Sample Bishop Letter - Our Lady of Peace Church

[pic]Guide to writing your Bishop letter


Dear Bishop Persico,

Start with a paragraph about yourself. Include your first and last name, your age, where you go to school and what parish you are from.

For question #1, begin a new paragraph and start it by saying, I feel that I am ready for the Sacrament of Confirmation because…

For each new section, begin a new paragraph. #2 and #3 can be combined in the same paragraph. Begin this way, The saint’s name that I have chosen is _______. Give some info on your saint. Then write, The characteristics of St. ___ that I would like to model in my life are….

The next paragraph is about your sponsor. Please write the name of your sponsor and then tell why you chose that person to be your sponsor.

#5 and #6 can also be combined in the next paragraph. Begin writing I have OR I have not yet prayed to God asking that He reveal my vocation in life (tell a little about that). Then write, I feel that I am being/ I am not being called to be a priest, deacon or religious brother (for boys) or girls, write, I feel that I am being/ I am not being called to be a religious sister.

#7 and #8 can be combined in this paragraph. The service projects that I have been involved in this year are….. My experience while doing my service projects……

The last paragraph talks about the Confirmation retreat. Please make sure you are aware of the theme of this retreat before you leave that day. You will say what the theme was and what the most meaningful part was for you.

Sincerely or Cordially (pick one)

Sign your name in ink

Type your name here.


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