Aim: What was Tinker v

Aim: How have different Islamic empires experienced power?

Do now: Evaluate the image or quote:

“The whole of India is full of gold and jewels. And since the inhabitants are chiefly infidels and idolaters, by the order of God and his Prophet, it is right for us to conquer them.”

-Chief Adviser of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni, c.1000CE

(map from )

Homework: Sikhism Handout

Test Thursday (Crusades-Islamic empires)

I. The Delhi Sultanate (c.1000CE-c.1400)

A. Muslims invaded India

1. Horses over elephants

2. Hindu in-fighting

3. Conversion of low-caste Hindus

B. Invasion by Tamerlane broke sultanate

1. ( conflicting Muslim & Hindu states

Task: How does the following film clip of the border-closing ceremony b/w India & Pakistan reflect the divide b/w the two countries?

Task: Create a museum display about the rise and fall of Islamic empires. Your display should include the following information about your assigned empire:

1) A map of the empire (w/ major geographic features labeled)

2) How did the empire come to power?

3) What was the empire like?

4) What factors contributed to the empire’s decline?

A – Mughal India

B – Expanding the Ottoman Empire & Ottoman Culture

C – The Safavid Empire

Information on your assigned empire can be found in World History (pg.269-275).

Global History & Geography II Name:______________________________

Mr.Upham Spring 2011


Sikhism is a monotheistic religion based on a definitive revelation. With over 25 million followers worldwide, it is one of the youngest major world religions. Sikhism was revealed to Guru Nanak over 500 years ago in the Punjab, the Sikh Homeland in South Asia. Sikhism preaches a message of devotion, remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality between all human beings, social justice, while emphatically denouncing superstitions and blind rituals.

Articles Of Faith

Sikhs wear an external uniform to unify and bind them to the beliefs of the religion and to remind them of their commitment to the Gurus at all times. Initiated Sikhs wear the uniform which includes the Kesh (uncut hair), which is kept covered by a distinctive turban, the Kirpan (religious sword), Kara (metal bracelet), Kanga (comb) and Kaccha (under-shorts).

Core Beliefs

• Everyone has equal status in the eyes of God. No differentiation in status or ceremonies is made between men and women.

• Stresses the importance of leading a good moral life.

• Encourages moral and domestic virtues, such as loyalty, gratitude for all favors received, philanthropy, justice, truth and honesty.

• A monotheistic faith, Sikhism recognizes God as the only God who is Creator of all people and all faiths.

• Moral qualities and the practice of virtue in everyday life are vital steps towards spiritual development. Qualities like honesty, compassion, generosity, patience, humility etc. can be built up only by effort and perseverance.

• A modern, logical, and practical religion, Sikhism believes that normal family-life is no barrier to salvation.

• Life has a purpose and a goal. Human beings cannot claim immunity from the results of their actions and must be very vigilant in what they do.

• The individual has a right to develop his or her personality to the maximum extent possible. The Sikh is essentially a person of action, with an overwhelming sense of self-reliance.

• The individual must make a contribution to the social welfare as a sacred duty. The gulf between the more fortunate and the less fortunate has to be bridged.

• Material adapted from

Task: Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist thought heavily influenced Sikhism. Prove or disprove this statement using the reading and your knowledge in at least 1 paragraph.


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