

Diamond V XP™ Yeast Culture

Product Description:

Produced by fermenting selected liquid and cereal grain raw ingredients with bakers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and drying the entire culture-media without destroying the yeast factors, B-vitamins and other fermentations products. Packaged in 50 lb bags dried very fine granules (powder like).

When applied with any of our “MOL” Soil Amendments, the sugars contained within the molasses will greatly enhance the bakers yeast in this product for microbial activity.

Keeping a healthy microbial system in your soil is the key to good plant growth. As we have talked before, the microbes in the soil are the intermediary between the plant and your fertilizer. The key is that the microbes eat first. Whatever is left over is what the plant can utilize.

Paskvan Consulting February 2002 Soil Test News

Written by Craig Paskvan

In keeping with a healthy microbial population, we began feeding greens last year with yeast. At the time of aeration, we mixed 25 lbs of yeast into a cubic yard of top dressing sand. What we saw was two fold. Number one, there was a deepening of the color of the green within forty-eight hours after the application, and two, there appeared to be faster healing of the aeration holes compared to those greens which did not receive the yeast. Dairymen and herdsmen have known for a long time the benefit of adding yeast to a ration and the impact it has on the micorflora in a cow’s stomach.

Application Rates/Times:

Spring and Fall – 2 lbs per 1000 sq. ft. every 2 weeks

Summer – 2 lbs per 1000 sq. ft. once monthly.

Aerification Spring and Fall – 5 lbs per 1000 sq. ft. (OR) mix 25 lbs per cubic yard of top dressing.

Application Method:

Walk behind spreader

List of Ingredients:

Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and the media on which it was grown consisting of ground yellow corn, hominy feed, corn gluten feed, wheat middlings, rye middlings, diastatic malt, corn syrup and cane molasses.

Guaranteed Analysis:

Crude Protein, not less than………………12.0%

Crude fat, not less than…………………….3.0%

Crude fiber, not more than…………………6.5%

Ash, not more than…………………………5.0%




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