of going forward; toward a goal __________________

13. a word that is used for or in place of a noun (The girl won. She won.) ________________

14. an introduction for a play or long poem __________________

15. to say before; to make known publicly __________________


pro-American precaution preamble predict proverb

16. a statement given beforehand ____________________

17. to be for America ____________________

18. care taken beforehand ______________

19. to tell in advance ______________

20. an expression for __________________


PART 3 Sentence Writing

νWrite 5 sentences. Include the prefixes pre, post, and pro.

Prefix Search 2

l a c i r o t s i h e r p y m

h c p p p w n t s e t e r p i

j l r r e v e l r p p f o p a

o u e e f d m w i a p u g o l

i t c g f j e r u r w k r s c

w n a a v n c c e t a t e t o

r e u m n s n j e h a u s p r

x s t e t a u d a r g t s o p

n e i s m d o l p o p p i n p

v r o m g k n r l l r s o e r

j p n e k e o o l x e d n m e

h s x n y p r e j u d i c e h

g v r l e p p r e m i x p n e

i e q l g x g o y v c b x t a

j e z x e f b t s e t o r p t

How many of the words can you find?

postgraduate preheat proclaim

postponement prehistoric progress

postscript prehistoric progression

postwar prejudge prologue

precaution prejudice pronoun

precede premix pronouncement

predict present propel

pregame pretest protest


Word Study Cards

mis 4 bad(ly) or wrong(ly)

βUnderline the prefix mis and the words bad(ly) and wrong(ly).

1. misspell - to spell wrongly οDid you misspell any words on the test?

2. misbehave - to behave badly οThe student did not misbehave in class.

3. misplace - to put something in the wrong place οI misplaced my keys.

4. mistreat - to treat wrongly οThey try not to mistreat others.

5. mistake - something done as a result of a wrong understanding οa spelling mistake

6. misjudge - to judge wrongly οPeople sometimes misjudge other people.


7. misinterpret - to interpret wrongly οTry not to misinterpret the test results.

non 4 not, no, or without

βUnderline the prefix non and the words not and without

1. nonstop - without a stop οThey chose a nonstop flight to Indiana.

2. nonprofit - not for profit οIs this a nonprofit organization?

3. nonviolent - not violent οMost people are nonviolent.

4. nonflammable - difficult or not possible to burn οThis is a nonflammable liquid.

5. nonfiction - not unreal οI enjoy reading fiction and nonfiction literature.

6. nonaggression - not attacking οThe two countries signed a nonaggression treaty.

7. nondairy - without dairy οThe recipes include dairy and nondairy foods.

il and ir 4 not

βUnderline the prefixes il and ir and the word not.

1. illegal - not legal οDriving over the speed limit is illegal.

2. irregular - not regular οThe shoes were available in irregular sizes.

3. illiterate - not able to read or write οThe number of illiterate people is declining.

4. illegible - not legible; that which cannot be read οMy writing is illegible.

5. irresponsible - not responsible οWe considered their hasty actions irresponsible.

6. illogical - not logical; not sensible οThe answer to the problem seems illogical.

7. illusion - not seen correctly οWas the desert waterfall an optical illusion?

ν il, ir – not ν non - not, no, without ν mis - bad (ly), wrong (ly)

PART 1 νUnderline the prefix in each word.

mistake nonstop misuse illegal misbehave irrational

nonskid illusion nonfat nonprofit mistreat illiterate

illegible nondairy irregular misplace irresponsible irresistible

PART 2 νWrite each word under the correct spelling pattern.

mis- non- il- ir-


PART 3 Write the word for the definition.

MIS BAD(LY), WRONG(LY) misplace misbehave mistake misspell mistreat

1. to spell wrongly ________________

2. to behave badly __________________

3. to put something in the wrong place _______________

4. to treat someone wrongly or badly _______________

5. something done as the result of a wrong understanding _______________

NON NOT, NO, WITHOUT nonstop nonfiction nonprofit nonflammable nonviolent

6. without a stop _______________

7. not for profit __________________

8. not violent __________________

9. difficult or not possible to burn __________________

10. literature that is not unreal __________________

IL, IR NOT illiterate irregular illegal irresponsible illegible

11. not legal _______________

12. not regular __________________

13. not able to read or write ________________

14. not legible; that which cannot be read __________________

15. not responsible; showing a lack of ability to behave carefully ________________



νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

illogical misinterpret nondairy nonflammable illusion

1. (seen wrongly) Was the desert waterfall an optical ___________________?

2. (not sensible) My answer to the problem seems ____________________.

3. (not able to burn) The truck carries a ____________________ liquid.

4. (without dairy) Some people prefer ____________________ foods, others prefer dairy.

5. (to interpret wrongly) Did the scientist ___________________ the results of the new


νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

misrepresented misjudge illegal nonviolent nonaggression

1. (not legal) Driving over the speed limit is ___________________.

2. (without force) The citizens chose ________________ways to make changes.

3. (not attacking) Two countries signed a _______________________ treaty.

4. (to judge wrongly) People sometimes _______________________ other people.

5. (to give a wrong description) The reporter ____________________ the governor’s

new state budget.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

nonfiction nonstandard misquote illegible mispronounce

1. (not able to be read) The student’s handwriting is ________________.

2. (not regular) We study standard and ____________________ English words.

3. (not unreal) He enjoys reading fiction and ______________________ books.

4. (to say wrongly or incorrectly) Sometimes I ________________________long words.

5. (to report someone’s words wrongly) Did the newspaper __________________ you?

Rapid Reading Practice 3

PART 1 Make an arc under each syllable.

nonstop misplace illegal nonstop misplace illegal nonstop

mistake nonsense irregular mistake nonsense irregular

nonverbal illogical irresponsible nonverbal illogical irresponsible

PART 2 Make an arc under each syllable and word part.

non pro fit – mis be have – il le gal

nonprofit misbehave illegal nonverbal misbehave illegal

non profit – mis behave – il legal

nonprofit misbehave illegal nonverbal misbehave illegal

PART 3 Underline the vowel letters in the words.

a – e – i – o - u

nonstop nonstick misprint misuse misspell irresponsible illegal

NON - not, no, without MIS - bad l(y), wrong (ly) IL-, IR - not

nonstop nonfat nonsense nonstick nondairy

mistake misplace misuse misspell misprint

misjudge mislead mistreat misbehave misadventure

irregular irresponsible irresistible

illegal illusion illegible



nonfiction mispronounce misrepresent

nonviolent illogical nonaggression



Write the word for the definition.

misplace misbehave mistake misspell mistreat

1. to behave badly is __________________

2. to spell wrongly is to ________________

3. to put something in the wrong place is to _______________

4. something done as the result of a wrong understanding _______________

5. to treat someone wrongly or badly is to _______________


nonstop nonfiction nonprofit nonflammable nonviolent

6. not for profit __________________

7. without a stop _______________

8. not violent __________________

9. difficult or not possible to burn __________________

10. literature that is not unreal __________________


illiterate irregular illegal irresponsible illegible

11. not legal is _______________

12. not regular is __________________

13. not able to read or write ________________

14. not able to be read __________________

15. not behaving carefully ________________


misinterpret nonaggression misjudge illogical misquote

16. not sensible; not logical _______________

17. to interpret wrongly __________________

18. not attacking ________________

19. to judge wrongly __________________

20. to report someone’s exact words wrongly ________________


PART 3 Sentence Writing

νWrite 5 sentences. Use the prefixes il, ir, non, and mis .

Prefix Search 3

m i s j u d g e g m o l k n i

i p n l n m i s t r e a t j l

s o o o i o j v w q r b l e l

p t n m r t i m c l s r m j e

r s s e r b l t y g g e m m g

o n e v e u l b c l o v i i a n o n a g r e s s i o n s s l

o n s h u l g s d l f o q p e

u v e e l l i c n l t n u r k

n i e b a e b z c o u d o i a

c o v s r p l y r g o a t n t

e l b i t s e r r i r i e t s

a e v m i s p l a c e r d z i

j n p z m i s l e a d y x h m

x t t n b m u i l l u s i o n

How many of the words can you find?

illegal illegible illogical

illusion irregular irresistible

misbehave misjudge mislead

misplace misprint mispronounce

misquote misspell mistake

mistreat nonaggression nondairy nonfiction nonsense nonstop

nonverbal nonviolent

Word Study Cards

in 4 not

βUnderline the prefix in and the word not.

1. incorrect - not correct οWere any of your test answers incorrect?

2. incomplete - not complete οThe company returned my incomplete job application.

3. invisible - not visible; not able to be seen οClouds made the sun invisible.

4. insane - not sane; not in one’s right mind οGoing outside in this weather seems insane.

5. incredible - not credible; unbelievable οDid you watch the incredible spaceship launch?

6. injustice - not being just οThe dictator’s injustice caused a revolution.

7. incapable - not capable; not able οI am incapable of lifting the weights.

8. inorganic - not of living material οA rock is made of inorganic material.

im 4 not, or without

βUnderline the prefix im and the words not or without.

1. impossible - not possible οSwimming in the raging river is impossible.

2. imperfect - not perfect οI speak imperfect French.

3. impure - not pure οImpure drinking water should be boiled.

4. improper - not proper οA summer dress is improper clothing for a cold winter day.

5. immortal - not mortal; that will not die

in and im 4 in, into

βUnderline the prefixes in and im and the words in or into.

1. inhale - to breath in οThe joggers inhaled the early morning air.

2. inspect - to look into οI inspected the car carefully before buying it.

3. indent - to start a line of writing into the page οDid you indent each paragraph?

4. inhabit - to live in οMany different kinds of fish inhabit the oceans.

5. imprison - to put into prison οHow many people were imprisoned?

6. immigrate - to come into a country to live οThey immigrated to the United States.

ν in – not; in, into ν im – not; in, into

PART 1 νUnderline the suffix in each word.

incorrect inactive impossible incomplete inability impure

injustice imperfect improper inside impartial input

insert import inhabit imprison immigrate inhale

PART 2 νWrite each word under the correct spelling pattern and meaning.

in- in- im- im-


PART 3 Write the word for the definition.

IN NOT, WITHOUT incomplete incredible incorrect invisible insane

1. not correct ________________

2. not complete __________________

3. not visible _______________

4. not sane; not in one’s right mind _______________

5. not credible; unbelievable _______________

IM NOT, WITHOUT imperfect improper impure immortal impossible

6. not possible _______________

7 not perfect __________________

8. not pure __________________

9. not proper __________________

10. not mortal __________________

IN; IM IN, INTO indent inhale immigrate inspect imprison

11. to breathe in _______________

12. to look into __________________

13. to start a line of writing further into the page than others ________________

14. to put in prison __________________

15. to come into a country to settle _______________



νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

inverting inhaled inhabit inorganic injected

1. (to breathe in) The runner _______________ and exhaled deeply.

2. (to live in ) Lions ____________________ the grasslands of Africa.

3. (to put in) The nurse ____________________ the patient with a flu vaccine.

4. (not of living material) If organic means living, then ________________ means not living.

5. (to put in the opposite position) I caught the spider by ___________________ a glass

over it.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

injustice imprisoned imports immigrated invaded independent

1. (not being just) The dictator’s ___________________ caused a revolution.

2. (to go into) The soldiers ______________ the country to remove the unfair dictator.

3. (something brought in) Our company ________________ silk and exports grain.

4. (to put in) Those responsible for the crime will be __________________.

5. (to come into a country) My parents ___________________ to the United States in 1934.

6. (not governed by another country) The United States is an _______________ nation.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

incapable inequalities informal imperfect indent

1. (not able) I was ___________________ of winning the election.

2. (further into the page) You should _______________ the first line of a new paragraph.

3. (lack of equality) There are many ______________________ in the law.

4. (not formal; without ceremony) The director planned an ____________________ meeting

with his staff.

5. (not perfect) My knowledge of the French language is ___________________.

Rapid Reading Practice 4

PART 1 Make an arc under each syllable.

invite import inside improve inflate implant increase impair

instruct impure inject immune indent imperfect input

inactive impossible independent immigrate inhabit immigrant

PART 2 Make an arc under each syllable and word part.

in cor rect – im per fect – in vis i ble

incorrect imperfect invisible incorrect imperfect invisible

in correct – im perfect – in visible

incorrect imperfect invisible incorrect imperfect invisible

PART 3 Underline the vowel letters in the words.

a – e – i – o - u

input implant inhabit imprison invalid immigrant independent

I IN - (not; into) IM - (not; into)

inside inflate inspect increase instruct

include insert inhabit incubate interior

incorrect invalid invisible inactive independent

imperfect impossible impure immune improper

import implant imprison immigrate immigrant



incapable ineffective indebted

immature immortal inequality



Write the word for the definition.

incomplete incredible incorrect invisible insane

1. not correct ________________

2. not complete __________________

3. not visible _______________

4. not sane; not in one’s right mind _______________

5. not credible; unbelievable _______________


imperfect improper impure immortal impossible

6. not possible _______________

7. not perfect __________________

8. not pure __________________

9. not proper __________________

10. not mortal __________________


indent inhale immigrate inspect imprison

11. to breathe in _______________

12. to look into __________________

13. to start a line of writing further into the page than others ________________

14. to put in prison __________________

15. to come into a country to settle _______________


invade inhabit imported inequality inorganic

16. to live in _________________

17. not organic __________________

18. to go into ________________

19. something brought into the country __________________

20. not equal; lack of equality ________________


PART 2 Sentence Writing

νWrite 5 sentences. Include the prefixes in and im.

Prefix Search 4

e l b i s s o p m i w r n m

r i i n c r e d i b l e f i

u n t c e r r o c n i p w y

p v i o j i k e r h m o c l

m i m m i g r a t e x r k y

i s p p c i y x o i e p v p

n i e l b a p a c n i m y e

d b r e c i t s u j n i i c

e l f t i m p r i s o n n y

n e e e n m a f c l r t s c

t t c u s o f d z p g w a b

u j t b p r k a e l a h n i

z d x a e t i b a h n i e t

l y g v c a x t h f i q n l

r r g d t l o h f x c h s o

How many of the words can you find?

immigrate incapable inhale

immortal incomplete injustice

imperfect incorrect inorganic

impossible incredible insane

imprison indent inspect

improper invisible impure


Word Study Cards

sub 4 under, below

βUnderline the prefix sub and the words under and below.

1. submarine - an underwater ship οThe submarine can travel under water for six months .

2. subway - an underground railway οNew York City has a great subway system.

3. subterranean - below the surface of the earth οa subterranean river

4. subversive - to undermine the government οsubversive activities

5. submerge - to go under the surface of the water οDivers submerge.

6. substandard - below standard οThe contractor never does substandard work..

super 4 over, above, beyond

βUnderline the prefix super and the words over, above, and beyond.

1. supersonic - beyond the speed of sound οa supersonic jet

2. supervisor - looks over or is in charge of other people οthe night supervisor

3. superior - above, over, or beyond; of high quality οa superior quality of wool

4. superhighway - a highway with features beyond normal οa superhighway around the city

5. superpower - above or beyond normal power οWhich countries are superpowers?

ex 4 out, from

βUnderline the prefix ex and the words out and from.

1. exhale - to breathe out. οWe inhale and then exhale.


2. expand - to spread out or become larger οIron expands when it is heated.

3. exit - a way out of a building οThe theater has four exits.

4. excel - to surpass; to outdo others οI excel in biology class.

5. express - to speak out; to show an opinion, feeling, or fact οto express gratitude

6. extinguish - to put out οWe called for help to extinguish the fire.

7. exclude - to keep out; to leave out οThe jar was sealed to exclude air.

8. export - to send out οThey export goods to other countries.

9. explore - to travel out οTo what depth can one explore the ocean?

ν sub – under, below ν super – over, above, beyond ν ex – out, from

PART 1 νUnderline the prefix in each word.

submarine subterranean subscribe excel

supervisor express subway superb

expand supersonic subversive exhale exit

PART 2 Write each word under the correct spelling pattern.

sub- super- ex-


PART 3 Write the word for the definition.

SUB UNDER, BELOW submarine subterranean subway substandard subversive

1. an underwater ship ________________

2. an underground railway __________________

3. to undermine the government _______________

4. below standard _______________

5. below the surface of the earth _______________

SUPER OVER, ABOVE, BEYOND supervisor supersonic superb

6. a speed beyond the speed of sound _______________

7. one who looks over, or is in charge of, other people __________________

8. beyond good; excellent __________________

EX OUT, FROM expand express excel exhale exit

9. to breathe out _______________

10. to spread out or become larger __________________

11. a way out of a building ________________

12. to surpass, outdo others __________________

13. to speak out ________________



νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

supersonic extinguish submerged subterranean

1. (underground) Many _____________________ rivers flow throughout the caves.

2. (beyond the speed of sound ) The military uses _______________________ aircraft.

3. (to put out) Hurry, and ________________ the fire before it spreads.

4. (to go below ) A submarine ___________________ and then rose to the surface.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

superhighway superpowers exclude exports explored

1. (above normal power) What two countries are ___________________?

2. (out from) Wool is one of the chief ______________ of Australia.

3. (to travel out) Lewis and Clark ________________ the Pacific Northwest.

4. (keep out) Today, few organizations _______________ members based on gender.

5. (beyond a regular highway) A new ___________________ is opening between Portland

and Seattle.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

superior subcommittee subordinate substandard

1. (of lower rank) In the U.S. Army, a private is ________________________ to a captain.

2. (below standard) The city considered the contractor’s work ______________________ .

3. (operating under; a smaller group) The committee decided to form a _________________

to complete the project.

4. (above) Although they won, they don’t act ___________________.

Rapid Reading Practice 5

PART 1 Make an arc under each syllable.

subway expand subway expand subway expand subway

submerge supermarket exchange submerge supermarket

substitute supersonic extending substitute supersonic extending

PART 2 Make an arc under each syllable and word part.

sub ma rine – su per hu man – ex ten sion

submarine superpower extension submarine superpower

sub marine – super human – ex tension

submarine superpower extension submarine superpower

PART 3 Underline the vowel letters in the words.

a – e – i – o - u

subtract subcontract substitute exhale exchange extend exit


subway subtract suburb subsist submerge

substitute subdivide subcontract sublease submarine

supermarket superpower supervise superior

superhighway supersonic superb

exit exhale expand excite exchange exclude extinguish



subterranean subcontinent subconscious

superintendent superstition explanation



Write the word for the definition.

submarine subterranean subway substandard subversive

1. an underwater ship ________________

2. an underground railway __________________

3. below standard _______________

4. to undermine the government _______________

5. below the surface of the earth _______________


supervisor supersonic superb

6. a speed beyond the speed of sound _______________

7. one who looks over, or is in charge of, other people __________________

8. beyond good; excellent __________________


expand express excel exhale exit

9. to breathe out _______________

10. to spread out, or become larger __________________

11. a way out of a building ________________

12. to surpass, or outdo, others __________________

13. to speak out ________________


subordinate superior extinguish subterranean

14. underground _______________

15. a person of lower rank or position __________________

16. of higher class or rank __________________

17. to put out ________________


PART 2 Sentence Writing

νWrite 5 sentences. Include the prefixes ex, sub, and super.

Prefix Search 5

s s e n i r a m b u s c e e e

u u r o s i v r e p u s e x x

p p b i r a t s r e p u s p p

e e x t i n g u i s h w u l o

r r a i e e x p r e s s p o r

h n j t x r x h h v t d e r t

i a e s h j r i y i q f r e b

g t d r a d n a t s b u s x r

h u u e l s w r n r a r o p q

w r l p e b e x c e l t n a b

a a c u u b h z u v a p i n u

y l x s r g z t t b h n c d o

c r e w o p r e p u s u o x r

b s e g r e m b u s b l i j p

s u p e r i o r p l p h i s t

How many of the words can you find?

excel extinguish superior

exclude submarine superpower

exhale submerge supersonic

exit substandard supervisor

expand subterranean

explore subversive

export subway

express superhighway

Word Study Cards

de 4 down; away from

βUnderline the prefix de and the words down and away from.

1. depress - to press down οDepress the button to put out the fire.

2. descend - to go down οThe plane began to descend toward the airport.

3. depart - to go away οWhat time does your train depart?

4. deprive - to take away from; to keep away οdeprived of oxygen

5. defend - to keep away from; to protect οA small army defends the country.

6. dehydrate - to take away οDried fruit has been dehydrated.

7. decompose - to break down ο Worms help to decompose the soil.

8. delete - to take away οMy name was deleted from the list.

9. deduct - to take away οHow much money is deducted from your wages?

10. decentralize - to move away from the center οto decentralize the government

inter 4 between; among

βUnderline the prefix inter and the words between and among.

1. interstate - between states οWe traveled on the interstate highway.

2. international - between nations οDoes the airline have international flights?

3. interracial - between races οOur group promotes interracial harmony.

4. interscholastic - between schools οDoes your school have interscholastic sports?

5. intermission - the time between the parts of a play or movie.

6. intersect - to go between οThe two roads intersect at Fifth Street.

intra, intro 4 within

βUnderline the prefixes intra and intro and the word within.

1. intrastate - within a state. οThe bus offers intrastate transportation.

2. intramuscular - within the muscles οMy accident caused an intramuscular injury.

3. intramural - games played within the same school οintramural football

4. intracellular - within the cell οOur biology lesson is about intracellular material.

5. introduce - to bring in or to present. οThe teacher introduced the new student.

6. introspect - to look within οAre you an introspective person?

νde– down; away from ν inter– between, among νintra, intro– within

PART 1 νUnderline the prefix in each word.

defend intermission depress depart introduce

international interscholastic deprive interracial Intramural

intrastate descend introspect interstate intramuscular

PART 2 Write each word under the correct spelling pattern.

de- inter- intro- / intra-


PART 3 Write the word for the definition.

DE- DOWN, AWAY FROM deprive defend depress depart descend

1. to press down ________________

2. to go away __________________

3. to take away _______________

4. to keep the enemy away; to protect _______________

5. to go or climb down _______________

INTER-BETWEEN, AMONG international interscholastic intermission interracial interstate

6. between states _______________

7 between nations __________________

8. between races __________________

9. between schools __________________

10. the time between parts of a play or movie __________________

INTRA, INTRO- WITHIN intrastate introduce introspect intramural intramuscular

11. to bring in or present_______________

12. within a state __________________

13. within the muscles ________________

14. games played within the same school __________________

15. to look within ________________



νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

dehydrate decay decompose deciduous intracellular

1. (to take away) They _____________________ milk to make milk powder.

2. (within ) The word used to describe different parts of one cell is __________________.

3. (to go down to a lower or worse state) Sugar can cause teeth to ______________ .

4. (down) Leaves fall from ____________________ trees in autumn.

5. (break down ) Organic, living materials ___________________ into the soil.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

decentralize defend international interstate intrastate

1. (to move away from large to smaller) To be more helpful to its citizens, the government will

_________________ its services.

2. (to keep away from) The army was able to ______________ the city from enemy attack.

3. (between nations) Do you know if that airline has ___________________ flights?

4. (between) A word used to describe something between several states is


5. (within ) A word used to describe something within a state is _______________.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

introduced deleted deducted intersect debit

1. (into) She ____________________ the story to the class.

2. (to take away) The teacher _________________ the student’s name from the list.

3. (to take away) How much money is _________________ from your wages?

4. (to go between; to cut across) Two roads _________________ at Fourth Street.

5. (to take away ) Banks __________________ money from customer’s checking accounts for bank charges.

Rapid Reading Practice 6

PART 1 Make an arc under each syllable.

depart interstate intrastate depart interstate intrastate depart

deduct intersect introduce deduct intersect introduce deduct

dehydrate interview introduction dehydrate interview introduction

PART 2 Make an arc under each syllable and word part.

de com pose – in ter mis sion – in tra per son al

decompose intermission intrapersonal decompose intermission

de compose – inter mission – intra personal

decompose intermission intrapersonal decompose intermission


PART 3 Underline the vowel letters in the words.

a – e – i – o - u

deduct decode defend defect interstate introspect interrupt


depart decode deduct defeat decrease

deport defend decay decompose dehydrate

interstate interact intersect interview interfere

intermission intercept interrupt interject international

intrastate intramural introduce introduction intrapersonal



decentralize deciduous intermediate

intercellular intracellular introspection


PART 1 Write the word for the definition.

defend deprive depress depart descend

1. to go away __________________

2. to press down ________________

3. to take away _______________

4. to keep the enemy away; to protect _______________

5. to go or climb down _______________


international interscholastic intermission interracial interstate

6. between states _______________

7. between nations __________________

8. between races __________________

9. between schools __________________

10. the time between parts of a play or movie __________________


intrastate introduce introspect intramural intramuscular

11. to bring in or present_______________

12. within a state __________________

13. within the muscles ________________

14. games played within the same school __________________

15. to look within ________________


intracellular deduct decentralize decay interstate

16. between many states _______________

17. within a cell __________________

18. to move away from larger to smaller ________________

19. to take away __________________

20. to go down to a lower or worse state ________________


PART 2 Sentence Writing

νWrite 5 sentences. Include the prefixes de, inter, intra, and intro.

Prefix Search 6

s t h i t c e s r e t n i h c

a r a l u l l e c a r t n i d

r e g w i n t r a s t a t e e

a c s c n d s y i w l s e s h

l u i i o e d n n e a z r o y

u d n n i p e f y l i d n p d

c o t t s r d j o l c x a m r

s r e r s e u h a d a d t o a

u t r o i s c r e e r e i c t

m n s s m s t p p l r f o e e

a i t p r n a t z e e e n d v

r w a e e r h q s t t n a x f

t p t c t d e s c e n d l v q

n n e t n b d e p r i v e j c

i d o h i n t r a m u r a l i

How many of the words can you find?

decentralize deprive intracellular

decompose descend intramural

deduct intermission intramuscular

defend international intrastate

dehydrate interracial introduce

delete interscholastic introspect

depart intersect

depress interstate

Word Study Cards

trans 4 across; change; beyond

βUnderline the prefix trans and the words across, change, and beyond.

1. transport - to carry across οThe bus transports many people.

2. transmit - to send across; to broadcast. οto transmit a disease

3. translate - to change from one language to another οto translate from French to English

4. transition - changing from one state, position, or subject to another.

5. transcend - to go beyond; to rise above οYour idea transcends all the others.

6. transcontinental - across the continent οWhere does the transcontinental railroad go?

7. transcript - to send across οI received a transcript of my grades.

per 4 through

βUnderline the prefix per and the word through.

1. permit - to allow; to give consent; to send throughοThe law does not permit speeding.

2 perennial - continuing through many years οPerennial plant grows for many years.

3 permanent - lasting through time οWhat is your permanent address?

4. permeate - to pass through οAn aroma of flowers permeates the room.

5. impermeable - not able to pass through οThe metal door is impermeable.

6. perspire - to sweat through the pores of the skin οI perspired from the intense heat.

7. perilous - coming through danger οa perilous journey through the underground tunnel

8. periscope - to see through οA periscope is a device for viewing.

co 4 with; together

βUnderline the prefix co and the words with or together.

1. cooperate - to act or work together οEveryone cooperated to put out the fire.

2. coordination - the way in which muscles work together οI have excellent coordination.

3. co-author - to write a book or article together οWho is the co-author of your book?

4. construct - to put together; to build οThe workers will construct a bridge.

5. converge - to come together toward a common point οa converging lens

6. contract - a formal agreement οWe read the contract carefully before signing.

7. conclusion - to bring together; end οDid you like the conclusion to the story?.

8. commission - a group working together οWill the city commission work on the problem?

νco– with, together ν per– through νtrans –across, through, change, beyond across, through, change

PART 1 νUnderline the prefix in each word.

translate collect transfer permit transform

persist transmit permission conclusion perennial

copilot co-author persuade compose transport

PART 2 Write each word under the correct spelling pattern.

trans- per- co-


PART 3 Write the word for the definition.

TRANS- ACROSS, THROUGH, CHANGE, BEYOND transmit transcend translate transition transport

1. to carry across ________________

2. to send across; to broadcast __________________

3. to change from one language to another _______________

4. changing from one state, position, or subject to another _______________

5. to go beyond or rise above _______________

PER- THROUGH perennial permit permeate impermeable perspire

6. to allow, give consent, or send through _______________

7. continuing through many years __________________

8. to pass through __________________

9. not able to pass through __________________

10. to sweat through the pores of the skin __________________

CO- WITH, TOGETHER coordination co-author construct converge cooperate

11. to act or work together for a shared purpose_______________

12. the way in which the muscles work together __________________

13. to write a book or article together ________________

14. to put together; to build __________________

15. to come together toward a common point ________________




νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

converge contracts transmitted perennial periscope

1. (come together; become smaller) Hot metal ___________________ as it becomes cooler.

2. (come together ) The roads __________________ just before the train station.

3. (to send across) Health officials hoped that the disease would not be _____________.

4. (to see through) The submarine uses a ___________________ to see above the water.

5. (continuing through many years ) A _________________ plant lives more than two years.

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

commission cooperation transcontinental permanent perilous

1. (group working together) The education __________________ will suggest improvements.

2. (coming through danger) It is a __________________ journey to the top of the mountain.

3. (lasting through time) Is that your ___________________ address?

4. (working together for a shared purpose) They hoped that the leaders ___________________

could bring peace to the region.

5. (across a continent ) When was the first ____________________ railroad completed?

νWrite the word that completes each sentence.

translated contract conclusion transaction transcript

1. (formal agreement with someone) They signed a ___________________ to build a bridge.

2. (to change) We _________________ the book from French to English.

3. (to bring together; end) I liked the ____________________ to the story.

4. (to carry through) The bank completed the business _________________ today.

5. (a copy ) Did you receive a __________________ of your grades?

Rapid Reading Practice 7

PART 1 Make an arc under each syllable.

transmit connect permit transmit connect permit transmit

translate compose persuade translate compose persuade

translation copilot perfection translation copilot perfection

PART 2 Make an arc under each syllable and word part.

per se vere – trans for ma tion – co op er ate

persevere transformation cooperate persevere transformation

per severe – trans formation – co operate

persevere transformation cooperate persevere transformation


PART 3 Underline the vowel letters in the words.

a – e – i – o - u

transmit contact copilot construct comprehend transatlantic

translate transmit transfer transform transport

transportation transmission translation transact transcript

permit permission perfect perfection persuade

persist persistence perform performance perennial

copilot congress contact contract contraction

conclude conclusion compose collect college



commission cooperation congregation

congruent transcontinental transatlantic


PART 1 Write the word for the definition.

transmit transcend translate transition transport

1. to send out, across; to broadcast __________________

2. to carry across ________________

3. to change from one language to another _______________

4. changing from one state, position, or subject to another _______________

5. to go beyond or rise above _______________


perennial permit permeate impermeable perspire

6. continuing through many years __________________

7. to allow; to give consent; to send through _______________

8. to pass through __________________

9. not able to pass through __________________

10. to sweat through the pores of the skin __________________


coordination co-author construct converge cooperate

11. to act or work together for a shared purpose_______________

12. the way in which the muscles work together __________________

13. to write a book or article together ________________

14. to put together; to build __________________

15. to come together toward a common point ________________


commission conclusion periscope perilous transcontinental

16. to go across the continent ________________

17. coming through danger__________________

18. to see through _______________

19. to bring together; end _______________

20. group working together _______________


PART 2 Sentence Writing

νWrite 5 sentences. Include the prefixes trans, per, and co.

Prefix Search 7

n o i t a n i d r o o c x z h

c o m m i s s i o n h s e x e

p v i t p i r c s n a r t t b

d p t s h e t r o p s n a r t

n t n p u j r i q w a l r p c

e i r e k l t m z h s u e e a

c m p r e i c s e n t r p r r

s s t e s g u n a a m c o m t

n n y n r o r r o a b w o e n

a a a n l i t e n c i l c a o

r r m i m q s e v e o o e t c

t t r a w t n c w n b h e e r

f e p l d t o l o j o s r e t

p e r m i t c k u p o c d k b

p c a p e r s p i r e v b s a

How many of the words can you find?

commission impermeable perspire

conclusion perennial transcend

construct perilous transcript

contract periscope transition

converge permanent translate

cooperate permeate transmit

coordination permit transport


νDrawing Master

νAnswer Keys


Using personal pictures to remember a word


Choose four words to illustrate.

For each word: draw a picture, a symbol, a cartoon, or an ad, or write the word in an interesting way.

Answer Key, Lessons 1 to 7


Page 1

(Lesson 1 Divider)

Page 2

WORD STUDY CARDS (Answers apparent)

Page 3

PART 1 (Answers apparent)

PART 2 (Answers apparent)

PART 3 1. unhappy 2. unwelcome 3. unusual 4. unequal 5. uncover 6. disagree 7. distrust 8. disapprove 9. disconnect 10. disappear 11. rebuild 12. rewrite 13. review 14. return

15. repay

Page 4

SCIENCE 1. discover 2. reproduce 3. reflected 4. disconnected 5. uncontrolled

HISTORY 1. unjust 2. undeveloped 3. reelected 4. unskilled 5. disarm

ENGLISH 1. discredited 2. revised 3. rehearsed 4. unabridged 5. remember

Page 5

RAPID READING PRACTICE 1 (Answers apparent)

Page 6


PART 1 1. unjust 2. unskilled 3. unusual 4. unequal 5. uncover 6. disagree 7. distrust 8. disapprove 9. disappear 10. disconnect 11. rebuild 12. review 13. rehearse 14. repay 15 rewrite 16. reelect 17. reproduce 18. undeveloped 19. unabridged 20. revise

PART 2 (Answers vary)

Page 7



Page 8

(Lesson 2 Divider)

Page 9

WORD STUDY CARDS (Answers apparent)

Page 10

PART 1 (Answers apparent)

PART 2 (Answers apparent)

PART 3 1. pregame 2. preview 3. precaution 4. prejudge 5. prehistoric 6. postscript 7. postwar 8. postdate 9. postgraduate 10. postnatal 11. propel 12. progress 13. pronoun 14. prologue 15. proclaim

Page 11

SCIENCE 1. precaution 2. predict 3. propel 4. propagate 5. postmortem

HISTORY 1. prejudge 2. preamble 3. prehistoric 4. postwar 5. pro-American

ENGLISH 1. pronoun 2. prologue 3. preview 4. postscript 5. proverb

Page 12

RAPID READING PRACTICE 2 (Answers apparent)

Page 13


PART 1 1. pregame 2. preview 3. precaution 4. prejudge 5. prehistoric 6. postdate 7. postwar 8. postscript 9. postgraduate 10. postnatal 11. propel 12. progress 13. pronoun 14. prologue 15. proclaim 16. preamble 17. pro-American 18. propagate 19. predict 20. proverb

PART 2 (Answers vary)



Page 15

(Lesson 3 Divider)

Page 16

WORD STUDY CARDS (Answers apparent)

Page 17

PART 1 (Answers apparent)

PART 2 (Answers apparent)

PART 3 1. misspell 2. misbehave 3. misplace 4. mistreat 5. mistake 6. nonstop 7. nonprofit 8. nonviolent 9. nonflammable 10. nonfiction 11. illegal 12. irregular 13. illiterate 14. illegible 15. irresponsible

Page 18

SCIENCE 1. illusion 2. illogical 3. nonflammable 4. nondairy 5. misinterpret

HISTORY 1. illegal 2. nonviolent 3. nonaggression 4. misjudge 5. misrepresented

ENGLISH 1. illegible 2. nonstandard 3. nonfiction 4. mispronounce 5. misquote

Page 19

RAPID READING PRACTICE 3 (Answers apparent)

Page 20


PART 1 1. misbehave 2. misspell 3. misplace 4. mistake 5. mistreat 6. nonprofit 7. nonstop 8. nonviolent 9. nonflammable 10. nonfiction 11. illegal 12. irregular 13. illiterate 14. illegible 15. irresponsible 16. illogical 17. misinterpret 18. nonaggression 19. misjudge 20. misquote

PART 2 (Answers vary)

Page 21



Page 22

(Lesson 4 Divider)

Page 23

WORD STUDY CARDS (Answers apparent)

Page 24

PART 1 (Answers apparent)

PART 2 (Answers apparent)

PART 3 1. incorrect 2. incomplete 3. invisible 4. insane 5. incredible 6. impossible 7. imperfect 8. impure 9. improper 10. immortal 11. inhale 12. inspect 13. indent 14. imprison 15. immigrate

Page 25

SCIENCE 1. inhaled 2. inhabit 3. injected 4. inorganic 5. inverting

HISTORY 1. injustice 2. invaded 3. imports 4. imprisoned 5. immigrated 6. independent

ENGLISH 1 incapable 2. indent 3. inequalities 4. informal 5. imperfect

Page 26

RAPID READING PRACTICE 4 (Answers apparent)

Page 27


PART 1 1. incorrect 2. incomplete 3. invisible 4. insane 5. incredible 6. impossible 7. imperfect 8. impure 9. improper 10. immortal 11. inhale 12. inspect 13. indent 14. imprison 15. immigrate 16. inhabit 17. inorganic 18. invade 19. imported 20. inequality

PART 2 (Answers vary)

Page 28



Page 29

(Lesson 5 divider)

Page 30

WORD STUDY CARDS (Answers apparent)

Page 31

PART 1 (Answers apparent)

PART 2 (Answers apparent)

PART 3 1. submarine 2. subway 3. subversive 4. substandard 5. subterranean 6. supersonic 7. supervisor 8. superb 9. exhale 10. expand 11. exit 12. excel 13. express

Page 32

SCIENCE 1. subterranean 2. supersonic 3. superstition 4. extinguish 5. submerged

HISTORY 1. superpowers 2. exports 3. explored 4. exclude 5. superhighway

ENGLISH 1. superstar 2. subordinate 3. substandard 4. subcommittee 5. superior

Page 33

RAPID READING PRACTICE 5 (Answers apparent)

Page 34


PART 1 1. submarine 2. subway 3. substandard 4. subversive 5. subterranean 6. supersonic 7. supervisor 8. superstar 9. supernatural 10. superb 11. exhale 12. expand 13. exit 14. excel 15. express 16. subterranean 17. subordinate 18. superstition 19. superior 20 extinguish

PART 2 (Answers vary)

Page 35



Page 36

(Lesson 6 divider)

Page 37

WORD STUDY CARDS (Answers apparent)

Page 38

PART 1 (Answers apparent)

PART 2 (Answers apparent)

PART 3 1. depress 2. depart 3. deprive 4. defend 5. descend 6. interstate 7. international 8. interracial 9. interscholastic 10. intermission 11. introduce 12. intrastate 13. intramuscular 14. intramural 15. introspect

Page 39

SCIENCE 1. dehydrate 2. intracellular 3. decay 4. deciduous 5. decompose

HISTORY 1. decentralize 2. defend 3. international 4. interstate 5. intrastate

ENGLISH 1. introduced 2. deleted 3. deducted 4. intersect 5. debit

Page 40

RAPID READING PRACTICE 6 (Answers apparent)

Page 41


PART 1 1. depart 2. depress 3. deprive 4. defend 5. descend 6. interstate 7. international 8. interracial 9. interscholastic 10. intermission 11. introduce 12. intrastate 13. intramuscular 14. intramural 15. introspect 16. decompose 17. intracellular 18. decentralize 19. deduct 20. decay

PART 2 (Answers vary)

Page 42



Page 43

(Lesson 7 divider)

Page 44

WORD STUDY CARDS (Answers apparent)

Page 45

PART 1 (Answers apparent)

PART 2 (Answers apparent)

PART 3 1. transport 2. transmit 3. translate 4. transition 5. transcend 6. permit 7. perennial 8. permeate 9. impermeable 10. perspire 11. cooperate 12. coordination 13. co-author 14. construct 15. converge

Page 46

SCIENCE 1. contracts 2. converge 3. transmitted 4. periscope 5. perennial

HISTORY 1. commissioned 2. perilous 3. permanent 4. cooperation 5. transcontinental

ENGLISH 1. contract 2. translated 3. conclusion 4. transaction 5. transcript

Page 47

RAPID READING PRACTICE 7 (Answers apparent)

Page 48


PART 1 1. transmit 2. transport 3. translate 4. transition 5. transcend 6. perennial 7. permit 8. permeate 9. impermeable 10. perspire 11. cooperate 12. coordination 13. co-author 14. construct 15. converge 16. transcontinental 17. perilous 18. periscope 19 conclusion 20. commission

PART 2 (Answers vary)

Page 49


Prefix Search 1

g w v x r e v o c s i d h w t

t q h r d i s a p p e a r f s

j l r f i e d e l l i k s n u

u a u x s c p d l l a c e r j

e u r u c k f o i l m d s r n

n s u b o b r o l s d t m n u

w u r f n t u n h e a l t h y

o n g a n r v p g e v g r r f

n u m o e c u d o r p e r w u

k g c v c h i p r d b o d e u

n n i a t r e c n u r f x n e

u s s x b r l r i a f n u f u

e z e a r e f l e c t u l p q

k b n p p r d i s a r m s k x

t u n p a c k z u y u l o q m

Prefix Search 2

l a c i r o t s i h e r p y m

h c p p p w n t s e t e r p i

j l r r e v e l r p p f o p a

o u e e f d m w i a p u g o l

i t c g f j e r u r w k r s c

w n a a v n c c e t a t e t o

r e u m n s n j e h a u s p r

x s t e t a u d a r g t s o p

n e i s m d o l p o p p i n p

v r o m g k n r l l r s o e r

j p n e k e o o l x e d n m e

h s x n y p r e j u d i c e h

g v r l e p p r e m i x p n e

i e q l g x g o y v c b x t a

j e z x e f b t s e t o r p t

Prefix Search 3

m i s j u d g e g m o l k n i

i p n l n m i s t r e a t j l

s o o o i o j v w q r b l e l

p t n m r t i m c l s r m j e

r s s e r b l t y g g e m m g

o n e v e u l b c l o v i i a n o n a g r e s s i o n s s l

o n s h u l g s d l f o q p e

u v e e l l i c n l t n u r k

n i e b a e b z c o u d o i a

c o v s r p l y r g o a t n t

e l b i t s e r r i r i e t s

a e v m i s p l a c e r d z i

j n p z m i s l e a d y x h m

x t t n b m u i l l u s i o n

Prefix Search 4

e l b i s s o p m i w r n m

r i i n c r e d i b l e f i

u n t c e r r o c n i p w y

p v i o j i k e r h m o c l

m i m m i g r a t e x r k y

i s p p c i y x o i e p v p

n i e l b a p a c n i m y e

d b r e c i t s u j n i i c

e l f t i m p r i s o n n y

n e e e n m a f c l r t s c

t t c u s o f d z p g w a b

u j t b p r k a e l a h n i

z d x a e t i b a h n i e t

l y g v c a x t h f i q n l

r r g d t l o h f x c h s o

Prefix Search 5

s s e n i r a m b u s c e e e

u u r o s i v r e p u s e x x

p p b i r a t s r e p u s p p

e e x t i n g u i s h w u l o

r r a i e e x p r e s s p o r

h n j t x r x h h v t d e r t

i a e s h j r i y i q f r e b

g t d r a d n a t s b u s x r

h u u e l s w r n r a r o p q

w r l p e b e x c e l t n a b

a a c u u b h z u v a p i n u

y l x s r g z t t b h n c d o

c r e w o p r e p u s u o x r

b s e g r e m b u s b l i j p

s u p e r i o r p l p h i s t

Prefix Search 6

s t h i t c e s r e t n i h c

a r a l u l l e c a r t n i d

r e g w i n t r a s t a t e e

a c s c n d s y i w l s e s h

l u i i o e d n n e a z r o y

u d n n i p e f y l i d n p d

c o t t s r d j o l c x a m r

s r e r s e u h a d a d t o a

u t r o i s c r e e r e i c t

m n s s m s t p p l r f o e e

a i t p r n a t z e e e n d v

r w a e e r h q s t t n a x f

t p t c t d e s c e n d l v q

n n e t n b d e p r i v e j c

i d o h i n t r a m u r a l i

Prefix Search 7

n o i t a n i d r o o c x z h

c o m m i s s i o n h s e x e

p v i t p i r c s n a r t t b

d p t s h e t r o p s n a r t

n t n p u j r i q w a l r p c

e i r e k l t m z h s u e e a

c m p r e i c s e n t r p r r

s s t e s g u n a a m c o m t

n n y n r o r r o a b w o e n

a a a n l i t e n c i l c a o

r r m i m q s e v e o o e t c

t t r a w t n c w n b h e e r

f e p l d t o l o j o s r e t

p e r m i t c k u p o c d k b

p c a p e r s p i r e v b s a



















































Word _____________

Word ______________

Word ______________

Word ___________


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