Grosse Pointe Public Schools

Study Guide for World War II Test: Monday, March 31 – 80 Points (40 Questions)Chapters: 16 and 17. p.528-599Resources: Packet/Study Guide online. Jeopardy PowerPoint online Thursday. What to Study: Study your packet and homework, propaganda packet, and notesTerms/People to Know for Ch. 1634867853302000StalinHitlerMussoliniFDRWinston ChurchillFascismGenocide AppeasementNazism/NSDAPHolocaustAxis/AlliesKristallnachtBlitzkriegAppeasementSoviet-Nazi non-aggression pactQuestions to Consider for Ch. 16Characteristics of Adolf Hitler as a youth, and a leader. How did he come to power? What was his platform?Was the blitzkrieg effective?What groups did Nazis deem unfit to belong to the Aryan “master race”?What congressional measures paved the way for the U.S. entry into World War II?Why did the U.S. enter World War IITerms/People to Know for Ch. 17Manhattan ProjectRationingDwight D. EisenhowerD-DayV-E DayDouglas MacArthurHiroshima/NagasakiGI Bill of RightsLiberty bondsCountry highest war dead?Big 3Rosie the RiveterBattle of the BulgeQuestions to Consider for Ch. 17How did the federal government’s actions influence civilian life during World War II?What role did the media play in helping the country mobilize?How did the Allies win control of the Atlantic between 1941 and 1945?Significance of Battle of StalingradHow did the Battle of the Bulge signal the end for the Nazis? And an end of WWII in Europe?Describe the island war in the Pacific.Why did Truman decide to use the Atomic Bomb? ................

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