Education Leeds

Can Do Learners, Ambitious Futures10.2.21 Dear Families,I trust this letter finds you safe and well. Well another funny half term is completed. I am very pleased to say that no bubbles have burst since we went back into Lockdown, so that is a positive.You may be seeing a lot of talk in the media at the moment about plans for ‘educational recovery’.?I want to reassure you that we already have clear #InspiredToLearn plans in place for when all children are allowed to return to school, hopefully March 8th. We are very much looking forward to this day.?As shared previously, when it’s safe to do so, we will be at the front of the line to make this happen. As soon as any information becomes available, we will share this with you in a clear and timely manner.On our return to school, we will be focusing on so much more than just ‘catch-up’ in core academic areas.?Children will be encouraged to reconnect with the arts, sports, play, musical performance, drama, singing, and learning as a collective.It is our belief that children will need to feel they belong again and re-engage with school and each other. It is also our belief that narrowing the curriculum or children’s experiences in the name of ‘academic catch-up’ will negatively impact children and their progress (including academic).We believe all children should be ‘catching on’ not ‘catching up’ with learning - after all, learning is a lifelong journey.?As ever, we will continue our mission to inspire all children to learn.REMOTE LEARNINGWe have one of the best Virtual Libraries in the country on our website, please encourage your child to read, read and read. Here is the link. on sending the wonderful work into school, I am very impressed. Last week saw over 80% engaging in the Remote Learning. This is great BUT as this is not a holiday, we should be hitting 100%. Please keep your child focussed and on task please to ensure they don’t fall behind. Children are expected to complete the work set every day. will continue to chase up the children that are NOT completing the work You may also e mail to , upload onto Seesaw (for the YG’s using this) or return your paper packs for marking.LAPTOPS AND FREE WIFI.?We still have 17 laptops available to loan from school. ??These really need looking after as they will need to be returned to school when we fully reopen.??DATA – I still have 40 packs of FREE data that you simply put into the laptops and x50 free Wi-Fi dongles. Let the office know if you need it asap.?You simply plug it in and it is FREE Wi Fi??Competition time:?A very kind gentleman has given four brand new Raspberry Pi computers to school. These are prizes in KS2 for the best four entries. Think of the problems we have in the environment and design a new invention to help… Draw it, label it, write about it OR even make a video… be creative. Check on the link below.?? your child is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, please keep them off school, no matter how much you may believe it is a common cold. Evidence is beginning to show that this is not the case. If your child displays any of these symptoms in school, we will ask you to collect them and book in for a test. Your child will only be able to come back to school upon confirmation of a negative test result or after 10 days of isolation.Currently, the transmission rate in Leeds is lower than national average, with the UK COVID Data website showing the rolling rate at 231 cases per 100,000, in Seacroft the figure is 293 per 100,000.Half Term Meals.We will be providing meal vouchers for the half term holiday, this will be ?15 per child with an entitlement to free school meals in place (this does not include KS1 + Rec universal meals) You will receive a text or email by the end of his week, follow the links which will allow you to choose your desired supermarket and a voucher will be shown. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to our continued work together.Take care all, can’t tell you how much I am missing you.Yours sincerely,Chris Dyson ................

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