Physical Education: Net Games Supplemental Lesson 1Mr. StiegelerTerm 2Background: Over the course of the next week we are focused on review activities via online learning. During the course of our 12-week Net Games class, we learned physical fitness components and movement concepts to be successful in net games. This week we will do three 30-minute lessons that will focus on getting us moving and develop some core strength, balance, and coordination. Below are the lessons and physical activities modified to be able to do from home. If you want to add to or provide feedback on any of the tasks asked of you, please email me or join our daily zoom meetings from 7:30-9:30 AM M, TU, TH, F and Wednesdays from 10:30-12:30 PM. The invite will be emailed out via 4j email. Have a great week and enjoy!A: Warm-Up: 3 min Jog in place.B: Dynamic Stretches: 10 min. 30 second rest between exercises.1) Toes the sky, alternating stretches for 30 seconds in place.2) Straight leg kicks in place for 30 seconds.3) Alternating Knee to chest in place for 30 seconds.4) Alternating Quad Stretch for 30 seconds.5) Standing Lunges, alternating legs. Step forward and lunge to 90-degree position and push back to your starting point and switch legs and repeat for 60 seconds.6) Alternating standing side lunges 60 seconds: Standing lunge to the side leaving trail leg straight and with your lunge leg leave toes pointed forward. Lunge down to point where you feel a stretch and then return back to your starting point and switch legs and repeat for 60 seconds.C: Movements: For the next exercises, we will perform a superset. There is no rest period in between the exercises, do each exercise one after the other till you finish the list and then rest 60 seconds. You will repeat the superset 3 times.1) High knee Skips 30 sec2) High Knee Skip and Reach 30 Sec3) High Knee Run 30 Sec4) High Knee Jumps 30 SecRest 1 minute and repeat 3 times.D: Core Strength: 1 Superset below. Do not repeat1) Full or Half Pushups 10 Seconds2) Crunches: Knees in front 10 seconds.3) Crunches: Knees to the right 10 seconds4) Crunches: Knees to the left 10 seconds5) Leg Raises: 10 Seconds6) Flutters: 10 Seconds7) Scissors 10 Seconds8) Windmills 10 secondsD: Cool Down Stretch: Hold and breath through the stretch and stand all the way up to full posture when finished1) Feet together touch the toes: 30 seconds2) Right foot over left touch the toes: 30 second3) Left foot over right touch the toes: 30 Seconds4) Right quad Stretch: 30 seconds. Point and stare at a point on the ground to maintain balance.5) Left Quad Stretch: Same as right6) Forward lunge hip Flexor stretch right leg: 30 Sec7) Forward lunge hip flexor stretch Left Leg: 30 Sec8) Squatting Groin Stretch: Feet shoulder width apart and squat down to the floor and push knees out with elbows. Hold for 30 seconds.Done and have a great day. ................

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