
Assignment #7- The Century Series-WWII

The Home Front

1. How many Americans perished in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? _________________________________

2. How much of the American fleet was destroyed at Pearl Harbor? _______________________________

3. What is “the date which will live in infamy?”__________ _____

4. What was America’s army ranked world wide?____ ____________

5. What happened just 4 days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor? ________________________________________ ____

6. From an army of 300,000 in 1940, what does it swell to? _____________ ___

7. What did the president ask every American to do during his February war speech?_______________ _________________

8. What did it take 9 months for Detroit to do to their automobile industry? ____________________________________

9. Who were the other workers ready to be asked when the pool of men workers was empty?_ ____________________

10. Looking for 2 numbers here: American factories turned out_________ tanks and __________ ships each month which surpassed production ideals.

11. What item was the first to be rationed during WWII?__________ __

12. All persons (US citizens) of what ancestry were removed from America’s west coast with executive order 9066?_____ ___________________

13. How many internment camps throughout the united states were used for Japanese Americans?__ ______________

14. What was one of the greatest civil rights violations in us history?_____________________________________________

15. Whose career began because his broken ear drum kept him from serving in WWII?________ ____________________

16. Looking for a number here too!!! By the end of 1943 American casualties had passed _______________________.

17. What did a gold star in a home’s window mean?___________ _______________________________________________________

18. What general was in charge of the biggest move in US History?__________________

19. What was June 6, 1944- the landing at the beaches of Normandy- known as?________

20. What city was liberated by the US army just 2 months after D-day? ___________________________

21. What happened on April 12, 1945 in warm springs Georgia? _____________________

22. What were the two worst moments of American’s lives while Franklin D. Roosevelt was president?____________&______________

23. Who was the vice president for only 83 days when FDR died and left him in charge of America?____ _____________

24. What did president Truman announce less than a month after FDR died?______ _________________

25. What did the allies do in July of 1945 in Potsdam?_______________________

26. What is the Enola Gay’s mission on August 6th?__________________________

27. How many days later was a 2nd atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.____ ______________________

28. How many Americans paid for the freedom of their country with their lives.____ ______________

29. Who was the host of this show?___ ___________


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