Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 01/01/2018 to 03/31 ...

Project Name

Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA)

01/01/2018 to 03/31/2018

Bighorn National Forest

This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact.

Project Purpose

Planning Status


Expected Implementation

Project Contact

Bighorn National Forest Medicine Wheel Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

R2 - Rocky Mountain Region

Antelope Butte Foundation Special Use Permit Reissuance


- Special use management


Actual: 12/08/2017


Travis Fack 307-674-2683

Description: Reissuance of a Special Use permit to allow for reconstruction of the Antelope Ski Area's lodge and lifts to get them ready for operations. Permit is valid for a 5 year period.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - Medicine Wheel Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Big Horn. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Antelope Ski Area.

Medicine Wheel Ranger District - Special use management Outfitter/Guide Permit Reissuance

Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 12/2017



Brian Boden 307-684-9872


Description: Reissuance of four special use permits: Bighorn River Resort / Lazy Boot Outfitters, East Fork Outfitters, Shell Lodge Event and Adventure Company LLC, and Ken McNabb Horsemanship LLC.

Web Link:


UNIT - Medicine Wheel Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Sheridan, Big Horn, Johnson. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Areas permitted for outfitting and guiding include locations in Big Horn, Johnson, and Sheridan Counties.

Bighorn National Forest Powder River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

R2 - Rocky Mountain Region

Buffalo Municipal Watershed Project


- Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management

In Progress: Scoping Start 06/01/2017



Jon Warder 307-674-2631

Description: Fire risk reduction and water quality maintenance or improvement activities in the Buffalo Municipal Watershed area, plus aspen restoration and other forest treatments to achieve Forest Plan objectives.

Web Link:


UNIT - Powder River Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Johnson. LEGAL - centered on T50N, R84W, S26. Buffalo Municipal Watershed, including the national forest portion outside the Cloud Peak Wilderness in the Middle and South Forks of Clear Creek.

01/29/2018 12:54 pm MT

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Bighorn National Forest

Project Name

Project Purpose

Planning Status


Expected Implementation

Project Contact

Bighorn National Forest Powder River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

Paradise Ranch Special Use Pasture Permit Reissuance


- Special use management

Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 12/2017


Description: Reissuance of Special Use Permit for a pasture for a new term. Web Link:

R2 - Rocky Mountain Region


Travis Fack 307-674-2683


UNIT - Powder River Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Johnson. LEGAL - Section 3, T50N, R84W, 6 P.M. Portions of Section 34, T51N, R84W and portions of Section 3 and 4 T.50N, R84W 6th Principal Meridian.

Bighorn National Forest Tongue Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

R2 - Rocky Mountain Region

Arrowhead Lodge Outfitting and Guiding for Snowmobile, Cross-country Skiing and Snowshoeing Trips



- Special use management

In Progress: Scoping Start 11/15/2017 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 01/2018



Cheri Jones 307-674-2652

Description: Proposal to guide snowmobile trips (24 service days), cross-country skiing trips (20 service days), and snowshoeing trips (20 service days) from December 15 to April 1 annually in the Northern Bighorn National Forest.

Web Link:


UNIT - Tongue Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Sheridan. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Areas across the Bighorn National Forest that are open to snowmobiles including the Sibley and Cutler Nordic areas and Turkey Creek non-motorized area.

Lodge Connector ATV Trail Project


- Recreation management

In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 10/02/2014



Description: ATV trail to connect the three lodges on the north end of the Tongue Ranger District.

Web Link:

Cheri Jones 307-674-2652

Location: UNIT - Tongue Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Sheridan. LEGAL - T55N R88W sec. 7 and 16-18, T55N R89W sec. 1 and 12-13. ATV trail between Arrowhead Lodge, Elk View Lodge and Bear Lodge.

01/29/2018 12:54 pm MT

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Bighorn National Forest

Project Name

Project Purpose

Planning Status


Expected Implementation

Project Contact

Bighorn National Forest Tongue Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

R2 - Rocky Mountain Region

Polaris Test Runs and Bighorn Mountain Snomads Permits Reissuance


- Special use management

Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 12/2017



Cheri Jones 307-674-2652

Description: Reissuance of two special use permits. Polaris Test Runs Non-Recreation 5-year permit and Bighorn Mountain Snomads Recreation Event 5-year permit.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - Tongue Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Sheridan, Big Horn. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Both permits cover the northern portion of the Bighorn NF in areas open to snowmobiling.

Red Grade Trail EA


- Recreation management

Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2018



Sara Evans-Kirol 307-674-2692

Description: The issuance of a 15' wide Recreation Land Use corridor to construct about 15 miles of 18-60" wide nonmotorized trail and 1.3 acres of parking on Forest Service and about 2 miles for a trail right-of-way on Bureau of Land Management lands.

Web Link:


UNIT - Tongue Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Sheridan. LEGAL - T54N R85W Section 19, 28, 29 and 30; T54N R86W Sections 24, 24, 26, and 35. T54N, R85W Sections 19, 28, 29, and 30, T54N, R86W Sections 24, 25, 26, and 35.

Trail 038 Conversion EA


- Recreation management

In Progress: Objection Period Legal Notice 09/29/2017



Sara Evans-Kirol 307-674-2692

Description: To change use to nonmotorized to lower the maintenance standards and reduce safety issues associated with motorized use on a trail not designed for that use. Currently, rock slides and flooding have narrowed the trail and blocked motorized use.

Web Link:


UNIT - Tongue Ranger District. STATE - Wyoming. COUNTY - Johnson. LEGAL - T52N, R85W, Sections 14, 13, 21,22,23,28 & 29. The segment being considered is referred to as the Beaver Lakes section of Trail 038. It is located in the Kearny Lake Area between Trail 033 and Road 320.

01/29/2018 12:54 pm MT

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Bighorn National Forest

Project Name

Project Purpose

Planning Status


Expected Implementation

Project Contact

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This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact.

01/29/2018 12:54 pm MT

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Bighorn National Forest


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