Chapter 31-Toward a Transnational America, since 1988

Chapter 31.2: The United States in a Global Age, 1992-2008

A New Age of Anxiety

1. One of the worst riots of the twentieth century occurred in South Central Los Angeles in 1992 after the trial of the police officers who had beaten the black motorist,

A. Marquette Frye

B. Reginald Denny

C. Tawana Brawley

D. Rodney King

2. The census of 2000 showed that in many cities and suburbs segregation of the races was

A. Declining.

B. Becoming more pronounced.

C. Staying pretty much the same.

D. Becoming more pronounced in cities, but declining in suburbs.

3. Business owners of which ethnicity complained that rioters singled out their businesses for looting and vandalism and the police did nothing to stop them?

A. African-Americans

B. Whites

C. Koreans

D. Hispanics

4. Roughly what percentage of African-American males did a 2007 Bureau of Justice report estimate would spend some time in federal or state prison?

A. 12

B. 25

C. 32

D. 39

5. Racial profiling is

A. The practice of police disproportionately stopping minorities on suspicion of wrongdoing.

B. Forming opinions about someone because of the color of their skin, it’s the politically correct way to say prejudice.

C. Real estate practice of steering minority groups away from white neighborhoods.

D. Process of identifying qualifying minorities for Affirmative Action positions.

6. Roughly what percentage of inmates in state prison are ethnic minorities?

A. 25

B. 50

C. 67

D. 75

7. The causes of racial tension by 2000 included all of the following EXCEPT

A. The practice of "racial profiling."

B. The intervention of government in people's lives.

C. The high unemployment rates among black males.

D. The higher rates of arrest and conviction for blacks than whites.

8. Who declared at the 1992 Republican National Convention that a “culture war” was going on in America

A. Jerry Falwell

B. George Bush

C. Newt Gingrich

D. Patrick Buchanan

9. The term for the broad movement recognizing the existence and the contributions of various groups composing society is

A. Salad bowl America

B. Multiculturalism

C. Melting pot

D. Diversity

10. Multiculturalism involved all of the following EXCEPT

A. The debate over the teaching of evolution.

B. Recognition of the contributions of marginalized groups.

C. The development of ethnic studies programs in colleges.

D. The greater visibility of women in the professions.

11. Observers who focus on the “culture wars” believe that the basic markers of political principle are

A. Ethnicity and cultural heritage.

B. Education level.

C. Hot button moral and social issues.

D. Socioeconomic class

12. Which of the following denied almost all government funded services to illegal aliens and required schools and doctors to report them to authorities?

A. The Immigration Reform and Control Act

B. Proposition 187

C. Border Security Enforcement Act

D. Take Back America Act

13. What was the first state to allow full marriage rights to gay couples?

A. Hawaii

B. Massachusetts

C. California

D. Vermont

14. The Defense of Marriage Act

A. Protected all two-person relationships from discrimination.

B. Said states would not be required to recognize same sex marriages performed in other states as legal if the state in question did not allow same sex marriages.

C. Prohibited states from recognizing same sex marriage.

D. Laid the groundwork for same-sex marriage to be legal if 3/4ths of the states adopt the practice.

15. The bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was partly a response to

A. American support for Israel.

B. The destruction of the Branch Davidians in Waco.

C. The War in Wichita

D. The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gays in the military.

16. The anti-abortion organization that blocked access to three clinics in Wichita in 1991 was

A. Right to Life Committee

B. Genocide Project

C. Operation Rescue

D. Branch Dravidians

17. The worst terrorist attack in American history prior to the 9-11 attacks was

A. War in Wichita.

B. Bombing of the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City.

C. 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

D. Branch Dravidian siege.

18. Terrorist attacks in the United States include all of the following EXCEPT

A. The bombing of the Murrah Building.

B. The bombing of abortion clinics.

C. The siege of the Branch Davidians.

D. The World Trade Center attack of 1993.

19. Why is the reaction to the Rodney King verdict sometimes called a "multicultural riot"? Explain. (909)

The Presidency of George W. Bush and the War on Terror

20. The new millennium was accompanied by all of the following EXCEPT

A. A new high-tech economy.

B. A new, more homogenized cultural life.

C. A new immigrant population.

D. A new, more unified society.

21. Who won the popular vote In the election of 2000

A. Al Gore

B. George W. Bush

C. Patrick Buchanan

D. John Kerry


22. The Green Party candidate in the 2000 election was the consumer advocate

A. Joseph Lieberman

B. Patrick Buchanan

C. Charles Colson

D. Ralph Nader

23. The term that candidate George W. Bush used to describe himself in the 2000 campaign was

A. Compassionate Republican

B. Reagan Republican

C. Compassionate conservative

D. The “decider”

24. Ultimately, the presidential election of 2000 was decided by the

A. House of Representatives.

B. United States Supreme Court.

C. Electoral College

D. Florida Supreme Court

25. The events in Florida during the 2000 election involved all of the following EXCEPT

A. A machine recount of the votes.

B. An U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing for a recount.

C. A Florida Supreme Court decision favoring a recount.

D. An examination of punch-card ballots for loose chads.

26. On the environment, George W. Bush

A. Opposed the Kyoto Protocol and appointed a task force.

B. Protected one-third of the national forests from development.

C. Sped up action on cleaning up agricultural run off.

D. Ratified the Montreal Protocol on the Ozone layer.

27. Roughly what percentage of the world’s greenhouse gases did the U.S. produce at the time of the United Nations’ Earth Summit in 1992

A. 10

B. 25

C. 33

D. 40

28. The name of the 1996 agreement that set timetables for the reduction of greenhouse gases and called on the industrialized nations to take the lead was the

A. Earth Summit Treaty

B. Montreal Protocol

C. Protocol on Reducing Climate Change

D. Kyoto Protocol

29. All of the following are efforts to combat global warming EXCEPT

A. The Montreal Protocol.

B. The United Nation's Earth Summit.

C. The Bush administration's task force on global warming.

D. The Amsterdam meeting of the UN Panel on Climate Change.

30. According to United Nations reports on globalization

A. Free markets assure world equality.

B. The wealthiest nations are practicing old-fashioned colonialism.

C. There is an international triad of the United States, Germany, and Japan that controls everything.

D. The corporations in the richest nations are reaping most of the wealth.

31. According to the United Nations, who benefited most from globalization?

A. Less developed countries

B. Developed countries

C. Multi-national corporations based in the developed world.

D. Governments because of the increased revenue from trade tariffs.

32. By 2000, the gap in wealth between the world's richest 20 percent and the world's poorest people had risen from 30 to 1 in the late nineteenth century to

A. 49 to 1.

B. 60 to 1.

C. 66 to 1.

D. 74 to 1.

33. The name of the Islamic group that controlled Afghanistan at the time of the attack of September 11 and offered protection to Osama bin Laden was

A. Al Qaeda

B. Mujahidin

C. Taliban

D. Hamas

34. The first place the United States attacked in its war against terror was

A. Iraq.

B. Afghanistan.

C. Iran.

D. Syria.

35. After the removal of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in 2001, Osama bin Laden most likely

A. Was killed at Tora Bora.

B. Escaped into the unruly tribal areas of Pakistan.

C. Was hidden by the Pakistani government.

D. Moved to Iran.

36. The National Security Strategy Report of 2002 advocated

A. Containment of Islamic Fundamentalism

B. Favoring secular governments, even authoritarian ones, over fundamentalist democratically elected ones.

C. Pre-emptive war.

D. Reliance on covert operations instead of traditional military force in the War on Terror.

37. Which of the following types of weapons is not considered a “weapon of mass destruction”?

A. Biological

B. Aircraft

C. Nuclear

D. Chemical

38. The conclusions of the Commission on Terrorist Attacks included all of the following EXCEPT

A. NSC advisor Rice had ignored warnings.

B. Homeland Security should be in charge of all intelligence.

C. The FBI-CIA rivalry had interfered with needed action.

D. A new National Intelligence Director was needed.

39. The pledge to act against threats to national security before they reach the United States became known as

A. Accomplish Mission.

B. Bush Doctrine.

C. Better there than here.

D. Powell Doctrine.

40. The claims of the advocates of war with Iraq included all of the following EXCEPT

A. The war would help the United States find Osama bin Laden.

B. Saddam Hussein had a direct connection to September 11.

C. The Iraqi people would welcome anti-Saddam invaders.

D. A democratic Iraq would change the whole Middle East.

41. The insurgents in Iraq included all of the following EXCEPT

A. Terrorists who used Iraq as a base before the war.

B. Criminal elements.

C. Members of the Baath Party.

D. Sunni Muslims who opposed the loss of their power.

42. The prison scandal in Iraq involving abuse of Iraqis by American guards occurred at

A. Camp X Ray.

B. Abu Ghraib.

C. Guantanamo Bay.

D. A and C.

43. The rules to prevent abuse of prisoners of war are covered by the

A. U.S.A. Patriot Act.

B. Genocide Convention.

C. Geneva Convention.

D. A and B.

44. Under George W. Bush, the United States economy

A. Entered a new period of rapid growth.

B. Strengthened the dollar against other currencies.

C. Made U.S. investments more attractive to foreigners.

D. Slowed while budget deficits rose.

45. Which of the following is NOT true of the 2004 election?

A. Bush won a majority of the popular vote.

B. Bush won more electoral votes in 2004 than in 2000.

C. It had the highest turnout since 1968.

D. It was even closer than the 2000 election.

46. The Hurricane that devastated New Orleans and the Mississippi and Alabama coasts was

A. Katrina.

B. Rita.

C. Charley

D. Jeanne

47. Which federal agency was blamed for the problems in the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina?

A. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

B. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

C. National Weather Service.

D. Department of Homeland Security.

48. Who was the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives?

A. Nancy Pelosi

B. Hillary Clinton

C. Condoleezza Rice

D. Jane Harmond


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