

|make a move against |يقوم بتحرك ضد |legally |بشكل قانوني |

|bow |ينحني |go hunting |يذهب للصيد |

|duties |واجبات |so be it |ليكن الأمر كذلك |

|the opposite side |الجانب المقابل |a low hill |تل منخفض |

|a hunting trip |رحلة صيد |relative |أحد الأقارب |

|a large party of |مجموعة كبيرة من |brave |شجاع |

|set (him) free |يحـرره |unfortunately |لسوء الحظ |

|criminal |مجرم |the woods |الغابة |

|upstairs |الطابق الأعلى |downstairs |الطابق الأسفل |

|messenger |رسول |bullet |رصاصة |

|stab |يطعن |ride off |ينطلق بحصانه بعيدا |

|spy |جاسوس |encouragement |تشجيع |

|attack |يهاجم |wicked |شرير |

|stone pipe |أنبوب من حجر |chains |قيود |

|call out to |ينادي بصوت عال |weight |ثقل |

|pulse |نبض |rude |وقح |

|miracle |معجزة |betray |يخون |

|otherwise |وإلا | | |

Answer the following questions:

1) Who did King Rassendyll trust to keep the future of Ruritania safe?

♥He trusted Marshal Strakencz.

2) Why did Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz decide to make a move against Michael?

♥They decided so because the King was imprisoned and they wanted to save him.

3) When could Duke Michael legally become King?

♥ He could only legally become King if he married Princess Flavia.

4) What must Marshal Strakencz promise King Rassendyll to do?

♥He must promise to protect Princess Flavia from Duke Michael.

5) Why did Princess Flavia feel worried when Rassendyll told her he was going to hunt Michael?

♥She felt worried because she thought it would be dangerous.

6) What did Rassendyll ask Flavia to do if he didn't come back from Zenda?

♥He asked her to become the Queen of Ruritania.

7) Who accompanied اصطحب King Rassendyll to Zenda?

♥Sapt, Fritz, a large party of servants and ten brave and strong men that he trusted accompanied him to Zenda.

8) What did Rassendyll tell his men about their mission?

♥He told them that Michael tried to kill the King and that a good friend of the King's was held prisoner in the Castle and it was their job to set him free.

9) Where did Rassendyll and his men stay in the forest?

♥They stayed at a country house called Tarlenheim which belonged to a relative of Fritz.

10) Who visited King Rassendyll at the country house of Tarlenheim?

♥Three of Michael's Six Men visited him.

11) According to Sapt, who was the worst criminal of Michael's Six Men?

♥Rupert Hentzau was the worst criminal of them all

12) What did Rupert Hentzau tell Rassendyll about Duke Michael?

♥ Many of his men had a dangerous illness and that it would be better for Rassendyll and his men to stay away.

13) What did Rassendyll ask the innkeeper's daughter to do?

♥He asked her to bring Johann to the country house where they stayed and not to tell anyone that she had seen the King.

14) Who was Bernenstein?

♥He was a trusted gentleman who helped to save the King.

15) What happened to Bernenstein in the woods?

♥He was riding alone in the woods when someone shot him.

16) Why couldn't Duke Michael and his men say in public that Rassendyll wasn't the real King?

♥ Because people then would know that they had kidnapped the real King.

17) Rupert Hentzau told Rassendyll about Michael's new offer to him. Illustrate.

♥Duke Michael offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.

18) How was Rupert Hentzau able to trick Rudolf Rassendyll and injure him at Tarlenheim?

♥Rupert Hentzau pretended that he wanted to shake hands with Rassendyll. He stepped nearer to Rassendyll and suddenly stabbed him in the shoulder with his knife.

19) Why would Johann be in trouble if Michael's plan to kill the King succeeded?

♥He would be in trouble because he knew too much.

20) How could Johann be very useful to Rassendyll?

♥As Johann worked at the Castle of Zenda, he would make the perfect spy for Rassendyll.

21) According to Johann, why did he work for Michael?

♥ Because he was afraid of him not because he liked him.

22) Where was the King kept at the Castle of Zenda?

♥The King was kept in chains in a room with a small window.

23) What would happen if some people attacked the Castle?

=How did Michael plan to get rid of the King's body?

♥Detchard would kill the King and the body would be put down the pipe that led down to the moat.and the weight of his chains would keep the body under water.

24) What would happen if the Castle was attacked by a large group of soldiers?

♥Michael's men would kill the King and put him down the pipe leading to the moat. One of Michael's men would take the King's place. So, it would seem that Michael was keeping one of the Six Men as a prisoner because he had been rude to Antoinette de Mauban. No one would believe that the King was ever there.

25) Even if Rudolf Rassendyll remained King forever, he would never be safe. Explain.

♥Without proving that Michael had killed the real King, Michael would still be there in his Castle, waiting for his opportunity to take the crown.

26) Did King Rudolf Elphberg know about Michael's plan to kill him?

♥Yes, he did.

27) Who else knew about Michael's plan to kill the King?

♥Max Holf (Johann's brother) knew about it.

28) What was Max Holf's role in Michael's plan to kill the King?

♥Max helped to put up the pipe to the prison window.

29) According to Rassendyll, there were two ways in which the King could come out of Zenda alive. Illustrate.

♥One way was to have a miracle and the other way was if one of the Duke’s men betrayed him.

Read the quotations and answer the questions:

1) “You must promise that you’ll protect Princess Flavia from the Duke.”

Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Marshal Strakencz.

Why do you think Princess Flavia needed protection from the duke?

♥The Duke could only legally become King if he married the princess as his mother wasn’t royal. The Duke might force the Princess to marry him.

What was the addressed person’s job?

♥He was an important person in the Ruritanian army.

2) "As you know, his mother wasn’t royal and he can only legally become King if he marries the Princess.”

Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Marshal Strakencz.

Who are they talking about?

♥They are talking about Duke Michael.

Who did Princess Flavia want to marry?

♥She wanted to marry Rudolf Elphberg.

3) "The writing is a little different from your usually. I hope people know it’s a real order from the King.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Marshal Strakencz said this to King Rassendyll.

What does the speaker think is the reason that the handwriting is different? What is the real reason?

♥He thinks the reason is that Rassendyll’s finger was injured. The real reason is that Rudolf Rassendyll is not the real King.

Why is it important that the handwriting be the same?

♥….so that people will know that it is a real order from the King.

4) "So, you’d prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the Capital?”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Princess Flavia said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

When did the person say this?

♥The day after the ball, when Rassendyll was saying goodbye to go to Zenda to hunt Michael.

What animal was Rudolf Rassendyll going to hunt?

♥He was going to hunt Duke Michael.

5) "I don’t really know what’s going on, but I’ll do whatever is right for Ruritania.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Princess Flavia said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

When was this said?

♥This was said when Rudolf Rassendyll told Flavia that he was going to hunt Michael and that if he didn’t come back, Flavia would become the Queen of Ruritania.

When could Duke Michael legally become king?

♥He could legally become King if he married the Princess.

6) "If I don’t come back, you must become Queen for me.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Princess Flavia.

Where was the speaker going? Why?

♥He was going to Zenda to save King Rudolf Elphberg who was held prisoner at the Castle of Zenda.

Who would help that person to become Queen?

♥Marshal Strakencz would.

7) "And what of your friends De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard? I heard that Detchard was injured.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Rupert Hentzau.

When was this said?

♥When Rupert Hentzau went to Tarlenheim to see Rudolf Rassendyll.

Where and when was Detchard injured?

♥He was injured at the summer house when Rudolf Rassendyll shot him as Michael’s men were trying to kill Rassendyll.

8) "That Rupert is the worst criminal of them all.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Colonel Sapt said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Who was Rupert?

♥He was one of Michael’s Six Men.

Why did the speaker believe that Michael’s men were criminals?

♥They were loyal to Michael. They would do whatever Michael asked them to do. They would even kill for Michael.

9) "You’re the King. I remembered you when you stayed with us. I told my mother you weren’t really an English man and that you were the King! I am sorry if we said anything bad when you stayed with us.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥The hotel owner’s daughter said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Where was this said?

♥It was said at the hotel where Rassendyll spent his first night in Ruritania.

Why did the speaker go back to that place?

♥He went there to ask the hotel owner’s daughter to bring Johann because he wanted Johann to work as a spy for him.

10) "He never comes here anymore. He works at the Castle now.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥The hotel owner’s daughter said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Who does “he” refer to?

♥It refers to Johann Holf.

What did the addressed person want the speaker to do?

♥He wanted her to bring Johann to him because he wanted Johann to work as a spy for him.

11) "But you’re still friends and you must ask to see him. Tell him to meet you tomorrow night at 10 o’clock, and then bring him to our house.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to the hotel owner’s daughter.

Who were they talking about?

♥They were talking about Johann Holf.

Why did the speaker want very much to see that person?

♥He wanted Johann to work as a spy for him as he worked at the Castle of Zenda when the King was held prisoner.

12) "It seems that it’s dangerous to ride in this area unless you’re in a large group.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Colonel Sapt said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Where was this said?

♥This was said at the country house that belonged to a relative of Fritz.

What happened that made the speaker say this?

♥One of Rudolf Rassendyll’s men went out alone in the woods. He saw three men in the trees and one of them shot him.

13) "He’s upstairs in bed with a bullet in his arm. The next bullet could be for you.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Colonel Sapt said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Who was the speaker talking about? Who shot that person?

♥He was talking about Bernenstein, one of Rassendyll’s men. One of Michael’s men shot him while he was riding alone in the woods.

Who do you think would try to kill the addressed person? Why?

♥Michael and his men would try to kill Rudolf Rassendyll as this was part of Michael’s plan to become the King.

14) "If you do not know how to address the King, my brother must find another messenger.”

a- Who did Rassendyll say this to?

♥He said this to Rupert Hentzau.

Where were they?

♥They were at the country house that belonged to a relative of Fritz.

Why did he say this?

♥He said this because Rupert spoke to him rudely as he didn’t address him as a King.

15) "Why do you continue to pretend? We all know who you are.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rupert Hentzau said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Why did the speaker say this?

♥He said this because Rassendyll wanted Rupert to address him as a King.

What was the purpose of the speaker’s visit?

♥Rupert brought a message from Michael to Rassendyll. Michael offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.

16) "But you can’t say that in public, can you? Because then people would know you’ve kidnapped the real King.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Rupert Hentzau.

What couldn’t those people say in public?

♥They couldn’t say that Rudolf Rassendyll wasn’t the real King.

What was the only way for Michael to become King?

♥His only way was to kill the King and Rudolf Rassendyll and marry Princess Flavia.

17) "You know the game’s not finished yet, and until it is, I will choose my own name.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Rupert Hentzau.

When was this said?

♥This was said when Rupert went to see Rudolf Rassendyll at Tarlenheim to give him a message from Michael.

Why did the speaker say the game hasn’t finished?

♥Rupert asked Rudolf Rassendyll to stop pretending that he was the King as everybody knew who he was. Rudolf believed that Michael couldn’t say in public that Rudolf Rassendyll wasn’t the King as people would know then that he had kidnapped the King.

18) "The Duke offers you more than I would. He offers you a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rupert Hentzau said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Why did the Duke want that person to leave the country?

♥He wanted him to leave the country so that he could become King after getting rid of the King.

Did the addressed person accept or refuse the offer?

♥He refused the offer.

19) "Tell the Duke that I refuse his generous offer. How’s his prisoner by the way?”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Rupert Hentzau.

What was that offer the speaker refused?

♥Duke Michael offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.

Who was the prisoner and where was he?

♥The prisoner was King Rudolf Elphberg and he was imprisoned at the Castle of Zenda.

20) "Good, now go from here, while you can.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Rupert Hentzau.

What does the phrase “while you can” mean?

♥It means that if Rupert didn’t do away, Rassendyll would kill him.

What terrible thing did the addressed person do before riding off?

♥He pretended that he wanted to shake hands with Rassendyll, and then he suddenly stabbed him in the shoulder with his knife.

21) "The doctor says your arm will soon be better. And the good news is that your plan has worked, for the girl has brought Johann to the house.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Fritz said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

What happened to that person’s arm?

♥Rupert Hentzau stabbed Rudolf Rassendyll in the shoulder with his knife.

Who was the girl and why did she bring Johann to the house?

♥The girl was the hotel owner’s daughter. She brought Johann to the Tarlenheim because Rudolf Rassendyll wanted him to work as a spy for him and give him information about the Castle of Zenda.

22) "So, when Michael arrived at the Castle, he could say that he was only keeping one of the Six Men as prisoner.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Johann said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

When would Michael keep one of the Six Men as prisoner?

♥He would do this after killing the King if the castle was attacked by a large group of soldiers.

Why was Duke Michael’s plan to get rid of the King very clever?

♥When he keeps one of his men as prisoner for being rude to Antoinette de Mauban, after killing the King, no one would believe that the King was ever there.

23) "It’s a very clever plan. Rassendyll, I think that this time next year, you’ll still be the King.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Colonel Sapt said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Which plan was the speaker referring to?

♥It was Michael’s plan to kill the King and get rid of his body by putting it in the pipe leading down to the Castle moat if some people attacked the Castle.

Why did the speaker think Rassendyll would still be King after a year?

♥He thought so because Duke Michael couldn’t tell anyone that Rassendyll wasn’t the real King as people would then know that Michael kidnapped Rudolf Elphberg.

24) "It’s not easy to sleep at the Castle of Zenda because no one feels safe. Everyone in it is a criminal, except the King.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Johann Holf said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Why did the speaker say everyone at the Castle “except the King” was a criminal”?

♥The King was held a prisoner at the Castle. Michael and his men wanted to kill the King so that Michael could be the King.

Who wanted to rescue the King?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz wanted to rescue the King.

25) "We can help you if you keep your promises; otherwise you’ll never be safe again.”

a- Who said this to whom?

♥Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Johann Holf.

Which promises was the addressed person asked to keep?

♥Johann promised Rudolf Rassendyll to help him rescue the King, Rudolf Elphberg, who was held prisoner at the Castle of Zenda.

Why did the addressed person agree to help the speaker?

♥Johann agreed to help Rassendyll because he didn’t like Duke Michael as he thought that the Duke and his men were criminals.

Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences:

Rudolf Rassendyll had to trust Rose to keep the future of Ruritania safe.

Marshal Strakencz promised Rudolf Rassendyll to protect Countess Amelia from the Duke.

Duke Michael could only legally become King if he divorced Countess Rose.

Rudolf Rassendyll told Flavia that he was leaving Strelsau to go shopping.

Rudolf Rassendyll said that he was going to hunt a very big animal, by which he meant Colonel Sapt.

Rudolf Rassendyll told Princess Flavia that if he didn’t come back from London, she must become the Queen of Ruritania.

Rudolf Rassendyll, Fritz and Sapt stayed at a modern country house called Tarlenheim which belonged to a relative of Amelia.

Rudolf Rassendyll told his men that Fritz had tried to kill him.

Rudolf Rassendyll told his men that a good friend of the King’s was held prisoner in the palace.

No sooner had Rassendyll and his men arrived at the Tarlenheim country house than they were visited by two of Michael’s famous Six Men.

Rupert Hentzau told Rudolf Rassendyll that the Duke and many of his servants had good health, so it was best if Rassendyll and his men stayed away.

Rupert Hentzau told Rassendyll that he and his friends needed to get back to the Castle because they had important rights.

Colonel Sapt believed that Detchard was the worst criminal of Michael’s Six Men.

At the inn, the hotel owner’s daughter praised Rassendyll for saying bad things about the King.

Rudolf Rassendyll asked Fritz to bring Johann to the Tarlenheim country house.

While Bernenstein was out alone in the woods, he was eaten by a wild animal.

It was dangerous to ride in the area surrounding the Tarlenheim country house as Michael’s men were waiting for a chance to greet Rudolf Rassendyll.

Michael couldn’t say in public that Rassendyll wasn’t the real King as people would know that he had respected the real King.

Duke Michael offered Rassendyll a safe journey to New York and a million gold pieces.

Rupert Hentzau told Rassendyll that King Rudolf Elphberg was still asleep at the Castle of Zenda.

Rupert Hentzau pretended that he wanted to shake hands with Rassendyll, and then he shot him in the shoulder with his gun.

Rudolf Rassendyll was angry at letting himself be deceived by Johann Holf who stabbed him in the shoulder.

If Michael’s plan to take the crown succeeded, Fritz would be in trouble because he knew too much.

With the right encouragement, Colonel Sapt could be the perfect spy for Rudolf Rassendyll.

Johann said he worked for Fritz because he was afraid of him not because he liked him.

Johann was kept in chains in a room with a small window.

If the Castle of Zenda was attacked, Michael’s men would release the King.

From the window of the room where the King was imprisoned, there was a large stone pipe that led down to the sea.

If the King was killed, his body would be put down the pipe and the weight of his chains would keep the body above water.

If the Castle was attacked, Michael planned to keep Fritz as prisoner because he’d been rude to Antoinette, so no one would believe that the King was ever there.

Without proving that Michael had killed the King, Fritz cannot remain King forever.

According to Johann, everyone at the Castle of Zenda was a criminal except Max Holf.

Rudolf Rassendyll told Max Holf not to tell anyone that the King was held prisoner at the Castle of Zenda.

Rassendyll's writing was identical to the real King's writing.

Fritz owns the country house called Tarlenheim.

The ten brave and strong gentlemen who were with Rassendyll at Tarlenheim knew that Rassendyll was not the real King.

Duke Michael visited Rassendyll at Tarlenheim.

Johann worked for Duke Michael because he loved him.

If the Duke killed the King, he would put the body into the moat with stones on it to keep it under water.

Rassendyll thought it would be easy to rescue the King.


Rudolf Rassendyll had to trust Marshal Strakencz to keep the future of Ruritania safe.

Marshal Strakencz promised Rudolf Rassendyll to protect Princess Flavia from the Duke.

Duke Michael could only legally become King if he married Princess Flavia.

Rudolf Rassendyll told Flavia that he was leaving Strelsau to go hunting.

Rudolf Rassendyll said that he was going to hunt a very big animal, by which he meant Duke Michael.

Rudolf Rassendyll told Princess Flavia that if he didn’t come back from Zenda, she must become the Queen of Ruritania.

Rudolf Rassendyll, Fritz and Sapt stayed at a modern country house called Tarlenheim which belonged to a relative of Fritz.

Rudolf Rassendyll told his men that Duke Michael had tried to kill him.

Rudolf Rassendyll told his men that a good friend of the King’s was held prisoner in the Castle of Zenda.

No sooner had Rassendyll and his men arrived at the Tarlenheim country house than they were visited by three of Michael’s famous Six Men.

Rupert Hentzau told Rudolf Rassendyll that the Duke and many of his servants had a dangerous illness, so it was best if Rassendyll and his men stayed away.

Rupert Hentzau told Rassendyll that he and his friends needed to get back to the Castle because they had important duties.

Colonel Sapt believed that Rupert Hentzau was the worst criminal of Michael’s Six Men.

At the inn, the hotel owner’s daughter apologized to Rassendyll for saying bad things about the King.

Rudolf Rassendyll asked the innkeeper's daughter to bring Johann to the Tarlenheim country house.

While Bernenstein was out alone in the woods, he was shot in the arm by one of Michael's men.

It was dangerous to ride in the area surrounding the Tarlenheim country house as Michael’s men were waiting for a chance to kill Rudolf Rassendyll.

Michael couldn’t say in public that Rassendyll wasn’t the real King as people would know that he had kidnapped the real King.

Duke Michael offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.

Rupert Hentzau told Rassendyll that King Rudolf Elphberg was still alive at the Castle of Zenda.

Rupert Hentzau pretended that he wanted to shake hands with Rassendyll, and then he stabbed him in the shoulder with his knife.

Rudolf Rassendyll was angry at letting himself be deceived by Rupert Hentzau who stabbed him in the shoulder.

If Michael’s plan to take the crown succeeded, Johann Holf would be in trouble because he knew too much.

With the right encouragement, Johann Holf could be the perfect spy for Rudolf Rassendyll.

Johann said he worked for Duke Michael because he was afraid of him not because he liked him.

King Rudolf Elphberg was kept in chains in a room with a small window.

If the Castle of Zenda was attacked, Michael’s men would kill the King.

From the window of the room where the King was imprisoned, there was a large stone pipe that led down to the moat.

If the King was killed, his body would be put down the pipe and the weight of his chains would keep the body under water.

If the Castle was attacked, Michael planned to keep one of the Six Men as prisoner because he’d been rude to Antoinette, so no one would believe that the King was ever there.

Without proving that Michael had killed the King, Rudolf Rassendyll cannot remain King forever.

According to Johann, everyone at the Castle of Zenda was a criminal except the King.

Rudolf Rassendyll told Johann Holf not to tell anyone that the King was held prisoner at the Castle of Zenda.

Rassendyll's writing was different from the real King's writing.

A relative of Fritz owns the country house called Tarlenheim.

The ten brave and strong gentlemen who were with Rassendyll at Tarlenheim didn't know that Rassendyll was not the real King.

Duke Michael didn't visit Rassendyll at Tarlenheim.

Johann worked for Duke Michael because he was afraid of him.

If the Duke killed the King, he would put the body into the moat with chains on it to keep it under water.

Rassendyll thought it would be so hard to rescue the King.


Answer the following questions:

Rassendyll's writing is different from the King's writing. How might this difference be a problem for Marshal Strakencz?

What message did Michael send to Rassendyll when he was staying at Tarlenheim?

Give an example to show that Rupert Hentzau was a criminal.

Who did Rassendyll want to work as a spy for him?

What reason did Duke Michael give for not visiting King Rassendyll or inviting him to his castle?

Read the quotations and answer the questions:

1) "I'll forgive you if you promise to help us..."

a- Who said this to whom?

b- Where was this said?

c- What kind of help did the speaker need from the addressed person?

2) "And tell no one that you have seen the King. Do you understand?"

a- Who said this to whom?

b- When was this said?

c- What was the addressed person's job?

2) "There are two ways in which the King can come out of Zenda alive?"

a- Who said this to whom?

b- Where was this said?

c- What are the two ways in which the King can come out of Zenda alive?

Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1) Rassendyll and Fritz went to the inn at Zenda to spend the weekend.

2) Rassendyll wanted Johann to work as a guard for him.

3) Bernenstein was shot in the arm while he was at the inn.

4) Sapt helped to put up the pipe to the prison window.

5) If one of Michael's men betrayed him, there would be a chance for the King to get killed.


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