Morningside Church of Christ

THE MORNINGSIDE MESSENGERMorningside Chapel Church of Christ1212 South 34th St., Decatur, IL 62521428-1236Minister: Stan Williams (ph. 823-4720)March 17, 2019 IS IT OKAY TO USE A CELL PHONE IN CHURCH?Whether or not it is okay to use cell phones in church depends on the situation and the reason. We cannot say that it is always wrong to use a cell phone in church, any more than we can say it is always okay to use a cell phone in church. Different situations warrant different answers. I would say that sometimes it’s okay and sometimes it is not, depending on the circumstances. Let’s consider some different scenarios.Using a cell phone to check the Bible during the sermon, okayI don’t see any problem with using a cell phone to follow along in the Bible while listening to the sermon. Personally, I have a large smartphone, and I use it during church to follow along, check Greek and Hebrew, consult commentaries, etc. Furthermore, I like to sit in the very back of the church. One of the reasons is so that my cell phone usage does not distract anyone else.There is a light emitted that can be, of course, distracting to others. So, I do not want to disturb anyone. Another benefit of using cell phones during church is access to online Bible websites that are great for checking different versions of the Bible. Consider and ,etc. Stand-alone apps on the phone are good, too. Some of them are and . On the negative side, there’s always the temptation to also check out the news, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram while in church. This can be distracting and can potentially hinder hearing the word of God.Casual cell phone conversation during church, not okayBut what if someone were to open up a cell phone during the sermon and start chatting away? That would be, of course, impolite and inappropriate. If you have to talk on the phone, then leave the sanctuary. It is simple. But, I’m surprised that so many people chat on phones during the service, though it really isn’t that common.Responding to an emergency in church, okayIt should go without saying that using a cell phone in church due to an emergency is okay. At the time of writing this article, my wife is recovering from open heart surgery. After a few weeks of her recuperation, I felt that it was okay for me to go to church while she rested at home. My cell phone would be on (vibrate is good) so that if she needed me, I could respond. That would be okay. A quick text would not require me to disturb anyone else (much?). But, if she needed me, I could leave. Not a problem. Playing GamesDo I have to mention the issue playing games during a sermon? Generally speaking, it’s not a good idea. However, I am aware that there are people who do better listening to a sermon while their hands are busy. I know there are those who have trouble concentrating for long (Continued on back)stretches, and a quick distraction is helpful. Now, I’m not justifying the use of playing games, but I’m aware that there are different kinds of people who learn differently and have different challenges regarding levels and ability of concentration. So, without approving of playing games on your cell phone during sermons, I do acknowledge that there are people who actually learn better that way.ConclusionSo, using a cell phone in church is good or bad depending on the circumstances and the reasons. But we must remember that the purpose of going to church is to hear the word of God and fellowship with other believers. If our cell phones become a distraction, then perhaps we might want to consider turning them off altogether or putting them on vibrate in case of an emergency. –Matt Slick, President, Christian ApologeticsMorning Worship ScheduleSong Leader…………………………………………………………………………………..Mike KarchLord’s Supper……………………………………………………………………………...Brandon BodyAssistants……………………………………………………………………...Carl Russell/Brian BodyMessage……………………………………………………………………………………Stan WilliamsAnnouncements………………………………………………………………………………Ford LewisEvening Worship ScheduleSong Leader………………………………………………………………………………….Mike KarchMessage……………………………………………………………………………………Stan WilliamsAnnouncements………………………………………………………………………………Ford LewisPRAYER MATTERS…Jim Karraker was admitted to St. Mary’s room 614 yesterday with pneumonia. He is very weak so visiting is discouraged.…Sherrie Williams developed an infection in her foot and was unable to have the cast applied last week. The infection has improved, and she expects to have the cast put on this week.…Anna Jean Nicholls continues to lose ground. She eats very little and has been bedfast most of the past week. …Mary Flanary’s daughter, Samantha, called Friday to say that her mother is recovering at home and that she wants to thank everyone for their cards and prayers.…It was good to have Mary Huddleston back with us last Sunday morning.…Continue to remember Richard Nicholls, Jim Karraker, Danny King, Kelly Benton, Ian Tanzyus, Susie Sargent, Jeff Powell, Larry Huddleston, Jarod Morgan, Craig Clark, Linda Kaslow, Jeff Groves, Gary Plummer, Becky Porchy, Lavonn Dennon and Steve & Janna Webb.MISCELLANEOUS...Our condolences to Cheryl Lewis who lost her brother, James Ross, on March 5. …Don’t forget to sign up on the back table for what you plan to bring for the fellowship following our monthly joint worship here at Morningside on March 31. Everyone’s help is needed.…”Hello everyone, I want to thank you for the beautiful flowers—it made my room brighter in the hospital. Also for the cards and prayers.” Love, Mary Huddleston…Thanks to everyone who has been donating one bottle of 100% fruit juice per week for Shults-Lewis. Three more weeks remain to maintain the course until they arrive to pick it up.…Thanks to Carl Russell for taking on the annual major job of raking up the gumballs last week and donating all of the bags. The lawn looks great and is ready for the green grass of spring! ................

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