Stunde 25


1. Discuss some interesting things you learned about eating and drinking in Germany from Brennpunkt Kultur and the articles online.

2. Body weight in Germany is expressed in

a) Stein [=stone: 14 pounds = 1 stone] b) Pfund [=pounds]

c) Kilos [=Kilogramm] d) “Maß”

3. What is NOT true about Mannheim?

a) It was spared the devastation of aerial bombing in World War II.

b) It is emerging as a popular music capital in Germany.

c) In 1885, Carl Friedrich Benz invented the first automobile there.

d) Its downtown square grid resembles many American cities.

4. Richtig oder falsch? Comedy clubs are dying out in Germany.

5. R oder F? German “pessimism” started after World War II.

6. What is the best translation of “Ist eh alles scheiße”?

a) Please don’t shoot.

b) Everything is shit anyway.

c) Shit, I can’t hear you.

d) Things don’t have to be so bad.


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