World War I Study Guide

World War II/Holocaust Study Guide

The following terms and questions serve as a guide for you to review as you study for the upcoming test. The test will consist of a few written responses within which you will need to use specific evidence.

|Treaty of Versailles |Munich Conference |Rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazism |

|Great Depression |Nonaggression pact |Mein Kampf |

|Fascism |Charles de Gaulle |Lebensraum |

|Communism |Winston Churchill |Nazi Youth |

|Totalitarianism |Neville Chamberlain |Origins/History of Anti-Semitism |

|Mussolini |Rhineland |Scapegoating |

|Stalin |Sudentenland |Genocide |

|Axis Powers vs. Allies |Crisis in Czechoslovakia |“Aryan Race” |

|Isolationism |Invasion of Poland |Stages of the Holocaust |

|Appeasement |Total War |Victims of the Holocaust |

|Milgram experiment |Destruction of Civilian Targets |Resistance to the Holocaust |

Be able to answer the following questions or a blend of these questions on the test:

1. What factors led to totalitarian leaders gaining power during the 1920s and 1930s in Europe?

2. How did life change for the people in a totalitarian state?

3. How and why did WWII begin?

4. What factors led up to the Holocaust? How and why is genocide possible?

5. What impact did total war have on civilians during World War II?

Readings to review:

• Anti-Semitism and the Danger and Power of Mythical Thinking

• Totalitarianism: Communism vs. Fascism

• Why Do Good People Do Evil Things? (The Milgram experiment)


• Totalitarianism: Case Study (Stalin) (Ch. 14.2)

• Stages of the Holocaust (also in Ch. 16.3)

• Rise of Nazism & Hitler (Ch.15.3)

Textbook Chapters:

• Chapters 15.4, 16.1


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