Page 6 Masisi, Zim delegation meet

Embracing the Reset Agenda "The more things change, the more they are the same." Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

Tuesday August 1, 2023 No. 135


Manufacturing summit

aims at unlocking


Page 6


Kereke e rotloetsa itshidilo mmele

Tsebe 10



Poetess releases book on personal transformation

Page 14


Achieving Prosperity For All

Masisi, Zim delegation meet

The President, Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi (left), and leader of Zimbabwean delegation, Mr Patrick Chinamasa, during a courtesy call at the Office of the President in Gaborone yesterday. Mr Chinamasa presented a special message from Zimbabwe President, Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa, about the country's readiness for the election that will be held on August 23. Photo: Phenyo Moalosi

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DailyNews Tuesday August 1, 2023 No. 135 Page 2

`Surrender illegal, obsolete firearms'

By Thato Modiakgotla

KANYE - Every person in possession of an illegal fiream has an opportunity to hand it over to the police during the month of September, when nationwide amnesty will be extended to such persons.

Speaking at the destruction of 338 illegal firearms here recently, Officer Commanding Central Arms

Registry, senior superintendent Gosekwang Sebitla said the Amnesty protocol stipulated that persons who voluntarily surrendered illegal firearms during the time would not be subjected to disclosure, humiliation, arrest or prosecution.

Conversely, "those...considered to be violating national law and the amnesty, will be prosecuted accordingly," he said.

SKMTH opens cutting edge cancer treatment centre

Supt Sebitla added Botswana had adopted a policy to commemorate the guns destruction day in July every year as a tool to control illicit possession of firearms.

The destroyed firearms were either confiscated from people who held them illegally or those who surrendered them voluntarily. Others were those found abandoned, the majority of which unregistered.

Confiscated firearms, he said were those which had mostly been used to commit crime such as illegal

hunting of protected animals and robbery offences while registered owners voluntarily surrendered firearms which were regarded as obsolete and posed danger to users.

"We advise firearms owners, registered or not, that guns which are not in a good condition are a danger to the owner as well as the general public. We therefore urge you to surrender them to the police," he said. Supt Sebitla said the destroyed firearms were brought in by different police stations from across the country,

following, investigations. Among the guns were five pellet

or air guns, eight handguns, 98 rifles and 227 shotguns.

This year, he said, there were no military weapons confiscated. Supt. Sebitla advised the public that unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition contravened section 9 (4) of the Arms and Ammunition Act No.19 of 2018 and upon conviction, a personliable could be fined up to P5 000 or imprisoned to a maximun of three years or both. BOPA

By Chendzimu Manyepedza

GABORONE - Provision of radiation oncology services by Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital (SKMTH) will greatly reduce the cost of cancer treatment locally and regionally, as well as provide convenience to cancer patients and their families.

Health minister, Dr Edwin Dikoloti said this when launching the service, the first radiotherapy technology of its kind in Botswana, Thursday.

He said of the P6 million facility: "The radiation oncology service is a historic milestone development that marks the beginning of improved cancer care services locally and regionally.

Due to the limited advanced techniques in radiotherapy in the SADC region, the centre will also serve patients from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique and other countries."

The state-of-the-art facility, staffed with skilled and compassionate people, would also offer a comprehensive range of radiation therapy techniques for various types of cancer, he said.

"Government is working around the clock to provide equitable access to cancer care for all patients, this

centre is an assurance that affected individuals will receive quality personalised care and support throughout their cancer treatment journey," he said.

Further, he said the centre would not only provide cancer care services, but would also to train more staff so as to foster an environment of continuous learning and improvement in order to meet cancer treatment demands and patient expectations.

Minister Dikoloti said continuous research and teaching about clinical care related matters guaranteed that patients would always have access to the latest advanced and evidence-based health assistance.

"Although the centre provides care for all types of cancers, I am pleased to inform you that the partnership with Baylor Children's Clinical Centre of Excellence Botswana is commendable since it augments the care of pediatric cancer patients," he said.

For his part, SKMTH board chairperson, Mr Basimane Bogopa said the radiotherapy centre, could accomodate 40 to 50 patients a day.

He advised people to go for continuous and routine checkups for early diagnosis and possible prevention of cancer.BOPA

Botswana Police Service destroying fire arms in Kanye recently. Senior Superintendent Sebitla highlighted that some of the destroyed firearms were confiscated while others were surrendered voluntarily. Photo: Thato Modiakgotla

River Side Hospital to build new wing

By Thamani Shabani

FRANCISTOWN - River Side Hospital in Francistown building an additional 100-bed facility whose construction is expected to start in less than two months.

This will be an increase from the current 53 beds.

Revealing the plan during a tour of the Tati River Side Hospital last week, the hospital's director, Dr Kgosidialwa Mompati said the

new development would be built adjacent to Tati River Lodge (TRL) on a four-hectare plot.

He said this was being done in response to the growing demand for the service in the northern part of the country. He disclosed that included in the new wing would be the "International Cancer Centre for Francistown (ICCF)".

Dr Mompati said the new facility would be built in partnership with some French investors.

He said the hospital currently had 272 employees, most of them being citizens, and this number would increase significantly when the new facility came into operation.

Dr Mompati, however, registered a concern that government was underutilising Tati River Side Hospital by continuing to refer patients to Gaborone and, in some cases, South Africa while bypassing a well-staffed state of the art local facility. BOPA

Buti urges youth to utilise skills, create jobs

By Kedirebofe Pelontle

SEPOPA - Young people must put to use any acquired skills to make a living. Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture Mr Billy Buti made the call during the World Youth Skills Day commemoration held here Thursday.

"Young people should change

their mindset and use policies and resources available as well as the Internet positively for entrepreneurship. ... Use the skills you have to achieve more, package those skills and market them profusely," he said.

He said youth had the potential to curb unemployment by producing permanent jobs through businesses such as manufacturing.

Assistant minister Buti challenged the youth in Sepopa to use the rich culture in their district to create jobs and help diversify the economy.

He also implored the community and government departments to support youth and women-owned businesses.

For his part, Botswana National Youth Council (BNYC) deputy

board chairperson, Mr Mooketsi Rakose said according to the quarterly Multi Topic Survey, youth unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of last year was estimated at 33.5 per cent.

Mr Rakose said that World Youth Skills Day was commemorated with the aim to equip youth with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.

Earlier when welcoming participants, Kgosi Tholego Nyame of Sepopa thanked the ministry for hosting the event in his village.

Kgosi Nyame also appreciated the week-long training on food processing that some youth undertook prior to the commemoration, saying it would help them start own businesses. BOPA

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Tuesday August 1, 2023 No. 135 Page 3 DailyNews

Authority appreciates ICT network coverage

By Esther Mmolai

President Masisi (centre) officially welcoming Mr Moatlhodi (right) and Ms Mathodi Modisapodi to the party in Tonota on Saturday. BDP welcomed defectors and new members into its fold and made a clarion call to the democrats to start a serious recruitment exercise going into 2024. Photo: Gaseitsiwe Moruakgomo

Better times ahead - President Masisi

By Mooketsi Mojalemotho

TONOTA - A thriving economy whose spin-offs will transform Batswana's lives for the better is imminent.

This was said by the President, Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi, during an event to welcome back into the Botswana Democratic Party cadre, Member of Parliament for Tonota and deputy speaker of the National Assembly, Mr Pono Moatlhodi, in Tonota on Saturday.

Mr Moatlhodi has defected from the Umbrella for Democratic Change after gaining entry under the Botswana National Front.

A well-to-do economy with thriving agriculture, road networks and improved welfare for workers, according to Dr Masisi, were among the priority areas for the BDP-led government.

To this end, he told Magotlhong freedom square in Tonota that

the government had secured P21 billion to construct roads across the country.

The BDP-led government, he said, had made strides in implementing some of the promises made in its 2019 election manifesto safe for a few programmes that were under review.

"Re dirile go le gontsi ntle hela le gore mananeo mangwe a santse a sekasekwa," he said in addition that a lot would be achieved moreso his party had adopted the mindset change to drive transformation.

Botswana Democratic Party Secretary General, Mr Kavis Kario said welcoming back a politician of Mr Moatlhodi calibre should send a clear message that the ruling party had no match within the country's political space. Mr Kario said the BDP had sound leadership, experience and well-defined policies that had taken Botswana from humble beginnings to an

upper-middle income economy. "We remain the only party that

you can trust," he said. "Others are disjointed organisations with no direction let alone peace."

A member of the BDP central committee, Mr Machana Shamukuni, echoed Mr Kario's words saying President Masisi was God-sent to transform lives.

He therefore asked the BDP members and Batswana at large to embrace and rally behind President Masisi's concerted efforts to improve people's livelihoods.

Earlier in his welcome remarks, Kgosi Bokamoso Radipitse of Tonota called on Batswana to give President Masisi due respect as per the Setswana decorum.

"Boeteledipele bo a tlotlwa, bo salwa morago. A re sireletseng thata Tautona wa lefatshe," he said, advising the BDP rank and file to be at the forefront and accord their President due respect. BOPA

MATSAUDI - Botswana

Telecommunication Corporation

(BTC) has embarked on mission

to invest in the transformation

to a more connected and

more prosperous future for

all Batswana, BTC Managing

Director, Mr Anthony Masunga


The BTC, in collaboration

with Universal Access

Service Fund (UASF) will

invest in telecommunication

infrastructure to expand network

coverage for communities'

migration to the digital space.

On Friday, the corporation

launched North West region

network expansion at Matsaudi,

30km from Maun.

Speaking at the launch of

the network expansion themed:

Transforming Communities

for a Better Botswana, Mr

Masunga said collaboration

with Botswana Communication



(BOCRA) had enabled BTC

to expand telecommunication

infrastructure in North West and

Okavango districts in areas once

limited to 2G mobile network


"Through our joint efforts, we

successfully modernised these

regions to 4G/LTE, delivering

fast speeds and optimal network

performance. Our commitment

to continually invest in network

expansion aims to provide our

users and customers with the

widest coverage while ensuring

that our services remain

innovative, accessible and

affordable," he added.

In North West region, BTC

has upgraded 19 sites to 4G as

part of UASF project rollout

and the corporation is currently

expanding its network to address

46 mobile coverage in Maun.

This financial year, Mr

Masunga said, mobile sites would

be constructed at Botswana

Govt reviews anti-human trafficking act

By Manowe Motsaathebe

BOBONONG - The Ministry of Justice has been reviewing antihuman trafficking act to strengthen it and to acknowledge fundamental importance of a strong legislative framework to combat human trafficking.

Speaking during commemoration of world day against trafficking in persons in Bobonong Thursday, the Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Justice, Ms Naledi Moroka said the review of the act was at an advanced stage.

"National consultations have been completed with various key stakeholders advancing several factors to consider as making concerted efforts to take issues such as sexual grooming into consideration when identifying elements of the crime and when

considering punitive measures applicable in courts," she said.

Others suggested that the act needed to protect the most vulnerable in society such as persons with disabilities.

Ms Moroka said human trafficking national action plan committee was in the process of completing the 2023-28 national action plan. The plan was one of the more pressing and high-level strategic issues towards effectively addressing challenges of human trafficking.

"It is also intended to provide strategic direction regarding interactions held at an international level geared towards combating human trafficking," Ms Moroka said. She added that if implemented well the plan would ensure effective operationalisation of Botswana's anti-human trafficking act.

While reviewing the act, Botswana was making significant strides in guarding against increment in prevalence of human trafficking and ensuring safeguarding of victims, hence sensitizing and improving capacity of criminal justice system to deal with human trafficking.

Ms Moroka said the crime of human-trafficking had severe and disruptive affront to Botswana's sustainable development agenda if left unaddressed.

People who lack legal status, live in poverty, have limited access to education, healthcare, or decent work, face discrimination, violence, or abuse, or come from marginalized communities are often primary targets of traffickers.

Ms Moroka said to sensitize the public about human trafficking, which some victims may not be

aware they were victimised, the ministry had been commemorating the day at various places around the country.

Bobonong was selected this year, according to Ms Moroka on the basis of high volume of traffic and other potential points of entrances that may attract human traffickers. Bobirwa shares border with South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Between Bobirwa and South Africa there are three border posts, though Zanzibar has been closed. There is one border post between Bobirwa and Zimbabwe at Mabolwe.

Speaking at the same event, MP for Bobonong, Mr Taolo Lucas, said the crime could affect everyone. He called on his constituents to be on the lookout for traffickers and those trafficked and report to authorities. BOPA

Open University, Matlapana and

Crocodile water tank and works

were at a tender stage.

To address high speed

requirements to customers in

Maun, he said, high capacity

radio network had been deployed

recently and customers could

connect up to 100mbps.

"As we strengthen our network

reach, we are making a profound

impact on sectors such as tourism,

education, farming, health and

many more, enabling Batswana

to unleash their full potential and

drive our nation's progress," he


Further, he said, as they

accelerate economic growth, 4G/

LTE would be a catalyst for local

businesses both big and small

as it opens doors to national and

international markets, enabling

entrepreneurs to grow and

contribute to the robust economy

they strive to build.

BOCRA chief executive

officer, Mr Martin Mokgware

commended BTC efforts to

expand network coverage to rural

areas saying it was their aim to

see Botswana outclassing other

countries in the race to attain

digital society status.

He said what BTC was doing

was critical to the country's

aspiration towards being a digital

economy, adding that `our aim is

to ensure internet connectivity in

every clinic, kgotla and schools in

villages across the country so that

communities can have access to


BOCRA, he said, regulated

the spectrum frequency while

land authorities allocated land

for infrastructure and pointed out

that government supported them

to work with other partners in

ICT to ensure connectivity in all

parts of the country.

He said the intention was to

see Botswana becoming a digital

society where everything happens


Mr Mokgware decried that

some people used technology to

harm society and the ecosystem

instead of their growth.

He informed residents that this

month, the FM signal coverage

would be improved and he

thanked UASF for making it


UASF chairperson, Mr

Itumeleng Batsalelwang, said the

fund was mandated to ensure

availability of communication

services across the country

primarily focusing on unserved

and under-served areas.

He pleaded with communities

to safeguard ICT infrastructure

and equipment against any

security threats for their benefit.

UASF project manager, Ms

Khumo Bogosi, applauded

government for prioritising digital



in under-served areas saying

access to the internet and digital

technologies had become a

fundamental aspect of modern

life. BOPA


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Circulation 20 000 per day except Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.

DailyNews Tuesday August 1, 2023 No. 135 Page 4

State owned enterprises policy in offing


60 per cent of local companies de-registered

GABORONE - About 60 per cent of the 268 781 companies that were registered by CIPA since 2012 have been de-registered.

Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Mmusi Kgafela said CIPA did not classify the registered companies according to the sector in which they intended to operate during registration.

He said at the point of registration companies were not classified by owner citizenship and that identifying locally owned companies was based on the submission of Omang for directors.

He noted that such information was collected by licensing authorities at councils and the ministry manually, therefore taking time to compile.

However, Mr Kgafela said efforts were being made to automate the process.

He said CIPA was unable to provide statistics on the percentage of citizen and non-citizens per sector for the de-registered companies.

He noted that some of the companies were voluntarily deregistered by the owners and that some for non-compliance to annual returns as well as failing to comply with the Re-registration Act.

Mr Kgafela said experience had taught them that even companies that were fully operating and profitable were failing to file their annual returns, and that it was not true that only those not operating were non-compliant.

Additionally, Mr Kgafela said annual returns were meant to show that a company was not dormant.

He also noted that annual returns statistics were used by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Eastern Southern African Anti Money Laundering Group and the Global Forum for Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes to monitor compliance of registered companies.

He said compliance with annual returns mitigated risks associated with the use of shelf, shell and dormant companies, which if not monitored, may pose a high risk of money laundering and financing of terrorism.

Mr Kgafela said lack of adherence would contribute to the downgrading of the recommendations or immediate outcomes that CIPA was responsible for and had an impact on the overall performance of the country.

The minister also said lack

of adherence to the standard may contribute towards getting Botswana back to grey listing and enhanced monitoring by the AML/ CFT bodies.

In relation to measures outside CEDA funding geared towards the survival rate of citizen companies in order to measure sustainable economic empowerment, Minister Kgafela said CEDA has adopted two distinct approaches to gauge sustainability of such enterprises.

He said the `green fields' survival rate tool was used to measure the number of start-up expanding businesses in operation for more than three years or the total number of assisted business older than three years.

Regarding the `brown fields' survival rate, Mr Kgafela said the toll was used to measure the number of expanding businesses in operation for more than three years or the total number of assisted businesses older than three years.

He highlighted that as at the end of June, the survival rate for green field or start up projects was 88.6 per cent against a target of 86 per cent while brown fields were 91.6 per cent against a target of 81 per cent.

MP for Lobatse, Dr Thapelo Matsheka had asked the minister to share the impact of the Citizen Empowerment Policy of 2012, stating the percentage share of citizens and non-citizen businesses per sector as defined by Statistics Botswana from 2012 to 2021 as well as the number of companies that had been registered by CIPA or the registrar of companies since 2012.

Dr Matsheka also wanted to know the percentage of companies that had been de-registered by CIPA both citizen and non-citizen per sectors and the reasons for delisting.

He also wanted to know if the minister had any measures outsideCEDA funding for the survival rates of citizen companies to measure sustainable economic development.

He also asked if the minister did not consider failure to submit returns as an indication of lack of access to opportunities by citizen companies or the lack of trading other than lack of compliance, and if the minister would consider scrapping the fee on submitting returns to allow for such companies to keep trying to access the market reserved for citizen companies as that was a cost to doing business. BOPA

GABORONE - Public Enterprises Evaluation and Privatisation Agency (PEEPA) is in the process of developing a state-owned enterprises policy for government.

Minister of Entrepreneurship, Mr Karabo Gare, answering on behalf of Minister of Finance, said the policy intended to put measures in place that would articulate shareholder's expectations on the role of state- owned enterprises in the development of the country as well as ensure active ownership of the enterprises by government.

He said the agency had made notable achievements since its establishment and that it had contributed to the establishment of regulatory bodies for different sectors, including the liberalisation of the telecommunications industry, which birthed Botswana Telecommunications Authority, now Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority.

He highlighted that PEEPA had been instrumental in crafting the rationalisation strategy I and its successful implementation through the rationalisation of entities and creating a merger between Botswana Technology Centre and the Rural Industries Promotions Company to become Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation.

Mr Gare also noted the merging of Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority and the International Financial Services Centre to form Botswana Investment and Trade Centre.

In addition, he said PEEPA was coordinating the implementation of the rationalisation strategy II which was launched in March 2022.

He said the strategy was aimed at privatisation, streamlining, merging or terminating activities of various entities due to inefficiencies and duplication of work as well as to privatise some.

On other successes, he said

PEEPA delivered the BTCL

divestiture which held the biggest

divestiture in Botswana with an

over subscription of 60 per cent.

He added that the track

record had seen sectors such as

telecommunications and ICT grow

many folds after liberalisation

starting with the introduction of

Vista, which was now Orange and

Mascom Wireless.

He said service industries

such as cleaning and security

had also grown significantly

since government outsourced the

services to the private sector.

Minister Gare emphasised that

PEEPA continued to implement

the privatisation policy to increase

private sector participation in the

economy as well as to put measures

in place to improve the corporate

governance of parastatals, adding

that the agency had managed to

improve service delivery through

outsourcing processes.

To date, he said it had developed

strategies for enhancing private

sector participation such as the

public services outsourcing

programme; outsourcing strategy

for ministry of health; integrated

facilities management strategy

for managing the upkeep of

all government buildings by

contracting the private sector, and

a waste management outsourcing

strategy for collection of refuse.

Mr Gare added that through

direct involvement of PEEPA,



outsourced cleaning services,

security services and gardening


Furthermore, he said PEEPA

had also been instrumental in the

corporate governance landscape

of parastatals through the

development and implementation

of the corporate governance


The framework, he said,

comprised a transparent merit-

based board selection process,

board charter, evaluation of

board of director's performance,

shareholder compact and performance monitoring of parastatals.

He emphasised that the agency had made a positive contribution to the advancement of Botswana's economy, and that they still had a key role in the growth and participation of the private sector in economic growth and that it was still playing the role well.

Minister Gare also noted that PEEPA was a company established through the privatisation policy whose primary objective was to advise government on privatisation strategies as well as facilitate implementation of privatisation which included commercialisation, restructuring, outsourcing and divestiture interventions for the effectiveness and efficiency of public enterprises and ministries.

The agency, he said, was also responsible for the promotion of good corporate governance in public enterprises with respect to offering advice on privatisation and developing strategies and implementation plans for cabinet's approval.

He also added that it was mandated to implement cabinet decisions on the privatisation of entities or services, manage rollout of government's outsourcing programme, undertake sector reform studies linked to privatisation, assist government in setting performance targets and advise government on the appointment of directors to serve on boards and monitor their performance.

Serowe South MP, Mr Leepetswe Lesedi had asked the Minister of Finance the role of PEEPA and why it was established as well as its achievements since it was established.

He also wanted to know which state enterprises had been successfully privatised through the agency as well as their contribution to economic and fiscal intercessions. BOPA

Minister Gare told Parliament that PEEPA was in the process of developing a state owned enterprises policy for government.


Tuesday August 1, 2023 No. 135 Page 5 DailyNews

Gaborone street naming system ideal

By Gontle Merafhe

GABORONE - To give Gaborone City an economic competitive edge in the global sphere, there is a need to give its streets and locations unique addresses.

Gaborone chief physical planner, Mr Dave Ramatlhare said the commencement of street naming and address system would give every plot a unique number for ease of navigation, adding that such would also include putting up mail boxes at every plot.

He said the project would cover landmarks and monuments.

He said the system was successful in developed countries where it guided taxi drivers and service providers.

He said the intent was to move from the label of being a developing to a developed country.

Mr Ramatlhare said absence

of address system was making it difficult for tourists to locate hotels.

He appealed to councillors to support the project in their wards as it was critical for all to know their areas of abode.

Plot numbering, he said, `put us in a better light for commercial business and security', adding that such system would aid police to easily locate where their services were need in times of emergency.

The system, he said, would save lives as it indicate the best possible routes for emergency services.

"On a number of occasions we have seen a house burn down while the fire brigade swirls around failing to locate such a house.

The system will bring that to an end," he said.

Mr Ramatlhare said such information could also help in managing population statistics

as it would reveal information about number of dwellers per house or plot.

Councillor Lotty Manyepedza said the development project was overdue.

He said the development should be given a time frame for completion, indicating that failure to include plot address into the AFCON bid book was a setback for Botswana.

He said the project should create employment for young

unemployed IT graduates. He pleaded for the project

to collaborate with Botswana Police Service parallel to street camera installation around the city to strengthen security and ease policing.

"The naming system must consider the names of our local heroes.

I am concerned about names such as Ian Smith, wondering who that person is and how he helped us.

We should try to have street names that we can relate to.

Why can't we have someone like Veronica Lesole, former Mayoress among us and not name a street after Veronica Meyer of Australia.

To me it is best to name streets after people we could identify with," he said.

Councillor Gopolang Montsho pleaded that a Motswana voice, speaking Setswana be used for GPS guide. BOPA

Health ministry rents four warehouses

GABORONE - Ministry of Health has been renting four warehouses in Gaborone West Industrial since August 2018 for storage of supplies.

The warehouses belong to AP Holdings and Chemical Cooperation.

Health minister, Dr Edwin Dikoloti revealed this Thursday when responding to a question from Kanye North MP, Mr Thapelo Letsholo.

Dr Dikoloti said three of the warehouses, each measuring 555.7m2, were located at plot 22043 and belonged to AP Holdings.

He further said the other one measuring 750m2 was in plot 24 016 and belonged to Chemical Cooperation.

"The monthly rental for three warehouses at plot 22043 is PI7 813 33 per warehouse.

The cost for security is P30 000 per month for two guards during the day and three guards during the night.

This brings the total monthly expenditure to P83 440.

The monthly rental for the warehouse at plot 22016 is P26 500 per month and security is not provided at this warehouse," he explained.

Dr Dikoloti stated that the warehouse on plot 22016 stored infant formula for Prevention of

Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Programme.

He said the reasons for central storage were that the ministry bought supplies in bulk for the whole country.

"Bulk buying makes the commodities cheaper and convenient as there are no infant formula manufacturers in Botswana.

The districts also have shortage of storage space to keep the quantities required per facility.

Central storage enhances monitoring of stock and consumption rates for forecasting purposes, thus reducing wastage," he noted.

He further said the warehouse on plot 22043 stored Community Home Based Care commodities (diapers, linen savers, clinical and domestic waste plastics, deodorizers and antiseptic toiletries).

He added that the centralisation of the stores was also meant for improved stock monitoring.

Mr Letsholo had asked the minister to state the sizes and location of warehouses rented in and around Gaborone by the ministry, and further state the number of years the ministry had rented those warehouses.

He also wanted to know who owned the warehouses. BOPA

Mr Molebatsi has told Parliament that the total cost of bringing the consignment of cattle from Texas to Ramatlabama was P25 007 129 and that the process of engaging private security at the Artificial Insemination ranch was still ongoing.

Govt to engage private security

at Ramatlabama AI camp

GABORONE - The process of engaging private security at Ramatlabama Artificial Insemination (AI) ranch is still ongoing.

Currently, the state security is offering security services, Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Mr Molebatsi Molebatsi said in Parliament on Friday.

He was responding to a question from Ngami MP, Mr Caterpillar Hikuama who had asked the minister to apprise the house on the total cost of the livestock purchased from the United States, their transportation costs as well as cost for their security.

Assistant Minister Molebatsi said in order to improve the national herd and its genetic merit, government had invested

in procurement of breeding cattle for purposes of semen and embryo production.

He said the average price of the bulls was P95 000, adding that their prices varied from the minimum of P42 000 to a maximum of P133 000.

The total cost for 141 bulls was P13 394 500.

The cost for heifers was P80 500 each, therefore the 21 heifers cost a total of P1 690 500," said Mr Molebatsi.

He said the total cost of the breeding cattle was P15 085 000.

Additionally, Mr Molebatsi said the total shipping cost of the cattle was P8 640 366, while the transportation cost from Gaborone to Ramatlabama was P212 803.

He said the mortality insurance cost was 2.5 per cent of the total cost of the consignment, which translated to P593 134.

Mr Molebatsi said at the moment, the Department of Animal Production had a framework contract with the Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board for the constant supply of feed and medicines.

So far, Mr Molebatsi said the cost of medicine used since the arrival of the cattle was P103 650.

He said the department had further procured feed amounting to about P372 174.

Mr Molebatsi said the total cost of bringing the consignment of cattle from Texas to Ramatlabama was just over P25 007 129. BOPA

Study to determine optimal usage of bus rank

GABORONE - A study will be carried out to come up with strategies on how the Molepolole Bus Rank could be put to full use.

Assistant Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Ms Talita Monnakgotla admitted that the bus rank was not optimally utilised due to non-compliance by buses and taxis to use the facility.

She said the facility was opened in 2017.

"The study will come up with strategies and action plan for effective use of the bus rank," she said.

Ms Monnakgotla also said as an immediate intervention, the ministry would hold consultations with relevant stakeholders such as the Department of Road, Transport and Safety as well as law enforcement agencies to ensure compliance to the law by bus and mini bus operators.

She said that would entail calling for them to pick and drop

passengers at the bus rank only, as opposed to picking them from different points along the road.

Ms Monnakgotla also told Parliament that proper consultations took place before the bus rank was constructed.

"I can confirm that there was stakeholder consultation regarding the possible location of the new bus rank.

The initially preferred location by then was the old site around existing shops in Borakalalo that was informally used by buses

and taxis as a bus rank. However, this site could not

be utilised for the said project since it was designated in the Molepolole Development Plan as a parking lot for the shops that were already developed," she said.

She said the choice of the current site was influenced by its availability and size given that it was spacious to accommodate all proposed developments in the area.

She also said the facility

required minor maintenance, including plumbing work to the market stalls

Molepolole North MP, Mr Oabile Regoeng had asked the minister to state the plan and strategy that could help activate the optimal utilisation of Molepolole Bus Rank.

He also asked the minister to state if there was a comprehensive assessment and consultation with relevant stakeholders to determine the strategic location of the bus rank. BOPA


Seatbelts Are For Everyone

Tuesday August 1, 2023 No. 135

Manufacturing summit aims at unlocking opportunities

By Chendzimu Manyepedza

She further said the summit

was also a platform towards

GABORONE - The much technology advancement that will

anticipated local manufacturing bring in more innovation.

summit due to kick start tomorrow "This will bring us local

, courtesy of Botswana Chamber manufacturers,


of Mines and other corporate researchers and policy makers

stakeholders, aims at unlocking together to discuss about

opportunities for growth among emerging technologies and what

local manufacturers.

best practices to strive to engage

In an interview, the Founder in.

and Director of Braintec Through knowledge sharing,

Cleaning Service (Pty) Ltd, we will be encouraged to

Ms Matlhogonolo Ketshabile, adapt and integrate advanced

one of the local manufacturers manufacturing technologies

hailed the summit saying it was and to embrace technological

an ideal platform to enhance advancement will be right step

collaboration and networking towards quality production,

among manufactures. She said as


operational efficiency and level up our competitiveness," she said.

Mr Michau (left) taking Minister Molao on a tour of Silver Horizon potato farm in Ghanzi on Saturday. Mr Molao said government was not planning to ban importation of seeds. Photo: Godfrey Mpuse

stakeholders that included policy makers, industry association and others will have an opportunity to interact, foster innovation,

Another local manufacturer, director of Eco-Zera Pencils, Ms Wada Kealotswe, who specialize in the production of pencils said

Seed production

encourage joint ventures and one of her core business was job

supply chain optimisation locally creation for fellow youth as such

and internationally. She said the collaboration

among stakeholders would also shed light in the manufacturing

she said she was hopeful that the summit will facilitate dialogues among industry makers and policy makers among others.

critical - Molao

ecosystem, promote industry She said the dialogue will

competitiveness and also accelerate economic growth.

Ms Ketshabile said she was hopeful that the summit will also address environmental challenges, promote and equip manufacturers with sustainable practices, resources efficiency and other aspects that will contribute to environmental preservation.

help address issues of skill gaps, promote vocational training and issues of workforce capabilities aligned with evolving manufacturing needs.

Further, she said the summit will encourage investment, economic diversification, and influence ways that will help local manufacturers reduce dependency on imports. BOPA

By Keonee Kealeboga

GHANZI - Production of seeds is paramount as Botswana seeks to make headway in the production of vegetables, Minister of Agriculture, Mr Fidelis Molao has said.

He said this on Saturday during a tour of Silver Horizons farm

in Ghanzi. The minister said for the country to come of age in the production of vegetables, it should be able to produce its own seeds.

He told Silver Horizons and other potato farmers that while potato farming was a fairly new undertaking in Botswana, it would be pleasing to one day have its seeds also produced locally.

Regarding the vegetable ban, Mr Molao said while the moratorium on the importation of vegetables would not remain in force indefinitely, government was considering its extension to accord Botswana producers more time to entrench their footing in the industry.

Director at Silver Horizons, Mr Jan Michau, said rumours of

Industrial Design Degree show successful a possible ban on the importation of seeds had them worried as that would spell the end of their

vegetable farming ventures.

By Gaolethoo Kgatitswe

literally gold in waste.

the needs of the SMME's and a bean flasher.

Mr Michau, however, thanked

Add your design education to resource challenged farmers," he Mr Malobela, a Bachelor of government for the ban on the

Gaborone - Creative minds that humble effort and you will said.

Arts Degree holder in Design importation of vegetables, saying

should be able to translate waste be impressed how many people Prof. Norris also said that in an and Technology and winner it did a lot to protect producers

into products and promote could be employed in such a high innovation economy, knowledge of the UB Degree Show 2023, from the stiff competition from

circularity in resource usage.

value product business," said Ms was applied together with stated that he had gone out to the farmers from other countries

This was said by the Assistant Makwinja.

innovation and entrepreneurship farms to identify the challenges especially South Africa. On the

Minister of Education and Skills She commended the UB to drive economic growth.

that the farmers faced on a day to ability of Botswana market to

Development, Ms Nnaniki community for putting together

"I call upon those with day basis hence he designed the absorb all the locally-produced

Makwinja, at the launch of the an academic design exhibition financial capital or muscle fertiliser spreader prototype.

crop, he said of the vegetables

Industrial Design Degree show at of a high scale and implored to invest in some of these "I noticed that most farmers that Silver Horizons produced,

the University of Botswana (UB) them to bring together the design innovations to nurture creativity if not all use their hands to onions moved the slowest hence

on Friday.

community to have a national and foster an environment where spread fertilisers in their fields the country eyeing the export

Ms Makwinja implored design exhibition that would young minds can strive," he and consequently causing market.

industrial designers to address enrich the industry.


them backaches and elongated He said the limited market

the issue of pollution and waste For his part, UB vice chancellor The best three prototypes periods of work, and so I made for onions locally had caused

in the country as landfills were Prof. David Norris, stated that of the Industrial Design and this prototype to solve such the company repeated losses,

a challenge to manage and have from the inception of a fully- Technology Degree Show 2023 challenges," said Mr Malobela. adding that the situation was

become a source of pollution.

fledged innovation, the degree were awarded to Mr Omphile He further encouraged compounded by the fact that

"Look at the challenges of show reflected the hard work and Malobela who made a fertiliser other designers to go all out in producers had their crop ready

waste and the opportunities of dedication of the students.

spreader, Mr Lincoln Magosi designing products that would for the market at the same time,

a circular economy through the "I am happy that our students made a motorised sprayer while address challenges faced by something which forced prices

lens of design because there is hold so much potential to serve Ms Botho Chabaditsile designed Batswana on daily basis. BOPA down. BOPA

Tuesday August 1, 2023 No. 135 Page 7 DailyNews




In fulfilment of Section 7, subsection 2 (a) of the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act (Cap 65:07), Loci Environmental is carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on behalf of the proponent, Earth Capital Botswana (Pty) Ltd to consult and address salient issues that might arise from the project activities.

Project Description

Earth Capital Botswana (Pty) Ltd intends to finance, develop and operate the proposed Thobo Energy 50MW solar PV plant on its industrial land in Noka Farm in Francistown. The proposed development will occupy approximately 100ha. The project components will include solar array modules and inverters, a power conversion station, control room, office buildings, security facility and a temporary construction camp. The plant will be connected to the national grid via an 11kV connection and step-up substation to the nearby 132kV power line that is less than 1km away from the site.


The pre-construction phase will comprise of site clearance for preparation of the construction phase. The activities that will follow will include activities such as excavation, fencing, concrete mixing and pouring, installation of power cables and associated electrical equipment, installation and operation of PV panels. The proposed project activities will also involve transportation of materials to site and the use of heavy construction machinery.

The positive impacts for the proposed development will include but not limited to creation of temporary employment opportunities, boosting the local economy, skills transfer and increased electrical power services. Some of the negative impacts include air pollution, noise pollution, habitat loss, land pollution and soil contamination. The EIA study will discuss the mitigation measures to manage or eliminate negative impacts as well as enhancing the positive impacts.

The public and the Interested and Affected Parties (AIPs) are invited to attend a meeting which will be held at the following details:

VENUE Monarch Customary Court

DATE 15 August 2023


The purpose of this meeting is to discuss features of the project, its impacts, record any comments and questions that will be raised by the public and AIPs during the meeting. The information will be used as part of the study.

For any queries or comments regarding the proposed project, or to request further information, please contact:

Loci Environmental Pty (Ltd) Tel (+267) 3930538 Postal Address: P.O. Box 2749 Gaborone Email:


Mo maitlamong a go sala morago molao wa Tshekatsheko ya tikologo (EA Act (Cap 65:07)) mo temaneng ya bosupa (section 7) tsetlana ya bobedi (sub-section 2 (a)) ba Loci Environmental (Pty) Ltd, mo boemong jwa kompone ya Earth Capital Botswana, ba dira tshekatsheko ya ditlamorago tse di amanang le ditlhabololo tse di tla dirwang.

Tlhaloso ya ditlhabololo

Ba kompone ya Earth Capital Botswana ba na le maikaelelo a go aga le go dirisa mafaratlhatlha a motlakase wa marang a letsatsi wa bokete jwa 50MW kwa polaseng ya Noka mo Francistown. Ditlhabololo tse di tla agiwa mo selekanyong sa diekere tse di lekgolo (100ha) mo polaseng ya Noka. Ditlhabololo tse di tla akaretsa diipone tse di anywang marang a letsatsi, motshine yo o fetolang marang a letsatsi go a dira motlakase yo o ka tsenang mo tirisong, ntlwana e go tla sekasekwang le go tlhokomela mafaratlhatlha mo go yone. Mafaratlhatlha a, a tla gokelelwa kwa mafaratlhatlheng a lefatshe a tsamaisang motlakase wa 132kV a a bokgakala jwa khilomethara ka kgokelelo ya mogala wa motlakase wa botona 11kV.

Lenaneo la Ditiro

Ditiro tse di amanang le ditlhabololo tse di akaretsa go kgaola ditlhare, go epa le go tshela taka fa go agiwa ntlwana e go tla sekasekiwang le go tlhokomela mafaratlhatlha, go agelela madirelo, go tsenya megala e e fetisang motlakase, go tsenya diipone tse di fetolang marang a letsatsi go a ira motlakase wa tiriso. Ditlhabololo tse di akaretsa gape le go fudusa didirisiwa go di isa kwa lefelong la ditlhabololo le go dirisa dikoloi tse ditona.

Dingwe tsa ditlamorago tse di siameng tse di tla tlang le ditlhabololo tse di akaretsa go tlhama mebereko ya nakwana, go tsholetsa itsholelo, go amogana kitso le go tlisa ditlhabololo tsa motlakase yo o ka tshephahalang mo kgaolong. Dingwe tsa ditlamorago tse di sa nnang sentle di akaretsa go kgotlelesega ga phefo, go thunya ga lerole, modumo o feteletseng, go kgotlela tikologo, kgotlelesego ya mmu. Tshekatsheko ya tikologo e tla tla ka maele a go hema kgotsa go fokotsa ditlamorago tse di sa nnang sentle le go netefatsa gore ditlamorago tse dintle di a diragatswa.

Morafe otlhe o nang le kgatlhego kgotsa o amiwa ke ditlhabololo tse o lalediwa gotla phuthegong e e tla tshwarelwang ko lefelong le le latelang

LEFELO Monarch Kgotla

LETSATSI 15 Phatwe 2023


Maikaelelo a Phuthego e ke go tla go buisana le morafe le botlhe ba ba amegang mabapi le ditlamorago tse di tlang le ditlhabololo tse, dipotso tsotlhe le dikakgelo di tla dirisiwa mo tshekatshekong ya tikologo.

Go akgela kgotsa go botsa le go itse thata ka ditlhabololo tse ikgolaganye le rona kwa:

Loci Environmental Pty (Ltd) Tel (+267) 3930538 Postal Address: P.O. Box 2749 Gaborone Email:






NOTICE OF STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (SEA) CONSULTATION MEETING FOR THE PROPOSED SELEBI PHIKWE SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE BY SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE AUTHORITY The Special Economic Zone Authority (SEZA) seeks to develop SEZs in strategic areas across the country, including Selebi Phikwe, which has been earmarked for metals and mining, logistics hub, XSYVMWQEKVMGYPXYVIGSEPERHGSEPFEWIHGLIQMGEPWFEWIQIXEPFIRI?GMEXMSRERHRMGOIPFEWIHEPPS]W SEZA has requested the services of consultants to develop a Master Plan for the Selibe Phikwe SEZ and Gabana Architects Consortium was awarded a service contract for master planning of Selebi Phikwe Special Economic Zone, Business Case development, Urban & Landscape designs ERHWXVEXIKMG)RZMVSRQIRXEP%WWIWWQIRX -RJYP?PQIRXSJXLI)RZMVSRQIRXEP%WWIWWQIRXVIUYMVIQIRXW+%&%2%%6',-8)'87 '327368-914X]0XHSRFILEPJSJ7TIGMEP)GSRSQMG>SRI%YXLSVMX]MWGEVV]MRKSYX7XVEXIKMG )RZMVSRQIRXEP%WWIWWQIRXWXYH]XSGSRWYPXXLITYFPMGERHEHHVIWWWEPMIRXMWWYIW The following impacts are likely to occur:





Ba leloko la Special Economic Zone Authority ya Selebi Phikwe (SEZA) ka tshwaragano le ba


Negative Impacts

Positive Impacts

Tse di sa siamang

Tse di siameng

? Air pollution and noise nuisance ? Pressure on land and other natural


? Creation of employment opportunities ? Improved infrastructure and services

The meeting will be held at the following venue as per the schedule below:




Selebi Phikwe

10 August 2023


? Kgotlelesego ya phefo le modumo mo tikologong

? Kgatelelo mo lefatsheng le ditsatlholego tse dingwe

? Go tlhama mebereko ? Go tokafala ga dikago le ditirelo

Phuthego e tla tshwarwa mo mafelong a latelang ka dinako tse di beilweng:





11 August 2023


Selebi Phikwe

10 Phatwe 2023



11 August 2023



11 Phatwe 2023


For more information or comments contact:

Gabana Architects Consortium Pty Ltd 43&S\+EFSVSRI 4LSRI2S



11 Phatwe 2023


Go itse go feta fa o ka romela dikakgelo kgotsa wa ikgolaganya le rona kwa:

Gabana Architects Consortium Pty Ltd 4LSRI2S


DailyNews Tuesday August 1, 2023 No. 135 Page 8 PBROOUTDSLYWANA



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