FYP Convention 2007

An FYP Party

Sell! – Book! – Recruit!

Presented by the FYP 2007 Advisory Board

Convention 2007~Las Vegas, NV

Show Introduction

With Debbie Touchstone

Creating a Hot & Sexy Table! Shunga Products

With Jen Russell

Lube Talk!

With Dana Corey

Hostess Exclusives – Booking Bonuses – Specials

With Tara Mahovetz

Glass & The Layaspot Presentation

With Angela Wilkinson

Recruiting with the ‘Ask Me’ game

With Chris Myers

Coaching Your New Hostess

With Sara Dee

Hostess Credits & Closing A Show

With Judy Garey

Act 9: Hostess Coaching by Phone

With Karen Shomer

Act 10: Thank You Postcards or E-mails

With Heather Calma

Show Introduction with Debbie Touchstone

Arrive 15- 20 minutes before show start time.

Set up demo in a place where everyone will be able to see.

Greet each guest as they arrive.

Start your presentation no later than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. This is a courtesy to your hostess and the guests that did arrive on time.

Start your introduction:

• Introduce yourself.

• Thank your hostess for holding the party and present her with a small hostess gift.

• Thank the prior hostess (if she is in attendance); tell everyone what booking credit she will get for the scheduled show holding.

• Make sure everyone knows what type of party they are attending!

• Thank guest for attending.

• Give disclaimer (depending on state if needed).

• Pass out pencils and toppers

• Pass out show folders, clipboards, books, etc. what ever you use.

• Explain show paperwork, wish list, specials, order forms, business cards, method of payment, confidentiality, delivery of product, return policy, taste testing, plant booking seeds and opportunity seeds.

• Did anyone bring guests with them? Give them a small prize, they increased your party attendance!

• Then play an Ice breaker game, simple and fun. The name game with a twist, instead of your love life starting with the first letter of your name, how about your favorite position, or how they know the hostess! The alphabet game, Bedroom bingo game, something quick to get them acquainted and talking!

• Let’s get started with the fun, Start your demo of products!

Creating a Hot & Sexy Table!

and Shunga Demonstration with Jen Russell

Setting up your display table can be so much fun or it can at times feel very frustrating. The key to a nice display table is to make it appeal to the eye. Use lots of color or themes. For instance, for a while I used silky fabric in black, gold, and leopard patterns to display and swag across my table and it created a very wild and sexy look!

Make sure that your products are clean and are in great shape. Cleanliness is like godliness to some and in this type of business you must make sure your display table is clean and sanitary. I like to use baby wipes to clean and wipe everything off after or before each show. While setting up my demo table, I like to use the Sweet Snow powder to powder all of my soft cyber skin products so they look fresh, clean, and powdered. It also reminds me to cross sell the powder with the toys to protect the life of them.

Walmart has been my favorite place to purchase yards of gorgeous material to display on my table. So check your local store to see what they carry. Also, I love to use Tupperware boxes to store my products in so they don’t leak all over everything. Plus, they make super great risers for creating dimensions on my table. Just drape some cloth over your Tupperware box and you now have a riser to place some smaller items on but it’s eye catching because it stands above the rest of the products. Make it fun but most of all make it eye catching! Use what colors appeal to you and make sure you are using holiday colors that are appropriate to the holidays around you. For instance, reds and pinks are perfect for Valentine’s Day while greens and reds are great for Christmas time.

Props are also a great and fun way to decorate your table and make it really stand out! For Valentine’s Day, use Valentine themed streamers and drape over and around your products. For Christmas, wrap some little boxes or have some fun ornaments out on your table to brighten the holiday season. For the 4th of July, I like to do my table in Red, White, and Blue! I use a couple of flags to show my patriotic spirit in my table display! So, whatever you do to spice up your table, just be creative and use your imagination. When you see something that catches your eye, take note of it to use for your display later. Have fun by personalizing your table to display your own personality as well. Make sure to change the look every month or so that way repeat customers are not seeing the same thing over and over again!

So basically, keep it simple yet appealing to the eye! Does it catch your attention when you look at it? If the answer is yes, then it is surely going to look great to your customers as well! Keep it simple, clean and eye catching and you will really love the look of your table and so will your guests!

|Shunga Product Information |

|**All Shunga products are Hypoallergenic which means it contains ingredients that |*Aphrodisiac Oil, Pg. 12 |

|produce little or NO allergic reaction; great for sensitive skin! Only 4% of people |-flavored: exotic fruit, raspberry, vanilla fetish |

|have allergic reactions, usually due to bacteria buildup. |-test on wrist, rub in and gently blow |

| |-has a warming/cooling tingly sensation |

|**Shunga products have no calories or sugar and are safe to use vaginally, except the|-can be used on genital area or any erogenous zone |

|Chocolate Body Paint. |*Chocolate Body Painting, Pg. 12 |

| |-made with real cocoa! |

|*Soft Moves Massage Cream, Pg. 3 |-only product with sugar; not for vaginal use |

|-flavored: raspberry, |-great fun for painting on your partner; use paint brush |

|-excellent moisturizer for face and body |*Sweet Snow Body Powder, Pg. 12 |

|-all natural, vitamin E, great for sunburns and excema!! |-“humidity repellent”; modified cornstarch |

|*Massage Oil, Pg. 3 |-made from real honey! |

|-5 great scents! |-flavored: cherry, exotic fruits, honey of nymphs, raspberry |

|-do not use as lube |-use on body; under breasts, legs, anywhere with potential moisture; will help repel |

|-great for massaging, can warm up |body sweat |

|*Bath and Shower Gel, Pg. 6 |-put in glass of water and see for yourself! |

|-flavored: exotic fruit |-remember; it’s HYPOALLERGENIC! |

|-only the bubbles edible; very concentrated! |-use for massaging; very soft and no moisture |

|-BIODEGRADABLE so you can wash your hair, brush your teeth, wash the dishes and even |-steam the feather duster to make fluffy; real feathers! |

|wash in the lake while camping! Environment friendly! |Can’t decide or want it all? Try of one these… |

|*Secret Garden, Pg. 8 |*Geisha’s Secrets, Pg. 68 |

|-the “Magic Cream!” |-Get a little of each! |

|-magic ingredient is L-Arginine |-Comes with mini bottles of: |

|-produces hormone secretion, increases blood flow and removes toxic waste from body |-aphrodisiac oil |

|with amino acids: used as a health supplement! |-massage oil |

|-great for alleviating yeast infections! |-bathing gel |

|-helps with multiple orgasms |-body powder with feather |

|-tingling sensation: warm/cool feeling |-sensation balm |

|-helps your sensation last longer; Prolongs it!! |-great idea to try it all! |

|-can take up to three times of usage because it’s herbal and body may not recognize |*Carnal Pleasures, Pg. 68 |

|it initially |-LOVE IT ALL? Comes with full size bottles of: |

|-FACTIOD: has the ingredient in identifying herpes! |-massage oil |

|*Bath Crystals, Pg. 8 |-aphrodisiac oil |

|-directly from the Dead Sea; natural minerals help fight infections: yeast |-body powder with feather |

|infections, corrective agents, relaxes muscles and soothes skin |-sensation balm |

|-colors the bathtub water blue; calming color, relaxing scent |-massage cream |

|-produces nice foaming effect: great for the hot tub, too! |-Includes a beautiful oriental can to store products in! |

|-20 oz.; very big container; comes with shell for measuring out salts and candle to |TOKO LUBES, Pg. 50 |

|enhance the mood |Silicone Lubricant: |

|*Sensation Balm, Pg. 8 |-lasts forever! Very silky! Same silicone used for hip replacements; excellent |

|-flavored: blazing cherry, sensual mint, vanilla fetish |quality! |

|-desensitizing balm/benzocaine |-wash with soap and water. NO bacteria can grow in it |

|-gives temporary 20-30 minutes prolonging |-made for a woman’s pH to react best with it |

|-wipe off before vaginal entry or put a condom on |-not recommended for use with silicone toys; it can break them down |

| |Water Based Lubricant: |

| |-best to use with toys |

| |-easy clean up |

| |-has natural flavors; no aftertastes! |

Lube Talk! With Dana Corey

We’re going to talk about the most important thing a woman needs to know about sex. It’s not the sexiest thing; it’s just the most important thing. Women must be well lubricated during sex because the skin inside her vagina and on her clitoral hood is the most fragile skin of her whole body. With just a little too much pressure or friction, you can create microscopic tears on the inside of your vagina or the top of your clitoris. As women we are really lucky. We have internal moisture making machines that kick into gear when we hit puberty. Unfortunately the world conspires against us. If you are on antihistamines, antidepressants, antibiotics, birth control, you get pregnant, have children, just get older, have a hysterectomy, enter menopause…. All those things affect our body’s ability to create natural lubricant. That’s where lube in a bottle comes in. I always tell my customers that if you are having sex, with your partner and nothing added, no toys, etc, then whether you use lube is a matter of personal preference…BUT, lube is the cheapest available sex toy there is, you can even buy it at the grocery store. And if you are over 40, you should be using lube 100% of the time. If you have added toys, you should ALWAYS use lube…toys are harder than body parts, the ones that vibrate cause heat and friction and they don’t talk and tell you that this is a dry period and you should be careful. You should always be careful.

Here are the things women need to know about various lubes: Don’t use oil based lube. It goes in and takes a really long time to come out, while its working its way out it can fester and cause all sorts of problems. It’s also completely incompatible with latex condoms. Don’t use anything made from petroleum. That’s baby oil, Vaseline or mineral oil. Those things are linked with cervical cancer and are VERY dangerous. Just don’t use them. Instead, what Dr.’s recommend are silicone based and water based lubes. There are hundreds on the market and not only will you have a personal opinion, but your skin also has an opinion, so I’m going to teach you the lube test. Put lube between your thumb and your finger, rub them together and pull them apart. What you are looking for is slippery. Slippery is distinctly different than wet. If it’s tacky or sticky pass that bottle to the next person. It’s not the right one for you, although it may be perfect for the person sitting next to you. Once you have found one you like, I recommend you taste it. It’s very easy to get lube in your mouth by accident. You put some on your hand to put on you and then you forget and put your finger in your mouth. While all lubricants are edible, that doesn’t mean they all taste good and you would rather know here than be in the bathroom gagging, ruining the mood.

Jo System Silicone Lubricant $32 #8470

Over the past 3 years, I have tested all 55 lubes we sell at parties, and the consensus I have found is that this lube is the best one we sell, hands down. Jo System is a division of a pharmaceutical company that has been around in the United States for about 75 years, and the silicone lube has been used in hospitals across the country for about 20. Recently, they created the erotic division, and the silicone lube is one of the best products they manufacture. One drop of this equals 10 drops of any water based lube and 5 drops of any of the silicone lubes I’ve seen. It is tasteless, scent-free and because it’s used in hospitals, less than 1 percent of the population ever has a reaction to it.

All you need is a very small drop. You’ll feel it’s thick and viscous, and it will stay slippery for over 45 minutes. Now, put it between your hands and rub back and forth. Your hands will be completely slippery, but totally DRY! Isn’t that an amazing feeling? For those of you that have had sex in water, you know that your own natural lube dissolves on contact with water, just like water based lube. System Jo Silicone lube stays slippery in water, so you can use it in the shower, the bathtub and the hot tub. Just be careful getting out as it tends to make the floor slippery. And the great thing is that this lube has a bunch of uses that have nothing to do about sex. For those of us that are a little heavier, and prefer not to walk around in the hot summer with shorts or a skirt cause of chafing issues, if you put System Jo Silicone anywhere that your skin gets irritated, you’ll never know its there because its dry, but it will keep you slippery all day! My sister runs marathons and she uses this between her nipples and her bra, between her arms and her running shirt and between her legs and she says after running 26 miles, the only part of her body that doesn’t hurt is her skin.

Mighty Tidy Cleaner $9.50 #7070

Anti-Microbial & Fungal

The last item in the Slick and Clean category is cleaner. For those of you who already have toys, soap destroys most of the synthetic materials sex toy are made of. It dries them out, cracks them and actually pushes the bacteria further into the material rather than washes it off. Instead, you really need to use a product designed specifically to wash personal products. We have four in the catalog, but Mighty Tidy is the only one that is anti-microbial and anti-fungal. The only toys you can wash with soap are silicone and glass. If you have there, please don’t use anti-bacterial soap, as the next time you use them you will have a really bad yeast infection. Anti-bacterial soap kills all the good flora in your vaginal canal, leaving the yeast. Please don’t use it!

Exclusives/Bonuses/Specials with Tara Mahovetz

What are our main goals at a party? To Sell – To Book – To Recruit

What tools do you have to do these things? TONS!!! Below are just a few ways to use the FYP Hostess Program to Sell – Book – Recruit!

Hostess Specials

- Basics: Hostess Specials are for hostesses only and are for highly discounted catalog products based on a $300 and/or a $500 party. Change monthly.

- Have the hostess special items on your demo table. If the special you are promoting has more than one item offered, group them together in a basket or at least show them together. Tip: Use the same color of ribbon to tie on each item included in the special. Demo the items and pass them around. Selling: Every month offers different specials (don’t forget to order as an IBA a month ahead so you can get a great deal!) so it’s a great way to keep a nice variety of products in front of your guests. Booking Seed: Did everyone like the Pearl Butterfly? I know it’s one of my best selling items! Did you know that you can get the Pearl Butterfly along with the Diving Dolphin and the Waterproof G all for just $49? That’s right – they retail for $166! Only (insert hostess name here) can take advantage of that special tonight but so can you if you schedule a show with me too! Recruiting Seed: I know I was so excited to be able to add this to my table because FYP let’s me get the specials too!

Hostess Exclusives

- Basics: Highly discounted, non-catalog items exclusively offered to our hostesses who have $300 or more in sales from their party. Listed in the new FYP catalog.

- Again, have the item on your table. Demo the item without letting them know yet that it’s only for our hostesses. Show something you know they will love. Now, tell them the price! Booking Seed: Next, tell them that it’s only for our FYP party hostesses! Recruiting Seed: Again, mention that you were able to get the item at the discounted price as well.

Booking Bonus Items

- Basics: FREE item to a hostess who has had 3 or more shows scheduled and held from her party. Listed in the new FYP catalog.

- Again, have at least one booking bonus item on your table. Demo the item without letting them know yet that it’s only for our hostesses. Booking Seed: Tell the group that the item can be (insert hostess name here) for FREE if they schedule a party with you! Recruiting Seed: Again, mention that you were able to get the item at a highly discounted price.

Glass & The Layaspot with Angela Wilkinson

Glass Dongs


• Frictionless

• Tempered Glass/Shatter Resistant

• Temperature Responsive

• Non-porous/Sanitary


• Great Tool to Help Locate the G-Spot

• Direct Stimulation to the G-Spot

• Quiet Pleasure

• Easy to Clean

• No Batteries Needed

• Can Warm or Cool Depending on Mood or Season

• Some May Safely be Tried Anally

• Receive a Lifetime of Pleasure

• Beautiful Designs – Start a Collection!

WOW Factor

• When Paired With a Bullet or the Layaspot, Orgasms are in Easy Reach, Multiple Orgasms Possible With Practice!

The Layaspot


• 5 Variable Speeds

• 3 Levels of Escalation

• Medical Grade Silicone

• Ergonomic Design


• Submersible/Waterproof

• Great for Sensitive Women as Well as

Those Who Prefer Intense Vibration

• Doesn’t Look Like a Typical Vibrator – Discreet & Quiet

• Antiallergic, Odor Free, Extremely Durable & Easy to Clean

• Easy to Travel With

• Curved Ergonomically For Woman’s Pelvic Area

• Multiple Uses, Multiple Directions, Multiple Positions

• Hands Free Clitoral Stimulation

WOW Factor

• Use the Layaspot While Being Penetrated by Your Partner for Hands-Free Estatic Pleasure OR Use With Glass for Uncomplicated Bliss!

Recruiting and the ‘Ask Me’ Game with Chris Myers

~ The Ask Me Game ~

Many times your guests will sit at your party with questions about your business but will never ask because they don’t want to be the only one, they get a little embarrassed or they’re not quite sure what to ask. Well, I have been playing the Ask Me Game and I am finding that so many people are interested in what we do; we just have to help them get the questions out. I am not a big fan of playing recruiting games, but I must admit, my guests and I are having a blast and I have so many recruit leads coming in that I have to refer to my recruit lead book every few days just to keep up!

What you need:

• Play paper money. You can find play money at almost any department store or dollar store.

• Answers

• Recruiting Brochures/ business card money

How to play:

At the end of the show, tell everyone that you’re going to play one more game. I say, “I really do love my job but instead of me standing in front of you and giving you a speech about what I find interesting about being a rep, I would like you to ask me questions about what I do. You can ask me personal questions about things like how many toys I have and such, I’ll answer them but that’s really not the kind of questions I’m looking for. Please ask me questions that concern my business and what I do. Every time you ask a question you’ll get money from me and someone’s going to win a prize!”

Sometimes you have to get them going a bit but just coax them and the questions will start rolling.

Questions & Answers:

I will only cover a few examples here just to give you an idea.

Q: How far do you travel?

A: I travel up to 2 hours away, however it’s up to you on how far you would go. Some of the ladies on my team will only travel up to a ½ hour away.

Q: How much money do you make?

A: I make 50% commissions on all my sales. You would start out at 40% as a qualified recruit. This means that when I do an average $450 party, I make $225 that night.

Q: So you don’t have to wait for a check?

A: No. I get to keep my profits that night but I always make sure I hit $2000 in retail sales each month so I can also get a bonus check!

Q: Can you earn a car allowance?

A: If you want to call it a car allowance, you may. Not only can you earn some of the highest commissions available for sponsoring others, but you can earn a monthly bonus on just your own personal sales. Use it for a car, a new refrigerator or a new home. It’s up to you.

Q: I’m thinking about having a baby. Would I have to maintain a certain sales level every month?

A: This is a company full of women! There are babies being made all the time! Lol!

You have to have at least $150 in sales once every 6 months to remain active. For Your pleasure not only allows you time to spend with your family but also gives you a chance to spend some time with adults in a fun and profitable way!

Q: Do you get a discount on personal purchases?

A: Of course! That’s how I’ve filled up a closet and 3 drawers full of goodies.

Q: What does your husband think of you doing this?

A: He loves it! I’ve been married for __ years and the product keeps us both excited plus he’s there to greet me at the door to find out how much I made after every party!

When the questions end, tell everyone to add up the value of the money they’ve earned and a prize goes to the person who has the most. As you go around the room to collect the play money be sure to trade it with a recruiting brochure so that everyone who had questions gets information. You can also pass out $100 bills with your information on them. Tell everyone to put this in their pocket right now. Say, “Now, the next time you reach into your pocket and all you can find is this fake money; call me so I can help you turn it into real cash by becoming a For Your Pleasure rep!”

This is definitely a more comfortable way for me and I’m leaving EVERY party with at least one recruit lead!








Coaching Your New Hostess with Sara Dee

Parties are the heart of your business! Without parties, you’re temporarily out of business, so it’s important to ask these 3 vital questions as you are taking orders during a party:

➢ “Did you have a good time?” (The answer, of course should be YES!)

➢ “When would you like to book your party?” (Don’t ask “Do you want to book a party?”-this gives them a chance to say “No”…put the idea in their head right up front!)

➢ “Are you interested making great money by doing what I do? (Always plant that recruiting seed with everyone!)

You have a guest that is interested in booking a party, so now it’s time to do some quick hostess coaching before she leaves for the evening!

We’ll focus on what you need to have prepared for your hostess packages, as well as the important points to discuss with your new hostess about her party.

Hostess Packages

Have the following ready at all times to give to your new hostess when she books at the party:

➢ Catalogs (Give her 2, one for her, one to show to friends, family, co-workers, etc)

➢ *Presentation Folder, to include the following (* indicates optional):

o Hostess Information (HI) Packet

▪ Party Planner (you can create your own or use the HI Packet as your planner

▪ Guest & Wish list are included in the HI Packet

• Include a separate Guest & Wish list if you do not use the Hostess Information Packet

o Order forms (for outside orders)

o *Shunga Brochure (can be purchased through a Business Supply Order)

o Hostess Specials for the month they booked into (have the current month and consecutive months with you)

o Hostess Exclusives & Booking Bonus Gift Flyers

o *Recruiting Information, to include:

▪ Purchased Kit Listings/Starter Supply Kit Listings

▪ OFB Kit Listings

▪ Commission Structure

o Your contact information, to include your phone, email address, and several business cards

This is what I put in my hostess package, so remember, you can add or remove what you want to make it unique!


Explain the contents of the package you gave to your new hostess, so she understands what you need from her to begin the planning process:

➢ Party Planner

o Explain the HI Packet or your own personalized Party Planner

▪ Let her know how soon you will arrive before the party begins

▪ Point out the “No Children” rule, (18 years old and over only)

▪ Let her know that you will be in communication with her weekly prior to her party (make sure you get all contact information from her!)

➢ Guest List

o Let your hostess know that you need her completed Guest List in 3 days-her party is considered a “soft” booking until you receive her list!

▪ Her completed Guest List locks in her date for her party-give her an incentive for giving you the completed Guest List on time!

▪ This Guest List shows that your hostess is serious about her party!

➢ Wish List

o Your new hostess is going to get a BUNCH of free stuff and discounts!

o Have her complete her Wish List (with the assistance of the catalog) and return it to you at the same time she returns the Guest List

o You can answer any questions she has about products, make suggestions, and help her reach her sales goals for her party with her Wish List!

➢ Order Forms

o It’s so important to get outside orders prior to the party! Explain the benefit of outside orders and how it can increase her sales…therefore giving her more free goodies!

▪ Include at least 5 order forms

▪ Explain the ordering process, to include the types of accepted payments, and shipping options

▪ Offer a small incentive if she collects 5 or more outside orders!

➢ Hostess Specials/Exclusives/Booking Bonus Gifts

o Our Hostess Specials change every month-make sure you give her the correct specials for the month she booked her party for

o Explain the $300 & $500 Specials, and that she can get both if her sales are $750 or higher!

o Explain how the Hostess Exclusives and Booking Bonus Gifts work

➢ Contact Information for You and Her

o Ensure that she has all of your contact information, and inform her of the best time to reach you

o Ensure that you have all of her contact information, to include a phone number of a friend (as a backup hostess) just in case you are unable to reach her (obtain her home address, address of party if different, phone numbers and email address/addresses)

o Remind her that you will be contacting her via phone every week leading up to the party to follow up on RSVP’s, outside orders, bookings, and her wish list


Always thank your new hostess for booking a party with you, and remind her that your parties are the heart of your business…and plant that recruiting seed! Let her know that she can do the same thing you’re doing…partying for a living!

Below you will see pictures of our FYP Presentation Folder, Hostess Information Packet and Shunga Brochure. These can be ordered through a Business Supply order:

➢ Presentation Folder-Item #S370-$2.00 Each

➢ Hostess Information Packet-Item-Item #S360-$0.20 Each

➢ Shunga Brochure-(package of 50)-Item #P39-$5.00 Each

Presentation Folder Hostess Information Packet

Shunga Product Brochures

Hostess Credits & Closing A Show with Judy Garey

1. Before going to the ordering room: Instruct your hostess to fill out her order form and list her top 5-8 items that she would love to have while you are taking her guests orders (this will speed up the process when you are finalizing her order later and will help increase the final show sales. --details #4)

2. Total Party Sales and Hostess Credits: After the last guests has placed her order and while you are waiting on your hostess, quickly add up the sales and do a quick rough draft of the hostess credits she will be earning. Prepare to increase it to the next bonus level and have those figures ready for her when she comes in. (details #4)

3. Reconnect with your hostess: When the hostess comes into the ordering room, make small talk with her about the party. Ex. I think Tonya liked Mr. Ed a little too much, ha ha or I didn’t think Merideth was gonna come back to the party after she tried the liquid v, just funny small talk.

4. Go over hostess credits/increase the show sales: Casually reach for her order form while you are chatting with her. (she should have this completely filled out by now.)


Suzy, are you ready to see how much of this will be free for you tonight? She’ll say, shoot yea. (Open the catalog to the hostess credits page).

Suzy your party sales were $432 and you had 9 buying customers, which is great because you hit our $300 bonuses! Right now you will receive $43.20 + $15 bonus, which is a total of $58.20 for free, plus 1 hostess exclusive (point to them) and our $300 monthly hostess special (point to it).

Now I see you have some great things picked out and I want to do my best to get as many of them free for you as I possibly can. Did you know that you are only $68 and 1 buying customer away from bonusing 3 more times? She’ll say, Really!? You say, Yep, and what that means is you will receive $75 Free instead of $58.20, 1 65% off item, 1 HE, and the $300 or $500 special! ===Pause=== let that soak in for about 15 seconds and then say we have a couple of options. We can take $70 of your order that you already have here and make you that 10th buying customer and that will qualify you for those extra 3 bonuses. ==Pause== and wait for a response. (99% of the time she will say, shoot yea, lets do it!) If so, finalize it right there.

If she comes back with the objection of not being able to purchase that, give her the 2nd option: Well Suzy, I really hate to see you loose the extra credit because you are so close, do you know anyone that didn’t attend tonight that you could call NOW to see if they would like to place an order. (The goal is to increase her sales now and close the show that night. You can offer her the option to leave it open 3 days to allow her time to get that order but I don’t suggest that. When you leave a party order open you are doing double the work. You’ll have to reconnect 2 more times on the telephone and possibly have to meet up to collect the additional orders and payments plus your other guest orders are being delayed. Do your best to close that night.)

Ok, Great! You have her order completed and you are done with that step.

5. Inform your hostess of the next step. Product delivery.


Suzy, I wanted to remind you that you and your guests orders will be delivered to you by UPS in approximately 7-10 days and each of your friends orders will be bagged in a dark colored bag, stapled shut and have their telephone number on it to make it easy for you to contact them when their order arrives. I will call you in 3-4 days to let you know exactly when your order will be arriving and give you the tracking number to your pkg.

5. Re-book your hostess: One last thing before you leave. Offer to re-book your hostess.

Example of what to say: (this is part of the small talk after you have completed everything and you are gathering your things from the ordering room)

John is gonna be so excited when your order comes in. (She’ll say, He sure will be!) Then you say: Hey I have an idea! I overheard several of your guests saying that they wished their husbands could have seen this, why don’t we go ahead and schedule a couples party? At your couples party you’ll receive hostess credits just like tonight plus prior hostess credits! When she says, yea lets do it, grab your calendar and say great, I have this Tuesday and Friday open, which one would be better for you? Give her a hostess pack, go through it with her quickly, Thank her and leave.

6. Follow up: Be sure to call her and inform her of her delivery date and then call her the day after her pkg arrives to confirm she did receive it. That makes great customer service :).

Hostess Coaching by Phone with Karen Shomer

Quite often you will have interested hostesses call you to book a party. They will have gotten your name from a friend or maybe you left your card somewhere. However they got it, they are contacting you for a party. Below are points that I try to cover when speaking with the hostess:

➢ Show appreciation

➢ Ask how she got your name so that you know what advertising is working or who you want to thank/compensate for the lead

➢ Determine when she would like the party and set a mutually convenient time for the both of you.

➢ Obtain her full name, her shipping address, her e-mail address and home/cell phone numbers.

➢ Explain to her the package that you will be mailing her and what she needs to return to you and by when:

Ex: The guest list Order forms to be used for outside orders

Her hostess wish list to complete

Information about the business

➢ Review with her the no one under 18 rule/law

➢ If you have a replicated FYP website: Explain to your new hostess that you will be putting her party online! Have her write down your website address and explain how the online ordering works for her out of state/can’t attend guests.

➢ Drop a little seed about how you could turn her party into a way she could earn her kit for free. Briefly discuss it and tell her she can review the information that’s in the package and for her to think about it and you'll answer further questions with her at a later time.

➢ Thank her again for contacting you and let her know much you’re looking forward to doing her party and helping her earn a ton of free products.

Thank You Postcards or Emails with Heather Calma

Once you have submitted the party you will want to send a thank you post card or email to each guest and hostess. This message will let them know when they can expect their items and can also act as a booking and recruiting seed.

To Customers:

Thank you for attending _______ For Your Pleasure Party!

Her total sales were $ ________and your purchase helped her earn over $______ in free and discounted products!

If you would like to earn free products all you have to do is host a party yourself or you can receive a gift for referring a friend that books a party with us.

Your package is scheduled to arrive on _______ at ______’s home. You must contact us within 14 days to report any problems or defective merchandise. 

Have you ever thought about doing what I do? If you were the rep that presented the party you could have made an extra $________! Could you use that extra income for working just a few hours?

If you would like to learn how you can turn a party into a paycheck give us a call and we can discuss your options and get you started right away! 

Once again, we appreciate your business so please feel free to contact us anytime with questions, to book a party, to get started in your very own business or for future orders.

Your Name, Phone number and Email address

To a Hostess:

Thank you so much for hosting a For Your Pleasure party! Your total sales were __________ which enabled you to earn $_______ in free and discounted products. If your friends would also like to receive free products please feel free to refer them to us! In return we will send you a nice thank you gift for your referral.

Your package is scheduled to arrive on _____________.Please contact your guests right away and if there are any problems they must contact us within 14 days of the above date.

Have you ever thought about doing what I do? If you were the rep that presented the party you could have made an extra $________! Could you use that extra income for working just a few hours?

If you would like to learn how you can turn a party into a paycheck give us a call and we can discuss your options and get you started right away! 

Once again, we appreciate your business so please feel free to contact us anytime with questions, to book another party, to get started in your very own business or for future orders.

Your Name, Phone number and Email address




You may select from 3 starter kits that For Your Pleasure has to offer.

1. $250.00 kit valued at over $650.00.

2. $500.00 kit valued at over $1,250.00

3. $1,000 kit valued at over $2,500.00


You say you are a little short on cash? No problem. Schedule a party and invite all your friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. Have a minimum of $300.00 in sales and you are on your way to starting your own business. “For Your Pleasure” will take your retail sales and send you a kit of the same value. With an OFB show, you’ll pay about $100.00 for a kit valued at over $570.00, plus your sponsor will be able to help increase sales and bookings for you


Ask me about a catalog show that requires you to pass the catalog to your friends for sales and bookings.


You need to fill out an application, have 4 shows lined up and pay a one time $25.00 application fee.

Kit requirements – you must have $1000.00 in retail sales within 60 days of kit ship date.

The For Your Pleasure Advantage

• Instant Paychecks!

• One of the best pay plans in the country!

• Make up to 60% commission

• Make up to 16 ½% on the sales of those that you sponsor into your business. We are NOT MLM! You can use your group volume for an infinite number of levels to qualify for commissions.

• We have over 1000 items for your customers to choose from – all highlighted in our 101page color catalog.

• We offer some of the lowest prices in the industry.

• No shipping, sorting, packing or storing.

• “FYP” takes care of sales tax for you.

• Get started right away!

• Amazing company paid Hostess Program. With most companies you deduct this out of your pocket.

• No Merchant account needed when you accept credit cards at your shows.

• Work wherever~ when ever you want.

• Complete business & product manual with training DVD to get you off to a great start.

• Logo merchandise to get your business noticed.

• Company and sponsor support.

• Conventions, Workshops and Events.

• Online Newsletter.

• Online Message boards.

• Minimal paperwork. Submit shows online.

• Management is not hard to maintain.

• Professional sales tools, color catalog, recruiting flyers and DVD for training, business manual, product knowledge manual and continued training with meetings, conference calls and emails.

• Receive Company and Team Promos.

• Trip awards and recognition.

• Company sponsored contests and promotions

• A supply list that is sure to make each of your shows a hit.

Are you looking for a fun "job"? Well, you have landed in the most fortunate place. You can start today, setting your own hours, carving out your own destiny, and be on your way to making more money in fewer hours than some earn working a 40 hour week. “For Your Pleasure” has one of the most lucrative pay programs in the Adult Home Party Industry! “FYP” has built a reputation as one of the premier companies in this field and we are growing at a phenomenal pace. In a 3 month period we have doubled in size.

“FYP” streamlined the process of Adult Toy Parties and adopted the “Work Smarter – Not Harder” concept for building a business. You do not have to stock tons of inventory in your garage or spare room. “For Your Pleasure” houses the entire inventory at its warehouse in New Hampshire. You do not have to lug an entire store to your shows. You carry your kit, sales tools, and a smile! Your hostesses will be smiling too, when they get to go on a shopping spree from “FYP”!

When you join “For Your Pleasure” you will feel comforted by sales tools we have to assist you in your business (i.e. : Beautiful 104 page color catalog with full descriptions, professionally printed customer order forms, company manual, training videos, etc.).You say you want to show off a little. Well, “For Your Pleasure” has many logo items to get your business noticed.

With “For Your Pleasure” you will never feel alone. You will have the support from a company in which the majority of its employees have performed home parties on a regular basis, as well as the support of your sponsor and fellow Reps.

3 Easy Ways to Join

The “FYP” Advantage

Phone: 717- 649- 8986

Web site:

Email: CLMstoyz@

Work Smarter…Not Harder!!



For Your Pleasure

Christina Myers

Managing Regional Director

With “For Your Pleasure” you will start out at a 35% minimum commission rate during your probation period. Once you qualify, you automatically shoot to 40%. How much you make is up to you after that! With “FYP” you can earn up to 50% commission on all retail sales. Your commission rate will also be your buying discount, should you want to add to your kit or just place a personal order. You take your pay the night of the party. As you build your group you will be entitled to a monthly commission on their sales. This percentage will depend on what your title is during that month. You can also earn up to 10% in personal bonuses each month on your retail sales.

Basically, you have the potential to earn 60% on personal sales, plus commissions on your group every month! WOW!

How much can you make?

Christina Myers

3123 Peters Mountain Rd.

Halifax, PA 17032

Address Correction Requested


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