BrainPop Activity – World War II

BrainPop Activity – World War II

You are to login to the computer and watch at least 3 short movies on the topics listed below. You have to watch the first three movies listed before you can proceed to the last 2 movies.


1. Login to the computer

2. Click the blue link on your screen that says Brain Pop

1. When the page opens. On the top right hand part of the screen, you need to sign-in using the following information (please type it exactly how you see it):

USERNAME: senecaridge


And click GO

3. On the search box on the top right, you need to search for the following topics:

A. Holocaust

B. World War II Causes

C. World War II – Axis and Allies

Adolf Hitler

D. United Nations

Before to go to the next topic, you have to finish watching one movie and make sure that you answer the short quiz and print out your results. Example: The first movie you are watching is about the Holocaust, after you finish the movie, you need to take the quiz and print out your score. Only after then, you may proceed to the next topic on your list.

4. This activity will count as you class work grade. The Total points for this activity is 50 Points.


If you have any questions, please raise your hand.

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