AP American Government and Politics

World GeographyAuburn Mountainview High SchoolMr. Jon Price Rm. 230Planning Period: ZERO (7:05-8:00)253-804-4539 ex. 2300JPrice@auburn.wednet.eduIntroductionWelcome to World Geography! This class is an elective course and upon successful completion will provide you with ? Social Studies credit towards graduation. This course covers all facets of Geography, from Political Borders to Physical and Cultural Geography.TextbookHolt McDougal Geography: Each student will not be assigned a book to keep at home. Much of our work is in-class and the textbooks will remain in the classroom. Students will need to pick up one from the class set as soon as he/she walks into the door and will put it back on the way out of class. Course StudyThis course is divided into units covering the various themes and topics of Geography. Much of this course will be map based, so map reading and comprehension skills are essential and will be strongly emphasized. Each unit will have an exam and the semester will have a cumulative final. All appropriate EALRs and GLEs for Geography and Social Studies will all be covered in this class. GLEs Are prioritized state standards that prepare students for the next level of learning. These standards identify what students should know and be guaranteed to do in the amount of teaching time available. The GLEs for Geography, History, and Social Studies as chosen at the district level, are as follows:Students will be able to: Geography 3.0 3.1.2 Identifies major world regions and understands their cultural roots.3.2.1 Analyzes and evaluates human interaction with the environment across the world in the past or present.3.3.1 Understands how the geography of expansion and encounter has shaped global politics and economics in the past or present.History Analyzes how cultures and cultural groups have shaped world history4.4.1 Analyzes how an understanding of world history can help us prevent problems todaySocial Studies Skills Analyzes consequences of positions on an issue or event5.1.2 Evaluates the precision of a position on an issue or event5.2.1 Creates and uses research questions that are tied to an essential question to focus inquiry on an idea, issue or event5.2.2 Evaluates the validity, reliability, and credibility of sources when researching an issue or event5.3.1 Evaluates one’s own viewpoint and the viewpoints of others in the context of a discussion5.4.1 Evaluates multiple reasons or factors to develop a position paper or presentation5.4.2 Creates strategies to avoid plagiarism and respects intellectual property when developing a paper or presentationAttendanceI strictly enforce the school’s absence and tardy policy.The more absences you acquire, the harder it will be to earn a good grade in this class. Please pre-arrange absences if you know you will be gone.All students are required to stay in their assigned seat until the bell rings to end the class period.Student PassesIn order for students to leave the classroom for their locker, the restroom, or water, the student will be required to have their planner with them to use as a hall pass and that planner must be signed by the teacher before they leave. I allow students four bathroom passes for the semester, once they are used up, there are no more bathroom breaks in my class for that student. Please only ask to leave during appropriate times when we are NOT in the middle of something as a group. Without a planner and a pass, students will not be allowed to leave class.Required MaterialsPen or PencilNotebook to keep information, notes, assignments, and handoutsAny completed assignmentsA positive attitude****A computer with internet access at home makes studying at home easier with online textbook.Late Work, Make ups, and RedosAll late work is accepted for full credit, but will not be accepted after the completion of one unit past where that assignment was assigned, as per social studies department policy. Assessments may be made up at any mutually agreeable time, between the student and teacher. Also, since assessments count for so much of the student’s grade, any test where the student scores less than 70% maybe redone until that student achieves 70% which means the minimum standard was met.Procedures for Retaking AssessmentsIn order to Retake an Assessment the student must:Bring all assignments from that Unit to Mr. Price completed, to prove that the provided practice work has been completed in order to gain the requisite skills needs to succeed on their second (or more) attempt on the test.One of the following:Correct EVERY Question missed on the previous version of the e in to study for two before school, CORE, or after school sessions in order to master the material.Grading Breakdown and ScaleStudent grades will be determined with Assessments counting as 80% of the final grade and Classwork and Homework counting as 20% of the final grade per Social Studies Department Policy.The grading scale is as follows:100- 93%A92-90%A-89-87%B+86-83%B82-80%B-79-77%C+76-73%C72-70%C-69-67%D+66-60%D59% and belowFCell Phones and Electronic DevicesUse of all phones and other electronic devices is not permitted in my classroom. From the time the bell rings at the beginning of class until the bell rings to end the period cell phones should not be seen or heard. Consequences for distracting the class with a cell phone or electronic device are as follows:Taken away and returned at the end of class.Taken away and returned at the end of the school day.Taken away and given to an administrator to be returned when a parent comes to pick up the device.IPODs are only allowed in class when independent work is being completed.In the event of an emergency, I may grant the use of cell phones on a case-by-case basis, however it is my job to determine what constitutes an emergency.WebsiteThis year I am going to try and keep notes and practice assignments on a Swift webpage. Look for that (HOPEFULLY) COMING SOON!!!!Food and DrinkStudents may not eat in class, however they will be allowed to bring beverages to class as long as they agree to clean up any spills which involve their drinks, self-spilled or not. Gum is ALWAYS allowed, just please throw it in the trash when you are finished, the underside of your table is NOT a garbage can.Student ExpectationsBe on time and prepared to learn every day.Respect yourself, your classmates, all staff members, and our school.Challenge yourself and take pride in the work you do.Listen and follow directions.Movies, Documentaries, and HistoryOccasionally, Hollywood does a good job contextualizing geography and making it come alive. When a film is appropriate, and we have time, I will show a video including but not limited to topic specific documentaries from PBS, A & E, National Geographic, and the History Channel.If you feel that any of these films are inappropriate for your student to watch, please indicate so on the signature page. Your student will be given an alternate and comparable assignment, and will never miss any points for opting out of a movie for moral/spiritual/family reasons. However, if a student misses a film due to an excused absence, he/she will be required to either come before/after school to watch the missed portion or complete the alternate assignment. For unexcused absences, please see the absence policy above.It is important to note that less than 10% of classroom instructional time is video-related. ................

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