Name: Miss Parry

Name: Miss Parry

Year Group: 3/4 Class: Tigers |Term: Autumn

Week Beginning: 24/11/08 |Unit: Authors and Letters.

Texts/ Resources: Roald Dahl books | | |

|Text Objs: |Sentence/Word Objs: |Reading Objs: |

| | | |

|Strand 7: Explore how different texts appeal to readers using varied |Strand 11: Compose sentences using adjectives, verb and nouns for |Strand 5: Read independently and with increasing fluency longer and less |

|sentence structures and descriptive language. |precision, clarity and impact. |familiar texts. |

| | |Spell with increasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on word recognition |

|Strand 8: Share and compare reasons for reading preferences, extending|Strand 12: Write with consistency in the size and proportion of letters |and knowledge of word structure, and spelling patterns. |

|the range of books read. |and spacing within and between words, using the correct formation of |Know how to tackle unfamiliar words that are not completely decidable. |

|Identify features that writers use to provoke readers’ reactions. |handwriting joins. | |

| |Develop accuracy and speed when using keyboard skills to type, edit and | |

|Strand 9: Use layout, format, graphics and illustrations for different|re-draft. | |

|purposes. | | |

| | | |

|Strand 10: Group related material into paragraphs. | | |

|Speaking and Listening Focus: |Unit Outcomes: |

| | |

|Strand 1: Sustain conversation, explain or give reasons for their views or choices. |Children can explain why they like books by a particular author, referring to an author's style or themes. |

| | |

|Strand 3: Use talk to organise roles and action. |Children can identify the key features of different types of letters. |

|Actively include and respond to all members of the group. | |

| |Children can write a letter for a specific purpose and audience. |

|Day: |Whole class Learning objectives: |Success Criteria |Activities/Resources: |Lesson Outcomes: |

| | |The children are able to: | | |

|1 |Phonics: Revisit j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu using flashcards, chn say the sounds and do the |HAPs: To be able to understand that the prefix un means not. |

| |actions. Teach the digraph ch, chn say words with it at the beginning, middle and end. Then |Look at words which have un at the beginning. What happens if they take it off? What does that word mean? What |

| |play countdown with the flashcards, asking chn to read each word and beat the timer. They |does the un do? E.g. unnoticed, unnatural, unfortunate, unhappy, unopened, unfair, unused, undone. Ask children|

| |then practice writing the digraph on their boards making sure they join up the letters, and |to think of their own. |

| |then write some words. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Using the starting sentence, change a word each time to make a new |3. Write down adjectives for each letter of the |

| | | |sentence, see if they can finish with a sentence with no words the same as|alphabet. |

| | | |the starting one. | |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to identify the key features of a |The children are able to read a text and |Read an extract from a Roald Dahl book, children to |Children will have looked at Roald Dahl extracts and |

| |text. |identify it’s key features such as character, |identify it’s key features, and highlight on the board. |identified they key features of his stories. |

| | |setting, key events and the type of story. |Read another one and do the same. | |

| | | |Talk about similarities, differences, have they got any | |

| | | |ideas of who the author might be? | |

| | | |Discuss any books that they have read by Roald Dahl, can | |

| | | |they remember what it was about? | |

| | | |Create a spider diagram of the key features of Roald Dahl | |

| | | |books. | |

|2 |Phonics: Teach the digraph sh. Talk about words that it is in, such as ship, shop, shed, |HAPs: to be able to understand that the prefix ‘de’ means making the opposite of. |

| |shell, fish, shock, cash, bash, hush, rush. Write it on their boards, write words, then in |Discuss words which start with ‘de’ can the children identify the root word? What does the root mean? What |

| |sentences. Read sentences to the group, can we add another sh word to them? Rewrite |about when they add de? |

| |underneath. | |

| | | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. |3. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to identify what makes a text |The children are able to read a text, and then |Read the beginning of ‘The Magic Finger’ to the children. |The children will be able to apply their existing |

| |appealing to different people. |talk about its features, thinking about what |Talk about the things we looked at yesterday and the |knowledge to a new story. They will also be able to |

| | |they think is good or bad about it, and why it |diagram we created. Does this book meet the expectations, |talk about the target audience for a specific book, |

| | |might appeal to readers. |can we add any? Discuss its key features, the language |and use the text to support their ideas. |

| | | |used, and what age range they think it is targeted at? | |

| | | |What do they think makes it appealing to the target | |

| | | |audience? | |

|3 |Spelling Test and New Spellings |

|4 |Phonics: Teach the new diagraph, th. Talk about how to form it, what sound it can make. Look |HAPs: |

| |at the them, then, that, this, with, moth, thin, thick, path, bath | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. What words can they make with the letters? |3. Write sentences using words on the board. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to identify the type of language |The children are able to select the words which|Talk about Roald Dahl’s style. Read the description of |Children can write a character description in the |

| |Roald Dahl uses to describe characters. |an author uses to describe different |Miss Trunchbull to the children, what image does it |style of Roald Dahl. |

| | |characters. |create? Discuss why. Give the children a copy of the | |

| | | |description, in pairs highlight the parts that they think | |

| | | |are good. Talk about why. As a class create different | |

| | | |sentences to describe a really ugly character. Children to| |

| | | |now complete a character description for the grand high | |

| | | |witch. | |

|5 |Phonics: recap all of the sounds done this week. Children to practice writing them etc. Using|HAPs: Recap all of the prefixes looked at this week. Children to match the prefix + root to the root word. Talk|

| |the handwriting guides, children practice the letter formation. |about the different words and what the prefixes mean. |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. |3. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| | | |Continue work uncompleted on Thursday. Make sure that | |

| | | |children think about the sentences that they are going to | |

| | | |use. | |

|6 |Phonics: Recap the work done last week. Teach the digraph – ng. talk through it, look at |HAPs: Prefix re – look at words with it in, can the children read the root word. What happens when they add re?|

| |it’s place in words. Play the full circle game. Practice writing the ng digraph and words. |what is the meaning of the new word? What does re mean? |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings. |2. Finish the sentences |3. Think of as many sh words as you can. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to write a character description |Children will be able to write a character |Look at the types of description Roald Dahl uses to |The children will have successfully written a |

| |in the style of Roald Dahl. |description ensuring they think about the type |describe his characters. Recap on the sentences that they |character description, using lots of interesting |

| | |of description that Roald Dahl uses. |created last week. Children are to then write a character |adjectives and similies. |

| | | |description of the grand high witch. | |

|7 |Phonics: Recap the ng digraph. The ai digraph – think of words with ai in them. Children to |HAPs: Teach the prefix Pre. |

| |find these words from my pile of flashcards. Then play countdown with them. Practice writing | |

| |the ai digraph and words. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Make words from the letters. |3. Make sentences using words given. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to successfully write a book |Children will be able to write a book review |Read the feedback from the character description. Watch |Children will have learnt how to fill in a book |

| |review. |about a specific book, and then apply their |the Magic finger DVD. Model writing a book review for it. |review effectively. |

| | |knowledge to a range of books. |Children are to then write their own book review, in more | |

| | | |detail about the book. They can then move on to writing | |

| | | |their own book reviews for a variety of books. | |

|8 |Spelling Test and New Spellings |

|Thurs |Phonics: recap the sounds done this week. Show the children words with ee in them. What |HAPs: Look at prefixes which use a hyphen. |

|9 |phoneme does ee make? Look at lots of ee words. Write them in sentences. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Sentence changer. |3. Write nouns for the letters of the alphabet. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to identify the key features of a |The children are able to look at a letter and |Look at a letter. How do we know it is a letter? Highlight|Children will have made a list of the key parts of a |

| |letter. |select the key features, and say why they are |the key parts, and discuss why they are important. |letter. |

| | |there. |Children to work in pairs to look at another letter and | |

| | | |see if it has the same features. | |

|Fri |Phonics: Recap this week’s phonemes. Teach oa – show the digraph. Show pictures, the children|HAPs: look at the word prefix and look at it’s prefix (Pre). Recap all the different prefixes they have been |

|10 |write the correct word on their boards. The words must contain oa. Write some words in |looking at. |

| |sentences. Look at tricky words was, no and go. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Write words before and after in the dictionary. |3. Write a list of th words. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to compare and contrast different |The children are able to identify the key |Look at the list made yesterday. Look at two new letters, |Children will have looked at the similarities and |

| |letters. |features in different letters, and talk about |highlight the key features. Discuss the things which are |differences between different letters for different |

| | |their similarities and differences. |the same and those which are different. |purposes. |

|Mon |Phonics: Recap this week’s phonemes. Teach oa – show the digraph. Show pictures, the children|HAPs: |

|11 |write the correct word on their boards. The words must contain oa. Write some words in | |

| |sentences. Look at tricky words was, no and go. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Finish the sentences. |3. Write me some ai words. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to plan a formal letter. |The children are able to plan a letter to Roald|Talk about the key features of a letter, encourage the |Children will have identified what is needed in a |

| | |Dahl, ensuring they include the key features. |children to contribute. Model how to plan a letter, make |plan for a letter to an author. |

| | | |sure I include the key features. Children to begin their | |

| | | |own plans, by filling in a grid. | |

|Tues |Phonics: Recap ai, ee, oa. Teach the oo digraph. Children to find words with oo in from a |HAPs: |

|12 |pile of words. They then write oo on their board, and when done well they can write their | |

| |choice of oo word. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Make me words using the letters. |3. Put the words in sentences. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to plan and write a formal letter.|The children will have completed a letter to |Recap on what we did yesterday; look at the key features |Children will have completed a letter to an author. |

| | |Roald Dahl, using all of the key features that |again. Children to complete their plans, then write the | |

| | |they have preciously identified. |letter in best. Teacher and TA to support the children, | |

| | | |and ensure that they are doing it correctly. | |

|Wed |Spelling Test and New Spellings (KW) |

|13 | |

|Thurs |Phonics: Recap the last weeks digraphs – ai, ee, oa, oo. Teach the digraph ar. Children to |HAPs: |

|14 |read words with ar in them, and then play countdown with them, try to beat the last score. | |

| |They then write the digraph on their board. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Make sentences using the word wall. |3. Improve the sentences. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to independently plan an informal |The children will have used what they have |Read the feedback given for the formal letter. Talk about |Children will have planned an informal letter to |

| |letter. |learnt about formal letters to aid them in |different types of letter, would they write a formal |their friends. |

| | |writing an informal letter. |letter to their parents? What about friends? Children are | |

| | | |to independently plan a letter to their friend, without | |

| | | |using the table they used on Monday, to recommend a Roald | |

| | | |Dahl book to them. When they have written their plan they | |

| | | |are to begin their main letter. | |

|Fri |Phonics: Recap ar, teach or. Look at the graphemes separately, what about when they are |HAPs: |

|15 |together? Practise blending for reading – sentences substitution. Check for sense. Children | |

| |then write the grapheme on their board, and a word of their choice. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Change my sentence |3. Write ee words. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to independently write an informal|The children will have used what they have |Recap what we did yesterday. Children are to complete |Children will have written an informal letter, to |

| |letter. |learnt about formal letters to aid them in |their letter to their friend, making sure they include |recommend a Roald Dahl book to a friend. |

| | |writing an informal letter. |everything. They can then read through it and think about | |

| | | |what they might improve on next time, and write it in | |

| | | |their literacy books. | |

|Mon |Phonics: Recap or, move onto ur grapheme. What’s in the box? – show pictures, children have |HAPs: |

|16 |to guess the word, maybe write it on their board, depending on how well they are doing. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Write oa words. |3. Write sentences using words. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to evaluate a piece of work, using|The children will have evaluated their informal|Look at their letters, and the feedback which I gave them.|Children will have evaluated their informal letter, |

| |the success criteria. |letter, against the criteria that was |Children are to then write themselves 2 stars and a wish. |and set themselves a target. |

| | |established at the beginning of the unit. |They need to think about what they said makes a good | |

| | | |letter, and decide which they have done well, and what | |

| | | |they need to improve on next time. They can then start to | |

| | | |plan a new letter, telling their friend what they want for| |

| | | |Christmas, making sure they achieve their wish. | |

|Tues |Phonics: Recap ar, or, ur, teach ow. Children to sort the flashcards, finding the ow words, |HAPs: |

|17 |they then read them out. Children practise writing the ow grapheme and then write a ow word | |

| |in a sentence. | |

| |Intensives: |1. Spellings |2. Write verbs for the letters of the alphabet. |3. |

| |Guided Group: |

| |Focus/Text: |

| |To be able to build upon previous experience,|The children will have achieved the targets |Look at their target, and plan a new letter to their |Children will have achieved the target they set |

| |and achieve their own set targets. |that they set themselves yesterday. |friend, telling them what they want for Christmas. |themselves, by writing a new letter. |

| | | | | |

| | | |This will be continued in ICT, when they will write their | |

| | | |new letter on the computer. | |

|Wed |Spelling Test and New Spellings (KW) |

|18 | |

|Cross Curricular Links: |ICT Links: |Evaluation of Objectives/Next Steps: |

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