Unit 4, Part 2 (The Cold War) Test Review


Unit 4, Part 2 (The Cold War) Test Review

1. Why did President Truman promise to support nations that tried to resist Soviet aggression?

2. Why did the Soviet Union choose not to participate in the Marshall Plan?

3. What did HUAC say and do about/to Hollywood movie stars during the 1950s?

4. Describe the causes and outcomes of the Korean War.

5. How did Joseph McCarty’s actions contribute to America’s fear of communism?

6. Why did the U.S. become involved in the Middle East after World War II?

7. Why did President Truman persuade Congress to give $400 million dollars to help Turkey and Greece?

8. When and why did the Berlin airlift begin?

9. Explain how the concept of collective security played a part in the formation of NATO.

10. What was the major goal of the U.S. in its policy with Latin America throughout the Cold War?

11. Why did the Soviet Union use satellite nations to create a buffer zone around “Mother Russia” after World War II? How did they accomplish this?

12. Describe four specific examples of political conflicts and military tensions that existed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War.

13. Why did the Marshall Plan focus on trying to create stable democracies in Europe?

14. What was Truman’s reaction when the Soviet Union created and tested its first atomic weapon?

15. How were U.S. citizen’s civil rights affected by Joseph McCarthy and the government’s hunt for communists in the U.S.?

16. Describe how it was that after World War II Korea was divided into two separate countries, one communist and one pro-democratic.

17. Describe the United Nation’s involvement in Korea.

18. Why did the U.S. lag behind in our missile development compared to the Soviet Union?

19. Describe how the U.S. used the policy of deterrence to deter the Soviets from attacking the U.S. or our allies.

20. Describe how the launching of Sputnik I instilled fear in the American people. What did our government do after the launch of Sputnik?

21. What is a transistor? What major effect did it have on technology after it was invented?

22. How did television help increase economic growth in the U.S.?

23. What led to computers becoming more widespread in the U.S. during the 1950s?

24. What was the Soviet response to President Kennedy’s increase in U.S. military spending and military buildup of U.S. forces?

25. What event sparked the start of the Space Race?

26. Describe the U.S. role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion.

27. Why did the Soviet Union build the Berlin Wall?

28. Describe the events that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis and explain how the U.S. brought an end to the crisis.

29. Why did the United States create NASA is 1958?


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