UN World Summit – Final Position Paper

This is the final evaluation within your Summative for the UN World Summit Simulation. Each student will submit a typed Final Position Paper. There is no specific length (500 words recommended), but you must have the following:

1) Title Page - With title to the office of the UN secretary, with your Country Name, delegate name (your name), date

2) Sub-Headings within;

a. UN Summit Reflection: (write this from within your role as delegate)

Answer and/or address the following questions and issues in your Final Position Paper

• How was the Summit significant to your nation?

• What were the objectives of your nation?

• Who were your allies and adversaries on these issues?

• What were the various strategies that could be pursued in the negotiations?

• Did you reach your objectives? Why or Why not?

3) Final recommendations: (write this from within your role as delegate)

Based on the final allocation of UN funds and resources developed by the International Community (posted on the World Issues website), which do you feel are realistic and/or idealistic?

4) Application: (write this from student perspective, no longer as a delegate

In what ways did you see that the Simulation mirrored real events, in which ways did it veer away from reality? What was the most important element that you learned about the world? Please list suggestions for future UN World Summit Simulations: What should stay? What should change? New Ideas?

B) Awareness Piece (Depending on your medium of choice, you may include this part in your scrapbook)

From the selection of articles that you have analyzed, choose the one issue that interests you the most. Create an original awareness piece (from the list below or develop your own with the teacher) that will inform viewers about the issue in a creative way. You will share your awareness piece in small groups at the end of the semester. Write a short 2-3-paragraph explanation that includes the following:

➢ A short overview of what you have created;

➢ Why you chose the medium (e.g. why did you choose to write a song vs. create a political cartoon?);

➢ The message you want to convey to the viewer;

➢ The action you hope people will take once seeing your awareness piece;


• Next month’s cover of National Geographic * Rant or spoken word (recorded)

• Poster that will appear on a social media site * Photo Essay (10 frames min.)

• Write and/or record a song (1 page in length min.) * Mindmap

• Poem (1/2 page in length min.) * Art piece

• Political cartoon * 3D Model

• Short comic strip (6 frames min.) * Skit (recorded)

• Short commercial/documentary/mocumentary (2min. min) * Other

5) Lastly, you must include a Works Cited page, and your UN Summit package, with questions, negotiations, and rough work. You also must submit this page with you FPP.

| |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|K/U |includes specific and detailed |includes specific information from |includes some info from SIMULATION|includes limited mention of |

|UN World Summit Package|information from the SIMULATION |the SIMULATION |however it is not used effectively |the SIMULATION |

|Thinking/Inquiry |assessment of the SIMULATION with|assessment of SIMULATION with a |assessment of the SIMULATION with |assessment of the SIMULATION|

|UN World Summit |a high degree of insight |considerable degree of insight |some insight |with limited insight |

|Reflection | | | | |

|Communication |is free of spelling and grammar |has very few spelling and grammar |has several spelling and grammar |has many spelling and grammar|

|Final Position Paper |errors, all ideas are clearly |errors, ideas are clearly expressed|errors, ideas expressed with some |errors, ideas have little |

| |expressed. | |clarity |clarity |

| | |Follows format above well. | | |

| |Follows format outlined above | |Format is somewhat followed. |Mistakes in format. |

| |perfectly |Good work cited | | |

| | | |Limited work cited |No work cited |

| |Excellent work cited | | | |

|Application |Provides thoughtful evaluation of |Provides evaluation of the Peace |Provides evaluation of the Peace |Does not mention the Peace |

|Recommendations and |the Peace Proposal. |Proposal. |Proposal. |Proposal. |

|Application | | | | |

| |Expresses relevant reflection of |Expresses a reflection of the |Reflection of the simulation with |Expresses irrelevant |

| |the simulation with critical |simulation with a degree of thought|little thought evident in |reflection of the simulation |

| |thought evident in suggestions |evident in suggestions |suggestions |with little thought evident |

| | | | |in suggestions |

Final Position Paper Rubric

Comments (on the back)

Mark on Final Position Paper: /20 Total Simulation Mark: /100


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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