A2C2 Agenda for September 7, 2005 - Winona State University


A2C2 Minutes for November 16, 2005

Maxwell Conference Center, 3:30 p.m.

Attendees: Larry Bergin, Rodney Nowoseilski, Ed Thompson, Sara Hein, Luke Le Febvre, Melanie Reap, Paul Johnson, Juan Fernandez, Randy Miller, Greg Schmidt, Allison Quam, Chris Malone, Rich MacDonald, James Reidy, Richard Shields, Edward Guernica, Susan Sefkow, Ron Elcombe, Brian Aldrich, Barbara Boseker, David Bratt

Other Attendees: Ann Rethlefsen, Jan Karjala

I. Call to Order: 3:35 by chair Ann Rethlefsen

II. Adoption of Agenda

New Business addition (see below). Motion to accept with addition m/s by Thompson/Shields. Carried.

III. Approval of minutes of November 2, 2005. (available at )

Motion to accept m/s by Shields/Johnson. Carried.

IV. Chairs Report: At Faculty Senate a number of concerns about the health survey were shared

V. General Education Course Substitution Request: Daniel M. Johnson

Daniel entered WSU in Fall 2000. Motion to accept m/s by Boseker/ MacDonald. Carried.

VI. Course & Program Proposal Subcommittee Report Ed Thompson – from November 9, 2005.  The CPPS recommends approval/disapproval of the following courses and programs.

A. New Course Proposals: BUED 219 Approved by CPPS committee

B. Revised Program Proposals: Global Studies Program Approved by CPPS committee

C. New Program Proposals: None

D. Other: None

Recommendation to approve CPPS report carried

VII. University Studies Subcommittee report, J. Paul Johnson - from November 9, 2005.  The USS recommends approval/disapproval of the following courses. Recommend Approval of Approved and Posted Courses:

A. Unity and Diversity: None

B. Flag Courses: None

C. USP Course Substitution requests

1. Lisa Lofthus: History 1612, The Medieval World (3): USS recommends DISAPPROVAL Withdrawn – alternate option found

2. None

D. Other: USP Course Expiration and Renewal Process

Should come forward at next A2C2 meeting.

VIII. Notifications

A. MIS: Change in Prerequisites: from “no more than two courses may be counted toward the major with a passing grade lower than ‘C’” to “Achieve a grade of “c” or better in all courses counted toward the major”

B. PER 200: Change in Major: Currently PER 200 Teaching Elementary Physical Education is a required course for majors; change to PER 206 Teaching Elementary Physical Education for Majors

C. PER 300: Change in course title from PER 300 Motor Learning to PER 300 Motor Learning and Development

D. BIOL 315: USP Notification: Recommend credit for BIOL 315 in Spring 2004-2005

E. Business Administration Department: Reinstating the minor in International Business effective Spring 2006

F. EDUC 303: Change in course title: from Human Development and Learning: Preprimary to Human Development and Learning: Elementary Education with Early Childhood Emphasis

G. EDUC 304: Change in course title: from Human Development and Learning: Middle School to Human Development and Learning: Middle Level and K-12

H. EDUC 305: Change in course title: from Human Development and Learning: Secondary and K-12 Programs to Human Development and Learning: Secondary

I. EDUC 310: Change in course title: from Instructional Planning and Assessment: Preprimary to Instructional Planning and Assessment: Elementary Education with Early Childhood Emphasis

J. EDUC 311: Change in course title: from Instructional Planning and Assessment: Middle School to Instructional Planning and Assessment: Middle Level and K-12

K. EDUC 312: Change in course title: from Instructional Planning and Assessment: Secondary and K-12 to Instructional Planning and Assessment: Secondary

L. EDUC 321: Change in prerequisites: from EDUC 303 to None

M. EDUC 328: Change in prerequisites: from EDUC 303 or 304, 310 or 311 (Early Childhood majors do not require 310, 311, or 312) to EDUC 303 or 304, 310 or 312

N. EDUC 333: Change in prerequisites: from EDUC 303 and 310 or 304 and 311 to EDUC 303 and 310; or 304 and 311; or 305 and 312

O. EDUC 334: Change in prerequisites: from EDUC 303 and 310 or 304 and 310 or 311 (Early Childhood majors do not require 310 or 311) to EDUC 303 and 310 or 304 and 310 or 311

P. EDUC 434: Change in course description: Current: Frequency of offering: On demand; Change to Frequency of Offering: Each semester

Q. EDUC 335: Change in prerequisites: from EDUC 303 and 310, 304 and 311. (Early Childhood majors do not require 310 or 311.) to EDUC 303 and 310 or 304 and 311

R. EDUC 352: Change in prerequisites: from Admission to the Department of Education to (Test out option available)

S. EDUC 459: Change in prerequisites: from Prerequisites: EDUC 303, 304, or 305, 310, 311, or 312 and junior or senior standing. (Early Childhood majors do not require 310, 311, or 312) to EDUC 303, 304, or 305; 310, 311, or 312. Take this course the semester prior to student teaching

T. EDUC 460: Change in course title: from Student Teaching – K6/Preprimary to Student Teaching – Elementary Education with Early Childhood Emphasis

U. EDUC 449: Change in Course title: from Middle School Philosophy, Organization and Interdisciplinary Teaching to Middle Level Philosophy, Organization and Interdisciplinary Planning

V. EDUC 464: Change in course title: from Student teaching/K-6 Middle School to Student Teaching/K-6 Middle Level

W. SOCW 440: Change in credit hours: from 1-3 to 1-6

X. CHEM: Change in existing major, minor, option, concentration, etc.: Clarifying the eligible courses under electives by listing specific course numbers

Y. THAD 111: Change in course title AND change in course description: from “What is Theatre?” to Theatre Appreciation AND a change in the course description language: from …will explore the question, “What is theatre?”…to …will explore theatre through…

Z. THAD 119: Change in course title: from Play Reading to Play Analysis

AA. ENG 250: Change in prerequisite: from ENG 111, 290 or instructor’s permission to none

AB. ENG 324: Change in prerequisite from instructor’s permission to ENG 111 or instructor’s permission

AC. ENG 325: Change in prerequisite from none to ENG 111, 290, or instructor’s permission

AD. ENG 326: Change in prerequisite from none to ENG 111, 290, or instructor’s permission

AE. ENG 327: Change in prerequisite from none to ENG 111, 290, or instructor’s permission

AF. ENG 328: Change in prerequisite from ENG 111, 290, or instructor’s permission to ENG 111 or instructor’s permission

AG. ENG 350: Change in prerequisite from ENG 111, 290, or instructor’s permission to ENG 111 or instructor’s permission

AH. ENG 404: Change in prerequisite from ENG 290 to ENG 309 or instructor’s permission

AI. ENG 410: Change in prerequisite from ENG 111, 290 or 310 to ENG 310 or instructor’s permission

AJ. ENG 412: Change in prerequisite from ENG 111, 290 or 312 to ENG 312 or instructor’s permission

AK. ENG 439: Change in prerequisite from ENG 111 (and ENG 290 for English majors and minors) to ENG 111

AL. ENG 472: Change in prerequisite from ENG 111, 290 or instructor’s permission to ENG 111, 350, or instructor’s permission

AM. ENG 472: Change in course description from …topics in linguistics or applied linguistics/TESOL. …Topics may include theories of second language acquisition, language and social context, and applied linguistics research methods to …topics in language and linguistics. …Topics may include history of the English language, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language and social context, contrastive rhetoric, pragmatics, and language and culture.

AN. ENG 481: Change in course title from TSEL: Theory and Methods to TESOL Theory and Methods

AO. ENG 481: Change in prerequisites from ENG 111, 290 or instructor’s permission to ENG 111, 350, or instructor’s permission

AP. ENGLISH: Catalogue change: Add asterisks to: CMST 287, CMST 289, CMST 290, CMST 282, MCOM 100, THAD 141

AQ. ENGLISH: Change in minor from B.A. Minor—English: Writing (ENGW) to B.A. Minor—English: Applied and Professional Writing (EAPW)

AR. ENGLISH: 290 (5) becomes 250 (2) + 399(3); Choice of 309, 310, 312 becomes 309

AS. ENGLISH: Change in existing major from Choose one of the following two courses ENG 410; ENG 412 to Choose one of the following three courses: ENG 404; ENG 410; ENG 412

AT. ENGLISH: Change in existing major from Choose one of the following three courses: ENG 439; ENG 410; ENG 412 to Choose one of the following four courses: ENG 439; ENG 404; ENG 410; ENG 412

AU. MATH 210: Change in course title from Discrete Math and Foundations to Foundations of Mathematics

AV. MATH 210: Change in course description from Introduction to mathematical proof including symbolic logic, elementary number theory, sequences, sets, relations functions, recursion… to Introductory discrete mathematics including symbolic logic, elementary number theory, sequences, sets, and combinatorics…

AW. SPED 445/545: Change in prerequisites: from Concurrent enrollment in SPED 446/655; may also be taken before 446/655 to AND Departmental permission to enroll

AX. SPED 440/540: Change in prerequisites: from Concurrent enrollment in SPED 441/655; may also be taken before SPED 441/655 to AND Departmental permission to enroll

AY. SPED 410/510: Change in prerequisites from SPED 400/500, 405/505, EDUC 304 or equivalent, EDUC 311 or equivalent; methods courses in math and reading recommended. Concurrent enrollment in 411/631 to AND Departmental permission to enroll


IX. Old Business:

A. Graduation with Honors: David Bratt

Discussion: Best option to make the change – when and which class? As entering freshmen? Can vote the principle up or done and fill in time later. Lacking information on our students’ ACT scores – how do the rising scores effect graduation with honors? How do current students compare to those earlier ACT scores – do we have a brighter enrollment? “Honors” is relative to the rest of the student population. Are we simply talking about grade inflation? Is this (grade inflation) the driving force? Is our liberal drop policy part of the explanation? Is this a punishment of students for professors not grading more difficultly? Why haven’t the students been included in this? The purpose of honors is to honor students who have achieved in relation to their peers. Increasing the standards is actually rewarding real achievement. Percentage requirement (top 10%, next % etc…) as cut off for honors, not GPA. Does using percentage skew the representation of colleges/departments to reflect those with larger numbers of student in the top percentages? Percentage tends to cut out more students from science and engineering than social sciences and liberal arts. Cut off points as written in motion – too much of a gap in rising from 3.25 to 3.5 cut off for Cum Laude designation.

Motion – A2C2 recommends that, beginning with the ---- Commencement, the GPAs required for bestowal of honors of Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude be raised as follows:

Cum Laude currently 3.250 – 3.499, raise to 3.50 – 3.649

Magna Cum Laude currently 3.500 – 3.749, raise to 3.650 – 3.799

Summa Cum Laude currently 3.750 – 4.000, raise to 3.800 – 4.000

– m/s by Bratt/Boseker Motion – division of house – Aye – 14, Nay – 4, Abstentions – 2. Motion carried.

Motion to start the new GPA requirements for honors beginning with the May 2010 graduating class by Thompson/Miller. Discussion – this would give time for catalog copy. Why wait? Catalog represents contract between WSU and student.


Motion – A2C2 recommends that, beginning with the May 2010 Commencement, the GPAs required for bestowal of honors of Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude be raised as follows:

Cum Laude currently 3.250 – 3.499, raise to 3.50 – 3.649

Magna Cum Laude currently 3.500 – 3.749, raise to 3.650 – 3.799

Summa Cum Laude currently 3.750 – 4.000, raise to 3.800 – 4.000

Adjourn – Reidy/Miller. Not carried.

Main motion – carried.

B. Randy Miller: “additional requirement policy” and the philosophy behinds its creation regarding University Studies, asterisk courses and major/option GPA’s

Discussion by Randy Miller – why are these courses not calculated in major GPA? The intent of this needs clarification. Example – movement science has courses from science (ex: chemistry) where they might get a “C” where this counts in overall GPA but not in major GPA calculation. Want true reflection of major GPA on DARS report. Asterisk portion in catalog is not part of University Studies. Catalog lists non-arts & science courses as asterisk courses.

Motion by Miller/Thompson to send to University Studies Sub-committee.

Discussion: JP Johnson - this is an issue of GPA calculation, not University Studies Sub-committee. Motion failed.

Motion to adjourn by Bratt/Miller carried.

X. New Business: None

XI. Adjournment 4:50pm


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