Letters to Congress—Project #2

Letters to Pennsylvania Assembly Project

(50 points total)

Name: ____________________

Date: ______________

Block: _____


Writing letters is the most time-honored way to communicate with your elected representatives. Even though, you cannot vote, you can take part in the legislation process. Follow the steps outlined on this assignment sheet to write a Letter to our General Assembly.

The Assignment:

Choose who you will write to and what you will write about. Below are the current senators and current Representative for our area of Pennsylvania. Your letter must be about an issue related to a committee that our senators or representative belongs to or an issue from the attached list at the end of the packet.

Representative David Hinkernell

B12 Main Capital Building

PO Box 202098

Harrisburg, PA 17120-2098

• Agriculture / Rural Affairs

• Professional Licensing (Vice Chair)

• Transportation

Senator Mike Folmer

170 Main Capital Building

Harrisburg, PA 17120

• Communication / Technology (Chair)

• Education (Vice Chair)

• Labor / Industry

• Urban Affairs / Housing

Representative Tom Creighton

400 Irvis Office Building

PO Box 202037

Harrisburg, PA 17120-2037

• Judicial

• Local Government (Chair)

How should I research my letter?

• Prior to writing your letter, brainstorm ideas about your issue by answering the questions below. If you need more information, do some research on your chosen representative’s website or online.

1. What is your issue and what is causing the problem?

2. Why is your issue an important one for you as a Pennsylvanian and a constituent of this representative? How is it affecting you personally?

3. What can this Congressman do to fix the problem?

How should I set up my letter?

1. Rough Draft (10 points): Each student will be required to complete a rough draft of his or her letter. This is done to (a) giving Mr. H an idea of what your issue is and how you are attacking it and (b) to make sure you are pacing yourself and not procrastinating. Letters should be composed in a formal letter format (see attachment for more specifics) and hard copies should be turned into Mr. H on ________________ no later than 3:00pm.

1. Final Copy (40 points): Final drafts should be typed neatly, edited, and ready to go for sending. Be sure to follow the formal letter format and make sure that your letter meets all the stipulations on the project rubric (see attachment for more specifics). Also, make sure your letter is included with an address envelope (both sending and return addresses) and proper postage. ALL FINAL DRAFT HARD COPIES SHOULD BE TURING IN TO MR. H ON ________________ NO LATER THAN 3:00pm. For every day late Mr. H will deduct 5 points. No letter will be accepted after the assigned due date.

**Remember to ask questions whenever you are confused about something.


Formal Letter Format

Your Address

(Full Name, Address, etc.)

Due Date

Full Name of the Congressional Representative (Mr. or Mrs.)

Title (Senator or Representative, United States Congress)

(Their Address)

Dear Senator / Representative _________:

1st Paragraph (Introduction):

• Start by introducing yourself in a friendly way

• State the purpose of your letter and the issue you are writing about

• Remember your audience and write passionately.

• This section of the letter should be only a few sentences; save the details of your issue for the body of your letter (the 2nd Paragraph)

2nd Paragraph (Body Paragraph):

• Start your body paragraph by justifying your issue is an important one to you and the state of Pennsylvania

• Explain why it is important to you personally and what your Congressman can do to try and fix this issue. Offer your own advise, suggestions, or proposals as well.

• Use good background information and supports to back up your points.

• Keep this section to the point(s) you are making; you do not want to bore your reader or make it look like you are writing an school essay

• Remember to be polite and refrain for personal attacks or insults.

3rd Paragraph (Closure)

• Restate your purpose for writing your letter

• Politely request that your Congressman take action on this issue

• Make sure you thank for Congressman for their time and end your letter in friendly manner

Respectfully yours,

(Leave 4 or more space for your signature)

Your Full Name


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