Writing - Weebly

Buncombe County Schools

Learning Targets for ELA Common Core Standards


Grade 8 Writing

|Grade Specific Standard |Learning Targets |Activities/Strategies |Resources |Formative Assessment Suggestions |

| |(I can statements) |(What strategies/activities could we use to |(What text could we use to teach this |(What are ways to formatively check for |

| | |teach this learning target?) |learning target?) |understanding while teaching this learning|

| | | | |target?) |

|1. Write arguments to support claims with |- - I can introduce claims and organize|-Pros/Cons T-Chart |-Rick Welsh LP |-Teacher Observation throughout |

|clear reasons and relevant evidence. |my reasons and evidence logically. |-“Rat and Garbage Man” Activity |-Novel Study/Tic Tac Toe Projects |lessons/activities |

| |--I can acknowledge and distinguish |-2 Point of View Journal Entries |-Empowering Writers Book | |

| |alternate or opposing claims. |-“Yes, but…” Activity |-Thinking Maps | |

| |- I can use a variety of persuasive |-Mini Lesson on Credible Sources (MLK, Jr. | | |

| |writing techniques to develop a logical|Sites) | | |

| |and accurate argument. |-Conclusion Flow Map | | |

| |-- I can support claims with clear |-Peer Editing Activity | | |

| |reasons and relevant evidence. | | | |

| |- - I can use vocabulary to inform or | | | |

| |persuade using evidence to create | | | |

| |cohesive arguments addressing | | | |

| |counterclaims. | | | |

| |- I can establish and maintain a formal| | | |

| |style. | | | |

| |- - I can conclude and support my | | | |

| |argument effectively. | | | |

|2. Write informative/explanatory texts to |I can select, organize and analyze |-Thinking maps |-Edsitement Website “Great Chicago | |

|examine a topic and convey ideas, |content. |-Research based information such as |Fire” | |

|concepts, and information through the | |documents, quotes, etc. |-Textbook “Eyewitness” Jack London | |

|selection, organization, and analysis of |I can introduce a topic so it previews |-Peer editing sessions; -Non-fiction texts |-Martin Luther King Jr. Speech/Video | |

|relevant content. |what is to follow. |-Speech Analysis |source | |

| | | |Write for the Future—definition writing| |

| |I can use text features in my | |lesson | |

| |infomrational writing to aid | | | |

| |comprehension. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can develop the topic with relevant | | | |

| |facts, definitions, quotations, and | | | |

| |examples. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can use appropriate and varied | | | |

| |transitions. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can utilize precise language to | | | |

| |inform or explain a topic. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can establish and maintain a formal | | | |

| |style. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can provide a concluding statement | | | |

| |supporting information presented. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can examine and convey complex ideas | | | |

| |clearly and accurately | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can utilize the writing process (see | | | |

| |w5) in order to write | | | |

| |informative/explanatory text. | | | |

|3. Write narratives to develop real or |I can develop a narrative, using real |-Introduction Brace Map |-Memoirs, Non-Fiction, -Eye-Witness |-Teacher Observation throughout each step |

|imagined experiences or events using |or imagined experiences, utilizing the |-Supporting Details Tree Map |Accounts |of process |

|effective technique, well-chosen details, |writing process. |-Conclusion Flow Map |“The Great Chicago Fire” |-Peer Editing and Self Editing (Color |

|and well-structured sequences. | |-Characterization Chart |-Thinking Maps |Coding Activity) |

| |I can develop the narrative with |-Summer Plot Diagram Projects |-Summer Plot Project Packet (rubric and|-Summer Plot Diagram Narrative |

| |relevant, well-chosen details, | |instructions) | |

| |definitions, quotes, and examples. |Letter writing activity focusing on dialect, |-characterization chart using “Be-ers | |

| | |written from the perspective of one character |and Do-ers” (Crossroads book) | |

| |I can structure events and details in a|in a novel to someone not in story—involves | | |

| |logical sequence. |inferencing, point of view, details. | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can engage the reader by introducing |“What happened after” writing activity done | | |

| |the narrator and point of view. |when students complete a short story such as | | |

| | |“The Tell-tale Heart.” Write a narrative from | | |

| |I can use narrative techniques such as |the perspective of a character in the story | | |

| |dialogue, pacing, and description to |about future events.—requires inferencing, | | |

| |develop events and characters. |predicting, and characterizaion. | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can use a variety of transitional | | | |

| |words and phrases. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can use precise words and phrases and| | | |

| |sensory language to convey experiences | | | |

| |and events. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can write a conclusion that reflects | | | |

| |the narrated experiences and events. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|4. Produce clear and coherent writing in |I can recognize a variety of writing |-Brace Map |-Empowering Writers | |

|which the development, organization, and |purposes. |-Transition Words List |-Thinking Maps | |

|style are appropriate to task, purpose, | | | | |

|and audience. |I can determine the appropriate format |-Peer Editing Share-time | | |

| |for individual audiences, tasks and |-Study of mentor text that is written for a | | |

| |purposes. |specific audience. Ex: student written letters | | |

| | |to editor/principal, notes to a friend, love | | |

| |I can produce a clear and coherent |letters, advertisements, advice columns, etc. | | |

| |piece as determined by audience, task |Use these to model writing to a target | | |

| |and purpose. |audience. Give students a copy of mentor text;| | |

| | |have them highlight different text features | | |

| | |such as pronouns, transition words, use of | | |

| | |slang, propaganda, and dialect. | | |

|5. Develop and strengthen writing as |I can develop and strengthen my writing|-Introduction Brace Map |-Memoirs (student) |Teacher Observation throughout each step |

|needed by planning, revising, editing, |by utilizing the writing process: |-Supporting Details Tree Map |-Prompts: “Stop the Sun”, |of process |

|rewriting, or trying a new approach. |planning, revising, editing, |-Conclusion Flow Map |novel prompts, persuasive speech, |Peer Editing and Self Editing (Color |

| |re-writing. |-Brainstorming during pre-writing step. Use of|interview (peer/event) |Coding Activity) |

| | |circle maps or bubble maps. Shared time to |-”Hero” prompt | |

| |I can develop and strengthen my writing|orally rehearse (map/walk/map time) with peers.|-Color Coding activity | |

| |by selecting the best approach based on|Students will add to their maps during peer | | |

| |the audience and purpose. |discussion. | | |

| | |-Writing process beginning as a journal | | |

| | |activity that is later developed past the | | |

| | |pre-writing stage. | | |

|6. Use technology, including the Internet,|-I can use technology to produce and |-Microsoft Word |-Google Docs | |

|to produce and publish writing and present|publish my writing. |-Peer Editing Checklist |-Self editing/Color Coding activity | |

|relationships between information and | |-Whisper Phones |-Moodle | |

|ideas efficiently as well as to interact |-I can use technology to interact and |-Writing Rubrics | | |

|and collaborate with others. |collaborate with others. |-Blogging to a forum such as Moodle where | | |

| | |students post drafts of their writing and | | |

| | |receive feedback from peers. | | |

|7. Conduct short research projects to |I can generate appropriate questions to|-Research for speech topic |-CCMS Media Center Website | |

|answer a question (including a |research. |-Primary vs. Secondary sources |-Noodlebib (MLA) | |

|self-generated question), drawing on | |-Cane Creek Media Center Website |-Big 6 | |

|several sources and generating additional |I can determine key words or topics for| | | |

|related, focused questions that allow for |each question to begin the research | | | |

|multiple avenues of exploration. |process. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can use a variety of sources. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can analyze the information found in | | | |

| |my sources and determine if it provides| | | |

| |enough support to answer my question. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can create additional focused | | | |

| |questions that relate to my original | | | |

| |topic to investigate further. | | | |

|8. Gather relevant information from |I can choose a combination of print |-Primary and Secondary Sources |-CCMS Media Center Website | |

|multiple print and digital sources, using |and digital sources that are credible |-Internet |- MLA format | |

|search terms effectively; assess the |and logically support my position. |-Cane Creek Media Center Website |-Pod Cast videos | |

|credibility and accuracy of each source; | |-MLA format |-Powerpoint presentations | |

|and quote or paraphrase the data and |I can recognize bias and the | |-Use of Holt textbook website where | |

|conclusions of others while avoiding |inmportance of fact checking for | |students submit paper online and | |

|plagiarism and following a standard format|accuracy. | |teacher can run plagarism program. | |

|for citation. | | | | |

| |I can include relevant information from| | | |

| |multiple sources in a way that | | | |

| |maintains the flow of my paper. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can determine when my research data | | | |

| |or facts must be quoted. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can define and avoid plagiarism by | | | |

| |paraphrasing and/or summarizing my | | | |

| |research findings. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can develop a list of my sources | | | |

| |using the standard format for citation.| | | |

|9. Draw evidence from literary or |I can draw from literary and/or |-Introduction Brace Map |-Novel Study |Teacher Observation throughout each step |

|informational texts to support analysis, |informational texts support for my |-Supporting Details Tree Map |-Non-Fiction (Edsitement Website) |of process |

|reflection, and research. |reflection and research. |-Conclusion Flow Map |-Textbook |Peer Editing and Self Editing (Color |

| | | |-Thinking Maps |Coding Activity) |

| |I can evaluate specific claims in a | |-Padeia Seminars | |

| |text and assess whether the reasoning | | | |

| |is sound and the evidence is relevant. | | | |

|10. Write routinely over extended time |I can determine how different writing |-Exit Slips | | |

|frames (time for research, reflection, and|tasks require varied time frames to |-Journal |-Google Documents | |

|revision) and shorter time frames (a |complete. |-Essential Questions |-Online Writing Portfolio | |

|single sitting or a day or two) for a | |-Graphic Organizers | | |

|range of discipline-specific tasks, |I can determine a writing format or |-Thinking Maps | | |

|purposes, and audiences. |style to fit my task, purpose, and |-Peer Editing | | |

| |audience. |-Writing Rubrics | | |

| | |-Blogging on Moodle | | |

| | |-Double-sided diaries | | |

| | |-Reader responses | | |


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