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Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World:

Chapter Seven Quiz

Directions: Complete each item with the best possible answer or answers. Some questions may require more than one answer.

1. Which of the following would describe small group of women that controlled the largest empire in world history?

a) Mongol by birth and most were Christians

b) Mongol by birth and not Christians

c) Not Mongol by birth, but most were Christians

d) Not Mongol by birth, nor Christians

2. Which of the following was not a reason Pope Innocent IV dispatched Friar Giovanni of Plano Carpini to the Mongol court?

a) to act as an agent and a spy

b) to warn the Mongols of their eminent doom if they attempted to invade Western Europe

c) to spread the message of the Catholic Church in hopes of conversion

d) to become the first diplomatic contact between Europe and the Far East

3. Over time, which two religions did most Mongols eventually convert to?

a) Confucianism

b) Buddhism

c) Christianity

d) Daoism

e) Islam

4. Which of the following important women of the Mongol Empire was dealt with so harshly that Weatherford states, “It violated totally the practices of Genghis Khan”?

a) Fatima

b) Torgene

c) Sorkhoktani

d) Chaghatai

e) Borte

5. How would one describe the camaraderie between the various Khans of the empire?

a) Most were on good terms with each other and often united to defeat common opponents.


b) The relationships were often strained and resulted in fierce rivalries that pitted Mongol forces against each other.

6. When Sorkhokhtani died and the decade of the ruling women had ended, which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of these amazing queens?

a) Banned the practice of drinking airak, which caused such problems for Mongols, including alcoholism and early death


b) Supporting education with the construction of monasteries and schools and the printing of books which fostered the exchange of knowledge

7. Which of the following were ideas that were symbolized by the Silver Tree of Karakorum? Three answers are needed.

a) Four serpents symbolizing the four directions in which the Mongol Empire extended

b) Four Mongol alcoholic drinks derived from grapes, milk, rice and honey

c) The Four Snouts of the most important Mongol animals (camels, cattle, horses and sheep)

d) The importance and significance of trees, since there were so few to be found on the Mongol Steppe

e) The four great sons of Genghis Khan, which all became Great Khan at one point in their lives.

8. Concerning the great religious debate that was described on pages 172-174, what words were used to illustrate this event?

a) …they were doing something that no other set of scholars or theologians had ever done in history.

b) …as the Mongols loved their sports, they were happy to allow the losers of the debates to be put to death in a bloodless way

c) …as the Mongols were accustomed to, they had adapted various forms of debate forums from across their realm in order to produce a highly unique and effective model of conversation.

9. Of what did Helegu accuse the Caliph of Baghdad, which acted as a pretense for invasion?

a) The Caliph did not send proper tribute to the Mongols that was so essential to the maintenance of the great empire

b) The Caliph did not send an army to assist in the suppression of the Ismaili Assassin sect

c) He did not swear allegiance to the Mongols

10) Which of the following tactics was NOT used during the siege of Baghdad?

a) The re-routing of the Tigris River

b) The construction of a wooden fence, as had been used in Russia

c) Bombardment, including various projectiles and incendiary devices

11) Under which Great Khan did the Mongol Empire reach its largest extent?

a) Genghis

b) Ogodei

c) Mongke

d) Guyuk

12) Which region was NOT an area controlled by one of the four primary zones of Mongol political administration?

a) Central Asia or Asian Steppe

b) China

c) India

d) Middle East

e) Russia

13) Which of the following was NOT something that Khubilai did concerning his conquest in China?

a) Built a Chinese capital

b) Took Chinese names for him and his administrators

c) Introduced footbinding to Mongol women

d) Created a Chinese dynasty under the name “Yuan”

e) Placed himself atop the existing Chinese bureaucracy

14) Why do you think that Khubilai Khan conferred Chinese names upon his ancestors posthumously?

a) He truly admired the Chinese and wished he was of Chinese decent

b) He believed that the Chinese would more readily accept the Mongol overlords if they appeared to be of similar descent

c) He felt that it would help boost commerce if Chinese merchants believed that the Mongols had a similar ethnic background

15) How did Weatherford describe Khubilai’s Chinese capital at Shangdu/Xnadu? (two answers)

a) a true world capital

b) a model of past Chinese Capital

c) while it appeared Chinese, it was a miniature Mongol Steppe

d) heavily influenced by his successful military campaigns in Japan

16) Which of the following two Mongol initiatives were successful in China beyond the lifespan of the Yuan Empire?

a) Creation of public schools

b) Expansion in the use of paper money

c) Creation and use of a single world alphabet


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