AP Human Geography

AP Human Geography

Chapter 6 Practice Exam: Religions (2018/v.1)

1. (AP) The world's three major monotheistic religions originated (have their hearth) in which of the following regions?

A) East Asia

B) Southwest Asia

C) Eastern Europe

D) Western Europe

E) Africa

2. (AP) Which of the following religions is appropriately (correctly) matched with its region of origin (hearth)?

A) Islam . . Egypt

B) Judaism . . Spain

C) Hinduism . . China

D) Buddhism . . India

E) Christianity . . Germany

3. (AP) The principal religion of Central and South America is

A) Eastern Orthodoxy

B) Roman Catholicism

C) Buddhism

D) Islam

E) Protestantism

4. (AP) Which of the following countries has the largest number of Sunni Muslims?

A) Saudi Arabia

B) Bangladesh

C) Egypt

D) Iran

E) Indonesia

5. (AP) A country in which the majority of the population are Shiite Muslims is

A) Iran

B) Morocco

C) Saudi Arabia

D) Egypt

E) Indonesia

6. (AP) In which of the following countries has the diffusion of Christianity met the most resistance?

A) China

B) Brazil

C) Italy

D) Mexico

E) South Africa

7. (AP) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Hinduism?

A) It uses human and animal images in its sacred spaces.

B) Pilgrims bathe in holy rivers.

C) Religious functions most likely take place at home within the family.

D) It is a universalizing religion.

E) Sacred places are established by tradition.

8. (AP) Which of the following religions is predominant in the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota?

A) Catholic

B) Mormon

C) Lutheran

D) Baptist

E) Methodist


9. (AP) All or nearly all of the population of the shaded land region on the map above avoid which of the following foods?

A) Beef

B) Poultry

C) Pork

D) Corn

E) Rice

10. Religion is a good example of the tension between globalization and local diversity because

A) migrants usually leave their religion behind when they migrate to a new area.

B) all religions are in competition to convert as many people as possible.

C) many people follow more than one religion.

D) the cultural values of globalized universalizing religions often conflict with the values of local ethnic religions

11. What aspect or aspects of religion are typically studied by geographers?

A) the hearths, diffusion, and distributions of religions

B) the impact of religions on the cultural landscape (also called the landscape expression of religions)

C) the hierarchy and administration of religions

D) religious conflicts both between and within religions

E) all of the above

12. Followers of Haitian Vodou combine elements of Christianity with the traditional religions of their African ancestors. This is an example of

A) paganism

B) animism

C) cosmogony

D) religious creolization

E) syncretism

13. Adherents of which of the following religions are most likely to believe in other religions simultaneously? (In other words, which is most syncretic?)

A) Buddhism

B) Hinduism

C) Judaism

D) Christianity

E) Islam

14. Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Vatican City are examples of ___________, a form of government in which religious leaders rule and religious laws are enforced.

A) monotheism

B) pluralism

C) secularism

D) theocracy

E) syncretism

15. Animists believe that

A) people should make complete use of the Earth's resources.

B) enlightenment can be achieved by all people.

C) inanimate objects and natural events have spirits.

D) natural disasters are preventable.

E) people should complete God's creation of the Earth.

16. ________ is the literal interpretation of and strict adherence to the basic principles of a religion (as defined by this group!)

A) sect

B) fundamentalism

C) branch

D) religion

E) heresy

17. Which of the following religions is a monotheistic religion?

A) Hinduism

B) Shintoism

C) Animism

D) Judaism

E) Buddhism

18. Which of the following religions is a polytheistic religion?

A) Judaism

B) Zoroastrianism

C) Christianity

D) Islam

E) Hinduism

19. The five largest religions (in order of number of adherents) are

A) Islam - Christianity - Hinduism - Judaism - Sikhism

B) Buddhism - Christianity - Islam - Hinduism - Sikhism

C) Christianity - Hinduism - Islam - Sikhism - Judaism

D) Christianity - Islam - Hinduism - Buddhism - Sikhism

E) Christianity - Buddhism - Hinduism - Judaism – Islam

20. Which religion is the fastest growing of the world's five largest religions?

A) Christianity

B) Islam

C) Judaism

D) Hinduism

E) Buddhism

21. Which of the following in the main reason that Islam is the fastest growing of the world’s major religions?

A) Muslim women have higher fertility rates than women in other major religions.

B) Muslim women are on average younger than women in other major religions.

C) There is a lower rate of religious switching (leaving their religion) in Islam than there is in other major religions.

D) Islam is a proselytizing, universal religion that successfully seeks out converts.

E) Islam is growing rapidly in Europe and North America.

22. Which of the world’s major religions is the oldest and which is the youngest?

A) Oldest: Hinduism / Youngest: Islam

B) Oldest: Christianity / Youngest: Buddhism

C) Oldest: Judaism / Youngest: Hinduism

D) Oldest: Judaism / Youngest: Islam

E) Oldest: Buddhism / Youngest: Christianity

23. Which of the following religions is NOT matched correctly with its hearth?

A) Buddhism-Northeastern India/Nepal

B) Islam-Saudi Arabia

C) Judaism-Palestine/Israel

D) Hinduism-Indus River Valley (northern India/Pakistan)

E) Christianity-Rome (Italy)

24. What two areas are the hearths of all of the world's five primary religions?

A) Southern India and Eastern China

B) Southwest Asia and Northern Africa

C) Southwest Asia and Central Europe

D) Southwest Asia and Northern India

E) Eastern China and Southern Europe

25. Which of the following is the only one of the world’s four largest religions that is still the dominant religion in its hearth (the country where its founder lived)?

A) Buddhism

B) Islam

C) Hinduism

D) Christianity

26. Christianity first diffused from its hearth through

A) hierarchical diffusion.

B) expansion diffusion.

C) relocation diffusion.

D) contagious diffusion.

E) all of the above

27. The dominance of Christianity was assured during the fourth century Roman Empire largely due to

A) stimulus diffusion.

B) hierarchical diffusion.

C) contagious diffusion.

D) expansion diffusion.

E) possibilism.

28. What explains the disappearance of African traditional religions between 1900 and 2010?

A) famine

B) civil war

C) alliance with the United States during the Cold War

D) Muslim and Christian missionaries

E) the loss of indigenous languages

29. Roman Catholics are clustered in the U.S. southwest primarily because of migration of

A) Roman Catholics from Latin America.

B) Roman Catholics from the northeastern United States.

C) Roman Catholics from Ireland.

D) Protestants to the north.

E) Protestants to the east.

30. Islam diffused across the Eastern Hemisphere through

A) war.

B) trade

C) missionaries.

D) migration.

E) all of the above.

31. Recent diffusion of Islam into Europe (beyond Spain and Portugal), South Africa, and the Americas has largely been a result of __________.

A) proselytizing.

B) forced migration.

C) relocation diffusion.

D) favorable European Union policies.

E) the collapse of the Soviet Union.

32. Hinduism has not spread by expansion diffusion in modern times, but at one time it did spread by relocation diffusion as a result of

A) time contract workers

B) conquest by military groups.

C) forced relocation by Islamic invaders.

D) missionary activities overseas.

33. The term ghetto originally referred to the area of a city

A) inside the walls.

B) where Jews were forced to live.

C) inhabited by the lowest-income people.

D) where the untouchable caste lived.

E) where most blacks lived.

34. Due largely to European colonization, __________ is the most widely dispersed religion in the world.

A) Animism.

B) Buddhism.

C) Christianity.

D) Hinduism.

E) Islam.

35. Which of the following world religions is the LEAST spatially distributed (i.e. most clustered)?

A) Buddhism

B) Christianity

C) Hinduism

D) Islam

E) Judaism

36. Almost 90 percent of people in the Western Hemisphere claim adherence to

A) Christianity.

B) Roman Catholicism.

C) Protestantism.

D) Eastern Orthodoxy.

E) Fundamentalist and nondenominational Christianity

37. Which characteristic distinguishes religion in Latin America from religion in North America?

A) Latin America has a Protestant majority while North America is mostly Roman Catholic.

B) Latin America has a Roman Catholic majority while North America is mostly Protestant.

C) Latin America has a smaller zone of extant (surviving) indigenous, tribal religions.

D) Christianity in Latin America diffused primarily from the British Isles whereas Christianity in North America diffused primarily from Spain.

38. Muslims (followers of Islam) are clustered in

A) Eastern Europe, North America, South Asia, and parts of Russia, China, and Japan.

B) East Asia, South Asia, and North Africa.

C) Southwestern Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and parts of South Asia.

D) Southwestern Asia, North Africa, South America, and parts of North America.

E) Southwestern Asia, North Africa, and parts of South Asia and Southeastern Asia.

39. Approximately 50% of the world's Muslims live in what four countries OUTSIDE of the Middle East?

A) Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Malaysia

B) Indonesia, Pakistan, Sudan and Malaysia

C) Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India

D) Indonesia, Sudan, Malaysia, and India

E) Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Pakistan

40. The boundaries between which countries listed below were established primarily based on religion?

A) India and Pakistan.

B) Mexico and United States.

C) France and Germany.

D) Russia and Ukraine.

E) Libya and Chad.


41. Shaded areas on the map above indicate different religions. Nigeria, Chad, and Sudan, are all shown with north-south divides. What religion predominates in the northern (darkly shaded portions) of these countries?

A) Christianity

B) Animism

C) Animism and Christianity together

D) Sunni Islam

E) Shia Islam

42. Buddhism thrives in all of the areas listed below EXCEPT

A) Sri Lanka

B) Japan

C) Nepal

D) India

E) Tibet

43. Mahayana Buddhists are found primarily in

A) China, Japan and South Korea

B) Tibet and Mongolia

C) Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar

D) Sri Lanka and Thailand

E) C and D

44. Theravada Buddhists are found primarily in

A) China, Japan and Korea

B) Tibet and Mongolia

C) Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar

D) Sri Lanka and Thailand

E) C and D

45. In which part of the world is over 50 percent of the population unaffiliated (non-religious) with the remainder of the population either Buddhist or affiliated with a folk religion?

A) South Asia

B) Southeast Asia

C) East Asia

D) Central Asia

E) Southwest Asia

46. The majority of Sikhs are located in the ________ region of India.

A) Punjab

B) Bangalore

C) Delhi

D) Ganges

E) Bengali

47. Which statement best describes the distribution of the Jewish population in the world?

A) Nearly 90% of all Jews in the world live in Israel.

B) Most Jews live in Russia and Eastern Europe

C) About half of all Jews live in Israel, the rest are concentrated in urban areas of Europe and North America

D) About half of all Jews live in European cities, the rest live in Israel.

E) Only one-quarter of all Jews live in Israel, the rest are concentrated in North America.

48. Which of the following Christian groups in the U.S. is the largest (i.e. has the most adherents)?

A) Southern Baptist.

B) Eastern Orthodox.

C) Roman Catholicism

D) Anglican/Episcopalian.

E) Lutheran.

49. Catholics comprise 25% of all North Americans. Which Protestant group is the next largest among the remaining Christians?

A) Methodists

B) Latter-day Saints

C) Lutherans

D) Baptists

E) Presbyterians


Questions 50-53 are based on the above map of religious affiliations in the United States.

50. What religious affiliation is represented by letter W?

A) Roman Catholic

B) Lutheran

C) Baptist

D) Methodist

E) Latter-day Saints (Mormon)

51. What religious affiliation is represented by letter X?

A) Roman Catholic

B) Lutheran

C) Baptist

D) Methodist

E) Latter-day Saints (Mormon)

52. What religious affiliation is represented by letter Y?

A) Roman Catholic

B) Lutheran

C) Baptist

D) Methodist

E) Latter-day Saints (Mormon)

53. What religious affiliation is represented by letter Z?

A) Roman Catholic

B) Lutheran

C) Baptist

D) Methodist

E) Latter-day Saints (Mormon)

54. Which of the following correctly describes the classification of religious groups from the oldest to the most recent divergence (split)?

A) branch – religion – denomination – sect

B) family – branch – denomination – sect

C) religion – denomination – sect – branch

D) religion – branch – denomination – sect

E) religion – branch – sect – denomination

55. An old, large, and fundamental division within a religion is a

A) branch

B) denomination

C) sect

D) dialect

E) family

56. A very recent split within a religion (usually over a difference over theology or religious practices) is called a

A) branch

B) denomination

C) sect

D) dialect

57. The three largest branches of Christianity in order of number of adherents are

A) Roman Catholic, Coptic Church, Eastern Orthodox

B) Roman Catholic, Armenian, Protestant

C) Roman Catholic, Protestant, Latter Day Saints

D) Roman Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox

E) Roman Catholic, Protestant, Maronite

58. Which of the following does NOT qualify as denomination of the Protestant branch of the religion of Christianity?

A) Presbyterianism

B) Methodism

C) Catholicism

D) Southern Baptist

E) Lutheran

59. The dominant (80% of Muslims) branch of Islam is

A) Sunni.

B) Shiite.

C) Druze.

D) Sufi

E) Sikh.

60. Which if any of the following explanations for the major splits (branches) within religions in NOT correct?

A) Islam: Disagreement over leadership succession

B) Christianity: Disagreement over leadership succession AND over doctrines of salvation

C) Buddhism: Disagreements over doctrines of salvation

D) All of the above are correct.

61. Which of the following is true of an ethnic religion?

A) It is found in a particular culture.

B) It appeals primarily to one group of people in a particular place (i.e. is spatially concentrated).

C) It does not seek outside converts.

D) Its community, common history, and social relations are inextricably intertwined with its spiritual beliefs.

E) All of the above

62. Why do ethnic religions typically display a clustered distribution?

A) Their message is meant to appeal to one group of people in one place.

B) Their sacred spaces are historically tied to the physical geography of a particular place.

C) Their religious calendar and holidays are based on the physical characteristics, especially the agricultural calendar, of a particular place.

D) Their main concern in maintaining a local social order rather than gaining converts.

E) All of the above.

63. Which of the following is an example of an ethnic religion?

A) Islam

B) Mormonism

C) Buddhism

D) Judaism

E) Roman Catholicism

64. All of the following are ethnic religions. Which has the most adherents?

A) Judaism

B) Zoroastrianism

C) Hinduism

D) Jainism

E) Sikhism

65. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Islam?

A) It forbids the depiction (showing) images of its prophet

B) If financially and physically able, adherents are expected to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once

C) It is widely dispersed throughout the Eastern Hemisphere (Africa, Eurasia, Oceania)

D) It is an ethnic religion.

E) Burial is the dominant means of disposal of the dead

66. A universalizing religion

A) is based on the physical characteristics of a particular location on the earth’s surface

B) appeals to people living in a wide variety of locations

C) is rarely transmitted through missionaries

D) is usually found in less developed countries

E) all of the above

67. A religion that is spatially widespread and attempts to appeal to all people, not just those living in a particular location is a ________ religion.

A) universalizing

B) folk

C) ethnic

D) tribal

E) animistic

68. Which statement about universalizing religions is correct?

A) A universalizing religion is one into which people are born.

B) A universalizing religion is usually easy to join.

C) A universalizing religion seeks converts from other religions.

D) A and B only.

E) B and C only.

69. Which universalizing religion has the most adherents?

A) Buddhism.

B) Christianity.

C) Sikhism

D) Islam.

E) Baha’i

70. Which of the following religions did NOT originate with a founder or innovating prophet?

A) Buddhism

B) Hinduism

C) Islam

D) Taoism

E) Confucianism

71. The agricultural calendar (seasons of planting, harvest, etc.) is relatively unimportant (not important) for which type of religion?

A) animist

B) ethnic

C) pagan

D) universalizing

E) monotheistic

72. Which of the following is NOT a universalizing religion?

A) Islam

B) Mormonism

C) Judaism

D) Buddhism

E) Christianity

73. Which of the following is a rare example of a universalizing but nonproselytizing religion (i.e. a religion with a universal message that nevertheless does not actively seek converts)?

A) Christianity

B) Buddhism

C) Protestantism

D) Polytheism

E) Hinduism

74. How does religion influence the cultural landscape?

A) It promotes the preservation of distinctive sacred spaces/holy sites

B) It influences land use through specific practices for the disposal of the dead

C) It inspires distinctive forms of architecture

D) It is the basis for toponyms (place names)

E) all of the above

75. Which of the following is true about the relationship between culture, religion, and the physical environment?

A) religion is no longer an important source of identification for a distinct cultural group.

B) religious beliefs are often responsible for changes people make to the physical environment.

C) all religions appeal primarily to people living in their land of origin.

D) few religions derive meaningful events from the physical environment.

E) All of the above are true.

76. Which cosmogony (i.e. religious beliefs concerning the origin of the universe) is most likely to result in widespread modification of the physical environment?

A) All of nature, including humans, is a manifestation of the divine substance. (Hinduism/Buddhism)

B) Nature, including humans, consists of two ever changing forces, yin and yang, which when balanced create perfect harmony. (Chinese folk religions.)

C) God created the earth and humans separately and gave humans dominion over nature (Christianity)

D) All natural features and events have a spirit which can be controlled by (humans. (Animism).

E) All are equally likely to result in the modification of the natural environment.

77. Which of the following religions in NOT correctly matched with its preferred method of disposal of the dead?

A) Christianity…burial

B) Islam…burial, disposal at sea

C) Buddhism…cremation, exposure

D) Hinduism…cremation

E) Judaism…cremation

78. What is the main reason that the Chinese government encourages cremation over the burial of the dead?

A) Burials are associated with Western democracies and popular culture.

B) Burials take up too much space in the cities that might otherwise be used for recreation.

C) Burials in China take too much space in the countryside that could be used for agriculture.

D) Burials are reminder of death on the landscape.

E) Funerals associated with burial are too expensive.

79. What religion is indicated by the silhouette to the left?

A) Islam

B) Christianity

C) Buddhism

D) Hinduism

E) Judaism

80. Which is NOT a feature of Islamic sacred architecture?

A) minarets

B) pulpit usually faces Mecca

C) the influence of the architecture of Roman and other civilizations

D) geometric and calligraphic ornamentation

E) frescoes depicting the life of the prophet

81. This structure (left) is associated with which world religion?

A) Judaism

B) Roman Catholicism

C) Hinduism

D) Buddhism

E) Islam

82. Everyday worship in Hinduism is most likely to take place

A) at a holy shrine

B) as part of a pilgrimage

C) at home

D) in a pagoda

E) in a temple

83. Jerusalem is a sacred place for

A) Jews.

B) Muslims.

C) Christians.

D) all of the above

84. Which of the following religions in NOT correctly matched with its place of worship or meditation?

A) Islam - Mosque

B) Sikh - Gurdwara

C) Hinduism - Pagoda

D) Baha'i – House of Worship

E) Judaism - Synagogue

85. Which of the religions in NOT correctly matched with one of its holy sites?

A) Judaism - Western Wall

B) Islam- Dome of the Rock

C) Hinduism –Benares/Varanasi (Sacred Ganges River)

D) Baha’ism - Bodh Gaya (Bodhi Tree)

E) Christianity- St. Peter’s Cathedral

86. An ethnic religion typically has less widespread distribution of its holy places because

A) they have not diffused globally.

B) urban growth has destroyed their holy sites

C) its holy places often derive from the physical characteristic of its hearth.

D) their holy places are the sun, sky, and earth.

E) All of the above

87. Which is NOT a characteristic of a hierarchical religion?

A) Regional administration is often located in large cities.

B) It organizes territory into local administrative units.

C) It encourages each congregation to be self-sufficient.

D) It has a well-defined hierarchical structure.

E) It fosters interaction among different congregations.

88. Which pair of religions are considered highly hierarchical?

A) Mormonism and Islam.

B) Roman Catholicism and Islam.

C) Southern Baptist and Islam.

D) Roman Catholicism and Mormonism.

E) Mormonism and Southern Baptist.

89. Which religion below is the most autonomous (i.e. has almost no centralized structure or religious control?

A) Hinduism

B) Buddhism

C) Orthodox Christianity

D) Roman Catholicism

E) Islam

90. Baptist and Islam are examples of

A) hierarchical religions

B) ethnic religions

C) animistic religions

D) autonomous religions

E) theocratic religions

91. Which is an example of a historical or current interfaith religious conflict:

A) Israel

B) Nigeria

C) Sri Lanka

D) Former Yugoslavia

E) all of the above

92. The intrafaith religious conflict in Ireland is between

A) Protestants and Catholics

B) Catholics and Orthodox Christians

C) Orthodox Christians and Protestants

D) Anglicans and Presbyterians

E) Anglicans and Episcopalians

93. Jerusalem's geography represents a particularly difficult religious conflict to resolve because

A) The Israeli government has separated the most sacred sites with a massive concrete wall.

B) the population of Jerusalem is majority Christian but surrounded by majority Jewish and Muslim populations on either side.

C) Israel captured the Sinai peninsula from Egypt.

D) Sacred sites for Jews and Muslims are literally built right on top each other.

94. Freedom of religion is considered endangered or seriously challenged in all of the following regions EXCEPT

A) Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)

B) Burma/Myanmar

C) China

D) India

E) Iran

95. Since the fall of Communism in the former Soviet Republics some of the newly created countries are struggling with the degree to which new laws should reflect the influence of Islam, or remain secular. Examples of these republics include:

A) Croatia and Slovenia

B) Poland and Lithuania

C) Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

D) Mongolia and Tibet

E) all of the above

96. Which of the following best describes the situation of religion in Tibet?

A) Only a few practice Buddhism; the majority observe Confucianism.

B) Tibetan leaders have a high degree of local control over the policies of their province.

C) The population has become almost entirely atheist since the Chinese invasion.

D) Its spiritual leader is in exile and the government discourages observance.

E) Freedom of religion is protected by provincial law.

97. In which region or regions are over 20% of the population nonreligious (i.e. claim no affiliation with any religion)?

A) Europe, North America, and East Asia

B) Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa

C) Latin America and the Caribbean

D) Southwest Asia (Middle East)

E) All of the above

98. How are Buddhism and Hinduism different?

A) Buddhists practice meditation; Hindus reject the practice of meditation.

B) Hindus have a rigid caste system; Buddhists reject the caste system.

C) Hindus believe in reincarnation; Buddhists believe in a heaven.

D) Buddhists believe in ahimsa (non-violence), while Hindus do not believe in nonviolence.

E) Buddhists are polytheists; Hindus are monotheists.

99. One example of the clash of secular and religious values is the Hindu caste system in India. Which of the following best describes the Hindu caste system?

A) a social structure based upon a social hierarchy in which a person is born into a caste and cannot change castes during their lifetime

B) an economic class which poor people can work and earn money to raise their position in society

C) a political party system strongly tied to economic class divisions such as blue-collar and white-collar workers

D) regional cultural divisions dominated by Hindi-speakers from northern India

E) a colonial social structure created by British rulers and imposed from the 1800s through the 1940s until independence

100. Theravada Buddhists emphasize monastic practice as the vehicle to nirvana (salvation). Mahayana Buddhists, in contrast, emphasize

A) life of self-help.

B) compassion.

C) renouncing of worldly goods.

D) wisdom.

E) practice of meditation.


“(AP)” = From released AP exams. (Most likely to be on exam.)

“(MM)”=Most Missed (+25% of students missed this question)

Roman Catholicism (50% of all Christians) is the dominant branch of Christianity (37% are Protestant, and 12% are Eastern Orthodox.)

Other ethnic religions: Hinduism, Chinese folk religions, indigenous religions

This helps explain why this is the universalizing religion that has remained mostly clustered in one region of the world.


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