AP Human Geography Syllabus

AP Human Geography Syllabus


Michael Krop Senior High School

Mr. Hafter, Course Instructor


The AP Human Geography course introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students learn to employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences. They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their research and applications.

The AP Examination in Human Geography is approximately two hours long, and consists of a 60-minute multiple-choice section and a 60-minute free-response section. Each portion of the examination will account for 50% of the student's final score. Our goal is to master the conceptual vocabulary and analytical map skills necessary to achieve a score of three, four, or five on the Advanced Placement examination on human geography. Taking the AP Human Geography exam is strongly encouraged.


The primary text is Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture by Erin H. Fouberg, Alexander B. Murphy, and H.J. de Blij

Also Human Geography by Jon C. Malinowski and David H. Kaplan; An Introduction to Human Geography: The Cultural Landscape by James M. Rubenstein


Homework for the class will consist mainly of assigned readings along with written assignments. As there will be strong emphasis placed on current events, it would be helpful for the students to spend at least thirty minutes per evening reading newspapers, magazines and other materials dealing with appropriate topical issues, textbook assignments will be issued regularly as preparation for quizzes and tests.

When turning in homework, you must submit it yourself or use the online instructions given depending on the assignment. YOU MAY NOT HAVE SOMEONE ELSE TURN IT IN FOR YOU. Late work will not be accepted unless due to excused absences and then it must be turned in within the 48 hour period allowed under MDPS policy.

Course Requirements

As success in school is closely related to good attendance, it is essential that students come to class on time every day. Credit may be withheld after more than 5 unexcused absences.


If you don’t attend class, you will not pass! This is the most important factor for success. Failure and poor grades are directly related to attendance!

1-5 absences: parent note accepted

6-10 absences: must have a doctor’s note/official documentation!

10+ absences: absence will not be excused except in extreme situations.

15+ absences: is considered truancy.

*Ten or more absences (excused or unexcused) and the student is ineligible for sports and extracurricular activities.

All absences affect the participation (F) and conduct (F) grade of the student.

Students are required to bring in an absence note to the attendance office within 48 hours of the return to school or the absence may be unexcused. No makeup work can be issued or accepted until the absence is excused.

It is important that students contact (e-mail) me whenever they are absent in order to obtain information on assignments or to make arrangements for make-up work (only on unit tests). Students are allowed to opt out of one quiz per quarter if they are absent or to drop the lowest quiz grade at the end of the quarter (there are no make-up for quizzes). In the event that you have to make up a quiz after missing one, you will not be allowed to participate in the next or maintain credit for a previous” TEST REPAIR”, BINDER GRADE. If a student is absent the day of a unit test, the student will not be able to complete “TEST REPAIR”/BINDER GRADE unless the absence(s) is school related and student communicates with teacher ahead of time.

*Signing out of School - Signing out is NOT automatically excused! It is the teachers right to ask for the same documentation as an absence if a student is chronically absent (4+ times per year) due to signing out of school. Doctors’ appointments, as per county rules, should not be made during school hours. You will be sent to an administrator for excessive sign outs! No make-up will be accepted.

Some of the learning in your absence is virtually impossible to make up, but you can minimize the problem by acquiring notes and such from other class members. Study groups will be formed.

It is the student’s responsibility to request make up work when returning from an absence. Credit for missed work (unit tests) will be given only if the absence is excused. *When a student is absent on the day an assignment is due, the work must be turned in on the day the student returns to school in order to receive any credit (pending excused admit).

If a student is absent on the day a Unit test is given, the student has 48 hours (upon returning to school) to take the make-up exam. If a student does not begin to make up assignments within 48 hours upon returning to school, credit for make-up work will be withheld. *Make-up tests are given after school in order to ensure that students will not fall further behind.

When a student completes a make-up exam, extra points/LGU and test repair will NOT be assessed on assessment unless the absence is school related.

School-wide attendance, tardy and academic honor code policies will be strictly enforced. Be sure you adhere to these at all times.

If you have an unexcused tardy, you will not be permitted to make up a quiz or test already in progress. Tardy pass must read EXCUSED in order to make up missed work.

SIGN OUTS— If you sign out early for personal reasons on the day

• A test/quiz is scheduled you may not make up the test or quiz. Please make an effort to contact me prior to leaving early.

• If an assignment is due, you must turn in the assignment before leaving in order to receive credit.

• If you sign out early, you are still considered absent from class and all terms applying to a regular absence still apply.

• If you have 2 or more sign-outs within a 9 week grading period, you forfeit the opportunity to opt out or drop lowest grade.

ONLY 5 BATHROOM PASSES PER MARKING PERIOD 5 minutes per pass, exceeding either the number of passes or the time allotted will lower class participation grade.

Tardiness will negatively impact your grade. Also, it is important that students behave in a mature and serious minded manner. Class rules and consequences for breaking these rules are based on the district's Code of Student Conduct. If students do not follow the rules, or are failing the class, I will make every effort to contact and inform you of the situation. I can be reached at the school at 305 652-6808.1 am willing to meet you before or after the school day, or at a mutually convenient time if the need arises.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES & PHONES: All students must put devices away and out of sight unless otherwise directed. Violation of this policy removes student from eligibility.

2019-20 Key Dates (DO NOT BE ABSENT): Aug. 30, 2019, Sept. 27, 2019, Oct. 25, 2019, Nov. 26, 2019, Dec. 20, 2019, Jan. 17, 2020, Feb. 14, 2020, Mar. 19/31, 2020, May 22, 2020, all school days during testing and, especially, after the AP test.

Quizzes and tests will be given as needed. Students are responsible for keeping up with reading assignments and being aware of, and ready for, quizzes and tests. Class will be a combination of lecture, group work, projects, in- class essays, coverage of discussion questions, vocabulary, and answering student questions. Periodically, student essays, reports and presentations will be required.

There will be examinations approximately every 3 teaching days, or as appropriate to the coverage of the material. These examinations will last approximately one hour and are either 50% multiple choice and 50% essay or 100% essay. The essays can be either a long single question or a number of shorter interpretive writings. (This follows the format of the AP exam).

Students should prepare their calendars now for March and April. After school intensives during those months will be mandatory to prepare for the May exam! Specific scheduling will be announced prior to winter break.

Parents are expected to monitor student grades and attendance through the student portal. Homework and class activities can be accessed through the school website .

CAUTION: One of the differences between college and high school classes is that high school students tend to be dependent on classes for learning. It is not possible to cover all of the material that is tested in class. You will have to read and learn material on your own. / will test material that is not covered in class! Much information will have to be obtained by students on their own.

Grading Scale (as per Miami-Dade County School Board requirements)

Score recorded as points per grade end of term average

90-100 A 4 3.50 to 4.00

80-89 B 3 2.50 to 3.50

70-79 C 2 1.50 to 2.50

60-69 D 1 1.00 to 1.50

0-59 F 0 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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