OUTSA MEETING: March 3, 2009

OUTSA MEETING: November 3rd, 2010 Minutes5:30 PMRoom 1D18Meeting called byOUTSA President Mouhammad Al-AkkoumiType of meetingOUTSA Monthly MeetingFacilitatorOUTSA President Mouhammad Al-AkkoumiNote takerVivian NguyenTimekeeperVivian NguyenAttendeesQuorum Verification: 27 Eligible Voting Members Present. 13 Needed for Quorum. Verified by Electronic Sign InAgenda topics1 minuteApproval of minutesmouhammad al-akkoumiDiscussionMotion to approve last month’s minutes by Blake Crockett. Second by Charles Frank.Conclusions22 in favor. No opposed. No abstained. Motion carries.Action items NONEPerson responsibleDeadline1 minutetreasurer’s reportalexandra steevenszDiscussionCultural and Recreation Budget is $24,973. Student Activity Fee Budget is $25,089.ConclusionsNoneAction items Person responsibleDeadlineContact Alexandra Steevensz at outsa@ouhsc.edu regarding questions on the budget for your specific collegeAll CollegesOngoing10 minutesnew businessvariousDiscussionProjected budgets for HSC programs must be presented to OUTSA and voted upon. Projections are made because it is unknown how much money will be brought into student activity fees. These are projected from last year’s numbers and what our current enrollment hours are. This money is spent at the discretion of the respective college. If the college does not bring in the total amounts estimated, then they will not be given the projected amount. The maximum amount to be allocated will be what they bring in for the semester. This is the 90% of the student activity fee from both HSC and Norman programs. 1. Allied Health Budget Plan – $62,560Question: Emily Cook – Does the budget for Allied Health have to do with the college itself or with OUTSA?Answer: Joshua Davis – Projections are made from how much money the students from Allied Health are paying in. The portion in red from the spreadsheet presented shows the money coming from student activity fees in Tulsa, which will be different from the Oklahoma City campus. Once the budget is approved, OUTSA does not keep the individual numbers, the college itself submits reimbursement requests and shows documentation to make sure everything is within the budget. 2. College of Pharmacy Budget Plan – $57,388.89 ($22,917.97 in Tulsa, $34,499.92 in OKC)3. OUTSO Indoor Soccer Tournament Proposal – Nathanael NgbondoOU-Tulsa Sports Organization is asking for $581 to register a men’s team with Soccer City on 61st and Garnett. The number of participating students will be 14. Women are allowed to join the team as well. Registering for the co-ed league is a possibility; however, last semester there were not enough female participants leading to forfeiture of several games. Question: Can any student from any college join? YesQuestion: Even though it is a men’s league, women can still play? YesConclusionsMotion to approve Allied Health Budget Plan. Second by Lindy Paul. 26 approved, no opposed, no abstained. Motion carries. Motion to approve College of Pharmacy Budget Plan by Katherine Allen. Second by Hien Wang. 27 approved, no opposed, no abstained. Motion carries Motion to approve OUTSO proposal by Charles Frank. Second by Deol Dsouza. 27 approved, no opposed, no abstained. Motion carries. Action items nonePerson responsibleDeadline4 minutesold businessblake crockettDiscussionProposal Guidelines I. Open to all OU-Tulsa students a. This goes along with the mission statement to include all students II. Submit EarlyIf the proposal is over $500, it must be presented at an OUTSA general meeting for approval so there must be time for voting representatives to receive the proposal and review it before the meeting. III. Aim for majority attendanceIt must be at a time and location where all students would be as available as possible. Times during the summer is not preferable because students are not around IV. Spending wisely and reasonably V. Fundraising a. Every organization has a start up fee, which is a donation from OUTSA. This should be used for buying supplies to build up the organization. The money should allow for fundraising so as to not rely solely on OUTSA. This is stated in the constitution. VI. Low liability The less liability for the school, the more likely the chance the proposal can be passed. VII. Scheduling This ties into Guideline #III. Timing must be appropriate for students to be able to attend. Scheduling for similar events should be avoided within a close time span of one another. This will lead to poor turnout. Conclusions Action items nonePerson responsibleDeadline4 minutesGuest speaker president clancyDiscussionDr. Clancy was the Dean of the Medical School from 2001 to earlier this year when the Dean position was handed off to Dr. Duffy. He picked up the responsibility of president of the campus in 2006. The reason he gave up the Dean position was due to the growing responsibilities of both titles. He felt that he was missing out on being able to pay enough attention to the needs of OU-Tulsa and the needs of the students. He would like an open and clear pathway of communication between OUTSA and the president’s office. Mouhammad and Blake talk to Dr. Clancy on a monthly basis with updates regarding the student body. Anytime OUTSA would like for Dr. Clancy to come speak at a meeting, he would be happy to do so. Dr. Clancy has a very open door policy when working with students. If any students have special issues that they must speak with him about, he would like that they come to him specifically. The use of usual pathways of communication such as working with professors and student support services is recommended, yet if it is a specific issue that you feel he must know about, he welcomes you to his office. He encourages the students to ask for things. Thus far, anything that has been asked for has been agreed upon by Dr. Clancy. (i.e. basketball court, disc golf course, new library, turning existing library into student union) If there are things that any student would like that would improve student life on campus, please ask. 6 minutesrecap of octobermouhammad al-akkoumiDiscussion1. Consitution and ByLaw Changes – Voting representatives were sent an email regarding the changes. Currently we have 18 votes in favor yet we still need 2/3rd of the votes in order to pass the changes. 2. Faculty/Staff vs Students Soccer Game – This was the first soccer game between the students and the faculty. The students won 8-3. 3. Scream Country Haunted Halloween Event – We sold 40 tickets total. 4. October Happy Hour – Monthly event. Games were added like Twister, Apples to Apples and Mad Gab. Attendance is usually 100+. 5. Patrick Henry Holiday Bags and Candy delivery – Deol Dsouza, Charles Frank, Cortney Dennis and others participated in this event. The children were very appreciative. 6. Tulsa Run (Cortney Dennis) – 191 runners signed up this year. This was the most participation in the last 3 years. Cortney would like to thank the student body for allowing OUTSA to receive a $20 discount. Registration was originally $30. OU-Tulsa participants paid $10 for registration, an OU Tulsa Runner tech shirt and a Tulsa run long sleeve T-shirt. The original bill was $5,600. Cortney took the $2,000 cash to pick up all the packets. She emailed the director to bill OUTSA the difference of $3,600 which will be paid out of the student activities fee. The invoice received was for $2,000 as a thank you from Tulsa Run for supplying such a large team to the race. Action items Person responsibleDeadlineAll voting representatives must email their vote for the changes in the constitution and bylaws at OUTSA@ouhsc.edu Voting Representatives Nov 30, 20101 minute committee reportsblake crockettDiscussionCrystal Moore – Social Chair (Not present, on way to Ohio for Nursing Conference)Next meeting will be before Happy Hour which is on Thursday, November 11th from 4:30 to 7pm in Founders Hall. Drinks will be served until 6:30pm. Chips, queso and chicken nugget skewers will be provided. Tree lighting ceremony – Exact time has not been set, but will be somewhere between 10am to 2pm. Social committee will be playing a part in this event by helping to set up the tree. Overview: The tree lighting ceremony is where we have a decorated tree in Founders Hall on stage where other holidays will also be recognized. Action items Person responsibleDeadlineIf you would like to join, please contact Crystal at Crystal-Moore@ouhsc.edu All interestedNone20 minutes AnnouncementsvariousDiscussion1. Recognition of State Officers for Oklahoma Nursing Chapter - Mouhammad Al-Akkoumi Representatives include: Crystal Moore, Charles Frank and Deol DSouza 2. POUNDERS – Scott ShepherdScott has been meeting with student affairs to try and start a philanthropy group. He would like to make the face of the School of Community Medicine in Tulsa more present in the community. There are two branches within this group: education and service. All of the different colleges on campus would have a philanthropy chair who would be the middle person between their respective college and this organization. Philanthropy hours would also be tracked by the organization. They now have funding and will partake in a “media blitz”. This is a video that will play on-campus along with press releases in order for people in the community to know that there is a group of individuals ready to go out and do community service. He would like in the next month to have a couple of brainstorming events with both faculty and students as well as prepare the bylaws to become an official student organization recognized by OUTSA. Estimated time is the first of the year to be a fully functional organization. Question: Who is responsible for logging volunteer hours?Answer: The chair person from each organization should be in charge of logging hours which will then be turned in to the philanthropy group for data entry. They will be utilizing the Volunteer Central system. 3. OUTSO Triple Strike Event – Deol DSouzaThe event date has been changed from November 4th to November 8th due to low participation. He would like to request that everyone talk to your respective colleges to promote this event. Participation is highly encouraged! This event involves basketball, soccer and beach volleyball. Only two people have signed up so far. The cost is $5 for one activity or $8 for two activities or $10 for all three activities. These events will take place later in the evening around5:30pm to 6pm. The college that wins the tournament will have their name on a plaque that will be hung in the new Student Union next year. The hope is that this event will be a yearly event. 4. Chalking SidewalksSidewalk chalk for event advertising is highly encouraged by President Clancy. It is an inexpensive form of promoting campus wide events. Only yellow and white chalk is allowed due to staining of the concrete. Chalking is also only allowed in uncovered areas. 5. Email Announcements – Mouhammad Al-Akkoumi, Joshua Davis There have been problems in the past with specific groups of students, such as first and second year pharmacy school students, not receiving emails from OUTSA. This was resolved by coordination with Dean Smith, Dean of Student Affairs for the College of Pharmacy. A large amount of emails are sent from Student Affairs, but this is because they are spending our money and would like to keep everyone informed about events and services on campus. Information Technologies in Norman cannot separate OU-Tulsa from their listserve, so those emails cannot be filtered unfortunately. The same concept applies to HSC based students who receive daily emails through the health sciences center. If there is an event in either Norman or Oklahoma City that you would like to see in Tulsa, come by student affairs and propose the idea for this campus. If there is enough student interest, the event or program may be developed on the Tulsa campus. 6. Student Association Meeting – Mouhammad Al-AkkoumiOUTSA executive officers were scheduled to meet with the officers from both Norman and Oklahoma City. This idea was presented by OU-Tulsa in order to exchange information with the other campuses. We wanted to discuss events on each campus and learn more about the other campuses in general as well as them about us. This was scheduled for November 1st but the meeting was cancelled. Clarke Stroud was unable to attend so we rescheduled the meeting for a later date. 7. December MeetingThis meeting is only for voting representatives plus a guest. You will have to RSVP by the deadline. The meeting will be at 5:30pm in Founders Hall on December 1st. There will be no new business to vote on in the next meeting. It is the last meeting of the semester so it will be more of a social gathering between the representatives and their guests. The purpose of the meeting is to show our appreciation for all the work that you do and your involvement in all the activities around campus. Any new proposals will be pushed back to the February meeting of next year. Action items Person responsibleDeadline Please contact Scott Shepherd to schedule a time for him to meet with your respective college regarding a philanthropy chair. Contact information: Scott-Shepherd@ouhsc.edu or Shepherd1212@ or (405)255-1635 (cell phone). Please sign up for the OUTSO Triple Strike Tournament. Contact Nathanael Ngbondo at ngbondo@ou.eduIf you are not receiving emails from OUTSA, please contact us at OUTSA@ouhsc.edu to be added to the database. RSVP to Cortney Dennis at Cortney-Dennis@ouhsc.edu for the December MeetingAll collegesAll interestedAll affectedVoting RepresentativesOngoingNovember 8th OngoingNovember 15th ConclusionsMotion to adjourn by Blake Crockett. Second by Lindy Paul. All in favor. ObserversSee attached copy of sign in sheet (printed from electronic sign in)Resource personsSpecial notes ................

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