World War II Webquest (Part 2) - Weebly

World War II Webquest (Part 2)

1. Go to the following website, Click on “The Gallery.” Go to Collection 3, Hiroshima Collection. Click on pictures #2 and #18. Read the captions under the pictures. Explain your thoughts on how the Japanese must have felt immediately after the Atomic Bomb was dropped on them.

2. Concentration Camps

A. Go to . This site has a map of all the concentration and extermination camps.

1) What was the camp to the furthest point north?

2) Which was the closest extermination camp to the city of Warsaw, Poland?

3) What was the name of the concentration camp in France?

B. Go to . The site shows a timeline of the Holocaust. Go to the year1941 and find the word Einsatzgruppen, then click on the definition box (DEFN).

1) From which two groups did the Einsatzgruppen get selected?

2) What was their responsibility? Go to the year 1942 and find a (WEBLINK) box that refers to the “Final Solution,” and click on it.

3) What was the Madagascar Plan?

4) On the same WEBLINK, look at the section titles “Nazi Murder of Non-Jews.” List 5 other groups the Nazis murdered during the Holocaust.

C. Go to . This is a site showing the Nazi extermination camps. Look at the timeline for Nazi Extermination Camps. There is a chart of how many were killed at each camp and how. Which two camps had the highest rate of deaths?

3. D-Day

Go to . Use the 5 main links to answer the following questions:

A. What was D-Day? (Use Link 1).

1) What happened on D-Day? (Answer this question by summarizing in one paragraph the 5 points listed on Link 2).

2) What were the names of the 5 beaches where the invasion forces landed? (Use link 3).

3) Inside link 3, click on the link to open the interactive map of the landing beaches. Click on the Utah flag. Which American division landed here and at what time?

4) The waves and strong winds at Utah beach meant the first soldiers landed 2 km to the south of their target. Why was this good thing?

B. Click on the Omaha flag.

1) Which division landed at Omaha beach?

2) How many U.S. soldiers were killed or wounded trying to land ashore?

3) How many troops laded by the end of the day?

C. Click on the Gold flag.

1) Who landed at Gold Beach?

2) How many casualties were there and how many troops landed?

D. Click on the Juno flag.

1) Who landed on Juno beach?

2) How many casualties were there and how many landed?

E. Click on the Sword flag.

1) Who landed on Sword beach?

2) How many casualties were there and how many landed?

F. Click on What was D-Day? to the left of the map. Read the last paragraph. How long did D-Day last and what was its final outcome?

4. Battle of the Bulge

A. Go to . Click on the link and scroll through the site to get an idea of how immense it was. Go to Battle Facts.

1) How many soldiers fought and for which country?

2) How many casualties were there for each country?

3) Go to Battle Action Credits and read the first paragraph. Why was the battle of the Bulge so devastating for the Germans?

WW II in Europe ended with the surrender of German forces on May 7, 1945. May 8th was proclaimed V-E (Victory in Europe) Day.

5. North Africa Campaign

A. Go to and launch the animation. Read the information below the map. Why was it so important for the Germans to control North Africa? Give three reasons.

B. Play all the animations (always click on the key) until you get to “Rommel Advances to El Alamein.” Play this animation and read the information under the map. Based on the animation, when was the 2nd Battle of El Alamein?

C. Continue playing the animations until you get to “The Allies Land in Morocco and Algeria” and play the animation. Based on the animation, in which 5 cities did the Axis troops land?

D. Now play the animation “Allied Victory in North Africa” and read the information under the map.

1) According to the reading, where and when did Rommel launch his major offensive?

2) Where did the Allies make the final assault?

3) When did the Allies declare victory?

4) How many prisoners did they take?

6. After the Japanese victor at Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Pacific Fleet was so badly damaged that it took 6 months for it to recover its battle readiness. From December 1941 to April 1942, the Japanese war machine conquered many areas in Asia. These included Burma, Singapore, Malaya, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines, where they again defeated the U.S. The Doolittle Raid marks the first offensive military action taken by the U.S. against Japan since Pearl Harbor. It was a psychological shock to Japan because it proved that they were not protected from invasion as they believed.

A. The Fall of the Philippines: Go to (1942).

1) Who was the American general in command at the Philippines?

2) How many Americans were killed, wounded, and captured?

B. Go to . After reading the introductory paragraph, click on “Animation.” Click on all the blue animation squares to look at the animations and to hear historic radio broadcasts. When you get to the blue square called “The Death March”, listen carefully to the audio as you watch the animation. How many U.S. and Philippine soldiers died on the death march? In 3-5 sentences, describe the experience of the U.S. soldiers using examples from the audio. How does this make you feel?

C. Midway: Go to .

1) Why was this battle so significant?

2) When did it take place?

3) Which American and Japanese forces fought in it?

4) How many ships did the Japanese lose?

5) How many ships did the Americans lose?

7. Iwo Jima

A. Go to the following link and watch the video (Great American History Quiz: Iwo Jima): . (immediately minimize your other windows and click on the “video gallery” link on the bottom task bar. If the video already started, just rewind and begin again.) Write the question and correct answer shown on the video quiz.

B. What was the strategic importance of Iwo Jima to the U.S.?

8. Okinawa

A. Go to .

1) What was the significant historical WWII fact about the Battle of Okinawa? (Hint: it has to do with when it happened.)

2) What was the military code name for the Battle of Okinawa?

3) How many U.S. soldiers died?

4) How many Japanese soldiers died?

5) How many civilians died?

6) What was the Japanese goal in Okinawa?

7) The Japanese used Kamikaze planes in Okinawa. What was the pilots’ responsibility?

9. Planned Invasion of Japan

The capture of Okinawa make it possible for the U.S. to prepare an invasion of Japan. The invasion was planned but never happened. It never happened because the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945), resulting in Japanese surrender and the end of WWII.

A. Go to .

1) What was the code name of the planned invasion?

2) What percentage of total American servicemen were going to take part in this massive invasion?

3) According to General Charles Willoughby, how many estimated American casualties would there be by the fall of 1946?

10. Hiroshima and Nagasaki

According to some estimates, more than 240,000 Japanese lost their lives when the bombs fell in both cities. Thousands more have died from radiation illnesses up until 1950, and many babies who where born weeks and months after the blasts, were born with birth defects.

A. Go to . Watch the video of the atomic bombs and then re-read An Invasion Not Found in the History Books on .

B. In one paragraph, write a statement in response to the following question: Should the U.S. have dropped the two Atomic bombs on Japan, or should they have invaded Japan instead? Why? Use information from the reading above, the video, and the reading of the planned invasion to support your answer.

V-J (Victory in Japan) Day was proclaimed on August 15, 1945, when Japan promised to surrender unconditionally. WWII formally ended on September 2, 1945, when Japan formally surrendered to the United Nations.

11. Consequences and Aftermath

With 55 million dead, over one trillion dollars in money spent, and billions of dollars in damage, WWII was the most destructive war in the history of the world.

A. Go to and read the section “Costs of the War.” Then answer the following questions:

1) How many countries participated in WWII?

2) Which country spent the most money on the war?

3) Which country suffered the most casualties (dead and wounded)? How many?

4) How many total Allied human loses were there, both military and civilian?

5) How many total Axis human loses?

B. The end of WWII changed the military balance of power in the world. Go to the last paragraph of “Human Loses.” Which countries lost power and which two countries became the world’s only superpowers?




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