WORK EXPERIENCE - Royal Observatory, Edinburgh

WORK EXPERIENCE APPLICATION FORM UK ATCPlease submit application to note that the UKATC cannot help with travel or accommodation expenses.STUDENT DETAILSNameAgeGenderE-mail addressSchool yearPreferred work experience week Alternative work experience weekAdditional informationSCHOOL DETAILSSchool/CollegeAddressPhone NumberPerson ResponsiblePLACEMENT DETAILSDivisionUK ATCAddressRoyal ObservatoryBlackford HillEdinburgh, EH9 3HJTelephone0131 66 88 100Contact NameVivienne BonWhat school qualifications do you have/are you taking?SubjectQualification(Nat5, Higher, GCSE, A Level etc)Year takenGrade or predicted Grade (please state if predicted)We would like to know why you want to do work experience at the UK ATC. Please write an essay, using between 500 and 1000 words, explaining why you would like to undertake work experience at the UK ATC. You should include your vision for the future, your career and future employment aspirations, and your interests (both in and out of school). Think carefully about the contents of the essay as it will be form the primary basis for our decision as to whom we will offer a work experience placement. Please attach the essay to your application as either a word or pdf document. ................

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