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Sustainability Quiz

After completing the activities associated with the primary learning objective for the Sustainability Learning Module, take this 10-question quiz.

1. Which of the following is true about sustainability?

a. Sustainability is an idea that has been around for a long time.

b. Sustainability is another name for environmentalism.

c. There is little that individuals can do to make the world more sustainable.

d. All are true.

2. The processes by which the environment produces resources that we often take for granted such as clean water, timber, habitat for fisheries, and pollination of plants is known as

a. Natural capital

b. Ecosystem services

c. Environmental economics

d. Sustainability science

3. Sustainable business practices take into consideration

a. The triple bottom line: economic prosperity, environmental quality, and social equity

b. Whether or not products can be made from a renewable resource

c. The safety and pay of workers

d. All of the above

4. Which of the following is not one of the millennium development goals?

a. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

b. Promote gender equality and empower women

c. Ensure environmental sustainability

d. All are goals

5. The idea that we should be concerned with the impact of our actions on generations to come is called

a. Intergenerational equity

b. Environmental stewardship

c. Intragenerational equity

d. Sustainability Science

6. The idea that we should be concerned with the impact of our actions on all people around the world is called

a. Intergenerational equity

b. An ecological footprint

c. Intragenerational equity

d. Sustainability Science

7. An ecological footprint is

a. a tool to measure the impact of cities on the biodiversity of the environment surrounding them.

b. a tool to track how much individuals, organizations, cities, regions, or nations consume and compare this amount to the resources nature can provide.

c. Both A and B

d. Neither A nor B

8. Which of the following influence the size of a person's ecological footprint?

a. The types of food s/he eats

b. The size of the home s/he lives in

c. The number of miles s/he flies each year

d. All of the above

9. There are currently about_______ billion people in the world.

a. 4.3

b. 6.7

c. 8.5

d. 10.2

10. If all of the people in the world lived like people in the US, it would take ______ planets to support us all.

a. 9.2

b. 8.7

c. 5.3

d. 1.5


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