

The Business Plan

You’ve got a business idea. You’ve decided to start a business.

You want to get going.

But there’s a lot more to a good business than a good idea.

You need to think things through to maximise your chances of success.

Are you the right person to run the business? Will customers like your product?

A business plan will help you turn an idea into a business. It needs you to think through all the parts of your business to plan how everything will work. It will take a few weeks to write if you’re going to do it properly. Some parts will be easier to complete than others.

Stick at it because it’s not the final document that’s important, it’s the process. Although you want to have a good plan when you’re done, an OK plan is better than no plan.

The Prince’s Trust Business Plan Pack

The best business plans aren’t long and complex; they explain only the most important information – what you want to achieve, how you will get there and the things you need to do along the way.

It’s best to tackle a business plan in small chunks. The Prince’s Trust Business Plan Pack can help. This is The Business Plan divided into sections to help you develop your business idea. You can use the information in The Guide to help you complete the sections. Some of the sections of The Business Plan have tables to record the financial parts of your business. The tables are also available in MS Excel format and the sums in these are automatic.

The Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme

The Prince’s Trust has helped many young people to complete their business plans and start their own businesses. If you are aged 18–30 and unemployed or working fewer than 16 hours per week, then we might be able to help you. We have offices throughout the UK and in each there is a team of Enterprise Programme staff.

To take part, you need to be interested in self employment and have a business idea that you would like help to test and explore. The programme can then help you to see if your business idea will work and whether self employment is right for you. If through this process you find out it is, the programme can offer mentoring support and, if you really need it, financial support to start your business. However, if self employment turns out not to be the right option, the programme can offer support to secure other goals in employment, education, training or voluntary work.

We can’t guarantee that your business will work or that we will be able to offer you money, but if you are up for a challenge and want our help to explore your business idea, get in touch and come and meet us.

Getting started

Whose plan is this?

Business and owner details:


Free-lance 3D modelling

Business name:


Platinum Industry

Owner(s) name:


Dylan Conner Parker

Business address and postcode:


14 marine crescents NR304ET

Business telephone number:



Business email address:



Home address and postcode (if different from above):


Home telephone number (if different from above):


Home email address (if different from above):


Section one

Executive summary

1.1 Business summary:

Platinum Industry is a free-lance base in the UK where the aim is to help anyone range from young student to adults to learn how to use the many 3D software that are depends on the prefers of the clients. We know that there are different ways people like to learn so we set up 3 different package deals you can buy depends on the client. They’ll can get access to a teacher who have lesson set up for 1 to 1 or group season.

1.2 Business aims:


The business aims of my company is to enable new people to enter the 3D modelling environment because everyone always had that hard start. They didn’t know where to start, or what is the best software to use or if they want to try and learn the software they have to go through trying to buy the software but with my company I am going to be able to help them those people to get access to those software is and the teaching they can get just by learning how to use it.

I want to be a business that can always help someone or I’m the person you can go to ask for help or someone you can look for to get guidance for different software.

And part of the business plan is I want to be the guy who would arrange people together like I will find Independent article online and recruit them/offer them an opportunity to teach new people had a 3-D model and software and I want to go about this in a franchise way so trying to talk to different companies who 3-D software I could have access to so it might help in the long run so I don’t have to buy the software may have to spend money for it but in the long run it can cost less for the business.

1.3 Financial summary:

how’s the business going to start off I’m going to open a bank account what is going to be solely for the business and research the software for the licensing because some software I can get access for free but others require payment so I need to look into how much will that cost yearly and see if I can go through other businesses like a franchise so I might be able to get access to them in a different way without paying for it.

Are you need a 3-D modelling and want to get into the industry all learners insight about the 3-D modelling industry come by and take part in the lessons of learning through different 3-D software where you will be able to have access to them and to a teacher who will help educate you about the software these lessons can be one-to-one group session pre-recording sessions whatever it comes to the consumer that’s what we want to base this business about.

Getting a loan will help for a start of the business as the money that I’m asking for is enough it get me through the year from my rough calculating and may need taking in the considering of the teacher payment as I kept that in mind mostly.


Elevator Pitch

1.4 Your business name:


Platinum Industry

1.5 Strapline:


Where anyone can make a start.


Start whenever you’re ready.

1.6 Elevator pitch:

Want to know a place where you can learn to 3D-modeling, Platinum Industry is a company which will provide you with a teacher to give you help and understanding of the 3D modelling world. Our worker will be experience in the different modelling software which suit your needs.

Section two

Owner’s background

2.1 Why do you want to run your own business?


• To gain experience for what’s it like running my own business

• Gain the understanding of making connects with other company

• I want to have control in what we do as a company

• I want this company to be able given new coming a new experience to 3D models

• I had small experience in running a business when I was left in charge of the business when parents were away on holiday

I want to run my own business as I want to find out what is truly like to be the boss of your own business as I have small experience with this as I have looked after my family business but that was only like for a weekend off for a week and it’s mainly nothing too great nothing to do with the finance or any other bits it was just mainly maintaining the business but I do want to learn the experience of what is truly like that only own business and just trying to adapt to the new things that are changing in the world at the moment.

I also want the experience of what it’s like to be a solo company built from scratch and slowly build it well and tried to make understandings and connection to other companies/other businesses and see how the trading world works as well.

2.2 Previous work experience:


Work at:

• 99Design (Work experience)

• Parker Donkeys World (Family business)

• Pub on the Prom (Casual work)

• Dino Hire (work for small time)

Previous work experience I have was working I have graphics company called 99 design where it’s a client base company where they would create different type of medium for a client, I worked in the family business called Parker’s Donkey World where we would take kids on the rides on the donkeys halfway up the beach and back, I worked in a pub/hotel doing mix-and-match of jobs from being a bellhop to glass collector I helped a lot about in this establishment And finally I worked in children’s entertainment for a private hire company called Daniel higher where we would be called out for children’s birthday party as entertainment for the kids.

2.3 Qualifications and education:



2.4 Training:

• was teacher by East Norfolk Sixth Form College game dev department to learn/understand 3DS Max and Mudbox

• used my free time to self-teach to use the basic of ZBrush and Blender

I have studied in East Norfolk six form college by the game development department to learn and understand how to use 3DS Max and my box. In my free time I have tried following tutorials and just experimenting with my own project using blenders brush and other software just to have an understanding of it.


Details of future training courses you want to complete:


• to take online course that would improve my skills in general

• take lesson to improve my base knows of ZBrush and Blender

2.5 Hobbies and interests:


• free time 3D modelling

• play video games with friends and colleagues

• boxing training

• creating props and costumes

hobbies are using my free time to try and make projects for model playing with friends online, I go boxing training twice a week.

2.7 Additional information:


Section three

Products and services

3.1 What are you going to sell?

a product

a service


3.2 Describe the basic product/service you are going to sell:

My product is going to be sold online on my own personal website that it’s going to be made for my business the reason why I’m doing it digitally as it going to be easy to keep it all in one place and most of the work can be easily accessed by people with Internet connection or people with surrounding area who has connection. As I have different variation of application for my business as you have an online lesson which is live you have pre-recorded video that you can access/download as well as on the website you will be paying by digital transactions.


• Digital transacts online

• Online lesson done digital

• Lesson will cost

• Getting access to digital software that will cost

3.3 Describe the different types of product/service you are going to be selling:

The type of service that My business is going to be selling to the public is tutorials and access to teachers to help people learn 3D digital software and I had different ways how this can be approached as I previously done research with a class in a college asking what type of learning do they like for example you have one-to-one, pre-recorded video so people can follow. The help this to be better for my target audience what are mainly students who are still at colleges and even high school depends how ambition they are I would like to try and figure out a discount for student what I think would attract more in a sense as some students may not have access to jobs at this time even with the ongoing Covid situation so having access to something like this and have a reason to have it a little bit cheaper for student can go along way and obviously how they would applied to it is when they set up their account they would need to show some sort of identification that they’re a student at their respectable educational establishment

• Digital Lesson (1 to 1 or group season etc) there are different method of learning from 1 to1, group season and many to learn.

• Prerecording lesson: where there be step to step on how to make a model of the teacher choice.

• Access to 3d software: the one of the goals of the business is to work as a Francine for client and if I’m able to get access to 3D software from company what can if an edge for new people who are willing to learn the software.

• Access to contact teachers: to be able to have access someone with the knowledge help with someone in need as a sort of online text support

3.4 If you are not going to sell all your products/services at the start of your business, explain why not and when you will start selling them:


with my product at first May not sell well at first as I would need to try and advertise the company’s product and say you would still be interested as mentioned previously I have done a small amount of research on students saying it would they be interested in my product and out of the group of 24 students about eight of them respond with yes they wouldn’t mind give it a go as my product is going to have a monthly/year subscription.

• If I can’t sell my product at the start it would take time to get clients, as I would need to advertise to show my services

3.5 Additional information:

• every person is different when it comes to learning

• it better to buy from a company that have multiple opinion then just only have 1 opinion.

• The price range will be reusable for new learners as some people who don’t work and live off pocket money

Section four

The market

4.1 Are your customers:




4.2 Describe your typical customer:


The type of customers I’m targeting for my business are young students who are eager or interested in learning 3-D digital software as it’s always interesting to learn and this is something we can just even land on the side just as a little hobby as our business can create different pathways for people they could just be Newbies who just want to see what the 3-D modelling industry is like and to see what type of work they have to do so with my business it can help them learn how to understand software and what they have to make in the industry.

• I would need to get in contact with company (business people) to try and get access to use their 3D software

• My target audience is young people age range 15 and higher

• People who want to learn 3D software or gain more experience.

4.3 Where are your customers based?


The range of customers can be all over the world in retrospect whoever got a link or you can access the website have access to my companies products so it really depends on the person and their length to learn 3-D modelling but as this is the start of the company if it works out in the near future I can probably expand the language barrier what’s in my business so it will be easier to understand for more people but for now my prediction is it’s going to be mainly English and maybe American people who will be using my product.

• The digital asset will be sale online

• So, customers could be base any where around the world

• But mainly the UK

• There are plans to try to tackle the language barrier, so this business can go through different franchise

4.4 What prompts your customers to buy your product/service?


What really prompt people to use my product are The willy-nilly people who once to learn how to use 3-D software as yet you can simply go onto YouTube and find some simple tutorial but sometimes they always leave out missing parts as in a sense of them might use all the shortcuts to do what they’re working on for the video but then is there is you who don’t know any shortcuts and it just you siting their like “wow this is really helpful”. As I mentioned previously that my target audience are students I still want to put the possibility is that that anyone can use my products ignoring the age they are as there are some people in life who get into 3-D modelling later on in life all who want to have a try and see what it’s like for own personal use.

• The people who are willing to learn the software

• Who want the understanding of the 3D modelling environment?

• People want an insight 3d modelling

4.5 What factors help your customers choose which business to buy from?


Helps my customers to choose the right type of product is the pound on their learning method they prefer as for me personally I prefer one-to-one learning as it easier to get attention from the teacher and they can always observe how are you use the 3-D software. It depends on the person who I willingly able to purchase the product as I mentioned before I even try to go the extra mile and tried to make discount for students because some students may have a part-time job someone not dependent on their environment Their in. For adults I would say they don’t mind paying the cash for the product, but this is just me talking a lot of people are different in their own ways, so I will say they wouldn’t mind purchasing the product.

• we have different way how the person wants to learn as similar website only do pre-recording

4.6 Have you sold products/services to customers already?



If you answered “yes”, give details:


4.7 Have you got customers waiting to buy your product/service?



If you answered “yes”, give details:


In sense I have as mentioned a while back when I asked a class of students would they be interested in my product so it would be worth asking more classes different age because the age range of those students are the first years so they would be like 16 to 17-year-olds if I were to ask like the next year some of them may say yes some may say no but depends how willingly they want to learn outside of college.

4.8 Additional information:

Section five

Market research

5.1 Key findings from desk research:

• Promotion my serviced by adverting it on buses and online ads

• Look into some independent 3D modeler online/YouTube to maybe hire?

• Search for client and workers who is willing to work and learn form company.

• Do survey to learn what other people think about this

5.2 Key findings from field research – customer questionnaires:


• To make a simple questionnaire to gain information about would people be intended in my product/serve

• Show link for it () used google form to make it

1. teaching lesson they prefer

2. Find out what type of 3D software people want to used as this can narrow down

3. Where do you go to learn the software?

4. Software you prefer to learn free or pay

5.3 Key findings from field research – test trading:


Going to colleges schools and asking students who are taking game development and some other students that are not taking game development and seeing with anyone would be interested in the product as I can get a 50-50 person review of them as it’s easier to get someone who is interested in 3-D modelling and get someone who won’t be and seeing what their opinions might be but if I was to use adults in our research I would have to do a survey online and posts around some website or even asking family and friends and get their opinion on it. As I’m going to be getting someone to teach clients how are you this software I would need to research into how much for have to pay for teachers or 3-D model as it would be able to teach the students who would use our application so I would need to look into how much would they prefer to be paid compare it to a teacher salary so to see if it’s worth getting someone who is use software but been in the industry or go through the teacher route what might be more suitable as they would already know the software.

Other type of research I would need to look into is the final cost of the product and how long it will last for because if I say 50 quid for one year and that have access to videos teachers pre-recorded videos have access to all of that will it be worth it for the person or do you think a monthly prescription might be better so you can always get new update content but it just figuring out where do I draw the line in the prices and do I need to put restrictions on certain type of product.

• Guess a sample of training, try to teach someone.

• Teach a lesson and find people who would be interested in learning a 3D software

5.4 Additional information:


Section six

Marketing strategy

| | | |

|What are you going to do? |Why have you chosen this marketing method? |How much will it cost? |

|Create a website to showcase asset |To have a place where I can send people to this |They different packs deals range from £3 to £18|

| |website (or link when emailing people) to look at |a month (packs deals) 1 year £36 to £432 |

| |my asset and about to get in contact see people | |

|Software that can be dispute to worker | |Single user= 179.95 |

| |ZBrush 2021/ ZBrushCore 2021 (buy it as whole what|Volume License=window £149 & Mac 149 |

| |I have in mind) |£234 Monthly 1 Year £1,872 3 Years £5,052 |

| |Autodesk 3DS Max (payment is mouthy, 1 year and 3 |£12 Mouth £96 1 Year £258 3 Years |

| |years) |Free |

| |Autodesk MudBox | |

| |Blender | |

|Create social on multiple platform | |Free |

| |there’re many ways how to get your brand out there| |

| |and the easiest way is to use social media as it’s| |

| |easy to use and don’t cost anything. There are | |

| |many different social media as I can make an | |

| |account on from Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, | |

| |Twitter and so much more of applications could | |

| |actually help for looking for clients and even | |

| |workers this is why I reference LinkedIn. | |

|Adverts |I can pay companies to advertise my product how I |£22 per week plus VAT for Street liner |

| |would mainly would like to advertise it is by |() |

| |placing it on school bus As it will be easily | |

| |noticed by students and anyone who takes bus | |

| |transport or even when people drive they would | |

| |notice it when they see busted drive past or in | |

| |the same line et cetera I can place on Billboard | |

| |but it’s not really the best way to advertise it | |

| |in my opinion as I think bus advertisement is more| |

| |suited for my product. | |

|Patreon |if I don’t want to go through with creating my own|Patreon take 5% off user’s earning. But it free|

| |website I can always do this as an option as I can|to set up. |

| |create A tallest and each tear would have pacific | |

| |things as I can set prices for them to be | |

| |different as it may be like £10 for a simple | |

| |payment can be get a teacher for a month who will | |

| |help you go through the software or do a cheaper | |

| |one where it’s a digital copy where you can read | |

| |it on the website depending how I want to plan out| |

| |the cost because I need to find out the right | |

| |balance as I’ll be able to make the right income | |

| |will be able to pay back any supplier that I have | |

| |made purchase with my business and another thing | |

| |what I need to keep in mind is that patron only | |

| |cakes 5% of your income. | |

|Discord |This is something handy to have so if I want to |free |

| |try to create a community around my business as I | |

| |can use this to market towards the more people and| |

| |then they might more interested to buy my product | |

| |and it’s nice to have a server where people can | |

| |talk and interact with each other. | |

|TOTAL COST | |     £2,571 |

Section seven

Competitor analysis

7.1 Table of competitors

| | | | | |

|Name, location |Product/service |Price |Strengths |Weaknesses |

|and business size | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Skill Share (Online) |people make pre-recording tutorial for any type of |£7 = Monthly £13 = Monthly |They give new people a free 7-day trial |Not ever tutorial is the best |

| |subject from graphics to cooking | | |Their ads that can be annoying |

|YouTube (Online) |Access to different videos |It’s free and their a premium version |They give new people a free 7-day trial |There isn’t as many videos what can relate to some |

| | | | |subject |

|Gumroad (Online) |Sell product that can re-late to different subject |Its people choose on how much the product |Their no middle man so the fact that you will get |Had to learn or pay someone to write PHP code |

| | |sell |all of your customer information (can built an email| |

| | |Their 2 version for seller a ‘Getting |list) | |

| | |Started’ (8.5% + $0.30 per sale) or | | |

| | |‘Creator’ (10 monthly or $108/ 1 year + | | |

| | |8.5% + $0.30 per sale) | | |

|Udemy |Training video |prices can vary as it’s a platform where |Udemy is from what people say it’s more the best |biggest disadvantage Udemy face is their |

| | |many people sell their own products so |platform to visit it comes to wanting to learn |marketplace model as some of the courses are not |

| | |depending on the quality of their work the |specific things |very in-depth. Some courses, especially the free |

| | |higher price is going to be as for this, I | |ones, sometimes blatantly try to upsell paid |

| | |can’t put a solid pricing | |products. |

| | | | | |

7.2 SWOT analysis:

| | |

|Strengths |Weaknesses |

| | |

|The strength of my Business is that I’ll be able to help so many beginners to make a career path in the 3-D modelling career|that my company will have may try and understand how this business is going to work how would I interact with |

|like for example people always say have a look on YouTube but sometimes they don’t help as much as simple one-to-one teacher|clients and workers who are under me as I am in experience in this type of subjects and even writing out this |

|along that line.  |form I do struggle with parts that I can’t figure out for myself but it’s all just the experience that I’m |

|this company would be able to shine bright on anyone who would be interested in 3-D modelling I want to have the students |learning. It can be easily brush away by other competitors as you will need to figure out the right type of |

|and the kids are good early start into the 3-D modelling world as they might not like it or they might say I want to do this|balance prices to compete with your other competitors and for me trying to figure out that middle ground where |

|in the future but Spend a few days in high school and then get to college realising they hated it but spent so much of their|I can start something what I can’t say at this moment. |

|time and effort learning et cetera for nothing so I want my application to be out there so anyone from the lowest level of | |

|understanding 3-D modelling to the brilliant experience people to use my company as a learning curve and maybe brush up on | |

|some old skills, but just by targeting the right audience what will be the young students to have early access in high | |

|school can make a great impact as from basic small research looking into what high schools are teaching they don’t teach so | |

|only type of window you actually have a game to be on if you took IT and that’s more of the program aside and made and they | |

|are slowly removing that from high schools from something that I have looked into so I want this business to make an impact | |

|on young students life | |

| | |

|Opportunities |Threats |

| | |

|The opportunity that my business creates for the people as mentioned previously that I can help newcomers to 3-D modelling |That I would face with my company that they would be similar competition they will either be cheaper than mine |

|to give an insight of how to use the 3D software of choice. |all costs more than mine but have a higher skill level to show off you got someone that does it for free and it|

|Others opportunities I can appeal for addental needs as I always want this company to help everyone to make a start in the |and it all based on the customer preference. threats as they will always be threats for my company from either |

|3D modelling world. |rival companies that produce same type of content or it’s from different individual who would pay for the |

|The company can apply for Game Tax Reliefs as it fall under “directly negotiates, contracts and pays for rights, goods and |content and then mass distribute it to the public for free as now are many cases of this as for an example my |

|services” so I’ll be able to get back money from HMRC |teacher who would set up classes about coding and everything to do with that jurisdiction of them and even he |

| |found out that someone have distributed his work well him knowing so something like this I would need to figure|

| |out how I can avoid this but sometimes you can’t really avoid it. Have a think about to the business it could |

| |be myself how I might not stray on the right path or am I did something that could harm the company from being |

|Games tax ref get money back HMRC |negative and politic online what could affect the company’s image along that line. |

|Student addental needs (under age 25) | |

7.3 Unique Selling Point (USP):

| |

|Unique Selling Point (USP) |

| |

|Why is my business so unique well so my target audience of the students and obviously students as easy way to get in contact with them and how to advertise towards as for example you’ve got school buses advertisements show advertisement|

|on game sites and even asking the teachers as they know the students better than I and I can understand some students in a sense that when some people want to learn something they will go to the teachers and sometimes they won’t know as|

|funny enough recently in 3DS Max I found something interesting that my teacher didn’t know a way of doing something so I hope to bring a new way of learning that can still help students even though I’m in the same boat with other people|

|What I really want to say I’m different about is I went straightforward to push my product ahead to target students as from my past experience I never got the chance until College and I even had to get a HSP plane to stay at college for|

|longer to take instead and I don’t want students to fall down that route I want to help them from the very beginning to given that good start and the student might hate it in the end but at least the students have tried it my end goal |

|of this business is to make more students are aware of how fun and how enjoyable learning can be as I even looked into methods of how students learn and I took myself took myself as an example because I prefer one-to-one teaching but |

|when asking friends and family and some other students someone prefer a group session as talking with other people. |

| |

|What their way of thinking and method in is maybe different to yours or you may have the same but it’s just the different buildings what we can create and how I want to push to the head to make everyone to understand of the software as |

|yeah there’s many people who does it for free on YouTube but sometimes they missed thing and don’t fully explain and sometimes there isn’t many videos of them that why I want to create a place where students and even adults who can |

|visit and gain that knowledge to help them further on the 3-D modelling ideals. |

Section eight

Operations and logistics

8.1 Production:

How the product is going to be sell on patron on and have three tier list for now as ill expand this idea in a bit in mind awfully at first I said how I want to separate them may require me to make more tea list why I have set out to do for now is create three tiers where the lowest he will be pre-written tutorials to tell the person what to do and all that second tier will follow the same as the first tier but they will be pre-recorded videos and finally number three will be online classes that would take over a month as it can take roughly a person a few weeks to a month to learn the basics and this is where I mentioned a load earlier about maybe making more tier to hold the skill set of any different person but for now I want to keep it simple.

8.2 Delivery to customers:

the content on my product is only going to be on patron as I want to try and keep it contained as much as possible as I mentioned before about people taking the content and disrepute it on free platforms so keep an eye on patron seem to be the best choice for this moment and how I would go about dealing with the live teaching sessions when someone purchase the lesson tear a link would get sent to the buyer to a Discord where he will have access to talk to a teacher About 3-D software and get notified about their class timetable and as I said before that I will try to expand this talus to be for different levels and different software but for now it’s going to be simple. Once when the Buyer finish his month of subscription fee either renew it your stay in the Discord once but once that subscription has ended either me or a moderator will remove the person from the server, so I can Remove anyone who subscription is ended so they can’t have access to any of the content died in that Discord server.

8.3 Payment methods and terms:

Payment method payment method is going to be the obvious one’s credit card and debit card/Visa PayPal and Apple Pay The payment method will go through Patriot on and how they would do that payment method or standard for other companies as they will accept PayPal Visa and debit card credit cards. Accounts that I need to create is a simple bank of my choice Will be Lloyds bank other accounts that I would need to make is for PayPal and I will need to keep in mind that take a small percent out of the money I get income similar with patron.

8.4 Suppliers:

| | | | |

|Name and location of supplier |Items required |Payment arrangements |Reasons for choosing supplier |

| |and prices | | |

|Teachers (Online) |Pay wages depend on age/ employ them |Ether send to their bank or their |Need work to pair with clients |

| |(25/higher £8.75 and) |business account | |

|Company 3D software (Online) |(ZBrush) Volume License=window $149 |Send to their business account |So, if client didn’t have access to |

|ZBrush 2021/ ZBrushCore 2021 |(Autodesk) £234 Monthly or 1 Year | |any 3D software their will be able to |

|Autodesk 3DS Max |£1,872 | |used it |

|Autodesk MudBox |(MudBox) £12 Mouth £96 1 Year | | |

|Blender |(blender) free | | |

8.5 Premises:

We won’t have to worry about buildings as workers and myself are required to work from home.

8.6 Equipment

| | | |

| | |If being bought |

| | | | | |

|Item required |Already owned? |New or second hand? |Purchased from |Price |

| | | | | |

|3D software |Most teachers would already have|New |From their respectable shop |Shown in 8.4 supplier |

| |it. | | | |

| |Small amount of student may have| | | |

| |it or just used the free while | | | |

| |taking the lesson | | | |

| | | | | |

8.7 Transport:

transport of anything for my company are not required as in this pandemic and from the original idea this Kind of line work mainly done at home and the reason why at this moment we have the whole coronavirus situation and even before I think it would be more suitable for my workers as I won’t as a business would have to buy or rent for buildings for my co-workers to work I don’t have to pay any certain bills to do with work staff and the building the only thing that I would have to pay would be the tax and all that at the end of the year.

8.8 Legal requirements:

The requirements that I need to do for my business is to set up as a legal trading company so I would need to sign off on the dock golf website we need to talk to Princes trust to set up the business and then from that once everything is set up I can start trading but I would need to also set out a date when this will start as obviously I can’t trade straight off the bat at least setting up and planning.

8.9 Insurance requirements:

Insurance policy as I would need public liability insurance for the obvious case if they may cause a problem at the workplace for clients or just in case if they are injured or unable to work so I would need I will need this for in case of emergency.

8.10 Management and staff:

The hierarchy in my business won’t be that big compare to other businesses like game studios as this will only be a small group of certain individual for example it will only be me and maybe a few staff members that will be my teachers for the business and for the time being I think I’m going to start with one and see how it works for the first year if I believe that the one teacher has a lot on his plate I would try to hire more staff to lighten his load in a sense of business if this business were to blow up in a sense of popularity

Some management in my workplace I would think I should give the teachers almost full control as I will let them plan out how they would like to do the course and how we would plan the days for teaching students as we need to make it work around the individual teacher and we also need to try and build up that student teacher complex where obviously some student won’t be able to make the lesson so they have to improvise or find a simple solution so this is why I want to give my teacher a certain amount of control.

8.11 Additional information:


for additional information I want the note down that I will expand my asset list in the future or later in the months as I want to keep it simple for the moment as I know there’s multiple different 3-D software and just to label them all as one will be a simple task to do for a start and then I can expand them and make them in their own groups so viewers/buyers will be able to find what they need easier than buying comic a good group bundle.

Additional information I want to add I still want to try to implement a discount for student but as I am selling this on patron I do not know if I can apply discount to people so I might have to do more research into it to see if I can apply discount or if some people email me directly and provide the documents required for the discount I can somehow send back or send them a private donation Where I can offer them the discount price because I know some people on patron have instrumented a pay how much you like and then you get access to small things it’s more like a tip sis don’t like if you like the person just tip of a pound or depend on how much are you willing to spend on him or her

Section nine

Costs and pricing strategy

| |Product/service name |      Platinum Industry |

|A |Number of units in calculation |32 students can be roughly predicted |

|B |Product/service components |Sale on Patron |

|C |Total product/service cost |Monthly subscription: |

| | |Written document tutorial = £10 |

| | |Video tutorial = £20 |

| | |Lesson tutorial = £40 |

| | | |

| | |students get a 20% discount (they would need to show ID to get the |

| | |discount and message the company about this (WIP)) |

|D |Cost per unit |Monthly subscription: |

| | |Written document tutorial = £10 |

| | |Video tutorial = £20 |

| | |Lesson tutorial = £40 |

|E |Price per unit |Written document tutorial = £10 |

| | |Video tutorial = £20 |

| | |Lesson tutorial = £40 |

|F |Profit margin (£) |I would need about 120 buyers (if they only people buy the lesson) to|

| | |meet my software and teacher total cost |

|G |Profit margin (%) |£4,040 divide 40 = 101 |

| | |£4,040 divide 101 =0.40 |

| | |0.40 X 100 = 39% |

|H |Mark up (%) |Say for the first year in take I’ll will be able to cover my software|

| | |licence for next year and the reminder will go into a saving account |

| | |and for my payment. |

Section ten

Financial forecasts

10.1 Sales and costs forecast

| | | |

| |Month |1 |

10.2 Personal survival budget

| | | |

|Section | |Monthly cost (£) |

| |Mortgage/rent |     £0 |

|A | | |

| | | |

|Estimated costs | | |

| |Council tax |     £0 |

| |Gas, electricity and oil |     £0 |

| |Water rates |     £0 |

| |All personal and property insurances |     £30 |

| |Clothing |     £0 |

| |Food and housekeeping |     £0 |

| |Telephone |     £0 |

| |Hire charges (TV, DVD etc.) |     £0 |

| |Subscriptions (clubs, magazines etc.) |     £0 |

| |Entertainment (meals and drinks) |     £0 |

| |Car tax, insurance, service and maintenance |     stat the tax out going (car info) |

| |Children’s expenditure and presents |     £0 |

| |Credit card, loan and other personal debt repayments |     £0 |

| |National Insurance |     12.5% (from the forecast) |

| |Other |      |

|B |Total costs (£) |     £30 |

| |Income from family/partner |      |

|C | | |

| | | |

|Estimated income | | |

| |Part time job |     £0 |

| |Working tax credit |     £0 |

| |Child benefits |     £0 |

| |Other benefits |     £0 |

| |Other |     £0 |

| |Total income (£) |     £0 |

|D | | |

| |Total survival income required (£) |      |

|E | | |

10.3 Cashflow forecast

| |Month |Pre-start |

|3D software (3DS Max) |This payment will be done once a year and there were 2 type of payment a |£1,872 |

| |mouthy and a year. Working out what would cost more a monthly or a year it | |

| |works out to be a year cost less than monthly. | |

|3D software (ZBrush) |This payment will be done once a year and there were 2 type of payment a |£149 |

| |mouthy and a year. There were different licences to choose from and I chose | |

| |the 1 that I would get extra licences with and it were cheaper as 3DS Max | |

| |cost the most from the other software | |

|3D software (Mudbox) |This payment will be done once a year and there were 2 type of payment a |£96 |

| |mouthy and a year. This something was similar to ZBrush in software wise but | |

| |it cheaper then ZBrush | |

|3D software (Blender) |Its free software to used. This and ZBrush are most software people want to |free |

| |used | |

|     teacher payment |The teacher payment was base off normal teacher salary |      £24,000 |

| |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

Section eleven

Back-up Plan

11.1 Short-term plan:


The short plan for the business is to see how this far this business would go for the first year to see if it worth continue for the next year. If the business wasn’t successful for the first year, I would have 3 choose,

1: would be to sell the whole business off as there are many people who would buy business.

2: to sell shares of the business and let someone take over the business.

3: I can do a closes business plan this is where I have to call HMRC to tell them that I’m closing my trade company once I done this, I would need to pay back partner company/ loans and pay the worker before I make them redundant.

11.2 Long-term plan:


If the first year was well receive, I would to try to expand the business by hiring new staff, so student will have access to more teacher. I would spend the income to re-new the licence and any leftover would go into a saver account to slowly build up interest and only be used to if in a case of emergency.

11.3 Plan B:


As mentioned in the short-term plan there were 3 options I can take.

11.4 Plan B continued...:



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