This is a study guide of possible topics that you could potentially see on a test. This assignment is worth nothing, you are crazy if you do not complete it.

Business, Consumer, and Public Services

Original hearth of urban settlement

Reasons for establishing a settlement

Dispersed rural settlements


Religious reason for the origin of settlement

Rural vs urban settlements

French long-lot system

Enclosure movement

Clustered rural settlements

Medieval European urban settlements





Optimal place for business in a linear settlement

Gravity model

Periodic markets

Central place theory

Rank-size distribution

Primate city

Market area

World cities

Back office services

Below is a list of possible true/false questions that you could potentially see on a test.

The frequency of periodic markets varies by culture.

Copenhagen and London are primate cities even though they are located in more developed countries.

None of the world's ten most populous urban areas is located in Europe.

Most inhabitants of developing countries live in urban areas.

According to Louis Wirth, cities differ from rural areas in being larger, more dense, and more socially homogeneous.

According to the rank-size rule, if the largest city in a country contains 1,000,000 inhabitants, the fifth largest city should contain 200,000 inhabitants.

Rapid urbanization continues today in the more developed countries.

The colonial New England rural settlement pattern was clustered.

Cities grew rapidly in Europe immediately after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

When determining the market threshold, there is no need to determine what is being sold.

Urban population world wide exceeded rural settlement population for the first time in 2008.

People who live in rural settlements are more likely to engage in secondary sector economic activities.

The population of the world is roughly split in half between urban and rural settlements.

Linear settlement patterns were brought to North America by the French.

The threshold of a service is the maximum distance that most of the customers are willing to travel.

Business services are more likely to cluster in specialized business-service centers than in world cities or regional command and control centers.


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