
AP World HistoryWORLD ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS?Key Concepts 6.1.I, 6.1.II, 6.1.III, and 6.3.IIIRationale: Research modern 20th century issues and evaluate the extent to which potential solutions have solved these issues. Directions:1). Research one illustrative example for 5 of the 7 “world issues.” Write or Type a brief summary (2-3 sentences) of the issue. Summaries should include the most important information (Who, What, Where, When, Why)2). Research One Illustrative Example for 5 of the 7 “world solutions.” Write or Type a brief summary (2-3 sentences) of the solution. Summaries should include the most important information (Who, What, Where, When, Why) 3). Include a visual for each issue and solution (10 visuals total)4). Write a brief (1 page) evaluation of whether or not the potential solutions have solved the issues and/or if the solutions have proven to be more problematic for our modern world. *Each “issue” has a corresponding “solution.” You cannot mix and match. You may pick one from each column to focus on. World IssueSolution1. Diseases of Poverty (Malaria, Cholera,1. Doctors without borders, WHO, UNICEF, Red CrossAIDS, Ebola, Tuberculosis)2. Pollution/global warming2. Greenpeace, Earth Day3. Deforestation/Desertification3. Green Belt (Kenya)4. World Population Growth4. New Forms of Birth Control, Green Revolution5. Competing over finite resources5. Renewable Energy/Energy for more Production(Water, coal, oil/fossil fuels, timber,solar, nuclear, hydro, geothermalminerals)6. human rights violations 6. Amnesty International, UN, ICC(Cambodia/Rwanda/Holocaust)7. Economic Shifts/challenges-Economic 7. Trade Agreements (NAFTA, EU, ASEANIntegration/free MarketsEconomic Institutions (IMF, World Bank, WTO)CATEGORY 20 15 10 5 0Required Elements The poster includes all ten summaries of both issues and solutions. The poster includes almost all of the summaries for both issues and solutions, but may be missing one summary. The poster includes most of the summaries for both issues and solutions, but may be missing two summaries or a few of the summaries do not meet the necessary length. The poster includes some of the summaries for both issues and solutions, but may be missing three summaries or many of the summaries do not meet the necessary length. The poster is missing four or more summaries. Content - Accuracy The poster is completely accurate and summarizes the most important content for each issue and solution. The content clearly covers all of the \"who, what, where, when, why.\" The poster is mostly accurate and summarizes the most important content for each issue and solution. There may be one minor error in the content. The poster is somewhat accurate and summarizes the most important content for each issue and solution. There may be two errors in the content or the summaries may The poster lacks accurate summaries for three summaries. The content has not been carefully researched. The poster lacks accurate summaries for four or more summaries. Graphics - Relevance All ten visuals are included on the poster and all of the visuals clearly represent the required content. Most of the visuals are included on the poster with only one visual missing. The visuals clearly represent the required content. Some of the visuals are included on the poster with two visuals missing, or some visuals clearly represent the required content while other visuals do not. A few of the visuals are included on the poster with three missing. Most of the visuals do not clearly represent the required content. Four or more of the graphics are missing. Attractiveness The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. It is colorful and represents excellent student effort. The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. It is mostly colorful and represents great student effort. The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. The poster is only partially colorful and represents some student effort. The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. The poster is mostly done in pencil and reflects minimal student effort. The poster is essentially blank. Evaluation The student thoughtfully answers the evaluation question in a full page. The argument is backed up by historical evidence and analysis. The student thoughtfully answers the evaluation question in mostly a full page. The argument is mostly backed up by historical evidence and analysis. The student thoughtfully answers the evaluation in half of a page or the writing is longer but is more basic. The argument is somewhat backed up by historical evidence, but may make a claim without evidence or analysis. The student answers the evaluation in a few sentences. The writing shows little evidence and analysis. The evaluation is missing from the poster. ................

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