St Giles and Shipbourne



March 2020


|ST GILES | | | |

|Rector of Shipbourne with Plaxtol: |811081 |

|Rev Dr Peter Hayler |Email: RectorSwP@ |

|The Rectory, The Street, Plaxtol TN15 0QG | |

| | | | |

|Lay Reader |Mr P Brewin |810361 | |

|Churchwardens: |Ms C Jackson |07729814798 | |

| |Sir Paul Britton |365794 | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Secretary: |Mrs M Perry |810797 | |

|Treasurer: |Mr P Sandland |07866 588856 | | | |

|Deanery Synod Rep: |Mr N Ward |810525 | | | |

| | | | | | |

|CHURCH OFFICERS | | | | | |

|Safeguarding Officer: |Miss G Coates |811432 | | | |

| |(Children) | | | | |

|Safeguarding Officer: |Sir Paul Britton |365794 | |

| |(Vulnerable Adults) | | |

|Choirmaster: |Mr J Young |810289 | |

|Electoral Roll: |Mr A Boorman |352597 | |

|Flower Guild |Mrs F Ward |810525 | |

|Bell Ringing |Sir Paul Britton |365794 | |

| | | | |


|Parish Clerk: |Sarah Huseyin |886402 shipbourneparishcouncil@ |

|Chair: |Nick Tyler |811079 | | | |

|Councillors: |S Hine |V Redman |P Leach |

| |J Sheldrick, |J Bate | | | |

| | | | | |


|Head: |Mrs Daters |810344 | |

| | | | | |


|Chairman: |Curtis Galbraith |763637 | | | |

|Bookings: |Helen Leach |811144 | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Manager: |Bob Taylor |833976 | | | |

| | | | | | |

|SHIPBOURNE WI | | | | |

|President |Barbara Jones |811152 b.jones162@ | |

| | | | | | |


|Secretary: |Mark Fenton |811067 | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Membership: |Cilla Langdon-Down |810338 | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Editor: |Lindsay Miles |810439 lindsay_miles@ |

|Advertising: |Tish Gourmelon |07966 035492 | | | |

|Copying: |Mary Perry |810797 | | | |

| | | | | | |


|101 |Non-urgent attendance, passing information and 24 hr crime reporting |

|999 |Emergencies | | | |

|01622 690690 |For Maidstone office | | | |

|07772 226006 |Mark Thomas, Police Community Support Officer | |

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Rector of Shipbourne with Plaxtol

Rev Dr Peter Hayler

The Rectory, The Street, Plaxtol TN15 0QG

Tel: 01732-811081 / E-mail: RectorSwP@


Except where indicated below, the main morning service at ST GILES SHIPBOURNE is at 9.30am. Every weekday at 8.00am Morning Prayer will be said at Plaxtol Church and every weekday evening (except Friday and Saturday) at 4.30pm Evening Prayer will be said at St Giles Shipbourne.

|SUNDAY |1st |8.00am |Holy Communion at Plaxtol Church |

|First Sunday of Lent| | | |

| | |9.30am |Parish Communion at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |11.00am |Family Service with Communion at Plaxtol Church |

| | |Readings: |Genesis 2.15-17, 3.1-7; Romans 5 vv12-19; Matthew 4 vv |

| | | |1-11 |

|Wednesday |4th |10.40am for |Lent Group 1 at The Rectory |

| | |11am | |

| | |7.40pm for 8pm|Lent Group 1 at The Rectory |

|Thursday |5th |9-11am |Farmers’ Market at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |12.30pm |Lent lunch at Plaxtol Church |

|SUNDAY |8th |8.00am |Holy Communion at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |9.30am |Matins at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |11.00am |Parish Communion at Plaxtol Church |

| | |Readings: |Genesis 12 vv 1-4a; Romans 4 vv 1-5, 13-17; John 3 vv 1-17|

|Monday |9th |7.30pm |Shipbourne Parish Council meeting at the Village Hall |

|Wednesday |11th |10.40am for |Lent Group 2 at The Rectory |

| | |11am | |

| | |7.40pm for 8pm|Lent Group 2 at The Rectory |

|Thursday |12th |9-11am |Farmers’ Market at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |12.30pm |Lent lunch at St Giles, Shipbourne |

|SUNDAY |15th |8.00am |Holy Communion at Plaxtol Church |

| | |9.30am |Parish Communion at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |11.00am |Community@11 at Plaxtol Church |

| | |Readings: |Exodus 17 vv 1-7; Romans 5 vv 1-11; John 4 vv 5-42 |

|Wednesday |18th |10.40am for |Lent Group 3 at The Rectory |

| | |11am | |

| | |7.40pm for 8pm|Lent Group 3 at The Rectory |

|Thursday |19th |9-11am |Farmers’ Market at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |12.30pm |Lent lunch at Plaxtol Church |

|MOTHERING SUNDAY |22nd |8.00am |Holy Communion at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |9.30am |Mothering Sunday Family Service at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |11.00am |Mothering Sunday Family Communion at Plaxtol Church |

| | |Readings: |1 Samuel 16 vv 1-13; Ephesians 5 vv 8-14; John Chapter 9 |

|Monday |23rd |8.00pm |Shipbourne Parochial Church Council meeting at The Rectory|

|Wednesday |25th |10.40am for |Lent Group 4 at The Rectory |

| | |11am | |

| | |7.40pm for 8pm|Lent Group 4 at The Rectory |

|Thursday |26th |9-11am |Farmers’ Market at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |9.30am |“Mums Ahoy!” at Plaxtol Church |

| | |12.30pm |Lent lunch at St Giles, Shipbourne |

|Saturday |28th |9.30am-11.30am|Community Breadbasket at Plaxtol Church |

|PASSION |29th |8.00am |Holy Communion at Plaxtol Church |

|SUNDAY | |9.30am |Holy Communion at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |11.00am |Morning Worship at Plaxtol Church |

| | |6.00pm |Benefice Taize at St Giles, Shipbourne |

| | |Readings: |Ezekiel 37 vv 1-14; Romans 8 vv 6-11; John 11 vv 1-45 |

‘Mums Ahoy!’

A time for coffee-hospitality & mutual support…

…and perhaps even singing, music-making, discussion…

for Mums, Dads and Carers and pre-school children.

Thursday 26th March

at Plaxtol Church – 9.30am

United Benefice of Shipbourne with Plaxtol

Lent Lunches

• a simple soup-and-a-roll lunch

• praying the Litany

• contributing to the needs of others

• in solidarity with the Farmers’ Market

Thursdays: 12.30 pm

27th Feb @ Shipbourne

5th March @ Plaxtol

12th March @ Shipbourne

19th March @ Plaxtol

26th March @ Shipbourne

2nd April @ Plaxtol

Fasting, Almsgiving and Prayer

Donations for Bibles for School-leavers

United Benefice of Shipbourne with Plaxtol

Lent Groups


10.40 for 11.00


19.40 for 20.00


4th March

11th March

18th March

25th March

1st April

@ The Rectory, The Street,Plaxtol

Study and Prayer



By the time March arrives, Lent will have begun - Ash Wednesday falls Feb 26th this year. By the end of March, we will have sprung forward into British Summer Time, and it is this lengthening of days that gives Lent its name. Most of the world’s religious traditions observe a season of fasting, and many of these are seasons of preparation for a major festival. In Christianity, Lent is a season of preparation for Passiontide and Easter, and fasting is one of the characteristic disciplines of Lent, together with prayer, study and charitable giving (almsgiving). These are all ways of focussing or intention towards the goal of making a faithful participation in the annual remembrance of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This year we shall, once again, be holding Lent Lunches every Thursday in Lent at 12:30pm – a simple soup-and-a-roll lunch, at which we shall pray the traditional form of prayer known as the Litany, and donations for the purchase of bibles for this summer’s school leavers in both Shipbourne and Plaxtol will be gratefully received. The lunches will be held in church ‘week-about’, beginning in Shipbourne on 27th Feb.

In this year’s Lenten Study Group will shall be looking at a set of passages from the bible, both Old and New Testament, that show how God calls in people lives. We won’t be studying them in an academic sense, but more in a prayerful sense. Using the traditional method known as Lectio Divina we will read, think, pray and rest in these scriptures, gradually increasing our use (and hopefully our sense of comfort) with corporate silence, allowing God to pray the sense of his calling of each one of us deep into our hearts.

I’m aware that I’ve used the word ‘traditional’ quite a lot. This is an important word, but one that’s easily misunderstood. It doesn’t mean we’re stuck in the past – I hope that’s never the case, because the Church is called “to proclaim the gospel afresh in every age”. Rather, it means that we’re using tried and tested tools and methods that we trust will still be effective in getting us to where we want to be: into a closer relationship with the God who loves us, gave himself to save us, and who longs for us to live abundant lives (John 10:10).

Finally, a date for your diaries: the dates for our Annual Parochial Church Meetings have been set: Wed 22nd April for Plaxtol (in Church, 7.30 for a glass of wine before an 8pm start); and Monday 27th April for Shipbourne (in the Village Hall, 7.30 for a glass of wine before an 8pm start).These are important meetings in the life of the church; this is when those on the Electoral Roll get to be electors, but all are welcome to attend.

Peter Hayler, Rector


|Community |Saturday 28th March 2020 |

|Bread |from 9.30 to 11.30am |

|Basket |in Plaxtol Church |


Café Style Breakfast at Plaxtol Church

All welcome

Including Food Bank Collection and Book Sale/Swap


Just fill in the name on one of the slips of paper at the back of the church and put it with your donation in one of the envelopes marked “Easter Lilies” and give it to one of the Churchwardens. Alternatively you can send your donation to Felicity Ward at Hookwood House, Shipbourne, Kent TN11 9RJ. Cheques should be made payable to Mrs F. L. B. Ward please.

There will be a list in church at Easter in memoriam of all the people who are being remembered.

We shall also use daffodils or tulips for the church at Easter, so if you would like to give some to the church please bring them to St Giles between 9 and 10 am on Saturday 11 April, when we shall be decorating the church. If the weather warms up, we shall use yellow and white tulips on the windowsills, as the daffodils may be going over by then.

If you would like to help with the church flowers at Easter, please contact Felicity Ward (810525).


St Giles, Shipbourne needs more bell ringers. If you are a ringer and would like to try ringing with us, or if you would like to learn how to ring, please contact Paul Britton on 01732 365794. Bell ringing is an enjoyable team activity and anyone aged 12 or more can learn.


The contact details for the Parish Council are:

Shipbourne Parish Council

Clerk – Mrs Sarah Huseyin

Gable Cottage

Ismays Road

Ightham TN15 9BE

e-mail: shipbourneparishcouncil@

Telephone: 01732 886402

Please visit the website for Shipbourne Parish Council Meeting Agenda’s, Minutes and News. () If you have any ideas or would like something added, such as a news item, please email the Parish Clerk.


We currently have 1 vacancy. The Parish Council meet on the second Monday of each month at Shipbourne Village Hall at 7.30pm. If you live or work in the village and would like to become a Parish Councillor, please contact shipbourneparishcouncil@ for further details.


If you notice a pothole, please report via the KCC website portal.

Alternatively email the Parish Clerk:



Shipbourne Parish Council will be organising a litter pick on Sunday 29th March at 11am. If you would like to participate, please meet at Shipbourne Village Hall.

Please bring gloves and black bags, we will organise for a rubbish collection at the village hall and can provide litter pickers.

Refreshments available from the village hall.


To report a non-urgent crime, call 101. Kent Police have launched a new online reporting service: The public can now report crimes and incidents as well as non-injury road traffic collisions ONLINE directly through the website ( We have received a number of reports about outbuildings being broken into, please ensure that sheds and outbuildings are locked and report any incidents.


Please note that Agenda’s and Parish notices will be displayed on the Parish Noticeboard in the refurbished bus shelter on Upper Green Road. All other information including Minutes and accounting information will be posted on our website and are available from the Parish Clerk shipbourneparishcouncil@ .


For the latest information on the Local Plan, please go to .uk and select Planning, Local Plan. Shipbourne Parish Councils responses to the consultation can be found on our website.


TM/20/00151/FL – Martins, Reeds Lane, Shipbourne, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9RR. Removal of existing chimney stack to the South East wing of the property.

Ightham Mote

You may be aware that there is a planning application to move the car park at Ightham Mote, planning reference TM/19/02842/FL:

“Construction of a relocated car park in the lower section of the field to the east of the Walled Garden and the existing parking area; the restoration of the North Drive, the removal of the temporary Visitor Reception building, the reinstatement of the Walled Garden and the erection of a replacement Visitor Reception and Shop, Glasshouse and Bothy within the restored Walled Garden together with associated landscaping and drainage works” 

Details can be found on the TMBC website

The application will be discussed at the Area 2 Planning Committee, the date is not yet published. If you would like to speak,

you must register your intention to do so, once the agenda has been published, any time up to 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting by emailing You will be given 3 minutes to speak.


The Parish Council support TMBC who declared a climate emergency and recently voted (unanimously) to become carbon neutral by 2030. A subcommittee is due to bring a report as to how to achieve this back to council by May 2020.

Members of the Parish Council will be attending Futurebuild 2020, 3-05 March 2020 / Tue & Wed 10:00 – 18:00, Thu 10:00 – 16:00 at ExCeL, London. Join us!

Future Build 2020 is worth a visit if you want to find out more about how we can address and mitigate climate change: from building techniques and retrofitting technology to greening our spaces in towns villages and cities.

Futurebuild brings together 27,000 industry influencers and shapers to drive real change. A world class knowledge programme alongside an immersive exhibition of 450 innovative and inspiring brands and a host of networking events will combine to create an unmissable experience.

Of particular interest to those concerned about climate change is the Arena programme ‘Responding to the emergency – making the transition to a zero carbon world’

The Arena programme is free to attend and will address 10 key topics for transforming the industry to achieve net zero carbon emissions in a resilient and sustainable environment.

Find out more and register for Futurebuild 2020:

If you do not have internet connections contact Sarah Huseyin who will pass you to a Parish Councillor who can register you.

Government consultation on building regulations and impact on planning

This can be found at

This consultation sets out our plans for the Future Homes Standard, including proposed options to increase the energy efficiency requirements for new homes in 2020. The Future Homes Standard will require new build homes to be future-proofed with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency; it will be introduced by 2025. The deadline is 7th February 2020.


If you have had any problems with missed collections or missing/damaged bins, please refer to the website below where you can find all of the information on how best to resolve your issue.

.uk/waste or call TMBC Waste Services Team on 01732 876147

If you are not satisfied with the response from TMBC, please contact our Borough Councillor, Wendy Palmer on or call our Parish Clerk Sarah Huseyin on 01732 886402.

For further details on what items can go in each bin visit .uk/recycleforall If you need help putting your recycling and refuse out for collection, please contact the Waste team.


There are 3 defibrillators in Shipbourne – one is on the outside wall of The Chaser and on calling 999 you will be given the code to unlock the cabinet. We have one on the outside wall of Shipbourne Village Hall in an unlocked cabinet and one at the Kentish Rifleman Public House available during pub opening hours. No training is required to use the defibrillators, when you turn the defibrillator on, you will be given instructions on what to do. Shipbourne Parish Council will be organising another first aid and demonstration session in Spring 2020. The date will be advertised in the newsletter and on our website.

Mrs Sarah Huseyin - Parish Clerk

e-mail: shipbourneparishcouncil@


A close friend phoned me last Saturday to tell me that a Great Grey Shrike had been seen near the Hop Farm at Paddock Wood and did I fancy going to try and find it. The problem however with chasing rarities, unless you are on the grapevine with those who make it their almost fanatical hobby, the directions you get are not normally much clearer than those given to my buddy, and spotting a bird just 10 inches long somewhere near the Hop Farm is about par for the course!

A Great Grey Shrike, to those who have never heard of it, let me give a brief description, is a winter migrant from Europe that rarely ventures to our shores. It is a stunning “looker” with a soft grey back, a pure white breast and a black mask running from the beak to behind the eye. But the most distinctive thing, as with all shrikes is their habit of impaling insects, and in the case of the Great Grey Shrike, more usually small birds, on the spikes of blackthorn or other unforgiving thorny hedgerow species. This is known as it’s “larder”.

The last time I saw a Great Grey Shrike in the UK was in Orpington hunting a hedgerow at the back of Newstead Woods Girls Grammar School, fortunately it was a Sunday - no problem there. However the following summer, the playing fields of the same girls’ school was host to a Hoopoe, an equally rare Mediterranean visitor. Blinded by the possibility of seeing this rather rare bird and with the naivety that still haunts me, found yours truly looking across the playing fields with my binoculars, empty I must add at the time of all inmates of this girls school. Bearing in mind my actions, I thought the Deputy Head was very reasonable when enquiring what the hell I was doing. Suddenly the realisation of my actions dawned upon me, but fortunately the Hoopoe was still drilling holes in their playing fields and she was fascinated to see as well and we parted on good terms.

The other time my name was very nearly dragged into the mire, was when looking after an injured Kingfisher. Taking on injured birds is alright, but when their specific diet involved regular trips to Shoreham village to catch tiddlers in the river, it got a bit much! I noticed that all the local youngsters, it was school holidays, were

much more successful at this than I was. So I persuaded them to catch them for me and this kept my Kingfisher well fed for days. However when one of the boys told this dad, his dad thought it time to check me out. This rather large guy turned up requesting further information and again my naivety suddenly dawned upon me. So think before your enthusiasm lands you in trouble - bird watching can be dangerous!

Ian Bowles


Members were treated to an intriguing display of lace and artifacts associated with lace - making and the fashion industry, as they arrived for the monthly meeting.

Lin Saines, our speaker explained about the Schiffli Pantograph Embroidery Machine, which was imported to Nottingham from Switzerland in 1908. It was a 10 yard machine, which required 500 wooden cotton bobbins and 500 shuttles. The machine produced laces through history for both war and royalty, including the lace for Diana, Princess of Wales’s wedding dress. 

Plans are under way for future events, but the most immediate include a walk in Knole Park with lunch at the White Hart and a Book Club meeting following our reading “Dear Mrs Bird” by A.J. Pearce.

The next Committee Meeting will be on 4th March, and the main meeting on 11th March in the Village Hall at 2 pm, when the talk will be “The Story of English Country Cheese”.

As Spring approaches, this may be the ideal time for you to join us at Shipbourne WI. 

Glynis Coates


Many thanks to those of you who have dropped items from the wish list into school. All donations will continue to be gratefully received.

As we head towards Easter, we hope to be joined by better weather so that we can get outside as much as possible. Outdoor afternoons will begin again, with the whole school developing the wildlife area and planting seeds in the raised beds, ready for harvesting later in the year. 

As part of the History curriculum, Fairlawne Class will be spending the day at the Museum of Kent Life, learning about the Ancient Egyptians, and Hampton Class will extend their learning about the Romans when they visit Lullingstone Villa. The whole school will use the BBC Ten Pieces resources to develop their learning in music. We are also looking forward to our Spring Concert at which our pianists will perform some of the pieces learnt in their lessons this year.

The Spring Term will finish with a service at St Giles' Church and an Easter Egg hunt, kindly organised by our PTA.

Mrs T Daters

Head of School, Shipbourne School


The average day temp. was 10.70c, the average night temp. was 4.10c, the highest day temp. was 140c, the lowest night temp. was -3.50c, the total rainfall was 81mm, the average rainfall over the last 25 years was 67mm, with the highest month being January 2014 with 192mm, and the lowest month being January 1997 with 28mm. This month I recorded the highest barometric pressure since my records began 1053mbs, I think that the meteorological office said that it was the highest since 1957.

Lionel Stielow


The Plaxtol Players, as some newer Plaxtol and Shipbourne residents may not be aware, is your local amateur dramatic group. It has been responsible, over the years, for staging all kinds of plays – period pieces (not too serious), farces (hilarious), pantomimes (quirky), outdoors productions (all weathers) and even the odd Shakespeare (only the comedies so far) plus plays written by local residents – and we also host an annual quiz night in the Memorial Hall. We are keen to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, and to this end are thinking of doing something a little different in October this year.

So, we would like to invite new members to join us. If you feel you would like to give acting a go, or if you fancy stage building, making costumes, doing make-up, sourcing props, prompting, directing or producing, writing scripts, or would just like to help out, we would be delighted to welcome you. We can work around whatever time and energy you have, and although we always try to put on as good a show as possible, it is all about having fun.

Do contact us, if you feel you might be interested. Either call Carole on 07889340168 or e-mail her on carolehowlett@ ; or call Sandy on 01732 811494 or e-mail her on sandy.oram@.

So looking forward to hearing from you.

Carole Howlett

Chair Plaxtol Players



Sunday 29 March 2020



Please send any articles and adverts for the April newsletter by 15 March 2020. Please note any articles received after this date will be held over to the next issue. Please email articles to lindsay_miles@ or call 01732 810439.

BULK REFUSE SERVICE (4th Saturday of the month)

8-9am, Upper Green Lane (opposite the Village Hall)

Saturday 28 March 2020

Saturday 25 April 2020


Over recent months many local residents have contacted me in connection with the recent change of refuse and recycling contractor by Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council (T&MBC), which commenced in October 2019. I am pleased to report that it would appear that following very severe warnings from T&MBC to Urbaser, their new collection contractor, significant improvements are beginning to appear. My response to requests for assistance, has I hope been sympathetic, although where direct intervention has been required, I have always enlisted the help of the appropriate T&MBC Councillor. This is because T&MBC is responsible for the collection of your waste and recycling as the Waste Collection Authority

As a side issue, the overriding question has been “Is all this sorting for recycling really helping?” followed by “because they appear to put all our recycling into the back of the same lorry mixing up all my recycling separation, including the food waste”. The answer is yes - it definitely is worthwhile. This is because although it sometimes looks as though your waste and recycling appears as though it is being mixed - it definitely is not!

KCC is not responsible for the collection of recycling and waste from households, but is responsible, as the Waste Disposal Authority, for ultimate recycling and disposal. Accordingly, I asked one of my colleagues Cllr Robin Betts, a Ward Member for Wrotham, Ightham and Stansted and the T&MBC Cabinet Member for Waste, Recycling and Street Scene, to explain in layman’s terms how Urbaser has recently improved their waste and recycling practices, to better meet the needs of residents and he writes as follows:

‘’I would like firstly to thank all those T&MBC residents for your patience over recent months, but most of all for the enthusiasm with which you have supported the new T&MBC recycling service. The task to change from the previous arrangements, to embrace far greater recycling for 54000 properties across our Borough, has proven to be very challenging. From the commencement of the new contract in October, T&MBC have worked very hard to bring about the necessary improvements, and will continue to do so in the months and years ahead.

The recycling vehicle design proposed to be used by the new contactor, whilst technically superior, was subsequently found to be too large for our small lanes and rural villages. In addition, they did not have the correct ratio of capacities, in particular for the greater than expected volume of recycling that residents had sorted. The volume of residents recycling, although greater than at first anticipated is, both welcome and to be applauded. As a result of early experience, collection vehicles have now been changed to just twin compartment vehicles. One compartment for the contents of the green recycling bin (plastics, bottles, cans etc). The second compartment is for paper and cardboard. A separate food waste vehicle is now collecting food waste from your food caddie on the same day, but at a different time to that of the main recycling vehicle.

On black bin refuse collection weeks, again a twin compartment vehicle will collect both black bins and food cadies. From a distance it may appear that your food waste is being tipped in with black bin refuse, but this is not the case. There are two separate compartments in these vehicles, one for food waste and one for refuse. For those subscribing to the brown bin service, garden waste will continue to be collected in the same format on black bin collection days only.

To finish - exceptionally good news - whilst still early days, the first two month’s recycling figures have just been released showing that T&MBC residents have achieved a staggering 54.5% recycling rate, which puts T&M residents at the top of the Kent districts recycling league and very high in the national league table. Well done T&M residents for recycling so diligently!”

Next time – how KCC process your waste and recycling - where it goes and how it gets there.

Harry Rayner

Kent County Councillor

Tel 03000 421606




Shipbourne Village Hall

Registered Charity No 1074519

The Hall can be hired for £12.50 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours (£50.00). It has an attractive secure garden with a good gate that can be closed. Inside there is wheelchair access through the rear door, a well-appointed kitchen, the main hall and an adjoining side room plus all usual facilities.

For Village Hall enquiries and bookings please call 01732 811144 or

07762 241720 or email shipbourne.villagehall@

Further details can be found on the Shipbourne website








Contact Peter Leach

Tel: 01732 811144 Mob: 07889 362462

References and photo gallery available at



[pic] [pic]

The Kentish Rifleman

Dunk’s Green, TN11 9RU

A Free House and by far the best pub in Dunk’s Green

16th Century Inn serving a good selection of real ales, wines and home cooked food. Now open all day, every day from 11.30am.

Bookings always advisable on 01732 810727



| |

|Wednesday |

|4th |

|09:15-10:15 |

|Yoga* |

| |

|Thursday |

|5th |

|19:30-20:30 |

|Pilates* |

| |

|Saturday |

|7th |

|09:00-12:00 |

|Puppy Classes |

| |

|Monday |

|9th |

|19:30-20:30 |

|Parish Council |

| |

|Wednesday |

|11th |

|09:15-10:15 |

|Yoga* |

| |

|Wednesday |

|11th |

|14:00-16:00 |

|WI |

| |

|Thursday |

|12th |

|19:30-20:30 |

|Pilates* |

| |

|Saturday |

|14th |

|09:00-12:00 |

|Puppy Classes |

| |

|Saturday |

|14th |

|13:30-17:30 |

|Private Hire |

| |

|Wednesday |

|18th |

|09:15-10:15 |

|Yoga* |

| |

|Thursday |

|19th |

|19:30-20:30 |

|Pilates* |

| |

|Saturday |

|21st |

|09:00-12:00 |

|Puppy Classes |

| |

|Saturday |

|21st |

|13:00-17:00 |

|Private Hire |

| |

|Monday |

|23rd |

|20:00-22:00 |

|PCC |

| |

|Wednesday |

|25th |

|09:15-10:15 |

|Yoga* |

| |

|Thursday |

|26th |

|19:30-20:30 |

|Pilates* |

| |

|Saturday |

|28th |

|09:00-12:00 |

|Puppy Classes |

| |

|Sunday |

|29th |

|08:00-12:00 |

|Litter Picking Refreshments |

| |

|*If you would like to join either the Pilates or | |**Scottish Dancing is on hold until Margaret |

|Yoga classes, please contact Emma for Pilates | |is fully recovered from her recent accident. |

|(07967 645695) or Alison for Yoga (07966 257027). | | |

Helen Leach 01732 811144


My small friendly classes allow you to take timeout from your busy life.

Classes start with a short meditation, focusing on breathing techniques, followed by a flowing sequence of standing/laying poses, strengthening balances and seated stretches.

Finishing with complete relaxation.

Mats and blocks are provided.

Classes are at the following locations so please get in contact for availability and prices.

Bookings now being taken for January.

(Discounts for block bookings)

St. Lukes Church Parish Room Chiddingstone Causeway.

Tuesdays 7.30pm – 8.45pm

Thursday 9.15am – 10.30am

Haysbrook School Dance Studio, Brook Street Tonbridge

Mondays 7.30pm – 8.30pm

Shipbourne Village Hall Upper Green Shipbourne.

Wednesdays 9.15am -10.15am


Shipbourne Farmers Market qualified for the national finals of the Farm Retail Associations ‘Best Farmers Market’. Unfortunately the results will only be known on the 3rd March so I’m afraid you will have to watch this space as this is written way before then. You could of course find out via our e-newsletter which we send out twice a month. Click on Shipbourne on the website and then click on Reminders. By entering your email you can then receive our e-newsletter.

We welcome 2 new stallholders to the market:- The Green Juicery a Tonbridge based ‘fermentary’ making probiotic rich drinks and vegetable ferments with a selection of kombucha, water kefir, beet kvass and milk kefir, sauerkraut and fermented salad toppers; and BESTT dog biscuits, where you can find the best baked, ethical, sustainable tasty treats available made3 from natural ingredients, absolutely no additives. Spring is just around the corner and at the end of the month the clocks go forward, with the promise of longer, warmer days as the season changes.

Seafood is excellent in March especially scallops (see recipe below). For meat eaters, pork is an excellent choice this month and it’s still ideal weather to enjoy a hearty roast on Sunday with all the family. Try a shoulder joint for the best combination of flavour and texture. The cheaper cuts of meats are worth trying in slow cooked stews –pork belly, breast of lamb, shin of beef – all great value and superb eating. Rough shooting takes over as the end of the season has arrived for many game birds so rabbit and wood pigeon are both good value now.

Winter cabbages, cauliflower, spring greens and kale are all picking well now. They need little cooking and are really at their best simply shredded and steamed. Cauliflower goes really well with curry spices so try it in vegetable curries, soups and fritters. Make the most of leeks, carrots, swede and Jerusalem artichokes before they disappear.

Forced rhubarb is really the only local fruit around now but the season is short so make the most of it. Use it in crumbles, fools, ice creams and sauces – it goes particularly well with a large pinch or

two of ginger. Or make up batches of rhubarb compote and freeze in pots for later in the year. Don’t forget that local apples are still good as the storing varieties go on delivering flavour and texture until April.

For more information see



(A Mary Gwynne recipe)

A really wonderful way to enjoy scallops while they at their finest, this simple recipe can also be made with prawns. Use either fresh linguine or the best quality dried (made with durum wheat) for the best results

Serves 2 / Prepare 5 minutes / Cook 10 minutes

• 150 – 2000g good quality linguine

• 2 tbsp olive oil

• 5 fresh scallops with their coral, cut into pieces

• 1 large clove garlic, finely chopped

• large pinch crushed chillies

• 2 -3 tbsp dry white wine

• 3 tbsp chopped flat leafed parsley

• squeeze of lemon juice

• salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 Cook the pasta in a large pan of salted boiling water according to packet instructions. Keep the water at a good boil to avoid the pasta sticking and don’t stir apart from when you first add it to the water.

2 When the pasta is nearly cooked, heat the oil in a medium frying pan. Add the scallops and saute quickly over a high heat to seal and brown. Add the garlic and chilli and cook for half a minute – don’t allow to burn - then add the wine and boil to reduce by half. Stir in the parsley and seasoning and add a squeeze of lemon juice.

3 Add a splash of cold water to the pasta to stop it cooking then drain thoroughly. Toss with the scallops and all their lovely juices. Serve immediately in warm bowls.


CAN YOU HELP? After many years of appreciated help, Tish is stepping down from the Newsletter team in a few weeks. If you are able to spare a small amount of time each month keeping tabs on the advertising in the Newsletter please let Tish or Lindsay know. Thanks Tish for all your help!

Shipbourne Classifieds –Contact Details:

Tish Gourmelon

Tel: 07966 035492 / Email: tishgo@

Simple Domestic and Personal Advertisements, up to four lines, are free to Newsletter readers. This free category includes items for sale or wanted, baby-sitting, dog walking, domestic needs etc.

To ensure Shipbourne Classifieds is kept up to date, each advertisement will be published in the Newsletter for three months and then removed unless requested otherwise.

Business Advertisements are charged at £1 per monthly issue or £10 for a whole year of 12 issues Also available are quarter-page display advertisements, charged at £10 per monthly issue, or £100 for a full year of 12 issues. Business advertisements must be booked and paid for in advance – please see contact details for Tish Gourmelon at the top of this page.

All revenue raised from Shipbourne Classifieds goes towards the printing costs of the Newsletter.

Disclaimer: Please note that the St Giles and Shipbourne Newsletter cannot be held responsible for the quality of the goods or services advertised in the Newsletter.

CLEANER AVAILABLE in the Shipbourne area. References from families I have cleaned for available. Please call 07593285320 or email (11/20)

MILLS & BOON BOOKS for sale £1.00 each or 20 for £15.00. All proceeds going to charity. Please contact 01732 810108 or 07732301967

MARVELLOUS MEN BUILDING AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: We do all types of building work and construction and refurbishment kitchens, bathrooms, extensions, loft conversions, painting and decorating, plumbing, electrics to garden and landscape work and much more. Please don’t hesitate to contact us on 07887 511411 or 07478 739947

FABS Fitness Classes for Older Adults covering FLEXIBILITY, AEROBIC, BALANCE and STRENGTH, enjoyable, effective exercises accessible to everyone, can be done seated or standing.  Age or ability are not barriers to an active lifestyle. OSH Hadlow - Tues 10.30am, Golden Green Hall Tues 12.30pm, Nettlestead - Wed 12.00

noon. Seated Class OSH Hadlow starts Tues 15th Jan 2.15pm, Seated Class Wateringbury Jan date TBC – Register today! Call: Carol 07941345001 Email: TASTER CLASS FREE (£5.00 per session thereafter) (12/19)

IF YOU NEED HELP with personal household costs or club activity details, I can help to organise your data in easy-to-understand spreadsheets to ease your workload and improve your presentation - charged @ £10/hr. Please contact Nick on 07784 231127 to discuss your requirements. (10/19)

WEALD PRE-SCHOOL local pre-school, established for over 50 years, offering a caring, safe and stimulating environment for children to develop friendships and have fun! Experienced and caring staff, spacious hall and garden, safe drop-off area. Open every weekday during term time for children aged 2-5 years old in St Georges Church Hall, Church Road, Weald. Breakfast club available from 7.30am. Contact us on 07453 016132/ 01732 450272 (church hall) weald_preschool@

GARDENING SERVICES: Hadlow College and National Trust trained. Regular or one off jobs available. Please call Peter Zoephel on 01892 836866 or 07845 174936 (10/19)

DOG WALKING FOR BUSY PEOPLE. I'm a local dog owner and have worked at a kennels/ homing centre and am happy to offer dog walking 7 days a week on a regular or occasional basis. Reliable and responsible with references for reassurance. Looking forward to meeting your 4 legged friend. Call Laura 07922077552

DOG WALKER. 'I am a nineteen year old university student back for the holidays offering dog walking services. Whether you need your dog walked or looked after during the day, I'd be happy to help. Philippa 07752 304272

UNLOCK MY PAST: Local Photo, Negative & Slide Scanning, Cine, Video & Audio Transfer Services. We also author slide shows, assist with compiling celebratory photo books, family history services and other related bespoke work.  Please view our website for details or contact us on 0333 011 8514 (local rate call). (05/19)

RUSTIC BIRD BOXES FOR SALE.  £8.00 each or two for £15.00.  All proceeds go to charity. ().Telephone 01732 365879

LOCAL MUSIC LESSONS: Experienced and enthusiastic violin, piano and music theory teacher now teaching lessons in Shipbourne. Beginners as well as advanced students. Excellent exam results track record. Contact: 01732 810984 or 077898 33740 (05/16)

FREE DELIVERY OF PRESCRIPTIONS - Thompson’s Chemist on Riding Lane, Hildenborough offer free delivery of prescriptions in Shipbourne and the surrounding area. Once your doctor has sent us the prescription, we take care of the rest. Call 833433 for details.

CHIROPODIST/PODIATRIST Alice Neale BScHons MChS, HCPC registered. Effective and caring foot care provided at my clinic in Hildenborough or home visits by arrangement. Established 10 years +. Please call 01732 832524LOCAL

BABYSITTERS AVAILABLE; two 15 year old girls available for babysitting weekends and weekday evenings. Comfortable with all ages - reliable and friendly. We live locally in Plaxtol. Please contact Hannah and Grace Bryden at brydensisters@

DOG GROOMING KENT - Sue Angliss your local pet groomer based in Plaxtol both Salon Details Certified and City & Guilds qualified. Find me on FB or Please call 01732 811023 (01/17)

HAIR BY SHARON - Mobile hairdresser, for prices or to make an appointment please call 01732 773043 (05/19)

TONBRIDGE OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC AT PEAK FITNESS GYM. Osteopathy for all ages and all problems. / 01732 369928 £10 discount off 1st appointment when you mention this newsletter!

MULTI-SKILLED TRADESPERSON, SHIPBOURNE BASED, with over 30 years’ experience. References available. Animal Enclosures, Carpentry, Disabled Adaptations, Fencing, Floor Laying, Plumbing, Tiling, Tree Surgery, no job too small, Free estimates. Please contact Martin on 07851105739 Email: martincruse4@ (12/16)

SALLY OSBORNE – ELECTRICIAN: NAPIT Part P approved. All domestic electrical work undertaken. To arrange a free quote please contact me on 07710 443079 or email (03/17)

DAVID ROWE Plumbing & Heating, a reliable engineer for all your domestic requirements including: boiler installation, servicing and repairs, full heating systems, radiators, hot water cylinders, power-flushing, gas fires, gas cookers, bathrooms. Please contact David, 07715266311 or email droweph@ (03/17)

YEW TREE & GARDEN SERVICES provide a complete solution to all your tree and gardening needs. Please visit us at For garden enquiries please call Simon on 07864 829587, for tree work please call Christian on 07711 783580. NPTC Qualified & Public Liability insured. (12/16)

KINDLING: Split softwood quality kindling sticks, neatly cut and bagged in large green or orange nets. These barn stored seasoned sticks are ideal for lighting woodburners, log fires or barbeques. £5 each or 3 nets for £12. C.O.D. Free delivery in Shipbourne. Ring Cilla on 810338

LOCAL WASP NEST TREATMENT: Fast, efficient, reliable. Andy Wasp 07833 558773

VEHICLE REPAIRS and maintenance. Local mechanic with 30 years experience. No job too large or too small on any make of vehicle, lawn mowers etc I have a fully-equipped van so can offer a mobile service. Call Fred on 07714749754 (12/16)

NEED ASSISTANCE with your tax return? Worried about tax? Let me help. Friendly and personal assistance from a specialist. Call John Foster-Powell FCCA on 01732 810661 or 07914 855035 to arrange a meeting to suit you. Free initial consultation.

B AND B holiday accommodation in self-contained oast house in the heart of Shipbourne village. Visit For further details phone 01732 811256 or e-mail

BED AND BREAKFAST in the centre of Plaxtol. Periwick Barn offers friendly informal accommodation in two oast bedrooms overlooking the rear garden. Traditional English breakfast is included. For more information telephone me Anne Shelmerdine 01732 811368 or go to my website (06/20)

WE ARE DOWNSIZING and have several items of stripped pine furniture for sale (wardrobe, chest, small cupboards etc.) which we cannot squeeze into the new house!  Please email if you would like photos or ring 01732-833976 for more details.
















CAROLE: 07889 340168 – carolehowlett@

SANDY: 01732 811494 – sandy.oram@




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