NAME: _________________________________ DATE ...

NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ________________ PER: ______ #: ______


***Remember the following essential question as you complete the different activities (hint hint)***

EQ- How does religion shape our beliefs and attitudes?

Each reading will help complete certain tasks and questions. The tasks are contained in your packet and the same title that appears below will also appear on the worksheet you will fill in.

VOCABULARY – Complete Vocabulary Sheet (In Your Vocabulary Section)

BENCHMARK LESSON – How do we use religion? Why does it exist?

← Lesson will be given – Readings will be Available to Complete Activity


Read EITHER reading NOT BOTH:

← Aryan Civilization - has a sun in the top right corner means the reading is above grade-level and a little more challenging.

← Conquest by the Aryans - has a star in the top right corner means that the reading it is at your grade-level.

SOCIAL HIERARCHY & RELGION - Reincarnation and Treatment of Others

← Hinduism 101

← “Dharma, Karma, and Moksha: This Life and the Next”

← The Complex Caste System

← India’s Untouchables


← “The Hindu Home”

← “Shedding some Light on Diwali”

RELIGION - Gods & Goddesses

← Hinduism 101


DIRECTIONS: Complete this vocabulary sheet. All of the words can be found in the readings as you complete activities.

|Vedas | |

| | |

|Sanskrit | |

| | |

|Aryan | |

| | |

|caste | |

| | |

|polytheistic | |

| | |

|monotheistic | |

| | |

|avatar | |

| | |

|Upanishads | |

| | |

|reincarnation | |

| | |

|dharma | |

| | |

|ahimsa | |

| | |

|karma | |

| | |

|moksha | |

|brahman | |

| | |

Benchmark Lesson:


In the absence of modern science, religion helped ancient people to explain the unexplainable things in life and in the world.

Civilization Wheel Part:

SOCIAL HIERARCHY & RELIGION – Reincarnation and the Treatment of Others

DIRECTIONS: In the space below, create a social pyramid with the 5 castes with their Sanskrit names and some examples of the jobs performed by each group.


← Hinduism 101

← “Dharma, Karma, and Moksha: This Life and the Next”

← The Complex Caste System

← India’s Untouchables

Civilization Wheel Part:

SOCIAL HIERARCHY & RELIGION – Reincarnation and the Treatment of Others

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in Complete Sentences.


← Hinduism 101

← “Dharma, Karma, and Moksha: This Life and the Next”

← The Complex Caste System

← India’s Untouchables

1. How does having such a strict class system affect the relationships people have with one another?


2. How does having such a strict class system affect the daily life of the people in Ancient India? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How does “dharma” justify, or make the caste system fair?


4. Describe the Hindu belief of reincarnation. How might this belief justify treatment of the lower castes? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Do we have an “unofficial” caste system in the US? How?




Civilization Wheel Part:

RELIGION - Gods and Goddesses

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the graphic organizer below with the names of the 3 most important Hindu gods and some information about what each one does/is. Also Answer the question below?


← Hinduism 101


the all powerful


Is Hinduism monotheistic, polytheistic or both? Explain your answer.



Civilization Wheel Part:


DIRECTIONS: The Hindu religion shapes the daily lives of its followers. Using “The Hindu Home” describe three daily activities that are affected by being Hindu and explain how each activity is related to the beliefs of the religion. Then use “Shedding Some Light on Diwali” to answer the questions below.


← “The Hindu Home”

← “Shedding some Light on Diwali”

ACTIVITY #1-__________________________________________________________________________



ACTIVITY #2-__________________________________________________________________________



ACTIVITY #3-__________________________________________________________________________



1. What can the festival of Diwali tell us about Hinduism (even if you didn’t know anything about this religion at all)?



2. What is the purpose of Diwali?



3. If you are Hindu, explain how your family celebrates Diwali. If you are not Hindu, do you celebrate

any holidays like this one? EXPLAIN.




Religious Customs Show & Tell

Are you Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jewish or any other religion? Want to show it to the class?

Sign up by December 9th!

Show & Tell on December 12th!

List some things that these creation myths (or stories) have in common:

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

What are the ways that modern science explains the events that happened in these creation myths?



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