Global History II - Weebly

Global History II Review Units #20 and #21 Quiz

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__4__ 1. Which statement best describes how a command economy functioned in the Soviet Union?

1. The laws of supply and demand controlled the economy.

2. Trade policies mandated that imports exceed exports.

3. The success of the agricultural sector controlled the price of manufactured goods.

4. A central authority determined the type and quantity of goods to be produced.

___2_ 2. Which situation would best encourage economic development in most African nations today?

1. increasing the population growth rate

2. attracting investment capital

3. reducing the number of skilled workers

4. depleting their natural resources

__2__3. The main idea of this cartoon is that Japan:


1. practices free trade 2. restricts foreign imports

3. has a policy of balanced trade 4. imports most of its ships

__1__ 4. A study of Japan’s economy since World War II would lead to the conclusion that:

1. government support of technological advances can improve a nation’s economic position

2. imperialism is necessary for the economic development of a nation

3. a communist system leads to economic prosperity

4. the feudal system is more economically productive than the market system

__3_ 5. In recent years, which factor has been a major reason for the economic tensions between the United

States and Japan?

1. Japan’s trade deficit with the United States was very high

2. the United States refused to place quotas on Japanese goods

3. the United States imported more from Japan than it exported to Japan

4. Japan lowered tariffs on goods imported from the United States

_2__6. Since World War II, people in both Africa and Latin America have moved from rural to urban areas.

The major cause of this movement has been the

1. rejection of traditional custom

2. expectation of improved economic opportunities

3. guarantee of better housing

4. fear of civil war

__4_ 7. Global problems of uneven economic development, environmental pollution, and hunger reflect the

need for

1. a return to policies of economic nationalism

2. increased military spending by all nations

3. a reduction in foreign aid provided by industrialized nations

4. increased international cooperation

__1_8. A major purpose of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the Organization of American States

(OAS), and the European Union (EU) is to

1. encourage political and economic cooperation between member nations

2. end colonialism in member nations

3. control overpopulation in member nations

4. provide military assistance to member nations

_4__9. In recent years, a major success of the European Union (EU) has been the

1. creation of a single military force

2. rejection of national sovereignty

3. adoption of a single language

4. elimination of trade barriers

__3_ 10. The major reason the Mexican Government strongly supported the North American Free Trade

Agreement (NAFTA) was that this agreement would

1. raise tariffs on United States products entering Mexico

2. reduce Mexico’s economic dependence on Europe

3. promote investment and economic growth in Mexico

4. stimulate trade between Asia and Latin America

__1__ 11. Peacekeeping missions are operating in more than a dozen of the world’s many trouble spots. The

authority to intervene and use force, if necessary, is found in several articles in the Charter. Which

organization is referred to in these statements?

1. United Nations

2. Organization of American States (OAS)

3. European Union (European Community)

4. World Court

__1__12. Since the creation of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), member nations

have joined together to

1. determine the supply of oil on the world market

2. establish a policy of independence in trade

3. maintain a low price of oil per barrel

4. isolate themselves from the rest of the world

__3_13. The principal aim of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union is to

1. keep communism out of the Western Hemisphere

2. reduce environmental pollution

3. increase economic cooperation between the member nations

4. eliminate global terrorism

___3_ 14. Which statement best describes the status of women in most traditional Asian societies?

1. women were encouraged to obtain an education

2. women were expected to run for political office

3. women were expected to dedicate their lives to their families

4. women were encouraged to work outside the home

___1_ 15. Which statement concerning modern Japan is most accurate?

1. Japan has modernized while maintaining some elements of its traditional culture

2. Japan has become a leader in global peacekeeping efforts

3. Japan has taken an active role in international military events

4. Japan has severed all traditional ties in favor of western values

___4_ 16. Which issue currently facing Brazil has the most significant global impact?

1. the impeachment of the President.

2. immigration from European nations.

3. a surplus of skilled labor.

4. the destruction of rain forests in the Amazon Basin.

__3__ 17. Which has been a result of urbanization in much of Latin America?

1. All children living in cities receive a good education.

2. The number of farms has continued to increase.

3. The cities have become crowded with people coming from rural areas.

4. The population in cities has continued to decrease.

___2_ 18. In Mexico and India, the Green Revolution has been successful because it has

1. promoted democratic reform

2. increased agricultural productivity

3. introduced western culture and values

4. established economic equality among the people

__3__19. A major factor contributing to the destruction of the Amazon rain forests is the

1. movement of people from rural to urban areas

2. attempt of native peoples to end illegal drug traffic

3. need for more farmland

4. spread of Christianity

• United States Adopts Economic Sanctions Against South Africa

• Chinese Dissidents Imprisoned After Student Protest

• Kurds Forced To Flee Northern Iraq

__3_ 20. These headlines are similar in that each refers to the issue of

1. imperialist expansion

2. peasant revolts

3. human rights violation

4. isolationist policies


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