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THE PROBLEM OF GOD: The Problem of SciencePastor Derek SanfordSeptember 2, 2018*Leader Tip: Use the daily READ plan (read or on the app) with your group to get the most out of this sermon series.Life Group Discussion Questions:Thinking back on this week’s sermon, was there a particular point or passage that challenged you, confused you, or caught your attention?Reread Romans 1:20-21. In what ways have you seen evidence of God through the world/science? “I don’t believe in anything” is a common statement today. Discuss with your group why this statement isn’t true. What are some things that we believe in that can’t be proven scientifically?Many people (including Christians) get hung up on whether Genesis 1 describes a literal seven-day creation. Read Genesis 1: 1-31. Derek mentioned that we need to explore the who and why behind science, not just the how and what. How is the creation story similar to the Big Bang Theory? How does this passage explain the who and the why of creation?God revealed himself to us through creation, His word, and through Jesus Christ. Read Hebrews 1:2-4. What role does Jesus play in knowing the who and why of the world?Before hearing the sermon, what was your perception of the relationship between faith and science? How has your perspective changed?Next Steps: How equipped are you to talk about the connections between faith and science? Consider doing some research this week on a question you have always wondered about. Try using as a starting point.Prayer Thought:Take some time silently confessing your lack of knowledge of how science and faith connect. Pray together for the Lord to reveal His wisdom to you and to be equipped to help break down barriers about science and faith with non-believers in your lives.THE PROBLEM OF GOD: The Problem of God’s ExistencePastor Derek SanfordSeptember 9, 2018Life Group Discussion Questions:Thinking back on this week’s sermon, was there a particular point or passage that challenged you, confused you, or caught your attention?Read John 1:1-5; Genesis 1:1; Col. 1:15-17; 1 John 1:1. These verses talk about the beginning of the earth and how the triune God was there creating. Derek said the prominent theory in science right now is the earth originated from ‘nothing’. Discuss the difficulty of believing this as opposed to believing in intelligent design by a creator.Read Romans 2:14-16 “…the law is written on their hearts.”—What does this mean? Think of some ways you see this moral law in action around you. How does this point to God’s existence?Read Psalm 19:1-6 and Romans 1:18-20 Think of some ways you see God revealed in the design of creation. How do the heavens declare the glory of God? How do you declare the glory of God? What does creation tell us about Him and how should we respond to that?Read Psalm 139:13-16; Job 38:1-11 What does it mean to be “fearfully and wonderfully made”? Discuss the incredible design of your body and how it functions to keep you alive with no effort on your part. Can you rationally explain this design if it was a random occurrence and not ‘made’?Read Hebrews 11:1-6; Romans 10:17. Derek said we need to “go where the evidence leads and not where we hope it leads.” What does that mean? How have you or someone you know struggled with the existence of God? Share some ways you have seen doubt turn to faith. How do we get the faith to believe in God? Next Steps: If you are struggling with doubts about God go ahead and ask Him to reveal the truth to you. If you are sure of God’s existence thank Him for that gift of faith and pray for someone you know who is still unsure.Have a discussion with someone about the origin of the earth and all life. If you’ve already done that this week, share about this with your group. Prayer Thought: Take a few breaths and concentrate on all that is going on inside your body from your head to your feet as you breathe, then pray silently in thanks to God for the amazing design of your body and those of the people you love. Conclude by asking Him to help you declare His glory with His gift of life.THE PROBLEM OF GOD: The Problem of Hypocrisy Pastor Derek SanfordSeptember 16, 2018Life Group Discussion Questions:Thinking back on this week’s sermon, was there a particular point or passage that challenged you, confused you, or caught your attention?Read: 1 Peter 3:8-9. Pastor Derek says the first step to dealing with our hypocrisy, as Christians is to confess it. Why is repentance such an important part of being a fully devoted follower of Jesus? What might change in your interactions with non-believers if you approach conversations with a repentant spirit? How can you incorporate repentance into your daily faith journey?When you think of your interactions with others, do you treat hypocrites different than you treat sinners? How so? Why or why not? (adapted from Connexus Church discussion guide “The Problem of God”)Read: Matthew 7:15-20. According to this passage, what identifies a false prophet? Where do you see this happening today?Read John 14: 6, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 7:7-8. In order for us to not become victim to hypocrisy – whether by false teachers or false disciples we have to know Jesus intimately. If you believe these scriptures to be true, how does that impact your daily walk? What do you need more of (or less of) to really know Jesus? What are some things you do to help you take what you’ve learned and put it into action?Read Matthew 9:12-13. Who does Jesus say that he came for? What are some things the church can do better to be the “hospital” rather than the “country club.” Next Steps: Spend a moment this week reflecting on your faith journey. Where are you at today? Where do you want to be? What can you do right now to know Jesus better? Are there areas of hypocrisy in your life? What can you do this week to turn those over to God?Prayer Thought: Thank God for loving you and accepting you – even though you sin and fall short. Thank him for being a God of forgiveness. Ask him to help you be more like him in your interactions with other people. Ask him to show you how to love others in a God honoring way. Ask him to give you a spirit of love and truth, not judgment.THE PROBLEM OF GOD: The Problem of SexPastor John TiernanSeptember 23, 2018Life Group Discussion Questions:Thinking back on this week’s sermon, was there a particular point or passage that challenged you, confused you, or caught your attention?Read Ephesians 1:4-6. How important is identity when it comes to matters of sex and sexuality? Ask yourselves right now- Who am I? Allow a few quiet moments for everyone to write down what comes to mind when you ask that question. (BONUS: Listen to Lauren Daigle’s “Here’s My Heart” or “You Say” while you write.)What are the challenges to truly walking in the confidence of our identity in Christ?Read 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. The Bible has a lot to say about sex. Our society also has a lot to say about sex. What is difficult about living in the tension between God’s Word (Truth) and societal trends/norms? How can we as individual Christians live within a Biblical worldview when it comes to sex and sexuality? How do we love others well when they think differently about these things?Read Romans 8:1, 15. Sex comes with a lot of baggage for a lot of people and can result in a lot of shame. What does it mean that we do not live under condemnation? What does it mean to cry “Abba” from a place of brokenness?LEADER: Check out the daily READ plan for ideas on an article or video to share with the group.Next Steps: Have a conversation- with your spouse, a friend, a significant other: How do you think God views sex? What step do you need to take to toward wisdom in this area? How can you take a step to fully surrendering your sexuality to God?Prayer Thought: Praise God for His good design, His good plan, His good gift of sexuality. Take time for quiet confession of sexual sin. Thank God for His mercy and grace to forgive us and restore us. Ask Him for wisdom, for healing, for freedom from shame.*LEADERS: If someone in your group needs counseling for sexual abuse or other trauma, please encourage them to take a step and reach out to gethelp@Vision: Find Your “3”Pastor Derek SanfordSeptember 30, 2018Life Group Discussion Questions:Thinking back on this week’s sermon, was there a particular point or passage that challenged you, confused you, or caught your attention?Read John 1:40-45. What is a reoccurring word in this passage? What does that suggest in regards for us? Andrew went and found his brother, Simon Peter. From what we know about Peter, how would his life and the life of the church been different if Andrew hadn’t “found” him. Notice in the passage that they were all from the same region. What might that teach us about where to start with sharing Christ? When Nathanael made the statement, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said, “Come and see.” What does this teach us when our friends have doubts about our Savior?Read Mark 5:18-20. Who did Jesus want the formerly demon possessed man to go tell his story too? Why do you think Jesus wanted him to start with them? Why do you think he went beyond Jesus command to telling the whole region of Decapolis? What keeps us from being that enthusiastic about the gospel? The text says that “everyone marveled”. Why is that significant? Is our story just as marvelous and if so, in what way? Read Mark 2:14-15. Jesus showed grace to Matthew, a tax collector. Matthew followed Jesus first by having a party. Who did he invite? What was the response? What do we learn from this passage?Pastor Derek asked us to commit to the 3-3-3-3 Initiative – pray for your 3 people for 3 minutes at 3:00 every day for the next 3 years or until they come to know Jesus as their savior. We learned that it takes time for people to come to faith so we need to make a commitment that will last 3 year. That is a long commitment so identify how you as a group will help each other follow through.Read John 4:28-42. What ultimately convinced the people that Jesus was the Christ? What does that mean to us? What should that mean for us?Next Steps: Have group members share what their social network is that will lead to their “3”.Prayer Thought:ADORATION: Praise God for salvation that comes through His Son, Jesus Christ.CONFESSION: Confess how many opportunities we fail to take an opportunity to share Jesus.THANKSGIVING: Thank God for entrusting us with sharing the gospel.SUPPLICATION: Ask God to work in us to lead our “3” to salvation through Jesus. ................

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