S T E V E N S T A C K - Wayne State University



(Version of 01/31/2020)

|Business Address: |Work tel. (313)-577-2705 - secretaries |

|3258 Faculty Adm. Bldg. |Email(W): aa1051@WAYNE.EDU |

|Department of Criminal Justice |FAX: (313)-577-9977 |

|Wayne State University | |

|Detroit, MI 48202 | |



|Degrees; Courses Taught; Employment History |p.2 |


|A. Major Journal Articles (N=185) |p. 8 |

|B. Other Journal Articles (N=43) |p. 25 |

|C. Book Chapters (N=91) |p. 30 |

|D. Books (N=4) |p. 37 |

|E. Comments and Replies (N=16) |p. 40 |

|F. Book Reviews |p. 41 |

|G. Articles Conditionally Accepted or Under Review |P. 44 |

|H. Conference Papers (N=385) |p. 45 |


|A. Major Awards |p.70 |

|B. Scholarly Impact: Citations (N=13,600), TOP Cited Articles |p.73 |

|C. Major Grants |p.79 |

|D. Honorary Listings |p.81 |

|PART IV. Evidence of TEACHING as a CRAFT | |

|A. Articles and Manuals on Scholarship of Teaching---page 84 |p.82 |

|B. Articles & Conference Papers co-authored with students-page 85 |p.83 |

|C. Conference papers on Scholarship of Teaching |p.85 |

|D. Advisor on PhD Committees (completed) & Mentees |p.86 |

|E. Teaching Grants and Awards |p.88 |

| F. Awards won by my students |p.90 |

|G. Teaching Service & Other including co-director, Suicide Research Group |p.91 |


|A. To Professional Associations & Profession: Offices |p. 92 |

|B. Federal Grant Review Panels |p.93 |

|C. Editorial Boards, Conference Panel Organizer, Chair, & Discussant |p.97 |

|B. Manuscripts Reviewed, recent years; External reviews |p. 102 |

|C. University Service & Suicide Research Group |p. 107 |

|D. Community Service State & Local Boards, & Other. |p. 105 |

|E. Public Sociology/ Mass media |p. 113 |

|Appendices: |p. 122 |

|References: available upon request | |


A. Degrees:

1969 B.A., University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Field: English. Minor: Mathematics.

1970 M.A., University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Field: Education, Curriculum Development.

1973 M.A., University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Field: Sociology.

1976 Ph.D., University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Field: Sociology. Minor: Economics.

B. Areas of Specialization:

Primary- Deviance; Criminology; Death Penalty; Social

Epidemiology; Divorce; Suicide; Economy and Society

Secondary- Statistics; Stratification, Administration, Scholarship of Teaching.

C. Courses I have taught:

Statistics Criminological Theory (offline & ONLINE)

Criminology Research in Criminal Justice (off/on line)

Juvenile Delinquency Social Psychology

Stratification Comparative Social Systems

Sociological Theory Economy & Society (Grad. Seminar.)

Intro to Social Science Intro to Sociology

Deviant Behavior Sociology of Poverty

Marriage and the Family Social Problems

Internship - CJ Deviance (Graduate Seminar)

Victimology Data Management & Analysis (Graduate Seminar)


A. Major Appointments:


1) Core Faculty, Injury Prevention Center, School of Public Health, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor.

June 2018-present.

2) Faculty Affiliate, Injury Control Research Center, School of Medicine

West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.V. 2009- present.

(3) Full Professor, Department of Criminal Justice. Wayne State University

1994 - Present.

(4) Director, Center for Suicide Research, Troy, MI. Registered Michigan

Non Profit Corporation, 2002-present.

(5) Faculty Affiliate, School of Public Health, Shandong University, Janin City,

Shandong Province, China. (2011-present).


(1) Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience,

Wayne State University, 2006- 2017.

(2) Chairperson, Department of Criminal Justice, 1994-2001.

(3)Director, Criminal Justice Program (tenured, 1990) &

Full Professor, Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice, Wayne State

University, 1990-94

(4)Full Professor (1988 -1990) (tenured 1988), & Associate Professor,

1985-1988. Department of Sociology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL

(5)Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Department of Social

Science, Penn State University, University Park, PA. 1981-1985

(6) Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Indiana University

Indianapolis, Indiana. Dates: 1979-1981

(7) Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Alma College

Alma, Michigan. Dates: 1976-1979

B. Other Appointments:

Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan. Winter 2005 (Sabbatical Leave).

Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan. Fall 2008 (Sabbatical Leave).

Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan. Winter 2012 (Sabbatical Leave).

Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan. Fall 2015 (Sabbatical Leave).

Visiting Scholar, ICPSR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1991-2000:


Summer 1991- Quantitative Analysis of CJ Data

Summer 1992- Time Series Analysis; Matrix Algebra

Summer 1994- Health and Retirement Survey Workshop

Summer 1995- Criminal Justice Data: Crime in Community Context

Summer 1996- The Study of Aging: Use of Multiple Surveys

Summer 2000- Criminal Justice Data: Qualitative & Quantitative

Summer 2006- Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods

• Part Time/Temporary Teaching Experience:

Instructor. University of Michigan, Department of Sociology, Winter 2003.

Instructor. Central Michigan University, Sociology. Winter, 1978.

Instructor. University of Connecticut:

Groton, Waterbury, Stamford and Storrs campuses.

1972-1976 (1 & ½ years FTE).

Instructor. Eastern Connecticut State College, 1973-1976 (1½ years FTE).

Instructor. Central Connecticut State College, 1972-1973 (1 year FT)

*Public Schools Teaching Experience (Certified in Math & English)

Teacher, Departments of Mathematics and English, Regional High School Number 12, Connecticut, 1970-1971.


Summary: Principle Publications:

|Category |PP Vita |Number |

|A. Major Journal Articles (refereed) |pp. 08-24 |189 |

|B. Other Journal Articles (refereed) |pp. 25-29 | 43 |

|C. Chapters in Books |pp. 30-36 | 91 |

|D. Books |Pp. 37-39 | 4 |

|E. Comments and Replies (refereed) |Pp. 40 | 16 |

| | | |

|Total Principle Publications | |343 |

Other Publications:

|Type of Other Publication |Pages in Vita |Number |

|(a) Book Reviews & Endorsements |pp. 41-43 | 40 |

|(b) Papers Read at Conferences |pp. 45-68 |385 |

Figure 1. Cumulative Articles, Books, & Chapters Published 1977-2019 (N=343)

Stack’s Ten most cited articles: Google Scholar Citations (accessed 2-1-19)

Cites YEAR

| | |

| Marital Status and Happiness: A 17-nation study |714 |1998 |

|S Stack, JR Eshleman | | |

|Journal of Marriage and the Family, 527-536 | | |

|Suicide: a 15‐year review of the sociological literature part I: cultural and economic|572* |2000 |

|factors | | |

|S Stack | | |

|Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 30 (2), 145-162 | | |

|suicide: a Fifteen-year review of the sociological literature part II: modernization |352 |2000 |

|and social integration perspectives | | |

|Steven stack | | |

|suicide and life-threatening behavior 30 (2), 163-176 | | |

|Media coverage as a risk factor in suicide |326 |2003 |

|S Stack | | |

|Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 57 (4), 238-240 | | |

|Adult Social Bonds and Use of Internet Pornography* |288 |2004 |

|S Stack, I Wasserman, R Kern | | |

|Social science quarterly 85 (1), 75-88 | | |

|Suicide in the media: A quantitative review of studies based on nonfictional stories |280 |2005 |

|S Stack | | |

|Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 35 (2), 121-133 | | |

|The effect of religious commitment on suicide: A cross-national analysis |276 |1983 |

|S Stack | | |

|Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 362-374 | | |

|Celebrities and suicide: A taxonomy and analysis, 1948-1983 |238 |1987 |

|S Stack | | |

|American sociological review, 401-412 | | |

|Media impacts on suicide: A quantitative review of 293 findings |234 |2000 |

|S Stack | | |

|Social science quarterly, 957-971 | | |

|Gender, children and research productivity |232 |2004 |

|S Stack | | |

|Research in higher education 45 (8), 891-920 | | |

IIA. PUBLICATIONS: Journal Articles by Journal Quartile Ranks and First Author or Sole Author Characteristics

Chart 1. Articles: Quartile RANKS. Number of Articles published in Top Quartile of Journal Rankings through Low Quartile of Journal Rankings 1978-2019. (Ranks by SSCI 5 year Journal Impact Factors when available)

Chart 2. AUTHORS: Number of all First Authored Articles (N=194), Sole Authored First Authored Articles (134), Number of Articles with Different First Author (42) (In the social sciences first author is generally the lead author)

LIST OF MAJOR ATICLES with Journal Ranks and 5-Year Impact Factors


|SSCI J Category (field)= |RANK= |Impact Factor (IF)= |Top 10% y/n |Quartile= |

|Field of journal carrying article |Rank of journal in its |Avg citations/article |Is J in top 10% in |Quartile rank |

| |field |In journal |field yes or no |Of Journal in |

| |1=high |5 year average | |field. 1=high |

| |(5 year avg IF) | | | |

SSCI J category= Social Sciences Citations Index Journal category

All data obtained from Social Sciences Citations Index, Journal Citations Report (on line)

For journals not ranked in SSCI other standard bibliographic journal ranks are substituted when available:

For CJ Journals: Sorensen, J et al (2006) An assessment of criminal justice & criminology journal prestige. J of Criminal Justice Education, 17,2, 297-322. Prestige scores for 69 CJ journals.

For Sociology Journals: Allen, Michael (1990). The quality of journals in sociology reconsidered: objective measures of journal influence. Footnotes, Washington, DC: the American Sociological Association. Core Influence scores for 59 sociology journals.

For BMC journals: Science Citations Index.

1. 1978 Stack, S. "Ideological Beliefs on the American Distribution of Opportunity, Power, and Rewards." Sociological Focus, 11(AUGUST): 221-234.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

2.1978 Stack, S. "The Effect of Direct Government Involvement in the Economy on the Degree of Income Inequality: A Cross-National Study." American Sociological Review, 43(December):880-888.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 2/143 |Impact Factor=7.14 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

3.1978 Stack, S. "Suicide: A Comparative Analysis." Social Forces, 57 (DECEMBER): 644-653.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK=25/143 |Impact Factor=2.87 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

4. 1980. Stack, S. "The Effect of Marital Dissolution on Suicide." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 42(FEBRUARY): 83-92.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.7 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

5.1980 Stack, S. "Domestic Integration and the Rate of Suicide: A Comparative Analysis." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 11 (spring): 249-260.

|SSCI J Category= family studies |RANK= 29/44 |Impact Factor=.63 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

6.1980 Stack, S. "Religion and Suicide: A Reanalysis." Social Psychiatry, 15(April): 65-70.

|SSCI J Category= psychiatry |RANK= 44/134 |Impact Factor=3.22 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

7.1980 Stack, S. "The Political Economy of Income Inequality: A Comparative Analysis." Canadian Journal of Political Science, 13(JUNE): 273-286.

|SSCI J Category= political science |RANK=134/167 |Impact Factor=.69 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

8.1980 D'Antonio, W & Stack, S. "Religion, Ideal Family Size, and Abortion." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 19(December): 397-408.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK=61/143 |Impact Factor=1.74 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

1981. Stack, S. "Divorce and Suicide: A Time Series Analysis." Journal of Family Issues, 2(March): 77-90.

|SSCI J Category= family studies |RANK= 20/44 |Impact Factor=2.07 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

10.1981 Stack, S. "Religion and Suicide: A Comparative Analysis." Sociological Focus, 12(August): 207-220.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

11.1982 Stack, S. "Suicide in Detroit: Changes and Continuities." Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 12(Summer): 67-83.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

12.1982 Stack, S. "The Effect of Strikes on Suicide: A Cross-National Analysis." Sociological Focus, 15(April): 135-146.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

13.1982 Stack, S. & Delore Zimmerman) "The Effect of World Economy on Income Inequality: A Reassessment." Sociological Quarterly, 23(Summer): 345-358.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 60/143 |Impact Factor=1.9 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

14.1982. Stack, S. "Social Structure and Swedish Crime Rates: A Time Series Analysis, 1950-1979." Criminology, 20(November): 499-514.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK= 1/61 |Impact Factor=6.36 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

15.1982. Stack, S. "Suicide: A Decade Review of the Sociological Literature." Deviant Behavior, 4(Fall): 41-66.

|Sorensen: criminology |RANK= 15/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

16.1983 Hass, A and Stack, S. "Economic Development and Strikes: A Comparative Analysis." Sociological Quarterly, 24(Winter): 43-58.

| SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 43/141 |Impact Factor=1.9 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

17.1983 Martin, Jack & Stack, S. "The Effect of Religiosity on Alienation." Sociological Focus, 16(January): 65-76.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

18.1983 Stack, S. & Mary Kanavy. "The Effect of Religion on Forcible Rape: A Structural Analysis." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 22(March) :67-74.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK=61/143 |Impact Factor=1.7 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

19.1983 Stack, S. "The Effect of the Decline in Institutionalized Religion on Suicide, 1954-1978." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 22(September): 239-252.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK=61/143/141 |Impact Factor=1.7 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

20.1983 Stack, S. "The Effect of Religious Commitment on Suicide: A Cross- National Analysis." Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(December): 362-374.

|SSCI J Category= public health |RANK=4/143 |Impact Factor=6.0 |Top 10% Y |Quartile=1Q |

21.1984 Stack, S. "The Effect of Income Inequality on Property Crime: A Cross-National Analysis of Relative Deprivation Theory." Criminology, 22(May): 229-257.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK= 1/61 |Impact Factor=6.36 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

22.1984 Stack, S. and Ain Haas. "The Effect of Unemployment Duration on National Suicide Rates: A Time Series Analysis, 1948-1982." Sociological Focus, 17(January): 17-30.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

23.1985 Stack, S. "The Effect of Religious-Family Integration on Suicide, 1954-1978." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 47(May): 431-447.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/145 |Impact Factor=3.7 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

24.1987 Stack, S. "The Sociological Study of Suicide: Methodological Issues." Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior. 17(Summer): 133-150.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

25.1987 Stack, S. "Celebrities and Suicide: A Taxonomy and Analysis:1948-83." The American Sociological Review, 52(June): 401-413.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 2/143 |Impact Factor=7.14 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

26.1987 Stack, S. "The Effect of Female Labor Force Participation on Suicide: A Time Series Analysis, 1948-1980." Sociological Forum 2(Spring): 257-277.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

|SSCI J Category=sociology |RANK=72/143 |Impact Factor=1.06 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

27.1987 Stack, S. "Publicized Executions and Homicide, 1950-1980." The American Sociological Review, 52(August): 532-540.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 2/143 |Impact Factor=7.14 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

28.1987 Stack, S. "Measuring the Relative Impacts of Criminology and Criminal Justice Journals." Justice Quarterly,4(September): 475-484.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK= 11/61 |Impact Factor=3.52 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK=2/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% Y |Quartile=1Q |

29.1988 Austin, R. & S. Stack "Race, Class, and Opportunity: Change in Realities and Perceptions." Sociological Quarterly, 29(3): 357-369.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 60/143 |Impact Factor=1.9 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

30.1988 Stack, S. "Suicide: Media Impacts in War and Peace." Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior 18(4) (Winter): 342-357.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

31.1989 Stack, S. "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide in Norway, 1951-1980." Journal of Marriage and the Family 50:(February): 229-237.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

32.1989 Stack, S. "The Effect of Publicized Mass Murders and Murder-Suicides on Lethal Violence." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 24 (4): 202-208.

|SSCI J Category= psychiatry |RANK= 44/134 |Impact Factor=3.21 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

33.1990 Stack, S. "Audience Receptiveness, the Media, and Aged Suicide." Journal of Aging Studies, 4(2): 195-209.

|SSCI J Category= Gerontology |RANK= 16/33 |Impact Factor=1.96 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

34.1990 Stack, S. "The Impact of Divorce on Suicide: New Micro Level Data: A Test of Two Theories, 1959-1979." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 52: (February): 119-127.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

35.1990 Stack, S. "Divorce, Suicide, and the Mass Media: An Analysis of Differential Identification, 1948-1980." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 52: (May): 553-560.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

36.1990 Stack, S. "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide in Denmark, 1950-1980." Sociological Quarterly, 31(3): 359-370.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 60/143 |Impact Factor=1.9 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

37.1990 Stack, S. "The Impact of Fictional Television Movies on Teenage Suicide: 1984-85." Social Science Quarterly, 71 (June): 391-399.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

38.1990 Stack, S. "Execution Publicity and Homicide in South Carolina" Sociological Quarterly, 31(4): 359-370.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 37/141 |Impact Factor=1.9 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

39.1990 Stack, S. and Jim Gundlach. "The Effect of Hyper Media Coverage on Suicide, The Case of New York City." Social Science Quarterly, 71(September): 619-627.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

40.1990 Stack, S. "A Reanalysis of the Impact of Noncelebrity suicides: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 25: 269-273.

|SSCI J Category= psychiatry |RANK= 44/134 |Impact Factor=3.21 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

41.1991 Stack, S. & David Lester. "The Effect of Religion on Suicide Ideation." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 26 (4): 168-170.

|SSCI J Category= psychiatry |RANK= 44/134 |Impact Factor=3.21 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

42.1991 Stack, S. "The Effect of Religion on Suicide in Sweden." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 30(4): 462-468.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK=61/143 |Impact Factor=1.74 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

43.1992 Kowalski, G. & Stack, S. "The Effect of Divorce on Homicide." Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 18:215-218.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK= na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

44.1992 Stack, S. "The Effect of the Media on Suicide: The Great Depression." Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior 22(2): 255-267.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

45.1992 Stack, S. and Jim Gundlach. "Sex and Divorce" Archives of Sexual Behavior 21(4): 359-367.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-clinical |RANK= 3/91 |Impact Factor=3.4 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

46.1992 Stack, S. "Divorce and Suicide in Japan." Journal of Marriage and the Family 54 (May): 327-334.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

47.1992 Stack, S & Jim Gundlach) "The Effect of Country Music on Suicide." SOCIAL FORCES 71 (September): 211-218.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 25/143 |Impact Factor=2.87 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

Reprinted in: Spencer, J. William (editor). 2015. Contexts of Deviance: Statuses, Institutions & Interactions. NY: Oxford University Press.

48.1992 Stack, S. "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide in Finland." Journal of Marriage and the Family 54 (August): 636-642.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

49.1992 Stack, S., Gundlach,J. & Ellen Sumrall) The Effect of Human Capital and Needs on Alimony Awards." Sociological Focus.25: 39-50.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

50.1992 Stack, S. and Ira Wasserman. "The Effect of Religion on Suicide Ideation." J. For the Scientific Study of Religion. 31(December): 457-466.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK=61/143 |Impact Factor=1.7 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

51.1993 Stack, S. "The Media and Suicide: A Non Additive Model." Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior 23(1): 63-66.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

52.1993 Wasserman, I and Stack, S. "The Effect of Religion on Suicide An Analysis of Cultural Context." OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying. 27(4): 295-305.

|SSCI J Category=Psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=98/128 |Impact Factor=0.86 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

53.1993 Stack, S. "The Effect of Modernization on Suicide in Finland, 1750-1986." Sociological Perspectives. 36(2): 137-148.

|SSCI J Category=sociology |RANK=91/143 |Impact Factor=1.23 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

54.1993 Stack, S. & Wasserman, I. "Marital Status, Alcohol Abuse and Suicide." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55: (November):1018-1024.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

55.1993 Stack, S. "Execution Publicity and Homicide in Georgia." American Journal of Criminal Justice. 18: 25-39.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 38/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

56.1993 Dozier,B., Donna Sollie, Thomas A. Smith, & S. Stack. "The Effect of Postdivorce Attachment on Coparenting Relationships." Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 19:109-123.

|SSCI J Category=not listed |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

1994. Stack, S. "The Effect of Geographic Mobility on premarital sex."

Journal of Marriage and the Family 56 (February): 204- 208.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9//141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

58.1994 Stack, S., Ira Wasserman & Jimmie Reeves) "Suicide & the Media: The NYT Front Page Suicide Stories," Journal of Communication, 44(Spring): 64-83.

|SSCI J Category= communication |RANK= 1/84 |Impact Factor=6.47 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

59.1994 Stack, S., James Gundlach and Jimmie Reeves) "The Heavy Metal Subculture and Suicide." Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior 24(Spring): 15-23.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

60.1994 Stack, S. "The Class of 1976: Publication and Type of Location." Sociological Symposium 14(3): 293-298.

|SSCI J Category=sociology |RANK=73/114 |Impact Factor=0.6 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

1994. Stack, S., Wasserman. I. & Augustine Kposowa) "The Effects of Religion

and Feminism on Suicide Ideology." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 33:110-121.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK=61/143 |Impact Factor=1.74 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

62.1994 Stack, S. & Elena Bankowski. "Divorce and Drinking: An Analysis of Russian Data." Journal of Marriage and the Family,56 (November): 805-812.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

63.1994 Wasserman, I. & Stack, S. "Testing the death dip and death rise hypothesis: Ohio mortality results, 19891991. Canadian Studies in Population, 21(2): 133-148.

|SSCI J Category=not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

64.1994 Stack, S. and Tom Kelley. "Police Suicide: An Analysis." American Journal of Police. 13(4): 73-90.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 40/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

65.1995 Stack, S. "Gender and Suicide Among Laborers." Archives of Suicide Research." 1: 19-26.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=33/125 |Impact Factor=2.7 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

66.1995 Stack, S. & Ira Wasserman. "Suicide: An Assessment of Spatial Autocorrelation." Archives of Suicide Research, 1:121-129.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.7 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

67.1995 Stack, S & Ira Wasserman. "The Effect of Marriage, Family, and Religious Ties on African American Suicide Ideology." Journal of Marriage and the Family 57 (February): 215- 222.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

68.1995 Stack, S. "The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide." Criminal Justice and Behavior 22(June): 172-186.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK= 16/61 |Impact Factor=2.50 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

69.1995 Stack, S. "The Effect of Temporary Residences on Burglary." American Journal of Criminal Justice. 19(2):197-214.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 38/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

70.1995 Stack, S. & Ira Wasserman) "Marital Status, Alcohol Abuse and Attempted Suicide." Journal of Addictive Diseases, 14:43-51.

|SSCI J Category= substance abuse |RANK= 29/49 |Impact Factor=2.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

71.1995 Stack, S. "Temporal Disappointment, Homicide, and Suicide: An Analysis of Nonwhites and Whites." Sociological Focus, 29:313-328.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

72.1996 Stack, S. "The Effect of Labor Force Participation on Female Suicide Rates: An Analysis of Individual Level Data from 16 States." Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 30: 157-163.

|SSCI J Category=Psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=98/128 |Impact Factor=0.86 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

73.1996 Stack, S. "Suicide Risk Among Dentists: A Multivariate Analysis," Deviant Behavior, 17(1): 107-118.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 15/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

74.1996 Stack, S. "Does Being a Parent Affect Suicide Ideology?" Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 30: 71-80.

|SSCI J Category=Psychology- interdisciplinary |RANK=98/128 |Impact Factor=0.86 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

75.1996 Stack, S. "The Effect of Female Labor Force Participation on Female Suicide Attitudes." Death Studies, 20:285-291.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=68/128 |Impact Factor=1.47 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

76.1996 Stack, S. "The Effect of the Media on Suicide: Evidence from Japan." Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 26(2): 132-142.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

77.1996 Zalman, M & Stack, S.) "The Effect of Euthanasia on Suicide in the Netherlands." Social Science Quarterly, 77(3):577-593.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

78.1996 Stack, S. "Mate Selection: An Analysis of Replies to the Personals." International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 26(Spring): 115-130.

|SSCI J Category=not listed |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

79.1996 Stack, S. "Gender and Suicide Risk Among Artists." Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 26(4): 374-379.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

80.1996 Stack, S. "The Effect of Marital Integration on African American Suicide." Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior,26(4): 405-414.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

81.1996 Stack, S. "The Impact of Relative Cohort Size on National Suicide Trends, 1950-1980: A Comparative Analysis." Archives of Suicide Research, 3: 213-222.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

82.1997 Stack, S. "A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Domestic Institutions on Suicide Ideology." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 28(3): 304-319.

|SSCI J Category=family studies |RANK=37/44 |Impact Factor=0.63 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

83.1997 Kelley, T & Stack, S. "Achievement in Criminal Justice: An Analysis of Graduating Seniors." Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 8(Spring): 39-50.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

|SCImago, Category: Law & CJ |RANK=196/383 |h-index: 22 |Top 10% no |Quartile: 3Q |

84.1997-98 Stack, S. & Liqun Cao. "The Effect of Financial Satisfaction on Female Suicide Attitudes in China." Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 36(2): 161-167.

|SSCI J Category=Psychology- multidisciplinary |RANK=98/128 |Impact Factor=0.86 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

85.1997 Stack, S. "Homicide Followed by Suicide: An Analysis of Chicago Data." Criminology, 35(August): 435-454.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK= 1/61 |Impact Factor=7.15 |Top 10% Y |Quartile=1Q |

86.1997 Stack, S. "The Effect of Crime on Housing Values: An Analysis of Metropolitan Detroit." Journal of Crime and Justice, 20(Spring): 131-140.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 37/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

87.1997 Stack, S. "Women's Opposition to Race-Targeted Interventions."Sex Roles, 36(9/10): 543-550.

|SSCI J Category=women’s studies |RANK=4/42 |Impact Factor=2.74 |Top 10% yes |Quartile=1Q |

88.1998 Stack, S. "Research on Controlling Suicide: Methodological Issues." Archives of Suicide Research, 4: 95-99.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

89.1998 Stack, S. "Culture and Suicide: An Analysis of African Americans." Transcultural Psychiatry, 35(June): 253-69.

|SSCI J Category=Anthropology |RANK=18/84 |Impact Factor=2.32 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

90.1998 Stack, S. and Liqun Cao. "Political Conservatism and Confidence in the Police." Journal of Crime and Justice, 21(March): 71-77.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 37/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

91.1998 Stack, S & Ross Eshleman. "Marital Status and Happiness: A Comparative Analysis." Journal of Marriage and the Family. 60 (MAY): 527-536.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 9/141 |Impact Factor=3.9 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

92.1998. Stack, S. "The Effect of Female Labor Force Participation on Suicide: A Comparative Analysis." Archives of Suicide Research, 4 (3): 249-261.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

93.1998. Stack, S. "The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide in California." Journal of Crime and Justice, 21(Fall):1-16.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 37/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

94.1998. Stack, S. "Marriage, Family, and Loneliness: A Cross-National Study." Sociological Perspectives, 41(2): 415-432.

|SSCI J Category=sociology |RANK=91/143 |Impact Factor=1.23 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

95.1998. Stack, S. "Gender, Marriage, and Suicide Acceptability." Sex Roles, 37:501-520.

|SSCI J Category= women’s studies |RANK= 4/42 |Impact Factor=2.74 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

96.1998. Stack, S. "Heavy Metal, Religiosity, and Suicide Acceptability." Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 28:388-394.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

97.1998. Cao, L. & S. Stack. "Public Confidence in the Police: A Comparison of the US and Japan." Journal of Criminal Justice. 26(4):279-289.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK 9/61 |Impact factor: 3.32 |Top 10% n |Quartile 1Q |

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 12/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

98.1998. Stack, S. "Education, Race, and Suicide." Sociological Focus, 31(August): 295-302.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

99. 2000. Stack, S. “Suicide: A 15 Year Review of the Sociological Literature: Part I: Cultural and Economic Factors.” Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 30:145-162.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

100.2000. Stack, S. “Suicide: A 15 Year Review of the Sociological Literature: Part II: Modernization and Social Integration Perspectives Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 30:163-176.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

101.(2001) Stack, S. “Women, Occupation, and Suicide Risk: A Multivariate Analysis of National Data, 1990.” Journal of Gender, Culture, and Health, forthcoming.

102.2000. Kelley, T. & Stack, S. “Thought Recognition, Locus of Control, and Adolescent Well-Being: Implications for Delinquency Prevention.” Adolescence. 35:531-550.

|SSCI J Category=Psychology: multidisciplinary |RANK=43/56 |Impact Factor=1.4 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

103.2000. Stack, S. "The Relationship of Blues Fanship to Suicide Acceptability." Death Studies, 24:223-231.

|SSCI J Category=social issues |RANK=22/40 |Impact Factor=1.47 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

104.2000. Stack, S. “Part Time Faculty Status and Student Evaluation of Teaching,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 11(2):251-266.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

105.2000. Stack, S. “Media Impacts on Suicide: A Quantitative Review of 293 Findings,” Social Science Quarterly, 81(December): 957 - 971.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

106.2000. Stack, S. “Support for the Death Penalty: A Gender Specific Analysis.” Sex Roles, 43: 163-179.

|SSCI J Category= women’s studies |RANK=4/42 |Impact Factor=2.74 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

107.2001. Stack, S. “Occupation and Suicide.” Social Science Quarterly, 82(June), 385-397.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

108.2001. Stack, S. “The Effect of Type of Terminal Degree on Scholarly Productivity,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 12(1):19-34.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

109.2002. Stack, S. and Thomas Kelley. “The GRE as a Predictor of Graduate Student Performance,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 13: 335-349.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

110. 2002. Stack, S. “Gender and Scholarly Productivity: The Case of Criminal Justice,” Journal of Criminal Justice, 30: 175-182.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK 9/61 |Impact factor: 3.32 |Top 10% n |Quartile 1Q |

111.2002. Stack, S. The Influence of Gender on Scholarly Productivity, 1976-2000, Sociological Focus, 35(August): 285-296.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

112.2002. Stack, S. “Media as a Risk Factor in Suicide,” Injury Prevention, 8(suppl.) 30-32.

|SSCI J Category= public health |RANK= 50/151 |Impact Factor=2.34 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

113.2002. Stack, S. “Southern Migration and Homicide Risk,” American Journal of Criminal Justice, 26:165-179.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 38/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

114.2002. Schmidtke,A., S. Schaller, I. Muller, D. Lester, & S. Stack) “Imitation von Amok und Amok-Suizid,” Suizidprophylaxe, 29:97-106.

|SSCI J Category=not ranked |RANK=NA |Impact Factor=NA |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

115.2003. Stack, S. “Media Coverage as a Risk Factor in Suicide,” Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health,57: 238-240 (reprint of 2002 article in Injury Prevention, solicited with permission of publishers).

|SSCI J Category= public health |RANK= 8/151 |Impact Factor=4.15 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

116.2003. Stack, S. “The Effect of Research Productivity on Student Evaluation of Instruction,” Research in Higher Education, 44(5) October: 539-556.

|SSCI J Category=education |RANK=45/227 |Impact Factor=2.87 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

117. 2003. Stack, S. “Authoritarianism and Support for the Death Penalty,” Sociological Focus, 36 (November): 333-352.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

118. 2004. Stack, S., Wasserman, I. & R. Kern. “Adult Social Bonds and Use of Internet Pornography,” Social Science Quarterly, 85 (1):75-88.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

119.2004. Stack, S. “Suicide Risk Among Physicians: A Multivariate Analysis,”

Archives of Suicide Research, 8(3):287-292.

|SSCI J Category-psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=61/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

120. 2004. Stack, S. “Public Opinion on the Death Penalty: Analysis of

Individual Level Data from 17 Nations,” International Criminal Justice

Review, 14: 69-98.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 39/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

121. 2004. Stack, S. “Emile Durkheim and Altruistic Suicide,” Archives of Suicide Research, 8: 9-22.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

122. 2004. Stack, S. “Suicide Among Social Workers,” Archives of Suicide

Research, 8 (4): 379-388.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

123. 2004. Stack, S. “Gender, Children and Research Productivity,” Research

in Higher Education, vol 45(8): 891-920.

|SSCI J Category=education |RANK=45/227 |Impact Factor=2.87 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

124. 2005. Stack, S. “Suicide and the Media: A Quantitative Review.” Suicide

& Life Threatening Behavior, 35(2): 121-133.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

125. 2005. Stack, S. and Ira Wasserman) “The Influence of Race on Selection of Violent Suicide Methods,” Archives of Suicide Research, 9(1): 57-68.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

126. 2005. Cao, L & Stack, S. “Confidence in the Police Between America and Japan,” Policing, 28:139-151.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 40/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

127. 2005. Stack, S. “The Effect of Extra Credit Projects on Learning,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 16(2): 318-327.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

128. 2005. Lester, D , A. Schmidtke, S. Schaller, Stack, S. & I. Muller). “Mass Homicide & Suicide Deadliness and Outcome,” Crisis, 26(4): 184-187.

|SSCI J Category=psychiatry |RANK=51/128 |Impact Factor=2.12 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

129. 2006. Cutright, Phillips, Robert Fernquist & S. Stack. “Age, Marital Status and Suicide: Cross-National Analysis,” Archives of Suicide Research, 10(4): 365-382.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

130. 2006. Stack, S. and Augustine Kposowa). “The Effect of Religiosity on Tax Fraud Acceptability,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45(3)September, 325-351.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 61/143 |Impact Factor=1.74 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

131. 2007. Stack, S., Liquin Cao and Amy Adamzyck). “Crime Volume & Law and Order Culture: Cross-National Analysis,” Justice Quarterly. 24(June): 291-308. (translated version, in Chinese, will appear in Criminal Justice International, Summer 2010). Received Donald McNamara Award for best paper, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2007.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK= 11/61 |Impact Factor=3.52 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK=2/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% Y |Quartile=1Q |

132. 2007. Stack, S. and Ira Wasserman). “Economic Strain and Suicide: A Qualitative Analysis,” Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 37 (1): 103-112.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

133. 2007. Stack, S. “The Economic Cost of Suicide: Another Look,” Death Studies, 31, (1) 363-372.

|SSCI J Category=social issues |RANK=22/40 |Impact Factor=1.47 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

134. 2007. Cutright, P., Stack, S. & R. Fernquist). “Marital Status, Suicide Disapproval, and Social Integration as Explanations of Marital Status Differences in female Suicide Rates,” Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 37: 715-724.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

135. 2007. Rockett, I. , Wang, S. , Lian, Y. and Stack, S. “Comorbidity Among U.S. Male and Female Suicides: A Multiple Cause of Death Analysis,” Injury Prevention, 13 (5):311-315.

|SSCI J Category= public health |RANK= 50/151 |Impact Factor=2.34 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

136. 2007. Cao, L. and Stack, S. “Public Attitudes Toward Bribery in Albania and Their Determinants,” Sociological Analysis, 1, 115-126.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% na |Quartile=na |

137. 2008. Stack, S. and Augustine Kposowa. The Association of Suicide Rates with Individual Level Suicide Attitudes, Social Science Quarterly,89(1) (March):39-59.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

138. 2008. Stack, S and David Lester) “Gloomy Sunday: Another Look at the Hungarian ‘Suicide Song’.” Omega: J. of Death and Dying, 56(4): 349-358.

|SSCI J Category= Psychology: multidiciplianry |RANK=98/128 |Impact Factor=0.86 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

139. 2008 Stack, S. and Ira Wasserman) “Lethal Locations: Determinants of Suicide in Motel Rooms,” Death Studies, 32: 757-767.

|SSCI J Category=social issues |RANK=22/40 |Impact Factor=1.47 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

140. 2008. Stack, S and Ira Wasserman) Social and Racial Correlates of Russian Roulette,” Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 38 (4):437-442.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

141. 2009. Ira Wasserman and Steven Stack. Gender and Wound Site in Firearm Suicides. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 39 (1): 13-20.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

142. 2009. Cao, L. and S. Stack. Democracy is in, Prostitutes are back: What do Albanians think of prostitutes? Sociological Analysis, 3(1): 91-104.

|SSCI J Category=not ranked |RANK=NA |Impact Factor=NA |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

143. 2009. Ian Rockett, Yinjuan Lian, Steven Stack, Alan Ducatman, and Shuhui Wang. Discrepant Comorbidity in White & Minority Suicide: A Multiple Cause of Death Analysis. BMC: Psychiatry, 9(10), March 18, 1-10.

|SCI J Category=psychiatry |RANK=56/142 |Impact Factor=3.14 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

144. 2010. Steven Stack, Amy Adamzyck & Liqun Cao. “Survivalism and Public Opinion on Criminality: Cross National Analysis of Prostitution.” Social Forces, 88 (June): 1703-1726.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 25/143 |Impact Factor=2.87 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

145. 2010. Liqun Cao and Steven Stack. 2009. Exploring Terra incognita: Family Values and Prostitution Acceptability in China. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38: 531-537.

|SSCI J Category= criminology |RANK= 6/61 |Impact Factor=3.32 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

146.2010. Rockett, I., Wang, S., Stack, S., DeLeo, D., Frost, JL., Ducatman, AM & R.L. Walker. Race-Ethnicity & Suicide Misclassification: Penetrating the U.S. Minority Suicide Paradox, BMC: Psychiatry, 10, May 19, 35.

|SCI J Category=psychiatry |RANK=56/142 |Impact Factor=3.14 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

147. 2010. Rockett, I., Hobbs, G.R., De Leo, D, Stack, S., Ducatman, A,M. & Frost, J.L. Suicide & Unintentional Poisoning Mortality Trends in the U.S., 1987-2006: Independent? BMC: Public health, 10:35.

|SCI J Category=public health |RANK=43/180 |Impact Factor=3.03 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

148. 2011. I.Wasserman & S. Stack. Race, Urban Context & Russian Roulette: An Analysis of Data from the National Violent Death Reporting System. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 41: 33-40.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

149. 2011. Stack, S. & Kposowa, A.J.. The Effect of Survivalism vs. Self Expressionist Culture on Black Male Suicide: A Cross-National Analysis. Social Science & Medicine. 72:1211-1218.

|SSCI J Category= public health |RANK= 10/151 |Impact Factor=3.83 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

150. 2011. Steven Stack and Augustine Kposowa. “Religion and Suicidality: A Cross-National Analysis.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 50, 289-306.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK=61/143 |Impact Factor=1.74 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

151.2011. Esben Agerbo, Steven Stack, & Liselotte Petersen. Social Integration and Suicide in Denmark, 1906-2006. Social Science Journal, 49, 630-640.

|SSCI J Category= social science- |RANK=57/97 |Impact Factor=1.15 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

|Interdisciplinary | | | | |

152. 2012. Stack, S. & Barbara Bowman, & David Lester. “Suicide by Cop in Film and Society: Dangerousness, Depression & Justice.” Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 42, 359-376.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

153. 2012. Niederkrotenthaler, T., Yip, P., Fu, K.W., Stack, S., Cheng, Q., & Pirkis, J. Changes in suicide rates following media reports of celebrity suicides: A meta analysis. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 66, 1037-1042.

|SSCI J Category= public health |RANK= 8/151 |Impact Factor=4.15 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

154. 2012. Stack, S. Citation classics in Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior.42: 628-639.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

155. 2012. Stack, S., Lester, D., & Rosenberg, Jonathan. Music & Suicidality: A Quantitative Review and Extension. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 42: 654-671.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

156. 2013.Stack, S. Citation Classics in Deviant Behavior: An Assessment. Deviant Behavior 34, 85-96.

|Sorensen: criminology |RANK= 15/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

157. 2013. Stack, S. Does Discussion Promote Learning? An Analysis of an Online Criminology Class. J. of Criminal Justice Education. 24(3): 374-385.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

158. 2013. Stack, S. Religion & Suicide Acceptability: A Review and Extension. Suicidologi, 18(1): 3-9.

159. 2014. Stack, S., Kral, Michael, & Borowski, T. Exposure to Suicide Movies and Suicide Attempts. Sociological Focus. 47: 61-70.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

160. 2014. Stack, S. Differentiating Suicide Attempts from Suicide Ideation: Violence Involvement. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 44: 46-57.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

161. 2014. Stack, S. Teaching & Salary in the Social Sciences. Social Science Quarterly. 95: 785-794.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

162.2014. Nam-Ju Ji, Yeon-Pyo-Hong, Steven Stack, & Weon-Young Lee. Is Charcoal Burning Suicide a Persistent Epidemic in Asian Countries?: Epidemiological Findings from South Korea. J. of Korean Medical Science, 29: 1174-1177.

|SSCI J Category= Medicine-general |RANK= 77/156 |Impact Factor=1.3 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

163. 2014. Lee, Jesuk, Weon-Young Lee, Jang-Sun Hwang, & Steven Stack. To What Extent does the Reporting Behavior of the Media Regarding a Celebrity Suicide Influence Subsequent Suicides in South Korea? Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 44(4): 457-472.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

164. 2014. Rockett, I., Caine, E, DeLeo, D., Fraser, D., Hanzlick, R., Kapusta, N., Kleinig, J., Kleinig, J., Larkin, L, Naylor, C., Putnam, S., Smith, G., Stack, S. & Todd, K.H. Confronting Death from Drug Self-Intoxication: Better Definition is First Step to Prevention. American Journal of Public Health, 104(12): e49-e55.

|SSCI J Category= Public Health |RANK= 4/151 |Impact Factor=5.40 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

165.2015. Andriessen, Karl, Krisinka, Karolinska, & Stack, Steven. Predictors of article impact in Suicidology: The bereavement literature. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 45: 18-24.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

166. 2015. Stack, S. & Scourfield, J. Recency of Divorce, Depression and Suicide. J. of Family Issues 36(6):695-715.

|SSCI J Category= Family Studies |RANK=20/44 |Impact Factor=2.07 |Top 10% n |Quartile= 2Q |

167.2015. Stack, S. Laboratory Assignments and their Impact on Final Examination Grades: An Online Research Methods/Statistics Course. Innovative Teaching 4: 1-6.

|SSCI J Category= n.a. |RANK=n.a. |Impact Factor=n.a. |Top 10% n |Quartile=n.a. |

168. 2015. Stack, S. Learning Outcomes in an Online vs. Traditional Criminology Course. Int’l Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9(1): 1-18.

|SSCI J Category= n.a. |.Downloads | .Through date | | . |

|Number of Downloads at Digital Commons, Georgia |N= 568 |Through 7-2-15 | | |

|Southern University |N= 897 |Through 8-31-15 | | |

| |N=1,925 |Through 12-20-15 | | |

| |N=2,293 |Through 1-2-16 | | |

| |N=3822 |Through 4-2-16 | | |

| |N=5769 |Through 9-3-16 | | |

| |N=8998 |Through 3-5-17 | | |

| |downloads | | | |

169. 2015. Stack, S. Impact of Emergency phones on Bridge Suicide: Skyway Bridge, St Petersburg, Florida, 1950-2012.: Crisis: J of Suicide Prevention & Crisis Intervention. 36(3): 220-224.

|SSCI J Category=psychiatry |RANK=51/128 |Impact Factor=2.12 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

170.Stack, S. 2015. The Effect of Human Proctored & Technologically proctored Testing Environments on Exam Scores. J. of Criminal Justice Education 26 (3): 273-282.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

171. 2016. Stack, S. & Kposowa, A.J. The Culture of Self Expressionism as a Predictor of Suicide Acceptability: A Multi-Level Cross National Analysis. Sociological Quarterly 57: 282-303.

|SSCI J Category= sociology |RANK= 60/143 |Impact Factor=1.85 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

172.2016. Stack, S., Laubepin, F., Pompili, M. & Lynch, M. The Relationship between Components of Economic Deprivation and the Direction of Lethal Violence: Italian Provinces. Archives of Suicide Research,20:483-487.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

173. 2017. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. Cultural Scripts: Location of Suicide in Film, 1900-2013. Sociological Focus. 50: 346-360.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

173. 2017. Stack, Steven. Why is there not more suicide? An application of control theory to suicide. Crisis: J of Suicide Prevention & Crisis Intervention. In press.

|SSCI J Category=psychiatry |RANK=51/128 |Impact Factor=2.12 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

174. 2016. Niederkrotenthaler, T., Gould, M., Stack, S., & Till, Benedikt. Predictors of psychological improvement on non professional Suicide Message Boards: Content Analysis. Psychological Medicine. 46, 3429-3442.

|SSCI J Category= psychiatry |RANK=12/134 |Impact Factor=5.96 |Top 10% yes |Quartile=1Q |

175. 2018. Stack, S. & Rockett, R.H. Are suicide note writers representative of all suicides: Analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 48, 12-20.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

176. 2017. Stack, S. Global warming linked to suicide among farmers. NATURE PLANTS, 3(10),October 5 (online).

|SSCI J Category= Plant Science |RANK= 4/211 |Impact Factor=10.3 |Top 10% yes |Quartile=1Q |

177. 2017. Stack, S. & Laubepin, F. Locus of Control and the Direction of Lethal Violence. Social Science Journal. 54, 468-470.

|SSCI J Category= social science- |RANK=57/97 |Impact Factor=1.15 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

|Interdisciplinary | | | | |

178. 2018. Rockett, I. Caine, E., .. Stack, S. et al. Discerning suicide in fatal drug intoxication: Pivotal roles of a note and clinical history. PLOS ONE. 13, 1, e0190200.

|SCI J Category= Multidisciplinary Sciences |RANK= 14/64 |Impact Factor=3.35 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

179. 2018. Lew, B., Huen, J., Yuan, L., Stack, S. et al. Religious orientation and its relationship to suicidality: A study in one of the least religious countries. Religions. 9, 15.

|SSCI J Category= n.a. |RANK= n.a. |Impact Factor=n.a. |Top 10% na |Quartile=na |

180. 2018. Stack, S. Religious Activities and Suicide Prevention: A Gender Specific Analysis. Religions, 9, 127.

|SSCI J Category= n.a. |RANK= n.a. |Impact Factor=n.a. |Top 10% na |Quartile=na |

181. Rockett, I. Caine, E., Stack, S., et al. (2018). Method overtness, forensic autopsy, and the evidentiary suicide note: A multilevel National Violent Death Reporting System analysis. Plos ONE, 13, 5, e0197805.

|SCI J Category= Multidisciplinary Sciences |RANK= 14/64 |Impact Factor=3.35 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

182. 2018. Stack, S. Effect of the relaxation of a cheating inhibitor on online exam scores: Lengthening the time for exam access in a criminology course. Journal of Online Higher Education. 2(1): 1-12

183.2020. Stack, S. & Laubepin, Frederique. Cultural predictors of the direction of lethal

Violence: An analysis of 162 European Regions. Social Science Quarterly, in press.

|SSCI J Category= social science |RANK= 18/61 |Impact Factor=1.2 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

|interdisciplinary | | | | |

184. 2019. Stack, S. & Laubepin, Frederique. Religiousness as a predictor of suicide: An analysis of 162 European regions. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 49, 371-381.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK= 19/128 |Impact Factor=3.58 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

185. 2019. Stack, S. & Cao, L. Social Integration and Indigenous suicide: Psychiatric and social predictors a national analysis. Archives of Suicide Research. 23, in press.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

186. 2019. Niederkrotenthaler, T., Stack, S., Till, B., Sinyour, M., Pirkis, J., Garcia, D., Rocket, I., & Tran, U.S. Association of increased youth suicides in the United States with the release of 13 Reasons Why. JAMA Psychiatry, published online May 29, 2019.

|SSCI J Category= psychiatry |RANK=2/142 |Impact Factor=16.41 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

187. 2020. Stack, S. Media Guidelines and Suicide: A Critical Review. Social Science and Medicine, (in press).

|SSCI J Category= public health |RANK= 10/151 |Impact Factor=3.83 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

| | | | | |

188. 2020. Sinyour, M., Stack, S., & Niederkrotenthaler, T. What the highest rated movie of all time may teach us about portraying suicide in film. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, In press.

|SSCI J Category= psychiatry |RANK=14/142 |Impact Factor=4.30 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |

189. Niederkrotenthaler, T., ..Stack, S., et al. (2020). Association between suicide reporting and suicide: Systematic review and Meta analysis. British Medical Journal, in press.

|SSCI J Category= medicine, general |RANK=4/154 |Impact Factor=20.4 |Top 10% y |Quartile=1Q |


1. 1977 Stack, S. "Multivariate Analysis of the Political Economy of Unemployment." Peninsular Papers: Journal of the Michigan Sociological Society, 2(Spring):18-33.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

2. 1978 Stack, S. "Political Organization and the Degree of Tax Progressiveness, International Review of Modern Sociology, 8(Spring):113-126.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

3. 1978 Stack, S. & Kenneth Neubeck. "Education and Inequality: A Cross-National Analysis." International Review of Modern Sociology, 8(July-December): 159-166.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

4. 1979 Stack, S. "The End of the Golden Age of Higher Education (Symposium) Contemporary Sociology, 8(JANUARY): 10-12.

|SSCI J Category: sociology |RANK=121/143 |Impact Factor=.59 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

5. 1979 Stack, S. "The Impact of Political Institutions on Income Tax Structures." Michigan Academician, 11(Winter):251-262.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

6. 1979 Stack, S. "Durkheim's Theory of Fatalistic Suicide: A Cross-National Approach." Journal of Social Psychology 109(April): 161-168.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

7. 1979 Stack, S. & John Pandiani. "The Deterrent Effect of Imprisonment: A Reevaluation." Western Sociological Review, 10(Winter): 1-9.

|SSCI J Category: not listed |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

8. 1980 Stack, S. "The Effect of Interstate Migration on the Rate of Suicide." International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 26(Spring): 17-26.

|SSCI J Category=psychiatry |RANK=94/142 |Impact Factor=1.57 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

9. 1980 Stack, S. "The Effect of Age Composition on Suicide in Traditional and Industrial Societies." Journal of Social Psychology, 112(June): 143-144.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

10. 1980 Stack, S. "Occupation and Suicide: A Reanalysis." Aggressive Behavior, 6(3): 243-244.

|SSCI J Category= Psychology: multidiciplianry |RANK=29/128 |Impact Factor=3.08 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

11. 1981 Stack, S. "Religion and Anomie." Journal of Social Psychology, 114: 299-300.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

12. 1981 Stack, S. "The Effect of Immigration on Suicide: A Cross-National Study." Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 2 (September): 205-218.

|SSCI J Category= Psychology, Social |RANK=28/64 |Impact Factor=2.37 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

1981. Stack, S. "Comparative Analysis of Immigration and Suicide."

Psychological Reports, 40(October): 509-510.

|SSCI J Category= psychology, multidisciplinary |RANK=94/128 |Impact Factor=0.93 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

14. 1982 Stack, S. “Aging and Suicide: A Cross-National Study.” International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 19(July): 124-138.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

15. 1983 Stack, S. "Homicide and Property Crime: The Relationships to Anomie." Aggressive Behavior, 9(4): 339-344.

|SSCI J Category= Psychology: multidiciplianry |RANK=29/128 |Impact Factor=3.08 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

16. 1983 Stack, S. "A Comparative Analysis of Suicide and Religiosity." Journal of Social Psychology, 119(April): 285-286.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

17. 1983 Stack, S. "The Effect of Jonestown on the American Suicide Rate." Journal of Social Psychology, 119(January): 145-146.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

18. 1984 Horton, and Stack, S. "The Effect of Television on National Suicide Rates." Journal of Social Psychology,123(June): 141-142.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

19. 1985 Stack, S. "Religion and Anomia: Regional vs. National Specifications." Journal of Social Psychology, (February): 133-134.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

20. 1988 Stack, S. and David Lester. "Born Under a Bad Sign? The Effect of Astrological Sign on Suicide Ideation." Perceptual and Motor Skills, 66: 461-462.

|SSCI J Category= Psychology, experimental |RANK=67/74 |Impact Factor=0.6 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

21. 1989 Stack, S. and David Lester. "Bias Resulting from the Choice of Sample and Results of Cross-National Analyses of Suicide Rates." Quality and Quantity, 23: 221-223.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

22. 1990 Stack, S. "Introduction: Suicide and Family Factors" Family Perspective 24(1): 3-5.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

23. 1992 Lester, David, Bijou Yang and Stack, S. "Suicide and Unemployment: predicting the Smoothed Trend and Yearly Fluctuations." Journal of Socio-Economics(formerly J. of Behavioral Economics), 21: 39-41.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

24. 1994 Wasserman, Ira and Stack, S. "Age, Birthdays, and Suicide." Journal of Social Psychology, 134(4): 493-496.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

25. 1994 Stack, S. "The Effect of Gender on Publishing: The Case of Sociology." Sociological Focus 27(1): 81-83.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

26. 1994 Stack, S. "An Analysis of the Impact of Books and Journal Articles." International Review of Modern Sociology. 24: 119-125.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

27. 1995 Stack, S. "Suicide Risk Among Laborers: A Multivariate Analysis." Sociological Focus, 28:195-197.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

28.1996 Stack, S. and Ira Wasserman. "The Effect of Height on Suicide." Journal of Social Psychology, 136:255-256.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

29. 1996 Stack, S. "The Effect of Physical Attractiveness on Video Dating Outcomes." Sociological Focus, 29: 83-85.

|Allen Sociology core Influence |RANK= 36/58 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

30. 1997 Stack, S. "Suicide Among Artists." Journal of Social Psychology, 137(1): 129-130.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

31. 1997 Stack, S. and Olga Tsoudis. "Suicide Risk Among Correctional Officers: A Logistic Regression Analysis." Archives of Suicide Research, 3: 183-186.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

32.1999. Stack, S. “Gender Role Expectations and Personal Advertisements: A Race Specific Analysis of Female Profilers,” International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 29:85-96.

|SSCI J Category= not ranked |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

33. 1999 Stack, S. “Suicide Among Carpenters: A Multivariate Analysis.” OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 38: 229-232.

|SSCI J Category= Psychology: multidiciplianry |RANK=98/128 |Impact Factor=0.96 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

34. 1999 Schmidtke,A., Weinacker, Bettina, Stack, S. and David Lester. “The Impact of the Reunification of Germany on the Suicide Rate.” Archives of Suicide Research, 5:233-239.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

35. 2002 Stack, S. "Quantitative Suicidology: Individual and Aggregate

Level Approaches,” Archives of Suicide Research, 6(1): 61-67.

|SSCI J Category= psychology-multidisciplinary |RANK=37/128 |Impact Factor=2.62 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2q |

36.2002. Stack, S. “The Effect of Opera Fanship on Suicide Acceptability,” Death Studies, 26(5): 431-437.

|SSCI J Category= social issues |RANK=12/32 |Impact Factor=1.3 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

37. 2002. Lester, D., Armin Schmidtke, Sylvia Schaller, Stack, S. and I. Muller). “Clustering in Rampage Murders, Psychological Reports, 91:914.

|SSCI J Category= psychology, multidisciplinary |RANK=94/128 |Impact Factor=0.93 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

38. 2002. Stack, S. "The Effect of the Heavy Metal Youth Subculture on

Violence: An Analysis of Aggravated Assault." Adolescence. forthcoming.

|SSCI J Category=Psychology, developmental |RANK=43/56 |Impact Factor=1.4 |Top 10% n |Quartile=4Q |

39. 2002. Stack, S. "The Effect of Status Integration on Suicide in Germany."

Journal of Social Psychology, forthcoming.

|SSCI J Category= social psychology |RANK=47/64 |Impact Factor=1.64 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

40.2004. Lester, David , Armin Schmidtke, Sylvia Schaller, Stack, S. and I.

Muller. “The Deadliness of Mass Murders,” Psychological Reports, 94:1404.

|SSCI J Category= psychology, multidisciplinary |RANK=94/128 |Impact Factor=0.93 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

41. 2007. Stack, S. “Preface” Lynching and the Media: A Social Constructionist

Perspective. By Ira Wasserman. New York: Edwin Mellon Press i-v.

42. 2007. Stack, S. and David Lester. “Body Mass and Suicide Risk,” Crisis, Journal of Suicide Prevention & Crisis Intervention. 28(1): 46-47.

|SSCI J Category=psychiatry |RANK=51/128 |Impact Factor=2.12 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |

43. 2011. Stack, S. and Bowman, Barbara. Durkheim in the Movies: Studies Over a century of Suicide in Film.” Crisis: Journal of Suicide Prevention & Crisis Intervention, 32(4): 175-177.

|SSCI J Category=psychiatry |RANK=51/128 |Impact Factor=2.12 |Top 10% n |Quartile=2Q |


1. 1983 "Economic Problems." Chapter 11 in: DeFleur, Melvin (Ed), Social Problems in America, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin), pp. 294-325.

2. 1983 (with Ain Haas) "The Effect of Recent Unemployment on National Suicide Rates: A Time Series Analysis." In Babbitt, Charles (Ed), Sociology Towards The Year 2000, (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Beacons Press) Pp. 397-406.

3. 1983 "The Effect of Religious Commitment on Suicide." Pp. 150- 162 In Babbitt, Charles (Ed), Sociology Towards The Year 2000 (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Beacons Press).

4. 1985 (with Nick Danigelis) "Modernization and Gender Suicide Rates, 1919-1972." In Tomasson, Richard (Ed), Comparative Social Research, Volume 8. (Greenwich, Connecticut: Jai Press). pages 203-216.

5. 1985 "Suicide." In Kuper, Adam (Ed), Social Science Encyclopedia, (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul).

6. 1988 "The Effect of Religious/Familial Individualism on Suicide." Chapter 10, in Darwin Thomas (ed) The Religion and Family Connection: Social Science Perspectives, Salt Lake, Utah: Bookcraft, pp. 175- 204.

7. 1989 "The Effect of Jonestown on Suicide Perception and Behavior." In Moore, Rebecca and Fielding McGehee (eds). New Religious Movements, Mass Suicide, and Peoples' Temple: Scholarly Perspectives on a Tragedy, Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellon Press, pages 135-151.

8. 1990 "Media Impacts on Suicide." In David Lester (editor), Current Concepts of Suicide. Bowie, Maryland: The Charles Press, pp. 107-120.

9. 1991 "Social Correlates of Suicide by Age: Media Impacts." In Antoon Leenars(ed) Life Span Perspectives of Suicide. New York: Plenum Publishers. Pp. 187-213.

10. 1992 "Marriage, Family, Religion and Suicide." In Ronald Maris et al., (eds) Assessment and Prediction of Suicide. New York: Guilford. Pp. 540-552.

11. 1992 "Religiosity, Depression and Suicide" In John Schumaker(ed) Religion and Mental Health. NY: Oxford University Press. Pp. 87-97.

12. 1993 "Sociological Analysis of Suicide" Chapter for Craig Calhoun and George Ritzer (eds) Social Problems. New York: Mc Graw Hill, Pp. 197-211.

13. 1994 "100 Years Later: How Durkheim would reformulate his theory." In David Lester (ed) Centennial of Durkheim's Le Suicide. Philadelphia: The Charles Press. Pp. 237-249.

14. 1994 "Effects of Marital Dissolution on Suicide." In Gregg Carter (ed) Empirical Approaches to Sociology, New York: Macmillan (reprint of Journal of Marriage and Family article), Pp. 25-31.

15. 1994 "Divorce." (6,500 words). In V.S. Ramachandran (ed) Encyclopedia of Human Behavior. New York: Academic Press, Pp. 153-163.

16. 1994 (with Ira Wasserman) "Communal Violence and the Media: Lynchings and their News Coverage, 1882-1930." Pp. 69-94 in Gregg Barak (ed), Media, Process, and the Social Construction of Crime: Studies in News making Criminology New York: Garland.

17. 1995 (with Ira Wasserman) "Spatial Autocorrelation with Regard to Suicide in the United States." In Block, Carolyn, Margaret Dabdoub, and Suzanne Fregly (eds.) Crime Analysis Through Computer Mapping, Washington: Police Executive Research Forum, Pp. 49-58. Reprint of 1993 Conference Paper, Chicago.

18. 1999 "Sociological Analysis of Rational Suicide: An Analysis of Attitudes." In James L. Werth (ed) Contemporary Perspectives on Rational Suicide. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis. Pp. 41-47.

19. 2000 “Occupation and Suicide.” Chapter in Bryant, Clifton (ed). Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior, Volume 4: Self Destructive Behavior. London: Taylor and Francis. Pp 499-503.

20. 2000 “Social Differences in Suicidal Behavior.” Chapter in Bryant, Clifton (ed).Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior, Volume 4: Self Destructive Behavior. London: Taylor and Francis. Pp 523-527.

21. 2000. (With Liqun Cao) “Confidence in the Police in Industrial Nations.” In Del Rounds (ed) International Criminal Justice Issues in Global Perspective. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Pp. 71- 81.

22. 2000 “Work and Economy.” In Ronald Maris , Alan Berman, and Morton Silverman (eds) Comprehensive Textbook of Suicidology. New York: Guilford, pp. 193-221.

23. 2000 “Sociological Research into Suicide.” In David Lester (ed) Suicide: Resources for the Millennium. New York: Taylor and Francis, Pp. 17-30.

24. 2000 (with Ira Wasserman) “Race, Occupation, and Suicide Risk in Ohio, 1989-1991" In John McIntosh (ed) Review of Suicidology, Volume 2.New York: Guilford Press. Pp.242-51

25. 2000 (with Tom Kelley) “Police Suicide: An Analysis.” (Reprint of article (1994) in American J of Police, In Dennis Kenney (ed.) Police and Policing, second edition, Greenwich, Connecticut: Praeger.

26. 2001 "Publicized Executions and the Incidence of Homicide: Methodological Sources of Contradictory Findings.” In DuPont- Morales, Toni and Michael Hooper (eds),Handbook of Criminal Justice Administration, New York: Marcel Decker Publishers, Pp. 355-369.

27. 2002.”Suicide,” In David Levinson (editor), Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (3,500 words)Pp. 1597-1602.

28. 2002. (With Armin Schmidtke, Sylvia Schaller, & David Lester).“Imitation von Amok und Amok-Suizid,” Chapter in Terroristen Suizide Und Amok (Wolfersdorf, Manfred & Manfred Waller (editors), Regensburg: S. Roderer Verlag. Pp. 91-112.

29. 2003. “Suicide Influences and Factors: Media Effects,” Chapter in Robert Kastenbaum (ed), Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, New York: Macmillan. (2,500 words), Pp. 821-824.

30. 2005. “Suicide: Extent and Correlates,” in Wright, Richard, and Miller, J. Mitchell (eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology, New York: Taylor and Francis, (2000 words)Pp. 1611-1614.

31. 2005. “Suicide: Prevention,” in Wright, Richard, and Miller, J. Mitchell (eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology, New York: Taylor and Francis, (2000 words), Pp. 1615-1617.

32. 2005. “Suicide & Euthanasia,” (1,000 words) In Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B (editor), Criminal Justice Encyclopedia, Salem Press, Pasadena, CA.,Pp.1034-1038.

33. 2006. “Suicide.” (2000 words),In Ritzer, George (ed.). Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: Blackwell, Pp. 4881-4884.

34. 2006. “Pornography,” (2,000 words) In Rasmussen, R. Kent (editor), Criminal Justice Encyclopedia, Salem Press, Pasadena, California.

35. 2006. “Religion and White Collar Crime,” (2,500 words) In Jensen, Eric and Gerber, Jurg (eds.). Encyclopedia of White Collar Crime, New York: Greenwood Publishers.

36. 2012 “Suicide & Unemployment.” In Amresh Shrivastava, M. Kimbrell, & David Lester (eds.) Suicide from a Global Perspective: Psycho-Social Perspectives. New York: Nova Science. Pp. 81-85.

37. 2012 “The Impact of the media .” In Amresh Shrivastava, M. Kimbrell, & David Lester (eds.) Suicide from a Global Perspective: Psycho-Social Perspectives. New York: Nova Science. Pp.115-118.

38. 2008. “The Effect of Marital Status on Male Homicide Victimization: A Race Specific Analysis.” Chapter in Froeling, Karen (ed), Criminology: Research Focus. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers. Pp. 161-174.

39. 2008. “The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide in Alabama,” Chapter in Froeling, Karen (ed), Criminology: Research Focus. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers. Pp. 143-160.

40. 2008. (with Barbara Bowman) “Gender and Suicide Method: Film and Society,” Chapter in Herbert, Arno, Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas, and Till, Benedikt (eds). Suicidality and Suicide in the Media. Vienna, Austria LIT Verlag Publishers, Pp. 59-67.

41. 2009. “Suicide: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3,000 words). In Peck, Dennis and Bryant, Clifton D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Death and Human Experience. Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage.

42. 2009. “Suicide: Later Life (1500 words).” Pp. 408-411, in Carr, Deborah (ed). Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development, Volume 3. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale , Division of Cengage Learning Publishing.

43. 2009. “Suicide: Adult Life (2500 words).” Pp. 461-466, in Carr, Deborah (ed). Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development, Volume 2. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale , Division of Cengage Learning Publishing.

44. 2009. Steven Stack and David Lester. “Introduction: Issues in Suicide & the Creative Arts.” Pp. 5-11, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

45. 2009. Stack, S. “The Suicide of Ajax: A Note on Occupational Strain as a Risk Factor for Suicide.” Pp. 49-54, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

46. 2009. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. “Suicide in the Movies: Gender and Method of Suicide,” Pp. 57-62, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

47. 2009. Steven Stack and Barbara Bowman. “The Legacy of Lucretia: Rape Suicides in Art and Film, 509 BC – 2008.” Pp. 63-78, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

48. 2009. Steven Stack and Barbara Bowman. “Pain and Altruism: The Suicides in John Wayne’s Films.” Pp. 93-110, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

49. 2009. Steven Stack and Barbara Bowman. “Suicide Motive in 61 Works of Popular World Literature and Comparison to Film.” Pp. 113-124, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

50. 2009. Stack, S. “Suicide Among Artists: National Epidemiology.” Pp. 169-187, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

51. 2009. Steven Stack and Barbara Bowman. “Artist Suicide in the Cinema,” Pp.215-228, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

52. 2009. Stack, S. “Copycat effects of fictional suicides: A Meta Analysis,” Pp.231-244, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

53. 2009. Steven Stack, Karolina Krysinka and David Lester. “Did the Hungarian Suicide Song Really Create a Suicide Epidemic?” Pp. 245-252, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

54. 2009. Steven Stack and David Lester. “Future work: Points of departure and Data Resources.” Pp.301-310, in Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide in the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

55. 2011. Stack, S. & Kposowa, A.K. “Religion and Suicide: A Cross-National Analysis.” Pp. 235-252. In O’Connor, R., Platt, S. and Gordon, J. (eds.). International Handbook of Suicide Prevention: Research, Policy, and Practice. London: John Wiley/Blackwell.

56. 2011. Stack, S. “Suicide.” (600 words), In Ritzer, George (ed.). Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: Blackwell.

57. 2010. Stack, S. “General Deterrence Theory” (1,000 words) Chapter in Francis Cullen and Pamela Wilcox (eds.). Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage. Pp. 363-364.

58. 2011. Stack, S. “Suicide as Deviant Behavior,” (3,600 words), Chapter in Clifton Bryant, editor, Handbook of Deviant Behavior, London: Routledge. Pp. 313-320.

59. 2010. Stack, S., Wasserman, I & Kern, R. “Use of Internet Pornography.” Chapter 4 in Higgins, George (Ed). Cybercrime: An Introduction to an Emerging Phenomenon. New York: McGraw Hill.

60. 2010. Stack, S. “Marital Status and Homicide Victimization.” Chapter 8 in Randal Toliver & Ulrich R. Coyne (Eds.), Homicide: Trends, Causes, and Prevention. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Pp. 157-170.

61. 2010. Stack, S. “Celebrities and Suicide.” In C. Rojek (ed), Celebrity: Critical Concepts in Sociology. London: Routledge.

62. 2010. Stack, S & Bowman, B. Suicide Tourism: London. In Pompili, Maurizio (Ed.), Suicide in the Words of Suicidologists. Chapter 49, Pp. 199-201. New York: Nova Science.

63. 2012. Stack, S. "Divorce." (6,500 words). In V.S. Ramachandran (ed) Encyclopedia of Human Behavior. New York: Elseiver Press. Pp. 716-723.

64. 2011. Stack, S. Suicide in College Students: A National Epidemiology. Chapter in Lamis, Dorian & David Lester (eds.). Understanding and Preventing College Student Suicide. Springfield, Il.: Charles Thomas. Pp.33-46.

65. 2012. West, Kevin & Stack, S. Black Political Empowerment and Suicide Risk. Chapter in Gotsiridze-Columbus, Nayda (Ed.) Suicide Risk Factors and Prevention. New York: Nova Science.

66. 2014. Stack, S. Suicide & Mental Illness (2500 words). Chapter in Cockerham, William, Dingwall, Robert, & Quah, Stella (Eds.). Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior & Society, London: Wiley-Blackwell. Pp. 1618-1623.

67. 2012. Stack, S. The Effect of the Subculture of Violence on Individual Level Suicide Risk: Data from the National Mortality Follow Back Survey. Chapter in Hayes, Graham R. & Michael H. Bryant(Eds.). The Psychology of Culture. New York: Nova Science, pp. 201-212.

68. 2013. Stack, S. Suicide in Athletes: Epidemiological Data from the National Mortality Files. Chapter in Lester, D and Gunn, J.F. (eds). Suicide in Professional and Amateur Athletes. Springfield, Il.: Charles Thomas. Pp. 17-40.

69. 2013. Stack, S. Framing Athlete Suicide in the Movies: Impacts of Physical Problems, and Occupational & Economic Strain. Chapter in Lester, D. and Gunn, J.F. (eds). Suicide in Professional and Amateur Athletes. Springfield, Il.: Charles Thomas. Pp. 192-215.

70. 2013. Stack, S. Intimate Partner Problems: Differentiating African American from Caucasian Suicide: Analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System. Pp. 145-154 in Harris, Marian S. (Ed.) African American Perspectives: Family Dynamics, Health Care Issues, and the Role of Ethnic Identity. New York: Nova Science.

71. 2013. Stack, S. Suicide: A review of the sociological literature. Chapter 58, In Hawton, K. & O’Connor, R. (eds). Suicide, Volume III. London: Routledge.

72. 2014. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. Male Suicide: Presentation in the Cinema vs. Society. Pp. 288-300, Chapter in Lester, D., Gunn, J. & Quinnett, P. (Eds.). Suicide in Men. Springfield, Il.: Charles C. Thomas.

73. 2015. Stack, S. Suicide & Divorce (2,000 words). Chapter in Constance Sheehan (ed.). Encyclopedia of Family Studies. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

74. 2015. Stack, S. “Suicide.” (2,500 words). Chapter forthcoming in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Sociology. Second edition. New York: Wiley Blackwell.

75. 2016. Stack, S. & Kposowa, A.J. Sociological Perspectives on Suicide: A Review and Analysis of Marital & religious Integration. Chapter 14 in O’Connor, R., Platt, S. & J. Pirkis (Eds.). International Handbook of Suicide Prevention: Research, Policy, and Practice. Revised for Second edition. London: John Wiley/Blackwell, Pp. 241-257.

76. Stack, S. (2015). The Location of the Suicidal Act. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance . New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 73-76.

77. Stack, S. (2015). Predictors of Staging Suicides Away from Home: National Epidemiology of 30,570 Suicides. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance . New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 77-94.

78. Stack, S. (2015) Hotel suicide and the drug subculture. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 95-108.

79. Stack, S. (2015) Back to Nature: Suicide in Natural Areas, Analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003-2006. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 109-128.

80. Stack, S. & Bowman, Barbara. (2015) Suicide in Grand Canyon National Park, An Epidemiology. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 129-150.

81. Stack, S. & Abrutyn, Seth. (2015) Suicide by Fire: Ethnicity as a Predictor of Self- Immolation in the United States. Chapter in: Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 193-210.

82. Stack, S. (2015) Have Gun will Travel: Suicide by Firearms Away from Home: National Epidemiology. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 211-222.

83. Stack, S. (2015). Taxonomy of Unusual Suicide Methods & Circumstances: Analysis of 86 Recent Forensic Case Reports. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 223-242.

84. Stack, S. (2015). Methods of Suicide around the World. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 243-258.

85. Lester, D. & Stack, S. (2015). Conclusions & Suggestions for Future Work. Chapter in Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 223-232.

86. Stack, S. (2016). The Culture of Violence & Suicidology. Chapter 1, Pp. 1-12, in Oliver Torres, editor, Encyclopedia of Suicide. New York: Nova Science.

87. Stack, S. & Bowman , B. (2017). Why Men Choose Firearms more than women: Gender & the Portrayal of firearm suicide in Film, 1900-2014, Chapter in Niederkrotenthalter, T & Stack, S. (eds). Media & Suicide: International Perspectives on Research, Theory & Policy, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, p. 17-26.

88. Stack, S. (2017) Internet bullying differentiates suicide attempters from ideators. Chapter in Niederkrotenthalter, T & Stack, S. (eds). Media & Suicide: International Perspectives on Research, Theory & Policy, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 67-74.

89. Niederkrotenthaler, T. & . Stack, S. (2017) Introduction. Chapter in Niederkrotenthalter, T & Stack, S. (eds). Media & Suicide: International Perspectives on Research, Theory & Policy, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, p. 1-16.

90. Stack, S. & Niederkrotenthaler, T. (2017). Conclusions. Chapter in Niederkrotenthalter, T & Stack, S. (eds). Media & Suicide: International Perspectives on Research, Theory & Policy, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, p. 251-264.

91. Stack, S. (2020). Rape and suicide among men. Chapter forthcoming in Lester, David (Ed). Understanding Suicide Ideation. New York: Nova Science.


1. 2009. Steven Stack, and David Lester (Editors). Suicide and the Creative Arts. New York: Nova Science Publishers. (22 chapters).

2. 2012. Stack, S with B. Bowman. Suicide Movies: Social Patterns,1900-2009. (10 chapters). Goettingen, Germany & Cambridge, Ma.,Hogrefe Press. 298 pages.

Nominated for the Wayne State University Board of Governor’s Faculty Recognition Award for 2013.


Timothy Lineberry (2012)(Mayo Clinic, USA), Review of Suicide Movies, Social Patterns, 1900-2009. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, published first on line, 2012.

Budda, Bela. (2013)(Psychiatrist, Budapest, Hungary). Book Review: Motives for Suicide in Movies. Crisis: A Journal of Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention, 34, 67-68.

Bhugra, Dinesh (2013). (President, World Psychiatric Association). Review of Suicide Movies: Social Patterns, 1900-2009. International Journal of Culture & Mental Health. Published first online, February 6, 2013.

Xerfan, Julio. (2013). (Institute of Psychiatry, Federal University Rio De Janeiro, Brazil). Review of Suicide Movies: Social Patterns, 1900-2009. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 59(3), 304-305.

White, Jennifer. (2013). (University of Victoria). Book Review: Suicide Movies: Social Patterns, 1900-2009. Social Forces, 93(3) e87-88. first published online January 8, 2013.

Forman, April. (2015). Review of Suicide Movies, Social Patterns. American Association of Suicidology, feature book reviews section, AAS web page.

Suicide Movies Social Patterns 1900-2009. 2011. Ca. VIII + 240 pp., hardcover. Ca. €34.95 / CHF 52.00 / US $59.00 / £27.90 / CAD 53.00. ISBN 978-0-88937-390-7.

How is suicide portrayed in the cinema and what does it mean for suicide prevention? The first-ever comprehensive study of film suicide analyzes more than 1,500 film suicides.  

The portrayal of suicide in cinema can impact public understanding and effective prevention of suicide. This book presents the first-ever comprehensive analysis of how suicide has been portrayed in films over 110 years, based on a thorough evaluation of more than 1,500 film suicides – 1,377 in American films, 135 in British films.

One striking finding is that while the scientific research literature generally attributes suicide to individual psychiatric or mental health issues, cinema and film solidly endorse more social causes.

In a compelling blend of social science and humanities approaches, the authors use quantitative methods, as well as the voices of scriptwriters, directors, actors, and actresses, dozens of illustrative frame-grabs, and numerous case examples to answer core questions such as: Are we guilty of over-neglecting social factors in suicide prevention and research? Do cinematic portrayals distort or accurately reflect the nature of suicide in the real world? Has film presentation of suicide changed over 110 years? What are the literary roots of cinema portrayals? 

This unique book makes fascinating reading for all concerned with suicide prevention, as well as areas such as sociology, film and media studies, and mass communication. July 2011. 

ABI Audience: Suicide Research and Prevention; Sociology; Social Psychology; Film and Media Studies; Clinical Psychology; Psychiatry. Hogrefe Subject Categories: Social Psychology; Suicide; Psychology of Art, Music, Art Therapy; Psychiatry; Psychotherapy, Clinical Psychology, and Counseling.

3. (2015) Lester, David & Stack, Steven (eds). Suicide as a Dramatic Performance: New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books.

4. (2017). Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas & Steven Stack (editors). Media and Suicide: International Perspectives on Research, Theory, and Policy. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books.

Table of Contents:

PART I Research on Media Impacts on Suicide

1.Why Men Choose Firearms more than women: Gender & the Portrayal of firearm suicide in Film, 1900-2014,

Steven Stack, & Barbara Bowman, Wayne State University, USA.

2. Development and prevention of suicide hotspots. Armin Schmidtke &.Julia Maloney, University of Wurzburg, Germany.

3. Media & Diffusion of New Methods of Suicide. Yingyeh Chen, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.

4. Suicide stories in the U.S. media: Rare and focused on acute precipitants. Silvia Canetto, Phillip T Tatum, & Michael

D. Slater, Colorado State University, USA.

5. Newspaper coverage of suicide and initiation of suicide clusters in teenagers in the USA, 1988-1996. Madelyn Gould,

Columbia University, USA.

  6. Internet bullying differentiates suicide attempters from ideators. Steven Stack, Wayne State University, USA

7. The use of social media in the aftermath of a suicide. Jo Bell, & Louis Bailey, University of Hull, U.K.

8. Suicide and newer media: The good, the bad, and the googly. Jane Pirkis, University of Melbourne, Australia.

9. The heroic and the criminal, the beautiful and the ugly: suicide reflected in the mirror of the arts.

Karolina Krysinska and Karl Andriessen, University of New South Wales, Australia.

10. Suicide in Kabuki Plays. Karolina Krysinska, University of New South Wales, Australia

Part II: Theories of Media Impacts

11. Behind Werther: Understanding why media coverage of suicide is at risk of increasing suicide rates. C.E.

Notredame, N. Pauwels, T. Danel, M. Walter, & G. Vaiva1, Medical Center of Lille, France

12. Update on the Papageno Effect. Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Medical University of Vienna Austria.

13. The impact of suicide portrayals in films on audiences: A qualitative study. Benedikt Till, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

14. Between Werther and Papageno effects. Sebastian Scherr, & Anna Steinleitner, Ludwig Maximillian University, Munich, Germany.

Part III. Policy Issues

15. Suicide and mass media reporting: The very beginning of the Viennese experience in the 1980's. Gernot Sonneck

(Medical University of Vienna, Austria) and Elmar Etzersdorfer (Germany).

16. Implementing media guidelines to change the reporting of suicide . Jaelea Skehan & Jane Pirkis, University of Melbourne, Australia.

17. Developing the U.S, Media Recommendations for reporting on suicide: A comprehensive and collaborative approach.

Daniel Reidenberg, USA.

18. Stop Suicide's contribution: Suicide media coverage in Swiss newspapers (French language) : Best practices.

Irina Inostroza & Joanne Schweizer-Rodriguez, Stop Suicide, France.

19. Reporting Responsible Portrayal of Suicide: Lessons from the UK and ROI. Lisa Marzano, Middlesex University,

U.K. and Keith Hawton, Oxford University, UK

20. Comparing journalists' practices with suicide reporting in different media systems. Qijin Cheng, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

21. Conclusions. Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Medical University of Vienna, Austria, & Steven Stack, Wayne State University, USA.

IID. Publications: Comments and Replies

1. 1978 "Inequality, Unemployment, and Crime: A Cross National Analysis (comment on Krohn) Sociological Quarterly 19(Spring): 340-342.

2. 1978 "Internal Political Organization and the World-Economy of Income Inequality (Comment on Rubinson)." American Sociological Review 43(April): 271-272.

3. 1979 "The Effects of Political Participation and Socialist Party Strength on the Degree of Income Inequality." (Comment on Hewitt) American Sociological Review 44 (February): 168-172.

4. 1980 "Direct Government Involvement in the Economy: Theoretical and Empirical Extensions (Reply to Jackman and Firebaugh)." American Sociological Review 45 (February): 146-153.

5. 1983 "A Comparative Analysis of Durkheim's Theory of Egoistic Suicide (Comment on Breault and Barkey)." Sociological Quarterly 24(Autumn): 625-627.

6. 1985 "Economic Development, Religion, and Lethal Aggression (Reply to Whitt)." Deviant Behavior 7: 233-236.

7. 1985 (with Ain Haas) "Economic Development and Strikes Reply to Cameroon)." Sociological Quarterly 25(2):209-212.

8. 1987 "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide: Some Methodological Problems (Comment on Wasserman)." Journal of Marriage and the Family 49(February): 205-206.

9. 1993 (with James Gundlach) "Alcohol Consumption and Suicide: A Reply to Wasserman." Social Science Quarterly 74: 219-220.

10. 1994 (with James Gundlach) "Country Music and Suicide: Reply to Maguire and Snipes)" Social Forces. 72 (June): 1245-1248.

11. 1994 (with James Gundlach) "Psychological vs. Sociological Perspectives on Suicide (Reply to Gary Mauk et al.) Social Forces 72 (June): 1257-1261.

12. 1995 "Homicide and Executions: A reply to Goetting." Criminal Justice and Behavior 22 (June): 190-194.

13. 1995 "Country Music and Suicide: Individual, Indirect, and Interaction Effects (reply to Snipes and Maguire)." Social Forces, 74: 331-336.

14. 1997 "Modernization and Suicide: A Comment on 'An Empirical Examination of Thomas Masaryk's Theory of Suicide." Archives of Suicide Research, 3:133-135.

15.2002. “Political Regime and Suicide: Some Relevant Variables to be Considered,” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 56: 727.

16. 2014. (Nam,J.,Hong, Y.P., Stack, S., & Lee, W.Y.). Author’s response to “Influence of media on suicide: Proper coverage of media on suicide reports.” J. of the Korean Medical Society, 29:1584-1585.

IIE. PUBLICATIONS: Book Reviews & Book Endorsements

1. 1978 Review of Robert Jackman's POLITICS AND SOCIAL EQUALITY: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS (New York: John Wiley). CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY, 7(March): 220-222.

2. 1978 Review of Daniel Rossides, THE AMERICAN CLASS SYSTEM (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976). TEACHING SOCIOLOGY 6(October): 93-95.

3. 1978 Review of Morgan Reynolds and Eugene Smolensky, PUBLIC EXPENDITURES, TAXES, AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME IN THE UNITED STATES (New York: Academic Press, 1977), CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY, 7(May): 371-372.

4. 1978 Review of E.E. Leasers, BLUE COLLAR ARISTOCRATS: LIFE STYLES AT A WORKING CLASS TAVERN, (Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press), AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, 8, (September): 515-517.

5. 1978 Review of the A.F.L.C.I.O. film: Justice VS J.P. Stevens, TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE NEWSLETTER, American Sociological Association, 3 (August).

6. 1979 Review of Claus Offe, INDUSTRY AND INEQUALITY, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1977), CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY, 8(March): 322-323.

7. 1979 Review of Magnum Garth and Stephen F. Seninger, COMING OF AGE IN THE GHETTO: A DILEMMA OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT, (Baltimore: John's Hopkins University Press, 1978), SOCIOLOGY, 6(March/April): 72-73.

8. 1979 Review of Clifton Bryant, SEXUAL DEVIANCY IN SOCIAL CONTEXT (New York: New Viewpoints Press), JOURNAL OF SEX RESEARCH, (November): 329-330.

9. 1979 Review of David Schaefer THE NEW EGALITARIANS (Port Washington, New York: Kennikat) SOCIOLOGY, 6(September/October): 152-153.

10. 1979 Review of Sawyer Sylvester et. al., PRISON HOMICIDE(New York: Spectrum, 1977), CRIME AND DELINQUENCY, 25(April): 262-263.

11 1979 Review of David Caplovitz, THE WORKING ADDICT (New York: M.E. Sharpe), JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY, 70(4): 594-595.

12. 1980 Review of Keith Bottomley CRIMINOLOGY IN FOCUS (New York: Barnes and Noble) SOCIAL FORCES, 59(September): 316-318.

13. 1980 Review of David Downes and Paul Rock, PROBLEMS IN CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY, (New York: Barnes and Noble) SOCIAL FORCES, 59 (September): 316-318.

14. 1980 Review of Bruce Briggs (Ed), THE NEW CLASS (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Press), SOCIOLOGY, 7(January/February): 29-30.

15. 1980 Review of Rudolfo Alvarez and Kenneth Lotterman, DISCRIMINATION IN ORGANIZATIONS, (NewYork: Jossey Bass), SOCIOLOGY, 7(May/June): 105.

16. 1980 Review of John Goldthorpe, et al., SOCIAL MOBILITY AND CLASS STRUCTURE IN MODERN BRITAIN (New York: Oxford University Press) SOCIOLOGY, 8(November/December): 20.

17. 1981 Review of Bengt Abrahamsonn and Anders Bromstrom, THE RIGHTS OF LABOR (Beverly Hills, Cal.: Sage) SOCIOLOGY,8 (May/June): 72.

18. 1982 Review of Richard Tomasson, COMPARATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH (Greenwich, Connecticut: Jai Press), CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY, 11(March): 209-210.

19. 1982 Review of Frank Bechhofer and Brian Elliott (Eds), THE PETITE BOURGEOISIS: COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF AN UNEASY STRATUM, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981) CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY, 11(November): 778-779.

20. 1982 Review of Martha Hill, Daniel Hill, and James Morgan, Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress, (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Institute for Social Research, 1981), Contemporary Sociology, 11(November):


21. 1983 Review of Andrew Greeley, The Religious Imagination,(Los Angeles: Sadlier Press, 1981), Journal For The Scientific Study of Religion, 22(March): 97.

22. 1983 Review of Ronald Maris, Pathways to Suicide, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981), Social Forces, 62(December): 557-559.

23. 1984 Review of David Lester, Why People Kill Themselves, (Springfield,Illinois: Charles Thomas, 1983, second edition) Contemporary Sociology, 13(July): 446-447.

24. 1984 Review of Richard Hollinger and John Clark, Theft by Employees, (Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1983), Social Forces, 63(December): 584-586.

25. 1985 Review of Patricia Davis, Adolescent Suicide (Springfield, Illinois: Charles Thomas, 1983), Contemporary Sociology, 14(January):55.

26. 1987 Review of Larry Morton Gernsbacher, The Suicide Syndrome (New York: Human Sciences Press, 1985), Contemporary Sociology, 16 (January):128-129.

27. 1988 Review of Paul Hollinger, Violent Deaths in The U.S., An Epidemiologic Study of Suicide, Homicide, and Accidents, 1900-1984 (New York: Guilford Press, 1987). Contemporary Sociology 17 (September): 691-692.

28. 1988 Review of Mamoru Iga, The Thorn in The Chrysanthemum: Suicide And Economic Success in Modern Japan. (Berkeley: University of California Press) American Journal of Sociology, 93(May): 1493-1495.

29. 1989 Review of George Thomas, John W. Meyer, et al. Institutional Structure. Beverly Hills, CA.: Sage. Contemporary Sociology 18 (July): 565-566.

30. 1996 Review of: Douglas Challenger, Durkheim Through the Lens of Aristotle. London: Rowman and Littlefield. Social Forces. 75(September): 349-350.

31. 1999. Review of: Herbert Hendin Seduced by Death: Doctors, Patients, and the Dutch Cure. New York: W.W. Norton. Social Pathology, 5(September): 107-108.

32. 2001 Review of Leenaars, Antoon, Wenckstern, Susanne, Sakinofsky, Isaac, Dyck, Ronald, Kral, Michael, and Bland, Roger (eds), Suicide in Canada, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Transcultural Psychiatry.

33. 2004. Review of Schichor, David, Gaines, Larry, and Ball, Richard Ball (Eds.) Readings in White Collar Crime, Prospect Heights, Il.: Waveland Press, Criminal Justice Review, 29(1):228-229.

34. 2004. Review/Endorsement. Coleman, L. (2005) The Copycat Effect. NY: Paraview Pocket Books.

35. 2009. Review/endorsement. Tartaro, Christine & David Lester. Suicide and Self Harm in Prisons and Jails. New York: Lexington Books.

36.2010. Review/endorsement. Rogers, James R. & Lester, D. Understanding Suicide. Cambridge, Ma.: Hogrefe.

37.2011. Brief Review/endorsement. Fincham, Ben, Susanne Langer, Jonathan Scourfield, & Michael Shiner. Understanding Suicide: A Sociological Autopsy. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

38. 2012 Full Review of Fincham, Ben, Susanne Langer, Jonathan Scourfield, & Michael Shiner. Understanding Suicide: A Sociological Autopsy. Sociology (British Sociological Association). In Press.

39. 2012. Review/endorsement of Erminia Colucci & David Lester (Eds.) Culture and Suicide: Understanding the Context. Cambridge, Ma.: Hogrefe.

40. 2014. Review/endorsement. Spates, Kamesha. (2014). What don’t kill us makes us stronger: African American Women and Suicide. Paradigm Publishers.

41. 2014. Review/endorsement. Maris, Ronald. 2015. Pillaged: Psychiatric Medications and Suicide Risk. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press.

42. 2015. Review of Jukkala, Tanya. (2013). Suicide in Russia: A Macrosociological Analysis. Uppsala University. Uppsalla, Sweden. Uppsala University Press. Sociologisk Forskning (Journal of the Swedish Sociological Association). 51(1): 89-90.

43. 2015. Review. Maris, Ronald. 2015. Pillaged: Psychiatric Medications and Suicide Risk. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press. In Medical History, 59(4): 630-631.

44. 2017. Review/endorsement. Trovato, Frank (editor). Migration, Health and Survival: International Perspectives. London: Edwin Elgar Publishing, Ltd.

IIF. Publications: Selected Articles Conditionally Accepted or Under Review

1. Niederkrotenthaler, T., Braun,M., Pirkis, J., Till, B. Stack, S., Sinyour, M., Tran, U.S., et al. (2020).Association between suicide reporting in news and information media and subsequent suicides: Systematic review and Meta- analysis. Paper revised and resubmitted to The British Medical Journal. . (SSCI: #4/154 Medicine: General & Internal, IF= 20.3)

2. Stack, S. (2020). Mid Life Male Suicide: Epidemiology of Social Risk & Protective Factors. Paper being revised for submission to Archives of Suicide Research.

4. Stack, S. (2020) Effects of Proctoring vs. Cheating Inhibitors on Exam Scores: Analysis of an Online Research Methods Course. Paper being revised for resubmission Journal of Excellence in College Teaching.

5. Steven Stack and Barbara Bowman (2020). The Gambling-Suicide Link in Film, 1900-2006. Paper being revised for submission to Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology.

6. Stack, S. (2020). Does participation in a discussion board promote learning outcomes? An online research methods course. Paper being revised for submission to J. of Criminal Justice Education.

7. Stack, S. (2020). Does Departmental Prestige predict publication requirements for promotion? Paper being revised for submission to Journal of Criminal Justice Education.

8. 2020. Stack, S. “Homicide and Publicized Executions: A Quantitative Review of 385 Findings,” Paper being revised for submission to Homicide Studies.

9. 2020. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. Social Construction of Police Suicide: American Cinema vs. American Society. Paper being revised for submission to Journal of Communication.

10. 2020. The Missing Link: The association between suicidality and delinquency: An analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Paper being revised for submission to Criminology.

11. Stack, S. (2020) Are Nurses at Risk for Death by Suicide? The role of social and psychiatric Factors. Paper being revised for submission to Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior.

12. 2020. Stack, S. “Marital Status and Suicide in the U.S. Military: A Multivariate Analysis,” Paper conditionally accepted at Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior.

13. Stack, S. (2020). Means Restriction: Does Firearm Availability Predict Police Suicide: Analysis of National Mortality Data. Paper being revised for submission to Justice Quarterly.

14. Stack, S, Kral, M., & Cameron, A. (2020). Cyber Bullying & Suicidality: Is it a “White Thing? Paper being revised for submission to Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior.

15. Stack, S, & Goldman, S. (2020). Does Violence Predict Suicidality: Race/Ethnic Specific Analyses. Paper being revised for submission to Archives of Suicide Research.

16. Stack, S. (2020. Class level discussion board participation and learning outcomes: Analysis of an online criminology course. Under review at Journal of Criminal Justice Education.

17. Stack, S. (2020) Suicide among Truck Drivers: A National Epidemiology of Social and Psychiatric Factors. Paper being revised for submission to Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior.

IIG. Publications: Conference Papers

1. 1976 "Income Stratification and the Level of Socio-Economic Development: An Empirical Test of Lenski's Theory." Paper read at the annual meetings of the EASTERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Boston (Received Candace Rogers Award for best paper by a graduate student).

2. 1976 "Income Stratification and Type of Economic System." Paper read at the 71st annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, New York.

3. 1976 "Educational Change and Income Inequality." Paper read at the fall meetings of the MICHIGAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Alma, Michigan.

4. 1977 "Multivariate Analysis of the Political Economy of Unemployment: An Eight Nation Study." Paper read at the spring meetings of the MICHIGAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Detroit.

5. 1977 "Recent Changes in the Probability of Imprisonment in Controlling State Crime Rates." Paper read at the 4th annual meeting of the CRIMINAL JUSTICE STATISTICS ASSOCIATION, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Reprinted in: Pp. 59-68 in Hall, Roger (Ed) PROCEEDINGS OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE STATISTICS ASSOCIATION, Oklahoma City. (Washington, D.C.: Criminal Justice Statistics Association).

6. 1977 "The Political Economy of Income Taxation: A Multivariate Cross-National Analysis." Paper read at the 27th annual meeting of the SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS, Chicago.

7. 1977 "Multivariate Analysis of Income Inequality: Data from Thirty Two Nations." Paper read at the 72nd annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Chicago.

8. 1978 "The Impact of Political Institutions on Income Tax Structures." Paper read at the 82nd annual meeting of the MICHIGAN ACADEMY OF ARTS, SCIENCE, AND LETTERS, Ypsilanti.

9. 1978 "Our Changing Stratification Ideology: A Partial Replication of the Form-Rytina-Huber Study, 1967-1977." Paper read at the annual meetings of the MIDWEST SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Omaha.

10. 1978 "Unemployment: A Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the 8th annual meeting of the Alpha Kappa Delta Research Symposium, Richmond, Virginia. Reprinted, Pp. 186-188 in Nutty, Cheri et al., PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, ALPHA KAPPA DELTA. (Richmond Virginia: Alpha Kappa Delta).

11. 1978 "Macrosociology and the Analysis of Suicide Rates." Paper read at the 11th annual meeting of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, New Orleans.

12. 1978 "The Effect of Income Inequality on the Rate of Homicide and Property Crime." Paper read at the spring meetings of the CRIMINAL JUSTICE STATISTICS ASSOCIATION, Williamsburg, Virginia. Pp. 43-50 in Hall, Roger (Ed), PROCEEDINGS OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE STATISTICS ASSOCIATION, Williamsburg, Va. (Washington, D.C.: Criminal Justice Statistics Association).

13. 1978 "Comparative Income Stratification: A Neo-Keynesian Analysis." Paper read at the Spring meetings of the MICHIGAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Mt. Pleasant.

14. 1979 "Teaching Demography Through use of the Computer." Paper read at the meetings of the NATIONAL EDUCATION COMPUTER CONFERENCE, Iowa City, Iowa.

15. 1979 "Migration and Suicide." Paper read in the Demography Session at the annual meeting of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Akron, Ohio.

16. 1979 "Immigration and Suicide." Paper read at the 12th annual meeting of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, Denver.

17. 1979 "Playing the Role of the Minority Poor: The Ghetto Computer Simulation." Paper read at the 12th annual meeting of the ASSOCIATION OF SMALL COMPUTER USERS IN EDUCATION, Granville, Ohio.

18. 1979 "The Impact of Divorce on Suicide, 1933-1970." Paper read at the 9th annual meeting of the ALPHA KAPPA DELTA SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, Richmond, Virginia. Reprinted, Pp. 450-453 in Pemberton, Lewis E. et al (Eds), PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, ALPHA KAPPA DELTA, (Richmond Virginia: Alpha Kappa Delta).

19. 1979 "Comparative Analysis of Aging and Suicide." Paper read at the 49th annual meeting of the EASTERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, New York.

20. 1979 "Exploring the Relationship Between Divorce and Suicide." Paper read at the Spring meetings of the MICHIGAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Big Rapids.

21. 1979 "Income Inequality: A Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the 29th annual meeting of the SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS, Boston.

22. 1979 "Suicide in Detroit." Paper read at the fall meetings of the MICHIGAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Detroit.

23. 1980 "Religion and Suicide: A Relationship Reexamined." Paper read at the annual meeting of the SOUTHERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Knoxville.

24. 1980 "Changes in ASR Productivity Among Ph.D. Level Sociology Departments, 1964-1978." Paper read at the annual meetings of the MIDWEST SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Milwaukee.

25. 1980 "Simple Democracy, The Class Composition of Elites, and Income Stratification." Paper read at the 10th annual meeting of the ALPHA KAPPA DELTA SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, Richmond, Virginia.

26. 1980 (with Ain Haas) "Class Conflict: Comparative Analysis of Industrial Disputes." Paper read at the annual meeting of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Dayton, Ohio.

27. 1980 "Attitudes Towards Abortion: A National Analysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of the MIDWEST PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, St. Louis.

28. 1980 "Subcultures of Violence and Homicide: Some Recent Evidence." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, New York.

29. 1980 "Family Integration and Suicide: A Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Dayton, Ohio.

30. 1980 "Age and Suicide: A Relationship Reexamined." Paper read at the 13th annual meeting of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, Nashville, Tenn.

31. 1980 "Suicide and Religion: A Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of the SOCIETY FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION, Cincinnati.

32. 1981 "The Effect of Strikes on Suicide: A Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of the SOUTHERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Louisville, Kentucky.

33. 1981 (with David Ford) "Social Class and Violence: A Test of the Subculture of Violence Theory." Paper read at the annual meetings of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Cleveland.

34. 1981 "The Effect of Religion on Alienation." Paper read at the annual meeting of THE NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Cleveland.

35. 1981 "Type of Facility, Socioeconomic Factors, and Behavioral Change Among Indiana Mental Patients." Paper read at the annual meeting of the EASTERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, New York.

36. 1981 "The Sociology of Suicidal Behavior: A Decade Review, 1970-1980." Paper read at the annual meeting of the SOUTHERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Louisville, Kentucky.

37. 1981 "A Structural Analysis of Swedish Crime Rates, 1950-1976." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Washington, D.C.

38. 1982 "The Effect of the Decline of Institutionalized Religion on Suicide, 1955-1976." Paper read at the annual meetings of the EASTERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Philadelphia.

39. 1982 (with Delore Zimmerman) "The Impact of World Economy on Income Distribution." Paper read at the annual meeting of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Detroit.

40. 1982 "The Effect of Religiosity on Suicide." Paper read at the annual meeting of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Detroit.

41. 1982 "The Impact of Jonestown on Suicide." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, New York.

42. 1982 "The Effect of Female Labor Force Participation on Suicide." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, New York.

43. 1982 (with Mary Kanavy) "The Effect of Religion on Forcible Rape." Paper read at the annual meeting of the Allegheny Valley Sociological Association, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania.

44. 1982 "The Effect of Divorce on Alcoholism." Paper read at the annual meeting of the NATIONAL COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS, Washington, D.C.

45. 1982 "The Effect of Income Inequality on Street Crime: A Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Toronto.

46. 1982 "The Effect of In-Migration on the Rate of Motor Vehicle Theft: A Path Analysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Toronto.

47. 1982 "The Effect of Religion on Alcoholism." Paper read at the annual meeting of the SOCIETY FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION, Providence, Rhode Island.

48. 1982 "The Effect of Religiosity on Violent Crime." Paper read at the annual meeting of the SOCIETY FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION, Providence, Rhode Island.

49. 1982 (with Roy Austin) "The Effect of Segregation on Urban Homicide." Paper read at the annual meeting of the PENNSYLVANIA SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Millersville, PA.

50. 1983 (with Ain Haas) "The Effect of Reaganomics on National Death Rates." Paper read at the annual meetings of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Columbus, Ohio.

51. 1983 "The Effect of Imitation on Suicide: A Reanalysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Columbus, Ohio.

52. 1983 "Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Religion on Suicide." Paper read at the annual meeting of the EASTERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Baltimore.

53. 1983 (with Sug Man Choe) "The Effect of World Economy Dependence on Strikes." Paper read at the annual meeting of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Meadsville, PA.

54. 1983 (with Whitney Pope and Nick Danigelis) "The Effect of Modernization on Suicide: A Time Series Analysis, 1900- 1974." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Detroit.

55. 1983 (with Nick Danigelis) "The Effect of Modernization on the Male/Female Suicide Ratio: A Comparative Time Series Analysis, 1919-1972." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Detroit.

56. 1983 "The Effect of Relative Deprivation on Property Crime: A Cross-National Reassessment." Paper read at the annual meeting of the PENNSYLVANIA SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Philadelphia.

57. 1984 (with Whitney Pope and Nick Danigelis) "The Effect of Scandinavian Socialism on Suicide, 1900-1973." Paper read at the annual meeting of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Indianapolis.

58. 1984 "The Effect of Inequality on Criminal Behavior." Paper read at the annual meeting of the SOUTHERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Knoxville, Tennessee.

59. 1984 "The Effect of Mother's Labor Force Participation on Suicide." Paper read at the annual meeting of the NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Indianapolis.

60. 1984 "The Effect of Religiosity on Violence, 1950-1980." Paper read at the annual meeting of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Slippery Rock, PA.

61. 1984 "The Effect of Suggestion on Suicide: A Reassessment." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, San Antonio, Texas.

62. 1984 "Homicide and Underemployment Trends, A Cross-National and Longitudinal Analysis of the Easterlin Effect." Paper read at the annual meeting of the PENNSYLVANIA SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Indiana, PA.

63. 1984 "The Effect of Westernness on Urban Violence: An Analysis of 794 Cities." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Cincinnati, Ohio.

64. 1984 "The Effect of Income Inequality on Homicide: A Ridge Regression Analysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Cincinnati, Ohio.

65. 1985 "The Effect of the Decline in Social Integration on American Suicide Rates: a Time Series Analysis." Paper read at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia.

66. 1985 "The Effect of Relative Cohort Size on Homicide Rates: The Demography of Crime, Cross-National Evidence." Paper read at the annual meeting of the Allegheny Valley Sociological Association, Pittsburgh.

67. 1985 "Methodological Issues in the Sociological Study of Suicide." Paper read at the 18th annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Toronto, Canada.

68. 1986 "The Effect of the Media on Suicide: Another Look." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, Atlanta, Georgia.

69. 1986 (with Roy Austin) "The Decline of the Influence of Race on Anomia." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, New York City.

70. 1986 "Suggestion and Suicide: Aspects of Differential Identification in Television News Stories." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, New York City.

71. 1986 "The Effect of Gender Equality on Arrest Rate Ratios, 1933-1984: Another Look." Paper read at the annual meetings of the SOUTHERN ACADEMY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE EDUCATORS, Atlanta, Georgia.

72. 1986 "The Effect of Economic Conditions on the Monthly Homicide Rate, An Almon Lags Contextual Model, 1950-1980." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Atlanta, Georgia.

73. 1986 "The Effect of Underemployment on National Homicide Rates, Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Atlanta, Georgia.

74. 1987 "Publicized Executions and Homicide, 1950-1980." Paper read at the annual meetings of the SOUTHERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Atlanta, Georgia.

75. 1987 (with Glenn Israel) "Predicting National Suicide Coverage: A Logit Model." Paper read at the annual meetings of the SOUTHERN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Atlanta, Georgia.

76. 1987 (with Bill Allen) "The Impact of Publicized Executions on Homicide, 1977-1980." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.

77. 1987 "Celebrities and Suicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.

78. 1987 "Baby Booms and Suicide: A Twelve Nation Study, 1950-1980." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, San Francisco, California May 25-30.

79. 1987 "Suicide: Media Impacts in War and Peace, 1910-1920." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, San Francisco, California May 25-30.

80. 1987 "The Media and Suicide: Social Contexts, 1968-1984." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, San Francisco, California May 25-30.

81. 1987 (with Glenn Israel) "Another Look at Celebrities and Suicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Chicago, and August 17-21.

82. 1987 "The Effect of the Mass Media on Suicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Chicago, August 17-21.

83. 1987 "The Impact of Divorce on Suicide: New Micro-Level Data, 1959- 1984." Paper read at the annual meetings of the NATIONAL COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS, Atlanta, Georgia, November 14-19.

84. 1987 "Divorce, Suicide, and the Mass Media: An Analysis of Differential Identification, 1948-1980." Paper read at the annual meetings of the NATIONAL COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS, Atlanta, Georgia, November 14-19.

85. 1987 "The Impact of the Media on Gerontological Health: the Case of Suicide, 1968-1984." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 18-22.

86. 1987 "The Impact of Television on Mid Life Suicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 18-22.

87. 1987 "Measuring the Relative Impacts of Criminology Journals." Paper read at the annual meetings of the SOUTHERN CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSOCIATION, Birmingham, Alabama.

88. 1987 (with Bill Allen). "The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide in Alabama, 1950-1966." Paper read at the annual meetings of the SOUTHERN CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSOCIATION, Birmingham, Alabama.

89. 1987 "The Effect of Female Emancipation on Homicide Trends, 1950-1982, An Eight Nation Time Series Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Montreal, Canada.

90. 1987 "The Effect of Publicized Mass Murders, and Murder-Suicides on Lethal Violence, 1968-1984." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Montreal, Canada.

91. 1988 "The Impact of Fictional Television Films on Teenage Suicide, 1984." Paper read at the annual meetings of THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS, Atlanta.

92. 1988 (with James Gundlach) "The impact of Hyper Media Coverage on Suicide: New York City, 1910-1920." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta.

93. 1988 "The Impact of Divorce on Suicide in Norway, 1951-1980." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta.

94. 1988 "Copycat Suicide: An Analysis of Plain Folks." Paper read at the

annual meetings of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, Washington, D.C.,

April 14-17.

95. 1988 "The Media and Suicide: The Great Depression." Paper read at the

annual meetings of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, Washington, D.C.,

April 14-17.

96. 1988 "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide, Denmark: 1950-1980." Paper read at the annual meetings of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, Washington, D.C., April 14-17.

97.1988. “Execution Publicity and Homicide in South Carolina.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November.

98. 1989 (invited address) “Suicide Clusters and Copycat Suicide,” Paper read at the joint meetings of the National Association of Medical Examiners and Indiana Coroners Association, Indianapolis.

99. 1990 "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide in Hungary." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, New Orleans.

100. 1990 (with James Gundlach) "Divorce and Sexuality" Paper read at the meetings of the American Sociological Association Washington, D.C.

101. 1990 "Homicide in Norway." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Baltimore.

102. 1991 "Sociological Analysis of Suicide" Read at the meetings of the Michigan Suicidology Association, Lansing.

103. 1991 "The Effect of Executions on Homicide." Paper read at the meetings of the Michigan Academy of Arts and Sciences, Ypsilanti.

104. 1991 "Religion and Suicide: A Critical Review." Paper read at the meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Dearborn, MI.

105. 1991. "The Effect of Religiosity on Suicide in Sweden." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Dearborn, MI.

106. 1991. "The Effect of Executions on Homicide: Still Another Look." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. Cincinnati, Ohio.

107. 1991 "Mate Selection After 40: An Analysis of the Personals." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Dearborn, MI.

108. 1991 "Whatever Happened to the Class of 1976? The Effect of Departmental Prestige on Publishing." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Dearborn, MI.

109. 1991. "The Determinants of Alimony Awards: A Tobit Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio.

110. 1991 "The Effect of Divorce on Lethal Aggression in Japan." Paper read at the annual meetings of the International Symposium on Families: East and West, Indianapolis.

111. 1991 "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide in Finland." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Grand Rapids.

112. 1991 "Women, Work, and Suicide." Paper read at the meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Lansing.

113. 1992 "The effect of female labor force participation on female suicide ideation." Paper read at the meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters. Mt. Pleasant, March.

114. 1992 (with Ira Wasserman) "The Effect of Religion on Suicide Ideation." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago.

115. 1992 "Blizzard of Oz: The Effect of Rock on Suicide.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago.

116. 1992 "Modernization and Suicide in Finland, 1751-1980." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, April.

117. 1992 "Status Integration and suicide in Germany." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, April.

118. 1992 "The effect of parenting on suicide: American national data." Paper read at the meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Fort Wayne.

119. 1992 "Are Books Worth It? Impacts of Books and Journals." Paper read at the meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Fort Wayne.

120. 1992 "Working Women & Suicide: Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the North Central Sociological Association meetings, Fort Wayne, April.

121. 1992 (with Reeves & Wasserman) "Newspaper Coverage of Suicide” Paper

read at the North Central Sociological Association Meetings, Fort Wayne.

122. 1992 "The Effect of Women’s' Labor Force Participation on Suicide: Data From 16 States." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Women’s' Studies Association, Lansing, April.

123. 1992. "The Effect of Geographic Mobility on Premarital Sex." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Big Rapids, MI, June.

124. 1992. "The Effect of Sexual Frequency on Anomia: National Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Big Rapids, MI, June.

125. 1992 "The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, August.

126. 1992 "The Effect of Country Music on Suicide." Paper read at the meetings of the American Sociological Association. Pittsburgh, August.

127. 1992 "Music and Suicide: Country vs. Rock." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, October, Saginaw.

128. 1992 "The Effect of Ethnicity on Robbery Rates: An Analysis of Michigan's Counties." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Mt. Pleasant, November, 14.

129. 1992 "Execution Publicity and Homicide in Georgia." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, November 4-7th.

130. 1993 "The Effect of Vacation Homes on Burglary Rates in Michigan Counties." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Kalamazoo, MI, March 5-6.

131. 1993 "Police Suicide: An Analysis of National Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, April 7-10.

132. 1993 "The Effect of Heavy Metal Music on Forcible Rape." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Toledo, April 15-18.

133. 1993 "The Effect of the Media on Suicide: Evidence from Japan, 1955-1985." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Kalamazoo, MI, March 5-6.

134. 1993 "An Analysis of Suicide Among Social Workers." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Toledo, April 15-18.

135.1993 "The Effects of Religion and Feminism on Suicide Ideology." Paper read at the annual meetings of Michigan Women’s Studies Association, Grand Rapids.

136. 1993 (with Ira Wasserman) "The Effect of Seasonality on Lynchings." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Toledo.

137. 1993 "Media Impacts on Suicide: An Overview." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Bay City, October.

138. 1993 "The Effect of the Heavy Metal Subculture on Rates of Aggravated Assault." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, October.

139. 1993 (with Ira Wasserman). "Correcting for Serial Correlation in Analysis of Suicide Rates." Paper read at Conference on Crime and Computer Mapping, Loyola University, Chicago. Reprinted (Pp. 23-30) in Peggy Dabdoub (ed) Proceedings of the Conference on Crime and Computer Mapping. 1994. Chicago: Loyola University.

140. 1994 (with Elena Bankowski) "A Mathematical Model of Divorce and Alcohol Abuse: An Analysis of Russian Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, East Lansing.

141. 1994 (with Elena Bankowski) "Suicide in Finland: A Mathematical Model." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, East Lansing.

142. 1994 "Assessment of Student Knowledge in Criminal Justice: An Analysis of Graduating Seniors." Paper read at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, March.

143. 1994 "The Effect of Gender on Publishing: An Analysis of

Sociology PhD's." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Women’s Studies Association, Ypsilinti.

144. 1994 "Advantages and Disadvantages of Housing CJ within a Sociology Department." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Criminal Justice Association, September 14.

145. 1994. "Sociological Risk of Suicides in Blacks and Whites." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Grand Rapids, October 13th.

146. 1994. "Race, Marital Status and Completed Suicide.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Kalamazoo.

147. 1994. "Alcohol Abuse and Attempted Suicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Kalamazoo.

148. 1995. "Suicide Ideology: A Comparative Study of the Effect of Domestic Institutions." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Big Rapids, March 10.

149. 1995. "The Impacts of Marriage and Children on Loneliness: An Analysis of 22 Nations" Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Big Rapids, March 10.

150. 1995. "Are Social Workers at Risk of Suicide? A Logistic Regression Model of Multi State Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, May 5.

151. 1995. "The Effect of Education on African American Suicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix, May.

152. 1995. (with M. Zalman) "Euthanasia and Dutch Suicide, 1950-90" Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix, May.

153. 1995. "Temporal Effects on African American Suicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix, May.

154. 1995. "Gender, Marital Status and Suicide Ideology." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix, May.

155. 1995. "Homicide Followed by Suicide: An Analysis of Chicago Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, September.

156. 1995. "Divorce and Suicide: A Review and Critique of the Sociological Literature." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Hartland, October.

157. 1995 "Gender Role Expectations and Personal Advertisements: A Race Specific Analysis of Female Profilers." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Lansing, October.

158. 1996 "Gender and Suicide Risk Among Artists: A Multivariate Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Alma, MI: March 1-2.

159. 1996 "Crime and Housing Values in Detroit: A Multivariate Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Alma, MI: March 1-2.

160. 1996 "Publicized Executions and Homicide in California." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 12-16, Las Vegas.

161. 1996 "Race, Class, and Homicide: An Analysis of Individual Level Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 12-16, Las Vegas.

162. 1996 "Suicide Among Dentists: A National Study." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 12-14.

163. 1996 (with Ira Wasserman) "Occupation, Race, and Suicide in Ohio, 1989-1991." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 12-14.

164. 1996 "Physical Attractiveness and Finding a Partner: An Analysis of Video Daters." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, April 3-6th.

165. 1996 "Gender, Marriage and Loneliness: A Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 12-14.

166. 1996 "Women's Support for Race-Targeted Interventions." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Women's Study Association, March 30-31,1996, Dearborn.

167. 1996 (with Ross Eshleman) "Marital Status and Happiness: An 18 Nation Survey." Paper presented at the fifth annual conference of the Global Awareness Society International, San Francisco, May 17-19th.

168. 1996 "Culture and Suicide: An Analysis of 35 Nations." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, St. Louis, April.

169. 1996 "Heavy Metal, Religiosity, and Suicide Attitudes." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, St. Louis, April.

170. 1996 "Race, Marital Status and Suicide: National Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, St. Louis, April.

171. 1996 "Artists and Suicide: Logistic Regression Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, St. Louis, April.

172. 1996 (with Liquin Cao). "Political Conservatism and Confidence in the Police." Paper presented at the 60th annual meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Ann Arbor, June

173. 1996 (with Olga Tsoudis) "Suicide Risk Among Correctional Officers. Paper read at the 60th annual meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Ann Arbor, June

174. 1996 (Invited Address). "Sociological Risk Factors in Suicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Lansing, October 10-11.

175. 1996 (with Liqun Cao and Sun, Yi. "Public Confidence in the Police: A Comparative Study." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 20-23.

176. 1996 The Southern Subculture of Violence and Homicide: An Analysis of Individual Level Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 20-23.

177. 1996 "The Effect of Marital Status on Homicide Victimization." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Criminal Justice Association, Indianapolis, September.

178. 1997 (with Liqun Cao) "The Effect of Financial Satisfaction on Female Suicide Attitudes in China." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Grand Rapids, MI, March.

179. 1997 "Modernization and Suicide: Another Look at the Legacy of Durkheim." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Memphis, April.

180. 1997 "The Effect of Blues-Fanship on Suicide Acceptability: An Analysis of National Survey Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Memphis, April.

181. 1997 "Suicide in Memphis: Sociological Risk Factors, 1990. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Memphis, April.

182. 1997 "Does Acceptance of Rational Suicide Lead to Acceptance of Nonrational Suicide?" Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Memphis, April.

183. 1997 "The Relationship between the Country Music Subculture and Suicide Acceptability and Suicide Risk. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Memphis, April.

184. 1997 "Suicide in Michigan: An Analysis of Sociological Risk Factors in 1,052 Suicides, 1990." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Midland, October 10, 1997.

185. 1997 (with Ross Eshleman). "The Effect of Parenthood on Happiness: A Comparative Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the National Council on Family Relations, Washington, November 9th.

186. 1998 "Race, Southern Location and Homicide." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March.

187. 1998 "Southern Residence and Homicide Risk: An Analysis of Individual Level Data." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March.

188. 1998 "Homicide in Michigan: Sociological Risk Factors." Paper read at the annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Alma, February.

189. 1998 (with Silvia Canetto) "Age Cohort, Gender, and Suicide Acceptability." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Bethesda, MD, April.

190. 1998 "Suicide Among Carpenters: A Multivariate Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Bethesda, MD, April.

191. 1998 "Economic Development and Suicide Acceptability in 35 Nations." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Bethesda, MD, April.

192. 1998 "Suicide Risk Among Physicians: A Multivariate Analysis." Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Bethesda, MD, April.

193. 1998 "Religiosity and Suicide Acceptability: An Analysis of 15 nations." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, April 29-30.

194. 1998 "Punitiveness and Death Penalty Law: A Cross-National Analysis." Paper read at the annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association, Aspen, Colorado, June 4-7.

195. 1998 "American Support for Death Penalty Law: Instrumental and Symbolic Attitudes." Paper read at the annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association, Aspen, Colorado, June 4-7.

196. 1998 (INVITED PLENARY ADDRESS) "Media Impacts on Suicide." Paper read at Media et Suicides: Colloque de L' Association Des Medecins Psychiatres Du Quebec, May 5-6, Montreal.

197. 1998 (with Tom Kelley) "Locus of Control and Personal Well-Being: An Analysis of At Risk Youth." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Psychology of Mind Meetings, Minneapolis, May.

198. 1998 "Publicized Executions and Homicide: A Review" Paper read at the annual meetings of the Homicide Research Interest Group, Ann Arbor, June.

199. 1998 (INVITED PLENARY ADDRESS) “Homicide Followed by Suicide: A Review and Analysis.” to the annual Meetings of the State of Florida Coroners Convention, Marco Island, FL, October 15-16th.

200. 1999 “Occupation and Suicide Risk: A Multivariate Analysis.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, March, Grand Rapids.

201. 1999 “Media Impacts on Suicide: A Meta Analysis.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Houston, April

202. 1999 “Divorce and Suicide: A Meta Analysis” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Houston, April.

203. 1999 “Homicide Followed by Suicide: A Review of 37 Studies.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Houston, April.

204. 1999(With Tom Kelley) “Thought Recognition, Locus of Control, and Adolescent Well-Being: Implications for Delinquency Prevention.” Paper read At the annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Orlando, FL, March.

205. 1999 “Women and Suicide Risk in Managerial-Professional Occupations.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 6-10th.

206. 1999 (With Ross Eshleman) “Marital Status and Happiness: An Analysis of Less Developed Nations.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the National Council on Family Relations, Irvine, California, November 10-15, 1999.

207. 1999 “Support for the Death Penalty: A Gender Specific Analysis.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminality, Toronto, November 17-20.

208. 2000 “Part Time Faculty Status and Student Evaluation of Teaching” Paper read at the annual Meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Saginaw, March.

209. 2000 “The Influence of Marital Status on Women’s Happiness: A Global Perspective,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Women’s Studies Association, Lansing.

210. 2000 (With Ira Wasserman) “Race and Method of Suicide: Culture and Opportunity.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Los Angeles, April 15-17th.

211. 2000 (with Kevin West). “Black Political Empowerment and Suicide Risk.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Los Angeles, April 15-17th.

212. 2000 (with Derek Coates) “Social Mobility and Black Suicide Acceptability.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Los Angeles, April 15-17th.

213. 2000 “Occupation and Suicide.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August.

214. 2001. (With Arshia Zaidi) “Rap Music Fanship and Suicide Acceptability,”Paper read at the annual Meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,and Letters, Dearborn, March9-10.

215. 2001. (With Thomas Kelley) “The GRE as a Predictor of Student Performance,” Paper read at the annual Meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Dearborn, March9-10.

216. 2001. “Gender and Scholarly Productivity: An Analysis of Sociology, 1970-2000.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Women’s Studies Association, Detroit, March 23-24th.

217. 2001. “The Effect of Gender on Faculty Productivity in CJ.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, D.C., April 3-7th.

218. 2001 “The Effect of Type of Degree on Faculty Productivity in CJ,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, D.C., April 3-7th.

219. 2001. (With Ira Wasserman), “Southern Location and Firearm Suicide,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Atlanta, April 18-21.

220. 2001. “Nurse Suicide: A Multivariate Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Atlanta, April 18-21.

221. 2001. “Opera Subculture and Suicide for Honor,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Atlanta, April 18-21.

222. 2001. (With Kevin West), “Black Political Empowerment and Homicide Risk,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Urban Affairs Association, Detroit, April 25-28th.

223. 2001. “Urban Attitudes Towards the Death Penalty; An Analysis of Abolitionist and Retentionist Nations,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Urban Affairs Association, Detroit, April 25-28th.

224. 2001. “Meta Analysis of the Media’s Impact on Copycat Suicide, and an Application of What we Know to Media Guidelines,” paper to be read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Ann Arbor, MI, October 4-5.

225. 2002. (Invited plenary address) “Media Portrayals of Suicide as a Risk Factor in Suicide: A State of the Art Review,” Sixth World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, World Health Organization, Montreal, Canada, May 12-15th.

226. 2002. “The Effect of Research Productivity on Student Evaluation of Instruction,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Mount Pleasant.

227. 2002 (with Ain Haas) “ The Effect of the Fall of Communism on Suicide Acceptability in Estonia, 1990-1996,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Windsor, Ontario, CANADA.

228. 2002. “The Effect of Gender on the Acceptability of Tax Fraud: A Cross-National Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Windsor, Ontario, CANADA.

229. 2002.”The Effect of Children on Research Productivity of Female Sociology PhD’s: A National Study Using the Survey of Doctoral Recipients,”paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Women’s’ Studies Association, March 22-23, Mt. Pleasant.

230. 2002. “Suicide Risk Among Security Officers: A Multivariate Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Bethesda, MD, April 10-16.

231. 2002. “Suicide Risk Among Men in the Military: A Multivariate Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Bethesda, MD, April 10-16.

232. 2002. (With Ira Wasserman) “The Media and Change in Public Opinion on Suicide for Medical Reasons, 1977-1998,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Bethesda, MD, April 10-16.

233. 2002 “Social Integration Models of Suicide and Related Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents,” Paper read at the Conference on Adolescent Risk Behavior, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania, June 27-30, 2002, Philadelphia.

234. 2002. (with Ain Haas). “Influence of National Homicide Rates on Public Opinion Regarding the Death Penalty,” paper read at the biannual meetings of the International Sociological Association, Brisbane, Australia, July 2002.

235. 2002 (with Roger Kern and Ira Wasserman) “The Association Between Social Bonds and Use of Cyber pornography: A Multivariate Analysis of National Data,” Paper read at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 16-19th.

236. 2002 (with James Gundlach and Paul Starr). “Economic Development and Happiness: A Multilevel Model,” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 16-19th.

237. 2002. “The Impact of Motherhood and Ability on Research Productivity Among Women PhD’s in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, and Sociology, Analysis of the NSF Survey of Doctoral Recipients,” Paper read at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 16-19th.

238. 2002. “Are Researchers Good Teachers,?” Paper presented at the Lilly-North Conference on College Teaching, Big Rapids, MI, September 20-21.

239. 2002. (Invited Address) “American Public Opinion Regarding the Acceptability of Suicide,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Ann Arbor, MI, October 10-11.

240. 2002. (With Ross Eshleman). “Marriage, The Life Course and Happiness: A Seventeen Nation Study,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the National Council on Family Relations, Houston, Texas, November 21-24.

241. 2002. “Moral Communities and the Association Between Religiosity and Tax Compliance,” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Salt Lake City, October.

242. 2002. “The Impact of Religiosity on White Collar Crime: A Cross-National Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 13-16.

243. 2003. (Invited Louis Dublin Plenary Address) “The Effect of the Media on Suicide Risk.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

244. 2003. “The Relationship Between Suicidal Behavior and Health Risk Behaviors Among Youth,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

245. 2003. “Explaining the Drop in Suicide Rates, 1950-2001,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

246. 2003. “Real Suicide News Stories: Impacts on Suicide, A Meta Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August.

247. 2003. “The Effect of Extra Credit Projects on Student Learning,” Paper read at Lilly-North Conference on College Teaching, Traverse City, MI., September.

248. 2003 (invited address). “The Relationship Between Suicide and Other Deviant Behaviors of Youth.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, Midland, October 9-10.

249. 2004. (with James Gundlach) “Legalized Abortion and the Drop in Female Suicide,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 14-18, Miami, Florida.

250. 2004. “Guns, Fighting, and Youth Suicide: A Paradox,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 14-18, Miami, Florida.

251. 2004. “Religion and Suicide Acceptability: A Global Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 14-18, Miami, Florida.

252. 2004. “Religion and Suicide Acceptability: A time Series Analysis of American Data, 1972-2002,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 14-18, Miami, Florida.

253. 2004. “Musical Subcultures and Suicide Risk,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 14-18, Miami, Florida.

254. 2004 (with Augustine Kposowa). “The Effect of Religiosity on White Collar Crime: A Bi-level Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, Ca., August 13-15.

255. 2004. “The Influence of Life Sentences vs. Executions on Homicide,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, Ca., August 13-15.

256. 2004 (with Liqun Cao) “The Effect of Crime Volume on Law and Order Ideology,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, Ca., August 13-15.

257. 2004. “The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide: A Meta Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, Ca., August 14-17.

258. 2004. “The Influence of Faculty Status on Student Evaluations of Quality Teaching,” Paper presented at the Lilly North Teaching & Learning Conference, September 24-26, Traverse City, MI.

259. 2004. (Invited Address). “Occupation and Suicide: Relative Influence of Selection vs. Stress Factors,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Association of Suicidology, East Lansing, MI., October 6-8.

260. 2004. “Religiosity and Public Opinion on Prostitution: A Cross-National Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 17-20, Nashville, TN.

261. 2005. “The Effect of Homicide Rates on Death Penalty Opinion,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Ypsilanti, MI, March 4, 2005.

262. 2005. “Trends in Homicide and Public Opinion on Death Penalty Law, 1972-2002,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, March 15-19, 2005.

263. 2005. “Religiosity, Gender, and Suicide: An Analysis of the Mortality Follow back Survey.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Denver, April 14-16.

264. 2005. “The Relationship Between Body Height and Suicide: Gender Specific Analysis and Neurological Interpretation,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Denver, April 14-16.

265. 2005. “Media Portrayal of Occupation and Suicide in 120 American Feature Films: Aspects of Social Constructionism,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Denver, April 14-16.

266. 2005. “Public Opinion on Capital Punishment: Comparative Analysis,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA., August.

267. 2005. “Religiosity and Public Opinion on Prostitution: An Analysis of 35 Nations,” Paper read at the International Conference on Prostitution, Toledo, Ohio, September.

268. 2005. Stack, S. & I. Wasserman. “Social Correlates of Death by Russian Roulette,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Ypsilanti, October.

269. 2005. Stack, S., Cao, L. & A. Adamzyck. “Violent Crime and Attitudes Concerning Punitiveness,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Ypsilanti, October.

270. 2005. “Suicide and Delinquency: The Missing Link,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November.

271. 2005. “Are suicidal People in the Subculture of Violence?,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November.

272. 2006. (invited lecture) “Male Rape Victimization and Suicide Risk: A Multivariate Analysis,” Paper read at the Suicide Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, CAN, February 27, 2006.

273. 2006. Stack, S. & I. Wasserman, “Predicting Homicide-Suicide by Ethnicity,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & letters, Rochester Hills, MI, March.

274. 2006 Stack, S. & I. Wasserman, “Economic Strain, Home Eviction and Suicide: Qualitative Analysis of Detroit Data,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Seattle, WA, April 30-May2.

275. 2006. “Male and Female Rape Victimization and Parasuicide, An Analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Seattle, WA, April 30-May 2.

276. 2006. “Violence in the Last Year of Life as a Predictor of Suicide: Analysis of the National Mortality Follow-back Survey,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Seattle, WA, April 30-May 2.

277. 2006. “Tenure and Research Productivity.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, September 28-30.

278. 2006. Stack, S. & B. Bowman, “Social Construction of Suicide in Film,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Mt Pleasant, MI, October 6-7.

279. 2006. Stack, S. & I. Wasserman, “Gender and Suicide Risk: Role of Wound Site,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Sociological Association, Mt Pleasant, MI, October 6-7.

280. 2007 Stack, S. & B. Bowman. “The Social Construction of Military Suicide in the Cinema,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Big Rapids, MI March 9-10.

281. 2007. Stack, S. & B. Bowman. “The Social Construction of SES & Suicide in the Cinema,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Big Rapids, MI March 9-10.

282. 2007. (Invited Lecture) “Social-Psychological Analysis of Suicide Risk, New Directions,” Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana, March 28.

283. 2007 Stack, S & B. Bowman. “The Social Construction of Homicide Followed by Suicide in Film, 1903-2006,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, April 4-7.

284. 2007. Stack, S. & A.J.. Kposowa. “The Effect of National Suicide Rates on Individual Level Suicide Acceptability: An HLM Model, 35 Nations,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 11-14, New Orleans.

285. 2007. Stack, S.& B. Bowman. “Gender & the Presentation of Suicide Method in 121 American Feature Films, 1900-2006,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 11-14, New Orleans.

286. 2007. Stack, S & I. Wasserman) “Suicide Patterns and Neighborhood Instability in Detroit, 1997-2004,” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 11-14, New Orleans.

287. 2007 Rockett, I, S. Wang, Stack, S. & Y. Lian) “Suicide Associated Comorbidity in the United States,” presented at the First International Conference of the Journal of Public Health, Lisbon, Portugal, May 9-11.

288. 2007. Stack, S & A. Kposowa. “The Culture of Survivalism and Suicide Acceptability: Cross National Analysis,” Paper read at the XXIV World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Killarney, Ireland, August 28-September 1.

289. 2007. Stack, S & B. Bowman) “Hollywood Suicide: Internal and External Causes of 649 Suicides in American Film, 1900-2007, Paper read at the XXIV World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Killarney, Ireland, August 28-September 1.

290. 2007 (Invited Keynote Lecture) “Gender and Choice of Violent Suicide Methods in Film and Society,” Symposium on Suicidality and Suicide in the Media, September 28-29, Vienna, Austria.

291. 2007. (Invited Lecture) “Hollywood Suicide: Patterns in Violent Deaths in American Feature Films,” Symposium on Suicidality and Suicide in the Media, September 28-29, Vienna, Austria.

292. 2007. Stack, S., Adamcyzk, A & Cao, L.). Cultural Change and Public Opinion on Prostitution: Cross-National Analysis. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November 14-17.

293. 2007. Stack, S. Instrumentalism and Support for the Death Penalty for Rape. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November 14-17.

294. 2007 Stack, S & B. Bowman. Domestic Violence in Homicide-Suicide: Film vs. Society. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November 14-17.

295. 2008 Stack, S, & B. Bowman. The Gambling-Suicide Connection. Paper read at the 88th annual meetings of the Southwestern Social Science Association, March 12-15, Las Vegas, Nevada.

296. (2008) Stack, S and B Bowman. Economic Strain and Suicide in Film, 1920-1940. Paper read at the 41st annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Boston, April16-19.

297. (2008) Stack, S. Back to Nature: The Epidemiology of Suicide in Grand Canyon National Park. Paper read at the 41st annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Boston, April16-19.

298. (2008) Stack, S. (invited plenary address) “Religiosity and Suicide Acceptability: A Cross-National Analysis,” Paper read at the 12th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior, Glasgow, Scotland, August 27-30.

299. (2008) Steven Stack. “Religion as a Form of Suicide Prevention: A Global Analysis of 57 Nations,” Paper read at the Chairman’s Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, Wayne State College of Medicine, October 22, 2008.

300. (2008) Cao, Liqun and Steven Stack. Societal Type and Attitude towards Prostitution: Where does China Belong? Paper read at the 24th ACPSS International Conference, Cornell University, Nov 7-9.

301. Cao, L. & Steven Stack. (2008). “Exploring terra incognita: What do the Chinese think of Prostitution? Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, November.

302. (2009). Esban Agerbo and Steven Stack. (2009). Divorce and Suicide in Denmark: 1906-2006, Historical Patterns. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, San Francisco, April 15-18.

303. (2009). Steven Stack. Explaining the Association between Gender and Suicide: An Analysis of 18,000 Psychological Autopsies from the National Mortality Followback Survey. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, San Francisco, April 15-18.

304. (2009). Rockett, I. & Stack, S. Discrepant Comorbidity in Black and Hispanic Suicide: A National Multiple Cause of Death Analysis. Paper read at the annual meetings of the Population Association of America, Detroit, May 1-3.

305.(Invited Address) (2009). Steven Stack. Mimetic Factors in Suicide Across the Life Course. Paper read at the Conference on Mimetic Factors in Health Behaviors, University of Warwick, School of Medicine, Coventry, U.K. October 13-15.

306.(2010). Stack, S. Suicide in the Media: A meta Analysis. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 21-25, Orlando, FL.

307.(2010). Stack, S. The Economy & Suicide: Job Demotion as a Predictor. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 21-25, Orlando, FL.

308. (Invited Plenary Address) (2010). Stack, S. Media Guidelines and The Prevention of Suicide. Paper read at the annual meetings of the Michigan Suicide Prevention Community Technical Assistance Group, May 18, Roscommon, Michigan.

309. Stack, S. & Scourfield, J. (2010). The Timing of Relationship Loss and Suicide Risk: Analysis of the Mortality Followback Survey. Paper read at the meetings of 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior, Rome, Italy, September 1-4.

310.(2010). Rockett, I, G. Hobbs, D. DeLeo, Stack, S. , Ducatman, A., & Frost, J. Suicide and unintentional poisoning mortality trends in the U.S., 1987-2006: Independent? Paper presented at the 138th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, November 6-10, Denver, CO.

311.(2010). Rockett, I, Wang, S., Stack, S., DeLeo, D., Frost, J., Ducatman, A., & Walker, R. Race/Ethnicity and Potential Suicide Misclassification: Window on a Minority Suicide Paradox? Paper presented at the 138th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, November 6-10, Denver, CO.

312.(2010). Stack, S. (invited address). The Presentation of Suicide in Contemporary Film: Dark Matter, Dead Poet’s Society, The Hours, Seven Pounds, Thelma & Louise, and The Virgin Suicides. Presentation to James Scholars Program, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. December 9.

313. (2011) (Invited Plenary Address). Stack, S. Economic and Life Satisfaction as Predictors of Suicide Acceptability: A Comparison of the U.S. and China. Paper read at the Symposium on Suicide, Shandong University, Janin, China, March 29-April 1, 2011.

314. (2011). Stack, S. Are College Students at Risk of Suicide? Analysis of the National Mortality Detail Files. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 14-17, Portland, OR.

315. (2011). Stack, S. (invited address). Commentaries on Cinematic Suicides: Black Swan, Dead Poet’s Society, Gran Torino, The Heathers, The Hours, Seven, Shawshank Redemption, and Sophie’s Choice. Presentation to James Scholars Program, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. December 13.

316. (2012). Stack, S. Culture and Suicide Acceptability: A Cross-National Analysis. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Baltimore, MD., April 19-21.

317. (2012). Stack, S. & Bowman, B. The Economics of Suicide: Are Media Portrayals Accurate? Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Baltimore, MD., April 19-21.

318. (2012). Stack, S. On the Causes of Suicide in British and American Feature Films, 1900-2009. Paper presented at the Wayne State University Humanities Center, Brown Bag Roundtable, April 25th, 12:30-1:30pm.

319. (2012). Stack, S. Does Discussion Promote Learning? An Analysis of an Online Criminology Class. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 17-20, Denver.

320. (2012). Stack, S. Does Good Teaching Pay? An Analysis of Measures on Base Salary. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 17-20, Denver.

321. (2012). Krysinka, Karolina, Steven Stack, David Lester, Karl Andriessen, Benedikt Till, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, and Jane Pirkis.. Suicide and the Media, IASP Special Interest Group Symposium, . Paper presented at the meetings of the 14th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior, Tel Aviv, Israel. September 3- 6.

322. (2012). Stack, S. (invited address). Analysis of Cinematic Suicides: Family that Preys, Full Metal Jacket, The Hours, Letters from Iwo Jima, Million Dollar Baby, Seven Pounds, The Shawshank Redemption, & Up in the Air. Presentation to James Scholars Program, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. December 13th.

323. Stack, S. (2013). (invited address). Sociological Approaches to Suicide in Russia: A Overview.” Presentation delivered to the Sociology Faculty, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. April 12, 2013.

324. Stack, S, Bowman, B., Kral, M. (2013). (invited address). The effect of cumulative, voluntary exposure to suicide movies on reported suicide attempts: An application of the Beach method. Paper read at the International Symposium on Media and Suicide. Stockholm, Sweden, April 10-12.

325. (2013). Stack, S. & Kposowa, A.J. Culture & Suicide Acceptability: A Cross Level Multilevel Analysis. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Austin, TX. April 24-27.

326. (2013). Stack, Steven. (invited address). Suicide & Religion in Modern China. Paper read at the 18th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy & the Way of Living, State University of New York, Buffalo. July 21-24.

327. (2013). Stack, S. Learning Outcomes in an online vs. traditional criminological theory course. Paper read at the 63rd annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. August 9-11, 2013, New York City.

328. (2013). Stack, S. & Bowman, B. Framing athlete suicide in the movies: Physical & Occupational Strains. Paper presented at the XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Oslo, Norway, September 24-28.

329. (2013). Stack, S. & Bowman, B. Social Strain & Suicide: Comparison of 1,400 Cinematic Suicides with 30,000 in the Real World. Paper presented at the XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Oslo, Norway, September 24-28.

330. (2013). Stack, S. Impact of Crisis Phones on Bridge Suicide Prevention, 1955-2012, Skyway Bridge, Tampa, Florida. Paper read at the annual meeting of the Midwest Injury Prevention Conference, Ann Arbor, MI September 30-October 1.

331. (2013). Stack, S. New Risk Factors for Suicide: Mining the NVDRS, Analysis of 30,000 Cases.. Paper read at the annual meeting of the Midwest Injury Prevention Conference, Ann Arbor, MI September 30-October 1.

332. (2013). Stack, S. (Invited Address). An Assessment of Media Impacts on Suicide and Media Guidelines for the Reporting of Suicide, 1974-2013. Address given at the Symposium on Media and Health, Ministry of Justice, Seoul Korea, December 12-13.

333. (2013). Stack, S. (invited address). The Effect of Global Economic Crisis on National Suicide Rates. Medical College, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea, December 14.

334(2013). Stack, S. & Barbara Bowman (Invited address). Introduction to the Social Psychological Analysis of Suicide Movies, 1900-2112. Medical College, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea, December 14.

335. (2014). Stack, S. & Kposowa, A. The culture of individualism & suicidality: A cross national, Multilevel analysis. Paper read at the 47th annual conference of the American Association of Suicidology, April 9-12, Los Angeles.

336. (2014). Stack, S. & Bowman, B. Suicide & Mental Disorders: Artistic Challenges to the 90% Rule. Paper read at the 47th annual conference of the American Association of Suicidology, April 9-12, Los Angeles.

337. (2014). Stack, S. Online Examination Environments & Cheating: Can Technological Proctoring Replace Human Proctoring? Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco. August 16-19.

338. (2014). Stack, S. & Bowman, B. Does Treatment or Intimate Relationships Prevent Suicide? An Analysis of 100 Suicide Attempt Movies. Paper read at the 15th European Symposium on Suicide & Suicidal Behavior (ESSSB15), August 27-30, Tallinn, Estonia.

339. (2014). Stack, S. Bridge Suicide: Impact of Media Coverage. Paper read at the 15th European Symposium on Suicide & Suicidal Behavior (ESSSB15), August 27-30, Tallinn, Estonia.

340. (2014) Andriessen, Karl, Krisinka, Karolinska, & Stack, Steven. Bereavement and Suicide: An Analysis of Scholarly Impact of Articles in Three Suicidology Journals. Paper read at the 15th European Symposium on Suicide & Suicidal Behavior (ESSSB15), August 27-30, Tallinn, Estonia.

341. (Invited Lecture) (2014). Stack, S. Differentiating Youth Suicide Ideation from Youth Suicide Attempts. Paper presented at the Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry & VA Hospital, University of Minnesota & VA Hospital, Minneapolis, MN., September 12, 2014.

342. Stack, S. & Kral, M. (2014). Movies as a Risk Factor for Suicide. Paper presented at the Injury Research Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September 26.

343. Stack, S. (2015) (Invited Address). Suicide and the Workplace. Webinar, delivered for the Suicide Research Center, CDC-funded Injury Control & Research Center, College of Medicine, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., March 24, 2-3 PM.

344. (Invited Plenary Address) Stack, S. (2015). Individualism and Suicide: A Cross National Analysis. Address given at the International Suicide Prevention Research & the 11th Conference of Chinese Crisis Intervention, University of Shangdong, Jinan, China, May 9-12.

345. Stack, S. (2015). Internet Bullying Victimization Distinguishes Suicide Ideators from Suicide Attempters: An Analysis of the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Paper to be presented at the XXVIII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Montreal, Canada, June 16-20.

346. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. (2015). Change in Firearm Suicide in Film & Society: gendered Relationships, 1910-2010. Paper to be presented at the XXVIII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Montreal, Canada, June 16-20.

347. (Invited Plenary Address) Stack, S. (2015). Artistic Contributions to Suicidology: (Mis) Understandings from American Feature Films. Address to be presented at the XXVIII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Montreal, Canada, June 16-20.

348. Stack, S. (2015). The effect of laboratory exercises on learning in an online research methods course. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 22-25.

349. Stack, S. (2016). Exposure to Cyber Bullying Differentiates Female Suicide Attempters from Female Ideators. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, March 29-April 2.

350. Stack, S. & Bowman, Barbara. (2016). Explaining the Gender Suicide Paradox : Firearms & Gender in Cinematic Portrayals of Suicide, 1900-2013. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, March 29-April 2.

351. Stack, S. (2016). Quantitative Suicidology: Strategies for Secondary Analysis of National Datasets. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, March 29-April 2.

352. (Invited Plenary Address). Stack, S. (2016). Themes in the Presentation of Suicidality in the Cinema: Japan and the US. Address presented at the VII Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Asian-Pacific Division, with the Japanese Association of Suicide Prevention, Tokyo, May 18-20.

353. Stack, S. 2016. The effects of proctoring vs. cheating inhibitors on exam scores: An online research methods course.” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, Washington, August 20-23.

354. Stack, S. (2016). Polyvictimization & Cyber Bullying: Predictors of Suicide Attempts. Paper read at the meetings of the 16th European Symposium of Suicide and Suicidal Behavior, Oviedo, Spain, September 8-10.

355. Stack, S. (2017).Explaining the gender paradox: Utility of Social Factors. Paper to be presented at the 50th annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix, Arizona, April 26-29.

356. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. (2017). Suicide Attempt Movies: Patterns in Suicide Prevention in the Cinema vs. Society. Paper to be presented at the 50th annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix, Arizona, April 26-29.

357. Stack, S. & Rockett, I. (2017).Do suicide note leavers represent all suicides? Paper to be presented at the 50th annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix, Arizona, April 26-29.

358. Stack, S. 2017. The effect of Abolition of a Cheating Inhibitor on Final Exam Grades: Lengthening the time to Access Exams. Paper to be presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 12-15.

359. Stack, S. & Laubepin, Frederique. 2017. Cultural Predictors of the Direction of Lethal Violence: Analysis of 162 European Regions. Paper to be presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 12-15..

360. Cao, Liqun & Stack, S. (2017). The effect of mental health on suicide ideation among Aboriginals in Canada. Paper top be read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18.

361. Stack, S & Bowman, B. (2017). Analysis of the Decline in Gambling Related Suicide in the American Cinema, 1900-2012. Paper read at the International Summit on Suicide Research, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5-8.

362. Stack, S. (2017). Does Religiosity Prevent Suicide? The Association between Religious Importance and Suicidality: An International Assessment. (2017). Paper read at the International Summit on Suicide Research, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5-8.

363. Stack, S, Kral, M., & Cameron, A. (2017). Cyber Bullying & Suicidality: Is it a “White Thing?” Paper read at the International Summit on Suicide Research, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5-8.

364. Stack, S, & Goldman, S. (2017). Violence Predicts Suicidality: Race/Ethnic Specific Analyses. Paper read at the International Summit on Suicide Research, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5-8.

365. Stack, S. (2018). Religious activities and suicide prevention: A gender specific analysis of 17,055 deaths. Paper read at the 51st annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 18-21, Washington, D.C.

366. Stack, S & Niederkrotenthaler, T. (2018) Explaining suicide in a leading Suicide Hot Spot: AOKIGHARA (Japan’s Black Forest): New Film & Analysis. Multimedia Presentation for the 51st annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 18-21, Washington, D.C.

367. Stack, S. & Laubepin, F. (2018). Religiousness and suicide prevention in secular societies: An analysis of 162 European regions. Paper read at the 51st annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 18-21, Washington, D.C.

368. Rockett, I. , Stack, S., Caine, E. Connery, H., & Jia, H. (2018). The suicide note, forensic autopsy, and determination of poisoning suicides: A National Violent Death Reporting System analysis. Paper read at the 51st annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 18-21, Washington, D.C.

369 Invited Plenary Address. Stack, S. (2018). Religiousness and Suicide Prevention among Young Adults: Multivariate Analysis of Asian/Pacific Nations. Plenary address, VIII Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Asian-Pacific, May 5-8, Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

370 Stack, S. (2018). Means Restriction: Firearm Availability & Police Suicide. Paper read at the VIII Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Asian-Pacific, May 5-8, Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

371 Stack, S. (2018). Does workplace job demotion predict suicide deaths? Paper read at the VIII Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Asian-Pacific, May 5-8, Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

372 Stack, S. (2018). Suicide and Truck Drivers: An understudied occupational group. Paper read at the VIII Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Asian-Pacific, May 5-8, Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

373 Stack, S. (2018) Invited address. Does Religiousness Prevent Suicide? Presented at the CMH Seminar Series, Center for Mental Health, Melbourne School of Population & Global Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, May 14, 2018.

374 Stack, S. (2018) Does participation in a discussion board promote learning outcomes? An online research methods course. Paper read at the 113th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 11-14.

375. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. (2018) Portrayals of police suicide in the American cinema: Promotion of (mis) understandings of the phenomenon. Paper read at the 17th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior, September 5-8, Ghent, Belgium.

376. Stack, S. (2019) Suicide among Truck Drivers: A National Epidemiology. Paper read at the 52nd annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 23-26, Denver, Colorado.

377. Stack, S. (2019) Suicidality in Mid Life: Social and psychiatric Predictors of suicide deaths among men. Paper read at the 52nd annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, April 23-26, Denver, Colorado.

378. Stack, S. (2019). Asynchronous discussion board participation & learning outcomes: Class level predictors in an online criminology course. Paper read at the114th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, New York.

379. Stack, S. (2019). Epidemiology of Janitor Suicide: Explaining why Janitors are at low risk. Paper read at the 30th Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention. Londonderry, Northern Ireland, September 17-21.

380. Till, B., Tran, U., Stack, S., Sinyour, M. et al. (2019). Impact of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why in the U.S.: Time series analysis of suicides and social media data. Paper read at the 30th Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention. Londonderry, Northern Ireland, September 17-21.

381. Stack, S. (2019). Differentiating suicides with and without suicide attempt histories. Paper read at the biannual International Academy of Suicide Research / American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: International Summit on Suicide Research, Miami, Florida, October 27-30.

382. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. (2019). Aggression differentiates suicide by ethnicity. Paper read at the biannual.International Academy of Suicide Research / American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: International Summit on Suicide Research, Miami, Florida, October 27-30.

383. Stack, S. & Bowman, B. (2019). The social construction of prison suicide: NVDRS/BJS data vs. cinematic portrayals. Paper presented at the biannual.International Academy of Suicide Research / American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: International Summit on Suicide Research, Miami, Florida, October 27-30.

384. Stack, S. & Barbara Bowman. (2020). Transition from Suicide Attempts to Suicide Completions: Cultural Scripts in American Feature Films. Paper to be read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Portland, OR, April.

385. Stack, S. (2020). The social construction of police suicide in American feature Films. Paper to be read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Portland, OR, April.

Other Presentations, Selected

1. Stack, S. (2017). Flash Science: Snippets of Media and Suicide Research (60 minutes). Presented at the meetings of the Suicide Research Group, College of Social Work, WSU, February 7.

2. Stack, S. (2019) Violence Differentiates Black vs. White Suicides in Film and Society. Presented at the meetings of the Suicide Research Group, College of Social Work, WSU, November 13.


1. (2008). Oxford University, Oxford, England. OXFORD 20th Annual Roundtable on Youth (Children in Danger). “Youth Suicide.” Panel of 35 experts, July 27-August 1. Declined due to inadequate travel monies.

2. (2016). Plenary Address. International Association for Suicide Prevention. Biannual Congress. Declined due to inadequate travel monies.

3. (invited lecture, declined). Plenary address. The process of Modernization and suicide. International Conference on Urbanization, Modernization, Globalization and Suicide. Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. December 9-10, 2017.




1. 1976 Candace Rogers Award. Eastern Sociological Society.

For the best paper presented by a graduate student.

Presented at annual meeting, Boston, March.

2. 1985 Edwin Shneidman Award.

American Association of Suicidology

For outstanding research accomplishments in the field of Suicidology, by a person < 40, American Association Suicidology. Presented at annual meeting, Toronto.

3. 2003 Louis Dublin Award.

American Association of Suicidology.

For lifetime contributions to research and professional service in the field of suicidology. Presented at annual meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico. April.

4. 2003. Scholarly Recognition Award.

Michigan Association of Suicidology.

For contributions to the field of Suicidology at the National level and in the State of Michigan.

Presented at annual meeting, Midland, MI, October 9-10.

5. 2004-2006. Distinguished Faculty Fellow,

Office of the Provost, Wayne State University.

Awarded for continued national recognition in research presented at University’s Awards Ceremony, April 27th, 2004 (stipend: $13,100)

6. 2004 Ig Nobel Prize (shared with James Gundlach)(Field: Medicine). 14th annual award, for contributions in field of music and suicidality, presented at Harvard University, Cambridge, September 30, 2004.

7. 2008. Donal MacNamara Award.

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

For best article of 2007 published in the 3 journals of the ACJS. Presented at the annual meetings, ACJS, Cincinnati, OHIO, March 11-15. For: (Steven Stack, Liquin Cao and Amy Adamzyck). “Crime Volume & Law and Order Culture: Cross-National Analysis,” Justice Quarterly. 24(June): 291-308. JQ is rated as the #2/67 ranked Criminology/CJ journals.

8. 2012. Nominated (by Walter Edwards, Director, Humanities Center, Wayne State University): Wayne State University: Board of Governor’s Scholarly Recognition Award for the book (with Barbara Bowman) Suicide Movies: Social Patterns, 1900-2009. Cambridge, Ma.: Hogrefe.

9. 2017. Erwin Stengel Award,

International Association for Suicide Prevention.

For recognition of “outstanding research in the field of suicidology as evidenced by number and quality of publications in leading peer reviewed journals and indicators of esteem and reputation.” Presented at the 29th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Kuching, Malaysia, July 18-22, 2017.

10. Nominated for: J. Milton Yinger Lifetime Distinguished Career in Sociology Award, North Central Sociological Association, 2018.

Status: not received.

11. Nominated for Morselli Medal for excellence in suicide research, International Academy of Suicide Research.

Status: Not received. 2019.

12. Nominated for: J. Milton Yinger Lifetime Distinguished Career in Sociology Award, North Central Sociological Association, 2020.

Status: pending.

IIIB. HONORS: Scholarly Impact:

Figure 1. Cumulative Citations to My Work, Google Scholar, 1982-2019. Source: Google Scholar, online, accessed January 1, 2020.

Table. Citations: Google Scholar

|Google Scholar Citations |h-index |j-index |Search Date on Web of Science |

| |(41=41 articles with 41+ |(n of articles with 10+ citations)| |

| |citations) | | |

|6,087 |41 |143 |2/21/2013 |

|7,136 |45 |155 |3/06/2014 |

|7,881 |46 |157 |03/03/2015 |

|8,892 |50 |166 |02/25/16 |

|10,014 |51 |177 |02/28/17 |

|12,051 |54 |192 |10/06/18 |

|12,358 |54 |194 |02/04/19 |

|13,601 |59 |204 |01/01/20 |

Source: World Wide Web, Google Scholar, (online. Of the 430 scholars from Wayne State, I rank first in the social science division of CLAS, and 11th in the entire university.

(Google Scholar counts citations from a wider number of sources than the WEB OF SCIENCE, including some from non refereed sources).

IIIB. HONORS: Scholarly Impact-cont.

Cumulative SSCI Citations 2003-2016,

Source: Social Sciences Citations Index, online. {ViITA.stack.charts.03082012}.

|Years |Total Cites |Increase from Past Year |Search Date on Web of Science |

|1980-2003 |1,657 |90 |4/12/03 |

|1980-2004 |1,756 |99 |4/04/04 |

|1980-2005 |1,859 |103 |3/20/05 |

|1980-2006 |2,013 |154 |3/10/06 |

|1980-2007 |2,133 |120 |3/12/07 |

|1980-2008 |2,308 |175 |3/18/08 |

|1980-2009 |2,486 |178 |3/11/09 |

|1980-2010 |2,676 |190 |3/15/10 |

|1980-2011 |2,916 |240 |3/15/11 |

|1980-2012 |3,291 |375 |3/08/12 |

|1980-2013 |3,668 |377 |2/17/13 |

|1980-2014 |3,821 |153 |3/7/14 |

|1980-2015 |4,202 |381 |2/20/15 |

|1980-2016 |4,483 |281 |2/25/16 |

Source: (1) Institute for Science Information, Social Science Citations Index, on line. The ISI lists the most highly cited scholars in each of 21 broad categories in the physical sciences, life sciences, engineering, medicine, and social sciences based on citations received for the period 1981-1999. This group comprises less than one half of one percent of all publishing researchers. Many persons listed as highly cited scholars in the social sciences have fewer than 2,308 citations for the period 1980-2007. My interdisciplinary work spans several journal categories including social science and medicine, apparently eliminating me from the highly cited list. Only 1 of the 1,900 Wayne State faculty is listed as an ISI highly cited scholar.

Table. National Ranking Among all 504 Faculty at PhD Granting Departments of Crime Studies. h Index of Research Impact means, ranges, s.d., by rank (“h of 31”= 31 articles with 31 or more cites)(Note: Dr. Stack’s department has no PhD program in CJ)

|Category |h-index, mean |Range in h-index |Standard deviation |Rank in Nation |

|Dr. Stack |31 | | |#1/504 |

|229 Full Professors |6.2 |0-30 |5.3 |na |

|150 Assoc Profs |4.5 |0-13 |3.2 |na |

|125 Asst Profs |2.6 |0-13 |2.5 |na |

|All ranks, n=504 |4.8 |0-30 |4.4 |n.a. |

Sources: Copes, H et al (2013) h-index & m-quotient benchmarks of scholarly impact in criminology & criminal justice. J. of Criminal Justice Education, 23, 441-461. , Web of Science, online (accessed 2012). . *h index: a standard bibliographic measure of impact of research productivity where h= you have h articles that have been cited h or more times.

CITATION CLASSICS(My works in the top 1% of articles in a journal).

Source: Web of Science, accessed 2-17-13

|JOURNAL |Citations: Rank of Stack |Article |year |citations |

| |article/number of articles | | | |

| |published to date | | | |

|Deviant Behavior |1st/ 960 |Suicide: A Decade review of the |1982 |114 |

| | |Sociological Literature. 4, 41-66. | | |

|Suicide & Life Threatening |9/1321 |Suicide: a 15year rev of the sociological |2000 |121 |

|Behavior | |literature: Part I | | |

|Suicide & Life Threatening |10/1321 |Suicide: a 15year rev of the sociological |2000 |119 |

|Behavior | |literature: Part II | | |

Five of the 20 Most Widely Cited Suicide Articles in Sociology

Of the 719 works published on suicide in sociology journals from 1956-2013, I authored five of the 20 most widely cited, according to data in Social Sciences Citations Index (search date, March 08, 2012). These are:

Table 1. Most Cited of 719 Suicide Articles in Sociology Journals: Stack’s contributions to the Top 20, by Rank, cites, title, Journal, date (as of 2-17-2013).


|Rank |Cites |Title |Journal |vol |Year |pp |

|6th/ 719 |120 |Stack, S. Marital status & happiness: A |J. of Marriage & the Family |60 |1998 |527-536 |

| | |comparative analysis | | | | |

|10th/719 |114 |Stack, S. Suicide: A decade review of the |Deviant Behavior |4 |1982 |41-66 |

| | |sociological literature | | | | |

|15th/719 |88 |Stack, S. Celebrities & suicide: A Taxonomy &|American Sociological Review |52 |1987 |401-413 |

| | |Analysis, 1948-1983 | | | | |

|15th/719 |82 |Stack, S. The Effect of marital dissolution |J. of Marriage & the Family |42 |1980 |83-92 |

| | |on suicide | | | | |

|19th/719 |70 |Stack, S. New micro-level data on impact of |J. Marriage & Family |52 |1990 |119-127 |

| | |divorce on suicide | | | | |

Ranked 20th in the nation among 67 most cited scholars in Deviant Behavior by Miller, J., Wright, R & Daniels, D. 2001. “Is Deviance Dead?” The American Sociologist, 32(Fall): 43-59. Ranking based on citations to my work in the top 3 sociology journals: ASR, AJS, Social Forces (core influence).

CLAS, Social Sciences. Ranked first (of 80) in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, as most cited Wayne State Social Science Professor, Division of Social Sciences, Wayne State University, March 2005.

World Ranking among Suicidologists.

Table 2. Top 15 of the World’s Top 500 Suicide Researchers, Topic: Suicide, Metric: Citations to Web of Science Listed Articles Adjusted for Number of Authors. (Source: Web of Science, accessed ONLINE 3-2-2012)

|Suicide Researcher |University |Citations to Work on |Number of cited articles|

| | |Suicide, Adjusted for |on Suicide |

| | |Number of Authors/article | |

|Dr. John J. Mann |Columbia University |4210 |306 |

|Dr. David Lester |Stockton College |3389 |1001 |

|Dr. Keith Hawton |Oxford University, England |2081 |210 |

|Dr. Steven Stack |Wayne State University |2017 |122 |

|Dr. David A. Brent |University of Pittsburgh |1927 |131 |

|Dr. Aaron T. Beck |University of Pennsylvania |1192 | 78 |

|Dr. Alec Roy |V.A. Health System, N.J., USA |1182 |101 |

|Dr. Yates Conwell |University of Rochester |1116 |135 |

|Dr. Annette L. Beautrais |Yale University |1042 | 74 |

|Dr. David J. Gunnell |University of Bristol, England |1021 |141 |

|Dr. Victoria Arrango |Columbia University | 937 | 66 |

|Dr. Maria A. Oquendo |Columbia University |925 |155 |

|Dr. Jouko Lonnqvist |U. of Helsinki, Finland |913 |176 |

|Dr. Gustavo Turecki |McGill University, Canada |832 |137 |

|Dr. Marie Asberg |Karolinska Institute, Sweden |748 | 53 |

Notes: To be ranked in the top 500 publishers of suicide articles requires 17 or more articles listed under the topic of suicide in the Web of Science. 42 or more are needed to rank in the top 100.

Impact Data from Research Gate (Web Based Research Page).

Table 3a. Impact Data from Research Gate Web Page ()

|Date |Total Publication Reads |Total Full Text Downloads |Research Gate Score |Research Gate Percentile |

| | | | |Group |

|9-6-2014 |9,273 |8,397 |37.99 |Top 5% |

|2-20-2015 |13,921 |13,521 |40.33 |Top 2.5% |

|2-25-2016 |18,580 |n.a. |41.74 |Top 2.5% |

|2-24-2016 |34,144 |n.a. |41.67 |Top 2.5% |

|1-07-2020 |85,498 |n.a. |42.90 |Top 2.5% |

| | | | | |

Table 3b. Selected Weeks where my work had the highest number of reads or downloads at Research Gate among 3,800 researchers listed from Wayne State University (Source: ).

|Date, Week of |Number of Reads |Number of WSU researchers on |My Rank for week |

| | |Research Gate | |

|9/7/15 |327downloads |3,215 |#1 |

|9/14/15 |335downloads |3,215 |#1 |

|12/1/15 |395 reads |3,802 |#1 |

|12/8/15 |422 reads |3,802 |#1 |

|12/15/15 |350 reads |3,802 |#1 |

|12/22/15 |233 reads |3,802 |#1 |

|1/4/16 |170 reads |3,802 |#1 |

|1/25/16 |282 reads |3,802 |#1 |

|2-19-17 |400 reads |Apx 3800 |#1 |

IIIC. HONORS: Major Grants Received:

1. 1980 Grant: Indiana State Department of Mental Health

Project: "Suggestions for Intervention Strategies from Analysis of Mental Patient Data in Indiana Institutions, A Longitudinal Study."

Amount: $10,800.

2. 1985- National Institute of Mental Health.

1986 Project: "Suggestion and Suicide: Structural Media Effects."

No. 1 R01 MH38209-01A1 and No.7-R01-MH41510-01,02

Amount: $102,931.

Dates: January 1, 1985 - December 31, 1986.

3. 1987- GRANT: National Institute of Mental Health

1988. Project: Suggestion and Suicide: Structural Media Effects:

1989. competitive continuation. (years 3 & 4)


Amount: $116,191.

Dates: January 1, 1987- December 31, 1988.

4.1998-1999. GRANT: Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation,

“The Effect of Sentences on Homicide Risk’”

Amount: $26,640.

Period: January 1, 1998-December 31, 1999.

5.2001-02 Stack, S. PI. GRANT: Richard Barber Fund for Interdisciplinary Legal Research,

“The Effect of Publicized Punishments on Homicide Risk,”

Amount: $16,000

Dates: June 2001-December 2002.

05. Stack, S. P.I. GRANT: Richard Barber Fund for Interdisciplinary Legal Research,

Project: The Effect of Homicide Rates on Support for the Death


Amount: $18,000

Dates: June 2003-May 2005.

7.2015-2017. Rockett, Ian (PI), Haomiao, Jia, Kaputsa, N., Frost, J. &

Stack, S (consultant). GRANT: Centers for Disease Control, Part of the

larger grant for a Injury Prevention Research Center (renewal, West

Virginia University)

Project: Poisonings, Coroners, and Differential Suicide Undercounting:

Evidence from Suicide Notes.

Amount: $288,202

Dates: August 2014 - July 2016

STATUS: Funded.

Major Grant Proposals Not funded/Under Review/Revision:

1. 2019-2021. Armstrong, Greg. P.I. (S. Stack, Mentor). Determining the effects of suicide content in print and film media in India: Laboratory experiments. Submitted to Young Investigator’s Grant Fellowship Program, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Amount: $75,000. Submitted November 2018.

2. 2018-2020. Mueller, Anna, P.I. (S. Stack, Mentor) Examining the normalization of suicide as an option: A mixed methods study of repeated exposure to suicide in adolescents. Submitted to Young Investigator’s Grant Fellowship Program, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Amount: $75,000. Submitted November 2017. Status: Revise & Resubmit.

3. 2018-2020. Lehmann, Christopher. P.I. (S. Stack, Mentor). Religiousness as a protective factor against suicide: An investigation among heroin addicts undergoing treatment. Submitted to Young Investigator’s Grant Fellowship Program, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Amount: $75,000. Application submitted in November 2017. Status: Revise and Resubmit.

4. 2015-2016 (18 mo) Stack, S., Kral, M. & Consolino, T. Military Suicide Research & Prevention. Submitted to: President’s Research Enhancement Program, Grants for Project Development. Submitted 12-9-14. Amount: $100,000. Status: Not funded.

5. 2013-2016. S. Stack, P.I. Development of an Injury & Violence Interdisciplinary Research Group. Submitted to the Multidisciplinary Research Group Incubator Program, Office of the Vice President for Research, Wayne State University. Amount requested: $900,000. Submitted: W 2013. Status: Not funded.

6. 2013-2014. Rockett, I. (PI), Regier. M., & S. Stack (consultant). Distinguishing Suicides from Undetermined Intent Deaths: Psychological, Forensic, & Circumstantial Evidence. Submitted to the Injury Research Control Center, West Virginia University. Amount: $50,000. Status: Not funded.

7. 2011-2016 S. Stack, P.I. (co-investigator David Ledgerwood)

National Institute of Mental Health, #1R01 MH094337-01

Project: Urban Stress and Media as Risk Factors for Suicide

Amount: $1,140,000

Submitted: September 2010

Dates: 6/1/11-6/1/2016

STATUS: NOT FUNDED. Plan to revise for resubmission.

8.2010-2013. (Ian Rockett, Haomiao Jia, June R. Lunney & S. Stack consultant)

National Institute of Mental Health

Project: A Multiple Cause-of-Death Analysis: Black-White Suicide Data Quality and Social Disparities.”

Amount: $345,693

Submitted: April 2009.

Dates: August 1, 2009 – July 31, 2011.

STATUS: Not Funded.

Priority Score: 250 on a 100 (high) to 900 (low) range.

Revision of previous NIH proposal (older priority score: 224 on a 100 to 500 scale).

9. 2007-2008. (Ian Rockett, Haomiao Jia, June R. Lunney & S Stack-consultant)

Centers for Disease Control

Project: The Black-White Suicide Paradox: A Multi-Level Multiple Cause of Death Evaluation

Amount: $299,545

Submitted: August 1, 2006.

Dates: January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2008.

STATUS: not funded.

III D. HONORS: Listings/ Nominations.

1. 1988 Nominee (from Auburn University) by Graduate School Dean, Center for the Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Research Fellow.

2.1988 Listed as one of the nation's top 60 Family Scholars in:

"A Profile of Family Studies Scholars" W. Meredith and D. Abbott, Family Studies Review, November 1988, p. 299-311.

3.1999 Listed as one of the nation’s top 50 specialists in deviant behavior (my rank=35th) in Miller, J. Mitchell and Richard Wright “Is the Sociology of Deviance Dead? A Citation Analysis of Leading Journals,” paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ca, November 17-20.

4.2001.Listed in Who’s Who in America, 55th edition, 2001, New Providence, NJ.: Marquis Who’s Who.

5.2001.Listed as one of the nation’s top 60 scholars in the sociology of deviant behavior (my rank = 20th). Ranks based on citations in 7 deviance texts and a sample of 256 articles. In Miller, J.M., Wright,R.A., & Dannels, D. 2001. “Is Deviance Dead?” American Sociologist, Fall, Pp. 43-59.

6.2000 Listed in 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century, second edition, Gifford, John (ed), Cambridge, England: International Bibliographic Centre.

7. 2000 Listed in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20thCentury, second edition,

8. 2001 Listed in Dictionary of International Biography, 28th Edition, Gifford, John (ed), Cambridge, England: International Bibliographic Centre.

9.2004 Listed in Who’s Who in America, 58th edition, 2004, New Providence, NJ.: Marquis Who’s Who.

10. 2005. Listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 2005-2006. 8th ed. New Providence, NJ.: Marquis Who’s Who.

11. 2005. Listed in Dictionary of International Biography, 32nd Edition, Cambridgeshire, England: International Biographical Center.

12. 2006. Listed in Dictionary of International Biography, 33 rd Edition, Cambridgeshire, England: International Biographical Center.

13. 2007. Listed in Who’s Who in America, 61st edition, 2007, New Providence, NJ.: Marquis Who’s Who.

14. 2006. Listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering,2006-2007, 9th edition, New Providence, NJ.: Marquis Who’s Who.

15. 2007. Listed in THE CAMBRIDGE BLUE BOOK-2007., Cambridgeshire, England: International Biographical Center.

16. 2008. Listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering,2008-2009,10th edition, New Providence, NJ.: Marquis Who’s Who.

17. 2008. Listed in Dictionary of International Biography, 34th Edition, Cambridgeshire, England: International Biographical Center.

18. 2009. Listed in Who’s Who in America, 63rd edition, 2009, New Providence, NJ.: Marquis Who’s Who.

19. 2010. Listed Great Minds of the 21st Century (limited to 1000 entries), 4/e, American Biographical Institute, Raleigh, NC.

20. 2017 (August). Nominated CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, (NCIPC), Board of Scientific Counselors. Nominated by Dr. Gwendolyn H. Cattledge, Deputy Associate Director of Science, NCIPC, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta. If appointed, duties begin September, 2018.


IVA. Articles and Published Manuals on the Scholarship of Teaching, Published & Under Review.

1. 1981 Stack, S. INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL(Class Exercises, Simulation Games, Chapter Outlines, Filmography, etc.) to accompany: DeFleur, Melvin et al., Sociology Human Society, Third Edition, (Glenview, Illinois: Scott-Foresman). 120 pp

4. 1983 Stack, S. INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL (196 p,Simulation Games, Classroom Surveys, lecture ideas, etc.) to accompany DeFleur, Melvin (Ed) Social Problems in America, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin).

5. 1983 Stack, S. TEST ITEMS MANUAL. (180 pages)to accompany DeFleur, Melvin (Ed) Social Problems in America (Boston: Houghton Mifflin).

6. 1984 Stack, S. INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL (151 p, Computer exercises, book review index) to accompany DeFleur et al, Sociology: Human Society, fourth edition (New York: Random House).

7. 1984 Stack, S. STUDY GUIDE (157 p, Lists of behavioral objectives, exercises, self review questions, research projects, etc.) to accompany DeFleur, Melvin et al, Sociology: Human Society, Fourth Edition (New York: Random House).

8. 1984 Stack, S. "Playing the Role of the Minority Poor: The Ghetto Simulation." Simgames: Canadian Journal of Simulation and Gaming, 12(September): 20-26.

|SSCI J Category=not listed |RANK=na |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=NA |

9. 1986 Stack, S. INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL (284 p, Test Item File, filmography, chapter Summaries, student involvement exercises, class activities, current bibliography, etc.), to accompany Robert Lauer, Social Problems and the Quality of Life, third edition, (Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown)

10. 1988 Stack, S. "Teaching Demography through Computer Simulations." Teaching Sociology, 16(January): 55-60.

|SSCI J Category=sociology |RANK=72/114 |Impact Factor=0.6 |Top 10% n |Quartile=3Q |

11.1997 Kelley, T & Stack, S. "Achievement in Criminal Justice: An Analysis of Graduating Seniors." Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 8(Spring): 39-50.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

12. 2000. Stack, S. “Part Time Faculty Status and Student Evaluation of Teaching,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 11(2):251-266.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

13. 2002. Stack, S. and Thomas Kelley. “The GRE as a Predictor of Graduate Student Performance,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 13: 335-349.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

14.2003. Stack, S. “The Effect of Research Productivity on Student Evaluation of Instruction,” Research in Higher Education, 44(5) October: 539-556.

|SSCI J Category=education |RANK=32/139 |Impact Factor=1.6 |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

15. 2005. Stack, S. “The Effect of Extra Credit Projects on Learning,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 16(2): 318-327.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

16.2013. Stack, S. Does Discussion Promote Learning? An Analysis of an Online Criminology Class. J. of Criminal Justice Education. 24(3): 374-385.

|Sorensen: criminology list |RANK= 17/69 |Impact Factor=na |Top 10% n |Quartile=1Q |

17. 2014. Stack, S. Teaching & Salary in the Social Sciences. Social Science Quarterly. 95(3):785-794.

18. 2015. Stack, S. Learning Outcomes in an Online vs. Traditional Criminology Course. Int’l Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9(1):1-17.

|Number of Downloads at Digital Commons, Georgia Southern University |.Downloads | .Through date |

| |N= 568 |Through 7-2-15 |

| |N= 897 |Through 8-31-15 |

| |N=1,925 |Through 12-20-15 |

| |N=2,293 |Through 1-2-16 |

| |N=8,998 |Through 3-5-17 |

| |N=11,433 |Through 7-17-17 |

| |N=21,988 |Through 9-20-18 |

| |downloads | |

19. 2015. Stack, S. Laboratory Assignments and their Impact on Final Examination Grades: An Online Research Methods/Statistics Course. Innovative Teaching 4: 1-6.

20. 2015. Stack, S. The Effect of Human Proctored & Technologically proctored Testing Environments on Exam Scores. J. of Criminal Justice Education 26 (3): 273-282.

21. 2018. Stack, S. Effect of the relaxation of a cheating inhibitor on online exam scores: Lengthening the time for exam access in a criminology course. Journal of Online Higher Education. 2(1): 1-12.

22. 2018. Stack, S. The effects of proctoring vs. cheating inhibitors on exam scores: Analysis of an online research methods course. Paper under review at the Journal of Excellence in College Teaching.

IV B. Teaching: Involvement of Students in Research Program: Articles and Conference Papers Coauthored With Students:

1. 1982 (with Delore Zimmerman*) "The Impact of World Economy on Income Distribution." Paper read at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, Detroit.

2. 1982 (with Mary Kanavy*) "The Effect of Religion on Forcible Rape." Paper read at the annual meeting of the Allegheny Valley Sociological Association, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania.

3. 1982 (with Delore Zimmerman*) "The Effect of World Economy on Income Inequality: A Reassessment." Sociological Quarterly, 23(Summer): 345-358.

4. 1983 (with Sug Man Choe*) "The Effect of World Economy Dependence on Strikes." Paper read at the annual meeting of the Allegheny Valley Sociological Association, Meadsville, Pa.

5. 1983 (with Mary Kanavy*) "The Effect of Religion on Forcible Rape: A Structural Analysis." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 22(March): 67-74.

6. 1984 (with Hayward Horton*) "The Effect of Television on National Suicide Rates." Journal of Social Psychology, 123 (June): 141-142.

7. 1987 (with Bill Allen*). "The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide in Alabama, 1950-1965." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Birmingham, Alabama, October.

8. 1989 (with Link Erickson*) "The Effect of Modernization on Suicide in Finland, 1751-1985."

9. 1992 (with Jim Gundlach and Ellen Sumrall*) The Effect of Human Capital and Needs on Alimony Awards." Sociological Focus. 25: 39-50.

10. 1993 (with Brenda Hinkle*, Tom Smith, Donna Sollie) "The Effect of Post divorce attachment on co-parenting." J. of Divorce and Remarriage, 19:109-123.

11. 1993 (with Joe Sloan*) "Suicide in Australia: An Arima Model."

12. 2000 (with Kevin West*). “Black Political Empowerment and Suicide Risk.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Los Angeles, April 15-17th.

13. 2000 (with Derek Coates*) “Social Mobility and Black Suicide Acceptability.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Los Angeles, April 15-17th.

14. 2001(With Arshia Zaidi*) “Rap Music Fanship and Suicide Acceptability,”

Paper read at the annual Meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,

and Letters, Dearborn, March 9-10.

15.2001(With Kevin West*), “Black Political Empowerment and Homicide Risk,”

Paper read at the annual meetings of the Urban Affairs Association, Detroit, April 25-28th.

16.2011. Esben Agerbo*, Steven Stack, & Liselotte Petersen*. Social Integration and Suicide in Denmark, 1906-2006. Social Science Journal, 49, 630-640.

17. 2012. Stack, S., Lester, D., & Rosenberg, J*. Music & Suicidality: A Quantitative Review and Extension. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 43: 654-671.

18. 2014. Stack, S., Kral, Michael , & Borowski. Theresa*. Exposure to Suicide Movies and Suicide Attempts. Sociological Focus. 47: 61-70..

19.2014. Nam-Ju Ji *, Yeon-Pyo-Hong, Steven Stack, & Weon-Young Lee. Is Charcoal Burning Suicide a Persistent Epidemic in Asian Countries?: Epidemiological Findings from South Korea. J. of Korean Medical Science, 29: 1174-1177.

20. 2017. Stack, Steven, Kral, Michael., & Cameron, Alexandria.* (2017). Cyber Bullying & Suicidality: Is it a “White Thing?” Paper read at the International Summit on Suicide Research, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5-8.


IV C. Papers read at Professional Meetings on the Scholarship of Teaching.

1.(1979). Stack, S. "Teaching Demography Through use of the Computer." Paper read at the meetings of the NATIONAL EDUCATION COMPUTER CONFERENCE, Iowa City, Iowa.

2. (1979). Stack, S. "Playing the Role of the Minority Poor: The Ghetto Computer Simulation." Paper read at the 12th annual meeting of the ASSOCIATION OF SMALL COMPUTER USERS IN EDUCATION, Granville, Ohio.

3. (1994). Stack, S. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Housing CJ within a Sociology Department." Paper read at the annual meetings of the Midwest Criminal Justice Association, September 14.

4. (1994). Stack, S. & Kelley, T. "Assessment of Student Knowledge in Criminal Justice: An Analysis of Graduating Seniors." Paper read at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, March.

5.(2000). Stack, S. “Part Time Faculty Status and Student Evaluation of Teaching” Paper read at the annual

Meetings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Saginaw, March.

6. (2002). Stack, S. “Are Researchers Good Teachers?” Paper presented at the Lilly-North Conference on College Teaching, Big Rapids, MI, September 20-21.

7. (2003). Stack, S. “The Effect of Extra Credit Projects on Student Learning,” Paper read at Lilly-North Conference on College Teaching, Traverse City, MI., September.

8. (2004). Stack, S. “The Influence of Faculty Status on Student Evaluations of Quality Teaching,” Paper presented at the Lilly North Teaching & Learning Conference, September 24-26, Traverse City, MI.

9. (2012). Stack, S. Does Discussion Promote Learning? An Analysis of an Online Criminology Class. Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 17-20, Denver.

10. (2012). Stack, S. Does Good Teaching Pay? An Analysis of Measures on Base Salary. Paper read at the 107th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 17-20, Denver.

11. (2013). Stack, S. Learning Outcomes in an online vs. traditional criminological theory course. Paper read at the 63rd annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. August 9-11, 2013, New York City.

12. (2014). Stack, S. Online Examination Environments & Cheating: Can Technological Proctoring Replace Human Proctoring? Paper presented at the annual meetings of the 109th American Sociological Association, San Francisco. August 16-19.

13. (2015). Stack, S. The effect of laboratory exercises on learning in an online research methods course. Paper presented at the 110th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 22-25.

14. Stack, S. 2016. The effects of proctoring vs. cheating inhibitors on exam scores: An online research methods course.” Paper presented at the 111th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, Washington, August 20-23.

15. Stack, S. (2017). The effect of the relaxation of a cheating inhibitor on online exam scores: Lengthening the time for exam access in a criminology course. Paper read at the 112th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 12-15.

16. Stack, S. (2018). Does participation in a discussion board promote learning outcomes? An online research methods course. Paper read at the 113th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 11-14.

17. Stack, S. (2019). Class Level Discussion Board Participation and Learning Outcomes: Analysis of an online criminology course. Paper read at the 114th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, New York, August.

IVD. Membership on Completed Ph.D. Thesis Committees (PhD's received)

1. Benjamin Goodfellow. 2019. Analysis of Suicide Nomenclatures. Australian Institute for Suicide Research & Prevention. Griffith University, Australia. PhD Defended, March 25, 2019.

2. Tanya Jukkala. 2013. Suicide in Russia: A Macro Sociological Study. Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Defended April, 2013. (I served on stage as the official opponent for 2 hours testing the candidate. Audience of 80 persons attended).

3. Seggi, Alessandra. 2012. Exploring the Portrayal of Suicide in High School Films. Department of Sociology, New School for Social Research, New York, New York. Defended August 2012.

4. Tridico, Frank. 2011. Social Movement Theory & Far Right Organizations. Department of Sociology, Wayne State University. Defended December 23, 2011.

5. Milner, Allison. 2010. Suicide in a Global World: An Empirical Examination of the Relationship Between Globalization, Social-Ecological Factors, and Suicide Mortality in 35 Countries. Australian Institute for Suicide Research & Prevention, Griffith University, Australia. Defended April, 2010.

6. Agerbo, Esben. 2009. Epidemiological Suicide Research Based on Danish Routine Registers. Faculty of Health Sciences, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. Defended September 14, 2009.

7. Weiss, Daniel. 2009. Cormac McCarthy, Violence and the American Tradition. Department of English, Wayne State University. Defended 6-2-09.

8. Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas. 2009. Suicide Prevention by Collaboration with the Mass Media, Department of Medical Psychology, Medical School, University of Vienna, Vienna Austria. Defended March 25, 2009.

9. Page, Andrew N. 2005. Societal and Individual Perspectives on Australian Suicide, School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Australia.

10. Maughan, Suzanne L. 2003. Adolescent Contemplation of Death: An Ecological & Longitudinal Perspective on Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents. Department of Sociology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Defended May, 2003.

11. Wallace, David. 2001. Attitudes Towards Suicide: A Structural Model and its Relationship to Experience with Suicide. Department of Psychology, University of Windsor. Defended May, 2001.

12. Cauley, Dean. 2001. Facilitating Moral Development in Convicted Sexual Offenders. Department of Counseling Education, Wayne State University.

13.Kahle, Robert. 1994. The Multiple Dimensions of Fear of Crime, Neighborhood Cohesion, and Protective Weapon Ownership. Department of Sociology, Wayne State University.

14. Camp, Scott. 1991. Plant Closings and Worker Response in

Johnstown, Pennsylvania and Youngstown, Ohio. Department of Sociology, Penn State University.

15.Mc Donald, John. 1987. Early Development Factors and Depression. Department of Psychology, Auburn University.

Current PhD Committees in Progress

1. Ms. Sanja Milkin, (2017-present)Suicidology & the Production of Knowledge about Suicide. Department of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois.

2. Ms. Alexandra Cameron (2017-present). Social & Psychological Roots of Adolescent Bullying. College of Social Work, Wayne State University.

Mentoring: My field being suicide studies, I have focused my mentoring on promising young suicidologists. Table 1 lists selected accomplishments.

Table 1. Selected Accomplishments of Students & faculty mentored:

|Student/faculty mentored |Citations: Google |Notes |

| |Scholar | |

|Dr. Esben Agerbo, Aarhas University, Denmark (former PhD |14,179 |A leading European Suicidologist. We have been coauthors. |

|student) | |Esben has published over 175 articles including ones in a |

| | |remarkable variety of high impact journals. Esben has a |

| | |stunning 8,169 citations in Google Scholar. High impact |

| | |publications include ones in Nature, American J. of |

| | |Psychiatry, British Medical J. and Lancet. |

|Dr. Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Medical University of |n.a. |We have been co-authors. Recently, Thomas is co-editor of |

|Vienna (former PhD student) | |our book, Media & Suicide, 2017 in press). Thomas has |

| | |published over 60 articles, and many are in high impact |

| | |journals including British J of Psychiatry, Psychological |

| | |Medicine). |

|Dr. Zhang Jie, State University College, Buffalo (faculty |n.a. |Received the Louis Dublin Award (2014)from the American |

|member, mentored from 1996- present) | |Association of Suicidology, for excellence in Suicidology |

| | |research & prevention; established the second suicide |

| | |prevention center in China. Has received 12 years of |

| | |continuous funding from NIMH ($2,100,000). Over 100 articles|

| | |including publications in high impact journals (e.g., Amer J|

| | |of Psychiatry, Social Science & Medicine, Social Forces) |

|Dr. Allison Milner, University of Melbourne (former PhD |2122 |Allison & I recently co-hosted a CDC supported Webinar on |

|student) | |workplace stress & suicide. High impact publications include|

| | |ones in British J of Psychiatry, PLOS One, J of Epidemiology|

| | |& Community Health, & Psychological Medicine) |

|Dr. Tanya Jukkala, Sodertorn University, Stockholm.(former|184 |Relatively new (2013) PhD, has already published in some |

|PhD student) | |high impact journals (Social Science & Medicine). |

|Dr. Seth Abrutyn, Asst. Prof, University of British |781 |We have coauthored a chapter. Seth has received 5 section |

|Columbia, (young faculty mentee, 2014-present) | |awards (w Mueller)for papers of the year by the American |

| | |Sociological Association. Publications in high impact |

| | |journals (e.g., American Sociological review, Social Science|

| | |& Medicine). |

|Dr. Anna Mueller, Asst Prof, University of Chicago (young |836 |Has received 5 section awards (w Abrutyn) for papers of the |

|faculty mentee, 2014-present). | |year by the American Sociological Association. Publications |

| | |in high impact journals (e.g., American Sociological Review,|

| | |J. Health & Social Beh., & Social Science & Medicine). |

IV E. Teaching: Grants/Travel Grants/Awards Received to Improve Teaching:

1. 1977. Grant: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, Institutional Grant. For: Class Project: Changes in Stratification Ideology, 1967-1977 (course: social stratification). Students engaged in all phases of the scientific method from sending out 800 survey questionnaires through statistical testing of hypotheses.

2. 1977. Grant: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, under an institutional Grant. For participation in the 1977 Computer Applications to Instruction Faculty Development Programs. Month-long intensive training and development of a computer simulation for classroom instruction. June 1977.

3. 1977. Grant: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, under an institutional Grant. For participation in the math skills and statistics summer faculty development program, & application to course development. Month long intensive training July 1977.

4. 1978. Grant: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, under an institutional Grant. For participation in the 1978 Computer Applications to Instruction Programs. Intensive training and development of a computer simulation for classroom instruction. Month long intensive training, June 1978.

5. 1978. Grant: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, under an institutional Grant. For participation in the math skills and statistics summer faculty development program. Month intensive training, application to course development. July 1977.

6. 2002. Travel Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, Wayne State University. To present paper at Lilly North Conference on College Teaching, Big Rapids, MI., September. $800.00

7. 2003. Travel Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, Wayne State University. To present paper at Lilly North Conference on College Teaching, Big Rapids, MI., September. $800.00

8. 2004. Award, Summer Institute, on Technology & Teaching. (laptop, stipend teaching expenditures). Office of Teaching & Learning, Wayne State University. August 19-25, 2004.

9. 2004. Travel Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, Wayne State University. To present paper at Lilly North Conference on College Teaching, Big Rapids, MI., September. $800.00

10. 2012. Travel Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, Wayne State University. To present paper at American Sociological Association. August, Denver. $1,200.00

11. 2013. Travel Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, Wayne State University. To present paper at annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York City, August. $1,200.00

12. 2014. Travel Grant, WSU Office of Teaching & Learning. To present a scholarship of teaching paper at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 15-19. Award: $600.00.

13. 2015. Travel grant. WSU Office of teaching & Learning. To present a scholarship of teaching paper at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 22-25. $1,200.

14. 2016. Travel grant. WSU Office of Teaching & Learning. To present a scholarship of teaching paper at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, Washington, August 20-23. $1,200.

15. 2017. Travel grant. WSU Office of teaching & Learning. To present a scholarship of teaching paper at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada. August 12-15. $1,200.

16. 2018 Travel grant. WSU Office of Teaching & Learning. To present a scholarship of teaching paper at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia. PA., August 11-14. $1,200.

17. 2019. Travel Grant. WSU Office of Teaching & Learning. To present a scholarship of teaching paper at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, New York, August 23-26. $1,200.

IV F. Teaching: Awards Won by my Students:

1. First Prize, Undergraduate Student Papers Competition.

North Central Sociological Association.

1981. Student: Mary Alice Sholders, Indiana University, Indianapolis

Paper: Suicide in Indianapolis, 1976-1980."

Published in Sociological Focus, 12(August): 221-232.

2. First Prize, Graduate Student Papers Competition.

Odum Award, Southern Sociological Society.

1985. Student: Scott Camp, Penn State University.

Paper: "A Comparison of Structural and Historical Theories of

Peasant Rebellion: A Reanalysis of the Position Taken by Jenkins."

IV. G. Teaching Service:

1. Student Awards Committee, North Central Sociological Association, 1979-80.

2.Student Awards Committee, Eastern Sociological Society, 1982-83.

3.Co-Faculty Adviser, Suicide Research Group, Detroit Metro Area. 1995-2001. Met weekly during the academic year with graduate students and local clinical experts to discuss suicide research and issues.

4. Co-Faculty Advisor (with Dr. Michael Kral, WSU School of Social Work), Suicide Research Group. Detroit Metro Area, 2014- present. Meets bi-weekly. Composed of up to 55 members (mostly graduate students). Discusses suicide research issues and projects including papers, theses, and progress on dissertations. Also includes clinical staff from are mental health delivery organizations and hospitals. SRG is also linked to the staff & affiliates of the University of Michigan Injury Control Center.

IV H. Recent Guest Lectures on Campus.

1. 2 hours, November 12, 2015. Graduate Level Seminar on Suicide, College of Social Work: “The Legacy of Durhiemian Analysis of Suicide: Sociological Research on Suicide, 1897-2015.

2. 2 hours, November 2016. Graduate Level Seminar on Suicide, College of Social Work: “Sociological Research on Suicide, 1980-2016.

3. 2 hours, November 2019. Graduate Level Seminar on Suicide, College of Social Work: “Sociological Research on Suicide, 1980-2019.

IV. I. Other:

1. Student Evaluations.

DATE: FALL 1999. COURSE: Deviant Behavior & Social Control.

RATING: Overall Course Evaluation: 6.75 (on a 1 to 7 scale)

2. Recent SET’s are generally not available. I have been teaching all courses online and students opt not to fill out the online forms.


A. Service: To Professional Associations & The Profession

(1) Offices Held, Committee Memberships.

1. Secretary.

American Association of Suicidology


2. President Elect and President

Pennsylvania Sociological Society.


3. Secretary-Treasurer.

Michigan Sociological Society.


4. Chairperson, Membership Committee

North Central Sociological Association.


5. Publications Liaison, Research Committee. American Association of Suicidology, 1995-1997.

6. Member, Publications Committee, Homicide Research Working Group, 1998-1999.

7.Member, Forecasting Homicide Trends Committee, Homicide Research Working Group, 1998-1999.

8. Member, Advisory Board, Michigan Association of Suicidology, 2007-present.

9. Member, Search Committee for New Editor, Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, American Association of Suicidology, 2008.

10. Member, Working Group on Homicide Followed by Suicide, Dr. Ann Burgess, Chair. Boston College. Task: Develop a National Database for researchers and clinicians to access. 2009-2010.

11. Nominated, President, American Association of Suicidology. June 1, 2012. Not on ballot.

12. Nominated, President, American Association of Suicidology, October 2014. Status: failed to make final cut for the ballot.

13. Member, SIG (Special Interest Group) on Media and Suicide, International Association for Suicide Prevention, 2012-present.

14. Nominated, President, North Central Sociological Association (nominated by current President), 2015. Status: declined, inadequate resources at WSU.

15. Nominated, President, American Association of Suicidology, October 2016. Status: Did not make ballot.

16.Nominated CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, (NCIPC), Board of Scientific Counselors. Nominated by Dr. Gwendolyn H. Cattledge, Deputy Associate Director of Science, NCIPC, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta. Nominated in August 2017. If appointed, duties begin September, 2018.

17.Member, SIG (Special Interest Group) on Workplace Suicide Prevention, International Association for Suicide

Prevention, 2017-present.

18. Nominated, President, American Association of Suicidology, 2018. Status: Lost, but received 43% of the votes.

19. Nominated, President, American Association of Suicidology, 2019. Status: Pending, Elections begin January 28th. results available apx. March 1st. 2020.

(2) Grant Review Panels/ Grant Referee

Federal Grant Review Panels:

|Date |Agency |Panel |Number |Funded, |

| | | |Of funded Proposals |Amount/notes |

| | | |/submitted | |

|Fall 2005 |Nat'l Inst Mental Health, |Minority Dissertation Fellowships |2/8 |$500,000 |

| |Washington | | | |

|April 23-25, 2008 |Centers for Disease Control, |Research for Preventing Violence |5/40 |$5,000,000 |

| |Atlanta |and Violence Related Injury | | |

|Nov 17-20, 2008 |Centers for Disease Control, |ICRC Review Panel CEO9-001 on | | |

| |Atlanta |Proposals for Centers for the | | |

| | |Prevention of Injuries/Violence | | |

| | |PART I | | |

|Dec 2-5, 2008 |Centers for Disease Control, |ICRC Review Panel CEO9-001 on |5/15 |$30,000,000 |

| |Atlanta |Proposals for Centers for the | | |

| | |Prevention of Injuries/Violence | | |

| | |-continued | | |

| | |PART II | | |

|March 2009 |Centers for Disease Control, |R01 Review Panel on Proposals for |5/40 |$5,000,000 |

| |Atlanta |Research on Violence & Violence | | |

| | |Prevention Research | | |

|March 10-12, 2010 |Centers for Disease Control, |R01 Review Panel. Research Grants |5/55 |$5,000,000 |

| |Atlanta |for Preventing Violence and | | |

| | |Violence Related Injury, FOA | | |

| | |CE10-005. | | |

|June 17, 2010 |Centers for Disease Control, |Review Panel, U01, RFA-CE-10-006, |2/13 |$4,000,000 |

| |Atlanta |Prevention of Suicidal Behavior | | |

| | |Through the Enhancement of | | |

| | |Connectedness | | |

|July 21-23,2010 |Centers for Disease Control, |U01. Review Panel, National |4/15 |$26,000,000 |

| |Atlanta |Academic Centers of Excellence in | | |

| | |Youth Violence Prevention | | |

|February 16-18,2011 |Centers for Disease Control, |CE10-004 Review Panel, Academic |3/12 |19,000,000 |

| |Atlanta |Centers of Excellence in Youth | | |

| | |Violence Prevention | | |

|February 20-22, 2012 |Centers for Disease Control, |Review Panel, Centers for Research|3/9 |18,000,000 |

| |Atlanta |on Injury Control | | |

|June 2015 |Centers for Disease Control |Review Panel: Prevention of |2/10 |2,000,000 |

| | |Suicide: Midlife Males | | |

|August 29, 2016 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Evaluative Conditioning & suicide | |3,000,000 |

|teleconference |Military Suicide Research |prevention | | |

| |Consortium (MSRC)/AAS | | | |

|August 30, 2016 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Problem Solving Therapies & | | |

|teleconference |MRSC/AAS |Prevention | | |

|September 2, 2016, |U.S. Department of |Pharmacological Treatments | |1,100,000 |

|teleconference |Defense,MRSC/AAS | | | |

|September 7, 2016, |U.S. Department of |Pharmacological Treatments | | |

|teleconference |Defense,MRSC/AAS | | | |

|September 12, 2016, |U.S. Department of |Workplace Suicide Prevention | | |

|teleconference |Defense,MRSC/AAS | | | |

|September 29, 2016, |U.S. Department of |Internet Based Suicide Prevention | |2,900,000 |

|teleconference |Defense,MRSC/AAS |Interventions | | |

|May 5-June 9,2017 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Panel: Using Machine Learning | | |

|18 hours incl teleconference |MRSC/AAS |Analysis to distinguish among | | |

| | |military, veteran & civilian | | |

| | |suicidality. | | |

| | |Chair, Panel of 3 | | |

|May 10-17 to 6-8-17 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Suicide risk among military | | |

|13 hours incl teleconference |MRSC/AAS |personnel & veterans: Application | | |

| | |of data mining & Machine Learning | | |

| | |Panel member | | |

|May 5- May 28,2017 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Examining Suicide Disclosure, | | |

|18 hours incl teleconference. |MRSC/AAS |Confidant Reaction, & their | | |

| | |effects on help seeking behavior | | |

| | |in the military | | |

| | |Chair, Panel of 3 | | |

|May 5, - May 26, 2017. |U.S. Department of Defense, |Couples crisis response planning | | |

|12 hours incl teleconference |MRSC/AAS |to reduce post discharge suicide | | |

| | |risk. | | |

| | |Panel member | | |

|May 5, - May 29,2017 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Development & Evaluation of the | | |

|18 hours, incl teleconference |MRSC/AAS |web application targeting | | |

| | |interpersonal risk factors for | | |

| | |suicide in active duty service | | |

| | |members | | |

| | |Chair, Panel of 3 | | |

|July 12-July 27, 2018 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Reconnecting: Improving | | |

|14.25 hours |MRSC/AAS |Interoception to reduce suicide | | |

|Committee Member | |ideation and behavior | | |

|July 11- August 2, 2018. |U.S. Department of Defense, |Behavioral economics intervention | | |

|Committee Chair |MRSC/aas |to increase treatment seeking in | | |

|22.5 hours | |the national guard | | |

|July 12- July 31, 2018 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Personal and Professional Exposure| | |

|Committee Member |MRSC/AAS |to Suicide in Military Populations| | |

|11.05 hours | | | | |

|July 11- August 15, 2018 |U.S. Department of Defense, |Innovative Chaplain Training for | | |

|Committee Chair |MRSC/AAS |Community and peer based suicide | | |

|24.95 hours | |prevention | | |

|October 31-November 3, 2018 |Centers for Disease Control, |CDC Grant Review Panel CE-19-001, |4,000,000 each |36,000,000 total (9 |

|Prep 65hours; at Atlanta, 23 |Atlanta, GA |Injury Control Research Center | |center grants0 |

|hours live in Atlanta | |Grants | | |

|August 1- sept 4, 2019 |U.S. Department of Defense, |US Army: Evaluative Conditioning | | |

|Committee Chair |MSRC/AAS |an Intervention to strengthen | | |

|22.2 hours | |personal relationships in the | | |

| | |active armed forces. | | |

|August 1- Sept 3, 2019, |U.S. Department of Defense, |U.S. Navy. | | |

|Committee member |MSRC/AAS | | | |

|Totals |1 NIMH |6 Grant Panels to fund Research |33/196 |$144,000,000 |

| |10 CDC |Centers | | |

| |19 US DOD |16 Grant Panels to fund Individual| | |

| | |projects | | |

Grant Reviewer, Other Individual Grant Applications: Federal, Foundation, & Foreign.

|Years |Agency |Notes |

|1980-2002 |National Science Foundation, Sociology Program |Apx. 10 proposals |

|1986-2000 |Rockefeller Foundation, Referee. |3 proposals |

|1990 |National Science Foundation, Political Science Program |1 proposal |

|2002 |Israeli Science Foundation |1 proposal |

|2005 |Israeli Science Foundation |1 proposal |

|2005 |Canadian Council for the Arts. Reviewer |Killam Fellowships (1) |

|2005 |Canadian Council for the Arts. Reviewer |Research Fellowships (1) |

|2008 |National Science Foundation, Reviewer |Sociology Program (1) |

|2009 |Austrian Science & Technology Fund. Vienna |1 proposal |

|2010 |Research Grants Council, Taiwan |1 proposal |

|2013. March |Military Suicide Research Consortium, US Department of Defense |1 proposal ($1,500,000) |

|2013. April |Military Suicide Research Consortium, US Department of Defense |1 proposal ($1,500,000) |

|2013 |Falk Institute, Israel |1 proposal |

|2014 |Israel Science Foundation. Review of “Suicide in Israel: |1 proposal |

| |Anthropological Perspectives.” | |

|2015 |Canadian Council for the Arts Review of “Migration, Health & |Killam Program, 1 proposal |

| |Survival” | |

|2018, January |Economic & Social Research Council, U.K. |1 proposal, Suicide & Social Media: |

| | |Investigating the scope, impact, and |

| | |implications of social media in the aftermath |

| | |of a suicide. $922,256 UK pounds |

|May 2019 |Austrian Science Fund |Reporting of Suicide in the 19th Century |

a. Service: Editor and Editorial Boards

|Journal/Series |Position |Dates |Notes |

|Archives of Suicide Research |Associate Editor |1993-2005 | |

|Archives of Suicide Research |Editor in Chief |2005 |declined. Release time unavailable|

| |(nominated). | |from WSU. New editor is located at|

| | | |College of Medicine, Columbia |

| | | |University. |

|Archives of Suicide Research |Editorial Board |2005-present | |

|Crisis: Journal of Crisis |Nominated for Editor in Chief |2016 |declined appointment, inadequate |

|Intervention & Suicide Prevention | | |resources available at WSU |

|Crisis: Journal of Crisis |Editorial Board |2015-present | |

|Intervention & Suicide Prevention | | | |

|Encyclopedia of Death & Dying, 2 |Editor in Chief. |2017, offer |Declined appointment, inadequate |

|volumes, 300 entries), Macmillan | | |released time/resources available |

| | | |at WSU |

|Family Perspective |Guest Editor |1990 |Special Issue, Teen Suicide |

|International Journal of Criminology |Invitation to join Editorial Board|Declined, overextended, member 4 | |

|and Sociology | |editorial boards. | |

|International Journal of |Member, Editorial Board |January 2018- present | |

|Environmental Research & Public | | | |

|Health. | | | |

|International Journal of |Editor, Special Issue on Social |2017-offer |Declined appointment, inadequate |

|Environmental Research & Public |Risk & Protective Factors for | |resources at WSU. |

|Health. |Suicide. | | |

|J. of Comparative Family Studies |Nominated for Editor in Chief, |2008 | |

| |declined, Release time not | | |

| |available. | | |

|J Crime & Justice |Associate Editor |1996-1998 | |

|J Criminal Law&Criminology |Associate Consulting Editor |1991-1994 | |

|Psychological Reports-now a SAGE |Associate Editor Position |December 2015 |Declined appointment, |

|Journal | | |over-extended already |

|Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior |Editorial Board |1983- present | |

|Sociology (J of the British |Board of Editors |2013-2016 |Appointed 8-20-13, for 3 years |

|Sociological Association) |(one of 3 Americans/ 28 board | |through Summer 2016 |

| |members) | | |

|Suicidology On Line (SOL) |Founding Member, Editorial Board, |2010-present |Publication commenced in 2010 |

| |Vienna, Austria & Trondheim, | | |

| |Norway | | |


1. Chair, Roundtable on Comparative Income Distribution, American Sociological Association, Chicago, 1977.

2.Chair, Session on Special Issues on Unemployment, Michigan Sociological Association, Detroit, 1977.

3. Chair, Session on the Great Debate, Michigan Sociological Association, Detroit, MI., 1979.

4. Chair, Session on Comparative Stratification, NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Dayton, Ohio, 1980.

5. Chair, Luncheon Roundtable on the Sociology of Suicide, Southern Sociological Society, Louisville, 1981.

6. Chair, Session on Social Stratification, NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Cleveland, Ohio, 1981.

7. Chair, Session on Social Change, Michigan Sociological Association, Big Rapids, MI., 1979.

8. Chair, Roundtable on Divorce, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF FAMILY RELATIONS, Washington, D.C., 1982.

9. Chair, Session on the Sociology of Suicidal Behavior, NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Indianapolis, IN., 1984.

10. Chairperson, Luncheon Roundtable on Suicidology, annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 1985.

11. Chairperson, Luncheon Roundtable on the Sociology of Suicidal Behavior, American Sociological Association, New York City, 1986.

12. Chairperson, session on the Sociology of Suicidal Behavior, Southern

Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 1987.

13. Chair, Session on Suicide Clusters, American Association of Suicidology, San Francisco, California, 1987.

14. Chairperson, Luncheon Roundtable on Divorce and Violence, American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 1988.

15. Chairperson, Session on Suicide & Violent Behavior, North Central Sociological Association, Dearborn, MI, 1991.

16. Chair, session on the Economics of Divorce, American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, 1991.

17. Chair, Session on Modernization & the Family, Families East and West: An International Symposium. Indianapolis, 1991.

18. Chair, Session on Deviant Behavior Research, North Central Sociological Association, Fort Wayne, IN., 1992.

19. Chair, Session on Deviant Behavior Research, North Central Sociological Association, Toledo, Ohio, 1993.

20. Chair, Session on Deviant Behavior Research, North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1996.

21. Chairperson, Session on White Collar Crime, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, 2002.

22. Chair, Roundtable on Methodological Issues in Criminological research, Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, Cal., August, 2004.

23. Chair, Session on Rape, Homicide, and Identification Issues, Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, Illinois, March 15-19, 2005.

24. Chair, Session on New Directions in Death Penalty Research, Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, August,2005.

25. Chair, Session on New Directions in Strain Theory, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November, 2005.

26. Chair, Session on The Death Penalty in Perspective, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November, 2007.

27. Chair, Session on Reporting & Portrayal of Suicide in Mass Media: Challenges for Suicide Prevention. Session at the XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Oslo, Norway,

September 24-28, 2013.

28. Panel Organizer, Symposium on Social Factors and Suicide: New Developments, I. 48th Annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Atlanta, GA., April 16-19, 2015.

anizer & Presider, Symposium on Social Factors and Suicide: Recent Trends. II 49th Annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, March 31-April 2, 2016.

30. Organizer , Research Session on Social Factors and Suicide: Gender and Contagion Effects. III. 50th Annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix, April 2017.

anizer. Invited Special Session, Durkheim’s Suicide, 1897-2017: The Legacy & New Developments. IV. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada. August 2017.

32. Organizer & Presider. Symposium on Social Factors and Suicide: New Developments. V. 51st Annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Washington, D.C. April 2018.

33. Organizer & Presider. Symposium on Social Factors and Suicide: New Developments. VI. 52nd Annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Denver, CO. April 23-26 2019.

34. Organizer. Invited Special Session, Current Sociological Analyses of Suicide. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York City, August 2019.

35. Organizer & Presider. Symposium on Social Factors and Suicide: New Developments. VII. 53rd Annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Portland, OR April 22-25 2020.

OTHER: Discussant, Member Program Committee, & Other roles in Scientific Associations

1. Discussant, Social Stratification Session, AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 1976, New York.

2. Discussant, Session on Theories of Income Distribution, SOUTHERN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Washington, D.C., 1978.

3. Discussant, Session on Occupations & Professions, NORTH CENTRAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Detroit, MI., 1982.


ASSOCIATION, Indianapolis, IN., 1984.

5. Panelist, Plenary Session on Methodology in Suicide Research, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SUICIDOLOGY, annual meeting, Toronto, Canada.

6. Discussant, session on the world system, annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, 1986.

7. Program Chair, Sociology Division, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, annual meeting, Kalamazoo, MI, 1993.

8. Member, Program Committee, North Central Sociological Association, 1996-1997.

9. Co-Chair, Sociology Division, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 1996-1998.

10. Nominated for President-Elect, International Academy of Suicide Research, Spring 1999. Status: Not elected.

11. Nominated by William Julius Wilson to National Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science panel on Suicide Prevention in Youth and Adults, Winter 2001. Status: not appointed.

12. Discussant. Session on “Gloomy Sunday, Hungarian Suicide Film,” annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Miami, FL, April 14-18, 2004.

13. Member, International Association for Suicide Prevention Task Force on the Media. 2013-


14. Member, Program Committee, Research Division, 49th Annual meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, March 31-April 2, 2016

15. Member, Task Force, International Association for Suicide Prevention, World Health Organization Recommendations for Media Guidelines. October 2016-present.

16. Presider. “Lunch with the Experts” Presided over the discussion of research issues at a business lunch. VIII Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Asian-Pacific, May 5-8, 2018 Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

17. Member, Program Committee, 52nd annual conference, Research Division, American Association of Suicidology, November-January 2019.


Records are available for 1989-1992, and 1996-present only.

1989-2001 MEAN/ YEAR = 22/yr. 2002-2016 MEAN/ YEAR = 45yr

Figure 2. Cumulative Manuscripts Reviewed,


(Through 10-08-18 only) (records lost for 1976-1988 & 1993-1995)

{VITA.Cumulative Manuscripts reviewed 1989-2013.123113}

(5) Number of Manuscripts I Reviewed, by Journal (n=113 different journals) and Year, 2002-2018 only, Mean=45 reviews/year,range:24-65 reviews/yr).

|Journal |02 |03 |

|11-13-14 |Tara Consolino, MSW, Director, Suicide |Suicide Prevention for veterans in Detroit. |

| |Prevention, John Dingle VA Hospital. | |

|1-22-15 |Dr. Brian Ahmedani, Research Scientist, Henry |Suicide Prevention Programs at Henry Ford Hospital, & Mental Health|

| |Ford Hospital |Research Network- Suicide Prevention Scientific Interest Group |

|2-5-15 |Dr. Karen Marshall, American Indian Health & |GLS Sacred Bundle Youth Suicide Prevention Program |

| |Family Services, & PI Suicide Prevention | |

| |Grant. | |

|2-19-15 |Kenneth Massey, Mayor, Farmington Hills, MI |Farmington Hills’ Suicide Prevention Program, S.A.F.E. (Suicide |

| | |awareness for everyone) |

|4-16-15 |Dr. Ramona Benkert, College of Nursing |Grant Proposal, SAMSHA, College Student Suicide Prevention at WSU |

|9-23-2015 |Dr. Steven Stack, Dept of Psychiatry & Dept. |Portrayals of Suicide in American Feature Films: (Mis) |

| |of Criminology, WSU |Understandings. |

|10-7-2015 |Dr. Steven Stack, Dept of Psychiatry & Dept. |Bullying: Cyber bullying Differentiates Suicide Attempts and |

| |of Criminology, WSU |Suicide Ideation: Analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2013.|

|10-21-2015 |Dr. Michael Kral, College of Social Work |The Elements of Critical Suicidology |

|11-18-2015 |Panel: Assisted Suicide. Dr. Michael Kral, |Showing of the Film, The Suicide Tourist followed by panel |

| |Social Work, & Dr. Steven Stack, CRJ/ |discussion on assisted suicide. |

| |Psychiatry. | |

|12-2-2015 |Dr. Jerrold R. Brandell, Distinguished |Psychoanalytic Analysis of Patient Suicide: Case studies |

| |Professor of Social Work | |

|2-16-16 |Panel on Suicide & Bullying Research |Bullying Victimization & Suicide: Prevalence, Mediators, & |

| |Alexandra Cameron & Dr..Jun Sung Hong, Social |Moderators. Critique & Suggestions for new research. |

| |Work, Dr. Steven Stack, CRJ/Psychiatry | |

|10-4-16 |Presentation, Dr. Steven Stack, CRJ/Psychiatry|Psychiatric & Social Differences & Similarities between Suicide |

| | |Note Leavers vs. Other Suicides: Data on 30,000 suicides from the |

| | |National Violent Death Reporting System |

|11-15-16 |Presentation, Susan Woods, student, Social |Intervention Techniques School Personnel Use for Suicidal Students.|

| |Work | |

|2-7-17 |Presentation: Dr. Steven Stack. Introducing |FLASH SCIENCE: Five Research Snippets in Suicide and Media: Int’l |

| |new book: |Perspectives on Research, Theory & Policy (N.J.: Transaction ) |

|3-6-17 |Presentation: Dr. Steven Stack, draft of paper|Paper: Are suicide note writers representative of all suicides? |

| |to be presented at the annual meetings of the |Analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System. |

| |American Association of Suicidology, Phoenix. | |

|4-4-17 |Panel, Dr. Michael Kral, Lead, Film: Paradise |Suicide Bombing from standpoint of the bombers: Film Review and |

| |Now |Analysis of “Paradise Now.” |

|9-12-17 |BRIDGE SUICIDE I. |Film review: “The Bridge”. Case studies of interviews with |

| |Panel on film regarding suicides on the Golden|significant others of jumpers (with one who survived the jump). |

| |Gate Bridge- Dr. Kral. | |

|9-26-17 |BRIDGE SUICIDE II |Paper: “Bridge Suicide: Effects of Crisis Phones vs. Media |

| |Review of suicides from Skyway Bridge, Tampa |Contagion on Suicides from Skyway Bridge, 1954-2012.” Dr. Stack |

| |Florida- Dr. Stack |reviews his published work on the role of the media in promoting |

| | |the rise in suicides from Skyway Bridge, 1970-2013. |

|10-10-17 |Film review and panel discussion “Falling Man”|Falling man chronicles the suicides of 200 persons who jumped to |

| |led by Dr. Kral |their death from the world trade center during the 9/11 attacks |

|10-24-17 |Internet Bullying and Suicide: Is it a “white |Panel discusses their paper, the first race specific analyses of |

| |thing” Panel: Dr Stack, Dr. Kral, Ms. |the association between bullying victimization on the internet and |

| |Alexandria Cameron, MSW |suicide attempts. Paper will be presented at an Int’l Summit on |

| | |suicide in November |

|12-7-17 |Aboriginal suicide, Australia. Panel of |Paper: “Coroners, indigenous Australians & the easy finding of |

| |Australian professors |suicide.” Anthropological study of coroner decision making |

| |Dr. Belinda Carpenter, Faculty of Law, |regarding the manner of death from external causes (suicides, |

| |Queensland University of Technology (QUT), &|homicides, accidents) in the case of aboriginal peoples in |

| |Dr. Gordon Tait, Faculty of Education, QUT |Australia. |

|2-27-18 |Dr. Michael Kral, WSU, School of Social Work |Paper: Psychological theories of suicide.” Review from Shniedman’s |

| | |theory of Psychache, ten patterns facilitating suicide (incl |

| | |rumination, ambivalence, hopelessness, suicide as an escape from |

| | |suffering), through Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of |

| | |Suicide. |

|3-20-18 |Dr. Steven Stack with Dr. Thomas |Paper/ film: “Inside Suicide in the Black Forest, A Multi Media |

| |Niederkrotenthaler, University of Vienna |Presentation.” Explaining the attraction of Aokigahara (Black |

| |Suicide in Aokigahara, World’s leading suicide|Forest, Japan) to Japanese people though official data on trends, |

| |hotspot. |media coverage, historical analysis and a film shot by Stack’s team|

| | |on location. |

|11-16-18 |Dr. Jeffrey Kuentzel, Director, Counseling and|Dr. Kuentzel delineated progress and programs under the Garrett Lee|

| |Psychological Services (CAPS), WSU. & P.I. |Smith grant (apx $5 million) regarding the prevention of college |

| |Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant, |student suicidality here at WSU. The initiative seeks to eliminate|

| |SAMHSA. |deaths by suicide in the university community through the |

| | |development of an infrastructure of education, training & |

| | |dissemination to all faculty, staff, students & their families. |

| | |7,101 individuals reached for training & awareness. Some emphasis |

| | |is on surveillance & 3 Kognito online training modules. |

| | | |

|1-25-19 |Organizational Meeting for W 2019; Discussion |Briefly, a national ARMIA time series analysis has found a 20% |

| |of Stack et al’s (2019) findings on 13 Reasons|increase in teen suicide the month after the showing of the Netflix|

| |Why. Brief on new suicide film: Ben is Back. |series 13 Reasons Why, paper under review at Lancet-Psychiatry. Ben|

| | |is Back: realistic portrayal of opiod addiction and suicidality. |

|2-8-19 |Dr. Steven Stack. Trucker Suicide: National |Dr. Stack present a draft of a power point presentation: Stack, S. |

| |Epidemiology. Presentation & discussion. |(2019) Suicide among Truck Drivers: A National Epidemiology. Paper |

| | |to be read at the 52nd annual meetings of the American Association |

| | |of Suicidology, April 23-26, Denver, Colorado |

V. Service to the Community, Public Education.

(1)Global/National Service.

(a). 2012- present. Member (SIG/MHRN) Suicide Special Interest Group (SIG) Mental Health Research network (MHRN). Participate in monthly conference calls. This SIG is a national network of public and private (Insurance companies) partners. Their databases are often pooled to facilitate research based on samples from over 6 million patients at over a dozen sites from Harvard to California/Alaska.

(b).2008. US State Department, Analysis of Drugs and Crime Trends, 1990-2007, Trinidad and Tobago.

(c ) 2008. World Health Organization/IASP. International Association for Suicide Prevention/ Board for Media Review. WHO Guidelines. Six of my evidence based papers were reviewed, and then sent to the World Health Organization. They helped formulate and constituted 6/26 evidence based reports cited in the WHO revised Media Guidelines for the Reporting of Suicide.

(d) 2002. Consultant, Task Force on Suicide. Montreal, Canada. May.

(2) Community Boards: State,County & Local Agencies.

(a) 2011-2017. Member. Advisory Board. University of Michigan Injury Research Center, University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI.

(b) 2010-present. Member, Advisory Board, National Violent Death Reporting System/CDC, Michigan Department of Health. Coordinating efforts at homicide & suicide data collection with 697 police departments, 65 county medical examiner/coroner’s offices.

(c ) 2007- present. Member, Advisory Board. Michigan Association of Suicidology. Manages a network of suicide prevention centers; publishers a weekly web journal. Engaged in legislative reform regarding prevention issues. Holds several conferences each year for professionals and survivors.

(d) 2004-2012. Wayne County Medical Examiner. Analyze data on the epidemiology and etiology of suicide in Wayne County.

(e) 2008-2012. Detroit Medical Center, Psychiatric Services. Worked on the construction and implementation of a revised risk assessment protocol for assessing pathological gambling, drug abuse, and suicide risk.

(3)Service to the Mass Media Selected news coverage of my research:

|Media |Topic |Date |

|USA TODAY online |“13 Reasons Why: When it comes to suicide not all “conversations’ are |6-10-19 |

| |equal.” Op Ed article cites my group’s work from JAMA Psychiatry on 13 | |

| |Reasons Why. | |

|Netflix, Rachel Whetstone, Steve McBride, |Media and suicide research, including Research showing a spike in |5/23/19. Conference |

|Netflix statisticisn & Science Director, |suicides among teens after the airing of the Netflix Series, 13 Reasons |call (one hour) plus|

|Dan Holcombe, producer |Why, April 2017. |8 hours prep time. |

|Netflix, Rachel Whetstone, producer |Media and suicide, case of 13 Reasons Why, Netflix feature 13 part |5/22/19 |

| |series |10 min |

|New Scientist, Chelsea Whyte, editor |Did Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why really increase suicide: Analysis |May 2, 2019 in |

| | |print. |

|New Scientist, Chelsea Whyte, reporter |Opinions on Imitation effect of 13 reasons Why on teen suicide. |Interview, April 28 |

| | |2019, 20 min. |

|Psychology Today, November/December issue |Article entitled “Web of Despair” page 86, reviews several of my |November 2018 |

| |articles on imitative suicides. | |

|BBC Broadcasting, Jamie Hamilton,Producer |Rising Suicide Rates among men in midlife, documentary film |10-2-18 |

| | |1 hour |

|Tampa Bay Times, Tony Marrero, staff writer|Role of contagion from media coverage of local cluster of six cases of |10-2-18 |

| |suicide following homicide |25 min |

|THE CONVERSATION, online news venue |Why is suicide on the rise in the U.S, but falling in most of Europe?” |2018 |

| |Development of story, collecting data from the World Health |35 hours PREP |

| |Organization, OECD, World Bank and other sources. Formation of a | |

| |framework linking income inequality, low welfare expenditures to suicide| |

| |trends, 2000-2010. Review of four drafts of article. | |

|THE CONVERSATION, online news venue |Why is suicide on the rise in the U.S, but falling in most of Europe?” |Published June 28 |

| |CONVERSATION link |through August 20, |

| | |

| |ling-in-most-of-europe-98366 |Replies to readers |

| | |5 hours |

| |Total readers: 60,605 according to online data from THE CONVERSATION. | |

|Popular Science |18,188 Hits from readers of the Why is suicide on the rise in the U.S, |July 2018 |

| |but falling in most of Europe?” | |

|The Business Insider |6,864 Hits from readers of the Why is suicide on the rise in the U.S, |July 2018 |

| |but falling in most of Europe?” | |

|US News & World Report |3,545 Hits from readers of the Why is suicide on the rise in the U.S, |July 2018 |

| |but falling in most of Europe?” | |

|Science Alert |3,996 Hits from readers of the Conversation piece |July 2018 |

|USA TODAY, Jessics Guynn, reporter |Online Suicide Forums; review of my paper in Psychological Medicine, |June 15, June 18. |

| |online suicide forums |One hour |

|The Atlantic, Julie Beck reporter |Why suicide is on the rise in the US |June 8 |

| | |15min |

|National Public Radio, Tim Peterson, |Suggestion effects of widely publicized celebrity suicides, & specific |June 8, |

|reporter |case of Anthony Bourdain. |25min |

|Associated Press, Alice Yin, reporter |Firearm availability and suicide risk in households, national |March 23, 2018 15min|

| |epidemiology | |

|The Verge, Technology News,, Vox Media, New|Review of article coming out in PLOS ONE on copycat suicide increase |2/7/18 & 2/8/18 4 |

|York City, Rachel Becker Reporter |(10%) after Robin Williams’ suicide |hours incl prep |

|Newsweek, reporter: Julia Glum |Cited in Newsweek story: “ Suicide related Google Searches went up after|8-2-17 |

| |13 Reasons Why came out, | |

|Newsweek, reporter: Julia Glum |Media coverage, Google Searches regarding Netflix broadcast of 13 |7-29-17, |

| |Reasons Why. |3 hours prep time; |

| | |answering series of |

| | |questions |

|EPOCA Magazine (2nd largest in Brazil), |Questions regarding media copycat effects, Netflix series, 13 Reasons |8/1/17 |

|Marcela Buscato, reporter |Why |2 hours prep time & |

| | |interview questions.|

|USA TODAY, Jessica Guynn reporter |Online suicide forums and blogs, discussion of my articles in |6-18-18 |

| |Psychological medicine and Crisis. |30 min |

|VAN MAGAINE (online classical music |Association between identification with the genre of opera and varieties|6/10/2017 |

|publication), Ms. Olivia Marlowe-Giovetti, |of suicide acceptability, General Social Survey Findings. |1 hour incl |

|Reporter. | |preparation. |

|Pacific Standard magazine, California, |Comments on 13 Reasons Why, Netflix Series |5-17-17 |

|Katie Kilkenny, reporter | |1 hour prep, answer |

| | |questions. |

|Washington Post, Elizabeth Dworkin, |Facebook suicides and copycat violence. |5-11/5-12-17 |

|reporter. | |30 min prep. |

|Quartz, Atlanta Media Business Website (20 |Media effects, smoking behavior; terminology for copycat effects. New |5-10-17 |

|million readers), Interview, Sarah Soblin |interview. |20 minutes |

|reporter | | |

|Dallas Observer |Review of Literature on homicide followed by suicide; possible media |5-5-17 |

|Dallas, TX, Interview, Stephen Young, |effect on spate of 5 murder suicides in Dallas in one week. |30 minutes |

|reporter | | |

|Dallas Observer |Murder Suicide- preparation to discuss literature review |5-3-17 |

|Dallas, TX | |1 hour |

|Quartz, Atlanta Media Business Website (20 |Copycat Suicide, Netflix film 13 Reasons |5-3-17 |

|million readers), Interview, Sarah Soblin | |30min |

|reporter | | |

|Gazeta do Povo, national newspaper, |Preparation of answers to 4 analytical questions concerning the Netflix |4-18-2017; 4-20-17 |

|Curitiba, Brazil, Mauricio Brum, reporter |film, 13 Reasons, and literature on copycat suicides. Interview |2 hours |

|Review of suicide prevention film, from |Suicide prevention film, from University of Hong Kong, review |2.5 hours, 4-24-17 |

|Dr. Qijin Cheng | | |

|Teleconference, Melissa Nicolls, Atty with |Constitutional Challenge to the Canadian federal legislation on Medical |2-27-17 |

|Joanne Klijneberg & Jay Potter, Attorney |Assistance in Dying: related to public opinion on suicide, acceptability| |

|General’s Office, Dept of Justice, Canada |of suicide, suicide contagion, & normalization of suicide in modern | |

| |world. | |

|Teleconference, preparation |Constitutional Challenge to the Canadian federal legislation on Medical |2-16-17 |

|Melissa Nicolls, Atty, Attorney General |Assistance in Dying: related to public opinion on suicide, acceptability| |

|Office, Dept of Justice, Canada |of suicide, suicide contagion, & normalization of suicide in modern | |

| |world. | |

|Bend Bulletin, Bend, Oregon;Markian |Life stress, demographic factors, and psychiatric morbidity as |2-1-2017 |

|Hawryluk, reporter |predictors of leaving a suicide note: NVDRS Data | |

|, Elizabeth Brown, journalist |Dentist suicide, additional questions & analysis |1-17-17 |

|, Elizabeth Brown, journalist |Dentist suicide |1-16-17 |

|Radio w905,English broadcasting station, |Work related suicide |1-2-2017, 15 |

|Minsoo Shin, talk show host,Busan, South | |minutes, live, |

|Korea | |6:15-6:30 PM EST |

|Radio W905,English broadcasting station, |Work related suicide, preparation for live interview |1-1-17 discussion, |

|Minsoo Shin, talk show host, Busan, South | |preparation of |

|Korea | |questions |

|New Scientist (UK), Jon White, editor |Op ed piece (555 words). “Media as a risk factor for Mass Slayings.” To |8-8-16 |

| |be published online & hard copy | |

|New Scientist (UK), Jon White, editor |Media coverage/regulation for deterring Mass Slayings |8-4-16 |

|NPR News, Rae Ellen Bichell, reporter |Elderly suicide |3-8-16 |

|, Dan Fisher, senior editor |Violent Crime Trends in Detroit/urban USA |10-28-15 |

|RADIO MD, host: Dr. Lauren Allen |Musical subcultures and suicide risk, 10 minute interview, live |9-18-2015 |

|SPSM, Suicide Prevention & Social Media, |Five patterned Misunderstandings and Five understandings of suicide in |9-13-15 |

|host: Dr. April Forman. |the cinema (vlogging, video live, chat) (75 minutes live, vlog) | |

|SPSM, Suicide Prevention & Social Media, |Reviewing the treatment of suicide in the movies (vlogging, video live, |5-17-15 |

|host:Dr. April Forman. |chat) (one hour live vlog) | |

|The Atlantic Magazine, James Vlahos |Copycat murder-suicide |3-27-15 |

|News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C.,Martha |Suicide in National Parks |11-13-14 |

|Quillin, reporter | | |

|El Pais,Leading newspaper in Spain, Javier |Musical subcultures & Music as risk factors in suicide |10-27-14 |

|Yanes, reporter | | |

|, Zach Schonfeld,reporter |Copycat effects of Robin Williams’ suicide |10-8-14 |

|Huffington Post, Lindsay Holmes, reporter |Copycat suicide in South Korea – case of Jinsil Choi, actress, further |9-3-14 |

| |details on my SLTB 2014 article on Choi’s suicide | |

|Huffington Post, Dr. Raj Persaud, columnist|Copy cat suicide/Robin Williams suicide- additional queries, 50 minutes |8-19-14 |

|Huffington Post, Dr. Raj Persaud, columnist|Copy cat suicide/Robin Williams suicide |8-18-14 |

|New Scientist (UK), Jon White, editor |Op ed piece (935 words, “Dangerous words: copycat deaths are more likely|8-15-14 |

| |in wake of the suicide of Robin Williams.” hard copy version, afternoon | |

|New Scientist (UK), Jon White, editor |Op ed piece (920 words). “Will death of Robin Williams herald spike in |8-15-14 |

| |suicides?” Published online, morning edition | |

|New Scientist (UK), Jon White, editor |Celebrity Suicide, Robin Williams |8-12-14 |

|Calkins Media, Jo Ciavaglia, reporter |Celebrity Suicide and Suicide Trends |8-12-14 |

|Financial Times (London),Naomi Shragal, |Suicide risk among financial managers |8-5-2014 |

|reporter | | |

|Financial Times (London),Naomi Shragal, |Strains at the Workplace, including demotions, and Suicide Risk |8-4-2014 |

|reporter | | |

|Washington Post, Emily Yahr, reporter |Country Music & Alcohol Abuse/suicidality |8-4-2014 |

|Washington Post, Emily Yahr, reporter |Country Music & Alcohol Abuse/suicidality |8-1-2014 |

|Kansas City Star,Rick Montgomery, Reporter |Suicide in the Cohort of Baby Boomers |7-3-14 |

|Lodging News, Valerie Newitt, Reporter |Epidemiology of suicide in hotel rooms. |5-2-14 |

|USA Today, Kim Painter, Health Reporter |Suicide Clusters, article to be released today in The Lancet by Dr. |5-1-14 |

| |Madelyn Gould, Columbia University | |

|Discovery . Shelia Eldred, reporter|Why are musicians more prone to suicide. |4-4-14 |

|, Paul Heltzel, Senior |Further clarifications, details on Suicide risk among musicians & other |4-3-14 |

|Producer |artist occupations | |

|, Zach Schonfeld,reporter |Copycat effects of Kurt Cobain’s suicide, 20th anniversary |4-1-2014 |

|, Sheila Eldred, Reporter |Suicide risk among musicians & other artist occupations, provided 8 year|3-26-14; &3-27-14 |

| |average national estimates | |

|, Sally Satel, reporter |Suicide Rates among executives in financial sector- did statistical runs|3-15-14 |

| |using SPSS to calculate rates and confidence intervals. | |

|Globe & Mail, Canada |Homicide followed by suicide clustering |2-14-14 |

|CNN, Andrienne Klein, reporter |Suicide rates among financial managers (incl. calculations done for CNN)|2-10-14 |

|The Atlantic, Elizabeth MacBride |“Suicide & the Economy” cited at length in article |9-26-13 |

|International Business Times, Chris |Suicide & Occupation: Bankers |9-3-13 |

|Harress, reporter | | |

|US Air Force, Col. John Forbes |Suicide Acceptability, trends in public opinion, 1976-2012 |9-3-13 |

|The Atlantic, Elizabeth MacBride, reporter |Unemployment as a risk factor in suicide |9-3-13 |

|Dr. April Foreman, PhD, L.P. Twitter/Social|Advice on copycat suicide & suicide prevention on social media, |8-19-13 |

|Media, via President of AAS |requested by Bill Schmitz, President of the American Association of |45 min |

| |Suicidology | |

|The Atlantic, Clare Sestanovich, reporter |Social contagion & violence |8-8-13 & 8-9-13 |

|, Noah Rayman, reporter |Copycat violent behavior & the media |8-8-13 |

|Tax News Notes, William Hoffman, reporter, |Rapid rise in suicide threats at IRS, from 100 to 500/year, workplace |6-5-13 |

|Washington, DC |suicide. |30m |

|Free lance reporter, Wales, UK. |Suicide cluster in Bridgend, Wales, Effects of media & theatre groups |6-4-13 |

| | |1 hour |

|Korea Educational Broadcasting System |Media & Suicide including newspaper coverage, television news, suicide |6-3-13 |

|(EBS), Jin Young Kim (film making team of |in film, suicide & music, & suicide SKYWAY Bridge web page/blog related |7 hours filming at |

|five), Seoul, Korea |to doubling of suicides from Skyway Bridge, Tampa, FL (1954-2012) |WSU |

|HUFFINGTON , Laurie Guthman |Forces behind the rise in mid life suicide |5-29-13 |

|Andrew Thompson, free lance writer, |Article on recent trends in middle aged suicide (30 minutes) |5-21-13 |

|Philadelphia | | |

|Radio 1, Stockholm, Sweden |Study on Exposure to suicide movies predicts suicide attempts |4-11-13 |

|Tunisia Live |Copycat suicide |3-15-13 |

|USA TODAY, Kevin Johnson |Suicide among Correctional Officers |10-25-12 |

|Reuters, Dena Aubin |Accountant Suicide |9-14-12 |

|Discovery Channel, Jules Ober |Musical subcultures & Suicide |8-10-12 |

|Jacqueline Castel, film maker, NYC; feature|Film on MT Mihara, site of 945 suicides during Great Depression. |7-20-12 to |

|film on mass suicide, Japan, at MT Mihara, |Assisted with development of cinematic portrayal of suicide in harsh |8-15-12 |

|active volcanoe |economic times, & background Research on Suicide in Japan and Suicide in| |

| |National Parks | |

|Discovery Channel, TV series on science |Musical subcultures & Suicide |7-31-12 |

|Jules Ober, | | |

|Star NEWS Media |Media coverage of suicide |7-6-12 |

|USA Today |Suicide committed away from home, foreign nations |3-15-12 |

|Gary Stoller | | |

|Houston Chronicle, TX |Suicide: Media Copycat Effects/ Internet Suicides in Houston |2-2-12 |

|CNN/Phoenix |Forensics of death of Rebecca Zahau |9-7-11 |

|Business Insider |Occupation & suicide risk |8-8-11 |

|Chn 4, London, U.K. |Russian roulette for documentary on life/death/risk taking |6-10-11 |

|With Dan Hillman | |6-13-11 |

|Nature magazine |Research productivity among scientists |1-27-11 |

| |Internet & copycat suicide |12-02-10 |

|Business Insider, Mamta Badkar & Gus Lubin.|Cited extensively in article “The 13 careers where you’re most likely to|10-12-10 |

| |commit suicide.” October 12, 2010. | |

|Business Insider, Mamta Badkar, reporter |Artist suicides by subtypes, occupation and suicide. Intreview. |10-11-10 |

|Business Insider |Occupations with high suicide risk |10-7-10 |

| |Basis for article: "The 13 Careers where you are most likely to commit | |

| |suicide" by Manta Babkar & Gus Lubin, Oct 13, 2010. | |

|PBS Nightly Business Report w Darren Gersh |The Great Recession & Suicide Risk |7-27-10 |

|NPR Public Radio |Blues Music Subculture & Suicide |7-26-10 |

|Global Science (China) |Copycat Suicide and suicide at the Foxconn Corporation |6-2-10 |

|Minnesota Post |Imitation & Suicide |4-9-10 |

|AP wire, Pensacola, FL _Will Hobson |Risk factors for suicide |11-11-09 |

|AP Wire, NYC, Verena Dobnik |The Economy and Suicide Risk |11-10-09 |

| | |&11-11-09 |

|Observer, Wales,UK |Media & Suicide |10-6-09 |

|PromoHealth, Mass. General Hospital |Baby Boomer Cohort: Suicide Risk & the Current Recession |8-21-09 |

|PBS News Hour |Costs of Unemployment |8-18-09 |

|Orlando Sentinel |Unemployment & Suicide, & quoted in |8-5-09 |

| |“Orlando-Area Suicides Rising” |8-7-09 |

|Huffington Post |Economy and Suicide Risk |6-3-09 |

|WDET Radio, Detroit |Suicide & Unemployment-interview |5-7-09 |

|The Charlottesville Hook, NC |Double Suicide & Recession- interview |5-7-09 |

|NEWSDAY |Recessions and Homicide-Suicide-interview |4-23-09 |

|NEW YORK POST |Recessions & Suicide-interview |4-23-09 |

| |Cited in print |4-29-09 |

|ABC NEWS |Recessions & Homicide-Suicide-interview |4-22-09 |

|TIME Magazine, online |Mass-Murder/suicides-interview |4-20-09 |

| |Cited in published version |4-23-09 |

|US NEWS & World Report, ONLINE HEALTH |“Death Certificates Incomplete for Suicide Victims”- discusses & cites |4-21-09 |

| |BMC Psychiatry article. | |

|YAHOO.NEWS |“Team Discovers Discrepancy in Death Certificates Listing Suicide.” |4-17-09 |

| |Summarizes BMC Psychiatry article | |

|HealthDayNews,online |“Death Certificates Incomplete for Suicide Victims,” BMC Psychiatry |4-17-09 |

| |article summarized | |

|Scientific American Mind |Interview: Gender, Wound Site & Suicide. SLTB article feb 2009. |4-4-09 |

|Los Angeles Times |Recessions and Suicide-interview |3-09 |

|The Chicago Tribune |Economic Recessions and Suicide-interview |3-10-09 |

|Obit Magazine, NY |Economy & Suicide-interview. |2-12-09 |

|CNN |Recessions and Suicide-interview |1-08-09 |

|New York Magazine |Recessions, Unemployment & Suicide-interview |1-8-09 |

|Washington Examiner |Economic Downturn and Suicide |1-7-09 |

|New York Times |Suicide & Financial Crisis-interview |1-6-09 |

| |Cited in subsequent NYT article | |

|The Times (London) |“Positively 2009” cited in article |1-3-09 |

| |By John Naish, p 2-3. | |

|New York Magazine |Suicide & the economy-interview |11-24-08 |

|New York Times |Suicide & the economy |10-24-08 |

| |Cited in “Losses Mount, Fears Overwhelm” by Landon Thomas | |

| | |11-7-08 |

|Los Angeles Times |Home Foreclosures & Suicide-interview. |10-23-08 |

| |Cited in subsequent article | |

|The Times (London) |Cited in “Infected by Mass Anxiety” by John Naish |10-11-08 |

| |Dentist Suicide- interview |7-28-08 |

|Vancouver Magazine |Media impacts on suicide-interview |6-24-08 |

|Geo Magazine, Hamburg, Germany |Music, film, & suicide risk-interview |11-28-07 |

|Michael Smerconish Show, WPHT Radio, |Publicized executions & Homicide- interview |11-5-07 |

|Philadelphia | | |

|National Post (Canada) |Work on opera and suicide cited in |5-17-07 |

| |article, “What is the Madame Butterfly | |

| |Effect?” by Dr. Stephen Juan. | |

|Psychology Today |“Drama Queens” Article on Opera & |Jan/Feb 2006, p. 30 |

| |Suicide, based on an interview below. | |

|Psychology Today |Opera and Suicide, interview |11-1-05 |

• BBC Radio 4 Radio, UK. “The Effect of Country Music on Suicide” 15 minute interview.2-3-05.

• Hours Detroit magazine, article on music and suicide, January 2005.

• Medialine Radio (25 stations) “Country Music and Suicide,” 11-29-04.

• National Public Radio, Interview, Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-4-04

• Bavarian Radio (Germany), Country Music and Suicide, Interview, 10-11-04

• ABC News Online. “Country Music-Suicide Study Tops Ig Nobel Awards,” 10-3-04

• Sciences et Avenir (France) Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-4-04

• . Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-4-04

• Wired.News, Interview Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 9-30-04.

• Atfenposter (Norway), interview,, Ig Nobele Prize, Music & Suicide, 9-27-04.

• Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-4-04

• Washington Post, Ig Nobel Prize, Music & Suicide. 10-4-04.

• Los Angeles Times, Ig Nobel Prize, Music & Suicide, 10-1-04

• The Guardian (England) Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-1-04

• Herald-Sun (Melbourne, Australia) Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-2-04

• BBC News. Country Music & Suicide, Ig Noble Prize. 10-5-04.

• The Herald (Glasgow, Scotland) Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-2-04

• Associated Press Online, Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-1-04

• Associated Press Worldstream, Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-1-04

• Belfast Telegraph (Ireland) “Strange But True,Country Music Saps Will to Live,” Ig Nobel Prize, 10-1-04.

• Chronicle of Higher Education, Daily Report, “Ichthyology Meets Ignominy at Awards Ceremony for the Ig Noble Prizes,” October 1, 2004.

• The Independent (London) Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-1-04

• The Times (London) Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-1-04

• Newsday (NYC) Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-4-04

• News@. Music & Suicide, Ig Nobel Prize, 10-1-04

• Details Magazine (NYC), “Media, Depression & Suicide,” 9-10-04.

• In Psych, the Bulletin of the Australian Psychological Association, Interviewed & cited extensively for “Copycat Suicide: The Influence of the Media,” 26(4,August): 25-27. 2004.

• National Public Radio, interview on media and suicide, April 8, 2003

• Reuters Wire Service(Europe), media and suicide, April 2003.

• LaPresse (Montreal) Interview on Media and suicide, May 13,2002.

• Washington Post, ”Suicidal Connections,” p. B5, Aug 19,2001.

• LaPresse (Montreal) Interview on marital status and happiness, July 9, 1998.

• CLINICAL Psychiatry News, June 1998, p.9, MD Suicide study.

• Radio Health Journal (190 stations), "Dentist Suicide", 9/9/97.

• Flint -Genesse County Legal Mews, p.1, 7/18/97. Story on my research on Executions and Homicide

• BBC Radio, Scotland. "Country Music and Suicide, 6/27/97

• Los Angeles Times, interview on Executions and Homicide, 6/13/97.

• Chn 7 News, Detroit, live interview on Homicide Trends in Detroit, 2/14/97.

• Detroit Free Press, interview on homicide trends, 1/5/97.

• Psychology Today, "Tall Order: Height and Suicide" 12/96.

• BBC Radio, England, Country Music and Suicide, 9/12/96.

• Radio Wales, Country Music and Suicide, 9/12/96.

• Washington Post "Prime Time on Death Row." Sunday January 7, 1996, page C5. Article by Richard Morin summarizing my 6/95 article in Journal of Criminal Justice and Behavior.

• WWDB Radio, Philadelphia, Michael Smerconish Show, Sunday January 21, 1996. "Race, Capital Punishment and Homicide" (60 minutes).

I have appeared on several dozen radio and television

talk shows to discuss my work on social problems. Several press

releases on my work were carried nation-wide on UPI or AP. Short pieces on my work have been published in Life Magazine (February 1993:22), the Washington Post, Newsweek (11-23-92:90), Psychology Today, Usa Today (11-18-92:D1), Omni, Stern, U.S. News and World Report (11-30-92:20), the Wall Street Journal (5-28-86:34), and other publications. Short radio blurbs have been sent on radio news wires across the country by ABC, CBS, NBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Network, BBC, and the International News Service. National television coverage has included the lead story on Entertainment Tonight (11-23-92), and coverage on CBS and CNN cable news.

Local service has included: a page one article in the Detroit News (11-17-92), numerous interviews on Detroit and Windsor, Ontario radio stations, and Detroit television news.

(4) Public Speaking. I sometimes speak to local volunteer associations on divorce adjustment research/issues. Example: Talk: “Divorce and Sexuality”, First Presbyterian Church, Single Place Lecture Series, Northville, MI. August 20, 1998.

(5) Community Professional Service

(a) 1998. Consultant Detroit Police Department, Discussions on Procedures for Data Collection and Analysis of Police Misconduct. Participated in Project to develop an early warning system for the DPD.

(b) 2009-2010. Working Group on Media Constructions of Homicide Followed by Suicide, Boston College. Dr. Ann Burgess Chair.

(c )2010. Expert Consultant, Suicide Risk Factors, Flood Lanctot Connor Stablein PLLC, Royal Oak.

(d) 2013. Expert Consultant. Texas Tech Study on Suicide Risk Assessment. October.

(e) 2018. Co-Presenter & Discussion Leader on Psychological Patterns in George Elliott’s novel Silas Marner, Dan Ewald Book Club, Troy Public Library, Troy, MI February 13.

(6) Other Service, Hobbies

1. President, Chapter 697-Auburn, AL. Parents Without Partners, 1989-1990.

2. Member, National Audubon Society, 2014- present

3. Member, Sierra Club, 1992- present

4. Trip Advisor, Level 18 Reviewer: restaurants, hotels, tourist sites (>60,000 readers) 2015-present

5. Recent Jury Duty: Jan 25, 2016, 6th Judicial Circuit Court, Pontiac, MI

6. Hobbies include:

Recliner Bike; Speed walking; non technical Mountain climbing; Exploration of Art Museums: European/Asian/American, especially Museum Archives, & suicide art; Woodcrafting: incl. one of a kind tree slab tables, checker sets, & chess boards; light Trail Biking; Canyoneering; Chainsaw Lumbering; amateur digital photography; amateur writer (short stories/autobiographical novel as long term project); Amateur financial analysis. High Yield/Dividend growth Investing focused on five sectors: Utilities, MLPs, Health Care REITS; High Yield Telecommunications; Tobacco Stocks. Occasional Contributor, Seeking Alpha Stock analysis. Strawberry & Raspberry farming; Container Pot Gardening: Tomatoes, Hot Peppers, Basil; Apple Mint & Oregano Gardening; Apple Trees; popular culture: especially suicide movies; Critic, Internet Movie Database.

Appendix 1 : Int’l and National Conference Papers Presented by Year and Conference

|76-80 |81 |82 |83 |84 |85 |86 |87 |88 |89 |90 |91 |92 |93 |94 |95 |96 |97 |98 |99 |00 |01 |02 |03 |04 |05 |06 |07 |08 |09 |Total


08 | |AKD |3 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |3 | |APHA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |2 | |AAS |3 |0 |2 |0 |0 |1 |1 |3 |3 |0 |1 |0 |4 |0 |0 |4 |4 |5 |4 |3 |3 |3 |3 |4 |5 |3 |3 |0 |2 |2 |66 | |ASA |3 |0 |0 |2 |1 |0 |2 |2 |2 |0 |1 |2 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |3 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |25 | |ACJS |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |2 |0 |2 |1 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |9 | |ASC |0 |1 |2 |0 |2 |0 |2 |2 |1 |0 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |2 |0 |3 |1 | |24 | |ASCUE |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |CCM |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |CARB |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |CJSA |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |2 | |ESSSB |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |1 | |GASI |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |HRIG |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |IASP |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 | |2 | |ICP |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |ICPH |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 | |1 | |ISA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |ISF |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |ISSM |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 | |2 | |LSA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |2 | |MS |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |NAME |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |NCFR |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |6 | |NECC |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |Other |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |3 | |PAA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 | |POM |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |SPSSI |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |2 | |SSSR |1 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |4 | |SSSP |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |3 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |6 | |UAA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |2 | |WHOIP |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 | |Total |15 |1 |7 |2 |3 |1 |5 |11 |7 |1 |3 |3 |7 |2 |1 |4 |11 |6 |11 |7 |6 |5 |12 |5 |10 |8 |3 |8 |6 |3 | | |Key: AKD=alpha kappa delta; APHA=American Public Health Assoc; AAS= American Association of Suicidology; ASA=American Sociological Association; ACJS= Academy of CJ Sciences; ASC= American Society of Criminology; ASCUE= Assoc of Small Computer Users in Education; CCM = Nat’l Conference on Crime & Computer Mapping; CARB=Conference on Adolescent Risk Behavior; CJSA= CJ Statistics Association; GASI=Global Awareness Society Int’l; ; HRIG= Homicide Research Interest Group National Meetings; IASP=Int’l Academy for Suicide Prevention; ICP=Int’l Conf on Prostitution; ICPH=Int’l Conf Public Health; ISA= International Sociological Assoc; ISF Int’l Symposium on Families East & West; ISSM=Int’l Symposium on Suicide in Media LSA= Law & Society Assoc; MS=Media & Society Canadian Conference; NCFR= National Council on Family Relations; NAME=National Assoc of Medical Examiners; NECC= National Education Computer Conference; PAA= Population Assoc of America; POM=Psychology of Mind Meetings; SPSSI=Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues; SSSR= Society for the Scientific Study of Religion; SSSP= Society for the Study of Social Problems; UAA= Urban Affairs Association; WHOIP: World Health Organization Injury Prevention Conference.

Appendix 2 : Regional & State Level Conference Papers Presented by Year and Conference

|76-80 |81 |82 |83 |84 |85 |86 |87 |88 |89 |90 |91 |92 |93 |94 |95 |96 |97 |98 |99 |00 |01 |02 |03 |04 |05 |06 |07 |08 |Total

76-08 | |AVSA |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |4 | |ESS |2 |1 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |6 | |FCA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |LNCCT |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |3 | |MAASL |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |2 |2 |2 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |2 |1 |0 |0 |1 |1 |2 |0 |22 | |MAS |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |11 | |MSA |5 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |2 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |2 |0 |0 |14 | |MWSA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |7 | |MCJA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |4 | |MPA |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |3 | |MSS |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |5 | |MSSSS |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 | |NCSA |3 |2 |2 |2 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |4 |4 |3 |0 |0 |3 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |27 | |PSS |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |3 | |SCJA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |3 | |SEPA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 | |SSS |1 |2 | 0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |6 | |SSSA |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 | |UISR |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 | |UTSR |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 | |Total |15 |5 |5 |5 |5 |2 |1 |6 |0 |0 |0 |8 |10 |8 |7 |7 |9 |2 |3 |1 |2 |4 |5 |2 |2 |3 |5 |4 |2 | | |Key AVSA=Allegheny Valley Sociological Association; ESS=Eastern Sociological Society; FCA=Florida Coroner’s Association; LNCCT=Lilly North Conference on College Teaching; MAASL= Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,& Letters; MAS=Michigan Association of Suicidology; MSA=Michigan Sociological Association; Michigan Women’s Studies Association; MCJA=Midwest CJ Association; MPA=Midwest Psychological Association; MSS=Midwest Sociological Society; MSSSS=Midwest Society for the Scientific Study of Sex; NCSA=North Central Sociological Association; PSS=Pennsylvania Sociological Society; SACJE=Southern CJ Assoc; SEPA=Southeastern Psychological Association; SSS=Southern Sociological Society; SSSA=Southwest Social Science Assoc; UISR=University of Illinois Suicide Rounds; UTSR=U. of Toronto Suicide Rounds.

Appendix 3. Total Conference Papers Presented, Int’l, National, Regional and State Conferences, by Year of Conference, 1976-2008.

|76-80 |81 |82 |83 |84 |85 |86 |87 |88 |89 |90 |91 |92 |93 |94 |95 |96 |97 |98 |99 |00 |01 |02 |03 |04 |05 |06 |07 |08 |Total

1976-08 | |Nat’l & Int’l |15 |1 |7 |2 | 3 |1 |5 |11 |7 |1 |3 |3 |7 |2 |1 |4 |11 |6 |11 |7 |6 |5 |12 |5 |10 |8 |3 |8 |6 |170 | |Regional

& State |15 |5 |5 |5 |5 |2 |1 |6 |0 |0 |0 |8 |10 |8 |7 |7 |9 |2 |3 |1 |2 |4 |5 |2 |2 |3 |5 |4 |2 |132 | |Total

Papers |30 |6 |12 |7 |8 |3 |6 |17 |7 |1 |3 |11 |17 |10 |8 |11 |20 |8 |14 |8 |8 |9 |17 |7 |12 |11 |8 |12 |8 |302 | |

Appendix 4. Number of Manuscripts I Reviewed, by Journal and Year, 1989-1992, & 1996-2001.

(records for pre 1989 and 1993-95 are lost)

Journal |1989 |‘90 |‘91 |‘92 |‘96 |‘97 |‘98 |‘99 |‘00 |‘01 |Sum | |Amer J of Criminal Justice |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 | |Amer J of Police |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 | |American J. of Sociology |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |American Sociological Review |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |6 | |Archives of Suicide Research |0 |0 |0 |1 |6 |7 |7 |3 |5 |1 |37 | |Armed Forces & Society |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |Crime & Delinquency |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 | |Criminology |0 |0 |3 |3 |5 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |14 | |Death Studies |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 | |Deviant Behavior |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |J of Crime & Justice |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |J of Criminal Justice Educ |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 | |J of Epidemiology & Com Health |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |2 |1 |4 | |J of Family Issues |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |2 | |J. of Gerontology |1 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |3 | |J of Marriage & Family |2 |1 |1 |2 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |8 | |J of Quantitative Criminology |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |1 |0 |0 |0 |3 | |J of the Sci.Study of Religion |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |2 |0 |6 | |Justice Quarterly |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |Law & Society Review |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 | |Michigan Sociological Review |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 | |Omega: J of Death & Dying |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |Perceptual & Motor Skills |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 | |Scandinavian J of Social Medicine |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |Sex Roles |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |3 | |Social Problems |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |1 |2 |5 | |Social Science Quarterly |0 |0 |2 |1 |0 |1 |3 |2 |3 |1 |12 | |Social Science Research |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 | |Sociological Focus |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |Sociological Forum |0 |1 |2 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |4 | |Sociological Inquiry |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |Sociological Perspectives |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 | |Sociological Quarterly |2 |2 |0 |2 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |7 | |Sociological Theory |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |Suicide & Life Threatening Beh |8 |16 |11 |11 |11 |4 |6 |3 |17 |8 |97 | |Violence & Victims |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |Total per year |17 |24 |22 |22 |30 |23 |25 |13 |35 |15 |226 | |Average ms reviewed per year

(1989-1992, 1996-2001 | | | | | | | | | | |22.6 | |










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