World War I Projects - Social Studies 7

World War I PowerPoint Projects Name: _______________________

In your selected groups of two or on your own, you will be researching one of the topics below and creating a PowerPoint presentation to present to the rest of the class. Project topics you can choose from are listed below:

Life in the Trenches

War and Medicine

War in the Air

War at Sea

Spies and Codes

Home front

Weapons and New Technology (pick one)

Biography on a soldier

Art and the War

Causes of the War (can discuss all of them, or focus on one)

The Western Front

The Eastern Front

Specific battles

Literature or poetry from the War

America entering the War

The Treaty of Versailles

The human cost of the War

WWI Leaders




Women’s roles in the War

Project Checklist:

_______ 1. Presentations should be at least 4-6 minutes in length – see rubric.

_______ 2. Presented information is factual – see rubric.

_______ 3. Presentation is organized and concepts are understood – see rubric. There is no slide requirement, but I need to be able to tell thought and effort were put into your slides.

_______ 4. Student takes detailed notes prior to creating presentation (note sheet attached).

_______ 5. Uses reliable websites (no Wikipedia, Quora, Answer, blogs- Weebly, etc.)

_______ 6. Group has an MLA Works Cited page at end of the slideshow.

_______ 7. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE DIRECTLY FROM WEBSITE – quotes are fine. If found to be copy and pasted -20 points off total score earned.

_______ 8. You may use ONE audio or video clip about your topic to enhance the presentation.

_______ 9. Group dynamics are positive and group goals are reached – see rubric.

_______ 10. When finished, emailed to me at Carolina.Sandlin@

Scoring Rubric

|Turned in on time |10 |5-0 | | |

| |Power Point is emailed |NOT submitted by morning of March | | |

| |or copy of pages turned |5th (late) | | |

| |in by 7:30 AM on | | | |

| |Thursday, March 5th | | | |

|Project is factual/uses reliable|5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

|websites |Uses accurate and |Uses accurate facts but reliability |Obvious incorrect information and|Filled with incorrect information|

| |reliable information |is questionable |reliability is questionable |and no reliability |

|Project exemplifies effort in |5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

|research |Very complete |Information somewhat complete |Information is missing; not well |Information is missing; poor |

| |information, knowledge |(missing some important facts); |researched; Somewhat familiar |research; Is not familiar with |

| |of topic evident |somewhat well researched; knowledge |with their topic |their topic |

| | |of topic is somewhat evident | | |

|Slides are neat (not too wordy) |5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

|and organized |Slides are neat and |Slides are somewhat neat and |Slides are not neat and not well |Slides are not neat and not well |

| |organized; easy to |organized (font too small; too many |organized (font too small, too |organized (font too small; too |

| |understand |words) |many words, too many errors) |many words, too many errors) |

|1 picture per slide requirement |5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

| |All slides have required|______ slides were missing 1 picture|______ slides were missing 2 | |

| |1 picture | |pictures |No pictures |

|Works Cited Page |5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

| |Work is cited |Work is cited in MLA with a few |Work is cited in MLA, but with |No works cited page or is not |

| |appropriately in MLA |errors |several errors |cited in MLA format |

|Presentation is 4-6 in length |5 |4-3 | |2-0 |

|with questions |4-6 minutes+ |2-4 minutes | |Less than 2 minutes |

|Group works well together/on |10 | | |0 |

|task |Partners worked together| | |Partners did not work together |

| |and communicated well | | |well, argued over presentation, |

| |and were consistently on| | |and were not on task. |

| |task | | | |

|ONE Audio or Video Clip |+ 5 | | |BONUS |

|(optional) |Audio/Video clip | | |+ |

| |included | | | |

| | | | | |

|TOTAL SCORE | | | |________/ 50 pts |

Note-taking sheet (repeat this process) Name: ________________________

|General information about topic/slide: |

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|Where I got this information from: |

|General information about this topic/slide: |

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|Where I got this information from: |

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|General information about subtopic: |

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|Where I got this information from: |

General information about subtopic:

Where I got this information from:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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