United States Agriculture World Agricultural Production

[Pages:42]United States Department of Agriculture

Foreign Agricultural Service

Circular Series WAP 10-21 October 2021

World Agricultural Production

Kazakhstan Wheat: Intense Heat and Below-Average Rainfall During Key Growth Stages Drops Yield

Kazakhstan wheat production for marketing year 2021/22 is forecast at 12.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 4 percent from last month and down 16 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 0.94 tons per hectare, down 4 percent from last month and down 20 percent from last year. Area harvested is estimated at 12.7 million hectares, unchanged from last month and up 5 percent from last year.

Approved by the World Agricultural Outlook Board

Kazakhstan wheat is grown mostly in Kostanai, North Kazakhstan, and Akmola (28, 19, and 31 percent of area, respectively, based on the latest planting report). The month-to-month decrease in yield is driven by the lower-than-average crop conditions as seen in the Percent of Average Seasonal Greenness (PASG). The 3-month PASG highlights significantly below-average conditions in Kostanai, North Kazakhstan, and Akmola, where conditions were hot and dry during key crop stages throughout June, July, and August. Additionally, harvest progress data from the Ministry of Agriculture in Kazakhstan supports lower yield. Harvest is almost complete according to the Ministry of Agriculture's report at the end of September. (For more information, please contact Katie.McGaughey@.)

Canada Wheat: Production Revised Down on Expected Increase in Spring Wheat Abandonment

USDA estimates Canada wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2021/22 at 21.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 2.0 mmt (9 percent) from last month, 14.2 mmt (40 percent) from last year, and 35 percent below the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 8.5 million hectares, down 700,000 hectares (8 percent) from last month, 15 percent below last year, and 11 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 2.47 metric tons per hectare, down 1 percent from last month, 30 percent from last year, and 28 percent below the 5-year average.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

October 2021

Statistics Canada (StatCan) revised its total wheat production and yield estimates downward 5 percent on updates to its integrated crop yield model. The model considers multiple data sources, including satellite imagery from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's (AAFC) Crop Condition Assessment Program (CCAP). This update incorporates data collected during the month of August, as the crop reaches maturity, and the harvest of spring varieties begins. Dry summer conditions in the Prairies accelerated both crop maturation and the harvest, which is nearing an early completion. Yields for spring and durum wheat are expected to be well-below average due to the historic drought affecting western Canada.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

October 2021

Above-average area abandonment for several crops has been widely reported by industry sources, and Canadian crop insurance agencies have incentivized salvaging poor crops for feed to offset feed shortages. Drought conditions have also been present throughout much of the western U.S., and USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reported increased area abandonment for MY 2021/22 U.S. spring and durum wheat in the Small Grains Summary, issued September 30. Similarly, USDA has reduced harvested area estimates for Canadian wheat to below those currently held by StatCan on expectations of increased crop abandonment of spring and durum wheat, which account for roughly 92 percent of the total wheat crop. (For more information, please contact Aaron.Mulhollen@.)

Guatemala Corn: Dry Spell and Excess Rains Reduce Production

Guatemala's corn production for marketing year (MY) 2021/22 is estimated at 1.6 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.3 mmt from last month and 45,000 metric tons (3 percent) from MY 2020/21. Area is estimated at 900,000 hectares (ha), down 50,000 ha from last month (5 percent) but up 50,000 ha (6 percent) from MY 2020/21. Yield is estimated at 1.77 metric tons per hectare, down 8 percent from MY 2020/21.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

October 2021

Though corn is grown throughout the entire country, the top producing corn departments are found in northern Guatemala, which include Pet?n, Alta Verapaz, Quich?, and Huehuetenango.

Guatemala has three main corn growing seasons. The first-season corn is planted in May and harvested in September. The secondseason corn is planted from October through December and harvested from February through April. The third-season corn is planted from January through March and harvested from September through December.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

October 2021

The Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganader?a y Alimentaci?n (MAGA) has reported damage to the main corn crop, especially in many eastern departments such as Zacapa, Jutiapa, Chiquimula, and Alta Verapaz. Drought conditions and high temperatures that occurred during July damaged the corn grown by many smallholder farmers in the eastern part of the Dry Corridor in Guatemala. In addition, heavy rains that fell at the beginning of August also negatively impacted corn in eastern Guatemala. (For more information, please contact Ifeoma.Collins@.)

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

October 2021

Ukraine Corn: Early Harvest Results Indicate Lower Yield

Ukraine corn production for marketing year 2021/22 is estimated at 38.0 million metric tons, down 3 percent from last month but up 25 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 7.01 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 3 percent from last month but up 25 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 5.4 million hectares, unchanged from last month but up less than 1 percent from last year.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

October 2021

Yield is down month-to-month based on early harvest progress data from the Ukraine Ministry of Agriculture. As of October 7th, harvest is 14 percent complete, and yield is currently at 5.30 t/ha. Harvest is delayed this year due to wetter-than-normal weather throughout September. Normally harvest progress is around a third complete by early October. Yields typically increase throughout harvest because the harvest begins in the lower-yielding southern regions and moves north into the higher-yielding regions. Unlike other crop data published in Ukraine, there is no net-to-bunker conversion for corn. USDA crop production estimates for Ukraine include estimated output from Crimea. (For more information, please contact Katie.McGaughey@.)

India Rice: Increased Harvested Area Boosts Production to Record Level

USDA estimates India rice production for marketing year 2021/22 at a record 125.0 million metric tons (milled basis), up 2 percent from last month and last year because of higher planted area and record yields. Harvested area is estimated at 45.5 million hectares, up 1 percent from last month and last year. This slight increase in area is due to favorable minimum support prices. Yield is estimated at a record 4.12 tons per hectare, up 1 percent from last year.

Rice is a water-intensive crop. A poor start to the 2021 southwest monsoon, along with high temperatures, delayed kharif planting by a month. However, rice planting progress improved, and by early September progress was slightly above last year and 2 percent above the 5-year average. The northern irrigated planting area, which comprises about 50 percent of kharif production, was

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

October 2021


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