World War One - Webquest

World War One – Digital Scrapbook

Your assignment is to create a multimedia World War One digital scrapbook. You will be gathering resources (photographs, tables, text, drawings, maps, etc.) on ONE of the topics listed below. Use the checklist below to insure you have met the minimum assignment requirements.

WWI Digital Scrapbook Checklist

My research file includes at least:

|Criteria |Check when Complete |

|one photograph/drawing for each element of the topic | |

|one map related to the topic | |

|four points of description for each element of the topic | |

|one point of explanation for each element of the topic | |

|one table or chart related to the topic | |

My research file includes:

|Criteria |Check when Complete |

|only historically accurate information | |

|a list of all sources used (properly documented) | |

Place all of the information you gathered into one file (properly labeled, organized, and sourced). Use Word or Publisher to do this. Do not forget to save your file at the end of the period.

You have the rest of today’s period to gather information and then you will have one lab period to gather more information and create your scrapbook.

Choose ONE of the following:

• Research the following new weapons—flamethrower, tank, machine gun, and poison gasses—used in the Great War and explain how each changed the face of war by 1918. 


• Research the following aspects of air combat during WWI: Zeppelins, Red Baron, dogfights, and Billy Bishop and explain how each changed the face of war by 1918. 


• Research the following key elements of the War at Sea during WWI—wolf packs, U-boats, convoys, and the sinking of the Lusitania and explain how each changed the face of war by 1918. 

The major activity for this Unit (World War One) will be the completion of a digital scrapbook, using any of the following programs – Publisher or Word. You will have one work period to complete this assignment. Completed scrapbook pages must be placed in your Hand-in folder the Monday following the work period. The rubric for the Scrapbook Assignment is on the back of the assignment page.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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