MLA Works Cited Examples


| |Library Guide to |

| |Chicago Author-Date Reference List Citations (Sciences) |

November 2006 - Based on 2003 edition of Chicago Manual of Style

General Guidelines

For the Author-Date format, references in the text of the paper are placed in parentheses, e. g. (Givens 2001). Use the title Reference List on list

of references at end. Alphabetize entries by author’s last name. If there is no author’s name, alphabetize by the title, disregarding initial A, An, or

The. Leave two spaces after periods separating sections of a citation. In each entry, indent the second and subsequent lines 0.5". Double space

between lines in each entry and between each citation. To save space here, only the examples in boxes are double-spaced. Only the first word of

titles and subtitles and journal names and proper nouns are capitalized. If desired, initials may be used for authors’ first and middle names.

BOOKS/ARTICLES IN BOOKS - Sample Book with One Author

( ( ( ( (

Doyal, Lesley. 1995. What makes women sick: Gender and the political economy of health. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP.



( author ( year of publication ( title ( city of publication ( publisher

multiple authors or editors (up to 6) Note: for more than 6, list 3; then add the abbreviation et al.

Kee, Howard Clark, John Rogerson, Eric M. Meyers, and Anthony J. Saldarini. 1997. The Cambridge companion to the Bible. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

edited work

Wekesser, Carol, ed. 1996. Genetic engineering: Opposing viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven.

chapter or section of an edited work or work in an anthology

Beer, John. 1978. Influence and independence in Blake. In Interpreting Blake, ed. Michael Phillips, 196-261. Cambridge:

Cambridge Univ. Press.

article reprinted in a book collection

Singer, Peter. 1993. Xenotransplantation and speciesism. Transplantation Proceedings 24: 728-32. Rpt. in Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial bioethical issues, ed. Carol Levine, 232-38. Guilford: Dushkin, 1993.

article in a general encyclopedia - Not listed in the Reference List; only referred to in the text or as a parenthetical reference.

Example: (World book encyclopedia, 1996 ed., s. v. “Genetic engineering.”)

article in a specialized encyclopedia - same as an edited work or section of edited work above.


( (

U.S. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment. Federal technology transfer and the Human Genome Project.

( ( (

Washington, DC: GPO, 1990.



( author or issuing government & agency ( title ( city of publication ( publisher ( year of publication

PERIODICALS - Sample Magazine Article

( ( ( (

Wechsler, Henry. 1996. Alcohol and the American college campus: A report from the Harvard School of Public Health. Change





( author ( year of publication ( article title ( periodical title ( month of publication

Note: Page numbers of magazine articles may be omitted, or may be added following a comma, after the month, or in a note.

Sample Journal Article

( ( ( ( (

McMahan, Jeff. 1999. Cloning, killing, and identity. Journal of Medical Ethics 25: 77-86.



( author ( publication year ( article title ( periodical title ( volume & page numbers

Note: Issue number may be included after volume, before pages, in parentheses. In no vol. number, issue is indicated: no. 32, after title, following comma.

newspaper article

Goldberg, Carey. “Egg auction on Internet is drawing high scrutiny.” New York Times, Oct. 28, 1999.

unsigned newspaper article – use the newspaper name as the author

New York Times. 2002. In Texas, ad heats up race for governor. July 30.


To cite electronic books, government documents, journals, magazines, or newspapers, follow the relevant examples and add the URL. For article databases, include name of service, name of database, followed by URL of NHMCCD database entry page. Access date may be added in parentheses at end of citation.

Sample Journal Article from an Online Subscription Database

( ( (

Muirhead, Marion. 2000. Articulation and artistry: A conversational analysis of The Awakening. The Southern Literary Journal

( ( ( (

33: 42- . Thomson Gale: Literature Resource Center Database, (accessed April 29, 2002).



( author & publication year ( article title ( periodical title ( volume & page(s) ( Database service and name ( URL (to and including first slash) ( access date

magazine article from online subscription database

Hansen, John-Erik Stig. 1994. The significance of the human genome. America, October 22. Proquest: Research Library Database,

(accessed March 26, 1999).

newsletter – anonymous article -- from online subscription database (use the publication name as the author)

Harvard’s Women’s Health Watch. 2000. Women, work, and stress. September. EBSCO: Academic Search Premier Database,

(accessed April 29, 2002).

newspaper article from online subscription database

Weiss, Rick. 1996. Identical sheep take cloning a step further. Houston Chronicle, March 8. ProQuest: Houston Chronicle Database,

(accessed March 26, 1999).

Sample Book from Online Subscription Database

( ( ( ( ( (

Murray, Thomas H. 1996. The worth of a child. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press. NetLibrary,


(accessed January 12, 2000).



( author (year of publication ( book title ( place of book publication & publisher ( Online publisher ( URL (access date.

work reprinted as a book chapter or as an article in an anthology or reference book, from online subscription database

Gordon, Walter L. 1966. Steinbeck’s “Flight”: Journey to or from maturity? Studies in Short Fiction 3: 453-55. Rpt. in

Short stories for students, vol. 3, ed. Kathleen Wilson, 115-116. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Thomson Gale: Gale Virtual Reference Library Database: (accessed April 30, 2002).


Sample Web Page

( ( (

Givens, Beth. A review of current privacy issues. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse: Internet Privacy.

( (

(accessed August 8, 2002).



← Author of page (if none, put the sponsor of the site) ( title of page ( title or sponsor of site ( URL ( access date

magazine article directly from the magazine’s World Wide Web site (not from a subscription database)

Marcus, David L. 1999. Students are skipping spring-break partying to help out. U.S. News Online, March 22.

(accessed May 25, 1999).

U.S. document from government site on World Wide Web

U. S. Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration. 2000. An overview of club drugs.

(accessed June 6, 2000).



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