Section 1. Authority. This regulation is promulgated by authority of Wyoming Statutes ? 23-1-302, ? 23-1-703 and ? 23-2-104.

Section 2. Regular Hunting Seasons.

Hunt areas, season dates and limitations.

Hunt Area 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5

Type 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 7

Season Dates Opens Closes Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 20



Oct. 1 Oct. 15



Oct. 1 Oct. 15



Oct. 1 Oct. 15



Oct. 1 Oct. 15



Oct. 1 Oct. 15



Oct. 1 Oct. 15



Oct. 1 Oct. 31



Oct. 1 Oct. 31

Quota 250 150 200 200 300 250 225 200 125 100

License Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota

350 Limited quota


Limited quota

700 Limited quota

150 Limited quota

375 Limited quota


Limited quota

650 Limited quota

500 Limited quota

Limitations Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn valid on private land

Any antelope, also valid on private land in that portion of Area 8 in Weston County

Doe or fawn, also valid on private land in that portion of Area 8 in Weston County

Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn valid on private land

Any antelope, also valid in that portion of Area 11 in Converse or Niobrara counties

Doe or fawn, also valid in that portion of Area 11 in Converse or Niobrara counties


Hunt Area 10 10 11 11 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19

Type 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 7

Season Dates Opens Closes Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Oct. 1 Nov. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 20 Oct. 1 Oct. 20 Oct. 1 Oct. 20 Oct. 1 Oct. 20

20 1 20 6 21 1 21 6 22 1 22 6

Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 Sep. 1

Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Sep. 30

22 6

23 1 23 2

23 6 23 7

24 1 24 2

24 6 24 7

25 1

Oct. 1 Oct. 31

Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 31

Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 31

Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 31

Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 31

Oct. 1 Oct. 14

Quota 300 400 550 400 600 800 600 400 1100 400 200 50 300 150

License Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota

500 500 500 400 1000 600

Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota

550 Limited quota 1600 Limited quota

400 Limited quota 1200 Limited quota

300 Limited quota 500 Limited quota

100 Limited quota 300 Limited quota

900 Limited quota

Limitations Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn valid on private land

Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn valid on private land north of Crazy Woman Creek

Doe or fawn valid in the entire area

Any antelope Any antelope valid on private land

Doe or fawn Doe or fawn valid on private land

Any antelope Any antelope valid on private land

Doe or fawn Doe or fawn valid on private land

Any antelope


Hunt Area 25 26 26 27 27

Type 6 1 6 1 7

Season Dates Opens Closes Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Sep. 24 Oct. 14 Sep. 24 Oct. 14 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 15

29 1 29 2

Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 31

29 7 Oct. 1 Oct. 31

29 8

Oct. 1 Nov. 15

30 1 30 6 31 1 31 6 32 1 32 6 32 7

Oct. 5 Oct. 5 Sep. 25 Sep. 25 Sep. 25 Sep. 25 Sep. 25

Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31

34 1 34 1 34 6 37 1 37 6 38 1 38 1 38 6 42 1 42 6 43 1 43 6 44 1 44 6 45 1 45 6 46 1

Sep. 20 Oct. 15 Sep. 20 Sep. 20 Sep. 20 Oct. 5 Nov. 1 Oct. 5 Sep. 25 Sep. 25 Sep. 15 Sep. 15 Sep. 15 Sep. 15 Sep. 15 Sep. 15 Sep. 25

Oct. 14 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31

Quota 450 1300 500 350 75

License Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota

150 Limited quota 600 Limited quota

350 Limited quota

100 Limited quota

500 Limited quota 100 Limited quota 250 Limited quota 200 Limited quota 600 Limited quota 400 Limited quota 150 Limited quota

1000 Limited quota

700 150 25 1250

Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota

600 Limited quota 600 Limited quota 250 Limited quota 600 Limited quota 700 Limited quota 300 Limited quota 150 Limited quota 400 Limited quota 350 Limited quota 200 Limited quota

Limitations Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn valid on private land

Any antelope Any antelope valid on private land

Doe or fawn valid on private land

Doe or fawn valid south and west of Interstate Highway 25

Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Doe or fawn valid on or within one (1) mile of irrigated land

Any antelope Doe or fawn Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope


Hunt Area 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 50 50 50

Type 2 6 1 2 6 1 2 6 1 6 0

Season Dates Opens Closes Oct. 5 Oct. 31 Sep. 25 Oct. 31 Sep. 25 Oct. 31 Oct. 5 Oct. 31 Sep. 25 Oct. 31 Sep. 25 Oct. 31 Oct. 5 Oct. 31 Sep. 25 Oct. 31 Sep. 16 Oct. 31 Sep. 16 Oct. 31 Sep. 1 Sep. 15

51 1 51 6

Sep. 16 Nov. 14 Aug. 15 Sep. 15

51 6

Sep. 16 Nov. 14

52 1 52 2

Sep. 16 Oct. 31 Sep. 16 Nov. 14

52 6 52 7

Sep. 16 Oct. 31 Sep. 16 Nov. 14

53 1 53 6 53 7

Sep. 20 Oct. 31 Sep. 20 Oct. 31 Sep. 1 Oct. 31

55 1 55 6 56 1 57 1 57 2

Sep. 20 Sep. 20 Sep. 20 Sep. 20 Sep. 20

Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31

Quota 250 150 500 300 350 150 150 50 300 200 50

License Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota Limited quota


Limited quota

150 Limited quota

250 Limited quota 200 Limited quota

200 Limited quota 200 Limited quota

250 Limited quota 150 Limited quota 125 Limited quota

250 Limited quota

150 Limited quota


Limited quota

400 Limited quota


Limited quota

Limitations Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope, muzzle-loading firearms only

Any antelope Doe or fawn valid on private land

Doe or fawn valid in the entire area

Any antelope Any antelope valid south of North Spring Creek

Doe or fawn Doe or fawn valid south of North Spring Creek

Any antelope Doe or fawn Doe or fawn valid on private land

Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Any antelope Any antelope valid west of Sweetwater County Road 23S and B.L.M. Road 3310, and north and east of B.L.M. Roads 4411 and 4409

57 6

Sep. 20 Oct. 31 125 Limited quota Doe or fawn



Season Dates

Area Type Opens Closes

57 7

Sep. 1 Oct. 31

58 1 59 1 59 6 60 1 61 1 62 1 62 2

Sep. 20 Sep. 20 Sep. 20 Sep. 21 Sep. 14 Sep. 14 Sep. 14

Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31

62 6

Sep. 14 Oct. 31

63 1 63 2

Sep. 21 Oct. 31 Sep. 21 Oct. 31

63 6 63 7

Sep. 21 Oct. 31 Sep. 21 Oct. 31

64 1 65 1 65 6 65 7

Sep. 21 Sep. 21 Sep. 21 Sep. 1

Oct. 31 Oct. 22 Oct. 22 Nov. 7

66 1 66 6 67 1 67 6 68 1

Sep. 21 Sep. 21 Sep. 21 Sep. 21 Sep. 21

Oct. 22 Oct. 22 Oct. 22 Oct. 22 Oct. 22

Quota License


Limited quota

150 Limited quota

300 Limited quota

100 Limited quota


Limited quota


Limited quota


Limited quota

100 Limited quota


Limited quota

200 Limited quota 350 Limited quota

150 Limited quota 250 Limited quota

150 Limited quota 200 Limited quota 200 Limited quota 100 Limited quota

150 Limited quota 200 Limited quota 300 Limited quota 100 Limited quota 400 Limited quota

Limitations Doe or fawn valid on private land within one (1) mile of Carbon County Road 603

Any antelope Any antelope Doe or fawn Any antelope Any antelope

Any antelope

Any antelope valid east of the Continental Divide and north of Wise Dugout Draw

Doe or fawn valid east of the Continental Divide and north of Wise Dugout Draw

Any antelope Any antelope valid east of the Buzzard Road (Natrona County Road 410-Carbon County Road 497)

Doe or fawn Doe or fawn valid east of the Buzzard Road (Natrona County Road 410-Carbon County Road 497)

Any antelope Any antelope

Doe or fawn

Doe or fawn valid north of the Little Popo Agie River, also valid in Area 66 west of the Little Popo Agie River Any antelope

Doe or fawn

Any antelope

Doe or fawn

Any antelope



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