Full text of "Groves Dictionary Of Music And Musicians Vol Ix"

Full text of "Groves Dictionary Of Music And Musicians Vol Ix"

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Full text of "Groves Dictionary Of Music And Musicians Vol Ix"

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N no ,(s VI







S 01.L'ME IX







This book is eopjright m ail caanUks which

art sigHoiarks la the Berne Carn'ention

Fint Edition, planned and edited by Sir Geoncs Grove,

D.CJ., in four v'olumes, with an Appendix edited by

J. A. Fuller-Maiiland, and an Index by Mr«. Edmond

wodebouse, 1876, i8te, 1683, 1689.

Second Edition, edited by J. A. Fuuzr-Maitlano, in 6ve

volumes, 1900.

Third Edition, edited by H. C. Colles, in five volumes,

19 * 7 -

Fourth Edition, edited by H. C. Cottet, in five volumes,

with Supplementary Volume, 1940.

Fifth Edition, edited by Eric Blou, in nine volumes, 1954,


Laaehn Bamhoj/ Calnite AlaJras Meibaunte



ST martin's press tNC

AW Tart

V 1 RCH 1 , Paolo (^. Brescia, ? ; W. Mantua,

<. 1610).

Italian i6lh-<entury organut, lutcnisl and

composer. He ^aa ai the courts of Modena

and Ferrara from about 1584 10 i^gc and

hnaliy at Mantua, where he was appointed

to the church of Santa Barbara. He was also

1 famous ehitarrone player, for which Insiru'

meat be wrote a book ^ rumtri, madri|als,

etc., in tablature (1584), and he composed

two books of madrigals for 5 ttnees (1564,

t)88), and one book for 6 voices (i^gi).

B. V. d. s.

VIRDUNG, Sabnaciao (ft. Amberg, Upper

Palatinate, ?; d. ?).

German j)th-i6th*eentury musician. He

is the author of the oldest known work de*

scribing the precursors of modem muskal

instruments :

, Musks, uAd suMtesofs durch

iisnum ViftiuAit Pnaun von AinUrf imi sOa tewac

SI 40 4«a Bowa in dk ubulsdimi Jisst teasnwa drrw

iQfinjBwsWD 4 «t Oriria: 4 <r Liwwa; uad d«a

pletoe vin^iwvA n krnm. Kwixlxh teaisfhi lu

fr«n decs bochwinliieii heeh robomcn fwmeM unnd

hemn; fa«cr Wilhsteen BmcIwvc rum Svsubwi

sevnem fiwdirn herrsa.

We read in the dedication that the bishop in

1510 had required of Virdung that he should

send to him the 'Oedieht der deutseben

Musica\ Virdung replied that on account

of the great cost he had decided to postpone

printing the great work, but to pacify the

bishop and his own friend Andreas Sylvanus

he sends ihb present ot tract, in which M

latter appears as the interlocutor. The place

of publication is Basel, the date i$ii. The

work, wbiah is written in dialogue, b^ns with

• description of the keyboard instruments ;

then follow the othen in use at the lime. He

d^ribes the keyboard, the organ and clavi.

chord, concluding with the tablature of those

instruments and of the lute and flute.

The woodcuts, taken in their prder,»will

Ixst briefly indicate the nature of tb^bodkr

ihc cltvicordlum is the fretted clavichord

(g<ft«^), as is obvious from (he twisted keys,

^ he explains this peculiarity in the text. It

mows ju monochord origin by the sirings

|*eing all ofthe same length. The soundboard

“ virguiaJ b an instrummi

of the same oblong form, but has a triangular

scale of stringing, by an error of (he engraver

lu^ the wrong vmy (an error repealed by

Agncola, Luseintus and Rimbault) The

^ndboard, psaltery-wise, coven (he interior.

Ihe compass of keyboard of both these instru-

ments u three ocuves and a note from the

^ That it, wriueo ia C«rBm *fri*rti«in

bass clef note f to the lowest fl being

omitted ; but Vbdung g<<s on to say that the

compass had already in 151s been extended

by repeating the lowest octave, (hat b. de-

scend^ to F below the bass-clef stave. The

elavicienbalum b like the virginal, but with

dlfTerent compass (the organ short octave),

apparently from Bt In the bass clef to d'";

but the B, we bcHeve, sounded G.* I'hb is

(he ** clavicjmbanuRi ” of Sagudino, on which

he tells us little Mary Tudor played: the

Ittlian tpimita, French ts/uiutU (later ^piitfiu).

The *• cJaviciierium " b figured as an up-

right virginal, with the same keyboard ; but

the keyboards of all these irutniments and the

organs also are inverted in the printing. Vir-

dung sa)‘s it has jacks {Fe^kiU) like a virginal,

but ca^t strings. It was, he says, newly in-

vented ; he had only seen one. This is the

only early reference we have anywhere met

with to (he clatHcylherium. Rtmbaull's early

dales for it in h» * Hblory of Music ’ and die

ehronologkal order of keyboard imtrumcnis

are alike without foundation and misleading,

and further to confuse miners he was deceived

by a blunder in Luscinius, the Latin translator

(1536) of Virdung, by which iJ>c horlsonul

clavicirebalum appears u the ** clavi-

citerium ", and rirr itr$c.

Count Goiter's inicresring upright virginal,

or tpimtu, to be ascribed to the last yean of

the I jih century, shown in the Loan Collection

• of the International Inventions Exhibition,

London, 1865, and now in ibe Victoria and

Albert Museum there, has Virdung's compass

but adds the bass E and Fl, which may be

assumed to represent C and D short octave.

Virdung appean to know nothing about the

harpsichprd or later clavicembaJo, yet there

it a fine and authentic ipreimcn o( this two-

unborn irulfument, dated 1581, of Roman

mak^ ia the Victoria and Albert Museum.

' London.

Virdung's lyra U the hurdy-gurdy. Kis

lute has 1 1 strings, 5 pairs and (fwurfile, 6

nota ; bis qumtem, or treble lute, 10 strings,

Cf 5 notes. The Gross Geigen " is a bass

viol with the bridge otniiied by the draughts-

ow. The " Harffen " is the regular medieval

Dajnds harp, such as John Egan was still

mnkiJtg in Dublin as a revival or fancy instru-

ment from 1803 to 1839. The " Psalierjum "

IS a inangular small harp strung across. The

^^aeklwcii " shows the common dulcimer.

"CIctn Geigen” U a small viol; the

Trumschcii ", or trumpet marine, a kind of

* Sm Smoot Ociavx. $T»rr 4 VinoatAb.




bowed monochord. The last*namcd iiuiru*

menu, being vvilhoul frcu, N'irdung regards as


The wind inslrumcnts follow : — “ Schal*

mey ", " Bombardi ” (oboes), " Scbwegcl

" ZwcrchpfrifT" (German flute), " Floten "

(set of^abh da/rr or recorders), “ RussprelfT",

" Krumhorn ", “ Hemsenhorn ”, Zincken "

(ancient cornciu), " Plaierspil ", " Krum-

horncr" (set of crumhorrw, the origin of the

" Cremona" in the modern organ), " Sack*

pfeifT" (bagpipes), '* Busaun " (trombone),

" Felltrumei ” (cavalry mimprt), " Clareu "

(clarion), " Thurnerhorn " (a kind French

horn). The organs are " Orgcl ” (with 3

divisions of pipes), Positive" (a chamber

organ) Regale " (a reed organ) and ** Porta-

tive " (pipe regal), with, as we have said,

short-octave compass like the " clavkimha-

lum ", the keybMrds l>elng reversed in the

printing. Ihe organ and portative end at g'

instead of

Lastly are " Ampos ", " Zymeln " and

" Glocl^n " (anvil and various bells, Virdung

appearing to believe in the anvil m)ih). He

has trusted to hU osvn or another's imagina*

tion in reproducing St. jeroerte's instruments,

only the drums and perhaps psalterin being

possible. His keyboards come next and are

evidently trustworthy. HU diagram of the

diatonic keyboard, ss>ith two D>s only, agree-

ing with Guido’s hand, is the only es’idence we

arc acquainted with for thU disposition of the

clavichord with tsventy natural and two raised

keys, which Virdung saya lasted long.

The latter part of the book U occupied with

the tablaturcs. His lute rules meet with obfee-

tions from Arnoh Schlkk the younger in hU

* Tabulatur etlichcr Ix>bgcsange ’ (Mentr.

Mendel's * Lexicon’ says that copK^

of Virdung’s book are to be found only in

the Berlin and Vienna Ubraries; but Alfred

Littleton owned an original copy, and another

is in the library ofj. C. Matchesv. A facssmik

reproduction of 300 copies was brought out

in I $63 in Berlin, edited by Robert Elmer,

being the eleventh volume published for the

Gcscllschaft fur Musikforschung, who had pre-

viously publishetl Arnolt Schllck's * Spiegel

der Orgelmachcr ’, also of 131 1, and referred

to by Virdung. A more modem facsimile was

edited by L. Schrade and published at Csissel

in t 93 i> Mendel further says there are at

Munich four 4*pari German songs by Virdung

in the rare collection of Peter Schoefler

(Menu, r3!3), numbered 48, 49, 53 and 34.

A. j. K.. ad^.

Sm mIu Liueinui {Ltt. tram, ot ' Mtaka tvtutsdti ’).

VIRELAl (Fr-). A lay from Virc in

Normandy, a type of medieval French song.

— CxNNXiai, F.. * ItendcauK. N’lrrUb uad Balli*

den'. 9 vAb. (TVndrn. 1927).

.trr als« Lay. Machaut. npeta.

Virgil (PabIfM VerfiUa* Mare). Su Bcdios

(' Les frotew oprrasj. Uide and Aeneat (Purcelt}.

Uumini t*Ei»ea\ apera). Kraus (), M., 'Aeneas I

Carthaea’, oprra). Luaenko {'Aeneid*, opera).

Leeflkr (* I^can rem ' tot orth.). htalipiero (2 choral

warlu), Mudarra {pasayes sci (o (he lute), Purcell (4,

* Di 4 » and Aeneas *. opera), R^r-Ducasae (cliorus).

Sdvcrac DidMt ei £<>^ *. s>'7nph. sui(«), TrevcM

(Beriior, epera*).

Biou — RoinUtM. V,. ‘Net bimillenario vitpliano;

virplio fente di litceni pre musira ’ iMilao, 1931 ).


An Americnn invention, produced in i rudi-

mentary A^m in 1873 under the name of

Technipbone. It xvas patented by AJmon

Kincaid Virgil in 1893. as the Praciicc Clavier,

and was Imught to England in 1893. The

instrument is in the form of a small pianoforte,

having nearly the full compass of the key-

board. The keys a rc du mb (the prt^ure being

regulated as in the Digitorlum, but the special

property of the contKvance is that any in-

equality of toueh in legelo playing can br

easily corrected. The key can be made to

(woduce a little " click" as it descends, and

another "click" as it ascends (both sets of

clicks can be used, or caused to cease, at disc re*

Ison), so that a perfect ltg$ia touch can be pro-

duced by almost mechanical means, for when

the " click " of (he rising key coincides exactly

with that of the falling key it is manifest that

on an ordinary pianoforte the passage from

one note to the other Mould be perfectly

smooth. j, A. p.-N,, abr.

VlRGlNAL(S). A keylMard Instrument

with one set of jacks playing on one set of

sirlr^. Much CMifuslon has arisen in the

past over nomenclaiurc, early wrlien using

the names virginal, spinet and haqnichord

loosely to dcKribe any keyboard instrutnent

in which the sirinp arc plucked. By 1833

Roscoe was writing " the Claricord [;iV] was

a sort of spinet resembling die Virginals

Confusion has been added to confusion be-

cause the virginal was called In Italy tphiella

and in France /pintltt, but It is quite wrong to

translate these words as " spinet ". as the true

spinet is quite diflcrenily conceived from ihe

virginal, and the tone and musical capabilities

of the two instruments are entirely diflercni.

Florio, in his ' New >V'orld of Words ' (1611).

gives " spinctia, a kind of hide spine ... a

paire of virginalles’’ and " spincttcgiarc, to

play upon the virginalles ".

The origin of the name virginal is uncertain.

That it has any connection ^v^lh Queen

Elizabeth I ("the virgin queen"), who was an

accMsplishcd player of the instrument, cannot

be allowed, since the name was in use before

she was bom. It may possibly have some con-

nection with the popularity of the instrument

among young ladies, whereas the lute was the

instrument commonly playrd by men ; but

the name most likely derives from the Latin

word rjVgWtf, meaning a little stick ~ a refer*

mee to the jacks.


'Hie virgiiul may be dcBaed as tbe bouse^

hold keyboard mstnimtat of (he i6tb and

early j 7th coituriea, with a corapas of some

four octaves (short^Ktave lunbig m the bass),

playing at 8 ^ 1 ^. ^(ch. The case is always

rectaj^ular, pent^ooal or, rarely, polygonal,

and the airings pass over two bridges, both

on the soundboard, and Ue parallel with the

keyboard. The soundboard usually has a

highly decorative rose. The natural keys are

Covered with boxwood, rixMiy or ix’ory, aitd

a variety of cuaterUls are used for acciden*

tab. In the Italian instruments case and

soundboard are of similar wood, probably


We have here a clear dlstirtetion between

the virginal and spinet, for in the latter the

case b wing'Sbaped, only one bridge b on the

soundboard (the other being 00 the wrest-

plank) and the strings are at an acute angle

to the keyboard.

Mention may be made cf two unnamed

freak virginals ^ the late t6(h century. One,

now in Ute National Trust collecuon, has two

sets of jacb, both playing at d-ft. pteb, and

the other, in the Johannesburg MuKum, has

two jacks to each note, one sounding strings

at &*ri. ^tch and the other 16-fl. ^ich.

The plectra of virginal jacb are leather,

quill or, very rarely, wire, ivory or whalcbooe.

Leather b the most usual.

Sometimes we And the terms " pair of

virginab", and ** single" and "double"

yirginab. " Pair " b used in the same way as

in a pair of stepe, referring to tbe division

of the keyboard. " Single " and " double "

probably referred to the compass of the instru-

ment, ceruinly not to the number of key-

boards, as was formerly suggested.

There b a vast amount of music (or the

virginal written during the tSch and early

I7ih centuries, the tradition ceasing some-

what abruptly with the death of Orlando

Gibbons in 1615. Although a few instruments

were made in England in the last half of the

J7^h century, during the period of tbe great

Engluh virginal school, when English com-

posers led the world in compceltioo for the

instrument, there b, incredible as it may

seem, no positive evidence that virginals were

made In England- There b ceriainly no

specimen left for us to see ; old virginab,

made before 1619, are always of Italian or,

rarely, of German or Flemish make. (There

are no Englbb lutes made before tbe middle

of the 1 7th century either, although the great

school of lutenbt song-wriien flourubed at

the same time as the virginal school.)

TTw first description of the virginal b found

in Virdung’s * Musica getutsebt uod awage-

»g« ', printed at Basel in 1 51 1 . In it he

admits that he knows nothing of the origin or

invention of the insirumeor. There b abo


an early reference (c. i$t8) to the Instrument

in an inscription taken from the wall of a

bouse in Yorkshire, which reads :

A a virfiAall Muodilhe nol srifhl

It doth abide (W vreuince it i* to loose and lif hi

The lowed boedc «a*ede, fonith the uuiruAeoie,

Throw ■Bfoventaoce, lo sake notes •tiich was act hu


There are frequent references to virginals

in the Privy Purse expenses and in the In-

ventories of the Tudor kings and queens.

Henry VIII, himself a good player (as were

Mary and Eltubeih 1 ), kept one virginal

player (John Heywood, d. c. 1565), and

Edward VI, Mary*, Elizabeth and James I

kept three at court. The name of Cowts has

come down to us as a rirginal repairer 10

Qiicen Kfary.

in tbe household accounts of Margaret of

Austria, E. van der Stracten discovered the

following entries:

A wif «( ’saiut do Is d*Attvert lo lomme do VI

hvm ou^uH Aodwie damo m o Tsii don on isv'our do re

«ioe le st# joMT d’Ucioboo KV.XXll (<sroJ U s smeni

ileus inuiA mlCtoA, hli et fiUe, quM> out tur uno

oopineMO «i <ho>id s awn dtnrr.

A rurcaniMe do ktonueur d« Fieianei, leut Uvrei dont

Medeooc Iw s Cut dou m fovour do ce oue m tecoiid jour

dr f ibr e XV.XXVJ (>)id) II eal senu jouhor e'un

tnwr weii t du rtpioetie doveei elk a mi diaer.

Also that In the tnvcniory of the Chiteau de

Pont d'Ain of 1531 there b reenlioned " una

etpinetta cum sua eiuy " (virginals were

commonly kept in outer cases).

Numerous exam^es ei early virginab exist

bt museums and national collections, and

many, in private ownership, carefully restored,

are still played regularly, in the fourth

edition of this Dictionary there is a reference

to a virginal slivwn at the Bologna ExJiibiiion

of 1B85 bearing an irucription " Alessandro

Pasi Modenese" and the dale 1490. It is

said that it was a true Italian tpi/ulta (i.c.

virginaj) In a bad sute of repair and that the

date had been verified ; but the instrument

cannot now be traced.

A few exuting instruments may be men-

tioned with the names of their makers. In

(he Paris Conservaioire a virginal by Fran-

cesco di Portalupb, Verona, 1323. In the

Dublin Museum of Science and /^t one by

Francesco da Bresela, 1364. In the Hdiel

Cluny, Parb, an uuirumcnt by Basso of

Venice, 1570. At Leipzig one by Benedetto

fToriani. 1371 {m FLATS 37, VoJ. IV, p.

7 $ 8 }. In (he Victoria and Albert Museum,

Lofsdon, there are Instruments by Rosso of

>555 t 577 (the latter smothered

with precious stones), and Elizabeth Ts vir-

^nal which b oetiher named nor dated. Also

in the Victoria and Albert Museum b a fine

Englidi virginal by John Loosemore, 1635, in

a highly decorative painted case {m PLATE

76, Vol. IX, Ffooti^ece). a. h. (iv).





FIT2^^^LLlAi^ Virginal Book- — T he cno«

remarkable and In many respects the most

valuable coUeclion of Duabeihan keyboard

music Is that contained in the volume known

in the 19th century by the misleading name

of ' Opeen Elizabeth’s Virginal Book ' and

now called the * FitawiJIUm Virginal Book

This book, which is preserv'cd in the Fitswilliam

Museum at Cambridge, is a small folio volume

containing sso folios of paper ruled by hand

for music in 6-line staves, 909 of which are

hlled with mtmc written in a small but distinct

handwriting. The volume measures 137^

ins. in height by ins. in breadth, and the

binding (a fine specimen of English 17th-

century workmanship) is of crimsoa morocco,

enriched with beautiful gold tooting, the sides

being sprinkled with J1curs*de-lis. The water-

mark on the paper is a crozIer*case, measuring

4^ ins. in height and ins. in its widest part.

It is possible that this mark indicates that the

paper was manufactured at Basel, as the arms

of that town are similar to it. The manuKripi

has in places been cut by the binder, but the

binding is probably not of later date than the

bulk of the book. Nothing is known of (he

history of the volume before the early part of

the idih century, when it was first noticed as

being in the possession of Tepusch ; but there

is sufficient evidence to prove that it can oex*er

have belonged, as was generally supposed, to

Queen Elizabeth, a statement for which

Hawkins seems to be responsible. The wh^e

of the manuscript it in one handwriting; In

many cases the compositions it contains bear

the dates at which they were composed, and

these dates (as will be seen from the list

printed below) arc in no sort of chronological

order. The latest dated composition con-

tained in the collection is an ’ Ut, re, mi, fa,

sol, la, a 4 voci ’ by Sweelinck, which occurs

on page 9i6 [ii, 96] * and bean the date i6t9,

nine yean after the death of Queen Elisabeth,

to whom the book is said to have belonged.

But there is another piece in the volume which

was held to prove that the collection must

have been written even later than (his. At

page 955 [ii, p. 138] is a short composition by

John Bull, entitled ' D. Bull’s Juell * (i.r.

’ Dr. Bull’s Jewel ’). Another setting of the

same tune occurs on folio 49^ of a manuscript

collection of Bull’s instrumental music in

B.M. Add. MSS 33.633, which Is particularly

valuable as containing the dates at which

most of the compositions were written, and

this copy bears the inscription ** Het Juwed

van Doctor Jan Bull quod fecit aruio 1621.


' The nrer<ncn le *4vere breckeu ere le Ike primed

edition of the ' PxBwiUum V.B. *, edited b)' J. .A. Fuller*

Moitlasd ami W, Benhr Squire.

* C/. p. 8. Ni.ce > I . of thia a tlkle.

Chappell, at the beginning of his work on

the * Popular Music of the Olden Time ’ »

(p. xv) surmises that this collection may have

l«n made for or by an English resident in the

Netherlands, and that Pepuscb obtained it in

that country. This conjecture he founds upon

the fact that the only name which occurs in

an abbreviated form throughout the book is

that ofTregtan, and that a sonnet signed Fr.

Tregian ” is prefixed to Vcrsiegan’s ‘ Restitu-

tion of Decayed Intelligence’, which was

puUtshed at Antwerp in 1603. The abbrevi-

ated name occurs as follows : at p. 1 1 1 [i ,996]

is a compodtion of William Byrd's headed

‘Treg- Ground'; at p. 159 [i, 32 ij is a

' Pavana Ddorosa. Treg. ’, set by Peter

Philips and dated 1 593 ; at p. 196 [i, 415] is a

short piece entitled ' Hea\^n and Earth to

which no composer’s name is given besides the

syllable "Pre” (posslUy a contriciion of

” F- Tregian ’’) ; and at p. 997 [ii, 937} in the

margin, the initiali " F. 'Tr.’* are written

against the first line of a jig by ^^'illiam Byrd ;

on p. 313 (ii, 978] ' Mrs. Kaiherin Tregian’s

Pauen * U written in the margin against a

* Pavaiu chromaiica’ by William Tisdall.

These few clues certainly point 10 some con*

nection of the volume with the Tregian

family, and It so happens that the history

of at least two individuals of the name of

F. I rtgian is known with a considerable de-

gree of certainly.*

It U now known ihai the connection of the

Tregian family tvith the Netherlands was even

c\aur than Chappell suspected, bui it was

impoasiUe that ihe virginal book could have

been written by the elder Francis Tregian,

who (according to Oliver) was the author of

(he sonnet prefixed to Versicgan's work, Who*

cs’er Ihe actual scribe was, the series of dated

pieces by Peter Philips (pp. 134*63 (i, 280-

346 })i '^ho was possibly a connection of

Morgan Philips, one of the first professors of

the Douai College, the note (p. 964 [il, 904])

to the Pavana of Byrd's (who was all his life a

Catholic ’), the heading of the jig (p. 306 [ii,

* edtOpQ oT iHm w«rk refrrrctl lu in dih ankle i(

that pgMiikeO by Ckappell k Clo. la two volMine*.

%jik«ui a daw. llwfull uik-paje runs siMlou'* : ' The

BalLwl LiwcaCwrc snd RqpuUr Mii,ie of ihr Okicn Time '

M Hoiofv <4 Ike AfKwe< Sonet, Balltuit. siid ihe Dance

Tanet qf £a<l*n«l. wilh nunwrau* AneeJotee and endic

KalUde. AW a 8Wci Accuunt uf ihe Minttrelt. lit

W. Ohapiwll. F.S.A. Ike «4>dte vf die Ain haimonised

by C. A MacfaireM.*

* Fee furihec 6mib are TarniAX.

* 71b muck may be said wiih certainly ; die qucidM\

«fl ByrO’c retsewa pmeMi diflinatlies only lo diose «th»

do AM reakw iWi i( was pottiUc lor Enelithmcn. whow

penanaJ peeWences were lot ihe old order and the

Laiin nioal, to tme ihc Chuicli of Eneland Watly

ihrouckoui (he reieea oT Uuabedi and James i. The

irivi^ Onn iacuer^ by KytJ and his fajiuly probably

show wIkco iheir prrlrreiKes la>'. The fact vf Int

kaldinc (he lease of Sto<*den, Kquesliateil on accouAi of

its owfwr's coapliciiy in a (Nnnth plol, lutTicienily

•il«m hh polnkal loyally, aoJ hi* coniinued «eivv;«ia

ike CWpel Koya] «kow^ hUn lohave been in communion

with Ike naitotial C^hureh. ii. c. c.



357]), ' Doctor BuU'» myseUe ’ (BuU w«9( to

FlAoders in 1613), ail point to the cooclusioo

that the coUcciioa was formed by soioe one

who was intimate with the Roman Catholic

refugees of the period, while the probaUe coo-

necdon of the book with the Trefian family

lends to it a value beyond that of its musical


The eacliot account of this coUectioo of

virginal music occurs in the life of John Bull

in Ward’s ' Lives of the Gmbasn Professon ’

( r 7 ^)» in which is printed a list of Bull’s com*

posiuom coniaioed in it. Ward sutes that his

infonnatjoii was derived from Pepusch, who

communicated the contents of the vtdume 10

him, describujg it as ** a large fi/it neatly

written, bound in red Turkey leather, and

guilt". In this no mention is made of the book

having belonged to Queen Elizabeth. In 1 763

it was bought for to guineas at the sale of

Pepusch’s collection by R, Bremner, who gavr

it to Lord Fitawilliam, in whose possession it

was in 1783. It is next noticed in Kawkiiu's

' History * (177^), where it is first stated to

have been in Queen Elizabeth's peasesaioo.

Hawkins also tells the story (repeated by

Burney) of Pepusch’s wife, Margheriu de

TEpine, having attempted to play the music

it contained, but although an eicelleni harpsi-

chord player, never having been able to master

the first piece, Bull’s variations on ’ WaUing*

ham’. Burney {1783) adds the wclMinot«‘n

account of Elizabeth’s playing to Sir James

Meivi), with the remark that if she couM

execute any of the pieces in the Virginal Book

she must have be» a very great player, as

some are so difficult that It would be hard to

find a master in Europe who would play

them without a month’s practice. Burney’s

remarks have been repeated by so’eral writers,

among others by Stcevens, m his notes to 'The

Winecr’s Tale ’ (1803), but with the exception

of Chappell's conjecture nothing further has

been discovered with regard 10 the origin or

bbtory of the book . A man uscript index of 1 is

cooienis was In the possession of BarJeman,

and fr«n this a copy was made in 1816 by

Henry Smith and inserted at the end of the

original volume. In Warren's edition of

Boyce’s ‘ Cathedral Music ’ (1849) a list of its

contents was printed in the notes to the life

oTByTcl, but this is in many respects inaccurate.

In framing the foUosving list some attempt

has been made to give a few references to

similar collections in t^ich other copies of the

compositions indexed may be found. The

compositions mosily consist of airs and varia-

timss, like different sections of which arr

numbered consecutively. Thus the first piece

in the book consisu of twenty-nine variations

on tbc air ’ W’ahinghaTn ’, but as in the manu-

Kfipl the air itsetf is numbered "I" the

number of sections is stated in the index to

be thirty. The references to Cliappeil’s work

are to the edition already mentioned. The

spdlifig of the manuscript is generally retained,

but in a few instances abbreviations have been


vou I OF FKi.yreo edition






• »




















/Vrr •/




s 7












7 a








* Gee itM

a bM. MOM Ba mt mom.'

lUioiiM 10 L. h^kr’t Fown. ?•«. 74.






BonAww Dtoante.


Df. J>>MI »ull,^

t oHn Munday.

kuk Mvodoy,*

erdin«nC« Kiohoniwa.*

FerdmsAdo Rkkatdten.

Ferdifuedo hiehardiM.*

Ferdinoodo hkhirdMn.

WiUiuB D^.

Thootu Motky.'




Doctor Byll.»



Ur. Bull.*


' Chamll, p. I,,. Word (• Lim of Uk

tuoe «rw fim too.,

iwewy.iwo voriMMoi; afte*!

iSi«t Mhen wftt added to k by Dr. Brfi"

'=^'' *■

5?**^ Wether. Lkhioiot. Tbo^krT^Sr

W«ho, Li«b«Uo*. ThuDder^Fai,,

7 Vi^. A a«*»e Day, huTT^'

A cofy bT ihk M B Add. MSS so^Sv taL 73*.

MSS 3o,4a3.M. 7«a.

. ' 40 , 14 *. A letdoa by Wm. Byrd k in

•*biaiu»e in

AO* asM 9t.3ft, loL *$.

aapstaB. pp. i M, ,47, Uo, 77 t.

* Meo«Brd B Ward’s Lift. A eo(R i, to B. Cofy,j*,


» &>.*4o. I3>.

‘* t^s ff H I. pp. 04 A. 779. VH, p. , 4 ,.









^ 1






3 S


7 ?

. Galiaida.

1 1








Prachs^upk. £1. Kidominer.





William Byrd.*







The Irish Hi^boane.

4 )


87 1


Ferdinando Kirhardson.



90 1


Feidmaodo Rkbardtoo.





Ferdmando Rkhardsoo.




Ferdaoacsdo Richardson.


3 i


'The Quodran Pauect.

Ds. Bull.*




VariaTioo of the Quadran Paisen.

Dr. Bull.



Qaliard to y* Quadran Fauan.

^uana. iW

l>r. BwU.




Or. Bull.




Galiard loihe Pauciv

Or. Bull.





Si, Thocnaa Wake.

l>r. Bull.*



[ft Nomine.

Dr. Bull.




Dr. Bull.*

7 *




Rob. Ihonsen. Sett by Giles





TTk Woods to Wilde.t




Pauana of hly L. Lamky.

Doctor Bull*



’ Cioc freoi cny IVindow.*

then hlunday,*

boeior Bull.'*





Clorta Tibi Trlnitas.

J>ocior Bull."



Satuaiof Mundi.

Doctor Bull. ‘*





Ooetor Bull.






Doctor Bull.


Caliarda to the Fauett. Fag. 8), Doe.

Doewr Bull.





Thomas Oklfrld.'*



In Nomine.

WilHasn Bhihtnan.'*




Vi, rc, mi. b, tol. la.

Oeetor Bull.‘*





WilliM Byrd.




TheKling s) Hum.

Gila Pamabie.'*



1 P 9


Chief Fanubie.




For 3 Vjrg,

Giles FamalMc.**




Pauamesao Pauana.

W. Byrd.**




Caliardut Fartanteito.

W. Bitd.


Ttw Carman’s IVMsifc.

W. Byrd.**




’The KuAt't Up.

W. Bytd.**



Treg. Ground.

W*. Byrd,*'

' 4



Monsieur's Alman.

W. Byrd.“

• 10




W’, lyrd.





W. Byrd.

W. B^.*i




SelUe^f’t Round.





W. B^.**



0 hliscri* oivsie.

W. Byrd.**



The Woode eo WiU.

W. Byrd, laen.**

1 139



W. Byrd.*’

* yiJt iJifit, p. 4 l>.

* 9r«lu4« u AMicnfd is * fMtbeou*.

* /,#. * Och«nt Ch«pp«l(. p. jpi.

* Ch 4 p^(. p, to4, A di^ercm tfciini W Bull h in

Co«vn'$ V.B., p. P 4 < Sff cte Add. MSS « 9 ^ 85 , p. 14 :

$ 046 |. M. r 74 ; P'-W- M. so; and Fonicr** VTB..

pp. pi and aoa : pl»o tir/rt N«, i jj. TIh« and ibe n«it

Mv«f> picc«« art •• H’ard*> L»l.

* aW in * Fanlwnia

* In Ward** Lni ihia h caUed * Faniasia upae a naia

San* •.

* Onlynna bar afihc *ee(ian haa batn wtiitai* in.

tba rat a (he pa*e a M) blank, CSuppM. p. ^ A

aan e4 ihi* i* in Add. MSS $1,403. Mhkh pivet ihc name

or Orlando Cibban* at iSc c eiapiff. Sr* «fi* Fanarr**

V t.. pp. 118 ; Udr NenU'a V.B, U, top ; Add. MSS

90,483. fol. C7 ‘ aHa ra/Va. No. 8?.

* *^ Vida the Calliard (a ihia Paoen. pac. >7 ** (Me te

the MS), In Caarn't V.B.. p. ($, ilUt Pa«an and its

Calliard have Caayn'* ituUals 10 (hen. h «i meotMoed

in Ward’* LisL

* ** Videp, »!,*’ 'thitttthaaamecampoMiioOMibai

VO p. 21, attribuied to hforkv. bat (he aopr on p. a*

want* (he Anal taetion. Arwehar aaiiiM (br Brrd) it in

Fortier** BocA. p. 324, and in Coc^** B^, p. (37.

Ward calls this ' PraaludiuA 10 Gloria Tibi Trtei.

(as *.

This and the foOowiof three piece* are in Wardb


'* There are two similarly named <oaposi(iaaa byBall

in Add. MSS 29,623, fri. 1 p. and 31 .403 irfpeeiivalv. but

all three are diHerenl.

'* This eompaace « totally unknown.

'* WriKoi on Ihc tame plainsone as In Kamum by

Btyeheman ia Add. hfSS 31.40) and 30,485.

In Ward’* L«K.

^ Chapin, p. 6e. Srr a/s* Cos^tt's Booh. p. 73.

A curteu* Uida pieea of elehi bast for iwo \'irgin«%l<,

** This Favan aM th«rellawinit GalJtard also occur in

Lady NevriTt Boob. W. os, and Will Fonicr** Brnk,

p. 3*7. Sr* Wm p. 14}. No, 76.

'* TMt cclabcated piece has often been printed.

Copia eF it are in Lady Ncveli’s Book, fol, lan. and in

Add. hisS 3* .40) and 30.483. and Fortcrr't Book. p. 130.

CluM^, pp. 137-40. 428.

C3tappdl. pp. 33. 6o.8t. tgC; a emy it in Ladv

^^eeriTtBook, fed 48. Another •eiiinc by Byrd i* No. 370

<l|. 4 ) 0 ). where k is called ' Petcodd Time *.

** A copy oF (hr* H in Lody Novell’* Bonk, fol. tS3L

whese ii « called ' Ht*the Aston* siownde *.

* A copy of thn U in Fonter** Booh, p. 344. A dilTcr.

en( setliM n in Lady NevHr*Book, (bl. 173), ofwhkb 4

enpy h also in Forster's V’.B., p. 386.

** Chappell, p. 89, where the melody is pn'oled In

Byrd's arrange m e n (. A copy is in Lady Net'cll'* Book,

fol. 1668.

*' Chappell, p. ids.

** /M.^ 3 op.

** A dinerent setiirar from that contained in p 74. p-

S C op its in Lady Nevell** Book, fol. *09 aad Add.

pa.403 and 31,403. Sir o/m Will Fomer'* V,B,,

p. isS.

** At No. 1. Ollier conies of this teitinc are la Ladv

Nrvefl'i Booh. M. sr. and Will Fonter't Book, p. 74.







Ed. 1



1 Cripajrf




The Bclk

1 W. Byrd.




(I) Tini eli LiKa Maimm It parte, lau*

walaaa di Retro Philippi.

I Feeler I’hiUp'.




(9) Frtao, oe pane.

Peeler Fhilifa.



la) Com hlanro, 5* pane.

Peeler Pliilii*'.




(«) Fete da T«i « ft.

Feetee lliilip'.




lU Pauana Papyet.

Feeler Philip,*



lft> CaUaida.

Feeler ITiilipr.




(7) PaaraoMxo Pauaiaa.

Peeler Fltili|>t. lyii.




16) Galiardaa Patfamcrio.

Prewr Phili|i(,i



Sit 1

(0) ^a Ir^ al <iela dt Alrmatim


IVier Phibp*.




not Bon Jbor awA Cueur di OrUade.

1 Frier Fliilip'.




Ill) Peuana DaloeoiA. Ter«.

1 Peter Fhilipi* IV>3.


1 fli


tr8» Cabanla DukeMa.

1 Peter Flidipi'

6 i


<151 .\siarilli di Julio Kamann,'

. Peter Pliilipi. ibnj.




'14) htart««e Labueet.

1 Peter Pldlipt. ilars.



ri«) FaniMta.

j Peter Pliilipi.

• It



hfti PauMia.

. Frier fbiliiM, I'Av*

• 6 i



' (IT) L< Kou»fnu<d.

1 Piier Fliilip*. • ’/•*>■




lift) Gallwrda.

Frier Pkilirt.




119) Fanlaaia.

Peter Fldlipi. 1509.




ih FaaiaMa.

Nkbalai Sirnrrrt.





XIariiA PeefevMi.




Pauana Brav.

VV. Byrd.





VV. Bvnl.



3ft7 1

Pauana. Ph. Tr.

1 W, Byrd.





j \V'. Byrd,



CM<MiaiMii Picld.*



Prachidium Ti^rata r.

' Vlian PinrrMHi SueDi



Pauana I.

Ihnmai VVarrueli.



Caliarda |.

' 'Ikumai VVarpak.









Praaludium to «• Famie. Pac. 0t<*

VVm. Byrd.




Vi. re. mi. b. tal.la.

W. Byrd.*




Vi, im. r«.

W. By rd.





\V. Bynt







AU in a Garden cram,

Heauen and Enrtk.


VV. Byrd.'


Dr. Bull.

• 9 ^








1 Ik. Bull.*




FaeUi.NaA4qur. !«•

TbMmai TaMu. 1 364,*



' 1



•a '














NmM|w«. «■.


Oa»luM. s.

PaolMWLarfe. ft.

QB^nc*! 7.


ThomM tallit,


Ciks KamaUr.'*

^•ik( Famab>'.

<*ik( Famiby."


5k Val. til. p. 6ft4.

t,4. Cacdm.

* 1 a (ha atarsin h tht fallawiAK note <pwi al «liich

haa bMB cut by ih« Wader): "The 6m am rUim


... *’«. “<< PP* '77. '7ft, »»••< iftoare

blank. The nuneraMnoriha pieco karei a4Thnr.

* /.r. Na. yt.

* TUt pM«* eoMUM seveaiam riMii* *baei Mniam.

Al the UMefp,


. i» wrt'ien *• M«e

QdppeU. p. 110. Occun la Ladv XereQ’* Book.

Wa/d'a Ui.

* Tallk c<

I i . . - • • ^1^7 • few pwee* «pcda8y fM a

keiWH Irvtrvoteni. The foaowiaf k«» au? be

lacnM M bin):

). FitcwiUiam V.B.

.11^ 1 J**'* Mainaa ' ( tsfta), Na.M9.iAC.

II. w.'fL'.2“vr^


IV. ft,M. Add. MSS »04ft^ (the aa^^id * Pieado

(iv] • Peli. luiaaM *. M. H*. No.

dd. MS

Nevelb ftaak’ (d«uM dncnpUm.

('Sfts) TT. Talla aflkr-


<*) * FelU AamatM ’

^ Wfv".«H.49).

(vi) * A Lettaa \

4a. foL spft, (cowiis ^

. *'?’ *?"* «« • feumeaiarr teertaa

IB Si. Smh’a * Muiiea amtsua* and «

VVdumaAA'f 'CeKbiehie de» Klavkr'

rpM* *. lod ed. 1697).

V. B,M. Add.T,lSS5i4aj.

(*a)‘Fe4Jf lum^ue lal 40 fT. (" TalJii hit


Prenaudr teholan believed ihai the «ix eom*

9 ^ ibe tame beadins of * Felix namqur '

erpeneatad Caor difFeeent teittnci W one pankutar <oni-

Squire iofo©<n«e 4 $. p. 5«ft. VoK

V, Ce^i Diet., jrd ed. 19*7). More reteii) inveiii*

latM hu^tbtm tbat TaHu in fact eompmed nnly me

Mbact <r Feks aamque difTenne eniitely in kev and

^ ioiarfeltrlaftjlMp ©f iIk mi iiewt,

tabelkd alike, a at lbUo«i :

JA *Bd I « m iwa loulK diflerenl eampmiiisni.

Howeret, II at, 111 iv. IV/vaed V/i-iiarevananuoft^ii

dHimam. mch aa ij>e*e are, beinp ehieflv eonr»ned 10

Che Arte 3ft ban {wtiKh C. v. d, ftorrcn call* ’* a prelude lo

y** *— . mmrmaae "I aad lo the etotins lo ban reipeei*

nw. la bath «aae« the (hematic tuSieci* mailer i<

l/ii, hii (he camniemeiitary doJv*

phaaK piau ait diflennu The main tection. repreient*

m* Ik palyphaaK deveUMHaret oT ihe Uiursieal

6-«a^ (eammea^ after bar 96) h in all vewon*

■temcal, aa n Ibe fc«v af A (>.<, Ihe Aeolian made).

FarBiVi 'CaAtoneis (o%^re

• Daphne on the Rainrbow




PrMMwm Dor.


Vi. tt. mi. b, mI. b, • 4 wod.

Jo Nomine.

Pr««lu 4 ium.

Pau4na Lachryoue.

CaU 4 fd«.

Pauana. i.


Oiriste Re^mfHof.

The May«l«n’« So<w.

PuK f 9 (hy dacecr Je«ny. 0.

Beoy Sw««i Robin. 9.

FanteM*. 10.

A Crouodc. 9.

Baraimiw Drreiae.

The Hvatinc Gellianl. 4.

Qiaedfu Piuwa.

CalwH to the Qm^tm F««en.

The Kintal Hum.



D. Buir*fudl.

The Speeab Peueo.

InNoAine. r.

Woeddy^k. 1 1.

The Duke of Bmeirdek’e Akneei.

RoHHoUe. 19.


Fulse. 9.


AlntM. 9.

Almen. 9.

The New Se'hoo.'* 19

Nobedyet Cine. 1.

h{«U*i eeme dewne.





U Velto.


Wohey'i WHde.

Cetlino Cawureme.

U Volte, T. hforky.


Why eibe yon.**


Or. 6uU.>

J«hen Feiereon Swelling. 1613.

Ur. BulL

lehA Dowlend, «eii foorth by Wm.


I Jemee Herding, leii foorih by Wm.


Thomea Tomkiiu.

Thornes Morfey.

Dr. Bull,*

>S'm. Byrd.*

Giloi Femsby.

GUei Femeby,*

Cilet Femeby.

Thornes Tomkins.

TlKHnes Temkios.*

Thornes Tomkins.

Win. B^.*

Wm. Byid.*

Dr. Bull**

Or. Bull.

Or. BuU.

Dr. BuM."



dl« Femeby.'*

Dr. BuU.'*

Ciks Ferrtebv.**

Robert Johnson.

t rhen Rrietten SHelllng.

leberi Johnson.

Robert Johnson.

R. JohosoB. Sett by Cikt Per*


Giles Femeby.

Rkherd Femeby, sonne to Giles


WilKem Bvrd.'*


Thomea Mosley,

Thornes Morley.

Thornes Morisy.

WilUero Byrd.**

Wm. Byrd.

Wm. Byrd,**

W. Byrd.**

W. B^.

\V. Byrd.**

' InWesii sUi.

* Add. MA& at,9Q4{U. ssl hei* OowiOestdSLeebrv.

mae * in lute ubJsture. The tune It to be lowsd in sMarly

every Clitebeihan crikeiicn eitd is fkmuenslv ellwM to

by writen. It occun el foi. pie of Add. hl$.A 90,183. and

e Ktlinv bv Corm h in hsi V B.. n. t. Sm Cnanndl.

E OT. end se/fe. Merlev't srttisif is No. 159

smeby'i No.

' O^ure as * Hardings Celierd * without Byrd's name

in Fonter's Book. p. 980, Two (ancies by JeiBse Harding

are in Add. MSS 90,483. IF. 47 end 90.

* In Wanl's U«t,

' Ocriinasfsl 1 i9«of Ledy NcvelTs Book. Acoorn

in A<hl, MS.S 9 1 .40$. A W »

* CKapfied. p. 331- Tn Add. MSS 39.b«9 k ifct t9»)

* Ruin well Kobin ven Doct. Jan Bull *. dated id Jen.

i6a7. A Miiing by Mundey ■ No. 19.

’ Fidr Aprs. No. 33 ; (ha is e diffrtent sctiisic.

* lids ,npi 4 . No. 31. A copy is in Fonter's Book,

p. 308.

* A ropy h in Fersirc’s Book, p. 309,

'* This and (he follawing four prem are in Ward’s


'* This orcun in AJ«I MSS 93,639 (M. 499), where it

is entitled * Net Juweel van Doctor Jan Bull quod feen

an&o ib9(. December Ward, who prints a list of tbs

eootenct of this MS. inaeni thr date " so ” befere the

name oFthe month. For funber deuUs aad Car e dcsoi^

‘'®P 93,633 stt 9<hia. Tbs vemoe in ilac

M.S d ilTeR by virtue of iu greater length asd iu elebecoM

^yphoatk feature from die I'enioo included ia (he

FiiewilKam V.B. A slightly diUermt verslos occun at

p. rs4 of Cosyn's V-B. it. p. e.

*■ ^ppell. pfi. S40, yyd.

** Farsons.* Jn Nomioe bySyrd in Fanier's Book. 48.

** CheppHI. p. 799.

'* In Wa^'t Om.

** At fol. 479 of Add. MSS 99.699 as a dilTercni settine

^ihis es* caiklcd * Rcae e sdit van Jean (siri Bull Doc '.

The sectioni of this piece are tem«d " variations ".

" The theme of this oceun in Hilton's 'Catch that

eeach can ' es a eatcti * ^t«s to the World *. escribed to

Edmund Nelhem,

** Cbappril, p. 7^

*• Cf. C.B.. Vol. XVttt. No. 9 (ed. C. H, Fellowev

l.ondon, 1990). H. r. 9.

* Ocetan under the name 'Lcualio* el p. so of

Fonter's V.B,

*• GbeppeU, p. 66. *r Forster’s Book (p. 70I.

** Gheppell. p. 799. This tuae. the Irish origin of

which IS denoted hr its oame (' Cdleea oge asihore '), is

aeferred te ie Shekespeerc's ' Henry V’. Set 4^4 Foi e

Mosae : luot. Anoiber copy b at (bl. 966 of Add. MSS


** ChappeD. pp. 1 14 and )7o. Oeeun: under die name

*U(d WOIoMm wekomc home\ at fel. 46C of Lady

NereBV V.B, and at p. 99 of Fontrr's Book. Aeainst

the bsua lifM is writicB in the margin " 300 to S. T. by

Tom ".

** ITA ayse. No. *66.














G*Uw 4 ».


Hw Qwctees AImml




) Pami

hlMe«e««» 4 Pm*.


Tlw l««be DiMwc.*

WAiiiu Ak.*


npen Pawn.

Pi^«i GaltiAfd.

VtAAd* twmirm.

PtmImAm K>.


Ga* ikM.

m AO««*. D«. BulbnvicHA.

*•» ACS«.

(fl ^ Jhao Cr*7«» <jAlbrd,

<•1 tM PfMlwdwab

•fi MO A Toy.‘*

iU CMcpMAkv'i l>r«Hw.

■U £

»t9 9«S A MMkt.

*«• fW Aa Alm^

Ml «tt CerrMiO.

M9 AIbaa

M) CerrADW.


90} CofTAAtO.

9(4 aM Omc«.'*

>6o Womcr BtauIo.

9M «f 0 pAniMiA.

9(« 9n A MA4ke.

•10 «94 PMe)«*«B

*•* «4 —

• It m Mwiia Hvd M lib Aun.

• IS a» Alnund.

*14 a?* PlUABA ChMOIAlhA.

*1 X'*

tio Ma Cipaeu ftouAd.

*lf 997 PkAtMu. 4.

•I® JO} Comnco.

• 19 9 « PauAOA. OenmaCMM. «.

•» SO? PUAAA. 4. ^

tai sot CofTAWA.

**9 sof AlAUe.

*9} 909 COMAOM.

•94 JIA CofTAOiO.

••} SIO CefTAflto.

990 911 Comato.

•«? Sit AteAA.

..12^ Is • •“ >™fiy i. a, prii

• \ 460 of Powf*, toA. ** '

th* fim U« 10 Ae BAifs b «riu«o F. <

ul ^ “** *• *’•« Wkwot PM M b Wanl*, ^












VV. B)Td.

ThoBAS Mocky.

Th«AA4 Merkv.

>S*eA. Bird.

Wn. Byrd.

Wn. Byrd.

Wie. Byrd.

\Vb. Byrd.

\Vs. Byrd.

W. 8 y 7 d.»

Martin P*rr»on.

fk. B«ia.«

Dr. BaO.

Dr. Byi.

I>. Boll.

Dr. Boll



Dr. Bui).’

Dr. Bull.

W. B.»

IV. B«U.»

4iik« Parmaby.

(ukt Famabw.

Uk* Famaby.

Rkbard Fanubyr.

Uln FamaHT.

Cdn PafnabtT.

Thooiat Tombiftt,

Cnkt Famabyo.**

(jtkt Pa/ti*b^.((


Dr, Bun.

VVilUam Tiidall.

WilhaiA TiidAll.'*

Dr. Bull."

' Wm. Byrd. I*

ihoe Piawnoa SH«din(. Ortaoiiia

a Amaielndl,

WAam Byrd WM,'*

Wn>. rtMall.

Wat. Tadall.


a re Taaotly rtot od ifl tSa priotod edkioa. whkh cenuia* *0 number 171 and loo

•iho im i[hail ewer b«e " AreNa. im.

« ban tea. eui by ibe " Tho^ ^

.. Chapp.,, .„d,

46 orfP~a«-.B«*. “I.W^|j. I.,... ,.

* ^ ■' "- *Hu- -

t laa. " ^ - Qw t O . pp. ,u. 7M.

» TW sdodyitibewHI^iM • Belk <,ui lieai aia y.c‘



Pe/r «/



F 9 fff



33 >























S 3 b



> 3 ?



S 47







33 '


* 4 >










) 5 b


37 »












S 09



9 $a










7 l»S

37 «





, *38


17 <












a 64




37 «

ab 5


37 «






























♦ 7 ?





39 '



4 t 8








. 450



3 ^



4 ^







3 ^




47 *









48 1

4 '<

4 'a









D u rt iptim



Loibttdcparc 91 .

FftMMik 99 .

Faotau ry

Faotatkiu 94.

Famasu. 9^

Wahet Eark'i FatMft. t$.

Famasa*. 97,

FaiUaM^ aS.

Fawaauu «8,

L. ZMchn Mttkc. 90.

A Greumle. )i.


ypTran»)AII. ja.

Tnonwee'i Medl^.

Niwd** CaiHud.

T^wef HHL

Pvwludiutn. 93.

’Dw Ktof ** M^uc«>

A ^1*.


A Gallianl CrMmd. I.

Itw Waues be» frem. •.






PauMM |PaM<aua1.


1 he Etfle of Oibrd'» Maeche.



Tha l^lwMc «i 8nm*)K k\ Tore.



Goiranta Lady Riche.


A Cifca.



A To«.

The Pcimerow.

TbeFallerilM Ink.

Faraabv** Geoc<i«.


Pauoa. CaMO. a part% in afw>,


Pawaca DeVtht.


hlivreect ) paria.

TeB nwe. Inithne.

Mai SiM

hftiiKJay't Ci«v.

Raxeiet** GaKard.

The Flail Pauaa.


\VbT aibc you.

Farman Pa«ea.

Dalliat Ahnaa.

The Om Spa^nolnia.

Lachrinwe Faiaan.

Mendiaa Ahnao.



Ladr Memegk't Favea.

Gabarda. $.



C e* ^ a » r


Gikt Fanaby.

Cila Fanuiby.'

Cilei Fantaby.

Cilea Famaby.

Cile Faesaby.

Gale* Fanaby.

Cilaa Fanaby.

Gilee Fanaby.

Giln Fanaby.

Cite Fama^.

Cite FanMb>'.

Gilet Fanaby.


Gite Farnaby.’

Edward Jltoasan.

Cite Faruby.

Cite Fanaby.

Kteiaed Fanab) .

William Inglei.

William Ineloi.

W. Byrd.

W, B^.

W. Dvrd.


W. Dvrd.

W. Oyrd.

W. Byrd.

W. Byrd.*

Jehan Oyitermayre.

W. Byrd.*

Dr. BuU.»

Cite Fanaby.

Cite PafnabVi

Marlin Pecraen.

blarua Pecroon.

Cite Fanabye.

Wan. By rd.


Ivdwardjehnion. Sell by Will, Byrd.

Sell 1 ^ >s'illiam Byrd.

Cite Fanaby.*

Cite Fanaby.*


Sell by Ciki Farnaby.‘*

Cite Fanaby.

Cite Faraaby."

Cite Fanaby.'*

Cite Fanaby.

Cite Fanaby.

S ' D." Sell by Gite Fanaby.

eil by Cite Farrvaby.'*

Orlande Gibbeai.

Cite FariMiby'.'*

Wm. B»Td.

Wm. Titdall.

Cite Farnabi'.

Riehard Fanaby.'*

' Chappell, pp, 173, 7 ®S. 7 >a.

' rtiA, pp. 196. 773.

* Burney taya ihii is ibe same as ' The hUixhe befcce

llie Ralell ' al M. oC Udy NeveU'c BaoL

* In ihc margin it wniien " Vide P. Philippi tepr. Ja

mrdeuma fuga, pay, ijl Tbesubiect d ite «am« w

1 hai e( Philips** Paniaiia (Na. S4). Arawti the lUrd |i«w

U wtiiun , lilkfibkl la fuca e raxsira ’*.

* In Ward’s IjU. A copy is in Ctevn's Book. p. 199.

* Chappell, p. igS. Some air aa No. 39. See

Nevell’t Book. fol. 46, > U Ward’s Lisi.

* Chappell, p. ijfl. • Aid., pp. 177. 7B9.

'* Rasicier puWbhed a I'oluoie ef ’Cemeri Leuons’

in itep.

'* lo (he Bka^o a wriiien '* Vedi Mer. 967 This

eeden lo a ewieus piece oT plaeiarum. leciien $ of

Merky** Pavan. on p. 9S7 (i. 919] being nearly idemieal

wjih teeiien $ <d Fanaby's on p, 400,

** Ac p, M <d Ceryo’s Bo^ it a telling af this air

tig Be d ** B. C. '* ar^ ai UA. ejk oT Add. hfSS ii

•noiber by BulL KA iwr«. No, i6t.

^ /.r.Jehn Dowiaad. '* yUe a/ptt. No. 191 .

'* The air of this is the tame as tbil of No. 19.

*• Cliappell. p. ty


1 1

The complete cooccAB of the MS were pub*

hshed by B. & H. iQ monthly uutalmeDU.

between 1694 and 1899. They occupy two

folio volumes, aad were edited by J. A. Fuller^

Maitland and W. Barclay Square. A descrip-

tion of tbe MS, with analysis of ie cootene, by

Dr.E. W.Naylor, waspubluhed by Dm& Co.

The music ends on p. 416. At the end of

the voluroe is an index of the contents s^ned

“ Henry South Richmond, seripsii, from a MS

Index In the possession of Mr. Bartleman.

34 March, i8t6/’ In this, pieces of which

copies occur in Lady Nevell book are marked

with an asterisk.

My Ladyi Nbvills Boou.— T his valuable

coUecilon of Byrd’s virginal music belongs to

ihc Marquess of Abergavenny, It was pub-

lished by permission of Lord Henry NcvUI and

edited by Hilda Andrews (London, 1936).

It fonoeHy belonged to Burney and was sold

at his sale for : o; 6 to T. Jones, at whose

sale it was lot J42 (13 Feb. tSc$). Ii is an

oblong folio volume, beautifully bound in

moroceo enriched with gold, green and red,

and lined with blue watered silk. On the

title-page is an illuminated coat of arms and

(he monogram “H. N.”, *rhc music is written

on a 6-line stave in square-headed notes and

was copied by John Baldt^in of Windsor, a

fine volume of whose transcribing is presen ed

in the Royal Library, British Museum. Haw-

kins • states that the book was given by Byid

to his ieholar. Lady Will, but there is no

evidence in support of this assertion, l*he

manuseripi was ejtamincd by Chappell when

wiiftf ‘ Popular Music of the Olden Time

in which volumes it is frequently refermd 10.

The following h a list of iu con ten is:








• 4




3 5









S 3


Mr U4r« Novel'f |rowKl«.

^ W! lermyLsdvoMttTl.

ThB Msrdte ibo Wucl.*

TM SouUUcn UMt m t ihc Mwchc U


Tho MmM «t HonnwD.


]>« PlwK sad tht lirtmt,

MsKho to iSc rifku.

^ VkJSi ^ • C4IU«k (w

Tke 4«silisf0«.

A Gtlliordi Gytfs.

Hwnw* l*^

01 K mi r« wfu,

Tb« Firsi Psuun

Tht (Ullisnl falawnh.

Hw II PiwUfi.

rh« Gollurilc.

I'M 111 PsuUn.

TJe Golu^ to il.* ttmt.

1>B IJir Fsuiss.

The htci MWth.


The GslHstOe.

The CilbsMefelom.

The SmnU) PmIw.

The Eighie Psuisfu

TMOslUi^ ftrfewUi. Th* GsIMr*.


A Uewn of Veluniirie,

^S«oode GM«t4e.

iUM wilt ^ to WeUncImme,

^ m 0 csfdea ghBc,

MM WUIobiet welcome home.

; • HUtory rf Mmic M 1 1 . aSI *#4 i v, s 86 -

• FluwiUum VA,No.«.












4 U









99 *





> 4 H

Mr. W. 0inle,

Mr. Xt . IhiOc.

Mr. W. M.

Mr. W. Birdr G«nd<aioii of Her MsieiiK’i


Sir. y\. k*rd« orfSHiMe of Her


Mr. W . fiirOe. Lm tit Deo.*

I Fwiii Mr. XV, Birdc.

hnh Mr. W, Urrfe.

PiAM air. \V, h>rUe.

Fina Mr. W, BrrOr.

PuMi atr. W, btdf.

PiM air. W. binit.

Fmk Mr. XV, Ikrdc,

I air. W, Birde. Hoeio momorsMki.

htr. XV. Btrd«. LsuiIm De«,

tr. XV. Binte.

I.4M tit Deo. Mr. XS'. Dink.

?!'* Ml (he lihtppcll.

Mr. \V. Birde of tli«

Mr. Xv. Ktde.

Hr. W. fiirde.*

Mr. W. Bird.

FiMt hCsater W. Birdc >

air, W. Bird.*

Tiaii aisMM Waim. KrUc.'

* A com' of (hk bin Add. MSSstuos

“• Vi. p. «.

.K. V



j 1



1 M '

The Carman's Wlsittle.


Fmu Mauler Willn. Birde.'

' 55

Hugh Astons Csownde.

:i?* ;

Mr. W. Birde.*

i ^ •

A faeeie.

Mr. W. Birde.

1 s?

Seilinger's Aownde.


Fins Mr. W. Birde.*

3 »

Munter’s Almaine.


Finis Mr. W. Birde.*

W 1

The Tennthe Pauian: Mr. W. Fc*ey.


Floek T^ Gallianie followeih.


The GaUiard.


Find Mr. W, Birde.


A Fancie.

Fiats >lr. W. Birde.


A Voluniarie.



Fifus Mr. W, Birde. Gentleman of the

Queen’e C 3 iappeil.

At the end of the volume is ' The Table for

this book? aAer which is (he followinf col<y

phon :

FlSfiiih*^ and *iwlfd ihc kveoib of S«pt«nbor in ihe

rear* of eajr Lordo <Je<| ts9i afKl m tlw a veerc

roifno of «ur wfTrraine ladie Eliuboih bv the eroM of

(iod queone of EneUntk^ «ie. By me Jo. BoldHiae of

SVin 4 *oe«. LaM<ln Doo.

W. B. $.

According to B. H. Fellowct (he search for

the identity of *’ My Lad>e Nevell “ has been

concluded in favour of Rachel, daughter of

John Leonard of Knole, who married Sir

rdward Ncvill, M.P. for Windsor (i58$>So)<*

His article in M. & L. also contains a deiaiird

description of the manuscript, relating its

history and proving its lack of rdationahip

wilh the so'called * Pseudo La^yt Nevelh

Dookc* (B.M. Add. MSS 30,465.86). Dr.

Fellowes also makes it clear that ' My Ladyc

Novel Is Bocke ’ was presented to Qtscen EUaa.

both 1 between 15^ and j6oo. According

(o his teuimony, Add. MSS 30,465.86 is " an

entirely independent collection of hrsi*raie

textual value The ambiguous and mis.

leadir^; note on both MSS in J. Wolf's * Hand*

buch der Noiationskunde \ II, 278, should

therefore be disregarded. k. f. r.

WtLL. FoRSTaa's VtaotNAt Boor.— T his

volume, which belonp to Her Majesty the

Queen, is preserved in (he Royal Library,

British Museum, and cortsists of 238 octavo

folios ruled in ^llne staves. The water.marks

are a sliield surmounted by a coronet, bearing

a Hour de lit on the escutcheon and a pot with

the initiak " E. O. R.*'. The book probably

bdonged (o Sir Jolm Hawkins, and has been

bound in modern limes in half red morocco

and paper boards. At the beginning b a

“ Table of the Lessons ", written in the same

hand as the rest of the book and signed " 31

Januaric 1634. Will. Fortier." The follow-

ing is a Itsi of (he eontenli of the volume * ;



Aepr 1


A Crounde of Mr. Bied's. I



I. The French Coraato. '



The Second French Caraneo. I



'1 he 3rd Freneh Coraato. 1



A Levotio.*



1.0. Willobies vrrHeomc home.



FeliK Nunquam.*



A Home pipe.




Kilwn's Wilde.*




An Almaine.



As 1 went to VS'aliingham.**






Quadro Favine.








The Wood soe wylde.**

1 iia










A Galliard.




The New Medkv.

.7 m. Fraite the Lord. Fsalmc 103.

* 4 S













7 >>cim«* M«rl«v.

Them*! Motley.

74vo(n«t ^(«rIeY.




John W 4 rd.

' Fiumlli«m V.B,. No. jd, Fer««r’» V.B.. p. i)o.

MSS ti.so) wid 70.4!^

' fil*«nlli*m V.B., Ko. 6e.

* Filrvitliftm V.B.. p. iro.

* F«rwrr‘* V.B., p. 966. A d^Hmai «e«iinf in Fi».

Hidiam V,B.._p. >14.

* C/. B. H. Frllo««e«, * Willijm^rd*. ad ed. (OKfaid.

I Q^O) . pp, id fr.. mmI (he Mine •ylhcr’t wiklc. * hly L^dn

N«vrll'< Books * (M. a L.. XXX. tM. P. »)■

* The 14 pwc«« bv Byrd mt no« kccwUc m •Mdm

rtprirM (r/ V«l«. XVtd. XIX, XX 4 dU>c CB. OfV^iM)

Byrd, ed. £. H. Fell»w««. London, ipsol ond ah» in the

publkoiion * W. Byrd ; 45 Keyboord Instrv.

nwMi. KiiRono vnpgbKrhrd \ ed. by S. D. Tu<Ue fl.' f*

B«ed FrcM. Porik, e.d.). A compleie repriv of this MS

(olleebon 0 01B vantios.

' 4 Lavolt*.

* Thb compoiuion n ttiributed in Fiirwilliatn Book

Co TalKs tod d 4 t«d lado <m p. y, Note so).

* The fim note only hw been written sn. In the

Table of Lemons iBis eompesiUon is titribuied to Dyid.

In i2ie Toble ciOed * Waltinyhaa ' only,

" A motabe w iB*de in the papinaiiop here : pp. 1 <B

•nd 1 19 are (be wne,

'* le tbe Table this ft called * Ground *, It is the well*

haowB * Gorman's Whistle '.



F 4 tt


































Tbe LMd eiecQlctb ricluco«D«s. « « mt.

For looke bawe lii(be. « j m.

Tbe Due* «( Uao. «^iib.

The l«r4. me.

Here Menie. « e ht.


Turn* Thy« F«e<.

Deliver HIM.

The MereheAi'i Drem,


The (^Mdreoi Fevie,

Fuie Heiuree F*vui.

Fum UcMura 0»Ui*nl,

h4r. Iw4*i

hte\»eMr‘i Ala^


A Crwtfide.


fwiea* luMMMvfibl.

fohMM*i 4rl«hu.

The C*lbft/4 to iIm F*viA slWeieid.

OuAd(*D( Favte.



The Gelli&fd.

A Gelliirg,

Go* freot mv Wiedee.


A Ftvwt.


Mo«iMer‘( Almas.

Haedisf'* CallUard),

A ■*•*"-* —

A Ground*.

A Feviib


As Almas.

A 4*vis.

TV CalUaH.



iV'* Husc



WaUito Ale.

The lasK a esate lower.






















Johft Ward,

ehs Ward,

oho Ward,

oho WaH.'

oho Ward,*

ohn Ward,*

lehc Ward,

ohn Ward.*



























fine folio volume, like the Ivt-coeAdcAed

colleciion, is (he prgpcr(y of Her Moiety tnd

IS peeved At Roy. Ub. B.M. The binding

II or English vrorkmaruhip sryd coniemponfv

wuh (be manuscript. U cofuUu of eaJf with

grfd tooling. Theletten " B. C.^ are stamped

both on the from and the back, and pan of the

^ stamped above the letten

M- O. — probably the iniOab of art eariicr

b^. The book had been shut by brae

cleps, but these are now brt^ off. At the

^luung IS aa Indev, divided iaWA Table

»«l« and sett

fcr^ by Ben Cos “ A Table of these Lessons

loUowge iTude by Mr. Docier BtiU A

table of these hesacm following made by Mr.

» * Sf '*5 Fiafca..'

TV I o( the ?*alM.*

neWafiVsi F>alii*e.*

Or. Ciblwns”, “ These lessons following are

by falJu and Byrd after which comes

a list of SIX services contained in the same

volume, at the end of which is wriiicn “ These

^,X ^ Kings Royall Chap.

peU . The same page also contains “ A

Catch of 9 parts in one •• Ut us goe pray

for Mn Cook s sou) “ and “ A Tabfo of

mesc Lessons generally coniained in this

^eareinNomber: 96. By me Beniamin

Cosyn Right owner of this Booke ”. Hawkins »•

SAP that was " a famous composer of

lessoM for the harpsichord, and probably an

p^ormer on that instrument*’,

about the year 1600 and that

WTC are many of his lessons extant that



seem in no respoci inrerior to those of Bull

The last statement looks as if Hawkins Kad

been acquainted with the Virginal Book,

Researches ' have shown that Benjamin

Cios)*!) was organist of Dulwich College from

tC22 to 1624 and the hrst organist of (he

Charterhouse in 1626*43.

The following is a complete list of the con*

tents of (he volume : as the old pagination is

in places irregular, the pag:es have been

numbered freshly. The titles of the index are

sometimes di(fcrenc from those in the body of

the book ; wbeo these variations occur, ^ey

have been noted in the last column.*





Titit in hit*


A Prelode.


ien>. Cooyn.


A PsTtn.


Benk Coayn.

Ja£.U, Mi.



Tlie Gtlliard lo itt.

Lscrime Pevin.


Beni. Cown.

Benj. Cw>al.

In A, Re.


The Callurd to »it.


Ben|. Cetyn.



A Pavin.

The (Jalliard tv itc



Beni. Gmvh.

Benj. Cotyn.

Tlie Lo. Luinlyc’s Pavin,


A Grounde.


Ben|. Cotyn.

la A. Re.


1 lu


deemone BUaOd.


Beni. Cesvn.

Beuj. Coeiai.

In Cam, Ui.

1 N



Ben^. Co«)'B.

(n Ff. fa. uc



A Oalliard.

Pakuiioe't PowikIc.


Benj. Coat'o.

Been. Ceayta.

In D, sol. re.



A Ualiiartl.


Ben). Cotyn.

A ceeu'hafKled CalUartl.


Uuot Aurora.


Beo^. Co»im.



tVhk a4k« you.


Beni. Cotyn.

' \S*hy otke yu.’

17 !

The Oueene’t GemmaiMle.

M. Gibbom.

In ilw indcxatiribuiedteCoeyn* 1



1 so

PlIIMay Fleuwi me.

Sly Self.


Ben^ Co«yA.

Benj. Cm>a.

Ben]. Cesym.

iB'FlIbda.^ 1


1 SI

What >eu Will.


Beeu. Cotyn.

Been. C«»y4i.


A Lialliard.


* My Lo. Rich. hU Galliard.* ;




The Kop Hum.

Thomas Lupoct CalHartl.

Bcoj. Cotyn.

Beni. Conn.


My Lo. Burrou'i OalliariL


Benj. Cosyn,

Ui. re, mi, fa, M, Is.

A Oallia^,


Ofl. Cibbont.

1 n ibe ladec ai iributed to CoayD. 1

* Sir Roben Souths ell*« Gall. ,



Beni. Co«yn.

1 9B

Mr. Siroude’i CalHard.

Ber^ Coayn.


1 99


The Calliard to 13e<t. Bulle t Fan*

uiikk Pavia.


Bcn^ Cosyn.

1 90



Doctor Bull.

* A Prelude ift Gamut.'


The Quatiren Pavin.


Doctor Bull.


' 39

The GsIliarO ia »it.


Deeior Bull.

1 a$




FfintmewsB Pa*


*Thc Ph«nta>ii«all Pavin'. 1


A Pavin in A, re.


Doeior BuU.


The Galliard to ilt.


Ooeioe BoD.





Docioe BulL

' A Pavin In D, lol, r«.' ^




Doctor Bull.

* The Galliard lo iti.' !

• 3d


Ducior Bull.

* ’fhe Duke of Brumwick.' '

' 39




' The Tevmpel Pavin,’



' Mb

Deeior Bull.

' The Galliard to it.'




DMiot Bdl.

' 11ie Lo. Luinliei Pavin.*


The Galliaed.


Doctor Bull.

* The Galliard lo ii.’


Wake Galliatd.



' Wake'* Galliard.'


Uociee Bulie's jewel.


Doctor Bull.




DocMe BuB.



A Galliaed.

Doctor BuU.

* The L«. Hunrdm'f Galliard.' |


A Prelude.


Doctor BuM.

In ff. fa, ul. I

' 4b

A Galliaed.

Doctor BuU.

'n«e Calliard to Pavan No. 70 ,




Dectoe BuU.

* A Fancy.'

1 3®



Doctor BuU.

' The MallirKhely Pavio,*

1 31

Tlie GalliartI to ill.


Doctor BuU.


As 1 went to Walbingliam.


Doc toe BuU.

1 33

Felia Namque.


Thus Tallh.


Uoe from my vriodoe.


Will Bvfd.



t. Calliarda.


CM. Gibbon,


Mwk *.

3 C

t. Oallianla.

t 0 a

Ort. Gibbont.

' The HtiAi'i up.'


3 . A. Maslte.


OeL Gibbon*.


4 . GaliianJ.


OrL Gibbons


3 . Galliard.


OrL Gibbons

' The La. HaiUa't GaUiard.*


b. A Fancy.

*7* '

OrL Gibbons




7 . A Toy.

S, Gallianl.

9 , Almaine.



Atcribuird to Orlando Cibbent

in the Index.

' .Sijme MS volwiiatirt br him wnc in W. H. * as picco of tbb collection hkve bc«o uptneely

Cummingi^i cdkciion. Sn Mus. T., 1903, pp. >61*. iHiblnlMd ood edited by W. Barclay Squire and J. A.

y«dier-NtaitUf(d (London, ( 918 ?. A complete reprini u

Kill Uelinf.


A*. 1

1 -V.W 1

1 /*-»r 1


>0. Almsiae. 1

1 1

1 1

II. Allmunc.



>i. Fanuua.


: hf) 1

Ihe GoldhiKli.

69 1










74 '




7< 1

In NAjnine.



1 79 1

An AHmaine.

' 7» 1


' Ik, 1

A Faikv Ivr A llu<>Me




( ‘<4 I





I'dvaiu. 1


It, .Nomine.


Dr. Hullet (irerte.

<«4]lurd. 1


Mr. Oc'ant .VIoruiiHr irMl lArnmv

VrvH e.


1 (1 nu MMM Aln^d'ifi.


1 VhiriMMU an<l j,\r Nervite m 1 ).

.VI«riMh| sihI S.VFhii,* VnHpwt I)


Morninc and l.\tn»t>( VrsKe •• j)


\ "iMie ,n K.


MoriMhs and r.vTrmi< SrrsH# ph F. j


1 Mornihi Sentre in F.


Apari from Ptur majit roUcciion^

coniaiixmu H"‘ bulk of musk rnmrHotil for

\\\r virginal during ihr lifninip of William

Ryrti an<i his coorrn>|>oraflrs. aihl wdl lcnm»n

l« rartjpr srholars, a number eif smalle r man*i.

wripi rolliriiims has rtimr lu Jrghi mofr

nvrnily, funding o|f a imiqiftr pklufp ti(

parly K>ig|i<h keyboard siyk. .\r,nr ol (hrtn

IS ai present acewiWe in reprini. rurrps

Oif earliest monuvripr unircr - ibc Mulllwr

Hook - of which a first critical reUiMMi and

Complpic reprint appeared in 1951 as \'d. I

of ‘ Musiea Uritannica

together wiih another early manuscript in

the B.M. (Roy. App. No. including Hugh

!rTi‘ 'bs* Mullinrr

B<»ok (H.M. Add. MSS 30,5i3t rq>rrwnt8 iw

o( die eariiesl niominieiiis of English lsc> hoarH

music. It very likely reprevnts the hand,

wricmg and quite ccriainly was a personal

powssion of riiomas Miilliner, maaier of the

cbimsteri of Si. I>aul's, as is lesiifted wiilsin

Uic nianuicripi iijclf by hn discipir John

Heyw<>o<l, li is a ccdIcclKin of pieces appar-

endy designed U a keyboard iwtrument?wi

II cannot properly be classed as an early

^tre of virginal music, since the coJIcclicm

do« not ycl clearly distinguish between organ

«<l v,rg,nal. Kirihcrnu,,,, i, fe „„

-I-I. -rvic Uc'ibbLr^



(hi, GAbon*.


br«t. CrHnkw

l>i*rw BwH.

Mr. Wn «e(i fvcck

hv Ik C!a 5 M).

M*. Wei MU Coiib

Ih' B Cuwh.

*hl (iiUwM.

iUl OiMMm.

ihl. (obham.


<>■ 1 . GibUiH.

<M. (mMmo*.

t M. CmUmii.

t trL GiUiwiu.

CM. (.iUkw,






line Mr Hull

ia«M* Bull

line Mr H<ill

UtaW Hull.

llucMe BuM.





Ilrhj, (tfnva ‘

J 1*0.

Tu/r iM Mt

' Another Allmunr.’


* Sit kHlui<ll.«irnei*i(ialliari1.’

' A PsiiM tn (>amoi fljii.*

* Xli. V«ei hts .MIni.iHM.'

* The Cnrouio le ilt.’

* .\ Tjih'.'

* A l*lelM|r.’


' A I eiM ' HI t t.iniiM IUm,’

’ A I .iiM 'ml. G. ui.'

Vtuilkrr I'dAii li, C, fj, Ml,*

* V kjn<\ in .\. re.'

' I 4i*lheni !•> i»» I?.*

* 'J )>e 1 .4 1 .u< ir \ ( rall«.tl il,’

’ <>ie«nc f.br^lrelhi l*dCii>.’

* lltc Vantinc (lallMrU.*

’ 'JIm> IfcriHli AUrnMlN*.

II. s.

ra*y in docicU* ulikh nnnilrr ni r<*pn‘M’nl uii

cfg^ arrangement id a wmoI coTit^x/siiion niid

whit It a gen III nr compodtion for the key-

l>oard. Hum, grace mnes and fxtlal pi>mu

suggest an inirntional kesUrard u>|i\ .Wcord*

mg to II. ])8>'ey, alxHil y« in^irtimenially

conreived numUn may be singled out, ilu*

aut birrs of toliich are in iriaiiy ease* Redfurd

W"b^man. Among tlieve mimlters of

oefinitely instrumental origin a "Fane ye"

and a ” J'as^oo " by N'ewntaji JN'os. 10 and

It 6) must certainly Ixlong lu the earliest

specimens erf their kind. J'he archaic manner

of imaiion is indicated by Mul liner s habit

oTnehet distributing the music on two staves

of from 5 <0 $ lines or d* lelescoping ii on one

sias*e only of n, ta or 13 lines, as fur instance

in Use case of Tlsomas J'aJlis’s ‘ Naius est

iwbis’ <.Vo. 9 , fol, 12 V), ihcrehy clearly

shouing ihe inllueoce of early Italian organ

lahlatgrr.* ^

The comparatisrly old-fadiibned style of

notaiton of this manuscrijn collection is

further shown by mannerisms such as the

frequent use of *' Uack notation ” among the

^ while " notes (especially r<«* hciniola

rhythm), changes of clef within om* and the

same staw. and also the small number of

11 'iS* ' *^**^^ 1 * ‘k' N*H*iioe»kuAde Vnl

SJT'' * m«uir« i* tt|,M.1«cecl Jm



acculenuls and omamcntaJ Such

peculiarities distin^ish Add. MSS 30, 513

from famous virginal musk manuscript col-

lections of only some forty or fifty yean later.

The 120 items of the Mullitter Book (ikM

counting the 6 numbers for the cittern and the

3 for the gittern) were contributed by 16

diflerent composen, among whom Redford

\vilh 34, Tallis with t8 and Blitheman with

14 numbers take pride of place. Of the 16

items which may safely be ascribed to Tallis

at least six numbers are real keyboard music :

* Naiwt eti nobis * (let, is v),

\Vuli(»u( hnflHie I* CJarifka me *1 (Col. eS v).

\ViUi(»u( h«ft<linK (:i*r(fk« mo Pair* (M. 99 v).

* A ' {(0!. KM v>,

Wiilioiit heaiiinf r Cnarifka me Pair* *) (Col. loi).

’ Isie oonfraof ’ ifol. 103).

These clearly differ in st>’lc and technique

from the remainder of the pieces coniributed

by Tallis, which are mainly in the nature of

organ arrangements of hymns and motets.

It is not easy to decide whether these arrange-

menu were made by Tallis himself for the

purpose of being played as keyboard music

or whether they were intended as arrange*

ntents of voeal music. In the latter case ^e

author of these organ arrangements might

ha\*e been Mulllncr himself, who may has^c

used them as an instrumental background to

his choral performances. The pieces by

Tallis singled out here already indicate a

remarkably clear understanding of the

requirement* of the keyboard, even if they

still fall short of that unique grace of melody

and originality of harmony to richly displayed

by a later generation of English keyboard


The rest of the contents attributable to

known composers may be allocated thus :

R. AlwMJtSl.

N. C 4 /kw« It).

R, Law4/d< tii.

R, P*rr*M( (t).


R. JohniMi, icn. <s}.

Mma 4 sv 10 .

h«vma* (1).

W. StKltvT (s).

t Shepherd ( 1 ).

Tkvemcr 0 |.

« 0).

Tbe remaining items arc ascribed lo'Fhomas

Mulliner himself, to J. S. Smith and to White ;

some have not been identified so far.

During the iSth century the Mulliner

manuKript became the property of Stafford

Smith, who about 1776 wrote biographical

notes on the various contributors, and Ik lent

the volume to Sir John Hawkins. During the

early tgth century the manuKript belong^ 10

Dr. E. F. Rimbault, as part of whose estate il

was purchased by Dr. Cumtnlrtgs, from whom

the B.M. acquired it. Although the colleciion

was fully described in WUlibsJd Nagel's

* Gochichie der Musik in England ' (« vols-,

1894 and 1697), in Charles van den Borren's

* Les Origines de la musique de clavier en

Aj^leterre* (1912), in Grove’s Dictionary

(4ih ed., Supp., 1940, pp- 651 fF.) and in Willi

Apcl’s * Notation of Polyphonic Music ’

(1942), only 27 items had bwme accessible

in print before 1951.

A closer analysis and full contents of the

book will be found in another place ^ since

we cannot be certain that the conienls arc

definitely virginal music.

Bluasetm Rogers Book. — One of the last

collectioru of genuine virginal music, dis*

tingiiished by its melodic freshnes, is the

' Elizabeth Rogers hir Virginal Book dated

17 (? 27) Feb. 1636- The 79 numbers of this

collection are written mostly on two staves

of six lines each. The first four numbers of

the handwritten contents (jet Mfiw) are ap-

parently lost. l*he numbers include arrange-

ments in virginal style of songs and dances,

among them lovely specimens such as ’ The

Nightingale ‘ Mock - Nightingale ‘ The

Forest Nimphes ’ and numerous Gorranis and

Almarn. Nearly all the pieces lack any indi-

cation of authorship. The chief item is

^Vill^am Byrd’s programmatic suite ‘ The

Battel] well known from * My Ladye

Nc*'ells Booke * of J591, but here figuring,

like the rest, as an anonymous contribution.

The musical text of ’ The Bat tell ’ dilTers in

minor details from the version in ' My Ladye

Nevells Booke*. The version of 1656 also

contains two numbers (No. 2, * I'he burling of

the dead *, and No. 13, * The soldiers delight *)

which are not included In the other manu-

script versions of this composition.* If the last

pages of (he collection arc turned upside do\vn,

fifteen numbers of * Vocall Lessons ' in what is

evidently an old handwriting will be found.

Originally the manuscript belonged to Elisa-

beth Fayre and later* (in the idth century) to

John TJleti. Except for Byrd's * Daiteil * no

item of the c^lection has so far appeared in

reprint. Tlte manuscript now belongs to the

British Museum (Add. MSS (0,337). The

handwritten index to the contents reads as

follows :

I. Stf 'nio. P*irSu( k(Arcl»c.

а. Nmh’i Muke.

5. Alkianande.

4. The r*irew oifikplu, (Ik valkr* or cnounuinc*. eve*


6. Th« Scot's Manbr.

б. Prince ftupcn'i Kfsneke.

jOae of ike symphoeks.

g. Setebrood (1*. Saraband).

10. WIica (ho King hit owtio agiine.

11, ABemaade.

13 , Tnioipet lone,

1$. Ron Lau good nigbL

' Stf Mvu«*ui Boo.

* P«> funbe* decxOi ur W. Byrd, C,E., Vo). XV) (t.

prelMe, pp. iv ft. cd, R. H. Felloives {Londoo, iggo).


Rupert's rttraite.

* tlto. UrtQi^)d."

' Bearr"


1^' ^AUenuAdc and Couttoie,

19. The oijhiiogAle,

^ jAU«en*Dd< tAd Coutonir,

32. C«utvite. “ Be»re/*

33. AJlcminde.

34. 0«ur4nie.

HljTweCouraotes. *'

37. The luuille, divided true The SouUtct* SuHWKct.t

TV MatkV KixHe. tt< MasitV e( Km i.

TV rruteptiu, TV Iruh BauiMp...

rK* Ururnm k tluie. Che Manibe m iV Vhi.

larTAtencurre, lUutll RetrAti. Bstr^M^


a8. Th« Suuldicr'* deU^bt.

IJJ^jCvusanie uid Saraband.

31. A masks.

^^jCourtMtU 1^ harabawl.

ii- L) Hill my dense iMiib the »wrO»


OCru (* sitfird) («,Mh lU werdt .

W the tpriope urenuM ;euh iV t»urd»f.

i*. Oh JfM Mebe \Hiih Ut« Hunlsj.


41. Maske.

43. CoMrante.

43 > Alleir>aiKt«.

44 « Air. rTAomet) Lupga

4 J. Cedd mt emp-raUe ete {ttiih iV werdt .

4b. AlkmaMe, ^Heherij J«hAw«.

8 . MMh'niehiiniik.

* ‘®“» '® ****

«u. Jbf Kinc I Cemflaint.

j,'^|A|km4ade end Ceuraiue.

3V. SariVhde.

) 9 . Mr delvRhi.

K«vem ihe Nec 54-*. *t»un « •

. rsiVr later hand,

54. Tv rwtMull brethert.

a . (Juurante.

. Saraband.

S7. The fianea rl'hoetuyf,

ti. TheSipavnaed Varuardi.

e Hie In>li Tuy.


6r. A Vais tucfl.

de. Hnrnpip*,

b|. AUeoande,

4|;|Ceurahu by The. SimniUebl.

4, jAVmaBdr and CauraiHe.

M Allemande,

V J wisl, a« tmtf ihne sheutdM W loe .uh ii^

vrordsj, itinbuied (e Nichelas Uniere.

”;}n4ce wiiVut iKir. J he. StrensMeM

73. Vve it iirange

73. AUemaade " Mrogre

7*. Clarys e4 the North,

^JljTwo Cmrantn,

>j. Phill. Ponet’s l.ameoiAiien,

Som< Scoulsli manuscript boob c!!ii^ninr

virginal music may here be added •


^k, the properly of ibe Earl of DaUsousie.

Panmufc House, Angus, was found iherc in

^ov- 1949. 1 1 earriei the name of Clcmeni

' By Byrd in ' My I^iye Nwfc BooV *.


MiccheJl widi iJk date 161!:. I'hc nianusfri|ji

measures about 8 ins. byCiiks. and is bound in

siuui paper (ha I was original ly |>ari ol* ihc

documeni, I 1 ic conicnis arc as foUovt.t r

I, My E.e4»'«*t Lrii HanOc,

3. Nm’s 1 hinrr.

3. TiBe v^lk tMiH' ri^fcib.

4. The kS'ktytuN; i.drin^ii,

V Aknakterrk VlhHwtnr.

4 i. (bhvhtc.

7 . I V ( Jivav,

B. a(>*«li<A<e I eiU itei tbjn(:<.

a. IVje|«Hjiu>«.

le. V (isvoixk.

II. Tr/i^ KdiMxv.

H. fhel««<.

4-7 arc l»>* illiam Utnl and ar^- litund

in I he KiUMilliaiii Virginal UiKik; .Vn. ii,

‘ i’rjff Ramsey ' (nr ' Peg a Kaintcy it iho

po|Hilar sung found in (TiaikII; .\u. U

‘ llic Krtpgs GalJiard' uhkh Dowl.md i,».«d

in die tong * Nt»st 0 ncAv | muti tlrpnri

I lit Kjvujcji Man* tfRier -'| his b-tr^k, an

••Uoftg vrrfumc, 9 ins- U)' ins., coniairn

about a dorm named jiirtrs for the virdinat

aixl a niiinbcr < 4 daixi*' uithout nanK». Iho

naimil itiorrt arc .i« Atlluivs :

JkMixyWi • fkltl.'

* KmlMb hi, trxiiiJ.*

• B^mH M p4t k Kt tK XS iUi*m Kii. V h. •

KwW hi*

^ rfi U Vth:i..j., Kiti.

’ SUX«MM>.’

' Rmloih Itn |»*'\ifirjt'uur,'

<^1^1 |wt«* v< I V X\ ilh.,M KthV h,'

KniWIi Ln i«i.t 4 >ir.*

Mawi Bird Im« psMinruM«ui.'

^ J\e Qrmi «f CHfiMdS

* CVmni bmyr.’

• ”**?'' wliyas' tesK.'


‘Jboiteoun’s Lk^yi ’ was compowd by

Ixlttard Johnson, ilie lingtish nui<irigalis( of

die laic iCih crniur>', wlw roiiiriltuicil to

Jl»c rriuinphes of Orjana ’ uuai). A

Javan ami Oalliard by .Hmson carries ihv

Delight * -'sell by ^Vij|ianl

wid . An examinaiion of ihe jucce and die

name m ilie Kinloch manuKripi and of liie

KUing by Byrd in il»c KiirwjJljam Virginal

Book makes ii plain iliai Joimson’s is ihc

original fomi of ilw piece tshkh IRrd look

^i^rabJc Ijbcriic viiil, jn his' selling,

^ben sal nty sorrowful sychyngc cease ’ i<

|« Ihe St, Andrews Psalicr. ' Conicnl dcs> r ’

urn a Panrnure majiuscripi, and ' Monsieur

Mmjo ai^ars in ihe Lc^'ilvn .Manmcripl.

ilK iiwlusion of six \ irginal pieces bearing

^ lUTO of XViUiam Kinloch is very inicrcsl-

•1^. Kinloch plainly knew hu Byrd and look

hrm as a inodH, lor boih com|>o«rs iiad iheh

baiifc pieces. Byrd * ‘ fassineassour ' u

exactly copted in ihc Kinloch volutms. bui

tJse qisesiMii of Klftloch’s jdmiiiy |>as noi

UiUiam Kmlodis m ihc Dundee recoids, bui

none of (hem suggrsu a composer who could

wnlc mwic ofeoasideraWu value and scholar.



^htp. Kinloch is undoubtedly a Scottish

name. In the 6.M. (MS 30,485} there arc two

pieces in the * Extracts from the \*irginal

Book — Lady Nc^*cIl * under the name of

Ki nioughe. Certainly Kinloch and RioJou^e

seem to be di He rent spellings of the same

name, and they may apply (o (he same persem.

The Pavan and Galliacd under KiiUoughe’s

in the fi.M. copy in the * Extracts ' are quite

dilTereni and more elaborate than the Pavan

and GaUiard bearing KinJoch*s narrte in the

Scottish collection.

This volume is especially valuable for the

forty harmonized psalm tunes set by Andrew

Kemp, a contribtttor to the St. Andrews

{Walter and, at different times, master of the

Sang Schules at Aberdeen, Dundee and St.

Andrews. h. u. tv.

An Irish manuscript book, the io>called

* UalUs Dock ’ (Dublin, Trinity Collie, MS

D.3.30.) has recently turned up, which con-

tains, apart from a large number of lute

pieces, virginal music on pp. a7i-338, hand*

written on two or 8*line staves. Ihis music

consists mainly of dances (untitled but of

pavan and gaUiard type). According to R.

Thurston Dan, who hM kindly supplied this

information, the pieces may have been written

in the late tSth century. They are anonymous,

except for one, signed F[inU] Masteyre

Taylere " on p. The music, transcribed

by Col. M. Prynne, has not been reprinted.

One of the most important manuscript

sources for tite knowledge of John Bull's Jail

years, spent at Antwerp as Flemish organizer,

is the ' Tabiature of >829’ (B.M. Add. Mbb

which contaicu 63 numbers from

Bull's most mature period (together with one

piece of which Ferrabcsco is the author).

The first i 9 numbers are accurately daiecl

between 1621 and t6a0, obviously belonging

to Bull's later life and perhaps writiea partly

by himself. 'I'he numbers 19-63 are clearly

writ ten by the hand of a copyist, who completed

the volume finally about a year after Bull’s

death. The manuscript contains interesting

variants of pieces already >«'ell known from

the ' FiUwilliam Vicinal Book ' Parthenia '

and other manuscript sources, such as * Hei

Juwccl* ('Dr. Bulls Juell’}, 'Bonny well

Robin Hcxachord Fantasies, etc. The

prelude to ' Lai ons met henen reijne * (No.

9 i) bears perhaps the earliest indkadoos for

organ registration.* No. 15 (’ Fan task ob

de fuge van M. Jan Pietersa faecit Dr. Bull,

1621, 15 Dec.’) is very likely a work by J.

Picterszoon S wcel inck himself.* Other reprints

are in M. H. Glyn’s collections of John Bull.

Some of these pieces, as No. 91 cleariy shows,

* Set the re^int ta J. E- West's collcrUee * Old

Enzihh Orran Musk No. 95S.

* See liweelincki C.E.. ed. M. Setflen, Vol. I, 1004 ,

54. p.

are designed for performance on the organ ;

(he numerous Corrants and Galliards on the

oOier hand arc genuine virginal music.*

Of Outstanding importance among the

manuscripts of virginal music avaiiaUe in

libraries abroad is undoubtedly MS Drexel

5612, which forms (together with similar

manuscripts of smaller size, MSS Drexel 361 1

and 3609) a part of the Drexel coUeedon in

the New York Public Library. Ihe folio,

which contains about t8o numbers, comprises

— among others — $ fantasies in a hand-

writing of the early t7ih century, which,

according to M. H. Glyn, may be an auto-

graph of Orlando Gibbons, who would thus

have arranged hJs famous ‘9 Fantazies in

Three Parcs’ (for viols) for the special use of

ihe virginal. 'The wliole manuscript is built

(as M. H. Glyn indicates) upon a dehnile

scheme of key (onaliiy ; a further interesting

feature is the general omission of the typical

virginalist " graces It coniains 19 numbers

by Bull, 16 by Byrd, 23 by GiblxAS, 9 by

Tomkins and numerous pieces by minor

nrgina] composers. A considerable number

of the composiiions of Bull and O. Gibbons

found in these two American manuscripts

have been published by M. H. Glyn in her

'John Bull — Selected Works ' (Nos. 1-4,

LWIoo, 1928) and ' O. Gibbons — Complete

Keyboard Works* (Not. 1-5, London, 1935).

In her valuable treatise * About Virginal

Music and its Composers ' (London. !994) she

deals amply with ilie history of MSS Drexel

5619/1 1 and publishes also {ibid-, pp. loSfT.)

from this source in facsimile ' The Queen’s

Command ' by O. Gibbons, in this manu-

script wrongly labelled with J. Bull’s name.

The special value of four manuscripts of the

Paris Conscr>’aioire Je Musique, MSS 18,548,

i 8,54B-47» *8,570. «/»• * (the last being of

minor importance), for an extensive know-

ledge of classical l^gUsh virginal music has

been emphasized by A. Pirro (see La\'ignBC-

Laurcncie, * Enc>‘clopMic de la musique’,

Paris, 1996, Vol. II/2, pp. 1239 ff., which in-

cludes reprints of MS 1^348, fol. 283, anon.,

MS 18,3^ fol. 83a — two Voluntaries by O.

Gibbons, and MS 18,347, fol. 90 — ‘In

nomine Domini ' by Tomkins). According to

M. H. Glyn, MS 18,548 may have been partly

writicn ^ John Bull himself, although ihe

volume is officially labelled as in Cosyn's

handwriting. Tlte latter certainly wrote the

iodex and a couple of numbers in the manu-

script. The volume contains in fact two manu-

scripts and also an early edition of ' Parihenia

The nucleus of the manuscript — apart from

* Other intperuiw cenVereuI M$ •oureer poofaiaiog

tBuBC Inr PwU Brrijj'. Orff. Wis. Bib!.. MS fel.

191, and VicAna, Nat, BiW.. MS t??): Uf. R. Haas.

* Miaukdcs Baracks ^ tqa^. p. tat ft.).

* Rrcmilr raulocved under R^rrc Not. It86 s



viscri 1

(^yn’& dclil>crai« alierauoiu and addiiimn —

i# formed by 73 pjec« by John Bull, 21 of

whlcli arc nol co be found cl«v»hfre, anti O-

(ilbbons’s ‘Fantazia in 4 pans’. M. K Glyn

puhllslu'd a considerable amounc i»r ilit'sr

nun)l>cn in h«r selections fn^n Hull and

(iibbons iij28\ In else Baris Ms

lb*M7 (wlmii also comprises it* aMt<»Kraph

f(MH|)oslllons by romkins. includini; his

famous * Rubin Hood may l>c found in

Fantasies by John Uitll and nuim rous co*n|M>>

si I ions by Byrd tall l*rin; in I\mtkin«b haotJ-

ssrilingj, MS iJl.jjb roniaiiu sescral hbin*

Ikts ctmsposiHi hs <). <;il>Lt>ns and BvnI.

Among ilu’ srnalW sirgmal nuisic m.xiiu*

striph in BriiKli civile* ti«>ns tUr l<»JhosiAg ntas

he menuoned :

(’litivl C3ignh ULt (liA/td. V|S III }

•w^niy (lAn<e lutk^i l>v J, UmII. w,.,k .4 Hh.i. Utxr

Ik«i* fflfBlb r^fvoBKd b M, II. I. V »r. H I.K

I jiMjuct l>y <>.

(/iiri'i (Jiiir<h Hitr. .Ms> iijj ti*s*»» !•>,*

VM»', fJ>.'

s4,u>i O). fiilJ^.ri..


bhaw. Bull, hviil, t,ililKii«, FM .

Si. 1*1 1 i,, V\. Rvril'.

>MV„( il.« FAilv iHih iff* .

II. 'nvBiaiid |. Kc.Wi. iuli«ra<.r.

Il.'lby 4 |Un», Ikill ,

iVttJ J' Hdlfi'Ol, n>i 3 i ici.i >.

U'^IS ilMnw, ((iMh nk. |«|p .

1|li1 (ibtli cpni. .

N. 93B1 iCwiM'fi,

Kor. Anp. jft rcatlv iCih

K«v. App. ji < .„h I bit. «FM . ligrh' Ad— .

,, mi>u<K.R.\niv

IWn. < 4 .y,i» I,»s. •!.. ,,

, ;|iioit|Mr rtr tU.^f.u Wlrim^ • -UtM-r. w-

J It* Shikfi Ilf K'k i- inl Mihm mi | iwUmJ '

itjml-iM.nof 4U«F ti, J L M„ihF„ I m-Um '

' • ' ' '• *•' M . • Ms 1 -Iv- \fs fHs B.. 1 . * M .

K I, XaX. iqio. p, I,.

* J. ‘ .\. ui-ui <r Ihr fHt.

li- 4 * IW. sir.. ,w. V<J.

aM, iB^V'

lii.V'i, Mabosm* * II.. • ( N,h(.,m ,1 \, I. ,4 ^

,, '”1. XUIl, Mil?,. "

M, OJ.! riWl. M KrvhnMl 1W

ftMC XPo. Ai« , V.J, I XIN .

\amoii I \y, 'At! UiJ^bFiti^ft NiftMwl Kx4: 4

V 1 - 1 i^'? •'**. Fi«t»aiu-»

\ iruKiBt Hunk l.<«Hh«i, C9<>s .

N . t sot I • IW S -1,4.. HSU.* W ilr. \

VtJu! ’* »or-iJ*i-is NfuMial B 1 . 4 * riFtliM,

XftalH R 4 l(l\.i*>,

0 ^ 40(1 by 1:, H.*rrn*i.e» I..*. ifsr.lH ibe

WIJI (niperurK« r 4 AM. MVS y> |l*. agtSiIaS

£l mI: r-r. "ii

*>e «l:iiFf| lal? .\M. iJNS

Xv IStaT^ T! ^ rfeiaik//.

Virfa. Stf Klimniitos t' In itx' Slorrii otNt.ir.

VIRTUOSO (from l.at, sirftii (xtrlltncc,

vf*rih. virtue I . One wlsn hat atcaiiud tin'

liigfi<*st tiiasnry a%« r lh«' urlinii ;i| side of hi-,

lirl, Nvhitlirr of singing, pl.ising an instruiiirni

nr in inudem litiKcoftimdiit ling an orcluslia.

In l.ngbnd sjwxialK the urtn has aequirMl

a drprrtia««*fy moanjiig js sugg^Ming the di*

|4jt uf mkIs a niositTv lor \ts own ^.lkc.

ij. ( , t:.

VISCONTI, Gaaparo A. Cremona, ?;


li.ilidh i:th ilUh*<« ni'iis violinist and

(tirn|Miur, iJr hvi',! in Ixiriiioii in the earlv

i*hh rmiurv jikI vsiskoj bonk f>fvi. din sonatas

uiih crlln .hmI tMiumi*v l)|>. I . drclitalnl m

ilw' Duki iJ* IX viihsliiii .ViiHierdaiii, I7*l3^

ffSMf vitilin nHUiiUrs \xaU string onlnttra

anti suiiM’ vJo, 4 im| mmui.is <n m.uiiisrnpi nn

ill dw lilirari*N i 4 iMsdui .mil St hutriii.

i . V. < 1 . s.

*> s*»* f . , n «,|K ,

V|»». J«M DaaaFku d«. s< I 1 (,•/ M. A..

VlSf.E, Robert io

Irensli hili'iiist, sjiig, r iHhI rom^iuv r. He

wav | 4 avir •*« the gmmr .mil ihniilMi i«i itie

<lau| 4 iin iiPb* , tli.milxr musiu.in to iln

Ui>g i<>:Ui .hmI !>.:«] rhis ]-^Nt uiild I7fi.

whin his s«m li.iis^'Xs viKMvihil hill), [i,

1709 he vs,*s .rif*<riiii<d t/./pOe vr 4 linai>e 4 * li

mairfM 4 m m. He jHiUishtd a ^ hivre de

guiturre •, thiGaKxl tu iltr king u(>djl,

aiN*ll>rr lH»k wuli iIm* s^iiiie title > i<sfM*; and

some ‘ INicn tU« tlHVrflie et dr hiih, itilK>s ci\

patumm • 07if» , whkii are r,'*||y iHi^s,

IVsr three works are in ufiliii.iry notation.

Smne arrt by him w.re iHjIdishid betwren

1731 and 173J in ihr 'Concerts fuiixliiiiHs

(liviww < n 6 uiiit s '.

Francois, Ins son, sutrmled hhn as 'ingei |<

Jej|i*C*uis M.trais 0:1 2', (hi, i;3j.

J t.. iv

VlSETTl, Albert (AntboBy) i. Salona,

13 May >d4<»: / London, lo July itjaU/.

Italian vingingoitasii i. tonduitor ant! com*

jaKt-T. I le studied coni|KHiiion under ,\llHTto

Mar/.iKaioa( d»e MiUn (kmservatorv, where

lie eaiiMd iwt* schtdardsips. His caeWisc for

h« degree wav a canuta tv vvonh by his friend

.^lriRts hoicn, Hh firvt engagement \\a,% as

<ondu<ii*r at \iic. He then went to J’ari*.

where A. lAimas pcrjsared spetially for him a

libretto for an opera from hiv * I’rols M<m«<|ur.

tairrs '. 'ITw score was hardly romplcled w hen

*1 w« burnt in (be »cgr .,f the Commune.

vnciti tlK'is went lo l.<mdt>n, where he

wltUvl and th-voled himstif ehiefly to teaching

singing. He joirted the lirvi Boartl of Pro*

f^s at die R.C.Nf. and also (aught at

the f».S,M., the NN'aifWd School and various

other InsiiiuiuMs. Hr was also, in i8;8-po.

director and coftductor of the Bath Philhar*



VITALI (Filippo)

monlc Socicty> to which he devoted an immeiw

sity of time, money and abiUry.

Visetti Nvrotc the waitz^soog * Diva ' for

Patti and other song<, and published Italian

(randaiions of HuUah's * History of Modem

Miisic *, of Hueffer’s 'Musical Studies’,

Parry's * Blest |>air of Sirens ’ and other uorks.

The King of Italy in 1880 conferred on him

the order of the Corona d’ Italia.

c., adds.



VISKI, Jinoa {U Jofao) (». Kolozavir,

Hungary [now Cluj, RumaniaJ, 10 June 1906).

Hungarian composer. He started to study

the violin when seven yean of age; after

attending the secondary and agricultural

schools at Kolorsvdr he went to Budapest,

where he studied philosophy and music. He

was a pupil of kodily at the <\cademy of

Music from 1927 to 103s. He firM appeared

before the public with his Symphonk Suite in

1937, and since then his works havr been

often performed abroad, including places in

Germany, Prague, Zurich, Hilversum, etc. In

1O4O he became a teacher at the National

Conservatory in Budapest ; in 1941 he was

appointed director of the Conservatory of

Music at Kolo^sv^r ; back in Budapest, he was

appointed professor by the Academy of Musk

in He won the Creguss Price In 1943

and a scholarship of the Hungarian Arts

Council in r045.

A favourite pupil of KodAty's, Vislu

cultivates a style that bears traces of the influ*

enec of his master's idiom : it Is also saturated

with the language of Magyar fedk music. He

consciously eschews radical tendencies, yet his

compositions are distinguished by a sincere

utterance and a deeply felt lyTknm. His

output is comparatively small, for his self*

criiicism w'iU not permit him to appear with

works which he considers experimental or of

imperfect hnisb. His vi^in Concerto demon*

strates these style elements and also his

dexterity in inventing excellently suiiaUe

instrumental passages and figures for a solo




' Fi.liji'skodji * tevocaikA*) for aval# vmm tfem*

»rnvi> (in57»>

* Vira« (i pilbneO* (*yiA«t«r and Buticrflr’) iV’wcm*

mai(y> rnrnvile voke^ ti937)>

‘ KuisaAna' t* HoMABsh *) tw otiMtt (tayv).


Symphenje Suits

3 HunearbA D.tncr^

' Enifina’. lymphonic poem (1930).


Cdn««fiA (1947).




% Sooft (Lafos Aprilv, Sibdoc Miisi) (jg4<>'4d),

J. s. w.

Bfas.^LAKATOS, IrrvAM, ' Vjtki Jinot * (* PiMioriuz *.

VoL XK VII. u. Kolo&cvir. Feb. 1041}.

WusBiANH, John S., *Tlie Cenlempor«ry Movement

anHuAfary’ (* Music To-day \ Londos. 1949).

VITALE, Angelo (^. Modena, ?; d. 7).

lulian I 7 th-i 8 ih*century composer. His

name is known in connection with the follow*

ing work, of which only the libretto seems to

have survived :

Temiri, drama per musiea, da ranprecenursi nel

Tcave di S. Catcur>o iCaisiano, Venictl anno

M.DC.LXXX.. di Ajtionio MeJalafc. dcAKcratn

air iMusuiss. «t ecccM. Si?. Gic: Franccaco MoroiiMi.

dinivimo t meHtioime Cavalirr. e f^rccuraior di S.

Mam. la Veocua, M.DC.LXXX. Per Francesco


In the prefatory letter occurs the atatomcni

La musi«a « del 5 . 0 . Ancelo Vitale, nelle neii del

eui biiaam eaeiuapuato cenoscerai, the bm hi Oeira*

dslo da til alui sum spirltmi uknti, . . .

A copy of this work is in the B .Sf. ; a later

edition was published at Wnice by Francesco

Batii. Musk is not mentioned in the play

iuelf ; probably only the songs were set to musi c .

Frocn a passage in a letter in Angelo Be*

rardis Ml perchi muiicale’ (1693), p. 15,

addressed to Signor Angelo N'iialc, Orvieto, it

dinars that he was mMstra di eappella there :

, Havendfl V.S. biasimala ^uel fuo AAverufle eati tac*

<ia d* ifnarante ael segnarc le lue pMperiiani coo uo

msmero solo, hh dinsoeuaie I* ouiaia iniellltenu. che

deve kaveee it peeiio Maettro di cappella oe* fenda*

mcMs anaooki.

C. i.

VITALI, Filippo (t. Florence, ?; d.

Florence, 1633).

Italian tenor singer and composer. His

first volume of madrigals appeared in 1626,

and with the exception of short visits to Venice

and Rome he remained at Florence, working

at composition, though he svas by profession

a priest. He liad already published eight

volumes of voeal music when he was called to

Rome, being nominated a singer in the papal

choir on 10 June 1631.* During his residence

in Rome, where he teas attached to the house*

hold of Cardinal Francesco Barberini as

musician and composer, he wrote two sacred

works, hh * Hymni ' in 1636 and the ‘ Salmi

A 3 soci ’ in 1C41 . He w as recalled to Florence

in Feb. 184?, to succeed Marco da Gagliano

as wueiin di e^pella to die duke and at the

Cathedral of San Lorenso.* On r Apr. 16^3

he was presen led to a canonry of die Cat bed ral

and entitled Sant* Ambrogio.^

Am«Tg Vitali's works the fai'ola in mujied

‘ L* Arciusa ’ attracts attention, for its per*

formanee at the palate of Monsignor Ottavio

Corsini, in the presence of nine cardinab and

the principal ladies of Ronte, was one of the

first appearances in Rome of a lyrical drama.

' .\da«>i. * Owcoackwi i 7 M. p. ««).

* VejeL ' VwndiaXmrhrHt’, V (1689). p. 509,

* rhnfcfiii, *MeBor>e% 1B04. p. «$&

vrrAj.i (G. B.)

\*i'rAi.i ' FiUppo^


The pubJicaiion uai dedkaied to Cardinal

Borgbcse :

V A/eiiua, Tavola in niwwa ii Ftlippo Miali. rapprr-

Mhuu in Ronu ia <Mi di (.lonou, EMkaii

air illmo. n naa, Si(. Card, fcirfhr*^. In Raou

LMca Ani. toldi,

In the preface > \'iuli UUa that ih«' libretto

was written, the musle coni|Kni*c|, the parts

distribuU'd an<i learnt and the firsi perform*

ance given, all in rurty<four d^ys, IW on iO

Dec. 1G19 lie began the work and on B Keb.

j6io it was perrorinrd. The jruirumcnti Iw

used were two liarp*iihor<ls, two ibeorljfK,

two violint, one luir and one viuCa da ganiha,

and ho dcilari's that in lu» iiiu^ie It*' wa«

a humble follow* r of Peri and Caeeini *4


Hugo Oold^chnoiU * pumls out that in iIm

vniploymont of two vivlins instead uf \iuls.

for the dcMiint or iiohlc p.vu in ' .\rrio>a \

Viiali Was diMinnly in atKame of Jih iimh*;

in other resitecu tlr musk is jk^ot ami Nlums

iiKtis of ihc haste with wiikh U had lain


.\ Ins ini|x>riarii work opening with ihirty*

I wo Un of 4 u/i/mta in lisfpari writing K

the foilmsing, wriuen for iiiier|M.UlRMi in

(JieoKnini's ctimnly * hnta M.*ra *, per-

foriiKul on G Feb. lOaj :

lMrrnw<lj <|i rilii.i**) V»uli. Fahi (.rr b

r". ''“.*! r"!!** r«u*u nolarro .kl

(uMR*, rirll i liM. F V tie* 3 .W 4 h,

■ mo iCji (ik|. Ir* I'lFirt, CnctmeUi. ifc,,.

Other publieaiiont were :

• II Iirtki** lihr„ i\, irM-liiBaP • .V«we

nati<*1oh^u .Mawni, (61b,)

a 4;^, oe e vi voe. * fri«FH.e. V^tnJk

«*t w i(, I f, 1 7 .) Srmr ot sheK cmhpmhhm * <a»saui

fuf H,orMM»-„u ftl.KK: OM HiWialtMet.

Hiili « ns/^ ft.r A«e mMtotmnu. am uiioteMn

^ iiL^ltnisI Uk os twrF«,

**“,’'‘'11 i",",' e dt^ W-*. l.tWw tesiotOM.' ikome.

Cj, H, Rutkiii, i6ib •

J H. C«vwl. *1 « d lUlk*. .V*. jy refMriU*

*«*»*••«• Itkin ih«i

• SioMiht » wtt, ,|« tiffotipti eemate

0 in alln iln isiFMi, um,U r alL^hFiv Brt I4

tHjtFfta )f» i|w 1 le |Mu a ittwitoolo per laJe

, Libro lerie.' R,«»f, L. A. M. li^.*

^ ‘ • '‘V’ I*** **'*'"’' “'I sl-l»««€* eiiiurFd

ft ail,, iUvatMi. L»l«* murbs

I N Fnx F. t I b> j. 1 In ik« .»FdK*li«i.

'•" V!*"' ire she *,wl

^ (lurkn« hit btiFi tiay thrre

S-'iemiaie^. Uuo Wm-u SlJ«p« M Can W

IhVeoFhB. iftvv Hatx^rmeo

II imo hbro «|« t»*JtiV4li a onriue *asi C>Dcr4

SI'**”*"*' VenFMa. ,4%. ^.uS-K

’ i' FI ahri »Fitm di

VV^ *i' * * «"'« Libro ixiptw In

Wrtrttt, iftF, IWrliAar^ blan/ Cmm U

j dF*}'<»t»w« I# Clo, hoewna bv r V

fr*'"^/*e. .Apr. eftaa. Thr^.^

T 'V *dk«Fd M <J«L

WFlUkhm Vt*ato^.,k

• S.I,M.O., 1 900* I, p. 3 ^

' Aric a uba. due e tre voei. d* l iMim \’iL%li aiiiui<»

tklU cappeUa di tua Sjniiij. In Or\*ciu. A«i

HtaMia di C, B. RoUeiO. ibsj.'

'.Arieatrevoci.ru. InKoma. Tonlfv MaaAii. t6)s*

•Ark a lee voti, esc. Im K<40j.., V'iiicrnzo l{i4rM>4.

i 6 »-*

* labro^uiMtotSiaiiCtuot'aei.* .riotrMr, fjihli. 1O47.)

SaeroF caMMMrt a <et sutiws. I.4 n» ad oicf*

naiq. labrr 1 .' e, ibJS/

•Hsm'KO L'rlMri VJII. P.-M. .M**, rditot; m»

mu^os »ol.i« aJ MmiihFLiM giuin «iier'i«o: a

nd t ippa ^ itali Flocra.iiiu I'.h.imkii Sjcrlli i>>>i(Kw ;

eiutJemo. S. n. N, «Ihsi.^« ts

tspaftFoediu AXX A|MHi>ilHae. Aa,

* ®J se'perat quiunue sn.ilNit ri.iri |»a. .» j,|

w rlMri. Auih.ar 1‘lnlitqxt Viulio.

C 4 prllae lWiM<ri.iFF M.ivrcn. R(.r,>K 47x1 1 Viu«

seiiiM*ak ■lowuos.* lOtt.i

i . S-

VITAU, Giovanni Batiiata c. Ciumma,

e. ib 4 ); 4 . .M«kI«(u. <a <k(, |Ih,; Ij.

llahm sioJot, violinwi .'iml <<>m(>n>'T. lie

jtroliKi'il an t sira«ifiliiMiy atix»uiil of {lance

cn«i\i<, i-iiUiii .iftd Siin.it.is. H«' was a pupil

of M.tiiiieio <*a/.*aii for rnunierjKiim i.i*

(taspari c’ldurs fitnn \ ii.ih's i.tihisi »oik,

l>uMishe«| in I Ir»d. . C.iz/nu w as maeUfo t/i e«/*.

/■//« ai ilH’<lnii 4 h ol Aari Piimniu ui Ikilounn

I rum iC'jH lo It.;!, ami \ ii.ili hi 11 w If w,i»

%mUo f or fihoitf . iJwc w.r : .** at ihr a.inte

{biirrh li«w.i iMdt, jimbalds umil he iMcaine

■rort/ra Vi Af '>isunm-i Htuniv */<

i/v/»gpa. a lillr Iw isgiM n on the litlc))agcv <>J'

Itis Mosie in H.;j aixl Hj;^, M.iiinu Sihuni

in the Mibisi'lK |K« faee Iv' vsroi»> to \ n.ih'.s

* Bjlhiu ttrfr.mi.mglic, . . .*111*71 .alJuibs

to Ins tndiii pla.mv, " ut * llejile iieJI* ai t< <lil

suono*’, and a<Uls that it is n<it unly those ssho

iKar him stl«o atlnun* '* U* *u<* pr«Hljgio{«'

siiiu *. Iml aim tlitwe who ev.niimc hit

e<mi]NF<i<iuiis, vutrihy of llie hie]i«%i pfaiw.

l-roiii tbG? \ iijli was a inetnlM r of iIm* Bo.

htgiM .V c .itlt mia dt * I ila*{ liid .uid .Net ,11 1 * in (a

tie* I ilarriMXiiei.

\ I Ilk' Ac t a<len«ia * IfKli C n.i n ii ni i>f Bol< ,[• » .1

in lb?.twtrrperf*iriiM<l iIk canlalas * 1 / allom

iriwifanle'. with tniisir by \ nah and Oio.

vanni Paolo, ami' If irionfo (hlU fedc with

imroc by Franccuo Praiitimta aiul an o\er*

lure by Viiali. tin j Ut. ib;^ Niwli w.js

apiXHUirtl vice* 4 i (tfi/xlh lo Duke

Kiancrseo II of MmUna. and ten \cur> lunr

hr was able to (all himself 4 i uiplnlh to

Ute dufcr, a |»iM he was to occupy for oiil\ ;i

sJt<*«l time.

.Among \'itair» jiublished worb the sonatas

naturally arouse mt/sl iiuertst, bolh those-

crmtaincrl in Op, «, dau-d Hrii;, and the more

elalwatr cnni|>o»i lions in Op. (lui primed

in I G60. They show in foi i tlir Ursi lu'»i ta ti ng

fnolst.jx on 1 Ik long roatl that eventually hd

to the pwftt porf<«ciM,n <;f form.* Ctuistoiu

and rapid cliangcs from cjuick to slow mov-

Ik. *ila Lr*!?* *"** l'* ***** *'* * '"-Tiuseih>i

t l*®^.* «***•**. I'-d a u«, .ppei.lM m

d^hedrrrfac au *.KaMe,l au. Ui. m jiKler

VCraoL.^*'*’'*' ***'' ”*




ment mark the various sections. For instance

' La Cdinpori a sonata tor two violins,

passes in quick succesMoo from to

greit to tiiorr, and a sonata, * La Guidoni b

marked ^rocr, alltpt, gm*, tHegiP-

htorcoYcr, there is another pwnt oT intense

to he considered: it b quite possible that

these sonatas were the compositions on whicli

Purcell modelled his sonatas " in imitation of

the Italian Masters *' which were published

in 1683, for Nicola Matteis, the violin playrr,

may have introduced his compatriot's music

into England.

An extensive collection of S'iiali's composi*

tioM, printed and in manuscript, is in tlii'

Bililiotcca Estense, Moslona^ the Bologna

Library also possesses a large number of ilw*

fullosving works :

' CorrrniS t iMlIeiii da rsmers a tlue x ksws

C 9 fitinue per tptiieiis u vietone «l 4 G. B. VHsli.

•oMaiwre Oi vi»teee «Ia bcarao m PesrotiM di

Buliiisii.i ft .Scesdeinice (>|^ra ixoiu.

Ill IM«eiis. per Mirm« tiMa.i

Th'O editiwm uerr pubitthert si in tdTA Mkd >A

1(17. sikI another si IMokiu bv Gisesao )i(e«is

In iMs.

* Soflsie » due vietmi csl sue Ihma prr T eresne. di

G. H. \\ miKiro ill I'Mlenr ds Btaaie ... ft s«<s>

demiro filsKhcte, <>prrs terends. In Ibduesj.

per Uisreme Monii,' (1667 » Grsirdullv drdi>

csisJ bv V’iuli lo Vineenrs M^ris Csrtsii, Iron

%»hem h« Ksd received ss tnstiv benelkn. snil uho

hsd silmiueil him 10 ih« Aeesdemis oC Hluch W

war in« fewmkr, {Th« AeesUemis «Li (tlMmonki

ws< insuiursied si Corrsii'i hmiv «n iLilneiis.

iMi.i l.sier ediONU weee puMnhed si ^'tn•(r m

idM. 1(71 smi ibbr.

* Bslteiii. rerrenii alls franene, latlisnle e brsiwls pee

bsllarr. Dslleiii. eserenii e uofenie «ls esmers a

S aairn atromenii Oi G. ft, V.. hmmco di vi alone da

rarrn, eie. Oprrs leras. la IMoens. per

Gisioms h|oiii»,* (06(7.1

Ari cdiiisn of 1671 eitiiikd Viisti *' msesirs do esprils

del SaniiHimA Rsasris dl ft g lsews ft Aertdemico

KlaKhev AoMhrr sdiimn pwUsftrd iMn.

’Italleiii. eomnii, sllemsikde « ssrsbsndc s

violins e vinisrte, 0 rpirreiis esn it secoodo vM<«m

■ beneplsciie. Gel 0 . B. V., aMaieo di vo^stk ds

^•oao, «ic. Owrs susna. In ftsisma. per

(iiacsms hlsnli. <t6aa.| Other edl«*aa« pwV

liohed in ifttl. 1693. >677 snd oftTft.

' Llvre cinauitme du retued dn dsnaev, bailria, aftt

msnda, liratidet |branlrt|. ec«esnt<% ete.. dn

dieerarv suiheur* de ee tempt, a deus pariiei. Ci

•turimeo it dens vioJists sveett. Is Wne esiMinwe

puur ler eipmeiirk ou bsooe viskm. d<i Gio, ftsiiivis

Viiali. Anvers, ehea In Mriiien dr P. Plu)^,*


* .Ssnsls s due, tre, ausiiro e cinque tiiwnmi* di

G. B. V., muiicu di vislorte ds brsato. nc, O^s

quints. Belofns, M Gisesmo hlonu.* (i^>

Ulhcr ediitSAJ in 1677 snd rMj.

* Sslmi coTMerlAli s due, ire. riuaiire e CHia«e vmi. (an

oiremenii eocaecrsii sU’ A. S, PrsneeKo II. Duet di

Msden^ ete. Ds Q. B, V.. vicr msetcte do espefts

di ^ A.S, ft sccsdeimeu filsMkere, Opers mis.

ftslAffns. CiscsAM hfcmii.’ (0677.) Ten path

hne\\ M well so s MS score bv C. Boh are in oJw

llukan^s Libfsrr

' Vstie Toatiile del psrw s nieno. ciseems caprircr e

psstseslli s }: due vosIum. e vwfone. 4 opioetis.

Opera Kliims. hrodens. iMa. Gaapsm Terri.*

Balleiu. eorrenii e esMieci per cameta s dm vislini

c vioJone del S*. C. B. V., vice aoonOro do eapelU.

eie, ft sec sdemieofilaK here e hlainvMuco. 0 pm

oiisvs. In Venclia. iM}. Simtps del Cmdsna.*

borne sulhon meniioo « Op. 9 : * Socials a due vistini

c bsasopei I* ereans’. published si Anamdsai.

FetkS abo tccoHt <>p, to: ' Inni oseti pec ouiw I* amo.

a voes tola con rltKiue sorMtientl ’ IhMcm. idSo).

V arie ooe>s(s alU rrsncesr ft all* otalisns a mi suse

nsecHi ds G. B. V,, msesiro di cspcUa Jell’ A.S. di

S09. dues di hlodoAS & secsderaico Als&cbcM.

Own uDdecims. In Msdsna, per Gis. Csspsrs

Fmi.* Ii 604 .>

’ Bsfti in wik frsiicew 4 cinque sirwincnti eonterrsii

slls ssers real nase«G d> Maris Besitice d* Csle

Souarda, refills della Graii Brciafos. Da G. B. V.

iteesiop da csppeils, eic. Opeis duodccicna.

In Medsns, pec Asloni^ Vilslisni.’ (idSj.)

* .\i«iAcii muaxsli rte qusli d conlenpono canoni in

diverse msmere, cooirspuali dopii, inventioni

curiooe, cspriiii e tenate ai C. ft. ^ . Opers deei*

msierss. tr> Msdsns. per gli credi Ciuisni

ilsnukSMe epnespsli.’

' Ssnste Js csraecs s Ire, due vislini e vislone di C. B. V,

Upecs decimsqusris. (n XladoAS, iBpa. per

CeirnMiaea Csitobi. iismssioee di inures ducsk.*

The dedKsiisn. dated Dee. 169s, i< wriiieu bt

Tsootmisa Anromu \’i(ali. son sF Ciovansi Bauitia,

whs tisiet that swiuf lo ihc deadi «f hit father he

ksJ undertsbrA ihe publiraitsn of ihio work.

TuehT Ms * Ssnaie s due vraltni del viuli * are ie ihe

Bodlevan Lhrarv. Oafsrd : MS Mua. Sch. d« 937 «

'fus Msootiw, *Acar* arvd *Cefie*« rsmpseed in 1071

snd 1674 (C. Kkei, '1 leatri di ftolsfas’. p. 349).

!• hit estaJsfuc sf ihe sperai in ihe BrutoeU C^te^a*

toire Lawarv. NN'siqucnne givn die followiiif :

’ Olscatnln d* cneotiu orkrlo ds bpn. Arcs*l<ntiri

Unsr v imi al lots B/srv proieiiore Jatn Nieedo il

Mavftn ooell* Aecsdmis di Belle Leiiere e Muiica,

tailo Is t'ra defti 17 Msreo, 167 >. In Bolofnii per

Gis. RecsIduM, l6?a.' Hie ointsnis precediec sit

or Slone, ’ II irtsnls dells feik wso eempoaeu by

C. B. \ alsli.

* L* smbiioenc defteftats Sv'ets la esJuts di Monmouth,

srstorie per muvks. di G. A. (Isnsl, Veniiiano,

poMo in muoks dsJ tip. Cio. Asiims Viisli, V.

numore di esppclts di S.A.S. In Mndens per

eto eredi Soliam nsmpstsre ducsk.* (lOK.)

A MS tesee oT the nuoie it in Ibbl. Eoieiue, Modens.

leiH sits turn that * ]l Cions*, eraiorio for tevin

viwteo. eherua snd inti/uiaenui ths music by G. B. V.,

vsj perfonned in Mndens in 1609. hfSMoreSi MsdeitSi

C. ft

Sff nfi# tkIsMs IG. ?.• cellib. in * Allero irisnfals *).

VITALS, TommMO AntODio (L Bologna,

r. iC>J5; tf. ? MoiU'Aft, ?).

lulian vtoliAbi and compoicr, son of the

procoding. Ho became a member of the court

chapel at Mociena under his father and

eventually its tlirecior under die Dukes Fran*

ccsco II and Kinaldo L He calls himself

their srmfrrr in his works published

1 693-1 70c. He was a member of the Acca*

(krmta de* FilarnMinicI of Bologna from i^oO.

He is said to have had maoiy distinguished

V Idio pu|kb, though Dali’ Abaeo, Senailld and

CiroJamo Nicold Laurenti au* the only ones

known dehniiely by name.

Copies of his three known published volumes

of sonatas arc in the library of the Liceo

Musicate, Bolugtia (Gaspari’s Catalogue,

S ol- IV) ;

' Sotulc s ore. dni viotini e violsneclls csl buM per

r orasiw eonsnrstc sll’ Alicsu Sereoiloims «U

PcanccMO JJ, Dws di Modsus, Rcglioi cic., <la

Tsmssn Anlsnan Viuh. hoIsfAcw tervitare siiuslc

dsfts medema ahetrs. In Modona. ibffft Per

AnMik Rice*, tismpaiorv di muoica ducsie.’

Tb« dcdwsiion * h^i that Uus vss hit hrtl w«rli.

* Ssnati s doi vMiat. col bsfce per I* oriaAs. (vnsrcraic

all* Alicscs teierteima d«I Sif. Preseipc de Pannn

Odosrdn Fsmetc. da 1 . A. V, . . at abw.

’Opera tec ood a. In Modens. 1693. I'rr Chrttiefere

Canebt, wsmpaiorc di muMa ducsie.’

• C w wc ot u di tensic s vkling, \>elonc«]le t cembsle

conteceais all* 1 aiiiiciiiitiiiiii'i e reier. Sic. CardioaJe

OttobemidsT.A. V. . . .’af.vhove, * Opers Quarts,

lit MedMs, 1701, Nrlls ilAmpa di Fvriuniane

RmsIi, wsmpsiere ducsk di luvuli j.*



T. A. VilaJi also a volume of his

father’s sonatas in 1 692. A sonata by him for

two violins and boss was inrlurlrd in ihr

’ Corona di dodici liori armonki icssuta sU

alirnanii tngcfni sonnri a icr strumrnii ’

(Bologna, 17^). His bcst*known work at ihr

piv^iit lime is ihc characirristic ' (ilarrona *

for v iolin solo, with figured bass, whkh has

been mueh played at roncerts by rminrni

violin ivis. f>nv of iho rare aui«>gra|vjK in-

clu(U‘<l in ihc Inicrnaii«Kial Mu^i'al K)vhilM*

tion at Bologna in iBSH iSurci’s Catalogvi'',

p. 174} vvas a letter from ri>minas(» ^*ll•'lll u»

Count Pirro Albecgaii, rif llokjgna. «laii'l

i 7 Mar. t?t 1 . c

VTTASCK (Wittaaaek), Jan Aufuat 6.

HoMn nr. NUimk, Mar. 1770; rf, Pragiw,

7 Dee. 1839).

Bohemian comfHoer, I In true CUristun

names were Jan Xr|>otii\ik Mat«j. as is |>r<n(4|

by the Ijinh-regivu r. He was die vmut a vil*

lage tcaciier who was hinvv If a goul iiiu«kian.

Having n'ciieed elermnurv tuimnir m inic'ik

at Immtm . he UM»k lewnw rnnti h. X. k

and |. A. Kidcluh in IVaitise. AfierudnU hr

s]>ent sTMTiVl )<Ar\ hi the v rvkr <)f Cmnc H.

Xfwlic, and in dli j, aftir KiM di’$ d<rflh, he

was appoiniM conduttor at Pr>8iie (UtlHdr.1l.

He (Ixl ivH aeiepi the ioixlm u>r.hi|i U ihi

Court Chapel in V ienni. ulh*ri'<l to him afii r

.Salieri’s deadv, and reiii.iin''<l in Prague,

where he Isecanw the lirsl dirertm of die

newly fcnmdcd Seh«Nil for Organists in s8jn,

S'iiaseh was a vtry prolific (om|>i>ser and a

faithful follimer <4* NWart. Hisopera ’David*

was rrjieaii'dly ps'rhirnuxl at the Prague

theatre Hllir>-ti> widi reniarkalilr HKces«

He com|>osed a ronsklrrable aimnmt uf insirii*

Tnentul inu'ic, t.g. eoneerun for jiiai>i4t>rtc ^4 .

for violin, Harlnet ^nd Imivmih: mlniwis r«>r

Mriiigs, string {(UMrirh rCu M>iiai.«s $>tr shJmi

ami pinnurortc ^ 4 J. eir., Imt it Mas ehirflv m

the n<id ofrliurdi miuk that he won appreei.v

lion fur tile ph’asant and elTeetivc style rrf his

compcisi lions (’ I’e Ueum * for the cisronatHm

of Ferdinand V, a ke<igiein, «rvi ral niasH's.

many moleu, eic.j. He was alv> mie of the

first eonirihulors loSkf.Mip'sand Chmdensky s

eoUceiion of songs {’ S’frkr xc /p^vn slasteti*

'k>Hi f.

VTTENDALE. 5 rr L'lrxciiAi.

VITO, Glocoada d« ik. Martina I’ranea.

I^ree, 2i June 1907).

lulian violinist. Mh- was a pifMl of Krm\

Priticipc ar the I.ieeu Musiralr of li .aro ainl

also suitlird a I the Rtune (aintervalocy. She

became violin professor at I he (imservalocy

'if Bari as vi-ell as that in Rome. Havinf

^ppeared m all die most imp<>nant ctmcerl*

musical world, she made her

mark in I'.nglanil during the 194ns as a superb

performer of the claaricol violin concetios, anri.

having I isiied London repeatedly, she married


aivl scttlol down there in ihuiigh vhe

ronlinues to visit Italy and oih<*r rnuulrles.

As a perkirnwr of the great viulin muni ut

the past Gioeonda <Jr \ il<> is all hiii ininiii|j.kr*

ahic auK4ig licrc ^micinpurariis, ( )ilirrs pmstss

a te«hni<|iie as licitliani .is licrs anti niav even

s4ir|>ass Jht in virluosilv, hui Ix'r way of

li( 4 iiing the h.ilanee Uciw«e)i the nuiwar'l

a|>()e4raiKe <•( a svniie grjeiuusn^ss nnti .t

sihrani inner (lassion ilut is alwast left in iu’r

plaving w'iilHMii evvr hn akkig thnMigh Ixnind*

h-NsJv is. if n<»i uni<)i)i’, a I anv rat«* very

liitTiMili 10 4liH«>v*rr in inlwT liuliiiisis of tu>

riav. I h r lasie apyieari t«> Ik* liuiiu d to niusit

h^olJv lour than Ith.iikowky .iml IlMii.ik,

aiui sIh* is luK <|uiie ,ii hi r i;reai<%i M*t*u tvidi

MH h nKiianiie e4in>|Misefs. h< r Miix'rl.nixt* per*

fonnanrrs Ixing cIh^m* i>f die ttuit^rios «)f

Ikith, rv<den«n and Prahnis. She has not

sii lar i<4*, I apjicap'd with even tiirh ist.th*

lish’l «4rlv .'utli'Cenlun' viorl.s die l.lg^r

aiel SiInIi'IS I io riienliiMi l.iirr

<<Hs hke |Lari<»k's. Hh«h*'. Ilerg's or W aftnn’s.

’J hr < 4 M* n ri ui (’him i:u Mufi whit h she ha<

a(>|ii*.iret| U I'i/'tus and di.it in.iv have

1 hm» In ri*«|i*e%i, 1 k«.hiw* it u.w hi dial I hr

iiMMi distingimliMl hung li.di.in violinist

khuiihl intUMliH * die iimhi <iiiiue|ll living

llali.nn er»m|voer's m>rk. Itui wh.ti she h.w

d<«f' has riM»re dun jtwiirHii Ixr emi.ihle

repuT.itiun. i , n.

VITOLS, J. ^rrWiiMoi

VITRUVIUS (Marcua Vitruvius Polllo)

f . f : V. Rome, A h. 140

Rmnan aiehiteei ami inethanleian. Hr

tkiurklH*d during tive laiter part of the reign

rif Augustus. 4 \i hiv prerise is of some

importance in the histoi v of the hydrauhs, it

must lie $4ate<l chat snnu* wriKTj consider that

lie was Using lat<r, r.c. a.u. 70. J’ix* slew pm

lonvard that Ins date ivaj as late as the 3rd een*

lurv of our rr.i • rannot yxwuldv l»e acecpte<i.

«nee llias r. A.t>. ^3-79. quotes from k'itruvim

tftMm. alllnnigU without aeknowlixlgment.

mtlie 'N'aturalis historia’ XXXV.\ Ii, while

Froftiinus (c. a o. 40-103) mentions him in

iiis * Dc aquis Ksxnae*. N’tiruvlus was .1

supermiendcnt of mditary engineering und< r

Augustus, but, famed as Iw was ixislhumouvly

M an architect, he had link re(>utc in his life*

lime. To musirologtsls be i< interesting by

reason of his 1 xM>k * De arehitcciura \ dedi-

caied to the emperor, h is written in a way

dint is dilTKuk lo understand prccisel) . and

this applies particularly to w*hai he has to say

about music and llie hydraulis. In Book \’,

sect, iv, he treats of die laws of harmonies, in

relation to arrhiteeiure, and in sect, v he

speaks of tuned hronce jars u$e<l in theatres

for the purpose of ampUficalimi. Vet his

argunu nls are not clearly stated. Perhaps he

‘St J. I- ’IRirAfimne^r n%rr Visoivo •!/

.wsa Hfc Oiirj C«(>rnM*^n, i% 4 , ,


not sufficiently skilled in muskal thevry.

Indeed he states that the science music

is an obscure and difficult subject* the m^e

$0 for (hose who do not knotv Creek, as the

use of Greek t%‘ords b so necessary, seeing that

there are no corresponding Latin appella*

lions In summarizing (he views of ArbtO’

xenus he goes astray. More important b

Book IX, sect, vui, whkh deals vdth the

hydraulh, though here also hb language b

still too involv^, in spite of hb protesting

that he tried to make things clear, lltc work

was completely lost until the 15th century**

although we know ci it in libraries from the

91!) 10 the isth centuries. The oldest manu'

script actually dales from the 9th- 1 0th

century. It was first printed by Herolt at

Rome in i486, when numerous editions

followed. In German It appeared in i>t^>

French in 1673. in English in 1690 ai^ in

Italian in 1?^. An excellent English tram*

laiioit was made by Gwilt in tS»6. The most

rompletc text Is that of N’alentinc Rose (1867,

and ed. 1O99). 11. o. r.

Ilitu . -* l>e Iiltri iSe««m , . . e<lii,

R<>»« el liermsti .V|uUer.Siru(MA( ' 1W7 :

srui eu.. iSpgl.

Maclsam. CiiABir^. * The 9rtn<t^le oT ihe }h«lrs«k«

Ori.^n * {S.I.M.r*.. Vi. ipes-s.

finNiiiriHi a. * Viiruv und irine Zeu * «l.eiar>e. iwl).

' the ArtKiicciure wf MArtu* V’liruvm FoHte ni

’ren UAob. TramUiei ... by J«*r| 4 i Gwilt *

tUmOen, iSiO, iMo. 1^74).

.Vre tli» ]iv(lrsuli«.

VITRY, Philippe de (Vitri, VUrUcua.

Philippua) (6. Viir>\ Champagne. 31 Oct.

1991 ; d. Mcaux, 9 )unc 1361).

French cutnpoaer. poei, (heorist am) dlplo*

mat. He was secretary to Charles IV and

Philip VI of France. In a letter from Pope

John XXII. dated 90 Jan. 1391, he was

appointed to a canonry at Cambrti. The

following yrat he received from the pope a

living at ^is<ons In addition to the one he

already held at Clermoni*en>Beauvaiw. and in

1333 he became a canon at Verdun Cathe*

dral. By 1393 he was a canon at Clermoni*

ett'Drauvaisis. Soissons. .Saint-Queniln and


In 1337 and 1338 de Vilry appeared as

elfritMt and Marivs ttgis in accounts of Philip

VT. 1 1 is connection with the court veas shll

mainiaincd in 1346, when he took part in the

campaign in Gascony In tlw retinue of John,

PliiUp's son. Various diplomatic missions

\verc entrusifxl to him, among them ncgoiia'

lions which led to a meeting between the king

and the pope at Avigrten. Shortly afterwards,

in 1351. he became Dishop of Mcaux, From

then on documents refer to hint aa adminb*

trator and politician.

In his own day de Vliry was praised as

poet, composer and theorist by various

authoTz, among them Petrarch. Eustache

Dcschamps and the anonymous writer of the

' R^les de U seconde rhetorique '. Peicarch,

in a letter, praised him as an inquiring mind

and (he only French poet, but later he re*

proached him for giving up hu freedom and

accepting the burden of the bishopric of

Mcaux. Gassc de La Bigne, an authority on

musical maciers. sa>*s ;

PXilipfw de Vury evit nem,

Qui Bueuls weut DMWU oue aul hom.

*fhc author of the * Rigles de la seconde

rhetorique ' writes : " Aprh vint Philippe dc

Vilry, qui irouva la manl^rc des motd e( des

balades et des iais et des simple rondeaux ".

In modem muskology de Vitry is chiefly

known as the author of the ' Ars nova *, a

treatise probably written about 1320 in Paris.

Among the four treatises printed under hb

name by Coussemaker (rrr Blbl.) only the

* Ars nova ' can be regarded as his work. Its

most important part deals with rhythm. The

old ihychmk m^es are no longer mentioned.

W’hat U actually new in the rhythm of the

* Ars nosa ' b due 10 hb recognition of

Mpet/tttm (^ga-two breves) and itHtpui

im^fnltm (irrm-tw'O semibreves), and the

idea (not the term) of the fna/rr pr^aehv.

1 . tfodua (mkjor)

pcrfcelus t mpar faetus


a, Hodoa (minor)

perfeetus Impsrfaetus


3 . Teaipiia

pcffeclufl) imparfaelum


.H^emibret 1?*^

• ♦ ♦ ♦

4 . Prelatio

msjer miner


It b ini|>ortanl to note that * Ars nova ’ ^^’as

not intended as a comprehensive standard

work ibr students, but was a treatise on current

topics of interest 10 oUier musicians.

Riemann used the term nrs nctro in hb

' Musikgcschichtc ' (rrr BibJ.) to describe ihb

epoch. He believed Italian music to have

Infltsenced rhythm in French music and dc




Vitry's method of repmenting it lo noiaiioo.

llie dbcovery of more musical manuscripts,

especiaUy that of Ivrca in :^i, cleared away

lime ideas. H. Besseler, in his studies of J926

and 1927 {la BibL), comes 10 the conelusion

that de Vilry was belorc all vbe a composer*

pool, as was indeed suj^gesird by hb con*

temporaries. The treat ise * Ars nova ' was,

according to that authority, the work of a

musician who discussed Ins technical proble ms

— those of representing nsodem French

rhythm ui notation — for tlie U‘n<lit of his


De V'iiry, as innuguraior of tlie pcriml

known as ats mta, was respon<tUe for several

innovations. Accortling to lU-wrler he alnvMi

certainly created the isorUs think mucii.* lu

striking r<’aiure was a new relationilitp between

music and reality. Before de Vilry cunveii*

lional enitic verse in French and pliilusopliH

aiirl lyric verso in l^iin were li»r cite imwi

part set to tttusi^, exirpi for tlic motets de*

Krihing the <0(ial artivitiet of mosiriaiw,

De Vilry forsakes this ** aesthetic idand “ aiwl

a<l<lrrsw's iIk^ puNic in order to explain his

attitu<lc towards n ligious, moral and political

<|ontiun>. His motets are not tniended at a

means to enrich either relifsout terv’ket «>r

social life: they nre works of art sviih a ells*

tmriive personal iiicKage.

1 lie rnenet is generally 8cr>rfd for two ringers

and thr e or four itisiruntenialisis. llic iw<>

upper i>aris, t/i^N«i ami maUlm, sung either

by men or by Ixiys and men. or by boys only,

may have bcin played w|w 4 ly or partly 1^'

instrumi’ius as well. ’] hr lower part or prts,

tenor or tenor and cnnntrrteoof, required

iimrutneTitj. This eiHnhinativn was in use

until well after 1 ^00. As groufis of bo)^ and

instruments wer** not earily available at ilie

lime, these m(»t«h <«»ul<l not be properly

prrronni'd except jxrtsibty In Paris and perhaps

at Asjgnon when It brtanie the resident e nf

tlie po|>c, Dillercnt texts weir given to tl»e

two upper parts. In w-osksof topical interest

Latin wurtls were uscti ami the awfriu was

given (he more important part of llie text.

French texts were al«> set to mink in motets.

The mixing of French and Larin in one and the

same work becomes gl>s< 4 cle. khylhmkallv

typical is the contrast betwwn the softly

flowing vocal parts ami i|»e quid chords ol

the tenor and c<Hjnicri<'iior. 'i'hus it hap-

pened that all rbyllimic symbob

longtt, knis, s//itii/eiis and mrauw) were used

ill line work. I'iie minim with the upward

stem (as shown in l!x, 4 above) was introduced

by de Vilry. Great changes abo take place

in harmonv. The cominoo chord m.vkes in

appearance, producing a hitherto unknenvA,

beaudfully rkh sound. Muika fku, the

practice of allowing the peribnner to iraen

' tSrr iMMuiytHH.

accidentals, w’as also used occasionally.

Two poetka] works by de Vilry arc exiaul :

' Le Chapel dn fteurs de [y* ' and ' l.,e l)ii da

Franc O^iier'. His musk is presened in

the Ivrea Manitscript. winch contains three

motels wiiliouc indication of author, cited

hrs Iry* ilworists, and one ascribed to hint in

tlte Strasbourg Manuscript. The Ivrr.v

Manitscripi and ilte * Koman <lc Fauvel '

(uniam another seven, h»r whirh dc VitryT

auihorriup may Ih* awujnrd with less certainly.

A complete etiilwm of de Siiry's works

appeared in in * Cx»rpiis Mensurahilis

MuMi ae * \uy rua» InsiiiMir of Muskologt '.

I . I). iii .


Ih'.itiit. H, ’ .\'i fwwa auhV mi 'Hip M«i<ik 111

(.* > l«H liW out e«1 I . Ill (:.ii«rl.

iuy* .

* ISh* VIhuI •!<« MwirUiter' uiul <]«r r '

1*1 1 * - i ( .

* <«it Muuti 'k< Miiu ).iti*rN I * \ciie

QwKmi 'kk >1 •umI Ih i<«i,c„.t«ii IS. J iliihuii*

\ TM . V It. I.'iioi' Uk”, ,

11 : 'liK I «.•.<.'< v'.ii K* til t<i» I'ImIii»|»

1 Ml \ itrv ' ikV.. VIII. I'M i/i.' . I '» .•!> .

(.Ol v>i uxxia. I . ur.* Vm|'| run ik immi. in^tn «rM,

Mwa srim *. V<t> I h Mi i’.ii>, A P>><i .

('•A Mil, V . ‘ yiMliH*- 'k N Mil . ri<iKt I'ottr.kptM'i^i**! '

IM ' K•>«W4•HI l.l\. iBii

Kiiw. (... ’.Mmi Ml tlir Mi.Mk .W' ’ New Vuik.

Uiiu .

RiruANS. II., 'lUiiOtiwh <W MM'iV'exliiilur '. Vol.

U, vt' I deipof. I'M'?!.

(;4<< iMt. rv... iMuliyilim iaik, rv. </


VITTADINI, Franco Favia. g Apr.

18O4 1 J. Favia. 39 Nrw. 1048).

Italian conductor and composer. He

siudiesl at die Milan Gun wrvfl lory. After

a period at Varese at rtaidurior he returned

to his native town of Favia, where he became

direetur of the Isiitutu Musicale. His (>|>era

* Aninia allegra' in 3 acts, 10 a lil>reito by

Giuseppe Adami and Luigi Moiia, l>ate<l on

a comedy by Srrafin and .f<ia<{uin Alv.ire*

Qiiintrco, was produred at the Tcafro

Cosun/i in Rome on 1*, .Vpr. 1921, and

another, * Xazan'ih \ lihretio \>y Adami on a

story by Selma Lagi’clof, in one aci, was lirsi

given at Favia on 38 Slav 1323.

Ollier o|>eras by Vittadmi are * 11 mare ili

Tiberiacle * La ^gredg ' and ' Garaceinlu ’.

He also wrote live ballets * Vecchia Milano

* Le dame galanti ' and * Fiordisolc ' ; to

masses and a number of motets ; the oratorios

* [| natale di Gesb ’ and * Le seiie paruk di

Clristo' ; (be symphonic poem ' Armonie rU lla

noite ' ; oi^ati musk, etc. a. l-

VSmwU*. 4ae«oe. AW \Vnli '< tonri, 1 w. irio).

VTTTOIU, Loreto (k, Spoleio, j 6 Jan.

1604 ; rf, Rome, 23 or 37 Ajw. 1670).

Italian male soprano singer and composer.

He studied with Sorio, N'anini and Soriano

m Rome and lived for a time at the court

of Cosimo II dc* Mcdiei at Florence. He

returned (o Rome and entered the Fapal

Chapel in 1622. Among his pupils were

2 &



Queen Caroline of Sweden during her rtsU

dcnce in Rome and Pa$quini.

Viitori's works include the opera ‘ GaJalea

to a libretto of his mvn» piWuced at the

Palazzo Barixrini in Rome in the Canuval

of 1 639, when the score was published, ll was

his only opera, but he wrote music for two

plays, * La fiera <li Palestrina * and * Le

zilelle canterine Further he composed the

oratorios ' Santa Irene, la pellcgrlna costante*

and * Sant* Ignazio di Luinla cantatas,

arias, etc. a. l.

VITTORIA, Tomaso. Sn V'ictokia,

I’OMAS Luis oe.

VliiaH. Bartol«m«*. CWk r Ariem«ne*. lib.'.

aearUiti m A#nMM« *. lib,). Vivaldi

it ultrrcO).

VITZTHVMB, Ifnaa (A. Baden nr.

Vienna, so July 1723; / Bruivis. *3 Mar.


Austrian conductor and composer. He

studied at the School of the '* Scottish "

Oratorians in Vienna and lerN’cd during the

.Seven Years' War as ket tied rummer in a regi*

men I of Prince Charles of Lorraine, to w'hoce

rhapci in Brussels he went. In 1 771 he became

joint manager with l.ouis Compain of the

rii^itrr de la Monnale, which, under him,

experienced a period of splendour and pro*

speritjf ; but he failed in 1777. Mier a short

period of conduciorship at the Ghent theatre,

about 1780, where his daughter, Mme Meet,

appeared as singer, he returned to Brussels and

was appointetl conductor at the Th^Atrc de la

Monnaie in 1786. The French Resolution,

however, deprived him of his post as well as

of his peruion from the Austrian court. AAer

some years of aedvity as conductor and stage

manager at the Amsterdam theatre, he again

re turned to Brussels, w here he d led i n straitened

eircunutances. Among his pufuls he counted

the Flemish composer Verheyen. He com-

posed a number of masses, moieu and other

church rnusie, symphonies and tmifna,

some of which were N*ery successful.

Via. vic«iu« Sslst. Sn OcMta-islM C

La*iTiOrA , oper*).

VIVACE (Ital,, lively, also nW; supcrl-

MMruriAw). A direction used either alone to

indicate a rate of speed between piUgrp and

firtiu, or to qualify some other direction.

AUtgro vivMf will be taken quicker than effrgre

by itself, but not »o quick as diegrp ami.


VIVALDI, Antonio {k. Venice, c. 1675 ; i.

Vienna, [buried a8) July 1741

' T%^Oatewasnub|B>ieilbylU(MlvCjll»r Ale«ce

veneie , Dm. 19 ^). H« dM in (he hoiue of «h«

Ssil«t nmilv in ih« ptriih of Sl $iGpb«n. n*%t Um

K»( nln«'lor, «Rd was b«n«4 in Ute t c BuiMy of the

Diire«npiUl. T)i« de«ih ecrifAe«i« w ia ib« MCMdt «r

.Suahcn'i C«iA«lr«l (kJeiro0«l*ianaC»rT»int Sc

^«eph4«, Toienbuch. Ve). XXll), M. Os) sad abo «be

detailed accouai of opences vrhsi «as a n-rdpt

tuAeral, u (h« remark " Uein cle«th ” (SMin

mall peal of belh) indkatet.

Iialiaii composer. He was the son of

Giovanni Battista Vivaldi, a violinist in St.

Mark's at Venice. A. Salvatori ba$ deduced

from the records of ecclesiastical oedinatioos

at Venice the approximate date of his birth.^

He reedved the hrsi of the minor orders in

1 693 and was ordained priest in 1 703.1 Minor

orders were not conlcrred before the age of

Afieen, nor the priesthood before that of

twenty-three; to have attained the required

ages at the dates mentioned Vivaldi could not

have been bom later than 1678.

\*ery little is known of his family except for

his father's appointment at St. Mark's. His

mother’s name is not in any of the known

documents, but three brothers, Francesco,

Iseppo and Bonaveniura, are mentioned, the

first txvo in the police records for brawling and

unseemly conduct. His relations seem all to

have been red .headed like himself, for all are

referred to as " rossi " ; e^'cn in the records

of the ducal chapel the father is called Rossi

He was an excellent violinist; the ' Visitor's

Guide' to Venice (1713) mentions "among

the best who play the violin are Gian.Batiisla

Vivaldi and his son, priest

Antonio received his early training from his

father and " he completed his musical studies

'viih Giovanni Legrcnai, Maestro della Capella

Duealc L. Villanis * says of this composer


Thh ll^^y^^dfe pt iminimenu u ihoHTi in liii orchriiril

CMUpMitiMii «si mawOcmO ee« *rili« bMi oDiii d«y

4*4 en«Wrd him I* Mfbnn ih* orchnlr* St. h]*rk^, . .

Iiif wniiae » iwtiHff (pt iMWrrr in hindling »rchncr*l

iTutMS. Im tniui(i«n f»r «ncc».

This criticism applies equally to the work of

hit celebrated pu^l and may indicate a certain

similarity of temperament between the two,

Legrensi died in ifipo when Vivaldi was about

fiA^n, so his direct influence cannot have been

of long duration.

From 1704 to 1740 the Conscrvatorio dell'

Otpedale dcMa Pieii afforded Mvaldi a mar-

vellous field for musical experiment, and like

many teachers he may have learned most from

his own pupils. This institution, one of the

four famous Venetian music schools for girls,

played an important part in the musical life

o( iSih-ceniury Verucc: the schools rivalled

one another in concerts which attracted con*

noisseurs from all over Europe. In Vivaldi’s

day, and undoubtedly largely through his

influence, the Fietk reached (he height of ils

farrK. De Brosses gives a lit'cly account of it

in a letter written from Venice in (739:

The OtprUjIi have the besi awck heee. There are

feur pt Ih^. an for iUe^Umtie «r orphaned gitlt or

* * Rerhu mrMkte d«lU CiuS di Vonesu % Aug. <9*9*

* TV Vknna death Mn.fkate calk him a " Mrwier

prim **. and at Vewke he wai eallod " iJ pr«t« rou« ,

an chat h« awat hawo had red hair.

* P. Caffi, 'StofMdrUamMBaatacraneUaaiSCappriU

DucalediS, Marev’.

* ' Eney el opSdin de U hlw^ue' (Paris, t9«i).



whoM parenu cinnot mpposi iIk«. Ttme Me bfevfkt

up ai che Slate's expense anJ trained exilvHxelv it

nune. I ndeed they sm? LJk aacrb. p(ay the vi«bn« AMe,

onfaOt oboe« <eUe> bassoon — m short no iasimmeni n

large erwugb lo frighten them. 1 hev ar« th>mr«oJ Ithe

hum. 'fhe perfvrmarKes are entirety iheir o«n 0i~|

each (oiicerl it cmnpoted of abew fwrir cirK. 1 weM

noUiin^; is more eharming 0>afi lo ve a towog and preUk

huti, (lmse<l in Hhiie, a sprig of pomegranate l4ot»Mn

Uliinil orte ear, teatlihg the uteliesira aM beauog iiinr

utth all the prace and pceiitton tmasihaUe.*

The precision of che pertgrtnanen ti at^in

insisted upon m anoihir letter ;

Where J go moat often and en^ mtseK imtst U the

OkpeJaJe ilella Ihrto. tt rankt h/vt /•># rhe pertKOxi

of ill (vnipKoniei W'kiat l■rM•‘l'•Ued rxecuihin' lliai

II tiie oidy pbtcr in lieaf a fii>t atlath liun* thr Miine>

luch as, Quite u>i<lewrvetlK, the l*an> uper.^ n tri>««*>r«l


I'ho l*it t^ rt’>ord» ini’niion N’italili ftir tin*

first timr in 1704 '' for Im services ; in 1 7o<j

li<* is nonhiiatcd to tli«’ pr>st uf vsulin tt'M'IttT

hnd in 1 7 1 6 as Md/iiro A' ftmeftti ; as hr ha<l

usrtl titr liilr alrrarly scs'erid rarJirr on

his prinit'd works, ilu* refold nia> ri’ltr to a

rr*elt'ctiori» for hv w'4s corum nt)) coiiimik aikI

Kuin]{, Thrri’ i» no iiit'nlKxi of him brtwH* n

1 7 id and (7^3, and hit thrrr >rars' service d>

miHtUo Ji capptllv to IViitft* lltiUi* of ling*

Uaniulailt at Manluj, mIiuK he spraks laf in

a Inter to the Marclitg< IWuhvoftliu nia\

have been during this tltiii . In 1 73$ hr K ajtdin

ui the Picti, but another Imak in the ri'cvrcU

incurs from 1734 to 1733, and the foreign

irjNvl hr mrnlions tnay in all Iikrlihorid have

meurred then.

rhe governors of ihv Pin* seem %•* hav»>

fully app^eiutcd ihrir m»tut$ ami sln>w7i a

laiitlalilc lark of inlrrrertrKr in inuskal

matters, iruiscing merely on minor driaiKswU

hs regular atlendanrr and tUal cIk chorus

mistrvsH’s should Ik* |>ri seni at hb lessons to

ensure limt tlu* girh *’ lichavr with the t>r«e*>

sary disriplinr ", So long as they muld lir

sure that the composer tiouhl su|i|dy the

di'slretl concertos and conipusi lions o|

which they never v’rm to has'c had enough,

they were evidently ready to lie roncilialury

ill such matters as leave ciT abseme. A Ur*

lilMTation of the Congrt'gation for 1733 stotes

that Vivaldi b to furnith two concertos a

uionlh, and even during alisriHd from \'i nkc

he was to send them, if he did so. *' carriage

juiid ", which last (>rud<'nl clause b a small

indication of nuRurous and important journeys

he probably made aliout ihb time. Two

motels a month and masses and vespers fur

l-tster ami for the feast of tlic \'isitation wrrr

rc<|uired fruin the nmsit* cm*, a post also

held i>y Vivaldi during Oosparinl's alienee.

Kccords of Viv'aldi's traveb are still very

vague i in hb letter to the Marclsese Benti-

v'rttlio (1737), he writes ; for ostt rourteen

years we have travelled together in many

• Pr^enl dr BroMes. * Leiim *.

» . .‘kief-ui, ' Sn k cure Amw<,».. Vi.«ldi ' • Venhe.

European cities'’. The supfxisitiori that thi*

composer seas abroad at some time during the

yrars 1734-33 has rervited strong supjxiri

from a dorumi'nt found reri fitly by .Sigiv»r

Gallo in ih'* Wm'fi.m archisrt. 'I his is to the*

tHTcct tliJl (iian* Battista V’ivaldi was griintcil

one year’s Iraw ol alisence (roin the ilurnl

chapel " to go to G nnany to ariuiujMn) hb

son " <i 7 J 9 r.

riw ‘ Mercure de Kcanre ‘ for ()rl. 1737

imniHins a ** iiugiiifk«nt imirununul lomn 1

uhith lasted neatly two hoi its, lilt* fnu»ii .

iia luding iIk* ' I’r Ik'um tv.is by the f, 11 nous

\*ivahh \« ivcord ts ViKwxn <*f the cutn-

povrr's ]•r<’g'n(c in l*aii<, inct rr<'h(h coiiiu’i*

iKivs are iiMlicaleit indifi<ll\ lo the wr>rds

<b tw'o ranl.il.is whkh scriti to h.ne ln'eii

written P»r MJim* <<r< iii' hip's of the hnmh

<<Kiri: * |_i (fluria Iliim iK'O * for the wc'tiding

<4 tlie r*>urtevfi*sear*<>ld Jxniis X\' to the

I'lUidi j4fin<<ss Mari'’ l.u/lmka; ilir other,

*f.a w*na f« snggunte*, b n<»( so i asi|v doled

iIm* SioTiK wMii In appU lu’^t In

laein Xt\’.

Mw’ Star I7J*( hiHls Vix.cMI nnre inc»re

intablnlk’d at Viiure and if<«>n|u<ned In hb

|Mist as iMcrrfr with ' no ]i>mp r niiy

iiU a of going aw .is again as he h.nl done in

|>as( yvars ”, fn 1737. Imwcser. an iniuhiU

occurred whiih may In* rrS|K4iwd>le {c»r nil

unex|H'<Ci'd and this linu’ Inial division to

lease Venke. lie was piejxiring to go to

Ferr.sra to prrMiiue aun|H’r.i, when imm* ol the

•‘iClebostk al aniWiiles of that city lorliade

hb coming on die gnamd that he was a |>rie»i

*' who did iwH say Mass ",

Vivaldi’s account of the matler, which

irKidenially refutes a story, rciHaied by peib

and others runsn{>p(^led liy < videnre^, that

the eom|HAer was susja'ndi’O from his fumtinns

as iirk'st liy tlx* tribunal of the Imiuisiiion

U’eause. while erli lirating Mass, he It, id leli

the altar to note down a mnskal ide.t, js givrii

in a letter to the Marchev' Itcntboxlio :

I tux'* AM mm«» 6a 4 ', rears ihi< vlull t ««er

.14 jw. Ml am McwuM of jny nrvhilMtiuM or .ir.Irt,

bul by my ma choke. >«s4u.c •/«/> ilb^ew that I Imu*

rulKfed from tMih hIihI. «ii11 imgUci nie. Afipr i

•McasloMc*! pMM I \jid m«»t f>a « hnle oser a yrxr .oij

t\>an e*v« M ie|x *\ iliw l>mn I lu.l tw k„\f iJic ^Im,

bfAwe iherMioA aciouniof mviJlfie«r, | nrurly ulw^tk

bve for lfu» rrMOA awl nrs rt eu uk l c x< rpl ti. f>

lawlulAvt a carrugr. «» I •«ll <mi a. • auai cJ'll.p

PM wr c e.MnciMn in m« • ke.t, ,So geniUm.i ti ius rs cr

asleU me b> r* Im buucc, no* csen ..ur vdiee.

rerrvane havat elwijt iny MVjknew. 1 can so .ho

u«mUv after efomn M nrcer mi fow, '||„t j, i|,e

rroM I AAM My mmv Ar Your 1,Arslchjp kMuici, |

Mve B»rw u* Rome tliree umei lo gicr operi iJiefe at

CMtoval ume, but ( never iokI mau (liere, I liAcp

*'^**A^ •' **“ slwatre, aixl 11 is kiiovu il.ai

wm Hi» JMMss HanieO so lirar me and iliai | retrlv.^l

•MOT bs‘H»rfc 1 AM tlue« ye*t* oi Mantua in iIk

vrvM lA ibe ouM rnwu I'reice ont..MiiM^i. ..ivl i|»p,e

U J« ores oMh •or. onri U,i Hiulmpcc ura,„\

ihrm With tho creates bimjcwts. but I n«c*er s.tiJ maw

My mrorYs have aKays ccni me a great deal IjetANse I

have al» an lakan foor of (in lo ac»»ii me.

ihiiiC ibM i can ifo ihai U wck •Jute | ,|« at I-mac al

my deck.



No record of any official cccleuastkal cen-

sure has been found ; (he go>'emoK of the

Pietk required their religious staiT to be of

“ exemplary habits ", and Vivaldi could

write : ** I liav’e been Maestro della Pieli for

over thirty years with never a scandal

In 1740 many colleagues of the composer

were in Vienna. Zeno and Metasia^o had

been some y^ears at the court of Charles VI

(Vivaldi's Op. q. ' La cetra *. is dedicated to

the emperor), but there is no record of any

musical activities aQer Vivaldi severed his

Venetian ties. A contemporary wriies:

Tlie AbU n«n Animus Vivsldi. c*estlv fee

III! e»inpo*iiinn> and renMnos. in hn «lsv ■•>««<

Ilian 30M (lucau. bui from eiccuivc pcedifslMv daH

poor in ViriinA.

Vivaldi has been considered a composer for

his own instrument, the violin; his original

publications are indeed primarily for that

instrument (vsith the exception of Op. 10, six

concertos for flute), but his unpublished manu-

scripts comprise many instrumental worlis

other than for strings and numerous Imjsortant

vocal works.

The Turin collection of manuscripts attri-

buted to Vivaldi ' includes 39 conceiioa for

bassoon^ 30 for flute, many for oboe, viola d' a-

more and for various combinations of instru-

ments. There is the ‘ Conecrlo funebre'*

" con Hautbois sordini a Salmon (shawm) e

viola all’ Inglcse, tuiti li violini e violeiie sor-

dini, non perb il siolino prineipale The

bulk of this material has not yet b^n appraised

and correlated with that already known, and

until this is done no serious attempt can be

made to assign to Vivaldi his true position

in the musical hierarchy. It is certain, how-

ever, that he is one of the greatest Venetian

composers », perhaps the greatest of all. The

situation is summed up by Marc Pincherle as

follows :

ft will b« ntvwibV lo fA^e in ilv cIsm

w|i(r« h« belonn unhl ih« w^er wikkh

li« worked ore elejtiv bnoun and until wc the

ruati thronOnvy of hi< cnmitOMtinm. Gives Ihe

rvvduiion wKich irantfArmH iKe Myfe of irwinimental

mwii< beiween im »nd 1 ryi. Iw« feter eone«rt« {rf«Be

arreei with Torehi thai iheir dale It 174^50! Mciuppou

for their ayihoc • neubfe lalent «r sdaptabiliiv. but

iinparalkled »«ii«k «1 freniiu If th«r arc la be f^ed st

iKe brcitiMnc af the iSih eentvry, w everythfe* oaw

»eemt 10 indisate.*

Many of the unpublished Vivaldi manu-

scripts now in the Turin Library appear to

have been written for the Picti. Vivaldi’s

whole life as a composer seems here laid ^>en

in cross sections, so completely U his work

represented during all its phases and periods.

Judging from the varying degrees of

^ B<blialv\« KasidAak, Turin. Fob aad CM«d«n«

riAiialMfit. IQ27 and «03r.

' Vai, V((. Catxeni. N*. 77,

Hr iuenbed Unurif '• Mwra VcikW

' KaMTgna mwtkak Nav. t<ws.

(echnical diflsculty, we may suppose that a

number of the violin cooceclos were used

primarily for the purpose of teaching, and if

their graded classiflcaiion were undertaken

tl>c result would doubtless be an extremely

useful “ method " ftM* that instrument. With

the later ones theprtns donna asioiaU enters;

the spirit of some of these v’ioUn works Is that

of the operatic aria, and Vivaldi's own words

describing (he style of v\‘ork preferred by (he

singer " Ia Giro " apply perfectly to Uiem :

MailaiwfvUa Girsud does not like Itnfuid santpns and

wjiKj an cipr^ww apuicd piKv. ao aria wkicli ex*

peeuvt in diverse mnedt, with breken pliraaei.

toe exaaafik, wiih heavinr ufhi, wiib aedsn, with

waave a wqt.*

Concerted vocal singing was not the PictA's

strongest ]>oint: "they excelled for their

symphonies ". They had some fine singers,

howvver. Quants mentions their Apol Ionia

as "eine starke Singerinn"; we find her

name against one of the solos of a ' Magniflcat

eon isiromenti ’ in the Turin collection.

One of the most interesting vocal works

there is perhaps the oratorio * Juditha to a

Latin text. It has an intensely dramatic

^sening ehorus. As In the ' Concerto funebre

orchestra) c^ur Is here obtained by the in-

clusion of a " concerto dl viole alP inglese;

2 trorbe, mandolin solo, a salmod ", as well as

4 iromk*, 3 MoulMf, a tUrtn and the usual


Vivaldi's vocal music has been entirely

forgotten; the only example in print is Ihc

aria * Un certo non so ehe * *, which, incident-

ally might be put as 4 companion piece to

* Voi ehe sapeie ', and indeed Vivaldi oflen

shows a “ Mozartian " tendency. The re-

discovery of 19 operas now at Turin was there-

fore an important musical event.

Tariini U recorded to htv*e said that Vivaldi

was alwa)o hissed when he attempted Aocal

works, though he always succeeded admirably

with hit instrumental compositions. This must

not be taken too seriously ; thi rty-nine different

operas of Vivaldi's were produced between

C713 and 1739, which would imply a certain

measure of success. He Inst popularity to-

wards the end. De Brosses lays the blame on

the Venetians :

t fiM u mr xreai iM«nahin»ai iliai he i* noi u mutii

«vi««akeU as lir in Ihh counirv. wh«r« everyihiox

•feOendt 9Q feshfen. iIkv have h<ard his cempASi-

li«w for too loof • lime and where Iasi I'ear’s mus«

does ito* pay any more. The famous $aaone (Handel,

ih« Saxoo) B the boo nowadays.

Vivaldi himself acted as impresario: he not

^ly wrote the music for the operas he pro*

dueed for his patrons, but engaged the dancers,

the singers (among them his oun pupils, not-

ably Anna Giro), advanced salaries and kept

a calculating eye on the box office. T. ^Vai

* GoMooiy hfenran.

* I'ariaMli eoOeeUoo oT * Arir anikhe *.



pvTS a lUt ofhii operas u hirh urrr {inxtuccd

not only at Venice, but in Rome, Florrnce,

Verona, Mantua, Ancona, Vicenza. TbefC

worb arc unequal, some them wry hast! I v

put together ; the score of ‘ Tito Manlio ’ is

marked “ written In 5 da>'3

VivakJi cannot be said 10 hav’e mouldt'd I be

operatic form and made It peculiarly his own

as he did that of the concerto, and it must he

adinituxl that he was often a somewhat dis-

ordered and ovxT-abundant writer who needed

" editing" In the modern sense. His Uturs

show that his operatic coinfHisition must often

has’o been ham{>errd by his patrons' wishes

arxl that he made concessions against his

judgment : '* comjKKing the recital is es I inatir

bold to shorten them, but Lanxetti, by ordir

t»f the impresario, siO|>pcd me".

Hu does not alw'a^s rrarh a standartl in his

librettos comparaMe to that of Zeno arNl

MeiaMasio. The latier's ‘ ( >liinpia<k *, whit It

tvas H I to music !»>' so many cr»ni|>users r4 the

period, was also eoniptHed li> N’lvaldi, ami his

version t\as produced at Woke in 173^. two

>e8rs Ixfore the d<aih of IVcgc/hit, whose osstt

' (^limpiatlr given in Rome, was ihs* sourts*

of such bitter dUappMntmeni to the V'oung


l*wc> operas, * flaja/<’i 'ami * Ro»i»iir4 ',

Contain arias by varimts eornpf»sers. 'Hv*

latter, dated has an aria hv HamkI,

" Oil risvegliar a ssUgnu ", one hy lVrgg|e»i,

" Amoic mi riisse un di ", ami others.

Armmg the conci’rlrn m 'J'urin one b In-

«cribe<l for " Mons. I'isendel", The violinist

fieorg Johann P^un'lcl, who liter liecame solo

violinist In the orchestra of (he Saxon court

at iJmden, tiitdkd with \ivaMi at Venkr

in I? 16, JVissihly anoiher *Jurin riumnersirt

lor " r Orchestra di Drcssla" was pla)Tvl l»y

If not written for him. Yet another cooccrio

(at JJrtsslrn), " fatlo per iJ Sig. l*uer>del '*».

has an annotation in the eompc4er's hand

coneernlng the Isau, which Dr. I^amKhtrfT

notes in his prtfncr to that work ;

Ulie Mott of liii luKin eouurnfmaric* \ fcM ii

10 Ihc trn.htit, pfa^rr u, mv

OrlMMie heurril An racepiMMi « made In tbr iuw>

piopt Ml (^.rt ef ihK nxHrntrnl. HhrreItT a

-.jmiMa, (Mk tim«. u . , aWe ikelxx< ivmi.

okf, nU>rr M theeawtanc^ Ola muimh

inr iriim^l nf a spvrnlh be o/wk «n4 i>b\nl

* iih ihe eJinrUs on Mie Onl < rort IiM* oi ihe kas\ be

T • *> ■ "* ''f •'»* « eeu liH,

Ur h Ooeliuui n |«ree

unsure* under IJ * 4 e »*~>e»ihw, pui

^ '*'*^.*- *«"*< *»< »*** hi. epelMMi u»

riwmie) With Ih« ih|,.n<iiQfi tlut |»e ii>ur«.ciRM<« sUubI

ftot b« t-ik'A at lieirvf aiblrened to Kmi, ihc .onoemew,

G, B. Somls and RankI Theofdill Treu

wep< alio pu}Mls of Vivaldi ; the violinist Joltn

f‘kgg performed a concerto of his In l^ondon

m 17S3.

• olJJ **?'" vciKriarvi «PI| 17 m' iVVi

t Jm fthJJu ^ A.*

* baxoo Libratv. Urewlen, Mm.

B\rir* AanASt.FWfNrs.-- Atcordln'’ 10 the

rnmF^cie edition ofj. S. Bach hv the H.irh*

gesellschafi the foHowing wt^rk^ \ ivaldi

w-err tianseribed l)y that niasirr :

i6(j*n<erue C>i ,Lik.er. N ••!. XI N.

I C'^wetm ior 4 siiii<»^ \ ,J, XI |||. 1.

I ('umeei.H te nreaii. Vol. X\\\ 1 1), j.

.^ccordllnJ to AritolJ bthering, Ijowever, only

9 of ihrac rl cocuciios li.xvc bt*« 11 itlecilijn ii .is

liriiig Itased im osigtiMb Nnaldt; of tlu

otlH'rs It are ncrw knou'Ji i<> havi* loine front

odter cnotposcrs, w hde tl>e remain Ing h tame d

lir Jehnilely asdgnej to any (OTnt>osrr, M.n<

Pinclxrir > givrv the JmIIouIiic uble showing

the M.ige teat in d i*y im«stiv.ili<>ji kUm the

trial IK nt

K |o> |< »K < I. tv il H

ItaM. r \iv«ldi.f>t^ S Xm. u.'

i. <* IM.: \isdldi. ok ?, Kii. It No, j,

S. Ubl: \b->Mi(Uru Mjr«)|.i ,

4 . (* Me. ! N i\o|<li, Op. 4 ,Su, o.

5. O no ! \ MrfU., (Ip. 1 N«i, It 11 , 1. nij. I.

u Cma > |i,.|..f«

T- t Me ' \ .,ehl4. Op. i .\a, s «>nc. m t, ni.i .

a. Bhm. . U-emid*. « oenjBK'e.

«|. <« IM. : V i.oUi. 4 1)1. 4 N.i, I Af,e II, It. in;i. .

l<s ( nil.. leJuli .<eM|«'.ri l•>telll,

II. H* nw.T I'juk^ J.itiMMi I ruki i4 >JvAVriiner,

• 4 . t* JM. : ? CienudM .o(no.n.r.

If. ( . Md : I'eiiMe Ji I.MMi Leun.

• t* me. : Irkmjiai,

rs, (.ma. ! («erin4n «.>«Mp>Hei ‘ l«kmeoM ,

•b. |i MM ; |*rMne h4i«uA I th.i.

<,S)\( I.KtO Km 4 (.l.NMl K*i ANJ> slKI\t.>

.N mi. : V naldi. Op. j N«. lo >.ru, hi H n»i .

(X>,SCU(tOs ]«m OKtiVS

I. (*M. : ikrtnan (.dm|».rr < ; ldnrumn».

a. \ Ml. . V isohli. < >p s Nu, a,*

All efck. < J.. ? . m. N Nn. i 0 j .

: Prune |«ikaiMi I rnw.

• No. I ) W ( ld\ m Mel ,S'u, 4 Sue or*en *t e idem >rol ,

n. M., rev.

him iiMmtKiv

.\e»«so, Mh ui t *sc 4 1 •>. * Autre, i„ \|i.,ur |,|,iii.

AltiiSM.. tv., • Kalei-^ fedruckieii V\e/kr .Nmmhma

tesahln • (.S... IV. i^ee .

• IhrMa^her Kiulo* .u* ferlriM kieii Weile

Ahiww \e\*Het aebu dcr .Sruoh.e.ilmi

Ji" .Vpr. nje 4 , |i|s

•AoMrm. ViteWi. wow « ifocmneMi miIU mu e tylle

. •uWisfced by iW ,Vki 1 ,i,,i 4 Clue mm,, iJ

9ie»* 'Ksene.

Am.mmVi.,.|.li, d JVtw U.kv>; K

unnelia, 1« motie '* .t*, ins/ seirflo *, StriN ,• Ik.

t e •.Mse, C .i n. 1. ’ V u • I Urn,^. i ..

lacias., V. A , • .traunw VWaldi i mmc r <|.Ki>tn<M(i

^ smIIj ,|M c Mile Afsep ' t., to .

I ft « neKetM di V It oMe oithImhk, a M , .n, , ' r- t .

u w< 4 « tmerMfo *. .Wn». ,911..

’V iVelA* [*lklktMuMilJOtr«k<v.nM.i<ele *, Mil.,,,

J»n. i«l,.

* \ i1

I i«»ldi : eoTK^ t M.av ' • Milan. lo.Oi.

h^HUtr. Mat,. 'Abmmm Vital.*, n I., i„y»io„.


• • AntMMio VitaMi « U iuumm' Irwtrum^iiule f.

"''e»iie-m>n sud cotkal di>.

s “V» Nn, 7 Lt meuK.

* ts aMcrwe un Nu.



KiMAi OK NSabkIi ' AtilofiM \*tvoldi ' IM$1«

* C'Aialoc^ ftunarico mmmo cotnpoHiiooi di

A. VivaUii ’ (Reme. (94S)«

KOim^akh, J„ * AnMio > iv«Wi wad trie Eiidltm ouf

J. S. BMh * (N.Z.M.. t. • 4 i» N«>. r867).

SAkVAroRi, A., * AnWnw Vi^oUt. d pmc raw: bom

blocroAchc * <Vf«k«, »^6).

SrePAMK FsoEBioo^ letMre di Antooto VaviMi

venKiano * (\’<nke. lirt).

ToataniAMCA. * Aoionio Vivaldi * <Encic. lU,


‘ ModerBiti di Anionk) VivaMt ’ <* Nuosa anMlogift S

I Ab(. 1949).

Vivalm, AFfWH>. * latere e dMikhe «J. I>y 0]|a

Rwifc {Smba, c^9).

H’almucv, Pauv, Cmwt, *A]»ionk> Vivaldk Violin*

lMi«ne BftMr bnonderrr fewifkiiehtiguag d«r

VM J. lUch bearbrilcteo * (V.M.W., J, l6d5}«







’ Oilono in Vilio/

' Orlando finio puio.'

* K<rone faiio Ccitre ' (iMsueeio. »ith

19 ajn I))! V,),

* L’ inroroMAMne di Dario/

* l.a rowaitta irionranw «l«cr onaor* t

<!((/ wli ' (lam * Ariobono, tt dt’


' ArtiMa retina di Ponto,*

* Tieirberf a*’

(* II vinio irion/anie del vineiiote'i

liilc eellaboraike in a poMkcio).

* Armiila ol eampe d' Etkto.'

* Seanderbeit/

‘ La CandMe, edano LI veei anbct/

* La verlift in eimentn/

' nu intanni per «endeita/

* Kilif^ re di Macedonia' (Aiih


' Silvia/

* Creole wl Termedonte/

' GiutUno.*

* La vl/i4 irionl^nw dell* amere e dd*

I «dla> aw«r« II Tmane ’ {wkh R.

Miebeli 4 N. RamaMil,

* L* intanno irionfaoM w amore/

* Cunetonila/

* La lirannia tatiisara/ '

* La Tede iradita e vendicau/

‘ Farnare/

' Dorilla in Tempe/

* IpermeiUa/

* Siroe. re di Frnia/

* Orlando/

‘ Rodlena oil OronU/

' L* Atenaide/

* l/odio vinio dalla eoilanta’ (a n«w

venion of * La coiiania irienTantc ’ of


‘ Seniriffiide/

' La Ada ninfa.*

' Moieeuma/

Domenico Lalli.

Craiio BvaeeieU.

NfalMo Noeii.

AdriaiM Hortelli.

An wi p Marcbi.


An t anaa Maria Lucetdai.


Ciovanni PalauL

AnWfdo SaKi.

Fvan<e*ea SUvana 4 Lalli.




CnrKO Rhaari.

Giaeomo Peafwewo


i^kcola Rerefani.


Nona. loBrked op bfr C. Af.


P i or ei K.







Pkiro Melaalaaio.




Marehi. retouelted bv Rar*

Miomco Virion, and wiih

addiiMsal aude br Ab-


? ?

Scipaeoe MaffeL

Giroliao Ciuati.

VkeBM, Teairo delle Graiie, t? Mar.


^*cfltec» Teairo Sani* Anielo, auiiuan


Vroiee, Teabo Sam* Angelo, Carnival


Venke. Teaue Sam* Angelo, Carnival


Vrmee. Teairo San Moik, Carnival


Venire, Teairo Sam’ Angelo, autumn


N'enice. Teairo San Moik, autumn


Venke, Teairo Sam' Angelo, autumn


Veoke, Teairo San Meik, Garoival


Flortore, Teairo della Pergola, «a

JniM 171 S,'

Mannie, Teatro Artidvealei Carnival


N’oBke, Teairo Sam* Angelo, autumn


Vkenaa, Teairo delle Oratle, 17 * 0 .

Ve«k«, Teairo Saoi* Angelo, Carnival

Sl^an. Teairo Refik Dural, a6 Aug, I


Rome, Teairo Capranlea. Jan. I7SS. ,

Rome, Teairo Capraniee, Carnival !


Root*, Teairo Capraniet, Carnival ;


N’eoke, Teairo Sam* Angelo, eutumn >

Veoke, Teairo Sant* Angelo, Camkal


Prague, Carnival 1796.

Venice, Teatro Sant’ Angelo, Carnival '


Vcoiee, Teatro Sam* Angelo, Carnival '


Venice, Teaun Sam* Angelo, autumn

I ?•(,

Floeaec, Teairo della Pergola, Car* 1

nival 1797,

Reggio. Teatro Pubbliro, May I797«

Vokc, TmVo Sam’ Angeto, amumn ^


Venke. Teatro Saoi* Angelo, 17 Jen.


Racoice. Teatro della PergrJa, 99 Dee.


Venkc, Teairo Sam* Angelo, Careival •



Ntanlua, Teairo Arolducale, Jan. (759*

Verona. Teatro Filarmoaico, 6 Jan.

1 779.*

Venice. Team Sam’ Angelo, autums


.......... . * For the eeneaiDg of lUt (healre.

A:r> by Vlvaldr, peAapa seleeted froa ae earlier opera, vritb roeicativeo by C- A. Guerra,

* Fee Che opniag of that theatre.






* L* Olimpiatle.*


Voaike. Trairo Sam' Arwrfo, Cermvel

* Gturldi.* '


Vnure. Teabo San bamiirlr, iptim;

'TamefUoo.' 1



NerucM, TraVo (ilarmunito, 1 J 34 ,

A'erona, leavu PilaniKOiKo, <:atmv«l

* AdeleuJe.*


* Ariurlo.* '

'‘CaliDdo Crofo**

• 73 1*

voMe. Iraico San bamurlr, autumn

* Uioeira priiicipeua Sroaia.'

1 Ooftlewi.



riomre, Tealru dcUe JVrtiolj, Jan.

' 73 ft

\*rv«na, Teauo (JatmuhHv, .Ma>

' Cetoiic in Uibe.'

1 ftlnamwo.

‘Hel EeUMgenye «an den AmuLLiih*

Mhro Sehouwhwe.* *

1 J«n ik hUrre.

1737 .

.Annkidam, StbounLurB. 7 Jmi. 171 ft

• Kotmir«,' »


Sd%H> S(amp<clw.

, N mitr, ToattoSanr’ AncHo, (.arnit.it

* L^oracedo io .MeMeni^.'


1 (? jft

' VmKO, Treuo V.ia* Ai*du, Car/iital

‘ heraifio.'

btkeni. «wli elirralMUi b*

; m*.

\mKr, IratroSeni* .Uitfrlc, juiunm


i '?J9.

MABiMtriM Kw«ei ihc Mwai * rniifitftf ' M*. b>

Z*no) AbJ ‘T4t« M4 a1io' ilib. bv Nmi«i «(e *i Tu«ta,

bwi no pcrfor/nAikcn vt •b ftcunl ; * Uvnmno ’ mmI

* Al«Moodro ntlV (mIw ' ve awnuoimJ \n

\ ivAWk ta • U(i<r 10 the Mmb««e


fharaoM* (Venkc,

0»pe4*k dcU*

* Mo^ Dcui

PwU. 1914k,

Wwdiiho irium|»hane dovkia HoWmw bMl^efir'

ICio^o Cawciti) (Veniee. OipeOok OHU him.


Krtif iwr A V.

cU»jo tml Ctt^ iir 4 V, It Item.

Lwdo JenMiem * lor a <h*rv

* Ctodili * Car I V,

* ^Uu vir * for a «holr» ft imu.

Uwloie purrk * for a chair* ft mu.

iMUtsa MUM ' for 4 V. ft uwu.

Uudaie DoMioyM^ <»r 4 «> ft usU.

Nni L>e<n»nHi * for olio. oreh. ft oriM.

SuImc Maur * U alto ft

r Salvo MofiAo ’.

14 Voipon.

t Moioei for I r. ft iiuu.


' II igUft ^u«wu r Efklio NoManurri**

OiovoniM (.omUmmi. fur 4 0. ft mu.. perT. prob.

( Jvne 1 93), 0»p«Wo «Hb Pim. V«Mcr ^

•4 ibiac. caniaua.

* Serrnodo) * for 3 0. ft iruu.

^.^•u * 4 ;;«• * fcr tho huiftiUr «t the J,«*»|*ro»e

rf Hnao DrrmMailr. prrf. Mamuo. 31 J«|» i«C

UihrocioinlMoanaLkeoJ. »»r 'Tw


43 fliiM. orifu [inci, loiiM liom the Oftorest.


Syinphonk* rtUl in N(S>.


efi CWirfi lium.

! *fo« '*PMUM uMiIkm bv ochn cowum

• wb. ,n D.


41 ) ikMoriM incL (be ^Obrnina pmUuM M»rli :

3. • V rM»© armonfto |«|.w IJl.

CoMl i4 J UM auv.

I. I) om. hire tna.

i. (* rn*. loo t VM4. ft <eUo.

}. O me. for 1 vii.

4> K iiH. for 4 viu.

i A me. ftu t viK.

A mi. for 1 vr»,

7. F me. for 4 vni. ft ceHo.

* A am. for 3 (Ott,

H ma. for • «».

B mi. for 4 ('111. ft irfto.

I> IM. for a VM. 4 cHlo.

Cmu. for I (n.

'. M. (o Vruor LHIliin*, Ut





' La Mrevoc

( m.


a. t Bi.

> 0 * 4 .


7. <: me.

i. n

. ' mi.

9. K ma.

C ini.

II. Oma.

li. 0 Be.

2 :


J'. mi.

1) mi.



b. C mi. ij

4. * VI ConerrU *. for 1 vn.

I. C mi. i

t. R» JMe,

». Cati.

7. *CMcrrti.’


I. B> me, lor ebor,

*• O gm. for 1 oh,

3, O mi. for I vn.

4- A BI. Ter I VB.

i . f ow. for I vu.

• B> ma. for 1 vn,

Book II

I* OM. for oboe.

». C me. lor I vn.

9. ft? ou. for I VD.

4. r ma. far 1 vn.

i Dma. for 1 va.

. l> MM. fari vu.

*»«. lonmeila*. Cuuii Mercin, for i vi,

Book i

• La pninaveta \ E me.

»- ^ Lum \ a mi.

). Auruaoo *, P me.

4 * L’ *, p Bi

fi<pob H

7. D Bi,

ft O mi.

9 < U aL loiio for oboe].

ift ' U caeei* \ a* me.




1 1. D in&.

<2. C ma. (abo Tor «boe}.

* La ceira S Jed. cn Emptrer Cbarln VI.


I . C ma. fx I vn.

a. A ma. tor t vo.

3. C mi. for 1 vn. (Op. 1 1 No. 6 is ibe

une work for ebM).

4. E ma. Tor 1 vn.

A. A mi. Tar 1 vn,

G. A ma. for 1

Book 11

1. E} ma. lor 1 vn.

9 . D cm. for I VO.

0. B9 ma. tor a nm.

»o. U tor I vn.

M. C mi. for r vn.

17 . U ma. for i vn.

io. * VI CofKcrli Cor I Eutr.

1. * 1 ^ tempraia di mate F ma.

a. * 1 ^ nolte '. G mi.

J. ' II lardrilino \ D ma.

4. C ma.

j. F ma.

& G ata.

M. * Sri Coneerci.*

i. D iM. for I vn.

«. ' II favorilo S £ ml. for i vn.

3. A ma. tor \ vn.

4. 0 tna. for t vn.

i , C mi. for I VB.

• C mi. for oboe (Op. 9 No. j b ib* umr

work for vn,}.

le. * Sei Conearti *, far 1 vn.

I. G mi. 4. C ma.

«. D mi. a. Bb ma.

3. I) ma. 0. Ba m^

*Ib«M and ihr unpublished cancmet inehidr 791 for

t vn.. 9 ) for 9 VM.. a Cor I vn. ft ortan. t for 3 vnc 4

t ofiatH. I for 3 vm.. 3 for 4 wia., 1 nr 1 vs. 4 i erllo.

7 for 3 vni. & I <rlIo, 1 for 1 vn. 4 r ceHoc, t tar a vm.

4 a cellos. 7 Cor 4 vn*. 4 1 cell*, eo tor * cello, 1 for

a erllm, 16 for flute, t (or 4 flutes 9 tor p ke ek s 1 1 for

oboe, 3 for a ebon. 3B Cor bavnon, e for viela d*am«rr.

I Cor mandolin. 9 Cor 3 mandelini. 30 for vanom Hrinf

and wind eombinasiont.


0 Chamber Coneetloe in 3*3 parts (al in kl$}.

(Tlir 30 eoneefUe last shown in Use eaumeratton

above, all for " broken ronsorti " of varioua hseds,

mar alfo be retarded at ebambee coneeraos.)


7$ Sonatas (49 pcioled and 31 m MS), mehsdsnf :


ramera a ire* lor 9 vm.

' Suenate da


I. C mi.

t. E eni.

3. C ma.

4. E na.

a. F ma.

D ma.

1 :



t. A ssa.

to. Bo mo.

II. B mi.

19. * Follia O mi.

* Ssmaie ’, dad. to Frederick tV oTUenmaiA and

Norway, tor I «P. 4 coniinua.

I. G mi. 7. Cni.

0. A ma. & C sio.

3. D mv p. E mi.

4. Fma. so. F mi.

~ * It. O ma.

17 . Ami.

overopamseeendadel eprra


S B mi.

C ma.

<V1 Sonaie

scrooda.’ *

t 3 .

< 4 .

F ma. for t vn. 4 coniimm.

A ma. for 1 4 cent.

O mi. for t vn. 4 com.

B mi. foe I vn, 4 coot.

Bb ma. fw a vm. 4 coot.

C mi. for 9 w. 4 coot.


' (I pastor ftdo. tonais pour U mmetlc (virik],

flOte. hautbeU, vk 4 on, avee la hint ceoikwe.*

^ Hence their beinp numbered

Op. «.

utively with

s. C ma. 4. A mi.

a. C ma. %. C ma.

s. C ma, o, O mi

14 (?). * VI Sonata vMonceUe ado cd baaw.*

(. B» ma. 4. B> ma.

a. F ma. 3. E mi.

3. A mi, 6. C mi

SfT Ww Amaterdam (vdii). ArraofemoDt (Bach),

8 a«h (J. S., 33, pernei, amngemeau, list, MSnn),

Bach (W. F., S 3 ). Booiveod (^llab. is 'Filippe').

FeKb (tsse of mumc by).

VTVESy Amadeo {b. Gollbat6 nr. BaicC'

looa, 16 Nov. 1871 1 d. Madrid, i Dec,

Spanish composer. He became known by

his light c^ras and was a teacher of composi-

tion at (he Cmservaloiy of Madrid. Besides

hii comic operas (which are good), he at*

tempted more serious work in 'Maruxa*, and

in a set songs (‘ Canciones epigram 4 iicas *}

to words from some of the greaiesl Spanish

poela. ‘ Maruxa ' was produced at the Teatro

Real in Madrid on a6 May 19(4. His lyric

comedy ' Doha FrancJsqutca ’ (prod, at the

Madrid Tealro Apolo on 17 Ocl, 1993; alio

gis’en in French at Monte Carlo, Brussels and

Vichy in (934) was inspired by Lope de Vega’s

play, ' La discreu enamorada ’. Other sue-

cesaful pieces were ' Don Lucas del Cigarral ’

(Madrid, 1B99). * Euda d’Uriach ' (in Cata-

lan, Barcelona, 1900) and ’ Balada de Car-

naval * (Madrid, (919). A bock of e«a^,

* SoAa ' (Madrid, (943), shows his capaehy

lor clear thinking. j. a. T., adds.

VTVlANtf Ciovaaai Bonaventura (i.

Florence, d. ?).

Italian i7tlKentury composer. In 1688

and 1690 he calb himself mars/rp di cappfile of

Pistoia Cathedral and T^ebiU del tom fiorntno

imper*. He had previously been in the

etoperor's service at the Tuscan court of

Pkirenec. F^, who diffen from the above,

says that be liv^ for some time at Innsbruck

alMut i6do. He wrote an oratorio (1690),

psalms, motets, sW/rggt and several operas,

and made some alterations in Cavalli’s

' Seipaonc Afrkano ' for its revival in 1678.

a, V. d. a,

VIVIER, Engine (I'doa) (&• Brtoude,

Hauic-Lmrr, 4 Dec. 1817; d. Nice, 34 Feb.


French horn player. The son of a tax

collector, he early showed a marked disposition

for music and began to learn the violin at

the age of six, soon attracting the notice of

Onskm, who was a friend of the family. AAer

a rather turbulent period at school at Gler*

mont-Perrand he returned home and entered

(he tax*cdlecting service. He subsequently

studied law for three years at Poitiers, after

which he was given a government appoint*

meot at Lyons. There he was admitted as a

violinist (unpaid) into the orchestra of the

Grand Tb^dtre and also tried his hand at

jouroalism, but his caustic style made bim

many wmies. He then visited Coniea,

where his grandfather, as an army surgeon,




had bc<m pment at the ^nh oT Napoteon

Bonaparte, and Italy, where he visited the ex-

king of Napin, Joseph Bonapartir, titcn thing

ai Florence. Soon after his return to Lvoru

the pianist Thalbe^ and the harpist LaUarre

heard Vivier play the bom and encouraged

him to go to Paris, which be did in 1843.

There be is said to have had a few losoiu with

Gallay, but as 1 horn plaver he was otherwise


Vivier liavlng made the ac(|uainlan(v <if

Ferdinand Lan^e, president of the Soesete dr>

Auteurs Urainatlqucv, a nvusicul evening was

arranged for him, and he succeeded in rotu*

plevciy mystifying, by hli prodiKiioo oTclvordv

on the horn, a nuitilirr lA leailing P^m com-

posers and professors of music. MucJi m)>ierv

was made of tliis. duly eivcourjged by ihr

facetious personality of Vivier, Inst there

never was, of rour»e, any nal secret, 'ilir

trick of producing ch^dv had been known lo

an<l frowned on by serious horn id.iyvn U>r

well over a century.*

Vivier, vsho had a gift for infratijling him-

lelf with the highly pl.vred, soon beeaovc a

favourite of Louis- Philippe and later of

.Napoleon III. lie travelled widely in l.uco|>e,

playing tlu* horn and the most extravagant

practirul jokes wherever he went. In lUn

he viiited J.nglaml, where his playing

received with very lukewarm critical nulks's

arid hit chorcl priKluriion wav rcunpared un-

favourably with that of Henry Jarreit.

Vivier^s 8ubse(|uent visits in 1B49 and

were more surresifol.

With ilir fall 14 * Na|>oleon III \ Ivler lost h«

ollinal protection and divaf^ared from llie

puljllc view. Hr passed n solitary* okl agi*

Ji Nice, where he died. \ irwi>d tn the light

of tonlnnixjr.iry cniicivm his career seems

10 oiler an exi t lU iJi uxamrde of srcond-raie

goods handled I)y hr.'t-rate salesmanship.

Vivier publuhcd several writings, inthidiikg

a pamphlet eiimled • U‘n Peu de ce qui se

dii tout ks jours* (Mottrsi*), a eolJrction of

f early. made pliraws >0 difficult to avoid which

ars' the hane ofeverydav ronverxatson, another

called * la' Petit Clainhisme thfalral ’ and an

autoblofirapUy, which reads like il»e adven-

tures of a modern 'J ill huhiKpirgrl, cntitlerl

La \ ic el 111 aventures d\m eomisie ’

(Flammarion). a, m r


VLAD, Roman (k. Cernauti, 29 Dec. 1919!.

Italian composer of Rumanian origin.

Having taken a dipiorua at tlie Ccmauii Om-

servaiory, he removed in 193a u» Rome, whkh

be made hl» pcrinanen l hr>mc, f le iWre made

(urilier studies, of the pianoforte an-I composi-

tion, under Claaclla I Ic has written numerous

worLs of various kinds and in an Hltom which

while conftimung to the tendencies of all ll>c

' v< Hnas: Clxeiti.

Vm.. IS

ditfereni recent techniques (including that of

the iwidv-e-note system), yvi shows a certain

independence, which, hwever. from a certain

point ofvH'w may be regarded a> eclectic Ism.

His most succcisful wxirLs are titoie aiming at

brilliance and pIcaNaniness »uch as the bullets

'La sirada sul catfc* ^<144, and 'La dama

ilclk camdie based on Ouinis * Rome, 1913),

as well as his nuinerous liltn scort's, including

dial Ibr Rene Hlairs ‘ La B<*au(v* du Diahlr '

^ 1 949 ) . Among the others show ing |> j r ti t ula r

proRUie nu) be nK’ntion«l a 'Dr profundi^ '

for wprano, tliorus ond orchestra 1 Paris

i^pi , a byiuplionv M918 .tnd a 'Diveril-

inecil'j ' for 11 invlsuin«*nis ric^h., \ Ld is

lU‘ author of many criiKal <'>a>» diowlng j

cuhivateti |M*n and a hue la^'ti . n. .m. u,

VLADlGERQV, Paochu b. /urith, lU

Mar. lib (If..

IkjJgaci.in cuin|*nwr. He »tmlied tn Ik'rlln

tviib Paul Jwm ami fkorg Sthurnanti, and

wa' a learlur at lie (^lnv•|vatory .it .Vdu.

I In works inclmle • \Ardar\ Ihilgarian ih.ip-

>«mU fur Of vhivtr.i. Op, i(j isH '. pi^molorie

Oiisfripi, Op. {j, vkdin (kimaio, Op. 11,

I fMi $>jr vxdiis relto and puimforte, Op. 4 ;

vo 4 m Sonata, <>|i. 1, wviial pk«i% for lie

pianolorie, umn' '••ngv, | oi the singe hr

wrote incivk ntal mud* for MruidlM'rg'a * .\

Dream Itay ' 'otcIm vital ‘Uite, Op, 13. pub-

hvlsed in iijaU and an o|a ra, * 'l\af Kaloy ati *

lest by K Po{>osa-Mulafo\a , piiKimed at

.'Hdia on M> A|ir. 1936. Madigeruv may Ik-

rcgarikil as the outstanding inu«jr,d n'jire-

M'ntativr of hi i country*. a l


ciet\ CNiablislied in latmloii ni idjO at a meet-

it>g at St<^e Sum'i Mndc Hall, attcm]i*d by

abmit 3«iv anutruK. uiib 4 view to fouiuling

in lAglanrl an avwjria lion aiKwerlcig to the

(ierman 0»a«g<r/cmc, Ikneillct wa*! ek eted

fotwlutlor: Oh.K, L. HorNky subsi-qucnily

sharetl iIk* tiutirs. In 1 037 the society gave

a vrics of concerts at the Crystal Palace,

iiwludmg MtiKkksolin’s ‘hirst Walpurgis

Night’, and It sulisequcnily gave iH’rform-

aiwcs at M. Jafnni‘s | Ull, at one of which the

t<in<liKUa*'s oficra ‘ Ilir Lily of K I Harney ’

wa* sung. Use cooceru inc hided votal and

ins(ruim*ntal sulot, and orvadonally there was

an orchestra, tite choir usually nuinlwring 2 ik)

vukn. IIm* Association has long ceased to

0 it


certs, cslablnhi'd in Loudon from 1792 lo

iBra, the first of which was given on 1 1 l*eb.

* 7 ya» onginai«*d in the secession of Harrison

trom the Ancient Cofuens in 17H.). Harrl-.on

was j-MBcd by Miss (Unu lo, whom lie Mibsr-

qumily niarned, and in 1791 by Battleman,

and at the close of that year they circulated

proposab foe the new* concerts, which were

begun at ^tillb's Rooms under the manage-




mcni of Harrison artel Kny>’etl, senior. The

accompaniments at first \scre furnished by the

pianoforte, at which the cider Kj))*>’eic pre*

sided, and a string quartet led by Frartfois

Cramer. The Harrisons and Barilcman wen

the principal singers, and were assisted in the

glees, which formed the principal feature of

the concerts, by the Knyvetu and others.

Callcott, Crotch, SpolTonb, Scev*enson and

others contributed new works, and Italian

music was added. In 1793 the brothen

Leander, then the most celctvaied bom

players in Europe, joined. The concerts, ten

of which were given each season, were

abandoned at the end of 1794, but in 1801

they were revived with the additional attrac-

tions of a complete orchestra and chorus, llie

programmes provided a wider vaneiy of ex-

cellent music than was ever before given in a

single series of concerts. An oppositi^ series,

under the name of Messrs, Knys’dt and

Vaughan's Vocal Subscription Concerts, was

begun in iBii with six or seten hundred lul^

scribers, including die Dukes of Kent, Sussex

and Cambridge^ but in tdia the draih of

Harrison led to a union of she iwQ schemes,

which was accomplished in 1613.

c. M., abr.


VOCAL SOCIETY, THE. An asaociation

established In London in 1632

•9 prewnt the mu«k of the Cnclbti wlwd. boUi

anei«ni ami inrliHjioe that of Ow ctmnk. the

rhtmbrr snej Uw ihratre, tsiUi the acMklOA fercifa

comneiitiMU of rkcclkino.

Its first programme at the Hanover Square

Rooms on Monday 7 Jan. 1833 icKluded the

sextet and chorus from ^Veblx*s * Ode to St.

Cecilia *, Bennei's madrigal * .\ll creatures

now', Attwoods glee 'In this fair vale',

Cooke's glee * Dch dov'e \ Bishop's serenade.

' Sleep, gentle lady Webbe's catch ' >Vould

V'ou know solos from Haydn, Hummel,

Mo;tart and Purcell, and a Beethoven quintet.

The original intention of presenting mainly

English music was departed from in the first

year of the Society's existence, and from a

notice of the last concert given in 1833 we

learn that *' with the exception c( three glees

and a madrigal, the performance consuMcd

entirely of the works vf foreign wtUu ".

c. u., abr.

VOCALlON. An '* o^an " or imtrument

of the free-reed kind exhibited by James Baillie

Hamilton at the International Inventions

Exhibition, London, 1865. The first patent

was taken out on 13 Nov. C872 by John Parmer

(of Harrow) for a combination cf reed with

siring or wire — either as a continuation of

the reed or as a e^l fastened to the back

thereof — and was succeeded by many more,

taken out in the names of Hamilton and

others. The first attempts gave a beautiful

and \*ery peculiar quality of sound, but by

de g ree s the combination of reed and string

from w’hich this proceeded bad to be given up,

Cor practical and commercial reasons, and the

instrument as exhibited was virtually a har-

monium whth broad reeds, giving great rigidity

of aciioQ and therefore purity of tone, and

large channels, and acted on by high pressure

uf wind — not suction. A main peculiarity of

the N'ocalion is that the reeds are placed above

the pallets and belo\y the slides, and that

though the sliding " plug” of three reeds is

only of the tvidth of ihe groove, the caWties

are more than twice as wide. This is ex-

pressed in one of Hamilton's paienti (U.S.A.,

25 Mar. 1884) as

the catbi in iti»s psiku. idundbeartl tnd reed* with

estiw-boardi, me skote ib« Mker, lAe lower one eon*

isininc the netUiU snd (he uopor one ihe ntouchi sitd

M Mtieintcdisw eeniroUMie <li4e.

The Voealiun I’xhihitcd was 6 R. square

and stood on a somewhat larger pedestal con*

lainiftg the bellows, wind*chesl, etc. It had

three manuals, choir, great and swell; two

stops in the pedals and three In each manual,

as well as ihree extra ones of lighter quality

called ” compleinentary ”. In the successive

steps of tlte invention since 1874 it is under-

sto^ that Baillie Hamilton was much assisted

by the practical knowledge and skill of Her-

mann Smith. 0.

Bm.— H ausiiw. I, * The VM.>li«n * (Proc.

Mm. Am.. \'«I, l.\, iShSI.

Sr* ,Vnwn<M OrfAM.

VOCAUSE (Fr-; lul. Ste

SoLPBOoio, The French word is now much

used for vocal pieces without xvords, either

for practire or for concert performance.

VOCHT, Lodewijk de {h. .Antwerp, 21

Sept. 1867).

Flemish composer and conductor. He

studied at the Antwerp Consen atcry and in

iqti succeeded Emiel Wambach as choir-

master at Our Lady's Church, the cathedral

of Antwerp. In 1916 he founded the Chorale

Caecilia, the best and most famous Belgian

choir of (he time, which became known not

only at Antwerp and Brussels, but also in Paris

and scs’eral Dutch and German towns. In

t92o L. de Vocht became conductor of the

Kieuwe Concerten and the following year he

was appointed profess^ at the Royal Flemish

Conservatory. In (955 the regular concerts of

that Antwerp institution were founded and

de Vocht became their conductor. In r944 he

was norruoated director of the Conservatory.

In J952 he left the Antwerp Conservatory but

retained the direction of its concerts.

The principal works by L. de Vocht are 8

masses, 3 cantatas, 3 symphonies (one with

chorus), to symphonic poems, a vn. Concerto,

a pf. Concerto, a series of ' Fables’ for voice &

oreh., 2 pf. Semaus, Preludes and Fugues for

organ, a. I . G.

VOGEL (C. L. A.j

\OGEL (Vladimir)


VOGEL, Charl«9 Louis Adolphe (I. Ulk,

17 May ido8; d. Paris, it Sept. (892).

Frajico'£lclgiar) composer of CenriaA ori(*in.

He studied at the Fans Coriscrvacotrc. Hi\

opera * Le Fodcsiat ' was produced at the

ThMtrc dcs Xouveaute*, Paris, in 1831, and

a grand oratorio, ' Lc ju^ment dernkr

given with costumes and sccncr\, had a good

deal of success. ' Le Si^ge de Levde ’ came out

at The Hague on 4 NUr. 1847. h uas one of

the first works s|M:<iall\ urilten for tlH* Rusal

French Opent there, an<l the sul^i had been

suggested hy King WilUatn II *4 llulland,

* La MoissonnciJM' ' folhmid at the Ihealre*

LyrK^ue in Paru in 1853; 'Kompun«\ .1

piece iti one ait. at the Uoulh^'ParkM’ns in

1Q57 ; ' l>c .Vid dr cigogni ( * at IUden*Elad(ft

in 18^8; ‘Greciin d< I’lgiich* ’ at else FuIh'»*

.Marigny, Pans, ' l.i >ill«uke rlu ruj *

first in ilruvw'Is and afterwacih in l*ari% in 1873.

N’ogej wrote nunu nHis '«<>ngs, uf »liiih UlK.

of his cjrlirst, * Ln Trois Couhnirs ' rile*

bralihg the return of the irindur afor ihr

revolution of 1830, had a iH'Culiar r.«uie, lk

also wfutr sncral symphonies, <)uarteu ami

quiiilru for strings whiih gaiiX'il the I'ns

Ir^numt at the Aeathinii', am) oslser ihiugv.

|. A jrhiv.

VOGEL, Emil Wrirern o, 0 ,, ri Jan.

J830; 't. Nj<ol.isv*edl<'rljn, i8Junr lyo«,,

(ierman librarian and liil>lu;gra|>lier. He

siiiiliitl the hisloT)’ of musk an<| ^(hihiluf)* at

the Uni\er»iti<'s of Urrliii and Grrirswakl. In

• 883 he went to Italy with a scholarship

awanlrd by the iVu^vian Goirrnmrni. Four

Nean hiler he to. A the Ph.lJ. at ft rlin I'nivrr-

sny. In lieUgan lobuiMup (hr Muuk*

hiUiothek Piter*, uhich, umh r hi% dim lion,

Ireeaiue one of ihe l>i«i(« st |*rjvair missic

) i braries of Kii roj h . V o^jpI a Iso foumled in 1 Ihi |

ihc *Jahrhiich Peters ar; imfMsrlaist [>criodi*

tal whifh, iM^idrs hihliographlcal statement,

ixihlished annually patten hy hading fkrman

schol.irs. In 1901 the state of his health forced

S'ogel If) retire frrMn this po*t.

VogH’i mo*t importaist admnTinmi k the

rxtrndvr Uhliogr.iphy, 'Ihhiiollsik tier ge.

drucktrn u el tin hen V'okalntuwk I (aliens au«

den J ahren 1 300- J 1 r aKo w rw<'.

(or V.M.W., studM*% of Claudio Monteverdi

(•887) and Marco da Cngiiano and

(niMMii«.| a catalogue of the tniisie in the l>ocal

Jahr.iry at Wolfeuhuttel fidrjo;. K. 0.

VOGEL, Jaro*]av (k. Pl^« a, i , jar,. jSim)-

Cxcch coiiductur ami cotn|aMrr. Having

reedved a secondary - school cducaiion, he

shidiixl mtisic successively under Ntwik in

jragur, at die Munich Akadcmk der loo*

kunst and under d indy at (he Schola Can-

(oruni in Paris. In 19 J4 hr started his public

career as a coach at the Prague Natiorul

I ‘v by CiMSrt Jt

I I 'iue do N«yv**gw, rfU# de U 8^). Paris.

IVairr. In the following >*cars he held

sevTraJ lcm|torarv |Mis(s as opira conduclui

and aHo wtirlted for a certain ii(n«' iic a musir

leadierin Prague. From (927101911 he wav

al tin* hiod tiftiK’ Oprrniit .Morjiska Ottra^'.l,

wIktc he did much lu raise the niudcal

standards. 1 11 194 1 he aiieplc'd the pust of

chi<<f cutHluctitr at ilic flriKt ()|)rra, whish h<’

heM umlcr very uiif.i\uural>le run<iiU'>ns until

Kjll, viheii the (h«am' w.u cloud by the

(M'rmans. In sptie of hi« merit' he was un-

de'erNtdlvdismissnl .slur the hlHraiioh ( (945;

and >sa< able v> earn hi' living only by*

oceau<M>„l « mploMiMMit or guest .ipiM .innccs,

Vi the end of 1919 he was apixtiiued cun*

dutlorof the PragiH* Xail.rfijl IIh.uo'. .\s

a c<>n<Iu(i«tr he lus shmvn hirnwh* highly

exiierc in iIm* ini«*r(M<’iaiiofl \4 modern inuoc.

wilh a p.*nkularly mtiuuic appOMch to the

art of Jano^ek, nu v\linm he also wrote a coin*

pr<lMOviveriM>nagrapJi I.eu 5 Jan.jeek drama*

ilk KifK . .\' a toinjtuwr he is btvi repro

u nt«Nl In I lx r<>l(m\ii>f ihr«'eo|)<'i 4 s to llbrettov

wrji(« 11 In hirn'< II.

aflrr \. Uclfr««>rk|t»'t »|fw>,ir«,r a<|,

Sw»l. (M. ^fVpI.

' Misf. Jif*' ’MA'Vt jfirr 4 .f >«y (»y Z.

U ft,*, t. HM «( I nv t ; pn-l. Pr,kti.4 . Mir, i •>/$,

pniuij , niter Xl. CiIskVi tiiN*,. / 4« n,

M«iftfVkV4 t ikUxva. )f> Mit. ioj9i

O. V .

VOCEL, Johniui Christoph fF. Xurem*

l>crg, 175b; rf. Pans, jU ,\ui¥ (78« ..

(MTUian t umpf ner. H e st utli* <l ,1 1 R j li s txin

under Ri*|H’l, nlio ludilc hiiii IdUiili.'ir uiih

the worU rtf (Iraun and llasse. In 1776 he

ennted llir ». tvicc of ihe l>ukc of Mtxu*

mortney in ParivamI aftmv.ird* ofthr (k;unt

of V alrntinitk IK Ixxariw an enthusiasiir

admirer irf'tdurk, uluHn he Uri»k forhiv itiotlel

and unitaKd mmIi suth skill that Glutk even

♦linuiea hiv dramatic lakot xml atfepwd

the drtlkaUuo of his opf ra. ‘ 1 olson <ror

whkii was not |H tfornM-l, however, unijl 5

Sept.* 1786, wl*en It Went through a ti umber

o( perfitrmanec-v. A difTercnl edition tjf i]i«

liltri'Uo wa* (xiMivlwtl that war av ‘ Mrdoo

k i UAchvi [u< \ *. Ik fore i ts lirsi appea rant e he

iiad already vlartetl on anotlx r uinra, ‘Heim**

plKiA*, iHJt Iflv Irregular hahiir reiartltvl the

prugn-sv of tin: work, which wa« niH linidK*<l

until diofily liHbre his death, and was fir.'t

I»rfucmed |»rslhumoudy on 22 Sept. lylh).

Felis vjtcaks of the overture as one of the finest

works vf iu kind. The libretto was a Ftenth

adaptation (4 Melavlavlo's ’ Dernofounlc tin

which Uheruliifti had Iwucd anullwr French

opera In 1 788,

V««*cl also roin|>us<xI syniplionks, (t»neertos

foe various invtrutnenis, quartets, trios, duos,

etc. ^

VOGEL, VUdimif (Rudolfovich) (6

Moscow, 29 F'cb. 1896),

* .Nw t9 Ayj., as the dialed tlbr^M »a»^


VOGL (Adolf)

Ku^O'Cicrnian cnmposcr. He had a Ger-

man faiher and a Russian modier. >Ib first

musical studies were pursued in Russia, where

he came un<ler the influence of Skriabin, but

after the first w’ocid tsar he went to Berlin

Hs a pupil of Tiessen. He there made the

acquaintance of Sehuenberg's mustc, >^ich

began to affect his owm considerably. From

1932 to 1934 he attended the master class (or

composition under Dusoni at the .Vademy of

.Arts. After the first international successes

of his works, performed ursder Fuftwangler,

Srherehen, Stokowski, /\n$ermel and others,

he accepted an appointment as teacher of

competition at the Klindworih-Seharwenka

Conservatory in Berlin. In 1933 he first

emigrated to France, later 10 Pelfium, and in

1935 he settled permanently in Svriiserlacid,

where he lives at Atcona, Canton Tieijso.

Vogel's music own its style largely to ex-

press mn ism and to the tweKe-noie leehnique.

In contrast t\ith the abstract world of sound

represented by his instrumental musk there

are wry powerfully imprewivc choral works.

Making use of a rhythmically speaking chorus

he achieves novel effects of a grandiose, often

almou nerve-racking gloom: but such dark

pa wages are rvUev'cd by incHlenis of great

aensuooi Iwauty, as for example in the cha-

conne in part I of * Thv I Claes’, the large epic

oratorio which was first performed in its en-

tirety at the Florence Maggio Musicale of rgip.

X’ogcTs principal works are the following :

OrAiof^d * WsCAi** VnirrtMW dwT«h <lie * far

sole vAiNi, rho<«i< A ^ 1

Upie Ar.iiAtiQ *Thvl C 3 *r« ’ t.)nrr tlurki d« Cmwt)

Tor 9 reriwri, soprArKv. A orsh.

ipjM i. i 9 ir-aS: iwrt»i. lessMS'.

’ ^ftgf»e.sux lor unjrromo. <hMus < lOV)).

* Avn'ph'HMwhfr Verirapa ’ fb* wih. Mosa).

'iSMit'Dku fugAU in mcmwmm f. Bom* * Cw •rrh,


* ?!wri lliudcn ’ <er

9 I'irm f«r oreti. (1999)

I. perpeluu.

t. Kiimks osiinaia.

‘ TrSoaiiMJ * far arrK. 1 1994).

^sp«eu d^unr tert* ik i; lena'fW anh. (i 040 -y>>.

Vn. CaiKerto (IM)).

* I>aMM VaiStivw ’ for vft,. Ayle. riar. ft (iMi).

* Kom|>««Jiian * tar i |»ft. < t« 99 ).

* N'arltiud* : tltKk>ta(cala ’ far nt < lOSO).

* r.phaffa otr Alban Berc* tar pt. {1396).

K. V. r.

VOGELHOCHZETT. A ' cantata” dat-

ing from the early middle ages. The earliest

manuscript yet discovered (thos^h the iradi-

lional versions probably dale from much

earlier) is In a collection of songs found In the

convent at Welnhauscn In the )93os. wh^e it

had lain In the archives unobsersed probably

since it was first copied. The N’olume cootaim

36 Netherlands songs, 15 Latin and 7 La*in-

low-Ccrman songs. The aulhentkity of the

manuscript and its a^ are shown by the fact

that it bean the signature of the Abbess

Kaihcrina von Bo> a, who was in charge trf the

convent between 1433 and t47o. ii. a.

VOGELWEIDE, Waicber von dor (b.

? nr, Boaen, Tyrol, or Switzerland, c. tifis;

d. ? Wiirzbu^, c. 1230).

.\uiirian or ? Swiss lyric poet, minnesinger

and composer. He came of a family of the

lesser aristocracy and received his first tuition

from Reinmar v'on Hagenau in Austria. He

lived for some time at the Viennese court, in

1 198 he can be traced at the coronation of

King Philip of Suabia at Worms, in 1212

at the Frankfort Reichstag. y\ftcr t220 he

prolkaMy received an estate at ^Vurzburg

w hich enabled Inm to give up his roaming life.

In his poems U'alihcr combines the sense of

form of the inrdie\'al court poetry with rhetori-

cal impecu«, eu^xJ-humour and folksong-like

tendencies. ()( his music little has been pre-

served. Tl»e iQch century knew only five

melodies aisd then authenticity has been con-

tested. (n iqto the ” Munster fragments"

were discos*ei^, which, besides two others,

contain the Palestine tune of 1228, one of the

most heartfelt and exquisite molodics of its

lime. The high opinion which his contem-

poraries held of the composer ^Valther is fully

borne out by this w^ork. k. 0.


* Walter vea Uer Vosrlwei«le ', SAd «<J.

{SlyUeart, 1440 ).

BuADACM. K., * tVakhcr v« 4 er Voaelwelde * (LeipsiS»


'HuiUAM. JeMAVMti ALruoTtsvt, ' Ncue VVeee svr

dkhwntchen und miutkalUcMn Terhnik VvalUien

dee Vovdateide *. diuerlaiian (Uireehk 1994).

l.tftHio. F.. in Adler*! * HandbucK drr Miuikie-

tekKliW * (FrankfaeiA'M.

MociTOA, R.. * Die IJeder Jei Munateriichen Frac-

mrnvt' rS.r.M.0 .. VaI. XIIi.

RicneH. H.. (a U.T.O,. XX. ii.

SiorcKit. F. AiatM. * Waliher von der Vncrlswiik

VIA Sehnnacr f' (Walikn, 1957),

Uni^KD, L., * tValiker von der

cart ft TMlxyevn. 1I99),

K., * VVilihen ralieilAtlkd * (S.I.M.Cx

Vol. Xtlll.

Srt alt* Bvmi (»«ne niih nnh. ft pf.). PRttner

K»ei«h (opera on). KucliAur IS MAp).

VOGL, Adolf (k. Munich, 18 Dec. 1873)*

German musicologist and composer. Al

the age of nineteen he was conductor at Trier

atsd completed his studies with Hermann Levi

at Munich. Later he conducted at Saar-

brucken, $i. Gall and Bcmc. He married the

soprano Else Vogl. He was imprisoned during

the Nasi rule and his work was prolilbiicd

until 1945.

V^’s ctmiposiiions include the operas

* Maja ' (Stuttgart, 190S) and ‘ Die Ver-

dammten ' (Leipsig, 1934) : a scenic cantata,

’ Walther von der Vogelweidc ’ ; choral works

' VoUtergcbcl ' (*915), ' Oelbergandachi ’

(1934}* * Oer erste Friihllngstag ' (>930,

a concert Mass and others; t8o »ngs»

etc. Among his literary work are studies of

Wagner, Beethoven’s ' Fldclio ’, Weber’s

‘ FrehchuU ' and a lampoon, ‘ Fa. Wort-

bruch & Co.', dealing with his experiences

of national socialism.

\'OGL (KeiuricU^

, riicr<'S<

^ *

I /

VOGL, Heiaricb Au nr. Munich, 13

Jan. 184^; d. Munich, 21 Apr. tguuj.

German tenor sin^'r and <oni|wsrr. He

began life as a schoolmaitcr and received in*

struction in singing from Franz Laclmrr ami

in acting from Jenk, stage manager U the

royal ihcalre, Munich, Ntheru be ma<lc his

debut on 5 Xov*. tUbj, as Max in NVe))er’»

' Frcischutz’. )]i> success N\a» irnnKtliati*. an.l

lie remained at .Munich ihroughoul hi> cancr.

making the U'ual louP'i in (itriiijuv and

.\ustria in company nvUIi bis Mife, 'J1 hi«'nv

I homa, whom he married in li'oU. He e\*

lelli'd proem inenll)' in SNa^ner's i>|M’ras aiul

pla>xd l.oge and Saicgimind on the pixulutiwni

n'spcclivel) of ' Klnuigoid ' .*r >k |H. iUC<|j

and * Walk are ' {^0 June ib;.i at Miinnh.

He «aiig at the (kethoun (AnU*nar>* K<'«ii\al

at Uonn in idyi. )le wm tin second IrUun

(after die four pi rfor inane e» hv hciiiwirr con

CaroUfeldJ, and for soitn ><ar% the oiil) re|>re*

KiitatisY of the |Mri. On the ikihIui iIihj of

the 'King* at Kaireuth in id;<> hv again

played the {>ar( of l.oge and nude a great hit

by his line ikcUination aixl a<iinirahle Acting.

On 3 May lUda he iiiach' hi' llrsi a{»|xarame

in i.undon at Her Majedy's ’Iheatce in ilsr

'anic part, anti suliscquently ap(M’ar<<l a«

hiegfried, und on id May he cva% heard with

picamre in Hanclrr» *' J'olal eihjMr ’’ aikI

Mingi by tVan/, rtr., at a symi>hony contirt at

St. James's Hall. He rompemd many wng^,

and an iiiHTa, * Der I ren idling', was |i«iKluced

at Munich on 7 May iU</j. with himst lf and

IVrnina in the chi< r paru. \ Uograjdiical

»k<t<h, hy Bamn Hermann von I'fordten,

iijjpeared in the same ve.ir. a. c-

VOCL, Johann Michael 'i. Sit yr, I'liiwr

Austria, 10 .Vug. 17WJ; rf. Wnn.i, ly Nw.


Austrian baritone Mngrr. He had has

general education in (h<' UHMiadery of Kn>ms*

I nun Iter and tinik part there in little

I'Y .Sussniayr, giving i<niMderab]e pruenisc

both as;<inKer ami actor. Hr nt\i went U> iIk

U nivrrNiiy of Vienna and was aliout to lake a

|>crmanen( |k»si in the magistracy of the rily

wlien Siissnibyr engaged iiiin fur the cuurl

opera. He played with the German opera

cuni|>.'inv ftirmcd hy ^ussmayr in llie sunnnrr

1 7 !H ^■‘^d made his ticliul as a re gular mcin*

her of the rmirl 0|>f ra in iIk- following .May.

From that jH’iiod till his rvllr»'ment In t&aa

(his last apiwar.mco w-s in Oretry’s ‘ Barhr*

hleiie iUji) Jic was a great fasourite and

held an important |>o»iiiun as a singer and

an actor in both German ami (taliait opera.

Gifted etiih a baritone voice gf sympathetic

qualiiy, he had an evrellent method, and bis

phrasing was marked by Iveadlh, inleHigencc

arid great dramatic expression. S«ch parts

Oresips (Gluck's ' Ipliigenic cn Tauride

Jakoh (WrigVs ‘ Sehweizerfamilk *), Count

.Mniaviv.t 01 uznrl*» * 1 /* isos^e di Figaro';,

MkhHi KUu'rubiui's *lkux Jciiirnees*i, ' 1 1 hi*

SCO fS|*nnuin*s 'Fernand (^rtvv'j and ,|Ait»h

«Mchurs *Jos«*j>h'i show the' laiige’ 01 his


\ ogl liecdiiK' Acquainit'd wilh Srhiibeil

through tW latter's frii nd .ScholM r, \'<)gl

lecognire'd S<hubert*s geniu<. ureexi hint in

proluee and dkl liis lK*>t leiinakv him kn<nvn

hv Miiging his MwigN lM>ih in jKddie and priv aie.

Mm* ’ l.rlGHiig’ ve.ts lirsi uUnMliii''(l lie him

lie the general (MiMic at a inu'.ieal ente’riaiii*

iwiii ,«i die' K.iriitiM’itnr Iheatie '7 Mar.

lU.*l , iImxii'Ii it h.iel Imn'II >uiig ImI<ii<' .it :i

'V'lV e>f llw' (N*>«*Us(lialt de'r .MitsiLfieutHie

.*3 Jjii. In (•viiiiiWh, an «x<«’||tnl ain.iieur.

\ eigl in his ch.ifv calls VhtilKTi'a imnT><isiiie)ns

'* irulv eliviiH* MtS| lira lions, eiiirrands of a

iuu'MjI cl.iirviiv aiu< ", and Sthtdxrt, writing

III his ixvitlw’i kireliiiaml, says, "when V’ogI

*sngs ,iihI I .i<eoin]>aiis him we eei'iit for I In*

iin*i«i«nt to Ix' exie, vvlmh stiikes the good

|M‘«i|»l<’ hir«' .!« MMiulliiiig epiile unlie.ird <rf'*.

NehulMTI pnlilKly teslilh'd Ins i sli .'111 hy

<i«s|Maling ic* N'eigl ihiee* songs t)|>, li , ]>ii1>>

IisIunI Ilk ilia I .

Vogl's larlv (Olive ntiul edue.uion left its

traio in ids feiwhiess for v'lioiis sitnlv, in

vs hie h all his sftai'e lihsi* was devoted, his

favennite auth>4Si being (oNdee and llie (iieek

tUs.Ks In illa:i he \M'u\ u> Italy and on hh

ntiirn in lh«' Ai||«>vviiig sj»rlng asKriiishid his

frM’ittls hy anniiu*e<ing Ins iiiarn.igi' vviih tin*

daughter of tite for nvT three lor of the IMv I'dere,

whom he liod long treatnl ns a >ort <*f pupii,

Om* of his l.isl a|i}>raraiHTs in (luhlir was at u

»«rr« of tl>r Go* llschafl (ier Nlusikheiindc' In

18^3, win It he sang llie * U.imlercr He

dictl im the winr dav mt whieli Im file ml

Shuixn hoei departrel ivvelve sears Ixfore

aihl wav IniTH’d in tlic tlnirchyanl e>f Mat/-

leinvdrHf. < . y. v,

4ii* 1. F., ilcl. of SiKuberl

VO CL, Thercse Iwirn Tboma) (b.

Jut/ing. l.,ik-' SiarnUTg. Bavaria, 12 N<A',

iU.>', : W, Munkh, aqS-^H, jqzii.

(kniun M>|>rai»n doger. She l« amt tinging

from llaeMT at the Mimic )i Con serva lory

and in ftru apixare*d in ojkta at Carls,

ruhe. In iJrc. iWiG she maeh* her de'hul at

Munkh as (Usilda ' AmUts * Kart <lu (liable

brfamc wry pe^Milar as a elranvaiic soprano

and remained there until Jjer retin enent in

ittCri. JSie married ihv Icnor Heinrith Vt>gl

in 1869. For some years she was the only

l^lv, a part she sang to lu*r husband's

Irisian, and was (Itv original Hieglinde at

Munich (ab June 1870). On G May iW 5 j she

ma^ Ikt first appearance in London, at Her

Majesty's Ihealre*, as Brunnhilde, and played

tlie part throughout the ‘Ring’ with great sue**

eras. In the second cyclr «f prrfortnaiver^


N'OCLKR (Carl)

VOCLER ( 0 «rg Joseph)

she placed with equal success her old part

of Sicglinde, liavlng reigned Brunnbilde to

Hcdxs'ig Reichcr-Kindcrmann» who had been

liie Fricka in the first c>*cle. a. c.

VOGLER, Carl (^. Oberrohrdorf, Canton

August, 26 Feb. 1874; d. Zurich, 17 June

bwUs composer and administrator. Be-

tween t8f|i and 1893 he was a pupil at the

Organists’ School at Lucerne; in 1893 he

entered the Zurich Music School, wivere

Friedrich Kegar was among hU leachers, and

in 1893-97 he studied at the Academy of

Music at Munich under RhcinlKrgcr and

others. From 1O9? to 1919 he worketl at

Baden (Aargau) as conductor, organist and

teacher of singing. In 1913 he was appointed

professor of theory at the Zurich (^oibersatory

and in 1910 hecame its director, in collabora-

tion with Volkmar .\ndreae- After llw latter's

rctlremom (19^1) Vr>gli'r remained as sole

director until 1943. From 191$ onwards hr

was a ineml>cr of the Committee of the Schwei*

aerlschcr TonkunsthTV'crrin, of w hich hr teas

president between 1931 and 1941. In 1907*

1932 he was pre>i<lcnt nf the Schwei.irriKhrr

Musikp.idagogischrr Wrband and later its

honorary president. He waa the founder and

president of llic Gr«c Die haft fur Auffuhrungs-

rechlc (m. Performing Right Society — tbe

German title being usu.illy abbreviated to

"Gcfa"),Swj« delegate on thcManding com-

mittee for inirrnaiional co-operation airsong

composen, an<l he holds sciTral other adininh*

tralivc ofhcei. His dootrd and many-sided

work in connection with so many professional

bo<li« incrcisingly curtailed hii own creacis'c

activities. Among his few compositions the

foilotving may be mentioned :

'Mutter Sybilk*. (^y «iih oMk (AlfreiJ )(««(«*•-


* Rul»rr»M fsiry Qiwrs (Jakob Loumbrnr).

* Fi«ilelhAn4<K«'k‘, uin'OfWM (F>n»t I^Khmoon).

OrchniftI vrorlv.


Ora*n uork*.


I'olkionc •rrsntemrnU.

As a writer Vogel produced a frsiital mono-

graph for the agih anniversary of the SchwrI-

ccrischcr ’ronkunstlcrvcrcln (1905) and an

article in its 'Festschrift' of 1950; aho

various articles on Swiss musicians and on the

problems of the musical profession.

It. e., adds. k. v. $.

VOGLER, Georg Joseph (called Abb 4

VogUr) (L Wurzburg. 13 June 1749; d.

Darmstadt, 6 May J814).

German pianist, organist, composer and

teacher. Hr showed from an early age a

religious cast of mind and an aptitude for music,

and his attachment to the oigan dated from

his tenth year. Both his father and hb step-

father, one Wcnccsiaus Stautii^er, were violin

makers. While he learnt the organ his step-

father let him has'c pedaU attached to his

harpsichord. He elaborated a new system of

fingering and contrived to learn the violin and

oilser instruments without a teacher ; and

even wliile a pupil at tlie Jesuit College he

played much in the churches and made a name

for himself in the contrapuntal preludes wluch

were regarded as the lest of an organist’s skill.

How lo<^ this sort of life lasted is not very

clear, but Vogler himself declares that he was

at Wurzbu^ as late as 1769.

Srunus. — Hb departure must have taken

place very shortly after thb- He proceeded in

the first place to Bamberg to study law. In

1 771 he went from Bamberg to Mannheim and

obtained pcrmisslm to compose a ballet for

the court theatre, which produced such an

impression chat the Electee Karl Tiieodorwas

led to provide him with funds to go to Bologna

.tnd study counterpoint under Padre Martini.

Starting about the beginning of t773 Vogler

travell^ by way of Venice. He there met

Haste, also a pupil orVallotti, from whom he

first heard of the s)'siem of harmony that he

subsequently advocated with such vehemence.’

The original object of his journey was not

achiesed, for, ilsougli he was kindly received

by M.*iriini. Vngler could not tolerate a slow

and graduated course of counterpoint ; and

Martini complained that hb pupil had neither

perscN'crancc nor apt i tude. Vogler soon a ban*

doned the trial, and repaired to Padua with a

view of studying for Ordehi, and learning com-

position from Vallotii, who had been for nearly

fifty years musical director of Sant' Antonio.

But the old organbt's method of leacblrig was

wholly distasteful to his disciple, and in five

months Vogler went cn to Rome, where he

was ordained priest at the end of i773< He

was made Apostolic Protonotary and Cliam*

berlain to the Pope, knight of the Order of the

Golden Spur and member of the Academy of

the Areadiam. He alio found time to gain

some instruction from Myslivciek, and armed

with these ecclesiastical cr^cnlials and musical

experience he relumed in 1773 to Mannheim.

Tlie elector at once appointed him court

chaplain, and he proceeded forthwith to com-

|io$e a * Miserere ’ with orchestral accompani-

ments, and was made secorsd Ke/>tUmrisiff>

It was at Ntannheim that he first put him-

self forward as a teacher and estabibhed the

first of his three schools. He maintained that

most previous teachers had pursued erroneous

methyl, and promised to make hb pupils

composers by a quicker system. ^Vhen Karl

Hscodof beomc Elects of Bavaria in 1778

the court removed to Munich. Vc^ler's dev'O-

* iTw »a (he test Toltowi U>e slatemeou

•sBsbr ms<l« wiih rrferT>K« w Vnirlir’i proc««dinn

Betofiu and hadua. Hot a««ordiag lo the 'Musika*

IikIk Carreipeodnu ' oC Spire Cor 1790. No. is,

Cloctor falaiuw hiowrlT direr ily recommended vogkr

«o VaUoui.



(ion to hU school kept hira at Maruiheim, and

he did not, in ail probability, go to Munich till


Travels. — The nest twenty yean of

Voglcr's life present great difficulties to his

bir^apher. .Mthough nominally settled at

.Stockholm in 1786 or 1787-1^, be was rrallx

corL'tanily iras’ellinf*, and the rconJs of hi'

journeys are so fragmentary' and contradit ic^

that it U impose! bic to con' true 1 a com[ 4 cie

itarralivc. 'I'hus, though he und<'ubtedl\

t’xteuded hit iraxoU loS^uin, l^urlugal, (iicnr

nnd Africa, n.iy, t*\eti to .Stnx'nia artd (*tcc(«*

land, the autlK'fili'^ arc l>y Ru iiH aix« agreed

as to wlicn Ik u'i ul.

He iiAcI already sobiniMiHl an rx|>i>citii>n of

his $>'»! eni tu the ,V adi* m ie K • lya U di-t S* ieiH r>.

probably In i;di, ami to the >Hrtkiym

i 7 & 3 <’ In t/lia he was iu tlie iKxt

year perhaps ckx'cJ t\u I io laigkiiidJ

Keturning fruin htmUml, if indii'd hr really

vidiesi it at this lime. W again altnopicd to

ol)i,uh *Her<*is as an oikt.a <rMn|M» vr, Hut hi'

lornic cifjera ‘ f-a KernkC'Se \ pr*HluCed at Ihr

Tli/'Airc'*ftalic'ti in I’liri' nn ly Nos. 178^.

prrived a dead l.illnn* nod tould not even In

Dimhed. Jo {780 he entered tl»e 'ersicp ihe

King <»f Swe.len »\ chapel iiusier. r« ogniin! ho

IKWis at Muiii'li, ulKte Ite had Imhotiw' ehief

KaftfllwhUt Oh tlic death <X Ih/I/lMiM’r in

At StiKkholm he esi.sMi'Ixsl hKseiond

M I100I ufmudr, but neither tluil nor ImtdTKtal

duties put murh rheck on Im nniof pi<»|<n*

dlirs. ] le cigiiali7ed his arris al with a VicncU

opera, ' Kylf lait there U no esidenre tlwtt it

was pr<Mltieed there. ‘ CUstorr e Pollucc' eanic

out at Monieh on ta Jan. 1787 and was not

only re<ei\(d with great appl.njcr, but con*

liniird a laxonriie for >ear%. •<io>iav .\d< 4 |»h

och Ivbba Ih.ibe * wan pr<MJu<et| m Storkliolni

on 94 Jan. i7UfS, In tku ye.ir Vogler vidtrd

St. 1 ‘clerdHirg,

Mr arrnrd in J/mdon at the bctmiimg

of and Vi,ic very ^u^^^^'ful. Ills per*

were ap|*laut!i*<l and Ik was eii-

im^ird with (he rttoiwtriKiion >4 the nntan

in (he Pdnlheoti. llh la>t pirlt^nnance at ihe

I'anthron took idate on 31 May, and (he prm

<eids of hit visit amininted lo^^iovOor ;^t 70 n.

He nexi apfHMrrd at Warsaw, In Ihe rarfy

fwiri ofSi pt. he w.i^ giving cotKerb at Carfrlenr,

I.i ii u and Vti nkfor 1 0/ N I, , wlirrc he proba Wy

arriced in tinw f..r the er.R>nalum of /^op<4d

II on 0 Ort. Ik now began to be heki hi

' ^ C:iiOfal SvniFin *. pp. *.5. r««»* of tW

Hny«l Sanriy aiTuf,| „o wf ftow

or an^UuK* tfeie bearioc -n tire mmww. ll»e

Joortjal «|n for ijRx hit an

anicif «o<f.rjrM.» iRf of ,u^

sr.] AUiC \.^Ur, *1.1, h moif« iKat l.b

ouirunipnt lia.l l.cen prn^iwJ lo th« Afadimw ttoyslc

da will. in,FniofS m« mm^»\

mom, which hf pcopcar^ w pwttiJ*

I '** "“r iofcr fM.m Ote dat* .4 hh ' faoJ

d* 4in^. It eoui *, tie., pyblabni in Paro.

lAocal *, p. 5.

IxiiKKir in his own country'. At Krankfori his

" Hallelujah " fugue aslonidied bvtii friends

and enemies. It was at this time lie fimjiH ted

a rclucn to London w'ilh a view' of rsiahli'lnng

a maruiractory t 4 free reed». Ibis intention

was mn carri^ out; he relurncd to Stock*

Iftlm, and was hMJovi'ed In Ikrnhaid .Vti'elin

Weber, wliogase up hi' po'ition as tondut tor

at llaiicncr to oittain furtlter iustrurtioii from

hi' old master. '1 hi* aN<a"inaiioA <»f Ginlavus

.VIolphuN III. ulioiA lie liked ;nHJ cc'pvttrd,

on IU Mar. i7U.'. siarted him i»ll wiili WVber

on anniiicr king tour (hriwigh Sw>tlen, .Nor*

v.ay, IVniiuiL and ilw .\VdMTl.md<.* In the

IM XI 4X'ac^ Ih' ui«‘k rONik.i (ourv<'ol lertun*' on

hannonv, and 10 1701 wrrn to P.«ti' (<> inar

ihei h«>rn«*' .ki «Mn|>,inu«l b)' winil nwtrnincni'

with W'liult tin* nr'W'k^n rejtnblic sub nunri’d

it' kasis, .(IhI tu add i!h* rewilt of Ins nlmaa*

tioh' lohi' 'Pedymrho or Char.K lorhlu Music

uf Ihsi’T' Naioai''. At Saint*Sidpi(e he g,ne

.10 <.rgaii |M rfocrn.tnte Jor ilir |>«Kir, the

fetiipt* rif v.hkh were 1 •>,•«■> Ihn*'. On Ms

mum lH’’.*.ne a secund (onrseol lec(iir<'S In

i7U7,and ill l7>/»erei«'d his orihistrinn at

SomMkJiii. Atji*ul this time hn ten y.us*

i*n*<.ig4 iio nt O' ro>,d iuu'H .d dim lor « .inie to

.in end. .iimJ I.** |iro|h»'ed lo le.iie Sweden.

lUil his w IhioI w .is . iHi'ok'red so sust I'slul ih.it

tiK ri'gent ftrevailiHJ <m him to pf'jittng his

»1ay till iIk siMiiig uf I7yi, In tiiat year In*

rre<*h«<| (exit ilw* .Swxdl'h tomt .in annual

jKiisMxi *4 yio (hdlars, di*|'art(d (<« JVnmark,

and ni.idr an uiiv'ually iwotratted slay in (he

Danidi 4a|M(.d.

VitsvA ,\mj <ii Kwssv. In the sunmKr uf

I Boo Vogler |>rocnxkd to iVrIni. 1 here he

appealed lo the srirnthts hy Ins ' |>,Ata /nr

.AkirsCtk* and to ihc religimjs ssoild In M<

IWoptHah tu rcdiHc ll«c ( «ni r.OH'gaiidnnlding.

He seas rnirusu*d with iIk m onsiriittion of

tW organ in .St. Mary's uml gave a |><*rforni*

amr uii it mi 2H Nov. iHtni. Jhe King of

l*rus,ia commissioned him to build an org.m

at Xi rnKuppin. Hut ihn dkl not keep him in

I'rus'ia. He >el off to I^i iprig, gave tljixr

organ rciiiah in die >|>ring of lUor, and (hen

wot on about June to I’ragui*, where he was

rrreised with great ImiHair and made guver nor

of a musk whool. It was pciha|H in cotisc*

quritcrofihe failure of his orihiMt Ion tbai hr

left l^raguc fur Vienna, arris ing about tlie end

of iSoaorMHne time in 1803. He w*a' reported

to be ImimJ 10 Vienna toseritc an opera, and

rumours of the furthcoming work were con*

Siam iJiroucbnui 1803. ‘Samorl’, Iiowcser.

did not actually appear till j; May i8o.|, at

the 'llicaier an dcr Wten, ^icr more than

fifty rrlicarsals. An inleri'sting circumstance

Connecled with bis slay is his meeting with

hrelhos’en, arwl ihclr extemporiaing in luin

' *f* ck«i dale MOW iiTim hij uaveK «o ik« L,in,

‘ Pesoseiv iTjiA



on the pianofonc. Another i« that here Gans-

bacher, and through him \Veber» became his

pupiU. Weber made the vocal score of

‘ Samort When Vogicr had been more than

two years in \'ienna, his wanderiog instirtcts

revived and he spent the summer of 1805 at

Salzburg, en rouU for Munich. There he ga>‘e

organ recitals, and at Christmas had his

Pastoral Mass performed in the court cbapel.

When Napoleon, on hU return from Austerliiz,

paused at Munich to celebrate the marriage of

Eugene Beauharnais with the Princess Augusta

of Bavaria, Vogler was the musical hero of the

hour, and 'Castor and PuUux* was performed

on the wedding day, {4 Jan. 1806. He made

some little stay in Munich, occupyirtg himself

as usual in simpUrylng organs ir^ pMUHhii^

theorciiral works. In Sept. 1 807 he turned up

at Frankfort o/M. and shcvtly afterwards

received an invitation from the Grand Duke of

Darmiia<it, J.nuis I, for whom he had written

'Lampedo’ nearly thirty years before, to

settle in that town. The duke gave him a

salary of 3000 florins, a house and the titles

of KaptUmtisUr and Privy Councillor for

Eeclesiasiical Affairs, and the Or^r of Merit

of the first class.

Here he opened his last and most succeMful

school of music and in the remaining sue and a

half years of his life became very fond of the

dull old town, and the accusations of charla-

tanism that had pursued him down to 1S09

did not penetrate to Darmstadt.

On at June i$io Weber undertook a 'mail

literary work at Vogler's imtigation. Vogler

had remodelled some of the chorales in Birit-

kopf'i second edition (1784-66) ofj. $. Bach’s

chorales, published under C. V. E. Bach's

supervision, honestly thinking that Bach was

open to great Improvement on the score of

beauty and correctness. He now begged his

former pupil to write a commentary on Ills

revisions and publish them for the benefit of

students. That Weber embarked the work '

with any amount of eagerness there is no

evidenee to show; probably not, his mind

being entirely practical and by no meacu

pedagogic. As a matter of fact the ana])‘ses

were done very perfunctorily, nor were they

all his own, for Chorale VII was done by Gott*

fried ^N'eber and part of Chorale IX and all of

Chorale X by Vogler himself. \Veber fell hU

unfitness for the task, and so expressed hinudf

in the introduction. That he considered

Vogler's alterations improvements is not sur-

prising, for his acquaintance with Bach, like

his knowledge of hist^ in general, was

small and he knew as liidc as Vogler did of

the original intention of the chorales in


* Publisb«d in ume ycu br Pct«n ut

‘ Zwdir Cborsk vm Sebastian wnetaebeket^M

Vofkr, <er«linleti von Carl S^tarla vm \Sthn ew.

In i8(2 Vc^kr journeyed through Munich

and Vienna, where it was notic^ that he

*' preserved his long-acknowledged mastery”

of the organ. He employed himself in com-

posing foe stage, concert-room and church,

and his best work, the Requiem, was the

occupation of his last days. On 4 May 1614

his friend Gottfried \Vcber visited him on

passing through Darmstadt and remained till

midday cfi the 5ih. The following day (6

May), at half-past four in the morning, the old

musician died of apoplexy.

CoufOsmoHS. — As a composer Vogler

aimed at retaining the simple and severe

beauty of the old church music and yet enrich-

ing it with (l>e wealth of harmony at the com-

mand of modern music. He was thus most

har^y in hU treatment of a earn /erma. He

brought to this task a facility in vocal counter-

point gained in the ecclesiastical schools in

Italy, and an intimale acquaintance with ihe

resources and effects of an orchestra acquired

as KapfllimitUr at Mannheim. HU Symphony

in C and hU Requiem are his best works, and

contain original and striking music. The over-

ture to ‘ Samori ', whose iiuignificani ihemrs

and fine desviopmcni make ii a lypc of lu

composer's work, was performed later siill, in

1847, and the characierUiic l^astoral Mass was

both popular and impressiv’e.

iNxovATrOKs m riia OaoAK.— But it was as

an organist and iheorisi that Vogler made most

stir. He would iravcl about playing such

things as * Cheu-Tew, a Chinese song a

* Hottentot melody in three noies \ ' The Fall

of the walls of Jericho ‘ Thunderstorms ’

and the like as i f with l he design of conceal ing

his complete command of the highest ranges of

organ piayii^. His extempore playing never

failed to create an impression, and in the

eie>’ated fugal style he easily outdistanced all


In organ building his first practical efibrts

were made in 1784. Five y^ears later he com-

pleied an instrument which he called the

Orchestrion and gave performances on it at

various dales at <^sierdam, London. Stock-

holm and Prague. It is described as being 0

feel square, 6 feet high on each side and 9 in

the centre. This box contained about 90a

pipes and had shuilen for cmcenda and diminif

rad». The reed-stops were free reeds, and

variety of power in their case was gained by

three canvas srrerns in the wind-trunk. As 10

the elTeci produced opinions were much

divided. At Amsterdam it was asserted to be

the ant piks W/ra of organ building, at Prague

it was declared a failure. Vogler was also

prepared lo *' simplify ” old organs. He

claimed to iwork such a metamorphofis in an

instrument in three weeks that iu effect would

* Ckritlmaaa meai^ns s perionniBM •B(end«d to

rvaresont “ The Lw iwOfment fi AiSa' ”•

\<K;U':R: Works


be largely enhanced, chough many of cite <4(1

pip« were fcnuncd.

I’eachixo.— A s a iheorist N'oglct developed

che ceneu of Vaibcii. His s>‘i(cem of harmonv

was founded on acousiics, aitd its fundaiiMnial

principle was that tioi only che iriad [common

cliordi, but also che discords of the ievenih,

ninth and ulevench could be introduced on

any degree of the scale wiilioui invotving

modulation. He vs cut es'cn beyond ebU and

allowed chromaiically altered bxms of chesr

chords and inversions of ihcni.

Ic is at a teacher clui %’oglrr lias nsosi cbictis

on poslertiy. As a siitging'inastcr lu* was it)

great request, and Alnysia NNclx r uwrd all(l«r^|

everything iliac wxs .‘idinirabk in her uitging

10 hii insiruition. Ic was, liowvver, lo ihr

leaching of compmiiinn ihac Jtr dire<ied his

greatcsl c (Torts. From Ui< schools at Mann,

heim, Siotkludni and Djriiuiadi cattic foriit

Winter', Riiicr, Kr^us, Dami, K<«i*ach<r,

lb A. WcImt, lUroii von PoisJ, fbinOiacher.

C. M. von Webrr and Meyerbeer. Sti*rlwUl.n

received lesions from WighT, and Kncvbc. else

t»rgai)i>l, and (Joctfrird Weber were very

directly iitflnenced by him. f. ii. si.. «br.

•isi. -SrMAriuiti. K. I*. F... 'Mil iWsn b^'ph

/Auffvbnre, laitti.

S HI rrt At>, r, 'AkJ.c S«.rlrr -mvi pi^ef^inmiMlur *

0>. I.M,.

VSisij ftr, S., 'AIM V*»ler »i»h st«ittk Mtfp|l>v«nu4«.

.JW'.V""* "V-P|ii-«ku WlTNMvnvM*

• Lit buUji nil «II Vuikr'bH^ali ’ I't. J.M., os#?).

c:.\tai.oci:k of works


'IVt Kniirnidnti von Sinm^ ', »p«rptu ^luvihrmi


' Alli'rt III viiA n^irrii ' 'Mwoh h, i fli k.

.rnirMMHi MHiit- jfkr UiPihr IKwMt>Ht, is«m

I..I Kprcnetip' |•Jri1, Ovveiliflulmap. is

l.p ISitivilivnif * iWtMilln. ~ w irf Sitwr m(

(•itMAlnv ", I'th).

^ ISKiKP*. (uUjr ofipfj MiriiNh. Jjn.

* ', Vretirh Ap«rA ‘fWnOwdMS ibMilH<<A'

C.KOJv •ih J.l*4 Br-hr*. 'UrvhO. oppf«

ilvAckhuliB, isIMr.

oppiB ,n 2 *fw. owih hy r. X. Hiilip*.

>V lAinia, 17 kUv )Ao4.1


k (hvAP iljppfIVfIkti'


* Keiiilpf.twu

I<e rirfcrtnn silLBPolv.*


‘ Uinp^lA • IXiinniadi. 1779.,


"'rnurp mmI inurliKin in sJuknitPMpS *II..Mae

• M«einl>puia, 1771 )'.

ai«*r Cut • Mptma* at Iw'kw,

ejrlv i^t, ^

F-»al .h,.« KAtwb.^. • Die vm Sam

kitK' fLeipii*. Vpl.

ii'priufe r»t KfAitbw't ■ Dtr trfiwii aul KocmaMaea

40(1 oilm.

ifteewjKhflbietnd u» beiac caUrO a Mil

IfT, apparpfttly ^ <i— liliiiBi

« hn ai'pPAr ifv ihe * MaMvbelmrr TornrhnleV


fro toe tie so CitwikS ' .Aimirfe * <S«ii kitulni, 1 7K7).

fpolcf iiu toeihe eoga;e i i»e f >iof<iui(jv ui 1 V (MssIIkJim,



* Ihm caniau <Ro*Hkrk l>dmi*t»vl(. i;7<7k,

’ S44>«ny(k« (Wil. 19 .kuenwii * <Dro(i/ii'ii:liolnv, lyaCt.

’ I'tHMdHMVi wsd I rial fiar>vii>iiica iMkr Liili ilcr

llaABMiip ’ '''MrklK^m. zR ^ftr. I79<>i.

'Die Scala i«kr |vmM>ilwine MHMilHklMiiCM uikI

.SM>rk«mt ', Ax kiipraito, ilMni* & mvIi, lUnii*

* rVr KhnoiibeicaAe 4rT .Mlinea im NViii,tlint.ie,

1(14*. ewuM '•rth vsoniit. tor full qkIi.

* TeslMrtu oiler Knefsltod *, with urth, '

’ J'li^ I aifdMiltHieen Ivi tier /uruskLithh eirtii

V icIeelK'iMm *. (liievAt vtiiX on b. svconip.

'tViciiiMlt (aab* (' VVoi|ikBlenr, (Iveuv Tx i


* J McArMliutem 4e% Hi i.ru ^ts 1 4 Juim *, « b^xus tor (


* Ikr Altai brre*. Ae 4 v^ii e«, uidi pt*.

* ].* iut«i4iH*eilel >«4e aHa axira /tone in l.jixMtij,'


* Ike HhuAe Murcen; llir volk MoimIuim l,t.'

'Ih ixhrr KofCCtUMMt.’

i ML'Ki.ll MC MG


Nm, i. * Mi«v» v.'mrirt* Ml II mi , In 4 oftb, a

Nm. 4 , * .Unsi tWiMHte ' «*• 1. Hu . !•>• I VAMCs, fM(b.

A •efaa.

' M«'«j ik


sk^vi^roc<'>uwj ' HI F ana, l<x 4 voket k

pro IkfuiKlM* tKeiimem; mi IN im«.. for \

v**Mes A oerh.'

' NlwM .^e>Mis iki.'

OrmMs blow. W 4 voices A orroa <r< t77ii.

(mioaii blM. toe 4 VMn k wvh.

V. l'>v(H> Mott n

AWioi. .* fi^lMos Misnero ikv40(4n<lH« 1 nujtoor

vat tbot ( iMv t k« jtw cl ba^ts ». ISo V | Vw lilii I

C BM i f aiilMi' ir. 17-7 .

Miserere * « I.) loj . I t 4 verces. <nch. & oibao.

• Mncreic f». IN'.

' In p«eiH *, IS. \'.

Ml n* Mto Domioe*. onb.

fuhii. *frhev Js Maie»ve( *.

'JXivhU RoM.J'oInt. nerh Motes Mnokkohjit Clxr.

seuHiHi sm Ciorai.MsI f,m 4 rrel pjiw, ime. the

SCMor. w M, u. 1807 <.

•Uie I-HINI- • Kiho GXXNIIJ , tx 4 lacu's

StMiev «fih pi. WM.

'Wvieytk 1x4(4' /conspoved tor Concert

S|MriMel4l ferMjpiMrmav brfoie t7Kgr.

• K<r«t« rocb *. he 4 voKn «i«h pT,

• Ave Keeiiu he 4 yotin nnh wfin m nt.

Doosinn'. hr 4 vrucn wnb 01440 or pf.

Ijurlw , fee v<|ir»nv. vhtmm otcoh oUJitato


'Poit^m im|4rti* (Sertniit ISietnciar socnom 1

v'oiesftorch. '' '

> Kvmts. no.

‘7e Dcom ' io IX hr4 vo«p| k orili.

kync . stilb oreh. (Ckl. C776>.

' M i B O it t K vub Mtb. '17771,

'5«Ab4( Mater', wiibocch.

'fzee persis aac ^ rym * (aboui 17771.

.\vc NI»m Sidla ' artJ ' Croddii l(er<Mcs '. tor a i lunrs

oMh <«04n or pf.*

'TV ef (toi Rfflvjem for lomsclf

wcHOml mou of N oekr » U(er v<-*rs. 1 1 h as esteemed

to* tujnt »«k. Uesnko the oedutory eonitivu«ts .s

Menuiem.>i iimcwns Aim ’ <a fctiincs), 4 • Libecu me

liMlinM' aad on 'AbMluiio ad

' lo (W li^ary at Darmsl-Al k 4 •Orvi.klb Herodes

xnh .Mck. 4«ted jm. and oIm a ' Hymnut Avc

•Maos swBa. • 4 vwibvu (enra buwnenu'. Dowbl*

•hntkd wiib ihev «orb. . pwHojy



VOGLER (J. & G.)

' \'eoi Sorcte SpiriiiH Gr»«lu»l in fi^ mj,. (W 4 x-ak^s.

ortK. & er<An.

' fe^auAi me dKent orch.

* Aim* Rp<Jrinf*ion% *, orcb.

' Inn RedentpW orch,

* n* c«rli ' and * l^iMiaM Doninum *. orcb.

* Ave Roginj (tegan.

' S*K‘e Kesin*’ m F, (itt 4 voices with nr pf. «d


' Sslve Krsiiia * Av-e Re«ina/ *nd * AlaksRevlempteeh

for 4 voices wilh orrut or pi, WM>

* Cmitm ptocmionsiH pro (nto comrit GbriuS/

* Vesperae de Pasrhsle' <>4 Afw.

* S'esperae chorales moduhs mtHHis omoue «iiJi orrK

(liiese Vrvpen m*f be MSenixol «oib i>ie «a^

iieal mecilioiMJ }

* Ve*p«rae rhoriles, 4 vncum cimb orfsne.’

i Lolin Hvmns, for 4 voices wtlh pt^adhh,

tot 4 voirn v»»ih ereut or pf. W Ii4.

13 C:hMrch H>mrM, 4 or 4 \M«t mutt. (First


6 Chiirrli Hkmnt, fnr 9, 4 or 4 voiees vrucr. (SccotmI


C Chureh Hynuu. for ^ 4 or I voiees unoec. (Thud


6 Crhiireh Hytntrt, for 4 or 4 \oir«i uiucc. vFearih


C Chkirvh Hymns, fee 3. 4 or I vokn uimcc. iTtfib


3 IlvmM, for 4 voices with pt.o^M . ; * Drl^iio smirii'

iViiii.): * TVul csrilM rs< ’ lA) : 'OSabiUrk*


(i4oo).»'Citer*l«* riRi^), .'OCoilvi Wve

ilifi *. orch.— * Hnsuchei Vaser uitm \ oeeb.

4. MivreiiANsocs

* l)»e Aurvi'lehuns Jew,*

* PvailifmA modern ecriesiasrii orum ' <r. 1)79).

Fnivies 4 4. «hi ihentrv of Fertc 4 «si'> * S<*b«« MMct *


' $. Kilisii I t.ietl * ifirr 9 eboiri).


Op. I. C ’JfiM. pf,. vvolMi ft biM.— Dvm IVie ftyie ft


Op. a. S cmt Aonota*, pf.

0 |). 3 . 6 c*»y bonaui, pf. ft vMin,

Op, 4 . 6 borious, in ihc form of cluru. (rno ft 4Mrie(«,

pf., violin, vn 4 « ft bow.

Op. >). 4 C'«rv<er(ot, pf. <ln iwo boohs, raeb coMsioutf 3

C ireos).

. 4 I'rios, pf., vMvii ft b.***.

Op. 7. $ Trios. 1 /.. violin ft boo*.

Op. 4, 19 easy l^veniseemenii of HoiionoJtluitKver. pf.

<two SooKi, lis in eMh>.»C«n«eno, pft <plorH

before the Quern of Franco).

f)p. o, na easy I’reludrs be or«»a ee pi, <<. ifr|).

(Vsirerin, pf., prvMed wiib • Coneeeio by KMUcher

about tyba, .•Nocturtvr, pf, ft >irmfs,~* (XoMor

C'euKerUni*', pf, vMin, mela ft b»— 4 SoMias

for « pf(. H794> — Sonau, pf, (4 boivdS>.—Sessau

t' Her chelirhc Zwut *). ef, with iwifips (C).—

PiHes. I*f. — * Air de Morlborow|b *, vor. pf.

hfarch w»ih vor. pf. (4 Vor. (*Lted aw dm

LupiMr*) pf '«i4 >'or, pf. (F).— FbMorell* *, pf.

{o>bvil i 4 o 7 ).— 'Caneonnto vonesiono vond* ( 1 ,

• 4 o 7 I.~V 4 t, iMorch ond Svredi^ »k). pf. (e.

tbra),'— *Polona>4c lavonir’. pi. <t><na.) (t. i4i»>.

—S Var. on March frearv * Sbmori *, pf.. yieba ft

» rllo (F).^ Var, Dun f Was braoeben w *) m

’ .Somori pf,. vMiUi ft cefW <D). 4 Var. ob Duo

in * $omnn pf., v lolus ft eoUo (C). 4 Var. m

Trio r&knfto HofTnunp*} in ’Samori’. pft, yieha

& edb (A ).— 7 N'ae. on Theme frocn «h« Omiurc

10 * Somoei *, pf,, violin ft eeib (O,

* rolrmrloo or charaeiertsue mvaic m diflrrent nacksu.

pf ft strings if iTpah— * PolroKbs'. a <haroci«r.

•SCK or*an-e«A«err. arranged be pft rnift vyelin ft

eeib W fi4, (f i4a4).*

Var. pf.. vrilb oreh,— \'ar. on * Ah qwe diroi*ie Maman *,

pf. with oreh. — Syrophony m C ma. (iT;pl.>-l>o.

' The march m described as * <5. Tordre d. Sdrophins

but (his appears ro be only a short vay ed puiiiM

* matekrt <ks Chevalicrv de Tordre des S^raphiiu *. Tbe

SerapKin 11 ihe oMsi Swrdbb Order.

* PMblv Ihe same. The eonteas ol the Utter ary

ffv»en m a footnote lO the burth edition.

is D mi.— Do. ta C.*,— * Baieritche National*

svmpftcmie.*~* L* invocasiooe for guitar.*

(.Srr D.D.T. 9nd Series, XV and XVt, Mannheim

Chamber Mode, ed. Riemann.)


* TopwifriTbaft uad ToaseUhupst * (Mannheim,


* SsimtnbilAingAuBst * {Marmheim, 1776).

* ChurpfaUisehe Tonorhule * 'Mannheim,

* hfa n nhev m cr Tonech ub * (Offenbach).*

* Be«/achtund«a der hlannlieimer T<»schule’ (Speyer*,


Cssai de dtriger le goilit des amaieun de piusique *

(Paris. t749).

* lauochKtion to ihe Theory of Hamveny * (Swodhh)

(Ssockholm, 1793).

* hfnhod of Ctat*ier and Thoroufth Bast * (ScredUh)

(Slochhobn. 1797I.

* Orran School * (Swednb) (StocUMlm, 1797),

'Choral System * (Oppenhatm, idoo).

* Data lur Ahustik’ (Oaenbacli, i9oe).

* Haadbuch aur HarmoriK Lehit, uAd G«neral*Bau *

(Prague, iftoa).*

* Auiserung uber Hm. Knechts Harmonik * (Prague,

1803 1.

* CtkUrung dee BiKhstahm die In CnindHst der . . .

neu n erbauenden S. Peiers Otgel in Munehen

verkommee * iMutuch, ile4).

' \’ergkirhunfiplaA der voriM nui der nun umge*

sehaffenee Orgel in llofbcihause au Munriirn'

(hJunieh, 1807I.

* L'bee dse harmonwhe Akustik * (Munich 1 OlTenbach,


* CrundiKhe Anleiiung eiiin CUtierslinnven * (Siuti*

gael. Vienna, iduyi.

' DeutKhe Kirch^tmmik die vor 30 Jahren lu 4 Sing*

nimmen und der Orgel herjiitktimen, und niit

«tnee modemen IniinunenialbrBleiiung berriehcri *

(Munich. 1B07).

* Sniem fur den Fugenivau * (Offenhach, ilii).*

* Ubee CStorab «M KiKbentmanpe. bin Bciirig rur

(bsehsehie dee Tonkunst im ip* Jahrliunderi*

(hlunaeh, 1814),

To iluo elaas of works Ihe bUowing roay also b« (itiv

assigned :

* VerbeMerung dee Porkelsrhen N'erlnJeiungen * (0

* Cod uv** «he King * f) (iTMh

3f P fel y d* i foe Orvon in every bey, wUK an analyiis

(hlunieh, «4u4).

It Clkorah of J. S. Bach (aiYangtd by Vogkr ami

anatvied by C. M. v. Weber) (Igipsig, about


Sre ofio Beaumarrhan (* Samvoii lib. f\*oUaire]^.

Weber (it, van. on * Conor uitd Ptiihis ' ft '.Samon '

be pf.t. Wikmamon (friendship ft cvllab.),

VOGLER, Jotm (Johaiaa) And C«rard

<G«rbanl) ( 4 . ?; d. ?).

Germart i6ih*eciiiury music publishers, pos*

sibty broihen oT the preceding. They went

10 Ixmdon und 4 bout 1770 were esiablishcd

9A music sdlcn and music publishers in Glnss*

house Street, near Burlington Gardens. Gerard

* The last moveenoni in thii Symphony u caikd * ’Fhe

Bcala *. At Knyvelt's roocerl in Willii's Roomi on aj

Feb. iIm. tlw :>ecsi^ farl opened with a ' Men* hym*

pftsnie be t clarioeti. • olios, a fluts, 9 hoirs

tnampel 'obWigatl) * — ** rvevei performed in ihiv

eountrv* ~ by Vogkr. bail what lAis «i*w it teerm

impofBible to secrtain.

* TIms may be tlw work of some muiiriin of like

bme. Chriiimarin abo sfieaks of a Sonata tor har|>.

with accompaniment br fluls and relb. Rink, in hn

Autobiotfra^y, menbons Variatkies for Clavier 00 s

Swedish hfarch in C aaojoe.

* This embodiea (he Ivi.named work.

* This mbodiea the throe pryeeding works.

* A magaaine recording the progress of lh« school,


* A transiaiion from thr Swedbh. .„

* Fits declapes that ibbwork wss not publuhed UM

aftee the author’s death. The prcfkee, however, e

dated “ Dantstadt. i4ii'*. ti seem* to havo been

written be the isurvedon of Meyerbeer.




was the compo^r of a once popular

' Tell me, babblijif Echo Robert Womum

succeeded lo their business, probably about

‘ 775 - F, K.

VOGRICH, Max (WUbebn Karl) (i.

N'agywebcn, lrans>Kania, 24 jan.

New York, iq June

Ausiro'Huiigarian pianist and compwer.

I laving made his debut as pianbi at the age

of seven, he later Mudied at the Uip/ig iUtn-

servatory aiuj toured js a piani't. 'IJw latter

\*»n of Ins life was chicU) dn oinl to coni^tosi*

don; he lived siur (lively »r> New ^*i>rk,

Weimar, London anti again in New York,

W. N. k.

VOGT, Aufustua Stepfaeo 4 . \N'asliing*

too, Ont., 14 Aug. ibi'i : «/ 1 orontu, 17 S«p(,

C^anatlun organist and ctmJueior. He

siudjrtl music at the New England iU>nv>r\?i-

lory, iJosUm, and at tlie Leipstg Con« r\ator>

under Reioi'ekc and Jadassohn. Keturiitov

to (Janadu he he)<i an organisrs p^ni at

loronto and particularly itUerested hmrwir

m the practice of « upprlU clnsral music. In

idj)j he fuunde<l the MemleKvihn <lln>ir

there, lx ginning with iBo sings rs. all care*

fully cliosen fur vocal aliiUty and muskianshlp

coaduitiag it from iu foundatioti uniii

• ^•7. when he resigned and was sucteedrcl by

H A. I'riikcr.

fmto the first Vogt vrt the highest standard

Iw forc Ins siftgrr*, and the high reputation of

the Meodeiksohn Choir wa* the result of his

brlllunl abiliiies as a ehoral trainer. Under

him 1)10 choir not only |>erfe»rn>ed a wide

• epertory at Lome, but matie many highly

iu^ctssful appearanrri in the principal cities

die C,S,A. *lu commemorate his sen ices

to music a \*ogt Sockiy, wiih senlof and

pinior Lr.inch«s, was founded at Toronto in

"J 3 7 • Its pur|N>o; ii to sli m u late creat Ive work

»n‘ong >tnmg Canadian musicians. Under

its au.ipKes m.iny new works have Ixvn per*

formed, and it imances ihr jmUicalion of one

ouisiimding work by a new composiT each

'*’5™ Ji. c. c.,adds.

VOGT* Guauive (I. .Strasbourg, i& Mar.

• 7oi ; d, l*aric, 3 June 1870).

Errmh oboist and comtiovr. He studied

at the Pans Conservatoire under Sallantiii and

t**ok the hrsi oIkmi in lytyy. While in

Keys ehics he began to play in puWk, and

he was apiminled solo ol>oe at the Ibcalrc-

ilulicn m lOoi and co-profc-scor at die Con*

«Tvmolrc in 1B02, In 1805 he entered the

h-nd of the ImiHrial Guard, was present

at Amurlju and during the oecupaiion of

' lenna made the acquaintance td Havdn and

Utethmen. After the peace of Tilsit he re-

tumwi to Panq never to leave it again Ibr any

distance. After sotne lime at the Theatre

•‘‘'ydeau, he succeeded his frieiKl and maMer

SalUntin as first oboe at (he <)|ktj (18141

and professor at the (km»rrvdioir<', where Ik

taught with marked success from 1 .Npr. idiG

to t Xov. Hiv fame njiread. Jin<l In

1825 the Phdiurmonic StKleiv inviu d him lo

Lorulon. if is lonv wa» iliooght to lx* llim,

harsh and fitreed, hut lu« execution wnv As*

toniihing*, and Ik w,<s rngjg<d again in

i 8 i 8 .

Vogt was an original im tniKr ol l!i« Sim ku<

Je> Ciinterti du Conservrfionr mimI pl.nid

(iirrc regolaris nil Ins nsignairon m ih]|.

often producing with smrc>> <<>cn(MKiiii>n\ ol

Ills own. .\s lirsi oImm* in Uk* nn^l ih.i|Kl

from l8i^ lo iH{o Ik was dec«>rM(e4i by ilit>

l,egion «■< Honour in tHju. He fi>rmi.i in.mv

talented pupiK, includmg Urnl, \ niit. S er*

roust, Barrc', l,avign« , UUbarre. Cras, Colm.

brrihCtcmv and llruvani, Vogt left a ron*

sickrahlr numlHT of pieces fiw the oImk, 1 fu-

lilirary *d lie* Uoiise r\ jione Jms ihe ni.Arni*

Mripi of his Metlu>i W ilir oImm', .ind di«

tiniseurn romains his olme, c^k .ingl.us And

barvOMi i<

VOICE*LE ADING. . \ r k t n i.ml .\n » -i ii an

needogism winch must on tm Ad (Mini !»•

alhiwrd to intrude into the J.|ji{lish languat:* ,

whkh has its ejwn perfectly adeipi.iie utmi lor

what Chrrman niuskiMiis IniiiL’ in llnKlnh*

speaking c<Hlnt^H^ widi lu evpir*s \yy this new

vubslitg le. I hat term i s ” pa n.w r it iug ' * A M<I

it serves it* puriHwc unambigooudv, whkh

cannot be said of “ N«/ice-leading '1 his js

simply a literal transliiion of the German

and, like many hleral iraiula*

tiw« it.g, ' Das UawJern ’ = ' Wandering

fail* to reproduce iJie original nu^anlng; for

Stimm, thejugh it dcKs mean “voice “ in cxie

^se, aho means " part ” in anollHT. and it

Is the latter which » Intended to l>r convoed

here, since a “ pan " in pari-wrinng is by no

iwaiu necessarily a voc-l part. Onee and for

all, Iwiwever many Orman scholars writing in

English, or disciples of (ierman scholais

writing m jargon, may use tlie lerin '• voice*

leading”, and however iinprcsvicely learned

the boob or articles in which ii occurs, it will

not do if English is to be allowed to remain a

precise and independent language. Unfor*

lunalely it has already become a ” dktion.irv

word ” in the U.S.A.* e s

VOICE-TRAININC. Tliis article deals

cwlusively with ihc levltnlcal asincts id sing*

mg ; matters of hisior>’ and inicrjirclalion w ill

be found under Sinojko.

OajFcnvEs. ^The object of voicc*irauiing,

in the sense of the term ai>i)rojjriaic to this

artick, as to enable the singer to perform tlic

musKo-verbal usb $ri ftir him 1^ the tom-

poser. Singing is primarily that branch of the


V*Ol CE*TR A IN I X(j : Obj« live* — Nfcr hanks

4 »

art of mu&ic of which (he human voice is ibc

instruniem, and it cannot satisfy the cars and

mind of the musician unless the musical tasks

arc well performed, or, ir» the absence of this,

unless the musician is persuaded to keep his

musical sensibilities in the bacl^ound. The

))oint is not without imporiaocc because there

have been a number of insiaiKcs, during

recent years, of perfornters being hailed as line

singers on the strength of gifts which had litik

to do W'ith juusic per m. It is euentlal to the

welfare of the art (hat those whose business it

may be to write or speak about ii should be

able to draw a Rrm line of demarcation be^

tween what is entitled to be called " singing "

and that which is not. A performer may have

great poetic and imaginaiiv'C gifts, together

with an impeccable musicianship; but if he

U unable to sing drad in tune, or to keep the

tone pcrfecily steady, he is not a singer, w hat-

ev'er cbe he may be, slrtce in these respects

he is unable to conform to the elemcoury

demands of musk. It is of vital importance

that this point should be accorded the widest

degree of approval, not only because faulty

intonation and unucodine^ of tone are in'

fallible symptoms nf an unhealthy method of

using the voice, but aho because whene>’er

the voice is used in the manner required for

singing, they cannot posibly occur, except

for reasons of unconirollaMe nervousness or

physical deterioration due to age or disease.

I'he art of music makes upon the singer hve

elementary technical demands :

(a) I'hc sound must be sonorous, m., it

must be clear and ringing, being neither

breathy (except for occasional effects), nor

dull, nor strident nor hollow.

{h) The singer must be able to produce at

will a sound of the finest quality of which the

individual Instrument is capable.

(r) The intonation must be perfect and the

tone perfectly steady.

(tf) The singer must be able to keep the

Row of sound continuous and unbroken ostt

the full compass of the v^cr, whether singing

either very slowly or at the fastest tempo.

(r) The singer must be able to swrll or

diminish (he sound at will, keeping the rate of

increase or decrease un<ler perfect control.

The ariiculativc side of the art of singing

imposes one single technical demand upon the

singer : the ability to make his words clearly

audible at the back of the largest auditorium

in which he is likely to sing, at all stages of

vocal compass and at the fastest rate of


These are the fundamental (eehnical re*

quirements, and the object of voice-trasiur^ is,

Rrst and foremost, to enable (he ^nger to meet

(hem. And it cannot be too strongly empha-

sized that of them all steadiness of tone and

a ccuracy of i ntonat ion are the first and grraiesl.

\N'i(hout them iltcre can be no music — and

tberefore no singing.

In the final aruly'sU the whole art of the

votce-uainer is built upon a single elementary

princli^c of phy’sics : Aat ii U tht neturf $f icu^

<0 he wtamenahie M pfepuitiw ; oi, to put it in

homelier language, that sound cannot be

pushed about. This is a principle which is

usually violated, lo some small extent at least,

whenever one person speaks (o another, since

the act <S communicating directly with an*

other person tends to engender the idea that

the sound must be directed towards the person

addressed. Purilscrmore, whenever the two

persons concerned are at some distance from

each other, ^ when the speaker wishes to itn*

part emplsasis to his words, the natural tendency

is to try to propel the sound more forcibly, in

order to make it co\*er the increased distance, or

to five it the isecessary emphasis, as though it

w’cre being hurled like a cricket l»ll : in ether

words, to shout. The fundamental dilTcrence

in technique which determines the unmusical

quality of a shout, and the musical quality of a

full tone when correctly sung, is that whereas

the former is the product ^ a more or less

violent effort lo propel the sound towards the

person addressed, the latter is the product of a

technique which does not attempt to interfere

with the natural behaviour of sound, but which

allows it to radiate outwards with no propulsive

assistance from the singer. The business of

acquiring such a technique Is one of some

difikuhy, while that of assimilating it, so ihni

it assumes the character of a subconscious

reaction to the w’ill to sing, takes a consider-

able time, depending upon tlie pupil's apu*

tode and perseverance even more than upon

the teacher’s skill. Net'erihcleu, in the last

rce^t it is nothing but this absolute quelling

of the instinctive urge to propel the words

towards the audience which ntarks the dis*

tiiKtion between the vocal ineptitude of the

singer and the experincss of the true

singer, which in fact makes singing an art, not

only by virtue of the aesthetic ends It seeks to

achieve, but also in respect of the technical

means it employ's to acliSc«*e them.

Tke MacHAHKs or Voica.— The voice is

the product of a continuous collision of ttvo

Ibrces or energies : (i) that of compressed air

and (ii) that of a muscular tension or resistance

plac^ continuously in opposition to it. Its

instrument is an assrmMy of four distinct

mechassisms whose modus operandi is largely

determined by the end lo achieved. Ihe

mechanisms in quesliem are : (i) a bello\vs

(lungs and respiratory muscular sy'stem) \

(ii) a vibrator (the larynx) ; (Hi) an ampUfi^

(chest cavity, windpipe, pharynx and licsd

cavities); (iv) an articulator (tongue, palate,

teeth and lips). The function of the bellows

is lo pfxnidc the first energy, i4. compr«sc<l

\'OlCE-'rRAIN'lX(» : MrrliaAicv - 'rccUnical Hbion


air; lhai of Uie vibcaior u lo ptov'nh ihc

second, i.c. an opposing cnuscular rcsi&iance :

(hat or the amplifier to reinforce die resultant

laryngeal sound by providing a Urge and

partially enclosed body of air is-hich can be

set in vigorous vibration ; and that of the

articulator \i. by reason of the nuraeri»u< shapes

it is able to nssunie, to impose ivords upon the

amplilied sound. It is a characierisiic of all

four human mechaiiistns that each possesses

the ability to influence the wAt ayir/aWiof the

other three ; but it is unquestionable that the

prrsers’ation of a sound mechanical l*asii of

N-oice re(|ulrcs that each nieehaiiism sha I he

as free u possjNc to perfi.rni its task. «r.*

hampered by ihc others. I'he four mechan*

isms must work siinuUanroinK l>ul iiMlept nd*

cniiy if tfie best results arc to be achirsed.

llie attivc ineehanism of ihe b.'IJows U

ihc (liaphraem togeilirr uith iis avsoeiaied

muscular system (the munles of the nl», back

and alxlom^ni ; while that of she Ursisx con*

silts of a pair iii vibrating li|B, itHtethcr uiih

a highly M/mpli<ac.tl system of tiny nionles.

irudons tiwl laniUges. Ami as tboe two

imih.uiisms lonsiituic the aitiv'c pritieiple of

voire, It is firsirable that the voice-trainer

should have a clear understanding, ivm

neceuarily ol die anatomical miiiuhar. I.ui

certainly of thrir mechanical prii>ii|>|> of


'rhe diaphragm rnnsiitutes what is often

tailed the “ prime mover ** in a large number

of physical operations; Wi it is a eharactcf*

tstie of this iffcai nui«ele that its movements

are always inicialM through a system of in-

direr I «mtroL \M,cn wr smir vmlrntly or

\>U)w Air out of the iiwjuih, it is ihc diaphragm

svhich draws ihr air in or pushes it out ' Init

^vc perfrtfm neuber tJ* ih*-sc acts at the dia*

pheagm Itself. 11, c •• hanrllcs- of tlw human

heliows arc always somewhere else.

The aet of blowing the nose pros kka a crude

Jwl reasonably arcurair simulacrum of the

fundamental a. t u, be p-eformed by the singr r

In this act wx Wing the inner surfarn of the

nostrds close enough tognlur to cnalilr vibea-

tion to occur. Wr then apply a pewsurc of

air and ihe nsult u a sound. A wind player

Tu rfonm the same type of act with his lips • -

HU olwist at the reed. The fundamental art

the sMigrr is that of " blowii^ •• the closed

wmdpipe, and to learn to sing is, primarUy,

to learn to perform this act with the greatest

*Kill and delicacy.

J he first meclianiral corKlilion to be esub-

iimcd in the generation of sotind as that of

air-compression, and the seal of the air.

expressive act is the larynx, for it j, here,

and here only, that the singer closes the air-

Wyc from the lungs to the mouth. Unlike

the diyhrap, the ean be activated

^aher directly or indirectly, so that phonatioo

may be iitiiiaicd cither by an a<i ul rv|Mr.iMoit

or by a co(iiinuou> net of coniproslun rxcrird

briow’ Ihc larynx. B\il n dvlibrralc a<t of

expiration is essentially direriional — It iin*

pitet ihc propulsion of the breath out of ilir

mouth, and it appear^ that there must be an

inherent ssrakness in this irehnique, since j|

docs not seem posable to (sropel a hrcuih

deliheraielv without simultaneouslv occasion*

ing a subronseious elfoci to push the sound

along with the breath.

\M»er« viewed as a simple souiid-jiriKlucer,

ing iis amplifving mikJ acliculative wxliotis

out of aec« »unt. ilte liunaan vocal irisirumetii

bears a rrinariablv su^nig mrchahical re*

sendiUncc lu ilie famdiar ganirn iiatul-sprav,

Ilwrr is, lir*t, a ** mi/rle ’* ,il»r laryns) Irom

whkh a **‘|ir.ij*‘ idw vmind-wave sysieinj

emcrRr^, travelling. Ot*ce il has lefi ihr no/?le,

ae(«)rdii»g t<» the lassi o( its own nature. Next,

there is "l>arnl'* uUr cheti au<l luntjs

which ItoWs a su|qiK ol duid fair . I.astlv,

tlicrr is a “ plunger “ tlu' diaplir.teml whit h

maimaiits ilic fluid in c<Hiif>f<->'ion a< it is used

up and dun drawls in a Irish sujiply. Ant)

wrice il>e human " plunger " twn only l>e

aedvainJ by ji»dircet nxeam. tlj. two .shima*

tisr nseiho'ls o|«n to lire sttign Ix-inc i aii

act r>f rxiiiratum -I the n:outh anti u a loual

gc'iiire ol t\u- l.irsnx iiw'lf, U is hnpnssilile lo

av’osd ll»e ctmthision ibat the rrquiremeius of

an ideal > .unthpitKluetlon ap|>ear lo dm, and a

cht^ee of the latter method. It is olw ious thni

whenever ihc at i ark n made along the line of

dir^tion uken by ibc outgoing sound, ii mu«l

In tmposMbCe lo quell eonqiletrls the tendency

lo pfffpei the souikI, sime such an attack is

propuUry by .sat or. , No rrtlieless. hreause

Ihc idea of plsonatiiig U me, ms of direct

lary ngeal acii<Ki is usualU felt to l>e not cl

.tmi even tn a r eruin ex,, ml “ unnatural '

alilkargh spct'el.lesi infants and singing. bird,

appear to use this nicilwd exlcnsiseiy. - it j<

proposed at thh point tn make any

drtuiiic procwiuneement as to iJic rights or

wwgs <,f this technique, but first tn preveni

Ihc evsdrncc left to us by the oWer school of

-nging. and m indicate sueJt mothfications

as have taken place m slnging-technltiue since

«5 heyday. It ,$ generally agreed by all whose

judgment w critical and exacting ihat the older

«hool nf smgen ezhiUted a far higher desrer

Cii i«hjocal proficiency than is usually attaincsl

iCMiay, so that such cviderKc as remains tn

... >nrtU<iHs ihrv cmphnc**!

shrujU be of considerable value.

XectiNtTAL HisTCmv.- Singing, as an an.

« opp^ to the practice of “natural ” or

parr^sinying. seems to have been originated

in lialy at sonic period during the :Gth

ccniuiy, and ibc ichod of iu birth quickly

«med Its me, bods the title of M

(beauujgJ song), owing to the beauty of die


VOICE-TRAINING ; Technical History

rcsuiu which i\£ dUcipIn were enabled to

achieve. So far as can be ascertained, the

inieniion of the founders of the M «u*$o seems

to ha\'c been to discover an am\ver to the

technical problems set by the polyphorusts, of

whom Palestrina was the leading Italian

representative. In polyphonic music, to a far

greater extent than in any music that caoK

al^er it, the moods and emotions of the verbal

text were expressed whdiy by mu«ca) means,

j.r. by the way in which the interweaving

sound* pat terns w'cre moulded and arranged.

A choir singine (his type of musk is, in iut,

the nearest thing to a vocal orchestra it is

possible to imagine, and it is very probable

that the strong cmjdiasis unquestionably laid

by the beUcantists upon the instrumental side

of vocalism was initially their response to the

iiutrumenial nature of the demands of poly-

phonic music.

The principle of translating pceik (or

prosodic) mood and emotion into terms of

music, as opposed to using the arts of the

elocutionist in order to express them, seems to

have been adopted as a governing principle of

M eanlo, only lo be relaxed (o a certain extent,

as will be seen, in the case of rcaJe dkloMM.

And during tlte long period which saw the

decline of polyphony and ibe development of

the more modern art of harmony this principle

seems to have been jealously safeguarded by

l>oth teachers and singers. Emotional and

descriptive " colourings *’ were given ex-

pression through ** colorature ”, embellish-

ments suited to the emotional atmosphere. In

the invention of which the singer was accorded

a great deal of liberty, the composer acquies-

cing. It seems to have been a general rule,

accepted by composers and executants, that

whenever a musical phrase was repeated, il

was to be first sung exactly as written, the

repeat being embellished at the executant's

discretion and according to his taste and judg-

ment. The embellishments were not dictat^

by the composer because it was recognised

that what was suited to one voice and tempera-

ment would not necessarily suit another. The

idea of a singer’s adding ctote-patiems of hk

own invention to those of the composer is now

generally regarded with indignation; but it

should be remembered that not only did those

earlier singers live much closer than we to the

time when " singer ” and ” composer ” were

synonymous terms, but that the idea of em-

bellishment being the hall-mark that distin-

guished the artist from the skilled craftsman

was very much more ** in the air ” than is (be

case to-day. To bring the question down, by

analogy, lo a more everyday level, it was

considered that while any sound craAsman

could make a good piece cf fumliure, it was

the faculty of introducing suiubk embellish-

ment within the functional framework that

raised a Chippendale to the loftier status of

artist. The present day is unfavourable to

embellishment, preferring a functional plain-

ness often carried to the point of surkness (or

cvfia dreariness), and as music-making shares

the artistic atmWphcre of its period, ^is pact

of ihe singer's w^k, in which he was allowed

to exercise his creative as well as his inter-

pmaiive powers, has been consigned to

oblivion. In earlier times, however, not only

were musicians expected to be more versatile

than now, but also, men seem to have been

wholly free of our modern ideas of intense

specialication, belie\*ing that the consequent

loss would outweigh the gain.

The school of the M eaitbt had already

reached a high peak of technical achievement

when it was tlireatened at its very foundations

by the nature of the dramatic vocal music

which followed hard on the heels of poly*

phony. The new movement in vocal composi-

tion was in the direction of what was thought

to be a more ” natural " Imitation In music

of the tonal indeclions of speech, the new

dramatic works consisting mainly of p^tUndo

recitative supported by a some\vhat dry accom-

paniment on a coniinuo. The movemenl

must iAe%*itably have been regarded by the

bcl<antists as involving a technical retrogres-

sion towards the '* natural '* or p^rlen69 type

of singing. The pendulum had swung too far

in the reverse diction, and the relwIUon of

the singers was initially more conservative

than anarchic.

The victory having gone to the singers, they

certainly proceeded to abuse the liberty they

had won, to so great an extent that by the

time that Cluck came on ihe scene they seem

to have reached such a pinnacle of licence that

a composer must have been hard put to il to

recognize his own music in performance.

None the less, the intransigeance of the singers

resulted in a technical legacy so rich that it

did not exhaust Itself until the beginning of the

a«h ccniury, after w'hieh little trace of it

remained, even lo the Italian schools of song.

The Technical Ryidkncb. — A reconstruc-

tion of the technical methods of the htl

school must depend for its sicceptance upon an

interpretation of such remaining evidence as is

coherent, logical and consistent with the known

facts and t^ known results. The facts still

known to us, (hough feiv in number, arc

usually ftmdamenlal. The results still avail-

able for study arc enshrined in a collection of

old gramophone recording large enough and

representative enough to enaUe the closing

phase of a great epoch to be appreciated by the

cultivated ear and even, possibly, to be under-

stood by (he expert. As an example of ^vhat is

meant, there is an FonotIpia recording of

“Eceo ridente U cielo”,ftom ‘The Barber ol

Seville made in 1904 by Fernando de Lucia,

\ 01(!1>'I RAINING : Teilmical Hnior^’

one of the la&i of the great tenors of the M

c«nio school, which stUl makes an occasional

appearance in collectors' lUu. ^Vhrn %hk

record is compared with the very best nsodern

Italian recordings of the same aria, not ^»ly

IS the older singer's incomparably greater

masicry of his means demonsifaieJ l)e>‘ond

dispute, but it al>o becomes clearly apparent

to the expert ear that he employ ett a lerh'

nique quite diHerent from that of the nKxlern

Italian tenor. If the remaining tnidcncc is

carefully studied, the essential ciatnre of that

dirivrence should i*eCorne ilear Iv tisr com-

petent vuicc'iraini'r.

J'ltus, when all tlie avatUbIc csideiKe is

taken iiilo account, the n‘clirncal basis of M

<cuto can Ik; summed up in ihiec pro|x>Mtium,

each of which may be cunsidemi io be un>

sliakahle ;

^1/ that the lecbnical r«>un<luih'n*>iojie of

M (nnlo consisted of the /iwiid tt/, that is to

say, the pracihe of suelling aiwj dinnnishing

d»' vocal lone ;

Ui) that the clastic lest <4 tli^ M <«Ma

school fur & welbsung luxr was at all liinet

that of the caTicllC'IUmc whkh must iiui

Hkkcr (or the mirror whkh mo*i renuin wn*

«lmir|e,|) when held close m the open imKilh

ol the singt’r ;

(iii) that the M vchool of singing was

a »Uki>ol of ’* the voice u|x>n die breath ",

Ibis terse description, originally aitrlbuicO

to Crrvccntitii, loecns to have cnmmarvded

Keiirral approval as an arcuraic {ilivugh somC'

what Sibylline) sumtning-up of tlic method.

Im orihT fully to understand the implica*

li'im of tlw (iru i»f iln-n. profsredtiona, It is

iU‘Cew»fy for the voice.irainef in have a clear

mental picture <d the causes of increase and

decrease of louiid. A vocal sound cun lie

snbjceied to a proCf« of increase or decrease

in two dilferent wa)*. First of all. it can be

mireawU instrti mentally, that is b> Increasing

the weight of air*prcssurf acting on the glottal

jip» and thus amplifying their viliraliunal

swing When this is done the alternate

comprcidojis and expansions of air act more

vigorously upon oqr eardrums, and the lone

sounds louder and can I>e heard farther away

from lU source : the sound- wavvs acquire more

cne^y an<l trav>eJ a greater distance before

dying away. The second process combu of an

increase of anleulailve gesture, by whkh ilw

cuiMc capacity of ihe oral chamW, together

with thai of the pharynx, is made logger,

i his ^uUs in an increase etf umal ampliiude

or wlumi;, but it dues nothing whatever to

make ihc tone swell. 'ITie reader who doubts

Jhe accuracy of this statement can test it for

^iiijself, quite slinfdy, by singing a Awmb

•••'d ^ progressively increasing the «ae of the

'xiwel chamber as the note is softened. If the

•ncreasc m cubic capacity caused the lone to

swell, llic bigger vxmel chandier would aiilo-

maucally convert a dmiHUffth into a fres/eiuh,

whereas es*ety enmpeient singer knows that

this is not so; in fact, it jv a stnind ride nl

singing that the softer tlw lone, the tnorc the

throat must be ojKited in order lo conipcnsate

in ampliiude (or iJw decrease in laryngeal

energy*. It canmn l»c too well untlrrsiood by

the voice-trainer that all crrxrWi ,snd dimiuu-

Air essentially jiK reaves aji<l (hxreuNe>

t'f energs, the ** |»<mvT siatloti (Ting thr

larynx tlwlf.' .k swelling the t<uje cooNists

ol .in inenase ol ilu* i iseigv imparted lo ifie

vKind -waves bv ihe vdsraK#. and its only iriK*

causation tonshu of a dehUraie ami urn.

trolM iiHrease of air-|>nsvure ivih d at the


Use twu cpialiiies in cpuMh/n niav lx*

ripresveii as i.a) InKiiuiv ol uate and sFi

Vidiime of i4air. *||m‘ elUxl of the lita is

[divsieal, ill that ilw impiintniiemv ol dw

actual < oiupreNOvKo aiul i sji.iiisionN of the

atoH^spliere u|kki I he e.uilrum are iiifm-

eigoriMis, or luf mi« ; lU* etiei t of die second

is ae^iJuiic, in that. Imau'e a greairr IiimIs of

|»aruai(v riMlcHrd air i.iki-. |url in ihc vilu-n.

lioti but IMH iihire vigoroiish >, a qn.dily ol

spa< iiMisness is iiiijune<i lo the rouilaiil |i»iir*


The |ierfecli<Mi wlutli was aiiaioixl in ihe

rxecolwm tf the nriM iwr hv ihe ».mgeis of

she M MhrM*| coiistiiulei an arguinrnt

•f overwhelming fiKie in lav our uf ihe fat I

that this technical deviir was exeruted by n

deliberate and (ontrolle<! exertion of ins rgy ai

the bryiu itself: indsxxl, it is dillniilt to die

pfunl of impoaubilitv to >« luiw oilierwne it

toiAl liave lu'i n hr«>i>glii to such a pii< h of

jicrfesiioo. Arnl as ihis exercise formed the

Iwsn upon whkh all else was liuill. ii hdlows

lliat M r«Me was a schoH of inirnsitv of wijer,

as sipposed to one of sxduine ol voice. |i U

oiniously of <l«c greatest impoilanre that the

vmee-trainer diuold uiulrrsiaml clearly the

ddfercncc in v»^d effect denoted Iw these two

tew for tlicre is no ew aping ilieVonrlosion

that if vocal la/ranVy i> to lx* the first objective,

llien vocal training most st.xrt at ihe larvnx

Itself. Ixt tis see how ilu$ |j borne out by ihc

otlicr two propositions,

I here k in these iwti |»r<^>osiiions (i.c. ilic

test of the candle-flame, and the sxiice upon

the Uealh '•) an apparent paradox, the «ilu.

lion of whkh prosTdrs us with very useful

evkJrncc as to the prartke of the M eoMe

school. 'Iln* apparent cooiradiriion Ik's, of

course, in ihe fact that if iltr singer's voice is

fell by lum to Ik- floating upon a moving

stream of lireaih • the iiK^aning generally

attached nowadays to “ the voice upon the

*3* '" " **• “f ‘he J'

>*»va* n ll»r ’• nuua k




VOICE-TRAINING: Technical Huiory

brcuih " — it is certain that the breath loss

will be hcav 7 enough to cause a flame to

flicker or to cloud a mirror.

The researches of modern scientists into the

behaWour of vibrating reeds have established

the fact that the efficiency of a double reed is

increased to a remarkable extent when its two

vibrating edges are brought into really close

approximation, so that the whole air>pressure

acts upon them and is converted into sound.

I'he application of this fact to the human voice

means that it can only achieve its fullest

degree of sonority when the approximation of

ilie sharp edges of the glottal lips is close

enough virtually to block at each vibration

the air*passage through the larynx into the

pharynx. But it Is clear that whenoer a per-

fect approximation is achievcd» the singer will

feel no sensation of breath flowing outward

from the mouth, and the fact that he does so

can be regarded as proof that the approxima-

tion is imperfect. This is almost always the

case in normal speech, and only to a lesser

degree in that of "speech^song", since it is our

habit to use otir speech as a medium of expira-

tion ; wc breathe out as we speak, and we

generally manage to do so without slotving

down our rate of l>rcatlnng to any marked

extent. Indeed, so rare is the faculty of perfect

approximation of the glottal lips in adult

human beings that it is usually necessary to

<1cvisc a special technique in order to secure it.

What, then, may the result of perfect

approximation be expected to be, when ex-

pressed in terms of physical sensation? And

Ito^v is it connected with the old precept of

" the voice upon the breath "? Jt certainly

seems as if the third proposition ss'cre intended

to provide an ansv\ er to the second, in terms of

physical sensation, rather than to contradict

it. First of all. the singer is much more likely

to experience the same kind of sensation as

does an oboe player, who always feels that he

is leaning breath against (he reed rather than

expelling It. There is, moreover, another piece

of evidence available to us, now usually

neglected, which sbeds a great light upon the

meaning ** the voice upon tbe breath The

old school seems to have attached great im-

portance to what was called the of

the voice, and a welUpMsed vmce was often

described as ^ app^iQt«. “ Appoggiare

means to ** lean " ; and when the idea of (he

voice " floating upon the breath " is changed

to that of “ leaning upon the breath ", the

whole picture changes at once. French voice-

trainers — and indeed many others — often

instruct the pupil to " lean the v^ce against

the mask of the face", a technical trick which

is easy enough to pick up ; but what is one to

make of " leaning tbe v^ce upon the breath **?

There is only one place where tlw v^cc can

be felt lo be leaning against tbe column of air

bdow it. That place is at the top of the wind-

pipe, \vhttt (he breath ceases to be “breath"

arid becomes “ voice ". That this was, in

fact, the meaning of the old precept is strongly

suggested by every item o( evidence now

remaining, for the fiist method used to achieve

it seerns always to have been that of articulat-

ing the vowel at the larynx. Manuel Garcia is

alwa)*! careful to describe the icup dr la gloiu

as a neat "articulation”, and there is evidence

in abundance that he sternly condemned the

forceful and violently explosive form of it

(aught by certain teachers, which he called

“the sir^ of the chest Consider Sir

Henry \Vood*s irutruction for the attack,

given in his ' Gentle Art of Singing to “just

say the vowel at the vocal cords “ — a notable

departure from normal speech-practice, which

he must surely have learned when acting as

Garcia's studio accompanist at the R.A.Nf.

Consider, too, the remark of the old Italian

singing -teacher in New York, reported in

(he correspondence columns of ' Musical

Opinion ' > : " You modern singers ahvays

teem to want to make your notes in your

mouths. Wc old singers always made our

notes in our throats, long before they came

into our mouths ! "

The two arguments usually advanced

against the *aup 4t glwt method of attack are

(tf) that sound made in the throat is bound to

be guttural and (4) that tliis method of attack

has proved to be harmful to the delicate

mechanism of the larynx. Regarding (e) it

need only be said that sound becomes guttural

only when it is (rapped in the throat * ; ^1 ^al

sounds are made in the throat, whether we

like it or not. As for (^), since so many great

singers have both praetis^ and recommended

the dr ghtu, the answer must surely be that

all depends on how it is done. Certainly,

there have been far too many of them to allow

the question to be profitably ignored.

There is also a third argument, and an

important one, oAen advanced nowadays to

support an objection to this method of attack.

It b said tltat the effect of the discovery, by

modern science, that the breath is stopped,

not by the glottal lips, as was previoufly

support but by the false cords, is to in-

validate the method. It is difficult, however,

to fdlow tbe logic of this rcasonir^. It u

certainly probable that the (cup dt gloii* was

empiric in origin i none the less, the sio|)page

of the breath by the false cords as a preliosinarY

to phonaiion has a scientific basis and, it

would seem, an extremely strong one, to

support it.

Whenever a sound is launched in ihe

' * Tb« An SiAriaf ptsiiti.

* •f J»llv la^. , .

* By »lw siinfflln* of the lonpoe-reol, whirl* inr"

pushn down Ut« epigloiiif.

VOlCfc-TRAINlNC; M«ihods of Teaching

oiaiiDer of ipeech> iV. by an act expirahoo

initiated at the mouth, the mccbanicaJ position

at the glottis at the moment of phonal ion is

oae of '"pressure dUrquUibnujQ ” ; there is

a rapid build*up of plus pressure at ibe

underside of the glottaj lips and a state of

“zero pressure’* abo\x them. But if the

attack U preceded by a closure of the false

cords, which lie at a short distance zbovt the

gloiiaJ lips, then the mechanical portion at

the moment of phonaiion U Mte of pressure

equilibrium; pressure is equal on both sides

gf the glottis, and this constitutes a mechanical

condition exactly similar to that of no prruuce

at all. (It is the fact that there Is a pressure of

tiearly 1 5 IIk. per square inch on b<Kh sides of

a window that prcvonis (be thin glass from

being broken. If the pressure were on one

side uiily, the glass would have «»bever>’ much

thicker to support the tseigUc.) And Jt is at

least possible (hat under such a tostdiiion, the

arytenoid muscles having nu upward weight

of compresskoii to uvercontc in Isriiigmg the

two cdgi>s of Ute gluital Ups lugcther, ilie

approximation ii iherehy enalded to be much

closer, and that it prrsi-rses tlsc sharp edges

of the glottal lips. Certainly those singers w bu

haw luarnt to use this technique invariably

display a much greater sonority atid depth of

lone tfian thewe who have not — a fact which

seems to 8 upp«>ri the conleniitm.'

i'ite conclusion is therrrore juslified (isai the

bfl eanl9 schcK^ w*» essentially a sehool of

phonation at the larynx — “ihc voice upon

the lireutli ", as op^iosed to (he more modern

conception of '* (he voice mingled with Ibe

brc'ath ’* ; and It w’as (his conqdeie dcpar(ure

from hahiiual speech meduxjs whkh dixin-

guished it from tlie fuiUmh xhool of singing

wluch probably pr« cedetl ii - and whkU lias

cerianily succeeded it.

Ml utous w TnAiNiNu.— It b s-cry diflicuh

to achieve a complete understand Ing of the

underlying basis of the nivtitods of training

employed by the M raaM school unless those

methods are viewYil within the frainevwirk of

the generally accejrtcd "three register"

system, and that of the carefully devbed

" styles of sotig ”, the purpose gf which seem

to have been to provide an exact ami curnpre*

hcfisible technical basis fur every type of task

with which the singer was likely to be faced,

l or this reason It is adw^blc to examine these

a%|K:cLs of the M t«ni9 Ix forc proceeding to the

inn hods of training actually emplos ed.

file Registers of the Voice.- -VVbclher the

registers arc tlic product of three changes of

' ( 1 »« «Jiier vieorf of a <«r« ily ew««t«4 r««a A

ncliflj*, f|,j( (1,^ iMpt'foio* airwAiwe ik«

of ihertdy curreaia ^ Um rotw*,/


phy'sicaJ adjustiiKni of the laryngeal mechan-

ism, as Carcia suggested, is a quc>iion that

may be left to the scientist. J'he point of

praclka] importance to ihc viHcc-lrainvr is

that there axe unduuUnJly Uirec changes of

acoustic sensation pcrceivcxl by an cvjKTt

singer when using the volte over its full

compass, lltese cJianges occur In all voices

(if I hey arc nut prevented from occurring;,

whether male or b’niale, aitd it is of vital

importance that the singer sliould be aware <>(

(hem. so as to know, at rath stage of pitch

cliai^e, where (l»e voice may lx c*[x cial to

apjsear (o come lo ccm. It Is dear tbui if the

singer H not to jir.>|H’l Us vxiitc towanJs some

pre-sekxied locuhtv, f.r. ui "pla<v” It de*

libcfatdv, he must know ajiproxinutely where

It may be exjxxted to " pUe '* itself; not w

that he may help it (e> gel litcrr, but in nnlcr

that he may be enabled to amid imcilcrlng

with Its srlbplacirig. on the iiilvlaken as>unip*

liuit that it a|>pears lo be f^iwing itv’lf in

a very unnatural place. It is absolutely

cswniial in siisgiiig to make a lirm dbiiiinion

between wliat is truly natural and what Is

nserely habiiuaJ, amJ it dues no; follow,

because tlie vokc appears to come i<> resi in

the region of (he mouth tvlich tJie glottal h]>i

are uv^ at s|>caking pin lies and in im llicicnt

approximaiKNi, tUt it will necessarily come 10

rest in that region tlirouglusul its entire ctmn

pan and with dose af^oxiiiutloii when ihc

object is 10 prodnee a musical note, *lhe case

is far otherwise, as any sound*phvslcwi who

has made a study of the singings vice will


It is probable dial ilic "registers" were

called " (hrsi ", •• mkldlc " (or " medium ")

aiul " head *’ breausc iIk“»c terms foiincd ai

exact a descrijHiofi of lU' nciHislie ltKal||i«

c oocerned as ti wav inwo ble to ii iid . 'I'hu !t no

iiuddk " reghiiT, whiih ha« always U*en

sofiietiung of an enigma, is a parii< ularjy idler-

esiing anempt to av*gtd inaccutaiy, -.n will

presently be seen.

The Cliesi Register.— So called bccau«c,

from the lowest notes of tlic voice up 10 ihe

rjni U or E>, the lone seem* to proceed from

lary nx uraigiti down ilw wincJpi{>c into (he

chest, ITiis teclmique, which, licCaii^ it

invoIvTs so compleie s deivariure from every-

day sjseech metlsods, must be dclilieratcly

employed (r.r. die singer must mentally

direct the (om-siream in the dircciion In-

d«aied% apjxars to ev oke a cordal vihration

in the grealfM degree of mass. 1 1 produces the

fulint and richest tongs gf tlx Inslrunicni, an<l

witlxnit it (he low notes arc invariably weak

and possess little ttavelling power.

The Medium Reg««er.— At the first D or £

there u a change. The note appears to be

Nung farther forward on the cr>rd«, and die

tone- vowel BOW a(^ars to come to rest In



VOlCE-TRAlKING : Klciliods ofTcachii^

the roof of the mouth. Kevertbeless, to call

this the ** mouth *’ register would not be

quite accurate, and the use of the term

^vould inevitably lead to much “ jawy ” tone,

hoUmv'Sounding and without a good ring to

it. In this register it Is the base of the vowrl

which appears to come to rest on the roof of

the moutit. ]f the soft palate U kept hrm, as

it should be, and not allow'ed to become

flaccid, the body of the vowel seems to

function above the roof of the mouth ; or, to

put it in another way, the vowel seems to start

at the roof of the mouth and to develop up*

ward to\vards the head cavity, and never

clown ward into the mouth. \N’heneveT the

voivel is felt wholly in the mouth, the tone Icaes

ring and becomes hollow.

As the notes ascend in this register, the lone-

vowel is felt to come to rest progressiv'ely

farther back in the roof of the mouth, until, at

the upper it seems to be focusing itself on

the raised uvula and to be ** opening " itself

upward into the bulge at the back of (he head.

The Head Register. — While it is possible to

ling the upper Ea in the medium ” position,

it appears to have been considered by many

bel 'Can tilts that this note forms a better intro-

duction to the head register than the P above

it, and that placing the change at the £ led

to better ''head'* notes. (There is evidence

of some difference of opinion on this point.

MathilJe Marchesi, the teacher of Melba,

Calvd, etc., seems to have Iruiited that the

change should be made on the Ff.) At this

note the vowel appears to " close ", i.t. it can

no longer be sung " open " in comfort, and a

marked change of physical sensation occur.

Whereas in tlic two lower registers the singer

is always aware of the voice emerging from the

mouth (even though the tone-vowcl may

appear to come to rest in some other locality),

in the head register this sensation dbappean

completely, and the voice Mcms to function

entirely at the top of the head. It is exactly

as if a ball, thrown at a wall, failed to bounce

off again, but instead shot straight upward at

a wholly unexpected tangent. Jl is vital to

remember, however, (hat the singer does not

direct the voice towards the top of the head ;

it goes there of its own aceord, so long as its

progress is not interfered with. A head-riote,

in fact, is best described as the product of a

pressure, deliberately applied at the top of the

breast 'bone, and well to the front of the chest.

The soft palate Is raised as high as it will go,

the lower jaw drawn right b^ck, so that iis

angles sink downward into the neck, and the

tube of the throat seems to prolong itself, so

that it appears to terminate at the place where

the pressure U applied. In singing very high

notes the singer should feel that the throat

extends right down to the very bottom of the


hfaauel Garcia was of the opinion that,

while the three “ reglstCR exist in all voice,

the “ chest " predominates io the male. The

present writer su^csis that the three registers

should be regarded as three “ acoustic posl*

lions ", ilut their causation is primarily a

question for the sou&d-physlclst and only

secondarily for the physiologist, that they

operate In all voices, male and female alike,

and that what predominates in the male is not

the chest “register", but ehest resonance,

mving to the greater length and thickness of

(he male glottal Ups. (Chest resonance is

caused through the vibrating membranes

setting the air in vibration below the larynx, as

well as above it.) It is bis experience that

whenever the question It approached from

this standpoint, the characteristic " break " of

(he female voice does not occur. The

" break ", in fact, seems to be the result of

singing the highest chest notes with too strong

a ^cath pressure, and the very fact that it can

be trained out of existence seems to suggest

that it need not take place. (The bel'Cantlsis

called the " break ” iV pentietUo — the little


It should be carefully noted that while the

male instrument can tolerate the maintenance

of the full chest position well up in the vocal

range (although even to men the persistent use

of it is tiring), the female instrument cannot

do so. \Vomen should never maintain the

full "chest " position above the low E>, and

it h better to allow the acoustic change to take

place on the D. The hnt two or three notes of

(he medium position will at lint be very weak,

but they will develop Avith practice.

Tbe particular value of a proper apprecia-

tion of the salient points of the " register "

theory lies in the fact that the singer is (hen

able to foretell with accuracy in what locality

his voice may be expected to appear to come

to rest at each stage of pitch, so that he does

not try arbitrarily to " place " his vowels, but

allows them to " place ’’ themselves. It does

no( seem posslUe to avoid propelling the tone

when (his knowledge is lacking.

Tbe Styles of Singing. — The various

" styles " of singing formulated by the bel-

cantists were primarily based upon tbe

adaptation of a certain technical principle of

voice to ilie nature <^Che task to be performed,

(he principle being that tlie voice has two

" tones " (which must not be confused with

(he " registers ”). These " tones " correspond

roughly with those of the organ : " diapason

tone ", whkh is the result of a low position of

(he larynx, and "flute tone", which results

from a sli^ily higher position of the insirv*

men(. It seems to have been regarded as a

matter of great technical importance for the

singer to be able to recognize the correct

stylistic basis of every class of vocal material —

\OlCE-TRfVlNI.\G; P/rpariitf clw Insirumcni

and ofi« of even grenier imponanec ihai (he

composer shouJd be faoiilUr with it. Hwre

cao be litde doubt that tke older compceers

adhered closely to the various styles ct sot^,

and it is possible that a p'rat deal of the

Iialiao reaction to Wafer’s vocal music

sprang from the conviction that by igwing

the old rules of vocal MTitlng he was striking ae

the roots of the M tsnia technique.

The following styles were formulated ;

I . Ccu/e or plain style. This style,

which Garcia calls ** the noblest of all

styles ”, calls into play every *' t«« ” and

” colouring " of the voke. l‘hc tttukke

of Giordano. Caccini, hcarlatii, etc., are all

written in tliis ityle. as are nearly all the

songs of SchuUrt, Schumann and DraUms,

and most English art songs.

a. Cante jWiSe> or llorid song. This, ilte

pitito di par9f9fie of llic brl*canii>c, ^saj suIk

divided into:

(c) di ag/hVe. Tliis was twully ece»

euted in the "flute” totic, the "dia-

paton " tone being considered too un-

wieldy to permit of the great rapidity,

(lexibiliiy ami neatness of caecuiion

required for this style.

(i) di kwi,74. I'his, the greatest glory

of the florid style, wai sung in the

• diapason ’• tone, the " divisions ” being

nmg more slowly, in full voice and with

full dramatic and interpret Itx eflect

llravura required great power and the

ability to impart passion to the voire.

Allioni, Tletjcns, GrisI, Malibran and

\iardoi*Garcia were notable exponents

of this style.

(f) di fflaeisra, A sort of limited llorul

style adopted by singers wImhc voices

were \vaming in power and agility.

dwfemert, or dcclamaiory song,

I his was sulidivided into ;

(a) S«r\4i<}. Sung utually in the "dia-

pason ” lone, and always with a <4tuaPiU


(k) tluffu. Sung usually in the " flute "

tone. All recitative was sung in the

declamatory style, the full tone bring

usually reserved for wdaritu r/rwMntose

and the lighter tone for we. The latter

was luualiy sung U. in

imiiatjon of speech, but an actual speech

iwhniqgc was permitted for comk effect,

I lie most salient fact which emerges from a

ci«c study of the recordings of the old school

01 song IS that these singers always seemed to

knowejacily ^vha^ they wanted to do with any

P^cce of Nwal music - and, also, exactly how

w do It It «cms probable that their acoiraic

knowledge of the technical bads of the variow

w success.

Much of Che operatic music of the pou-htosart

« IS declamatory, even such lyrical favour-

ites as Gounod's * Faust ' consisting r<rr the

most part of an elaborate form of rfdlatiio

with occasional formal aria'c anti

cnsemMes. 'Fhe complete absence of retiMaty

were from these operas means, of course, that

the singer's voice is never given a rest, but must

be used almost ivhoUy in ‘‘diapason” tone

and, (or the grcaier i>art, in reete dnlamaio.

This is rKM to be taken as meaning that such

operas arc in any way unvocal; but it is

possible that the need for the sl:ig.T lo l>c able

to recognize the exact nature of lUc la^^k, and

the technical means which it will call into

play, is e\‘cn greater in their case than in ihat

of i l»e older operas. 1 1 u «o easy to ma kc some

^ n show' in declamatory music uiifi

means which, to sav the lea»i of ji, are of

(hmUful validitv- To sing it reall) well, hotv

ever, requires great ipciinical proficiency and

an exact know'ledge of ihe mean« m the singer’s

disposal. Tlse closer the composer gns to the

" iiainralnesi " of speecli-inlleriioii^, the m<)rc

Ihsrklv is his nrnsie sireun with ir.ips for ihr

unwary or die unskilled, and the nmre dilfic uli

It K to sing. iltorough knowledge <»f the

vocal styles equipped the singer with a kind

of framew'ork within wlucli he wa» able ti>

ImiW up hii ione>w*ord piemre on prr-selected

technical lines, so that the final irwdt was, so

to speak, compart and clear raiWr dian

sprawling and nebulous, \S*hrn everv instru-

ment in tl>e vocal ensemble knotsx the exact

Haying required for earlt different

t^, and when each insirumcni plays alike,

the results are more likely lu be worth


l*Mr.\Rixc TKi Ivsfawtvr,— The tcch-

meal pri nr j pie dial wems to emerge fr<)m the

preHmiiiary imiructium given l»y the brU

canmu lo their ^xipib h dial ihe vocal mcchan-

ism IS not whtJly a mtisical iiwtrumcnt when

m lu normal position of relaxation. Uv this

H meant that it is incapalde of meeting fully

itK demands of looc-qualKy and of comp-ass

wtuch will be made upon It, and ihai it cannot

be kepi under a skilfully managed control

unfea lu various component pans arc first

brought into ccruiin positional rclaijonships


called this the " propagation form ", and

spraks of the '•snakcliic " capacity for swift

muscular contract ion and relaxation whirh

must be pottcssed by the singer. I'he M

<mt4 student had to begin by, as it were

•‘ making the instrument ", and was taught

always to mamtain it in the singing position

wlule iakii« breath, the only relaxation per-

milted being whenever the pupil had to

break the tmtrumcnt " in order to swallow

excess sabva. The " instrumental ” position

was as (bllows :

The Organ of Air Supply.— The body erect,

chest wcU raised, shoulders weU turned out


VOICB-TRAINING : Brcaih Management

and the feci well planted. The Momach

slightly drawn in. The singer rnust never

lean on the stomach.

The Larynx. — In a slightly lower position

than that of silence, '^e position of the

larynx depends wholly upon that of the soft

palate, which must always be raised to some

extent at least. As the soft palate is raised the

larynx descends. The pupil was told a]wa)*s

to prepare the larynx for the note. (In a letter

to Fraulein von Jaeger, Jenny Lind says:

Before you sound the note, the larynx must

be properly prepared in the position in which

the forthcoming sound lies, whether high or


The Amplifier.— The throat to be opened

by dratving hack the chin, an action which

nolens the throat without unduly opening the

mouth. If the mouth u opened by dropping

the chin, the throat is automatically closed.

TJtc true opening of the throat gives the sensa-

tion that it is no longer a separate organ, but

hu become an integral part of the mouth-

cavity; the singer teels that the vowel-

articulativc cavity has been transferred to the

bottom of the throat, so that the throat no

longer exists as such. Manuel Garcia makes

this point clear when he writes: '‘The real

mouth of the singer ought to be considered the

pharynx This seems to be abo the real

meaning of the somewhat cr>'ptie aphorism of

the bel-canlists ; " L'ltaliano non ha gola **.

It is important to remember that sound fell

in the throat is not necessarily throaty ". It

only becomes so if the tongue-root is stiffened

so that the epiglottis is pushed down. This

happens whenever the singer tries torae/ar the

\x»irc in the throat.

The Articulator. —The soft palate raised

{ste and kept firm — It should never be

permitted to l>eeome Aaccid ; the tower jaw

looM and rrtraetrd, the lips in an easy smiling

position w ith I heir corners tending upward.

The mouth opened about the width of the

little finger. An exaggerated mouth opening

closes tite throat. The tongue placed Atmly

in the selected vowel position. The longue

should never feel Hmp ; it is not something to

be kept flat at all times, as is too oAen sup-

posed, but something which makes \‘ery

decided vowel gestures. You cannot gesture

firmly with a limp member.

(The importance of a good understanding

of the function of the tongue In the articulathx:

process cannot be over-emphasized. A great

deal of the bad articulation singers is

caused either by a lazy, Aoppy tongue, or by

a tongue which the singer deliberately tries to

keep fiat when it ought not to be. Similarlv,

it is not always realized that the “vowel-

moulding machine " of the singer consists of

> W. S, R«luifa, ' AnatyH) of iHe M«i2>o<l of JcaivT

• * Kinu ea Sinfing \ passim.

the soft palate and the centre of the tongue ;

that the dnger feels this machine to be working

mainly at the bottom of the throat; and that

it is felt to be a very compact little machine,

which does not sprawl all over the mouth.

The vowel gestures should always be Arm and

decisiv’c. Whenever discomfort is felt at the

singing larynx the trouble can very often be

traced to an indeterminate vowel position of

the tongue and throat. The vowel mould

must alwa)*! be clear-cut. It should feel small

but exact, so that the vow’el feels small and

concentrated. To spread the vowel all over

the mouth is to court trouble.)

BiteATii Manao£M£?4T.— A correct method

of breaching and breath management was

regarded as the foundation-stone of the htl

fAitfa. It was laid down that (he method of

breath management practised by tins school

enabled the executant to sing, in the btl etnto

sense of the term, the reverse being implied.

Chi sa respirare sa can tare “ — “ he who

knows how to breathe can sing It thus

appears to be certain that the respiratory

technique adopted could not have bwn that

normally employed for speech (t.r. the tech-

nique of breathing out against the closed

glottis), since an>*one could use this method

without special tuition : and in order to dis*

cover its nature it will be necessary to con-

sider what alternative methods, if any, are at

the singer's disposal.

The importance of an efficient method of

breath management lies, of course, in the fact

(has the air in the lungs, when compressed,

constitutes the source ^ energy upon uhicb

the vocal membranes depend in order to

vibrate, and it is clear that the character of

the sound produced must constitute, to some

extent at least, a refiection of the acro-dynamic

conditions established at the top of (he closed

windpipe. Indeed it is not too much to expect

that the fundatnenial characteristic of all vocal

tone mutt be ultimately determined by those


The human body is provided wiih tu‘<*

different mechanisms capable of causing a

compression of air to be rstablished in tl^c

lungs and %vindpipe uhen the glottis Is closed.

I'he first mechanism cnnsistt of the respiratory

muscles themselves, whkh can be used to pr^

the diaphragm up%vard, the technique of apph*

cation consisting of a kind of inward contrac*

(ion of the upper abdominal muscles effccied

immediately below the base of the breastbone.

This appears to be the technique employed by

vocaI animals for all acts of phonation; the

v^orous inward contraction of the abdominal

muscles can be plainly seen whenever a dog

barks or when a cow bawls, and abo, signifi-

cantly enough, whenever a speechless baby

pbonates. Adult human bcirtgs also emplf’y

it, not usually for speech, but for acts of a

VOICE^TRAININC : Breaih Managcmeni

mor« aoimal aad therefore a more natural

nature than speech — for clearing the throat

vigorously, for instance, and for grunting and


The second mechanism of air compression

consists of the natural elastic recoil of the

luDgs, which, when filled, react like inflated

rubber balloons and so press the air against

the closed glottis.' This appears to be the

mechanbcn usually employed for the produc*

(ioa of the speaking voice, when no deliberate

effort is made to control either the weight of

air pressure or the race of air expendic ure. We

speak by breathing out against tlie closed

gloitb, aod the ultimate source of our sountl*

ene^y b then the elastic recoil of the lungs,

which, in recoiling, decrease their mass, thus

creating a condensation or partial vacuum in

the chest cavity, so that the diaphragm b

drawn up, so to speak, instead of being pressed

upward from below.

These two mcchanbms consiiiuie dte only

sources of sound 'energy at the singrr's dts«

posal, and as the second b that habiiually

employed for speech purposes by the great

majority of human beings, no special training

being re(|uircd to teach them how to use it.

it is difficuh to avoid the conclusion that ii

must have been Uie first of these techniques

— the controlled pressing up of the diaphragm

by the respiratory muKles — that constituted

the respiratory basis of the M mss. In order

to cstablbh the probability of this it b only

necessary to compare the consequences which

must ensue when one or the other ofthoe two

methods b employed.

First in or<lcr of importance comes the

((ucstion of control ; and whereas the action

of the respiratory muscles in pressing the

di.iphragm upward can be controlled directly

and with great exactness, so that the anent

of the diaphragm can be either accelerated or

decelerated at will, the recoil of the lur^p is

not amenable to dlreet control. No man can

feel the action of hb lungs, and what cannot

be felt cannot be govern^ by the direct con-

trol ^ the conscious mind. Nevertheless, a

certain form of control over the recoil of the

lungs b arbitrarily imposed by the structure c^

^e words articulated, for the rapid alternation

of vowel and consonant musi rtecessarily cause

them to recoil, not smooihl) and evenly, but

equally rapid jerks, as would an

inflated balloon, the frequency artd violence of

« ptobMy not

« •uelf » prftviCe a mail oT uttfkkM

••eoroui 1(9 - enrrev of tftoU )w««rw

wllsam s«oemMv«lr. am«iM keavUv ypM l

!^n, wl»«n«v<r w<hniow« of e.pirauw. «

a kiJi JT* mpiraiorr c«<k apiwon to b«

iiu «Jps««Sed iQ Um pfoceu ; (k« wd<kt of li

'UI.SI aiKl. »f> fto.ag 90, lielpi lit duplirafi* u» iKewd


the jerks being determined by the incidence of

the Consonants and the vigour with winch the

syllables are accented, the most violent jerks

of all occurring on strongly accented syllables

preceded by explosive eonsonanis. Thu m eans

that wlienever the recoil of the lungs is etn-

jdoyed as the main source of suund*enei^y,

ihe word-structure causes ihc delicate laryn*

gcal mechanbm to be subjected to a persistent

' ’ a ir-hammer ’ ’ which i l w as not cons i r uc t<d to

w’iihsund, since the alternation of vowel and

consonant in conjunction with syllabic accent

does not form part of nature's phonator) plan.

The maximum strain is imposed upon any

mechanism, wh<>iher muscular or metallic,

w’hen it b continually subjected to pressure

applied in jerks, and there are the siroi)g('St

grounds for believing that it is this pe rsi stent

“ air-hammer *' caus^ by ihe w’ord-s true tore

and accent in conjunction wiih the pulmonary

recoil chat tires the voice so quickl> when the

speech effort has to be unduly prolonged or


Thai Ibis is no mere spciulation scrim to

be proved by the Uhavioiii nf ihr indicator*

needle of a microi^imc gauge, vs hie h cart be

seen to execute an abrupt kick up the scale at

each syllable when speech is bring bruadcast,

il>c most extensive movements occurring on

the accented syllabl(*s. A microphone trans*

jates sound energy (i.r., compressed air energy)

into electric energy, so ihat the nccfllc of its

meter gives a very accurate picture of the aero*

dynamic conditions prevailing at the lop of the

closed windpipe. And this being so, every

kick of the indieator*ncedle must represent a

concussivc blow of compressed air at the

glottis. The less skilful ihc speaker, the more

violent are the mov’eincnts of the needle at

each syllable — in oilier words, the more

vi^ent are the air concussions ai the closed

glottia. Yet it is a commonplace of modern

leaching that the consonants should be ukxI

as springboards of attack, so to speak. Tlic

real truth seems lo be that sound produced in

this nuinncr is emit led with the maximum

of jerklness, ilie consequences being

that it dors not travel well and that much

damage is thereby inflicted upon the delicate

laryngeal mechanism.

On the other hand, the cffecl of the more

truly natural (though less habitual) method

of breath management — the inward con*

traction of Che upper abdominal muscles —

is lo decelerate and control the ascent of the

diaphragm, thus preventing a jerky recoil of

the lungs and enabling the air-pressure at the

closed glottis to be kept steady and compara-

tively low. Experience In using this technique

reinforces the conclusion that expiration and

phooation are in reality acts of an opposed

mechanical nature, the fundamental difference

lying in the fiu'C that natural pltunalion (tiiist


VOICE-TRAINING: Breath Mana^ment

of ncce^ily cau$e a suppression or suspensjMi

of tUc normal expiratory process. To put it in

more homely language^ in efficient singing the

larynx should mo%'e the breath out of the

lungs : (he breath sItouUl not be regarded as

the mover of the voice. It has been slated,

and with much weight of scientific authority,

that we eompreas air by breathing out. The

present Nvriter suggests that while the state-

ment is true enough in fact, there b a false

mechanical principle implicit in this proposi-

tion. We do, but we ought not to. Nature's

purpose in making the lungs elastic is not to

enable us to compress air, but in reality to

allow us to dissipate the compression caused

by inflniing them, with (he minimum ex-

penditure of muKular energy. When we

employ this mechanism, which is essentially

one of energy conserN aiion, for the purpose

of developing and discharging energ)* (i.r. by

phunaiing), wc are not co-operating with

nature, bui working against ii.

The arguments in favour of the'* respiratory

squeeze " having been the technique of breath

management adopted by the M eaafe Khool

are very strong. The following may be

advanced :

(i) Ii appears to be the method employed

hy all vocal animals in their natural state (or

the purpose of phonaiion.

(ii) It is certainly the method used by

human infants before they 1101*1: learnt 10

speak. This can be icsted by anyone, who

need only place the hand lightly on the upper

abdomen of a crying baby to discover the


(ill) It is the only method available lo the

speaker or singer by which a steady un-

spasmodic compression can be maintained at

the glottis during phonaiion.

(iv) It is the only method dial permits a

direct muscular control to be exercised oi*cr

the ivcight of air pressure in the lungs. Ihe

inward press of the upper abdominal muscles

can be governed with considerable exactitude.

The recoil of the lungs is not susceptible to


There is, however, an additional feature of

this technique that eonslituies an argument of

overwhelming weight in its favour, li causes

a complete transformation of the singer’s voice.

Those who are instructed in its use can detect

in a moment, from the mere sound of the voice,

ivhcthcr it is being employed or not. so that the

term ** singing ” has a special significance for

those who have been taught to use it. It is

related of Santley, the celebrated F.nglisb

baritone, (hat having been asked to adjudkaie

and award a prize for the art of singing at one

of the great musical academics, he refused to

make the award on the ground that norte cf

the competiton had been caught the art of

singing. This tallies with all the evidence

now available of the teachings of M cmIo.

Their method caused a certain vocal ebar-

acterbiie eo appear in the voice of the exe-

cutant which was otherwise absent. Up to

the time of hfanuel Garcia the physical cause

of this vocal transformation remained undis*

co>‘ered ; all (hat the old leachers could say

about it was that it occurred when the breath

was correctly managed and was absent when

it was not.

There are very strong grounds for believing

that (he eflcctof this method of breath manage*

menl, when used in conjunction with a correct

attack, is that suggested by the late Charles

Lunn, a British teacher of singing, in hit book

‘ The l*hUosopliy of Voice '. Lunn deduced

that its elTece is to establish an adduction or

drawing together of the t*eniricular membranes

or " falM cords ”, accompanied by a disiension

or dilation of the ventricles of Morgagni. He

suggesied that the ventricles would become

inflated by the air compression within the

ventricular chamber. This does not seem 10

be probable, how*ever, from the mechanical

standpoint, for so long as there is an opening

from ihe ventricular chamber to the throat,

the compression within the chamber could

hardly be hea\7 enough to cause the inflation

of ihe veniricta. Nevertheless, it is equally

probable that the ventricles do become dilated.

An authority on the subject of instrumental

sound*physies consulted by the present writer ’

gives it as his opinion (hat ivhilc compression

could rwl, and, indeed, should not exist in the

ventricular chamber, the dilation or distension

of the ventricles would fulfil an essential

acoustic purpose in providing a stabilizer for

the " vortex currents ” circulating in the

ventricular chamber, and that this might be

expccicd (o give a greatly improved tonal

characierisiie. Be that as it may, there is no

doubt that the instrument does, in fact, display

a sudden improvement of tonal charaeieristic

whenever the breath is correctly managed;

and the argument is strengthened by the fact

that it also causes a complete change In Ihe

sensory picture perceived by the singer, ai

compared with that evoked by the now

familiar expiratory singing. The change

seems mainly due to the fact that the singer

is no longer performing an act of expiralion

as he sings (he larynx is now moving th<

breath out of the lungs so 'that the singer no

longer feels the breath-How as a deliberately

w*Uled movement of air. The greatest change

is that the singer now feels the voice lo be

starting neither at the mouth nor at the

larynx, but in the lungs themselves, the gbttu

appearing to do no more than to add die pitch

and vowd articulation to the sound. The

highest notes of the voice then appear to

originate at the upper abdominal muscles

' BoDAvia.Huni.

VOICE-TRAINING: Breaih Mana^emcm

aod to Suppress the broathing-out process

almost completely. Thb would sppear lo

be m line wUh the teaching of Manuel Garcia,

who is reported to have begun every course of

training with (he follots ing summary descri)>

(ioo of the vocal instrument : *' The lungs are

Tor tone emission, (he glottis is for pitch, ihe

oral cavity is for vowel and limbre, and the

front of the mouih is for cortsonanis

Ii cannot be too strongly cmphasi 2 e<l, how-

ever, that when the breath is maisaged so that

it appears to be moved by the Iar>'nt. instead

of being regarded as the mover of (hr voke,

every single sensation evoked by the now

habitual expiratory singing U quiic changed.

In the first place, Uic attack ol the souikI is

eompletcly transforiiird, sinre the singer is

now unable to attack by moving the air in

the mouth. Tlir clearest picture of whai he

actually docs is to be got through an analog> ,*

He does at the tup of the closed windpipe

exactly what he does at the approx iiiiatetl

nostrils when he blows the nose, at the same

lime combining the act of ** blowing the

wj nd p ipe with ih a t of vowel art k ulai ion . *1 he

reader has only to try blowing the nov» to

discover for himself what kind i/f respiran^y

action it inUiaics, and there is no dUU fence

whatever in mvchanical principle between

blowing the approximated nostrils and

*' hluwing " the approximated voeaj mem*

liranes, LiU Lehinonncalled this process** lean*

ingthe breath against the chest ’\and describe*!

it as her invariable method of attack. Its elfeet

is to lower the whole vix al process so far as tlie

singer’s percepiions are engaged, so that the

tone srcini to pnKced from the lungs and tl»c

pitch and vmvel artirulaiiun from the top of

the windpipe. 'J'he lop of the pharynx is then

fell to be playing tlir main part m moulding

the vowel si Iain'S, while the nioiuh appears to

be no more than a passage for the already

complete tone- vowel. 'ITic lone*vowel is then

leli to be flowing in the factual direction, frun

the lungs towards the back of the head (for

the throat lies behind the larynx), and to be

developing all over the back of the head,

whence it seems lo be reflected forward. The

singer is aware of the process of reflection

without giving It any active assbiance. The

higher the pilch ascends, the farilier hack the

toncvowvl seems to develop itself, so that at

about the upper F ii appears to mov-e itself

well behind and abovr the vowel cavity (the

top of (he pharynx), and to be functioning in

the bone structure of the back wall of the head

and neck, (Concerning this aspect of vocal

technique, there is much significance to be

lound in Caruso's story, related by him to

John MacCormack (and passed by the latter

'• h used in iu nxtu#,l J.iuen

rei«mW*iKe orr»nB m fuKdon bew^

»n(wu euenliAlIv diflV/epc " (CXO.D.),

to hb biographer, Mr. L. G. Strong], that the

great Italian's teacher used to make him

practise bending Toward, with the crown of

hb head touching the whII, in order to get

the high notes to go far enough hack.) Never-

theless, it is im{Ktrlant to rcmeml><*r that such

notes are not lo be '* pla< ed " wvll l^ck, but lo

be allowed to *' place '* thvmv lvrs well bark.

*n>e central principle of cfn<i**nt singing is

that the tone must lie alUivsi**! to (low out

and to place *' itself where it will, \’owe]

and consonant gestures apart, the physical act

of singing must be carried on hit wren the

laryn.x and the upp<'r alKloniinal musclrs anti

the vokc allowed to dct'chip itsf*|f in tin* region

appro]>rialr lo the pitch. I it tensity .ind vowel*

limlire. ’Ihe tunr*niaking mrch.'tnlvtn, in fact,

reseml>U*s the hand* >i>ruy all end y liM'niioiu'd- *

liui a hand*s|>ray which is worked by simul-

taneously pressing (henoszlc (the larynx) and

the plunger (the diapheagin) inwards each

other, il»c fluid (air) in the barrel (lungs)

Iseing used up by this uetion. The funriion

uf the plunger Kitnphragin) is to regulate the

weight of prosit rr, while th.-it nf the nor/le

(larynx) b l<> gowm the rate of exix itdiiuii'

uf the Hum! tati) by adjusting iruir to give si

lini't or coarst r sitray (i.r. a v»U<t or Juudor

sound), 'file student cannot l>r Uh> t ontiantly

reminded that whenever the pressure at the

lop of the ebest or at the base ol the neck

liecomes uncomfsirtablc, It 1$ Inreausc the upp<'r

abslomina) muscles are not being used firmly

enough to lower the pressure. Jhlorl at the

throat b caimd by laziness at the respiratory


It will be readily undrrstfKxJ that such a

metliod of breath man.'igemcni eannoi be

employed at all unless the act of inhalation

coftsiiiutes a preparation for it. Jf the in*

halation is aecomiianlcd by an *' out " gesmre

of (he alnlominal muscles, so that these

must Ics are being pusited out at the end of the

inspiration, Ihe power to snake them contract

inward will have been surrcnilend, and con*

ifol will then pass to the clastic recoil of the

lungs. That b one reason why abdominal

breathing b the enemy of good singing. It

also constitutes the reason why the " in" breath

of the singer must be taken in two stages, as

Manuel Garcia Insisted, I he first stage con-

sisu of the descent of the diaphragm, which

causes a slight protrusion of the upper ab-

dominal muscles in the triangle immediately

below the breastbone, llib protrusion, how-

ever, must on no account be allowrd to

become too pronounced, or the power to

contract these muscles inward at the moment

of attack wUI be lost. The secorid stage of the

" in ” teeaih consists cf the expansion of the

Jovrer ribs, together with a slight inward move-

ment of the upper abdominal muscles, so that

the upper abdomen becomes flaitenvcl; the


VOICE-TRAINING: Breath Klanagcment

drawing in of the lower abdorrten should hav^

begun, of course, with the first stage of inspira-

tion, and should continue as ihe second stage

ts proceeded with. In correct breathing the

\jpper abdominal muscles execute first a slight

''out" and then a si ight * ' in movement as the

breath is inhaled, while the Io^ver abdomen is

drawn in right from the very start of inspira-


This form of bi'cathing must be praciiietl

very slowly and carefully, and the teacher

cannot possibly be loo particular about it.

It is commonly believed that the an of singing

lies in taking a full breath instantaneously and

without showing that the lungs have been re-

filled. In reality, this is a physical impossi-

bility, and the sooner the pupil realizes It ihe

better. The attempt to take a full breath with

great rapidity invariably results in a complete

loss of control, w hile the rapid inhalation of a

large quantity of cool air dries the throat, dis-

turbs any mucus lodged in the windpipe,

roughens the delicate ctiges of the vocal mem-

branes and is inevitably noisy. The half-

breath or ** snatched breath " of the singer is

ewrniially clavicular — a small amount of air

trickled into the top of the lungs without

abandoning the muscular control below the

breastbone; just enough is taken in to keep

the phrase going, and no more. Roekstro

describes Jennv Lioil as being stry skilful in

the use of the clavicular half-breath. Pull

breaths should always be taken as slowly as

the music will permit.

Finally, the singer should beware of the

besetting sin of all bad singers ~ the attempt

to lake in too much breath. The lungs should

be fully inflated, but without allowing the

lower abdomen to protrude or (he upper

abdominal bulge to ^come loo pronounc^.

The power to press the diaphragrn upward

must on no account be surrender^. He who

can manage (he breath enables himself to

sing; he who, by unskilful inhalation, puts

it out of his own potver to govern the steadi-

ness and weight of the air pressure continu-

ously and unremittingly through each phrase

Sung, thereby puts it out of hb power to sing.

Tna Attack op tkc Sotmo.— The very

first thing to be realized by the voice-trainer

i« that the word “ attack constitutes a

thoroughly bad piece of terminology when

applied to the voice, for the very good reason

that U is bound to engender in the mind of the

pupil the idea of striking a note, as a piano-

forte string is struck with a hammer. A vocal

sound is never attacked : it is launched ; and

(he gesture of the irtstrument which brinp It

into being always partakes of the nature of a

caress. The an of the singer lies in making

(he laryngeal caress quite firm and dean, so

that the note begins exactly in the centre of

the pitch and at exactly (he required imeiteity.

being neither slurred up to pitch nor swelled

to ilw requisite intensity. For this reason the

instrument must be prepared for the note

before the note is launch^ {see Sec. * Prepar-

ing (he Instrument ’)« ^nd this entails a

momentary pause of the breath after inspira-

tion is completed. An attack which is the

product of an uninterrupted "in-out’*

gesture of the breath, or where the laryngeal

gesture follows immediately upon ihe com-

pletion of inspiraiior), is of the same order as

a vkdin note which is begun by a careless

dropping or slapping of the bow upon the

siring. Like the violinist, the singer must

always begin by a careful placing of (he

bow. As will be seen presently, his "caress"

is essentially a movement into pressure, and

it must be carefully made. (Incidenially, if

Manuel Garda had only hit upon the idea of

calling the ecvfi de ghtfe the eeresse Je la gloHe,

a great deal of subsequent misunderstanding

might have been averted. In (he De Lucia

recording of " Ecco ridenie il cielo " men-

tioned abov'c it is particularly noticeable how,

at the passage :

the old bel-cantist launches each of the

with an unmistakable caress of the

glotiu, whereas in every modern recording of

the same aria heard by the present writer

the method of attack used for these notes can

only be described as a hammer-stroke of the


The first " attack " exercises usually given

to the beginner wTre those classified as meisa ^

asre or " voice-placing " exercises, the ph^a^

being used in its more literal seme at th*^

stage. The researches of Nava, Sandey^s

teacher, led him to conclude that the first

" attack " exercise used by many of his pre-

decessors was one which introduced the

technical dcv*ice known as the itiksanoae or

" vibration of the larynx ". In this typo of

exercise, the pupil first executes an articula-

tion of the tone-vowel (the Mp JeglaiU)* then

allows (he (one to diminish — though not to

the point of extinction — and then re-

energizes it by means of a gentle pressure

(vibration) of the larynx, repeating this pro-

cess three or four times, thus :

The exercise was designed to teach the pupij

to place the voice at the larynx and to control

VOICE-TRAINING : Coup dt C/^//^rorpoia's Method


it by direct laryngeal action. The vihtoziom

wa$ practised on every inier^’aJ <£ the scale

ami on all votsYls. It >vas only when sufficient

skill had been attained lo the management of

the larynx that the pupil w’as allowed to

reverse the process, r.e. to attack a note softly,

and then to swell it by a controlled manage-

ment of the laryngeal pressure. Once the

pupil had learnt to do this skilfully, the two

halves were joined up and the practice of the

full mei\a dt uxt was begun.

For tlte aiiaek by means of the glottal

articulation, the type of cxcrcbe appears to

have l>ccn as follows :

the pupil being required to use the rests to

prepare the instrument for the next note.

'I1te exercise was also practised chromatically

and with changing intervals.

These two methmls arc thrue referred under

* The Technical Evidence * above. 'Phe

general principle seems to have been that the

reap dr gi9lk was to be used when attacking on

a vowel, the Mirdciew method of attack b^ng

that used when the note was preceded by a


SpaciAi. Nora on Tiit ‘'Cour ne Olott*'*.

—This method of “ attack which has been

the object of so much vituperation during the

post hair'CCniury, depends absolutely for its

safety of execution upon the absence of any

accompanying effort to push the tone upward.

I'he object of the executant is not to use the

larynx as a kind of air-gun firing a vowel-

projcctilc, but to allow the tone to ffow

through the vowel-mould without assistance.

It should never be regarded as a sudden

release from pressure, ime always as a light

and skilful gesture Into pressure. Once the

student has grasped the essential point, that

the singing-pressure into which he attacks b

always below the point of breath-stoppage, it

U possible to launch the fullest lone from a

«up de gfflWr without causing a correspondingly

loud " snap ”, since the approximation of the

true cords and the deliberate closure of the

fahe cords arc two totally different tilings,

the latter of which need never be other than

^ light as possible. The tomp dr glotU is

not absolutely essential to a correct attack; a

twie can be quite well attacked by means of

the or tonal gesture of the larynx,

although (his method is apt to cause a ^igbt

slur when executed on a vowel; but It un-

quwuonably permiu a more perfect approxi-

nation of the t*ocal cords than is possible by

asy other method. Correctly used, it is the

greatest voice-tonic and developer of a)!.

Incorrectly executed (f.r. when the votvel i'j

** exploded ” upward and outward) it is a


The technique of the coup dt g,lol{e is superbly

illustrated in Dinh Cilly’s ma^irrly recording

of Caecini's VAmariUi in which every phrase

beginning on a vxiwcl is attacked from the

stopped-l^ath position, I'herc are seventeen

cl^rly audible CMpr gfcl/r, executed ovxt a

wide \‘ocal compass, in this one recording.

The record is, in fact, a most valuable subject

for study.’

NoTV. ON PoaroRA's Mlihods. — The

greatest of all voire-crainers is generally con-

ceded to have been Porpora, the teacher of

Caffarelli. Farinelli and many other of the

greatest singers of his day. 'I'he only clue to

Ins methods now remaining consists of an

essay written by Isaac .Nathan, who, as a

pupil of Domenico Corn, stands in the direct

line ai onK* one rcmoNc from Porpora, for

Corri was himself a pupil of the great singing-

master. NaihaiPs essay was published in jUi3,

fiffy*six vvars after Porpora’x death, under the

original title ofNXn Essay on the History and

Theory' of Music, and on the Qualities, Cap-

abiliiies, and Management of the Human

Voice’ >-a title changed, in a later edition,

to (hat of ' Musurgia Vocalis It is ihtis

quite possible that the methods which Nathan

advocates are not of his own insTniion, hut

that they originated with Porpora himself.

The unusual feature about this treatise is

that Nathan advocates the execution of the

fim exercises in the softest possible voice,

which he calh the " feigned ” voice. This, he

a tfmirt v«itlnlA4W4s(iHn, • lofl s'kI sound

m«S«Me<l s|mrfAilT •<> ih« <lim, and (hicfly in ihe

back «l llv ihfMi ami hrsd • an >hwir J arwl lupprrtiMl

Oushir of (•(M iHai caixes* lb* illwtion »l bring lirArti

ai a dntofKf: — Jl b s («,rel ai^l ntel.alMiui luund.

rafted Irom aCk. like wiio (li« mack tpcil uf an «<ho.

lie aho states tliai this voice Is in common use

among the Hel^rewa, and is termed by them

(he sxace of a child ”, and is of the opinion

that it IS partly the cultivation of this voice

vrhkh is respiMsIble for the peculiar rivcctncss

of the voices of Hebrew singers. Experiments

made by the present writer with his own voice

have led him to believe that the ” feigned ”

voice b simply the very softest sound of which

the instrument Is capable, the "echo” or

” veniriloquial ” effect being obtained by

letting the sound lie immediately under the

vocal cords, whence it seems to run up the

back of (he head as suggested by Nathan.

The method adv*ocated is to start with this

sound on a note " within three or four of the

* Cffly, bewvver. t K»avkf piewur« tliao ji

•dvHOMC vM 4 tludvAi.


\ DICE- TRAINING : PorjMra'5 Method — Vowels

loupsi fomp,i«, and to practise that sound

until a roriain degree of softness, mellowness,

steadiness, roundness, fullness, and richness

can he given to it at will This fundamental

note IS then made the ke>'noic a diatonic

scale, and the second, third, fourth, etc., of the

scale arc atklcd in the same fashion, each note

being perfected l)ofore going on to the next.

The method of establishing each note seems to

have Iwcn that of the mesM di tett. and Nathan

prints a whole page of such exercises (here

reproduced), on which sixty dilfcrent patterns

doubt that if a singer could perform all these

crtsttttdofdi&ujtyeHdo variations as accurately as

required, and at all stages of vocal pitch, he

would be [technically] what Porpora called

CafTarelh when dismissing him, “ the greatest

singer in the world Whatever the truth

may Iw, they give us a unique insight into the

qualities of earnestness and patient persever-

ance which a great master demanded from his

pupils in those far-off da^'S, and persuade us

that there may be more in building a voice

than just " sirtging as you speak

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A favirWxaw a««M^

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/»» A'w, f"*"*

»Im<, •atm"'#

of the arc Illustrated. (Qctc

cannot help wondering if this, or something

very like it, was the legendary page of exercises

to which Porpora is said lo have confined his

pupil Caffarelh for five years, for there b no

Vowais.— As » to be expected, ibe vowels

practised were the five simple voweb of the

Italian language: Ah^ th (as in *'get”), ih

(which in singing b soinething between the

sounds of '* it *' acd " eat "), e (the sound of

VOICE-TRAINING r Vowcb^Consoaanu

“got") and u (“oo"). NcvcfthclcM, the

meOiod U fuUy practicable m all lao^agn.

It seems to have been a feature of the old

(ttchiDg» however, that the Ups muse play

little or no part in the voweUfonninf process,

(he student being taught to shape the vowels by

vigorous gestures of the tongue and soft palate,

at the same time maintaining a smiling posi-

tion of the Ups. (It should be noted that the

sound "Ah ", which b ohen said to be the

vowel formed by the articulator when in a

position of relaxation, is really nothing of the

kind, requiring just as vigorous a tongue

gesture as any other of the voweb. The true

relaxation vowel ” of human adults is the

familiar " er " of the hesitant speaker. When-

ever such a one is thinking on his feet, so to

speak, his relaxed tongue falls ineviubly into

the "er" position. It should also be noted

that the " oo " sound can be made with the

tongue and soft palate, and without a pursing

of the li|H ; this results in the open ** oo " of

the word " good ”, quite different to the shut

vowel of" cool ”.)

The lower jaw was to be kept looee but still

during vocalization, and always drawn back.

Some teachers — among whom was Emma

AJbani — made the pupil hold a pencil

between the teeth in the early stages of train-

ing, both for " note and vowel " and " note

and word ” exercises, 'fhe idea wat to teach

the student to maintain the smiling pcaition

of the llm and the retracted jaw for all vowels,

and to do the active work of artieulalion with

the tongue, soft palate and lips (the latter for

the consonants only), without wagging the

jaw or uting the lips to form vowels. Never-

theless, although the pupil was instructed to

make clear and unmistakable vowel-moulds

by means of movements of the tongue and

soft palate much more decided than those

of speerU — in which the jaws are nev*er pro-

perty opened, (bus saving the longue a good

deal of lalMiir — the tone- vowel was always to

be concei\*ed as a unity which appeared to

proceed from the instrument itself, and ne\«er

as an unrelated duality. The student was not

expected necessarily to hear the vowel at the

larynx, but to be aware that it was apparently

being articulated there; it would be heard

(r.e. the voice would appear to come to rot)

in the locality appropriate to the pitch of the

note and the vowel In use.

"^e general principle involved may be

aptly illustrated by comparing the larynx lo a

vprmg-bution eleciric lamp emitting a ray of

white light, and the different vowel cavities to

a SCI of coloured slides which are placed in the

path of the ray. The primary activity of the

Singer is thus to keep on pressing the button ;

e»s secondary activity, which must be simul-

taneous with but independent of the first, is

to change the slides by a vigorous employ-

otent of the tongue and soft palate.

Note oo the English Vowels. — J'he Italian

language as it is spoken has seven simple vow'tU

and Oo diphthongs.* The KnglUlt language,

on the other hand, has iw’elve simple voweU

and innumerable compound vowel sounds.

Phonologisis dinde the simple vowels inin

"long" and " short ” vowels, but it is clear

(bat no such cUisjfication can be maintained

in sirring, when any vms’el sound may be ul

any duration, from a demise miquaver lo a

doaen bars or so. In singing, all vowels are

" long ’’ vowels.

The simple vowel sounds of the English

language are those of the following words :

" Arm " •• Tarl " " (Wd " “ Vp ••

" At " " Kat ” " Orb " " Good ”

" Ell " " It •’ " Own " "Cool "

All other vowel* arc compounds oft wo or more

of the simple ^'ow'el sounds, and in singing it

is correct losing the note on the fir^i vowel n|

the compound, merely flicking oil the second

vow'd as the note is eiuled. TJie nnly cxcup*

tioris to |]u< rule are iljr word* l>eginniiig ivith

the lei ter / ("youth", ">awn'’, "yell”,

**)ar<|", " y(Ac ", etc,), where the second

vow-el sound Is sustalnnl.

1 he fact that Knglnh has such a numerous

collection of vowel sounds does not mean that

it is an " unvH>ral " language, but merely that

the Kiiglish-spcaking singer needs i© work

much harder at his vocaUraiion than the

Italian. Indeed, in one respect English is the

easier language of the two to sing correctly,

for iu vowd sounds are on tite average

narrower tisan ilie Italian. 'I'he broader the

vowel, the harder h is to vocalize correctly.

When tlsc recordings of the old singers arc

compared with those of the moderns, it is

iinpossililc to avoid the conclusion that where,

as the latter strive for volume, i.e. a very broad

vowel with not much tonal ring, the former

fas-oured a narrow vowel, but a tremendously

sonorous tonal ring : intensity of sound ixtsin

volume of sound.

CoKSONA STS.— Consonants are the identifi-

cation marb of the word . TJie singer’s art I ics

in ^jculating them firmly but swiftly, with

rapid flicb of the tongue or lips, so as to

impose the minimum amount of discontinuity

upon the ieg^lp. This is particularly necessary

unvoiced consonants, the

. ^ ''*hich is to cause a momentary dis-

laryngeal compression. Ic i«

physically impossible lo maintain simultane-

ous points of compression in two difFcrcni

paru of the instrument. $o (hat unvoiced

om^anta such as K d./. hard g, k, p. s, t. and

to a lesser extent. <h, sh and tend to break

“ LV^ ^ f " a fKl

). iwo of th« e. thr fim «r wlik li cwfiocniit

i V "• b "o ^^oneuc

fOwvsieai «n Eaf Inh for ihe acrenlcd f.


V'OICE-TRAIN*INC ; Legato and Sojicnuto^ Resonance

the WyngcaJ appog^ and throw the voice off

its fulcrum, so to spealc. The remedy lies in

swiftness of tongue or lip gesture, aiwj in the

maintenance of the ariiculaiive thought con-

centrated on the larynx. Jusi as the vowel-

tone was conceived as a unity, so must the

word-tone be conceived as a unity, having its

point of origin at the larynx.

MovEMErrr or the Voice, Legato and

S osTcNUTO. — The larynx was regarded by the

bel'Caniists as an instrument of

being incapable of executing tonal jumps with-

out breaking the flow of sound. A distinction

seems to have been made between the business

of*' keeping the engine running*', so to speak,

and that of changing the pitch of the note. In

the letter previously quoted Jenny Lind has

this to say of the two processes ;

Tii« hold mull M h»nK lordlwr ihai ihcy one

wh«k<. and (hi* mu(u from IxMiit* ami WikiA* iKm*

SI «ne and the witk iim« if | m»v m «iprn« an-irtf

— thrmih il it almwii impo&*iW« is rKplain ihu cfeativ

in word*. . . . ti l>«i in ih? flrubilKV of ih« br>ns

and mull tliere^ te nrscuidl. diii< r«u« ««er«i«,

IMh. M dial ihii flei>biliiv of ih« ihroai m*y be «MKklr

Uevelaiied. The aiiKk of the rvue* »iU thwt

^ove<l ; and die iirinc of nmn ml* feUow.

Tilt biggest diflkiiUy, in this respect, k

encountered in singing descending phrases,

when evYry natural instinct is at w'ork to

persuade the singer to slop vibrating the cords

deliberately, and to allow the scilce merely to

fail down the phrase of its own s’olillon, in-

stead of actively singing down it. The great

Caialani is reported to have likerted singing to

mountain-climbing in the following pregnant

sentence: " To get to the top is easy; it is

climbing down again that b so difficult

And it Is true enough that it has become the

rarest of musical experiences to hear a singer

sweep triumphantly down the final cadence of

an aria, with a swell of the voke as il descends

to the closing note, in the manner of the older


It was often said that the singer's notes

should resemble pearls on a string: but it

seems to have been fully realized, and sternly

inculcated, that the most imporiaiu feature of

a pearl necklace is the string, and dial only

when it was kept unbroken could the "pearb"

be strung on it. The " string ” ctf the singer

was the glottal portamntt — the deliberate act

of maintaining the air-pressure when passing

from note to note, the pearls being made by

an extremely delicate use of the dhfttmt :

*' binding and striking al one and the same

time ", hut without relinquishing the glottal

(The Dinb Cilly recording of

‘ Thi* much mnr be utd of dtc di&rvli Undine

and nrikina ” conrepi, that (he " bindiAS ^ u tli« triHli

of an unramiiiins “clrnth *' oT ibr fnittralorr musek*.

>0 inat prewure-manatriKni b ne>*er Tflajtd hr a

*< nfla ianaAi , wliile lha laryni iuctf d«« Uk ** ainUac **

If bftauie of ihc low nremre (berobr

Aiabhihed. U the tmarr l«u so ai Um sionaaeb. ib»

(inbias vrill drfef>«rai« inio a lerin of nasu ot

SrunU, *<•

* AmaxiJIi ’ mentioned above affords a perfect

illusuadoa of the maintenance of (he glottal

even during the articulation of the

most diflkult unvoiced consonants.)

Resonance. — It seems to haN'e been the

view of the bel-caniisis that once the singer

had achieved an efficient control of the degree

of approximation of (he glottal lips, together

with a proper undersunding of the " register ”

pcsitiems, the only addiiional precautions

required to enable him to evoke the full

resonance of the voice were an open throat, a

retracted lower-jaw, a firm soft palate and a

vigorous and clean-cut vou’el gesture of the

tongue. The action necessary to swell or

diminish the voice must be taken al the larynx,

as for the mfsst vta, a ereicritdt being made by

progressively increasing the firmness of the

laryngeal appagjia, and a giminutaJe by pro-

gressively decreasing il — without, however,

rela^ng the degree of approximation. The

4immiien4» was not to be made by opening the

cords and letting unphonaied breath pass

through, but by maintaining close approxima-

tion and letting less breath pass througl;.

The retraction of (lie lower jaw was con-

sidered to be of paramount importance,

Garcia going so far as to recommend a piece of

tape lied round the neck and chin in difficult

cases : not in order to force the chin back, but

to remind the pupil to keep it back. Expcri-

rnce of the retracted jaw technique shows that

the effect of a well retracted lower jaw to-

gether with a firm soA palate is to evoke a

highly concentrated tonal ring in the palatal

and head regions, and it is suggested that the

explanation of this phenomenon probably lies

in (he fact, discovered by the distinguished

sound-physicist the Rev. Noel Bonavia-Huni,

that the soft palate is a vibrator which is loaded

the uvula. And as the result of the palatal

ring is to set the hcad-cavities ringing ^vith

sound, it may well be that the palatal vibration

sets the air in these cavities vibrating al the

frequency of the lar^'ngcaJ note.

The t*oice associated with what is now

called "mask** or "nasal" resonance was

termed mt* ki'tnca (while voice), and its

emF^oyment, save for an occasional inter-

pretive effect, was strongly deprecated as

b^ng voy harmful to the instrument. In-

deed, such evidence as now* remains to us is

remarkably consistent in that no mention Is

ever made in the older writings of the possi-

bility of reinforcing the vocal tones by a

deliberate use of resonance. The conclusion

is slrM^ly indicated that the bel-caniists seem

to have regarded the vocal amplifier in the

same light as they would, say, the tube of a

horn — a mechanism whose contrSbuiion to

the final product es wholly automatic, and

whose "amplification factor" is alw'ays a

constant, with the proviso that the human

VOI CE-TR AI N I N'G : — (i wlusions

amplUytng tract is capable of altering iis cubic

capacity without altering the pitch of the note.

Ne^’ertlleles^, it seems to have been fully

realized that an alteration of cubic capacity

merely effected a change in (he \*olume of the

tone ; It did nothing whatct'cr to add to or

subtract from its radiation power. The only

thing the singer could do about the am^ifwr

was either to keep it open or to obstruct it, and

obviously the more free from obstruction it

was kept the better. So long as that was done,

nature would do the rest.

Tub Study or Aoilitv. — O nce the pupil

was able to sing with a correct " placing of

the larynx on all voweb and throughout the

full compass of the voice, the study of agility

was begun. The purpose of this course o(

training, the minimum period for which was

usually two years altliough the farther back

one goes in vocal history, the longer was this

period — was to render the lar)ngeal and

throat muscles supple and agile enough to

cope with the most dilTicult vocal gymnastics,

and thus to make the voice strong and evrn

throughout its entire compass. It seems to

have been considered that the vocal muscles of

a singer and the playing muscles of a pianist or

violinist licgin iheir working life in the same

condition — awkward, stiff and Imperfectly

developed for the task l>erore them and that

they must be given exactly the same kirtd of

treatment before proficiency could be aehies'cd.

It was Itelievcd, in fact, that It was impossible

to l>ulld a strong and healthy organ, which

^so\iUi easily withstand the great strain

prtrfcstignal singing, without putting it through

a long course of agility.

riic exercises pr.Tcliscd corbisied uf srales,

** Oivisiuns ”, srales in trills, the mfsu A’ j«rr

in iu many variations, g^rghtggt li-t. vocalhes),

and «(/>«!, the last of whirh were used for a

threefold purpose : to exercise the voire, to

icarh sight-reading and to ensure a clear and

firm articulation of vouch and consonants

ssiitioiit displacing the voice. Among distin-

guished composers who contributed to the

great Italian collection ofgergAcggt and seZ/rggi

are Kossini, Panseeon, Uordognl, Scarlatti,

l*»rpnra, Muliul and Cherubini. Every one of

various types of exercise had one common

technical basis — to leach the singer to make

the reipecdve functions of the four mechan-

isms of voice “simultaneous but independent",

no matter what the nature of the vocal task

might h«. And indeed, it could be truly said

of Garcia's pregnant phrase that in these three

words is to be found the whole of the “lost

secret " of the M ranw.

Ceneml CoxclU8io«-— The remainiog

evidence ov*erwlietmmgiy supports the con-

clusion that M canto was a school of vocalizing

M the larynx ; nevertheless, it must not be

•magmed that it was a school of “ the voice

conJincd at the larynx ". The singing voice,

so far as the singer is concerned, is something

with a centre and two ends, l*he attack,

which is aJ way's made at the ceoire {the

larynx) has an instantaneous result, either at

one end or the other, or at both simultaneously,

dcperiding upon the pitch, intensity and timbre

of the note. The greatest mistake a singer can

make is to try to localize his voice in this or

that nook or cranny of the body. The act of

singing, in fact, resembles the stroke of the

golfer in that it is an act of co-ordination, in

which many parts of the body have a share.

The sensations of singing vary, not only from

note to note, but with every changing degree

of intensity and with every change r*f timbre,

the only |>ottible general rule being that sound

is fdt to a greater degree below the centre on

the low notes and al>ov'e It on the high ones.

The singer sliould remember that while the

centre of ilic voice — and the seat of all ^'ocal

activity — is always fell somewhere immedi-

ately below (he lary’nx (Nathan places a

sigriificant emphasis upon the imporianee of

the windpipe in the management of the voice,

and seems to imply that the larynx should be

regarded merely as iltr closed top of lhat

organ), the upiwr end erf the vtxce can exicntl

nghi up to like lop of the head and the lower

right down to il»c l>oitom of the breastbone.

This fact iwi withstanding, It cannot be too

strongly emphasized that the entire bel etinh

mcih^ is built upon the isolation of the

continuous “carets of the glottis" from

the processes of breathing, lone amplification

and aniculalion, and upon giving ihis all-

important aet prccedenre over them. The

laryngeal muKici must be neither overloaded

with air-pressure so that they tire, nor under-

loaded so (hat ihc note h flat ; the vibration of

ihc cords must not l>e made unsymmetriral by

the use of incorrect resonators; the whole

s'oeal machine musi not l>e thrown out of

balance by the expulsion of the tone caused by

cvef>day speech methods. Much has been

said here of “ air-compression ” ; yet it is

vital to remember that the differectcc between

(he hel-canlist anti the /M/ZaxA singer or the

" mask ” specialist did not lie in the employ-

ment, by the firsi-namcd,of a heavier pressure j

the bel-eantisi alwa>s seems to be using a much

lighter pressure for the same pitch and

intensity. Ji lay in the fact that, whereas the

compression of the two latter types of singer is

always consequent and not subject to dcliber-

ate com red, that of the bel-cantisi was always

deliberate, directly controlled and consciously

managed. U is true that after long training,

patient perseverance and professional experi-

ence ilsc act of singing loses a good deal of its

ctwioee deliberation, as does the bowing of a

skilled viohnist or the fingerwork of the pianist •

nevertheless, like these two, the singer can


never reach the pomi ivhere steady practice

becomes unnecessary.

The more skilled the singer becomes, the

less he rveed* to concentrate upon the “ bow ”

of his singings and it is this fact (and becaise

the vocal mechanism U buried inside tbe

body) which accounts for the constant dearth

of good teachers. No one can teach singing

who cannot himself sing correctly ; yet the

more skilled the singer, the less be relies upon

a conscious understanding of what he b doing,

so that when, after a long career, he comes to

teach others, only too often he has forgotten

the long and carefully graded stairway of

technical development by which he himself

climbed to success, And even if be does

remember it, he does not often know why each

step was placed where it was, or how to adapt

it to the individual difftculiies of his pupils.

He (hen blames the pupil when the fault is hb

own for undertaking a task for which he is

quite unequipped. A singing-teacher must

learn how to teach: to be able to sing b never

enough ; and before he can do that, he must

learn what he hinuelf was never taught — the

" why " as well as the " how

Tua Technical RaCftustOM.— Any anah'sis

of the causes of the present widely deplored

decline in technical skill must perforce be an

expression of personal opinion : nevertheless,

such an opinion may be of value if it b built

upon logical reasoning and scientihe truth.

Whether, as the writer hopes, thb oeniial

pr<wi<o is satisfied by what follows b a question

which the competent reader must judge (or


It can hardly be disputed that a singer

should always sing well within his resources,

which means, in practice, that he sh^ld not

be required to put too heavy an air-presfure

on his larynx. On the other hand, it cannot

be denied that the effect of the sudden increase

in the density of the orchestral barrier initiated

by Wagner and Berlioz, and continued to only

a slightly leu extent by the later Verdi, Puc-

cini, etc. , was (o push opera singers (the opera

house being the ^at incubator of vocal skill)

to the very limits of their resources, very

few trained voices being naturally big enough

to ride the new orchestral thunden without

being extended to the uciermost of their tonal

capacity. The cfleci of this new feature of

opera performance seems to have been to per-

suade many of the leading singers and teachers

to explore the possibility of achieving a similar

increase in the penetrative power of tbe voice

through the deliberate reinforcement of the

tone by the use of “resonances" which the bd-

cantists seemed to have neglected. The c4d

Italian maxim “ Cerca la qualith e la quantiU

vertk " seems to have been dbregarded, al-

though a moment's thought sufhco to cataUbh

ijs scieniihc truth, since a musical sound always

Technical Regresuons

iravds farther than an unmusical one of tbe

saiM pitch and intensity. The idea of

" singing on resonance ", which eventually

supplanted the older idea of singing with the

instruraeot, was supported by the great Jean

de Reseke, who threw tbe whole weight of

hb unquestioned authority on the side of tbe

" resonance " schocJ. (It b significant that

whereas (be pregnant aphorism of the bel-

canibi Alessandro Bonci — “ Singing is like

squeezing paint out of a tube" ['Daily Mail’,

5© June 1908] — attracted little attention,

even at the time of its publicaiion, de Reszke>

L* grande question du chant e'est une

question du nca " is remembered, even to this

day.) The singing- world was looking for a

way out of a new dilemma which it felt that

M evuo could not provide.

The effect of the new doctrine was to turn

(he thoughts of voice-trainers and singers

away from tonal Intensity, what sclentbts

call “radiation efficiency", which b governed

by the closeness of approximation and ampli-

tude of “swing" c( the vocal cords them-

selves, and to focus them upon volume of tone,

and ii b a regrettable fact that they were

often supported in their theories by physio-

loguts and medical men whose knowledge of

sound-physics was neither deep nor well

founded, and whose ignorance of the all-

important subject of instrumental mechaAlcs

can only be described as abysmal. The idea

ofthitf stepping up the power of voices brought

with it (hat of enlarging the breath supply of

(he singer, and here the physiologist stepped in

with deadly effect- A large number of medical

men, failing to understand the special mechani-

cal nature of the breath technique required

for (he peculiar purposes of singing, extolled

tbe virtues of the " natural " low breathing of

sleep, iosbting that only by this means could

tiM singCT accommodate the large amount of

air (^uired for heavy singing, and also main-

taining that by tising this method singrn

would be enabled better to “control" the

breath. Hm first apostle of the new gospel

seems to have beest Dr. Loub Mandl of Paris,

and (he idea was hailed as a great Improve

ment 00 the rabed-chest breathing of M

The effect of abdominal breathing In singing

b twofold. First, the outward thrust of the

abdominal muscles whkh infallibly accom-

panies it — for singing b not sleep : it is an

energetic physical activity — denies to the

diaphragm its vital liberty, by ascending, to

* Aa«cior«Qihetufro(ia«$ouihWsle3DiutDit«is<i

Besrd (oU Uw preMfit wrii«r thst wbeo vkciim ot •heH

duesMS vcw pemsded to brtsthe nvore abdomieslly,

in order lo lemre « deeper do«e«i< of the diaphrsfin. it

was dbeovesed, whea the X-tay pNetofraphi wrr«

wramioed. (bii. eoeinry to npeeiaixon, the diaphracm

did AM drrcctxl lower. The prolrusioB oT the lo'^r

abdoiae*. in bet. exercised no isfivenec whatever on ihe

detent of Ihc dtaphraent.

VOICE-TRAINING: Technical R^^rewiona

maintain a ateady weight of compression at the

inscmnent. This is immediately reflected in

the tone, which becomes unsteady, the degree

of mbrato corresponding exactly to that of the

rise and fall of the air pressure In the windpipe.

The second effect of this kind of breathing

seems to be to blunt the sharp edges of the

glottal lips. In a pamphlet written in tddp

(' Why Abdominal Breathing is Fatal to Bel

Canto *) J. G. Veaco suggested that the reason

is that whenever a deep abdominal breath is

takeo quickly, the edges of the glottal lips are

sucked inwa^, so that they fold downwards

under themselves, and that this constant fold-

ing under causes the edges gradually to lose

their sharpness. Whether this is so or not, it

is certainly true that the tendency of deep

abdominal breathing is gradually to impair

the musical quality of the instrument, and

Veaco*s suggestion oflers a plausible reason

for it.

The result of the new theories was to focus

the attention of singers upon the facial mask,

nose, bard palate and teeth as '* resonators

or tone reitiforccrs. This widely accepted

coneeption of singing brought Into the held, in

lu turn, a number of sound-pljysicists who,

reasonably enough, were concerned to correct

erroneous ideas and to teach the voice*

trainers which parts of the human iostrument

were capable of acting in such a capacity and

which were not. None the less, the effect of

their intrusion was to conArm even the most

painstaking teachers in their mistaken idea

that the tone must be " placed " somewhere

certainly in the right places and not the wrong

ones, but " placed " nevertheless. Thus, a

^eat school of song arose which taught that

" placing " the voice meant, not maintaining

the act of singing at the insirumem. as of yore,

but placing the sound in some chcMn nook or

cranny of the head. The result was to alter

the entire conception of singing, so that It

remained an art only as regards its aetbelic

objec lives, its technique gradually losing its

instrumental character and becoming a mere

specialised extension of the normal speech

faculty. So far was thU alteration carried that

in Great Britain, for instance, a very influential

school came into existence the fundamental

bvis of which was "Sing as you Speak It is

difflcult to undersiand the train of reasoning

which underlies such a method as this, since it is

^pcrlence common to all that nothing tiro

the throat so quickly as the attempt to speak

^tinuously at a pitch higher than the oonnal.

The mere act of trying to speak in a natural

manner in the region of the upper B> or C,

tw instance, is enough to show the impossi-

muty of using this method at the upper limits

of the voice, for not only does the throat make

an immediate protest, but the speech-tones

“come progressively more strident as the


pilch ascends.* The "sing as you speak"

singer is thus compelled to adopt a diflerent

nelbod for the upper voice than for the lower,

since the system is practicable only within the

normal speech octave — an illogical state of

affairs, to say the least.

There seems to be no scientific foundation

for the belief that the operation of the human

amplifier of voice can be influenced bencA-

ccQily by any act of " tone-placing " : on the

contrary, there is good reason to bclic\'e that

this section of the instrument gives its best

results when no attempt is made to interfere

with its working. A singer can only " place ”

lone in a preselected spot by setting up an

obstacle in the path of the sound-^vaves winch

will force (hem In the direction required,

while it is almost impossible to " place ” tone

at the front of the mouth without occasioning

a Subconscious attempt to push it towards the

chosen place. A voice sounds forward because

no obstacles have been placed in iu path; it

is not forward because it is " placed ” there.

As regards the general scientific contribution

to the technique of singing, iu elTect has been

to place too marked an emphasis upon the

minutiae of voice, and thus to obscure the

main objectives of the voice-trainer. The

leaves ai^ twigs and branches of the singer’s

" tree are the physiological and acnusiic

deuils, but the " tree " iuclf is a creation of

very simple mechanics — the meclianics of

the hand-spray already mentioned. 'Ihe

singer’s ** tree " will surely grow JicaJlhy

brandies and leaves if the simple mechanical

conditions necessary for iu growth are safe-

guarded. Singing is an affair of skill, but not,

so far as the singer himself U concerned, of

complexity. The greatesl clement of difficulty

IS introduced by the necessity to articulate, so

that the singer must learn a method ofariicuU-

lion different from that of everyday speech,

and of such a nature that it does not impose

any modificatiem upon the correct mechanical

working of (he singer’s " sound-ipray ”

/'ar/aad», in singing, should always be ea«n-

and never a real per/oMb.

There are, of course, many other factors

vd^h have operated to a lesser degree to

bring about the modern decline in technical

pr^ieocy, one of the most widespread of

which is (he leodency of modern composers to

disf^ard (he peculiar nature of the voice

when used as an instrument of music, and to

(real it as one which can speak any word on

My note of the vocal compass, regardless of

(he vowd and consonant structure of the word

V » u»w»rd tWnch ' ©f ibe upn«« aWotolnal

tt mijniuried dt^nc rpt^U. ihe ipeskinj. voice

drop» w « piuli snd bee©mri m©re

d whil« th« «i>^rr reel! (hsl he i$

TiJ?^ but from (lie lunn,

Tte • ^ mmt vdtuUe Uehnniue for pvblk ipeaken

ce«bftn, leciuren. «e. — W



or of the position of the note, or of those

which precede and follow it. Then, too, there

is the strangely recurrent aspiration of com-

posers to jettison their musical heritage when

^v^iting for the voice, and to imitate as closely

as possible the “natural” inlkctions of speech

(I do not refer here to note-values, but to the

rise and fall of the music), not realizing that

what they regard as much easier to stng,

because it i» so close to speech, is in reality the

must difficult of all, and the most uncongenial

to the singing-voice, since it puts the singer

bct^^'een two stools, where he is neither wholly

a singer nor wholly a speaker. It cannot be

too w’idely recognized that the most congenial

of all tasks for the singing-voice is, simply, to

sing eanlabiU.

The introduction of the microphone has

undoubtedly had an unfortunate effect upon

vocal technique, and signs are not wanting

that the Lad effects of so-called “ microphone

technique ” are becoming progrcssisTly more

widespread. In the first place, of course, the

use of a microphone means that the »riger is

no longer compelled to make his voice hoard

over wide spaces ; it need <mly travel the two

or three feet that separate him from the

microphone. And as even the best loud-

speaker is by no means a perfect reproducer,

Ixing somewhat unequal in its treatment of

consonants, the necessity to achieve a clear

and crisp articulation of these indispensable

identification marks of the word has studio

executives, in many cases, to urge young and

inexperienced singers to place their voices

right ” on the lips ”, so tliat the w'ords are

almost spat at the microphone with tight

consonantal gestures of the lips and tip of the

tongue. The inevitable results of thm mis-

taken tactics are a n^raSa, faulty intonation, a

thin unmusical tone and a complete absence

of Ugaia. If a singer's words are not clearly

heard, whether in the concert-ball or from a

loud'Speaker, the cause is nearly always to be

found in a faulty method of vocallsatioA; the

singer has not bnn (aught to keep the work of

the vil>rator and that of the articulator simul-

taneous but independent. The act of spitting

words at a microphone will merely put the

whole vocal mechanism at the mercy of the

articulator, and so make a bad position

infinitely worse. It is noc enough for a singer's

articulation to be clear; it must be

musical, or the voice will not lasi.

Special Nora on the AapouctATuzA.— In

view of the disapproval often expressed by

modern musicians when apficggi»ivt not

indicated by the composer arc introduced by

singers, it b advisable to empliasize the p«ni

that certain have an essential

technical basis, and that their omission must

inevitably lead to bad singing. If, for instance,

the soprano who sings ” Dch vieni non tardar,

o gioia bclla ” omits the appoggiatura on the

Arst syllable of tbe word “ bella ” because

Mozart did not insert it, either she must care-

fully refrain from giving the syllable its proper

accentuation, or, if she accents the syllable

without making tbe appo^iatura, she will

in^Uhly slur up to the note from below. This

type of appoggiatura is, in fact, a technical

device for dealing with a physical contra-

diction brought about by the accentuation of

the word: the descending pitch demands a

decrease in air-pressure, while the accentua-

tion of the syllable requires an increase.

Whenever iliis happens, the appoggiatura is

the only solution. Only the singer can know

when an appoggiatura or a " changed note ”

is necessary to avoid bad intonation. The

a(q>oggiatura U, in fact, a tcclinical device — a

singer's licence of the same order as the poet's

licence, w'hkh should always be granted him.

It is necessitated by tite fact that, unlike any

other musician, the singer must accent words

as wt[\ as notes, and that in many instances

the result is a conflict at ihc lar)nx which can

be resols'cd only by the introduction of an


The ViBKATO. — It was a tenet of ihe bcl-

cantisi that the presence of a vibrato was the

infallible hall-mark of a faulty method of using

(he voice. A personal friend of Manuel Garcia

has recorded that, in reply to a question

regarding a CMtcert from which he had just

returned, the old maestro said r "Good voices,

yes. Dut I heard no singing. There was

al way's that horrible irkreia.” This seems to

tally with the rest of the evidence: singing,

as the bel*caniisls knew it, meant something

very well defined, in w’hich the vibrate simply

could not occur, except through uncontrollable

nervousness or the physical deterioration due

to age.

liic term vibrate, as applied to t)ie voice,

means an involuntary and uncontrolled

oscillation of the pilch of the sung note. In

studying the causes of tills now prevalent vocal

disease, the voice-traincr must first clear his

mind of (he erroneous conception of the forma-

tion of vocal pitch usually engendered by the

use of the terra "vocal coMs” to represent the

vibrating lips of the glottis. We all lend to

think in images, and in the great majority of

cases that little word " cord ” persuades us to

accept a concept ctf vocal pitch formation

which is essentially that of (he stopped string,

wliercas in reality there is a great deal more

in it than this. It is too often forgotten (hat

whereas the frequency at which a siring

vibrates 1$ determined by three factors, all of

which arc Inherent In the string itself—

length, tension and %veight (i.r. mass) — the

vibraiioo of the ” vocal cords” Is deierniinw

not by three factors, but by four — length,

tension, mass and air-pressure — the last ol

VOICE-TRAINING : Vibraio — Inicrprctaiion


which b AOi inhcreot in the " cords bui is

external to (hem ; and it is (his last factor

which is most important of all.

If a length of narrow elastic membianc is

strung at a tension between two fixed potntSi

its frequency of vibration will not var>’> no

matter what method Is used to set it in vibra*

lion. It may be stroked with a bow. sirurk

with a hammer, plucked like a harpscring or

blown upon like an Aeolian harpscring, ytt

the pitch of its note will not alter. But if two

lengOis of the same membrane are fixed edge

to edge across the wooden tube set in the neck

of an air balloon, $0 that only one edge of each

membrane is free to vibrate, the pitch of the

consequent squeak «vill vary with es’cry change

of air-pressure in ihe balloon. The membrarte

lino longer a "free*' vibrator, but to a certain

extent a " forced " vibrator. Similarly, if a

singer, while singing a note, receives an un-

expected and vigorous punch in the region of

Ihe iuimach, the pitch uf his note will Hy up,

nor will he be able tu prevent it from so doing,

no maitrr how accurate his ear. I’he surge

of air-pressure at the larynx has been ivo

sudden to allow the vocal cords 10 alter their

tension so as to correct it.

Now a mil Of " shake " represents a con-

trolled rapid osciUaiion of the pitch of the

sung note ; and it is a fact known to all com*

petent teachers that the trill cannot be pro-

duced by orthodox vocalization, for the ten-

sioning muscles of the glottis simply will not

oscillate rapidly enough to cause it. An

attempt to trill by orthodox vocalization

always results in what the Germans call a

fiMkstrilUf — a sound like a goat-bleat. The

trill is in fact, caused by a controlled oscilla-

tion of air-pressure in the windpipe, the

trachea acting like an accordion, stretching

and shortening itself with extreme rapidity and

so causing an oscillation of (he entire larynx.

The lih/ato resembles the trill in that it too

U caused by 1 rapid oscillation of air-pressure

in the windpipe; but whereas in the case of

the trill the extent of the oscillation is con-

trolled and exact, in that of the eiitas* it is

inw>iuntary and uncontrolled. Involuntary

oscillation of air-pressure can only have two

physical causes: (a) the accordion -like

oscillation of the windpipe and (A) a iremM

of the diaphragm. The former U caused by

laryngeal muscles pulling against each other

instead of working in harmony with each

other, and the most prolific cause of this b the

elTon. whether conscious or subconscious, to

propel the tone out of the mouth or into the

mask, The p^rlanJo or the " mask " singer

will in^iiably develop a if the practice

IS persisted jn. The diaphragmatic tremor b

the result of breathing too low and, particu-

larly, of using the abdominal muscles to with-

hold the breath from the larynx. The present


writer has seen a very strong man — a coal-

miner— set his whole body trembling with

the muscular effort of keeping the diaphragm

rigid, which he had been taught to regard as

" l^eath control " ; in ivhai a tremulous state,

then, must his diapliragni have been !

A man can go for many da>'s w'llhout food,

and for three da^*!, and in some cases longer,

without drink. But if he stops breathing for

four minutes he dies. The diaphragm is so

pow'erful, and so conditioned by the vital

urge iu maintain the respiratory cycle, that

the attempt to keep it rigid brings an immedi-

ate rebellion in the shape of a violent iixmior.

Once it has descended for ilu* in- breath, it

must be allowed to press upward against tlie

air-cushion prov'ided by the inflated lungs;

that b w'hy w*e alw’ay’s lake a deep breath

before hfiiiig a lieavy weight, and then stup

the breath at the larynx.

Tise <ikr«r# can also be caused by the cm*

ploy'ment of a heavier breath pressure than

the lar)'nx can cociirortably contain, and here

the mcdrrn conductor, with his partiality fur

(he big battalions, cannot be absolved from

blame for (he prcM’nt state of things. It is

hopeless to expect 1 single liuinan voice, how-

ever ample, to compete wiih great batteries of

uombocm, horiu and trumpets, with a bau

tuba or tw‘o thrown in fur good measure, with-

out emerging from so unequal a contest in a

somewhat impaired condition. Conductors

and composers ought to remember that when-

ever a voice is well used the singer himself

hears very little of it : it b ilie hollow, jawy

Cf ^Mcyngeal voice which sounds big to ita

pcasessor. A well-used voice is produced with

the greaiest economy of means, and it en-

genders the sensation of a small but ringing

point of sound : it may be compared w’ith the

brilliant point of light at the nozzle of an

oxy-aceiylene burner, whose tremendous

radiation of heat-waves is invisible to ilie eye.

The linger who can remain content to work

with tins small point of sound while great

surges of orchestral (one are apparently

e^lfing him r^uircs a will of steel to hold

him (o hb technique. It reassures him, under

such conditions, to liear hU voice growing

bigger in hU cars than the orchestra, and so

he forsakes iniemlty for veJume and a manage-

able air-|»e«ure for a heavy one, because ihe

sheer weight of il»c forces set against him wjU

not let him bdieve that his small but ringing

pipe can be heard above the din. After a

year or so of fighting this unequal battle the

mosa ample and robust v^ce will inevitably

develop a wiraia, for the singer has forsaken

Singing and has turned to a quasi-musical


The Technical Aseect or Interpreta-

^^w*«“-The respective arts of the elocutionist

and of the singer are built upon different





technical basc$, and it is clear that the

aeatheiic object ives of any artist roust be very

largely influenced by the techoicaJ

adopted. This is particularly so in the case of

the singer, since there can be but one method

of using (he vmcc which can be said to

establish ihe most complete cooperation with

nature in the execution of the particular task

to be performed. It is hU clear rec^nition of

the exigencies of the task and the means

necessary to its accomplishmeni which marks

the successful voice-trainer. When we sleep,

for instance, we co-opcraie best w ith nature ^

breathing abdominally, since this form of

breathing best fulfils her peculiar purpose

(f.«. peculiar to sleep) of keeping the body

alive with the absolute minimum expenditure

of cne^. But when we must lift a heavy

weight, we co*operate best with nature by

stopping iJir breath at the laryru fur the dura-

tion of the efTcrt, so as to enable the che>t and

back muscles to w*ork at their highest eflieiency

and without causing the chest to eollapae. In

matters of technique, the means are deter*

mined by ihe particular end to be achieved.

The art of the elocutionist is based upon the

verbal phrase; that of the singer Is based

upon the phrase of music, since to base it upon

the verbal phrase would occasion that Inter-

ference by the articulator with the vibrator

which Is absolutely fatal to the singing-voice.

Thus, the old fundamental principle of M

canlo, that the emotional content of Ihe verbal

text must be expressed by means which are

mainly musical, still holds good t(vday. £>*€0

in declamatory music that composer w’ill be

best served by the singer who so skilfully

welds musical accent to verbal accent that the

verbal accent emerges naturally from the

musical accent without impairing the lyrical

quality of the music. And while it Is agreed

that the singer may no longer interfere with

the notes provided by the composer, It is as

true as it ahvays was that the principal means

of intcrpretaiion available to the singer ts to be

found In the sensitivity of his musical phrasing

and in the fact that in his most eff^tivc

touches of “ word-painting he never forgets

for a single instant that his jMr/«wl» is a

eantando which Is employed f M/j-per/aadr :

something which gives the impression of

" natural speech, but is not. r. x. (ii).

bi 61 .icx;rapky

Auix, SV. A.. *TIm rriiKipWs«r V*oweI rr«iHia<M(we*

(Proc. Mus. A«., Vol. XXX, 190S).

Lov'R. ' Dvn**<ik : • Nvw

10 FtN Vok« ProUwiMn * iLanUgn, ta«t).

BSMKKt. Katb Cmi. * On tbf MkIuubib> «f (he Human

Vdiee ' (Pmc. Miu. Au.. V» 1 . V(. i : * On nuxo-

graphs of ihc Throai in SiAfinc ’ IV^. X. laSi) ;

’Th« fUfuien of (he Humas \’ok« ’ (Vol. XIII.


' The Teehnieue of * (London, 194$},

Carozzt. C. n., * PraetkaJ aucrouioeis oit Vocal

Culture ' (P<ee. Mm. Am. Vol. IX. 1U7).

Daas<. VV. S., Varioue artieks T.. me.

FiuA'Mvpc, F. C.. * Vocal Vibrato, Tremolo and

JwMcf: tbeir N’acuee, Causes and Trealmeni’

iChdord. 1946).

KrucT. FaA».Ktvx. *Thc RKldk of ihe Voice MM. &

L., XXIX, t 9 *t.p. sjB).

* Uliai is StAfine? * (M. & L.. XXX, 1949, p. Si6).

NlACMAaev. Axuakd, ’ Lc Bel Car^to * (Paris, i94d).

FArrrinA, C«a*lu, * L'An (k chanter * (I'afir, 1945).

Sasvlzv. Charles. 'The Vocal An* (Proc. Mus. Ass.,

Vol. XI. 106 $).

SHALasecAur, Usliian, * &tnein( as an Art’ (Pm, Mus.

Am. Vol. XXVI. 1904).

VOICING. A term used iri organ building

to express the methods of obtaining a par-

lieulax quality of (one in an organ pipe, of

regulating a series or rank of pipes so that iheir

tones slialJ be uniform throughout and shall

bear a correct relationship to those of other

ranks of pipes in the instrument and to its

aeouslical environment.

The quality of the tone of due pipes is

mainly dependent on (t) their general shape,

(a) their scale, i.<. the relation of the diameter

^ the pipe to its speaking-length and (3) the

thicknra and quality of ihc material of which

(hey are made. After the pipe-maker has

turned out a set of pipes to the given scales, the

voicer can produce a great amount of tonal

variety by (1) regulating the quantity of wind

admitted to the pipe at Its foot-hole, (a)

regulating the thickness of the ** sheet of wind

by adj vitir^ the width of the Buci (3} adjusting

the angle at which the ** wind sheet strikes

(he upper lip by pulling out or pushing In this

latter, and depressing or raising the languid,

(4) by “ cutting up the upper lip so that the

height of the mouth has a correct proportion to

its width for a particular class of tone. Various

other devices are employed and these include :

putting small regularly spaced " nicks " in the

front the languid or the lower lip to pre-

vent unwanted Initiation phenomena and to

stabilize the speech of the pipe; bevelling

(he lips ; cur>’ing the upper lip and adjusting

its thickness, ^meiimes the upper lip is

covered w’iih a piece of folded soft leather, but

this practice usually leads to pipes yielding

tones which do not blend with others. In

England it has been used far too often during

the last half-century. Sometimes a dot is cut

in the back of an open flue pipe. Although

this tends to give the pipe a ** horny ’ quality

ctf tone. It was formerly much favoured for

diapasons, as it was believed to enhance their

blending qualities.

Certain classes of flue pipes, such as those of

nsuTOw scale, which are used to give siruig

tone, are fitted with a wooden or metal bar,

bank or “ beard ** between the ears of the

pipe and across the lower part of the mouth.

\VjHb has introduced various '* baffles” at the

top of the pipe body, known as “compensator-

amplifiers”, which tend to prevent #ic pipe

from overblowing to a harmonic.

The voicing of reed pipes is dependent

chiefly on (i) the quaniUy and pressure ©fair




admitted, (3) the shape, maierial, curve aod

thickness cf the toogue. (3) its portion, size

and shape with respect to the aperture of the

shaUot, (4) (he relation betweea the length of

the tube and the pitch of the note produced.

The shape of the tube will have been hxed by

the piperriaker before the voicei docs his nork,

but it is an important factor in determining the

tone of the pipe. For instance, cybrsdricai

bodies encourage the odd'numbered har*

monies and are used for clarinets, whereas the

thin tapered tube of the cor anglais terminates

in a “ bell ", as In the orchestra) instrument.

Voicing is the most artistic part oi an organ

builder’s work, and without great skill in thb

aspect of his art the instrument remains a

machine. A delicate ear, a skilful hand and

great judgment and expericrKc are required.

After the pipes have left the voicing*room

much careful adjustment will ><111 be required

when the organ has been erected in its per*

mancni home. An organ pipe U very sensitive

to its surroundings and it is only by this final

and painstaking regulation that the best

results are to be obtained. w. t. s. («i;.

VOICTLANDER, Gabriel (k. Reideburg,

<■ 130b; d. Nykobing, Feb. ib43|.

German musician and poet. He spent

most ufhis life as a trumpeter, hrst at Lubeck

(iCas-33), then at Cottorf (court*truinprtcr

to Prince Friedrich 111 . i633-3b) and lastly

at Copenhagen and Nykvbing as trumpi’ter

and musician to Prince Christian. In 164*^

hii important collection of * Oden und

Licdcr * was published at Soro (Denmark)

and Jive editions had appeared by 1O64. It

contains 93 tunes (only one by himself/ corn*

poicd by many of the bc^t Fiuropcan mudtians

of the early tyth century, including several

by J^nglish composers; fur these tunes N’oigi*

lander wrote poems in a elewr mieiure vf

scnousncsi, humour and satire, r. t. d.

bjBt,— FiKHBs, Kvaf, Osbrial ^.l.ai.U..

XII1 t *

KBNNiHot, 'Stvn uhrr CsIhmI VoiiiUftakr’

r Otc Flu»iUe<*«KuM| I'a;,

VOIRIN, Jeao Fran^oU (k. Mireeourt,

I Oct. td33; d. Farts, 4 July tSds).

French bow maker. Hr served hb appren-

ticeship with Jean Simon in Haris and later

worked for Vuillaume. According to the then

prevailing custom he started his apprentice-

ship in his twelfih year, being already familiar

with the rudiments of his craft and acquiring

greater skill in the service of VuiHaumc.

On the termination of the Franco-Prussian

war Voirin estaldishcd himself at 3 Rue de

Bouloi. Hr was n<*arly alw’ays found at work

un the top door of die house in whkh he Jived

with his wife and three daughters, and where

he welcomed visitor, especially the repre-

sentative of the London bouse that sold his

bows IQ England, His feUow-workers there

were Lamy and Thomassln.

Early in the 1860s his health began to fail,

but the end came with tragic suddenness. On

the last day of his life he was at work till

es'enii^ when he dctided to call on Kugchc

Oand to show him some bows he Jiad made

fur the exhibition at .Antwerp. On the way

he had an apoplectic fit and w’at carried to

tlie nearest apothecary’s and from there to his

l»om*', where he died the >am(' night without

r^'g.iining consciousness.

,\fiiT F'ran^oU Tourte, \*oirin was the

alilcst of the Fr«’nch bow makers. While in

\’uillauine's employmint hr sh<iwod no signs

ufoubunding merit — perha|M owing to lack

of encouragement, N\ hen he l>ccitme hiv own

master he gave rein to hi» Micas and produced

a bow in ewry detail of which grace and

elegaiHC prevailed. Mis vlicks, accural* ly

worked, are thinned down tow'urJs vuch ec*

tremity, more wcmkI being left in ihv cent re.

Use Iw’ail ii gracefully shaprd an<i iJie face*,

both ofrliony and ivory, are light in subsuncr,

as are also the iikuI parts of the mountings.

In every deiait wc fiiHl die maker trying to

combine elegante with ulihty, and therein he

dilfers from the mure inivculin*' work of

Toutte and his fidUswrrs. He thus piudmrd

a bow of divtinciivT sty I**, and only on run*

occasions did hr revert to that evolved by


It ii of interest lo record the prirev than{e<l

Iry Voirin for his Ikiwi. .According to a bill

dating from 1879 the trade price of the how

was io francs for which the I.ondon

firm charged 9 is. In 1884 Voirin raised his

price lo the trade to francs (iin,), whih* his

gold-mounted Imws were sold at from 723. to

I m. His silver-mounted lx>ws cost Jrom 04s.

to 33s, A. I’. II.. ahr.

VataoaMi. Claud* d«. ManUmiviHe ijoi.,

* TiioA e< I' Aurora hi, .

Votataa, CUbari d«. Sn Rcustcl I’FVwin il«

I'arjHinec balki Krn./,

Votiar*. VtA««*c. Xti K<Kr.iiJiaI caiitilji.



VOIX CELESTE. 5 rr OitCAX Srors.

VOlX SOMBREe (Fr. <* darkened voice).

The French term for the vviled voice or locr

pei 4 Ui, in contradistinction to ihe eotx elaire,


Stt *(m Veiled Voice.

Vajoavie. L 5m Ko«nier H, fr.. * RaiMnS of

Lasoxua lUcid n.), Kovafovic tqvln«K ^ do,^

MevmAitn (* Herbuturtt opera).

VOLATA (lul., flight). A run or other

rs^id passage.

VOLBACH, Friu (k. AS ippclfurth, Rhine-

land, 17 Dee. 1861 ; d. AVicsbaden, 6 Dec,


German conductor and composer. He

studied at the Cologne Conservatory and

else where, and in 1686 joined the Royal Insti-

tute of Church Music in Berlin. There he

remained until (893, when he accepted the




poit of music dirccior at Mainz, where he

conducted several choral sociciiea, removing

to Tubingen to take up professional v^’ork to

1907. During the war of 1914-18 he con-

ducted symphony concerts at rest camps and

in 1919 became professor in the University

of Munster. He did much editorial work and

published many educational books, notably

on orchestration.

Volbach's style in composition is dbtin-

guished by melody, a warm expression,

pleasant fancy and clear individualiiy. He

brought to bear upon his work a full know-

ledge of vocal and orchestral efCrcis and a

power of embodying hU thoughts in scoring

which is both effective and artistic.

In England he became known by the sym-

phonic poem Op. 91 , played in London at a

Promenade Concert in tgoi. * Easier* ftw

organ and orchestra was given at (he Sheffield

Festival of 1909, and in a revised fi>rm at a

Promenade Concert in 1904, in whkh season

* Alt Heidelberg * was also played. A lei of

three * Sitmmungsbllder * for chorus and or-

chestra was heard under the compeoer's

direction at the K.C.M. in London in Dee.

t904. Hb chief works are as follows :

SPS'S ' Die Kuwt tu lieWn prodveed

Uuwtklwf, 1010.

Chersl b*ll»«h ’ Urr Tfoybftd^M * aad ’ Aia Steg.

fri«dbninr%«n * Ter mcn^t k errk.

Ch»r«l b«ll«4 * Konii Laurifu Raetvfancfl ’ (or bar*,

ioiie. min'i eharui a areh.

* Kymne tn Maria * (Daniel Car chanie, tala inau. It


* RaOacI ‘ br eh«>rva & orean.

Ballad rwlr * Vom fagen und der K»nigs*aehic« *

(Oribeh Tar lata vaicn, charui 4 arek.

^mphany, B mi.

aymph, pmms *£« warm rmi KaaifftktAder* and * AU


Symph, pa«m * Carter * far amaa 4 arch,

S iru«i, D mi, bf 9 me., viola. <«llo 4 pt

inwi) C ma. be wind inica. 4 pC

D K., adds.

Biai,, • SeiiwAKf. Geoao, * Priti Volbacl« W«rke'

(Munster, rgsO.

VOLKERT, Fnax (i. Frledland nr.

Bunr.lau, ? Feb. 1767; Vienna, 99 Mar.


German organist, conductor and composer.

He became conductor at the Theater an der

Wien in Vienna, for which he wrote about

T 50 SinisfikU, musical farces, melodramas and

pantomimes, which were very popular in

their time. He abo composed graduab for

4 voices, organ pieca, trios for violin, cello

and pianoforte, variations, etc., for pianoforte,

songs, etc. E. V. d. *.

VOLKMANN. German family of musk

publishers. Set BnerrKOPp & Habtel.

VOLKMANN, (FHodrich) Robert (k

Lommaizsch, Saxony, 6 Apr. i6t$ ; Buda-

pest, 99 Oct. 1683).

German compeaer. His father, cantor and

Khoolmaster at Lommatasch. taught him

music, with such effect that by the tiroe he

was twelve he took (he services in church. He

chcQ had instruction from Friebel, the ** town

muucian ”, in violin and cello playing, and

later from A. F. Anacker, music^ director of

the seminary at Freiberg.

In CS36 V'olkmann went to Leipzig to

study systematically and made the acquaint-

ance of C. F. Becker, and also of Schumann,

who exercised a great influence on him. In

1837 he published his first work, the * Phan-

tasiebilder * for pianoforte, at l^ipzig, His

next step was to visit Prague as music teacher

in the family oi Countess Stainlcin-Saalen-

siein, where he remained from r 839 to 1841.

He afterwards went 10 Budapest, where he

set up as teacher and composer, holding

various offices between 1S41 and j 8^. In

1854-58 he lived in Vienna, producing many

compositions. He was appointed professor of

ccmposition at the National Music Academy

of Budapest in 1878.

In spite of the great popularity of a number

of his works on the Continent for many years,

Vdkmann's music failed to obtain a perma-

nent place in the estimation of musicians.

Fluent, graceful, clever and not without

originality, it misses ihc qualities that make

musk immortal.



^ Ovenur« (• ShAbeipc«r«H * Richard III '.

79- for Shsketpesre’s * Ruhard (II *.


«4 Mau I, D riu., bf iiuib votcu.

«$. hlatt N*. t, As ms.. mate v^ces.

47, OfTenarv f** soorano, eborui ft ereh.


gp. 4 PartMnci br unaccatnp. men'i voices,

aft * Orel geiMitchc Chare * with {rf.

4a. S Raruengs (or unaccamp. mcn'i <heru».

$4. a FMlaongi br unaccamp. men*i vaices.

S ’ Weihnachultcd ' br tela vakas & rhems.

* Alidcunclter Hysnnus ’ fee uaaccemp. dawhie

men's charui.

TO. * Zwvl geiulKhe Lieder ’ for unarcomp. (harus.

91. ' Dret nachieltslieder ’ br unaccemp. eharus.

7$. t RarSsan f s br wnaeeamp. ckanis.

— 4 Ransengt br ueaccamp. men’s vekes.

— ’ Wetkstacht ‘ br S*pan childree’s chorus.


44. Svmpheny Na. i. D as.

ja. * Res(.0«venttr«.’

S i. Sympbaav Na. a. Bp laa.

r. Sere4a«le Na. t, C ma., br tigt.

4s. Serenade Na. s. F ma., brsigt.

— Caacen Overture. C nu,


99. CeUaCancefla.

e ' CaoaemtMk * foe pf.

Serenade Na. }. D bL, br celb 4 ngi.


49- * An dia Na«bi * br eMlsalia.

40- * Sappba * be seprarc.

S5. * Kireheaarie ' br bariiane.






$. Tno Ne. t P , for vn., & ft.

), TK« No, «. mi., fe^ «eUo A pT.

9< SiKttg Qu«rt«t No. 1 . A mi.

Striof Quanet No. a, G mi.

34. Siring Quartei No. $. G ma.

9$. String Quorlei No. 4. E mi.

97. Siring Quariei No. P mi.

49. Siring Quarre* No, S, £9 ma.

* ScUumm«rU«J ’ (or Kom & barp.


to. ' Chani do Troubadour.’

t$. * Ailegreito caprireioia,*

91. ’KapMdie.’

el. Sonatiua Nw. 1. A mi.

6j, Saiiaiina No. •*.


7. ‘ Roirunoo,*

74. * (!apr>c<io.*


I . * Srchi PhanlaiieSiUrr.’

! * Ditlivrambc und lMi.a(a.’

' SoMkeiiir da b(ar6ih.*

B. * Nocturne/

l9, Sonaiai

17. ’ llurh drr l.irder,*

18. * iToiiiiche I aA<v.ri««n.*

19. ’ C’.>vaiina iiml ttanarolo.’

90. JliiriBrarian Songi.

ji. * Vi«rgr4d ’ {iHU ' VOcbrad

4 i. 4 Marclirt.

19. ’ WanJerOriitcn/

4). ’ Plianiaaie und (ni«niw*iao.'

48. Vanalion* imi a riiro^ br Handol.

97 t ' I.iedar drr Grotunuiier.'

90. ’ Drri ImproviiaiioAcn.*

41. ’ Au lomlKAu <lu Comit .SMthcayi.'

91. * Ballade und Schoririie.'

— Variarioiii OA The ’ KheiA'»«iitli«d *.

* • ’ Capriraiatio,*


1 1. * MuMkaliwbn BildcrhucK.'

94. 7 Hungarian Skeithei.

39' ‘ Die Taerteeiien.*

4'* 3 MjfcKeti

9V * K'trhiiiio uiid Manih>Caprke.’

37. Swnaiina.


1. jVuf*.

13. 3 Songi,

lb, 9 Soon.

99. 3 Suniit.

48. ' l.iedrrkreii ’ <ur rnniralle.

39. 9 Si»r>ii Tor toprann o« imer.

94. * Brbehrie ’ for topegoo.

a . 3 Sonet for mriao<ioprano. with ceRe.

. 3 Sniift fiif tofirene.

74. 3 Senift for tenor.


87. 6 Dueu for loprana A tenor.


lUns Volkmann (*. 29 Apr. 187s), *

grandTicphcvr pt Robert Volkmann, Mudied

Art and muaicaJ hbtory at Munich aikd

Berlin. He u his grvat'uncle's biographer

and his researches with regard to Astorga '

cleared away some of ihe legend* which

surrounded the career of that compocer, but

have in turn been superseded by later In*

vesiigaiions. H. c. c., adds.


VoisMANji. Kaxs, * Robert Volluiuim* (Drodes. 1903).

' >Sr< AtrosoA <Bibl.).

' Robon VeUataan ’ (Dresden, ipssj. a tfnalkr work,

’TWraauebe Versekbeii* der Werbe von Rubart

V^kmana * (DrsadeB. 1937).

VeutMAXM, Rooear, Letters, ed. by Haru Volkmann

(Dreadea. i9S7>«

VOLKSLIED (Ger. •folksong). This Ger-

man word is only Itterally the cquivaleni of the

English ** folksong " ; actually, although the

lerm may indicate true German folksong it

is also in use for any kind of song so popular as

to have become current among the people at

large, w’ho learn t\*ords and tune in their child-

ho^ without being caught the names of author

and composer, though these may be identifi-

able, as in ilie case of genuine folksong they arc

not. Any extremely simple sirophic German

song may achieve such currency, and it will

then be said by Germans to have become a

fWAs/tfd**, which is possible so long as the icrm

is accepted in its special sense, but not if it

really means *' folksong ". Ivven a song by

a great master, if it happens to l)e simple

enough, may come to be called a as

in llie case of Schubert's * ISeidenrusIcin

which nothing can make a folksong in the

English and more precise sense of the term.

As a rule, however, IVfAjhVtfrr are things

of inferior quality: sentimental words set to

even more sentimental tunes. I'he settings are

always iirophic. i.r. a tunc repeated unvaricdly

with each verse, and the tunes are almost

w’ithoui exception squarely symmetrical, j.r.

constructed in regular four-bar phrases.

^^'here (he A.B.A. form is used, the first half

of tlM song will probably lead to a half-close

in the dominant while the second, starting

with a new " B ” idea, will lead back to '* A "

and to the tonic, with a slight new twist to

bring about the tonic close where the domin-

ant appeared before. On the other hand such

a tune as that of ' Die Lorelcy where “ A ”

remains in the tonic at the end of the first

section, may have a new twist on its return

after ** B " merely for the sake of variety and

(as in (his instance) for the purpose of placing

the final tonic note an octave higher.

' Die Lorelcy ' is, of course, a characteristic

example of a f'attx/j'ed that can by no stretch

of imagirution — at any rate non-Germanic

imagination — be called a folksong, for not

only are the words not the genuine folk ballad

they appear to be, but a deliberate imitation

of (he folk-ballad manner by Heine >, but the

tune is by a minor composer whose identity Is

no secret — Friedrich Silchcr. Other specl-

mestt by Sikher which ace regarded sis Vtt/As-

iiedfT are * Aennchen von Tharau ‘ Morgen

rnuss kh fort von hier ' and ' Zu Sirassburg

auf der Schana’. Further well-known ex-

amples of the same kind of thing are Kiicken's

* Aeh wic war's mbglich dann ', Drechsler’s

* F»r eeauine Cwmb (dlkieaf tet Folk Music.

DwiiM me Nsu •««iine jt> Germany (1933-43) it

WM <Seierib«d •• beme br an “ author ”,




* Brud^rlein fern ’ (to gWe an Austrian

example: this came from one of Ferdinand

Raimund's popular Viennese fairy-tale plays)

and the Swiss patriotic song * Tritist im Mor*

genrot daher * by Joseph Zwyssig. These last

two are mentioned here to show that the

Austrians and the Cerman-speaking Swiss

share the delusion that Volkiiif^ are Oerman

folksongs. Further familiar songs of the land

arc * Das acrhrochene Ringelcin‘, of which not

only the composer U known (Friedrich Gluck»

1814), but the poet too (£ichendorff, 1809) ;

* Es kann ja nicht immer so bleiben’ <Himinel»

1O03) ; ‘Kommt a Vogerl gcflogen' (Viennese

dialect, Wenzel Muller, tSao) ; theChrhtmas

song 'Stillc Nacht’ (Frana Gruber, i6t6).

It must not be supposed that similar con*

fusions are unthinkable among English-

speaking people, many of whom may be quite

capable of taking, for instance, * Drink to

me only with thine eya* or e%’en 'Rule,

Britannia ' for a folksong; but they are not

likely to persist in that notion on I^ing told

that the author of the former is perfectly wvU

known (Benjonsen) and the composer at least

suspected (? Dr, Harrington of Bath), and that

in the latter case both are easily identified. In

other words, they will rtoi l>e prepared to

assert that a popular song both w’ords assd

music of which are by welUknown penorn U

capable of brrming a folksong. t- a.

Kuckeft. Sikhc*

V*]l, Sff Lkki (I. * Psinii Lcben '. mod. hl).

VOLLERTHVNf Georg (k, Purstenau nr.

Danzig, 99 Sept. 1876}.

German conductor and composer. He

went to school in Berlin and studied there at

the Stern Conservatory and with Wilhelm

Tapper!, Robert Radeeke and Friedrich

Gernsheim. He became conductor at the

German Theatre in Prague {1899-1901), the

Theater des \S'estens in Berlin (1901-9), at

Barmen (1903-5) and \fama (1905-8). Later

he taught in Berlin and Paris, and in 1935 he

became professor at the High School hr Music

in Berlin.

Vollcrthun's works include a symphonic

suite for orchestra attd many songs and duets,

and the following four operas were produced :

' Veede ' (Casscl, 1916), ' Islandsa^ * (Mu-

nich, 1995), * Der Frcikocporal ' (Hanover,

1931) and ' Das k&nigllche OpTer* (Hano’er,

1949). A. i., adds.

V«llni««Jfer. So Bard; (‘ kftnk^l \ ux*0. m.l.

BiiwAi {' TuruvOol % d«.). Numssrincr (* Mwslwl *.


VOLLWEILER, Carl (i. Offenbach, 1813 ;

d. Heidelberg, 37 Jan. 1846).

German composer. He was a pupil of his

father. Johann Geo^ Vollweiler, and had a

varied musical career in Germany, Austria

and Russia. A manuscHpi Symphony, two

trios and many pianoforte pieces are among

his works. c

VOLLWEILER, Johuia Georg {b. ?,

1770; d- Heidelberg, 17 Nov. 1847),

German music teacher, father the pre-

ceding. He was an esteemed professor of

music at Frankfort o/M. and the author of

two instruction books, one for pianoforte play-

ing and one on singing in seh^s. Both were

published by Schott of Mainz, Vollweiler

was the teacher of some renowned musicians,

includji^ Johann Anton Andri and Georg

Aloys Schmitt. o., adds.


S/e Zbmo.

VOLTA, LA (Lavolca, Volte). A late

Renaissance court dance of remarkable popu-

l^icy osTT a comparatively short period of

time, Arbeau (* Orchisographie ') described

it in 1588 as “coming into fashion"; his

description of it h our only full written source

of information for the volta itself. There is

at Penshurse Place, Kent, a celebrated paint-

ing of Qpeen Elizabeth dancing La Volta

with Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, of

which the date is likely to be subiiantially

earlier than Arbeau’s description (Leicester

died in 1588}. The Dolmctsch family possess

a lute manuscript containing the music of

37 La Voltas; it is attributed to about 1610,

by which lime the fashion was probably in

decline. Cesare Negri’s ' Nuovc inventloni

di ball!’ (1604) contains a description of

a dance eniitM * La nizzarda ’ which is

evidently a variant of tlic standard \‘olta.

The musk of the dance is in triple time;

though commonly written w’ith six crotchets

in a bar, ii should be taken as a simple 3'4>

each bar being mrntaily divided into two.

The reason for this notation is that the dance

itself falls into units of two bars (of 3-4 lime),

as is also the case with the galliard, usually

w’ritten in 3-a time.

Arbeau calls the volta a kind of galliard,

and it resembles the galliard in fitting ener-

getic and even violent mo\'entents into a

comparatively slowly moving beat. Thus

despite the vigorous character of the dance, its

musk must be uken at a steady speed, with

much the same swinging lilt as (he galliard,

(bough not quite 10 slowly. The ehiracterittic

feature of (be dance, from which its name

derived, is a series of three-quarter turns, In

part executed with a high Jump by each

partner and in part in the following still more

exhilarating manner: the gentleman throws

his left arm round the lady's back, clasping

her about her waist; with his right hand

placed firmly beneath her bust, and his left

(high pushing her forward, he helps her with

a powerful thrust to rise into the air. If his

thrust and her spring arc timed to perfection,

she will rise with surprising ease to a remark-

able altitude, both turning rapidly the while ;

but it is evident that any disposition to hurry



th« mu5ic can only lead to cataatiophe.

The volia apparently did ikm share tlie

tendency of so many Renalsance and Mbse-

quent court dances to develop into abstract

musical forms during their declining vogue

in the ballroom. The entire FitawilUam

Virginals Nfanusrript cnnialns only cts'O

examples, neither elaboratrlv treated. One is

by Morley* the other by Byrd, as follows :


a, t>.

Bias. > UubutTKH. Majil, 'Oaiko U EnftMMj aimI

cLanUon, (949).


first, second;. An indiratiun -- more com-

monly seen in the ahltreviated forms '* ima ”

and " ada ", or with the numerals alone •

that the portion of an instrumental rnosemeni

which is to be repeated is to undergo rerialn

inudifirationi at the close of itj rqseutiun. in-

stead of being repeated exactly. The words

" Priina volia ”, or the figure 1, are placed

over ihe first version, and ” Sect^a volia ”,

or simply a, over thr second. At first the

player giies straight on to the repeat, but the

KConit time he passes over the beginning of

the line where " Prima volta ” stands to the

double bar, so that the t>nfUon after the

double har is played instead of that liefore n

V«l(Alr*, FraacttJ* MaH* Ar*«*s d«. 5r« Act>c«l«

AisfieliiM Acriru

< •!<•»< '. xs.J K> m. I . bea^m* i< hsn t • \*mvm I*, l

fcllMM ( /airi owtal. <:«m«Imwov». Tr^o e C«a.

dide Cawl (* *.oarrai,

^mu Ibiditv t m. ht y •» fuiKMlj, Ocxmm f«or*

U Irrw «rn*h IKni F*« w,«>.

I OtUno dells (.hina * 4 ' .SeHwrAfniOe ballett*

Orlur 'meieesiwsliS. : a eper*»b**e<l«i» V.i. Knioaer

{ Cand^Ap , operar. .SradelU rChmlcnaiJiie \ dweal

wnrki; M-vf rs„ * AUel*-Je di (JuevJaiw '. opersi,

Mw««nr I ’Belle Ar»«iw\ opera 1. Hkyel <*. ‘ Fde

Lr.rle , pupoet npef*). Komeau fy ain.). Kown.

I Slsofriefu> »• & ’ S<m(r*mi«k ofwrMi, Hoier

* of randnre’). Xemiraencle tRamM. nperA^

Sponiini f ' Olyinw. opet«t. ^iwsu r Hetmich IV

WA). , lA«Krr<li ritow,m. »vpe»»i. Verd. r Altiro

V,""*'' I .Unwrlan *, ypero). Vl'oeW '* Altire*.

b«lleii. /ifiiarelli r AJiita eeerA)

yOLTl SUBITO tltal., turn over

quickly ). I his direction, nearly always

abbreviated - V.S.”, U used in manuscripl

and old printed music, at the bottom of a

page where, without it, it might be supposed

for one reason or another, that the piece had

7 t

come to an eisd. In the appendix to Vol. I

of G. II. Dsitrr's life of J. S. Bach, part of a

song, • Best du bri mir from the musicdKwk

of Anna Magdalena. Baclt’s second wife, is

giv’cn in farsimile of the composer's writing,

doulde bar closes the page, but evidcnilv

the song docs not end then* ; the ( omposer, to

prevent any niistake. has added the leord^

fo/lt <it«, the meaning of w hieh is precisely the

same as the more usual version of the elireclion.

j. V. r.-M.

VOLGMIER, Jean Baptieic {b> ? Spain,

r. 1O70: d. Dresden, 7 Oei, 17^81.

Fleinidv violinist, diikimer player and com*

ptaser. .Mihough probably lx)rn in Spain, he

was of Flemish extrarhon an<l hb n.une in

sakl to have lieeii originally Uoulinyer. He

entered live ehx total cha|>rl of iVussia cm 22

Nov ibqi and vxm l>eeatne maiiif Je eofK<ri

and director of the dancr muvie at the Berlin

«uurt, when' he was famous for 1 ns ballets. In

Dec. 1706 he imxluced ihrrt' an opera, ‘ Sirg

dcT Srlsoiihni ulx-r die Helden’, written

jointly with Finger and Strieker, hU share

bring probaldy ihe dance rnusir. He was

dismiss^ m 1706 and on a6 June 1 709 ho was

appointed to the Saxon muri at

Dfoden. There hr kept up his furnu r rrputa*

lion fi>r danre music and diverusvemrnls, but

was aho celebrated as a violinist, esprcially in

French music, and as a perfor/juT on an

jftsirumeni of the HotibuH (dulcimer) kirul of

hb Own invention.

N'olumler was on friendly terms with Baeh

and an enihustasiic admirer of hU genius, and

It was at h»s Imtigaiion that the ranious

match was arranged at Drewlen between

Each and Mart hand, which resuhecl in the

French organist's departure Uforc the event.

adds, a, i ,

_ ic»ll*b.;. Smeker 10 • .Sica Jer

VOLUNTARY. An organ jolo played in

connection with a church service but not

forming part of it. Fhc term is explained by

the fact that it is merely a casual adjunct to a

service, limited to special occasions or dictated

by eonvmienee. The use of the word as a

musical term seems to have been confined to

the Eftflish language, and ita significance In

the matter of form was extremely vague. At

the hands of its chief exponent*, e.g. Dcnjamm

Cooke, Thomas Adams, NViJIjam Russell, the

Wesleys, etc., ihc vtJuniary took on a variety

of shapes, comprising the prelude and fugue,

the hymn-tune varied, a group of movements

suggestive of the suite or sonata, etc. It is

worth noting that when the music publishers

Coventry & HoHut asked Mendelssolm to

wntc some organ music, ilieir request was for

iJir« Volumaries ". The change of title

was dtM to the composer, who wrote (39 Aug.

1844) ;




1 have been husy abeut (he or^ao piecn wbkh yxfa

wanted me to write (o< veu. aad (hev are neariv hnkhed.

1 iliould like yew le call theoi, * Three Sonatas Sot ^

Oman * ImieaH of * VoluAiarka Tell me if you like

this title as well ; if net. I ihmk the name of * Vehoi*

larirs * will suit the pieces abo. the moee w « 1 do oea

knew wha( it means precisely.

T hough the term apparently dtd not come

Into general use until the i8lh century, many

of the pieces by B> rd, Gibbons and other eariy

keyisoard wriien trere obviously designed for

use as voluntaries. As English organs at that

lime had no pedal board, composers ^ten

wrote indiscriminately for organ and virginal ;

and there is liitlc difference in style between

pieces called ' Voluntary ' Fancy', ‘ In

Nomine ' ' Fantasia * artd * Prelude Two

of the earliest accessible examples of F.ngitsh

organ music of the voluntary* type are a

' Clorificainus' (in which a plainsong theme

occurs in the alio) by John Redford and a

Voluniary by Richard rVwood.*

The voluntary is now used only ai the

beginning and end of a serv’iee. For a long

ptriod, hoNvcveTi it was a prominent feature

during the service, being called the *' middle

voluniary An entry in a Vestry Book at

Boston (Lines.), under date 99 Apr. 1717, is

of interest as showing that the voluniary has

long had a recognised place in the musical

arrangements of a parish church ;

Ye er<jnl»t whp sHaM be rh««en M serve la ye Pylth

CKurch of Bestm shell ptey: Up«n Sufsdasv H«lr

Daics. end et often si there sK»U kappra so be • Sermon

Of Homily. One short Velunury he fee* ve servke

betiris, end another immrdiately aher r« Fim Levon

. . , anU a N’olwniirv Immediotety y« Mrviec h finhhrd.

Aho cn Communion Daks, a volwnUrr beewees y«

.Sermon and v« bepinnine of ve Communioo Srrvke.

a ahoii Voluntary a( ye finbhlnf of ye Commuesso*.

Austere in its early da>'S, the svyluntary fell

from grace during the 18th century, when,

despite some admirable examples that are still

well worth playing, the general style was

superhcial. As evidence of its triviality durii^

this period may be cited the well-known essay

in 'The Spectator’ of 08 Mar. 171*, on

' Merry Epil^ues after Tragedies, and Jigging

Voluntaries '. Similar compdaints may be

found in periodicals a.s late as the middle of the

19th century, at which time the custom arose

of using transcriptions from all kinds of

sources, often inappropriate. There is ck>w a

belter and rapidly improving standard, owing

to the general recognition of the principle that

a voluntary should justify itself on the grounds

of (a) musical quality and (k) Alness for use in

connection with divine service. Tbe ideal is

reached when the principle of Alness is de-

veloped from the general to the particular

and voluntaries are chosen to suit the liturgical

season — and cs'en a given Sunday or holy

day. Thb may be done without great diffi-

* tf* Im Noanm ffrr ib« uic df a pAfiSmIar plsfo-

Mni (h«nw.

' be<h isAutd in John E. WetCt secies of* EngMih

Or|sn Musk ’.

culty, as there b now a large repertory of

admirable English, French and GcfTiian organ

music based on liturgical themes from plain-

song and chorales to modern hymn-tunes and

car^. Thanks to this wide Acid of choice a

service may open and close with organ music

not less appropriate than the hymns and

anthems. Thus used, the voluntary amply

JusiiAcs itself, both as a decorative accessory

and an aid to devotion. k. 0.

VOMACKA, BolesUv (^. Mladi Boleslav,

dSJune 1687).

Cfech composer and writer on music. He

was the son a schoolmaster who was him-

self a versatile musician and a keen cultural

w’orker. He was attracted by music from his

childhood, and during adolescence his interest

was fostered by the encouraging conditions in

hit birthplace and particularly by the advice

and help of his fellow<ountryman K. Sleeker,

the weli-known composer and theorist. Having

received his general education at the *' Gym-

nasium " of MUdi Boleslav (1698-1906),

VomKka read law at the Charles University

in Prague (LL.D. In 1913). where he also

studied in the organ department of the Con-

servatory and was afiei^vards Kovik's pupil

in composition, attending the newly founded

master courses (t 909 -J 0 ). He practised as a

solicitor until he entered the service of the

Ministry* of Social Welfare (/919), where he

remaiew^ until his retirement (1950). In

spite of his very sucersiful career in the civil

service he took a considerable part in musical

a ffain. H e worked for various inst itu lions and

soeieties, particularly in the music department

of the UmWeeVa Beseda (Society of Artists)

and its publishing section, Hudebnl M^ice.

He was music critic of the dailies * Cas '

(1919-ai) and ' LIdovd Koviny ' figai-sS)*

Many of his considered articles appeared in

the periodical ' Hudebnl revue ' and later In

ihe'listy Hudebnl MatIcc-Tcmpo’, of which

he was editor In 1923-33 (with Stanislav

HanuS as co-cdltor from 1937). A word may

also be added here about his booklet on Suk

and his w'ork (1933).

VomUki's earliest attempts at composition

began in 1903, but not till he had received

a systematic schooling did his dcsdopmenl

become organic and individual. The influ-

ence of a merely capricious experlmenialism.

represented at that time particularly by

Schoe n be rg and shown in several Vomafkas

compositions dating from before the Arst

world war, was thrown off In a short time,

and exccuive subjectivity gave way to a Arm,

manly style of expression, healthy musicality

and consistent workmanship. These qualities

made Vomadka one of the foremost composers

of his generation by about 1920- He w»

wanniy appreciated at home and well received

abroad. Several of bis comporitions (piano-




forte Sonau, Sonata for and pianoforte,

etc.) were often played abroad.

Unfortunately \*ocn&£ka’s further activity

aa a composer has been hindered by the mani-

fold duties imposed by hU official career, and

in addition his creative enthusiasm was

paralysed for a time by undue aiientton paid

to the aims of musical work in relation to

changes of social and cuUuraJ views.

The following is a list of Vomiilu's principal

vsorlu ;

Opers *V<Mlnik‘ i*’rhe NVsWr G«blin’i librnio W

AUolf tN«hif, bated wt K. |. (.rWn’t poeot «4 the

unie name), 4 kU. Op. 99 ^ 19)4 37 .: p(«d.

17 l>r« I 937 >

Canuia * Knmanre ^vatejinka * <* Roenaner oT Sa.

Cenrpe’j. (Slaniilav HanW. C)p. is (19^9 43 ».

CaiiUia mrivtm* '/'Ihe ' 1*4 Oeail’i.

dlaiMi'j.Clp. it

Ckfitau ‘ Sirater m«>sku * <' tlx Keeixr eJ ilir |jC>ii*

houte*! >Jih ’ Dx Rallad of ihe Sail.M .

Op. aa 1 1031 3 V.

Wlatleii«fk 4 i|> 4 t>* iTdlnolK fix (hueu>

end or<li.. < Ip. 7t *

*Twp> 4 ovy oCi* t' Mx Nloter'i F.to'l 'Wtdber. t.r

men« chonji. Op. 16 1 ( 944 * 97 ).

‘ S.O.S,’ I Petr Kritkai for met)** thixut. Op. 17 0 * 147 ’.

^vmpl»(»l»lr prxni ’Mbfil* TYimiiIi’j »iUi ihivrut

lAMtuMlM Sota^.Op. so O914 * 6 . rrv. (QV*'

Symplinny t* ma, *‘(.trih (.fAwa'i. (>p. 47 *1041*4^).

(Ivcrture ' llokla *, Op. so 1 l•) 4 a<.

* 'O'i *» 5 (tHipt VSIlh 444 n. fix pf.l. Op, 1 1 ' l*) 4 l»'.

* eVtu $ t*^iii 4 ’ r the Wmv Pimb ik» Baiile*

rxUt ’) I y rata Atdmrk^ • ) (onirt vriih on h. ' ar pf. 1.

Op. 13 11942 ail.

* <jiiarl«lh(v>* l«x tici.. Op. 312 ^19411

SonaU iVir vn. ft pf., ( ip. 3 1 l 9 >t;.

’ l 1 le<Uni ' <’ 'I'lie Qursi 'j, pf. pxtn. Op. 4 1 1913).

‘ Iniftm^rii * r<ir r'*^. Op. i f|«ii I 7 ».

yt. Smiiu (. Op. 3 '191 71.

W. h«iiau, Nn. 9. '* 9 UMi fmians**. Op. 49 N949)


Niiniprnui t*ari*nnKi.


Dcni , 11*11 r 7 M . H.. ’ R. Vom 44 ba ’ fPranx. 1941'.


Sff Scillll NIIKBCS.

Vaodel. J««»t » 4 M d«». t*r AlUtt K.. ' l,.■llrrt ’.

i<i4i<l. in,l. Cuywn lit . ’ A<>4m in HaUintwIiap* ft

* l.>K»rrr '•«lo.J. J>xprMl>rr>ck '’<4iUKrtkl tan AmtlH'.

do. ft * Vaufi near Avnpp*"-* ’. 4 i«wp ft •toh,*. FihI

IchotMt*. M'oieOxre *k. Monntkefnlam

(' NtWi l» *. iiKid. fr.>. t*l}tvr ' ’ fheaim *. <lo. », Rant

^ Adam in miliiiKKliep' ft * Jtn^ph ih llmlien \ da.l.

^luiuwiiiuM '< «onit<. \>rr>' 1 * l.ixiCrr iimmI. m.’,

Zaii«t»|n itiMXHxt ftom ' Zttnn f’Oip*

brpchl tan Aimtrl *. preluUn).

VOORMOLEN. Alex. (Aleuoder

Nicbolae) {h. Rotterdam, 3 Mar. 1695).

Dutch tomposer. From hit earliest InfacKy

he exhibiird a strong talent ft^ music, which

it is not unlikely he inherited from hh great-

grandmother, who was a Rameau of Dijon,

prolMbly collaterally descended from ** the

creator of the modern science of harmony”.

Left an r>rphan at an early age he came under

the care <if guardians whose chief method

of earing for him was that of placing him

in successive boarding-schools. At five yean

of age he was already experimenting with

plea«ant chords on the piano, but when three

years later he was placed under a pianoforte

teacher his enthusiasm for the instrument

waned, though he continued to take an in-

terest in music generally. In 1909 he became

ft student, under Johan Wagenaar, at the

Utrecht Music School. Wagenaar wished

him to become a pianist and placed him und<'r

the tuition of W. M. Petri, but the boy pre-

ferred to spend most nfhis time at composition.

IVith W illem Pijper aitd Drrnard \^'aecnaar

he formed a “ group " and at scvctiiecn he

priduced sh^t Preludo for piano whkh

attracted attention by their pitjuant French

{(vling. 'llsme, and a Sonata wriilrn about

the same time, he dcstroved. but a * Valse

iriste ' f<ir piano was primed, aiul he al'o (In

1915) wToic a Prelude to Maeterlinck's ' La

Mort de Iituagiirs* uhl<h has i.iken Its place

in the repeciory <*r Dutch orfheNtras. .-Uirr

this he w’eni to Paris, where he stud led under

Ravel and Roussel, and then NCtilcrl for m/iiic

time at \*ecre. iieur Hu'liing, to desolc him-

self to composition. A short stay in Vienna

was follovixxl bs' an ins'ilation lo act as music

critic foe the ' Nieuw’e Rotlerdantse Conrnnt

whkh io«ik Imo to 'I Im* llocm , where h«’ re-

mained until lUe imilireak <»■ war In li)|o. lie

still remaim’d anise ai a <iini|ww«'r, htiuisiT,

and in l<i3i w'as awardi'il a inom’tiiry prize for

ihc (jcrrormanre of sein lions from his seioiid

' baron Hop ' Suite, the inspjraiton irf these two

suites being a local legend. At ihi% time he was

rndeavcMiring to free hlmsi’ir from Freni h


Voorimdcn's Jiandling of hii mtnircrs is

much lighter thart that of most of hh con-

temporaries. and hU Freni h extraction and

educaiNin arc still often ei idem, lie has made

no serious experiments in tonality, though his

tec hn ique is q uite ntodrr n . S(>mc of hi » works

sliow considerable deMriptiw* )>owTr, but the

strength of his mu*ir in general hes in its

alwtraet dia/m and a rrcqueni feeling for

subtle humour and a kern sense of the stage.

He is sesrrely seir-eriiaal, and a large nutiil)er

of his works have been withdrawn and others

revised after publication or after several per-


'Fhe following is ft complete list of \’oor-

inolen's compositiom up lo the end of

those not included hating been discarded by

him ;


i »««« 9 S ftx Mnw^omp. men's chAciu


’ A S w(*e

''rh« Ihrcc Kiutfhu’ i«wi«iiom on s Duwh rotksviiio.

5 iMie * RaroB H<«’.

* Ktew Suit*.*

’ SllUgoiA.*

* Arelbyu * (n'mpbonk f«)ih after Lomu Cou|xrs 4 ),


BsHel 2:«we 10 L4ncefMl«jk'« * S(He(rel Jer \’vl«r~

landwhe K<‘npli«^n


tkneerSo tor 9 obon.

C««X 4 Tta for o)hx.

Conretto fercaHo.





String Quartet.


J Sonatas.


‘ Divertiuemeot.'


* Le Souper clandestio * (* EoiKiductMe, Va!u ei Pm«

trot V

* Falbalw * (3 pt«e« 9 ).

' Tableaus dct Pav>*B<* * (S pieces, a b«ob).

* Le Livrr des enfaeu * (34 piMes. 9 bMk»).


* CUphanu* (Etude).

* Suite de cla\erin.*



’ Deuv MotaliUt d« CStarIn Perragli ’ (hith t^e).

* Liederen van ]»oude * (P. C. Bouteiw) (camralML

* Troi* Po^mn de Henrt de Rtfnkr * (>M|h voice).

4 Old Dutch Poenw.

' Zemerranf * {Jan Luveken).

* Drie Cedichten van K. M. RiUte* (low veke).

i Netherlande Poems from (he i 7 th-ip(h<e«it^ poeu.


* Beatriii ' iBoulen*).

H. A.

Biti..— DauotN. Siu. ' Hei Musiehletee im NederUad

linds i 8 do ' {A/naterdam, 199)).

SAMoeaa, Paul F.. * Moderne Nederlandetbe Compoi

nitten * (The Hom, ino).

Samon, R. van, *De Piano en bare eooipeoieiee *

(The Katve. igasi.

VOPELIUS, Goitfricd (^. Hcrwipdoif nr.

Zitiau, aSJnn. 1635 ; rf. Leipjeig, 3 Feb. 1715).

German orgartiet and compoacr. He br-

came canior ^ the church of St. Mkholas a(

Leipaig in 1675. He wrote some original

tunes Co hymns previously set to ocher music,

but is chiefly known as a harmoniser of older

melodies in four voice-parts. He adopts the

more modem form of regular rhythm (gener*

ally 3«2). and freely uso the subdominant and

major dominant even in minor keys, and che

accidentals I and v He published in iS6a (he

*Mcu Lcipsiger Ccsangbuch’, which contains,

besides other tunes, coo hymns from Schein's

' Cantional oder Gesangbuch ' of 1677.

R. u.

Settfi^ ChaAi

VORHALT (Ccr.). 5 rr ScsaaNsiOH.

VORISEK (Woeaischek)^ Jab Hago ( 4 .

Vamberk, ii May 1791 ; rf. Vienna, 19 Nov.


Bohemian composer. In the parochial

bir(h*reglster his Ghrbiian names arc given

as Jan VSclav. He began taking lessons in

music from his father, a schoolmaster and

music teacher, with so much success that he

acquired a remarkable ability in playing the

organ, pianororie and violin at the age of

eight. From 180: he attended the '* Gym-

nasium ” of Prague, where he was also a

pupil of Tomaiek for a short time. After-

wards he developed his inborn ulent by

rigorous self-education, studying phiknophy

while he earned his living as a private music

ceacher. Following the advice of Professor

J. N. Zieius, the well-known friend of Beet-

hoven, V«iS^ tefi Prague for Vienna in ]6($,

in order to read law there, but chiefly to

become acquainted with Beethoven. From

1614 Voriiek was a frequent visitor to Beet-

hoven, who expressed a favourable opinion of

hb compositions, as is tesliflcd by Tom&iek’s

autobiography {* I.ibussa ', 1646, p. 360).

Besides, Volfiek became an intimate inend

of Hummel, Kieyerbeer and MoscheJes, and

took pan in the musical uMs of R. Kiese-

wetter and J. Sonnleiiher. He also made a

name as pianist, teacher and conductor of the

Cesellschaft der Musikfreunde (from 1618).

Having finished his university studies he

entered state service in 1822 and was ap-

pointed first organist to the imperial chapel.

After some months of failing health he died

(^consumption, at the early age of thirty-four.

As a composer Vofilek represents a transi-

tional stage between Beethoven and Schubert,

whose ' Impromptus ' and ' Moments musi-

caux’ appear to be deeply influenced by

Vofflek’s ‘ Impromptus*, Op. 7. This very

interesting set of pianoforte pieces was pub-

lished for the first time by Mechetti of Viemia

(1822). An exemplary edition has recently

been provided by Vladimtr Helfert in his

collection * Muslca Antiqua Bohemica', Vol.

I (1924). Among Vof lick's other printed

works the following should be particularly

mentioned: Symphony in D major; ' Intro-

duction and Rondeau brillant ' for pianoforte

and ^hestra, Op. 22 ; ' Rondeau ’ for siring

quartet, Op. n; 'Grand Rondeau' for

violin, cello and pianoforte, Op. 23 ; * Ron-

deau ’ for violin and ptanoforie, Op. 8i re-

cently edited by Helfert and Jan Mafik in the

c^lection ' Ancient Grech Masters Vol. If

(t 933 ) pian^orte Sonata in Bb minor,

Op. 20. A considerable amount of his w«k

has remained in manuscript (church music,

instrumental compositions of various kinds),

most of it being preserved in the archives of the

Cesellschaft der MusikTreunde in Vienna.

o. 6.

BiM-— KxHt. W-, ‘ Dm lyrisehe KUvi«ntilck Sehuberti

« 0 d «einrr VortaBt«r ' (AM.W.. Ill, 29).

VORLOVA, SUvka (k. Nichod, 15 Mar.

composer- She was attracted by

muac from childhood and made her

attempts at composition at the age of eight.

Having received a secondary-school educa-

tion, she studied singing and pianoforte at the

Conservatory in Vienna, but did not nnisn

her trauiing because of the loss of her voice.

Later on, however, she took a diploma as a

music teacher. She resumed her syscemauc

study as late as 1934, taking

from J. ftldk^ in composition and F. Maxjaa


V 02


in pianoforie, and shortly afterwards her

name became knowi) lo the public, soeral

of her compositions being performed and

received with encoura g ing recognition. In

1945 she enrolled in Ridhy's class at the

Master School in Pragtse and graduated in

1948 as (he first Csech woman ever to have

taken the degree in composition. At the

present time ( 1 950) she occupies a distinguished

position at home, and her name appears fre-

quently in the radio programmes abroad,

'rhe following are her principal w*ork» :

CsAiaia icme ’ {* A Small Coualry')

bv Compoi*r)« Op. f (taSi~ 4 J

Canisis ‘ Z pivy («oodvar>v ' e * The S<»nK *it Can^vana *>

(Vla«liirir Iftach), Op. >0 11046*49^'

SympKoAv. On. tSiieir-aai.

Ksnusy fnr crllo & oren., sip. S ‘.lOsv*.

SuiAf Qusrtrt. Op. j * i 9 S 9 i.

Naa^i. F ma,. Op. 10 1 1944*.

* BarctTte noty ' CulMretl Notes ill*, p*e<et. Op. 9


.>eu 01 Miir*.


ArranremeAti of folkvwtt. C.

VarMASHy. MllhaJy. tafkai <F.. ' Jumtrot ^

'runik 'i incid. m» r Ki-IjU <ch<>nni. Matra\ <hof«n

for * ArtCkJ 4 brr«l4H ' j onh. >.

r’Ss4p llAn^ A|>era», inulr*WH« <k<.wt»;.

nnei I' 'I uaJs 4 A<ii|.

VorO*imio«« A. F. •'•t/ ftebibov i be« \ lib,

VORSCHLAC (Oer. ; lial,, tpp'jf^taiuTa).

Ornauckts, a (i).

VORSPIEL (Oer.). Stf Par.i.i'oi..

VOS, Laurent de. S<4 Vnz.

VOSS, Charlea <C«ri) (>. Schmartow* nr.

Orinmin, 30 Sept. / Parh, 20 AuK.


(Icrman pianist and composer. He re*

ecived lu» niusicpi education in Berlin and

so I (led in Pans In i84r>. where he hadasueem*

ful career as pianist and teacher, turning out

a great nuinl^er of pianoforte pieces to suit the

taste of the day. He also w rote a Coneerlo In

t luinnr which was highly praised by Mendels*

*f>hn. j A r.*M,

VOSS (Vossiua), Garhard Johann (^. at

or nr, Heidelberg, c, 1577; rf. Amsterdam.

J9 Mar. 1649).

German scholar. He was professor of

rhetoric at Leyden in 1616. He was presented

by l4iud lo a canonry at Canterlniry in 1639,

but it was not residential, for he became pr<w

fessor of history at Am<terdam Unis'ersliy in

• 633, His works bearing on music arc ‘ Dc

artU poelicae natura ac constitutione ' (1647)

and ' De quatuor arlibus popularibus gram*

niatica, gymnaslica, mustca el graphka liber ’

j, A. p-.u.

VO$S,laaae (>. Leyden, i€i$i W. Windsor,

31 Feb, 1689).

I'.nglish scholar of German descent, son (ylh

child) of the preceding. He was in 1649-^3

at ihe court of Christina of Sweden in Stock*

holm. He then went to England and was

given the degree of D.C.L. at Oxford in 1670

and pri*«cnied by Charles II to a vacant

prebend In St. George’s Chapel <rf Windsor

on C 7 May 1673. In the same year apjicarcd,

anonymously, his important contribution to

musical literature, ' De pocmaium canlu ei

viribus ry’thmi *, a treatise on the alhance of

poetry w’ilh music. There arc some curious

criticisms on the w-ork by Roger North in the

B.M. Add. MSS 33,^31, fo. ^3.

J. A, F,*M.

V«*a. J»Juipa Hciarieh. Sit Brshnu ^psiUuMpL

Loewc iMtiKk. ).f<iidFlw«>]ui <3 fconpj. Vtrber 113.

J snop*.

V#M, hichard. St* Henuhel 1* Nuhi« opfrsi.

VOX A. SwG.P. Vi'oiA,

VOTOCEK, EmU <L Hottinne nncl

Labern, 3 Oct. td 63 ; J. I'rj^ue, 1 1 Oet. 1930).

CUeeh eomposiT and wTiter. He was a

widely acknowiedged &|>eclalist in organic

chemistry*, having octupled the chair in thit

subject at the Prague Polytechnic from 1903 to

1938. lie held six honorary diKioraies and

was honorary memlier of numerous corpora*

lions and societies at home and abroail, etc.

He was attracted l>y music from l>is youth,

I Hit his interest in it was imprdesl by the mani*

fold iluliet of his career. At the rifx* age of

thirty he started a sysicmailt study of < (imposi-

tion as a private pupil of Spilka and rctuained

under the guidance of this teacher foi six

years. /\rcer an interruption of over twenty*

liv’c years he was able to resume loinposiiiun

and w'roie an astonishing numlier of works

(nearly Co during a comparatively short

period of about lificen years), including 3

orchestral w'orka, a large amount of chamber

music of varioui kinds, pianoforte sonatas and

kU of poetic piren, songs, partwngs. etc.

Exceptionally prt^ific f«>r his age. he was dis-

tinguished by technical skill and frediness of

invention. He also compiled a Crech diction*

ary of French and Italian terms (1946).



VOWEL SOUNDS. See Acoustics.


VOX HUMANA. | Stops,


(Opera). Stt Grisar.

.vr Wu MaitirF. Xauer dr.

VOYEVODA (Opera). Set Tcmaikovsky.

V02 (Voa), Laurcoi de (k, Antwerp,

*533i / Cambrai, Jan. 1360).

Flemish composer. He was a brother of

the painter Martin de Vos. Having been for

some years a musician at Antw'crp Cathe*

dral, he was appointed mazier of the children

arsd director ^ music at Cambrai Cathedral

by Archbish<^ Louis dc Berlaymont. His

attachment to the latter caused him, during

the troublous times which followed, to compose

a motet in which the lext was compiled from

(he Psalms in such a manner as (g dcKribc the

banishment of Derlaymont, the usurpation of

Inchy, his iniquities, the murder ofciiiaens, the

V 02 IKA



vain hope of release through the Due d^Akn^

and the probable short duration of the

reign of the wicked. The motet, written for a

large choir » was performed after vespers In the

presence of the usurper » who had him seized

and hanged without trial. Lacroix du Maine

(* Biblioihique fran^aise ') mentions de Vot

as composer of published motets and chansons,

hut only one motet, for 5 \‘oices, published

by Phal^ in * Concenium sacrorum ... *

has been discos ered so far.

]. A. F.*M.

VOZIKA S ?(*.?: i. ?).

Bohemian (?) t7ih-i8th'een(urY double*

bass player and composer. He was chamber

musician to the court of \Vuricemberg at

Stuttgart, whence, according to Schubert, he

was dismissed on account of his cynkal char*

actcr. He was then appointed to the chapel of

the Archbishop of Tner at Coblenz, He Is

described as the firsi soloist on the double bass,

for which he composed some solos. He was

still living in 1750. t. v. d. s,

VRANA) Frt&cilek (^. Byufice pod Ho»*

tynrm, Moravia, 14 Nos*. 1914).

Czech composer. On leasing the Brno

Conservatory, where he studied both the

organ (1 919-33) and eomposition (under

Pctrielka, up to (934), he entered the Prague

Master School, where he was a pupil of Suk

and Xovik for composition (1934-36) and of

V. Kura for the pianoforte (1936-38). In

1939 he joined the staff of the Czechoslovak

broadcasting organization to svork at first at

Ntoravsk.'l Ostrava (up to 1943) and after-

svards in Prague. Az a fairly proliftc compoaer

Interested mainly In (he forms of instrumental

music hr at first showed a certain disparity

between a rather impersonal invention and

a consistently elaborate construetion, but he

gradually attalnetl to a considerable degree of

indlvlJualiiy and balance.

The following arc VrAna's chief works:

Ov«rwire No. s. Op. i} fi 93 P^.

rr. C^oAcerio wKh mw, iA Omi).

Suii« fur irllw a pT., Op. >p f ipsi-os).

%>iisio toe vn. a pr„ Uo, ao (ip«}>.

Soti.tio for^ello a t>t.. Op. S)

Pr<]u 4 c onH lor pi.. 7 (ippl).

n*. Sensis. Op. 11 (1434).

c. f:.

VRANlCK^, Antonia anti Pavel. Sft

Wka^^itcky, Amton and Paul.

VRANKEN. Dutch family of msisicians,

(1) Joaeph Vraoken, aea. (P. J. Joseph)

{h. Bunde, in June 1870; d. Daun. Rhineland.

I June 1948), organist, conductor and com-

poser. He studied with his father astd later

with Henri Tibbc at The Hague Corucrvaior)*

and \Villcm Robert at Haarlem, as well os with

Rol>ert Ress in Berlin. From 189c to 1910 he

was director of the music at Utrecht Minster,

after which he remo\’ed to Rotterdam as chtur-

^ The spelling is ptobaUv wroetc. as is ibe case of

most Bohemian muMciaia living in Geraiaav.

master at St. Dominic's church. For many

years he was conductor of the Palestrina Choir

at The H^ue, where his interpretations of

(he older classics wot acclamation as models

of their kind. HU compositions Include a

Chrestmas cantata and several masses, of which

latter that *In nomlnejcsu* Is the best*known.

(2) Alphona VrmokeD (k Bundc, ii Mar.

1879; rf. The Hague, 9 July 1953), organist,

conductor and composer, brother of the pre-

eedirtg. He recelv^ oiyfan lessons from his

father and later from his brother, also from

local teachers and from .Anna Fles at Utrecht.

After several appoinimenls, as organist, choir*

master and cortductor of choral societies at

Utrecht he removed to Amsterdam as organist

and choirmaster of St. Augustine’s church,

where he gave the first performance of Dlepen-

brock's ‘ Misaa in dir fesio '. For some lime

he was pr^essor oi solo singing at the Catholic

Uiuv’ersiiy School of I’llburg, but his chief

w*ork was that of conductor of various choirs

in .Amsterdam and Utrecht, iitcluding the

Amsterdam Bel Canto, which specializes in

the performance of the work of Palestrina

aitd his contemporaries. In recognition of

his work Oft behalf of church music he was

decorated with the Golden Cross of Honour

by Pope Benedict XV. His compositions in*

elude many choral works, such as a great 'Te

Drum * and a * Pater nosier \ and a ' Can-

zona ' for string orch., etc.

($) Jaap VfankeD (A. Utrecht, t6 Apr.

1897), orgajuvi and composer, son of (t)>

from whom Ite recels’ed his first tessoru

in organ playing, pianoforte and theory.

He studied at the Rotterdam Conservatory

under H. H. Sikemeier and from 1916 to

1918 in U.S.A. under Percy Gvctschius and

Cul Friedberg. Returning to hit own

country in 1990, he was appointed organist

and choirmaster at the church of St. Anthonius

Ab( at The Hague, where he won a high

reputation both as an organist and teacher,

many of his pupils taking Important positions

in various parts of the country. He Is best

known, however, as a composer, his worb

being published ^ leading houses in Holland,

Germany, America, France and Belgium.

They comprise a Mass for men’s voices and

organ, pAxJuced at the Church Music

Festival at Frankfort o/M., one for mixed

voices and organ, two for mixed voices «

ttppelU (eniirely polyphonic), written for

Mechlin Cathedral, ‘ Hadewych Tripr> rh

for baritone solo. English horn & chamber

orch. commissioned by the Netherlands Music

Festival (Aachen), ' Siabat Mater ’ for coo-

tralio ar^ baritone solo, mixed chorus «

orch., • Hel Keren ' (' The Coro poem for

women’s voices, soprano solo, stgs. & celesta,

an organ Toccata and Fugue on ‘ Veni sancte

prims’, an orchestral Suite produced by




Schuricbc at Wi€sbadm> ' Concert^ Music '

for cello and wind iiucrumenis, and many

moicu for men's and mixed vdeo a teppflU.

From 1943 to i945> under the National'

Socialist regime in Holland, he composed

nothing, but dcsoied his time 10 >4Tiiinf a

treatise (probably the first in the Dutch

language) on counterpoint ^published in 1^8;,

in which he applies strict classical rules i<*

modern texts. I'hb work has been tran^ated

into French and English,

(4) Joseph Vpaohea, joss. (Joseph Jacob

Hubest) (^. Utrecht, j 8 Mar. 1900), organ*

ist and conductor, brother of the prcieding.

After receiving lessons from hb failier, Ise

studied at the Rotterdam (lociservatory under

Wouicr Hutsthcnruyier artd Artur Loewen*

stein. At the age of twenty he was apputnied

organist at the important Jesuit elturch of tlse

Immaculate Omreption at The Hague, later

also becoming musical director there. Mean*

while he had studied engineering, taking his

diploma In that profcsKlon at iJelft, but he

never practised. Like his father and uncle

(Alphons) he lias w<ia a great reputaiiim as a

choral cuiiduttor, succeeding Hubert Cuypers

as conductor of the Haghesanger^, a famous

malfvoite cltoir, and conduct irtg various

other societies at The Hague and Kotierdam.

VreUtchf. JarocUv tSmU PrM*). S.f

IWinll > (WjK'. «l>(»r«| UIIjUi. C4»lubiM

((.•i<niyi* UfipeniM’. oiwrAi. Chv.iU I'ZAbni*,

l ArmiJ*', l.b.. i clM»r*l

Silmli Ub. . ' IhM*«d.»niu McMrynu

ijh»v ; dn UihaIvmi a oe^h.i. P«eni«r 1. B

>uic* , |d,,{ ‘Simvx, -. iiKHi w.; 0 r«MAuU*i.

Uh.<<<;k ^i« K«r«Kwrk«i |»«mi. Kvik

NSmrf^k fL, ‘(,jfdrn M l-kn*. . Svx^k

t narloc^n \»*«ri«0«i. OtirCii

Vvt|>.kkk UnAlirr8*i

I* Ss Ahib fhjdSk tnwtA'. ^

VREDENBURC, Maa (^. DruMcb, 16

Jan. iy>4).

Dutch comp<iser.‘ He i«*mpletcd the

education he had received from local teachen

by studying at the Ecolc Normale dc Musique

in Farb under Paul Dukas and was advised in

various matters by Albert Roussel. He then

became teacher at the Haagsch Conserva*

lorlum, a private iiutiiution at The Hague,

conductor of the rounkunst choir at Schiedam,

music critic for various papers and musical

adviser for the Film Uga. He also, with a

number of colleagues, started what for ses eral

years was a very successful Haagse Siudiekring

voor Modernc Murick. In 1936 he became

Pans muiical correspondent for the ' Nieuwe

Rotterdamse Courant * and of the broadest*

mg society A.V.K.O. He also broadcast for

the underground radio, and on the capitula*

tion of FraiKc removed to Nice. In the

autumn of 1941 he went to the East Indies on

behalf of the I>utch government and a yeas

• R>» 9»f*fU Vref« bolh E>ui£h and Ctom iaLaev ui

au «*rty iwenua he tired in HetUad.

later was interned by the Japanese. In the

camps he et^agvd in musical education of his

feliow'interriees. In Oct. C945 he returned to


During the occupation most of his manu*

script works witc dmtroycd by the Germans on

t he ground of h is J ew j>h race. Fhese i ni I udod

a prelude to a Palestinian opeiwair play which

had been jda^Td at I'he Hague and ivon iiigli

eni oniunu for tit uriglnaiii) . I he in^l^ume^•

lauon I piano, ilute, l.nglish horn, bavs clarinet

and strings; in partuular wai highly prai'^d.

As pianist 1h* Itav made much propaganda

fur modern niu‘>k. and Jiav toured Belgium,

HollaiKJ ami Luxemburg with the cabaret of

l>ika Mann, tise iiuvvha ’Ihomas Maiiirs


Hiv wurks Mill kiutwii in exist are six pietes

for pf. ;<)|). Ij, * id Kleine KlavuT'lukkcii '

H>p. 5 '. * Drie Jlederen ' (to Dutch wordvi,

a »<*ng * \'ous m*aver dii ’ (or medium volcr,

Sonatina Inr nbor & pf. dor Ja.ip bUiiyn'i, n

dasHe*cycli* amJ a series of wordh’vs songs with

]>f, arioinfMiiiinml.

In lyi7 he js'UmI 1 lxK»k, * {>angs de vljf

lijneii *, of comim*nt> on muNU during the last

50 years, with rbapuTS on Him music, music

and radio, musk and sorial Ide. jl. a.

VRBDMAN (VreedmBn). FiciiiUl; family

uf mustciaiM.

(1) Sebaatian Vredmaa [b. Mechlin, c.

1543; d. I^cydcA. He prnbably learnt

muMC as a chorister at the collegiate church of

Saint'Rombaud at Mechlin and held some

appointment there later on. In 15B0 he left

on account of religious trouldcs and settled at

Brussels. Later he went to Antwerp and then

(o Holland, where fur a time he lk*cd at

Utrecht with hU son Michael, leaving in ijdli,

on the laiter s marriage, for l.,cyden, whore on

13 May ijOcj l»e signed a coairact for five

years as carilJcmncur to the loivn liall and as

composer for the carillon. He published two

liooks of dances for the cittern with Phal^c of

Louvain in isOB and t569.

<9) Jacob Vrednsan />, Mechlin, e. 1^63 ;

/ Leeuwarden, Sept. 1631), son of the preced-

ing. He learnt musk at the choir*school of

Mechlin in i 57 «-? 7 i hut left hl« native town

with his father in 1560, following him to

Brussds and Antwerp, Later he went to

HoHand, settling at Leeuwarden, where he

married one Marie Gereits and acquired

citizenship in 15BB. He published a treatise

* Isagoge musicae ’, in 1618 and composed

masses, madrigab, vi Handle and songs for

scv'eral voices in the Frisian dialect.

(S) Michael Vredman Mechlin, c.

1^; d. Utrecht, 12 Jan. 1639), brother of

preceding. He must have studied under

his fatbec, with whom and hi$ brother Jacob

he left Mechlin in *580, After living at

Bru&seb and Antwerp with his family, he went




to Holland and settled at Utrecht about 1563,

establishing himself as a maker of violins ai^

citterns. On 5 Apr. 1586 he married a

daughter of Pieter Tanneken of Antwerp. In

!6!2 he published a book on violin and cittern

playing at Arnhem.

E. B.

VREESE, G. de. Stt OeviteasE.

VRETBLAD, (Viktor) Patrik (6. Svari-

ni*. 3 Apr. 1876).

Swedish organist, musicologist artd com-

poser. He studied pianoforte with Hilda

Thegcntcum and composition with J. Denie

at the Stockholm Conservatory in 1893-1900,

and also in Berlin, and was wganist of

the French Reformed Church, Stockholm, in

1 900-7. He entered the Postal Service in igoo

and was Controller i9$3~4t. Since 1909 he

has been music critic 10 several Stockholm

papers, including ' Social Democraien ' in

1940-42, and since 1938 chief of the Press

Department of the Swedish Radio Service.

From 1900 onwards he arranged a series of

evening performances of motets at St. Oskar's

Church, Stockholm, and he has given many

organ recitals in Scandinavia and the Baltic

states. He was elected a member the

Academy of Music in t90i,

Vretbiid made a special study of the works

of J. H. Roman, upon whom he wrote an

authoriiative monograph and sontc of whose

\vorlu he edited. Hn own compositions in-

clude suites for orchestra, symphonic pieces,

cantatas ; pieces for pianciforte and organ, and

Songs. Among his literary publications arc :

* J. H. : Svrmk mus^kem TsOer ' (BwcliMin.

* J. H. Keman: en MiMMite<knu>f * (Swchkolm,


* K»n*rrtliv«i i Stockholm woOcr i70o*talrl' (Stock*

holm, toiS).

* Abbe Voom wm proframnwmwiker * tS.T.M.. iosy).

* hlamU Mwt»k' (m ' S\'c«ukOiUneiko lolbhopt*

ikriflcr') iLurxI. ifjol.

* Den Ijecknko tonkoniiwt ’ (SiecUtcfai, iMo^

* Polrti i muikkhittorien * (Slockhdoi.

a. p.

DiBL,— Arikle in * Rotter i Rodto* <1941. No. aSI.

VREULS, Victor (k. Verviers, 4 Feb. 1876;

d. Brusscb, 26 July 1944}.

Belgian violist, conductor and composer.

He studied first at the Conservatory of

Verviers, then with Sylvain DupuH and J. T.

Radoux at Liege and took a finishing course

at the Schola Cantorum in Paris with d’lndy.

At that school he taught viola and harmony

from 1901 to 1906. In 1904 be obtained the

Prix Ysayc with his Sym^xmy with solo violin.

From jgoC to 1926 he was director of the

Luxemburg Conservatory. He appeared as

conductor in France, Holland arwl Germany,

and in tgas he became a member of the

Academic Royale de Belgique.

Vreub‘s worb include the operas ‘ ^ivier

I e simple ' (Brussels, ThCitce de la Monnaie,

9 Mar. 1922) and * Un Songe d'une nuit

after Shakespeare (Brussels, Monnaie,

17 Dec. 1925): a ballet ' Le Loup*garou '

(Ghent, >937) ; symphonic poems ' CortCge

bir^ue ', ‘Jour de fete’ and ‘Wcriher’

(after CtMihe), * Suite de danses ‘ En

Axdennc ' and ‘ Ouveriuce pour un drame *

for orch., pieces f<v small orch. and 'Adagio '

for stgs. ; 2 Poems for cello & orch., ' Fldgle '

for flute Ic orch., ' Morceau de concert ' for

trumpet orch., ' Fantaisie ' for horn &

orch. ; stg. 4tet, pT. 4tet, pf. trio ; sonatas for

vn. & pS. (2) and cello & pf. ; pf. pieces;

songs, etc. a. b.

VRIESLANDER, Olio (b. Munster, 18

July 1880; 4. Tegina, Swiiserland, 16 Dec.


German composer and scholar. He entered

the Cologne Conservitor>', studying the plants

forte with Max van de Sandt, a pupil of Liszt,

and composat ion w ith Ot 10 K Jauwe II. Ini 904

he settled at Munich and in 1929 he went 10

live near Locarno in Switzerland.

\’ritslai>der's artistic dc\elopment received

a decisive impulse from his acquaintance with

Heinrich Schenker, under whom he studied

in I9n-i2, and he ranked among that muii*

clan's most enthusiastic followers. After his

master's death he took charge of a new edition

of Schenker's ' Harmoniclehre The latter's

particular interest in C. P, E. Bach may have

induced Vrieslandcr to make this composer hit

special study. In addition to a biography of

the Hamburg Bach (1923) he wrote the studies

’ C. P. B. Bach als Kiavierkomponist ' (' Gany*

med'Jahrbueh 1922) and ' <!. P. £. Bach als

Theoreiiker ' ( 1 92 3I, and edited clavier worb,

songs and symphonies by this composer.

Ai a composer Vrieslandcr attracted alter*

tion chiefly by his songs In the Brahms iradi*

lion (' lieder aus des Knabcn Wunderhom ,

* Eherrot lunaire * [Albert Giraud)), songs to

poems by Goethe, Gottfried Keller, Theodor

Storm, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, sacred

songs, etc. k. 0.

VRONSKY, Virya. Set Basi''.

VROONS, Frana (k Amsterdam, 28 Apr.


Dutch tenor singer. He studied at the

Amsterdam Conser\aiory and at the Pans

Conservatoire. He has sung in both opera

and concerts in Paris, Stockholm, Brussels,

Amsterdam and New York under such con*

duciors as Richard Strauss, Kleiber, Walter,

Monicux, Mengclbcrg, Furiwanglcr, Klcirky

and Klemperer, and in London under

Beecham, ^ull and others. In Oct. >95^

he sang In Mahler's ‘ Lied von dcr Brde ' at

the Albert Hall with Kathleen Fcrricr. He

specializes »n French opera and German song,

to which his voice, dry and not very large, but

admirably ^oduced, is well suited.




VROYE> Theodore Joseph de (^. Vilkcv

b-ViUe, 19 Aug. 1804; 19 July


BcJgiftn vmter on music. He was ocd^lned

priest in 1828 and dek’oted all hb spare time

to the study o( plalnsong and the liturgical

singing of the Church. In (833 he waa ap*

pointed canon and precentor of the Cathedral

ot'Liige, when be conducted the ser%’kes with

a care and taste which produced remarkable

results. He published a * Vesperal ’ (1629).

a ' Graduel ' (1831) and a * Proceujonale *

(1849) which passed through many ediiiuns

in Belgium; also a * Traik du plain-chant *

O839I, a * Maoualc cantorum * (1849) and a

* Kituale roman um ' (t862). His last work.

' De la musique rriigieuse ’ (1866). written

in conjunction with the Chevalier van MIe.

wyck, was a collection of documents andoUer*

vations relating to the Congrevwn of Paris

(tSbo) and Mechlin (1883 C4I on sers’ke

music. j. A. f.-M.

Vraksl, .^1 <;n«Tun {m«mori«l ssmpK. dilKyrasnb).

VUALRANT. 5 m ^^'Al'.l.aA^n.

VUATAZi Roger (A, Gerveva. 4 Jan. cSoS;.

Swim organist, conductor and composer.

He studied at the Conservatory and Academic

dc Miuiiiue of Ckneva, where Alexandre

Motiu. Otto Barblan and Emile jaques-

Dalcro^e were among his teachers. In 1918

he liecame organist to the Freiwh JYoiestant

Church at Geneva ; he also conducted several

choirs and was appointed to the staff of the

Academic de Muiiqur, Prom 1928 to 1934

he was music critic to the 'Journal de Genive

and he ti now 095 «) conductor of the »yn»*

plionic broadcasts of Kadiu-Gmeva.

Vuatas may be classed among the French*

bwiss comjK>>ers who exploit with llie greatest

thorouglinos the various poMibilitles of musical

exprmion. His work embraces practkally all

the categories of music. If some are not with-

out a certain ariificialily of construciton, hk

sense of instrumental, particularly orchestral

sound is remarkable. The following are hiv

chief works :

■ ^hUj»jrem-dey» » (L. Mayurej, Op. 1

• Le Mxi^rc U'Ahralisni • iF, Ckdv«i>n«»j, tune om

Op. ts.

Orat«nw*A;*t4W’ rtompwrj fw sUo sakrs. «Wu

« I ' ‘rrsH* pT Uw abovej

• I u ^ ‘ ^ therm. OO. H k I9»)

H^e for lenof. ft atth.. Op. 30 <c«>«i

••Wirjil gt4l«r.A * Mg,« for j

inwrus ft orth, * 1447).

P^lnu. muteu ft paruon«i.

, Piitei tur vth.. Op. m.

f*!*! Consul ’ f«r Op. 39.

rusur ' UjvmavatiM • P.r onh, '1941)

radio imuk for onl

{> 944 HS>.

Vn, C^ccno.

• ‘l«,d»tin« pop^m afuionj ’ for (5 iw

(.tonkin*, • tet 5 Op, «. ^

for s *ruu., Op, «a t* 93 SJ.

n- a Wf «a worb.


Anaaceownu JikI. Ba<h** * Das mwikalische Opier *

•sd * Die KuBU d«r Fuse ’.

H. E. & K. V, r.

VUCKOVIG, VojlsUv {b. Piroi. l^crbia,

1910; d, Bdgrade, 1942).

Yugoslav conductor, musicoj^isi and com*

poser. He obtained a doctor's degrees in both

composiiksn and musict^og)' in Prague. In

Belgrade he was in turn professor at tlie Sian*

kovic School of Music, juniur professor at liiv

Academy of Music, chorus master and ijien

conductor of the Belgrade Symphony Orciu s*

tra. He was municred by the Nasi police in

Belgrade in 1942 during the occupation.

\’uckcw*k was undoubtedly one of ilie most

gifted and original of (he younger generation

of Yugoslav composers, and lus loss is siill

mourned. In his short life as a e<im poser he

showed at first inlluences of Schoenberg's

teachings and of the quarter'tone system of

Alois Halia. 'I'hese, however, were much

mcxlihed by the tinse ufhis death, and he was

slmwing an incf<aring interest in Serbian

musical folklore. 'I'he ratnposltions he left

intJude the following:

S^akfritgny N'a, i.

Ssmph. wnfb: *8t*<i»tfnM Koad’. * Tettamrni .4“

.ModM MukMCtJi)* * And * Siuroi Jlrrald *.


i Svnrs ax and Hi«Mj «M»rmUk.

StsviaJ <hor«| Morki.

jn me tpnere 01 musicology, aj)ar( from

numerous ankles and essays, he published

the books 'A Materialistic Philosophy of An'

and * Muiieal Portraits witile his last >>w>k,

'Musical Aesthetics', remained in manu*

K. T.

VlIELT A. Set F< u,K .N 1 1 mc : S t* a visi t .

VUERT, Ciaebeo de. Set Wanx.

VUILDRB. PhlUppe de. See \\ii ncR.


VUKLLAGME. French fjmily of >iolin


<i) Claude VuUUume ?, 1772; rf.

Mcrecoun, Vfwgn, 1834), the founder of

(he business. Hr married a daughter of the

oW violin maker Francois Medard of N'ancy

arwl set up las w-orkshop at Mirecouri.

<a) Je«a*Bapti»ce VulUaume {b. Mire,

court. 7 Oct. 1798; / Paris, 19 Feb.' 1O75),

son of (he preceding. At the age of nineteen

he went (o Paris, where he v.xa'ked with Fran*

90b Chanot, and in 1621 he joined the

organ builder. L^te had been a member of

die firm Chasioi.l>te, Simon eW & Payonne,

and besides his organ building dabbled

in fiddle making with Vuillaume, at No, ao

Rue Pav-^e Saint*Sauvcur, where his business

w'as known as Liti & Vuillaume, In t828

Vuillaume ended this association, establishing

himself at No. 46 Rue Croix des Petits-

Champs, and in ihc same year he marrictl

.Adile Guesnet of Clermont. The frequent

. * .'^ **.'*?*• ’ ^*1 <•’«* dkikianaire uxivend J««

• (««»*) «>vcs 19 M*i.




inirrcours« which VuiUaume had with such

men as Pique and Savarl, during hU partner*

ship with Lete, ramiliarized him with (he

methods and styles of the old Italian violirt

makers to an extent (hat oenlually made him

one of (he most expert connoisseurs of his time.

As soon as he left Lei6, Vuiilaume attempted

to put his knowledge and technical skill to

practical use. But there being then a demand

for old Italian instruments, hi» own otiginal

work was at a discount. Instead of fighting

against the prevailing demands, however,

N’uillaume turned them to good account b)*

placing on the market a Stradivari model

violin of extraordinary’ merit, bearing the

master's label within, in raesintile. For this

instrument he charged 300 frs. Ihls specula*

(ion proved a complete success. Orders

poured in, and there Is little doubt that In the

desire to meet his clients' demands he adopted

(he practice of baking the wood from whkh he

made some of his fiddles, impro>ing their

immediate appearance, but proving fatal to

them is time went on. So brilliant was the

sueeew oC Vuiliaume’a venture that he was

soort able to put a $00 frs. cello on the market,

which found equal favour, and this w’as the

foundation of his fortunes. The fidelity of hli

copies increased, so that even experts found it

difficult to distinguish between the copy and

the original when they were placed side by


VuiUaume was an ins’entor as well as a

dealer and maker. A ponderous and cccentrk

steel bow of his, apparently the only surviving

specimen, is in (he Victoria and Albert

Museum in London. In (883 hr introduced

a new model fur the viola, constructed on the

scientific principles of bavart, so built that the

moss of air contained within gave the note

F $4t’33 Vibrations per second. But the in*

slruments hardly rccommer>ded themseh^ to

players on account of their bulk. His mute,

patented under (he name of smrdrVw

(Paris Exhibition, C867), was an ingenious

combination of mule and laihpiccc, allowing

the player to mute the irutrument by a push

with the chin, without ceasing from playing.

A copy of his huge double bass, known as the

octol^ssc, the large proportions of w’hich

necessitated a complicated but ingenious in*

vcntlon of machinery for tuning, is in the

museum of the Paris Conservatoire. He also

invented a machine for regulating the manu*

facturc of gut strings in such a manner that

false strings should be entirely done away


In t 827 Vuillaunse was awarded a diver

medal at the Paris Exhibition; he obtained

others in 1834 and 1839, and in 1844 two

gold medals. At the London Exhdution of

]8s I he obtained (he council medal for hk

perfected octobassc and a magnificent quartet

stringed instruments, receiving in the same

year the cross oS the Legion of Honour.

Finally, in 1855, at the Exposition Universelle

in Paris, VuiUaume carried off the " Grande

m^aillc d'honneur and from that moment

he was pronounced )ws eoncoun.

During the latter part of hU career Vuil*

laume established himself at No. 3 Rue Dc*

mours aux Thermes. There many violins were

made by his w'orkmrn which passed through

his hands for supervision only. These bear

the label " Sainte Ckcile dcs Thermrs ", with

the date and number. Vuiilaume is said to

have issued from his w'orkshops no less than

3000 Instruments before his death, which took

place at Rue Demours. One of his daughters

married Dclphin Alard.

(3) Nieolaa Vusllaum* (^. Mirecourt,

1800; / Mtrecourt, 1871), brother of (he

preceding. He worked with Jcan*Dapiiste (s)

in Paris for ten years, but returned to Mire*

court in 1894, establishing a successful business

there in cheap violins.

( 4 ) Claude FrangeU Vuiilaume (i. Mire*

court, 1807; 4 . ?, 1663}, brother of the pre*

ceding. He w’as a pupil of his father (r) and

made violins for some years, but finally gave

himself up entirely to organ making.

(5> (Nicolas) Frafl 9 oia VuiUaume (f.

Mirecourt. 13 Mav idia; 4. Brussels, ifjan.

1876), brother of the preceding. He also

sers'cd an apprentiership in Jcan*Bapiiste s

(a) worksliop in Paris and ci’entually settled

In Brussels at No. 30 Rue de T^N’fque. He

was appointed violin maker to the Brussels

Consersaioire, and sescral medals were

awarded him. He was made Chevalier of the

Order of Leopold.

(6) S^baaiUn Vuiilaume (h. Paris, 1835;

4 . Paris, 17 Nov. 1873), nephew of the pre-

ceding. son of (4). He was an excellent violin

maker with a wtvkshop for many years at

No. 77 Boulevard Bonne Noovcile in Paris.

He gained several medals and vvas the pos-

sessor of the unique machine for bending

bows invented by his uncle Jcan-Bapiisie

Vuiilaume (a). b. h.-a.

Sm *6* (apfMxntk?).

WTLLERMOZ, 6mil« (f. Lyons, 23 May


French music critic. He studied law and

literature at Lyons University and music a|

the Paris Conservatoire, where he was a pupil

of Faure. In spile of his success as a writer of

songs, operettas and seitlt^ of folk tunes, he

abandoned composition in order to devote

himsdf entirely to musical criticism, first m

the * Mercufc Musical ’ and -from 1911 on-

wards as editor of the journal published by

ibe S.M.I. (Socldtd Musicalc independante),

of which he was one of the founders. His

interest w», however, not confined to musical

matters, but extends to all branches of artistic


VYCPALEK {Ladislav}

6 i

and inttUettuaJ achievemeDt. He wrote

for ‘ Le Temps *, ‘ L* Excelsior * L'lKustra*

lioQ \ ‘ L'ficlair ' and ' CandJde ’ as critic of

music, drama, literature, cinema and gramo

phone records. He also contributed to a

number of French and foreifn joumab, and

to the * Encyclopddie fran^aise He was re*

sponsible for the * Edition Musicalc Vivante

editor of ‘L’ Impartial Fran^ab' and president

of the music section of the central committer

for broadcasting. He published * Musique

d'aujourd’hui ’ (1923), a collection of his

critical articles, ' La Vie amoureuse de

Chopin ’ (1937), * Cinquanie Aiu de rausique

fran^aise * Visages de musiciens *, ‘ CJothilde

et Alexandre SakharofT ' and * Maurice Kavrl

He was made an officer of the Lrgion of

Honour. a, k. (u).

VUKDRAGOVIC, MihaUo (». Okucani.

Serbia, J900),

Yugoslav conductor and composer. He

studied music In tielgrade and Prague. He

has occupied posts as director of the Stan*

kovic Music School, director of musie to the

Uelgrade Ksidio Station, conductor of live

Ra<ll<> Orchestra and the Belgrade Plul*

harmonic Orchestra, professor of the Belgrade

Academy of Music. 1 n 1948 he was appointed

rector of the Belgrade Academy, a post which

he still holds (1939).

As composer V'ukdragovic first showed a

marked tendency towards impressionism, but

later liecaine increasingly interested in the

national folklore, which led him to adopt a

simpler style and yet to achieve a more

personal expression.

1 1 is works include the following :

Ihcidftiul muiic r»r plan.

MtuK fur Ainu.

Csnist* ii>t >4.lo 4 M«h.

Char&l ftoiiti.

' AymaAnMii* MciliUiinni ' Tm wfh.

^rmph, pntm ' The RomI m VKtsrv *-

d Atrine Qi^anctt.

VULPIUS, Meiekior (*. Wasungen,

Hcnnebcrg, c. 1560; d. Weimar, [buried 7]

Aug. 1O13).

German composer. He l*eeame cantor at

Weimar in 1602 and held this post till his

death. He composed some chorales, noiaMy

' jesu Leiden, Pein und Tod ' Christus der

»i mein Lelwn' and •\VeltUch thr und seit*

hch Gut’; but arcompUshn] much more in

han^iair^g tunes for many voiees, in whkh

showed himself a sound contrapuntbt. HU

chief works are ' Canuones sacrae cum 6, 7 et

a v^ibus ' (Jena. 1602) ; ' Cantioncs aacrae

5 i 6 et 8 vocum’ 2 pts. (Jena, 1603-4);

Kirchengrsangc und geistliche Lieder O-

h***,^"* Andrrcr mlt 4 und 5 Stimmen *

^•P*ig, 1604), which the second enlarged

Wilton bears tlir tUle ‘ Eln schdn geutlich

^esangbuch ’ (Jena, 1609) and has the melody

VOL. jx

in the treble, whereas most of hU settings have

it in the tenor ; ' Caniicum B.V. Mariae 4, 5,

6 el plucibus cocibus ’ (Jena, 1603) ; wedding

hymns to Latin words (1606, 1609 and 1614) ;

* Opusculum novum ' (1610) ; two books of

* Deutsche sontaglichc cvangelische Spruche ’

for the whole year (1612 and 1614) ; a Passion

oratorio (St. Matthew) (1613I, in which the

narrator has a lenw voice. His * Musicae

compendium* (iCio) went through many

rditiems. It is interesting to note dial Goethe's

wife was ** burn Vulpius of SVeintar **.

It. M., adds.

WOTA 1 1 taJ . fern, adj . void , empty) . The

term has two meaninp ; (1) an indication

that a note in string music is lo \k play <*<1 on

an open (empty) string; (2) that of an Italian

equivalent of an empty bar or bars (/niiure

iMla), the "grnvraJ pause ** usually marked

G.P. r. B.

VYCFALEK, LndUUv (I. Prague-

Vriovkc, 23 Feb. 1682).

Czech composer. Hr was educated at the

"Gymnasium" of Krllovski Vlnoltrady, then

a Prague suburb (1893**901), and afterwards

he studied modern philology at the Ciiarlet

L’niversity, taking the Ph.D. in 190C. He

was deeply dcs'oicd to music from his boyhood,

learned to play Ixith violin and pianofurie,

and became a cerufied music teacher in 1903.

In 1908-12 he studied comjrasilion with

Xovlk. Meanw’hilc he had joined the staff

v( the Prague National and University

Library (1907), where he was appointed

keeper of the Musie Orparimenl in 1922, a

post he held for twenty yvars until his retire-

ment in 1942. In addition he has been active

on behalf of various institutions and societies,

particularly the Umilreka Beseda (The So-

ciety of ArtisU) and in the Czech Academy.

Vycpakk's first appearance as a composer

look place on 9 Dec. 1909 at a Prague concert

of Novak’s pupib, when he was twenty-eight.

From the very beginning he consislenlly

sought hU own way. In his earliest works

only was he Indebt^ to Novik, and the in*

Huence of the older Czech masters was hardly

pcKepiible in hU works at all. Nevertheless,

he is seen lo be sirongly aiiached lo the genuine

Czech tradition by his devotion lo folk poetry

and folksong and by the earnestness and

purity of hb moral, social and religious views

as a Sjnriiual heritage of the days of the Union

<rf the Bohemian Brethren. After a compara*

lively short |>eriod of subjective lyricism

Vyepairk developed an entirely Individual

siyk, austere and ascetic in its diatonic direct-

ness but compcllingiy eloquent and elevated

in its polyphonic consisiency and monumental

construction. Again and again he rccalb Bach

as his admired master and inspiring example.

VycpAkk’s output is neither large nor

striking b>' variety of its forms. Up to now



(t9^) hi$ works bearing: opus numbers are no

more than ihiriy-ihrce. He has not coniri*

buted to the stage and also left church music

entirely untouched, yei preferring s’oeal

music, in the widest sense of the wont, to

instrumental music of any kind. He reached

the peak of his creaih’e power in three can-

tatas which are among the greatest creations

in modern Csech music b)' reason of depth and

sublimity of aim as well as stylistic purity and

technical mastexy.

A word may be added here about Vyc*

pilrk's gifts as a very hne translator of modem

German and medieval Latin poeio’ used by

him in several of his compositions, as well as

about his admirable article and notes written

for the ' Hudebni Revue ' in the early years

of his public activity.



’ O oMiednk h v«eeeh tiovtU ’ OT the L««i TluAfi

Man >< from iwn AlorAviia (0Jb«nri, Op.

il (lean.*

*A]*heUa»<ny i«n tlostk* ('BSmed i« ih* Uaa').

word* fr»in ih« Pialnw, Op. es tiessK sM.

T, C. MiMryb.

* C«>ke rekviem » imrl a vyhnwpcni ' (’ CSMb Rc-

! uiein — Death and ReOempiiafi *> (Bibikal wardsi,

(p. 9« (t94P).


5 Chorum tor naard wikci, Op. d { ifie* • aj

I. * MaticU pulMci * i' .St4<kol MMntfau') tOu-

bor 0tei»no>.

9 . ‘ Chvalosptv * (* T)ic H>ina of ProiK (Rkhord


$. * avuj <liieb k«l« jHlol ' {' tvhe imM OK h« breaJ

«iih laan ‘i (OociSt).

4 C>^oru4«« tor m«H’( vek««, Op. 7

I. * Trm* ’ C»rih? ’) (bleiKsa).

1. ' OUth ’ {• The Fire ’i (Oiobar Thoerl.

). * hteft iotyy * C The Sons of iRe H»rv«M '>


4. * U mote ‘ V Ai the Sea ’) <Delwncl>.

* N«i« joio ’ (' Uur SpriBfiifne *). mixed *«■*«> CJan

Nrruda^C^ i), » (isii).

‘ Dei nyneili * C^Tho freteoi Sirviftk *). ami's vokeo

(Notuda). Op. IS. It < 1910 }.

* In mroioriam *, i ehoruses (or men't vpk««. Op. il

I. * * (* The filffim *) IJarodav VrehlKky>.

a. * Vkebo mijt ' {' AU tt PMain* by *> {h!*eMa»t*la^

j. * Za mrivymi ' (* For the Dead ^ (ThoerS.

* Z (cskeho domova * (* From ib« Cweb Home 4

Chorum (dr women's votces. {J. V. SUdek). Op. «$


I Ukoiebatka (Lullobyl.

f. Zvonv nrdeini (Sunday BrIU).

3. Malitce (1*0 Mother}.

4. Domoye ! (Mv Home!).

*Z hlubohmii ’ (’From the Depth *>, 7 choruses tor

mrn's voiert Ij. V. Stodeb}. Op. 9S ti9>«)«

I. Annv (The Belh).

a. IWH Sitf proporm (Under the Bonner of Lite).

}. AS bude sbonSorio (Up 10 the End'.

* K svatenu Varlovu ’ (’ *fo St. b’enceilm *). Car miied

voirvs (K, ’foman). Op. )» (ipsij.

* HutCiv litas ’ <* Hut’s Voke *X (o* mUed vusccs |K.

Toman}, Op. 37 (l9St>-


* TulSei * CThe Varzants') (Karel Tomafi), Op. 10


* For a fuU account of the canuu ut R. Newmanb.

’Some Cmbosloyak Clmal W'wki II (Mtm T..

I Mat. 1907). The work wos first heard in E^laod in

i9»d, at a Liverpool Philhartnonk Soeiety Concen

under Sir Henry J. Wood. uans. bv Roaa Newmaids.

VYCPAtEK (Vratislav)


' Vahdru srdee ' (‘ Sussuni cord^ ’), a raotasy-variatioos oa

ebureh tunes of the hme of Jan Hur. Op. 70 (iPSd).


Sarinf Quanei, C ouu. Op. 9 (1909).

SofMU. D ma., * CbvAla bousli ’ !o Praise of ibe

Violin ’) fee meeeo<soprano. violin & pf. (words

Cram a poem by Stanislav Hanul) . Op. 19(1 9 S 7 *S 0 } •

* Dueito ’ vh. It Ysola. Op. 90 (ifiSfi).


Suite fee viola, Op. 9 i (1999).

Soitc fee TO,. Op. 93 (i 99 o)«


Sonalina. Op. 30 (1947).


‘CrsMu ’ (‘By the Way 6 pirers. Op. 9 (l 9 N-t 4 ).


* Ticlui usmJem ' (’Quiet Keconcilemenl 4 lonfi.

Op. I <1908-9}.

'SvMa V (emnetach * (’(jthti in iKc Darknea*}, $

ion|i (Anlenln Sova), Op. 4 (1910}.

* Twrhy a vidioy * (‘ Foret^tars and Vuiou 5 sour*

(A. Membm). Op. s (ipto-iG).

' Slavi»«ui livota * (’ FesUtal* ofLtfe ’). 4 sonp (Richard

Dehmrl). Up. 8 (1919-17).

* V boil dlam’ (*ln Gad’s Palm'}. 4 songs (Valery

BrtMov; Cae<b iraiis. by P. Klkka). Op. 14


* ProbdaeeM * {'The Awakening’), 9 sonp, Op. 17


’ Na maloufenou ’ (’ Th« Parting ’}. 6 songs (two of

them ariantesnrnu of felbongs}. Op. tj (X 947 }'


* Ditka ■ Lackrosaou’ (’ Tlir Maid of Loehroyaa *)

iLadisUv Quh's v«rs*an efihe Scou ballad}. Op. a



7 Moravian PoUuonfs for voka & pi.. Op. 1 1 a ( | >

9 Folksongs fee vaeioui combinaTions. Op. > iF

7 Moravian Ballads fee medium voice c pf.. Op. la

’ Votna^’^l’ The War la Matavian falksongs for

enedium t ok e & ft-. Op. 17 (I 9 I 7 )<

’ Laska. Bofe. Ldska ’ I’LoW.my God. Love'). 17

eavian felkaongs Car voiee * pf.. a parts. Op> at

Op. t 8 (t 949 >'

C. 6>

VYCPXlEK, Vratiftlav {i. Rychnov nad

Kn^inou, jojuly 1699}.

Cacch writer on muaic. He waj the son of

Jo$ef VyepS lek ( 1 B47- 1 994) . Having received

a general education at the “ Cymnasium ” 01

his birthplace, he studied at the Charles

University in Prague (Ph.D. as late as 19J0)

and afterwards worked as a secondary school*

master up to 1 950, w hen he joined the staff of

the State Institute for Folksong in Prague,

He b an assiduous collector of Czech folk

dances and the originator of this branch of

Czech research. The widely known Vyc*

[Kilek's Dance Ensemble (VyepAlkuv taneini

soubor) beais his name. Among his wofjjs

a comprehensive monograph on Jan NiaJit

(1943, 9nd ed- 1945) and a number of Interrsi*

ing lo^cal ireadses must be mentioned. From

jfW? to *930 he was editor of the review

* Cali hudba *. As a composer he has been

chiefly interested in various forms of vocal

music. ^

WAART, Heodrikus AJoy^ias Petros

(6. Anisierd&m, 26 June >863 i d. Voorburg

nr. The Hague, 2 Apr. 1931

Dutch organhl and composer. He studied

ai (he Royal Const rvalory at The Hague

under W. 1*. G. Nicolai, C. L. W. NViria and

others, finishing hU studies as a state sik-er

medallist. For some time he travelled as

pianut, organist and violinist in various parts

of Holland, bui on being appointed organist

of the Unglish Church at I’he Hague at the

beginning of the century he settled in that city

teacher of those Instruinenu. ilis reputa*

tion us a composer rests chiefly on a children s

operetta, * Hans Springer in T V'eld some

hallei music and other light works, as well as

a number of short choral works. Hr also

wrote three symphonies, a concert overture,

an * Uasiern Fanusy ’ for orchestra, a Fantasy

for piHRoforte and orchestra, a large quantity

of chamber music for strings and wind, and

many songs. a, a.

WAGHT AM RHEIN. DIE (patriotic

song). .Vrr Naiio*<ai. ANititMs; GanstANV.

Wn.inu.si, Cabl.

WACHTEL, Theodor (6, Hamburg, in

Mar. 1823 ; rf. Frankfort o;M., 14 Nov.

German tenor singer. He was the son of a

jobmaster and began life by driving hb faihtr’s

cabs. 1 1 e learnt to sing from M me G randjran,

however, and obtained operatic engage menu

at irhwerin, Dresden, Hanot er (1854), Uerbn,

Uarinsiadi, Vienna, etc. In 7 June 1HO2

he made his d^bui in lAindon at the Royal

Italian Ojicra as Edgardo in ' l.ucia * and

failed completely. Ho sang there again in

the seasons of 16C4 and 18C5 with better

results; Indeed he obtained a certain popu*

Itrity, more on account of his fine and power*

till voice than from any artistic use he made of

K. His princijial attraction was tli« way he

produrrd a c" direct from the chest instead of

by the customary false iio; he brought out

the note wlih stentorian vigour and great

success, especially when he played Manrico in

* Irovalorc' or Arnold in * Tell'. Of his

other parts may be named Stradclla on tlie

production of Floiow’s opera e*f that name at

Royal Italian Opera, 4 June 1864. and

Vasco da Cama on the production of*L'.\fri-

camc' in England, 22 July 1865. He re-

appeared in 1870 and again in 1877, at Her

laity's 'fheatre. In 1869 he sang in Farb

with very indilfercnl results, but he wa5

suceeuful in America both in German and

Italian opera.

Wachtd’s son, also named Theodor (*. ?,

1841 ; d. Dessau, ta Dec. 1874), began life as

a clockmakvr, but at one pcri<^ of his life w’as

a tenor singer of the some calibre as hi^

father. He died of tonvuinpliun, a. c.


moiuly near Poznan, 1533 ur *334; d. Wilno,

1387 or 1368).

Polish composer. Ilis lalent lor music

must have shown itself ai a very early age, lor

the hrst dale uf his career known for ceriam

is 0 May 1347, when he joined the royal

chapel at Gratow as slngcr-composer, being

tlwn tbirieen or fourteen years of age. FI is

fame grew steadily, and he soon csiabilsUed

his posiihm in ihc musical world. (Jn 30

J u'y ' 553* during t he ccremuny of 1 he mar ri age

of King bigivrnund .\ugusius (i34U*72;, the

royal band prriurined an am bilious work by

Watlaw, mu>i probably bis dignlhcd U*pari

Mass. Ibis was ironkally described afier*

wards as ** lanto votum conceniu a sym*

phoniacis imHiulaium luii a remark which

emphasizes Uk aniluile adojiied hy W'aclaw ,

who refused tv caleiMl lus fame by si mpli lying

Ins style ami writing in a more |x>pulur and

generally intelligible manner.

In 1333 appeared ai Gratow a large musical

publication cniitlctl * (^uaiuor parium vocum

Lamentaiiones Hicmniar PropJieiar, tempore

quadragesimali in temjdis cantari solitac,

numeris niuticis rrddiiae a VVnceslao Samn.

tulino, Pedono, Screnissimi Rigis I'oloniac

Sigismumli August! music 0. Qui bus adiu nc lac

sunt Eatlamaiionts pussionum. Trisiiuin

Liber Primus. Cracoviac Lazarus Andrrac

cxcudeliai. .SIDUH.'

Waclaw's lame seems to have been well

established abroad. cv[>ecially in Germany,

for lus 4*pari psalm*jnotci ' In ic Domine

speravi ' appeared, among the motets of

Uaudm (dc Sermisy;, Clemens non Pajja,

CiTcquillon, Gombert, Gascogne, Mur<l

Hiiftoi, VVrdeloi, \N‘illaeri and oihers, in the

fourth volume of * l*salmorum seli-cloruin ’

puUishcd by Berg and Neuber at Nuremhrrg

m J554, Ten years later {1564) the same

printers pubhslied yei another collection ot

motets, ‘Thesaurus musicus . . . in ihe

nfih i^ume of which appeared a shon moici

by Uaciaw, ‘ sum Pasior bonus * ' , pre-

ceding a molel by Jan dc Horto and folluwlne

one by Jostjuin des l*res.

AH® At banwewlinu*. Vn<l*v ui

rrequcaily «a<M«h iiMunMily At S^smoiuliki

* 1" “unfci.




In 1554-5^ \S'acUw relinquished his duties

at the royal court of Cracow and moved to

Wilno, where he became court musician to

Prince MikcHaJ Radstwiil T The Black’'),

then Governor of (he Province of ^VU^o and

head of the Polish and Lithuanian Calvinists.

Although associated with the Polish dissenters,

he neither became a convert to Protestantism

nor opposed the Protestants* for his music

enjoy^ great popularity equally among

Catliolics and Protestants. Many of his works

are lost; those which remain or have been

rediscovered, though frequently incomplete,

give proof his genius and justify his being

placed among the greatest Polish composers

of the t6th century.

* Eleven compositions by \Vae|aw of Ssa*

motuly were published during his lifetime :

' bsmeniationci HicrenuM Ptopheue.’

4<psrt mewi * In te Donuiv* tprravi

4 'Pafi motet * Rfo turn psttor beam *.

4*l>srt Mng ’ .Modlitwa fdy dsiiiki «p«e UM : Jwl tii

smierxchs * <* A P* xyer wbee the Cbtldr««i m w

* l««p *). initUllea otily **S. W, " (Cmew. i tat).

4*psrt MBf ’ Christe qui lua e« ct dws ‘ (Cracow. isjS).

' Plri6 e nsredceoiu Psaikim' CTIw NsUviiy Seat

4 voice* (Crscew. iSS^)*

‘ Ach inaj niebieiii Pshh* COb. my Heavenly Lord *)

(weed! by Ttarewaki) (Crxaw. is>b). Mil mai lo

the Protettant chaeeKn in PeSead.

* ftbceriewioay eelowwk ’ (’ T)w Btrued hlan’)

twerd* by TrSyeinkO (Crarew, ft 1)$$).

* Alleluia, ehwaleie Pans * C AMwa. Rsae the Lord*)

{Crieow. ipjl).

* Benedtetto menMet Qvae auac Mmemus*. I'part

melody (Krdlewiec. ss>p>.

* Ceetiarum sciie po*t menwm : Quod MiniM uiUlbin '


Aleksandcr Polibski in his * History of

Music in Poland ’ (1907) meniiom three other

4*part sonp by Waclaw as well as Psalms

XIV* XXX and LXXXV. The inventory of

the royal chapel at Cracow mentions the

most ambitious and largest compositions by

tVaclaw* as follows ;

4*P4rt * Offiim*.

‘ Cwlamaiwoe* twundec *.

•pan ‘Olhtia

a*patt Mas.

All these works, however, are lost. Since

t68i many of the master’s compoaitions have

been published in Poland by A. Pot! Ask!

(Warsaw, i68t)* J. Surayi^ki in the * Monu*

menta Musices Sacrae in Polonia’ (Poena A,

1887)* W. Gicburowslu in the ' Cantica

Musices Sacrae in Ptrfonia ' (PosnaiS, igaS),

Z. Jachimecki in * Poland* ber History and

Culture ' (Warsaw, 199^30), by Szczepadska

and OpieAski in Warsaw in 1 930.

C. tU K.


(to Loiio)

StAkOWoLMi* S.* * Scriptorum Polon. Hcksioota*'


Tsjcssiv*. A, * $>1vu\tm Lib«r Priewas * fCroeotr,

• SM).


CxYSotHi, A. *To the Btoersphy of Waclaw oT

Stametu^* (Pol. M.Q . ip^).

Jachmscri, 2.. ' Polsod* bo Khtery sod Cohuic’,

SccUea on Munc. Vel. J (Wanaw,

Poc«biu.A., ‘Wadaw eCSeaatocuJy* ('Ecbomuzycsoc*,


PizvpvuKi. H.. * Waclaw of Ssamoiuly' (ipjs).

(Ib Cnilish)

* OsJord Hmen of Mudc’, Vol. 11 (*Th« Folyphonk

Period’) (Ox«»rd. lesO).

Waddall, Baloo. Su Barber (S.. ‘ Virfin Manyn \

ehorut), Han (F.. 10 soofi on uaa*. from CUpcm).

Hobt (6 choruses ft 8 canons for cbonii}.

WADDINGTON, S. P. < Sidney Peine)

( 4 . Lincoln, 93 July 1869; d, Uplyme, Devon,

9 June 1933).

English composer and teacher. He studied

at the R.C.M. in London, where he won a

scholarship, from 1863 to 1688. In 1689 the

College sent him for a time to Germany, and

he suyed two months at Frankfort o/M. and

six in Vienna. In 1890 he was elected to the

Mendelsohn Scholarship, which he held until

1693. He was choirmaster of the London

church of St. Mary of the Angels, Bayswaicr,

from 1S94 to 1903. Hr conducted an amateur

operatic society about tSpS, and some years

before that date had been chosen to complete

the score of Coring Thomas’s ’ Golden Web

For many years Waddington held the ap*

point meni of teacher of harmony and counter*

point at (he R.C.M., where he also became

master of (he opera class. Prom about 1896

he was Marxtre «/ piM^erfr to the Royal Opera*

Covent Carden. He was a member of tbe

Associated Board of the R.A.M. and R.C.M.,

and one of the most experienced of the Board's

examiners. His clever setting of Cowper's

'John Gilpin ’ for chorus and orchestra was

h^rd at a R.C.M. concert in Nov. 1894. He

wrote violin and cello sonatas* a string Trio

and Quartet, a Quintet for wind and piano*

r<W(e* a Fania.«y for pianoforte solo, a beautiful

Suite for pian^orte duet, a pianoforte Con*

certo* an overture and an ’ Ode to Music ’ for

soprano, ch^s and orchestra.

J. A. p.*w., adds.

WADE, Joeepb (Anguadae) (b. Dublin,

r. 1801 ' ; d. London, 13 July i^5)>

Irish conductor and composer. Having

punished sonp In 1613-14 collaborated

with John Smith in an opera (4 Dec. 1690},

he migrated to London (1821), where his

talents soon brought him into notice. Prom

intercourse with orchestral performers he

acquired sufikient confidence to undertake to

conduct the Opera during Monck Masons

management, a position he did not long retain.

He had been engaged by the firm of Chappel .

at a salary of £300 a year, to make himself

generally useful ; but he made no u<e of his

gifts as poet, musician and scholar, and

house reaped little advantage from him. He

once returned to his native city — in Dec.

1840 ^travelling with Lavenu’s tounng

part>’. It included Liszt, Richardson the

* About 1998 b tb« wool dxle pveA* but Uw

«f M So^ ei sti House foe* te suppen ihr tirco^

ib«t 1 801 b the reor oF Unh. Sft Mu*. T., 1 898. F* S* '*



flautist, the Misses Steele, Bassano, Jolin

Parry and J. P. Knight; tv**© or three of

^Vade’s concerted pieces were included In the

concerts, at which, howe^Tr, he did not

appear, even as accompanbi. He returned to

London, where he died, at 350 Strand in


There U little doubt that V>ade was a man

of remarkable gifts and acquirements. His

personal appearance was much in his favour ;

he was witty and quick in perception and had

acquired some knowledge of the l^tJn classics,

as well as of one or two modern languagn,

an<! abo had a smattering of anaiontv. His

memory was retentive in the extreme, and he

posscued a gift for creating mrIo<ly. 'I'he

following is a I bl of his chief works :

Opera * 'the Two Houmi of Crsnsda *. prod. Looden,

l>rury Line *1 heoirr, ji (Hi. lOed.

Opeeeiti * t he hupil ^ lU Vim » ’ ihb. by Maek ].einMU.

pro«l. Loridois, Jjam’* Jhe^lre, $0 No*,,

blune twr the iiliy *Cun\«ni Bellet * (with U'iHmai

Haweei, ilsj.

Orilorio * Jhe Pru^ieev’. ].obd»n. lMir\ |.o*e

Theitrc, 1(14.

*A wooJIiikI life', potini mtroOiKed intn S>ebe«’i

* rfciwh„(> * iiKrtuiitf hv llrihAIA.

A Se»r» •^Srle^t Ain , , i«i6.

* I’elieh Melg<(ie%' (worji hv lompuwri, it)!.

Sonr ' Meet me liy moei>li|hi alone \ >yiig In

•n«l pubUthed ilsd.

Duet * ]*ve winilered ui tlreuiu

'Ihil last obtaineil a popularity equalling

that of the preceding ballad, whkh enju)ed

An extraordinary vogue for many years. Wade

wrote a * Handbook to (he hanofocte ' which

wiu dedicated 10 I.Uai, whose portrait flgurH

in the frontispiece. A new issue, edited by

John Harnett, appeared in 1650. As early as

183: Wilde projected a * HUiory of Music ’,

but it was never printed. Mr contributed

' bent Icy MiK clIany * The lllusiruted

lAjmUin Xctvs ' and other periodicals. He

was awoeiali tl with Crotch and G. A. Mac*

farren in the pianoforte arrangement of the

earJirr issues of Chappell’s * National English

A irs ' ( j 838) . He a ppears to have occasionaJly

signed Ins first name as John, but there is no

rcaton to doubt that it was Joseph.

a. e. 8.. adds.

WACFELOHEM, Loola v«m (K Bruges,

13 Jan. 1840; d. Paris. 19 June 19^}.

Dclgian violinist and violist. He was

educated at the Ath«n«e of Bruges and entered

the Brussils Conservatoire at the age of seven-

teen, studying the vioJirt under McetU and

eomposi 1 ion under F6t is. I n 1 860 he appeared

luwessfuJly at Weimar, after which he settled

at Dresden, attracted thither by his friend C. J.

Upinski. He was offered the professorship of

the violin at Lwow, in the Coraervaiory, but

refused the post to become solo violinist at the

Opera at Budapest. He left this post on the

death of his father, but in 1863 he went to

Pans, where he abandoned the violin for the

' * llie MibuaI World *, lias. p. 5AI.


viob. He flayed (he viola in the Op^ra

orchestra in 16^, and at the Pasdrioup con*

certs, and finally settled down at examiner for

the tdola in the Conservatoire. After the

Franco-German war Wacfelghem went to

Londem, where he played in the Opera or-

chestra, as wvll as in chantlwr concerts with

Joachim, Auer, XJeuxtemps, Sivorl an<<

Sarasaie. In 1673 he was a member of a

quanei society in Paras wath Marsick, R^mC

and Delia rt. He w as in I^nHon r\rr> season

for many years until 1893, w’hen he resigned

his position in Lamoureux's orchestra and

devoted himself exclusively to the revival and

study of the viola d’ amore.

He speedily became probably the greatest

artisc of the 1 9ch century upon ihU instrument ,

and being Highly endowed with ihe enthusiasm

of research, resumed to the world a complete

library of music for the instrument which had

sunk into oblivh^. He played upon a superb

instrument dated 1730. made by Paul Akizle,

a Munich maker who seiilrd at Venice.

Waefelghcm. Grillci ^^iellc^. Dimmer (harps!*

chord) and Delaart (viola da gamba) hounded

the SocktC des Instruments .\nciens and

toured the whole of Europe with greoi success.

On t May 1895 they made ihrir d6hut at the

Salle Pleyel in Paris; In the summer of 1897

they fas« eoncerts at the Salic Trard in

Londtm. A number of Warfclghem'a viola

d* amore solos and violin inrccs wore published.

He was a Knight of the Legion of Honnur

and of the Order of l^cojmld. t. k.*a.

Btai OiaoMir. C. O.. ’Lei Artiitn inuikirnt

b«l«« ’ n j,j.

WAELPUT, Hendrik (i. Ghent, aC Oct.

*845 • d. Glient, 8July 1885).

Belgian conduetor and composer. He

studied philosophy and letters at Ghent

University and at the same time music with

Fetis ami Hanssens at the Brussels a)nscr.

vatoire. While still there he conducted the

orchestra at the Flemish Theatre in 18G6-67.

and in the Utter year he gained the Prix de

Rome with the cantata ' Hcl Woud After

his sojourn in Italy he became director of the

Music School at Bruges, where he was suc-

ceeded by Leo \*an Cheluwe In 187a, He

established a series of Concerts Populaircs de

Musique Qasslque, but was frustrated in his

efforts to turn Bruges into an artistic centre by

the accusation on the part of officials that he

was neglecting hU duties. He resigned In 187 1

ai^ conducted successively at The Hague,

Dijon, Boulogne, Douai, Issoudun, Fecamp

and Lille (18^). On returning to Belgium he

became conductor at the Ghent theatre and

professor of harmony and counterpoint at the

Antwerp Conserv'atory.

Waelput’s works include the operas ' La

Fermc du diable • (Ghent, 1863), ‘ Stella ’

(Brusseb, 1881) and * Berken dc diamant*



WAGENAAR (Bernard)

jlijper ’ ; several cantatas ; 5 symphonies,

Suite and ‘ Anneessens-Ouverture * for orch. ;

stg. 5tet ; numerous songs, etc. s. e.

WAELRAND (Waelra&t Hubert (^.

Tongerloo>, Kcmpenland, North Brabant, r.

t5t7; d. Antwerp, tg No\% 1595).

Flemish eompo^r. An old tradition relates

that he went in his youth to Venice and there

studied under the guidance of his great fellow-

countryman Adriaen Wjllaeri; but this lacks

confirmation, and may very possibly be as

a^cryphal as (he similar stof7 usually told

with reference to Swcelinck's so^urn at

Venice, and the lessons he is said to have had

from Zarlino later on in the century.

Waelrand found matriculating at Louvain

University in 1534, and in 1544 he was estab-

lished at Antwerp, as a tenor singer in (he choir

of the chapel of the Virgin ai Noire-Damc.

Three years later he had a school of music there,

where he Introduced a new method of solmiaa-

lion, that known as " bocediaaij^ or the

totfcx Btliieof.i On 25 June 1554 he entered

partnership with Cregoir Coninck in a school

of music and ihe ume year with J. de Laet as a

printer and publisher of music. ITse latter

association lasted until when he retired.

Ilic first ceased in 1557. when he tram^rred

his leaching to his second wife’s house. NVael*

rand was twice married — first in 15^1 to the

artist Marie Corecoopers (alias Loockenberg),

who died before 1556. arsd again that year, to

Anne Ablyn; by his first wife he had six


Among coniem|>oraries \Naelrand was held

In very high repute, no« only as a teacher of

music but more especially as a composer,

chiefly of mardigals and motets. Guicciardini,

in his ’Ocicriitione di lutti i paesi bassi'S

includes him in a list of the greatest Ihing

musicians of his time. His first musical works

were: ’ Chanson* published by Phalise at

Louvain, 1353-54, and *11 prime libro de

madrigall e canzoni francezi [sie] a cinque

voci; Anversa, Huberio Waelrant cj. Laiio,

1536 It as remarkable, however, iha( ^thc

numerous volumes of music which he pulv

lished — Psalms, ' Cantiones sacrae ’ Jardin

musiqual etc- — only tw (of (lie ' Jardin ’)

include compositions himself. He seems in

fact to have preferred to publish either with

' Ain W*]r»n(j, WsIraiK. W«jr«n( or VusIraM.

* The diKovcry oT Wa«lrand’* binb»lM« b due w «hc

rescafcKn of A. CoovmtU, * «t btbhsfrsphk

la ly fwtrsph i« ntinksk dsm tet * { A»iwerp.

• a^?. m. s|.40. A cwUui o n wjih • nagMuke hid

M to (h< opinion ptevieusly unnemJly occratod tiul

the muucion wos a nsiive of Aniwetp (m Feib. ;

hSMdel ond RriaMUnA ; * MoHksjbelm Coovcmimw-

\ XI. 93). 2nd «d. laao ; and xb« £. d*r

’ *-* »u* Pays.aa.% IJJ, *01.4,

* • o '«ron«ly fix e*.

P. SwetrtiiB. 'Aih<nM

i699rp.3S0i E van dor Siracun.

and ReifsmaAn. XI. 9)4.

• 4*. «d. Anttrerp. 1)4$.

Bcifiesc* (Aoiimo.

I, $ 9 . iSa?: atendd

Tylmaa Susato or PhaJfee. Seven of the

collection* of the latter contain works by Wael-

rand. One of these was also edited by him

under the title of ‘ Symphonia angelica di

dUmi ecceilentisimi Musici, a quattro,

cinque c *ei voei ; nuovamentc raccolca per

Uberto Waelrant, 1585 *. a. l. p.

— Beexsa, G-. 'Hubert Wtelrsad • (Pari*, r«8i).

Stt •baS^tmiuiiee.


aiourer’). Opera in 3 acts by Lorizing.

Libretio ^ the composer, based on the

comedy ‘ Liebhaber und Nebenbuhlerin elner

Person * by Friedrich Wilhelm Ziegler.* Pro-

duced Vienna, Theater an det Wien, gj May

1846, I St perf in Germany, Dresden, 29 Nov.

1846. lit in U.S.A., New York (in German),

4 Feb. 1667.

WAOENAAR, Bernard (>. Arnhem, 18

July 1894).

American violinist, conductor and composer

of Dutch iMrih. Comir^ of a musical family,

he studied first at Utrecht, where he worked

at the vidin with Gerard Veerman and the

pianoforte with Mme Werman Bekkcr. In

harmony and counterpoint he was a pupil

of JohtA \\ agenaar, and on compleiing his

student period he became a teacher in his

native city. He laier taught and conducted

both choruses and orchestra* in various

Netherlands cities and towns.

Wagenaar settled in the U.S.A. in 1920

and was for a time a member of the New York

I'hilharmonic Orchestra, where he played

the violin. In 1927 he became an American

ciiiten and joined (he faculty of the Juiiliard

Seliool of Music in New York. '

Wagenaar'* first Symphony was performed

by Mcngelbecg with the New York Pliilhar-

monic Orchestra in 1928, and in 1929 the

premiere of his Divertimento was given by

Gabrilovich. The * Sinfonietta * was intro*

dueed to New York audiences by Mengclbcrg

in 1930, and the piece was heard at the Liige

I. 5 .C.M. Festival the same year. Toscanini

performed the second Symphony with the New

York Philharmonic in 193a, and the third was

given by (he Juiiliard Graduate School Or-

chestra under Stocssel in 1997. Virgil Thom-

son, describing the latter work, uTote :

1i is •MihoriLain'e, cul(ure 4 , woridly. iockive vrich*

Ml pc^oMiiy, bnllisni wiihMt Micnuiioo. Throvih*

M( It b bMh f rMious firmty coBvinciof, s nvanlv as

■rrH Af A eefltkavAol>*

Many important performances of hi* works

and several notable commissions hav*e come

Wagenaar’s way. His ' Fanfare for Airmen ’

was commissioned by Eugene Goossens, who

produced it with the Cincinnati Orchestra.

Han* Kindler commissioned ' FeuJlIelon ' for

whestra and ga\*e it its first performance

with the National Symphony (>chc$tra in

• Wc»^* *11 rtvAlr di w ««sd* (iMl *xas bsMd «n

VASW wbieei.



The same >'rar brought the Dil&on

Award, for which he wrote the chamber

opera ' Pieces of Eight whik in 1944 the

Netherlands America Foundation commis*

siooed the * Song of Mourning *. a work that

has been widely played aAer its First perform*

ance at the New York Metropolitan <^>ora

House under Hans Kindlcr's direction irt

' 944 «

W agenaar U a faculty member of the

Juilliard School in New York and an active

member of many committees in connection

with the promoting of new music.

The following are hh principal wtsflcs:


‘ FircesoTEisht' (IM9I*


* 'I'Krtr Sonifi Treni tlie Chinese * i ifsi



Svmpheny No, i

’ Sinbnieiia ’ for trnali onrh. '

Srinp^toAv So, 4

Svmphoftv N<.». S ci 9 )&j.

*FaMi*iieito oil Ihrre Briij>k • Amtson '

' Ptnf«r« lyf Airmen * ( i 94 t/>

' PemlWlAf) * t I94t},

' Smic rtf MoMcnint ' ^944

'aymphwnT N<a. 4 11946^


Triple Cheerio r<>r fluie, rrllo R kofft 'iMU,

Vn. Concerto (1940/.


Sirins (hioriei No. a (lO)iK

Suini (iuoriri No. 3 (199^).

Cnnrerimo fur S iiuu. 1194a).


Sonula {>999),


Sunaiino (1934).


Hunou 11929).

Alto pf, >on«<, 4c.

WAGENAAR, Johao ( 4 , Utrecht, 1* Nov.

I DGa ; d. The Hague, 1 7 June 1 941 ),

Hutch composer, co^uctor and teacher.

His fin I music lessons he received from

Uichard Hoi at the music scho^ in his native

city i lalrr he had organ levons from Samuel

de I^nge at 1 'he Hague and studied counter-

point with Hcr^ogrtibrrg at the Hochschule

Fur htusik in Berlin, He then (in iSS^) re-

turned to Utfevht as teacher at the musk

sc hool and organist at the old cathedral. ()n

the tetiremenc of Hoi he was made dirctior

of tlic sc hool, and i n 1 9 1 6 received an honorary

doctorate from Utrecht University. He re-

mained at the Utrecht music school until 1949,

when he was appointed director of the Royal

Conservatory at The Hague. Meanwhik be

had held appojntmenu as conductor of the

Utrecht Toonkunsi choral society and of sistcr-

organirations at Arnhem and Leyden. On

moving to The Hague he accepted a similar

post in that city, from which he retired in

1 999. after conducting iheToonkunsi society's

ceniemiial concerts. He retired from the

ConserN’atory in 1937.

In all these positions his exceptional talents,

rnmlRned W'ith a rare charm of manner, won

him universal friendship and atiracicd many

pupib. Among these were Fetcr van Anrooy,

Phmvs fXisch, H. E. Knthoven, Her^rl van

Coudoever, Wdlem Pijpcr, Alex VrMirmolen

and his otvn daughter Nelly W’agcnaar, all of

whum have musical characters eniircly diner*

ent from his own.

For all these many varied activities. Wage*

iiaar is best remembered !>)' Itis many com-

positions. .Ml of them are of a romanitc

character, usually in forms at least based on

and often closely following those nl the

cla>>skal rttasters (among whtun he was not

afraid of rnumiftg Johann Strauss, jun. ' , HK

rrmarkaMe skill in the handling of themes and

ir» preniding his music with suiuble vucal .and

imiruRienial colour. <m<i hU niter lack of

barvality in iltuughi ur cx(>ression, gas'C in

manynf ilsrse W’orks a lasting ftopularitv. Hr

could All occasion be so original in lus treat*

nsent of subjects from earlier composers that

tlsey arc rccognired by few w})o hear ihe

works. A sinking instance of this is Ins

amudog and beautifully scored * Jupiter

arnam' for solo v^ces, chorus, piano sol{> and

orchestra. There » scarcely a single original

phrase in the whole of this long work, previous

composers from J, S. Bach or before him

to Wagner, Brahms and Mendelssohn being

drawn on for plirasrs which fit very exactly

the seme of ilse words, and whii h are welded

into a complete, well-formed whole that is as

attractive to ilie scholar as to the man in the


His orchesiration is always of a highly

expressive charaetcr, and he followed the

fashitm of liU day by writing a number of

wofki which cannot be otherwise described

than as lone-pocnu or symphonic poems,

.Since his death his reputation as a composer

lias increaned rapklly Unh in Holland and


The following are hu principal works, as

nearly as possible in chronulogica] ortlrr :

Ovvtiorv. * Kontnt Jan

’ Frtthior’s N(«crfahn *, igne-pMie 9f\er Tftnrr

^ l>c Schiafarvtik *. <u>iau.

' Romaiiik. Jntvrme'iu * for wth.

* Lv^enstofiwr' (* Summer for erch.

aiwcK Cm mR.xokc chocui {gf »»hkh ilie uorU* mI«ci

'TV*. • S'*r*'* ••Mtek-bw*, »ie " r*f-in«ude. uun

luM o(h Mof "1,

* Ole ssA Vrki^Kkap.*

* U? *, qwgit.tffiom opet«.

bim^Mnkug for or<h. {tomiMHed en trccniiic ihe

IwcMTan flrcrT* oTISoctvf j< I. iirthc),

Saul and I) j>4H * h.

Cmnurv 10 RMUnd't ’ Cyrttw 6e Ber«crac

of U,. Sh..w •




Ov«rtu(r lo * AmpUirvee ",

OveriuK to Goklonr& ' THe F^ilow^k&l Friiwm *.

loi^nretzo for orch.

* Wkner Dreivi«rteliaki ' {a s*fin oT walun buH on a

po^m bv E. von BaiMrrtfeld, and aAenvuda adao^

ai I ballet),

* Lar«KeiiA ' for oboe & orrh.

' Avcux de PhMre ' (RaeifK). wona for sopeaAO 4 o*eh.

WAGENSEIL, G^org Christopb

Vienna, 15 Jan. 1715; rf- Vienna, 1 Mar.

' 777 '}«

Au$(rian keyboard player and compeaer.

He studied the clavier and organ with Wdger

and the science of composition with Fux and

Paloiia, the former of whom recommended

him for a court scholarship in 1 73$, and as

court composer in 1739, a po»t which he

retained till hit death. He was organist

to the Dowager Empress Elizabeth Christine

from 1741 to her death in 1750, and music

master to the Empress Maria Theresa and the

imperial princesses, with a life salary of 1300

florins. Among his pupils were Sleffan, then

court Kcp<UmeisUr. and lipoid Hoffmann,

afterwards Kapt/lmtisUf of the cathedral.

When Moxart, a little boy of six, was playing

before the court in 1763, he inquired : ** Is not

Herr Wagrnseil here? he knows all about it” ;

and when the latter came forward, he said:

" 1 am playing a concerto of yours ; you must

turn over for me

in old age Wagenseil suffered from sciatka,

which confined him to his room, and nearly

lost the use of his left hand from gout. Never*

theless when Burney visited him he managed

to play several of his compositiom ** in a

masterly manner, and with great fire”.*

^^’aKc^scil started his career as a dramatic

composer with *I lamenti d’Orfeo*, per-

formed in Vienna on 36 July 1740. For Italy

he wrote ' Ariodante ’ (Venice, 1743) and

* Dcmeirio * (Florence, 1746). Returned to

Vienna, he set to music several librettos by

Metastasio: * La clemenza di Tito* (1746),

'Alessandro nrll' Indie’ (1748) and 'L' Olim*

piadc ' (1740)* In 1730 not less than five

operas wholly or partly written by him were

given in Vienna, and a /ai* Uatrate for 4 stnees

to a libretto by Count l^razzo, ' Le cacciatrki

amanti was produced at Laxenburg palace

in 1733. FI is last work for the stage was the

srrenata ’ Prometeo assoluto’, heard at the

Vienna Burg Theatre on 34 Mar. 17G2, six

montKs before Gluck's ' Orfeo Nearly all

hit dramatic scores are preserved in the

Austrian National Library.

In his day Wagerueil was a faNxiunte CMn*

poser for the clavier with both amateurs and

artists. His church music he roodelled on

' Hr WAS in h« «•»> .rhar^ V««r si th« linw el tm Uratb.

f«ot ninny .(Wo, « C^rbsr wstn (\'«|. I) mJ sArr biia

Ft lit. Nciihrr was he riHv-cialM. as Wnry Mi pp wU ,

when he visited him in 1779 ('Present Stale ., .

uermAny I. $> 6 ). thouch that e«(Des neu Um Uwih.

• Qomey. n*., I, jaj,

Ha&se and Scarlatd, hU dramatic music on Leo

and his insimmental works on Rameau. Of

the latter many pieces were engraved in Paris,

London, Amsterdam and Vienna. There arc

several manuscript worb of his in the archives

of (he GeselUchaft dec Mustkfreunde in

Vienna, boch vocal (cantatas, Julian arias,

etc.) and instrumental (trios, quartets, divert:*

menti, symphonies, etc.), Two oratorios, ‘ La

Redertfj««', J 755, and ‘Gioas, ri di Giuda’,

arc in the Nati^iaJ Library ; a Requiem and

two Ma.«ses arc in Berlin, and many manu-

scripts of psalms, motets, etc., are mentioned.

Examples of his instrumental works are pub-

lished in D-D.T., and series, XV. Of perman-

ent value are ' Suatis artificiose elaboratus*,

etc., in six parts (Bamberg, 1740): ' Tre

divcriimenti per cembalo' (Vienna, tydi);

* Divertissement musical six sonatas for

harpsichord, Op. t (Nuremberg) ; and 4

numbers, each containing ‘ VI divertiinentida

cembalo*, dedicated to his pupils the Arch-

duchesses Mariana, Marie Crittina, Elizabeth

and Amalia (all 1760), finely engraved on

copper by Giorgio Nicolai for Agostino Ber<

nardi the Viennese publisher, I'he claim that

Wagenseil wrote the theme of the " Har*

monious Blacksmith ” is disposed of by the

dates. c. p. p., adds. a. l.

B(«k.— H aisiwmo. GOKtta. ' Oer &ivertim«nr»*Befnfl

bri C«or| l^hmMph WAfenirir lA.MAV.. ip^s).

SoAOMriacK. It., * l>k formiU CMwicklunv drr

vw H A n ytehen St a f o n te’ (A.M.Z . Jaw, loss).

y/tnrm. W.. ' G. C. WMnucil. ein VAtlAykr C W.

Glwb' (Z.M.U.. >«t«).

* D*f Opcm bc n i penuii Gwa Chiixoph tVArewKil und

win VrrhAlDm sh biouri wnd Cluck ' (' Hrrmsnn

Abcrt*G« 4 «AlrKann *, llAlk, ipa6).

WAGENSEIL, Johana Chriatopb (F.

Nuremberg, 2$ Nov. 1833; d. Altdorf,

Bavaria, 9 Oct. 1708).

Cernsan historian and librarian. He is

noteworthy for his ' Buch v*on dcr Meistcr-

singer hokischgen Kuiut ’ (1S97). The work,

containing the melodies ^ Prauenlob, Mughn,

Muener and Regenbogen, is important as one

of the chief sources of information on the

methods of the hfeistersinger. NN'agncr knew

the book and studied it carefully when he

wrote the libretto of his * Mcisieningcr' ^ he

also made use of its musical quotations.

It. c. c., addS'

Bim. — THM irsON. Hckmkt, ' ^Vacatr ia 4 tVAzenwSI *

(London, taari.

WAGHALTER, Igana (L \\'arsaw, 15

Mar. 1863; d. New York, 7 Apr. 1949).

Polish-Geman conductor and composer.

He was conductor of Croc's Comic Opera

in Berlin from 1907 to S91 1, opera conductor

at Essen in 19:1-13 and at the Deutsches

Opemham in Berlin from tgis lo 3923. In

1933 he went to the U.S.A. and became

conductor of the Stale Symphony Orchestra

in New York in succession to Josef Stransky.

After another relum to Berlin he went to

Prague in 1933. As a composer he made his


WAGNER (Johanna)


greatest success with the opera ' Madragola %

to a libretto by Paul Eger based on Machia*

vclli’s comedy, which was produced at the

Berlin Deutsches Opemhaus on 33 Jan. 1914.

It was given in English la New York on 4 Mar.

t933. Other operas of his were ' Det

Teufelsweg ' (Berlin, 1911), ' Jugend ' (Berlin,

1921), * Der spate Cast* (Berlin. 1922) and

* Saianiel ' (Berlin, igag)* He also wrote two

operettas, ' Oer U eiterkrieg ’ (Elberfeld,

tgeB) and * Wem gehon Helena ? and a

vaudeville, ' Bib! ’ ; a vi(din Concerto in A

major, Op. 1 5 ; a string Quiriei in D major,

Op. 3 ; a Sonata for violin and luanorurte in

T minor. Op, 5, etc. a. t.

WAGNER, Georg Gottfried (>. Muhl-

berg, Saxony, 3 Apr. 1698; d. I'lauen i.V*.

23 Mar

Crrman violinist and composer. He was a

pupil of Kuhnuu at St. ’I'homas’s School,

Leipzig, from 171J to 1719, studying iheolog)’

therr until 1 726. In the latter year he liecainc

caniur at FUuen at the recommendation of

J. S. Bach, in whose orchestra he had Ixrn

]>rinC4>al violin. His niotvt * IaiB und lihrr'

was publnhrj b> Breitkopf & Hart« I in iUir>

as J. S. Bach's work. He also composnl

cantains, oratorios, overtures, concerto*, trios,

solm, etc., which were held in high esteem,

but remained in manuicripi. a. v. d. 9.

WAGNER, Gotcha rd (6. Erding, 1679;

'IVgvrnsce, 1739).

German composer, lie was a Benedictine

monk at the monastery ofTegemsee from 1700

and wrote several collections of sacred songs

with instrumental accom|>ammcnt ; 'Cygnus

Marianm* (i 710), &C (iemtan airs ; *Muwka*

liseber llofRartcn' (1717?. too airs, i voices and

continuo; ' |><t Marianlxhe Springbrunnrn '

1 1 730^1 3t airs ; ' I)av Marianische ImnicVin '

*1730)) 3^ airs, 4 voices with imtrumenis;

also a cantata for 4 vmers with instruenenis,

of which the manuscript is in the Brussels

(kinservatnirc Library. r„ v. d- s.

WAGNER, Jacob Karl (^. Darmstadt, 22

Feb. 1772 ; d. l>arnwuJt, 25 Nov. |023).

German oboist, conductor and composer.

His father was a Darmstadt court musician,

and he was apprenticed in the court chapel

there in 1788, Joined the orchestra a< oboist,

became music master and accompanist fur the

vocal music at court in 1600 and court Kapeit-

mtiittr in 16s t. In (820 he was pensioned.

For (he Darmstadt court theatre he conw

posed several operas (e g. ‘.Siaph und Nilelis’,

i8t t), Stngf^tle {e.g. ' Der Zahnarat ido6),

incidental music for plays (including Goethe's

' Cotr von Bcriichingen ' and MahJmann's

once popular parody ' Herodes vor BethJe-

liem *, 30 Apr. (809), an overture for Shake-

speare’s ' As You Uke It’ and cantatas for

special occasions. He also svrote a large

number of iniirgmenul and vocal works, in-

cluding symphonies, concertos, conccrtaiiti,

overtures, plan^one pieces and songs. Many

dramatic scores of his are preserved at the

Darmstadt library. The (undated) libretto

of his monodrama ' Adonis, oder Die Rache

des Ares ' is in the B.M. a. l.

Wagner, Johaona {h. Seelr.e nr. Hano-

ver, 13 Oct. 1826 ; ^.Wurzburg, iG Oct. t8<)4)-

German soprano singer, niece of Richard

\N’agner and daughter of .Mlwrt \ Vagner, a

dramatic tenor. He married Elise Gollmann,

who had a voice of the abnormal compass of

three octaves and two nom. Jnhanna ap-

peared at the age of six in ' Donauweibchrn’.

In tS43 her uncle heard her sing the part of

M)TTha in ^ Vinter's ‘ Vnierbrochenes Opfer-

fest ' and in May 1844 ohiainccl a temporary

engagement fur her at the Royal Opera at

Dresden.' I’hough but eighteen she had such

Sticcess as Irma in Auber's ' Le Ma^on ' and

Agathe in Weber's * FreiKliutz ' that she was

not only engaged Ibr thrr<‘ years, but the man.

agement paid the fine necessary tn rr lease her

from her contract at the Ducal Ihcaire at

Bernburg. She spent the sumnier wiih her

uncle near Dresden, studying his ' Tann*

hauser ' scene by scene, as he composed it, and

had the honour of creating the part uf lilisa*

belh when only nineteen. Her unrle hud

intended the first performance to take place nn

her nineteenth btrlhday, hut the illness r»f a

singer postponed it until st Oct. 1845.

Such hopes were founded upon the young

Singer's talents that the King <4* Saxony sent

her to Pans to study under Garcia. She left

Dresden on i Feb. 1847, accompanied by her

father, who until then had been her instructor.

Returning in six months she appeared as

Norma, singing in Italian, her uncle conduct-

ing, and she now added many leading pan« lu

hat repertory. Her uncle's pan in ihe revolu-

tionary trouldcs of 1849 and his consequent

exile making it unpleasant for her to remain in

Dresden, she accepted an engagement at

Hamburg. In 1C30 she was permanently en-

gaged at the Royal Opera Houie in Berlin,

with an exceptional contract giving her six

months' leave each year.

In (852 she visited England, but owing to a

lawsuit concerning her contract she was pre*

eluded from singing at rither of the opera-

houses. In 1 6$6 she appeared at I ler Majest y's


In 1639 she married Councillor Jachmann.

and two years later she had the misfortune to

lose her x-otec suddenly and completely. She

Savely entered upon a second artistic career,

as an actress, her very exceptional gifts en-

abling her to do so with brill lam success. This

lasted for eleven years, at the same theatre In

TMUin.. , p. «3a, wner« m s ol

ae J«JV 1844 W»fi*w nmuons Tphinn.'. ftne

of dw psri of lT«n« io hu ‘ Rwnti •. * “




Berlin. Meantime her voice had returned lo

a great extent, and on 2S May 1872, at her

uncle’s request, she went to Bayreuth, to take

pan in the performance of Beethoven's ninth

Symphony, ^vhich he gave to cdebrate the lay^

ing of the hrsi stone of hU theatre there. She

sang (he solo alto part, as she had done on

Palm Sunday twenty*six years before, at his

performance of the same Symphony at Ores*

den. In 1876, at (he opening of the festiva]

theatre at Bayreuth, she took the minor parts

of Schwerdeite and hrst Norrt.

In 1682 Baron von Perfall, Iniendant d*the

Royal Opera at Munich, offered her (he pro

fessorship of dramatic singing in the Royal

School of Music there. This appointment she

accepted {to quote her own words) “ in the

hope of training young artists in the spirit aod

traditions of my uncle, to be worthy inierpre*

ten of his works ". In 1864 she retired from

this post and went to live in Berlin.

M. abr.

Bill., — I achmahn, Haki, * Wafner and ba ftni Ebaa*

btlh * (London. 1944).

WAGNER MUSEUM. A museum do

\'Otrd to Wagner at Triebschen near Lucerne.

A plaque on the front of the house reads;

In dirarm Htut< wohnia

RiCHAItB Waomck

von April i9M b«a April iBst.

Hxr volknd«K tt

Dx MF'«wn»nfer, SiFtCrM.

<Joturdafnmrr\tnf, BrvUkovm.

Kaiarrmarwh, Si^rt«0<tijvll.

On the initiative of the city of Lucerne and

the association of the Swiss Friends of Bayreuth

it was mcuccl and made into a museum. It

wa< formally opened on 1 July 1933, in the

presence of members of the \N'agfter ratnlly.

The inaugural speeches were made by Dr.

Zimmcrii, Mayor of Lucerne. Professor Fehr

and Comte Guy de Pourial^.

In the small but excellent museum, where

an attempt has been made to recapture the

atmosphere of the past, are brought together

many objects belonging lo >V^ncr and dating

from the years he spent there. In dcfererKc to

the tastes of Cosima Wagner, who preferred

pictures to books, there are a number of paint*

ings, sculptures, engravings and photographs

of Wagner, his family and his friends. But

the outstanding feature of the museum is the

collection tsf Wagner's mamscripts — the

score of the ' Siegfried Idyll ‘, Sachs's song

from the ' Mastersingers’, a poem, 'An Dkh',

written for Cosima, and verses dedicated to

Ludwig II — sketches for the scessery of

' Panifal ' and about twenty letters, some of

them of great importance.

One particularly interesting exhibit is the

Erard grand pianoforte, given to AVagner in

1 658 by the maker's widow. This instrument

went with him from Zurich to Venice, to

Paris, Vienna, Munich, Triebschen and Bay*

reulh, and on it \Vagner and Lisst must often

have pUyH (heir worb. It later belonged to

Mrs. U'inifred Wagner and her children, and

b on loan to the Museum.

More than 25,000 people visited the museum

in its first five years. In the summer of 1936

a concert was given in the park of the museum,

directed by Toscanini, in commemoration of

>Vs^er’s :25th anniversary. a. h. (ii).

WAGNER, Peter (Joaef) (i. Kureni nr.

Trier, 19 Aug. 1865; d. Fribourg, Switser*

land, 17 Oct. 1931).

German musical Kbolar. He was educated

at (he University of Strasbourg and pursued

h*s studies further in Berlin under Bellermann

and Spi(ta. He became professor at the

University of Fribourg in 1897 and (here

fouruSed a Gregorian academy for research and

practical study in 1901. His publicalioru,

which deal particularly with old ecclesiastical

music, include important works on Gregorian

and medieval music, together with a ' Ge*

schichte der Messe ' ( >9 1 4 ff )• K. c. c.

WACNER*RECENY, Rudolf (fr. Scasz*

Rfgen, Trans) ivinia, 38 Aug. 1903).

Hun|arian*bom compoKr of German ex*

traction. He grew up in the largely Cerman*

sj^aking part of Transylvania, at the time of

his birth a province In the kingdom of Hun*

gar)’, only to becMie part of Rumania after

1918. In 1920 Wagner*R^ny went to

Germany, where he studied music at Leipzig

and Berlin for about three years. From 1 924

onwards he occupied insignificant posts as

coach in and alMui Berlin. In 1927 he

accompanied the German choreographer

Rudolf von Laban on a lour across Europe.

In the following year a small opera of his was

successfully performed at Gera. This led to

the composition of more one*act operas. Yet

it was not until 1935 that \Vagner*Rfgeny

suddenly leapt Into fame, benefiting with

many otben from the political change brought

about by Nat ism in 1933 and driving numcr*

ous eminent composers from Germany into

permanent exile. I( was the successful lech*

nique of operatic simplification and of a

dramatic r4nfM*siyle with plenty of rhyth*

mical impetus, as established in the operas of

(he officially l»nned Kurt Weill, which sup*

plied >Vagner*R6geny with the ideas for his

own brar^ of opera. The work 10 which he

chiefly owes his fame, * Der Gunstling*

(Dresden, 1933}, is composed 10 a libretto by

Caspar Neher, Kurt Weill's last librettist

before his exile in 1933. This libretto In turn

b based on Vklor Hugo's drama ‘ Marie

Tudor *. The Handelian flavour of its melo*

dies b reminiscent of \ Vein's 'Die Bxiigschaft ,

while its cabaret-iype sonp, primitive orehes-

tralaecompanimentsand clearly defined formal

patterns link it with the ‘ Drcigro«henopcr

and ' Der jasager AltJiough without real


WAGNER (Richard)


cnusicaj originaJity, thU opera shows a remark^

ably soujsd icutinci (or the requirements oT the

operatic stage.

Wagner*Regeny's next w'orks for (he stage

were commission^ by the Berlin State Opera

and receU'ed their Erst performances there

(the baJlet ' Der aerbrochene Krug ' and the

opera * Die Burger von Calais '). Hb opera

'Johanna Balk \ again to a libretto by Caspar

Neher. had a somewhat mixed reception

when first staged at the Vienna Opera during

the second world war. 'Ihe libretto of hit

last operatic work so far, the comic opera

' Persische Rpitode \ succeeds in uniting Kurt

Weill's two chief librettists in one common task.

Allhough he composed little apart from hb

operas in earlier vrars, \\’agncr'K^ny has

lately written numerous w'orks for the pianCH

Ibrce. In some of these he utilizes the tech*

nique of the twelve 'note scries. It si'ems

difficult to reconcile this vuJdcn prediU'etlon

for Schoenberg's esoteric theory with Wagner*

K^grny's professed aim lo aclilev'c a musical

style of popular simplilieation. devuitl of the

over -elaborate trappings of ipth- century

rotnaniieism. ('hese recent essays in dodeea*

phonic style again prove this composer’s

peculiar gift for brilliant imitation of a remote

musical idiom. Wagner-Krgeny, who lived

at Gustrow (htecklrnburg) after the close of

the id3')-4^ war and later un as a teacher at

the MustklioehsebuleofUcMtoek, wasappointed

professor at the newly fouiHled State Con*

Mcvatory in Berlin (Eastern Zone) in Oct.

KJSO, after having be<ume a member of the

new East* Berlin /Uademy uf Sciences.

lUHl KX.R.sniY

bl RbAM r/, AlPlUb. * Dir Minib Sy riei>er>fts«v>n»’ •* Ihr

\«<l. V*. \m. 9i>, iQSft.

*A yv.iioff'Hfn.k)*; rM>es VliAllewden '

rHrtJ»n, I4is<,

CiKM.x, II,. * Itfr tfrUtxhrMe Kihc* I’Utr Nfuuk '.

S*ol. X \X, .N'h Hcrlm. i0|7i.

Kami. ’ Muuk und MuuW «lrr *.

\ vk J > I ptK >3) It, ; III*

<tMp4*r tflui CMhi )iH« ib*l(b by

ih* (ofiirxfwr.

WocRvri. R, II,, *Mu«»k «S*r (.«it«fw«sn'




' MoKhn^Joi *. pcod. 0«rs. 194$,

lirr M4>ki« KriaiK* <«riex AimIciwa'i hm-tslc). pt*

194 I,

’ *, »iur 19 x 6 ,

’ l.a Stiftw CUHjrii^^n* tfipr 19x6.

i wu urid Iwoh *, btbtkal wene fee we«er, speaker

*V* • <S«*»a. toy®.

D>e rabek \om lelMrh S(hU<hier(new(«e comk ooe

MAit Vi).

by Csspas Nelicr. ba«*a .

IxoK (Sg<Sner'» Onnsh veruon *4 Hwo'% * Mai

.,V Il9ii-?4l. Pf*»l. I>x«aen, »« F*k. 19SS

the UarcAr vg.i CaUi* ’ llib, by Neherj. end, Rrri

luhann* ^lk * tlib. by Sthtt). iPecd. Vki«i. 1*41.

hcHv.lc < fVr Daxinw^hcr* * Jbb. by .Vebex

Ikxi Btechi)


* MuHtai \ prod. Ceyn. 1979.

'Der srrbrwbeAO Krue ’ KJeisrs play. clM/rco>

fraphy by* lixsie kisudnekt, BexMe. 1937.


* MylbelufiMhe Figurinen 3 pkcet (lOyt).


* OnheMcrsnuuk mil Klav'ier' J>r«MleM,


* Kteioe GeiweioscSsfbwMitik ' for tlev. A. uitKl ’jflt r

io»a .

Vrixif Oxarcrt {19404.

Nfrw«c 'I nu lies * •-

’ (ktartenmuitk ' tl 93 >).


* Siattrumuuk * 1913 ).

* KljviedMKhlein * 1 1941 ».

i I I 94 S‘.

* llr««mF*«m * ^ 1043 .

* ItjtMAMMk I ’ 1 I 9 V>^>

* /«*! Kla^MykkaxieXi ia xiA Album ^Tux (<ett^ llerxutr '

luelvouuir *> <* 04 A .

’ /uri KUvKt«cu<kF Tux HetmuT KutiyrTi ' 'kMeU*e«n(»i4')


' Uftebe'iwie* 'I 4 V 0 >

’ 1 «i«xx Aix P«lu" A ' 1 19 V •

’ kUtieitiuck iMriirtur* ' 1931 1.


l.ie«k<l4u<Mxin '(••lleitxrf v'Migt of ilir sx«t' iAx3 i',)


’ A<Im /KruiteilHvkr ‘ ' I 91 )k.

* lltr I.i^let <lrA Am(Ix(» ' uump. 194G, pukd. I9S1O'

A SMict •Bxri Rmhi • • 1949

* ( immI 3 ewe * <1949 )uv

’ L* ( 4 kAn( •t’.Ai't* iNtfMaiio itis from tli* itK t»(n|d<*kr

ofierA * l^eriMlc «l* |*l<omnix kixureua '. afirx

*lAl«Mn. 1(913 47 '.

’ xSwei Ltevlxr ma A <4k»l«4) * < J< l^xr^ 1 194^ 1

X S«>A*v \. tfWUMeiuixr. <1949 .

* |jebetl*e<l o»ll< nf, ' i9yi>i,

* I der deuiM heo IaxUm'K ’ 1 Nl. Rxinani 1 1931 •.

II. I . R.

WAGNER^ (WUb«lm) Richard ib. i«ip*

zig. *44 May 1B13 ; d. Venice, 13 Feb. ldd3).'

(ieritian composer and man of leiters. He

was the culmination of a long line of Wogitcrs

who had. from tlie 1 7th century*, (IUlirigui%he<i

themselves modesily, in Saxrkny. as school*

masters or officials In local govvrnrneiu,

Occasionally there was one whovc musical

prorlivities helped to provide the pr'iper l>ark*

ffTound to the life of the most illusiriou"

member of the family.

xANCEsiny.— The family Iuin been traced

back to Samuel Wagner i (1643*1705). a

schoolmaster of 'rhammenhaiii. IIU grand*

son, Samuel Wagner U (1703-50). was a

xhooirnasier. but also orgattlst and catiior at

Muglenz, a hamlet six miles from Wurzen.

The son of Samuel VS'agner M, Gottlob f'ric*

drich ( 1 736-05) , set tied at Leipzig as a collcc lor

cf taxes. He married Johanna Sophia Eichcl,

daughter of a (.eipr.lg scliool master, and bv

her had four children of v/hom three survived

* WMAXt'KCtrAV alw, aMymiKxtl te write a iFKi.buok

on lit* (nhcMK|«*« uf^ VAxtvcAMF <un»po'»lk«i <1946 49;,

* R«lFXym n M iK* 4 volumti of ' 1 h« I.ife of RicliaxJ

AVtfnxx ’ by Knni NF«»Tn«n are noted iliut: N.I,,

1 1 1 . 1 V i the p4s* r*(cr«M« r% to U'wmxi's ' Mein Leben *

ax* (a th« kjicliih rdition (London, 1911 >.

WAGNER: Ancestry— Boyhood

infancy. The two sons were Karl Friedrich

Wilhelm (1770-18*3) and (Gottlob Heinrich)

Adolf (*774-' 835); ihe daughter Friederike

(1778-?). The younger son, who is to assume

some importance in this study, achieved

literal^' and academic distinciloD. He had

particular enthusiasm for Greek poetry and

drama. Dante and Shakespeare, and edited

classical and modern texts, which included an

anthology. ' II Parna*so iialiano of Dante.

Petrarch. Ariosto and Tasso, d^icated 10

Goethe. For this N^ork Adolf was awarded a

doctorate at Marburg. In the last year of his

life he issued an (incomplete) edition of the

works of Burns, Adolf was more stimulating

as conversationalist than as writer, and his

broad inicresis — he knew Schiller. Fichte and

Tieck — alTectrd considerably the general de-

velopment of his nephew Richard. Richard

\Vagner. recalling Adolf to his second wife in

1874. remarked on the noble, liberal cast

of his mind " ar>d defined him as “ a product

of the school of Goethe ".

Karl Friedrich ^ Vilhelm > Vagner was

educated at the Thomasschule and the Uni-

versity nf Leipzig, where he was a student of

law. He became IVcr-AI/MriK; (Clerk oTihe

Court) to the Town Council of Leipzig in 1 794.

AAcr eleven years he was promoted

and in 1806. after the battle of Jena, he is

reported to have undertaken the organitation

of the police force of the city as Ps/jcri-

/Iktuan’us.' For this position he was s%‘ell

qualified by virtue of his ability as linguist.

In 1798 Karl Friedrich married Johanna

Rosina Paiz (1774-1848). whose father had

been a miller at NVeissenfeb.*

The children of this marriage were (1) Karl

Albert (i7g0-t874), a tenor singer; (3) Karl

Gustav (180 1 -a); (3) Johanna Rosalie (1803-

1837), an actress; (4) Karl Julius (1804-63),

goldsmith; (3) Luise Konsianze (1803-71),

actress, wife of Friedrich Brockhaus, pub-

lisher: (6) Klara Wilhelmma (181^75),

singer; (7) Maria Theresia (180^14): (6)

Wilhelmina OltiUe (1811-83), ^’f

maim Brockhaus the Sanscrit scholar ; (9)

Wilhelm Richard.

The names bestowed on his family demon-

strate Karl Friedrich’s affection for Goethe

and Schiller. Outside his profession he was

conspicuous for a lively interest in drama, and

he was intimate with many actors and w^d-

be actors. Among these latter was Ludwig

Geyer (i. Eislebcn. 1780) who, becoming

' Wheihrr the police appointmcAC wm ib l(eS m

iBio It uncertain, iKe prevaleni bcltef ^ the Wacner

Camily in (he former bclna doubled Iw Bumfl

|«rr N.r. 9?).

* £rr * Mein Leben *. I, it. conccnwie doubt*

res*rdm< her patrmkr. It haa been euccwied that

ihe miller nuriu/ed ibe elTtpriiMr of Karl AuevM, Duke

Sute-WeiAMr (oote. however, that Kart AucuM

wu bom in i)S7).

* Youncer brother of Fnedckh Breckkovt.

acquainted witb the Wagner family in 1801,

was particularly encouraged by them in hb

career — to the uliimate confusion of the


Regarding the paternity of Richard Wagner

doubtt have been expressed. His legal father

was Karl Priedrsch, but it may well be that

his actual father was Ludwig Geyer. The

first 10 surest this was Nietzsche who, in

1869-70, and on terms of great intimacy with

^VagDer, received the composer's conclusions

on the correspoMence between hU mother and

Ge)’cr. which had been shown to him by

Cacilie Avenarius, daughter of Johanna

Rosina and Geyer.’ Wagner himself would

appear to have been convinced that he was

Geyer’s son, This may have been wbh-

fulfilment, for he had no memory of Karl

Friedrich and his recollec lions of Geyer w*ere

invariably affectionate. The evidence on the

question of paternity, fully adduced by Ernest

Newman*, seems to support Geyer's claim, but

the case cannot finally accepted as prov'cn.’

BovHOOo.—> Vagner (vas bom in ihe Bruhl

at a house — " Der rote und weissc L 6 w*e ” —

later numbered 88 , which was demolished in

1 866. He was not christened for three months

and this, coupled with the extraordinary flight

of Johanna and her infant son to Geyer at

I'eplke. suggests chat Geyer's rnidence with

the Wagners had complicated domestic rela-

cioniKips. In a wider field there were greater

com^ieations, for the Napoleonic campaign

in Saxony came by way of Luezen, Dresden

and Bautzen to Leipzig, where " the battle

of the Nations " went against Napoleon and

the King of Saxony, who had adhered to

Kis cause. The battle of Leipzig (i 6 *i 8 Oct.

1813) brought typhoid in iu wake. To this

disease Karl Friedrich Wagner, already

exhausted by o>'crworli. succumbed. He died

on 93 Nov. AAer his death his widow was

encouraged to take her family to Dresden.

She would seem to have joined Geyer there

soon after the middle of Feb. 1814. On sS

Aug. she and Ce>*er were married. Six months

later — on 96 Feb. 1815 — their daughter

Augusta Cacilie was born.

Geyer, whose ancestors may also be traced

as far as the 17th century, had antecedents

similar to Karl Friedrich Wagner's in legal and

musical associations. He himself, sometime a

law student at Leipzig, was a competent if

restricted artist, a dramatist* of small attain-

ments, s^neUung of a singer and an actor.

* * Oer F9U Wicwr*. «lh ^1. (1896). p. S» >*• .

* Awenanu« vioietl WaeiKr ai Tnebuhen in

Au<, 1869. Nieutfhc WAS there at OvttCinai i 649 *

* N.lll. S94-98.

' WUrt ihu nnick refen ig Wagner** faiher. therg-

fecr. Karl Friedrich I* indicated. .

* ‘ Der belhl^miticHte KinJermcid ' (•*• prrf.

Pmkn. pg F«h. 1B21) — » pcnriii of the ** s

bmiK nun — wa* pr^uced in honour of Wiener 1

UKlaelb birthday at btrrwih.



His dramatic mitUr waa villainy and lus not*

able paru were those oC lago and of Alva in

Goetz's * Egpiont'. Geyer was attached to

the royal court playen at Dresden. He was

more anxious that his stepson should become

a painter than anything che, and he gave him

elementary instruction. He had no desire that

the boy should follow his ovk'n profession, but

Wagner himself in * Mein Lcben ’ emphasises

(he inescapable influence exerted in bis

rarliesi years by the mystery of the theatre.

It had he wrote, ** a fascination like chat

of a spectre.” At the age of sesen Wagner,

small, sensitive and blue>«yed, was sent to a

school at Piissendorf near Dresden, kept by a

Pastor WVi/el. But in lUai he was called

home to his siepfaiher’s deaihl>ed. Hr had by

that lime learnt to play the pianoforte and.

sent by his mother to another room to distract

him from the atmosphere of the sick-room, he

played airs by Wel>er as Geyrr lay dying,

Weber had been friendly with Geyer at

Dre«den. “ \N hat ”, said Geyer, hearing the

hoy play, ** if he has a talent for music ? ”

Ludwig Geyer died on 30 Sept. i6«i.

It Is evident that in childhood Wagner was

destined by his parents for an arthik career.

His mother, nervous only of the deleterious

moral influence of the theatre, expatiated

romantically — having absorbed Leuing and

Winckelmann at second hand ^ on "the

great and tlie beautiful To her influence

may l>e aseribed a breadth of myutical vision

which, disciplined by the practical sertse of

Geyer (and Adolf Wagrter), was to distinguish

the comprwrr. Childhood, though more inter*

esiini; than most, was far from ideal. In

addition to the shock of bereavement there

were Ik>u(s of ilbhealth. combining with

•iul contributory to an rxiremc sensitivity,

Wagner suffered much from disorders of the

eye.t (which early prmision of specuclcs

would have prevented) and also rerurrent

attacks of a form of erysipelas. After Ceycr's

death he was .sent to Eislelwn to live with his

brother Julius under the tutelage of Ceycr’s

brother, a goldsmith. At Elslebrn Wagner

attended his second school, where he was

taught by one Weiss.*

After a year, however, hU education was

again disrupted. He was removed from

Lisle ben to Dresden, where he entered the

Kreuwhulp on a Dee. t022. He was at ihb

lime, and until 1827 when he was confirmed

on H Apr,, known by- the name of Geyer. At

s<ho<.l \Sagner studied Creek, but Utile ebc

with enthusiasm. Temperamentally he was

uiwinted to the rigours and pedantry of high

school life, and smooth academic progress was

-A ’ L prl»»fip4l of th« Khoc4

AH. bu« tU irMhirw Omo

br who bhj yean Uur. aneodeO at E-IrtJTi

•rfwiHHrt from •TaiwMwat*. wShrr

PoHd ihi» w,ih afleciionaie intcrni. ^

additionally difficult under the changing

domestic circumstances. In 1 826. for instance,

he w’as left alone at Dresden, lodging with the

Bohnie family in the Obcrscegassc (later

Ferdinandsirassc), while his mother accom*

panted Rosalie to Prague. Musical experience

W’as for the time bang limited to \Vel>cr

worship arid to pianoforte lessons w’ilb

Humann. ^Veber at Dresden was a local hero

— ' Dcr Freischuie * was first performed there

on 26 Jan. 1822 — for he represented the

triumph of the German people over the

aristocratic Iialophiles. Weber was an ac-

quaintance of the Geyers, as indeed was

Miirlacchi, the head of the rival faction.

\ Vagner's early cnihu>iasni svas largely of

patriotic derivation. He prlsatviy irlt’d the

part of Kaspar in * Frcischiiia '.

In 162C and 1827 Wagnrr paid two vidts to

Pragui’, w'hrrc his amorous adventure* may

be said to have star 1 ed > The nat ti ral dan gb 1 e r»

ofGoual Parhia, the Ikihrmian tnounialns acid

the faniasKS <»f K. T. A. IlnlTtnann rom|>eted

at this time foi ^ Vagner’s princip.tl loy.ylty. In

June 1827 l.uise was offered a ^tage eiigag***

meni at l.eipzig. Her mother then t<M>k up

rnidence there, as did Kkhard alio at

Christmas. At I,ejprig hv sjH’iit niueh lime

with his ujiete Adolf, who aiipeared to Utxl in

him a congenial conipanioji o( intellectual

aiiammenis. ’Fhesr came from natural (|uitk-

nrss and wkic experirnre rather thatt from

a school curriculum. I'o his uncle SN'agner

confaded ihe sordid details of his first es>aY in

dramatic compmiiion • ' Ix’ubald und Ade-

laide This play was chiefly rernembired on

account of a spate of sudden deaths. S Vagner

claimed that these numbered fonv.iwb, but

as the play coniaimvl only tw’enly*lwo char*

acten it is probable that he exaggerated. At

Lciptig he discosered books left to him by his

father, which were a great source of delight,

The Krcurschule was rKchang<’<l, disadvan*

lageously - for he ne\ er sett led to any gen uine

study in the new Khool — for the Nieolai-

schule. Alih«Kigh he aitended the Nieolai-

schule for two and a half years, he was

frequently absent, and a long truancy in 1830

led to his withdrawal. \ Vagner matured

quickly, and his philosophic an<l w’orldly

inleresLs w'ere uncommonly varied.

On the side of politic* W agner fnllowetl

closely the activities of the student body at

Leipzig. Nowhere wa* liberal thought more

aealouily cultivated than in the unisersities of

Germany. It should be noted that the jirnpa*

gallon of much of the most advanced tliought

waa done by Friedrich Brockhavs, Schopen-

hauer’s publisher, who had married Luisc

Brockhaus who

pubinhed Loren* Okan's account of the

aiiHlenta f«uval at ihe Wariburg in 1817, an

event of historic signlflcanee.


WAGNER ; Studio

At Leipzig mudcaJ opponunilio abounded.

There were the Gewandhaus coDcerta, and the

influence of his actres sisters guaranteed easy

entry to the theatre. Thus there was acces to

Beeiho\‘en (oflen iodifFercnily played) and (o

opera. Works of particular moment were the

seventh Symphony, the overture to ‘Egmont*,

the ninth Symphony and ‘Pidelio’; the

Mozart Requiem ; the operas of Marsehner

and Auber. The ninth Symphony w’as tran*

scribed into a piartoforte arrangement and if,

in 1830, Sciiou refused publication, he did

encourage the arranger by sending him a

score of the Mass in D.' T^ most important

single event to influence \N’agner's devel^

ment at this time was the p^ormanee, in

tOaOi of \ViU\elminc Schroder • Devtient in

' Fidclio *,

SVhwi ( look Uock titc «»tow mere iHm tlMi> t'*ar*

Isirr], in my ^liwk life 1 esn Ksrreir tcwirmbo MBf

incident io tie eomp^reti with il<it ia iis elle<i ***>

All mImi remrmber thr ■•otHtrom ttmuin at th« ptfiatl

of lier |i(« will ifiury le ib« simoti d«nWA>scal »armia

OilluwU oter him Uy ih« hunMii smI coutK iwrfar w i*

«nve. Afiee tli« ihesirc t le »n Mawsafiuace

■nit wmtr A iherl note to her, eoelorinf that from Km

day mv life had ac^uiretl a meaniiHi. anti that $f over

die heani my name meniionetl with praiw tbe dwoU

rrnirmber that ii wat die who on iIih evenmf maele mr

wlia( I iierewnli twero to beeome.

In 1838 ^ Vagner lurned seriously to (he

study of the lechnique of musical composition.

He burrowed Logier’s * Method of Thorough*

Ba<$ ’ from Friedrich ^Vieek's lending library

and siudlcd scores, particularly that of* Don

Giovanni '. He look lessons in conventional

harmony from Christian Muller. At ihh

point the family accepted Wagner's devotion

10 music, and his education in this respect

became less surreptitious. He declined a

su^cstion that he should lake lessons from

Hummel and tried the patience of his relatives

sorely as, under Robert Sipp's tuitim. he

demonstrated noisily his disiRcliiiaiion to

become a mere performer on the violin.

Compositions included a pianoforte Sonata,

an aria, a pastoral play — with words by the

composer — and a string Quartet. In June

1630 Wagner entered the 'PhomasKhule as

preparation for the University. On Christmas

live Heinrich Dorn, A'o/V/fiwixrr/ at the Leipzig

theatre, conducted the first performance of an

Overture in Dk major. This work was eon*

spieuous! first, because its score carried the

brass in black and the strings in red (the wood*

wind should have been In green, but there was

no green ink available) and, second, because

of the eccentric behaviour of the drum part

which caused both annoyarKe and mirth but

scarcely pros'oked respect for the composer.

Kis less noiorious works were several overtures

(one inspired by (he Polish revolutionaries of

* Tlie firm ot SchoU wi» qwie prefMKd 10 r.»ihA»<K

ih« A/rAAe«in«ni Isut an. IhK in 1677 Waene* wlusetl


1S30) * and a pianoforte Sonata in 6k major

for four hands.

In Feb. 163 1 Wagner enrolled as s/iufiMa

mfuiem (a title of inferior sutus and officially

botuid to disqualify the holder from govern*

ment employment) in the University of Leip*

zig. He attended lectures by Krug in phllo*

sophy and Weiss in aesthetics, and went to

Wetrtlig, cantor of St. Thomas’s Church for

lessons in composition. At the end of his

course Weinlig refused a fee and showed

further Interest in his pupil by persuading

Breitkopf R Hariel to publish Wagner's Bp

Sonata. < The work was dedicated to Weinlig.

Abo published were a Polonaise in D major

(pianoforte duet) and manuscript works in-

cluding a Sonata in A major and a Fantasy in

F< minor for pianoforte; Overtures in D

minor, C major and — with a finale — to

Raupach's * Konig Enzio ' ; and a Symphony

in G major, in which — despite Wagner's

symbolist attitude to music — classical stand*

ards were Reserved et*en lo a concluding


The studenu of Leipzig were described in

163$ by Edward Holmes at

Uk a*inci^l oflfndtf 7 ih« rcpMC oT the levrn

om a Sabbaia, ai at Utc opers*heitK tlier are ei‘«r ihc

iiwfdtew Ormaadrn of ultnee whrn any luildrn irrup*

i*aa el* talk makn a j>a«ui|t« inatnliMe. arc •

prautl. honoMraMg-mindfd. uxi obli|ine Kl ol

KATMi rrUo«% msd« ue of that uarmih »r duMutlon

and (■•dfpmOenrc of rKararter, the oivrflow 01

11 m vowih alwai 4 (tkauni.

Wagner's proclivities for drinking and

gambling were probably above the average,

although romantic inierprelailon, ivhrther by

\Vagncr himself or some of itis biographers,

has tended (0 exaggeration. The more

generous side of his nature is indicated by his

association with Heinrich Laube on the one

hand and Count Vincenz Tyszkiewicz on the

other. Laube was a member of Heine’s

"Young Germany'’ party >, T>* 8 zkjewicz an

agent engaged in helpmg 1^1 ish refugees to

France. 7 'he iniellectual freedom of Germany,

and indeed Europe, was largely prcsen'cd by

those wriien and seh^ars who, after the Carls*

bad Decrees of 1830, defied imprisonment and

imerdiel to enuneiate liberal doctrines. The

Polish refugees oRen stayed with Brock Uaut

when passing through Leipzig, and it was at

his bouse that Wagner met T^-szkicivicz. 1 n the

» A UtCT *>orl — ‘ Ppte<ua * (:8j6j — dcrivtd

lh« nmo rnOMakAun.

* Pimn Oct. 1I31. (dr about six monOit.

* Ea*wr iSsa. . .

* 'l\« Frdrral Dki (10 Drr. iCt)) inolvcd

“ AI GrrmA* co^munmU unikf like tb« duty oT «n-

fiarrifw with thr trr«ini ttnocerKy the critDiul ut'

■ad nohrt rvculAtiwu of ‘twlr wpocUve «u"U‘«<

MAHMi th« «utKws. fHiblidien. printm *nd vendm 01

(hr noblKAtlMM murd bv iKr KirrArv kIiooI

• VooM Groiuwy \ or ilw ' Nrw l.jirfAtUK ’. to vhicb

briM »AfnHv. Heinr. Hciiw. Ca/I CuUk«w. Hcin<%

Laube, LvdoK WmoUac «ntl Throdor bliAndt.

t» pr«vrai tbe d^buti^ of ihc Abovc’iadicAiro


WAGNER ; Yean of Po\'€rry


maimer of 1Q33 Wagner accompanied T)‘a2kie*

wics as far M Brno in Moravia, whence he went

to Vienna — a cl ly w hose gaiety he appreciated

and where he discovered a wild delight in

Herold’s ' Zampa ’ — and then to Pravonin.

where the Pachia girU again stimulated hU

ardour. In Bohemia ^ Vagner went to w’ork on a

setting ofApel’s (to whom letters concerning bis

amorous progrc^s were sent} * Abcndglocken *

and the draft of his (lonmanneaiue * Die

Hoch^eit In Prague Dionvs \N*<*ber»

director of the Conservatory. rehear»ed the

C major Symphony before a private audienee.

'['he Symphony was played, subsequently,

twice at Leipzig, the second time (lu Jan.

1O33J at a GcwamJhaua concert. Laul>r wToie

an encouraging notice (he aUo proffered a

libretto, which was refused, on the 'tubject of

Koseiuszko), while Clara Wieck paw^ thr

common opinion on to Robert Schumann:

" [it) is said to be as Uke as two peas to Ikei*

hovcn'i Symphony in A major

Ybabs or Povrmv. — So far Wagner had

suUisted Oft the generosity of liis Jamily —

particularly his mother and Rosalie - aiwJ on

loans, which were setdom repaid, from h>i

acquaintances. In Peb. 1833 he attempted

independence un in Aurins a month -• the

salary attached to the office of dW* and OW-

riptfiipr at the theatre at Wurzburg. Thb

ap|M*intment lie obtained through the influ*

ence of hit brodier Albert, who was attached

to the theatre. He stayed at >Vurzburg for the

rest of the year. Among the 0|>eras which

he reljcariesi were M< yerbeer’s * Robert le

LiabU’ \ Marscliner’s ' |)er Vampyr ’ (rela*

lively new works/ and Ih llim's *1 j straniera*.

Per the latter twu wurks Wagner, editing after

the maimer of the peri(Hj,eoni|>osed addiinmal

muterial ffor Albert;. Thus he began to

acquire practical experience of scoring foe the

theatre. So far as his official duties were enn-

cerned he was i nergciie, ruthless — with llw

indiscretion of youth — with incompetence

and impatient of routine. During this year

he was at work on ' Die Keen ’ which, after

vacillations on the part of Kingelliardi,

Hauser and Stegmayer, failed to achieve the

desired Leipzig performance. At \Vur*burg

the Symphony was played (a? Aug.) and an

interesting occasional piece was an Adagio for

clarinet and strings, written for a local (riayer

— RummcL Affairs of the heart invidved

Theresc Kicgcl matin and Fricderike Oalvani.

In the spring of I B34 .SehruJer>Dcvrieni was

at Uipzi g agai n Her Romeo in • J Momrechi

cd i Capulctii ' moveti Wagner iinmeasur*

ably. He realized the greatness of the artist.

also the validity of Bellini s style. In J une

he comnLuted to Laube's ' Zriiung fur die

elegante VVell ' an essay which may be sum-

marized : •• We arc too intellectual, too

learned . . , wc have wandered farther and

farther from the path that Nfozart beat out

for the salvation of our dramatic music*'. He

criiidacd Weber. In Xov. he attacked the

indifference of ntuch contemporary singing in

-Schumann's ' Ncur Zciischrift fur Mudk ’. In

May t834, with Theodor .\pel, he went again

to Bohemia, dallied with the Parhl.a girb and

oITerided the eiiizni^ and polire of 'I'<*plice by

^iiigjjig the Marseillaise, a forbidden song, at

untoward hours. Here wa^ Ix gun the plot

of * Das Liebt’svvrlxM an extraction frum

' Measure for Measure * done up to at cord

with the free instinct of the" Vuuiig (icmiany”

sc hard.

'Ihrougli liie agency of .Stogmaver,

Mcri/rr at l<eip<cig, VN’agner wa< tit 1 <TC<J llu’

cnAduciorship of die opera at .Magdeburg •

a (Kwif assignment sslusb prefactxJ a (H'rjod of

unmiiigalrd lurd>lup and di^lrnis m sreund*

rale tlieaires in prosmeial towns. Puking up

his new CAin{ianv temporarily at luiui Iwt.idi

(where, after various disain'e<’rMenls, he con*

dueuxJ ’ Dun (imsamu Wagner fell slrtiin

to the charm* of Minna iLhrntiiie \\ilh<|.

miiw* llaner Sq>i. iHo.**, He ssus not

the hrst. for slw h.td had an illegitimate

daughter - Natalie in iHzlii neilber was

he the la»t, as eseni* wire soon to prose.

N Vagner was. os usual, energt lir ui Magde*

burg, ImhIi as opera and roneert UMiductor.

For New Year's Day 1835 Jk* wrote ‘ lleim

Anlritt des neuen Jahrm ‘ and on lo Jan. he

conducted the overture to ‘ Die Keen ’. An*

other coni ribu lion to the mu sir of the 1 bra (re

was that which he CMtn[X)sed for .\pei's

• Csilumbus '. In .\pr, Sehi.HbT.Dvvrirnt

appeared at Magdeburg. She appreciated

\^agn^r*8 talents rmire diaii hit Magdeburg

public did, and svhrn he adsertisej a concert

in which site was to take (lari on z May the

audience was exiguous and ihc performance a

fiasco. People did not belics'e ilui so great a

singer would agree to apix ar for so undistin-

gunhed a conducts and therefore stayed

away. After this N Vagner reireai<xJ from liis

creditors to Leipzig, where he spent the

summer uxKmpfoyed. In the autumn he was

rc-engaged at Magdeburg and r» lurned full of

ambitions, for the theatre there had gainetl the

support of the King of Prussia, The public,

howrever, was indifferent, and a caia»trop}iic

attempt in Mar. 1836 lo play ' Da* Licbes*

verbot ' led to free fights among the company

their dispersal and Wagner’s aixiication.

During this period he had become engagcrl to

Miooa. The marriage took place on 84 Nov.


After Magdeburg U'agner had attempted

entry mto the musical society of Berlin but

Without success. ' Das Uebcsverboi ’ was

unacceptable and there were no vacancies for

conductors. Minna at KonigsUrg, hotvevgr,

engjfseered an appointment for Jam in the

$6 WAGNER : Kooigsbcrg, Riga and London

theatre where she was employed. This

appointment was underiaken in ibc summer

of 1836 ' and lasted unci) the autumn of the

following ^rar, when he transferred to the

more prosperous Baltic town of Riga. The

year was barren of artistic achievement,

producing no more than the o\‘er(ure on

‘ Rule, Britannia \ the fragmenury * •* Die

gluckliche Barenfamilie ’ and minor journal'

ism. T)>c fallowDess of the period is explained

by domestic circumstances. Qparrels with

Minna, which had preceded marriage, reached

a climax when she. In desperation, went 10

Dresden logeilier with Dietrich, an amevous

merchant of Konigsberg. U’agner's views

a freer morality stopped short of his wife, and

he fell the blow at his reputation for sexual

eminence. But he pocketed his pride and

chased Minna to Dresden in June. After a

brief reconciliation Minna escaped to Dietrich

again and did not rejoin her husband until he

went to Riga. Sympathy on account of this

disastrous marriage must )k more or less o'enly

divided. \N’agncr was far from ideal as a

husband and hopeless in management of his

financial affairs. Like all geniuses he waa

absorbed in himself and, t before, in need of

an understanding *' wtiman. Minna, the

older of the two, had clutched at opportunity

only to discover that back*stag« low was a

deceptive guide.

During the period of Minna’s second deser-

tion Wagner went to his sister Ottilie Brockhaus

and read Bulwer Lytton's * Ricrui in which

he saw a potential subject for an opera. He

had his eye on Paris, where Meyerbeer was

making a fortune, and where he had already

sent a version of Kunig’s * Die Isohc Braut '

and the score of * Das Liebesverbot ’ for

Scribe to read and (he hoped) for Meyerbeer

and/or Auber to see. He aho had guaranteed

an engagement for the autumn at Riga, where

Holtci was director and to which his old

acquaintance Dorn had helped him. In Aug.

Wagner went to Riga and in Oct. Minna

rejoined him, bringing with her her smer

Amalie ; behind them came the creditonfrom

Magdeburg and Konlgsberg. At Riga

Wagner was Itapplcr than at any time pre-

viously, occupying himself with * RJenzi ’ t,

while Minna proved her contrition by effective

housekeeping {helped by contributions from

Amalie until she engaged herself to a Russian

officer) and by repelling undesirable sidvances

from Ilolici. Holtci. unscrupulous in general

* eoAiluetoeatup waj ietpcilvil br S<belnr».

•*r Rici. wlio, aclinc as lifvm was rtlucUM w

]«Avc Ims Kvniciberjr mhlrev. thus tar the (reawr

part el hit yrar in that lowrt Wapner was eT treeiiaa^

imporiaM*. In Apr, iaS7 h« wa« d> coeilrel. Sdwben

h*«in( retinrl. but i^irc dkaehrO m baoknipuir

tvithia t menth.

* A«i ] cemplewO by a F«b. (090 ; Aei II (is

brie acere) eetnpkictl by 9 Apr. iBsp, Mwer LyiMai’a

neval bad baen publbhed m i 8 u.

as well as in particular, went behind Wagner

10 arrange for him lo be superseded by Ctom.

Thus by Mar. 1839 \ Vagner was again uti-

employed. There being an cfFcclivc " iron

curtain ’* on the Russian frontier and the

acquisition of a passport being impracticable

because of (heir insdvency, the exodus of the

Wagners from Riga, assisted by their friend

Abraham Mdllcr of Kdnigsberg, was romantic-

ally contrived. This was on 96 June. They

went to Plllau, were smuggled ~ together

with (heir dog Robber — aboard the I'hctls, a

Prussian-owned vessel of little more than too

tons, and sailed for London, whence (hey

hi^ed to make for Paris. The voyage was full

of uncomfortable incident, all of which is

related by Wagner. 1 Compensation for the

discomforts endured came in the form of hear-

ing the legend of the ‘ Pliegender Hollander '

told by the sailors. This story had already

oome to ^ Vagner’s notice In Heine's ’ Memolren

del Herrn von Schnabelewopski ’.

The \N’agncrs arrived in London, hiving

been taken by tender from Gravesend, on tr

Aug. and lUyed at the King's Arms boarding-

house, In Old Compton Street, until 30 Aug.

Wagner tried (0 establish contact with Sir

Ge^e Smart (to whom he had oHcred 'Rule,

Britannia* two years before). Smart, how-

ever, was out of town. Wagner similarly fal led

to meet Bulwer Lytton. Having enquired at

the Houses of Parliament, he stayed to hear

the Lords debate. It was a pleasant week,

marred only by stringent hnancial limitations

and by *' the horrors of a ghastly London

Sursday ".

On 20 Aug. the Wagners crossed to

Boulogne-sur-Mer. On the boat they made

the acquaintance of Mrs. and Miss Manson,

Jewessa and friends of Meyerbeer, who gave

a letter of introduction to that composer.

Me)'erbeer, then the most famous and pro*

sperous of opera composers, happened to be

at Boulogne. Wagner looked forward, vvith

the naivety and self-con hdcnce marking hii

character In this respect, to an immediate

conquest of Paris and — through Paris —

Europe. He started propitiously. Meyerbeer

declared (he three acu of the libretto of

' Rienti ’ excellent and promised to examine

the two acts to which the music wsu complete.

He dispensed numerous Introductions — to

Moscheles and Marie Blahelka ; Duponchel,

the director of the Op^a ; Habeneck. the con-

ductor i Schlesingcr, the publisher, fly degrees

some c( these introductions and the further

eofttacu which resulted changed ^Vagner's

fortunes, but he still had to face three years of

privation. Duponchel may briefly be dis-

mised. He " adjusicd his monocle and read

the letter of lotroduction with the air of a man

who had seen more letters of the kind than he

> * akiM L^«n *. 1. 19a ft.

WAGN'ER : Paris, 1639-1 843


could remember. Warner went away from the

Presence, and never heard another from

the Director of the Op^a." >

Habeneck was more ui^uential. He may

be set beside Schr6der>Devrient as one who

made Wagner aware of greatness in music and,

in particular, of (he pre'crrunent, passionate

quaJiiy of fieetho\‘en. It was Habencck's per*

formance, with the ConserNaiotre orchestra,

of the ninth Symphony which revealed the

work as it had never before appeared, as one

of the greatest of works. Habeneck, although

he conducted from a first violin part, achieved

a precision of style that was then incomparable.

Habeneck did mote for > Vagner. ** Une

uuverture d*un jeune compositeur allcmand

d’un talent trds remarquahle, Nf. Wagner,

vient d’itre r^pet^e par Torchestre du Con*

servaloirc ci a obtenu lei applaudissemenis

unanimes. Nous etp^roru entendre inces*

simmeni cei ouvrage c( nous cn ren<lrons

comptc.” *

Schlctinger, a German Jew of great financial

acumen, used Wagner relenil^ly in hack*

work. The compilation of a ' School for the

Cornet«k* Piston ' {a still-born project) ; tlic

arrangement of airs by Donizetti, Hakvy and

such composers; the contribution of articles

to (he * Gazette Musicale * : all were proposed

by Schlesinger. Schlesinger may not have

paid well, but he was prompt — ev’en to (he

extent of making advances 10 the impecunious

Wagner on account. **You have already

begun ", wrote Wagner in 1B41, " to rabc me

out of my misery. Help me further now. and

you will find in me a man whose gratitude

knows no limit."

The passages in ' Mein Leben ' whirh deal

with (he i'arii episode make desperate reading :

that Wagner survived the experiences soasc-

queen un absolute poverty can only be atiri*

huted to bis supreme confidence in his self*

rt'cogniaed genius. He did, hosvevcr, enjoy

rnuch symiiathy and some support from

German expatriates witosc acquaintance he

made primarily through his brother* in*law

Avvnarius, a representative of the firm c(

Friedrich Urockhaus, who found modest

Mgings for the Wagners in the Rue de la

Fonnirllcrie (the house, since demolislied, was

said to have been the birihplaec ctf Moliire),

passed KicharJ on to the mysterious Anders,

an employee of the musical department of (he

lliblioihvque Royale and an occasional con*

tni)u(or to the ' Gazette Musicale ’.J Friends

of Anders to become friends also of >Vagner

were bamuel Lehrs, a classical scludar engaged

' N.1. 16M0.

Mu*«»Je <S« t»rk\ Ja».

An4«n, wHow indMUry haJ

• •i'Uo.xnt Uft «( • met wi«h ira bvW-


by the firm of P. A. Didot, Crn&t Rie(^, a

paioter who had known the Geyers at Dresden,

and Ferdinand Pecht, whose reminiscences of

this period^ arc valuable in representing

Wagner’s personal qualities :

Theuch ««tlv iMMilV'di. lie thoHed sn aiiul^iiru

Ahd A re«oufveSuleeM mkH ^ J hsie never mri null .m

any Mhgr pn'teo. <<»upleJ Hilh a rtmrr ol

r^Wi^iMO and aai lAnale iMbiliw n( AAiurr luch \liat

Hiib atl Kn pMstvoaWons aaJ hit spdtklii.K Iw

ar«c* bresme Vivtal or vutear. I couhl noi (ml admire

ilw MtnKauuible rapaolv »iid timivih i»| will M i>,c

■un uhom no dhirru cmild diMoutJisr fer m«ir Ihati

4 MOMkmi, mIum confiiiencr m Im> ralrni nu tlitatirr

fcouU vanqHHh ... we «oukl cootole liim . . , iImi

( here »eT« tome nlio Isrlinnl im him, of nlioie smi]!

CMite hr ref unrJ (hr uaji>puied venire.

Wagner met l>aube again in I'aris and

through him Heine. Laube w’as gerwrous and

exerted himself considerably on ^Vaglier's

behalf, obtaining loans (which were rarely If

ever repaid) from his wealthier acquaintances.

.•\niong these should lie noted the I^ipzlg

merchant rVxenfeld, a Jew, Wagner's later

attitude towards Jewry may partly be ex*

plained by his frequent indehirdneit t lute in

and to an undmuivdable if rrproachabic

sense of jealousy at frrquem Jeuidi pr<npcriiy.

Wagner changed his best Uxigingx, at Ivaner

1840, for greater respecubilny at No. 35 Rue

du Helder. 'I'liis removal appeared warranted

as Oouin, whom he ha<J met through Me^er*

beer, had promised a |>roduciion of ' Uas

Liebesverbot * * at the i'h^itre de la Ucnais-

saiKc, but on the day of the removal Ant6nor

Joli, director of the theatre, followed pro*

cedent and became hiokrupi. hi the summer

of 1841 the \ Vagners, together with the lodger

(hey were compelled (o entertain, spent six

months ai Sfeudon, completing their stay in

Paris at No. 14 Rue Jacob. Laeh change of

residence was accompanied with unforeseen


\Vork in Paris included an overture inspired

by Goethe's ‘ Fausi ', the completion of

• Kienzi a libretto on ' Dcr fliegendc

Hollander ' •, and with the 500 francs odered

as compensation for this the opera was not

only started but completed within seven weeks.

There were also some song settings, the most

notable, historically speaking, being Heine’s

‘Die Iwidcn Grcnadicrc’, with its concluding

Marseillaise. ITie nory ^ rannhauser, prob*

ably in the ‘ Deutsche Sagen ‘ of the Grimms,

and (he Lohengrin poem also came to Wagner’s

iKKicc a( this time. In June 1841 news came

of the acceptance of ' RIenzI ' ai Dresden.

Thii marked a change of fortune and within

«*innAmn4«a * (iCm*.

• Sosko de

19 .tept.. ^ ©vrrtuff wa* writlen on

!i w’ » deblOM' ^rUon> by

^ - * WvJCe, lO I >0)1 JMl”

SLTfcl 1 , 1 ^' 1 ° ' Fogch^r. Mumc w*



WAGNER: Engagement at Dr«$dm

the year ' Der fliegendc Hollaoder ' was,

partly through Meyerbeer's interest, accepted

for eventual production in Berlin.

Meyerbeer (though Heine cynicaUy syoK

patiuzed with 'iVagner as his prot^) was the

principal material inhucnce on Wagner's

career in Haris, but meeting Berlioz was more

inielleciually stimulating, Berlioz's music

was welcomed by Wagner for its novelty,

brilliance and sincerity — if he criticized il on

other counts — and the composer's idealism

stood out among the general mess of Parisian

intrigue. Ocher acquaintances were Hal^,

Vieuxiemps and Liszt, although the connec*

tions were hardly more than casual.

Drzsden, 1840-49, '^Wagner left Paris, with

relief, on 7 Apr. 1643. He had, in accoed^

ance with hU personal method, borrowed

the money for the journey to Dresden from

Kriedrich Brockhaus. He arrived at Dresden

on 13 Apr. and, having accommodated Minna,

left almost immediately for Leipzig to see his

mother, who was, like her son, much indebted

to the generosity of Friedrich Brockhaus. From

Leipzig he went on to Berlin, anxious about the

projected performance of *Oer Biegende Hol>

i&nder*. He interviewed Count von Redern,

who, however, had resigned the pest of intend*

ant in favour of Karl I'heodor t*on Kustner*,

and KUsiner had rcfuied the opera for Munich.

Wagner also saw Meyerbeer in Berlin, on the

point of leaving the city, Mendelssohn, as

always, inelined loindilTerence to Wagner, and

Kellsiab, the forbidding critk of the ' Voss*

ische Zetcung ', well able on this occasion to

live up to his reputation. After this depcotfing

excursion Wagner went back to Leipzig lo

stay with Hermann Brockhaus, now Pressor

of Oriental Languages, and to extract a

sufficient loan from his relatives to cover hk

living expenses until * Rienzi * should show a

return. By aB Apr. he was back at Dresden,

only to discover that the more influential

among the Dresdeners wished him again

safely distant in Parb. For Wagner was over*

zealous for the conservative-minded so far as

his own operas were concerned. * Rienzi *

presented many problems to the sialT of the

Dresden Opera*: it was very long and

exebions were necessary ; it was expensive in

dresses, more than 500 being required; the

music called for more elfori than Rebsiger,

the conductor, was accustomed to give; nor

did the orchestra take very kindly to the

demands which Wagner made. Fortunately

Wagner had his friends. Chief among these

were FUchcr, the chorus-master ; Ferdinand

Heine, In charge of the costumes ; Schrbder-

Devrient — even though she disliked her

assigned part of Adriaoo; and Tichatsebek,

' Od Kuiuwr** BMitiMl s ec qiwa tA «Scc R«d«rtt

w »e« Bs hii Avtfxtr for wx aeoUa {ur K>l. aisl*

* Bvili by Coiifricd S««i^ *nd opencO b) iBfc.

whose ccDinence to Wagnerian tenor parts was

to last f<^ many years. Count von Luitichau,

the Intendant, may have known more about

forestry than opera, but his handling of

>Vagner was not ui^nerous, while hb wife

was always helpful and considerate. The

king, Frederick Augustus II, should also be

remembered among those whose sympathy

was greater than Wagner really deserved.

Before ' Rienzi ’ was produced Wagner

visited Leipzig again, also Halle, where his

brother Albert was uTestling with the manage*

ment isS a poor opera house, and Teplice,

where he spent a holiday with Minna.

* Rienzi ' was played with tremendous

success on 30 Oct. It brought immediate

fame, so that an English Journal * could write

that “ ' Rienzi ', a grand opera in five acts,

the words and music by Herr Richard Wagner,

has been produced with immense success at

the Court Theatre in Dresden Afler

* Rienzi * Wagner was engaged with Schrdder*

Dewient in c^Kerts at Leipzig and Berlin.

In Berlin Wagner was again introduced to

liizt “as the composer ^ * Rienzi ’, whom

you now wish to know, afler having in Paris

shown him the door “ : $chroder*Devrient

was capable of malice, as is here shown, and

as Wagner himself was to discover. The rat

of the year was spent in preparation for ' Der

Aicgmde Hollander which was produced

on 3 Jan. 1843. It ran for four performanca,

waa regarded as perplexing and was taken

off. Heinrieh Laubc fell foul of this work,

and on it a friendship perished. Nevertheless

interesting material was contributed in Feb.

to Laube's * Zeiiung fur die elegante Welt'

in the * Auiobiofrap 3 iische Skizze

Two deaths at this time caused some con*

cern regarding Wagner's future. They 'vere

those of M^lacchi, the and

Rastrclli, the Mu$ik 4 irtki«r. Wagner wu

offered the succession to the latter, but, this

being the junior post, he refused it. In hb

letter of 5 Jan. he set out hb reasons, Le»

than a month later (3 Feb.) he was invited to

the senior vacancy. Herein he had :500

thaler* per annum and security for life. News

of the appmntment, however, brought the

crediion down from Magdeburg, KOnigsberg

and Riga. A loan of 1000 thaler from

Schroder* Devrient kept them at bay, and

Wagner, moving into new quarters at Osira

Allee 6, proceeded to purchase a library

commensurate with his intellectual jnicresu.

In 184$ there were difRcuUies with the

orchestra, who resbied reform, whether it took

* • The MuucaJ Ex»CToa« 13 Nev. , Thi*

•The hlev itej. ha^

o4«t« " whkh w» mu<h *i»»f daervedly appltMf<« 1

thiP w*. vilueU ihreujawK iht pwiek of

Wafw'a M as approiuakaietr eqMivaleoi ts 9**

£f^inb currcfiey.

WAGNER: Dresden, 1843-1646


the shdpe of conveying new life eo Mozstrt and

Gluck or of dismissing incompetent players.

There was desiructive criticism from the

press, which permted continuously from

1843.' Wagner also felt hurt at SehumannU

aloofness and Mendelssohn’s inditTerence. By

way of compensation, however, there was the

regard of Bpohr who conducted * Der

Biegende Hollander ' at CasscI on 5 June. The

same opera waa, lurprUingiy, conducted tw’o

days later at Riga by Dorn. In the surruner

two occasional works characterized the courtly

and public nature of the court conductor's

calling : a ‘ Festgesang ’ for \ci<o a *

in honour of the return to Saxony in 1815 of

Frederick Augustus f, and ' Das Liebrsmahl

der Apostel’* Ibr the Ijcdertaffl of Dresden.

A year later there was * (*rus$ seiner Tfeuen

an Friedrich August den (Sellebten The

administrative difhcuUies of public oBtee

always weighed heavily w the idealistic and

impetuous Wagner. In 1B44 he did not find

it quite easy to appoint Ruckel as his musical

director. I’he Iniendant opposed his nomina*

tion by adducing lack experience and,

rather unpleasantly, by indicAiittg royal loss

of coRfideucc in Wagner himself. Wagner

resigned, hut was persuaded to retract lus

resignation. About the same time his niece

had eome to Dresden to substitute for the

peripatetic Schroder* I >evrknt aisd to begin

a career of great disiinelton. On 14 Dee,

Wel>er was rcinterred at Dresden. At the

ecrcinony Wagner delivered the funeral

oration. But over this. tno. there had been

trouble. T’be religious had objected to the

Idea of reinterment and had l^ern seconded

in their objections by the Intendani, who

was sufficiently an administrator to beware

of rsiablishing a precedent. Other worries

centred on the court chapel, with which

Wagner had some official connection :

I'lic tM.I >f) ihr bwilduM mftr

I vranteU u> r«>»rve the

vf ih^ ntdieU/s. »<M femsia vqkm mmJ

irilr«nlMip tri)e church mwtK a As

• inccmri. I prc|tsrn| PakiitiiM’s * Siahai ani«r * •

^Ukgncrd wilier Ul niy cfTuiu raOcil.

At the l>egitining of 1844 (7 Jan.) ‘Der

liiegcnde Hollander’ was performed in Berlin

— at the bchauspielhaus in place of the

Opera, which had been burned diwn. The

result was not encouraging ^ Mendelssohn

was there but made no sign — for the only

positive support came from Karl Gaillard of

the ’ Berliner musikalische Zeitung Other-

wise the influential press was frigid. On 21

. 4* prwipsl criiK* vrrr« C-irl ftsrwk iXc

^.V^relVrt «inJ Juiiut S«hta«lcba£k, • fricMl of

» \V»>9«i« W'a«fKr «li(l fK>l meet «n i<rrw*» iaiiI

artdeil laipr,

• tr« WilKipf & H*iwl a, iat4.

...-hr ^’•***» wecilwt wW, 'Sineti

• i>e«.nninq nf .S4a r«M * M«j> UWn *. 1 ,

Nfai. ' Rieozi ' was played at Hamburg, but

other attempts to stage it — as In Vienna and

Coburg — were prevented by religious pre-

judice or economic caution, Wagner, how-

ever, maintatrted faith in himself In two

directions. He persevered \viih * Tanii*

haiiser', which w*as completed hy the spring

of 1845, began tbut never finished J ’ Die

Sarazenin V and started (in the summer

recess of 1843, u'hich was spent in recuperatlun

at Marienbad) on the text of ‘ Die Meisier-

singer *. On the other hand, he arranged

with Mescr to publish his w'(>rk> at his own ex-

pense. For the latter projrt't he teat again

compelled to seek loans, and as publication

was thoroughly unprofi table, he ran up large

debts with his jiubhsher,

* T'annhavsrr ’ receivrd its first perlortuanec

at Dresden on 19 Oct. 1843. De>pite their

limitations in psychological msighi, experience

and physical lieauty, T’ichatsrhck, Johanna

N Vagner and \t*ilhelminr SclinKJer-lJevrirni,

as Tannhauser, lUisalieth ami Venus rcsprei-

ivelv, plasvd bravely and after ih’o duhioux

performanres gave an authuriutive display

on the third night whiefi rame<l the o(>cra into

the common repcriorv. It should be rioi<s|

that the success of the o|xTa dc{>e:idrd, then

as now. on the occasional licmt - such as "(1

Star of Kve ” - rather than on the artiaiit

integrity of the whole. Kuuncr in Berlin

refused the opera, complaining that it was too

'* epic Such general lack of success (par-

ticularly in Berlin where, as in Paris, ri^yaltivt

were paid on performances) led to furihcr

ftiuincial catastrophe. Creditors, as always,

were in attendance -among them vulpine

usurers — but Schroder* Devh cm, piqued hy

the success of Wagner’s nicc«* and unliingcd hy

private troubles, allo^ved malice to overcome

charity by putting the maiter of her iooi>

thaler in the hands of her lawyer.

.kl this point I.uiiichau showed real vision.

He arranged a loan of 5000 thaler (at c, per

cent interest) from the Theatre Pension Fund.

Thus fortified, Wagner proceeded to introduce

Beethoven’s ninth Symphony to a nescient

public. His energy in this maiter was remark-

able. That the performance (5 Apr. 184b)

was successful, against all expectation, was

heartening, but the pleasantest tribute came

later when, after Wagner's departure, the

orchoira dismayed a new side of conservatism

by instructing Krebs to preserve Wagner’s

tempos. NVhile preparing this Symphony

VVagner was abo drafiing a memorandum on

the reorganization of the royal orchestra : a

pertinent and business-like document whicii.

alter a year's consideration , was tejee 1 cd . 'Jli c

rqeclioA of this memoran<lum inflamed

Wagner’s spirit, drove him to avoid his

colleagues, to hate the chicanery and incom-

petence associated with court administration


WAGNER: Dresden, i646-iS49

and to embrace a republkan^s philosophy,

lA^hich, in any ca^e, was oiher>v>se congenial.

The best of \Vagner's chaxacier was contained

in his altruistic efforts to improve the quality of

music, whether Gluck’s ' or Beethoven’s, or

his orchestra’s; to increase opportunities for

Ikcaring music (bis proposal that a winter

series of orchestral concerts should be gis’cn

svas, in facti adopted) ; to institute decent

conditions of employment fev professionjl

musicians under his control. Such efforts

were genuinely appreciated by a cultivated

minority, of whore the chief were Dr. Puslnelli,

a lifelong friend, and Marie, Countess

Kalergis, Both were among the fraternity

(visited by Schumann and Hiller on occasion)

designated as the Monday Society, in which

Wagner discovered much happiness.

From 1846 Wagner passed into partial

retirement, reading widely in Creek philo«

sophy, in German history and folklore, and

working at * Lohengrin ' (finished oS Aug.

1 847, in short score). At the beginning of 1847

Karl Gutakow — indicted as a '’Young

German ” in 1 B35 — became DrtmMkfg at

Dresden. Gutakow, an able man of letters,

had a dangerous recommendation: *' though

completely unmusical, [he) still thought him*

seif entitled to have an opinion upon music

and musicians, apparently on the strength of

the fact that his wife played the piano

Gutzkow not only meddled in opera produc*

tion, presuming to undertake Hal^vy's * Les

MousquetaiKS de la reine \ but abo in

intrigue. Wagner's reaction* to Cutzkow’s

attitude and to Luciichau's support ofCutakow

was to olTer his resignation. Luttichau refused

this, censured Wagner's reckless behaviour,

warned him that future indiscretions would

lead to deprivation of office and increased his

salary to 2000 thaler per annum. Lutikhau,

in fact, behaved more chan jusdy as ^ Vagner's

official superior.

In the summer * 3 t 1847 Wagner had had

high hopes of success in Berlin and of the

patronage of Frederick William IV, who had

been enthusiastic over ' Rienzi * and ' Tann*

hauser ' at Dresden in 1645 and 1648. Again

Wagner was disappointed. There were

royalties from three performances of 'Rknzi'

which he conducted, but Kustner felt under

no obligation to pay Wagner's expenses for

the two months in which he had assisted at

rehearsal. Neither was any prog r e ss made

with the king. The press was hostile.

The years i648>49 were, spiritually. criticaJ.

On 9 Jan. !848 Wagner's mother died. In

Feb. the Revolution broke out in Paris, followed

by disturbances in Vienna and Bcrhn. Wagner

was caught in revolutionary ardour in two

' * Iphiirnia in Aulii »» F«b. it*?.

* leuer le F(rdinin4 H«ine old Au(. ittss (N.l

449 >>

ways. On the one hand he drew up another

memorandum — again a model of clarity and

logic ~ entitled ' Entwurf zur Organisation

eines deutschen Nationaliheaiers fur das

Kbnigreich Sachsen ' * ; on the other he prC'

pared to merge himself with the emotional,

political aspect. The theatre plan was

defeated. It could hardly have been other*

tvise, for \Vagner, among other things, pro*

posed freedom of the theatre from (he control

of (he court and a " national union of com*

posers and dramatists”. On 15 June 1848

Wagner read a paper, compounded of historical

knowledge and visionary acumen, before the

Vaterlandsverein, su^esting the curtailment

of (he power of the nobles and the proclama*

(ion of a republic *' not by us, but by the prince,

(he noblest, the worthiest being; Jet him but

say : ' I declare Saxony to be a free state '

A storm eniued. Wagner was regarded as

politically dangerous. Deputations went to

(he king to demand his dismissal. Again

Luttichau proved his fairness by supporting


Debts still accumulated and Wagner ^vas

driven to seeking help from Uszt, ^vhose loyal

compaAlonship was then at its outset. AAer

a Nisit CO Vienna Wagner went to see Liszt at

Weimar. In $ept. the third act of ' Lohen*

grin' was performed at a concert in honour of

the good) anniversary of (he foundation of the

orcheura. ’Fhe performance of the whole opera

was not possible on account of the altitude

of (he nobility. During this period Wagner's

reading centred on Friedrich Barbarossa and

the * Nibelungenlied The proposed drama

on (lie former nes’cr reached maturity.

At (he beginning of 1649 \N’agner was much

concerned wi(h journalitm, and his contribu*

(ions to Rbckel's ' Vdksblaiter ' ^vcre emin*

ently poJidcaJ, The most provocative essay

attributed to him was that entitled ‘Die

RevcJulion which appeared in the issue of

8 Apr. Seven days earlier he had conducted

(be ninth Symphony. At the end of the

performance Bakunin, (he most notorious of

the fcvolulionarics, ” w-alkcd up to him and

said in a luud voice that if all the other mi^ic

ever written were to be destroyed in the coming

world conflagration, (his work at any rate

ought to be saved, esYn at the peril of their

lives ^ Vagner's association with the

Russian nihilist was firm and sufficiently com*

^omising to invite unwelcome attention from

the police. But there were other factors which

led to the issue of a warrant for his arrest and

his flight from Dresden.

* tVhkh ©ver Luukhau'i head lo OUrlaiftdee.

Miuwr «r Uw Jnicriof, who iueewedionw loWJyi"s

orw*te nwmhrn of ih« Chambrt of

Kkhv^ Wieim* b> H«i»ioo Ch^lxHam.

ft. ssa IT., whm tb« spttfh (pwblithed olw >0

br^dn • Aftzewrr •. i.l Jun« iW)

* N.ll. ».



He WSA intimate not onJy tsith Bakunin, but

also Heubner and Rckkd. He auended

secret meetings at the house of Naumann,

editor of tbe ‘Zcitung’, which was the journal

of the Vaierlandsverein. Wafer's interest in

tbe arming of the people was talked about as

far away as Leipzig.^ He had, in fact, before

Easter and together with Rockel given an

order for a supply of hand-grenades. A letter

sent to Rockel in Prague, discovered on

Rockel at the time of his arrest, suggested

previous knowledge of the revolutionaries'

intentions. All this was before the actual

revolution, which broke out on 3 May. The

cause of the revolution, the defeat and dis*

persal of the provisional gov’cmment by

Prussian troops the flight of Wagner, Minna,

the dog and the cockatoo; of Bakunin and

Heubner: the capture, trial and imprison*

menc of the latter pair of conspirators; the

escape of Wagner from the law*, are all

described in memorable narrative in ' Mein


Immediately Wagner went to IJszt at

Weimar, and, hidden in a box, listened with

picasu re to a rehearsal of * Tannhauser But ,

after ig May, when a warrant was issued for

his arrest, ^Veimar could rtot afford saiKtuary.

So Wagner maile for Switzerland, arriving at

ZUrich,wltha false passport and aft era perilous

journey, on a6 May. Minna was left tempo*

rarily at Dresden, to which she had returned.

Wagner was penniless; hia debts at Dresden

were enormous.

Exile. — Wagner's banishment from Cer*

many brought notoriety, which, for more than

political reasons, persisted and intensified.

But witJ; increasing notoriety came also in*

creasing fame. For this l.iszt was initially

rrspoiuiUlc. Hut there were other friends of

the first Swiss period whose devotion and

encouragement Ixcame part of the composer's

achievement. As for NVagner himself, the

decade which followed the Re>’olutiun at

Dresden deepened his character ai>d his con*

victions in every way ; so that on the one hand

his cgoi<m in personal matters became

extreme, while, on the other, the conceptum

of ‘The Ring' and the necessity foe Bayreuth

formed an artistic intention of an unrivalled

magnitude. The Zurich days were notable

for prose works written as a prelude to this

period of conKlous artistic volition along an

entirely new path

When first he went to Zurich, however,

« agner’s foriune was not so clear as it was to

Ixeome within two or three years, He still

hankered after a career in Paris, where he

’ ^ Iplier front Mocirs Hauptmann lo Fran* |f«tH

S f«w 1049 loiMWcd S IJ. 44 ).

nr.i W*eiK» ob<tAed 9lM*r4% Irom 1

nnhi^r Rotnpirt. whith he poufd. umiLciI “ Arv t

vniii ui aatintx the foxizo uv9p«? *' '

t. fl.

went in June,^ LUzt had published an cn*

couraging essay on ' Tannhauser ' in the

‘Journal dcs Debats’ (to which Berlioz had

contributed a peol<^e) and had introduced

Wagner to his secretary', Belloni. Wagner

duly met Belloni and saw Kfeyerbeer again, as

well as old friends in Kieiz, Anders, Gottfried

Semper and \Vilhelm Heine. The two latter

were, like Wagner himself, political refugees,

Oil 19 June Wagner had word from .Minna

proposing, angrily, permanent separation.

Sympathy at this Juncture must be rmlrciy

with Minna, whose existence throughout ihc

events at Dresden must have I>een beyond all

reasonable endurance. Her i mention to

leave her husband teas, however, caiieeUcd

within a month, and in Sept, she arrived at

Zurich to set up house. She was able to

arris^e only as the result of a donation to

Wagner of 100 thaler from the Grand Duke

Karl Alexander of Weimar, obtained through

the intermediacy of laszt. Sctilrd at Zurich,

SVagnrr dealt wiili hii * Die Kuiisi und die

Ke>'olulion which, refused in l*4ri>, was

publitlied by Oitu Wigand of lycip/ig. He

abo rcvi\*ed for puIsJicaiion ' Die Wilscluiigen'

(written at Dresden m td^). During this

autumn the pliilosuphic writings of l.udwig

Feuerbach assisted the composition of ' D,ks

Kunstwerk der ZukunR 'I’he pamfthlci was,

in fact, dedicated to Feuerbach, whom

Wagner, without success, invited 10 Zurich in

lO^c. The immediate result was the label

attached by BiseboJf, editor of the * Klici*

nische Mutikzeiiung ', to NVagncr'i ^ukvii/lt^

miuik (music of the future). A dramatic

sketch as for an opera for Paris — ' Wielatid

dcT Schmied ' — also arose from the itiierrst

in Feuerbach.

Appreciation of NVagner came jurticularly

from the Ritter family — Karl and Alexander

were Dresden friends of Hans von Bulow, and

ihclr mother became a notable benefactress •—

ai^ from Jessie Laussoi (born Taylor). Frau

Ritter and Mme l.aussot — a pretty young

Englishwoman in the early twenties marrted to

a Bordeaux merchant — subscribed a donation

of 3000 frartes. Frau Ritter cominued her

generosity and from i6^s to iSgC made an

annual allowance of 9400 marks. Early in

1830 Wagner was again in Paris with plans to

dramatize ‘.Jesus von Nazareth’ and to write

a drama (which he had noted as In his head in

his last days at Dresden) on the subject of

Achilles, but neither matured. On 15 Mar,

Wagiser went to the Laussois at Bordeaux.

Taking advantage of M. Lau&sol’s business

engagemenis and Mme Laussoi's inexperi-

ence, he made love to the latter, Minna,

ittai HMeobach, iwo rational

^rriar*ft 10 «hoA W>:ncr wa 5 inun<lu<eU bv Hit

tnenA Akxaitdw MwIVt aivd WMhHnt BaunizaflAar

•fT«ne«<l a paiapMf ,* Mein UbmM, sus;.


WAGMER: Zurich, 1850-185#

whose injunctions thdi he should substitute

$ie ” for Du " in correspondence had failed

to recall his conscience to his marriage vows,

made for Paris and her husband. He to^

avoiding action and retired to Villencuve

on Lake Geneva. Early in May he wrote

announcing a journey to the Middle East.

This did not materialize; Jessie Lauasot (who

had half-promised elopement) returned to the

security of her home, and by July the Wagners,

through the good c^ices the Ritters, were

reconciled. On #8 Aug. ' Lohengrin * was

given (if imperfectly) at Weimar. Lisst chose

happily, and deliberately, Goethe's birthday

for this attempt to re-establish Weimar as a

centre of enlightenment. His evample — the

production of Wagnerian u^orfcs with limited,

provincial resources — was followed widely.

Schwerin, Breslau, Prague and >Viesbaden

took * Tannhauser ' and in so doing spread

Wagner's fame far afield. There were ap>

preciative notices of * Lohengrin* in German

and French periodicals. At the same time the

Saxon police were kec^Kng watch for any

political activities.

By 1 a Aug. ' Siegfrieds Tod *, in mind for

the previous four years, was complete so far as

the libretto was concerned. There were noted

also pouible themes for the music. Ac this

stage the music was cast conservatively after

the manner of the earlier operas.' Intellectual

and philosophic examination of the problems

invoh ed occupied a year or two. at the end of

which \N’aener embarrassed lisst by explain*

ing the full scale of his dramatic intentions.

On 3 May 1851 the Weimar court oflered 500

thaler for * Si^rieds Tod ’ — to be completed

by I July 1853. A fow days aAer his com*

mission ^Vagner, doubtful bmh of perfe r roers

and public, announced to Liszt that he

intended a prefaiocy work ~ ' Dcr junge

Siegfried ’. This text was accomplished in

June td5l. Later in the y’ear letters to

Theodor UhJig* gave promise of ''three

dran\at, with a three-act V«rspifl. If all the

German theatres tumble down 1 wiU erect a

new one on the banks of the Rhine, call

people together and produce the whole in the

course of a week". This shape of things

to come exhausted Liszt's potentialities at

>Veimar, and by so Nov. it was made clear that

Wagner must go his own way, independent of

\Neimar. What Liszt had done for Wagner

was fully and gratefully recognized by the

latter : "... and 1 frankly denote you as

the creator of my present position, which,

perhaps, is not without promise for the future".

By Mar. 1&52 the book of 'Das Rheingold'

was finished, by 1 July that of ' Die Walkure* ;

at the end tA that year the earlier parts of

the * Ring ’ became ' Siegfried ' and ' Cotter*

* St* N'.II, tss-av

• U(im ef <*> Oei. amA 3 Ne\*.

danuaerung When the full scheme was

before him Liszt reminded Wagner of the

direction from the Chapter of Seville to their

architect: " Build for us such a temple that

future generations will say that ilte Chapter

was crazy to undertake anything so extra*


The history d the years of fulfilment en*

hances the miraculous process which produced

the ' Ring '. In 1850 Wagner embraced

literature not ^y to work out his spiritual

salvation but also in the hope of ameliorating

his financial vtuation. In Sept. ' Das Ju*

dentum in der Musik ', which gave considerable

offence and which was (and may be) con-

strued as the outcome of envy — particularly

of Meyerbeer and Mendelssohn ~ was printed

in the ' Neue Zeitschrift '. It was signed R.

Friegedook. Not for the first time Wagner

bid behind a nm dt gwrrr. The book ' Oper

und Drama' (wherein Meyerbeer was again

treated without tenderness but not without

justice) ai^arcd on 16 Feb. 1851. By this

time W^ner had established himself as a

conducts at Zurich, had invited both Karl

Ritter (without success) and Hans von Bulow

to share conduciorship with him, had esiab*

Ushed a firm friendship with I'heodor Lhlig ^

whose ankle on Meyerbeer in the ' Neue

Zciuchrifi * had given him much pleasure —

and had been delighted by Liszt's recent

ankle in the Leipzig ‘lllusirierie Zciiung* on

'Lohengrin'.’ UhUg undertook the prepara*

lion of a pianoforte score of ' Lohengrin'. In

the summer of 1851 Uhlig visited ^^'agner at

Zurich, and the two friends spent a holiday

together in the Alps. On 6 Aug. another

significant prose work was finished — ' Fine

Miitcilung an mcine Freunde This he had

(4 June) offered to Breilkopf & Martel, who

had undertaken publication of the score of

'Lohengrin'. ' Kne MiticMung', an intro-

duction and explanation of his three opera

texts, was bought by Breilkopf for too Rorins '

From 16 Sept, to #3 Nov. Wagner was at

Albisbrunn for a cure. He was boih nervously

and (rftysieally debilitated.

In 185# the subscription concerts at ZOrich

flourished (between *851 and 1855 Wagner

conducted ## concerts ^ the Music Society),

despite the limilatiorts of the local orchestra,

which SVagf>er charactcrisiicaliy endeavoured

to overc^ne both at his own expense and by

drawing up an excellent scheme which would

draw on the public purse. His efforts were

not appreciated by the permanent conductor,

Franz Abt. On the other hand Maihilde

Wesertdonk, who with her husband had met

Wagner at Marschall von Bicbersicin's in the

• Poblghnt (list) lofeUtM ihe «riu;le

* TanAkaw«ef * br BraeUtsw.

* The rteri" (Aunrisa) '** "

EAflek euweney.

WAGNER; (853-1655— Conducting in London


autumn of 1850, fell completely under

Wagner's spell when she heard hU perform*

aoce of Beethoven’s eighth Symphony. Late

in Apr. * Der Hiegende Hollander ' had had

four performanees at Zurich, and it would

have continued but for the theatre's oilier


The principal associates of >Vagner at

Zurich were Geont Herwergh, the poet, Goti*

fried Keller, the novelist, Gottfried Semper, the

architect, Professor PUlmoUer, whose advice

on F.ddic literature Wagner frequently sought.

Dr. Francois WtUe, a former deputy in the

Frankfort Parliament, and Frau VVille. At

the NVil let’s house at Ntarienfcid the text of

' Die W’alkure ’ was written in June 1653.

"'Fhe acquaintance with the NVesendonks was

the means of giving me the eiiir^ to a dehghi*

ful home which, in point of comfort, was a

great contrast 10 the usual run of houses

at Zurich." ‘ The especial nature of this

acquaintanceship led to domestic complica-

tions in the course of the next few ^ran.

The years 1853 and 1854 were prosperous

In so tar as reputation svaa eojieemed, Imt

pleasure in achiev*cmen( and in personal

happiness was mitigated by iU-heaUh and by

Minna's heart disease which, in the summer

of 1854. caused W’agner the (rouble of staying

with her for some weeks at a guest-house at

Scelisberg. He endured this, so he wrote, w lih

great patience . Minna, how ever, regarded hi m

as a disturbing element. F.arly In 1853 Lhlig

died. The loss of this friend was deeply felt.

On 16 pel). 1O53 Ltut produced ‘ l>er

flicgende Hollander’ before a most disiin*

guished audience at ^Veimar, and in May,

with ihe coll al>orat ion of the Musical Society,

there was a W'agner Fesilval at Zurich, at

which the composer wra rapturously received.

Another spur to fame came with the publica-

tion, early in 1854, of Joachim Raff's ' Die

Wagnerfrage ’. At Basel in the Oct. preced-

ing a group of Wagner neophytes — Bulow,

.]r»achim, svho had led the Weimar orchestra

in ‘ Lohengrin ', Cornelius, Rem^nyi and

Richard Fohl among them — under the

direction of l.lsxt, greeted the master. In that

summer \ Vagner travelled to Italy and aho

went with I.ii.tt to Paris, where he met Liszt's

daughter Cosima, aged sixteen (16 Oct.) and

her elder sister Blandlne, ^ interesting

rneeling was with the son of an old friend

Count Tyszkiewicz. At the end of the year

an attempt to sell the performing rights

of * LuKengrin ' to Breitkopf & Hartel was

frustrated by the conserv’ative element at

Leipzig, headed by Otto fahn. This was

followed in Jan. by a wholly inadequate

^rformance of the c^ra in the same city.

Leipzig did not serve Its natis-e composer svell

at this time.

W'agner was powerless to return to Germany

— the Saxon police had again announced his

liability to arrest — much as he w'ished to do

so. In 1834, through Herw’ergh, he dis-

covered Schr^^hauer's ' Die Writ als \V<Uc

und Vorstellung 'I'his w’ork exrrcistxl a

powerful inlluerKe uis pessimistic ami ultra-

romantic tendencies may be ss’cti lo be in

accord with Wagner's slate of ntind In rOj+L

in token <4 which ^Vagner sent to .Scluq)cn-

hauer a copy of the * Niliehmgi'n ' pi»r*m.

inscribed " NVllh Rcs'crcnte The indu<*n<'i*

cfMalhildr Wesendonk was equally powTrful.

Fnr her \N'agner had written a link* Sonata in

1 653 ; to her cry'pi ic references a re made in t h c

text of ' Die Walkurc ' * ; and from sontact

svith her arose sonic of 1)10 f<'«’ling whirli

in^ired, in 1854, the idea of * 'I'ri>laii und


In Jan. 1855 an unexpected inviiadon came

for V^ag^<T to csNuluct the seastm's ronrerti *

foe the I’hilhamionic Society in l.(>ndon. I'Ik*

fee olfered was /C'^ofi. The season in t.on(lnn

was mK wliolly surces>ful. Kehr.ir^«il time

was inadequate, trisiaiitis^ were, by cu^intn,

interspersed in the (irogrammes aii<i nio«( of

the critics prejudged Wagner hy ihe I'lerct*

reputation which liad iireieded him and by

distortion of his views on Judaism. (*<H>rge

Hogarth was tolerant and personally agree*

able, but the rest of the press took its lead

from Davison of 'The Times', who, affrontH

that \ Vagner remained obstinately indlirereni

to hh greatness, fulminated against the nrw

musk. Davison thought Sterndale Bs’nhrit's

reference to Wagner's " vac/ran music ” par-

ticularly happy.

Of Wagner's music LoiHlvn heard selections

from ‘Lohengrin' and the overture to ‘Tann-

liauKr’, which the queen and the prince

consort came racially lo hear and about

which they adopted an opinion contrary to

that of the press. To t he honou r of the O im Ion

public it should be mentioned that they aho

defied the press and gase Wagner a tremend-

ous ovation at his final concert. Among those

who particularly looked after Wagner were

Sainton, leader of the Plillharmonic orchestra,

Luders, who lived with Sainton, and Klind-

worth, a pupil c^ Liut. As Berliua was in

London eonducting for the New Philharmonic

Society, Wagner met him for the first lime.

There waa, by chance, a unewlrt with Meyer-

beer at the house of Mrs. Howard, secretary

of the Philharmonic Society. " Meyerijeer",

said Wagner, “ was absolutely paralysed w hen

be saw me, and this pul me into such a frame

of mind that we found it impossible to exclianze

a word." *

• 5mn.1i. «as.

, * broucki lUr lubject to Watiier’s notJee

(we Mmi Lehnt . It. $171.

* 1* * *4 Mif., 1$ k y> Aftf ., 14 & »B NU» snU

' MeiM (.«ben II, $74.

*04 WAG?*fER: ZQrich» *655-1857

By 30 June Wagner, 1 000 francs * in pockei, Wittgenstein and her daughter Marie. During

was back at Zurich. He then went to Seliv the end of July and Wagner was at

berg for Minna’s sour>mi!k cure, where he Mome*. near Geneva, undergoing treatment,

engaged on a fair copy of as much of ' Die That this was effeciive was due to Or. Vaillant

\Valkure’ as had been completed In score. A (consultant to Lablache and Rossini in Paris)

letter from Bcrlioa and a copy of ' Les Soirdes on the one hand and the novels of Scott on the

de rorchesiTc ’ gave him pleasure, as did a other. Of the latter Wagner shared Schopen-

visit from Robert von Homstein and Karl hauer’i high opinion. While on holiday he

Ritter's Iniimatior; that he and his wife pro^ sketched plans for a new house, to be built out

posed to winter at Zurich. On 10 July the of the projected sale of the whole of the

dog Peps — the successor to the more cele- ‘Ring* to Breitkopf & Hartel. Wagner

brated Robber and almost the only common a^ed 40,000 francs, but the negotiations fell

interest betuxen the Wagners — died. This through.

calamity affrcicd Wagner profoundly ; the The ideal of a secluded home was, however,

next dog, fips, a present from (he Wesendonks, realized by the extreme generosity of Otto

never caught his affection to the sante degree Wesendonk who, in 1857, purchased an estate

and became more attached to Minna. and biiilt a mansion thereon in the Engc, a

Between ra Aug. and the end of the year fuburbof Zurich and on the lake. VVesendonk

' Tannhauscr ’ was played nlrtc limes at bought an adjoining cottage for Wagner’s

Munich, and in the following Jan. personal use and let it to him at a nominal rent. By

and political prejudices had so far been over- Apr. Wagner was glad to move out ofZarieh,

come in Berlin that (he work was given (here, for noisy neighbours had driven him near

Wagner complained of (he general Biuncial distraction as he tvorked on (he 6rs( act of

arrangements (he was quite unable 10 appreci* ' Siegfried *.

ate the control exercised over Dlngehtedt, Hopes of a Weimar performance of the

Intendant of (he Munich court theatre, by (he ‘Ring’ vanished during (his summer, nor was

Royal Exchequer) and was further vk'orrW by (be grand duke effective in obiaining an

painful bouts of erysipelas, ^vhkh he un- amnesty by which Wagner might return (o

generously attributed to the contagious atmo- Germany. A new patron at this time ap*

sphere of I.nndnn. During this winter Wagner peered in the Grand Duke of Baden, whose

endured not only physical but also spiritual interest, and that of his family, was stirred by

discontent. ‘Fhe latter showed itself in with- Eduard Devrient, a friend of Dresden days,

drawal from publie life and in contemplation now Iniendani at the Carlsruhe theaire. This

of Buddhist philosophy.* The pure love grand duke also promised to support Wagner’s

motif both of ‘ Die Sieger * and ' Tristan *, plea to return to Germany. In fact relations

also much In mind, and the supreme union of with Carisruhe were as fruitless as those vrith

lover and beloved in resignation of the world Weimar. Nevertheless, work on ‘ Tristan ’

held Wagner’s present imapnaiion, for, u the proceeded — i( was thought of as a prarnVei/r

pattern of his life worked itself out, true self* opera — particularly under the stimulus of a

acluevement appeared possible only through commission purporting 10 come from the

renunciation. The climax of the Wesendonk Emperor of Brazil (rie the Brazilian consul at

affair \vas soon to come, and its end was fore- Leipzig) for an opera for Rio dc Janeiro. This,

seeable. Wagner turned to ' Tristan * in hii (00, miscarried, fn the summer of (857

blacker moods ; in phases of convalescence visitors included Hans von Bdlow and his wife

to * Walkure ’, which was finished in Mar. Cosima (they were married on 18 Aug.),

(S56. Two months earlier a loan of 1000 Praeger from London, Robert Franz and

francs from Liizt had assisted some of Wagner’s Richard Pohl. To the last-named Minna con-

indebiednc&s to be transferred where it could hded her matrimonial problems which, by now,

be more sympathetically carried. Despite the centred on the increasingly obvious entangle*

help given in accountancy by Jakob Sulzer, meni of her husband with Mathilde Wesen*

there was no more order in Wagner's finances donk. The five settings of poems by her, the

than there had ever been. At home, however, music of which relates to 'Tristan ’, date from

there were pleasant evenings when friends the latter part of (his year and are in them*

gathered to hear the shaping operas. Among selves indicative of a relationship clearly pro*

them, in 1856, were Tichalschek, Wagner’s vocative of disturbing interpretation. Mean-

sister Clara, Liszt — (hough unwell — 10 while Breitk^f & Hartel accepted ‘Tristan

gethcr with the Princeu Caroline Sayn- and by the end of the year Act 1 was com*

• Th« franc Ir. * O(l«nof too Imu foe lvv« y«an. oftrt which the

* « * (air<Kiu€tion a da Baod- pcoAu wvrr lo be thsMi : Wsener hid demanfleO am

J)kisme ‘ iniemted me mow amone 0*7 boeb. | d’tr (* hlem Lebcn \ (I, 6^9 7®)* (The 'mtf d ^

found matenal m It for a dramatk poem which hat repUeed the llo) »a-frane ^ece •"«* wa* in circMi^ea

waved in my miml ever wnee. th««tf h eoly vaeuely ihroa«heu« Europe. TTteee ww /jm* 4 •* ed diHmn*

sketched. 1 nuiv «ill peihap* work <l oui. I cav* it deoeotiaaiiooi raoroe m value from apprOKimaieiv

the ink of ' Die S*eirer ‘ ” (• Uein Leben *. 1 1. 1 5 »- Co Z** J

WAGf^ ; Mathikl« \V«$««Mionk


plec«d. Wagner's state of mind during this

period is thus recoUected :

... I dr?cl«p*d s drcMT. iir»«raM snnioa foe

rctirmcot. Wors. lone lo oU wind* om wooibrn.

^coin^ (peat in (CMins Colder^ — Mch wm oiv

mode c( tile. if i( wot dislue bed. I was llutmit iMo

tbe deepe>t (late of irriudon.

A breakdovm appeared imminent. On 33

Dec. Wagner performed, beneath Mathilde's

windov.', an orchestral arrangemrnc e(

' Traume '. It was her birthday. In Jan. he

w'ent to Paris, apparently on business, but in

fact to free himself from Maihilde — at least

temporarily. "I am", he wrote 10 Lisat, "at

the end of a conflict in which everything that

can be holy to a man is involved. I must come

to a decision. . . ."

On the way to Paris Wagner heard, with

emotion, a fine performance of the * Tann*

hauser ’ overture at Strasbourg. In Paris he

met Berlioz — the encounter was unsaliv

factory, Wagner being unable to disguise his

distaste for ' Lcs Troyens and Berlioz being

turned against Wagner by his wife — ami

Mme £rard. The latter presented him \«ith

an £rard grand pianoforte. Such buslnev. as

was conducted in Paris led P.mile Olllvier,

Liszt's son'in-law, to undertake the sur*

velUance of Wagner's Interests In respect of

performances of his worb in Paris. In Mar.,

back at Ztirlch, Wagner conducted various

movements front Beethoven's symphonies at

the Wesendonb', On 3 Apr. he sent the first

act of 'Tristan* to Breiiko^ & Hand. Four

days later he wrote a note to Mathilde to*

grihcT with the sketch of the prelude. The

note was Intercepted l)y Minna and, while not

particularly compromising, It served to loosen

her pcnt'up emoriuns. Inevitably there was

a scene — or rather a series of scenes. It

is probably true that Wagner, immersed in

philosophy, was unappreciative of the sordid

comment possible on his association; it h

equally true that Minna's behaviour was the

consequence nf exhaustion, both physical and

spiritual. Minna may not have understood

the metaphysical aspect of the affair, but

in the physical she was expert. She behaved

neither well nor 111. but naturally.

After the cataclysm Minna was despatched

— for a "cure" — to Brestenburg ^ the

Hallwyler Lake. The Wesendonb escaped

from local gossip to Italy. During Minna's

absence Wagner met, at Lucerne, the Grand

Duke of Weimar, who still expressed imerest

in the ' Ring ' and asked for its eventual

production at Weimar. But words were too

insubstantial a token and, in any case, List

and the duke were hardly as congenial to each

other as they had been. A new friend was

Karl Tausig, sixteen years of age, briUiant,

precocious and talented in the extreme.

Wagner found much (Measure in hb company

and, encouraged by prospective productions

of ‘ Lohengrin ' in Berlin and ' Tannhduscr '

in N’icnna (at the court theatre), and by visits

from the faithful Tichatschek and a new tenor,

Niemann, continued the second act of

'Tristan'. On 15 July Minna returned,

greeted by a triumphal, ^o^ver•bcdcckcd arch

which had been erected by the servant. For

a month the \ Vagners liv’ed gloomily together,

entertaining guests who — as Bulow recorded

— found theimelves embarrassed by dissension

and recrimination.

On I? Aug. Wagner left his ‘‘Awl" and

went, by way of Geneva, to SVnice. He staved

for some monihi In Italy, reading, sight>secing,

convalescing, 'vorking fitfully on ' rritian

Minna was at Dresden. Wagner wrote to

lier and to Mathilde, miseral>ly, egoistically,

endeavouring lo explain ihe Inexplicable.

Minna had the clearer vlsinn. On 2 Aug. she

had wriiieii to Frau Herwergb: "Richard

has two hearts: he Is cnsnaretl on the other

side aisd clings to me from h.abli, that Is all ".

'Fhcrc was, as usual, the other side to his

rorrespondence — ‘‘ wuh the objeet of procur*

ing the necessary means of subsistence, which

at (hat (hue, osvlng (o the divided household,

made no small calls upon my purse ". ‘ Mein

l.ebcn ' omits his recourse, during that winter,

to the pawnl>rokcr and gives no hint of the

desperailon of his mx A reur to Liszt. " Tell

them (ha I Wagner does not care a curse for

you all, your theatres, even his own operas;

he needs money — that is all!"' There

were also letters to Luttichau and to Bclir, the

new Minister of Justice — politely but dls«

eouragingly answered — seeking a return to

Saxony. The fugitive hunt intensified. The

Viennese chief of police, Haron von Kempen,

had ermdnually tried (o force the Venetian

authority to uke action, but the local couti'

cillor of police, Angelo Crespi, was more

sympatitelic to Wagner than to the supervisory

Austrians, By 3 Feh- however, the

pressure of ihe Viennese, together with critical

political developments in Italy, brought a polite

request to Wagner that he should leave Venice.*

On 33 Mar., after caking leave of Karl Ritter,

who had been with him a great deal In Italy, he

set out for Lucerne, where he decided to settle.

>Vagner remained at Lucerne (in comfort-

able rooms generously pul at his disposal in

the Hotel Schwcizcrhof) until the beginning

of Sept. cmly. By 6 Aug. the third act of

'Tfisun’ was complete. During the summer

Wagner was obliged, under legal pressure, to

sell his rights to Muller of Dresden (successor

to Meser) of the three operas wJiich had been

Jr*" ** ^ >• L.»*i haviHt c<Mx»<(

(o ihr dedKaiivn of • Diane d« Salan«« '

bv (he Duke Emsi tt of Saxe.’

ft a

* At the wme time advice wat fiven that a (cqueti

f!**JI*®*^'****'.“ Archduke Maximilian

3L L? JS *ir*S ***“'"• *»*» Wwnt of hi. |,eal(li,

woul4 pcoUabir he craAinl.


WAGNER: Paris, i860- 1861

published there. The 9000 marks they real-

i2ed went to the imponunaie Krieie and an-

other creditor. \ Vagner understood that he

sliU possessed the French rights in these works,

in the event of the music’s being published in

France. In effect he was later to discosYr, to

his chagrin and to the disappoirttment of the

sympathetically disposed French publisher

Flax land, that he had unwittingly disposed of

such rights. But the possibility of success in

Paris — the direcior of the Theaire-Lyrique

had already shown some enthusiasm for pro-

ducing cither * Rienzi * or ’ Tannhauser ' —

brought ^Vagner to that city when undecided

as to his future in the summer of 1859. There

was another point : curiouslv Wagner, after

a ) car's separation, wished Minria to rejoin

him. On the one hand this arrangement

\vould be more economical ; on the other the

habit, to which Minna referred, was difficult

to break. \\’agner reached Paris on 15 Sept.*

and took, on a three-year agreement and ai an

annual rental of .4000 francs, ** a nice little

villa — 15 Rue Newton — near the Champs-

£lys(es. {Needless to say the interior needed

much expenditure to make it habitable, and

within a year the municipal authority pr^

ceeded to effect street improvements and to

demolish the house).’ The house w’asset up

richly ~ for Minna's sake. ** On account ^

this ”, complains Wagner, ” I was after^vards

reproached with a love ^ luxury.” Minna

arrived — with dog and bird — in Nov. In

Oct. U'agner liad noted with regret the death

of Spohr. In Not*, his old friend FiKher died

and early in the new year Sehrudcr-DctTlent.

The trials which VN’agncr endured artistic-

ally at this time were severe. Instead of the

aniieipaied triumph, disaster followed disaster.

Initially Carvalho gave hopes of a perform-

ance of * Tannhauser ' only at a distant date,

when his new theatre should be built. Then

there were tiresome negotiations to obtain a

theatre where conecru (of which three, choral

and orchestral, were planned) might be given.

The Thfktrc-Iialien ^formerly the Theatre

de la Renaissance ~ was engaged, artd the

eonceris were given on 95 Jan., 1 Feb. and

6 Feb. 1 Q60. The press, much Influenced by

Mc>'ccbccr, was consistent in opposition to

Wagner, and his losses on th^ concerts

amounted to t c,ooo francs. Some part of the

expenses up to date had been covered by

Schotts, who had purchased the copyright of

' Rhcingold ’ (by arrangement with >^*esen•

donk) for 10,000 francs.’ If the press w‘as

hostile ~ Wagner had, with dignity, asked

* The iourney money camr trofn SVafnaenk, w}m>

hsd offerra to pwr<‘ha$« ihc ' ftiof *, in ifuLabDcnU, fiw

34,000 fta^t [set N.IIl, m).

* Set ' Mdn Loben 11, 75), As in ihe ooio of hi*

oopvTi|h« n«(oiiaiion* vriUt MvlW, W’a(ner wsi liw

vtcnm oC thsrp proeiiee.

* Schoiu iTied to make Wagner accopi 7,seo Sraiws,

bui he romaihoU adamant.

for a fair hearing in a protest printed in

‘L'Europe artiste' in Dec. 1859 — there was

much support for Wagner's muste. Halevy,

Gouisod, Saint-Saens, Auber, Rossini, Baude-

laire, Champfleury and Tolstoy were par-

ticularly kii^ b^ause they' ^mired the

aitbt, while liberals and revolutionaries (ended

to herO’W’orship, and Germans (and Austrians)

stood firm against French FhlHstinism. There

was (he invaluaUe assistance of Count Pour-

tale, the Prussian ambassador, and of

Princess Medemich, wife of (he Austrian

ambassador. The latter was influential at

court and pres'ailed on the empress (o com-

mand a performance of ‘ Tannhauser '.

The Paris concerts were repeated In

Brussels (34 & 39 Mar.). An invitation,

which was turned down on account of the

impending ' Tannhauser ', came for \N'agner

to go to St. Petersburg, Admirers were

charitable: looo francs came from the

Countess Kalergic, 3000 francs from Mme

Schwabe, and \Vescndonk continued his

generosity. U'agner refused the suggestion

that a ballet should be incorporated in the

second act of 'Tannhauser' (though in the

first act he wished for expansion along these

lines to emphasize the voluptuousness of

Venus's court) ; thereby he incurred the

uTath of the young and fashionable -- the

members of the Jockey Club.* But he gave

himself unsparingly to an unparalleled

se<)uen<c of rehearsals — 164 all told. The

rehearsals began in Sept. Before this word

had come from the Saxon ambassador that

he might return to any part of Germany

excepting Saxony. He went, therefore, to

Frankfurt o/M. and to Baden-Baden, where

he was alide to see Frincets Augusta of Prussia,

w’ho had interceded on his behalf with (he

Saxon fovemment.

The story of (he ' Tannhauser ' production

may be briefly told. The first performance, on

13 Mar. 1861, was merely interrupted by the

irresponsible interlopers of the Jockey Club.

The second performance, five days later,

suflfered more violent demonstrations, for the

interrupters came armed Nrith v\'histles. On

94 Mar. the third performance — Wagner

was not present — was chaos from beginning

to end. The artists, including Niemann, Mme

Tedesco and Morelll, did (heir best ; Wagner's

supporters made eounier-demonsirat ions; but

(he police would not take action against the

''Jockc>*»”. They possessed the pri''ilcge of

bad behaviour accotded to the aristKraey in

the J9th century. They v ere, too, representa-

tives of a more gesveral anti-Oerman faction.

«r French UiM U»w»; “ The Fsrirlaft pnbhc •* f»e»il*er

nmical IW rrlanous mc *n«uc: « reerely

hr am>MnL Waener ivii detcervded. snd lor hi*

«wn isle 1 hope he never will descend low eno«jch to

become « pofvo-or *0 our pleiFur**.” (lO Feb. iw #

WAGNER: 1861-1863


'T&rmhiiuser’ wa, of neccsity, withdrawn,

and at thu p^nt Emile Erlaager mihdrew

from die onerous ifbonorary duties of Wagner's

Parisian financial adviser. On 1 5 Apr.

Wagner set out for Carlsruhe, where Bulow

had engaged in helpful propaganda, saw the

grand duke and obtained a promise that

' Tristan ’ should be performed on the grand

duke's birthday on 9 Sept. As singers of

competence were not to be found locally,

Wagner was instructed to engage whom he

could in Vienna. There (Wagner had re*

turned briefly to Paris in the interim "to settle

my aflairs” — i.r. to raise money) ' Lohen-

grin* was played on 15 May. 'fhe Mtt was

unparalleled in Wagner's cxpcricnrc. So it

was when, three days later, * I)er fliegende

Hollander' was given. I'au^ig and Cornelius,

with knowledge of Bulow's arrangement of

* Tristan were imisterii that that opera

should be given in Vienna. Mcretner the

Viennrie singers — Louise Meyer* l^uslma no,

Johann Beck and Alo)s .\nder - • roquiretl i<>r

the Carlsruhe production could not (or would

not) be release. Count 1 jnrkoronski, con*

iroller of the emperor's househfild, aho

suggested that * Tristan ' should he givni in

Vienna. 'I'he proposal was easier 10 make

than to implement, and * Tristan ’ in Vienna

was to be as dilatory in production as had been

us predecessors. 'I'he period ihus introduced

was to be the blackest in Wagner's life.

Kelleciion on the ipih'ccntufy belief in

as applied to music, can only

iricreasc r«'^i)cct for Wagner’s belief in his owm

insuperahje genius.

liic court at C!arlsruhc was informed of the

cliHiige of plans. Lduard Devrient, conscious

of lotnl hmitaiions, w’as not dis^cased. In

l^aris Mihtia wus diwolviiig the houselndd

preparatory to going for treatment to Soden

and to l>n- 4 <leu. On 33 June the dog Kija

died. " The sudden death of this lively and

lovable Hnimal acted as the final rift in a

union which had Umg l»ccomc impossible.'*

Lisiu was hut very accessiMe at thb time, and

hereafter relations between him and \ Vagner

were lew cordial. l>spiie this Wagner, after

three weeks as guest of the amliassador at lb«

Prussian embassy (whose swans are remem*

Wred in the 'Ankunft bei den schwaraen

Schwanen'), went to U'eimat to hear some

works by lisrl. 'Hience to N'ienna, where

I>T. Jirtej)h Siandhartner, a pliysician w ho had

shimn much regard fiK Wagner during his

last visit, put not only his house but also

his niece — Seraphine Mauro — at W'agner's

cl><|>oial. During the autumn pemponrment

uf ‘ Tristan ' became necessary on account of

Ander's loss of voice, a fact which gave the

pre« opportunity for unhel^ul comment. By

Nov. ‘Tristan’ was laid aside, and a him

fnun Maihilde \Ve 8 endonk, whom — with her

husband — Wagner visited in Venice, pro-

>‘okcd a start on * Die hfdstersingcr '. This

was planned I so Schott w'as informed, as

follow-s : the poem 10 be ready In Jan. 1862 ;

the three acts respectively in Mar., July and

Sept, ; rehearsals in Oct. ; production in

Dc<. On thU schedule an advance of lo.ooo

francs came from Schott. W'agner then

returned to Paris, where, through a chapter

of accidents, he was forced into miserable

lodgings. There he >\toic the libretto of ' Die

Mrisiersinger '. At the end of Feb. JB63 he

moved to Biebrirh near Mainz.

ills hope of sanctuary in which he might

quietly w«»rk vtat at once shall ered by a visit

from Minna, .She, phv^ically and to some

CHteni mental I V disordered, inllicicd pain

both On herself and \N agricr by taxing him

with his behavitnjr* with other w'omen and

at the same time Inshiing on hli return to

Dresden. \N'agner, after application to the

King of Saxnny with a supporting medical

(eriifKaic fr^mi Puwiselli in respect of Minna's

ilinru, was on 3B Mar. given periinssiun to

return with " cxi’nipiion from any further

pTtnecuiKm on account of |his| |>artici|jaiiuu

in the ircasonaNc cnierprisc of .May

Wagner only saw Kfiona once again — in

Nov. at Dresden.

'I'he iwr» years thus inauguraitxl hroiiglu

Wagner's fortunes 10 iheir nadir. 'I'o extrari

money from lus friends w’as less easy than

fi^rmerly <, nor would .Schott make ativanccs

without greater security than could be

offered. Some eoncms--to them Wagner

was driven by necessity < paid, but most did

not.* And even if there was iniincy in hand

Wagner rapidly dispersed it. In the years

1662-O3 he gave performances, which (except

at l.eipzig. the " classical *’ sirunghuld) added

greatly to hit artistic reputation : he visited

Vienna, Prague, St, Petersburg, Budapest and

Garivruhe. In the meaniimr 'I'risian* made

no furl her progress in Vienna, and Hanviick,

the critic whose influence was greater than lus

capacity for disinterested criticism, did not

help its chances of performance. His natural

antipathy to \ Vagner was increased when he

suspected. witJi some jusliflcailon, tliai In

Beck^ser was his caricature.* 'I'hc de*

pression of these yean was relieved by the

entry of new allies into Wagner’s life. Artistic*

ally the most important meeting (26 May

1862) was with l.udwig Schnoir (von Carols*

• Bv couMi>S««ic« • t:iiruimai presen I from

«h« We3«n49Aks •mvetS JuriMX Mihfu's tru~ilin

«fWL *

• Aia»meh a fJi fruni ihe <.;farKl Duke uf tVeinur

n*“l thr rent of Uie roumt at Itiehneh,

the preni on die roneert in Prague (S Teb.

»as leou Sonm tflorin-ii, W.}, on the lucxeetlinir

KvMiin lour it.ono marlm

• TTm* inruatipn v> Hear a reatlinc of the W.t of • l)k

Mruie#»»« Hanslick re«anje4 as a tiuaie<J huuU.

Me mav,hav« hno<-m that in ihr orisinal <Sraft of the

lilirruo ilir charactert name wu ilaiu (jcli.

WAGNER: II of Bavaria


feld), (he fucure Trist^. The intended

Isolde was Louise Meyer-Dusdnann, whose

sister — Friederike Meyer — assumes brief

biographic significance as a consolation for the

tiresome Minna. Mathilde Maier appe a red

on the scene also in td62 ' and would, possibly,

have married Wagner (at that time contem>

plating divorce), but for her inheritance of

deafness. Finally, in the spring of 1863, there

were Pranr and Anna Mrazek, Bohemians,

who came as domestic sialT to the new quarters

at Pen zing — a suburb of Vienna ^ to which

Wagner moved in the hope of being convenient

to the ‘Tristan' production when (or if) it

should materialise.

In the early part of 1664 Wagrser's credit

came absolutely to an end and recoune to

usurers merely increased the scale of the

impending calamity. As insolvent, Wagner

could be imprisoned. To avoid this irsdigniiy

he fled from Vienna to Mariafeld, the only

house that w’ould ofler him refuge being that

of Frau Wille.* And this only when Dr, Wille

was away from home. At Maria feld Wagner

read Schopenhauer and Shakespeare, w’orked

at ‘ Die Mcisteninger * and related by taking

country walks. VS'hen >ViUe returned, at the

end of Apr., Wagner, feeling himself to be

ptnona non arena, moved on again. He passed

through Munich, then mourning the death of

Marimilian 11 , and reached Stuttgart, where

he look rooms in the Hotel Marquardt. A

recollection of Angelo Neumann, who was

singing the part of Don Juan > at Stuttgart,

gives Wagner's situation at that time admir*

ably :

... I wa> much «nn»yr«| br ibe m«n in «h* fw«i

room, kept walhine abmit lOcmnnilv aiih <r*ak>of

*ho<i. . . . T« mv I wm uiU ih«( ibc ml*

l«M (untwai Richare > . . >l«f«

• . . lelU me cvrhclefliiall)* ihai b« was in aweb wnni

or money ih«i he n«ver amared ai the ubie d’MM.

paymerx hr which was collfciad bs ib« waiicr at the

table. Ke asked me lo cell Warner ihai h« would like

tn place the two beat rooms in the hovsc ai hia diapaial :

that lie miiht come lo she sable d*hO<e. and he would

never ask him hr paymenl, but waa happy t« have h«m

under hit rooT.

Eckert forbade Neumann to transmit the

message, because Wagner would leave im>

mediately. Thus further light shines more

generously on Wagner's moral code. Eckert

went on to say (hat his vrife intended to

relieve his destitution from her own capital

resources. In fact further assrstance from any

of his former benefactors was rendered un*

* Warner's correspondence with her eoniioued hr

ii«ieen years.

* ** Moat of hb fricndi. espcrially (hoae who had aay

money, were tired of him and a little afraid of bins;

they had come to reptud him aa coae^itally vnoapable

of rgoninp hu life with ordinary prvdene*. a^ lh»

dreaded any further demand on their purso*' (N Ilf

304 ).

* Waeiset aiiendcd due perlbrsnanre of * Don Ci>

vanni * on I May (it wu eondweted by |^| Eckert, a

Viennese ae^uaintanre) with a view to 1 1 line she

eompany'i poteaiialiiirs for ’ Trisun *.

necessary by the intervention, at this point,

of the new King of Bavaria — Ludwig II

— who, at the age of eighteen, had just suc-

ceeded to the throne.

MuKicK. — During adolescence Ludwig (6.

25 At^. 1&45) had developed a passionate

interest in Wagner's works. By the time of

his accession he was acquainted with every-

thing that \Vagner had done and, what was

more imporunt, with everything that Wagner

intended 10 do. Boys of eighteen frequently

engage in such mystical devotion to revolu*

lionary and romantic artists. Seldom, how-

ever, are they able to command the attendance

of Iheir hero. Ludwig, when king, was able to

do so. Accordingly, on 2 May 1864, when

Wagner was on (be eve of departure from

Stutigan for an excunion in the mountains

with the Eckerts and Wendclin Weissheimer,

the secretary to (he Bavarian Cabinet, Franz

von Pfistermeisier, presented his card at the

Hotel Marquardt and asked to see Wagner.

\N'agncr, anticipating by such august presence

retributive justice, declared himself to be

"not at home", He yielded so far, however,

(o ministerial imponunacy as to arrange an

interview the next morning. A few hours

laicr Wagner (having borrowed his rail fare

from Weissheimer) was off to Munich.

Equally romantic as the young king, he found

in this ^nomnunt answer to his prayer of many

years before for some princely benefactor,

sympathetic, altruistic and with the (^^'agner•

ian) Ideals ^ German art and philosophy at


The terms on which Wagner and Ludwig

became associated may be examined by the

nature <d their correspondence. Wagner's

first response to Ludwig's generosity pro-

voked :

T>oc c«Ar« af ibe heavrnlieii emaiion 1 wikI t» yM,

le Ml you that naw ilia marveh of poatry have came

aa a Hivina raabir law mv poor, lovc-lackins life. And

ibai ItTe, Un |>oaVY. iu Iasi tunn, baUnii hancerarUi

la yau. my praamus yawnc kir>r: di*pa*a af ibam ai

yaur awn pyapariy.

Two days later Ludwig promised lo do

avatvibine in my pawtr «a make up 10 yau far what m

hav« Mflared in ine mk, Tha maaa aarat of evafydar

life I wdl httnh from yoM Soa r*ar : I will pro^tc tor

yau tb» Baaaa you hava lancad far in order ihai yw

may ba free to sareod Ihe misblv winRi nf ya«ir vaniui

in like |Mira alhar of raplurau* an. . . . O how ( have

UokaU larward «a iha lima whan I eauid do ihii‘ I

hardly dated Induhta mndf m iha hepa »o taan lo ba

abU lo prove my to v'Oti,

One essentiel to Wagner’s happiness was

ihe presence of Coslma von fiulow. On ihe

afternoon of 28 Nov. 1863, in Berlin, Wagner

and Cosima had gone for a drive, Biilow being

professionally occupied :

. . . wa caaad fvaaahlns into aatb oihar'i era ; and

aa mlaMC (otwuv Ur (he rulUat avowal ^ (he truth

o»CT pv w W Bd IB. la iha point of a eonCsMon. not

Mcdiiwi to ba pul inio words, of the infinila un^ppi*

iMM which wewhad upae ut. CWiih lean ud Mb*

wa waled our eanfawion lo brlooe 10 each other

WAGNER: MunUrb, iS64>iB65


•looe.*) A )oA<l wu lifted Eron ue; in >

proround enls w« (euAd tb« nofrmry dtoorfulMS t«

«(Und the cooeert wiihout » iccie o( op p r cw i o ft.

On 29 June 1864 Cosma, with her two

children, arrived at tht VdU Pellet on the

rhores of the Slarnberg lake. Billow, who»e

anbtic devotion to Wagner was also cssemial,

was unable to arrive until 7 July. On to Apr.

1 86^ a daughter — Isd^ — was bom to

Cosima. Wagner was the father, although

officially Bulow carried that honour until

judgment was given by the Bayreuth Lcn^-

gtri(hl in the suceession case of June 1914.

The Bui vw'Cosima' Wagner triangle strains

credulity unless cort&deration Is given to their

respective codes of artistic artd spiritual

loyalty. Bulow, never entirely happy in his

marriage, emerges, perliapt, with must credit

and with the least taint of selfishness.

Ihc only suggestion of professional ani*

mosity at Munich against Wagner in 1864

came m the form of a parody issued on 26

June, nf which the title is self • eaptaiia*

lory: ' StarniKrg l.ake Mysteries — Grand

Fuiure>Mu$ical Trilogy consisting of three

operas For the rest of the year plans for the

muiieal ‘dramatic realisation of Wagnerian

ideals began to develop. ' Pie Kteisiersinger *

continued to grow, and Liszt came to see the

score in Aug. Towards a new opera adminis*

iration Friedrich Schmitt was appointed

singing'ieachcr and Cornelius was encour*

aged — he look some time in making up his

mind •— to eome to Munich as general

assistant. Bulow was appointed pianist to the

king in Sept. On $1 Oct. VVagrwr went into

rcsldener at Munich, The home, Brienner*

«tr4Me 31, was the king's gift. Already the

king had received occasional ofFeringt, In

July a didactic tract, * Ober Siaat und

Religion on 5 Oct. the ' lluldigungsmarscK* '

provided (he music fur a serenade. On 3 Dec.

the 'Hollander* was performed and on i(

Dec. there was a concert of >Vagnerjan

selection*. On both occasions \>’agner himself

conducted. ' Tristan ' looked a possibility f<ir

the spring, with Schnorr and Tietjem in the

title*paru. For the ' Ring ’ a new theatre was

to be erected. For this purpose Semper was

summoned to prepare plans. Here b^an the

first agitation at Munich against Wagner.

This sprang initially from a familiar source:

the project to civilize Bavaria, to create a

new Athens by the Isar, appeared an ex*

travagance. iTiere was not only the theatre

project to cause alarm, but also the possible

J Th« MAimce io purnthmt Mnilwd ftom »

. *rf ' Mfift Ubtn \

Allw^ JO W»ni« W iIm kin< M ihsi hr mt^i

war ■( hand lo ih« royal lummcr letMteaer Dur%

ifta lunimer. arTorr vu*i. Wamrr Ksd u

I® MathiMe Maier that •!»« iho«a4 reheve I

lAliUry life ^ M hovsekoaper .

* Nt riu«n for bui nol pwfermed ®a th« klnc’t binhd

w» «S Avt, ^

implementation of the ' Ecricht uber cine

in Munchen zu errichtende deuische Musik*

schule U’agner himself had recommended

that the pr^osaU should be examined by

a commission. The commission, under the

presidency of Baron \*on Perfall, included

Franz Lachner, Riehl and Rhein berger,

w’bose objections (outweighing Bulow *s ad-

v^ocacy, for he al^ belonged to the com-

mission) repreaenied the professional distrust

o( unconventional practice and, more par-

ticularly, dislike of Wagner himself.

By 1 1 May 1865 ' Tristan * had reached its

final rehearsal ^ with Malvina Schnorr as

Isolde in place of 1'ictjens. if, May was the

advertised date of the first performance, ft

was not an auspicious day. In the morning

jobbers in possession of an old bill threatened

armt. 'Lhis matter was referred to and

settled by the king (uho by now was growing

accustomed to this sort of thing). In the aficr-

noon a telegram announced the imminence of

Minna's death : she did not die until Mar.

iBUj. In the morning also Frau .Schnorr was

found 10 be indisposed. * Tristan ' \\as post*

poned. Visitors who had come from afar

enjoyed, therefore, a prolonged holiday.

PefformarKcs were given, on Frau Schnorr'*

recosery, on 10, 13 and 19 June. On i July a

further perftirmance took place by royal com*

mand and on 0 .fuly the ‘ HolUndcr ', with

Schnorr as Krik. This was Schnorr’s last

Wagnerian appearance. On 21 July \N'agner

received »vord that he was dead. " VS'hai I

lost ", wrote Wagner, •*. . . was in a sense

impossible 10 estimate; his gifis were inex-

haustible. In him 1 lost, as I expressed myself

at the lime, the great granite block, which I

had now to replace by a number nf bricks to

complete my liuilding." This supers<enrd on a

reception of ‘ Trisian * which, hwile in some

pan. at best shosved little understanding of

>Vagner*s aims.

During the remainder of the year Wagner

di«over^ all the disadvantages of royal

friendship. Petitioners put their variuua cases

lieforc him in the hope that his inlluenee

would stimulate the king's interest. More

seriosisly, political machinations with which he

had become embroiled for some time reached

a climax, Wagner had refuse<l inierveiiiioii

l>ref.afed by DmW.

•lihowfh under W*ci>er s reneral ilirreOAn

‘ At wtwx*^ m 9 May Pukw «Jdrtl fed lo thr

•muuWrnne diW9ninil, Kniatermmi of the orrhnira

|»l miaiM (h« McrAre of ihi.iy Mjtli. “ \V|,o( tiors »t

•Mift . lMr>i out **»,hrthrr we lla^e tferiy

morv or lev >n llM Mare r* ••Jf" .am.

iwaied the •Volk.W*n-. Hant v<« bufew. X*

t>yxr«l of inily PruMian *elf.««trem and

•iMofeiKa. wrtr to an knd«««relion of thi< kinU

in «h« pfuwtc tne«n* of the tiofbrauhau*, ouatlernw

be least that wn.ild handed fe

Oo aWofcj a *henHHioofiheold.Munchmon.

H.« IfeW h.i etas, do oo» *0 : aor wouki hi.

^loal aftnuv Lola MoAt«< ,0— bui she we.1i all


WAGNER : Second Exile

on behalf either of those who wished for a

new Catholic and federated state under the

sovereignly of Prince von Thum und Taxis of

RatUbon, or those. like Phstermeister. who

did not wish it. Offered bribes by both

parties Wagner, a fervent believer in a united

Germany *, refused any political intervention

Accordingly, steps were taken to expel him

from Bavaria. On 7 Dec. the king, his hand

forced by threats of civil unrot * and by the

reported inability of the p^ice 10 safeguard

Wagner's person, asked chat he should leave

Munich "for a time". At the same time the

king protested his undying affection. Through-

out this time at Munich Cosicna von Bubw

had been at \Vagner's side. Her family lived

in VS'agner's house and she acted as secretary,

hostess and general protector of the malignH

master. Not unnaturally scandalous remarks

gained currency.

Second Exile.*— From Munich ^ Vagner

went to Vevey, to Geneva, to the south of

France (where nc^vs reached him of Minna’s

death) ; he considered emigration to America,

whence an offer had come from the Stein ways,

and eventually determined on residence at

Triebschen on the Lake of Lucerise. In Nfay

the king visited him and tried to persuade him

to return to Munich. Wagner was adamant

against this, and he continued hU oppoaition

even after the Bavarian government 1 ^ fallen

at the conclusion, disastrous to Austria and

her satellites (of whom Bavaria was one), of

the Austro* Prussian war. >Vagner's wish was

now to be left unmolested at Triebschen, to*

get her with Clusima (against whom Bulow was

to inti i lute divorce proceedings), to complete

the ’Ring’ and 'Die Melsttrsingcr '. He

spent six years at Triebschen. He completed

' Die Meutersinger ’ (34 Oct. 1667). ‘ Sieg*

fried’ (3 Feb. 1871), most of ' Cotterdam-

mcrung’ (finally completed at Nov. 1874):

wrote numerous prose works, of which the

most important were ' Mclne Erirmerungen

an Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfcld ’ (|0M>,

' Ober das Dlrigleren ’ (1669}, 'Beethoven’

(1670) and ’ Ober die Bestimmung der Oper *

(1671). In (869 a new edition of ' Das Ju*

dcfttum ’ was issued — an action which reviv^ed

old feelings of hatred, ft was at Triebschen.

too, that Wagner dictated to Cosima ' Mein

Lebcn a work undertaken at the request of

Ludwig II.

The two main influences of this period were

^ Cy~ Ui< pAfnphkl. wrilleo io lE6s. * Ww iM

JViMieh’ '

* Wasner’t poliuc^ imporUiMe in Bavaria

i* inilKawd in ihe * Memoirs Prince Hehenl^ *

tl^VKlen. 1 90S). In Hehenlohe's iciurwl fw is Liar.

1867 it recoedeU * «i*if lo him by Wutner oa she pre-

ceUinf nihu '*|H«| loM me. amiU prewsiadom ^

noi wiihioe ^ cretlii to hirnsdf. that it was ke

who had reeomirwndftJ me lo Uw kina minism.**

• * Lu<lwia. Freiherr von dvr PiMiea ' kV Euem

Frant (Munich, I 9 S 3 ). PP- sst-rd; * Der juofe Kmm.

Min Minhccniun uad Richard Wafner ’.

Cosima and the Kir^ of Bavaria. Unfor*

tunately the two were incompatible, for

^Vagner’s action in destroying Bdlow’s

marriage and in resorting to subterfuge to

conceal the truth of the situation destroyed

also (he king’s faith in Wagner the man. At

first Wagner would not return to Munich;

finally, by 1869, he could not. In the earlier

pan of their association Cosima attempted to

“ keep up appearances ” and rejoined her

husband intermittently. However, her fourth

child, like her third, was by Wagner. Eva

was bom on 17 Feb. 1867. She was followed

on 6 June 1869 by a son, Siegfried. On (8

Jul> (870 Bulow, Jong dete r red by the prob-

ability of having to resign his official post at

Munich as well as by a fastidious distaste for

vicious scandal, obtained a divorce, and on 35

Aug. Wagner and Cosima were married. On

3 ) Dec. the * Siegfried Idyll ’ commemorated

(his consummation. It was played on the

staircase of ihe house at I riebschen as a birth-

day gift to Cosima and a tribute to the child.

Although Lud(vig was disappointed in

Wagner, he remain^ entirely faithful to his

artistic ideals and maintained his generosity

continuously. But intentions miscarried. The

music scho^ inaugurated, under BOlow, In

1867, proved a disappointment, becoming in

cfleci a CMueraiory ^ter il)e old and reaction-

ary pattern. A newspaper to represent

Wagnerian philosophy — launched under

state subsidy, also in 1607^ proved un*

successful. Differences arose out of perforiri'

ances, in the same year, of ' Lohengrin ’ and

' Tannhauser ’. llie king especially dis-

appro^Td of (he tenor Tichalschek, whom

^Vagner strongly supported. On at June

1 868 ‘ Die Meisiersinger ' was performed, after

the customary acrimonious debates with the

administrators (particularly Perfall, the in-

tendani app^nied by >Vagner lo replace

Lachner). At the first performance \ Vagner

appeared in the royal bm, thus exacerbating

bourgeois feeling at Munich, and indeed in

Germany, immeasurably. The opera was

receis’ed cordially by Wagner’s friends. Some

of the critics, particularly Laube (suflering

disappoinuneni over (he intendant's appoint*

ment) in the * Neue Freic Presse ’, and Paul

at Leipzig, were condemnatory. .After ’ Die

Meisiersinger ’ Wagner left Munich with the

inieniitm of never staging an opera there

again. He did not meet the king again for

eight years.

On 23 Sept. 1869 'Das Rheingold ’ was

performed at Munich under >\’u liner. It had

been agreed in 1664 that the king was entitled

10 have this (and the complete cycle) per-

formed. W'hile, in *869, W'agner was not

happy about pr^uciion under the conditions

prevailing at Munich, Ludwig, not inclined to

withdraw from the dignity of leader of ibc

WAGNER : The Bayreuih Idea

new thou^c, was thoroughly justified m his

actioo. Biilow had resigned by now, and his

Successor was Hans Richter, who had come to

Triebschen as copyist in jd^. Richter, how-

ever, resigned b^ore * Rheingold * was prcn

duc^, after trouble with Perfall. The king

was equally obstinate chat * Die Walkure ’

should be performed. The first performance

was on 35 June 1870, and, despite Wagner's

atiempis to dissuade his friends from attending

what he considered wtnild be an inadequate

performance, a large concourse of distiti*

guisbed musicians, including Joachim, Brahnu

and Saint* Saens, were present. Despite

Wagner’s differences with Munich and Ins

personal notoriety, his European fame was

great. There was a dematwl in Italy, Erancr,

Belgium and iVucsia for hU music, while in

England enthusiasts under the leadership aS

Klmdworih, Dannreuther and Walter Baehe

were combating prejudice and mdttrercnre.

On tf May 1869 U'agncr had been elected a

foreign associate of the Prussian Royal Aca*

demy of Arts, To Prussia he turned hise>'es

with new hope, with reserence fi»r Bismarck

and some thought of replacing Lsidwig U as his

patron by Wilhelm I.

'Ihc victorious outcome of the Prannr-

IVussian war pruvoked ecstatic ’'leuiomaniac ”

poetry and the ’ Kaisermarsch ’ (full score

completed 1 3 Mar. 1871). Saitsfaction at the

Immiliatioji of France — Wagner recollected

bitterly his Parisian misfortunes — led to a

somewhat brutal and uncalled*for outburst

against hii devoted French diKi(dcs Catulle

Mrncles and his wife Judith.'

BAYHiurit — Wagner's Mt /in had long

l«cn the complriiun and proper presentation

of the * King •. So far his dependenre was

entirely on J.udwlgs generosity and come*

crated id ealism . But Mu nieh was, as the w ork

came within measurable disunce of conclu-

sion , unth in ka ble for t he purpose , 'Fhervlbre a

new theatre must be built elsewhere. \N'afner

had had Ba>reuth In mind for some time. Of

this some of his friends, but not the king,

were aware. Wagner was hardly honest over

the matter, but against this should be set,

In mtiigalion. three factors. There was the

engnnity of die task of composition, the fear

of political and professional intrigue and a

weakened constitution which continually

promoted nervous crises. To tlic end Ludwig

proved his inagnanlnitty. In Apr, 1871 die

J\«(fners, after seeing the Wesendonks and

VVilles at Zurich, visited Da>rruth and aroused

local interest in the devclopnienl of the town

as centre for the Wagnerian music^rama.

‘ Kor » cumpicw documenuiioo uT «h« telaiMiwI

W*,nen 4n4 il»« Mrnd«i uf ‘ Warntr «

tvV ; ^ XI. * V. V


Tlte mayor, Muncker, and a prominent

citizen, Friedrich Feustcl, were favourably

disposH. Their good*\vill was invaluable.

Fftmt Bayreuth the \Vagners passed on to

Leipzig, to attend a rehearsal of the ' Kaiser*

marseli \ 10 Dresden, where they again saw

Pusinelli, and to Berlin. There particularly

\ Vagner was receii’cd with remarkable en-

thusiasm. .A society — the VVagneriana —

tx'as inaugurated for the performance of

^ Vagner's work urnter the directittri of Karl

Tau*lg, then resident in Berlin. I'lu* death

of Tausig on 17 July of the same )car was a

shattering hloiv. Among his principal sup-

porters in Berlin were the highly placed Frau

von Schleinitz and Countess iJoitholT. Wiiile

in Berlin U'a(>ner left his card on Bismarck,

Init the chancellor faded to make the res|x>nse

for which N Vagner must have hoped. There

were, howevv-r, many signs of approbation at

this lime. .A demand for them encouraged

E. W. Frilzsch, of Leipzig, the publisher of the

' Bcelhoten * pampJdel. 10 underlakr puhUca*

tion of the collected prose works, the tenth

volume appearing in 1873. In Vienna the

Mannergesangsereln matir Wagner an honor*

ar>* memlier. .And, although Wagner’s ex*

penditurc normally ejiceeded his income, his

finances were much imi>rovcd as the result

of eopyrighc legislation in 1870. The time

appeared auspicious for an appeal to the

public on Isehalf of the projected theatre at

Ba>Teuih. 'I'he basis agreed on was the

raising of the necessary funds by the issue of

a thousand joo-ihalcr shares. Among those

sponsorirv the scheme were Jimil Heckel, of

Mannheim, with whom the Idea originated

that groups of modest sulweribers might com-

Imoc a« corporate contributors in Wagner

Societies. Acting as chairman of the scheme

was Baron Loen, inicndant of the Weimar

iheatfc. The most imoresilng and noi the

least enthusiastic worker for the eau^e was

Krtedrteh .Vieissche, wlsose acquaintance with

the Wagners had begun at Triebschen in the

summer of 1870.

In the autumn of 1871 ‘ Uihcngrin ' was

received rapturously at Bologna and Florence.

In Dec. preliminary discussions look place

with the Ba>Teuih municipality (who had

already resolved to give the site for the theatre),

with .Neumann, the architect from Berlin, and

with Karl Brandt, the stage machinist from

Darmstadt, who came to xiew the site. At

this juncture \^'agncr was still optimistic that

the frMival might be given In the new theatre

m 1873. But this was without taking account

of opposition both potential and actual. How-

ev*er, on 34 Apr., the Wagners took up

residence near Bayreuth— at the Famalste.

There they were to remain until ihe new house

promised by the long, in place of the residence

in Munich which had been vacated, was

I I 2

WAGN£R. i Pr^pariog Bayreuth

built- On 22 May, Wagner's birthday, ihe

foundation stone of the theatre was laid, cere>

monially, and with a perfonnance of BeeN

hoven’s ninth Symphony,' Wagner’s speech,

referring again to German unity and hoping

that from the project a truly national elicaire

might ultimately arise, is extant in the

collected works.^ During the summer Albert

Niemann came to Bayreuth to study the part

of Siegfried, and work on ’ Gbtierdammerung’

brought into action a set of assistants ~ the

" Nibelungen Bureau " — among whom were

Joseph Rubinstein, Anton SeidI, Prana

Pischer. Zumpe, Kastner, Lalas and Moul.

In Sept. Lisat came to Bayreuth and heard,

with delight, a reading of the sketch of

’ Parsifar. "It is", he wrote, '* impregnated

with the purest Christian mysticism.”

At the beginning of 1873 number of

Subscribers to the Bayreuth scheme fell far

below expectation and, acting on a suggestion

from Feustel, VS'agner undertook concert

tours to stimulate wider artd fuller enthusiasm.

Despite all that could be thus achieved, and

the appreciation of the citizens of Bayreuth,

the available funds could do no more than

guarantee the shell of a theatre. Wagner

appealed to the king, but this time inelTectu*

ally, for Ludwig was engaged in architectural

adventures of his own. Equally inefleciual

was the appeal compoKd by Adolf Stern of

Dresden in replacement ^ a vigorously

drafted, Nietzschean * Mahnruf*. and issued

to the German people in Nov.

Wagner's sixtieth birthday was celebrated

in that year with a view to distraciing him

from his hazardous undertaking. Certain

early tvorks were revived, without his know*

ledge and to his delight, as also Geyer's ’ Der

beihlehemitische Kindermord *. A further

tribute of interest came from Anton Bruckner

who, in Aug., asked permission from Wagner

to dedicate to him his third Symphony.

At the beginning of 1674 \Vagner, desperate,

addressed an appeal for help to the emperor,

using as intermediaries Heckel and the Grand

Duke of Baden. The latter, however, was not

disposed to take the matter farther. At this

point Ludwig again intervened, and his

advisers advanced a loan of 100,000 thaler (10

be repaid by the Wagner Theatre Committee

within eighteen months). Until the loan was

repaid all purchases made with it were 10

be regarded as the king's property. Thb

arrangement finally enabled Wagner to pre*

pare for the festival definitely in 1876. As

work progressed on the theatre, so it did on

Wagner's new house — NVahnfried ~ which

was ready for occupation by 22 May. Wahiw

‘ Wkcnef*! on the ninth $vTnphonv was

wrliien ia ih« fullawiiW >e*r. On ihij aerSornuAee

itt Hemneh Form, * Die AufFuhninc von ^thovea’i

neunler Symphenie in Boireuth * ( 1$$^).

* VqI. IX. p. 39a.

fried ^ documents \^'agner*s personality. Above

the entrance he had inscribed :

Mier, wo mrin Waham Frirden Tftnd

Sei (liar* Haul *00 aur henaeai.

There was also an allegorical panel, executed

by Robert Kreusse of Dresden to Wagner’s

design, representing " The Art-Work of the

Future Before the main enuance was a

brMiae bust o( King Ludwig (a gift from the

king). The interior was similarly monu-

mental : with busts of Wagner (and othen) ;

portraiu of Beethoven, Goethe and Schopen-

hauer ; Echter’s pictures of the ‘ Ring ’ ;

a large and comprehensive library ; and

*' furniture of the most sumptuous kind ",

The house itself carries classical method

cumbersomely. Over the whole no expense

was spared.

In Aug. 1874 Nietzsche tactlessly and prob-

ably deliberately presented Wagner with a

score of Brahms's * Triumphlied ’. This

gesture did not increase Wagner’s opinion

either of Brahms* or ol Nietzsche, while the

latter, proceeding from intense friendship to

an equally intense enmity, was confirmed in

the belief that Wagner’s " false omnipotence

develops something ‘tyrannical’ As usual,

> Vagner was immersed in his creative activities,

and by at Nov. ‘ Gotterdammerung ’ was

complete. Some of his intimates did not live to

see the termination of the work of a quarter of

a century. Earlier in the same year his sister

Luise, his brother Albert, hii breiherdn*law

>Volfram, Franz Schott, Peter Cornelius and

Marie KaJergis had died — for one year a

heavy toll.

From the summer of 1874 and throughout

1873 preparations for (he festival went for-

ward. Wagner from time to time conducted

concern in Vienna, Budapest and Berlin, and

saw performances oi 'Lohengrin' at Hanover

and * Tannhauser ' at Brunswick. Ke was

continuously engaged in raising money and

exploring the potentialities of singers — of

whom, as a class, he was consistently criiicah

Tliroughout (he period of preparation for the

' Ring’ there were the customary bickerings,

indispositions and fits of temperament on the

pan of his associates (whose general remunera-

tion was by way of an expenses allowance),

whkb were inseparable from Wagner's experi-

ence. However, on 7, 6 and 9 Aug. 187^

dress rehearsal took place in the new theatre

' ISWia it «tftuan»lauble nerpi wiihm *

t»rm. EftfliUi » ftom mftdnm to

« nprcMAUtiai •«

“b proUbly otaUe»di««. " from

ft “ trt«rt wdicaiive of W»aner » zmbiuorv,

t. wokmdly. *' MoO npot " hM boon tecoraaondeo

had moived

the *»o» Voouiborm emuic wruion for the

of 'Tannha^'. T*wi» had oo

POK «r Waencr’i propwiy thus, but

^r hr^ bTWaanirrSmod «o fo*t«e .1 (*« N.IJI.


> VAGNER : Tht ' Ring * Production


with j(s sunken orchestra. King Lxtdwig was

present, he and ^Vagner meeting for the Hist

lime since 1868, and he came again for the

third public performance of the cycle (a 7*30

Aug.).' On 13 and 14 Aug. the emperor was

also present, Fhc singers were :

()) 'Das Rlieing^d ’ : Wotan, Franz

Betz ; Donner, Eugen Cura ; Froh, Georg

Unger; Loge, Heinrich Vogl; AJberkh,

Karl Hill; Mime, Karl Schlu&ser; Pasoit,

Albert liilers ; FaTncr, Reichenberg; Fricka,

P riederike Sadler-Grun : Frcia, N farie H aupt :

Lrda, Lui»e Jajdc ; Woglinde, Ulli Lehmann ;

VVcllgunde, Marie Lehmann; Flosshllde,

Marie Lammeri.

(j; 'Die U'alkure': fsiepnund, .\Jbcri

Niemann; f 1 unding Joseph Nie ring ; Wotan,

bcu ; Sieglindc Josephine SebelTzky ; Ikunn*

liiUlu, Amalie Materna ; Pricka, Sadlrr>Grun ;

Ocrhildc, Marie Haupt ; Hchnwige, Lilli

Lolimann; Ortlinde, Marie Lehmann; Wat'

traute. Luise Jaide; Siegrune, Antonie

Amann ; Rossweisse, Marie Lanmteri;

Grlmgerdc, Hedwig Reichcr- Kindermann j

Seliwcrtleitc Johanna Jachmann*V> agner.

(3) 'Siegfried’: Siegt'ried, Unger ; Mime,

Schlowcr; The Wanderer, Beta; Albcrich,

Hill; Fafrier, Reklienberg ; Lrda, Lube

Jaidc; Brunnlnlde, Amalie Materna; The

Bird, Marie flaupt,

(4) ' Goiierdammerung ' : Siegfried, Un-

ger; Gunther, Gura; Hagen, Gustav Siehr;

Albcrich, >Ull ; Brunnlnlde, Amalie Materna ;

Guiruhu, Matlhlde VVeckerlin ; Waltraute,

J.uise Jaidc; the Norm, Jachniann* Wagner,

Sadtcr-fJrun, Scheffaky; Woglinde, Ulli

Ulimann ; Wellgunde, Mark Lehmann;

Hosshildc, Mane l^inmert.

The conductor was Kichicr. Karl Brandt

was in charge of (he machines, Rkhard

Fricke of the ballet, the Bruckners executed the

«encry from Joseph Hoffmann's paint inp;

and the orchestra, of 1 15 players drawn from

all purts of Germany, was led by August

iliiclmj. The deficit on the festival was

1 50,000 marks.

Much MS NN'agncr may have been distressed

by the immediate financial problem (from

which, however, he was finally reUeved by a

new and generous agreement initiated in Mar.

be was rnore concerned with the anni*

hilaiion of his idealism. Bayreuth became

not a consrccatcd temple but an essential

rende4vous for fashionable society.

Jlie esnrA-l iauIi. oT umnv

''ay» 14 lUsO lwr 6 <« UarMrl h»«l c«ru«iJv *iir«<wd

aikhhwn. Nev^f, n MfHWtI. m* bftn

“< Ami pniwes li«d bras

tfiown 10 lunimon an adui u> bvt »« am

remenilirr a day «.b<n «mp«rcn pnnccs*

‘ I Uf r»ni puUk iwtrvrmsfKe »a» from 1 1 lo i y Am.

\i,l i*** l«a«u« nf llw ilinrw of B«u> ;

w^nd from tu lo »j Auf, » S» N.IV. sw It.


VKsnous appeararKC mi ihn la 185J.


had cuoK the anhi; aitJ mt m> onlv niviiv« uat

•MiBiwC U> be (he desire ul h«a«Mir, doublless n unutU

be (heufbl thsi my uparaii.tns would be samricA uiih

fuy wons having twwi sieirormevl and

Clearly (he ihirTeti wlikli ihe hiflKr iMiwcrs mrvL m m>

prucceibnes was due more iv ascoimbni^ta <ii ilie

su«esA*l a^liie ew ent of mv uiideriakiiix dian iw any

(efaed Sue the nlea from wtiKh it had tpiunx.

What was not realized, except by a handful

of intimaics, was that great artists " cannot

produce the great, real, or>e art alone; we

must all Co'opcratc therein. 'J'he tragedy of

Aeschylus and Sophocles ”, Wagner reminds

us, ” was the work of .Athens 'I livreforc,

by 1876, W agner felt as much isolatevi as lie

had ever done before. ‘ l^arsifol ' tvas to be

his last spiritual refuge and his final and

universal moral observ'aiion.

Aficr the Bayreuth festival W’agnrr, with

his family, went for a holiday in Italy; the

expenses were defrayed from the proceeds

(5000 thaler) of the March Composed some

nMjnilis previously in celebration of thu

centenary of national independence at Phil-

adelphia. At IVdogna N Vagner was given a

ciyic reception the had been given the freedom

of die city in 1871 K at .Naples he met Comic

.\rihur (iobineau, in Rome Gios.-umi Sgam*

bati ; at borrento, where be stayed with

Malw'ida \t>n Meysenbug, Nietzsche for the

last time. W hen ^^'agncr discussed ' rarsifal '

Nietzsche recognized a philosophic (and

personal) parting of the ways. Wagner in

scarth of a Christian ideal com radio led the

new NiciZKhean propositions. But incoin*

paiibilUylHtween the two had been apparent

for some time.

\Vlien affairs at BayrcuUi w’ere causing

grave concern a series of twenty concerts in

LoiHlon was proposed to VN'agner by the firm

of Hodge & Essex. A prulii of ,^iu,ooo,

sangoinely expected aa the result of filling

ilic Albert Hall on each occasion, attracted

Wagner — if London, for which he had small

affection, did not. He was facing bankru]>tcy.

'J*he eveniual outcome of the London eonerris,

ef which only ejglu were given », was an addi-

tion to his overdraft of £iio*j. The pro-

moters had nut been aware of the difficulties

atlacl^ to performances in the Albert Hall

(a third of the scab belonging to private

owners, which they may occupy free of cost or

sell at their personal profit). Wagner had

engaged a large orchestra and brought an

eKpcnsiy*e octet of Bayreuth singers, together

with Richter — to assist Wagner with the

conducting, - Seidl and Fischer. \Vhilc in

London Wagner suyed with Edward Dann-

reulher*, met many noiabllules, including

George Eliot (whose distaste for Meyerbeer

equalled that of ^ Vagner himself), G. H

• Uu Kuouwerk tpr

4 '.** * 9 . »8 *iHl *0 .M*v j 8 ij.

irjnJwcd ‘Muik of iKe Vumre




WAGNER : Lut Yean

Levv«$ and BroNvning, and was graciously

receiv’ed by the royal family — on 17 May *

he lunched, at the inviution of Queen

Victoria, at W indsor. As elsewhere there were

powerful opponents. Among them was G. A.

Maefarren, principal of the Royal Academy of

Music, w’ho had allowed his (moral) feelings

remarkable licence in a letter of dissuasion 10

Hubert Parry, on the point of departure for

Bayreuth: ** An earthquake would be good

lhat w ould swallow up the spot and everybody

on it, so I wish you were away There was

also a characteristic, academic diatribe issued

in Jan. 1876 in * The Edinburgh Review

^^'itl^oul such opposition Wagner's London

visit of 1877 >vould have been a remarkable


\Vagner left London on 4 June and went to

Ems. Opportunities for the performance of

his operas were being offered in all parts of the

world, but Bayreuth was as troublesome as

ever. There was not only the deficit cm the

festival, but also the aoo.ooo marks on loan

from Ludwig II, and represented by scenery

and machinery. A second festival was con*

templated. ^ Vagner still protested the rteees-

sity for a spccialiaed training'sehool and in

Feb. 1676 saw Issued, under the edilorship of

Hans von Wolzogen, the * Uayreuther Blatter *.

On 31 Mar. the kingi advised by Ludwig von

Durkt’l, made his saving gesture. The most

important stipulations were that to per cent of

the receipts from Wagner's operas ai Munich

should go to defraying the loan, by which

^Vagiie^'^ liabilities had been transferred to the

Bavarian stale; that the first performance of

* Farsi fa I ' at Bayreuth should be given by

orchesira, singers, etc., from the Munich

court theatre; and that, thereafter, the same

theatre should iiave unrestricted right to

produce the work", after observing the 10

per cent contribution detailed above. The

last point was set aside by royal decree on 15

Oct. 1880, so lhat ' Parsifal " your solemn

sttge>dedicaiion*fotival*play shall be given

Only at Bayreuih, and never be desecrated by

contact with any profane stage >Vagner

had no intention to allow thb work to follow

the ' Ring ' into the purlieus of commercial

enterprise, and the * Ring ’ itself had been

allow’cd to go only to maintain the security

of his family.^

‘ On il»e same eveniiie ilw p«em ' P«rM£al’ was

rf*<l to s eathcriftf *t Dannreuihrr** home, la Orme

Scut re.

* Tr>e «uihot, H. H«Aiheo(e $ioUtain. hsJ tivdiomlv

lhrou(h ilte MOtfi of «h« * Rane aiMl hn emv

e JchetciKV of undenUnUtoe b«t not of hoAM>'.

* SfT hlu*. T.. June la??.

* U^wif 10 Weener. 34 Oe«. iB 8 a. * finiU %

nroiecieJ by wm iM>t perSoeened ouutde

asvTeulh until 34 Dev. when it was fvrvn ot the

MeUopotiUB Home. New Yoek. The fim

^rrormsneef in Prance and tnclaod were in (914.

* To Anieb Neumann of Leips^ goes mock of the

«te«lii fw tpreadme the Wafner etilt. Ke prevailed on

Last Years. — 'Parsifal', although con*

sidered as far back as 1857 and sketched in

1665, was not executed until between Aug.

1S77 and 13 Jan. tSS^. In fact ihe score tvas

dai^ 2$ Elec. 1 861, for it had been promised

for Gosima's birthday. llUhealth, which had

iniensified since 1876 and latterly compelled

^V^ner to spend much lime in Italy, pre*

vented strict regard to schedule ; therefore the

last page was completed and subscribed, and

a few Nank pages were left elsewhere for

completion. Concentration on 'Parsifal' de*

manded Iwo conditions : the luxury of KenUj

baih*salis and cold cream, and “ pour ma

chaisedongue une couverture touie belle et

extraordinaire que j'appellerat 'Judith'";

the second indispensable item was Judith

Mend^ herself, to tvhose chirt he retreated

as years before to that of Mathilde Wesendonk.

A number of literary pare/ge belong to the

period of * Parsifal Some were of a tech*

nical nature: * Ober das Dichcen und Korn*

ponieren ' (July 1679), 'Ober das Opern*

dichten und f^mponleren im Besondcren '

(Sept. 1879} and ' Uber die Anwendung der

Musik auf das Drama * (Nov. 1879) ; some,

more verbose and lets informed, on political

and philosophical issues: 'Religion und

Kunsi ' (Oct. 1680), ' Crkenne dich scibsi '

(Feb. ‘Mar. t88i) and ' Heldentum und

Chrisientum ' (Sept. 1881). There were also

' Wollen wir hoJTen? ' (May 1879). in pan a

disillusioned polemic against the materialistic

state, in part an exposition — agaiml Niets*

sche^of religious faith based on pity; and

* Oflenes Sehreiben an Ernst von Weber'

(Oct. 1S79). This last essay complemented a

great love for animals with a diatribe agaiiut

vivttcetton. Again pity is asked to prevail and

again the Nletesche* Wagner aniagonistn Is

clear. There is refiecied in the writings of this

period the influence of the Cou nt de Goblneau *,

whom U’agner saw at Venice in the autumn of

1880 and with whom he held constant Inter*

course until the end of his life. Cobineau may

be held responsible for a particular Interpreta-

tion of the ' Ring ' which assumed consl^r*

able poli(ico*philosophical significance during

the proem century; ", , - in the gods and

heroes of (hat work [he saw] (he verification

of his doctrine of the superiority of the G«r*

manic race to all others

While engaged on ' Parsifal ' Wagner was

assisted by Humperdinck among other amanu*

albwine the ■'

iBiic ea *a snJ *9 Apr., and »i ai»a *a S<W. ‘Ota

) r»MKkk with th« Easwr a^d Mtchadmat fainl. y

e pvrfermaMet Rkhwr lefc^raphed : aiaenift^: *

rwMaoit has OwW fnandlnujlv". TheresOvr Sr«

ann «ct up a Wuriag cpmpaoy to popularua tVajnrt

y methoOs soowlitnn open « cnii«i*iri). ,

• The rteht ©f ihe " i>oWcr raee t® rule

(tnot ©•» •'. «»are*«d in ' HtWentum

m\ was tNWKneed from die Eaai

ce* * I »a54>. S*?.

WAGNER : Appearance and Character


eases. In the summer of ( 88 ( four e^’cles of

the ' Ring ' were given in Berlin, through

Neumann, and, if the public was more excited

at the prospect of seeing Therese VogVs ride

into the flames (the one horse capaUe of the

feat died prematurely and only with difficulty

was a substitute obtained), there was tremessd*

Ous social acclamation. The royal family

were present aitd even BUmarck, who came to

' Die Walkure ’. On the last night Wagner

was interrupted in his concluding speech by

one of the heart attacks which grew increas*

ingly frequent. In i 8 d 3 the * Ring* wm first

performed in London ^ at Her Majesty s

Theatre under the corsductorslnp of ScidI:

at the same time at Drury Ijtne Rkliicr was

presenting * Die Nfeistertinger ' and * frisian

und Isolde In July and .\ug. sixteen per*

formances of * Parsifal ' took place at Da)*

reuih.> The principal ariUis wvre ; Amforias.

Th<'odor Rrirhmann ; C>urnemanx. F.mil

Scaria and Gustav Sichr; Parsifal, Hermann

Winkidmann, Heinrich Gudthus an<i Frrdi*

nand Jager; Klingsor. Karl Hill and Carl

Fuchs; Kundry, Amalie Matrrna, Marianrw

Drandl an<l 'I'hcresc Maltcn. Thr conducted

was Hermann l^vi.

On 3O Aug., the patrons, who had been in*

sufTieirnt tv guarantee the future of the

theatre, were met by Wagner. ‘I'hc Paironai*

verrin was diwlved, the festival theatre put

under the coitirol of an adniinUirative com*

miltee and henceforth 10 be open in the general


') hr ukru to ihr mi «f ih«

hdii<U<^ thr fnvoloiw r-ibhr aihI in ihr h«iHli nCeMniM

«hiri|itn, hiiiiijr^l loK^ihrr in Itlllf W^vner Vicieiin

tlir<iiiKhrH,i l.iirniv, |,mI pn<l«(| m lK(»r IiMMaIIiiic I»v

• iHKkilriiMti .Mill Hick vkk iv fwa i>m w>a <4 nil*

i{|iil>r*tr«iMiriif luvfi'ii whniM ll,< irairrir w«» lo

Ixrii .iririly . . , •• tli# mi «.ho«e

betiAll tSAKnrr lo/nril out m iflis. rfirtiuolli

mhHieil, Alia ih« nAvhoi>«<> inuU Uwrefore

iUiwU tt ii>finilelv tS.»m«ii^, ,n lU iKifArtre

llion lUmoion Owl J’Joee.*

In the end \N’a|jier acceptetl the situation

reahsiically ; hit sole corKcrn was that there

was no one to lake over the dirrelion of his


On t4 Sept. W'agner and his family left

Bayreuth for ihe leiier rigours f 4 a V'eneiian

winter. *nicy moved inlo a suite at the

PaJa 4 :'o Veiidraixiin'Clalergi. 'rinse passetl

quietly with visits from patlicular friends*

the Schleinltaes, Rubinslelm, Levis; Henrich

wm Stem, a young philosopher; Zhuktw*.

sky, artist and son of ihe Russian poet;

Volkriv, a!v) a Russian and both artiss and

scientist ; and Heinrich ITsodc, who married

Daniela von Dulow in ilWy. From lime 10

nme there were evenings with Lisri, still ,

although murh aged, a lion and as such anti*

y'i-.V.w'.rAirj’ ^ '• ’• *• •• ’»•

pathetic to Wagner, who preferred to read, 10

talk, to plan for a festival for the next summer.

He coniinued literary w’ork. HU most im*

poriant essay was * Das Buhnenfesispiel in

Ba)Teulh, 1883 ', which appeared in the Not',*

Dec. issue of the * BayTcuiher Blatter On

Christmas Bvt Cosima's birtliday {Dec. 35)

was celebrated by a performance of ihc (1833)

Symphony in C major. Ihe score Itad been

mislaid by NfendeUsohn, but from .w>in<’

effects of Wagner's discovered at Dresden the

pans were retrieved. .Mt hough taken ill at a

rehearsal, Wagner was well enough to conrUict

the performaisre in the 'featrt* I.a Fenicc.

His death look place on 13 Feb. 1B63. His

diseased heart, together with other disorders,

krum n to his faimlv, made it clear that his end

W'as not unexpecied. CJosima, however, was

prostrated, arsd 11 was more than tweniy*rour

hours before she could be taken ntvay from ihe

body. Demonstrations of public sympathy

w’rrc widespread and t hararicrisiic • and

appropriate. (U’reusony atiended Ihe journey

bark in Havrcuih. .\s the funeral train left

.Munich ihc funeral music from ' Goiierd.iiu*

meruiig * was plaN'ed. At Munich reprs w iita*

lives of iIk* king and govrrnrnvnt joined the

party fur the hnal ceremonies at Bayreuth.

'J’herc .SiegfruxJ's funeral music was again

played by the liand of the 7th Bavarian In*

faniry Regiment, a rhoral \eork writ ten by

Wagner for Welicr wt* song, sjieechcs were

delisTred b> Munrher and Feu>lel. I he I>o< 1 y

was laid in a tomh in the grounds of Wahn*

fried, now* at Iasi properly titled. In icj^o

Cosima died and was huried in the same grave.


was dcscfllied - * as a wanir<i thtsoo - hy ih<'

Saxon police in 1O49 as "of middle 11011*111,

has brown hair, wears glasses ; o|>cn forehead ;

eyeliTowr* brown; cyrs grey-bluc ; iime and

mouth svcihpruporiioned ; chin round. Par-

ticulars; in mew’ing and speaking he U hasiy,

Ctolhing — sunoul of dark*grern buckskin,

trousers of black cloth, velvet waistcoat, silk

ncckerehlcf. the usual felt hat and hoots.’* In

later life the features sharpened, ihc hair

turned grey Ihji remained rich and was hislrl*

onically cultivatetl, wliile In the mailer of

dress care was lakcn lo give ihc inipr<ssion

proper to the arlisi. 'I'hc riddle of personality

is made more diffKult of solution because

throughout his life Wagner ap|>earrd lo aei

a part created by himself, h may l>e said

that his dramatic ability supported that jiart


^ Vagner did not appreciate silting fw his

portrait, but certain likenesses aptly ratch

aspecu of character. The early one by KIcti

(1843) >, w’hkh sers'cd as a Mnndard portrait

• aml*« Uv^ rr»w Siock^t.K^htf t.r Zurich and

S4T«-\>Utc«n*i«M) 'bo«h done m thuuld

**• eo>*peienee b«i not diiunciion.

WAGNER : Appearance and Cbaracter


for ten yean or so, admiu the character <£ the

visionary. Portraits by Herkomer (1877} and

Lenbach (1880) stress nobility and greatness.

A later portrait of more significance U that

painted at Palermo on 15 Jan. 1882 by Renoir

{(ut, 41). Renoir’s account of the haLf>hour

sitting is also illuminating. The door opened :

It xvas the mailrt in his velvet gown with

wide sleeN'es lined with black satin”. RentHf

ignored the appurtenances, concentrated on

"his admirable head” and was pleased with

ihe result.' So in a sense was Wagner : ” Ah !

ha! I look there like a Proiesiani pastor.

And it is true." There U benignity : the hair

U white, but the eyes still pierce. Attention

should be drawn to Leslie Ward's vivacious

caricature of 1877 which belonged to the

' Vanity Fair ’ series of contemporary nota-

bilities. This has what other portraits lack —

mobility. There were also numerous photo-


Generally Wagner's associates were im-

pressed by hU eyes, which were either

” piercingly brilliant " or " tender " : his

forehead, which was immense ; hU manner of

speech, in which again dramatic cficcts were

generously employed. His gift for speech was

likened to Beethoven’s for improvisation;

word itself was only the vehicle of a

communication, the full import of whkh was

revealed hy the tone of the voice, the radiant

eye, the gesture of the speaker; there spoke

not only a genius, but an ttlisfU genius, and

the most successful representations of art were

someiimes eclipsed by the magic of his


Wagner's public character was achieved

against recurrent ill-health, to which reference

has already been made, and stands, therefore,

as emblematic of the courage with which he

faced life and which must be emphasized as

the one facet of personality, apart from his love

of animals, that calls for continued sympathetic


Luxurious living, for which Wagner was

notorious, was also partly produced by self-

d ram aiizai Ion . Although he tried to exculpate

himself — as, lor instance, in respect of

Minna's comfort in Paris — there b no doubt

that he frit that the great artist should live

in the grand manner. Living thus he was

enabled to escape from a vrorld whkh he

frequently felt obliged 10 crlUdae, and ai the

same time to Impress the world ihe splen-

dour of his set ting. The bishop Lives in a palace

for the same reason. Wagner placed himself

above bishops : ". . . where religion becomes

strtificial it behoves art 10 rcKuc the quint-

essence of religion by apprehending the

• Rrproduevd in ’ Mo(t«n) F««iMh P«inUn' l»r

Ft, H. WilenUci, p. 4 S v* Wf* 4^, ^ 49 imI the

sane tuihpr’t * PorUails Comppaen ’. Twg yeoipa u

tre r«pf»duced in M. & L.. Vol. XVIfl. Juk. lor.

' Houaton CKacnbcrUUi, tii., p.

figurative value of the mystical symbols ^vh^ch

rdigion would have us Mieve in their literal

sense, and by revealing the hidden depths of

the truth of these symbols by means of an

ideal representation ^ Vagner's antipathy

to organized religion was in some measure

sincere — anti-clericalism was some pan of

the need of all revolutionaries and egocentric

mystics — but it t$ difficult to determine (he

degree of sincerity. His sincerity may not,

however, be doubted in his creed of ihe

mission of the artist.

Physical comfort, which may also be re-

garded as a reaction against the discomforts of

early life, was all-embracing. Therefore his

associations >viih wumen fall into bis natural

order of legitimate plesisure — and as prepara-

tion for such experience as is uniquely ex-

pressed in ' Tristan und Isolde ’. In many

ways \N’agner recalls Rousseau, not least in

respect of an approach to sexual adventure

more free than convention decreed. On the

whole, however, he tried to have the best of

both w’orlds, the moral and the amoral. His

final conclusions favoured morality — not

rtecessarily sexual morality — and through

mwaliiy a relief from universal and national

decadence. The last years >vere influenced by

the near-attainment of personal peace with

Cosima. The i0ih century, believing in the

cxbtence of sin, was scandalised at Wagner.

The aoth-century psychologist or pathologist

probably discovers in him an excessive supra-

renal acitvicy, for which not he but his in-

herited hormones were responsible. More

cynieally one U inclined to value ^Vagne^ at

less than his own estimation. The women

with whom he had a (Tain more ofien held the

initiative — he was helpless in their hands.

But Jessie Laussot, Maihilde Wesendonk,

Judith Mend^ — even at one time Minna —

would all have subscribed to an opini^

generally maintained that ^Vagner possessed

the quality o! excessive charm. Dannrculher,

who knew Wagner, commented on the

faKination of his speech and his manners, his

"simfrfe kindness” and sympathy, h**

attractiveness to children, "His habits m

private life ate best described as those of a

gentleman.” Of this side of his character the

• Siegfried Idyll ’ and the little ‘ Kinder-Kaie-

chismus’ — birthday greetings for Cosim*

In 1864 and 1873 respectively — maybe ac-

cepted as symbolic. More practically hu

reception, as a penniless refugee, at Ztirich

and by Ludwig ll testify to personal jrwisl*

Ibility. The generosity of singers and players

in performing fec-lcas at Bayreuth cannot

entirely be explained by a vitiuc, soi7i<iim«

overrated, defined as '* art for art’s sake •

Wagner’s gratitude to h» artists was expreaseo

in a gesture after the first performance <«

• * Il<lir>on und KunM.'

WAGNER : Philosopher, Writer and Musician


‘Par^al*. CaJled for a speech to the

audience he ostentatiously stood tvith bis back

to them and addressed the performers. ^Vhen

‘ Parsifal ' was performed on Auf. 1862,

Levi appeared to be on the p^nt c( collapse

dunnf the third act. Waginer slipped unseeo

into tite orchestra and directed operations.

At Venice the night after his death his cusiom*

ary gondolier, in grief, added a testimonial

to be set against many harsh strictures : “ He

was so a master! I shall nevTr find so

good a one again/’ Perhaps with children,

servants and animals Wagner Jived more truly

as an individual. His relations elscw'here

could never be free from the ennsciousness of

public observation nor from the necessity to

drive the world along one path — that of

Richard Wagner.*

'fhe extension of charm waa nobility — an

aspect uf character much respected in the

I9ih century, when the precepts of Rousseau

were followed ; the reverse of the medal was

aggressiveness. U’agner, as at Dresden, was

inclined to use the latter weapon ruthlessly

and to excess. His egoism denied eunssdera*

lion of other men’s feelings where these con*

picted with his own interesu. M)shcal

identilicatiun of sclf*interes( with pubiic

interest (/.r. that of the German people), as

in * Heldentum und Christentum brings

Wagner’s character into line with a pliilo-

sopUy which culminated dnasiroudy in the

first half of (he aolh century. Ii may furiher

be remarked that Wagner’s philosophy waa

bated on reatUng which was wide rather than

tlerp. His library was extensive, his aetiuaint-

ancr v,hh it formetl by quirk suevry. In no

way ii his inipuUivrnm more thoroughly


In all ways \ Vagner ro'ersed the dictum

that rver>' man is a s|»eeial kind of artist. He,

as man and artist, was exceptional, ’(he

romantic conception of the artist’s life is

eminently portrayed in his life. It may well

he that when or if an economic order, the

direction of which svas foreseen by > Vagner

In tllsapproval of Marxian phllosc^y, pre-

cludes pcrforinanee of the operas the char-

aeirr of lUr man w ill remain as a great creation

of art rather than of nature.

Wagner’s character was searchingly

analyswJ hy Nlelrschc in ' Richard > Vagner in

lla^rcmh ’ (tflyC). and the preparatory notes

for this eway show not only Wagner com-

plriely revealed but also the true InteUcclual

power of Nieirvhe himself. That Nictwchc

could regard hit Wagner as self*portrai«ufc

inUiralos the extent to which Schopenhauer’s

doctrine of the supremacy of the will influ-

enced both Wagner and Nictasche.

, Kunu uod Um Hev'gulMn ’ : “|| k the

biiMciPH nf arl to ifxlkatt to ilu» wciat impulse 'foe

\7'. ‘beniK j lu firUtleM usnUtcMKe: to dimt

Philosopher AHD Writer. — An adequate

discussion o^^^'ag^er as a writer would take

so much space that it earinol be attempted

here. Appreciation of the quality of the

librettos he wrote for himself throughout his

career is implicit in what is .said belo^^' about

his music, so far as it affects the works he

actually finished, which alone concerrt the

musician. The vast amount of his prose

wTiting, whkh will be found enumerated In ibe

list of tvorks at the end of this article, is no

longer c( sufficient interest in itself to w'arrant

detailed examination in a dictionary (h^vuted

to music. It is of import ance only as an

immensely laborious preparation for his work

as a composer, and while it contains a great

deal of valuable detail, \Vagner*s plnlciu>phy

b second-hand and Ills literary execution

forbidthngly verbose. Students who tvlsh to

make a detailed invest Igaiiun into the bearings

of his prose e<<iays on his work as a composer

will always have to read iliein; there is

no sltori cut 10 ilteir uftdersiaudlng, and

a critical exposition retlueed lo an abstract

sltori enough to l>e of service here would only

turn into an essay re waling iis author’s ideas

rather than encompassing VN'agnrr's ov\n.*

Tmi-: Mi'sici an. In measuring the dgnifU

cance of \S’agiier as comptwer it shouUl be

noted that his severest opponents base at all

timet been professional musicians and irliics,

chose who haw most appreeiaied him ’’modest

citizens who may suppose ihem<«'lvei to be

disqualified from enjoying ’ I1ie King ' by

their technical ignorance of music A large

and principally German bibliography suggests

that the analytical school liai made iti up|>or*

tunities; but the fact remains that the im*

metliaic reaction to Wagner is emotional

Ihe strength of Jus emotional appeal may not

be measured except by urging that in in-

stantaneous penetration his music is mure

effective than that of almost any other com*

poser, 1 'hus Wagner achieves the aim of his

general philosoplty, within ‘ Das Kunstwerk

der Zukwnft iJiat music is not to be compre-

hended by logical examination but to he

recognized as " a power of nature, which men

perceive but do not understand ", and he

consummates romanilcUm both in theory and

practice. At the same lime Wagner’s intense

iritellcctual capacity for the handling of tech-

nical detail and for architectonic creation

makes him classical, and durable, to a far

greater degree than more exclusive exponents

cS sensitivity.

Th? J^innlng of Wagner’s grcaiucss is in

nu wide acquaintance with music in general.

He was not, he said, a learned musician, nor

* “?»*•*'*'*'*' sniele, fsr fiom tv»&,ng luch

fv- ' . I "*"*'•? frtf incorrwatioh in

tiui sruck. but ii h«d in t2>« «ikI lo he omiuot for Uie

WAGNER : The Music


did he pursue aniiquerlaji researches. He

v>as able, however, to realize the characteristic

qualliics (which he recognized artd symbol-

ized in ** the art of the people ”) which made

composers of periods earlier than his own

signiheant to their contemporaries.

Hi< bnoMletipe oT die eaiir« Jitcraiure oC

every epoch wu slmoii iaeoAceiveble for ntek x yag^

iDsn. He wu jmt m r*mili«r mih the earltet lulufw,

faletiriiift, Per^olevi, etc., as tsith ihe alOer CenoaiH.

It vvai Trocn him that ( first sained an idea oTSeb^iaB

Bach; Cduck was, cncq then, his ceascant study;

Haydn's nature* paintins; Morart's jeeiui, ar4 the

unhai>pv efTecis cf hu position in Sahbu^ aod m

Vienna; she special enararterhua e( (he French

compoien, Lully, ftoseldien. Aubes. (he simple, if

popular, cKarmi of Kii beloved Wrb^; she fi^re of

beetheven tewerins Ui above them aiJ; Mendeb^n's

elesSMt Jrawinv*room music, every one ^ them he

dnenbed lo us with sueii animaiton and vigour, sinsins

many ot the tunes, (hat they still rcouin ir> ray meowry

exactly as he represented them.'

Irt Palestrina \Vagncr Idealized purity

(much as the pre*Kaphacli(cs venerated

Botticelli ) ; he followed his feeling of dedicated

sensuousness* into * Pantfal With Bach he

shared a power of single-minded concentra-

tion : "the theory of form associated with his

name is really an adapiation of the idea of

fugue but the fugue is " harmonic ’’ or

"symphonic”.* Mozart's Influence Is clearly

revealed In 'Die MeUtersinger \ an opera

which defies Wagner's own theories by re-

treating to more or less episodic structure and

by introducing ensemble. Mendelssohn's

skill In colour effect was generously appreci-

ated, and many radiant passages — the prelude

to ' Lohengrin ', the doting pages of * Rhein-

gold ' — reveal his spirit. In design, particu-

larly internal design, Wagner continued

musical development where Beethoven left


Spcciflcally In the dramatic held the relation

between Wagner and Gluck u dear. But

much was owed, albeit unwillingly, to the

French school. Spontini, Auber, Rossini,

Meyerbeer, NUhul, Harold were early influ*

ences. Therefore ' Rienzl * was in the

succession of political and spectacular opera,

and French style permeates ' Der fliegende

HolUndcr particularly in Senta's ballad.

The tragic conclusion of ' Masanldlo’ cannot

be ignored, nor the element of the macabre

in 'Robert le Diable' and *Zampa’. Also

contributing lo a feeling for the macabre was

the music of Marschner, Weber gave rsew

orchestral vistas and an appreciation of the

medieval. Being opposed to formal limita-

tions, however, Wagner merged orie style into

another — as ' Tristan ' amply shows — anH

one may either admire the spaciousness of his

^ Priedrkh Pecht. wrtiinf of Wifaer, <. (A.M.Z.,

as Mar. iSfis).

* Cf. Cw. S<hr.. ]V. ayfi . . . (« seek x pure, thww

vircin levs , . .. spruAf umh the rad oI fullest raiuiraus.

ncM l^iWtfiUnO. but »hieh senmousMS a» vndenieed

in mMem racleiy could aot uddV “.

• Sm ' The New Music*. Dyrae, p. 13^

utt^raicd Style or complain with Berlioz

(‘Tristan*, as an inscribed score su^ested,

owed something (o ‘ Rom^ ec Juliette ’) of

vagueness. " I am obliged to confess that 1

have not even the slightest idea of what the

author has intended. ***

Throughout Wagner’s work, whether in

music or literature, it is evident he invented

little but adapted much. Even his theory of the

music^rama was aniicipated.s Jn one import-

ant respect, however, Wagner was original.

He was the first composer whose practical

acquaintance with music was restricted to

conducting. His career as a conductor is

important in that it developed his synoptic

sense. This faculty for general observation

— though attention to musical detail was

equally remarkaUe — is to be found elsewhere

than in music, but those musical reforms

which were the outcome proved to be the most

powerful factors in latter-day development.

The orchestra was tonally unified. Anti-

thesis between voice and orchestra was

replaced by synthesis. Dramatic and musical

thought intermingled. That so much was

accomplished in these respects was largely

due to Wagner's genius for conducting. He

was not always popular as a conductor, as

may be reall»^ from a letter to Ludwig II

of s6 Jan. 1676, in which he detailed recent

Viennese perforinanees, under his direction :

I Kht«vcU fnir*cl«t iKevr. but with « veubk whicli

J evuM KardSy br*nf iny»«ir to go ihrOMih ogKa t

tVMwIwd Mifm with hwte ulstki, who openly Mid J

woi ihexe lo nidi them, t^uoe I pointed out lo ihem

th« bod hobiU into which they lisd fsdea without

eiMlowM them with Uw tueneth to ihalte them on

tor ever! They odouued 1 ww right, but uked me

whoi uae ihb euddeo rvbopiiem would Ik 10 ih«m.

Moint «h«« they would be bound 10 revert to ibe old

belief ag ala.

Elsewhere Wagner continually complained

that adequate time was never available for

rehearsal- The eventual practical effect of his

views on conducting is best appreciated when

attention is paid to the names of those who

followed his ideals ; Bulow, Richter, Levi,

MottI, Welngariner, Seidl aod Wood.

It was complained o( ^Vagner — as of most

progressive eomposen — that he was deficient

In melody. It is necessary to consider Wag-

rter’s views on the subject of melody to

appreciate his departure from what had

constituted the melodie norm. The basis of

melody was language and this immediately

induced rhythmic emancipation. In general

Wagner reached back 10 fundamentals in sor^

and freed music from the ^anny of the

metrical arrangements of classical convention.

‘Lohengrin’ was the first work in which

the direction of Wagner’s intentions was dis-

fdayed, for in it was achieved a greater expanse

• • A cbjrapB •. ed, C»lm»on*Uw. p- %>o. .

• £/. by * wnrar • ' Ofpkru*' (tS*53, lo

N.t. p. (!».

WAGNER : Music— Dramas

11 $

of melodic coniinuity lhan hitherto. Wagrxer

tsToie to Liszt on 8 Scpi. 1830, with reference

to this work and to ihc habit customary else-

where of divorcing music and words to the

detriment of the laiier :

N^hrte in * Lohenertn ‘ hsv» 1 iK« wmc)

rtititutt •\*et A vocal pa*u(«. Tlw Mttcm art mi lo

knew that ihere are any retkiaiuei in «. On ilw

rohiraty« t have been at pairu m liriernune and

in«lkcflte the spoken arcecii ef the Monk Miib »wh

tl»arf)nm and certainty that the Mrsfee hat onlv to

linpi in the tempo pretexihed, (ivinr te rarh note ii»

prnper vxlur, to have the spcakjng eapeoweo teen*

pleuly in Ini ronirel.

* Lohengrin ’ departs from precedent in

prescriung unbroken musical continuity ; l>ui

fullilmcnt of his ideal was not yet po«ii>le. ftrr

ample expansion of melodic expression de-

pended on harmonic and orchestral devrlof^

ment also. Lveti where the melody was un-

accompanied, as in RrunnhiUlc's *’ War es so

sc hma li lich ’ ’ in the ihl rd ae i of * Die Walkure \

the contour is determined by harmonic

direction, while the sensuous intention antes

from and continues the particular mood

indicated by the woodwind surround. In

Wotan's narrative in Act II (Scene iii, the

dramatic perfrcuon of Uagner’s plastic

melodkc outline is realurd. Here it incorpur-

atetl the speech of the immortals. At the

beginning of the third act of * Tristan ' a more

personal se^^e of tragedy and atpiraiion

sounds through a similar negation of eon-

veriUonal method : in such passages, which

realize profound emotional disturbance, and

in wluch (he relation of harmony to melody is

fully dcmcnat rated, the geniua of Wagner for

expressing what is so close to the Mibeemcious

as to a|»pear inexpressible appears. Tlie in-

corporation of a melodic gesture within the

orchestral trxture, as in Brunnhilde's awaken*

ing in Act IH of • .Siegfried ’, give* the feeling

of great power to heroic motnenit of ecstaav.

It is, howevs.T, precisely in such passaget,

where the emphasis U on the heroic, that

the style appears to date. The versatility

of Uagner’s melodic invention b notalxle.

Purely lyric thought underlies Klisalseih's

prayer in ‘ Tannhxuscr ’, (he songs for

Mailiilde UVsrndonk, the llower-maklens'

music of • Parsifal •, In Isolde’s deaih-song

lyric thought meets the quasi 'recitaiive

manner half-way and generates a uniqsse and

intense movement, in which, however, (he

tendency of the words to get lost in slow

motion is alio apparent. On a large scale

what Wagner could aecomplish with melodic

variation is seen in the Prize Song of ‘ Die

kleisirrsmger where each stanza reaches a

diiferent conclusion so as to accommodate the

movement and comment of the chorus.

T aking into account the sailors' music of ‘ Dee

megende Hollander* and of ‘Tristan* the

forging-song of ‘ Siegfried *, the cobWer’s

music of Saclis to which Bcckmesser look

exception. \>’agi>er*s unselfronsclousncss, which

rose lo artistic greatness In * Die Melitcr*

singer allow*! more genuine primal insplrn*

tion lhan his theories often do.

It is, Itow-eirr, not with melodic scnirricH's

and paragraphs that Wagner is generally

associated, but with musical captions. The

clfectiveness of the captions may not be

denied. Their relesance and necessity may

be questioned by the musirian, and Dehusvy's

famous observ'alion that " ihc iMliitolii s\%t<’(n

suggests a world of harmhss lunaiics xilio

present their visiting-cards and shout their

names m song '* may appear nioiv* jiisi than

unkind, If, how'cver, the definitit’u possi-

bilities of melodic contour, rhythniu* stress and

harmonic and msirumeni.J <olour xrc ad*

mitied as a valid functlc>n of music in associa*

lion with the drama, (omurc on this point is

impossible. Since Wagner set out to be

delinitive and to cunerntrate the aueiition on

the drama of" the pe^iple" < Wagner’s philo-

sophy on their place In ihr s< h<*me should not

be oscrJrxdiiedi, his habliu.il oviTstaicmeni

must lie acknowledged as nrcessari . In ' Das

Klieingohr /WfiMriV eausci an eptsoclic U cling

lo detract from the cuntinuity to which he

aspired. .Ns the * King * dr s eloped ihv ImU

mMw was assimilated so that unity was

achicsed. NS’ith complete unification rccog*

nition of the individual theme liecnmei un-

necetstry*. ami in the ' Siegfried Idyll *, which

was intended as the forerunner of a scries

of quasi-symphunic w*orks, it ii immaterial

wheihcr semantic signihcancc attaches iu the

themes or not. Wagner attempted Ihcmei

which should be so brief as to be easily

accomirKxIaicd to the changes in dramatic

situation. The immense variety within his

thematic headings, ranging from the positive

motif uf the Masiersiiigers to the dissolvent

nature of (hat uf the Tarnhelm, indicates his

feriilMy of invention. But in the end Ihc

struggle between music and drama (for music

was not to be subservient to but co* equal with

the other partners in the art form! was

resolved in fas our of music, and it Is for his

music as an alisolutc quality in aesthetic

experience that Wagner is approved.

In melody > Vagner showed that melodious-

ness was not the main objective ; in liarmony

that (he possibilities of a familiar system were

not finite but infinite. The tonal scheme

which evolved from the principle of equal

temperament enabled composers to arrive at

hitherto inaccessible detiinaiioni. 'I'hc ter-

minal points were, however, acceptable as

such. ^Vagner appeared in his own day to

possess a unique faculty for going nowhere.

In this progress, adequately demonstrated in

the prelude 10 ‘ Tristan * or that to Act HI of

‘Parsifal*, he cither increased the necessary

romantic capacity for wonderment or else

WAGNBR : Music'Dr^nus


hastened the dissipatipn of inusicaJ viritily.

The probabiUty is that he increased the

intuitive capacity of his audiences, but was

unfortunate in that his disciples compromised

in employing Wagnerian idiom together with

classical form. Harmony lost its psychological

force when chords sublimated by \V^ner —

sevenths and ninths and liquescent chromatic

transitions — found more casual employment

in Franck, Bruckrter and Elgar, llic pene-

trative power of (he chord chord is shown

in the prelude to ' Das Rhcingold \ where a

single chord of major occupies more space

than any other single triad in musical history.

It is in the purposeful use of chord-sequence ~

as in the Wanderer" motif — in the fascin-

ating manner in which Wagner moves the

sympaihy of his audience by varyir^ his

harmonic moods — as in the Prelude to

■ I'risian ' — that originality again appears.

Though it should he said that Mendcl^hn.

.Schumann and BerMoa shared the possibilities

of kaleidoscopic riTeci from poetic handling of

chordal sequence, it w’as \N'agner who sum-

marized, by harmonic integration, that side of

romantic thought which elsewhere has been

termed the " renascence of wonder

U'ngner's melodic and harmonic practice

has eventually prosed of less aigniftcance

than his revaluation and rceonsiruction of the

orchestral complex. Davison’s dispatch to

’ The Timet ' from Bayreuth, published on

30 Aug. 1B76, indicates (he impressions first

received on hearing Wagner's orchestration

and also records an attitude towards the

orchestra which was followed, whether they

applauded his general theories or not, by

Wagner's successors :

The nrrh«Mra Tor t<rtt b« <Mn« Mnwsluns —

likr a wimi t(iat Si alwav' blewinc. a Oui n

•Iwavi ()n»Sntf. iiee« ih«l aft »(w 4 v> bcndin* »n

u> ilie Kurryint* ihe breese bui «*lut

dial KimrilimB ihall l*r the r*wei akwe cso decide. . . .

U it harOlv tno much in say lhai. Apari from the d«»mo

lA wliicii •( 11 allied, ihe nrchnUal mwtic of the ' Rinc '

wAuht tivnify hule mere ai Ihe b«si ihan • hk<««ooo

of chords. «<alc* jiwi infrenuendy ebmmaiicl, fiewm

and snaiehn of lunes, diMribuied CApeiCiowdy aomne

(he iiKirnmenu, '* frrwWeades ’* (a/ M,S**to«). $irar^

an<l unlieartl^ combSiMiHMi*. perpetual rhaocet oTkt^.

eh — a cliAM Af sound m «h<Kt, n«»w more or lest aeree-

able, now mAr« nr In^ the opposite, and. «lepnve%t

the weird and smeular ratcmsimn lhal atieiwls it when

obvlAMily evpijmed by what n bemf said aiad done

upon die s(a«e. almoii unmeaninR.

Technically Wagner increased the size of

the orchestra, amplified Its tonal potential

(and then buried U in the sunken pit at

Bayreuth in order to achieve perfect blend on

the one hand and to avoid distraction on the

other) and made each department self-

sufficient. Thus the importance of (he

orchestral player teas enhanced and his tech-

nique, in time, generally improved. The

orchestra for the " Ring" included three of

each woodwind instrument and, additionally,

English horn and bass clarinet — two instru-

ments used with the greatest felicity; eight

horns, four tubas, three trumpets and four

trombones, together with contrabass tuba, bass

trumpet and contrabass trombone ; and six

harps. It is possible, on practical grounds, to

complain of extravagance ; on the other hand

it was «ily because of this panoply of orchestral

colour that VN'agneT was able to realize such

visitms as arise from Scene ii of ' Das Rhcin-

gold or the translucent conclusion of the

same opera, the dark* toned prelude to * Sieg-

fried * or the forest music of .Act II. In such

episodes the orchestral colour is an end in

itself. On such experiments in orchestration

— which again realized some of the objectives

of Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Berlioz and Eiszt

— the twentieth century has based a Urge

part of its intuitive appreciation of music and

a large part of iu style. The associative

instrumentation of Debussy, Stravinsky, Sibe-

lius, Kodily, Holst and Vaughan Williams

(composers of the order of Bruckner, Mahler,

Strauss, Elgar and, originally, Schoenberg are

more obviously Wagnerian in method) deals

often in concepts which ^^'agner would have

understood, though possibly he w*oulJ have

disapproved, and when each of these com-

posers defines by exploiting English horn, bass

clarinet, brass chorus, divided strings, lie is

acknowledging the debt which 30 th*ccntury

music ow*es to ^Vagner,

>Vhere he intended his influence to be

strongest it is most weak. The dramatic pur-

pose o( the music-dramas is ignored. In all the

operas, excepting ' Die Meisiersinger the

romantic declines to the necromantic and the

relation, as U'agncr chooses to express it, of

(he immortals to the mortals strains credulity

too far. In the end ^ Vagner fails, for the same

reason as the classical opera composers of the

iSth century failed, because neither imagin-

ative nor intellectual probability is established.

There are those, a minority, who cultivate

Wagner with the of his first apologists.

Among these should be numbered some

members oflhc National Socialist Government

of the Third Reich whose adoption of

A Vagner as a party politician, though parti)

(he result of his oivn philosophic heterodoxy,

has proved unfortunate for his pcsihumous

reputation. There are those whose opinion

coincides ivUIi that ni Stravinsky : " (t is high

lime to put an end, once for all, (o this un-

seemly and sacrilegious conception of art as

religion and the theatre as a temple There

is a third party which comprises the present-

day concert public, accepting Wagner as

exeellent entertainment but, opcratically, as

apt " to speak much to little purpose

• Cf. " tVaeiw** inftvnw* <Ht on Hitler, hw

nt^ batf, crwpwi abroad ". ’ Brtbu Diary Of

WiKam L. Shs*r {London. iat>). p. SS> .

• * nHowk el* my Life ’ (London. I 936 >, p> OA

WAGNER : Bibliography


^^'hon prejudice, \vhich aHecu judgment of

Wagner more than that vf almost any ocher

composer, is set aside the unique quality ^the

composer lies in the fact thac he summarizes

the feriiUty of ihe thought and emotional

eyperience of an epoch. ^Vhc^ romanticism

is discussed the arc of \N’agner may be singled

out as the quintessence of that rnodc of thought

and expression. p. u.





Assam AM. Ufa Ain. '\Vj|{ner*s Suinc QuAr«««: «n

Lm 4> in .MM<KAlb|»M«iU(ion’<Mu(. F.. Au«. 194S1.

DetMr. AViMt*. * Ilte Xibcloiw't Kin<’ ^LomIm,

^ '«aj.

Boa Met. Maiv, * Lru«n of Rkh«r<l \VA«fMr; (Ik

BM fiPlI Ik* e<S., Midi aotei, by* John .N. 8<wk

iJyMitlnn, iesi'«

’Km hard Wa^iiM - hii l.ife and tS’wki from iBt)

to iB^t ' I lyxi.lon. illl>}ll .

CiAM 1 1,. Ru MAto. • Kic K j rd Wjmer w ' fW llcriuar

ot Muy< V'wl. I ^Okfurit. ie«s k

Ckauublain, HOA»r'is ^lawAar, * RhIuaJ *.

ir^nt. by O. A. Hi«lki 'LorniiMi, ilb)?).

tun, W. Aiiims, >Ki<luril UAfiKr** Prme* (Pro*.

M«». A* . V«|. Xl\, i9r,i.. lire..

’ I hr l.ifr ui Knlurd W's^urt'. b ««h. J.aiMloa.


FinrR. Hrwav T. ‘ VS’j«nrr mm) hit tV«Kki 3 vnK

ilAJiidon. i4<iii.

Hapov*. tv. * Kirhsril N>'»(nAr * < I/Mojon, I 9 S 4 >

ItioMT, r Ainuir. ’ Kh hArd Wacikt : a (.nural

IlMK'ardi* j VI Jv lUiMhM), »9iS'.

KAr^, h-i.ii t, * I he SYodKA in WAtnrr’t | ifc *. wmh-

Mv Itaniiah 'I^mhIimi. i«|}j|,

KarMHiii, H. t.. • Siu4Kt im ihr VVa«n«rian Ihoma*

iI«im|«im, 18911.

S.*tiHrkr, A(i,i>t, * Sty Krcolkdinr* nf RuiKnl

W«arKr’ UammIah, n.d. Kkr. nric. iMili.

.Sbwuan, U>»ai. • ASMidv8fW**n« ‘ i8m>.

WMTMrr ' iLMMMm.

• ''<»aofr\ 4 voh. rtMidan.

' W*t»>^r t% M.III uMii Sriiti’, snd rd, i.S’rw York


’ StAirnrr XmhiA ’ (I^muImi. i 9 v>‘

ISii'MAifet, (.IV nr, 'Kiihyril (ram br

l.rMit S)a> ,Vr«r Y.Mk. I9S2|.

VAk lurM. h r MM.s AHM, ’ A^iir* «> | kiWM h«A * • LoimI***.

Rava.m, Koarai M, ’ W*wer and " Ih* Nfritur.

riiiifr ’* * (Oifurd. i')tMi.

Shaw, tkoann Kirn a an. ’ Iht Perfr«i Waaneriir: a

C— nmrinyf* on i|,c SibrhinK’* Hint’. td.

11 '•minn. i*yvvi.

Vj.ari.a Ntra. ’ .\trianr4itKt : rrom ihr Hmumh,

to Wamirr ’ 1 New York. 19411.

Waiucb, Vl KliAM. ’HMhjrd W*4(Kr ai he livM *

(lAitioon, i9/Y).


BAvmiAiar. ’ Hkhard Woenrr «i Tmm..

hAMKia pAn«* pArit. I as 1 1,

nrAi riLi. M.. * VVa«nprrikwA«n4mme * <Por>i inaSi

OAUTiia. Jui.rm. • Ayprti ik HjcIuaI WMw-

llrawroH, MAMri. ’ A« baiHiim 4 «(Ikor. LkaL

vvagnrt « Jrun ami*’ <PAtit, 19321

Kvr^i aAiii, MAiRKf, ’ U TViiro do Rkh.rt

Vs.taiKi (p^ru A BruawK. i8^j

I noMi Ait..Oi» Mr. • tV*nKt ' C?ar». loxai

‘till,"?"' ‘ •

fn «‘';“4r-

I{avi. * ftkhard Wagner in Zurich : 1 649-58

8 voL, 1900-:/.

Bo»rt- * Richard Wagner Sm Spirt«l tier

UKfwr Preoe ’ (tVuraUirr, 19)31.

CtiAuntaiAiv, HotnroK SrewAkr. 'Richard W'ainrt ’

^Sfuftkh. 1896'.

DorcPk, Ha-ov, • Richard Wagnen griviirc tntwickluni?'

<L«ip»(e. loAJ).

LcocoT, VVAtinra. * fartiCa) \*Ar 50 Jaliren ; r.n

BavTCUlher Zrilittid ’ iBavrruth, I4)3|.

Fotear, Rkiiaou. ’ Bayrrutli kur dreittig Jaliren ’


FrtlO, .Ma8 . ’KHhnrJ W'avnrn Scliwcierr Zch '

^Aarau & Leipaie. 14)4).

FoK»ttB.NctT»UHr. L4iSA»(fii, 'Wagnrr uiid Nkir.

mIk tor Zeit direr FrTuiMlrdiafi ’ < Munich, tnsi 1

CfcAWVAPr, C. F.. • Oat l.e»^ Rlkliard Wagncft ’.

o AMt. Leiprig. i89i*i4iij.

Hrotnio. FkismiKii. ‘ Minna Ptaiicr imd ihre Elie

mil RKhard W agner ’ rl^ripuB. >916 1 .

llao»kaA.vp>, Ktkr. MVaener uckI N'imtrlir: ihr

K^pf grcrii dai nruiitrlmie Mrliundeii ’

^Drrdau. 19241.

Kara. J«iK» • Orr inner Wtener: Dkhtuiisni,

.Sufutir. LoiMiirfr * 'Br/hii. I9i«>i,

'Knliard tVaenrr: erne Bnigraiihie ttftd rd.

•Herlin. l9i9J.

• Hachaid W 2giKr Hod dk rrauen Ddi «d. iBrrhti


Kikii. LkNvr, 'Hkliard Waunrii Unhiiriirctitiiii'J

• Orr Kine drt XiMuiierii ’ ' l.rijunr. mI.i,

KniM, Ma*. 'Ktchard Sta«hrr’. 3 vidt. ^Urrlhi


ktmt’T. Ahru PM. • Kkhacd tSavnri : Nn^rtund Iniifnet

am wmeni ).abrn nrnJ Vliadcn * >Urrlin. mpiv),

lukary, Aiikrn. Mhii >nm>|K«Mpiii in Richard

tSaenrvt Muuk * • Munich, inj j '.

• 0« CchnmiM* d.r korm Iki Kiclianl Waviirr*

'Brrlt*. la |tn>rtr»ti.

Kka.tw.M. Kaver 4 Fi • irt. r.ui>Aki>. ' Richard Wagner

HI iSer Karikacuf Rrdin. iqci^j.

Lttewnp. Ac-ei ir. • Lrinnrrunern an Kiihard W aarier ’

'l.«paK, i»84>.

LiWM. WcHoeuAa, •Rirhard Uaenm Wrhannurie

undRuckkrhr; tAjn ill$2‘ iJJrekdrn, 1027). “

Lctoe. Pmx A.Ttivk. -Ituh-fd Wafhrn VillmclunB

«^^Tra*ik det druiMhen Kumaiiiik ' (Munich

*^*”ferrti'*iV.cr“^*^ Wagner all A«dieiihrr'

Mokwn. Mai^ ’SVaMian Kampf und Sie». dareeiirlli

**ehur.|er. »u W len \ a vtJi, (Vienna.

Npviiavm. a Si.r i o, • Uinnenioien an Ru ha rd W’aanr r •

3P*led. 'I^pri*. I9i»7i, » '* .

Rorui . hro^riAM. • lAotwig JJ ,,,^1 Ri.hard tVagner \

. J *?**' M"""*'. 'on k ipmi. •

KwharJ Waciier m Muiuheii ’ ' KatMmn. Joihl

.'iii w'tLH.i.Si'I'i",’,

(rd.N \NeiM WagnenFurKhunsen*

R-artKuhe, e9*5 fT.. in "

Skawn und I.ntwurfe lux Rm«-DKlifgng ‘ i Munich.

S.a«mvc«. ^,0. . Rja,ard Wagner in Munehei. :

iw«-7r» (MtinKh. 3933/.

•Ver.ucd ubrr

Wafner 'Berlin & Frank Kuei • M,. iqs»>

-Ermnerungen an Richard

'•***rr (LrilMiR. ti.d.j.


{CngKUi learidaiioai arc given where Ihey eaki)

von Richard Warner. 1673-83 •

LTi. rvj. oy A., t, V>l4'

^nj Vk^gnet

. wk o. WK %$4 iMHiuonk n a

*^“,1 ^ • Leiwn of Rieha,

Bu/rcU (utHeeben * rLondoo, 1951)



WAGNER : fiibUography-^Works

' Dri«re an Ham v«n BhI«w * (JeiM, 191&).

' CortetponderKe of Warner and LUzi’, taaJU. fry

Franci* Huefftr, 9 voi», (LoitdM, iW91.

* Familienbnrfe von Richard Wafscr, 1839-74* {fieriin,

>»)), ed, bv' C. F. C)aa«napp, maa. by W. AAiea

EJIi* 4Lnnd«0, 1911).

* Kdniy Ludwig H und Richard Wagocr : Brkfwectad %

4 volt. (Carltruh«, 1937).

’ Letters of Richard Wagrtef co Anton PuaineUi *, irana.

aud cd. b)' Elben Lennow ;N«w York, 1939).

* Lettm of Richard \Vamtr (o Eiml Heckcl, with a

bn«r hittor> of the Bartcuih Fntivah*. trans. by

W. Ashton Ellii (London. 1899),

' Richard Wagner an Eiiea \SiUe * (fterlirt: now ed..

1908), ^V. Onlihee.

' Rjchard VN'amrr an Freunde und Zeirienofioa *. «d. bv

Erieh KI0M (Berlin; end ed , rang)

* Rtrhard Wagner an Ham Rkhter^ {1868-831. cd. by

Ludwit Karpaih (9«rlif> ai«d Vknau, Idas).

* RKhard Warner an Maihilde Maier*. cd. by Ham

Scholl (Leipeig. 1980).

* Richard Wagner an Minna W'ofner*. » vcdi. (Bertifi

and Leioiic. 1809), «d. by N. von WdsefcA. (ran*,

br \V, A. Ellk (Lertdon. 1909).

’ RirKard Warnrr an seine KumUer*. ed. by Ericb

KloM (Berlits. 1908).

* Richard ^Vagner an Theodor A|>cl ’ (Leiphg, 1910).

* Rkhaed Wagner: LettcR to Weaendonck er af,’,

(ia». by W. Ashton Ellis (London. 1899),

* Richard Watnei to Mathildc Weaeodoock '. vam. by

W. Ashtoe (Londors. 1903).

‘ Richard Wagivr und Albert Nieisaso «d. by W.

AJtmaftn (BeHio. 1914).

' Richard W^ner und taiae ersU " Elisabeth *’ Johansa

Jachiiiaiia.Wagrter : ein never Beitrag nir Wagner*

loncbuof .* ed. by JuUui Kapp and Ham Jaehmann

(Berlin. 1997). lozpans: (0 Richard Wmes's

rebiions with his brother Albert's ramiJy. by iCapp ;

(9) Johaaiut JachmaoB.Wagner. a biography oy

t achmann. Conuins mtny letters of Wagrver

itherto unpublished, several illusirtilons. and a

alofvcaj laMe of the Wagner family frora

uel Wagner. 1643-1703,

* Rkhasd Wagitet’i Letiers to August Roeckel'. tram.

by Eleattor C, Sellar (Bristol. n,d.>.

* Richard Wagner’s Letters to hit Dresden Friends,

Theodor Uhlig. Withelin FiKher and Ferdinand

Heine’, traats. by /> S. SKedloek (Lor^en. 1890).

*Tbc Nkusche-Wigner Correspondence* (London,

SOSO I. ad. by EJiaabeih Focnter*Nietasche, tram, by

a V- Kerr-

A chronologkal summary of Wagner’s leiiers may be

(ouAd in W. AJunaan’s ' Rkhard Wacnera Briefr nacb

^tfalgi und Inhall*.



(Lsbeettos all by the Campos o r)





’ Die Hoehaeit * (unSnjihed).


* Die Feer> *. on Ueni’s * La domt


serpents ’.

* D«s Liebetverboi. oder Dk Novice


von Palermo *, on Shakespeare's

' Measurr foe hfsMuve '.

' (Cola) Rlensl. der Irtstr de* Triburven

er> Biilwer Lvtton’s novel and Mary

Rimell Mkilord'i play.


* Dee flieget^e HdUnder *. oa an


eniio<le in Heine’s ' Memealen des Hevm

ton Schnabekwopski ’.

'TannhAusax ursd der SAngerkrkg auf



' Lohangrin,’


* Der Ring des Nibelungen *. on the


Nibelung Saga:

Pas Rheingold.

Die Walkurt.




' Trittari und Isolw*, on the Tristram



and Y«euU legend.

' Pie Meiitersinger von Numberg.*


' Parsifal.'




Muokb. •9iuae t&S8.

Magdeburg, t9 Mar. >83$.

Dresdea, Court Opera, eo Oct. 1849.

Dreaders. Ces»n Opera, a Jan. 1843.

Dresden. Court Opera. >9 Oct. 1643.

Weimar. Court Opera, >8 Aug. 1830.

BavteuOi, Wagner Festival Theatre,

I). 14. 16 4 ry Aug. 1870.

Munich. Court Opesa. tt Sept. t88f.

hlunsrh. Court Opera, aBjunc tl70«


(gi* eaeor.i

Muftkh. Court Opera, to June 1683.

Munkh. Court Opera, et June i8£8.

Bayreuth, Wagiser Festival Theatre.

July 188a.


* Die letite Heidenverschworung in Frcueseei, oder Der

deutsche Riiteroeden in Kdntfsbcrg *, ptay by J.

Springer (t837).


* Neujahn-Kaniaie * for chorus 4 eech, {iB94>.

* Nicolai *. national hymn for solo voke. eberus 4 erch.


Chorus for the vaudeville *La Descente 3 la CouniOe*


* Das LkbesmahJ der Apostel ’ £»e m«Q*s cticesu 4 oeefa.


* Wemegtuss ’ (be the unveilma of the mentorial to King

Frederick Augustus I os Saiony. loi unaccomp.

men's chorut {1843).

* Cr\m seiner Treuen an Friedrkh AuguMdeoCdiebten*

for unaccomp. RS«n*s chorus (t8^).

* An Weben Qrabo* (be unaccomp. meo's chorus

{• 844 )-


Ovcnuec. C ma.

Overluec, Bb ma. (1B30I.

Ceeecrt Overture, 0 mi. (1831).

Caisceet Overture. C ma. (1831).

Sruspbony, C ma. (t83C|> . ^ . .

Or Lu ut e to Raupoch’s * Kdnig Entio ( 1 83c).

Or et i^ s * CbrtsMoh Columbus * (S833).

Overium * Rule. Bciiarsnia ' (1836).

Ouenuee ' Rolonia * (1838). ^ ^ , , *..1

* Eroe Fawl Ouveeiuie *. on Goethe s * Faust (18401.

‘ HuMsQfungtmafsch * < 1 884).

'Siegfried Idyll' ItByo).

* Kamemarsch' (tflyi).

Anwscao Ccntennsal hlaich {1876).


Stf wg QaaeieL D ma. (t899} (lost •)*

* A •* coosecttiral fecomtnrclioo ” of another

mainly on materia &«an the ’Rutg . *'•»

CesuM Abraham ia t943>



' AlbimtbLatt E9 ida. (i 07 s).


O mi.

Sm«u, B? ma. (tSjt).

Pinuiy, F2 mi.

' Em L>^ ohne Wofic *

Albu m Sonata. E9 nu. ( I Hi) . <m MaOuldc Wnernitink.

* AlbijmSUti \ A9 ma. Owc).

* AlbombUtc AnkuMA b*i den vbwanes S<kw^n ’

tin It, loe C:««4ieH Pisurtaln,

* AlbomUaU C nu. UWti. Tur Pmcns Meileni^h


PvlMuiie, D rna. (i 03 i>.


} C*»rnpMi(iuM frwmCoeiheS * Fau'i * lids*)

i. t^eO Jer S<Mjaun.

i. BeucrA uniet tier Lin4«,

3. BraAUen Lied.

4. Lied ilea Me^iiiophelei. I,

i . Lied de% Mepliittophelei, M.

. Mcine Hull' nt hin.

7. MeloilrAAt.

* Drr TaimenlMiiiH' iScheuefleta) <•8301.

^ wua GrenailieA • <lleii>e. ft. u*n*.» <illi9*]«> ,

t>wr(. rnun eiifaia ’ (?) fi84oj

' Miffvmne * tV.tftr «k R*n«ari|j 1 1840}.

Aiifiiie' tV'iimr Hmvm; ti&ivj

* Lei Ailieua de Siueer rEeraii«er) l4v><,

J II ett du'onetei futilivee ' (Jeji* Kebouli . iSao).

rwnr Uedirlifi «en klaihikM '

I. iVr I.Atel

i. Xuhe Mill rik^i.

). IfH 'JVetlihaui' (iIjSl,

4. Sehmefjeh

a. I r«ume 1

* KNfl'J.mbheA , wnaieoeiuk Ewlirim mac far ike

, iKMel maAaaer Kraft at l^ijuia 118711.

FiMlirrtmd \ UMareoati., hhii fer ik« Neai^itaA dncer

PeppitM <? »Mg>. ^

ADDl rrON Af. VOC:.\L riF.CLS

Allrf ft*r an aria in M*rx liner • |)er Venimr ►

K«m4Mie ftir h4M fiir K. ftum i .M*,

••ml Muh«r MAnj,

Sntia for far Weial’. * .Sehwei ler fo milie * i . H,).

Ana far ^ -*ih men'* etwru., for feelhni’i • .VwfM '


fteetli'xrrn'i ninth Sympfomy, far pt tt8)oi

R nnnri * s.MrM muHeaki -Le> Mannim* for ijmI

AAh ItA^ftj.

j>miienri • U foeiwiia *, for p(. eie, (ifleo .

JoAiiejii 1 * f; el, Hr am«t* -.htof t liioi.

H •** ‘ '‘y*” '• Ff- **• <**l»‘*

n*W*Si L« Oaiurrero*, for pf, 0841).


Clnrb** * 1p|iit4nSp en AuliHe * <1848}

HelcunnaS * StalMi Mater ’ f tSil).

Maun**' Den Uioeanni * 0830).


(Conteau of the edWeted eilttinn, le v«fo..

end ed. 18S7-88)

Voi. I,

. *'*' ^>M»nmtSereu»**l* * fP.W.. |. iv , •

Emkitune ' fP.W., Vll, i) ’

l>4* Irr^aer^; ke^ht abet eine etue oLer»

^ amebfoa.aphv

; Kknr,. drr kiw tier TribgneQ,*

Em Jeanrhe, ,n?,n^. Noeelkn «n.| AnRair.

li»*>yAd |84«). I. Erne P.lrerkkn »u Beeiheven

9 . L,n Lmle m Paru. $. Ei. alwekikber Abend

Thi« ami similar tefereneea are to (he PmIm

Allen eTlII ' Week!,*. Vv


4. Ober devuebn Muitkweun. j. Der Virinoi and

drr KunMler. 6. Der Kunadcr uad dk Onenilich*

fceiA 9. Rosunt’j '* Sul>at Mater**.* (P.W,, Vlt,


‘ Cber die^rveriore * (P.W., V!l, lir).

* Der Frehihuu in Parii * '1841). 1. * Der Freiscliuir:

An Uu Penver fublikum 3, * Le Freachutt*

Berieht *i4<h E>euuchfoiMJ >P,W’.. VIL 167)

'Berkhi aber cine neue Parit«r Owr (** (^ Rone de

Ohy'pee*' 1*00 Kakvvi ’ tP.W., Vlf, aoj. Sit

aneiber ankle in P.W„ VII], 17^1

* Oer fketaade HeUander.*

\«c. If.

' kmlekoaic * (P.W.. VII, aakt,

* Tani^iacr unH tkr Sanrerkrirg auf \N aitbai*?.'

' IfotHkl uber dk HeimbrineutiV der icrrL|Kl,rii

I berretie Krul Maria xnn Wpbera aui l.mdnM nacli

nrenlen: Rede an Wrben Inner Huheitjtte.

Oeuns n*(h der BeiUituAf,* (Lx traded from (lie

aatobie<ra|ihvl <PAV„ VTI, ar?).

’ Dcrrchi uber d*e AuffiihrunB der neunirn Symidicmie

SOM Benhmen, im fehre 1846, rinbt I'/earamm

daio,* tPraenauiobrnsraplivi (P.W., VII, ran).


'Uk\VibeluQ«en: WrltfeKhiihtcairt dec .Saar.* (Writ*

ten 1848. pvU. iM^) (P.W.. VII. as?).

* Ikr \»belu«ice n *.Mxtliu*aJi LniNsurTiu emem Drama *

• I».W., VH, io>| ,

*S*ecir>ed* rod* 'P.SV., VIM, l|.

I rink»peiHh «m ficdrnhxiase d« 7«Ki|.j|,rieeri Detirlirni

der k4mielMh«« nmukalitihen Ka|vMe n< Dreklen *

'P.U-, Ml, 717'.

LhiHurl rur Orearmation elnet <lrnti«heri .Vjiiimel.

(heeten for dax Konkictrli Narh»en ilH*yr' 4*.VV.,

>ll. i»8i.

' lUnkUunt >om druten uikI xirrirn DanJr * II* W

I. 4)J.

' l»ie Kanw and dK Hex^at*a>i * fp,W., L So),

• >M Kvntiwerk iler /ukunfl * (J*.W., I, Oo?.

’ V>Klan4 der Sthmkd, al« Drama etituwrkn * (P.W.,

’ Kynlt und Klitiu * (P.W.. I,

*Oprr xMMi Dranxa, enter leil: Dk Oper ,1.,

WeKA der Ma^k ' ( P.W*. . 1 1 . a j ), ^ " ’**

Vdi.. JV.

*C>per «ind DraAxa, tx*eiier ximl drltter Ted: Dai

Vhaiwl xnfo <l4i Wexen <lrf Jra matin hen

XlKhlkMtiM DnbtkufHi and Tniikunat iin Drama

•for ^akuMi ’ ip.W., II, J17J.

Lme Mitteilunt an ineine Freunde * (P.W,, 1. irC?).

VoL, V,

’ ft**n fanftea ynd icihnen Bamie ' (l',W.,

^'*11* W*f{|%‘!*^'^'"**' *"

* fan llwatee rn /nrkh ' 'P,W.. Ill tj)

den Hrta,„arhpf

Nn»en/e»ue fciift for M a»,k *’ *, ( J*. W , . | f | , .«)

Ifoi JudeBMm HI der Muuk ’ tp.w.. Ill ^ot

KrmM^iten an Sponiim * fp.W,, III, i,jj.

^'**IP W*"ll Chordirekter W. Pi»rher '

^^Tu* “ Iphiienia in Auli» *** (P.W.,

* j*dk ^Auflabrunf dn ** Tannhagier *' * (P.W*,,

*• TTJiix '■

• . Erlaulervnren. i. Ikeihoven **

« Ouvenure lu

*Mm ** Fhejenden

iMUnder. 4 . Oovenure tu ** Tannha Met ' *

, ,. '• “ Lolientrin ** * (P.W,. JJ], eio)

^ III »>mpj*urii4ehe Pichiunfen * (P.W,,

Voa. VI.

' B«hnAAfat»nkl. Enter Ta* :

Du WaUore. : s/e^fried, * ^

Ta«: Cfoncrda





' Epito(iMb«rBcricKiub<rdieU«r»UrMl«undSchieka«W.

Hclchc die Aiufuhruo^ de« Buhn«nCesup<e)«» **

Kinf de« N)b«lur\f«n'* ho iwr VcfoAmUkhuBc

det DichtuAf deuelbea bectdcMeo * (P.W.. 111.


VOL. VI 1 ,

* Tri$i«A und (wide *

* Em Brief «n Heeter Betiioi ' (P.W., 1(1. tBs>.

* ''ZukuiJumueik . ao «inen rremtesucbm Frcuod

(F. Villoil Alt Ververt su cieer Fro»A>Uben«(tuB4

meiner Op«rn*Dichtungcn * (P.W.. Ml. *93).

* Bcrichi ubee dte AulTuiimn* 4 v* “ Tannhauser ’* ui

P*ri»<briellkh) ' (H.W,. 1(1, 34}).

‘ Ole Mei*(eninf«r ven Nuinbcre.*

' Du Wiener Hcr>Opemiheatee * (P.W.. Id, 961).

Vot. \'I(I.

' 0«m kbnifliehen Frrunde: Cediehl * {P.W., IV, i).

* Ul>er bt 4 *i und Keli^iMi * (P.W., (V'. 9).

' Dewieebe Kunii urul «leu(»ehe Foiidk * (P.W.. (V. 39).

’ fiericht AA Seine MajeetAt den kenic L^rdwig 1 1 ren

Bavem ubec eine in blunchen eu errichiende

deuiKhe Mutibtehule ’ (P.W., IV, 191 }.

* Meine Crinnerencr^ an Ludwig ^tineer v«n Caeel^

feW (FAS',, IV, Mj).

* 2ur SS'idmung der sweitert AulUge ven ** Over «mm 1

Drama ' (l».W., d.jK

* Gen.ureii ; I, W. H, RieftI MF.W„IV. 159). ’#. FardU

nartd Killer * (P.W., (V, edi), ‘y Cme Eeinnerunc

an HoMini * (P.VV„ IV, 369). *4. EdiMed De.

vrient ' (F.W., IV, 373), '9. Aufklarunren uber

*' Daa Judentum in <ler Mudk " * (F.SS'., 1 ( 1 , 77),

' Uber dat Dirieiren * {ibbol (F.W,, IV. ti*).

* Drei Ueclkhie: 1. Rbeintekl. s. Bei der VolleMking

del '* Siegfried “. 3. Z*im 99. Augwti itTO ’<F.SV,,

IV, aM),

VoL. (X.

' An datdeuiMhe Heert'er Karw (Januae 1I7O ' (P.SV..

V, 0

' Eln^Kapi lulalien. Lxiiitpkt in an liber Maitoer * ( P.W*,.

* Erlnnerungen *11 Auber ' (P.W,. V, 99).

' fieeihe^en (publ. 9 Dee. iSj©) (P.W.. V, 97).

'Uber die Betiimmung dee OiWr * Ube aecouni af

SVilhrlmine Srhrueder*Dv«rtmi n (r»m the Aut»<

biegrapKv) (F.W., V, la?).

' Cb«r Sehautpieler urul Sanger * (P.W.. V, 197).

'/um Venrat der neunten SymiihcMe Beelhevem '

I P.W,. V, ♦«>.

* SendKhreiben und kieinere AufUtie : 1. Brief uber

det Srliautpielerwen^ an einen Selwuepieler.

a. F,in r.inbliek indatheutigedevueheC^rnweten.

9. Brief an einen naltenmhen Prewnd ub«r die

AulTuhrung dee " J,ehenarin '* in Moeno.

4. Schreiben an den Boreermciwer ven BeieiM.

( An Friedrich Nieiaache. nnl. Pref. dee kbw.

Kilelegie in Baeel. 6 . Uber die Bencnnwig

■' Nfuiikdrama 7. Einteitunc tu einer Vertesung

drr ** Guiierdamnteruetc “ vet cinent atMewabltea

Zulwrerkreite in Berlin' (P.W.. V. 999).

* Bayreijih ; 1. Schlucebenchi ubee die UintUitde ueid

Sehiektale. wekhe die Auafuhrvng del Bwhneei*

leiupieie* "Der Rint dei KibeJwngen " bet lue

Geundung ven Wagner-Vereinee begkiieten. a.

Dai DuhnenfetupielKaui ru tay r^ ib, nebtt

elnem fierichi uber die Crundtieinleitveiv de!ael<

ben ' (P.W., V, 9 n 7 ).

Vofc. X.

* Uber cine Opemauiruheung in Leipik : Brwfan den

Herjunehcr dei " Mwikalbchen Wnehenblaiiet '* ’

(P.W., Vt. O.

‘ Ba*reuih. Bavreulher Blaiier; i. An die gceheien

Vor«iand« der Rkhard Wagne«*Vefeuic. a. Eni*

wurf. verufTeniliehl mit den Scamien det Patranac*

^reiAet. 9 > Zur Emfuhrww (Barrewthet Blatter,

Erttet Stuck). 4. Eie Wart mr EinRtheung der

Arbeit Haiu vgn SVolaogfm. " UbM Vcerviiww

und Erreiiung der deuuchen Spraehe”. 9. £/•

klarunr an dk MiigUcdee dca Pairan a cve reirw v

S, Zur Einfuhning in Jaa Jahe iMn. 7. Zwr

Miiieilung an die geebrten rairane Puhexn

fetiipiele in ■ayvevih, g, 2 ue Eiitfahrting

Arbml dec Crakn Gnbinau ** Cki lietheil ubec die

ieiaige WedUge" (P.W., VI. ij).

* Wa* iat detitach? fiB65-70)’ (F.W., IV. 149).

‘ Modern ' (P.W., VI , 49).

' PuMikuai und PepulAnUt * (P.\V., VI, 9:).

' Eia RuckUKk Au/die Buhaen£suE4el< d« Jahrea tSTb '

(P.W,, VI. 94).

* WeSen wir hoffen? " (1679) ' (F.W., VI, iii).

* pberdAa Dicluea und Kompemrtn * (P.W., V(. :90.

' Uber du Opera Dichien und Komponiien im b«Mn«

derea' (P.W.. VI, 149).

' Ober die Anwendung dee Muaik auf dai Drama '

(P.W., VI. 179).

* OneneaSchretben an Herm Emit von Weber, Verfauer

der SchriR : "Die Folterkaounem der Wiuen*

KhAA"*(F.W..Vl, 193).

* Relirwo und Kunai (iBBo): *‘Wu nuui diew

wkennuiiu? " £in NAchirag tu ** Religion und

Kwmt.*' Autfubrungeo tu *' Religiea und Kunii "

(iBSiJ. r, ** Erkenne dkli telkni." a. Heldenium

und Chmientum ’ (P.W., VI , ai 1 ].

' Brief in H. v, Wdeoeen ’ (P.W., M. 3S9).

* OfTenet Schreiben an Herrn Friedrich Sohen (n Wermi '

(P.W,, VI, »9J).

* OaiBuhnenktiariiel in Bayreuth, idSa '(P.W., VI, 901!.

’ Berkht uber die Wied^auffiihrung einoi Jugend*

^rrkea. an den Merauageber det " Muiikaliiehen

WochenblAiiet’' ' (P.W,, V], 919].

* Brief an H. v. Stein * (P.W., VI. 939).

* ParulU.*

(’ (.ebenaerinnerungen,* ThU it the privately priaied

Autobtotraphy from whkh the ekiracu in Vole. I,

l( and IX nsemioried Abo\e are uken).'

An Cngliah irarHlauon by W. Aihioii Ellii of the

'Cetammcitc SchriRen *, exluding, uiih lome minor

ewepiioew, (he poerei. but including mme Additional

eatav*. uaa puUnhed in iSga^, The eight vojumec

appear under the general title 'Richard Wagner’i

iVoK Woeka ' and hai'e the Mlowing luUiilei ;

Vol. I. (iBpe). * The Art* Work m the Future \ etc.

V^. tl. iiMt). * Opera and Dvama.'

VoLKI. filtM). ' The Theatre.*

Vol. IV. (iBaO. ' Art and Poliiiri.*

S*«l. V. ( iBap). ‘ Aeion and Singen.*

Vol. VI, ( 1B97). * Rebrion aod Art.'

Vol, VII, (iBrti. ' In Parii and Dretden,'

Vol. VIII. (iB^). Pofihufoetp. etc.




* Die dewtMhe Oper’ tBjo. Laube’i * Eeiiung fur die

elegante Well ’ (P.W. , V ( 1 1 .95).

Paatkeio ven Canto Spiaoato. N^. iBS 4 . (Bay. Bl.,

I ** 4 . PP* SSl-O*) (PAV., V 1 1 1. »p).

* Die glwralKhc Baeenfaniilie * ; a libretto for a cermo

S ra, aRee a Mery in tbe * Arabian Nighir* (1B99)


foeher Amuaententi (P.W.. VTII. TOl.

'Berliet*. 5 May iBji. rBay. Bl., 1BB4, pp, S$ 4 B)

(P.W.. Vin. 191).

' BelUi ' (Bay. M., 1 ^. 1SI9) (P.W., VIK, 67).

Panaet FataliUiea fur Druuche. rienod V. FreudenfMcr.

Appeared 1B41 in LewaU'c * Europe ' (P.W., VKI,

V- .

* fiianea und Ciincppe, oder Die Pfanioten vor Niata .

(jbreito for an opera aRer H. S, Kottie'i novel

* Die hohe Braut Sketch isade in iQ^d. tent to

Scribe in 1B9S. Put Inla vene for Uciuiier at

Dretden: uiherouenily tel to muHC bt J, F. KittI

and performed in Praeue. iB«B.

' Die Saeatenen *. plan for libretio of a 9Mict tranc

K . F«m skeicb of poem. 1B41 : detailed plan .

given in the * Naehgelauene SehnfKn

ti'.w,. VKI. a 9 »>.

'Friedrwh Rothbart *. ikeich for a g-act drama.

bis 1B4B. ^ . .

' Rede gehalten Jm Valetlat»d»*Veeein au Dr^en .

14 June rBa*. (Tappen, pp. 99 - 4 «i P.U,,IV, i 96 '>

• Jew Naaareth ', a poetic draft. Wntwn beiwem

Nov. iSjt and tbe early part of 1849, Fine pu>

Ikhed m 1BB7. Sn P.W,. VIIL 9B9,

‘ It i* founded 00, or •deniical with, the bcochoee

' Mein Lebes of « bieh ooly th ree eopin wore luppoied

M eahL Mn, Bwreell prove* that there w ere many more

(one in bet pwtiion), and that it it m, moMY de^

tmtruMworehy, ‘ Mein Uben ' «a* l>«bl<^ m 19M.

rtt kAa. Sn afm ‘ Lettm of Richard Wagner : the

BuereB CeUeotion ’ (London, 199 1 ).

WAGNER (Sjegfried)

' 7 'he*UrT«rorm. Dretdener Aa2#i««t Jan. 1A19.

(Taepm. pt*- * 4 - 4 ^ ; P-W.. \'1 11. 2M.)

Grtnn Cfmgnt. Ballei vm Kou.* An ankl« in ibc

* Oitcrrvwhuche Zniunc *isned f. C. {P«i«

Coni«li«ul. bvi 9«r(lv bV WaciMf.

‘CraMcbnfl lur Cart Tauui \ li?).

* Richard Wagiier, Eniwur^. Ccilankm, Fra«m«nic.

Au» (leo nachg«laM^ca Pap^rm gutamiiMn*

S<* 9h» Acccnfuaiion Int wordii Alfdiora <«oed^

irumi^i). Aubcf (onnion edj. firlU «’\N KUad ilet

^chinjed *. opera on >V.’( lib.). BiaiKa mmI 4iiu«epoe

J^V. > lib.), ho, IP, Biaaua < 1 , are. U Krt bprtl ,

Brrndcl ladvcKacy uf VV.r, Cliaboer imflur^te on.

^adrille on * TmUn CbroMalKiun 1 J «nu«. eaa.-.

CnM*«<y(iee <x.^ Cottier T., * lunc ' leajn

UKiMh rieiiiAC of Fi. lib. o| ' K>inc Dbuhnaon * &

rnn4.nl * laniihauKr’, Part*. iMi/. F«ure lOc of*

Cvnmra • Haiu S»«ht ' opera ar>i«cip. * McMtrr-

iincer ;. HerkrUlanna um m * rtiwan’). Huoiper-

iliitfck ^auitia/K« Hiih ’l*atiifal\. Kiid >’8un<a

und fiiowppr’. U'.’» bb. eomno«r<l<. Klind»o«ih

Kor« of *KiMo'?. KurpiAthi .tone u«m| m

Pulnn^ overiuev., LeUriMHiv 1 w (.Mar failrer*

irv.laMi .\i). Ijv funeral piece ht »i«. «iei 4 liatp',

Mjeteillaite liitr «/ in ronf.. MiKabAkh 'V^wlaiol

lib. I. Modalalmn «ea.<. Muhl lurck td ^

M JKliri Hlirine adapted F>r ’ Steitiemi>cer *>. NeriaMl^

(adKrrenc « rnriny). Opera.pp. ai ).|6. Oterivre 1 fv.4u>

imi iiilopteludci. Puller itymphony cuiMhaietJ by .

UiiMlIibet 'ei. in * Meitc«nii«rr ’ 1 . Rad ivn. 4 id,

num on (lienirti. RorSe 'Ft. tram of (annhauter

H**eckel <j, inendtbipi. Sr«|iMn<et Mreatmeni nf',

inarodv nf • I aonhaoier * 1 . Turotai* •»

'aniAmo ilMueh. trana. of

FIvInt Dyuhniao’ lib.j. WafenMil 'J, C., Myrre.

lK«>k fur * MeMirr^iiKct *

WAGNER. (HeUericb) Siegfried (*.

Tricbschm nr. Lucerne, G June idGn' ^

Biyrculh, 4 Aog;. iyy».

Cermoh conductor and composer, son of

the preceding. He was Richard ^ Vagner'*

and Ortinia von Dulow’s nnly son and (he

direct eiuse of Hans von Bulow's at la»( seek,

ins: a divcarce, although Cenima had finally

left him more than three years berore. The

decree was made alooluie early in 1870, and

\Nagmrr and Dnirna were married on 18

.July, when Siegfried was more than a year

old. Wagner wrote the ‘ Siegfried Idyll ' in

hu honour that year, and it was performed

on Co^mias hkihday. a*, Dec. 1870, in the

siaircajic of the house at TriclischeB.

•Siegfried was ftrti intended to become an

jrchlircl, hot he preferred to follow hU father's

foots leps, althr.ugli at a considerable distance.

After studying with Humperdtnek and Knicse

he acted as sulj-conducior at the BayTeuth

h estiva I Theatre in 1B94 and subsequent

years, tlirecung some of the performances

trom 1896 onwards. Although he was not a

great conductor, he did his work well enough

jor his mother to sireieh a point and to allow

him 10 take a |>laee which, outside the family,

was open only to the most distinguished con-

dueu^ of the day. The coniroJ of the theatre

and lu fesitvaU naturally passed into his

hands when Gemma Wagner rellnquRhrd her

I>er 5 ona rccponsl bilily, and as an administra.

■" "’“""i-"* '•i*

‘ Sehnsucht by Sieg.

tried Wagner was brought out in 189^ aiSl


I as

jriayed with fair success wherctXT his father’s

music was most ardently admired, but it was

as an operatic composer that he ivorked

most assiduously, undeterred by the irxiiflercnt

successes <4 his w'orks, which would probably

nc\*er have reached the stage at all but for

the great name he b^e and the indulgence

granted him as an illu^irioui nun’s son. Like

his father, he was his own librettist. J'hc

ftdiou ing an* bicgfrinl \Vagncr'8 <>|M*ras :

* Jkf B«rct»li»y(cr \ MuiiKh. iflpo.

’ llr«<4i< >V«klfan< MynKli. i»ui.

* Iter KoboM *. Hambure, 191/4.

‘ beiHker LwImt (tamkiyrK. ipo^,

‘ MetneAfcboi ’. ildintMirs. ({Kia,

* Byna4miKh *. t;drktul«, 1910.

‘ \n aSlem lU liuu}>eii w liylJ *. SiyiigArt, 1917.

’ s<hMa(rKh%«ji>'nrrM>i Ctrhrulir. I91A,

' >uiMxnA«AinKH *, |)«inviailt. 1910.

’ l^r ^Kkm*e^J s«a SUrKiibur^ KoW«Hk, 1973,

* liei* f rie<ki«WACel *, (UiJ.rylir. iy<b.

* IVr ’. tkAninc. 193],

* Keitiulf uiid ,k«teU'ia * 1 iHii pr<Hluirdi,

* St *linopCrr ’ '*kh pr.aiy<e<n.

* 1>K lwil>tr LiimIc ’ «iHM pro4urr.l).

II. T., adds,


Datar. Oito. * Nieyfeksl Usenet und win U>rk '

*8aiwihhi i 9 esj.

•Sw«^ie4 Vsactwr ynd die Maicl^noptr ’ iLriprif.

fftAWSAtr, <t. t , * SievfiiMi tVarner imi 4 >ifw Kim»«

.... 1 w»M-» J.«iiwtff, >911. iniy. inifl',

PaiMwa, Pa,i. MHe KuMt SKufricsl W4gfirrs: ciii

Fuli(er«lu«h wiAc VNerke ' nirjj.

Uai.ma, S«lt.rRiiB, * l.tiAAcruiiCeii * 1 Sliiiiudtt. I 9 »s).

WAGNER TUBA. A spiHial kind of tulm

invented by Wagner far the • King uith the

olijest of bulging the gap between ihc horns

and tromlxmes {P/.ATJi 75, V.d. VlH, p.

3?8 j . Four of these Wagner tubas form a set,

and they are iniendcd to be playciJ by die

extra quartet (»f horn players, who alternate*

between (he instruments as the part dlreeis.

The quartet consists uf two tenor iid>as in U>

which are playrtJ by the lifth and sovemh Jmrn

playcfs, and two bass tubas in F. played by

the sixth and eighth horn players. I'hrse iwo

are the same as horns In Ilk ally and F.

llw main l>ody of the msirumeni is built

in the sJiape of an ellipse, like most German

tenor horns, with the Ml cincnting from the

iop Pi p slightly ubiique angle, while the

losver end almost resu un ilie play er’s lap

In the centre of this ellipse arc the four rotary

vrives which arc manipulaicd by the fingers

of the kft hand, the fuunh valve lowering tJic

pitch by a perfect fourth- The conical bare

increases steadily throughout the whole

iCTgth and icrminaies in a small Ml, thus

differing from the horn, whose bore Increases

sJowl^y up to the last fool of its lengih,

when 11 (lares out suddenly into a bell, the

diameter of which measures over 2 irw. more

than that of the tuba. The wider bore,

though not nearly as Urge as that of a true

tuba, results in a certain lack of incisivenes*

in the attack and makes the instrument much

freer to blow than the hom ; thus in perform-

ance intonation is the paramount difficulty.




The ordinary horn mouthpiece is uMd> ar»d its

comparative smallness rounds off the tone

while maintaining the correct relationship vvith

the horns. In general the tone may be said

to be more sombre and less biting than the

white tone of the horns, while Bayreuth iradi*

tton used to tell us that \Vagner*s own con-

ception of the tubas compared with the horns

was the difference between the solemn, digni-

fied and heroic as opposed to the lyrical and


The compass (actual sounds) Is E>-r~ for

the tenor tuba (Bp) and B^.-a' tor the bass

tuba (F). Also, the rundamenial Is obtainaUe

on both instruments.

After * Rheingold * Wagner writes for the

tenor instruments In and the bass ones in

Bft basso (except In the prelude to * Cotter-

dammerung’, where he reverts to and F,

but an octave too high). In a letter to his

publishers he excuses this change of notation

as facilitating score-reading, but directs that

the parts should still be copied out In and F,

Tliere is some uncertainty about the iniilal

designer of these hybrid Instruments, but the

original set (which have been slightly modi-

fied) were preserved at Bayreuth, at any rate

until i9$9> The firm of Morluh (Berlin), at

their centenary celebration in 190B, claimed

to have made these ‘, but they were super-

seded by the Alexander (Mains) set in 1890.

In Great Briialn it is only since 1935. wl^

Sir Thomas Beecham obtained a k( of Wagner

tubas direct from Alexander, that the parb

have been correctly executed.

Anything in the nature of a tut€hU solo

would be quite inappropriate, the Wagner

tubas' most effective function being the per-

formance of slow simple harmonies. This Is

especially true where they are reinforced by

the contra-bass tuba, which fumisbo a much

stronger bass than the fourth Wagner tuba.

As an example of soft playing none could be

better than the initial statement of the Val-

halla motif, and among /«rU passages the

Hunding motif is grimly emphasized when

stamped out by the heavy tread of the Wagner


Other composers w ho have scored for these

noble instruments are Bruckner in his later

symphonies, Stravinsky in ‘The Fire Bird’ and

' The Rite of Spring \ and Strauss in * £lek-

ira ' Die Frau ohne Schatten ’ and the

* Alpine Symphony In Strauss the parts

are altogether more advanced than hitherto,

and even mutes are demanded.

To conclude : the Wagner tubas have a

very definite function to fulfil in the orchestra

and have fully justified the expectations of

their inventor; but they are so essentially

German that it seems unlikely that they will

spread much farther afield than the country

' * ZeiMhrin tur IiUtninWfit^bsu XXVIII, 643 f.

of their or^n, to the music of which they are

so eminently suited. r. a. (11).



WalUy, L4o« de. Set BerUos (‘B«av«aiito Cellini *,


WAILLY, (Louis Auguate) Paul (War-

nier) d« (>. Amiens, ifi May 1854; d. Paris,

18 June 1933).

French composer and writer on music, lie

studied law and was self-taught in music. He

was recommended by Romaln Bussine (one

of the founders c( the Soci6i6 Nallonale de

Musique), at the age of twenty-seven, to

C^r Franck, who Iwame his only master in

composition. He remained faithful all his

life to the principles cf the latter's school.

Wailly’s principal works were first per-

formed at the Soci^t^ Nationale de Musique ;

his d^but there was * Hylas, idylle antique

insroi^oax (i06a),w‘ordsby Jean Lorrain. He

composed chamber muaic (sonatas, Quintet,

Octet, etc.), 3 symphonies, church music, a

few songs and a dramatic oratorio , ' L*Ap6ire

4 acts, performed in Paris at the Th^itre des

Champs-Elys^ in Dee. 1934. His Wingt-six

Pi^es pour harmonium * appeared after his

death. He wrote ' La Vie el rime de Gisar

Franck’ (1923), contributed to the 'Bulletin

de la Socidt^ d’Fmuliiion d 'Abbeville ' and

to the ' Revue de Musicologie*, tgaS, No. 8? :

* Boucher de Perthes et Paganini *. m. l. r.

BiM..— UvaaKT. A.. * Paul d« WaiUy : Vuikit, r«uvf«*

UvuMT.^'.^d d« Waillr : k cemaMikur, ya/ihts '


WAIKWRiGHT. English family of mu-


<s) Joha WaiawHghi (i. Stockport, Che-

shire, ? ; 4. Stockport, Jan. 1768}, organist

and ctMnposer. He settled at Manchester

about the middle of the tSih century and on

13 May 1767 was appointed organist and

singii^-man of the Collegiate Church, now

the Cathedral. He composed anthems, chants

and paalm tunes, a collection of which he

published in 1766.

(a) Robert Wainwrright (i. Stockport,

1748; / Stockport, 1 5 July I78«)» organist

and composer, son of the preceding. He

accumulated the degrees of B.Mus. and D.Mus.

at Oxford on 29 Apr. 1774. On 1 Mar 1775

he was appointed organist of St. Peter s

Church, Liverpod, and in 1 768 he succeeded

his father as organist of the Collegiate Church

at Manchester. He compos^ services and

anthems as well as an oratorio, ‘ The Fall of

Egypt *, performed at Li\-erpool in 1 780 and


(3) Richard Wainwrigbt (&. Stockport,

1758; UverpocJ. 20 Aug. 1825), organist

and composer, brother of the preceding. He

was organist of St. Ann’s Church, Manehttler.

la Sept. 1782 he was chosen W succeed hu




brother Robert as organist oT $t. Peter's,

Uv'crpool. which he afterwards left for the

organist's post of St. James’s, I'oxtelh Park,

Liverpool; but in 1813 he resumed his place

at St. Peter's. He published a collection of

hymn tunes of his composition. His gke

* Life's a bumper ' was ver>* popular. His

execution was remarkable — more remarkable

perhaps ilian his taste.

(4) William Waiaright «>. StuckiKirt, ?;

d. Manch«tef, 3 July 1797J, singer, doubh-

bass player and music ^rlUr, brother uf the

preceding. Hu was a singing*inan ai the

(lollegiaie Church of Mamiirster and also a

perfurmer on the double bats, besides carr>ing

on husincsi as a niu>.ic seller at Manchester,

in partnership with .Sul low'. w. it. u,

WAINWRIOHT, Harriet {b. ? ; d.

I'.nglish idtIwiijchKentury composer and

author, She was probably one id else Cheshire

\Nainwriglm (sf^ ab^iei. Her drainaise poem

' Com a la ba«c<l on O^sian, was performed in

l^ndun, at the Hanover .S<|tiare Rooms, on 36

Jan. 1702.' It was publidied in full score in

1O03, and the preface is dated frmn Calcutta

in Aug. uf that year, ffir, some time between

iscrfortnanre and publication, she had married

and gone to Inilia. Later she returned 10

I'.ngland and lived in Ixsndon, where she

published in 1834 the librrUo of a comie opera,

' Don Quuoie. or The Knight de U Mancha',

l>a«cd uii Cervantes, which wai apparently

m\cr set to music or performed. She also

published ‘ Critical Remarks on tlie .Art of

Simpng ' (lB3bi, some fiction, choruses, a

songs, duets, etc. a. l.

WalBwrtibi. Hewarg. ftriMv.

WAISENHAUS,DAS(Operi\. -VreWaioi..

WAISSEL (Waiaaellua), Maetbiua (4

llafh miem, .* ; d. ?f. '

Cicrmait lutenist and composer. He was at

one lime pastor at Urlcheim (?;. In 1573

hr calls himself Mchleraior of the school of

Scluppetil*cll (now Schippenbeil, district of

Komgsherg). He wrote:

Ubiiljtur;< c.flliftent . . . 4 , stl6 wwn

apiaus ut %un% PhMl

u*w, KrtmsnMsr.

TsUjUi,,,, sikrfcv fcymdKher

man, hull. lewiHhcr uiuj potnacliM

haulf.jlMKh, vfHl

drr I.iwxp,, cruMdlHhcr un.| ««Uer

fkotKWn oad

MniKhM, renuen: livtij-

lefnekrirt DctuluclKs T«ntw far

W^TS.» Kach year as Christmas ai>.

proaches the strains of street musicians ar^

* l.ilreito in ih« B,M.

heard in Great Britain. 'I'he origin of the

custom is to be traced through eight centuries,

and it throw's many sidelights on manners and

customs of (he past.

tiYSWLOCv.— hor the origin of the word a

Kore of variants can >>0 cited. Originally a

noun from the Anglo*baxon utuian — to

watch or guard — the word U'Canic altered by

the Normans to gaiit tFr. guel), although ii is

not ceruin that il>e noun form may not be an

ado|Mion from ihe 'leuioiiic lO.H.G., Wchta,

German, iJw word “ wjju ” gave

rise to two curious rtnrf> — uuc, that the tvofd

did not iMCiir in the singular, and I he othn,

that ilsc ijrrfiirnwrs i*K»k their nainr fmru llunr

inttrumems. Both errors are luond in Bush) ’s

* Uictionary ut Music' tinJ cd. ilkib, j.:,

' W asghirv or VSails

Hit survival ot o(cu|>auii}Ml names such as

Gait, \\ aii*r,, Wakrman seexr', to indicate ihe

Use of such word'furim in iJie singular. The

Ims offreeinen of Vurk iSurtees .Vh iel) , tU^G-

i9i»o) record I hi ween 1272 and 1759 no fewer

than 101 rn I rics referring to txTMjns of iJjc

name of Way >»<•;, Wakeiian, SVaiie or Wale,

one of ilwie Kogerus Wat ic, adnmied in 1363,

lieing ihscnbed as pi|jcr '. ,\ni<*ng 91

muskians and " inynsi rills" adnimod freemen

during 1I1C same live temuriet wu note: In

1^^ "Johannes Bawderstonr, waile ' ; in

Ib/y, " Thomas Girdlvi, waiic"; in 11171),

" Nathan Harrison, muntion ", who. in I7’il

(on il>e atimission of hit tw o suns> is described

as ** waiic ".

^KLv HisroRY.— It is clear that originally

waits were night watchmen m palaces, ea>ilc«,

(am|« and walled towns, who " pi pexJ watch ”

upon a musical instrument at stated hours,

whether for changing the guard or in case of

alarm or nieecly to awaken certain [xrsons at

api>oinled hours by soft music at their chamber


One of the earliest references to waits occurs

m a treatise ' De Naturis Kcrum ' by Alex-

aiKJer Neckhani, Abbot of Cirencester, who

died in the early part of the 13111 century:

" Asdnt eiiam excubiae vigiles (veyicsj cor*

nibus luis strepilum vt clangorcm facicnies

r enure of I and by wait •sen-ice was common,

actual service being commuted into a money

payment known as waii-fcc. Sandys in liis

Christmas Tide' records (Ump. Henry III,

Simon le Wayte who held a virgate

erf land at Rockingham, Northanis., on the

tenure of being castle- wayte or \vaich. Blount

•ft his ‘ Ancient Tenures of Land ’ records a

simiUr imianee of wayicfee in connection

with the manor of Karborough, Norfolk, in

I $58; and abo with the manor of Hu x ton

(ftcar Aylsham), where a quarterly payment of

15*- was lc>-ied for wayic-fee at tl»c castle of

NorvfKh. In Ct^wall those holding land on

tenure of keeping watch at the castle gate of



Launceston were under (be jurisdiction of a

special court called Curia VigiJiae, Curia de

Gayte or \N’aylerti-ree Court, of which many

records are preserved in the Public Record


The early romances serve to show that the

word referred to the performer, thus, in ' Kyng

.Alysaunder ' (14th cent.) : ^^'hen iheo xibic

was V'drawe, Theo Wayie garx a pipe blawe".

This Ta/flntuiik in course of performance is

portrayed on the I5lh*centur> Braunche brass

in Si, Margarers Church, IGng’s L>nrt, and

serves to link the musical watchmen with the

musicians attached to the houses of the

nobility. The romance of Sir Eglamour

(1440) States Crete Jordys were at the

Assent ; ^Vaylys blewe, to mete they wentc

In the ' Prompiorium Parvulorum * of 1440

wayte is glossed as tfploretsr/tfis,

without any musical connotation, but a

Nominale of the s^th century glosses co/pmnia

{i.t. calamus * aulos, hence calamaula) as

" wa>'ie pype ", showing clearly that the

performer gav*e his name to the instrument

and not vUt vttja. In i$io we find “tibken"

defined os a wayie”; in 1530 Palsgrave

gives "Wayte, an instrumcni, hauboy's", and

i n 1 35C W i i hal , wit h less acc uracy , gives in hU

Dictionary " The trumpet or waytes : luba

Butler in his 'Principles of Music’ (1636)

clearly regards Waits as being " Hobois", and

such a definition is confirmed by Minsheu

(1617) and by K. Sherwood's Enghsh'Freneh

Dictionary appended to Cotgrave (1630).

Koval Waits. — Stow lelh us that Henry

111 in 1333 esiablished watchmen (waytes) In

l^ondon. Edward IK (i 3 a 7 > 77 ) had three

" Wayghtes " in the royal band of 19 " myn-

strells Henry VI (i4a3>6i) in 1443 had

" xii menisirealx, one le Caiie". As regards

Edward [V (i46t-63) a full account ^ his

household establishment in the * Liber Niger

Domus Regis specities " Minstrelles ihir-

teene . . . whereof some be trompeu, some

with the shalmes and smallc^pypes . .

and " A wayte, that nightely from Mychelmaa

to Shreve Thorsdaye pipeihe watebe within

this courtc fowere tymes; in the somere

nigh ICS iij lymcs, and make the Bon Gayte at

every chambere doare, and oflyce, as well for

feare of pyckercs and plllers (t.e. ihievesi

" Andrexv New man, the Waite *’ was one of 42

musicians of Henry VHI in 1536. Charles 1

(1635*^9) had iweniy'five waits in his band of

(Ifty'Cight performen.

Municipal Waits.— The custom of muni*

cipaUties appointing official waits may be said

to date from the 15th century, and the records

of English boroughs and, to a lesser extent,

Scottish burghs provide a rich store of in>

formation concerning their Waits.

MiNSTRiLS AND WAITS. —It Js ftot always

easy to distinguish waits from minstrels, since

their duties were often the same, but there was

for centtiries hostility beiw^een the waits —

trained musicians who ser%’ed an apprentice-

ship, were accorded official status, badges of

office, livery and emolumenis — and the

common minstrels — itinerant players of very

varied capabilities and some little better than

rogues and vagabonds. Of the latter Alex-

ander Barclay in his ' Ship of Fools ’ (1308) ‘

writes ;

'flue by no mesiu esn (hey tbide or dwell

SViibiQ ibeir houMS. but out they need muii k

aioro wildlv w'sndeniif than eiilter buck or doe.

Some with thetr harpt, snoihcr wiOi hii luie

Another with hit baf pipe o( a fooliih fluie.

Andrew Fletcher of Sal toun states ihai in 169B

there were 100,000 wandering mendicants

in Scotland and many of these were doubt-

less minstrels of a sort. If England's vagrant

musicians were numerous in proportion, it was

but natural ihai competent musicians in the

pay of royalty, of the nobility, or of municipal-

ities should resent any derogation of their

calling. > V . Chappell i n hi s val ua ble ' Popular

Music of the Olden Time ' remarks :

Af(«r ihc A<( of ih« jftih ie«r of klisabrih which

rend«r«d mintucU wsudrruiK sbrusd li«blc w

pimnlinwnt s* ** retuo, va||abo«itJ» «rvd tiurJy brgssn .

sll itiiwrAnc muNCWBA were obtised to west cloeb eod

baOflet with the sewn of some noblem«ii, fiondemsa, or

comofAtc body, to dsnole in whose service they were

eofeicd. bcM| dwreby escepud from the epersuen el

the Aei.

F.dward IV granted his minstrels a charter

in 1469, and James 1 in 1604 granted a charter

of incorporation to the Socleiy of Minstrels in

London, and ihus Instituted the Worshipful

Company of Musicians.

IXjTias-— A wide variety of duties devolved

upon the waiu, Tlicy were asked to assist at

medieval plays, as in 1311, when a minstrel

and three waits of Cambridge assisted at a

presentation of ‘TJie Holy Martyr St. George

at Bassingbourn, Cambs. Or again, as at

Newcastle in 1567, when the incorporated

companies performed a miracle play on

Corpus Christ! day, the corporation paid ss

" to the waites, for playcinge befor the

players [f.e. acton] .

The waits look up a suiion on the route and

played on the occasion of royal visits. Hohn-

shed records ilie visit of Queen Elizabeth to

Nortvich in 1 576 :

Thw* hif Jrew ihc of die cii«

c.lM Stif.% SwphAfi'i e»i« . . . •! !

(he «il« wert pUerd with lowj mutKke, ‘••'V

(ulbc and mrtod»o»al*e welcomed lur miiwtie iftt®

eiUc. , , f

The wails met and serenaded vuitt^ 01

note on arrival, c.g. ai Cambridge, as Pepya

relates in 1667. he was m« by the totvn m^ic.

" But Lord ! what sad music they made , >s

hb comment. At Bath, on the other hand, IM

next year, he records: " By and by coin«

music to pUy to me. extraordinary good as

• A p*«-«*BdAtlon »(Kl P*#l-teiiudoo of Seb*»ii*®

Beam's * Sarrenichifr'.



fvtf I beard at London, almost cpran>’wbore'’.

John Wood, a century later, in hu ‘ Descrip-

tion of Bath ' ( 1 769) Mates :

Tl>e ?usiomi (h«i pAntcuUsly Mlau tv the SUMteert

Mala wrlcuimnf theot lo Uie <i(v. fin* by a Prat

lh« Abbes Belts : ami. in lh« i«tc i^Me. b%* the \We

M wKk of tlie City Waiu . , . ihe WaiU seldom niba

in<ir Ke of a Crown, HaU>a«Uwinea, or a Gu«iea.

Mcotdinf lo the Rank oT tlie People they uJute.

This account is almost verbatim that given in

Coldsmlih’s 'Life of Richard Nash ' \t768j,

The wails of Scarborough in the iSth century

went thejf rounds from Ntariinmas Eve to

Christmas when the inhabiianis were asked

for donations which were booked in musical

characters : a seinibrrvc stood for 5s., a minim

for 8s. 6d. , a crotchet for 1 s . and a <| uaver for 6d .

In constant demand fur weddings and social

functions, the waits were frequently mentioned

in I7ih*ccntur> drama, t.g. Beauimmt and

Fletcher or Shirley. NJor<‘ rarely they assisted

the choristers in the service t>f ilse church, as at

St, James's, Bristol, in fySs, when the waytes

were paid as. 6<i. on Candlemas dav anti

night ; at Chester in 131^1, t6dUarid lOod; at

York Miasier in 1C83; at Christ Church.

Dublin, c, iOjo.

Five Norwich waits in 1389 achieved

unique duilnciion when iliey aecompanied

Sir Francis Drake to Cadis. " Three new

[lowboycs and one treble recorder " and a

*' saquebut " were supplied for their uae.

Krmp. the morris dancer, in his * Nine Dale*

Wonder ' (i6oo) describes the Norwich waits

thus: '• Fewe ciliies in our Realme have the

like, none belter ”.

(>B<;ANntA'iitiN. —There was no rule as to

the number of the wails, but from four to si*

was usual, with nine in London. In Scotland

frequrnily only a bagpiper and a drummer

were employed, but from ibti? Edinburgh had

hvc wails.

Dkbss. — nic wails' livery was distinctive

anti highly coloured, as the following insiances

show :

Ahmick; c«wu o< Mue LrnaU<lo«l. ImhI >HI«<

<Wh a»Ki IrimmnI «,iih Im#. ih« Ummh

o„ ihem ihp «ww 4 vtm. Anacl^d M ib

MkIijfI hillini ihe fSe «nt «,u v«|lo>

Odmnfd )|be llw «Mi. «er« .

ydlovr aikI tlw hit ImJ a «wha«l« and ulv*

lace u. «jb9J.

lJulilm ; l.ivfry tloaks, lb* cl«ih lo Iw Uuc or •aKbe

itjflur vriih the «ay (ivaai,

OrFvM^KM «*»b. lb* CM*i ha«iiK s-stl

bottom and um

ini^ ol M«k feraHl; lon« waauval, «ba*i kn*.

••Ih ««rka 4 «s on «h

L*kt«i«r; (bans* w uwnev and laerr scarlet ton

^a*d *1,1111 til**r lar*. Uot t< 4 *l lace (ijaa).

«•***'’ r*< <« ■** whU

lalhifr as roffn«tly " (1637),

BADcw.^ln imitation of the badges won

Dy drpondants of great noblemen some wait

an embroidered badge on cite sleeves c

their gowns or cloaks. Usually, however, .

' OL. IX

silver collar, badge escutcheon " or “ cog-

nizance ") and chain were provided by the

municipality on adequate sureties Ix’ing fur-

nished by each wait >, and happily quilc a

number of these badges survive, Tlio«* of

Bristol { 1 683 • , Beverley (1330), W a kelicld

(i68d), Siai^ord M^i) and Norwich (r.

1330) arc illustrated in J. C. bridge's lecture

(see Dibl.). Other badges wlmb survive are

those of Leicescer 11695;. King's Lynn

and a very Inferior badge of St. (Jrorge's, St.

Pancras and Si. Oilrs Wails, I^>ndun (iboi).

'fltrsT of four Iwautiful silver waits chains,

believed lu date from 147G, arc comprised in

Kxcirr City regalia.

IxsravMk.sis. -Originally liu: Walls play.nJ

wind trisirumenis as U’jnf best suited lor u>c

in the open air. Ox horns and similar non*

musical insirumeriu were replaced by the

fav out he mstrunieni, the shawm or early oImh*,

lefined " way te. pipe “ «r simply "waytr".

Banners were liung fnmi irumiiet;^ and

shawms. aisJ constant reference is matle to

these. .\i \(»rwich l>anmTi '* matle oCwliyie

and fed darnaske " were used (<»r the wails'

shawms. The use ol Cornells and sackbuts

(trumiKMtesi is recorded in London in 1 539-09.

Aiiwg pa>meni» to or on behalf of the

w’aiu at Catnliridgc in 136^ the chamberiam

records: *' Faydc for an Instrument called

a bumbarde . . . xli." Referent es to the

bombard (Ger. Fimmtr)^ the ba'v shawm, arc

very rare.

Ilkomas Morley, however, in dedicating his

' Consort Ia^>n& ' to the Lord Mayor and

aldermen in ijyi, praises the Ixmdon waits

and writes his * Ixuons ' mainly for strings ;

treWe lute, pandora, it item, bass viol, (luic

and treble (lule. John Hooker ( 1335^1(101 ^

the town-clerk hisuirian of Exeter, lefi a valu-

able manuscript ' Description of the Citie of

Exeter ', in which he glv'cs the eoinposition of

Use wails' band in 1573 as '‘A Doble Curtail,

a Lyserden, Two I'enor Hoyboyes, a Treble

Hoybo>TS, a Cornel, a sett or case of Ifowcr

Recorders * The double c on al | was 1 he earl y

bassoon and replaced the bombard. The

L-serdm is tlMughi to have been the tenor of

tlie comet i family. Tltc spelli ng *' hoy boyes ' '

reveab the inHuence of the French origin of

ilsc ^rd — W'lheh occurs first in

English in the mid*l 6 (h century, Robert

La ncham tel Is us I hat ' ' hautboi 4 ' ' were among

the instruments employed for the entertain-

ment of Queen Elizabeth at Krnilworih In

• 575 * The four recorders were very probably

a set of four different sizes in a case.

The records of the Court of Aldermen of

CofMJon state :




1569. The NVoiu to be petd lor « m Reeordcrr and

six Corneu.

i) 97 > The Chamberlain shell proeoily buy and provide

the se%*etal instruments called a double sefchuili

a sinele safrgbuii and a eurul Ibr the imsicUBs

at the eharye of d>e elty.

in the Exeter Waiu agreed to buy a $«t

of '' vyalls " (viols) and at Chester in 1590

** howboies, recorders, comets and violecis "

were in use. Liverpool employed a bagpiper

as wait in 1571.

During the 18th century horns, clarinets and

bassoons were adopted. Often the waits

appear to have been competent musicians,

capable of doubling on more than one wind

instrument or on a stringed instrument as well,

Soua Not ABLE Waits. — The English waits

had their counterpart in the Stadtpffijfffun of

Germany, and, as the German guilds furnished

many excellent musicians— J. $, Bach was

the son of a Sudip/tifa u> among English

wails of repute we note :

John Ravenscrofl (tf. t. i745)> a wait of

Tower Hamlets, London, who sstoic many

hornpipe tunes; John Banister i6$o), son

and pupil of orte of the waiu of St. Giles,

London ; Thomas Parmer, Klus.Bac. (Can>

tab.) in 1684, one of the waits of London;

Ferdinando Gibbons, a Lincoln wait, and hU

famous brother, Orlando, were sons <d William

Gibbons ( 154 ^ 95 ) m 1567 was admitted

one of the waits of Cambridge with the annual

fee of 40s.

Pay and PRivtLaoas. — The waits in most

towns were allowed a nominal wage and

entitled to accept gratuities from private

individuals for playing at weddings and other

funclioxu. At Canterbury in 1499 the wails

received £i each per annum. At Exeter in

1609 the four waits each received yearly

wages and their accustomed livery. A curious

privilege allowed one of the waits, with con*

sent of his fellows, to keep at his sole cost two

boys trained up in music to jmn with the waiu.

The normal procedure was for each wait to be

entitled to have an apprentice. As at Leicester

in 15B1 , the waits were usually obliged to play

every night and morning, both winter and

summer, and not to go ouUide the town to

play except at fairs and weddings, and then

only by licence of the mayor. It was further

frequently resolved by the council that no

strangers — waits, minstrels or other musi*

cians whatsoever — be allowed to play within

the town.

Waits received wages of such trifling amount

that they must have had other employment.

In Edinburgh in 1679 the wage was £5 per

annum, and in (696 Malcolm McGibbons,

the "double curtle" (bassoon) player of "the

good town's waits" was authorized by the town

council *' to keep a schooll within the town

to teach that sort of musick and he allowed

to play to gentlemen at seasonable i>'mes

Waits Music. — InTormaiion about the

music played by the waits U extremely scanty.

Dunbar complained that the Edinburgh wails

could play only two tunes, * Into June ’ and

‘ The Day Daw’s ’, now called * Scots wha

hac An old Northumbrian saying con*

cemed the piper of Hexham, who had only

three tunes: " The flrsi was lang un kenned,

the second naebody kenned, and the third he

didna ken hissel ^

Ned VN'ard in his * London Spy’ derides the

Londrni waits, calling them " tooters of the

tou*n; and have gowru, silver chains, and

salaries for playing Lilia BuUera 10 my Lord

Mayor's hoiw through the City

As has been shown, however, the waits as a

class were very far from incompetent. Morley

in 1 599 termed the London waits excellent and

expert musicians. Certain groups of town

waits had their own particular tune, which

were named after them. About a dozen of

them lurv’ive (sr« list krfew).

DisuosAt or THa Waits. — The Municipal

Reform Act of 183^ led to the disbanding of

the waits in nearly every case, but, as at

Exeter and elsewhere, financiil stringency

arising from the Napoleonic wars had led to

the wails’ dismissal as early as 1813. The

custom ctf paying in the streets during Advent

and Christmasiide, ho\vever, survived the

abolition of the waits. At York, for example,

Daniel Hardman, one of two pensioned waits,

continued his profession in a band he had

founded in 1833.

UNorriaAL U'ajts. — The statute of i744

banning organs in churches led to the enlist*

ment of the services of small groups of amateur

musicians, and thus was kept alive the praclice

of music in rural England throughout two

centuries, until the introduction of the

harmonium. Thomas Hardy dealt \vilh I he

i9ih'Ceniury period of such church music in

' Under the Greenwood Tree and F. W.

Galpin recorded in ‘The Antiquary’

his researches in the \Vinierborne Vall^ in

Dorset, where the church band of \Mnler*

borne Abbas was not superseded until

1896. The small bands consisted of viohn,

flute or oboe, clarinet, bassoon and cello or

double bass, sometimes with a serpent, but

there was no fixed number of instruments ana

the players read the voice patU. The " band

sat in the west gallery Of at the west end of the

nave and was under the dircetion of the parish

clerk. From their custom of pUying during

Advent and at Christmas these little groups

became known as wails, and so even to-day ue

havT music — much ^ it sadly debased

from musicians in the sireeu. t- <5-

Wait Tvhbs

Omtfr W»ii» ; J» W«l»h’i • Compleil Cour>ir> DinvH

• ApoH6’» Dxnquet 1669.



3 '

BhsMlWaiu: Iq 'A pollo’s B*nqw«(\ 1 66^

Loodon ^V»i(s : Cul«d * *!>« Kaiu by Jnoaioh

in ’ The Dencln; Muier *. 166$. ft * Apefto's

Bonqvct *•

OeJerd W«si» ; A Ooveite (quo<c 4 by 0 nd(«).

Siomfetd Weiu . In • B.M. nlS «. 16^.

Wofksep Woiu . In MustcoJ M$^ No. dio, B.M.,

(. t€oo (quoted by Bridcc).

Yntk U'oia: A Kornnipo, printed in « bcoodHdr.

Wminitwn Wtia; In J. Wabh’s * Dmknmc Maoer*.

1 7 i 4 (quoled by ilrtJce),

Tower Hamleu : A Heroptpe, by John RavenKtoA,

wne of the Waiu (quoi^ by fitieco.

Baioor. J. C.» *Tuhm Wiit» ami the« Tunet'

(Proc. Mus. Am,. 1.1 V.

Hki .a. V., * 1'he Waiu * (’ Ha^booh of Ihc WorslitpfuJ

(^fni>an> of

WAKE, William (*. ?; d. ?).

Kngliah i7UKontury organist, t^as

organist of Excl«r Cathedral about 1640-50,

when Locke wis a chotr-boy there. Uake was

sworn in SIS a Genih’man of ihc Chajvl Roy al

Oh ^ Aug. 1G63. Jc was he who erKuuraged

Locke low'ritc his 'Little Consort* in three parts

for viols or violins (published by llay-Tord in

1 656), as (he latter tells us tn the preface, w here

he speab of Wake as "an intimate friend an<l

great Master in Musick s . v. d. s.

WAKEFIELD, <Aufuata> Mary {^. Sedg*

wick Jir. Kendal, i<> Aug, tSjj; d. Cringe-

over*Hands, Lancs., 16 Sept. tgiu).

Kngl ish singer , com poser and musical organ-

iter, She studied singing under Randrggrr.

Kerucheland Blumenihal in London, and with

Alari in Rome, where she also had pianoforte

IcMons from Sgambati. She made a remark-

able Success as an amateur contralto unger arsd

composer of songs, and after appearing at

many charity cunreris in l.eAdon and else-

where, was engaged at the Clouce^er Festival

of 1 660 and sang at various important cortcerii.

Her voice was of rich cjuality and her ariHiic

temperament carried cvnvktion to all her


In *885 she established the first of the

compel! live festivals with which her name is

inseparably connected. The occasion was a

modest competition at her home at Sedgwick,

but in the following year the es'cni was trans-

ferred to Kendal, where it has flourished ever

since, This Westmorland festival became the

model for a far-reaching revival of the com*

peniion-fesiival idea. It grew so rapidly that

m later years Mary U'akefield's energies

became well-nigh exclusively des’oled to it

Mean lime, in 1800, she had definitely adopted

the profession of lecturer on musk, illustrating

her own lectures with great success. She

edited an anthology called ‘ Ruskin on Musk *.

and contributed to various persodicab.

J. A. r.-M,, adds.

b*ai - SftWMA.cM, How. 'M«ry Wa4<lWU ; *

Mcnv»rr * iKendal. ig,»),

ati» Pm»\«k

^ WALCKER, Eberhard FriedHch (*. ?;

. TY® <;«man iBih-igih-ccniyry onan

builders, father and son, of the same name.

The father worked at Cannsiadt near Stuttgart

in the middle of die i8lh century, and by the

time the son was ready to join him the firm

had become one of the best in Germany. In

1830 the son removed to Ludwigsburg. His

European reputation i% due to the fine organ

he built in 1833 for .St. Paul'.'^ Church at

Frankfort o’.M.. and to those at St, Michaers,

Hamburg, and Riga Cathedral. In 185b he

completed a large organ for Ulm Caihdrral of

too slops on four manuals and two pe<Ul-

boards, with a new movement for drawing out

all the stops in succession to produce a

ffeKmdf. This could be reversed for a d/mi-

attfndf. In 16C3 he carried his fame to America

by building a large organ for the Music Hall,

Boston, U.S,.\. V. dr p., .idds.

IkaL \V*i<K>k. * l.rinMrrMnqrn rinei Orael-

tMu»«s ’ '(.AMcl. lOsBr.

WALD FLUTE. . 1 ^ Oroav .Srors.

WaldvM. l.»ed H«WAed de. trr Hf»i»»|i Smipiv.

WALDERSEE, Paul von, Count (b.

Potsdam, 3 Sept. lOji ; d. KonigsberR. 14

June i9o6j.

(irtman musical etliior. In 1848-71 he uas

an tdlker in the Prussian arms , but after the

latter dale he destHeJ hims<*lf wholly to inu'lt ,

taking an active part in the prcparaiion of

Breitkopf & lUrnTs great editions gf Mozart

and Beeth<nen. He also csJiied the etilurgrd

reprint of K«Khcl*» Mo/ari catalogue.' An

imixircani puMkation for which he was mainly

responsiMe was the ’Saminluiig miisikalbeher

Vorifjge*, wlikh apjuared in 1879-84 and

included liMinographs by various distinguished

German wriien on the great masters, partly

biographical and partly analvUcal. Hr con-

trilHited to the most important musical

periodicals tif (Germany, j. a. f.-M,

WALDHORN (Ger. fiiresi Inirn). Ihc

OsTman name lor the Urge circular hunting-

linen or cw dr (Aajir, without valves (iff Hobn),

D. J. u.

.vr Wm S|..p».

WALOMANN, Maria I'i, Vienna, 1844;

d. Ferrara, b .Vov. i9«o).

.Austrian mezzo-soprano singer. She be-

came famous as the Amnrrls in the first

performance in Italy of Verdi’s * Aida * in

1873, and the mezzo-soprano part in the name

master’s Resjuiem was afterwards written for

her. She married the Duke Galeaazo Massari

of Ferrara and retired from her musical career.

WALDMEIS’TER, OER (Opcreltah °'sef

Sthavo (J.),

WALD STEIN, Pardinaod (Ensac

Gabriel), Count (L Duehov, Bohemia, 34

Mar. 176a ; d. Vienna. 39 Aug. 1833).

German-Bohemian musical amateur. He

was one of Beethoven’s earliest friends, im-

• taper»«<kd W thr 3rd ed. teviud bv Alfred




morialis^d by rhc dedicaiion of the Sonata in

C majori Op. 53, now usually known as the

'* \Valdstein " Sonata. Ferdinand was the

>‘Ounge$t of the four sons of Emanuel Philipp,

Graf Waldsiein und NVartemberg von Dux.

He was born just eight years before Beethoven,

and his father died in 1775, leaving the pro

periy to the eldest son, Joseph Carl Emanuel.

Ferdinand when of age (tweniy*tbur according

to the German law) entered the '* German

order" (Deuischer Orden) as a career; in

1812, however, he obtalr^ a dispensation

from his vows and married ; but, like all hts

brothers, he died without male issue, and thus

with his generation the house of >Valdstein von

Dux became extinct. Count Ferdinand spent

the year of his novitiate (1767-8S') at the

electoral court at Bonn, and it was then that he

became acquainted with Beethoven. In 1791

or 1 793 Beethoven composed tweh'e varia lions

for pianoforte duet on an air of ^Valdstein's,

and i n 1 804 or 1 S05 he wrote t he Sonata whic h

has made the name so familiar (published

May 1803). The welUknown 'Andante

favori ’ in F major was originally the slow

movement ; but Beethoven took it out, as too

long, and substituted the present Adagio for it.

The Adagio is in 1 different coloured ink from

the rest of the autograph. c.

Diit..— Hr>a. Josi*. ' tier (irsl* xm U’sldtwin und vin

xerhellokt su B««iAoven * iLoptie. !«))).

Sft 4lM Ikcihovcn ipimm ■, van. «n ihtme by VV. hr

pi. duel),

** WALDSTEIN SONATA (Beethoven).


WALDTEUFEL, Emilo (i. Strasbourg, 9

Dec. 1837; d. Parix, rS Feb. 1915).

Alsatian composer. He was a pupil at the

Paris Conservatoire under Marmoniel and

Laurent, afterwards employed in a pianoforte

factory and appointed pianist to the Empress

Eugenie. His Arsi wait res, *Joie$ et peines'

and * Manoia \ were published at his own

expense, and were such a success that he

devoted himself exclusively to the production

of similar ihingx, which eventually reached

many hundreds. 1. a. a.*M.

Waldleufel is an exponent of the French

waltz in some way much as Johann Strauss is

of the Viennese ; but he was less gifted, less

versatile and above all less inv'entive ; abo, his

waltzes arc simply dancc-musk and are never

listened to for their own sake, as Strauss's have

been for generations. Nevertheless, in its own

sphere a good example of Waldtcufel b little

inferior to one of Strauss below his very best,

though Strauss can be poetIcaJ, whkh Wald>

leufel never b. An attractive walls of hb,

' Espana is based on the themes of Chabrier's

orchestral work of (hat name. a. a,

IjtM., — TBotLK-Sr«cuii*vr, H., ' PS jski «IWr U'a|^

leufel '<’ Muaik«sri<l«n StmUiekn, Dev. lasd).

• Ihsm. i. L «*$••<>; KrehbMTt ed..

1. m.

WALENN, Gerald ((. London, 19 Nov.

1871 i d. Sydne>', N.S.W., a? Jan. 1942).

English violinist. He studied with Emile

Sauret at the R.A.M. in London and became

a Fellow of that institution. He founded the

Walenn String Quartet, of which he was the

leader and his brother Herbert the celUsl, but

in 1916 he went to live in Australia, having

been appointed violin professor at the Ade-

laide Conser>'aiory. Later he was given a

similar appointment at the Conservatory of

Sydney, where he remained until his death.

He published a number of violin pieces.

WALENN, Herbert (ft. London, 25 June

1870; d. London, 10 Feb. 1953).

Englbh cellist , brother of the preceding. He

studM first at the R.C.M. and then at the

R.A.M. in London, and finished his studies

wiih Hugo Becker at Frankfort o/M. Like his

brother he was made a Fellow of the R.A.M.

where he became professor of hU instrument, a

post he retained for many years. He joined

his brother's quartet as cellbt and was also a

member of the Kruse Quartet, with which he

toured on the Continent. He appeared at the

" Monday Pops ” at St. James's Hall in

London, where he made his dibut with Lady

Halk. He founded the London Violoncello

School, of which he was principal, and insti-

luted an interesting series of concerts for

massed cdlos, which were continued in

London for 17 yean and at which numerous

performances of arrangements and occasion-

ally vrorks specially written for that curious

medium were performed.


>Velsh tradition ascribes the origin of music to

the gods and to semi-divine beings. Bel! (sun-

god), Bran (underworld god) and Hu Oadarn

(a form of Bran) preside over music and

minstrelsy; and among Irgendary kings

Blegabred and the medieval Arthur are

important patrons.

Myth aho Cult. — Mu.dcal myths early

reached Wales wiib the successive migrations

to Britain, of (he Iberians from North Africa

by way of Spain during the New Stone Age

and of (he Cells from the Continent during the

Late Bronze Age (c. 1000-500 a.c.).

forward they took a local form and wlour

Less musical myth sui^ives in N Vales than in

Ireland, but in some instances iu essential

•dentity with Indo-European and Iberian

myth may siUI be traced. There U much 10

su^i (hat the " turtle of the Harp of

Teirtu " * vvhich " will play of itself ^ ij but

the Welsh form of the magical cruil of che

^.h MSS T p. EMI*

' it er v ^ Rulbwxh *imI Olwen. ^ »

S Uu5. Th« M»bli>o«ien •, OtM. I9»9-

294 amt u. UO-



Irbh god Dagda, of ihc kaniele of the Finnbh

h«ro \Namamdinen» of th« lyre of ihe Greek

Mercury (Hermes) and of what is doubilns

connected with It, the kAshiad of ALFaribi.

The priests of the early culls connected with

such myths certainly employed music in their

ritual. The huiorlan Dii^orus (isi cent, a.c.),

possibly referring to Britain, describes ** an

Island in the ocean ov’er against Caul ” aaki

to possess a city consecrated to .\pollo v.hose

citizens are most of them harpers, who, playing

on the harp, chant sacred hymns to Apullo in

the temple, setting forth his glorious acts

The Druids, early guardians of civiliaacion

and learning, are known to hav-c been priests

of that Celtic Apollo and patron of the arts,

Bell [all. Ucl, ^lin. Irish BilC, Old Celtic

Belenos, Latinised as Belinus;. In Britain

they arc believed to have Hourbhed from about

three centuries before Christ unul the Rimun

conquest. Little Is known of the if organ! za>

lion there, though Caesar’s w|iih*n$ ihai they

originated in Britain, taken with other evL

Jenee, suggests similarity with the continental

organUaiion described by various ilavdeal

HTlien. Of the three classes the Druids were

priests, the Vaies studied nature, the Bards

W'crc poet •musicians who composed and sang

odes on famous men.*

\’estiges of ])rc>Chrbiian musical custom

survived m the old Welsh May Day and other

fntivaU >, some of them celebrated wnhin

living memory. In the carols performed at

these, music, chanting and dancing actually sur*

vived as partners, evidently from a time when

the ihriT combined to serve a ritual [nirpose,

though traces of mudeal myth and cult

still live on in the folk and fairy iradiiitms, most

of the sunning material hiu come down

through the middle ages in the tradiiion nf

the WeUh hards, chief repositories of tradi*

tional lore and in some measure descendant of

the Druidic bards of pagan limes. U'idely

famed among them is the tale of the birds of

Rhiannon who by their singing can " awake

the dead and put the living to sleep”*, and

'^hose strains the spell Uiund warrioo of ilm

Island of the Mighty remained listening

throughout seven years.* The idea of magical

music has existed in NValcs from ihc remotest

times, h has inspired poets and minstrels

uirough the ages. It hvea yci, dwelling deep

»ri the core of the Celtic nature as a kind of

eternal ideal by which the stature of all other

niusic must needs l>e measured.

Celtic Christianity and rite Early

rOfcTS.— Early during the Roman occupation

«l«at>. in, BoolhH uanilsnwi. p. r, »•«.■»*-

lull refFreiKrt m Bsxu,

ptmm. ^ Son*

; |ii» snd UurJ. •Th* MaUn«tioti t,

Se, th« story of BfShx^en, mTi. 67. 6^^

of W'ales (f. 75-c. 40OJ pagan religion became

rapidly disorganized and Christianity first

reached Britain direct from the Easi, I'hc

Celtic church achieved some organization in

Wales before the third century, and for some

lime its rites and mmic cxUied side by side

with pagan custom. I'he Welsh church

resisted Roman authority until 76U anil

rciaiiied much that was Celtic in character

into later centuries.

'i*he services of the Celtic church were

thoral, and Gildas ^Cih cent.), who dcstrilKu

the toices of the young sweetly singing the

praises of God *, is the jir»i writer lu mention

their musk. We do noi kiuiw w hat iliiv music

was like, except that it was not the Roman

chant, which was not fully e»lablUhed even In

Knglaitd until the yih and dth centuries. The

Celik church had itx own liturgy, and Its

musical uses* must haw Ihxii inllurnced by

the aiHieni British tongue then in use. Welsh

monasteries rose rapidly from th<* h cen*

tury, lircuminf the vliiel ernin’i of muoc

and liierature in W’ales. J'he inuiUNieries

and priurkt paironizi'd ihr iiinerani bards

and suinelimrs supported bords of ihvir


Music also found an honoured place In ilie

lialls of princes and nublvmeii. Jlw oldwi

surviving poriry of Wales and Siraihclyde «,

whose core modern scholarship dates to the

6th and yih centuries *, reveals the bards as

historians and minstrels who, enhancing their

t>ocms with instrument and voice, praised,

entertained, incited to valour and cclebrat<d

victory In battle.

The high esteem in which the bards were

held and iIk protecthm afforded iliem by law

are rcveale<| in a code known as the * Laws

of Howell the Good ’. The izth- and i3ih.

century manuscripts •• coriiaming 11 represent

in essence a loth-ccmury eodilicaiion of an

order of things far more ancient. The Laws

distinguish bclwrcen the W^/rx/ir (household

bard), who was one of the twenty-four

permanent oflkrn of the king's court, and the

pemfiM (“chief of song ”) or chief musician

over the bards in a particular district. Hie

occasions for pedbrmanee and their several

requirements were laid down. “ \N'hcn the

king shall will to hear songs”, runs the

Dimeiian version of the code, “ let the chief

• KihU.. p. 44,

‘The Rtunauic Uhraritt

W*k» i^i*) »fKl F. i:. NvAr/pn *111*

** tAvr<(i' {OdoAJ,

I * *’•* Four AiKMni Bonki of Wtin’ irtli/i.

(DuwS. •

an 4 Romance ' C'i roiif

**^”^**^1^ o* Cvmmeodofjon,

rs I. ThB «*luaWe arwl* or.iinol



musician sing two songs to him, at the entrance

of the hall ; one of God, and another of

kings " ^ and so forth, according to who shall

make the request, and who discharge it. So

did netvi travel from place to place, and

ancient tales were revived in the mentory.

The Laws continued in force during the period

now to be considered, and probably largely in

the form In which they arc prescTNcd.

The Native Princes (1061 -mid- 14th cent.).

—By the tith century Wales had completely

adopted the customs of the Roman church,

and Roman authority was to remain supreme

until the Reformation (16th century). Gre-

gorian chant was In general use throughout

the period. Holy Eucharist was celebrated

chorally, and in 1264 wt 6nd Archbishop

Peckham charging the clergy to celebrate mass

as formerly, with fitting reverence — am

Welsh singing was known on the

Cominem, and among the pilgrims who

gathered at Santiago da Compostela in 1140

were those who sang to the British and

Welsh harp and crwth’\> Singing developed

under the intluence of the song Khools«,

especially active during the centuries immedi-

ately following the period now under con-

sideration. Such schools were attached to

Bangor and St. Asaph Cathedrals, and to

numerous collegiate churches.

The organ is referred to at kast as early as

the 13th century*, but U is not until the I4lh

century that we encounter a reference to an

organ actually in use in Wale*, A poem,

addressed to Hywel, Dean (t359-7o) of

Bangor, praises St. Deiniol's Caih^ral, whose

famous new " organ and harmonious choir are

unrivalled in performance Names of

organists at St. David's are preserved from

1490 ; (hose at St. Asaph artd LlandafT only

from later times,*

Not far from the chanting in church the folk

sang their own musk. Towards the end of the

loth century Giraldus Cambrensis (Grraf/i-

Gcrald of Wales) describes ’ a festival held in

the churchyard of Si. Almedha’s, near Breck-

nock, where he was archdeacon. The celebra-

tion consisted of mime, dance and “ the usual

rude song ", and ended inside the church at

the altar. The spirit of the old pagan fair still


* Ane»rin Ow«n. * Ajtrimi La«*v snd InHiium of

W*l«' (Uo4o«, •a4'J. 1^ 3 * 9 * ......

» ‘CkihoTieism la at<d,«s»l Woks

^ ^ «f Pope C.ali«ius 11(11 40). Set C. HsKwcIl

Jon««, 'Celtic Bciuin ukI iK« Pilrrim Mevenwtu'

(LorKlen. >9i»). p. sEp. ^ , . .

* A. E. Leach. * Enclieh Seheota a( th« ReknwtMo .

* Pof ofiiinal Welsh see Jmms. Owen and WiUiaae

‘ Barddoniacih DaffiM ap Owilytit * (Lkrrpeel. 1873),

p. 390 (poem COXXVIII, Manea iv. lutes 3-4!.

* J. E- W«i. * Cathedral OeeannU Past and Present

(Lortdoo, I Sop), pp. a-S.

' C<raldu* Cambeensa. 'The limeran theoneb

Wales', Dk. I, chap, it, (raiu. Sir Rkhanl Colt Hoare,

Everysan pp. «p-3P.

Giiuldus, in that now universally famous

passage, also describes Welsh choral singing :

In (hear musical coDcetU they do not tiB| in unbon

like (be tfihabtunu of other couitirie, but in many

dilferent parts i so that in a company of linaen. which

ooe very fretiiienily meeis wuh in Wales, you hear as

many Jdrereot pans and voices as there are performers.*

He (hen notices the two-part singing In the

northern district of Britain, ascribing it to long

habit, and not to art. M'hether referring to

primitive polyphony, round-singing, hetero-

phony or real harmony, as authorities have

severally thought, (his passage certainly points

to some harmonic sense among the Welsh in

the 13 th century'.

The political changes at the beginning of

this period had effects on bardic music no less

imp^tanl than those on the music of the

church. The battle fought at Mynydd Cam

in 1061 had decisively restored the lawful

princes of (he House of Cunedda to the thrones

of Gwynedd and Deheubarth (North and

South Wales). Tradition asserts that on his

accession GrufTydd ap Cynan, prince of

Gwynedd (1061 -1 133), who had been brought

up in Irish exile, instituted reforms in music

and poetry after Irish models, about the year

1100. The metres and classes of poetry in

Wales and Ireland throughout the period show

obvious connections *, and some of the names

of musical measures and tunes found in Welsh

manuKripts as late as the j6th century are

clearly cS Irish origin •• and must have origin-

ated in (his early period,

Princes and noblemen are believed to have

instituted gatherings and contests for the bards

from remotest antiquity. The first such

assembly of which (here is unquestionable

record is the Christmas feast held by the Lord

Rhys at Aberieifi in 1176,^' This feast *>€«»

all the features of an (lit. "session ),

though it did not actually bear that name.

It was announced twels'e months in advance

throughout the islands ; contesu were held for

both poeu and musicians, whose arts were

now at least partially independent, and

*' chairs ’’ were awarded to the victors.

Musical Ikstrumekts.— Considerable in-

formation fa forthcoming about the musical

instruments from this period. GiraldusJ* and

other writers reveal the erwth, harp and bag-

pipes as the chief instruments of

former two being the instruments of the Bardic

(trtU doMl (" siring song ").

• Crstdu. Ckinbrrtnfa.

1B8I, Bb. I, »"•. van** Sir R. C. H«»re, t

Dev-do|Nn«i of Welsh P«in' '

>xl«rd, 1931^1. R- 39. 5 * 0 -^ 9 . an J

or W.10. •.

i. I, ehap. »«, Bvwn»** «>., p. iS««



The erwth (croH-d), a reUuve of ihe

round lyre, was a six*s(Kn^ed insinjinent and

was played with a bow in iu hnal form. A

coniinenial bishop ^ ihc 6ih century informs

us that “ the Bndsh sinf (praise Thee) with

the erwth (erafia) ” >, and as early as (he ist

century a.c. Diodorus Siculus recorded iliat

the Gaulish bards used to sing, ** accompany-

ing themselves on instruments s-ery like tl^

lyre The ancestor of the erwth we know is

thus likely to have been (he eddese Bridvlt

stringed insirument. Going rapidly out <4 use

after Keforntation times, artd being gradually

replaced by the vioiin, it became finally

obsolete al^ut the cluse of the i8ih cen-


’riie harp (r<^), evidently known in N\aJes

before the pcri<^ ol the princes, may hr»l have

come there from llngland, for this inssrumeiii

most probably lirn reached its western form,

with fore-pillar, among the .Savons. Under-

going remark able developments through the

crniuries, and reaching a chromatic form in

Wales with lltrce rows of strings - the

" triple harp " — possibly as early as the i5ih

century, the harp outlived the crslh, and is

regarded as the national instrument in \>alet


How the l>agpj|>es (prftea) reached Wales,

or how long they were in use there, is Mill

undecided, 'I'hey were probably used cliiefly

on mililary occasions, pipers lieing memiofMrd

along with the trumpeters *, Wi ilwy evidcmly

never enjg>cd the p<»pularlty i 4 the liarp and


rhe Ollier wind inslrurnents found in U'ales,

apart from the trumpet (Arrgara — *' long

horn "h were the hum smart's born trf buflalo

{eerniitiftiH}, the rural hornpipe ifikgdut). sur-

viving virtually only in Aiiglocy by the 181I1

century * and its relative the tmmoU from

&outh NVales.

Ihu list of instruments in seeular use in

Wales is completed by the small drum or

tabret {lahwrM}. wliosc players, like those of

a three -stringed form of the erwth, were

classed among the inferior minstrels.

Bekiou Of TM», Cvwroo tmid-i4th-mid-

luth cents.).— Aficr the death of Llywelyn ap

Gruflydti, (he last reigning native prince, in

1382, alicndaiK upon llie conquest of Wales by

King Edward I of England, the r«jsM d*///r of

the old hards ss*s gone. Dy the middle of the

i4lh century the bards began to sound a more


• Sft HiMIP.

• ' Tht Iiinerary of U,l« •.

Uk. I. (hap. 11 , LsetsTiun rd,. D. «), *

• W

»vrM.«ion. * Sense A«*w»m i»f

Jr* Msed W^- f A«hae^

popular note; they still ssroic elegies and

eulogies as befure, but now' not onl) on princes

and heroes and saints, but also on lesser men

and political figures. lx>se and nature and

the more pauural subjects became W'id<’<pr'’ad,

and tlie poems are in some w'ays nut unrein In is-

cent of the troubadour poetry (iiith and 13th

centuries) in France. Dafydd ap Owilym (e.

1340-Bo) headed the new movvinciit and

decUively esiahlished the tyujdt/, a poetical

form with no English ec^ui valent which gave

its character to ilie whole period.*

*I hr rise of this hIiooI piofuundly intluenceJ

the musical aspen ol ihe hardic art. Ehe

earluM body tif Welsh musical remains’* —

both music and treaties on music • reler.c to

this period, though ihe chief manuscripis con-

taining ihem sursne from iIm' end ol It. The

most im^oiunt U the famous Koix ri ap How

Manuscript.'* Dating Irom almut Ibi3, ilii\

culleriion of harp mum was in part at least

CU|>iedfrom a maiiuMript of William IVnIlyn,

a harpisi wlm llourisheil alwiui i;>(>h. It Is

written in a ttHh-ceniury type* of 1 a hi a lure,

and (he iitanuscrifH tojuams material derived

from a prrwKl ol alxnii four centuries - the

laih to il*e lOlh. The music cunlaiiied in it

includei piires winch are instrumental aecom*

panitncnis, cither 10 |sorins now* losi, or (o the

imprcwisaticHis of ports whu like DafyxJd ap

Gwilym — wc know it un Im own auihurliy

— w’rote aisd sang Isoth |h>cris and music;

and music for Isarp alone which, wliaicw’cr Its

date within this iscrsod. is undouhtcdly the

caritest sursiving harp music in Europe. At

the Carmarthen LiitrJdfod of 1451, where

some uf the material found in these manu-

scripts may Isave tome uad<*r resiew, separate

prizes were offered for jHieify, singing and

harp playiisg.** All the pieces, mostly In the

form of theme and variations, arc fully har-

monic in concept iem: the structure is one of

v'crticaJIyconceiv'rd chordal progressions w hich

accompany expressive melodies. Thrummed

chordal accompammenls suggest themselves as

lltc obs’ious accom|>animeii( ig jxKtic declama-

t ion , The grow ih of a vrrt ical harmoni c .system

in Wales between the ^ih and iGiheemurles

IS a striking fact. 'Ehe loginning of vertical

harmony was for long ascribed to the Italian

musical renaissance winch occurred around

*€^. a*»d the average text. book still repeals

this sw. More recent scholanhlp has show n

a vertical conception of harmony in earlier

• ^ H, I. Bell. ^ or.. <hji>». iv An«l v,

IxHl* "“At tiled, Ahd IVier

C(«MW.Ks4a«ii4, S«s«Ur Mediev«| Mu»ii. m

4i.4nlin. 1949 I.

" / l>*ft>ad AP <J- ilvm *. B. I A*. For a

'A.ywyddAu U*fydd *p U-,|vm A’.

*Xr*.V*." /c-ATdiir. o> 3 s>, pp. iis«i.iK«s,i:.

*• CAerfynWift' t’Y IJeiior ', Vol. V

s. WmkAB, 1496, «sp. p. 101}.


1 36

continental music, but no continental ex-

amples preserved show a systematic ch^dai

ait such as that which existed in Wales in the

middle ages.

The harp mu^c of the ap Huw Manuscript

U a strange meeting-point of di^Ferent tradi-

tions, and we find in it various strata of origin

higher than the (4lh or even than the lath

century. The strong pentatonic inAuence

ound in some pieces, but otherwise unknown

in Welsh music, tends to confirm the early

point of contact with Irish music which

tradition asserts.

More revealing still is the use of the drone

bass. The drone, the basis of all modal

systems, properly so called, originated in

Oriental musk and remains fundamental in

the Bast to-day. In Welsh music It represents

an element of non-Furopean origin. %nd it U

curious to find it In a system showing so strong

a development of vertical harmony. The

W'elsh bagpipe had a drone, aiKl two adjacent

strings of the crwtii are know’n to hase acted

as drones. Both these instruments were ulti-

mately of Oriental origin, and the influence

may have come into Wales in this way.

Though a curious meeting-place cpf diflerent

elements, this music is highly regulated by

principle, mostly has a maturity which ears

only come from a xvell-esiabUshed tradition

and stands in the greatest contrast with the

simple music of the folk tradition. Its many

elcmemi and formulas arc fused into a poetic

and magically suggestive art whose inner

nature eludes description. It is imbued with

that quality of hir« 4 th whkh echoes and re-

echoes in ^^Vhh poetry and music through the

ages — at once a revolt against the cruel

" despotism of fact " and a longing for that

which, it seems, life can never gise.

Within a brief spell, bctw'ecn the late I4ih

and early tdlh renturics, this music, appar-

ently largely isolated from the musical life of

England and continental Europe, grew,

reached maturity and for reasons prcKntly to

be diKOvered was brought to destruction and


The Tut>oas and the RpronuAtiON. —

When the bardic musical and poetk arc

seemed to be reaching its highest peak the

Tudors ( 1 485- 1 603} ascended the F.nghsh

throne. Of Welsh descent, the House of

Tudor was at first naturally hailed enthusi*

asUcally in Wales. In effect, it had the gradual

but unexpected result of destroying the greater

part of Webh culture.

Many of the leading Webh families went to

live in England, taking their bards aT>d harpists

with them. The Lord Chamberlain's Record

reveals Welsh minstrels and military mu^eians

at the English court, even from >485, when

coronation Hvcrles are recorded for them, and

Welsh names appear also under the years

1503-4. *509 154^47 * The harpist

PenJlyn was probably a musician to Queen

Elisabeth and ap Huw himself (yf. 16(3) was a

musician to James l.< Entries in the diaries of

Evelyn (1649) and Pepys {1666) suggest that

the best harpists continued to go to London

during the lyih century. In thU way Webh

tunes made their way to England, and thus 11

may be that the song ' Of Noble Race was

Shenkin ' appears in Durfey’s comedy * The

Rkhmond Heiress ’ In (893.

The best chance of employment for the

harpists and musicians who remained in Wales

was with the imporiant WVIsh families. But

these, following iJte lead of the court, spoke

English and lived as ihe English, and in this

way many tunes lost their Welsh words, and

their rhythms consequently became changed.

The age-old partnership of poetry and song

was dissolved, and the old bardic art suAered

a mortal blow.

The bards and clergy, and a few noblemen

who early realised w’hai was happening,

attempted to rescue svhat they could of the

fast vanishing Welsh culture. Eisieddfodau

were held at Caerw^t (Flintshire) in >5*3^

and 1568* to re\'ise the bardic statutes

and examine the qualifications of the bards.

The “ intolkrabic multitude " of " penens

naming theim selfes mynstrclles Riihmers

and Barthes which the Commission of 136S*

sought to put down were probably irt no small

measure created by the increasing state of

pos’crty in general, for many harpists preferred

and dtMbiless had to gain what pittance they

could in the ^Velsh•spcaking peasants’ kitchens.

It is from the period between and around these

two eisteddfodau that the manuscript material

relating to the laic medieval period ehiefly


Already neglected from the beginning of the

Tudors, the music of the church in \^'aJcs v,as

almost extinguished by the dissolution of the

monasteries (15*3-39) and chantries (1547)*

The ”popbh” manuscripts w-erc destro)cd or

sent abroad in ship-loads, and not a

fragment of musical manuscript of this period

remairu in the cathedral libraries of

The choir-schools ceased c 0 exist , Tlic si nging

in places of worship became deplorable and m

many churches the music was Jtardly kept up

at all.* Despite the encouragement of music

and organ playing by the bt* Articles Act

(1539). w*c find, as late as 1691, after a 01^

period of decline in both fabric and cstabhsh-

FuU refcweei ii» Hrnfy Cm« de Lafon«i"<. ’ The

M*. Musk ' (LoAdon. 1909}. , a aj.i vie

^ * T. Gwywn Jones. b«lh

?Fof a <o*npb» tr*nteiipuon w

taiisctipu Commtssiaa** • Kep«.»« » XtanUJcnpu m

’Is* llV*knich«. ‘ Grammar SchooH



ment, (hat the Cathedral of UandafT had itt

choir Suppressed and its organ destroyed.*

While (he Reformation gave a ne%^* siimulus

to music in England, \Vaics. culturally

crippled by the evcnis of the i6th century,

was slow in responding to (he new spirit. At

length, in 1620, some eighty years after mciri*

cal psalms were introduced in England, and

after various uiuatUfaciory attempts by others

to produce a metrical version in Urlsh^,

Archdeacon Frvs, Precentor of St. Asaph,

published his translation of the Book of

Common Prayrr, with j'2 p«alm-tunes. But

It was another 150 yean Itefore any more

religious music was published in Wales.

Wales was thus left uninlluenced by the

great tradition of English Tudor church music.

A number of the \Vehhmen who went to

England, however, did in some degree eon*

tribute to the Englbh choral movement, in

both saerrd and secular fields. Sion fjolmj

(iwynedd > (jf. mid-i6ih tent.) » km»wn to

havT writ ten church music, but of all his works

only the bass part ol 'My love mourneth* has

come to light.* Rolieri Jonei (/, 1597-1617;

it generally believed to have been a Welshman,

and Thomas Tomkins f 1573- 1656) was Ijorn

at Si. David's of Cornish parentage. El way

Bevin (15^5' 1^0). Cemleman of the Chapel

Royal in i Go;,, and Hugh Davies (/. 1 6*3-44).

organist at Hereford and church composer,

may, along with many other leucr names of

whom we have but scant details*, be presumed

(0 have been Welshmen, and testify to Welsh

influence in England.

In Vy'alcs itself, however, native music

underwent one characteristic development

during this period. This was the rise of the

ballad, wlu< h hecatne popular »n .Nt*nh ^Valo

during the ibth and 17th centuries, but whose

vogue did nut spread to the South until

ihc lyih century.* Semi-professional singers

apixared in the streets and at llie markets and

fairs, singing to long declamatory tunes all the

latest news which ^^ales, lacking a vernacular

ncwspai)cr until the Jgih century, could get

only in this way. A numlier of (he ballads

were probably translated from the English,

hut riiany of the " free metres used bear the

stamp of adaptations from and imitations of

Wfsl, III., p. 31 .

IV, ^72* melrual pulim kiir>hwtwl lo Dafn

I*lv « Hiraddu* r I4ih «Mr»i«e. b«i n is nea hM*

>1 (hry orir eser vwd m (|,e <lhgr<b.

* lM*i Will, ami, ‘Y T.i Thelyiw'

».d.l pp. I a. 1 9 On NVfKIo.

nif Kr?'" isa» (iw* pacu

• J. l.uml<Fy |>»vw*. ^ ITie «ru>khm,

Jo Mu»K i TronsMOfHn |},c HwwvraUc S«ck«v

^vawioilori^ JO. pp. Jb

siiglF W (rraird wi»li owlion.

r' I wfsof Uit

the prrdesional bards, with some '' folk

influence. Smisc of the ballad singers were

doubtless bards who had fallrn on h<ird times.

.Already from ihc 17th century also,

Christian carols began to appear, l ive

f^kCsts wrre attempting to rradicate all iratev

pS paganism, including ilw rural pastimes

w’here (here was ringing and dancing and, in

later times, a good deal of " <|ueMiiiiMble

behaviour'*. iXsiructioji increased with the

revival whkh was 10 come in ihc following

century, ai>d though some folk fiwiivah have

besm celebraii'd within living memory, many

of tlx: dancc'suiigv or old carols vs<'re thus lost.

The priests sometimes atumpicd to Chris-

tianize pagan cuvtiimv, hui for the mos( part

stamped them out and rr|>lA(id them with a

new, serious ami initrulisiic lypeol carol which

the people cnuld sing m church and from

house to Iwiuse.

.\()S • C< »vi oK sij i V A sn Is ni’vi g y . — he

convseiioii ot il»c religious revivalisis that all

enjoy fiM’iit in life wav sin inevitably led to ihe

drstriMtion of muric vvhith had grown up lo

serv e a ciuiie tip|xmte ideal. I he minsirels of

the more ]>uf )ti la r i v |m* w e rr act 1 v ely persec u 1 ed

by Ihe more fanatical revivalbis. Eduard

Jonet says that up and d«wvn Wales he had

perwtnally met sever.il harpists and soitgsttts

who had actually Uen prevailed upon by

those " ilhierate plelnian preachers" to re-

linquish (heir profession from the idea ihni it

wav sinful.*

lltc bardic musical tradition, now only a

vhad<m' of iis fsH-mrr self, lingered on into the

lOlh century. Most <jf the great hinoes and

ilte village inns still had their harpists or faintly

of harpisis,* But Ahram Jeremiah of Elan-

over. prohaWy ilw last harp maker in WaU s,

died in the iBBos.

(hiring this jicriod of destruction the first

col leciKHis of secular music puhhshc^l in Wales

“ - (hose of harp and hardii. tunes Ijcgin to

appear. .Made liy important bards and harp-

ists of (he lime, the prmci|>al collections come

from North Wales, the last stronghold of the

liardic tradition. ITiey includr (hose of John

Parry and Evan Williams (1742) and of

Edward Jones {1^4)- These collections re-

veal that (he Isarpisls no longer understood the

harmwik basis of their own tunes, still lr%s ihc

technical terms of theh own ancient musical

science. The influx of English tunes into

Wales during the previous period is shown by

the English tunes which occur in these same

Collections under Welsh (ides.

The songs of the people were of little

interest lo the bards, whose ideas of poetic art

were so complex and subtle. Folk music iltus

a a-BP



cau)i, p. rKK


• • letter rrwn Llan«eHen, *y Auc. 1839.



scarcely appears la W elsh puWicaiioiu uniil

the i9lh century, when appeared the import*

ant collections ^ Maria Jane Williams (1844)

and John Thomas (1844. 1843).

In (he established Church singing was poor

at the opening of the 18th ceniury. It re*

mained so for a long time despite elTorts to

improve it and to encourage instrumental

playing by getting itinerant teachers 10 visit

the parishes. Et*en in iBoo, at the consecra*

tion of the new Bishop of Llandaff, the musical

resources of the service were limited to a dozen

choristers and a bass viol.

Wales, however, rapidly became Non-

Conformist, and by 1680 Non* Conformity

claimed four-hCths of the population. Despite

the ruthless destruction of the j6th century,

the Revival none the less virtually laid the

foundations of modern musical life in Wales.

A turning-point came, about t 740 > ^'^ith

congregational singing ; fiCKlIng its chief focus

in the hymn*tune, it became widespread

through the influence of \N'esley and W'hiifield

on the Welsh Revivalist leaders. \ Valet found

a great hymn-writer in William Williams

(Fantycelyn) who in 1787 produced hit

' Selection of Psalm- and Hymn-Tunes from

the Best Authors \ mostly of English origin.

Instrumental accompaniment was on the

whole diKOuraged, though the attitude varied

with the locality.

Progress was slow at first ; few could read

music, many poor tunes were in use, and per-

formance was restricted to the unison. But

hymn-singing fired the imagination, and it

became customary at the end of a service to

repeat a hymn an indefinite number of times.

Many folksongs and carols became trans-

formed into hymn-tunes in the fers’our of the

time. TJie peasants singing in the different

districts ornamented the same tunes in their

different ways. Some of those hymns w'ere

modal and even non-diatonic, and many had

a charm far greater than the four-square

harmonized tunes of to-day.

Preaching, no less than singing, became a

great source of inspiration. The preacher,

both in sermon and extempore pray-er, used

the emotional serni-chantmg known as MgK* »

plainsong-Iikc intonation of modal character

not unlike that of some of the folksongs.

Standards of singing improved rapklly

during the t^th century, and the harmonium

was widely introduced as a support to the

voice. Harmonized versions of hymn-tunes

were published In »/•/« notation, which was

now l^ing taught in the chapel schoob. The

important collection of leuan Gwylll (John

Roberts), ‘ Llyfr Tonau ’ (1859), had an

especially great influence on congregational


* F«r A Ibf oT 40 or morr important coOrrliocw

futiliihed beiwecii i8i^ and 1887 ter ' Apficndicn W

R(d>er(s and others started the eymanfa genu

^maitfooedd cviu) or hymn^inging festival.

Not Mtly hymns, chants and anthems were

sung, but occasional oratorio choruses, and

the musical horlxon ofthe ordinary man began

10 widen. Music was now finding its chief

centres in the chapeb, which were ^ing built

with the rise of the coal-mlnlng industry.

The same impulses which prompted the

gatherings oi old were breaking through anew.

From 1789 the eisteddfod * was frequently to

be held again; in 1S23 it embraced choral

singing, and from 1880 it has been held

annually almost without a break, becoming

towards the end of the century the great

national competitive festival of the arts which

it is to-day. Smaller annual cisieddfodau

were being held locally, and at this period the

first non-competitive music festival was

founded at Harlech {1867-1934).

Oratorios were performed by the large

industrial communities, and \Vales was now

beginning to respond to the musical stream of

England and the Continent. As early as the

16^ oratorios by \Velsh composers received

performances. Founded on Handel and

Mendelssohn, these tvorks showed a radical

change from the old bardic song with harp

accompaniment ; they represent the beginning

of modem composition in ^Vales. The eom-

poem of the period included Joseph Parry

(1841-1903), Emiyn Evans (1643-1913} and

Da>^ Jenkins (td49-t9t3).

THt Latest Phase.— The rapid develop-

ment of industry and the growth of the

English language in Wales, especially in

Khools from the middle of the 19th century,

aimed a new blow at the surviving folk music

which, as a natural practice, has during the

present century become almost extinct. The

Webh Folk Song Society, however, was

founded in 1906, and has done valuable work

In ccdleciing and publishing material.

The place in popular favour forrnerfy held

by folk music has come to be occupied by the

hymn-tune, which has in fact become the

ebaraeterblic native means of musical self-

expression. Hy-mn-singing U heard not only

in the church and chapel service and at the

tymaii/tf fW, but equally in the mining valleys,

on the seashore, arid at political meetings anti

football matches. .

Wales has had some fine choirs since belorc

the turn of the century. Choice of music ana

choral performance was widened by the non-

competitive festivals: the Monifomeryshirc

Festival at Newtown (since 19*®)

Three Valleys Festival (since 193 ®)-

S£i^Jr’.»w ihfmirs

• Th* "•!«* • tCAtdiff, iMh



ampng is important in tbe num^ous local

cbtcddfodau held in towns and viU^es all o>’er

Wales, and also in the National Eisteddfod.

The International Eisteddfod (once 1947) has

given Welsh choirs the opportunity of assessing

their own standards by hearing chmrs from

many parts of the world, and has brought new*

music into Wales.

Brass bajids have grown up alongside the

choral activity, achieving a high standard in

some pans of the Principality.

Welshmen have largely to go to England or

elsewhere for their musical training ~ ilwre

are few music schools in the Principality —

and can better earn (heir living there than in

Wales. Few of them can thus afford to return,

and hence it is that, as of old, many U'elshnien

are contributing to Ktiglhh mu«iral life, l>oth

in orchestral and on ihe operatic viagr, rather

than to tlieir (»wn. The few schemes aisd

attempts made to found a national orchestra

in Wales have been shori-Us'ed.

The inllumce. htmesvr, has not all iMreii one

way. The b.K.C., founded in with its

own Welsh Orchesira since 1036, has done

much to encourage* mustc in the exerutani,

creative and educational sfiherrs. Leading

English orchestras are vUiling \N ales, though

the lack of suitaMc cocicert.halls rs a formid*

able obstacle, 'I he L'nivcniiy of Wales has 1

music faculty, with departments at Cardiff,

Aberystwyth and Bangor, though not at


Ihe last thirty years have seen great

advances In musctiil education in the broadest

sense, with Sir ^Val^ord Davies as a leading

pioneer. Education authorities are rapidly

appoinling music ex|>rris, and music is Ving

etirouraged in schools as never Isrfore, Fnllf

songs are sung in schools, and staff m>taiH>n is

Inking taught alongside conk solfa. Numerous

organ i<rat ions foe recreation, education and

social service which have appeared during the

last few years are he lping musical life. The

younger gcnt raiion is no longer aaikficd with

the sialic oulloctk of the earlier part of (he


Until recently ^\’aln has been almost totally

devoid of the opportunities necessary for the

creating of music in the modem sense. l'b«

early compowrs showed little mastery outskle

choral music, and k Is only with the coming

hro^ca«ilng and the musical life of the

Univenuy that composers have had anything

approaching the opportunities they need,

Vaughan 'Ihomas (1875-1934) aiKl David dc

Lloyd ( i0il3':9(U), in absorbing tradition and

acquirirtg the technique of a new age, were

•mponani among pioneers of a native an.

Ihe problem for the native composer is how

tf gain his technique and, if he leaves \>*ale»

m order to do to — since opportunities in

''ales arc very much restricted — how to

remain in touch with his owd language and

literature, and later how' to bring his works

belbre a V>'clsh public.

Age-old tradition survives with retnarkablc

persistence, llie old triple harp may still

sometimes l>e seen and luard in the living-

rooms of houses and in the farmhouse kitchens.

Penillion singing is a unlverNally popular art,

lire old style of singing hvmm in some of the

country' districts, true to the ancimi IniervaU,

survivTS to make the modern hartnoinum and

pipe-organ sound out of tune. I'he emuiionai

kiry! still pours from ilu* hearts of snmr of ihc

older preai,lu*r». The r^mntjat of more reci'iit

origin, shows again the unqueurhable desire

to gailHT for song. .\iid the Corsedd, iho

ruling IkmI) of the Nailnnal Eisirddfod, issuev

degrees wIhhc names were knuvvn in W ales of

old : I Ovate), < 13 or<li and

(Clhief Musis iiinl, though in a much altered

society the signilKanre of th<*sc offi< es them-

srlvm is greatly ihangril,

J here liave been many change^, p(>rh4|is

in<«e in the last century than ever Iwforc.

^ Vales lias awnniUitxl much l.ur<>|>enn music,

though many would uty not yet enough. Vet,

for Ihe future directiun of miisir in \N nles, no

arlNtrary canons tan be laid down.

Racially, the Welsh v»tm their own art.

Lcoriomiially. they can scarcely aflorJ j|.

Tlieir invularily is Unh a strength and an

oUiacle, This, in Aluiri, is their central

proUem. llierc is, too, the added difficulty of

their language. Yrt Wales, with her inriute

laknt, her unfallmg enthusiasm arvd the gift of

circumstance may yrt acquire personality in

3otli«cciitur>' musical life. r. c.*ir.


CMMurv.|««>ci*sn. Htia. ’ Mu«ic in Wain ’ ^l.tmdon,

'sartvitt (MKoliHtwkr.

* Snwiar Mw»k in Wain m ilie Middle

AfA ' < M. A I... Ai<r. tastf I,

* Karly W^kli Mmik ’ {.N'AlMial (Jtuiud of Mu*ic%

* Nnn L^ttn \ Jan. 194^,

UA^HU. Ai*<o». *s.n*e Konatk^ (Mi Crfujn Wal

tr^tOMis Ml W«ln * •' '1 ransariions 'rftlir Honour.

«Ue Wmy ot (;tininruJur*o«> \ 2lr,kwjii iQ<>o>iu,

LsiatUuA. 1^1 1 >,

David. K,. * ^tieln iMsirtfiqun >ur U et U loutkiue

lUns la (UniUw * rMrr.

Dmaciuii. Akmmu. * IW Ovnuri ' June 1934).

* Ajw>nic WafthMuuc ' »* I'ransac iKniss^Tiiir Horiuur*

aW« SaKieiv C^yRmiOMlntion *, Sn^wm 1933-94-

laS). (.WHitMI. < 97 ^. M),

TaamtaooAi fron ihe rntllyn ManuMripi ul Am \eut

tlarp Minx ’. V«l, I rfjAncrhn. 19371.

trkAUAU. * A tii.uafr of UclsS Muiic ‘ (t.nndon.

Ckirnni. yaenrax. ' NoiaUe WeKh Muv<iani\ and

nL (LoAdon. 189$!.

A‘' ''"•^*** ’ I>-ne)#« • vll.tnarvon,

CMmtM. Wvy, ‘The Vuke of WaJn '


OWVXK J.ian*. T,. ‘(Utdl.ni and Roirante’ f Trant.

irf Ihe ItiHx^Kable S»-»pk of Cymmro.

>4. Pf. wv^in).

<.en« Daiit* I'iSulleun uf Q,e Board of Celtic

Sufdm . May t9»a. I. i«.

OwTv, 3V. S.. • WeM. National Mnik acxi

t •»l»Ci (LoadoA. 193*?.

J0A»*. UwABO. • Muskal and roeiual Relkbs ,Ur

Webh Bac<h * (LoodoA. 17B4I,



WALKER (Edyih)

‘ The Bardic Museum ‘ (Lixsdon, iSo 9 )>

Lewis, Hskry, 'MusiCE* (B.M. Add. MS 1490$)

(CardilT. IM&I.

Lewis. loan, 'C^doriaeih Nfh)mni* (Lavetpool.


Lloyd Williams. J., * Welsh Melodies eimI

Falk 5 un« ’ (* Transactions of the Cynunrodonon

Societv S Session

* Y Tri 'rhelyeor ' (London. daI.).

LvMi.PV Da vies. J.. * The Conuibusion of Welshmen w

Music * I’ iransac lions of the Honourable Society

of CymmrodociuA ’• SesEion ( 9 « 9 -$o. m. ^ns).

* Myvvnan Archaiolofv of Wales 9 iw ra. (Denbiith,

1870), pp. I07I-I947,

Natiohal Eitrpporop Cot'Kcib, 'The Eisteddfod of

Wales ' (194)).

PAkttY, Thomas. * .Suiud ('.rufTydd ap Cynaa * (‘ Bulletiei

of ihe Board of Celtic Studies’. V, i. tvss


Riivs, J. D.. ' Cambcobrylannkae Cynwaccaeve

l.inruae Insliiutionet et Rudimenu ' (London,

Roaian, Canon E., ' Welsh Musk le OieTsidor Period ’

(' 'I'raniaciiens of the HonoiwabW Soeieiy of

Cymmrodorion *, Sessi^ 1999-9$. London, 1997.

I>p. >•94).

WauAHi, G. J.. * Eisteddfod Caeefyrddin ’ (' Y Lknoc ',

V, ». Wrr^m, 199$).

WsLiiAus, )pem & Ruacan. Thomas, * Cyserddau

Dafydd ap Gnilym a*i Gyfaeswyp ’ U'^rdiff.

frr efie Bibliosraphy after Ihe trikir Folk Ml tec:

SVelsh. Many of ihe eolleriiont mentioned there

remain insperuini articlea on the hieioey of Welsh


WaJey. Avibar. Sh Aplvor (tone). C^p 4 od leoni).

Ore W., Kuifti. Saain ($ soAts). TrancheD {9

(')kincv iKxmi with chamber m.l.

WALEY, Simoa (^. London, 33 Au((.

1837 ; d, London, 30 Doc. 1875).

EnglLK pisniat and compoaer. Hr was a

pupil aucccsaivrly of Moachein, Bennett and

G. A' 09 ^>ornc for thr pianoforic, and of W.

Homlcy and Molique for theory and com-

position. He began composing very early and

wruic several elaborate piecea for hia inatru-

menf before he was twelve. Hia ftnt published

work. ' L' arpeggio a study, appeared in

1848. It waE speedily followed by a number

of songs and pianoforte pieces, as well as a

Concerto with orehesira and two pianoCorie

Trios, Op. 15 in its major and Op. 90 in G


Simon VS’aley was an accomplished pianist

and frequently performed at the concerts of the

Amateur Musical Society, conducted by

Henry Leslie. His compositions abound in the

plaintive melody characteristic of Mendels*

sohn ; they exhibit great finish and richness of

deiaii and harmony. He was a prominent

member of the London Slock Exchange and

for many years took an active part on the

committee. He belonged to the Jewish faith

and was a leading member of that community

during the critical period of its emancipation

from civil disabilities. One of his finest works

is a choral selling of Psalms CXVIl and

CXVni for the synagogue service.

His published works, besides those already

mentioned, contain a large number of pieces

for pianoforte solo and duet, (wo duets for

vioHn and pianoforte, songs and duets, etc. etc.

The choruses for the synagogue mentioned

above were published in Vol. I of the * Musical

Services of the West London Synagogue

Besides the printed works some orchestral

pieces remained in manuscript. c.

WALKELEY* Aniliony (6. WelU, 1672;

d. Salisbury, 1$ Jan. 1718}.

English organist and composer. He was a

chorister and afterwards a vicar<horal of

Wetb Cathedral. In 1696 he was appointed

organist of Salisbury Cathedral as successor 10

Daniel Roseingrave. His Morning Service in

Er b preserved in the Tudway Collection

(Harl. MS 7343), and anthems by him are m

manuscript at Ely Cathedral and in the

R.C.M. in London. w. h. h.

WALKER & SONS, Joaeph W. English

organ builders, formerly of Francis Street,

Tottenham Court Road, London, now of

RuUlip, Middlesex. The business was origin-

ated ^ Gco^c England in J740, who was

succeeded by his son and his son-in*law, H.

Nkholh, to whom J. W. \Va!ker was appren*

eked. Walker took over the bu»iness after

Nkholk's death in 1820, established it in

Museum Street in 1828, removed It to j 68

High Holbom in 1830 and to Francis Street,

W.C.. in 183d. He died in 1870, and the

factory was carried on by hit son, James John

(L 31 Aug. 1^: d. (9 Sept. 1923). The

latter, a practkal Kieniist, who had worked

his way through every stage of the business,

was responsible for a very large number of

famous organs and for the high position which

the firm still occupies. Instruments built by

him included those in St. Margaret's, West-

minster, and Holy Trinity, Sloanc Square, in

London, Bristol Cathedral, St. Matthew's,

Northampton, and Harrow School Chapel.

V. de p., adds.

•iM.— M ha T,. No*. I9va.

WALKER, Edyth (L Hopewell nr. Rome.

N.Y., 97 Mar. 1867 5 d. New York. 19

American mesto-soprano singer. She

studied with Aglaia Orgeni at Dresden,

made her first appearance at a Cewandhaus

concert at Leipzig and her operatic dfbui at

the Berlin Opera on 1 1 Nov. 1894. After

some years at the Vienna Opera she made her

first appearance at the Metropolitan in New

York, as Amneris, on 30 Nov. 1903. Remain-

ing there for three seasons she added soprano

parts to her repertory artd was then engaged

for st^rano and mezzo parts by the Hamburg

Opera, where she remained until she went to

Munich in 191a. In 1908 she sang Orirud

and Kundry at Bayreuth, and Isolde >0

London, where she also appeared as Elektra

at Coveni Carden on 19 Dec. i 9 io« i^curtn^

from the st^e, she raught at the American

Conservatory at Fontainebleau m i938”3"

and afterwards privately in New York,

S. B.


WALXERt Ernefit (i. Bombay, 15 July

1870; d. Oxford, 21 F«b. 1949).

English teacher, pianist, organ i«. writer on

muiic and composer. He was educated at

Balliol College, Oxford, where he graduated

B.A, irt Lit. Hum. in 1^1. afterwards M.A.,

and took the D.Nf us. in 1 898. He remained at

Oxford all his life, devoting himself to com-

position and to the music of his College and

University. He was director of music ai

Dalliolfrom 1901 to 1925 and presided ov er the

Sunday enneerts of chamber music svhich

owed much to his authoritative skill at the

pianoforte. He was responsible for the in-

troduction to England of some of Brahms's

later works and was one of Hugo N Volf’s and

later Debussy's fir^t champions. In 1926 he

was elected to an honorary fellow'ship of

Balliol. He wa* Choragus of the L’nisrrdiy

from 191B to 1 9 12 and servetl for many years

as an examinrr and member of the Board

of Studies for music. Ax a teacher he com-

municated to many his catholic enihusi*

a»m«, tempered by an insistence on clarity

nf thought, sincerity an<l mastery of technique

which he had acquired from a deep and

consiant communion with the clavics.

From 1B99 to 1902 Walker edited the

quarterly ’ Muskal Caaclte ’ ; in 1905 he

wrote ’ lUethoven ’ (’ Music <»f the Masters '

vries) , a succinct and penetrating monograph.

Kis 'History of Music in England’ (1907. 2nd

ruv. cd, 1925) U his most important literary

work; written before the publication of much

material on I'udor and Caroline music, its

u holardiip is such that it remains a standard

work of referciirr,» ’Free ’I bought and the

Musician ’ (Oxford, 1946^ is a collection of

essays written over a period of thirty years.

He sifted the facts he rolleclrd and expressed

his often pungent ju<lgmrnts in good English.

Hjs style of composition sprang from the

(ierinan classics, and he regarded with sus-

picion the cult of folk music and modality

^ibraco<i by many of his contemporaries.

Yet only a superfuial judgment could dismiss

his music a.s Urahmslan. In earlier works he

was content to rely on a fastidious craftsman-

ship and subtle melodic sense, which in vocal

works was allied to a remarkable feeling

for the declamation of English purtry; his

(lair for chromatic harmonv was revealed

to telling cxcur»ions from a diatonic norm.

Among the U-sl of these works are the ‘ Five

bongs from '* Englanil’s Helicon " the ' Ode

Jo the N’lghilngalc *, the two fine amhems

'Ip. lo, 'Say, dainty dames' from Op. 17

an<i the ‘ Fantasia ' in D major (or stKna

quartet. *

' 9'4 is a marked change of

style. Chromatic harmony is used with far

J' A. W«in,p sivesred

greater bt^ness as one of the chief <’m<>iionaI

means, sometimes leading, as in the ‘ Three

Fugheit^ ', Op. 49. to a striking attenuation

of tonality. *liiU more intense and passionate

style is at its finest in the ecllo Sonata, Op. i.

Other notable works are the ' Joachim"

Variatiom, Op. 40. the ’ FamaslaA arta-

lions Op. 4j, and the moving partsongs

‘ One generation passcih away ' an<i ' Dirge

in U’oods’. The ten Preludes on the Ity/tin*

tunes he wrote for Jjdy Margaret Hall

chapel are among the few significant coniri.

hutions to English organ mu«ir of this centurv.

It will be seen from the following list of

works that many of the items are short and

occasional, even private. Hut an exploration

will reseal much refined beauty. It is perhaps

signifirant that Walker ])uhlish(’d no large-

vale orehesiral W'ork. j. k. (ii),

BcM. — Dssrst. .SlADi.AiirT, TineU VVAlbrr * (Krnnl.


J . , S .. • Manky Koliri ( aimI l > nf>i

ttalkrr *M. & L„ aX\. * 940 . I>< euj.




SV ' Rbew» * T.MOpHle*'. Pk oipm'i mjmm, uniwn & a-

PAfi im (txreb . |«rrf. tlxfnrd. L’liurrviu Ihaind*

iM IV),



i pAfiwHit* fcr S.S, Of S.A, 6 pf. t



l o IUIIfi 4 M« tHfffMki.

9. To iHfifKbr.

$. I >Nlf* ih^ arrmwtmil tree ^SliAbetoeaff 1.

4. un«*» the*# uiuh •SKakf<ee«re>.

5. ia>, Wre the teiitir Urk <SUakf«peare»,

Mfr* "kew wrft v.Mrrt<| 4 « ishrlJoi.

I V pt* Am<l>» for v 4 <» cs. e liorui & < >r< h. 1 1 (10;, )

.M^r«s*l «n s p*rw. • hrewn 1, mv Vnf ' 1 iftoqi,

a (w s v S.A. fc pf, u„mTHjkc’,

Stmt* «( Jnfwtfnte ii(M 9 >

I. Il^f Sltepliftd.

I, Ihe etlMMfHT cieen.

$. (>AiBe Swat.

4. NHr*<i.

i . Nwrw’tSuni.

. LMrAint .SoAf.


to J;uripKlr»S • H.criiaf \

UartL Ixillwi MyrtA,^ Toffhory* ft vrth, lifivbj

oar («• S,thiuit*k • rkeaui fc>r b«riione. <hur«t

ft Afth. woli <|«r. tiMfl),


*• J •j/i**'* »>*« (•(» tvr S.S.A.K

*' xV* '*1*® for

3 ,A I.B.j.

17. 9 tseiiontf fm S.S.A. ft pf.

*• •" I.liialKiliAii

,, *?***?®"*l tlfoi).

K»rk. l4fk. (h« i,rk rsiiAknpearr). ui,-

Rmn. thru dUrn ipinn iFIfOlirr) Ooost

WterFr«HenHi.«iShelioj ripj.

dAiiw iPom WrrJk«*«

6 . Lnftm and blm (RjvenKrofij (loofij






^VALK£R (Ernest) ; Works

06 .

90, Parison« * Librtly * <Sh«lk>*) foe T.T.B.D. ((909).

— Chof*^ LvTic * N*piuAc*i Cotperi* * (Campuii) for

<horu» & orth. {i9i0).

30. 3 paruoom for S.S.A. (Henkfc)

I. To tiJsAK (ifs*).

9. Cpiuph upon 4 Virtin (i9U)>

i. Upon 4 Child that dkd (1914).

3 1 . Poruonc * I n Fndr of May ’ for S.& A. & pT. ( 19 14).

33, Farisonj * Orpheuf with hit Iui4 * (Shatetprare «r

Fincher) for S.A.T.B. (193$).

34' Paruoni * Pull Fathom n^e' <Sli4fcr9pea/«) for 6

lopranoe {1993).

36. 3 Paruonpt vridt pf. ( t994)

I, Sweet Obtruniy (Roberi Creenr) ~ uiuaen


9. Hymn lo Diana (Ben fonwn) — three vofoee.

3, A Hawh*t up. for a Huei't up (RavemcroA)

— two voxel.

4, Sleep (Beaumont and Fleteher) — two


9. To an autumn rose {Mary SeeiO— two


49. Paritonf 'Soft Muik’ (Hrrrkl:) for S,5A.T.B.B.

3t. * The Lailv Marram Hetl Hymn>Tunr«* 1 193a)

I. Bu«kau— for Herberi'e ' Di«riplir>e * (“Tnrew

away Thv red ”|,

а. Sorham — for Hrrbrn** * Praxe * C Kiiut of

Clory. Kint of Fraee

3. NV’ater Meadow^ for C. Reeaeitr'i * A Beicrr

ReHirrectien ’ (*' I have bo wit. no wor^

no trart *').

4, Cambridae Gate — for Blake’e * To hfrtc>’.

Fiiv. Peare and Love

3. Warwick Haven — for Fraiwit Quarin’i

* Thou art my lifo \

б, Ovrntrand — for Fletehrr't * Drop, dr«p«

dew Iran'.

3. Windy Prak — for Vauffhan't * S’Mivity *

(** Awakr, alad head '*).

6. Leimatiw — for Vauihan'e ' Proce ’ ("My

toul. tHerr it a eeuniry

9. Gtinliehl — for Vauthu'e * Chmfolneia '

(“ l.ord. with what courarr and dehtht "I.

10. Denmark Hill — for .Sidnry'eM) Loid. in mr

•here lieih noutht *,

39. Mniei 'The Faith ii the Lord'i * for $3.A.» aUo

arc. for T.T.B. (t933l'

53. Clheral Sen« ' Sumet and rvenlna lUr * {Tennyton)

for S.A.T.B, {comp. I43a> (>934^

36. h(olet * One tcneraium paaKth away ' <E<cfo>

•iastei) for S.A.I.B. I >934!.

jB. Motet ' Hearken to m«* llMiah) for S.SA. wiih pC

or orpan ad /<>. ti934K

$2. ' MapniAcai ' and 'Nunc <limiitii', D ma., for

womcn'i voieei 4 orran <I93>I'

$3. pariionf ' Dirge in Woedt ' {Meredith} for S.A.T.B.



— ' Lyexe ' for tin. (1S99).

— Concert Overture, F mi. (1097}.

99. Sntermerta for tigi. (with t dart, ad M.) It pf.


^ CrowrtJ for tir«. fi9i0.

43. Fania«a«VariaUont on a Norfolk folksonf (' Lovely

Joan 'I (t930) {rrr Pbr Pianofone CMt).


— ' From the Upland to the Sea ' ( Wdiam Morrn} for

boritonc. itg. 4let It pf. { i994).

• Tno. C mi., for vn.. cello li pC (1090).

— Quartet. I) ma.. fot vn.. viola, cello & pf. (thgpj.

— ^intet. By mi., for horn ft (ipoo)*

90. Mieuci ft Trio for 9 vnc. ft pL (t9i»3}.

— Quiniei, A ma., for a vns„ viola. ceDe ft pt {•903).

39. ' Faniaiia ’ for tta. 4tai (eomp. 1903I (•9»3).

— Quartet. C mi., for vn.. viola, ceUo ft pL { rpto).

— Vanaiiont on an Orirmtd Theme for eiar.. vn-.

viola, eelfo ft jd. left hand ( 19331.


6 . ‘Ballade' for vn. (1696).

I. Sonau, A mi., for vn. feomp. 1I95) (iBpI}.

Q. R^^ance, Br ma.. for vfota or <Ur. (iBpS),

II. No. I, ' Ballade ' for cefto (ipeo).

No. t. Adagio, Eff ma., for ceOo or hen (1900).


— ' Rocnaaoe and Caprice ' for va. (>904).

— VariaticR* on art Onfinal Theme lor viola (>907),

99. Sonata. C ma., for viua (comp. 1S97) {19 ta).

40. VartattocB on a Tbeme by Joachim for vo. (comp.

C91S} 1*997).

41. Soitala, F mi., for cello (comp. 19x4} (ipsB).

44. Son4U. E> ma.. for vn. (comp. 1910) (1930).

' LottdooderTT Air ', arr. for vn. (1933).


— Rhaps^y. G mi. (1892).

4. Variaiioiu on a Norwegian Air (1894).

3, Romaiwe and Capriccio (1S93).

— ' Album Luf ' (tW3>.

— hlarurha (10^7).

— ' InteroMxao in Tenthi ' (1898).

— 'Album Leaf' (iM).

— Suite ‘ The Dayl of the Week '(1904) (No. 1 publ. u

£> ma, (1993) (used for Variation* is

Ob. 44. «rr One Inatrumrnt and Pianoforte).

' 'flircc Dedicauotw ’ (1929).

' Easier Piece ' (1929).

' Four Miniatures ' (193O

t. Urewnd.

9. SchcfMtto (for 4 imaU dog).

3 . Canoe.

4. OWIMlO.

Study for the left hand (comp, tpoi) (>930.

' Three Pvcheitaa ' (19331.

' ChriMfnai Pwee ' (t933)<

Prdude for the left hand (i995)>

' Wmt African Fantatktia * (1933).








' Six Ouettinos' (with raay upper part) {>97dJ>

. Fantasia 'Variatioru or* a Norfwk folluont (' Lovely

6 art 'I (<930) (m* afr* Orchestral Works).

ett Afrvean Paotaiia * (1933).

Rhapsody and Fufur <1934).


60. ' A Waite Suite ' (ifSl).


as. prelude and Fugue. D ma. (i990). .. .. u _

30. ' Ten Prehidri on the Lady Margarei Hall Hymn*

Tunes ' ( 1 93a) (for titles m Choral IV'orki. Op. 39)'


** ^ foSv^ five (Shakespeare).

t. It was a lover and his Im (Shakrtprare).

*. When ickks hang by the wall (Shakespeare).

4. F«uMinKi^4ubc (Uhland).

J FruMInnruhe (UKIand).

Fruhliftfsleter iUhland).

* t^^pibra ^with his lute (Shakespeare or


p. PhUlw the fair (Burnsl. , _

S. What does littJe birdie aay f (Tennyson).

4. Die bUven Fruhlingsaugen <l^tne>.

S. Es Isett drt heitse Sommer (Heme).

B. GHieimnis (Karl Candidut).

* ?^Keim^Land (Chfistina Ros^li).

9. WeAB eiosimals mir da* Alter naht (Olga

5. TTvTtSeSSur'folb on castle wall* tT^rnmn).

4. SomeeUed me where the rubx* grew (Hernck).

V Night Piree (Herrsck). . ,

£ ASreootic Ode (Fill hoy. a* deep a

draught) (Thomas Moore), ,

15. AMcnoBik Ode ' I care

iTh^M Moore) for bantono { • 09n>.

— t SO^ (C094) m ^ i. «

I. A Menage {G. H, F. Cooksoo).

a. How they brought her wamor dead.

«. Our enesues have fallen.

WALKER (Frank)

WALKER (Gcoi^— 1 )

H 3


19 -

31 .



3 SO^ {1903)

t, Si*r> of ib« itunnv* nhitii {|j«n^eUQ«i,

«. TtK Thro« Fiih^n sKinfiln*;-

* Comilli ffttr * (from vi LUcsbeihait (oo«>beoki

* BIlkmIU from ih« rle«nnf ' 'Heolev) 1*904).

$ Sonn (1909)

I . H«v nonnr no 'anoe.),

t. tn the Spi,t>n fwilirhl (Svtlorv 1>obell>.

i . »nowilfo 9 ft ibobell'.

oAJiheA’ (L«velM«r (C909V

* Come into ihr lanfeit. MaimI ’ iTewtnon) 1911 .

3 Sonir* (Pebellr also with *maU oreh. 1 1936)

I. Summer Hain.

t. Meets .Sfins,

Sonr from ' Wilhelm Tell * (VkiBeri ri 9 i 7 ),


« Duett iof Mpeano 4 bartione 11907*

• M V tied rest lose, linee i)>ou m ih so 1 KerrH k >

i. You Ihai wuiit 10 mv p«pe’« lotiad 160m at.

iliidbeihan ioii«>U«ok),

Uueit lor r^rfsifdho 4 lenor Mr.fte/

C4, Caiior. for z equal tukei * Kmm imm. «il

<*recii»rtonj (• 0 J 7 K

.|U bril.


iu. ^ Suiiirs frtim * LnvUmrs HelMoei ’ < fee

h.A.'I.H, ( iQuo)

I. ll.e t]ie|>hertit* ronuirt intti of h]«Mlet\


a. ()amelv»’« t<Mi< lohn lharhenia iH.C.».

3. l.ove the otUy priee of lose ranon.

<• *“*• •" .Smatean*

S' A »<teel pattural ‘S. RrrtH»>.


"ll.e Brooklet', ma* bt )djs.ae<l U 4 er. ar». (of

Pf it 97 ?J.

- Allettro 4 wi' from MeAdel»ofet*t t mi. H«,

Quetlri. arr. 6 .t |>r, (1947^.


lor f) m», pf. (kHMerco, K 4«6 ((904.,

I ;»»r Iketl.i.ten « t, ni.. pf. OuHertu. tM, 37 liar 4>.

► or .M'.teri « (.tHKeriot i.i 49 ma., K. tvk. C toa

K, 4&7, am] A ma., K. 4H <* 933 h

'Wafj* Quart el raptu.e.vn on INfitn 4 SloiarO.

WALKER, FraaJt 'h. Cttsporf, I lamp*

alMn*. rojunc ryo?;.

Lngliah muatcal mrarrhachotar and aucitor.

((<• was cduraicd at I'l.rismouih Grammar

XchonI and I a Iff, while engagetl in other p«r-

suits, Jrvoteti Jtimself assiduously tv muskal.

especially biographical research, for which a

rare comhinaiion nf pallence, imagination,

tenacity and artistic insight qualified him in

a supreme degree. 11 is attentiim was at Tint

(• 93 ^^ turned towards liugv >Volf. many un-

known documents vf whose life were collected

hy him, in collaboration with Waller Legge at

hrst, but later alone. Ihe result was the most

complete and reliable life of Wolf, published

m the autumn of 1551 and far outstripping

Any (ierman work on the composer that has

so far a]>peare<l. Apart from its extraordinary

•nieresi as a biography, it is an admirable piece

of literature and shows an uncommon gift of

marshalling a complexity of fsM:ts and pre-

sen ling them clearly and readably.

i Hiring the second world war Walker was

Attached, in a civilian capacity, to the Royal

L<jtm of Signals in Italy, and during such

spare lime as he evuW find there he made a

close study of Neapolitan sources and of

maciers connected wiilt the life of Verdi.

Again the material for an im]H)riant U<M>k

was the result. It im ludi'S a series ofsiudiet,

four of tvhkh appeared in periodicals :

' Conhe’i ** I irKr S'crlusi " tet ia Musk t.v '

iX1, Rc«., Feb. lO^H. :

' Gemiu. amS Jut Buvt ol S Vrd i ' 1 M. & L. , Jan .

I 949 > :

* (kunoclli, Verdi aiHt Stnv Appian. ’ .b'4., Jati. iQjiK

* Verdi and S'rcniu ' «Mu(. .Sepi (Xl. iv))> ;

and orse of which formed a lecture lor the

Ku>’sil Musical 'Vauciation : ' Verdi's Ideas

on the iVoduciiun of Ins Shakespeare Op<*ras *

IIW. Roy'. Mus. .\ss.. Session LXXV Ij. At

Naples hr inade a c l<»sc scrutiny, among oilier

sourc«H, of the records ol Hlurimo, many of

whose errors an<l eart k'ssnessc* he was sub-

scqucnily able 10 correct, often with the aid

of complieatc'd further research, in a series of

ankles and in the present Dictionary, the

lifth vdiiKsn of which has had the Ih iiHIi of

innumerable emendations made by him,

'J*1h* folUming arc Walker's Neapoliian

studies, published in sarious iKriodicals ;

•S*K^ioc R«si xn.l Mm.h ' .VLM.H., Oct. .<)«, Jan.

a l«U.

'C<». «ihI I.o

'VL Kcs., Vur,

; rrex.nro. m» cW Mm, |><r. )f>iq .*

(H0 *4 IW»ku hHKrr.c» AIkI M.mUijLu-

unnt' <M. * L . Ort. lo^n

u»d rer«vlr». ' »M M,H.. Oct. lavsi.

.5^ «'''•>• Aug. iflM).

Xk.^ f^wepoM; « t.fh.i l.ile AM.] Work*'

^ thc Huiuo of# l»*M.tci<. •(M.tJ..J.|lv I9S»1.

A*i..ri* 4fM| A .Vf*|H.|.tAH l.khrenm ’

IM.M R., Mas I'isi '.

; JVf#^Lctc„a»' M M.R,.July.AuB.fc Sept. l9Va).

Verdt' . 3 f 4 1... CXi.

WALKER, George ( 1 ) ?),

English ettih'iyth-century music publisher

arsd nosHist. He establidied hiinwlf in Lon-

don almui 1793. at 1 06 Great Portland Street,

'^re he remainetl until i8ji, and from

that tunc to alioul 1848 he was ai 17 Soho

Square. He had atlJilional jirt niiscs at y Urook

Street alwui 1803-3, At 103 Great J'ortland

Sireet alraut *8ia-ao and 64 llurlington Ar-

<^e about 1820.3.1. About iday the business

became George Walker & Son, the son having

pwvioudy owned or managed the Bedford

Mu^al Repository. 1 publishing business at

45 ^ulhampton Row about 1823-27 and at

17 aoho bquare ai>out 1827-2^

It H probable that fJeorge Walker was the

wgiiwtor of the absurd practice of tnark-

mg sheet music at double what it teas sold

for; thn IS gathered from the statement in the

Lon^ Uirecioey that V is a “ publisher of

music at half-price ' ". He was the author

f ,"^>'^ 5 . •Cinihelja*. ‘The Three

Spaniards , Don Raphael etc., and a book

* Row u*s noi s comnw.

^ ‘ilnbMied .0 PfrK.'k.vT^I ,0


WALKER (George— ii)


of * Poems on V arious Occasions IS'itUam

Walker of (t6 Portland Sireei, probably a

relative, published sheet musk about 1807-^.

r. X-, rev. w. c. s.

WALKER, Geo^ (ii) ( 6 . >; i. ?).

Scottish i8th-i9th-ceniury music engraver.

He was established in Edinburgh from about

t790. He was not related to the London mtisk

publisher of the same name. His address from

about 1795 to 1796 was Head of Gallotvay's

Close, from 1796 to Head of Skinner's

Close and in about 1805-1 ' Fountain Well.

He then entered into partnership with William

Hutton as VN’alker & Hutton, musk engravers,

Foulis Close, which continued until about

1815, when Hutton left him and John Ander*

son joined the ftrm, which became NValker

A Anderson, music engravers, printers and

publishers, at 43 High Street. i6is>a6. It

was known as VS alker & Co. from 1836. the

address being 9 North Bridge from 1S39 to

1 646. For a few years before 1848 the business

was carried on by \Va1ker*s widow.

William Hutton, on leaving Walker, set up

fur himself as a music engraver at loj High

Street, Edinburgh, tvhere he was in partner*

ship with William Balbirnie. as Hutton &

Ualhirnie in about 1819-91.

John Anderson, who served his apprenikc-

ship with James Johnson of Edinburgh, was

in business on his own account as a musk

engraver at North Gray's Close. Edinburgh,

about 1809-tt, after which he was in partner*

ship with Johnson's widow as Johnson &

Anderson, music engravers and printers, at

475 High Street, i8it-t9, and at North

Gray's Close. 1819-15.

Walker engraved much Scottish musk for

other publishers, one of his earliest works

being VVilliam Shepherd's ' A Collection of

Strathspey Reels' (r. 1790), but in (he latter

days of the firm they printed and puMbhed,

as well as engraved music.

u. c. s.

WALKER, Laonard (4. London, 94 May


English conductor and composer. He was

educated at the T.C.M. in Lo^on and afier*

wards studied conducting with Nifcbch and

Richter. His chief activities has’c been in

the U.S.A., whither he went in 1993. He svw

conductor of the Long Beach Symphony

Orchestra, California, from 1923 to 1931,

when he was appointed director of the Los

Angeles Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra.

He has also conducted opera in that city. In

t937 and the following year he visited London

to conduct the London Symphony and B.&.C.

orchestras. Walker made a special study of

the problems of recording mu^c for the films

and has acted in an advisory capacity and as

conductor in a number of productions at

Hollyw'Ood. He has composed numerous

songs and made transcriptions of Bach organ

music for Orchestra. D. H. (ii).

WALKER. Norman (5. Shaw, Lanca*

shire. 9d Nov. 1907).

English bass singer. He won the Sarah

Andrew scholarship to the Royal Man*

Chester College < 3 S Music, where he studied

from 1929 to 1939, when he went to the

G.S.M. in London as a Sam Heilbuih (Major)

scholar for three years. During that time he

studied with \ Valter Hyde and won the

highest awards in the School. His first im-

portant engagement was in 1933, when he

sang in Bach's B minor Mast for the Halk

Concerts Society in Manchester, and in 1935

Beecham engag^ him for Verdi's Requiem.

From 1935 to 1939 he appeared in The

London international opera season at Covent

Garden. After nearly five years’ war ser\'icc

in the R.A.F. he returned lo Oovent Garden

and in 1948 sang Kmg Mark in the first

performance of ' Tristan ’ gi'cn there since

1939. His singing was warmly commended,

and he steadily added (o his reputation, singing

in many operas, including ' Lohengrin '.

He also sang a( Glyndebournc in 1937 and

1946. but hb wide repertory is not confined to

opera. He sang at (he FestiNals at Leeds and

Norwkh in 1947 and at the Three Choirs

Festival in 1947-48 and t950. ^Vith the

exception of 1944 he has sung regularly every

year at (he London Promenade Concerts

from 1936 onwards, and he has sung for all

the principal choral societies in Great Britain.

His voke has a magnificent ringing quality

and he is considered one of the beat living

singers of Handel. In 1941 he was made an

F.R.M.C.M. and in 1945 an F. G.S.M.

M. K. w.

W«U>«*, Sft ballad Optra (^Qyakrr's

WALKGRE, die (Wagner). Stt Ring

sas NiacLUNOEN, Dca.

WALLACE, bn (Bryee) (4. Undon, 10

My «9'9)« , ,

English base singer. He was educated at

Charterhouse from 1933 to 1938 and at

Frinity Hall, Cambridge, in *938-40, where

le took the B.A. with honours in law. His

nusicaJ studies were private. He has sung

ind acted with the New London Opera Com*

jany from 1946 to 1949 and appeared wiih

he Clyndeboume Opera Company at the

list Edinburgh Festival, and again in 194^

t950- In 1950 he sang at the Tcatro Reg^o

rf Parma and during the next three yca« he

ulfilled engagementt with the English Opera

Sroup, the Undon Opera Society and the

) B.C. Opera. He has also appeared « a

•haracier actor in films and on the stage, besiow

>rt)adcas»ing. In 1953 he

bther in Rossini's ‘ Cenermiola at Glynde*

loume and in 1934 as Bartolo. m. *«•


WALLACE (Vinc^ni)


WALLACE <Gnic«), Udy (A ?; 4. ?, li

Mar. 1878)-

Scotlish translator. She was the daughter

of John Steia of Edinburgh, >\as marrird for

the first time in 1834 and in 1836 to Sir James

Nf ax well U’allacc, who died 1667.

She translated the ^ollo^ving musical w’orfcs,

all published in London :

Two voli, of Mm 4 rlur»hr>’« Lrnm; 'From ItsJi

Sfwl SwiuerUtKl ' ii8aa> , * rr<»n la^sio ttsr * iiM}, ;

of Motati *. 9 nit. 1 116$' : * Knniniimw#? «l

Mri^cltwihn *, hv £Jiw I*i 4 k«> llttsi ; 'l^nm of

IWlJio^ch *, 9 wli. m866i ; of tKifi(WiM«ar 4

Stuiici«M» from t cwllrrfM.<i h> LudwiC NoU iiMti ;

Nohl'i ' l,»fr of M'>2sri’ q

WolUce, Lowti. Xft Krikv t’firn l(u/\ scoe^

fit,'. V>u>« I' CturHX K»«« ofdi. hmw*.

WALLACE, Lucille Clucatu, -tt Feb.


l.nglisli (by marriag* » pianist and harp*

sichorcliNt of American Inrih. She was edu*

raiotl at the Ihith Const rsaturVi Chiogo, and

after taking the Ntus.llac. d«gr«*r prnret'dttl

lo VasNjr College, hnjglik«i psiv, where sl»e

giiintsl in kj]^ the S’avNar Fellowthip for the

iludy <>f history and niu>ie. This award

entitU'<i her to go to the l. nhcrsitv of \ knna,

where die studied under (iuidu Adler and

Alfom l^p»ch. In die coniinwd

her stu<li« % at the S<irl>onAe. Fans, and with

UontJa l.an<low»ka and Nadia Boulanger.

She aho lotik k^'tf>lw in [>ian<jforic with Ariur

Silinalx’t in ]h*rlin. *J'he trctwl of Iut educi*

don aiiimliKd an interest in the rnuMc of the

17 ill and tdih eenturtes, and site began tu

specialise in the hteraturc uf the harpsiehord.

SIk' ditl nol entirely al>amlon the pianoforte

and ha« included m her |>rograinmrs works

by I he earlier com|HW'rs for that histTumeni,

c'spc'ciall)' the ^otlalas of Mn/nrt, as well as

romivnitloni for sirgmah ami elavkhocd

pla>ucl ii|Min these jnstruntenls. 'I his gives to

her recitals an historical interest as an exposi*

lion of the development of keyboard technique

and the changes in style consequent upon

the in ircKl union of the piicK^«irte. Hul her

roffiijiantl of the tethnique of tJte hanniclsord

relieves he r pc rfewmances of any suggesiion

of dry pc*<lanir) , and they arr enjoyable for

llicir c^wn sake. In (lariicular she has revivvxl

an inien-sl in the levs familiar and greater

SKie c,f the genius of Francois (hjuperin ami

Domenico btarlaul, who have Wn loo long

reprew nt^ In recital programmes hy a few

^ iheir slighter pieces transferred to ihc piano*

forie. Lucille Wallace plays upon a modern

mstrumeni hy l*le>el. In ICJ31 she married

Uillord Cur/ton, the pianist, with whems she

has givrn joint rcHitah, o ll (iii

WALLACE, (WiUUm) Vincent (F-Uat’er-

lord, 1 1 Mar. tHi*^ : 4 Chateau dc Ifagct nr.

Vieuac^, lUuu ^.lhren^f^ ,2 1665).


Irish composer. Hjs father was band*

sergeant of the ggth or Wore csirrs hire

Regiment, few which, in his childhood, the son

composed many marches and fantasias. In

1B37 the family migrated to Dublin, Fhey

condsied nf the fathcT. who was hout^hl out of

the Army in *835. his svife, \Vilh4m junior,

his eldest stm, who took the addiilunal

Christian name of S ittrc iu uti beiritf received

into the Roman Catholic ihurch just bclore

his lirsi marriage, Wellington, abu a inusiciati,

bom in 1813. and Di^.t. Itorii in ill 14, who

marru'd the .Australian singer .|<*hn BusIm lie

and flied at Sydney In 1870. Slic in.'idv a

ronsiderahic reput.'uion. as a supranu, in

oratorio and ronieris.

At tlw age of sixt ren \\ allai c* ()('pmi3c>d

on occasion for .fames B.irion, leader of the

Dublin I'hcMirc Royal orchestra and oj»e of

Balfs’s early leathers. In 1830 VNjill.icr w.os

appointed organist o| 'lhnrle» iKoinan

CailMtIis r Ca I lad ral ami hulessor of Musk ai

llte Lrsulinr Cuttvrnt in iH.it town. One nl

hU pMnrdi>rtv pupils ihcrc was Lain Il.t Kcdy,

a Wrdcr from IrcsCHii, Ul.uknnk hear

Dublin ln\|Hrcd hy hn (d.uing at a lunp

IcsscNi given lu r by a mni, Ik compuscHl a tune

which wav to lKi<>ine fitnoiis after jis incur*

|><»ration, sctcninn years later, Mari*

tana* as " 1 he H.irp m the .\ir ". halJing

in love wiih Isabc'lla. cjcspiic the op|>ONiti</ii i>|

her eldest sister, Swier Ximcni. whu.e iiuiik

he tocA on hjs reception inio the church. Ik

persuaded Iter failicr to give Im conw ni to ilie

marriage on cemdilkin that he i hanged hjs

faith, for, as he nn<e wroic, Wallace was

l^rn and bred-up a I'loiesunt Having

migned Irom his two posts at Ihuilvi-, he

returned to J>ubliii. where in :8 ti he married

Isabella and cejoku d the J heafre* Royal

orche»ira, this titne as vub-leadc r. la Sept,

of chat year Ragan ini was api^eariiig at the

Du Win Musical Fcstiv.d. and Wallace was so

shinulaccd by hb example ihai he sat up

burning the midnight nil to i>rauise the \ ioUn

to su<h purpose that later he was rc<<*gnl/cd

M a virtuoso on three continents. He also

began to compose in earm-st. In all, )ik com-

pvsitioits and arrangemeuis lake up cner u

hundred page^ of the JhM. tatalogurs.

'85s. the verge of a nervous hreak*

demn through overwc.rk, he dropjted every-

thing and migraird to Australia with his

wife and sun, William \*«kh'Iii, some* say to

take up dseep.farming, oil.rrs to ixMiinc his

musical carser, but In more leisure ly fashion

From Tasmanian government archives ccnn«%

this entry: “ William Vincent Wallace

musiLiau, composer and writer, arrived at

Hobart from Liverpool with his wife and child

on Oct. 31st 1835 on the ship * Rachel ' " At

Ilobart he gave a concert at winch he played

pianoforle hjiH violin solus, for sviaeli lie was




thanked by (he colonbis. On d Jan. 1836 he

left Hobart wUh his wife and child in (he

I^ayton ”, reaching Sydney icn days later.

On 1 1 Feb. he gave his hrst concert (hereunder

the patronage of Sir Richard Bourke, (he

governor, who U said to have given him a

iiundrcd sheep for his fee, no doubt to stork

the station in the Darling Dbirict, where he

was supposed to be learning agriculture and


In .\usiralia he gave lucrative concerts with

his sister F.liia. At Sydney he opened a music

school and also, at one time, owned and ran a

music shop. Uui evidently he lost money in

these enterprises for, according 10 the 'Sydney

Oazeiie ’ of 17 Feb. 1U38, ** Mr. Wallace, the

.•\u8tralian Paganini, left (he Colony in a

clandestine manner and has sailed for \*aU

paraiso, after having contracted debts in

Sydney ainouiuing to nearly ^^3,000 But

other authorities state thai he sailed to Van

Diemen's I.and and then New Zealand, where

he went in for whale*luhing. This would

seem to fit in w’ith Berlioz's fantastic story of

Wallace's adventures among the cannibals in

South Island, set down in ' Lcs Soirto de

Tore best re ', from the Irishman's narration in

London over the purtch-bowl, the author

observ ing, *' he is far too indolenc in >pi(c of

his vagabond huuiour, to take the trouble of


In Chile, where he was highly regarded as

an in^uumenialut, he was a piominent figure

at the lerivUa or sniin of SeAora Isidora Zegers

de Hunecus, a talented singer and composer,

His many amazing adventures in North and

booth America arc set out in Pougin’s bio-

grapiiy as w'ell as in newspapers and music

inagasincs publiihcd soon after the composer's

death. A marvellous story appeared tn ' The

Theatre ’ of i Dec. 1U84 of his encounier with

a tiger, which he wounded, bring at short

range, and which he rinally dispatched with

his hunting-knife. This is suppmed to have

happened at Simla in 1838, (he year of his

arrival at Valparaiso. Like many other

episodes, this one is highly circuimtaniial.

In 1844 Wallace toured Germany and

Holland, making his London dibut at Signor

Marrai’s concert at Hanover Square Rooms

on 8 May 1845. playing some of his own com-

positions, which were well received, in the

same year Ite w’as recognized in a private box

at the Princess’s Theatre. London, by hU old

friend Heyward St. Lvger. He was wearing a

large white hat with a very broad brim, and a

complete suit of planter's nankeen and carried

a shillelagh. Ten years earlier St. Legcr had

known him wlicn he was with the Theatre

Royal orchestra in Dublin. After this they

saw one another almost daily, and one night

St. Legcr took the composer round and intro-

duced him to Fltzball. The dramatist and his

wife listened attentively to some of his com-

positioru. Recognizing their merits, Fitzbali

then and (here handed him the brsi act of

‘ Maritana which he had only just com-

pleted. Wallace got to work quickly, and the

opera was soon finished and in rehearsal. It

was produced at Drury Lane on 13 Nov. 1843,

and enjoyed a run of fifty consecutive perform-

ances, and it has had many revivals. It is still

performed by amateur operatic societies,

though in recent years it has been dropped

by professional companies. On 8 Jan. (848

it was first staged in Vienna, the composer

coming in for an o>’ation. After ' Maritana '

came ' Matilda of Hungary ' (Drury Lane,

2 Feb. (847), which was almost still-born.

Alfred Bunn had provided him with one of the

worst possiUe librecios.

In 1848 \Va 11 ace was commissioned to write

an opera for the Paris Op^ra, and set to work

with a will. Threatened with blindness, lie

was obliged to abandon the task. On a

specialist’s advice he embarked at one of the

Mane he ports in a vessel bound for Rio de

Janeiro, staying in Brazil for eight months, his

voyage having practically cured him of his

affliction. While in South America he in-

curred losses in (he City of London over an

unsuccessful speculat ion in pi a nofortrs. At ( he

beginning of 1839 he still ow^d £$7f> on this


In 1850, after barely escaping death from an

explosion on a steamboat, on arrival in New

York he immediately filed bis declaration

of intrniion to become an American citizen.

In Del. of that y-ear he married Hdline*

btoepel, an American pianist, although Isa-

bella was still alive and there had been no

di^'orce. But he had taken counsel's opinion

and was advised that his first marriage vfts

el iHtM illegal, as at that time he was

twenty and was ” bred up a Protestant nt

spent some years in Germany on the score of

• Lurlinc ’ (Covent Carden, 23 Feb, i860) for a

feeble book by Fitrball. Uuisa Pyne and

William Harrison, who managed the English

Opera Company at Covenl Garden, macle

out of this opera alone. In the B M,

there is a facsimile ^ the composer's a»ign-

ment to them of the British Empire perform-

ing-rights for ten shillings, which Wallace

gallantly presented to the widow of a stage-

carpenter. Although he was a prolific com-

poser, his earnings from 1832 10 1859 *”*

than /zoo a year. .

•The Amber Witch', with a libretto by

H. F. Chorley, the criik, was produced at

Her Majesty’s Theatre, Haymarkct, on ao

Feb- t86i. Amor^ the principals were hints

Reeves, SantJey and Helen Lemmeni-Sher-

ringioru Musically it was an advance on

Wallace’s previous achievementt, and Ma^

conducted it with great skill; but Saniley

^VALL.ACB (William)


states that it was a poor production, E. T,

Smith, who su$ed U, belr^ very amateurish.

It had a \*eiv short run. Many years later it

waa revived by the Moody Mannera Opera

Company. ‘ Love's Triumph ' (Covent Car-

den, 3 Nov. 1662} with text b>* Planch^, was

given in a mutilated venion during tlie

pantomime season at that house, to its great

detriment. Wallace’s last opera to be pro-

duced (Covem Garden, 12 Oci. 1863) was

* The Desert Flower described as ** a wrak

perversion of the narrativ'e of Captain Smith

and (he faithful Pocohontas It lasted only

a furtnight. besides the six operas produced

and published during the composer’s lifetiine

there were others which \>’alla<c never

completed, ‘The Maki of Zurkh ’The

King's Page ’ Gulnarc ' and * Olga *.

Wellutgton Gtiernac’y, his frlcisd, called these

hut two " Italian operas ” artd »ays the com-

poser had only sketched out tiseir music,

some of which he subsequently heard at

SViesbadcii, where NVallare recels'r^ treat ntent

fur rheumatism. A stxth was ’ Lsvellita ’, or

' Estrella ’, Jus uiirini>hed setting of H. H.

Farnie's text, based on a Spanish rheme. He

began it early in 1864, but had to abandon it

through ill-health.

^^’allace had been sulTcring from heart

attacks since 185.1. In 1864 he made the sea

voyage to Boulogne from London. He was

immediately stricken with Hineses which at

Christmas culminated in an attack of dropsy

at hli home at ]*assy. Here he was visited by

Kossini and Ihalbcrg, G. A. Osborne, H. B.

Farnie atid others. 'I'hcnce he was moved to

the Chateau de Haget, in the Commune of

Vieuxos, Canton d'.Vrles, J iautes-Pyr^rt^es,

where his American wife nursed him to the

end, whic h came on 12 Oct. 1865. He was

buried in London, Kcnsal Orren Cemetery,

on 23 Oct., his funeral bring attended by some

of the most famous musicians and men of

letters of his day. r. c. (iij.


Flouu, W. 11 . GitATrAM, ’ .M(in«.r oC tV. V. *


FoMtTn, Oeic. * Musk aoe Nsii«n4l,«n * il_ondii>.

ISM|, eontainini cri(,t,»tn «rVS'»U*c«’i epWM.

Noa^HcotT, RicjiAhO. ’Optt^ Ch«mr’ (L«ndM,

Pt-AMCHft, J. R., 'RKolkcltefw a^sl RHkeliettt ’

(LoiiOun, list).

PouoiN, A., ’ W'lUiint \ iiK*n( W«ilacc * tMOj.

WALLACE, William (t. Greenock, 3 JuJy

iSOo; rf. Malmesbury, Wilts, j$ Dec. 1940).

Scottisli composer and writer on music

He was the son of James Wallace, M.D., an

emi nen t Scottish surgeon. He was ed ucai^ at

Pettes College, Edinburgh, where he gained a

Trustees’ iudlibition to Edinburgh University,

This he resigned and entered Glasgow Uni-

where he graduated M.B. and C.M. in

*065, and went to Vienna to study ophthalmic

surgery*. He graduated with honours hi

Glasgow in 1888 and was on the siaH* c»| eye

hospitals both in Glasgow and London, fic

abandoned this professmn fur music, ho\vctcr,

onl> resuming it temporarily during ibc w.ir of

191 4-18, in which he served with the British

Red Cross and tn the R.AM.C. {(Captain) a'<

impeetor of ophthalmic centres.*

In 1889 he entered the in Ix>ndon

as a student, but did not long renunn there.

Nevertheless his connect ion with the in.uitmlnn

Was maintainc’d ; he s%as sut rc’ssivciy eiccicti

.*\.R..^.M, and F.R..\.M. anti later Joined the

pri^fesMifial staff. He v\a» alsn <|o>e|y associ-

ated with the Ro)al Philharmonic Society lo

w hose allairs he de\ oted m uch t i me a n<l e no rgy

IkmIi as honorary secretary an<l later <is


SVallatr’'. public career as a coinpi»«<*r wjs

Isegun when his scena lor l>aiitone ami or*

cJsr^cra. ‘ L/>rd of Darkness was given at a

K..VM. siu<lenis' conceri, and an <»rr!u*>tral

suite, * The Lady from the hea ’ difu r Ibsen ,

was given hy iIk ht<Kk l.sthangc Orchrsira in

In that )ear, too. Ins ’ I he P.vdng ol

Beatrice’ was heard at the (ir^sul Palate.

It was said 10 be the lir«>i Brliish work de-

scribed by n<s composer as a *’ symphomt

poem". ,N series </ Orel lotral works appeared

on aev**ral occasions, and in the pr<Klui*

tion of certain ol Im works hy BariKKk ai .New

Brighton, including the ’ PreelxHJter ^oiigs ’,

made him famous. Of his st t eral syrnpbonit*

poems ' Villon ’ (*9091 U generally considered

to be Che most representative, and has been ihc

most widely played Isoth In llnglaiHl and


A man of many parts, W allace tievoied his

scholastic aiuinntents and litccary (xmers to

aeveral aspctis of music in * I'hc I hrcshold of

Musk* (1908), 'The Musical Faculiy* un‘4)»

•A Study of WagtKr’ ((925) and ' Lisst,

Wagiser and the Princess’ (1927), The

foBow’ing is a list of his principal compositions :


Simphonv ' liw Creation ‘ (New BnuJiiun, tenn,.

9 > 1 ttplNBK roenH

I, The FnMMtf nf Beaitke, Jimie. * I*ataJi»(»

«ai»ig (Cffkul l*alMr. lAnjj.

*. Aav .1 w Hammer, Cvctlie. • KvpdKhrt l.k«| *

(Crvual ralatr. iSfOj,

3 . Shier Hrlen. Kcvwui K:r>tu) Pakre. iBoo)

4. T« the .\ew (kriiurv (bon 4 jon t^ilharmuiii,

5. Watlaer. a.o. >505 <Quee„’s Mall rtomeii.

wVs. 12^).

> Vy|©n. iNyw Svmnhony<)«h., Undnn, 10.-1.J

Sym^rt PrHwlf m lAr * hummkln * of

tCmul Palace. CS93J. *

fNeriwr ’ In Prahe oTSeaihsh Pooir’

« Suites in OI 4 en Style, small ordi.

A S«ou Fanutv ’ far onh.

Trio m ^ dm. for v.. telfo ft pf. (1899).

' tVal^'a ophthalmotofkal researthes are rttorJeil

m ««nu,buuoin so several somjific JoufMah and •„ 100

water c^r ^Uhtt by him preseiiied lo the Army

MesL&aJ War Museum. '





Scen« * Lord of Dirkn^is haritoiM ft orch. (LMdofk,

• 890).

' oMnith Son(s \ vocal quarMi (i 893 }>

* My soul i< an encluuKed boai * (Shcltcy). voice, vn. ft

pf. (i8g6).

Scena * The Khaptody of Mary Mafdalenc * (woccfa

from ihe compoacr’s mystery play. 'The Dtvio«

Surrender ') {Loadon, 1896).

Song Oyclei

(. Freebooter SoiS|s. originally with ofch. (New

Brifhteo. 1899;.

«. Jacobite Sents (1900).

i . Lords of the Ma (BoumctiKMih. 1903).

e Mauacre of the Maepbenert burleM)tM ballad,

male ehenu ft oeeh. (Leeds M<jskal Utuoe).

Scene * The Outlaw irvalc voieei ft oreh,

' Braaiolis lyric tragedy ut oite act.

CKoral Symphony ' Kot^leih *.

Many son^s and shcri chwal pieces.' K C C.

WALLASCHEK, Rlcbftrd (fr. IWno, r6

Nov. 1860; d. Vienna, 24 Apr. 1917).

Austrian writer on musk. He studied law

and philosophy in Vienna, Heidelberg and

Tubingen, took the doctor's degree in bodi

faculties and taught in the University of Frei*

burg i/B. in tS66, in which year appeared his

* Asihctik der Tonkunst '. In 1690^5 he

lived in London, stutlying the music in the

B.M. He went to Vienna in and was

for some time teacher of the aesthetics of

music in the Conservatory of the Geiellschaft

dcr Musikfreunde. His most important works

on music tverc published in London : * On

the Origin of Musk* (1891), 'Natural

Selection and Musk* (1S92), 'On the

DiHcrcncc of Time and Rhythm in Music '

0893) and ' Primitive Musk * (189$). Many

artielrs of value appeared in the ' \’ier(eljahrs*

Hchrift the * Contemporary Review etc.

In 1903 his treatise on ' iVimiiive Music '

appeared in an enlarged German edition as

* Anfangc dor I'onkunst '. His subsequent

German works include * Ceschichtc der

Wiener Hofoper ' ( 1 907 > 8) and several

volumes on aesthetics and psychology as

applied to music. j. a.

Lack, R., *Zur CrioACrwit an R. WaltsKhvL'

{Vienna, 1919).


Lw6w, 1885; d. Cracow, 1944).

Polish composer and conductor. He

studied under Niewiadomski and Solly's at

the Lw6nv Conservatory, then under Bara*

base, Szopski and 2 elcdski at Cracow, and

finally under Riemann at Leipzig. He

founded a choral sociery, Echo krakowzkie

(Cracow Echo), of which he became the

artistic director and conductor. He also

conducted symphony concerts and operas.

He wrote two operas : * Dola ’ (* Earthly

Lot') and ‘ Pomsta Jontkowa' f'Jontek's

Revenge’), the latter conceived as a sequel

to Moniuszko's ‘HaJka’; an oratorio,

* Apocalypse ’ ; masses, motets, a Requiem,

Psalms and carols. He also wrote a symphonic

scherzo, ‘ Pawel i Gawd

' B.M S. Aftb., 1990.

Although ' Dola ' was preduced at Cracow

in 1919 and voted a great success, Wallek*

Walewski’s real fame rests upon his choral

works, written chkfiy for men's voices, in

which realistic effects of musical onomatopoeia

are an outstanding feature. Choral pieces

such as * Rokitna * Rapsod burzowy '

(' Tempest ’), ' Zielone Swigtki na Bielanach '

{'Whitsuntide at Bklany’), ' Giewontowa

Bash’ ('The Talc from Giewonc’), 'Kerdelc*

(* The Herd ’), ' Na gtssliczkach ' (‘ The

Fiddle') and above all * Pogrzcb Kr6la

Kaaimierza WielkJego ’ (' The Funeral of the

King Casimir the Great ’) placed him in the

front rank of Polish choral writers. From

these works speaks an astonishingly original

composer and the individuality of a true

artist. c. R. K.

WALLENSTEIN, Alfred (h. Chicago, 7

Oct. tS^).

American conductor. He was the son of an

Austrian father and a German mother. Like

his friend and mentor, Toscanini, Wallenstein

started hU musical career as a cellist. From the

age of twelve be made traiuconiinental tours

through North and South America. After

studying at Leipzig with Julius KIcngel, lie

became in 1922 first cellist of the Chicago

Symphony Orchestra, exchanging this position

seven years later for a similar one with the

New York Philharmonic Orchestra and

resigning it in J936 simultaneously with

c^sduclor, Toscanini. At that time Wallen*

stein had already started on a highly succcMful

career as a radio conductor. For ten years he

was Musk Director of the W.O.K. station and

during this period his * Symphonictia ' became

widely known for the outstanding quality of

its p^ormances and the unusual scope of itt

repertory, which included such series as the

complete Bach cantatas given each Sunday

for over a year, all the symphonies by Haydn,

all the pianoforte concertos by Mozart, etc.

In recognitiM) of these achievements he

received in I94t the first Peabody A'vard

bestowed by the University of Gco^la for

conspicuous service In radio broadcasting. In

1943 be was given an honorary Doctor of

Music degree by \t'oosier College, and in J947

Columbia University presented him with the

Alice M. Ditson Award for distinguished

services to American music. AAer numerous

guest appearances with (he N.B.C. Symphojy

and the orchestra* of Philadelphia, Cleveland,

Chicago and Mexico City, Wallenstein was m

1943 appointed musk director of the Lo*

Angeles Mjil harmonic Orchestra, the orchotrs

in which he had played ceUo during lU hrst

season in J919. He has greatly extended

scope of the orchestra which now jndudo

eighteen cities in southern California, in

of which series of concerts are given throughout

(be season. *•


W.ALMISLEY (Thom«-i)

W«U«r, F<ln>— d. St* EHow (’S«ir-b«ris»h’il', tone .

Or 4 buO M 4 ri 4 ’« ItdfeJy' (a(Up(.J»iiM;id.ia.j. CKuUm


WALLERSTE^t Aaton (^. Dresden i

28 Sepi. ]6 j3 ; d. Ocn«>va, 26 Mar. iUfyz).

German violinist and composer. He U’gan

his career as a violinist and in 1627 was much

noticed during a visit to Berlin. In 1829 he

entered the court orchestra at Dresden ai^ in

1832 (hat at Hano\er» but various ssandrrlngs

to Hamburg, C!(>p<*nhagrn and other places

led to the rttlgnation othis post in i8|i.

He l^gan to rgmpose in 1830 and Irom that

time till 1877 |)oured forth a constant Hood of

dance mmir, chiHly published by Schott &

Co. of MainA. )(is 273th opus is entitled

'.Souvenir du |>ensiunnat: cincj jMiites

pieces fa<ili-s on Tonne d<* danse pour jHano

With this his name dhappsars from the

()uhlislMng*lisi, His dan<<'> had a pnxhgious

voguo <luring their day in (imiMns, ^*ranre

and l.ngland, in all classes of sixh’tv. Among

the I lest kiuixsn are ' La Cmiueite \ * Kedma

paridenne ’» ‘ 8(udenleng.doi>|> *, ' l>slr und

Iczlc l.k'lx’ etc. His songs alvissrro |xi|>ular,

es|>cciallY ’ Das I'raiu rhaus ' and 'behnsuclit

in dir I'Vfnr ,,,

WALUS, John (L Ashlurd, Kent, 23 Nov.

• (itb; Oxford. 28 (>ci. 1703).

UdglisU ni.sthemuiieian. He went up 10

I.innianuel College, Catrdiridge. In 1632, and

alter ward* Ixramc a Kellos* of Queen's CJol*

h’KC. Hr was apjMiinled bavilian Professor

«r Oeonw'try in the Lnlversliy of Oxford m

th4«), ten years Ixfore Ib nry I’ursell was Wn

and held this ihair till he died, eight years

ah IT lU'iirv Purr ell's death. He was oiw of

the origirul Pillows uf tlx* KoyaJ Society

of J.ondim, whit 1 1 received the hall •mark of

kingly fdviHir sshen it was incr>r|M)rated by

Koyal Cfi.irier of King CHiarlrs H in ibbr.

Ihe * Philosophiial I raitsaetions ' of the

S-icM cy in its early years, svJikh record the

tMinmuiiiiatirms of its J'ellows and others,

make Iasi iiiMtlng reading toxlay. W'c litKl

in<>h <'hgag(<i in exploring sshal was 10 them

anew world; experltiit nting. measuring, ob*

serving and recording; wc witness the hirth

of the wit mi lie meilKxl •; we w ‘•natural

lihilmophera as they called iliemselves.

t suhluhing a vast liody of data on whkh the

stlifire of modern science wa* to be IwNt.

^VHllls coniinoiilcaeed to the Phil. Tram., in

•b?7, the lirsi papsT ilierem on musical

Jicousiics under the tide ' On the rn-nibling of

(Ujasonant Strings, a new Muskal Discos-ery*.

I his is discussed utieler another heading \

where its sigaiiirance emerges, fwo otlirr

pafwrs were communicated hy in

<h«j|j : ' On the Division of the Monoehord or

he. lion of the Mu»ieal Canon’, a mat he*

matical discussion of the imervaU nl the

musical scale, and ‘ On the Imperfections in


H 9

an Organ which examines tlte ein avoidable

need for temperament in tuning a keyboard

instrument. Both arc of interest to the

sckniificaJIv minded musician, especially il

read svith the .\nnoiations to Moricy’s ‘ Plaine

atid ICasie Introduction to Pra.iicall Mu^ickc*

(* 597 ) the one hand, and with Kolntt

Smith's ' Harmonics ’ 1 1 748, 2nd cd. 1 jjtjj on

the other.

During his hliy-l"ur years' n mire of ihr

Oxford Cliair W, all is nude mimv noiahic

coni riliut ions (o mathenutic<. 1 1 . s. l.

WALLISER, Christoph Thomas 16.

Strasbourg, 17 .Xpr. d. .StrasUiurg,

27 .Apr. 1(148^

(icrm.in c<»m|Kmr. He w.av 4 |m]iil nf

NMchior Vul|uus and Tobias Kind hr. Itoio

lyrt lie was a leather in the Atadeiny aiul

three i<ir of music in two churches at .Sirns*

bourg. It was no doubt his atadeinic post

which suggest. d the rom|x>siiion of choruMs

from ’ Ihe (lltHnU' of .Srisiojiliaiies. ;md lor

sarious other |ilav» on the lUssh.U modr],

wkIi as * .WiroMicda ' l.lias * and * < Ib.n h hi

His ‘ letiistlie Pulim n ' ta 31 were published

in iImu; his 'Hexasihhon' nb; in ibio;

his * .Music.ae figuralis praetepia lir. iu for

2-C soites, apjHuretl in Hi| 1 ; .11 id lib ' S.it r.ie

imxiulatioike» ’ for Christnus in Hxj. Jlis

chief work is

lx< lesN^lxe. tl«i J« KiKixMvrsjigt. liie

telxesKblKhMcn ISalinan k> iikIiI allvm v^va

v«r. MmdecM «u«a au mmsiMik hoi ln.irunifiiier»

tkengKli reIXAuilien. mu 4. s. 6 buiun.tlt (ucio

poMil. niraftbvum. 1614.]

Il consists of hfiy (ierman psalms set in ilie

old eontraimntal style on the melodies to

winch ilwy were sung in the Prf*U'>lanl

sen ires at Slraslx.urg. Two of lliem are

repuhlish.si in SdioUrlein and Kiege)’..

' Schal2 dr» liturgisclirn ChMrge<arig« ' and

«me (' Min’ fesie Burg l.uHier'x ve rsion of

Psalm XJA H in K.iJe's imisit 'upplenienis

to Amliros's ‘Oi'schkhle der Musik In

ib4j VValliwT puMislied

b«<ksH«^ Wae. dAium dx C^leshuinuMtrHrkS.

N<^im vnd •ciulwlie l^CKlef tamt ilrtr, *!>

IJfym, whI ik* il 4. •„ 0, ? .Siimnieo


Similar puWieaiions apjMured in 1617, 1627

and i6|i, anti many works in inaiiaM.npt

are extant. p

WALLISHADSCR, Johann Cvaagellgt.


WALLY» la (Opera). Set Cajalani.

WALMTSLEY, Thomaa (i) (Forbes)

London ISVcMminster), 22 May 1783; d

I^^ndon, 23 July j866>.

English organist, leaclier and composer.

He was the son of \Mllia.n U'almislry, rk

of the Papers to the House of Lortls, wiis a

chorister in Westminster Abliey and was sent

to U'cstminsier School. At the age of fourteen

he began bis musical education and studied

W.\LMISLEY (llK>ii»s--ii)


ihe organ, pianoforte and counterpoint under

Attx^ood. \VaImi5lev achieved succe&s as

a musical teacher and glee -writer- ‘ The

Spectator’ for 28 Aug. 1830 thus charac*

icriaes a volume of glees published by Walmis-

ley at that time :

Thne composiiions. ihou^h dis^iyinf ib« MiaiCrfnrae

of a skilful musician, are aet the dull rfluaiow of a

pedSBi. Thoufh formed upoo ihe beii modeb, (her ate

no servile copies, bui ilie efTusiou of food umc asoiueed

and nurtured b>' study.

in 1 8 1 o- 1 4 \ Val misley was assistant organist

to the Female Orphan Asylum, and in the

latter year he became organist at St. Martin-

in*thc-Fields, an appointment he held until

Mar. 1834, >vhcn he retired on a pension.

HU name appears on the list of musicians

assembled at Weber’s funeral in 1826. He

lived to edit his more famous son’s * Cathedral

Music ’ in the year after the latter’s death.

The following printed works appear in the

D.M. Catalogue, with dates of publication :


0 Glees, S«i t (i8t4).

' From flower lo fl^er', cle« (tfll4>.

‘Soy. Mvr* riee

* A Colieeiieo ef Ckes. Teioe, RouimU sad Csockh *


* brithi wbile ein\t« the sporklmf wiac *. fke (i8s»).

6 Cleca, Set 11 (1610).

SOtea, Set lit (1840).

' O'er ihf slid woien round ls8u).

* I with to tune (lee (183$).

* T^ow eheertul Ikc ', flee 1183)).

S Csneivs (lUen).

'To*morraw ‘, iiee (1844).

* The Troreller'i Rteum ' (Southey), (lee ((838).


Unriemcoth this stone reuAtl (8«n Jomoa) <1819).

Toste hfe'i tlod momenu' (r8is).

Swoet hope" (s6i7>.

IHe SeWiers *. c«ii«erart (i8ie).

TK« Wild HyMinih' (i8asl.

t turn frotn pleasure’s witchini ten«‘ (i8»3).

Home. deAtait home ' ( 183B).

Uy those eye of dark beauty ' (t89().

I 0 Zuleika ’ tiSsy).

Sacred Sonft ’ (b. 8. Impey) (1I41).


' 1 he Fairy of the Dale *. trie I l8s$>.

’ A Collection of Glees. Tciw, Roufsde nod Canem’


* Tell me, gentle hour of night *, duel ( 1840).

A. o. C.

WALMISLEY, Tbomaa <U) (Aitwood)

(S. London, at Jan. 1614; d. Haslings, 17

Jan. 1856).

English organist and composer, son of the

preceding. He showed at an unusually early

age such a rare aptitude for music that hb

father secured for him the advantage of

studying composition under his godfather,

Thomas Altwood. The lad rapidly attained

proficiency as a pianist. In 1830 he became

organist of Croydon Church, where be

attracted the notice of Thomas Msller, who

encouraged his literary tastes and persuaded

him to combine mathematical with musical

studies. At this time an attempt was made

by Monck Mason to secure him for English

opera, but ^Val misley decided to try his for-

tune at Cambridge. In 1833 he was elected

onanist of Trinity and St. John’s Gollego,

and composed an exercise, * Let Cod arise

with full orchestra, for the degree of Mus B.

He then entered Corpus Chrisii College,

where he distinguished himself in the mathe-

matical examinations. He subsequently

migrated (o Jeaus College and, though un-

successful as a competitor for the University

Prize Poem, fully justihed ihe wisdom of

Miller’s advice that his love of literature

should not be entirely sacriheed to professional

duties. The system ^ those days concentrated

the duties of several persons in one, and the

young organist submitted to a slavery which

it U now difftcuU to realise.

In 1834 ^Valmisley wrote the anthem ’ O

give thanks for the Commemoration at

Trinity, and his Service in Bk major. In

1835 he composed the Ode, written by the

Bishop of Lincoln, for the installation of Lord

Camden as Chancellor— * a serious interruption

to his mathematical studies. It was com-

posed by >Va 1 mis]ey In consequence of the

illness of Clarke- Whiifeld whom he succeeded

in (he professorship. Mr. H. £. Walmisley,

who b the present owner of the manuscript of

this, points out that the quartet ’'Fair is the

warrior's mural crown " originally belonged

to it.

Walmisley's election to the professorial

chair of music, vacated by the death of Dr.

Clarke -Whitfcld, took place in 1836; in

1838 he took his B.A. degree and in 1841 his

M.A. On two other occasions it fell to his

lot to compose music for Odes written for the

installation of Chancellors of the University.

In t842, the words, in honour of the Duke of

Northumberland, were written by the Rev.

T. Whytehead; in 1847, for the installation

of the Prince Consort, they were by Words-

worth, (hen Laureate.

In td4& Walmuley took the degree of

Mus.D., and he continued working at Cam-

bridge until within a short period of his death.

A brass tablet to his memory was affixed in

Trinity College Chapel in 16M.

Hb intimacy with Mendelssohn was a

source of great pride to him, though a rebuff

adminbtered by Mendelssohn weighed un-

duly hb mind and deterred him iVom

orehesiral writing- Wal misley asked Mendel^

sohn to look at a symphony written for the

Philharmonic Society. Before he would con-

sent, Mendelssohn asked how many he MO

written already. On hearing that it was a tini

attempt : “ No. I ! ” exclaimed Mendelssohn,

let us first sec what No. la ' will be ! ”

« SytajAoov Jo C wJA«t,

h« bl» »i ihe Philhsrmeri«

kMwn N«. I ”, u hii 13th, snd u lo xasenbfd

0 % the Auiofrapb.

WALMISLEY {Thomas— ii)


Walmisley was one of the first English

organists of his day, and his best anthems and

services are Utile, if at all, inferior to those

of Wesley and Goss. His position at Cam-

bridge no doubt acted prejudieially. A larger

professional area, a closer neighbourhood

with possible rivals, would has’e ensured a

deeper cultivation of powers which bore

fruit but promised a still richer harvest. In

general cultivation and know ledge of musical

history he was far in advance of most English

musicians. He was one of the first to in-

augurate the useful system of musical lectures

illustrated by practical exampirs. He spoke

of Bach's Mass in B minor as the greate»t

composition in the world *' and ]>rophesied

that the publication of the cantatas {then in

manmcripi] would show* that hts assertion of

Bach's supremacy was no exaggeration.

'I he volume of anthems and sees ires pub-

lished by his fatlicr after the son's <leath are

a firsi'Clasa certificate of sound musicianship.

Among his unpublished manuseri|Ms are

sorne charming ducts for pianoforte ami obor,

wriiien for Alfri'd I’ollocli. a (:aml>ridgr iin<ler*

grad Mate whose remarkable oboe playing

Walmiilry much admired.

His published works In the B.M. Catalogue

arc ns follows :


CJuM* in uw •( Kimi. Ttimtv *ml

Si, julin I (.oKcec*. riluo.

<.nOirdr*| wl. ty T, f. WabniJeV


• <W« aulie lniulI«iHm oCiU lXike«f.N*/il.yii»U*l*i»d

. i»f C’jmtifHlffc t mvcnily * { iB« 9 t

(><(« #1 Hie Ir^tulUiiMi *»f tViiKC Atheri MChiMeller '


Kymii tut 4 *oim * erien

Ma<lriirBl * Sv^ie floHem * ((Kva}

'CemW' (iSoj.


> Fet trebles Oft vs)

I Tlie Anpmerh gf .Vt»jr.

S' the XletmiHl,


my «iU Sarp I Uing • (? i«3y>.

I. U*y relive rarmcnli.

S' Nine m iiw (hcA,

3' KsrewelJ. iMrri flnMtn.

4~ I he iweci iptiMf H«y,

lActc IS B yoke '

ARRAXtir,Mf;.Sr .‘4

3 Anthemt err. Irnm llumm«t*s (i&mi

♦ S«tvkWt Anlfce*

Ihc manuscripts of certain organ worl

hy Walmisley are in the peosesucA of M

>redcrie Fcrtel, and one of these, a ' I-a^hcllr

•fi F minor, has been edited l>y him an

published (Novcllo), Other of ^VtlmBlcy

manuscripw arc in the library of St. Niedj

C-ollcge, Canterbury. a. d. c., adds.

St4 «tM AtlwMd (|g«ir«iaer).


WALMSLEY (Wnmaley, Warmaioy),

Peter ?; d. London, ?).

Ei^Ush i8(h-centurY violin maker, musie

seller and publisher. He worked in London

from about 1720 and became one of the Iwni

E nglish violin makers of his lime. Hr was

parikuUrly renowntri for his e.yceflenc ciUos

and violas, which In* jnadc upon the .Stainer

nH>de|. In 1727 his workdinp was in I'icca-

dilly, at **Vc Golden Harp”, a sign that was

subsequently cliangcxl to " The Harp Hr

used a >elh>wish-br«wn varnivli and oftrn

drew lines round fits instruinenu, nftor the

maniWT of Jacobs of .\nwu rdam, io*uad of

inlaying [surlling. \\'alnwlev songhc to age

his imcrunienis ariilicially by making ttiu

platrv too thin, and the wuo«l he employed lus

not always lasted well. n..^.

In 17^1 Jm business in I’iceadilly was

carricvl «in in Jus name by Mrs. Walitisley,

wlmh |H Kilts to his lu ing either dead or in.

ca|>acitdi«l. Ui> name as " I', Wdrunley ai

\c Harp in Piccadilly " is on the im])i int of

* I he Songs in llurlothrumho ' (lyry). In

J7|i Uillem tie F<>srh'« ' Idtjln Concerto^ '

were acIvrrtiMxJ as sold hv him, and in j7.11

Toftorid's ‘ Ibii ts ’ hy “ Mr. W'alinsley in

PKCadilly Hr apiM’xrs to have hern in

bgsinev. rrla lions with John Barrett, who

" llw Harp and Crown x)v> in

Pireadilly, as a violin maker and music seller

at a contemporary dale ; also with W llliain

bmith the music engraver, for liie three iiariK s

arc fre<iuently conjoined on imprints of works

issued about 1720-30.

It b Mated that WalrnNley was lurci^ech'd

by* Ihomas SniiiU, a pupil, some of whose

lalirU bi ar tltr da|i< 1756.

• y ^ niusif ians .

(i) WilUam Walond (l> (^. ?, rf.

Uxlord, 1770b organist and comi>osrf, He

was s^miiied to the privileges of the Unlver-

SI I) of Oxford on a 5 J unci 737, (>r j 1 descri bed

as organorum pulsator " (whence we may

supp<M him to have been organist or avdsiant

^annt of rmc of the churches or colleges at

Oxford), and on 5 July following he took his

Church. In 173B he

puUt^d his setting of Po|x's ‘Ode on St

i^iha s Day ', believed to lx llic first seeling

of that poem m iu original form.' Thr<«c sets

of volunianei for organ or harpsichord were

ako puhhshe<l.

(*) William Waload (£|) (k > • ^

Chichester, g Feb. 1836). organist and c<>m^

poser, . son of the preceding. He iMcamc

^uiy c^aniM in 1775 and organist in J7<u

of Chteh^ter Cathedral, which |K>st he

rc^ed After his resignation he

liv^ at Chwhesler m extreme poverty ami

scelusioB /subsisting upon an annuity raised

‘ Ckiua <$*.) and liBtuKe



WALSH (John— i)

by the sale of some houses, and belr^ rarely

seen abroad) unlil his deaih- Some frag*

menu of church compositions by him remain

in manuscript In the choir-boob of Chicbcsier


<3) Richard Walond {k. ?, 1754; / ?),

singer, ? brother of the preceding, son of (1).

He matriculated from Clirist Church, Oxford,

on 1 4 J uly 1 770, He was a clerk of Magdalen

College there from 24 Nfar. 1775 until 1776.

On 14 Mar. 1776 he cook the degree of B-A.

as of New College, and he was subsequently

a vicar-choral of Hereford Cathedral.

(4) Ceo»^e Walond (i, ?; / >), singer,

brother of the preceding- He was a chorister

of Magdalen College, Oxford, from 14 Apr.

1768 until 1778, w. H. H.

Walpale, Horae*. &4 Opera.

t>C»era. Oickti-in <fef. <«). Oasm (*, rr#, lo).


Goethe’s ballad set for chorus and orchestra

by McndcUsohn, Op. 60; produced Berlin,

Jan. 1833: re-scored, with English words by

barthnlomcw, performed London, Philhar-

monic Socirtv, H July 1644.

walrand \



WALSH» Joha <1) (J. »; / London, 13

Mar, 1736).

English or Irish music seller, publisher and

instrument maker. He was established in

London, at the " GoUlcn Harp and Hoboy’*,

afterwards the " Harp and Hob^* " in

Catherine Street, Strand, where he published

engra^'ed music. He was in all probabilily of

Irish extraction and appears to ha\>e had court

favour, for in 1639 he was appointed **musica1l

insirument maker In ordinary to His Majesty

[William in] In place of John Shaw '•.« The

royal appointment extended 10 himself and

his son through all succeeding reigns, irtcludtng

the first few years of George Ill’s. On one

early imprint (he name Is spelt ** Welch but

it may be safely assumed that this h merely a

misprint. On the early imprints dosvn to the

latter part of 1706 the sign stands as " The

Golden Harp and Hoboy John Playford

was dead, and iiis son merely dragging on the

remains of the once large busirtess. so that

^Valsh had no serious ri>*al in the trade, which

he pushed forward with unprecedented vigour.

In addition to his publication of English

music he reprinted from Dutch sources

popular continental music (t.g. Corelli), in

due course using pewter instead of the more

costly copper plates. Hawkins stales thai he

began stamping pewter plaies in (710, instead

of engraving them, as Thomas Cross was then

doing. The date U not confirmed, but it is

quite a probable one. Walsh’s shop was some

distance from St. Paul’s Churchyard and

* L»ib<>iainc. ‘THe Miukk *.

Temple Bar, where the usual music trade

congregated, and no doubt this isolation en-

abled him 10 build up a business that may

be apdy compared with the largest modem

music-puWhhing firms. Hawkins In his

' History ’ has no good word for Walsh. He

intimates that he was mean and illiterate, and

with him he includes John Hare, who ^vas

more or less associated with \Val$h. Whether

Hawkins’s prejudices enter into this con-

demnation or not it is difficult to tell.

Walsh's earliest productions arc frequently

adorned with elaborately wigraved titles and

frontispieces ; many very artistic, others in the

Dutch style then so popular, ^me of these

lille*pag« were used over again for different

publications, the altered titles printed from

^IJer inserted plates. Most of \\'alah’s early

imprints also bear the name ofjohn Hare and,

later, Johrt and Joseph Hare. Afterwards

these were erased from the plaies. John Hare

Jit*ed in Freeman's Yard, Cornhill, and also

had a shop in St. Paul’s Churchyard, " The

CoWen Viol (Violin) ”. From Apr. 1708 he

wu at the ’’Golden Viol and Flute" (or "Viol

and Flute") in Cornhill, where in 1799 he

was joined by his son Joseph, who, after the

death of his father in Sept. 1795, continued

the business in his own name, probably on

behalf of hit mother, Elizabeth Hare, until

June 1728, when he set up for himself at the

'* Viol and Hauiboy " in Cornhill. Walsh

was thus a^ to get both the City and the

West End trade. Whether the Hares were

partners with him is uncertain.

In 1 706 \Valsh associated himself with Peter

Randall, who was established at "The Violin

and Lute at Piurs Grave, Hand [or Head]

Court, without Temple Bar There arc

indkations that Randall married (he elder

Walsh's sister; William Randall, who ultim-

ately succeeded to the Walsh business, being

either Peter Randall's son or grandson. Peter

Randall gavT up his shop near Temple Bar iit

1709 and remained with Walsh until a^yout the

ei^ of 1710.

By that year Walsh was in full trade, pub-

lishing single songs and the Italian operas,

instrumental works and the whole range of

current music. Handel, then first visiting

England, naturally turned to him as the prin-

cipal publisher, and in 17c 1 appeared ‘Ri-

oaldo’, by which it is said Walsh made

£ 1 500, an improbable su m. He was in ii maicly

Connected with Handel from this time to the

date of his death.

\^’aUh was buried in the \’aulis of St. Mary

Le Strand- * The Gentleman's -Magazine '

announced that he left ,^30,000.

r. adds. w. c. s.

Biai.^-SufTK. W. C,. • A BlWiorrairfiv of Ihe

Work* Pwl^tWwd hy Joha tVabh during the Yeart

iOm-i?** ’ (Oxlbrd, t944].

WALSH (John— ii)

WALTER (Bruno)

D 3

'John W&hb lad hts Succeson (‘The Library's

Bibl. S«,> Mar. iit40l.

' John Walih, Musk Ihibliihcr ! ihe FsM 'Twcnty^re

y«an * (afttrf., June IO46).

WALSH, John (H) {». London, ?; 4 .

London, j^Jan. i?66).

English music seller, publisher and insiru*

ment maker, son of (he preceding. He sue*

cecded to the business by his father and

also to the royal appointments as music seller

and instrument maker. Although John John*

son and other great rivals sprang up, there

was no falling off of the business. The

younger Walsh continued it on the same lines

as hU father. I’he engraving atsd the paper

were of the best, and es’en after two centuries

it u pleasant to turn over the clearly printed

sheets uf exerllrnc paper that liears hU im*

prinh. Walsh junior continued the HandrI

publications. The * Public Adseni»er * stated

that on his death his fortune amounted to

,^40,000, The business was taken over by

Williarn Randall and John Abell, Randall

Iseing cousin or second eousin to the last Walsh.

A>>f II died in July 1 768 and Randall carried on

al<mi\ at the same or adjacent prrmUes. lie

republished from (he obi plates all the WaKb

publications that were of markcialde value

anti made some additions to the stock. On

his death, c. Jan. (77b, his widow. Elizalseth

Handall, succerrled, and hetbre 1764 Wright

& Wilkinson wrn* at th«’ addreu, reprinting

from ihr old plates, mainly lUndd's wtrts.

J bTinond Wright remained there until about

ilk>i. 1'l\e Uirr Imprinia show the numlter

to have lircri i;j, whirh was on the right*han<l

side going up from (he Strand. AH iraevs of

the site of Walsh’s shoj) arc bwi. Walsh and

his son had a(i|>r<'n tires as engravers and many

of thews including \N'ilbain Smith and Caul*

field, set up for ihsunselves. Koixrt Ibrchall

was assistant to Randall and Saniud Chapptll

to hirrhall. j*. a., adds. w. c. 1.

V/a|«b«, Cbrititna. .fir

WALSlNGHAM, Thomaa do i. N'urfifik.

>; 4 ?).

Lngiidi isth'century theorist. Hr entered

iIk' Ik'nc'dlctinc Jiiunasicry of St. Albans

alKJUi 14.J0 arnl became precentor of the

Abbey Church. He is apparenil> identical*

will) the niilhcr of the treatise ' Kegulc

Magistri riiomc \Vahlnghnm ‘ in the Wal*

tliiiin Holy Cro«s, now l^nsdowne MS 763,

from about i.jOo, in which he says that the

newiy in(ro 4 Htf 4 crotchet would lie no use

if musicians would rcnieml>er that no suN

(liybion of notes should !»<• made >ieyoo<l the

ininiin. j, r.*sc.

Walter, Albert (K Coblent, ? ; 4 ~ ?).

(itrinan I Uth-i^ih-century* clarinettist and

«ompos<T. fb* occu|>icd various posts In

Paris from 1795, 1 >rcomjng bandmaster of

the fhmtvfi of the ImjH rial Guanis in 1805.

' ilawkuu. iluiMT, I, 3iS.

He composed symphonies, a Conccriante for

2 clannets, quartets, trios for 2 v’iolin< and

bass, ducts, variations, etc. e. \ . d. s.

WALTER* Bruno (B. W. Schlesinger)

(i. Berlm, 15 Sept. 1876).

German conductor. He received his musi*

cal education at the Stern Conservatory in

Berlin. After a wide experience galiit'd

through appointments at several (ierinnn

opera-houses, including the Royal Opera in

Berlin, W’alter became director of the V ienna

Court (Jpera tc9c>(-*i2). In ipti he aho

conducted llte Singakadeinie then*. 11 c fol*

lotted Mo(il as general music director at

Munich (r 91 3-22), and there his powers at

an organiser of operatic enterprise over and

abos'c his purely musical abjUiie« were dls*

played In many festival performances.

SValier first appeared in England at a cott*

cert of the Ruval Phi I bar monk Society on 3

Mar. lotxi, when lie gained so instant a ^ucrexs

that the society setured him bk further cun*

certs in the aiiluinn. In this lirsi |•r«)gramlne

was I lie merture to Ihhrl .SniMh'» * Ihe

\Vr<*ekrrs aiwl Walter cnntbiricd when that

opera was given at Cbivent (laiden in I he

spring of i<ii<i. In that season, given bv .Sir

I'hum.ts HsTiIiain, he also contiiuicd ' 'I'rls*

lait Hr w'as m>t again iteard in '>|s<Ta in

England, howevrr, until 1924 when he took

(barge of the German opera season at Govern

Garden ^il>r first since J<|i4i VMth such brilliant

musical mulls chat the newly formed Lumion

Opera Syndicaie wisely secured his sersien

fvr (heir first Kason in 1923 and again in 192G.

In the yxars follciwlng he appear*^ frequen lly

t(i concert work with the J.(»ndan :i>njphr):iy


In 1925 VNalter accepied the apjwljitmem

as cunducior to the Charloitenbarg Opera

in Berlin. To this was added (iq3u-33; the

direction of tl>e Grwandh.iuc concerts at

(.riprig, where Ik* ga\c 1 serli's <4 outstanding

performaiKes. ’I'lsesc activities came to an

abrupt termination with the |>ohtical changes

in Germany which lx*gan In 1933, and thence*

forward W’al let’s career as centred in Austria,

wJicre he took a leading part in building the

brilliant uadiikm of ibc Salcinirg I'cstival. In

Vienna he did imporiant work l>oih as concert

and operatic conductor and he became artistic

adviser to the V'icnna Sta ic ( ) pe ra in 1 936 , Tl le

so*ca]kd AfucMms of 193B. I»us\cver, brought

a seewKl frustration of his activities. He

left Central Kuro|)e, received French nation*

ahly arwJ made his headcpiariers in Paris. Me

iiiKTCstcd lumscif in the fcslhal at Lucernu

designed to form a centre for music indcpetid*

cm of the crippling nationalism which had

dnccTsded on Salzburg. 11, c. c.

<939 V Valter made his home in the

U.S.A. .Since the second world war he has

again traversed Europe as a guest conductor ;


WVMTtR (Gusuv)


he has given noiable pcrforroances, for in-

stance, at the Edinburgh Festival.

\\ alter excels in sensuous music. He brings

out the laicnr, languid sensuousness of Mown,

though never to excess; it is thus perhaps in

the slovi' movements chat hi$ flair for phrasing

and sensitive colour is best seen. At the other

extreme, he has long been the champion of

his friend and mentor Kfahler, and in these

interpretations the whole authentic voice

speaks. But W'ahcr's repertory is almost

universal; he accepts German, Latin and

Slav music u*th equal critical eagerness. His

ripe knowledge of the stage assists him in his

manifold operatic work, though his perform-

ances rarely reach the structural intensity and

epic hre of Toscanini’s. A man of wide literary

culiurr, Walter has a contcmplaih'c and lyrical

genius: in his treat mem of the orchestra he

obtains good results not only by his outstand-

ing gifts, but also by regarding the pla>efs as

friendly collaborators. His autobiognphy,

’Theme and Variations’, exhibiu a mellow

philosophy and personal charm, combined

with a certain rulhlc^sneis in the cause of art,

as tvcll as recording a great and almost vanished

epoch of music. t. w. c.

biSL — StB»*N. fM i , ^ BruAA tvslier* (Vienn*, tn6).

VVAitrN, DRvyo, ’ J'Kemc »nil Vari*i>*n*: an Auu»-

’. ItM. b) )vnn .\. C.*hton jlamian.


WALTER, Cuatav (k. Bllin, Bohemia,

j t K’b. 183.^ ; J. Vieiino, 30 Jan. 1910).

Austrian tenor singer. He learned singing

at the Prague Clunservaiory from Franz \ ogl

and made hit first appearance in opera as

hdgar at a private performance of Donizetti's

’ Luria '. He plavcd at Brno for a short time

an<i in July 1836 appeared in Vienna in

Krcul/.vr’s ’ Naclulager*. He remained there

throughout his career and attained great

popularity as a lyric tenor both on the stage

and In the concert-room. He visited lx>ndon

in 187a an<l made his first appearance on

13 May at a Philharmonic concert, where he

was favourably received in songs Mozart,

Riedel and Rubinstein. )]e also sang at the

Crystal Palace, etc. \N'aUcr retired in 1867,

but contlnue<i to sing at roncerls and took

part in H performance of Bach's St. Matiliew

Passion in Vienna by the Gcscllschah der

Musikfreunde under Richter in 1890.

His daughter Minna, a pupil ot Mathiklc

Marches!, had a sucec^ul career in various

cities (Vienna. Frankfort o/M., etc.).

A. C.

WALTER, Ignaa (k. Radovlcc, Bohemia,

1759; d. Ratisbon, Apr. i 6 aa).

Austro • Bohemian tenor singer and com-

poser. He was a pupil of Starzer in Vienna.

He sang in Prague (i 76 s)> Mainz (1789) and

in Grossmann’s company at Hanover (1793).

After the death of Grossmann he took over

the company which appeared at Frankfort

o/M. attd at Ratisbon.

\ Valter wote about a dozen Singsfi/eU for

his cornpany, the first ‘ Faust ’ opera based on

Goethe's drama, a memorial music for Schiller,

a coronation canuu for the Emperor Leopold

(1791), masses, chamber music, etc.

His wife, Juliane, bom Roberu, of Bruns-

wick, was also a noted singer, who held her

own even by the side of the famous Margarete

Schick at Mainz . \Vh 1 Ic \ Valter was managing

the theatre at Bremen hU wife became blind,

and both went to Ratisbon, where W'allcr

was engaged with his company In 1804, and

lived there in retirement until his death in

A. c.

WALTER, John {b. ? ; rf. >).

English 1 7 ih - j 6 th -century organist and

composer. He was organist of Eton College

at the end of the j 7th century and composed

an anthem at Ely (IcA in manuKhpi) and a

psalm, ' O five thanks *, in the Fitzwilliam

Museum, Cambridge. He was the first music

master of John Weldon. w. k. it.

WALTER, Juliane. See W'altea (Ionai).

WALTER, Minna. See \N'AUTBa (CwtavJ.


toriua, Freiherr) von (4. Gottingen, J 2 Oct.


German compo^r and writer on music.

He comes of an aristocratic family of scholars.

One of his ancestors was the historian Georg

Sartorius, a friend of Goethe's. His father,

August Sartorius von Waltershauscn, was a

noted political economist. W’alicrshausen

himself received his first musical instruction

at Strasbourg from J. M. Erb. An accident

while pla)'ing at Red Indians led to the

amputation of the right arm and foot when

he was a boy of ten. Subsequently he

developed a psanisiic technique for the left

hand and eventually to hr mastered his

ph)‘sical shortcomings as to conduct his cw’n

works. In I90t he moved to Munich, where

he studied the pianoforte witli A. Schmid-

Llndncr and musical theory with Thuille.

He also attended Sandberger’s lectures in

musical history at the University. In >917 he

founded a private school under the tide of

Prakeischrs Seminar furfortgeschriitcne Musik-

siudierende, the success of which led in 1 920

to hb appointment as professor in the Munich

Slate Academy for Music. Two years Jaicr

he became director of the latter institute

and, together with its president, Skgmurd

>*00 Hausegger, reorganized it completely.

^Vallershausc^ introduced three a training-

school for drama, an advanced class for

composition, and himself lectured on aesthetics

and the drama. In addition, he acted as

mudeal adviser to the Bav*arian Radio,

founded the first German film school and took

part in the organization of the Miinchner


WALTHER (Johann)


Tonlsunsderverein. In (933 he retired from

all official posts and as a composer and

private teacher continued to litx at Munich.

As an author VVaJtershausen is interested

mainly in opera. His studies include * Musi La*

lischc Sdilehre in Kiinzeldaistellungen' (t^zo-

19^3); 'Richard Strauss' 119^1. in a series

' Zcitgenowische Komponistrn * edited b>*

himself; , • Mu:»ik, Dramaturgie, Errirhung *

(i<>a6 ) ; ' Lrftndung und OesiaUung der dra>

maiischen Musik* m Mueller*Ulaiiau,

* iiohe Schulc der Musik 'i.

In his contpoiitions W’alit'rshaux’n belongs

to the Munich school originating with 'I'huiUr,

and in his operas he reveals a peculiar gift

for drama. They are all writirn to his

Own librettos and emphavizr the ]>rinciph*

of musical form, which h<> prefers to purely

drama lie irouiK’ni. ilu iniAt sutecssful

opera, ' Obersl ChaWri •, the libretto U

which is based on DaUac s »tory * Lr (k»lon<’l

Chalicrt is one of the nunl {xmerful »|H'ti.

snrni of (lerman o|Hra written utuUr iIk

inliuence of the Italian u/ime of Mascagni

and Leoncavallo. It was prtxiuced at Frank-

fort <>;M. on i8,]an. Mjia and given in riiaiiy

important opera-houvrs outside fiermany, in-

cluding Covent Garch n in lx>n<lMi /n Anr.

\Valier»liauien*« wurki furtlur inrludi* the

lollow tug :


• j.l**; KUpfic'irlirn ' iMnJa*. im|.

lJi« ItAWPimoiirr lli.Wii * 1919).


vif. '

T 4 . \Ufi> UM<i

<1. ' Kri|)r«iiM»iMik ' r<'r lurp>i. bo«i] 4

^4. t>KlieM«rtv.irtiu ol>et Jrri KitihrttlieUrt.’

vl>, I.M«ii|u<'l<ni>rriMre.’

37 . • mimI A«&r\lFh«ii^>Aiusik.*

AIh> pr. »orks, Mitii, 4i.

WALTHER BOER, Coenraad Lodewijk

(Louia) (F- The Hague, a Sept. iByt;.

Huuh cellist and mmUoIugivi. He was

educated at Amsterdam (iymnasium and in

music at the Aiihterdam (^•nservatory under

saac Mossel (cello), Daniel de Unee,

Kuhtgen, C. J. dc I'auw aiuJ Karel de J»ng.

On leaving the Conservatory in 191a lie was

awarded the hix rf' Ua tellu (laying.

Hii tirvl appointment as solo cellist was at

Nne, and this was followed by a similar aiw

P^milmern at Riga. In 1914 he returned to

iMxnvn country to perform his military dulirs,

mid at the dose of the war was appointed

teacher of the cello and later of ciuemUe

leaving at the Royal C‘.ons<r>atory at The

1 1 ague. In 1913 he accepted the poM «f cou-

tiuctor of the orchestral association at Haarlem

and in igio was appointed conductor of the

Kpyal Military Band of the Dutch Grenadiers

with the rank of Captain, later being promoted

Major. It was In this last post dial he made

his wide reputation as a musician of talent

and energy', and besides giving very frequent

concerts in his own count tv* lie took ihe band

(w 4 tich was also a synipisony orchestra and

supplied many Dutch com|x>sc*rs with <>|>por*

tunilies of Isearing their own com ptisi lions) to

other places all over Europe. This p(>«t he

Iseld until *945^ with an intcrregnuiii lietwven

194^ and 1045. when he was a pri'cnier of war

with the Geririans, In the prhon camps he

organized concerts, miuic kssotis and nuisico.

logical lectures for Ins frllow’-prisoiuK, and

conducted the mude tH* both Froirstaiit and

Catholic church >ervi4es. IhTore t|ii<, in I93U,

he (rfit^ined the dettree cT Docinr <>l Musical

Science at L'lrrcht I’lmcisiiy, U ing the lir»t

tuobiain it. His tutor wa' Dr, A. .V Smijers.

After his return front imprison me nt he re*

signed liis military ap[M>intniciii and w’as

appointed liupcctor of Mudcal Fducaiion in


His ilwsh, ' (IhansoiiK^rnii'ii op hrt elndc

der XV' cesjwc: een stiMlie naar aunUdding

van hcl Odheiaum van IVtruni’, w;*s pub*

lished the same year in .Xmvterdain. He li.i*

also puUisltcd a study of 'Met .\ni«miu'inotct

van Aniontus lUisiiois * .Vimieid.nn, iqpij.

Hr it tlie ladder of many orders and Jisiine-

tiotis n«l only in his own hiid but also jn

France, Sweden, Belgium and Norw.iy.

H. A.

"^^THER, Johano F. I huringia, i iyOj

rf, Torgau. ^4 .\pr, 1570).

German comptiwT. He svas Luther'.s

frirml and on** of tin* earliest </f tin* cnnifioser*

in the Lutheran Ghurclt. Alter • pr*Kiuces

evidenie to show that he was the real founder

trf Its musical liturgy. In 1 3^4 he was bass

singer in the <h*Mr at 'I organ, and in the

following vvar h’tftrtlmnUf/. or .SaNg^^.nfhl.^r,

to tile I let toe <if Satony. In 1 3 jO Ju- was n nl

to Ih-rsden to organ ice and had a «|i*dr of

singers for Moritz of Saxony, and he r< niainc d

«*ll *5M' Ik' recnrncsl with a jiension to

1 ofgau, wlierr he liv<>d till Ids death.

In 13^4 Walihrr was <alUti to WiiieidKTg

by Luther c*> assist him in framing the German

Mass. TIk result of this was his ' Gey sihrh

Osangk Burhieyn' for four \uici-s 115.^4), I be

rarhest Protesiam hvmn-Wk. His otlwr

wwkaarc'Caftlio septrinv'ocum . . -'fi344)'

• Km gar seboner geistihlur und clirjs|||< h,.r

Bergkrcyen’ <1352); 'Magnificat ocio to-

noeum fi5s;t; • Jiin nrwes <hrisilKh<-s

'Das chrisilkh Kinderlkd

l)r, Martin l.udicrs, Krhalt uns Ihre l«i

l^iu m Won . . . initeiUchen lai< iius< ben uiul

dcstlschen .Sangen gemchret ’ fi-,fiO). Other

ptrcfs are inelutled in the collections of Ubaw

and Forster, ' Mon lan-Neu hers Psahnrnwerk'



(1538) and * Mot^ueruarnmlungf ' (1540).

Poems appeared in 153d and rs^.

c.. adds.

Bt.i --EwifAjH, ^ViLiieu*, ‘JiAaiui >Vali«f. dw «nu

K*i*w der p«ii«unu«h«n Kirthe • i* Muiik uod

Kiuht \ Vi. M. laa 4

Ro»*»T. W.IUnr* C3»or*ip*»ioa

M«iiha«u Jm. t9n. ap. sas?)-

5m CjiotaJa, Luther («mUo<e). Pastoo Music

{earliest Lutheran Pu«t«n).

WALTHER, Johaan Chrisloph. Set

\\'alt»icr. Johakn GoTTraiEO.

WALTHER, Johaan Coicfried {i. ErfufJ,

tS Sept. c584; Weimar, 23 Mar. 1748).

Gcrenan composer and muaical Icxico-

grapher. He is described as a pupil of Jacob

Adlung* and J. Bernhard Bach in 170a- In

that year Uc became organist of the St.

Thomas Church at Erfurt and on 39 July 1707

toun organist of Weimar (In succession 10

Hclntze) and teachrr of tJte ion and daughter

of the grand duke; and In 1730 Ho/muains,

Hr became a highly skilled contrapuntist.'

Walthcr was a relative of J. S. Bach, and

during Bach’s residence at Weimar (1 708-14)

they became very intimate, and Bach was

godfather to )ui eldest son. The meagre

notiee of Bach in Walther’s * Lexicon ' seems

to show that the intimacy did not last.

Matiheson’s judgment of Walther, in his

' Khrenpfnrlc is a very high one; he re-

gards him as a second Pachelbel, if not in

art the first ", In the arrangement and varia-

tion of ciioralcs on the organ he certainly

stands next to Bach himself. An anecdote

preserved hy one of Bach’s sons shows that

he was once able to puzalc esTn that great


He printed the following pieces: clavier

Concerto without accompaniment (1741),

Prelude and Fugue (1741), four chorales with

variations, and a mass of compositi<M)s remains

In manuscript in the Berlin State Library and


But Walthcr's most lasting work is his

dictionary — ' Musicalischcs Lexkorx oder mu-

skallsche Bibliothcc ’ (Leipzig. 1732), the

first to combine biography and muskal sub-

jccu, a work of great accuracy and merit,

and the ground-work to many a subsequent

one. This work was the pr^uctlon of his

leisure hours only. He puldished a first

sketch, of 6a pages, In 1 728. under the title of

*AUe und nouc musikalische Bibliothek oder

musikallsches Lexikon *. U’alther had pre-

pared elaborate corrections and additions for

a second edition of his great work, and after

his death they were used by Gerber in the

preparation of his lexicon. They ultimately

came into the possession of the CesdbehaA

der Musikfreundc in Vienna.

* Bui tjatet male tbi* SenprobsUe.

* Su the insiaAces (iv«a br Spitui. ^Bseh* fEiM.

trsni.), II, 384.

* Spitu, iM. 11, 38a,


WaJther’sson, Johann Chrisloph (i. Weimar,

8 July 1715; d. Weimar, 25 Aug. 1771), was

music director and organist at the Cathedral

ofUlmin 1751-70 and published three sonatas

lor clavier in J 766.

^•L.^Baoooe, Ono. • }. C. Wtliher • fC*ss«1

Otto, 'Johann Walilier. d«r Mu^r>

ID Luihen C«/#liKh*fl ' fLeioile &

WALTHER, Johann Jakob ( 5 . Wilterda

nr. Erfurt, 1650; rf. ?).

German violinist and composer. He styles

himself on the title of one of his works ''Hali 4 n

Secretary to the Elector of Mainz We

find him first as a member of the orchestra of

the Elector of Saxony at Dresden and laier

on aiijched to the court of the Elector of

Nfainz. The place and date of his death are

unknown, Two sets of violin compositions

of his hate been preserved :

' mI«, ron il Basm Goaiinuo (xr

1 * CimbaJo, aceemuaina bile aft<he cen una

Vwta o UuW. di Liovanni Giacomo Valther. Ptimo

yiMAKia di r.ain«ra di lua Alirssa L eiiorale di


s. Hemdut Chjlkw, uoi Violino, duabua, ulbui ei

euaiuar tubjnde chofJif timul Mnaniibuj har*

•••»<« m^lanii. Siudioia varl«iaie contkus a

Jenaase Jacoto WaJiKcro. I’.miAenita. ^hittKl.

Llecior. hlafUAtin. 5c<reiaria tialico. Maruniiar.

wn^bu* Lud. Beurteil. Academi. Bibliepel.

The musical inicresi of these com|>o»itlons

is but small : they consist chiefiy of short

preludes, pieces in dance-forms (gavottes,

sarabandet, etc.) and seu of varialioiw. In

some respects they remind us of the works of

Farina, w’ho was his predecessor at Dresden.

Like Farina he appears fond of realistic tone-

piclures — he imitates the cuckoo, the night-

ingale, the crowing o( the cock and other

sounds of nature. In a set of variations we

meet with Imitations of the guitar by

of pipes by passages going up to the sixth

position Oft the first string, of the trumpet by

fanfares on the fourth string; farther on he

introduces echo effects, the l)re, the harp,

and winds up with a ’‘coro in full chords.

Besides these ehlklish efforts, it Is true, w^

find some more serious pieces which, as far

as invention, harmonic and metrical treat-

ment go, arc decidedly an advance on

Farina's style. Walther's importance for (he

history of the dev'clopment of violin playing

consists cxclusiv'cly in the advanced claims his

w’ricinfs make on execution. He ascends to

the sixth position, frequently employs difficult

double-stoppings and uses a variety of bowing.

r. p.

Sn eltf Beekmsnft (Sdxrb (br vn. e0.)>


ant c^lectioft of German songs of the I3(h

century, with some instrumental dances and

canofts. Sonc, p. 919.

WALTHEW, RIebard (Heory) (L Loo-

don, 4 Nov. 1872; d. East Preston, Surrey,

6 Dec. 1951).


English pianist, conductor and composer.

He waa lor some time a student at the G.S.M.

in London and in 1890 gained an open scholar*

ship at the R.C«M., where be studied for the

following four years under Parry. A setting

of Browning’s ‘ Pied Piper for solo chorus

and orchestra, was performed by the Highbur>*

Philharmonic Society In 1893 with great

success; it was afterwards repeated at ilie

Crystal Palace and elsewhere. In 1894 he

introduced a pianoforte Concerto of his own

at a concert given by the Strolling Players at

Quern's Hall: varirnis orchestral works were

performed by the Stock Ijichangc Orchestral

Society, He was musical director of the Pass*

more Kdwards $unlemci»t for five years 1 1900-

{904). In 1907 he was appointed music

professor at Queen’s College, later he liecamc

conductor of the University College Musical

Society and in 1905 conductor of the operatic

class at the G.S.M. , where he raised il»c level

of i^rformances to a remarkable degree of

efficiency. In 1909 lie liecame eonductor of

the South Place Orchestra; and the South

Place CoACvris, at which his chaniWr music,

the most itnporuni class of his eoinprHiiivn*,

has been consiamly played, owe much 10 Im

interest and spjldance, lu Ids vvdl.wr inert

programme notes and his iserformances as a

ptiiniii, }K>ih in chamber mu^ic and at accom*

pan ist . M of h it tn ajor eomi>osli M.n\ are in

manuscript. j. a, p.-m.. adds.

usr OF PKi\c:iP.\L works'


• Jhe M«im( ' <|,b. tr, R. H. I . Bl.— pim\

M, t.rf^ae'i I Ml. B Mj> id.-., ^

Jhe (.Arderuri {h»,, by hpnoA Mu Vwl

trfo*l. O.S.M., 17 tVl,. lifiA.


' (hk lo a NiBhljns^k * (K«ao/.

I hf p||Kr * iBrn%»nmer.

, I tie 1 Air .MaiJs of February ,*

JnliM o Urram*.*


VAriscM,r»(, II9 ni«.

therture * ir.ttul tuit ‘ f«ft«r Efykiiuiu*.CJutruH

O*rroirr am] emr aues Wi * Akd-lm *. '*^'-**"“*'*‘

S NiBiil Sifutt'.


YL (iuoe^lo, Ky ma.

Uprise. loipfomiHv tor vn.


^ K mi., for *«Br. 4 pf.

for * 11 ., v«Ja, rrJio. iImiWt ba« 4 U

fnr<kr. « nn.

yLurui li mi., fo,„„, 4 ^

1 SuinB Qu-rt/w. t m#.. B? ii«. 4 tj nu.

Sjk I ,> ru J ' fpr iig, ^

i no. t, mi., for *?»., eLir, 4 t>i

J'Niudr «inJ , ,1 ,^ 4







Ab» ourwerous toogt, \<ocal dueu and quArteu. narc*

seA)n.4c. ’ '

life abr $AU«b PU<e Conrrris.

WaliM, I r aa l r, Ser Burden iref. lo>. lUu>Uiuriir

( wrri , pf, duel r,

''DALTON, (Sir) William (Turner) (i.

Oldham, 29 Mar. 1902^

UnglisJi composer. His earliest instruction

in inusse came from his fat her and, at tlic age

of ten, he entered Christ Church Cat heel raJ

Choir .School at Ok ford. The organist at the

cathedral, Ur. H. G. Ley. recogniecd his out*

standing talents and tniroduted him to Sir

Hugh Allen, who was equally perceptive, In

addition, Basil AJlchiri, then assistant organist

at OxAsrd Cathedral, ga\*e him sotiiu in-

ttrcKtton on the piatioforie. iVspiie this early

acquainianee with eimnerii teachers, it may

be said that Waliun was virtually »ell>(auglu,

for, showing exceptional promise a> he did, his

leathers were wdhiig to lot him gu Ids own

way I giving him guidance only when really

necessary. .Virr a lintr the a Kent ion of tljc

Dean U Christ Churrh, Ur. Thomas Hanks

Strong, was drawn (o Walton’s unusual gifts,

and Ik* exerted his inlluerice in enabling him lo

become an undergraduate ai an ext op 1 ion oily

early age in 1918. From this time onwards

Walton was entirely seif.i aught, except for

reeejving octasional atlvice from Ansermet

and busocit.

During these early years Walton wrote a

great deal of music, mostly choral works ; but

almost all these comfsosi lions have been

destroyed, ‘rise few* to have sorv*ived are * A

Litany ' (words by Phincas Kleithcrj, a short

w^ for unaccompaiiipd rawed vt»ici*5 which

displays certain melodic and contrapunial

trails tlsai were later to become cliaraaerisilc

^ Ins style, * The U ittds ' (.“sw inhume) and

Iriions' (William Drummond;, two .tongs

dated 1918 and 1920 respectively whkh, as

w;cll as showing angulariiHs in the vocal line,

^ve comparatively little indication of ihe great

d^ el^ment ^Valion was shortly to make, and

the pianoforte Quartet compos<‘d in 1918- jg.

It II the last-named work that chlelly claims

attention. Completetl when the composer was

seventeen years of age, it has a surprisingly wcH

fished style, and although it has not often

been played, it remains at the first large-scale

expression of Walton's romamirtsm which in

matunty produced the concertos for viola and

lor violin. Influenecs (mainly of Faur^ and

Brahms; have been traced in this Quartet

but although it is not obviously ihc forerunner

of the distinctive Walton style, it does contain

certain elements of the style of the later works.

It IS certainly not an undistinguished com-

position, and It cannot be regarded as an

jmitation of other composers’ manner. It was

not, however, Walton's first large work to



cpme before the public (that was the string

Quartet of 1922), for the manuscript was lost

in the post for about two years, after which it

still waited some time for recognition. When

some slight revisions had been made the

Quartet was submitted to the Carnegie Trust,

tvho gave it an award (describing it as ** a

work of real achievement") and published it

in 1924. It is dedicated to Dr. T. B, Strong,

who was of such practical help (o Walton at


In 1920 and I92t Walton wrote two works

which, although important in hU de\‘elopinent

and grasp of technique, have since been

destroyed by the composer. They were ‘The

Passionate Shepherd', a setting for tenor and

small orchestra of Ntarlowe's poem, artd an

orchestral " prdag^ic " oN'eriure, ’ Dr. Syn-

tax *, which, deriving its inspiration from

Combe’s verse novels and, more particular!) ,

from Kou’landson's illustrations to them, was

probably a precursor of the ’ Portsmouth

Point ■ Overture of 19*5.

While lie was at Oxford VN’alton met and

became the friend of Sacheverell Sitwell, the

youngest of the trio of sister and two brothers

cndo^\^d with literary gifts not usually found

simultaneous!)’ in one family. After leaving

Oxford Walton lived tviih them for some time

^ during part of the period oflkially de-

scribed as their " skittish youth " — and it

was then that he wrote, in 1922, the two works

wiilch first brought his name before the public.

The fir^t was the string Quartet already noted.

It w’as vvriticn primarily as a technical exercise

aiifl was very long and complex (including an

elaborate fugal Imale). but was nev'crthelrss

chosen as one of the three works representing

Britain at the first Festival of the I.S.C.hL

(Sakburg, 1923}. At that time Walton’s

name was unknown to everyone ouuide the

circles in which he had moved, and the choice

of the work by the judges of the Festival

occasioned much surprise. Unfortunately the

Quartet, long and rather immature as it was,

was pla>'ed (on 4 Aug. 1923) as the last item

in a lengthy programme of works which

included some liy composers of such well-

established reputation as Prokofiev, Rave] and

Falla, and was consequently not wtII received.

Two performances followed in I.ond^, and

although many recognized the composer's

skill and his great ability in expressing himself

in an advanced idiom, the general impression

was not favourable. Walton, always severely

self-critical, agreed svith the unfavourable

views, and the W’ork was subsequently with-


The other work to be composed in 1922 was

the first version of ‘ Facade an entertainment

for spcabir^-voice and six instrumental players,

with poems by Edith Sitwell. The poents and

the music were written with the closest colJa-

bwaiion between poetess and composer, and

4$ both posse&sed acutely original minds, the

result of their combined efforts was startling

to the audiences of the times. The poems are

concen^ more w'itb the sound of the words

than with their sense, and if one is detennined

to find a literary tradition behind them, it

must surely consist of a combination of

Skelton, nonsense vene and late ]9th'Ceaiury

French poetry. Although there is an absence

of those influential poetical ideas which often

do much to ensure a poem's survival, time

has proved that in the case of Edith Silwcll'i

* Facade ’ poems, sound eon make sense, for

afler their publication they w'cre read and

appreciated by many who never knew their

original function. Walton’s music was

designed as an accompaniment to these poems,

which were declaimed rhythmically by a

reciter while the music was played by the

economical combination of six musicians

(fluie-pkcolo, clarinet-bass clarinet, saxo-

phone, trumpet, percussion and cello). Tbe

musk, like the poems, was by turns skittish,

catchy and beautiful, but as, unlike the poems,

only a small proportion of the ’Parade'

pieces have been performed and published

without the other part (t.r. the words), and as

that proportion contains only one piece that

is not predominantly witty and parodisiic, it

is sometimes forgotten by those who know

' Facade ' only from the orchestral suites that

some of the music (r.g. ' By the Lake

’ Daphne 'A Man from a Far Ccuniree ’) is

quite serious in intention and effect. But the

outstanding feature of this music is the tech-

nical skill of a composer aged iivenly. Each

accompanying pipcc is perfectly timed to

follow the M’ords, and yet \N'allon was able

10 expound popular tunes (r.g. ' See me dance

the polka ' in the ' Polka '). to perform almost

miraculous conirapunlaJ feats (as in the

' Swiss Yodelling Song 10 be amusing with

and yet criikal of popular musical forms ~

and all with an economy of means highly

unusual in a young composer even of those

days. It was this skill which earned for the

work the praise ^ Ernest Newman. ’Facade

was first performed privately as an entertain-

ment in 1922: further private performances

followed in 1925, and a public I.ondoA per-

formance was given in the Aeolian Hall on

J2 JusK 1923- Over the platform on which

the rceilcf and musicians were placed was

draMTi a curtain on which was painted a

mask by Gino SevcKni. Fitted to the mouth

of this mask w*as an elaborate megaph^e

(the sengerphone) through which the reciter

tpokc. This original version consisted of an

overture, sixteen poems and an interlude.

When the work was revived at the New Chenii

Galleries on 27 Apr. 1926 a fanfare was added

and the number of poems was twenty-six (and


some of xhc orifiruls had two r^pUccd). In

ihi$ form ‘ Facade’ v.as CMce played at the

I.S.C.M. Festival at Siena (19^8). A further

revival took place In 1942. when it consisted

of iwenty-onc poems: this u the dcfinlu>e

venion. In ihU vereiojj it has sulsequendy

been performed several limes on ibc B.B.C 's

Third Programme, Seleei«*d movements of

Walton’s invistc have been used in djlfercni

arrangements for various pur|>uses. The

orchestral suites will bcdc alt with lairr ; apart

from these llic principal arrangements are the

song versions ui the unpublishiil ' Bucolic

Comedies’ (!9^4J and the puhlldtrd Three

Songs ’ (*932/. 4nd the ballet Versions. ’I’hr

first * Facade ’ l^allei was produced hy Ouii'

ler Ht-ss at Ilageu (WesiphaJiaj in 1929; the

second, which breatnv an established pan of

the hauler’s Wdh repertory, was hr>i pro-

duced, with choreography hy P'rederick

Ashton, on «l) Aj)r. 1931, at die Camtiridge

I heatre In lx>ndon.

Walton’s neat coinfxwujon jfur ’ Parade ’

w'ai an unpublished Tocc.ua for \irdm and

pianoforte jyaj saw the curnpo».l(».m

of the Overture ’ Portunouili Point’. Walton

sirodi* straifilii from the chacnlier orchiura to

the fiill.siic modern symphony orchesira and

showed that he could liarxilc both equally well

The Overture Is a jolly, fr«h-air work dcimi-

»ig »« music the print of ihr same name by

fhomas Kowlandwm. Like iliat prim, whkh

shows the Kccnr at the docks of the famous port

j lilt after the end of the jBih lentury, the

music IS full of I lie, and iis gay themes {with

many displatcd accents and changes of tin it •

sig natures) cr« ate the atmosplierc adinlraWy.

I he niidJIc section has as a cliinan a remark-

able c*ant|ile of \N'a|ton’s omrapunial in.

ginuily in a pa*, age that docs ik>i vem to

have been lU lilntaivIy contrived. 'Hie over,

birc received lis lirst performance at the

.h.C..M. festival at /.undi on 22 June loeG.

n the following week It was played as an inter.

hKic m Ulaghllev’s liallet in losndon, and It

W.IS Inter ineUi<icd in the year’s si-son of

IVonicnade Conreris.

In 1926 Waltim comi>osed a dreamy,

sinitish BoTiiaiurc calkd ‘ .Siesta scored for

*maH .^rcheura. 11, is was first perdirmed at

the ,Wian Hall in the autumn of that year

loiidocicd by Guy Warrack. It was aho In

that \N'ahon sco««| a sejrciion of pieces

from • f„r full orchestra. Ihese were

lolka (37 bars of mordani wit, inclisd-

mg a cud pr,Klaniaiion of - See me danrr

•br polka -/, the • Valse’ (amusingly srored

a*W openly parod).ng many res|)ceted kinds

of walls), ihe • Swiss Y.^delJing Song ’ (a

ddieious piece of mockeo' based chiefly L

• Rossini’,

pI 1;?.^''“ overture), ‘ Tangev

lawKlohle (which quotes the pofiular song

• 1 do like to be beside ihe sca-side' - as did

the poem; and the clever ’ TaiaiitcDa scvll-

lana ’ iwhich hinis at a tune In Mozart’s

‘ Don Giovanni J he suite was first played

as an interlude in the 1927 Dlaghilcv London

seattA, and was iocitided In the Leeds Festival

the (bllovvuig year.

J'wo of V\allou’* works had been (ilavcxi in

IWaghikv', ballri sea«ms, and he now decided

lo compose a ballet lor Diaghilcv, After a

lime, iKJwewr, M'alton abandomd th<‘ idea

and used the material he had prepared in the

• .Smfcjtiia converiaiiic ' fur orchestra with

piaiKilorte (19271. It wav Wallims lirsi

• sympisoiiit " venture, and taking this ini„

avcoum, as well as ihc ori^liiaf iiiienilons fur

tlie material, It is hardlv surprning that the

structure oJ the woik was jwi ft, mid to be

entirely satisfying, I'lJw xxond move mum,

howesrr, w nh Us si.m mi ric atel y w o v en coi 1 1 id-

pufttal gnmili, must be cxcuptvd from this

stai emvm I Iw if, nv 1 nt>vcinui its 1 d ud ic ate<l

to OsUri, lUJnh and Saihcverejl .'ll! well

ropccilvely/ afe linked by subtle sirnilurliics

m their iheinaiK matiur, and in place of more

ttfual methods ol n rajmulatlon the inaturlal

of ewh nioveineiii it suninu d up In an epilogue

at the end of the last nioveiiieni, *Jhc key.

board vvriimg did not show ease and Ihc

whrMraiion wav inoru etjuilimniial than

U^tmt’s had hitherto Iwn. ihc work was

perform^ f„c the first tliiw* in Lmidon ut u

K^al Plnlharinonk concert on 5 Jan. 192U

with Anvermet conducting aisd York Ikmvii

as soloist. Perhaps iKcawse ol its awkwaich

ww. It wa, iKH i(iim(>dialcly us popular as

Ualtoii, i«vioMs wmks, bui ihe compiler

revised it in 1943, altering icc hnical deiaiU, as

in tiieofcliesiraiion. and sincv tlivn It lias Ue.i

received into the regular reason my.

Ualioo, next excursion into symphunlc

wriciijj was a triuinphanl .clJccc^,. ]| was the

viola CoMKerio, ihu cuinpoviiion of which was

spread over liie two years 1928-29. As with

the .Sinfoma commantc the form adopted

11 not iic^mal. J here are the usual three

moscinenis, bin ilw slow movement, the most

\Va^* r "i«'’rnicni showed

.1^ ^ ^o'»anlic nature to

dwugh the movemcin of the ' SInfotiia ’

^ 'ndiracion of what to expect

the new w.,rk. Uap, of sevenths and

"nr^heS.'*'* ‘"uch to Ihc open.

tackles for the first lime really si-riouslv the

question of tonalny. Con^rcoTs wJii c,‘

round " rather than - m - a /

■wn. B 4 m<«



gaiety to be found in * Portsmouth Point *. It

is full of melodic and rhythmic interest (traces

of the "Jau influence'’ can be found) and

goes through its w^hole course with unabated

vitality. The last movement b^ins with a

theme that, with its slighdy humorous touch,

is not too great a contrast to the scherao whkh

precedes it. ‘Fhe mood becomes more serious,

however, and very lyricaJ {t.g. the soloist's

theme in sixths). The climax of the move*

ment, wliich b well prepared for and placed,

b t Jugate section for orchestra alone whkh,

after reaching a loud emotional peak, leads to

the tinal section. I'he work ends with a re>

statement of the theme whkh began the flnt

movement, Walton achieved in thb Concerto

the balance which had been needed in the

previous work : even ilte orchestration b very

carefully balanced by dividing the strings in a

eo/Ktrianu manner. It was first perform^ at a

London Promenade Concert on 3 Oct. 1^9,

with Paul flindemith as soloist. Lionel Tenb

played it at the l.b.C.M. Festival at Li^

(4 Supt. 1930). Sad. lyrical, deeply felt and

well executed, it b regarded by many as

Walton’s finest work.

Having mastered the concerto form, Walton

now turned his attention 10 the oratorio.

Originally intended for broadcasting, ’ Bel*

sbas^ar’s Feast ’ was commissioned for the

Leeds Festival of tggt. The text waa chosen

by (Sir) Osbcrl Sitwell and was drawn from

Psalms LXXXI and CXXXVJI and the fifth

chapter of the Uook of Daniel. The work is

scored for double mixed chorus, baritone solo,

very large orchestra and two (optional) brass

bands. There are three sections, with very

short pauses bet^veen them. The first, after a

bleak statement of a prophecy by Isaiah,

expresses the feelings of the Jews in captivity.

Justly famed b the unaccompanied eighl*part

chorus ” By the waters cf l^bylon ", one of

the most beautiful pieces of modem choral

writing. I'he second pan is a vivid picture of

the great city, Babylon, and includes the

brilliantly sco^ "Praise ye the gods" —

ivhich b an example of the way many of

^t'allon’s themes, 1^ slight alteration to the

intervals or rhythms, arc made 10 serve several

purposes. The last section tells the story of

"the writing on the wall" ard concludes with

a lament and thanksgiving chorus for the fall

of the king and his city. I'he final " Alleluia”

chorus, in which the word b flung ecsiaikally

from one c hoif to ( he other, b a glory c( sound.

I'he work was an immediate success at its first

performance at Leeds on 8 Oct. 1931. It was

repeated shortly afterwards at a B.B.C.

concert, but an attempt to include it in the

Three Choirs' Festival at Worcester in 1939

failed because it was considered that the vivid

treatment of the text was unsuitable for

performance in a cathedral. It was, however.

included in the l.S.C.M. Festival at Amstes^

dam in 1933.

In 1931, as well as ‘ Bclshazeax’s Fiast',

Walton composed a ‘‘period-piece” setting

for unaccompanied voices of an old carol,

* Make we joy now in this fast ’ . In Oct. 1 993

Dora Stevens gave the first performance of the

three songs which were settings of ’ Facade

poMi». They were ‘ Daphne written in the

Lnglbh manner, ' Through gilded trellises ',

in the Spanbh, and * Old Sir Paulk in the

American. The last two are vocal arrange-

ments of ' Facade ’ pieces, but the first bears

00 resemblance to the original setting of the


For the next two years Walton was engaged

in composing hb Symphony. After the

success the two preceding large works there

was anxiety 10 hear it, and Sir Hamilton

Harty was promised the first performance, the

date of which was announced. When the

lime came Walton found that, although three

movemenu had been completed, he could not

find a satisfactory solution to the problem of

writing the concluding movement. The

performance was postponed, but finally

\N’alton allowed the Symphony to be per-

formed in London in iu unfmlshed state on

5 Dec. 1934. Almost a year elapsed before the

last movement was completed. The first move*

ment of the Symphony is, as in the viola

Concerto, deeply serious. Its tragic nature,

and (he shape o( the first theme (pla>‘ed by an

oboe), pointed to the influence of Sibelius.

The movement b rest less, uneasy and very

powerful, and its development b logical and

satisfying. I'he question of tonality b again

posed: a pedal-point (Bs) is prominent and

finally asserted, but this is hardly sufficient to

justify the "D flat minor” by whkh the

Symphony has been kno^vn. The scherzo

stan^ second. It hardly Jessens the tension of

the firu mov*emenl, for it b not light, humorous

or even witty : it b malicious — probably the

only piece of music to be marked Presic, eon

mriiiir. 'Hie prkkly (hemes arc like barbs,

and the rhythmical invention has an electrilV'

ing effect. The Adagio eon malintonia which

follows b a well-constructed slow movement

rising (o great intensity. Tlie finale has

proved (o be a matter for endless discussion :

some can never come lo an agreement

whether jt is a aatbfactory conclusion or not.

The atmosphere of it b ccnalnly not as ten«

as that of the other mov*cmcnu; indeed, if n

were, it would be impossible to hear the vvork

through. TUzfugoio sections are a relief, and

the triumphal e^oguc (which, It b undc^

stood, was cmnposcd before any of the rest «

the work) b a fitting conclusion to a work of

this character. It w'as firei performed in ns

entirety in Lond^ on 6 Nov. I 935 ‘ ®

minor alteration made while it was being


recorded, the Symphony siand$ now as it was

then pJaycd,

That \Valion was an expert in the An of

dramatic music had been shwm by his

»aiorjo. In 1934 he developed his talents in

this held by studying the probjems of Him

music at the film studios ; and the result was

I he eompositlon of the score for * flscape me

Never 1 wo years later he w rote the score

for a film version of Shakespeare's * As You

Like It *. In the same year an evening was

devoted to his music at the Promenade

Concerts (the first half of the concert on

ii Aug).

• 937 coronation year, and the U.B.a

commissjoiuxl W.ilion, as well as other British

cornposers, to write a work for the occasion,

lliis was the 'Crown ImpcriaT coronation

march, a gl I tiering pl<xe of pageantry in which

the composer paid homage to Elgar, whose

jvork he admires greatly. It was first iser-

lonncd on y May 1937 and repeaud in West.

mm'ixrr Abbey lieforc the actual ceremony cm

coronauon day, 12 May. Thr score of tlic

march is headed with a quotation from a

poem by SVdham DunUr, and Walton’s next

coiiifxmtion was a setting of the wh<.le of ihe

poem. • In honour of the city of London ’

WM sfi for chorus and orchestra in the form

of a well-knit SCI of variwmns. It is a vigorow

#nd vivid work, but ii has tuA lieen performed

very ofien, Many reasons have been pro-

powi fur , he dr»r<l, of p. rruri,.ar.r„, i,Klud,ng

llv foe. Iha. III. pro,o,of I^Klon ncc rK« .ung

wiih Kfc». ci..hu«o.i„ c.b.,.hrr., bui i> « ,k..

a work of iHipuLr nature, and the dim<uli

choral writing prcclodw any IhjI a nwHi

cxrxrt choir from singing ji. The first

iwrformance took place at the I.eedi Festival

<A\ b ()ct. MJ37, arul a second followed in

-ondon, at Qjieen's Hall, on i />cc. In

\N Dfion r<;ceivcd the lionorary degree of D.Mi;

Irorn Durham Lnivrnity.

, In 193B he gathered together (he other

i-^ipde piwps that be had orchestrated and

made a srci m<| orehcsi rul su itc of 1 hem, I hev

jjrre the 'Janfare', the amusing ‘Scotch

Khapsody , ihe delightful ‘Country Dance '

Ai>chc cspanola the wcH-known • Popular

Song and ihc foxtrot ' Old Sir Faulk 'Th^

suite was played for the first time in New York

omdocred ^ (SI,) John Barbirolli; the first’

hnghsh performance took place at the l^on

J romrnadc C-nicerts on 10 S^i. |«b

film • S^li 'he

Jdm Stolen Ufe and completed the vinuoso

\'Zeh'u ^ promised to

J«cha Icfeia. Thb Concerto proved to be a

pC^rfited bj

■rt ' ‘ phenomenal difficulty

-hc'cTrhl'r'’ • '1 "r"'

the earlier viula Concerto: a deeply felt fir^i

movement, a scherzo and a long finlk. The


first movement opens with a rhythmic accom-

PMymg phrase reminUccni ctf the opening of

the Symphony, over which the soloist plav-s 4

lyrical theme, accompanied liy an important

cwntcrmelody «i the bassoon. The initial

theme contains an inuTvsiing quota linn from

tl>e early song ‘Daphne'. This op<njMg

movement, which is more deliniccly in a

specifw; key (B minor/ than most nf Walioii’s

ater rrigsic, lias an umisuallv curcfully

balance form. The suc<i«cdii»g iimvenirm h

in the form of scherao and trin an<| is marked

F/rsw ce^KCirie elU m/WcMm. U is in tiiis

.wvetncni that Walion allows the snloisi to

show im virtuosity — even nmi« than in the

unaccompanied cadenza. Almmt every trick

ol vioJm i>la\mg IS emjih.yrd, and liio iikwc-

mcni K jJayed at den ion if spin I. N Vail on

uses Ills habit of re-stating ihcmrs in diiU reni

sJMpes in ord.r to vrnphadar ihc joist's

»rtistr> llw pjrt <4 ihe liile is

juMih^ b>- the a|>piaranfc of a pa>sjg<* of

Mediterranean ‘ musii in languoniiu waits

rhyihm. Ihe concluding moverikni is, like

the first, of elaborate formal si rue lure. The

tjsx. rnam icnjrces of man ri.il arc the rliythnilc

iheiiM-s wfne h belong mainly to ifie oriliesira

and the rxirerndy rmnaniic il.nnvs which

appear mainly m iIh; u 4 o |«ri. It is jmerot-

mg to »*oic that the clipped timing of the

chixds wliKh form il>c basis trf the final bar.

« like that adopted m the final bars of the

S>mj^ony Ihc Omterio w« first per.

formed at aoclaixJ, Ohio, wjih HeifiiJ as

7 1^- *939, Hnfets haviriL* reserved the

^rt^ming r^his for (wo srai^, liie work was

not heard in England until 1 \ov. lyu wluvi

I-nd.in,-^thc c<l"

poser runduclmg.

In 194U WnliOT fwnjKw'd anoihcr comedy

Sci,m,o-. •I'l.i,,

y^l'n '".pif-lion, •11, c p.o,ur=

l^yjMqurt Cilloi i,. ,hc ' Ilalli

Character of ilu; ccmmrdta Ml' ctu wliom

Mdi^c had introduced into one gf |,j, pby*.

f«>.n .940 is




were first performed or) t6 Feb. 1941. Also

dating from 1940 is ihc orchestral version of

some pieces by Bach chosen for a ballet, * Tbe

Wise Virgins by Constant Lambert. One

of (he pieces had already been transcribed for

pianofucte solo by Walton. These orchestral

transcriptions showed perhaps even better

than his own compositions how expert an

orchestrator he had become.

During the second world war Walton was

restricted, in some cases officially, to compos*

ing incidental music for the stage 1 radio and

films, a task which was begun in I94t with the

writing of the score for a him adaptation of

Bernard Shaw's ' Major Barbara *. The list

of works brlosv shows the rest of ihe scores he

wrote in this way. .Mtitough this activity

showed his technical skill in continually

producing music of set length for gisxn situa*

(ions, and his ingenuity in overcoming the

inevitable tendency to be cons*entional, very

little of the music has been considered worthy

of concert performance by the composer. The

• Spitfire Prelude and Fugue ' (from * I'he

First of the Few \ 19.}/} is an exception, and

the ' Henry V ’ musk will be discussed

presently. I'he inctdental musk for John

Gielgud's stage produetson of ' Macbeth

hotvever, deserves special mention, for in it

Walton captures the horror of the play In a

dramatic aruJ uncompromising manner.

In 1942 the University of O.tford conferred

on him the honorary D.M us. degree. In 1943

a Spenserian ballet, ' The Quest ' (eliorco*

graphy by Frederick Ashton), was produced

by the Sadler's Wells company. The music,

which showed the Influence of film teehnique

on the composer, was In the form of variations.

It has never been given a concert performance.

In the following year \Vallon composed his

finest film Kore. This was for the production

by (Sir) Laurence Olivier of Mttkespeare's

'Henry V This elaborate film ga>c an

excellent opportunity to the composer to be

mere resourceful than in an ordinary him, and

Walton wrote some sixty-five minutes of music

which wa< mostly more than mere backgiound,

in fact as important a pari of the film as the

scenery. A suite from this music was gis’en

its first concert performance at the London

Promenade Concerts on 14 Sept. 1945.

In 1944 Sir Henry Wood died. He had

early recognised the value of ^Valion's musk

and included it in his Promenade Concerts.

Wahon composed two works In memory of

him: a purely occasional 'Memorial Fan-

fare ’ for orchestra, played at a Memorial

Concert and on the opening night of (he 51st

season of Promenade Concerts (1945). and a

selling for unaccompanied voices of memorial

verses by John Masefield. This work, ‘ Where

docs the uttered music go? was written foe

the unveiling of the memorial window to Sir

Henry is St. Sepulchre's Church, Holbom,

and it was first performed on that occasion

(afi Apr. 194$). It is the most elaborate of

Walton's short choral works.

For some time Walton had been building

up a reputation as a conductor of his own

works, and in the last months of 1945 he

received an invitation from six Scandinavian

c^hestras to tour Scandinavia conducting hb

own musk. The invitation was accepted and

the lour look place under the auspices of the

British Council, for which Walton has done

other work of a similar nature.

The next work to appear was his first

chamber >\‘ork for over twenty years — (he

string Quartet in A minor. This was long in

preparation and again, as with the Symphony,

the announced date of first performance was

postponed. It finally took place on 4 May

1947, when the Blech Quartet played it on the

B.B.C.'s Third Programme. A second per-

formance took place publicly in London the

following day. The event was regarded as of

great import acice, for the Quartet was Walton's

first large work since the violin Concerto. The

frank romanticism of that work (where even

the fiery scherzo had a languid trio) was not

repeated in the new Quartet. Walton had

progressed from the harsh music of the 1930s

(when he was known as the " English Hinde-

mith ’*), through the glory of the three works

of 1928-33 (he was then called " the white

hope of English ntuslc ") to the unashamed

romantkism of the J939 Concerto (when he

was already accepted as a very important

composer). In the new Qpartci was heard the

mellowest musk he had yet composed. The

first and the third movements arc long and as

sincere as the >'iola Concerto ; the second and

fourtli are very short and lighi* hearted. It

was in these short movements that Waltons

dcvelopmeni was most noticeably marked.

The first of them immediately called for com-

parison w’iih the scherzo of the Symphony, and

it was found to express a more musical mo^

than that of malice. The movement Is virile

and alert, but not harsh ; and so it was found

with the other movements: the harshness

whkh, even in the scherzo of 1 939, had been an

accepted feature of his style l»ad almost dis-

appeared (it does appear for a lime in the first

mos’ement of the Quartet).

This smoother manner in his music w«

continued in Ihe incidental music for Sir

Laurence Olivier's film production of ‘Ham-

let A comparison of this music with that

Sot 'Macbeth' leads to similar conclusic^*«

a comparison of the string Quartet and the

tbe Symphony i and the difference ts surety

not entirely due to the more philosophical

nature of the second play- .

On 10 Nov. 1947 Walton was pres»ieO

with the Gold Medal of the Royal Philhar-

WALTON : Work*


tnonic Society, being the fiAy-fim musician

to be » honoured. The prescncaiion was

made by Vaughan Wiliiams and the concert

played on the occasion included the viola


In J 948 ^ Vahon completed , w iih Ch rbtopher

Hassall, the poet, the libretto of an opera

which the B.D.C. had commissioned. TIte

story is based on that of Troilus and Cretsida

as told by Chaucer, not by Shakespeare. He

visited Argentina that year and on 13 Dec.

married Suriorita Susana Gil in Buenos .\ires.

He was knighted in 1931 .

^Vallon hat established himself in the front

rank of Ivnglish composers outstanding in his

gcneraium ; and his music, wl»jch has never

followed any school of musical thought and

has been more concernetJ with the evolution of

accepted forms than finding new modes of

expression, ihuws an unusual and consistently

high standard of work maintained by his

severe sclf-crhicism and sWiw output.

Bl Dt.](x;)cvntY

w*|Mf> MM it..

XX\ ttl. lois, p. c>,

ron Hw»»ir J.. • Vrtfh*m • ia • The Book of

MoUf'M Cofnpourt ’ i \f« York i%ai>

***"•;• F'A"*, • r»M Mu«K «# vvrftMiu w*w

( Mhim«I htcoin* irnn). v v«h. rCKPMd. iaji

B i»4S>.

Ft*;**, Coowm Vjrfia M.t

OKhoift I II, ip. I p, Ml

Mv«jou„ Hr«Maf, ' W«IW« VM* * iM. 4

I... XXXt. <9ju. p. iotK



' IVoiIms «ikI * '.ktur Chawerr* 19^1


* Thr Qum* (after Speiucr) <194}}.


' Macbesh ’ 'Shake^priA) (r04t|.


* Escape mr .\e«vr * '1934^

* As Ym Like It* (Shakrtprare; (I 9 s 6 j.

* Siol«» Life * (19391.

* Ma>or Barbara * <Maw) (1941'.

•N<«* arKui' Ii 94 t), ' ’ ^ '

* file Foreman wnu to tVaiKe* (> 9 ( 7 ).

* The Fmi of (he Fe» * (19421.

‘ Wem (be <lay neU? * <*942).

' Kenrv V ’ <skakn(iearei (1944).

* Hamlet * <^aknfK>are> (1947),


* Clirtfaopher Columbiu’ (L^aix MecNeire) (1944).


* Te Heum * for the UitoiiaiHm ol Queen iJiralwtli II

C»N*CI;RT JTE.MS from ST.VUt ML'S 10

(a) Onoit II lA

Ballr( 1 * Ewape nw .Never *) iiej 4 '.

* JvjMtftre • J'rrtmle aii4 Ku(w« I he FirM <»f the Fe« 'J

^ ••9Mf.

Ceneert Smiw t . ..

|»o Firce>lorSuinc«r ' ) >I 944 >«

I. Fawar a«liA f»r the Deatli nf Fahulf.

s. 1 owb l*er mA Lpt anJ |»ari.

4 ) Soxo

'Coder (lie creenwnoj tree* tShakisnearcl »’ Ar Vim

Like li 'I 119*6.'.


BaRet S«i*e. • TLe Wiw Vk»m* ' 'lojoj

foe arrheura of die Inlleisjni pl«r» by

I. tVlsat C«U hadi lUme. i» riikdy Joiie.

s. Lard, hear my foniine.

y See what Hi> hue ran «le.

4 - Aht Law ephemeral,

a. Sheep inav urHv irare.

9. Prake be laCiml.


<#} URAerowhAfiiaa




'Af.iiany.* '

' Make wa foy naw in dih fosi.* I

Set m« a* a leal upoo thine heart.' 1


* Wlirre dvn the uttered muic ta^ ' |

' BrUhairar i Feail with baritane lafo, •

OKh. «c 9 {optional beau bands. |

Phineaa Fletcher.

Anan. <alil aaralj.

S(m« of Safomon.


Jahn Mweftrki.


(i) AccourAMco

1 Seleeled fram ifae Half '

HiWe br (S4| Ocbari 1



' 'fSB.





H<m. Ivor CueAi & Lady

Mabel Fo* Slranxwayi

(for iheir marriajtej.

' ^XVaa?^ ^ Henry J.

Lard Bemen.

* In hmieur of the «hy of foimfon *. weth '

wti h.


WilluHk Dunbar.



l^ed* Feslival Clioir.


TiHe 1


J Drdten'M

■■'ilsiiax'." *>»«• w." ■.

^^ra -7 P«‘«n^d> PtHnf. nq RowUndMa** \

' Sieita.

Suite No. ,, Tj.fcde-

1 . hilka. r

a. ValM.

3 . Swtn YadeUias $ 009 . |

199 ( (deaerayed).


1926 . ^

SiegCried Saimn,

Siepben Teonani.






DeJitciMV j

4 . Tang^Pesodeble.

3 . Tarantella MvillaiuL.



Svm phony.

Corenatioe hlarch * Grown Imperial *.



Sarooem Irma Doenbr/t. |

Suite No. 4 . * Facade *

i. FanCaire. 1

4. Sootch Rhapsody. 1

3. Country Dance.

4 . Noche etoaAola. ;

(. Popular ^ 0 .




D. Foxtrot. Old Sir Faulk,

Comedy Overture * Scapit^


Frederick Stock A the Cltie«|e

* h(uaic for Children * (m Pianoforte Duet).


Symphony Orch.

* Memorial Fanfare.*

' Orb and Sceptre Coroniiion March.



Memory of Sir Heary Wood. f


I ' Sinfonla con<rri«nic *. for «c«h. »i(K 1949 .

V Conrerio.

Va. Cooc«ria. I9S9>

Oib«t(, Edid) »ih 1 Saehevmll Sitwell.


Jasch* Heifeit.



i l»VA I 7


* The Piuionate Shepherd *. I

with imall orch. 1

1 Chrbtopber Marlowe.


t 04 O (deotroyad),




Dt4k4tm '

a u*rui.


4 aeejti.

* P«(AiJ«’. sn «n(pruiam«rt( (Ediitt


I. Hornpipe: En rAmille;

Monner Mon.

9. Triafara (AU& • iKMnbene i

Threweh eilded (rellieet:

I «]o like (• be be«ide the


% Scotch Rhepeody ; LuUebv

for lumho : Om Sir Peulb.

4 , By (he Lehe; A men from

A £m coMPtree ; CMntry


A. Swim YoHelline Sene i BUek

Mr*. BekwnMh: fopOw


C. Polk* : Vabe ; TaraaielU.

7. FoMr in the memint : Sett

thine lin berond the tceae;

Sir Beelaebub.

Quartet. A mi.

Vb., vMa, ceNo A pT.

4 vna.. Viola A cello.

Vp. A pr.

Reciter : flute • pkeolo,

cUr.*baAi<l«r. . Kuephaae,

trumpet, cello A pcrc.

I 4 vm.. vkla A cello.


1034 (withdrawn).

( 040 .

t^t '46 (revuad

• 94»>-

T. B. Strong.

Emcft Irt^ug.


j !


' DrArcn'M

1 Sonata i

1 1040

Hre. Yehudi hlenuhin A Mn. Uuii Kencnet.


I • Dueu lot Children.* * I (040- I “ EltMhrlli A MiebaoL”

• Thii h the orifioil order oF the pieeea. i-io. The owhartreJ Car CbUdron • baa them in the iellawmf

order : (• t, 9 . 4 . 7. 9. 6. $, 3 . to.




H $y



' The Wind*/ I

' Tritofu/

* IKtcolie <A>medies.'

* T^ree Senes *

I . Dafihne.

y. 1 l»reu«h elided Udli*«s.

J. Old .Sir tjulk.

1 N. C. 2»w.Mbvnr.

Wdlum Drummoeid.

IaJiOx Sa«elL

Ldiih >Hi«ell.

, '9*«.



IXora & Hulari Fou.

S<t feu 'd«d. ^ (-Wfrtv*, HtoJflviiih

' III p?n. oi Mvila C'MUr^lu).

WALTZ (I'f, ta//<; Gcr. Jra/^rr; liaJ.

'J'he urigiii of 0 i»- wah^ U wrapped

in c\cij more obsrgricy ihun is usualK tite ca*e

with ihe Usi-kntiwn dames. IV immense

populariiy it acimved in the khH eeniury -

a pupuUriiy whkh had the elFcic of alnxm

banisiiinu ev< ry other dance — Itas given rise

to a dispute as to its historkal genrste, into

which naiional aniipaihies base to a certain

ixicijt cnUTcd. It would hav'e been thought

that French writers could not ignore the

evidcijcr of a German origin giv’ett b>' the

natne wain, dcrited from uaintn (Latin*

laiifrt). denoting in its widest schm* a rotating

mntioft such as rolling, turning and spinning

round. Th<‘ word had been in use in tJie

Cicrrnan language for some ceniuriei before it

k<unie assuflHied with a spec Use lorm of

frirman dames. In the face of the etymoJugv

of (he word an ingenious theory has been

smented by which it is sooght to prove that

(lie dance and the name were origissallv

iKwrowed by ficrrnatiy from France, and then

rniKroduu d, as a foreign insemiem, from the

fornicr to (he latter country.

1 ^ jV' apparently was first propounded

by Castit.blaar, and was adopted by fcHis

lutirf and I^roussc. The French account of

the origin of tlir walu is that the dance l»

• desce ndant of the volta - known to the

Ivhaaix ihans as Lavvlu — a dame deveribed

by I hoinot Arbeau in his ‘ Orchfvjgraphie

atid said to hate Iseen a native of Frovence

whence it was introduced into Paris under

lanjis Vn. It remained in fashion up to the

(0th century, at which period it was (accord*

mg to Laroussc) introduced into Germany, the

name lo/ia Ining changed into iFa/i^rr. The

obs ious Jialiaii origin of the word “ volu '*

bat 1 «cn overlcKikcd by the French writers.

Kie t.crman autiiorltics, on the other Iiand.

trace (be wahr, back to the Dreht^t, oc round*

uance, a mod ifica lion of the old form <rf

dances which (like the English country dances)

were danced by couples placed face to face

or holding ojse another by one hand only, as

duunci from those dances in which tseo rows

of partners faced one another.

Great confusion cxisi, in the German

accounts of the*e early dances, The v<.lra, the

Langaus and the allemande arc all nteniionctl

as being the ancestors of the walix. bur only the

I^iig.ius is lonnected with the modrrn ilame.

That tise volt a and the .Springtnn/ bad ceriain

elements in common serms pretty << rl.tiii : in

both the indecency of the peff<*rmnnf.« seems

to h»vc been a cbaracteri.iic lea lure, m a cum*

parison oflhrdexrjpiioM% in .Srl>eau’» 'On he*

sograpliir * l••one of the bsiiximis anil way.

ward <Janrv»" in which •'th. damsels arc made

lo jump in such a maimer tlui ihry often show

thrir l«re kftes s if they do nut keep nn<* hand

on ilieif dresses to pret enl it " i and johi von

.Munster s ’ iVaktai sum ungoitu jigcn i iilic’

(i VJ4l ckarly sisows. w. n. rc\ . m. c.

I lie German >[«ing dame seems to have

originated in tbr alpinr districts ol thrmany

aiMl Austria rtitr Havarhin Highlands, ihe

l yrol, Styria, Caririihia, Lpiser Austria and

the Bohemian Fore»ij, and was at first a

fwasant dance, wild Iwpping, stamping and

throwing up of iIm lemalr partner Udng its

outstanding fcaiure. The tunr* were eirhrr

lung -as IS stii) the custom with the Austrian

pJay'ed on instruments such as

the iHJdJe and alpine instruments (nlpborn,

ibrphe^ I p,|* and shawm). J he tuttes teefe

originally ms rnccd to accompany some stereo*

typed manual work on the field, luch as sow*

mg, reaping, gathering of the cropi and so

on. lake the l.nglidt sea shanties, they were

work-songs of a markedly rhyihink character.

re^Jarjimg and thus faclliuiing the mechan*

Ka actwn. (One form of such work-songs is

*tjU aln c in the southern Orman S</iiMJahup/i.

bwally the hopping of the reaper, width is

both sung and danced.) Jt was only a step

Irons such rhythmic songs to independent

danc«, tiK figures of which fret|uenily imiiaird

m a stylized fashion the act ion originally

aacKtaied with a particular kind of manual

wk (r.g. the «M>alled German guild dances

« the i5ch and i 6 ih centuries which Wagner

imiuted tn • Die Mcistersinger ’). Others

again were of an erotk nature represeminL' a

love-play in which tlic partners

closely embraced and kissed. TJiSu such

da^ frequently degenerated into coarse

la«iviousrtcss and obscene gesture may be

judged from tV fact that the church and ihe


1 66

cjvil authorities not only denounced them as

” the in\‘eniion of the devil ” and “ an iocitc-

meni to sinful passions ", but made them the

subject of local edicts and decrees, notably at

Nurcmber?, Amberg and Nfeissen.

In their progress from country to town these

dances seem to have lost some of their mote

objectionable features, and it became custom*

ary to combine them with a slow, stately dance,

the allemande, thus forming a contrasting

pair(rtfne and The allemande,

which was in common time, came lint and

was danced by the partners facing each other

in two rows, while the spring dartce, often

referred to ai Tripla {on account of its com-

pound tii^) retained, In the main, its original

form of single couples turning and hopping in

close embrace, In cnnirast to the great variety

of folk dances of other countries this pair, up

to the end of the 17th century, was the chief

form of national dancing in Germany, as a

character in Chapman's * Alphonsus Em*

perour of Germany ' is made to say :

U> Ge(n)4Mi hAve cm ia ow ilancek.

An AlMxiii ttKl All Mpapriftf ilu( a *0.

VMth the advent of the 18th century the

allemande as a dance became obsolete, its

musk, however, surviving in the styliaed dance

movements of Couperin, Handel and Bach.

It should not be confuwd with the later iBih«

century allemacidr, a stllT round-dance in

triple time, which wat one of the many

varieties of the German dances (ut Mw).

(The still existing confusion ai to which dances

were covered by the term " Deutsche ” or

German Dances arises from the fact that the

name refers both to the last -mentioned alle*

mandc and the l^ndler. and was also collect*

ivvly used to denote the South German folk

dances in general,) With the gradual dis-

appearance of the ancient allemande, the

spring dance became independent again,

having in the meantime altered its character

and assumed difTcrent names. Some of these

names referred either 10 the characteristic

rotating motion, as in Dnfur, Wtl/tr,

Schltiftr, or to the particular district in which

th^t dance enjoyed special popularity, ij. (he

Suirtr (from btyria) and Ijtndeifr and

IjindltT (from the country, or more

specifically, ** Land ob der £nns ", which b

the older name for Upper Austria). These

alpine dances must be regarded as the true

ancestors of the waltz. To connect it with the

minuet, as has been su^csied. is mwe than

unsafe. It is true that, like the waltz, the

minuet is in triple time and derived from

peasant dances (round Poitou in France).

Yet, fully developed, the minuet became the

highly rehned choreographic symbol of the

rigid ceremonial that governed high society

and court in the tbih century. It (bus had

nothing in common with the waltz, which in

iu early form was the simple, robust and often

vulgar dance of the common people. Minuet

and waltz stood for completely differeat social

strata — a fact superbly illustrated by the

ballroom scene in Mozart’s ‘ Don Giovanni

Two facts may have led to the assumption that

the waltz grew out of the minuet. One is

that at the end of the t8th century the former

gradually ousted the latter and became its

direct successor as the foremost dance of J9lh'

century Europe. Its immense popularity was

in part due to a healthy reaction against the

rigid artificiality the minuet, a reaction

that resulted from the new outlook prevailing

since the French Revolution. One may go

even farther back, to Rousseau, whose call

" Back to .Vature " Initiated a movement in

favour of things simple, natural and unsophisti-

cated, from which, by their very nature and

origin, the German dance and the waltz

eviden ily benefi ted , The other fact most prob*

ably responsible for linking minuet and waltz

is a musical one, namely the fusion of elements

from the minuet and the German dance in the

symphonies of the South German and Aiuirian

composers in the second half of the J8ih

century (Mannlseim School, Haydn, Monn,

Mozart, etc.) ; yet as a pure dance the minuet

was as far removed from the waltz as is Don

Juan's world from Masetio's.

It is generally admitted that the waltz made

Its first appearance between 1770 and 1780.

What greatly helped Its spread was its demo*

craik nature, as may be seen from an account

given by a traveller from Bavaria :

Th« hete are exccuively ftak of p]«uure

el doMing : Uwv A««d only brar iH« musk of * w«lu

to becin *0 caper, ae matier where they are. The

public daace i ae rt arc waited by aU elaiMe : Utse are

ibe placa where aaceaton and rank leem to be fbr*

■Mien and ariweetaik pride laid a«id«. Here we lae

aniaam. ariiMa, merchanu, (etinctlkr*, bareni, ceuou

and cacellcTKin daneinc lefeiher with waiirnaet, uotnen

el tb« middle elaea and Tadin. Rvery itranfer who stayi

be** for a while it mfeeted w,ih ih4 dance malady.

This levelling of the socizi distinctions the

waltz had in common w*ith the English country

dances whkh, imported to France at the end

of the lyih century, thence, as fcn/rf-daiua,

made their way into Germany as a supposedly

French product. This common democratic

feature gradually led to a series of ballroom

dances which chiefly consisted of “centre-

danses " and " Deutsche ", the latter often

being referred to by French names suclt as

TyrdMse, Sirasbourgeoise, AUaclerme, Sty*

rienne, etc. The popularity of these twin

dances was so great that even operatic music

was turned into them. Mozart, during his

Prague visit in 1787, mentions a rustic ball at

whkh he saw " with whole-hearted pleasure

how people jumped around with sincere

enjoyment to the musk of my ‘ Figaro ' which

had been turned into all kinds of Contres and

Teutsche ",


I $7

About this dree (he waltz also began (o

penetrate opera, (he fine ki>own insiance

being Mardn y Soler’s'Una cosa rara’ (1786).

At its Ant performance in Vienna (he waltz in

the hnale of the second act created a great

sensation, not so much on account of its

musical quality — it is a simple folk tunc in

the character of a stilT allcreande ;

* as for the noY<*lly of seeing the much'

Jcricicil Jant r in an opera. Not only Vienna,

U'hrrt’ the avails erraU’d a vericabte craze*,

hut odM’r hurupean capitals were soim

Inrecterl by this dance mania. The wahz

reached l*nri« during ilie Napoleonic war%,

and it vp'a^ cnid that after the Peace of Lun^

vHlr {lOoi) the (iermaru had. in addition to

tnuch territory, ceded even their national

dance to the Krrrich; and about the Vienna

Cotigroc u( iUi;> Trince de Ligiw rmrsed ihe

Kinhiguout h«n rmi " Lc Congro ne marrhe

|MS — \\ danse”. Shortly before this the vvallr

had crosied the Channel, and England bad

refejvcd it with opt'n arm.i, despite the many

warnitn^i against "this hertd of (Serman birth,

destitute of grace, delicacy and pn»priecy, a

dLigiming practice . . Burrtey "eould

not help reflecting how uneasy an Lnglhb

mother would be to see her daughter so

familiarly treated, and still more witrteu the

obliging manner In which (He freedom U

returned by the female and B>rt>n rails in

(he most sarcastic and caustic manner against

" this <*ertnan ankle of imporiatinn to whom

l>ow Irish Jig and arKkm Rtgadoon. .Scotch

reels and country dance .Some r.nglidi

datK Ing'inasters of the period, anxious to

i>em.*(ii by il»e current dance Fashion,

attempted to whitewash the waltz against dw

(Imrgcs <ir innnoralily and louse manners.

* t/( MicliMt KeUy’t * UraiiMucfKes *

' * Tl>e Wklu I 40 ApMiropUc Kwm iSis.

One Thorrtas Wilson, writing * .\ Description

of (he Correct Hfethod of Waltzing’ fi8iG),

b at great pains to assure the public that the

waltz "is generally admitted to be a promottr

(^vigorous Iteahh and productive of an hilarity

of sprits ", and that at danced In KnglHiid

it b " totally destitute of ih<* complained-of

attitudes and mosemeiiu used in warmer and

lighter climates ", and hentc " not an enemy

of (rue morals and endangering virtue ", and

he eimcludes w’ith the hyporriiical as'crtlon

that " the waltz b chaste in comparison uith

Cownir>' l>an<iftg. Cotillons and other spec i<s

of Dancing ",

fn its early form the wnliz could ofien

hardly W dkiinguidied fr<Mn its rustic Aii'

cestoc the I^mdler. 'I'he Utter ss'as rather

slow { *. c. (26/ and was rr<'C(ue:iilN' dari<<*d ni

sc para iv figures, as may <11! I h>' seen in the

al|Hne pant of Austria and lUs.iria. Stamp'

ing and Itopinng wiih occasional gllditig >irps

were its main motions. The partners held

e.nh oclier In c low embrace, by iheir hands c>r

waists; from time to time llu*v patted nneier

utie anoifi<r's anus and somniinvt esecut<*d

Ollier difliiult ligurc's *uc h as the ihrcrwing of

tile WYsmanoxer the shoulder, us In ih<* ancltnt

v'ulia, StMh figures na in rally demanded a

slow pace. Moreover, it was the custom to

dance the handler c>nido<rr<, oFicti on rnuuh

SCround. usually in front nl an Inn or on the

village common, die (lane ers wearing heasy

footwear such as hobnailed sIkk’s niid Ihmjis - •

all of w’hich accounts for the slow, lubusi and

heavy nature of the dance. The thief dilfei*

ence lietween it and the early walu scc-ms to

have been the f>re]>on(HraiKe in ihc latter of

gliding steps vvTr hopping and leaping. With

the iransplaniati«in this rustic type* of waltz

to ilic (owns Its characier began to change,

The smooth, ptdislied floors of urban dance*

halls and ballr«>oim, and the lighter fomwear

and drcsNcs of tlic tcosnspeople, resulted in a

quickening uf tl>c jiatc. Hopping and skipping

prov'ed a hindrance to rapid rotalh»n, hence

their replacement by gliding steps. 'I he move-

ment of (Ik dances b^anK (bus more supple

ai«d flexible, the staccato of the Lmdkr

changed into (Ik porlameoto of the walta.

>V« thus gradually arrive at the style in wliich

(he waltz was danced in the :f)ih cemury. i.e.

the left foot starts In a half^iride, the ri^ht foot

glides backward in a curve and (he left foot

completes the half circle, while at the same

(ime the dancers mos'e in a wide circle round

the room. I'hc quickening of the pace and

Ihe dbappearance of the heavy stamping on

each beat of the bar led to the typical waltz

accentuation : os>'two*lhrre, particularly

marked in (he accompaniment, where the

bass of the harmony Is sounded on (lie fir*l

beat 4^ the bar and followed by the rest of the

chord on the subsequent two (kzu ;



(ThU accompaniment is often referred to as

*' ^itar bass ", that instrument allo\^*ii^ an

ca<y execution of such hgures.)

It is, incidentally, a V'icnnese custom

slightly to anticipate the second beat, thus

imparting to the accompaniment an addU

tional swing and a feeling of urgency (j/r

example above).

The early i9ih century produced 1^*0 main

types of the walti, the German or Viennese,

and the French. The French variety was

more complicated, consisting of a set of three

dilTcrent dances which were performed in

close succession ;

t. Slow waltz or m/w in 3*8 or 3*4, eedealr.

After the tune was play*^ several times the

tempo was increased to aUtintt», This led


a. SauUuh waltz in <)*8t tfffrgrrtte, which pace

was often increased to afUntt. The steps

included leaping and springing, hence the

name {squUt r. to spe ing) . Ajsd 5 na Uy came

3. JtU or Quick Sovtmt \N'aliz in 6<8, tlUgto,

with gradual acreleration 10 ptnu. Here

again there was much leaping and spring*

ing, The last two darKCS were ^len referred

to as td/ir a dent on account of (he

two main accents in a bar (#“ »7S) ■

The K'^ht included pirouettes and all the

other figures of the 8v‘e basic positions of

classical ballroom dancing, and was moeily

executed on the point of the toe.

In contrast, the Viennese waltz was dartced

on the flat foot, and had only one chief motion,

a constant rotating glide which the dancers

tried to enliven by throwing head and body

from one side to another. The early Landkr*

like type moved In slow whik the true

Viennese ^N’aliz {Ceiehwietd WnUer) was faster,

with three steps to a bar, as above. ar>d rcceiv*

ing an additional swing by the up-bcai (a) or

with two steps to a bar (ft) :


l r 1

This tw^step waltz for a time became (he

craze of early iQth-century Vienna where it

was called Langaus. In a frenzied galop the

dancers would tear in a straight line along (he

whole length of (he ballroom — hence (he

name — * and not once, but many times, until

they became completely exhausted. One of

the dance^balls closely associated with this

wild waluing was the Mondscheinhaus in dcr

Wieden, where Schubert lived for a time.

As for the music cd' (he early waltz, its form

and harmony were at first rather primitive.

It consisted mosdy qS two sections of eight bars

each, with (he tonic and dominant as the main

harmonization. The second section was more

often than not a mere repetition of the first —

either in the tonic or the dominant key. This

was so stereotyped a practice that it gave rise

to ironical comments. Lenau wrote a poem,

' Styrian Dance in which he asks whether

our earthly life will be repeated in heaven

"Just higher by one^fifth " in the same way as

... our miMKiani

rep««i ilwir tVsIu Part One

in iliehily difFmni krv

on fiMics and on liiher

and rail ihu Walls Part Two.

Gomposen such as Mozart and Schubert,

however, wrote much more elaborate dances.

With them the second part is either a

melodic and rhythmic variation of (he first

or altogether a new tune. The harmcniesi

moreover, are richer and of greater varietyi

particularly in Schubert's dances. Yet such

artistic examples were the exception rather

than the rule. The musical hacks of the time

were content to turn out dances of (he most

primitis'c kind. In fact (he writing of waltzes

in (he late rSth century was considered almost

child's play, as may be seen from a book

fraudulently published under Mozart's name

and purporting (o be " A method of how to

compose with two dice as many Waltzes and

SMtifir as one wishes, without being musical

or knowing anything of compouiion

These early waltzes being short and re*

pcated ov'cr and over again, ihe more sophisii*

cated urban population tired of them very

soon, and thus composers began to string

sctxral together in a set usually consisting of

from sax to twchT dances. Moreover, a trio

or s/feeaa/up was added to each main dance

— on the model of minuet and trio — after

which the main dance was repealed ; // : A : // ’

B (trio): //A/, the whole set being rounded

off by a coda — the (urn-out for (he dancers.

This coda referred to the last dance and (hen

proceeded to introduce new melodic material.

Thus the form of the early dances was gradu-

ally extended, yet without achieving unity.

Beyond the fact that dances of a similar char-

acter followed one another, there was no

melodic connectim between them and the

sequence of keys was rather loose. Yet the

formal Jimittclons imposed by the practical

purpose of the music were compensated for by

the rich variety of melodics which for obvious

reasons had to be simple, tuneful and rhyth-

mical. Many of (hem clearly show the dcriva-

doA from and influence of alpine music such as

yodelling turns, *• natural " intervab (octaves,


fifths and fourths), imitation of alpine melodies

{KiJtrfigtn or rofiz ds voefus) and fibres peculiar

to primitive wind instnioients. Thb alpine

Havour permeates Austrian dance music irom

Johann Schmeizer (1630-1701) in the 17th

century, if not earUer, to Johann Strauss and

the present time.

The most artistic examples of popular

orchestral danees of the late 16th century are

those by Mozart, who often stressed the

popular element by introducing actual folk

tunes or modelling hU own melodies on them,

and by imiiaujig. usually in the trio, ihr mock*

sentimentality of Viennese «ireet songs and

ditties. There arc, in addition, hints at

Spanish, Eiungariart and Croatian dance

music. Hr aho u'^ well*kn(»wn operatic

tunes of ihe lime, both fnim hrs own and other

composers' operas ^ h practice that l^nncr

and the two Johaim Sirau^srs lairr conrinurd

with great succes'^. 'Ihc'C Mi^rari sets contain

a variety of ditnc^'i such as minuets, tmln-

ifinsti, S<hit\fiT, LaiuJIft and sicnv rustic

wait ACS. Haydn wrrxc several sets of or*

thrsiral diinccs, and Ins ** MouveiiM ni lU*

Waitre ” in a sonatina of about 1766 is sup*

posed 10 haw been the first kiKiwn imiance of

a piaiK/fiifie waltz. There are also a number

of dances by Uitiersdorf and Beethoven, >ut h

as I hr h tier's ' Landlerischc Tanac * {1603}

and the drlighlful 'Wirner oder Mudlingtr

Tanze ' (1U19), written for a village band of

(M'ven players and consisting of minuets,

Undltr and walue* in varying orchestral ion.

Ocher <oinpo»ers of that period whs» helped to

establish ihe early waltz were Johann Nepo*

inuk Unimnel, Daniel Steibelt (pianoforte

waltAcs with an ac< ompaninienl of tarnUKirinr

and triangle), U. A. Forster, Anion Aberl,

Nicolaus vtm KrulTi, Joseph Mybler, ). A.

Amnn, Ignaz Moscheles, ,\nton Dialirlli (who

provided the waltz for lh>eihoven‘s famous 33

Variations, Op. izri), l^js Abeilh. Josejdi

\Nolil (who anticipated Schulicrt with waltzes

in a minor key), K, K. Harlknorh (a pupil of

Huinmel's whose concert waltz with a

fuRhetla may be mentioned as a musical

curiosity) and many others,

Ihc p<»ini to lie stressed about these early

dances, whether for orchestra or pianoforte,

li that up to the beginning of the igih century

they were written as pure dance music and not

mteniloj to he performed at concerts. It was

apparently Hummel who first hit upon the

idea of writing sets of pure euncerl dances for

the pinnoforte, (The incentive came partly

from the linprovemenLs made in the making

of concerl inuruntents.) The first of these

sets was hU 'Tanze fur die Apollo Sale', Op.

31, compTH^ for the opening, in 1808, of one

I * largest and most fashionable darsce-

halls. Vet the style of these and other Hummel

dances u si.U that of the old TnOscAr and the


LdndUi waltz — slow, heavy and with each

beat of the bar accentuated, particularly iti

the baas. Most of these sets hav^e an extended

coda with teiUlant pianist ic cHecu, some of

them indulging in descriptive nuolc of a rather

naive character, such as the 'Six V^'alt^cv with

a great Battle Coda Op. qi. Others haw

four to five trios to the main dance, includ-

ing some v’oeal quartets. llummcTs wali/cs,

though of little artistic value, arc hUiorkally

important, for they started the line that was

to lead to the concert lvall/e^ of Weber.

Cisupin. Drahim, Liszt and other mrn.'inlic


The most beautiful examples of surh early

pianof(»rte darwet arc those by Srhulicrt.

Unlike Humnu’l, he wrote them in ihe fir»i

place to be darned to, thus com inning the

older pfacilce. He incut probably improvised

the riiajoriiy of these dances, >.ubse<iuefttly

jKitiing on pvprr those he liked Iw and

stringing them together in various sets. .Some

of these sets con lain owr thiriy iiundierN —

Ur t«io long fi>r aeiual daiu ing. and it mny be

asAuiried that in ihj» Liter form the composer

iriienJed lliein to Ih* pla>rd as pure jiiimolimle

(nusK . *1 he < limit' of ilir piantjforie instead

of an orcU^lra was deirrmined in the liisi

place b>’ tile hit I male r of the ore.v

sioiis for which they were comp wed, vuch as

the '* Schulieriiads and uKo by the leth*

ftieal improveitiem i>f dm ins I rumen I to wIim h

refifctKr has already Im*cii made. {Tliere are,

however, some early SthulM'rl dames writh n

for siring quartet string t>reh<^ira.)

Scliulicrt's dances best ilUisiralr the style

of tlie early |t|th*(rmuri Viennese' waltr.

Many still iM'eathe a rusin; air, I heir (kvcc* is

<*n the wlude slow aiul steady, eac h lieal of

the bar h stressed, the meIrKly mosi]y moves

in even croulkeis and quavers, and there are

no«>c of ilie symopaiions and (r<As<tliyihms

of the later Wnnese waltr. Hybrids Ixiween

and true waltz, they rcllect the \i’ieiier

(ffwmtiukMr. the Itomely aimusplierc of the

Biediimew, Some of these waltzes arc *liU in

the primitive ftirm of two eight-bar hc lions

(‘ Walzer Op. 9, ‘ Deul^ehc utid

klcosaaiscA ', Op. 33), others run into iG and

24 liars, oc are in ternary form (‘ Damen-

Lndlcr', Op. 67) and nthcr.v again hav« a

proper trio (' Uuie Wal« r’, Op. 127), thus

foreshadowing ihe extended walizes c»f Lamu r

and the elder Strauss.

The chief credit for establishing the waltz

as a eonccrl pieec goes to W eber, With hb

‘ Inviution lo the Dance' (t$ir)) he raised the

wait* from the lower sphere of dance-hall and

ballroom lo the brilliance and glamour of

the concert platfiK-m. Weber had previously

written a number of German dances and

waiters, both foe oeelie^ira and pianoforte, yet

11 » with ihc ' Invitation ' that he ircalod the



protutype of the romtneic concert waltz, lu

novelty was twofold. For one thing, it wu

frankly programmatic, illustrating a dancO'

scene between two lovers, thus becoming the

first example of a tone-poem in Ihe form of a

waltz. The second new feature b its form.

While previously the waltz had, if at all, two

or four perfunctory bars setting the rhythm

for the dancers (Schubert) , U’eb^ was appar-

ently the first to preface it with a proper intro-

duction of a truly poetical character, creaiir^

the model for the long introductions of the

later dancing and concert waltzes. Moreover,

the coda of the ' Invitation ’ refers back to the

introduction, by which means Weber achics*ed

a cert a I n formal u nil y. Th is un ity U made st i II

closer by the manner in which the waltzes

them«<lvet are chained together. Instead of

the loose and rather casual string of waltzes of

Hummel and Ik Hubert. Weber's dartce shows

a clear formal plan (rondo) with a m'cH-

balanced contrast of mood, melody and keys.

Moreover, the return, at the end of the set, of

the opening waltz stresses the feeling of formal

unity and logic. The indindual waltzes ha\c

grown in length — (he first, for instance, runs

into sixty bars ->■ and hence necetstiate a re-

duction of their number to only five: and

while Schubert's waltzes oAcn suffer from a

quasi-orchcsiral texture, Weber’s ‘Invitation’

is intrinsically keyboard music of the bravura

type brilliant, elegant and of a fast tempo,

which latter fact led to his lengthening of (he

individual waltzes.

Thus Weber gained for i\te waltz its rightful

place among the typically romanisc concert

pieces such as the nocturne, Intermezzo,

capricrio and scherzo. Freed from the irksome

limitations which pure dance music imposes,

composers now b^an to widen its musical

scope by the intr^uction of characteristic

features from the romantic instrumental style :

richer and more varied harmonies, subtle

modifications of the basic rhythm, piciurcsc|ue

orchestration and symphonic devices. The

outstanding examples of such romantic concert

waltzes for pianoforte are to be fourtd in

Chopin. Liszt and Brahms. \Vhile the first

two more or less followed (he ^Veberian type,

developing the waltz into a brilliant viriuo»o

piece, Brahms, in both the content and form

of his waltzes, looked back to Schubert, yet

adding a lyrical charm of hU own and greatly

enriching the texture (r.g. the “ contra puma! “

waltz No. i6 of Op. 39) : and the two sets

of ‘ Licbcslicderwaizer ’ for piano duet and

vocal quartet may be said to represent an

altogether individual treatment. Of the host

of other composers who, to a varying extent,

contributed to the body of romantic piano-

forte waltzes, at the same lime introducing

a certain national flavour, mention may be

made of Tchaikovsky, Liadov, Rubinstein,

Glazunov, Smetana, Dvofik, Grieg and


A still wider field was opened to the concert

waltz in the orchestral medium, where it grew

in dimensions frequently assuming a sym-

jrisonk and tone-poetic character (Berlioz,

* Fantastic Symphony ’ ; Liszt, * Mephisto

Waltz No. 3 ’ } Saint-Sa^ns, * Danse ma-

cabre ' i SitwUus, ' Valse triste ' ; Richard

Strauss, * llius spake Zarathustra ’ ; Ravel,

* Vakes nobles et sentlmentalcs ' ; not to

mention the use of the waltz in innumerable

ballets and operas of both romantic and

modern times — Delibes. ' Sylvia ‘ Cop-

pfiia * ; Tchaikovsky, ' The Sleeping Beauty

* The Nutcracker * ; Ravel, ' La Valse ' ;

Oflenbach, ‘ Tales ^ Hoffmann ’ ; Gounod,

* Faust ' ; Wagner, ‘ The Masierslngcrs

‘ Parsifal * ; Richard Strauss, ‘ Salome

' Eiektra ' Roscnkavaltcr * Intermezzo *,

' Arabella ' ; Puccini. ' La Bohdme * La

rondine ‘ II ubarro ' ; Berg, ‘ Wozzeck ' ;

Shostakovich, * Lady Macbeth of Muensk’;

Britten, ' Peter Grimes *, etc.). The reaction,

in the period between (he two world wars,

against romanticUm made the waltz a welcome

target for caricature and penifiage, i4.

Stravinsky, * Petrushka * The Soldier's Tale *

(partly), the abos’c-meniioncd works by Ravel

arvd Shostakovich, and \Villiam U'aJ ton’s

* Facade *.

Parallel with the growth of the concert

waltz went (he development of the dance waltz,

and here S'icnna, with Lanner and ihe Strauss

family, Ukes pride of place. The Viennese

waltz is of low parentage. Its cradle stood in

(he inns and beer-gardens of Vienna's rural

suburbs, and the dUtricU stretching along the

Danube. In these esinblishmenis, which were

frequented chic Ay by the lower classes, small

baMs consisting at most of two violins, a

guitar and a double bass entertained the

guests with lAndUr, Dtfhtty waltzes, folksongs

and popular ditties. There were also some

more prominent danre orchestras performing

in the coffee houses and open-air restaurants

of the city, such as the bands of Labilzky,

Fahrbach and Michael Pamer (t78a-t827)»

a noted waltz o^poser of the time, in whose

orcliestra Lanner and the elder Strauss began

their career as string players. The foundation

of the Viennese waltz as we know it was laid

by these two composers, w'Jjo developed the

essential features which were later merged

into a more organic whole by the younger

Strauss. Following Weber’s precedent in the

* Invitation to the Dance Lanner and the

elder Strauss established (he imroductlon of

the waliz, at times using material from

the orchetral and operatic music of the tune.

While Strauss's inuoductions are mostly in

the nature </a TuxhJ.e. a preliminary flourish

just long enough for the dancers to make ready.


» 7 '

lanscr aimed at more elaborate pieces —

some of diem being inspired mood-pictures,

such as the poetic Introduction lo ' Die

Romandker Op. which partly served

the younger Strauss as modei for his quasi-

symphonic wait; prelude. Lanner and the

elder Strauss reduced the formerly almost un>

litnited number d waltzes in each set to an

av'erage of five, concluding the set w’iih an

extended coda in which the principal wallt

tunes were re-staled, much In the manner

of a pot-pourri. The form of the indmdual

waltzes diflered little from Schubert's: two

sixieen-bar phrases usually forming Part I and

M and often rounded ofT by a repetition of

Pan I {// : A ; // : b : //A//). Stress was laid

oa strong melodic contrast between the two

parts — the first being sustained and l)*rical,

the second more energetic and markedly

rhythmic, or tier ttnu. Such contrasts were

often exploited in the servUe of itaiv'c pro-

grammatic ideas, as in the ehler biraussS * Uic

vier Temperameine Op. yf.

Uoih Lanjier and Strauss vsere excellent

fitldlcrs. and accortling iu the praetke of ilteir

tiinCi which still obtains in some Viennese

dance bands, combined the function of leader

aud conductor. 'Miis prartical experience on

the instruineht explains the eharatterkiic

string writing of their waltzes, many of which

urjgitinU’d in simple violin iuiftros isaiions that

were 8nhsr(|uently elaborated and scored for

fiiU orchestra. Mrnce ihe aburuJanre of

'|><'cific violinistle effects such as the exj>loita*

lion of the open strings by the choice of f), 1).

A and lv as the favourite doul>lc*st»|M.

euphonious sixtJu. "sobbing” thirds and

porliifwiili, imparting a luscious and sen ti-

me nto I note in ibe mude. wide lra|n from the

first lo the fourth strings tunes on tl>e O string,

close alternation of dilfcrent bowings, crisp,

dkori up'btiws on repealed notes and id

playing which under the njnic of

" schnoffcln " (snorting k was a particularly

favourite device of the Lin4 dance bands.

Thu custom of giving speeul names lo a set

of waltzes secins to Jiave orighiatrd with the

elder Strauss. PreviiKisly referred to simply

as Dtulithf and Walzff (Haydn, Ntuzarc,

heetliovenj, they were lalcr issued by some

Vienna publishers in albums which in order

to Attract (he public bore such names as

'brnsi und Tundriey’ (iBsa) and 'KarnevaJ*

containing cheek by jowl dances by

oeelhoven, Schubert, Humrrsel, Clzerny, Gyro-

weiz and others. It was the elder Strauss

who called hb very first opus ’ Tauberin

from the Gasthof " /.u den zwei

fauWn ' in the Undstrasie. where it was

urst played in 1826. In addition to the fact

that the public was more likely to remember.

Schonbrunner ' (Lanner) than

vvaJtz m F major. Op. aoo, tides were given

to commemorate the locale or the occasion

for which the particular waltz was written, nr

to indicate some programme (' Hietzingcr

Reunifm \>*al*er’. ‘ TagUoni W'aUer * Re-

medy against Sleep*, 'The Neapolitans’, etc.).

^^'ith Strauss's sons, Johann and Josef, the

Viennese waltz reached its classical period. In

the main the two younger Strausses adhered

to the form of their predeers<>ors, enlarging it,

however, by extending both introduction and

coda. In some of ^fohann's master sets

(‘ ^Vein, Wrib und Ce»ang ' (hschichten

aus dem U'lenerwald ' Katserwaber ') the

introduction represents a true ikcshe^inil

prelude, foreshadowing the (^incspal waltz

tunes and drtked out with the cxlcrnnl

trappings of symphonic writing siaii as

deYrh»pntenl-lil(e passages, more idalior.tio

texture, interesting harmonic sleiaiU and rich

orchestral clfccts partly borrnurd from J.i«rt

and Wagner. In the actual wjiurs Johann

Sirauvs romlMiHt ihr rhythmic venc of his

father with l.aniier's lyikai sharm and tunc-

fulncu, adding a graceful clrganir, a new

pk|uancv nf rhythm and kirt hrstr.vion whuh

rHlectrd the splendour and jaif eft lurf

characterkiic <kf im]>eria] Vieikii.'t during (hr

second half of the Mph teniury and e.inied

him the epiilwt " 1 he Walts King”. Kar

superior to lanner and his father in lr< I kin cal

skill and Jets $hs>rt*winded in hb melodic

invention, in hb lirst walt/es he allows the

melodv to grow from within riklhrr ihun

plaster i ng it toget Iwr from short tnui if» . Hr ncc

tike svide ssscep and natural flow of hU master

waltzes. Much the same may be said of hh

younger brsMher Josef wl«). while las king

Johann's sptintaiieity and hght-heartsd rio-

gaiHc, wu\ in M*mc ways a murs- prikfound

knusttal talent with a marked leaning towards

harkikonic subilrttcs.

'Fhc general pace of the Strjiuvs waliz is

ji^leraie {». -c. Oj*?;), whi<h alh.u'S suffk-

cknt latitude to achieve Ih'xlbility and

rhythmic case. Somv rlfecls not $|H\ifically

marked in the scores must be observvtl if the

traditional style of the music Is to be prrs#TVk*(l.

Reference has already been made lo the slight

anticipation in the acromfianimcnt of the

KTond bcal, to wlikh may lie added the so-

eallcd " eiAsshleifcn *' or stow gllding-in at

the o(>cninf of some wali7««9 Ijefore the true

tempo b taken up, riicdandi^ and short

earturae before the attack of a new phrase.

While Strauss dominated the scene of

Viennese light msisic, there were a number

of minor contemporaries deverxitkg mention.

Some carried on the tradiiit^n of writing

irKlependcnt waltzes, such as J. V. \y*agncr,

Komzdk and iCiehrer, who were all conductors

of miliury bands. Otlurs concentrated on

the opcreiu in which, since Johann Strauss,

tl>e waltz forms the mainstay, such as Suppi,

WALTZ (Gustavus)


the founder of the VienncM operetta, Mil-

locker, Gen^ and Zeller. Composers canying

the tradition into the twentieth century and

almost up to our lime include Ey&ler, Fall,

Oskar Straus, Lehir, Kalman, Benataki and

Stoltz. But with the collapse of the Austrian

empire Vienna lost much of its glamour and

gaiety, and this was reflected in its light music.

Its gradual decay, noticeable already in the

flrst decade of our century, showed itself in (he

use of worn*out cliche, of a pretentious har-

monic and orchestral language and, abov'e

all, in lush and cloying sentimentality. The

Viennese operetta became a hybrid, an in-

congruous mixture of elements from tragic

grand opera d U Puccini and popular musk of

an international provenance with a strong ad-

mixture of Viennese, Hungarian and Slavonic

flavour (Leh&r, Kilman). That also affected

the Viennese waits, which thus loei the

sparkle, elegance and buoyant freshrtess of its

former days.

Of the innumerable waltz composers of

other countries, the most important was the

AUatian Bmlle ^Valdleu^e], whose waltz sets

run into several hundreds. In contrast to the

Viennese waltz, the French is slower and

deliberately cultivates a languid, efleminaic

and sentimental note. Very much similar U

the " Dostun" or English waltz, as it is referred

to on the Continent, one of its characterzsik

features being the suppression of the true waltz

rhythm by a sarabandc*like emphasis on the

Kcond beat and a frequent omission on the

second and third beats of accompanying

chords, while the inner parts are often marked

by a quasi-contrapunial, continuous quaver

movement. w. c.


Dtg, Oikaz, * Dcr Tans * 1906).

BoMMt, r. M.. * (JcKhkhie do Tsnso ia DntKbUnd *


C«aAta. Mmco, * Tlw Hklery of the Walls* (London.


‘ Onhmalc' dcr Tankunti »n Owccmkli* (Vob.


Ou3(av Adler <Beri in, r»)0).

Drwsv. Crnst. * |uhaim duauw * (Berlin, lost).

' Handbwch dcr MuatkyruaenKhaA ’, Art. *TaA< wd

Taiamwik * and ' Wiener Tancnniaik «r>d Opa-

r«ue ’ (ad. by Ciuauv Adlav, Parfjr>, ippel.

Lamop. Fniia, ^icaef Lannrr und J«mm Strawa*


Me><oaLsioHM, Iohaz, * Zus Eniwkkhmc dea Walaars*

(S.M.W., Vol. Xllll.

$Aci(i, Cuar, * A WockI F1»wr> of Uta Dasaa * (New

York. i 9 S 6 ).

WaiQs, BzuMO, * Ccachkhia das Waltan ’ ( f. ipM).

Wiuoa, THnuA*, ' A ISaKnpiMa of die Cerraet Ma iled

<^Walt>ins' (Lendee, tZid).

* A Carrec 1 Nlaihad Carman and FrmcK Waltzinc *

(Landdii, 1617).

WALTZ, Gustavus (L ?; / > London.

< i7$3).

German bass singer. He is said, on un-

certain evidence, to have acted as HaodH’s

cook. He appeared as Osmyn in X^mpe’s

' Amelia’ on 13 Mar. 1733, as Polypheme in

Handel’s ‘ Acis and Galatea *, when it was

performed as an “ English Pastoral Opera "

under Ante at the ” new English Theatre in

the Haymarket ” on » 7 May of the same year,

and thereafter in many other musical pieces,

his last appearance at Covent Garden being

in 1751. He also sang in several of Handel's

oratorios, including * Deborah ’ {Abinoam},

‘ Atbaliah * (Abner) and ‘ Saul ' ; his name,

with that of Reinhold, was pencilled by Handel

over the duct " The Lord is a man of war ”

in * Israel in Egypt '. His portrait was painted

by Hauck and engraved by Muller. He Is

seated unth a cello ; a pipe and a pot of beer

are on the table beside him. It belonged to

J. W. Taphouse of Oxford and was exliibiicd

in London at the Loan Collection of the

Inventions Exhibition in 1883.

Handel, on one occasion, speaking to Mrs.

Cibber, said of Gluck : " He knows no more

of conirapunta than my cook Waltz”. This

very impolite speech is often misquoted (as,

for instance, by Berlioz in his Autobiography,

chap, xx) and given as if Handel had said "no

more mtaic ; but iu force as uttered is very

much altered when we recollect that Gluck

was no great contrapuntist and that Waltz

must have been a considerable musician to

lake such parts as he did at Handel's own

choice. Burney describes him as " a coarse

flgure and still coarser voice ” ; his voice

must have been a bass. He was also a

singing-teacher, for Isabella Young was de-

scribed as "a scholar of Mr. Waltz ” at her

flrsi appearance on 16 Mar. 1731.

o., rev. M. s. (h).

Besu— S httm. W, C., *0usuvui W*Ui: Wa* lie

Haodd's C«ok ( * la ' Cenceminz Hendel

(UodM. iM>>

QmmU)^ S<t gelt lt\).

WALZERTRAUM, EIN (Opereiia). Stt


WAMBACH, Emiel (b. Arlon, 26 Nov.

1854; d- Aniwerp, 6 May 1924).

Belgian composer. He was at first a pupil of

his father, Paul Wambach, who laughl the

bassoon al (he Antwerp Conservatory, then

s(udied at the Brussels Conservatoire and

finally at Aniwerp under Benoit, Mertens and

Callaerts. At (he age of fourteen he had an

' A VC Marla ' performed at St. Augustine's

Church at Antwerp, In 187* a ' Plechtigc

Marsch ' (' Sderrm March *), and from 1873

onwards several of his works were heard at

Antwerp Cathedral, of which he later beca^

chapel master. In 1900 he was appoints

profosor at the Aniwerp Conservatory and to

1903 inspector of (he Belgian music schoo^.

He succeeded Jan Blockx as director of the

Antwerp Conservatory in 1913.

Wanbach’s works Include the operas

• Quinlen Malsys ’ (Antwerp, 1 900), ‘ M^lu-

tint', ‘Joan of Arc ' and ‘Yolande : the

oratorio ‘ Mozes op dc NiJI'; a childrens




cantata ; a Tc Dcum ; pJanoforie ;

Mng^, &c. E. 8.


WANDA (Opera). Sft DvoftAK.


(enaive pianoforte work by Schubert, Op. 15.

in C major, composed in No\’. i8?3. It is

m four sections corresponding roughly to the

four movements of a sonata, but flayed with'

out a break. The name derives from the fact

that the slow movement U a set of variations

on a theme derived from the song ‘ Der

Wand ter ' composed in *8t6.

WANHAL(L), JohAAo. S*f S'aniial, Jam.

WANLESS, Joha (6. > , rf. ?>.

Knglish ibth > lyih'ccntury organist and

cornpinrr. lie was organist of l.inroln

(!ailicflral in and was '•till there m some

capacity in 16a 3, when the Gate House

Ghaml>ers in Vicar's Cuurt were assigned to

him at a rent of in». per annum. An anthem

by him, * l*|ra<l thou my cause is in T<‘nb-

Odl. 43;j, and he was possibly also the «>m'

poHi r the funeral anthem ‘ I am the

Resurrection *, j, fiii.

WANLCSS, Thomaa 6. ? ; V. ?,

English organist and com$>oser, ? son of

the preceding. If, as K^ems likely, he is the

same a** the *‘'l*h<*mas Wanlessc '* ssho was

summoned to appear before the Corporation

for Regulating the Art and Science wf Music

itt i(}<i'4, he must have tliH an old man and

was probably Ixirn some lime about or must

probably Ixfore 1640. tndee the date of

3 Feb. then* ii the follnsving reference

to him in the ininutei of the (>)rnoraik»n

(HnrI. MS

/hdrreU bv ihe MArsliill. Vs’dtcbM aiuj Amiumiu

;4«he Art and S<irnrr orMiuiri.^ iK«i JmephtJalUviiv.

Mn Ilr»~«r4. mhI IIuhiwu ( ? , be

•lul are Nearby fitml fftr iheu iwei 8j»near«ace upon

Mfnoii* lhf«T pound* eaili penAn.

KrxHV CiK>ar, Dep{Mi>| Mar^ksU,

lie was appointed organist of York Mii

sier on :$ Ape. tSgi. and is described 1

the Chapter Inwks Uiere as "in musiejs n

perium". He held this post only until i60'

when he was succcedesi by J, Heath Ii

graduated in 1608, and a 3.part verse amhei

with instrumental accompanimem, ‘Awali

up, my Rlory*, in the Tudway colleciio

« dcKribed as - con

hiT n Organist of York, k

0. u Another anthem, ‘

and^t r ^*^5 ly.eao'io?!

and » referred to simply as by “ WaiUee *

Dm Melee PuUn.iune* In 4 psru. CompoiM hr iKr

iM of (he P8/ith CIhurc h of Si . AIk liaelN of b< tftev \ 1 n

Vork. . . . J. KepdnsuJI, t»r Thwma* Baxlei : Lvhil<Mk.


Wanless was also the composer of the 4*

pan ‘ York Litany no two vtTsions of whjrli

agree. Jebb primed three in his * Oliural

Respimses and l.iianles ’ (18461. and there

is another in R.C.M. 813 104. j. m. fnj.

WANNE, Kerttu ',h. Turku [.Vho], qh

July 1905}.

Finnish violinist. Hating sludiod dir

violin at the Hiisingfort Ounsert'atorv. in

Berlin and I'aris, she frequrnily inurtsl all

over Kurope and many times visited the

L'Ji.A. -She has published Ixviks ufapluirisnis,

pocir>*, etc., and arranged nmtic fur 1)10 vi<*liii,

composed violin and ptiiiolbrir plrcrs, an<l

songs- Her permancni accompanist is .Vttrid

Jouiseno. a. h.

WANNENMACHER , Johannaa f>.

.Veu4'nburg o Rhine. rf. Inlerl.vki n. 1331 .

Girman ((utifKwrr of Swiss dixenl. In

I'jiu J>c was living in B»Tne, wlure lie Wrt«

eliTtrd (antor l»)' the tanont of ihc cullrglan*

^un<laii<>n of Si. V’iment. His dudes \stit t<»

rundiKi the <holr. to inainiain and InstriKl

the (hotrdxns and to piovide new fnrnpnsi.

tlruis fiw the church, lie was ihen in orders

and vsav re quired to say Mass there ihn*e <ir

four tiiiMs a w<*rk. .\ trivial disputr Indiircd

him to leave Berne, and in 1514 hr was c.-snon

and cantor of ?>i. Nicolas at Treiburg j 8.

There h< jninetl a circle ,»f | ImTi.iiiiM si hohirs

ami mjwlr the acquainianie of (;ian ai>. who

highly esieemed him as a musk inn. In ijiq,

fi*r some reason unknr>wn, hr serreily JcH

Freiburg to return to .Switzerland and oUer

hj> servers <0 Cardinal Skliimicr, Ubhop of

Sion (Valais I, but was jMrsuaded to re I urn

In FrcilHjfg. ARerwards, coming under the

Inllurnce of tlw Zurich reformer Zwingli,

with whom he entered info correspondence,

hi* imbllicd the reforming opinions and in

• 53 ” Ptthlkly renounced (Jathnlkisin. which

htJ to his l»elng inj|)ris«»nnl and subjected to

the torture of the rack. He was idlimalciv

IsanIsheU front the place an<l l<x»k rpfugc in

Heme, which had emhraceij Protestantism,

but no longer finding ilsere any prospect of a

musical appointment, was fain to accept in

153* the post of town clerk at Iniertaken,

w’hicli was olTered him, where he remained till

his death.

annenmarher was a composer of .some

consequence, though he left few works behind

him. Glarean in Jus ‘ l>oclecacliordon '

inserted as a good example of polvphonic

composition in the Hypomixolydian mode a

cTOideraMe motel for 4 vok« in two f^rls by

\\ annenmachrr, ‘ .Viicndile, populus meus

which he $a>^ was publicly perforuud in

1516 at Freiburg and greatly pleased the

‘ ThcMraanc ab« appean LaiiaitH into V'simius.




cuhured ptopic of the place; meaning, no

doubi, the Humanist schoian then living

there and their sympathisers. He xetns also

to Jnnl at the motet's having had a political

significance, the swords selected from various

Psalms being intended as a dissua5i>'c to the

Swiss from entering into any alliance with

Francis 1 of France. A still more important

work by \Vannenmacher is his setting of

\\’oirgang Dachstcin’s metrical version of

Psalm CXXXVIl, * An Wasserducsen Baby^

Ion in five divisions for 3*6 voices, which

appeared in Ott's ' Liederbuch ’ of S 344 >

This piece alone enables us to form a very

favourable judgment of Wannensnacher's

merits as a polyphonic composer. After his

death there was published a small collection

of German two*part songs, sacred and secular,

under the title * Bicinia sive duo Germanka

ad aequales . . .' (Berne, 155$). j. st- u.

DtSL, — CeeuNa. AaNoio, 'Ok in drr

Schw«ks tur ^ii dee RrforfnsUoB ; LeWit usd

Werk« von Boriholomsui Frtiik. Jottonnn Wsiuma*

mscher. Co»ine( AUci ' (Asrau, 1933).

WANNING, Jobauiea (or Johnuefl

Wanisingus) (^. Kempen nr. Zwolle, c. 1^1 ;

d. ? Dansig, <. 1604}.

Dutch contrapuntist and composer. From

1 580 to 1 590 he was Kepfilumiur at St. Mar>**s

Church, Danzig, and he reccKed a pension

for his work in 160a. Otherwise little is

known with regard to his circumstances. His

most famous work is two volumes, containing

3s * Scnientiae insignlorcs ex Evangelts

Duminicalibus excerptae * for 5, € and 7

voices (published 1584 and 1390). Two

examples from thb work were sung at a

concert of the Vereniging voor Nederlandse

Muxirkgcschicdcnii on 3 May 1879, whkh

had been with two others (the numbers in the

original publication were 19, ao, 96 and 43),

published in 1878 in the proceedings of the

Vereniging. These were edited, with an

introduction, by Robert Eitner. Other works,

which were popular in western Europe during

the compotcr's lifetime, include * Sacrae

cantiones ' for 5 and 6 voices (still in MS), a

5-paTt Mass, a 7‘par( ‘Jubilate* assd motets in

organ tablalure. H. A.

WAl^SKI. Polish famUy of muUcians.

(i) Jan WaAski {h. western Poland, 176a ;

d, Poznan, P), violinist and composer. He

w'rotc numerous compositions whkh remained

in manuscript, and many of which are lost.

Those discovered include a Symphony in D

major for 2 flutes, 2 horns and strings,

' Litaniae Lauretanae ’ for S.A.T.B. with 2

violins, 2 horns and organ, and ‘ Missa

pastoralis * for S.A.T.B. with a vwdins, cello,

flute, 2 horns and organ. Wanski, who died

some time after jSoo, also wrote some operas

and very many religious songs, polonaises,

military marches and mazurkas.

(«) Roeb Wanski (ft. ?; ?, 1810),

violoncellist, son of the preceding. Interested

mostly in chamber music, he founded a string

quartet in which hU nephew Karol Kurpidski,

later the composer of many operas, took part.

Uctlil his death Roch ^Vahski gave guidance

and musical training to his nephew.

(3) Jan Nepomuoen (Jeaa Nfpomu*

c^Bo) WaAski {b. KaUss, c. tSoo; d. Aix*en-

ProvesKe, ?), violinist and composer, brother

of the preceding. He ivas educated at Kalbz

and Warsaw. In 1631 he went to Paris and

continued his studies under Baillot. After

completing them he toured in Spain, Portugal,

France, Italy and Germany. He extended his

travels as far as Malta. He relumed to Paris,

where he became a member of the Academy

of St. Cecilia. In 1639 he settled at Alx^eo'

Provence, where he married a Frenchwoman

and gave himself up to leaching and compost*

tioft. He died there some time afler 1840*

His published compositions include a * Con*

certino ' for viokn and orchestra, ‘ Fantaisie

sur Norma ' for sdolin with pianoforte, string

quartet or orchestra, and works for violin

including * Air national anglais ‘ Morceau

de concert sur Lucie * Caprices de concert \

* Air pdonais vark * Variations sur la

Romtnesca ‘ CarnavaJ de Varsovie *, * 12

Eludes brillantcs * (technical sludiesh ‘ 12

Variations on an Original Theme ', ‘ Six Etudes

facilea ’,*12 Melodies en forme de caprices


Waiiski also wrote two methods for the

violin and one for viola, as wyII as a iexi*book

on harmony. Besides he published ‘Gy*

mnastique dcs doigis et de Tarchet ', as well as

numerous pieces for violin alone and with

pianoforte accompaniment (romances, fugues,

fantasies, ete.). c. m. h.

WAR SONG. Used nowadays by armed

forces as a means of lightening the t^ium of

marching, the war song was in its origin an

aid to discipline and an incitement to conflict*

Among primitive peoples it often accompanies

the war dance and U part of a cult ritual. In

ancient Greece it had a more secular counter*

ance, and this has continued into modern

times. The songs of Tyrtaeus, sung ^

Spartan warrion at the camp fires, kept the

hearts in good cheer, while the anapaestic

marching ditties not only enhanced the

Dteasure io the advance, but hardened the

spirits of ihcae entering bat tie. Nor was Ron^

wanting in this respect, for Uvy tells us w

bellicose dance-songs {tdma camina). It wm

much the same in the East, where the Pariht*

ans, aecordir^ to Plutarch, chanted ®'

vkteey at the onset. The continent Cel u

entered the c^fllci to war songs, as Tacitus

informs us, while those of Britain, says

Meyrick, chanted their defiant Arj'fws ynp

Tacitus also points to the Cermanic



iribcs using war songs» and old English, i.e.

Angl^Saxon, proves in such words aa fjrdleoJ

and gudlfod ho^v importAot was ihU mu^c to

the martial throng. Ai the battle of Hastings

{ioC6) the Norman nhsMut Talilefer rode in

the van chaniiog the ancient 'Song cd Roland

and Charlemagne *, and three hundred years

later the French were repeating (he same

refram at Poitiers (1356).

In those days the war 5ong played a con-

siderable part in military afTairs, and snatches

from many a thatiscn 44 gntf enlivened both the

bivouac and the march. Indeed, what could

have been more heartening to ilte coming tight

liun those songK, which told of the glorious

deeds of ihrir hu'etaihcrs? In the ntiddle

ages only the king and his lieutenants had

music, and because of that the common

soldier found such songs a desideraiuni, both

as a recreation and as an inreniivc. Uy (he

close of the tjtli century, hoH-esTr, many

changes eanic into the economy uf war. L'niis

hegnn to have irunipelcrs, drummers and

pipers attached to them, and it was their notes

which had to sufftce for both the disciplined

march aitd the urge to l>aitle. Furtiser,

mercenaries were in the ranks everywIuTe, atsd

in the tight little island ”, uf which Dibdin,

Britain's Tyrtacus, song 150 years ago, the

toitgs uf the deeds of a Ilcreward the >Vakc or

a Richard O^ur de Lion would have had little

appeal to the hired soldier (sefdr = pay).

Siill, so long as the soldier had a voice, the

march it) g'song came to his lips vs hen occasion

demanded, even though ii may have beers


Yet the tiew wliller's ««sg was no locsgef

that of the cAcium 4< gtiie type, 'I'he Iron

diuipliric and drill of the Renahsance

theorists of the art of war had lessersed the

nccesvity for this class of song and, because of

dlls, material of a trivial nature came to be

adopted. Kastiier, the historian of French

military music, has shown wlvai was popular in

those days, and a good example is * Lc rs>y s'en

va deia les mons which was sung by the

soldiers of Francis I during the expedition

against ihc Milanese in J315. little later

came the 'Soinmation d’Arras’ (i343)> while

tnurc hinoric is that prcsers'cd by Tinctor :

Imiw. l9(n« Arnt^

Ki Hobinet lu m'u

I.S moti iJeimee

QiurwJ lu (>n vss . . .

Kow melodies were adopted in these days

IS of great interest, and the influertce of trumpet

calls in this direction is worihy of note. Even

the rhythmic cadence of the drum-beats

fashioned the metre. How Infectious these

military sounds were may be seen in the

refrains of the soldiers' songs, where we sec

how large a part onomatopoeUe had m

creating such lines as 4on4ai/it. 4dR, which

stood for drumming, taittau, pom, pom, for

trumpeting, artd ittro Ituo, for fifing. An out-

standing favourite of this species was the

rollicking * As-tu vu la casqueite du |>^re

Bt^caud'. Naudcsille airs naturally rlaimcd

the soldiers* cars, as we know later from

Marfchal Save, and at the time of Fumrnoy

(1745I it was 'Adieu X dr la TuIjjk;' that took

their fancy, a sentimentality that scorns lo

have an abiding interest with iho soldier, ’Fhe

‘ Marche de I'ureiiiic * was also in favour,

as was dte later * Malbrouk * 07 dt). 1 'lm

latter, strange lu say, arlually belojigod in the

nursery, yet those nonwn^e llm*s: '* Va Uin,

bon. bnti. bon; l)i dan. di, d.an, <lon ”, h.id

ilveir at trad km, atofold. for ilir rank and I lie.

Snme chastening rainc uith (hr Revolution,

as we see ill ' ^ ira ’ atxl ’ La C.irnugnolc

By 1830 iIm* .army went back to ihe prcvioiu

ideals, as the jMipularity of * l.a *

reveals. Strange to say this was of German

oriQin. aiMi t1>c w’ords irll of the old familiar

seniimpMi : "fl^iutan, l.euinant, Fahtidrich,

.Sergeant, nimm das M.idrI brj Jrr Hand

I'he interest of Germany in the soldier’s

mng rose to its highest plirh in tlir war of

liberal ion and afti-r. c i illrr t Ion » if * SohIa ten-

lieder • (Vienna. iBjr; Iiy u Major iXikcT,

dedicated i«» the Grown Frince of I’rnssi.i,

contained songs for rsrry hranili of the

sefvkc. Then came two othen : ‘S<»|Jaten*

lieder* (MrWn, idjtij and * I.jcdcr fur

^uisclieKrirgi r * (Halber^iadi, i8gBj. .More

imporiani was ihe ’ Licdrrhuch fur dcuische

Kriegcr und deuisclies \ vlk * (l)arinsudc,

1B30) by CJarl Weiicrshausen, in whiih all

units had their own songs. It wax iniinrn«ely

popular and ran into several edit lorn. Of

wider range vsas a * l.lcdrrUurh fur die

\ etcranen der (Jrtrwen Napoleons .\rmcc von

1803 bis 1814* (Mainz, 1837), whkh waj

fullovsTd by ‘ SohJaieiilieder von lV>rnen)ann ‘

(Berlin. 1836), and 'Sfddaien Lieder* tlkrlin,

(838) edited by Grell and Neithardt. the latter

being the baiidmasicr (18^2-40) of the

iVussian Kranz-Kegimeni.

In Britain the soldier was litde difTiTcnt.

IV earliest soWicn’ song, * Wc be soldiers

three* (r, 1C20), with Us amusing ** Fardonex-

a perfect gem. So is

Lilliburlero'. This latter began as a quick-

step before 168$, but svkh the pseudo- 1 risk

wc^, •• Liero, lero, lilliburlero, lero, lero,

bullen a la ”, the captivation of which was Its

mmsense, carried all before It. and Bishop

Burnet asserts that ” the whole army was

«*’• Even in Smollett's day it was

Mill a favourite. As we Have seen, tunes

especially words that

soldiers like. Kastner lias revealed how, afier

the battle of Rcurus {1890), the soldiers

improvised ^pUts. Kappey sutes that

the old Netherlands song ‘W'ilhelmus van



WARD (John)

Nassouwc' (^. 1568), which was certainly a

iroopcrs* song {ReuttrUidUin) in 1603, was

originaUy a trumpet tune. In Britain pre>

cisely the same adaptation may be discerned.

* Ve brave boys and joUy tars * was set to the

'Duke of Ormonde’s March’ (1702) » 'Brave

Grenadiers rejoke' was sur^ to the 'Prince of

Orange March ’ (r. 1 734) ; the ' Garb of Old

Gaul ' {1765} went to the tune of the ' High-

land March ’ of General Reid, likevnse we

find the onomaiopoeiae of “ Tow-row-row ”

in ’ The British Grenadiers *. The vaudevilte

song conquered in Britain as elscw'here* and

even the proud regimental marches, by War

Oflicc authority* still cherish many ephemera

of the i^ih century, among them* La Mando-

lmau','rm Ninety-five’, ‘The Light Barque’

and others. The present century brought no

change in these preferences. Indeed 'Tipper-

ary' in the first world war artd'UlU Marlene’

in the second were of far greater popularity

than any of their predecessors.

Since the days of Dibdin, the " Tyriaeus of

the Navy ”, hide has been done in Great

Britain to encourage songs with a more

spiritual purpose — songs that might rank

with the ’ Marseillaise' of Fr arKe, * The Battle

Cry of Freedom ' of America or ‘The Soldier’s

Song ' of Eire. Elsewhere, too, attempts to

make use of the war song to greater advantage

met with opposition. In rdsk Kastner tried

to induce the French to adopt regimcnul

choirs, and he actually composed songs in four

parts for each corps i'Hite, but the seed fell on

stony ground. But Germany, with the ksson

that Kurncr’s ' Leier und ^hwert ' (181$)

lirought home, encouraged the war song, even

to the appointment of singing-masters in the

military schools. Russia proposed, in 1901,

the formation of regimental eht^ aetd allotted

a speeiai song to each regiment. This was

the suggestion of General Kryzhanovsky who,

quite apart from the moral value of the use

of rcgimerxial choirs, saw in them a tactscal

value, since the general staff could recogrUae

at a distartce by their regimental song where

particular units were engaged. In Britain,

m 1907, a move towards the betterment of

this type of music was made by Dr. Arthur

Somervell, the Inspector of Schools, who took

a wider view of the soldier’s song. Pointing

out how the Japanese had realised the mental,

physical and moral benefits that had accrued

from the organization of vocal music in their

army, he ui^ed that well-directed and care-

fully supervised choral singing should be

adopted for the British services. In addition

to the advantages mentioned above, he

pleaded, the territorial regimental song would

promote esprit dt totps- More important still

was his claim that proper instruction in breath-

ing and a scientific training in singing would

lead to physical fitness, in which statement be

had the support of Surgeon-General Eviti.

The scheme held out great hopes but, for lack

of support by the War Office, the idea lapsed

aetd died. h. g. v.


rU Sokticr'i

CenTsa. Fat.iu<eois ft Mncea, G. J.

Soof Book * (Loodoa,

Dnrvunc, F. W. von, ‘ Die VolksISeJef dcs dreiuir*

iahrifen Kriefu * (Berlin. i96«).

KAmta^ Gaoact*, * Lee Chnou de Fannie rrsnctiM ’

tra/u. i8ss).

* Manud e^o^ral de Rtwsiaue cAMOaire* (Pau,


MacLfAv, John (Editor), *tVar Sonp* (*The Caelar*

bury Po«U\ ].«a>deo, n.d.).

TocMsa, F., * Ueber K/iefipoeiie * (Munich, iBd?).

* THe Orrbniral Timn’, 1906. pp. 9s, 96 .


WARD, John (». ?; d. ?).

English i6(h-t7ih-century composer. He

published in 1613

The FhiI Sti of Etwiish Madriiali To 3. 4. d

parts api boib for and Voyce** W’iih a Mournicyi

&esi( tn memory at Ftimi Hrwy. NrMly Compoted by

Me M’orV. . . . FnauHy Thomas Snodhain, 16)9.

Xhe work-in six paribooki — is dedicated

”To the Honorable Gentleman, and my very

good Maisier, Sir Hcnr^ Fomhowf, Knight ”1

and in the dedication tite composer (ells hii

patron that

Thew . . . ae« ihr pnmiiiaa of tr>v Muw. planied in

your pkiawre, aad aherahi by Uia («nde c&lme of your


Sir Henry Faruhawe (? 1569-1616), R«*

mcmbranccr of the Exchequer, of Ware Park,

Herts., and Warwick Lane, London, was a

personal friend of Prince Henry and a pr>

minent member of the Protestant ^rty at the

beginning of the 17th century. His daughier-

in-law, Anne, Lady Faruhawe, says in her

Memoirs (1630, p. 43) that he

MM t rtcai lovw of mwc. ti>d kep* many eenOemen

ihai were pw^tly ntll ^ual^Ard both in ihn and th*

Italian toofue. in whKh he H}eni some time.

John Ward was evidently one of these gentle-

men of the Fanshawe household. He witnessed

Sir Henry's will (dated 13 Nov. 1613), by

which the testator left to his heir all hli musical

imtrumcnu “except the greatc Wind Instru-

ment in my howie in Warwyck Lane ” } and

from Lady Fanshaw^e's will (dated 30 Feb.

1629) it seems that he was a trustee for her

jointure, for she states that by deed dated

ao May. James I (*607). she had assigned a

lease of the Dengcy Hall estate to her son-m-

law. her nephew and her ” ancient servant

Ward gem ”, in trust for the uses ol her

will- On 8 July 1619 \Vafd was granted iw

arrears of a rent of i:8 : 6 : 8, payable to the

kirsg out of the Manor of Bengeo, H*rts. ,

according to Sir Henry Faruhawe’s wdl this

manor had been conveyed to trustees as par

of his wife’s jointure. Ward was a witness a

Lady Fanshawe’s will, among the be<|utfts rf

which arc sums

» CiL Dwn. Jama I. QX, Siga. M*n, », No.

WARD (John)


and two otben, ** three of my feoffees ”, aiKl

of mourning to John Ward ** and ihe rest of my

own servants Apart from his musicaJ com>

positions this is all that U known >Vard's

biography ; he must have died before 164J , for

in that year John Barnard printed an evening

service and two anthems b>' him in his collec-

tion of church music, which contained works

by deceased composers only. w'. a. s.

The value and importance of ^ Yard’s w'lvrk

as a madrigal writer was not realized before the

publicaiioti of his sec of madrigals in the ;ioth

century, (t is in his writing for five and six

voices more especially that he exhibits a

dclinitely individual style, aetd several of these

madrigals are to be placed in the very first

rank. * Die not, fond man ’ has long k»cn a

popular ra\'ouricc, and deservedly so, but ii »

by no means i he Jinest of t he set. ‘ I f the deep

sighs ' is a Superb and very rnwing |Mecc of

music. Like many of Wain’s madrigals ii

of great length; rsp<><iaUy beautiful ii the

lUssagu " Nor not a riwr weeps not at niy

talc Another magnilirrnt madrigal is * I

have entreated and I have complained * ; ihe

words arc by \N’ahcr Davison, and the final

rmsaage is very lM«auiift»l. * Out from the vale *

and * Up^m a hank with roses set * are ahn

lirst*ratc madrigals. A characteristic feature

nf Ward's work is his use of suspensions ; and

he alv> uses passing*notei soinctimet in a very

individual mantirr; an example of this is to

bu fuund at tbc words *' <\nd die 1 shall "in

* Flora, fair nymph '. RernarkaNe examples

of Wartl'x use of susperuiocis occur in the

< loving pswage of ' Upon a bank', at the words

" her cruelly hath JihI " in ' <>ui from the

vale ' a:id at ” with miseries opprest ” in ‘ If

the deep siglu V ery line massive effects arc

huilt up in tliK manner, and not infrequently

SIX dilfcTcnt notes of the scale are siinultan*

eoMly employed. But suspended di^ords of

all kinds, simple, double ajid triple are found

throughout Ward’s madrigals. He sJiowed

great taste in Klecihig wurds and seenu 10

haw had a v|)ccial prererrnce for the puerm

of Sidney and Drayton, and poems by both

'Valter and Francis Davison are among his


NN’ard wrote a good number of fantasies for

viols, notably ihosc in B.M. Add. MSS

29,372-77, as well as jiivces for tlie virginals, and

a bne collection nf fantasies for 4, 5 and 6 vi^s

u at Cli. Ch.‘ Compositions by him arc to be

found in F«>5ter’s Virginal Book, B.Nf., R©y.

Lib * Little t>f Ward's church musk is known

io*day, yet a fair amount of it has survived.

He coniribuuxJ ‘ O let me tread ’ (« 4) and

• < ) Lord, consider ' (e 5) to Leighton’s ‘Teares

or l^menucions and Barnard printed hli


‘First Evening Ser\'iee' and 'I will praise the

lx>rd' and 'Let Cod arise ’in 1641. Appended

IS a list of hit church music In manuscript ;


T.D.. K., Cl. flLM. .Vkl. MSS so.sda to). 107).

i«i \’er»e (R.C.M, 11,49 Tul. i6e).

SikI LseruMC Snvke ( I'rrtli. 791 lul. 2«j9),


Doon <dii«tr isfrKli,

l.xwcM tfcumww.

Ibfw lone iIkmi reren.

Iloa, lu)i« J Keb

I IwjrJ ih« wife of a f/rai muhiuid^^.

tl hi nw ireul.

O. L<««l. mv moiio.

rtoiM (he I 4 m 4, (} Alt » 4 jh 1 , O

ibe L.wnl. <) soul, afKl *H.

Ihi> ts 4 pitful <Ur.

L MM I he*. O LyrJ,

e. )l. f.

His viol musk shows many of ilie citarat ter*

Uiks of his vocal music, and ihougfi gvnt rally

quite iristronienial in style, carries over a few

of his v«al prcds*lictj<>ns, particularly Itis love

U prolonged series of com pi ex suspensions, so

lltat sutnr of his passages (or viols are slightly

jssarrrd b> a use of ihls nu’dttim noi tu its best

advantage. None of Jiis viol works is of qulic

thr brst rarik, although matty t/f them arc very

filrasirig; none has Ihtii prjmvd. \Var<l h

imitidtxl l^v birnpson » and Mac<*« in ih< ir

l>rief lists <4 good roiri|>o»efs of raiilasivs for

'-ioh. „ ^

Tlie folio witiR are 'Sard’s madrigals, i)ub*

lisited in i(it3 »:

»OR JtlKi.i. voiO):s

I I. M> true lws« K*tli mv hfjin t|*i. i),

t. Hit heori h,i huwhI rj*l. n>.

V (> u>. <l4Ar litr,

4 . Ill an*! <4«t am I.

t. (!»• Mimis.

Cl. Ih fH»t m fa«t.

kcm HJt'lt

7 . A •*<> r WAfc •ImI rui au a> .

9 . O «n> <hvMsiiiv Mineaia.

9, S<»V*I pily, «»4tie.

ia. Lesr n a iia,m«.

• I. Ktre from |a\r‘« bninlt.

ij. Him kaw ikaU l>


H). W«« rhilgowl ipi, j).

{ 14 * Ye ssisan nsmphs {IS. ii).

I s. I^a. Utt M>wiph,

16. ni>ltn. (k« bf.clu.

cit mv hean,

iB. I p«a a iMnk with rows sri.

Fo« SIX s'ou;i:s

* 9 . mv troubled mhiI,

a«>. <Hi lia^r i leridernl.

81 . CKm from iJw sale,

va. <> divine lose.

!»$. If the lieep uO^ ift. i).

184 - There s hot a grove (IN. »>.

(>t^hp. .is in ed. of 3 738 .

V^.* 5 ciX^‘*^ “ M^r.g .1 School S



WARD (Robert)


9$. Die ooU foiMl man.

90, 1 have enifeaied.

97. Come. Mbie nifhc.

sS. Weep forth you9 tearr.

BitL. — FrLLOwn, C. H., * Lnclnh Madri^aJ Coa>-

pcseit' (Uxlocd, 1991 }.

WARD, Robert (^. CIe\'eiand, Ohio, 13

Sepi. !9I7).

American composer. He sttidied the piano^

forte as a child, and in 1939 he enter^ the

Eastman School at Rochester, with a scholar*

ship in composition. There he worked with

Howard Hanson, Bernard Rogers and Edward

Royce. On graduating from the Eastman

School he obtained a scholarship in composi-

tion lo the Juilliard School in New York,

where he studied with Frederick Jacobi for

composition and with Stoessei and Schenkman

for conducting. During the summer of 1941

he studied with .\aron Copland at the Berk*

shire Music Centre at Tanglewood, and in

1943 he joined the U.S. Army, where he

spent some three years, during which time

he wrote music for soldiers’ revues and

functioned as a band leader. On his discharge

in 1943 he returned to the Juilliard School

and linished his studies.

Important among his performances have

been his * Fatal Interview ’ for soprano and

orchestra, given by Howard Hanson at

Rochester in 1 937, and his * Ode* for orchestra,

given by the same conductor and group in

1939. in )<>44 Ward won a Dilion Award

and in 1946 a grant from the American

Academy of Arts and letters.

His principal v.'orks, apart from ' Fatal

Interview* (t 93 7), arc Symphonies Nos. 1 and

4 , 'Concert Music’ Cor orchestra (1947).

• First Harvest* (t940) and other orchestral

piecci. F* 0-*M.

WARDEKISKI S Bartlomiej Fordon,

? ; d. ?, 1O31).

Foiish composer. He was employed as a

theorbo play'cr and lutenist at the royal court

in Warsaw, which he joined in <643. One of

his canons was published by Mareo Scacchi

in ' Cribrum musicum * at Venice in 1643.

c. ft. H.

WARFIELD, William (^. Helena, Arkan*

sas, 20 Jan. 1920).

American Negro baritone singer. U'hen he

was three years of age his family moved to

Rochester, N.Y.. where he fint sang in his

father's Baptist chureh. As w’inner in a high

school vocal competition he obtained a

scholarship at the Eastman School of Musk

of Rochester University, where he received

his degree in 194O. Meanwhile his training

had been inicrruptcd by Military Intelligence

service in the U.S. Army; but after his dis-

charge he resumed it under the American

Tiieatrc Wing’s Professional Training Program

for war veterans, studying with Ys’es Tinayre

* AIm knowA u WA/dvAi or WjrdyAAL

and Otto Herz. He began his stage career

with the travelling company of the revue

* Call Me Mister ’ and later sang in Marc

Blitestein's opera * Regina '.

Warheld’s concert debut, at the New York

Town Hall on [9 March 1930, won unstinted

praise from the critics ; in a short time he

came to be regarded as one of the foremost

American singers in this fteld. Later in 1 930

he made an Australian tour under the

auspices the Australian Broadcasting Com-

mission; American trariscontinental tours

followed. Hh first film pari was in * Show

Boat ’ (1951) ; he has also sung for radio and

television. He sang Porgy in the production

of Gershwin’s * Porgy and Bess ', which

opened a series of engagements in Vienna,

Ikiiin and London in Sept. 1950; his wife,

Leontyne Price, sang the other title part in

this opera. N>’ith a voice of unusual range,

volume and flexibility, he is also notable for

expressive understanding, command of a wide

variety of musical styles and clear enunciation.

His concert programmes are unconventional

and musically distinguished. f- Tt. a.

WARUCH, Rcitthold von (». St. FeicrS'

burg, 34 May 1879 ; d. New York, N^. i& 39 ,)’

German baritone singer. He studied music

at the Conservatory of Hamburg and later,

when he had decided to specialiae in singing,

look courses at Florence and Cologne. He

made his first appearance at Florence in ! 699 .

Later in life he became a distinguished

teacher o( singing. *- ••

WARLOC^ Peter (k. London, $0 Oct.

16^; d. London, 17 Dec. 1930)*

F.nglish composer, whose real name wm

P hilip HeseUine, the article on whom should

be consul led for further blog raphical detaib and

an account of his critical and editorial worL

He was taught little in music, but received

encouragement and advice in composition

from his friend Dehus, although it was ac-

quaintance with Bernard van Dleren and his

music that led him to compose ihc first work

that still exists — ihe »ng-eyclc ‘ Saudada

(1918-17), « written very much in the

style of van Dieren, lo whom it was dcdieal^

in part. He then started composition in

earneii. and in i9i7-*8»

years he was in Ireland, he wtoic An Old

Song ’ for small orchestra, ' Five Folksong

Preludes’ for piancrforic, 2 carols for unaccom-

panied chorus and 7 songs, as well as several

other works later discarded. Of the surviving

works ihc first two still show traces of extemaJ

influence, but the caroU and the songs ^

quite original in conception. In t 9>9

iore songs were wTitten, and a Umd^

THiHisher accepted a doren of them for puWica

Son {,9>9-^o). P>rdy oT hi. crm«l

activities he adopted the pseudonym of

Warlock in publishing these songs, which were


well received. They display bis remarkable

ability to capture the spiht of a poem of an

earlier age musically without resorting to the

use of archaisms. The music of the EJlta*

bethan composers, as well as Delius and van

Dieren, contributed much to his musical mind,

but he very soon showed himself to be an

original composer possessed of great melodic

gifts and a unique harmonic sense.

Because of his activities as editor of 'IIm

S ack but ’ he composed little in igao-21, but

in the following year songs pourH from Ins

pen, and it was then that completed his

song.cycle Tot tenor, flute, English horn and

string quartet, ' The Curlew ' (W. B. Ycau),

which won a Carnegie award In 1923, In

which year he made a chamber version Koe

soprano, luriione and string quartet) of the

' Corpus Chrbii ' canU originally written for

tenor, contralto and chorus (unaccompanied)

in 1919.

For (he rest of his life he coniinued (o

compose, as bent fitted his geniuc, in the

smaller forms. In 19*3, the ‘ Three CarUs '

fur chorus and orchestra were pubtUhed and

performed, as was the ‘ Serenade ’ for strings,

which has a deliciously Delian flavour. In

1935 he arranged some * Sociable Songs * fur

John Goss's concerts and completed the set

<*f ‘ Dirge-* of Welntcr ' for unaccompanied

voices, which exploited musical hut teehnically

difficult effects. In 19*6 he comp«ed iIm;

' Capriol ’ Suite for strings, of which all but

one movement was based entirely on thematic

material from Arbeau's ‘ OrchCsographie ’

All that time he was accumulating those songs

for voice and pianofurte on which his fame so

largely depend*, which indeed have made Itim

an kmglish song'Writer comparable in quality

" i th Hugo Udif or (la brii-l Faur^. H is output

was not regular, for it was by no means unusual

for him to suiter periods when composition

was virtually impossible. These w-erc <^tcrt

followed by short j>eriods of concent rated work

at composition which usually resulted in the

production of a batch of songs. An example

of this occurred in 19^8, when, it is known for

certain, at least six of the ten songs composed

In that year were wTitien in one month —

July, In the following year, however, he

produced only one song.

Contrary to a belief widespread among

those who do not know Warlock’s music well,

there is considerable variety in both the style

and the mood of hb songs. The fluent

and thoughtfully written vocal line (alwa«

strikingly melodic), the Interesting and

beautiful harmonic devices In the accompani-

mcni and the attention paid to the sense and

enunciaiion of the words are common to all the

songs, but when these have been taken into

account jt is impossible to avoid dividing the


songs into different types.

This necessitates a w-ord of explanation.

In the article on Heseltine rrfeix-nee h made

to the " irreconcilable divisions in hb naluK*'’

— and it was inevitable that they should

make incursions into hb music. On the one

side was a mood of seriousness, mi-lancholy

and deeply poetic feeling, on the uihcr a

contrasting and possibly n-sulianl intMxl of

unrestrained gaiety and higli sfiirlis, .Xtieinpu

have been made to draw him as pf*r{K'tually

vacillating lietwevn one mood and ihi- oiher,

to make a Jckyll-and-Hyde story of hl> doings

w'ith which many who knew him ciinnot agix-c.

The matter 1 $ so eunirovertial as 10 Ik- Ix si left

to individual jmlgnu ni; |>ut the evidence of

his musk $hou*s more than two sides of hi*

character, and it may safely Ik* assuniul that,

whereas in limes of great nervous strain there

were periods when one of the two tleeply

rooted c^^>osiie fram<-s of mind dominated

him, in more normal ihm-s luiiher was

markedly predoininam.

The chronological lisi of \\*arl*Kk’s suntfi

begins and ends, fXThaps signlliraiulv, ''•th

works of a very meianehnllc nature, thriving

fn^in tl»e first rnoiKl. Ik iwem '.Saudatks ' and

llw three pc»sthi»mously published songs (‘'I hr

FrimlMund Utiod', ' ASirr Two Years',

* *1^ Fo* ’• a full circle is closed : and in the

same mood Wtwrrn them are ' Ihe Curlew '

cycle and ‘ Autumn Twilight which held a

high place in the coinjx»er’s alTs*ctlor>s. ( llijs

n a rarity, for \>'arlock did not often express

favourable opinions of his own works, but

often derogaiory ones.) Other works in (his

vein are to be found among the irifretiucniiy

perftirmed partsongs; the menacingly l>cauii.

ful * Corpus Chfisii * carol, ‘ I'hc Full Heart '

^Di^ of NVebstcr ’ and * TJir Spring of the

In complete contrail arc tlic popular,

essentially masculine songs such as ‘ Captain

Stratton’s Fancy • Good Ale ' Tlic Jolly

bhepherd’, ‘JiJUan of Berry’ and the .*)rrangv-

ments of '* sociable songs ”. From this mood,

too, spnng oiJwr works of less heavy Raieiv

bke • The Bachelor ’. .\fur (hat it U*comes

difficult to draw a clear line of demarcation

between inspiring moods.

iTserr are songs of pronounced Kliza-

bethan atmosphere ^ the carliesi published

»ng» are examples of thb; there arc oiUvn

<kriy^ from but not based on folksonirs (r.#.

the Lilligay ' cycle) ; and there arc songs of

nwmwahic melodic and harmonic imercsi

wluch cannot be caiegorltcd (r.e. ^ Rest

sweet nymphs' and the 'Three BoUoc Songs’)*

A prominent group consists of lovcsonc

^ich ran^ from the delicate an<l sim^c

Piggpnic and the joyous ' In an arbour

2«n to (he i^c^ng ‘Prayer to Sc. Anthony

of Padua and the peaceful ‘ I'he Contented



Lover \ which Utter is uniqtie in Warlock's

work. The lullabies (from ' LulUby ’ to ' Cradle

Song ’) are an interesting group, and his

many carols for various combinations coiV’

stitute a unique contribution to tbis field of


In assessing the amount of Warlock’s work

we must bear in mind that everything of value

was composed within thirteen years (i$ 18-30) ;

and the time devoted to authorship and irans-

scribing and editing other composers’ music

diould be taken into account. The catalogue

of works which follows ts concerned only with

Warlock’s published music, and no mention

is made of the many works (especially early

ones) which were discarded or destroy^.

K. A.

BoL.— Avaav. KtMNBTH. * The Chronplogy of Warlock*!

$OA9’ <M. It L. XXIX. 194 ^ p. 39$).

CootSHOiT, GaaAka, * Some Notes on the Soon of

Peter Warlech * (M. & 1 .. XXl. 1940, p. 946).

Chav. Cseit. ' f«(«r Wa/loek t 4 Memoir cf Philip

Hescliim* (London, 19341.



TitU 1

! 1

DrAVen'sa 1

‘Three Carole*

t. Tyrley Tyriow.*

9. Balulalow.*

3. The Syramore Tree.



• 9 tS>

R. Vaughan Williami. !




* SncUhk $«nt« \ orr. fi>r male

voicn 4

I. The Toper's Sonf,

s. Orta More Kiter.

3. The Ladv'i BtrihJay.

' cheer? Cend cheer! * for

uniMii chorus 4 orean,

' Where rlchro is everlssittiflv * hr

unison rhorue & organ.

* The MiWv beereih me bell awer *

for t votcft 4 pf.'

* l.uUsbv ’ for vomrn’t Uio 4 pf.*

* Mourn no moe ’ hr wumen's (rie

I 4 pf.^

*lhe Pint Mercy* fee S veieei

4 pf.*

* The Five (.eteer Joyi of Mary *

the unison rhoeui 4 nreatt.

' Can lien Canlla * rurmiaed t-oices

4 organ.

Anon. <i6«h ceoi.).




John Ceas. ]







John Goa 4 (he Caihedral

Mak< Voice QuarKi.

Anon. (hied.).



Evelyn Heaeliine.

Anon. (Med.L



Evelyn Heeeliine.

Anon. (i|«h cent.).

191 1-9#.


Thomas DeUter.



John Fktcher.





Bruce BJiUM.



D. V. Kelkher.



Albert Whitehead. 1

Hilaire Briloc.




Arthur Barclay.


* Cornish Christmas Carol ’ for

mited voices.

* As Dfwe ift Aprylte * tor mned


* Denedieamus Domino tor msaed


* Corpus Chrlui ’ Ter contralto,

tenor 4 miaed v^m.

*The Puli Heart* for mued


* Three DitiHs of Webtiet

I, All the ttowers of (he spring,

(or miacd vokes.

9. Cal) he the Robin Red-

breast. for remalc v'oiee^

$. The Shroudine of the Ouch*

M of Malli, for mak


* The Spring of the Veer for (bur


* 1 saw a Taif maiden \ he i


* Bethlehem Down *. for mixed


Henry jenner.


Aoon. <i3thee(H.).


Anon. <i3ihetM.>.




Robert Nkhob.


John Websier.






Allan Cunningham.


Anon. (Med.). '


Bhinc 1



F. Bennkke Hari.




The Bishop of Ovfotd '

(Thomas B. Strong). ,


The immorial memory of .

the Prirwe of Venose. j

• 9»4-

Charla Kennedy Scott 4

(he Oriana Modrigal


Colia Taykf.



Albert Whitehead.



The Eflgluh Singers.


Originally wTsItaa as a s(4o song. &rlrfsiP.

\V.\RLOCKr U'orfcs



f C»Ai9»u4

1 /W<4W


* An Old Son( ' fw smail each.

1 igiy.


.Aodtony Bamavd.

' SotmAda * fo* »in.

1 igti-aa. I


Pfnkatck Prlws iwn hi» 6oih birthday).

CoprM>l luitv Tot ilgt. («mK« twc full

oerh. i9il«

1 1


•94}. 1

Paul Ladtoirautt.



1 H*ard»





‘ Tiir (;u4lew'. tont'Cyfle \V. fi. y«au.

t«nur, Au(«. tiiR. horn A t»t, '


*<^irp«H C:Mni»'. fur tofMAHu. Anon.

ba'iu«»F A tif. 41 FI,

*S<.«ro«<’« (.wlUtry fur Mpraiiu. IKoma* l^rll lk<|>

tMiiUaw K wg. 4ie«. 4 vf«.

pl.vxoroK 1 j.

cgjv n.

•919 4J.



' «9i4.


. ‘9F».


(k< M CfAy.

1 .Sriiuld lk'<.




' PblluunB IkeliHici.*


I 9 IH.

49 *).




Ci«^.ird ;

, ikdMOTMO

t. Alonft ihe

t. Tiike, M uh* ihuM Ii0» AWAy.

*T<^ ilir Memoey <4 « <ir«at


' A* K*Ff t Saw.'

‘ MtrMailn bear«iKlJt«bF(l«w«v.'

’ S|f fnallv fadrr/

’ lh« rv«.*


•TiU, « uhF • fjiKl Mitiiii).

■ M\r tnr (.avf,*

' Mm'm ho ntuF.'

' SwMl lonWhi.'

' IVdhJlHIO ’

‘ *1 hFtr >* A UJy »wr«i aaU kind.'

' My link ywFfl darliiiit.’

' Mofn.<h(r.'

' Summer.'

* (hF SimtFr.*

' BaloUJow,'

* Vapiain Straiion'i Pamt.'

' Mr BfHm'* KamT *

* GmH Ak *

' Hrv ifol* Myio.*

Thru*. (Ukr*

’ PittFvtif.’

* >Vicrnfiw *, Sn I

I, <JyAfwltfr»T.

a. A Sad Song.

% KwMFTkin.


I. I Dniraclad MaiiJ.

a. JohiiAw wi’ iha 4k.

1. ShoFmaker.

4- tWJ LIkn and Tam-


S. Rantum Tanfum.

Li'IU. ir«ra. I..CrAn«



CUBiniAcktiA. traiM.

W. Cmft.



Anon. ^i6<h«FM(.r.

Ano4». m6(Ii (Fht,*,

* CUiatIm d’Orkan

Cvmca Park.

Ihili ia t Ikilw*.


Am*!. reM.L



Sir nmtip Vkyry.

Anon. (iMk tamj.

Anon, K^h laiitJ.

>'4%Ar<l AhMkA.


Anon iCMVmihA).

r m Mf«irW.


Anaa>. fi6(h

AiM«i, (i6*h cant.K

Anon, liuh ctnL).

Anon. UMb ««nu>.

<k«F«« Peak.



>««■» 4bc AfMhokyy.

' LiHicay *.


I7> I99S.









• 919.






• 9 i»





i 9 »a.



i 9 aa.

* 9 a»-


• gaa.

I •’'»-


I 1949

» 1919.

I ‘ga*.








• Oav.











• gat.




IktuAfd lan

Cohn i'Aylor.

|<>ld) <iow.


Robarl LoFFur.

UoFu C^hfutulihfT.

Plhlip Wiltoh.

lliiJip WiUwi.

(r«nc KnFhinr.







^ ««%««« n>'?nphs/

Anon, (isihoeat.).

Anon, (tw cent.).


> 9 * 9 .

1 * ! > fJcy Tvtipw,*


1939 .

1 ' Adam liv yboundfn.'

Anots. (ijth «euL).


1939 .

‘ Lht)« Tr«iiy

I^B Caore.


1933 .

' (n an arbout pte«n.*

Robert Wever.


* 935 .


' Auiumn Twilifhi.*

Anhur Symoui.


193 ).

Arthur Symons,

* $«i t

1933 .

* 933 .

H. Balfour Gardiner.

1 . Reum DMtfr.

N«holaa UdalL

3 , Spcinp.

Thomas Nashe.

1 s L^iy fwv«ntM>.


: * Milkmaid/

From the antholofv.

1933 .

> 934 .


’ Larkspsir '.

1 * Candlrliftht ’

Selected from a eol*


1934 .

' 1 . many milr* to Baby-

lection of Nursery



t C uon'ib<«yk*aUKr*iJark.

9 . Robin and Richaid.

4 . 0 my kitten.

( 4 iile Tammy Tuek«r.

0 , '('here wa> an eW man.

7 . ] had a llitle pony.

6 . Little Jack Jinflc.

p. There wia a man of Thei*


1 ro. Suky, you ihall be my taire.

1 1 . There was an ok! Homan.

' ta. Arthur O' bother.

' * and Twenty.'


? >93).

1939 .

John Goat.

* Two ihon «OAt» ’

Robert Herxick.


* 994 .

1 . ] held LoveT head,

a. Thau lav'xi me leave to krca.

* Cerutder.'

Ford htodoa Ford.


* 934 .

C. W, Orr.

* VtKtf Warkoek'r Fancy.'

Anoo. (tdth ceiu.L


1933 .

Trtlawny OayvcII Reed.

* Twelve Oaen.*

Amts, lidih cesM,).



John Ceu.

* Yarmouth Fair.*

Hal Cofrins.

* 934 .

1935 .


* 1 have a pa^<n.'

* Two Sonet *

1 hnmsi Mooee,

■ 934 .


1933 .

1 . A Frayrr to St. Anthony of


t. Tlie hick Heart.

Winifred Baker.

* Chaneon dw lour d« Noel.*

dOmetii Marot.

^ 1933 .


Sir Richard Terry.

* Frettv rini'timc.*

* 1 'hi (^wunlryinaa.*


foho Chalkh.ll.

1936 .



l>ew«y Gibson.

* The Birdt.*


19 ^

A Howard Evant.

* Maltworma’ (written with E. J.

Bishop Still.


A. H. MeUiAell.


* Robin <jood(ellow.*

Amu. (ikth cent.).

193 $.

• 937.

Kerman Feterkin.

* Ji Ilian of leery.’

Beaumont B Flrtrbev.

1936 .


BmiI Trier.

* Fair and Trw.*

N'khotM Brewn.

193 S.

1937 .

* Away to Twiver.*

Anou. (litfc ceiM.l.

1936 .

1937 .

Lionel jeliiaek.

* Three lellee Soetci *

1 . Ha'naeker Mill.


1936 .

1937 .

3 . The Nifht.

9 . My Own Country.

* The Lo^r’i Maze,'

? Thomaa Campian.

1937 .

193 $.

L Peter Kauter.

* Siih no moee. ladies.’


• 937.

193 $.

n. J. Moeran.

* Mockery,*


I •9»3*

• 930.

Dennis Cardan.

* Walk iris the woods.*

Anon. Itdtheeot.).

1937 .

1937 .

'Cradle Sene.*

Jehu PluBip.

Bruce BItmt.

' 1937 .


Alee Rowley.

* The First Mercy,'

1 ' The jollv Shepherd.*

1937 .

1937 .

Anon. HTth cestC).

7937 .


G. T. Leigh Spencer.

' Queen Anne.*

iCentribuSed to an

album of children's

sm«s by C Wmn|.



Hal Collins. '


* Pa*'in* by.*

Amn, (ifrih «ent,|.


> 939 .

1 * And wilt thou leave me thus? ’

Sir Thomaa Wyatt.

I 93 B.


£. Aroold Oowbigf m.

' Ynuth,'





'The Passionate Shepherd.'

CSirvUopher htan

• 930.

> 939 .


1 * The sweet 0 * the year.*



1939 .

1 ' J om Tylev.'

1 * Flore u>:

Amo. Irdth ceuLl.

? 1930.

1939 .

Anoik. (tTlh coiLl.



— t

' ‘ The Contented Lover.'

janses hlabbc.


< 939 .

• The Droll I,evef.'

Anors. (tyih cent.).


< 939 .

' The Cricketers of Mambicdon.*



3939 .

•• Composed for the xiami^

shire Etkimos’ New k ear t

l^v rricbei match, > 909 . j

* The Prottbnund Wood.*




Arnold Dowbiggln. |

1 ' After Two Years.*

Rwhard AMineSon.



“ I

* Bethlehem Down.*

* The Foa.*



• 937 - 9 ®.




Herbert Kryner. j

Fnr an almost complete lUt of WarlockY (Hesehm's) traMcnpdocu, artanfemonu and Uurary works ser Cecil Gray s 1

• bMkmrtiidMd (fiiUs)s




v(). Moccaa icoUab. ia MOff).

StU(Jft<le* (dcfioilioo). Sonft P>

WARMSLEY. ^ Walmslcy (Pemt'^.

WARNER, H. (Harry) WaJdo (i. Norch-

ampu>n»4jan, 1874)-

English violist and composer. The family

moved to London in 1880, but although the

boy wo-t pauionatciy fond cJ music, his train*

ing was not seriously taken in hand until

he entered the O.S.M. in 1888. He then

studied the \ioUn with Alfred Gibson and

composition with K. Orlando Morgan. Hv

won manydistinctionss including the associate*

ship and gold medal, on<l was afterwards

appoint! d a professor ; but he had 10 rrlin*

quUh this post m 1920 owing to the touring

cngagi'inems of (he I,oo<lun String Quarin, in

wiiich Jie plasi'd the viola from Ms foundation

in I «)07. Kor uone years he also plavrd as prin*

ci|Ml viola in the New Symphunv and Royal

Philharmonic urch<s(ra>. His lir^l |Hiblir ap*

pearances, how<‘v<T, were ns a vioJmisl,

As a student Warner wrote an ujMTa, * I he

Royal \'agrants \ whuli wna jM’rrurmrcl at the

O.S.M. Later he betaine U'si kjsovm ns n

writer of (hainber tnosie. His name occurs

mure than once os prirt'winmr in lh<’ list

of cuni|>o»iiions m "phantasy” form due in

the initiative of W. \V. Cubbetc and as the r«*

cipient of a commisshm to write a sprcjlied

w’ork. His chamlier works include three

pianoforte trios, of which one obtained a

Gohhclt and another the Cooitdgr pri/c of

81000 in 1921 ; a string Quartet in C minor,

awarded the hrst prise in the "War- lime’'

eompetitiun of (pih; three l*hantasics fur

Siring quarlrt, in F major, \> major and G

minor, the third Ln’ing liasrd on folksongs in

accordant e with thr t« rms of the (Uihlirii

comi>ct)(iun in which n was a successful

entry; a .Suite, * The J'ix>*Kmg *, fur string

(piartct; a KhapsiKl> fur viola and string

(|imrtrt; a violin S<rnatA, a viola Sonata,

numerous short pieces for each instrument and

also for (ello, Hr also wrote several suits-s

fur orchvjlra, cine of which, ' Three tlfin

Dances* (‘Ivlvcs’, ‘Nymphs' and 'fJisomr^'/,

was performed at the Promenade Gonreru

and elsewhere, and upwards *4 a huisdred

songs and ii.irhonvs. e. t.

Warner, iy^tvia Tawni«Ml. Sri JrrIsnJ 1 J.. 3 imis).

Nwrilnir (' Mr. S'orlvnc oprra*.

WARNOT8, CUy (Eliaabech) (f. Li^c,

• Us?: 4 .

Uelgian soprano singer, .She was the

daiighnr and pupil of the tenor Henry

Warnoii and made her debut on 9 Sept. 1878

as Anna in Hoieldicu’s ‘ Dame blanclie' at the

*1 h^atre de la Monnaie in Brussels. She sang

there fur two seasuns, and in (881 she was

enRag<>d at the IVatro della Pergola at

Horence, On i? May of the same year she

made her first appearance in London at the

Royal Italian Op«ra as Marguerite dc N'alots


in Meyerbeer’s ‘ Huguenots *. During the

season she also played the part of th<' same

que^n in H<ToJd‘s * Pre au\ clerrs ’ and was

favouraUy rt^ceived. After that shv wav fn**

quently heard at tlu* Promenade Conce rts, at

the CrvsUil Palace ami clsc’wherr. For some'

years she was a regular visitor lu lainclon.

V. (;,

WARNOTS, He&ry b Urus.rls, 1 1 fuly

1832; •/. Sai n I - J « »s>e . \ i n . .\o.kI<', 27 J- c l>.


BHgian tenor singer and composer, father

of tiu’ prc’cc'ding. He was taught music first

by his fatlwr and m 1849 Ix’catne a pupil

at the lirusw'L Conser\.*ii«iiic for Jiarmuny,

inanoforte placing and Mngiog, In 1 8^0 he

appeared in ujieia at Liege as a light tenor

and was engaged for a short priiod .'ll the

Opc ra*<>*mu|ue, Pam. fur the title-part of

lloic Idieu’x ’Jc’an de Paris'. He n<'\i satig

at StravlxHirg, ami on *24 Jan. i8t>y an uperetM

Ilf Ills romjMvsition, ' L'tie lUiire de niariagc*

was (M’rfurmed there. He also <uim posed o

l>airio4k cantata sung at (iheiii in i(M>7, iiiid

in that sear lie wac c ng.cged at the Nution.il

Ihealre uf Urussids. In (><(. he s.vig in

Flrmisli the biro's part in Mirv's 'Fran/

.\4 kermami '. In iVr. of the same year lie

nlitained a pruh ssupihip .U the (lonservaluirv

ami retired Irum tin* suge. In i8iM| he was

appoint'd dirt'ctor ol the onhesira <d (he

hrwssels City Musical Scxlcty and In 18711 he

Asumled a sshmd uf music at .Saint-Jusse-ten*

Nciodc*Scliaernl>reck, a suburb of Ui ussels.

A. c.

WARR, Eric (Harry) .b, Noitingharn, 4

May 1903/.

l.nglish «>n<lurtor. He was a (horistcr at

the .Mamhc'Sirf Cathedral C'hoir School m

1914*90 and afterwards a 1 tended the Man*

clsrster Gramm.tr School until 1923, when he

went to (RMUillr and Caius Cullege, Cam-

hriilge, until 192G. He tiKik the NLA. in history

iherr as well as the Jl.Mus. From ip2G lu

1929 he stmlied at the K.C.M, in lo^ndon as

a pupil of S. I*. W'addington for tomposiiion

and H. Procter Gregg for opera. In 1928-30 he

was v^anisi and choirmaster at the London

church of St. Anne's, SoJto. and in 1930 he

brcanic coach and chorus masn r to the Carl

Rosa Opera Company, acivatiring lo the j>osl

of conductor in 1939. Fic left that company

in 1934 and the fodow'ing year joined I he

Beccham Opera Company as coach and con-

ductor. He was in charge of the performances

of >Vvl>rr’s ‘ F'reisrhut* which was toured

fora whole year, brglnning ai Coven t (iarden

in 1935, and Gounod’s ‘ Romeo and Juliet *.

\\heft that extentied srasun came to an end

in 1936 h« was appointrtl lo the music stalf

of the O.B.C.’s Midland Staiiun at Binning-

ham, among his duties being tliat of assistant

conductor of the B.JLC. Midland (Orchestra.




Warr has remam<d with the B.B.C. «ver

since, but in 1939 iciumed to London 10

become assistant to (he B.6.C. Chief Censor,

whose office incorporaced the American

Liaison Unit responsible for the broadcasts to

America by all U.S.A. radio commentators

in London. In 1945 he transferred to the

Music Department, which offered him more

congenial occupation, including a good deal

of conducting, and in (930 he became Auistant

Head of Music next to Herbert Murrill.

During NfurriiTs long illness and after hU

death in 1934 \Narr was Acting Head of


He married the singer \*ida Harford, who

had gained much experience as an operatic

coaeh and in the t930s began to make a div

linguished career for henelf by coaching, at

Covent Cartlen, for the B.B.C. and elsewhere,

excelling particularly in preparing artists for

such difficult works as Berg s * ^Vo»zeek

Hindemith's * Mathis der Makr \ etc., of

which each singer memorites a single part

while Vida Warr knowi them all. e. a.

WARRACK, Coy (DougUa HamUtoo)

(ft. Edinburgh, 8 Feb. 1900).

Scottish cortductor and composer. He was

educated at Wincheiter and Magdalen

College. Oxford. In 1933 he proceeded to

the K.C.M., where he studied eonduciing

with Adrian Boult and eompodiion with

N aughsm Williams He played (he (impani in

the CSolIrgc orehettra ar^ became an expert

performer on them, capabir of taking his

place, when required, in the professional

orchestras irt [.ondon. On graduating in 1935

he ioinrd the icachmg*stafT at the R.C.M., and

in the folluNvtng year he formed a small

orchestra with which he gave a series of eon*

certs presenting a number of forgotten classics

and works by British composers. In (934 he

was appointed conductor of the Handel

Society, but he relinquished this post in the

following year in order to assume the director*

ship of the B.B.C. SeoltiOi Orchestra in

Edinburgh. He brought this orchestra to a

high slate of efficiency and showed much

enterprise in (he choke of music suitable to

its size and to the scope of the programmes,

which necessarily cannot compete with the

B.B.C. national activities. He was sue*

ceeded in this post by Ian kS'hiie in 1945 and

returned to London, taking charge of the

conducting clats at the R.C.M.

Warrack has also composed music, and

his Variations for orchestra (<934), and

particularly his Symphony (1933), which

was produced at a concert at the R.C.KI.,

showed considerable merit. Latterly, how*

ever, he has been content to work in kas

ambitious forms. He has arranged for modem

orchestra a number of old works, mostly by

F.nglish composers. d. if. (11).

WARREN, ?. Stt Ekoush Musicians


WARREN, Edmund Thoenna * (ft. ? ;

d. London, 1794).

English musical editor. He edited a famous

collection of catches and glees, published

anntsally in oblong folio volumes between

17^ ttnd J794, in which latter year he

probably died. He was Secretary to the

Nobkmen's and Gentlemen's Catch Club

from its foundation in 1761 to 1794, being

succeeded by S. Webbe.

The volumes of kVarren’s collection of

' Catches, Canons and Glees ’ were engrav^ed

and printed for the editor by different pub-

lishers. It is a valuable w’ork, containing 632

pieces; many oi the volumes are of extreme

rarity. A selection from Its contents, under

the title * Vocal Harmony*, was published

by kN'elckcr, who also published Warren's

' Monthly Collection '. P. r.

WARREN. Joaepfa (ft. Undon, 30 Mar.

1804 : d. Bexley, Kent, $ Mar. 1881).

English pianist, organist and writer on

music. In early life he began the study of the

violin, which he gave up for the pianoforte

and organ. In 1634 he became organist of

St. Mary 's (R.C.) Chapel, Chelsea, and com-

posed some masses for Its service. He was

author of * Hints to Young Composers *• ' Hints

to Young Organists', 'Guide to Singers' and

other similar works, and editor nf Hilton’s

' Ayres, or Fa las * for three voices (for the

Musical Antiquarian Society), an English

version of Beethoven’s ' Chrisius am Olbergc

Boyce's ' Cathedral Music for which he

wrote new biographies of the composers,

including, in most cases, exhausliv’e lists of

their compocitions, and many other ^vorks.

He also compiled a * Biographical Dictionary

of Deceased Musicians *, issued in (wo parts

by R. Cocks & Co. in 1843.

w, H. H., adds. r. K.

WARREN, Uonard (ft. New York, at

Apr. 1911}.

American baritone singer. He studied sing-

ing with Sidney Dietch and later, while a

leading member of (he Metropolitan Opera,

coached wiih Giuseppe De Luca. After

graduating from Columbia University, he

first engag^ in various business activities, but

decided in 1933 to concentrate entirely upon

music. In 1937, after he liad been singing

with the Radio City Music Hall's Glee Club,

he entered for the Metropolitan Opera’s

auditions of the air. Although he knew only

live opera arias and a little of ' Rigolctto

when he sang in (he finals of this audition m

Mar. (938, his voice was so impressive that

he was et^aged by the Metropolitan for the

following season. The president of the com-

> He Ui«f calM Umelf tt'arren>Home.



ptny which spoiuortd the audiiioiu gaNX him

(5000 for six months* study in Italy.

^^’acTe^ first sang at the Nfetropolitan in an

opera concert on 27 Nov*. 1938, arvd he made

his stage debut there as Paolo in X’erdl's

'Simon Boccanegra' on 13 Jan, 1939. He

has been with the company ever Strut. He

made his South .American debut in 1^2 at

the Teatro Municipal of Rio de Janeiro and

sang tiiere and at the Trairo Colon in Buenos

Aires for six seasons, also appearing in opera

in Mexico (hty m 1948 ant) 1949. He has

given concerts in l>oth American commenis,

sung for radio and lelevisson, and ma*ie his

film d^but in * V\hen Irish Kyes are Smiling *

(1049). He is considered one of (he foremost

.\>nencan opera singers, wiih a rcprriury o(

leading parts mainly sn Italian ami Kremh

uorks. Hit voice is t xcepuonal for its volume*

and quality, and he has slioMn increasing

drainiiic abtiily, with his persuasive imprr*

soiiation of Kiguletio as hiv outst.*t ruling feat

in this respect. f. l». p*.

WARROCK, Tbomaa. S<r NNAavsKh.

WARSAW. 'Ihe fi4l<ming are die main

musival instiluliom of the I’tdidi ca|HiaI:

OnrsA, The lirvi operatic performance

took plat e in \\'arsaw in 162U during tin*

reign <)| PiKbrnundm HI n^B7-tb32). ilis

it<m and Miirrsior l^didas 1\ ^632' 481. an

artb’ni mu>ir-|o\er, estaMivhed a permanent

Opera in 1^37, 'liu* fjcrformarKes were held

in a hall called theeuum on du* first Boor of dir

royal canie anti cotisivied entin ly of Italian

r>|jcras sung by Italian lingers. TI.ey attained

a vt ry hig)i stantlard owing to the extremely

gem rtnis patronage of the king anil rn die

excellent work of ihrep Italian masters

SMf f pssiv ely eiigagrd as court niusiciaiu. rhey

were Aspriho J'acHli, Chnanni Krancesro

Anvrio and Marco bcacchi. *J he last-namni

l>e< ai7ie chapel master in 162K and remained

irt Wanaw until Mar. 1649. His successor,

liartjofnicj P^kit l, a Pole. aWy maint8int>d

the high standard of the Opera. King Jan

Oasirnir 1 1 (14 B*68;. occupied with the puliiical

lrtMil)l<>s ati<l wars which for many years look

place on Polish uill. dissolved the theatre In

1035. Not iM'fon* 1724, during the reign of

AuBiiiius II fid<i?-i733>, <^‘d a permanent

Opera again come into lieing, Ihiring tlie

last years of his reign, and rspeeially during tlie

reign of his K/n and suemsur, Augustus III

(1733-63!, many artists and musicians from

the Uri'sden Court Opera, trained hy Hasse,

pa it! frequent visits at the Polish capital.

During the reign of the last king of Poland.

Stanislas Augustus (l7fi4-93)» ihe National

Iheatrc was opened in Warsaw on 19 Nov.

• “bj. The other impuriani dale, as far

as Polish op<*ra is concerned, was n May

nyB, when the opera ‘ Misery Contenied ’ by

Kamteftski, to a libretto by DogusUwski, was

Ibr the first time publiiK pirfomied. 'I lii** is

now regarded as the first Polish opera *

After the last partition ol Poland '1 705) die

Gcrmanizaiion of tlie wcsiefii and southern,

and ihe Ruasianizaiuin of the eastern fiaris

of Polaml, inclutiiflg ^^'a^«w, wTre ruihUnsiy

carried out in the course of over lao years.

All Polish cultural instil ul ions were subjected

to a most severe censorship anti tht ir fate

was diarrd by the Warsaw Opera. It urtit

through many vicissliudcs .vnd its hisiors

presents a picture with more shadr than iighi.

The dir«‘ctor^ip of the (>|XTa during this

|ieriod was held liy Jwi'f l.hner 1 1

Karol Kuriiinski *i«i6 41 1, .Sa|>olcun .Nidetki

under whom the ore lustra was

iiicreasetl to 53 players in 1B49, Quaitrini

1 i 8$2-58<, Stanid.nv .Moniisszko 'iH3y-7ji,

and later by l.mil Mlvuarski, /vgiinini

.Soskowski. Henrvk Opimski and Zd/iNluw

Rirolaauin. .\fitr the lirst world war the

0|>rra was ret^ganiml m Kitq. Its directors

were Kind MlynarsU .thrite uidi inlervals’,

.Ma/«.rkiewM7. StrrmichAahroai.ita, Mim

KondewUMVuytlowa twite., Ma/.tr.iki ami

IXd/ytkt. ,\lter the second world war it uii«

again re..fBani/ed, and it ntiw hirnw a single

Stair esialdisimteni with the WarMu Piul*

hamiotitc 'it*

V^'Alts sw’ Pi t iLi I \R Ml >yii • . — 1 1 ;,.| y

was ItmtMitHi as a litntirtf ctimpany nnti a

concert agency with its own (xnttanetu

ttrebestra under ilw name of Kilharmunia

Warsaawska in t^ot. Its founders were

Prince ladKsmirski anti (inini /ainovski, and

its ftrsl diretlor was .Meksamler Rajchm.iti,

Ihe inaugural concert t<K>k plate in Warsaw

on % Nov. iqnt umbT its thief condurtor,

Kmil Mlvnarski. He was su<rerd<*d (>y

Gregor Fitelbrrg (1907-111. Zddslav* Uirn-

l>aum fi9if«iu Hrnrvk Melrer (ttijt-ari

and Juref O/imiAski. L'nttl the uttthreak of

the second worhl war it gave n g.tlar series of

concern on Frklay evenings, with Sunday

matinfes and scIhwI concerts <*n 'rimrsdav

nsomings. In 1947, when all the other

symphony orchestras in PolantI were re-

organised and nationalized rCracow, Kato-

wire. lAiblin, f.ddz, Poznart, Wroclaw^ the

Warsaw lltilharmonie was renamed F ill tar-

monta Stokrzna and Iwcame the City of

W'amw Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1950 it

was reorganized once again. Insleatl of one

large orchestra shared hy the State 0|X'ra and

the NVarsaw Philharmonic, two orchestral

bodies were eslaldishcd ; the Stale Opera

Orchntra and the iTii I harmonic Orchestra

i*nl V . r »l'unf»mien«o *

k? . . V. a* •' trpr^ntesl a t

'c Nk-Ui*. duonc ilir Cartiivaf of

Ihe maorr. hcKx^cr. U



Z. Gdrayrt^ki and \V. Rowicki vftrt appointed

artistic directors of the Opera and Philhar-

monic respectively. The Direccor-General of

(he Opera and Philharmonic as orte Stale

establishment is T. Buraztynowica. The I%ii-

harmonic Orchestra consists of 6$ players.

^VAasAVv Musical Society. — This was

founded in 1870 on the initiative and thanks

to the energy of a few persons; Mmc

Muchanow'Kalergis, Sianislaw MoniuszkOi

Ludwik Crossmann, Ignacy Krayianowski,

Adam Minchejmer, \V. Trosael and \Ma<l)‘S-

law W islic ki . It organized symphony concerts

and performances of the larger vocal works.

Its directors were Aleksandrr ZarT>‘cki,

Jdzef Wieniat^’ski, \Madyslaw ZeleAski. Zyg-

munt Koskov^’skh Boleslaw Domaniewdti ac^

Mieerysiaw Kariowicz. Like ihe Warsaw

Opera it went through many vkbsitudes.

Later the Society extended the scope of iis

activities and established several seetlons, ihe

aim of which was the furtherance of Polish

music, especially sacred, and ihe publication

of works by the old Polish composers. It

is now divided into sev^eral sections. Besides

the general seccion there are the following;

Church Musici Chamber Music, Chopin,

Moniuszko, Kariowicz, Szymanowski, etc.

Under the auspices of this Society the inter-

national Chopin competitions for pianists were

ozonized in Poland. In 1951 a new Com-

miiiee of Management was elected: Piotr

Rytcl (chairman), W. Koscinski and F.

Kulezycki (vice-chairmen), Mme Dzikowa

(secretary) and S. VN’ikzak (treasurer).

CiroRAL SociaTJcs, — All the larger towns

of Iceland have their choirs. In ^^'artaw the

most important are Lutnia, founded by Piotr

Maszyrtski in 1887, and Harfa, established

in 1906. They both achieved a high standard

under their permanent conductor, Waclaw


Otiirh Societcrs.— The Society of the

Friends of Ancient Mtisic was formed in Dec.

1926, the Society for the Publication of

Polish Music in 1938 in connection with the

former Society. ARer the second world war

the Polskie VN'ydawniclwo Mutyezne. know-n

as '* P.W.M.**, the greatest imiilulion for the

publication of music and books on musk in

Poland, owned by the State, w’as organized,

but has its headquarters at Cracow, lis

director has been Tadeusz Oehlewski. The

Polish Section of the I.S.C.M., abo at

Cr&<o^v, was organized in >Varsaw in

J937. For many years its presideni was Pr^.

Zbigniew Dracwiecki, who in 1949 was

succeeded by Artur Malawski. ** ZAIKS ",

whose full name is Zwlqzek Auiorbw,

Kompozytordw i ^Vydawedw (Union of

Authors, Composers and Publishers), was

organized soon after the first world war. It is

represented in Great Britain by the Performing

Right Society. It is divided (1953) into 14

sections (Serious Music, Light Music, Plays,

Publishers of Musk, Publishers of Books,

Librettists, etc., etc.). The chairman of the

GouncU is Adam Wieniawski. The Zwiqzek

Kompozytorpw Polskich (Union of Polish

Composers) was founded soon after the first

w^ld war as an association; later it was

reorganized into a purely professional body,

changing its name from ** association " to

" union The chairman is Dr. Tadeusz

Szeligowskt, the general secretary Wawrzynlcc

Zulawski (1933). The Zwiqzek Zawodowy

Muzykdw (Union of Polish Musicians), a

union of professional musicians, was organized

shortly j/ier (he first world war to uphold

(he rights of its members. After 1945 U was

reorganized. Its chairman is M'itold Wroriski

(' 949 )-

OtHeft IwTtTVTtOw.— The Warsaw Siring

Quartet was founded in 1885 by Sianislaw

Barcewicz, Bonifacy Szalowski, Klein and

N. Cink. It ended its activities with the

death of Szalowski in I 993 <

The State Music PKze, insiiiuied in Warsaw

in 1918, has since been awarded annually.

The amount at first was 1 0,000 zlotys (r.

soon afterwards increased 10 15,000 zlotys

(c. ;^Coo), and since the second world war il

appears (o have been IncrraKd again.

The Frydery k Chopin Institute was founded

in Warsaw in 1 934 in memory of the composer.

Il issues an annual review dedicated to him

and eolleets his manuscripts. Afier the second

world war it began publishing the newly

resdsed collecied edition of Chopin's works,

prepared before 1 940 at Morges in Switzerland

by Prof, J6cef Turczyfiskl and Dr. Ludwik

Bronarski under the personal supervision of


L.I.M. (Ludowy Insryiul Muzyezny, the

Polk Institute of Musk) was founded in the

summer of 1945 thanks to the inliiailvc of

a group of musicians (Lasocki, Mroszcsyk,

Rudzifiski, Szpinalski and Szubzda) whcM

principal aim was (he promotion of music and

ils appreciation among the Polish masses,

whom it assists with technical equipment

(instruments, puWications, etc.), and the

organization of travelling concert tearm

which give performances in the musically

backwartl regions. .

The Phonographic Archive, organized m

Warsaw, was rransferred to Poznad just alter

(he second world war. Its director is Manan

Sobieski (1953). . .

The State Institute of Folk Arr, orgaruzeO

after the second world war for the cultivation

of peasant art, issues a monthly iwew,

’ Polish Peasant Art with a summary of the

articles in Englbh, French and Russia. It

orssmizes faiivals of folk art (concerts, dances,

cwnpetitions, exhibitions, etc.). Its director




has been Mahan Sobieski (IQ53).

Polskie Radio was foundi^ as a limiiail

company in 1925. Since ihe second world

war ii has been reorganized and is conirolicd

by the Sute. The direcior of chc Music

Division lias been Roman Jasihski, his

deputy Jerzy Kolactitowski (1953). Since

1935 the Polskie Radio has possessed Its own

symphony orchest ra. From the vei^* beginning

until (o*day, excluding the war years, its

eonducior has been Cregor Kiirkberg. Until

1930 (be orchestra resided in Warsaw, but

since the war ii has been stationed ai Kaio*

wire, Poland is divided into eiglii radio

areas which are covered l>y eigUi rtgional

wirc|i*ss staiions apart frotri NNarsaw. 1'n

some of them permanent choral or orchesrral

ensembles are attached. Hy 1931 it was

constituted as follows;

Warsaw (headquartrn). An orclu'stra

(30 playersj, conductor Stefan Rachon. a

darice hand C18 p^ayen), coruJurior Jan

Cajmrr, the Polskie Radio Choir fa4 singers),

conducted by Jerzy Kolaczkowski ;

hydgoszcz. An orchestra (30 players),

eonducKxl by Arnold Rezler;

Cracow. An orchestra ami a choir (40

players and 1 8 singers), comlucinr Jerzy Ccri j

Katowice. The l^oiskiv Radio Symphony

Orchciua (100 players), eumJucior Gregor

FiU'lberg, assistant conductor Jan Krenz;

hOdi Oicad of music Nticczyslaw Drobner),

a choir and orchestra of conductor A.

Tarski j

Poanah (Prancissck Lukasiewicz) ;

GdaiSsk (Stefan Wodziezko) ;

Szczecin (U'ladyslaw G6rayiWki) ;

WrcRlaw (Pioir l^boz), choir (60), chorus

master W, O^wiej, orchestra (33), comliici(*r

*1'. $cvedyrtski.

Until 1 939 the Polskie Radio issued a weekly

magazine callrrl VNnlena* (‘Aerial'). Since

the second world war it has been iMuing a

weekly called • Radio i Swiat ' (* Radio and

the World ’).

Educatiov, — A school of singing and

elocution was founded by jozef Eisner in

Warsaw in 1616. Two years later he sub*

miticd a plan to the Education Committee

which after much opposition was hnally

approved, and the Conservatory in Warsaw

came into being with KIsner as its line director

in 1821. After the unsuccessful rising against

tsarist Russia (1830-31) the Russian authori-

ties as an act of retribution closed down the

(^•nservatory in 1831. During its very short

hut active life it educated quite a number

of pupils, the most famous of whom was


In (8$} it was reopened under the director-

ship of Apolinary Kqiski (de Kontskit under

the name of Musical Institute, but it soon

reverted to its original name. Since 1919 the

Conscoaioiy has been a state ins liiu lion.

Its directors w’crc Apolinary K^iski (1 80 1-79),

•Alcktander Zarzyeki <1879-95), StanisUw

Barccwicz, F.mil .Miynarski (twice), Henryk

Melcrr (1922-36). Karol Szymanowski (193&-

I9i8t, Eugeniusr Moraw'ski (1930-45), StanR-

taw Kazuro (1945-51), Sianislaw Szpinalski


The CI>opin Schoed of Mu^ic was foundtxl

by Wladyslaw Z«*lcnski in Warsaw' in 18C1.

It is owned to-day by the \S'arsaw Nfusical

Society. In 1949 it was reorganized and

divided into higher, iniermediati* and lower

sections, and an a[>preciauim school of music.

Its director has Itei n Adam Wicniawski.

.Neeording to the list of music schools issued

by the Ministry of Culture and .\ris U5 Jtdy

1948; there are in Poland 30 sch<N)h of music

owned by the stale, a8 public schools </f

music not owned by iJtr stair, and 1 1 7 pri\aic

sclio'iU of music. 1 o iIk' firti category' iH’long

C high uhtHils of music in Warsaw, Oacuw,

KaiowKc, IamIz, Poznan and Sopot ; an

opera high kImkiI at Po/nati : 10 iniermrdiute

sf Isools of Miusie (Uarvaw. Ilydgtrsziz, Graeow,

Gdadsk, Gdynia, Lublin, l.mlz, Puznart,

Sopot. Torun; ; 8 lower riiusic siIkkiIs

^ Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Gdynia, Lublin, Ldd?,

IWnad. Sopot. Turutii ; a primary' sctiool r»f

music and a music lyccum, Wh at Kaiowhc;

3 scIhwIs of musical ap|>refiaiiun (Cracow*,

Luldin and Poznaiij.

Until 1939 courses in mucieology wtcc lie|<|

at else Mlvw'ing universities ; \Varsaw,

Cracow, Lw6w and J*oznah. By 1953 chore

were courses in Warsaw iPr</f. Dr- Zofia

Ju«4', at Cracow (l*rof. J)r. Zd/Islaw

Jachimccki, Lecturer Dr. Jo/ef Reiss), at

l^li (Senior Asdsiant Lciiurcr Ur. Alicja

Sirrson), at I'oznah (Senior Assistant l^iurcr

Dr. Ntaria Saezepanska) and at \\roclaw

(Lecturer Abb^ Ur. flioronim Fokhi).

c. a. It.

"ARTEL. French family of musicians,

<i) Pierre Fnogoia Wartel ,b. V ersailles,

3 Apr. 1806; d. pjiis, 3 Aug. iftSz), tenor

singer and teacher. From 1823 to 18-28 he

studied at Choron's Khool of music In Paris

and aftcrw’ards at the Conservatoire under

Bandrrali and Nournt, where he obtained

a first prize for singing. From 1B3: to 1846

he play-ed small tenor parts at ihe Opera.

He afterwards sang with success in Germany,

but on hts return to Paris devoted lumsclf

entirely to teaching. He was considered

oncof the b«i teachers of the dav, and among

his pu(d)5 must [fc named Clirisline Mlsson,

Trebclli, Mile Hisson (Opwa), «ic. VV'artc-l

has another claim to distinction, having inlro*

duced into France and popularize<l Schubert’s

*ongs. fndeed it was he who drew the atten-

iwm of the Viennese to them in 1 842, at a time

when Schubert was completely eclipsed by



1 88

Proch, Hackel, etc., and an occasionaJ per-

formance of the ‘ Wanderer ' was ihe only

sign of his existence.'

<2) Atale Thermae Aaaeete Wartel (bom

^riea) (^. Paris, 2 July *814; rf, Paris, 8

Nov. (865), pianist and composer, wfe of the

preceding. She was the daughter of a vMinUt

at the Opera and leader of the Conservatoire

orchestra. She received instruction in musk

at the Conservatoire, was appointed accom-

panist there and in 1831 obtained a professor-

sit ip, which she resigned in 183S. She was

the hrst woman instrumentalist ever engaged

by the Scekt^ des Concerts. In 1839 she

visited England with her husband and gave

a concert at the house of Mr. Crete, where

she played Mendelssohn's pianoforte Trio

in 1 ) minor with Joachim and Piatti. She

composed Studies and other works, including

her * Lessons on the Pianoforte Sonatas of


(3) Louis £oaiie Wartel Paris, 31

Mar. 1834; d. ?), singer and teacher, son

of the preceding. He ^vas engaged at the

Tlkitre-Lyrique in Paris from 1858 to 1865

and aRerwards established a vocal school of

his own, A. c.

W*ri«». Jo**pb. S<t ClalUen (* 04 « m famv'l


WARTON,MRS. 5 m Mahok (5).

WARWICK (Warwick*, Warrock),

Thomas ( 1 ) (ft. ? ; d. ?),

Englhh :6th- 1 7th« century organist and

compusrr. He was a descendant of an old

Cumberland family whose seat was at NVar-

wick Hall, some four miles from Carlisle. He

married Elizabeth, daughter of John Somrr-

ville, of /Sston Somerville, and b>' her veas the

father of Sir Philip Warwick (^. 1609), who

was Secretary to the Treasury to Charles II.

He succeeded John Bull as organist of Here-

ford Cathedral in 1386 and held this post

until 1589. His name appears among the

benefactors to the library of the viears<horal

at Hereford. j. k. (li).

WARWICK (Warwick*, Warrook),

Thomas (U) (6. ? ; d. London, i<^).

English organist and composer, son of the

preceding. He succeeded Orlando Gibbons

as organist of the Chapel Royal in London.

Gibbons died In 1833, but there is rto indka-

tion of M'ar wick's appointment until 1630,

when on 29 Mar. he had to forfeit a month's


b«<*uM he prewmed (o «eew *n the oeitaa at

s^ntirr lyme. bcin* Tornwrlv iAhibii«d by ik« l>r»ne

from doince the ubm. by of hs iAwfB<MtiCY for

(h*i lokmn scrrice.

In 1641 he appears as musician '* for the

Vif^inall ” and on ty Nov. 1660 a warrant

was issued “ to admit Christopher Gibbons

musician upon the virginalU in place of

Thomas Warwick deceased, with the yearly

* Hanilicli. ' CoA«eriM«ut *, p, 346.

wages of to be paid quarterly ”. A

‘ Pavano ’ and ‘ Galiardo ’ by Warwick U in

the Fiuwilliam Virginal Book, and Thomas

Tomkins's madrigal, ‘ When 1 observe

included in his ' Songs of 3, 4, 5 and 6 parts '

(tSds), is dedicated to “Mr. Thomas War-

wicke He is said by Hawkins to have

composed a song in 40 parts performed before

Charles I about 1633, and Anthony Wood

refers to him as onanist of Westminster Abbey,

but this is unsupported by the Abbey records.


1 UA mine eyes. * 5. Ch. Ch. j6-6o, Bss ^ri waotinr ;

Had. 0343 / 14 . Wofds only.

I lift mv Kan up to i|t« hilb, • 5 . B.M. Add. MSS

_ Cmttu. Uau and situs paru only.

O Qod of my aalvaiKsn, a y P.H. ; 6uth. ; Ch. Ch.

30-4*. BaH pan waAiini; B.M. Add. MSS

K . 4 ) 4 . 70 . Tfm tmstnt part only ; Harl, 6343/ 1 aS.

ofdi enly.

J. M. (ii),

WaaUsatM* <je«rf*. Sn Bull <0., memctial

PWC«>. Kfrnek (Van. lut pf.).

WASIELEWSKY, Joa«ph (Wilhelm)

von [b. Gross Leesen nr. Danzig, ij June

163a; d. Sondcfihausen, 13 Dec. 1896).

German violinist, conductor and author.

On 3 Apr. 1843 he entered the Conservatory

at Leipzig under Mendeissolm's personal

teaching. Other branches he learned under

David and Hauptmann, and he remained In

the institution till Easter td43. He acted

as music critic for the * Signalc ' Lcipsiger

Zeiturtg', 'Dresdencr Journal', etc. He played

in the orchestras of the theatre, the Gewand*

haus and the Euterpe concerts, till 1830, when

he left for Dusseldorf at the invitation of

Schumann, remaining there for tw’O years,

fn May 1832 he removed to Bonn and became

conductor of the Concordia, the Gesangverein

and the Beethoven- VereJn. /^ftcr three yean

he exchanged this for Dresden. In 1669 he

was recalled to Bonn as ** Town Music Direc-

tor He withdrew from this appointment In

1884 and retired to Sondershausen.

In 1838 ^Vas^elcu'sky published his bio-

graphy of Schumann (2nd and 3rd eds. t 869

asKl i860) : in (869 his excellent book on

'Die Violine und ihre Melsler' (and ed.

considerably augmented 1863, 3rd, 1893).

In 1874 appeared 'Die Violine im XVIi.

Jahrhundert und die Anfange dcr Iiulru*

mentalcomposition ' (Borui), with an mlerest-

ing collection cf *' Instrumentalsairc" by

way of supplement to it. Further literary

w'orfcs were ' Geehichtc der Instrumental*

musik im XVJ. Jahrhundert ' («878} ; ‘ M^*

kalische f ursten vom MIttclaher bis su Beginn

des XIX. jahrhunderts' (1879); 'Schuman*

niM.*- (.883); -Bmhoven’ (.888); 'D«

\’iolonce]] und seine Geschichcc (: 889 i <

( I 88 q) ; ‘ Karl Reineckc ' ( 1 892) : ‘ Aus

siebrig jahren’ (1897)* ^ contributed

much to musical periodicals, and as a com-

poser wtotc some partsongs and a Nocturne




for violin and pianoforte. He had a decora*

lion from the Duke of Meimngen (1871) and

was a Royal Music Director (1673) and a

member of llie Accademia Ftlamionica ai

Bologna. o.

WASOWSKI, Andraej (i. W’artaw, 04

Jan. 1921)-

Pulish pianist. He studied under Nfme

Tcomblni-Kaauro at the NVarsaw Consena-

(ory. During the second ts'orld war he con*

tinued his studies first under Igumno\’ in the

U..S.S.R.. where at the same time he gave

many pianoforte recitals, then under Friedrkh

SVuhrer in Vienna, lie made his Uvidon

debut at the \N'igmore Hall on 33 Mar, 1946,

warmly received both by press and puWk.

He now lives in Belgium. r. a. «.

WASSERMANN, Heisr^eh Joseph h.

Schwarihach nr. Kulda, Hesse, 3 Apr. 1791;

</. Kichen nr. Bawl, 3 ^pt. 1838^

(•rrman viulini^t and composer. He was

the son of a village musician and sIucIhhI

un<|« r Canlor Henkel at Fulda and Sp<ihr at

Oolha. He was violinist at the eiiurt of

Hechingrn, KafHUmriUrr at Zurich, chantWr

musician at Donaueschingen, ntmlirt Jt (k 4 fHUt

at Geneva and finally seltled at R.ur l. Hr

composed three qurtricls, one wiih flute,

violin duets, dances f«»r orchestra, fantasies

and variations for violm and string (|uartrt,

also with pianoforte, 1

ci^jrr.T.T' ^

WASTE VALVE. .\ safety vaKv for

organ l>ellows,


or# Ht.tix J<n avSi,s, Lis.

WATER MUSIC. THE. .\ series of In-

slrunterital moveoKiUs composed by HarHiel.'

It consists of twentymne irKncmenu. llie

original autograph has disappeareil, bstc

two ntovcmenw, undatc<i and dillering ctm-

sKirralily from the prmleil ct»pje», will |>e

found In B.M. A<I<1. MSS 30.31©. 'IV

earliest punted edition is that of Walsh

published In 1740, w. 5. a.

WATERMAN, Richard (AJao) {*. .SqI.

vang. California. 10 July l9t4J.

American anthropologist and writer on

music. He studied at Santa Barbara Coil«rr.

(.all forma, gaining the B..A. in 1937, at Clarr-

moni (.Mlk-ge, where he became an M,.\. in

*941, and at North western UnisTfsiiy, lllinob

where he obtained the Fh.D. in 1943. For tb«

next two years he was an instructor in anthro-

pology at Nonhwcsiem Unlvcnity and fnan

•94.5 10 igjr he was Assistant Professor of

Authropohigy at the tame Univenity, being

app<«ntcd Aisociate Professor in 1951. He

dirt field rweareh in the folk music of Puerto

Kico m 1946 and m Afro-Cuban religious cull

W>’ £!»;? 0*PPOWd hKKKV - W H4HD.V.

mu»c iwo yean later. Since t946 he has

served on the Council of the American

.Anthropological .Association and since 1949

he has been chaleiitan of the Committee on

Research of the .American Folkh^re S<>ciety.

He is a nxrml»er uf Phi Ik'ia Kappa and of the

Society of the Sigma Xi. and in 1951 h^- was

appointed tu the 0>unc|] of the .Xim-rlean

Musicologieal .Association.

W’atennan has com])ih'd a bihliography of

.Asiatic music, published serially in th<* ' Nou s’

of the Music IJbrary .Association fl)ec. 1047-

1930; and a pamphlet on Puerto Rican

Folksongs for the L*.S,,\. (iovernmcnt. pul>«

lithed in 1947. Ills other articles Imlurte the

fvl lowing ;

•Ih-l RhtiaiM ill \e<r« Mmsk* Ainir Mii*koI.

>*** . »rH«Ac leta,,

MuofA ik <ul<M ' '• UCVKW tk fMu^lioi

*, Jkc. iy»q».

• Ihwl ( 4.irf. U ,n CMf.k J„nrn.

JiU t. 4 k Slo^ <:.>MHil, y AI. Ill, (if^i

Vlm^n ii» iI,^ M,,,,. u* Awik.in’

rr.«. vl iIm* WIXili Ini. ( ioiivieu <ir.%nicri< .ii.ivit,


WATERS, Edward (Neighbor) i.

f.eavrnwiifih. Kamas, J3julv iifo()i,

Aiiwrican rMmi<oh>g|>t, Me uiidie<l a I the

lasiman hefoKd of Music, K«Mhesier L nlver*

siiy. \,V., rerun 1923 to iruJI, Ixxoming a

Mus.Bac, in 1927 and an M.M. the foUouing

year. From 1923 to 1930 he taught ihr piano-

forie and organ and acte<l as director of

various chmrs privutelv, and in 1930-31 hr

wa» a maclM-r at Juniata College, Huntingdon,

lasadena. Hr then I>rcarne awiuaiit in the

Music Ihxiuon of Uie Uhran* of Congress (iif

six years and in iri37-3« was a Ictiurrr in

bibJsography and mudeoingy at the Catholic

University of .\inerlra. Washington. Since

Ihen he has worked as assisiatil chief of the

.NIosic DtMsMHs of the Library of Congress.

From 1941 to 194$ he was pcsidcni of the

SXvsic Library Atw--iat:on and in i94t)-4-

l»c was chairman of the (x.uncil of National

l.il)rafy .\sv*e*atlo:is. He was secretary of

the Ameriean Musicologieal Society in iriay

and again in 194^*. and since 19VI he has lH*en

s^rclary of the Committee on Slusn ology for

the American Council of Learned .Societies.

He wrote the programme notes for the

Natimsal Symphony Orrhrstra of \\ asldngion

tivm 1934 to 1943, and he has produeexi a

number of articlei, including • Panorama dc

musieales (,9 <h)-,94,^ . ror

i-«**no Americano dc MOslea

Vol. \ . Other articles include the following :

of NJwic '

. ^ ‘♦-‘hw • <iM.. 1944)



WATSON (Thomas)

* A Brahmt M»nw«cnpt : th« SehkksaMiH * {* Ouartcrly

« »urnal of Current AcqubiiiMt Lib. ^ Cm 4TC*».

ol. III. 1946',

* Cmhwin'i RhaiMody to BJue * Vol. IV, IM?)

• Liiti** Sotrto de Vknn* • (i*rV., VoJ. VI. t 949 >.

*ili« Music Colltcivon of (be Heiaeoujt Fou^oiioA*

<‘ Notes •, Vol. VII. 19J0). U H

WATKJN*MILLS, Robert (i. Paiiuwick,

Gloucesicrshirf, 5 Mar. 1856; rf. Toronto,

Dec. 1930).

English bass • baritone singer. He was

taught singing by Edwin Holland in London,

by Federico Blasco at Nfilan and on his return

to London by Blume. On 17 May 1884 he

made his d^but there at a Crystal Palace

concert. On dt May tol lowing he made a

single appearance on the stage at Birming-

ham with the Carl Rosa Company as Bal-

dassare in an English sersion of Donizetti’s

' La Favorita' and was ofTcred a permanent

engagement, u hich he declined in favour of a

concert career. On 1 Jan, 1885 he created

a favourable impression at the Albert Hall in

London in Handel's ' Messiah ’. On 14 Feb.

he 6rst appeared at the Popular Concerts.

In the autumn of the same year he sang at

the Birmingham Festival in the production

of Stanford’s 'Three Holy C/hildren’. Thence-

for\vai'd he liccame a favourite bass* baritone

singer at all the principal concerts and

fcsiivah, and after 1894 he made several

tours in Canada, the U.S.A. and Atistralasia,

etc., with (he greatest success. He ultimately

settled at loronio, as a teacher, and with

his wife, organist of the Knox Presbyterian

Church, established the Watkln-MMIs Music

Club. A. c.

Waihyns. Rowland. St* Naylof (f., eaauia).

WATLEN,Joho (A ? ; d. ?).

Scottish :8(h-igih*century mtisic publisher,

music and musical -instrument seller and

musician. He was originally in the employ

of Corri & Sutherland of Edinburgh and

started publishing from his private house, 17

Princes Street, in 1791. In i793'-93 his

business premises were at 13 North foidge

and from 1793 to t79d at 34 North Bridge,

with an additional address for a lime at 34

North Bridge, Francis Llnley of 43 Penion

Street, Pcnionville, was his London agent,

but some of Watlen's publications have the

London address 1 Charlotte Row, Long Lane,

Southwark. In J798 he became bankrupt

and his stock* In-trade was sold, after which

he continued to teach and pubibh at his

house. The Hermitage, Abbeyhill, near Holy-


About sdoo Watlen moved to 3 Upper

James's Street, Golden Square, London, and

soon aAer became a partner in the firm of

Cobb & Wallen at 1 9 Tavistock Street, Covent

Garden {<. (8005) and at (86 Piccadilly (c.

1805-6}. From 1806 to j8t8 he publish^

alone at 5 Leicester Place, Leicester Square,

and from (818 to 1839 at 13 Leicester Street,

Leicester Square. Besides sheet songs, etc., by

other composers, he published a number of

his own works, sonatas, concertos, dcKripdvc

pieces, etc., on one of which he suicd that

he was formerly of Salisbury Cathedral, late

onanist of Bombay and an officer in the

Royal Navy. Kidson says that he claimed to

be “patentee of the oblique pianoforte, so

much admired for its full and melodious tone,

the only patent piano now extant

w. c. s.

R. M. ^ ScMt (C., 15 Mn;*).

WATSON, Sydney ( 4 . Manchester, 3

Sept. 1903).

English onanist, pianist, conductor and

cOTiposer. He came from Warwick School

to the R.C.hf. in London, to study the organ.

Sept. (931 to July 1933, and proceeded

thence in the foHowing year to Kcble College,

Oxford, with an organ scholarship. His first

academic post was as assistant music master

at Stowe School from 1925 to 1936. From

1939 to 1933 he was precentor at Radley

C^Je^. In 1933 he returned to Oxford as

organist at New College in succession to

Dr. tv. H. Harris, and there he remained till

he succeeded Dr. (now Sir) George Dyson

at tVinchesier College In 1938. In 1946 he

became Direcior of Music at Eton College.

tVliilc he was at New College he submiticd

himself in the normal way for examination by

the R.C.O., which won him some faw>urable

comment, the degree of F.R.C.O. and the

Lafontaine prize.

At Oxford U’atson held as supplementary

appointments the organist’s post of the Shel*

doitian Theatre and the directorship of the

Balliol Goneeru ; he also taught and examined

for the University degrees in music. But the

chief development of this stage in his career

was his emergence as a successful conductor.

He took over the small Oxford Harmonic

Society in 1933 and the Oxford Orchestral

Society in 1936, and did outstandingly good

vrofk with both. His published compositions

arc church music. The talc of his all-round

musicianship is completed by the excellence

of his pianoforte playing.

WATSON, Thomas ( 4 . ? London, ? ; dJ.

t. 1593).

i^lish poet and musical editor. He put

forth in 1590

Ttw fi»* t«t of lulon Midng«Jl* Enirl«»hed, »

(he MfM of ihe orijtirall dink, Wt ih«

Ok No***, Bv Thorn** TTxr* »re

imerwO (WO ewllrtt ^f»<lnr*ll* of

Bwd » tfompowO *lkf (he luiiw* viu« •( the nqoai

ofihe uyd Then** W*uen.

It is dedicated in a Laun metrical epistle to

Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and there is

also a similar epistle addressed to Lum

M ar«>zio, from whose works twenty-tf^ «

Ihc twenty-«fhi madrigab included in ihc




pubU<au<m were iaken. Waiaon b con-

jee ly red lo have been tdencioal with Thomas

y> aison» a native of London, who after stud ying

poetry for some time at Oxford, retumexi to

Lontton to study law. A eoJIection of sonnets

by him entUW 'Hecatompaihia, or Passion-

ate Ceniurie of Love was licensed in tjSr.

and some poems by him were insertrd in

England’s Helicon 1614. w. ii. m.

W4W9». (Si*) WUIUm. .Vr CiMk (C. A., ‘

or&emin«twAicr \K»asJ. Quil«r <iun«).

WATT, Henry Jackson (♦. Aberdeen, ts

July 1878; d. Gla^gw, 25 Oet. 1923.

•Scottish psychologist in music. He was to

Britain what Siumpf and Hornbostel were

u» Germany, save that >Vaci was a pioneer in

hUnwn pariirulareomributktm to the psy^hcK

physics of sound. Lducaicd at Aberdeen

Grammar Sv*h<Md, where hr was da r G 8931, he

rnirred the fnivrrsiiy U Aberdeen (i^>,

taking his M.A. ( 1900; with first-class Honours

in mcriul philosophy, winning ihr Hutton

Ffue. the Bain Gold Medal and the Fvdiarlon

Sthtdarship. (n 1901 lie became aWunl to

l>r. \V, L. I)avid««>n, the IVnfessor of lj*gk.

but during the summer semester c*f that >Tar

he was at Berlin, wIhtc he atiernled the lec-

tures ofDrsv.ir, Dikhev, l.as«m, Paulsen ami

hlumpf, l>emg deeply impressed b> the last-

named, It wat there that l>e turned hit

altetjii«»n to experimental pvyel>nlogy. Jn

iVU he took himself to the University of

SV ur^burg where lie studied under Kul)>e and

MnrlK>. He remained some years, sircriglh.

rned by a Garnegk' SchularsUip <1903-4) and

a Carnegie JVIIuu^hip (ipo)-?). P<^ a bril-

ham thesis. •J:,xprri nun III Ic Beilrage au einer

Iheoric des IVnkrns ' (Wuraborg. locu) lie

was awartlesi ihe Ph.l>. degree, f.dlowing

this U ait ini mediately sprung into the frmii

rank among tJic younger |ayi)iologkit. Still

prtjpuruijng rrwarcher in inemi>ry, react itw»

and after-images, lie <<>ncribuird seseral

thoughthil articles to ihc German scientific

jmirnals whUh centred further attention uix>n


in 1907 he waa appointed lecturer in

Psycho- physiology at the University of Livirr-

ptHil, where his asset iaiion with Sir Charles S

Shrrringlon, the Pw/fstor of Physiolcgy!

prompted liis thesH'iw «.n Integra ih«, first

aovaiicrd m his paper ’ Some PfoWems of

^nsury Inicgraiiou • (• Brlltdi Journal of

IsycHolugy^, ,3,0). Alierdccri University

conferred on him the degree of D.Phd. In lot t.

Meanwhile he had been appointed Lecturer in

Experimental Psychology at the University of

Glasgow (tgo8), and it was there that music

became the subject of hLs invesiigattom in

working out “a tomp.irativc method of ana-

lyst of nsory experience 1 1 U marriage with

f/iTirude Nellie Smith (rf. 192*/), a cultivated

musician and gifted pianist, greatly enhanced

hU interest and studies in this new field, as

we sec In such articles as * i*s)cl»ologicaI

AnaJysb and Theory of Hearing ' (1914^ A

Theory of Dinaural Hearing’ (1920; and

‘Funciioni of the Sure of Intervals in the Songs

of Schubert and of the Cliippewa and Teton

Sioux Indians* (19241 in the * Briiisii Journal

of Psychology and ' The Imporumc ol the

^nsory AuriUiie of Order’ (J920) in ’ Mind

To musiciaiu in general he was bciicr ktiown

by his contrilmiioiu to SI. & L., ••spccialJy Jiis

‘ HcImJtoJu \ * Rule and Law ’ 11923), ‘ In

Turn- ’ {1924) and ' On Listening to Music ’

(1926;. Of greater imjsgriancu svctc Ins

liookt, ‘ J*he l^svthology of Sound ’ i,Cam-

lifidgc, 19*71 and ‘Use Toundj lions of

Mude ^ (Cknnbridge, 1920). I hc first was

primarily addrvvwd to psyc)iij|<igiii> and

ph>»i<>kigin%, and in 11 wj, dc vcIoiKxJ what

wc'imj to Ihcjuihof to be ‘the only system-

atic ally true and promising theory" of the

plwnomena ol sound. In the KCotid book he

sought lo satisfy the musk ian and psythojogki,

and essayexJ " tc» brnlge the gulf between the

plAsiolcigk .il rU’inenis and prcMrcH’s of inudc

on the one liaiMl. and on the mlier I he semury

siufl and lunciion of music as the muskian

observes ilwni Un last work, save hU book

on the * Catininoji Sense id l2reams ’ (\N’or-

cester, L*.-V,V, 1929; publislKxJ |>osllium<>usly,

was • riw Sensory Basis and Structure of

Kisowfedgc’ (IakkIoi*. *925/, wlmh "a

general «x|>osiiion erf the |>ure jisychology of

*ensory cxperwiKC ’, upuii whkh he had

worked for vescnieen years, wlien lie was cut

off In Use priiise of llle. In J914, when on a

vwil to hi> old fnetuJ and teat Her Kuipc at

Wurzburg, he was caught wheti war was de-

clared and sent as 1 civilian prisoner of w.ir

to a coneciiiratioo camp. Here his licnlih

broke dow.i and Ik was invalided home in

19*5- He never recovered, and in 1925,

when carrying out investigations m ahmpiul

he comratird a disease from whiclj he dlcd-

J> VV.,

B«c. Ill loriMwecoK, Hteioa

H«aU ‘, rytki i 9 »s

vv*T^ II. / •Ihe tUwM.on s^nse of tbeanu*. bio.

inoiMluciHM iWofiMler. U.S.A., I02$)

I KoccliJin • Uis.n* \ e»|»«

Ul^n. <>IU-U«h / ^rgrrs sk VV-t.f*u Ulleo. ’

.^■***' p‘ St* Mdlvnl (thoral song), SiAiifuni

(mcnsofial ^mplHHiyr. •/.••••vn,

wnSIa'tltS?**' ^ WiUun.s (li>mn for

Em.. - Hi ft. Vieroa, ' Isaw W»tu and A.c

^^tnbouen w Lak1>Ui • (New York*

WATTS, John (k. ?, 1678; rf. London,

Sept. I7b3/. ’

English Ujoksellcf and printer. Benjamin

trankhn served with him as a journeyman

when he wa* in London. Wmis was esiab-

m Udd Court, Lincoln’s Inn Helds,

beJore lyab, and in conjunction with Jacob

JoAsoti published plays and miscellaneous




NN’orks. 'Die introduction of ih« balUd opera

at Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre brought >Vatts

into brisk trade in the publication of the operas

performed there. He published the firet and

later editions of* The Behai’s Opera * (i728«

music e^gra^cd), and after this practically

the whole of the series of ballad operas as

they were performed. I'hcse editions have

the airs for the songs in the operas printed

from engraved tvood blocks and are especially

valuable for giving the old names of the tunes.

Another important work in six volumes is

‘The Musical Miscellany* (1729-31), which

was reissued with different titles to the volumes

(' The Harp ‘ The Spin net ‘ The Violin *,

etc.) by J. Wren (r. 1750).

r. K-, rev. sv. c. s.

WAULIN, AJexaoder (6. Abramzevo nr.

Moscow, 3u Jan. 1B94).

Russian com|>o»er. Having concluded hU

general education in St. Petersburg (1912),

he turned entirely to music and studied

privately under various teachers, r.g. M.

Gubko, F. Bronlin, A. Lourie, B. V. AmAcv,

etc. After the October Revolution he look

an important part in the new o^anixation of

Russian music, but later he emigrated to

Koriula (Yugoslavia) and in 1923 he settled

down in Prague, where he has since been

living and working (1932) as an ardent ad«

hi'rent of Czech music. Among his works

favourably received and published both in

Moscow and Prague should be mentioned 3

airing (|uaricls and a considerable amount ti

other chamber music for various romblnations

of instruments, 3 pianoforte sonatas and

several sets of jiianoforie pieces, and e>xles

of songs. He has also wTitten occasional

informative articles on Russian musk.

o. t.

WAVE ORGAN. Stt ElicirOpho.sic Ik-


WAVES. A i6th-ceniury English term for

a small type of contrapuntal composition in

2 or 3 parts on a ctmftu firmiu, intended mainly

for either practice in polyphonic writing or

instrumental playing. HughM. Miller {M.Q.,

XXXIII, 343, 1947) describes a set of little

keyboard pieces of the kind, to be found in

an anonymous manuscript (D.M,, Add. MSS

29,996, ff. i92-93» ««*ilRd 'Pretty

\Vaycs ; for Young Beginners to Looke on *.

It contains iC diminutive compositions, the

shortest of them only 6 ban in length, all but

one in 2 parts (the exceptional one in 3 being

in canon) and based in passacaglia style on

part of the pJainsong hymn-tune 'Jam lucis

or 10 Mldcrc '. The <biiIus firoms k in the bass

throughout except In No. 13. and while its

notcf al way's remain exactly the same in order,

it U not only rhythmically varied but metri-

cally subdivided in different ways. Thccountcr-

polnls set against it indulge in all wis <if

rhythmic divenitses, including syncopations

and duplets set against triplets. The par-

ticular problem the composer sec himself and

his pupil is described at the head of most of the

pieces — “ Counterpoynic long and short”,

“ Indenting counterpoynte ”, ” Q^adriple by

three ”, *• Crotchet, minum and crotchet ”,

“ Triple to the minum ”, ” 2 parts in one ",

and so on, much as in a modem work for

the pianoforte which has very similar peda-

gogic alms — Bartok's ‘ Microcosm '.

B. B.

Sm Wceiton (T.).

WAYLETT (or Way let). English iSth-

century family of music sellers. They were

established in London about 1743^5, and

their relationship is not clear.

(1) Henry Waylett {^. ?; d. musical-

instrument maker, printer and publisher, who

was established in 1743 or earlier, at "The

Blaek Lyon” In Exeter Change (or Exchange)

in the Strand, where he remained in business

until 1763, when he was succeeded by Richard

Bride. He had the honour of issuing the hrst

edition of ' Rule Britannia which formed

part of the following publication :

The MuvK Ml the Jvid«n>rnt of Fstii , . . Te vrhkli

I By fiatiwular Umre^ Sevenl Cn rourafrn of thii tv'»rk)

are added Tlic celebrated Ode, ia Hongur of Creai-

BfMain Call’d Rule AHuMia. And Sawney A Jenny, a

fevMiriic Oialgcue in >'« Scotch $ok. The whole

Compot'd b> Thomu Aucu^ine Ame. Opera Sewa.

This vv'^k appeared some time after 2i

Sept. 1743. It has been wrongly attributed to

Jan. 1 741, because of the royal licence granted

to Amo to print his works, dated 39 Jan. i74b

a copy of vvhkh vvas included in the volume.

It it quite clear, howover, from a notice in

‘The Daily Advortiscr' for 21 Sepi. 1745 that

Ante had not ittued the work up to that


Among Henry tN'ayleit's other publications

were C. Corona's ‘ Si* Sonatas for Two

German Flutes' (r. *745); T. Davis's

' Twenty Familiar English and Scotch Ain

for Two German Flutes ’ (r. i 750) and ’ Solos

for a German Flute’ (1744-45) 5 'Twenty-

four Country' Dances for the Year 1751 l

' Minuets for the Year 1 759 ' ; Rameau s

‘Treatise of Musiek* ; and a •Complete Tutor

for the German Flute *.

<9) FraoeiB Waylett (*. ?; d. ?), music

seller and publisher, who had a shop opposite

Suffolk Street, Charing Cross (near Pall

Mall). He pu Wished Joseph Bry-an’s The

Muse's ChWee, a favourite Collection ol

Songs’ < 1 756-5®) Christopher Dixons

• Two English Canutas and four Songs {<■

1 760). Hb name appears with that of Heno'

Waylett and others in the impnnt ol A.

Scarlaui's ‘Thirty-six Arietta's’ <<•

It also appears in the Imprints of Ijy

Favourite Songs in . . . Aniigono ’ by N.

Conforti (1757) : ' The Favourite Songs

\y\YLETl' (Harriett)

^VLBBK (Sanmt’l -

in . . . II r< pasiore ' by Basse (1757)-

Wben he ceased business 1$ not known.

(S) John Waylett (*, ?;/?). HI* address

was also Kxeier Exchange, in the Strand, and

the only reference to him which has been

traced is in advertisements in • The Daily

Advertiser ' for 23 May e 745 and subsequent

dates of

A (^ulWiinai ot such Pvilnt T«ftr» n irr «ocMmonh wftf

in (lie Churdies al IamhIoii mmI

0*e of Cwel u, Nu»tf>. . . . iMMied

Md liy ilvf Aiidinr. b> H^nrv Kob«^i . , , jnd jiAii

NVuylm in txei^r tsrhancr. in ihr Ntrand.

W . S.

WAYLETT, Harriett bath» 7 Feb.

1800: l^ndon, 26 Apr. 1851).

hn>'li>h aetres* and suprano singer. She

wa* ih<' daughiiT of an uphoUterrr naimvl

C,*(M>k('. She tiecamc the pupil of one of ihv

IxKlcr faihljv and inadr her debut on the

Ilaih .stagr on ib Mar. 1816, performing

in provincial iheairet for tl»r ncJd ihr»r or

four years, At this time she ntade a consider*

able icpulation by h<>r playing and singing m

the ihararteruf Margery in Arne's |M«iir(io

opera ‘ I.iAf in a Village in which she after*

wards appranxt at Deory l.ane 'l*h<’atre In

Jojndon. .She had made her hrst u|>praraiKe

on a Ixmdon stage at the .\d< lphi Iheaire in

Oc t. ibao ; but ns a singer she was a favourite

mainly for her delivery of Iwtiads of the kind

|M>|nilar at the f>ublic pleasure gardens,

In tfliy she had marrird an actor named

vVayleii, who proved a very unsiiitalilr

husi>an<h and she experienced many nils-

fc*riunes through her marriage, which ended

in separation. In 1826 *hr mariied fJeorge

Alexander Ixe, the comixxer. She appear*d

•>l the l>ublm 'Iheatre Koval almost es'ery

season from iUjO it» 1838. In (Kt. 1833 she

got ^800 f(»r a three w«eks’ engagrntrnt.

t K . odds. w. II, r;. r.


ING (.Sung), Sff M,M.Ha<M)K.

WEALE <Whe«U). WUUam <F. ?; d.

Hedfurd. I7a7).

1 -iigllsh organist and composer. He was

urganUt of St. Pa„j s Church, Bedford, from

ujwgt : 7 15, and took ihr degree of Mus.U. at

(.amUidgr in 1719. He deserves mmlion a*

the compos, r of the hymn-tune * Bedford

which seems to have equal authenticity in

hock iu versions, in triple and duple time.

WEBB, Chick. ^ * '* ***

, w*»»b. Mary. W Duntup «r f..rsh *.

• liotM... l,jvl.i|i« f(,o.ir U> larih*. ANni. Cbnvillr.

iKki He»«| jvs-C). N»y|« (B., M^).

KuU/r 4 (Mnc). tViJlums ((;raev. soaki.

WEB8, Riebns'd 'F ?; rf. nr. WincUor. 13

Apr. 1825),

hngllsh musical editor and composer. Hr

was a clergyman with the degree of M..A..

fompikr of a valualdr collectl.m of 15th- and

VOt,. JX

• <»3

l6lh*ccnlury madrigals for 3-6 voices (I,ondon,

1808), and another collection of 3*. 4. and

5-pa« madrigals in 1814. He also composed

a SCI of four glee* for 3 voices.

r,. V. d. s,

WEBB, William (A. d. ?).

English l7(h-ceAtury com|x»er. His songs

are in John Hayford s 'SoIe<l Mudcal .Vyres

and Dialogues’ (1632), 'Select Ayres . ,

leditioiuof 1633 and tdjqi, Hiltons 'Catch

that Catch flan ’ of ami (. Idavford's

edition of 1667, Fbyfwd's ‘ the Mudeal

Comjianiofl * {1673. three*pari song*) and a

three-|>ari song in * .VB. PJillo-Mu*. .Svngpsw

of Vocal Muviek ' (16B01.

WEBBE, Samuel (I) b. ? l.undon', 17.10 :

d. la»nd«m, j’, Mas • i«H* ,

Ltiglidi org.mist ajMl compuvT, He wa* at

the age U eleven apprentic'd to a London

(abittei'maker. but u|)<in the expiration of hi*

time qglitcHl that calling and copied mu vie

lor a hvrirhood, being employed by' \V'elekt*r

in SoIm*. through whose Insirumeiuaiitv he

had hvMini from Barbandl. organist of the

Bav.srun amiMJs.nJor* chapel. Hr uUo

studied the ijun, Freni 1 1 and Julian lan-

guage*, which wvre aft erw arils supplijtK'iuril

by (ierman, Creek and Hehrew. He first

aiHreared a< a computer al>out 17(13, devoi*

mg himtelf clils'My to the pruiluiiion t.f

unaccompanied vocal niuvie. In 1706 the

Cateh Club awarded him u price medal fur

his canon ‘O that I had wings', and In

sulisequeni year* twcnty.ilx other rnrdaU for

the follinsjng cointXHitlons :

^ ...V xtNnan , calih (» 7 U?r,

‘*"'**‘' *“** ' '' f' 8••Mi J,*|. •

' .'baw » |MHW «r^• .

I.Wh* • qijH <4*r mi fllHKI 'i:?i I.

1 1 > 721 ,

*’*ilwff‘i **** ‘ IJH <‘spffv,

' NW t'm »t*t***f^ *. ' 1 ?? s ',

*•“ ye’wurb',

• S-nw*?’. <a«K (.«,».

loTVr all «>vrttV <40*01






WEBBE (Samuel — ii)

' O Lord, sbow Thy mercy ^ <aiico, aAd * SwiJUy IroQ

(be meuDUin‘s brow *. glee (tyM)

' Jullel ii prcicy ^ e«tch. and ' Non Adi al mar rl<«


‘ T«U me *, ca<cb. 1 794.

More than half of these composiiioiu arc

catches and canons, and but three of the glea

can be ranked among Webbe's bat His

finest works — his glees ‘ When winds breathe

soft’, ‘ The mighty conqueror ' Come live

with me ‘ Thy voice, O Harmony *, ‘ To

me the wanton gjrU and ‘ Hence, all yc

vain delighu and hU catches ' Dear father,

the girl you desire me in marriage’ and

’Would you know my Celia’s charms’ — arc

not to be found in the Use of his prise coru


On the death of Thomas Warren Home in

1 794 became secretary to (be Catch Club,

an office he held unit! his death. On the

ocablUhment of the Glee Club in 1767 he

became its librarian and wrote and composed

for it his glee ' Glorious Apollo which during

the whole existence of the club enjoyed the

distinction of being the first glee performed at

every meeting. He wMi also organist of the

chapel of the Sardinian embassy, fn the

‘Laity’s Directory ’ for 1 793 (quoted in ‘ The

Tablet’, 1817) is an adv'eriisement which

supports this statement, and (he publication

of music used in this chapel, as w'ell asofmusic

used in the Poriuguese chape], seems to imply

that he was organist of both. He published in

1792 ’ A Collection of Motetu or Antiphons*

and ’ A Collection of Masses for Small Choirs

principally composed by himself. He pub-

lished ai various periods, beginning 1 764, nine

books of glees, etc., which were sub^uenily

republished with additions in 3 vob. folio.

Twcniy-five glees, thirty-six catches and nine

canons by him arc included in Warren's coL

lections. He also composed several excellent

songs, of which ' The Mansion Peace '

enjoyed a long-continued popularity. Nine

of his glees, holograph, dating from 1788 to

j6io, are in (he Euing Collection, Glasgow


Webbe died at his chamben in Gray’s Inn

and was buried in Old St. Pancraschurchyard.

William Linlcy wrote an ode upon his death,

for the best setting of which a pHse was ofTcred.

Seven competitors entered the lists; William

Beale, Lord fiurgliersh. James {?) Ellioct,

C. S. Evans, William Hawes, William Knyvett

and William Linley, the prize being won by

Evans. Webbe stands in the foremost rank o(

glee writers, and his works will maintain that

position as long as a taste for that style of

composition shall endure. As a man he was

much beloved and respected for hb social

virtua. w. M, K.

Sft sli9 Bursh«nh (ode on tV.’s 4«aih). Ctee. Oe«

Club. Heimn (E.. son.in*Uw).

WEBBE, Samuel (U) (^. London, r. 1770 ;

ft. I^ndon, 25 Nov. 1^3).

English pianbt. organist and composer, son

of the preceding. He studied principally

under his father, whose eldest son he was,

and became a good pianist and organist.

Like hb father he early devoted himself to

the practice of vocal composition, and in

1794 obtained from the Catch Club prizes

for a catch, ' Ah Friendship', and a canon,

' Resonate Jovem and in 1795 for a canon,

' Come follow me He wrote music for an

operatic ^rce, * The Speechless Wife

produced at Covent Garden on 22 May 1 794.

About 1798 he settled at Liverpool and be-

came organbt of the Unitarian Chapel,

Paradise Street. About 1817 he returned to

London and joined L^er in teaching on the

latter’s system, and b^me organist of the

Spanbh ambassador's chapel. Some years

later he again settled at Liverpool, where

he became successively organist of the St.

Nicholas Church and of St. Patrick’s Roman

Catholic Chapel. Toxteth Park. He com-

posed many glea possessing great merit

(among which ‘ Come away. Death ’ from

^akcspcarc’s ' Twelfth Night ' is conspic-

uous), songs, moteu. etc. He edited the

collectJoa of glea, etc., entitled ' Convito

armonico ’. w. K. H.

WEBBER, Amherat {h. Ganna, 25 Get.

1667; d. London, 25 July 1946).

English pianbt and composer. He was

educated at Marlborough College and New

College. Oxford, where he took an ordinary

and a musical degree. He then went to

Dresden to study composition with J. L.

Nicod 4 . and in (he winter of 1 869-90 was at

the Paris Conservatoire under Guiraud. He

was engaged as mar/tre ti pieas for several

years at Covent Garden Theatre in London

and (he Metropolitan Opera-House, New

York, and did valuable work in coaching

various eminent singers in the Wagner


Weblw composed a Symphony, performed

by (he Philharmonic Orchatra in Warsaw

in 1904 and at Boston by the Symphony

Orchestra under Gericke in (905. His one-

act comic opera, ' Fiorella’, to a libretto by

Sardou and Chetui, was produced at the

Waldorf Theatre, London, on 7 June (905.

Various songs tn English and French became

popular with the refined singers to whom

they appealed. ‘Aubade’ and 'La Premiere’

were two of the most succosful as well as the

best. j.A.r.-v.

WEBER. German family of musiciam.

TTic several members, of whom Carl

was the most outstandirtg figure, arc d«cri w

below in order according to the following


‘ 0«b«r Weben, ao* of ihk lioe. ««

Pf). 3SS-S

Um mow

Krlck ceowam tnai <>) aoo an



( I ) Jobfton v«n

( 4 } PrtJebo lc)9s-79)

(S> jM«pbt ( 6 ) Ahmia (7) CowUue (ft) So^ie

Ii7ift-J6i9) (I?ft3-ift42) (i7ft4-ift4J>

(s) Jowpb Frani X«v«r

(ft) FrKioUo (/. I7S4)

(ft) Frans Antaa von (1 734-181 2 j

The earliest known member of (Ke family,

(1) Johacka Bapdai voa Web«r ?:

rf. ?), a man of property in Lower Austria

during the latter half of ihe iCkh century, was

made /VnArrr by the Emperor Ferdinand II

in The family was, and remairted.

Roman Catholic. We know nothing of Johann

Baptist's muftica) lastes or facuUies, but hU

^•ounger brother

(a) Joseph Frans Xaver Weher (ft.? ; / ?},

apparently living in Upper Suabia, b said

10 have been a great amateur of music and the

drama. The title of the elder brother was no(

transmit led till 173$, and of the younger one’s

descendants, one

(3) FridoUo Weber (ft. Stelten, Baden,

(bapt. aa) June 1691 ; d, Freiburg I'B., aj

Feb. 1754). was in the service of Freiherr

von Schonau'Zella, near Freihurg i/B., in the

jflih century, He was passionately devoted

to music ^ sang, and played the violin and

organ. Of his two miss, the elder

(4) FridoUo Weher (ft. Zell, Baden, 1733 ;

d; Vienna, aj Oct. 1779), also a singer and

viohn player, succeeded his father as manager

of the Schonau-Zella estates. He with his

broihcr wai a mcm>>er vf the electoral chapel

Jf,. M*“nhclm. In 1756 he married Mane

Ctcilie Stamm of Mannheim, by whom he had

four daughters. The eldest,

(5) JoBcpbn Weber (ft, 2eU, 1758; /

V ienna, aj) Dec, iBtg) was a bravura singer

with a high and flcaiblc voice, but a poor

music tan. Mocari wrote for her the pan of

the Queen of Night in ‘ Die ZauberBote ’ and

a bravura aria (K, 580) She married in 1 78U

Ilofer, viol mist at Skhikanedcr’s theatre, and

after his death Friedrich Sebastian Mayer, a

bass singer, in 1797. The second,

(6> Aloyala Weber (ft. Zell, 1760 ; d. Salz-

burg, 1039), was Muzan’s first Jove during hh

viut to Mannheim In 1777, but she jilted him

on his return from Paris in 1778. Her voke

was ckcepiionally high and extremely pleasant

m tone, though perhaps rather weak for the

stage. In j 780 she was engaged for the opera

•0 Vienna, and married an actor at the court

theatre, named Lange, who died in 1831

bhe made several professional tours before her

tinaJ retirement in 1B08. Mozart wrote for

her SIX ariu (K, 394, 316, 383, 418, 419, 5^,

and a rondo (K. 4.t;). The third,

Fw Mdtsrt C7 foneea iriss wrillea be her).

(7) Conatanae Weber (ft. ZeU, *763; d.

I I 1

(lej Fnu (lO Edmund (la) Gsrlhfam^oii


Salzburg, 6 Mar. 1843), became Mozart s

wife. Sf^ MozAftr (4I,

(8) Sophie Weber ift. ?, 1767; d. .Salz-

burg, i8]6), married Haibel, tenor and com-

poser. attached to Schikaneder's theatre, in

1806, During widowhood she lived with

Gostanze at SaUburg. She ^vas present at

hfoaan's death in Vienna, and In 1G33 wrote,

at Nissen’s request, a touching arcouni of the

last sad moments.

(9) Prau Aatoo von Weber (&. ?, 1734;

d, .Maimhclm, 16 .Apr. 1813;, became the

failkcr <rf (lari Maria, who was thus coimccicd

by marriage with Mozart. Franz Anton must

have been a vi<*lini«i of more than roinmon

ability ; he was alvo a virtuoso on the double

bass. He took military service wiih the

Elector Palatine Karl I licodor, at Mannheim,

on the understanding that he was to awisi in

the celebrated e<»urt Isanti. He fought against

Frederick the (ireat at Rosbach |I75G> and

was slightly wounded, after which he It ft the

army and entered the service of the lilcctor

Clement Augustus at CJologne. In 1738 hr

became steward to the prinre-ltivhop, and

court councillor at Steuerwald near Hildrs-

helm. His dev’otlon 10 music, which was such

that he would even play the violin while walk,

mg in the fieWt with hii family, caused him to

neglect the duties of his olBec, and he wa*

Jprived of it. From 1 76B to J 773 he lived at

Hikrtheim as an ordinvy citizen and there

decided, despite his age and numerous family,

on becoming a peaciical musician. He appears

to have started on a tour as a viola player, and

then settled at Lubeck, where he puWlshed

Lieder mit Melodien furs Clavier’ (1774).

In 1778 he was musical director of the theatre

at Lubeck, and from 1 779 10 1 7B3

to the pnnce*bishop of Euiin, 1 *i 1 784 he wen 1

to Vienna, where he married again the follow,

mg year, returning to Putin as director of the

town Und. While in V ienna he had become

acquainted with Haydn, to whom he entrusted

his two eldest sons.

(10) Priia von Waber (ft. ?; d. ?) and

(ii> EdmoDd von Webar (ft. ?* J s)

both of whom showed ulenl for music ’

(Friedrich Eraal) von

Weber (ft. Ruun nr. Lubeck, 16 Nov.' 1786;

i» Ift Dee. isftS: bui

«« >0 nS

> 9 ^ VVEBER: Youth and Early Studies

d. London, 5 June 1846), was the first child ctf

Franz Anion’s second marriage. The father

had always longed 10 have a child that should

turn out a prodigy, such as Mozart had been,

and he was anxious to dcscern in Carl Maria

talent of a high order. The boy was early set

10 learn music, principally under his father.

The lalent so ardendy longed for, however,

would not appear in the dclicaie, nervous

child. There is a iradilion that after lakir^

greai pains with him in vain, hb elder brother

Fritz exclaimed on one occasion : " Carl, you

may become anything else you like, Imi a

musician you never will be

His father had left Eutin in 1787 and was

leading a restless life as director of a dramatic

company mainly consisting of his own grown-

up children, ^ring the next few years he

is to be found at Vienna, Cassel, Nfelningen.

Nuremberg, Erlangen and Augsburg. Bad

as the influence of this roving life must ha^e

been on the whole, it had its advantages for

Carl Maria in the special line to which he was

to devote himself, for he may be said to have

grown up behind the scenes. From hb child-

hood he was at home In the stage-world as

no other great opera composer was. In 1794,

the father being at SV'eimar with his family,

Carl Maria’s mother, Cetwveva, then twenty-

six, was engaged as a singer at the theatre

under Goethe’s direction. The engagement

was, however, cancelled in Sept., and Franz

Anton left Weimar. He went, it appears, to

Erlangen, and in 1796 to Hildbu^hausen.

There the boy of nine found his first scientific

and competent teacher in Heuschkel, an emi-

nent oboist, a solid pianist and organist, and a

composer who thoroughly understood hb art.

Carl Marla did not at first like the hard, dry

studios to which his teacher inexorably bound

him, but he soon found that he was making pro

gross, and thefitherai last beheld wlchastonbh-

tnrnt the dawn of that genuine musical talent

whieh he had himself tried in vain to evoke.

Study woia Mickaii, Haydn. — Unfor-

tunately this inslrucuon lasted but a short

time, a^ Franz Anton moved on in the autumn

with hb company to Salzburg. Here there

was a training-school for chorister boys,

similar lo that at $1. Stephen's Cathedral in

Vienna. Michael Haydn had been in the

service of il\e Archbishop of Salzburg since

t7S2, first as KoitztfimfiiUf and afterwards as

cathedral organist also. One of hb duties was

to tearh singing to the chorbters, among whom

young Weber soon found a place, speedily

attracting the attention of Haydn, who con-

sented to give the boy gratuitous imtructkm In

composition. Six fugheltas were apparendy

composed under Haydn's own eye, and the

proud father had them printed in score. The

dedication to his brother Edmund b dated

I Sept. 1798.

Carl Maria's mother had died on 23 Mar. of

CMtsumption, and her death perhaps occa-

sioned a trip to Vienna in Apr., on wWch Carl

Maria accompanied hb father. Here they

heard the 'G^ation * (29 or $0 Apr.), and

probably entered into personal relations with

Joseph Haydn. Immediately after hb return,

in the beginning of July at the latest, the father

began to talk of leaving Salzburg, for " one

cannot exbt under this hierarchy ", and in the

autumn they all moved to Munich. As the

lessons in composition from Michael Haydn

only began In Jan. 1798, they cannot have

lasted more than six months. Franz Anton

had gradually tired of stage-managing and

returned to military life. Thu consis ted i n his

adoption of the title of Major, to which he had

no sort of right. In Munich Carl Maria had

two new teachers, the singer WaJluhauser

(Italianized into Valesi) and Johann Nepo*

muk Kakhcr, afterwards court organbi.

With the latter he made rnore progress in

composition than with Michael Haydn. He

soon began to play at concerts with success.

Under Kalcher's eye he wrote hb first opera,

* Die Macht der Liebe und des Weins a

Mass, piano sonataa and variations, vloUn trios

and songs \ but (he manuscripts have all dis-

appeared. One work of his time has survived,

a set of Variations for piano (Op. a), dedicated

to Kaleher, and specially interesting as litho-

graphed by himself. He had been led to thb

kind of work by hb acquaintance with Aloys

Senefelder, the inventor of lithography, in

whose shop he frequently oecupi^ himself,

even imagining that he had discovered some

improvements in the method of mechanical

reproducti^. Indeed, hb interest in litho-

graphy became so keen that for a time he

rteglected composition. The father, always

restless and whimsical, thought of carrying

out the new dbeovery on a large scale, and it

was decided to move to Freiberg In Saxony,

where the neeessary materials were more

easily procurable.

The plan was carried into elTect In t8oo,

Carl Marla giving concerts on the way with

Success at Leipzig and other towns in central

Germany. Arrived at Freiberg he speedily

lost hb interest in lithography, partly owing

to an opening which occurr^ for producing a

dramatic work. The large and well-selected

company of Ritter von Stcimberg, whom the

Webers had met before, had been playing there

since the summer. Steiruberg had written an

opera-book, ^Das Waldmidchen which be

handed over to Carl Maria, then jtist thirteen,

and the first performance took place oo 24

Nov. Public expectation had been roused to a

high pilch by Franz Anton's manosuvres and

seems to have been barely satisfied by the

result. Two Freiberg musicians entered into

a newspaper correspondence with the com-

WEBER; Early Vrars — Vienna


po«er, whose pen was obviously guided by his

faiher, to Judge by the intemperate, iraperiin’

ent tone of the letters. The opera suceeeded

better at Chernmu (5 Dec. 1800) and was

evidently appreciated in Vienna (Leopold*

s^t Theatre, 1604), where it was given e^ht

times. It was also performed at Prague and

even in St. Petersburg, but negoliailoju with

Weimar fell through, Carl Maria was quite

aware afterwards of the small value lif this

youthful work. In his autobiugraphical

sketches he calb it “ a very imntature pro

duciion. not perhaps without occasional marks

of invention, the second act of whUh 1 wrote

in ten days

h'rcibcrg in iu turn was abandoned, possibly

towards the end of idoo. ceriaUily by the

Ijeginning of 1 Sot. 'I he Iasi wr hear ol him

their is that he wrote on Dee. to .'\rlaria ol

Vienna offering hint hii lithographic inven*

lion. He also ollereil the Viennese puMixhers

several t<>iufHniiions for sirings ami (or piano,

Arlari.i took no notice of the letter. Afli'r this

I he father and son seem to hate made some

stay at fihemnity, fi^r we ha\c Iclters from the

former there dated Apr. and 17 May iHoi,

By Nov. they were again at SaUUirg. where

Carl Maria composed the opera * IVirr

.Sihinoll und seine Naclibarn produced at

Augsburg (probably in Mar. 1803) wiiliout any

special success, In a letter of 4 S Nov- iBot

Carl Maria calls himself a pupil of Michael

Haydn, "and of several s>thrr grsat masters

in Munich, Dresden, Prague and Vienna

but who these masters were, tf indeed they

t'xisied, is not m be ascertained. As far as

Vienna, Prague and Dresden arc concerned, it

can refer only to short temporary relations

with musirians, as up to this time iio stay Itad

iMrn made In any o| these places.

In the numtner of jgor lie went with hU

father to north Germany, and In Oit. jtaid a

lormight^ visit lo his Urihplase. Here Ise

saw much of Johann Hciruich Vo», a fact

worthy of note because of the xtungt he after-

wards made to some of Voss'* poems. On the

return journey he composed at Hamburg, also

in Oti., his two first songs — ‘Dir Kerrc’, by

Matihissou, and ' Umsonsi At Coburg,

where the court was srry musical, lie tried to

procure a hearing f«r his ivro operas, but

wlu thcr successfully or not cannot be aacer-

tained. More important chan Che actual

musical results of this tour were the iheoretkal

studies on which he embarked during its

prtigress. Ho coUveted books on theory by

^"1 Agrirola, KirnWrger and

oiliers. Thus lie began to cultivate Indcpeod-

cnci* of thought on matters of art; but his

newly acquired knowledge of theory was

rudely shaken at Augsburg, wlserc he arrived

JNov. il 3 oi and made come stay. Here be

formed .1 c|r»M- friendthip witli a ceruin l)r-

Muiiding, who in all their conversaiioas on an

had a disturbing haUt of demanding the

reasem (brewery rule propounded, wluih NN'cUt

was not at tlutc time competent to gicc. *riii,>;,

bowes’er, stimulated liiin to clear up his uwn

views on tlie fundamental law’s uf art.

V'ooLtft IN \'«NK.v.— The most sirlkitig

fact about him at this time was the extra*

ordinary activity of lu» mind i>i every direc*

lion. He took great interest in tnuNhal

criticism and in Dec. 180J wjc hu.sy with

preparations lor a musical dkiiunary.

Sals burg friend, Ignar .SuNon, wrote to encour-

age him in a plan lor a mush'al ;H’r iodic .il, und

w’os soon afterward* employed in procuring

him niaieriah fur a history of mu«lc in Vienna,

whither In* wen I early in 1803. I'hi’ nit*.t

imporiam arquaintaiwv he made on this vhii

was that *•( ilie .Abbe V’ogler, who was then

composing his opera ‘ Sjiuuri llils gifted,

many •sided man exercised a more sliinul.iting

effect than any otlHc artist on Weber, who

atiai lied lihnsrlf 10 him with all the enthusiasm

iA youth. VoghT hiinsc’lf put great < onfidcmv

in Ids pupil and coininis'iotied hhn lu prepare

the vocal score of * Samtjrj Hie relations

with Jusc'idi Haydn were also renewed. Heel-

hoven. on the other hand, was dillkult of

access, and hit rough ways may have rejmlled

the dclkaie, refined and gi ireful ^outh. That

Vggler used underhand meant to kc c'p them

asunder it prcdiably an unfounded assumpiioti,

but a certain irriiaiion against Beeihot cn i lung

to Weber for many a year, lill it gave way in

nwinhuud to an unreservTd ad 11 lira lion and

hearty veneration. Ainung other mudeiann uf

note In \ ienna NVeWr mcniiuiu Hnmincl. just

made Asfir/tmetiUt to 1 Vince EsierliSsy, whom

he calls the “must elegant pi a noforte* player In

\ icniia “. This opinion he modified on hear*

mg him again in IVaguc in lUid. Of Welier's

own works during this time in Vkima but few

exist, and of these few most arc eonneitrU with

^ ogler.c-g. the pianoforte Variations on themes

from ‘ Sainori ' and ‘ Castor and 1 ‘ollux *. J'liat

he was studying liard is certain, bul this was

not incompatible with a youthful enjoynunt

both of life and natural beauty. He beeamc

acciuainted with a young oflicer, joJiaiin

Dapiist Gansbaclier, a mu deal amateur, also a

pupil of Vogirr's, and the acquaintance soon

ripened into an intimate and lifelong friend*

ship. Webers son and bic^raplier also has

something to say of a “tender connection with

a lady of position ” in Vienna. Possibly a

s^. • Jiingsi «« ich am Grabe der Trauten

^ein . exposed immediately after his

deiwiurc ft^ V'icnria, had something to do

with this affair, Vogler had recotnntendeil

htrn for the post of KepellmiiUt to thg theatre

at Breslau, and by 8 May 1B04, before hv was

cpnic i7|, the an-angemenls were concluded

He went first 10 .Salzburg to fetch his old


WEBKR: BmJau, 1804-1806

fftcher, and there composed the song just oaen'

tioned. On 5 June he was at Augsburg^ and

travelled on the 14th by Carbbad 10 Bredau.*

Appointment at Breslau. — The Breslau

theatre was kept up by a company chieRy

consisting of bcttcr*cla» citizens. The or-

chestra and chorus were sufficient for ordinary

demands. Weber, on this his Rrsi entrance on

practical life, showed great talent for direction

and organization, though from over-zeal and

inexperience he made many mistakes. He

had from the Rrst to contend with (he pre-

judices of the managing commiitee and with

strong opposition in the chief mtisical circles

of the town. The leader of (his opposition was

Joseph Schnabel, formerly Rrst violinist and

deputy conductor of the theaire,artd appointed

cathedral organist in 1805. Schnabel left the

theatre on Weber’s arrival, probably from

vexation at not being A'aptUmfislir himself,

and, as a man of thirty-seven, he declined

to serve under a lad of eighteen. The two

continued on awkward terms, and some rude-

nesses of which VN’ebcr was guilty towards

Schnabel, a respectable and much-respected

man, did not raise him In the estimation of

the better part of the public. Among the

managing company he had roused opponents

by insisting on several expensive alterations.

The manager, J. G. Rhode, however, was well

disposed towards him and wrote a libretto,

* Rubc&ahl on which Weber set to work at


A definite breach ensued in the spring of

ido6, and Weber's resignation was accepted ;

but the years spent there were of great

importance to his own dev’elopment. Not

only was his great gift for conducting Rrst

made apparent to himself and others, but 11

was chiefiy at Breslau that the original and

gifted pianist and composer was formed.

Although somewhat isolated socially, his gifts

and his amiable disposition attracted round

him a small circle of musical people. Hb

closest friends were F, W. Berner and J. W.

Klingohr, both little older than himself, and

both admired pianists, Berner being also chief

organist of the church of St. Elizabeth, a

talented composer and In a certain sense a

pupil of Vogler. All three exercised them-

selves diligently in extempore playir^. then

justly considered the highnt qualification for

a good pianoforte player and organist. In

this branch also Weber prov'cd (he most gifted i

in spite of risky harmonies, and even awkward

counterpoint, detected by critical hearers, he

carried ail before him by the charm of his

melodies and the originality of his whole

musical nature. He had also acquired cort-

sidcrable skill on the guitar, on which he

' M> ven W«bcr u incorrect here (I, ^7), Abo ibc

VaKaiioni, Op. 6, were «ocnptete 4 eulter dtan Aatcd

br ]Ah» (So. 4^, p. S 7 ). They were undoubtcdlf

finithed by May

would acc^pany his own mellow voice in

songs, mostly of a humorous character, with

inimiuble effect. This talent was often of

great use to him in society, and he composed

many songs with guitar accompaniment. His

fine voice, however, he nearly lost at Breslau.

One day, in the early part of 1806, he had

invited Berner to spend the evening with him

and play over the newly completed overture

to ’ Rubezahl ’, but Berner found his friend

insensible 00 the Rom*. Wanting a glass of

wine, he had taken by mistake some nitric

acid, used by hU father for experiments in

etching. He was with difficulty restored to

consciousness, when it was found that the

vocal organs were impaired and the inside of

the mouth and air-passages seriously injured.

He recovered after a long illness, but his

singing-voice remained weak and even his

speaking- voice rtever regained its full power.

Beyond a few numbers of * Rubezahl ' Weber

composed little at Breslau. An * Overture

chinesa *, lost in its original form, was re-

modelled in (809 as the overture to ’ Turan-


After his withdrawal from the theatre he

remained at Breslau without any regular em-

ployment, living on the hard-earned proceeds

of mtisk-lcssons. Having his father to provide

for, and being encumbered with debts accumu-

lated while he was endeavouring to live a

somewhat fast life on a salary of 600 (haler

a year, he found himself hard pressed and

determined to try a concert-tour. One of his

pupils, Fraulein von Belonde, was lady-in-

waiting to the wife cf Duke Eugene of Wiirt-

temberg, then living at Schloss Carliruhe in

Silesia, where he kept up a great dciil of music.

The lady's Influence procured for Weber the

title of which would. It was

hoped, be a help to him on his tour ; but that

prospect having been destroyed by the war,

the duke inrii^ Weber to Schloss Carbruhe.

There he found not only a refuge for himself,

Kis father and an aunt, but a most desirable

aimosj^re for the cultivation of his art. He

took up his abode there about midsummer,

arwl though the duke was summoned to the

army in ^pt., the war was expected to be so

soon over that at first no change was made in

(be peaceful life at the castle.

In these few months Wehcr wrote a con-

siderable number of instrumenlaJ pieco.

chieRy for the excellent artists who composed

the small ducal chapel. To Jan. tSo? belong

two orcbotral Symphonies (his only ones, both

in C major), and these had beeo preceded by

some Variations for and orchestra (19

Dec.) and a small Concerto for bom and

whestra (6 t\'ov. j8o6 ). Possibly, loo, the

well-known variations on Bianchi’s “ VIen

qu 4 . Dorina bclla ” belong (o the last few

weeb at CarLruhe.

^^’£B£R : Stuttgart


happy time cane to an end in Feb. 1607, after

Napoleon’s decbive \ictory ner the Pnmians.

when the state of um\*enal insecurity made it

necessary to dbmUs the band. But the duke

showed himself anxious to provide for hn

musicians* and through his inter>‘eniion

>\eber was installed as private secretary at

Siufigari lu Duke Ludwig, brother to Duke

Lugenc and to King Frederic of Wurttemberg.

As things were, he could not hesitate to accept

a post which promised him, even at the cost

of a temporary caile from his art. a certain

income, doubly necessary now that he had hi<

father to provide for. Aa he was not required

at StuitgArt III I I .Sepi. be made use of the

jnierval after his de par lure from CarUruhe on

Feb. for a comer 1*1 our. The war made

conrerh a mailer r>f great dilFiculty, but after

several sain aiiempu he succeeded at Ansbach,

NurrmberR, Bayrruih and KrJaugen. He then

turned in ihe direcibn of.Siuugart, where he

arrived on 17 Jill v and enlered on his new p«»i

I Aug.

Duke l.udwig was a frivolous man of

pleasure wJio habitually spent more ihan his

income and did not scruple to resort to under*

hand and de^perate expedients lo extricate

himseir from his embarrassmenti. 1'he cor*

ruption of morals at the dissipated court of

Stutigart was terrible, and ^Vcber’s position

was a dangerous one from many points of

view. Hi* duties were to manage the duke's

private eorrcspondeisce> keep his accounts,

furnish him, sometimes by n>«t unpleasant

ineani, with money to satisfy or put off his

numerous creditors^ all things for which

Weber was loo ignorant and Inexperienced,

and which formed a ruinous exhibition of

dissolute life for so young a man- His natural

tendency to dissipation and gaiety was fostered

by Ihu immoral life, aJ! the more because his

llile of Freihttt at once gained him admittance

to the circles of the corrupt young nobility,

t hus involved he lost sight of his own proper

life^bjeti -music — or like a mere dilei-

lantc treated his art as an amusement. He

iiad, besides, great social gifts and was always

a Welcome guest.

Siuitgart abounded in opportunities for im-

proving his general cultivation and procurii^

fresh nutriment for hu active and receptive

mind. He made acquaintance with the prin-

c»pal authors, artists and scientific men of the

place. Lehr, the court llbranan, opened to

him the treasures of the royal collection of

hoob, among which Weber's preference was

for philosophical worb.

H*s great gift for music naturally became

known, and Duke Ludwig made him music-

master to his children. The K^ptUmtukr of

•lie Opera (from 1807) was Fran* Daiul a

mel odious composer, an excellent cellist, and

sociable, though of regular life. J'hough

twent>'-ihree yean older than Wober, he

speedily formed an irttimacy vdih him and

tried to exercise a calming and restraining

influence over him, while both by precept and

example be was of great service to him in

his an. His friendship with Danzi brought

NVeber into connection with the company of

the Stuttgart coun theatre, a circumstance

which, while it stimulated him to fresh dram-

atic p^duction, in\-oIved him in the loose life

oTabohemian set. A violent reciprocal attach-

ment for the singer Margareihe Lang ' Jed

him into all sorts of follies, causing him to

negWi cultivated and intellectual society, and

ruining him financially. Another personage

of importance in hU artistic career was Franz

Carl Hirmer, il»e dramatic author. Both he

and \S’eber belonged to a society of lively

young men, who called themselves " Kausw

liollenfshrl Hlemer had had some previous

success as a librettist and undertook to write a

romantic-comic opera for him. ' Das Wald-

mack hen ' was the subject chosen, and Hiemer

seems to have adheretl pretty closely to Steins*

berg's book, which Weljer had set at Freiberg.

The new work, ' Silvana ' by name, seems to

have made slow progress amid the disiractiuM

of Weber’s life. It wa* begun, as far as can be

ascertained, on tB July 1B08 and finished on

93 Feb. 1010 .

Through Danzt's intcrs’cniion the opera was

accepted foe the court theatre and was about

JO be put into rehearsal when an incident, to

be related ihoctly, ruined all. While busy

with hU opera, Weber composed wJiat under

the cireumsianeev must l>e considered a large

number of other wuths — 4 strong proof of the

increasing force of his productive p«»wer. The

wt impocunt wa* ‘Der erste Tun', a poem

by Kochlitz, for declamatiun with orchestra

and concluding chorus. He rcmcKlellcd the

overture to * Peter Schmoll » and published

n as a separate work ; also the ' Overiura

chirtesa *, which was made to serve as the

introduction to * Turandot ’, a play by Cozzj

adapted by ScWllcr, for which he also wrote six

short ineidenul pieces.* Of pianoforte musk

^ far the most important piece is the Polonaise

1" ?P‘ *'• completed 4 June 1806, at

jAsdwjgsbu^ and dedicated to Margareihe

^ng. With her, too, are connected the

Vanattons on an Original Theme Op. 9,

the clever ‘ Momento rapriccioso Op 17

and the charming ‘ Six Pito pour le piano-

Jocte a quatre mains ' fay Nov. t8oo). His

sobury piano Quartet (in was also of this

' th« Oauchtrr. as M. v. \SVbcr tuift It 1

sow* of Th*«b*M Uf.( Ihe vielinjii.

of many sonei.

*'• All nt founded


NVEBER : Leaving Sluttgart — GrilicUm

period, ^s well as the Variations for piano and

vioHn on a Norwegian (heme, an ‘ Andante

and Rondo Ungarese * for viola and orcbesira,

not published in this form, a Potpourri for

violoncello and orchcsira, and thirteen songs.

King Frederic lived o& bad terms with his

brother, Duke Ludwig, whose frivoUcy and

extravagance were especially irritating b^ause

the king had several times had to extricate him

from his embarrassments for (he sake of the

family honour. His displeasure also descended

on the duke’s secretary, who generally bad the

unpleasant task of informing the king of his

brother's difficulties. On these occasions the

king would load the unfortunate Weber with

most unkingly abuse. This roused Weber to

revenge himself by various little spiteful tricks.

On leaving the cabinet in a great rage after

one of these violent scenes, he met an old

woman in the corridor who asked him for the

laundress's room. “ There,” said Weber,

pointing to the door of the king's apartments,

” the royal washerwoman lives in there”, and

went olT. The woman went in and, being

angrily received by the king, stammered out

that a young gentleman who had just left the

room had directed her there. Enraged at this

affront, the king ordered him to be arrested,

but he was begged off by the duke, and no<

thing more was done at the time. That the

king did not forget his impertinence he learnt

afterwards to his cost.

As Duke Ludwig's financial position became

worse, he was driven to still more quesiionaUe

expedients. The king having made a decree

by which the only persons exempt from miln

tary service were the members of the royal

household, these appointments were much

sought after, and many parents were wiUing to

pay a consideraUe sum for the reversion of

one. It was observed that about this time

there was a sudden accession to the duke's

household of young noblemen who b^e

official titles without any corresponding duties,

just then Weber had been er^ea vowing to

obtain a loan from one of his acquaintances, in

order to discharge a debt of his father’s, who

had been livirig with him since 1809. On the

gentleman's refusal a former servant of his

oflered Weber to procure it for a coosklcra-

tion, and (hen assured his late employer that

the secretary, if obliged in the matter of the

loan, would secure his son an appointment in

the duke’s household. On this underslandiog

the loan was cHcctcd ; but when no appoint-

ment ensued, and the son was drawn for a

soldier, the father in his indignation made (he

affair known. The king had long been dis-

satisfied with the state his brotl^r’s house-

hold and, believing Weber to be the real

culprit, determined to make an exam^e of

him. The preparations for ‘ Silvana ' were in

progress, and Weber was at the theatre, when,

on (he evening (rf 9 Feb. 1810, he was arrested

and thrown into prison. An inquiry ensued,

and Weber’s innocence, of which indeed all

Stuttgart had been convinced, was completely

established ; but the king, on 26 Feb.,

sentenced him and his father to perpetual

banishment from Wurltemberg. This hard

stroke of fate might be look^ upon as a

punishment for so many frivolous yean, and

for sins committed against the guiding genius

of his art ; and it was in this light that Weber

look it. Henceforth his youthful follies were

laid aside, and he settled down conscientiously

and perseveringly to the life of an artist in

earnest pursuit after his ideal.

hfAMNHEtM AMD Dahmstadt.— Danzl, d real

friend in need, gave him introductions to

Mannheim, where Peter Ritter was Kopeii-

miiitir. Received in a kindly spirit by all, he

found a friend for life In Gottfried Weber,

under whose auspices concerts were at once

arranged for 9 Mar. and 2 Apr. and at these

* Der erste Ton ’ was produced. His first

Symj^iony, loo, was a great success, as well

as his pianoforte playing. In Apr. AVeber

moved to Darmstadt, where Vogler had been

living since 1807. Here he met his friends

Gansbacher and Jacob Beer (Meyerbeer) from

Berlin. Weber did not return to the old

relations of master and pupil with Vogler, but

sought to profit by intercourse with him.'

CainctSM . ^ Weber’s attract ion towards

literary work, of which traces may be seen as

far back as 1802, was very marked about this

time. He came forward frequently as an

author between 1809 and r$(8. after that at

longer intervals, and not at all after 1821. At

Stuttgart he began a musical novel, ‘Ton*

kurutJen Leben’, which had been accepted by

Cocta of Tubingen and was to have been ready

by Easter i8m i but the time went by, and it

was never finished. A fragment published in

the ‘ MorgenbUtt ' for Dee. 1809 eontairw

some severe remarks on Beethoven’s third and

fourth Symphonies. Moaarl was Weber’s

ideal musician, and at that time he was quite

impervious to Beethoven’s music. He new

began to appear more frequently as a critic.

To all criticism of himself he paid great

attention and vras fully convinced of the value

of good musical censure ; so he set to work

with his friends to elevate the art in genera^

Towards the dose of 1810, he, Gottfried

Weber, the latter’s brother-in-law, Alexander

von Dusch and Meyerbeer founded (he so-

called Harmonischer Verein, with the pnerd

oWeet of furthering the cause of art and the

particular one of extending thorough ano

impartial criticism. The regularly constituted

memben were required to be both eornp^ert

and literary men, but writers were adoiiiicfl, a

> Tor WeW's share Jn Voftet's adapiitieo B*'**

chorals nt Voouic

WEBER ; (!ofnpc«i<ion — Ojiutti Tuiin


poMesa^ ofsufRcknt musical knowledge. The

motto of the Society was '* the elexaiioit of

musical criticism b>' musicians themselves a

principle (hen promulgated for (he first time in

musical Gcnnany. In this branch ^Veber Has

the direct precursor of Schumann. Hr and

Gottfried Weber also considered the fouisda-

tion of a musical journal, and ilMHigh the plan

was ixevcr carried out, it was long befc»re

\NVber gave it up. He wis still occupied with

it rvun during the Dresden period c^hb life.

Other members of the Socirty were Gans-

baclKT. Berger the singer, Dan*i and Berner.

The existence of the Soriciy was a secret, anrl

each memlirr adopted a pscud'Hiytn. SVeber

signed lumseir Mrios ; Ooiirricd VN'eber,

Giusto: Gatubaclter, 'rrtt>le, etc. Here,

again, we arc rcminderl of Schumann and the


VKor.Htis IS Cou IS isrnoN. —Weber found

rxisu iice at D.trnisladt hard after the ptra»an<

<iay% at Mannheim. )(r grx away a\ (dten as

he could, ga>e concerts at AschaHcnbuix,

Mannheim, GnrUruiiv and Frankluri. and

found lime also to compose. I drat flowisl m

\4>on him, inany to be used only in much laUT

Works. For instance, the ideas of thr fust

chorus of fnirlcs and of the Inlirt music in the

third arc of * Olieron acKJ the chief subject

of the * Inviiaiion to iW Dance', were in hit

mind ai this period. NVhik on ikte lock*out

for a subject for an opera he and Duseh hit

upon ' Def Frebchuu a story by Apel, thm

just puldishcd, and IXisrh >ct to work to turn

it iriio a libretto. Ft)r the present, how-cser,

it did not gel beyond the beginning ; noi till

'even ye ars later did UVber begin the wx^k

which tnade his reputation, ilc succeeded in

I )rit)g i iig <ni( * .Si I \ ana ’ a t Fra nkfiirt on i C Sepi .

tfliu, when, in spile of unpropttitKic ciixuin*

alunres, it pnxluced a >ery favourable imprev

sion. The |>ari of Silvana was taken by

Ciuroliiic Brantit, Weber’s future wife, and

M.irgarelhr Lmg was I lie first soprajui.

Having eomplcird hy 17 Oct. six easy bonaias

f<‘r i)iaTO and \ iolin, for which Andre had

given him a commission. ^V^Wr soon after set

out for Offenbacii, l>ut had the mortification

of having thent refused, on lltc ground that

they were lw» giHnl for Aitdre’s purpose.

Tljc cause of Wcla r’s so soon giving up the

* Irvischutz whit h Dum h was (o prepare for

him, was that he had been busy for sr>me lime

wiih a iww opera, or rather comic Stufipift, in

one act, called ’ Abu Ha&san ’, the libretto of

which >ranz Hiemrr sent him on 99 Mar.

18:0 from Sluugart. He composed one

nMml>er, the creditors’ chorus, at Mannheim.

I I Aug,, left ii untouched till 1 New, and com*

plcied it at Darmstadt on 12 Jan. iBit.

On 14 Feb, he finaliy left a place where lie

bisd nc\ cr felt thornugltly at home and started

Oft a grand concert tour. At ihh period he

often felt sorely the restless, uiiceruin <nn<li*

tiona of his life, the inconstant nature <d aj]

human relations and the loneliness to wlih h ht'

seemed doomed b)* the sudden ,«na Idling «tw'<iy

of friends as soon as he became attached to

them. During his last visit but one to .Maim-

hrim he composed a song called ’ ^^elxT^

.Xhechied ’ * {8 Dec. 1810) to xvoftls hy Duseh.

Concert T<H)R8.“\Vcbi'r tratclled through

Franbfnrt to Giessen, where he gaw a well*

attended concert on 18 Feb. idi 1 , and Hanau,

wlserc he saw a ’* bad play ” nrt the 23nl ;

went next day to .XsehafTcnbnrg. wlirre he

sta^-ed two da)** and made acqoaiiuaiuo with

Sicrkel, an adherent of Vogler’s j .tml by 3

Mar. lie was at >Vurzburg. Tlwnte he went m

Il.tmbefg. where lie met E. T, .\. HofImurui

and Bader the tenor, benh of whom reappear

in il>e • Freivcliuiz ’ period : an<l by Nurerii*

berg and .\ugsburg to Munich, arriving on i.y

Mar. Here he stayed nearly five months.

hntUng powTrful stimulus in the mm Iciy ol

Hrmrhh IGrm.mn, the greatest tl.irhut

jtl.iyer of Ins tjinr, for whom he wrote within

the next few immths no I ewer lh,m ihr<H*

(••mcertm. *ll*c lirvi, in C minor nml lIs^

was played at his first coiuert i*, .Npr.j <\s w’ell

as his pf, <AMKert<>, one <>f Ins 'ympfioniev,

and * Xier sr>ie Tun ’. B.innaim playrd the

scrtiod *, in F minor, at a (tuuert given by

Kaufmann (he piari< 4 V>ric maker <»f Dresden

1*3 June), and again at Webrr's second {7

Aug.). The compositions protured him warm

adherents, not only ariumg the general public,

but also in (he Munich ordmira, noiorinut for

its haughty reserve. Fherc was also a success*

ful performance of ‘Abu Ihiksan ’ under

Uintrr on 4 June, and during the prejNi rat ions

UVber learned that it was t«» be given before

Use court at Ludwigshurg in the beginning of

May, iMJt, tnuch to hi< indignation, not tinder

his name.

<>n 9 Aug. lie started for a lour fit Swiizer*

(arid, during which he gave himselfup to tlw

enjoyment of nature rather than of music. By

the beginning of Nos . he was again in Munich

and gave a brilliantly succei^ul concert on the

t ith. For it be had composed a new concert

rondo, which he afterwards used for the

finale to the clarinet Clnncerto in FjS and

fcmodclW the overture m * Rubezahl ’, a

piece of werk which Iw decl.sred to be the

elear^i and most powerful (*f any thing he had

yet done. Besides these he composed some

wal pieces, chiefly for his patroties^, Queen

^r^inc, and a bassoon Coaeerio (Op, 79)

fi»r Brandi, the ctwri play-er. On i Dec. he

started again, this time In company with

Barmann, for central and north Germany.

* NbIMwd • Tin KumOm A»rt.lii«0 \

. the • ComeriMMi <)i, a<,

• i.Op.,,.

' C«oeerio ,, 74.


WEB£R: 1811-18(2

In Prague he met Oarubacher, then living

there, formed some ties whieh beeame ^ im-

portance when he settled there later, composed

Variations for clarinet on a (heme from

' Silvana * (Op. $3) and gave with Barmann a

largely attended concert on 2t Dec. Passing

through Dresden, they arrived on 97 Dec.

at Leipzig. There ^Veber met Rochlitz and

other musical authors and fostered his own

inclination for literary work. Indeed, so

strong was this (hat he seriously thought of

slaying at Leipzig and devoting himself

exclusively to literature. His ideas, however,

soon took a different turn. The Crown Prince

Ludwig of Bavaria, on whom he had evidently

made a deep impression, had written about

him to Duke Emil Looped August of Saxe-

Got ha, and the result was an invitation for

himicir and Barmann to Gotha, where they

arrived 17 Jan. 1812. The duke took great

pleasure in his society, but, having at the time

many claims on his time, invit^ Weber to

return in the autumn and msdte a longer stay.

At Gotha Weber met Spohr, who since 1805

had been Spohr had not re-

tained a \erY favourable impression of Weber’s

music at Stuttgart, but received him in true

brotherly fashion. On 34 Jan. they played

before the court Webers Variations on a

Norwegian theme (Op. 33). From Gotha the

two musicians went to Weimar, were kindly

received at court and gave a concert. If

Weber had been hoping for inspiration from

Weimar's great poets, his only chance was with

Wieland, for Goethe behaved coldly, or rather

look no notice at all of him. His diary con-

tains an entry ;

J«n. SQ. Early to fMiMcn (.Matva ?*vl«vn4|.

Utere *nd spoke. I dwl not iihr him.

Spohr had met with scarcely better treatment

some little time before, but this may have

arisen from Goethe's lack of interest in music.

Against Weber he was personally prejudiced,

possibly because of former circumstances about

his father and his family, and the feeling was

fostered by Zeltcr. Indeed, Weber never

succeeded in approaching Goethe.

By the beginning of Feb. Weber and Bar-

mann were in Dresden, but left U with no very

favourable impression ; indeed, they are re-

ported (0 have said : “Dresden shall not catch

us again “ ~ very contrary to (he fact, as far

as Weber was concerned. On 90 Feb. they

arrived In Berlin, where Weber had hopes

uf producing 'Silvana*. It had been tried

through some months before by Righini, but

'* went so confusedly that all prortounc^ it

perfect rubbish **.' He had thus to meet a

prejudice against hh work and, w^se siiU, a

personal one of the Kafiellmfuttr against him-

* Weber lo Csfubacber.

self. Bernhard Anselm Weber especially, an

able and cultivated man, and a pupil

of Vogicr. was by no means kindly disposed

to his young namesake ; but difficulties were

gradually overcome, two arias were added,

and the performance took place on to July.

Weber conducted in person and succeeded in

inspiring both band and singers, and the

public gave the wwk a warm reception, in

spnte of its startling novelty. Even b^ore this

he had made many friends in Berlin, and the

two concerts given by himself and Birmann,

though not well attended, had roused great

interest. He was introduced to the Sing-

akademie arid the Liedertafel, and wrote for

the lailer a composition, * Das Turnierban-

keit which even gained the approval of

Zelter. Meyerbeer*! parenu from the first

treated him as a son, and he stayed in their

house the whole time he was in Berlin. He

was introduced to cultivated and musical

families, where he soon became a favourite for

lus pleasant manners, hU admirable pianoforte

playing and extemporizing, his inspiriting way

of leading concert^ music and, above all, his

songs and his guitar. For these private circles

he composed five charming partsongs.

>Vhilc he was in Berlin lus old father died at

Mannheim (16 Apr. (8(2), an event which

brought back in full force hU homelessness and

loneliness, and made him touchingly grateful

for any proof of friendship. Barmann had left

him on 90 Mar. for Munich, and on 3 1 Aug<

he himself also left Berlin, stayed some few

days at Leipzig, where he found a publisher

for some of his compositions, and then, paving

through Weimar, arrived on 5 Sept, at Gotha.

The duke's treatment was politeness itKif, but

iruiead of having, as he hoped, a quiet time

for composition, Weber found the constant

attendance on the duke's inspired moments

exciting and exhausting. In the midst of this

he received an imitation from the Princess

Maria Pavlovna to come to Weimar and teach

her some of his works, including the Sonata in

C, which he had dedicated to her. He had to

give her a lesson each morning for a week, and

the rest of his time he spent with the company

at (he theatre, among whom Pius Alexander

WcJfT especially attracted him, and with Wie*

land, who was a sympathetic listener to his


At Gotha he had much stimulating mter*

course with Spohr, and also with Al^

Mcihfescl, then passing through. His diw

CMitains some interesting remarks on Spohr s

cwnpositioftS. At Spohr's he also met Herm*

stadt, the clarinet player from Sondershausen,

who played a concerto of Spohr’s in masi^ly

style, but seems to have been inferior to Bar-

mann in purity of lone and expression. As a

ruk the quick-witted, far-seeing Weber was

more just towards Spohr's compositions man


WEBER: A[^>oincmmi in Pra^u^

the more ponderous and shoct*sigh(ed Spohr

was to his.

The duke's younger brother, Prirwe Fried-

rich, an admirer of Italian music, had brought

a singing-master back with him from Italy,

and often asked Weber io go through Italian

operas with him. He had a good tenor voice,

and for him Weber composed an Italian moio

e 4 aria, with chorus, from the libretto of ' I net

de Castro performed at a court concert on

I? Dec. Other works written at Gotha were

the piano V'ariaiions on a theme from Mehul’s

'Joseph \ the first two mot ements of the piano

concerto in E> major and a hymn, * In seiner

Ordnuiig schafTi der Herr’, to Rochlita's

words. Spohr having recently started on a

concert lour, Weber left Cot ha. on 19 Dec.,

for Lrip,cig, where he produced this hymn at a

Ge wand haul concert (c Jan. 1613); and he

played the new Concertu, ** with a success

he writes himself, “such ^ was perhaps

scarcely ever known in l.eipsig belV*re. It is

pronouiired to lie the lirtt of concerto* for

elFect and novrlij. Truly these people, oore

to cold, have quite adopted cnr.“ Ihus the

new year opened to him auspiciiHisly.

That year, 1B13, was the greatest turniiiv*

point in VVeber's short career. Hitherto hiv

life had been that of a wandering minstrel.

Roving restlessly from place to place, winning

all hcaru by his sweet, iminualing, lively

melodies, his eccentricities making him an

aitrac live figure to the you ng of bot h sexes and

an annoyance to the old, exciting the attention

of everybody, and then suddenly disappearing,

his person uniting in the most seductive man-

ner aristocratic bearing and tone with issdoleni

diwipaiion, his moo^ alternating between

uproarious spirits and deep depreuion — in

all ways he resembled a figure from some

roinaniie poem, wholly unlike anything seen

before in the history <jf German art. In think-

ing of Weber people have in their minds, as a

rule, only the last period of his life, beginning

with ' Der Freischuta ' and eruling with

' Obvron ', but from that point of view the

work becomes too prominent and the man of

loo Utile imporunce. As a man l»e made a

greater encct by his versatile gifts in the first

lialf of his arlisiic career than in the second.

The love of the anliqur, whether in history,

the life of the people or national melody, was

then newly awakened in Germany and gave

its stamp to the period.

ArpoiWTMfcNT » HmAceE,— In 1813 this

roving life came to an end and was succeeded

by a settled existence, with ties of place and

circumstance and definite duties. The wander-

ing impulse was Indeed too ii^ained in his

nature not lo lu»ve a secret influence on his

later life, bot henceforth it was sufficiently

under conirol to admit of chat colteecednms of

»plrit without which the creation of great and

enduring works of art is impossible. On 1-2

Jan. 1813 Weber arrived at Prague, intending

to go on by N'ienna to Venice, Milan and ilu*

rest c( Italy, and (hen back through Switzer-

land and France. This tour he calculated to

lake fully two years, and from it he hoped for

great results. At Prague, however, there wac a

X acancy for a AafieNmriilfr of the theatre, owing

to Wenzel Muller’s resignation. I.iebich, the

director, knew Weber's value and ollcred him

the post, with a salary of 300a gulden (ahout

X^ton|. a vacation of two or three nionihs, an

annual benefit guaranteed at 1000 gulden and

absolute Independence of tlic <»pera. I'lie

grand tour, planned with so rnucli expecu-

tion, was given up and I.jebkh's oMVr


Cnder Muller’s direr lion the opera li.id de-

teriorated to such a degree that Lirbicii deter-

mined to divband the toinpany an<l emlrelv

reorganize it. For this task lie selected Weber,

who started for N’ieuna on a? Mar., fiirnidicd

with full powers to engage good musk bi is and

German singers,' In V’ienna he met Meyer-

beer again, heard Hummel and Mn»chcles,

wlnne playing lie thniighi “ fine, but too

smooth and gate a toncen of his mvri on

23 Apr., but Mas priiiciimlly occupied with the

main object of hu journey. ’I’hc whole Com-

pany, with the exception of three mvmberH,wa*

new, and included Caroline Brandi, VSeber’.s

future wife. He entirely reorganized the whole

system and developed a marvellous capacity

fur that kind uf work. His wide experience

and energy helped him to conquer the singers

and musicians, who were at first amazed by his

strictness and the inflexibility of his rules.

Amtmg them w-ere a number of Czechs, and

in order to be able to grumble at him with

impunity, they talked tocach other at rehe.'irsa)

in Czech, 'riiis Weber soon perceived and «'i

to work ui learn die language, which in a k w

months he had mastered sufficiently for his

purjiose. Not only did he manage, arrange

and direct the music even to the smallest

details, but he also superintended the adminis-

iratiort, the scene-painting and the siage-

management, and proved by demomiration

that all these were really within his province.

He thus eiuurcd an accuracy and a unity in

all the performances such as had never been

seen befi>rc, and which the public did not fail

to recognize. He was perhaps quite as great a

eductor as a composer, and was the first of

the great German musicians whose talent was

conspicuous in this direction. The first opera

be put on the stage at Prague was Spontini'^

C^z’ (9 Sept. 1813). then produced for

the first time there. Between tliac date an<l

19 Iw. followed nine, and between that and

a? Mar. eight newly studied operas and

hjJ 10 f.hi


WEBER: Prague, (8(4-1316

SingipitU. Of each he made a scenario, in-

cludir^ (he smallest de(ails.

His aim >vas to reinstate the Prague opera ui

(he position it had occupied between 1760 and

1790. He was quite the man to do it, if only

the times had been the same; but urdertun*

ately this was not the case. During the war

society had ceased to cultivate music and lost

its power of discrinunaiion, and the only way

of keeping up its traditional reputation for

taste was to maintain a dignihed reserve on all

artistic productions. \Veber, accustomed to

more sympathy, soon discovered this, and it

put him out of tune. Besides, he bad not

managed to form comfortable relations for

himself. With the Prague muiiciaiu, Koieluh,

Dionys Weber, Tomaick and others he did

not hit it off. The real cause of hit dUcomfort

was that he could not at once fall into the

regular ways of professional life.

After bringing out seven more operas be*

tween 19 Apr. and 96 June 1614 Weber, who

had been out of health for some time, went on

8 July to take ihe baths at Liebwerda. But

the impulse to join the great world was too

strong to allow him to stay there, and, pushing

on, he arrived In Berlin on 3 Aug., a couple of

days before the King of Prussia’s return from

(he allied armies' victorious expedition to

Paris after the battle of Leipzig. Berlin was in

a tumult of joy, and Weber was carried away

like the rest. To increase his hapi^ness he met

with an enthusiastic reception from his friends,

whose circle now included Tleck and Brentano,

with whom he had come into close touch at

Prague in tdig. Brentano began to arrange a

libretto on the Tannhauser legend for him, but

other things intervened, and the work was laid

aside. He gave a concert on 94 Aug. and

received permission to invite the king, the

crown prince and other princes and princesses.

.Sev^eral great personago were interested in

him, and there was some talk of making him

KaptUnuUUr of the Court Opera, in place of

Himmel, who had just died. ' Silvana ' was

given again on 5 Sept., and Weber left Berlin,

happy In many a proof of heartfelt sympathy

and loaded with impressions destined to bear

fruit later on.

At (hat period patriotic songs were naturally

enough the order of the day, and in thisdirec*

tion Weber could hardly fail to be led. An

invitation from the duke took him to Gotha on

t c Sept., and the next day to Grafentonna, (he

duke's hunting seat. Here, finding a little

repose for the first time for many months, he

composed on the 1 gth two songs from Kdrner's

' Leyer und Schwert’, followed by eight others

during the journey home and in the first few

months after hb return. Six of these are Ux

male chorus and four for a ungle voice and

pianoforte*, and in them he recorded the Im*

pressions made on his mind by (he su^lng

national movement. It was his first oppor*

tunity of showing how great a power be had

of absorbing the feelings of the rnasses and

giving them artistic expression. The effect of

these songs on the wh^e people of Germany,

and especially on the youth, was extraordinary.

Wherever they were sung they roused the most

fervid enthusiasm.

Before hk trip to Berlin Weber bad entered

into closer relations with Caroline Brandt, but

there were difficulties in the way of marriage.

Gar^ne, a talented soubrcite, a good deal

spoiled by the public, was somewhat whim*

sical and had imperfect views both as to the

digni ry cd* art i n i iself artd Weber’s importance

as an artist. Neither did she like hU requiring

her to leave the stage before they married.

Tlics uncertainly about an object he so ardently

desired added to hU discontent with Prague

and made him anxiously look out for some

opening which should lead to hU removal. In

the meantime he made use of his summer

holiday in 1815 for an expedition to Munich,

and it was there that the news of the battle of

Waterloo reached him. The outburst of joy

and enthusiasm which followed Incited him to

a great composition in honour of the event.

Gottfried Wohibrkek the actor provided him

with the words, and in Aug., Ixfore leaving

Munich, he wrote the first two numbers of

' Kampf und Sieg The last two days of his

stay were embittered by a letter from Caroline^

conveying her conviction that they had better

part. This “ conviction ”, however, did not

last long. When Weber returned to Prague

her real affection for him overcame all

scruples, and he was able to look forward with

confidence to a time when she should be all

his ovm.

The canuia was quickly completed and per-

formed for (he first lime at Weber’s benefit

concert (aa Dec-). TJic immediate effect w«

great, though no( $0 lasting as that of the

Korner songs.

Weber now decided to give up his post at

Prague. The main object of his labours, the

reorganisation of the Opera on a solid basis,

was accomplished. To produce firsl*fatc

results, and make it one of the chief institutions

for promoting German dramatic art, was out

of the question under the circumstances in

which he was placed and with the means at hu

disposal. But he thought that it could w

maintained at its then state of efficiency with*

out his aid; and as Prague had nothing to

offer fee himself and (he furtherance of his own

artistic life, he resigned his post on 30

1818- Projects of a grand tout or a summons

to some other great art institution again

Boated through hU mind- He had beefi again

in Berlin during the summer and pi^

duced his eantata on (he anniversary ol >' aier

loo with such success that i( was repeateo o

^VKBKR : C^onducior^p at DrAdrn


S 3 June. Count Bruhf, inland’s successor as

intendant of the court theatres, was de\*oted

to both Weber and his musk, and tned, though

vainly, to procure him the appointment of

Kaptllmeisur, The post was occupied pio^

visional] y by Bernhard Romberg, and not

even a title from the Prussian court could be

had for Weber. On his ceiurn jourctey to

Prague he made the ac(|uain(ance at Carlsbad

of Count Vitzthum, marshal to the Saxon

court, who opened to him a prospect of an

invitation lo Dresden. After a formal farewell

to Prague he accompanied hb betrothed to

Berlin on a star engaRcment, and remained

there for the rest of the year busily engaged in

composition. The piano Sonatas in Ar major

and D minor, the (kand Duo for clarinet and

piano anti st'trral t harming song> Ix’long to

this time. On 3i .just liefbre starling on

a lour to llaittburg and Clopenhagrn, h*'

rccelsetl ihe news that the King of Saxony had

appointed him cufulut it>r of the Cerman opera

ai Dresden.

(ii.HUAK OrfBA Af DafsufN. Weber*'

Mork at DrevJen, which was to laM for nine

years and icrminaie <>nly wiih his premature

dcaih, is of the highest importaiKe. He

founded an institution for ilw perfurmanre of

Ceriuan opera at one of the nuAi musically

•lisiinguished courts of (lermany. whUh had

not ponscssed one before. IWards the end of

die ceinury, (krman Smgt^tU wtre occasion-

ally pcriormeti m Dres<Urn, but only by second-

rate actors at a small theatre In die so^allrd

IJnkrM'hc Ba<l. ihe rcHirt KMptUmukr being

rxpretdy forbidden to take part in the per-

formances. ;\ft< r King Frederick Augusltu's

return from ihc war in 1815 hb intendant,

<;ouni lleinrlth Vludium, irsduced him to

found a Cfennan opera, though only as an

adtihion to the Italian, sikI It was tbu iiMiiu*

lion which Weber was tailed on lo organize.

Such work naturally could not be carried out

without violent opposition from the Italians,

who had hitherto had it all their owm way,

widt the court and nobiliiy almost exclusively

on their side. 'I'he p<Ki of KapeUm<uUT had

Iwen filled since c8i j by an Italian, Francesco

Morl.xcchi. Weber had hardly enlered on hb

tiew office before he discovered chat pow^erfuI

hies were actively though secretly engaged

against him. In accepting the post he had

made it a liiuqua am that he and his institution

should be ranked on terms of perfect equality

with Morlacchi and hb, and had expressly

stipulated for the title of KaptUmiuKr, whkh

was held by the other. These conditions were

agreed to, and yet when the appmntmeni was

garetled he found himwif styled ^ffenTdiVriller,

a title which, according to general usage, made

him subordinate to Morlacchi. Weber at

once staled with decision that be must decline

the post. He. how’cvcr, allowed himself to be

persuaded, for the sake of the object, to fill the

ofRce pro>*biooally, until either a subsiiiuic

had been engaged in hb place or he hun*iclf

had been formally pronounced KopfUmitUt.

By 10 Frb. 1817 he had the saibfaction o\

learning that the king had giNcn way. His

salary ft 500 thaler £220) had l>ccn from

the first on an equality with Morlacchi 's, and

on (3 Sept, cite appointment was ronfirmc<l

for life. He had a first-rate orthcsira and ;i

tolerable body of singers at his dhpu,al and

found ample opportunity for turning iut know-

ledge and experience lo account,

German opera having generally had spoken

dkje^vse, often forming a large proportion r>f

the work, a custom had arisen of fjlling the

parts with actors who could sing. Tlic !*iyle

wa* not a very perfect one, the profession tif an

actor being su wraring for ihe s«)ice, and Iu'iko

small paru alone were lit for thoc singing

acioes. Of sut h materials >Vebcr’s rompnny at

first excJu'Iscly ronsUted, He was indeed

ailowTd, with spt'cial permission, i<> m.ikc use

of the members of the Italian oihtu, but this

avalM him little, because the Iiaii.ins could

rarely speak German and were unfamiliar

with German music. \\ for the cliorus, it w.as

at first fton-exisient. A few suihts with soires

and iwti or there sulxirdinatc snlo-singert

cofuti luted the basses and letiori, while ihe

st^anot and altos were supplied by stli<K,l-

boys, as was once the custom at all German

tlwaires. With MJth inaivriaU it needed all

Weber s gifts of organization and direction to

produce results that nughi bear comparison

With the far letter aprviinicd Indian theatre,

a^ keep alive, or rather kindle, nn interest in

German opera among cultivated j>cople.

The first opera he produced w« M^hul’s

Jwph ; (JO Jan. i8J7h The performance

was excellent mdcwl.all that could he desired

a* far as die team-work went, though the solo

singcn were but indifferent. 'Hie engagement

of competent leading ariiau was his next care

Here lie acted upon the priuclple Dial German

opera was not to be confined to nniivc works

tmly, but should also produce Italian and

p renc h operas su ng i n tlsc \ ernatui ar, To th is

end a ftumeriHis, well-trained and ilioroughly

cultivated body of artists was irquisite, and he

Jelt II necessary to engage at Icmi three h ading

wpranos, one first-rate tenor and one first-rate

bass. His iniendant sent him in Mar, 18:7 on

a mtssion to Prague, but the year 1817 came

to a close without any real acquisition liaNiiio

been made. However, Weber had secured a

regular eh<»us and chorus-master,

A third reform undertaken by Weber in the

early part of 18.8 was the rearrangement of

ilw orchestra- It had hitherto been placed in

the ^ncT as ai the Italian opera, but

this ^position he wished to alter for one more

»uited to the component parts of a modern

WEBER: I0i7-r8ao — * Dcr FreUchiiw ’


orchestra and (o the greater imp^unce

assigned to the instrumental part an opera.

The change was at first strongly opposed, and

he was obliged for the time to desist by the

king’s express command. Bit by Mt, however,

he made the changes he wanted, and his new

arrangement, having proved itself perfect,

was permanently maintained.

^^'ebec's work at Dresden very nearly came

to an end in a few months’ time, for on 27

June iSt? a KapeUmtister post in Berlin fell

vacant, and Count Bruhl, the intendant, at

once entered into negotiations with him on the

subject. It was an appointment he was

strongly inclined to accept. Berlin had many

attractions for him, and $0 far Dresden society

had done little to make his residence there

agreeable. The burning of the Berlin theatre

on 31 July, however, put a stop to the negetia*

tions, and, though they were several times

renewed, nothing came of them. One result

at any ra le was that h is appoint meat at Dresden

tvas made for life, and that he wu also

admitted to a share in the direction of the

musical services at the Cathotk royal chapel.

He conducted for the first time, on 24 S^t.

1617, the music being a ’Salve Regina* by

Schuster and a litany by Naumann, for whose

church mu^ic Weber had a great admiration.

Now that he was often called on to compose for

court festivities, the duties of his post became

varied and extensive, and abswbed much

lime. His colleague Morlaechl had frequent

leave of absence and passed long periods of

lime in Italy, and then all hU work fell upon

Weber. A man loving freedom from restraint

as he did would have found it very hard to

carry on his work with the cheerfulness and

elasticity of spirit so remarkable in him, if he

had not had a constant spring of happiness

and refreshment in marrM life. His union

with Caroline Brandt took place at Prague on

4 Nov. tSt?. On their wedding tour the

young couple gave concerts at Darmstadt and

Gic«cn, appeared at Gotha before the duke,

and then went home to Dresden, which they

reached on 20 Dec.

CoMrosmoN or ‘Dea Fsxischutz — He

had been at work on his next opera since the

summer of that year. Soon afier hb removal

to Dresden he became intimate wiih Friedrich

Kind, who, after throwing up hb employment

as an advocate at Leipzig, had been living at

Dresden solely by literature. Weber having

asked him to write a libretto. Kind heartily

assented, and the two agreed on the story of

‘Dcr Prcbchiitz* in Apel’s * Gespensierbuch ’,

which came out in iBio and had excited

Weber's attention. Kind wrote the play in

seven days; on 21 Feb. 1S17 he and Weber

sketched the plan together, and by i Mar. the

complete Ubretto was in Weber’s bands. The

composition did not proceed with equal

celerity ; on the contraf7, Weber took longer

over thb than over any other of hu operas.

Bit by bit, and with many interruptions, it

advanced 10 completion. The sketch of (he

first number ^ the duet between Agathe and

Aennchen, with which the second act begins —

was wriiteo on 2 and $ July 1817. Nothing

more was done that year, except the sketch ^

the trio and chttus in the first act (*' O, diese

Sonne ”) and Agathe's grand air in the second

(6 to 25 Aug.). In idtS he only worked at the

opera on three days (17, 21 and 22 Apr.). On

13 Mar. 161$ he wrote the sketch of Caspar's

aria in D minor, which ends the first act. Then

follows another six months' pause, after which

he Kt to work continuously on (7 Sept., and

the last number, the overture, was completed

on 1$ May i8so.

Compositions for the court, including

Masses in Ek and G, the ‘Jube!*Cantate * and

*Jubel Ouverture ’ c4* 1818, may have hin>

dered his progress in that year, but in the

summer of 1819, without any pressure from

without, solely following the bent of hb own

genius, he wrote several of his finest pianoforte

works for two and four hands, including the

Rondo in Er, Op. 62, the ’ Aufforderung sum

Tans’, Op. 65. and the ’ Bolacca brillame *

in E, Op- 7a, The pianoforte Trio also and

many charming songs belong to this summer,

which Weber passed, like those of 1622, 182$

and 1824, in a little country place, Hosienrils

near Pillnitt. By the time ‘ Dcr Frcischuts '

was at Iasi finUhed his delight in dramatic

production had reached such a pitch that he at

once began and completed another dramatic

work and at any rale started on a third. Court

Bruhl, of Berlin, had asked him for some

new music to Wolff's play of ‘ Pfcciosa .

Eberwein’s not being satisfactory. Weber did

as he was requested and wrote the music —

“ a heavy piece of work and an important one,

more than half an opera as he says himself

— between 25 May and isjulv

meantime he was working at a comic opera,

‘ Die drei Rnios the libretto by Theodor

Hell, a Dresden port, whose real name was

Karl Winkler. Thb work was still progressing

in the following year.

Count Briihl, who had a great esteem for

Weber, informed him in the summer of tSifi

that it was hb intention to produce ‘ Der Fr^-

schbtt’ at the opening of the new theatre, tti^

in course of crectioo by Scbinkcl. The build*

ine was to have been finished m the spring 0

1820, but was not ready till a year lat««

\Veber had intended to Ukc the opportunity

of hb vbit to Berlin for making a professional

tour, but it did not seem advbabic to

thb for so long. For the last two year* he ^

been out of health, and disquieting syxnpt^

of the malady which b^ght his life w a

mature close had begun to show themsei>-es

WEBER: Th« Bcrlio ‘ FwJschuir ’ Productiou


Relaxation and rdieshment were urgently

necessary. He also wished, after this inter\’a(

of tea years, to appear again in pubtic as a

pianist. He slatted his wife on 25 July

i8so, weot first to Leipzig, to his intimate

friend Roehli tz, c hen oa to Halle. The grea test

enthusiasm pce\'ailed at the concert be gas'e

there on 31 July. Among the universiiy

students was Loewe, who took the whole

arrangements for the concert off his hands.

Still more enthusiastic was his reception by (be

xiudenu of Cdiiuigen, where he arrived on 1 1

Aug., and gave a concert on *7 Aug. After it

he was serenaded by the students, who sang

his 'Lutzows wilde Jagd’, and, on his eomiitg

down to talk with ciirm, crowded round him

cheering, 'Ihericc they went by Hanover to

Bremen, Oldenburg and Ifamburg, where he

left hU wife, going on to Lubeck, Kuiin (his

l>irih place, which he had not vistird since

lOoij and Kiel, whence he crossed over to

Oi jwn hagrn . I'h is u as the moal Itrilli an i (joint

of li is journe ) . He was prrsen ted to the Da nrsh

king and queen, played at court on 4 <>ci,, and

at a public concert 8 (>ci., overwltelmcd with

applause on both occasions. After another

concert at Hamburg on hb way back, he

reached Dresden on 4 Nov.

As a great pianut \^‘eber was often asked to

give lessoni. and did so. Huiiib in tlw higher

»en^ of the word, that b 10 say, artists stamped

With his own sigmmanuat as composen or

pianists, hr had none. For ihb hb anktU

disposition was too peculiar, hb clsaracter too

rcsiless mid unrneihodKal. Ur find a pupil,

Freytag, ffgm lli rlin studying the pianofurte

and compoiiiioii with him at Prague in 1816

and are told tJiat he made his d^bui at 1 con*

cert of Weberns (^9 Marj. to hb master's

satufaction, but wc never hear of him again

from that day. Marstlinrr cummiinkated

With him in idl8, sending him hb opera

Heinriih IV and d'Aubigo^ * from Press*

burg, and coming himself on 16 Aug. i$in.

Webrr was much interested in the opera and

neeured its performaiKc at Dresden, where it

was given lor the first time on 19 July i8»o.

Marschner setiled at Dresden in the beginninjr

»» 1024 waa appoinied

MNukdxukior of tljc Opera, a post he friained

OH Webers death. The two maintained an

itiiertour^ which at times was animated,

diough U<‘ber never found Marv'hner a ccei-

genial companion. Marschner was undoubt-

edly sirongjy iridueiiced by \^>ber‘c mude ; it

IS rvidcm m all hb compodiions duriris hb

stay at I>rcsdr»i, and also in hb opera • Dee

\amp^ '. Yet he cannot be called a pupil

W tv e Per. whose most devoted and only real

pupil w« Julius Benedict of Stuttgart, who

came to Weber in Kcb. iHai

pRoouenox oe • Dca Facisciu ir:

Hcnedtct was fortunate enough to share tho

lightest and most triumpliant period of

Weber’s short life with hhn. After ‘ Frcclosa ‘

had been fdayed for the Brst time with \Vcber’s

music (14 Mar. 1821) at the Berlin Opera, and

very wcU reeeu'cd, the day drew near for the

opening of the new theatre, In which ' Dcr

Freischutt ’ was to be the first opera per-

formed.* Weber had been invited to rehearse

and conduct the opera himself and for ihk

purpose arrived in Berlin on 4 May.

Sp<»ntim was at that time the ruling spirit in

operatic matten in Berbn. I’hc king was a

great admirer of hb mude, and he had many

adltcrents among the court and in society, in

the rest of the world, however, opiiiinns were

divided. During the war a strong fe<'ling of

nationalbm had developed in (iennariy, and

there was a prejudice again^i roieigmn., espeej.

ally against forcignrrs hailing from Paris.

Hence ihr fact that a Framo-liall.in should be

installed, On terms of unusual liberallry, in the

chief musical post In the capital gate great

olferwv. It is lieyorid (juestion lliat Si>ontlni,

aj)ari from his bluixlcrs, wa.s made a scapeguai,

and that ihe dislike of the people ul Ikrliii was

as much due to political and social as to mude al


.\U at once \N>lnf stejjfxd un the m rnc with

hb new opera. Uc can quiie uriderMamI how

ardently tJic patriots of IkrJin must ha\c

longed for a brilliant smeess, il only a

CounurpOne to J>(K>nllnl. Obviously, t<K/, it

was impossible to prevent « lerlnlii iiiixiely

kst Weber was not man enough to sustain with

honour this coni I let with the foreigner. He

was known as a gifted composer of songs and

instrumental mustc. but his earlier </|>crii» had

not Iwen undisputed succerse,, and (01 ihe Iasi

ten years he had done nothing at all in that

line. On ail ihoe grtmnds the first jjerforin*

ance r>f ' | 3 cr Frclnhut/ * was looked forward

to with a widesjjrcad fis ling of suspense and


Weber thus could not but feel iliai miich

"re*** for Jtimself and fur the cause

of German an. As if to point the contrast siill

more ftwcibly between hfimelf and Sponiitii

beiwn native and fijceign art, Sponilni^s

Olym^a , entirely remodelled by the com-

poser after its production in Paris, had been

given for the first time in Berlin (14 May)

only a month before ' Ver Frcbchuiz*, with

a success which, though not enduring, was

at the time. Weber's friends were

lull dismay, fearing chat ‘ Der Kreischiiiz ’

would not have a chaise i \Vebvr alone, ns if

wth a true presentiment of the event, was

always in good spirit,. The rehearsals brsaii

on 21 May, and the performance was fixed


^ ** •law br vne vr two oiLcV

20 $

WEBER: Dresden, td^

i8 June, a day hailed by Weber as of good

on^n, being that of the battle of Waterloo.

So entirely was he free from anxiety that he

employed his scanty leisure in composing one

of his fitiest instrumental works, the ‘Concert-

stuck ' in F minor, fmUhing it on the morning

of the day on which * Der Freischuta ’ was

produced. Benedict relates how he was sitting

with Weber's wife when the composer came in

and played them the piece just finished, mak-

ing remarks as he went, and what an jndeliUe

impression it made on him.

Weber's presentiment did not fail him :

i6 June was as great a day of triumph as ever

fell to the lot of a musician. The applause of

a house hlled to the very last seat was such as

had never been heard before, in Germany at

any rate. That this magnificent homage was

no outcome of party spirit was shovm by the

enduring nature of the success and by the fact

I ha I it was t he sa me wherever ’ Der Frcisc h utz '

was heard. No sooner had it been produced in

Uerlin thart it was seized upon by nearly all

the principal theatres in Germany. In Vienna

it was given on $ Nov., and, though (o a certain

extent mutilated and curtailed, was received

with almost greater enthusiasm than in Berlin.

Weber thought It desirable to appear in

public at a concert before leaving Berlin. The

second performance of ' Der Freisehutz ’ took

place on so and the third on 22 June.

On the 2$th he gave his concert In the hall of

(he new theatre and played the ' Concert-

stuck ’ for the first time in public.

Weber returned to Dresden on i July 1621.

In comparison with other places In Germany,

Dresden was in no special hurry to produce

*Der Freischdtz', though It had not b^n able

altogether to shut its ears to the reports of its

colossal success. The composer, In spite of all

the pains he took to show his loyalty, was no

favourite with the king and court. From the

time of the first appearance of ‘ Der Frcischutz '

(ill Weber’s death there is not a sign that at

court the smallest pride was felt in the fact of

Dresden’s possessing so great a composer. He

was all but allowed to accept the post of court

KQf>eiUnt\sltT at Cassel, with the liberal salary

of 2500 thaler 1000 thaler more

than he received at Dresden. The minlsier at

last ofiered him an increase of 300 thaler,

calculating that with his attachment to Dres-

den that would be sufficient Inducement (o

him to remain : and he was not deceived. The

additional salary, howet*er, was deprived of all

value as a distinction by its being also bestowed

on Morlacchi.

‘Der Freischuia’ was performed at Dresden

for the first time on ofijao. 1622, and met with

a more enthusiastic reception than had ever

been known there before. But a few isolated

cases were found of people who did not like It.

Kind, the librettist, could not bear the music.

because it threw his own merits into the shade,

and Spohr, who had moved to Dresden ‘ with

hU family on 31 Oct. (621, heard it there for

the first time and was not favourably impressed.

But bis failure to understand Weber’s music

made no difference in their relations ; on the

contrary, Weber showed his esteem for Spohr

by warmly recommending him for the post of

K^etlmeistfT at Cassel, which he had himself

declined, but which Spohr accepted and filled

with credit up to a short period before his


Ludwig Tieck, too, then resident in Dresden,

never could reconcile himself thoroughly to

‘ Der Frcischutz ’. He and Weber, much as

they differed in their views of dramatic art,

formed a lasting friendship, expressed with

frankness on both sides. Speaking generally,

Weber was on excellent terms with the poets of

the day. Wit h Goethe indeed he never got on,

though they met several times ; but with Jean

Paul, and also with Achim von Arnim, he was

intimate. He was also very friendly with

>VilhcIm Muller, author of the ‘ Schone

Mullerin ' and the ‘ Winterreise who visited

him at Dresden and dedicated a volume of

poems to him in the autumn of 1 824 ; but not

one of iheM did Weber set . His day for wri ting

sonp was over- Of Tieck’s poems he only

composed one (‘ Sind es Schmerzen, sind es

Fret^n ’ from ‘ Die sehone Magelonc ’).

CoueosmoN or ‘ EuavANTKa ’.—During

(he latter half of 182 t Weber was at work upon

the comic opera ‘ Die drei Pintos begun in

r820, but never to be finished by him.* Ha

was drawn off towards work of a different kind.

The criticisins of ’ Der FreischUt* ' were almost

always on points of form and mainly resolved

themselves into this, that the opera did not

contain enough of those larger, arlistlully

cortstrucied forms which betray tlie hand of

the master. When, therefore, an invitation to

write a new opera arrived (t i Nov. 1821) from

Barbaia of the Karninerior Theatre in Vienna,

he seized the opportunity with avidity. The

libretto was to be written by Helmina von

Chtzy, who had been at Dresden since i 8 < 7 -

She offered him several subiccU, and he

selected ' Euryanihe After several ailempu

in which Weber gave her active assistance, she

succeeded in putting her materials into some-

thing like the shape he desired. His idea ol an

opera was that the music should not 1^

entirely dominant as in Italian opera, but^t

the work should be a drama in which the w^s

should have a real interest of their own jJJ

which aciiwi, production and settmgs

all contribute to the viridness j

general impression. These principles be

• Thm *0 tk* tb.e«

roAuuk <•*>««. M«chner, ««

(a*t ai Lriptie. so Js">

\VI^F.R : * EuryatAihr ' in S’irnnA

endeavoured lo carry oot in ’ Der Freischuia * ;

in ' Euryanthe ’ he hoped to realiae chem fuJIy.

The words of the hnt act were ready b>' 15

Deo. 162 1 > and \Neber set to woi\c tsSih all hb


Thinking it well to study the cireumstanen

under which hb new work was to appear, he

started on 10 Feb. (da? for Vienna, stopping

on the way to conduct ‘ Der Freischuiz * ((4

Feb.) at Prague, wich unmeasured success. He

attended a performance of chc same opera In

Vienna on the 18th, but found it far from

edifying, though thb work gave him a popu*

larity in Vienna (hat became almost burden*

some. He was urged to settle there aJingeiher

and undertake the direction of the German

Opera, There also he receivxd an Invitation

to write a grand opera fur Paris. In (he midsc

of all this excitement he fell ill with a violenc

sore ihruat. Thai his disease was making

progress was evident.

Having reiurncd home on Mar. ?C, he

remained at Hosterwlt^ all the sunuiwr, and

ihere was composed by far the greatest part rjf

hu cyan the *. for he had the same house the

following summer. His meat imporiant plcse

of official work at this time was ihc pruductinn

of Deeihovcn's ‘Fidelio’'. and he strained

every nerve to secure a performance wortliy tj*

the work. An animated correspondence cn»

sued between hint and Beethoven. Weber*

firsi letter was da led ad Jan. (8*3; Becihoven

replied on )6 Feb., and Weber rejoined on the

18th. After (hat there were letters from Be* i*

lioven of 9 Apr., and 9 June and u Aug.,

the last enclosing a sonata and variations of

Ins own com put it ion. ^Vcbcr was a great

admirer and a remarkable exponent of Bert*

Ju>ven‘s pianofonr music, es|>ecially of fih

sonatas, a fact which Ilecihosvn xmas to have

known. The corn-sponderKe has Imto lost,

except a Iragmuni < 4 a rough copv of W eber*s *

In Srpi. 1823 Weber started for N’icnna to

conduct the first performance of ‘Euryanthe'

^^5 1823), Benedict accompanied him.

onrUia had asaembled a comjiany of (irM-ratc

Italian singers and was giving admirable per*

lormanccs of Italian operas, especially R<k.

nriis. kossmi had been In Vienna and had

rehearsed Iiu operas himself. The public was

almost intoxicated with his musk-, and it was

j^rformed so admirably that esen Weber, who

had pretiously been almost unjustly severe

towards Rossini's operas, was obiiged, 10 hb

vexation, to confos that he liked what be heard

there, h was unfortunate that the singers cast

' Spiiu’a former xaument here Ihu • PideliA • IiaJ

*' ■ xKerreei. l>f. a



for ‘ Euryanthe though as a whole rfiiriem,

were stars of the second order, btlll, * iJcr

Frciscliuia' had preposx^u’d the public, and

the first performance of the new work was

enthusiastically applauded. Bui the ciuliusi-

asm did not last. The plot was all but un-

intelligible, people found the music long and

noby, and after the sc«uttl and third i>er(brm-

ances, which Weber conducted with great

success, the audiences gradually berainu mU!

and thin. After hU departure Conradin

Krrutzer compreNsed the libretto to surJi an

extent as to make the opera a mere conglonirr-

aiion of Isolated scenes, and after dr.iggiiig

tlirough twenty perlt/rm.iiM rs it I'aiilshcd ironi

the bnariK.

\Neber refeixed hi tie consolation for this

fsilurr from hU frJIim •artists. In many

instances en»y prevented their seeing the

grand and beaulilul ideas in which ' I'.ury-

amhe' abounds: and there wercartlils alxne

the influence of any such mothe, who yet did

not appreciate the work. ForeitiMsi among

ilscsc was bchubin. I he only really saiii.

factory pari of WrUr’s vidi was Jiis int<*r»

course witi) liertlMivm, who welcomed him

heartily. At tme time Oeethovrti had not

valued Weber's cotitpositlons ai a high rate,

but his opiniim of ilw cnmposer of ‘ Ore

FfcistJtutt ' had risen enortnoudy. He did

not go 10 ‘Euryanthe': there would have

been no objert in his doing so, now that hh

troubles with his hearing had settled down into

total deafness.

Weber left Vienna on 5 Nov, ari<l arrived at

Dresden on the iiMh. By his dedrv BetiHic i

remained tn V ienna, to k<.«.p him iriftjrmed of

the progress of ' Kuryanihe': but what he

heard was <0 far from pleasam that he did

^ venture to reimrt it, WrixT had put his

full strength into tlw work, inienditig it as

a detmioMrat«>n of his jH>wcr and capacity.

With the k^nest anxiety he followed its pro.

gr^, marking ilw impression it produced, not

only in Vienna, but in every theatre which

performed it. When he found ihat in most

pl«es II received only a juetft rf'emW, and that

opinions as to iu value were divided, even

amoi^ unbiassed connoisseurs, he fell into

^p depr^on, Benedict, on his return from

Vienna, thought him looking ten years older

and ^1 tlw symptoms of his malady had in.

** undoubtedly to be

atinbuirt that all hi, old energy, nay, even

h« love of n.«,c, for the time abandoned him.

His compositions seemed to recede into die

far disunce, and m the summer of tdra he

wile m a bitter mood lo hb wife from Maricn-

h»d, whw he was taking the waters : “ I have

not an idea, and do not believe I ever com-

he did, 1,0 would

*^p*y- r cough and am la<y". During


WCBER : ' Oberon ' In London

hftoen months he composed absolutely nothii^

except one Utile French romance.

Many disappointments, however, as * Fury*

anthe ’ brought him, there were places where

it was at once valued as it deserved. At Dres-

den the Brst performance took place on 31

Mar. 1824, with a success that equals

Weber’s highest expectations. At Leipzig it

was much the same> the opera occupying a

place in the repertory from May 1624. In

Berlin there was considerable delay in pru^

during the opera, for which Sponlini received

more than his share of the blame. The Arst

performance look place on 23 Dee. 1635, and

in Berlin too, where Weber's most devoted

adherents were to be found, the effect it

produced was great and lasting. The com-

poser conducted in person, (hough, suffering

he was from mortal illness, it took all his

indomitable energy to make the mind rise

superior to the body. It was his last appear-

ance in Berlin.

Tks IrrvrrATiON to 1x>ni>on. — Weber knew

ihat his days were numbered. His great desire

was to leave enough to place bis family above

fear of poverty. 1 1 was h is love for them whkh

roused him from the languor and depression

into which he had fallen after the completion

of ' Luryanihe*. The immediate impulse was

a letter from Charles Kemble, then lessee of

Coven t Carden Theatre, inviting him to write

an opera in English. London had also partki-

paled in the ' Freischutz’ mania, three theatres

playing it at the same time. Kemble added a

request that he would come to London 10

produce the new opera in person and conduct

’Der Frcischiiu* and ’Precioea’. Weber did

not hesitate long, and the two soon agreed on

* Oberon ’ as the subject of the opera, the

libretto to be drawn up by James Robinson

Planch^. The terms took longer to arrange.

Kemble's offer of -^500 Weber considered too

low, and Kemble thought Weber’s demands

much too high. At last, however, he agreed

to give £ 1 000.’ Before the affair was concluded

Weber consulted his physician. Dr. Hedenus,

as to the possibility of the journey in his then

stale ofheahh. The reply was that if he would

give up conducting and composing, and take

a year’s complete rest in Italy, hb lile might

be prolonged for another hve or six years. If,

on the other hand, he accepted the English

commission, hu life would be measured b)'

months, perhaps by weeks. Weber replied by

his favourite motto, ” As God will and

settled to go.

Although he had undertaken to compose

this opera from a desire to make money, be

would not have been the high-minded artist

he was if he had not set 10 work at it with all

his might. So much was he in earnest that,

* So uy* BrncdUi, p. loS. vhI Mai

WbImt's acewint varkv llisKily.

at ihirty'Sei*en, and with one foot in the grave,

he began to team English systematically. He

set to work on ' Oberon * on 35 Jan. but

laid the wotk aside during the summer and

resumed it on 19 Sept. The last nurnber, the

overture, was competed in London on 39

Apr. 1S36.

By medical advice he took the waters at

Ems in the summer of 1633, starting from

Dresden on 3 July. His route lay through

Naumburg to Weimar, where he made a last

unsuccessful atiempi to enter into close rela-

tions with Goethe, and was warmly welcomed

by Hummel and hb family. Thence he went

by Gotha 10 Frankfort, greeting hb old friend

Gottfried Weber (or the last time, and then by

Wiesbaden to Ems. Thb journey must have

convinced him of his extraordinary popularity.

People of all ranks vied with each other in

showing ham kindness, respect and admiration.

At Ems he was admitted into the circle of that

accomplbhed man the Crown Prince of Prussia

(afterwards Frederick William IV). But (he

musician tottering to hu grave was no longer

able 10 enjoy the sunshine which shone so

brightly on bb last days.

The time for Weber's departure for England

drew on. On 3 Feb. 1626 he conducted 'Der

Preisehuu ’ at Dresden for the last lime and

took leave of hb band, all except Furstenau,

the well-known 6ute player, who was to travel

with him. He chose the route through Ptfb,

and made the acquaintance of the principal

musicians there, specially etijoying the atten-

tions of Gherutrini, for whom he had always

had a high respect. A performance c>

Bokidieu's * La Dame blanche * enchanted


Proovctiom op ‘OaanoH’.— On 3 Mar.* be

arrived in London and was most hospiubly

received by Sir George Smart, then organbt of

the Qvapel Royal. On the 6ih he went to

Govern Garden Theatre to view the scene ^

hb future labours ; he was recognized, and the

cheers tffthe spec taws must have assured him

of Kb popularity in London. On 8 Mar. he

conducted a selection from * Der Frebchutt

at one of the Oratorio Concerts, and here

rcceptim was even more enthusiastic,

every piece from (he opera being encored. On

the 9(h the rehearsab for ' Oberon '

and Weber perceived at once that he had at his

dbpcsal all the materiaU for a firsi-rate per*

formance- To please Braham, who t^ the

part of Huon, he composed two ^ditionaJ

pieces, a grand scena and aria (“ Yes, eveo

love*’), which Braham substituted ftw toe

grand ab in the first act, and the praytf m

second act r Ruler of tbb awful hour )-

finl performance took place on 12 Apr-

music went beautifully, and the «omp«er h^

an even more enthuriasuc reception than ma

2 f I

UK BLR: I)caih in London-- Thr Operas

bestowed on Rossini iwo or three yean before.

By 29 May ' Oberon ' ' had reached iu

twenty-eighth perfonnance, the fini cwch>e

having been conducted by himself according

to his contract. Nevertheless the entliu^asm

exhibited by the publle at the hrsi performance

of ' Oberon * was not maintained at the

following performances. In a letter to his

wife, written on the \ ery first night of perfortn-

ance, Weber says :

My dnr Lint. TiuoM to <;o.l aisd to Hm

wkll I iLiJ e\«wini Ibr MHcew •( my

life. I h« nrotion prAduceti \,v uak a i/iwotph it immp

*l**n t ctn dfoenbr. I<> Cod atoA« belonei iW cl<wy.

tSArn I entered Ihe orcAnirt, Use houtr. (ranMiieil im

the rf«f, burn in«i t tretirr ot tpfslttur, K»u m. 1

htiiilWrtrhirfi '^ere in ili^ aw. Jlse (K^rwre

htil 10 iw e»erutr<l i*»Ke. ai had aho Kveral pw<e« in

''I tiK rod of th* ri*rfvcmaM« I

rallrd .M) fM ihe tttye by iKr rndiuaioiiw xelaniaiiont

<< Ihe puUhe i an honour >»|iHh n» «n«nimr« ka<l «%»

(•efive wbiiineJ m Kii<laAd, .MJ H-ni efteariiUt. and

eserv one around me Hta Kapfn

I hough hit strength was ectmiantly declin-

ing, he was always ready to Irisd his name or

his servircs when he could be of assuiaiwe to

others. Thus he took part In concerts given on

37 .\pr., I, 10 and 18 May b>' Mhs Hawes,

Fursirnau, Kemble and Braham, es'cn at one

of Miss [*&u>n’i on 30 May, six days hrforc his

death. A concert of his own on aC May was

a failure, TJie day was badly chovn, arsd

Ucl>cr in his state of utter exhaustion had

omitted two or three social formalities. Aniung

other music given at this concert was hi*

' Jubel Cantate’ ( 1 8 1 6), put to different words,

and a song (’ From Chindara's warbUng

fount ’) just composed for Miss Stephens, who

sang it (o his accompaniment. It was his last

composition, and the last lime his fingen

loticlied the keyboard.

I he preparations for his journey home were

made in haste, for U eber was filled wtth an in-

expressible lunging to see his family oiwc more.

But his own words to a friend before Icavss^

Germany, that he was going <0 I.ondon to dir,

were fulfilled. Far from home and kindred he

sank under his sufferings during the night of

4"5 Jtmc 1826. The following certifseate of

Weberns death was amrmg list jsapers of Sir

Julius Benedict :

On r«»mioiA« ih« budy -if Csrl At. vmi \V«brr w

fuuiKl .Ml ulcff nn i».r kn •«k ibr laryiu, Tbf

^iin alm«( uiM\e(Vill> bikd Hiih lubereln.

« wflieh injoy ^ert mi a siaw a# Mpp«r«(ian. *,11.

twa vnnieap. one of ihem ih« Mi« oT * eeaMMi

^le. Ihe Ollier imjlkr. Hhuh a auite tulSriem

'aw ^ <kath. iSipieilj F, JeiHhcn, M.D. : Om*.

r Forbes M.i). ; p. Si. Kiml. M.D.: Wm. nohmua

i'ohS *' Sireei. y

Hit bi^y was laid in the grave at MoorfieWs

Gliapel, to the strains of Moaart’s Requiem, on

2: June. The funeral ceremonies were c«».

ducted as if for a person trf the highc<t rank,

iind there was an enormous crowd. In 1844

ihr wxsiwe ;a the pa.i of

•hr Mermaid, let M\a, f., iftag, p.

the coffin was removed 10 (fermany and In-

terred in the family vault at Urctdvn. A

tablet was affixed to the house in Grc.rt Port-

land Sired, which no longer exists.

nan’s OeEftAs.*— Tu form a right esti-

mate of Weber’s music it is neers^ry to look

upon him as a dramatic cojnposer. Not that

his other compositions are unimportant ; but

In one and ail may be discerned more or lev*

plainly that dramatic genius tvlilch wa* the

essence of his nature, dcierininrd their form

and gave them that stamp whereby they d I flee

so sirlkincly from the productions uf other

artist*. <>>mpose« gifted with the true

dramatic imiinct have always been rare In

(Jetmany, and it was this that \S’eher possessed

in the Ikighrst degree.

The eailiesi opera, ‘ Di<« Marlji d< r I.lclie

und des Wetris was dcscroved, apparently by

htmwJf. Of the second, ‘Das W'altimad.

chen •, tltere are extant three autograph

frag^nis, containing in all at.y bars, thr

ofiginah of some ami copies of oihm hrmg

miw ill the State Library at Berlin, » These

fragments seem to bear out Weber’s own \'er-

diet that the opera was an immature produc*

i»on. not perhaps wholly devoid «»f invention

Although it was played several time*, no

complete score ran miw be found.

The libretto of • Pciei .SchmolJ und sehic

Nachbarii ' was adapted by a certain |osenh

I iirke froin a novel of the same name by <;arl

Ooitlob Cramer, one rrf the romances oi

kmghis and robbers with which the mcirkct

was then flooded, of no aMistic merit, but less

crude and sensational than some other* of iti

clas. Turke arranged thr plot in two an,

and treated it after the fashion of the German

with spoken diahscue. All this pan

hOHvver. has U^en lost, tlw word* <4 the song*

alone being preserved in the score. 'I he mu*i<'

show great talent, perhaps artjfinally ma-

tured, but naturally .so great and so healthy

tliat not even the hot-hog sc treatment to which

It ^cn subjected could injure it perman-

c^ily. Ue^ WM impelled to produce opera.*

before ^ had fully dct eluped the feeling for

J^KaJ harmonic progressions, nay, before he

had mwiercd musical orthography itself, to

»y mrthing o( the skill ncscisary to comiruci

muMco-draniaiic forma on a large scale Real

dramatic characteriration i* not to be expected

Of fourteen: so far his music h

rather sugey than dramatic ; but still he had

even then, un^esiionably a brilliant talent

for the stage. This u mainly apparent in the

*€•**«« Berlia «>me


\VEBER : Opcw

treatment of general situations. The mekidies

are iliroughout catching, often graceful and

charming, always related to German song and

never reflecting the Italian style. He puts

almost all he has to say into the voice parts,

the accompaniments being unimportant, at

least as regards polyphony. There is much

originality in the harmony, ami the colouring

is individual and full of meaning; and it is

precisely with harmony and colouring that

V^’cber produces his most magical effects in

his later operas. The instrumentation in

* Peter Schmoll ' is quite peculiar, No. 14, a

trio, being accompanied by two /eati 6aid

(Apple Butes), two basset horns, two bassoons

and strings. HU motive was not a mere

childish love of doing something different

from other people, but he had an idea that

these strange varieties of tone helped to char-

acterize the situation, ^^ebcr adapted some

paru of the opera in his later works: for in-

stance the last song in the third linale of

‘ Oberon '. The overture to * Peter Schmoll ’

was printed, after WeberU thorough revlsiofl

of it, in <807.

I'he subject of* Rubezahl*, a two-act opera

begun by Weber at Breslau, but never finished,

was taken from a legend of the RiesengeUrge,

dramatized by J. G. Rhode. The versification

U polished and harmonious, but the action

drags sadly. This wrakness is redeemed by

some supernatural situaliom, excellent for

musical treatment. Of this libretto Weber

says tha l he h ad composed ' ' the greater part " ' ,

though the overture and three vocal numbers

alone have been preserved.* Even of these the

second vocal number is unfinished, while the

overture exists complete only in a revised form

of later date under the title N* ' Dcr Beherr*

scher der Geister’ (‘The Ruler of the Spirits’).

Those familiar with ‘Der PreUchuu’ and

'Oberon' know Weber's genius for dealing

with the spirit world ; but the Rubezahl fr^-

ments show extraordinarily few traces of the

new language he invented for the purpose.

The music, indeed — always excepting the

revised form of the overture — is less Webenih

than a great deal in ‘ Peter Schmoll nor is

there any marked advance in the technique of


With the next opera, ' Silvana we take

Iravc of boyish compositions and teach a

higher stage of development. ‘ Silvana ' and

' Abu Hassan ' form the middle group of

Weber's dramatic works, while * Freischutz ’,

‘ Preciosa ', * Euryanthe ’ and ' Oberon ’ con-

stitute the third and last. We have already

staled that in 'Silvana' he used some maienaJ

from ‘ Das Waldmadchen the Ubvtio of

* Hl< autegraph liji that the finl act eoctaiMU

<S Keirn, the seceod Z7.

* A chorus c( rpirils. • mttaine sc>d ariciu and a

quiAiet. {.$>« Jahns's Inc N«». 44. 4 s. 46 aad i»,

AnhsAf 9 , No. 9?.)

which has been lost, except the few verses

preserved in the score.

This opera, with its medieval romanticism,

is the precursor c^‘Euryanthe’, and therefore

of great interest in Weber's development. In-

dependently <rf this, however, its merit as a

work of art is considerable. The story deals

with emotions which are natural, true and

iniclJigibly expressed. The plot develops

naturally and inielligibly, the interest is well

kept up, and there is the necessary variety of

sensation. That Weber transferred 10 it

musical ideas from ‘ Das Waldmkdchen ’ can

be verified in two instances only, one being

the overture, the autograph of which is

docketed *' renovata il 23 Marzo 1 809 ”, a

lerm which must necessarily apply to the

‘ Waldmadchen ’ overture. The “ renova-

tion" cannoi ha\*e been of a very startling

naiure, judging by the music, which :s neiiher

interesting nor original . The second case is the

air assign^ to Khps the Squire (No. s), the

opening of which is identical with a riiornel

in one of the ‘Waldmadchen' fragments. It

may therefore be assumed that the adapiation

of 0^ material wu very limited. The fact

that there had been any adapiation at all may

partly explain the inequality between the

separate numbers in ' Silvana ', but we must

also take Into account the inevitable distrac*

tions and interruptions among which it was

composed at Scutigarc. A remarkable point

in the opera is the musical illustration of dumb*

show, even in the vocal numbers, a device for

connecting the music and the action together

which in ' Silvana ' is turned to account most


* Abu Hassan ', the second in the middle

group of Weber's operas, was adapted by

Hiemer from an Arabian fairy-tale, with

occasional remioiscences of Weisse’s ' Dorf-

barbier*. The stor>’ of this one-act Singipttl is

closely connected with ceruin experiences of

both Weber and Hiemer at Sructgarc. It must

have been easy for \Vcber to find approp^ate

melodies for a creditor dunning a light-

minded impecunious debtor; and curiously

enough the first number of the opera he set

was the creditors' chorus, ‘‘ Geld, Geld, Geld,

ich will nicht linger waricn " (: 1 Aug. i8io).

The little piece consisted originally of the

overture and eight vocal numbers, a duct

being added in 18(2 and an air in 1823.

The fun in German comic opera has alwa)^

beeo somewhat boisterous ; for more refinw

comedy we must generally go to the French,

but ‘Abu Hassan' U almost the only German

work which produces a hearty laugh and at

the same time charms by its grace and rerme-

ment, and by the distinction of its musical

expressioD- Perhaps the best thing is the

between Abu Hassan and his cwdiioR,

but the duet between Omar and Fatima (No.

W EEER : Operas

6), the final irlo (No. 7) and F*imia*a addi-

tional air (No. 8) axe ah oT^ai merit. This

Uktt air» it sliould be home in mind, was com-

posed twelve yean after the rest and bean the

stamp of the matured composer. V arious

little instances of want of finish appear in the

music> but defects of this kind may w’ell be

overlooked for the sake of the invention, so

spontaneous and spirited, and the downright

hearty fun of the whole, mingled a» it is wiiJi

rare and louchiiig tenderness.

Between the completion of ‘ .Vbu Hassan ’

and the beginning of ^ Dcr Ftdsohut* * imer-

vene no les< than six years — a long period in

so short a life— durjng which Weber com*

ptaed no opera. Not that the dramatic Im-

pulse had abandoned him. ** I am anxiously

looking out for another good libretto’*, he

writes after the production of ‘Abu Hassan *

at Munich, **for 1 cannot get on at all without

an opera in hand.** We know he had several

projects, and that he Isad a * Tatmhawer ’ in

Ills mind in 1814; but his restless life, and the

unsatisraciory nature of his positional iVague,

prevented his bringing anything to niaiurily.

Nevertheless his dramatic powers did not lie

absoluiely fallow. Six grand luliatt arias with

orcheira, some with rhurus also, competed

during this period, though intended for the

concerl.room, may be classed with his dram-

atic works, because they presuppose a Kcne 4^

situation in which some distinct person gim

ex[>rcssion to his or her feelings. The same

is true of three Italian duels, which mark an

important stage in his development, as it was

through them that he gained dexterity in

handling the larger forms of vocal music.

Several of ihe six concert arias are of high

mcfii, particul.viy the one cotnpoeed

IWc Frederick of Gotha, "Signor, sc padre

aot , the setM t 4 aria for * Atalia ‘‘ Misera

me ’*, and the utita erf aeia for Mehul’s ‘ Helene *,

** Ah, sc Edmundo fosse I’^uccbor ’riH*

ihrw ducts with pianoforte are also worthy .if

notice, as allowing N Veter’s perfect familiarity

with I he Italian style, while retaining inlatt

his Gcrinan individuality, a combinaiion

which gives them a special interest.

With ‘Der Frcischuu ’ Weber laid the

foundatiAn of German romantic t^ra. In

Silvana * he had already approached that

domain, but had not yet found adequate

musical expression for German romanikism

Hut Freischuts * was a revelation ; from the

dale of lU production there was no question

as to what a romantic opera really was.

Kind did not draw on lus own invention for

the hbreito. The history of the sutdeci is still

incomplete, but we know that tlw story can be

** f^r as the 1 7th century. It was

pub ished m the beginning of the 1 8th, in a

^k called Uiiterredungcn vom Rciche dec

Oeister . of which a second edition appeared

at Leipzig in 1751. From this book Johann

August.Apel toedt the story, which he publisluvl

as a narrative called * Dcr Kr<i«<hui/, a lrg«*nrl

of the people ' in Ved, 1 of iIm • Gesprnsirr-

buch edtuxl by Aprl and l.jiun ti.rjp/ig,

i8io), handling it so cleverly that it again

became popular.

As an interpreter of nature \\\ l>>r U)<jk up

position in the dranuik world like ih.it U

Beethoven in the symphony ; nuy, ihe infiiiiie

variety of nature pklurr* CiMiiaiiuil in * Ihr

Freitehut* ‘ Freehisa *, * KurvaiitlH- * and

‘Oberon ‘ i$ quite new <4 ii< kind, and vatli

equally surpassev even the nianifisiationv of

f enius of the " Pas loral * * bym phony. Nolvid y

had ever depiiKxJ with the same truth at he .1

sultry moonJight night, the stilJnest broken

only by il»e mghlingalc** trill and the snlcmii

murmur of the ine,, av in Agal)ie*» qrantl

scena ; or a gruouinr mg>il'><rne in Ihr

glwmy furc't ravine, such as that in the linale

of ll»e s«and act. With this dcsiriptive

fatuity vwiii hand in hand consuniin ate skill in

orrhevtratiun, I here u soTrieilnng originM

and imoxkaiing m the sound he hrings out of

the t^hesira, a cumpU’te vimplkiiv. com*

bitted wiih perfect nowliy. He wav able, as

it were, to tram|M>rt himwlfinto ihc soul ofihr

imiruments and make them t.ilk in in like

human beings, eat h in its ow n language, each

speaking when it alone has power l<» lay bare

the very heart of tJie act ion. < )rr I lest ral < t.loor.

mg handW in this masterly manner naturally

serv^ priAfipaily to characierire siiuiiiioris,

*he personages. .\o.

thing distinguishes NSeber as a born dramatist

more than the way hr suited to a charaiter

from lit fmt entrance upon the stage a certain

mride^of musical cxprcs'ion, winch ho main-

tained as a kind of keynote ihrongh all the

vary ing ensotiocui uf ihe opera.

I*erfect as are the smaller musical fornu, it

must injustice be conceded that Weber did not

always succeed with his larger ones wliidi

often have a sort of piecemeal ciTeti. Tho

construction of a piece of music in grand, lull

proportions was to Jum a labour, and rarely a

wccftsfuJ one. He does not so much dcvcfoi)

from wiilnn as superimpose from without, and

m>l i^requemly the musical How siagnaivs.

For the most part, however, this is only true of

Jus music when considered simply as music

wnhout regard to dramatic fitness, and such

owts axe ihexefi^e much less noticeable in

perTormance, so accurately dues |,c hit the

appeopnate musical development for each

^metii of tlie action. He has also a wonder*

uJ pow of keeping up one prcvalline idea

throughout the piece, so that amid ail the

vawiy erf successive emotions there is unity

. ^1 f* ^ ' Preciosa ’ was adapted from

W 1 1 ^ ® ^ Crf' anies by an ac tor iianted

Ihus Alexander WoHT, of WVIniar, rngagisl m


Berlin in (8i6. Before Weber undertook, at

Count Bruhl's desire, to write music for ii, he

had several limes used hh pen in a similar way.

Mention may be made of his music for Schiller's

German adaptation of Gozzi's ' Turandot

consisting of an overture and six smaller tnstru*

mental pieces (1809), for Mulincr's ‘ Kdnig

Yngurd ’ ( :8i 7) and for Cchc's ‘ Heinrich iV '

(161$), besides many smaller works of the

same kind, all bearing witness to his extra-

ordinary talent for illustrating a dramatic

situation in the clearest and most distmciive

manner by music. A predilection for Spanish

subjects is observable in Weber about this

period, and may be attributed to the inlluertce

of Ticck. Columbus, Pixarro, Don Juan of

Austria and the Od, all passed before him as

subjects for operas, and in 1820-31 he com-

pleted a sketch of the first act, ar>d a duet for

the second, of ‘ Die drei Pintos a Spanish

comic opera. This, however, he laid aside for

‘ Euryanthe ' and ' Oberon It was in all

probability iu Spanish local colotiring which

attracted him to ' Preciosa '. One of the signs

of his natural gift for dramatic composition

was his love for strong contrasts, not only

between different paru of the same work, but

between the different worb he took in hand.

I'hc phrase " local colour "in music may be

defined as that which conjures up before our

mind the associations connected with certain

scenes, races and epochs. Weber's unusual

gift for this kind of illustration was most prol^

ably connected with the peculiar manner in

which his musical faculties were set in motion.

This Is a point on which wc are thoroughly

informed by means of his own expressions

preserved by his son and biographer. As a

rule It took place through external impressions,

presented to his imagination as tone*pklura.

With him any external impression at once

clothed itself in musical form, and (his peculi-

arity of mental constitution undoubtedly con-

tributed to give hU music its individual char-


The music to ' Preciosa ’ does, no doubt,

reflect the then prevailing idea of Spain, its

scenery, its people and lu art. In fact, lie

hit the keynote of Spanish nationality in a

marvellous manner. The prevailing impres-

sion is heightened by the introduction of

gypsy rhythms and Spanish national airs,

d'liis method of characterization he made use

of several times, as In * Turandot which has

a Chinese melody running all through, in the

' Freischiiu ' peasants’ march and an Arabian

and a Turkish melody in ' Oberon *.

The original source of the libretto of

* Euryanthe ’ was the * Roman de la violeite '

by Gilbert de Montreuil {13th century), re-

printed textualJy by Franelsque Michel (Paris,

(834}. The subject was used several times by

early writers. Boccaccio borrowed from it the

Decameron ’ (second day, ninth tale), and

(hence it found its way into Shakespeare's

‘ Cymbeline *■ Count Treasan remodelled it

in 1780 for the second volume of the * Biblio

(hique universelle dea romans and in >804

it was puUhhed at Leipzig, under the title

* Die Ocschkhic dcr tugendsamen Euryanthe

von Savoyen ', in the collection of medieval

rMuantic poems edited by Schlegel. Tlie

translator was Helmina von Ch6zy, who com-

piled the libretto for Weber, After completing

the latter she republished her translation, with

many aJ terat ions . The Ii bret to has been much

abused, and when we consider that It was

remodelled nine times, and at last brought into

shape only by AVeber's own vigorous exertions,

it is evident that the authoress was not com-

petent to create a dramatic masterpiece ; but

it does not follow that with the Itelp of Weber's

ability and experience she was not able to

concoct something tolerable for the purpose.

‘ Euryanthe' is Weber's sole grand opera,

both because it is without spoken dialogue,

and because it is much the fullest and longest.

He oteam to put his best into it. and he did.

’Fhcre is no question that it is richer, more

varied, deeper, grander, than all the rest of

Weber’s dramatic works. AH that gives

distinct Imi (o * Der Freischuta ' is found here

again : songs at once dignified and easily

cornpreltensible, melodies genuine in feeling

and full of fire, orchestral colouring as new

as it is charming, Instrumentation ^th bold

and refined, an intuitive grasp of the situation

and complete mastery in treating it, such as

genius alone is capable of- In many passages

the colours are us^ with masterly skiU.

One point in which (he music of

‘ Euryanthe ’ Is far superior to that of ' Der

FresKhuiz ' is in the use of (he larger dramatic

forms. Here we have recitative, full of ex-

pression, passion and movement, arias, duets,

concert^ pieco and splendidly constructed

finales. The song or cavatina form is used

freely for the parts of Adolar and Euryanthe :

but Lysiart and Eglantine never express them-

selves except in the grand dramatic forms,

and the higher the passion rises (he more

excimively do these (wo characters occupy

the stage, in this respect the second act is the

climax: Lysiart's «oM ed aria, his duet with

Eglantine, Adolar's air, in such wonderful

contrast, and the duet with Euryanthe ; lastly

the finale, in which a perfect temf^i of

pxsdons seems to be let loose. Though it can*

not be va id that there are no little roughnessw

or bits of dull or unformed work in the opera,

any such are completely submerged in the

overwhelming flood of beauties.

Although Wcbcr wrote his last opera at

KeraUe’s request, he chose the subject bim-

»:lf and was aware Ikiw completely it suited

WEBER: Incidental Music — ' Euryanthe '

main Incident one of the stories of the

\N KBER : * Obcron * — Vocal Music

hU own individuality. Since the poblicaiion

ofWicland’$poeni io 1780^ two German operas

had been composed on Oberoo. The hni,

Wranilzky’a <1789), was one of those childbh

fairy-pieces, whose lively music. Jiarlequin

tricks, scene-painting and machinery w'crc

long the delight of the simple-minded people

of \’ienna. The other, composed (be Copen-

hagen with the title of * Holgcr Dan^ke ‘ (also

J789) by Kunzen, Schulz’s talented successes

and J. F. Rcichardi's friertd, was a far mcee

serious work, and can be spoken of in con-

nection with Weber’s, though the latter put

it so completely into the background as to

obliterate it.

Weber’s Uliretthi, Plancbe, likewise workitl

on VMeland’s ' Oberon or railKt on botl»cby*s

translation. Though salbfied with the psnn

In detail, Weber eould not reconcile hlmss lf u.

English opera aa such. He tsTiies:

r mmt ttpui Otat ihr iyi << she h heir n very (Mnoi

tw all A> i4e4i sikI Jhe U

in JR) nfMiii(s«| A<k>n Hhu >mic, (In’

ihr miuir jn (l<e iwni inipofieiK MNNnritu *U «lr|Misr

our ( Jhrw of ihe tide fd t„ Um,

unlu |i»r aiJ oiner il)e..l(e> tii I

‘I'hese words contain a very just criticism of

the libretto. 'Ihe continual change 0/ wcise.

which keeps the spectamr in a state of restless-

ness, is certainly a mistake. Weber intended

to remodel the opera for Germany, when lie

would have put it into a form mure in accord-

ance with hii own ideas, giving (he music a

larger share in the course of the pJtM, but

simpUfylng the plot so that it should run wrre

smtK)ihly and comecuiively. Whcihef he

would abo have endeavoured 10 strengthen

the dramniic interest is doubtful. As it scai>d>

it is an epic poem dramatized rather than a

drama. But no subject dealing with lairyJand

can admit of dramatic treatment beyond a

hrnlted extent, for the characters, instead of

moving independently and of their own free

will, act under the guidance of su|KTna(ural

poss^ers, who visibly interfere with their

(la tiny on all occasions. \N’eber ro^uired ih»i

so muih characters full of dramatic action, as

.suggestive situations and picturesque scenes,

and ih«c hanchi's libretto supplied lotlie full

I he musk to * Oberon ihougli the work

of a man dying by inches, bears no traces of

mental exhaustion. Indeed it u delightfully

fresh and original tbrougliout, and entirely

different from all the rest of Weber’s com-

l>^i lions. The keynote of the whole is Its

picture of the mysteries of ellland and the

life of the spirl lv of air, car th and water. Trve

this note U touched In * Oer Frcischuia ’ and

• F.uryanihc ’, but In ‘ Oberon • it U struck

With full force and vibrates with an almost

iftloxicaung sweetness. What Weber did in

this direct.on w« absolulely nesv, a valuable

addition to his art which many composers

have followed wHih suceca. His melody, the

chords of his harmony, the figures rniployetl,

(he effects of colour so totally unexpected --

all combine to waft us with mysterious power

into an unknown land.

boxes Axo Oliitn Vr>CAL WoRK>. -Nrxi

a/ler \\>lieT’s operas ctime into conddi’raihm

his songs, the song-form playing, as wav

natural with a German, s<» im]K*riani a p.'tri

in his opens. He left sewn ty- fight German

/Jedrr for single vtace with pianoforu’ f»r guitar

arKHnpaniiMeni, besklet two or three Italian

« ansoni it, a French r«>t2iHn(c and a song from

* l.alla Roukh •' From (‘lilitdara’v uarhling

fount I conw Ins Iasi cutnposiiion, witli the

accompaniment merely skeUlird in.* \Vc do

noi include his i« n S<ois airs arrangul with

afC(mi|»anmKnt f-»r pianoforte, (lute, violin and

cello. Among the parlsungs shoidd lx* singled

out sixteen for men's voin s and three (biksnngs

for tw*o MHcei wilh accompaniment.

It was at N'lHtler’s suggest Ion ihat \ Seller

first made a siiidy of ilie songs of the people,

and this study, addl'd lu his own inuililve

pef<rpii<»n of what wjo Intrlndcally good and

individual In pofniUr musk, en.rhied lilm

to hit oil Its fliaracterUiic lone as nobody

had done Iiefore,' * Mein Schalc 1st auf Hie

Wanderschaft hm \ * ller/.cheti, mein Sihaiz-

chen, bist lausendmal mcln ' Wcim ich

eln Vofleln war \ ’ Ich hab’ mlr eins er-

’» *0 KeHin, ich muss dlrh laisen

’’bis nichts mil den alien W>il>ern’, arc songs

in which ever>' variety of feeling Is expressed

with freshness and orlgmalliy, His musical

treatment, ukj, <4 umgs in dialeit, eiprcially

those of a liumorous or rollicking character,

is exeeUent. The form of thc*e vongs is most

«mple, generally SI fophic, the accompaniment

frequently for (he guitar.

Besides tlwse songs \\>|)er composed othen

of a more amlMliuus charac ler, with pianoforie

accompanimeni, each sianra having a different

rneJody. Weber's vocal eompoxiiions contain

the two main elements of which Orman opera

IV constituted — the and the dramatic

»ong. These, too, appear in turn in the ten

splendid songs from Kocncr’s * Leyer und

’ rour of winch arc for single voice

and plaisu and six for male chorus unarvom-

panicd. ‘Lulzows wildc Jagd ’ contains a

complete drajiuiic scene within a sinalc

stanza of twenty-one bars.

It has often been felt as a difficulty that

'\cbre should pus slraighl from such operas

as Silvana and ' Abu Haasan ’ to a mastcr-

Tw* *r ihtfc uuim.

"‘"“'•vsj* iliorvin tor men's

parcsoon fo, vsri*v* veiic* Hiut

*^iu »*Hl •* n>o« cif (h* V*1blie«l but thi* ««

b> known com-

thsi fcoxo «n.eved vd* cumnev (.« t'oi.xs-

WEBER : Church, Orchestral and Ojambcr Music

piece like * Der Frcischiiia One explanation

of this sudden and startling pi^iess may

probably be found in the songs which were his

main occupation from i8t t to 1B17. Another

important landmark b the cantata * Kampf

und Sieg ’ (i8i5)> The central idea b the

battle of Waterloo, with various episodes

grouped round it, and a chorus, '‘Herr Gott

dich loben wir ”, as hnale. The description of

(he battle forms what we should now call a

grand dramatic scene, an opera finale, only

without action.

Between t6io and 1815 W'eber wrote six

concert arias with Italian words, and these

also have their share in explaining the extra-

ordinary maturity of 'Der FreischuU*.

Several are of high artistic merit, notably the

fourth (‘ Signor, $e padre sei compost in

1612 for Prince Frederick of Gotha. It is

written for tenor arvd double chorus, and b in

fact a dramatic scene, None of these Italian

arias, however, come up to a German scene

written in idiC for insertion into Cherubim's

' l.odniska It is a work of the first rank, and

of itself proves that the creator of * Der

['reischuiz' had now attained his full stature.

Among Weber's remaining vocal compesi-

tions we have still some cantatas and the two

masses to consider. * Der erste Ton ' (i8r8),

words by Rochlitz, must be merstioned among

the cantatas, although the term Karcely

applies to It. The greater part of the poem is

declaimed to an orchestral accompaniment,

but a four-part chorus b introduced near the

end. The form is peculiar and new. The

descriptive part of the music shows already,

though indistinctly, that plasticity which )w

was presently to make use of in such an in*

romparable way. 'Fhe closing chorus docs

not satbfy the requirements of art, and Weber

himself spoke of it as ” rough ” part-writing.

Another hymn of Rochliu's, * In seiner

Ordiiung schafTt der Herr was composed in

tdta and dedicated to the Musik-GesellKhaft

of Zurich, which had elected him an honorary

member. Of the six occasional cantatas com-

posed for the court of Saxony, the ‘Jubel

Cantate ’, written for the 50th anniversary of

Frederick Augustus's accession (i8i8>, b the

most important, both in rise and matter.

Church Music. — As to Weber’s masses,

those acquainted with (he state of Catholic

church music at the beginning of the 19th

century will not expect to find them written

in a pure church style. Fine music they con-

tain in abundance. As previously mentioned,

they were produced within a short lime cf each

other, in 16:8 and tSig. After Weber's

fashion they contrast sharply with each other,

while each has one prevailing rrtood running

consistently through to the end. The year

1618 being the 50(h of the Saxon king's reign,

he gave to (he Eft Mass a tone of solemnity and

splendour noticeable specially in the Sanctus.

That in G, being for a family festival, b quite

idyllic in character. Occasional suggestions

of well-known passages in hb operas jar on a

modern ear, but a composer is scarcely to be

blamed for retaining hb identity even in a


Orchestaal aho Chamber Music. — When

a youth of twenty Weber wrote two sym-

ph^ics, clever and to a certain extent inier-

ating, but parti-coloured and without form.

The indications (hey gave of his future position

as an orchestral composer were very inade-

quate, and in later years (hey by no means

satisfied himself. Of wholly different import

are hb ten overtures- Of these, ‘ Peter

Schmoll ' and ' Silvana ' are unimportant

and immature. In ' Turandot ' the local

eolouriog furnished by a Chinese air is pushed

to extremes, The remaining seven are very

fine, and excepting perhaps ‘ Riibezahl ' and

' Abu Hassan all have been most popular.

They hold a middle position between simple

introductions and abstract orchestral works,

sounding equally well in the concert-room and

(he theatre, W’eber constructed them out of

(he materials of the opera, and each Is a

complete conception, That what looks like

mosaic may have been constructed organically

is proved by Cheru Uni's ' Anacreon ’ over-

ture, in whkh — a lb tie-known fact — there

is not a single bar not contained in the opera.

Weber's natural way of working was net to

develop continuously, but to proceed from one

strong contrast to another. Hb musical ideas

are Mldom adapted for thematic treatment,

being always full of meaning, but with few

capacities of development. The instant one

idea b given out decisively it calls up another

absolutely opposed to it. This method of

progression continual contrasts is vn«

doubiedjy the sign-manual of Weber’s dram-

atic genius ; and to it his works owe as much

of their stimulating effect and fascination as

they do to the variety, tenderness and brilliance

of the ifutnimentalion.

This explains why \Vcber produced so little

chamber music. The quiet thoughtfulness,

the refinements of instrumcnial polyph^y,

the patient development of a subject, which

arc the essence of this branch of art, were not

congenial to him- He did not write a single

string quartet ; and his piano Quartet, clanncl

(i^inict and Trio for piano, flute and cello arc,

for him, unimportant compositions, and^t

always in the true chambcr-music style. The

subjects are almost like spoken phrases and

the conirastt ringularly life-like. Among

chamber music must not be forgotten six

sonatas for piano and violin, pu bl bbed in 1 0 1 1 ,

Thot^b of roodet dimensions, and occ«>od*

ally swnewhat Immature, they contain a host ot

charming thoughts.

EBLR : Pianofori^ hfusJc — Concertos


PiAKOFOfcTfc Music. — Weber was one of the

greatest and most original pianists of his day.

After his thoroiigh grounding when a boy he

never became the pupil of any of the prinelpaJ

virtuosi » and all the finishing pari of his educa-

tion was his own work. He formed himself

neither on Clcmenti nor Hummel, but he

obtained a number of elTects ai onec new arsd

thoroughly in accordance with the nature of

the instrument. This was the principal cause

of the unejtpcciedness which was so striking in

his playing, besides its brilliancy, fire and

( xpresdon. Wide stretches, easy to hb long

flexible fingers, bold jumps friKn one part ol

ilie keyboard to aniKher, rapid passages d

I h I rds for one hanti 1 1 ; > Conecr wO , or of thirds ,

sixths and octaies for both, rum with aeeom-

panying chords for ilic same hand (Sonata in

(J) — su< h are some of his technical rrs4»urces,

all of real value because U'ed to express really

tiew ideas. I||^ pianolorte style alto shows,

wiihin reasonable limits, a leaning to the

orchisirnl. For insuiue, in the finale *A the

Sonata in \) minor he must crriainly hat chad

Ihe cello and clarinet in mitKJ when he wrote

the CM/ai/Y# and ihe still tnorc Uauiiful

coumef^ubjeri. Again, in the firvt mose.

inent of the Snniiia in (J hb menial car has

rvidcnily licen filled with the sfKind of the

orchestra frurn bar 4 onwards.

The four Sonatas (in C, A ». D minor and

I. minor) are pronouticrd by Sfarx to excel in

some respceis even the simaias of beeihosrn.

'I'idi is going too far. In perfect ion of form

Weber b always far brhlnsl Beethoven, and

though his ideas may be etpially original, they

arc far less solid and not so varied. His

sonata* therefore cannot be coaddered nwideli

of the type, I hey arc rather faniasies in

sonata form, and tlieir very irregularities give

them a kind of air of improvisation, which is

thcjr chief thjrm. Kath has iu distinctive

character, consistently maintained through-

out, although certain favourite phrases arc

fr^ tjueijtly repeatesi and J»is sphere trf ideas

IS not extensive. His sonatas contrast more

in form and colour than in esserKe: in each

he gives us his whole self, but from a dilTrtent

point of view.

Next to the sonatas in importance are his

ten sets of variations.* \>ebcr did no* attempt

• w Ilavh did in the '• Goldberg” \ arialiuns,

or Beethoven in the " Kroica '• <mes and tliose

on DialHlIi^s waltx -to enlarge the bounds

o the variation form, but clung to the simple

old-fashioned procedure, I'his makes it all

the more wonderful that he could cram so

much that was new within such narrow limits

In the invention of new figures and striking

harmonies he is inexhaustible, and — a main

points each vrork has its own dbtrnciive and

t>D VjrUlHHB b, «.|

wp. »2, dnd fvr jfHl il^inci, Op. ty

sharfriy defined stamp. F^b dramailr genius

nesTr left him.

Hb talent shone mnst conspicuously when-

ever he had a poetical idea to interpret

musically, and nosvhere do wc see this more

clearly than in hb two Polon.sises, in and

R. and abos-e all in hb ‘ .\ufTorderting rum

Tanze known all over the world. 'I he

‘Rondo brillani Op. 6a, and the ‘ Momenio

capriceioso*. Op. 12, though not unaitractivc,

scarcely come up to the other three pieees. Of

pianofiK-ie music f'v four hands his only ex-

ani^rs are Opp. 3, to and 60, containing six,

six and eight pieces respecibvly, Op. 60 Is a

colleciion of litilt' pieces which ftir in\'<*niitin

and fascination of sosind do not yield to

Schubert s liesr work of the kind.

CWr.R rot. -Finally, Welnr takes high

rank as a composer of concertos. As a

pianist be aimed, rif course, at finding scope

(••€ his own in«.( rumen t whh an orchestra. Of

hb three toncrfpx. the utw in F minor. Op.

70 COiiM ertstuek is to this day a stock-piece

with siriiKwi and lias lift its mark on laier

compowr*. Not the least of its many aifrur.

lions b Its fiirni .r/fcfrfl, Mnrth,

Finale\ diverging «> materially Iroin that of

all presious coricerlot. 'J'heri, too, ihougit

complete in itwlf as a jiiece of musie, it is

prwiipi^ by a jxietical ide.i, for a com pine

dramatic scene was in the composer's mind

when he wrote it. What this svas we are told

by Benedict, who on the murning nf ihe first

pCTformance of IXr Frebshucs ' sat listening

with Weber's wife while lie played (hem l)ie

* Concertstufk then just linished ;

T>e <1iaiel«ine tin «U *k-nt «4i her i»al«oMr c.vinff

Her hiiivlit (i.n g.H,f |“

• m ISol> t.4ml. li*ve l,>, junlx Jlav^

>*T]*** l*.***',*^**^ 1.1II ihr ever »er liim

???•? . imaeiiuiki.i <i,ih up a m.i.ni

|«,M« uuwkkfl an«l Wiken 00 Die haiile.

s^^’t I'T ^ hi'n litf bv hU Mile*

l**<k WN«M.,ou», ||„i I, Ark! kh*i RMiesafe

^ m 1^ dKUiKe* tKft .l,.re m tl.r fo<«.

i w iKf wnhrhi nearff ami nearer.

KoKhu aiwJ mvirn "hK ihe eei« of the C;fmA.len.

>^^5 ftiid there

BfciL ^ wnki 1*10 h« Minx. Love if inum.

huV12Jj the woa ©fkAe; 4 thoiifaml vokv* pe««Umi

The other isvo concerctis, in C and Kp, hasc

^n unduly neglected for the ‘(kincertituck'

Ihe fwincr, composed in tfiio, rs indeed not

» brilliant, but its delightfiilly original finale

vr^ld alone make it a saluaUIc work. The

wherowes its origin apparently to Becihovcn's

Concerto m ba. Hus came out in Feb lOi i

jmd ^ learn from \VcberT diary (hat Jic

^fht a copy at Leiprig on 14 Jan. 1812.

Hu own Concerto ai !• , was finished in Dec

« (be same year at Gotha. 'I'hc choice of the

key. (be remote key of B major for the edugie,

• Ins]Sii'*I i wuAlly app<.a„ «

kvt « UwuW Ik. in Wtbh. • to


WEBBR : Li in'ary Works — Bibliography

and still closer resemblances between parts

of the movements of the tw-o, show how

deep an impression Beethoven’s work bad

made on the younger artist. Still, it was only

suggestion and did not affect Webb’s identity.

The differences between the two will be found

quite as decided as the resemblances.

When once Mozart had introduced the

clarinet into the higher range of music it

rapidly became a favourite solo uuirument.

Germany had at the beginning of the century

two pre'Cmineni clarinet players — HenS'

stedt of SondershauMn ai^ Barmann

Munich. Spohr composed for the former,

Weber for the latter.* It is a remarkable

instance of his power of penetrating into the

nature of instruments that, though not able to

play the clarinet him>elf» he should have so

far developed its resources that since his day

no substantial advance has been made by

composers in handling the instrument. Hb

three clarinet concertos (0pp. o6» 73 ac»d 74,

the first a Concertino) were all written in i6j j ,

when he was living at Munich in constant

intercourse with Barmann. We have aho two

works for piano and clarinet, Variations on a

iheme from * Silvana’ and a fine ' Duo con*

certante ' In three movements, Op. 46. Seldom

as these are heard, those he wrote for other

wind Instruments are never played at all.*

And yet the concertos for horn, bassoon and

riute ratify to hit wonderful gift for perwl rating

into the nature of an instrument.

UteaAJiy Works.— W eber’s turn for liter-

ary composition, developed most strongly

between the years 1609 and 1818, has b^n

already mentioned.* As a rule his pen was

naturally employed on musical matlen, only

one of his newspaper articia being on a generaJ

subject * CiMr Baden* Baden r Aug. j6io.

Kis talent for authorship was undoubtedly

considcralHe. His narrative is clear and in-

telligible, his style correct, elegant and livdy,

with a certain freedom not at all unbecoming.

Now and then, too, he wrote successful verse.

In this respect, as in so many others, Weber

was the first of a new generation of artists. It

pleased him to reveal the ideas with which hb

mind was crowded in words as well as In

music. This is evident from hb active corre-

spondence. As an author he was the precursor

of Schumann and Wagner, on whose music,

too, hb own exercised so great an infiueoce.

But unlike them he did not concentrate hb

' or W«b«r’s six works Soc <l»naet sote, Ave arc

dedicated to his rcirnd Barmonn; tiw mcb. Op. 4I.

L*esn no dedi<atien. It tcroo pcobsblc due thb wm

comp ose d iot Henroirdi •( hb owe request. (bat

Wrl^ would fioi dedicate it to hzat oui elf rntniikTuida

for Barmann.

' Mr, John Parr (MfSinmttP) hw played ibebasaeoa

Concerto several tima. notaWy at St. Joha's Collie.

Oxford, in ipsO.

* Webee’e posthuenoue writiives came out erifMaUr ia

% volume' and were republuhed as V'ol. Ill of >fax xon

\\'eber*s * Leixnibild *.

literary powers; hb nature was too restless

aod hb life too unsettled. It b a pity that his

musical Do\‘el, * Tonkunsders Leben re-

mained unfinished, for as he himself was the

“ musician '* whose “ life ” he described, we

should have gained an artbtically drawn

auioUography of inestimable value. What

remains of the novel b interesting and tanta*

lizing, on account of its many acute and

profound observations on an. Not that Weber

could philosophize and systematbc like

VVagna ; he loucha lightly on subjecu, some*

tima indeed superficially, but every word

rev'eals the man of intellectual cultivation

capable of forming hb own Judgment. His

literary affinity b closer to Schumann than to

^ Vagner. The imagination, the humour, the

kiisdneas and cordiality towards hb Juniors,

(he absence of jealousy towards equals, are as

eharacierbtic of Weba as of Schumann. He

helped materially to launch Meyerbeer and

Marschner, exerted himself heartily to extend

(he knowledge of Spohr’s music (a service

Spohr did rkot return in kind), and though as

a youth he passed a hasty judgment on Beet-

hoven, he amply repaired the oversight in

Riaturer yean. When ' Fidelio ' was being

performed at Dresden, he wrote to Beethoven

(38 Jan. 1833) *

Each perfermsnec wiU be a fciiival to mr, i"*

the •pporiwnhy ot offcriiti to your noble ipirit a

speincinf from my intneti hrtrt, whtrli is filletl vrtib

awncM odmirstioo oM afTretion for you.

And Weber was no man to pay empty compli-

ments. Like as he was to Schumann in many

respects, they were very difierent in others.

Be^a the sense of humour characteristic of

both, Weber had a strong satirical vein, a

caustic wit and a love of fun, which he shared

with Mozart. He was also more mercurial

and brilliant than Schumaon, who by his side

seems almost slow. He took wider views

life, was more a man of the world, often with

a kittd of chivalrous gallantry ; but far more

fickle than hb younger comrade in art. He

wrote 00 all sorts of miuical su bjects ~ critical ,

polemical, bbtorkal, theoretical ; most often

perhaps to irttroduce new works and prepare

(he public mind for their reception.

f , 8., abr. and rev.


•wen, Dewti. • Csrl M*n» voo W«bct \ in * TM

HeriUfv of Mumc \ Vol. II (Oxfort. iom). . . ,

■tarosns. H.. * Webor: «sui dc enuque muHcUe

Webrr ' (Loodon, jaS* * .

Mmc. •Cirl hW yeo W«b«r.' "

•cb4«-. «»chkbilieb, iMoacb u*m 1 muMkiUtn

umor. A«m4, • Webor* (Pxw, ws). * , u

Eiwxw. J.. • A tVebw Coowpxrv * («• A '

WKtiiu • SchnfUUJD wber C M. voe Weber

C*H Man* «« Weber ' (M- * J •

XV'lll. igS7. P' 0)<

VVF.BF.R : Bibliograplty — ,\VorVs

CiOMit, W., * SV«b«r «b KUvktkontpoiikt * (LeipsM.


HAmw4ii>. C. bv>. ' Cul Maria ven UkWr i fine

Gcri*aktfhtiri ' '.l>tr«d«n,

Xime. T,. * Oc tCarl Ma/U \vn Weben *

(CarlHMhr. i4M>.

KiMOiar ao. U. ’ Rvli^uMaKbrrwt •In N(«ni«r» Kad

Mana \eei Wcb«t, ie Mian* huedcreMA Te^ialw

aufrairiti ’ (B«tbe, 1927,,

J*Hj« f. W. • C*/( ^larla vao W«bef r one I^bnw-

*ha<« * 1 I 73 K

* Cart Mi/ia von Meber in teinen Wotkcn ' tPotUn.

iB 7 t) <cb«Mwlotirak th^maiic imksK

Kmmk, G., *Briwa|p au «in<r CliarAivfiMik C^l

Maria voA Weixn * ^Iktlin.

kAKa, Jc'iti'j, ‘Carl Mjria sxe, Welter rime »fai-

vraphie (Onlin.


‘ firirk V, UVbcr an dm Crakn K, i*oi) Urulil ' *d.

by U, Kaucr (191 1).

* DrieC; W«b«n an H. tj<hirnii«in rj. bv 0 ,

Kudorit 1 1900).

*HiMrrlaam« SchrUirn \ e%\, hy Thrmlnt IIHJ

'SamdKbe m(, |>y C, Kaiicr llktiin


* SicfafM m b f b^it bnhrr uncrdruckia Rfkre \ rd

by L. HirvbWr« (((illHirshausm. 19/6).

SSuaa. Ma* i^lASM voi<. • C.itl Maria ^on ^Vcb^f'

on LrbeMibiM*. «d, by Kuduir I'cibrt BerJin

' liarl kfaaia vun UVber*. lraei». by I, H. Shnniari


/•Mvia, V^KMH>M, 'Carl Maria i«<n Wilyr: Min

Wbrn und vbatkft* riJitdi, mi',. '.




* llaa WaUiMaJrhnr irra<ni«uu «Hi(y

rcrnanMMK, uii|Miblijh«d>.

' J^ief lied «cin« N^bbarn,*

' Kuberuhl * ikft unbnidirtl in iltoyr.


* Ab.. Maiwri *

'HrrtiMa' (plat udb cniM, or <Hicra

•iih JiaWfofi,

* l>«r rrriKliHt/.*

* l)ia dm hiimi,' ,kfi unfiuahrd in liji.

iuinplaied by Mabkr).

* LuryaAlhf/

* ( >brrvn, or I hr bir Kuik** C hilh,*


Carl ftaiu <i«Mlliiid«r, Kidcr

v«A .Sirihlvri.

JiMcph (urk. U^Jonanw^cl b)

<.arl Kraiarr,

J. hMe.

rrar»< Karl llimirr. UmH um

I hr librniM U *|>a» VS'aU.

■naihjHM * iiH Mmt,.

rraiK Kail Htrnwr,

l*Mia AkaaMin ^Subl. ImuvJ on

t^vanir^* Mory

nella .

I'noibifli Kind, baaed on a tale

•e .%*e4 4 LavuV * Crtfwtoier.

biHh *.

Ibeodur MelL ItMfi «m (arl

UdMiK V«kr. tlory Ikr

Baawlliaoipl \

llrlButia von Ckday,

JaiNO Kubinaon flamU. ba*«d

<ft W.IlM WiWbvt Want.

Uiran of W irtand*# ‘ Obeton ’

*Ml Oribrr liaik on Ok htnth

tofsance W Muon gf Kw.


Fmbertf, <axvM>\ u -Nmi.

AHffIfury. iKoj I f ACat.j.


Franlfyrl n M.. ib Si|>t. iBiw.

MaMuU. 4 Jvric |M| 1 .

Berlin, (l}tf>ia. 14 Mar, tR/i,

Ikriin, Sihjgtjiielliaui, Jimo


• j'llvis^luriHipaJ Jlieattc. vo

V'leHiia. Katrilneitwr 'I lie«i(rr.

rHki. itij.

l/uniliHi, GineniCjAnlrii Ibeauc

n Am. idrd.

Kiaav, Vier.ivAL H., *UadiHiiin«> Irvin*. Barkaai

• VSVW.*"?^ * ' H * V" '*S®'

sivir *" 19*4 tb’ (M.y.

Weber' iBkkkW.

*;■*'*'' *«*» "♦ber' .Puudam.

'<;irl Maria vnn U>ber: mn Uken in JkMcrn *

LeiiviK, loyfiK -^*1

*'‘'“'^J*'*J^yberaU<>.i»eM««»bo-*^,«Ha * iWnr/.

hWa Web*.:

Werh * -LeiiMiv. loan,

***** <A*^dMir*.

«*' V'Vb'r* (Kainbon. 194,,,

^ iWdab Carl Maria

>oei Cetera* ^Minuari. lo-j?),

Karut, h 'Karl Maiia \em Webera huMileriaeke

KrrK-.tirhkeit Kliim Vheifaen' (Uipri*.

.‘5;r ‘"



MutK for Silulke’i IraiMiaiHUi <d Cnari’a ' J urahibii '

vr < V. M uSmo;.

M«iwi lor MomoS * lAmiia iXaiia '

Mnur tor A«Mr MaHiier'i ' Koni* Viiiiurd lo pie<e«

ft • ion* a«J?l. pr^r.

Mmac ^ riieiMur IWI a ' llaur Ahalade ' hbiU ,

.MniK kr OriUparrrr * • Aajifiliu 1 rJigfg* & | nieJo.

drama (i9id/.

Vjune ^ Gehe** ' lieiniHh IV ’. H pkree • (i9i9).

Mum tar HuUai V« • |.,eb' Mil I.icU \ 4 io<al |)kn«

.« mafiband . mrlodrania ndift), ‘»‘»*I>kn«,

^**'^^, Ho»awak*» Ua«ei|y ’ Oet Leucbumm ', ,

MHwJramaa 4 » Kiwriude* for harp r iljor.

hW far a ^ivaJ plav by UiIa*« Kwbrri. ' I>cii


^?r..i,^.,r?%‘':6r;5:r ""

• ’• *?• ^•»rpt. duel. wa% inrludAi in

hanoforir IfarO :


WEBER: Works

4 for yoke & guitar in K«a<bwe's ‘ D«r anae

Minn««iAfet ' ^ (iSiO*

S(f*a t 4 «ri« for tenor 4 : s chonma. “ Sifnor «e padi e

sei^ . ^ m Bianrhk*i ' Ines de Casuo

Sftna fd «//« for soprano, *' Non povenine in tbc same

Op. 51 (1815).

H 4ri« for roprano. Ah, sc Edmontio fosse ]* uc.

cisor ", in M^hurs ' Helm O9. $0 (1815^

0 Sonii (dr baritone in Anion Piseber's 'Oct iravesiJrie

ArncM ' (i 8 * 5 ).

t Sonei for baritone and for tenor in Cubiu's * Licbe

und Versohnen * ItQis).

Billaij for voire and harp in fUinbarh's * Gordon und

Montrose ’

Arietta in Huber's * Uos Strmriun«ikhen im blacdlinter

>Salde * {1818).

XuiTvanre for voice & euitar in Cattelb’s 'Diana eon

I'oiiirn ‘ (i8t$).

Sens n> Frietirich Kiixi's fntivaJ play * D«r Weinberc

an der Elbe * (1617).

Sons for t-oiee & puiiar in Kind's 'Dee Abend am

\VaIJbtunnen u8i8),

Stt*« t 4 »t%9 for soprano, “ ^Vas sat’ kh? ", in CheeubuM s

• LedolsU ’, Op. is < i$se).

Chorus for womens vniees wish wted insat.. *‘AcniM

Dei ", in blankensec's * Carlo ’ I iSm).

Sont for 3 women’s voices 4 cuitar, ** Saei woher

summt Liebeslutt” rXell me wheee it fonev

bred ; in Shakespeare's * Merchant of Venice ’


Music 4 recitaliv'e in Spontirti's * Olympia * (t8«^.


Mass, ma. for 4 solo voices, chorus 4 oech,' (iloo).

* Missa sane la E7 ma„ for 4 *«h> vekea. cborua 4

orch., Op, 734 1818).

OfTeriory, ma.. for soprarso, chorus 4 orch. foe d>e

same hJass (1818).

’ Missa sanett O ma., for 4 solo vuscei. choA« 4 oeeh-

Op. 78(1818-19). ^

Orieriory, C ma., for soprano, chorus 4 orch.. for the

same Mass (1818).


’ l>ar erstc Ton ’ IJoliann Friedrich Rochliii) foe

•leelamation -ith orch. ft final cbonu. 14

( i8o8/.

Hymn ’ In seiner Ortinunc KhalTt tier Herr * (RocMits)

far 4 solo voices, thorw ft orch.. Op. sfi li8tt).

' Kampf und Sief ’ (Woblbcuclil foe 4 sole vekes.

chorus 4 oe<h.. Op. 44 (1813).

* L* accoflienaa * (Celani) for 8 sole vohes, ebocus 4

orch.* tiIsjK

’ JubchCaniaie lFr.e<lr>ch Kimt) foe solo voices, chocvi

4 orch., Op. 38 {1818).

’ Ou, bekrkniend unwe Lar«n ’ (Kind) foe solo vake

4 chorus Hith pf. 4 lluu (tPai).


’ Smfonla in C *, No. 1. Op. sp (1808-7).

* Grande Ouveiturc 1 plusmirs trotrusttenci *. Op. t

(i 8 o 7 >.* ^

' Sinfonia in C No. a (1807).

’ Overture. E9 ma.' (? tOop).*

* Overtura chiocia Op. 37 (1800).*

’ Ouvcriure aunt ** BcherrKhicr der Gcister ’* Op. a?

’ rVuucKrr D ma. (1813).

’ TeJcMo *. D ma. {1818).

* JubebOuvcilurr *. E ma.. Op. m (1818).

Pratmeni from an unknown work (1843).*


’ Kleiner Tuseh von awansif Troenpesee * (1808).

Walt! for wind band. £p ma. ( i8ia).

’ Marcia vitace * for so iruRspeu. D ma. (iSn).’

March for wind baod, C naa. (i8a8}.

^ Included in Op. 9 $ as Nos. a. 3 ft $ (scr Sos^),

* Known as the " Crouc jugendmew **.

' FofsiOly intended to be Op. 37, a munber om «od


* Overture le the unpublisbed opera * Peter Schmoll '.

* Possihlv epuneiss.

* Pan of she izKidcntal musk to * Turandot

' Used in the eritinaJ production of * Etayaathe *.


* Romanaa skdiana G ml, (be flute 4 sznall orch.


6 Vanaiaens on ibe fidhsong ’ A Schueerl uad a

Rcmd’rl % C ma,, for viola (t8o6).

Andant*. D mi. and Variatfooh F ma., (or cello (iSioJ.

CofWMno for bom, E mi., Op. 43 (1806, ccacored

. *8ts>.

‘ Grand Pot-pourri * for cello, D ma.. Op. so (i8o8).

* Craod Coftccno’ for pf.. No. t. C roe,, Op, it (:8t©).

Cooceruno (or dar,. C mi.'Ep ma., Op. a8 {181 1).

Concerto foe clar. No. 1, F mi.. Op. 73 (i8ti),

Goeeerto for clar. No. 9, bu., Op. 74 (i8ti>.

CoiKcrie fee bsacooo. F ma., Op. 73 (181 1 ).

Adaik and Rondo for harmonichom (or harmonium),

F naa. (i8it).

'Grand Concerto' for pf., No. s, Eb ma.. Op. se


* Andaose c rondo oshm'OW C mL, for bassoon. Op. 34


'ConceetMuck * fee pf., F mi. 4 ma., Op. 79 (1821).


' Craod Quatuoc ' foe vp., viola, eello ft pf., Op. t8


CfOisos Quinieti* fee clar., « viu., viola ft eello,

Op. 34 (18s 3).

Trso for flute, cdlo 4 pf., Op. 63 (1819).


! \’asiation4 on a Norwefiin air for vn., Op. »2 (t8o8).

Sonatas fee vn. (i8io>

(. F ma, 4. E9 fiu.

*• V ma. 3, A ma.

f o sni. 8. C ma.

ariationi on a theme from * Silvsna ' for elar.,

Op. 38 (>8m).

Divtnimenio aieai facile’ for ruitar. Op 38 (1818).

' Ccand Due ceieeerunt ' for clar., Op. 48 (1818).


' Sechc Futhetten '. Op i <1798).

8 VarUtioew oe an eritinal theme. Op e (1800).

' DotiM AUemandes '. Op. 4 (tIOJ).

’Sis Ecoeuaes' (1802).

8 Variatkeu on an '*air d« ballet" from Voflers

'Oasioe mid P^lui Op. 3 (s8e4>«

6 N’lrjatksM 00 an air from Votler’s ‘Samori Op. 8

<i 804 >.**

7 Variationa eo Biaoebi’s ' Vies quk, Dorine belle .

Op 7 ( 1807 ).

’ Thfme eritinal vark Op. 9 (1806).

’ hlosnenee capneesoeo B9 ma.. Op. it fi8o8).

' Grande Polooaise '. B) ma.. Op. 1 1 (1808).

Snnau No. t, C ma,, 24 (iBit). ,

7 Variations on (he romance from Mfhul'i 'Joseph ,

Op 98 <t 8 it). .

18 * FaversuWalaec dec Kaiserin von FcankRich. Merit-

Louise* {i8ra).

*Ak CUM' (''Sebone Minka ") uiih 9 vanatiom.

Op, 40 <i8i3l.

Sonata No. a, Ak ma.. Op 39 (1816).

Sonata No. 3. D ml.. Op, 49 (i8t8),

7 Variaiieiuon a Gypev Som, Op. 39 (181?).

’ SKhekeher ZapfensUckh ' if s8i8).''

'Rondo brOantc' (' U Cakk'), £> ma,. Op. 82


* Atcflbrderunt cum Tana * **, Rondo brilfant. U? ma..


(. 8 . 01 .

t'L’Hilarik'). E ma.. Op. 7»

Sonata No. 4. E sni., Op ?o (i8ta).


’ See Petite Pkm fkciltf Op 3 (i8os)

I. Sonatina, C ma.

e. Rosnanae, F ma.

' Ontinallv foe vMa, composed to 1809.

• Sre «b» PiaMfocK Solo. Op 8 (1804).

* With s-o. ft cello «d M. . _

•' Publnhod as br Vv'ebcr ti> an ‘Album des march«

internaiiooaks ’, but in lutbeotkity is eatremwy

•* ’no correct Enalish title u ’ Inviutioa to the Dance <

not ' . . . to ibe W'alu *.

EB£R : \\ orks

S. MisuMio, m*.

^ AodAftw foo variazkwi, G M.

i . MifciA, C nu.

. Rondo, £9 CM.

6 Pieces, Op- Id (i9o9)

I. Mod^nte, B9 ma.

a. AedaBuoo con ommo, C mi.

9. AodABie Can varioziosii, G mi.

4. MisuAk, C ma.

i Adafto, A aa.

Rondo, C9 ma.

6 hecev Op. 60 (t 8 iS>t 9 }

I. kiodcraio. O mi.

*. AUegro, C mn.

3 - Adagio, P ou.

4 > Allegro, A mi,

i . Alla siciliana. T> mi.

I Tema varjain, t ma.

7. Marcia, U mi.

8 . Rondo, by ma.



• * Siral'ptnlrgt uh«r «U franaustMlie * c’l

iidoij. '

• - ’Dio Krr/e ' Ftkiirkh i«n Maiil,LMn) GUn*}.

• Enidxhci Hlineil von mi« * i 4 rin< um SmJa>

* l< h »«h «ir hinyriMitkcn ’ r^HMhgd^, 0 &mi.

13. 3 SiMiKi (with guiur)

I. Ok Srliarminnde Oram Karl lIxiiKf


a- 3 ^'i«crni>«d Oliamrr) ^idior.

3, l/irbcwauber <1. H. iJwrrari '1807. .

4. LKKuGrurv Knnl>mki '1800,

. .*?•'/'“ 0'>**P*' l.'alwia M« 4 I> Utin’.

• Trinklicd U^Kri ri 8 <> 9 ).

1). p Sour*

I. Mfih# l.iwirr. mrine S*ntt OVdlxIni »«m

li>»riHleMi<WcnhFM«i iHi^oi,

a. l-.in Krica Kamid <C.irl MucMrri Iiftier.

7. Arh vrpMi Kh hwr rin Uebchan hail < lfa<li.

iMinaIr (lioo),

*' “• Zaubcrkrrn* (MvchkrJ

i . I(h wh rin RomIma rSfiMhkri (1800).

. J,in UIm krnn* tt,k tUhr) 4 iRi 8 >.

aj. P SfMiri ‘

I. Slrinr Parlirn <l.rhr) GHud).

a, HK4pw.ha ^KrrcttrHli Haii*) 0809),

3. Maicr>blwmi«,n fAiiauii UbMhUrcr) GUni.

4, TKirvah iSircckruiai HAiir.

fi. An rine PtrumliM iCIIirnii»n Frksbich T«au>

tMt V«*oij (Ilia).

— Kommhm mu«ibalMfkn Krruhchcailien * i'ftnrf

an IhiMarj tOmipmari fiMK

- !«. jK)«h* BarreKf.)

- Komimaf. • Ok kuintn ‘ iH«ir>herbi OSm).

(-Maoncita. ^ lu?iehH<»rfi Aian^ihan ' 'anon,.

German warn, bv Rnkonl M>h

• I Golllrird «on Ifrrdrc)

' * <Awmm von Ko 4 Mbw*} •

9 >. i SuMBi {whh mtiiar)

I. l.irhr.C.lMhM. (FtKdrkh Willwlm GubM#


» C'lwr dk Brrsr mil Vncrsium tKourtniei •

( iBl i I.

3 > I'asi mtch vhluminrm <Ko«»rlHK< • GBi j1

4 « PrillcrIinI n'rarliininah fiRia)

&. Umrinal vumimilrrlidlirn lieorr«KoUcbue) •

an- ‘ Tra ranirmcife • /«,»ih oiiiorj »?> ri8ii|

I. All <lo«r «*eic .*

a. Nink v line,

S- (%' i«i mai \> peuo.

• R'*^n«. / Um KcMun* hkcc ein rukl nev <ie-

Aihcxai. iKiU of Saaa-

30 , 6

1. Wkdmrh«, < 3 V'*INKt) (idoa).

Ja iiMrmi anf drr FUir Or^dekb RocUiia)


• Pru 7 aK.Marb.i?riiv,*fiJra^ Mionciioger *.

а. Unberaneenbeii (anon.) (1813).

4. Mmswlted (Johann Hnnrich Vo%s> < iBic).

’,. Reicet) <^’o3s) <16131.

б. Sii^ n Schmarsen. lind ei Frrudrn (I.imI^^ I:'

Tierk) (iBrsi-

ii. • l.ei'crund Sch^vcl ' (‘nrMd'ir Koriicr) <1614)

I. Gebai wahrcntl tier Schlachl.

a. Abwbkd vom C.pbrM.

9. I'rost. * Hen, lau «JkIi nil lit srrtpaiicii

4. Was Ml ift Saiifrra VairrIaiKl

y * l^ver und ScbMcn * (KorMor) GII16)

rhi«*re Harmoniree !►«* kh hlinem.

6. • Die Tmprramrnie Wlm \*rrluMe drt (;ilicl>lcii ‘

i<*uUuj (idler

t- 0 (T Lcwhimuiigr.

t. Drr ^hHermutigr.

y rVr l.kbcMviire.

4 - TVr Cekithfnuligr.

7. i Snn«»

I. Ok rrdanemm .Sangre ^-on VhrMkrii*

durf I -ifltdi.

7. (he freten Saiierr fFrirtlriili rur«icip

3. Baliailc, 'Wai »i«irnici Jw HckIc luriufr

iKnnbrcb) <16131.

4. (>ir^Jvinflin« wihI «i*c S|ir<r<k iGulriu^

t Mcm VWIaiivrn iFiKiirn GfliC'.

<<rbrl an «li« (>rl<rMe IGuIntcr ' 1814).

K.*w« cln.i erfansren ia»v • iJ«na, Fiim

claMeHir 'SBihi,

‘ I inJ in dec Itrinde * < 7 j (? 1617],

4. 9 S*mti *

I. Ilir rri^mme Marti ‘R.n}i<>|oin.>M. KinruaM)

3. I *rWdiftl '*l>adilkir>a|j '16171.

i . Alir VVcil«r FriesliKli .S^tdaii (1617).

. \«db»l*r<l, *W>Mn rh nn SWIrin it.ir* •

<1radilajnah Glilflj.

7, V nlkd«j.I, *U>Mw, ueiiir' ^JVailiiion.ilJ

{ 1 8 1 d;.

I- • Snn«i *

i. VdkilH^I. •Mrin Vliaurrl i« Imi>i« 0,*

(Tradomiiali 'iHini,

y lleiinlsrl.r« l.idir fVm Craditionalr (*816),

4. C*rklinhrii rMaru>» <>|Hir» (iBiOr*

-w Ahetahe«e<i t'l radiivaiah iligl.

b. laeb^ruM »h% Jer Fern* ( TiiMlkM.rul)

6, Vnlkdinl.^ ’Hrr^h^, nirm Silialw|,rM*

I (radilKeial, (1819?.

», 6 Sonet

tF/irtlei«h Kindj

*' Haare flPriKr. .tfiri (illiA.

1. (ihtknkcrkui iMatilHoiHO ilikili;.

4. I.elwi»an>nhl 'anon,) (iBiv),

> iff* L**>«** 'Ika*o»er>) (rSwo),

h. Wuowh um) Irfiiiarwiit 'Oasirllo tifliai

Romanre, * !.»,<< iKiml;

. e .Songi

s. Trieku <Fvrsirr> (lAsg).

a. 8«ih. Frlm. Kw« (KhhI) 'iAiSI.

* “V **" VlMir«tor|„|,cn

(Friedrirh vnn C*er«lrr»beiB> (tBiu).

4 Crntomi 'anon.i 'tBo«>. “

y lard «kr llirim 'Kind) (ifliB)

. C.Stmsrt

*• Glolddr (CInlikIr von Nnstis)


* gKi?^"^'* **^*‘^*^''» ’ (Tlioma* Moore)

! a * 4 »fe paruongs.

* NoK. 2 & 7 are parxsongs.

• a r

' Alraandrr


WEBKR : Works


Trio for soprano, terror & bass, * Ein Cirtchcn und ein

HluKnm * (I $03).

Quartet without wor& fer Danii (t8op>.

3 Ou«u foe 9 sofwanot & pt. Op. 31 ((61 1>

I. 5 e il Stic ben.

3. Milk volte.

3. Va, ti consoU.

Sextet. * Lena erwachi for 9 sopcaooi, » tenors 4 2

baiiei (ifiie).

3>part Burlesque. * Drei Knableio lieblkh auaManWm V

on themes from Meaan's * Zaubeeflote ’ (tSi j>.

Duel. *S«i jrerrusst. Frau Sonne’, foe tenor 4

{i 9 t 6 }.

* Natur und Liebe * (Ftiedrieh Kind) fee o sopeaooe. *

tenors. 0 basies & pt. Op. Si (i 9 i 0 ).

’ Wo nehm’ ich Blumen herr ‘ <HeiJ) fee 3 vekm ft pf

08 « 3 ).


’ hfadchrn. aeh meide hliimersehmeiehefeien *, Op. is

No. ft, 3 >pari canon (rtos).

' Die Sonate soU ieh ipklen * 3^r( ranon (tftin).

‘ Carbon* su swei sLimI nichl drei 3 *part canon iiftto).

‘ Lerk’ mieh im Anteikht *, 3 *pari canon (iBio).

’ Fro*) I Neujahr ^‘voice canon (1811),

* Leiee kvmmt der alend seiocea S 4 *part canoe (1814).

’ Scheidrn und leiden iit eineriei *. a*parl canon <1814).

* Zu dem Reich der Tone schweMn *, 4*pari canon


‘ \\eil Maria Tone hat *, S'part canon (1816).

4 Solfegji {rBi8).

Double canon fee 4 voicet (1819).


* Crablied S.T.T.B. wiih «»ind insu. (iBo3>.

’ TririklkH ** Wei) n Coil abo Refutt w sole voke

4 chorus (liep).

’ Ndrsl du der Klare dwenpfert Sr hall? S.A.T.B. ulih

wind jnau. (1811).

Suabian Dance Son*. ’ Ceirer uihI rfeifer *. S.T.T.B.


’ Kriefteid " Wir itehr> vor Gort unhon with wind

intu. 08 i 9 ).

* Urer und Sehwert * (Theodor Kdmert. Op. 4 «. 4 *pa<>

men'i ehann (1814}

I. Rnierlie^.

9. Lutiewr wiliW laed.

). (irbei vor der .^liLachi.

4, Manner und Buben.

! . Trinklied vor der Schlarht,

. Sehwcrilinl.

* Heisae »i»lle L>ebe Mhwrhet *. Op. 73 No. a (rtit).

' Quodl ibet * ^radi 1 lonal ) . (hi. 34 No. a { iB» f).

’ Abtchied * (Tradiiionol). Op. >4 No. 4 (iBr?),

3 Partaenfs for a>pon men’i cherii*, Op. ss>

I. LcbemJied am Geburttlai* (1814).

a. Zwri Kranae sum Annee*Tate (1817).

3. Sehbnc Ahrtun* ill ceRl^men (til 8).

4. Sehmuektdas Haus ftBii).

t. Smtei dem Cetane su Ehreo (1818I.

' Mail ltd* iTradiuonal). Cfe. 84 No. a <i 8 i 7 >.

’ Ei. ei. wie xheini der Moitd to bell’ (TradiiionaM.

Op. 64 No. 7 (iSii).

6 PartionRs for 4 *parl reenS chorus. Op. 88

I. Dai TurnirrbinkeU (ilia),

j. Emunierune uBipl.

3. Frciheiulieil 1 1819).

4. Schlummerlied (i8ae).

3. Cute Nacht (181 g),

8. Hiuamilied (iBei).

* Rosa * (1873).

* Keilerlied " Hmaut. hinaui. sum Mui'Rvn Straws

for 4 *part men's chorus (i8es)>

* Schuuenwcihe " Hernenchall. Uberfall ". fer 4 iutt

men’s ehorua < 1 893) .


'I'uneof * Cod lave ihe KinR * arr. fee 4 <part cnen’seborus

I. Den K 6 ni 4 lefnc C^t (? iBi0).

9. Heil dir im Sirferkrant (? tBrB).

3. Music lo the Prologue, with insi. ftBip).

10 Koliith National Sonn with preludes aW accoen*

panimenU fee Bute. vn.. cello 4 ^ (iBes)

I . 'Hie soethini shad^ of itloatning.

t. ClowiAR with love, on Pro fer feme.

3. O poortith cauld and restless love.


4. True*bcvi4d was he (Bonnie Dundee).

t Ves, thou mav'M walk.

A soldieff am I.

7. John Aadenon my io.

8. O my lure’s (ike ihe red, red rose.

9. Robin is my joy. my dear.

10. U’bar hac ye been a* day,

£«afre Balfe (appeannee In ' Freischuu ’). Birmann

O. me^sfaip). bnediet (pupil). Berllot (arr. of

lonubon to the Dance ’ 4 reciw. for ' Frciwhuu ’)

Bis^ (H.. nvalr>’, 4 ' FrelichUta ’ adapt,). Brahms

(pT. Rondo art.). Cooke IT. 5..’ Oberon’, parody). Oiti-

cism. pp. 334*73. Fhcher (A,, add. music fer’VerirtLnd*

liintcp ). Hawes {W.,addi.to*Freiwhil(s*). Hindemith

(SyinpK VaiT on theme). Hummel (J. N., airs from

f/esKbelta for pf. >. Leitmotiv (use of). Mendelssohn

(Vac. on ' PreciOM ' March for pf. duet), Morlacchi

(nralry), Meeer (H. J., adapt of ’ Euryinihe ’).

Overture, Reiosicer (‘Weber'i Last Walts', mh-

attftb.). Schula (J. P. C.. earlier setilnf of ' Preciou

.Smart (3, rtimmission of * Oberon * ; W.'t death).

5«o*. pp. 937*38 TifJichibeck

f k3cber’s Bild . oiKral. Wade (add. polacca for

Freuchuti ’>. Wafoer (R .canuta fer reburial). Walts.

WEBER, Ben (8. $1. LouU, 23 July 1916).

American composer. He studied ripping

and ptBikofprce, bu( is self'tBught in compori*

Hpn. In (94^ he sealed in New York, where

he beciune active in the U.S.A. section of ihe

I.S.C.M.. of which he hai at various times

been vice«president, seereiary and treasurer.

He receivH the National Institute of Aru

and Letters grant of $1000 in 1930 and »

Guggenheim Fellowship grant in (950-51.

U'cber's principal compositions are the

following :

Ballet ' Pool of Darkness '. Op. sd. prod. Jan. r95u.

* Siofema * fee cello 4 oreh. (1943).

CorKCfto fer pf,. vdnd snMt. 4 cello (1950),

^mpbony op poeou by William Blake for baritone &

chamber orch.. Op. 93 (1930).

* Lyric Piece * fer sir. atet (1040).

Varfeifeoo fee clar,, vn,. eelln ft pf, (1941).

C e ftce ft Aria after Solomon, fer soprano with vn.i crUo,

wind uwes. ft pf.. Op. 99 Ol49)>

nonata fee tm. ft pf., Op. 3 (1939).

3 Tiem for cello 4 094C*4t).

i Fiecci fer pf.. Op. 73 (1948).

mtasy (Variationt) fer pf.. Op. *3 (1947).

Suite No. a. Op, 97 (1948).

3 Sonfi, Op. t5 (1941).

P. O.-lh

WEBER, Bersbard Anatlm (8. hfann*

helm, j 8 Apr. 1766; d. Berlin, 23 Mar.


German pianist, conductor and composer.

He was a pupil of \'oglcr and Holzbauer, and

studied the^og>’ and law at Heidelberg about

1781. After touri ng for some t Imc as a virtuoso

on Rollig's Xanorphiha ' he became, in 17^71

musical director of Grossmann’s theatrical

company whkh played ahem airly at Hanover,

CaasrI and Vyrmont, and it was during that

time that he produced his first ssorks for the

stage. In 1790 he joined Vogler In a tour

through Holland, Scandinavia and Germany,

continuing at the same time, under (he latter

his siudlea in counterpoint. After a prolongeo

stdoum in Stockholm they relumed lo Ham-

burg. where Weber appeared with great sue*

' Oue of the many abonive aiiemptt •<>

cfevfec festrument ift which the tow »»

rncifeti.as » the hurdy-yuHy, Cf. Sosnsexrt Fi«r>-


^VEBER (B. C.)

WLBER (Ocorg) 223

cess as pianoforte virtuoso. Thence he went

CO BerUn as KaptUntAsigr, conjotniiy wtch Wet-

stiyy of the National Theatre.

In 1793 Weber was sent to \‘ienna to

engage singers for Che Berlin theatre, and it

was then that he wrote the essay on the Vienna

theatre and the singers of that town for the

'Berliner Musikseitung ’ (1793, p. 131). In

Vienna he became acquainted with Salieri,

whose experiences with regard to the theatre

were of gn at \alue to him. He also heard

during that time some of Gluck's operas,

and on his rt^um to Berlin he used all his in-

lluencc to has'e them performed there. 'I'his

he<afnc possible only when he succeeded in

indue ing the famous Margarctr Schick to

I'xihungc Italian for (ierman 4 h>era. She

sang ilic (iUe>part In ‘ Jphig* nia in Tauns

the hr^l of Glwk'a o|Jcra» given in Kerlin

under Weber's <lir<<tion and conductorsliip,

on 2.J Icb. In i7<y» he refused an

engagement fur Kbeinslierg. and liencrr*>rih

his salary in B<<rlin was rau«<l to lotxi thaler.

On 10 Mar. ilk*> WVIkt's opera ' Mudarra

to a llbreico by Carl Alexander Herklois, was

produced at the Berlin Opera without sutcess.

ft was followed there on 21 Jan. 180$ b>

a onc-atl cojuic n|Hra, ‘ Ole VVctir ihc

libretto of which was a German translation

of P. Guillei's, • L'n <^uart d* heuredc lilenee',

si’t in 1804 by Gavciux.

fn iHoo WoUt went on a concert tour to

liredau with the viollnht llrnst .Scbiik and

bh wife, and in 1003 he visited I'aris with the

faniuus dramatist Km^erbue. On ibr rmion

of the Italian and the National {>|Kras in

Uerlih he became royal K'ap^fmtnUi , and In

ibi6 he will decorated with the iron cross on

a while rlblson 'non-comliatant?. In i$i8

ho was attacked by a serious malady which

<oni[)ollrd him to withdraw* gradually from

hU ollieial <luiies. Ho was a (irohrsc roinptocr

of ojteras, songs, etc.*, but Ise lacked

the qualities necessary to ensure their isennaii'

ence. Some <sf \ua songc, hov\eV'rr. retained

their popularity, <-»preially the ni< Uidies to

" Mil dern I’fed dein Hogen " and ' Rasch

triit der I'od dm Menu Ik n an'* from hie

mode to St biller's ' Tell ', lirsl pe rfornu d in

Ik rlm in |»«.^. r. v, d- s., adds-

W£BER, Bernhard Cbrictiao (*. Uolfer*

vliwcmb, ihoriiigia. 1 Ihr. 171 i; d.

IVnnsicdt nr. Lrfqrl, 5 Feb. 1758?-

fJerniun organist and fomp.n«>r. Hr was

sqtjxnnled organist at IVncHUdl in 1732.

He was long suppovd u> have aniitipauxi

Mach in writing a « t of preludes and fugu«'s

m all the major and minor kt \» and eniiillng

t ie work * Das wohUemptrierte Clavier’, for

Ihere is a inanuscr.pl of thiv work dated

• Wij tn the BruswJs Cemservatoire Ulwary^

in. ‘

twenty. three years before Weber's birth. The

work was in fact written aljoui 1 745-30.*'

£. u.

WEBER, Dioaya (Friedrich DioBysue)

li. Vclichov', BohrinM, ij Oct. i7(>b; rf.

Prague, 25 Dec. 1842}.

Bohemian composer and teacher. He wav

a pupil of V'ogler. In tflt t he was one of the

founders of the l*raguc Conservatory, of which

he was appointed the first director. He did

not take v*.*rv kindly to his natnevake, C:drl

Mana von \^’<•ber, who v\'a8 c« inductor at the

Prague Opera in i«i3-ib. and seems In liavv

done little or nothing to lielp him. On the

olJsef hand, when Wagner a< a young man

visited iVague in 1832 with his Symphony In

C Jjsajcn*, Welier awcnihleil the Oonservansry

orchestra lo give the work a first h<*aring.

Welser's <«mpo>iij<ms' include light operas,

music fur millury li.and and for solo wind

iristrntnenls, etc. Hi* uUo vvroK* several

tlveori’iM al IxHiks, p,

WEBCR. Franc k (-ikigne, lU Aug, 1 805 ;

«/. (^ikignr, 18 hepi. 1870..

<H*rinjn organic, londuitor and conipuMT.

He wav a pupil ii| Ik rnlurd Klein and became

organist of (U.bsgne Gatlinlr.il. He was also

aM».Hnh*d conductor of the Ooiogne malt*,

voire chotf, with whuh he vidted London

lor a very surrevsful wries of lotiieru, In

1873 he rr< lived the title of l*rofe^^ol^ He

fomp.w.Hl a setting of Ihnlm lA H for

vuires aiul mah<*voice ( hurus<*s.


WEBER, Ceorg *. Mubih.iusrn.

rtngia ». t*; /

(h*rman ibth- century <oin|H>ser. He

studied at Irip/ig almut 1354 and bivariie

lanior i»f Wdswnfels in He the

"» i'>enfeJs cantor before the Ihlriy

gears’ War, .\mcmg his roniposllions are

<*erman sacred songs and jwalins (1 r,88 ; and

ed. I5 Cp6j and (irrinan Psalms of David for

4-6 voKet d5bH and »„ v, d. 5.

"‘“ hifcii'l'w"* *V'!*

r«nK m Wciv>m4rU ' . 41 .,.

^ WEBER, Georg b Dableri nr. Meissen,

. I e. rj.

German 1 ?ili.<en»ury composer. He studied

^ KomgslKfg and l-xaine vicar and surer iitor

of Magilrliurg Cathedral. Hr w as an excellent

[»•>« and eompon r, and wrote a nuinl>rr of

1-K.kx of saerrd songs for 1-3 voiies. The

first ivvo books, with afrompanlinenls Ibr

wveral mstruminw, published in ifi.io and

H)43 m block htdin, wlu re alsi, ih<* di'dii uil.m^

a^ signed, show that he was living then* at

tfic time. Four books at>pcafiil in r(>4H at

^n«g. three at KonigslH-rg in 1049; thn*e

melodies friun tisese have been republlvhid.

• ^ -M.tM.. .t( 48 . .V®. o^ and No. 8

Kmanri u)., W>is,*hfr(..

224 WEBER (Gotifried)

WEBER (Johann^)

Two other books appeared at Leipzig in 1652

and 1653, *• V. d. s.

WEBER, Gotifried (k. Freinsheicn or.

Mannheim, i Mar. I779i d. Kreuznaeh, at

Sept. 1639).

German theorist and composer. He studied

law and philosophy, in both of which he took

doctor’s degrees, and travelled as a student

ot music until in 1 802 he settled at Mannheim

as a lawyer and holder of a government

appointment. It was there that his namesake

Carl Maria von Weber sought a refuge after

his banishment from Wuriiembcrg (1610).

In the house of Gottfried's father an asylum

was found for old Franz Anton von Weber

until his death tn tSts, and a lasting friend-

ship was formed between Gottfried \N eber,

then aged thirty-one, and Carl Maria, eight

years hit junior. A year earlier the lawyer,

proficient on the pianoforte, llute and cello,

and well versed in the scientific branches ^

musical knowledge, had founded, out of two

existing societies, the Museum, an orchestra

and chorus of amateurs who, under his able

direction and with some professional help,

did excellent work. Gottfried's influence

gained for the young composer a hearing

at Mannheim, and (he artists and ama-

teurs, carried away by the spirit and fire of

thrir conductor, did much towards establishing

Carl Maria’s fame in their city. There were

pleasant wanderings in company with other

choice spirits, many sang ihcir latest songs to

the guitar as serenades and establish^ a

so-called secret society (with high aims) of

composerditecati, in which Gottfried adopted

the pseudonym of Giusto. Some of Gottfried’s

best songs had been inspired by this Inter-

course, and were no doubt exquisitely inter-

preted by his (second) wife, born von C^sch.

Besides these songs, strophic in form and

sometimes provided with guitar accompani-

ment. Gottfried Weber's compositions include

three masses, other sacred music, sonatas and

concerted pieces for various instruments.

He held various legal posts at Mainz from

1814, and at Darmstadt from rdid, and in

1833 was given the title of Cruiktri^glkhtr


In the intervals of founding the Mannheim

Conservatory, superintending the court church

musical services and doing occasional duty as

conductor at Mainz, he laid the basis his

reputation by a profound study of the theory

of music, the result of which appeared in the

‘ Versuch elner geordneien I'heoric * (1817-

1621), of which translations subsequently

appeared in French, Danish and English

(Boston, 1846, and London. 1651); ‘Allge-

mcine Musikichre ' (1832); ’Die General-

basslchre zum Sclbsiunterrichi ’ (1633):

* Ergebnisse dcr bisherigen Forschungen ub^

die Echtheit dcs Mozartschens Requiems*

(j 826)< and other volumes, and articles

published tn * GaeciUa \ the musical periodical

publidied by Schott Mainz and edited by

Gottfried Weber from its beginning in 1624

until his death. Weber's examination of

mtisical theories led to his work on time-

measurements and Che “tempo interpreter"

(‘Cher chronometriKhe Tempobezeichnung *,

1817)’, and his study of acoustics to certain

improvements or inventions in wind-instni-

meni making. l. u. u.

Sn «/w Stsdkr {M., coitirexeny about Mossrt’s


WEBER, Cuacav (i. Munchenbuchsee,

Canton Berne, 30 Occ. 1845; d. Zdrich,

(3 June (867).

Swiss organist, conductor and composer.

He received his first lessons from his father,

Johann Rudolf Weber (181^75), himself an

excellent musician. In i86t he studied at

the Leipzig Conservatory, and as late as (863

he worked with Vincenz Lachnerat Mannheim.

After a period spent at Zdrich as an organist

and a much-appreciated teacher of the piano-

forte, he decided to perfect himself as a

pianist under Karl Tausig and for this pur-

pose lived in Berlin to 1869-70. In 1873 he

succeeded Theodor Kirehner as organist of

St. Peter's Church at Zurich. In 1876 he

became organist of the Minster and soon

after gave regular organ concerts. For ten

years he conducted the big mixed choir of

Zurich known as Harmonic, was singing*

master at the public Khool and teacher ^

(he organ and the theory and history of music

at the Music School.

Between 1876 and 1683 \Vebcr edited the

' Schweizerische Musikzeitung ' founded by

his father, a magazine that to this day con-

tinues to be (he most important of its kind in

the country, and wrote a good deal of musical

criticism, for he was not merely an excellent

organist and conductor, but also a talented

writer on music. He was an extremely

versatile man and published several collections

of songs. In common with his contemporarin

— and influenced by the same romantic

spirit — he composed choruses and solos with

^hesiral accompaniment, partsoDgs for male

voices, songs, orchestral and chamber music,

and pianoforte pieces,

WEBER, Jobana«a (h. Brusmaih, Alsace.

$Scpi. 1818; d. Paris, 19/30 Mar. 19®*)*

French writer on music. He was

to Meyerbeer in Paris and music crioc of Lc

Temps' from 1B61 to 1895. He wrote a

• Oramnuirc muskale ’ and other iheoreucai

books, and ‘La Situation muslcalc en France

(C884), ‘ Meyerbeer : notes et souvenin d un

de sa secretaires’ (1898) and 'Les Illusions

RcqiM* b Wly Ouii with in W. Me'* ‘Story «

Mpurt'5 R«quiem* {i673)>

* Sn aitTiu»NoitS.


WEBER (Ludvng)

muiicaJes la vvrilc »ui I’expmsion' (snd

cd., 1899), u, L, P.

WEBERf Ludwig (6. Nuremberg, 13 Oci.

1891 ; d- Borkeni 30 June 1947}>

Gvcman coniptMer. He w«$ largely W'lf*

taught. His works include an opera, * Mida^ \

in one act ; 3 works tor reciter, dance and

music, * ChrUtgeburt ’ and * Totentane ' :

* Hymnen an die N'ache ’ for chorus and

orchestra, and other choral works ; Symphony

in B minor; a string Quartets, songs with

.string quartet, wind Quintet; a pieces for

organ with trumpet and trombone; piano*

forte works ; songs, ole, j. a. f.-M,, adds.

Uiiu. — Hpbzoc, F. W.. ■ l.uJwif tVVbrt '{Wtjrnrftuiwl.

WEBER, Ludwig (^. N'ienna, ag JuU


Austrian bass sirig<t. Originally inictKled

fur a teacher atid itic lining towards cho career

of a painter (he went through a («»ursc at else

Vienna Schtxd of Arts and Crafu under A.

Roller), he discos cred his scnce as a nsrtnbcr

of the Vienna Oratoriensrreinigung under

VVagncr*Schonkirrh and began to study singing

with A. Boruttau in igig. Cutitinuing that

course until 1925, lie gained some practical

experiener at the Vienna WtlksnpiT under

Wcingarincr. In Hjj^ he was engaged fnr

Barmen* El bt^rfcld, in 1937 for DusseMorf and

in 1930 fur Culogne. Hasing rung at the

Wagner festival prrtWmancrs at Muriith in

1931, he was engag<*d for the State Opera

there in t933.

As early as 192G Weber began to appear

as guest artist abroad, his visits taking him

to Ihc Hague, I’arl', Antwerp, Barcelona.

Bruiseh, Budapest, Rome. FJorenee (Slagglo

inusicale), Milan (Scala, 1936-39. 1942) and

J.ondo« (Covetit Ciarden, 1036-39). 'IV

I ntlvah of SaUburg and Zurkh wrlcomcd

him lewal limes, in Sept. 194? he went to

i.ondtm again with the Vienna State Opera,

of which he has been a member since 1946,

and in 1946 he was engaged by the Tcairo

Colon in Buenos Airrs. He holds the tiik of

Austrian chamber singer. His voice, richly

sonorous down to the lowest register, fits him

admirably for the great operatic bass parts,

such as Moaart'.s barasiro, ^Vagner’s King

Mark and H unding, Verdi's Banquo, King

Rhilip (• Hon Carlos’) and F'alstaff. Mu»org*

s'<y'j Boris, etc. But he also appears frequently

in classical and modern oratorio and gives song

recitals {c.g. Schubert, Schumann, W<df and

modern composeri) which testify to a first-rate

art and Intelligence. M. n.

WEBERN, Anton (von ') (F. \’irnna,

3 Hcc. 1883; */. Miitsrslll nr. Sakbu^

15 Sept. 1945).

Austrian composer. He breame a research

‘ <lror»p94 the pcrfiK of ••oWlicr in Im> taUi



Student under Guido Adler in N’icnna and

took the Ph.D. degree at the University there

in 1906, the same year as Carl Horw'iiz and

two years before L^on ^^'elles^, All three

w'ere pupils of SclMcnbcrg, whose* Inllucnct*

b shown in their works ai tliffcreni periods,

but Webern w*as the fitsl and rcinamvd the

most loyal adherent. Berg and Webern were

working with Schoenberg at a critical jilias**,

w'hen, according to Erwm Stein, " they

actually i*x|>erienc<*d the absolute necessity

that gave birih to a new music, and could

dxrelt^'c not help making .St hocninTg’s style

iVir own

After leaving the University in 1906

WelKrn held conducting posit at various

Ckrman provincial thealres and In Prague.

Ulu*n .Vbornlicrg founded his .S«Mi« iy for

Private Perforinantes {\'rr«*in fur muslka-

Itsthr l^rivauuiruhiuiigcni m N’irnna in .Vuv.

191B Webc'rn sulHrinlended many of die per-

hifinances all of modi rn works, many of

(hem of (he most advanced kind. He aller*

wjnis liecamt* |irm« ipal rimdutioi of the

\irmia ktiirkeis’ Symphony (!«merl<. organ-

ised b)* the ScKialist municipal authorities,

and direxted (hr hrsi |KrrormaiK<*t of a

Itunilirr of works by .Srhu<*nlx'rg anti iiis

followers. In lliese conieris he also showed

himst'ir an able ecjsonein of the classics, He

formed a fine amateur choir, Kuiwistelle,

which took |>ari in iluw symphony ct/n<i*ns,

But <les|nic tlu'sc art It j lies \Vebern was never

a prixninent figure in ihe V'iennese concert

world ; Isc prelerntJ to live in si*nii*retireinrnt

at Niodling, wJsere he sen led tJireclly after the

ftrst wurltl war, in 191U, to devote himself to

composiiion and the teaching ol comfxxilion.

During the si'ctmd world war Webern's

rircumsiames became more and more diffi-

cult. His music was banned as " cultural

Bolshevism ” in (icrmaciy and all (Jerinan-

occupied countries, Ih* was forbidden to teach,

and the Ire lures in w'lhch hr expounded the

prinelpU*s of music from Ba<h m bchovnberg

could only be given in secret. I'or a time he

was com|sclled to act as a proof-reader with

a \ iennesr publishing huuse. Towards the

end of the war he nvoved with his family to

the country near SaUlmix, and there, on

13 *Scpt. 1945, Im* was accidentally shot by

one of ilsc occupying troops — a most tragic

and untimely ci^.

I’rcviously his life had U'cn singularlv fr<r

from outward Ineidcni, apart from the hosille

demonsira linns provoked by $•» many of hb

^ their first apps'arance, demonstra-

tions which on at least one oceaslon led to a

hw fight between members of ilw audience.

His ercaiis« career was severely conslstenl.

He began it, after the orchestral Passacagha

ar^ the choral sstling of Stefan George’s

’ hntnicht auf h icluen K.ihnc n ' <if 1908

VOL. rx

22 $


(wrliwn after four years’ siudy under Schoen-

berg), as an exiremc modernist, and he

remained an exiremisi tver after. Even the

Passacaglia, almost Brahmsian as it is ii is

closely akin to the Brahmsian side of early

Schoenberg — is full of portents of Webern's

later scyle : angular, leaping melody, ex-

quisitely subtle effects of scoring (much eon*

trasiing of muted and unmuicd strings, divi-

sion and subdivision of strings, ppp trm^ic

passages sal ponlicefh), the breaklng-up of the

esseniially contrapuntal texture into thematic

scraps which suggest the influence of Debus-

syan impressionism. But the passacaglia form

holds the whole piece firmly together; the

thought U clear, continuous and compara*

lively expansive (the piece plays for about

lifteen minutes) ; and the scoring, if trans-

parent, is solid, even rich, in conventional


I'he ten Stefan George settings of 1906-t)

(Opp, 3 & 4) are already practically atonal,

and in the compositions that immediately

followed — ' Five Movements ’ for string

quartet (composed in 1909), * Six Pieces • for

orchestra (composed in 1909, but not per-

formed till 1913) and 'Four Pieces’ for

viol i n and p ia nofor (e ( 1 9 1 0) — scrappy, angu-

lar melody and almost painful subtleties of

scoring are left to speak for themselves without

aid from any preconceived ideas of tonality

or musical construction (although traces of

sonata form are still faintly discernible in the

first of the quartet movements). The best

of these compositions is unquestionably the

powerful 4t*bar 'Marcia funebre’ for orches-

tra, At this period U’ebcrn was completely

in the thrall of Schoenberg’s ideal of pure

expressionism. He stated it in a description

of Schoenberg’s ' Piano Pieces' (Op- u) in

the symposium 'Arnold Schbnberg', published

in 1912 :

No it d«veJoo«d ; at most a btwf praftwiee

It inunediaifir r«n«at«d. Oiko sUiied. ihe ihrme

rxprwKi alJ ii hai io»ay; it nuM Ik foBowed by rirrf-

ihifit Troth.

And Webern surpassed even his master. His

next compositions — the 'Five Pieces' for

orchestra (Nos. r and 4 composed in J911.

Nos. 2, 3 and 5 in 1913), which made a sen-

sation at the Zurich Festival of 1936, ' Six

Bagatelles' for string quartet (1913) and

• 'I'hrce Little Pieces ' for cello and pianoforie

(1913) — arc still more highly conceniraied,

still more transparent and poiniillisik in

texture. The whole ' Six Bagatelles * eonuin

fewer than sixty bars of musk. >Vriting of

them in ‘ The Chesterian ‘ (Oei. 1922),

l^win Stein pointed out that

ftimow every note of a oMlody « riv«ti to a diflrrcnt

instrumeiu, and sMh one in a dMcrmt tone-colotir

((>armon|a, legn*. «e.). This, loeriher

Mith a rliyiKm that often la)<s turn on the weak beai

of a bar. imnaru to these pieres somediios umoually

glitccriog aod fluid. Seboeaberg’s idea of a “ nelody

• nay hat'e influeoced ib«*e

( AMacfartrmi M/n : Seboeoberg speaks of th^ poui*

bdiiy ai the ««ry end of hu ’ Hamiooielabre ’.] U was

€«oaetiueoc« of the composer’s renuneiaiion

of ibe conveabonal formaJ means that these move-

nwnu could ooi be allowed lo aanirae larce dimensions.

They ere melodies 10 oee breath.

Ycl each piece is supposed to cohere, through

being based on subtle iraruforroations and

rearrangements of some little basic scrap of

three or four notes. The ' Pieces ' for cello

and pianoforte arc equally short and aphoristic,

and the ‘ Five Pieces ’ for orchestra altogether

play (of barely ten minutes. Only one of the

Utter is more than fourteen bars long, and

No- 4, scored for clarinet, muted trumpet,

muted trombone, mandoline, celesta, harp,

side-drum, solo violin (muted) and solo viola

(muted), consists of only six bars, beginning

^ and dying away fipfi like a breath ".

‘I*he viola has only one note, a pianhsim

harmonic held for a Utile more than a bar;

(he whole piece lasts little more than a quarter

of a minuie.

The disiniegralion of melody, harmony,

rhythm and cone-colour begun by Debussy

is here carried to its extreme. Beyond this

point, if not at this point, music ceases to

exbl. Webern himsel f appears to have realised

this, for the songs that followed (Opp. ia*i8,

practically all scored for voice and various

unconventional ensembles of solo insirumenii)

show a modlhcation of the extreme position

taken up in the pieces just describe. At

first <c/. ‘ WicK iffl Park ', the first of the

' Pour Songs’, Op. 13) Webern clung to his

poiniillistic iostrumenul technique, though

even here the voice part, despite its hideously

unvocal intervals, provides a slight thread

of continuity. Moreover, the song lasts for

five minutes. In the 'Fiinf geistlichc Lieder'

(Op. *3) \N'cbern turned in the direction

already taken by Schoenberg in the second

part of ' Pierrot lunalre ’ : toward those strict

forms of iniefleciual counterpoint which had

always had an attraction for him. (His Op- i*

the chorus * Entfilehc auf Icichteo Kahnen

is a double canon.) Thus the fifth of the

' Geistlichc Lieder’, “ Fahr bin, o Seel', su

deinem Coti ”, consists of a double canon jn

contrary motion ; first of all, voice and »lo

v*iolin perform one canon in contrary mooo^

v^ile simultaneously muted injmpcc and

clarinet play the other, then the clarinet u

replaced by the flute and the violin ^ (h*

harp, the clarinet and violin continumg

free parts. Extremely close cohesion has taken

the place of complete disintegration-

the voice part, though intensely chronutjc,

eonskts of easily singable intervals- *

most disconcerting melodic lines ^

simple chromatic scale fragmenU with nol«

an octave higher or lower than one

Op- 1$ again comisu of ‘ Fiv*e Canons «or



voice, cldrinet and bass clarinei, >« i(h Lai in

Viords taken from the Breviary. In the

‘Three Spiritual Folksongs* for volee, clarinet,

bass clarinet and violin (Op. 17) Webern

adopted the twelve-note to which he

remained faithful for the rest of his life.' On

(his new basis, and preserving his newly re-

gained respect for '' strict form ", he began to

write longer works than he had yet atiempied

since bU Op. 1, though these later compost*

lions arc still extremely tenuous in fabric,

point iUislic in technique and if possible esen

more aphoristic as rrgartls thr thematic

material, which often consists of mere scraps

ol two or three noir*;. Wrl>ern still remained,

as in lyit, " the tomposer of the ^eatrstMO

fipieaiiD ". The ouuianding works f»f (hk

phase arc the Trio /()p. jo' |«>r violin, viola

iind cello (tomposrrl in ipJ?, perl*)rin-*d at

the Siena K«*stival of ih'* I.S.C.M. in Sept.

193B and hr»t heard m England on 14 Dee.

• and the Symphony ^()p. 2 1 ) for t lari net,

bavi riarinct, two hurni, Itarpand strings Irom*

posed in 1928, lirst performetl in .SVw York

at a •• I.i agur of Cotnposers " ronrert on

ill Dee. 1029 and also heard at Queen’s Hall.

Ixjndon, In the course of the J.S.CM. Festival

of July H«ith are in iwo tnovcnients.

riie second iiiovemrnt of the I rio is in sirklly

• lossiral firal* movement form, with slow intro*

(luctioA anti even duuble*bar and repeat of

exposiiion, but extremely well disguised n*

eapilulaiirm ; the slow hrst movement is a

rondo; and ilie two movements of the Sym-

phony are a double canon, again with lilieral

nolc*for*floic repetition of passages, anti a

ihrine wlih vrvea variations.

AAcf the Symphony \Vel>ern produced a

Quartet (Op. f<«* Aaxojdiucie. elannel.

violin and piantiforte Ofjji) t a Conreriu lor

nine stilo instrumenis (composed m 1934 and

performed xi the I..S.(;.NT. Festival in Prague

m .Sept, 1935J in wiitch the basic iwclve*notc

row is broken up an<l employed In thiee*notr

panicles; 'Das .Augenlkhl ’ (a work for

chorus and ordiestra, compowd in 1933 and

given at a l.*)nilon I.S.C.M, Festival concert

I? June t<)3jb; a set of Van* lions for

pianoforte (enrnposed in 1936. first English

perfortnxme 27 Jan. 1939): and a string

Quartei (Op. 9^^ rommjssioned by Mrs.

l.liMlirth SfirJC'U* Ckx,ljdg<«. first performed

A I the Coolttlgf Festival xt Piitslnirgh, U.S.A

on 22 Sept 193B. also hearti at the Warsaw

r.S.O.M, Fesilv.il iif 1939. <;, A., adds.

The works of this peruxi (i«»3i-3$) continue

the. tendency shown in the string Trio and the

Symphony lowartls a very sirici use of form,

nod many of them are extremely ingenious

in eonstriiclion. notably the string ^artet

And the pianoforte VarUltoos; the latter

' S<t Tw(tve*Non Miw.

are not variations in the ordinary* sense, hut

form a sonatina in tJiree move men is wJtieh

exploit every conceivable aspect of the varia-

tion form. The first movement makes a con-

siderahic use of mirror-writing, ihc sceoml is

a veo* concentrated detelopmrnt of the basic

material, while the last movement ahine has

the aspect of a nonnal theme and variations.*

M the same time some works of this period

lend increasingly towards gr<*at<T lyricism

and expresst\eni*ss. particularly the ConciTio

for nine irntrumenis* ami 'Das .\ugenllcht

whicli k a sTry moving and dramatic ivork.

During ilie second world war. in spite of

(hr dillkuh cirtumstances mentioned above

Webern wrote three wtuks in which his genius

shewed Its fullest llowmng. These are ihc

Hrst and M’tond Cantatas, Opp. 29 and gt,

and ilie VarlaiKms (or orehtsirai Op. 30!

Both Cantatas are on texts liy liildegard

.lone, w 1 k» also wrote the jXM-ms iif the .Songs

Op. 25 and of ‘ Das .Vugenlicht ' ; they show

a mystual quality somewhat reminisreni of

IMderlm, The first Cantata, completed in

.Mar. tqp*. ts r«*r soprxem solo, cliorus and

cl la miser ofrlieura, and continues thr tend-

ency of • Das .\ugenlicht ’ louartU a more

expressive and kts fragtnentary nw thod of

writ tog; ilw first movement, for ehoru* and

orcliestra, is lull of remarkable dramatic

efTecis. The Cantau wa< first iierformicl at

the 1949 I.S.C.M. Festival in lx>ndon, and

made a profound imjiressjon on iho*e who

heanl it.

Tlie V'ariadoiw for orxhvutti alto date from

1940 and were first performed by Hermann

Vhmhcn at U inter ihur in Feb. ttjxi;

Weliern was able to lie presen c at the per-

formance. Ukr lUr Cantata, they are simple

and direct in style and full of beautiful tire Ins*

tfal effects; (he orchestra is still of <haml>er

«re. ihtnigh 11 includes a luU. W'vktvrn'i

asi work, tl>c second Cantata, is also his

farpt-scalc composition. It ts seoretl for a

ratlwr bigger (urhesira than he normally

used, ic^ether with soprano and bass solos

and m.x^ chorus, and is in six movements.

Die words arc dcfmlkly religious In vh.iraeirr,

and the last i^sermoi is a chorale in canon.

Ihc Cantata e certainly one of ^^Vbe^n•s mnst

impressive and remarkable works « Ai the

itmrofhis death he w as working on a Concerto

m snreral mmvmcnis, of which, however,

only fragments are rejsor I od to re m a I n

of . t''** oxpom ni

^ the twelve-note technique. Each note in

hB music has .(s exact place and purpose,




and ihc whole structure is delicately yet very

strongly balanced. His remarkable ear led

him to produce elTecia of extraordinary

beauty and sublleiy; yet hU Ihoi^ht was

not merely impressionistic or pointUUsiic ; it

always remained architectural. It is in this

that the importance of his contribution to

music lies; and though he is unlikely to

have any direct followers in hb specialized

methods, his approach to musk has had a

profound influence on many other composers.'

Webern was a pure idealist, who allowed

nothing (o make him deviate from his chosen

path. He was an inspired and painstaking

teacher, always demanding the highest results

from his pupils, and a brilliant and lucid

lecturer. His penonaliiy was simple, direct

and charming, and like Cocihc he was a

passionate student of nature. His death when

still in the prime vigour of life was an irre*

parable loss to the music of hb time.

H. S. (ii).


‘Anton \N'ebern. zmn so. CkUtmiae \ a (vmpeuum

(‘ aj Vknfts. iMj).

J., ' h’lAiwv OMiwinjkM Muatek : Schoabcff.

Bcri, Webern * <Anbl*reaai. i9s0).

Lsismmi. Rsnl. * ImroOuciwn h la miniqur 4I0 i«

>or's ’ IPant. iM9)>

’Qu'oiKe quo la muaique ik IS sons?*

‘artoenbera e< ion ^ole ' tPacH. 1947). <6nali ih

leant. N«w York, >940)

Krioi, VN'illi, 'Anion Vvebrm: The klan and hrt

Muiie * (' Tarnne '. London » Mar. 194b).

I^SAasr, Hvstanasv. ‘ Cenvmattona wMh Webern'

^Mui. T., 0(1. 1(140).

‘ Webam'i Loal Works ' (kl.kf R.. Dec. iU$h




9. ' CnUlieht auf lekhica Kshneo * iSielaa Gcorfe)

for unaccomp. chona ltoo9).

19, 9 Sons* (trem Goethes ' ChSaaiaehxletMMka

Jahre** urid TaceMciiee,*) fee 4*part ehorvi (or

•olo quanet). eeletu, gvitae, to., <Ur. R b*M

eiar. (is«e).

96. ' Das Augenlkhl ' (K»ldefard Jone) fee ehania A

arch. (tyss).

S9. Pint Cantata (Jooe) fee *epeaiK>, «h«nia A eerh.


St. Seeenil Cantata (Jona) fer lopeaoe, baea. chorv* &

OitU. (1943).


I. I^ om catlia (idoS).

— ' Five Moretneriu ' fer wgs.. fttt iraascriiMion of

Op. 5 (ire Chamber Musk) I lany),

6. ' Six l*jece»' (iqto).

10. ' Five I'iecc* * * (1913).

a I, Symphony fer email orch. (ipaS).

jOi Viriallom (1 940).

CHAMBER music:

— t^iniei for t vn*., vioU, e«lle R pi. (early, tinpuW.).

S. 'rive Mo\'emenu * fersig. 4iei (1909).

0, ' Sis BaKatelle*' feraig. 4iet <1919).

«o. Tiio for vn.. viola A eetio <1907).

I ReeeniV some of the younger Freocti ai»d ItoIUtt

compoaen have ahown tigiu of atiempiani to adopt hk

ieehntque. with wbal tueeeti rv«uint to be taeo.

« F.oiiiIed ' LtfbiM ' Ve>«aadhiMr ' Ruekkehr

' Ertrtnming ' and ' Seele ’ fer the fim Vkitoa perfeea-

anre only.

at. Quartet fee ve., eiar., saxopbopa & pf. (1030).

t4> Concerto fer 9 insu. (1954).

aS. Strieg Quartet (19^).


R t ScDg* (Raino Maria KUke) for voice A ebanber

anaasiUe (i9ii-i«).

1% 4 Soof* (Karl Knua, Hoe* Bethge & Ceorg Trokl)

for voice A chunber ensemble (tpiS).

14* • SoB^ (Trokl) for high lopraao, clar., bass eiar..

v»|a Aeelto (j 9 i 7-9I).

(». FuDf geisUicha Lieder' for voice, clar., bau clar.

A VD. (t99«-a9).

iS. A CanesK fer voice, «lar. A bass clar, ( 1 924).

17. *Drai gebdkhe Vdislieder’ fer voice, clar., bats

A vn. (19*4).

lA 3 Sanfi for voko, eUr. A guiior (1933).


7* * Pour Piecei* (*910).


II. ' Three Link Pkees * (1914).


97* VarktioTH {199S).


9. 9 S o ng s from ' Per liebente Ring ' (Strfaii George)

«io Lkd fur dick allem.

9. Wandetnebeit war meins FrM.

> An Bacbesranft die einsigen rniliee.

4. Im Mortentoun triim du hervor.

3. Kahl lo^t drr Baum.

4* 9 Soon (Cange) <1909)

t< Einsaag,

9. Non awloti mich Treua ubee dir su waehni.

9< Ja Keil und Dank dir.

4. So kh (raurif bin.

i. Ihr iraiei lu dsm Herde.

la. 4 Seen (letj-iT)

I. Der Tag ill verga gen (feUuoni).

9. Die gebeimnicvolle KIdte <Li*tai«PoJ. ^ ,

f. Schlen mir’a, ah ich lab die Sooos (Strind*


4. C4ei(h «a>d Klekh (Goeihe).

99* i Soo(i feoen * Viae laviae' (Hildegtrd Jotm)

^:r6L dunkle Hert.

a. Ea aiurai aui Hohea FeiKha.

9. Herr Jreua meift.

99. * Dcei Lkdev ' Ijone) (1994-331

I. W>a Wo kh fr^l

8. D(e Heraern Purpuivogel.

3. Ssemr.


Boeb, Pv(tv« (‘Rieereaia a 6 vod’, No. 9 of ' Dai

RMHikalnchc Opfee ’) for or«h.

Schoenberg. Sorbs. Op. B, for voice A pf. ^ ,

' Kanmerwotphaetk Op. 9. fee vb., ecUo, Bute (or

aod vs.). eUr. (or viola) A pf.

* Five Onhastral Paeees*. Op. lA for a pn- ^ .

Selwbeet. * Deuucba Tisae vom Oktober i894



Voek* by Heinrkh Isaac, publ. In D.T.O., XVI. •



«ay CO Schoenberg iit a Symposium, Arnold bchoen*

berg'(Mgokb. ipia). ^ . ...

Der Wea nr Kooposition mir la Tonen (Vienna,

Dc'Sli- tur fteuen Muaik * (Vienna. >9391'

Stv abe Dallapiccola (ioduenct 00). TwelvO'Nete



rtttcr Codaake *>. 5rr Rebsicbr. ^

Wabatae. Jobo. SrrBriaodooB). Bnuea ( pucb»

Mart \ iniid, ».). Davies (HT W., ‘ D? W •

eek* ( J . ‘ Ducheis of Mart ', aacid. m) . Milhaud (do.;.




TKovtMO (V., * Dii|e V soa^J. W^rteck «) r^ruoat^J.

>>aod (R.. ehanis).

WEBSTER, John. Sef mi Mi sici.^vs


WEBSTER, Maurice. Ste EscLMl

ciANs Abroad.


changc-dominani), A lerrn invYntcd by

German musical scholars Tor ihe doniinani

of ihn dominant, D in ihc key of <J. G

bein^ ihe dominant of G and 1> ihr doiiunani

of G. Ii is thought useful by Gennans for

Ihe purpose of musical anal>ais, and it has the

slight ads'dntagc of expressing tltc lervn

dominani of the dominant " in a single

word ; but while ihe latter is self*explanacorv*,

Wecltseldoininanie U meaningless io ihose

who have not been taught iis signliKaiHe.

even if they are Germans.

Once this nim<* hail U’cn found for the

doniinatii of the dominant, there vs as no

reason why dominanis in any irther pmiiion

«>r Ihe scale should not havT their mlinitaJ

terms. Indued on«* vs* as fountl. Inic one oniv.

namely ^wisehrii 4 umi>taiiUH | l>riwn*n*(Uimi*

Hants;, and for this at any rate an English

<f|uivaieni ivas been iniro<lu<rd, by Gerahl

Abraham in his lM>ok on (:h«>pin. where he

calls such lemfiurary dominanis “ inter*

dominants ”, , B.

WECHSELNOTE (Ger. • changr.noie,

» h a ngi ng- n* )te) Sn Sot a < Iau bca i ,s,

WEGKER, Georg Kaspar \ k. Nurnulterg,

j .\\>r. l(>3a I N*uremlx;rg. i<» Apr.

(hrman orgnnUt and composer. His

father, who had some abiliiv as an instru*

menial musician, gave him his lirsi instrur-

lion in clavier playing. He reteivrd further

indruciion in organ placing and compositHm

from r.rasinus Kimlerinann, then organist

to St. Giles's (!hurfh (tgidienkirchr) at

N'ureinf* rg. At the age of nineteen Wreker

obtained his first uppoinlmcnt as organist to

one of the NuremU’rg ehur(hi*s. and after*

wards, p.assing from one church to another,

at jast in iftWi obtained the higlicsi post at

NyemlA fg, that isf organist to the SebaW-

kirche, where he remained till his death. He

was in great request as a leaclier and num*

bcfvd among his pupils Johann Kricgrr and

PacheUjrl. It was onl) at the urgent request

of his friend and pupil. W. M. End ter, who

was also hi$ publisher, that in the last yvar

of his life he prepared for publiration a work

with the following liile :

XVI II C«iMlkh« C«c)cenn». mil s bt* 4 VmaJ.

tuf dip HciliMn Pesfu« j„ iwittri* lal.m rwkhwi

«n. eihchfft aodrren. » he, voffa||.«rt, K.nhef^ettf^

niuten su BeU*u«lwn NurnWrf. i«$v.

'IV publisher introduces the work with a

preface in svhieh he gives direr tions as lo

various ways of performance. These* Spiritual

C.oncerlos* are in reality church eantaias and,

like similar w‘ork« by Buxtehude and others,

show ihs'form in iu intcrmi'diate stage between

Hein rich Ss liuu and J. S. Ba< h. I 'liey

begin with a short insinmuncal pre)u<|e

entitled ** Sonatina ” an<l have similar inter-

ludes entitled ” Ritonielli ” and short solo

arias betwesm the cIkituvi's. Two of these

cantatas an* given in ]>.! >.*] .. and seric'S.X I. i,

whirh contains vvorks by various Nin’einlxTg

masters uf tlw latter part the 1 7th centurv .

Ansitlier. from a manuscript sour<e. (>n tl>e

hymn ' .\llcin (!oii in der Hoh' m i l.hr *,

with a fuller complement of in'irumciUs,

though With little use of the familiar tunv,

and cvidentK designed for a great frviival

oecavton. is also given in the mociern publira.

lion, Several * Geisilirhe l.ieder ' by WVeker

for one soke vsiih loniinno appr^aivd in the

.NuTemU'cg hymndiCHiks of the liinr. Only

one short organ fugue of his rom]>osiii(»n has

cooiedown In us in manuscript. It is printed

m Kmu r’> *<M >ihi< lile dvvi OigeKpirh*. \-.x. 7y,

I. R, M.

WECKERLIN, Jean Baptiste (Theodore)

tiuelmdier. .Ms Vov . ib.M ; //.

IViUll^erg ni. (iuelnsiller, ao M.iv i«|lo .

Fr«*n< h <oin|><»si'r. writer oij imi'ie and

ediuir. He wav ihv son uf a ninnur.M turn .

So strong wsre his musical ihsiimts thin,

though c^u< ail'd for trade, he ran awiiv to

Fans in 1H43 an<l in mu red the Gun*

vrvatrnfe. where Jve Irarnv'd hanuoiiy under

1.1 wart, singing undi*r Fomhard and com*

positmn uitder Halevv, Not succeeding in

the Cun«eevatoir<’ exatuin.ttions, he left ilu*

scluwl and lc*ok lo teaching and couipcmiiun,

llagrr lo pMKJuce, and ver>' indcMrious. he

let dip no op|R»rtcmitv of making himself

known, atirmptlng all l>ranches of tuinposi*

iloo. lIuHigh soon finding that snreevs at the

ihealrc was uut of the question, in spite of

the fact that his one.oci piece. ‘ I.’Organkce

dans rniibarrat was tx ifcjmied at the

iVatre-Lyrique one hundred limcn in 1W53.

Musical l)jl»liogf4|»hv wax his m.iin resource,

and Itc brngglii to light many curious old

ccmqiiwi lions, such as the ' llallc t coinic|ue dc

la royftc *, which was given with others of the

aame class at the concerts of the Socictc de

Sainte Crtik, of which he was chorus-master

from 1850 to 1855. Seghers (1801-81) being

the coiwlwctor. He also made a fine collection

of scarce books of poetry, with airs in notation

and song-wriirrs, whicli he turned to account

in his eoilrclions of national airs. In i8<>3 he

was seleeicd to form the lilwarv of the new ly

founded Soekt^des Compositeur* do Musjqur

of which he became archivist, and in iB6<)

he was placed by .\uber in the library of

the Conservatwre, of which ho became he ad

''hich he

nhed wsth success until 190^.

Weckcriin’s first composition of ttnportancc




was performed at ihc SalJc du Conservatoire.

Paris, on 5 Dec. 1847 (‘ RoJand heroic

scenes for solo, chorus and orchestra [gn*

pubiUliedl). His vocal and operatic works

include 6 operas; 2 ode • symphonies ; 2

antique dramas; a large number ofchoriises

for women's and for men's vmces; 6 ‘ Qua-

luors dc salon ’ ; various extensive eolicctiom

of pieces, and over 300 airs for voice and

pianoforte; a Mass and sundry' moiew. His

j ns iru mental works comprise a Symphony and

Suite , both for full orchestra , arrangemen ts, e tc.

His bibliographical ivories are as follows:

' ChiitMit* p«puUi<«i ^ provipm d« U France *

(i9oo), wiiJ) Chamofleury,

' Lei tchM <iu tempi % 3 voh.

* Lei Ecliei il’AnKleierre ’ (1077).

* Album de la prandmaiMn \ twenty eld melodies.

LAsriioni et rocdei peur les ruiMU * fiOEo.

'Charueai de France pour les petiu Francau' (lOs).

Revised cdtitoet of * Ballet romiqve de la Reine *

tamberfi operas * Fomooe ' aenl ‘Lei l*«iews es let

plaiiirs Ua ramour’.

* Le Bourpeois pentilhomme *. divv«trt«entfncs K

Moli^re and Lully.

Various arlieUs in the ' Bulletin de U SoeiCli des Coei.

pesiteun *.

' Chanioni populaiees de I'AlsMe \ « vela. (ca03).

La Bibhoditaue «lu Conseevaieire de Musmuc*. i v«].

0ve <iS0)). a <aW»fiir WMMe of the books in Uk

KC serv*.

Books of French folksongs compiled and

edited by Weekerlin appeared in t86C, 1887,

:904. etc., and three series of ' Music iana '

were published in 1877, 1890 and 1899.

o. c.,adds.

WECKMANN, MactUaa (k. > Oppers-

hausen, Thuringia', 1619; 4 . Hambu^,

24 Feb. 1674).

German organist and composer. At an

early age he was received into the electoral

chapel at Dresden as soprano singer, and

there he enjoyed the instruction of Heinrich

SchUiz. On the recommendation of SchuU

he was sent in 1637, at the expense of the

Klee lor Johann Georg I, to receive further

instruction In organ playing and composition

from Jacob Praciorius at Hamburg. After

hii return to Dresden in 1 040 he was appointed

organist and choirmaster to the electoral

chapel. A visit of the Crown Prince of Den-

mark to Dresden was the occasion of \Ve<k-

mann’s being permitted to go for a lime 10

serve as chapel master to ihc Danish crown

prince at Nykjebing. He returned from Den-

mark to his Dresden duties in 1C47, but in

>654 the occasional friction between Germans

and Italians In the electoral chapel induced

him to apply for the vacant organist's post at

St. James’s Church, Hamburg, which in 1633

the elector pennitted him to accept.

In conjunction with the other organists and

musicians of the town, such as Schetdemann,

Practoriua, Selle, Schop and Bernhard, and

' SooM dowbi i* ihtown on iIk place of bkib

IwcuuM his <*ih*r, who was a Lulherao ww oM

dppoinicd to Omnhaiurn till 1696, oml hu tiaiBc h

1101 four>d Ml (he hanti*mal regHief.

with the hearty support of all the ciliaens of

the highest social standing, he founded the

Collegium Musicum, a musical society which

gave frequent performances of the best and

latest native and foreign music, vocal and

iruirumental. This was the beginniog of the

system of public concerts at Hamburg. As an

organist and clavier player generally IVeck-

mann enjoyed great reputation in his day.

Mattheson gives an account of a trial of skill

which cook place at Dresden between Week-

man n and Froberger, who parted from each

other with expressions of mutual respect,

Froberger declaring his competitor to be a

rral virtuoso. None of Weektnann's works was

printed in his lifetime, and only eight of his

larger worb for voices and insirumenu have

been preserved . Five of them are d uc to the d lU-

gence with which Gustaf Duben, the Swedish

chapel master at Stockholm, colleclcd the

worb of north German musicians for the use

of bis chapel, and these arc now in the Royal

library at Uppsala. Duben made Week-

mann’s personal acquaintance at Hamburg in

1O64 and was aAerwards in correspondence

with him. The other three worb Weekmann

to^ with him to Dresden in 1667 as a gift to

the Elector Johann Georg If, and they are

now in the library at Dresden. These eight

worb are all in the sacred concerto style of

Sehuta, and have been published in modern

form in O.D.T., VI. One of several chorale

treatments for organ is in Straube's ' Choral-

Vorspkie alter Meisler '. Other works arc

edited by Buchmayer. y a. w.

Biac.— iLOMp, CaaMAto. * Msithiu WMkmsno : Mta

tcbm UAd seine Weikc * (Wolteabuiiei, laSO).

W««ksetL J. I Sh r«lmcree (* Daniel Hiert S


Wt4d»rl»va, Rakeri. S*< Briiien Ceree^eny at

Caf«l( *J.

WEDEKIND Erika (k. Hanover, 13 Non*.

1 868; d. Zurich, Oct. 1944)*

German soprano singer. She was a siMcr

of the dramatist Frank Wedekind and studied

under Aglaia Orgenl at Dresden in 1691 '84*

She was a member of the Dresden Court

Opera from 1894 to (909, but toured fre-

quently. excelling especially in lyrical and

Aorid parts. She was created Royal Saxon

and Grand-Ducal Hessian Chamber Singer.

E. a.

WvdtUad. Fraak. SreBerf (Alban, * Lulu *.

Cuina«r {• Frvhlinti Erwaeheo ', op«r«). Lulu (Ikrf,


WEDOW, Robert. Srr \N'yi>cnv.

WEELKES, Thomas (*. ?; rf- London,

30 Nov. 1623}.

English organist and composer. He is not

heard of brforc 1397, when his book of

' Madrigals to 3. 4- 5« ^ 6. Voyces ' was

published. In the dedication of this book to

Geoege Phillpot (cf Thruxion near Andover)

Wedkes describes ihc contents as “the first

fruicis of my barren ground I n 1 59®


IQ the service of Edward Darcyc, Groom of (be

Privy Charober, to whom he dedicaied his

* Balletu and Madclgab, to hue voyces As

he speaks here of his “yews ytt unripened ”,

we may perhaps place his l^nh betsveea 1 570

and i^do. Two books apjKarcd in (600; (he

first, a set of 3*part madrigab, is dedicated lu

Henry, Lord Wins^, Baron of Hrailenham.

In this dedication he sa>i : “I confess my cini'

science is untoucht sviih any other arts”,

ihougli other musicians (r>’ to he more tlsAn

musicians ; “this small faculty of mine is alone

in me, anti u'ilhout the assivtaitcc of other

more confidem sciences I'he irfher tulumr

nf this year is a set of 6*part madrigals dedi*

CrtU'd to ficurge Brooke. Wrx'lkcs now' dt**

scrihes hitnsrlf as “ ol' the D>llcdRe at >N'in*

theater, orgniikt Mis name ticcurs only

once in the ColU’gc Utoks in reference to the

incncliiiit of the window ofliivroom in College ;

it also app<'ars from the b<>'>b that ihe (>rgan*

ht's siipt'iid in the years il>oo*a wa> ijs. 4d..

with hh daily commons artd his hKlging.

I’u ‘ The Triguiphes of Orutia’ 11601-31

W.cikes contributed a (>*part inwJrifaJ, '

Vesta was from Lutmos hill dncerKJmg mw

of the lim si madrigals in the collet ntm. He

seems to have been on icrim of intimacy wiih

Morlcy. the editor of the eollertion. for on the

latter’s death he composed a setitng of a verse

Iteginning ' Death hath deprived me of my

dear<-si friend published as " A Rement-

hrance of hts friend. TIturnai Morlcy “ in the

Aycrcj or l*harita«ieke Spirit cs ’ f>f 1G06.

On 13 July 1604 Wcelkcs look his degree of

B.Mut. at <>xf"rd, from New (lollege. The

eniry in the University Register wliich re<«^s

die granting of the grace (l i Feb. tCoa; men*

linm his sixteen y'ears’ study ainJ pracitce of

munc. Soon afterwards he wait appointed

organist to Cilnehestrr Cathedral- The

Chapter Records of Chichester has*c perished,

hut it is evident from the Subdcancry Registers

that he was at Cihichester with hb family in

1603* fr*r the baptism of I'homai \y’eelkes the

younger is entered there on ^Jutie; another

child, " Allcs ", was baptized on 1 7 Sept. 1606.

la i< 3 o 8 appeared his ’Ayeres or PhantasticVe

Spiriics fur three voices*, in vehseh he describes

liimscif as " Gentleman of his Nfaj«sty*s

flhapri, Bachelor of Mude, and Orgamst of

the Cathedral Church of Chkhcticr". The

name of Weelkes, however, is not to be found

in the * Old Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal *

(edited by Rimhault, 1879). He contributed

two pieces to Leighton’s ‘ Tcares or i^menla-

cions' (tCi4) : ‘ Most mighty and all *, a 4,

and ‘ O happy he *, a 5. Though these were

his last pu 1)1 icar ions it b probable that to this

period of his life belong the numerous anthems

which still for the most pari remain in manu-

script ; one anthem at any rate bears the date

0 Mar. 1617 (‘ Deliver us, O Lord R.C.M,).

the burial ur“Kliza; WcJkcs, the w'yfc of Mr.

'rho; Welkes, organist of (lie Cathcdriall

Church ", b entered in the Sulxleanery

RegUien, 7 Sept. 1622. o. r. a.

li’celkes died, wltile on a t isit to lx>ndon, hi

thr house of his frivisd Henry Dritik water, in

the parish of St. Dridf'S, Fleet .Sirt t'i. His wdl

is dalid 30 Nov. 1623, and tin r< gi«tm of -St.

Bride’s show ilut Itv was buried there <>n

I Dee. ; those facts point to his having died on

30 \nv, Hi> will was jiruvid </n 3 Doc. in the

Dean’s iVculiar G>url at Clucheui r (V'ul. Ill,

ful. 174).' He mad<* Drinkivaier lus < xeruior

and Ml legacies to I in chiUlreii lliomas,

Kaihcrtitc ami .Mice,

On the ocea'tnn of his ii rcentenary coni-

ine moranortt in 1923 nmnorial lahlets were

placal on the ivdils of M. Bride's C hurt it. liie

f^lobiers nf Winclwster College and the North

I'ranwpt of Clnclwslrr Cathedral.

NVet'lkes's niadrigai ‘ Ay me, my wnnletl

joys ', from tin' cyt? »el, was prinir<l in .Sessu

(I* .Nraisda’s * 11 f>rimo lihru de rnj<lrigaU it

quattro WKi, Coil uno ih ’J'hnmas \\'<'elke%

li»glese, KImsiat. ,\ src<»n<l <<{ition of

thr ballet Is (iy)B H|>|M>arr<| jii iboll.^

.\s a madrigal wTiier Weclkt'' holds Nery

high rank; indeed, some regard him as the

greatest of all madrigalisu, although nthers

wvMild prefer (he claims cl* the gfejii stylist

\Vilbyr, \\*erlkcs show ed his genius especially

in his daring use of what in lus tiiiK were novel

harmonies, as well a*> in the feriUiiy uf his

tmagiisaiiofl, which gave colour to lite cx*

IKTsdon of ideas and eiTn to single w ords and

phrases. Tliis aspect of his work is lu Ik* seen

at its brsi in his wnnderful madrigal ‘ O care,

thou will drspalrh me’ or in the very ex pres,

sivc three* part work ' Cease, sorrow'*, now \

But it H a mistake tn Hlfcci to sec the true

Ucelkcs only in his m*>fe highly colouritl

chromatic work ; he w as as well able as any of

III* contemporaries to build up broad and

iMssive efiecu w'llhln the eomenilunal limila*

tiem of simple harmonv. Examples of such

writing are * Like tsvo proud armies ’ or ' Mars

in a fuf>' In contrast to these is the ext^ulsite

delicacy of ‘ On the plaicu fairy trains ’. As

a syriier of balleita he was at least the equal of

Morley, and no higher prai« is possible, while

his ‘Ayer« or Phaniasiicke Spirites ’ show' hitn

in yet another light, that of a witty satirist.

A few additional madrigals survive In manu-

script, Among these the ballet ‘ Grace, my

lovely one’, was first printed under the cslitor-

ship of \V. Barclay Squire.

VVcHkea wrote a large amount of church

Uliibn \

..’-^•^," 9 ?*'“ PfwesJ.ht 'W jf> EnaliiK

MwiniHJVbool <M* Mm) w<»e ihute vt die MdtJriBab

™ '»7 or Uw MhiksI AniiqMahM Society and of iHe

^'*2- ^***«*h er ud Use ‘Amos or

%""*«• (ifea) in ArkwriBki'i ‘ Okl

bneMs F.dutM *. '



music. As many u ten of his services have

survived In fragments, but unfonunaicly not

one of them is complete j indeed, ooJy the

simple four-voice Service, which is quite

devoid of individuality, can be saiUfaciorily

reconstructed, and the alto part of that is

missing. That is the more to be regretted

because the maierial that does exist dearly

shows that \Veelkes was remarkably original

in developing the form of the service and in

employing various devices for giving variety

and interest to this dass of composition. Verse

passages with independent organ accompani-

ment are introduced and various anti phonal

effects arc devised such as are found in the

Venetian school, but in the work of fexv English

composers of his ti me. Thomas Tomlu ru done

followed him in extending the con\*entionaJ

scope of the cathedral service. This is all the

more remarkable when it is recalled that for

nearly two centuries afler the death of >Veelkes

English church musicians, with scarcely any

exception, followed the old conventional form

of the " short ’* service of Tudor days as

defined by Cranmer.

Thc " full ” sections cf the Service “ for

two trebles " can easily be put together from

the available material, and this Service 'vould

be a very valuable additiort to the cathedral

repertory if only it could be completed. One

of the two treble parts and the organ part are

available, but it is difficult If not impossible to

surmise the composer's intention as to these

sections, and the verse parts may not all have

been limited to two trebles. The meanissg of

the term " in medio ehorl " in No. $ of these

services has been lost ; the direction occurs

in contrast to sections marked ** Verse” or

Pull ". Possibly it may mean the trebles

alone singing in chorus, but this is a mere



i. The flnt Service " for verMi lo the er««n in (mb

ui" r * Tc Drum *, * Jub>Ui« *, ottftiory " >h u eJ

ii he that coniKleecih ‘ Kyrie *. ‘ Ctt 6 o ’ (Tea*

burv MSS roi, M. 407*}, * hlafSiReai ' and

* Nunc dimhti* * (4iV,. m1. 411).

а. The tecend Servke ** with vmee ie the art aw in

D mI re : * Te Deum * fienedteiui *, atlereorv

** aieued be the man'^ 'Kyrie'. 'Credo*

tTeob. hlSS TBi. fel. 419*). ' Mafiufieai’ and

* Nune dimitlh^ (iM.. fel, C34<).

3. ' htunjficai ' and ' Nune dimittis ' *' with *erw ie

ihc onrans F fa ui " {Tenb. MSS 791. M. 416).

4. Service 'Tor two uebfee" in e pam (vene and

full) : ' Te Deum ' (Tenb. Mm 791, fpl* 405*:

Durham hf.SS A6 . M. m. Ct, M. iBs. Cts. M.

104*, CiB. fel. 75: PeierWw MSS 53, M. 4S',

54. fol. 5'. 3®. fat. 57, 39. W. 4f», srK

5. ' MaffTincat ' and 'Nunc oimMOe’ *' in ritcdio

chwi " (Tenb. MSS 791, fe(. 400*).

б. Service ‘'with verte for a meape": *Te Deuna*

(Wimbornc Miiuter KISS. alto. M. 95, teaer.

fol. 56. bau, M. tO : * MacoiRcac* and ' Nunc

dimiith ' <4W., «ener. fat. 90. baa. M.

7 . ' MasniRcat ' and ‘ Nunc diniiiU ' " te vem Sm

t eoniraieoore *' (Wimbeme M>w«er MSS, aJie,

fol. B5. lenor. fol. Ba, baaa. firf. sB).

B. Servire irt 4 |>att3: ' Veniie ' Te Drum ', ‘Isbi*

late' AHd. MSS 09 . 789 . Ro)'^ Lab..

MS : Durham MSS, AS, fiJ. 394, Cis,

fat. <431. ' Masnificai ' and 'Nune dicninjs*

{Durttam. Ci3, W. >47; Peierfeouw MSS sS.

43. 45). ^

9 ~''>if.\ytr\kn’t s parts": "Die Deum' aod

Jubdaie ' (Teot MSS ?9I. W, SSO. 'Mapu-

fieat and Nunc dimiitis ^(ihd., rof 139),

10. • MafniAcai * and * Nunc dimiuli ' of 7 eirU " :

medius <Dur)»fn MSS. Cl. fol. 508; Feterhouse

MSS 34. fol. S3) : alrw (HU . 39, (bb. 45. 60) :

^ (Durliam MSS, CtB, foJ. &: Peirrhouae

MSS 35. fel. 4^ 3B. fal. 34O.

Weclkcs left 8 large number of anthem),

but V an anthem writer he seems to show

some inequality. The greater number of his

anthems have not as yet been scored, and it is

not posdUe, for this reason, to judge accur-

ately of their value as a whole. Yet nothing

could be more splendid than hit noble

' Hosanna to the Son of David * and almost

equally fine is the Christmas anthem ' Gloria

in excelsis . . . Sing, my soul ’. In contrast

to these is the tender litUe collect ‘ Let thy

merciful ears’. The following anthems by

Weelkes hav-c been printed : ‘ O Lord, gram

the king * by Barnard in 1641 ; * All people

clap your hands ' and ' When David hcaM *

(bMh edited by RimbauJt) by the Mutical

Antiquarian Society; ' Hosanna * Gloria in

exedsis . . . Sing, my soul * and ' Let Thy

merciful ears ’ (ed. by Pcilowes) and ' Alleluia,

Salvation’ (ed. by S. T. U'arner), in the

' Tudor Church Music ’ series.

The instrumental works of Weclkes include:

A tel of pieeee for 5 vM» (R.C.M.).

t F*v4n( sad ont echer piece far 3 vioU (B.M. Add.

MSS 17,788.91 end <7.799.98).

9 ' la Neoune* e 3 (IMI. M5 Mui. S(h.

Th<w fa** with eiwKhft ' in Namine ' e 4 (B^l. hf^

aiut. Seh. deit'iB).

* Laerimae ’ 4 3 (B.M. Adit. MSS S0i4l(>44).


AH bud and praiM <R.C.M. ; Tenb. 791 fel. 74 4 r 4 M.

AH peopl e eUp yaur hand* (Rimbauli. Mu*. Ant. Ser.i

ABehiia,^} heard a vwee (B.M.. Add. MSS 99,57S*77 1

Ob Cfa 38.8a).

An eanhiv tree (Teab. 79* 491').

trhild hew 9^ and jetfal (RimbauU. Mm. Ani. Sec..

Behal^^ Cod our defender (Durham, C7).

BehoU. O luael (RimbauU. Mu*. Am. Soc., iB49).

BlM*ed b« the man (Tenb. 79* fal. 413).

Bl«9*ed i* he {Tenb. 791 fal. 400).

Oris* ritfa* (Tenb. 791 fal. 4io).

Deal bouaiifallv (Tenb. 79' fal. 354) •

Deliver w. O Lord (R.C.M.).

Give ear, O Lord (Tenb. 791 fel. 34 : 8 M, Add.

*hr judaemenw (fi.M., Add. MSS

30478-79; R.C.M. ; Durham: Trnh. 79« fal. «)•

Clwia m ewelui. Sjn«, O mv «Kd (B hf., AcW.

C7.7B8-91 ; C3«. C3«. 78-6® : Tenb, Ho?-* O- _ .

Hoaanaawthe Son (B.M., Add, hfSS :7.788.9» ; Tenb,

807-1 1, »9S : Ch. Ch. 58.80).

I Uh av bean (R.C.hl. 1031).

I *he Lord (Teob. 791 W. 474)> . , . ,

ff Kinf Manaaei (R.CM.j Ten^ 79i W* «4’).

If ve be again (Tenb. 79J M- 430)* .

InTtKC. OUrd (Tenb. ?9» W. 4*7: Durham).

Labwari (Tenb. 8<»7-‘i):. * . ,

L«« Thy meeviful can ( W. 5^

Ui u« bll «• nur eve« (Oilfanf. >684 .

Lord (o Thee ( make m> moan (O*. Ch. ib-oo.


WtELKKS: Work*

Most nu|Mv aA<1 all*|>£>oiMne (IkM.. Ad<l. MSS


O happy be (E.M.. Add. MSS a9.37«>77>.

O how amiable (Dusham: Nt.).

O Jonaihv) (B.AI.. Add. MS.S ; tHi, f:h, 56>

bo ; lenb. 116^^7

O Lord, arue (&.M.. Add. MSS 17,786-91.

K.C^.Nf )

O Lord Cod .MmiBho <Ch. Ch. t 2 KH 7 t. ioi»tr.

(> Lord, urani ilir kinr ^ftanurd; B.M.. A4M. MSS

3«).4?a.70 ; K.C.3k(. i I'.lr i Ch. CK 1001 1 .

O Lord, how jovrnl k U»« Kittc Add. Mns

$e«47b-79: (Xtfhaml.

O Lord, pmerve Thee (Rimha^li. M«i«. .\irl. S<«,.

<) t^ird, rebuke me ttm iRimlMnU. N(h'. .Attl. Noe.,

C) lord. iun> n<H awA« (Tenb. 791 toL 4^0^.

<) n»>rial man <K.<..M.>.

He^ Thou my ca»ne 4 K.(:.M.k.

Kejr»ice in Uie l.oed (mentHmesI by BumpMv 'okmi i^ti


Smib Mnoi the I.erd ((MilTricd, 1U1 uml i6(t| fwoe^h

nadv I

KweeeMine co«ir«e ifl.M.. Add. MSS 9i,47l>79k.

( hy merrin sreui Kddrord, 1U4 |uoe<U eady )•.

VV liai. hr y> inie < K.C’.M. i ') ridi, ?A| fid. aa)).

Xy'hef» David hejr<l rfi. \I., WJ, MvS a9.)7a«77 ; Trid^.

Hop.i I, 1164^7 ; <di, < h. 96-h»).

W»lh all our Iteuth linenUoned by 0 mih|mm). Ii 4« only.

• . D. 1 .

Th<’ rollowMig arc \V<Tlk<'y*>i marln^iiU .iimI

bthor yyiM'Ici Tcir <ovrr>iI yriarr^ * ;

MAI>K|C;.VI.S <t^97<

Fnu Tkhi* Voai»N

t. Sti dh-f* aitfl »Mii.

i 7. My frr«l ihM *P(. i>,

y Im Mat k rmiurH I iFi. h'.

I 4, ('(ear welU iprinti nr>i <Pi. inr.

i . A (••unity (Mir.

. <*ea«r, (uerows now.

¥m h>i a V’MLt*

i , Nnw evrry Wrr renew*.

, Y4 >m«ii( l»aih pe<>(Unnnl.

ft. Ay me, nir w«Mile«l fy)*.

I'hree yirrm nym^dn.

1 1 . Our eouniry twolm.

(3. Lit! (onnlry rpnr«'.

For Pikx V*nKt«

I7. YnurlreaiiK, ii ulltireili,

14. irihy dereiiful ImAv

17. ’Ih«4e iweei delivhlfMl ldtr«.

16. l.ady, v«»ur feature.

17. Moke harie, ye Invert.

I A. U'liai liade, fair

r<m Sir Vim ts

I9> heiire, niy ihtMieliU.

30. Say. <lrar. wlier> wdl your frowning '

91. 'Iliuye (poll upon my la«ly'i

ay. If heauiT i« • tremurr.

31. My (ear* dn not a(ail tiK.

94. My |*hvlli( Im«U me puck awav.


For Vixc S' 4(Rt>

I. All Rl (•tiee well mel,

3. 'In ih<»rten wmirrN *a«lne**.

5. Sweet love, I wdl m*ite.

4- WhiJvt yinidifol 'p.iec*,

! . <>n (hr pluiin laley uaie»*.

. Sweet liearl. ari»e.

7. Cnve n»e my liearl.

8. Hark, all ye hnely uinu,

9. Say, Oamiy daniet,

in. Fhylln, oo lake ih> pleasure,

ri. JT> priiW ntf M«y.

• a. Nine we at plraujre.

Volr'*?5‘'xM’r^ i" "Vf>r FjidoJt .Sfadrinl .School

13. Now is d«e liTMldt.

14. Sena, sbepherdt, after nw*.

VS*<Vome, »«>eei plcasurr.

In. l,aHy, your eve.

17. We di^dterdt him.

1^ I love and buve mv knr nvardeii.

I liR (Inme. clap thy baiyJt «l'i. •).

tro. Hiylli* hath sworn .Ti. «>,

3>. Facyveell, mv yoy.

39. Now* it my <Jl<uit.

th i Mo owe Jlecka, swcei (kovdin.

Job Sax V'on 1 s

34. (>a»e now. delirht.

MNDKKiM.S J(m MVL VOICl.s i&.o

I. (^dd WMitcr'x iir IS fle<l,

7. Now let xn waRr a (vecrv Breeiuic.

}• Take Itere my Wart.

I 4. C> tare, ihou will dev|uKh IPl. It.

4 V HcMte, care, ibuu art Ui>» ttiiel f{*l. if,

b. See where the inaHh are shichik.

f 7. kS h\ ore v'w Lailm suvuik f |*t. h.

I ft. Ilorkl I hear vrfwe iluiMUiK '1*1. m,

9. lM«h. (lie Inr.K eicht fasris.

In, wuniiMi birds.

MM>Kll..M.N lOK SIX VOl(:l> ,u,.u.

I. lake I wo r««nid aennes,

MWit llvMrfhsdelicIns iM walk,

f 4 . WImI havrtW 3<w|s.' JS. f,

I «. Mellwtvk* I War l*l. u .

7 I hn^ lin>e> a day ,

h. Mors Ml a h«v.

f ?. Iliwle. (lie |vmi*d «••<>«• «ra|>l<s I'l, if.

I M. IW kiHiolusian nntih.iiil K. m ,

9. H‘a*'«'w4wiwk iiTviei.

l<v NoH, odiew. ikiw* (irtirrydelielil.


f>ltJ\\\* 11601 )<

* .\* \'e*ia Wax Irun J.atin«n hdl de*renditia ft,r h


.MRS OK F.NM NsUC: sJ*|R!ls ^i6.i(^

I «« Iriair k'«a(it

I. (;n*nr let*» We.n im level ’I «Mie.

r. ^■k■e. thane Wn.pi|e\ dull.

y Some mr<i» di'wer spiwixn,

4. 1 o fiMurMW •« iW Hiarnaye <la>.

I'pon a Ml iW lemnv Ui>.

h. Come. ytfToh Ja« k. Im !

7. laix la la. ine« AUrv.

ft. rW <«idt h.ive Wonl my v<tw«.

ft. Ilmutli mx eatriaee.

In. IW ape. tW meadev an«l ItaUnai.

11. Na, ihmitb I dirmkvliH.

13. k» me. abv. W> Imi.

13. (Me in mx' r«d> arcsniHtiiic.

14. F*iMr arm*, iwo netkv.

17. I^ed. when 1 tWnk.

j 6. Say. waiiwm wdl you luxe me.’

>7. I Wi littuviri e nwc.

•ft. SinW H up. tolmy.

19. Ha ha < thu wxohl doth naw.

30. We Rcto Mcmd.

31. Fa la! N«*w weep, »<•«< vine.

tr. AW! O lany Iml rmr half hour.

39. Ax deodl) leri^m* Iwikiiie,

8». l>MMia ik wpstro bef xiwv

S5. fW iHcliliiKale, iW oeean of drlicht.


36. Draib bath sleprixed me.

Mua, Vul. XI, tl.

Iloivr Ijiwtae. The Terremenary ••! Byrd ami

iFr«, XLIX. ijas)

<-» )• Su... Ci.,


WEERBECKE Caspar van («. Oud<s

aard«, f. 1440; d. Roxnc, 1514).

Flemish composer. Ho was probably

educated musically at th« church of St.

Walbut^a m his native town, and he must has-e

studied with Okrghem^ for G. Cre^pel» in hU

lament on that master’s death, enumerates

Wcerbecke among the latter's pupib. On his

compositions he fcncrally signed himself

merely Gaspard. We meet him first under the

name of Casparo de AlemanU as rerfore de to

diKoU at the Orologio di Santo Gotardo at

Milan, where he appears also as custodian of

the waieh in 1469. In 147s and 1474 he is

menthmed as maestro di eo^lo at Milan

Cathedral, and in the former year (in letters)

also at a singer at the court of the Dulte of

Milan, Galeazzo Sforaa.* The letters describe

him as a cleric of Tournai. He must, ihere«

fore, have taken holy orders before he went to

Italy. In 1475 the duke sent him to Picardy

and Flanders to engage singers for his rourt.

and in 1480 he was prebendary of St. Donat,

Bruges, probably an honorary and certainly a

non^rrsidcntial sinecure. From Oct. 1481 in

.\pr. 1 411^ he was singer in the Papal Chapel in

Koine, but he docs not seem to have left Milan

under a cloud, for at the marriage of Galraszo

Sforza to Isabella of Aragon in 1466 allegor*

ieaUmythological plays and Inierludcs were

performed at the court of Milan, looked upon

by Arteaga as the origin of musical drama. To

these VN'eerbeeke contributed ai least part of

(he music, and probably took part in them

alto as organizer and singer.

In J490 he rcvttiied Oudenarde, where he

wa« received on 14 Nov. with great rejoicings

by the citizens and couneil, who presented him

with four stoups of wine. In 1496^7 he was

.1 singer In the chapel of Philippe le Bel, but

(he following j'ear ho was at Milan again and

on 18 Aug. he was again furnished with

leitcrs^patent from the duke to engage singers

from abroad for the court. \Vhen the French

army Invaded the Milanese territory in 1499,

Wecrbccke went to Rome a second time, but

it is not certain whether he was there all the

time until his death. He may have visUed

Spain and Franee, but he was certainly In the

Papal Chapel in (309.

Pcirucci published between (505 and 1309

a number of Wccrbccke's masses, motels and

lamentations, A 'Stabat Mater' is ctmiained

in a magniricenily decorated manuscript

volume of 1490. Some masses of hU in manu-

script are in the Papal Chapel library. Other

manuscripts are at Barcelona, Breslau, Milan,

St. Gall and Verona. t. v. d. s., rc\'.

WEGELIU5, Martin (». Helsingfors, to

Nov. 1846; d. Helsingfors, 3 Mar. 1906).

' Abo Dodemrrr or P puOfWKtf (ewr. froni 4l'Ou4C'

narUr). Gmmto d« AkwAAka {» lu)y>, Vcobdw,

Vrrb«cHl. Vefb^k. tVarbeek.

’ C. Cnan, * Mumca e musieiMi cerir UbricMa


Finnish musicologist, musical educationist

and composer. He studied the pianoforte

under G. Lins^, Philip Jacobson, Emil

Zechi and R. Faltin. Having been given a

govemrnent grant, he studied music in Vienna

with R. BiM in 1870-71, at Leipzig with

Richter, Jadassohn and Reinecke in 1871-73

and at Munich with Rhcinbetger in 1877-7$,

In 1882 \N'cgelius founded the Conservatory

of Helsingfors (since 1939 called bibelius

.V:adcmy), where he educated a whole genera-

tion of Finnish composers, including Sibelius,

Jamefeli, Melanin and Kuula. He published

many text* books on musical history and theory,

and composed cantatas, orchestral pieces,

partsongs and songs for voice and pianoforte,

written mostly in the romantic style. He also

wrote a book on Wagner, whose great admirer

he was, but this remained unpublished.

A. ft.

'^Floow. K.. * Xlarun tWireilui* (Helunzron,


tVcciuvs. M.kKriK. Le(trn V Knn>tAar»brev ’). cd. br

One AaderMon, s voU. (HebinRfon, >9iB*i9}.

WEHU (Weble), Karl (^. Prague, n

Mar. 1625; d. Paris, 3 June 1863).

Bohemian pianist. He was the son of a

merchant and learned the pianoforte under

Moschelcs and Kullak, composed very much

and exhibited his talent in Europe, America.

Australia, India, etc. Paris was for long his

headquarters. The list of his works given

by Pougin comprises a Sonata (Op. 3$),

Impromptus (Opp. ro, 73), Ballades (Opp< >(<

79), Noclumes, U’altses, * Allegro hongrois ’

(Op. $0, etc. etc.

WEHRU, Werner {h. Aarau, 8 Jan.

(893 ; d. Lucerne, a? June 1944).

SwHs composer. AAcr studying natural

science at the University of Munich lie

entered the Zurich CoflserN'atory, where he

studied under Friedrich Hegar and Lot bar

Kempier. From there he went to the Hoch

Conservat^ at Frankfort o M.. where he

worked under Iwan Knorr. He also studied

at the Universities of Berlin and Basel. In

1930 he settled at Aarau as a music teacher at

the training-college and as conductor,

Wehrli, who was awarded the Mozart

Prize in 1914, was one of the fc^v Swip com-

posers who have written operas ii^ any

quantity. Some of hU other works also arc

of considerable importance. Those calling

for special mention are the oratorio ‘Uall*

fahrl', the enchanting pianoforte pieces ‘Von

ciner Wanderung’ O921) and, among his

last works, the mature and lucid ’ Ncue

Lieder ' < ( 944). His style shows a fascinating

mixture of picturesque romantic harmony and

modem linear tendencies, and the playful

clarity of his music is often unexpectedly

combined with the most profound scrii^ness.

>VchTii abo published numerous literary


WE IDT (lUinrlch)

Vi'orks* Th« Colouring are his chief composi*

liom :

* Um lieis Eum ’• opeta, aAei Hana Sacht

* Def J^larchciuiHera * , pla> « ilh nuuc ( id/ti .

* Die ScbHeiaet *. CeMival apeca 6»c Ihe Fe.k«jl Kxk-

ShooliitK RiJiv lAarau. tp34).

' Dk Aoicbe Cnii^al apera.

* Da* WeUrericht fr(ii>al opeia.

' Dia V'ennach*nii ", opera

' Kmi vrelUrrher Ke^u»en«*, arakMta MpaS'.

*AU«neele’. raniata loto mwrikraV <lBaMu

i trumpeu & pf. ^193^).

* Waliralirt atalor^v |»r lutiliMH** <K>aM« a.


* Ani.br Mruphrn ' M uimxmi • lM.fwv 4 . omxI m. l^.


' Sinlonieita/

\ arianotH fvr <»rch.

’ I’aijlomiine ' lor diaiubcr o«li.

3 ^truiR Quantit.

V *1 rio*.

Oihrr d4inl*er fm»K, «aniaiaa, (l•ural wm«. |tf

& |>ie<r 4 ) »o<ikn wlwrol nMM<« rommuiMiv «omiv


k \ . I

Uiai. -Mviiia \'u'« Kiiu. >V’,. * ^^trt•rr V>rlMli’

(Slhanc. Muk Xl«., I9M, Nwk 8^r.


ib. i Vienna* ! \ 4. 1 Wnud,

Ausirian t7ih*<nuur> luimht. <>l iwo

1 7Ch*centgr)' manu«cri|>i lute*l>o<>k< in I rciwh

laUaturo in ihc Urnedictine munatU’ry pi

Kaigcrn one. cuntaminK ft ' LauiUrn Concert %

Ik’ATs lu» name and place of rr^iirlmce; ih«*

uiiirr eontaitu some pieces Uy liim, and yrt

another manuscript booh of the satiir period.

aUo in frvneU lute taUacuce. ai Krrmv

rnimsier. euniains pieces by Du Faut. l.aullvn<

sterner and NV . . , WckhcnltcrRer^. Brcit*

kojifV manuuript Catalogue eonuins a

* pHClito it liuto valo ' by him.

1. V. rl, s,

WEICHMANN (Wicbmann), Jobaon

{&. Wolyast, FuiMiTauia. 9 Jan. Jb^o; 4 .

KunigsU rR, ^4 July fCty)}.

(rcnnan organist .ind composer. Hr

suited the school at Kanu*ln. studied enuvir

and science at Danzig and, after reluming lor

•i time to KonigsUrg* b«anie eantor ainJ

organist at Wehlau. uherv he was irt

In 1(147 he was appointed eantor and dirertor

of die choir at the Altsladt (old town) of

Konigslierg. He eumposed ses’tral books of

motels, sacred and secular songs, two bu«*ks

of balkits, courantes, alleji<am<es and sara*

b.inds in 2 parts (1649).

• . V. <1. t.

WE]CH$£L <WeUha«ll), Carl. Sff

Hilu.s<;ton (daughter).

WEICHSELE, CbarUs London, c.


EnglUh violinist and composer of mlaed

German and English parenuge. He was the

v»n of Carl Wcichsell, principal oboUt at the

King's Theatre in the HaymarVel, and the

brother of hfn, Billingion- He led the orches-

tra at the King’s Theatre and occasionally

<on<luctc<l at Covent (Jarden 'llwatrc when


his sister w’as singing there. He cotiiribulcd

music to the " grand serious opera ’ ol*

' Orpheus and IvurytJicr pcrfornu ii ai

Cm'cnl GanU’n on jU Fib. I'tjr. *’ ronijMKed

by Gluck, Haiidd, Bach 1 ’ J. GJ. .Surchini

and U'eichwl (nV). with additional imidc

by W. Revtc ** tand o\i*riur<* by

Gyro^\elz), in whkii iii» >>i'»l«'r sani* luirydice

in the Oqdirus ol Inch don. G. WcUhvll

aNo publi^lK^t some moImi nnnu'. ,n. i .

WEICHSELL, Mrs, k 4.

l.ibglivJi iUth-<rniur\ dngir. uiodur < 4 * Ihc

pritcding. Mw w.n', the VMfe ol G;trl Wrhh-

wll, a G<’riiian nlaiKt K’ttled in l.nn<l<ji\ and

pbying in the or< liesira of the King's *1 lu'.:ilie.

Haymarki't, ami in lyhj np]>«*aring .u a

rUrin*'! player. She was a jfopular xoi.ilKt.

e»|M><iallv as a liaILd singer at Vauxhall

(*arden>, nluTC sJie ap|H*jre(l as early as 1 *(>(>,

three years earloT than is gcntr.illy su|itK»t<’d.

She coniinu^Hl to sing ilur<* until > 7 d.|.

Krsich^ her Min Gh.irhs, she had a daughter.

1 li/alM'th. nlu» iH^iaine Miv. Ilillingtoii.

I . K.

WEIDEMAN'(N). Karl Friedrleh b

4 . la>n<Jnn, 17B4'.

Gerinan llauiisi and i oiuposer. Bornry >as «

Iw settled in England al>oui I74(>. Hr w.is

long the pnnci|Ml solo plas« r on the (jcrtnaii

lUue in London. Burney stalls further that

he was a good riiumian. but his productions

never ** rose alsove that medimrity to uhich

his Intlrumcnt seems conlinetl .S(att<Tcd

through many iBth*ccniury works such as

ITse IX'lighiful Bockei (ksmpanion fur th<*

German Flute* (John bimimin, c. 1740-13)

are numbers t/ airs of the minuet and gavotte

type of hrs coiu|KKlu»n. WuKU publishr<l

some rcmcertoi in 7 and U (laris fur lluies and

vkdins by him, and Urotnnir issued duels,

trios and quartets for (luirs. J'here are also

sonw vocal (ti«n|>osiiions by him.

It was Ueideman who, with Feslirg. fiisi

tiMiccived llie idea of a ciiusical iK'iirsoleiii

society, which uliitnately took form as the

Royal Society of Musicians. Weidenun's

name is on the deed of trust dated I7;^«i'

He was conductor of the King's Band u|'

Musuk in 1778 at a valan of too ycaiJy.

Bunsey and vtlicrs spelt his name incorrectly,

Hk own signature an<l all conlempor.Try

ptibikaiiom of hU works sjkII it with one N.

thosigli it must ecrtainly ha\e ha<l two

originally. P, k,

&(«/*• <:jn<Ai«wc iHocanh'ftj.

Charle*. Srt Miet (AnwticA),

WEIDT, Heiarieh (i. Coburg, iBafl; 4.

Graz. iC Sept. 1901).

German conductor and composer. He hcUl

several posts as KapeUmeisler in the theatres

of Switzerland, Germany and Hungary. He

was the composer of many popular songs, of

which ‘ Wic schon UKi <lu * w*as the most


WE IDT (Lucy)


famous » and produced a long series of light

operas in the several theatres with which he

was associated. He wrote one serious four*act

opera> ' Adclma *, produced at Temesvar on

2 Jan, 1873. A. c,,rev.

WEIDT, Lucy (i. Troppau, 18^; d-

Vienna, 28 July tewo).

Austrian singfer, daughter of the preceding.

She was for many years ( 1 902-26) engaged at

the Court (later State) Opera in Vienna.

A. c., rev.

WEIGL. German, later .Austrian family of


<s) Joaeph (Frana) WeigI (i. Bavaria, 19

Mar, t740; d. Vienna, 23 Jan. 1820), violon*

cellist and composer. He entered Prince

Esterh&sy’s band at Eisenstadc (Kismanon}

as first cellist in 1761, left in 1769 for the

orchestra of the Imperial Opera in Vienna

and was admitted a member of the imperial

chapel in 1792. He wrote a number of pieces

for the Hungarian instrument, the esiktlny.

Although he and Haydn, who entered the

Esterh^zy service the same year, dkl not work

together for \*ery long, they were excellent

friends, and Haydn stood godfather to \Veigrs

eldest son Joseph.

(3) Joaeph WeigI Ki^marton [F.isen-

stadt], Hungary, 28 Mar. 1766; d. Vienna.

3 Feb. 1646), conductor and composer, son of

the preceding. It is stated that his musical

talent was evident ivhcn he was four yean of

age, and also that Gassmann was his first

teacher. Sebastian \N’itzig. choirmaster at

Korneuburg, was his subsequent master, and

later, in Vienna, he studied with Albrechts*

berger and Salieri. At the ^e of sixteen he

wrote his first small opera, ' Die unnutzige

Vorsicht which was produced at Gluck's

recommendation in 1 783 and secured him the

favour of the Emperor Joseph, of which he

had repeated proofs thereafter, including a

present of 100 ducats for his Italian opera ' II

parzo per forza ’ ( 1 788) . A letter of con*

gratulation written him by Haydn on the |>ro'

duclion of his ' Principessa d’ Amalli ' in 1794

U well known. WeigI w’as abo fortunate

enough to gain admittance to the performances

of classical music under Mozart's direction, at

Baron van Swieten’s house. Salieri took a

special interest in him and cmpIo)’cd him up

to 1790 as assistant conductor cd* the court

theatre. In [792 he became composer to the

Opera, with a salary of looo florins, and later

conductor with the title of A«pe//armrer. This

post he resigned in 1823, and in 1827 he was

appointed vice court KaptUmfitler. Before

that date he had composed a scries of operas.

German and Italian, and ballets, many of

which became exceedingly popular. Among

these special mention must be made of * Die

SchweizerfamiUe ’ (1809), which long kept

the boards and by its pleasing melodics won

all hearts. Retchardl ' gives a pointed descri(>

(ion of \Veigl :

He is s reaUy chsrmlns, effeciionste, CMd'heSrted

VwMoe. and kU eyt saC whole eipreeim are (her.

eusklr in keepinf with hu teoder. graceful, plessins


Other favourite operas were * L’ amor mart*

naro *, * Die Uniform’, 'Das Waisenhaus

' Der Bergsturz ' and ' Kachtigall und Raabe '.

Beethox’en preserved the air ’'Pria ch' lo im*

prgno " in the * .Amor marinaro ' from oblivion

by taking it as the theme for the finale of his

clarinet Trio, Op. 1 1. ' L’ Uniformc ’ (libretto

by Carpani) was composed at the request of

Maria Theresa, produced at Schonbrunn (in

1796}, with the empress in tlie principal part

(Pauline), and, translated by Trcitschke as

'Die Uniform given at both court theatres

and in many foreign towns,

VN’cigl was a special favourite of the empress

and had to preside at the keyboard at all

chamber concerts, besides composing cantatas

and small ballets for many court festivities.

He had an advantageous offer for Stuttgart,

but the emprcM, to retain him, made his

appointment for life. Soon after her death

(ite?) he accepted the post of KaptUmfisUr ti

Dresden, but tJie negotiations were broken

olf, and Morlacchi was appointed in his


WeigI was tw ice invited to Milan to compose

for the Teatro alia Sea la — in 1807-8, when he

produced two operas, * Cleopatra * and ' II

rivale di se stesso and In 1615-16, when he

produced * L' imboscaia ' and a cantata, ' II

ritorno d’ Astrea ’ (6 Jan. 1816), all with great

success. Of his earlier cantatas, ' Minerva c

Flora ' was given at Prince Auersperg's in

honour of a visit from the King and Queen

of Sicily (1791) and ' Venerc cd Adone ' at

Esterhkz in 1 793 for the Archduke (afterwards

Emperor) Joseph. This cantata figured several

times In the programmes of the TonkunstJer*

Societat concerts in Vienna. Of his two

oratorios, ' La Passione first produced at

court (t^4)t was performed at Prince Lobko-

wliz's, at the Burg Theatre (i8i •), at an extra

concert of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde

(1821) and in Prague and Milan.

After tSa? \Vdgl wroie only for the church,

composing his last Mass in his scventynrtt

year. He received many distinctions, among

others the large gold EftrtvntdailU {1839) and

the freedom of the city of Vienna. He was

an honorary member of the Consenaiory oJ

Milan, the Accademia di Sanu Ccciba «

Rome, the Gesellschaft der hfuslkfrcundc anO

other musical societies of .Austria,

The foHow'ing Is a catalogue of \Neigls

principal w'orks :


• Die «Muuic« Vofskhi, oder Dk t*etroee«e A/?IUt ’

.. _

• * Venrauie Rriek*. I. 4«5«


‘ La «poM coUetka’ (?) i? <786).

’ ]| paaao per foraa * (1788).

‘ I4 cafTeiicta bissarra ' (1790'.

‘ P«r Lumpcnummler, otkr £u) nitn >ier< ikri >drA

Siap8 ' ilibmto bv Paul Wetomam', paotL Wima.

•3 tnt.

' (nulkiia « PierWto ' (Gk^aiHii <te Camrerat • 1791*.

* t>ai HetermaiiQchrn ’ < Emanu<) &hiLirtr^r< < >.

’La Principma d’ Amalfi’ (G^awu Beruv/.

Vienna, le Jao. 1 794 <ab« eiujUad ’ l-> C4 mi(om tli

Amalfi j.

* ( Mlluri ’ (I 797 J.

‘ L’ amor marSnaio ’ (Ctuvanni de GaoKttaj. peed*

Vienna, Cki. 1797 (puU. \ icMia. ’ tSoo). ali«

eribUed * Gli amori mariiuri ’ Ucr <kru#. ndc*

1>i« Lirb« untrrdrii 8e«kiitaa' 'pwbL B<i«wi, it^oi.

' l>a« ITerl im U«bucrve' <Ko<rcb>w , pegd. VViUhi.

Hurt *1 liralre. 17 Apr. 179A,

' L’ arcadeiikia del nxaeMni ’ 1 (Uxwifan*e^ ((798>.

’ I/' L'lilfoma ’ li’aipimi 'I7i>8': (*e«, itam., *IW

L’nilnim * (I'mixi liliei. prud. leii. l8i>^.

’VaaU'* ('ev«r’ tSrhiL»netk<i. p(r«. 7 , S'lrwi, lo A«e.

' II iwirn IM iiix ixiImIt ’ s 1B06 .

* Kji«er Ha«lrian prod. Vieriiia, i8«»7.

’Adrian v<>n Oti.xle * ^'I'niiukkr , prml. V«f«na, 7

<Xi. 1B07.

’Cleopatra’, pm<i, .MiUn, I'raU'i alia VaU. •• |lr<.

’ II tivair ill ta 'l.iiiei Ki>maiKll>. on a In

f. J. fitixl. Milan. Vala. *11 .\p«. iMI.

' l)a« N\ ai^nKani ' ( ? I rmv like * . p<«id. inina. 4 1 .

ikA ^|w«1il I.eiru 4 v, l)ll 7 .

* Ilk SilnaciierGriiilk* i(«iia< Caurlli . pnni. Sietm.!.

14 Atar. 1809 (|iMbl. Honn, J.npaic, iStoi, al»i

revised anil riiinlMl ’ I.MimrluK. mi l.a laimlk

kiiiw pnxl. Parii. Iheairr ib I’Odcon. k ttk


' Ikr l.iiikkiller aiif'kn Alpen ’ < ImiMbbe* i8m>;.

* IJk" VerHaniliMKKaii ' 'after V>«u«' uSioj.

’ l>r Drrvkiiiri (be> CnhUul ' »>'. Ke«l>, prod. Vimina

l» Ike, |R|«..

' I 'aMrube vnn b'oia ’ <('a«lrHii UAiau

’ Ihe JiiBeiid Peler dev<innxer> ’ u8i«t.

I.’ iihliMala*. prod. Milan. *l>air«i alia .Vala, R .\o«,

tn 9 \,

' I.' <>rlanii d* Intliilterra * nr ’ Martareihe kt*n .Nruou*


' N’a<liii 8 a 11 und Haalie * 1 rrritnhkr, tram. *4 *

lib. ’ l.e KokkiKnid’, Uwd on l^ifrMUiiiei. pend,

Vienna. Oo Apr. lAiA

' llaalx Siiiir. inler llanie) m der lameiM(rwl« ’. Mil.

Vienna, i) Apr. iHm.

‘ lalmiind nrMi KatrJinr ’ • freiiuMiei < iRar ^

‘ Kiaii« W’aldrmar, takr Ihe lUniwIien 1‘cvhri '

'CntielUi (iRaii.

* lljermrar I'ftrfle ’ ‘afler I,. .V, linffmann. <*R/i .

n.M.I.I.rS, »rt.

' Iku 'Simihild <ki menvIilKlMH Lrl»in

/httiUsumml. |>riaj. Virnne. *«• May 1594.

' Dm* Mulkr*. Ot/hH. prod. Vanma. ib In

• 704 *’

’ Die Keur det Pypnolinri *, laalkl. p«»-1. N'lenna. 1 An


KnPard fa^enlier**, frem. Ve«ir«.p«Ma*aM*.Ji

I. "r"* .^'knie I, Mnd, Varema. » Feb. a 70 ',

(kr Rauli der lirkna’. Wni.>aariaiiani>b>i

. iv •*'»'»*. '8 >fav 170V

llir VcrbrenmiiiB uial /.er>lnn>n< «kr Stadi 1 'rota

ballM, newl. N>n»v<. » ^

^ Aln*i»» r f'.nra . balkr. pml. NVneia. v> Mar. rtob

Ak.^ , bailer, nn.l. Vieona. 97|afi. iTOB.

Die Spanier in Ikm, mkr Ki>Ua Ulki. moj. \ iewmt

• ikUr, J 7 'W.

’ Dai >rti der Barclianten ’, balki, prnd, VieiMka. 4 ]«

’ ‘^'11 M*’** Ikr /anber .ke bead.

UlMiiivie ItmtUH (nilb Wranilrkv

pitid. Vienna, 14 Mar. iHoo.

. ► V'l*'' ' kuna, b Awe. i8on.

. /uJima gnd ^m’. halki. hrnd, Wnna. 79 Nnv. ifn

Da* narnKhe Weien’. i?rd..»m.Dor/P».mMnr, pr»

V ►et.e.a. ep Nov. ikiv. ^

1 1^- fontrniot tb« aodionhi

l.oenenbenr, ’ Annali of Opreaa *, p. y^.

’ Dk Spaniee auftkr Imel CbriiiitM ’. iirnd. N'lenita, lO

Mae. iSua.

'Die AlhcnaefUiMlic lanirran’. naieAa/in Jfaf/.ff, prod,

Vieema. 31 Au$. (Bu7.

* I (inoch* i\i*nkt’. lulkt, prod. V'arnrva. id July iK«i<

* 1 quaiien eb inrMt *, ballei, prod. V'n iina, b Jiiin illiib'


* |.a pa«>aen« drl anoam biffnnrr (Irxu Cbrnio ’ (lMii«e|i|ie

C^rpanar <18041.

* 1.4 rmarrreioete dd iMnim Suiiiirr Gnu Olirbio '

I iA)|i.

(XASrAr.AS, lie.

* .Vinkto ’, arMtanna i ? > 791 ).

* I b ifa r M mm a * . 1 70 • j •

* lAaata eil Endimiimr ' ' 1 79a).

* V meee e«J Adoate * 1 1 797 ' .

’ l,rrb«(xu« Garb \Vnd< rkniifl ’ 1 1 7971 .

’ Ike l*elu4akdrr Dankli.irLvit ’ ‘17981.

’ I.’ aMwrNliate ’ < ? lUoui,

’ It ,*innw <1* r*4K iia ’ I ? I Ruj) .

’ 1 1 rniftiue diieao ’ l ? 1 Boa ' >

’ |.a paeeia inu>Hale * l f ifUu ,

’ IW Mn*n>’ i.* 18031,

‘ (I »a<«|luasi' (? 48 i»M.

’ II eiDMn 4 eU’ I nmpa * > i8iAk

* l.afritaiaeTli l.liM^ ?lRia'.

* Die fil(rreriie: deamati><l<n (irvlnbi ’ iiliji.

‘ Venea« e Marie’ iRia .

’Die KraJi «|er VVrdie* Vninb idinrr' dR< a iderilii al


’ Dk VV < ibn der /uk mifi * ' 1 M 1 4 ' .

’ II rin>eiM> d’ \yi«rj ' ifliB'.

’ ( .raf MadHMn .Vanirn .b M ’ .* 1 8 1 A > .

’ Jlr« Voiko NVnmrk ’ < * iHaO .

’ Ikr rule VV 4 k ’ ,nal.<.


F* iHa. •earl* I,

1.7 iiM. rally .

I.iiia. i.Sfaeia l.tmdaneHi* >Ra 7 .

lima. 'Maria l.wliinioy, lAeR,

1.7 fiM. Maria V’rtkundiciint; . rAaO.

87014. Ma«ia IliinneeUabrti. iRju.

Il Ma, Marie (.rlniCli. iRsi.

|. Nkj. Maria Nameitdeyerj, |R) 3 .

ta Aka. Maraa .VaiHmikWr*, tR(V.

A ina. Maria Namrtnieteei. 1H74.

I. nw. Maria Nainmyb.ten, lA}?,

AIvu Muny Miyuuinrrnal aru| am a? piei ei.

U<NiiBi, Wtasia, ’JixrpH VVnel innl da\ ilriikilir

We^nd m ’.Wyater rur MuMk^nelinJin ’

• Ibiltrup, 0a|. (1978)1,

lh<«.*.|a«NO.«i, A ’<i,u.n«Pe WeicI : utia

b(<icraha >Ki\ , M«», li . VnJ. XI, \<>, 3, io.|ji

1 1 1 ri ■. I. • flr. ih<nrn uiid VSriyi ’ >>hHcu, MiiMk/td.,

•n. ofli.

’J‘"«|di Uriel* eine liotra(i)iie ’ (ikvri. |R7^^

*\/. ' MiidirduMsen aw VVirn** Y


PHtX'iiM.. (nav/.

• 83 V

MiiMicir. AtMti. •Dmkdriiw’ ‘Vienna. lM>

Ut»3«aui. (emiavjiv aov. ’ Hmeraplnvlie* l.e:tiknn

d^eiyrnhwM Ckierren li ', Vol. XXXV '\iriin.v


/»<'**<’»'rrfanid.e ’ f<r pl... bonnleiilmer

rrfadiniiinia of

(?) TIuMiday* W^lgl (*. Vienna, i?7G;

d. Vienna. 10 Kr-b. i«44>, compoarr, conductor

and pubhilkT. brodwr of the preceding Hv

a number of operas and Iwllcu for iht‘

l^poWsudl TJiratre and the iwo court

ihratren, and wai at one tunc AafieUmeu/er and

•I •rector of the musk arcl»iv« of the coun

1 heat re. Hr produced the following ballcls,

one Of IWO of which have Ixtn wrongly




aitribulcd to Joseph VVeig] :

'Die VemJihlusg im Keller*, hdirto Mru, prod.

Vienna, a Aug. *796.

* Die ttuMigung *. Dimtufraww. pro 4 , VieoM. 15 Od.

» 796 .

‘ Cyrus nnd Tomyns prod. Vienna, i) Tan. 1797.

*C>cr uachaamc Dorlrkbter Dmrtusem^ prod.

Vienna, at Sept. iboe.

’ Bacchus und Ariadne *, prod. Vkom, 14 Dee. 1B09.

Hi$ name lives, however, not as that of a

musician, but a music publisher. He see

up in business in 1801 and devoted himself

chiefly to supporting the Kunsi- und Industrie'

Comp loir in its endeavour to establish a home

trade in music, for which Haydn ga\'e him a

flattering testimonial (dated Eisensiadt, 1801).

After the production ofhU last ballet he with*

drew from the theatre and occupied himself

entirely with his business till 1896, when he

resigned it to his second son Peter. Later

it passed into Diabelli's hands. Thaddaus

WeigI published Schubert’s Opp. 57, 58, $3,

84, 88, 95 and 130. e. r. p., adds. j. s. w.

WEIGL, Jobana Bapciac (^. Hahncnbachi

Bavaria, Mar. 1783; i. ^).

German organist and composer. He

studied at Amherg and Preising near Ratisbon,

became organist at Amberg and in 1605

pastor and teacher at St. Ulrich, RalUbiMi.

Soon afler he returned to Amberg as professor

at the college {‘* Gymnasium His masses,

cantatas, ’ Te Drum *, offertories and other

sacred music, as \vell as his canons, songs,

etc., arc spoken of in terms of praise.

WEICL, Karl (k. Vienna, C Feb. i*»i ;

rf. New York, tt Aug. 1949).

Austrian composer. He studied under

A. von Zemlinsky and belonged (o the circle

of musicians who, as the Vercin schaflender

Tonkiinstler, grouped themselves around

Mahler and Schoenberg at the beginning of

the 20th century. He studied muskt^ogy ai

the University of Vienna, worked under

Mahler from 1904 to 1906 as rehearsal etm*

ductor to the Court Opera, joined the staff of

the Ncucs Wiener Konservatorium In 1918

and a few years later became lecturer in har*

mony to the University,

Wrigl did his best work as a composer of

^nngs and chamber music. He also wrote

several symphonies and concertos which were

succnsfully performed in Austria and Ger-

many. His first string Quartet (Op. 4) was

awarded a prize by the Gcsellschaft der

Musikfreundc. His other works include a

symphonic cantata, ‘ Wcldeier ', for ido

voices, chorus, organ and orchestra (Op* 17),

a Symphony in £ major (Op. 5), a Sonata

for cello and pianoforte (Op. 18), and os*er

1 00 songs with chamber-music or pianoforte

accompaniment. a. j. w.


Sf< CoNsacAATjoN or ths Housf.

WdLAND, Johann Julius {b. f ; d.

Brunswick, 3 Apr. 1663).

German conductor and composer. He

was appmnicd court musician at Brunswick

on 5 Mar. 1655, was vice KaptltmtisUr in

($55, but in 1681 he calls hirmelf simply

'* musician He wrote psalms and songs

in 4 to 10 parts, with and without instrumenU;

also * Uns isi ein Kind geboren ’ in 13 parts,

divided into 3 choirs (WoUenbUttel, 1 Jan.

1663). a. V, d-s-

WEILL, Kurt (i. Dessau, 2 Mar. 1900;

4 . New York, 3 Apr, J950).

German* American composer. He studied

music with Albert Bing and later on became

for a short iJmc 1 pupil of Humperdinck and

Kraseli at the Berlin High School for Music.

In 1919-20 he acquired some practical

tirade experience as a coach and conductor

at Dessau and Ludenscheid. In 1921 he

settled deflniicly in Berlin, whose most eloquent

musical represeniaiive he was to become In

the course of time. It was when studying

with Busoni (1921-44) that Weill first found

his bearings as a composer, starting with

instrumental works, at once expressionistic,

abstract and boldly experimental, which

focused on him the attention of musical

critica as early as 1923. His first mildly

successful opera, ' Der Protagonist ' (to a

libretto by the post*war expressionist Georg

Kaiser) indicated, however, a more realistic

approach, while the following operas headed

more and more towards the novel type of

(topical opera) so brilliantly cstab<

lished in his own ' Dreigroschenoper ’ {1926),

a clever transposition of * The Beggar’s Opera ’

of 1728 into a satiKcal farce of the Berlin

underworld of 1938. It was the collaborsiion

with Bert Brecht — a poet of great gifu and

fanatical convictions — which paved for Kurt

Weill the way to sensational success. The

political pungency of their later joint efforts

(the operas ‘ Mahag^wny ’ and ' Derjasager ’,

the cantata ’ Lindbe^hflug as well as the

challcr^ng attitude of ^ Vein’s jarzonspired

yet sirangHy harsh and often deeply nostalgic

music aroused a great deal of controversy in

Germany and beyond. Soon after the pro*

duciion of his opera * Die Burgschafi ’ (to ^

text by Caspar Nchcr) Weill — by that lime a

matk^ man on account of his Jewish descent

and hU past political record — had to leave a

Hiller-ridden Germany (J933)« an un-

easy interim period spent in Paris and Lotcoa,

and chiefly devoted to the production of

Sundry ballets and to some incidental mos'c

(or plays, ^Veill at last entered the U.S.A. in

1935 to settle there pcrmaoenily. During im

remaining fifteen years of his life he succeed^

once more in becoming one of the mos^otable

composers, for New York’s Broadway Thcairc-

Aft ironic twist of fate synchronized the spec*


tacular succes» of his Broadway opera 'Street

Seene ’ (1947) and of hb American folk opera

* Down in the V'alley ’ (1948) with ihe rignal

failure of his 'Jasager’ and ' Dreigroschen-

oper re\'ived in BerUn and NuremGcn;* He

was planning an opera on the subject of Mark

Twain’s ' HuckJeberry Finn ' (in collabora*

lion with the American poet Maxwell Ander*

tun, with whom he had already co-operated

in earlier works for the American stage',

when he succuml>rd quite suddenly to a lieart


Kurt W’eiU’s ereativT achievement is of

profound importance to the ntodern opera

Mage. AJone among his numerous contempo-

raries wJio, like hitnsrif, strove for a regenera*

lion of opera an<i for its releast* from rise

\V'agnerlan dominance, he w'orked on llw

lirm basis nf a novel (ipvratic conccpiiort and

succeeded in csiahlishing 8 new relationship

between siagc and ntuaic by viriue of a

6ingipitl ty|>e relying on dialogue with Inter*

9|Krsed orclicsiral commeniary, on cAaaiM*

like lyrical episodes, im vivacious rh>ihn\»

nriking a balance between lighi music ansi

ju 24 , and on simplilied harmonies of harsh

lorccfulneis rather than on the pyruiechnks

of the Sirauuian orchestra. Simulianrously

NV’i'ill endras'oured to create a musical style

ai once popular and characteristic, insptml

by ihc ixdiliral haranguings of ilsc modern

ir<»|n»lis, I'his new operatic type of his,

laiinchal so sucicMfully in the sw»rks Ua»e<l

UM libreitoa by Ikrt Ureciil, tlerply inlluencrd

j whole generation of composers. While

his own music was banned from Hitlerian

(/ermnny, Cerinan composers l>egan to reap

I be bcneliis of his stirring innwatioos.

NVagner-Hegrny’s successful * i>er <;unstling*

as well as his Licr operas (all of them com-

puscil to lllm'ltos by ^^VIlrs two chief Kbrel-

lists, Ben Brecht and Caspar Ncber>. the

Sc/iufoptrH (students’ operas) by Hintlemilh

and Fortner, the Bavarian " fdays with

iniislt " by Carl Orff and the operas of Fried

alirr, but no less the chamber and children's

operas by Benjamin Britten, as well as the

short " topical ” operas by the Americans

(»crshwin. Menoiti, Bliisslein and others,

leslify to Ihc lasting pcnelraiitm of Weill's

influence. Above all, WeilFs personal slyle of

economy In the use musical means (prosing

ihereby his spiritual allegiance to Busoni’s

artistic Ideals), his prcti dec turn for the chamber

orchetira and intimate elfecis tlrrived from

eabarn an<l Ubrrtrtui, have become a mucli-

emulated nio<h>| for many younger composers.

J be global fame of Weill’s ‘ Drclgroschen-

"pt'f , translated into eleven languages during

the first yean of its existence, ilse lively echo

V! u ««dcnu’ opera ‘ Down in the

V alley , and last Init nut least hb unmistak-

able iiiig< rprini, noticeable In many eonteiii-


porar>' opera SCMXS, clearly indicate that here

the chasm between the modern composer an<l

his audience had for once been successfully




* Ikr Pra«aro«w(l *, l *<( ililirrtfo by Oiucti Kaitcij.

nro<l, Uvchicii. sy Msr. 19^11.

* uital f *, a a<ls

* Ku^'jI |* 4 l»<e', I iri iiiU,U' ptwJ, lh*tbi».

K(«ll Optra. 3 Mar. J 9 < 7 ,

' IVr /sr Um Hch ph(H<via|>}»ietcii *. I a<i liU U

Kaxrt, pml. t,tipnK. i& I tb. i^^i.

ftuWgMr a tt wtiirt lib. a

OMalenuMJ vtiMOii o| Jvtoi <> 4 V*» * I br

Optra*, 4 ,tn>un b> t.hMiNrih It.kupiinanM,

l>rM« try B<n IUmIuj. ptail. UtrJiii, Iticatrr am

MlitlFI»«vrrilsRUM. si .\u<t.

' Mapin LaJ ’ Jib. b>' U«r< iiT I

* ,\ul«(K« un*l (dll «itr Sid<lt Slaba«<MMi> *, optruiir

«magn in 3 acik •hb. b) nrrdii'. pruJ. 9

M 4 >. («tw.

* lk« IWrculufi*. pf« 4 u«ut a s ai o lib, by

Nrlitt/, prod. Brrliii, HtutHlirt ( >|H‘rnluM>. i<»

Mat. i 9 tr.

' l»iv * hb. bv Kaiktfl, prixl. Btiliii, 1931,

* .Vlaot talanit* hb, by l>t\al . proil. I'arh.


’ .\ K^Mcd'HH j (ajH * ibb, by KuLtri Namhrrv .

pr*i<| LwviiM, Sa\.,v Ibtarrt. lOtS.

* KnMkrtbwIitt M<J>,lay t mH <hb. bv Mavs«dl

pt<«l. Uan^itil, t^n., vb ^•t|ll. iq 3 &,

' I. hU mi iht Itarii: niuxi al ium«s|v lib, lr> .Snaroiiii

' lis.«M Hi Iht V'JIti Wk (»ptta .|ib. bt ,\riifllil

S w i d caard pruj. IndiAha t liorrMlv, lO^b.

* la>»l Ml iW Maf» ipuHial drama hb. by .NiMlonuti),

pru.1. New Viifk, lltpa<l»av I Stairt,

oriii.R sr.N{;i: tvoHKs

* /.Aubttmarlit ' paiitmnmit, pf'at. btrhii. lOaj.

* .\yluitc wpd f'atl dcr \i.hU Maliacmiiiy *, ui ittiiiMk

4 Siari^Hf {lib. by UrnlitK imikI. Ba<lrii*tl 4 ilrM,

• 037 .

* Oef Ja«Mtt ’. MwdtMU' «i|irij hb. by BreiJili. pruj.

BtrSin. loS*!.

'Ihe Mtln I <kI«wm<I<*m *, bilh'i iM«n. by Brtiht).

ptrf. laMHiMi 4i ' .\ims*AM)i« 1433,

INtriIM.M .tt. MVMC

* Ji-lHHiy iiJiiivBi ' Iry Jwlun tirrtii (ipj*, .

’ 1 l*t Ka*J ‘ by (raiii NS'trfrI « 19371.

* sittti vtiw ' hs t.liMrr Kur '1947'.

.tU* imiHt fin hy .tuywM VrinJI«ti;. .\tiibh

•oaiiitH. Btti Brnhi. J.*un I tuihu-aiittr.


* Otw 1 1MP h ef Vtiiut * And icvvril otiitr fihiM.


* KtC^art * fcrt UMMIPMI*. ili«rv». <>11. I I.

l>t( jMiMlterehaHc ' Ihitilitl, ciniats (of 3 lohi vnirti

• IpiriD & Mrh, { I 9 a 8 ).


(anuiy. yaiAsrafftts amI Hvnui (i 9 S 3 f.

Ibitfitfiienui '1933).

' QiMillibtl ’. 0^ 9 <(#>4).


CaPKtllP. Op. I3.


Samp (Rainer Maria Kilkr>. Sti (. On is

^ iKilke^ll. t>p. .4 ^ ^ ^

caiKJia hif iofwaiio, ^iih mlo

vn., tjp. 15.

' InrliMliAc wMpt baHadi bv

kudyanl KipliiM,

>'raMC<iii Villon amt




* BalLa<le vom Tod isi Wolde ’ tbc aad wind iMO.,

Op, 16.

' Da» Berliocr Requiem ’ Cm ) men’s voket k wind isus.


Siring Quenei, Op. 6 (192$).

’ Frjuentant ’ Cor soprano & i inas. (1934).


* Duscnis " Fausi " und die Emeuerwig der OpemAsrm *

<’ Anbiueh \ IX. Nm. r-s, Jpa?).

'The Broadway Opera’ <inierN'ie»» E. Smith}

I' Musical Digen \ l>c. 194S).

Also numerous acikiM in Cemun pcsHidkaU bebre

> 933 .

H. F. A.

UiUL. Berksp, P.. ' Briefs an eeitfenoassKlie Msnikee *

(Berlin, 1930), p. ini (T.

Natalstti.C., * Kuri SN'eill aul SehaUplaiien ' (’ Muika

^ d'ogei .i»n, 1934J,

RiotiCM, H. P.. Obiiuarses, M. Rev., Vol. XI, No. 9.

1930 li * Music Sur>'ey \’el. IJJ, No. 1. 1950,

Set eh* Brccar's Opera. Hnnkmiih <collab. is

’ LindbrcglilUig >

WEIMAR. The “ German Athens “

under the patronage of iu art-lovtng Grand

Dukes of Saxc-\Veimar‘Kisenacli had a long

musical history, the record of iu court orches*

ira going back to the 16th century. J. S. Bach

was a violinist there in 1703 and director

of musie in 1706. Johann Gottfried Waliher

was organist at the great church of NVcimar

from 1707 to 1748, Hummel was

intisltr Crom 1819 to 1837.

Perhaps because greater attention was paid

to poetry and the drama in the period of

Weimar's greatness (the end of the 16th and

beginning of the 19th centuries) its most

brilUant era of music came later, This was

in the years between 1647 and 1661, w’hert

Liszt settled there as chief and

gathered round him the group w hich included

Hans von Bulow, Cornelius, Half and (for a

time) Joachim, IJszt’s productions of m^ern

operas (Wagner, Berlioz, etc.) gave an impetus

to the new German mus'cment of which

Cornelius became the leading spirit under

Liszt and BrendeVs ' Neue Zeitschrift fur

Musik ' its organ of oipression. Liszt pro*

duced Cornelius's ' Barbier von Bagdad ’ on

15 Dec. 1B38,

Liszt was succeeded by Eduard Lassen,

during whose term of ofRce Saint*Sacns's

' Samson et Delila ’ was first produced, before

it was allowed on the stage in France. In

more recent times the most noteworthy

production was Humperdinck’s ' Hansel und

Gretcl lirst given on 33 Dec. 1893.

The Dcuuches Nationalthcatcr, formerly

Hofi healer, was built in 1907 from plans by

M. Litimann, and was opened in the followring

year. The theatre, which cultivates both opera

and drama, receives a subsidy from the

Thuringian slate. The principal orchestra,

(he Weimarer Slaatskapellc, serves the double

purpose of opera and symphony orchestra.

Before the second world war there were two

other orchestras at Weimar — the Professional

Orchestra and the Orchesterverein. The

Gesellschafi fur Musikfreunde organized

regular concerts during the season.

Weimar has frequently been the scene of

musical festivals, one of the more important

of late years beii^ the Tonkimstlerfest of 1921,

when Schoenberg’s ‘ Four Pieces for Orchestra ’

were produced. The Deutsche Pestsptele, the

purpose of which was to promote the per-

formance of German operas, took place

at \N’eimar in July (938.

The Staatliche Musikschule 2u Weimar

(with its renowned orchestral school) is under

the control of the I'huringian Ministry of

EducatiMi. It was founded in 1672 and is

intended to form an educational background

to the Nationaltheaier. It has a staif of

about thirty teachers. The associations of

Uszt >vlch W'eimar are preserved in the

Liszt Museum. K. 0, 0.

WEIMAR, Georg Peter (A. Slotlemheim,

Saxe* W*ei mar, t6 Dec. t734: Erfurt, 19

Dee. 1800).

German composer. He was a pupil of

Ad lung, Fasch and Hdek (violin), and became

chamber musician and court cantor at Zerbst

in 1758. In 1763 he removed to Erfurt,

where he w’as appointed cantor of the Kauf*

mannskirehe and in addition became, in

1774, director of the "Gymnasium". In I 77 l>

he also assumed the direetorship of the

Catholic " Gymnasium

\Veimar wrote two operettas for children

with pianoforte, * Die kindliche Liebe ’ and

' Die behadenfreude ' ; cantatas, motets, vocal

exercises for schools, etc. A book of chorales

for the Protestant church was edited by J.

Kittd in 1603. A number of church com*

positions, including a Passion, remained in

manuscript. b. v. d. s., adds,

WEINBERGER, Jaromlr (». Prague, 8

Jan. 1896).

Czech composer. He studied in Prague

under Kridka and Hofmeisier, and in Germany

as a pupil of Max Reger in the year of the

latter's death (1916). In 1922 he taught for

a short time at the Conservatory of Ithaca

(U.S.A.), only to return to his native country,

where he occupied from j 923 onwards several

minor musical posts at Bratislava, Cheb and

Prague. Though not very distinguished m

his early creative attempts, be suddenly made

his mark as composer of a picturesque fola

opera " following in the footsteps of Smet^a s

lighter operas, when his * Svanda Dudak

(produced Prague, 1927) won for him a

tiooal success at home and abroad, ihw

opera, the clever product of a faede and

rather shallow talent with a peculiar gift [or

utilizing Czech and Slovak folk tunes and lor

decking them out in the glitter of a

caied orcbestracion, succeeded wiib the help

of MIW Karri’s picturesque and effective



Jibreito (based on a Bohemian legend which

had already Mrved for three earlier Czech

operas on the same subject) and by virtue of

a musical style skilfully avoiding the scnti'

mental pitfalls ci contemporary Viennese

operetta. ^Vcinbcrge^'s music is most enjoy*

able in its romping polka tunes aetd in its

ballci*rugue Anale. 'ovanda the BagfMpcr\

iranslaieci into seventeen languages and per*

formed on more than ijo uperaiie stages

during the vrry first years of its run, remains,

apart from Snu’t ana's ' Bartered Bride \ tlw

only Czech <)])cra to enjoy world fame. .As in

(liv someuhat similar case of Mascagni’s

popular * Ca\allcria’, 'Svanda* is m ereatur’s

one and only claim to distinction.

Weinberger's later ofieras, perhaps for the

vcr>' reason that they tried to use dilferent

techniques and Uss p<jpular subjects (among

them Schiller’s ' Wallcmtein'^ never achieved

more than a lentporary imtts WVjfjMc. Among

Ills r<’W compositions not wKticn for the stage,

a * lUsiacaRlia for orchi'sera ami organ « i<i3Si

may be inenlioncti, which shows Krg<T's

last pupil handling forms and sul<^is of

traditional poiypliony ultlmut originality but

with remarkable tec hnical skill. Hh orchestral

variations in *’lhe Chestnut ’free’ achieved

an easy (mpularity in England for a short

litnc in t>ie x^ns because it was based Mt a

spurious **fulb«ing " which just then had

taken a temporary hold on tlie general public i

but it was a work of no distinction, crudely

stored, and not one of the variations eanse

anywhere near achieving the styles suggested

by their pirturesque litU^.

Weinberger left C:reehoslovakia for good in

M illing eveniuaJiy in the U.b.A., where

he found a iHTinanem home at $t. f*rlerslMre


CAl'ALOfiVt; Ol-' >VORKS


' DuCdk* i'S»anUa llip kriNpef ihbfeiut

A|e^*i9 ^^*^ Brodl. peoU. *7

• Miluvanv JiUt' iKiwbw iMb. by

hji^ iMi » Hviel bv K. ShtM). md.

MvamK. jZ let) inji.

' *»

• os’* iVfcerlUl proO, BtM. .\„v.

^ heil ut Ru«e«*. Kra««t^,

Wal|rn«l«iA’ (hU b» Kar«. aRee dranw]

pfod. VxhMa, l8.\i>». 1917.


• Kwlyn’t l.lotwfiiriii • , prgd. Prafue. >917.


• t5.>tii)..n Kliap«»lv' (or tnptann. k


• I'upiwi • OvcRure.

Wifiniai. Sonm and

^Owriyre lo a KiMchily Hav.’

y-naii®M «A • The tUmniM Tree *.

I)i^ QiiiMie liehetao necow)’.




Rjthw.aalu Tor 1 193^1.

* Odieque »enn«n«(Ual ' Tor vii.

Alio aeveial wiuU • omjx'saM.xit lor and {,r„

’Uraviirei’ (y preludes aixl TiHiiiei t<jr

S«Aaia. L<.

II. I. K.

WEINER, Led sfr, Budapest, lU Apr.


Hungarian composer, lie ahowed talent

for music at an early age: his eldt'r bmiher

instructed him in rtading musk and he dis*

covvrexi the secrets of the keyU/ard larg<’lv by

hiinK’lf. In 1901 he iKtanic a '.tudrm at l]ie

BiHla|icit .Veademy ol Musii , study tug < ompu*

si lion with Hans KckivIct. He hn idled his

siudii*s in lOob* Huring his .\radeiny years

lie wvsn various pri/< » and sii|Ven<<s. among

ilwm tlw i.rkel I'rur fur cumjiosiuon; hk

lirst 4|>|K'arance lirlun; the public as tompoaer

took place m conmrtiim with a siiKienis’

concert on ao June lyoj, when a moveineni

Iruin a string L^uintet and piaiinjorie pieces

were p>*r1orm<xl. He then joined the musical

stall of the Budapest Gutiik O^xra ^Vigoperai

av coach: liut having been awartied the

^rancisjow’phjuhilee I'nrejievikiicd Vienna,

Berlin, Lei|>clg and I'ans lor the neat years.

In KjoB he was ap|x>int<<J imifi'ssor at the

UudaiH-st Academy ol Music, taking over ihe

theory ela<»vrs of S'lktor Ih rcfeiil ; kuhse*

((uenily lie was ap|>ointed prolessor ol eompo*

siiton (191 i> anti, i;i 19411. of charnlKT iinnic.

In 194a \Neinrr won the Cloolhlgi- I'rice

with hn siting (ioariel .Vo. a; in lyaU ho

organised a rondueiorlesi rirclKstra aiming

the insirumentai siudcnu of the .Veadetny.

In 1933 his .Vuiic Op. lU was awarded a

•Mate I •rice. In 1949 he uas peiidon<*d and

in tlic following year hr was given the State

Kostulh I'rizr.

/\s a treativr miisidan Weiner is u aoih*

century oilspring of those late lyih-ccatory

Hungarian cotn|xiscrs — often n lera-d lo ns

the rornaniic school— who held that the

acquisition of a perfect eominand over the

technical procedures Europt an music is the

first step towards the development <.f a dii*

Imctly natitmaJ style. t)n the other hanti he

attached rather less tm|Miriancc t(» the assertion

trf characteristically Hungarian features than

the romantic nationalists did. Yet vvlunev*cr

he resorted to national mrlotll.'s lie lalleti to

dttcnmtnale between genuine folk uines and

melodtes of l«s authentic origin such as the

tunes, and apart from a peculiar

lUvour of eapresslon his idiom did not dillcr

frw the current European musical language,

rhat he did not adopt folk music as a basis

lor his prnonal idiom as Bartdk, Kodaly and

liicjr MIowen did should be ascribed to the

fact that he viewed folk music as an instinctive

mamfesiaiion <rf relatively primitive artistic

impulse, quite distinct from " art ” music, the




conscious* inccUeciual o^anizatton of a par*

cicular kincl of inspiration. SifniAcantly, be

did not participate in foik-music coUeciing;

the basis of his music U urban civilization,

and the fact thathis attention vas devoted alt

but exclusively to instrumental music seems

to confirm this suiement. Where he does

use folk music, he treats it as raw material

that has to be subjected to conscious crafts*

manship and creative inspiration. This

applies especially to his orchestral music, for

iiis chamber music altogether excludes folk

material, save perhaps an occasional harmonic

progression or melodic turn, which however

may be regarded as modal influences rather

than Hungarian allusions.

The German strain in Weiner's musical

ancestry is manifested in his thorough tcchnU

cal discipline, and his pensive lyricism reveals

a fundamental affinity with (he Mendelssohn

and Brahms group. On the other hand, his

lightness of touch — his most inspired move-

ments are scherzos transparency of lex*

ture and plasticity of designs, no less than his

particular concern to avoid extremes and

to balance formal and colour values, betray

a Latin — particularly French — sensibiliry.

This interesting ambivalence of his style is

well symbolizetl by his veneration of both

Beethoven and Bizet.

Weiner’s development was singularly

St ratghtforwa rd . H is humoresc^ue ' Cam I val \

written when he was twenty*(hrce, already

shows the hand of a mature master. In hb

subsequent chamber music hts leaning towards

rigorous formal control isdlKcmible, together

tvith facility and fluency of invention. The

appearance of certain syncopated rhythms

usually associated with Hungarian dances

lends an unexpected spontaneity and drive

to some of his movements. Hb music for

VOrdsmariy's * Csongor H Tunde ’ — a fairy

play, which has much in common with ' A

Midsummer Night's Dream ’ — is considered

his masterpiece. Here every aspect of hb art

appears at Its best ; the sparkling gaiety and

wit of his orchestration, the broad sweep of

his melodic invention and hb imaginative

harmonic designs.

That Weiner had barely thirty works (o hb

credit at the age of slxty'live is due (0 hb

severe selfcriticism. Yet his music makes an

immediate appeal ; problems of technique

and recondite emotional experiences never

intrude, for Weiner believes In enjoyableness

as a supremely important aesthetic principle.

Of hardly less Importance than hb creative

work b hb educational activity : to his compo*

sit ion students he taught respect for the great

masters of the past, and he insuied on a

thorough technical knowledge of the classicaJ

and romantic methods before embarking on

” experiments It b significant that hb

text-books, written on the basb of his many

yean’ practical experience, deal with harmony

and form; hb * Analytical Harmony’, be*

sides being Intertded for advanced students,

constitutes an exposition of his harmonic

sryle. But hb reputation rests mainly on hb

teaching of chamber music: several of the

most dbtinguished sunng'quartet teams have

profited by hb guidance at some time of (heir


Diu.— HAMMcascMLAu. Janq). *G»onsor ^ Tuixle *

Pcsicr Budaoeti, 7 Dm, 1916).

SCoLNAir. Antaa. ‘WdoM " Csengor it TundAk''*

<* Nyu««( V aI. XIX. Bvd»p«>t. 1916).

* Leo Weiner *, ' Corvina No. 6 agtumo

*« 49 >.

XVemwAMM, JmiH ‘ The Contemporary Movemeni Ih

Hubfsry * (* To. 4 lay'. Londee, 1949).




10. Mum tee MihSly VorOtmartr’a * Cionfcr Si

TunOe’ U90)).


— * Afnua Dei * (1907}.


i. SeherM (i»es>.

3. Serenade for itmII orch. (tpoS).

S. ’ Faruna. humoeeitk ki> eenekarra * (* Carnival.

KuBwmeve for amalJ oxeh,’> (tpoSh

16. * KaiOASadi' T at SoMkra') {1930^1}.

11. Suite. HuAsarian r^k Daaeea (lOSSI

90. Divenimenio .No. 1. on old Hunfarlan daneea

foeiMn. (i 9 S 4 )<

* fMorale. pliantaiiie ei fufue * for 1(91, (i94il<

#4. DiveRimenio No. a. Hwnftrian fi>lk melodiei for

lift. (1939).

aa. CKveetimenio No. 3 . * Impretpo n i unrhereii ' (I 939 l<

— 'Oane^i haocok ’ (* Feeiive Soundi *), overture

AIm trr^riptioQi of worb bv Ba<h, Schubert. Li»i



1 3. CoacertiDO fee pf. (i 9 « 9 >.

ei. * BaUadc ' for clat. per olb Op. 0 Srfw).


— Duel Coe lirofAiS 4 cimbalom 0903-0).

f Sirini Quartei No. 1. Eb nu.

Sirutff Trio C mi. ( 1909 ).

4 * Ballade ’ for elar. 4 rf. Oats).

(}. Striae Quartet No. t.T| m>. (ipea).

tA. * Romaaee * (or ceUe 4 pf. (? i9*3)*

so. Sirin* Qoartel No. 3. G ma. <<949)*


9. Sonata No. i. D ma. (>r vb. 4 p(^ (t9tt).

It. Sonata No. a. Ff mi., vb. 4 pf. (19*0)*

J4. • Romante * for cello 4 pt *983); ^

aiS.'LakodaJmas * V Hunfariao Woddinc Dance >

VA. & pf. 0937).


• Vbioeatok* I Variations) (1905)-

• Taraoiella ’ for a pft, « hasds 0903)' . ... .

• Caprke • 0 908) in * Mimiiuo modciBC hoflftoiie f

ed. Aurel Keen (? 19'*); . ^ ,

B iifi.iVu. (190)) iBCompbie {«rc Op. *M

• DmiOa'WrWueke* (? •9'«). ,

• Miniarofbildef *. 0 Utile pc piece*. « voU. (ipf*.

.%?*JiiS2i Ba«emlieder'. t 4

‘ Lakodalma* ’ V Mur»i»rian Weddin* Da«o I





ii. ' Un0iiAS<heB«umilicd«r', 3 »me« (193S).

S7. * Hu^ konnv^J ku d&nb • zou^maiA ifjwiAc

uimira* Pi«c«s (or Yova<

Pla^-rn *)


*A sriiei formak vaiUiot icmrneirw * i'OwlMtr <4

Muikal Fui^ *) I Budapni, >91 1).

’ <>uxh4n«iAtt«nr4 irr>sr«<li* 1 ’ Pr»9araior>

Noiri to XafAionv 19(1 j.

'As oa>shanBuit«(» <l6Uisi(6 itkobjj * <* Piep«raior>'

<Jour«r of Harmony') 'Rudapetc» iai?K

' £temx4 ourhonirtatian, tunkrt^aii* I’ArtahiMal

Ilarrnoay, Pundiont^ (dudapryl, I 94 «K

j. s. vv.

WEINERT. Poliih family of musiciaitt.

(1) Anlooi Weiaert th. Lwdorf, 2 Junr-

1751 ; fi. Warsaw, iftjunr i85n^. nauiisl and

criinpotcr of Gicch orifin. Kducaird in

Bf>l)«*tnia, hr went 10 Poland as court flautisi

i<> J*rin<t* Anioni t.uhonurski in 1771. 'I'hrrr

years latrr he IxTanir a mrmtwr of (hr

Warsaw Opera ‘)rchrstra and in 177B couri

llaiiliil t«i KiuR .Stanislas Au|»usius. In this

|M)st he mnainrd lill i7cr*„ when hr Ixitan in

irar>i at ihr W arsaw C.’onsrr>'aiitf>'. H^itlrs

hr taiii;hi prlvatrly, not only (hr Ituir hut

sin (fins and pianoforir. aj wrll as uind and

string instruinrnu, Hr married a Polish

woman, hy wliom he had two sons who lir*

<amr pmfrtiional musieians, although out*

lived l>y ihrir fatlirr, who rratUrtI (he age of


Hr wrote three *fi^reH 4 %-ha 9 fes whirh (hanks

to their simplkily and naivrty enjr^ed great

(>opidarliy. 'I'hey arr as follows :

• nkrnr>i*t MiefM^o/rtxir • {' A Nwdkw Vrvulr ’t.

VSjn«w, lyAr.

' l><Min»rwrii«r riyli K*prAl n« %»rrbunbw’ <'l>Mar«.

writer, or Tt.^ Keerwiint (Wnarxl't hhteiio Iw

P»ero«yA«liir. |wml. VV.irMW. i?}!).

'C;iMniot4 ix»Ji mnirmsAv «luM * I'A m A

Wrxnrl l>rsil') >|ik hy l)|i*«4wwtkM. imu.!.

NS'*ruw, ithJ),

When in iHi', a Ghurih Musk Sortriy was

organ irc<l hy Klsnrr in Warsaw, Wrinrrt

hecanie onr of ks most actisT members and

<<nj||xwetl a gr<al dral of ehureh music, of

w)n< h a cantata for soloisis, chorus and organ

tsA* ;>rrformed in ihr Ihangclkal Oiureh in

Warsaw rlurlng i:a3ief i8aB. In addition hr

uroln very many songs and pr>*onais<-»,

(a) Plo«T WeiACrt (*. ?; / Warsaw.

riJa;), pianist and iraehcr, son of (he pre-

ceding. Hr taught at ihr NVarsaw Omsersa*

tory, but died siidtlenly at what w*s proltaMy

a very early age.

(3> Filip Weinert (*. Kngalin. 1798; 4 .

Warsaw. 18431, tenor singer. l>foihrT of (hr

prrerding. He aintlicd under Jan Gommarl

uJieofy^ and Brier, a Frenchman {singing).

He matlr his drhui as Lindoro 1 / haliana

•n Alger. ') at the Warsaw Opera in (819 and

soon esiablishrd his posiiicm in the Polish

operatic world. To keep hb large family he

was forced to give many private lessons which

norther with his thratrkaJ duties, rehearsals

and performaneo. weakened his health, so

(hat hr died in the prime <rr his arii>ii<' l arrer,

c:. ft. II.

WElNGARTEN, Joaeph (^, Buda|K’si. 14

June 191 1 >.

Hungarian pianist. He sliidied at ilie

Royal Franz l.isai Aiademv of Music in

Budaprsc from icy^r, tn 1934. Ins masters 1 x 4 ng

Dohrianyi fur (hr pianolortr. Kod.dy fur

composiiiMs and Leu Weiner fur chanihir

musk. In 1931 he took the Arikis’ Diplomn

with dUiinction. but had already Ixrn

awarded special prizes and medals before

that dair. His awards, tlating from hr*

(wren 1033 were Ix’siuwed al Ihr

Inirmatkmal Kranz Liszt (InmiH’iition In

BiHlapeii, ihr Inlemacitmal Mmk Gompt'd-

(iuA in \irnna. the Internal ional Clo^pin

Gon.iirtiiion in W arsaw and the Intrrn.ilional

Musk OHnp»ii(i<>« at (ienrva. WVmi'Jirtcn

has played in Great Rrilain. Ireland. Iklgium.

llollaiMl, llungaiv, liilv. Poland. Swiizerl.md

anti (hr V.S. and among hi< spei lal merits

IS a keen inter'll in iiMHirro iniuic. 1 1<*

nsarned in Kngland and iv veldt'll in ]>>nd(»n.

WEINGARTNER, (Paul) PelU (Edier

von Mucuberg) /ara. Haim.itia, z June

iUb3 ; J. Winierihur, 7 M.iv 194^1.

Austrian rontlsKtor, com{>o««'r and itriter

on musk. Hr studirti ram|MKiiion at Grax

under W*. .V Rrmy and rnlrretl the I'niversily

of l^ip/ig in 1881 as a student in philosophy,

lie very soon passrti on to the (i<»hNer\atory.

went to l.is*( at Weimar in i««3 and there

Iwought oui his first opera, ' Sakimiala \ in

1884. ((k which year he undertook the post

of A>prif«c/i(cr at Kunigsl)rrg, In >083-87 he

wasinlhrsamecaparityat Dan/ig.in 1887-81)

at Hamburg and in 1889.91 «“ Mannheim.

In the latter >Tar lie was appnihied court

ka^UmfiH/t of the <)|>cra in BerJm. as w el) as

direettb tif symphony concerts of tl.e rosal

orrhrsira. ‘llsere hr rrmainc’d until 1898.

when the <^fx>sjtion < 4 oUbfaddoned musicians

«» hb operatic conducting induced him to

gise up the theatrical ap|>omim<'nb though

he kept that nf the orchestral conce rts. He

went to lisT at Munich in that year and

became conductor of Che Kaim concerts

there. In 1907 he was appointed to succeed

Mahler as conductor of the Clourl Opera in

Vienna, and was thus comjMlIed to Rise up

the Berlin ccmcerls. He entcretl on lii<, duli<*.s

m Jan. 1908, hut mired from the (>|»er.i in

|Q(0, reuining the conductorship of the

symphony concerts of the Opera orchestra.

* 9 ' 9-20 be was director of the Vienna

Volksoper. Other appointments which lu-

occupied in these years were those of Kitpt/I-

meiutf of the Hamburg Municipal Theatre

(i 9 *«-J 4 ) aod general Mt/sikJtre/shr of the

grand ducal coiKcrls at Darmstadt (19:4).

Meantime his international reputation as a



conductor was built up by innuioerable >*isiu

to other countries of Europe and to the U^.A.

He itrst visited London in May id98» when

his quiet mastery of the orchestra and his

sane readings of the classics made a profouiKl

impression. After that he was a frequeni

visitor, and hb performances with the Royal

Philharmonic Society, the London Symphony

Orchestra and the Scottish Orchestra con^

hrmed the impression, especially as regards

the symphonies of Beethoven. In 1905 he

conducted four concerts of the New York

Philharmonic Society, made a tour with the

Symphony Society in 1906, and in 1910-13

conducted opera at Boston.

VVeingartner’s literary t>'Orks, beginning

with the famous pamphlet ' Uber das Dlri*

gicren ' are largely concerned with

matters of performance and arlUtie inierpreta'

tion. His power of applying an intellectual

analysis to the processes of artistic intuition

gave him his commanding position among the

musical inierpieiers of his generation. Despite

die preoccupations of his busy executive life,

which included much musical editing, not*

ably of the collected edition of Dcrlioa, he

continued to compose and produced tvorks

on a large scale l^th for the stage and the

conccrt-room, such as the dramatic trilog>’

from Aeschylus on the one hand and sev'tn

symplionies for orchestra on the other. He

has been described as an eclectic among

composers, which means that a mind steeped

in the U'ork of all the great masters commands

too many tools for its own individual work.

\Veingartner's compositions have every virtue

comprised In the word " musicianship" and

sometimes rise to the distinction which lies

Ixyond technical accomplishment.

Wcingarinrr's exceedingly varied career as

a conductor is fully described in his book

* Buffets and Rewards ’ (1937). The Austrian

capital may be considered to have b e en the

centre of his work, though by no means hb

permanent home. He travelled widely not

only through Europe, but in the U.S.A. and

in South America, which he hrst vbiled in

1920. In England he was known only as a

symplionic conductor until the year t939.

when he conducted some of the \Vagner reper*

lory, including * Parsifal In London, at

Co\'cnt Garden. j. a. f.*h. d: m. c. c.

UrsL. — MsBiAK, Wit.KCLV & olhen. * FoOchrill r«r Fdii

Weingsttiiet * tOSS).

WziNOADiBra. FeLn, * Lcbff^inomiotvQ ’ ed.

1 990). Cnc. (rsn*. ’ Buffeu sad Revafds’ by

Mar(u«riic W'ollT iLeodoo. lOSSl*



' Sabuniala * Oibrelto by cooirwser, b49vd m* KAltdaaB’t

<lMmA), n^. WeifTwr, 93 M«i. 1M4.

* Cermlus * (lib. by Hans Herrif). prod. Royal

0|xra, IS Nov. i6o«.

* Oroin *. uilegy (* AraB«nvwn * Du TotenepCrr ’,

' Die Cdoyoi (lib. by composer, based on

Aesebylus), prod. Leipais, 15 Feb- :90s.

Kaio uDd Abel ’ (lib. by composer), piod. DarriBiadl.

17 May (014.

* Kpbold ’ (lib. by composer, based on Caldera's

* La damj duohSe O.prcd. Darnutadi as Feb. 1916.

Die Dorlkhule * (lib. by compMer. basW oa

Japanese pUy 'Terakoya'), prod. Vieona, State

Opera. 13 May 1920.

* aieiuw Andrea * (lib. by composer, based 00 Eraanuel

_ Oeibefs play), rmd. Vienna, 13 May 1990.

* Der Aposut * (lib. by compoeer), not pM.



S ). CoeiKe's * Feust *. pu. i & ii ( ipoB).

y Shakespeare's * Tempeti ' (igiB).


pB. 3 Seofs Cot B-pari chorus & oreh,

i. Traumnachl.

9. Scurmbymnu*.

S 3 Chemsei tor men's votcci.

* Autrniehuftf ' Tor ehonu R onh.

B?. Symphony .No, 7. C ma.. wiih »olo voices & chorus.


7. .Serenade fbc sin.

90 . Symph. poem 'Kint Lear ' (after Shakespearel.

91. Svm^. poem * D*e Gefilde der Selif an * (after

BoetJin's ^ture).

*3. Symphoey No. i, C ma.

ap. Symphony No. e, ma.

49. Symphony No. 3, E ma.

i s. * LuMife Ouverture.*

I. Symphany No, «, F ma.

71. Symphoey No, a, C mi.

94. Sywiphonv No. 6. B ani.

yi StMie * U burU '.

E * An die Schweis '. (eatival music.

. Symph, poem * Fruhlinc *.


J ). Vn. Caneena.

». Cello Creveerso.

B 3 . * Sinibftieiia ' ibr vn., viola, rella It smalt oreh,


77. ' An de« Schmert ' (Carmen Sluder). 4 seniU' ,

$8. ' Dev Weg * (Sluder}, 1 3 sonp for sopriiie and



a . String Quariei No. 1, D mi.

. Sirmg Quanct No. 8, F mi. . « «

33. Seatci (or • van., vida. cello, double baia R pft. E

34, Siring Quutci No. 3. F ma.

40. Siring Quinice. G ma.

w, Oumiei lor riar.. vn., vMla. eeUo 4 pf» C mi.

be. Siraag Quartci No. 4. D ma. . . ,.

73, Octet for elar,, horn, baraoon, t va., viola, cello

ft pf.

Bt. Suing Quaaiei No. 3, Eg na,


4t. 9 Sonatas

1. D ma.

9. Fg mi.


n. * HaaoM 9 s«*^

39. * Aui (rmea Weltm 4 Mnti.


$3. • Bhiceo aua dem Oiieo love duett foe loprana ft

Abo numrroMS teparaie songs, pft piee««


Bcelhovve. '* Hammerriavier ” SonaU, Op. lOft

BiMi. * VafiaUeoi ebrenauque .

Loe*<«. 9 Ballads

I. Der MohreoRirsa




Weber^ * AutTordtruag men T*d 2 *.

Abo by Haydn. Beotbovoo. Schubert old

llalLao 10099.


' I Jit Lelue von <lcr W»e<fer<cbutt wnJ muubaliHi»r


' Ober das Lhrirwrm.’

’ Die Sympbotuc oacb BeeU»oken.'

' Rauchlait (or Aulfubruofto klaswMher ^i»pho<iie*».’

And ulAen.

WEINL 10 > CbHstisn Ehrv^occ Ores'

Ucn. 30 Scpl. 1743; d. Dresden. 14 Mar.


Oennan organist and composer. He waa u

pu()il of Hoinilius ai the Krs'Uikchule of

l^re»<ien. Alter holding po^ls at Leip2ig,

'J'horn and Our Lady's Church at Omdsn,

he Aucceeded his old master as cantor oT the

Kreu/schule. He ssrolc music Tor a drama,

' |[ahsh\)rg» Meisiersangt'r *, perftsrmcd in

IVaKuc in Sept. 1791, and Tor a prohsftur,

' Krinna |>errorined at I.ci|>aiK on jo May

i79'a. He alto composed I’iLssion mude,

oraiorioit, cantaiav» etc., but only tonu* clavier

pieces and llute m>Ios were puldislMd ilurNiR

his life tune. <. , adds.

WEINLIG, CbrlatUa Tkeodor i 4 . Dres-

den, July 17U0: d. Lripclg. U Mar.

German orunnist and (iMn|>u«cr. neidsevs

of the pn’ceding. He vvus instructed lirst Us

his uncle and then by Martini at Bologna.

In 1H14-17 hr was cantor of the Kreu^schule

at Dresden and in lUas he succreded Schiiht

aa cantor of St. Thvnnas's School at laripcig,

wher<’ hr rrinairtrd ttll his death. He pul>*

lished a German Magnllicai for solo vokrs,

ckiorus an<l orchnira, some unging-rxercisrs

and wru1<> .x tn’atbr lA some value, '.\nlriiung

xiir Kiige fur deti Srll>siunt« rrKht* (rnd id..

lO.V^L Hut it IS as a teacher r>r theory and

as the mailer of Wagner for six tiionths in 1 830

that Ills name vs ill |>e remembered. NVagner

left his recollections of NVeinhgh ii at lima

on reconl in ts arils vshkh deserxe to Im*

(MMidered by all leathers of tltcvr>'.

1... ailds.

WEIS, FJcmmlfig (*. Copenhagen, 13 A|>r-


Danish com|>oser. He came of a family lltal

hud cultivated musk for several grneraciom,

and his home at Valby, a suburb of Coprn*

hagi n, was a meeting-place f<»r the musical

enthusiasts of the day. Hr began to compose

as a child, and in iqiC he matriculated from

school and entered the Royal Dajskh Con-

^rvatory, where lie took an organist's exanw

in at ion in ijyao- 'Ihcreaftcr he folloveed the

Danish tradition of the lime by going to

l.ciprig for further study. hU sub/ecis being

organ and composition. His earlier works

were inHucnced l»y the late German rcMnanlic

tradition, but he later came under the influmre

of the French school, and tete impressionism

and early nro-claasicisin greatly clarified bn

style. His writing to-day is structurally liasnl

on neoclassicuin, which also affects the linear

texture and the humour found In his music;

but certain harmonic and chromatic details

remain romantk, deriving probably from the

Danish romantk tradition and fn*m the influ-

ence of Carl .Nielsen.

U'eis is an active musical (liircn In the

executive sense as a member of the Ck>uncil of

Music, the Young Composers' Society and as

president of the 1 >anivh sec t ion of 1 hr I . S. N t .

T 1 »C Ibllnwing jrr an>ong hlx ninvi iiM|iMria/)i


(,H(»R.M. Ml M<.

‘ I !,« < lM,rui & ••r« l«.

>llt.\r Ml. xK.

Xymtiheiin tJvexiurr

Xymabwiv ,Sa. 1,

’ In •em^nri* \rrMh«/

V)|(> .ysii riRt ltl sIK \

* Inm-bHlKM ’ f«>t (if. a ><.v.


^ atMNC (JtojrirSs.

1.4 Ikxe \n. A <rUi>

* iJiiminv Mu-H ‘ l«4 Itor, VII., \n*U & cella,

VrrMJttr A VjlidiHUiv Ar MMni *.lfl.

.VImi t«r Ml. «4<*. Mi. a |ri., lUi. ft |»f., iilxii'

a p4, . Smiw a VM1411114 kx |>(. • ktKiKv lo iJriiii^i.

4iHt <«ptm.ii» w<>r<l>.

IV < 1 .- 11 .

WEIS (Wei«ft), Karel t4. Pragur. 13 kVb.

idljj ; A. Prague, 4 .\|>r. 1944).

Ccech coiwlucior. (oinposer and folk-niuvic

ex|H’ri. Krocn 1 873 Ih* studied the horn and

viidin at (Im* Prague (ajnserv'.*)tory an<l in

he isassed on to the Sihool for Organists,

where hr worked with Skuhrrsky up to 1881.

{.ater he occupknl a variety ufiHjvtv in Prague,

taught at tise music u IumiI of Krom^fli ( ifm3*

JBH4) and worked as a coimIucIuc at the

National Theatre uf Urno (iB8G*87). He

also urKlcriiH>k w’veral tours with P. Onillifrk

as his aecoinpanjvi. Protn 1U88 h<> concen-

trated on his ailivity as a cuinpuwT. and his

further development was inllucnci’d in a dc-

cimr way hy his contact with D\of;ik. After

some early attempts in vniullvr forms hU

choral scene * Triumfator ' at tract erl consider-

able attention at Olomuuc (1GB9), In ilkjir

his first opera, ‘ Viola was producc'd and

received with appreciation In iVague, and in

IJOt the opera ‘ Dcr polmsche Jude ' became

a great success. Hr ncx 1 1 timed to I ight musk,

composing several (ierman opcjrilas. e.g.

' Die Dorfmvisikanten produced Prague, 1

Jan. 1905 *, ' Der RevIsor ’ (after Gogol,

1907), etc. In 1913 he lurm'd luick to Cm h

music with the opera ‘ Utok na nil^n ’ and

for his last w'ork of this kin<l * Li'ietlnsky kuvAf '

(i<^) he chose a popular patriotic theme.

He abo showed his unproblematic musician-

ship and technical versatility In numerous

compositions of other kinds. In hu advanced

, ' Tbe wibi«<( it IV s^mc as thal of Wriiilirre^r's

S«*w 4 a As Bacpiper



age he did much for Czech folk mi^ic by his

large publication * Ceslt^ jih a Sumava v

lidov^ pisni * (‘ South Bohemia and the Bo-

hemian Forest jn Folbong 15 vob. (190B-

104 •)• The following are his principal com-

positions :

Op«ra ' Viola * {libretto by B. Adler. R. Subft and V.

Novohradikv. afier Sbakerpeaee s * T«eVth Ni(bi *).

3 oci«. prod. Prague. National Tbeaire. 17 Ja».

(Later tiller ' Oi« Zwillioce * in German

aiul ' BMenci ' TheTwiiu ‘\ ia Gwh.>

Opera *D*r polnixlir Jwje ’ (lib. by V. L««fi and

R Datka. after Erckmanit'Chairaan’s norel). • aeU

prod Pracue. German Theatre, s klar. ipor.

Opera * Uiek na mUn * (* The Attack on Ute kliU

(lib. bv R. fiaika attd eontpoaer. aRer Zola’s oove)).

3 acu, proil. Prague. National Theatre, to Mar.


Opera 'Uiriiruky kov 4 f * (’The Blacksmith of Ufetts’)

(lib. by L&da Norik, aA«r Svatopink Oeeh’tpoem).

Sae«, prod. Prafue. Naironal Theatre, d June 1900,

Gheral Kerto ’Ttiumratac* (Cseeb rerwoo oT A. F.

b(haek*( poenu (rMS),

Choral Ker»* ^ Pfattky * (‘ At the Spinnint *) fF. S.

Prochi eka).

hvmphony, C mi.

Symphonic poem ’Helios and .Selene

birinz Quartet.

Suite Tot vn. ft pf.

Pianoforie pieces.

SortKt ft purtsoncs.

PwlkjioMi arrangemeuia.

O. C.

WEISBACH» Hmnp (^. Glogpu, 19 July

t B85).

German conducior. He studied music al

the High School for Music in Berlin (wish

.\. Moser) and at the University. Hu career

(IS a conductor began in 1906 as a coach at the

Munich Opera under Felix Mottl. In 191 1 he

became conductor of the Ruhrscher G^ng-

vercin of Frankfort o/M. This waa followed

by conduelunhipA at Worms, VMesbaden.

Hagvn and Barmen. In 1936 he was ap*

pointed Cfnrra/mujikdirekt^ at DusmIcIo^,

where he directed concerts and opera, arid was

also the head of ihe Butz-Neltzel Conserva-

tory. In 1933 he removed to Leipzig 10

assume the musiral direction of the broad*

casting station, which he completely re-


In Great Britain Welsbach made his first

appearance in 193a, when he was responsible

for the first performance of ^Volfgang Graeser's

arrang(*men( of Bach’s ’Kumt der Fuge*. In

each of the folloiving six years he conducted

the London Symphony Orchestra in this work.

In Germany Welsbach made it his par-

ticular task to promote in understanding of

Anton Bruckner’s compositions. He has three

limes conducted the complete cycle of thu

Composer's symphonies, and has been awarded

the medal of the International Bruckner

Sociciy, K, o.

tV^lakcra, FrledrScb Wllh^fB. Sr* Basiimi ua 4

Dsilieiinr (bfuuri). Miisafi (' Suuen und BasiKim ’,

Sdvto (do.),

WCISMANN> Juliua (6. Freiburg i/B., 36

Dec. 1879; SIngen, aa Dec. 1950).

German composer. He was a pupal of

SrylTart, Rheinbcrger and Bussma^'cr at

Weiss (Amalie)

Munich, then of Herzogeaberg in Berlia and

finally, back at Munich, of ThuilJe. Inspired

by the romance of poetry and possessed of

a pronounced inclination towards absolute

music, be wrote music characterized by a

gracioudy subtle rhythm. But he was also

capable of large-scale construction and, in his

operas, of dramatic expression. The latter

are interesting also for their literary subjccu,

mainly deriv^ from Scandinavian sources,

and one from a play by Georg Bitchner

(1813-37), ‘fi* author of ‘ Woaseck Berg’s

opera on that play being produced later in the

same year than Weismann*s * Lconce und

Lena '.

The following are the most important

among >Veismann'$ very numerous works :


* Schwanroweiu * (ahcf Suiodberf't ' SvsnehvU ') ,

prod. Dui>burf, loas.

*Troum^«(«r (after Slrindberf'* ' Drdmsp«r), prod.

Ounbujf. 1993.

* Lconce uad Lena * (after Buchner's ptay), prod.

Frotbwrt i/t.. 9 i June loas.

’ Cwpci wwi ooaie ’ taller Struidberi’f ’ Spook Sonata

prod. MuBteh, 1930.

’ LandikneeMe ', prod. Emch, 1976.

* Die pftAce Mapd * (after Holberz), 1979.


Symphony, B mi.

90. Rondo.


3 }. Ff. CoMeno, B» nU.

30 . N'n. CooKvrso, D mi.

37. Vahaiioft* and Fufuo on art old ' Ave Maria * for pi.

97. Suite for pf.


to. Siriof Quanci. F na.

td. Trio No. i Ibe «n., eelle ft pf., D cnl.

77. Trio No. 9 for vn., cello ft pf.


30 . SonoU. D mL


aft. Sonata No. r, F ma.

e Sonata No. t, F| mi.

Sonatina. A mi.


64. Variaiaem. A na.

Ahe rfaoraJ works, numerous pf. pieecs ft (onp*. ft^'

A. L.

WEISS (ictually ScbAenweiif), AmsUe

( 4 . Marburg, Styria, 10 May 1839 ; d. Berlin,

3 Feb. .898).

Austrian mezzo-soprano singer. She maac

her stage ddbut at Troppau in 1853, in tvM

was engaged at Hermannstadt and in the

mroe year appeared at the Karninertor

Theatre in Vienna, where she assumM

name by which she was known until her

marriage with Joachim. She was engaged

at the Opera at Hanover in 1862, and her

betrothal to Joachim, early in the following

year, was artistically celebrated by a remark-

able performanee of Cluck’s ' Orpheus , m

which she sang the title-pan. Joachim con*

ducting. Her famvcll of the stage took pUce

WEISS (Franz)


on 30 Kiay 1863, in the pari of Fidclio, and

on 10 June the tts'o artUu were married.

After her marriage she had a career of live

utmost brilliance and usefulness as a concert

singer and teacher, obtaining world' wide

fame as a singer of Schumann's songs and

laier on of ihose of Brahms.

The tragic misunderstandings v\hich re-

sulted in a scparaiion o( chc husband and wife

in 1884 may have been the cause of her not

visiting England afier her surressful appear-

ances iherc in 1870 and 1878. She tsvnt to

ihe U.S..V fur a short time al>out 1890 and

taught ihcre, hut never left (krmany as a

residence. She accepted the post of pressor

of singing in the KUndworih -Scharvenka

(:un>crvau>ry in Berlin. j. a. r.-u.

WEISS, Frtoa {fr. Aiuirian Silesia, 16 Jan.

1778; 6. Vienna, as Jan. 1830).

.Austrian vl(4nt and comp<ncr. He t%as

long a memlMT of the tcring'^uartei parts*

mainiainid l>y l*rince Ka^umwsky in Vienna

(fuundtxl in 1808;. Hy these dUlinguishrd

platen mou of Beethoven's quartets sserr

studied for ihe first time, Schuppansigh taking

l>ir finil violin, the prince hinisrlf clw second

and l.inke the rcllo. \VViHs was also a com*

poser of merit and jniMished, among uiher

ss’orki, * Variatoms Irrilhnte^ * fur violin and

orchestra. Op, 13 (Vienna, Artaria), Quartet

(Vienna. lUslmger, and OflenWh, Andre;,

ducts for llutrs and for violins, an<l pianoforic

sonatas. A Symphony of his fur flute, bassosm

and trumpet e^KttunU Mith orchestra was

played with great success hy the brothers

Aloi«, Joseph and Anton Khasll. n. r, r.

WEISS, Georglim (Aoaell) (liorn Bar-

rett) 'b. Gloucester, i8v$; 4 . Brighton, 6

N'oe. ilUki).

English soprano singer. She s«as the

daughter of a mujikian nf Gloucester, was a

pupil at the R.A.M. in London (i^2>45)

and first attracted notice at the Gloucester

Fistival of iftj4. On 13 Sept, 1845 she

marrie<l the bass W'illoughhy Hunter Weiss.

On 20 Dec. 1847 she made her first appearance

on the Ix^ndon stage at Drury Lane Theatre

as Queen Eliaalieth in Dalfe & * Maid of

Honour', and later she sang with her husband

at the iVince's and Covent Gardrn Theatres.

In 1II3G she sang at the Philharmonic in the

produciioR of Schumann s ' Paradise and

I he Pert '. Accoriling to Cborley. who was

not prejudiced in her favour, “she had the

honours of the rsmlng “ (' Athenaeum •).

She was married again, on 13 Feb. 187a, to

C. Davis of New Malden, Surrey. a. c.

WEISS, Sylviaa Leopold (fr. Breslau, i»

Oct. c686; d. Dresden, 15 Oct. 1730).

German lutenisi and composer. He was

Ihr eldest son of Johann Jacob Webs, an

rxcellent musician. luienHt and iheocbo

player, who taught him the lute. In 170$


he obtained hts first appointment a.t court

lutenisi at Dussiklorf. He w*cnt to Kojik* in

1708 in the retinue of the Polish Prince

.’Mcaander bobieski, and remained there until

the prince's death in 1714, In 1713 hr was at

the court of Hrssr-Cassel for a while, leaving

there lor Dusseldorf, Early in 1717 hr went to

Diesden on a visit ami cv< ittnally t<K»k a po'i

as lutenisi to the rlecior. He was one of .1

band of twelve of the b^t niusiciiins of the

court (including Pisendcl, Hchrnsireit and

/alcnka; sent to Vienna in Sept. 17 id; when

Handel visited Dresden in 1719, Weiss \\a«

there again. Ivarlv in 1 an enraged rrcneh

vitdiiiist Ikl Weisv’s right thumb, nrarl\

sesering the top joint, and it was not until lh«

end of the year (hat he uas able i<> play again

when visiting Munich. In 17^3 he played

w'iih Quants and Grann in Tux's opern

'Ooianue forlezra’ for the emperor’s corona*

lion as Kingofllohrtnia at Prague ; NN'ciss lunl

alreatly paid two visits to this ciiv !<c»mc y<’ais

rarlier. In 17^8 hr M irral month'' at

chr court of IkTlm. His r\'rr*inrr<*asing Ginr

Ird the elector to aiigrnein hu ‘alary uih-

siaiitially from time to limr, uiild in I7|| lir

was the higkle^l {laid instrurnenialht at iln*

I>rrulen court.

By many of his eonlrin|M)rarirs \N'ej‘s was

ronsiderrd 10 lie the finest lutriiist of all time.

Baron, the we 11* known lute cunnoissetir, s{>ok<’

with great admiraiion of his masterly tone and

technique (in his ireaiiw on the lute, published

in 1728). He was famous for hk abiiity ai

improvising, and he is supposeci 10 have com-

peted with J. S. Baeh, a personal friend, at

Dresden on one occasion. Nearly all his

compositions survive in rnamiscript only. A

complete list of sources, together with a re-

print of sia long scmaias fre.illy suiirA and

some shorter pieces Is to be ftnind in ' l)n>

Ikbc deutwlsef Musik', Reirhwlenkmalr. \'r.|,

Xn (' l-auienmudk dcs 17. ' lO. Jalirhurdm*:

Brunswick, 1939), g, n.

Bi»i, >'N>rw*\«<. 'VSirk-n wtvI tic

Menieftawi»iM«tpn SiUiw« Wem uml

winpr *, A.M.W., IN' dOiOJ.

WEISS, Willoughby Hunter (^. I.bt'r-

pool, 3 Apr. i8ao; / l.ondon, ^4 Oet. tflfi?).

English bass singer. He was the son of

NVilloughby Gaspa^ \Veiss, profc'ssor of the

flute and music publisher. He learnt singing

from Sir George Smart and Balfr. and on 5

May 1643 made his first a])pca ranee in public

al a concert of his own at Liverpool. H<* next

sang in London at ihe concerts of Balfe, Thal-

berg, etc., and then jenned the farewell tour of

Adelaide Kemble and made a suceewful debut

on the stage at Dublin on 3 July as Oroveso

in • .Vorma '. On 36 Dec, he made his first

Lood<« appearance in opera at tlie Prince'x

Theatre as the Count in an English version of

* Sonnambula




VVeiv established a reputation both as an

operatic and concert singer. In the former

capacity he sang in the various English opera-

tic enterprises of Bunn, Maddox, Jullien,

Pyne and Harrison, and the English Opera

Company, Ltd., and in various operas by

Auber, Balfe, Benedict, Hatton, Macfarren,

etc. Bui he was best in oratorio, in which his

rich voice and music ianly feeling showed lo

advantage. He made his hrsi appearance in

oratorio In 1^4 at the Gloucester Festival,

and was continually engaged at the London

oratorio concerts and provincial festivals until

dose upon his death. Weiss also composed

tongs and ballads, of which ' The VilL^e

Blacksmith * became very popular. He also

arranged a pianoforte edition of VN'eber's Mass

in G major. On 15 Sept. 1B45 he married

the soprano Georgina Barrett.

A. c.

WEISS8BRG, Julia Lazarevna Oren-

burg, 23 Dec. 187!!^

Russian composer. She was educated at

ihr St. Petersburg Conservatory, studying

harmony under Krlshanovsky and composi-

tion under Rimsky* Korsakov and Glazunov.

Having taken an active part In the 1905

demonstration against Bernard, the director

of this institution, and the Russian Mu^ic

Society, which exercised control over it. she

was expelled. She spent the years I907>i2

in Oerinany, aBrr which she settled In

St. Petersburg, where she married Andrcy

Rimxk y* Korsakov.

Her earliest compositions ineludc songs —

notably the sets ‘ Rauiendelcin ' (Op. 3), with

orchestral accompaniment, texts from Ger-

hart Hauptmann's play ‘ The Sunken Bell *,

and 'Chinese Songs' (Op. 7) — but consist

chiefly of symphonic music: Symphony

(Op. 4), Fantasy (Op. 6), ionc*poem ‘ In the

Night' (Op, 10), Ballad (Op- 12), ‘A Talc’

(Op. 13). Later her interest came to centre

in vocal and dramatic music. She has a Anc

sense of lyrical expression, and a strong strain

of exoticism (due in the hrst place to memories

of her youth at Orenburg, at the time a semi*

Asiatic town) is noticeable in many of her

works, especially the bright and picturesque

opera ' Gulnara ' (Op. 39, 1936! on a suli^t

from the ’ Arabian Nights ^ SIm c<Mnpc«cd a

large quantity of music for children — operas,

songs and parlsongs; a cantata, * Thr

Twelve in memory of Kirov’s death, and

arrangements of folksongs with accompani-

ments for various instrumental combinations.

M. D. c.

Cbrivriu F«Ua. Sr4 (a. * Fjpdrt

kind’). Hrttf) <1. W.. ’Richard 111*, mid. m.).

Hi1kr <J. A., la libs,). X/wfet (a, ««q|s). Mocan

(4 songs).

WEISSENBURG. Heins (Halas).


WEISSENSEE, Fsdedricit ( 5 . Schwer-

sledl, Thuringia, c. 1560 ; d. Alimweddingcn,


German composer. He was rector of the

Latin college at Gebesee e. 1590 and at

Magdeburg town school in 1596. About

1601-2 he became pastor at AJtenwcddingen.

He is one oS the bot German masters of his

time and a disciple of the great Venetians.

He wrote a large number of motets.

£. V. d. s.

WEISSHAN (Wiaaheim). Abraham

(*, >; d. ?).

German i6lh-i7th-ccnlury Jutenist and

composer. He was at first at the court of Duke

Frederic the Grimmensiein near Gotha,

In a letter of 9 Apr. 1 368 the Elector Augustus

of Saxony asks for his transference to his

court at Dresden, where he still \vas in Aug.

ifirr. He wrote * Silvac musicalis Ubri VII

preludes, fantasies, ballets, etc. (Cologne, 1603).

a. v. d. s.

WEISSMANN, Adolf (L Rosenberg,

Silesia, 15 Aug. 1873 ; d. Haifa, 23 Apr. 1929).

German music critic and author, He

studied in Czechoslovakia, Germany, Austria

and Switzerland. I .a ter he settled in Berlin,

where he became music critic to several

nevi^pers and a contributor to various

periodicals. He died in PaJestlne during a

lecture tour. He published a number of

books distinguished by lively writing and a

good deal of originality in outlook, if some*

times a liiUe fiashy In manner. They include

studies of Chopin, Bizet. Verdi and Puccini,

the prima donna and the conductor, the

history cd* music in Berlin, modem musical

life, etc. Two were translated into English:

' The Problems of Modem Music ’ (London,

1925} and 'Die Entgoitcrung der Musik '

<1936) as * Music Come to Earth ' (London,

[930). E. a.

WEISSMANN, John (orig. JAoos) S.

(Schiilzer) (k. Budapest, jo July 1910).

British musicologist, conductor and com-

poser of Hungarian birth. He was educated

at a State secondary Khool (1919-2$) and,

In spite of parental opposiuon, studied music

at (he National Conservatory of Budapest in

i92B*-3«. He organized a musical debating

society among the students and perfom^cw

of numerous modem works not previously

heard in Hungary. For a short time he aci^

as coach at the Royal Opera House m

1932 and then at the Municipal Theatre m

1932-34, where he became assisunt

jn 1935, a post he retained until he lett

Hungary in 1937, having already spent some

time in Paris in i 934 -$ 5 « Settling in London,

be made further studies at the R.A.M. beewem

t037 and 1940, attending Sir Henry W^s

conducting classes and obtaining the Manns

Prize for conducting in 193®-



time he was a student at London Univenir)*.

He was editor for some months of * London

Musical Events * from its beginning, kettle*

drum player in various I<oodon orchestras

and instructor at L.C.C. evening classes in

1 050-51. During the second world war he did

national scr>’iee as a laboratory assistant in the

bacteriological department ol'a post-graduate


^Vcisslnann rensiced Budapest in 1948,

after an absent e of some eles'en )ears an<l

gave some bruatJtasc talks on Englisit music

I he re. He found that his tsritings on Bart<**k

and other Hungarian composers had been

mucli appreciated an<l was more or less

vaguely promised some excel lent appoint ments.

Hut he had already sulfered unfair treat inrnt

an<{ preft rred to slay in Ivngland,

His con)$xrtiti<in«, all in manusrript, he

regards as uniinporlanl, but they imhule

some sizable tsDrlcs. surli as two nw'teu, two

siring cjuartei movements, a Doo U>r two

violins, a Sonata for unatroitipanicd visJa, a

higtic for organ, two s<,ng eyries and wmie

pianolonr piece*. His wrilings on llariok

appeared in • Keynote * (iO|bj, M. Rev.

Halle * ^1048).' ThrLisiener ’ 11048!

and ‘ Tempo’ ( :94‘i-5o>. This last paj>er also

pti I A ishf <1 St ud iei ol K fnlal y l>y hi m ( 1 q 50 • 5 1 ) .

and he has written essay's on IVirassi^ Sri I ter,

Harstlnyi, on tncKlern Hungarian and Italian

mode In general, etc. r a.

WCIST-HILL, Tbomaa Heory <k.

London, 8 Jan. 18^3; d. I^.ndon, ah Der.

I.nglivh violinist, comlurtor and teaclier.

Me uav taught violin plaving by Sainton a I

the K.A.M. in ]^>ndon and in 1845 wav

eUrterl King’s Scholar. He lirsl apf>eared at

an Academy Concert In and subse-

quently went to .\mefica, where he iniroduerd

M<'ndeKsohn‘v vii)|jn (kmcerto. Me afier-

wardv unejertook a prtdessional tour in

Lurope an<l in lB4<> l>rcame a tnemlxr of

(Jiwta’s orchestra at the Royal Italian Opera

and ehe where. In 1871 he followed hiv old

conductor to Drury l.anr I'heaire. where he

filled the post of director of the ballet music,

and then to Her Majesty’s Tlieatre till ifi?*).*

In 11174-76 he was conductor at the Alexandra

Palace and displayed great energy in that

<b*parlment, giving ik'rf«»rma nres nf Handers

‘ Ivvther ’ and • Susanna (lade's * Spring

Fantasy com|tositions liy llerlios, Bizet,

Mawnet, Saini-Saens, etc. British composers

were invited by the Alexandra Palace Com-

pany to compete for the composition of the

two l>e%i symphonls's. and the prices were

awarded to F. W.^avenport and C. \'. Stan-

ford by Joachim and C- A. Macfarren as


* lev J B7B Ivr wu *1 I In Hinwr

tiiion orbnz1i«h open.

Ift 1878-7^ \Vrist-HIII was conductor of

Mmc N’iard* Louis's orchi'siral concerts and

gained much r<*puiauun for himself and Ids

orchestra during the short life of the unrler-

taking. In 1880 he was appoinird Principal

of the G.S.M, L’ndcr his energetic direction

the numlirr of pupils rose let upwards ol


Two tons of Wrist -Hill, Ferdinand, o

v'iolinitt, pupil at il»e Rrus^Js Conservatoire,

and Thomas, a ccllbi. scholar at the R.C .M.,

wvn success in I^ndon. Thecrliic Ualph Mill

was his grandson a, v;.

WETTZMANN, Karl Friedrich >T, |l(*r)iii,

10 Aug. 180U; W, Ib rhri, 7 Nov, iKdok.

(ieriuan writer on music and composer.

He wav a pupil of Hrnmng Klein, fi^xihr and

Hauptmann. He rose by various j>osis and

lalarurs, till tn 184A he <’vtablisli<*<l himself as a

teacher aiul writer in Berlin, where he tivrri

till his death. Ihrce ojXTas, ' K.iuhcrlichr

* NValpurgUnaclit ’ and ' l^irlvrcr iiiul Uetle]-

sub', wvre perfornwd at Reval. He pub*

lislisd a volume of ilhxi preUidrs ,iml rmHkda*

iHmv. His liter, iry works jtiilode 'Ihr

ul>rr»iassige Drejklang' ti8;>3L ’Dor ver*

minslerle SeiHitiv narionl * and ' (ieschirlite

cU*s -Sq« j menas t or< K ’ ' J 8,*> 4 ! » ' ( icsch lel 1 u

ties griec hiss hen Mvidk ’ MU;, 5;. •(ickclnchlc

der Harmonic’ (iBpji; * HartiKmimMem ’

f 1 8G0 1 , • Dm* nene Harnioniclrhrc *.* (Irsclilr hit*

des Klaviers|Hi|s . . .’ ’Der Iriztc tier

Virtuosen • u8<»8,. A pupil, K. M, Bowman,

published In 1H77 in New York a work

entitled • C. F. Weurmann’s Manual nf

Musical Tlnwy Hi* contfilmicd tiu* fourth

variation, in camrn. to Liszt’s ‘ 'I'mltcnianr


WELCH, John <Baeofi) ik. Nortlianipion,

jG Dec, t83<K Umdon. 1 July iJUl7),

English singing-rnastir. He Ik'gan hiv

musical eslucatiori in London ami in i8l>i

Went to Milart to study for thrsc years under

Nava. Lliimalrly In s<*uI<h 1 in London,

where he had a large nu miser of private

pupiN and was prufs*ssor s>f singing at the

O-S.M. Among his most successful pupils

were Anna NVilliains, Miss A, Marriott, Miss

Jiantley iHon. Mrs, R, Lyttelton), H. Hluwer,

BfMJson, Brereton and H, J*j<>rcy, o.

WELCKER. English family of music pub-

lishers, printers and music sellers working in


(f) Peter WeUker ri. ?: rf. l^nrlon,

» 775 )- He was the first to be established, and

bts ihqi wai in (;rfrdrd -Street, St, Anne’s,

•Soho, afu*rw*ards No. t;. He had vet up

iHisinew by 1762 and published much of the

instrumental music of the day.

Mary Welcker (k. ?; J. London,

•778). wife of the preceding, who left her to

continue the business at his death in 1775

which she did uniil j 778, when it was acquired


WELDON (Georgina)

by her son-in-Uw, Jam« B]undell> of iiO Si.

Marlin's Lane.

(3) John Welcitar {h. P; d. ?)^ son o( ihe

preceding. Leaving hb mother's business,

probably under the management of his

brolher*in*iaw James Blundell, he set up in

1775 as music seller and publisher at 9 (aAer'

wards 10) Haymariiet, where he remained

until July 1780, when he became bankrupt

and the premises were taken os'cr by Blundell.

M’elcker began business again in Aug. 1760

at 80 Haymarkrt (four doors below the opera-

house), but at the end of 1784 he removed

to 18 Coventry Street, where he continued

business for a year or so.

Besides the class of music which came from

the GerrarO Street house. John Weicker issued

the opera dances and ballets performed at the

Haymarket Theatre. He also reissued, with

an added volume, *Clio and Euterpe', about


As the imprinu of the Weicker publications

frequently give merely the surname, it is some*

times difficult to place their period of issue.

r. K., adds. w. c. s.


Heinrich {b. GoniershauKn, Grand Duchy

of Hcssc-Darmstadi, iBii ; d. Gonienhausen.

15 June 1873).

German pianoforte maker and writer on

the construciion and history of musical

insirumenu, particularly the pianoforte. He

was appointed maker to the Grand Duke of

Hesse at Darmstadt and published the follow-

ing works ;

* I>rr F]iikI Oder DftchsflrnHtit ?f«nm in sllen

Fnnn«n. F.iiie umra«««rKlc i>«fftirilun€ Orr Pnrtc*

Pian^Hsukunii vom Enuichen Om tu den MuettMt

V«rhcw(niA«rrt mit ifirckiWr Hrftw«m*nc

die rsdonrlk IVs«i« fur BcttbeiiuA( und Zgsaot*

ntenKlsum drr SWhsniMMn. new gni n dl KW

Anweitunjt tur Ini^Airunc, Stimmufis, find

Siilenb«cnrwunK. Mil 7 S Zriehnunftn. Fvnnk*

lurt am Main, if S 3 (nru« ve«mehri« Auiesbe.


' Die mkUikaliwhen Tonweekaewee m leennawnen

Zei<hAMntM tiler Stiien*. Slav, $cMaa>, und

Priciion**riu*rum*nu, mil »ae<>et)«r Besekwetbunc

ihre> ^m«s. Temymtanfv. und laailieher Anctbe

ihrei fchsndlunt und Erhallwe>c. Ntd ifo Aiibil.

dunmn. F'tAhfufl am Main, (kss.*

* Ikr Raieeber fur Ankaul*. Bchandlune vnd Crhaliunc

rmnofotw <tBs7).'

‘ Der Qavieibau in Miner Tbeocie. Teeitmk und

Cexhkhte, unier Hmweminit seine* BetMhoncen

9u dert Geteicen der AkuMik. MU ai AbMdi*ri«ea.

Frthkrun am Mam <«ier(e mit einem Nachiraa

vermehrtr Auafabe. 1670).*

* Uber dm Bau der Saiienimtrumcnte uod deren

Akuslik, r>rbft CbenUbi der En0lchwn« imkI

Verbrurruni dei Orael. Em Ar>han« nm Clavier*

l>au in Miner TNeerie. Teehnik und CeerlwchM.

Frankfurt am Main. 1676.’

These very meritorious works bear witness

10 Wcickcr's great industry. They are not,

however, to be alwa>'s accepted as authorities,

and a comparison of the fourth with the first

shows that the earlier works, for which he had

presumably his note-books at hand, are more

trustworthy than the later ones. a. j. h.

WELCOhS-SONGS. Odes for solo voices,

chorus and orchestra by Purcell written for

the return to London of the king (Charles II

and later James 11 } on various occasions.

One, dated (682, is by way of exception

addressed to James before his accession, when

he was Duke of York. The others date from

1680, j6Si, 1662, 1663, 1684 (for Charles),

1685, 1686 and 1687 (for James).

WELDER, Philippe van. Stf Wilder.

WELDON, George (L Chichester, 1908).

English conductor. He was educat^ at

Sheri»me School and studied music at (he

R.C,M. in London. He gained much pracli*

cal experience in conducting at Newbury and

Tunbridge Wells, where he had excellent semi-

professional orchestras at his disposal and was

able (o accumulate a comprehensive repertory

of standard works. When a successor to

Leslie He ward had to be found is conductor

and musical director of the Cicy of Birmingham

Orchestra (now C.B. Symphony Orchestra)

in 1943, WHdon at once made his mark as a

brilliant candidate and secured the appoint*

ment without difficulty. Empowered to re-

constitute (he orchestra to a great extent, he

maintained iu quality remarkably well. He

excels particularly in Brahms and Elgar, and

makes great effect with Tchaikovsky, but has

been criticised for being rather too ready to

respond to the excessive popular demand for

this last composer, as also for showing Hide

interest in m^em music and next to none in

presenting the most representative works

of the more adventurous new composers of

various nationalities. It was, however, diffi*

cult to tell whether he was obeying his own

taste or the behest of a committee whose

business it is not only to give orchestral con*

certs in Birmingham, but to make them, as

far as possible, financially successful. At any

rate, in 1951 he leR Birmingitam, to be

succeeded by Geoige Sehwarx from ^me-

mouth, and decided, at least for a time, to

devote himself to free*Jance work. But in

1952 he accepted the post of second conducior

of the Halle Orchestra at Manchester.

\Veldon had already done a good deal of

conducting outside Birmingham, appeanng

occasionally with the great orch«tras m

London, broadcasting and recording, and

making a special reputation for himself as a

qukk-witted deputy conductor in an emer

gcncy, showing himself remarkably apt at

giving a good performance at very short

notice. He has abo appeared with

abroad, in Belgium, Gemuny, North Africa,


WELDON, Oeorgina (L London, 24 May

1837; d. Brighton, 1 1 Jan .*1914) • ^

English soprano singer and composer, ntr

maiden name was Thomas, which was ait^

wards changed to Trchcme. On 21 Apr, 1 Wh>

WELDON (Jotin)



she married Captain Weldon, the i8th

Hussars. For many years she was knovii) in

society as the possessor of a lovely s’oice and

she afterwards adopted music as a proTessioA

on chariiabte grounds , making her first appear*

ance in public in 1870. Site undertook a lour

in \N'alcs with her pupil, 0^xendoline Jones,

and became a member of Leslie's choir, in

which she sang the solo in Mendelssohn's

'Hear my prayer' on 9 Mar. 1671. She

afierwards sang at the Popular Concerts, the

Cr)sial Palace, the I'hilhannonir and else*

where. In 1$7U she took tite solo soprano part

in Gounod's ' Gallia ’ at N*o4re*Uan>e. tin*

Op6ra*C!omic|ue un<i the Ctonser>*iioire in

Paris. Her romantic friendship with Gounod

is well knowi), ^hrr assisted in training his

choir in l^ndon and established an orphanage

at her residence, in nrder to give musical

insiruciiun tu {>oor children, sxith olijeets and

on principles whirh she fully described in a

letter to the * Mcnesirel*. and with a <val ami

cnerfiy rarely ecjualletl. Slie also puhlished

songs by Gounocl and other conijNm’rs in ahl

of her orphanage, among which was CLay’i

IKipular se tting of ‘ The bands o' iVe She

also eutnposeJ songs transUinl from die

French by herself, such as * (^hosrv <lu soir\

' I.e Chant du passereau \ ‘ Lt Petit gar^on

<’t k nid du rouge*gorgr ' ; ului "llie Brook*

(iwclry by Tenn>son), etc. In 1H79 she sang

at Kivierc’s Promenade Cksneeris, with a

women's rlioir trained and directed by herself.

This gave rise to a protracted law'suit. which

wa.< a matter of cnnxi<|erable notoriety. Her

laxl profiAxioflal <’ngafrinrnt was at a popular

niusir'IialMn A.t*.

WELDON, Joko (1. Chichester, 19 Jan.

iO?h; il, J^ndon, 7 May 1796).

English organist and compote/. He was

i‘<iu<'aled at Eton (Allege, and while there he

sliidietl music under the college organist, John

Walton. He aflerwards became a pupil of

Henry Purrrll. In i(>94 he was appointed

organist of New Ddlcfe, Chiford. In 1700 he

gained the first of four priaes offered ^ the

best musical setting of Congreve's masque

'The Judgment of Paris’, the others being

awarded to John F.Lrles, Daniel Purtell and

Codfrey Finger- \Veldon'8 musk was ntA

printed', with the vaception of Juno’s song,

*' 1^1 ambition fire thy miitd ”, the air of

which was adapted by Arne to the opening

duct of* I.<Mc in a Village '.

On 6 June 1701 \Veldon was ssvorn in as a

Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, and in 1702

!»• resigned his appointment at New CoJlege-

Oii the death of Blow i n 1 708 he was appointed

his successor as neganisi of the Chapel Royal,

and on 8 Aug. 1 7 1 upon the establishment of

a second composer’s place there, he was sworn

I I esiani in itis 'Rev

JolMi verier , -tm Ch>'» mJt.. »|>t,cdn b, lie hM.

into it. He was also organist of St. Bride's

Oiuixh, Fleet Street, and in 1 726 he was

appouiied 10 the same office at .St. Mariin's-tn*

ih^Pields. He was buried in the ciiurchyard

of St. Paul's, Covent Carden.

Weldon's principal compositions are for the

church : he published, under the title of

* Divine Harmony 6 solo anthems composed

for Richard Elibrd ; other anthems are

printed in the collections of Boyce, Arnold and

Page, and many are still m manual ript in the

books of the (Chapel Royal and some of the

cathedrals. *1he two anthems printed by

Boyee, ‘ In 'Hire, O la>rd ' and ’ Hear my

cry ing are admirabJ<* c<>m{>o>iiions, com*

Inning pure melody, fuw Itannony and just


WeldoM publolied 3 b<M>ks tif songs, and

many otlier tongs are contained in the rol*

lections of the period. song of his, ‘ From

grave h-soms ', U printed in Hawkins's History.

Ilesido the mastjue alirady inenlioneJ he

wrote songs for llte following plays :

’ (kphriiJ 4u»d l.wndiic'. dll uAHlr/infiisI ii

pwUnIwd ITsOJ.

* Sh« axMi’fl dtnj she not, or I hr Kirul lii,|iMl«ir

(«MMds Ia iwBrs (dUbrr

'Lose betras’d. vt *1 lie Air«rrihk t>iS4pf>iMiUjwn( \

<owwdy hy ISwolo IToji.

* kfiusn’i HapiNfKM iutprli.Klr, icki b>

Motwii* t«iUi l.rsetHl<r, I'otJ.

* Irrne. w 7)w Fair toerk ifivcdv Li (iorinr 1 17«6 ,

<Hi die wi>w*hf«i Ok pl.i> 0 callcii * ilie haii

biifiKtunaic '}.

'I>tere Is a jiorirAit of NNcldon aiming the

Music School porirail« in (hr Bodleian

Library, Oxford. tv. ir. 11.. adds. a. l.

St4 til* la«k* naiali.j, 1 incpr '<ul(jt».).

wnt •/ Kaci« itw imcr

L 8. C. Wr iK'hut ' ' N>aliiiii|tal<> *, iwiig),

r MaFkC *

WELITSCH, Ljuba ff. Borlssovo, lu July


Bulgarian viprano singer. She showed

remarkable musical gtfu, imlgding a sense of

alisolutc piieh, in early rhildlutod, Having

taken up else violin at first, she began tu

det elop her vocal talent for herself at the agr

of sixteen and had nu systemaiic lessons in

singing until site became a student of philo*

sophy and theology at the University of Sofia,

where she soon became solo soprano at the

Alexander .Nevsky Cathedral. In 1931 she

became a pupil of Tht'O Lierhaminrr at the

Musical Academy in Vienna, and in 1936,

when she had completed her studies, she

was engaged by the Opera at Gra/. From

1941 she was by turns at Hamburg, Dresden

and Munich, at else same time appearing as

guest arcUt at Belgrade, Sofia and Virtma. In

*946 she was engaged by the Vienna State

Opera and appeared at the Sal /.burg F«tival,

being about that time appointed A'ammfr^

in 1947 John Barbirolli Invited Imt

to England to sing in Ih vilKiven’x itimh Syin-

25 *


phony and Verdi’s Requiem under hb direc*

lion, and in Sept, of the same year she was

in London, appearing at Govern Garden as

Donna Anna and Salome with the Vienna

Slate Opera. Other imporunc paru of hers

are Aida, Desdemona, Mimi, Eutterl^Y, Tosca,

Manon Lescaut (Puccini), Nedda, Malenka

Bartered Bride Lisa (Tchaikovsky’s

' Queen of Spades ’) and JenuJa (Jani^ek).

AJ though a temperamental dramatic singer by

nature, she u also an excellent interpreter of

songs by Schumann, Strauss, Josef Marx and

others, and she sings in German, English,

Italian, Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian. In

1948-50 she look part in the seasons of opera in

English at Coveni Carden. h. n.


Bach’s 48 Preludes and Fugues entitled * Das

wohllemperirte Clavier \ published in two

parts, each containing tsvency-four preludes

and twenty-four fugues. The Arst part was

completed at Cothen In 1722 when Baeh was

in hK thirty-eighth year, and to (his alone he

gave the above name. Subsequently (1744)

he finished twenty* four more preludes and

fugues " through all the major and minor

keys”; and so like in design (o the former

serict are these that they have come to be

regarded as the second part, the entire collec-

tion being now universally krsown under the

one title.

His own full title, very like that of an earlier

work on .similar lines by Bernhard Christian

WVbcr, is as follows :

|)«s wnhl irmpetirtr Olasier o«lc* gnd Am

ilunh all? 7 **» und j ww rt wia >o maim m oda?

tU Ri Ml aiilansfrvil, ah aiKh U/ltan aHMf/at adrr Re A4i

Re brirerTefvrl. /um NuUan und Gabrauth dat l.aha»

Itaciariean Mvtifs/iKhan jutand ah auah darat in dia s am

.Vni^ra Khun hihl Kvandan baaondarn V'atsraib

aufiavuai unU krrtrniert sen MmiMnafta* 9 erb p. t.

Hechruntl. Anhah. GuihrniKnan CaefN*Mah(am und

Difteitft daaar Caminar*AfaufiKa. Amtt 179s.*

It was Bach’s Intention by this work to test

the system of equal temperament in tuning.

To this end he furnishes a prelude and fugue in

each key, the keys following one another not

according to their relationship, but simply in

the order of chromatic ascent, one only of

two possible enharmonic keys being used

in the extreme sharp and flat tonalities (t.g.

Ff major, not G9 major ; Eb minor, not Df


A cred I blc tradlt Ion says that most of the Arst

part was written rapidly, in a |dace where

Bach had no regular musical occupation, and

where he was deprived of any musical instru-

’ * I'h? W^K'Kmperrd CIavi«r. or preKido mmI ItHraa

III all die tOairs and (cmitonrs. both widi the fiu|or third

or Gt, Ke, M> and with th« minor ihini or Rr, Mi,

For (he lue and practice of yovni muSKiaea who d^re

10 ham. as well os for ihc»« who are alreadv afalkd in

iJ\ia study, by way wf smuse'nmt ; made SAd composed

by Johann bebasdan Dach. Kapdimcisler for the isnr

beiiif; to the Grand Duke oT Anhslt-Colhm and darector

ofhisrhamber*musie. 179a,'

mest probably when accompanying his

prince. This traction is supported by G^ber,

whose father, Heinrich Gerber, was a pupil of

Bach’s at Leipzig soon after 1722. Forkel, how-

ever, who probably possessed some general in-

fernal ion on (he subject from Bach’s sons, says

that earlier compositions were used in com-

piling the first part. Many of the preludes had

certairdy already appeared as independent

compositi^. In re-writing these Bach often

considerably lengthened them, the one In Cf

major to the extent of nearly forty bars.

Eleven of (hem were given in a short form in

the * Clavierbuchlein ’ ((720), written for his

son FrIedemann. When us^ for the later

wexk they were, however, more fully devel-

oped, especially (hose in G major, C minor,

D minor and E minor. The A minor fugue,

too, is without doubt an earlier composition.

Spitta says it belongs to 1 707 or 1 708. It is an

open copy of one in the same key by Buxte-

hude, and judging from the pedal at its con-

clusion, it was not at fust intended for the

clavier. Perhaps it Is therefore somewhat out

of keeping with the rest of the work — written

so manifesOy for this instrument ; witness for

imianee the beginning of the t6ih bar of (he

Eb minor fugue, where the upper part stops

short on Ob. evidently because Db was not

available on moat stringed keyboard instru-

ments. Again, in the 30ih bar of the A mijor

fugue it is apparent that the imiutlon in the

right hand is accommodated to a limited key-

burd. In the second part of the work Db

(Gf) abo>« the line occurs but twice in the

25th bar of the fugue in Cf, and In the 68th

bar of the prelude in Ab. In compiling this,

Bach ^ain availed himself of earlier com-

positions, though not to such an extent m in

(he first part. The (xxlude in C major is given,

however, as a piece of 17 bars’ length in a

• Clavkrbuch ' of J. P. Kellner, with the date

“ sJull 1726 The fugue in Cl major exists

also in C major, and the prelude in D

exists in another version (serB.-O., XXXVI,

224-26). The fugue in C msjor had twice

before been asaociated with other preludes (set

B.-G., XXXVI. 114 ff- and 220). The Ab

inajc* fugue first stood in F ; it was shorter by

more than one half, and it had another prelude

(ser B.-G., XXXVI, t [3). Other instances of a

rimiiar kind could be adduced.

Notwithstanding the many revisions


made of the first part, there is perhaps, as Carl

von Bruyck says ('Technische und asihetuene

Analysen *, p- 68), on the whole a richer a^

broader dispUy of conirapunul art m tnc

fugues of the second part. (Set also Parry s

•Johann Sebastian Bach chap, xo*.)

The three oldest printed editions appeared

in 1800-1. One was issued by Na^h o1

Zurkh, another by Simiock of Bonn and Far^

and the third by Kiihnel (now Peters) oi




Leipzig. The lirst was dedicated co the Paris

CoDscrt'aloire de Musique» the matter being

supplied by Sehwencke. In it the secortd pan

is placed first ; many of the older readings arc

given, and it has the long versions of the pre*

iudes which most editions since have copied.

'Ihe third was revised by Forbel, and il is tu

that he refers in his well* known treatise. The

first English edition was that edited by S.

Wesley and C. Horn, and publUlicd 18(0-13.'

The XIV (1863), by Franz KroJI, wth

an appendix of various readings, was issued

without reference to the British Muwum autev

graph of l*art II {stt below;. Its readings wrre

incorporated in a subn'quent ^otulnc of the

U.*G. edition, XLV (i), which also contains

the readings of the Zurich autograph.

Editurs have tiot been slow in make altera*

tions in Bach's tcxi. One i»f the moat glariiui

of iliesr K the bar inlrodiiced by Sehwencke in

the middle of the first prelude.' Yet thh bar

has been rcialmd by (^<tcrny, by Wedey and

Horn, and liy many irtlters. It is even uwd by

Gounod In hU * Meditation *.

Of the first part three autographs are

knriwn ; one fortnerly lielonging to NagcH,

now at Zurich, another ft>rRierlv iVofessor

\N'ageticr's, now ut Brussels, and a third in the

State l.ibrary at Bc'Hiri.* Of the second part

hi) ( omplele autograph is kru»wn to exist. *1 lie

Hutlteniiciiy of the aut«>grap 1 u of certain

iiumliers in the Berlin Slate ^formerly Ko^al;

library is examined by A. IXirnrl in die

prcTarr in B.-f*., Xl.V. Fi>r many years there

remained in t'omparatise oliscurity original

uulograpks, now in the British Museum, of

iK Afly all * the preludes and fugues nf the

second part. They were bought at Cleinenu's

sale by S^mett. During one of MeiHJcbo*hn*s

visits tu l.nglaiid {June ilkja) Lmctt slwwed

them to him. and hr at once retugnDed ilwni

as iK’ing in B.kU*s handwriting.^ l.airr on,

In or about tU55, Sicrndulc Bennett saw them

and lie t<Hi pronounced them to be In the hand*

writing of Bach. From Erne it’s daughter they

pawed 10 F.ll^a Wesley, who bequeatlird them

to the British Museum.

r. w. ; adds. j. a. r.*M. ; rev. h. c. c.

Tiru. Awt> M».on «. -h must be made

(|uile clear that the original tide * l)aa wohl*

leiMpcrirte Llasier' slicnild never have been

trari'laicd as ‘ The >Vcll*iempered Cllavi-

chorri '. That instrument has the same name

In Orman as in English; UetiVr in the

eiglMeenih century meant stm|dy a stringed

' C;MM>nMhi:th«» Ma,. igg. ». i«ij

Uiai il<« nlKiM, pcojecieU by K»llntann im isg* wm

udpt puUi«hr<l.

• .Wf S(MWf«rK> a.miauor. m m«MC »»pf.

» Vpau'. ' u*. h ' Novdlu,, 1 1 . , xi V.


• S<n. 4 ^ »Jiil 13 are An maIvim at «hc

rradkhn iJirFcrihK frgm ih«a« 0* Kroll *!!.•<;.. XIVi mm

by Ih^ uri«r tf. \V.) mmJ |Mbl.M •• th« f,ni

rCMion uf ihn JAtinnAfv

• .Vrr Rockoro'* • I rfe pp. $5. #4.

keyboard instrument of any kind then in

existence. It follows that the preludes and

fugues were not ssrittcn expressly for the clavi-

chord, as is still too generally supposed. On

the other hand tisere is not sufilriciit evidence

for the assertion made, for instance by Wanda

Landowska, that the two sets were intended

for the harp&ichofd in particular. I'he

reasonable view to take U that Bach wished to

make them available for study to all those who

possessed and played any keyboard instrument.

i . II.

fliM,-' i;«okv. WAiirx, ' *r}tc LoCMkiti Au'ucrjpb uf

f«Miy.bi«la " ' 'M. & f,., XXXI\', •OJJ, |>.

J. A., •The "48"; Rjrhe Wohl*

irmfMtirui (a«\*er*. t \<Aa. f Muucal Piliinm *

Mm* I916V

Wm ( Isviee.

Wellet. Oetea. S44 RhuOfiii 'Pro<i. of operx).

'(fMid. «. 4^>plaa«l roe Kine» da.).

WELLESZ, Egon ri. Vienna, ui On,


.\ustnan composer and musirologist. He

graduAud at Vienna University, studying

harimmy with Carl Fruldlng and musical

science and liistory with Ouidu Adler. Between

1904 and 1906 he studied counterpoint, fugue

and compovitiim with Schoenberg, at the lamc

time as Berg and Webern were St iKKiilx’rg's

pupik In i9)iC Wclleir began to work at

compoutiun on liik own, folbiwlng ihr adviee

of Bruno Walter, wlio felt that SVelhs^S music

wat mt^ in act tied with the Vienrioe cluMjeal

tradition than with the romantic trend upon

which Sth<*ci»l)efg*5 work wax at that time

based. VV'ellest remained in I ouch vviili

Schoenberg, Imwct er. during the whole of his

career in Vientta. He gratluated as Fh.U. a I

VieiiiM III 1908, with a ihcsit on Gttlscppt'

bonnn, which was jiublUhed In 191a by the

I. M.S. In 1910 he edited, for the D.T.O,,

J. J. Fux's opera ‘ Cosianza e forte^xa ’ ; in

1913 l»e was apixiinud lecturer on musical

history at Vienna Univ'crsity.

Wellesa’s early mude — for instance the

first siring Quartet — is powerfully influenced

by Mahler's music and implicitly by the

V'knnese classical tradition. I'he influence of

Debussy and of exotic music is also discernible,

especially in the pianoforte music and songs ;

but the lentlency of Wellesz's work is always

towards clyiiy and definition of outline, and

the use whkh he makes of Drl>ussyan elements

may be said to correspond with Schoenberg’s

experiments in a ^niillisie lechoique.

During the first world war Welles* devoted

most of his time 10 njusical research and pro-

duced some important studies of baroque

opera and Byranlinc music. These iwo main

»bj*^ts of he research hav< a bearing on his

interosu as a cunlempurary composer. The

sevenlcenih cmisiry being a critical period in

Europe's muskal and social hisiory, he fell



that many of llir problems wiih whkh tlw

baroque opera composers were preoccupied

are sliU relevant lo-day. Through Byzawinc

music Wellesz was able lo see the European

tradition against a non- European bacl^round ;

it interested him also as one of the most funda-

mcnul examples of the relation between

music and religious liturgy.

It is ceruinly interesting that after the

I9i4-r8 war the richest period of Wellen's

creative work opens and that in this work he

tends to write increasingly for the theatre and

to give his operas and ballets an ethical and

religious significance. \Vellesz resembles Berg

and Schoenbe^ in attempting to exiemalize

nervous sensation in the presentation of a

human drama on a stage; but whereas they

try to achieve a balanced and satisfying

structure through the me of a musical formal-

ism such as the twelve-note technique, Wellesz

revives the music^theatrical stylization of

baroque opera, with its chorus, dance-

pantomime and coloratura song. In 1995 he

defined his alms in these words :

It (1 not for ihe drtmstk muikiAfi 10 ipesk of Mnwrlf

and of hi* dntiny. but of thoae ihww whkh

betoken the hnk bciwocn ihc maienal and ihr tpkitual

I have in mind the idea of a dramatie work

of an in Mhich •«»< ihall eollaborate wkh (he dante

in arciitic eaprrttiAn. Such a fern* can be realist

enV from maleriah whkh are at once tlmelesa inH

bounded by time, and throueh wh»eh » aflarded a

vrtion of a hirher world.

Kive operas and four ballets belong to the

period between (91 8 and 1930. Most of these

works are modern reinterpretations of ancient

myths, Greek, Indian and Aztec.

The tonal conception of these pieces, though

superficially influenced by aspects of Sehocn-

berg’s music, is traditional, diatonic and

modal. Hie structural principles are derived

from the baroque opera and cantata, and the

influence of the dance leads to a powerful

inslsirnec on motor rhythms. On the other

hand the vocal line is related not only to

Schoenberg and lo baroque coloratura, but to

medieval monody. Here ibe theatrical and

religious impulses In Welleu’s work are mated.

The composer is interested in stylization as a

means of "objectifying" a moral truth. Thus

his work grows increasingly remote from the

subjective, self-dramatizing tendencies of post-

Wagnerian opera.

The implicitly religious * Die Bakchantin-

nen ’ and ' AJkestU ’ were followed by a series

of explicitly liturgical works designed for the

Roman Catholic ritual. Two masses, a sacred

cantata and a number of motets look back, by

way of Bruckner, to the predecessors of Bach,

and behind them to some aspects of late

medieval polyphony. In every technical

feature they are a contemporary re-creation

of tradition and have no points of contact with

Sehoenberg. A considerable number of

orchestral and chamber works written during

the 1 930s carry on from the baroque technique

of iIk operas. The most noublc of these

pieces are the settings of sonnets by Elizabeth

Barren Browning for soprano and string

quartet and the large-scale orchestral work

based on Shakespeare's ' "nic Tempest

In 193a Wellesz was a deltaic to the con-

gress on Arabian music held at Cairo. In 1936

he visited England to lecture on opera at the

R.G.M. ar>d at the University of Cambridge,

at the invitation of H. G. Collea and Edward

J. Dent. In 1939 he was offered a Fellowship

at Lincoln College, Oxford, and settled per-

manently in England. During the early years

of the second world war he again relinquished

composition and devoted his attention mainly

to research, the results of which were pubibhed

in two volumes, ' Eastern Elements in Western

Chant ' {1947) and ' A Hbtory of Byzantine

Music and Hymnography ' ( 1 946) .

In the spring of t943 up compost-

iiMi again, partly under the stimulation of

English poetry of the seventeenth century and

the middle ages. In England he hai produced

two string Quartets, a cantata (a baroque

setting of a poem by Hopkins), some small

clsoral pieces and songs, arid two symphonies.

These symphonies are hb hrsl worb in this

form, and are in the main line ofhb develop-

ment, combining hU early interest in the

Viennese classic^ tradition with his later

preoccupation with baroque stylization and

liturgical polyphony. As a symphonbi he

may be regarded as the legitimate successor to

Mahler, although his attitude to the form b

more classically impersonal and less intro-


In 1943 Wellesz was appointed Universiry

Lecturer in the Hbtory of Music and member

of the Board of the Faculty of Music at Oxford.

In (946 he was elected a member of the Royal

Danish Academy of Science and Letters and

appointed a member of the editorial board of

the ‘New Oxford Hbtory of Music ’and

editor of Vols. I and II. In 1947 he

invited by Princeton University to the Bi-

centennial Conference on Scholarship and the

Arts at Princeton and Dumbarton Oaks, and

he also leelured to the New York Chapter of

(he American Musicological Society. In i 94 ^

he was elected University Reader in Byzantine

music at Oxford.

On rs Mar. 1933 his Mass, and a ‘ Pro-

prium' espeeially composed for the occasion,

were sung at the Linz church where Bruckner

was organ ist, on the occasion of the insul lation

of a new organ. “*

t__Howe*. tuA'iK. • Profr*»or VNellos Ope<*

(M. a U, XV, I9U- P* r*o). _

lUcMALb, • Aeeordine to D*iW : *0 ^

in SpMUl Pkadinz’ (M. Rev,, Vd. XII, '« *

F ‘Efoo Wellm: •«

R*v.. VII. m6. P.



0 ?lRA^



Oh ,



1 Prsotn/Ma

s?‘ 1

' Die PriAMUie GicnarA.' |

Jacob Woimmaan Wclupicl

Hanotcr, 19 Mav tost; new

und LcaeAdc *|.

e«nioA, Matin Krini, a Srpt.

95 ,


Hufo von HofmaMuthal. bMcd

uet Eunpadm,


MuMihom, ao Mar. lyaa.

40 1

‘ Opferunf tics Ccraafccwn.*

C 4 tM*d biiMhcQ, «n an oU AiMc '


Cologne, 1930 .


' .Stlicr/. Liu urvd Ruch*.*


Siuugjri. 1 tkCar. > 930 .

Virnna, Ntate <)|wra. On June

** 1


* Die ILihrharuiiMtcn.*

(wnpocer, based on l!uripi>ki.


' Incoaaiij ’

Lliiabcih Mackmiw. bawd «n

<‘imern >‘» vluci*.

1931 .

Oslord, )L<, iM'.i.



1 /ult




’ J)ui VViMMler der ]>ui»a.*

lIcCa RjLue.

NCafmlicim, 40 Liar. <934.

3 ^

, * IVnion Bulkt.’

r.llcn Irk.

Oonaunt hitigcii, 10^4.



[ * .Nchitin Auf Shvroi.*

1 * Die Naclulichen.'

1 InfmaMMihaJ.

Mas '1 crptt

SiMiicart, a Mar. 1937.

Berlin, 30 Nue, 1934.



fk. *C<«h«tr rifr M4Mlth«A aur Mjri* * 'Kmam M 4rM

Kikk»i fur cwprw>«, ihoviif 4 erclt. ii909>.

43 < Molcu f«r uiiMcomp, «h»riM

4S> ('luiUU * Mmu dn * tit M3rtn», ihwm 4

•irih. (I 03 <r,

1 M«kt» (of uAMComp. <h»rt« I if))!.

'1 f ^ • w»*" fi«4>.

ii. Mi«r( Mau. C m*.. ft chorw 4

M. iwr uhariWnD, chvrM

2 CbA'ifw fur {rmale vokn (IMI*

' I'MKiym * < 19)9).

(>K(:Hr.«TRAl. WORKS

<<. SmpliwAic BMai * WrruKlini ' (ttl 9 J.

* Knlla MaftK ' M^tf).

99. DncKtvtjrunccA *, jittt SlMk««varr%

_ » ‘ ^ V

69. Srmphonv Ne. 1. O ma. (19491

u). S>in 9 honv No. ». !-:» tns. M94B),


96. Suite fnr \a. 4 ehamber eeth. (1494I.

49. IT. CoAcertH (1999).


90. Ciajktoto * Amue t«m>do' (Mcimcwm) far MpcaM

4 iniall orrh. ti 034 ).

94. *).ie<l der W«ti (HorttaMnUhsI) Um Mpcaa#

^' 939 >.

99. Ubm. TruMfn uaiI TwI * CHoTAianiwtlkah ft

eonitjltu < 1097 ).


• 4 . String (Jiiartet No. t {»9J»>.

VO. String Quatiel No. a <1917).

a. Oeoliget Lied * for «n.. vtoU & pf. fiOiS).

a) Siting Q«»em No. 3 (191 B).

<d. Siruig Qyafwt No. 4 <1940).

(w. Siring Quartet No. *, (19441.

O4, Siring Quariei No. 6 (19471.

Irt. Siring Qyarrei Nn, 7 {c94St.

V(k:al <;uamdf.r sjusic

99 . 3 Sonneu by Eliubeth Borreti Brotming. for

c . .* *!«• 4 *«‘ < •99>l .

” iM4t> Egbo • {Cerord

ManVv Hopkiro). for jopraao. vn.. tit., teMo 4

^ ONK IN>1 RI MI:NT w ith mNOlCIKlI'.

. i rierei foe <l*e, 4 t>f. (ipaa).

. Suite fee «>«, 4 pf, '19371.


31. SM414 for cello 1 19(1 j.

36. Aonou ft m. 0924).

97. * lattk Suite ’ fur Hole (1937).

riANOFOKTr. set su:

4, * IVr Abeitd * {I909>io).

9 . * Orei KC«v*re*W(ke* (igig).

• t. * HlBg t n * (( 9 l 3 >.

4a. * 9 TauaitiKte 'i9>7],


t Wie eu) Bdd tlViee Altenberg) (1909).

Kmchblulenireder ilCetn Bethve) (ion7}.

*2. 9 Ci«er«diedee •SteCafi Cimrie) (ipi?).

43. 3 Soitc* luf baeitorte ( 194C 46)

t. Ah. fodieg ioT (ilrvtlen).

9. On Time Xilion (iCilion),

3- W'hv weep ILiKobeth Macken<ie].


hoven*. Set Hattlb SyMAttoNV.

Welle. EL C. (Herbert Goor«*). Crr Blits r Tilings

lo<.ome . Iiimt. Knerhhn 'ded. oTsymnli. i>oem).

WELSH HARP. $cc Harp.

WELSH MUSIC. iSrcFoi.K Music : Wp.lsii.

Wales, Musical. History or.

WELSH, Tbomat (ft. WvlU. e. 17B0; r/.

Bnghlon, 31 Jan. 1848).

Engliih ba*s singer an<I rompwr. At iht*

pfc oT sex he became a chorister in \\Vll8

Cathedral. He made such rapid progress ihai

in the course of a fov >‘car* \N'clls U camc ihc

resort of lovers of music attracted Ijy chc

kvauty of hU voice and excellence of his

singing. His fame drew the alien tion of

Sheridan and Unicy, and lie appeared in

* 79 * ** *he Bath concerts, tn thr concerts

gi%'m in London at the King's Theatre during



die rebuilding of Drury Lane, and abo on the

stage in Atrwood's ' Prisoner \ He subse<

quently performed at Drury Lane Theatre in

Att wood’s ‘ Adopted Child Slorace’s ‘ Lo*

doUka ’ and other pieces. John Kemble

thought highly of bis abiUdes as an actor and

taught him to perform the part of Prince

Arthur in Shakespeare’s * King John

After the breaking of his boyish vmce Welsh

pursued his studies under C. F. Horn, jedin

Cramer and Baumgarten. In 1802, his voice

having become a deep and powerful bass, he

was admitted a Gentleman of the Chapel

Royal. A few years later he essayed dramatic

composition and produced ' Twenty Years

Ago a melodramatic entertainment {1810),

' 'Fhc Green* Eyed Monster, or How to

Get your Money ’, musical farce, and * Kam*

tehatka, or ’I’he Slave’s Tribute musical

drama, after Kotaebue (both i 8 ji); 'For

England, ho* (with Bishop, 181$). But his

greatest reputation was gained as a singing*

master and instructor of pupils for the stage.

Foremost among those whom he taught were

John Sinclair, C. E. Horn. Catherine Stephens

and Mary Ann Wilson. He joined Hawes in

carrying on the Royal Harmonic Institution.’

He published some glees and pianoforte

pieces and a * Vocal Instructor On 9 June

1827 he married Mary Ann Wilson ai^ had

issue an only child, who became the wife of

Alfredo Pialti, the eminent eelhst.

w H. H.


WELTER, PkUIppe van. Sn WiLDsa.

WENDLING. German family of musicians.

(1) Johaaa BaptUi Weadllag (^. Alsace,

c, 1720; d. Munich, 27 Nov. 1797), flautist

and composer. He was first In the court

chapel at Zweibruekcn and from 1754 in that

of Mannheim, where in 1777 he met the

youthful Mosari, who during his visit scored

one of Wend ling’s flute concertos. He and the

oboist Ramm accompanied Mozart and his

mother to Paris the following year, when the

Mannheim court removed to Munich, where

Wrndling spent the rest of his life. He had

loured western Europe and visited London in

1771, and appeared in Paris at the Concert

Spiritucl in 1731*52, 1776 and t78o. He

composed concertos and other music for his


(a) Dorothea WendUng (bom Spoorni)

(y Stuttgart, t737 ; d. Munich, 20 Aug. i8t i),

soprano singer and teacher, wife of the preced-

ing. She had a great reputation as an operatic


SWa/st Bull tj. C., $21. aioiatt (ceocrrl araswnuen


(9) AuguaCn Eliaabeih Waodling (born

SaraeUi) (^. ?, 174C: d. Munich, 1794),

soprano singer, sister*in4aw of (i) and (9) and

* Srr Argyll Koom&.

wife of the violimst Karl Wendling. She was

abo an excellent singer and appeared at the

Mannheim court opera, later at that of


A daughter of ()} and (2), Auguste, became

one of the elector's numerous mistresses and

died early of consumption. She has sometimes

been c onfus e d with her aunt.

Karl remained at Mannheim when the

electoral chapel was transferred to Munich in

1778, but Johann Franz, another brother of

(1), vioUniii in the chapel since 1747, went

with it on its removal. o., rev.

Sff aft* Mei«ri (? conecri «rit wriuen for).

WENDT. Sn Hflubuckt.

ClMseiaa G*eiJi*b. Sff T«leeuinB (G. P.,

* PlA^iut jifttaridut *. lib,).

Ad*U. Sr/ Drvil And Kste (!>vorik).

l>v«rsk CDcvJ and Kjte', lib.), VomkCki (*V«dnlkS


WENNERBERG, Ciusaar (i. Linkoping,

2 Oct. 1817; d. Leckd, 29 Aug. i90i)<

Swedish poet and composer. He was edu-

cated at Uppsala University. For many yean

he was a member of the Swedish legislature.

As a musician he was entirely seir*iaughl, and

he published his fint composition, ' Prihets*

singer ' (' Songs of Freedom in 1847. This

was followed by several worlu, of which the

besi'known is ' Gluntarne ' (ducts for male

voices descriptive of the student life of Upp*

sail). He subsequently wrote an oratorio

entitled ' The Birth of (Christ * and a * Stabat

Mater and aet the Psalms of David In a

simple and melodious form for solo voices and

ciwui with accompaniment. These are uni*

vmally popular in Sweden, and they are sung

both in northern Germany and in Scotland.

In 1867 he became a member of the Swedi^

Academy. His collected writings appeared in

4 volumes in 1881-83. manuscnpis <if

many of hU compositions are preserved m a

separate room in the Museum of Musical

History, Stockholm. a. h, w., adds.


AbMOenr, S.. ‘ On CuAftAt Wmnerberc : haru ud eeb

hjiw ’ (SierUMlm, 1917). . _

Hamkfuko. C. F., * F»r(eekAin| C W«ao<rb*r9

Mnv««k * (glMkhelm. ipid). . ,

JiAmoK. GvKNAH. * G. 1V«aD«tbertt oraMrisaa v«r«

‘ C. W^nneiVrff m«i mitflber' {aieckhnls). i 229 )>

KAtLs>eKii.x G., * £n Akiod mAiuirio av G. IVeoevr*

bert MS.T.M., 1931).

Tai.'m, SicHr, 'C. tv’cnnrrbere : beef oeh nunnfn ,

S (SMckbnkn,

S/f Sibriius (« »rds for a ton gt for blar).


garott Engenin Eofroayne) (f. Oncrsicd.

Skarabevgs Un, 11 Feb. 1875)

Swedish organist and composer. She was

the daughter of Cunnar Wennerberg’s brother,

Brynolf. She studied organ and harmony

with Elfrida AndrCe. and at the Stockholm

Conservatory in 1893-95, and after quaWymg

as organist and choir-trainer she studied at

Leipzig Conservatory in 1896-98 as a pupd «




Rt^ecke, Jadassohn and Ewald. In 1901^

she sludled with Max Bruch at (he Berlin

Hochschule. She married Hugo Reuter in

1 907 and was organist of St. Sophia’s Church,

Stockholm, from igi6 to 1945. Her compost*

tions include :

* Skoe(rS«i * ( 0 . Wriio«{b«rc? lor *olo «ok«, clMns Si

orch. (1915J.

*Nackea* (U. W«Mwrb«(a^ ^ «otm, choriu k


CmUua and met«u.

SoAou Tor vn. k pf. (19011,

l>*o* for vn. & |H. oikI «r 1 lo 4 pf.

yf. pierei, loiiai, nuk'^oHC 4 ieu, ftc.

X. D,

Biai — Sri’Aar. ?. M., * Erv kvino* i Fru Mu«h««

ijAiist ' rhori bK>KrAph>j t’MutiberM*. 1917,

N«. 9}.

WoaoJor, Sbop«ot(. Sf 4 l 4 <Ar t'&imwt of S«.

OrwiK' clioru\ \ O'ch. ; .

WOMjf, joooah. .S-t BtjhllO 41 pWU(M<. S •oofi,

1 .Sfiieuiij j iibi i.

WENZIKGER, Auguai > 4 . Bas« |, 14 Xos ,

• yoji.

Swiss v'iolonceUiit and viola dis garnba

player. Hr studied at Bawl, where he lo<>k

the teacher’s an<l sriloist’s shpintnas. and at

Cologne unds'r Orumnur. In 10^*34 he

was leading celhsi in the Municipal Orchestra

of Bremen, (n 193H he Ireeame solo cellist

to the .MIgetneine MutikigeseUichafi of Basel,

where he ii also o memUr of the Basi>l String

Quartet. Hr is, howesrr, most fasourably

known us a sfiecialist on the viola da gamba,

on which he is highly a«omplishe<l both

Stylistically and technically. He is a icacher

at the Sehola Cantoruni Basiliensis, where he

is in charge of a viola da gamba quartet.

Apart from varinus rviay^ on his insi rumen 1

and on the praetke of the performance of

old music he published a * Oaml>enul>ung ’

(Casscl, 1933 & I93<)>. He was alto eittrustr<l

with new editions of Bach’s solo Suites fi>r

cello and of Haydn's I) major cello Cksneerio,

|r y p

S*o 4 «r. Sit K««lilv <» eboctMs],

WERCKMEISTER, Aadreaa 4 . Ben.

cckensiein, 30 Nor. 1645; / HalUmadt,

■id Oct. 1706).

German organist, eomposer. acoustician

and wrinr, lie was the son of Joachim

\N<'rtkincister, In 1638 be went to school at

Bcnningrn, his uncle Cliristian, the organist

there, teaching him music. On 15 Aug, 16S0

hr joined the school at \i>fd hausen under the

rector. HilHehrand, and at the end of two

years entered the ” Gymnasium ” at Quodlin-

burg, where another ursele, Victor Werck-

inriiter, oceupird ihr jsost of ranlor. On 94

Jec, i«4 he became organist at Hassellelde,

Bruruwick, where he remained for ten years

He refused posts oHcred to him at Ellrieh in

1 670 and at EUungerode in 1674, but accepted

one as court organist at Quedlinburg in 1675

He was twice married, first on tG July tCG?

to a Wife who died in c68o. and again on 14


Feb. 1609; he had a family of two sons and

four daughters. It was not until 169G iliat hi;

rcceivcxi hU most important appointment, as

organist at $t. Martin’s Church at HallxT*

stadtand as inspector of all organs construe led

in the principality of Halliersiodt.

A detailed account of his life is to be found

in the funeral oraoon given by Joliann

Melchior Goctacn, published in <707 under the

title * Der westberuhmte Mu»icus und Orga*

nista *.

H aw ki ns sa)'s of Were k mei ster in h is ’ K i « 1 ory

oTMiisk '!

)klr. MaihIH. who weD acAiiAiAlrtl tuih him,

«wd io sptjk of him in irrmt of erc.i( and

he MAt JoubilrM a ks7it<«l siiJ ibilfiil muiuian.

And Buxiehude, a frienil of his, greatly

esteemed his ’ Harmonoltigia mtisicaV* His

'Muskac mathrmaiicae Hodrgus ( uriusus ' in

iGGC deals tnatUemailcally with every thing

Used in I hr construct ion of imisic, with intervals

beats and t<’inprramrni. This was followed

by another mathematical work, ' Muvikalisrlir

Tem]ieratur *, in 1G91. The coiiiprelu luive

survey of \N'erektnrjsier’# ih<‘<>iies given in

Ma It heson 'i ‘ Das forschende Orthesir e ’(17/11

shows the iisfluetsee tlwy exert ised on Ids eon*


M a composer XN’erekmeistvr is (sraeticaliy

unkmnvA. for although in the ealalogues

of new boolts published at Lcip/ig b) Gross

and at Frankfurt o M. by l.aiumi in ibBG,

a volume of his compositions is announced :

* .Andrea Werckmeuirr’s musikalischc I'rivat.

kunu, besteheisd in Sonaiinen, Alirmanden,

Cour, . . , Qucdlinlsurg, Th. Fh. Galvisius’,

no copy of it seems to be now- in existence.

Wvrekmeister published In 1699-1700, at

Quedlinburg, a German translation of Ago*

Mino StefTani’s ' Quanta ccriraza hnbbiii da

suvs prineipii la musiea, cl m quat pregio

finsc percl6 press© gli amitlii ’ (.Amsterdam,

1695). Under the title of ’ I). A. Sielfani . . ,

Scndfcchreiben ’ it was reissued vsith additions

byj. L. Allsrecht at Muhihausen in 17G0.

ITk list of Werckmeistcr's published works

opens with the wclhknown ' Orgelprobe on

the coostruclioo, testing and tuning of organs,

which there were several editions.

\ ^

tjwuJi man Uie Or«el-VV>rik« von Ovn

ViriMlmMmm afwhfnrn. p«nLir«n, uni^nuchrn.

»n 4 dcr Kwrlmi (.efem hoone umj mIIc. Wf^Urmi

♦inem kunim )rdoch arrundlKh^n b'nwiricia wif

^reh An«Wf« und J(ul(f« dn MuAochmdi. rni

*'* •emtwrjrm uml tv stimin«n k. . .

cFtMkIon ft UiwiK. iM«. umo.)

'Andreae Wtrtkmrhtfn Crmc,

^^1. p.i, Miaivi und Of^an. «u S. M-rUni m

^l^madi. rnvnlm* uimI srth«««n« OiwJ.

Frob*. «de«: EicniilKhe BMchr«ibun« . .

In V*rt«ruft* TS. 11 .,

{410, j» tKapsrn. M. fta.)

?****“" • ~ <^Uiniaig und Awl.f^Jelwr.,

m V«rt«twnr. C- b. SirunU. »7:6. 440, O^rucbi

‘ V.M.W,, V. J 75 .




bey J. Th. Heinslo. Ka]d*«)btirf.’ (m cJiapten,

PP «).

Founh edition; Leipei^. J. M. Teubocr. I 7 M*

|BV9. a chapten, pp. 1 to.)

Another odition: Au|sbur0. J. J. Lc«t<r. 170 $. (j*

cliapiee*. pp. tta.)

A DuicK tramUiion uas alto publi«lw 4 ; 'OiRd*

Proei* of naauwkeueifM b««d>rtjvinf . . . . uit

Hoo^uiuche veciaald door Jnco^ WiIfKlm

Lusiir. T’AmfieMarn. a. ^o 6 rn. 17$$.’

pp. <$i ; anoth«rcii. 177$.}

(t) * Mwsicac nuth«feiaiiea« Hodeiius cueicoui. oder

riciiiipor muukalixher We«<W«i*e«. d«« ix, w-w

man niehi alleine Ji« natutikhen CafmckaffieA

<ier musibalixhen Propori*oe»en. dvrch das

Stonoclkordwm, uimI Au«re«hnwB( erianrm. «on>

(lem auch vermiiiel* <lerwlben. rvaiurltcko und

richiiire Kaiionn ubcr «ine mu«kalHeh« CompoM

(ion vatbrinpen hoone. . , . Von A. W. tuiacr

Zrii HofT-OrfanikKn «u Quodlinburp. Franc k^rt

und I.eip<i(. In Veric«unc Th. Ph, Calvnit.

Meraobun. pedruckc bey Ch/iMian Oecuclueken,

| 60 C.* (eta. pp. (do; another ed. I 0 p 0 .)

(9) * Dcr edien h 1 ujje>Kumi Wurdr, Gebeaueh uod

hliwbraueh. to wehk mus der Kohcen S<hr»fli. ah

a%><h aus eil«hen alien und neubewabrien cemen

Kirrhen>Lelir«r 9 t. und dann aut den Musk*

(irunden selUt erafTnei und veetetiellei von A. W,

.SiifTtS'Hof-OrKanitten in Que^mbvrt. Franck*

furl urtd l.eipii(. Th. Fh, Calvniua rdpi,* { 4 «o,

la ehapien, pp. 41.)

‘ Mutikalixhe Temperiiur. oder deudkher und

warar maihrmatiKher Unteeekhi. wic iMitdueeh

Anweitunr dei Monochonli ein CXtvter, aanderlich

die OrteUWereke, Paaitive. Rerale. ^neiien.

und dertkichen vr»l tempenrc ximmen konne, . . .

frarvckfuri urtd Leiptic. Th. Ph. CaKitii. idpr.*

(410. $4 chapten. pp. pt.)

(4I * H^pomnernaia mudea Oder mvtikalmhea Mem^

rial, weirhn beiteltei in kuriaee Rrmneeunf deuen,

M bithero untce futen Frewnden diwurvwene,

inianderheit von der Campaciiton Temperaiur

mwchie vorranien teyn, , , . Vert A. W. Beni*

cotieiiiemi Cheruae, ; Jecnper Zeii bey der Kaupc*

Pfarr Kirehe St. Manim in Halbeniat, beMallten

Mutire. unti Orpanitien, Quedlink^rf. Th. Ph.

Calvitiut. i 6 p 7 >' < 4 ( 0 . 19 chapcen. pp. 44,]

* Die nuiliHrn«li(iien Anmerekunpen. und Re«eln

uie der Ruuut cenimuvt. oiSee General*B«a wid

konne iraciirei nerden, und ein kdee. to nue em

tvenii SVisAcrtKhah von der hfutic und Clavier hat.

deiiselbeii vnn tieh lelbti erkmen konne. . .

( Atthertkhen. i6f0. 410.)

Anadier e<li(ion: * AKhenWben. C. F. 5 irwi(a,

Duchliandkr. Waldenbun dewektc Job.

Heinuu*. I 7 l»’ (pp. 7 J). , The 'Calalont umvee*

raliv*, publithra at Leiptif. i 7 i 4 *i V <all» ikn the

lecortd edition.

An undatrd etliiion : ‘ anieteo meecblich vermeh/et

...dureh Andrea* Werckmentero, hl.u.O.t,

S.hl i.H. Atehcrrkben, Verlecu C. E. Sieuntt.*

{$} * A. \V, Berue. Chennci. p.t. Mutki und Ortan.

ru S. Mariini m Halbenudt CIrtbrvni rmukuen

mke muiikaliteha* Steb, darinnen eitufe hUopel

eine* halb peleheten Componitten vorRotellet. ui^

d.it Bute von deni Guien pkkhsacn auteeMehei

und abte*ondeft u-orden, . . . Durch Johann

GettrR Carl, bcstalten Stadt'Mutkuni in naJbee-

ttadi. Quedlinburp und Leipaip. Th. ni.

(Talvitiu*. t 700 . Jena, redruckl bey Pau] Utfirb^.'

teto. )6 chaplen, pp. ed.)

’ Hartnonolofia mutiet odec kuilaa Asikiiunc tw

muttkiliKhen Compeeitian. wic man vertMiieh

der Regain urd Anmceekungeo bay den Cenerol*

Bau einen CorUrapuneium cicnplieeen mil aonidar*

baheeen Vonhe>l dueeb drey Satte Oder Ciifle

componiren. und eaiempore ipielen. wit

man eincn gcdoppelien Conirapunki ut^ man*

eberley Canoeie* oder Puga* (jgalaa, durrli

tonderbaitre Crifle und Vorthede saiaten und

einekhien md^. au* denen cnathe«naik^»en uod

mutikalnehcn Ceunden aufieeMtaat. . . . Dureb

A. W. Benicosieinemem Chenneunt. p.u Orga-

nitten in der Kaupi^rtarr Kiechc m S. Manmi in

Halbeniadi. Francklunh und Leipeig. lli, Ph.

CalviaJua, 170a. Jena, gedrucki bey Paul Ebxkheo.'

3 (0. pp. t 4 ».‘

tganum Oruningente rednivum. odee kurtu

Beaehreibung dei in dee OruAin^acheo Scbloa**

Kirchea beruhmicA OrgeUWercu, wi« daxclbe

an^utg* erbauei und b^haffea geweeen: und

wie ei aniizo at^ allerfnadigiien Be&hl Sr. Kdn.

Peeusaii. Mttfitut, is( rcnoviri und mercklich

ve ib q ie rt wordeo . . . \‘on A. W. Quedlinburg

urtd Aachertkben. G. E. Siruniz.’ {4(0.) The

dcdkaiion k dated; ** Halbenradw den iS.

Auguwi. 1703”.

(7) * Muiikajiiche Paradoaal-DiKource. oder ungemeiae

Vometlungen. wie die Muaka einea hohen und

Milkben Ghreprung hate, und wie hisgegeo

OMaelbe $0 tehr gemkibraucht wird. . . .: von. A

W. muuco und organ, au S. Martini io Halben

sud(, Quedlinburg. Th. Ph. Calvitiui, 1 707.*

(410, pp. lao.) Publiibed aRer U'erekmeiMer*!


G. S.

Biot.. — SiOAVKV. WALten, * A. Werekmeiner alt

Muukcheoreiiker * (*Fe»iKhnfk Maa Schneider’.

Halle. ig$s).

Werfcl, Fmaa. Sft Bowie* (’Jacebowiky and the

Coloael ’• incid. m.). Crori (* SpiegelmcaKh do.).

Heoic (* VorwMrf aria). Klenek {* Zwingburv lib.;

loeeci). Maumilkn (hLlhaud, opera). Kocca Monte

IvAoe '• opera). Weill (* Eternal Road inetd. m.).

WERNER, Erie (i. Vienna, t Aug. 1901).

American muiicologisi and compoier of

Ausirian birth. He war educated at the

Gymnasium ’* in Vienna and at the Cen-

servatetriea of Vienna, Graz and Berlin, from

the last of which he graduated in 1974. He

also studied at Vienna University and at

the Universities of Grax, Prague, ^rlin and

Strasbourg, and he took the Ph.O. in 192^.

Prom 191$ to 1999 he was a St 4 i^ifn-An<Mr

at Saarbrucken and in 1994-36 he acted as

^radiorarat at Breslau, at the same time teach*

ing in the theological seminary there. In

1938 he emigrated to the U.S.A. and was

appointed Pr^essor of Liturgical Music at the

Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati. Since

1936 he has been executive chairman of the

Hebrew Union School of Sacred Music, New

York, and he is a member of the Council of

the American Muslc^ogical Society and the

American Academy of Jewish Research. He

has written articles and reviews for a number

of journals, such as ‘The Musical Quarterly ,

‘ .Votes ’ and the ‘Journal of Biblical Litera-

ture’. His coreposicioni include, among

other works, a * Symphony-Requiem which

was performed by Goossens and Mitropoulos*

a string Quartet and an orchestral arrange-

ment of one of Mozart’s ‘Fantasies’ for a

mechanical organ in F minor. He also con-

tributed to • The Sacred Bridge’, studies on

the liturgical and musical interdependence of

the Church and Synagogue during the hr?i

millennium. H, K* w.

WERNER, Gregor Joseph (L ?, ib95i

/- Eisenstadi, 3 Mar. 1766 ').

Austrian or German conductor and com-

poser. He was Haydo’s immediate pre-

decessor as to Prince Esierh 4 ay>

his appointment at Eixnsudi dating from

to May 1728. In 1761 Haydn became vice

but Werner retained his place

> A( (be age eeceiding » i©e»b»iooe,

bui totaty-onc aecording (o (be paeuh r«$>«trr.

WERNER (J- 0 .)



(o tht time of his death. He was a prr 4 ihc

and taJenied composer, who wrote 1 6 oratorios,

over 40 masses, 9 Requiems and a large

quantity of other church music, symphonies

and sonatas for 2 sHoUns and bass, a string

Quartet, s * Pastorelle * for a harpsi*

chord and o^an, etc. Haydn arranged

of his fugues for string quartet, adding an

introduction to each, and published them

through Arlaria of Vienna.

I V, d. 8., rev.

WERNER, Johaoa Gottlob (i. Ha)n nr.

Leipzig, 1777: d. Chemnitz, 19. July ifiazi.

(German organist and composer. He was

organist at Erohburg near Iz’iprig in 1798,

deputy to Cantor 'I'ag at Hotienstrin m’ar

Chemnitz in 1G04 and from alioul 1819

cathedral organist and musiral director at

Merst hurg. On account of the g«>ut he rt*iife<l

with a pension and liicd the la>( ^Tars ufhis

life with a married daughter at (^emnitr.

He wrote a number of successful tutors (at

the organ an<l the pianoforte, harmony anti aC'

companimt nt. and comjioscd several boohs of

urg^n fiicfe'. » d s

WERNER, Theodor WUbcIm ». Hano-

ver. 8 June 1874).

German singer, comp<»ser aitd musMologist.

He sludietl at the Universities of Heidelberg,

Hcrlin and Munich, and took the rit.D.

degree at the last in 1917. In 1919 he returned

to Hanover as critic to the ' Hannoversc he

Kurier * and in J 93 7 was appointed professor

at the University. In 1943 he lost hU valuable

library in an air*raid and removed to Salzburg

as teacher at the Mozarteum. His literary

works include :

* ,^|luik in ('VankrcKh * (htrslsu, 1997).

’ Klplihir.r ScImM uihl •eM»r ;A.MXV,, It, A

’ Krn>fr VnlKhrin

* Mrkhi«v Vhibk TnUment ' 'A..M.F., II, 1997).

' AnHreu (k«prMw« * lA.VI.NS'., \ '.

hill DONS

(i. DtiKla, * IVr J.ihrin.trkl ’ <l>,l>. r , I.XIV, inv»).

A. tv Mbs rUn^hsltMirabtelc

*«(hMn ', II. I'Ms).

P. ti. IVt«fntnn, * ?in>pinon«’ C Rrklwknbnuk *, V|,

Sm DniMckcs ?F.** 5 ..

Waiiil* , ifKid. fr>.). ^rhwberl tj senffU.

^RNIK, Kaa 4 ml«r« ( 4 . Wareaw, 1836;

d. .St. f'etershurg, 1639).

I*olish pianist and composer. He was a pupil

of Nowakowsiti in Warsaw and went to Paris

in 1A43 and l>egan his studies in harmony

under N. H. Keber, He then became a pu(nl

of Chopin (1846-48).' After an extended

lour in France, Spain, Germany, Italy and

Austria he rciumed to Warsaw in 1848. The

next year he moved to St, Petersburg, where

he remained until his premature death,

J.",!*,**"'* '* •*'* wtitm h«n Pam fii Fek.

.. ep*" m«n«MHn \VV»nik •« ihc -OfO» :

W«fnik work, Mtr well; pkm t«U Omi to hi*

teaching the pianoforte and <'<»mposlng music.

He wrote many miniature pieces for that

instrument, including w'altrcs, polonaises and

marurkas. o. ft. 11.

WERT (Vnert), GUehea (Jaebei) de {i>.

\N*<rrt, between 6 May and 18 Aug- tjs^; rf.

Mantua, 6 May 1596).

Netherlands composer. H<’ was sent to

Italy at a very early age as a chc»riNier In the

household of Maria di Cardona, Marehe«a

della i'adulla. Later he went to I lie court of

the junior county of the Duchy of Mantua at

Noveiiara, where he served successively the

C<>uftls Francesco (ll'i, Camillo ( 1 ^ and

Alfonso <if <*onraga. He married there*, and

his wife owned a property at whuh she appears

t<» ha\e remaim'd, at any rate int<*rmiitenily,

even after l>e had been ap|>oiiue(l to ih<* court

of Mantua iiw*ir. He composed tmisir for a

cliursh feuiv^l there in <>(t i,'’,f>4 .ind under

fiugiielmo (jonraga became tnatiitn di fopitflfa

of the chapel of Santa R-rhara in liOj.

Canal ‘ throws a good deal of light on the

details of Wert's life at Mantua and on the

various tm.vll iourm*)* he in.ido. He obi.vitied

leave of alisrmr (rotn 3 July to 19 Sept,

if> visit " la rasa su a " m .Novel Ian.' In the

spring <if tjGG he acsoinpanied the duke to

.Nugsburg, where the Italian and (ierinan

priricrt had lieen conv'okml by the Lmperor

Maximilian 11 to deeide on defensive measures

ag.nnst Ssdiman and the I'urks. Wert's

lnusi< al gifts received general recognition, and

the emprrsfr wished him to remain in his

Kfsice. hut Wert derlinetl the oiler and

returned to Mantua In the autumn.*

That same year NVert i«>ok pan in the cere*

monies of the marriage of Count .Mfonso at

Noveiiara. Cn 3 Krb, t^Gy another journey

was undertaken m the duke's company and

that of other pervuiagcs, to Venice. letter

of hb, written from Novrilara on 37 Aug. of

that year, conuitu bitter complaints of the

intrigues and annoyanec t<> which he was

subjected by Italian musicians owing to his

being a f<>reignort bur not all were of that

mind, fur Falcsirina, writing to the dukv in

Feb. 1368, referred to >\'cti as un virtuoso

veramentc raru”. (It is possible that Wert

may have come Into personal touch with

Palestrina when the duke met that master in

Rome four yeara later.) A letter written by

Alfonao of Noveiiara on 3 Jan. 1566 asked for

the loan of Wert for a few day's to prepare

singers and players for the peribrniance of the

inkrmtdx in a comedy he had just written.

In another letter of complaint to the duke,

* ScTUhi.

* The MfTiion ih«t h« tw<«S a viak lo liu rutivr

swanlty a«rinc thai >rar treim lornl dn a 11111(14111; of

(hcaceouni •rkHateene* ai Sov« 1 Ura <Vannn&

[>icu«MMire An mwaktens ').

* VaifKt A Souris, tp. ru.. mv it was from the

NethTfliais ihai hr returaeO m ihe autumn of 15M.



dated 27 Mar. (570, Wert accuMS his wife of

adultery with a member of the ducal chapel,

one Agostino Bonvicino, who was eventually

dismissed from his post. Moreover, it is said

that, then or later, Wen's wife had been guilty

of some conspiracy against the duke ; that her

property was confiscated and that she was

thrown into prison, where she was held until

her death in r5do. It seems more probable

that she was kept under some kind restraint

which did not mean actual imprisonment.

In 1574 Wert was busy o^anising the

musical celebrations for the reception of Henri

III of France on his nsit to Mantua.

On t July [580 Wen's long and faithful

services were recognized by the presentation

of the freedom of the city of Mantua 10 him

and his heirs for es'er, and by the gift of a large

sum of money. If he still had envious rivals at

that lime, their objections to him as a foreigner

must have been silenced by his becoming a

citizen of Mantua. About 1581 he resigned

his post at the chapel to Gastoldi. He was

given a handsome pension, with lodgings, food

and medicine as gratuities, and in 1584 the

duke olTered him hU wife’s former property

at Novellara, which had remained under

sequestration after her death.

He passed some time at the court of Ferrara,

as is shown by a reference in the dedication of

the eighth volume of hU madrigals (1586) to

Alfonso (II), Duke of Ferrara. VN’hile there

he wished to marry as his second wife the

portess and musician Tarquinla Molza, but

her family refused point*blank to countenance

such a union, and his presumption earned Kim

a severe reprimand from the Duke of Mantua.

As a composer Wert was very prolifie and

greatly honoured in his own time by all who

were not biased by personal rivalries. Apart

from l*alestrina's praise of him, already

referred to, he was commended by such men as

Vincenzo Galilei, Monteverdi and Artus*.

Theoretical writers contemporary with him,

and those writing early In the following cen*

tury, find nothing but praise for his musician'

ship and especially for his skill in counterpoint.

Under the name ofjacques de Vert he appears

in Thomas Morlcy’s ' Plaine aetd Eask Intro*

duction ’ (1597) among the "Practitioners,

the moste parte of whose works we have

diligently perused, for finding the true use of

the Moi^s ". Ariusi mentions Wert in his

treatise ' Dclle imperfettioni della modema

musiea ’ {1600, p. 42) ; and Zacconi (* Prat'

tica dl musica ' (ifiaa, p. tgo]) writes:

to ho cofnOKiulo ^uatro ntuski hnfolArB^i n«

eoDifapunil, CosUAza Ports. J*«ho« Vuen. , , .

Jorhos Vuort vrnn« «neh’ o^i in dciu proTaMone

ftitro tonto singolarr ; perehe osendo eeli otoairt di

cappclla di Guelielmo. s«r»niisiBM dues di Mooiova,

fa<«ndo detio dues pcftfipwfoo di mustoo. e eoo).

ponendo molte cose. lo Ceiwa sueyfUaio u. o«Oe com

d« ludeiii eeniraiMinli. ch« be«c spftto come dire U

prevorhio li fseea ludar il fronie. . . .

^ain C. B. Doni (‘ Annotaziom ’ [1640, p.

141 J) refen to Wert’s madrigal for three voices,

‘ Qjsal dair usato ’, " il quale i mirabilmenie

soave Another interesting reference to

Wert b to be found in the preface to the fine

volume of sacred music by Francisco Sale, of

which a copy b in the B.M., the ‘Tomus I.

Mbsanim solenniorum ’, pubibhed by Adam

Bei^ at Munich in 1589. Hie passage b as


Aut aliQuo HitcrvoUo, ad guinum pou, vel oitiore

v«l d«aisMor«, qia in re doeikuntuffl iwsu* aeUle

mustcum D. Jocobum Wcrihivm. ficiram. uuumque

•iiMlsri hbuil, qiii jona otim in coenuiis AuruMinii,

cocom dm hJoximiliaai Caesvo, «i ahorum principum

mwicu. CMin »wfnm« omnium •dmirationc artu

«P*cim«n ex tomport d«du.

Nearly every collection of either sacred or

secular music from 1364 up to the middle of

the 17th century contaired compositions by

^Vert. Although the earliest known edition of

Wert's madrigals for four voices, of which

there is a copy In the Munich Library, is dated

1561, one of the most popular madrigals in it

had already been included in the ‘Secondo

librodelle museaquaitro voei* (Rome, 1558),

‘Chi lalira’.* In the same way, although

Wert did not publish his first book of motets

for five voices till 1566, the ' Motet la de

Cipriani de Rweei aliorum auctorum quatuor

vocibus ' (Venice, t^6g} contained ' Diligiie

justiciam ' by Jaches de Vuerth. The line

moteu ‘ Egressus Jesus ' for seven voices, and

* Transeunte Domino ' for fi^e voices, were

published in Joannellus's * Novi thesauri

muski ’ (1568): these have been reprinted

by Commer (' O^leciio operum mus.', Vols.

II and IV), but with the composer's name

given as jaehes Vaet. In Stafford Smith's

' Musica amiqut' ( 1 , 9a) will be found 'Virgo

Maria hodie’, acor^ from Wert's first book of

motets for six v^ces (1581), and in S. W.

Dehn’s ' Sammiung alterer Musik ’ (fasC' vi,

i8g6), the six'pari motet ' Qulescat vox tua a

ploraiu '. c. s., rev.

gAVTien.Reoxp.a, A. M.. J«equ« W^rl'

(Rev, Be)f«4e MuikoI.. IV, 49.70). , . ,

Bo«ArRr. iReNt, Ariick \tt * VkvnKh jaerboek

<1949 40 . ,

Caval. r.. * klwk* in Manlov« * {Venira.

Eixtrtm. Alrmo. ’The lulUn Madricar (PnnMion

4 Oafoed. 194O) pauu*.


155!. II pHmo libro d« madrirali a tiMMt

\Wiia.S<9(i9. Oed«eaiedi9Alfon»Cofl8»«a*

Oihrr edUKMtf were pubJkart by Oaedano a»

Ventec in ts64. 1971 aod 15^3. . ..

1961, 11 peime libeo ^ madrifali a

dk3»de Weri, Venaiia. Seo.j*.^

M (h« Marrhew di H««ara. 0»her edni^*

were pgWalMd by Cardano m 1999. iSM.

1941. II ‘^«So 1^* de madriyali a

VeMba. S<o<u>. Dedicawd » 0«a''®

• JUfMblblwd hr W. Barrlav Squjre ai

eantoeKUe * <i»49)-

WERT: Work*



Farnoc, Dsk« di c Puceo*^ Re*

ivued bv Gvd«i>e in 1464. is)i» 1S7S And

iMd. S<«ct« tbe pwbl^fctd boUt 4K« amd ihe

fini boeb «itb dw uOr <d* M«dr««li M

wi 1361.

• 563. SI i«r?o libr«. PuUdked bv Card»o,*»d •••«>

•A lS 7 tU(d 1593. ThededKalion

F«fn&Ada di Cordon a, Uuo d* 'Simi,

** liavenddtfki V. E. de^nau del tA^veno di MU

cappellj e del di mo <rrau> ", rte.

1 367. II Quarie bbre. Cardano^ ukI m tjM ijd).

l>edka<e'J w CufItcliM C«ofti«ga, Ouca di


i) 7 >. II quutio libto dc madrijrali a cioqwe. tei ei telie

«eci. Oardano. omI w ijdo. licdirated 10

(he " acadetnki di Ve<o«u <lei(i

Kilhamiotiui , , . pce<«(»ki el astnlu della

Miiutea *'.

1577. U wto libeo. S<uf(o, and in «',bt and 139^.

DedKdied M the “Prineipc di 3 lanio«a et

MwiderralA. mv> M(notc ",

II teCdino libio. Oardano. DeiiMaml lo

Ma'ihefiu Famne Oon/aiia. Pr^ipeM di

Maniova, w.ih the date *' Ih Ntanio^a >1 ib

10 di AiMile, isti, Guthev V'wert."

ijSd, L* u(u\o hbfo. Gardam*, aixl in 1396. Yk«

dedicaiion lu ihe l>oca di ^enMa vtatrv that

many ef these madri^aK Here t<Nn^*^d al

lerrarai and menuonj ** le»u aMri etcelknti

A riMUKi ft <ai<Corii <he tofo nriU mj nuinenn

skiMfTia e perCeitMima <a|<^la’‘ and the

rare qitahia deHa ire nnUbttiine ifinvfiiil ifr>r

della sereoiM SiKAwra DMheMa d» rerrafa'’.

i^lb. II nniM libro. Cfa^ann, Oedx mH M N'lmefua

(vorwdKai r>oca lU MaMOka c Monfevrala.

I 3 VI< II ilerinio hbm. (•aedano. JTedHJied l)«mva

Inei d* Antoiti (larretia, Marcheu d» CraM.

dated fr<jtn Venne. lo .V|>«. 1391. a*C<^

l<»asliei V*u«ei

• v; 7 > V Mnilr(«nw^ lihnx <iardarM. and in idoo Tk*

dediraiKMi to IraAte^o Cjatuaga. Peinriftc d»

Maikiov.t, ha* die paaMte refermti

to Wert '1 a«e: “Vestkio |«t« tanto «hr om

ii|>eri d» poter coMaeraee a mo lemiio quafcke

nutno U>eeo anthe ad yn helm di IraiueMO,

<o<iM> ik ha ronaecratoalt' aso. al padee. e alia

inadre : xche ad acni mo>lo n«o daina

ewere pty |4 dot arwaal ann*. pee<h« al pem*

( i(Hnn non n« aiea (ke nwe

1766. Jailin Weft muaw* MainauM ac (hori iSWltna

«c ei<e1lentiaf. Maniyae macntei niMMei.

eel ui dKiHit ntolectenaen qyirutne votyoi kber

priinot. Venetin, 13M, apod CLMdiwn

laieet(Mt«m et Fayatum BelhaiiHaio Soeiov

Ihe dedieation to Gy<l>elfna, Ihica di Man*

tova. d WMhed (.Mckei de ViBeel. A Uiee

eihtton wat publnhed at *' \nrihe*cae apud

i lin-lo(Mum (krlateei>on~* t «ib 9 . Ihn nnek

Hull the too bowks hdlaHwif h« mchided Mi

the rulletted erljtion 0/ Ijl)

t*,Bt. MwdyUtionuni eum aei tacibitf liber pnmia

VenetiM apod haeeedem lltetaeivnu S<o(t,

tslt. I>e<lKated la ike Frince C^inal

AIntandro Faenrv.

t'^Ul. Ui Jaehet de Wert il *e<ondo kbeo de moteitl a

‘.'."AV* 2 ®*' •M»»«»ao I* keredc

ill heotiw. 1501.

)a(lin ^Vert muwei Mawelmi mndylaieonian

sas'ariim 9uir>qwe cl set eocum bbri uev m

ytiiifti s nlumeo r**la< ii. NatikerTae esewdebani

iutharina (xrlMhiH 4 haeeetke JohannH

^ a ]n MS Kpaeate parl-bieki.

1 309 . 11 priiiHi hbro delle eanaimette, Villanellp a < in«wc

eon. Venetia. (;ardaBo Itedieated to

iMonora Medtei Gorwara, Oothnu d* hiMi*

lAva.^ dated rroot'* Venetia il d> soOnaro.

1309 . This Hork inelwdei iKree Freoek. i«o

Spaeink compotiiiofM and one Greek,

I0‘>3. Vaiia tnufkdi beatkydo quam v«cik« Y*aM^

dn an tax it Giaekes d« Wcri. Tnm rcetfdit

jiiannet Reueneeus asad. iiTwcv.

anno <€$7, >$uot MfMno beats', in four

vibrate pan • books in the Kooicsbee*



AuKihunr |,ibrae>*. - Seven ii>oie«

BMel J.iWarv, -' tsresMt Jcms*. in Orman organ

tahlsiure. written about tsnj ^

Utetlau -Muiik. Librarv. — Mo(<« tee 6ve, six and seven

x-oicca. iaebadind * Cfrewgs Jesiu ’ and * IVaascynie


Brief Libean*.— MS 49* dated ($ 79 . ' I'.greuut Jesus ' ;

MS vd. ’ Speremu* meliora ’ far five voitrs.

Dreoden State Ubraev, Angelus Jomiiii' Iwr Tixe


FranUon Ci'nanas*um*BtblK>thek.»* CKrmui Inus.'

Crimma LdMary.-'Four motets.

I jefnite Rdteratadem ie*ikblHiihck , kjoieu for five and

seven x'Owes.

iMndoii, B M.^Add. MS ts.534, madriejlt for lixe and

six x-okc*. Add. MSS 3i,4n7 arid 71,412. * lo nos

sen peeo * (dr fixe xuHe*. Add. MS 3 >.992. f. b?!'*

m kite tablaiure. ' S|ierernut nieliora *.

Milao CenBe/vator>* Librarv. A Mali for four voieet,

and aneiker Ibr six voices, insrribrtl widi Wert's


Modena Bibl. palatma • -Some of Weri'i (otixpetilions

arranged w oue er iho VMeet with lute aecom-


MoftKh Slate Libra^. • MiHeu, some in organ

taWature, and two madiicatt.

New Ywk LibrarV' — 'Nude', madiigal for iSx voices,

bv G uwhes de V’uerl .

Nuremberg Loeetirkurlie BiUiothek. - In MSS daleil

1 >•}. three motels fur five vokaS.

Pteike Library — FdteeA moiect.

Vwntm -Sauunal Ltbrarr. MS tfi.To;, 'Tranteunt*'

Oomme'. and ki MS 16.703, 'O larruin com*

xitMam *. motels for (Ixe toirn.

ZhkIijw Lihran. — kite moteu for lixe x*oitei.


I’uJAritl, / Ltsuw. 1&43 dr 1&34).

J^uliUi toprant) singrr. Shr Ixtsaii her

tartrr at I.ubUh In 17K0, laior appdurinR in

\N'anaw, at ^Vilnu and ai NivswirJ, txhcrc

Prince RadiiuiH krpi an opiTaoc titrairr on

111* male. She aricrtt’ardt rciurnrvi lu ilt<*

\Vanaw Opera, whrrc the sanf( l< atliitff |>aru

liar many ypirs. Shr tnarrivd Rutkoix'skf,

liiintrir an (»(>rra(ic singer, managrr anti im*

pcp^ario. C. R. ii.

WERTH£IM» JuUuat (^. Waraavx, iQQi ;

d. War»avr. C May |t|d&i.

Polnh pianUi, rontiurior and compuKT.

Hr siudicU com|M4iiion under NttKkoNsski at

tlie SVar*aw Consmaior^*, where he a tier*

vi’arth became a icachcr. He wrote Tour

syin phonic*, * S) mphimic Va ri a 1 i c ms * ( ( )p,

19I, a Sonata for violin and piantirorie (Op.

i$l asvd very many songs to words hy Kosc Kticr.

Hrtnr, Sticicr, etc. His comiKtsiiirms are

distinguitHcd Iry diligent and careful clalxrra-

tion of details and foliow ncr)*classical trends.

He also appeared frequently on the conccri

idatform both as pianist and conductor. On

I) May 1998, w'hilc conducting the overture

lo \Vafncr’s ' StrUicrsinger '» he collapsed on

ihc rosimm and died of a heart attack.

0. R. H.

WERTHER. Opera in 4 acis by Mauetiet.

libretio by Edouard DIau, Raul Milliei and

George* Hartmann, based on Goethe’s novel

‘ IMe Lesden d« jutigm Werther Produced

Vienna, GouriO^ra (irans. by Max Kaibcek),

16 Feb. 1 8^. ut perf. In Franco. Paris,

Opira-Comique, 1 6 Jan. 1893.' isiin U.8.A.,

Chicago (in French), 29 Ntar. 1S94. 1st in

England. Lemdon, Covent Garden Theatre

(in French), ii June 1B94.

* The originat Freiwh vmian h»d already been per*

iBcmi J at Geneva «n 27 Dec . z Bgi.



WESLEY (Samuel)

W*«M 4 «Ak, Stt ($ M(i).

WESLEY, Chjtf le* (A. Biasiol, 1 1 Dec.

17571 LoTxdon, 23 May 1834).

English musiciao. He was ihc son of the

Rev. Charles Wesley and nephew of the cele>

bralcd Rev. John Wesley. His musical inalinct

displayed itself in early infancy, and before he

was three yean old he could ^ay " a lune on

the harpsichord readily and in just lime ” and

** alway's put a true bass 10 ii He was taken

10 London, and Beard offered to get him ad*

mitted as a child of ihe Chapel Royal, but his

father declined this, having then no inieniion

of educating him as a musician. He was aho

introduced to Stanley and \Vorgan, who

expressed themselves very strongly as 10 hb

a bilities . After receiving i nst ruci ion from KeU

way and Bo>'ce, to the latter of w’hom he

dedicated a set of string quartets and upon

whose death he wrote a hymn beginning

** Father of heroes ", he embraced musk as

his profession and became an excellent per*

former on both organ and harpsichord. He

held at various times the appointment of

organist at South Street Chapel, Welbcck

Chapel, CheUea Hospital and St. Mar^lebone

Church. Having attained to a certain degree

of excellence as a performer he made no

further progress. He compoved a set of ' Six

Concertos for the Organ or Harpsichord', Op.

I. a set of * Eight Songs a Ctmeerto grosso.

J764, some anthems (one printed in Page's

' Harmonia Sacra mu%ic for the drama

' Caractacus * * and other pieces, w. h. k.

UtBL. . Sirv’LxvflK. Gcoaev J. .* ai«in«nab «l

SN'ntrv Family * (L^nilan, iftfg),

WiNtsai, WiLLiA^i. ' An Account of iRc ReautkaWo

^ I yiicai 1' j kn u of ties rral M wnben of 1 he Wr»k)

Family * Uromlon. iBra).

Sft ali4 IIiikJcI (vronk tor 3 hymm). Lampc (limm

oM (Jralh i»f>.

WESLEY, Samuel (6. Bristol, 24 Feb.

17C6; d. London, it Oct. t$37).

English organist and composer, brother of

the preceding. Although he showed similar

gifts at an early age, he did not develop his

faculties quite so soon, for he was three yean

okl before he played a tune, artd did not

attempt to pul a bass to one until he had learrted

his notes. Yet he proved to be the more gifted

of the two brothers.’ From has cradle he had

the advantage of hearing his brother's perform*

ances on the o^an, to which, perhaps, hit

superiority may be partly ascribed. Before

he was hve years old he learned to read words

by poring over Handel's * Samson *, and soon

afterwards he learned, without instruction, to

write. When between six and seven yean of

age he was taught to play by note by David

Williams, a young organbt at the Bristol

Church of $1. James Barton. Before then

(Sept, and Oct. 1774) he had composed some

' Probably a revlvot e( William Masoa's play of tsso.

* &*p Mus. T.. igo7~ i>. ^ 34 .

parts of an oratorio, ‘ Ruth * which he com*

pitted and penned when about eight years old,

and which was highly commended by Boyce.

About the same time he learned to play the

violin, of which be became a master, but bis

chief delight was in the organ. He was now

introduced into company as a prodigy and

excited general admiration.* brothers

gav« concerts at their house in London from

1779.^ In (777 he published * Eight Lessons

for the Harpsichord and about the same time

appeared an engraved portrait of him when

eight yean old. Before he attained his major-

ity he had become a good classical scholar,

acquired some knowledge of modern lan-

guages, successfully cultivated a taste for

literature and obtained distinction as an

extemporaneous performer on the organ and


In 1784 he joined the Roman Catholic

church. In 1767 an accident befell him, the

consequences of which more or less affected

him during ihe remainder of his life, and from

which undoubtedly sprang those erratic and

eccentric habits for which he became remark-

able. Passing alotsg Snow HUI one evening, he

fell into a deep excavation prepared for the

foundation of a new building and severely

injured his skull. He refused to undergo the

operation of trepanning and sulTered for seven

years from despondency and nervous irrita-

bility, which occasioned him to lay aside all

his pursuits, even his favourite music. On his

recovery he resumed his usual avocations, and

became acquainted with the works of John

Sebastian Bach, the study of which he pursued

vviiK enthusiasm, and 10 propagate a know-

ledge of which among English musicians he

laboured assiduously. During 1606 and 1609

he addressed a remarkable series of leiien to

Benjamin Jacob on the subject of the works w

his favourite author, which was edited by his

daughter and published in 1873.* In 1810 he

put forward, in conjunction with C. F. Horn,

an arrangement ^Bach's organ trios, and m

j 9 1 3 an edition of the * \ Veil* tempered Clavier ,

and promoted the publication of an English

translation oTForkel's * Life of Bach ' (1820).

In t8ti he was engaged as conductor and

organist for the Birmbigham Festival and

lectured at the Royal Institution and els^

where. In t8t6 he suffered a relapse of hu

malady and was eompcUed to abandon the

excTcbc of his profession until 1823, when he

resumed hb pui^uiu until 1830, becoming >n

1824 organbt of Camden Chapel, Camden

Town; but a further attack again disabled

him, and he was aAerwards unable to do more

than make occasional appearances. One ol

» NowiflB,M. Add, MSSM.99?.

« ibe Hoo. D*in« Borrintia" • M****”"”** '

FtSS js.oir Mu'- T.. 190s. p. 5 «i.

• Stt Mttf. T., ipM. PP. TPB IT.

W^LEY (Samuel) : >Vorks


his last public performances was at (he cooceri

of the Sacred Harmonic Society on 7 Auf.

(834» wheri at the organ he accompanied liU

anthem * A 31 go unto one place *, w hich he

had composed on the death of his brother

Charles. His actual last ap^rance was at

Christ Church, Newgate Street, on 13 Sept.

1837. He had gone there 10 hear Messdelssohn

play the organ, and u*as Inmself prevailed upon

to perform. He dtrd w'ithin a month and was

buried on 1 7 Oct. in the >'ault in the grat'cyard

of Old St. htarylrlwrte Church, in wliieh the

remains of his father, mother, sister and

brother had been previously deposited.

Wesley was indisputably the greatest English

organist of his day, and both in hb extem]H*r’

ancous playing and in his performance of i|>e

fugues of bach .ind flaiidcl he was unrivalled.

Hit compositioiu were numerous and varied,

and some are of the highest excellence. His

instrumenial music shows that he was tv a

certain extent a piuneer of the sympliojiic si)lc

in England, hut it has sunk into old K km. He

Is remembered by a few of his clioral works,

notably the motets, of whkh one, the noble

eight •part Mn exiiu Israel*, still receives fairly

fret|tient iK-rformacKc in Englisli caihedrab

and elsewhere even In the 3oth century. S.

Wesley's religious lenets have l>een matter of

doubt. At a late |>erlod of his life liediicUiined

having ever U«'n a convert to Rome, olm.'r\-

tng that although the Gregorian musk had

seduced him to their chapels, the tenets of il»e

Ronianisti ha<l never obtairved any influence

over his niiiul. But the letter from I'ope lius

V 1 1 n at knowl edgment of a Mass ' is three 1 ev i-

denre that he Imd joined that church. He left

several children; hk eldest son. Kcv. Charles

Wesley, {A, I7ej3; d. 14 Srpt. 18591, was

sulwJean of the Chapel Royal and editor of a

collection of words of anihems. An obituary*

notice appeared in * The Gentleman's Nfaga*

tint' of Nov. 1637; rer D.N.R and

Mus. T,. 1902, pp. 5^4 ff. and ?tj8. There is a

memorial window* In Bristol ('.athcdral. A Ibt

of ihe MSS in the B.Kf. relating to him and

containing his works is given in U.N.B. ITsc

following list of his compositions svas compiled

with the asiisiance of his daughter t :

CHURCH mush:


* M|\UI Mtlemnit' r(;rer6r.«H) fe*

Muu Kvrte tltnnn.*

* Miua (J« S. 'I'tihiutt.*

* |MO Anr«lu.'


to e««iu JwMi ' (8 v«k«v).

*' r.aulcdiF !>«.»* (5 «.>.

** IN«»i J>MiMnw ' V.).

** Umni« vaniua * (4 «.).

* I'u n MCFrdiM* (4 V.),

* 1*« >»ymnu«‘ (4 «.).

' Now lA B.M, AJd. MSS

* Ttiow mvkcd • ut publalitd.

* HoojisM in eMebu ' (4 v.).

* DooMite sshsifn fac * ( 4 v.. w i ih ontrii K

* CoAtitebor * far wlo cliotui & ot<h.

*IV. * Ib .NaiiiMJW Domtni *.

V. VI. Vll. VIII. IX,

X. * In I'ptpliajiio *.


XII. * le Frwo Coefsc^K Clwivci

XI V% * Ib FfMriliAAia *.

XVt. * All IlmrUKiMDi’ f»r CJiritii).


XVI tt. * In I'rMo Corpurii (Diritii *.

* IXxkl JXiBaMlIlS.*

'Solve iUfhL’

' Msen^^i.*

' Qujlm MAMruin.*

' .\enut I V» *. U IBS. 1 1 H 1 2 1.

' KvAMiwt in Fruo .SwrimniMt.*

' Vm«n ) dr !*•. CXXXV I.

' amrn wHIa * 1 178I* >,

* SaUv KeciAA.*

* l^latwA wprtA.*

* (liMT* rn«w».'

* l)m» Mak^Aln ' <h«iu» hkIi »iv*< k orraii

2* 'win. itvai.*

Si rvuis

*M«fAiiic jod Kwninc Vruce. V dia 4 1.'.

Ir ISnini, Saihiui. kirw. .Suii< DintiMk, .umI HufMl

Smirr 11 u



.\MUI Mt

*' .Vll mmm one faxe,*

FwArtAl .VhdwiH f«>r ( Kstki VS> 4 rv.

*' I Alte wdl f)faaw«l.*

* nrln 4 'l 1<MM ••nal ' wjlli nrvan vHI,-,

*' I Imhi, (> I,<al, Afl iiTdkird.'

* VMmi « an tHI / * « JmK iH/s^

'IlFAf. Olhoudwiilwid.'

' hr i>lrwnl. O (.• 4 .*

* I will lale liOT^I,*

Pmi Ti si 1

** pAnwI.iAl fmlin. l(M«r»* wiih mWilwiJri. book I.

AoQ or more ll>niht and fkalm. I'utiri,


* Kutli *. ATAMm «f>m|MHn| Al ll»e Ale iifft'.

* '1 1^ 1 1e«ik «4 .Vliel ' 1*01 u 1 1 & 1 1 1 « 1 ^mplrie) .

* (Kte on M. Oolu'k Hoy * hukU by .s. VVeiley^ for

Milo tnain. ilmrv* A or<k,

* ()n ihr HeAtlr of W. Kmetiryr)* ^ kiiiar«m>ii, <l»(>rMi

‘r?a 4 i.

' U hv 'txarW we »hrmV? *. • luM* t orch. fMoy iHi 1).

' .Mr drtwlii*. «MtA<com|i. (lMitH< 111 Apt. |S)6^

* lliiu ihrwth MKcrvAiyo Afei *. unA«o«n|i. ehorui.


FoA ] V'orri t

' Ihese Are lif ferwl mAnu * ^ irsi).

** feOMkV, coosy. SATHlrr ’ f 1 76 1 1 .

' Hank and uniwnefal ’ <i 7 tv.

' VVlten kru iky coft lipi ' (1783).

* Say lAB power ‘ 1 1 J.

*(>A dtr wAve * 0749),

' Life*ft 4 ^ * «i 7 ]ao. lie?).

* Vs’kot bliti n lifa ' ( 1 807).

* Rn*e4 tbrir tWpiMWt * (189a).

* Theta happy wrruB.*

' Admi, ve

‘\S*hen OrphrtM went down.*

* VV*i»en fciefKfihffl.*

' The •••hu of mAh,*

' fwcete I n nwe rare,*

* How crond AA aar.'

** From Amcreon.'

* N'rOa rata.'

FoA 4 V'errer

* New dte iminpe<*i' (i8rs).

* VS kilc etory diori-hved ' 1 1 8at).

* Cwrle the bfm).*

• AtiloerAph in ih« W. H, Cumminei celleciion.


WESLEY (Samud) : Works

*' O ting unl» my ro'jn^elaie * (nudrifaJ).

' No more lo earth.*

** Father e( h«hi/

' Here ihall the mom.*

*iotA w\Oi thee.'


Overture, D ma.

Overture. C< ma. (i7W>.

i^vmphenv. D ma. (J7a4>.

Symphony, £7 ma. (17^).

Symphony, ma. {idos).

Symphony, A ma.

Overture, P ma.

Overture '* to the Second Act ’* (unfiniihed).

Symphony, D ma. (unAnithed).


March for oboei, baaioons, horm & •erpeni (1777).


Conoeno, Cy ma. (177S).

Concerto. I) ma. (1781),

(^rcftn. 1; ma. (1789).

C/vneetto, ma.

Oerwrrto on ' Rule, Britannia *.

Concerto. C ma.

Concerto, B7 ma.

Conretto. E7 ma.

Conrerte, C ma.

Concerto, C ma,

CUtncerto, D ma. (with hornpipe).


Strinf Quartet (1760).

String Quartet (tm).

Fufue in B7 ma. for it|. }tet (iloe).

Sirint Qutntei. A ma.

THo (W oboe, vn. ft cello.

* Aria ' for •If, trr^.

Trte for 1 Autci ft pf«

t Sonata* for M. or harptkhord with vn,. Op. 9.

* Rondo on ' jaeky Hornrr * for pf. ft flute.

Duet for vn. ft ecHe.

Solo for V7I. ft ba**.

.Snio for uitaccemp. vn.


* Ei«ht Lefiona ' (1777)

Rornln, A ma. (i77^>,

i .Sonatat. Op. j.

) Sonata* ft 9 Duett, Op. 5.

onaia with Fusue ort a tuolect bv Saloenan.

* Sonatina ItleO. to Miai Meeking).

*Sonatina, O ma.. on an ate in * lekeli *,

Rnndo. D ma., ' OJT »he aoet *.

*Rnndo, D ma, (ded. to Lady Mary Douglai).

Rondo on ' Fly not vet

Rondo on ' Orphan Mary *.

Rondo on * Patty Kavannoh *.

Rondo on * The young hlay moon *.

*Rondo on * Killy alone and I *.

*Rendo on Pureej)’* * t attempt from fort’s skkncsa ’.

Rondo on * ^Vill Ihitty

• Rondo on * BrlMuima rignora ’.

•Rondo on * Pastorella p^acca *.

•Rondo on * Tlie Late of Rwhineod Hill

Rondo on * Old Towler *.

•Rondo from an organ Concerto.

•Rondo on a Polish Air,

•Rondo. G ma.

• Ror>do on * The Bay of Biscay

•Rondo on a Chrulmu Car^.

• Rondo on * Mel) Fately

•Rocvlo on * Widow Waddle*.

•Rondo on * Le hUiange*.

• Rondo on * Scot* wlui hae

•Rondo on * The Deserirr't Medliaiioc)

•Rondo on an air from ^VeWs ' Frewehuu *.

Adagin. Mareii and Walti.

•Duet to Martin** * Una e«aa rara

Divertimento Ided. le Mm Watler).

•Rondo nn ' ’The Siere of Badaiot with March.

Walts. * The Skyrocket *.

•Waits, * ’The Coburg *.

Inirodueiion and Air (ded. to Mn. SiiHiof).

* Sweet Emlever *. with variadom.

•lotrodtxiioQ aod Hornpipe with variatioiu.

•V’ana«*Otti op a favourite lialiao air.

•‘Grand Fugue with Marcb from Ode for St CcciEaV


•‘ Graud Coronalfon March *. D ma.

* New hlarch aa Performed <m Parade.*

* Pretudes ihroufbout the Octave, both major and


•Fugue (ded, to /. B. Lo^er).

Trio for $ pfs.



•* Oread Duet ’No. 1.

* Graad &Kt * No. 9.

•* Oread Duet ’ No. $ (ded. to F. Marshall).

VoUMtTAaigJ *

Coar eeio, D ma., for organ ft vn. (iBoo).

fl Voluntanca, Op. S.

5 Voiuateriea.

•a Voluntaries (ded, to W. Harding).

S VoluBcarm. Set It.

•* Six N’oluatarioi for Young Organiiu.’

•Voluntary (d«d. to Thomas Altwood),

•VeftiBtery, C nu. (ded. to W. Luiley).

•Votonurv, G mo. (ded. le H. J. Gaunlletl),

•« Volunuriee (ded. to W. Drummer).

•fl £a*v Voluateries.

•S Casv Voluntaries. Set II.

•* A Short and Familiar Voluntary,’

•* Twelve Short Pieeei with Full Voluntary added,

•* Twelve Short Piece* with Grand Fugue,'

•* A Book of Interlude*.*

•Fugue. D ma.

•* Freludci and Fugue*, or Exercisei.* . ,

•* Six Introductory Movement* and Fugue m D,

•* Okoracteristie Airs for the Serapliine?


’ Yeft Daphne! Mi7fl0.

* Adieu, ye jovie] youths * (c?S3).

* When w« see a lover languish ‘ (I7fl)).

* Too late for redm* * (t7e5).

* PaniM to death * ( 178}).

* Tho w}ii«o<robed boun' (tTSS).

* nwii*rine spread ' (iTfti).

* Aroiin’i LementJiien' iitM)*

* The wurH. mv dear Mka ' (1764).

* Gentle warhiinff * (lypp).

' Might I in Thy light appear * (1807).

•• True blue.*

* Within the cowslip’*.'

* ErsglaBd. the tpcil.*

* What shah of rate’* relenticis power.*

* In gentle tlumben.*

* FoKweli, if ever fondoi prayer.*

* Think of mr.'

’ Behold w h ere Dryden,’

* Louise, view.*

•* Come an mv brave hoy*.*

* Qcecion Sniub *

•'The HoM that Jack built.'

’* Love aod Folly.*

* Pale Mirrcr of retplendeni piihi.'

* Love's but the frailly.*

' Oh, bow to bid.'


' Sweet coMtelbtioAi * (1789).

* Since p ow e r f ul love * <1783).

'Belle Gabrielle' (I7g»).

* Boeath a sleeping infant lies.* , .

tv, M. H.,


Hwes. lA«i. * Samuel Wesley: his Life,

iWuenec on Mu»ir * (Proc. Mu*. As*., VoJ, XA,

Uou’tS^. jAHts T.. 'Samud Wedey: Muskii" ’

• The Hymn, of W«lcy

Walts * (London, i pte). _

» M**r ***** reprinted, some adapitd

for pedal organ.



Sn all* AoUi«ni. Jacob {B.« kttcn 00 Buh 6 rofn

W, addrcscd to J.)>

WESLEY, Samu«] Sebvstua ( 4 . London,

14 Aug. 1610; J. GIouc«»ier, ig .\pf. 1676).

English organist and composer, nature! son

of the preceding. In his tenth year he was

elected chorister of the Chapel Ro>'al : in 1626

organist at St. James's, Hampstead Road ; in

ib29 organist of Si. Giles's, Camberwell, of

St. John's, \N’aicrloo Road, and in 1830 of

llantpton*on*l'ha(nes. holding three of the^e

appointments simultaneouUy. During these

early years he had •>4>nie exp«'rien(r as a

ihealrical conductor.*

In 1832 he isceasne organist of Hereford

(dihedral, conducting the 'three Choirs

Keslival there in 1834. year later he married

the sister of Dean Kfcrevielher, when hr

migrated to Exeter, remaining at that cathe-

dra! for six years, during which period his

reputation as the ftrst English dturrh com-

poser and organic of hU <<>untf> lircanK

citial>lish«d. In 1839 hr accumulaml Um*

{legreci of U.Mus. and D.Mus. at Oxfrird. In

1841 he was induced hy a giHid olTer from

Hook to accept the organist's p<>«t <*f ].eeds

Parish (Church. He had playej at the open-

ing of the organ In Oct. j8.p ; according in

the Parish Church records he was engagml in

1839, hut the * l,eeds IntclligerKer * of 16 Ori.

I I spea ks of 1 he (lost as then vacant . I )u ring

his tenure he delivered lectures at the Liver*

pool Qdlegiaie Insiicution. He wrote !m

famous Service in V, major and sold it in 1B45

to Martin Cawood, an Ironmaster, to whose

wife he detlicHietl a set of satirical 'Jrux

d'csprii : Qiiatirilles k Ja Hera ' in 1846, In

1844 Ivc was a cam! if late for the profevsorsliip

of music in the University of Etlmliurgh, then

vacant by the resignation of Ihshop. Amotrg

Wesley's t stlmnnlals on that oceasiim was the

folInvtiDg frtim .SjKihr ;

Hi< sliow, wichoui PK<ft>ti«i. that he i« tw*«iM

of tKtili *i>|p anO form <4 th« «|irTrr«nl tpntn of isni*

pAtiUoh ai)«l tiifnvrir rlo«H> l» llw

wliuh Mvrr.it hifMli <l«nvaiMl. not atli m s*<r^

art. I<wc ah« in Kl«ei atMt m ntuvx foo Uw pMnnfcrM,

Hu •acri’d rnmir 11 <liirni dnurvcianbed br a ooMe.

elwr> «irn an uniHiur. nyk. am! hv rich harpteows ai

sirtl a< li> «urp<i'in«lv be^utiM meiliilaiKtfM,

On leaving Leeds in 1849 he entered Into a

con tract with R, S. Burton, to bc!I the '* good*

will " of his Lectls practlee for 500 guineas.*

In 1849 he was appointed to ^Vlnch«1ef

Cathedral, where tlie svitool offered facilities

for the education of his sons. On 10 Aug. 1850

he was appointed pTofe&«or of the organ at the

R.A.M. After fiftreti years in cathedral and

school cliapci, Wesley, being consulted by the

Dean and Chapter of Gloucester as to the

claims of can<lidales for the onrenlsl's post

iIk'R', then (186^) vacant, lAtimairfl that he

I .Srr Mill. T., « 9 «>o. pp. 99II-04.

' vrr JMCil* Mercury* and * Leeds IntdliMce

• ? Juty iflSJ and * The Times *, 16 July, (br the reii

of the achnn ^«hl<h follown!.

w*ould himself accept it, an offer w'hicli w'as

naluraJly taken advantage of. This post

brought him mon* prominently forw'ard in the

musical tvorkl. as ccMtductor ex offido, once in

three >*ears. <rf the Three Choirs Festival, and

the change sccft»i*vl for a time to rtaniinate

energies and powers which had not rtccivcd

adequate public recognition. In Jan. 1873 he

received a Cml Livt iiensiun of ;^ioo per


But the lx's! jTars had been s|H’nt of a life

w'hich, to a le\s sensilivT nature, migltl have

been happier and more eventful : and long*

deferred hopes for restorations <>f loundco*

intcntiimv and for tliorough reforms in cathe-

dral matters generally — reforms W'hich, !>oih

with pen and s^iice, he warmly and constantly

advocated — combined with other disappoint*

mciits and cares, sltorten<'d his days, and after

some ten sears* tenure of his GU>iicesivrp<»«t he

died there, his last w’ords being : " Let me sec

the sky ”. .Vccording to his own w ish hr vs as

burietl at Kxrier m tlic old ccmt'iery hy ih<*

sale of an only tiaughicr who had di<*<l in 1840.

\ tablet 10 his memory wav placed on the nordi

vvall of the nave of the cathedral, on vshich

titrse words are ms<rilM*(l :

Ttin iwnnuirm l-as Wrii iMacciI Krre liy frirmts as

•A p«|ir^i»n of h*ch e>trrm Sk tus wurOi.

4 a>l aikniratiuu nf h<> ctr^i Beniiii.

'J’here is also a window to his ntemury in

GImtcesier (Cathedral.* Other memorials arc :

Hereford * a window in the easlern elcTcstory

of tiM* north transept: lixcter — a lancet

window' in the church uf Sc. Mieha<*l and All

Angels; lx*edv * a hronre tablet in the

Parish Church ; Winehevier — fa) a pla(|uc in

the north transept of the rathedral : a

pla<iue nn the front wail of No, 8 Ktiigsgate

I Wesley's resitlcncej.

As composer fur ilic Church of England

\>'rsJcy may fairly Im (daced in the highrvl

rank. In his elaborate Service in F major,

published with an interv*viing and caustic

preface in 1845 while he was at Leeds, ad van*

cage b taken of modern resources of harmony

and modubtinn, without departure from the

lines of titai true church school to which the

composer had been so long habituated. And

ihb judicious combinalion of ancient and

modem is characterbtic of all his church

music, in whkh he givn practical illustration

of ihe reform he was alway.s urging. {Set the

pamphlet, etc., on church music named at the

* Thr rniMMAfv of W>sk)*s ««s cdebrAUKl hi

VVMmM»irT ,yM>rv bv * rcHnnKmerdih? srtvicc (38

JufM 1910) M wHkh n«li< uf hh lin»vi »h<lir«ns y.«re

will. P^lHW LXXXIV ami <.L. tUr

aiM»M *» ami 1h« IXmiiiit t,om hh .Sfrvirc in i;,

»•»< hsniM, • Bc(K |,r<. M heff our iK>nw>n ’. $n lo

Awlia . «ihI al Rirv4i Vy J Uitr«^lAV

'I 4 *«€ Aua.j whkh iA<lu.M Um Smicct in

L ami i^ibrr wuli tjs of tlic mo»r tdfl>taie<l

Vilhvan. and ah« a -octui Mnil.sl <4 \V*«lrv*« orttati

musK ffRm by nn« of hh own inipita. I>f. I, Krndtkk

Pyfia, wh« Ato or^aniu wf hlancnesler C^jihnlral.


WESLEY (S. S.) : Works

end of (he list of his compostuons.) HU fame

will rest chiefly on hU N*oluine of twelve

anthems, pu billed in (853. Two of these,

composed at Hereford, ' Blessed be the God

and Father ' ' and ' The VVildemess ’ *, are now

universally recognized as standard works

excellence, Later in life Wesley soared even

higher — for instance, in his noble ' O Lord,

Thou art my Cod * for eight voices, in hU

* Ascribe unto the Lord composed in the

Winchester period, and also in the exquisite

little anthem ' Thou wilt keep him in perfect

peace wherein knowledge and the dignity of

the true church style are so conspicuous, and

which U one of the brightest gems in a coUcc*

lion of choral jewels. U should not be for-

gotten. too, that popular hymnody was much

enriched by his fine tunes, which combined the

dignity of the church style with a vocal ease

that made them attractive to the massa. That

known as ' Aurelia * Is the most famous.

As an organist \N’eslcy was for a considerable

period acknowledged the first in England.

His touch was eminently legate, his style alwaya

noble and elevated, and he was a master of

improvisation. At Winchester he was heard to

great advantage on Willis’s fine organ. His

extempore playing after the Psalms, before the

anthem or after the service was a thing to be

remembered, and various play ers, after lUaring

him, changed their style for the better. His

views, formed from early habit, on two impw*

tant points in the construction of organs were

curiously divergent from opinions widely held,

for he was an advocate both of mean*tone

temperament and ofa '' G ” or F ” compass.

But in supporting such exceptional views he

could give practical reasons for the belief that

was In him.

Those well acquainted with Wesley could

not fall, nolwlihsianding a manner at limes

reserved, retiring or even ecceniHc. to appreci-

ate his kindness and sympathy. To those he

liked and trusted he could be an agreeable and

interesting companion and friend, and these

will not forget their pleasant intercourse with

him, even on occasions when musk formed

little or no pari of conversation.* That he fell

deeply and aimed high is proved in the dev^

tional and masterly works with whkh, at a

period when English ecclesiastical musk was

at a low ebb, he enriched (he choral repertory

of the Anglican church.

The following is a list of Wesley's published

works :


AKTitrus, ftc.

* A«crib« unto the Lord,'

* All fo unto oiM place * (Funcial) |g,A.T.B.).

* Sf< Mui. T.. 1900, p. sss.

' Sff Mia. T.. i^. p. 164, and tOoP. pp. 300. 301.

* Mui. T.. 1900. SP 9 , 360. 43 »: anerdoMs. et«. Hid..

* ^Q. 4 S 3 . 403 ; D.N.B.. «ic. Information Treat Herbert

TK(mpion arid ethers.

' Bloed be (he L»rd God of Israel ’ (ChciiUnss) (4


' Bloed be the Cod and Faiber ' (SS.A.T. 9 .).

' Case aw sot away from ihy pc^eoce * (SS.A.TT.B.).

* Give (be Kiaj Thy iudeotmu ' (S.AA.TT.B.).

' Clery be le CoA 00 hifb * (FutI) (4 v.}.

* Cod be owrciTol unco us * (Marriage) (4 v.).

* I an Tbictc. O Mve ne ’ (Full) (3 v.).

* I will arise ; and O remembef noc.*

* Let us bft up our beari ’ (B v.).

* Maa that u bom of a womaa * (S.A.T.B.).

* O nv« ihaniis uato the Lord ' {b.A.T.ft.>.

* O Cod. Whose nature aad properly * (Full) (4 v.).

' O how asiiable.'

' O Lord, my Cod ' (Solomon's Prayer) ( 5 .A.T.B.).

* O Lord. Thou arc my (>od ’ (B v.).

* Prabe che Lord, O my s^ ' (S.A.T.B,).

* The Face of ihc Lord ' <B v.).

* The Lord is ny shepherd.*

* The WildemeM * IS.A.T.B.).

* Thou wJi beep him ia perl«i peace * (S.A.TT.B.).

* Three CoUecu Tor the hnt cheee Sundays In Adveal',

iwe hr Treble, and oae for Bass.

* bt ash me chroughly * (S.A.T.B ).

* The Hundredih ^Ire '.arranged with venous har*

mony hr choirs {rouadatton-stone oT Netley

Ho*p*ial. I Bed).

* By the rivers oibbs'lon ' (Soprano solo).

Do. <AJlo sole).

Seavieas, Bec.

(la t ma.) T.D.. J., K., $. and C, M. and N.D.

(In F ma.) Chaac Service. T.D. aM in M. and N.D. ^

(le P Bia.) Chant Senice, Lciier B, T.D., J., ■>>*1


(In C ma.) Chanc Service. T.O.. J.. M. and N.D.

(Ia C ma.) * Glory be to God on blfh * (early work)<

Pmlms. fto,

*Tbe Euro|)ean rsalmisi ' (cB7S).

* The Fuller poiacsd hr Chaneinp'

Numerous Chaats and Hvom Tuaei.


* Ode to Labour * (W. H. Bellamy) hr the openinl oT

the Imhuuul CahibiiiOA (17 Ori. iBoa),

* The Frauc of Musk * Tor Ceuaod*s choir (tB 7 $).


* I wish to lune my qulv'rinf Me ' (A.T.T.B.B.).

* Shall 1 tefl you wh^ 1 love f ’

* When heree eealtreiini pamions.'


Air and Variaiterss. E ma.

blaech ia C mi. and Rersdo Jo C ma.


ft tt.

Holsworihy church


S Pieces fee chamber orf an. Seu 1

Introduciien aod Fufue, 0$ ml.

AndMtSe. C ma.

NaiMoaJ Anthem nith variaisers.

* An Air varied '. cu m( < o t e d hi



Andante. A naa. (posth.).

Andante, E mi. (posth.). ^ ^ ,

Crave and Andante (fo ‘The Orfamti

Journal *).

Some contributions to collections.


* Or^ian boura. the year ii dead.’

* The Butirrdy.’

* T>ere be norw oT beauty » daughter*.

* Wert thou like me.* , . . „ . , . «

* Hobee hlut uad suae M^ne * (wth cell*

* I >*oo whom I Iw ? (with ce)lo ar n*,).


* ImiuirM ^ ^ Cathedral Commi»tO"««


WEST (Bcnja/nm)


rriatinit <0 ]inp(o>efnmt So the Musk of E)iviM

\Vonh»p in CaU>«tl(aI * ( 16 ) 4 ).

H. s. o., adds.

Biu.. — S kkk, G. W., * BioffiphicAl Skcicb * (Mu& T.,

19)7, 44> >49< «39< )4)< 439< ))S)-

STKvrwuK, Otoa^t: J.. ' M«monjU o( Ihe \V«iky

Fajnilr ' (Lwnden.

WiKTLiu. WibkiAM. * An AccounC of the Rmackable

MusKal Takni* M«mhen of ihc \Vo»k>

Fomilv ’ (London, (B 74 ).

.SVr 4Ih Anthem.

WESSELi Christian Rudolph (f , Bremrii.

1797 ; d. Easibournc, Mar. i8d^i.

German pub)Kher. Hr wcni (o J^>ndun In

1625 and e»tablislted. with an amaicur named

Scodart, at 1 Soho Square, the firm nT music

puhlUhcrs ^Vc»^el & Scodari. Ttir (he popular*

i gallon o( Toreii^n muNic. In (838 Stodart

retired and VVesscI continued the butiite«s uniil

i 83<), when he took in .Stapleton as a pariner

and removed to C7 Frith Sirrrl, SoIm. AImmiI

that lime ihe hrm enlercJ Into a sonirad with

fihopin fur the rxclif.jvc ri}(hc tu publish his

wurks in l.ui'laiul, pay ins him ft^r each

frrth eom|Ke^jtion. In iflf', Scaj>jeton Irll ihe

Hnn, and Wrs»el a^ain rarried i>n bu>ine'U by

himsfir, from 1846 at 239 Kei^*rii Siri'ei and

from at 19 llatuner S<|uare. unid 16C0,

when he rctireti in favour r>i Kdwin ,\vhdown

and Henry John I'arry, ll•»ch them hwe in

bi< employ. In iBUr Parry retired, and from

tkial liinc the business was in the ban<is of

Ashdown alune. It Mliimatrly berame the

rumpany known as Edtt'in Ashdown, Ltd.

A. c.

WESSELY, Bernhard ih. Beilin, c Sept.

i;bd ; (/. l*oivi.im, 1 1 July 1G3G).

fiurman tonipner. The bouse of his

parents (a Je\vish family) was a meeting* plate

lor llic ureat piH*ti and phi)us«^h(’ri of the

time: Lewng, Moses MetideUvshn, Kanilcr

an<l others wore rr«'<|uci)t vbilors. ^^’e^»ely'

studied under. I. A. P. Schuir, and in 1787 he

went to Hamb\iri{ to conduri his r<ironatMm

canlai.i, lu I 788 he berame musie direc inr at

the Koyal National ’i'hcatre, BiTlin. In 179O

PriiKV Henry vtiRaged him as his KafxUmeiUtr

ai Uhrinsherg, and nn that patron's death in

(Hut he abandoned hu musical career, for

fuRiiiy reasons, and iK’came a fosernment

ofTieial at I'obdatn, wherein 1814 he Bninded,

with the secretary Mesdinger, a society for

classical music, which he conducted until his

death. His compositions were STr^’ popular.

MeyvHirer (m la clebur’s dictionary of Berlin

musicians) points him out. wrongly, as the real

author of the famems lullahy, * SchlaTe mein

Prill /c hen \ attrihuled w Mosart, whkh is

actually l)y Bernhard Fites. j. a. f.*si.

W’rcwly's w«irka for the stage were a ballet,

‘l)ic Wahl des Helden’ (Berlin, 1788); a

Singipitl, ' Psyxhe ’ (Berlin, 1789) ; a prologue,

Ifcodrii des Herbstes* (Berlin, 1789); a

i rcnch operas for Rheinsberg, ‘ Iamb XI '

^ 1707 ) and * I.'Ogre ’ (1709) ; and incidental

music for Kotzebue's ' Sonnenjungfrau ' (Bee*

lin, 1790), for Rambach’s ‘ Uer grosse Chur*

furst ' (Berlin, 1795) and for Tieck’s translaiioii

of * The Tempest ' ( 1 796, not performed 'i . He

also coinpused 3 mgurning cantatas dor the

philosopher Nfuses Mcndc’lssuhn, for Nfn/art

and fc« Prince Henry uf Prussiiii, songs,

chamber music, |>r. variations (on ' God save

the* King', etc.!, and p\il>lishcd an essay on

Gluck and Mozart in the* * .Nrdtiv dcT ^c'ii '

(Nov- 1 7 s 5 t. A. 1..

WESSELY, Haita <*, N'irnna, 33 D.c.

1863 ; d. Innsbruck. 29 Sept. (926^

Austrian viedinUt. He began to karn ihe

violin when nine yvAts uf age, later received

his mcnical training at the Vk’ima Cuiincr*

calory and competed hi« c(udic» there with

tlw leading professor, .) . M. (*run. His lir»l

im|>ortanl appearance in public was nidcic at

iIh* age of lwenty*unr. when he gave two

ordsestral concerts in Ins n.nivi* ciiy aiul w'as

siiliw’qurntls rng.tgiil to play S|><d)r's 71)1

(^•nccTto at iIh* Phdh.irnionir Sudety oil'

\'iennai under Richlrr. He cislivd various

iiHiniries in huro|>r and ec<*Miu:illy foiuicl Ins

way tn lamdon, nuking his debut ui the

(!rysial Palace concerts under Muiuis on 7

A|tr, 1888. In iHBct Iw beciime h prorrssi»r at

tite K,.V.M. His rr|M’riory included ,ill the

great siolin (oikeruK, but it was ns ,i cjnnrtcu

leader tital he was best known. The f^nariel

bearing hU name gave a scries of concerts

annually in latndori until ic^i.|. lb' bad a

good teclinkiue. much force and a serious

ctuHepiion of the masterpieces of chamber

inusU which he was inamly engaged in ihiiT*

preting. Me playcKJ cm a Stradivari siolin of

the Ih*si ix'iiiMl, w*. wv c.

WESSTROM (WetCrbm), Anders irl. ^

r. 1730; d. I'pfnaln, 7 May 17B1;.

.Swedish musician. He wav condurior of

the Royal Orclw’slra from J, in. 1748 to Feb.

I773> In 1737, during a visit lu Dresden, he

became acquainted with J. G. Naumaun,

whcMn Ite took wiili him to Italy, W’here he

hinnelf sludied violin with Fart Ini hI Padua

in 1 758. On lus return to Sw*ccicn he tc>ok pari

in musiral activities in various parts of ihv

riHintry as well as in the capita). On his re*

lirement from the Royal Orclicsira In 1 773 he:

liecam onanist at (in lie. ,\ string Quarici

in F major by him was c'diicd by Sve n

Kjc'IIstrcmi in 1941. k. d.

biM, - 0*111 <.RkN. L. 'AnmbikACAr 0111 SiwcSIioIim*

lesirar ’. p. 49.

HesMMCng, C. F„ • Kyi«n«» A, U>»-

tCfoM i7»«-i7»irc&. l .M., 19/8 k 1989),

^ WEST, Benjamin (F Northampton, ?;

Engibh 18th-century orgams I and composer.

He wrote ' Sacra concetto or die wlcc of

melody, csmlaining an tniroduclion to the

grounds of music ; also 4: psalm tunes and 10


WEST (J. E.)


anthems (London, 1760; second ed., with 12

anthems, 1 769)- E- v. d. S-

WEST, John Ebenezer (^. London, 7

Dec. 1663 ; d. London, 08 Feb. 1929^

English organist and composer. He studied

at the R.A.M. under hU uncle, Ebenezer

Prout and others, held successively several

organist's posts in London, resigning that of

$t. Augustine’s, Queen’s Gate, in 1903 in

order to devote himself to composition arKl

editorial work. He joined the sialT of Novello

& Co. in 1884 and l^came musical editor and

adviser to that hrm in 1897. HU compositions

include cantatas (two short works were pro'

duced at the Gloucester Festivals of 1904 and

1907), over 70 church anthems published and

several services.

West's valuable book, * Cathedral Organ*

isis gises the most comprehensiv'e and at the

same time concise record of the holders of that

ottice in all English cathedrals and collegiate

churches. It first appeared In 1899 and was

reissued In a new and enlarged edition in t93t.

Its information is remarkably aceuraie and

clearly set forth. >r. c. c.


The only chamber* music team in England

to be employed on a permanent fulhiime,

salaried basis. It was formed in 1948 by the

West Riding of Yorkshire Education Authority

to take chamber music into schools under Us

adcninUiraiiun. Thus children living, for

example, In small mining totvnshlps and

remote iVnnine villages enjoy an advantage not

shared by those in the large SVest Riding towns

and cities having local educaiional control.

After some weeks' rehearsal the Quartet

began its Khuol work on 7 Oct. 1948, at

Mornington Road School. Bingley. At the

end of three years it had played before

audiences totalling a quarter of a million.

Though short solo pieces to demonstrate the

instruments arc included in programmes for

junior schooU, the main emphasis b laid on

chamber music: single movements or com*

plete works by the classical masters arc

presented, as the occasion demands. In

senior schools Stravinsky, Waltm, Rawsthomc

and Bartok are warmly appreciated, at least

by the children, if not by the stall.

The member of the Quartet are Walter

Appleyard, a Harrogate violinist who studied

under C<auerall an<I Sammons (leader),

Arthur Levick, Raymond Lllley (who cnak«

his own violas) and Frank Gill.

A reasonable amount of time is allowed

for rehearsal and the preparation of school

programmes. 'I'lie team is permitted to take

a limited number of outside engagements and

has produced works by modem Yofkdiirc

composers. J. R.

WEST (Weste), WUliam (h. > ; d. London,

• 643).

English singer and composer. He was a

gentleman of the Chapel Royal from 1612

until his death.’ He is presumably the ^Vesi

whose “ Sharp ” Service (including T.D., K.,

C., M. and N.D.) and two anthems, * Have

mercy ' and * Save me, O God are included

in Barnard’s MS collection (R.C.M. !045<'5r).

This supposition is supported by the fact that

these works are included in this coUectlon and

not in Barnard's ' Selected Church Music ’,

published in i64r. The latter included only

works by composers then dead, and the MS

collection contains the nucleus of a second

assembly by living composers, which Barnard

intended to publish as a supplement to it.

}. M. (ii).

WESTBERG, EHc (*. Hudiksvall, 9 May

189a; d. .Stockholm, 16 Oct. 1944).

Swedbh composer and writer on music. He

was iniendant of the Stockholm Concert

Society, 1916, and managing director of the

International Music Bureau of the Swedish

.Association of Composers from 1927 onwards.


ayin|#»gnr No. 1,

StMphonv No. t.

SymphMv No. $ (' Swhtka LAtor Bollader J.

St'tnphoAK pe«tni : * Ouk * <' Kacipe

‘ Nenio.*

S\«naA>onir ' Scherso p«da(OB(c« *.

Comedy Os^iure.

gHbnon Rhapsody.

Fi^'O .Norihrra foocM.

K. D.

Srtt.- W ASToeoo. E.. '£rk W'e»Jb«** (in ' TjwfdVrt

li««r*r *. Stoekholm, leSO).

WESTBROOK, William Joseph (E

London, 1 Jan. 183J ; d. London, 24 Mar.

1694). , .

English Ofganitt and composer- Hu jo-

itructor was R. Temple, a blind organist. In

1848 he became organist of St. Bariholotncw s,

Bethnal Green, which he exchanged in 1851

or Si. Bartholomew’s, Sydenham, where he

•emained until his death. He took his degrrt

>f B.Mus. at Cambridge in Feb. 1876

O.Mus. in May j 8?8, his exercise, ' Jesus, an

watoriette for solo voices, eight-part chorus

ind orchestra, having been performed in me

:hapcl of Queens' College, Cambnd^. Me

was suborganUt at the Cr>'8i8l Palace tor

<ime three years and conductor for thirteen

rears of the South Norwood Musical Society.

iVestbrook pubibhed many organ pieces,

original or arranged; songs, parisongs,

nadrigaU, canons; English trarulaiiom <rf

«any songs by Mozart, Schubert, Fw, etc. ,

n part or endrely the English text of Beriots,

Oancla’s and Alard’s violin schoob; organ

utors ; a large portion of the first i« volumes

>f the • Musical Sundard

Sa •!«» Organ AfrawemU*

I H. C. de Ufootai»e, * TJ»e Kina'* Muiick ’•



WESTENHOLZ, Friedrich {6. f Schwe-

rin, P: Berlm, \2 Mar. 1840).

G«rRun oboi$t and composer^ son of ihe

following. A pupil of hU father, ho became

chamber musician at the Berlin court. He

composed conccrianies for oboe and Bute, and

oboe and bassoon, with orcheiira, duets fur

violin with various instnimenu, etc.

r. V. d. s.

WESTENHOLZ,Kari Augaal Friedrich

(b, Laueiiburg, 1736; rf. Schwerin, ^4 Jan.


(iernian intlrumenlalist, tertor singer and

composer, father of the precedinR. lie was a

pupil of J. A. Kunzrn for theory and F. X.

Vocziika for siolonrello. From c. I7$6 he wa^

a singer in the court chapel of .Schwerin*

Merklenhurg, of whirh he became

mtiiifr in 17OH. as Henri's successor. In 1770

he married the singer l.inieita AILibiJi

1776} and in 1777 Elrunora Sophia .Sfaria

Pril'chcr, an evtcllrnt singer, harpdclKsrd and

glass*harmotii<a player, and comjxiser of

sonatas, songs and harpdcliord pieces. .\t the

court coiirerS she often presided al Ihe harpsi*

rUord, and L. W. Wolf dedicated tv her b

harpsiLliorsl sonatas, Karl WestmlxiU runi*

powd roncerlus, sonatas and pietrs for harpsi*

chord, oiuatas, fulms, chorales, birtlsday

serenades. sonRs, etc. t. v. d. i.

WE$TERBY« Herbert tF. Huddersfield,

14 June 1805;.

LriRltsh urRunist, pianist and author. Hr

was musically educated at the T.C.M. in

London and went to the C.ipe Colony in 16B8,

where he w,\\ .ip^mitued orRaiiist «>f ((rahams'

town Cathedral that sc.ir and of Triiniy

Church, Kini 1 >erlry, m id^o. Returning to

Britain in 1O91, he became MHCosively

orRunisI at btonchasrn, Elgin, Kirkcaldy.

Ddf.iti (Omsvenor Halh and Eriih, Kent

(Christ Church), As a pianist he played

Isefure Cecil Klicrdes at Capetown and before

Qpeeu Victoria at Osborne in iBgi. He

U’caine OrganirinR .Secretary of the Hymn-

Tune Association, and in J<>45 composed an

' i.inpire Anthem ’. His published books

include the following :

' &e*cl«Mveii riftcl his y)*nn WtKht,'

' t.iKl an)! his VSArlo.*

' ykanofent aC^eenc Inirodwiwn.'

* JliF Appfwsh 10 LtMS.*

’ 'Jhr Compl«se <>fa«n Keeiulnt.’

* Thv Hisiorr «i h^r^ont

Dtr llraan heciitloi’s (lyHlp i« ftKh.’

' Or«M)ii(’s IntetfMlional HeiwOetre Uvide.’

r>t« Piann \V»rhs el she Ureal C^omposen tkach l»


c. a.

WESTERN, Echet S<t T»rAi.aeaw. Zar^.


Assixiaikoh founded in London in 1840 liy

a Rcoup of gentlemen for ihe purpose of

Pfufdsing madrigals under the direetion of

VVilliam Hawn. The firsi present was


jerseph Calkin. Bos's from the Chapel l<r>val

and Si. Paul's Cathedral were rnRagcd to

sing with ihc members. In Nov, the

Society published a fresh edition of Its * LawN *

w’hich shuw’cd that lu activities had bi-cn

eoniinurd in unbroken succession under a

nuinlter of eminent imuicians. R. K. I tTry

wju tlien its rmsilucior. The conduclor.s

since 1920 have Uen in siiccr’ssion J'.

Sweeting, Clis'C Carey and Bori:. Ord, Choir-

bovs are «vow rngaRed from the t/>n(lt>n

C'lu'ir Si'livol, 'Ihc Sucic'iy r«'uint its tradi-

tional < irgani cation ; it mvcti r<'RiiUrl\ .ind

(clrlKalrrl its cenK’narv in IO4O. it. C. C.

WESTHOFP, Johann Paul voo Dres-

den. if»',(»; U. \Nciinar. -Spr, t7o>i.

(»ermaii si<»linisi and <oinpos<T. He was

iIh’ soli of a luienisi iii the Dresden rourl

chajirl. w1»o had U^n a captain in the army nf

Custatm ,\dulphus. Hr started his r.irrer .is

te.vhrr of langn.iRrs to the S.sxon princes r.

1671 and ended 11 as predrosor of langu.iRcs at

\V It trnlrerR I* n 1 trr.it y af 1 it i ti- j i / , .1 nd

linallv i^nt' (h.iniln’f srerrtarv .‘ind

(liainlMT fiiiistiian at Weimar, Ahotit 1O74

lie became cliainbiT ninsinaii m Dresden,

sisiiefl .hwcik’ti in tb79 .itui svas induced lu

join ilie army in the I'urkish cainp.iign iti

1 luAgary ; Iwjt hr returned to Dresden in 1 dllo.

He icHired as a stoliiiist all oxer Lurs>|><*, visit-

ing EngUndc. 1 08 4 -8;} and re 1 timing 10 Dres-

dc’ii in the l.iUer sear. He \%ns a reiii.nkable

siriuuso ami t«rtn|a>s<*d C \icJiii sotuiias with

ton caariwe H>re>den. ibejD C. ikekinnnn

re-edited a sonata m D minor and n solo

.Suite in A major (19^11, and ihe hitter was

also re-edited b>’ K. Co rhartr (193:).

i . V. <1. s.

WESTLAKE, Fradariek 'b, Koinsey,

Hauls, i'i »b. 1840; l.ondon, u Feh,

linglish |Manisi and (o>n|tos«'r. fn id',^-*)()

he was a Muckni at the R.\.M.. of which

inslituliem in i8bo l>e was made* sub-|^>fcsv>r,

tlien assfaiate and m i8(^ professor. He

played in publie wiihsuiressutiiil ihcdeiuandi

made un his time for leadiinR Ux ame tcH>

great. He reaf^arrii on 22 Ott. 1O73 at

SV. H. Hidmes'» concert and played, with his

pupil .\gnet C:hannel, Chopin's Rondo for

two piancifitrtes, F^bahly for the first time in

England. He was a member of the J*hil-

harmonic Society and the Society of Mmi-

euins. His enmpcwUicins include;

SU%* in ty meter j ‘ O Salut^ns ' : K»rie ai«l Ulufi*

twich ; b»mntrtwMri m ' »ymn» .liiccvu

f Til i ^ WKeiur>\t • 1^ pf. jnrt crilo ;

AIIf».o tjn* \ 9 'tniiodrt- W a fuviie in

«cusfi for pf. J teoft »n<l |urc*onts. ‘I.yf* Stuclenti.im

He also completed Slcrndalc Bennett's edi-

twn of Bach's ' WrU-temprred Clavie r ’.

WESTMORLAND, Earl of (John Faoa).

Srr BvRCHaftSH, Ixsan.




WESTPHAL* RadoU (G«org HermaAa)

lb. Ob«rkirchen, LippC'Schaumburg, 3 July

1826; d. Sladthftgen* 11 July (892).

German musical acholar. H« studied

classical philolc«y at Marburg and from

183$ to 1662 held a professorship at Breslau.

In 1873 he held a similar post at Moscow in

the Katkov Lyceum ' and, returning to Ger*

many in 1880, lived successively at Leipzig,

Buckebu^ and Stadthagen. His special held

of research was the metrical and rhythmical

principles of ancient Greek music, his theories

occasioning considerable controversy. He

maintained for some time but ultimately

abandoned the theory that polyphony was

known to the Greeks.

The following are Westphal's principal

works relating to music :

* Metrik iter cri«<hiKhen Drafnaiik«r uad Lwik«f \ «i(h

Rowbsch. s velk t(9s4*ds).

‘Th»orie <ler muMMhen Kuraie dec Helleiwn' (yd ed.

of ilie ab«ive).

* Die Krasmenie unJ LehnSise der ftiechaKken RKvih.

miber * (1861).

* Cctfhiehie d«r ahen und miiielalierlkheo Muaak*


* Sriwm «ter aniiken Rhyibmik* (iWs).

* Seripit^rei m«irKi Grace 1* <1866).

* Theocic der neuKochdeuuehen Meirik* (167a).

* l>4 CIcmenie dee muiikalnrheft Rhyibwia mil

Rurkdeht awf mrt G(Mrrimw»»k* (1677).

* Allcemrine Theerie dec mueikalitrlMn Rhvihmik «eit

J. $. ILch' <1680).

* Aristoienn* von I'areiit,'

'Metrik und RKvihmik de* klaMiichen KfUeneniuim

a vrtk <itl87*93>.

' Die Muiik dnterir<hi«<Srn AJierudM* Ii888>.

* Die AruiouniiKSe RlivihnuHtehre* (i8$i>. h.c.C.

WESTROP, Henry {*. Lavenham. Suflblk,

au July i8ia ; d. London, 23 Sept. 1879).

English instrumentalist, singer anti com*

poser. He is said to have made his first

appearance at concerts in Norwich at the age

of ten. and at thirteen appeared at the Sud*

bury I'hcatre as pianist, violinist and singer.

He afterwards became organist at St. Stephen's,

Norwich, in 1631 at Little Stanmorc, in 1832

at Fitzroy Chapel in I.ondon and on 3 Apr.

1834 at St. Edmund, Lombard Street, a post

which he held till his death. He was conductor

of the Choral Harmonists' Society and sub*

conductor to Costa at the Saered Harmonic;

he led (he second violins at the Royal Italian

opera and the Philharmonic Society.^ He

was a member of the Society of British

Musicians and of the Philharmonic Society.

Wcslrop’s abilities as a composer were

greater than hb reception by musicians and

the public would imply. His compositions

include a Symphony performed by (he Society

of British Musicians, but accidentally destroyed

aficrivards ; a considerable quantity of con*

certed chamber music; an opera. 'The Maid

of Bremen libretto by Fitzball, written for

the Pyne and Harrison company {but not per-

formed owing to the collapse of the urtder*

• .‘iu MriovNov.

* .“itt C. E. in * TH« Mu^s] WorM *, 1 ( Oci.


taking). Another opera, ‘ The Mariners

was iinfinished at his death.

Hb daughter, Kate (Mrs. Allender), a

pianist, succeeded to hb post of organbt and

was an associate of the Philharmonic Society.

Hb younger brothers, East John ((804-56) and

Thomas (i6i&-8(), were also musicians.

A. c., adds.

WESTRUP, J. A. (Jack Allan) (^. London,

26 July 1904).

English musicolo^t. He was educated

at Dulwich College and Balliol College,

Oxford, where he won the Nettleship Scholar*

ship, proceeding to the degrees of B.A. and

B. Mus. in 1 926 and M . A . in 1 929. He was one

of the original cnemben of the Oxford Univer*

sity Opera Club, helped to edit Monteverdi’s

‘Orfeo' for production in 1925, edited and

conducted Monteverdi's ‘ L ' incoronazione di

Poppea' for the Oxford production of 1927

and did the same for the production of Locke's

' Cupid and Death ’ at the Scala Theatre,

London, in 1929.

Westrup returned (o Dulwich for a lime as

assistant master (classics), but continued to

write on music, showing a scholarly mind, an

individual style and a gifk of clear, direct

expression. In t933 he became editor of

' 'The Monthly Musical Record ', an appoint*

ment he resigned to Gerald Abraham in 1943*

and in 1934 he gave up his teaching post to

join the SUIT of ' The Daily Telegraph ’ as

musk crillc. Tim came (o an end on the

outbreak of the second world war, when he

returned for a time to schoolmastering at hb

old O^lege, then evacuated to Berkshire.

NVestfup became Barber and Peyton Pro-

fessor of Music at Birmingham University in

1944, in succession to Victor Hely*Hutchinson,

arkd was followed there by Anthony Lewis in

1947, when he was appointed Professor of

Music at Oxford, to the chair vacated by the

death of Sir Hugh Allen. Apart from his

teaching there he has distinguished himself

by promoting musical performances among

the Students, particularly as conductor of the

Oxford Univereity Opera Club, which under

him gives annual performances of works not

usually staged, such as Gluck's ' fphigenia in

Taurb Mozart's * Idoraeneo ' and ' Oem*

enza di Tito Stanford's ‘ Much Ado About

Nothing Berlioz's ‘ Lcs Troyens *, etc.

Welless's * Incognita ’ was an entirely nc\v


He is the general ed i tor of the ‘ New Oxford

History Music 'and had already contributed

a nexv chapter on Song to the second edition

of the O.H.M. HU books, ‘ Purcell ’ (tgjjlj

* Handel ’ (1938) and a volume on English

chamber music under the Stuarts (not yet

published), comWne literary gifts and

scholarship of the highest qual'^V* ^he

bic^afAical sind analytical study of Purcell




»8 a notable piece of work in which pail

reiearch u critically revalued and (he import*

ant results of the author '$ own research are

incorporated. He hai aUo come forward as

a composer, but his busy academic career lias

restricted hU activities in ihis dircciion.

W«(«riAc*» JoaepV St* Dcravih (a Uhv). R«wm«I

(9 libt.). Siuauei (caikUti .

Wm(*, ao«lb«M (bum Haaap>rdii»eh>. S**

IIaix'I unil GrettI ^H«unprrOinck« tluMp«r>

«lin<k liU ).

WETTERCR£N, Gercrad. Sn Palsok*


WETZ» RJebard s&. Giriwitr, V'ppi'r

Siloia, 26 Keb. d. Lrfurl, ibjart. 1935).

(i<'rman condurior. icachcr and composer.

Hr rxhibiicd a gift for musk ai a chiUJ artd

Ix'gan (0 compose at ihr age of eight. Hr was

almost eniiroly a svIf'Cduratcd mu>»cian. as Ik

could liut toicrair school trarhing foe any

length of lime, the only teachers whom he

appointed 1 >ring Alfred Ape] Bn<l (auJwig

Thuillc. both of Munich, In looC Wcia

settled at Urfurt, where he occupied various

po«u uniil his death. He was conducKK of

the SIhgakademie. the Musikverrln aiMl a

maririga) choir. 8n<l he held a profeisorshlii

at tile rhuringiun Consi’rvatory. From i<>i6

hr also taught com posit Ion at the NVvimar High

S<'hoo| for Music. In 1938 he was elcc(^

a memkwr of the AkaOcmIe dcr K unite in

b< rlin.

Wcu was a composer of the romantic

school, and his st>]e may 1>e regarded as inter*

incdbie U'iwi*en Brahtrn and Oruekner. Hh

musical l<lium is more sensuous than that of

Urahms, but levs emotional than that of

Bruckner. \\« ta, wlio l>egan l>>' writing songs,

a class of composition that ke])t an imporiani

place during all hi* working life, was forty

year* old l^forc hr composctl his first sym*

phony. He reached the summit of hit ar(

in his great choral works, of whleh the mo«(

impormu arc the * Christmas Oratorio \ a

gay and tender composition in whkh old folk*

S(rngi arc skilfully interwoven, aisd his Rc*

C(uirm. which excel* by its deeply psychological

inlerprutaiion of the text. A special feature

of the latter contpofition is the important

task entrusted to the orchestra,

W'elx was not interested in opera ccccpt in

his youth. His onc*aci opera * Das ewige

Feucr with a libretto of his own, was

protluced at DusKidorf on 19 Mar. 1907.

Another, ' Jutlith \ was never staged.

The following arc the chief works by

apart from the operas already menlioiKd :


• 4. ' Tri«m*oinB»m*cht ■ lor woaen** voioa k on^

''r • for met.\ ooitn A onh.

ii. Nielif veSorm m J*, beste*. froai !tf«>keck>*

.. . t. at CmI9«io* ' to* ehofw ft •rch.

S9. Ilypcri9n »-»< bvii.Mir. (boon ft

S*. S Men’k Cliw^ei.


a?, III C»r l**Ktonc. ihoru* ft orch.

3ft. 4 kfm*t (^Imhvk*.

44. * CeiulirW Oci^nec ' for unscccmp. chotu*.

4ft * V«er Neder* for unaccomp,

ya. Rwiutrm Ui utprsno. hxtitOMC. chi«tMt & of<h.

yi. 'Aothi «hkJ Nlkfeen ' <Lt<hrMd<<irj UMiciAmp,


33. CriirHiifut (Val<Hv> lur *'c>rjn», b^rM'SiC, chorus

ft «Mli.


I ft KMm Oveviure.

ac'. bsmfftwtiy No. 1 , I. mi.

47. bympliowv Na. i. A ma.

*>>inph«nv Na. j. IS* ms.


44. Remsniic \’a«wiw>av ku pT.

57. \ A. CariM«r«u.


4). Mcine QiMtld Nu. I. I' ma,

4?. MvMie Quatwi .\«i. a. L ini.

1\AU/)N(|*A\J|,|J VJOI.IX

»3. SuAiU.


V 7. a * 0 , *j, ty. 17, il. JO, ji, 36. ji,

K. (,.. adds.

b*M • I'lMstK. liASt, ’KHlisn] VNri<*

Si>iii«i«Mao. r. L.. Wrir' 'l.ripiir, miC;.

WCTZLER, Hormanu (Han*) (k. Frank*

fort o M,, 8 (ht, 1870 ; d. New York. j<i May

I 043 ‘«

.SrisrrkamGcnnan organi*(. lomiuctur and

rcimposrr. He was thr son of .Sinoion

parents aiul s()rnt his chlbl hood In tlw L’.S.A..

but went In t88r 10 the city of hi* hinh for

Itiv (iiuMral cdutdiiun. <lud>irig at thr Hoeh

(lonwcsalofy uiukr Glara ^thumuiiR, Hugo

il<Trniann, Brrnliard Seholc. twan Knorraiul

l.iMielliert Uutnpr rdmek. Hr thi n M ttUsl in

NVvv kork. whrri; from iScj? I0 19m h<* belli

the po« of iKganki at Old rnnity OhuTch.

in 1903 he organized the UVuler Symphonv

Cunceris, as (hr conductor of which Richard

Strauss appeareti for the first time In I hr I .S.A.

I wo vTars latrc W culer returned !<> (J<*rmfthy,

holding posts a* an operatic conductor at

Hamburg. Riga, Halle, Lubeek and Cologne.

After 1943 he had i>u permanent fx>si, but

appeared as a guest cimduclor with various

imporiani orchestras, such as thr Royal I’hil*

harmonic and Berlin Philharmonic Societies,

the Gurzenieh Orcltesira of Cologne, etc. He

retired to Ascona, Switzerland, hut in the end

returned to New York.

As a composer U Vizier started from the

psisi-romantie xhool. and in particular from

Richard Strauss, He was a virtuoso in his

treatment of the modem orchestra and showed

a prrforenee for symphonic programme music.

His most important work in this line is the

symphonic legend ‘Assist' (Op. 13) on the

life of St. Francis, whkh among U4 works

submitted was awarded a prize of 1000 dollan

offered by the Chicago North Shore Festival

.Nisociation. Although Weirlcr's ehi*'f work




vva$ operatic conducting, he wrote, besides

incidental music for Shakespeare's ‘ As Yom

L ike it', only one opera, 'Die baskische

Venus \ the libretto of which was adapted

from a story by Merimec by Wcteler's wife,

Lini, and tvhich was produced at Leipzig on

id Nov. 1928. In this work he reveals a

special gift of creating a weird and mysterious

aimosplirre. The ' Symphook Dance in the

Basque Style ' (Op. 14) from this opera

achieved success as a concert piece. It was

introduced to New York by Toscanini and

to England by the composer himself at a

concert of the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

W ctzlvr was also a writer on musie, and hh

articles were collected In ' \Vegc *or Musik '

(193d). The most important of his composi-

tions not mentioned alwve are the following :


' Mjznilicai ' Ter MpraM, boys' or Honsn'i eKerus

a ort*n.


to. * Svinphonk Fonloty.'

ts. * VIsjonen \ $ symph. movemcau.


• coDcertonte ’ Tor «n.


•• \'*riationA Tor ob««. rlsr. ste<«


.• ' T«4 urul Aiiteritrhu(»| *. «m*HC.


M .ScwMkth

AUo MM«> Opp. I B. a R p.

K. O , adds.

W*v*r, Rob«r(. ."in Mec«»n twofL W«rlo<k


WEYSE, Chrialoph Enut Friedrich (k.

Aliona, 5 Mar. 1774; d. Copenhagen, 6 Oel.


Curman-Danbh composer. After some in-

struction from his grandfather, C. B. Heuser,

and an unsuccessful at tempt to obtain lessons

from the aged C. P. £. Bach at Hamburg, he

was sent in J769 to Copenhagen, where he

became a pupil of J. A. P. Schulz. A few

years later he took up tlie duties of organist

utid teacher that were to occupy so much of

Ilia. time fur (he remainder of hrs life.

Hu composed several symphonies, »ume of

which were subsequently laid under contribu-

tion for dramatic music, a Sonata for two

bassoons, pieces for pianoforte and for organ,

and solo and partsongs. From 1819 he hdd

thu appointment of court composer and In that

capacity wrote numerous cantatas for special

occasions. He attracted the notke of Liszt, to

whom he improxised on the organ of Our

Lady's Church in 1841, and of Schumann,

who reviewed hU pianoforte studies enthusi-

astically in the ' Neuc Zduehrifi'. Weyse

was an ardent arranger of Danish folksongs,

and hb work 10 this held was carried on by his

pu|Hl A. P. Bcrggxcen. j. ». (ii).

Weyse wrote six operas, which were pe>

formed at Copenhagen : ' Sovedrikken ' (‘ Tlie

Sleeping-Draught libretto by A. G. Oehlen-

sehJager, st Apr. iBog) ; * Faruk * (Oehlen*

schJager, 30 Jan. i8t2); * Ludlams Hule '

(' Adutlam's Cave', Oehlemchlager, 30 Jan.

t8t6)i ‘Floribella* (C. J. Boye, 99 Jan.

t825 ) ; ' Et Eventyr 1 Rosenborg Have ' (* An

Adx’enture in Rosenberg Gardens J. L.

Heiberg, 26 .May td97) ; * Festen paa Kenil-

worth ’ (Hans Andersen, after Scott, 6 Jan.

C$36). He also provided some new music for

Johannes Ewald's play ' Balders Dod ' (' The

Death of Baldur 1778) at iu revival on 93

Nov. 1839, A. t-

hw.^LAascK. levs Perea. 'Weyie* Ronancer or

Saafe ' 4 Co$>cnh 4 ren, 1944).

* W«y>M $aA(« ’ (Copenharen. JM«).

WEYSENBERGH, Hainz. $tf Albi*






WbaetM. Fr*««2s. Sm JackMo (J, * Ode

Fanev Pureell (4. *on|).

WKEALE, William. Sft Wealb.

WHEATSTONE. Engl ish fa mi ly of muiic

publishers and instrument makers. They are

said to have been established in business at

Gloucester and in London from about 1 750.

(t) Charlea Wheatato&e (^. fi d. Lon-

don, ?). He was a music engraver and is said

to have been publishing sheet music at 83

St. James's Street and 9 ^Vhiiehall. London,

before 1791. He was at 36 Chandoi Street,

St. Marlin's Lane, about i79i-93» S' Newgate

Street about 1794, 3 Bedford Court, went

Garden, about 1795* '4 of) Castle

Street, Leicester Square, about 1801, 20

Panton Street, Leicester Square, about r803*5

and 436 Strand about 1805-27.

i8t5 the firm was G. \VheatslOfte & Co., the

addre» being 90 Conduit Street about 1697-

1905 and 15 Wfit Street, W.C.2, from if>5

to the present day, In 1815-16 they had a

braneh or agency at a Wades Passage, Bath.

BcMdes a mass cd* sheet music the firm pub-

lished many interesting collections of gle«»

etc., one being ‘ The Harmonist ’ in 9 volumes

(r. 1805-10)- They were also makers and

dealer?, extensively, of musical insirumenia.

(a) William Wbeataioae (f- ? ; ^

don, ?), > brother of the preceding. He w«

teacher of the flute and manufacturer of

Gilman flutes, for the !

he held patents- He was at .28 Pall Ma i

about i 8 « 3 - 93 , 94 Chark-s Street, St. James s,

about 1823-94 and n 8 Jermyn Street about

*^h«^ and William \VhcaUlone, having

separate businesses at first, w ^

^gamated about 1826. Charles published

some books of airs for the flute.




{$) (Sir) Charles Wheatstoa* (i. Clvucrs-

icr, Feb. ittoa; d. Paris, 19 Ocu 1875^, ?

nephew or cousin of ihe preceding. He was

famous for his inveniiom in letegraphy. Hr

was the son of a music-seller ac Gloucester,

ivcnt to London, evidently to rrlatitrs in the

music trade, and professionally was a musical*

instrument cnakrr, but soon lumcd lib aitm*

tinn to scientihe subjects, which ineludecl

light optics, sound vibrations and e]cctricit>.

Hr invented the concertina, and the patent

( fune !823) was hrUI by the Wheatstone tirm

for many years. He was knighted in i6b8.

His portrait U in the Xattonal Portrait Gallery.

r K , rev. w. c. s.

Uiei.. -AOAMS, W. (iiivLU. * Ot, MwtksI InsenoMt

sjmI Ui»r<>s«ric« «< ihe Isle Sir NShreuiMC '

Mu*. Au.. Vel. II.

.Crr 4/u Hccniidi i iniroJ. oT CtMicetitAAi.

WHELEN. Wiiki/red. Set V.sci isti Siku-


WHIGHELLO (WichaUo). AbieU tL ^

d. ? London, c. ‘745).

Kngli^h organiit, harpsichordist and eom*

poser. Hu was at one time deputy orfanivi ut

Philip Hart in Lnn<ion and afterwards organist

at the church of St, Edmund the King.

Huwkins refers to him as being a teacher of the

harpsichord an<l a performer ac the concerts

organised by 'I'homas Britton. He publisluti

a set of * Leuons for the Harpsichord, or

Spincit^m 1710 and a cantata named ‘A|i..llo

and Daphne ' (words by Henry Carry; alviui

i 73 f>« Another, on a poem l>y the same

author. * Vertuinnus and Pomona *, also made

some mark.

^Vhl^ hello was wry pojMjIar as a composer

of songs In the early part of the t8ih cciiturv.

Many of them appeared in such works as

Wat la *s ‘ M u « leal M Iscel lan> ’ f 1 7*9 - 3 j 1

Blckliam’s • Musical Kniertalner* (i?S7). etc.,

also on single engrovTd half*iheets of about

the same j>erio<l. He contributed a song to

Fielding's cutnedy ’Uve in Ses-eral Masques*

(Drory Lane Theatre, London, 17*8).

r. R , adds.

WHIFFLER (Wifier). Formerly assumed

to be a musical instrument, owing to the fact

that dictionaries of the 18th and i9thcenlueio

connected the word with "whiff*' and

’’ whistlers ”, i.e, fifrrs. I he New Oxford

Dictionary, howc\er, deems thb assumption

hasrlcss and due proliahly to the insertion of

the letter " h ", In the ibih century fifers

anil wiflen are mentioned together. A wiBe

IS a short staff or spear, carried liy attendants

deputy to clear the way ftn* a i>rocession. As

javehn men ” they were appointed to evorl

the jud^s at assises ; but in 1890 they weir

superseded by police. An ornamental wifle

earned, 33 ins, long and riiaped somevrhat

p ® possession of (he WTiter.

ror military duties a Urge sword was usually


employed, as borne by the wilier liefurc iIk*

drums and Ides at the siege of Boulogne ( 1 j44 ^

The office, in a more peaceful form, sill I

lingers in tliat of the drum*major and hit

'tall*. r. w, <1.

WHINYATES, Seymour (h. Fr<ihurnc,

Gloucestershire, 4 Dec. ilhja).

English violiimi and muskal organiser. She

began learning iIk' violin at the age of se ven.

From ujna m 1909 she studied wiih W. H.

Keed in LondiMi. from 1909 l<* 191 1 wIili ]J«*nri

IViri at Dresden and .\ridreas Nlosi r in Berlin,

and fnnn 191 1 to 1915 she was at the K.G.M.

in la^mton as an eshibilioiier and a pupil ol

FerttanJez Arb>». In mm 1-43 she look a

ftiillier course uf study under Lucirn G.tpct in

l‘an>. Slietuuri'das amiImmi hi I'rancc. Italy,

Hoi land, Germany and .Sw h/erlaml in iQjb-

1930. played at a Queen s lUII Frnmenadc

GoJKrri in {.otulcm m jqa8 and appeared with

many clubs and societies in Hr 1 lain, as well

as with Ihe B B.C. In 1930 she formed the

U'hinyates String Quariri. with which she

inured in Denmark 119371 and Fmikc {193O'*

ai>d which played the 13 .H.G, and in many

Britidi renirts imtil Mi|i. Mean while, In

Mj3y, on the outbreak ol war. she had joined

(he leuHlon .VinliuUlxe Serske. with which

she remained unul 19^3, when she joined the

Music Department of the Britkh (k.uncll.

'I here she was promoted to the post of Pirecior

in 194C, 111 July 1945 the rank of Olffcicr

d 'Academic was conferred r>n her by the

French Covernmem. 1.. u.

WHISTLE. ’I’h«* simjiloi form of Jlageolet

or ^«r*«*kcr. It titay Ik* made of wood, cane

or metal; modcTJi whistles are son mimes of

cclluloul. The prnwiple is that nf a lube

plugged, or otlierwise arrangexj, at the niouili

10 that a narrow* slit only remains. A short

distant e below it a notch having a portion of

the lube cut slantingly away or, if of mi lal,

dctlceied inwards, ujion svhicU the breaih

impinges and so produces a shrill wmnd

dependent on the length and width of the

lube for its pi tell and power.

The short whistle, of the dog*wlii»ile type,

is not open at the end and peoduccs only one

note, ibe old parisJi clerk's plleh-pipe 1 made

of wood; was merely a w histlc plugged at the

end by a movable sloppee, which, jiushcd

upwards to ccruin fixctl places, gate the

required notes as a pitch for singing. 'I'hu

onlinary musical wln*lle \ihc tin or penny

wWstle) lias six vents whkh arc stoppcti by the

fingers of both hands, and 1 he lingering follows

llie same rule as for the fife or lluiv tvilhoui

key*. '|*he biecl whistle (directions for pla\ ing

which vrere |Hibhsh<d by Walsh early In the

10th centuo) is svry sJiort and as a conse-

quence shrill. 'Ibe whistles of sas age races

are generally of cane, and someiimfs blown

With the nose instead of the mouth. r. x




Whi*il*r, M«N«U]. Set N'ocuicm (uae el


WUetler, Re*. Set Goft (Muiced clevkhoH. Mr •/»

PLATE 38, Vol. IV, p. 796;. Gordoe {C., * R«h«*»

Progreis *, deiigni).

WHISTLING, Karl Friedrich ?;

d- ?).

German music publisher, ? of English

descent. He was ntablUhed at Leipzig. In

1817 he brought out the work with which

his name, and that of Friedrich Hofmeisier,

is chiclly associated :

llandburh dcr musikaliKlMn Lileralur. oier all*

e«ineine« tniemsiitrK fcerJn«iei Verte*ehAia eMniek*

ler Muiikslirn. Juch musikjlitchrr Schtificn und

AbbtUuncen mil AnMi« dei V'erlffcn und

18 vo.|

It was published anonymously by A. Kle^’set

and contains a tolerably complete list of the

music published in Germany, with some addi*

lions from neighbouring countries, between

the years 17B0 and 1617. In 1819 the pub'

Ucaiion was bought by the elder Hofmeister,

but in 1635 il was resold to Whistling. The

1817 volume was followed by ten yearly sup*

plemcnis, carrying the work down to 1897.

In i8a8 the second volume (or rather a new

edition of that of 1817} appeared. Thb work,

to which Whistling’s name appears, h an 8vo

volume of 1 1 58 pages ; it is d^^ ided into three

parts and was followed by a lupplcmeni con*

taining a list of the works published while the

book was in the press.

In 1829 Whistling sold his w’hole business

to the Hofmeisters, who brought out two more

supplements, carrying it down to 1833 and

183S. In 1644 a third edition appeared under

the following title :

C. F. tVhhilinn Kandb^ch d«r fmaikaluehen

Lii«ra«wr. «d«r aljriiMinct tvwdMi**

VrrMichniu der in i^uchUnd und in d«e nntrenwn*

drn LanUvm ecdfv<bi«n Muaihaltcn nuch iiH»*b«litfbm

SrbrifMn und Abbildvnfen, mil AnwiM dec VerieMr

vnj PreiM. Dritie. bii twm AnfviR dn JaKm 1844

«r||rai« Atiftaie. D«arb«itei und 3 ><f*vaf «y< bca wn

A. KeCriMUict.

This edition (a 4(0 volume) was published

by Hormcister, It consists of three parts with

separate pagination (part i, pp. 144; part ii,

pp. 336; part iii, pp. 340) ; the third part is

dated 1645 and Is preceded by a list of the

changes which had taken place in the various

firms of music publishers during the period

covered by the volume. In 1852 another

volume (382 pp.) of the 410 edition carried the

collection on from Jan. 1844 until the end of

idjt. In i860 a second volume (470 pp.)

carried it down to Che end of 1859, in 1868 a

third (36: pp.) down to the end of 1667, in

1876 a fourth (575 pp.) down to the end of

1873, and in 1881 a fifth {S84 pp.) down to

the end of 1679, since when this series has

been discontinued. w, a. s.

WHITAKER, John (8. ?, 1 77® » London,

4 Dec. 1847).

English organist, mude publisher and cons'

poser. He was organist at the church of St.

Oemeot, Easicboap, in London, a partner

in the music'puUishing 5rm of Button 8:

Whitaker, and made his name mainly by the

composition of popular dramaiic pieces. He

Join^ Reeve in wriiing music for 'Who’s to

have her? ’ in 1613 and Bishop in contributing

some songs to a stage version of Scoit’s * Guy

Mannering ' in 1816, among them being

several that were favourites in their day

* Oh, slumber, my darling * Dog Tray ' and

' O say not woman’s heart is bought He

aho composed the music for several panto*

mimes, in one of which (produced at Sadler’s

Wells Theatre on Easter Monday, ta Apr.

1B19) occurred the famous clown’s song * Hot

Codlins*, written for Grimaldi. This was a

pantomime based on Shakespeare’s * Macbeth '

entitled ‘The Weird Sisters, or The Thane

and the Throne ’. His comic sonp (‘ Darby

Kelly *, ' Paddy Carey ’ and others adapted

from Irish airs) were highly popular. Apart

from the dramatic pieces just mentioned he

produced :

* A Day In *, 1807.

'Th« Ouu^ FasMeeer* (with Corri and It««v«),


‘ b’p la TawB * (with Reeve and oih«n). iBi 1.

* Ckaasa ilil.

* AChtaariaeOUSBIwk’. iSiJ.

* MySfWwcand ( i8iv

* IwiAowna. or The Maid of Moaeew 1818.

* PH.II»paad hit or Whect'i IA« Child? \ 1816.

* IV BoardiAf Mte, <a Tbe Fof family'.


* The Broken Sword *, 1816.

* A FrkAd Indeed*’. 1817.

*Th« He>r«rVirMu’ (wiihBuhep). 1817.

* Ihree Mila fhxn Parii ’, i8j8.

* A Frffwteef Fvn i 8 ti.

* The VeieeM SoWier’ (riih Farry aad Caeke). iNe.

* Sweeiheiru aad Wiva ’ (with othen). ids).

U’hi taker also composed some anthems,

nusic for English versions of the odes of

Anacreon and of Aesop’s fables, ' The

Collection of Sacred Music’, 2 vols. (iBiB)

snd ' 12 Pedal Exercises ’ for organ.

w. H. H.. adds.

Set abe Stihap (H.. callab.}. Reeve (de.)

WHITAKER, Maurice (k. ?>

Ion, ?).

English j8th -century musical -instromcni

naker, musk printer and publisher. He w«

II “ the Violin under the Piazza, next tne

locih gate of the Royal Exchange, London,

rom about i ?6o to 1 7 78 or later. At one 1 itnc

ic was azsUtani to John Simpson in S wecc^ s

Mley, and for a few years after

ieaih <c. 1749) he was manager for MR.

iimpson, and for John Cox, who mam^

iim^n in 175'. '^'hen Co*

*ased business in 1764. Whitaker tdverus^

h^t “he carries on the same busme« in

n-ery branch thereof at his owti •

A hiiaker published among other f

:om»leat Tutor for the Cerm^

176s)- A number of his single-sheet simgs

*car only the initials M. ^V^





WHITE, Alice Mary Meadows. S<f

Smith, Alicb Mary.

WHITE, Felix (fr. London, *7 Apr. 1084:

d, London. 31 Jan, i{)45).

English composer. Apart from some piafM>*

forte lessons taken with his mother as a child,

he was a sclf-taughi musician, lie com-

posed a great quantity of orchestral, v‘«ical

^including alwut 050 songs) and chamlrr

ni usie . H is first work to be pii Mid y perform* <1

Mas an overture, ' Shyluck inspired by

Shakespeare's * Merchant of Venice', which

WHS produced in I.ondon by Sir Henry \VinnI

during the I’romrnade Ckwwert season at

Queen's Hall in 1907. It is hrs chamlNi

music, however, that attracted the nywi atten-

tion, and hr received the Carnegie award iu

1 02? fur a sc’lting of .Nndrew Marvell’s ' I'Im*

N’ymph's Complaint for the Death of li<>r

Fawn ’ (for voice, oboe, sjola and |Hano 4 *>rie),

and again in 1923 for * Pour IVmrrln' «ror

llute, oImc, violin, viola and cello 1, These

works display an atiraetls e vnn oftmaginauve

poetry on a small scale.

Apart from his activUirs as a r«HH|u>wr.

White was a member of the Londem Philhar-

inoiiic Orchestra, playing the erksin and the

pianoforte, and between 1933 and 1935 he was

gn the musical st.ill at Covcni Garden IhcAtn-,

He made the lingUsh translations of Hmdc*

mith's operas ‘ Cardillac * and ' Matlsiv der

Maler' and edited for Belayev the pianofurie

works of Skriabin. His published composi-

tions include, in aslrlition in ihr>»e already

mentiontxl :

Rrmplii poem * Aoartc (on 1), G. It«


armoK. Mm • The tVvrie*} V'iHAtt • '«ri«r Cokhmiih

Herrn*4f foe ilf. oreh,

* Aeieu* ' tnr Mb. Irto.

' A HiekerH Note^bMOb * {nt H.

A AMmber .*Afk* (or vb.. ttUo Mfo Wji*.

in»u . paibt. bf U>e cenip«er.

Numerous sAMBt. pariwecs 4 aathrim.

u, (h). adds,

WHITE, Harold Robert (*. DuWin, t-

Jan. 1873).

Irbh singer, organisi. critic and composer

He was a eh<«r-boy at Christ Church Caih

cdral, Dublin, from i88t to 1887. H« had j

beautiful voice, and when it broke he was fo

a lime a bass singer, being abo swccessiveli

organist of St. Andrew's and of $t. Mars’s

and music critic. Owing to ill-health he wen

to Denver, Colorado (V.S.A.), in 1897, bu

returned wuhin two years and won priies a

the Fcis Ccoll (1698), aHo a prize given by ih

Worshipful Company of Musicians (Fanias’

Trio), He founded ihc Clef Club (looO, siil

flourishing in Dublin, and composed muci

vocal and imtrumenul music. Hi$ chief worl

.s an Irish opera, ' Shaun the fosi ' (based or

Boucicauk's drama ‘ Arrah na pogue •), sue

eesfully produced by the Carl R*,^a Company

in .Aug. 19*4 at ilie Theatre Royal, Dublin.

w. It, c. P.

WHITE, John (*. York, 8 Jan. 1779; </.

Leeds, 23 Aug. 1831).

Kiif I Uh onanist and computer, H e .si ud ie<|

for ilse mediia] profession, but his perf*>rtn*

ance oct the violin, when a Iv.y, shourxl that

he had considerable inmital nbibiv, and

nsedicine was iherelbre abamloneci for tnusj< ,

As •• Master White ” he playrtl at toncerrs at

Vnrk, Leeds and other Vorkslilri* low ns. In

1794 he came under ilir patrona|,'r of the I'arl

ofHarew(Mnl, whorinpK.t'cxI him a' leader un*l

tlieecior of liiN privau* c<»nc<'rts, and teacher lo

the family. VUiimit Ixmdon ujib the fanul),

lie look kw^ms on the piam»|<»rie from Diissrk,

singing and ihr /irgjn from John .\sldcv,

smlin from Raimondi and ihe h.irp from

llulip Meter.

.\l sonu* <4 ih*’ l/*>ndon (Oiiteris he ploM’d

ilsr (elU III the alnence of l.indley and

Dahiuen. He lircame iirganisi o| Harewond

fdnirch m 1H04 and seliktl ai 1.ml« in 1R07

as organist of Si. Faul’s Cloirth. He was

leader of the Doiuavter Mieiing of ihij an<l

one of the av^oiaiu Kinducuirs <d ihe grs’at

York JV%thal»of 18*3. 18^5 and jID8.

from I7U3 to iie.srlv tlie time <*r his deaih

lie was like main n^^anirer and loader of

Cooeerls in the We%l Kiding •>( Yorkshire.

In 1R21 hr held, in addition 10 lti« I.erds

apjXMBtmrni, the post ofoegani*! of W.ikefield

Pa rid) <;imrrh. He wroir a few unitnporiant

musical comp<Kjti<His, >,oin.' of wbitli w<>re

puldishrd by Mutf of Leeds, and w as ]>riihnl)l)

the White wI>o was in a parim r>hip with (be

Knaptonsrif York as music'sellen there <luriT>g

I he rariy iftrm. liis ion svas also in the

musical profrssion and in laier yearn assisted

his faiWr. John While’s wjfc playtxl the harp

and puhlislird some com |»osii ions. > K

WHITE LADY, THE iBojrldieu). Srr

Damp aus Nciir. 1 .a,

WHITE, Lsalie rf. Undon, 25 Fi b,


Irish puUuliee and bcKikseller. He was

eslaUiihed in Dublin during the last quarter

of llv 18th century. In 1779 he issued, from

iBCrampton Court, the $«*rond English edition

of Roscaseau's ‘ Dleiionarv of Musle trans-

lated hy William ^Varing. This work has

numerous mwieal illusiratjorn, in addition lo

two large engraved plates. Six years later he

l^ished Rurney’a ‘ Aerouni of the Musical

mfocmanees in Westminster Abbev and the

ranlheon^ However, his brsi -known musical

work »s Ihe fine quarto edition of |. C. \^'alker's

Bards ', issued from 86 Dainc Si reel in

1786. In 1790 he gave up puhlishing and

^ame a loltery.brokcr at 42 Dawson Street

Jn * 79 * he removed to 19 Daw^n Street, and

bel ween his success as pu Wisher and as lottery-


V^'HIT£ (Matthew)

WHITE (Robert)

broker he was reputed a millionaire in tSio.

He subsequently purchased a seat for Leitrim

and> in 1823, got hU son, Thomas, elected

M . P. for Dublin City. He became the founder

of the Annaly peerage. w. h. o. 9.

WHITE, Mactkcw {b. ?; 4 .?).

English iGth-i 7 ih-centurY onanist acMl

composer. He was a Gentleman of the Chapel

Royal in London in 1603J On 30 Jan. 1611

he was admitted a perpetual vkaKhoial of

Wells Cathedral, but in 1613 he was back in

London and admitted Gospeller in the place of

Robert Stone, and Is described as “ Minister,

and a Basse ((Vom Welks) He resigned his

place i n 1 6 1 4. He is presumably the * ' Mat the w

Wight of London” who on 1$ July 1619

received a share in a grant of the surveyorship

of latsds, etc., belonging to rectories, vicarages

and rural prebends in England and \VaIes.

On id July 1629 he accumulated the degrees

of Bachelor and Doctor of Musk at Oxford.

(I'udway calls him organist of Christ Oiureh,

Oxford, in 1611, and ascribes to him anthems

really composed by Robert White.) He has

been assumed to be the ” Mr. White " whose

catches are primed in Hilton's ' Catch that

catch can ' and in Piayford's * Muskal Gonw

panion ' (1O67), but there is nothing to sliow

that they are his. It is very questionable

whether any of the anthems to which hb name

is attached is rightly assigned to him, unless

perhaps the fragmentary full anthem ' Zache

stood forth which bears his name in Bar-

nard's manuscript colleclion (R.C.M. MS

1048*51), is his and not Robert White's.

O. s. F. A.

WHITE. Maude VaJdric (L Dicftpe, 33

June 1855; 4 . London, 3 Nov. 1937).

English composer. After acquiring the

rudiments of harmony and composition under

W. S. Rocks iro and Oliver May in London,

she entered the R.A.M. in Oct. 1676 and

studied composition under Sir G. A. Mac-

farren. In Feb. 1679 she was elected to the

Mendelssohn Scholarship, whkh she held for

two years, studying the while under Macfarren

and F. Davenport. In Apr. 1861 ilUheaJih

compelled her to giv’c up the scholarship and

reside for a time in South America. Before

her departure, hotvever, a portion of a Mass of

hers was performed at a R.A.M. students'

orchestral concert. In the winter t883 she

completed her musical studies in Vienna.

Among the most popular of her early lyrio

arc 'Absent yet present’, ‘The Devout Lover’,

' Ye Cupids ’ and * When passion’s trance

Her best songs are to words by Herxkk and

Shelley. For instance, for 'To Blossoms’,

' To Daffodils ‘ To Eleetra ' To Musk, to

becalm his fever ' she wrote pure, quaint and

measured music in thorough accord vdth

^ St* RimhauU, ‘ Old Cheque-Reok «< th« C3 »«|kI

Royal ' (i67»).

Herrick's delicate and somewhat archaic turns

of thought and language. But a song of

greater SC 4 ^ and merit than any of these is

to Shelley's words, ' My soul is an enchanted

boat from ' Prometheus Unbound Here

she completely caught the spirit of Shelley's

song and proved herself an adequate inter-

preier of a most exquisite lyric ; and worthy

of all praise b her thorough appreciation of the

importance of (he words of songs, an apprecia-

tion attested alike by the excellence of the

poetry she sets to musk and by her own careful

attention to the metre and accents of the verse.

Of M. V. While’s German arid French songs

may be mentioned Heine’s ' Wenn ich in

deine Augen seh ’ and ’ Im wunderschonen

Monat Mai Victor Hugo's 'Chantez, chantez,

Jeune inspir 6 e ’ and ‘ Heureux qui peut aimer

also a fine setting of Schiller's ' Ich habe gelcbt

und geliebet * for soprano and orchestra.

.Among her later compositions were a i.'ocal

quintet on Heine's ' Du bbi wie eine Blume ',

a setting of Browning's * King Charles some

songs on Sicilian themes and 1 few pianoforte

pieces. An opera, 'Jocelyn was projected,

but apparently never hnbhrd. a. h. w.

WUt«, R. J. Stt Melkr» (' Marlowe *, opera i ' Sonf

eTRuih \ thoral work}.

WHITE, Robert (I. ? ; 4 . London, Nov.

I 574 >«

Englbh composer. It hu been suggested,

though proof is lacking, that his father, siso

called Robert White, was an organ builder,

” Magiscer White ”, whose name is known

through paymenu having been made to him

between 1531 and 1543 for work done to the

«gan at Magdalen College, Oxford.* A

certain amount of support is given to this

identification by some entries in the Church-

wardens’ Books of the Parish of St. Andrew s,

Hoi bom, London >, whence it appears that in

the first year of Mary ( 1553 - 54 )

gave young U'hytc £$ for y' great orgaynes

which his father gav** to y* church”. In 157s

Langstone, a churchwarden of the pansh,

without consent of the parishioners, vestry or

parson, pulled down the loft and sold the

organs to the Dean of Westminster, “ wher

they notv stand and cannot be bought for any

mtmey so highly arc they esteemed for ihcir

goodness Among the NVcsimjnster Abbey

Munimenu b a bond dated ap ^

whkh b connected with the sale of the ot.

Andrew's organs to " Robert Whyt^nile*

man of Westminster ” and one John Thomas,

yeoman. As Robert While the composer was

then master of the choristers at Wesimimier

Abbey, and hb father bad been Jiving with h>rn

for some time before 1574.

Robert White may perhaps

cither (he father or the son. The «hole

action is difficult to understand, but jt u pos

, p ^ g • Mus. T., ISOS-

WHITE (Rvbcn)


sible that “ young ^^'hy(« " of the $t. Andrew's

documenu w&s the composer.

The first certain Tact recorded about Robert

White is that he took his degree of Mus.B.

at Cambrige on 13 Dec. 15^. The Grace

speaks of his ten years’ study in music, and he

was required under penally of a 40s. fine to

compose a Communion Service. 10 be per^

formed at St. Mary's Church on Commence'

mem Day ; omnia ptregit *’ is added in the

CracC'Book. Soon aficrvards he was ap*

pointed master of the choristers at Ely Caihe*

dral, in succession (as it seems; to Tye. who

retired in the early part of 1361. 'I'he serin of

'I'reasurcrs’ Kolls at hjy is incomplete, but that

for Michaelmas 1563 (inxvhich K recorded the

payment of White s yearly stipend of

prt>vcs that he had entered on hU duties not

later than Michaelmas He remained at

lily till the bvgi tilting of for John Far*

rant iia<i succreded to hU place id Nfastcr of

ih<’ Ciotristers l>y N(if'l)a<'lmas and lltat

NVhlir was slill at Fdy on 23 J>e. 1^5 h

proved by thceniry of the baplhm of Maigrr\ ,

daughter of Robert W Kite, in the registers of

i rtniiy Church, Ely. His t'ife, hllen Tyc, was

probably the com|>06er*s daughter.

It has also been stiggested that While, on

leaving fcly, went to Chester. In a copy of

Morlry's ' Plairie ami Easie (mroiluciion ’

(> 697 ) which vnee belonged to Hionias l om*

kins and is now in the library of King's College,

Caiuhfldgc, against the name of WJule, in the

list of English practliionen. is written in

I omkiiis's liand " F'lrsC of West Clmier &

We»t mi lister”. It had been known from the

researches of J. C. Bridge that a musician

naitud White was Masier of the Choristers at

CIk^kt at ihis date, but hitherto no evidence

has lH’«n found (such as thni su|>()licd by the

loRikiris copy of Moricy) to connect him with

KoWri \N*hitc, It appears from the Chester

Cathedral Treasurers' Accounts that *' Mr.

White” (without any ofTtcial title} was paid

>64:3:4 > i 5 ^ 7 . the Master of the

Choristers then being Richard Saywell, with a

salary of £i : 13 :4. In June 1567 White ap*

pears as Master of tlie Choristers and coniri*

hu les 1 31 , 4d . to Say^Ycl|•s salary . I n 1 56 7 and

156^ Mr. White '* took part in the Chester

Wiiitsun plays and on each occasion recejs*ed

4s. for Ids HTviccs, which was higher pay than

any of ihe other musicians received- 'I'he esH*

dence of the account books in fact is held to

sliow ihal While was thought a person of im-

pnr lance. His name is not found at Chester

later than t3$6, but the exact date of his dis*

appearance from Chester is unknown, as the

series of I'reasurers’ Account Books is ineom*

plctp.* It should be noted, however, that the

,• rnfnrnuiinn CMUibuleil W 1. tX Bri^e* t/

h« p.,iwr Ml * TH« MiTMle PUss • •* • Uww

AtthiK'JvgKAl boeiecv’i Journal *. 190)

Christian name of the Mr. White of Chester

is not known, and the surname itself is by no

means uncommem at this period.

It would seem iliat Robert \N’hiic was ap*

pmnied master of the choristers at W«^tminiicr

Abbey in 1 570. The .Abbey -M unin icn is i hro w

no light on the subject, hut the entries in the

registers uf St. Margaret's, Wcstnnu'icr, record

the baptism of "Margaret Whyte daughier of

Robert ”, 7 June 1570.* Klizabeth daughter

of Robert” was baptized on 24 Keb. 1572 ; and

" Pruth’rwc daughter of Robert " on 23 Aug.

* 57 J« AH these eluUJren were buried at the

end of «574, when the plague was raging in

Wriiminster and nearly aJi the fantily \sas

carrinl <ijr. Rol>eri \S Idle himself was buried

at J>t. Margaret's on ti Nov. 1374, and hU

wkJow died between the following 21 .\t»v. and

6 Dec. Only two daughiers, Marger> and

Anne, sun 11*011 their parents.

*Ihe will ol RolKrn Wluie, " BachHer of

Muskke and Master of ihe b^uirestvrs of the

Cathedral I Chun he of bt. JVier in the Ciiilc

ol WeumimUT ", is dated 7 Nov, 1374- He

desires to (»c buried at bl. Margaret’s, West*

mmster, " near umo my ihildrm " ; he leaves

Xs to bis fatlwr Kolieri \V hiie, " and all .such

u»s IsouseJnild slulc anti goodes w‘^ he did

Unsge vnto me at or lx tore his comjngv to

me " ; he makes bei^uesls to his d.iugliters

-Margery, Anin* and IVixlencr, leaving to the

first •• a mazer w*"* was her laiv graund-

motlw'f's **, *1*0 his wife l.lleii Jir k.'wes jiro-

I»cTty called ’ bw allow feldc and Wibnowes '*

a I Nut hurst, .Sussex, and he makes her cxecu*

trix ; and he giv-cs "to every of my skoller* to

cche of them ihjd.”. Prudence White was

buried 7 Noe., the day on wlikh her father’s

will was made. The wiU of J.llcn W'lnte, the

widow, is dated 21 Nov. 1374. A list ofdi fits

owing tu Iwr and her late hiisiMmI inriudes

the ftuin of owed by " (iabrii ll Cawood.

Citizen and blacyooer of Undon ", A eeriaitt

tdwafd Parston "owed x\%** viij***, un<l she

ha the in J»awnc a Jrwxll of goJdr *'. It iiu»

suggested ' th.xt the large sum owing to

\Shite from Gabriel Cawood tlie printer was

in payment R»r tome of his tiuiskal coinposi*

tions. An Edward Paiion is known as the

owner of i6th<eiitury manuKripu, such as

ilw lute* book In the R.C.M, (MS aolhi). It

is possible tliat W hite added to his income by

copying music, and that I'aiion was among his


White's contemporaries held lum in the

highest esteem. In the manuscript partlmoks

dated 1581, now in Ch.Ch. (<»84*88), the copy *

~ I?* ,. , •“ dto rtirr ecewn il»e worj

M Mkrm (hu Olu^Ki^n of H„brix wi.vf*.

««*mMi»*m«.we«*||<HiMreo*ldiecom{w«r, Aad

Midkavr » ban »in-c».

ifc* Wetim'*' ^ Anxfiwii* 19 l},e ht<i eJitiun ol


WHITE (Robert) : Works

isi has wriiten at the end oT \>'hi(e's LacDenta>

(10ns :

N’on ju mocsia plang«nU4 vetba pntphruc

Quam sonai auihiHa mu$k* monu DteL

(Sad M ihe mourniog k'Topb«t*i worrU fall 00 iLc ea#

More tad (o me l>ke mu»k*« ionet appear.j

Again* at the end of the Precamur, is Hniten :

MaKima musarum nostranim glorU SVbiu

'I'u perk* aeieriiuin aed lu* muM nunct.

i Thuu die*t. While, rhkf iptcndour of our art.

But v,ha( tliy ari h.iih >>reugh( stoJI iievermecc


The Roy. Lib. B.M. contains a manuscript

wriiien in 1^9] by John Baldwin, " singing

man of Windsor", \*’ho sa)‘s, in recounting the

principal composers of his age :

1 will l>egine w»ih NVbite. Slieppei. T)^, sihI T*II«,

?jriuMi, Gyln, MuiHiie, (h'vukk one o( die ^veenes

Morlcy* 1597* quotes him among "those

famous English men, who have beene rwthlng

inferiour in An " 10 various foreign writers;

and gives him, with Lassus, as an authority

fur beginning a composition " upon the sixt

His name, hovvever, seems to have been for-

gotten by the end of the i7ih century, when

his works are nearly always ascribed to

Matthew White. It was not until he was

discovered by Burney that his merit was fully

recognized ; but ever since Burney's time he

has taken his proper place in English Itistories

of music, though even now but little of his

music has been printed. His printed composi-

tions ore * Lord, who shall dn-ell ' (Burney,

' Hist.', Ill, 67}; 'The Urd bless us ' (Bar-

nard, 1641 ; and ' Old English Edition *, No.

xxi) ; ' O how glorious art Thou * (' Old

English Edition No. xxi). The B-part ' O

praise Cod in His holineu ' U printed in

Burns's ' Anthems and Services', and series,

<, 1 847. The second half of the 4'part version

of this anthem, beginning ' Praise Him in the

cymbals ', is given in Vol. II of the O.H.M.

It is not easy to prepare an accurate list of

While's manuscript works, partly because early

copyists were free in supplying new words to

his music and partly b^aiise great confusion

exists between Robert White and two 17th*

century musicians named Matthew White and

William White.

The following list of compositions is based on

that compiled by Dr. J. H. Mec lor the first

edition of this Dictionary.


A(i T* levavi. • 6. Ch. Ch., wmtine i«am.

Appropinouet <lcp*K4i>o. • S. Ch. CJ>.

CanlAie Domini. « ^ R.C.ai. MS aojs. • pwee

wilhoul word* (rpan of ISalm XCVJ). 1i b

identical with ihc openlrtfr ofEinvdisi W.

Chrisle Qui Lux. B.M. Add. HS$ 1 0.0)6* }9. Apkee

wiihoul words. Two luic «ctanc«ieenu, B.M..

Add. MS '.(9.846.

Deui mnoicAlur, • 6. Ch. Ch., waniinf leooc; MS

Bodl. Mil*. Seh., C. 49 ). t^oer oolvi ^W*


DiimiTK non m eniluium. « 6. hfS BodJ. hl«s. $cli..E.

i-ji Gh.Gh., wan tiaa tenor: MS Bodt. Miu. Sdi.,

E, 49$. tenor enJy. fxuacu, Doaine boa est sod

Sicui aUscuiui. Ch. Ch. 43.

Dumine ^uu bshitslxu Three •eriingt, Ch. Ch.,

wsnti^ tenor. One of them is in MS DcdL Mus.

Scb., E, 493, hs«us enty.

EuudiM i«. a 3. Ch. Ui.; Dodl. US Miu. Sch., B.

1-3: B.M. Add. MSS iB.pj&'SO. Sti Cuitaic


Jusnises. • 3. MS BodL Mu*. Seh.. B, 1*3.

Limeouiioo*. 4 3. Heth, peccetuoi peccevit, etc.

Oh. Ch. (rwke); MS Bodl. Mu*. Seh., E. 1*3:

B.M. Add. Mas 17,799^; MS Bodl. Mus. Seh.,

t. 493. conua'lenor only. FragmenU, De ocebo

nuMi, B.M.. Add. MSS ifi.93S'39« waoiing tenor.

Ch. Ch.

LrCcntur cocli. Roy. Ub. B.M. frogmeni ? of Can*


Libev* me. • 4. B.M. Add. hfSS t7,B09*3.

hi. .SIS Bedt. Mui. Sch., £. 493, tenor onfy, dated 1370

and awnbed 10 William Whyte. Tenbury MSS.

Fragment*. Quia feeii : £i aaneium nomen :

Skue loeutua e*i : tml Skut crai, Ch. Ch. 43.

Uanu* Tuae. « 3. Ch. Ch. (twice) : MS Bodl. Mue.

Sch.. E. C*3i B.M. Add. MSS lS.9^39. Lute

arranoemeoi, B.M. Add. MS 90,9^; M$ Bodl.

Mvft. Mh., B. 4*9. eon«ra*unor only. Eairaeu in

K.C.ht.. hlS ao$3 (iwke) : Roy* Lib. B.M. ; and

Ch. Ch. 43 (Veinanl mUii).

hliceeer* mei. 4 3. «i0i Keond part Cor mundum.

MS Bodl. Hue. Seh,. £. 1*3 : Ot. Ch.

Feccaium peccavit a 3 (not ih« lame as ihe Lameala*

<»om ab^). Lute MSS, B.M. Add. MS 99.94S ;

and R.C.M. MS 90)9 (Iwkc) and witlioul name;

B.M. Add. htSM.049 (eaniui ociy).

Fereia mea. 4 3. Ch. Ch. (twte^

Kreeamur laoeie Dootlne. a 3. Ch. Ch. Four tetung*

in dt. Ch. MSS 9$4*B$ <N«. 3, 4, 3 ^

iriUAfi i* Ch. Ch. MSS 979'n*

(The Md and 3rd leiiinzi in are No*. 74 and

7« ia 979*43.] MS Bodl. hluv Seh., E.

tenor only. Am arcangemeut for lute. R.L.M.

MS 9«S9.

Reftna eeeh C»r naeti. a 3. Ch. Ch., imperteel.

Tola pulehra, 4 ^ Ch. Ch.. wanting lanor.


Behohl Bow.ptake the Lord. B.M. Add.htSS go, 474*79 1

PH., aarribed lo Matthew Wtiiie.

If imi love hte. B M. Add. MS a4,i9f(,»hajmiY-

Lord, who >h*H dweU, 4 3- ^

O. hSwTSriot* art Thou, a 5. Printed in OM

Edrtwn. MS BodL Mui. Seh., F, Ji*i3i

Add. MSS 90.47l*79: PH-.aicnbed <0 Muthe*

White ; Ch. Ch, (twn organ Kore*). ,

O Lord, dehter me from min* eoem*». Ch. cn,.

O l^'^‘*?S^er*»or, R.C.M. MSS

“ R.W.”. perhapt an adapiaiioo f«f»a Latin moiei.

O praise Cod ioHnbolmm..* 8. An«targgl ^^

of (be bit: printed by Burn*, tCL,. HawJ'mi

•eore. lenor-book, *nd orean

•« Matthew >Vhiie: B.M. ^ Add, ’ illSw

B.M. HarL 7339 (tudway). awfibed to Matthe»r

The WWeia us. * 3- xa’^'Hrri “7399

En^ Edition. Ch. Gi ; B,M, Har). 7«9

(Todway). ascribed to ' i&.Vt'e)

Hawkim’s score a«l oegio*^

F*uw,: R.OM. MSS

30.47^79 aad 9&,397-

• tTefOi : RM. Add. MSS

To these, poaibly, should be added (ste

4 ka€f, under Matthew White) :

^ood forth. R C-M. M» t^5>J

MSS. ascribed to Matthew While.


Doubtful anthems and adaptations are :

M wosh mv hands. Ch. Ch. 1*03.

(by AMrich ?) of O

I T^y mrwihd ««• Ch.Ct.i 99^*4

An adaptation

Q^ftiuj want*



S t aed sbo la FiWw.. witboui coop«e»*< babm.

ord«ta B.M. Hvl. 4I4Y. It b m«rel)'ABA 4 L*pu«

tian of O how |)Qcioyk

O God, ih« boothcn v« coew. rt fem d to m »n * York

CaiAlocue ia th« «cikI« NVHin in the fint ediiNHt

o( ihu PkUouory, Nolhwr h known of thw ai

Y ork.

O Lord. r«buk« me auL B.M, Ha«l. 7 )^ (Tudwov*.

"(«l lo kincluh HOfdj by the Ro. l>t. AUenh",

alto in B.SC Add. MS 1 7.B47. os ' H\«b»nO« * ftoan

R. Ultiie. Thk i* Tbe Bins ua. Htih now


O linu o>»io ih« Lord. 10 Husk^i Ceuko(ue (R.dM.,

1043, Ilamard MSS>, b Appareedy rAirro<l !•>

niituke. t'lirre toemi lo be im> eueb AjiiKrm «

ihr M».

Ptaito the Lord. O mr tovl. R.C.M. MSS lo^B*)!. ii

aa adapUdon ofSperei Itrocl. from Oomine iton e>i.

]) 1 , IN NOMINES. Etc.

In Nomine. «j. Ut. Ch. ; MS Dodl. SIwt. Seb,, (>.

B..M. Add. J.vie Add,

MS 97,346.

Tltrce In .SimiiMn, 44. MS Bodl, Miu S«b.. U, tn~

4 10. Ihe httr o( ilinr ii m Lute MS 0 M.. .Add.

Mb TQ.i 4 i>. !m Nnm«ne for Rite idiHeirnt . 0 M..

Add. .MS 37.»4i. 0 for luir. B.M.. Add.

MS 33.946.

Ut n mi l« U. for enria. C!h, (Si. 771.

Mr. UJ.yie hit twMie. • 7. B.M. A>U. MS

* lliiu of 4 pjri toiir« HI Rartiifm Hitl* dunes 11

wiilioul dittir* lb.* Bureo>. IIL Ii n imk

known where (liii MS it.

O. B. P. A.. ttV. A. 8 .

WHITE SPIRITUALS. $t< .S piit jti*a 1 1 ,

WHITE. WlUUm (6. f \ 4. T,.

English 1 7 (h*crntury comprber. He wroir

fAniajiics, pavant, eic.. for vtoU, lA srlttch

many exist in manuscript in the BoJInan

Music School Collection at Oxford (with the

dale 1G4 0 . in Cli. Ch., Oxford, and cIscm here.

To him may be aligned the fantasict. etc,, in

B.M, Add. MSS 17,70^*6. A vcr»e anthem,

d 6, in two parij,’ Almighty l.ord' and’Heml

down is in MyricU’s enlleciion, i6c(> (U.M.

Add. MSS ao, 37 S*?>. Thomas Tomkins

dedicaicti to him a five^part song in Im set

publisfu><| in 1623. riie name of William

NN'hitc with the dale 1570 is aitarhed to a

Utin Magnitirat in MS Dodl. Mus. Sch.,

This may be the work of an early

William \N hitc. but the name is generally

supp<ised u> be a mistake for Robert ^^'h^te.

William While is named among the ‘* singing

men ” of Westminster, to whom mourning

^vAS granted for the funeral of Ouern

Elizabeth !,• c, j ^

He is among the composers of raniasics

selected for special mention by Simpwi in hb

‘Compendium* of 1C65, by which year he

tvas ••now deceas’d”.* He is also included in

a similar hit by Thomas Mace, ‘ Musick’s

Monument 1676.* His music for vkrfs h

elfcciivc and well written, but none of ii

appears to l>e of outstanding interest, a, t*.

&« 9 l/» KjMiaty.

WHITEHEAD, Jamep (i. Nesvchurch-in>

Rouendair, Ijmcashire, 14 Jvne 1912).

English viuloncellist and gambist. He

siuclieil at the R.C.M. in London from 1927 lo

‘ .S»» C. 1;. dr lafonuine, * The Kjnp^* Miekk *. i>. *j.

* P. IIS in rd. of 1739, * * p


19$$ and obtained the A.R.C.M. diploma,

in 1934-39 ^ principal c<’llisi of the

Glyndeboume Opera Company and in 1933

he became principal cellist of the Boyd Nccl

Orchestra for twYlcc years. 11c is the cellist in

the Harry Isaacs Trio, also in the Khiiharinonic

Trio, and he plays sonatas with Crrald

Moore. He has |K’rlorinctl in nearly every

country in Europe and in the |j.S..\. In

Lon<lim he lias plaved at nuiru’rous (l•^<'’rLs

at the Wigmorc Hall, at the National Gallery

during the second v\orkl v\ar an<l eKr^vlltTe,

and he is wrll knuwn f<>r the jilejsing light

quality of his tone and the flexibility of his

terhnique. In 1933 he \«a» presented with

the Mtxial of the \N'orshipful Company of

Musicians. m. k. vv.

WU4»b«a4, Paal. Aiicilw/t.

WW4*b«aB. WillUB, Bw><« 1 ’ Hwmiaii 1 .ulicr *,

••Hul. <n.|.

WHTTEHILL, Clarence M.'irengo,

Iowa, 3 Xov. 1871; 4 . New York, iq Dec.


American iMssdiaritoiK >itiger. A pupil of

H. D. PMp at Chicago, he uai in business in

that tiiy, an<l imklenully a church soloist,

uniil iH<|C, when he ssetit to Paris to study for

the operatic stage under Giraudet and

Sbfiglia. His debut was made m Brussels in

1899. as Friar I.awreiHc in (JoumHl's * Romeo

and Juliet \ and im mediately alterwards he

waa il>c first American male singer to appear

at the Paris Op^fa*Comique. In ifTOo he was

the leading baritone with the Savage English

Opera flompany during its season in New

York- After further study with Stock hausen

at Frankfort o M. he went to Bayreuth for

study of the Wagnerian rcf)eriory, in w hich he

won especial eminence.

In 1903^ he sang principal parti at Cologne,

in 1909-11 he was a meinlier of the Metro*

pcJiian Opera in New York and in 1911-13 of

the Chicago Opera Company. Fmm 1918

he was again with the Mciropoliian forces.

He also sang Wagnerian pans in London,

at Cios'cni Garden, during five seasons, and at

Bayreuth and at Munich during three an<l two

seasons respectively. w*. s. s.

WHITEHOUSE, William Edward (6.

I^ndon, *0 May 1839; 4 . London, i« Jan.


English violoncellist. After some early

study of the vi<din he took to the cello at the

age of thirteen, studying for four years under

Walter Pcuii. He entered the R.AAi. in

**77. receiving tuition from Piaiii and Pesae,

WOT the BOTamy Dpbree prise in 1878 and

joined the teaching. staff in 1682. With a

purity of style modelled on that of PI a It I,

he marie his greatest successes in chamber

music. He travelled In the provinces with

Jwhim and was cellist to the Ludwig

QuaTiet, the Bath Quartet Soeiciy (the oldest


WHITING (Arthur)


in England) and the London Trio (Amina

Goodwin, Simoneiti, \Vhitehousc) with whom

he toured in France and Italy. He migned

from the last of these organiaaiions in 1925,

being succeeded by Lcbcll. He held the

appointments of professor at the R.A.M.,

R.C.M, and T.C.M., examiner for the Assoda-

ated Board, and formed many distinguished

pupils. The cello upon which he played was a

hne specimen of Francesco Ruggieri.

WHITEMAN, Paul. *e Jazz. ^

WHITFELD, Clarke. Set CLxaKe.

WHITHORN (or May-hom). A rustic

oboe, the body constructed of green willow*

bark twisted into a conical shape and fastened

with hawUiorn spines ; the double reed is also

made of soft willow rind pressed together.

This primitive instrument used 10 be employed

in Oxfordshire in connection with a Iwal

Whit'MonJ.iy Hunt in the forest.

f. w. o-

WHlTHORNEi Emeraoa (5. ClcN'ctand,

Ohio, 6 Sept. 1^).

American pianist and composer. He

studied pianoforte and theory with James H.

Rogers at Cleveland and under his inHuence

began his professional career as a pianist at the

age of hfieen, playing for iwo comeculive

summ ers j n t he group of (owns consiitut I ng t he

Chautauqua Circuit ". Pianoforte uudy

with Lescheiizky followed in Vienna, as well as

study in counterpoint and composition with

Rol>ert Fuchs. From 1907 to 1915 he lived

in London, composing, teaching pianoforte

and theory, and writing music criticism

for * Musical America * and the * Pall Mall

Gazeue’. He returned to the U.S.A. in 1915,

when he became executK’c editor of the Art

Publications Society of Si. Louis, retaining (he

post until 19 ao. The fol loiving year he became

vice* president of the Composers' Music Cor-

poration of New York (which published many

works by younger men), but he retired >n 1922

to devote himself to composition.

Whitliornc's earlier works reflect his Eutch

pcan associations, but in his vivid pianoforte

suite, ‘New Yurk Days and Nights’ (chosen in

1923 to represent the U.S.A. at the Salzburg

Chamber Music Festival), a work “composed

with a conspicuousness not only of impression-

istic methods but of later developments In

polyionaliiy and chord formations ”, he suc-

cessfully caught the spirit of the great metro*

poUs. I'hts suite was later orchestrated and

performed not only by symphony but by

cinema orchestras and, in special arrange-

ments, by jazx bands. ' Sooner aod Later

a ballet (1925}, is likewise American in

character. In the ' Poem ’ for jManoforte and

orchestra {1926) and ‘ Fata Morgana’, s>‘m*

phonic poem (1927), there is a concentration

on rhythmic efleets. * Saturday's Child ’ for

two voices and chamber orchestra (1926) and

* The Grim Troubadour ’ for voice and string

quartet (J927) are both settings of poems by

Countee Cullen, the Negro poet ; in the latter

especially there is application of Whitbome's

expressed conviction that “ melody, whose

crown was forfeited in the maeblrom ” of (he

decade 1916-26, during which there was "a

sort of fetish worship of ugliness per se”, should

once more receive the allegiance of composers.

In his pianoforte Quintet (192B) a romantic

mood is present together with a thoroughly

contemporary trchriique, and the combination

is to be found also in other later works.

An early work by Whithorne was heard in

England in 1926: 'The Aeroplane' for

o^hntra (composed in (920), performed at

Birmingham. A work in which he used

authentic Chinese themes and sought to

imitate Chinese instruments was hit incidental

music for Eugene O'Neill's 'Marco Millions'.

An orchestral extract from this entitled ' At

(he Court of Kubla Khan ' was published in


His compositions include, besides those

already named :

* The Rein * tor ereh. {i 9 ts}.

* La Nuii ’ lot erch. (1217).

.S>in|ih«nr No. I (i 9 t 9 f.

.S>mf»h. |»oem * The Dream Pedlar ' (iV 90 ).

* PandaoZo ' for eerh. I1931).

%vmph. poem * .Mean Tntl ' {199$).

Smpheny Ne. t t> 99 Sl.

* Sierra Morma * tot erch. (X93I).

* 5 uolkr*i Serenade * tot sif. er<h. (1944).

Vn. Concerto (tpsO.

* Creek (mprrw>ecM ' Car ti#. 4iet (1917).

Sirinf Quartet <> 9 }a)>

S«MU far vn. ft pr. { iw).

' Cl ramino real ' far pi.

Aha pC pieeei, lanft. fte.

0. a<, rev.

Rtaa. — How AS*. Iomk TAwsa, ArlicW in ‘Modem

k(ua»e ' (Jan.-reh, tmt).

' Cmeraon >t’hiU»oma ' (N«w Yark. r 9 t 9 }.

WHITING, Arthitf {k. Cambridge, Maa<.,

20 June 1661 ; d. Beverly, Mass., 21 July

« 936 )* .. .

American pianist and composer. He studieo

at the New England Conservator)' with Sher-

wood and Chadwick and later at the Munich

Conservatory with Rhein berger, Buasmaycr

and Abd. In J 885-95 he lived at Boston,

devoting himself chiefly to composition. In

1895 he settled in New York, and from 1907

onwards he was largely occupied with tJ»c

giving of concerts of chamber muaic

lo be mainly educational. His “ expositions

were a regular feature at Harvard, Yale and

Princcioii Universities. He also became an

authewitativ'e exponent of music for harpsi-

chord and clavichord. .

With various American orchestras whiung

play'ed his fnanof^tc Concerto in D minor

and hb Fantasy in B> minor. Hu other

compositions include an Overture, a Suite for

strings and homs, chamber music and vocal



music, and he made arrangements of clasucal

harpsichord mu&ic for the ^anoT^Mie.

w. $. s.

WHITING, George Elbridge (^. Hollis*

ton nr. Boston, Mass., 14 Sept. 1840; d.

Camlvidge, Moss., 14 ^c. 1933).

American organist, conductor and com-

poser. At the age of hfteen be succeeiled

Dudley Buck as organist the North Con-

gregational Church at Hartford, Conn. Iheri;

he founded the Beethoven Mttiical Society U>€

church practice. In 1863 he began his BcMton

career, playing at Dr. Kirk’s church and after-

wards at Trrnioni Temple, and giving concerts

on the Mu^ic Hall organ and on many other

Lrgc organs, meanwhile studying with d- NV.

Morgan, organUi in NW York. In 1863 lie

visited iMiglaiul to study with NV. 'V. fr’st. and

wlidc there often deputiictl for Best in church.

Keturning to America he became organist of

bt, Jowph's Church, Albany, where Kinina

I.aj«'anc%s<' Outer famous under tlic name of

/Vliiuni; was a member of his rlioir. .Nfur

three years he returned to Riwton, wherr he

was organist and director of music at King’s

Chapel for Uve years, and at the Nfusic Hall

for one year.

In l0?4 \Muting visited Berlin and studied

harmony with Haupt and rirrhrstration with

Radecke, Returning to B<nton again, he

became principal organ inurucior in the New

I'.ngbnd Conscrvaiory. He was also organist

at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and eon*

due lor of the Foster Club, BuaUin. While

NVhttiMg was its director (he club wing a

nuinlicr of his comiKnitioiu, among uthers a

setting of the firologuc to Umgfelhnv's 'G< 4 den

Ix geiur and the first sketch of a cariiau,

' The ‘Fale of the \ iking *. His compositions

further included cantatas, church musk and

some symphunic works for orchestra. In 1879

he acc< pted a call from Throslore 'Hiornas to

take ihargr of the organ department in the

flolirge flf Music at Cincinnati, of svhirh

lliomas was then director. In 18B3 \Vhiting

rc(urn<;<l to Boston and I he New England Con-

rervatoTv. w. 11. o., abr.

WHITLOCK, Percy (William) (*. Chat*

ham, I June 1903 ; d. B^memogih. t Mav

I.iiglish organist and composer. Educated

at ]i<H hfstcr Choir School and Kings School,

he wt»n scholarships successis'ely at the C.S.M.

and at tiu* R.C.M, In London. From 1921 to

1930 he was a-sshiant organist at Rochnter

Caihr<lral, while from 1 934 10 1938 he coupled

with I his the duties of organist choirmaster at

Oiacham Parish Church and from 1939 to

• 03 ^ those of organist at Borstal Church.

Rochester, He was director of music at St.

Stephen’s, Bournemouth, in 1930-35 and

from 103 ^ until his death he was Borough

Cntnnisi at the Municipal Pavilion there.


Hliitlock was a well-known and prolific

composer of music for the organ and the

church, while he was distinguished equally for

the many organ recitals he gave at Rochester,

Bournemouth, etc., as well as at Broadcasting

House, London, and for the Organ Music

Society. His chief publications are

AfKhptei. SlotfU, CwnmuAKHi aaJ Lvmins Srrsiert.

Tttitn Im «Iic tjuisliM SetfiKe

«(h«Mrr Xliaic.

* Ske\rA NkewW* ' Cor oegan 12 boukj) ; (,rcdn Son^ij

io C miiMTi 'Two Fanuiy-U^urolt * aui( ' ply*

okousti Sutw * for orcon.

Simpaooy fttt urcon omT ofchrttrj,

T. w. (;,

Wkiimaa, Wall, .Nncrirr niAiout,' }td<<>r>

I.., «o(h. . h(l( .tv. II., .*)vni)>Nonvj, lkit>tM 4

>’(>n ilie Kr«<a’. hli't llot.ip, 'j.

BhmwiM '4 MMict., (Sun»,rr •\s'h>.|*rr» t 4 llea^DilN

L>r«ll» *, «in «4 '•r»h. . V iJioul

work,. BfM)c« .1 r^nb, so»c», hr>MM> ' |)iu/n 1 api '.

(hMus a Bunthjuwr i

(.*t«rr C , ' VS Aible f<rr I.iIac 1 irru. *,

a wck.*. Owrl(>**o«<»>'ir<lr«<, '* of (/,«», *, \<Mrr

L ft.i (tolrrMltr*lAiV,r i'Wa llrili ’, < linr^l ri«A|i>(Kl\ ..

t^<rvmr I tumpolrr *. of< Ii, Iaima»v g 2 orch.

t.fru«>n 'j i»nc,«, llrliwt * .Sra k

'v.iM(*off 4 rc%«rir.<hAral «>Mk< .’IU^II .,

IVIo Jow •* Msiu< I ruA>|>r<( r *. < «M>rL I. auIaIp

«M,c (l<lr . lAfurll 'S>cnllolut

Mud* /••€ <H<a . t.rMk* .* Sjtiil AM immimIc ', tl.kC«

HtfiM.W' .' tkrum Iai'i*. tli'Mal wi rb, j 'oMst

%>»lK «v<h Hjfn« Itt.i, A <h'>'Al W'»rb> ,

I , KhdiWHlv, vriHr & vi<h. . lfAiri>.iM I.. «omv .

Art K. thorui a '. Haru * Mi«Ih

'l«>in>|tflrr \ <lM*rAl H'.eb '. Hrt»r- nf

lhA\rnl« llTAth «AfWAh<, & |.f .. IlMMlitiMili

• Al* Kr for <V<u« k '»i<h ; 1 pjUmima : j otni'j.

' « <W>rAl ••.ok\ . * hiUHAtt < )\4 ruirr ' . l.iv'Clfr

'ISniAk I A(H *. «lM>f«w a < 11 .,

ta*KC f>0 l%>M NrirtaaM*, <>i«>rii« ^ <»r(||

Molkr.tlrmidAn '' In .VlrMM,ri«nk miauviim. .S.ilm*

Mr* •’ C.«l.rMM>i»«tulk trnnipru, iln UioAiMin '.

SAMlrn .’.ShtfH lrvm|ir(<*i ', <li<.rdl HMtbr. ^iliortk

• * I r«>mmh<Vla«p , tlviriM . Sthuhrr MUh

fHih.l. Stliumah / (hutal <-e*k* . 2u>ov«'.

Sr»Mm kIimaI «>4.fb . Siahl.int ' J Iriiai (klr ',

rhofal «kork : ) wnc»'. IIiomumma 'H . mm»ci. N'ajvM

lowic Miih V'AurliAn \\illiA'r,> iIimiaI Motki.

tVonl <:.’|>ii«rLt I vs*. \Viciai» 4 ( Imral

• ork ; i loftf «,

lhai 8(t(iua, A. V.. *VVa(i Ns'lMltnan AfyJ lins*

M (kMfXMr* «M, k I... XKV'III, 104 ", f*. m*.

WHITTAKER, WlllUm G. (CiUlea) fi.

.Newcastlc-on- Iync, 23 July 1U76; d. Orknev

I>U>s, iJuly i<M 4 h

English musical scholar, choral ri>n<lu<t<>r

and composer. He particularly dcsotrj him-

self to choral conducting in Nurthumberland

and obtained conspicuously fine musical

results from the choirs under his rontml.

These included classes at .Srmstrong (killrgr,

the Newcastle and Gateshra<l Choral Cnion

and the Newcastle Bach Choir. The last-

named, a small body of picked singers, w’as

fwnded and irainrd by him for the purpose of

giving Hach's cantatas in conditions approxi-

mating to those for which they were inlende<l.

Whittaker took his Bach Choir to Ijjndon for

a three da vs’ festival In 1 922 and later travel kd

with it with great sucrest in Germany. He

gave the first complete j>erformancc of Byrd's

* Great Service ’, at Newcastle, and rviicatcd

it at St. Margaret's, \^'estm^ns^er, in 1934-

Whitiaker published manv choral arrange-



WHYTE (fan)

men is of folksongs *, as well as original choral

pieces. A Quiniet for strings and piarrafevee,

' Among the Northumbrian Hills and ‘ A

Lykewakc Dirge ’ for orchestra are published

by the Carnegie Trust. He was appointed

Professor of Musk at Glasgow University and

Principal of the Scottish Academy in 1929.

H. c. c.

\S'h It laker was an occepiionally fine Bach

scholar and devoted great care to the study

of that master’s cantatas, particularly from

the point of view of performance in English

translations. The fruit of his studies and

practical experience appeared in a valuable

book enlilled ' Fugitive Notes on Certain

Cantatas and the Motets of J. 5 . Bach ’

(Oxford, 1025) and in a lecture given to the

Musical Association (Proc. tR*®V«l| Mus

Vol. LIV, 1938). His ‘Collected

Essay’S * (Oxford, 1940} also contain Bach

material as well as ranging over a wider field

of sehnl.*irship. g g

WUttivr, Jeha Cr«««J«ar. Sn H0U1 ($psrUAn^>.

Msc kcn**e 1 SV uchf » lUu(hi«r \ ewitsis). Paine

{ ( olumb^Hvmn L

WHITTLE AND DUB. An old English

name for the pipe and tabor,

WHOLE TONE. Tomr (i).


chromatic scale of twelve Kmi tones can be ex-

tracted iwo scales, each consisting of six

whole tones within an ocuve- The notation

of them is quite arbitrary and the use of

sharps or flats will normally depend on the

context in which they arc us^ :

Although they are symmetrical with respect

to each other, these scales have no note in

common and have therefore no mutual

harmonic relations. There is also no inter>'al

of a perfect fifth within them, and they have

thus no unambiguous associations with the

classical major-minor systems. They have,

however, been used for melodic and harmook

expression within their prcKribed llmitt, and

still more frequently in contrast with tradi-

tional idioms. o. i>.

Sf* e/i* Seale (s mu*, rxs.).

WHOLEFALL. .SVe OaNAMcrers, A (iii).

WHYTBROKE (WUtbroke), WilUam

( 5 . ?, f. 1495 ; </. > London, c. 1568 *),

English ecclesiastic and composer. He was

at Cardinal (now Christ Church) College,

Oxford, in 1 525, at the same time as Taverner,

whose close contemporary he probaUy was.

* For lut Iff B.M.S. Ann., leso.

* His wUI i« Hated 14 Mar. t$ 6 a fSomMvi Ho«mc.

Ptero^ahve Court of Canterbury WiUv rrf, SheAetd).

1q 1530 he was ordained priest, when he was

sent to Manchester by Higden, Dean of

Cardinal Colley, to report oa the musician-

ship of a certain John Benbow, who was a

candidate for the post of master of the chor-

biers there, in succession to Taverner. On the

suppression of Cardinal College, Whyibroke

became Sub-Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in

London (ggjunc 1531), a post usually held by

a muskal cleric.* He alM became a minor

canon.* He was also appointed to the vicarage

of All Saints, Stanton, Suffolk, and possibly

retired there in 1 535 when he resigned from

St. Paul’s. Flood {s«r BibJ.) suggesu that he

spent his remaining years there, Irat the will (m

footnote 8), suggests that he died in London.

But before that, on 30 June 1534, he had

signed, with other clergy of St. Paul’s, but net

Dean Pace, the declaration of allegiance to

Henry VIII denying the pope any ( P temporal)

authority in England. Ch. Ch. 979*63 con-

tains a piece in 4 pans called ’ Hugh Ash-

tons Maske an arrangement using the tune

of Hugh Aston’s * Hornpipe ’ for virginal, in

which Whytbrokc'i name is at the end of the

contra-tenor pan. He contributed to Day’s

' Ceriainc Notes ’ (1360) a setting ’ Let your

light so shyne* * (described as ” a thankes-

gcuyng for the poore ”) for the first of the

three Communion Serv'kes contained therein.

In the 1585 edition (issued under a new chic *)

hb name is also appended to the Magnificat d*

the second Evening Service. It u probable

that he abo wrote the * Nunc Dimliiu ’ which

follows, as Knyght ” ’ U given as the comptMr

of both canticles of an alternative Evening

Service. ^Vhytbroke was a contemporary of

Shepherd, RHford and Ludford, and com-

post chiefly for the Latin liturgy. His close

friendship with Redford is showri by his will.*

The Magnificat in the list below was published

as No. of Novello's ’ Parish Choir Book ’.

Mw> * re •quare * (U in 4 pu.) (B M. Add. MSS

'& Zr>M\ithi (B.M. Add. MBS

M«iet C>ev»’. s x'oiea (Fetemouw* Cam-

Audivi media noete ‘ (B.M. Add. MSS ' V®®?.**'

Thu letiing b by T*v*«»er, but the>eri ed

ia by Ultywobe).

j. M. (ii), rev-

Dtai.— F looi^ W. H. CxArTAW, ' Eariy Tud«f C«m«

peeen' (OKferd, 19*5).

Set aim Aateo.

WHYTE, Lui (A Dunfermline, 13 Aug.

190O. u,

Scottish conducts and composer, nc

sludkd composition with David Stephen and

* See Fvoor and Samson, _ „ , ...

* Dearribcd aa ''^l>‘-caxMft and tub-Pean >n nu

* Frinied in ‘Tbe Parith Chnif ', II U6«^-49)-

* S>4 Day Jaha. ^ Kwckt.

* He iYqv«wed 10 be " buried «iibin U»« elavatf' «

S«. PaaP* and« Uw Library ihcre, a* n«re the traxt

where «b« badye of Mr, RedfanJe Jate 'hs

querenm and Amner (alraonrrj of Si. Paul * Churehe

Mth burred aa eoovenwnUy nay be .

WHYTE {Robert)



pUnotorte with PhiUp Habcead ai the Musical

School of che Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. In

S0(8 he look a pianoforte scholarship at

ihc R.C.M. in London, and also a scholarship

for composilion, under which he studied with

Stanford and Vaughan Williams, in 1923

he was appointed Music Director to Lord

OU’iitanar, when he produced operas by

Mozart and Sullivan in the village of A 1 >oyne.

Aberdeenshire, making use of local taleni.

In 1931 Whyte was appointed Muvlc

Director of the 6 B.C!. in Scotland and m

• 935 hr formed the B.H.C. Scottish Orchestra,

Front 1935 until the outbreak of like seeoml

world war in 1939 he w as engaged in training

that orchestra and, in <olUboration with Dr.

Harry M. Wilhher and others, in prrvniing

an < lal>orate mu>kal radio series. * Music

from I he Scottish Pa>ii For I his serin

Whyte " rt'incamatrd " over auo muiilatetl

Scots pieces, and out of fragmenu of tdd

Scotiish airs, discovered by IV. Wdlshcr in

manuscript, Whyte buill up a n<’w>o)tl ireavur)

of madrigals, songs and pieces for sirings.

One of his major achicvcrnt nis in tins fu'ld

is the rcincarnaiioh ol ihr hnr l>niglas

Ma«a (rarly ibth century 1.

In 1945 the duties of Musk Direcior aswl

Conductor of the orchestra hvl l>reome so

htavy that it was necessary for tkiem lu k>e

divided. Whyte retained the c ontiuclorshtp

of the urchnira, which, under his liaton, has

appeared at each of the Ivdinburgh Fc^iixals.

He reteived the O.B.l;. for hit serskes to


Whyte's works include an (i>era, ‘(^omala*,

based on Ossian: i ojKTetias, ‘ The Fcirgc *

and ' The l air of the Sheplvrrd ' : >*alleis

' (foblin Haa * 'I'hc 'Frout ’ and * Donald of

the Burthens ' (prod. London, <;osrni (/arden.

t 03 i); much incidental music f(»r bruadcasl

plays ; • .Sonii<*t ' (^VordswvrthJ for solo

voices an<l t Itorus ; 9 Symidsonies '.me

IK'rrorine.i at an Ivdinlnirgh Festival), sym*

phtjnic poem* ' Ikiinburgh * aixl • 'l ain o'

Shan lor ’ (after Burns) ; pianoforie Coneerso

(also performed at Edinimrgh), violin Con*

certo, viola Concerto ; a quantity of chamber

music, im lulling a string Quartet; seme

pianolo rte m usic, etc, M- L.

WHVTE, Robert. See Wniir.

WHYTE, WiUinm (*. ? ; rf. Edinburgh, >).

.Scottish i 8 ih-i 9 lh*centur>' music publisher.

He was rttabJished in Edinburgh, “ai the

sign of the Organ ”, at i South Si. Andrew's

Si reel about : 799-1 609. His address was 17

South Si. Andrew Street in about 1609-11

and No, 12 about 1811-26. From 1825 the

business was conducied as William Whyte &

Co., with premises at 13 George Sireel from

about 1826 to 1O58.

Whyte published great quantities of half,

sheet and whole-shccl Scots songs, but he is

best known as having engaged Ifaydii 10

arrange two colU’Ciions of Scots tongs, in

ris'aJry of George 'Ihomson's similar )nt I dila-

tion. 'Hiomson w*as much hurt at Huyiln's

undertaking tl»c work. The arrdiigi’in«'iii»

for W'hyie w'crc Hone In iBou* 3 and were

in number; they were iwutxl in two folio

volumes in i8u6and 1B07, and Haydn rm-lvi d

5 «o florins.i ‘I he title of ih<* work was ‘ A

(killection of .Scottish Airs Harmonized for

the S'oicc & Piano Forte*, with inlroduciory

Si concluding Symphonies; and Aicompaiil*

ments for a \ iolin & ViolotKello by Jene pit

Mavden Mus. lKxt.‘, r, k., rev. vv. c. s.

^ WHVTHORNE, Thomas ft, 15.^0^

l.nglivh (omjam’r. He wciiw to have jM*f*ii

an amateur imnui.tri and a man ol xifltrient

imam to sustain iIm «<a( of pi mting hl> rum*

positions. In 1571 Im* |niblidi<*<l :

(g« iKrrr, «ihJ ftue sA\.es

a«Ml made U 'IlMan,.* VM,M>i,wr»e. t,<*Ml. tli« wliuh

swices Iw of wiiMbv Kifm, Ktai ». (u mv. lour,

Matie than, vatte lot.l, caanr cjmc to KMiite. and

Uali ' 4 Ix»mhu( w^rniiK*, jtid k.>n»r plraunl

it wn : «.» ilwi ai««.t,hnr t<» thr «lill </ n,p otiiifo

'hiM Uw>ff Mu.itui,*. 4t.<| «imI .Irlio .t1 ili«

hcarprs. ifcae may ^icre linde ilior «,r«, 1.1,1 ,, ii,)m

andl,k,>»y, .SuH iKwIs fwldidio) .y,i. ,sj,. Ai|,imkJv,».

rranWd te Juhn Date, dMrJJiiw «.\p, .Mdroyalr.

Tin* jfr«'fa<>, prmU'd onlv in the unn, part-

book*. »h«»w» th.it NVhytltorne h.icl tiavelled

"In sundry forrein land'' |w«) (>avmg s|M<ial

atlcnliuA to various kintls of .

^ il<e luliju, ennat? iliP s-hk It o >»,i«

1 hj< <a(lp 4 Ik .Ss|Nd,( 4 lK ’* preo iiiprv unp;.

Tikis volume has hi'lorkal im|Hirlan<e, for it

is the mily puWishH «*l of se< ular v»x.tl i otn*

positions in England between dial of 1530

formerly atirihutkHl to W'yrikyn de W'tfrde Ami

Byrd's ‘ Fsalmet, Smets and Songs ’ In 15BU.

Nor does the iktusic thserve the censure that

has been heaped upon It. Bnnuy described

both the wvrds an<l music ol this set as Iselng

*' truly barlsaruus ”, and other wniers have

ftsifowed Burney's lead rather blindly. Why.

tliomv can scarcely be called a great com*

poser, but it must not be furgotic u that secular

vocal music In England in 1571 cannoi fairly

be compared with that of twciuy-livc years

later. .Nevertheless the 1571 book contains

some really excellent songs, dc-signed on ihe

plan ^thc “ ayre ” of a generation later rather

than that of the madrigal ; ihe melody Is in die

top votcc*pari, the lower voices bemg of sub*

ordinate* inlerwi, * .\s thy shadow it>cll

ai^y'lh ' has a ^ilernlid (low ing melody , and

this song alone is sufticient to confute ihost*

who have so greatly undervalued W I lyt I ionic's

‘J. CuOktwrt H« 4 }<k«). 'Oeorc* 'l>vomMii. ilip Fn«hd

his UIp sfHl Conespwcilpiiie '

«**•« « cakuJaked frem tf>e tucrmpnc 00 l»U

rih* '^* *'‘'« *'

.1 ' . *. ool y irnpf |»af ilwk, of whidi

llic uil«*pa«e B Buunr.



'vork- Philip (P«wr VVaHock)

edited and published this son^ tc^ether wth

eleven others selected from this same set, and

he claims that several of them are worthy to

rank with the best of the ayT.'s by the luienisis

who flourished some thirty yean later. < He

also points out that Whyilwnc’s ‘ Buy new

broom * is the earliest printed example <rfan

English solo song with instrumental accom-

paniment; the accompanying instruments in

this Instance were viols. There are 76 com-

positions in this set. Most of them are moral

songs, but the ‘V'enite* and some other

p«alms arc also included.

^^'hytho^nc‘s second publication is of Jew

interest. U was entitled :

Dvo>, frr Cor iwe cempMed and made

by Thoma* Uhvihernr Crm. Of ih« u^irh. lainr be

olaiTie ami eaiie <0 b« tunf. or playrd on MuwraJI

lincrwmrnu, 4 be made ht yanf bernAen af both

itiew Mrii, And the mi ef iheM Ouee be made and

sei fporth Ter Uiate that be mare tKrtnt in tinemt er

pltyint *' afereuKl, all the y.hkh be druided iaM three

parii. Thai ir 10 uy :

TI1C fiht, whi.h daib be«m at the Ana mac. are

m^lc M a man and a chiUe la ung. ar aiherwHe Sar

vaieoi or initrumenu of Muwke, ihai be of ihe like

eemnaue ar d Planer m sound.

The second, which doth befin ar the sum. tent, are

made far lun child tm to «nr. Aba they be apUy made

Tar two treble <.orneu to piay or sound: or othrrwHe

for voices er AiusrraH JnstrumeBU, that be of ihe Ivfce

compewe or rlitian^e >n smmJ.

And ihe third |>ari which daih br«in at the xxxvui-

lOhi (brinr ell Canons of iwo paru In eoe) Im of dturrs

cornpaascs er diuancM, and ibrrefere are la be wrd

wiih voKr* or Instruments erhJuwcke accordinolv.

Now newW published in An. Do. isoa. Imprmied

• t Lan.lt.n by rhamas Esie. ih« mirnd af tVdlsam

Byrd. 1)90.

This set Whs dedicated lo tlsc Earl of

Huntingdon, and the composer's portrait ai

the age of forty wa» prtntcd at the end of each

of the paribooks. The first 12 pieces arc

psalms; the remaining 40 numbers has-e

only the opening words pcimed with the music.

r,, H. t.

Dtau— WAnt.o«K ratim. ' Thatnai tVbyibome: an

Unknown Chxabcihan Campairr* (0«A^ tt» 1 h

VVICHELLO, Abiell. S<* Whichcllo.

VVICHMANN, Johnna. Set VS’cichuanv.

WlDDOP, Walter (*. Norland nr. Halifax,

19 Apr. 1893 ; London. 6 Sept. 1949).

English tenor singer. He first came forward

as a Wagnerian tenor (Siegfried, Parsifal,

Ole.) in the British National Opera Company

(luring ihe 1930s. and although awkward as

an actor and somewhat crude as a singer, he

at once attracted attention b)* a robust arsd

powerful voice that fitted him admirably for

heroic parts. He sang at the Barcelona

international season In 1927 and later at The

Hague, Amsterdam and in Germany. In

addition to the great Wagnerian parts he

appeared in ' Trovaiore ' Aida * Butter-

fly Vaughan W'illiams’s ’ Hugh the Drover *

and other works, and sang in Gluck's '.Armide'

in German during the internationaJ season

‘ !Vler Warleck (m* BcU.).

at Cwnt Garden in 1928, He was also an

effective oratorio singer with a fine technique

for Handel, though without sufficient subtlety

for such a part as Elgar's Gerontius.

Widdop sang comparatively little during

bis Iasi years, but it was a touching circum-

stance that he appeared at an Albert Hall

Promenade Concert on the night before his

death, singing Lohengnn*s farewell, b. b.

^VML Set Mouri (* Ap(^«i Kysciaikuf

play ««i(h m ).

VVIDMANN, Erasmoa (A Hall, Wurttem-

1572; Rotenburg o/Tauber, Oct.


German poet and composer. He was

cantor-preceptor at Graz about 1590, KttpHl-

metiUr to Cc^nt Hohenlohe at Wclckcisheim

in 1604 and from about 1614 preceptor and

cantor at the school of Rotenburg. In 1699 he

styles himself " P. L. Caes’* (imperial poet-

laureate). He was a prolific composer of

motets, psalms, hymns and other chureh

music, also secular songs and instrumental

music in dance forms. He wrote a theoretical

treatise, ' Praecepta musicae Latino-Germa*

nica ' (Nuremberg, J615), £. v. d. s.

B(ak.— RrKMear. Ckoao, * Crsimus WidBsnn : L*bm

uad Werk * (rubiniea, 1940).

WidmaM. J#«»pb VtkMr. Ste Gets (* VVid«r-

Zahmuai \ opera ; * Helllf en drei Kbaifc ,

irMid. »,}. Heiar (* MaesaK *. choral work; part*


WIDOR, Cbartea Marie (Jean Albert)

(E Lyons, 24 Feb. 18455 d. Paris, 19 Mar.


French organist and composer. He stutued

fint under his father (organist of Saint*

Francois, Lyons), afterwards going to Brussels,

where he was a pupil of Lemmens for organ

and F^tis for composition. In 187^ he

became organist of ^jnt-Sulpice, Paris. He

succeeded Franck as organ professor at di<

Paris Conaervatoire and later followed Dubois

as professor of composition. He soon dis-

tinguished himself, not only as a player, but

also as a writer (he was critic for the ' Esta-

feiic ') and a prolific composer in many

fields. He became Permanent Secretary W

the Academic de* Beaux-Arts, Widor’s works

comprise many pianoforte pieces, son^:

Symphonies in F major and A major for

orchestra, ten symphonies for organ and one

for organ and c«h«slra, concertos for piano-

forte, violin and ccJfo, a pianoforte Quintet

and Trio, Sonata for pianoforic and violin,

a Suite for flute, six dueu for pianoforic and

organ, a Mass for two choirs and two organs,

Psalm CXri for chorus, orchestra and organ,

a ballet in a acts, ‘ La Korrigane scenario

by Francois Copp^ (produced at the Opera,

I Dec- ie8o),anoperam3 8cuand4

’ Maltre Ambros Hbrclio by Copp^e

Dorchain (Opdra-Comique, 6 May j8w), a

4-act opera, ‘ L« Pccheurs dc Sainijcan




(Op^a-Comique, D«c. 1905), a I^tk drama

* Nerto ' (Opdrt, 37 Oct. 1924), iiKidcntal

music to * Conte d’avril *, a French version

of Shakespeare’s ’ Tweltth Night * (Od^n,

33 Sept. 1865) and ' Les Jacobites drama b>'

Coppie (performed 21 Nov. 1885) ; a sym*

phonic poem, ' Une Nuit de Valpurgis’

(perrormcd in London at a PhUharmonic

concert on 19 .\pr. t8dd, under the composer’s

direction), etc.

^Vidor is b^tl known as an organ composer,

certain movements from his sympbonlei Tor

that instrument having achieved great popu*

larity. 'I'hese works are among the mint

important in the organ repertory, both in

scope and in the inlluence they has*e had

on organ technique, idium and registration.

They date Trocn two periods of the composer’s

lire, Nos. 1*4 being Op. t), Nos. v8* Op. 43,

’ Symphonic gothique ’, Op, 70, ' S)mphonie

romanc Op. 73, and * .'sinfonia sacra’ dor

organ and orchestra,'. Op. Ui. The hik

‘'s)mphony", how nor, is sometimes in-

a|)}>r(>priai<>, ciiH^cully in the case of softK of

the earlier set, which, consisting as they du

of six or seven mowinrnts, some raittrr sllghi

an<i short, would be l>etier Irrnsrd suites,

Jutillicati'm ii perhaps found in the treamient

of the organ as a kind of stlf-eonulned

orchestra. The range uf st>k and inuod is

very wide, the movemenes comprising canons,

fugues, (<Mcatas, marihcs, schercos, sonve

highly wrought atlagio movenwnu arsd (in

No. 0^ a very fine set of variatiuns -realty a

free kind of passacaglu. ,\ll the later sym-

phonies, and certain lecilom in the first four,

make severe rien) antis on else resources of

both pl.iyer and Instrument -so much so

that only lately have many uf the best mme-

ments U*gun to receive due recognition.

Some performances by prominrnt recitallvis

In Kngland and Amerira t>f the whole set

of symphonies in their entirety bear witness

to the appreciation tif this Important side of

Wldur’^ oui{)ut. II. «i., adds-

Djsi -pMcurr. Iiioon. 'Charlr»<Nf*ne Wia«r’

XXX, 1944. (S. !»$/.

WIDOWS, Robert. Ste Wviww.

WIECHOWICZ, StaAJslaw («. Krusayce,

N'>v- 1893).

I‘oiish composer. He studied at Cracow,

Dresden, St. Petersburg and Paris. In 1921

he settled at Po^naA as^ began hii pedagogic

career as icacher of theoretical subjects at the

Comervatory Uiere. He also conducted

choirs and acted as mude Critic to * Prtegiqd

muiycsny’ (* Musical Review'). In 1939

he was awarded the State Musk Prise. Since

the second world war he has been teaching

music at the State High Music School at


He published the followin# books on music

(in I'olish) I

*Tlw Choeiis M*sicr and Ihe V'maI toms.’

‘The Haioo* of Ike C^otr ai>d ihc Devcinpineni

Ckee&l 'leehiwquc.'

* Seofc Readinc.*

* Lurrisei in Keading Xtusse wriiieii in olil Clefs. '

' I>« Bask Prioeiplet toi «he Chorus Master '

His eomposi lions contain vkmc’nts of folk*

lore and are dlsunguished by tlu Ir vivacious

and incisive rhythms as well as ilieir vocal

effects. In 1946 he wun the first prkr at the

Polish Olymfuc Competition in k\*ar«aw with

his ’ Kantaia iniwna ' (* Harv'vst Cantata ‘k

His c<*n»pvsiti(ms lot hide the f<>noNving:

C:ilOK.M. W 4 IKKS NslJK OKCltl.SiK.N

’ PaMMalli * ' NaitvMv Wmks ’i *> 9i7i.

' L>ite« sSuMuiishi* ’ Niakosik ranuia f»i

miscd chofus uiili Lta\< & Hworikkind «>r< h. i ifji'ii.

’Xanlata iomaaivcifta ’ 1’ Koriiauiis (.aiiiata'j kr

iwfuaae. < hacus a or< h. • <9)>i .

S F< 4 k .s«M(e» hK sok <Imxu« C ukIi < lQ 4 i 4 Sj.

‘ tVu|(uw<tMei Ithv* l.aik NSotms'i

(htUrefi’t caiMaia Ui mlu rk^ut & or'Ii.


’ J^ul^Ua ' C PsdmoJv ’ 1

* Xa fluavktm uar<>»kM * ' .\'» l.alllin^ I’oC 'i ' l{> 47 i.

’ Kmiuiri lue i'ri«|e<Ka)’ ' Wht iImI n«>l

t;,S’.U.ta>M»*VMM> ( UOh.Vb VtCKkS

’ MtwcdiAne Baikt ’ i’Mfui/rk‘» I'a»i) 'I ales 'j I 9 tr>',

’ Kupusak ’ .I'Hi!.

' KaMata iiui^iia ^ / f lai>e»i tlain^ia 1 94a .



’ litiMvk fct 4 nlo«*Y ’ IrtfMKh'' unh ori^nri


* Ma<ut<k ' Mith t ft*. •444

‘ hacM4 <Hxki ’ ’ lire J.«e» Drurr 'i u»lh a |>f». 1944,,

' karsiaia •HsIue'vKXtmaka ’ ‘MukiCHkis (^aiK.kia '


‘Bailie l«M* Imhan .Siiiiuner *j. • svinriii. i-irni

‘ChauH * y KiifiuMie ‘K SMt<} 4 t. »< lirr«v lyaO .

* t kfani I* tSild JVaa |iiciuie« ^ivti .

‘ v«Mc tee p( . fterc, 4 vt**. *>94^'.

Iksidcs l»e w’roie 7 Marurkas for violin and

piacsoforic and very* many songs. c. b. ii.

WIECK. Ckrittan family uf inusiciatu.

(1) Friedrich Wieck {*, Prctcscli ur.

'lorgau, Saxons. 18 .kug, *785; d. Dre.sdm,

C Oct. 16731, pianist »n<i teacher. He U’gni;

life as a studrnl itC thi-ulog)' at W iiicnherg,

|;rrw her and (irivatc tutor, and was for some

lime engaged in a pianoforte factory Kn<l

library at Leipzig, 1 1 is first wif<« u as M an a n no

Tromllk, who was ihr mother of Clara (3),

his famous daughter, and of two sons, Alwyn

(3/ and Gustav. This unhm, however, was

^'^Fcd and the lady married Barghd, father

of Woldemar Uargirl. W'levk married

again, on 31 July e820, Clementine Fechner,

by whom lie had three children. Cad lie,

Ckmcfis (<lkd y’oung) and Mark (4). Alsou t

1844 he removed from I^ipcig to Dresden,

wlsere he remained till his dc.*)th, spending

the summer at Loschwjta and leading a very

musical life, hU house a rendezvous for artists.

MefsdeHsohn endeavoured to secure him as

professor of the pianoforte in thr I.cipalg Con-




scrvatory, but \vithov( sucres, and Moschcl«

was appointed instead.

Wieck began lo teach the pianoforte on

Logier’s system, but soon abandoned it for a

method of his own, if that can be called a

method which seems to have consisted of the

application of the greatest care, sense and

intelligence posiblc to the leaching of tech*

nique and expression. He embodied his views

on the pianoforte and singing in a pamphlet

entitled * Clavier undGesang * (i653» ^nd ed.,

Leipzig, r075), translated into Engibh by

H. Kruger, of Aberdeen, with three portraits.

Among Wieck's pupils may be mentioned

Hans von Bulow, who, in a letter quoted in the

translation just mentioned, speaks of him with

respect and gratitude. But hb daughter Clara

was hb l>est pupil and hb greatest glory. He

caused her much unhappiness, however, by

his stubborn opposition to her marriage to


An insiitution called the ^V^eck•S(lftung was

founded at Dresden on i8 Aug. tO?!, his

eighty*iixth birthday, partly by fundi of his

own. He continued to see h is friends almoei

up to the end of his life, and an amusing

account of a visit to him in 1672 Is given by

Amy Fay.* He published some studies and

dances for the pianoforte, exercbes in singing

and a few pamphlets, ' Verfall der Gesang*

kunst etc. He edited a number of classical

pianoforte works which were published anony*

mouily, but distinguished by the Irliers D.A.S.

(" Der ahe Schulmeister **).

(a) Clara ( JoaepUne) Wiceic Leipzig,

13 Se|)i, i8t9; d. Frankfort o.'M., 30 May

i8q 6), pianist and composer, daughter of (he

preceding (ste Schumann, ClaKa).

(3) Alwyn Wieck {h. Leipzig, 37 Aug.

1831: d. Leipzig, 31 Oct. 188$), violinbt,

brother of the preceding. He studied the

violin under David, was in the orchestra of

the Italian Opera in St. Petersburg (1S49-59),

lived later at Dresden and published {1 875)

* Matcrialien zu Fr. Wieck's Pian^ortc*


(4) Marie Wieck (A. Leipzig, >7 Jan. t^3 ;

d. Dresden, a Nov. 191$). pianist, half'sisier

of the preceding. She was educated by her

father. She visited England in 1859 and 1864.

She was much esteemed for many years at

Dresden as a teacher both of the pianoforte

and singing. She edited several of her father's

works. o., adds.

WIECKI, Leopold {b. ?; d. Mogila, 8

Apr. 1806).

Polish composer. He was a monk of the

Cistercian monastery at Mogila, in whose

archives was found a manuscript of his *Passio

ex B ' (Bft major) for soprano and bass with

' ^MSchumanm (Roscxt}, pp. 6na*ii.

* ' Mum Study mCtmunv' ((.eAMfl, 147.

accompaniment of s violins, 2 horns and

C. R. H.

WIEDEBEIN, Gottlob (^. Eilenstadt nr.

Halbersudt, 27 July 1779; Brunswick, 17

Apr. 1854)*

German organbe, conductor and composer.

He studied with Zachariae at Magdeburg and

Schwanberg at Brunswick and spent most of

hb life at the latter town as organbt of several

churches and conductor of the court theatre

from j 8(8 to 1832, when he was succeeded by

Meihfessel. In tSst he vbiied Rome.

It was to \Viedebein that Schumann, aged

eighteen, submitted hU first songs in 1838,

having a high opinion of him and linking his

name in a letter of that time with those of

Weber and Schubert among song*writers. Ten

years later he pubibhed Wiedebein's encour*

aging reply in the ' Keue Zeitschrift fur Musik ’

(Vol. VIII, p. 106) as conuining “golden

words of advice to budding composers One

of U'icdebein’s songs, to words by Goethe,

appeared as supplement to the ' Allgemeine

musikaibche Zeilung * in 1809. He also

wrote an oratorio, * Die Befreiung Deutsch*

lands and music for a dramatic prologue by

Klingemann, performed at Brunswick on 30

Oct. [833. Goethe, who ignored Schubert's

KUings of his poems, thought highly of Wic*


\Viedebein's papers and correspondence are

presers'cd at (he Municipal Library, Bruns*

wick. Some of the more inieresiing portions

were published in various periodicals :

F. C. JaiMen, ' BHe<weeh*«l bMihownt ynd

an K*peUm«Mier G. '■M;

K. iMel. ' L>«ti BrifCr Mamhfwn *n WMebeiri ( Dh

M utik len). _ . ,

F. A. ai«rb*eA, * Au* vereancsncn T*acn: Fri«ie voi

FeiMl. BsOer. Lin4p*inin«( und Sp«hr ah 0- Wied«*

bem' (N'.Z.M., tqti). ...

P. A M«rb*<ii, • Aw den Brirf«h»ften C. Wiedebeiiu

(* Jahrbuch da Br«ua«bw«i|et CarhicliUvertim •

H. Mwkl 'Oyrr und bfudk in Droden und tVi^a in

iSfu; g«richte eiiHi Zeiigenmab ( d«ii*

Khrifi fur B(Mb«rf«euode *,

WIEDERMANN, BedFJcb (*. Ivanovice

na Han«, Moravia, jo Nov. (883 ; d. Prague,

$ Nov. 1951).

Czech organist- His grandfather and fa iher

were village schoolmasters and musicjsns.

AAer the school-leaving examination at a

Prague “ Ch-mna«um " («908) be enrolled m

the Divinity School of Olomouc, but belore

ordination he turned entirely to music. He

studied the organ at the Prague Conservatory

(1908-9) and began to attend Novik's *n*f*«^

courses in composition. In 1910 he worked

as an organist at (he Cathedral of Bmo and

in 1911-17 held a similar post a( the Bene*

dictine Monastery of Emauzy, a

known Prague centre of admirably executed

church music. In 19*7 Wiedermann sue-

ceeded O. Hornlk as a choirmaster ol tnr



paruh church at Karlin, then a Prague suburb.

After two >'ears he retired from this post to

concentrate on his activit)* as an organ recital*

ist and teacher, in both ^ which acii\iiies hr

held the foremost place among the Prague

rnusicians of his time. In 1920 he startc<i hU

popular organ recitals in the Prague Municipal

House, and in the same yrars he was appointed

professor at the Prague ConserN'aiory', After

the Kcond world war he became a professor

at the Acadetny of Nfusical Arts. He com-

posed some valuable wurks for his instrument

aiul good chur<h music, e. r.

WJ«|*aa. Carl Friedrich. .W Jriowb

inann ' im mI. n» '

Wlclaod. CkriiCoph M»rtiA. St* BcimIc }.

*,Mcr\tp'., ItAiibe 1 Am^rMtc *• cm*.

KuliUu Lulu \ pl.ty »»ih lo , Kunocn ' u ' IMcrt

l)jii«kr opcr.i . <)k;rf. 4 i SSrl^r. '•evtj'. S<b»< 4 l<ct

VS<brr > w, * CHarect 'r, tViM.iuLv F.

4>» I.

W 1 ELE» Aim 4 e van der h, lirussels, B

Mar. I 9 (J 7 J.

Delgian haq>sjrhordist and composer. She

siudicd at the Drussels Oiuiservaioirr, where*

she won the l.aurr van (’iilsem prise for piani^

forte plaving utHlc r |k»»c|uri and Itrst prire*

fur harmony, counteqioint and r<>mf>cmti«)n,

alto for musical hisu»r>'. In Paris sJh* siudsed

at Wanda Landowska’s huriwkhonl kIkxiI

and also took a rnurse ki musicology with

Pirru. She has given harpsichord rerlcali

in Briiswls, Ani'seq), Liege, Rome, Paris.

Geneva, Londc»n, Names, .SirasUwirg and

Au*en* Provence, and has played with numer-

ous orchestras. She has itiarle several record-

ings of com|K>siiions for harjKlchord and has

iranscribecJ caniaias by Monieclalr, Ikmirr.

JIasse and PcrgoUit, and wmatas hy lj>ratrlh.

J'Oeillrt and ilamal. Her compcHiiums in*

<hidi* a Porm for orchestra and some Inven-

tion* for the harpsichord. w. k. sv.

WIELHORSKI. AJekaander NVul*

hynia, jCi Sov. 1889; rf. lhahst(»k, ly Scpi.


Polish pianwl and romjKwcT. Lducalrd in

Moscow, he lH*gan his |>ianistic rarwr cjuile

early. His concert toun covered the whole

of Lurope, including LnglamJ. Hr settled in

'Varsaw and Ixrgan his |>rdagogie career at

the Ck)nsi*rvalory without discontinuing his

concert artiviiles. His composilhms include a

symphonie poem. • Ad aura a Fantasy for

pianoforte and orchestra, numerous pieces for

dvf pianoforic, of which the ’ Qtiasi-NValti *

anti the ‘ Impromptu No. i ' enjoyed great

populariiv, and very mans songs, c. a. m,


p'ADEREM VLOEIT. 'I'hc hrst line of the

Dutch naiional song. con>posrd in 1815 by

Jan \V diem Wilms in eelebratiem of the victory

of the I^gcr Bank. The words are by

Hendrik lolicns, a popular verse-wlii r of tlw

day. For a long time it held the leading place

m the alTettioii,oftIw Dutch people, but later


was superseded by the older, official .song,

\Vilhelmus van Nassouwe. It still rniiains

popular, however, and is sung on matiy

official oeraaions. This is iIk* tunc ;

It. A.

£v afi . \Aive14l NntliifTH; Kk 4 larKl.

WlENIAWSKl. Polish familv o| musit iunc.

(1) Heeryk (Henri) Wieniasvakl 1^.

l.uhhn, 10 July t83^ : Mosuiw, 2 .\pr.

lUKii , viohmsi anti ioio|M>si*r. Hk father,

J atU'Usr kN’jeniawski, was a itdliiarv surgeon:

hit riHrtlvr, Ktgm.t, brfn \\ollI. a sister of die

dislinguisheti Polish platiLt l.dward Wollf,

was e>.<remelv nuuit al. Hi nr>k’^ Ulmt lor

music slwiwrd itsril so early that Inc parents

deiKJed to have him taught the violin. Hie

hrst tear Iter was Jan Moia«(k*I, who lai« r he-

eaine leader trf tlw NVnrs.iw (}|x>ra or<h« <ira,

and I hr second Si an Ida w S( Twucaydski, w*hn

aho taught JnatUlm His |»r<^reis was so

unusuallvra|Hd that Serwar/ynski atJvm d the

|>arr(iis to send hmi ahroatl fur hirther studies.

Jn 1843, afn*r Ins arris al in P.vris, where he

was intended 10 eonimiir his siutlies, hr v isited

with his fathc’r the Caedi violinist and eont*

poser Pamtfka. vshu after hearing the l>oy play

the violin to him said: *' II \a faiie winner

SMI num ".

After an examination NMeniawski entered

ClayePs class at the Paris Ck>nservanMre on

8 Nov. 1843, He made sueh pnigtess that

cm 4 Dec. 1844 hr was admitted to the most

advanced counc in the class of L. J, M<.ssart,

The admission of a boy of eight to the Gun-

srrvatoirr was quite exceptional; even tnore

exceptional was the rompiriion of the eourse

by a student of eleven who. competing with

Iburlern senior colleague^, won the first prize

granted by tW sehool once a year. He also

received a violin, aeeording to Desfussex, who

says chat *' apres av oir remporte le jiremic r

pnx au Conservatoire dc Paris, grace k la

l«b«aln^ dr rLmpereuf Nicolas. W'ieniawskI

drvmt p(«»ossrur d un Ciuarneri sceHy d une

rroix •’,» Having obtained the prize Wie-

niaw^ CMiimued his studies under Massart

' A. UpJmcz, y ILUJ.



until 1848, when he began hi$ career a$ a

virtuoso. After his iirst triumphs in Paris he

went to St. Petersburg, where he enchanted

thousands of his listenm with hU pla>'ing, in-

cluding Vieuxiemps who, though having been

himself a child prodigy, admitted that he had

never heard any violinist w'ho at such an early

age was able to play as perfectly as >Vieniaw$ki,

who then made an extensive tour in Europe

with his younger brother Jdzef, the pianist.

In i8€o he was appointed court violinist at

St. Petersburg, a post he held for eleven yean,

without discontinuing his concert activities

abroad. In 1872 he visited the U.S.A. and

gave a senes of concerts together with Ancon

Rubinstein- After the latter's return to

Europe Wieniaw'ski extended hb travels as

far as California. He returned to Europe in

1874 and accepted the post of fint violin pro-

fessor at the Brussels Conservatoire, aa V’ieux-

temps's successor. But he left after a couple

of years to resume hb wandering life.

/\n incident connected with Wieftiaw9ki*s

tour deserves record. During a concert given

in Berlin on ti Nov. 1878 he was to perform

his second Concerto (Op. 22), as yet unknown

in Germany. He appeared on the platform

and, after playing a few bars of the first solo

entry, suddenly stopped and disappeared from

the platform. After a short interval it was

announced that he >s‘ould resume hb playing

but asked permission to play seated. Applause

was the only reply from the audience. He

appeared again, sat on a chair and began to

play again; but seised by another spasm of

the heart, he fainted and was conveyed lo the

ar lists' room. Among the general consterna*

tinn and dismay, Joachim, who happened to

be present, stepp^ on to the platform, took

up U'icniawski's violin and said : “ Although

[ cannot play my dear friend’s wonderful

concerto, I shall play Bach s ' Chaconne ’ ",

greatly delighting the audience by thb spon-

taneous act of good fellowship.*

Struggling against his mortal heart disease,

Wicniawski made for Russia, but broke down

at Odessa and was conveyed to Mokow, where

he died prematurely at the age of forty-four.

Wicniawski was one of the most eminent

violinists : a great virtuoso, distinguished from

the mass of clever players by a striking and

peculiar individuality. Technical difikulties,

It seems, did not cxbt for him. Double har-

monics. swift passages in tenths, left-hand

piZiicati and flying sSacrafr, crystal-clear and

perfect, w'cre among the features of his tech-

nique. Joachim sa>‘a in his memoirs that no

one who did not witness Wieniawski’s playing

could imagine the feats of hb left hand. Left

* Ae<ordinr to ZdsStbw Jshitke. wboce bik^.

ih«n a student M Ow D«rlio H«h SehM Ky

Miute. wss on eye-wiin«« 10 iockkot. Z, Jsanb «

sru«Te was puMUied is ' Rurh (nuryeiAr ’ ( Tm

M usical Movemaot ’}, No. 9. p. >3 (CrMOW,

hand and right arm were trained to perfection,

and while the boldness of hb execution

asionbhed and excited hb audiences, the

beauty and fascinating quality of his lone

went straight to the heart and won sympathy

from the first note. His unrestrained Polbh

temperament was perfectly blended with

tenderness, warmth aod poetry as well as

grace and piquancy. At the same time he was

so thoroughly musical as to be an excellent

quartet player. He was one of the fint, if not

the first, to discover an important factor in

the rational production of tone by means of a

special grasp of the bow in which the stress

was laid on the function of the forefinger and

its ability to balance the weight of the bow.

>Vieruasvski as a composer subordinated his

talents to hb giAs as a virtuoso. Their prin-

cipal purpose was concert performance and

the display of hb own dattling brilliance and

unrivalled security of technique. Hb total

output amounts to 22 works with and 6 works

without opus number. Eight other works

composed between 1846 and 1851, which he

frequently perfi^rmed during hb concert

appearances, are lost. He most often em-

ployed the forms of variations and of the

fantasy which best suited his particular aims.

To that category belongs his ' Souvenir dc

Moacou ' (Op. 6), a set of variations on two

Russian songs, and ' Le Garnaval russe ' (Op.

11), in which the composer's individual in-

ventiveness shines forth clearly. The fantasy

(Op. 20) based on iJiemcs from Gounod's

‘ Faust * b one of hb grcaiesl achievemenu as

far as virtuosity b concerned. His ‘L^gende

(Op. 17), compoaed at Ostend in 1839 under

the ^11 of hb ardent love for an English-

woman, IsobeJ Hampton, who later became

hb wife, b full of deep feelings imbued with

tessdemess and lyricism. The composer Pol-

dowski (Lady Dean Paul) was hb daughter.

Wienlawski wrote two concertos. His firtt.

in Ff minor (Op. 14), is poor in construction

and bears many resemblances lo other com-

poaen' concertos written earlier. The secoiw,

in D minor (Op. aa). on the other hand, is

summit of bb creative work and, published

in 1870, became one of the most popular

violin compositions in the world at the urne,

together with the * Ltfgcnde '.

wrote two P^onabes — D major (Op. 4) * ^

A major (Op. as), the maiurkas 'Souv^ir

Posen ’ (Op- 3), two Mazurkas (Op. «*) .P«®;

Ibhed in 1853. ‘ ObeKk ' and

(Op- 19). Hb ‘ Scberao-Tarantclle m ^

minor and the ' Gapricci^VaJse

also became very popular- Though siiU wuc"

played and enjoyed, hb compositions are not

of great importance.

Bm. -!>«»«»«. A.. ‘Meori - '

HSivk*&eftU«ki ’ tWamw, lOS').


^Srr cin l^oldoHsM {dauffale*). Vkrbnwv i) Mfifi

uwd lb ' Souv«nir -k’ Momou *}.

(4) J 6 z«£ Wieiuaw«]d (^. Lublin, 23 May

1837; d. Bru&$?U, (I Kov. 1912), pionisi

and eompoKT, brotlwr of ihr prccrding.

Lik<' his cider brother he sho>«ed lalrnt for

music very early. He entered the Paris

Conjcrs atoirc as a pupil of P. J, /irnmer-

mann, later passing on to Alkan. In 1840.

aged iweUr, when studying under Marmnntel,

he won a first prUe. He began to compose

at the same time as his brother. Among some

joint atlentpu were transcriptions from operas

an<l some chamber musie. r.g. an * .Ulegro de

sonate \ dedicated to Moniusako, and a

* Grand Polish Duet ’.

J<'«ef made \ ery many concert appearances

with Henryk. In 1675 he was appoinii'd

director of the Musical Society in \N*arsaw.

He resigned from this post, hcn»e\er, and

moved the nrjtt year to Brusst U to lake up

(he post of pianoforte teacher at the Con*

HTv a loi re. I Ic re ma inrd t here until his death .

Jdtef Wicniawski's ywks include a piano*

forte Concerto in G minor (Op. ao), a Sunaia

for violin and pianoforte (Op. 34 1, a Fantasy

and Fugue (Op, 35I, a * Ibllade ’ in L> minor

(Op. 311, a string Qiiartei (Op. 30, many

iwlonaisci and waltzes, of which the NValu

in ])» ms^jor (Op, 3?, together with his song

■ 2 »chw><cnie * (• Kcsiasy ') (Op, 38), en>o>Td

greai popularity in Poland. He also wruie a

Symphony in 6 ntajor (Op, 49), a dramatic

overture, * Guillaume le Taciiurne and ' 24

Etudes de m^aniame et <lc style *, the fruit of

hit many years of pedagogic experience.

Detides teaching he led a very active life,

etpccially in organizing and sponsoring l*oInh

music abroad. His endeavours t© secure per*

formances of Moniussko's operas in Berlin and

1 aris were of no avail ; on the other hand he

succeeded in penuading a French puUisher

to bring out Moniussku’s 34 songs with both

Ff^nch texts, which appeared in

I nris in 1DO2. He also invented a nevv instru*

mi nt built by the brothers Mangeot in Paris,

later known untler the latter's name as " Piano

Mangeot ”, ft was a pianoforte with two

keyboards, the lower protruding towards the

performer and tuned normally, the strings of

Jhe upper keyboard lying farther to the back

<n the instrument and fastened In the opposite

d‘rcftion, the treble being under the left and

the bass under ihc right hand of the player.

f)n this inslrutncnl " 4 deux claviers ren-

ve^*’ Ihc Polish pianist Jullusx Zarpbski

performed for the first lime during the l*aris

tx hi 1)1 lion of 1878. Wieniawski also played

Ircqurnily on the “ Piano Mangeot but

•aitT he abandoned it and returned to the

normal pianoforte,

Bi SI . - OtL^mun. 1., • Jowph Wki^wski • ( fuk. 1^).

(5) Adam (Tadeusz) WieoUwaki (k.


Warsaw. 27 N'ov. 1876 : rf. Bydgoszca, j-j A|)f,

1950', composer, nephew of the prtveding.

He began his musical siiidJcs ter) early und« r

Melcer ipianolbrier and .Voskow'ski imnifKi'i*

.tiejnj ai the \^arsaw' Gimst natoiy and rtm*

tinued them under DargicI in Uttlin. ihvn in

Paris first under \ incmi d'Indy at the .Sc luda

Clanloruin and latex under Kaurc an<l Grdalgt'

at the tkmtervaiture. His lir»t tyinj)h<.iik'

poem, ‘ Kamaralinazan was perh.nnnl in

Paris by Lamoumix in lyio. W hen ihe lirsi

world war broke out hr juinnl tlx- armed

forces and fought on the Frenth fr<.ni. After

the armistice he returiKxl t<. \N*ar>a)v. In

1928 he was appotniexJ director tif the \t arsaw

Musical bofiety and ihr Chopin High School

of Music. I’t^lher with /urawh w he ar*

ranged the Clmpin Jntentaiinnal Clompeiition

fur pianists and die Wieniawski Coinpeiiiion

tor violi nists. J n 1 933 he was rlr< 1 ed cii .ti rina n

of the Lniofl ol Pohvh (lon)|M>s< rs in VV^r^aw .

For his artiviik'i lioth as romimsor and

organizer he was awarded thr Gitv of W arvaw

.Music Prize in 1936. His car I hr works

sIk)w tin* influence o| the French late irnprrs*

sioiiists hm string <4iiarteiK l.airr lie intro*

tiureil into his rniisK Pnluh folk airs and

rh) dims.

Adam Wieniawski*! cumpusitinns include

the following :

on K,t>

' SUw'. lsrK«l br.**d mi j l«brru*> l» Nf. S\„.

•w»i»«lj 41 ^ «l.e (;viMni.*cr , ptiMl. SI,

1916. «lw NWub. i9?u. aiMi ,

WwM« 4 o(n l* CiUKMiftd 'j, tnit*K Jrjnia iii 1 ..ci

■hb. mi \,||Kn iif lJiV.AiJani*» iio^xl

1/ •. |u<>U. W«r\a>.


* .>ru ill JewKakm/

* I j(il 4 '. Vyatuw, 1^94,

t'Hcrodh tV 4 »i •*. |mW.


’ ISeiure« *) '<»}«>. iiirlu(|iii«

I Itr <<*an©m««hM « *1 alp,

ruMral W a r -at

l2l(k Nuika. «•. tt.

2 ^nipli«nic l*«cm

KamaraliDMan 09 l«>,

Pfin«r*< Baojawf 'I©!)).

* Pvtsb bwii«* '1913^

MANOFORTi; AM) OkCJjrs 1 K.\



9 ^itinx Quamu.


' Orkftule.*


Oteaaki • (' Pktum *) orcbmraud lairr.


f faluii Fatk^np,

’ ('‘fth Fotidi ami FmiicIi wixd,).

AIki MMutMU .rafu«ipfH«s of RaJi»|, Folk fnelodi«,

C. R. H.




Wl£RZBlLLOWICZ> Al«ksajid«r (A. Po-

land, 1850; <t> ?, 1911).

Polish violonccUU(. Educated in Warsaw,

he went to St. Petersburg, where he joined

the class of Davidov. After completing his

studies he became teacher at the Ctmsenatory

and principal cellist in the Opera orchestra

there. He did not discontinue his concert

appearances and frequently visited Warsaw

to give cello recitals. At these he magnifi-

cently performed works written for cello

alone, and he customarily ended his recital

with the performance of a pianoforte trio by

Beethoven. Haydn. Moaart or Schubert,

joined on the platform by his two intimate

friends Michalowski the pianist and Barce-

wicz the violinist, both professors of the

Warsaw Conservatory and both artists of

European fame. c. a. h.

K. Stt Botkovre (* Su4t«A *>.

WIETROWETZ, Gabriele {h. Ljubljana.

1 3 Jan. 1666; t/. Berlin, 6 Apr. 1937).

Austrian violinist. In her sixth year she

began to study the violin with her father, a

military bandsman, who placed her five yean

later in the hands of Casper, director of a

musical college in Styria. There she dis-

tinguished herself and after four years of study

was assigned a stipend, which enabled her to

go to Berlin, enter the High Sehod for Music

and take lesions of Joachim (in 1862). At

the end of the first year she gained the KlendeU-

sohn prize (tjoo marks) and two years later

achioxed a similar success. She spent three

years in studying at the High Scho^, during

which lime she was engaged to play Bruch's

second Concerto at the Elcrlin i^ilharmonic.

I.ater she gave a concert in which Joachim

to«}k jiart, playing with her Bach's double

Concerto and conducting the orchestra in

concertos by Brahms and Spohr.

She made many concert tours in Germany,

Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, etc. In cdqa

she made her d^but in London at the Crystal

Palace concerts and led for the first lime

the Quartet of the Popular Concerts, re-

visiting England ihirieen times in the course

of the ensuing seven years. On the secession

of Emily Shinner (Mrs. Liddell} from the

Quartet which bore her name, Gabriele Wie-

trowetz became the first violin. She was

appointed violin professor at the High School

in Berlin (1901-12) and upheld her position

as a worthy representative of the Joachim

school. vf* w. c.

WIPLER. Set U'HifPLea.

WIGGLES WORTH, Frank (6. Boston,

Mass.. 3 Mar. 191B).

American composer. He look the B.S.

degree from Bard College, Columbia Univer-

sity, in 1940 and the M.Mus. degree from

Converse College, Spartanburg, S.C., in 1942 *

He studied composition with Ernest While.

Otto Luening and Henry Cowell.

Wigglcsworih held a Teaching Fellowship

at Converse CoUege from 1941 to 1943, when

he joined the Army Air Force. In 1946-47 he

was back again in civilian life, when he became

an Artist Faculty member of Greenwich

House Music School in New York. He then

became an instructor in music at Columbia

University and Barnard College. In 1931 he

was awarded the American Prix de Rome,

renewed for another year in 1953. Also in

1931 he receiv’ed the award of the Academy of

Arts and Leiiera. He is editor of New Music

Editim and New Music Recordings, organisa-

tions for the publishing and recording of new

works. Among prizes won by him were the

John Bard Scholarship in 1940 and the Alice

M. Ditson Fellowship in 1946.

The folbwing are Wigglcsworih 's outstand-

ing works :

* Cbor«l Su*dv * ^ wprino, chorus k i pfi. ( 1347 ).

* Cmiion * To* rhoms & imaU oreh. |i^].

* Jmmizh ’ for baritofvr. chorui & orch. ( 1341 ).

* alrep bmlnwd * for chorus & small oreh. (iptl).

* tasur Alcluia * for r-pan womco’s cAorus (i9Se).

atusfo for nfv k pore. { 1341 }.

5«Hic for ii|i. (t34Sl.

* aiusk for Orrhrtfra* ( 1344 ).

* Mu»K for Striae OrchoMra ' (<34^).

* S<tc«s * for ii(. orcb. ( 1347 ).

* HoriietH * for oreh. ( 13401 .

S Motemmu for sifs. ( iMl).

^ New EnilaaO CofKrrto' for vn. & (tfi. (1340

Trio for flwtr, oboe 4 clar. {I94t|.

Trio for llulr. banfo k harp (>34*)«

t Movriweau for sia. 4iei {I349l>

Dues for vn. 4 viola { 1943).

Trio for vn, . tioU 4 cello ( 1 34^).

MtMk for • fluier 4 pcr«. (i943)* r

* The Plunarr * for sopraoo. nuir, viola, crilo 4 N*

OSliJ. . ,

* Trilocv * for sopraAO 4 «i<. tno (I 943 )>

AiM variotf initrumcnul pirrn, 4c.

P. 0.*H.

WIGMORE HALL. Nine years e tier the

eonitrueiion of hii Saal Bechsicln in Berlin.

Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Bechsieln, founder

and head of the German firm of pianoforte

makers, built the Bechsiein Hall adjoining

hU Londwj showrooms in Wigmore Street.

It was opened by two mvltaiion recitab m

toot, at which the ariisu were Busoni,

Raimund von Zur Muhlen and Helen Trust

(31 May) and Pachmann, Ben Davies and

Plunkct Greene (1 June). The accompantfU

were Victor Beigel, Hamilton Many and

Undon Ronald. The first public concert

was given on 3 June 1901 by Evelyn Suari.

The hall cost nearly 4:100,000 and em-

bodied special architectural and siruciurai

features which ensured exccller)i

Seating 5 y> Pirin

reciub and chamber music and bas

ctmstant use by the greatest artists of the day

and by young musicians seeking to esiaonsn

* ^r^\hc outbreak of war in 19' 4 ‘be

forte business and the hall

receiver and manager appointed by law, i



J916 the Board ot Trade issued instruccions

for (he London branch of the firm of Bechstein

to be wound up and the property sold by

auction. Early in Nov. Bechsteln's business

includinf showrooms, offices, studios, the

Bcchstein Hall and warehouses (coverir^ os'er

33^000 square ft.l, underle icings and tuning

contracts, together with furniture, fittings and

137 pianofortes — was knocked down for

^ James Doyton, M.P., acting as

agent for Oeb<Tih8n» (Lid.t. Some of the

premises were leased to the ^Vigmore Hall

and Piano Galleries, Lid., and on t; Jan.

1917 the newly christened Wigmorc Hall was

opened with a violin and pianoforte recital

by ^Mhrrt Sammons and Safonos*. In 1916

the hall was leased to the Aru Council of

(ireat Britain for a term of twenty years.

’I\vo jubilee conceris in ai<l of the Muskians*

Benevolent Fund were held in 195c. Tlw

artists were Adela V'ernr, Astra Desmond and

the Amadeus String Quartet (31 Mayr and

Jelly D'Aranyi, Sinecerlin and Brsice Boyve

(1 June), with Gerald hhmre and Ivor NVwton

ai accompanies. Sir llrruti Pooley, ( Jsairman

of the Arts Council, and Sir Steuart NVilvm

spoke ac these concerts and irihuies were paid

to the Kail, CO Mr. Lake, who has acird as

artists' personal assisiani since and to

Mr. II. T. <;. Brickcll, who wrrtc 10 the hall

in 19111 and has l>een manager sirKc 1934.

3- a-

WICTHORPE, WillUcn (*. >; 4 . ?).

English 1 0th- 17th-century composer. A

student at New Guile gc, Oxford, he graduated

in iIk) 5, afeer having studird muue for

ten yrars. B M. .\tld. MSS 17.76^91 contains

the following madrigals l>v Wigchorpe tal-

though * To picatl my faith * is attrilsuied to

1), Batchelor in Robert Dowland’s ‘ Muslealt

BanqucC,’ lOto) :

^ ^ ]>owlan«]’> MrruM W$innM»« - &«cr0w . . tMn« •*.

* liither a « ft,

‘vmidiM ate «»hI fdlo«ei • 3.

' Werr ( made Jurer *, « 3.

’ l'(» plead inv UklK \ « 3.

' I am nvi t uf »uch brkrfr *. » ctiatawr.

'I'wu anthenu l>y him, ' I ni living stand * and

' O give thanks ', arc included in the Batten

O^an Book, and the words of some others

are given in < 11 1 ITurd's collection (1663).

J. M. (H).

WIHAN, Hanul (^. Police nad Metuji,

5 June 1055; 4. Prague, i May 1920).

Czech violoncellist. He studied with F

Hegcnbarth at the Prague Conservatorv

{1O67-73) and started his public career at the

age of eighteen as a teacher nl the Moaarteum

of Salxburg. Later he was cmplo)^ in the

private orchestra of a Russian patron (Dervies)

m Nice and Lugano for a year, became by

of Bllsc’s orchestra in Berlin

1187$), of Prince Schwarzenberg’s orrheslra

at S^dcrshaiisen (1677) and of The court

orchcscra at Munich (1860). In the last-

named employmcrtc he remained until iBBB,

when he accepted a professorship at ih<’

Prague Conservatory. During the nine ycfir<

foBowing he developed a very sucrcssful career

both as a virtuoso and teacher, but later Im

roocenirated entirely on ih<* highly responsible

duties undertaken by him in ih< BoJirmlnn

(Czech I .String Quartet as its former t< aehrr

ami afterwards (1897-1913) its ouisumling

member and ex|>eiienred manager. He re-

tired »n 1914 and ua» replaced m the quarlet

by L. Xflenka. ^^hen the Prague Cunu rvj-

lory wav reorgan irnl in 1919. he was appointed

profeaSorufchaml>er mush there and prefesme

of ihe cello at the M.isd r Sch«Hil, tuo po^ls

hr held iimd Im death, o.

Bi»i. -tliaAS, Jl,. * ||4»y» U'UiSti* iPr.igur, I0C7J,

Sh aft* DsolAk OrJ. t for if {in & orch.)

WIHTOL, Joseph b. Uulniur, Laivin,

34) July 18(13: d. Lulteck, 44 .\pr. 1948).

I^tvian eom|K>wr. H<‘ was a [)upj| of

Johannwn aiul Kirnskv-Korsakov at ilie Ckm-

servatory in St, iViefsljurg, where he wak

appoinnxi |»r<d«vu>r of theory in lDB4>. 1|,-

belonged to Ou- Russian u h‘M>l in hh ( ;irl\

«lavs, an«l many of Jus w<»fkv vsere publlslu d

by Delayev ; Imic tJu- Ijfi 4kd<»wn of the Uussi.m

rmiMfe brought wjih it the formation of the

little Hal tie .States, and from 191O Wihlol wav

the heart and soul of the Latvian inushal

rnwement at Riga, wlterc he hecame the

dirv'cioeoftlK Naimnal OfM ra and the Uivinn

(Joowrvatorv' of Music. In 1944, liowev<*i.

he |<>A for Geemanv, wlvere he lemalned until

hit death. Wihlol's works exhale ihr tv piralb

Latvian eharaetcristie of a melanchol)' that is

wholly ar>arl in senilment and {|uite diflermi

in mo.al from that of Russian muvjc. ‘I hr

fijilowing arc among his peineipal and charar-

tcritiically national works :


' llw Fc«M ef IJf*’. wm|>h, porm m a Lzivian ihemr.

I> 0 . 4 >

Dtimiuc CKrriure. Op. 21,

osTfittt* ' ^MKtiUt \ On. 37,

l***®**^ FolkMAts f«f erlki <; orch., Op. 49

Siiuw QiMnes. Op, #?. ' ^

Oppt 30. 3*. 33 * 41,

Ahn ehpcsl wntkx. Lsimam folkwni ir.

■snermmu. «c.

c.. ^ . . . . ^ adds.

.S»r *9. Ri»«ky-k»n*k9v 'o4Uh, ip thamHer m. «

Wtk«ri, A*ttL S*r S.beKsi, FmindHun,.

WIJNGAERDE (Wyngaerda, Vioea),

AiitQDsus (i. Utrecht, ? ; 4. Antwerp, 1400)

Dutch composer- He settled at Antwerp

and K mentioned by Clarean, who reproduced

his Ego domuo ’ for 4 voices, which appears

also in Ischudt's manuscript, No. 463, In the

library of St, Call. s v d j

WDOB^SKI, Wojciech (b. >; 4. >).'

Polish 1 7- 1 8th-ceniury instrumentalist and

composer. Educated at the J«uli Bunary




of Cracow about I7i8» he played (he violin,

oboe» trumpet and born, and was a member

of the Jesuit band at least untiUa737. The

inventory of that chapel of r 757 mentions one

Psalm composed by Wikhmlti, ' Lauda Jeru'

Salem ex C c- r. h.

WDCLUND, Adolf {b. Lingserud, Varm>

land, ^ June 1879 ; d. Stockholm, 3 Apr. 1950).

Sw^bh pianbi, conductor and composer.

.'Uter studying at the Stockholm Conservatory

•-* composition with J. Linde^ren and piano*

forte with R. Andersson — he was awarded a

state stipend to enable him to study in Parb

in 1903-4 and a Jenny Lind stipend for study

in Germany in 1905-7, where he was a pupQ

of James Kwast in Ekrlin. He conducted at

Karlsruhe in 1907, was coach at the Berlin

Opera in 1908 and made his d^but as a con-

ductor in Sweden at the Royal Theatre,

Stockholm, in <911. He was conductor of

the royal orchestra in 1923-35 and of the

Concert Society's orchestra in 1925-38. He

conducted in London, Vienna and Barcelona

and in several cities in Scared inavia. He was

elected a member of the Academy of Music in

Wiklund's compositions include:

Symphony, Op. so.

Symph^nK peem * Semnefniiit n<h >p|'»pprlae *.

Symphonic Wolofue.

Ooneert Ovrttwr.

«Suit«} mil (ot orch., chamber oreh. a Met.

Concerto N'o. 1. R mi., for pf. Si orch.

Concerto No. a, B mi., for pf. ft orch.

* Knn ter u tuck * for pf. 4 oreh.

Son(i wiih orch.

Sonais in A mi. and pictet for va. 4 pf.

ff. pieeci.

X. D.

Uini..— Article! in * Re«ter i Radio * (•PSP, No. aj) and

* Svenik tnu»»ktidnint * (ipish PP< t*t.

WDCMANSON, Jobaa {b. Stockholm, 38

Dec. 1753; d. Stockholm, 16 Jan. tdoo).

Swedish musician and composer. In hu

youth he had taken lessons in pianoforte and

thoroughbass with H. P.Johnsen. but in 1770

was sent by hU parents 10 study mathematics

and in^trument-ntaking in Copenhagen. Dtv

liking the work, however, Wikman&on main-

tained himself by giving piano lessons until he

was able to return to Sweden. On hb arrival

in Stockholm in 1772 he entered the civil

service and held organist's posts concurrently,

first at the Dutch Reformed Church and in

1 7S1 at the Church of St. Nicholas, the organ

of which he helped to rebuild. In 1796 he

became director of education at the Academy

of Music and in the following year teacher of

harmony and counterpoint.

Wikmanson was a good violbt, but after

making the acquaintance cf Pihlman, the best

Swedish cellist of hb day, he exchanged the

viola for the cello. He was also an excellent or-

ganist and studied the pianoforte from C. P. E.

Bach*s * Versuch As a composer he was a

disciple of his friend J. Kraus, with something

of the latter’s solid style, sirox^ feeling for form

and technical mastery. He also had a streak

of humour, which found outlet in the finale of

his early pianoforte Sonata in B minor. Tbb

movement b entitled ' Honsliusct ’ (the hen*

house) and b described as “ a very naive and

ingenuous piece ". He publbhed 2 cello solos

and 3 Sonatinas for rither in 1781, and music

to a play, ' Eremitcn ’, in 1 796. In the

middle 1 780s he wrote several string Quartets,

three of which, in D minor, E minor and Bk

major, were publbhed after hb death and

dedicated to Haydn, who responded by ex-

pre»ing hb admbaiion for the Swedish master.

Wikmanson was a friend of the Abb6 Vogler,

whom he helped with the writing of correct

Swedish for hb textbooks. x. d.

Btat. — XfoaNca, C,.C. SretcAx, * Jebsn Wibrnsiuon

untf <li« Brw^r Si(vcm«4pc * (Sipckholm, ipsaj.

SiL%'CMroirs, G. A.. * Anuonclitr) ofver J. WikmaUMB *

(SMrkhalin, iSvt),

SraiLur aioMSB, C.«C., * Nlcot em Johsn Wikmin*on.

Crik Paiautedt ocb Olai Sehwan lamt «lei nor*

orarl^vecet in Siorkyrkaa * (S.T.M,,

* Svmk orkMlAr * (S.T.M.. ieSS)>

St* Wm Fii|el (mrmonal miiNC).

WILBY^ John (i. Diu, Norfolk, (bapt. 7

Mar.] 1574; d. Colchester, Sept. 1638}.

English composer. He was the third son

of Matthew N>'ilb>*e, a tanner, who was in

a prosperous position as a landowner at Diss,

and (here can be no doubt that this was the

composer's birthplace. ^Vhile still a youth he

attracted the notice of the Cornwallis family,

seated at Brome Hail in the same neighbour*

hood. Eliubelh, daughter of Sir I'homas

Cornwallis, married Sir Thomas Kytson, son

of (he Sir Thomas who built Hengrave Hall,

near Bury St. Edmunds, and not far distant

from Brome over the Suffolk border, ^^’ilbye

became resident musician at Hengrave about

the year 1 595 , and had 1 he ad vantage of Jiving

in surrour^ngs where music was greatly

encouraged. The younger Kytson did much

to improve (he magni licence of Hengrave and

also owned a (own house in Austin Friars,

where Wllbye accompanied the family on

(heir visi(S to London.

In spite of changes in ownership, Hengrave

Hall has undergone surprisingly little

(ion during the three centuries and a halt

since Wilbye lived there; the Kytson family

poriraits still hang on the walls, and many

priceless documents have remained in the

house. Among these are the very interesting

iijvcntori« taken in 1602 and 1621 ; from

these we learn exactly which room w«

occupied by Wilbye, and details as to the

furniture of his apart ment are recorded, fhere

arc also Ibis of the musical iiulrumenis and

books which would have been in his keeping.

Among the papers belonging to this dale are

oririrul letters of many notable people, includ-

ing Sir Philip Sidney; and ctf special interest


to mu^cians is a holograph lell«r of \Vilbyc

dated from Hengrave, Scp(. i6a6, and ad'

dressed to his friend Nfistres Camocke at

the house of Lady Risvrs at Colchester iHen*

grave Letter Book 11 , No. 131).'

W'ilhye continued to live at Hengrave until

the death of Lady Kyison, who in her widovi*'

huud kept up the establishment in great state.

Her death took place in 1G36. \Vilbye then

retired and spent the last ten year* of his life

at liie house of Lady Rivers, the younger

daughter of Sir Thomas K>'tson, at Colehesirr.

The house is described by Morani in his history'

of Colchester as ** the Great l>rick house ”

opposite Holy Irinity Church. 'The house is

stiU (> 934 ) standing, and it was there that

Wilbyc died in Sept. 163B. He was buried at

Holy Trinity, but there is nothing to show the

position of Jtis grave.

Wilbye was a man of some suttfiance at the

lime of his death. Many years previously ihr

Kyisons had granted him a lease of tl»c lieu

sHi'cp'rarin on their estate in reward for long

and faithful services: and he owned IoimI at

DisS, Bury St. Edmunds and elsewhere. He

died unmarried. His will (P.C.C. 143 Lee)

was dated jo Sept. >638 and prosed on 13

Nov. ill the same year ; it is printed in full by

Kcllowcs.* Two Latin motets. * Homo naius',

e 0, anti ' Nu reminiscaris a 3, a treble

solo with instrumental accompaniment, were

etllied l)y Arkwright.*

for isvo conirilKiiions to Leighton’s

* ’fearesor l^ameniacmns ’ (1614). Wilbye has

UTt no I'.nglish chureli music, and only a frag*

mcnl of a single imirumenial piece by him is

known. It is as a madrigal composer that he

iios won enduring fame, and in the opinion

of many welhqualified judges he is considered

the grc>atest of all madrigal writers, wlirthrr

I'.hglish or continental. For style and finish

he is perhaps most nearly approached by l.aKa

Maren^io, and certainly he stands as the

greatest stylist of the English madrigalists.

It was in 1398 that Wilbye's first s’^wmewas

publiihrO, It was entitled ‘ The First Set of

English Madrigals to 3. 4. 3, and 6. voices

Ihc dedication was to Sir Charles Cavendish,

who was a cousin of Michael Cavendish, the

luicnisi and ma<Jrlgal»st. Sir Charles married

hliMheih, the elder daughter of Sir Thomas

Kytson of Hengravc. The dedication is dated

from Kytson’s house tn “ih' Augustine Fryers

the XU of Aprill 159B The set contains 30

madrigals, of which 6 arc for 3 s-oices, 6 for 4,

10 for 5 and 8 for $ voices. Among the best

arc Whit needeth all this travail* and

Adieu, sweet Amaryllis', ‘Flora gave me

f»Ar«i (lowers' ,od the «x-p»n version rf

Lady, when I behold *.

vJ in CftnuMV in ’Th*

• /*M.. Hrrhce.

• if N’<., XXI orhi. 'OW EncUsli EJkion*.


Eleven years later he published ‘ I’lie

Second Set d .\fadrigales to 3. 4. 3. and G.

pans apt both for \'oyals and N’oyecs iGot|.

'Ihls set was dedicated to Ijdy .\ral)fUa

Siuan, whose mot|i<*r. I.adv l.<*iiii«>v, was

Elizabeth CavcrKlish, sKicr of Sir Clijirlc'^, ihe

patron of \N’ill>>T’s finu set. J'liis sctoiid set

contains 34 madngaK, 8 each lor 3, 4 and G

voices, and lo for 3, Wilbye's Myir In this

second volume is decidedly more mature and

individual than in his earlirr work; a large

proportion of liw madrigals in this xu brhmg

to the very high«t class. ' Draw- on, swn t

night \ * Stay, Cory don ’ and ’ ScTtlv, <> softly

drop wliich follow each othe r in ilit- six*[>art

section, are su|>erb rsamplrs of m.adrfgal writ*

Ing. .Mmosi cquallv line arc ' Happv, ()

hap|>y he *. a 4, aiuJ * Oft have 1 vowed', ti 3 ;

ilie desers'edly po^Mtlar ‘ Swt'ct honev>suckiiig

liees' is aho In the sery fiiNt rank with iis

spkiididh ctmira'teil sections, its v.iried

grouping of the voiciw ami its urong and

coinpriling wrwe uf rhvihm. There I' siarcely

nne weak nutnlier in the »< 1,

WiJhye’s contrihuinin to ‘ IHe Trluinphes

of Oriana * was ' The l.adv flriana *. J hls

siit'pari matlrigal is eliar.icterhtic of his

brighter mood.

(X inanu»cri|>l music by Wilbve there is an

imperieei *()h,whu«It.ill rase me c G.w audng

the 9 rtd eanuis and alius parts m the Bi»dl< Ian

Uhfary at Ovford 'MS Mns. f, 20*24 V Jhe

altus pan of three Fania.Mcs <t 4 U In the H.M.

i.VJd. MSS 29, |a7». .\ volume of l.esions for

the Iwle was solil in the library of the Rev.

Uilliam CaCMiIing of C'amcrlmry in 1777, but

it is not known xiheilwr ji still e>.lsts.

Frllowev's preface to Vcd. VI of ’ The

I'jrglish Madrigal Selioo) ' gives mariv del nils

conecrnliig the life and family of Wilbyr, in-

cluding wills and other documents.

t. It. r.

'file following arc \Vil bye’s vocal works^ :

S IRS r SIT OF M A D K I C A l.S t jflB)

Fen (uRCb V'oirri

I. FIv. love, aleft «o he«i«n.

t. Awjv. <h«u iluti »M Ivir me.

J, Ay me ! e*» m«e>' rumour*

4> we«p. O mine eye«,

3. Dear piiy, how. hh howi

i. Ye renin* iheughu.

I 7. IVhal seeilesli all thit irakai) * i Pi. »).

t •. O feoh can vo«i not •«? tPi. »•).

9. hope of rneedine.

to. Udv. Mken 1 beMd.

1 1 . ]>«« taith my C3«ni krichi.

19. Adieu, rwm Amar>Mu.

For Frvx Voice*

I}. D«r. hapleis mao.

ft*. I fall. O way me ifi. j).

< 1 $, Aad ihoufH my love abounding iPl, ii).

, _ ".T'* Anoquarian <«oe,eiv




i6. I alwftnbes {?i. i).

n. Thus tov« commaodi {Pl Si).

iS. Lady> y^r do spiu fiK.

1$. Alas ^ whai a vr«ich«a lift.

90. Unkind, O tuy ibv nying,

a 1 . 1 suog som^imn my dwufhts.

23 . Flora gave me Tairess fWw«r«.

Foa Six Voacts

23. 5w««( love, if ihou will gain.

94. Lady, when ] behold.

3^. When shall my wreuhed life?

'3b. or joy's and pleasing pains (pi, i)

.37. My ihroat is sor« (Pi. «i).

aS. GruH, behold my heaxv ending.

99< Thou ati bui young, ihou aayesi.

30. Why dost Ihou shoot?


Foa THatt Voieis

1. Cjome. shepherd swains,

9. Flourish, ve hillocks.

). Ah I cruel Amanllis.

4. So lieht is lave.

. Ai fair as mnrn.

. O whai shall t da?

i . I hve, and yei meihinks.

. TIterc is 0 jewel.

Fok Foi'B VoiCKS

9. When Olorh heard of liee Amynsas.

so. Hatipy sireams, whose UemUing fall.

>1. Change me, C> heavens.

IS. ].ove me noi for cornels croce.

13, I'ly noi so swifi, my dear.

14. J loie, alas, yei am noi loved.

1^. At mairhicas beauii.

10. Happy. O happy he.

don he foUowdd Schreker to Berlin in 1920,

vvhA the latter was appointed director of the

High School for Music in the German capital.

Prom 1921 on WiJekens was employ^ as

coach at several German opera-houses. On

the occaum of the successful first performance

of his ballet * Eton Morte ’ (Berlin, 1925) he

met the dancer Harald Kreuzbe^, to whom

he became subsequently attached as a lifelong

friend and musical accompanist.

For four years Wilckens was dramaturgist

at the municipal theatre of Hanover, where

he became responsible (in close collaboration

with Kreuzberg and Yvonne Georgi} for a

temporary vogue in the an of ballet in

Germany. He also accompanied Kreuzberg

on his world tours, acting as his musical

director, accompanist and domesiic composer,

and specializing in the difliculi art of wriiing

effective music of a certain artistic standard

for esiclusively choreograpluc purposes.

To-day ^V^lckens*s music is heard wherever

Harald Kreuzberg appears and some of his

ballets have been successfully performed out*

side Centra] Europe, especially in the U.S,A.

He lives at Seefdd (Tyrol), in close proximity

to Harald Kreuzberg, continuing as the

laiterY chief musical collaborator.

Feu Five Vocev*

{ I2< .Swe«i honeynurkint bees (Pi. i>,

iS. Y«(, iwrei, takr hreil <Pi. »i).

19. All nksiure h of ilii* rmtaJiiiwn.

90 , 011 have t vew«d.

itt. !)nwn in a valley iPt. I).

| 3 «. HarU ilexiihics are love and beauty <H. li).

93. Weep, weep mine eyex.

94. 'I'liere wlicre 1 mw,

3 . Ye ih.ki do live in plravurev

. A silly Sylvan.

Fuk Six Voku

37. Owrcieheil man.

( eS. Wlierr most my ihoughu IPi. 1).

94. Oexpiirfiil thus unto myself (Pl ii).

3 u. Ah! caiiriol lighs nnr (ears.

31. Draw on, sweet nighi.

39 . Slay, Cnrydan. thou swain.

33. Sohly, O softly rlrofx mine eyck.

34 . l>ons have t made (line hills.


Oh (AN A' (i6ecs)

’ The (.ady Orlana * tot 6 vokes.



* I am aoite tired with groans’ fer 4 vokev

* 0 (ied. the rock of my whole sireng ih * fer 3 voices.

RiOL. — Fei.Lowrs. E. H., * Ertslnh MadciRal Coen*

poscrv ’ (Oxford, ipaii.

'John Wilbye’ IProc. Mu<. Aai.. Vol. XLf. I 9 is)>

Hi:viiK.ii. Itvoo, ‘John WJbye la teinen Madrifafen *

(Aweil»ur«. 193O.

Steaht CSunilcy (opeca on W.|. Polyphony (nwie. ex.).

WILCKENS, FrMrieh (b. Liezen. Siyria,

13 Apr. 1899).

Austrian composer. He grew up in Vienna,

where he studied musicology at the University

under Adler and became a composition pupil

of Schreker. I Jke many others of his genera*



* Die Baehe dei verhohnten Lfebhabers comk e|wri

(hbetno by Ernst Teller), prod. Brunswick, i 9 >«


* Don Mone prod, Berlin, 1993. ,

* Robes. Pietre 4 Co. (KnminiJbalteiukeiKh) , prod.

Hanover. 199B.

' Kaeusielfehrl prod. Lelpsif. 1999.

* Weibeemohic \ prod. Darmiiadi, 1936.


Symphoote Overturv (early week).

BaBes Siuiet:

* Dm neidiichen MM«hen.*

’ Arigel of faith.*

' Ahasvora.*

* Baby in dee Bar.’

Other bollei suites and miic. oeeh. work.

Abe pf. work*. &<.

H. r.

WILD, Franx (*. Niedcrhollabrunn, Lower

ustrta, 31 Dec- 1792; rf. Obcrdobling nr.

ienna, I Jan. i 8 ( 5 o).

Austrian tenor singer. Aa a boy he entered

e choir of the monastery at Klosicrncuburg

•ar Vienna and thence was promoted to the

mrt chapel. His voice changed with extreme

pidity in h» sixteenth year, after which he

rcame a chorus singer, first at the JosefsUd

id then at the Lcopoldsiadl Theatres. One

ghi a solo singer fell ill, and \N'ild, though

iprepared, took his place and sang so hneiy

at he was received with accIamatiOT, He

u at once oflered an engagement tor uic

amtncrior Theatre, to take subordinate

irts. His powerful voice told with so much


WILDER (Philippe van)


effect one night In the quartet in KRhuPs

* L'thal ’ that Hummel recommended him to

Prince EaterhAzy and he entered on an engage*

ment at Ebensiadt for six years from 1 1 Ori.

16 to. Soon after Count Ferdinand Pi Iffy

endea\'oured to secure him for the Theairt

an der ^Vien> but Esterhizy declined to let

him go. \N’ild pressed for bis release, %>hich

was at last granted in Sept. i6ii. In the

meantime he had taken the law into his otsn

hands and sang Ramiro in Isouard's 'Cen-

drillon ’ at this theatre, hr>i as a guest artist

(9 July and then (aO Aug.j with a perinancni

engageineni. ilis sucec^ t>as great, and uhen

Uie ihcain* was united undrr orsr managetneni

with tlie Karninmor ^18141 hr reintwed

thither, exiiitnx universal admiration b> Use

li<iuivl lf>ncs of his voire. For two years Iw

sang there with Ford and \ogl in the sante

company', hu bit appearance being on 4 June

tdiU, after which he »lnrt<d on a tour in

Germany. On y .N'ov. iHib he apfieared for

the lir«t lime at Darmstadt, having U^en made

/•umwntngir to the Grand Duke of Hes>e.

SN'iUI left Daritistudi in 1823 for Pariv.

prim! pally for the t^kr of further stinly with

Kovdni and Bordogni, and after lltiv he ac*

repied an invitation to Gaurl as Aaaiinrr.

jtf'igfr. In July i8ay he returned to Vienna,

his engagement being made permanent on

I N'ov. idjn, and there he remained till 184',,

except for occasional tours. One of these

bruiigiit him to London in 1840. where hr

ap[>eared wlih StaudigI ami Sabine Heine*

fc itc r a I .St . J arnes s '( heat re. 1 1 is last appear*

a nee on the stage was at the Karninertor

Theatre on 2} Mar. 18.15. After iliis he

Ix'camc producer.

One of the happiest rvt nls f*r SVild’s life wav

his ineeiing with hc'ethoven in 1B15, at a

festival concert on I he birthday of the l.m|>ress

of Russia. Beethoven himself appearcs) and

exlemr*nri/e<l for the Lvi dine in public. Wild

had arrangetl to suhsUiutc ' .\delaide ' for

an air of .S(adUr*s : BtTthoven wa* delighie<),

antJ at once onemJ to accompany it. “ Ills

pleasure at my iurforntancc *\ wys \N*ild,

" w.is vj Krrai that he proposed to score the

song for orchestra, I'hiv never eaiise •iff. but

he wrote for me the cantata • ' An dk Hoff,

nung ’ (u> Hedge's wr^tk), which I sang to

his aicoinpanimcni at a very select maiinfc.'*

Wild*, Ot«»r. Sif AlTwerii (F.. * Safow ^

itO. a.>. * ' SfthiM ►. ink »Mh wfc.f.

iK., t <(*nuolo « ofierar.

( , ioo«). LandevKrk ('AmIwim*

‘^wvie* i ^

UlkO (.Asielnt*Mr»Tr«lnc« otch tuitmi

[. R»« *, haUes', Fra^kcl C Impari^c

<• Safe*.* 'Tmu^$,

. balMK Kr^n 'Safeo**. nmfk. pXt^.

• <»n. 94 . <ompowd in 181 4 .

m ^ ’»• composH

KB4Fa (' Bilr pan', opera). I.utvens ('Biri>KlAy <4

!b^u ', ballen. Marioue {* Salonx ’.opera),

lov ('Sphans eanlalai. Orchard 1 ’ Pkiucc of i)<srjuM

Cray*, <^raJ. Kadoai /Biriltdav of the (nfahia*.

baJleii. aateme iSirauu, o}<ral. .Sliaeubic 1 ’ Ikitian

Ofay *. opera I. Sthreher <’ObyrUiae drr InfaMtin *.

b i H e t>. Senti <F. G.. sonai. Seblei t" /uent ’tnd dir

Ifil&niin *. bolkti. Sirauu fK,. ’Salome’, opera.,

Tchrrvpnin 'A., do,. iotHl. »n,i, X’awikhko I’Oankh

of Ikath tvnvph. porM<. ZasHijn '' Ball.^J •>( Kea'I*

HMC Gaol ’. deelamaiion •»iih m.h ZrmliM<t:\ (’ fjoren*

lutnche 1rar«.kr* * ' oMra*). /iiek lO..

' On ike Hote *. baikt '.

WUdembrwch. Reoae VO*. .^rNApravmk 1 ’ *,

opera . Rrcrr eioniti.. SthiMmcp r rc(iui!r>r>i «s iili

•ceh. . Sinvili I, . /vtinre C'l^rtfal) o|«'ra'.

WILDER, PhiJippe van * fk. ? ; if. ?}.

.Netherlands ibtlwcatury lulriiKt and com*

poser. Nothing k knemn of liiv early jears in

live Netherlands, He is fust Iieard ^as living

in I.ondnn, in the parish of St. Olave's, in

1595, He apjtcars In the court arcounis from

ij'zy. He laugh: the lute tn IVincess Mary

and in 1538 was appointed lutenist to Henry

\ HI. Jri the inventory of goods (Ibrl. 1419)

taken after the king’s death (<5|7) he is

descrtiietl as keeper of the musit ai insiruinenis

at N Vest minster. In 1550 he apjiears as

(irmlcnian of the Privy C.haiulxT to Eduard

VI, rmnnussmned to collect children for the

Chajiel Koval.

His idcmhyuith the earlier "Mr. I’liilhps”

is esiablislted by a rnamiwript offlalduiirs at

Glircsi Church, Oxford, in which Is a motel,

' -ypice I,ymine hy *’ .Mr. Philips nf the

King's privi ehamiK’r ”. The same motet

occurs, ascribed 10 " Bhlllips ”, with the date

15C8, in Sadler’s manuscript ^Bodl. Mus. e.

1-5) and also in B,M, .\dd. MSS 31,390, * A

bokc ctf In nominn, and other solfainge songt s

of V. vi. vii. and viii. pans for voyees and in-

struments' contains fifteen other jtieers hy ih<

same composer. It is ihctefore safe to con*

elude that these, and the similar lute arrange*

men IS in the R.CM. (Sac. Har. Cat. No.

lyfig). are all by Philippe van Wilder,

Music by him was printed in .\rUwerp an<l

Paris collet lions of 1 314. 1545. 1574 and 1597

but the siyk of all these Is earlier than that of

Peter Philips, and there can l>e but small <loubi

that nothing by the latter ct>m|>oser dates from

much earlier than the ' Parana ’ of 1580 in the

’ Fuzwilham Virginal Book ’.describtxl by the

wrurr of tltc manuscript as '• the first one

Philips made ".

It ii»y be mentioned that besides J*hilippe

van Wilder a Peter van SVilder was appointed

minstrel to Henry VIII in 1519; his name is

lound among the royal musicians until the

retgn of Mar>’. A Robert Philip was also a

pupil of Comysshe in 1 5 1 4 ; he was a sinking,

man at St. Geer's Chapel, Windsor, before

*J 30 . and also a gentleman of Edward Vps

• r»w** luv fy*ifiKKrfi mIiIi ivur

Fhili^. f.xUt f«| tu VS ,l<|rT\ Mss in l.tigJan,

a« asv<iiH lu *’ Mr. n»lUjn ". “ '


WILDER (Thomton)


Chapel Royal; but he U not known 10 have

composed any music* w. a. s.

Wilder, TboratoA (Niv«a>, S*» Taylor <J> C>.,

* Lucreee \ incld. m.).

WILDER, (JjrSme Albert) Victor van

(b. Wetieren, 21 Aug. 1835; Paris, 8 Sept.


Belgian poet and music critic. While

studying for his doctor's degree in law and

philosophy at the University of Ghent, he also

frequented the Conservatory there. Having

written for a time for the 'Journal dc Cand

he determined, like his countrymen Vaez and

Gevaert, to push his way in Paris. He began

by translating songs and ended with French

translations of all ^VagrMr’s worb later than

• Lohengrin He >sTotc French words to

Handel’s 'Messiah' and adapted for the

French stage Mozart's * Oca del Cairo

Schubert's ' Der hduslicKe Kri^ Paisiello's

' narbiere di Siviglia ’ and Weber’s ' Silvaru ‘.

Wilder ^vrote criticisms and ftkilUi^ns In

' L’Evincmeni \ * L’Opinion naiionalc * Le

Parlcmcnt ’ and ' GU Bias'; was a contri*

Imior to the ‘ Menestrcl ’ from June 1871 to

18S4, and republished ‘ Mozart : I'homrne et

Varilste ’ (Paris, iSdo, 8vo, and i88t, lamo),

and ' Beethoven : sa vie et son au\Te ’ (Paris,

1883, tamo). To him also we owe the publi*

cation of Mozart's ballet ' Petits Riens '.

0. c., adds.

Sff «/(• F«ur4 { I Mne). PrsiKk <C.. * Pf«fnkr Sovrirr

de mat w»rk}. Lain <&., Sirauia (3.

‘ opcKKAf.

WILDERER, JobanA Hugo (L ?; V.

? Mannheim, ?).

German composer. He spent, so far as U

kno\vn. his whole life In the scrs*ice of the

palatine court, successively at Dusseldorf, Ncu'

burg, Heidelberg and Mannheim, in 1696 as

court organist and from 1697 until 1724 at

the earliest as conductor; in the Ant extant

list of the Mannheim court musicians (1723)

he Is still mentioned in the latter capacity,

together with Jacob Greber. His * Moduli*

lioni sacrc ’ for 2-4 voices and violins, pub*

lished in Amsterdam without date, may have

been one of his earlier works. Apart from

some smaller pieces for the church (a Kyrie

and Gloria by him is extant In a copy made by

J. S. Bach and was some tirM believed 10 be a

work of his), Wildercr wrote mostly for the

stage and provided the court for many years

^v^lh operas for festive occasions. The follow**

ing is a list of them :

' Giocasia ' (Dusseldorf, 1696} ; * II giomo

di salute, ovvero Demetrio in Atcnc' (ibtJ.,

(696) ; ' C^. Pabio Massimo, owero Lc gare

d' Ercole e d’ Amore' 1697); 'La

monarchia risolutft ' (ibiJ., 1697); ‘La foraa

del giusio ’ {ibid.f 1700) ; ‘ I pregi delta rosa '

(Heidelberg, 1702); 'll Mane romano'

(ibid-t 170*2); 'La monarchia stabUita *

(Dusseldorf, 1703; revived Brunsw'ick 1709

as ‘ Ntoo *) ; ‘ Faustolo ' (Dusseldorf, 1 706) ;

'L'Armeno' (Wolfenbuitel, r. 1707); ‘Ama*

lasuma ' (Dusseldorf, {713); ‘ Coronide ’

(Heidelberg, 1722). There were also two

smaller eomp^mnwdi per musical without specific

lilies, and two oratorios, ' II trionfo di Placido’

(Heidelberg, 1722) arid ' Esther' (Mannheim,

1734) ; the latter must have been performed

on the stage, since Alessandro Bibiena painted

Kcncry for it. The composer died about that


For several of Wildercr's operas the ballet

music was written by one Georg KralR. The

scores of ' Giocasta ', ‘ II giorno di salute’,

* La monarchia risoluta ’ and ' La monarchia

stabiliia * are preserv'cd in the Austrian

National Library. a. l.

WU4f*A3. AaIo*. Sff Str«uu {ft., B eher*l vrerki).

WILDROE, PhUlp de. See \\UpbR,

Phiuppc vam.


ME DER NATUR (* The Poacher, or The

Voice of Nature *). Opera in 3 acts by Lor*

taing. Libretto by the composer, based on

a play by August von Kotzebue. Produced

Leipzig, Municipal Theatre, 31 Dec. <642.

1st perf. abroad, Vienna. Josefsiadi Theatre,

18 Aug. 1843. I St in U.S.A., Milwaukee (in

German), 1 853. sst in England, London, Drury

Lane Theatre (in German), sJuly i895>

WILHELM, Carl (b. Schmalkalden, 3 Sept.

1813; d. Schmalkalden, 6 Aug. rd?!)*

Carman conductor. He conducted the

Licdcrtafcl at Crrfcld from 1840 to 1863. 1"

1834 he composed the patriotic song ' Die

Wacht a m Rhei n ' to words by Max Sch necken*

burger and it became so famous, especially

during the Franco- Prussian war of 1870-71*

that in the latter year he was awarded an

annual pension of about ^

Sh NsiSeeal AntKems (Germsay).


?; d. Hirsau, 4 June 1091).

German scholar- He was writer of legends

to Othlos of ^Vu^zburf, «. 1033. He was first

a monk of St. Emmeran’s. Rai^bon, but from

j 068 to 1091 abbot of the Benediciinc mon-

astery of St, Aurelius at Hirsau in the VVurt*

temberg part of the Black Forest, where he died

and which was destroyed by the French. He

was a man of great learning, who, apart from

many philosophical and astronomical '^rks,

wrote the treatise published In Gerbert s

‘ Scripiorcs', 11 , under the title ‘ Musica S.

Wllhclmi . , in which he deals with the

antique and medieval tonal systems, and po'nts

out the errors of his predecessors, including

Boetius, whom cv*en as much as to of^bt was

conridcred sacrilege during the whole ot tn^

mkklle ages. A second work. ‘ Dc '

lonis was contained in a 12th-century

belonging to a Nuremberg antiquanait, Murr,

which has unfortunately been lost, and ofti> a



full dncripUoQ by Murr, published ai Nurrm*

berg: in tfloi under the title * Xotiiia duorum

codicum', dedicated to Haydn, U stiJi in

exUtenee. Frorn thU it b apparent that the

Guidon ian hand existed Ion; before Guido

d’Aretio. f. v. d. s.

WILHELMI, (Johaa) Tobias (Jacob)

Amsterdam, 7 Apr. 1885; Stockholm, 04

Oct. I944».

.Swedish vioUimt and composer of Dutch

origin, a relative of August U ilhelmjJ He

studied in Amsterdam and at the Cokigisc

Conwrvaiory, and was a pupil of Bernhard

Zwcers for composition, Ffitc Stein bach for

conducting and Dram KIderling for violin.

After l>cing leader of the orchestras at Bonn,

too?. Leipzig, iota, and Riga. isc

settled in .Stockholm, sshere he founded llsc

SVilhvImi Trio in 1915, was leader of the

Concert Society’s orchestra in 1915 -itj and of

iht; royal orchestra from 19^1, conductor of

ihe Siockhoiin chamlser orchestra from i‘»1t

and musical director t/ihe I’ar Urkule Socieiy.

He also conducted the National Muvum

promenade concerts,

Wilhel ini's compo<iti<ins include uvo Syin*

phonies (No. i. 1925); a syniidionic poem

* Citanjali after Tagore; a vn, (loncerio

( I t|^b) ; Suite for oboe 8: orch, ; Itallad. ‘ Has

Lied vum U'ide ’ (1919) and uiher works lor

soprano & oech. ; ' Himlens bU ' for men’s

chorus & orchestra : ’ Bellmans kaniata ’ awl

other works for solo yokes , cltorus & orch, •

itg. Uuari ct, pf. 'IVio, vn. A pf. Sonata, etc.

R. D.

Um . Arikir in 1*, NVhnJ’t * Allm.»nt n>tmkksib<<n *

^MiKkliwIm, i9Jlr.

WILHELMJ, Auguai (DanJel Ferdinand

Victor) {h. L'singen, Uurhy of .Nassau. zi

Sept, ilkj', > I*ondon, '22 Jan. 1908;.

German violinist. His father was a doctor

of lasv and f«r some time aitoenry.gem ral •>f

Prussia; his mother, Iwn Charlotte IVm,

excellent pianist, a pupil of Andre of

(JlfenUarh. His earliest instruction in violin

playing was gisen him in 1849, by Konrad

Nassau’s A'«pcfl«e/ikr at

NN irsbadrn. His talent was so precoeious that

when Henrk tie Son lag heard him in 1832 she

embraced the seven-year-erfd child uarmly

exclaiming *’ You will be the (ierman Paca-

nmi”. On 8 Jan, 18^4 Wilhelmj made his

hrsl puhhe appearance at a charity concert.

Later, at the Court Theatre of IViesbadcn he

saj<l to have “ astounded lus audience

lYmcc Emil von NVittgenstein sent ^Vilheliuj

to Li52l, who was so enchanted with the child'*

playing that he in torn sent him to David at

Leipzig with the words - Let me present to

y ou the future Paganini ! ". This was in iBbi

In the following year he played ErnsiN

the he d&l


• Concerto pathciiquc ’ at a ConuTvntory

concert and on 24 Nov. of the same year h<’

played Joachim’s Hungarian Concerto at a

Gcw’andhatis concert with conspicuous success.

He remained at the Gonscrvaiorv for three

yrars, having Hauptmann anil Kirhiir to

teach him harntony and compo^iiitui. 'Ihen,

in 1884, he went to Trankfori o M. for furllirr

study with Raff.

'Ihe following year saw Wilhelmj

begin Ihe wandi ring life of a virtuoso. He

firvt sveni to Switzerland, in i8W> to Holland

and in the suiniiMT* through Jennv Lind's

inlhtenee vidiid lx>ndon. making his debut

on 1; Sept, and receiving a rapturous ovation.

In i8l>7 Wdhelinj ssas in Franci* ^md Italy.

Oft '2? Jan. i8l)B he nude his lif>i ap|>enranee

in St, iViershurg, whither he had Ihvn invited

Its* the (*rand Due he^s Hi li na Pav Im na. 'I he

follow Ing years he reusiied Era nee, SwiUi r>

land. Ik’lgiumand the British Uli sand in 1871

extended his tours 10 Holl.viid .\iicl .Si Aiiditinvia.

Hiv best apiie.traiiee Itefore a Ik Hin nndknce

was on 22 Ofi. 1872, anil on 22 Mar. 1873

Jm’ mad<> Ins lirsi ap|>raraiice in S'lenna.

In ($7*, UiHiHinj was In rngland again.

He played at the l*lii I harmonic .Sorietv's

crmeeri in menu>rv <4 Sterndair ]k tini il and

occupied hiinu’ir during the year In propagai'

ing Ihe cult of Wagner in KngUnd. In 187G

he led the orrhesira at Bayreuth, going to

rjkgland again in 1877. In the same year he

induced Wagm r to journev to London and

nmdocl at the Allieri Hall. Wilhelmj Ic'd the

Mohns and osganirerl two extra concerts on a

h>s lavish xalv on 28 .iimI 39 May. In 1B78

he started on a lour round llie world, which

lasieil until 1882, when he jmssixI through

l/mlon on his wav to <*ermaiiy, home (o hh

villa at MoNl>ach*Biebrj< h on the Rhine, after

which he n iircd fur a while.

During his stay at lli< liri« h W ilhelmj

fouftdesl a viol in school in conjunction with

R. Niemann In the neighlxiurlng Wiesbaden.

In 1883 he was Irawlllng again, and it was In

this year that, at the invitation of the Soiian

of 1 urkey*. he had the unique ex|>crlenfe of

playing before the lailies of the- harem.

Blas^itz near Dresden Ixramc \N'llhelmj’s

home in 1888' 93, in which latter year he

installed himself In lAindon. In 1894 he was

apjwnied principal violin professor at the

G.S.M. He also taught privately.

The qualities that comliined to make August

WllJielmj one of the greatest violinists of liU

clay may be summed up in the force of hU

personality, the great certainly of his tech*

ftiijue, hrs rich tunc, cultivaieil imcrpn*iailon

and splendid poise. He stood for dignity and

breadth, and he aimed at an exac 1 lialanceof In*

telleci and imagination, conveying a suggestion

^ rc^e force that was esscmially inajestir.

On the other hand he made himself respons*



ible, with an ill-judged arrangement of the

Air from Bach's orchestral Suite in D major,

for the superstition that the melody of this

piece was intended to be played on the G string

of the violin. Another arrangement of hb

was that of Wagner’s song ‘ Traume ’ for

violin and small orchestra.

In his later >‘ears Wilhelmj look an active

interest in the technique of violin making and

was a fervent patron and champion of more

than one continental maker. He was coA'

vinced that the " secret of the Cremona

makers ’* lay in varnishing their violins while

the backs and bellies were fixed only to the

top and Ixjtiom blocks of the instruments, the

final gluing taking place after the varnish was

dry. His house in Avenue Road was (in J8c^)

a muse urn of modern* made violins, and he was

for ever encouraging amateur violin makers to

devote themselves to the art.

He composed several pieces for the violin

and also wrote a ' Modern Violin School ’

with James Brown, which was published in six

pant. a. H.*A., abr. k adds.

— SfoaoAN'OxowNi. H., *Aa AparMiiMiion

the Tru(h sb«ui Auruu Wilbelml* (M. a L., UJ.

19 S 3 . p. ei 9 ).


song of the House of Orange, adopted as the

national anthrm of Holland. The origin both

of the words an<l the melody has gl\*en rise

to much discussion.' It is still a point of coo*

troversy whether Ntarnix van St. Aldegonde

wrote the words of the song, or whether, as

Professor ,). W. Enschede surmises the words

were originally written in French about

and that Marnix translated them into Dutch

in 1572. The melody has at length been con*

clusively proved to be of French origin, for the

oldest version of the song, which appeared in

the fint edition of the * Geusenliedenboecxkcn *

of bean the heading " Naar de wijae

van Chartres This is the tunc of a song of

derision, on the siege of Chartres, undertaken

by Conde and his Huguenots in 1568, and

beginning ** O la folic ent reprise du ^Jnee de

Condi And soldiers who were employed

by Condc and afVenvards by >Villiam of

• Jn Vo). V ©r the ' TiW*«krlft dcr * ibe

Siihirrt ii disruMed full fentlt* Iw ran

dijk. J^rxl, linschetle and v«n Dvrte. FilWn mMna

of ihr tone ©K placed one under (be eOier to ihew

wheie»n itiry UifTcr. erid their veriotw loweee* are ueied.

• /»(/. Vo), VI] (iw).

• In in undated * R««ueil de chansons ipinwelki . . .

•ve« aijires rhenaon* dn vieloirrt qu'il • pSev S Dieu

de ilonner 4 notre iret*<hr«sti«f) rey. Charles IX . . . Mr

Chritwnr de Dordeeu*. Peris’ fr, ls> 0 ) we find el No.

48, '* 4 U<re ehenson <k U ville du Chartres S>ar

le p*in<« lie CerKM. mr un ehertc nouveau ” hreiouiM

with (he words “O Tolle enirepriie". And >n (he

eolirciion of 1619 m tilled ‘L.1 pieuse ikiueite avee son

llrc-lire ' (hrre it a hymn In honour of Ihe Virz*o nucil

10 Ihe same " folio rfttroprrte “ melodr- F’n**h'. in * u

Clef ties clianvmnlort. ou recueP de« v*udcvi1l« de^M

eeni an> el plus * i Ballard. Paris. I 7 ' 7 >. «

called Mon Dieu, la bd 1 e entrCe”, (he air of which

is Ihe old read inf of the Charues sonf. All this prows

that (he song survived Ibr many yean abo lo France.

Orange eWdently brought the melody from

n«th^ France to the Netherlands, where It

was adopted as a national song. The song

has undergone many changes, and the follow*

ing version given by F. van Duyse in his ' Oude

Nederlandsche Lied *, Vol. II, p- 1620, which

he claims lo be the l^st and oldest *, can no

longer be so regarded :


AWr it vy w w Omtru.

Wil • h«l * ram van Hat > saa'Wahre

e«a V 4 >d<r*laBl gha * trail- «• VI ijf

Icavrg aa.ver’Vfcrl, den CsaietU van His*

•raeagUflfeiS lek il*<*gi ^ha • rcri .

The * Nederlandsche Volksliedercnboek ’ gives

a version of greater rhythmic complication,

and the \ersioA now officially used as the

Dutch national anthem makes a point of the

interesting and beautiful change to triple

time in the second strain :

WILHEM, GuiUaoAse (Louie BoeqoU-

Ion) <*, Peru, j6 Dec. tySr ; rf. Paris, a6 Apr.


French musical educationist and composer.

In eariy youth he was in the army, but an

irresistible passion for music made him take

to ii as the pursuit of his life. After passing

through the Paris Conservatoire he became

one of the professors in the Lycde Napol^n

and afterwards had a post in the Coll^

Henri IV, His origina I composition tverc few

— chiefly settings of Bdranger's lyrics. It was

• Duw ihiftb that io ihe heponine »**«

nKlody w« a ugnal a» trympei-WaM, lo

den no( Moeut. aliheugh he a^rniW U

an »mir vMg : tud he quetrt « ihe pum'

(he mow he*«iiful) venion ilw WlaNwng Oerman »aJ<i

tent of 1607:


WILKINSON f'nigrnas)

about thr year i8i^ tliat hr began lo iMrtrU

Uirn&cif in the cla»S' (caching of nussic in

schools, and (hrough Bcrangcr's inlluenrv hr

^s'as put in cha^* of (hr luu&ital part of (he

work of a society fur promoting grnrral

rducation. Later, at his plans bcoadrnni

ou(, he was made dirccior-grneral of music

in the municipal scliools ot Haris. He threw

himieir mtu (hU came with an enthusiasm

v\hich soon produced striking results. BokJrs

the school leaching, he had classes whhh

gave instruction to thousands of pupils,

mainlv working people; and out *•( (Ins

preU'ftiiy grow' the ealablUhment of the

" Orph^in ", (he vast organiz.ttion whiih has

since vuverod I* ranee with singing*socie(j«s.

I'ho apocinlitv otVS llhcm's s\>crn) curiusl on

the point of school organization. I'he fdan of

" Mutual Instruction ", as U w’as called, was

then much in sogur in Trance as a was of

<'C</noniMii\g teaching*pusser, ami the jxiint

of the Wilhcni ssslcm was the af>|>lkaU‘fn uT

dm idea to the iraihing of singing. Ills

princijial clasvlHV»k, (hr * Manu« I inusiral a

I’usagu des (iollegrs, drs Irutilutions. (h*s

Ieoh'S et des (Jours dc C^hant *, is an c^jilaiut*

lion of the urdinary ssriltrn language of music,

clefs, Slaves, signatures, timr<ss iuImK, et<.,

interspersed with a nutniscr of solfege eacr< iso

for cla^s praciicc ; the explanations are of the

kind usually found in musical insiructioo

Ixxiks. His special way of arranging the

classes isexplainrsl in his ' ( iuidr de la mctlimie'

(4 th cd. dated 1831^;. «. a. l.

Sit tin OfphCwM,

WILKINSON 9 c Co. We Baoocaip &


WILKINSON (Wylkyncoo), Robert

(6. ?: d. ?y.

l.nghsH i^th-tbih'Crniury cofn|>oser. .Ml

that rrm.iins of his work is in an early ihtli*

century manuscript in tlie lUon OilUgr

l.ihrary. ’J he index lo ihk show's (hat it

originally contained 97 rompoMiions, and

of the 43 which remain 4 are by tVilkinson.

'These arc* two settings of * Salve Krgina for

0 and 5 voices, a I3*part ‘Jesm auiem

transit ni * ami an imperfeci * () virgo pru'

denlissima 'Fhe impart compositiiin is in

canon, a setting of the .kpostles' Cored

pri'fixcsl by die wor<ls "Jesus autem tram*

iens A part Is assigned to each apostle,

an<l their names are placed at the beginning

of (hut part of the Cr^ which each i» tradi'

tionally suid to have written. A mite in

Latin g)v«*s the key to the canon. A copy of

this is in John Baldw in's Commonplace Dwk.

Ihe mpari ‘Salve Regina’ is similarly pre-

fixed by a set of initials, each representing one

of (he nine angelic hierarLhii*s. Aa belbre,

a voice is assigned lo each. \V. Barclay Squire

(' Arcliactilogia V<d. LXI, from which most

of (liesc details ate taken) refer* to a man of


ihU name whu w’as a demy of Magdalen in

150^ and who took iiis bachelor's decree on

lu Feb. ijtiB: but divre is a note jn the Lton

manuvcfi]>t • *' Ksilx'rt \N y Iky iison cii aiepf>i< i«'l

De "f which seeinx to indicate that he hud

dial before the manustript ivav writien,

proliaiily some lirm* duiing tli<' lirst A'ti vt'urs

oflhe centurv. J. '|. lii.

WILKINSON, Sarab. S« Mousiais,


WUkia*«0, Tstr. Sii GioiUdtM I ., iuii*iii*lj'k 1.

WILKINSON, Thomas b. ‘ ; d.

l.nglid) ihdi-i 7ih-teiuury <oin|>oser. A«

innst of what mndins of his tvork is it) iiianii*

ssripi IKirl). ; li M. Add. 3o,y;B*if,

which <i»ntains the le’Uf eani^ni volmm* of a

s4’t of parlb'Kiks made at Diirliuin in itrt>4) it

IS i>ovsd>h' that he was a siugingoiian (hen*,

I Ik rr iv no rs’toed of him I’idu’r as <irk(aiust

or ehoirinasler. ll.Nf. AdtJ. M^!> 'U«i«3hl)*d,

whuh also eoniains a g«HKl <le.il of )iis mu»i<',

IS an I’arK’ I7ih*t«'ntur\ maiiusf ri]>t in ihe

hami of Alfonso Terr.abwto the <ld\'r. O/ilv

(In* CMrai. anil purduHiks of this

Ml remain. Ihe nunustript aho lonuhii a

niailrigal, ' O losolv, loselrs^ sweet •• hy him.

.\nciilii*r 3*parl on<*. * S«i\, (i.ilalia. sjnte our

rotmnihge hltlnr'. is m K.M. .\d<l. MSS

ami 31, duo. 'Jhc lauiwy. u/Uis and

Irmt* i>a(is of three *> part HaNatis Iw him arc

m BAf. .Via. MsS’3oJUijdl.

SLRMt'J.'t, Lm,

NtoOiinc VrsKC '1.0.; BV I>urli. (’ 12, 13. {h«


l.s^Miiir S*n«e M ; .V.l) . Dwili. .t. *. Orsun


Kvit«, >j 1*11 s»y. kiK 'Oniilrir,


BrhvU. O lil.) (Kill., B.M. AJ<i. MSS

IMisrc Mtr. tl <hmI. Iluth. ; It S(, AiU. MSs

jimI 2<i

*llcar niv |ira\vr. O (mb! 1*11 : II. M, AH«I. .MSS

(A (.H iG\i iMti x.uninv.

llcMC ms |ir*\rr. O I lUil, |t ,V|. AilU jii.ttSo).

IMpf. l4«.l. l*H . Ihirh,; )I.M. AUJ. MsS JC.4?t9^

M4I f) )66JI

1 am (Iw rrs4ir#<s moh srrsr unilirm ^ »ih 6 *i>ai( dierui^,

JIarl. 7s«4»3U. S..4C. K.M. AJ«I. MSS 91 j. 1 M.fl.

Ill 'ttwr. 0 L'lM. Trub. 0 . B *7).

Lard. iMotf arv ilirs •nciruxsl. Purh. ; DM. AJJ.

kiss }«.«7a>9 and

lovd, I am iNif iMtkmicvM. ril., iocompirie.

Ct Jrrvialrm S’luk.

O LAfd. canwdrr. Duik. ; B.M. Add. MSS 3i»,4?B«Q

and »9,jMi B.

O LonI 0 «d (d mv u]s alien. NI, : liar] ? 340444 .


O ].ord ay Goal, l>uih, ; B.M. Add. MSS 3O,47D'0

ami a9.)6$4.

rrarse ibf Lord. IXirh. ; B.M. Add. MSS lo.arfl.o

ami H.SM-fl.

• Pr««r»« me. O LunJ. Durh. : DAI, Add, MSS

W.4?»>9. 99.S79-7 and 99,9S6-D) Cli, Cli. s6-du.

BaM aan wanlinc,

* Pul me •« lo irbukr. ninh.; B.M. Add. MSS

90.47D-9. 99.366.fl. 5J.409^ and 9^,352-7; Cli. Ch.

S64o. Aaw s>aniin8.

tmo thee, O Lord. lX*ili. ; B.M. Add. MSS 30,478.0.

NVhy an th«g co full, York,

* ConUibuwsI c« Thomas

' Irsuiiae irmedium* (ifliflj.

Myiicll's tolleelloft

J. M. (ii).




WQ.KOM 1 RSKI, Kjiaizmen {k. Moscow^

I No\'. 1901).

Pol i&h violoncellist and composer. Educated

ai the Slate Conservatory of Moscow, he

began his career by founding there, together

wiiii his two younger sistera, the Wittomireki

Trio. He relumed to his ancestral country in

1919 and continued hts studies under $tat>

kowski (composition) and M^marski and

Mcleer (conducting) at the Warsaw Conscf> a*

lory, which he left with distinction in 19^3.

In 1925 Itc was appointed teacher at the

Lodi Conservatory and the next >rar principal

cellist of the f^llharmonic Orchestra in

\Varsaw. He soon became assistant conductor

of that orchestra. In 1934 he made an exten-

sive tour in Germany, Rumania, Hungary

and the Baltic States. In 1945 he was ap-

pointed rector of the State High School of

Music at L6di and in 1947 director of the

Silesian Philharmonic Orchestra and Opera

at Wroclaw (Breslau).

The following are \N'illsoininkj’s principal



’ WaIvk'x uiUly ' (t9)6] («cef« le«t durin* ihe xqm-ij



Fravmrnti rrAm a Hequirm (19s}'.

0 .Sun«* (wnr.ls Lv M. KenoaiiKha) Tm 9 irrWe \o«fr»


^ ''"MV* for rhkoru« 't9ij>.

' Jimvlraix * ^wnrJ* by M. K>VH>pAkkA). (l•ofal milAliwn

HUM nnli. (19)1)).

* Xtiivt Tor 4 tcU veke«. rherus k orrjn

^•->34 -59).

UrArlaw Cantata for soprano. 4 oteh. <i9so>.


SvrrtplioAV 09 ?$).

’ Sinfunia caticertanta * for cHIo 4 wrh. fipiO).


Trie Tor vn.. raltu 4 pf. (19 it}.

Striny Quariai ((94$).


Sonata f i9>a),

a Ktiaubian Daikci.


Saaau <1919}.

‘ Ball.-tdr * (1924).



Ballade (191 tl.

a PreluUci and Sehano ((9 it).

Maiurka aaH Elegy ((9a4).

Poem <i 9 ? 4 ).

Aria, uich orsan (194$).

Al4)> many mtn to words by Maria Koeopiwrka,

Teimajrr. WyspiaiWki and Rydel (I 93 $' 50 ).

WILLAEHT Adriann (L Bruges, c.

1490; d. Venice, 8 Dec. 1562).

Flemish composer. He was the son of

Denis Wiilaerl, apparently a church musician ;

j Also VilJahert. Vlllard. Vuillaett ami. is lialy.

Adriano or Adnano Fiammengo,

at any rate he received payments from the

cathedral chapter of Saint-Dtinalien. Adriaan

was bred for the law and sent to Paris for the

purpose t^siudy about 1514 ; but hU energies

were soon turned into their natural channel,

and he became the pupil of Jean Mouton in

the theory of music. Three compositions in

manuscript at Bologna are dated 1518. He

returned to Flanders for a while, then went to

Italy, but whether he visited Rome and Venice,

as earlier biographers asserted, U uncertain.'

On I Mar. 159a he was engaged for the chapel

of Alfonso (I) d’ Este, Duke of Ferrara. From

Feb. to Apr. 1523 he was briefly In the service

of Ippolilo (11) d* Este, Archbishop of Milan,

the duke's toother.

On 12 Dec. 1327 he was appointed me/Un

di eappelh of St. Mark's at Venice by the doge

Andrea Gritii. In 1542 and 1536 he visited

hb native country. His career at Venice,

where he lived until his death, is associated

principally with the foundation of the singing*

school which was soon to produce a whole

dynasty of musicians of the highest eminence

in their day. Among the 6rst of these may be

named ^VIIIaerl's own pupils, Zarlino and

Cyprien de Rore; the latter was Wlliaert'i

successor at $1. Mark s.

V^'lllaert’s compositions arc very numerous.'

Those publisited at Venice include five masses,

1336; three collections of motets, 1539^5

a^ 1561; two of madrigals. 1346 and 15^;

a volume of * Muslca nova 1339. containing

both motets and madrigals; several books of

psalms (1350. 1533) and of hymns (154^)*

'Canxone viltanesche 1343: ' Faniasie e

ncercarl ' , 1339. Besides these a variety of

his works may be found In dlBerent musical

collections published during his lifetime at

.Antwerp, Louvain, Nuremberg, Strasbourg

and other places.

U’illaeri holds a remarkable position among

those Flemish masten whose supremacy In the

musical world made the century from 1450 to

1350 dislinelively “ the century of the Nether-

lands He did not merely ukc up the

tradition of Josquin des Pr4* ^ he extended it

in many directions. The two organs and the

two choirs of St. Mark's led him to Invent

double cbttTises ; and this form of compositicm

he developed 10 a perfection which left little

even for Palestrina to improve upon. Hu

motets for 4, 5 and 6 voices arc of the pure

» Thct€ k BO ^ tor the »iOfy ih«t i

«im to Rome, »»*»«» L«o X *»*» pope, *

n*e«e* of hb (• Vertwim duke n »u»ve ’)

M the woek of Jowuio. Ai »oo, •» wu xiiltd. «

ehoir komed iu reel euthonhip, they refu^ W ti"? '•

oCAiA. VVilbert J nome oot haviog yet b«eove

po^r whki il w* »oo » be Ji*'*"*

^&e Uk Ibts to Ff lb U., aftd. Ibr thoM.

«he Neiberteodt. Coovem’* 'HBUDry el

de U »vp«<repWe teuilcek doiu les

(be difTcfeBi yeon. . . .^,><411, aT

• AmUtt. I. $. S« tbb wrii« * excellent eftbcum ot

Wilteen. III. $0$^



Flemish sryle» and wriil^n mth sin^lar clrar*

nos in ihe diffem^t pans. In one Instance he

advanced to ihe concepcion of an entire narra*

live, that of the history of Susanna, set for j

voices. It would be absurd to describe such a

work as an oraiorio, yet (he idea of it is not

dissimilar. Indeed, in departing to some

extent from the scverit>' of his preclecevnr>

and creating for himself a richer style of his

own, \Villaert ventured to be more dUiinci*

is'ely decUmat<>r>' than any one before him.

'I'hc complexion, therefore, of hb writing,

though it might appear "dr>’*' to FHk, K

markedly more nK^crn than ihat uf his

masters. He U also of first-rate importaine m

the realm of the madrigal, and his cofnpsxi.

tions in this field arc probably the best renvem-

l>orcd uf ail hr u rote. To corilrmpocaries.

however, if wr may believe Zarlino, hb church

music appealed most siroitgly, his fwalms and

especially a Magnificat for three (l»<>in lieing

particularly admired. A fine portrait of Inin

is givvn by E. van drr .Siraeien, ' La Musique

aux rays-Bns 1, 358. a. l. e., rev.


Cabson, Coabi is, *XetK« aur AiU, VS'ilUrtt' •Bcmbt'.

ALrare, 'The ItAliAA S»(«dri«Al * i|Vime«<>n

k (iKKvrsl. laiBi

GkeiwiB. ' A. tSillM/o' lAniMvr^. iKo..

IlLHtrxAx^, I.RMii, 'AalriBis UillMfi m <kr well*

lisKen V<Aaln>u>»ki teiner /.cit ' ' 1,4^^111,

LCHArati, A', ’ N('ilJaeri ’ 1 Kerne.

Hft e/i# Adriaiit iwwtks by VV. Husallril*. lo hm .

Meruh* iC., meeurvir wiihl.

WILLAN, Heoky tk. lA>tMlon, id <ht.


English organist, ri>ncluriur. leather ami

roinpiner, .After hoUling frosts at St. Jralin

Baptist, Kemingum. and other lajiuhm

churelics he went to I'oronto, as head of

the theory classes at the <lon»crvator> an<l

orgatiist and rhoirmasier of St. Faul’s. In

i‘j>4 he was apfK>inir(l leecurer and exaniiner

to the L'niversiiy of Toronto, and in igiij hr

herainc musical director lu the Hart Home

l’la)m Club, in connection with which he

^^'^<>le incidental music for performances vt

classical plays. Since igao he has been N'icc-

Frinripal of Toronto Conservatory. He has

written much admirable church and organ

music, among ihe latter licing two hne I’rc*

Mrs and Fugues in C minor and B minctf, an

effective Epilogue ami a broadly conceived

Introduction, Faasacaglia and Fugue.

NN'illan became professor of thfwy at the

University of Toronto. He is deeply inlerested

in the revival of am lent liturgical modes ami

IS a renowned aucliority 00 pJainsong, (ir«*-

gorian chant and the music of the Intern

Church. As a comptnrr he has jiroduced

several imporlanl works for tl»e Mendelssohn

( : hoir of T oronto, I nclud lug thr war viefy ' Whv

They so Softly Sleep ' and a very irapresivc

Apostrophe to the Heavenly Hosts He has


abo (timposed many sung>, tmliKling settings

of poems by U*. D. Veals. In 193^ h** turn'd

to works un a larger srale, an<i his S\mi>hony

Xo. I, in D min</r f|X'rfurmod io 3 l>j, the fiist

'Hiistarxling symphonir vsx»rk to \k produted

on Canadian sinl, pruv’d of fx'rtnant itr im-

portance. His ' O>ronatiun IV Jh urn * nn'i

his 'Marche s<>lenn<’ll<’ (oinfKrtC'l m i<yj7,

are ev'en rir her in inspiration.

In 1937 ap|irar<‘d Ins opsm, * iVirdre ol

tH<’ .Sorrows’ tlil>rt'tlt) bv\|c>hn Coulter, aftre

j. M. Svngei. commissioned by the Canadian

BroatU ailing 0>rp»ratiMn as the lirsi lull-

length Canadian o|>era.

I hr b’lnvirsM) (if 'l*‘>rfMHo <otiferre<l on

W illan the (U’gree <•! M us. Hoc, He condtKls

cite ludor hingefs. a stinird <horai group

devoted In iIm* revival of earl) Jmglish simg,

M. f,., atUls.

WILLCOCKS, David (Valentine) ii.

Xevvquav, Cornwall, 30 l>vc. 1919-.

Knghdt organisi and consiuttor. He luil

his (ir>i musical ex|>eri(fl<c m f.nmloti as a

cltorisler at Westminster .\l)lies in 33.

In c<f34 he was writ with a musi< «< h«»larshjp

to (.Ilium CulU'ge, where he reinuinnl unlil

iftSH, wl>rh he iibtainctl a sear's seholarvlu|>

emiiling him to vtud^ al Kl, .Nicolas (iollige

'Ku>al VifKil ol Church Muvk . In 1930 .|n,

and again in 10 J 3 - 47 . he wav at King’s

Collecv. Caml>ridgi’, with an oruun uhoiar-

ship, and Ik there <il>iaiiKd the additional

Ji 4 in Sirwan of KanikHh and ()|>en hmnda*

tion ScholarshijK, Unh in I'lp. His Uni-

versity studies were inierriipleil in (he ye.irs

I94«M5 By war service with the ^ih llattalion

l).C.t..l.. and lie was awArtleJ the .\fjhiary

Crovi in Normandy in KiH- (hr end of

his second period at Cambridge he l>ccanie a

Felluw’ td* King’s (kill rg<>. .\:nong hit d<*grees

arc the M,.S., Mus.B., A.D.C.M., K.R UO.

and A.R.C.M.

In C94? Willfocks, who had by then begun

to show' an uncoimnun gift lor conduciing,

liecaine conductor of the Carnhridge IMiil-

harn^ic Society, and the same year he was

appointed, all hough still unusually young for

such a post, organiii of Salivbur>' Cadiedrnl in

^cession to Sir Walter Alcock. I’hc follow-

ing year, until 1950, he became Director of

Music at St. Mary’s, Cainc. In that year, on

the retirement of Sir Ivor Atkins, he suceectled

to the post of organist of Worcesier Cathedral,

T>o( in itself more disiinguished than that of

^ialisbury, but no doubt made attractive to

him by the opportunities afforded by the

lliree Choirs Festivals, He wa.v in fact

appointed conductor of the FettivaJ Choral

S«ieiy and al once began to show spcciHl

laicnts as an inspiring choir-trainer and an

ad mi rahlc perfomer. Fhese laicnts at irac 1 ed

aitention rn the Midlands generally, with the

result that he was also appointed to the post




of coaductor of the City orKrmingham Cbrnr,

vacated by the death of C. D. Cunningham.

E. B.

WILLEMS. Netherlands 17th- iSth^ cen-

tury family of violin makers.

(i) Jooris Willems (h. ?; d. Ghent, ?).

He worked at Ghent between 1634 and 164?,

and was a corneit player as \veil as a violin

maker. In the latter capacity he turned out

very careful work. Hb model resembles that

of the Amaii school, but is stouter and has

more projecting edges. The varnish is brittle

and pale In colour. A bass viol by him is

(or was) in the Snoeck Collection in Berlin.

His son Nicholas was a viol player in Ghent


(a) HenHck WiUema («. ?; d. Ghent, ^),

prob. brother of the preceding. He was

active at Ghent between 1651 and 1698 and

was the best maker of the family. He followed

the Stainer model, adhering to the high arch,

sharp edge and sti^f sound holes of the Brescian

school. The work of this maker is excessjvTly

neat, and the wood of the table always wril

chosen, but the varnish is ordinary and roughly

laid on. For the backs of his hddles he

employed maple beech, lime and

almond. Some of Hendrick Willems's work n

preserved in the Cathedral ai Ghent, and in

the Snoeck Collection in Berlin there b (or was)

a kit of his dated 1C79. He also made lutes.

<3) HeyndrUk Willems (k. Ghent,

d. Ghent, ?), nephew or son of the preceding.

Me worked al Ghent betuven 1717 and 1743,

making violins and cellos on the Amati model.

A eeriain J. B. Willems, whose relationship,

if any, to the above is undefined, came to the

fore as a maker of brass instruments in 1 760,

but seems to have been a violin maker also.

Z. H.-A.

Fraai. St* Coovieru (Kheal maci).

WILLEMS, Mlaa. Set .^dojsoh, Johh.

WtUctia, R. F. Stt Mclien <3 «har*2 S *e*cs)*

WILLIAM OF NEWARK {h. Newark-on-

Trent, ?; d. ? London, 1309).

English composer. He was " Master of

the Song ” (Master of the Children, Chapel

Royal), William Cornysh being hb successor.

He is represented in the Fayrfax (Thoresby)

Manuscript in the B.M. by 7 songs. A

madrigal, ' Thus musing w'as republished

by Novel lo in 1B94, t. v. d, s,


DoPFER. Heine. Pizzt.

WILLIA M TELL (Opera) . See Guillaume

TcLL. Rossini. Atso Schiller for other


WILLUMS, Aaron {k. ? London, 1731 ;

d. London, 1776).

English music teacher and engTa>‘er. He

was clerk to the Scottish church in London

Wall. He wrote * A New Christmas Anthem

for 1 . 3 . 3 and 4 voices ’ and edited several

collections of psalms, anthems and other

church music. e. v. d s

WnXlAMS, Albert (Edward) (L New-

port, Monmouth, 14 Mar. 1863; <f. Souihsea,

It Feb. 192$).

Webh composer and conductor. He joined

the 61SI Regiment as a boy in 1877 and the

next )‘ear was posted to the band at Malta, in

which he played the cornet and euphonium.

Showing unusual aptitude he received lessons

in harmony and insirumenuiion from his

bandmaster, Birthmann, one of the old

German bandmasters of the British Army. So

rapid was his prt^rew that he carried off isi

and 2nd prises for composition and arrange-

ment at the Military Exhibition al Poona In

1884. After this he felt that his calling was

composilkm. Sent to Kneller Hall (1883) to

C|uiUfy as a bandmaster, he created a mild

sensation when hts overture * H^loise ' was

puUished. In 1888 he was appointed band-

master of the loih Hussars, and a year later lie

look the B.Mus. at Oxford. Early in 1692 he

was chosen bandmaster of the Royal Marine

Artillery. Al Porumouih, having both a

military band and an orchestra, he and his band

were frequently tn demand by Queen Victoria

al Osborne House. He also inaugurated a

scries of symphony concerts at Porumouih

and was conductor^ the Philharmonic Society

(1693-97). On the retirement of Lieutenant

Dan G^frey as bandmaster of the Grenadier

Guards, Williams received the appointment in

1897. He lectured on ' Scoring for a Military

Band’ al the R.G.O. (1909) and took the

D.Mus. at Oxford (1906), received the M.V. 0 >

(t 9 o 8 and 1922) and ihe Order of the Crown

of Prussia, retiring as Captain and Director of

Music <1921).

As a conductor UHlIiams, who scorned the

mere time-beating " usual with band-

masters and des eloped highly original methods,

was an irutigation and inspiration to the men

under him. As a composer he was, with

Ladislas Zavrrtal of the Royal Artillery, the

finest that the army had. His overtures

‘ H^loise ’, ‘ Proserpine ', ' Plutus ‘ Sancho

Panta ’ and ‘ FrauenJob ' were distinguished

by new ideas and brilliant scoring, while his

two grand marches, ‘ Ecclesiastical ' and

• Processional ‘, showed solid conirapuriial

work and an effectiveness equal to anything

produced by his contemporaries. h. 0.

Biw,.— F ajoMu, He««av C.. ' The Rj« Devdopmefii

of Miliurv .Mwk* (Leodoe, t9ta). PP>

• 49 *

' Orchesnl Tivto*. Oet. tpoi. pp. «S<-9e

WILLIAMS, Alberto (*. Buenos Aires, 23

Nm*. iSfej W. Buenos Aires, lyjun^ « 95 «)‘

Aigentinc composer, educationist, poet and

philosofAer, of British and Basque descent.

When eight years of age he was already

composing and flaying the piano by msunci,

WILLIAMS (Alberto)


&o he was sent lo the Con»er>'aiorio dc U

Provincia de Buenos Aires. In 188*4 the

Argencine ^veinjnent sent him 10 the Parb

Coruenaiuirr. where he studied pianedortr

widi Mathias and Charles de 6erU>t (juniorl,

harmony and counterpoint with Durand,

Godard and Guiraud, ainJ finally composition

with Cfear Franck. On his return home at ihc

end of 1869 he gave two planoforie recitals.

I'uuiided and directed thv symphony concerts

of the Aierieo, Diblioieca aitd the I'opu*

larct In 1893 he louiKled the Conserva*

toriu dc Burnos .Mri*', which he cvnimued lu

direct till 1940, estahlishijig branch institutions

all oN'cr tiic country*. Since tlicn the Con>er\a*

t«>rio hat been directed by hi> daughter Irma,

also an accomplUHed musician. In 1900 Ih*

gave a concert of his worb in Hirlin, cofKJtict*

itig the Philharmonic with 1 'illy Koenen a>

solobt. In iQtOi on the ociadon of the

tw<*ntv*hfth annisersar)* ol liis teaching career.

Im pnpih organized a eorwen of his mu»r.

including the ftrst and tvtund syinphoniit.

in the ’Icatru Ciolon, In i93(» three co<*<i*its

of his music were given in ParU: onr or*

chestral. one oI chamber musk and a piatM»

lortc recital. On his seventy •fife li birtlMlay. in

UJ37, the 'Peatro Colon organized a gal.t in

hi\ honour at whicit Jo«c Oil conducted hi>

Kith, sixth and seventh vymptkujiir\. In t«^}o

'Potcanini bn/adcast two muvemrms from tise

seventh Syinplnmy with the N.U.C. orclsevira.

In 1938 created an officer of the

Legion ul llunour. In i^r, on reaching hk

ciglilieth hirtliday, he was the centre of many

Turn lions, Ixah state aid private, i» his


AlU*rio NVilliams was priddeiti ami sirr*

president of I he Comisidn Nacional de Bellas

Aries and dinciur of the mudr section of

the Mine as well as of the old .Sterseo. He

was a memlx r of ilie Academia Xacional de

JMUs Arles and v lee- president of the CcHUbion

Naeional de Dellas Artes, president of the

Asociaciba Argenuod dc Coociertos. hemorary

member of the Asoeiacion Argentina dc Cont*

posi lores, /\sociacion Argentina de Mtivica de

<l.imara and ilw* Asoclacion Folklbriea.

WillianWs com|josiiions fall into throe

distinct periods: chose WTitttn in Park and

until 1890, which show a Lui^jcan cUwkal

iedlucncei those written between 1890 and

1910, which make conscious use of the national

folbong idiom and include a pianoforte

piece called ' LI rancho abandonado ' which

has beernne the corner-stone of the Argentine

naiionallstic school ; and ih«>»e following the

second Symphony, ‘ U bruia de las mon-

tanas , m which he ex^iis the more modern

icndenctea of his art.

In the leaching field Williams can be said

to have created the prcscnl-day enlightened

llueniu A»rg* public acid a liosc of good pro-


fes&itMtal and aniairur musicians ihmughoul

the country. He ow*n<'d a miivic-pubii^hing

Iiouse, Qurna. and puhlishetl an enormous

»uinb(*r of educational works and K achiiig*


\N'illiaRis is considered the grand oltl man of

.\rgenline muvic. Plic fn]|t*w'ing arc his chief



41. Iw f'tr uMOoinpjiMrJ omI* ««!«•»

'(oin|i»>er's uuftJvi.


* r>inMT« ebetiu <4 Jc tuiHieov ' iRKg,.

lA ' W<«mk 14 Or <.N«(etio *

SO. * .VtiniJ(urA» ’. Vmic I

31. ' Mmiuima* dune 1 1 11090 .

44. .Nu, I, H nil, 190?.,

SvinfifcuMt .N«, 4 . *1,4 tiruM dr bs ttiMiUiiAt *.

C Ml. HOIU ',

>'in|artnv \v. * La I 1114. ojiij.

aj. * (^m<u J 4 iir 4 \ 4 rKriitin 4 «.*

-> * MMie •itfriuina *, r<>« iirt,

* ^^ZUO•i4 »uiir tuf Wi;>.

* lrf«rr* MMe 4rK<M(rii4 ’. ti»r

M. * ISi«M 4 ilr |i«* <au«s 4 M«ir 4 lr» ’ lO)}',

9a, 'ivinr^Mi) Xm. 4. * U nUja ( 4 miiii>» *, K» ma.

!«•, .VHiph.Hiv W V M.l rorjton dr U muAcr« \

t.y KM. I 9 )li .

tui. Nil V, * La nswrriF del cotoeu *, U oi.i.

• 9 t? .

•«1. SiM|dnMo No. s, • l.irrno rrp<>~*', Itcnj, iflii'.

1*14. MinfdHin> .Vo. a, • Lo r»hiu*e k nii. lyjU',

a<»7. * I niiliMi.'j* itf L ini|««e>4a * iniH,

• JI, No. 9, ’t-n lutroout*. |lj rna.

• ly. * I'uftwa del Icuazu’

t K.WUll K .mvsk:

y 4 > I r«». A OM.. tm »m,. cHlo & ik.


4 *. ^iute A I. mi.

49 , V n. & )d. Nv. I . ,N no.

SC. Va, A fd. \m j, 1> tin.

SY. Celle ft . |> me.

Sj. S'n, ft pi. No. j. U

n.yNoroKn; ,mvsic

*■’ ^ vj*«,

74 **l- ■<•«?. "M-uj. 9 *. U 7 , 90, ini. lov,

K*. left. lift, ft<. inrJ. * .Siwi.iia jfk’e'ioiia *

H>i‘- 7lJ. »7 * .yim Jc \ 5 »ci\ wt * Miiiianirai *

>u m all . ft * .\irc« dr Panitxi

♦ e* e >

Opo. SY. 4J. 4». 4V.S7.67. 71. 6 j . ftj, 94 . ,|W (all

aw the («an|M«n > wm 11 werdi) .

N. F,

IhM. VwExtt Amsai, MlWnn Williams:

lUNHulum vMar, eon alxonri Aouiaciviirs swbr« lu

wwra . . . Bwenot Aitr', 1 94 4 '

KoU* Lmowv*. • .MJxriu Williams; mdtico

ar«cniMio <Bwciio( Airct, .

WILLIAMS, Anna iS, l.ondon. 6 ,Suc,

1845; / Ixmdon. 3 .Srpi. 19/4),

linglidt sojirano singer. She was the

daughter of Uilliam .Smith Williams, reader

to .Sinuh, Elder 4 Co., to whose insiglu the

)KiLhcatiim nf Charlotte Drome's ’Jane Kyrc*

was due. Sl»e was taught singing by H. C-

IX'aeon and J. B. Welch, and on 37 June 1873

toiA the fir« soprano prize at the National

Hriae Mating Festival at the Crystal Palace

m IxKidon. She afterwards studied for




Rftecn months a( N'apl«$ wUh Domenico

Scafati, and on 17 Jan. (874 reappeared at

the Crystal Palace. She obtained a very

high position as an oratorio and concert

singer at the principal festivals and musical

societies of the United Kingdom. Special

mention must be made of her singii^ at

three succcssit^c Birmingham Festivals in

three new oratorios: in 1885 in Stanford’s

‘Three Holy Children’, In i8d8 in Parry’s

‘Judith ’ and In 18911 ai very shwt notice,

in Stanford’s ' Eden On the last occasion

she received from the committee a handsome

present in acknowledgment of her readiness in

taking extra work on account of the illness of

Emma Albanl.

Anna Williams sang occasionally in opera

in the English provinces, but it is as a refined

and accomplished concert singer that she

was best known. Her powerful soprano

voice was of octavTs In compass, and slic

used it like a true musician. On 13 Oct. 1897

while still in the plenitude of her pow^en, she

made a farc^vell appearance, and afterwards

devoted herself to teaching at the R.C.M.

an<l elsewhere until 1904, when she resigned

her appointment. She married Rodney John

Fenessy In i<)hi, a. c.

WILUAMS, Charlea (Fr«ncU) Abdy

(6. Dawlidi, Devonshire, ib July 1655; d,

Milford nr. Lymington, 97 Feb. I 993 )«

English violinist, organist, writer on music

and cum|>oser. He was educated at $hcr«

borne Schoul and subsequently urtder the

Kev. F. A, RadclifTe, Rector of Milston near

Amesbviry, whose Inlluencc contributed in no

small drgrcc to foster his los’c of music. In

1873 he entered Trinity Hall. Cambridge,

where he took the degree of DA. In 1B7B.

W’hilc at Cambridge he took an actis’c pari in

the management of the Cambridge Unlvxrsliy

Musical Society and played the violin and

viola at its concerts. On taking his degree

he >vrnt for health to New Zealand, where

he was organist for a year or so at a church

at Auckland, playing in the orchestra of the

Auckland Choral Society and founding a

Ulce Club. Returning to England In 1879

he resumed his studies for the church; but,

family opposition to the musical profession

being overcome, he became organist and

music master at Dover College in t88(.

The following year he took the M.A. at

Cambridge and entered the Leipzig Conscr*

vatory, and in 1883^1 he was o^anisi of

St. Mary’s, Boltons, London, SAS*., where he

did mucii to improtx the standard of the

music. He next took the Cambridge Nius.B.

in (891, having already taken the B.Mus.

at Oxford in 1889, and devoted himself to

the study of ancient Greek music, and more

especially to plalnsong. making tours for pur-

poses of research in Italy, Belgium and Prance.

Articles arid lectures by him on this subject

led to his appointment, In 1895, as composer

and director of the music of the Greek Theatre

at Bradhcld College, of which institution he

afterwards became the organist. For the

Greek plays he made use of ancient modes and

rhythmical forms, besides reproducing, from

ancient models, aulol and lyres, on which he

taught the boys to play. In 1901, in conse-

quence of ill-health, he retired, wrote many

xaluable books and did much to promote the

revival of plainsong. He trained the body of

priests of Ca^ in the Solesmes system in

1904 and directed the music of their Easier

Mass; this led to the establishment of that

s>‘siem in the island.

Abdy V^MIiams’s published compositions

are few in number ; they include a Magnihcai

and Nunc DimiltU in F major, a Morning,

Evening arid Contmunion Service for alto,

tenor and bass, the choruses of the 'Antigone*

of Sophocles in the Greek modes, as performed

at Bradheld. Unpublished works are a

Quartet in D minor, a cello Sonata In F

major and four canons for clarinet, violin

and pianoforte, all performed at the Musical

Artists’ Society in 1887-88 ; also the choruses

of ' Alcestis ' and ‘ Agamemnon ‘ composed

for Dradheld. His literary works arc as

follows; ‘A Historical Account of Musical

Degrees at Oxford and Cambridge* (1893);

* 'fhe Music of the Greek Drama *, essay pre-

fixed to the 'Antigone* ehpruscs; lives of

Bach and Handel, in the Master Musicians

series (now superseded), 'Notation’, ‘The

Organ ’ and ‘ Organ Music ’ in the Music

Story scries; ‘The Rhythm of Modem Music*

(1909); ' Arisioxenus’s Theory of Musical

Rhylh m ’ ( 1 9 1 3) . He also con iri buted to t he

' Classical Review ’ and (o various musical

periodicab, on Creek music, plainsong, etc.,

and kindred subjects. i a. r.*w*

Wm Aulet.

WILLIAMS, Charlea Lee (6. Winchester,

I May 1853; Gloucester, 99 Aug. 1935) >

English organist and composer. He was

the fiRh son cJ the Rev. David Williams,

fellow of New College, Oxford, and rector of

Alton Barnes, ^Viltt. He was a chomier of

New College, Oxford, in J 869-65 *

pupil of and assistant organist to Arnold at

Winchcater Cathedral in 1865-70. In 187*

he xveni to Ireland as tutor and organist of at.

Columba’s College, where he suyed oil i 875 «

He took the B.Mus. degree at Oxford m id?®-

In 1 876-62 he was organist and choirmaster ol

Uandaff Cathedral and in the latter year

entered upon hb chief official position, that 01

organist of Gbucestcr Cathedral — a post he

occupied with much distincuon unUl to 9 ®>

conducting, in that time, five Olouwter

Festivals and taking part in the other Ihrec

Choirs Festivals.



WII.I.IAMS (Crrrardj

L«« Williams composed a con^dvrabk

amount of church music, and sacred can^

talas by him, including ‘ Belhany ’, * GclhsC'

mane', •Harvest Song', ‘FeslivaJ Hymn’,

were produced at Cloucester and ^Vorr^stcr

FciiivaJs. Owing lo ilUhcalih he reitrrd from

active work in i8oS, but he rcuini'd his

interest in the Three Choirs FesiivaJs a» a

steward, a member oT committee and uiti*

inatcly as Chairman of the Kaccutive ai

Clouteslcr, He also edited (with H, G.

Chance; continuations of the * Hi»tor>’ of tlie

Thrw Choirs' (t ^’3 and I930>. In irj^

thr degree of Mus. Dor. Cuniuar was <on*

A rred on him, j. a. r.*u . adds.

WILLIAMS, Chriatopber k Beeket {k.

Durehester, ^ July

Jmgliih cuniposer and author of Weldi ex*

traction. He was educated at Manchester

Grammar School D<y«i*4', at Deiuictne

Scljf>oJ liyxi-y, and ai Keble Cidlegr, Oxford

(iyO0-J3>. where he the M.,A. in hiv last

>car, He joined the Army in 1^14. served in

ihr hni world war. wjs iiualidvd out in 1916

and cheti worked in the War Office vniil the

end ol hostilities. He taught for a time at il»r

London Academy of Music aswi examinnl

for ihc Incurjx>raled Society of Musicians, of

the Coumil of which he was a memlser A)r

three years. He ira\r]lrd extensively and

lived much ahroatl. lev luring and playing in

i;\>ro|H-. Ceylon, Inslia and the C.S..\. As a

critic he Kintrihuted lo ' Musical Opinion '

for SIX year* under thr pen.name of " Siiijon

WocMi iKsitlcs writing ankles for various

musical perioiiicah; and as a non*musieal

author he pfuduced three novrJs, two travel

htK>ks and a liook on winter sports in Kurope.

llctket NMIIiarnv's compositions have never

hirctune well known in hngland, Ihii several

have been performed abroad, an<l his musk

has Uen appreciatively noticed as <l«an*<ui,

individual and admirably presented wbeitner

It was heard, in Briiain, France, America and

elsewhere, His works include the Allowing :


; Ka.w ’ (Shw lh«j.

.V Nifihi %,iib (Uaweti*!',


,M,ii<run( 4 t and Nunv l>tauun.

* Jioiorwin aninue.*

M.u> ill C !••«.


% Suilrt,

« ajjet Syi(« J,p R«i lot duml^t mfe

an Btri>wv<n'» £(o,»nt«.

JVvrtrrB'i Suite.

W rlih Suite,

[ A Hundred Ye*rv Ae®.'

^ »^e Imoeruiofu ’ toe unaJ\ enk.

• and l>trivMif«H * »!•».

In.induetinn Frol- * fat ehamlitr cwh.

) Mttwie, (gr untM ur«h.

4 I’lett, fur small i>«Ic

I. h. (Ik lime of Wxrieau.

2 I'aMnmI.


Cu€icrrvifh>. H(ih saalJ erch.

ChUMULk M(A|(:

1(>0 (uc «M.. (cllu K f»r,


} Vuiuuk.

’ S«Mie lie C'^uprrin.*





i ’ HenwHon (--irl Suiiei.*

’ Ihtee F-uotal Sk«silir>.

Th'I War I'lt turn train ytaiur*

I. C^liriklmav ai tV>HKrruv

i. .kuifeka, Ic Jr Nkiiik.

tJfiS * the Wrt M*i-lrr% lljm •.

* Ikrre.Aiic^i U.iHe,.*

t lm|<ro«i(|Mu(.

’ li(p linpt«

Vxrral «MlKr


IntewitAiHu xwl iXMbk ( u<ur.

Alut icttraJ BmIi 4 tr.in«riiH'i<t«.

lIKt.W Mt'vli;


(.^MKertvIut ufrfai. A |)f,

Ahn a ELuk urtrfTi^rnKKii.

f k'-A, of IJitakrtkaii L«v«

* Imu (SidJ

S hdli-nibk hum Hnitlxrn Ffttue.

.NumerMH Kparair tuhrr.

K. n.

WILLIAMS, George Ebeneaer (F. J.c»iu

don, I7«j: / LrrtHloo, 17 Apr. i»m)j.

Usglish organist ami runi|juser, He a

churistee at bi, I'aurs Cailndral in lam don

mider Richard IMHrny. (In t^uiiting the

ciusif UI)out 1 79<»; he iH Carne tti puly t.rg.iiiisi

for .ArnoUi at NVe si minster .\blH*y, Jn lUg-,

he was apjsointed ofgaiii^i of the l»hilaii.

lhro]>ic .Sotwiy’a flujsci and in 1OJ4 sue-

crethd RcsIhti Cisoke as organist of

ouftsier AblK-y, He roniiwwd. when a btr),

some chants and setting, of the ha net us,

printed m ' Sixty Chants . . . toni|>ove<| hv ih(>

Clwruiers of St. I'aul's Cathedral' (1793),

-nd was the autlwr of * An Introduction to

the hanoforte ' (idio) and ' txercises for die

^iK*fie* (1815). lie was buritd on 2±

Apr. 1819 in iJio soutJi cloister of West*

numler AUbc)-. ,,

(Johns) Gerrard A. London,

10 Dec. 1O88 : d. Oxietl, Surrey, 7 Mar. 1947).

faiglwh coo.poscr. H, oiigmally foljov,od

Ihc prrfwjioti of an arcJiiiect, hut tiovoied Iti,

spare uok tu mustc, joining choral sociciic^ and

laying in ore Ih'sIchs a, op|M*rt uni ilea arose.

Uheo he hrsi tovA to tompor.il ion in 1911 hu

had had no other training than this, and that

Winch he acquired from constantly reading

music, but two years lairr he reeeivxxl some

guidance from Ricliard Wallhew'. in all

e^li^, however, he was a st If- 1 aught musi-

cian. Most of his music is in the sinaJIvr forms






and of an intimate character, with somethic^

of the art of the miniaturist. Much of hU

best work is in his numerous songs, which

have great lyrical charm ; but he also com-

posed two siring Quartets and orchestrated

a set of his own pianoforte pieces, ' Pol

Pourri His other pianoforte woria com-

prise ' Miniatures * (also orchestrated), Pre-

ludes, ‘ Side-shows *, etc. A comic operetta,

‘The Story of the WiUow-Patiern Plate’, is

for children. A ballad opera, * Kate, the

Cabin Hoy ’ (Kingsway Theatre, London,

iOS4)> based on traditional tunes, was a

delightful attempt at reviving that essentially

English idth-ceniury type In more modem

terms. He also arranged and orehesiraied a

ballet from a Uerthoven sonata. B. b.

WILLIAMS, Grace (^. Barry, Glamorgan-

shire, 13 Feb. 190C).

Welsh composer. She was brought up in a

musical home, for her father was a musical

schoolmaster and conductor in Wales. She

studied music successively at the UnivTciity of

Wales, Cardiff, where she graduated B.Mus.

In 1936 ; at the R.C.M. in London (1936-30),

where she studied under Vaughan Williams

and Gordun Jacob; and, after gaining a

travelling scholarship, in Vienna, where she

became a composition pupil of ^Vellesr


Grace Williams has lived chiefly in London

( 1 92O-46) , where for many years she taught

at the Camden School for Girls (1931-46),

hut has now returned to her native Glamorgan-

shire. .«\|( hough she has drawn much Inspira-

tion from Welsh sources, as it apparent in the

lilies of many of her works, her outlook is

essentially cosmopolitan. After writing her

first substantial work, the now popular

concert overture ‘ Hen Walia ‘ ' (1930), she

found herself out of syinpathy with the

sophisticated atmosphere ^ London con-

temporary music and entered on an experi-

mental period, producing very little for the

next six or seven years. A steady if modest

output since 1936 revealed her primarily as

a composer of orchestral work^ including

concerlus and works for voice with orchestra.

Her more serious music reveab a certain

independence of character and b carried out

with invention and resource, and her most

recent works show considerable accomplish-

ment, Her output includes no chamber

music, but a number of songs with pianoforte

and some attractive settings of Welsh folk-

songs. Traditional tunes arc also used In the

overture * Hen Walia ', the * Fantasia on

Welsh Nursery Rhymes ’ and her music for

the Welsh film ‘Blue Scar ’.

The majority of her w’orks have been

p^'rfomed, and important performances have

* tlcA Walls 15 a dhtrict in C*«nisrron near

old Itoiiian tVales.

included * Rhiannon ' (B.B.G. Symphony

Orchestra), ' Sea Sketches ’ for strings (fi.B.C.

Home Se^ce) and * The Dark Island ’

(B-B.C. Third Programme ) ; many works

have been performed at the National

Eisteddfod, she owes much to the B.B.G. in

^ Vales, and the ‘ Fantasia ori Welsh Nursery

Rhymes ' has been recorded. Since 1 946

Grace Williams has done much educational

work for the B.B.C., including scripts and

contributions to the children's hour.



* Hvmn of Praiw ‘ (* C ceonedaw^ Awl-'rtld twordi

traruUwd by the CompoKr from iM Black Beek

Carnurihen, irih eeat.) rerciiorut B otch. ( 19 S 9 ).

I^uiie, * Tl>« Daoe«r> \ for so{>rano, wemea*5 ehema,

M(t. 4 harp ( I9S3}.


Scar' (1949].

* David ’<I9S0,


CaAe«n Overture * Hen Walia * (t9Se).

* Eledy * for nc«. 099S. rev, 1949).

* RhianoM *. iyntph. kfend {>9)9).

* Pauiaiia ao Welrii Nunery Tunei * (1949).

* O^en Gkndower tMiteh, impre iiinni after Shake-

Ware** ‘ Henry I V *, fart i (1949).

*Sra Sknehes * for nf$. (1944).

* The l>ark tUand *. Muie for xifi. (I9sv).


* S ene * for Mprano It ehaaibcr ereh. (1997 , *(ik<


I. Super flumma.

e. In eunveriandp.

* The $e«Hi ef klarv * (a seiilaa of (he Marnifkail for

icorano 4 chamber orch. 1>9}I» r«v. 194s).

' Skifoma cenrercance for pf. (rpcO*

'The hleery Xlcniirel (aftrr Grimm) for narrator a

9r«h. 1 19491 •

Va. CofKerso (i9sal>


' Poliih Ma.'


'TarMulta* (Hikire Belloc).

* Service for aU the Dead ’ (D. K. Lawrence).

' The hlad htaid** Soog * (Herrick),

* Gnen Rain * (Mary Webb).

* I had a Uiik nut live * (anon.).

* Oh. match'd away in beauiy'r bloom * (Byron).

* Oh. weep for Theac ’ (Byran).


B Uebh Oven Sonei (1937)* . .

* Xbri Uwv4 • (' Bks^ Mary ').8.$.A.A. 4 pf (i93B).

* tfodi Ha * {a vake* 4 pf.) {i999)*

' Jim Cro * (uniton 4 pf).

WILLIAMS, Joaepfa Bevlr (i. Man-

chester, 10 Aug. 1871; d. Concorcs, Lot,

France, 3 Aug. 1929). . ^ . j

English musician. He was the founder a^

first general secretary (1893-' 92 ') oj

Amalgamated Musicians' Union and the

wime mo>er in the fusion ( tgai ) of this society

with the National Orchestral Union which

gave Wrih to the Musicians' Union, of which

he was first general secretary (1921-94). He

was the second son of Edward Williams (*. 03


WILLIAMS (Tennessee)

Sepi. (843; d. 37 Mas. 1906), a musical di>

rector of the Prince’s Theatre asMl the Queen’s

Theatre, Manchester, and Kate Leigh (d.

6 Sept. t93i), an actress. Although educated

by his father and others for music, he be-

came a school teacher, but eventually entered

his father’s profession as an irntrumenialist,

playing the clarinet at the Gaiety I heairc.

Manchester. Iji the laic 1880s the general

social and economic conditions of the asrrage

musician in theatres uerc not rosy. Salaries

were in the region of 30s. a week as a maximum,

with rrlicarsah con 5 idercd obligatorily grant.

The band*rooni m theatres, when it did exist,

was under the stage atxi thoroughly insanitary,

while the band pit in the auditorium was

generally narrow, uixomfociable and ill*

lighted. \N illlams. then in his leeni, was soon

in n’bellion ag.timi all this. I'here was, at

that time, no protest is e society f‘>r rnwHians

that could vv>lce any complaint from those

who had to sufTer under th^ condiiions, but

early in |8<J3 Williani' began adv'ocating the

forinaiion of such a society b)’ means of an

anortyincus circular, and as vhki as hr Isad

obtained llic necessary support lie boMly

Uumlied hit scheme for an Amalgamatcil

Musicians’ Union in Manchester, tlie use of

the word “amalgamated” being due to the

di'Nirr of die musicians in Birmingham to form

a similar protective «k wty. 'liie offis iai date

ol its cstahllshmcnt U 7 May ttkj^, and the

lirst year saw ilir torch being carried t<>

Cdasgow. Liverpool, iXiridec and XewcaMk.

lly I he end of the year just ©s er one thmssand

inrinliers were enrolled. From this humUe

bcgmrimg arose die |>resent sjsi ofgameatmn,

and even when Williams mired throsigh ill*

health ill iQa.j, literally svi;fn cHit b>* yean of

struggle, it numitered iwenly*tsso llKmsand

meirdtrn, with liranclies in every part of the

eouniry. For several vears he sal on the

Manchester I'cmn Camncil, and later he was

a member of the (ieneral Coumil and I’arlia-

inmtary Commit lee of the I'rades Union

Congress Itecoining iu chairman in 1^3.

It. c. r.

‘' ‘TV Wdh^m. family

I ^ Mucicians Jan, c<n}i.

Sit tit* Muiieisfu* tfaioA.

WILLIAMS, Joaapb, Ltd. English muss

pnmer? and puldiihen, Tlie firm was «tab

hsh^l m London in 1808 by Lucy William

(p. . ; d. ?), music and copper-pJatc prinre

at Fountain Gourl, Cheapside, who printec

some works for Clement! & Co. In 1837 shi

mov^t to 41 Duke Streci, Little Brllain. when

known as uici

w I continued the business a

Joseph Williams, moving in 184$ to la-

Cheapside, these premises being occupied

until 1883 , with other branches, 6 Milk

Street, 1857 to 1662 , and 1 1 Holborn Bars,

1862 to 18 ^. In ihe latter year the premises

at 24 Berners Street were corned, w lie re the

main business was carried on widi grrai

success until Aug. 1807 , when the firm imnerj

to 32 Great I’onland Street, where it remained

until 1938 , moving then to 29 Lnfutd Street,

.Marylebone, iIk* present premises.

Joseph \Ndliam Williams vias vuu reded In

18 B 3 by his sun, Joseph IKnjamm Williams,

who was known as a comjxi^er uneUx the

pseudonym of Florlan Pascal. !{<• di<*d in

Jolv 1923 and the business has since lieeti

carried on by his eldc'si son, Morian Vv'illiams,

with his bruiher Ralph Williams for a time.

I hr business iKcame a laiiuly coiupanv,

Josqsh Williams Ltd., In Hyn*.

pH* (irm over its long hiviory has always

l> cn progressive and vcicle in its ouiltxik, pub-

lishing aInM'sl everx* Und o( work, including

ligbi ojseras, liallads anti other nuuic for

p**pularconK rt*|)arty ennxi.iimuenls, sperial*

i/ing in educaiuinal riiuvlt. I lorian \\itiiams

was inviteil by the .Nsuxiatt'd JioartI oi die

R .V.M. and R.< 1 .M. to print for them die

.Music Ibtamlnation Books cl n ring ih« p« ritnl

1914 - 18 .

Works of tiKtimtioR by Llgar, V.augh.vi

Uilhatiiv, Bax,.folin lieland, Bantot k, (hirdon

Jaccdi, I ovey, Matkerizie, Me l.uen, Dyson and

01 hen have l>ren issued by die lirm. whit h has

a large ela*»ical xxtMin to its credit und was

cooeemctl in ihc puldiration gf fl. Iv. p. .\rk*

wrighi's * < >ld l.iiglivli l.Uidon ' ul MUalxihnn

and JacoUan cotnjxw rs. I V ofljti.d hiH.ks

of iVntifortr Lxaminatioji Music are aUo

issued hy the firm for the < 1 .S,M.

vv . t.. s,

WILLIAMS, Maria Jane h. Gl.iriiorgan*

shire, 9 (>ct. I7t#3; d. <rlaniorg,inNjiiie, in

-\*ov. 1873'.

Welch v^irano s|ng,x .vnd music edilor.

Slie lived most of her life in her n.itjve couiuv.

Her thief title to remembrance is her ctdlec*

li<4iuf tcadilionul Welsh airs, u hit }| was nflrrc'cl

in com pet i lion at an l.hitdtlfud held at

Abergavenny in 1838. Mie puWidied forty*

three of the mclodirs, wiiU Welsh wvrds, in

iB^ iLlandovrry, and D’Altnainr, tamdon,

folio), Uit only a few copi«*$ seem to iia\<'

been printed. I'he title rntiv

M s,«fnl. and .MoicaMwe :

WILLIAMS, Ralph Vaughan. Srt


WUUam*. Troaef«e«. Su BowJc* CCJIa.*

& Sumwwr *hil Siookr mcid. mi. ; 'iwmj.

• A|iVu«h ^ wnaiRM an hoi Iw p|iriiai«,J, tint

I* ^y****^ b.PlxeJ under (hr nrvi. r(ie (oin.

P«et bvmtf (eoe(«Uv kn<mn u V»u$h4r> \Vi(l,arn<



WILLIS (Henry)

WILLIAMS, Thomas (b. ? ; ?).

Welsh or English tSih* century mu^cal

editor. In 1780 he published ' Harmonia

coeleslis a collection of anthems by Purcell,

Blow, Croft, etc. (London), and in 1789

* Psalmodia Evangelica a collection ^

psalm and hymn tunes in 3 parts, preceded

by a complete introduction and historkaJ

essay on church music, instructions in minia-

ture for learning psalmody, etc. a. v. d. s.

WILLIAMS, Tom (A. Burry* Pori, Uan>

elly, 2 Aug. (90:^).

W’eUh baritone singer. He studied singing

at the in London under Maurice

d’Oisly and Rosina Buckman, and became

an A.K.A.M. From 1937 to (945 he was

principal baritone of the Siler's Wells Opera

in London and since 19412 he has been singing

principal baritone parts in opera in English at

Covent Carden. He has sung in such widely

different operas as ' Madame Butterfly

‘ Lohengrin *, ‘ Peter Grimes * I'he Magic

Flute ' I'hc Flying Dutchman ' and ' Rigcn

let to \ and has forty operatic parts to his

credit. He sang at the Three Choirs Festival

in (947 and at the Leeds Festival the following

year, lie ha» sung at Promenade eoncerls

and with the important English orchestras.

u. K. w.

WILLIAMS, W. $. Gwyaa. S<e Eistbdo.

POD (Llangollen).

WILLIAMS, William (6 ?; / ?).

English I7th-idth-ceniury composer. He

nourished between 1C77 and 1704, but nothing

IS known of his early life. He lived and

worked in London as one of the king's musicians

in 1(395-99. sucN'hing music consists of a

hancilbl of theatre songs an<l some reeortler

sonata*, scattered through various publications

from 1C77 10 1700, a set of * Six Sonata’s in

three parts’ (1703)' and some incomplete

theatre music for strings.’ On the evidence oi

the songs and sonatas (three of the tric^

sonatas arc fur violins and three for recorders)

he must he accounted a composer of some

merit. His music is typical of the generation

immediately following Purcell's, the sixth

trio'ionata, " in imitation of Birds ", contain-

ing some pleasingly original touches of melody

and harmony. a. t. d.

WILLIAMSON, T. G. <^. ? ; rf. ?).

I'.nghih i8ih*century composer and music

publidier. About 1790 he had a music and

** fancy " %varehousc in London, at dO Strand,

from which he issued a number of sheet

songs and collections of music. He arranged

two sets of ' Hindoostanec Airs' (t797 and

' 79 fl)» composed some vocal music, * Six

Fas*ourltc Sonatinas', a scl of marches aiid

other music. r> a.

' Copy in (lie FuswilliAm Mu«etim, CAmbeidgr.

• Ch. Ch., Oxford.

WILLIS, Heary (^. London, 27 Apr. td2t ;

d. London, ii Feb. 1901).

EngUsh organ builder. He was articled to

John Gray in 1635 and later was for some years

organist of Christ Church, Hoxton, subse-

quently of Hampstead Parish Church and

Islington Chapel-^'Ease, which latter post he

filled 10 within a few years of hU death.

In 1847, in which year he played the double

bass at the Gloucester Festival, he took the

first step in his career by rebuil^g the organ

at Gloucester Cathedr^, with the then un-

usual compass of twenty-nine notes in the

pedals. In the Great Exhibition of 1851 he

ex hi U ted a large organ which was much

noticed and led to his being selected to build

that for St. George's Hall, Liverpool, which

under the hands of Best became so widely

known. The organ he exhibited in the Ex-

hibition of 186a also procured him much fame

and became the nucleus of that at the Alex-

andra Palace, destroyed by Arc on 9 June 1873,

shortly after in completion. His next feat

was the organ for the Royal Albert Hall

(opened 1871), which In siae, and for the

eflKiency of its pneumatic, mechanical and

acoustic qualities, shared its high reputation

with the second Alexandra Palace organ. It

was constructed for the restoration of that

building and inaugurated in May 1675.

Willis supplied or renewed organs for many

of the cath^rals of Er^land and Scotland:

St- Paul's, London (*872), Canterbury (1886),

Carlisle (1856), Durham (1877), Hereford

( 1 879) , Oxford ( i 884) , Sa Hsbury (1877), We) Is

(*857), Winchester (1853), Truro, St. David's

(1881), Edinburgh ( i879)» Glasgow (t 879 )»^

well as many eollegr*, churches, halls, etc. He

built the organ In Windsor Casde, with a

douUe console, 10 that (he msirumenl can be

played from St- George's Hall or from the

Private Chapel. The award of the Council

Medal in 1851 specifies his appUcaiior) of an

improved exhausting valve to the pneumatic

lever, the application of pneumatic levers in a

compound form and the Invention of a move-

ment for facilitating the drawing of slops singly

or in combination. In *862 the Priac Medal

was awarded to him for further improvements.

In 1885 she Gold Medal was given him for

••excellence of tone, ingenuity of design and

perfection of execution He look out seven

patents between 1851 and t868-

Willis was always a scientific organ builder,

and his «gans arc distinguished for their

exeelknl engineering, clc*-eT comrivawes ana

fini-raie workmandiip, as much as for ineir

brilliance, force of tone and orchestral char-

^*The present (194^) head of the firm of HentV

Willis fc^ns is Henry \ViUi 5 (L 1889), third

of the name and grandson of

took over the management of the firm m 1910-

WILMS (Isaac)


The chief factory is in London, at the Rotunda

Organ Marlborough Gros’e. Old Kent

Road, with branches at Liverpool, Glasgow,

Sheffield, Nottingham artd Edinburgh. Many

developments in both the electrical and tonal

aspects of the organ are due to the hrm.

Examples of its major work miiy be heard in

Liverpool Cathedral, which has the largest

organ in England, in >Ves(minster Cathedral,

in the rebuilt insirunicnis in St. Alban^,

Salisbury, Hereford and other cathedraU, and

ill many churches and coiKeri'lialh in Britain

and the Empire. w. i.. s. tin.

BiOi.. \Iwi. *1.. idea. p. aarff. ; 1901. |». ibj.


WILLIS, fsaae f Dublin, ?; d. Imw


Irbh idih- i9ih-cenlur>' music |M>UiJur.

.MKrut lUib hi’ l«X)k o\tr the pretriisrs at y

NN'minorland Street foriiHrlv iH’ld b> (rtMild*

ing, IV.Mmaine, I’otirr 4 ; to whom he

ha<l iKied as agent. His lHiNtne>s iHCame

extensive, and he remoMil to |.n(Kli>n aliout

idj4, the linn Iseing then Willi« Co. and

their shop at St. J aim’s Stnel. I^mdnn.

vvher« the) rvinainc’d uniil id:j5, except for

al)Oul two Vi jrs, whi ij the a»hlrs*>s

w,u R<nal Mu^Kal Ri’^xeinirv. I^gspiian Hall,

I’i< call lily. J’liiin >033 to 1848 the hrin was

at 7^ I^wer Grwvenor Street and hnally,

as Uaae NVjIhs, at 119 New bond Street in

r. iH4p-bt. ADmi ld’40 they had an agency

Kui* tie la Paix, l*aris.

1 he Dulfhn bu»ln<>s was retained until

iH^ti, when it passesi (o Robinson. Buv«ell &


I'he mu'it issued by the firm was (trine i pally

iif ilic <irawing>rooin type an<l dance muwe.

Their princi|ial colleciion* arc E. FiusioMMt**

•Iriih Miniirclsyh Bk. ii (1816); T. H.

Biiylyi ' .Miniature Lyrics’, musk composed

and arranged by Sir ,|ohn StesThson. 3 ho^s

ClOrj-asj ; * IVruh’se MdsKljss ’ arraneed b>’

I. .Mostheles (18^7).

Isaac ^Villis .nay hasx- had wunc intereM in

^^illis's Kuoms in St. Janun Street, though

in ibyi the prs'prletors w’ere Frederick and

Chariii Willis, r. k.. ^ 5,

WILLMAN, Thomao LJodaay (g. ?, c,

1 783 ; d. London, 28 Nov. 1840).

LnglUh clarini’tiist. lie is stated to have

l>ccn the son of a fierman, who, in the secorkl

half of the «8th century, went to England and

became master of a miUiary barnl. Poslbly

the father is to be identified with the John

Will man who composed songs for Irish

Voluincers In the early 1780s and described

Inrmcif as “of the 4th Horse”. Tl>e son

api^ars to have rcceis’ed hw early irainine

umlcr Christopher Lfcy in the lUst India

Company s Volunteer Band. Eley was also

bandmaster of the Coldstream Guards, a post

whieJt Wi liman afterwards fUWd and held till

1823. On the death of W'llliatn Nfahon in

1616 Will man succeeded to his appoiiiimenis

in t 1 *c Philharmonic and Opera ortlusiras,

wlirre his reniarkably iM'aiitiJol inne M*oti

made him a pt^ular f.ivouriir. He w.is in

incessant request al*c. m protincj.'il Ir.ciivitb,

apjtcaring frequently in rmtcerlos .itid in

oMig^i for clarinet or ba^Ni’t horn. I’etis. hii

acid critic of Lngli>h inurunK’iiulijU, singled

him out for special |>r.ii''i’, rank ini' him with

Ih’rr and Heinrich Barinaim. In ilDb hr

wfoie * .\ Ckimplctc Instruction Rook for ilie

Clarinet '. W'illman, who Jilayed wllh the

reed against the upper lip. a clarinet wlih

ihirteen key's of Lnglidi <on>irn< tioii.

P. u. R.

WILLMERS, Heinrich Rudolf iL

iVrlih. 11 Oct. ihjt: d. \ ienna, aa Auu.

1878 .

(h’rinan pianl'i ,<nd ioTn|)«iN''r. lb' was a

pu(Nl iJ litiinmel .ii>d F. Siliiiridrr, Wiis

wHlely kimwn iMh a\ a brilli.int pla\«r and

c«HU|Miy'r fur the pl.iiiMforle, and u.u teacher

at .StvrriS (aiiiM’rxalorv m Biillti fruni i8fi(

to ctUki, lb tlwri VM’ut to liti In Vhcuia,

where he tlaxl iro.<n<’. t,.

WJItser, Alfred Mari*. \rr I'm.imi {'Kwidiiic*.

hU. ,

WiLLNER, Arthur b. *!e)>lni’, 3 .Mar.

iHHl r,

Getmati cornjMwer. lb Minlird the piano*

forte with .\. Kutbardt and comfMisiiiun

with Ihuiti and Rehit'vke at the Li’iprlg

lh>nM’r>at«irv. lb' <r>nclti<ii’tl his musical

InsinjctMm at the Xfnnhh .Vadmiv under

Klu’inl>rrgi’rarKJ riiutllc. In ifjn4 he bi’cmn*

teacher •/ CMm|M«ailmi and depute dine I or

c/ th<’ Stern Oirntrs atory in Btrlin, a jiC'i

wluth Ik held Air twenty 'une \carv In 11)24

he rcmoMtl to X'ienna, win re in addition lo

his creative atiisity Ih’ taught at the S'olks*

hoc hw hub’. In ipjS he setti.’d in London.

WiUiur Itas dmsv his lK’^t wurk in j.lano*

(otic and chamlar mum. He prifers the

min^ form* t 4 intuit , which he treats in

a highly terw and rone c ntr. ate J manner.

Intenuly U feeling and strongly controlled

pasdon characierirc his inude. Ho is «ono-

nucal in tlsc ux* of hk man nal and avoids all

display of brillianty. 'I'iie fullosMiig are his

chief compudlioitt ;



•«. » (iMKiMf* Mith OlrbW)

r. An den led.


4. Svfnphodie Sthexeo.

17. y-roHl.’

S7. OMHette l«r»Tn.

sa. Suite of Pufun.

TV * l)w lqMruft.enu pre^Mt ihenudves.'

A M'lapbonv, A m»,


SS. OUa CMKeiu<.

5>> H. Cooeeno.





64* Concerto Tor s vm. & stfi,

8. Pf. Concerto, ‘ V with sie*.

0. SiMie for pf. & 410.


9. Strifif Qtiertet No. 1,

• 0. Strinf QuoTtci No. s.

14. Stnng Queriei No. 4.

• 8. Quanci for vn., viola, cello & pi:

35. Sonata for 9 xna.

41* Suite for vn. & cello.

44* Sirin; Quariei No. 4.

Ao< Sirin; Quartet No. A.


It. Sonata No. 1.

It. Sonata No. 3 .

9t. SonaiA No. 3.

30. Suite.

GQ. Sonatina No. 1.

60. Sonatina No. e.

?t. Senanna No. 3,

91 > Sonata No. 4.


IS' Vofiatiow.


le. * Sccbildrr.*

i6« Variaiioni,

04. * Tonaweiten.*

ae. Sonaia No. 1.

sS. Sonata No, a.

a. Sonata No. 3.

S . Sonata' No. 4.

. 'A iravrraleiikcka.*

Go. *Sbetehef,*

S3. * Neu« Notenhueh,’

73. ;Rytlime9{«iudMl4«ilnl.'

74 > * La Voia du piano,*

73. *The Piano -a« Ore heitra.'

70. * La Mam vivante/

AUo elierai piecea. offan Hork*. wnirwAiental pieeet.

pi. ilucia, sonn, Ae.

at. o.

WlLLSi Joha (^. Granlham, $ May 1693).

Lnglish pianj$i and accompanist. H« was

cduraicd at Nottingham Mtgh School from

19^3 to > 9 ^ 8 n(l studied music at the Royal

Manchnttcr College of Music for the neat

eight years. He was a pupil of Prank Merrick

and Egon Peiri, and won the Dayas Gold

Medal and the Si loti Prize for pianoforte

playing. He obtained the performer's

A.K.M.C.M. diploma with distinction in

1911. From 190 1 to 1933 he was a piano>

forte professor at the Manchester College,

and during those years he frequently accom>

panied at concerts tn Manchester, LivTrpool,

Bradford and elsewhere in northern England.

In 1935 he became a sufT accompanist of the

B.B.C. for eleven years and accompanied

hundreds of singers as well as performers in

all kinds of chamber music. He also has a

two-piano partnership with Lucy Pierce, and

together they have given many recitals in

London and Manchester. m. k. w.

WILLY, John Tbomaa (i. London, 24

July 1812 ; d. London, 8 Aug. 1865).

English violinist. He was for some lime

a pupil of Spagnolctti in London and became

a member of the King’s Theatre orchestra.

He played under CosU as a firsl violin and

later as principal second during the whole

of bis career. He led ‘ Elijah ’ at Birmingham

in 1846 and was leader at various other

festivals, also at JuUien’s and the London

Wednesday conceru, the new Philhannonic,

the National Choral, the Society of British

Musicians (of which he became a member in

*® 37 )*«tc.,ctc. In 1849-50, and again in i860,

he gave classical chamber concerts at St.

Marlin’s Hall, very much on the plan of the

sut^uent Popular Concerts. Among the

artists who appeared were Arabella Goddard,

Louisa Pyne, Charlolte Dolby, Sims Reeves,

Siemdale Bennett, Ernst, Piitii, Pauer, etc.

A. c.

WILM, NicoUs von (*. Riga, 4 Mar. 1834 ;

/ Wiesbaden, 20 Feb. 1911).

German pianist, conductor and composer.

He studied at the Leipaig Conservatory In

1851-56, became in (85? second conductor at

the Xlunicipal Theatre of Riga and in >860

teacher of pianoforte and theory in the

Nikolay Iruiiiuie at St. Petersburg. In 1875 he

aetiled at Dresden and in 1878 at Wiesbaden.

His works are numerous, and some are

imporunt : a string Sextet, Op. 27, a Quartet,

Op. 4, two vidin Sonatas, Opp. 83 and 93. a

cello Sonata, Op. itt, two Suita for violin

and inanolbrte, Opp. 88 and 95, arc among the

best cd* his compositions, which include very

many pianoforte pieces of a popular kind,

parisongs and motets for chorus, as well as

single songs. j. a. r,*u.

WILMS, JohaBo WUholn (Jao Willesss)

(k. Witzhclden, West Thuringia, 30 Mar.

1773; d. Amsterdam, 19 July 1847).

Dutch pianist, harpist, organist and com*

poser of German birth. He is known chiefly

as the composer of the Dutch national song,

* \Vien Neerlands bloed door d*aderen vloeit ’.

He was a pupil of his father and his elder

brother, the latter of whom was organist at

Elberfrid. In 1791 he removed to Amsterdam

where he took th^relical lessons from a local

teacher and himself started as teacher of piano*

forte artd harp, in both ofwhich he excelled, and

he appeared frequently in public as virtuoso

on th^ two instruments. When in 1815 a

prize of three hundred guilders (about ,^^ 5 )

was olTered by Admiral J. H. van Klnsbergen

for a song to be sung in celebration of the

victory of the Dogger Bank he entered with a

setting of a poem by Hendrik Tollens and won

the prize. In 1824 he was appointed organist

at the Baptist Church in Armierdam.

Besides the melody by which he is still

remembered he wrote other songs, a Sym-

phony, which in 1820 won a prize In a

competition at Ghent, and three pianoforte

cofscertos. In later Ufe he was, as a tribute to

his efr<«ts on behalf of the art of music, elected

an honorary member of the Toonkunst



\VILSON (John— i)

Ajithrto*; HoUaad, HweNatdaack

blord (mui. ex.).

WILSON. English family of lausician*.

(i) MatUcU E11«b (knoun as Hilda)

WUaon (fr. Monmouih. 7 .^pr. i860; /

combe, iianu, 1 Dec. 1918}, coniraJio singer.

She was (he daughcer of Jamn \Mlson, a

musician and bandmaster of (he local \’olun-

teer Corps, She studied music at an early

age and her parents having removed to

Gloucester, she sang in ihe choir of St. Mil*

died s C hu rc h ll icre. In 1 874 -7 5 she a |ti>rarefl

as a solnisi uid) the Gloucester Choral Sociriv.

l.ator she studied staging under Shakespeare

at the R..\.N!. in l.onJon and (he ptanoAirte

under Nforton. From i860 to i8Ai she was

the West RIOT laruJ Sclu>Ur there and in 1H62

the hold« r of Ihe Parepa-Rnsa Prize.

In t68u Hilda Wilson sang at the OUMKrstrr

Ft'stisal with such success that she was engaged

the lu’o rollosxiiig years ri»r Worcester and

Hereford, Later she sang as principal

roniralco at the NorwUh and biriMingham

Fcslivnls in adtillion to those alxnT namnl,

with engagviricixi at ihe .Sarred Harmonic.

Royal Choral Society. Cr>sial Palace anti

Philharmonic Society in Lnmlon. as well as

at various eonreru tliroughoui ihe Cniletl

Kingdom. She became a great favourite on

account of her fine v’oiee, the peifn lion oTlier

style and fiHrasing, and nf her muiirianly

ftt lmg. On lA .Iulv 190^ she marned Ashley

Richard Hart of Clifton.

(a) Agnaa Wilton 'k, Gloucnier. 8 Oct.

iW>j; H. I^ntlon. y? .\|>r. 1907). singer,

sixer of the pretethng. She sluslirsi singing

In ].nn<iun under Viscid. She appeared at

the Lincoln. Hovingham and Herelorri

Festivals, and l.iter Ijecamv a Ic.vher of sing*

ing ai the Plarkheath and We« l^dr.n (Um.

scrvaiorics of .Music.

($) Htar> Lane Wiitoa L Gloucester,

1871 ; 4 . lj)ndon, 8 Jan. 191 5‘. organist,

pianist and l>ariior\e singer, brother of ihe

precetling. He won success as a singer.

conkp«iM>r anti arranger tif songs. A. c.

j. s» Tot VI r (;br»» •, «rfkl, tn,i.

WILSON, Joha {b. 5 Apr. 1595 • ;

*/. L/Ondon [ Wcviniinster). 23 Feb. 1674*.

Lnglwh lutenix. violist, singer and com*

I^er, Antliony \N*ood calls him a native «»f

kaviTsham. but the Favrrsham regisiert do

not go hack to so early a date, and nothing

ii to be learnt there al>ou( his family; u

svoulil seem, however, that he was • kinsman"

to Walter PorlvT, tlw musician,* \>*ood*i

statement that he was " naturally inclin'd in

hiv youih to vocal and instrumcnul Mustek"

Is corroborated by the fact that before he was

iwmiy he wav employed to write music U>r

The Slight of FV«e». Pjeir«*d By the

01 (»r#»es.W. .c Ihe C«ir« of WSiie-baJI. in (h«

' AcoseUinc In hi» lombslene.

• Wood. * P«>U’. anno i6«&


Banouenuic Howv, vponTwelCe hii?li(. 1G13 |tv. 1614).

8ein« she IxH nf die SMVnoniiri .suU .M.ai(AiricejiC'i

Hhieh were ficrtbmMKl ai i>,e nurrMicr f>( dir

hoMuraUe ihc KarV Snmemi. xiiJ Oi" l,a«b I i.uko

daughier of ihr l.urV •<( SHilliJkr, Ixol <*li.iml>rrlaMie.

l^tkduA Pruned by N. (>. Ibr K'llurt WMwmi. atrl are

10 be kM al iHr bhop al OrAui'IiMK new gate. i$i4.

Th«* music to somt' of iIk* s<»ng' g:vrn with

the deicri|>tion of cIk ma>qur; u h.is no

composer's nanv*. an<l (lopvrjrio ^nd [,.oj|rr

api>car to haw rollalx)r.iicd in it. Hui

^Vllson*s aullior>hip is aiUsird bv his havirjg

printed it as hU, in a (hn'''*parl arrang<*m« nl,

in his * tUio'ifvdl .Vyrrs ’ (ibbo', J'oiNjblv

this is not ih'* only siagi* mu'lc uritten by

\Vilson in his )nuih, for he printc’d ses’cral

songs from pb^s among hiv \Mir publii atinnt,

including sellings <J ShakesiH>;.r< ’» " I'.ike,

0 take ihov lips aujy" ami •‘Lawn as

white as driven snow ". Kimbaoh > liuh ed

maiftiainetl what is virrv Iikeb to Itc the f.ntk

1 ha I VNil'on was tin* si age sinc< r who look the

piirl *j( Ikiltharar, the (haraiirr who sings

"Sigh no nsorc, laches ", in ytitne perroiin.im c

of 'Nlmh .\cio .Mmiui Nothing', In the

hrvi fohu edition c^.Miakes^X'.m \ |l|,l\^ 1 ibj;^

the stags- dirretiem has " Ltiter the PriiKi*.

lu^mato, Glaudwi and Jackr Wilson 1 his

Jacke Wilsrm was m«isi hkelv the s.une " .\|r,

Willson v« singer" whn wav among the

friends of .Mlc^n (Iw actor* and dined with

him on his wi-ddlng annivers.vy, 2j On,

r6/o*; ami the s.vme John Willson who w.-n

recommended lu the b.rd Stasoe and court

of .Mdrrmen liy Henry .Slontague. \*is<tiunt

Mandeville, as one of (hr " Serv.mts of the

Cilj for Music and voice " on 41 (h 1.

The " jolm Wilson Mu'iclun •' of iJo* parish

of St, Bartholonu w the Levs, w hose w ife Jonc

wav iHiriesi at .St. (iilcs’s, Gripplegare, on 17

JuL 164 p and whose von was brrjed there

the follow ing 5 Ss-pt., "from the hoiwe of

Gco^e SommcTset. musiti.ui ", w.is prohably

ihcsam.-, ihoughj. I*a\nr Golllrr’ took him to

be klenilcal wills an hifaist born in iVlj son

of one Nitliolas Wilson, mitwirel. ofSi. (;ilt-s*s,

Cri|)|drgatc. Kxcept that the rombination

of namev is a very common one. (here seems to

he no reason for doubling the isjeniitv of ihc:5c

Wjlums with the suldrct of this article.

In John W'dsim wav made one of the

King's -Musicians, The warrant fur hiv

liveries it dated 30 May 163^ and 0 iwtcni of

ps*f annum •’ lo con Ilnur during life ”

liearr tl>e same dale. His name nriirs attiong

the musicians up to 1 64 1 . when he It fou neen t h

on the list of musicians " F«- Lutes, \‘lolU anti

jd.cp »> iiwn: 1104b)

It It dial hr ni*v i»xve been mlimvte wlih

» Wrfnui.0.1 copy n| Sis

n«fk« .1616 .wM bv Mewn. SeibrW, iBDce.

tiiend, Mr. Js*»«. Udton, Ben iMwon's Uuift xnd Mri.

monv <4 b^ love ".

' llwu.ry of IXitwich CfiWtxf '

'rri* .... * ’ MemcinltfancJa \ n. lov

Ywipti As ion Ml ihe Pliyj of Shxinpean- * r 1 ojc).

3' 2 WILSON Uohft-i)

Voic«”', and on tho list of His Majesty’s

Scr^anis of ihc Chamber in Ordinary ((641)^

printed in ‘ The Musician la May 1897.

Wilson seems to hat-e been a favourite with

Charles I, and

giving Kit Majmy coosUnt aitefxIarKc. had e(WA>

limes iuK opporiuniites ta cxeeciie his hand mi (be

Lute (being the besi at i( in aJI Enelend) before bin

10 tiis great delighl and wonder ; who. while he (>Uv^,

(lid usually lean or lay his hand on his shoulder.

Other evidence of the king’s appreciation of

his singing is found In the verses prefixed to

the ‘ Cheerful! Ayres *, During the Civil >Var

\ Vi (son went with the court to Oxford, where

on 29 Nov. 1644 he signed receipts on behalf of

the musicians. On the following 10 Mar. he

was ma<lc D.Mus. by the University, being

" now the most noted Musitian of England ".

After the surrender of the garrison at Oxford

in 1646 “ he spent some years in the family of

Sir Will. Walter of Sartden in the Parish of

Churchill In Oxfordshire, who with his Lady,

were great lo\rrs of Muslek VN'hile living

there he contributed ‘ An Tlegie to the

memory* of his Friend and Fellow, Mr. William

Lawes *. to H. Lawes's * Choice Psalmes *

(1648). It is probable that he de^'oted his

time to composition during this period of

retirement, for most of his published music

appeared lieiwren 1646 and 1660- At

length ", says W ood,

iiMn ihe desire of Mr. The. 6erl*w Qu. Cff W.

(then l^luter ti Churchill) made h» oiMCMUni

I'upil Dr. Jfth, Owrit, \’ireehancrMnur ef ixi« L'ru-

veniw. he w«i cMWtiiuied M«M<k ^efeteoe (heceef.

an. i which with other helei from tenie Rnyalnu

• n thete partt (he hstinc then a l.MlgiBg in B*ll. CMI.)

found a rAinf>nsble sulnSitance.

Wood mentions him among those who

a I tended the weekly music meetings at Oxford

in 1656 (" he sometimn play'd on the lute,

but mostly prcshlcd the consort '*) and

describe the " humoursome way'* in vrhieh

hr showed his admiration of Baltzar's violin

pi ayl ng i n 1 658. Wj Ison held t he profcssorshl p

until i66t. In 1657 he published

ruilieriuin C.irolinum, The Devotleni of hn Sacred

Meje^tie in his SoliiiMlM end SwITerines. Rende red rn

Vene. Sci lo Mutick for 3 Vokes tml an Orfsn. or

Theorbo, By tohn Wilson, Dr. and hlusiek Prolneor

of OxforJ. (.onclen. Printed lor John hlanin and

Jamn Allcsirry. and are (o be sold ai the Bell >n

Pauri CiiurcK«)ard, 1S57.

He speaks of this work as '* the last of his

labours", and Lawes in a commendatory

poem urges him to call back his '* resolution

of not composing more It may be, there-

fore, that his next publication was merely

a collection of his early songs revbed and

rcarrangcri. This was

Cheerfiin A^rei or Balladi Pir«( composed fee one

sMtgle Voice and tlnce sei fur ihree Vokes by J^n

* H. C, de Lafoniaine, ' The Kino’* hfiralck *, pp. gc*

loi, eie. In the Itni ediiiMt of ihi< IK<iio*Utry har noioe

i« sail! tn be found in a liu doled 17 Apr. 1641. ed

I* hfisiriant for (he Kaytei (ne>. bui ii may ^ coo>

jeclured ihai the same appoinimeni is meoMC

Wifaoe Df in Mustek Profeaor of die same In the

Unwemiy of Oxford. Oxford, Pria(ed by W. Hall,

far Ric OaxTS. Anno Dorn, mpclx.

This is described as ‘‘the first Essay (for ought

we understand) of printing Musick that ever

was in Oxford

At the Restoration Wilson relumed to his

plRcc of Musician in Ordinary*; and on 29

Oct. 1662 he was sworn as Gentleman of the

Chapel Royal in succession to Henry Lawes-

Woc^ implies that W ilson had been Gentle-

man of the Chapel Royal at the beginning of

his career, but there is no record of any such

earlier appointmenu Wood also says he was

made “one of the Choirc at W'cslminsier ”,

ll was at W'esiminstcr Abbey that (on 31 Jan.

1871) he married Anne I'enniall, widow of

hfatihexv Fenniall, who had been a Gentle-

man of the Chapel Royal. In the marriage

licence Wilson is described as “ of St. Mar-

garet, Westminster, widower, about $8

He died at his hoxise at the Horseferry, ^Vesi-

minster, and was buried on 27 Feb. 1674, in

the Little Cloister, \Vestminster Abbey. By

his will, dated 30 Apr. 1671 and prot'cd ifi

Mar. 1674. he lef^ all his properly to his

widow, with the exception of a bequest of 40s.

to his daughter RebKca Bowreman, “ to by

her a Ring ”.

Besides the publications already mentioned,

ionp and snatches by Wilson appeared in hit

lifciime in Play ford’s ' Select Muiicall Ayres

and Dialogues* (1632 and 1853)1 'Select

Ayres and Dialogues* (1859) and ‘The

Treasury of Musick’ (1869); in Hilton's

’Catch that catch can', 2nd Hiiion, correct^

and enlarged by J. Flayford {1656) and in

Playford's ' Catch (hat catch can : or (he

Musical Companion ' (1667). The words of

an anthem, ' Hearken, O God arc In both

editions of Cl i (ford’s ' Services and Anthems '

(1663 and 1664). Much manuscript music

by Wilson exists in the B.M. and elsewhere;

in particular there is a large volume in the

Bodleian Library (MS Mus. b, t), to which

it was presented by (he composer before the

Restoration, on condition *' that no person

should peruse it, till afier his death ”.

Wilson, according to \Vood, *' was a

Humourist and a pretender to BulToonry ,

and Sir N. L'F^irange’s manuscript ' Merry

Passages and Jeasts ’ (B.M. Harl. 6393) Si''"

an anecdote of bow “ W'ilUon ”, who rnay

be supposed to be John Wilson, prov'okM

a drunken quarrel, in the company of the

brothers Lawes. But Henry Lawes, who

evidently was intimate with him, presents

him in a pleasanter light :

Fmib toM s«nuakiUAee snd expetlenre, I

Co^ trR the ihy kiwur* mtPST'‘V ^

Ubio Oiv tnrr>d j ihy uw snd hw*f heart,

Cv^a VMfKi. food lUlure. all bul (hv rreii orl.

Whkh I bul d uWv undenUftd. _

• SW* The KJBe‘» Mmiek ’ for "x^nv

• Foam's ‘ Laadoo MarTia»« LicentA (1887).

\\'ILSON (John— ii)

UILSON' (Sieuart)


\N'ilson's great repuiaiion among hs conirm>

porari«s was doubtless due chiefly to his skill

as lutcni&t and singer, though U'e^ calls him

** the greatest and most euricHs Judge of

Nfusick that ever was ", and Ljuys praises

him as a pioneer, in ^sords which seem nsore

appropriate to Lawes himself ihan to Wilson :

IW il««« I an«l mui I (/> (hv fWAiv,

I K;ii ihou hnti gu«ae in .NSntKk, tihbwnit wam.

a ^ih nlirtf iFvrre hm Monn before,

t.ikr Mavcli^ cta<r.| M( unkiMHn >h»fe.

*l hnu Uunhi'H wnr l^uu««r. hM, hj »peak in Th««,

lJa^ vt lh« r»|hi diiniit and si««jperliMi.

Ill' song' are pU a'wint and mi ludiov', arul one

or iwo of them huch as ’In the mrrr^ tisonih

of May '; are still met uiihin anihniiigies, bui

il IS pnjkialily as an early composer of music

in Shakes (KM re\ words iImi Ik* i> now ln*'i

knov.n. liis porirait u in the* Ikxlkian Music

Sih<K>l ai Oxford. o. k. n. a.

WILSON, John i. I'4)inl>urgh, aj Dec.

i«W; c/, (^uelxr, » JmK l «(0 >

Scoitish tenor sini<er. Me was a|>|)n'ntueil

to a printer and artemards iKcaine corrutor

<i{ die pr<*$s to Ikillantvrir & (>>,, many of

Scott’s Waierley r>gv<h passhif through his

hands. In lUib he applied himself ie> the

study of inusie . After oflKiaiing »v pr<‘i‘enlor

in a church, he Uome in iH^i a puful of

1* in lay iJun aiul soon afn ruarcU afipeared

ni die* l.iiinburgh coiueru. In tKa? he

hegan i< jelling singing. Me siudh'd unekr

(irixelli, jhd 1(1 star. 1^30 a|>p<Mreil at the

lidiiilnirKh dieatre as llrnry Ken rain in

a dram at i< version of Siou*» • Ouy .Manin *.

ing ’. Mis success was so dev idee I that l»r \sas

straightway eugagiHl in laxKhm fi>r Cosvnt

(rarden, where be eaine out on 16 <><t 1II30

ae Don CaHoi in Sheridan and Linky’s ' 1 he

Dunitia Me cnnnnu'd at ihat theatre uniil

‘^ 5 > "hen he nniovcel t(» Drurs l.anr

i'lu alre, isliere he s.ing in Ibife's * Sse ge of

Keiche lle * imd other opiTas.

In 1K3H, in company with Jane Shirrelf and

Mr. and Mn. i;. Seguin. he sisuej .\n»eriia,

where he ssas warmly welconiexl. (hj his

rciiirn tn l.ngland he began giving ilwse

bcoitish " table enierl.immenu ’* with ssIikIi

his name subseeiuemty Isrcame Ideniifird and

to which freon May 1841 »ie exclusively

devoted himself. >le g.^v,. ihcm throughout

l.nglAnd and .Scotland with the greatest sue-

cns. I heir titles were:

A \i<hl vr»* Rurtn,'

Afinl«<f ,N«hi wT

A IseniMCrs of Pomr (iiarlir '

VVjndrriof tVaBri,’

M-cv nf


.Jj*' jf ViaJjM.!/

I he WjDjsr .snil ihe Bco,-.*

A tJjscr Ki* flon.'

Ilif Jjtr of binli has 1,^ b^ i 4 tt

lo il.r ,ft«, ihe ,U w*

W Wjlvir,. a .^chnltivor, and ^*1 horn eai l>t

i«oo and UpiaeU on 4 laot. ^

tart>' in i8|<> I»r revisited .\mcfica. At

Quebec he was atiackc*d by cliokra and died

there. W ilson's txsicc was a jwtre, sweri-tonexi

tenor, and Itc sang with grcai lasic,


WILSON, MaHa MinJun, 30 Nov.


Knghsh violinist. She wax langhi hy Jicr

failscr until sJie entered ilir K.C.M. in if) 19,

when she gaiuccl a srholarsfiifi and sMiti the*

Tagore gold medal. She was si ill a scholar of

the K.C..\ 1 , wl>en in i^jfy die* ohiaiiud » place

in Ihe .New Queens Midi Orchesira, ihen

conducird l>y Mr Henry WVkmI. She also

played much m cimmher music and in ipa?

became ilw sinlinwi 10 a irio fornied hy the

pianist He nrv llrwikhiir't, whcun vhe married

•n icjrfC). She liecamc a minilx r of the* ll.IkC.

Symphony Onhc'iraon its foundaiion in ici^o

and advanced to the poa of sub-principal. In

icyiG site jotmxJ the »iair of the R.O.M. as

prnfexsor ol her iiisirumeni. 11. c. c.

WILSON, Mary Ann b. I.tMidon, illn*;

/ ioHMlhur'i, Keen, 13 IVc, ilMi? '.

Knghdi tofirano singer, .She wav taught

singing Iw IhcMiias NWIdi. Her hrvt ap|>ear*

ante* liefore the l.(»odoii puhlh j| JJriirv l-iiu*

Iheaire on iH Jjn. ilDi, as Mandjiie In

.\fiH'*v • .Vi.isc rAvv *. caused an inmiediatf

/•/ore, av inu< || f(,r her youth and h-)ks as for

her froh voice and bnlluni dtiging. She

remained ik re unni •, Jidv, *' ahout (15

mghiv according to (ienc vi. “ wonderfuily

aitrjecivr ‘7 Her other pai u wtr<‘ Kosetia

r Love in a Village 1, Clara ' Ihienna '1 and

Lady CayLind *’ False .Marmv’i, etc. Aflrr

an cciuallv wKcewful pruvimi.il mur she went

tlw nest year to Italy. J'he pre/nalurr sirain

of Her early csertinn', howrv c r, soon tuined her

health and then d«'strc*yrd her suicr. flut

her short carc'cT was very lucr.iiivx*, mul in the

year of Ikt cleUii she made the unpricedcntcxl

sum nf ^loAKi.' On 3 June die marricxi

\N'elsh, and by him had an only daughter,

who marriixl hatli,

WILSON, Sandy, Ste .Sokc, p. ci^8.

WILSON, (Sir) Sieuart fF Chiton, 21

July iSUcp,

Knglish tenor singer, song translator and

musical o^anircr. He was educated at

Winchester College and Cambriilgc Ciiivcr-

sity. A musician <»f many parts from an early

he look a share, both as an under*

gr^uaic and later in many musical aciiviiies

at Cambridge. Me studied singing with Jeaa

dc Resike and Sir George Henschcl, and ii was

afier the war of 1014-18 that he came promi-

nenily Iwfc^c the public as a mcml>cr of the

.A««rJin« lo tUr unw .suchortw a

fMiflinc H*, by I.HntoM. In

ipc-« «A H«s'Ik1K io »<d ,nk *

Ihc iltfv *’ (Jlo(.4,*ft bhisbn

n«n^l Mioile uf

. isorumii prev*

cjllrJ l>> die ojK, of


WILSON (Stcuart)


English SingCTS group. The idea of a team of

solo singers for the propagation of ihe Ei^lUh

madrigal wa;» hU. In subsequent years he was

also interested in several operatic ventures,

notably the British National Opera Company,

the introduction of Mozart's operas at the Old

Vic., the Glastonbury Festivals and the

festivals of opera organized by Napier Miles at

Clifton and Bristol. In all of these be sang

leading parts with distinction, although

neither his voice nor his temperameni was

primarily that of a dramatic tenor. He

took a leading place as lenor soloisi in the

English provincial festivals, gaining special

success as the interpreter of the namc'part

of Elgar's * The Dream of Gerontius ’ and in

the choral works of J. S. Bach. He studied

(he method of rendering the recitatis’es of the

Evangelist in Bach's Passions with unusual

care so as to achieve in them a delivery akin

to good reading, yet Bllcd with an intense

dramatic expression. Indeed it may be said

that Sieuari Wilson's sense of drama expressed

itself more readily in music not allied with

stage action. In all his vocal work anistic

sensitiveness came to the aid of a voice origin*

ally of line quality but unfortunately rendered

somewhat uncertain as a result of injuries

incurred in the war of 1914-16.

Wilson made various concert (ours in the

U..S.A., in Canada and in Australia. He made

a name for himself as an apt and penetrating

judge of performance at musical competition

festivals. In 1937 he surprised even those who

had known the versatility of his musicianship

by appearing as conductor in London of

Boughton's opera * The Lily Maid These

performances were made possible by his

generosity. He had been awarded damages in

a newspaper libel action by which he did not

wis)] to profit personally; consequently he

devoted the sum received to bringing on lo the

London stage a work, hitherto unheard there,

by a composer for whom he had retained a

sincere admiration ever since his association

with Glastonbury.

In 194,^ Wilson was appointed Musical

Director of the Arts Council Great Britain ;

but in 1948 he left that office, in which he was

succeed^ by John Dennison, to become Musi*

cal Director of the BB.C.. a post formerly held

by Sir Adrian Boult and vacated by the death

of Victor Hcly* Hutchinson. The same year he

received the honour of knighthood. In 1946

he undertook to act as Hon. Secretary of the

Council of the Central Music Library, and he

continued to do so until that scheme was fairly

launched, thanks largely to his efforts, and the

C.M.L. w’as opened in Oct. 1948. Having

reached the age*limit imposed by the B.B.C

appointment in 1949* he accepted that of

Artistic Director at the Covent Carden Opera.

Wilson applied himself to the problems of

song translation with his friend A. H. Fox

Scrangways in the ct^umns of M. & L. To*

gether they produced a number of translations

of Schubert, Schumann and Brahms which

were published first in that par>er and subw*

quently in book'form. Wil^n also retrans-

lated the texts of Haydn's ' Creation ' and of

Brahms's Requiem, and he has contributed

various articles to the musica I press. He edited

a collectioQ of Fox Sirangways's writings

issued in a volume called * Music Observed

From these details it may be seen that he is

one of those musicians who are more concerned

for the progress of musical life in its several

aspects in Er^land than for the advancement

of (heir own personal careers.

H. c. c., adds.

Sft a/** Bou^MD. Boulc Enalith Sinfcn. Foi

SiraoewAys (eO. of ’ Mumc Ubtcrwcf'l. (' Mom*

ina of iHc Yrar*, choral Mlkt). [.abrartei (Central

Mu»tc Library), iSe. MUn ^Napier;.

WILSON. T. (? Themafl) (^. ? ; / ?).

Englisit cyth'century singer, organist and

co.*nposer. A singing*man of this name at

Ripon Minster was appointed to play on the

organ there from 1670 lo (677 in place of the

regular organist, Wanless, who had become

deaf. He is referred to u organist of Peter*

house, Cambridge, where much of his music,

detailed below, is preserved :

V. aod T.D, ; M, and N.D. (» mKiacs) ; Latin K., C.

and $.


* BrhaU hew feed and /eyful.*

* Brhetd new, praae the Lord.*

*6let*rd it the man that tearcih.'

'Chrm ritinf.’

* Lord. Thoo art become iracieu*.*

’ rrevent ui. O Lord.*

* Thy mercy. O Lord *. incomplete.

* Turn ihy face *, inoemplcte.

Seniors of she Cellecti for the Fewu of the Circum*

cisMO and Sc John ihe Evanielist.

Single parti of the following are also at

P.H. r Latin Litany, CoJIecls for and and 4ih

Sundays in Lent. Another anthem, ' By the

waters of Babylon is at Durham.

j. M. lii).

WILT. Marie (bom Llebenchaler) (f-

Vienna, 30 Jan. 1833; rf. Vienna, 04 Sept.


Austrian soprano singer- She was ihr

daughter of poor parents whom she lost in early

life, when she was adopted by a eoupic named

Tremier. She married a civil engineer or

architect, Fran* Wilt, and first sang at con*

certs, making a notable success as Jemma m

Schubert's ‘ Lazarus * under Herbeck, Ad-

vised by DHitie Aridi to adopt the operatic

stage, she received vocal instruction from

Cansbacher and Wolf, and in Dec. >865

her debut -t Orar. The following year she

sang Donna Anna in Berlin. On 1 May tw,

urtder the name VUda, she first appeared >o

London at Covent Carden as Norma, with

considerable success, and later as Lucrczia.



She sang again in 1867 with lets eflect. Be-

tween these yean she sang in Venke and

Vienna, with such success at the latter as

Leonora in *Trovatore' that she was perman-

ently engaged there in the autumn of x067-

She became a great fasxHiriie both in dramatic

and coloratura parts, though physically un-

fitted for the latter on account of her corpulent

person, to use the words of Hanslick.' On 35

May 18O9 she sang Donna blvira at the open-

ing of the new Vienna Opera. In 1874 she

was the first Aida there and in 1875

original Sulamiih in Coldmaik^s ‘Kunigin von

^aba *. .She was alv> a great fasourile at

concerts, and in 1H73 sang with great success

at ilic Kheiihh Ir^iival at Aaclwn and the

Schumann Festival at Bonn, .\ccording to

Hanslick she was unrisalkd in ' .Alexander's

Fcau \ ihc Ode for St. Cecilia's Day and

Brahms's Urquiem, On the stage, Ikc sa«,

ilic M*% a m\MU jI mnr^inKnt i cW

llir «dr; s tlcr|ier iii.prfixvn r^rtU nMJr wpwt mt

Nvt a »»l <ifjrn.iuc uIfm( or

In J874-73shc N\ at again al (knrnc Canlen

as Dotma Anna, hcnuratnidr, \ alrnticw. .\h<c.

etc. ; hm in spite of her tsunderful vuicr of

gn at volume and compass, and isrrfect

produeiion and >i>le " <. she did isoi make ilw

stutessihat uas expected, Jn 1878 the did not

renew her rrigagrrnem in \ ienria f«.r family

reasuns. hui became cuKageil at l^ipaig,

where she added Bruiitilxildc to her repertory,

lat< r at Urno and Uu<Ja|>rsi, airigmg occasion-

ally a» a " guest '* on the Mage of her natis'c

city and taking up her rcsidemr there on her

reurement. fbvuig fallen lK*prIml> m love

at lifty-eight with a man much younger ilian

herself, she tnmmitleed snKide by throwing

h<' rse (f out of it fou n h- Hi>or \s indotv. a . t-

Wiosmrr, Jac»l>y» AatanUa. v, M uati ,■ Sthul*

kllcL.ll <|F. i, *,

WINCH. 5 W lioRV, p, 3-1.


two niamiv npii of this I ropcr, one at Oxford

(UiKlIry 77-^;, ,|jtr«| iH'iuren gjy and loib

and the other at CamUidjr (C^pus Chriin

College 473J, rather Llcr. J'hc Cambridge

irnpof con I aim hy far the earhcM cdleclkn of

harmonized niudc kmmn to exist, antedating

by a century w so the ‘Call x 1 Inns 'manuscript

ai O(>nipo<tella and the harcnr>ni2cd tropers of

the .St. Martial group. Tim cnilcetioo, which

IS known as the ‘ SVincheMer Organa ', cooi-

pri>« no lexs titan 1G6 pieces in two-part

harmony - ta Kyrirs 8 <;iorlas (one of them

in C/reck, wriiicn :n roman characierx), ig

Iracis, 7 Sequences 5C Allclulai, 59 Re-

sponds, including a few Antiphon*, and A

sunriry troi>«. They are written in neum-

tioution without any siaff line and arc ihere-

lorc umranslaiable; but contrary motion, the

ihi, ^ « Ae m cd. ef

earliest on record, can occasionally be dls-

cerrted. a. Jt.

Birt --HA-rwcMJf., J,. 'Two Kin<h«tpr J rotten’ m

jMriul oT Ihralosual biuUi»-i ’, XXXV 1 1 . x*.


Th« Xtinchrsirr Troprr \ «d. \V. 11 . f'erre dleiiry

BtadUuiw S«ct^y, iS^t).

WINCKRLMANN, Hermaius (A. Bruns-

wick, 8 Mar. 1849; rf. Vienna, ttijan, igia).

(jvrman tenor singer. With the micniionor

Itecoming a pianoforte maker he wetii to Paris

for his training, hut hr abandoned butlricws for

a vocal career. After lessons in ringing from

Krtcb at Hanover he made his drltul in JO65

at Sondershau*rn. He ^ang snccvtsiwly at

AUenburg, Darmsiadi and llantburg, where

on I Nov, 1879 he made a great tiirces* as the

hero on the produciion of Rubinstein's ' NVm *,

On 18 May 168a he made his l.ondon debut

at Drury Lane Theatre, under Kklner, as

l.ohengtin 'in CJermani, and atiratied im-

mediate aitenlion on ariomii of hi' fine tenor

voire, marih pri**enee and admir.tble aeiitig.

Me sang alvi as 'I'annh.insrr and Hal ilie

original \\ahher t<ut Sf<»|<ing and 'Frisian tii

I'.ngland; lie was admired in all three pans.

Oft ro Juftc he sang at a Rirhier concert in

St. James's Hall, w«h Ko'A Sut her in her

UusUnd'i Josef Sorlierf • WaUifr.udein and

oil 3b June in Bsrtliomrs choral Symphony.

On 3b July 1884 Winckehnann Has the

original Parsifal at Hayreuth. In rH«3 he was

engaged for Vienna, the result of siirrcMful

" (lastNpirIc '* tisere Ufore, in operas bv Wag-

ner, Mi-yerbeer, etc., and on 4 Ocl. lie and

.Sfaterna were ihr Iijm Tmian and Isolde in

Ilia icily, lie liecame a gf«a l fa\ ou n 1 e t he re.

In operas new to N'iriina he s.mg (he tenor

pan* in Marschner's ' \ ampyr ', M.issenei'j

*(.kI , \ erili’s 'OielJo', Merlin on produuion

of <ioWmark s opera <>J limt name, Admeius in

the revival of (.luck's ' Alcesie ’, Rinafdo in

the revj\al of the same masu r's ' .\rmida

etc. On I June 1908 he retircxl on a |)ension.

Hans, his um. was also an esttx iui d heroic

leiK^. who appeared first at the Vienna Opera

»nd later in Prague and elsewhere. a. c.

WiMkvlttAAQ. JMchin. Srr

^tponuni, ofv*« ? „„ > M,,n^„nff,fi Anudii *1.

WINCKWORTH, Arthur Bath. 1866).

English ba» singer. He started his musical

career as a dwir-boy in Bath Abbey. When

his vo«c had liroken and developed into a bass

be studied singing there with Kmilio Picraccini

ai^ later went to Italy to study operatic parts

with B^ignam. In 1894 he joined the Clarl

Kosa Opera Company as principal bass,

^matftmg with n for many years and appeat-

•ng in about 60 operas. He was also the com-

r^ys artistic dieector from ig:6 to lOii and

/A prine ipal of the Carl R<«a School

Vwrs he appeared at

the Old Vk, Theatre, e g. m ‘ I>on Giovanni '

as an exeelicni Lept^dlo. e a




WIND BAND. Brass Ban c>. Dr vu and

Fife Band. Military Band. Waite.

WIND -CHEST. Tbc box-like consi ruc-

tion in an organ which receives the wind from

the bello^sE and supplies it to die pipes above,

when (he pallcU in the w’ind-chest axe opened

and (he sliders drawn.

Set Mht Orean.

WIND-GAUGE. Organ. Tell-


WIND-HOLE. The hole in the boot or

foot of an organ pipe for admission ot (he wind.

WIND MACHINE (also called A«oU-

phoDe). A contrivance used on the stage

wliich cannot be properly called a musical

instrumeni. but which has been occasionally

used by composers, as fur instance by Richard

Strauss in 'Don Quixote', Ravel in 'Daphnis

el Chloc ' and V'aughan Williams in the

' Sin Toni a an tardea *. It is a barrel covered

with silk which, on being turned more or less

rapidly, produces increasing and decreasing

noises by friction closely resembling the

soughing of wind. The objection to it as an

element in composition is that It produces by

realistic means what music should suggest in

its own terms. a. •.

WIND-TRUNK. A large wooden or metal

tube for conveying the u ind of an organ from

the bellows to the wind*chcsc.

WINDET, Jobn {b. ?; 4 . London, ?).

English i(iih-i7lh*crn(ury typographer and

music printer. He lived in London in the

reigns orKlieabcth I and James I acKl was in

business from 1584 until 1611. Hit first ad-

dress was at the ^^hile Bear in Adltng Street,

near Daynard's Castle. In 1394 he was at the

"Crosse Keyc»"ai Paul's Wharf. He printed

many editions of Sternhold and Hopkins's

Psalter and numerous musical works, fie

held an assignment of printing rights from

William Barley,

Windet's publications include Grcav'cs's

' Songes of .Sundric Kindcs ' (1604), Hume's

’ Ayres, French, Pollish. and others* (1605),

' An Howres Recreation in NTusieke * by

Richard Alison (1C06), John Bartlcl’s * fiooke

of Ayres ' (iSoC), Mirhacl Last's * Second Set

of Madrigalcs * (i5o6), Robert Jones’s * First

Set of Madrigals ' (iIm?) and some others of

a »imilar kind.

F K., rev. w. c. 8.

WINDSOR or ETON TUNE. This famous

psalm tunc is first found complete (unless the

assertion be true that its original form U in

Nyland's * Piae caniiones In Daman's

music to the Psalms (1591), harmonised in

four parts and set to l^lm CXVI. Ii is not

in Daman's earlier work of 1579.* As rto com-

plete SCI of parts is known to exist, the melody

only can be quoted :

’ an of (his extremrlv scarce work m

Kawkifu, * Hiitory o( Murk ch. cavi*. abo I. 4^4.

This affords an example of Daman^s method

of prolonging a tune by repeiilion, of which

Hawkins speaks.

In 1592 (he tune appears in East's 'Whole

Booke of Psalmes ', containing the church

tunes and " other short tujies usually sung in

London, and most places of the Realme". It

is marked as being one of the laiicr, and must

(herelbre have been in use for some little time

previously. In East's Psalter it is harmonized

b)' George Kirby, with the melody in the tenor.

Daman and Kirby merely harmonized the

melody, but wltocver was iu composer, it is

only an adaptation of the tune set by Tye to the

ihird chapter of

TV Aet«t nf (he Apotilet. irafttlsted into Enjrivihe

kletre . , . wiih netf» w eche Chapter, to ivt^te and iIm

to pUi upon (V tuie

Here we hnd the ftrsl, third and fourth strains

of SVindsor, and a fragment of (he second. For

the sake of comparison Tye's tune is sub-

joined, reduced into score in modem clefs :




Jh host’s i’salu'f the tune hat no <lis(iJM:tke

n;iinr, hi it hi ibi> it was iwrtrd in the S<oi>

tisli (Nailer puhhthetj liy Amiro H.iri, is

OiiiiJie Ill RiveriHroft’s nbJM

ii is inirkrrl at in lviii(]i«h Tuitr ^imJ is tli'uMv

nam«*rt " Whultor or Kiton I he tune was

popular in Stoilaiul •. and this, coupM vxih

the SrtiitMi form oTIis eirJira name, Ini io the

lietirr 1 1 Ml It veat ttKJi^enous to ll<al countrs.

Ifi Hart’s IN.ilior of iGif, the nieUHl) ahuw

it svitli slij^ht varialtunt. irMlinliiifE iIm*

omission of ili^* an Menial ]rAfl|i)it-iM*t^. I Im

tnay ha\ e (>crn done lo ass im date «> rluirarn r

to thai ol other lunet in die <<>llc(ii<Mt; Ihii

houTver ihis may Im, the Mndeutal s\a\

retioml t</ the penultimate of ihe last

strain in Kahaiih JNaUcr lAlierdten. t&33'i

and ihroiiithuiii the tunc m i]»r harmonised

Scottish INalter of 163'’,, o. a. r„

WINDWAY. ihe narrow sht r>r ofientiti^

lielween ilir block or lauRUMb and llse cap or

lower lip of n flue ptjjc of the oraan. x. 1

WINESANKER. Michael (Maa) b.

‘loroftio, ? Aug. lyt3i.

(iana<lian com(H>oT, piarthl and wrllrr 00

nuisic. JJe studied at ilic GnKenitv i*f

Torotuo from luy, to it|33, nhere he Wk

the Miis.llac. decree, at the Vnlvrisiiy of

Mulligan in i93»j-.p. where lie became an

M.A.. and ai Cornell L'niverdiv from

to i^n, when he tduamed die (I1.D. While

at Toroiilo Unkrrsiiy he studied com|imition

prisaiely ssiih Heahy WilJan. and Ite ha<l

lessons m niWKobigy w«h Olio Kinkeldey at

(A>rne|| University. In 1937 he made hh

debut a$ a concert piAiiisi at Toeonlu. He

tauglil pi4nof</rie at the JlambsHirg (kmsersa-

tory, rtfronlo, in ippi for a year ami in il»e

summer of 1945 laughi musical iheurj ami

history at Bay \'icw Summer College, iu

i '1 ( r.- id he was a gu« i Professor of .Nts«iro|..gy

at Ihe University of TtKas before becoming

the Uw*' Ssl-raar rrfm c«


Of ol.»inose Marisn, «.onl)r«((hr fvime.

(yn tr.wi !-> wlitft not to confuse it wuh die * Dunde.

Associate Professor of Musieal Literature at

Texas ChrUuan College for a year, and since

1949 he has been Professor erf Musicology at

the same University.

Winesanker was awarded a grant* in* aid

of research from the American Council of

Learned Societies in 1943 and a hmhrr grant*

in>ai<l of research jointly from the Carnegie

foundation and the research cum mil tee at

lexas Chriitian L’niversiiy in 19^1!. From

1948 to 19'^ he was secrciary <>l die ’Lexas

CJiaptcr of the Ameritan Musicologieal

Society and since 1930 he has been presiilenl

uf dx" Texas (.hapter. He is also a member

of the Mcxiirial Academy and a Fellow of the

.\meruan Counril of l.earned SiKieties. Ills

ci^tnpoiiiions include a pianoforie Sonata In

C minor, some songs and .1 siring Quartet in

(f major. He has wriilen some ariKle> and

relieve c, including ’ MijsHu*lJramATic Crlii*

film uf i8do(A't»(ury Ornik Opera* fjour.

.Kmrr. Musicul. Soc.. sutiimer lypp and * A

New Hash Ciniau? * {’ Ueviua dr estudbrs

musuales iu*,v , m. k. u,

WINCHAMj Thomas 'A. Lor>d<m, Ti Jan.

iHibi d. I^.ndun, ^4 Mar. i8y3>.

I.nglidi orttanict aikJ < ompou r. 1 le Ixx amc

organist of St, .MkIi«uTs Momimi Church,

Simdiwark, LuntJim, at ihe age ul le/i, and in

ift>3 entered the .Vademy of Music.

Four jears Uiir he wmi to ihe K..\.M. and

beeariM' a pu|MJ <>f Sternduh' (k'niwti for com.

fxssiiKsn and of Harold lhoin,i« lor plane**

fcirte. In 1871 Im was apjsoltiKxJ a pmfessor of

(hat Imtrnmem in the seho«d, and he w.i5 mb*

4e<iuei«lv eh c ted a fell<Av. ,\<, e.irl> as ilMH

Ise was apposnicfl nrganiM ol .Ml Saints

i'addingi«ai, ami in illba was givc'ii die |misi of

musuaJ director at the UrcMitpion Or.nory, an

oflice which he filled unh much dnimciioti

until Im dealh.

Hh church rum |X)d lions .ire inatked by

suavity rather than auvicrit), and |i is taiher

as a pic^nci r «f belter linngs in the music of ihe

Rfrman church than as a eoiniwer that his

name will be remetniMTtxJ. He raised the

sen iees at ihc Oratory ic»a very high standard.

His Mass in 1 ) major was <onipo»csJ for .\nt*

werp Cathedral in 1876, and anoilur Mass

was written in the hdluwing year for ihc

Oratory. A ‘ Tc l^um ’ fur voices, urchcsira

and organ was brought out at the Oratory in

1884. and in the same year his flne motet

• Amavii sapieniiam * was written for ihe

irrcenicnar>‘ of St. Charles Bofrt*meo ai the

church uf St, hfary of the Angels. Bays water.

\N'ingham left four symphonies (in 1) minor,

IL.A.M., 1869; in D> major, Cry'S!!! Palace,

1872 ; in £ muior, with choral finale, 1O73 ;

and in D major, $883). His six concert over-

turc^ are as follows; No. 1, in C major, Jubilee

of the R.A.M., .872; No. 2 <‘Lrc«*), Crystal

faUcc, 1875: No. 3, in I) major, choral,



Alexandra Palace, 1877 ; No. 4 (‘ Fair laughs

the morn Crystal Palace, 1878; No. 5, in

A major, Brighton Festival, 1879; No. 6

(• Mors janua vitae ’), Leeds Festival, j88o.

An elegy on the death of Stentdalc Bennett

was performed at the Crystal Palace in 1675

and a Serenade in major a( ihe Philhar*

monic in 1 885. A concert Capriccio for piano>

forte and orchestra, two string Quartets, a

Septet for pianoforte and strings and wind,

were completed, and an opera, * Nala and

Damayanii ^ was left incomplete.

j. A. r.-u.

WINKEL, DieiHcb Nikola tia (A. c.

1780; 4. Amsterdam, s8 Sepc. 1826).

Dutch or German mechanic. He lived at

Amsterdam and constructed several insiru*

men is for musical reproduction. It was he,

not Maelsel, who was the real inventor of the

metronome, although his device was perfected

by the latter. a. w. t.

Stt tU» Moelid. Nteirenome.

WINKLER, Alexander Adolfovich

Kharkov, 3 Mar. 1865; d. Leningrad, Oct.

• 935 )*

Hussian pianist and composer of German

origin. He studied at Kharkov at hrsi, later

with Duvernoy in Paris and finally with

Leschetizky in Vienna. After teaching at the

Kharkov school of music for a time he became

a professor at the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

NVinkler's works include *En Bretagne* and

Variations on Russian and Finnish folk tunes

for orchestra : 3 string Quartets, a siring

Quinicl, a Quartet for violin, viola, cello and

pianoforif, a Trio for violin, cdlo and piano*

forte; a Sonata for viola and piamkorte;

Variations and Fugue on a theme by Bach

for two pianofortes ; Variations and Fugtte mi

an original theme and numerotjs other works

for pianoforte ; songs, etc.

E. a.

Sh aif Rifn»l(vKorMk9v (ceHsb. in cKunber w>. A

K* Van.).

WINN, WilUam {i. Bramham, YMks, 8

May tCaS; 4. London, 4junc 1888).

English bass singer and composer. He was

taught singing by Sit George Smart and

Schira and made his hnt appearance in

London in Mendelssohn's * St. Paul ’ on 24

Oct. 1855, at St. Martin's Hall. He became

popular in oratorio and glee musk. In 1864

he wa^ elected a Gentleman of the Chapel

Royal and in 1867 vicar choral of St. Paul's

Cathedra). He was a member of the Noble-

men and Gcnilemen*$ Catch Oub and

Honorary Secretary of the Round, Catch and

Canon Club. His song, ' Nothing more *, and

the prize glee, ' Go, Rose are wclUknown

favourites. His eldest daughter and pupil,

Florence (L Nov. 1837), was a favourite eon.

tralto concert singer who made her dibut in

1881. A. c.


WINNEBERGER, Paul Antoa (b. Mer*

geniheim o/Tauber, 7 Oct, 1 758 ; d. Hamburg,

oFeb. iSat).

German violoncelltst, organist and com-

poser. He studied under Magisier Heilig,

AbW Vogler and Hobbauer. At the age of

nine he was court aliist at Mergentheim, at

fourteen o^anUt at the Dominican church.

He studied ihedogy at ^Vu^^bu^g and Heidel-

berg Universities, and c. 1778 was teacher at

the Jesuit church and solo cellist at the iheaire

of Mannheim. In 1 780 he became solo cellist

and music director to Prince WalJersicin and

from 1783 was teacher at Hamburg, where on

the establishment of a French theatre he be*

came cellist. He composed an opera, cello

concertos, quartets, trios, sonatas, etc.

WINSHEIM, Abraham. Stt WtoSHAN

WINSLATE, Richard (*, ?; d. ?).

English t6th*ceniury organist and com*

poser. He was organist at \Vmchester Caihe*

dral (, [550. Of his compositions only a

piece for organ or virginal, * Lucem luam *,

has been found, contained in the Redford

Manuscript. B.M, Add. MSS 29,996.

a. V. d. s.

Wlac«r, CkriviUa. Stt Gficf (4 senfs).

WINTER, Peter voa (^. Mannheim,

(bapt.aSAug.j 1754 ; d. Munich, J70et. 1625).

German composer. At the age of eleven he

was a Violinist in the Elcelor Karl TJicodor's

celebrated orchestra at Mannheim. He had

some instruction in composition from Vogler,

but really formed himself as a composer

later in life. In 1776 he became musical

director of the court theatre and in this post

made acquaimance with Mozart, to whom

he look a great dislike and whom he damaged

later in Vienna by spreading false reports

about his private life. When the court

remov'ed from Mannheim 10 hfunich Winter

followed i in 1 794 he was made vice CeptH-

mtxsuf and in 1 7^ court CtiptUmtultr, a post he

retained 10 his death. He was treated with

(he greatest consideration, receiving more

than once leave of absence for tw'O or three

years. On one occasion he presumed too far

on this leniency and was thereby in disgrace

tor a time. Winter visited Vienna twice, hrsi

in 1781, when he produced three ballets,

' Heinrich IV *, * Inez de Castro ’ and * La

Mort d 'Hector', and again during the years

between 1 796 and 1 796, when he had hve

operas performed at the Kamtnerior Theatre

and Schikaneder's theatre, including ' Das

unterbrochene Opferfest ' {14 June t796) and

a cantata, * Timoteo, o GH efleiil deJU

musica ' (1796), by the Tonkunstlcr Societat.

The intercourse he maintained with Salieri

was Imporunt as Inducing him to pay more

attention to (he vocal part of his compositions.

This is perceptible in all the works written in




Vienna, He also visited ItaJy (Naples aivH

Venice, i79'“-94)» Pnpjt <1795), Paris

((802 and i8o6)» London (e8o3*5> and half

again (Miian and Genoa, i$i7-i9).

Besides a large number of operas, of which

ihe greaicM and most lasting favouriies were

•Maria von MontaJban’ (Munich. 1600)

and ihc ‘ Das unirrbrochene Opferfest

popular on account of its catching melodies,

\ Vinter composed a quantity of church music,

cantatas, songs, partsongs and instrumental

works (symphonies, oveciurcs atid concert

pieces for various insirumenu>, most of v^hich

were primed, but have long since disappeared.

HI* Singing Method (Schott, Maina. with

Gt riuan, French and Italian words;, howocr,

long kept iu value,

Of his ciiurch worb there were in the Roy al

Ohapel at Munich 06 masses, 2 Requiems, 3

• Siabai Mater ' and a quaniicy o( graduals.

olferiorlcs, vespers, etc. For the Fruiesiant

court chapel he wrote 7 eamaias, a oratorios,

• Dur sierbendc Jesus ’ and • La Bciulia

liberau ’, a German ‘ S(al>ai Mater ' and

stnailcT anthems.

Winter’s strong points were just dcclama*

tion, agreeable melt^y, brilliant choral m riling

and rich instrgmeniatiun, which he never

sullcred 10 overpower the choices. His weak*

ness was in counterpoint, which he had nec^er

found an opportunity of mastering thoroughly.

As a whole Ills church music is preferable to his

operas, which, though vocal and melodious

have neither originality, greatness, dramatic

lorcr, lire nor genius, liu ain arc especially

weak, never seeming fully dev>elopcd. >Vinier

could amuse and emertain, IhiI to seise ihc

imagination, to touch, to agitate, was beyond

hun. I'his is why even his best and most

jwpular worb disappeared from the state

after his death. era

The following is a list of \N in«er's vsorb for

die stage, apart from the balleis meniioned

above * :

(»K«r Tass.!,, peed,

; Kw, K«u|»«. .tBi.

. i?** p^d. Mwnkh. tsftj

ruVJ. J swy ‘Li

: 0.1^11*,, -•!

, ^MuivKh. .78(1. pt.^.u

't.NC Te«*.4e,

; p»>cl» •, ;^|. Monkh.




C.^. I„ u.i<. • «b. b, V-fce.

* .Anlifena *, prod. .S*| 4 n, l? 9 l.

* I »«fdiu dt CrvLa peod. Vrmce, 1 702.

*1 r«a(clli rivsb' ilib. by MsMia Uuciuonii, pro.!.

VciiKe. 1 ’ejito b«n 0 rn«drMvi. Nov. :?$!).

’Drli«a*, prod. VeiiHr. 1794 fVieruiA. hs ' !,(« xw

HiMbu/t 1796*.

* e II Inonfo del bri «pvv> ', prod . FYag or, 1 79),

* l>ie TtMflUMrbi ’, prvd. Bax reuih. f 1 795,

’ I dyr sedon ’, prod. Vimru. t7<|4.

* LUs untrrbrachrnr Opferfene ' <lib. by Ften2 Xavrr

Xuber), peod. Vtcima, Kamirvrtsot 'liirdTrr. 11

June 1 ) 90 ,

•BubskMit iSrAOUdm* ihb. by ffruAitrl SJ,ikAr»c<lrr>,

lA rolUb. Hilh airdrrtiMh. pfod. VirciiiA. lliroier

auT dr/ \S irsirn, as t ^ 1. 1 797 .

* Ore Siutifs prod. Mutu< h. l *06,

* ISoft oJer Urr Koinpf niii <Ipm I Irthmi'n ‘

ibb. by vlilk-uw^Pt. a kri|url u> ' Ihr /oubrtlluir

prod, vkAm, IWairr auf tier NSicdrtk, {2 JiMir

• M*.

* Ma/w .0(1 SfieMalbsh * |»x* Ka.I Krerr. Ija^tsI on

S ahAim Nr|io<TMik K«»m2trtk’. ireicdyj, ptiMJ,

luiwk. 2I J«M. iBuO.

* TAmrr^’ «I(S, Uy F4wnnc Mi»rrl dr l!|,r«lrk,||r. he^rd

on V«4i«ire's * L*( >t|iltrlm 4r (^hinr *», prucl. F*to.

CStv/A. KSrpi.

* (Jk BtAlu di <'Al<|no* (bl>. bs' l^itrnro <l 4 1 ‘oiMr',

prod. Lii«d 4 A, HAv-avarkri (Itrai/r. 71 .Mav

* II irwnfe *•* niiior lt«irniw * ld>. In do P.eitr ■, jsrixl.

I^Mtdun, lljxmatbri Ihrjur, /.> .Mar. iJjoi .hanr,

«t * CauM ri l*oHvx \ Orrra, 19 Aug, iSs<h .

’ll raiM di Pr’A/rptna ’ lib. by da I'onir , |>r<>d,

t4*ad«A. Itixmarkri Tbrairr. « .Mav ifloj.

’/aua' kU bx prod. LoiidiMi, jIaxtMaibri JUoirr,

/9 Jan. iBos,

’ IWr 4 raornbond *. prrid. Munirli, ibss,

’ (tulmar ibb. by Maiiium von <V>llin, after Owian’i

’CoMsU *1. pmd. ktunHit, 1$ Vfii, rtkip.

* xir br»d«n BliftaSm ' ^ilio, appatnuly rvot (irod.,,

* 1>K Panio^ln *. pred. Hamburc. iflii.

• MaoAwit* II’ tliK bv lrl«r Homani>. prod, Milan.

Trairo aHa VaU. 2I Jan, 1817,

’ 1 dvr Valdomirt inud. Xldan, 1817.

• r*rlinda *. prod Titian. iAr7.

’ VhfWHW vnd .Sansrr*. Phid. Muniih. i8}e.

.SripMvt SraiMH* •M', uurr at Ihrmre*.

^ofM Addiyon I’LliMb ’ . BrrilKixrn ixan, f»r of.),

VMrmt/b 'collab. m 'bb>l«>ii. JSramidrii ’j. SiMilir

r< 4 tvH,rfi fe VD. & pfV

WUirr, 2 . Sft 'J,, ’ sUur Jlra ’, eprra).

WINTERFELD, l^rl (Ceorg August

Vivlgtui) voa ( 4 . Berlin, a« Jan. 1784; 4J.

Berlin, 19 Feb, 1859).

German musicologist. He was educated for

the Uw, which he studied at Halle. AHer

holding a succeuion of ofTicial posts in Berlin

and Breslau, he retired on a pension in (847

and devoted himself 10 musical literature. He

had made a large collection of materials In

Italy, which he left ai his death to the Berlin

Library* His most important books arc as

(blloM-s :

JebwtnM lyrlxHti vvn Palntrina * (|8S2>.

JohaMXM Cabcxli uikd cevt Z«iiaUer * 1*8341.

Ikr cvMHn<h« Kir<hCT*««an« urnj sein Wtliaknii

, ’ f'asa-sr).

bb« K. UinuiM frwdrxb Fatehs tetulic he Cnant*.

^ ft 839 ).

D», MariiA Lwihen deuuthe seisclkhe Lledrr '


• fb« rtemellun* d« Oeme.ndr- ur>d Chorgeunss in

d«t evanc«lt*<hen Kirihe * {*848} *

Zur Ueschkhte heilipee Twtkunsi^ (1850*32].


{Oprn), .$reBoF.cK.

WINTERN1T2, Emanuel (F. \'icnna, 4

Aug. 1898). ^

American musicologist of Austrian birth

He studied at the University of S'icnna from




1918 to 1922, ukijig the LL.D. degree there,

and at Hamburg Univeraty in 1923- From

1938 lo 1941 he was a lecturer at Harvard

University and at various universities and

museums in the U.S.A.» and in 1941 he was

appointed peripatetic professor for the Car-

negie Foundation. He was keeper of the

collection of musical instruments at the

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

from 1941 to 1949, in that year being made

curator and head of the department of the

musical collectioru at the same museum. In

1948 he lectured at Columbia University for

a year and since 1949 he has been visiting

professor for the history of musical instruments

and the history of opera at Yale University.

He was ma<le a Guggenheim Fellow in 1948.

He undertook the task of reorgani2ing the

Crosby Brown eollection of musical instru-

ments of all natiorts at the Metropolitan

Museum of An, and he has organized several

exhibitions of musical instruments in the

U.S.A. Since 1943 he has written a number

of articles on the history of musical instruments

in ihc * Bulletin ’ of the Metropolitan Museum,

atui he has also written programme notes for

concerts of ancient music held there.

H. K. w.

WINTERTHUR. An industrial centre of

only some Co.ooo inhabitants, Winterthur

holds a special position among Swiss towns.

Its very active musical life consists essentially

of concerts oiganiacd by the Musikkollegium

IVintcrlhur, founded in i$?9, whose old

tradition has not prevented it — particularly

in the last few decades — from adapting itMlf

to the demands of a new age. It has in fact

given the town a wcll-deKrved reputation as

a stronghold of modern music. Apart from

the interest taken by all musically inclined

inhabitants of (he town, the Musikkollegium

is maintained largely by a few generous

patrons. By it arc administered the Winter-

thur Municipal Orchestra and the School of

Music {Director, Kar] Matihaci), founded in

(873 and 1873 respectively. The Musik-

kollegium arranges not only symphony con-

certs in the accepted sense, but also popular

concerts to which admission is free, experi-

mental pcrformartccs and chamber- music

concerts. Ten symphony concerts, twcniy-hw

free concerts (with orchestra and soloists) and

25 HeHsabfitdf (orchestral and chan^ber music)

arc given annually. The permanent conduc-

tors were Ernst Wolters (until (945) and

Hermann Scherchen (until i9$o)- con-

ductor of the free concerts is Victor Dnarzens.

and the otiicrs have been in (he hands of

visiting conductors since the season of 1 950-51.

\Vintcnhur has Itad since J920 the vrcll-

kntiwn Winterthur String Quartet (P. Rybac,

C. Dahinden. H. Wlgand and A. Tusa).

Apart from instrumental musk the town also

cultivates vocal music assiduously. Thtre are

a mixed choir (founded in (674, since 1926

conducted by \Vcmcr Reinhart), the Stadt-

sangerverein (founded 1827) and two men's

choirs (founded 1852 and t88o). Protestant

church music also plays a prominent part

with a church choir and church orchestra.

K. E., adds.

Biau— Fuia. Max. ' Du MgsiU;o]:«{ium Wiiurrthuc

1624-1837’ (WiAKCthur,

HvKStKSi. R.. * Zur Mu&ikf^hichM tViatenhwn ’

(tVintenhur. 1409),

Wiante. H. E. 9«cb {J* C.» jS, portrait af).

WIORA, Walter (8. Kailowitz, Silesia, 30

Dec. 1906).

German musicologist. He studied at the

Kochschule fur Musik in Berlin and at the

UniversMies of Berlin and Freiburg i/B., taking

the Ph.D. degree in 1937 and die Dr. phil.

halnl.** in 1941. In 1936 he was ap-

pmnted (o the Archives of German Folksong

at Freiburg, wliere he also became lecturer at

the University in r94( and Professor of

Musicology in I942> He is co-editor of the

scientihe complete edition of German folk-

songs. His literary works include :

’ Dk A«^<oc)uiun( und KctauMAhc von Volk*l«l-

Heitra * ;* JahrUudi Tur Volbi^eJfarKhunf tS3$].

* Oas Aluv d«r dtuvehan ValbIMwciun * {* Dcuo«ke

ElwMkbuhur iMi).

* Dk an««Ukhm Volbimlodicn bei Zuecitmailia uiid

tfihiM' iOmeriMtim. 1941). ^

'Z«r ErSoftchuM do eurepaiKhen Valblirdn

{A.M.W.. 1940).

* Anion gnMift^adtr 0b«r dot ia d«r KioaJc

iFreibwrc i 'B.. 1946I.

* Du Valktikd ' <Hfiddb«r«. IQSO)-

* D«4 wnak Lat«« '• >'> ' kiutikfomhuAK ^ Vf, I9S.I«

* CuropaiKhtr Valkwrunf : ermaimame Forntn m

eharakianXiMhtn Ab*vandlunren * (Colatne*

’ 0rvcki>^ * {Fttibgff i,&.. i999)<

E. B.

WIPPERN, Louise. Set Hnaaikas-Wi^


WlRiN, Dag (Ivnr) (k. Noraberg, Orebro

Un, I5 0c(. 1905)- .

Swedish composer. He studied theory and

eomposicion at the Stockholm Conservatop'

with Oskar Lindbe^ and Ernst El I berg ut

during which period he composed a

work for solo voices, chorus and orchestra,

' Ytlersta Domen ' (* The Last Judgment ),

incidental music to a Japanese play, chamber

music and songs. In 1932 he was awarded a

slate iilpcnd which enabled him lo

three years in Paris studying composition and

Insuumeniation wiili L. Stbaneyevand widen-

ing his musical experience. AAet his return

to Sweden in 1934 he was music critic to

* Svenska Morgonbladct ' in 1 938-4® ►

ian of (he Association of Swedish Composers

in 1035-38 and a member of the committee ol

(his aiociation and of the Swedish ^m-

posers’ International Music Bureau (STJMJ

from 1939. In J947 he became vice-presiden

of the Society Swedish Composers, and ne

is a member of (he Swedish Royal Academy of




Wir^ first won gooorai recognicion as a

composer with a Serenade Ibr strings, Op. 1 1,

which he ykrote at the suggestion of Tobias

\V'ilhelmi for pcrfunnance by ibe Siockhoim

Cbambcr Orchestra. It was also performed

by the Concert Society the following year, artd

since t939 his earlier and later works have

become well known in Sweden. Some of hb

compositions have been broadcast frura

London. VVirt^o withdrew some of his earlier

productions, which include Symphony No. i,

Op. 3, and Sonatina for cello & pianoforte,

Op. 4 -

/Vpart from those mentioned above, the

follow ing are his principal compositions :

K^iliQ upt rrtu * EUin, iwU •<li kmi* i imoi.

KaUiO o|jrt4 ’ Den glad* |ulKn<en ' ( issi /.

IftsiUriiul niiHic iv a tlr^aunc ^rruM of yiauhcxt'i

lacMl«t»ul niu«c to bJuknp<are’» * Ntmcbant •r\’eoi(e *

riln^ mutii..

Cwn&rrt tivcilurr. 0|>. 9 ( I 9 )i).

N)nr«ni(iu, U^. 74 Mi.

(«4vot(e .ind ^herio tv< wen.. Oft. 7S ' 1935 >S4>.

lor ttkti.. Op. M I I 9 S 7 |.

Syiiipliohv .So. «. Op. 14 1 1939 ).

Svmphohr ^0. 3. Op. jo 1 1943 *44).

(:orK«ri < Werturr Nw. >. Op. i 9 1 i 94 u*.

l.itile bune Cor wdi.. Op. ly « 1941. .

(;«iicert6 fue cdl^j 4 onh., 10 l*996>«

(^wncerio for vn. 4 »nh.

*koiucM«« Cor «M. 4 pf., Op. I ( 191 *

IS. I no. Op. $ {I 9 I 3 J.

’ yrrlvJium ’ lor ccfle 4 pT.. Op. IS upyal.

’ * Cor crilo 4 p(.. Op. (•

StMialMM fvf VI). 4 pr.. Op. i> <l 94 aj.

MniiK QujrMi Nm. ), Op. i 9 U 94 lr.

I Kvmk* .)iid Vjrioilwtf for pi*,, 3.

I*f inrtrt. Mng*, 4 c.

K. O.

bioL. - ' VViiTn t>«r«iri4r ug u«Sv * {* Mwk*

vjil lrn\ l|45. No. ij.

.Stjlom, i., 'Uaji tVkr«n*, in * l>« ay* hmanta'

(‘.iwkMin. p|). 9|.«9).

PnaoAKrsr. M., ' Dor Nn irSn *. m * SivnuU lomliurc '

(MwUwiMi, 1943'. PP. IM*S 9 .

WlRTH, Emanuel {S, Ludlce nr. Carlsbad,

id Oct. :d4a ; rf. UerJin. j Jan. 1923),

fiohenuan violinist and violist. After study

under MiUtu r and Kitll at the Prague Con*

servatory he received his fint engagement as

leader of the orchestra at BadrcnBadcn. Jn

iUb.| he was appointed leader of the German

f Ipcra and " Society •' cgnceris ai Rotterdam,

and also umlertvok the duties of professor at

the Conservu lory there. In 1877 he accepted

an invitation from Joachim to settle in Berlin

as leacher ai the High School for Music, and

as viola in the Joachim Quartet. His popular-

ity with Berlin audiences was shown on the

occasion of his jubilee in 1 909. The " Trio

evenings ", which he founded in conjunction

with liarih and Hausmann, were long a

feature of Derlin musii;al life. In these he took

ilie violin pan, but it is as viola player in the

loach im Quanet that he wilt be best remem-

berctl. ^

WIRTH, Helmut (Richard Adolf Fried.

rich-Karl) (i. Kiel, 1 0 Oct. 191 2).

German composer and musicologist. He

vok. lx

3 «i

was privately educated in music, but was a

pupil of Friedrich Blume for muNicology at

Kiel UDU*ersjlv in 1933-3G, ukini; a doctor's

degree in 1937. He has held a |Mwt as pro-

gramme director in the Hafnl>ur,; Kddio <ince

193G, but devotes rnu<h of his liinr to com-

position, arid hr also Ircitires on musical

hbior>' at the Lnlverviiy. He wrote a book,

* Joseph Haydn ah Dramatikrr ’ (Wolfen-

buitrl, 1940) and his compoviliom include:

* Vjnsiiaiu sml Fueoc an £iisluK * fm

khjU M(h. < 9 i^ .

’ UoUm* ’ fuj «hanhrr urch.

* KuiHjAiwhe V'i>lkiliDl«r ’ Tur bviione and sinall >,rcli,

i* 9 »l'.

Swiau luf obur 4 pf.

i iVtS feJ Mutr 4 |>r. .<V 4 S'«

S.MaU br pc

SonatuM w pf. (436 .

SoMjlin^ fwj kar|M<n«r«l ' 1946:.

t eC Swic* I 9 | 9 :.

* l)j« .Maitcnkbfti * iKiIhe' C<j* iui<( 4 pC. 1943).

* I.Klwod«wirgeMti>C« * CjJ v«mc 4 | 4 . j 047 ' •

k. I.

WISE, Michael (k. Wilishirr ', c. 1646;

d. SalisbuO i M ib.t? .

English counietirnor singer, vrganht and

composer. He wp^ admiurd n child of the

Chaficl Rg)al in lx>iul<>n undvr Cookr

in ibCv. In ilHij hr becainr 41 lay clerk of

St. (irorge’s Chajiel. Windsor. In iGoShcwas

appointed organiii and master ol ihc choristers

of Salisbury Cathedral. On ti Jan. ibyti hr

was admitted a Omilrnian ol the Chapel

Royal in die place of KaphaiJ CourtcvNlc,

deceased, being dewriln’d in ihe clirt^uc-book

as " a counter-tenor from Salisbury ".

During the ro>al progresc<-$ uf Charles II

Wise is said to have had ihr right to play the

organ in any church vjsitetl by ihr king. At

the lime of the coronation of James 11 (93

Apr. 1685) he was suspenUtd front his office,

and Edward Morton ufliciated in his stead,

llte cause of this suspension is unknown,

lltere is in the Uagforcl collection in the

Briiish Museum Library a coarse political

song, published in London iu iCillo, entitled

' n>€ >Viluhire Ballad ’ ^ from which it

appears that \Vise was su|)poscd to have been

engaged with oilier \Vjltshire men in getting

up a iictiiion for calling a Parliament. Jt is

possible that this siding with those opposed to

the court policy may have been made the

pretext for hit suspension.

On *7 Jan. 1687 Wise was appointed

almoner and masicr of the choristers of St.

Paul's Cathedral. Dot he did not hold those

ofiWo long. On Aug. 1687, being at

^isbury, he had a dispute with his wife,

in the heat of which lie rushed out into the

street and, the hour being lair, was ehaiicnged

by a watchman, with whom lie began a

quarrel, and reccK'ed a blow on the head

‘ ProhaUv ai $«lHb«iry.

bf Ok Ballad Society ie 'Tbe Bajferd





from ih« man's bill which killed him. He was

buried near the west door of ihc Cathedral.

Six of his anthems, ' Prepare ye the way \

' Awake, put on * I'he ways of Sion * I hy

beauty, O Israel ‘ Awake up, my glor)' ' and

' Blessed U he ' are printed in Boyce's ‘ Cathe-

dral Music and an Evening Serv'ice in

major is in Ritnbault's * Cathedral Music ’.

Other anthems and services exist in manu-

script in the Tudway coJleciioo, the R.C.M.

and the choir-boob of many of the cathedrals.

• I charge you, O daughters ’ is in Dering's

'Camica sacra * I1G74), *1 will sing' in

Langdon's ' Divine Harmony * (1774). Some

catches by him are included in ' 'I'he Musical

Companion’ 0667) and his duet * Old

Chiron thus preached to hU pupil Achilles '

has often been reprinted. w. »i. h.

WISEMAN, Herbert {i. Aberdeen, 3 May


Scottish musical educationist. As the son

of the Very Kev. Dr, James Wiseman, Dean

of Aberdeen and Orkney*, he was educated at

the Grammar School and University of Aber-

deen and the R.C.M, in London. He took the

M.A. degree and became an hon. A.K.C.KL

and F.K.l.S. After a few years as music

master (Madras CSolIrge, Si. Andrews),

organist, conductor and lecturer to students in

training as teachers, he Krved in the Royal

Artillery during the lint world xvar in Palestine

and elsewhere. On his return to Scotland he

was appointed Dire<tor of Music to the Edics-

burgh Education Committee and quirkly

established himself as an outstanding educa-

tionist. A versatile and priciical musician,

and an ardent sol-fa-ist, he brought to the

problems of school music a sane clarity and a

visionary real. He was one of the pioneers in

organizing and conducting orchestral concerts

for schools (Nov. tQ 93 } ar^ it svas from one of

thc.se concerts that he made hts dtbui as a

broadcasicr in 1(104. Thereafter he continued

weekly broadcasts to hcoiibh Khoob with

increasing success down to the outbreak of war

in 193D* when he l>egan and maintained the

highly popular weekly series under the title of

Singing Together, until his appointment to the

B.B.C. as klcad of .Scottish Music in 1^6.

As a festival adjudicaior and conductor he

has been much in demand es’cr since 1991,

and as chairman of the Advisory Commiitce

of the Caird l>ust he has been responsible for

some shrewd scholarship awards to muskal

Scots, including such welhknown musicians as

Watson Forbes, Thorpe Davie, Peggy Samjw

son, etc. In 1923 he founded the $t. Andre>vs

Summer .School, nne of ibe first of its kind

for general musicianship, with tutors of the

calibre of Sir Adrian Ik ult, Sir Steuari Wihon,

Sir John Barbirolli, Harold Samuel, the Griller

Q,uartet, etc., and it continued until 1939.

In 1929 and 1930 he visited America as

guest lecturer and conductor at Columbia

Univcniiy, New York, where he was respons-

ible for courses in choir-training, conducting,

scho^ music and general musicianship as well

as instruction in tonic sol-la, madrigal singing

and European methods of music teaching.

He became a D.Mus. (AoMrir ea«re) of Edin-

burgh University in 1949.

Among his many puUications the following

Are perhaps the most important :

* THt aiusk Ola» ; a MiaiuI hr Teachen ' {Clut»w),

hJasCM Melodin ht Srhoolt \ a wnes of ten

books for ii<h(.re«dins (GUit^w).

The Cliemdon Sent bookf m volumes of »oojt»

'rao Inlsat to Senior Soeondiry Schoob

(Oxford). ’

* pu eolith Serir* of Madii|oU * c»c. (Bosion, G.S.A.).

, 7?**?',"* Toanher ' iltiuttroied bv Tner) (London).

UhUrm bincMs *. 0 roHeciton of hymni for (he very

>ou»r lOsfora),

* 7^ Scott SoAf sUikt * (iQ eelioboraiion «*iih James

CoMon) (London).

* The Club Books' (in colioWslion wiili Sydney

Noriitcofe) (London).

* Tutce Sixteen * (in eoUxboretion M>ih Sydney Norili-

rote), a eoHection of part.ionp (or female voicri


S. N.

WISHART, Peter (Cbarlea Arthur) (i.

Crow borough, Sussex, 25 June 19a)).

English composer. He was educated at

Dryantsion School and studied music 6rat at

Birmingham University under Victor Hely*

Hutchinson in 1930-41, taking the D.Mur

degree there, and 10 1947-40 privately with

Nadia Boulanger in Paris. He returned to

Birmingham, xvhere he married the violinist

Hannah Jones, lecturer in music at the Univer-

sity, and in Jan. 1949 joined the teaching-stalT

at the Birmingham and Midland Jnsliiute

School of Musk. His studies were interrupted

by w’ar scrt'kc in the army (R. Signals) in

liWia and Austria from 1941 to 1946.

\N'ishari composed a go^ deal as a siudent.

and some of his works urre performed at the

w'cekly concerts at Birmingham Unwcrsily;

but his first mature xsorks. which show a

decided individuality and an assured tech-

nique, were the four Pieces for violin and

jmnofortc and the Cassation for violin and

viola, both published in 1949. Later works on

a larger scale were the ' Cwccrio gross© ' for

orchestra, composed in 1948. and liie violin

Cortccrio. w’ritien for his wife in 1949*

£. D.

WISLOCKI, Sianlslaw Rzessbw, 7

July 1921).

Polish conductor and composer. He siuOiea

at Praemysi and then at the Lvvdw Conserva-

tory. He continued his studies at the Schola

Cantorum In Paris under G. Simonls (con-

ducting and composiclun) and E. hfichall

(pianofonel. He is now (19541 conductor of

the Philharmonic Orchestra at Pgrnah.

Hts compositions include a Symphony, an

Overture, ‘ Highland Dance and Nocturne

for orchestra, a pianoforte Concerto, 4 Poems




for lenor and orchestra, 2 Suites for piano*

forte ; Sonata for s*iolin and pUnofone. and

vcr>' many songs. c. a. h.

WISSMER, Pierre (i. Geneva, 30 Oct.


Swi«s compouT. His muskaj studies look

him from Geneva to Pari<, where he plaee«i

himself under Koger*Dut a»se for com |>o>i lion

and under Daniel Lesur for eounterpoini.

In 1944 he WM iippoinml a teacher at the

Geneva Conservator) and soon afterwards

joined the musical slalT of Kadio^Cienev a.

He i< niiu' living in Paris.

As a com|«isrr \Ni'><»nK‘r made his fuM

appearance lnfore a wiikr public in Paris

with his (ir>! pwmJortc tUjnrerlo. Works trf

his )ia\e since Itern perfc«jiw-<l all osrr ihe

worUi. His music shows affinitU-s wjih ihai

of the "jeune Fr.ince " ; his mudcratels

<idvancrd style is distinguished by charniing

cirecis o| sound, admiralde instrumenlaiiun

and a spirited inusicalits . Hi' chief works an

as f^»|^(^^v^ :

sTAt.l. \M»KKs

* Lr h«AM DiltidliiliP ballrl i<ii<i .

* Manwh. au U UHk ,«rra 'kias

IncNl^ni.tl U>r «rsrral H«'s


' NMlasIrs ' 1 1*141 1.

‘ he rirs ’ 1 iiist.

t!an<«rlo *

' 1*4)1 ' l*)^) t.


I Mouvrtnerki ' fuf «t*i.

’ llwr<iiM^in«nc •VI iM < hnidl * for firrh '

Nvni|Ji, «w»le • Ani<wi« ei Ckt^lr* *. 4 f»<r Sliabr\peM«'

IXin* «• w>Me * iA D ll < Itra Srh*« ' i« 4 *, ,


r tUuHcrtUw CMJI 7 ^ l<i|a .

t.HNMIll.K Ml'SlC

9 Sir»»»e CNdiirw U937 a iuiq'.


V^haiMU ' 194C'.


^0hdU 1 194*1; .

Mn. nim llimkf . clwluwi, uHifi. 4 «.

WIT, Paul de (*. Macstricin, 4 Jan. 1852

o. l-eipijg, in Dec. 192^1.

Du (eh gamU and cello virtuoso. ICducaled

in his native city, he vveni i« Leipzig in 1870

and the r«>JI<ming year started Ihe •Zeitschrifi

Inr Insirumenienhag *. whkh ronlinued to

appear uniil stopped by the second world war.

He also founded an Instrumcnlen-Museum

winth was laicT purclia'cd, on two diflereni

pcctoions, by the Kgl. Hsxli«.hulc fur Musik

in Berlin a lau-r collection going to the \V.

Meyer Museum at Cologne, being purchased

lor this purpose in 1927 by Al. Kraus. De U'ii

vndeavoured to bring the viola da gamba back

into favour and wiih this aim gave a large

number of reeiiali on it. and wrote a liook

‘ Geigerueticl alter Mcisler whlfli ran to

several editions. A ‘ \\'eltadres»buch dcr

gcsamien Musik*Iiisirunu’iiieii Industrie

edited by him, was issued periotUcally for some

If. A.


W ishe r*, Cc»r|*. W HtiOrr^ . pariirv^C'.

WITHERS, Herbert 6. I.ondun, 31 Mar.


English stolonccUisi and teach* t. He

enlerstl ilic K.A.M. in (^m<l«)n at t)ie age

ol «Meen, studying the cello under Whliehouse

f<*r three )ears an«l then pror ceding to

Frankh.ri u .M., where he was a pupil of

Hugo lirtker for four years. He was elected

F.R..VM. in and in was app*>im<*d

teIJn priJctsor at ihr K. S.M. The (olJowjng

) ear he Uxaiiw an «<aaminer lor ilie .Msnrinicrl

Boarcl of the Rusal .^€J|<K^ls ,.f Mufir, his

niariiinaii<»n w<»rk iniluding two fours of

South .Mrira. In 1930, in addition to ilie

teaching vl his msiruinrnt at the he

was apiHNciied dir<><i«ir of the (h.unher

rinrsic studies ilMr<>. a |mw| he has hehl ever

sime and in wimh he has done invahiahie

work in training string phiven (or i* atn*wurk.

His classes brtaiiw lamoiis, and mans o| the

best < hamlsefnmdt plavsTs trained in i.ondori,

<*f the generation lulltming his own, passed

through it wiiJj iinmensi* profit al t*iu* lime

<*r another. S|»ecial c*m<eri siTirs given by

llwse classes includt'd the complete Ik-eihmen

quarieii 119341. all Braliim s chamber iniisie

( 1935 '. «ll Sthul>en's 1 19301 and Dixjf.ik's

(* 9371 . Mozart's five string quinicis (193d),

four coocerii of Frsncli music ^1950) and a

icnn covering iwenly-fiw* years of British

music (193M. It was for hit services (o the

an of chamber music that the Ccihbeit Gold

Medal wa* bestow eti oi» Jiim by the W orshipful

Conipjfty <i| Musicians in 1939.

In hR earlier y ears \\'itlier5'did a good deal

of concert work apart fivun Ins leaching. Gn

hn return from fJrrman) he tnath- a lour of

llte Far l.avi and India, and he ai>pearvd as

soloist at many «f the important orchi'siral

coneeru in Great Britain. In 1909 he was

appomied by Sir Thomas Beech am principal

cellist of lus orchestra and of the Covent

Garden Opera, a post he retained for ten

years, and afterwards he remained attached to

t^'ent Carden as chorus tnastcr an<l director

or the music on the siage. T his sidclme

CTperimcc led him to become <mc of the

renders of the British National Gpera

® member of

tfte Willy Hess International Siring Quaeivt

and the Catierall Quartet. His publicaiigns

i«l^c an arrangement of a cello Concerto

by Forpora from a manuscript in the B.M

(1920). Fete galanic’, a suite for string




orchesrra arranged from pieces by Couperin

and Rameau, and editions of numerous cello

pieces by various composers. e. n.

WITKOWSKI, Georges (Martin) (4.

Mostaganem, Algeria, 6 Jan. 1S67; Lyons,

14 Aug, 1943).

French conductor and composer. He began

life as an officer before turning to music. The

Grand Th^&tre at Names produced his one^

act opera ' Le MaSire i chanter * in 1891, but

he foil the need for serious musical sctidy and

VpX>rked with d’lndy at composition from

1894 to 1897. Having left the army he settled

at Lyons, where he founded the Schola of

Lyons (choral society) and the S«i4ti d«

Grands Concerts, which he conducted. He

alto assumed the direction of the Conservatory

at Lyons,

Witkowski's first imporunt composition

was a (;iuimci (1897, unpublished). Two

symphonies (1900, 1910), a Quartet (1902)

and a Sonata for violin and pianoforte (1907)

followed. His ' Fotme de la maison ' was

first performed at Lyons on 46 Jan. 1919.

It is a vast composition In 3 parts for solo

voices, chorus and orchestra, in the nature of

a dramatic symphony or oratorio, spaciously

designed and very characteristic. Another

work, * Mon Lac, prelude, variations et

finale ' for pianoforte and orchestra, was

first performed at Lyons on 20 Nov. 192 c by

blanche Selva ; it also displays the mark of a

strong individuality. ' Quatre Poimes' for

violin and orchestra (Op. 43) followed in 194$.

In hit Jaier years WiUiovk'ski compel

many songs with orchestral accompaniment

(Qpp. 48, 47, 28), including ' Deux Odelettes

dc Henri dc R^gnlcr ' Trois Po^ct de

Ronsard ’ (Op. 30, 1934) and *Paysage r4v4'

(L. Mercicr, 1937). * La PrincesM loinuine',

an opera in 4 acu (1948-32), is an adapution

of Rostand's play, made by the composer

himself. It was produced at the Paris Opira

on 46 Mar. 1934.

* Introduction ct danses * for violin and

orchestra (Op, 31, t935-36> and another

group of (2 songs, with pianoforte aceompani*

ment, * Po^mc dc Tamour to words by

the Comtesse dc Noajlles (1939), were Wit-

kowski's last works. m. l. a.

D)IL.— BotiCHSit. M., *G. M. WiiSowAi’ (R««. Mus..

1426, No. i ).

WITT, Cbriatian Friedrich (4. Altenburg,

(660; d. Altenburg, 13 Apr. 1716).

German composer. He was court Cepell-

nuhift at Gotha and wrote music for several

dramatic productions given before the court

of Saxe* Gotha; t.g. * Cespraehspier (1689).

A PassacagUa of his was published as the work

of J. S. Dach. He composed a number of

cantatas which appear to be lost. He

wrote ' Psal media sacra* (1715 and later

undated eds.), 3 French overtures, a 7*part

Sonata, 4 suites, organ and harpsichord

piec os, et c. a.

Wnr, Friedrich (6. Hallcnbergstcllcn,

Wurttemberg, *771 ; d. Wuriburg, J837).

German violinist and composer. He was

violinist at the court of OetUngen-Wallcrstcia

about 1790, toured to bring out his composi*

lions and obtained in 1602, through the per-

formance of one of his oratorios, the post of

Ceftlim/iiUr at \VQr2burg. He wrote two

operas, ‘Palma* (Frankfort o/M., 1804) and

‘Das Fiscberwcib ’ (Wurzburg, 1806), inci-

dental music to a play, * Lenardo utid Blan*

dine * (Wurzburg, (8t3}, 4 oratorios, masses,

cantatas, symphonies, concertos for various in-

struments, chamber music, pieces for military

band, etc. a, u

WlTTA$$£K,JohnQa August. SftVnA-

Ibk, Jan August.

WITTELSBAGH. Rudolf (k. Consunti-

nople, 30 Apr. 1902).

Swiss pianist and composer. His parents

returned to Switzerland from Turkey when

he was a child, and after his education at the

“ Gymnasium and legal studies at the

University of Zdrich, he decided to turn to

music as a profession. He first studied at the

Zurich Consers’alory and then continued his

training as a pianist under Casadesus In

Paris and under Schnabel in Berlin, where he

also worked at composition with Hindemith.

He also attended the Universities of ZOrich

and Berlin. In 1946 he was appointed

director of the Zurich Conservatory, where he

had (aught the pianoforte since t93r.

As a composer Wittclibach has come before

the public with few works. He It In the habit

of re-examining and revising his music again

and again, being a keenly self-critical, clear*

thinking and cultivated musician whose great

concern b to eschew any kind of *' paper

construction ** in favour of living and aurally

satisfying sound. In his later works, such as

the pianoforte Concerto, he aims at a return

to functional harmony. His most imporiaat

compositions are here shown in chronological

order :

*•*»»* ('Wo>«

(MAriei wr $ «*ibo jiwU. A p(' (I49i>.

'CoAcmiM^ IS»rcb*fnbef orcb. ((93*-99)'

g*Ue« music * Wclk im Svea'

yr. (14)4).

Canuu (Or eenirtlw * pC (>4M-S9{'

M«»f« No. • tor chamber erch.

PT. CetteerM <1092).

* Mueib fur Oiumter* {1490«

K, V. F.

WITTGENSTEIN, Paul (L Vienna, 5

Nov. 1887}.

Austrian pianist. He comes of an extremely

musical family of high standing. Joachim,

when a boy, lived with W'litgcnsicin s

mother, svho sent him to Mendebsohn for his

tuition. The family was also on veryfnendiy

terms with Clara Schumann and Johannes




Brahim and sOU owns several valuable auto

graphs of Brahms and other composers.

WiitgensieiQ studied musical theory with

Joseph I^bor and the piaih^orie with hfalvine

Br^e and Lcschetizky. In 1913 be appeared

for the first time in pubik as a concert pianist.

Shortly after tlie outbreak of war in 1914 he

was tsounded and lost his Kg ht arm. Hence*

forth he devoted himself to playing with the

left hand and acquired an aruaeing virtuosity.

Hi» capacity for wide spans and quick leaps

enables him to p<*rf«trm with one hand H'orks

which ofTvr dilhculties even ibr the ordinary

pianist. Ha int< rpretations are distinguished

by great clariiv and seme of poly-phony. At

thr same limi* it »ccim ines itable that a certain

hardniis should manifest ic&rlf in his touch.

VVitigcnsirin plays works he has himself

adapted for one hand, and especially com*

positions written for him. 'Ihcse include

works for pianoforte and orchestra such as

Uirfiard Strauss's ‘ I'arrrgon s«r Syznphonia

dontrttica ' and ’ f^anaihenaensug Ravel’s

Comi-rio in <mr moventrnt, cuncrrios by

U. W. Korngvld, K. .Schmidt, S. Bortkiewica,

R. Braun and J. l.abor, and chamber music

such ai Variations on un Original Theme

for pianoforte, clarirKi and siring trio by

Ernest Walker, a pianoforte Quartet by Hans

G4l, dilFcrcnt works by J. Labor and F.

Schmidt, etc.

W iltgcnitein left Austria after the Anufiiuu

in thr 1930s and wttled tn the L’.S A*

WLODAWSKl, Toraaas (*. ?; d.

Polish I7(h*crnuir> insirumrnialist and

«Hripojcf. Before 1640 he becaiiK* a metnber

of the royal fha|)el in Warsaw, and he was

still active there in 1O5:. One of his canons

was publiihed in ’ Crdtfum Musicum ' by

Marco Scacchi at Venice in 1643.

WOODS, ? Michael. Sm SVoooi.

WODE, Thomaa. St* Wood.

WOELFL'. Joseph (h. SaUborg. 34 Dee.

'773 » d. London, 31 May iBia).

Austrian pianbt and composer. His in*

sirucuon in composition and piasioforu

playing was in the fmt place due to L^ld

Mo/.ari* and then to Michael Haydn, He

was a chorister at ^alsburg Cathedral in

' 783 ”86, No mrnuon of h I m occ urs, Itow-ever

In the correspondence of Leopold Mosart and

his son. In 1790 he wmi (o V ienna and was

lalun ihcncc to VN'arsaw by Count (^rtskl.

ihere, in 1792 ©r 1793, began his puMte

*»' w»*«kpo WwM eiwod

W,jm ‘w 'r1 vAfiouilv m

kwhkh. lae »hol<.

pr^blV€^«, rv y^r^am oTcihec

w wIlMf hu nuae. and him W«lt

wJ2 '’''*** B«deel*

jS). 'S.:?

career and subsequently he appeared I n Vien na ,

where be was received with favour, both as

composer and performer. His first opera,

'Dcr Hollenberg*, was com|>o5cd to a libretto

by Schi kaneder, at whose theatre 1 1 was brough I

out in 1 795. This was followed by ' Das

schone Milchmadrhcn ' for the Court Theatre

in 1797 and ‘ Dcr Kopf ohne Mann' at

Schikaneder’s 00 3 Dec. 179S. I'hc value of

these pieeci docs not appear to have been

great, but they were successful in Vienna, and

the Last two were performed at Leipzig, and

* Der Kopf ohne Mann ’ at Prague also. To

this period the curious combination-piece by

eight composers, ’ IJcbc machi kurten Pro*

cess belongs (produced 36 Mar. J79O1,

On tlse whole Woelfi was not of much

account as a composer for the stage. .Vs a

pianoforte virtuoso he stepped into the first

rank and was even able to contest the palm

of supremacy with Beethoven. In Vienna

the young composer marrie<l, in 1798,

Therese Klemm, an actress at the Court

Theatre. In ihe lumnxT of the same year he

set out on an extendctl tour, wheihrr with

or without his wife srrmi uncertain. He

iravcllerl through Brno to Prague, Leipzig,

Dresden, Berlin and Hamburg. He had

inteniioAs of guing on to London, but seetn«

to have left Himhurg at the b<>ginning of

Dec. with Righinj, probably for Berlin. ’ At

Hamburg in 1799 he worked at an opera,

‘Das troianischc Pferd’, which was apparentl)

never iinished.*

The next clear mention of Wocifl is at a

concert at l^ipzig, oi Oct. 1800.* Hu arrived

m />..«» t... <1, 4 Ml, UUIcrt rrvhi

i^t M all Mhrr l••«|tr«phrr». u*«ifw c« io«e«»i

ifcat Uodn rvmntfd w Vtenni, bai all oilirr Mni^n

u«tt that he went kam llamburu <9 Lond.ui. and rr«m

w fam. reKh>nf th« » tenth capiul mi jSui.

pw <a(U eiveit lo ihe ie«t show tliai thii aceovni C8flni.|

be (Otrvti, and u seen* improbable that WaclH weal

to UadM at all at ih» lime. thov«h I. VV. li^viton, m

ib« frefaec to hi* eUawa of ibe "Non plot gju**’

Smu. declare*, wuhoot fiviftf tny aMiharuv, tjiai the

.Mjl^rv t^certo • Op. el wai <omno*e.| in London

in IBM. Un the ocher haad. die follew me eitegnuiance*

jeem. taken to«eiher, to make lUonsb »K»\nu the

^ io I)ee. typy «iM n,»i,ini

•A.M.Z. IJ. elO). Now Riclim) almotl teriai-ily wai

•nf *•. ' Ticrane • io die early nan

9 f IBM lA.M Cm 11 . p, MOi.

Lej*' Vol. II, Inidl.

'if 'S lieeemb.

IS99 . wtucb HKevn* that he had left Hamburf and

was M a Momer in Germany, Thit 11 eaacily ilie .leie

**• «*t^( 40 (r <f> Deflin >ith Kiflaai.

til A ^lai Icitrr of Apr. iBog f.k.Vl.Z. II CjsI

iWarn that V,y \6 had been there three vnarate umei

une» ^ preeedme June; it o hardly likely cliai he

wtM ih^ time fmm London to Berlin irvJ back aeain

Sf l — «■ Jme W Dw. 1 7^9. * "

com ^"*^**“* *'» « fbrlh.

‘71^. f***'*"'®* ?f *« concert in London 00

V IMS, al which he ippeare.l. pomCc>llv

'A fif performance ia EnflaAd " (• Moro-

lu ClironKk*, ty May iBoj). ^ ’»-<u


$ 2 $


in Pahs in Sept. i8or aitd won began lo

attract great attention. On 5 Brumal re

(26 Oct,) the ‘Journal de Pahs’ described

him as “ Tun dcs hommes les plus ^tonnans

de I ’Europe sur le piano He speedily

assumed a leading position, and in the next

spring was reported to be writing an opera

for the Theatre Feydeau. This period may

be regarded as the culminating point in his

career. Henceforward he falls, in some

strange way, under a cloud. \Vhether this

was the result of a Jattx pcs cannot be exactly

determined. Fitts's circumstantial scor>' that

\^'oel^l struck up a friendship at Paris with

the bass singer Ellmenreich, who was giv'en to

card-sharping, travelled to BrusseU \vith him,

got into trouble tritli the police and went 10

London in 1 805. where VV'oelfl died in poverty,

sc< m8 to be incorrect in almost every detail.

That Woclfl was brought into relations with

Ellmenrcich by the project of the latter for

establishing a German Opera in Paris is

likely enough, but Woclft appears to have

been in Paris throughout 1804, whereas

Bllmenrrich IcIV Paris at the end c( 1803 and

was in Vienna at the beginning of 1805.

Moreover, U’oclfl had no reason to complain

of his reception in England in 1605; he

certainly did not die in obscurity, and it is not

likely that he dud in poverty.*

To return to ccri a inties : the three years and

a half (Sept. 1801 -Apr. 1805) during which

Paris was the centre of Woelft’s life were, on

the whole, years of success. In the early part

of 1804 his ojiera, * L' Amour romanesque

was produced at the Th^Aire Fe>*dcftu and

well recei>cd. In the next year he made hU

most considerable venture with an herok

opera in three acu, called ‘ Fernando, ou Les

Maurcs W’hich was brought out anony-

mously at the Th^itrc Pevxleau. ft vvas

produced in very unfavourable circumstances

and was more of a failure than it desen’cd to

be.* Perhaps ihU mischance led Woelfl to

conceive a disgust for Paris, He certainly

lel\ the French capital within a month or

t^vo without any other apparent reason, and

rcjiaired to London *, where he aerlv’cd about

' li mav br sdOftI that it >t rair ^ ^r^(n

tSWin anj EllfTtfnrekh ceuld have bm in Bnmrk

loeeihcr. At the bexmnine of 1B04 both were in Para.

In ih« spr»nK and summer Cllmrntekh went ie lA>Adon

4 A,M.Z.. ]V. w and 9B1). but WovM *u«ed in ?am

lA.M Z.. I\’. boa). However, in autumn of iSoe

SN'oehl Was in Amsterdam (A.hf. 2 .. V. M^) and w*a5

iliouiht lo be goine lo London, and ii may have bees

aboui this time that Um two got into trouble in Drusoeb.

'J'hry arc next heard oi in Seiu. tSo) fA.M.Z., V. 06 s>,

and are ilien both in Pam. but WoeM's poaiilon there

seems jwit as irood after this date *i belovc iL

* Sir On ihe -hole alTjtr A.Nf.Z.. 423.

* One of ihe siraiieru el (hr romanik taka current

about Woein mu't be mentioned here. SchiOinc ajseru

cJiai he was named musk master to ihe l^perw

plnne in 1S04 and foilowvd her aflrv Ivr disorte Iim. oT

coune. at the beeinrvinc oT ilio) to Swttaerland, t^r^*

ifir weary «f the lonely mountain lik. he west down the

Rhine b>' boat, and «o to England. Ths story seem 10

the beginning of May 1805, The first trace

of him is in an advertisement on 18 May of a

benefit concert by Mr. and Mrs. Ashe, which

States that he had Just arrived in England and

would perform a concerto at this concert on

27 May— “his first performance in England”.

Bttides the Concerto, a grand Symphony by

Woelfl was performed at the concert, and

pianoforte concertos by him were pia>^ at

other concerts on J June and 5 June, on the

former occasion by himself. He was received

with the greatest applause, and everything

shows that he retained his popularity through*

oot his seven years’ residence in London. In

j 8 o 6 his Concerto known as * The Calm *

created a positit'e fu/at. being played at

four concerts in about two montb^, and new

CMDpositions by him were almost annually

put forward as attractions at the most im-

portant concerts. In iSto the prospectus of

‘The Harmonic Budget’ presenu him as

the fashionable composer of the day, and

a portrait k one of the allurcmenu to sub-


As a composer for the stage Woelfl did not

make any greater mark in London than in

V'icnna or Paris. Still, two ballets by him

were produced at the King’s Theatre, ' La

Surprise de Diane ’ on 21 Dec. 1805 and

’ Alaire ’ (founded on Voltaire) on 27 Jan.

1807. Both pleased, especially the former.

On 16 May 1812 a new Concrrlo of his was

pla>‘cd at Salomon's concert by Cudf7iorc>

A week later ‘The Morning Chronicle’ of

23 May contained the announcement,

Okd. on Thundsy morning l/.f. si M*v) sher i

ihoot iUnm. ti hit lodginfi in Cf«ii Mary«le*b«ia

Sirttt, Mr. Weoin. the <«kbralf<i iHsnofcuic plsyer.*

It is impossible, therefore, to understand the

uncertainty as to the circumstances of Woeifi's

dealh. An anxious discussion tvas maintained

in the A.M.Z. In 1815 and 1816* as to

whether he was dead or not. ft asserted that

'Voelfl had played at the Philharmonic

concerts, which did not begin till 1813, and

the matter wes considered as settled only by

the marriage of Woelfl ’.t widow to an oboist

at Frankfort o/M.*

\Voelll pcasessed remarkable qualifications

for making a success in society. His portrait,

about a year before his death, represenu a

b« x iHir* ficiton, WnrlM mxr hxtr bern misic

le (he eiupmo. bui ha wnt le Lendeo in i^.i

be feund in i^oiMlen even* frem that date t» tn«

tioM of hk dexih. tn i dio kf wxt ea<xnd on » mon iniY

publiextiMU ’ The Hxrmonk Budget ’, which njtoi Mve

peeeluded kog xtnenee Trom London. Finxil)'.

did iMK go to SwiueHxod in 1610. or xi xny tune

xAer her divorce. .. .

* A Miniiar notice, gising the tame date <*i wav;,

xppexn in * The GenUemxn't .Nfxgxxine .

XVJI. 311 : XVIII. 80 « and 7^ ,

* Sfie xDtiean 10 hxve been euxUished as a

Frankfort eiiKe 1804 (A.M-Z.. V2.40»)-, Exxrnmatiw

of the rfHihxmenjc ^ofrxinnwe nvexlt no trace «•

WeeUI xs a performei.




handsome man, raihcr uJI, somewhaJ sioui

and ot commanding presence.'

As a composer WoeJfl showed souivd train-

ing but, like others of his lime, wrote much

trivial music, throwing oiT trilles to catch the

popular ear with extraordiiurN ease. At the

same lirnc he nev-cr lost hi«j rcspeei for liis an

and in his more *erioua uorks slrD^*r after a inorc

elevated style. Hi*, sonatas, quart* i». con-

certos and symphonies show great instrumen-

tal encci and a certain solidity attained b>

means of contrapuntal artifice <t.g. the minuet

of his C minor .Symphony;.

M a teacher he was evaciing. I’upils who

wished iiim to teach llietn to [das the d>ose>

sariatiorii run XaK' h * *iong * Fr*ui «'iMh do

Uheii'*'! \shkh com hide hi' "Non (dm

tdira ” Sonau alwass met with a felnjll ami

were not allowed 10 go on to the sariat Ions till

they had rn.^sieretl tlw 0|M'niAg Ihiv

w'ork showN arKl the limitations of

his virtuosity, since hi> inU' indiean's dial h**

regarded it ii« Uing as dillkuh to plav as anv

pianoforte musu tould U* etjMTied tu be.

It I1, as a matter of fact , far hum insintildv

dilTKull uiiordmg to iuch-fencur\ standards,

and ind«vi .sen in hh own time Dmsek

<lemonstrat«<l that it did im»i reach the limits

1 d<'nianfh l»y writing a *• I*lus

ultra" Sonata tontaining gnnier difri(uliH*>

-though even thew are not rvm ser> for-

midalile. Still, it is Hear that U'oHH was a

remarkable jdayer amJ a goorl teacher. His

‘"^•1 '^''''[‘K«»'hed [>u[>iJ Isas Cir»fianl l*oilrr.

Mie follossing is a sum mars uf NViHlfl*

I hief comixni lions, e*t(|it<ling llu* stage works'

^Ihere ore (if| .ijms numliefs, mans comaming

two or ihris* weirks, an<i w*inc duplicated In-

ddfehni publishers; also aliuui ihc same

amount svilhmil ti|>u5 ntmi1>erHi:

0 #.

<>K(:akS(R.\J. WORKS

*? 'i®* •.<; MO. ' ' tpChcr^WnL

41 . SvmpItnOr Na, 9 , <: nia. IM,

- <^crlwr». (; ma.

’ ltr«l«>ul«n-1'ahir.*


4 u. ii ma. OAuai.

96. L ma. (i8^r.

'• J' ®

». ^ Th« C,»Jm O

O. *»iarMl (TtHurrm mrfinki * f* ms

*9. ;TI,e OiKk« I)

64, t nu, t? iar2>.

- • (:*-icrrio .(« •, ly 4


6 PC Sonatas wj(h va. & ef\U>. Opp. 6 . ts.

S rf. Soiuiat •id) vn. or flaie & teho, Op. 48,

a Trim Im 2 dan. & hasM>oii.

Trio for 7 hono ti r^.


4 * Son JUS. Opp. 7. J, 7.9, 1 1 . 1 3. 14, 18. (y. >J4. v 7 , a8.

S«. 3S iScms j<n;. 4%. 43 (ijrni. witli 411, ib

(S<«t» ji«i, 47, cj, 6a,


'Grand l>uo\ Op. $1 '1B03*.

li Sona^. Opp, I, 3. s r Le Uiable ), nuaire 6 (dr*l.

to BrrUMsm.. 7. 15, ly. jj, v3 i.si*h ’ lhtro*lu>

iMw t AJae«o «ikI l'*M;uri. a6.»8, 33, A, 48

im Vor* aio , 4r (<,r Nr) |M*js ulus t,

I'* *? «*ilh I V. $)- 53 , fia. bi r U'lili

iW Manly Heaii bi.

74 Vis <4 S'siMUont.

K<MHlm. Pislinirv K 4 ia.a*«r'. M..r.i.m, &c, &c.


6 Sonaus. Opp. *>. n, ,4. by.

Mhaml J)nsi • «,Mh fif., Op. 37.

Nonata huIi thin*. * Ip, i,j.

Dwrt a>iih pi., Op, 37,

‘''•J^^V****** * '**»li ao from Mor«t*'» • Cmi fan

VaoaUrmt <k«|h pf,

, . NOVt.S

b l.ndisb N«nf(.

' l)«(»eiUwJ*»Srm '.frmn Vhillrr I \iu.. nslinanAch '

•** 1799^.

»i Vmnand a viuri Mvmn Ksmlrrj fi7»yj.

J II. M., rev.

Bim . Kai ». k . • Imeph VVyin ' 1948).

WpUbricli. WilhtlM Avium. .Vrr M-rMlinrr

WOHLFART, KnrI Adrian (i. SuiJra Vi

•SmilaJKl. Jy Nov. 1874 ; rf. Stockholm, 20

Aix-* « 943 )*

SwedkJj organist and cuinixiirr. He svas

irametl at ih** Sir>ekJmlm Conservjtcry and

after qualifying as an organ kt in iBy„ mul

church mustemn in ib<jy, be siutlied counter,

point and composition svith f. IXnie I

Lir^gren. B. i:iJI>crg and U . '.StenhamiuaV;

and piatudbclc with Richard .kndertson i 8 o»-

*900. He became a irach.-r at the latter's

inujMJsehmd in lyoj and in :<,05-6 jiudietl in

BcHm svith K. H. Darih and H. Phizner He

was appoirtled organist of Sondbyl>erg church

in lyu and in 19:3 founded his ossn music

Kho^ in Stockholm, He published a ' Piano

Method m 1913 <5aih cd. 1930., and • Piano

iechnique in 1916.

Hb compositions include :

RLapwoly * (m ocds,

<ywrm*tt.<k * fgr pf. * of«h.

. • for w. ft orch.

Ballad foe baritone ft orrli.

Sotuu and ptccn for nf.

BiM.^Ankfot in • Mviikjogmalrn •

Pft. ft-9. aeft • SAn«Modninf«ii *, 1

K. D.

Mar. Apr. 1928,

9 M. Pl>. 1 3-14.



DAS (Bach). See Well-Tcmfered Clavtcr.

W^Jeicld. Kaiimlcrs WUdTsUw. Sn Moonisiia

Kalka oixra)

W6JCIK.KE|;PRULIAN. Bronialfiv^

{h. Lwdw, € Aug. 1890 ; Lw 4 w. 1938).

PoIUh musicolofise. Sh« foUcn^ an

academic course at Lwdw University. With a

dUseriation on Johann Fischer of Augsburg as

a suite composer (written in German »), she

obtained the degree of Ph.D. in 1917. She

was soon appointed assisunt and later senior

assistant to ChybitWti at the Faculty of Music

at the aforesaid University. She wrote several

works in French, German and Polish which

include 'Johann Fischer’s Polish Dances*

(Warsaw, 1914) ; ‘ The Minuet in the Piano

Sonata both Classical and Romactiic ’ (1919) ;

* On the Musical Conception of Values’

(1923) : ' Musicological Sketches * (1993 ) ;

' Key in the New Music ’ (19*5) ; * Chain’s

Polyphony’ (Polish M.Q., 19*9); ‘Rhythm

or Metre' (1929); ‘The Literature on

Chopin in the Reborn Poland' (Polish M.Q.,

1929) '• ‘ Un Disciple de Jean-Baptisie Lully:

Johann Fischer ’ (Rev. Musicol., 1929} ;

‘ Melodyka Chopina * (‘ Chopin’s Melos ’)

(193^) > * Chopin’s Variations and his Tech-

nique of Varying his Melodies ’ (Polish M-Q..

193O ; ' Music of the Near East ’ (Polish

^ > » 932 )« c.a. H.

WOLANEK, Jaa Pawel {k. W'arsaw,


Polish violinist. He studied first with his

father, Rudolf Wolanek, teacher of the violin

at the Warsaw Conservatory, then under

Barcewlez, later under Rosd in Vienna and

finally with Sevdik in Prague. He began his

pedagogic career at the Cracow Conservatory

and a few years later he moved to Lwdw to

take up a similar post there. In 1920 he went

to the U.S.A. and continued his studies under

Knelscl. He has been touring widely in

America, where he is domiciled. c. a. h.

Wolcot, John. Stt linear. Pei«».

WOLDEMAR, MIehel (6. Orleans, 17 Sept.

• 750; rf. Ckrmoftt-Fcrrand, 19 Dec. J815).

French violinist and composer. He came

of a wcihto-do mercantile family. It Is said

that his real name was Michael and (hat he

assumed that of Woldemar at the request of

his ^father, the Marshal Lowendahl. He

received an excellent education, having Lolli

— whom Itc closely resembled in character

and disposition — to teach him the violin.

Owing to reverses of fortune WoWemar

b<^amc the head of a wandering company

of artists, who eventually settled at Clenrsont-

Fcrrand, where he died. ^Vithout being a

member of the staff, Woldemar wrote several

articles on music for the * Courrier dcs

' ’jdiann Fischer voit Aufsbtiri (1646-1731) ab

Suitrnbomponisc ia Z M.W., irits.

WOLF (2)

Spectacles ’, a theatrical journal of (be

revolutionary period. It was in this publica*

tion that his ‘ Commandemenu du vioioo

a facetious imiuiion of the Decalogue, was

printed. He also composed a number

pieces and concertos for the riolin, and wrote

a ‘ Grande M6thode de violon ’ (Paris,

Cochel) — which is to-day difficult to meet

with — * Le Nouvel Art de I’archet’ (j 5 td.)and

* L’Etude 61 ^entaire de I’archet rai^eme

Woldemar, like LolUi attempted an ex-

tension of the compass of the violin by adding

a lower hfth string (going down to c), and for

this instruiDeni, which he called a " violin-

alto ", he wrote a Concerto with orchestra.

Chretien Urban often played on this msiru*

mem of W’oldemar’s invention at the Paris

ConMrvatoire concerts. t- h.-a.

W^LDIKE, Mogena (b. Copenhagen, 5

July 1897).

Danish conductor and organist. He gradu-

ated with an M.A. degree at Copenhagen

University in 1990 and became organist of

the Marine Church there tn (got. He was

made director of the Copenhagen city school

of singing and of the boys’ choir in 1924, and

in 193 ( was appointed organist of the Chris-

tiaiuborg Palace Church. In 1937 he became

choirmaster of the Danish State Radio, and he

has conducted choral and orchestral concerts

in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, England,

Germany, Switzerland and Italy- In 1950

he was made a member of the Royal Academy

of Stockholm. HU book of organ chorales

was published in 1943-

WOLECKI, Domiallc (b. ?; d. Lwdw,


Polish organist and composer. He joined

the Carmelite Order at Lwdw in 1698 and u

a musician was held in high ateem: >n

arte musicali cxcriicns fuit, praedpue in

componendU nolis ’’- None of hU

remain. c. a« «•

WOLF (i). The dissonant sound of

certain intervals on kc>board Inslrumcris,

particularly the organ, tuned in mean-tone

temperament- As explained in the *^^'^**

TEsipeRAMfirm, any chord in which Cl,

Ft, G I or B ► of the black keys was played when

D>, Df, Cb, A* or A I was wanted would

contain an inietAal too large or too small by a

diesis, and sound unpleasantly out of tune.

iL. s. t.

WOLF (2). In howc 6 instruments the wolf

is due to defective vibration on one or mof®

notes of the scale. When present it is oti^

found iiKH-e or Jess m every octave

string. Different imiruments have it m

ent places : it is most common at or near tn<

fourth above the lowest note on

neat, in the violin at C, in the cello at r. t

more sonorous and brilliant the general tone,

the more obtrusive it becomes ; it tw tone n

WOLF (Aajoft)



forced a dUagreeable jar is produced. Hence

it U idle to attempt to play the wolf down :

the pU>‘er must humour ^e troublesome note.

It is commonly beUe\ed that there is a wolf

somewhere in all hddles, and it b certain that

it exbw in some of the finest . The term ** wolf ' '

comes from the nature of the sound produced hy

the defect ; at iti wont a kind of earune bow).

The cause of the wolf was for a long lime

obscure, but Raman's work ' has throum a

tiew lixht on it. He concluded that the wolf

note corresponded to a natural frequerKy of

the belly and associated pans of die instru*

mem. Con>equently when that note was

pUyerl ihe amplitude of vibration of the string

would increase and might well reach a potni

St whiih sympathetic resonanre look energy

from the siring more rapidly than the bow

could rcpiare it without a marked int reave of

iKiuing pressure. I'hr fundamental \ibraiK>n

could not then be maintained and the vibra>

tion of the <irmf would leap to the octave

mode. The belly tv able to vibrate freely in a

variety of modes, but ihevc are independent,

and (heir fre<tuenciev do imt form a series of

harmonirv like those (»f the sectional vibrations

of a bowTsi sirinq lift Sound). Consequenily

.it I he oettvve vil>ratK>n of tl>e string the sym*

pathetic vibration of the belly dies away, the

withdrawal of energy from the siring berucncs

less, and a poim ii reached at w'hitli t)»e bow'*

htg pressure is suffi<ient again to excite the

c'lrnplele normal vibration of the siring. So

the wolf note is a rapid alternation between

thill of the ftindiinienlal and that of its <><iav*e.

I'lus conclusion Uiinian lunfirmcd by exjieri*

merit in whit h the vibrations of the belly and

the string were recorded simultaneously on a

strip of photographic lilin, Raman puinicd

<Ait that it would follow dial I lie wvlf note

should fall in pitch wlien there was a mule on

the bridge, and this he fourid to be true.'

’Ihis scientific work amply justifies the

opinion of violin makers lhat there is rvo

radical cure for the wolf in a stringed irutru*

menl, for a wolf is inherent in varying degree

in its natural properties, tisough it may be that

reduction of some of the thlcknewea and care-

ful adjustment of the bar, bridge and sound-

post will prow to be slight palliativei.

t. J. I*., rev.

WOLF, Aaron. St* Bciiijn, Akton.

WOLF, Erase WUbelm 'b. GroasgchHngen

nr. (• »iha, 1735; d. Weimar, 7 Dec. 17921.

(*< rinan composer. He was leader of the

orchesira at Weimar in i/bi and court

K'af^lltnf liter in i?Gfl. As a «»mpcuer he was

proliUr in nil branches of music. He was also

the author of a theoretical work. * Musika-

UicluT Llmcrr*tht\ and of ‘.\u<li vine Rcise’.

di'scribiog a musical journey. e. v. d. i.

• C.V. R.fTuii, Phw. Rev., XXXII. *91 (leik).

* A. J . Jones. * bound * (.Vevr Yort, iny|.

Bpu. — BaocKt, J., * Emu Wilhelm W«)f; I.cKen und

Werke * <Vieoisa. 19171.

WOLF, Ferdioand (L Vienna, 0 Dec.

1796; 4 . Vienna, 18 IVb. idOO;.

Austrian writer on music. He ivas court

librarian in V ienna and wTote an imjiortant

w‘^k for the study of mcdies'al monody,

* Ober die Lais, Ssquenren und Lciche ' ;

also an essay on the music of ihe Arabs,

y. V, d. s.

WOLF»FERRARl, Ermanno V’enice,

i2jaji. 1876; 4 . Venice, 3i Jan. 1948).

Italian composer. His father was a Ger-

man, his moiher an Italian, and he was

Italian by birth. He showed at an early age

great love anil apiiiuile for music, but hb

fa I her, w ho w as a d ist i 1 iguished pai nt rr , wished

the son to follow* in hisowm lb<>isiepsandtoihat

end sent him 10 an art schwd in Rome, This

decision was hastened by the impression pro*

duced on l.rmanno bv (hr Uayrcuili perform*

acices of N Vagner's <>|>eras, which stirred him so

deeply as to cause a si’verr illness. Thus the

bov hud no r<*spoiisibl(’ uiiiion in music before

he had reached his iifieenlh year. I'hcn,

Ituwevvr, lUc Signs nf talent and his devotion

iHxam*' *0 evident ilia I it was decided to place

))im under the guidance nf Kheinbergor at

Munich. Tlsere he soon made Juv mark and,

rciiirniiig to Venice In be had no difTi*

culty in per>uadiuu ihc J 'hi I harmonic .Socieiy

CO per form hiv oratorio 'J.a Siilamiie' for solo

v’okcs, clsorus and nrehevira at Ihe Tcatro

1lie ncalurio was favourably re*

crivrd, and it» success i>aved the way for the

production the follow ing year at the Tcatro La

kenuc of an of>rru on the subject of Cliniler*

Hla rCcncicniola 'j. Farily owing 10 ibe In*

adequate rendering the opcr.i was unsuccessful.

NVolLFiirari feh the failure of his hopes

kcralv and went back to (icrinany, where a

reviseil v'crsisMi of* (lenerenola ’ was given at

Bremen under the title of ' Ascbetibrodcl ' on

31 Jan. 1903, and favourably received. In

less (ban twelve months another opera. * Lc

donoe curiose*, was given at the Munich court

theaire, and a third, 'I qti.viiro rusicghi',

svas produced at Munich in looO. I’hesc iw'o

works w-cre the first of N Volf- Ferrari 's five

operas based on comedies by Goldoni, with

whom, as a Isorn Wneiian, he seems to have

had a special affinity. A cantaia on Dante's

'Vita nuosa' also belongs to ihis period, being

performed at Munich for the first time in

After these successful Aj>rras WolfiFerrari

set to work on the one-act comedy by which

he is l>est known in England. * II segreto di

Susanna ’ was first performed at Munich in

>9091 »ntl the favourable verdict of lhat

audience w'as soon confirmed by other Euro*

pean opera-houses. Although the plot Is

simple to the point of barrenness, the charm of



the music, the odd mixture i>f modem effects

and a Moaariian framework, has been found

singularly effective. HU next effort, * 1 gioielli

della Madonna \ has also met with a fair

measure of success. It was first given in

Berlin on 23 Dec. 1911 artd for a time fre*

quenrly performed in England in London

at Covent Garden during the Italian season

and by the Carl Rosa Company in the pn^

vinccs. But the composer was not at his beM

in dealing with a subject which carries the

“ realistic *' tendencies of ' Cavalkria ' to

excessive length. The libretto U lurid in the

extreme and without a redeeming feature.

The music U passionate and picturesque, but

no beauty of melody can turn tite sordid,

revolting plot into a tolerable story. The later

operas will be found enumerated beloxv.

\ Vbir>Fer rari also wrote mUccll aneous works ;

two Sonatas for violin and pianoforte (Opp. j

and to), a Quintet for strings and pianoforte

(Op. 6), a Trio for violin, cello and pianoforte

(Op. 7). four ' RUpe It)' for soprano and piano*

forte (Op. rt}, a " chamber " Symphony for

Strings, pianoforte, woodwind instruments and

horn, a violin Concerto, and a number of cello

and organ pieces.

In all his music \VoIf*Ferrari reveaU a talent

of a very unusual kind. While his technique

ort the one hand U essentially that of his

day, his melodics are often reminascent an

design of the art of the past. He gives the

impression of a composer whose sense ^ beauty

is so deeply rooted in the past that he is most

individual when he can use the idiom of a

bygone era, especially the eighteenth century.

He evidently had a profound belief in the

power of lyrical expression and allowed hU

lyrical vein <0 flow easily and unchecked. In

his orchestral scores graceful touches are

frequent, and in the comedies both harmony

and orchestral colour often emphasize very

effectively points of wit or humour.

In 1902 Wolf'Fcrrari was appoirsted director

of the Licco Benedetto Marcello of his native

city, a post which he held until 1912.

After the production of ' L' amore medico*

in 1913 Wolf-Perrari produced rto new opera

for twelve years, but from 1923 onwards he

added another seven to the first half-dozen

which came out every two or three years

between 1900 and 1913. The later works tn*

eluded three more Goldoni comedies, which

represent a typo of comic opera in which Wolf*

Ferrari particularly excelled, although hiS

music, and his musical humour, is Germanic

rather than Italian. He lays greater stress on

workmanship and texture than any other

Italian composer of comic opera has done,

exc^t Verdi in * FalsmfT which he is never

able to match, his gifts resembling rather those

of minor German composers like Nicolai or

Cornelius at their best. His music never rises

to the happiest moments of the best Italian

comedy in musk, as in Puccini's * Gianni

Schicchi but his lyrkat vein never led him to

attempt the obvious and retained some of ihe

puniy found in the lyrical expression of such

classics as Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini.

In ' La dama boba ' (Milan, 1939) Wolf*

Ferrari forsook his favourite Goldoni and went

to Lope de Vega for inspiration, the adapter

of the Ubrelio, as in the cases of ' La vedova

scaltra ' and * II campiello being Mario

Ghisalberti. But in substituting the more

biting humours of Lope de Vega for Goldoni’s

genial humanity Wolf-Ferrari did not change

his style, which remained essentially clean and


In England UbirFcrrari’s works cannot be

said to have taken root — not even the Shake-

spearean 'Sly*. quaicro ruslcghi’ was pro*

duced in London, at Sadler's U'eils Theatre,

on 7 June t946 in a transiaiion by FdwardJ.

Dent (as * I'he School for Fathers '), but

although greatly liked by many of those who

went to hear it, it failed to become a general

attraction and did not maintain iiseif long

in the repertory. * 1 gioielli della Madonna

which became something of a favourite at

Cov'cnt Garden ader its introduction there on

30 May 1912, soon became one of these works

revh^ed at the request of some famous singer

in search of an effective part, only to disappear

altogether^ and nothing came 10 lake its

place. The graceful Intermezzo from it is still

sometimes played at the lighter kind 0/ or*

chesiral concert, but only shows hoiv much

better suited 11 would have been 10 one of

Wolf-Ferrari’s ai tract iw Coldonian comedies.

' Susanna’s Secret * has been perform^ hero

and there a* a delightful one-act operatic trine

and the neatly written and charming overture

will doubtless keep a place in the concert

repertory'. “•>

Gkmok. Assxaxbba Cawla. Lm»aao

FrtTsn: LffceiubwchwibvAf ■ (R*i»bo«, imO'

rwtt. RAFf ASbO a«, * Er*Mni»© N' «)r*PeftJri . !• *«•

viu a«a*K«* (Miltn. iMT)’ ..

rAMu Ebmt L., ' Erm*iu» W <»lf*F«i*»i



1 l**f*tt 0

‘ G«ner«ntQls 3 mU.

Msfis P««se.FMce(Me. sAcr P«rfauli. 1

' Testfo U Feni«. «*

1 * Le Jenn« «uriaM 3 xcu. 1

1 1

Lutfi Suesaa, bssed om Cetdooi** j

Mwkb (w’DjejWuzicT'SmFrsMen’),

99 N«v. 1903.

WOLF (Friedrich)

WOLF (Hugo)

33 '

7U« I I

' ] quatvo nwicshi ’• 4 MU. i OiuMppe haebto. basrd oa C o M flci** MuA>ch (a* ’ Ow ytrr Cnbiv\f’/,

I comedo. 19 ^tac. 19116,

* II sagteiodi Susanna 1 an. , Earkw CulucUni. MumcIi <ai * Susanntns Ce)ifimou *),

4 IVc. 1909.

* I «i«ielU Jeliu Madonna *. ' GnliKMi & Cailo Zancarini, Betlin. Kurlunun>On«r {«* ' Orr

S acu. Stfhmwck tin Madonna*). Oet. 1


’ I.' acivorc medico *, a aeis, (rtloeuM. baanl «A MoMir’s * l.'A* Dresden las* iVe Lirldiaber alt Aral *i,

wMur mcdeiin 4 Dec, I 9 *S>

* Cli amanu spun } MU. , OiotaMlimo Foriano, baaed eo Col. VntKC. lealiu La Fenice, 19 Feb.

I doni's comeilv * II t*enualto’. 1924.

* Dai HimmcUkleid 9 ku. [ Compotee. aliet Ferrault. NltniKh. ai Apr, t 937 .

* Sly 9 atla. ^ luriano. based «« ihr indue non Milan. ( eairo alia Vala, 19 IVe. 1997.

Shaketpeare'* * IW lamm* «d the


' La vednta ttallra ’. 9 acts. Maeso Chnatbern. bated ea (Mtikru's Koene, ’I'eairo Keale. ^ Mar, <991.


* II (.impielln 9 acts. <;bKa|h(Tn. bated nn LoMont't Milan. I eaiio alia Acala. 1 j FVh. lO^G,

I i—teJt .

' l.a dama hvba *. j aen. , (Iht^beeh. bated 1 eotnedt bt Mil.n. Icairo alia S«ala. l Feb. >999.

I'•pe lie N'rea.

* Cih dei 4 JrU’, 9 aetr, ' L«mK« Andeesm b liSttolbesn. HoMAer tat * Her Kurkuck in I he.

' ben *j, 4 June 11149.

^ WolF. Friodricb. .Vrr blaeUr .««ft w.ih orcb, ft |„. a,u.ftdcd from ibU^ lo iBbg. In

WOLF, Georg Friedrich (k HbiArodr < p|*>(d in a hogtrhold orrhetife

Mchwar/.burg, <, i?l>j; -/ SVrfftii{rftM|<«, apixaranrc* in 1 his

iKc.p. rtxnpjnv' m 186G at a fan(>.drm l>aU. A

(Jrrtiun lumjxAtT. Hr wm% A'a^f/mnUf at '«*•«'» iht cipifa-housr at Klagrnjurt In ht ar

Siyll>erg in 17O5 and in id 4 )j at \NVrnigi r<Klr. ' Hriuar.o' math a tivrp impmsion

Ilf rninpfitsrl moutt. |Man«doru< kmuus “*^'^^0'”**,,

wORt. etc., and wrutr InsUudiem bookt i<ir J« iWs? Plulipj) Wolfe houn and wntkaluips

puiit^,rtr and tinging, which appf.vrcj in hv hn\ amllfom iliis linio on.

Mvrral rdllK.ns: aU» a musical <Jhi I nna rs. '^ards hit lifr brca«w noihlng but “an un.

I V d « IrfiiLn chain of (arc's and h4r(hhdH*\aj \u*

WOLF, Hugo (Philipp Jakob) (*. Wtn* nT*«ic(l I a nr. Wry crsdiiahly,

dischgra/ Si>ria, 13 Mar, iWn; / Vtenna. '** ‘hlHculi circ umsiann s. Philipp did not

•jj FrI), loojn abandon I hr rendu I ion Ik h,id ukrn that Ins

Austrian comjxnrr, I Us birthplace was an ***•*' dKKjkl br g»vrn ihr (‘durational op|x>r-

oui|Hist of (iermanii ruhure m a coumrrsMJe i«t"Ur*s which had Ixrn Jniird tu hlmscir In

inhabited largely hy Slnv‘enes. |*hdipp >Volf, ^pi* '^ 7 ^ Hugocnirrrd ihr loscrsi class of the

the conipcMer's father. w‘as a Irathrr manu. " gymnasium *’ at Grar, the Siyrian capital,

facturrr of firrman c« tract ioA; his wife whlidrawn at ihv end of the first

Katharina had a pronounced Slas'onic sirain Kholasiic hair.)var. UU work being classiried

ill her com |MHi lion, her paternal grandfallirr ** ** "holly itrodequair In Sept, *671 he

ha ring Ixcn born an Orchovnik. tlMnjgh be .Siminary ait.'uhed in the Ikne*

had changi‘<l this name in Nuisbaumer, its dicllnr monastery of St. Paul, in ihr Lavani

(irrman eqnivalrni. The OrehosniLs came ol '‘•I**’)* Carmthia, There he sp<*n! two years,

peasant stork, lliilipp Wolf had \‘ery un. vnliapfiiU , at ihc end of which he left the

wdlinglv folhmed hU father in the leather <^iffi^ul(im eoitccrned mainly with

trade. He was musically gif^^'t) and taught his f.aiin studies. Musie was already his chief

himself to play ihe pTanoforie, vi( 4 in. flute. m life and at St. Paul he played the

harp jnd guiiar, Kathariesa was not musical, sciHxd masses and the pianoforte

hu I pcrsscfscd great enenr an<l vitality. Ksom **' lost rg mental trio which performed

tier I he composer inherited his temperament ofwaiic pot-pourris. He was ne.'ctscnt, in ihc

and the Iron will.jiosser without schich be of 1873, to the " Gymnasium '■ at

could newr hate fully developed hi< musical hfo^burg. where he wx>rked ntorc and more

iAicnily at his music and neglected all liK other

Hugo was the second son and fourth. bcKA In ““dies. He got lo know the symphonies of

4 lUnulyof fight rhildrcn, ofwliich twodted in Haydn and Keethuvrn and fell into a iran».

infancy. He RTcived at an farly age imnic of enlhusiasm. His first compositions

Ifssons in pianoforif and vIsJin fA>m bis fatlwr time. His Op, 1 was a piano-

and afterwards from Sebastian Welxlcr. the Sonata, composed In 1B7 5 and dedicated

l«al whoolniasifr. His «xlra*musi(al editea* father. He left Marburg thai year after

turn Ix’gan at the \N indischgras N’olksschulc, s^onny scenes with hU teachers. After a

**™*S*« "Ith his parems over the advisability

^>inc« «9i9SiwfijBf*d«.y„,«U»i,, of his adc^ting a musical career, he was per.


WOLF: Studio^ Early Struggles

milted in Sept, tdy^ logo to live with his aunt

Katharina Vinzeruberg in Vienna and attend

the Conservatory.

Musical Studies.— Wolf studied harmony

under Robert Fuchs and the pianoforte under

Wilhelm Schenner, and at firsc made good

progress. Outside the Conservatory the

concert-halls and opera-house introduce him

to a far wider range of music than he had pre-

viously known, and he threw himself whole-

hcari^ly into this wonderful new world. An

indelible impression was made upon him by

his introduction to the music and the person-

ality of Wagner, who visited Vienna in Nov.

• 875 to prepare performances of ‘Tann*

hauser ’ and * Lohengrin ’. Wolf haunted the

Imperial Hotel, where Wagner was staying,

and was not content until he had succeed^ in

inier\*icNv’ing him, armed with has oavn childish

compositions. Wagner was amused and spoke

kindly 10 the boy, but soon dismissed him. To

Wolf il was an unforgettable experience, and

he became and remained to the end ^ his

days a devoted U'agnerian. The figure of the

master even appeared 10 him repeatedly in his

dreams, as his diary and letters show.

During this time hv was busily composing

immature pianoforte sonatas, a violin con-

certo, songs and partsongs. Moat of the works

in the larger forms were abandoned in an

unfinished state, as was, after some time,

an early operatic project, ’ Konig Alboin

for which a friend had provided a libretto.

In his second year at the Conservatory

he entered the composition class <i( Franz

Krcnn, whose pedantic instruction irked the

very ambitious young composer, still occupied

with * Kdnig Alboin * and with a prc^ied

symphony. Early in [877 he announced to

Josef Hellmesberger, the director of the Con-

servatory, that he was leaving the institution,

where he was forgetting more than he was

learning. For this he was officially expelled,

but he himself always maintained that he had

not been expelled at all, but had left ^hb own

accord. He talked wildly for a time of Uking

legal action against (he authorities. A fellow-

student, aware of the situation, sent a threaten-

ing letter to Hellmesberger in W^s name.

Thb episode of the threatening letter u often

said to have been the actual cause of hb expul-

sion, but seems rather to have follotsed upon

it. It Mar. he was recalled to Windischgraa

by his father.

Hardships in Vienna. — In the fcJkrwing

Nov. Wolf was able to persuade hb parents to

let him go back to Vienna, where he hoped to

be able to support himself by teaching and

accompanying. On the returrt journey be had

the mbfonune to lose the score of his sym-

phony, which, after various changes of fdan,

seems to have been completed at Wlodbch-

graa. He owed much at thb time to the com-

poser Adalbert von Goldschmidt, the centre of

a group of friends, including the music critics

Gustav Schdnaich and Hans Paumgartner,

the artbts Viktor Tiigner and Julius von

Biaas, and Felix Mold. These men were

chiefty responsible for bringing young ^Volf

back to Vienna. They procured him teaching

appointments among ihelr acquaintances, took

him with them to concerts and opera perform-

ances, lent him books, scores arul also, during

his not infrequent financial crises, money, and

generally, by their kindness and hospitality,

did much to make his life in Vienna pleasant

and to widen his outlook and increase his


He did not find it easy to earn hb own living.

He was ilt-cquipped with the patience neces-

sary for the teaching of young children and

could never put up for long with aristocratic

employers who treated him as a servant. So

(he only tcaclimg-appointraents he retained

for long were those in friendly households

where the maintenance of WolTs income was

regarded as of more importance than tJtc

actual progress made by hb pupils. His

greatest benefactors in this way ^vere the

families of (he actc^ Ludwig Cabillon and the

well-known doctor and early collaborator with

Freud, Robert Breuer.

The next few yean were spent in a suc-

cession of cheap Viennese lodging-houses, often

in the direst poverty. At times he was reduced

to living on coflec and bread-and-butter, and

he could hardly have survived without the

parcels of eggs, sauMges and home-made cake

which he received from hb parenU. But hit

inner life was rich in emotional experience.

He passionately explored the musical repertory

and German and foreign literature, diwover-

ing affinities among composers and writers o(

the past. Hb chief literary predilections were

Goethe, KJebt, MOrtke, Keller, Unau and

Heine. In 1878 he fell in love and experi-

enced for the first lime the spasmodic creative

fever characierUtic of him all hb life rie

wrote later: “ My Lodi in Song b known w

have been the year *7^ ; in those days I com-

posed almost every day ov good song, and

sometimes two These songs included many

Ktlings of Heine, Leoau and other subject

r^nantic poets, such as in later

avoided. Hb models were Schubert and Schu-

mann. There followed a remarkable string

Qpanet, much inffuenced by Beethoven.

So far Wolf had taken no sides in the muMcai

oartv warfare which divided the Vienna 01

those times. lo spite of hb Wagneriao cnibust-

asm he admired Brahms as well. In 1879 i**

called upon the latter composer, seeking «

opini^i upon some of hb

was snubbed and recommend^ 10 study

eountcrptbnt with Nottebohm. Three fior^

a lemon tong more than he could afford, olf

WOLF : i88cH]86)>^CocDposition and Criiirism


decided Ke couid do without them and loM

hU father : “ It's only Brahnu’s north German

pedantry (bat makes him thrust N'otiebohm

upon me". It b likely that this episode sowed

the seeds of W(^s subsequent passionate

hatred of all that Brohim reprcseoied io music.

He was gaiheri^ many friends around him

— the Lang family, the Preyss family, with

whom in 1 880 he spent an idyllic summer at

Maierling in the Wiener Wald, the Wernen

and othen. It was to a relative of the Lang

family, Vally Franck, a young lady cf Frersch

extraction, that he had lost his heart in 1678.

Farly in i88< this lov’c affair was brought to

an end by the lady herself, and Wolf, after

intense sulTerings, returned broken-hearted to

his home at Windischgraz. ’Fhe six ' Odst-

liche l.iedrr * for mixed chorus, to poems bv

ICichentlorIf, were composed in .\pr., before he

left Vienna.

After months of idleness at tVinduchgraz

Wotr secured, through his old friend Adalbert

von Goldschmidt, a position as chorus master

in ilic municipal theatre ai Salzburg He took

up Ins duties in Nov. 1861 and was scon pro-

moted to the post of second KapftfmehUf, but

quarreUed with the director in Dec. and left

in Jan. He was not temperamen tally suited to

work of this nature. From Salzburg he re-

turned 10 Vienna. ’Hterc his old friends made

him welcome. He spent a second happy

summer at Maierhng, visited Bayreuth to hear

• Parsifal wrote a few songs and planr>ed

operas which came to nothing. No publisher

could be persuaded to show* any interest in his


Composition and CaiTicjsM.--He did not

seem to he making much progress in his

mitsiral career, as his father often reminded

him. Dui early in 1883 he was stimulated by

the personal encouragement of one of his idob

— Liszt. Wolf played through some of hU

songs and IJszi confessed himself delighted,

embraced the young compoaer and kissed him

on the brow. He expressed, however, tlie hope

of soon hearing from him a work in one of the

larger forms. A few months later Wolf was at

work on his great experiment on a symphtmie

scales the orchestral tone-poem ba^ on

Klciit's poetic drama ' Penthesilea '. This

was composed partly at R Inn bach, in the

Salzkammergut, and partly at Unier St. Veit,

a suburb of Vienna. The manuscript full

score of ‘ Penthesilea ' is dated '* summer and

autumn 1883", but there U cvidenee fr«n

other sources to show that the work was not

actually completed until 1883.

Towards the end of 18B3 there occurred a

crisis in Wolf’s affairs. Unable unaided to

earn a living, unable to get hU composittons

published, aware of hb father’s grief and db-

appoint encni in him, adoring Wagner, but

oppressed by the thought that hb own ulents

were overshadowed by hb master, he fell into

a state of dejection. He announced suddenly

that he was going to emigrate to America,

then equally suddenly decided at the last

moment not to do so. The Kdchert family,

Ihe \ienne$e court jewellers, related by

marriage with the Langs, exercised ihoir influ-

ence and secured liim a position as music

critic to the fashionable weekly, the ' Wiener

Salonbljit '.

For nwre than three years Wolf's critical

re\'iew« of il»e musical life of Vienna were a

feature of the ' Sakuiblati '. It was not in his

nature to do anything by ha If* measures, and

soon his aiiaeks upon cvcr> thing that did not

mot I with his appruval brought the jiapcr to

the aiicinion of a much wider public than It

had known before. He began really to make

a nanse for himself - lliough in widely

dilTereni cirtuinsunc«'s from any he had

imagiikcd In earlier years. NVagner's journal-

istic opixinents in V'ictina, Hanslick and

b|>eide]. had been aitarking and abusing him

for mt.re than tweniy-five years. Wolf now

took lib stand in ojiposliion to them and began

to reialiaie by cos'cring Brahms and his

folhwvers with rMliciilc on every {xusible

occasion. Did tlw * Loltengrin' prelude sound

to S|*cklcl like •' a boxful of cockchafers " ?

Did Hantlick find the ‘ Mcisterslngcr ' over-

ture " a muucal (iroduci of painful artlficiaiiiy

and positively brutal in lu clfcci " ? Very

well, NVgIf would see what he could do in that

line, or Brahms's D minor pianoforte Con-

certo Iw said: ** 'Flirough this compuskion

blows an air so icy, so dank and misty, that

one's I wart freezes, one's brcaih is taken away.

One could catch a cold from it. Unhealthy

stuiri *’ Upon a performance of the 11 > Con-

cwo he wroi**: “ U'l>ocver can swallow this

pianoforte concerto with relish may look

forward with equanimity to a famine ; it is to

be supposed th.it he rejoices in an enviable

digestion and in lime of famine will be able to

help himsdf out excellently with food substi-

tutes such as window-panes, cork stoppers,

oven-scresrt and the like." I'he violin Con-

certo was *‘a most tiisagreealilc piece, full of

plat It and meaningless ' profundity ' ",

‘Striking 1$ the crab-like retrogression of

Brahms's productions ", he wtoic on another


./T ** BMiliocntv. bui ti^ch nullny, wnouoeu

a. pr«*,l m iht F. minor Symehoay J»v«

10 |i(h( Ml fM oUmt of An work*. The *-1 of

<»«iJctll» C^nd iu most

It b easy, however, to make too much of these

attacks upon Brahms. NVylf also w rote much

sound sense about music with which he was

more in sympathy, and about conditions in the

^a-h^ and coocert-haJU of the Vienna

ot his day. He passionately adoured Beet-


WOLF ; 1864*1866^' PenthcsU^ * Slighted

hoven, Gluck and Moear(» l«>ved Schubert,

but criticized him with detachment and

justice, broke many a lance for Berlioz, List

and Bruckner, laid down the law on every

aspect of Wagnerian interpretation and

tested against indiscriminate applause, the

claque system, pretentious ** sur ” singers,

under-rehearsed operatic productions and the

limitations of the current repertory. His

writings added a good deal to the interest and

gaiety of musical Vienna in his time. Bui

U’olf*8 critical activities tvere deplorable in

their consequences in his own life and struck

to attain artistic recognition. He made many

enemies in l)igh places, and his misdeeds were

not forgiven him.

The V'ienna concert-halls and opera-house

kept Wolf busy until about June of each >'ear,

and he resumed his duties in Sept, or Oct.

He composed little during these years, except

during the summer months, when he was free

from journalistic preoccupations. In July

1884 hu visited Rinnbach again, w’hcre he was

the guest of the Kocherts. From Rinnbach he

moved in Aug. to Schloss Gsiaii, near Oblam,

where his brothcrdn-law Joseph Sirasser was

living. In Oblarn and district he composed

incidental music in another play of Kleisi’s,

' Prihz Friedrich \x>a Homburg *. which,

however, he never completed. In 1665 V^*olf

remaitird iit Vienna during his summer

holiday period, working on the instrumenu-

lion of his * Penlhrsilca *, which he hoped the

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra would accept

foi public performance. He called on Hans

Richter in Sept, and left the completed score

in his hands. At that time new works for the

Philiiarmonic programmes ssTre chosen by the

members of the orchestra, who recorded their

votes, for or against, after trial-performances in

prisaic. Already in Oct. Wolf heard

indirectly, from the critic Hans Paumgariner,

that Richter considered his ' Penihesilea ' an

im(>oriant work, and would do his best to see

it through the irial-pcrTormance, in spile of the

hostility towards VN'olf of some members of the

orchestra. This hostility led. in that year, to

the rude rejection of his string Quariei when

he submitted it to the Rose Quartet. The

rcbulT look the following form t

Wc ditcAlu'cly pisrrd ihMugh your l> mmor

Qu.«rwt and iinsriime«uly fcwdwd 10 lesvc she Hort

Tor vov wi<K <liKM«liMtWT or she Court Oprrs House

(OpfrrtKawe). Will hav« ihe kinditev to seiul Im

I t soon pouibic f H« <o«iM nwsfsy u, WitK

heartiest grcet>nr«.

The Qyartee,

Ko«e, Lob. Bsehrieh, HMCBtner.

Sigismund Bachrich, the viola player in the

Rose Quartet, was responsible for thU docu-

ment, the original of which is wholly in his

handwriting. Including all the signatures. It

was hU revenge for WolTs scornful dismissal

of hU own compositions, including the operas

* Muazedin ’ and ' Heini von Sieier ’ in the

* Salonblatt ’.

The sumrncr of i$86 Wolf spent with

Strasser at Murau, in Styria. There he com-

pleted a new %vork, an * Intermezzo ' for string

quartet, begun earlier in Vienna, and he then

returned 10 the capital to attend the deferred

trial performance of * Pcnthesilea which he

had now been eagerly awaiting for more than

a year. What he endured on that occasion is

told in a Tetter to Suasser, written on td Oct.,

three days after the event :

Last Fridsr my * Pendie^ei * vss Mrrenn«0 io Uk

Inst of ibc fiovdtin. M/ ‘ PeAihmlcs * ? N», lA«

* Fenihmks ’ of a madmsn. an idiot, 1 jeiwr and toy

ibinc «lw t-ou pl«oM, bui my ‘ Nnihoileo * it was eot.

1 coB*i dfMfibe «o you how this piece ww idoyed.

AAerwards there was '' resounding laughter on

the part of the orchestra " and finally Richter

turned to (he players and said : “ Gentlemen,

I should not have let the piece be played to the

erkl. but 1 wanted to see for myself the man

who dares to w’rite in such a way about

AfeuUr Brahms

It is very difficult to establish the truth about

ihU tncideni. In later y'ears Richter published

an explanation and defence of his aciioiu of

twenty years earlirr. His account is full of

what are, at the besi, half-truths, and his self-

riglitcoua (one is objectionable. Performanca

since Wolf's death have shown how unjus'ly

* Pcnthesilea ’ was derided by the l*hllhar-

monic players, although the orchestration

certainly n^s revision. The composer seems

hiimelf to have believed that his work was

deliberately butchered to make a Brahmsian

holiday. It is unlikely, however, that Richter

himself, who had shown kindness to Wolf on

various earlier occasions, contrived this pe^

formance of ‘ Pcnthesilea * to wound and

Hdicuk him. The Philharmonic trial per*

formanecs allowed of no rehearsal. Tlw

orchestra were reading at sight, at the end «

a long programme, a s-cry difficult score, and

the hypersensitive Wolf would has*e found such

a perfwmancc a sufficiendy painful

ence in any circumstances. Then 10 the

unavoidabk inadequacy of the performance

were added (he jeers and laughter of M

encmia within the orchestra — Bachrich ana

his c^rfleagucs. It seems possible that Richter s

Utile speech at the conclusion was not actually

intended fof Wolfs cars at all. but was meant

to rehabilitate himself with the pJayen, when

he realized the extent of their hostility towards

the compcacf of ' Pcnthesilea ’. This would

be In accordance with what tve know from

other sources of Richter’s tendency to swim

wi.h .h. ..ream. But

Wolf did hear these remarks, and he never

forgave them. The trial ^

* PCTihesilea ' w» certainly one of the most

painful experiences ot his life.

\VOLF : First Nfacur^ f^ngs


11)6 winier of idd&^7 saw a re^’ival of

Wolf’s creative activitia. Besides a number of

fine songs, including some that were lo be

included in the EichrndorfT volume of iSSq.

* Chrisinacht \ a large'scalc work for $olo

voices » chorus and orchestra on a poem of

Platen's, was begun. Between 2 and 4 Ma> 1 867

the well 'known * Italian Serenade ’ for string

quartet came into exbience. Before thh \N’olf

had already Written his latt concert notice for

the ’ Salonblait *, The issue d* 24 Apr. con*

laincd his final contribution. On 9 May

Phihpp Wnir died at SVindischsTaz after a

short ilhiesi. His favourite son, on whom all

his Itopcs had l>cen centred, rearhed home in

time to clasp the dying man In his arim.

Wolf's grief os*er his father's death was

mea»ur«>leu. He had longtd to gladden his

heart and justify in his eyn his own adoption

of n muMial career, and it wav f^cclvcly this

nf which fate «> cruelly deprived iiim. Hw

suct i-vs came ju'l loo late.

Kiavr Mati'RI. Sonus. -In the last monilu

of 1U87 a friend of Wolfs nanH*<l Friedrich

l.cknein succeeded in indurmg ihc vjn.ill

V i<’iUK^' Urrn of EnnI \N>u]cr to undertake

the puhlicalioit of twelve of luv songs. 1 Jie

exciteim nt and happiness ai ihe jkosihii tJ*

seeing his work in print seems to have had an

cx ir jordi nar ) e iTec 1 upon \N’<>lf. hla rly in 1 B8B

he ohtainctl permission to make use of the

'N'erner family's uuuceupicd house in the litile

market 'tow n of Perchtoldsdorf, luilf*an*hDur's

journey by rail from N'ienna, on ihe outsklru

of lijc Wiener Wald, On b Feb. he set to

music ' Der Tambour a poem by Ilduard

Morike, and a few days laier new songs, all

(H ititjgs of this jKjet, began to pour from his pen

in an apparently endless stream. Ibc com*

jxner seemed lu have itecoine the hdpless in-

slforrtrni of a higher power and himself waiched

with incredulous joy while song followed song.

Often i\sY» were wriuen in one day, and some'

limes three. Of this inspired outburst of

lyrical c rea 1 ion he wrote to .Sirasse r on 93 .Mar. :

I am U(vkin« iivcwanilv *•** a shouMihf

deaf ffieiKl. I «»f,ie far poweniT w«. Tl« are nvMier.

Ai peevnt aniy M»ts. lu he sure, hul «.heA t

lell twii iliai III ftpiir of many m«*trvm>«m 4«e la oiv

alH^ce .n \ ^nna. ,[ttK ti ah«|»telr nwmsary hwkTZ

v^rk , . .. I ha«« fteve/iW^ «iiKe a» Fab. eattpMd

iwfhiy.five j„n„, of »|»„h ^,,1, ^ iIm

men »f minimal ilivernmeM . ihai share

^•1 noil„n< like «hem %mce Sehuhers and SrtwmaiM

ai: -»•

In all, fony-ihrcc Morike songs were written

m three months at PcKhtoUsdorf. After a

holiday with his brolher-in.law and a visit to

lUyrruth he retired again inio solitude in

Y pi, this lime choosing the country bouse of

the Eekstem family at fnteraeh on the

Aut rsce ir. ihc ,SaUkammcTgui for hh retreal.

I here more Morike and Eichendoeff songs

were composed in a similar creaiiNT frrnry. In

Oct. lie relumed to Vienna ami started olf at

tmee on yet anotlwr greai cycle of v.ngv, this

lime «o poCTT X b>' (^ihe. In three ami a half

munihs fifty GoeiJse songs were cornpose<l.

Reeogniltoh. although as yet cnilv in a n*.

sirieied circle, followed swifily. .Among his

friends w^re \ Ikinr Boiler. Joseph .Schalk and

Ferdinand Lowe from the V'ictin.t \ Vagner

Verein, and ilsese men in ir<xlucetl Ins wnrk

to a wider audience. Impromptu reritals by

Uolf of his own composiiions hecame a fre-

quent feature of the meetings of the ^fiCieiv.

On f, I)ec- Wolf appeared for ilic (ir'i time at

a piildic concert as aesompanisi to Im own

songs, w’hen Ferdinand Jager vjitg nine of

them wills great sucres* in the Bo'cndorfer*

saal. .At ihis ronrert ihtresi of the |>i<x{raniine

rtmsisled of Beeihoven votiaus, pL\ed by

Schalk. ami the thallrnging iuvupodtion of

the names VVolfaml Ib'cihoveii aroused much

criltctvm and u>mr anger. On 10 Jan. iBhij

jager sang two groups of Ws^f songs, with the

compuserai tite piancAirie.ai another roiicm,

and riere again ilse new songs achieved a very

great sMceett. Other Wolf rr< itah followetl in

M.ir. ai»d .Apr. In .Mas the composer returned

10 I'erclMoklsdorf, where he completed his

' Ohrivinaeht set lo music two songs froTii

• .A Midsumnwr N'lglu's Dream ’ - probahlv

fragments uf music inteiKled for an tipera on

this subfrcc - ainl ma<le orchestral v^erdons of

the aecompaninK’nis of some of his Morike

songs. The Morike songs \%rre published by

Weirler earlv in 1889; the E.lchendoeir and

Ooeihe volunses by Lacoin, anoiher small

Viennese firm, a Mitic later. In (>ct., after

visiii in the summer to Kinnhach, Bavreuih

and Wmdischgra?, Wolf reiurneti to S ienna

and rcK^ablidied himwlf w ithoul delay In his

IVrehioldvlnrf reireat. I here he lieg.sn hh

'Spanisches l.iederhuch settings of German

iramlaiions from tJse Sp.mish by- Paul Hevse

and Emanuel GeilH. 'rwentv*six ul these

songs were wriuen in ilw iwxt two months,

and after a break of two months, during which

only two songs were added, ihc volume was

compleied between afl Mar. and 27 Apr. hy the

addiiinn of sKtecn more. Ihe ^ Spanivches

Ueslerbuch ‘ hrouglii to a close ihis most

prolific creative period, during which more

than one hundred and Italy songs had been

composed in just over two years,

^^rRAtic Plans,— T he characteristic feat-

ure of the next period of Wolf’s life was the

crajeless search for a suiiable operatic libretto

— for the composer was by no means willing to

regard himself solely as a miniaturist. He

Wished to paint 00 a large canvas and achieve

a funding ps^ular success on ihc stage, and

with 11 ruK only fame but financial security.

Already in Sept. t888 he had been occupied

with the possibility cpf making a libretto out of


WOLF : St^e Mii^c — ** Italian ” and ** Spanish ’* Works

Alarcdn's ‘ The Thrcc'ccmered Hat I^rly

in 1890 he scornfully rejected an attempt by

an acquaintance, Rosa Mayreder, to supply

his need. For the time ‘ The Thr«*cornered

Hat ' was laid aside and other subjects were

considered. Once he thought he had found

what he sought In Shakespeare’s * Tempest ’

and tried 10 persuade the poet Liliencron to

undertake an operatic version of this play.

Liliencron was untvilling to re-write Shake-

speare and proposed Pocahontas as an alter-

native. Other suggested subjects included

' The Golden Ass ’ of Apuleius artd the life of

Buddha. These very soon followed Poca-

hontas into oblivion.

After the * Spanisches Liederbuch ' was

finished > 1890 saw the creation of * Dcm

Vaterland \ a patriotic piece for chorus and

orchestra, six Keller songs and the first seven

songs of a rtetv cycle, the ' ItalienUches

Liederbuch *. In the autumn of that year

Wolf visited Germany for the first time. He

made the personal acquaintance of friendly

correspondents, such as Emil Kauffmann at

Tubingen and Oskar Orohe at Nfannhcim.

whose attention had beets originally attracted

to Wolf’s music by Joseph Schalk's great

article ’ Neue Licder, neucs Lebcn in the

' Munchener Allgemeinc Zeitung ' of as Jan.

1890. These new friends did much to spread

the knowledge of his \vork beyond the borders

of Austria. The chief object of the trip, how-

ever, was to conclude arrangemenii with the

publishing-house of Schott at Mains, who

were to take over his earlier published s’olumes

and issue the new ones — the Spanish and the

Keller songs. It was Humperdinck’s recom-

mendation that had led to this.

Staob Music. — Back in Vienna, the com-

poser worked on some incidental music to

Ibsen’s ’ The Feast at Solhaug commissioned

from him by the Burg Theatre, but for this

sort of hack-work he was ill equipped and the

performance had to be repeatedly put off

owing to the non-completion of hb ic^e.

When, much later, the play was produced,

only a part of WolTs music could be used, as

he had scored some of it for a much larger

orchestra than was in fact available.

A second visit to Germany followed in Apr.

[891, on the occasion of the pcrfocmance of

' Chrisinacht ’ at Mannheim under Weln-

gartner. Wolfs letters of the summer and

autumn of this year reflect, for the first time, a

mood of depression and weariness. To Grohe

he wrote on 8 May ; “ I feel myself, bodily as

well as mentally, utterly exhausted. Of com-

posing I have no longer the remotest con-

ception. God knows how it will end. Pray

for my poor soul.” The * Feast at Solhaug

music was still unfinished. “ If only the

a/Ugn for the overture were written f Thb

thought lie now like a ton weight upon my

heart. But to compose without ideas —

terrible 1 ” At LJnteracb, where many splen-

did songfs had earber been composed, he could

now M)ly brood over the seeming failure of

his creative powers and over the elusive opera.

He wrote to Kauffmann on > June :

I ibould aifBMt like (0 betievc Uut 1 sm ewae M

th« of my Life. I csnnoi poctibly uaiioue for

thirty )'ean awre to write soBfi er reuue to llBen*i

dfsnss. And yet the eeterly deuxtd opesa wiJl never

coac. I am jutt about at aa end.

The ' Feast at Solhaug* music was finally

completed in time for the production of the

play on 21 Nov., but apart from this the first

eleven months 1891 saw no new composi-

tiwu from his pen. After the wonderful

achievements of the foregoing years it is not

surprising that he grew dejected.

” Itauaw ” Awo ” Spanish ” \Vorks,—

Then in the last month of that year he suddenly

produced fiAeen songs to poems from Heyse’s

* ItalicDisches Liederbuch which with the

seven written earber rnadc up the volume

published in 1692. This was only part of fib

projected scheme, but it was four years before

tbe second volume completed this work.

k^ly in 1892 ^^’ol^ visited Berlin, where he

gave a concert of his worb and made many

more friends, including Siegfried Ochs,

and Baroness Llppcrheide, Richard Steriueld

and others. Hopes that Sudermann would

^ovide him with an operatic libretto came (o

nothing. , ,

In Apr. and May the ‘ Italian Serenade ,

originally for string quartet, was scored foj

small orchestra, but original creative work

siill hung fire. He wished to complete the

Italian semgs, according to his plan, but the

creative mooJ continually eluded him. He

had returned from Berlin with his head full ol

ideas about ’ Manuel Venegas after another

of AJarcdn*s noveb, which he thought nughl

be (he operatic subject he needed^

friends were called upon to help him m mo

matter. Adalbert von GoIdKhmidt provided

a scenario which met with Wolf's ’

but could not be induced to undenake th

versification. A suggestion that Hermwa

Wette, Humperdinck’s brother-in-law, whom

he had met in Germany, should do tl^ 1^

differences of opinion which brought the r

friendship to an end. Dorens of 0^

atic f«pjecls were taken up. ^dcred or

lime and then abandoned. He seemed

almost at the end of his resources. From

Traunklrehen, one of hu

resorts, he wrote to his fnend

“ I could just as soon begin suddetdy

Chinese as compose anyUimg at all . ^

given up almost everything else in We ^

t bellied in hb talent, ^

have deserted him he could see nojustOicau

WOLF : iB^-i897^Srtc]etl in Vienna

attend the first performance, under Siegfried

Ochs, of his * Llfenlied ' from * A Midsummer

Night Dream ’ and the choral version the

Mdrike song ' Uer Feuerreiier Buth w«riu

were higltly successful, and the concert gate

SVoir cunsidcrabk' satisfaction. .Viter Berlin

he appeared at concerts of hU own mude

at DarnwuUt, .Stuttgarl. Maimheiin aixl

'rubingen, rt’tirwcd acquainiatite with hi»

friends KauHmann, (irolie and others, aiMJ

made some important new ones, including

Hugo haitsi, an amateur singer, and Frieda

iCerny, a professional one, with whom hr fell

in love. Piisst and Frieda Zerny a|>pearc<l

w’iiii the tenor Konrad Dieccl at the concerts

of biuitgari, Maimhemi and lubingen.

The months that followed Wolf's return lo

\ ienna at the end of Feb. sa\s u great crtsii in

hi> private aJIairs. For a time he |>Unned

llighl, in the eom|ian) o1' Frieda /erny, to

America, " to the land of gold, to lay the

hiuridaiiuiit «it a detrul existciur on 4 sale

basis of dollars". But laTore vety long ihn

exceedingly passionate love-uirair Isad burni

itself out and WuU, tint without acute em>

harraMmcni, extricated Uiiiuelf from this

cniarigtemem aiwi contein|>laicd atiriv tlie

prolonged failure of his creaiis'c powers. Iht

summer months of ihis year were spent with

the Kucheris at Traunkirchen and tlw cosik of

Ntatarn, near Brixlegg. m the Tyrol, with the


In Vienna in the winter of VV'olf

withered tlw* triumph of hit friend Humper*

dint k's ' Haiisci und (iretcl *, and it seems

nut unlikely that this had some clfect in help*

ing him, not so murh to overcome his own

operatic difTicuhies. as to convince himself

ihat they did not exist. 1 'he tlicn rhatrman

of tile W’agner Verein, Franr .Scliaumartn, was

persuaded by a mutual friend to undertake an

upcraiic version of Alarcon’s * Three-cornered

Hat ' fur Wolf. Ihis was not found suitable,

but in talking over the matter with his friends

the composer's mind reverted 10 that earlier

libretto, hy Rosa Mayreder, baaed on the same

slory, that he had rejected five years before.

He insisted on rc>examining it and. to tlie

amarement of everybody, now completely

reversed hU earlier judgment and fbund it

" the comic opera par exttUntt Sol all his

fricn^ were equally enthusiastic, but iheir

misgivings were brushed aside. It was hard

to persuade him that any aheralion at all was

nece&sary. With impalienrc and excitement

he awaited the spring, and as soon as the wvru

of the cold weailwr was over he returned

again to Perchtoldsdorf and threw himself into

me composition of his long-awaited opera.

Fromdx in the morning, or a Utile later, he

worked each day with scarcely a break until

seven m the evening. On an Ape. iSqs be

was able to tell his mother . ^ ^

I IhWT *e Miterm vm iH;>l I sp^ni the wK'Jc inonili

of .apni. (fOM esriv mvnuritf unol Uif jm ibr

vcekiAij hke a slave. ... 1 lia>c m i>ie siuir

from 1 .%peil lo '<nniiu*F<l ahnet'C («<i ycu of

MV ofwra ainJ ripni lo <(irM|>leic ihe Mivk l>v

(lie MiMnn; >l i» to l>e lli.ii ii hiU lo

pevfonis4*Be mi ihU verv «>4Micr. Ilui il»rh \iMi immm

(••file to VteMis lue the . m ««iII ni.ilr art

MMMOiir »mka(>OM.

In tlse (Middle of .Mav hi* vv 4 > lompi'JIcd i<r

leave FerchloIJsdorf, l>ut wasabli* to voiuiiiui*

his wxirk. in Hlr.d cirrumvtames, on Huron

I.ipperhctde's estate in the Tyrol. Uv '(July

the whole opera was compIcM*. dficr lourK C’n

weeks of inte nsive ellort. *1 he orilu slrivtion

occupied NVoir file the rest of the tear, uImI Im*

did not leave Mat/rn uiiiil his o^iera wus

ready fi« perl>>rni4tire. His heart vvus set <in

Its immeiliair ^irixiuttioTi, and ,ilier uiisucievs-

lul iH*i{(4i4iMiiis with S'lc'iina, IbTliii and

I Vague * IXt (kicregidur ' wa« atteptrd l«>i

fierforinaticc at die <k>url and Naiioiiul

Ihraire ol .Maiinlu iiM.

During aiMKlwr stay ui I'erchlublwlorl the

iwmiv-four songs ol die sxouil p.irt o| ihr

' Ita lien ISC Ives l.ie(b’rhu< h' were tornpcm'il in

Jitde more than a riir^iih tJ‘, Mar.-;jo .Spr.).

.\Uer ihiNilul -ccJMS at the relieaisals. dm*

lo VVolf's inrxperienre, impniierit r uiid nervous

irritation caused Iw bisoiiinia, and by ihr fail

that the hastily copud urdnsiral pans were

full of errurs. * Der Corregidor ’ receivevi its

first perfimnance at .Vfaniiheiin on 7 June

iBgC, under Hugo Uohr. .11 id achieved a

uitehf otim. Ihis was largely assurid by ihc

presence of \N oil's admirers uud friend', "ho

had come from all pans of (irrniuny and

Austria : afier they had lefi a s<'coiul perform*

ance met with a lukewarm re<<*pti<>ii, and ihc

opera was ihk afterwards revived at Mann*


SiiiLsu IS Vii SNA. --Ihiik in Vivnna,

Wolf look poMessimi of a (lai in the Schwind*

ga»u< • iht' firsi leal hi»mc of liis own that lie

had ever had. For iwarly len veaTs now be had

been dejiending on friends lo set* that he

liad a roof over hh bead; his l.isi rent had

been pakJ in 1887. .VocomjiosiT ever made so

little money out of his art, Raruu Lipperbvide,

Gfohc and others, however, had in 1895

clubbed together lo give him a small private

income and now, through the generosity of

Faiist and liis Viennese friends, he at last had

some rooms of Ins own, .\H his at len linn was

laken up during the rest of tByfi with the

revision of ' Der Curregidor ' and the collation

of the parts with the score, in which he received

valuaWe assistance from Hcinricli Toipc-

sehnigg, a friend at Gear. He was anxious

now for the opera to be produced in Vienna.

After playing it over to Johann Fuchs he

accepted the latter’s \Trdici that a cui in the

last act was necessary ; he was working on the

revised version of the opera in Jan. and Feb.

1897. In the second half of Mar. he set to



33 ®

WOLF : Breakdown and Death — Early Works

music a number of Robert-T^now’s trans-

lations of poems by Michelangelo — his last

songs. Meanwhile Rosa Mayreder had been

persuaded to write for Wolf a * Mar)uel

Venegas * libretto. Her work was roundly

condemned by all the composer's friends and

adviser$> but one of these, Michael Haber-

landi, who had recently founded in Vienna a

society to spread the knowledge of Wolf’s an,

discovered in Moritz Hoernes, his frierid and

colleague at the Vienna Univ’ersity, a new

librettist. Hoernes's version of * Manuel

Venegas' was enthusiastically received ; Wolf

himself said that Shakespeare could not have

improved on it.

After a few days with the Koeberts at

Traunkirchen, Wolf returned to Vienna to-

wards the end of July in an extremely restless

and excited state, and at once b^an work on

his second opera. Some alterations in the

libretto were found to be necessary, and other

distractions delayed him for a while, but by

the secortd week of Sept, he was in the old

fever of creation. He then hoped to complete

the first act in a fortnight. He gas’c up all idea

of a holiday, shut himself up in his Schwind-

gasse Hat and Nvorked from early morrting

until late at night on * Manuel Venegas '.

Breakdown. ^ On 19 Sept, friends who

encountered Wolf in a restaurant were con-

cerned at his strange behaviour, live next day

it became apparent that he was mad. He

asserted everywhere that he had becorrve

director of the Vienna Opera. He called on

the opera singer Hermann Winkclmann acMl

demanded that he should appear at Mod ling

in the evening, where Wolf's friends w’ere to

meet to hear the new opera. It seems that

Mahler, who had recently become director of

the Opera, had promised to produce ' Dcr

Corregidor but that at 1 later meeting he

had withdrawn iiis promise, to Wolf's bitter

<jisa]ipointmcnt and anger ; and the mental

distress caused by this development, coming at

a lime when he was in the tliroes of composi-

tion, led to the breakdown. It had been

known for some time that >Volf showed sym-

toms of incipient general paralysis. The meet-

ing at Mbdling look place — a nightmare

scene. The mad composer played through hb

' Manuel Venegas ’ fragment and announced

to the whole company his appointment as

director of the Opera, the dismissal of Mahler,

Winkclmann and others, and his jrians for

replacing them with hU friends. A doctor

who was present decided that it was imperative

that he should be conhned in a mental home.

Wolf spent four months in the private

asylum of Or. Wilhelm Svethn. In a series o(

amazing letters he outlined his plans for world

tours with the personnel of the Weimar theatre

and for the production of his four operas (some-

times even '* four tetralogies ’*), of which only

Mie existed in reality. Besides revisions of

earlier works, orchestral versions of songs, etc.,

a corisiderable amount of new mi^c was

written in the asylum ; it is remarkable only

for its banality. Wolf himself afterwards

destroyed a new movement he had written

during this period for inclusion in * Penihe-

silea '.

On 24 Jan. 1898 he was discharged, one of

the perils of '' intermission ", characteristic

of the disease from which he suffered, having

been reached. There followed a listless and

unhappy wandering from one place to another

— the Semmering, Graz, CiJU, Hochenegg,

Trieste, Lussin piccolo, Cilli and Cras again.

During the Isiriin tour he was accompanied

by Frau Kochert and his sister. On 6 Mar.

he returned to Vienna ; a new home for him

was found in the Muhlgasse. The summer he

spent with the Kbcherrs at I'raunkirchen. At

first he seemed to be improving, but at the

beginning of Oce. was again attacked by

insanity. He tried to drown himself in the

lake and afterwards himself asked to be put in

an asylum. He entered the Lower Austrian

Landesirrenansult in Vienna on 4 Oct.; he

died there, nearly four and a half years later,

after appalling sulTrrings. He is buried in the

Central Cemetefy, Vienna, near Beethoven

and Schubert.

EARtv Works,— I n his youth Wolf planned

many large-scale works. The very early

pianoforte sonatas and violin Concerto, after

classical models, arc quite negligible, but from

about J077 onwards a succession of ambitious

projects for operas, symphonies, string quar-

tets and other chamber music, overtures, ton^

poems and incidental music occupied his mind

and at intervals his pen. Nearly all these pro*

jects were abandoned aAer a lime and the only

completed major works were the SympJiony

(1877), the string Quartet (1878-84)

tone-poem ‘ Penihesilea ' (i883-^5)» f

which cost endle« pains to bring to wrtft.

There survive only (ragmenu of the Sym-

phony; of the two complete or almost com-

plcie movements which have been publishes

the scherzo is cvmsiderably the more mature;

it already shows an independent mind at work.

The finale is a transcription of an earlier piano-

fone piece and of Iltdc interest ; Wolf himsc t

r^aced it with another movement, now I«t,

in his final version of the Symphony.

string Quartet, headed by a quotation from

Goethe's ‘Faust*, " Entbehren sollst du.

sedbt entbehren ", gives the impression, as 00

some of the early soogs, of bei^ a

work, a personal outburst of

It is very long and not too happdy •

ib chosen medium, the

and. in places, of Wagner is obvioiu .

all is said against it that can be said it

a remarka^ creation, bearing the stamp

WOLF : First Songs — NfasKry in Song


genius. Tbe verdict od * Pcnthcsika * is not

dissimUar. Wolf was entirely self*uugh( as

regards orchestration ; until the Philharmcnic

trial of i88C he bad never heard a note of hU

own scoring. Naturally his early writing for

the orchestra rellecis this lack of experience,

and he himself in later years recogniacd that

* Penihcsilca ' stands in need ^ res’hion.

Neverihelets the work has qualities of great-

ness. As mentioned abos c. the initial impulse

towards the composition of a symphonic poem

came from List I. and the lisrtian process of

theme iran.sforina(ion is employed in * Pen*

thesilea But ii is not a derivative work -^its

wild iioctry and ma;esiy arc Wolf's own. He

was wonderfully successful in finding a form

that is musically satisfying while ai the same

time relirciitig the devclopmmt of Kkisl's

drama, 'fhere arc no programniaiic pucril*

iiics; the emphasis is on the ssmplkonk

const run ion. But the form of the work w’as

quite ruined in the version published, after

the c<>mpoi<T*s death, by the \ ivnitj Hugo

Wolf V'ercin. home reviMim of the scoring

would have been more than iMribinahle, but

not an unacknow’lcdgnl eui of iGB l>jrv. as was

HCiually made, .SurnUer version, corresfiond'

ing exactly with the auiograph «curs’ in the

Vienna National Liliran. was published in

• 937 * edited by KoUri Haas. ThU represents

the work a< originallY plated ihr«»ugh under

Kichivr in iBfUi, except iliai it inclsKlcs ilse

parts for Lngii»h horn arxl ailditional per-

cussion adde<i by \Vnir in Kietlin's asylum in


First Sos’i.s, ~ Coniernporaneously with

ihesu vx^ieriments in tlte larger furms, each

of which represented a tremendous exercise of

Wolf's will, tliere appeared a succession of

songs whIcJi fluweti almost cfTortlev'ly from

him and revealed the born lyrical composer.

RefletlionsofSehulierl and Schumann abound

in these early works, but If he had not yet

succeeded in evolving his own individual

language, the authentic singing quality is

there, ft is otic of the rarest of musical gifts.

The little • Morp^entau’, composed when Wolf

was only seventeen, has it, as have the delight-

ful Kcmick sellings of 1882-83 and, above all,

the Heine and Lenau songs of 1876-80. These

last are subjective in nalgrc, the expression and

sublimaiinn of his vouihful passion for Vally

Franck. ' 1 ‘he phases of this love-affair are

mirrored in things like ‘ Mrnst ist der Fruh-

ling • Spaiherbsincbel ’, ' Mu schwaraen

begein ‘ Sterne mli den goldncn Fussehen ’

and \Mc des Mondes Al>bild aiuert’ among

the Heine songs, and * Herbst ' and ‘ Frage

mclit ' among the settings of au- This is

the adolesceni Wolf, of il»c pale face, the

ituensc gaee and tbe long blond hair ^ a

charming and most lovable personalirv But

9 ne understands why these palpiiaiiog and

cDou moving pages were parsed over by their

composer w’hen he came to make a selection of

his early songs for his first published volumes.

More prophetic were the sprightly ' Mans-

fallcnspruchlcin ' (1882I and ' Zur Kuh '

(1683k, influenced by Wagner but a great >ORg

in its own right, not surpassed by several later

essays in the same v^ein. About 1887 the real

^Volt begins more and more ig emerge ;

several trf tlse well-known Fithcndorfr snngs

belong to ihts lime. But it was with the

Morike soilings of ihe following ve.^r that he

really hiund lumself,

Masiibv is Song. — It mav Im' that too

much lias lieeii made of Wolf's liicrary turn of

mind, his faithfulness to his poetN and hU

general I y \cru|>nh>us treatment of their w'<»rds.

This was one mi|Mriaiu asp«<ci ofhu work, of

course, and one on which he himself bid ihr

gr«’ai«wt >tri*>s, bui the fintM deeUmatjon, the

rmwi sensitive htvrary r<‘<’iing. wouUl hate

availed him luithirig if lie ha<l not Iktii able to

produce a lk«o»l of uivpiretl musical intention

10 match the m.inv-sidediuss of Ills pouts.

Wlirn we turn die novv bmili.ir pages of ibr

• MorikelHder ' m<*relhaii fifiv songs, coin.

tsiihin a few months. • u i< abuvi* all

this astouiMliiig musical wr.ilih that rapii-

vairs us, logs’iher wiili the breath of nature,

of I lie -Suabian lor is it the Austrian fields

worxis aisd hills. This variety, ibis copious in*

veftiHin, (his frrsh-air feeling, arc |>osi lively


The traditional. folk«ongdnfluenced siylc of

earlier (iermaii song is clearly still one clement

in I lie Morike volume, which eon I ui its many of

Wolf'* nxisi (Kipular pieces. ‘ IXt fJariner ’,

* Fussrrisc '.(agrriied ' and others are simply

“ fine songs for singing, rare wngv to bear ",

wiilwHjt literary tcinplieaiions. The vein was

still fresh and drlightful. S«une of the pro-

foundcst things in the wdume, like ' Cm

Miilcrnachi *. are quite simplv < onstrucied.

' Auf einer Wanderung ' and Mm Fruhling ’

arc examples of wliai has been < ailed Wolf's

" siphon ic " style, in which (he voice

deliver* the jiocm In a son of free melodic

rhapsody over an elaborate pianoforte part,

built up out one or more themes, somcwliat

m the manner of a symphonic dcvelopmeni.

Wolf increasingly employ^ this method in hij

later works, but any suggestion that there wa*

asiereocyped Wtdfian formula for song-wTliing

wtxild be gravely midcading. Kew eompeuces

can show such a wide range of styles and such

variety of ft^m.

ticltendorff songs w*ere regarded by

their creator as a sort of supplement to Schu-

mann's sellings of this poet. Although in

^ Verschwiegesse Liebe ‘ Naehizauber ' and

®**"*^^^ ’ he evoked again Eichen-

dorlTs romantie moonlil world, in general

Wolf laid emphasis on the more matily and


WOLF : Mastery in Song

humorous aspects of the poet, which Schu*

mann had neglected. There is a liiile gallery

of objective character sketches. This volume

is full of captivating things, but occupies a

relaiivel)' mt^esi place in \ Volf's output.

The Goethe settings include a number of

exquisite short lyrics, such as ' FruhHng ubers

Jahr ' Die Sprode ' Die Bekehrte ' and the

jewcUUke ' Blumengruu ' and * Gleich usmI

gleich But the characteristic note of the

volume is a stern one, sometimes decidedly a

harsh one : there is an end to carefree singing.

Wolf neser used a poem that he considered had

been entirely successfully set to music helbre

him. Greatly as he admired some of Schu-

bert's Goethe songs, and particularly * An

Scinvagrr Kronns ' and ' Cchcimes he held

that in other cases Schubert simply had not

understood the poet. Hence his os%n * WiU

helm Meister ' songs, at ucll as the great

trilogy. * Prometheus *, ' Ganymed ' and

• Grenaen dcr Men%chheii *. arc like a drlilKT*

ate challenge. VN’olf s intelligence and ps\ch<v

logical penetration are c^ten allietl with

magnificent music, but he does not invariably

emerge suceestful from the contest. Aher the

almost reckless hrical outpouring that had

preceded it, there is an air of self-conseinus

cHurt about much of the Cocthe volume. It

is still (he least>known of Wolf's greater song

rolleclion'. The ‘ Wm^millcher Divan '

group, ^^hich romprises .*i third of the wJtole

volume, ran hardly lie saUI to he knossn at all.

borne have questioned whether all this

material was really suitable for musical treat-


After Mohke, JUchendorfTand Goethe Wolf

found, apart from the comparatively unim-

portant Keller songs and the Reinick * Mor*

gensiimmung no further inspiration in

German poetry. It is truly extraordinary that

nearly half of the mature work of one of the

greatest German song'ssritcra should ei insist of

s^'ltings of translations. He sulTered acutely,

we know , from a sense of being a laie-comcr ;

the great tradition to which he sureeeded

exercised a repressive, parah-sing cfTcci upon

him. Morike he had had, fortunately, almost

to himself; llichcndorff he could share with

Schumann, but already. In the Goethe >'olume.

he had been driven largely to repress the

natural lyrical side of his rtature, to emphasize

his imellectual approach, to cultwate the

didactic song and the '* pathological " char-

acter study.

Wolf'.s pa«ionaie striving for characteriza-

tion is seen again In the picturesque page» of

his Spanish Song-Book — a wonderful series of

portrait-sketches of men and women in every*

phase of love’s torment and delight. A

pseudo-Spanish idiom had been occasionally

employed in German song by Schumann and

Jensen, not without some incongruity being

felt. Wolf, who had a real feeling for things

Spanish, accepted the convention of wide-

spread, guilar-ltke chords and impetuous

dance-like movements without hesitation and

forged from them, in the h res of his imagina-

tion, a new style of remarkable flexibility and

power. Here the emphasis is less on felicities

of verbal accentuation than on rhythmic

vitality and passionate expression. The

Spanish Song- Book has been called Wolf's

* Tristar) *; its consummation is found in the

great ‘ Ceh‘, CeUebter. geh’ jelzt which

must be reckoned among his most inspired

creations. The lighter, humorous songs in-

clude some delicious things, all of which gain

from being considered from the dramatic

angle, as character studies first and foremost,

Tlie rhythmic impulse and the melodious

drooping phrases ^ the refrain of ' In dem

Schalten meiner Loeken ' have attracted in-

numerable singers, bui only the most alert and

intelligem treatment can bring out all that the

song contains. The wlv^e scene must be

imagined and each sudden modulation fell as a

reAcciion of the girl’s momentarily changing

thoughts. \N’olf in his search for dramatic

truth is seen at his most uncompromising in

some of the religious songs with which the

Spanish Song-Book opens. These tormented

sinners, these anguished souls, are porira>‘ed

in a style of intense dissonance and deliberate

rhythmic monotony. The composer look

brave risks here, but a song like ' Muhvoll

komm' ich und beladen * justifies him com-

^eielv. The power of W<^f's imaginaiion is

seen too in his portrayal, in ' Nun wandrr,

Maria of Joseph encouraging the

Mary on the road to Bethlehem and. in * Dio

ihr schwebel of Mar>‘ herself watching over

the sleeping Jesus. Comparison of the laitCT

sMig with Brahms’s ‘Gcisilirhes Wicgcnlieo .

a setting of the same words, shows the gulf lhat

lay bciss'cen these two composers Brahms

pr^uces a very lovely but essential Iv con*

vcnilonal German cradle song; Wolf brings

the whde scene to life, setting Marv's plead-

ing. anxious phrases against a baekgroynd ol

rustling palm-trees and fluttering angels winp.

Character study plays a large

the later Italian Song-Book, which is full ot toe

lis’eliest portraiture of the most varied iyp«'

Here \N'olf alloivcd himself complete freedom

in interpreting his poetic material and pr^

duced his most exquisite and original worr.

There is nothing Italian about these sonp.

e>‘erything has been refined and

in the composer s imagination. He .

in indicating, in his music,

subtleties that had occurred, ceriainlv, ncith

CO Hevse nor to the anonymous auihw oi tnc

original Italian poems. The

her inconstant lover packing m j ,

denn? ' appean to be zcoroful and indifferent ,

WOLF : Operai — Bibliofraphy


Wolf shows that behind her bitter words is a

broken heart. In general the seniimenu c(

the poems became iotensitied in their musical

settings : a playful fancy or a lot'cr's compli*

ment moves us to tears in NN'oirs translation.

.*\nd yet in the Italian song-book this intense

emotion is generally expreued in the quietm

possible manner. The musical style b a

marxel of simplicity and limpid beauty,

purged of all dross, like refined gold. The

supreme art o( the vocal tsriiing is lr& a matter

of ** (leclamaiion **. as ordinarily understood,

than ot catching, in the rise aiHl fall of the

phrases, the \erv infleciiiim of ikse siieaking*

wicc, in the niost sensitive reading oJ liw pnern

imagmahh'. In Wo|| < Italian songs thr

atlaihs us cunumirnaiivn.

It has Ik'vii siiggcstsd that Wolf had prrliaps

exhausted the |><nsibihiies <tf the song and.

Ri\'vn m«rs' time, niighi well hate turned again

to hulrumonlal music. There is huh* in Im

life or work to supp>>n this sugcrsiton. TIh*

wHI-known 'Italian Serena Je * and its ahnosi

iinkn<Avri though alniiKi npiallv pleasine

(oinpaniun-pirf r, the ' IriieriiH’azo * for siring

quartet, arc' compositions gf iIk* prr*Morikr

period. sketch survisTs of an orchocral

piece c<Mii|>osrr| in tScji, for thr long* |>r<>^( ted

but never* completed MTucrtiofthc ’Serenade*

in several inovenu ntc Tlte Iniermerco in

’ [)rr Corregirlor * Is anotlwr uich orchestral

immature. At one time Wolf cunsldered

w’riting an orchestral work on Sliakrsjscarc's

* Temisesi Ijui ihen decided the material

was more iui table fur a n of sera . 1 1 is clear i hat

il he ha<| li\<<d longer with unim pained menial

powers he w'ould base gone on r<>mpoung

ojKrras, hut il is more than doubtful wlieihrr

he would ever have scored a real succesn in this

held. * Drr (lorregtdor’ is olniously a song-

writer’s opera, a succession uf sefiaraic musical

minialures, more or less happily joined to-

gether. sup|x>nrd by a rather * Meistersinger '•

like orchestral background, with a rather

elementary use of Its delights arc

innumerable, but llwy arc not of the kind

svhieh is effective on il>e Mage. Tl»e poor

lihretlo can only jiarlly be blamed fi*f this.

Wolf, like the other ^eac (rcrman song-

svritcR, who all failed in tlieir attempts to

ssriie operas, lacked the essentials of a

dramatic composer. The German song seems

to demand another kind of musical imagina-

• ion : the singer is ncs er hlmsHf or berwif the

impersonation of the character portrayed, but

only I he medium through which the elutracier

can be evoked in imagination. Schubert's

'Orciehen am Spin tirade* would not be more

elTecttvc in a stage-setting, sung in costume,

With a long bloml plaited wig. The same

applies not only to Wolfs ‘ fn dem Schalien

nieiner Ixk ken ’. one of the songs actually

embedded in ’ Der Corregldor*. but to almost

all the other music of his opera. His char-

acters arc seen with the inner eye ; his is music

of the imagination, not of direct rcpres<*nia-

tion. ' hlartuel X’enegas if he liad finisltc’d it,

would have bern iiodifTcmit.

The Continuation of Wolf's wurk iti the Itt’ld

of song would obviously have ih’iKndcd <>ti

his finding new fsoctical siintuh. He would

seem alre<^v to have reached the eiul ufall the

original (iertnait poetry cafuhiv <d inspiring

him to inusii . hur his l.tst sortg^. alit'r the

Spanish and Italian S<>ng-Bi>'»ks, Ik* turttsxl

to tramlaiioiw of Mu hel.utg« I" ami IKroti.

.Vrmmg hts pafw rv uvk* uipiv' iti ht> hand <>t

Grrtit.iti \<*rsMitts ol Ismi .SlKikr«]K'are luu’iti'

— > tertam evidence that he h.id intoiided

setting them tu tnuMi . For :i n Mlt 'sl\ Mnising

mind like lus ihrr<' wcr<’ sitll ttihnitr fxwsl*

Inltlsrs. .NiHitlwT volume <»l It.ilbh umgs was

Iw iiu tiM’aiLs out of iIm' i|ur%ti«m, anil, with

'Anakreons <*rah' itt ttitml, the uira ol o w ries

of vettings of theOrsrk Ivrli |>oei«. anioiig other

things, iv ungulatls ultraiiive. But iltew are

vain miagmitigs. Wsdf himw It, a fne-thinker

amj griHTalkv not Itt th<' h ast pr<>(M< to ittdttlge

in iti>silcal tdsas. h«*ld that a rnati t^ not taken

awav lx*lore hr his lulhIhxJ hiv nii^sioli in hie,

I. \v. tii),

tilUl KH.KM'ttY

Aa« K. .\ , * llweu tv*< J( » IVnt huuHiis Vv «>rL i ’ Ki \ .

il. •#«>. p. iao>.

.Nt>Tt*r, ' ( l.r vt lluc«* NV'otf iVcir.

M«rt. Aw.. Sul XXXVIII. imU'.

Biiu. i>roai., * Ihe I mter lluin* VVoJf Heme,

I.Sm*. * My|u tSolt 4 \ 1 J>. Perln* j> l.ripiJit,

4 i.

* H«Ka W'utf. bii l.ebeM ut>J .lat I.Mtl' «Serhu.

•aia .

£« I0IM\. fail IMUCK. * Alte aun^nhlaie ! ave ’ \ leuiia.


laiRUANv. Aviaeo vuv. * l|u«o WuH ,ejr> l.ilxn m

M4em • 1917..

roiiD. U'Aina. ’I(u<a VViOf m * Jhe lIrnuBc of

Mwwc*. Vul. II (uami, t 9 S 4 J.

(luRivoea. Kasi, ’ H«>c« UftW aixj FimIj vou t.iiiMr*

hehir. «nmr MOptiUikheU leuert' (Mui. T Ayr A

^eH. lyjk'.

C«cvi un i te AiifsaKr uiier Jluan VV'dU*, I «HerHn.

•<W»; II Hetlin, l• 99 > ; III. * Iter *

' peclih. ( 9 «ei.

<>Bi*xuiv, K*Bi. * lluen VV<»tf* 'Leip/i«. I'ljd'.

lUwajAvpt. .Mkhah., ' Ku»o \VuI|: l.mitieiuriKcn

«ml t.otonken * d.«>»pii«. 1905 anil leMUrvrd «\l.l


llAtiiRca(it«.<;«AeofvtR. Mac.Ua sus. *H\i8u Wulf;

'••m \V«wn uiul Week de« ctowtrii I.irOw lio|)ret« '

• \ >enns & l.eipiie, 194H.

HKcArs. Ifcxu. * Mseor el intpiratiun mutuate ; le cs<

^VmdesvK. 19)4).

Hen vie R. Bom so vox. ‘ Nu^e tVulf; Brieluei uiul

Lrlautcltm iVieroj, 1911 '.

KsRt t*, RicitAaa. ' LriAimunten eiee* Bil»liui 1 i«b«(s '

^vvcimar. tarsi.

Lsom. WAure*. ^Huf« tVoir* AfterTlinucMi on |u»

Monk* Lmkr’ rM. Rev.. |i. lo.j, «. i»a].

Utieawiuw. Rkuaro. * Hufto VVwJf i'oxuiitr..

NleaoLo. %Ux, ' Hu«o Wolf rLe,p,,f, tju,.

>10111 R, P«t. • BrinoreuneeM ao Huro Wolf C IXc

aiiuik . Mir.-AiK, 1903).

^HucoW^r* rBertHi, 1904!.

11^ ^ A*m*Khrm Werkr * (Leipiig,

N*Rwji*v. £R.vt*T. 'Huco VS'olf (Uodon.

0«nB«a tr&u.. LeipiiR. lato).

• W;


WOLF: Worb

OKtL, ALniio, < Hufo Wolf* (Viraiu. im 7>>

Pltftti, R., * Hufo Wolf* (Turin. 1914),

RAUtcrieKocRcct, WALTNtn. * AhncsuMa b«ruhat»«r

OtuU(h«r. FunAe Folfe, LioCmiBf t. AhAmufd

det Kontpor>i<ieQ Hugo Wolf’ (L«tp<ig, *94o)>

RokkAKD. RoMAJM. *Musicieo9 d*«u)ouwip ’ (Paru»

1908; English iroiu., ' Mwcians of To-dty *.

ScHi4m, Evoc)*, * Hugo Wolf* (L«ipi«. 1906).

ScKourtH, Hm *Hugo Wolf, nooseh » c«m»OA0t'

(Amstofdocn, >0)4).

ScKui, CuTTAV. 'u^oeruBtcn on Huffo Wolf*

(R«lrtber>. 1911).

Tavscho, Amtom, * Hugo Wolb Mhrikdloder ' (Vioona,


VARaej, KvRT, * Dor Muslkkridkcr Hugo Wolf*

(Mkgdoburg. 1954).

Virinok Bona BcNvtNitn, 'Hugo Wolf* (Rome,

Walhoo. Filamb, * Hugo Wolf: • Kogro^y* ILoodoA.


* Hugo Wolf** SpAnhhoBd lulioa Songt’ (hi. A L.,

V^.XXV. t9«.p. 194).

*Hoco W^dTs Vknoa Diary, 1875-76* (M. & U

TUtvm. Jao. t9«7, p. is).

'The History oTWolTt luJiao Serenade’ (M. Rev.,

V<d. VII. 1947, p. i6').

Wuxaa, HtMOKK, 'Des Hugo WolT-Verelo lu Wiea *

(Raiisbof). igsi).

‘ Hugo Wolf ift Maieriiog * (Leipsig. igij).

* Hugo Wolf ia PerchieldKl<M * (Ratisboo. 1^4).

* Hugo Wolf uftd der Wiener Abdomiirb Wagner*

Vereio ’ (Radsboo. 1907).

Woks. Hooo, * Briefe an Emil KaufTmano * (BerUs,

an Hetorich Potpnehnigg * (Stuitgart. jpej).

* firiefe an Hofuieiie Lane * (RatiiboB. igss).

* BriA an Hugo Filial * (Stullgart, 2904).

' Briefe an Oakar Crohe * (Berlin, 1905).

* Briefr an Rosa Mayiedcr * {Vienna, igst).

* Bfiefe an icbwabiKhe Freunde * (* Suddeuurbe

Monatahefie *. Munteh, May 1904),

* Familienbriefe * (Lelpeig. lots).

* hlwaihaludM Kriuken ' (Leipeig. I9ia)>

* Ungedruckie Briefe an Paul Muller* (J.M.P..




TitU 1

iakr/fl* 1



* Der Corregidor.*


Rosa Mayroder, based on Pedro de

Alandn'i scocy * £1 lombrero de

ireo pieos *.


Mannheim. 7 June 1898.

' * Manuel Venegai * (uaHnbhedl.

Moeitt Hoerim. bated oe Alarcd(i*a

* El ni*o de la bela *.





* Prim Friedrich von Homburg ’


j * Dai Pest auf Solhaug.*

Heinrich voa Kteui.


IbKtt, Cemaan liana, by Emma



Vieena, Burg Theatre*

SI Nov. 1891.






* D« Stimmo des Kindoa.’


Male-voke cborui, with pf.


* Im Sommer.*


Male voice chorua. uoacc.


* Cehleuruia.'

* Mail lad/


hlale-voice (hoeua, uoaee.




Male»veice oboru*. uoaee.


190 j,*

* Frohliehe Fahri,*

E^u^ Hoirr.

Maed chama. ucaco.

* (m iiillen Fri««lhof.'

Ludwig Pfau.

Muted chona. with pf


* Mailied ' (fragmeai). 1

Male»voiee ebarua. unaee.



Lena Lomui.

Mned ehoeui. uiwcc.


* D(« Stunden verrauaehen '

Cotllrkd Knbel.

Solo voxel, efaeeua A orcb.


* “

1 (unftnUied).

' *Aurblick.*


Mined choeiia. usacc.



* inkling.*


Mixed cbonta. unacc.



1 * Retignadon.*


Mixed cboetiU. usacc.



* I.ettic Bine,*


hlixed cbeeue, unacc.



1 * Crgebung.*


Maxed chorwo. usacc.



* Frhebung/


Muted rhasva. usacc.



* Chrtiioaiht.*


Solo vokea, ebeeua & oeefa.



: * ElCeolied.*


Soerano, wome**i cbonas



1 * D«r Feuerreiler.*

1 ’ Dem Vaierland,'

tram. Schlegel.


Robeii Reiakir.

& ortA.

Muted ehoews & ecch.

Mak-v^ aboeui A orch.



!l|5 (vocal «««{ 1

& igoa (fuU 1


•core). 1

1 * Waohterlied auf der Wart*


Malc>voac« ehoms A orah.


burg * (uahnuhed).

* Morgenhymaus.*


: Roben Retnkk.

hlixed cbonis & «««h.




> In Book ill of die * FoibUtiec sum 6. deutsehen Singetbundetfst * *9***^: afthesoosof

• In D*«ev*i • Hugo Wolf*. Vol I , * ol ow sou,

• Repeatedly revised by Wolf. Tbe fuD More of «he &nt vtfsroo (‘890) rA__^jBuaau« ’ of »®9*-

• An^rangemeni o< the aoe^ of 1887. 'An asrangommi of ibe »ni Mofg«n«u»“«W

WOLF: Work*



: TuU 1

1 FbNiiArd

Violin Coocarw loBliaiAcd),

TraBacriptioe tf Reeiboven't ** Meonlaf hr ” Soitau iiafiotihed).

Srmphoov. By ma. |U bi.) (ftadmettUi.

' Penibeailea lypbonM poem afiae ibe uagadv by Hetarich von Klein.

* Jultmiarhe .Serenade.’

Third * * Iialienoebe Sereoade ’ (iinAniihid)


• 875 1


' 1878-77.



1 — .... . .


1903 & 1957.*

1 'W.


Siring ^Mrui. D ma. ifratment).

Ff. QbLMei 'fragment;,

1 Suinf Qua/iai. 0 oai.

InieriiMee^ Co ma., for elf. quanei.

1 Serenade. C ma., lee >i|. quartet.

1 1878, 1








Sooaii (iDcompltW).

Vahaimm /trfii H UO.

Sor«(t. I) ina. (wnfiiuih««l>.

Sanau. G mt. <xig— atclaj.

* * <u*<n>kh*a).

Marche Car pf. dwi (inaftaiahadj.

Saeau. C om. luidbutM),

* Rondo <aprK<ioao \ l| naa.

' Wrilanapw} ’ (mOinnliad ».

* VarlagMScii * (fracmasii

* HumornM.*

* Vhluinin«rltfd * (' Aya d«r Kutderteh * No. i).

' Srhm ynd ipit* ‘ {' Aw d*T Kindtr^ni ’ No. aj, t

Fantaue yb*r L««Uin|i ” C/w «od Zinwnrrmann ^ ’

Paraphraaa ubcr " Dw SUnirn^^ ««• VymSrtt " von Rnhaad Waiiwr.'

Faraphraw ** Dm WaUw* ' von Richard Wa<oer.’ I

Caaon. I












t. 1 88a.

<- 188a.







<a) UnroouwitB on FotTmicocuT Pvaiiuiao*




‘ Dm «a<*W 8t«(Mvl«in * ifrodawotj,

* SoUaWAliH * i fraroani I .

* D<r Movtvn * ifragmrnO.

* t)i« Svnw * iwmI^ ««h>.

*Crbri* <iiMledr onlfi.

Prafownu U a MLad*lib« compoaiiaon

tM toofM*. baaiMM R id,

* Na<hi und C«ab.*

‘ Sfbnayihi,*

' Dar FiarhM.'

' Wandirliad '

' Ayf dam S«a/

’ D*r RaubvlMU

* F^iiKliniaffndM,*

* MaarvMiak.'

* LkborruMini/

* Enlav Varlioi.*

* Ab«T>4tU<cbkiA.*

* Mai * <Wn>ilMd|,

* D<r c*>d«nc Morgan,*

' Fwkn Ra thtr.*

* UaUiad* (wJtaMriwd).

* Horvh. wir Mill «a wim.'

Ala am unarfr^aadlkh WanocwMcr.*


I Fawdr iUi Kind,*











Vinrana Zioiwr.



Otw RoquaUa.



CaBp w rd

(875 or aarlier.

(875 or earlier,

<875 or earlier.

1875 ^ earlier.

187s or earlier.

•’ ie75<

r 875 .






5 Jao, (878.


fRjao. iBTf.

SOlaa. 1878.

18 Mar.«e4 Apr.

U Apr, i8|«,

ay 1878.

5 May 1876.

I) Jone 1878.

lonoe >877.

1878 or 1877.



; Ihe OoblM in IP 05 •« revhed and eu*.

of a anM.loy « a. Ihe fc,. movemen.

; in.bil.i;:?:;" -f — s~>« <« sw.»h~, —1.

lieher VerUd in (8)6^^*^ ^f^V^****^ *“** **’*' pobhihed with ihe euly aoegi by Mu$ikwiucn»chafu

A KMmg rf*- Lebc, ^ ,


WOLF; Works


' &n Grab.'

' Ma4<h«n mil df m ro«a Mundcbca.*

I L>u brtt wi* «in« Bkimr.'

' VSenn i<h la drinc Auf«n »eh.*

* B««che)dene LMb«.*

' Abcrvdbildcr *. 4 odes.

‘ Siandchen.'

‘ Andenker^.*

I • An •••

' ' Wanderlied/

* IX« Verlaaene ' {vAfinithedi.

' Der Sehwalbrn Hnnikehr.’

' r>*< Uied der Waise ' iwnAruUiedi

' W’unKh ' iwnftntthedl.

‘ T raunfTf We^.*

‘ .So wahr die bonne tcheinci.'

* Ick sah die bUue unendikhe See


’ Naendiehe ^^'•nderunt.*

* Au{ der WaAderwbaK?

' Wu «eU irb UMn? * ( unfinished),

’ Das K»n<l am Brunnen.'

I ‘ Knabenlod.'

* .Sie hsben heMi’ Abend GeseUschah.’

' * Cbe' .Vaehi.’

' leh itand iri dunkeln Traumrn.*

* Dai 111 tin Beausen und Hewkn '

* ^Vu >eh bii%, mtrh rinfs wi^wnbrli.*

' Am meinen t^oiien Schmrrien.'

' Mir iraumie von eif>rm Keriiphind.*

‘ .Mem Liehchen, wiraauen beiumnen,*

' Cs blaaen die bliwen Kusaren.’

* .Vfaneh Bdd verdeMener ^i«er> ' (un<


* Fruhlinf. Liebtier ' (unfinished).

' Liebeifruhliriir ’

' Auf der NVanderunf.*

’ Ja. die Schonti ! teh um' n alien.*

‘ Itreichers ver dem Andaehishitd dee

Maier Dolornu *

* \arh dem Ahiehiede '

* Ihe Nsehtifallen Mhwe>«en * (frafmeni).

* Ki war cm alter Kent*.*

' Mil uhwerrrn Scgcln.’

’ S^lhrrbUfsebel.*

' Tmti isi der Feuhhnf.*

* Kcrbsicnixhiuw.*

* Frate mchi.'

* Hcrine.*

* Hrrbeiblaee * (unfinished).

' NVie «|c« Monde* AbbiW liiiert.*

' IVr kriepilusiifT WtllmKhnsied * (fra|*


* Nariiryf *

* Nachttruei ’ (wnfiniahcd).

’ fiierne mil den coMnen Fioskin.*

* Da* tribe Laub eriiiten ’ (feagiiMPO.

* Smchem Vofel.'

* Ar> die Wolke * (fraiiiMm)

Variant i« * Mir traumie von etneen


* In der Fremde I.’

* (n der Fremde II * (rratmeni, nol

idertiieal with the Mtilnt at the same

poem below).

* Woh in mi I der Freud* f '


' liarvirhen.*

* Naeht(ndi.*

* In der Fren^e VI,*

* F ruhimmleckcn.*

* l.irheelmuchaA.*

* Lirbchcn, wo but du? *

* In Her Premde II.*

* Die Tochier der Heide.*

* D*c Kleinr,'

* Die SneOde* (rrafmenl).

* nem Vaierlar^.*

* Frohe BoOehifl.'

Paul Peitl.







Fnedrirh voe Maithkson.


From art old >onf>book.

Karl Heebeaadwi.

Friedrteh Sceinrbaeh.




Hoffmane von FaJlenkben,







t abus Siurcn,










HoSlnaann v«n FalkerslebeA,

Holfmanei von Falleesleb^.

Moirsnaiits von Falkrsleben.


IMlmoMi veei Faltenlebers.

Hof&nattn von Failersleben.
























Ekh e ndof ff .








Rem kb.



^10 Dec. iStS.

I? Dec. 1076,

iBDee, 1S76.

«i Dee, 1876.

or 1877.

eJan.'eaFeb 1877.

S) Mar.-Jt Apr, 1677.

a 3 “*S Apr. :B 77 .

ty Apr ,-8 May 1877.

U-'liune 1877,

19 June 1877.

Aui -»9 Dee. 1877.

10 Dec. 1877,

*8 Nov. 1877.

Jfto. 1878.

0 Feb. 1070.

13 Feb. (878.

19-* I Feb, 1878.

<^S3 Mer. 1870.

1 Ape.'s May 1878.

i8<t7 Apr, 1878.

3^ May 1678.

r8-S3 May 1878.

S|'44 May 1878.

90*99 May 1878.

it hfay iM.

3-4 June t878.

3 June i8?8.

«• J




ea June 1878.

S4 June 1878.

»o July 7878.

9 Aup. 187S.

10 Auf. 1B78.

1 1 Aw«. 1878.

92 Au(,-9 Sept.


$1 Auf.'i Srpt. 1878.

10 Sepc. t878.

4 Oei. r870.

i Oel. 1878.

7 Oct. 1878.

• 3-17 Oct. 1870.

0 July i8|9.

I) Feb, 1880,

fi May c88o.

7 June 188a.

« Nov. sBBo.

td N^. 1880.

7 Dec. ID iMo.

«4 Dee. 1880.

7 Jan. i88f.

so Jan. I08i.

27 June 1881.

S Feb. 1882.

31 Dec.




Ian. 1863.

fan. 1885.

Jan. 1883.

Feb. 1863.

Mar. 1B83,

Apr. 1883.


8 Mar. 1887.

r3>i4 Feb. 1889.

12 May >690.*

93 June (890.


< 996 >


> 836 >



> 938 .



'B 09


' 9 ' 3 ‘











^FF 7



1898 .


1938 *


1998 '





iM 6 .

r 938 .

1938 .

1938 .

1938 .



> 998 .


193 &






J 9 J$.

< 938 ,

P. Si2.

MS reproduced in Vol. Ill of Baika and Nattl's * AOteoeiiM Georhkhu der Muslk * (SruUFart. (909 *9^

* Reproduced In raesimJe in Heinrich Wen»cf*s • Oer Huso Wolf Vmin in Wkn ’ (Rausbon. t9>D; . t— ..

* Oriiinally written as a sor^r. 8ub*e«uentjy clabomrM iftso the puMiihed work of the same uUe for enofu*

and orcheslia.

WOLF: Work*



K*taiSMC» •¥ TMe CoHKHttl

' S««lu L«c<lrr Cut «ioe Fr«u«miimn* publiihed tn 1888.


’ MotfO)U«>’

’ Dt* Sfitfincnn*'

’ 1>4I VOf^.'

* Wifye&lM^ un Swwnrr.*

' Irt'i f << nil fri Lfn

HWf <

FmOI *n wM VMUt^lKNik.

Rw un.


Slur •ft'.



6-19 Jui;' 1B77

\ n Aur.

j %U\ 1B7H.

iSJut>« iKd2.

17 bee. iWt.

90 D«e. 1889.

* S««h> Gediehte v'oa ScKeAei. MonU. C«eibe und Keroer \ (Mbluh«d in 1888

* Zue (tuk. aiir Rub.*

Jueimoi Kemer.

16 June 1683.

' Dot Konif bei der Kronunt.'


is\Ur. iBBC. ,

v4 Dec. (886. '

* Biterolf/ '


* W*(ht«ry«d out der Worlbwv/


V4 fan. 18B?.

* WeAdetm Noehtlied '


y>hf- 'll?*

* Beheteifung *


Xiar, 18B7.

* G«di<hi* von CdtMfd Mvrib* pubhAed in 1889

Tkh 1



1 CanFe/rd

* Dvr lombour * 1

i4 Frh. 1M8.

' Frare und .\ni»ixi/

1 99 Mar. iBflO.

* Der Knobe und dM Immlrin.* 1

99 Feb. iBOa.


1 SI Mar. i486.

' iMvrbed/ 1

* Ran Siundkin w«bl vm Tag.' I

97 Feb. iBBB.

' Iteimoeb.'

1 1 Apr. 1886.

' IF Apr. 1668.

99 Frh. iBBB.

* SFureer.'

' D«r Jotee.'

91 Prb. (BBS.

' Auf ein aim Rild '

14 Apr. 1688.

’ NiAMmou* Lkbe.’

94 Feb. iBBB.

' An Fine Anbharfe.'

' 1) Apr. 18B8.

* Awfuag.' '

94 Feb. iBBB

* I'm AleUrwMf hi '

90 Apr, 18M.

' Zur Wamung.*

91 Feb. iBBB.

* Aid FWiF Cliiiiibluate 1 .'

41 Apr. 1B68.

' lied vom Wimle.*

91 Feb. iBM. ,

' * ^FuriFia 1.*

38 Apr. 1888.

* Rei einet Teauung .'

1 A(*i. 1B88. <

* FFCFtrtoa II.*

su Apr. 1668.

' ZilronenlalWt im April.'

4 Alar. iB»,

1 ' Aciire.'

3 Mav 1B88,

1 ' Der Cenf ne an die HoAnung.*

4Ai4e. iBBB. 1

• Cr ill'*.'

SMav tB88.

* F.lfenlied.'

9 Alar. itBB.

' let der Feuhe '

i Alav 1B88.

* I>r CaeirMr ’

7 Alar. itBl

’ Im Pothling.'

iMav 1B86.

' Aherhied *

B Mar, 1B88.

. ' Nise Binielui*.'

11 Afay 1848.

' Uenk* n a Seek.'

to Alar. 1B8B.

1 ' OiF CriiiFT ant Mumntrhee.'

iB Alay 18B8.

' Avt einer W&ndrrung.'

11 Mar iBBB.'

1 * An den Schlaf.'

4 Ori. 1B8B.


11 Mar. iBBB.

' Neve Uebe.'

1 * duM neveei lahee.'

a Oct. 1888.

* VerWrgenfteii/

tl Afar. IBBB.

S Qet. 1888.

' Lied fiOM VerlOTble* '

ij Afar. IBBB.

1 * SrhlaleiHle* jeaiMmd.'

'SVoBnir •rb Trent r

4 0(t. 1888.

* SelfteiRMiftndni* ’

17 Alar. iBBB.

C fVt. 1888,

1 * Fntr* lerli^Fil clnn Madchem.*

toAlae. 1B88.

* Karnorkn.'

BOet. 1BS8.


«t Alar. iBBB.

* flFtang WFYlan*

lOti. 18S8.

1 * X*i Finer Alten.'

99 Alar. 188B.

• Dvr Feuertviter.'

loOei. 1888.

• Ret(r>ur<.*

9t Alar. iBBB..

' An die fiebebie.*

M Ori. >488.

1 ' lie! verlMeFne ftletdletn.*

\ * Sleet henbourbafl/

*4 Alar. iBBfl. t

9) Atae. 1B88.

* Auf FiiiF CJiriMlriunx If.* |

94 Nov. 1048.

* Gedkitt* von Ekhendorff *> iMiftlitked iUg.1

* BewariwM ’

* r>H NMh(.*

' D*r &eU*i 11 /

' Ikr %ct4*K 1/

' l)i< Ziftonenn/

* N*ehi(*wftcr.*

* Veoehwiet*** LivW '

* !)*• Seftfteft'nberto*'

* l>fr GI«Kbrihfr/

* Hdrtrmpa'Wr f.’

’ HftHrmeKter 11/

' H^efcntpkWf III.'

* Philinr/

' Kpoillifd.'

* AnikreoKi Gtnb.*

' Der SeheCer/

* Uvt R*iirnr*ntfr *

*<il«ich ynd Ckich.*

' f>ftnk dn Paeit '

* Fmti und Froh 1/

>4 Jon. iMo. ' Abacftied/

S ftk. iMo. < * Drr VMae/

u Dk. iBae. ' rvr M«ttikanl/

7 Mv. 1W7. i> * D*t LkbhAbvr.*

19 M«r. iM7. , ' i:nfaH/

mAm. 1B87. * Oft Frvund/

94 Mky I My. ‘ LiebMftkKk/

)i Auc. ittS. * Dm Sundehen/

I M S'fX. iBM. \\ • HeiM«i«ft/

I 16 Scfn. Ida*. < * I.Kbcr «Uei.*

* Ccdichtc von Cee«he *, puUntvd 1890

1 n 0 ( 1 . iMt.

I 99 Oct. IBM.

I soOet. iBBB.

[ soOtt. 1B88.

t Not. ittB.

4 Not. iBBB.

( Nov. cBBB.

Nov. cBSB.

4 Nov. iBM.

9 Nov. l< 88 .

14 Nov. I BBS.

I 'St, Neponniki Vorabmd/

I *<ivlmonn ynd

I * RfKcr Kura Broutrofttt.*

' ikw Sauevr.*

* Miflben ’ c " Keniut du du Land

* Mifnen IT,*


* Fnihlu»t ubm JaSr.*

' Miv»on III.*

* CpiphaniM.*

' 'Cofthtwhn Lied 11/


























' as



1 K



L 98



1 0 Dec. <





• 7















’ 37



: aO



' Actofdinc to Deeiey. tl. iB*i4. (lui toot w»$ OM coa^««ed uacil • fortiushi idler tlu* dale.







' Ce^tiuhe* Lied (/

* Bcherti|un|.'

* filumenfniai.'

1 * Ehomedurui.*

' Koniflieh Cebei,*

* Grenien der Meaacbheit/

1 * Canymed.’

* Wai in der Schenke warea beuie.’

1 Selanf nun nuchtem in.’

1 * Ob der Koran von Ewifkeit tei.'

* Sit haben w^n d«r Trunkeohdt.’

1 Trunken muoen wir alle leio.*

' * Phanomen *

' Eruchaffen und Beieben,*

1 ' Nkhi Geletenheit maeht Diebe.*

»0 Dec. 1080.

30 E)ec. 1888.

31 Dec. 1888. '

9 Jan, 1889. 1

7 Jan. 1009, !

9 Jan. 1889. '

1 1 an. 1889.

10 an, 108^

10 an. 1889, k

17 an. 1889.

10 an. 1009, I

10 an. 1009.

19 an. 18S9. \

»l . an. 1009. 1'

ti an. (809. J|

' Hecbbcflvckt to dcioer Liebc.*

* Wie loUt* kb baiter bleibca,’

'* Ah kb auf deivi Euphrat tchifTie '

, * Dia »u dcuteo bin erbdtig.*

] Wenn kb dem gedenke.*

] * Komm. Uebchee, komxn.'

Halt’ kh irgend wohl bedenkea.*

* Locken. haltet mkh gerancee.'

, * Nimmer will ieh dich verlTeren.’

1 ' Fruch und Froh II.*

» * Der neue AmadU,’

' * Ceoialiaeh Tretben.’

* ]>k Bekelirtc.'

* 0(* Sprode.*

00 Jan. 1009.

$3 jan. 1009,

04 jan. 1889,

34 jan. 1009,

as Jan. iBSp,

s} an. 1009,

30 an. 1009,

29 an. iSap.

3oJan. ]00^

a 1009.

1 Feb. 1009.

10 Feb. 1009. 1

12 Feb. 1009.

8> Oct. 100$. 1

' Sp 4 fUKKe U« 4 etbu<b. uch H«rH uttd Gdbel \ publube 4 idfit

' NV«r icn hoUn U«b «wlcr«B.'

* ]eh fuhr gtvr Mc«r.*

* Pr««idu* SprtKhWin ircf«n K«pf-


! Blgmtn cetw.'

All« fifiiMt, He'S, sur Run/

* Nun windrc. Mnrii/

* Die tht ich«reb«( um 4m Fnlmen/

' Die Ou Got( du Reine.'

' Dedfckt rnieh Ait Btunken.*

' .$e]u*m iiT JuMAi Wrvw/

' Teeibe nur mit Lleben SpMi/

' Und KhlAbt du, mein Mftdehen/

' tn dem $ch«uen meiner L«cker>/

' Here, v«r»«r« n*rht fewkwiAd/

' Mft, leid |hr es. Criner Here.'

Klinr*, blirvte, mein P«r>de*»/

Herr, wm ir«|t dee hoitn hier.’

uiir>dc» Seheuen, duAbk Leucbte.’

Biu' ihn, a Mutter/

Wer let delnem Ftuetein weh? *

Aur dem irunen B*llion/

Sie bluen turn AbmacKh/

I ndOct lUo.

' )i Oct. 1069.

SI 0((. 1669.

I Nm. iba9.

t N«v. 1669,

4 Nov, 1669.

5 No*. (669.

S Nov. 1B60.

10 Nov. I0M.

14 \o»'. 16^.

15 Nov. <689.

17 No*. 1009,

I? No*. 1669.

• 7 i^ov. 1009.

If Nov. 1669,

19 Nov. 1689,

*0 Nov. I089.

S No*. 10^

Nov. r80f.

•0 Nov. 1009.

* Fuhe mich, Kaad. no«b Bcthlehen.'

* Wuftdee irofit du. mein G«liebi«.*

Ach, WM Uai dieBeele tchlummert’

‘ Aeb, da Kaabeo Aufen.*

’ Mdbvoll kootm' und belodcA.*

* Nun bin wb deiB.'

* Tr«u nicht dee Ltebe/

* ^Veinl nkhi, the Aufleta.'

* Srhmenltehe Woatmb und uonnife


* Ach, im Miiieei war'a.*

* Enle, M die Liebc Khwgr.*

* Ceb*. C^iebier, teh*

* L>iebe nttr im Buaen/

* DetM Mutter, suaei Kind.*

* hlofen aUe bOeea Zunren.'

* Soft thna, da« er tu mir bomme.’

* DeettMt. dereiaM, Cedanke mein.*

* Tirf ia Henco uae * ieh Fern/

* Komm*,oTod, vonNacht uaifebaa/

* ^ a«Kh Btutre Btkke |litien.'

* Oa Bor Laid uad Leidenaehaft.*

* Wche dee, die aiie vcnihekte.*

IS Dee. 1009.

10 Deo. 1009.

19 Dec. t009.

SI Dee. 1889.

10 .


fen. 1090.

jan. 10^

Mar. 1090.

99 Mar. 10^.

S9 Mar. i0^.

30 Mar. 1090.

31 Mar. 10^.

I Apr. 1090,

I Apr. 10^.

9 Apr. 10^

3 Apr. >0^

4 Apr. I0M.

I I Apr. 1090.

I* Apr* 10^.

J4 Apr. 1090.

* Alie Weben : Saclw Gedicbte veo KeHer ’, publobed 1091


Cmvm 4

* Treiel cm, hnher Kricfn.'

’ Sinct mein Sebati w*e ein Fink.’

* Wie tianti der belle hlond.*

* Daa Kohler>«eib ht irunhen.’

* Wandi* ich In den Mortentau.*

* Du mikhjunier Knabe.*

73. May 1090. j

« June 1890.

3«*3i June r0»o. 1

7-13 June 18^

0*a3 * June 1890.

J0 June 1890.

* Italieniache* Lacdeeboeh. nacb Raul Hcne * (Pan IJ, publuhed 1699

* Mir ward ttear, du reiseet cn die Feme.*

Ihr leid die Allervehenite/

* Ceeefnei lei, dureb den die Welt ertistund/

* 3eli( Jhr Blinden/

* Wee rierdieh denn/

* Der Mond hat rinc tchwere Klaf* erhabcei.’

* Nun lam une f nedcn Khliesen.*

* Dam doch svmaU all detne Reiee wOrvo.*

' Du deiikit mit einem Fadchen nu<h lu bngen.*

' Mein Liebaier i>i m hirin.*

' Und wilbt du delnen Liebelen tlerben eeheit.*

' Wt« lan|e achoo war imener rnein Verlanfen.*

‘ Geaelle. wolPn wlr uni in Kuitcn fauUen/

* Nem, jurifer Her*.*

* HafTkriif leid Ihe. srhonn Kind.’

' Auch hleinc Din«e.*

* Ran Btindchen Cueh <u brinfen.’

* (hr lunirm Leuie.'

* Mein Lietnter lir^i/

' Heb* auf dein blonde* Haiipt.*

* Wir hahen beide Jat«ce ^It seachweeiren.*

* Mat) ugt mir, deine Mutier wall* es nieht/

03 Sept. 1690.

a Oct. 1000.

3 Oci. 10^

4 Oct 1000.

13 Nov. 1690.

tj Nov. 10^.

14 No*. t0M.

9 Dec, 1091.

3 Dec. 1091.

4 Dec. 1691.

4 De«. 1091.

3 Dec. 1691.

i Dec. 1091.

Dec. 1091.

9 Dec. 1091.

to Dee. 1O91,

M Dec. iNi*

IS Dec 1091.

It Dec. i09i>

10 Dec. 1091.

93 Dee. 1091.




‘ A letter to MeUnie Kochert of 34 June 1690 daews (hat (bcae three aenp were not compleied «o tbe data

indicated 00 the manuKripit ($, 7 asd 0 Juw).

WOLF : Worto


* luJicaoebcs Lwrfcrbudv bmIi Paul H«rw' (Part 11 ), (Mb 4 >>b «4 1896

7 ^

CMI^Mcd )

* Icb OK Bua RKiA Bro( oubl (rockee Bcbr/

tj Mar. 1896.

* Mein Uebeter bat su Tbcbc ouch fciadeo.*

to Mar, 18^.

* Ich Ilea air saftA.*

t8 Mar. 18^,

* Schoo sBcekt aus im Betr/

09 Ma*. 18^.

* Du aafti rnir. daet kh kciM Fumio aci.*

yt htai. 1898.

* La«s «« our fehn/

)e>8i Mar. 1898.

* Wi« «tck Zcii »«H« kh.*

3 Apr. 1896.

* Uod tichi Ihr fnih aoi Morica a^d/

9*4 Apr. 1B98.

* Wofal bm turtle $ 4 a^.*

9 Apr 1898.

' Wa eoU >ch CroUicb seia’

It Apr, 1896,

'0 ivar* dcwHoa.*

It Apr. 1898, 1

* %usV kh. to kMlU in Bhimee.’

1} Apr. 18^ 1

* Canin we deo Gruu.*

1) Apr. 1898.

* Wcfto du akh iHkt deo Aureei wreUiC.*

19 Apr. 18^.

'Wu »U drr Zom/

•vApr. i8m.

* Bcn«d*»i die eei’c* Muller '

»i Apr. 1898.

* Schweie riwiial edH.'

>9 Apr. ilw.

* NkKi lanftr bann kh taoreo,*

*9 Apr. 18^.

* Wenn du, eirio Lkbiie*. weifM turn Himme) auT.’

34 Apr, iS^.

* ]<h m Nona.*

3 ) Apr. 18^, 1

* Hful’ Naehi erhob kb aikh.*

39 Apr. iw.

* 0 Msmni du, wicvwl kb dckeimna.*

to Apr, 1896.

* Vcmhliof' drr Aberund.’

99 Apr. 1898.

* Was fur M Lkd im d«r fctunim werdcnf *

so Apr. 1B98.

* C«i*l(en(i« 4 .*

‘ Mort<(utifnfnur«.*

* Drti Gfdkhtr v«a Ratert RHnkk puhlUhrd 1897

I ti ian. 1 M 8 .

6 Cki. iAa6,

I I Aui. ie$».

*OriiC«ttu<tawi1b«MH*’l>MFeiiaurS«lliMir“ \ puMiM 1897

' CiMaf hfarfiH.*

'Cudaun* l.iXaac.*

' CudiBUftdi 1 1. Oaaaaf.*

Tjan. itei.

S<> 0 «(. 1891 (rwitrd it Nov, iB 96 ),

7 Mar. 1891 .

* Vic* Ccdkhif Mch Heine. Skaknpcare iumI Loc 4 *. publnhed 1B97

TtUt 1


1 Cm^rd

'Wo wird rinii.'

* tied dn irantkrkrien Zeitrl.* !

* Keinc flkichi von alien Sehoiini.*

* Sonne der Schlueunrtloien.* 1


Shafceipearr. Warn. S<hkr«l.

llvroB, Irani. Olio OiMcvnrkier.

Byron, iraiu. Gddemekiee.

94 Jan. : 880 .

N May 1889.

3 ) Dec. 1896.

99 - 9 I Dec. 1898.

* Drci Uedkhie *«• MkbcCaatcIo * ». p^blkhcd 1B98

Tide 1

CknpMrd 1

* Wohl denb* kh ofL*

* Allei eodet, wae enciieb«(.*

' Fubli neine Seek.'


18 Mar, 1B97. '

30 Mar. 1897,

3f98 h(ae. 1897.



1 Scmf 4 1

1 '

fitMiM 1 Prtm

* Scvreer/

* KarvoEK*.*

* Uer RaitcnAnccr '

* F.r »i i/

' Ocwni WcylM ’

; SchUlndo jMcbiad/

MifTKc ‘ i** KcoAci du daj land

‘ Promcikfva.*

' In der f rwhc.*

* An den ScUal/

' Ccb^.*

* Ncu* Liebc.*

* Wo ftad’ icb Tm? *

*) C6rt( ««ni«o).


> 889 .







• 890 .



• 9 ^ 4 .

1 Morihe sonfs.

' 994 «

f Menkesujiti,


MOnke loogi.


Goeihe lonfs.


hlonke eongi.


MOrike songs.


Mbrilie tonp.


Goethe son p.


Corihe songi.

* 994 >

Moiike sonp.


Moiike sonp.


Sforike sonp.


MOfike sonp.

1903 .

Mdrike sonp.


Translated by Waller Robert.Torsow.

' *«io<is of ' Jo de» $ebauon neiiKr Lnckea

***d ‘ Here, venafe nieht eescKwwd ’


WOLF (Johanno)



1 Semd

Fkl/isM 1 Fnm ]

‘ Auf cine Christblunie 1 ' (bm quite coapl«t«).

' HarfenipirUr I ’

* lisrrerqpiflei 11 /

' HsrIenipMler IN.'

' D«nk' es. 9 Seele.*

' Miinon * C Keiuut «lu das Land ") (sMoad vaisiM).

' Anakreens Crab.*

‘ NS’rr sein hnldn Lieb verinren/

* NV«nn <lu su den Bluman gehsc.'



1 1B90.

(890. 1

1 1891. '





1 Morike Mngs.


Gocihe songs,

Goeihe songs.

MOrike Songs.

Goethe songs.

Cocihe songs. 1

Spanish songs.

Spanish songs. |

r. w. (li).

Sit *U» Accenluation {d wor 4 <). Cri(k»fm p. $96.

Haas (K,. «d. of po«ih, wprki). <>r |C. W.. irsAi. of

Rrtrr (j>i. duel ttr. of * lialUo Serenade* ft

* KB«heiikA 'I, Sunf» pp,

WOLF» JohftnMt B^rlia, 1 7 Apr. 1 8G9 ;

d. Munich, 45 May 1947).

German muskologUi. He waa a pupil of

Spitta at the High School for Music in Berlin,

where he aUo attended the Unhersity. He

graduated Ph.D. at Leipzig (1693) with the

thesis ' Ein anonymer Musiktraktai des 1 1.

bis ID. Jarlihundert In 1903 he became

lecturer and in j 908 professor at the University

of Berlin, and emeritus professor in 1999. In

1915 he became librarian and curator of the

musical collection of the Prussian State

Library, where he succeeded U'ilhelm Alt'

mann as director in 1928; but he retired in

1934 to dc\’otc himself entirely to research and

authorship. He was for several years president

of the Deutsche Musikgesellschaft which pub*

lished the Z.MAV., one of the most important

musical periodicals. In the I.S.C.M. Wolf

was Germany^ representative.

Wolf was the editor of the musical branch of

the * Jcdcrmann'Bucherci for which he also

wrote the volume ' Die Tonschriften ' (1924).

From 1925 to 1929 he publislted a popular

history of music {3 vols. of text, one >'ol. of

musical examples) which has also appeared in

Spanish (1934, edited by H. Angles).

Wolf had various connections with Great

Britain. He published in igii * English Irt*

Buence in the Evolution of Musk ’. In 1931

he wrote and lectured for the R.KI.A. on

lialina nrrm/e musk arid was elected an

honorary member. In 1937 he delivered

lectures on medieval musk in the University of


Johannes Wolf's works iiKlude the follow*



* Oewhichle der Mensur^lootJlSoo «oo iS>(^i4ft>*«

3 vob. (L«ipei«, 1904J.

* Hsncibuch dcr NolationtkuiHle \ s veli. tLeip^k*

1913 ft 1919).

* MuaihaliKh* SchrifttAtelr) TUr dm LTitterncht in der

NotAiionikundr 10 books ^L«ip<ie, 1932*99).

' Die 'I'orochnlWii ’ tSmlsu. 1934).

' (xochiehu d«r Mutik in ahiKmeinveraUndlklwr

Fom 4 voh. (Leip^ie, i^ 9 ' 39 ).

Also numerous articUs in vanous Kholarir periodicals

in Germany and elsewhere.


B. Ramis de Pareja. * Mudea pracika \ 1482 (Baibefte


Fr, Caaa. 'Tracuto «vl|are de canto fifurato *. 149s

I rail] Minch publications, 19SS).

U. Spacaio, * Diiuride ei pcebatislme demomiraiione ^

1991 IlM.. 102$).

O. L. Cenfiarso, * Breve e faeile maniera d' eaerciiani a

far paMapfi *. 1599 i9>«).

H. R>«mann. * GrunJnw der Xluiikwisteiuehan '1 4ih

cd, (Leipaii, I9>B).


. R, AhW, * AwMewahhe Caanewerke * (D.D.T., V).


(D.T.O,, XIV, J ft


il. IsMc. MVerthebe Werbe

XVI, j).

* Neu« deuuche aeiiUiche CeUtnfe fur die f«r

. _S(hulen\ Wiiienhert, 1344 (D.DT.. XXXtV).

J. Obrcchi. Collected Edition Amsterdam ft Lelptir.

i9c4 SI).

' kfiMiea fiorcniiM net lecolo XIV ; La nueva muiica,

XV' |ia9e)«

'Muiica AorenUoa del •««. XV*XVI t La nuova

musiea. XII ’ (1909).

'as dnmemmi|c ^•fsederlcndse liederen uit het

eifMie der sijltiende e«uw * (Anvterdam, 1910).

Bnt.- Coupon. One. * Jrtannei Wolf (iM 9 't 947 ) '

IM.Q.. XXXIV, i94i.P. reW.

X. 0., edds.

WOLF. Miebael. Sft Lupus.

Wolfe. HuAben. JkrBridee t Frank, lent). Dunlop

<9 konfi with itet.i. Han (F., tosonfi). mad (lonf).

Hohi 1 13 soon). Mommc (a sonar).

Wolfe. Tftomaa. Stt Gould ('Time and River ' tbr


WOLFES, Fells (>. Henov'er, 2 Sept. 1892).

German conductor. He studied Brsi at the

Leipzig Conservatory with Reger and Tekh-

muJler, then at Strasbourg as a pupil of

Rhtznrr. He decided on a career as an oper-

atic conducts and made his dCbut in 1923 at

Breslau. From 1924 to 1931 he was at the

theatre at Easen and from 1931 to 1933 was

musical director of the Opera at Dortmund.

In 1933 he left Germany and settled in Paris,

where a number of leading singers studied

German parts with him and he made a name

for Jjimsclf as an excellent accompanist. He

took part as conductor in the i938"37 season

at Monte Carlo, and in 1938 he was engaged

at the MciropoJiun Opera House m ^e^v


Wolfes was commissioned by Strauss,

Pfiuncr and many other composers to prepare

the vocal scores of their operas (notably

• Arabella ‘ Die schweigsame Frau Pale-

strina’ and ‘Das Here'), a task at wh^h he

part icu larly excels.

WOLFF, Albert (Loola) (*. Pafi*» ‘8

■^^rt^^eonduetor and composer. He w«

a student at the Paris Conservatoire and Icit

it in 1906 with a first prise for pianoforte

^VOLFF (Augusiet

WOJ.FF <H. C.j


^accompaniment. He became conductor of the

Opera* Comique m 1911, making hU lirM

appearance on 06 Apr. with l..aparra*s * La

Jota \ and of the Pasdcloup concert; in 1937.

He has loured widely in Europe and South

.America. Hts incidrncat music for Nfaccer*

linck's * L^Oisrau bleu ' was heard at the

Metropolitan Opera. New York, in 1919 ami

ac (he 'I'heiirc de la Monnaie. Bru^U, in

iQjo. M'oIfT is a Chevalier o( the Legiim tJ

Honour. j. o. P.

WOLFF, Aufusee (D 4 air 4 Bernard) -i,

Paris, 3 May 1631 ; d. Pans. 3 hrb.* 1887-.

Frrneh pianist and pianoforw maker. He

^«as brad of the hrm of Pti selAVold ^ Or.

At (Ilf age of fourteen h<' enured llu* J*ar»'

Otnwrvacoire. siuthrd (he pianofurir with

/miinfrman .md uxtk a lint pri^e in 1839. H<

was aliCf a pupil of la iMirne for couiKiriMimi

ami HalfNV for t um|M>utic»n. .uhI umhrilux

uuspuf^ <‘oMi|Miw'<| MNeral pt.irMitrle |»i<x«',

puhlidwd hy Kithaitlt. At lwmi\*oii< Iw

erilend the ^lall <>( the (amwrvai'Hrt .0

teaelar id fsopiJ^ in draiiwm

'tii^inR and kept it fiir li\f scan, when Iw

({aw up leathuig to lieroim ih< |hi|hI ami

parimr of ih* wfiUknowri piaiiolmu* inaUr

CMiillle Plfvel, who, being r»ld ,iml iiiIi*ni.

u.is lixAmg <Ai( for a (klaiHlahk' a^MM.int,

WmKI entered ihr Ijudnes^ in lUj^i. la .aim- a

tnemljer of die hriii in iHji aiul naiur.ilK

ui<c« ed<‘d to the heoddop it on the death

(tf Plrsi I in 1B35.

From that time hi> rxertnww wire onre*

milting i with (hr scwnliltr asMMame of hw

friend Li^'ajuus. tlie arotntirtan. Iw dewMed all

his atleniion to Inerrating the wdunic of tune

wKhoui lining swecincse. His rr (Mated e*-

(lenmeriU on the trivoon of Miingv. on dw

hcM (MMsilth* «|><tt fur the hatiuiier to Mrike ihe

Mritig so as to get the fullest lone- and the l>eM

" p.iruaU ". on the dam|>er, ctr„ pru^rtl vvr,

fruitful and ktl Jiim to patnit wvrral in*

genioiis rrinirivanci'S. . .

#/*• PIpypI 4 <;,♦ *

WOLFF, Edward (k Warsaw*. 13 Seot-

itiib: d. Pahs, i6<>ei. 18B0).

PoUih pianist and eomposer. Hr studied

under Zawadaki ^pianoforte) and FJsner

Uoinpirtttion) at the Warsaw Coosers aiory.

He (hen mosed to Vienna and rnnlinued his

Mudiw under Wurrfel. After hb dfbul there

hr wem in .835 to Paris, where he remained

until hts death, making his living as pianist

and composer. He wrote well over 300 eom-

pi^uions, eh jelly for pianoforte, whieh include

a Concerto (Op. 39), 3 sets of Studies ^Opp. 20.

!W, too. ; Xoetumes. Komances,

J aniaMes, many iranseripllom Snm oiwras

and a great number of duets for violin and

piane>forte ; 32 jointly with Bwloi. 8 with

Vteuatemps, 1 with Panofka and three duets

‘ retu, lupp., fives » Fet).

for cello and pianoforte with Alexandre

Bat la. His music was rxeessivriy in llu meed

by Chopin. c. R, tt.

WOLFF, Erich b. N'lenna. 3 Dee, 1O74;

d. New York, ao Mar.

Austrian pianist and r(>t)if>(/ifr. He wa; a

pupal of .\niun IToor fur the pianofortf and

ofj. N. Fuchs U*r eotiipinition at the Consi rva*

ior%* of the (ieU'llMhali der Mu^iklr(nm(l^ in

\ tenna. He Isccamr an excellent atrninpantsi

and hKr«|Mrl('tKe taught liim imtth af)(*ut the

writing of wmgs, ol which he (inMlured a

larg<* noiniHT, s<imr ul which hecame very

(Mifiular. not always (or the iK-st reaiotts, hut

ratlu r lur their wiixrlictal niehaite attradion

< ^r I Ik I r wn lui i<>n 1 a 1 1 1 v. .\t ti ni| >t s to r<*.

jireMiit Uidll a' Ikuk; in the surusuon of the

gnat <;«iiii.aii w.ng.wnters haie lelt 110 per*

inaornt maik.

fhlier works In aie ihe hanei

• /latofug *, piiMlmed m Prague in 1913, u

\N»|ln (aMwerii» ( Ip. ao and a stnng (^uartei.

He wroie a uwful loNik on the eariuus Mrs ions

•*f SKuiuJiui'i vngs: ' bduimatins l.ledt r in

rrsten und .p.u, un l .woingen 1 . li.

WOLFF, Helimuth Christian 1. Zurich,

4^ .Vlav louo .

<M'fiit.iri loiiijMiser ami tiiudiologjit. al*

though Immii ill Swii/crl.iiid, He wrm to

kIrniI at H.ilh* o S. and Mudiid r>iuNi(t>|«M;y ai

the I iihefdiMA ul IkHin and Halle, taking

die lli.l). degree at the former in He

was cIm* I If si h*( friary ol the Niedcr»achsjs< he

MusikgeMllMliafi 41 Brunswitk in 1942-44

and as'isiaiit |>rofr>sijr t»f cnttsicology at

I.eip8lg Limersity from 1947, His works

include :

* « a I * , s

‘ t>er klew uwl Oer KU,n \ ope»- afi„ Un,„

MjuU 'i rairv-uk ']).•,

' Or^Mwi *. op^ra.

fadwe wniM .adtwiio

«ime (or Hi*iNaK*Krt, |>,e *.

'lalrnw 19(4 'formth

xvmelMiHr \ ariotmrt fm 4r,h

I Hr.lrre uUr MlMjair Khyihn,rn * t»r <?tih

furotMT & ve<h. ' voo,

aur. 4tns. we I no

5«^*fcr o».. 41.1 .,11

9 *>«n«i« (or H>

i SuiMS for

Vsrral miU. ihamUr orrh.

^ nrtfrnwon*

piriSf^ H*i.drMlprr' .A.M.Z. ,

B-nickoprr ► DeiUMfU iS


WOLFF (JuJius)



J< G. GrauD, SoaaU& for vu 4 a aod c«nbalo (L«ipu(.

« 9 »^- 373 .

L G. JvtiDch, *' Ecbo *’ Scoala {Lcipsif, I 9 ) 9 )>

G. P. Telefnanoi vn. Sooata, viola Soteu aoa Mf, 4to(

(Cusci, imS-ss).

Sortfj irom ihe * LMhhetreor LMor^HXh’ U&tb ceat>).

modem eJ. with vn. and >k>ia.

Soo^ of (he Hamburf Opera, (irih-iddi ccoL (C«>el,

• 9443 -

e. a.

JnUno. Sif Sommer (»onfi).

Wolff. ?iu AlinnnJir. S*f Krewixr (K.. 'Adek

voo fiuiloy * I' Cordelia ’I, ir»cid. m.l. Precioaa {W'ebw.

play wmIi mj. Schuli (}. P, C.. do.; opera). Weber

(c*. ‘ [reciosa Ijb.J,

WOLFLi Joiepb. 5 ire NN'ofxfl.

WOLFRUM> Philipp ih. Schwaracnbach.

am- Wald, Bavaria. 17 Dec. 1854; d. hama*

den, Engadine, 6 May 1919).

German musical scholar, teacher, organist

and composer. He studied at the Royal

School of Music, Munich, with Rheinberger

and others. In id7S>84 he was music teacher

at the Seminary of Bamberg, and in the latter

year was appointed organist and musical

director at Heidelberg Univenity. He did

much for musical cultivation in the town as

\vclJ as at the University, received the Ph.D.

from [yCipzig in 1891 and in 1896 was nomin-

ated Professor of Musicology at Heidelberg.

Wolfrum was productive both in composi-

tion and as a writer on music. His * U'eih-

nachumystrrium ' introduced his name to

English audiences when it was given at the

Hereford Festival of 1903 as * A Christmas

Mystery The following works may be

named apart from that oratorio :

* Das t^osse Halklujsh* (KIcpsiock) fisc uaa<c««jK

men's chorus.

' Pcitmwnk * far bantona ft own's cborva.

J * Tendichiun(«n * fix oceh.

irint Quartet.

Quintet lof a vni.. viola, Celle ft pC.

Ntrift* Trie.

Honata for cello ft pf.

S .Sonatas for orfan (Opp. s, so ft 15).

PreluJn for orpan.

' Orgclvonpiola su Kirchenmctodxn *, 2 vela.

Kis books include:

'i. S. each '. 2 veh. KpaS).

' Die c«anpcli»h* Kirchonmuaik * (1914).

' Lulhcr und die Musik ’ < iSl?).

* Luther urwl Bach ’ (iBift).

\Vuirruni*a brother Karl (k. Schwaraenbach,

14 Aug. 185? ; d- Heidelberg, Aug. 1934) was

also a teacher and composer. He taught music

at the Seminary of Alldorf near Nuremlierg

from 1895 to 1993, and composed choruses,

3 nrgnn sonatas, etc. H. c. c.

WOLF 50 HN, Juliuaz (i. \Varsaw, 7 Jan.


Polish pianist, critic and composer. He

studied with Michalowski (pianoforte) and

Noskowski (composition) at the Warsaw

Conservatory, then continued his studies under

Pugno in Paris, Leschetizky and Friedman in

Vienna. He settled in Vienna and in (906

began to write cridcism Ibr the * Montag-

blatt'. In [993 he returned to Poland and

began work on the editorial staff of ' Muayka ’

and ‘ Rytm ’ as well as lecturing on the inter-

pretadon of Chopin’s works and on Jewish

music, Jewish folk music and generally on

Jews in music.

As composer Wolbohn started under the

banner of Jewish nationalism. He based his

early compositions for pianoforte exclusively

on Jewish melodies of the Warsaw ghetto,

convinced that they are the pure heirlooms of

ancient Hebrew music. He wrote * is Para-

phrases on Jewish Melodies ' for pianoforte,

* Jewish Rhapsody *, Suite for pianoforte and

orchestra, ' Hebrew Suite ‘ Study in Thirds

after Chopin etc.

In [926 he loured widely in the U.S.A.,

where he is domiciled. C. R. H.

WOLFVRT, Kurt voa (k. Lcttin, Latvia,

7 Sept. (880).

baltiC'German composer. He came of an

aristocratic family, his father being a land-

owner in Latvia. He spent his youth in

Russia, going to school in St. Petersburg, then

studied natural science at the Universities of

Dorpal, Leipzig and Munich. But he turned

to music in 1901, entering the Leipzig Cen-

ser>’atory and in addition studying privately

at Munich under Reger (composition) and

Martin Kruse (pianoforte). Later he worked

as a conductor in the theaues of Strasbourg

and Cottbus. During the war of I9t4*i8 he

was in Russia, where he was manager of a

paper factory. In 1918 he settled in Berlin,

where he heW the Invo posts of secretary of

the music branch of the Suie Academy of

Arts and head of the theoretical classes of the

Municipal Conse^^‘atory.

As a result of his stay in Russia U'olfurt Is

an expert on Russian music. He wrote m

1997 an extensive biography of Mussorgsky,

feeling specially dfa^vn to this composer, as he

had gone to the same secondary school and

served In the same regiment as Mussorgsky

had done long before him.

In his compositions \Voirurt exhibits neo*

classic tendencies iviih a special leaning

towards a contrapuntal technique, A decided

boldness In bU harmonies give* his works an

individual style. In 1938 he completed an

opera. * Dame Kobold ’ (aAer Caldcrdn).

Among his earlier works the ‘ Christmas

Oratorio ’ (Op. 23) is the most important.

It empIcA's many ancient German folksongs

and Strikes an original note by giving an

important part to Herod.

Wolfurl's compositions further include ine

following :


1^* • Der T*i»* u»« N'arftn ' {aAtr MoI*ite>.


S. (U-mody frem Co«U« * ‘Faui*’ Cor tepruto.

Chens ft orcb.



35 »

. ‘Lob0eucLs’(Kl«p»(wkJ for att'sekraft «*«!».

2. * Kl«t« 4 « * (KJop«tock) tot eberw. ofg*A A Ofxh.

D. * HyBuie as die Nacht* (NovaIm) (m oieoo-

v!>t>fapft cbonu & oetb,

9 - ' SMcctlied des Macs ' tor ca«r, dctibk <bofw.

at*fi A otcIl

(9. * H^TOaiu * (KJopttoeU for w|>ruo» cl^ru*. a^aa

16. * LandikjtMhtebonJ * tor uaaeeoa^ ehcfxa.

<6. 9 ueaMdaip, ehanuc^


It. 'Gnactfda Meeres/

16. Topic rupue.

• ?. * Vviauenea ub 4 CK4cakicmu<ke ubet eia TbcoM

von MciafL’

19. * Coocerto proud.’

CO. * Divenimeaid,*

97. Mtuic {or lift. A belileHlruas,

94 . Serenade.


91 . Siriie Cor va. A chamber arch.

9 $. K. Coacerie.


97< Strinx Quanci.

AUw pf. pj«<ei, ««fift. &e.

a. «... adds.

WOLK£N$TElN, Dpvid « 4 . Hri’sUu. 19

Nov. 1534; rf, btraibouff, 11 Srpx. 1^21.

German composer. He wa* a nwilw’ma*

(ician at Strasbourg. HU v»orks includi*

' Trimum Musicum volumrn Hholarum Ar*

gcntoratcnslkim ' (4ih cd. 15B5). p«lme for

churehes and achooli in 4 parts fl'ulmrn

fur Kirchen uiul Schukn . . .'. and

' Harmonia Psalmorum Uastdis ’ for 4 voicn

O583). Henry Faber’s ' Compendium musi*

ca< ’ (Stcaibourg, ijjjb) gives NVoJkenstcmU

psalm tunes a» an addendum. r. v. <J. s.

W 0 LK£NSTE 1 N, Oawmid voo »b. Groden

nr. Brixen, Tyrol, <. 137?; g. Hauenstem

Castle, 9 Aug, 1445).

Austrian minnesinger. He was descended

a >ft 5 ghtly family long settled in tlie

lyrel, lived a very stirring and adventurous

life, in the course of which he had travdkd

over the greater part of Europe, and had oeis

vuiied some parts of Asia and Africa. In one

of his poems be boasu of being able to con-

vene m len dilTerent languages. From 1415

he was for several yean in the service of King

(afterwards Emperor) Sigismund, sometimes

one of his Immediate train, at other limes sent

on various embassies to Spain and Ponugal

On his return home, in his eomlant desire to

extend his own domains at the expense of his

neigh boon, he was from 1431 to 1437 involved

m various strifes and law-suits, in the course

of which he was twice subjected to arreu and

imprisonment. A worse fate might have

liefalkn him at the hands of Duke Frederick

of Austria, but for the inlerccssion of powerful

friends. The circumstances of the various

disputes in which he was engaged even up i©

the day of his death afford a curious picture

<rf the wild and lawless life of the Germanie

knights of the times. Long before his death

he had in 1406 erected for himself a monu-

menc» which still exists, in the Cathedral of

Brixeii, probably In connection with some en-

dowment for a pious purpose which he had

there Ibunded.

It is surpHsing that In so troubled and

adventurous a life from Ix^liinlng to end he

should have been able lu devote himtelf to the

cultivation of poetry* and mude. Many of his

poems arc spring and lose songs, and some

arc dev'oted to the gloriHcaiion of Margaret,

Queen of Aragon. There is In all of them the

strong personal note, and it is mainly from

his own poems that the details of liis wander-

ing and adventurous life are known. He

invented the melodies to his |>ocmi, an<l liiese

are nu longer in the mere rsYliatise style of

his prcdeei-ssors, but are real songs, many

of them very fresh and pkaNing, with a

popular lilt alxiui them. Oswald was not

only an inventor of melodics, but wa» also

skilU'd in dll the intriraries the mensural

noiation of his time, and set some of his songa

in two* ami ihree-pari eoiinierpolnt. There

an- oecaslrmallv dlght canonic imiiaiionSi

and a few pleect are expr«ss|y drscrllird as

fugiM's. Iiul the harmonies are very »iifr

and unemilh l« modern can, and so is the

(otwIiMi <4 the pans generally, though ii may

be that line or other nf the p.tris was only

meant to lie played <*n some Insiruineni, and

not sung, III whkh caw the harmonies may

not base lieen so dlvagrrrable. ’fherc are

two instances of apparently four* part writing,

but they arc mrani to be sung or played in

three parts, with one taken alternately with

another, llie most suceexsful setting from

a harmonic point of view it the i}irec*pari

setting of the Latin words ' Ave Mater, ()

Maria . . ,

The whole of ^V^Ikc^^lci^*s compositions,

lx>th literary and musical, have lM*cn edited

with critical apparatus and various facslmiks

in D.T.O,, IX. j. a.

Too bci Oiw.ld

von WolfceiuwHi * tKo(n«ih«rc, 199a;.

Stt otf Sane. p. 917.

JW. 5«fta»f*<»on|s). Vomiefc* (a ehoril

WOLLE. John Frederick (6. Bethlehem,

Penn., 4 Apr. 1663; 4 . Bethlehem, 12 \m

‘ 033 )*

American organist and conduelor. He

studied music with Rhein berger at Munich

11884-^5), and then, becoming organist of

[be Moravian Church in his nalivx- place

began his Ufelong campaign for the advance-

B music in America. 'I'hc St.

John Paasion was given complete for the first

lime m 1888. the St. Matthew followed in

logs, tile B minor .Mass in jgon. Durine the

period 1905-11 U’olk was in California as

pre*^ of the University, and there also he

organiaed perfonnances of the major works



W 0 L 20 GEN

of Bach. On his return lo Bethlehem (he

festivals were renewed. Their pn^mmes

were expanded to include a Urge number of

the church cantatas, the Brandenburg con-

certos played by the Philadelphia Orchestra

and other important woria. h c c

WOLLfCK, NicoUa (». .Kncervilk nr.

Bar*Ie-Duc» ?; d. ?).

French i5ih-:Clh-eemury theorist. As a

boy he was very poor, but he was taken up

and educated by Adam of Boppard, regftu

of the College of CorneilHan near Air. He

became master of philosophy, music and

poetry, and lectured apparently at ihe

Universities of ParU, Meta and Cologne, his

musical subjecu being miuiVe Gre*

gorian chant, counterpoint, etc. His puL>

lished works arc * Opus aureum* {Cologne,

5 eds., 1501^) and 'Enchiridion muslccs '

(Mets & Paris, 1508; and ed. 151a).

r. V. d. 8-

Wolihi, W. S» Motiiutiko (3 libvt,

WOLSTENHOLME, William <*. Black-

burnt ?4 Feb. lOb^; </. London, 3$ July 1931 ).

English organist and compoaer. As an

instance of musical precocity may be mentioned

the fact that when six years ol<l he used to

improvise a rni lody on the pianoforte, adding

an accompaniment on a small harmonium

at its side, playing (he latter half a tone higher,

owing to the instruments' differing in pitch.

He was trained at the College for the Blind,

Worcester, and obtained the degree of B.M us.

at Oxford, being the only blind musician to

take the Oxford degree sirKC John Stanley.

LIgar w’aa much interested in him and as

visiting teacher at the College not only gave

him violin lessons, but also helped him in

preparing for his degree, acting as his


On leaving the College N>dlsienho]mc re-

turned to Blackburn, where fur fifteen years

he held the post of organist and choirmaster

at St. Paul’s Church. In i<jor he breame

organist at the King's VN’eigh House Church

in London, going thence 10 All Saints*. Norfolk

Square, and later to All Saints', St. John's

Wood. In 1908 he made a successful tour of

the U.S.A,

A brilliant pianist and organUt, Wolsien-

holme was also an improviser of outstanding

gifts. His compositions include about twenty

works for various ehamber*music combina-

tions, scv'cn for orchestra, one for military

band, many vocal works (including some

20 songs remarkable fur careful attention to

prosody}, some church music, thirty pieces

for pianoforte and nearly a hundred for (he

organ. Naturally it is by the last-named that

he is best known. Worthy of special men-

tion are the Sonata in F major, the Sonata

in D major (jn the style of Handel), the

Finale in Bs major, the Fantasia in £ majoc

and (he Prelude and Fugue. But the

general level through all this targe output is

high. There is a wealth of melodic invention,

fresh and natural harmony and, above all, a

finished workmanship which is far from com-

mon in modern organ music- A remarkable

characteristic of his choral music is that,

although the general elTect is by no means

contrapuntal, all the voice parts are definitely

melodic in style.

Wolstenholmc no doubt owes much of his

neatness in the technique of composition to

ha early training as a pianist and chamber

musician. Perhaps to the pianoforte, and

most certainly to the organ, may also be

ascribed a less happy feature — his over-

frequent use oi octave* in the right hand.

Tliai, however, is but a trifling blemish on a

large mass of organ music which has the un-

usual merit of appealing to the crowd by its

tunefulness and to the musician by iu quality

and skill.

Some of his best work was never published,

including a Sonata in A minor for the organ,

written for Alfred Hollins, in which ail the

principal (hemes arc based on the initials

“A. H.'* (B in German terminology) — one

of the finest of his organ compositions ; also a

pianoforte Sonata in Ek minor on a very

large scale. h. o., adds, s, k. (ii).

WOLTZ. Johaisa (k. ?; ?}.

German i6ih-i yth-ceniury organist. He

became church administrator and organist at

Keilbronn in 1577, for tm t May (fit? he says

lhai he had held these posts for forty years.

He wrote a book in organ lablature containing

motets, canaoncu and fugues by German and

Italian masters (Basel, (fi( 7 }. a> v. d. s,

Seuat v««. Stf Frucrwwt (Strsuu.

lib.). S<r*vtf (R., * Fru«finei *. wert).

WOLZOGEN, Has* (Paul, Freiherr)

von (i. Potsdam, (3 Nov. (848; / Bayreuth,

a June (938).

German writer on music and librettist. He

was the son of K. A.A. von Wolsogen ( • 623-63.

intendam of the Court 'Hieaire at Schwerin,

author of several pamphlets, etc. on Mosari)

He studied comparative phlloIc^V in Berlin «n

r868-7t. Later he eagerly embraced Wag-

ner's doctrines and wrote many boob, large

and small, about the time of the opening of

the theatre at Bayreuth in 1876. The most

valuable of ihc*e Is no doubt his ' Themati-

schcr Leltfaden’. published in English as

'Guide through " Der Ring dcs Niix-

lungrn"'. translated into very curious English

by his brother, Ernst von Woliogen. In 1877

he was called to Bavreuih to edit the ' Bay-

reuther Blatter the organ by which the

campaign v aa carried on between the festivals.

Among ^Volaogcn's many contributions to

Wagnerian literature his book on ‘TrisUn ,

whkh appeared in 1880, may be mentioned,


WOOD (Chirio)


as v.e|] as a ireatise, ' Wai ht Siil ? >Vas

will SVagnrr ? ’. He wrote ihe llbmitR ktr

Hans $om»net’» ‘ Schloss der Hersen ’

not performed! and d 'Albert s * Hjuio so»<»*

U9051 and revived the librruo of L. 1*. A,

Hvllniaor)*) ' UitJine’

j. » r -Ni.. n%.


^opera by Klchard Sirauv^i. Sft Fr.M' c»h\i

SciiArrsN, Dik.

WoABCff «r, J. S*t lX«k<ai.W«liHi,

WOOD, Anne 6. Clrawky, Stiisex, 2 Au^.

' 9071 -

Knglish contralto singer. Site was edutatrj

at St. Mary's School, C^lnr. S\jI«vJiirr. 4n«l

Icami singing prhaivlv under (srorge I'arker.

KIrna (W rhardt and hva de K< u^n. In icijjl

she became ont' of the arlitiic dtri clors oj iIm

E nglish O^Kra <<riHip aitd in i<>4«^co*priricg!al

with Juan Cross of the btiulon <>|Nra NsImhiI.

.She IS a suctesshd leather ol singinc arid .tv a

concert artist she curls i»ariHularl> ttioraOHio.

where, although a distirigucsited sixxl^lrvi m

Hainlel, she lins lovend a wide i.iiigi >4

parts. She brmtdcasis fr«<|ucnd\ in lari>e*

scale |>erforrnan< cs and regular!) aigxars ai

uraioriu and oilier rojireru Md in jiiiIiIk.

She has aim given rrenaJs In LoiuUmi. m

various musical cenires m Hritain and m

U rinany and Holland, Her rej>rnor>' is by

liu means cunhneti lo classical oralurii* and

songs, (or she Is alscc a resourceful inler|>relrr

of modern inusu and has laken part iii several

iTn(>oriarii first iwrhirrnances of new worb.

WOOD, Antfaoey (ii) 4. Oxfc^rd. 1; IXt.

thji! d. Oxford, j 5 X«%. ilxjj,.

Knghsh mutual chrwiuler. He wav

hlsuinan lo the Univcr^ilv •>( Oxford and

adopted the st)Ie '•,\nilKMiy i Wi^od " as

h IS sign a 1 ure. I !<• I is ei | prac 1 icallv al I his life,

and died, in the huuw in wliicli hr was Uwn.

upjxwile die gate of Merlon (Allege, lie

inalhtuUicd ai Merlon m 11147 ami imik I he

M.A. degree in iC^y

Wood planned an exhaustive tieaiiss* on the

Cliy and University of Oxford, but that nan

which dealt with the cily wai never puldishetl

during hiv hfc«. That which dealt with Uw

Lniteoiiy appeared jnjuly 11)74 •Hlsiorla

et AiUicpiitates CnivcrMlatis Ox^mn-nsis * in

2 \ glumes, untler Che patronage of Hr. Ft II

Vice. Chancel lirf*. who hlin»iir |«,tv ihe

expense of publication and iranslathui into

Ulm, WwMi. Iwing drwalisJird wiili ihs

re wrote his work In English, and it wav this

later version that John Cutch followed in

* hundred years after WotKi’s dcaili

ibr History' and Atitlquiijes of the Univ^Tsity

gfC xford (4V0U.). Both the Ijuin and the

Lnghsh publications had contained * Fasii '

annals) naming the chief officers of Use

UnivTCSiiy in every year.


To a sulisequcnt work, ‘,\ih< nae Oxonirn-

s« * la vok.i, containing ih<‘ biographies ol Uie

ImhojH and men of h iters of Oxford, Wood

^Iditl a iiiucii enlarge d \« rsjun of the ' I u^[i

ITiiv ('•Miidins biogr.iphit al non v on thove who

priMevdsd to digjvi s sear h> yr.jr, amj it U

to tlww ' KjsIi ’that wr owe the uifnrnution

.lUnit several chulorv unci hui helorv nl tiiuvic

ofU'n n-lirted lo iu ihiv .iiid oiher works

of muvMul rehtenrr. 'IV riuM generally

avudaW*' edition o( th« ' Alluoae Osooiensev'

with • Fast, • ,s ihai of I'hihp Ilfjss

'l*he * l.jfr and I'mn-s t>f Anthony ,1 Wood

tolhtied Iroin the diaries and other papers,

tv.*s iHddishid m volumes of the Oxford

HistorKul hcKieiv, cxJitrd bv .\ndtn\ CUfk

'llhi-ic|i»» . .\ MMgle volume of ilie ^ariie,

vVud from die \,i.| mj»> nf lo.Uerial made

jv.iil.ibli bv Clark, w.o publwlud uinhr die

nhtotslup ol l.leuehn rows, in ny^j.

Jl. l..

!«•»«. Niiov. If. tv sues. J trails lis,n» tieliwin A

tv .--I* „|

M A I.,. \N , jvn. |i I', 7 ,

▼ ▼ W\/4/i

4 as s I

ifHX>. */, Carol »r id ge, u Jolv i<ir(i..

Irish luiisi.al eduijliotust. louduilor jiuj

iotii|».*s- r. Ill Via- Ihr vin ofCharln Wood,

lav vital ol Armagh (‘alheilral. He began

his I due alum m huimouv and (ounierpoini

m iWlo-Hi Odder Hr. I, (>. .Marks, the

c-fganisi of .\rjiiagh C.illMxIr.il, From lUIW

to iH»7 V was .It the k.C.M, m l.oriduii,

wVci he won Ihe .Morli v S.lmlardup for

iwriiNniinm. He studied ihere under .Stan-

lord for com|)OMi*on, Bridge for counterpoint

and Frahkhn l.iyli-r for pianoforle. In iWJd

hr was afgioirited leatlu r of h.irmonv .it die

K C.M . where lairr he bet a me a memlHr of

the IVird <J Prtrf'isa.n and .yf die AswHJalecf

Hisinl <4 the R A..\l. and R.C.M, As te.ichcr

aisd rx.umiier he exert inti ;ui imporlxnt

mllutmcr chnHigh iVw' )M»ts.

In tUde \t«x>d look up hU residence at

CamUidgr, conducting the Cambridge Uni-

versus Musical ^>oviely from that vear until

'"“red Camliriclgc through

VJvvyn <a*JI<«gc, Imt nugralctl to Caius Coljrcc'

<*n hiv appoinlnmnl us organ isi-M liolar of

."imlle and Caius <k.llrgv, t«V|.i>4. In the

.‘Ulrr year he was nia.lr a Frllow, He was

li^dtiiaMer uf die rnjversiiv \ olunicvr.<

•iWhq?. In ibijj he w« niHde Univrrsily

htlurec m harmony and cuuntrrixoni. ami

on ^hcdcaih of Stanford in t*t?4 ho was elected

10 iV Prof^hlj). He look the dcgrcTS of

B,,V arul Mos.B. ai Chimbridge in ilk,o, of

M.A. and M us, I), m j 8<J4, and vva> given an

<l<^rce at I.,eils in iSu4.

Uood s ulent as a comjsowr, Im fastidious

laslc and his hnr srholarvhip vvxtc shown in

a number of shofi works for voices and or-

chestra which belong to his early years. These



WOOD (Ghaile)

WOOD (Haydn)

include ‘ Ode to the W«i Wind * for solo,

chorus and orchestra (1890), a setting of

Swinburne's ' Ode on Music ' for the opening

of the new building of the R.C.M. (1894) and

Milton's ‘Ode on Time’ for chorus and or-

chestra ( 1 698). Hb ’ Dirge for Ttvo Veterans '

(Walt Whitman) had a great success ai the

Leeds Festival of 1901 and was revived at

that of 1935 ; his ‘ Song of the Tempest ’ for

solo, chorus and orchestra was performed at

the Hovingham Festival of 1902, and his

‘ Ballad of Dun<lcc ’ at the Leeds Festival of

1904. A set of Symphonic V’ariaiions on

* Patrick Sarsficld ' was given at one of the

Beccham concerts in London in 1907.

Wood wrote music for 'Ion\ Cambridge

(1690) and for * Iphigenia in Tauris* (1894)

of Euripides, and essayed dramatic compou-

lion of a very different kind in a scene from

Dickens's ' Pickwick Papers ' taken as the

basis of a one-act comic opera and performed

by the students of the R.C.M. in 1933. His

works of concerted chamber musk include

three siring quartets (A minor. major and

F major) and in 1935 he reappeared as a

festival composer, conducting at Gloucester an

unaccompanied motet, 'Glory and Honour*

(8 voices}. Among his smaller compositions

may be mentioned a book of Iris!) folksongs

publUhcd in 1897, many partsongs and solu

wngs, among the last being the very remark-

able 'Ethiopia saluting the Colours* to tvonK

by Whitman, j. a. >.-st. & h, a c.

During his later yean ^Vood became

increasingly active as a composer of church

music and of short choral ^vorks c^ the part-

song and school-iong t)'pe. Many examples

appeared posthumously. The church music

comprises the following Kivicc settings:

Holy Communion, four ; 'I'e Deum and Be^-

dictua, two} Magnificat and Nunc Dimlttss.

about twenty; anthems, over thirty. Of the

evening services two are for double choir, and

one is for double men's choir, A.T.B.

The best of these services are as well estab-

lished as those of Stanford, to which they

show some afhnily, especially in the consistent

use of a simple basic motive. ‘Fhis is especially

marked in the three early seilinp of the

evening Canticles (D major, C minor and

major) published in 1898-1901.

It is in his later church works, however,

that food's individuality b more fully Usown.

'I'hcrc the chief influence is one that has

alfecicd no other British church composer to

any considerable degree — that of the metrical

psalm-tunes that may for convenience be

covered by the term " Genevan ". In ih^

sterling melodics \Vood found fruitful material

for development. The first imporunl result

seems to have been the set of 16 organ Preludes

“ founded on melodies from the Englbh

and ScoUbh Psalters”, pubibhed ia

and, ac about the same dme, 3 Preludes of

a umilar type, and a set of Variations on

‘Winchester Old*. Subsequently Wood drew

largely from thb and similar sources for choral

purposes. Among the works written on these

lines are four Evening Services and the ‘ Nunc

Dimittb ' of (he 8-part Service in P major ;

also a number of anthems.

There are four admirable Communion

Smices, one of which, a simple setting largely

in the Phrygian mode, is widely used in

cathedrals and parish churches. I'he best of

the group is also the most difficult^a beautiful

setting in C minor for unaccompanied singing.

The consisiendy high level of quality in

>Vood’s large output for the church makes it

the most important modem contribution to

Anglican church music. Hb most important

work for church use is his setting of the St.

Mark Passion whkh appeared in (931. If U

shows the composer at hb best, a likely reason

is that hb natural inclination to gravity and

austerity finds fuller scope here than elsewhere.

Characteristic, too, U his avoidance of

specially written or already popular Anglican

hymn-tunes on the one hand and of German

chorales on the other, in favour of two plain-

song melodies and (wo examples from the

metrical psalter.

A discussion of (his side of Wood’s output

would be incomplete without a reference to

his share in three treasuries of old church

melodies edited by his friend the Rev. Dr,

C. R. ^Voodw•ard — ‘ Songs of Syon the

‘ Cowley Carol Book ' and ' An luiian Carol

Book ’ — a selecdw of /eudi ipirityaii. To these

collections he contributed harmonisations and

settings that arc models of fitness and luic.

H, o., abr

W«W. CaH»c*pW. Sit Cohn (' Too tsu to die *.

inetd. m.).

WOOD, Hsyda (^. Slaithwaite, Yorks, 35

.lar. 1883).

Englbh violinist and composer. When he

vas two yean of age the family went to Jive m

he Isle of Man, where he appeared as a boy

irodigy until he was fifteen, when he was sent

0 London 10 study at the R.C.M, Arw

avc him hb finbhing (raining on the vidin

nd Sunford aught him composiuon. Hu

Jaying impressed both Joachim and Satasate,

nd on 13 June he played at the opening oJ

fie R.C.M. 's new concert hall. He com-

4 ctcd hb studies under Cisar Thomson at

IrusseU, went on a world tour with AJoam

nd some years later, having mamed D^hy

Jourt, appeared at music-halls with her,

siting ballads for her which t»ecame e«iiy

ery ^ely popular. But be had by then

omposed several senous works, induding a

anra^tring Quartet which won the second

riJc the fint Cobbett Compeution and a

ianofcfte Concerto.

>VOOD (Henry J.)


Haydn Wood’s works are extrerocly numer*

our. They include 4 for chorus and or-

chestra (' The Little SUps ’ [Dunkirk, 1040) I

' Lochinvar ’ fa scene from Scott's * Mar-

mion ’J ). 9 Rhapsodies, 8 Overtures, 15

Suites (‘ London Cameos \ ‘ Paris * East of

Suez', ‘Three Famous Pictures *. ' I^ndon

Landmarks eic.L 2 sets td* Variations and

t. 40 smaller works and pieces for orch. ; 7

Marches for military* band: pf. Ousctrio,

vn. Concerto, ‘ Plulharmonic \’ariaik>ns ' lor

cello & orch. ; Fantasy sii(. ^tei : J 3 vn. pieces

& other insl. solos : 7 song c>‘clet ; <. 300

songs and ballads (‘Roses of Pjeardv', ‘Lose's

Garden of Roses ‘ It is only a iinv garden \

' Rird ofLo'c Divine', &e. ». r, 0.

WOOD, (Sir) Henry J. (Joseph) 6. I^on-

don, 3 Mar. i8l^; Hitchin, Herts, 19 Auf.

Knylish conductor. His father kept a shop

for imxiel railw.iy engines in (}xr<»rd Si reel and

a small faciury* at Uatlersea. Hu I allhiMscrh the

family wa< not one of professional musUians.

I><>ih his [M rents were niusic.iL Hr was first

Utnthi by his mother, who nursed lu> eacrp.

lion.il trtlems with such elfrei that at llsr age of

ten he was able to act as depuiv organivl ,it St.

Mary's Church. Alderisianhuis : and at iliir-

tevn he performed the same funrtioA at 81.

S(|j Ilk lire's, HoHxKn. where he learnt mush

from the organist, Ur. l.dwjn Loit. MKas|,o>

r<'st in that shurrh and a menKirial window

coinmcmuraiinR his early work there w.is uii*

veiled on 26 Apr 1*^6. At sc\ enter n he Isad

his firs I appointment as orvanist of St. John's,

f’ulham. Ikfore this Ise ha<l given <^an

recitals at the Fisheries and Insmiiotis Lx-

hi hi I it MIS, in 18U3 and *88.^ re^pet lively. He

sluditHl for >ix terms at the R.A.St.. ssorking

with I'roMi and Garcia, and upparenlly aiming

at I he career of a composer, for he wrote

several the.itrical and oilier pieces; but

thcNe were comigned to oNhiun as wion at

the main object of his life was found to l>e


A four months’ tout with the Anhttr Kous-

lH>y Opera Company in 18B9 gave him liis

first experience of responsible s'onduriing. artd

in iBtjo he was engaged by Sullivan and

U'Oyly Carte to supcrinlend the rehearsals nf

' Ivanlioe’. He became awisianl conductor

at the Savoy ‘Hicaire for a short time and con-

dncied opera at the Crystal Palace on at least

two occasions. In 1891 he conducted * Car-

men’ during Marie Kobe’s farewell tour with

the Carl Rosa Company. In 1892 he con-

ducted for an operatic enterprise of Georgina

Hums and Leslie Croiiy, where be peqiared

;in Ltiqlidi vemon of Rossini’s ' Cenercntola ’.

His next mm e was to the Olympic 'llteatrc in

London, where he conducici'l Iuigo‘$ interest-

mg but unfortunate season of Italian opera.

The engagement was most important for bin,

for it not ordy brought Itini under iliu notice of

London muwians, but the first work per-

formed. I'chaikovsky's ‘ Eugene Onegin was

his first introduclioii to Russian music*. After

the collapse uf the ujiJeclakiiig \\'<t(>d taught

singing and fonned operatic tJassl^, en,, until

in i6$t he came iniu conut 1 wich FVIlx MonI

and was appuinted musital acls'iscr lor the

Wagner corwcrls tirgniii/i-d b> St I ml/ Curilus

at the newly built Quct ii's Hall.

Ill *8t#;, he was t iig.igccl by Kobfrl Xcwiimti

to conduct a series of Eroiinmnde Ctmteris In

that new hall, and from that inuincui }>cgan

an assoeiaiNin maim.mirtl unbroken lili ihu

death ofXcwjiun in which had the most

jm[x.r(.uii <*(ln i on the muncal life of Ixindon

tw PkostiSAOt CosuRTS ,md Xi.w Qi m.k'j

Hali. OarmsiNA .ind iiuiflmully made

UcHxl the riMM litornimnt iK’rsonaliiy in

Ixunion inndc. In he conducted the run

of Sianfiied's ‘ShaTnus O'Hiirn’ .it the Opera

Cumiqur Thrjire, hut Im c.ircvr ss.as now

shap'xj in tlw* (line lion o! symphonic work,

and not only ihai at f^iieen's H.ill {including

wiih the Promrn.uJcN the Symphony CA.iurrts

and Sunday c<Knetl^ IriMn iHjj? onwardsi. hut

mam other oppoitimjiies he found i»r rn.vic in

imwitKial cities. absctrlxsJ liis energies, In

t8<»7 a ccrfitnund |KTfornMncv of ihc (i»ern‘!t

Mali Orclustr.i was given Iwlorc (^ucen

S iemria: in the v»ine ye.ir Woe.d w.t^ ap-

pointed director uf the XotlinKh.'im .Sacred

Harmonie. Nxjeiy and lie founded die .Xoltihg-

ham City OrelM-sir.i in rfVjej. He was made

ruiKluciur of tlx* 'N'oKcrharnpton J- estival

Chuf.il S-xieiy in ir^eio, of the Sfufrifld

Fesnv.ll MH)a-i ij and uf ilie .Xorwie h Frstiva:

in r(jo 8 . Hi is last he was able to revive after

the 1,1 pse (d* ten >e.iis in irjj.j. In ityiC |>c

ermdvKted the H.mdcl iVsIis.il m (hr Crystal

I’aloAc. and hliiiM'lf the wliuk of (he

innsic for a three ei.ivs’ progr.iimm* lor ,ni

imtnenseorthoslra. i I Usui In I (o Hande It style,

it is trm*. IhiI |»ro|Hirnonrd to Ihe si/e of the

choir ami the Imilding.

He cunduviitt symphony converts u( Hir-

mingham in lejei- the Festival (here in in I a

and cIm* Festival CIhma] Society in 1919-23.

Other i in|> mi ai n |m*\ inc iai » ppoi n i ments

included tlw West nuirl and Festivnl'. Cardiff

orchestral ce^cris (J911-13), the Manchester

Genilein^ iA Concerts and Hrand I.ane* con.

!><»"• I*hi I harmonic and .socle iie&

ai Sheffield, Ix'icesicr and Hull.

In i8e,8 W'oexl married Olga, daughte r of

I’rincess Sofie t'rusv.v /lK>rii Xarlslikitn, a

iojwano singer whose charm of v oice and stvle

adel^ distii*rtkin to numy of her bus bund's

eyher festival iKrfr»ri»ianccs. She had Ijccn

Ins pupil and Itrcame 10 a rcrtairi extern his

U aeher, few he owred much lo iier accompli di-

ment fine lasic. She was no doubt partly

responsible for ihe direction of Wood's alien-

35 ®

WOOD (Henry J.)

tion to (he great wealth of Russian orchestral

music which was still pracdcally unknown in

England in the 1890$. Another who con-

tributed to the enlargement of Wood's musical

horizon was Rosa N'ewmarch, who became

attached to Queen’s Hail as writer of pro*

gramme notes and whose knowledge of the

Russian and other Slavonic scliools was used

to enrich the repertory. These influences,

together with the fact that after the production

of Tchaikovsky’s " Pathetic ” Symphony the

London public was ripe for the vi\kl colours

and rich imagery of the Russians^ contributed

to found \Vood’s reputation on music of this

kind. But he was never a specialist in the ex-

clusive sense, and his constant aim was to make

his repertory the most contprehensivc to be

heard anywhere in the world. Orchoiral

music of any age and school was drawn into

it, and it wa» constantly enlarged by the intro-

duction of new works of any nationality as soon

as scores and parts were published, as well as

manuscript compositions mainly, in the nature

of things, of the BritUh school.

In iQii Wood was knighted. In the same

year he married Muriel, daughter c^ Major

Greatorex, his first wife having died childless

on 20 Dec. 1909. Of this sccorid marriage he

had two daughters. The yean immediately

before I he lirst world war were remarkaNe for

I he great number of important new works

produced under hii direction at Queen s Hall.

Richard .Strauss, Debussy, Keger. Skriabtn,

Scltncnberg were among the mr»re famous

continental composers who visited England

either to conduct their works with his orchestra

or to hear them under his direction. LIgar’s

second Symphony was first giwn at the Lon-

don Festival of J91 1, and the works of native

Composers too numerous to record were pro-

duced by him both in London and the pro

vinces. After the war. when the armistice

made postibic the rt'-esiablishment of inter-

national relations among artists, ^Vood was

able to carry English music abroad. He con-

ducted with Nikisch and Pirrne at the iiKcr-

national festival given at Zurich in 1921. He

was invited to conduct English music ai

Wiesbadeti in I923» and in the same year

visited California for the same purpose. In

J 926 he received an honorary* degree of

Eioctor of Music from Oxford, and the same

year the French government made him an

Officer of the Legion of Honour for hb services

t<> French music. He had already been a

Chevalier of the Belgian Ordredcla Couronne

since 1920. Other degrees held by him ss’ece

(hose of F.R.A.M, and F.R.C.M., and he also

had doctorates from the Universities of Cam-

bridge, London, Manchester and Birming-

ham. The Royal Philharmonic Society's gold

medal was awarded him in 1921. He was

made an Hon. Pieemait of Worshipful

Ccrtnpany of Musicians in t$gB and Com-

panion of Honour in 1 944.

Wood made a great many orchestral ar-

rangements of works ranging from a suite of

pieces by Purcell to Mussorgsky’s ‘ Pictures at

an Exhibition’ and Debussy’s ‘La Cath^dralc

engloutic'. Such transcriptions, as well as his

editing of the older classics, especially Bach and

Handel, in a way he comidcred to be necessary

for a largc-siaed modern concert-hall, were

often adversely criticized on the grounds of

taste or historical scholarship, but nev'cr on

(hat of effectiveness, for he knew the orchestra

most intimately from the Inside and regarded

no detail as too small or unimportant to study

with a specialist's ailention.

From 1923 he found lime to undertake the

training in orcltesiral playing and in conduct-

ing at the K.A.M., an imtilutlon in which he

took the must generous practical interest. He

made it a gift in 1938 ^ his immerue library

of orchestral scores and parts, together with a

collection ofbooks and insirument:<, stipulating

(hat the hiring-fees for orchestral materials

charged to outside organisations should form

a fur^ for the furtherance of the professional

careers of current-year students. During the

first ten years t h is fund mounted tosoixie »ooo*

Wood was always a man of hobbies, among

which painting in oils and carpentry were

conspicuous. Alike In his hobbies and hU life-

work of music the quality of thoroughness

underlay all hb activities. He was never

known to conduct a score without knowing it,

or to conduct without a score to show how

well he knew it. He look infinite pains at

rehearsal, was a firm disciplinarian and culti-

vated so direct and indicative a style of con-

ducting that his requirements were never in

doubt nor his beat indistinct for an inunnt.

In later years, it has to be admitted, hb

syvlemalic and itcccssarily tltne-saving methods

of rehearsir^, without which the daily change

of programme at the Promenade Concert*

could not have been maintained at all, some-

times resulted in rather rough-and-ready

performances: but even these, though they

could be criiicizcd for lack of sensitiveness,

were never w*aniing in that extraordinary

vitality which Wood, apparently tireless him-

self, always knew how to draw even from an

overwork^ orchestra.

The death of Robert Newman in 1926 began

a change in the conditiona of \Vo^’8 work

accentuated by the transference of the Pro-

menade Concerts from the management of

Chappell & Co. to that of the B.B.C. in 1927.

For the time being the same orchestra wa*

employed, but to avoid infrit^meni of cop>^

right in the name the concerts were announced

as liN-en by “ Sir Henry Wood and hb Sym-

phony Orchestra ". The orchestra, but not

tbe conductor, was superseded later by the

WOOD (Henry J.)

WOOD (J. M.)


formation of the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra.

The name of the Queen’s Hall O^hetira was

revived m !933 for the purpose of making a

him and some records tor the Decea Company.

W'ood directed a series of Sunday afternoon

concerts in 1936 t^ith (hb orchestra, which

included many of his old players. In 1927

Wood conducted the Norwich Festival lor tin*

last lime. But in 1933 he directed a two davs’

fcaliial at ShcdTield which was opened with a

perfirrmance of Mahler’s eighth Symphonv,

Another ami in<ire comprehensite programme

was given there in 1936.

In 193B \Nood cclehranxi his juliilrx' as a

<nn<hutor wiih a coticert at ihrAllten Hall ot

ilie (omhiried urrhiMra^ and < hoars of Unithm

(hi.). The mcasioii called forth manv

Irihutf's to his pnhiit work, oto'i r)o(|ur»t

aniom; them llw tomposiiioci rd* ' .\ S< renade

10 Mioii ’ lor iC> M>lo vwiies and orrlHxra l)>*

N uuiiiMh NVilliaths.

The proceeds ol this cihkiti jiid \aiimis

coiuriliutions W«hhJ dr\ oted to ihe enihtw*

mrni of T)ine U'ds in six lauKJmt hmpdaU lor

the use of orslieoral musnbiis, in p«<r|M>ton\ .

nt a lost of £itin,o.

When the >ctur>d world war br<»kr mil hi

I he Promenade Comerts were ai hist

lorithiueil normally, even ihrough the Inst

air*nihh, Jiui ii had l<» Ih* rei ognt/ul ili.ii tW

ri sfx.iisihiliiy of assenihllng large amheno's in

om huilding rath mi;ht could ma U' jiisiilie<|,

and when lh< IIJI.C. kft lauwlmi no miiiHiliate

proviMun Could Ik* made r«>r thnr tontnmjmr,

WiK-l, however, loumed them in i«#p» uiuh r

ihe managecnritt of Keiih IXmiflas aetd Owen

Masr, ;n\d afier iJie dcslrmiMMi *4 Qvieen’s

Hall in 1941 they were moved 10 Ihe Allicrl

Huh, where VN''nM| agreed to I'miiiime in Im

own name for the seasons ot Hip proni

however, the |i II.O, .igani niaioiged the

c oncer l «. Beg i 1 m ing lo Uvl t he weig I it ol s ears,

Wood had agreed in h) 3«». lor the hul tiinr in

hi» life, to share hh work with Minaher con*

due tor lUasil C^iRic*ron', lor hr had never in

curlier years thought i»f lightening his eiior.

1110U1 task in this way, except by asking a

mniiber of living composers to ioikUiiI tWir

own work' whenever that vould be arrangeil.

Karly in the vastm of 1943 he was taken ill,

at«J hr could appe-aronlv h^iis last Uw witIis.

On 30 June 19^4 the Promenade Com rets

were < leased down 1»> order on account i-f n\ii«2

bombs, hill Ihey were replaced on i july l>y

br«*adrasis from lledhwd. It was tli^re ihai

Wood conducted his last performance .m 28

.July. ]'ha» was his liftieth season, hekl in hb

seventy-fifth year. On that seasonMasl nighl,

on 10 Aug., he was iimi ill even to Ikirn to dir

performance by wireles?. but he sent a messaije

over the air which was delivered by Siuart

Hibberi. Wood died in InKpital ai I litelnn wi

19 Aug., and in a funeraJ service in St. .Mary's

Church there on 24 Aug. the B.B.C. Singen

and Orchestra took part.

To cdebraic NVood’s seven ly-fifih birthday

and the jubilee of tite Promenade Concerts a

committee had been formed under tlic chair*

manship of Lord HorJer. and NN’ood had

decided to let the bulk of the gifts offered him

Isosne £12.000) Eo towards a fund for the

builcling of a new concert-hall in London.

’Ilw* site on which he ho)n*d the building would

be erected was Park Square, Regent’s J'ark,

approaclM’d from tlw* south by tin* wiiJe road-

wav of Portland Phice and served by Its ow*n

tulie si.ition: hiii unfortunately ihi* proirci

Ml ihnniqh l.iu r, so far as Park Sc | nan* was

ttintvuied. Ihe luml was nam«'4| tlir Hrnr>'

WVkisI \atiiHt:il Mvm«)ri.j| Tru'l.

M. adds. f. b.


I ' I^K-rit’k M«ll. ia<i| 1^41 * '(.olliioii,


* I bills Pn«'fili \\w»r (JUiirarv .Vrlule ,\Jm. T.,

V|M. MJ 44

Jliii. Ksim a Hm‘, t;. H., • llrc»r\ U««kI ; f ift^

\ c.*rs .a ihr ' l'ri>Mi» *' ' C.oimIoh. i 444 K

StuusKi M. Hm.a. ' J1«M% i. Vv.-.l ' I* I Masien

«a VIh>b oi.,^ .

^AUIM.\, t.ioHM . ’linos I. ijf 'll* ViPy

\f, a I V\V, 41)4 1. p, 1/5 .

\V<M,D, Hi SMS j , ' \b l.ilr Miitii 10381.

Um..,. (i . m . * ji,r t_k.| V« /n <>l Mi.'iirv J, tSu<K|’

l.—Svt IM’.J

Wr •/.» \,l<Uii.44j| Btitwli

« jMM, ' t .Hwa iixx^ C l,uk^ ) , I nimit'i V t.luhcnn,

. Mdixh 1 1 < M1S4I iHi |i^«ii«iMMikf 4 ir . '* Kleiiiwshv "

K. ixesKhwi ni . %<•«, % IIjIi f Wh*

•MAfili IVoohhmI^ tiHMrrn Qwixn'i Hdll.

WOOD, John Muir -t). l.dinhurgh, 31 jnly

il-**, : J \nn.ui<J,ih*. <!,iM*, Jonv ibc^ui.

Stmusli rthisK inilihsher. Ih* uas the >on

4»l .Smhi’w ^\iiih|. ,1 inusu publisle r In Jahti-

borgh. Hlmnahw'il him afier his parlm r, John

N I III r , h »lm ,\1 ui r \ V (M M I w as t losi-ly asstx i.x 1 ed

viiili the imisMul life of .Ntutland and took a

knn interoi in .SiMtiish ni usual anii(|iiuies.

He iihtnl a hew edition of (Iraham’s ' Songs

i 4 Stodaml * iilWg', in wie volume 'the

miguial was issmxl W.khI & Co. of l.din*

iHugh in 3 voh., 1U48, 1 1< . .

Wooil A (Ui., the a}»i%e*nienlioiu’d Jinn of

inosu imMishers, was siarttti It) James Muir

at tU (JexirgeStrs'i t. iMimhufffh. in May 179b.

l)illHiihi<*s having ajisen, the business was

taken .rtir shortly afu r hv his brollicr, John

Muir, an Irontnotiger, wlm, acKmising (or a

partmr. ass4« iai«*d hitiisc lf with Andrew Wood

and ollwrs. Muir, \N<hhI & (Jo. were ai t6

<U'<tf%r .Street in I ami were " Musieal

mstfumem niakrrs to His MajcMy In 1803

tin y removed to 7 l^ idt Sinei ; In 1810 the

nurnlKf was changed to 13. imd there they

nmained until i8i«. ’Fhev w<*re very active

(HiMisher^ and |KiMidi<*d qnamiiies of sheet

music and colleriions of airs initftly Scottish

I'Jwy uere uicccediHl l»y NVvhkI, Small & (io

al 13 Uilh Street, 1818-22, and at u Waterloo

naee, kalinimrgh. »8ij -30.

llie survivors of the lirm were Wood & Co.


WOOD (Mu.)

WOOD (Thomaj)

of 1 2 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, and sufase*

quent addressee up to 1 9^9. and J. Muir WocnJ

& Co. of 42 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, [84^'

1899, with additional premises at 15 Princes

Square, t. 1859-65. These two firms were

intimately connect^, and tverc issuing in the

1840-503 many important Scoiiish musical

works, among which were Graham's ‘ Songs of

Scotland \ Surennes’s * Dance Musk of Scot-

land ' and some others, whleh in their subject

may now claim to be classic.

r. K., adds. w. c. s.

WOOD, Mrs. S<f Patos, Mary Anns.

WOOD, Ralph (Walter) (i. London, 31

May (902).

English composer and writer on music. He

was hrst taught mu«ic by his mother and later

studied the violin, hrst with a local teacher and

then with James Loekyer. He has pursued a

business career for the whole of his adult life

and is mainly self-taught as a composer, but

he had a few lessons from Richard Walthew,

Herbert Howells and Cordon Jacob. As an

author he early established himself by valu-

able contributions to musical periodicals, and

although he has so far published no com-

plete book of hU own, his contributions to

the Tchaikovsky (1945) and Sibelius (1947}

volumes in Gerald Al^aham’s * Musk of ckw

Masters ' serlr^ Iiavc made his name more

widely known. AItJiough his compositions

were long in coming forward, the earliest pre-

served work of his is dated 1920, and the fact

that a second Symphony of hit caistt, but not

a first, indicates that he mutt have disowned

or destroyed some of his early attempts. This

second Symphony was commended by the

Carnegie Irust adjudicators as “ full of a very

remarkable promise ". No public perform-

ance of any work of his was given until 1 936,

when the Erhari Chamber Orchestra produced

his Concerto for string orchestra, arranged in

1933 from a string Sextet of 1932. The work

was given by the Committee for the Promotion

of New Music In 1946, and the same organlxa-

(ion performed the ' Three Songs ' of 1936 in

1944, the ' Resurrection of Martyrs ’ for or-

chestra in 1945, the Divertimento for clarinet

and strings in 1945 and 1947, the * Nocturne

and Dance ' for two planoTories In 1947 and

the Suite for small orchestra in 1948. The

* Six Elegies ' for pianofurte have been played

by Sidney Harrison and Frank Merrkk, the

three Studies by Ilona Kabos (including a

Swiss broadcast of English musk) and Freda

Swain (broadcast In South Africa and Austra-

lia) and the Sonatina by Marjorie Alexander.

I'hc three songs of 1936 were given by Peter

Pears and Benjamin Britten. a. a.



Music for Shakespeare** 'The Tempest’ foe voka 4

pf. 4 uet


|$0e^’ (fhebe) foe chorus & ereh. (r^so).

A Madriial * (Shakespeare) for uoaceemo. cbona


' To Bfoeeenu * (Herrick) for uoacconip cberui (1930).

4 ^vnfs for cbo(^ 4 orch. (1939)

z. CaU for tbc robin redbreast aod the wren 0.

Webier). ^

3. The unCa/ihTu] shepherdes (Anoii.).

S. WahcB, fords aod Ladia (ay (Scott).

4. Hey Donay d« \ (Anon.}.


Symphmav No. 3 , G al. {i 9 « 5 ).

* Symphonic Vartacfon* * (>939).

’OcnoAC’ (t9J3).

Overture (193$).

Cencereo for ttfs. (19}}, arr, of it*. Sexiei. I 9 ja).

* Sacehanal ' (1937).

5 «Hie foe unall «*th. (1939).

’ Kesuerectioe of Mariyn ' ( 1 943).

* Ftw Draoiaiie Studies' (1943^


* Overture to a Tra(«dy * (1937).


Ceneeno (194B).


Sirini Quartet No. 1 (1933).

birint Sextet (I 933 >.

Divenwnenie for cfor. 4 st(. 4lrl {1937).

Qisariei for vn,. viola, eelfo 4 pf. (1941).

Tno foe vA., viola 4 celfo (1943).

Sirirx Quaciei Na 9 (> 94 $).


t Vocaltfcs fee vote* 4 vfola (1939},

3 Sormrti fee voice, (lute, oboe, vn,, tiela 4 «)lo (t 94 S)

I. Co from me. Yet 1 feel thai 1 shall iiand (£. B.


3. Week.* nd (Harold Moore).

* La Vuion * (Aim d« Musset) for veiee. Auic, oboe,

vn., vfola 4 celfo (1943).


* Ek«v* {l|99>.

Prrliide<i 99 «l.

*Su Llefia* (193$).

Seoalfoa (1937).

3 Studies (1939).

*^Sol.fooui*s^ 0939 ).

* Three Little Fiecei (>941).


Dance Suite * Fastichm * (1939).

* Neciume and Dane*’ (1941).


end Campaspe (). Lv)y)<

«. To ask fee alt thy fote Ooho Dewlasd).

I. ^ l^ye a-«bynkyn(e (Barham (Inpoldsbyl).

V. (foontel to (iris (Herrkk).

3. T>e noble naiure (Jeosea). , _ .

4, How like a winter Kaui my abrenre been (doanet

97) (Shahonearc).

i . hlrliwholy (i. Fletcher).

. The lua coftie s (Anon,).

Senes (19*$)

I. Tak*. O take (Shafceepeare).

2. Tht Thrvsifo (Tenoyteo).

^r* 1 t w^^fover and W* la» (Shakespeare).

2, As h fed upon a day (BamcRe)d).

Senes (193S'

I. SofWKi 64 (Shakmpeare), ,

3 Sonnet d’autaawte (Baudelaire).

^ Epiuldi (£. B. Browniox).

WOOD (Wode), Thomas ^

Scottish i6th-cenluf7 rousieiAn.

• editor of the ‘ Scottish PMlicr


He was

of 1566.

CQIIOi v» -

know little or aoihijig of him bdore



the 1 560s. Laing thought that Wood had

previouily act«d as R«ader id one <it oclwr

of tho churches in Fife ” before he >s‘eni to Sl

A ndre>s3, where we lir»( have trace of him in

a church post (1562). Wood himself tells us

ihai from that year until 1566 he was busy

rollrccing the material for, and copying with

his own hands, the famosn holograph psalter

which has come down to us, iIk treble, tertor

and ba^t pans being preserved at lidinburgh

Univerviiy Library, while the U.M. has a

later edition of the conira*tenor jvart. Ah

though we have, with the later duplicates, all

the part* books, no complete set of the same

date exists, and the cvntra>tenor is defecliw.

'I'hc missing pans of the duplicates are ih^

it'iior, coritra*ienor and thr iifih p«trt, aisd

^PjH mU have i>*en made several timev with a

view to their tliKOVcry in some |>rivatf lilirarv.

Although W ood says that his wi^k w^s com*

picled by Drr, there are addniorit, and

even duplicate <opir>. dated 156^, ijro,

rU . Then there is thr s^calhd “ fifth lxx>k ",

dated 1^1^, at 'IVinity College, Duldin. which

contains much setuUr mnsir. We hnd Wood

later (i^j at Dunbar, and in Mar.

he wav presented to the " V'warage of St,

Andrews " by the |j»rd Regent. Frtmt a later

entry in Im own hand in the pvalter wc kitow

that hr was still living in 1^2. M, c. r.

Bill. fARstra. IlrNRv ii . ’ </ \rt»(r ms IkiM*

<l.<<n«lon, mi?/, pp. tai*a4,

I.AtNi., Davio, *A»k A<<o««il of W'MiiOi fulwr ol

A.M. t^Ui* IWcHuMR : OmwW of AMHiMArm

i>f MQiUnJ iSUr. p, 44y.

.VlAcmrMM, J. VV., Wli<twr of tSr NtMiiiOt Mnris«l

J'lAino * itrsi, P9,

WOOD> Thoraaa Chorley, l^iKadiire.

ad Xuv, id^i ; d. Hurvs, Lssex, rg .\w. 1550 .

Kngiish composer and author. Me was the

sun of a master marinrr. with wh«>m he spent

tnany of ihv years of rhililhood on Ixiard ship,

thus finding the inspiration of must of his

musir In thr sea. D)s fini teaching was frum

Dr. J.dward Brown <if Barrow, and he couk

I he degree of Mnt.B. in ujij before g«iing

up to l,x<'iuc Clullegr, Oxford, Kejectrvl for

military service on account of M'rioudy de*

fective cyesighc, he Sjirnt the period of the

Mj 14-18 war in ihe Adinirolly. In tjjiS hr

wnt to the R.L.M. tu work with Sianh>nJ.

and with Herbert Fryer for pianoforte. In

lyro Ur pmceetUd to his M.A. and to his

doclorair. His |im appointment was to

tlirect the muslt at Tonbridge .School. Out

of his live years there (1918-^4/ came a

practical bock on education, * Music and

B<»v hood •, ' 'riw Tonbridge School Sf/ng

Book ’, and indireedy the srcuntl v'olumc of

the • Oxford 5 <mg Book *, for whkh he was

etiitoriall) rcsp..nslblc. In 1924 he relumetl

to Oxford as lecturer and precentor of hh

old college. AAer 1928, when he went to

live in Essex, on the border of Suffolk, be

gave up academic svork, except for examining,

and dev^oted himself 10 musieaJ and literary


The Outbreak of the second world war in

1939. Iiowes’cr, made a break of ten vital

yran, whkh lie devot«l 10 public service in

various fc^ms, inclutling a st'inl'olfieial mission

to .\usiralia. On the rcsioraiion c»r peace he

iransfernd his whuI service io music, b<>*

coming chairnMn of the Koval Philharmonic

Society for a while, founcling 'itjf?) In con*

junction with his wife pri<^rs lK*aring that

Society's nanse |«.r new l.nglish orchestral

compositions an<l, in i94</, snrci'Hing Sir

SianUy Marcliant as chairnian ol the \Iusic

Panel and a nienilHr of die Executive Com*

miller of die .Xris CouiMil.

Hs’lore dlls break In Ins trcaiive activity

M’ood's principal com imkIi I ons w<Te three

cantatas, which, though written at dilfrrent

limn, form a iriptsih nn the subject of ships

and Aadors. ' Fortv Singing Seamen * (words

Its .MIrixl was written in ty^j, and

after a suctvssful career attiong r)u»ral sueieiles

aiHl <i»tM]M titton lesiivals di.^t rei|iii'ed some*

thing secular. clHerfitl and iinagttiative, was

revised and relssncxi < 4 v\en sears later. In

the (tteantiate* .Nbivter Manners* hail followed

»l in i*ja; .stnl * MiTcliaiitmen ’ '<om|H>ser’s

own w</nlsi in 1934. luith of which are choral

song cycles, Worthy sueeeisors to Stanford's

* Songs «if ihe Heel * Forty .Singing Sea*

men ', loiweirr, is of a eoniiniious anti highly

c«>l4/urr<i texture hkr its iinnicdiatt* successor,

lliv Ballad of llamiwivad Heath * 'words by

I I.. Hpfker , W'huh is a riot ofgiHid humour,

funk uinefulnest aiwl orchestral e)iii|>s. An

antlirm and some thirty porisongs complete

ihc tale gf works for (ommunal singing up to

the mitbreak of war in ry^rj. |t i» signifttaid

that W’cohI wrote no solo songs, alihougli

several that are ilesignaied for unison singing

go as well or better as solos — 'A

Cmintrs' Lullaby for instance, with an

optional string aeromfsaidnicni available, is a

gem in the pasmral tradition that has per*

sisteil dm/ughout the hi>toryof F.tiglish music,

few earlv pianoforte jmxes ami ‘ In the Hill

(luuniry ’ for organ slnnv the same feeling for

the ilngtish (mmirysMle,

On rrwiming compodilon in 194O Wood

made ivti, experiments in thntal writing on

a large scale, this time uiihout orclic'sira.

‘Chanticleer' (1947^, dedieaied to the Fleet

StiXTl CJmir and I*. U. Lawrence, is a cantata

a eapfittU. three-quarters of an hour of un-

accompanied singing, divcniJIed by solo

singing, allusion and exclamation.

In this way he maintains the impctu-s of the

l<mg narration of Chaucer’s ‘Tlic Nun’s

Priest’s J ale’ fadapietl by .Ncvill Coghilh.

’ Over the Hilh and Far Away ’ (1949) docs

not present quite such a challenge to the




sing«R, but calk for the same relish and gaiety

m unaccompanied perfonnancc throughout

the sequence of twelve nursery rhymes.

For the Festival of Britain 1951 the Arts

Council commissioned from Wood a work for

brass band and men's chorus. ' The Rain-

bow ■, founded on a true storvof the Dunkirk

evacuation, was the outcome. In it Wood is

still grappling with the problem of sustained

narrative in scmi-dramatic rather than ballad

form and is considerably helped by Clhristopher

Hassairs text. From massed and subdinded

brass bands and the use of broad melodies,

some his own, some with assoc iaiiom» he

delivers powerful assaults on the emotiems by

frontal attack. This was his last work, for he

died suddenly before doing more than sketch

' Norwich Fair ’ for the Norvieh Festival of

1D5I' * Dogwatch also for unaccompanied

voices, and * St- George’s Day ’ for orchestral

and military hand, which also belong to this

period, show that he never strayed far from

patriotic nr maritime subjects as the source of

his inspiration.

^Vood was not only a composer, but a man

of varied capabilities; pedagogy, Kholar*

ship, journalism, broadcasting, authorship,

publishing all at one lime or another occu*

pied his active mind. Of his very successful

books, * Cobbers which has gone into

thirty-five rtliiions, was the outcome of a pr<^

longed examinaUun tour in Australia under*

taken in 1930-3^ for the .Nssociated Board of

the Royal .Schools of Music. ‘ Ckibbers Cam-

paigning ’ was a ihghicr sequel published in

1940 ns a war book. In 'True Thomas’,

an engaging auto biographical discussion of

the three principal interests of his life — the

merchant scr\'lcc, Oxford and music Wood

shows acute powers of observation which his

deplorable eyesight had filtered rather tJian

impaired. TJiesc varied interests and a strong

social sense combined to limit his musical

output in quantity and, curiously enough, irt

range of subject-matter, which did not include

instrumental musk without a programme.

r. s. H.

him. Nevai., * Weed: itas*

lO'lo* I Si. ft U. Vel, XXXII. tnt. fK i*B,.

ObSlusry tpprmstien,

WOODCOCK, Robert (*. ?; rf. >).

English i8th-cen(ury flautist and composer.

Little ii known about him save that he wrote

twelve concertos In eight parts for flutes and

strings, Tltese concertos seem to have had

considerable popularity, as they are atlveriiscd

in Randalis’s list for 1776; they w'ere pub-

lished with (he imprint of \Valsh and .Joseph

Hare about 1728-30. Alfred Moffat arranged

one of the slow movemenu {in D minor) of the

concertos as a violin solo in Bk. ii of ' Pieces by

English Masters of the lyth and 18th Cen-


Hawkins also refers to Thomas ^Voodcock,

an excellent perfoTmer on the violin, who kept

a ctrfFee-housc at Hereford, and who died

about 1750; but whether the two were

related is not known. y. k., rev,

WOODES, ? Michael. St 4 Woods.

WOODGATE, (Hubert) Leslie {h. Lon-

don, 15 -Apr. 1902).

English clioral conductor. Early experi-

ence, beginning as a chorister at the London

CJiurch of Holy Trinity, Sloane Street, and

continuing as organist and choirmaster of

other churches at Chelsea, Jed to his special

work as a trainer of secular choirs. His

appointment as chorus master to the B.6.G. in

1934 gives him the control of various sections

of singers a$ u'cll as of the B.B.C, Choral

bocH’ly, which lakes part in public concerts.

The thoroughness of W’oodgate's training

has shown itself in a number of performances of

outstanding imporianec. notably Beethoven's

' .Mivsa solemnis ', conducted by Toscanini in

1939. H. c. c.

Btm.—* Interview with Leslie W«odf*ie' (Mui. T..

July ia>Q|.

WOODHOUSE, Charlea [h. London,

1879; d. Bcare Green, Surrey, 2 May I039)-

English sioimist. He was an artist of

singular t'crsatilily. He gained experience by

]j!a)mg violin, tioia, planoforie, orchestral

ami chamber music, composing and arranging,

with occasinnal conducting, and became one

uf the examiners of the Associated Hoard.

Best known as an orchestral pla>Tr of the first

rank, he was leader of the Nc^v Queen's Hall

Orchestra for many years and a pianist in a

small ofehestra directed by Fre<Jcrl<k Cassa no.

He tx’longed to se>rrul uclMcnown quartets.

tv, w. c.

WOODHOUSE, FrodaHck (Erwin) (i.

London, 14 May 1H92).

Knghsh baritone singer. He studied at the

T.C.M, in London and was engaged to sing

at various musical and operatic festivab:

Glastonbur)’. .Norwich, Cambridge, Bath, etc.

He subsequently toured with the British

Singers’ Touring Club In Yugoslavia, Austria

and Germany; but he is best known as

founder and director of the Intimate

Company, which from 1931 gave through-

out the British Isles delightfully fresh and

finished prrfnnnances of those operas (par-

lieularl) j8th-eeniury ^vorks) which arc l)cst

suited to production with small forces and

ttmide staging. He shared the principalparts

ill tl»«c pcrfonnances with Ccoffniy Dunn,

tenor, and Margaret Ritchie, soi)rano (me

latter succeeded by NVinIfred Radford).

company made tours of Spam in 1936 ™

Canada and the U.S-A. in 1937-3®-

p, S.-T.

WOODHOUSE, Violet (Kate) Gordon

(bom EgliAioa) (*• London, 23 Apr, 187* i

London, Jan. 1948)-



English harpsichordbc, clavichonjisi and

pianist. After studving with Oscar Beringer

she began a long career cf puUic conceru,

during which she placed for many years on

the three keyboard instruincni^, l>ccuming

particularly ccirbraied ns an csporumi of

English harpsichord playing. .Slsr was ilir

first artist lo make gramoplsoiie records iif

lur|KicliorJ music and aUo the hrsi to brnad*

ca<t it, I. w. r..

WoodiMi*!, iob« C. s.f |)ui>lur> ’IllMHrt*’.

in, .

WOODS (Wodds, Woodea), ’ Michael

lA. 'I.

English ihth*(rhUir\ orKaiU'l .ind (««!»•

poM'r. I Iwrc an* niords ol pjvinmn u» a

Miclui'l \Noo<K riN orRjnnln ” >4 ChHlx'iler

Caihrdr.il from 1567 to i.'jB*). H..M, .Add,

MSS U a colIrriMin of itilh*cenlurv

moirtv cIimIU In l.nginh ^mh as

r.ni’rnrr. J.ilhv KnrUx aiKl SlK|)hrrd.

.irmugnl in luluti ubUturr. .md «oni.iins

ihi’ riillMS\iiiir hs \Vi>rvis:

' r.lTunde ’ * t.iurwe !)•>«»»•»' * ; ’ feitm

liliKl * . * VVrbi tm *, .Ml for j

J hc hr»i of ih« NO IS also m IVrih. 3*, pH. ami

a rfon* of the vrond n ui IJ,.\|, .\i|<i. Mss

*7 A. Copies *>f 3. g aiwj ,in m

K.O.M, JO JV also in the flomiminpUi r

lhH*k of John IhiUhsin. ihe R.C.M. manu-

script alv> roni.iitis jrKsthrr imsirt hy UihmJs

* Igitur fhrsu \ d 3. aiul the EUMwiri IsthsIc

still another. ' l.sto E.sirr e 3,

WOODSON, Leonard A, \N'imhrMr'r, f:

it. i i.ioo.

I.nghdi orgaiiisi and fum|>>iw'r Ik b

drvrilad in ihe lUurn Orgjn Jhi..k as

*' orgiihisi r»f Odkgc, ami one of y

i|uirn of Wio/ur who ssas liocri at Umclsrs-

ter Ihui he was a smging-inan at Si,

<i<orKe s aiajH, W imW, umkr Njihannl

fiiks, who was urganisi .jsmI master of ihi*

fhlUIrcn there from jjfl5 lo 1^33, is cem-

firnii tl hy thr ful lowing miry in the ChapUr

,V Is f<*r 5 At*r. 1603 :

1 1 •« as ilw af .\a«l.jw*ra Oiks

►wnujr. Skwrr .g (ihwfiswn af ikis tr^ C;kac«|

lhal L<«»*Jrd on* of ilv mm ./ iW

isme, ihall liasr lirt l«..ikinK. ke*tm,n. eokrwic

•. I **"' kM »mrAs

II ilulJ iK l!«ou«hi mttt by Il.r l>ran and tiiaiHrr

Ahd wtiCTiwsf r uhI l>«aa ami (3um<i dial mn~

likf llicrrwKli ihtn unoo a»« •i.Mi.eiH «an»HiK iTMn

I i«jn »ir lovn, ly d-- Saiban^el W dtall ukf

4 |taiii Im ho owi, unkrine and eiwinnsm as

M IS prohdhir (I1.11 WmwJsfKi roniinunl as

di piuy thoiriu.isur until ihi-,. wlim Iw Ih-

Came organise ,4 lUon Utdhgi . Hi Jwki ihk

|«wt uniil ib4i and prnuiiiaNy dkd m this

yi'jr. as a • '!> Utniin * Jn Jilm is ]>rinird

in Bjrnar<l‘s ' Sekcli'd Clhiirrh Music \ dc

rJarstlh a eolhelion of music by cofn|«nrrs

dead lit die time of puldicatMKi (1641). An

' In Xoiuinc ' h> Woodson is at Oxlbrsl Bodl.

36 J

Mus, Sch, I, a j.part ‘ Ui n* mi fa ’ is in the

Commonplace limik of JoJin Bahlwin and a

treble solo, ' ’Elw mary gould of golden hew \

is in Ch. Ch, 43'*,

AtMithrr Leonard \N'<xm{m>ii, jM>ssil>|) a son

of the above, was ssvorn a O nih m.tn of ihr

Clupi'l RovaJ on li .\ug. iGHj. H<- ssas

apiKHiiial •* 10 tlw vw.ill music k ” on 17 July

HtBij and sidl held this j»osi in iUc,t, imdrr

John iBow jN '*<ompos<T 'V r m (li;

WOODSON, Tboma 8 6 * : 4 .

l.nglidi r(jdi-i 7th-renturs cnm|>oser, ^

fjihi i of iW preceding. He was a (k nilcinan

of the Clu|Hd Royal in London in 158k and

c'mtmuixl as vmh, .u anv rate until 1603,

wJum Iw was cmh* oI die gentlemen who had

an " allots a i*re of tmiuitiing livcrie glseii <mt

to them on ilw funeral oftiurrn l,hyal>cth

U,M, .Vld. MSS 184 A contains a

coniiMtMtiim for organ by him deurlhrd us

' lofiv waves of j parts in one on the •' Mi$e.

rere (>nlv io was.-s " .ire given, but

aiudlier co|»v is m <;h. Ch, 371.

•yooM Nkb'.

A. Dublin,

Mis jathrr.

W#«4«»ar4, Keurr. Wf Buriips

MKet r»


• 7lk Dublin, a* Nov. 1 777«

Irish orgamsi and

ako Rich.ud UchHiwarsi, was a vicar choral of

Christ Churcli and M. I'atrick s Caihedrab.

‘IV younger UmHlwanJ was a i hornier of

(Ihnst (.hufch Catludral, of which he was

afirrward* appoinnd organist In 1763, Jn

degree of Mus, Bar. at

IriiMts College, Duhlin. and in 1771 he

\*ftXmU'<\ to the IhKior s degree. Me wav

af»p..inl«sl a sii ar ihoral ol .Si. Ealriik*

(..iihitJral in 1 77a.

WiMKlwardX Op. 1. consisting of 'Songs

(Ui>on« mul (Utrhes'jor t-H voiew. dedirated

t<» l.ord Morningion, was puldishrd h>

Uehker.rf/a.ndonm I7fi7; a copy of this iv In

the John I. (.illwTl colUxiicm. Lihrat)' of the

(V|>oranon of the Cli\ of Dublin.

In t77i Ju* published In Jxmdon (wlih

Weickcr of (krrartl Strcei. St. Anne’s, Soho)

a foJm volume of his church music, with

a dedkalion to .ArcJtlhvhop Smyth. It is

< nliilcvl T

msr«, tr^nistint of i*ne rnmpleai Srrsjo*

Ahdieim. ^ST.al Ckano. .n,| \>„. Cffa,.,;

III »'*e{ g.je. ,Ho. tlifcr. fuc an,i

WW ward’s anthems aie m, longer often

hearrl, aJdmigh some of hk rhams (notably a

douUe cVnt in D) arc well known. He also

published a collection of his songs, catches and


t.a«hrdral, Duhhn. On his monument In the

t-athedraJ i$ engravTd Ids Canon (4 in 2)

’ /ViK **' tUufc^iK or Njiojc. a,, ch,

H. C«t«K The Kins * Mu.ick'.




' Let the words of my mouth which had

been awarded (he gold medal of the Glee and

Catch Club in (764.

L. u. L. D., adds. a. l.

WOODWORTH, George (Wallace) (i.

Boston, Mass., 6 Nov. {902).

American conductor, organist and lecturer

on music. He studied at Har^’ard University,

where he took the M.A. in {924 and the A.M.

in 1926, and at the R.C.M. in London from

J927 to !92d, ^vhrrc he was a student under

Sargent, Henry Ley and Kitson. In (923 he

conducted the RadchHe Choral Society, and

in that year also was made a teacher at

Harvard University. He has been a Professor

of Music there since 1946. In C933 he becarne

conductor of the Har%*ard Glee Club and since

2940 he has been organist and choirmaster

at Harvard. From 1930 to 1938 he acted as

assistant director of the Concord Summer

School of Music and in 1940 he was assistant

director of the Berkshire Music Centre. He

gave a series of lectures at Boston in 1947

on the choral music of the Renaissance and

Baroque periods. In 1949 he was made an

honorary member of Phi fkta Kappa, Har>

vard. He has edited two books of music,

* RadclifTe College Choral Music ’ and 'The

HanartURadclifTe Series of Choral Music '.

u. K. w.

WOODYATT, Emily (b. Hereford, 1614;

d. ?).

Lnglhh singer. She was the daughter of

a confectioner at Hereford, was taught singing

by Sir George Smart in London and hrst

attracted public attention in Jan. 1834, ai a

concert of the Vocal Association, and later

the same year at the Hereford Festival. She

became a favourite singer of the second rank

at the various festivals, oratorio and other

concerts. In (639 she became a member of

the Female Society of Musicians, on its founda^

(ton, and in 1640 was elected an Associate of

the Philharmonic Society at the Instance of

Smart, Cramer and Loder. On 37 Oct. 1841

she married William Loder the eclllst (d. tdst)

an<i retired soon after her marriage, a. c.

WOOF, Edward Rowsby (b. Iron

Bridge, Shropshire, 18 Jan. 1883; d. London,

31 Dec. t943).

English violinist. He studied at the R.A.M.

in London with Hans Wcsscly. In 1909

he was appointed professor at the R.A.M. ,

where his teaching proved so successful as to

induce him to give up solo playing and devote

hi$ whole time to the training of students.

Among his pupils were Paul Beard, Jean

I’ougnct and Sidney Griller.

Woof’s publications include * Technique

and Interpretation in Violin Playing’, ' Elc'

moniary Studies ‘ Scak Books *, short

pieces and arrangements of Bach and Genu*

niani. p. a.

E. (Hairy EUla)

1845; d. London,


(b. Winchester, 26 Mar.

13 Feb. J917).

English musical Kholar. He was Slade

Professor of Fine Arts at Oxford, a man of

practical ability in several arts, especially

painting, and a profound scholar of the

medieval period of polyphonic music. He

revised and edited Chappell’s ’ Popular

Music of tbe Olden Time ’ with the title * Old

English Popular Music’ {1893) and colla*

borated with G. E. P. Arkwright in his

researches. But Wooldridge's chief con*

tri button to historical knowledge was his work

on the polyphonic period xvhich forms the

first two volumes of the O.H.M. and traces

the de\’elopments of such music from organum

to the end of the 16th century. k. c. c.

WORALECK, Joaepblno. ^mCannamck

( 4 ).


Choirs FrsnvAt.


VALS. The music festivals given by the

Worcester County Nfusical Association annu*

ally in the city of Worcester, Massachusetts,

arc the olTspring of iniiitutions called musical

conventions, which did mud; to raise the

character of church music and its performance

in the U.S.A., especially in New England, in

the earlier decades of the I9ih century.

At these conventions there were gatherings

of singinf*teachers and choristen sometimes

to the number of several hundred, who, under

the guidance of teachers of experience and

better training than ;vts the rule, wen t out from

Boston and other large cities, studied sight*

singing and some of the simpler principles

of voealiaation, and made (he acquaintance

of sdecUom from the oratorios, especially

those of Handel and Haydn. AAer or

more days had been spent in study and dis*

cussion all the members of the convention

would join in a concert, at which the

music that had been learned would be

performed, with scanty and imprmjscd in-

strumental accompaniments as a rule, but

frequently with good effect so far as the singing

was concerned. ,

Worcester had long been a centre of cheral

culture when the first of these conventions was

held there in 2858. Indeed, inspired by the

example of the Handel and Haydn Society

of Boston, singing-societies were in e.'cisience,

one of which, the Mosart Socicr>*, organised

in 1850, had been founded for the cxprws

purpose of performing oratorios. But worU

of this kind were then associated m the pub ic

mind with the notion oflargc numbers m tlic

choir, and Hide was done in tbc way ol

oratorio until a union of choirs w« i^eci^ in

the conventions. At the first Musical Con-

vention held at Worcester m 1858 hymns,




gle«4, a cantata composed by the conductor

(B. F. Baker of Boston) and choruses from

‘ Messiah ‘ and * The Creation ' vrerc sung at

the one public concert which was given. In

iflbo there V.CTO two concerts, and by i 860 il»e

meetings had taken on so much of die festhal

character that four conceru were not iliuushi

loo mans, and the new conductor, Carl

Zerrahn, vcAiured upon an entire uraiorio!

Han<J<T> 'JucUs Maciahaevs For four

yi*ars the organisation which arranged the

cunsemit»ns a loos** on<*, but m ilVij tJ>«*

\N<irc<'Stcr County Musical Convention was

ronnully <MubIi«h<'d v\iili r<'pr«'w*niatives Inon

twenty < itii-s. town^ and vill4g4*s.

In 1871 ihc name was changed to ihr

Uorir>ur County Musical .Vssuriaiion. and

u w,is rornully de< laK'd that ihrwnfler tJw

Convent should lx* lalUd festivals an

ambiiion to inuiaie the I’nglish fesjivais

hasiug found jn .u tie iitc cling

c*f idl»'), ivlien 1 1 had also Ix^c-n r< w»Ive«| n>

IJvrfonn or. i (or ju> m their entirety. It u.is

long h if (re* this ri'sohiiiun could In' carriid

out, iur ev*c>u after dw cluur, ihui mode

up of singers fr</in V\«>f<tstt r .in*! vie initv hIk*

clidir is riow ahnosi uhulK local , was able to

nuist. r one of ih. works of Handel or Haydn,

the* uisirununt.d comp.iny was Jacking. ,\i

lirsi the pianororie alone' was used, then, whrn

in id(i{ u line organ wjs presented liy psibJic

suhstripllou to the Mechanics’ .SswHiaucxs. m

whose hall ihr rnmings were heltl, that was

also I niploy ed. \Hwn /errahn hrvl liccaiglM

forward Judas Maic.dueus* the orrhc'stra

‘cuisisied 1^ sit idasits- the* McmUlssoJin

Uuiiilri i>f Itnlim and u double Imss, the

next ye.ir there was an orrhescra of ten, in

ilki}| of eighteen. I alter lieiween lifiy and

wxly iiiciuixrs c^f the lio»ion Ssnuilionv

Drfhesira look pan,

/err.ihri w .is runcJutlor of the M ore ester

fcativals from 186C to i8«*; inrlushe. After 1868

he had the Jielp of di lie rent men to conduct

the smaller works and the arcomfianinM'nu to

the miscellaneous solos. I tv was succeeded

after his rengnalK.n in 1 807 by George M\

Ghadwick. who olhc lat< d in illcj8-t^i,

M.dJ.ite (MMxIricH held die {Knt in J9oi>y.

and was wicccctUsf hv Arthur Mces. who in

turn w.ii followc'd by .Nelson R Colhn tn tijtu.

' iclor lUrbiTt was .issue iam conductor from

dUJi, lo MJ<|| and I- ran* Kmis- I fmn, lecja to


Since 1 8W, a wide rrprrloe y of large choral

works has Ix'cn given, including most of the

classics and many modern svorks. with those

of native coftnwser* such as llc^atio I’arkcr.

Chjwiwiek, Converse' and Hadley. In tgji

Nelson P, Ck^fBn was succeeded as conductor

hy J, ,\rthur Bassett, who was folhmed by

|. S c emm Butler < and Henry Hadicv

(iya 4 J> In tcj/j Albert SloewJ became

musical director. He enlarged ifu* scope of

the Festival considerably, six coiicc'rt^ are

gisrn annually, usually during a wirk in

<>ci, Participating in these cunc<*rl» are the

NVorccster Fciiival Clu>rus. a full symphony

orchestra and eminent soloists. Often the

presentation of an opera uke> the place- of

one of the* concei is.

II. K. Hi N, It., adds.

WO ROE. Wyakyn d« b. ,\Uaiv, J.

Lfuwlott. .' t^jf ,

.Msaiian iirinler. He was » idl'd m l.oncluii

and svas the- Jirst lt» print music ihere,

I . K.

Sm tit* rciniinf.

W*r(l«wer«h. Williftm. s./ Kjni.nk |s.iin«Mi|;» ,

Dask's It yv., i hirui ' h»iiMiAliatw «il

ImMaul.K cW^I -<>^1 . MilltxU iluklreik’*

CAMiJia a lyxc ■. SMisir Mxinci hM »«,|o \w<<> &


WORDSWORTH. William (BroehUa.

by) b, lauHluii, 1; l><'r, iijuKi.

I.JM;lish c omiKiser, a drserndaiu of die poet's

brut hst. H is li rsi cduc a 1 ion w as rc-c vi\ <*<1 fr« uii

Ills fadirr, as Ik* was too ilelkah' u ehdd lo

aiiciKl wIhhiI at llw noniul age J|i< inivresi

in (HUSH* Ih-( ante piidoiubiaiii wlo-ii hu was

alHiui iwvUr years ohl, and il was decides! that

he siMHild siudv it wnh a privau leac hiT at

Croydon, l.'nd* r liiiii, Inun ig2r 10 193:, hr

studied liarniohy and (nunirrpoiiii, singing

and ihriv insirunirnts viola, piancrforu* am!

organ . ,\i (Ik end <>l dus ^ktIikI his lirsi pub.

lidird work, the * I hrec Hvmn.Preludes ’ for

organ, wav (o<n|>oseO.

In K|'t4 he went (0 I Jiuburgh lo coinilUir

Im sludirs with lovey, in whose* ic.uhiiig hr

found "an alwding iiHpiralion Hr stayed

at lalinlsurgh umil 11136, when he- Irfi wtdioul

caking a dcTjecv m the L’luKTsiiy, He (hen

dev'c^rd hirnwlf iu composuiuii, living in the*

couAiry in order lu give all Im (ime 10 ii, and

he Iwgan to produce works on a much larger

scale (han he had prpviousl) alteinpled {t.g.

the piarioforir .Sonina, 1 938-3(1 1.

Ikiring the second world war hr worked on

the land, and this mrarii dial hr had licilr time

lefi for comjjosiikm, although ihr works then

wriiten attracted much more nit<*niion than

his earlier coinptwj lions, P.irlicularly well

recriyed were the first Sym|dic)iiy (1941) and

tlw first twx* siring (Quartets (15^41 and 1943).

“nK icj4i Quartet won the fir*l priac in (he

Qemenis Memorial Comps-iition of 11)41,

.Xfier tlie war hr eotnposcd incessantly, and ihc

publication of many earlier works while tliesc

later ones were produced gave the impression

that be wrote even more quickly ihan was

actually the case. Of hU postwar works the

«ring Trio In G minor and the pianoforte

Concerto have been singled out for special


His music b deeply serious in thought and

expression, hU slow movements being most



successful, and hU style — in whkh the influ-

ence of Tovey's ideals has been traced —

shoNvs a background of tradition and his lack

of belief in originality for its own sake.




3^ ' Pvih«a< ' (>947).

$?. ' Th« Hawk Md (he HsikImw ‘ (1946).


5. koiiruli in a-^ psrts lor unacconjK cnual v«ica

• 4' * TJie^ousdes Dead ' for v««e«. chonu a web.

18. ' Die« Domini ocaiocin for «olo roket. ebona R

oreh. (1947-43).

a6, 'Hymn of Dedaotion * (Q. K. C>M4i«rion> Iw

ehorus & arch. {1943),


6 . Sinfonia. A mi., far itm. I 1996 ).

in. * I hree ra*(oral Sbeuliea * tifST)*

I9«. ' (;An2ona * fee t(|». (19)8).

isL * ballaile * foe tigs. HMij.

t9. Theme and Var>aiioni ter mwuJI «rch. <1943).

»4« Symphony No. 1. Pmi. (1944I.

34. Symphony No. a, 0 ma. Iie47>4a).


:fS. <;aiieerto in etvt movement 1 1946).


iC. Sirine Quartet No. 1. l> ma, <i94t).

17. 4 Lvrict fur vawe ft lit, 4iei 1194I).

an. Mrint Qiianel .No. 9. E7 im. 119131.

93. SiriM* Jria, (* mi. {I94$V

3u. .Strint Quanei No. 3. \ ma. OM7h

39. Tlienie aiwl \’«riaiiurw ter reeo^drr ft kaepakhord


33. *4 lie Four Seawm ’ lUlakei foe voice 4 tic. irte


SS. Quartet. D mi . ter pf. ft iiit. (1948).


90. * Iniermesto' (1939).

3. ' I'hanUty Sonata 1939-33).

93. Sonata. B mi. (1944).


9S. * Inieemeito * <1934).


0. Sonata, £ mi. (1937).

99. * Nocturne ’ 1 1940) (oeif. tet vwW da caoabo ft



4. * I*rclude. Rhaptody and Scherio ’ <1934}.

13. Soiiaia, D mi, (1939-39).

t7. * Chcewembc Suiu * (1943-46),


I. 3 Hymn -Tune Preludei ( 1930 - 39 ).


3 . 3 fytmgt (i 93 })«

7. 9 Songs (1936).

(I. 3 Son» (i9')6).

13, 9 Son«> <I039)>

9t, 4 Saeretl Sonneu by John Doone <1944).

99. 9 Sonffi (1944),

33. 4 lUake Songs (1948).

K. A.

WORGAN. Knglish facnily of niusieijns,

{a) Jftmes Worgan {^, London, 1715:

d. London, 175s). organist. In 1737 he

became organist at Vauxhall Gardens and on

Dec. [738 he was elected organist of the

London churches of St. Botolph, AJdgate, and

St. Dunstan in the East. He resigned the

Vauxhall appointment about 1751, and on

1 1 May 1753 he was succeeded in his post at

St. Dunsian’s by Mrs. Mary Worgan, pri>

bab)y his widow', and at St. Botolph by his

brother John (z),

(ft) John Worgu (F. London, 1794; d.

London, 34 Aug. 1790), organist and com-

poser, brother of the preceding. He studied

music in London under his brother and

Thomas Roceingrat'c. He became organist of

(he church of St. Andrew Undershafi with

Sc. Mary Axe. about 1749, and of St. John's

Chapel, Bedford Row (1760). Hu grailuaied

as Mui.B. at Cambridge in 1748. He

succeeded his brother as organist at Vauxhall

Gardens, and in 1753 also as organist of

St. Botolph s, Aldgatc. In the same year he

was appointed composer to Vauxhall Gardens,

continuing so until 1761. In 1770 he was re-

appointed to the office and held it umil 1774.

when he resigned both it and the organist's

post of the gardens. In 1775 he proceeded

Mus.U. He died in his house in Gower Street

and was buried in Si. Andrew Undershafi.

He excelled as an organist, and whrnever he

played, crowds of professors and amateurs

resorted to Itear him. In a satirical song upon

Joah Bates, written by Marlin Madan and set

by* Samuel Wesley, he was placed upon an

e<)ualiiy. as a play^er, with liandel t " Lei

Handel or ^Vo•gan go thresh at the organ 'V

Worgan's composilioiu include an Ode on

the Rebellion in 1 745.6 * Dirge 10 the Memor)

of Frederick, Prince of Wales performed

at Vauxhall Gardens, 17 Apr. 175)1 An

anthem for a thanksgiving for victories (i759);

oratorios t * The Chief of Maon ' Gioas

(incomplete), ' Hannah ' (to words by Chris-

topher Smart), product at the King's

Theatre, Haymarkct, on 3 Apr. 1764, and

* Manassch ', produced at the Lock Hospital

Chapel on 30 Apr. 1766. An undated se^

nata, * The Royal Voyage * (words by Sir

James Marriott), is in the King's Library at

the B,M. Many books of songs composed for

Vauxhall Gardens, psalm tunes, glees, organ

music and harpsieht^ lessons are also among

hb compositions. A treatise on composition

was lefl unfinished.

tv. H. H. & w, a. s., adds,

Bni.— * Mvoeal QuirteHy Review*. V, uj. (Full

WcOtuphy »i(d BuiMite «n4 Jsudato^ t^yiK of

hts worto.)

(g) John Wor^o (^. London, e. 1 J'O i

d. ?), composer, son of the preceding. He

wrote marches foe the pjanoforie and some

songs about the turn of the tgih cemury.

On I Sept. 1733 he married Sarah NfackJean,

whom hedixorced in June 1768,*

• F- Ptewden, ‘ CWmteal Court . I (* 85 «)'


(4) Thomas (DaAVOrs) Worgan

London, 1774; rf. Croydon. 18321, chi-oriNC

and comfKKcr, btodicr of the preceding. He

was ihc inventor of a musical game with cardv

ii 807 ) and author of • The Musical Reforni.T'

^829) and other works of a technical charac-

ter. He alvo composed a motet, M>ngv. ' N'oeal

Sonatinas ‘ I'he Hero‘5 \Velronte *, etc.

(5) Richard Worgan b. luxMlun, ?;

</. ?i, f niii«u'ian. l>roih«r Of the pn'ceilinK.

He pubiuhed a M’t of sonneu in 181 u.

(6) G«o^« Worgan b. UHidon. iflor.

<J. WMlingioh, j Apr. 1888 . cr»mp.wer.

}{randson <^f ' 2 ' , «on of i(r went to live in

\ew /edlan<l and composed (walm and lieinn

tnnev Mjmjv, e«*., and in ilt|i a com*

j>ilation entlilrd * (iems of Sacred M«hKJy

» k..,adds.

Uiei. -OWiuar, noucr, M«i». T.. iM. p. 4^,

WORKING-OUT. .Stt l>>\ii0PMkM


WORMSER, Andre {Alpheoae Tous-

saint) b. I'an». i \<h 18^,1, 1/. V^r,s, .


I rent h roihiM^xr. Me the I'arw

ComervmtHre uiichr Ri/m .mil Marinminl.

yhwitiid Ou VrW de in \Uj-, »ah Ins

‘ (.1) lenuKNtr** * .iiul won mm < ess wiili man\

"IHniv .iml oiler works t* Adi It de Ponthi.11 *

wa* Kivvn at .Urhen in 1BB7, ' Kiv<d, • u,

Paris in ilk^i. None of tiusr acUu vetl tin-

sneccM <>f the ^Mntonnrnt or wt>rd|<vs pLv,

' l/Knfimt pr.KliKue |>r.Hluied in P.iris in

Itkjo r,,< di,. (;<r, I,. I'tinarTibide«|ur, 14 Inne,

<m«i at till* Jli.'AtK lilt Bontres'i’ariMriis, 31

.I’mei. (t was M ihe Prime of \\aW>

V Mar, i8i|i. J^jmlfm

KoTi.dd plauiiK die tonspKUOus fuanofortr

|>.trl.in Kerhn in lUiftiaml at iM'wleA in 1903.

a |KK m for itnci* ami <^hi-stfa

was |H rfonm.l at the [.anxMirnu comeru in

r^iJ. An cttraii Ironi ii. • Solim.k *, was

pnlilislwd h. tffj, j. ,v. r-w., adds

WORNUM. Robert <i) > Iferkdiife,

I T }2 . 1/. M'ndoii, idi3».

I«n«hsh inuMC iHihlidter and inMrimwni

•»«ker. Jie .ante of u HtrWiirc famili.

onKinallv Wornhain, an<l suciceditl to the

biiMnev, enablishcd in Ijrfxlon by J. A G,

Noisier, in Glasshinne Street. He published

inaiiv sma?l W.ks of dances, and airs fr>r flute

or tiohii, >ir niosTd <0 4,^ Ujgimur .Street

in 1777. iMid accord ing to tln< 'Musical

nf 1 7«j.j, was a matter of s iolins and

' lOKHK.'llos.

WORNUM. Robert (il) 4.

• /»*» ; d 1852J,

Pnglivh pianoforte maker, son of the pre-

teding. Hr W..S intrmUxJ for the <a»uf<h,

*•«! the rmxhanKai Uas fwevaiU'd, and he

wrni into partnership wiih (Jeoege U iJkimon

in a pianoforte business in Oxford Sirret in


1810. .\ lire in tftir caused a dissolution of

this fiariiH’rship. He ultimaic l)' <‘stablish<<i a

warchi.tise an<i < onc< rl roont in Store Street.

\\ orn uiii w as the inven lor t .f di agonall v and

u|»rigi»t-strnng low uj)ri(»ht i)ianofort<-. in

181 1 and 1813, winch he named. r«*>|>erthelv,

llw •• L ni.|ue " .iim) the " H.irnionic He

patemetl ihe aciH.n in i8.'U. iliou;:h it wa^ not

com(dei.«| until the “lie'’ was add<t| in tliid,

that iif.Klutrd cottage pianino H<tlon, He

brought out Im*' piccolo ‘ pianofoite in 1827

and hnaliv ]>crfe<iid his crank in iKjci.

Hm Mil»sc*qwenl head ot the (inn ol Rolx ri

U.rt-iium i. Sons, A. \, WoriiUTii, smc clerl

lo Ills ijranciraihtrV iiiirntii. talent.

WORONIEC, ArauK b. f ■. 4 . ?

I*olivli ii{ih-]c(ih*cc'nlur>' ilieorist. He* was

an eccIcMastit ami |Hd>li>hid at Wdiio in 1(^)9

a ifcansr cniided: ' PcHr.pk) iimriki tak

hgiiratnrgo j..k i clw.ralmgo kanlii ’ f J he

Ih-giniNtiK' of Music Unh JiRurrd mid

Clhical * , e K n


CIANS, THE. .Vn l.ndisli jiwinntion wnli a

liwiotv xml .wxMi.iiioiK uhnh c.nrs hack (he

mind to llw imisic .il Iili .*f thr iniddJr ft«es, (lie

d.is* .4 cIm troiilMil.Mtr* and iimisin k ||m-

(a»jMei hv scinch the Compani. which h.id

iscem a Cits <hiihJ since the sear i'jIK*. hfsi le-

mved iW corporate existence and leK.il stiitii«

dat<-» liack n» farther, il is trnr, than 1004, in

which scar It was granted hy Jamci I. Thiv

w at not , hr.w e\ cr , \ hc> first insi r u rnen 1 1 ly w hi ch

Tniiisirc ls in l.nel^fttl h.id Ikx o empowered tn

form tbcmselivs into kuiMs or fraternities, for

tl»r Paten I Red! Rices uv i|ic< Charier gfanted hy

lalward |\ m i |tM»t(» Ins • k lovid iihnstrejs "

einjKmrfinR (Iwm to convlitiii. thernselc c s into

a Rwild and make ruli-s and reRuUtions for

the- Rosernnwni <4 the cr.ifi t»i " masters " of

music Mils and to adopi iix aMirc^ to rc oiedv

Rrieva.M .*> ami improve* ili< estate itiin

which ilw call I OR had evjilenilv then fallen

Ihe high cMrrm in cviiich it had been

held in lin e sous centuries. Tins Chant r

prrsened l>y Rsmer m his well-known

Fordera , wJtcre the original l,atin text is

jp'xn, po»ews grrai interesi. l)> reason of the

light It throes s upon the musiral prartitionew

u ** Charter that

the Drolhcr* and Sisters of du- Fralernitv of

.Mtft«reU had established and ordained

ttmdar Brenherhoods or Ciuilds in times past.

This odouhiless correct as tl,r Minstrels would

nn|> havj l^rn folloscmg tJie fashion of the

any such

Pellow^ip has come to light exeejst the record

of a small Fellow'ship of City Minsircis cvhieh

a^ars to have flourished in ilic latter half

<M the .4,h century. This Guild appears to

have been formed for benevolent purposes

and not for any rogulaiion of the craft



This first Charter wu granted in response

to the prayer of the King's Minstrels, whose

names are given. They were Walter Halliday

(Marshal), John Clift, Robert Marshall,

Thomas Grene, Thomas Callhome, William

GhfT, William Christean and William Eyii'

sham. They complain of the wrong done

them by

certain ienorani rustic* aad csaAniwn oTvariots calla^.

who fahcly icpresont thcms«lv«s be cniannlt ; ilUHwgh

they are in thni an by no in«»iu learnt *r skiBcd.

they net'erthdeis move from plaec to place pa festival

days and collect all those pronts by meaei of whi^ the

Kiet’s MinsveU should obiala tbeir liviof ;

and, furthcrnsore, that thus “ much disgrace

is brought upon the art or occupation of

mjmtreU ”, To remedy the grievances thus

complained of the minstrels named were

erected into a corporation with perpetual

succession, and were given powers of examina*

lion. Supervision, control and correction of all

minstrels throughout the kingdom, the County

of Chester excepted, for there the minstrels

were under other special control.* What

measure of success attended the cAbrts of the

new guild to improve the condition of the

members, or what was its eventual fate, is not


It may be remarked in passing that the

term ” minstrel ” is a loose one and has led to

some confusion, a notable instance being the

Henry Walker, ” citixen and miruirel of

I.ondon from «vhom Shakespeare held his

house in Blackfriars. >Valker's connection

with the Musicians' Company is mentioned in

his will with codicil proved on 30 Aug. 1616.

where he clesrrihes himself as a ” Musiiian of

l^ndon ”.

The Fellowship of the minstrels of the City

of London have many complainu to nuke 0^

precisely the same character as those raised

by the minstrels of Edward IV, ” the povTrtie

and decay ” to vvhlch they arc brought by the

*' coniinucll rccorse of foreign minsireb daily

resoriiog to the City out of all the Contra)‘s of

England For the remedy of this, and for

ihe bcitcrgov'ernmcnt of the London minstrtb,

the testing of ” cheir sufficiency In their art "

and the control and regulation of the teaching

of music and dancing, wc find that rules were

continually enacted and re*«nacted, but with-

out, as it would seem, any permanent measure

of success.

Eventually the Fellowship appears to have

licen reduced to such a condition that it wras

deemed necessary to reconstitute it upon a new

basis. This was furnished by the barter of

James I, which brought into existence the

Worshipful Company ofMuskians. It was in-

corporated at the prayer of the above-men-

tioned Fellowship the Minstrels of London

(of which it was consequently the direct

' St< 8 k Pet«t Leyccsicr** * HutMkal Aaiiquiiks of

Chc*hir« '.

successor and representative), under the style

and title of” the Master, ^Vardens and Com-

monalty of the Musicians of London It

was to be governed by a master, two wardens

and a body of assistants numbering not less

than thirteen and not more than twenty, and

it was to be Invested with full powers for

the ciMtro] and government of all minstrels

and musicians in the City of London and

within three mild thereof. In accordance with

the authority conferred in the Charter, the

Company drew up an elaborate scries of by-

laws for the regulation of the teaching of music

within its Jurisdiction. I'hese rules, which are

too elaborate and extensive to quote here,

afford some interesting matter for readers of

to-day. It must be admitted, however, that

they exhibit a business-iike and wise regard

for ibe interests of Its members, their pr^

ficiency in their art, and also for the training

and morals of the apprentices.

The arms of the Company were granted by

Camden on 15 Oct. 1604 and approved by

Sir Henry St. George Richmond, 1634, Philip

Ptkeman being master, ^Valter Clarke and

Philip Janvrin wardens and Nicholas Pinny

clerk. We may add that the principal charge

of the arms is the swan, the bird of Apollo and

emblem of the musician's or poet’s song.

The Charter of James I was declared null

and v‘oid by his successor Charles I as 1 result

of proceedings in Scirt /aria; (1634). It was

contended by the musicians of Charles I that

the Charter of Edward IV had been granted

10 the King’s Minstrels, and that it had been

wrongfully claimed by " a pretended Societie

of Minslrclles in the Clitic of London ” as

ground for the granting to them of the Charter

of James I. The actual ground upon which

the Charter of James I was Impugned by the

King’s Minstrels was that (he Charter of

Edward IV was already in existence when the

Charter of James I was granted and therefore

the second Charter was repugnant to the first

and accordingly invalid. This was upheld by

the Court. .

The king’s musicians not only gamed their

case but procured for themselves by leiic«

patent a new corporation by the name of

“ Marshall, Wardens and Cominalty of the art

and science of Musicke in Wesrminsicr m the

County of Middlesex”. The Wcsimiiuter

Corporaaon was granted far

than those conferred by the James I Charter

on the City Company. The latter s area cJ

jurisdiction had been within the City «

London and over a radius of three nulcs out-

ride iL The W'esiminsier Corporation ^vas

riven jurisdiction over musicians chroughoui

the whole country with the exception of the

County Palatine of Chester.

The Ovil Wars. leading 10 the detrucuon

of Ibe niwurcby itself, prevented the >vesi-



minsc«r Corporation from attempting 10 exert

ite powers until after the Restoration. It held

iu iir>t meeting’ on ii Oct. iCCt. with

Nicholas Lanier, who had led the attack on

the City Company's Charter aiuJ had hr«*n

appointed .Marshall for life, still appearing in

that capacity.

The vvrv plenitude of its posrers rendtTcd

the CorfKtratiun's action nugatory*. It had tlu'

right to iiu|>os)' Unes on all musiriam nito

might <hsobry its ord« rs, and to appiv tlw

lines to iu own u'c. .\ nunuit* of lOCj record>

that Matthew l.ockr, Christ<i|>lH*r Ciblion^.

(Charles (!olman and U iliiani Gregory were

ordered each to l>ring c<'n pounds to the

CWi Miration ofhre in J>urham Sinvt. hiich

junyiii nun ot er a uide area which could not

pONNihk he ellHiiNelv {v>licrd was l>ound tv

he impraciicahle.

Of more im{>i>rt.tn(« to our purjMnc here

k> 4 minnie of the \Vi Niminster Curj>orat*on,

dated }'{ NUv ihpp

Onlrre*! i),ai tl«rir> Juho

lliciKU>>n amt t.illv d'- inrrt t*Hrr of the Myuour

«it lh« CiltK yi I.oimIma lo irr*l u|ma M»ih m^lwrv 4 Ih|

(hiMtis <<rfi<«rr> ilif e(>e<l v* llir mkI GxfwsaiiM.

Mut «liows die Ciiy Ci>m|tany lo In* siill in

hring ct eu though ditposs«'Ssrd of iu (Starter.

In Get the City K •‘Curds are i|uite rlear as

10 du‘ I mi I ion sH the City (iuihl, .Mier ihe

Charter was revoked the Musicians went back

10 the CoriK>r4ii<m and tdiiained a ikw Act

of Common OHinril which rcM-vialJUhed

them as u Guild wnhm the City. IIh* history

of the Musicians Coin|>any as a Citv (iulld is

uiihrtiken from a.d. 1300 to the prese nt day.

Ihe t.ol meeiiug of the \\<s|iBnwier Cor-

P>r.kiioii hs'UI i>n j July ibjy. at the

I liree J ims 'l avern.

On rj 0< i. iGGII James II eaecnied an

Imtrucni IK wJierek>y all tlu’ Charters granted

I'* City (Jumpanies after a certain dale were

divim‘<l 10 bv null and void, and all the said

City Comiuriics w-ere rrsiored to their ’*.in<ienl

lilwfty and franchises h> ilwir Charter* there,

toforr to them rc5|)eeiively granted ", This

was supplenii'iJted by an onkr of the Court of

Common (knmcil restoring members of the

l ivers to their tirivilegc-s, and the list of the

Livery O/mpatiies in this Crder inelucles the

iiani<> of the .Mnsician** (kwopany. Although

no a< tual rk storalion of the Charter has yet

^*<'0 irared, it is evident that at tliis date

the Musiuanj’ Company was acccpird as

duly cmistitijied. Momwrr it is found in

the following century nourishing and cxerri*-

nig wime measure ©f control over musicians

pracliving their art within thk‘ City boundaries.

In fjoo the Company wav authoeixed by

an At t of Common Council to exercise juris-

diction over dancing • masters, h likesvivc

appears tliat the Company's juresdiction was

• T^. «k (kp H«rleljn MSS are

prunwl bv • Huwrv gf M-k th.

enforced as late as 1763, in which yvar an

action was successfully hroiigiit by ilic'

Musicians* Ovinpanv Iwfore the R<'<<»rd<‘r of

London against Ryrtun HueJv^n for emplovirig

persons not free as musicians at a l.ord Mayor’s


TIunigh the Company L still hi active exist,

ence, it jmssssM-s, iinfortunali'lv, no rsxorkU of

its history and acts dating farther back than

177a. These have been lost and with them,

of course, many mieresiing details ol the

musical life of l<ondon during that jM’riod.

However* some j^imptes of the Company’s

history mav be found in the Records of the

City of lxmdt»n.

limes are 1 hanged sinie the guilds wire

f^Menl factors in tJ»c political and social life of

Lnglanil, wh<n it was fteei*ssary for those

living in the City 10 take up the freedom

of the City guiUls m order to be allowed

10 carry on their trade nr prufesNlon in the

ccmlim-s of the Ciiv. Wvertheievs many nf

them still exivt, and allltough ihev no longer

discharge to the fitU ilir finiciiotik fur the

exercise of which thev wne uiigiu.dly fountUsl.

PMist of dieni e adajm d theimeKis to the

new tundiimns ami «Tk l<> llie Ikwi of their

lamer tu further tlw mteresu cf dtr calling

with which they have (Hen so ]c»hg as'Ot j.it<‘d.

.ScKh Is the case with the

It IS doing all that lie* within Its limiuxl means,

by the institution of sc hnbrvlujw, competitions,

the award of im'dals and in other ways, to

stimulate ami promote the- siiwL and practice

of the art which it was estabiblicd to >uper\ be

ami control. ]i may Ik* added in pasdng,

however, that the Miisicuns* Ca>mi)aij\ has

never (msseued any gr«*at wealth.

The prinriiuil award which th<‘ Companv

has m Its gift » that of the Col lard Fellowship.

Thb was hjunded by the Company in the year

1931 gjwn a large lirnrfactlon reieiwd from

the estate of John Clemenil Col lard, twice

Master of the Company .-ntd I'rrasurer from

1904 ki 1918. TJie Fcllowdiip prov ides a

substantial annual sum for a period not

exceeding threi* sears to a British musician of

proved ability selected by the Coinjiany in

artordance with the rules for the Fc Ibvvship.

The practical value of the Fellow ship is every-

where recognired hv British music lam.

Other periodic awards comprise the follow,


Tvvxj Sciwlarships at the C..S.M., onr

handed upon a gift by the late Andrew

Carnegie to the Company, die oilier upon

a similar gift by the lai<‘ Lord Palmtr of


^ annual prize for Composition at die


M annual prise for an ouistandin?

«u^nt selected by the Principal at the

K.A.M, (Pfcndergast Gift.)



An annual prize fi>r a student of the violin

at the R.G.M. (Wolimann Memorial.)

An annual prize for a student of the cello

at the R.G.M. (Leo Stern Prize.)

Two scholarships in pianoforte technology

at the Northern Polytechnic, Holloway,

London. ( Evelyn Broad wood Scholarships. )

In addition, the Company awards the

following medals:

The Company's Silver Medal, presented

to outstanding students selected by the head

of the Khool concerned triennially at the

R.A.M., the R.C.M., the G.S.M., the

T.C.Nf. and the Royal College of Organists,

and annually at the Royal Marines School

of Music and the Royal Military School of


The Cassel Medals, a silver and a bronze

medal presented annually at each of the

three services schools of music, provided

from a fund donated by (he Rt. Hon. Sir

Felix CassrL Bt.. Q.C., on ihe concluskm

of his Mastership, which was prolonged

throughout the i 930 '* 4 S

The lies Medal, presented annually to the

handmaaier or other selected member of the

band winning the National Brass Band


The late \V. W. Cobheit endowed a medal

to be presented annually to a person of any

nationality or kx " For Services to Chamber


The abov’e is a list of the continuing awards

and does not inclutie the many instances of

single gifts and prizes bestourd during the fint

half of die present century, notably the Crews

Prise of 1904 for a Grace, the Cobbeit prise

compositions and others.

bpreialiy worthy of mention is the exhlbi*

tion held by the Company at (he Fishmongen*

Kail in commemoration of its tercentenary*,

wbicl) was opened by (he Prince and Princess

nf Wales on zGJunr 1904, under the patronage

of the King an<l Qpecn, His Majesty heading

the list of lenders. Then was brought together

a remarkable collection of instruments, books,

manuscripts, portraits and other objects bear-

ing upon the history and practice of music,

probably more complete, valuable and instruc-

tive than anything of the kind that had ever

lH*fore been got together. A finely illustrated

catalogue of the entire eolleeiton was pub-

lished subsequently.

In order that all possible advantage might

l>e derived from (he exhibition, a series of

lectures on the exhibits, with musical Illustra-

tions. was delivered. (These have since been

published in book form.)

At the present lime (1954) Musicians'

Company consists of alMut 150 members.

Eleclion to the Company rests with the Court,

which consists of the Master, two Wardens

and not less than thirteen assistants. The

Fines and Fees payable on taking up the

Freedom and Livery of (he Company amount

in all to ^54 : 1 7s. The Livery of the Com-

pany carries with it the Freedom of the City and

the right to apply for a \’ote for civic elections.

The Company, as regards members and in-

fluence, is at present in a stronger position

than it lias been for upwards of a century, and

the greater number of the liverymen are con-

nected with and interested in the art of music.

The majority are musicians, both jirofrsslonal

and amateur.

It will have been obserN*ed that for a great

many yean the actual status of the Company

has been in doubi in consequence of the

revocation of (he Charter granted by James I.

To remedy this state of affairs a pclitlon was

with (he consent of the Court of Aldermen

prefrrred In the year 1930 by the Master,

\Var(leru and C^ri of Assisianis 10 His

Majcsiy King George VI for the grant of a

new Charier, and to this Petition His Majesiy

was graciously pleased to accede. The new

Charier was duly granted to the Company on

•29 Dee. 1950.

A. p. H. & II. c. c., rev. & add.

BiK.^OarwesoM. 11 , A. F.. * A Sh«ri HhCM> of (he

H’oAaiaful Comnany of Muueikru' (pnntcc ler

nrivaie cusuUit^. I 9 } 0 ).

WORZISGHEK, Johaao Hugo. Sft

VoAtsfcK, Jan Huco.

WOTQUENNE, Alfred {b. Lobbes. Hai-

nauh, 25 Jan. 1667; d. Antibes, 25 Sept

* 939 )-

Belgian musical bibliographer. He was a

student at the Bru»cl» Conicrvatolrr, under

Brassin for pianoforte. Mailly for organ,

Dupont and Gevaeri for iheor> . He became

in 1004 librarian of the mslliuiion, and

under his care (till 1918) the library became

a model of organisation. It constantly ac-

quired w'orfcs of imporianee. l»oth original and

manuseripi copies of rarities in other libraries ;

and in no institution of the kind is a warmer

welcome or more generous assistance given

to research sludenU. He also published the

following biblwfraphical work«, which are

Indispensable to all students of musical

history : .

*Cai 4 fc«ue <le la du Coiuenitww dr

BcmmHm’. $ *ob. (isaa-uoa),

• £iwd« bibl.0«rr*0l«iqwe lur ks <ruvr» de

• Ca(^«!?des IlwvO d’op^ro* et d'ofator>«i julirns du

• rawe de t ’Rcl, •

• Caial««ue ibemalwv* de 1 <ewre de C. r. £.

d« "sprer*"

aAttsln «u«Te» rfrsjiwnaves de Z«bo. Meu*»«w

• £i«ide atblicfTa^iqwe <ur Luifi Rocsi (tpee)* ^

WoetM. (Sir) Tkeoiaa- (’ Serenade ’► bar.

• WOTTON, Tom (Tbomas) S. (A, Buxton,

IS Jan. i86z; Paicham, a Jan. tgag)-

English bassoon player and writer on music.

WOrrON (William)


He held various orchestral pc^ts and in his

later years he did valuable wort ai a writer ort

musical insirumvnu and orchai ration, and

the study of the latter svUjeci led him to

become an admirable specialist on Berlioz.

He published ‘ A Diciionar>' of Foreign

Musical Terms and Handbook of Orchestral

Instruments* flx'lpzig & l^ndon, 1507).

bcrlioz: Four Works’ f Musical Pilgrinr

series; Oxford, 19^9) and 'Hector Berlioz’

(Oxford, t. a.

WOTTON, William ?; d, ?).

Lngitsli t^ih'Ceniurv organ maker. De<

sfribi*d as " orkyn maker he Injili in i^»>

a " pair of organs ” for Magdalen College.

Oxford, for £iQ, and in 14B7 agreed to make

a sitnilar instrument for Mvrion College.

»liich Nva< to be completed In 14S9.

WOTTON, William (Bale) h Twqlliiy,

0. 5epi. fbji; J, Deal, 3 Mav lyr^;.

Fnglidi l>a%M>on and saxnpltone |i)a\<r.

ills father was corporal* maj«»r m iW ist I.ife

Ouards und he was thus lirought up among

the Ihm regimen I al mudi , lli« roiHln<*ss

for the art showed itself verv earls ; i*e

the flute ami cornet, aiul at tiie age

of thirteen entered the Iwncl r/tlie regimi nt.

I he liasvain hr learned with J«ihn Harris, an

excellent player, under v.lK)nj he laid the

fourtdauon of that ariUilc stvlc aisd charm of

tone which disiinguislwd him. He studhd

orchestral playing at the K.A.M, under Charles

1. ufas. lbs lirst appearance as a solotst ssas

at (he losvn Hall, Windsor, svhere hr and

WilJiam Crozier (a most admirable pla^r

who iIm d on 30 Dee, i8?o, after basing been

(or many years first oboe at the Crystal

I’alaee) playetl a duel for oboe and Iwssuon

untler the direction itC EJsTy.

fin the ticalh of Ihtumann W’olton would

have acceptetl engagements with Jullten for

ihe I'.oimnade Conrercs. and with .\lfred

Mellon for iJie Orchestral Vnion, if W'addell,

1’!', had rurt iMremjKorily (ue-

l*i<l<len it. He was then transferred from the

(•as«,on to the saxof))K)ne, of which he was the

e.irhest player in l.ngland. About i$7o, bv

ai permission of the colonel of his r<fi.

Hienl. he joined the orchrsira of the Crystal

I a Lee. ill which he played first bassoon for

nearly ihiriy years. He was aho a member

of the owhi-stras of the Philharmonic, Albert

rlA)l and many others, and was wofi-ssor of the

Inwsoon at the R.C.M. until his retirement in


Ills J>rother, T. E. \V.«ion f*. 1852). who

wa's awwiated with him at the Crystal Palace

fr<*m i8?9, succeeded to his various nosis

li)' son, b. Wotlon, was abo a bassoon


WOYR8CH, Felia (F. Troppau. 8 Oei.

1660, d. Aliona, 30 Mar. 1944).


— 369

German condtseior and composer. He

siudinl under Hidnrich ChevalHer at Ham*

luirg and in 1894 iHfamc cftoirmasjir ai a

church at .Aliona. Later he conduct'd al'o

the Hamburg Singakademie, the muni{ip4j

symphony concerts and the popular folKr^l^.

He became prt^essor in 19**1 and a ni<'inl>fT

of the l*russian .Academy in lOJ?. The

Ibllowing is a condensed Iwi of hi% wry

nunseruus coniposiiion% :



M. ' Der Pr«rrer vm ^feudMl *

* 7 . * Oex tsVibrrkrint ’ ' ifWi.

- ' tViLiAf rrfsh/i ‘ 1 1 $9^;,


Jt. ‘J>«urh« HmlMtin' for vui«e», men's

<Mrus « er(h.

S9. *D« Vs^xlrn Auixug' for men's rhoius & orvh,

49. rMMM« OrjMio for vcices. chwiui, ortan &

4«. Ode sn AMieodnc '. fwi »ol» tenn

w«Mnen * ih»na & urih.

57. 'C»Je Ah den loU* (((vl<ieriii> twi nien's cKorus

A Mch,

6 j. • *.rf t, 4 «H x«ni ' f«r solo vgn«, rhoros,

Un*' rk-w. Off M * 41* h. '

69 1 .bl«Heis luf a<p4rf ( kuryi,

Ahn (knewtn for miaeJ. wnmen's k men'i \oir«i.


10 lijnif's • |)w Id., tvnimedia '

it. btMdionv Xo. u. laoflr.

S). S tSytUin PaniAMn ' ifiv).

£ . ^Miw w bivjkespexre*. • J1,ml<i ' daijj.

w. Wmfdwny .\o. 3. K7 nut. fiajs>.

71- \p, 4, f flv,. ts9,3i.

7^ ^mphortv .'So. 5, U ma.

TV. inemeuw s sriMions ^19x1),


3*. C«K«r«o. L) Mi.


iF -Vo. I. A mi. * i9«9t.

Sf “*»*"‘PHam ' (of uomlxme Jiec (loio.

57 . SuiBf <^ut Xo. o mu . 1916 . ’

*4. ^irm* Qtrtriei .Xo. 9. t> ms. , *419..

it 71'*' ^ *71* ^ * 0 x 4 *.

ti* viu., viols, cello * tf. 1*0X1)

7f. S«rin* V**el. B>ms. <19x6),

34. Suiot Qwsnet Ng. 4. ht ms. *jox 6 j.

Ah# tf ft ofgAA wgriu. wAfs. *e.

WOYTOWICZ, BolevUsv (*. Dunajosvee,

Podolia, jDec- 1899).

Pedbh composer. He was a mcjnbor of a

musical family: his grandfather was a com*

poser, his father played the pianoforte and

organ, and his mother possi‘»sed a beautiful

J^ice. The sacred music of the masters <.f

byg^c ceniuno he heard his fatlier plavinc

impression on him.

^ he first studied philology and mathematics

« the Lniversity of Kiev and later law at the

L«jv;en„y 4 ty„«w, in ,9,.. A. .h« ,ime

Cdhu academe course in W'arsaw he also

^ed music under Michalowski (piano*

^e), Sz^ki Staikowski, Surzyrtski and

School of Musk. His love of music appears




CO have become so strong that he toc 4 ii up as

his life's career. He went to Paris and for two

yean studied under Nadia Boulanger (i 93 C^

1933). AAer his return he was appointed

teacher at the Chopin High School of Music

in Warsaw and began to appear as pianist on

the concert platform. In 193a he won the

first prize of the W'arsaw Philharmonic with

his pianoforte Concerto. The same >‘«ar hb

* Cantata for Small Children ’ ibr 3 treble

voices received iu first performance at the

I.S.C.M. Festival in Vienna. In 1935 hb

' Cradle Song ’ for soprano, Aute, clarinet,

bassoon and harp was performed at the

Prague I.S.C.M. Festival. In 1937 he won the

State Music Award. Again in 1949 he was

awarded the State Music Prize.

As a composer NNoytowicz belongs to those

whose main Irtterest U directed towards the

problems of construction, polyphony and

great thematic economy. Very many of his

compositions written before 1939 were de*

stroyed or lost during the second world war.

His works include the following :


‘ KoHrdi’ t* Clw Return*), 1437.


' l*rur«>k ’ (* riie ymirhn *> r* PvUtkia *) S»r •»!« vek«.

clioru* & M(h, uOst'SO).

’KaikiAia •Isiccinna’ (* C.hiklrcM*» Caniaia ') for S

treble wttn itSDi).

* Kaniata na p<>thuakc * <*Cmuu •« of

LslMur’) i r. Mdr«k) (vt mIo v«w««, chorus &


0KC:HR$1'RAL tv’ORK^

’ HuitA koncertOMA ' >' Coacrrt *) t*OS)).

* I'ermat tstobny * Fun«r*l Rocm *> on she ikaih of

Manhol hhuHAi, toss.

* CnnrcrtMW ' for imAll orch. UOS^).

yn in ihc form of s symphen)* ((93$),

Symphuny No. y, " Waruw** (IM)!.


Concerto (193^).


* Kelv tanka ’ (* fIraJfo Son( *) for •opraoo, Rulr, <br»*

{let, tMttfUMi ft liarp (1930).

’rrio for tluio, rlar. ft baaioon 1 1930).

Strinfi Qiiarier (193O.


Fantasy U9S0).

* Uecilativo * (1949).


Variations jn B ma. (<9381.

Variation* in F? mi, t'99fl)>

Sonata (t9y9),

9 Marurkaa (t93o).

3 Dances <iO)o).

* Recitativo ed arietta * (1947).


ty Sonzs (I 99 a> 89 >.

C. R. H.

WOZZECK. Opera In 3 acts by Alban

Berg. Libretto adapted from Georg Buchner's

play (1B36). Produced Berlin, State Opera,

14 Dec. 1925. 1st )>erf. abroad. Prague (in

Czech), tt Nov. 1926. tst in U.S.A., Phil*

adelphia (in German), ig Mar. 1931. ist m

Ei^laod, London, f^vent Garden Theatre

(m English), 23 Jan. 1952.

Gurliu (H.).

WRANITZKY (Vnasek^), Anton (Aa<

tonm ) (A Novi Rile, 13 June i?6i ; d.

Vienna, 6 Aug. 1820).

Austrian Niolinist and composer of Moravian

origin. He was the son of an innkeeper and

larmer. Having been educated at the Latin

School of his birthplace and trained in violin

j^aying by his elder brother Paul (rer Se/fiur),

he completed his studies in philosophy, law

and music at Brno, where he had already

been recognized as a violinist and composer.

Later he went to Vienna to study under

Haydn, Mozart and Albrechisbcrger. In

1794 Josef Franz Maximilian, Prince Lob*

kowitz, engaged him as conductor of his

orchestra at Roudnice Castle (Bohemia).

There he had to conduct, to play the violin,

to compose and to arrange compositions for

the players. Later on, when the prince took

part in the reorganization of the Court

Opera in Vienna, hb orchestra moved there

with Wranitzky as iu leader. He was an

excellent violinist and teacher as svcil as a

composer cf some distinction. He wrote

church music, a few symphonies, but partJeu*

larly about 30 concertos (tj for violin, i for 2

violins, I for 2 violas. 1 for cello, 1 for violin

and cello, 1 for 2 violins and cello), many

chamber*mu$ic compositions, 6 very good

' Hunting Marches ' for wind msiiuntenu,

dances, etc.

Hb daughters, Karoline

married name Seidlcr, and Anna Katharina

(1801-51), niarried name Kra us, were eminen t

opera and concert lingers (Karoline «*«

first Agathc in Weber’s * FreischUlz ’ in Ber-

lin). Two of his sons, Anton (celliii) ann

Friedrich (violinist) were memben of U>«

Court Opera orchestra in Vienna. 0.

WRANITZKY (VraoJeh^), Paul (PaveO

(*. Nova RUc, 30 Dec. Vienna, «fl

Sept. 1808).

Austrian violinist and composer of Morayi^

origin, ^iher of the preceding. He reced ed

hb education at the Latin school of the Pre*

moASiraiensian monastery in hb birthplace

and later at JIhlava and Olomouc. At aH

these places he diligenlly perfected htr^H

in music, tor which several members ol

family had already showm a considerable

aptitude. In 1776 he went to Vienna, uftere

he studied (hcol^ at the imperial seminar),

took lessons in theory and eomposiucn from

Joseph Martin Kraus and made his earlics

attempts at composition. In 1780 he jomeo

(he suffof Prince EsierhAzy’s famous orchestra

at Ebenstadt, where he became acquamceo

with Haydn. He was appointed lM«r ol me

Court in \ ienna in 17^5


WRIGHT (Daniel)

37 '

post until his death. In 1793 he joined the

Tonkunstler-Socieiat, became ils scTctar^* and

reorganized its aHairs.

Haydn had a great regard for Wraniirky,

both as a man and as an artist. Wranii<l.\

^va» a prominent violinist and a vvry* prolilk

composer. To give an exact account oi his

works is impossible because oT their disptrsal

and the numerous inaeeuracies in numbering

them caused hy the com]>o«er hiniMirand bv

his publishers. He wrote no K'v» than U

operas, liic most widely known and tongs^si m

surs'lve being ' Oberon. Kunlg dsr tlfcn to

K. 1.. (Jii'seke’s Ulirciio. foundr<l chu’lly on

\\*ifL«ul’s pot in, and produced at ih<* Theattr

an iliT \N'len in V ienna on 7 \«v, 1789.*

t)iher stage works were the comic opera

' Die gute Mutter ’ 'T7rj3 . the ‘ iVr

Srhn iner ' 1 1 7 ck) , the /.udrnpic/ * Mii|p fuhl *

< 18041, ^11 priKlused at the court ihealres, as

were also uuny i>allets, inrluclmg ' Dis* Wetii*

lcs«' * Du' Vrteil des l^aris *, * D« r bahiru'e*

rauh ’ 'all Ixnween 1791 jnd i8ou . He alvi

svrote Incldenul music to 4 jdass a ranuu,

several cations, inasonit »<Migk, eu. In the

lie Id of inviru mental iiuisis the r< blowing

works should be menttoned : Ji sym|ilionH\,

5 loncerios ifor siulln, (lute, cello, 2 Holes,

tiutc 4n<i olxK'j. several marc ho, C uritif

quintets (including «nc with flute and another

with oboe I, 47 string quartets, u quartets fur

lluie and strings, 5 pianoAirte quartets ansi

many iruK nnci duets fi^r various combina*

tions of instruments. A considerable nuniWr

of his works were (luMivliecI at OllenlMch,

ISiris, \ leriiM and elsewhere: mans compusi-

liohs base Iwen pr<^efsl d in \ ienfta f National

l.ibrury, fJesdlschaft der Muslkfnumle , ji

Koudm<e <!,istle 'lh>lietiiij«. etc. o, i ,

Ihwi.-.lkAirn, V.. |lohFin*r» mi «h* Ar<ki*r> •<

LoUomu Caok as K»uUuHe tV»4. I. 10 Cmh.

** i. collaU. Ml uiki . ^

WKECKERS, TiS. Opera in 3 acu b>*

I-lhcl Srnyih. Libretto (in French, as * Les

Naufrageurs '} by Harry Urcwsier, Prcid 'In

German, as * Strandrecht Leipzig, Munl.

<i|)al Ihealrc, ic \*ov. 1906. ist perf. in

UngUncl, U.ndon, His Majesty's Tlieaire, a 2

June 1909.

ChrtwW Srt Gaiden

riipjKc. Holder tS , bro<hFt.in.|a» '


I he wresi plank or pin- block of a (nanofoctc is

ilie carrier of the wrest . or tuning-pins. U is

constructed of a numlier .T layers of wood

glued t<^eihcr so that the grain cf anv law

IS at right angles to that of coniiguow layers.

I he pUnk so fornuxl is rigidly Axed to the

svooden framework of the (nanoT.irlc and the

• I'here b no loumlaiioe Ur iLe tutemrni ,Amm.

metal frame which carries the strings is plaretl

ovxT the plank.

I'hc tuning-pins are In reality grip|»e<l by

the sxoodcn plank, thi* object <»r llie cross*

graining in which is to (nsucs' suniii'mt

friction lo prevent the lunlng-plns slatkcning

oil and so g^^ing uui of luix'.

S(>in<'tinu*i .1 sjiaie \> provitleci In di<' inctjl

frajiH' 10 <h‘ar the luning-pins, 1 llj^ 0 known

as ilir •• <»i>en plank fu gcnerjl. the pi,ino-

r«*fte franM* is <onuiui«>iis and has holes drilled

ill it fcr iIm' tutiiiig-pins i<» pj»s ilirougfi. ilu’sc

hrih-» Ixiiig geiHTallv bushed with wo^xj. the

sdijsHt I wing lo lake some ol the (hnjst vet up

bx the vtfing unvxm on ili« pins.

Ihis iiieilKMl of ({ripping the Uimng*pins

m a xv<N>d«^i plank, altlKiugh of roiivider.ible

amiqiiiu, is geiu rails* sonsidiriH] to lx* the

jsMAi vjtivfa(ii>rv «>f ,dl nil lliosls,

.MMliaiiH.d (H xsoniwgi arH pins ns us'-tl on

»u<h insironientvav guitars or ihaiulolines hiixe

l>een tried. Uit are urivatisf.iciur) loxing to

die Urg<’ A»r<<^ in ubuh I hex are subjected ;

nwmvxii, on .u count of the inexitable b,ark-

l.wh IjrixsM-n dir worm ami ihe worimwlivel.

ilw pnaevs •*( iiimiig with sui h tontrixances

IS ( \(ee<|im(l% diliuoll locarrx out.

A. J. H.

I*i.iavl'<le M<K|<*n< FiAine .


Co., H. Wright). I.iiglisli music sellers,

jirintecs ami pubiivhers. They wen- estalv

lixhed in Ixmdirtj iK iweeft 1783 and iGoj. As

Unghi & Wd kills. Ml, CadieriiK or Cniliarlnc

Stfs'et, Si rand, tiiex succeedtHl lu tlie business

of l.li/alK’tii Randall nlxiul .\|ir. 17113, adver-

lixing die iiiwls'i's as *’ Successors i<> Mr.

\Nabli Handel's publisher, wlum' business

ultimately pavwii to |.Ii/jIh ill Randall. From

June 1781 the hnn was known a« ^^'n^dll &

Go.. aii<] from Feb. 1783 10 some time in

1803 as II. Wright, vsIkiw <!hristiaii name

was Hrrnioivd or llarioah and who gave his

address as 13 Catherine .Street, blrand, until

he movrd lo 3Ht) Strand in Jlkii.

Ilic firm is noialde for the mssuc of man v

of Handel's works from die WaKh plates ami

the hrsi publl< aiioa iA a mimlK'r ofhis oratorios

in full K<^. ,\fi<r Wright ccau il business his

entire Sloe k </ plates was purchasftl by I'homas

Preston. 97 Sirand, and swiir of these plates

fended lo J. A. Xox cllo, who republished a

few of the Han<lcl oratorios from tliem, xsith

Riodirccatiuns. c s

WyiGHT, IkaAMl. lUrly i8th*ceniury

London music puWuhcrs. whose proprietors

weiT. in turn, Daniel Wrighi, sen., and Daniel

Wright, luft, Hawkins sum* up the character

of I be eWer Wright as a man * who never

primed anything that he did not steal Hoxv.

ever ihb may be, the two W rights published

many now very interesiing musical w-orks.

* HiMory, Navello ed., p. 8S4.

37 ^

WRIGHT (Geoffrey)

WRIGHT (Thomas)

The elder Daniel \Vrcgh( was esiablislxed by

or before 1 709 at the corner of Brook Street,

next (he Sun Tavern in Hoi bom, his s^

being ** The Golden Bass Violin He died

or gave up business about (7$s* Daniel

Wright (he son had a business on the north

side of S(. Paul’s Churchyard, under (he »gn

“ The Golden Baas ", from ( 730 (o abou( 1 734,

when he changed hb sign to ” The Violin and

Flute From about 1735 his addre« was

next door to Temple Bar, He probably ga\‘e up

trade about 1 740. and there seems some likeU'

hood that John Johnson of Cheapside founded

his extensive business upon that of the Wrights,

as he issued some worlu from their plates.

For some years before the elder Wright’s

death or retirement both names appear on some

of the imprints ; the elder at (cast claimed to

he a musical* instrument maker. U’right, sen.|

C ublished instrumental works by G^miani,

ivaldi, John Humphries, J. B. Lccillet,

Robert Valentine and others, besides half-

sheet songs and many curious books of dances

and airs for the flute or violin. Hb son

followed on much the same lines. The elder

Wright was also notorious for publislung

musical works under the same or very similar

title as and in a style similar to those issued

by Walsh. For instance, he published a

• British Miscellany ' (t733)» a ' Merry

Musician* (1730) and a ’Monthly Mask

of New Sonp * (t7t7)> the latter with a

rudely engraved pictorial ti(lc*p^e copied

from Walsh. Hawkins speaks of the ^er

NS'riglit’s impudently publishing a set oflessom

fur (he harpsichord by Greene without (he

composer’s permission.

Besides the two Daniel \Vrighu there was a

music seller named Thomas Wright ”Ai the

Golden Harp and Violin, on Lon^n Bridge **

( 1 73:4-34), who published half-sheet engrat*ed

songs and a number of w'orks in exjunction

with the two Daniel Wrighu, to whom no

douhi he was related. Another early music

seller with the same surname was E. Wright,

who, according to an elab^acely engraved

trade card (e. 1 740), " At her musk shop under

St. Dunsian's Church, Fleet Street, makes and

sells all sorts of musical instrumeais

r. K., rev. w. c. s.

WRIGHT, Gooffrey. Set Song, p. 956.

Wright, ThvBuM. Set CourtrvUlc (a. tone u>

* recnsle Virluoso'i '). Pureell (4. <!«.. uwid. m.).

WRIGHT, Tbomaa {^. Stockton-on-Tees,

18 Sept. 1763 : nr. Barnard Castle, 24 Nov.


English organist, composer arsd inventor.

He was the son of Robert Wright (a pupil of

Avison of Newcastle), who was organbt in

Stockton church from 1 766 to 1 797, the date

of his death. Robert was the son of Thomas

Wright, sen., the 6rst organbt of Stocktx,

about (738-60.

Thomas Wright, jun., was iostructed by hb

father, and at the age of eleven went to John

Garth, at Sedgeficld (nine miles from Stock*

ton) as organ pupil. He succeeded Garth at

the organ, 1784-85. Before hb appointment

as full Ofganbt he had been apprenticed to

Thomas Ebdon at Durham Cathedral.

Wright soon became famous for hb extempore

voluntaries and was in high repute as a teacher

for the pianoforte, violin and organ. He

succeeded hb father at Stockton in 1797, re-

signing the appointment and leaving Stockton

in 1817. After a period of residence and an

organ appointment at Kirkleatham near

Redcar, he returned to Stockton and resumed

teachir^. 1 1 was wh lie he was on a professional

engagement that a sudden seiaure caused hb

death, at WycHffe Rectory titsr Barnard

Casilc. He had married in 1794 Elizabeth

Foxtx, a lady of some literary attainment,

who survU^ed him.

Besides the hymn-tune " Stockton he

composed ' A Concerto for the harpskhord or

{Man^ortc . . . dedicated to the Hon. Mbs

Dundas * (1795); ‘An Anthem for Thanks*

giving for Peace ’ (of Amiens, rSos) : ‘ Over-

tures and Sonp in a musical piece called

Rusticity * (1600, written by his wife '} s * A

Muskal Primer ’ and * Supplement etc.

The Concerto it remarkable for being (so far

as (he present writer can ascertain) the first

music to contain metronome marks, indicating

speed value. In the preface Wright explains

hb system and claims that for simplicity and

effectiveness it U superior to the </if«fionims of

Louli^ and of Sauveur, and to the

of later invention.

A simple pocket metronome consbting of a

weighted string swinging across a wooden arc

marked from zero in tern, was of hb invention

or adapulion. One bearing hb name and

(he date (795 is still in existence. Each

movement of the concerto is marked with a

speed mark ; and he explairu that ** 28*^

indicates (hat one oscillation of a ^veight^

string measured over twenty-eight keys of the

harpsichord goes to a minim. Wright also

invented an organ attachment to a square

pianoforte, which plays a set of organ pipes

at will, without impairing its use as a piano-

forte. 'Hus invention does not appear cvet

to have been made public i hb own ‘"^‘f***

ment was in the possession of Mbs Edith

Wright* of Wakefield, hb granddaughter.

In 1769 he built for himself a chamber organ,

constructed two orreries for illustrating and

caJcalaib^ eclipses and sent to the Society 01

Arcs a model of a machine for rabir^ coal, ror

vAich they had offered a premium,

• 7^ aUy wm aeitb^ pwfonned oor h«"

A vocal »ew« of caiaic appoar^ about „

• Br of ike mfortwtioo above '•»*





WRIGHTON, ?, Mr». (i. ?, Fell. 1751 ;

d. U.S.A., n'Aug. *796).

Engluh singer. She war a favourite vocal*

is I ai Vauxhall Gardcni in London about

• She was much appreciated for her

Mftging of ballads, and was the first to sing in

public tlic popular ' Within a mile of I'.din*

burgh town ’ ; thi' was in the season uT 1 780,

She v, 4 i alnt famous in the huniinf>x>ngs of

(he |>eriod, vshosc extended range and hea\\

imcrumenial accompani menu demanded gre.t

SJir made her dfbut in “ Ihe Rccruitnig

Oflurr ’ in 17711. Her lir%t husband was .1

]>r<»hiphT at one of die lamdun dwatm. Sin

v\.m to .\mirjta, wlu re in she jottied

John l{enr>» New York (^>mpanv and

marrk*d ,\. M. I’cmnall,

» K S: vv. M. /, t

WRONOWIC 2 , Maciej H. {Hvacin.

ihua ?> '■ rf. '

I'ulisli rumposrr. From 29 Nfay 1O80 nlJ

.Mar. if)H4 he acted as chorus master at

WlocLwck (;a(he<lral. In the National

Library of Warsaw there are iwu woricv b>

VNVoriowk/ : a • t> prt>fun<hs ’ for a sojtraoos.

hass and cuniinuo (organ*, and ‘l.audatc

puen • ft.r a sopranos, bass, a violins. >iola

and soniinuo Morgan). q, h, ir

WnohfSKI, Adam (L C>ac<»w. iRv) • d '


Hollsh < <>n<Ju« UH aiui rump.»MT. He Itegan

his catrer os con<lucior of a military l>and. A

few y< jrs later he was appointed director of

me Mouiusiko Music .Society at K**.niyja.

l or St vetal years he acted a» contiuctor of

j primjenatk orchestra at Krynica, a MUh

lealiii ren^n. Me wrote incidental mime to

l ohd. dramas: ' Bicdnc ogniki ’ CUdl o'

the Uisps ;. • Cr.irmwjka Uwa ’ f The

Devils huHd and ' ladeuss *. very many

'ougs, marthes, polonaise* and above all

bond ret |s of nta<:urs which enjovTd great

|)o)>ulanty. 1 1, welled as conductor of

hRhl music and was nkknajiKd the ** Polish

Strauss c • «


•h|?; 4/. f. iByb,. ^ •’

Polish pianist and composer. He lived ai

lartiojHd and later at Lwow. He wrote wry

IvD* pianoforte accompaniment

wli ch, (hanks to their simplicity, dixeetnen

and sincerity, enjoyed popularily at the time.

Wt)£RST, Richard Ferdiaaad Berlin

<.ernian critic and cotiiposer. He was a

mini of Kim^rnhaKcn at llw Berlin .Academy,

M.n.icU.ohn .V,,... ,^.rtng

.l. c. ;,n.I lKc.mc m 1O5O clirrclor. in

18,4 prof.-..or al and 1877 mnnlHT of Ihe

.Aeodtiiiy of Arts, lie was for tnany years

teacher of composition in Kullak's Conser-

vatory. He contributed to the ' Btrllner

Fremdenblau ' and in (874-75 '“(h'wJ the

‘ .Neue Bi rliner Musikxieilung His w(*rks

com|>ris*« 7 opera*, 3 symphoiije*, overt iirvs,

quartcu, etc, r:., rev,

WULFSTAN i>. </.

linglish loth I till -century iheorlvt. He was

a iiM»(ik and |»r»ienior of St, ,S\i it Inn's, Win*

clHstcf, about iotx>. Will id m (ff Malmeshury

astrlbcs lo him a iiraim . * He (tmorum

haimonla ’. 1.. v. d. s.

WULLNER, Fraoa MutKur, Wesi-

idi.iha. dH J.m. d. Braiinfeb o l.dhn.

7 hept, lyox*.

(ierman jiiaimi. <<dHlu4 0»i diid <<>in|H>ver.

Me u.is the %on id* a dwUiiKuidwd phiJoIngKi,

iliKitor of ihe " (ivninaduni " dl Diivwldtiif.

He dtliA<Uii (hr *' (•vminoiiim " of Muusier

till ill4« diHl the liiial ex.iiiiuidlion.

studs ing the piaiinffoii and (oni|Ki»liion with

Carl .Arnold up to i<l4Ci and afirrs\ard< with

J^hindler. In tUqU In followed Sthindler to

Frankfort « M. and lootlnmd hiwtudjei uiih

him and F, Kiwhr till id-,.'. Ihe winter of

185^-53 he |*asd-d m liruss. Is, frei|uenil>

pjaying in publu and enjoying the sotiety

of Mils, Kuller.ith and other niuikiatw.

As a pianist hr conhn* d hmiwll .ilniosi emireh

to Beethoven's lonvixuis an<l l.uer son.it ii>,

He then made a lomerj lour .ind spent

hide time at Hanover and l.ejp/ig, In SUr.

1854 he arrived at Munuh and on 1 Jan. 1836

lircanse piaxsoforie at tin- Conservu*

U)ry thi rr. In 1858 he brcaiuo musk id

director of the town of .^a<hen, where h.

eonduchd tisc suburlption cunccru and (lie

vocal and oeclscsiral unions, In i8lit he

welved the title of A fmiidif/chr to the King of

I russia, and in 18C4 was joint cundncior with

Rieu of the 4 1 St Idswrr Rhine Feuival.

In (he autumn of 1864 Wullner returned lo

Munich as court Hi, duty was

lo conduct the service* at the court church,

and while tJscre he rcorganiaed the choir and

added to the re|>erlory many fine chuith

wwk*. etpecially of the early Italian school

He also organized concerts for the clioir, the

j^ranmie* of which included old Italian,

old German and modern music, sacred aiul

secular. In the autumn of 1867 he took ihc

o^anization and direction of the v’oeal

cla^ in the king’s new Khool of music, and

^ Bulow * resjgnaiion the whole production

department came into Iiis hand*. During this

lime Ik wrote his admirable ' Chorubungeu

dcr Mu^hcncf Mgsikschulc an English

cV?" ^ Spengcl, was publislied.

Uhen Wullner succeeded Bulow at the

Munich court theatre in 1OC9 he found himself

plunged into per»na! difficullic* of all kinds

connected with (hr produedoo of Wagner’s


374 WOLLNER (Ludwig)

* Rh^ingold ’ i but lii$ tact and ability sur*

mounted a11» and the mult was an unqualified

success. * Rheingold ’ was follmved by * Die

Walkurc’, one of the most brilliant achieve-

ments of the Munich stage, and in (870 ^Vul]•

ncr was appointed court KofiellmeisUr in chief-

He also succeeded Bulow as conductor of the

Concerts of the Academy of Music and carried

them on alone till Levi was associated with him

in 187a. In J877 he left Munich with the

honorary doctor's degree from the Univer-

sity, succeeding Rietz at Dresden as K«pftf‘

meuftr of the court theatre and director of the

Conservatory ; but afier five years he was

deprived of his post at the Opera, without any

reason given. On 1 Oct. 1864 he was ap-

pointed to succeed Hiller as head of ihe

Cologne Conservatory and eonductor of the

Gurzcnich concerts there.

Vv'u liner's works include ’ Heinrich der

I'inklcr cantata for voice and orchestra

(>664), pianoforte pieces for 3 and 4 hands

and chamber music ; several books of songs :

important choral compositions, with and

without orchestra, such as masses, moieis,

a ' Stabat Mater \ a ' Miserere ’ for double

choir, Op. ^6, I'salm CXXV for chorus arul

orchestra, Op. 40, etc. He made a new

arrangement of \N>ber*s ' Oberon the

additional recitatives being compiled from

materials in (he opera (ihe libretto by F.

Grandaur of Nfuntch). u. r.. al^.

WCLLNER, Ludwig {6. Munster, \Vest-

phalia, 13 Aug. 1838; d. Kiel, 19 Mar. 1936).

German actor and tenor singer, son of

the preceding. He studied philolog)', etc.,

at the Universities of Munich, Berlin and

Strasbourg, took the doctor's degree and

became a lecturer in the Munster Academy

{ 1 884087). After two years’ study at the

Cologne Conservatory he wnt on the stage

at Meiningcn in i88g. In 1693 he adopt^

the career of a reciter and in c8g6 that of

a singer ; notwithstanding his many vocal

shortcomings, his perforiziances called forth

great admiration for their dramatic intensity.

u. r.

DiSL— Luewio. Fmnz, 'Ludwtf WuIIam: Min trbfn

und MirM KunJt * (t.«ipti(. t9)o).



WURM, Mary (^. Southampton. t8 May

i860; d. Munich, 91 Jan. 1938).

English pianist and composer oi German

parentage. Her father was a musician at

Southampton (rf. 1899), who had two other

musical daughters, Maihilde and Adda, who

adopted the name of Verne. Mary studied

(he pianoforte and composition at the Stutt-

gart Conscrvaloiy, also with Franklin Taylor,

Clara Schumann, Raff and oihcia. She

appeared in London tvith Schumann's

Concerto at the Crystal Palace in t882 and

played at the Popular Concerts in 1884^ in

which year she gained the Mendelssohn

Scholarship. She gave successful pianoforte

recilaU in London and in Germany, which

country was her residence for a go^ many

years. On one of her later visits to England

she gave a concert consisting entirely of music

extemporized on themes given by the audience.

She composed a pianoforte Concerto and

an orchestral overture, a string Quartet, a

cello Sonata, many pianoforte pieces, etc.

A. p.-M.


Wyatt, <Slr> Tkauas. Srt Cipps {4 Gooucu

MAC wtih ttg. 4 TeT). (mac),

WytkerUy, Wtlltiio. Sit Vaoiscer (}., ‘G«nir«niiB

UaAcifte-Mztftr *, muHC Tar). Humfrrv (* Low in 1

>^'OQd *, MAft (ot).

WYDOW S Robert (». Thaxted, Essex >,

? ; d. Chew Magna. Somerset, 4 Oct. 2303).

English poet and musician. He was

educated by his stepfather, the master and

proprietor of a kHooI at Thaxted, who

ultimately sent him to Oxford to complete hit

Mudici. >Vhilc there he distinguished himself

in literature and the arts, especially in poetry

and music, Anally taking the degree of B.Mus.

His is the first recorded degree of the kind at

Oxford : he was incorporated at Cambridge

in the same degree in 1503. Afier his step-

father's death Robert NVydnw succeeded him

as master of the school, and is said to have

turned out several illustrious pupils. Among

his patrons ^Vvdow numbcri^ Edward iy>

who appointed him to one of the two chantries

in the low chapel under k Croft in Christ

Church, Canterbury, on 2 a Jan. <474.' As

Edward bad some connection with Thaxted,

being lord ofa third of the manor, it i' not un-

reasonable to suppose that it was owing to iHa!

monarch's good offices that IVydow obtained

the presenution to the vicarage ofThtaico on

93 Dec. 1481- This living, which was then

worth about £ 9 d. Wydow resigned on i Oct,

1489. . .

It was probably at this period that ke

iras'elled in France and luly for the purposes

of study and added to those stores of learning

whkh gained him the appellation of '' Gram-

maticus " ; and it was perhaps on

from the Continent that he was made rent-

(cntiarius •• in St. Paul's Cathedral in London,

if. as is generally bcl levied, he really held mat

post. On 19 Nov. 1493 collated r«tor

of Chatfoot Si. Giles, in Buekmghamshi^

a place aAerwards associated with

illustrious names of John Milton and W.l liam

Penn. After enjoying that living for

mort than three years, he was 'ostalW b>

proxy canon and confraicr of J

in ^VelU Cathedral, on 37 Mar. i 497 ;

• AiM Wi4^pw^ \svdc-e Mrf


UTLDE (Henry— i)


a re\v months later (ro Sept.) he was ap*

pointed succenior m the place of Henr>’

Abynfdon. On 21 Sept. 1499 he obtained

the vicarage of Chew Magna which he held

till his death. In (499-1500 he wa^ made

one of ()ie reiideniiary canons aiMl on

May in the latter year installed sub>dcan and

prebendary of Hnlcombe Burneil. in Devon-


.\boui the same time W'ydow was mads*

deputy for the transaction 4^ affairs brlween

the pop<' and the C!athi‘dral chapter of UelU;

he WAS also granieel the ad\ow»on oTft’ooke)'.

In Somerset, the rniory and \ irarage of which

were lot!<'lher \suclh aliout 1 1 5- He also heki

al>out ilii» lime the olfwis of Scrulaoir

Doinoriitn ” and Ulir.irian in liw chapter

house. On 21 S<‘pt, 1502 Im* was made

seneschal, and shortly after auditor, t/ the

i ha pu r house. t>n \ <lci, he was pre*

senU'd to the perpetual vicarage of Buck land

NVwtoii. in IWhI. whkh h the last cvriii

rcror(U*d tti his life.

\N'y<iow was a man of some wealth, if we

may judge front hi« bcncrac lions to the

(hirihusUn priory of llenum. iw’jr Hath,

wl>i<h were so trsndderahic that a Krquimi

was ordered to be sung for hU loul In ever)

house •.( the ur<lrr throughout the kingdom.

Ixiwanl Lee, .NrclilHsliop t>f York, who in his

younger days had met Wythjw, called him

" facile princejM " among the jigets of his dav .

Ilolinslu'd s|K>aks i 4 him as an ** excellent

jHjei " and classes him among the celehritu*>

of I U (try V I IN re ign , \ Vydow > c h icf por lira I

work was a rhythmic .il life of KilwarO the

Black I’rince, to which ladanrl refers in these

wortls :

Oaiiula IWiMrisartui* »«<♦ mi*mphiv

laluFtilgm \ i4luin ilnctiMinnis ilk .NirMum

r.i facu ptruum Utla •fnievridk

Mils work is sai<l to have been writ ten by

VN^duw a I the Instig.uion of his royal patron.

Me also wrote a IjtMjk of qHgranw. No

rnusieal lomposition hy him U extant.


WYK» Arnold vaa (baptized AmoJdua

CbriacUaa Vlok van Wyk) f*. nr. CaJxinw,

<.apc Province, 2C Apr, 1916,.

houih African pianist and composer He

h«*gan to atuily the pianokwic while at school,

hut di<i not immediately take up a musical

career. In ipjy, jM>wcver, he was cum-

intvsioiied to write music for the centenary of

I he \'oorirckkers, and in the folJow'ing year

he w.in the l*crft»eming Right Society's

scholarship 10 the R.A.Nf. in London, where

he SI uehed composi ti<m wi ih Theodore

llvlland and pianoforte with Hartild Craxton

He vYon the Worshipful Company srf

Musicians medal m 1941 and was made an

h..nornr, A.R.A.M, in 15,5. During IhK

pcnwl iie also worked for the B.B.C. as an

announcer and producer in the Afrikaans

service (3939-44). After that he did free-

lance broa^asting and film work until he

returned to South .Africa In 19^6. There he

hasgivnt many pianofurie and I enure recitals,

and in 1949 was appoinied senior leciurer in

music at the L’nlversiiy of (iape 'I'oisn, a post

he still IwWs U9 j 4'. J he South African

Broadcasting Coqtiiradon commissioned his

' Christmas Caniau *, and l>uih hU Rhapsody

lor orchestra and Symphony .No. 2 were

commissiunrd, the lanrr hy tiic van Rii bi^eck

Pesiival (Jonnnlitvr for ilic l‘<'rcrntcnary

Pcslival. Hiv Symphony No, 1, first per-

formed l;y Sir Henrv WWI in 1943, was

rr|>eaird w’iili sonic su<r<*st at the Ohelienham

Ki*siival in 1951.

’]>< following is a list of van Wvk's prlnripai

works :


'(Jawiwji (aiiiais* Pif »<ik» iliorui i utth.

I0»6 *« .


S>*H|>I.>M> \.., |,,S MM. 1941 4J,,

• Vfwilxru t !<•» *. >u)ir (..r 'mjll otcli, lOty-

’ r<><r|u<k<UHi * l<«ii>Miu(iv>n, V'Aruihrfl* mid hinalcj

jy jIw icWMiH pf. duet ,

Rkjpw-U 14*, I .

S-inpk«<v i (-isi U-.

Mtli.lN .SM> imt KI.&rK.V

’ NaiwSudc ’ 1942 .

( M.\V(BJ,K Ml SK.

* r.kcm' l«r «i<. 4tri I44i* (i .

'•ttin( quAriei ,Si». t ^il^U .

|•l,\Ml^tlKIJ, NOi.n

* Pa-Kaak am] tkpewoo' ' if^n ,

|•|.VS<IIC^K lJ. J)t.J.|

’ 1 here ImpRniiAtHMn uti |)ui< li Folk Sonr\ * 1 I9 a«i,

»Vn*»*kiJ*«' 1444 4 '• K»ihrt)i«licwt*nVutk»i.


* Wf Uerttaordice * 1*11* 181,

<;. M. (Hi).

WYLDE, Harold i^, (ilciielg, S, Australia,

7 May 18BB;,

Australian organivt, pianist and rum poser.

He first karni music in England, as a cliorisier

at Uncoln f'aihedral. and later under Parratt

< organ) and Charles \\'t>od (compt^ition).

After holding various app< liniments in England

from 1909 u. 1915. Jte returned to Australia

and became tcaeher of pianoforie and organ at

I he Kldcr Omsert atory, Adelaide, in 1919.

jn i93» he was appoinied organist at St.

Franck Xavier's Cailietiral ihcrr and in 1932

City OiTt^nisi. His compositions include

church music, partsongs, pf. and organ pieces,

and songs. n. o.-s.

^ WYLOE, Henry London, 17 Apr. 1795 ;

EogiUh tirganist. He entered the Chapel

Royal in 1803 as a chorister under Ayrton and

remained tlsere under John Stafford Smith,


WYNNE (Joho)

WYLDE (Henry— ii)

who succeeded in July of that year, and frttm

whom he had lessons in composition. He left

the Chapel Royal in 1810 and studied under

Henshaw. In 181 g he was appointed organise

at St- James’s church at ^\'atfbrd, Herts. He

was a gent]eman>in>ordinary to George IV,

and was popular for some excel lent glees.

WYLDE, Henry (b. Bushey, Heru, M

May 1822; d. London, 13 Mar. 1890).

English conductor and composer, son of the

preceding. Though intended for the church,

he had so strong a bent for music that he

became organist of Whitchurch, was placed at

sixteen under Moscheles and in r843 became a

student, under Cipriani Potter, at the R.A.M.,

at which he was later appointed one of the

professors of harmony. He was organist of

St. .^nnc'l, Aldersgatc Street, and St. Agnes,

Gresham Street, 1844-47, and in 1651 he

accumulated the degrees of Mus.B. and

Mus.D. at Cambridge. He acted as juror in

the musical instrument seelion in the Inter'

national Exhibitions of 1851 and 1869. and in

1 663 was elected professor of music at Gresham

College, London. In 1859 the New Philhar-

monic Society was founded on Wyldc's advice

by Sir Charles Pox and others. In 1856 he

assumed the sole respomibiliiy of the under-

taking, and he conducted its annual series of

concerts till 167^. In 1861 Wylde founded

the Lonilon Academy of Music (at first at 5 l-

Jamei’s Hall) and for its purposes built St.

George’s Hall, I.angham Place, which was

opened in the summer of 1867.

^^’y]dc's musical romposiisons include a

canuta on Milton's ' Paradise Lost ’ for solo

voice*, chorus and orchestra, performed by the

New Philharmonic Society on 11 May (853

and I May 1834; and a cantata, * Prayer and

Praise for the same, selection performed g

June 1830; pianoforte Concerto in F minor,

performed 14 Apr. 1852; pianoforte sonatas ;

a ' Rhapsodic for piano ’ (Op. 2) ; * Fantaisie

sur un air favori ' (Op. 6) ; English songs from

Goethe and Schiller; English sonp * The

Sea Nymphs ’, vocal duct, etc. He was also

the author of ’ The Science of Music ’ ( 1 885) ;

' Music in its Art Mysteries ’ (1867) ; ' Modern

Counterpoint ' {1873) ; * Occult Principles

Muuc ’ (t88i): ‘Music as an Educator'

{1882); ‘Evolution r»f the Beautiful in

Sound ‘ (1887). A. c.

Wylie, EU««r. Sir BcoiAmin ftecif). Bhu (wnfi).

*l*Fiompion (H.. sonr).

WYLKYNSON, Robert. Stt WjuimsoH.

WYNGAERDE, Antoniua. Set Wjjn-



WYNN REEVES, Herbert. See Reevas.

WYNNE, Dmvid (pen-name of David

Wynne Thomaa) (^. Hirwaun, Glamorgan-

shire, 3 June 1900).

Welsh composer. He was educated at the

Council SchocJ at Cilfynydd near Pontypridd

(1904-13). As a youth he worked many

yeare (1914-35) at the coal-face, and he only

began to take pianoforte lessons at the age

of m*cniy from T. Llewelyn Jenkins, a local

teacher. A schclarslitp enabled him to enter

the University College of South Wales and

M^mouthshirc at Cardiff (1935-38), and he

later spent a year studying for a diploma In

education at the University of Bristol (igsg).

He graduated fi.Mus. in 193d and D.Mus.

(Wales) in 1938.

Since 1939 Wynne has held the post of

music master at Lewis School, IVngain, and

during the winter sessions from 1955 to 1939

he served as a part-time lecturer on the

teaching of music in Khools to the Glamorgan

County education audtofiiy.

Wynne was rooted in the classical tradition

of Bad) and has come stylistically under the

influence of Vaughan U'illiami, Holst and,

latterly, BaritUt. Although six compositions

survive from an early period (t934'43)'

composer’s more significant work began in

1944 with a string Quartet, which was awarded

the Alfred J. Clements Chaml>cr Music

Prise. I'his and some other works hav’c been

heard both on the Welsh Home Service of the

B.B.C. and at the recitals of the Committee

for the Promotion of New Music in Ix)ndon.

The Sonata for violin and pianoforte (1946)

haa been heard on the B.B.C Third Pro-

gramme. The cycle of songs for tenor and

harp (1950) was commissioned by the Arts

Council Ibr the PesiitaJ of Britain. This

work reveals the composer as intercsied in the

setting of poems in the old Welsh strict metres.

In the ’ S^uenee of Six Bagatelles ’ for harp

< 195 1 } he again uses the traditional insirutncni

of his native land- His work is mainly in the

sphere of chamber music, but he lias also a

number of oreliestral and vocal works to his

credit, as Ihe following list will show :

* r*«((r C4r»l UMCcvmp. m«t«l Tvr dovWe chonit k

bert' reket (l«7). .

•Th« Samda* ' for n«r»*tor, lenor, &**’■

<horv« a or<h. (lOSr).

Rhjpoodv CM vn, a orth. <19)0). , ,

* SMtoofSoUtude'rorWikvMeawi.orrh. (iQ99-4S><

Foniiw QuiMei (or mc*< & pF ( I99t)>

Xirinc QiMrlM TCo. i OM?).

Trio No. I ws., cdlo i pf. (miat.

Sirote Qv^iei No. S {I944l>

Sfrine Trio (lasS).

Trio No. « for ro . mIIo R pf- (iSJVi.

Srpwt for lluir. rUr., bwooo & ii«. 4(ri (tesfl).

Sirif^ ^ortet .No. 9 (t9i9).

SoMiA wr vn. A pf. <19^)-

bOMtino for vwb A pf. (tOSO).

SooMo Cm viota A pf. (t9si)

pf. SoMlo (1947. P*** «•'*). . , . .

* of Sis Boaotrlk* * for horp < >93 • >>

WYNNE, JohA < 4 . ?; d. ?)

English I Bih -century music seller





mmiciao. H« at Cambrid^ at the

middle of the ecaiury. Hb address \sis in

Regent’s VValk, and his name is found un

London itoprints as selling particular musical

works. His compositions comprise * IVrt

English Songs set to Mustek*, published bv

John Johnson and dated 1754, before which,

c. 1 740~+5* Lad been an earlier set of ‘ Twelve

English Songs ’ issued by John Simpson.

WYNNE, Kale HoJ)*w‘clb Flintshire, ?;

rf. Birmingham, ?j,

\N'eUh i<iih*c<ntury contralto singer. She

Itecarnc a great fasogritc and w^s calkd

"Unos Ctvynetid” (‘the Webh linnet",

her sister Sar.ih being - tUe WcKlt nightin-

gale She retired in 1877, on her marriage

with llarrj Maiclilson of Birmingham.

Tltcir daughicf was ihi well-known acinns

Kdiih W>nne-MatthiHKi iMr^. (a>arh-s Kann

Kenn-flyJ. ^ ^

WYNNE, Sarab (Editb) Hob well,

rJinwhire. ti Mar. iHfj ; / lamtfon. .‘ijan.

i«y 7 i.

^\VKIl Hoprano driger, sjst* r of the preced-

ing. She was taught unging by Mtv .Scafi».

hrtek of Liverpool and l>y Pinmii at ihr

K.A.M. in l,on<lnn. where »hc wms West-

morland .Scholar In 1663-54. I^ter she

stiKlIed with Rnmani amt Vannuccini at

Flore nre. She Tint sang in the prosinco. and

made her <Rbut in London (St. JamiVs llalL

at John lliomas's Welsh concert on 4 Jidv

idfu. She sang with great mkcos in ihe

follow mg yiMt at Henry 1^1 lr\ Welsh cim-

reft, 4 IVh.ai Ihe Cr^.tal PjU.r, ^3 .\pr,.

i'll IhomasN concert in his c.iniaia ‘ 1. less oi-

ly n\ 2CJ June, and as the lierolnr on the

producijon of Macf.irrcn's ' Ji'ssy Ua ’ at the

(iailery of lllustralion, j Nov. .She pj.tyed

f.ady Murlmicr at Drury \j,m *1 heat re oa

the revival ^Sh a kes)»ca re’s ‘ King Henry I\' ’

in lW)^. She played a few times in Lnelish

opern at ihe Crystal Palace in 1O69-71 as

Arline, Mariiana, etc. ; but she was chiefly

noted for her singing of songs and balladt and

npreially m her own Welsh sonjr; site was

rernarhuble alike for her passionate rnnrnsion

and the simplidiy of her paihoi, and she

canie to lie known ai " i:« Cy.nru " f" the

NWKh nightingale- She sang in the C.S.A

with the Pairvs, Cummings and San I lev in

1U71-7?. and at the Boston Festival of 1674

\\u r her marriage with Ailit Agalirg. at ihe

Savoy (,tia(>el in Ixmdon on 16 \w. c87^

.she .lang lew fre<|ucni|y in (mblic and devoted

herself to teaching. Her Inu amiearam „

wc*r at John Ihomas's concert in j8t>4 and

at .\hrr\btwvd» In 1806, a

WSOCKI, Kasper Napoleon Ih. Pin.

^^^1 Switzerland, 1850).

loluh pianist and eouipowr. hUiucaied at

i.racow, he continued hU studies under

Arnold In Berlin. He appeared on the

cooceri jilalform in Warsaw anri Dre>flen, but

he frequently went abroad for reasons of

health. During a visit to Swiurriand he

caughr c<Jd ami died shorily afterwarefs.

He published se\*eral works for f>ianoforic :

‘4 Krakenviaki’ fOp. n, * 4 Krakowiakl ’

(Op- 31. • Rhapsody ' lOp. 3., ‘ Krakow iak ’

for pianohirte and orchestra lOp, 81, a ho

several songs. .Nfany short pieces for piano-

f<’rte suth as mazurkas, fantasies, as well ai

sotne reiigiocK song«, r<*niain in manuscript.

c. R. II.

8. S-t Fii«)l«crv •' PtolrMl<-uc and

l.jilMa,. MArri^Hcb «nc-l, cn. r»r rJas.i, Mdcff

< ef.UtMU<M , <aniAU>, .VIurAUtb ‘ Wr«l« !•••«*, »nn<l.

•n,., ,*\ai« i;rr4i<»r‘, cKmm! ^-ork*.

a... Su.ll.r Vlf

5*vmaiM««b •'\rh, O.jior', thot^l mi.r'd-

rnMhesik« , vc»w« K <0 h .

WYSS, Sophie b. .V« mrsilh . (;ant<»n

Ihme, iJuly i»ct7i,

Swi>s so|ieas>o singrr. SIm studied music

at the <k>AscTvalnr<4-c of IkwH aii<| fieneva.

where <i\> won a (101 prize for singing, hlw

X tiled in tairiifon on lu-r itiarnaao .iiul gave

iKr first lierKvIcast and rental in lu^:, and

once then she has sung frtcpieiiilv iHnh in

l.ngtami and on the Camiineni. Not glftecl

with a great sWe and oficn noi fully ariiculule

and incisive as an Interprete r, she has made

• name for herself hy her keen interest in

inodern music and her rniczpriv In IntrcMiui-

mg a great varic iy of ni w works, she has

given lirst pcfformanrcs of voral works hy

niaiiv of ihe Jiving Hhiish in.

rludmg Rawstlsorne, Jlriiiifi, Th rkth y, Lli/a-

l* ih Ma.omhv, Racine Frickrr and .^nlf.h\

Hopkins. She h .dxj a wm|>ail|riic mm.

peeler of die w.»ks of .Milhautl. WilJv Ihirk-

hard. Frank Martin, Kfemk, RoIh rio <jei.

hard and Matvas Sclbct. mariv of whose

compoMiMms she introduced into Lncland for

the lirvi lime, „ ^

WYSSENBACH, Rudolf b. Zurich ’•

W. Zorich, ?),

Swiss 1 6ih -century lype-cuti< r. music printer

publisher. Hr ccunpilcd a lute l>ook in

Ubiaiure (1530). .Wrher rdiiion. iirlntcd

and psiWished l>y Gessner. apjiearccl at

/urwh m 1563. Uyssenhacli is mentlunnl

only m the pefoer of this editiun.

Teodor d« <b

Mbl. l..u.ifoto^i„. Up ,,„j. .

■ founded VMII, £.|„uar.l Dujardin ,l,o

''w^rirnne- tiOaj-W) nnd wilh

Ado^ ,1,. sofirif Nfcart

He began hi« journah'tk career on ‘ Jy* I'j.

garo w^ih articles on Ihe socialist movement

ou^e France, and in 1890 became a con-

tributor, mostly on questions of contemporary



European literature, eo the * Revxje des Deux

Mondcs ’ and to ‘ Le Temps *. He brought

together a number of hU mmteal ankles in his

book ‘Beethoven et Wagner' (1898) and

published in the ‘ Revue des Deux Moode ’

(1903-4 and 1909) articles eniitJed ' Recher-

che sur la jeunesse de Mozart ’ and ‘ Unc

Crise romantiquc dans la vie et I'oeuvre de

Jos. Haydn Shortly afterwards appeared

his monumental work ' \V. A. Moaan, sa vit

musicale, de I'enfance i la pleine maturity ’

(Pm, a vols., illustrated), of which a second

edition has been published by his collaborator,

Georges de Saint-Foix.

Wyaewa also published a number of trans-

lations of Stevenson, Lang, Tolstoy, J. de

Voragine, etc., and edited a collection of

twenty sonatas by Clementi (ist vol. 1917;

and vol. posthumously published with a

preCacc by H. Expert). j. 0. p.

But.— La LAvasMCit, L oa, OMtwy notice in BuD,

Sm. rranf. MwieoL, No. i, July pp. i^sa


XXNORPHICA. Su RfiixiC (K. L.).

XtavphM. Sft HaAd«l T Choiu oC Hetmks *.

choral vork'

G. Stt K«lo« 8 »r« (incKL iib (er 3 plan).

X£RS£ ( Opera 1 Stt Ca valli .


percussion instruments which originated in

the concinenu of Africa and Asia, the name

xylophone having been dcriv'ed from the

Greek (1^ (wood). The Javartese have

engraved tablets showing xylophones of the

14th century. The xylophones ai>d marimbas

of these ancient periods were merely tuned

pieces of wood resting on hollow gourds for


Although the xylophone has been in almost

corisiani use .since those da)‘S, the earliest

written composition in which it occurs seems

to have been the * Danse macabre ' by Saint*

Saens (1674). There is aho a report of 1630

which sa>i (hat a wonderful old man toured

the Continent as an exponent of the xvlophone.

He was a Russian Jew named J. Cusikov, who

apparently enjoyed " vast popularity

Until 1933 the xylophone was used in four

rows of wooden notes laid on straw (for re*

sonators) and played with spoon^shai^

wooden hammers, with (he player facing the

four rows. However, the invention of the

areuatc notch (an are cut underneath each

note to improve the tone and dcftniiion of

pitch of the note) by Hermann E. WinterhofF

in 1937 marks the beginning of the modem


The xylophone and marimba^ as we know

them lO'day, have hard wo^ (specially

selected) notes cut with the arcuate notch,

laid in pianoforte formation, with resonators

ftrmly Axed underneath. Each resonator is

in sympathy with its respective note. It is

possible to raise or lower the whole compass

of resonators, thus sharpening or flattening

the whole compsiss of the imirumeni. The

whole instrument is set on a firm stand with

wheels, and the usual compass is c'-c" ' for

the xylophone, e-c‘" for the marimba. The

marimba is thus pitched an ocuve lower than

the xylophone, and a marimba*xyIophone has

the compass of a xylophone with the excess

marimba compass added to the bottom of it.

When the xylophone is played with two

hard sticks it is capable of considerable speed

to execution and a very penetrating tone, but

the marimba h at its Iksi when used with

groups of four, six or eight rubber, felt or

wtxA Slicks in a quick pulsation producing a

fascinating chord base for /iigani efTcci, much

used in ^all orchestras,

Many scores include the xylophone, a few

ctf the regular repertory being Dances from

* The Three Cornered Hat * by Falla, ‘ The

Fire^bird ' and ‘ Petrushka ' by S(ravir>sky,

‘Job’ by Vaughan Williams, ' Owrlure to

Picaresque Con^y ' by Bax, ' Sabre Dance ’

from the suite ' Cayaneh * by Khachaturian.

i^ihough very rarely used, there is a piano*

action xyl^honc which has a miniature

pianoforte'keyboard with little hammers strik-

ing from below from the rear of (he key with an

upward mMion- As there arc no resonators,

and control from the wrbt is impossible, the

tone tends to be thin and uninieretiing.

<H. N.),

X\LOR 2 MBA. A percussion instrument,

a small marimba made in the U.S.A.

XYNDAS, Spyridon (ft, Corfu, $ June

1814; d. Athens, 95 .Vov. 189C),

Creek guitarist and composer. Me began

hts musical studies in July and completed

them in his native island under N. Nfamiarols.

He became an excellent guitar player and

composed several operas, mainly in Italian;

but ‘ The Parliamentary Candidate ’, a

comic opera to a libretto by N. Makris, was

Use first <^ra to be set to Greek words- Ic

was produced in Athens under N. Lambelct in

Mar- 1888. Xyndas died blind and in great


His Italian operas include ' Anna Cuintcr ’

(• 055 )' ‘ W Conte Ciuliano ' (1837), ' I due

pretendenii ’ (1878) and a work based on

Dumas’s ‘Three Musketeers’ (1885). He

also set numerous Greek poems, both as songs

and as choewes. « «



M usic. Parker (Horatio)-

YANG DAHJIUN. Set Chinese Music


YANG TZAYPYNO. See Chinese Musk


YANIEWICZ, F«U*. Jakhwice.

YANKEE DOODLE. Wlih an obsokic

tcxi, ‘ Ytnkc« Doodle ' can hardry be called a

national song> but ii is still one of (he current

ntiional airs nf the U.S.A. Its vitality has not

been impaired by criiicbm of iu musical de-

meriis, and will not be as long as there is room

in patriotic folk music for humorous, indeed,

burles<)ae utterances.

As ' Yankee Doodle * the air seems first to

have been printed in the first volume of James

Aird’s ‘Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and

Foreign Airs’, Glasgow, as Frank Kidson

pointed out in his ' Old English Couniry

Dances ' (1890). Aird gives this form ' :

Slightly difierent, it appeared as ' Yankee

Doodle ' in Arnold’s opera * l\vo lo One *

(:784), and was sung there by John Edwin in

(he character of Dicky Ditto to the words

“Adsooks, old Crusty, why so rusty.’*’ Again

slightly diiferent is the Ncrsion in Charles

Dibdin’s * Musical Tour ' (1788), to the words

" 1 smg Ulysses and those chiefii **, and en*

titled * The return orUI>»C8 to Ithaca ’. This

burlesque song Oibdin is said to have first

introduced in his ’ Reasonable Animals '


The question of the earliest American aj^

pearance In print of * Yankee Doodle * is still

open. In Moore's ‘ Songs and Ballads of the

American Revolution’ (1855) it Is cUimed

that ' ’I'hc Recces ' appeared with this air as a

music'shect in 1779, but no such mtoical

broadside has been found ; and the hisi^ of

music-priming in America renders it doubtful

if (he air found its way into print there before

* A TuM <liscujMon all powUe so«wc<^ nf ihu mac

aiMi a suAimarv of ihe bibtiggraptiy rebcinc Uwrm

apprsred in ilic rUiikn «< ikb Dkima.wt, The

re.-ider i« rererrcil tn * Keixwt cn “ The SUr-MaiwM

Banner "Ifail, (idymW* ", “America". "Vilic*

'*r SoAAWk (Libcarr cT Conerm

I nUiication. WailiinctAn. 1909}.

forming an ingrodkni lo Benjamin Carr's

medley 'Federal Overture', composed 1794

and published 1795. The earliest printed

American venion extant U that published by

G. WilQg. Philadelphia (1798), together with

the President’s March {* Hail Columbia ’),

in (he following form, to the words " (!lolura*

bians all the present hour ” :

Afier ihis ‘ Yankee Doodle ' became frC'

quern in print; but, cuKously enough, for

decades nearly all versions differed slightly,

and they differ also more or less from two early

American manuKrjpi versions, the one dated

1790 (in private hands), the other, possibly

written as early as 1775, at the Boston Public

Library. The form now used officially is the

one given In Sousa's ' National . . . Ain '

(1690), and the smaller notes in the above

example illustrate the differences from the

\Viliig version, 0. o. s.

el** AiftI (hi appcirsMce). Ktfr* Major (nippoHil


YAreow, Swm. Sn SalseOo (} poenu (hr Mprsao «

lAili ).

YASSER, Joaepfa (L Udi, 18 Apr. id^).

American onanist, conductor and muslctw

legist of Polish birth. He was educated at the

Imperial School of Moscow, from which he

graduated in 19(0. and he studied at the

State Conservatory there, becoming an M.A.

in 191?. The following year he was made

head of the organ department of the Moscow

State Conservatory for two years, during the

last of which he was also chief organist of the

Moscow Grand Opera and of tJie Moscow

Art Theatre. In tgaa he became musical

director and conductor of (he ' Shanghai

S<mg$ter» ' and from 1917 <0 ^93® be gave

several organ recitals in Russia, China and

the U.S.A.

After bis emigration 10 America Yasser

became organist and choirmaster of Tempk

Rodoph Sholom in New Yoric in 1929. In

that year he directed the choir for the produc-

tion of Stravinsky's ' Les Noces ’ at the Metro-

p^itan Opera House, and in 1938 he was

organist for the Transamerican Broadcasuag




and Televisioo Corporation ui N«w Yo^.

He has been chairman of the research com-

mittee of the Jewish hfusic Council since 1944

and from 1934 to 1^0 was chairman of the

Musicological Committee of the American

Palestine Music Association. In May 1950

he received the honorar>' degree of Mus.Doc.

from the Conservatory of W'nt Tcaas.

Vasser has lectured at Xew York Vniveniiv

and the University of Columbia, ami he has

written a wide variety of articles for many

jountals, inclutling ‘ ‘I'hc Musical Quarterly *,

• Musical America ' Moslem Mmic

• N*oies ' Jewish Music Notes '» ' Die hfusik '

(Leipzig) and ' Revue muskale * Paris .

He has also written two Isooks, ' .\ Theory of

Evolving Tonality* H 932,1 and * Medieval

Quarul Harmony’ {<938', exf)oundinf ex*

ircniely interesting if eoniros’crsial iheoni'S on

(lie evolution of tonality bevonri the clasviral

mcKlal diatonic and (hrurnatic w ales.

YATES, WilUam {b. f ,

English /dtihceniurv c«unp<»«i r. He ap-

peared ill I.ondon at a soiucri given li) himself

in I76j. Irilxrntiit Mar,. 1 7<**, hiMuawpM .

'The Choice of Apollo', was performed al llw

Haynurkn I'lieatre.' He a rinmWr rj*

songs for Yauxhall anrl Marylrbooe Cardens,

a collection of moral wKtgs or hymns, 0 cass

sonatas for the harps icluml. Op. 3, et< .

Ykitrvtch, M. AVf HjljWirv* »./.« .

WllUun 9jr»i<.4k

^ .V'"* . ' V. j v.««. . Brikas

lV4i»^\ tUtio L voh Ko.,A .

.Hahk, w,s . t lwk. lb .•« aial

SW, UM,r-l , l.U,k« iK., i l.o-.W».

llolUmI 't 4 ,nK Wiili ooh.), (WmII 1 lc*t

I and l>iani»ar, incMl. M. .. (;yt>*r>

UdUr iP., *J,nhrn»«ra\ *.mf k •hamUr wd.

Marn-.n ' U • OmI. frjIosMv U l.mtt Ila«i

r .. I.aoa of NeAO « |W«tr«\ «Hirr4 . Jh.vhr, 'V

Majrr Quren .irakl, m.». IfelaMi i|., WyV-

tu,tix I U.iue \ loOi

P*iii 4 .|.i . v,iicp a uNh : i «.nf. i,

• I ."fa I KUinro. S^aMi .--rj-

lijrpot .l.hSM, vn. ft i.,

ifierr /» (harul»fr in i.



Operetta in 9 acts bv .Sullivan, Eil»reiio In

William Schwenck Gillxri. IWuced Lon.

dun, .Savoy Theatre, 3 Oct. 1888. isi prrf.

abroad, New York. Casino. 17 Oei, 1888. ist

oil tUeCrmtlnent, Vienna, Carl Tlsealre rtram

as 'Cdpjtim Wilson’ by V. LCsm and C

t.md.'iu.. 2 Feb. 18B9. EhU wu a pirated

v'cision; a legitimate one was given in Berlin,

KrolN Theatre (tram, as ' IXr Konigsgar.

divl by K Zrll and R. Gcnfel, 25 Dec. 1889.

YODEL. SrtFotK Mmc: Ai-strus and

S wus. Tysou?.N:«K .

‘ Store prnmMi at the R.C.M.

• • wo 381

VON, Pietro (*. Set limo-Vi none, 8 Aug.

1886; rf. Huntingdon, l.</ng Island, U.S.A.,

22 Nov. 1943).

Italian organist and ronii>ov<r. Mr studied

at the Cunscn aiories of Milan and I'urin ; in

*904 he entered the .Vcatlriny of Santa Crtilia

in Rome, to study organ with K< n/i, pianoforte

with Sgainbatl and composition with Dr

Sanctis, For two scars he versed as deputy

organist at tlsc Vatic an and ihe royal church

In Rome. From H(<'7 he u.is orgaciio and

<l»osrma*tcr of the church of Si. Francis

Xavivr in New York, and he wt.ti a wide

reputation a* concert organist. In 1921 he

was made Itonorary organist nf the Uasilica of

•St. I*cicr, \aiican, Rome', His eumposiiions

ifwiudr a ' Concerto giegoriano ' fcjr organ

and orchestra, masses, choral muvie, manv

organ pieces, pianoliirie pietes and songs.

YONGE (Yoog, Young), Nicholas 'b.

Ixwft, ?; d. la>n<lon. <>c(. tbin).

I.nghsli singer and neisieal editor. He is

prohahiv jclenliial wnh a Nicholas \*oung « I10

was a vlngingonan at St. I'aul s C.uliecira) ut

the nine of Edualielh |. Burnes, uiiNled hv n

(savsage m the dedication to the liro ho<»k of

• Musica Traiisalp.na , a collection c>f 07

inadngals, translated and published in 1588,

w>s that lie was an Italian merchant, uher<*as

all that Yongc says is:

We 1 fcu t*^dn 10 kerjw le«u«r m clio « ili«, a vt^al

iumlvr <4 aiM VIpoIumu

'** aeH ul ih»> realmr as ^4 t«Nteii»r jiauntui lisc« lolcn

m ^ RMC kkIi rhleriaiiWHi «f (*V-»Mrr *. my iit-ife

^..hur .as aWe ».* all..w,| ct-rm. l,<Mh

^ *UiV uafti m mx h..Hvr, arvJ In fyrni«inhi

t^I" " veeiely me oul vf

(lal, pla<e>.

Vonge s motlicr's maiden name \va» Brax.

During (he greaier jiarc of his life hr jived in

Uwsdon. in tlic parbh of St. Michael, Cornlnll,

H« had nine children, most of whom survived

him and settled in the same parish, where his

descendants remained until the i8ih century,

when some v( them are found in that of St

James, Clerkenwell. His wife's name was

Jane, and he was pn.lwbly married alHmt

**'*•'* vf the first lx>ok of

MuMCa IransaJpma' \i shown under that

heading; that of the second Iwk uf >4 scinsR

(1597) runs as follows:

»^l«, lo Md 4 VMCn: irAnv]jcc<l oui •<( iuB<itie

t««w. Al UcMlon by 1 lioms* E,cc. I $97.

Usts of the conienu of both volumes arc

pnnied (with many mistakes) in RImbault’s

BtWiotheca Madr.galiana ' (1847). Both

ow(c<^ies of which arc in the B.M.. R.C M

artd Huth colleciions) seem to have been very

!ir*^r'L "«rds of

ih^ yf I be madftgaU in ' England's Helicon’

rS!* ^'dham Heather, in his portrait

in the Bodl. Mus, Sch,, u represented holding



a ^olumc lettered ' Musica TiansaJptna

G. \V, Budd began a complete rei»ue of the

collection, but issued only six of the St pieces

( 1 843) . The text of 1 he hrst book was issued in

Arbcr’s ‘ English Garner *, \'ol. III. Yonge’s

will (which was proved by his wife on 1 2 Nov.)

is dated 19 Oct. 1619, and he was buried at

St. Michaei's. Cornhili, on the 23rd of the

same month. w. a. s.


i&3$). The hrst festival was in 1791, and

meetings were continued annually till 1803.

After that no other festival took place until

1823 \ when the performance was revived for

thr benefit of the York County Hospiut and

the Infirmaries of Leeds, Sheffield and Hull.

'I'he scheme consisted of four sacred concerts,

including ' \fessiah * in its entirety, held in

the mtnsier on the mornings of 2$ to 25 Sept.,

three secular evening concerts and two balls

given in the Assembly Rooms. The vocalists

included Angelica Catalan! (who usurped

” Comfort ye ”, ** Every valley ” and intrtH

duced Non piii andrai ” from Mosan’s

* Figaro ' !). The orchestra and chorus con-

tained lOo instrumemalisis and 285 vocalists.

I'he festival tvas rendered noteworthy by the

receipts, which were larger than those at any

previous meeting. The sum of ^7200 was

divided among the charities. A long and

voluminous account is given in a 410 vxilume

by John Crosse, F.S.A., York, 1623,*

Another festival was held in Sept. 1825, on

a similar plan and for the same charities. The

orchestra and chorus W’cre increased to 600,

and among the vocalists who appeared for the

firi^t lime were Maria Caradort* Allan, Maria

Fc I kill Oareia (later Mahbran), Braham,

Fhillips and De Begnis. The receipts were

still larger ; but owing to the cost of a concert-

hall fur the evening concerts the profits were

not in proportion. jC*900 only being divided

among the charities.

At the next festival, held In Sept. 1628,

Catalan! reappeared, and Mary Ann Paton,

Margart'ie block hausen and Edward Taylor

sang for the firs: time. Beethoven’s Symphony

in P was a novcliy 10 the audience, and not so

Successful ai the C miner had been in 1823.

It was described in ‘ The Harmonkon ' as

** ecccniric and very difficult ”, and was coldly

received. The receipts diminished and

only was obtained for the charities. A last

festival ivas given in 1635, A. C.

YORKE TROTTER, Tbomaa Heiu^ (».

London, C Nov. 1854; d. London, tr Mar.


English musical educationist. He was pnn-

’ Sft ' t>c^r»ptian of lh« Cresi MusksI FcUivsl hrU

jri York ilurini Sept. leij. by (be cdKoe of lb« ** Yeek

Courifx " ' (York. 1C21).

* A Htire on ha vw>e«»hsi becnbAlie style was

^iblohed in London ih« same yeae. by as aaociyasous

wfitee ■* Ouu*

cipal of Ihe London Academy of Music

(Incorporated). He devised a successful

system for the practical education of children

in the elements of music. Teachera of this

system were trained ac the Yorke Trotter's

Academy. His pKnciples are embodied in the

fi^lowing publicatbos :

* Coastruetiee Hsamooy ' ; * khychmic Crsdus * ;

‘ Ear rraiAiag and S)|hl Reading * ; * The Makuif of

Muiaeia#a * (i^ts) ; ‘ .hlustc uhI hUad ’ (lass).

It. C. C.

Sf< ah* C^Tempcriution.


ode or cantata by Purcell, ' Of old when

heroes for 2 altos, tenor, 2 basses, 5*pari

chorals, flutes, oboes, trumpets and strings,

words by Thomas Ourfey, composed in 1690

for the annual reunion of Yorkshiremcn in

London. The celebration was intended to

take place on 14 Feb. (690, but owing 10

parliamentary eleciioiu it was postponed to

27 Mar.


CHESTRA. An orcliestra first planned In

1945 and launched in 1947, with head-

quarters at Leeds, under the chairmanship of

Alderman George Brett, O.B.E. It serves a

large pan of Yorkshire, in much the same

way that the Scottish Orchestra covers a

considerable area of Scotland. A permanent

conductor, Maurice Miles, was engaged

from the ouuei, and the orchestra is managed

by a joint committee, on which the ten towns

which it ser»-es are represented. Conwris are

frequent during the winter, averaging just

over two a week during the months of Sepi.

w Mar. By far the largest numbers are given

at Leeds, where the orchestra is resident.

During the 1947-48 season, for instance, 24

were held there, the other towns receiving the

following numbers of visits : Huddersfield 7 ;

Hull 6 ; Rotherham 6 ; Donesuter 5 ;

bury 4; Harrogate 3; KcIgWey 3;

held 3; Halifax 2.

YOST (Joat), Michel (I. Paris, e. 17541

d. ? Paris, 5 July J 76®) • . .

French clarincitlii. He studied under Beer.

He appeared regularly as soloist at the Coneeri

Spirituel in Paris- He composed a numl»r oi

concertos, trios, duos and solos, ivhich M

simply signed Miclicl ; nearly all remuneo m

manuscript. t. *. n*

YOULL, Henry (*. ?; d ?)• ..

English 1 6lh“i7lh-cenlury composer. •>«

thing ia knoAvn of his personal history wcept

what can be gathered from the

his »et of caneoneu to the four sons of

Bacon, who seems to have been his patron,

the title-page he is called a ” Pracuuoncf m die

Art of M^lcke ”. This volume of 9*^^“

to three voyces’ was published

Copies are extremely scarce;

RM., one in the Cambridge Uiuversiry



Librar)', and iht baas partbook \s in (be

Ekxilciaii Librar)’, It coniains some

very a((ra<tive pieces, notably * Pipe, shejv

Iterds, pipe a setting oT Ben Jonson's ' Stow,

slow, fresh fount \ and Sidney's ‘ Only joy,

now here you are There are sis ballet is at

the end of the book which are as good as any-

thing of the kind for three voices.

VuukI composed music for Ben jemson's

■ Cynthia’s Reveb * (1600). t. h. v., adds.

’I’lie fullowing arc Yooll's Canaoncis for

3 voices, published in ibo8 ' :

k. I, 4 <h <J«V •f ihlM.

I i t.'oinr. luvs. ks’s Pi, i>,

I \ In c<in 4 «r dak iPt. m*.

I I V<* kkk«re ihit o>in|»h Pi. mj.

Pi|M*, ilKphertIt, |M|w,

6. Oi.h iuf.

? m snJ (ijMiis

M. iIbm, frr>h (mm.

In itkjMni «kiniitK7'>

I ' » i Um e J ilkvuK III Sa ili« for to« r.

M .\wAkr, tw<n lii«F.

I < l'i(> iiK. nuf« uo(» \urn jcbfI.

M I r«'lllN> l>IOW«l|U.

I I Plivlln «uv,

115. I liF %liF|il>rr«K' ilAii^hiFr* Pi. i .

tiU. IJijl l>r|i.ilil ilwi rciwh h U'.

(It Viv. \|,F|>lirr«l ‘iV 1 * 1 . I .

i III HiK ihixivh pii.< ih frp 1 Pi. n .

I'l III i>iF nMfr> iintnili ^

CO. < 4 JM«r. iMirv

ji. tVhik« ivifut ^fwinefiiiM.

j / t.jrlv brfiKs ihF <Uv <l<«ih tpr.M.

(rfj. WliFir afr iH»» il«n^ ivth Pi, » .

lv|. Noiv (hr itMinU) m .

YOUNG, [\nglish cAth-century familv of


( 1 ) Anthony Young 6. ?; / fj. nfgannt

and «f>in poser, He was organist of S<.

Clement Dane^ in Umdon in 1707 and at

some other period of bi. Catherine Cree, near

the I'cmef of tnrMlon. He ssas probably the

AiithoMs Young who left the Chapel Koyal at

Nfirliaelinas i?oo, when his vuke broke *, m

which I use he muM have been born about

1 685. It is even ;>ossihle chat he may has'e

hmi the wm of William Yosing. who was

violinist in the king's private band. Anthony

^ oung composed songs, one Iwing a setting of

•Send home my leng-sirayrd e)^*'. which,

along with Ixvcridgc'* tune, was published as

lialMiect mu'lc aWi 17*0. He has been

errotieously credited with being the composer

of ’ CikI III,. King '.

(a) Charlea Young (*. ?; rf. ?), organist.

... 1 '!^..'^'^ ® organist in London, at

^Ul Hallows, Harking, and has generally been

supposed to be the son of Anthony fi), but it

si rrns more lik« |y that they were of the same

generation, probably brothers.

Iher,- were six Misses Young who sang

ptrifosion.-illy during the iBlh century. Tlse

thriT elder - Cecil ia ;Mrs. Amc), Isabella

Mrs. I.ampcj and kUlher or Hester (Mrs

joncs) - arc said by Hawkirw and Burney 1

^ '1^ Kia.'.

» 1 li« Uncr m Km's • CiTkpMdia *.

(o have been the daughters of Charles Young

<3), and this as almost certainly correct. In his

‘ HisKwy hoss'Ov'er. Burney gives Anthony

Young ‘ t ) as their father, I'hc three younger

— Isabella (the Hoiu Mrs. .Scotii, Muabnli

(Mrs, U^manJ and Marv or Polly (Mrs.

Barthelemon^ — were the daughters of

Charles’s son Clsarlcs, a clerk in the J rcasur) .

lliere has been pardonahlv ct»iifusion alHrut

this remarkaye family of lingers, for thvlr

careers overlapped and cadi sang as " Miss

Young " until her marriage, and sometimes

even after inarriage.

(3) Cecilia Yeung 1^. London, prob. 1711 ;

rf. London, b CJct. l?»yi. the most trlebrattd

of the elder generation. .Slir i» ^aid to hasr

been born in 1711, alihough no record of her

banh or baptism has been found, Hurnev sa>s

dse was a pupil ^ Crrniniaiu, and her lirsl

retoeded public appearancr is at hrr briielit

performance at Hrury l.anr I'licatre on 4 .Mar.

1730. bhe iM'tansi' well knois'ii as a soprano

smger, fwtwuUrly at Hrnr^ Lam-, i.arly ni

i?33 sl»e was In JJandd'i opera company

.* Ariodanu' Jan,, * Al< ina ,\pr.,k, and

she sang .\ihalia in tlw tlrsi London perform*

anre uf that oraiofMi ihe iiame sear. (In

ry Apr- 173C she wmg at a iK ueht lor “ Mr.

Young, organist o( St. Clenienis ”, pre-sum-

ably Anthony Young i >, her uncle, at llie

(»rrai Room in York Jluildnigs, She married

T. A. Arne at LImoln's Inn (:ha|nf on 15

.Mar. 173?, Her singing seeiH' to have been

at US best from 1733 to J7j*„ but her caree r

was lrequenil> interrupted by atutks ol

illm-ss. Buraev jn a let nr wrnieu after

her death to Iser niece, Mrs. Ban he lemon)

says there was a time when ” her \ oice, shape

and manner of singing were suixtior to those

of any female smgrr in the country ”, and he

gratefully acknow Ittlgt** that he learnt more

from accompanving lier in her \-ocaJ exerciser

than from the Insituc tions of lu-r husband. She

aho had ** a parental attmiion ” 10 his morals

aihJ conduct. In 1 74a sh<- went to HuhJin with

her husUnd and sang ihcre in hts ’ Comus

Rosamond \ * Judgment of Paris ’, ' Alfred '

and varwus interludes and cantatas. I’liey

returned to England together in 1 744, and she

^iinued to sing frciiuenily at Drury Lane,

Vauxliall and riscwlw-re. She was again in

Dublin in 174^-49 »nd hatl a Iwnefii thrr •

•ti • -Vis and Ualaua ' with her sisu-r

Mrs. Ijmpc, on 7 Feb. .749. |n 1753 Ou-

Arnes again weni lu Ireland K^elhvr, taking

with them her sister LsiIut Young (5) and

her nieces Uisabrih Young (7^ and |*olly or

Mary ^oung 81.

It wms to hav-c bern about ihis time that

the Arne marriage came to grief. Arne re-

^n>ed CO England, leaving his wife and PoHy

y^ng m Dublin. During their slay there

•Mrs. Arne supported herself and her niece by



giving le&son&. U was during this period that

Mrs. Delany spoke of her as '* an objeci of

compassion " and made the ofi*quoied state-

ment that "the race ot* Youngs are born

songsters and musicians In 1762 aunt and

niece returned to England for good. Mrs.

Arne had viriuali)' retired from public life,

owing to ill-health, but on 16 May 1774 she

sang in public " for the first time for twenty

years ", for iho bencht of Mr. and Mrs.

Barthi4cmon {Puhy Young). It is also some-

times asuTfcd that she sang Mandane in

• Ariaxerxes ' at a single performance in 1769,

but it is possible there is here some confusion

with her dattghter-in-law, Mrs. Michael Aine.

In 1777 she was reconciled to Arne, and sJie

(livd at ilie liarihclcinons* huusr on b Oct.

1789. She seems to have become a Roman

Cathulic upon her marriage to .\me, or soon

after, and in iliai faith she died.

<4) Isabella Young <i) {*. ?; V.

She was nut as talented as Oedia. but made a

goufl raroer both as "Miss Young " and as

"Mrs. Lampc ", after her marriage 10 J. K.

Lain pc in 173U. She sang in ‘ Mk and

Galatea ' wiih her sister, Mrs. .Nme, in

Uublin nn 7 Fvb. 17491 I'4)inburgh with

Lampc on 35 Mar. 1751, and had a benefit at

C !ove n I ( ia rd cn i n f .ondon on 2 M ay 1 753. bhe

waa a regular singer at Cvvent (harden 'flteaire.

Her (iaughu r*m* law also sang as "Mrs.

l.anipe ", thereby creating furlhtT confusion.

(5) Eather or Heater Young ?; d. ^).

She also sang at Covent Garden as early as

1739, at Kuckholt House, klssex, in the

summer of I7 .m« was in the original cast

of Handel's * hcmcle * (1744) as Juno and

Ino, and of ' The Choice of Hercules * as

Hercules (1731). She was a contralto. As

menliunrd above, she went with the .\mc'S to

Dublin in 1755. .After J. P. Lampe’s death

she seems 10 have lived w’iih her sisier Mrs.

Lampe, and they frequently shared bencDts.

She married a Mr. Jones probably some lime

in i?52 and continued 10 sing at Covent

Garden and elsewhere as *' Mrs. Jones

Her husband was not John Jones, organist of

the I'empic, Charterhouse and $t. Paul's, as

is ofien slated, but was probably also a

musician. He kept a music shop in Russell

Street, Covent Garden, in the cyte.

(6) Irnbella Young (li> {b. f; d. ?, 1791).

She hist appeared on 18 Mar. 1751 in London,

at the New 'I'heaire in the llaymarket, when

she was described as a " scholar of Mr.

Walt/ ". She sang at Orur>’ Lane, Covent

Crarden, KanHagh Garden*, elc. She also

pla)'cd Handel's organ luncvrlo* in public

at some ol the rontcris in which she sang.

In Dee. 1737 she marriesl ihe Hwi. John

Scott, but continued to use her maiden name

for some years when singing in London. It

was as " Mrs. Scott ", howxver, that she was

best know*n. She was a distinguished singer

of Handel and was in Handel's company in

his last oratorio seasons, singing the pan of

Counsel in ihe hrai performance of ' The

Triumph of Time and Truth ' (1757), also

in ' Messiah * at the Foundling Hospital in

1758 as Miss Young and in 2759 as Mrs.

Seolt. She W'as a contralto or mezzo-soprano

and commanded high fees, as we learn from

\\\ Hayct and J. H. Mee (see Bibl.).

(7) Eliaabeth Young }; tf. ?). She

probably made her hrst appearance on so

Mar. 1 756, in Dubim, whither she had accom*

panied the Arna (sec ab^vt). She subse-

quently sang in London, at Drury Lane and

elsewhere, iMih before and after her marriage

(176a) to Ridley Dorman, who played the


(8) Polly or Mary Young {b. London, r.

1749; d. London, 30 Sqir. 1 799^ She seems to

hate been brought up almost entirely by Mn<

.Arne. She was apprenticed to the Arnes, and

I his apprenticeship was a cause ol dispute

beiiveen the compoKr and his wife. After )icr

return to I.ondon from Dublin with her aunt

she appeared ai Drury l^e on $0 Sept. 1753.

singing and playing the harpsichord in *The

Conscious L^ere She was introduced by

^ard " with a few occasional words" and

described as ** scarce in her teens ". Uicr she

sang aliernaiely at the King's Theatre and at

Cov'cnt Carden, and in lyW married Francois

llippol^te Barth^lemon, violinist and com-

poser, who was leader of the orchestra at the

K i ng's Theat re. They frequent ly a ppeared t n

public logeiber, both in London

Dublin, and in 1776 they went abroad. Mm,

Barihdemon took part in her husbands

Italian oratorio ' Jefie In Masfa ' at Florence;

at Naples they performed in the queens

private concerts, and at Versailles she sang

a bra^M^a air from Jefic’ with obbligetP violm

played by her husband, before Queen Mane-

Antoinette. On their return to England m

*777 they continued to appear in public (or

some >ears. In 1784 tliey V'-erc in Dublin.

Mrs. Barlhdlemon sang airs by Sacchim ana

Handel at her husband's benefit on 38 May

1792, with Haydn at the keyboard. She had

then been nearly thirty years before the puOdc.

Like her husband she became greatly intcres wo

in the leaching of Swedenborg. Tiieir oiu>

child, Cecilia Maria (Mrs, Heiulowc), lang

and plasxd the harpsichord at an early agr ana

later composed both for harpsichord and

pianoforte, hfrs. Barthclemon hertcif com-

posed some songs {' The lA rav^ Pm>«r

and ‘ Ode on the Late Providential VretetM

lion of our Most Gracious SoN'creign ).

St. s. (n).


Mstv* Chaw to. ‘A C«o«aI Hiitorf

(LMkdOO. lyBOh

of Music'

YOUNG (Alexander)

YOUNG [?. M.f


C»iMi»i<u, \V. H., * Dr, Afne “ Rwk BriuonM ! *' *

(London. 1912).

Db 4 .aw. Mm.. Auwbtcfvapby asd Cormpondoace

(LofMlon, tS6u.

Jomx. ' A G«o«ral History of ihr Soence aad

t'tKiKe of Music ‘ iLoadun. 1776).

H AVM , \V. . ' 4\n«cdom »( « 2klimL«>lrr«ui«s ... *

lOxTorJ, I ;(*&>.

Mtr, J. H.. * Ills OWnt Mvuc Room ie Europe*

(Oxford, 1911*.

l>OHL. C. T.. ■ Mown and Hoxde ia LoadM ' (L^tdcm.


Inforinaliun kmdlv lupplted bt ,Mr, K. C. Row or.

Stt 4I19 Arnr iM. .Nrne J. .\.r. Basdtclrmon,


YOUNGi Alexander LtAdun, 16 (Xl.


Kngtisli ii’Hor singer. Dr MuJk’J singing

under Waller Hyde «i the (j.M,S. ni

NaiioivnI service during ihr uar id Kigif*

1945 rriabled him 10 wurk fi>r a shiirl pt riiuj

under an lullan master ai Napk-s. and

on bring derT><ibiUiiHJ ho enlerrcl iho R.C.M.

m Jamdun isiih an u(«ra sih<darship.

lAAving thal instiiuiioA m i<>4K. he Ixgan

6 prcdosional career, Ihji at ilu* same

lime suppiriiieiiied hU Studios uiirh>r

maim al the Sutr .Ncailrnty of Mmic in

\ ii'nna.

Voung gaiiii'd valuable ofxTaik expofiriHo

niih ihc CflyndebiKirnc Oiiora (;mnpanv> at

first AS a member of llio chorus anil afirruards

in such pans as .Scaraiiuicciu in Siiauss’s

* Ariaiiur auf Naxos’ (brlinburgh ^rstisal.

1950^1110 High I’xiesi m Mozari s’ Idumcnm’

iind Ixilh JX»ti Uasilio ami JXm (lufini in

* Lc nouxe ili kigaro ' i(il)mleiffnsmr Ft'siival,

1951;. He has also a|>|Maml as |)rinci|>al

lennr nmiIi ihc LonrU>n (Jpera UluU: os

Taolino in Cimarusa s * .Matrimoniu s<t*riii ’

{Uhrtier 1‘Wiioal. I9y>», (><co m Haydn's

* Mundu della luna* iScahi Ihealrr. l^ondon,

1930— kxdh in bnghdi iranslalkars - and

in ilic liile-pan of J<*lm UchVi *Jg<lgnHnl

of Paris ' (liainpion Court Palace, 1951 .. In

i<>!y^ he appeared with ihe Moran (^ra

Company in an haghsh version of die

original form of “Der Vhauspieldirrkior* and

in Hobi's *S 4 viiri*. As a concert singer lie

appears in oratorio and in such performances

of historical interest as the scries of Uacli

cantatas given at the NterniaUJ Ihealrc in

Sept. Ipjy, His broacicasis in the U.b.C.'s

Ihiid Programme liavc included such rare

works a« Moxori's unfinished opera * Zaide

Uameau's ’ Daixlanus ’ and • Les Fetes

ti lled •, ^edUt s ’ Uly of Killamey ’ and

Stravinsky s ‘ Ihe Kake's Piogrs'ss *, in nhich

im pirformancc os Inm Rakewcll was

exemplary. Jn 1953 he advanced at Clyode-

iMiumc to Ferrando in ’ Cow fan lutie

Young’s voice, if not powerfuJ enough for

heroic parts, has a mom than commonly

agrecabe lyrical quality and is admirably

scliooled for the performance of a great

diversity of imaiv. His muskiaruliip is

unmistakable and he is an accompli 'bed

opcralic acicic. r,, u.

YOUNC» Anne, Set Gvus, John.

YOUNG, John’ '6. *: «f, lAindon, c. 1730).

English music printer, publivh<'r and

" musical instrument selU'r ”. Ho was

esiablidsed in Loitdon. at the sign of the

'* IXdphin and Crown ", at the w’lui end of

St. Paul’s Churchyard, Ihc earlk-si notice

the present writers have found rt'garding him

is an advertivemeiit in tin* ’ London Ca^etie ’

of 30 Jan.* i F< h. tfH)(|, of

rtie (jMitrOpat Tuior iw tl>e JoIia il.>rMiiv

t«r. , . l*wbli«lieJ aid «>U bv }. Vown(, ai a.e IMi»Kiii

and (Ovviv.

He alvo inihlidnxJ ’ .\ (Choice C’olirciion of

.\vres for il«* Harjidchnnl ’ by llluvv, J'jggc/i,

Clarke, liarnit and <iroft in 1700 H.NI.i,

’lh<* Flute Mauer (kunpleal Improved, or

'Ihe CMNithiiMu'} Hueruon * in 170)1 .Ihnll.j,

.SnnjHon's ‘ Com|>< mlium ’hi *714 an<l other

wifCkx, some in runjuiK tioii with oilier

publishi’rs, such as Jeremiah (darke’s ’Choice

l^sooi fur t he H ar|>dch<>id or Sjii ii« it ’ L 1 7 it ) ,

eic. His hlwd is old n found |>asu'd on wurlct

isMied by Walsh I laic, and lus name

apinars in the Imprint' ol ' Ihe Darning

Master* from 1:13 to aisout 17^^!. It iv

prolubir ih.ii h<' gave up huvin<’s<i or died in


In Can dc lotfootaine’s * *J'he King’s

Mijshk ’ u a record of a John Young lieing

a|if>ointed inumian in iirdinar> to the King,

for the viola da gamlM, ‘m U3 May ibjj, ni

place of otu\ Paul Hridg^*'. ]l is qniic prob-

able that Jolvn 3’ogng, ibe music •seller, may be*

Ibis vaim* |H<rson. ». k., rt-K. w. r.. s.

oTm ( asdr S.,. lew < <>M«cri<,

YOUNG, NtchoUa. i’er Ytixi.s ,


CERTS. Set Nlvv York.

YOUNG, Farcy M, (Marshall) {*, Nurih-

wkh, Chn., 17 Mas tyiuj.

Lnglisb musKal cducaiioiusi, orgaiibi, con-

ductor. composer and author. He was edu-

cated at Christ’s Hospital and at Cambridge,

where Ik was organ scholar at Sciw yn College

He Hudied under C. B. Kooibani and 11. J

Dent, took ihr M..S. and Mu».R. degrees

there, and later ilw Mu«,D, at J’riniiy College,

Dublin . Ini 934 he went to llcifasi as Dircc i or

of hfusie at Siraninllli* I’raiiilng.Ovllegc,

which he left in 1937, when lie returned to

F.rigland and was appoinied Musical Mvi»cr

to the F.ducaiion Committee at Stoke. on*

Trent. He resigned that appointment in 1045

and liecame Director of Mudcal Siudies at the

Technical College of \N'olv iThampion, where

1« also formed a choir, with whiciv he has givrn

many interesting performances, particularly of

less familiar works by H a ndel . I Ic Iiad al ready

been in charge of a children’s choir at .Stoke

with which he visited Belgium in 1939, giving



YOUNG cTalbot)

concerts in several loivns as welJ as a broadcast

in Brussels, and tccciNing a medal from ihc

Corporation of Ghent.

As an organist Voung disdnguisJred himself

while still at school, when he played Karg-

Elen's * Chorale Improvisation * lo the com*

poser and was presented by him with an

autographed copy, He also began to compose

about the same time, among hU earliest works

being a setting of Masefield's ' On Eastnor

Knoll ’ for voice and orchestra. He also set

N'cats’s ‘ The Stolen Child ' for solo voice,

women's chorus and orchestra, and Padraic

Coluin's * Cradle Song ’ fur unaccompanied

chorus. His instrumental music irscludts two

suite» for strings based on 1 7th*centurY music,

a ' Fugal Concerto * for pianoforte and or*

cites tra and a concvriu, ' Au mo>'en*ige \ for

viola and orchestra.

Young's writings include a number of

articles in hi. & L, and elsewhere, and he has

published sr\eral books; 'A Pageant of

l^ngland's Music’ (t93f)), 'Samuel Pepys

Music book ' (1943), ' Handel ' (' Master

Musicians* series, 194?), artd ' The Oratorko

ofHantlvl ’ (1949). t. a.

YOUNG, Talbot (^. London, ?; d.

English i8ih*century music publisher and

violinist, son of John Voung. I|r helped, with

Gretme and others, to establish the Castle

Society Concerts ^before 1724). at first held at

his father's house and afterwards at the Quren

1 lead 'faxern, and (hen at the Castle Tavern,

hoih m Pule rooster Row. Ho was a clever

porformcr on the viulin, and a witty catch was

made upon father and son ; tl is printed in

Henry Play ford's 'Sreond Book of the Pleasant

Musical Companion ’ (tyoi), as follows:

A n 1 roH Mr. Vot.No Aiie Mn D*, Cmm

Yuu i«rjc*ert (iMt a koqJ fiJJIe MrH «irun«.

You fliiMilO 80 to n»p miu Uist e eU wkilc hcH Y«wn|b

but if II tjmc hitOIr tug f«»n weu'J |s(*r

You mon to In* wn. «ho'|| b« Yeunc when h«'v oM.

'lliereS (»l<l Yugni jiul vwun« Youne, bMh incn ol


OI<) 'elU, anj vouMC the hnl AJUte m ivwn.

YounH siul oltl live lucediee muI msv ih*^ Ine Ioimc.

VvuM*( lo pl 4 y so okl ImIUIc, Old lo leH a new Mne.

r. K.

YOUNG, Thomas (f. Canterbury’, 1809;

d. London, 12 Aug. 187a}.

Enghsh alto singer. He receis’ed his

musical education at Canterbury, and from

i8$i~3li vvas first prirKipal alto at the cathe-

dral. In 1838 he became deputy and after*

wards lay vicar at W’eM minster Abbey, and

on 3 Mar. (O48 first alto at the Temple. This

last post he held until his death, with the

cxcvpiion of a year's intcrs’al, when he

married the widow of a Canterbury alderman

an<l wetit into businvv^ without success.

Young was an excvlleni solo singer and was

succcsior in public favour to Knyveit and

Machin, being the last male aho soloist of

eminence. As such he was frequently heard at

YOUNG {\VilJiam)

the Ancient and Sacred Harmonic Concerts.

\N'ith the latter Society he sang for a period of

ten years ; he first appeared on 14 Nov, 1837,

in Handel’s Dettingcn Te Deum and the

“ Twelfth Mass ” attributed to Mozart, etc.

He took the parts of Hamor and Joad on the

respective revivals of Handel’s 'Jephiha’ and

‘ Aihaliah ’. He also sang in the revival of

Purcell’s 'Jubilate * and in various anthems

and services. a g

YOUNG WiUsam (f. ?; d. London, fit

Dec. 1671)-

English violist, violinist, flautist and com*

poser. Nothing is known of his life in Eng*

land before his return at the Restoration in

tOGo, when he entered Charles H's private

band as a llautist. Before that time he was in

service ai Innsbruck, at the court of the Arch*

duke Kerdinand KarH, for he published there

on I Apr. i 6$3, and dedicated to the arch*

duke, a set 11 sonatas for two, three and

four violins, viola da gamba and continuo,

with 19 dances for a similar combination. It

appeared at the printing-house of Michael

N Vagner, and Young is dcKribed on the (ilk*

page as ” Inglesc

Ollier deiacJied pieces by Young occur in

Playford's * Muiick's Recreation on the Lyra

\’iol * (1653), which argues that he must haN’C

been known in England before he went (0

Innsbruck. HU employment there as well as

hU depariure from lus own country suggest

that he may have gone into exile as a Roman

Caihdic and returned in the hope of greater

tolerance in the royal house iJian he could have

expected during tlw Commonwealth. In 1 661

he was appointed to the violin at court, m

addition to the flute. In this early stage of hU

royal a]>$>oiniments he appears 10 have aroused

some ill-feeling, for Niehola* Lanier, the

Master of His Majesty’s Music, was ordered to

allow him and other musicians to use the prac*

Ike chamber from which he had been excluded.

Young was among the best play ers of (^

roy al band and on some occasions was selected

to aiiertd the king with ceriain violinists. In

1664 Jsc was allov\rd, with oihers of the band,

to attend at the theatre whenever Kiiligsf"’

desired it. On the death of .S'ieholas Staggjn*

in 1 703 Voung advanced to his place.

He may have been the father of John

Young, the music publisher, and of Anthony

Young, the organist and composer.

U hittaker {#ae Bibl.) draws acrention to the

* He rmay Have b«n m the N>ther(siHi. 'J*

•rthdyke wtec* ihe bciw wu there. Ms

Sell., L. sSS, « rwarfced ** hemg br

Kai • FWmuh l«ek. .

* TW mIv nvv known M b« esunt « it me

fiwrmitv UhsK k t'wHjIa. AnoUsee «« kn<«o

v» hov« beloRfrd 10 Deillen. the

ma* and E.if»cr caulo«ocd we as l>e^«

at (^intcn. but both ditawwared. ^ w

(ranwrifM tl at the B.M. the snnataj, hul

puWWwd in a modem edtuon by

Whittaker (OvfQeO. 19)0).




modcrniiy an<] importance of Young’s sonatas,

which are true vio)in as distinct from viol

music, and asks why ** the most important

figure in the port^ immediately before

Purcell ” is so Uitle knoven, even in his own

country', a question surely amwrred in part

by the comparaiis'e inaccessibility nf Young’s

work. But this has to some extent been

removed by the edition of cite sonatas pub-

lished by \N'hii taker, t>hu appertds lo hk evsay

a list of printed and manuscript uorks, of

which the following is an abstract ;


I Ar luhibtuck »rl > iCsii >0 •fir«*p4 jImc

'Mv in B \t.*

Atrr. Altruiii and 2 Sjr^KifxIt m

Oh Ihe Ia fi V .hi ' .

FjnLu«ft fnt 1 ihdi. in * Jrr^uiri W Mu«« ’

' inp> kiM*.>«>',


fh>i>ttr«s t mBMiv OHr>.«D

SIN .Mut. •>. h . I.. 41?. ^ |urib.«4i. < uT iW iBiK

"r liW |)|U (fMl. r»,uihinv «« 4. f.K 2 u^lrfn

a ' IKr lir<i a u( ibe-* jrr lr«>m ibr .Imh^

<u I

MS Stu*. S. S . F.. .1 M . II ju fs.fi J t .d ' • Mr V-m.j. ' .

Aiidf|x Aim ’• U ill* woie sx «|,r

' Im Mn M«i. S<h,. |>, 2t} are U#l4r |wrU

uf pirtft b> an wn«,4inrd n«in«

AppFjriii« m an-'iher ll.^ lKie4: 7 «(

III itx Ilf I., 4M.»

M> Mh>. Sxh. I,. >-j. s»me fm.>-l. i< .\n .\\U-

ni,ini|p and an onn.iwi |Mne. • t< ireWr ...J

iharkp*! "Y.rtineb" .< "J.-inch ". .uW im.u

rn.MMiir. isj fi^tx ( ,* ihAi iU i4inUa, ~ Wrfh,

J'jiir b " ; < XK wi numb^ix 1 1 . 2 1 ,

• ■H. OlliPf (kirt. nM.««iv. IIh> 'xho.mI m ix

<|rx|}>trul, lirarihf ihe mhic "StaM^dr* «l iU


Mn S<b. II. 4,vy6. 4 "t ’ n...|.|?ifc^rt,t.

MSN I'll iH<.r\ m«rknt " Mr. V«m^V fw

iMh Kra Vh>I< 1 b<Mh |.22l4. <Mn,Mm- VK I

jM iht.uin. ilr^ Iki.. fwi. mjrknl " Mr.

Y^Mitiyr. .ru ' I 2. M,Hlrni*k.

ibu >X4l . ’Iktb.T'Hi. rvwxirn^M) rxm’ * |li«

\Mmi« ilrlitflittMlI Svijni.r* 4n*i ’l>«MiU -ibii^

V:*'*' M f*w*. I hr. .i.r

marbeil Nounx bw1 ore iku <rtmn hr be Lx

\N llllACn ) MI2MX,

Ok>uUii <4J.4n,i , l./isiH>^

•} Kancm in j pwu,

i t.nro«ATh»s Mum I (■»«■«. M.Miir.rin

Viola ,U (virt. m a 1 tih^rM. odIniMM inrludmi

a rrrlo'lr ami 2 SarabaiNW »Kh Vmi«\ n- rr

None oIriKKal with any Ii.ie.| »U»ve. «

Ihi. <ollrt.hMi» in i|,e U S|,,

l>M«i t.Ml fxHUV Coilil IH>y

(If Some iiol.i xamU pine, ropreij (Wmm a M*

• nllrclih .1 in rolarvt. 2 ) Prehnle IW xn^a d.


lhai • Mumal Srxx^\ .a W 1912. b, |)r

lhH,il^rii,T'^* *'*' ^ U. t:. F

"“'wT“ x^' SW *

W illiam N ounx ’ <(li6>rJ.

\N Illiani Youmx ’ hi CoUeeied l-i»xx* (Oshrd ttut.l

pp. D-i«y8, • w '


YRADIER, Sebasiiio (i. Saucirgo, Alv»,

VO Jan. ifloo; rf. Vitoria, 6 Dec. 1863).

Spanish ci.m poser. He was very successful

with popular Spanish songs, one of which

Bi«i me<l tn 'CUrmen' with conskleralile

improxcniintt, for the Habanera in Act I

The key is the same, D mitior, and I) major is

also retained for the refrain. Here arc the two

strains as they appear in Yradicr’s song ’ F.l

arregliio ‘ :

i I ? -7 ? *7

.\ roller lion of iwrni^-fiw uf Vradirr's inoii

popular MUtgx with French words was pub-

lidti'd by Hcugi l uf Pans in ilki.i as ’ Fleurs

d'l.s|tagne *. But 11 was not from ihis ihai

Bi/cl had the luiic ; lie w‘*n»s in luvr heard il

sung ajMl I u hate iinagmesl 11 to lie a folk m rig.

On Jeanung his tnwiake he added a note in the

vocal wore of • <o»nwo ' ’ iimtaicd Irorn a

.Sjiainsh song", and acknowledged its source.

j. .s. p.-xT,, rev.

YRlARTC, (Don) TomAb dc f>. I eiit rilie,

lb heiM. 1750; rf. Santa Mjn.i nr. (i.idi/, 17

bept. i7rj|..

Sjiantsh pM'i and lom poser. He was

M'crrtary of the arc hi vci in Mail rid . H e w roic

poems under the anagram Tirso Jmareta and

comjwned s>mplMinii>. i|iiarieis, songx and a

” i^inodrama ", ‘ Gu/man el Inieno '. Hrs

chief work iv*t,a muwia’, a hpAnixh poem on

raii'ic puhhxhctJ in 1779. It » in irrtgular

metre and divitJed into Itsr cantew, I hr first

two di‘al with elerm^nis such as the noirs,

scales and ornaments, and with musical

expression in its sarfoiii hranches. In ihc

third, which treats of church music, the w'riicr

distinguishes ihriT principal sjsecies; ij; the

Gregorian, having r>o measure of time in us

five varinirs; i^j the .Mixed gr Florid,

measured b>' common or triple time, admiliing

of various cadences and ornamrius; 13) the

Organic, to sense cxicni a lomhiiiation of the

two former, in which Imih voices and insiru-

menu were einployrd. Here ihe writer lakes

wca^n to praise the .Spannh comiKxicrs

Patino, Ruldan, Garcia, Viana, Guerrero,

Victoria, Ruiz, Morales, Duron, Uteres, San

Juan and .Vebra. The canto closes wiih a

description of else examinatiiins fur admission

to the royal chapel, from wlilch it appears that

candidates were required to sliow proficiency

on the organ, violin, flute and oboe, and to

play sonatas ai sight. 'Fhe fourth ran 10 ireau

of theaincal m«sk: ihc shade of Jomimlli

appears, and afier assigning ilic palm lo Spain

for pure vocal music, to fJermanv and Bo-

bcm.a for inslrumcnial, lo France for science

YSAYE (Euginc)

and 10 Iialy for the opera, give$ a lengthened

description of the orchestra, of recitative,

greater than declamation, less than song

tvhich he limits to the compass of an octave,

and of the aria with its >'arioti$ graces, (he

rondeau, cavatina, duos, trios, quartets, etc.

Among dramatic authors the palm is assigned

to Gluck, whose rivalry with Sacchlni and

Piccinni was distracting the musical w’orld.

The fifth ami Iasi canto, which treats of cham-

ber music, contains a long eulogy of flaydn,

who is said to have enjoyed special apprecia*

lion in Madrid, where prizes were given for the

best interpretations of hi* compositions. The

poem concludes with a svish for the esublish-

meni of an academy of music. It was irans'

laied into French, German and Italian; and

an F.nglish version by Juhti Del four, who ack>

nowledges the assKtanre of Durney, Calleolt

and S. \\>s!cy, was published in ido?.

a. j. e.

IlcM.,— Si'BiiA. Soit. ' r.l <Amp<>4ttAr Itiaric v e) culiivft

•Id mdcliwo *. 9 toK (MftdiMl. if^).

YSAVE, Eugene (fr. Li^ge, j€ July 1858;

d. Brusseh, I'j May 1931).

Delginn violinist, conductor and composer.

His earliest lewons were gis'eo him by his

father, Nicolas Ysaye, when he was five, He

then joined ihe Conservatory of his native town

and studied under Lamiseri Nfa»<art (violin)

and Michel Dupuis (harmony), gaining a

second prize in 1667. Two years earlier he

had already made his first public appearance

at a small concert given at Montfgwfe near

Liege, but it cannot be said that his youthful

pcrrornianeos attracted much attention. Then

came two pieces of gomi (brume the one

in 1873 when he had the opporuinity of study*

ing briefly under NN’ieniavvski in l^rts, the

other in i8?6 when \’ieu:(iempi, aficr hearing

him play one of his concertos at Antwerp, and

being much impressed by the taicni displayed,

used ins influence to obtain a special lub^y

from the go>’ernment which enabled him to

study at the Brussels Conservatoire for another

three years. During that period he received

many private lessons from Vieux temps him*


In 1879 Ysaye play’cd at the concerts given

by Pauline Lucca at Cologne and Aachen, and

made the acquaintance of Ferdinand Hiller,

who introduced him to Joachim. Hiller took

great interest in the young actisi, and after

obtaining for him an engagement in Oct. 1879

to play Mendelssohn’s Concerto at a festival of

the Gurzenich concerts at Cologne, advised

him to go to Frankfort, where he enjoyed some

fruitful intercourse with RalT and played Beet-

hoven's C minor Sonata with Clara Schu-

mann. In 1H80 he was appointed leader of

Bibe's orchestra in Berlin, an engagement

which lasted a year, in (he course of which he

gained his first experiences as a conductor,

after whkh (in 1 881 ) he loured in Norway with

Ole Bull's son as manager, and (in 1683)

played at a concert of the Paris Conservatoire

under Colonnc. He remained in Paris some

tim, gaining the friendship of his fellow-

citizen, C^sar Franck, and moving in a circle

including d'Indy, Chausson, Debussy and

Magnard. In 1^6 he accepted the post of

violin pf^essor at the Brussels Conservatoire,

holding it till 1897. In 1894 he founded the

Ysaye Orchestral Conceru at Brusseb, at

which famous artists appeared and where he

introduced many modern works, restricted

mainly, however, to the French and Belgian

schools. The same year he founded his string

quariet with Crickboom, van Hout and J.


His subsequent tours were very numerous.

In England his 8rsC appearance was in 1&89

(in Bcethov'cn's Concerto) at a Philharmonic

concert. In ihe autumn of that year he

appeared at the Popular Conceru for the first

time, and in 1896 gave three concerts of his

own (one orchestra]), and another in 1899, etc.

In Feb. 1900 he led quartets at the Popular

Concerts (with Inwards, Gibson and Ludwig),

and ihe same year played trios in Queen’s

Hall (with Busoni and Decker). In 1901 he

brought from Brusseb his own quariet (now

Marchot, Van Hout and Jacobs) and Intro*

dueed several modern chamber works to

London audiences. I'hough the virtuoso cle*

mmi in hn playing tended to undue promln*

ence of the lint violin part in quarleu, his

readings of the greater works of the chamber

music repertory ncN'cr failed 10 reveal a

musical personality of remarkable iniemt.

Subsequently he gave many scries of recitals

and sonata concerts at Queen's Hall with

Pugnv and others.

America he first visited In 1894 and toured

there subsequently with great success, but

declined an invitation to succeed Scldl u

conductor of the New York Philharmonic in


Until 1914, when the first world war made

Ysaye an e*ile. Brussels remained his

quarcen, where he was the centre of a devot«

circle of admirers and carried on his wofk»

teaching and conducting. He subsequently

went to America and accepted the conductor-

ship of the Cincinnati Orchestra In 1916. ovi

he returned to Belgium in 1932

aciive part in the country's musical life. He

succeeded Tinel as mnUrt de (hapfllt to the

court. _ |.

He played successively upon a O- *>•

Guadagnini vidin, a Stradivari of lar^

dimensions and late date and an excepiionajly

fine Cuarneri dd Oesit, which had been for

some years past hb solo insuumeni, me

Stradivari being kept in reserve for conoa-

geocics The latter was, most unfortunately,


3 C 9


lose, lor it stolva Trora die arcists’ room of

a concerC'haU in St. Peiersburg m 1908. He

wa« the owner, it may be added, of a fine

collection of French vit^ins.

He composed many concertos for violin,

which remain in manuscripl, and published

>omc smaller pieces for violin with c^cht'Sira

or pianutorie, incluOio)^ $ Mazurkas, 0 |>. 1 1.

and a ' Fm’tnc elcgiaque', also G sonatas for

unaccompanied violin. .\n ojiera by him, in

ihc Walloon dialect. * Plere b Houyen *, was

produc ed ai Uvrc and ItruweU in

Y>h)c received many orders and decora-

tions, including that of the l.rs;ion of llorkMir

vv. vv. rev.

Bi»c, CiikuftH, I.nsuf. fH Of r.*r»Wi*

<t««tl«Vil, lu|l> .

'J.uKfhr Vvktr' l**<s*r 4 |>hHtwt (I

YiAft, AviiMNV I. Kau iM>t. * Ymw: k*»

l.ite, W’wrk Aii'l lhllu<m«' I

dcd. <rf |>l, *,ou. PiJiAk '<* . «W. </

Vfl. SoMaIAIi

YSAVE) Tb^o(pliU«) S ervit rs, a Mar.

•Obj; */. N’ue, j M.ir, iytd .

lb Igian pianist and cmnixivT, broilK r of ilie

pretedirig. lie siuthcd at the l.u*gr (a»nser>

vaiory, in Lb rliii under Kullak and in (H83 in

Paris \Mih Onar J ranetc. In lUlb^ h< bream**

piant>rnri<' pmteisnr al the (ienrva <a>ns<'T\a*

lor>. He aitaimsi eimsiilrrabh* skill as a

pianist and made a suttewriil liTst ap|icaraiite

In J/mdon at a concert of his licothec’s in lln*

spring of iBijG. Al laur tl.si.v he a|»p<ared

there in sonata itrogtaimnes ssith his brother.

I|< also touri'd widely elsewhere, either akme

or with Lugene. Sstlling in bruwH, he

assisted the latter with tin* manaics'ment of

Ills concerts and <levolt*d himself iv coin*

penition. but during the first world war he

was a refugee in l.ngUnd, and hr died before

ils ronehision.

Ill* works inch ide a Requ lent , 2 s) m|>l ion ies,

3 sympiionir pomes atKl a 'Faniaisiewallonnc*

lor oreh. ; a pf. concertos; |>f. jicl ; songs,

|. A. res.

YSORE (tsore), G. ?; J, ?).

French (?) ibth*ii*iiiujy coinixwer. He

wrote chansons, of which 5 were pulillshed in a

collection by Aliaignam in 13^5, followed by

later editions, tme in (iardam/s ccJItxtioo in

ifiriy stnd one In .^rcadclt•» ' Madrigal i* for 3

vokec in 131^. fc. s. d. s.

YSSANDON, Jean ff. Lciari, Arwfe, ?*

d. ?). ’

I* rend I lOth-cemurv theorist. He listed at

Acignon in the jialace of Clardinal d’.k/ma.

gnat. He svrotf • J raite dc U musniuc

prati<;ue, divis^ cn deux jiarties . . * pub*

lislK*d by Le k<*> & Ballard of Paris in 138a.


al-Medina,?; d. ?,<, 763).

Arabian musical historian and edinir. He

was the firsc to make a collection of .Vrabie

songs, together svlih an indication of the

melodic and rhyibmk nuKles lu which they

were sung, as well av to give information con*

ceming their authors .'ind composers, fit* was

taught music by Ibn Muhru, lUu Suralj, .Al-

Oharid and others, and hrst made n name

during the reign of Caliph Hishjm f7Zf-43)

and was at the L>ama&<us court ofAIAValld 11

1 743*44 ^ He was ilu* .lutlior of a * book

ab^i the Songs' (* Kiuli irbagh.ini '/ men*

lioned above, a ' IkKik of .Mchijy * Kit.ib

abiiaghm and a * Book <4 the Singl/ig-girls '

''Kiiab al'qi)an’i. HI* most fatuous pupil

was (brahim al*Mau>ili. 11. u, t.

B»u. -*IjKS<l«p««(lia Al IsUtn*, IV’, I.pvUpm*

LMtdw*!, ISO J .

Faiuia. i. , «4 .Vrjliijii AIusk', pp.

aj^a^ ij.ixi«4i. .

' a«nM<rs ul .VraLiAM Mmmi ', |) 14 lli^rsden,

YUSSUPOV Nieolay Borisovich,

Prinee k. .St. IVU Ti^lniig. iUj;; rf. Baden •

Bach'll, 3 .\ug. ilk|i ,

Rusw.i n I nu'H ,il ch lc*i Mule. 1 h s 1 ucl led 1 he

viciliu ssiih A'li'usiemp' and luaiiuaiiud an

..rtliesira m his palate. Hr was the author of

live iikoiwigraph '«n ihe siolm mliiletl ’ buchu*

monographic hisioriqu** < l r.ii'oniiec ’ '(ir»(

eduHKi. I racikl«»ri o M., pnriletl al

Munich; lilih I’ditioii. Paris, lloiihniire, n.tl.;,

a ssill*im*an>iig Ini I fauliy iw), dedltaircl m

IhTMU, illusiraivd with lulhuml drawings of

insirumeiits, winch are, ]K*rlia|K, the inosi

salualih* pait of ihe work, lb* ,ibo projected

a work eniiiled ’ liiN<oire d« la nunir|ue et tie

wm ateiiir en Kimir of w huh ihe lif>t part,

' Musique ucret* sihvir tPun choix dc inor*

teaut de chant d ’Ugh sc * Paris, idlij^ alone

ap|naf«*d. He <oiTi|Hnr,l a vi„|,n Conirrio

and a pfograrnuir >v m[>Jion> w iih a \ lolin solo

eotnled * <;rKiialvo de (lordovu hi he

|Kiblis)ied a R) sterna lie caiah^gue o| the

iMKiks tonialned m the Im^serial l.ibrar>, 81.

JVierdiu^. His ’ Anaixsf coitiparee dcs

cumpositiuns des siolinisies toniecnporains *,

announced fur pubJuaiion lu iH*^, never

appeared. Behoi wroie a wl of six violin

duets <m motifs taken from lYuice A'ussupov’s

• Ballei d'l.spagnr *J he* tliJr*page of the

later editions of his • l.ulhojnouographlc '

announces him as ” Maitre <Ioinj>ou(eur dc

fa Socktc Philharjnoni<|ue de Bologne, et

Membre hooorairr de IWcatlt^mie l^hllhar*

nionique de Sainte Cecik A Rome ”,

K. Il.-A.

YVAlN, Maurice (Pierre Paul) [k.

Parts. 13 Feb. idyij.

French emnjiosor. The son of niu'jeal

parenii, he w^nt to the Paris CAWscrvaiolrc in

• 903 and studied under Louis Diane r and

Xavier luroux. appearing sliorily aficrwjttds

A>^ wwei, M x^riog, (rAMsl»ln«t>wi«, )(>«iiAnM>«w,

Y,»ift*owfKrfr, Yim.|KrV, etc. '




as soloist at the Monte-Carlo concert. la

1914-18 he served in the French army, and it

was not until after the first tvorld war that he

was able to continue his musical studies. He

devoted himself to the eomposition of light

music and soon proved himself an adept at this

difficult art. His first operetta, ' Ta Bouche '

{1921), was acclaimed on all sides for its gaiety

and charm, and it was rollotsrd by the equally

successful * Li>haut \ * La Dame en (kcolleie

• Gossc de Riche ' Pas sur la bouchc

• Bouche 4 bouche', ' Un Bon Carbon ‘Yes',

‘Ellc est 4 vous\ ‘Jean V', ‘ Kadubec *.

‘ P^pe ‘ Encore 50 centimes *, * Oh ! Papa

' Vacances ‘ La Belle Histoire * and * Au

soleil du Mcjciquc *. His ballet ‘ Vent ' \ras

given at the Paris Exhibition in 1937.

Like Aadr^ Messager and Reynaldo Hahn,

Yvain has shown in the best French tradition

that “ light music " can amuse, delight and

even incorporate the characteristics of “jazj’'

without thereby losing dignity or failing to

deser\*e the name of true musk. o. s.

YVROGNE G0RIUC£, L* (Opera). Stt


YZO, Pierre. Set Iso.


ZABALETA, Nicaoor (A. San .Vlia&ii.in,

7 . 1411 .

Bascjui’ harpist, Hl* received hi$ earliest

music Icsyms at San Sebastian, olaainrd

further instruction in Motlrid and finaJI)

perfcctcil hiniseir in l*aris ssith Marti I

'I'ournier fharp^ and Iluernr (a»oK (cocnpmi*

tion). fn 1034 ••'•i •‘»r ,\mrriia, havinj*

already toured the L*.S..\. as well at the

Latin*American re|Hihli<s iruny iirnrs. He

ha% made hmiself a repuljtion in Kurofie and

Amrriea us an can'tundini* siriuoso leaser

ihonjushly cunNcisani v\jih the restnirec-t of

ills insirumeiii,

/alialria espi’Mally uiens ai rnakini^ knimn

Anti rniurKiiiR do* original rrperinry for harp,

he mrevses the iin|>orirfnte i 4 harp music

ssritleti l>\ liii* S|>anish and i\*rluR«>«'sc

lOtniHisers of the ihilt aa<I i;ili rminrni atwl

als<i eoriti rns luinst ir ssith the revival of ihe

.driiost forRoiten original <t>tnpo»ni<>os for

harj) In masters Uhe !« lomaiin, C. I*. !>;. Bach.

Krumpliol/, Spohr, Iheihmen, Riisi. Dussek,

\ iotii, ete. ^urlhrrRKm^ he stitiniUies eon*

U mjKirars totntxnrrs to urite Rood inusie for

his insirumeni. J hanks to his efforts rrun*

t>o«n hkr (iinasirra. AmenRual.

I.rnma, KiH|«df<> Halffier, I'egRy Olanvlllr.

Mirks and (Wniainr I'adlef* rrr have made

inieresiinR rontrihniions in the liarp rrriertnry.

At Zahaleu’s mpiest D.irhrs Milhaud aiKl

.)t*at|ufn lltKlriRo are rath ssriiimc a Ctmrerto

lor harp and orchi-sira . whiJe Salvador

Baeansse has liiiisherl a ‘ Kuntasla antialuza

also (or harp and onhestra. /alialeu has

also edited a $eri« of slastiial works for llte

harp. j ^

rf C«aar« d« (*. Cremona, ?;

1 1 a I lull I <i 1 1 oce Rt ory < omposer. He lived al

Munich alxnit lyto. In t ',94 he si.Rns from

’ Sthera " i.Srheer] on the Danuljef where he

ssus proha hi y a I the court of IVincc Henrv of

hurMeril)rr|f. J|e trim|wd caoconetle ftir 4

V oiees ( t.c,t)o] ; • I'airocinium musices', hymns,

Mms.eu fi5op, hymns. 5 v. (j^) ; and

lahurdens, liianies, etc., in collective volumes.

ZACCONI, Ludovico (». Pesar^ ti June

* ' htorenzuola, Ps-saro, 23 Mar. i0a7J.

I a ha II thwwui. He spent die Rteaier part

of his life at Wnice, uhrre he was admitted to

the pru-st hood, received the tonsure as a monk

of the order of St. AugtMlne and nffieiaicd as

>n<uffrt> di ce/r^//« in the great church Iselunging

!? I. ' 50 a he was in the service of

\Nilhelni, Duke of Elavaria, as »w»i<», and in

•5D3 1*^ tnviicd to \'ieitnu h> the .Arch*

duke (diaries, u*ho made Jiirn his KBfKlh><iiUi

years laler. In iCiff he relumed to

Wnke and devoted himself 10 the compleiiuii

of his great ibeoreiical work, I he first porn on

of sshtcli was pu Mi shed Iscfore his d<*pariurc

to X'ienna.

Tlic work on sshieh Zucroni\ fame is hused

is emit let! ' l^ratiica di musira mile ci neces*

saria si al comjKr<iior<* , , , si aneo al cun*

tore and is dedicated to " (iuglieliuo (ionte

Palaiitio del Reno, Dm a ilell' altu e hussa

Jhaviera”, etc, 'Ute first part w as puhlishnl at

Veiike in t;,Q 2 and re|>fimitJ m lyih. 'Ihe

second pan. also printiHl at Wnice, first

appeared in iCin. The com rn is of the work

aredisMJnl inio four Ixwiks, vs hen in the treat*

nwtit ofeonsonant uiid (hssoi>,sni progrevsions,

ihetompHcaiiwisofnKMle, ilmeand prolaiion,

1 1 le la ws of nwftn fx/m, wi 1 )i ina 1 1 1 1 i ke m\ . 1 er ies.

are ex(dainevl with a degree of hicidiiv for

which MT s« k in vain in die works of oiju r

throfriK al writers of die |kiIv phoim jxTiod •

the ' Dodccaclmrdon ’ of (;l,irc,imis and (he

• Muskar atltvae Mkrologm * of Ornitlio*

parrus alone exee|>ied. It ma), imleed. \k

confidrmly asserted I ha I we are indehted to

tlwse twv works, in conpinction with the

* l*raitica di musica ’, for the most valuahle

informaiion wr (misscss nn |}||^c suhjects -

infonnaiion. in theahvrncc of which Josquin’s

‘ Mis^ dkladi ' an<l |>ortioii< even of P,t)es.

trinas *Misva I’ltornme arine', to >ay nothing

of the enigmaucul canons of ihe earlier

Flemish schools, wxmld Ik* *|uiie iindccipher*


The eon ten IS of the ‘ Pr.tttica di musica '

arc as Ibllows :

L4*. t. So diAfMfrt

mj. OiswtuiMXH on ihr ociein aiol liuiory <4 mu'M,

•nicr>f9rrsnj «iih <lrlin«u«>io ami uiIitf mirv

4 l«M(<w maiirr n<i crcAl wacorjl udinv.

t|. I he liaanhiuc haiHl

»V hfucet ai rxxaiHA.

M. Ihe tus« of five him,

»t. 11 k <k<\, of •hxl* Kve«al f^nns are civcu

aa-1V Meawee. mne aiMl satiinn li>rno of rhsdimic

«lisis«« lakKra, M/M t i 4 lUta,.

r».n* uUf. bevKNMMc Che acol

e«Jinf St , 11 . ihf

Time tnmaOKr*

a«S». r-fav m tmwral mi cwulh the Duiiii t>r


rvtw l.•ralyt«3 in cmnmMt use lottards the tluse of i)i«

I tub ceniiwy.

47. Kesu.

4^49. B mM mkI 0 fMiVa,


51. Sswcmk,

SS-S5- ConahWilwn of wiain OinKulurs imirvectcd

«\(h fiKiwn pressotAly Jiwiw^l.

4 ^', 7 . I iiK K and the JilTrtcia »avt of tineiiiu ii.





59-66. Rule* (0 b« obKr.^ by tincets. illiifttratcd by

many rKampIn aix) fxerchn and

)i$h( upon ihr ruin of r«Ma ifims fmmsiea

(he Tnanaermrni of complicated rhxhntic

comb»na(iom and other ni>'Mrrin.

67*71. Duties of (he m 4 *ili 4 A cep^rtfa and smgm.

79*75. N’ilianella and canaonetta.

74-do, Quabfirarions of singers and con^osen.

Lib. II. sd chaiMtn

1*5. DilTereAi tperies of mood, lime and prelaiMA.

6>7> I'einU ef division, alteration artd perfecsiea.

d' Prevalent errors in ihe maiieror peefeci liane.

0*37. Mutual adaptaiioA of mood, time and prolalion,

artd ditFerent kind* of prepociion,

38. Examples from P.slestnna'* * \(i«sa I'homme

arriM * in illustration of ihe (oeetousi ehaptm,

with full Jireciinn* as to (heir mode of


39*(9. Continiiatinn nf ilie same subject.

Lib. III. 77 chapters

t*77, UifTerent kinds of proportion.

Lib. IV. 56 chapters

1-37. 1*he turU'e modes.

38*46. Iti'trumental musie as praetiseci durkic the taiiee

half nf the (6ih errttu^'.

47*35. Tunine of musical mstruinents.

36. 'I'aUe of instruments,

[ft the first 37 chapicn of the fixirih book

Zacconti in common with all the

rciical writer! of the polyphonic schno), admiu

ihv use of 6 autheniic and 6 plagal forntt, and

no more; and. not content tsiih expunging

the names of the Locrian and Hypolocriaii

model from his lt«i, he expunges even their

numbers* dcicribing the Ionian mode as

Ttiono XI and the Hypoionian ai Tuono

X(I. C^hapters 38*46 are especially valuable

as deK ribi n g t he com pass and ma nne r of using

the various orchetiral instruments as written

for by Peri, Monteverdi and their immediate

successors, in their early essays in opera and

orainrio. The table o( instruments in the

cone lu d i ng cha ptc r ex h i bits on a grea t st ave of

eleven lines the compass of " the instruments

which arc usually employed in snaking em-

tirti They arc as follows :

Oirnrni. bUnchi li ncfri, t i«a"

V'inhnt. c M V*

1 yilsri.


(lornn inrio,

(•*m«muti torti.

F*C<Hio chorht*.


Flouli, carUo,



Viok, canto,



Doppioni, baMo.



dio d"

c (o d’. or r'. f*

e or d «a ir'

r lor <**•)

C to b

• to A*

*(• r

c loa

Plo b

F toe" (? Aio«'>

I> (O A*

c;, 10 d’

<’ i«a


« lod*

{r.r. CAmriKi mute ond ordinary : vMin — hr mmtMnt

in Adiliiion (hr rarer of two lowrr mrmbrn of thr eMm

or iiWf dr From# fAmily. the imoc {romixM^ F *0 a'l ond

(hr b««« fft?. 10 d'l. Iioth. likr ihr vmlin. hovine four

finrtjrs luncj in firtht. ihe top note brine thol pivm by

Ihe liiilr hrierr in thr first posiiion on (hr hichr«t Unmt ■

nrr iransvrrsr dui^, ihrir compou brine ti

vrntionsllr «rl down, like ihal of ihr merdm, an

oeiAve hrlow the rral •ouml : eW^oiar h»\'e not brrn

ifleniiiiesl (ut Siiawk. Ill]; rerao OMr n ihc irnor

* With tlir aki of Zocconi's rxsdanallom Bumry wot

ahir lo wore thne; rrr Durnry, ' Exumu’. B.M. Add.

Mb 1 15S1.

conwti. gjting thr low e if provided with • key : <«fM.

^ «em Ar« probably crumhorru. and as in th« toxt

Zaccooi sayn that they have only the nine notes from

c or d. the r in thr (aU« ntay br a misprint for d' :

besides the ft**** c4arii(a Ik mmiioru ib« eustrnco of

bofffcr and smaller uces of ihe early bassoon : (he lowest

note of ih« irembonr is not sui«d; (he pilch of ilie

lr««ordrrsJ h civen in the usual i6ih*ccnlury

ushroii. an octaxY below the real sound ; ih« curiously

deep Innings for the viob are also given by some other

eartv wTitm. while Zarconi's preliminary rcmarla show

that ibe eompas of (he com* is set a third too low in ihe

sable, perhaps due «o the omiulon of a clef i 4tpimi are

woodwiivd imtrumenu of which notliinc furiher is known,

other weiten tnereh’ repeating Zacconi).

The foregoing synopsU gives but a sUghl

indication of the value of ihc ' Prattica di

musica \ which supplies information on every

important subject connected with the music of

the 16th century, information in many cases

obiainable from no other source. The work is

now extremely scarce and costly ; complete

copies will, how cv'cr, be found in the B.M. and

R-C.M. H. s. a., adds. a. a.

Biol. — Ku»kmuaii, H.. * L. Zacconis Leben auf

Ofund seiner Auietxegraphle * (j.M.P., 1910).

Variriai. P.. * NotiiKM la vita r Ir opece <11 L. Zacconi '

llksaro, 19131.

*lJn imiskiKa pesarew ncl secele XVI* (Belogna.


ZACH, Jaa (Johann) ((. Ccidkovice nr.

Prague, 13 .Vov, i6<>j; d. >, ? 1773).

Czech eompoeer. After haxing received a

good initial training in musie it his birth*

place, he settled (probably in 1774) in

Prague, (vhcrc he worked as a violinist ai

St. Mariin*in*thc*\ValJ (under S. Urixi) and

at St. Callus in the Old Towti, becoming at

the aame time a renowned organist. He tvas

deeply influenced by the high standard of

Prague's musical life in general and pariicu*

larly by Cernohorsky. In 1737 he unsuccess*

fully competed for the post of cathedral

organist at St, \'itus. Lmbitiercd by this

failure he left his country for Germany,

where he was appointed conductor of the

^n<e*elector’s orchestra at Maine, succeeding

his countr>*man Jan Ondriick (Ondrawchek)

in 1745. He visited Italy in I74^> *

short visit to his ©(x-n country in 17471

on temporary kax-c owing to a mental

collapse in 1730 and lost his post on haxing

become insane in 1756. The later cx ents of

his life as well as the date and circumstances

of his death have remained unknown, DIa*

baca*s siaterrwnt, that he died in the asylum

of Bruchsal (Baden) in i773* ** incorrect:

there never was such an institution at Bruen*

sal, and Zaeh's name is not to l>e found m

she death registers of that town.

As a composer Zach is a highly lnd«vidual

master of the prc-<lassical period, passionate

and fanuxtic in his early organ preludes (3I

and fugues (*), surprisingly vivid and magni*

fkently wal in bis later church compos) uons

(16 masses, 2 Requiems, ‘ Slabat Mater ,

etc ), and paoicuUrly Interesting in numerous

imirumenial works of various kinds (s>m*



phoftif^, divcrcimmii, elc-). ''b*‘re his mink

is pcnciraicd by chr spirit of Czrrh folk

music. A clolHilcsl list of Zach's prncncd

compositions appears in Konmia's mono*

graph txrr Bibl.V r.. t.

BiBi. Kokm a. K. M . * Jobftiw Zac h nod u* Ivi U*

»<hrii Nfiiukrr nn deuU>lwn Umbcucli det it.

Jdlithufxlcru ' i'jsSi.

ZACHAREWITSCH. Se< Zakiiahevich.

ZACHARIA. Sf< ZaC 4 .ajiia.

ZACHAU (Zachow) \ Friedrich Wil-

fa dm •». Lripaig. 19 Xov. iCh3; tf. Ilallr. 14

.\ug. 17121.

fknnan organist and composer. Ihs failirr

seas StA<ifr»uuiiis at Lciprie. Cndcr his direc*

lion Zachau KarnpcJ lo plav oft many of ihe

instruments then in use. indudmg siolin. ulsoe.

harpdcliord and organ, devoiing los chief

aiu iuioa lo the last tiso, on vshirh lie aiiaiiictl

gri ai prolicietKV. When Ik* uas al>oul ten

>ears old the ticinily rensosed lo l.iUnlnjn^i

iK'tsseen Halle and Ixiprig, where he con*

tiiiucxJ ItK studies. In il>fl4 he was H.Mrd

orKanisi of Our l.ads’s Church < l.ieUraueit*

kircluv at Halle.

Here it i| Mai ||s^ .Utile's ariouni is tube

irusied. I hat H.iiiiM washes! taken iv Zacliau

for instruct mil in miwic "while lie was sfi

under seven years edagr**; that is iosas,s<>nK’

t i m«« Ixfore 1 1 ir e iid of 1 U,a 1 Chr > so ihJ< r |>|a< es

the cscni a liiile Inierj. ‘llx* circuinsiatsces

w’hirh It'd lo Handers being placed uikIit

Zac hail are narrated elsewhere.* There can

l>e no doubt that /a<hau tu<A great interest in

hii pupil, who, Mairiwaririg lelli us, " pleased

him so iniith lh.*)i he never thought he could

do cm, ugh for him '. I hat the child was

placed under an riceelirm ami thorosrgldy

ronsciejinoos irarher is indeed coftMiMinglv

ihowji, Innh by Main waring and Ibe

formcT savs :

/♦<h»y KjiI a tarae of w «Hi *s

l.ennan mysii, ||r hiv ih« itihttut

siytr^ ol ihibfm nyi •.*» >. ,U shtrsw

Ucjcli tMttuyljp *vi(^; *,,1. h* iniehl c«MaRv

•>UMCf IK Urf k«wKs»iC»*se iMin

In HOfb, Mmt mA<k km iapY. »«l Mv. UrI

m l.|s Ami /*«kjy h*. tC «< an

ow'itunt •Jiy. Ii> loi uiKi«mf»A uknw. nai csMbk sf

««iprlsiM« his p|j«F Ite Has ifKliltnl In te

AlisFni. Ii inj> iF«m ucante *0 UA >4 mn »*«Kia«>i ni

Kvfii of *cr. Bui .1 wM appear mmh Ufa^er

•hat Uie iinse Kf Has mne Ik bFcan |.. («n|H>K ih«

UiMt.li SFfvKe f.K s.iKcs ami inutunKnu. aiul frym

U>j« lime a.tya 1 l» sliil tnmpww a sersKF et«v Heefc

lor ilirpp >F,ir» >Mi(eu<VFlv, ’

And in crinRrmaiion erf* this account C:o«e

describes n solurar, formerly in the poisewion

of l.ady Riwrs, da led :6o8, signed C. K H

and filled with transcripts, in Handel’s hand-

writing. of airs, fugues, chonises and other

works, by Zachau, Frohherger, Kriegrr, Kerl,

Sc 110^4 her. Sackau:

* Ma<*i...tine h*»

Deth uie Hrane.

' Sc/McsuH.


Heinrich AUxeri, Kbner, Adam Sirungk ari<l

other composers of the t^lh century.^

Handel alw’.*t>'S spuke of his old inasier with

ihc drep«i resprci, visiiwl him at HaiJo for

(be ]a»i time in 1710 and alter his death sent

*' frequent rennt tames *' to his widow. 'I hcsc

l<»kensofesii‘i*ntdid not. I irw\ ever, prc'M'rve tiu*

memory c^f /athau from a trm l ii'|M r>loii,

which originated io this wav : Job Him ( Chris-

toph lA'poriii. orgHhisi of the Domkin he /ur

Morii/liurg Jl Halle, whs dismissed from his

oflice in 1702 on account of Ids dissolute life

and iM*gltet of duly. Handel, then seventcrti

sears td age. was < litnt u to fill Ids place, .\fier

HandiTi death ids bit^raphcrs Aiirihuied

iH'iuicms misdeeds m /a< hau, actU'ing him of

ifn’gidanurs of w hit It he w ,is w holly iiin<K etu.

(SirNssandcr traces ihe IiIm’I to its source and

proses It to Im' unloiiiKlecl.

Hit llerlin l.ibrary jk'ssi'sm's a large coliec*

lion o| Zaeliau's composiiioiis. eonsisiing

(Wini ipaJIv cd* nunusc ript < hur< h i.iniatas .wl

pseces Aie the organ. Some fragments were

printed Irt C:hrvsaiMler and ^\ iriierf< Id, \ Iw y

are tnrt works of genius, but their si\)e is

lhorcH»ghls music i.vilv and marked l><*ib by

gcxri iHsie ami carneuitess ol purpose, .S

eocnphic rdiluin of Zath.tu's works whs

iKoughi util in \ «*|s. XXf ,ind XXH <*l ihe

H.l>. I .. edited bv Mhs; Seilferi. .Nn iruc're»l*

ing Mass, oil die tlHUue " Cbfisi ].ig in I tdcs.

bamleii is assigned lo " .N ikolaus /at hau "

in the eo|>> in die Uerliii [.ibr.irv. It h

aerepird by Seilfert, but doubled in Q.-I.,

vv. s, R.. rev, s. n.

tkil Nc«WfcV,\>*CM», T W. llr.IrKClHil

iMf pcotewjuiiHlK KirslKiittiMok ' ••Ibimlrt-

IrNiHtKH* . MpUe. osiV'.

ZADARSKI, ? A. ^ 4/, ^ .

Polish i 7 tU-jHih-renliiry com|>o>c>r. He

was a nicuilx f of ihejrsuil clia|»el at Oaeuw.

ihe .nvenlory trf ilint cIu^mI me cm oils his

l.iianiRe n C 10 .St, Stanulaw Kostk.i ‘. He

died some time after 1 740.

. r:, R. II.

ZADOR, JenS (i.e. Eugene) fr, Ibuaseck,

5 .W, 18931.

Hungarian comjKwer. At the age of six he

began to play the pianoforte-, anil at tliirtecii

he made hi* first aticinpis at coinposiijon.

His S)'slcmatic musical education siarled in

1911 at the V ienna (ksnscrvalury, where he

studw-d under Ricliard Hcul>crg< r: aftcT two

yean lie left \*icnna fur I^ipeig ami continued

hrs studies with Max Rrger. In addition hr

studied musicology under Hermann AUti.

Ar^ Seliering ami Frit* VoUiach, and ho

took his degree at .Stunstc r with tlic dtssrrla-

tmn • VVesen wnd Form d<>r svinphonisehcn

Uiehtung ^-oft Li«i bU Strauss ', In 1921 he

was appointed teacher at tl>e New Conserva-

tory in V ienna ; in 1933 the tide of “ Jionorary

* Set (Mhcmiriit, * Ifaodel •. p. aS,




professor” w»s conferred on him by ihe

Academy of Mu$ic in Budapest . His piassoforte

Quintet was awarded a State Priae in 1933.

He settled in (he U.S.A. in (939 and since

1940 has been living in Hollywood as teacher

and composer. His music for films and

broadcasting is much valued.

Zddor's work demonstrates convincingly

that the possibilities of (he tgth-ceniury idiom

are far from being exhausted. His methods

are no more advanced than Richard Strauss's

or Nfax Reger's, >*et his uninhibited approach

imparts a convincing sponiarteiiy to his

compositions. This is particularly evident

in his instrumeniaiion, where brilliance rs

achieved by balance of colouriulc factors and

robustness of (one. In spite of the full dynamic

range of his orchestra, his pari*wriiing for the

individual instruments is essentially simple^

free from experimental exploitations of (he

extreme ranges. He does not admit folk-

music elements into his national idiom : his

klungarian ihemrs he confesses to be his own

Inventions (excepting that of the Variations

for nrchrsira on a soldier’s song, extremely

popular during the lint world w’ar). It

should he noteci, however, that he employs

the Hungarian t^rogaid in the scores of

’ Ungarisehes Capriccto ' and ' Rhapsodie *.

He shows a predilection for dramatic music,

at It shown by his relatltely large number of

operas, His composiiions include :


|)A-I. UiMUpesi. Ret si HwofarUn Opera.


* A hiilisk «»ierir ’ i* Tt>r UIsihI of (he Dead *). bbeeue

bv Kerl (irorr /w«ten»>. t mu (199)). prod.

Diulape^i. Kr»tal MunesosM Opera, sp Xlsr. 1998,

‘ t)<trMr<t«<KeM« l.twAchen ’ (?),

* X*in.il KemhrsnOt*, lib. by K. rjtfFv-Wankk. i m(


' Rcvjvjf • < 7 hb. after 0 «>ceV* reosedy) ( t IMS).

*Acrs’ (lib. hy Lrnd hjrpi, prod. 0 vdspesi. Royal

(tuMcarisM Oprrs, itfVh. 1936,

* Chmiophk CedumbMS * Mib. by J<n4 MohSc^l liM9)>


' A « 4 >pembrr ’ <‘ Tlie MocKtne<hf«n ’) (1934).


‘ Bsnk ban lymph. porm f» 9 i 9 *.

* K<ynanu«(lie Sympl«nnie ' (ipr^).

* Kavcliiiiei (SiMie ’ (7 1998),

V'onation' on a HunesrMA Fnlk«,nt 1 19^81.

( 'Samber C^wnrcUn fur slffi.. 2 horns li pf. l> 99 o)>

* Khsprodir ' (iMut.

* .Sinrnria irrbnico * (I 9 SI>.

* R,iA<lr, * f ipyy}.

‘ Uncaritchrs Cenrirrio' (193$).

' ranatvn)pt»nnk ‘ (iS'jb).

* I’arsnwIU'Vherro' (i 940 >.

(>bilil>rii'% Symphofiv * lAe 1 1 ,

* B«blirsl Seenet * or * DtWical Trlpuxh * ^194*.).

* HannrJe tvmrb. poem after Cerhort HanpUnsnn.

* OrcheslrAi bUKties/

' .Srr^niulr.'


i Sona*.


Quintet for « vns., «ioU, cello R pf. f 193 ) 1 .


• ’The Lonely VViylirer’ ((943;.

Abo (. JO pf. piece« and r. 6a sinsle aonfs

J. S. W.


VoL VJ (OxA>rd, tpJo).

ZADORA> Michstol (Miebal) (J. New

York, 14 June t$8a ; d. New York, 30 June


Polish'American pianist and composer.

He studied first tvith his father, then at the

Paris Consen'atoire (1699), later under

L«cheii*ky and finally under Busoni. He

bc^an his pedagogic career at (he Lwdw Con-

servatory in (910, and after two years he

returned to the U.S.A., where he became

teacher at the Institute of Musical Art in New

York. He used the pseudonym of Pietro


He wTOtc many pieces for pianoforte (Pre*

ludes. 'Kirgiz Sketches’), as well as iranscrip*

tions of some organ and violin pieces by

and Buxtehude. c. a. h.

ZAPR£D, MaHo (k. Trieste, sr Feb. (939).

Italian criuc and composer. He studied at

(he Consers^atorio di Santa Cecilia in Rome

and under Piaaeiii. In 1949 he was appointed

musk critic by the communist piper ' jl* Uniii '

of Rome. His most important works include

the following :

* Coax te rarntninaui wH’ erbt lailiati dl frriro

hh< tuNc (m aAlo reciier. rlioriu R anii.

’ (It banfoiiM " (Unta drl (krw ” ’ fo* arch.

'IV binfeniA in orwre dell* ReiiuenxA * (Venire,

(aienva;. Fniival, I9V>)>

* Cahm della pace *. pV**** rewr'MWr for vieb A arch.

Scrinc Quarteti.

'no fee »ii,, eelto A pf.

CoAceno (or s pfv

In his latest works he follows the tendcncin

of the Soviet musicians towards music designed

for wide popularity by means of facile melodic

lAN’cntioit, clear diatonic harmony, etc., etc.

0. H. G>

ZAG^AL (Instrument). Sff Babyloma?'


ZAG6 rSK 1, Wawrsynlee (k. ? i y. ?)•

Polish i8th-centur>' composer. Hit wered

compositions include :

' A4 Dominixm eym iribuUrer.'

* Ah por«'«i2e.’

* Alma Rad^piom Staler.' ,

* BoSe w oMboeh * (' Domlne In ptfvirM h

' Chritto vktori.* . ,,

‘ C« ife 4tieie 7 ‘ (‘ Whai ir Kappenine ? )•

* Jak ieM ’ (* A* an ban

' Immu* u( palma/ C na.

* luvm pranidiuv).*

* Vemi Crvaior *. A ma.

* Veai Creaioc \ C ma.

All Zagdrskl's works are lost,

c. R. M'

ZAGWIJN, Heori (k. Nicuwer-Amstel nr,

Amsterdam, 17 July *878),

Dutch composer. He is mainly sclf-caugn*'

In (916 he was appointed profrtsorofcompoti-

lion a( the Toookunst Music School,

dam, and in 1918 joined with Sem Dfcsdr"




and Daniel Kuyn^nan in (he formation of a

Society for niodern Netherlands composers.

Since 1031 he has resided at I’lic Ha^c and

has been attached to the Ro)’al Omscrvaiocy.

Zaiswijn is remarkably original in his general

ideas of composition » though not uninfluenced

by his contemporaries, most rKxably Schocn*

berg and Debussy. In all hU work there is a

htieness and delicacy which bespeaks a niiitd of

exceptionally sensitive feeling for vocal and

iitstrumentai nuances, and even in the most

elab<»raic of his scores every instrument has iu

indis idual signihcance. Hr has been kecrtly

inicresied in anthropology, and is a Ufower in

educational matters of Kudolf Steiner, for

whose studies In eurythmics he has written six

volutnes of* Muslk rur k.ur>(hinie *. He has

aho written books on ‘ l>c Mu^tlek in hrt Ikht

der .knthroposophle’ and * HedendaaRSihe

siruomingni in de Mucick *.

Kis compositions, which ace nunwruus, are

in many varied fortns but he is most smiessful

in cha(nl>er musk aixl songs. S<kik of tliesr

hater have unusual aitompariimcni^, noiaU)

a series for soprano with harp, (lute, siolm,

viola and cello. A string Sextet is for 3 s ioliris.

viola and 4 cellos, the treatment of wlmli is

typical of liLS work as a whole. A seuing for

sliorus, solo vokci and orchestra of (;oeihe*s

’ J)er /.uuberIchrlinR ' dillers rH>i only |» h»rm

but In eueniial character from Lhikos's pi>pular

orchesiral work. Otlwr impcwiani works are

' hanta'ic’, * WlJJIngsmeht * and 'Opsian*

ding ' for orchestra, declamation of clioruses

from V ondcl's ’Jcjihtlia* and \>iWe's ‘ I he

hallaJ of Reading Gaol * iin Duu h •, a number

of sullrt for wind Insirunwnls, many >ong> to

Dutch, Frent h and German words, aikJ other

soU) world. I,,

Oiwb. -IUac. W.. • Kpnn M<i.» tu welyshr',


ZAIOE (Oj/cra). Stt Moz.vai.

Z A IRA ( ( >)Kra ) . .Vrr Bi li 1 \i. \\\x 1 1 n.

ZAJC, Ivan (Giovanal voo Zayti)

Flume. 41 Jan. (834; d. Zagreb, 17 Dec!

"J' 4 )-

Yugtolav (Croatian) conductor and com-

ixiscf. His father, a Uandmasttr in the

Austrian army, gave him his first musk

h-xtons and later he studied wlih Uuro Rossi

at the Milan Conservatory. He lived

suciTssivHy at Flume and in V ienna, and ii

was at the laiter place that he adopted the

Germanised form of his surname, which in

lhai language repn-seota the Croatian pro-

nunciation of his palronymk ; but what

reasons he had for the Italian form of his

lorcname and for the prefix of nobility is not

known. In ,870 he removed 10 Zagreb,

wnerc he was appointed director of the

Gonien alory and conductor of the theatre,

/,ajc was tlie first to compose operas to

Croatian hbrvitos. of wliich lie wrote firieeo :

die Ixxi*

(jssla II

that r/»r

b.iscd nil

via.< pro-

J he innsc

but he also set llaliait lil/rctim.

known l/eing that of • ,\riiclid.

banditio an afeen d version o(

Mrreadanu's ‘I hrlgaiiti ' li»3h .

Schiller's * R.iub^r ’. 'Hus opera

duced at Flume on 14 .\pr, i»(»o. «.

loog-livcd U die Croiitian o|M*rds h ' Nikola

Subk /.rinski \ hdicd on *lh<xfdnr Kor/uT'^

tragedy ‘ /riny *, which a national

wi*rk. It wav prodmed ai ZaKr<'h 4 Nov.

1876 and revjveti for die oprnmt> of the n« iv

National 'fheatn' thriX' (.11 ij ()<i. 18^3.

Zaje also wr<»ie i', Gmnaii and Ooaiiaii

oi«frua«, an oratorio. ‘ 'J'he Fall of NUn

tluirch muvk, s<>ngt, etc. a. 1..

2 AK. .Sc it vcK , Di M 1,1 K r ,

ZAKHAREMCH ’> Michael ( 4 . Ourov.

4 h ,^og. «87‘>; fomihm. 40 Urc. 1053*.

Uiii»h uohnist «>f Kiouan hiiih, ,\i ihe

age of iwrhe he made an <xir.-ior<linard\

vutc«'>du1dehul ai fhlcsva un<h t 'J'( hA.knvvky ,

wlw/ coiKliKied hi* own (:<>n(erio. ,\* j <on*

wxpierice titr composer got up a «ul*s(rj|Mi«jn it»

wild the Ih»n (•> rr.igiir, whrre Im stndkxl for

iiMM* sears under i>r\iik. lie h.'id al«> ihe

a*! vantage r»f a feu* l('«<.oiw from ^N,iy<' in

BrioveK. In i0f|) he plajed in .\tiivt* rdam

utKler MefigellxTi' and ui i<»o3 g.ive In* hr*t

reclial m Umdon, after wJii<h lie ml the

l.nghdi proiinciv He n lurtitxl in ,i/i<l

later settUxi In lAmdon. Ixxonihig a n.itiirah

krd »fj|j*h subject in MJ15. Fur m.my Near#

/akharevuh plased with siicrets. di'phiv ing

considerablr lirratith nf style. Hr alM» <0111.

p«rd and publisluxl many violin solos and

wm^kcsi his madilng in ' J he .N« w Art o|

> lulin Having *, in whltli he exj/ounded a lu w

theory of lmg<*ring. In uijy he produced

a dewriptiie violin comerto, 'Dunkirk-

ZAKKAL I Instrument'. .Yer RABYiaviAv


,, k‘ «'•»«'* h'ke.Clii^ifk.kj

I | 4 .» . . IruKM

ZALZAL <Znl2u]) or MAN$Cr ZAL-

ZAL AL-PARIB < 4 . >; / Baghdad, ycji/,

Arabian muvu ian. He wa* a famous liwtru-

menuhvt, hence the name " ahp.irih ”

during the early 'Abbawjd perirKl. Jsh.iq ah

Mausill testified that he had no ecjual as a

lutemsi. and in the ‘ -Jtid ahrarid ' (lodi

^tury) it is Slated that he whs ' the most

ple^nt of the string insirumeniallM* '. He

isabo known m Arabian mudeal hlsiory as die

inventor of a '• perfect luie '• called (lu* 'liZof.

supirsedcd the Persian lo(c

tw hi(hef(o. I Is shape was probably like

that of the Pwcugueso mathUe, Of even

greater importance w« hi* rcfori nation of die

Kale no the lute by mlfoduclng a neutral third

(« : 27 ) the major and minor third,

sriiirh was still known in the i6th century as

39 ^



the “ Zalzal third " (ii w/rf He had

incurred the displeasure of Caliph Hirun and

was Hung into prison, where he remained for

years. On his release he was ruined in health.

However, he seems to have amassed sufficient

wealth to has'e a svell dug at Baghdad, knosvn

for centuries as the " Well of Zalzal ”, and to

pros ide funds for its upkeep. H. c. F.


* RnrvvIoMeUu of I*lam * (Ur4«b-l.o(KlM.

Siipp!. «6v66. * '

Fabmir. Hpsrv O.. 'HtMoty of Atahitn Mmic"

*0^9^ i>p. Ma>io.

ill Ontnidl MuMCAflrvinimenii’ (Lomteo

„ > 9 in. 1. 0S*96; (U««ow, IJ. 54*M.

HPuMiiott*, HpiUAXN, 'iewatiOMofT^ie’ lUisdwu

„ M*. 5 * 5 -

KIPRRA. JI ti\N. ' La dc laa camiras * (aisdiid.

, PP.

pPmc in Afvpi«i»( Arabia aad Spaio * rSiwifocJ

U.S.A., I9JPJ, pp.

ZAMBRA. A name gisen in Spain lo (i)

.1 musical gathering and (j) a certain dance,

«|)etiaU> of the Moriscca’s. The name and

practice are of .\riil>lan urlgln. The cunsen*

tional rlvrlsailoh, from tlie Arabic idmir^

(" night ronvernation ”), Is scarcely cotreci.

I he actual eponsm ts cawra (a company that

makes ^ ” gmid singing” or <jaid'4

— " piping”). o. r.

Uim. HiniRA, JiiiAx. * Music m An<>«nt Ar«bu and

Spiin ' tbinnAml L ni>«c»iiv. U.S.A.. pp.

fkiM*. J. IV. 'M^nud 4le FaIIa ask) 5Mn>Ui bliMC '

(V» yurk. iMJPV pp. 74*7^.

ZnnsAra, Antoaiu d«. Puni lA., ’ LocurAs

ll*ifi»n S’rnenA rs «le AWMM . ,

I'crr, iia (* {X>n JwAn *, incnl. m.K


MARBRE (* Zampa, or The Marble

Betrothed *). Opera in 3 .*)c« by Harold.

Libreitp by Anne Honorc .Ji»vph M^lessllle.

Produced Paris, Opcra-CAimlque. 3 May

1831. 1st perf. aliroad, Mamz (tian<. by F.

LllmcnreJeh), 17 Nos*. 1831- lsl In Kng*

land, {.ondon. Haymarket Theatre <in

(Jrrman), 19 Apr. 1833. 1st in U.S.A., Kew

York (In French), la Aug. 1B33.

ZAMPOGNA (CaUbrian Bagpi|tr). S<*

BAoriri: (Italy).

ZAMR (Miam4r). These are names, of

lx>lh generic and specIHc implication, gis-en

by Arabic'spoaking peoples to the cylindrical

rccd'pipc and the conical shawm, wliether

played with a single* or double-beating reed.

In early Islamic days we get no information

about these acoustically dilTcreni sirvciurrs.

yet seemingly the Arab zamr and aif^OTaV wTre

cylindrical rerd> pipes, while their Persian

equivalent was the im^, or more precisely ilte

WT/*/ (” black a«(r"), todlsllngunh U fr^n

” white ” (Bute) and ncjfi Hvm (recorder).

^Vc hnd this name, My-/ /(yoA. for the reed-

pipe in the i4lh century, and in the rtcx(

century It Is siill in use, s3\t that the Arabic

<uWef b used instead of the Persian iijek.

The Turkbh halabdn was a reed-pipe,

popular in the isth-iyth centuries, In the

Maghrib a primiitve reed-pipe, with a metal

” bell ”, was known as the ghita [ghaija), a

name more generally applied to a conical

diawm. This latter instrument first appears

at the end of the 8th century as the luHimi,

btil did not find much acceptance In Iraq,

because the Turkoman Ian zdrnd (Persian

sund, sumay) seems to have ousted it. In the

Maghrib and Moorish Spain, Jiowever, the

Ztmami, now called the cu/en/, was in general

use. There the Caliph Al-Hakam II {d. 961)

applied the bcaiing-rced to the bdg or horn

which, beirtf bored with digit holes, produced

a sort of saxophone known in Spain as albegu*.

Evliy 4 Chdebi, writing In the mid>i7ih

century, speaks of a reed-pipe made of horn

played by the monks in Jerusalem called the

^umdta, a name suspiciously akin lo clarinel.

He says It was ” invented in England ”.

Meanwhile AbFaribi [d. e. 930} had glwn

a full musical descrlpllon of the <«mr (*wi>

mdr ttw^iV), (lie Leyden Manuscript showing

a conical bore and a double beating* reed,

^aaar (pitir. caniar) has remained (he name

for (he shawm in all Arabic-speaking lands in

the Near and Middle East. Villoirau (e. 1800)

describes three sires — the large (csbi'

kabi/), medium (cant) and small

faghaif) — with fingering and scales.

Nowadays the small instrument is named

the tibi. In the Maghrib and Moorish Spain

the instrurnent was called the gkai/a. It is

said, by Delphln and Culn. to have been

introduced by the l urks, but it is mentioned

by ibn BaMfiia (d. 1337). The zurnd of ihe

Turks, and the nrad or larndy of the Persians,

are shawms little different from (he Aamr

of the Araln. KshyA Chelebl of Siamboul

described the former, from the large fdW

Zaimd down 10 (He small jii'd ztirna, together

with olher types. In all cases these insinimcnU

belong to outdoor music, civil and milHary:

no function is possible without the raucoui

•• vehement w*>'nde” which so annoyed the

author of the Lekingfelde Prov erbs. This was

inevitable, since the beating reed ivas taken

wholly Into the mouth In blowing: '

lowed " as Avicenna says. (PMTi' w*

Yci. VTI, p. 746, No. 8.)

II. o. r.


UR.I«, O. a Giv. L. • Nwe. «ir (a •*

■ Mu-, ir. ,!.h o-ur, '

Aribe* <*Acl« du dr iU>t>ar** Jf»•c^/1Al^olrtl d«

OrirntAKUw', iWj. UvUen'. P». •• PP*





\’iLLaie*i;, C. A., * 1 a OmnpoeA Jc i’Ltvpt^'

(?«m» iBo6-ft6K ' £idi ino*l^nac’. I. 99i<4>.

Stt oin Niv. 2ummira.

ZANAfDA (OpcraK Stf D.u:fc i J. (*., 38).

ZAMrdiai, Aa^cIp. Sh CpiAi4JM i.Mf.. 1

Mancinrlu r (U hb.). ^OAthtflM

[' k iiliwol T>rkKlic<> lib.

ZANDER. Swedish miisiciam.

{t> Johan David Zander fr. ?; i. ?, n

Mar. I774».

(2) Jolufi David Zander b. *; 4 . Suick*

holm, *ri F<’b. (7961. \i<»linisc. rnn<iu<uir and

composer, son of ihc preceding. Hr was a

mnuber of the Rojal Orihrsira from 177J,

third leader hi 1787. sreond iradex frr«n 178B

Ohiil his death, and was alvi a fine solosiolin-

ist, often appearing ar coneerls in Si«kh(»lm.

fn I7hr he publhhed ’ Two Violin h< 4 i

From that dale onwards hr e<»(np('>4^ thrairr

music in which he uied to rop\ il»e si)Ir of

French He alvi made consider*

able use t>f Swetlisli naikinal tunes, and his

me Mies won great fas « Kir. rr«*in 1784 i.»

1 71)6 he w.ss rondo* lor m St<*nl»^'s theatre

in Siockholin, where he .ilso |ilK>«d in iIk

inierUides. U was iluring ilm ^nriod that

I he theatre attained its greatest popularity.

/.-mder's (ornposiilMrt aho imhnie an

us er I u re 10 • K r* |.i rna ’ { 1 787 1 , Tlie

manuscript of his iriu'ic to * HersegArdshoi**

lidligheier' 11784) h in the Library of ilir

Academy of Music, Skk kholm. K, li.

ZANDONAl, EUecardo fi. Sacco (TrenioL

2O May ilHhj: 4. Pesaro, 12 June

Italian enmimwr. Hr Imran Im cntMiral

«iu<lies ni Kuvercto Uiirler V. fiianferran ;

laicr he bi'came a |ni|>i| of Mavagni ai ihe

Lieco Mosieale <4 Pesaro, where hr siMained

a diploma for comp<o;tion in Hfti with a

I f^^r solo voieei, elmrus and orrliesira,

’ll riiorno di Odisseo*. In iciy^ he seas

appointed dlreen*r of that instiiuiion, a po»i

ho wciipioil until his tiraih.

Lsseniially an oj>eraik' composer. Zantionat

ma*h> his fine apjiearance in lhal eaparits ai

Furin at the ag«* of tsvcnty.fis'c svith * II grillo

del fiKoIarc sshich ha<i a fasourable recep.

tion. Dm his name beeain*' at once w’ldely

known only after the success of ’ CMehiia ’

pwHiueed three years later. I'hr psiUishing’

house of RicokIi, and partirularly Tito

Kicordi, who was then iis bead, saw tn him

the Mower of PtK<ini as a reprrsrnlalu'e of

I he rt'alisiir school <4 Italian ripera and pro-

curetl him I hr coll a bora lion of Gabriele

<1 Ann uni I o, w ho gave permissioo for liis

trageily of ’ Francesca da Rimini ’ 10 be con-

verted into a libretii) by Tito Ricordi to be

>cl to music hy Zandonai. Tliis opera, in

which ihe public heard distinct echoes of

Kuctinian melody, together with a more

modem an*| progressive manner of hannonU

?aiion and orchesi ration, had such a s«cc«s

as to Im; taken up m a very shwi time hy all

the Italian opera-houses and many ahroatl.

Zandonai there showed a lyrical rather than

dramatic tempera men 1 : the liest pages o| the

score arc tlK*se whicli prepare the «lra malic

conflict and set ies atmosphere rather than

those where the jassionate and tragic incidents

are in full swing. Ihe same <|ualilirs c»f

colourisctc sensilMlity and melodic ease were

Ibsiml in 'Giulielia e Romeo', svl.ifh fi*l lowed

in 1921, and also, tlwiugh inrhaps in a lesser

degree, in ilie lai<T w'orks.

Thefollosving isadeiaihtl list of Zandonai’s

n|>eras ;

*11 <rJk. .M tiUrdr, t,v (

Im»^( on lhaWi ’ Jhr C.<fikrt „u ihe

H'*f(ti ' .Bf ai. ISJitranij. {H S.,*,

<.<•(*< Imu' U». .0 liriMli. lA M..uni<> S.|iuJKc>

Im*cU rMUC ,, ,*,t ‘Ji IrinnWfl \t

lUMM . JUli 4 M MdM* (». ( dll,, /rfdlSillM ,

. 1.1 ’ 14 tto IMM.

St^lnwk* blHKi'. Irs' Mjiiim'i N/mmuui A /«hv«tMn,

n>»in Iw L. B'.HlIiri \||Ut», 1 j| \ ftiitf.

I) Noi, ii)u,

krMMCM j ,U KinwM • <l(li. h* I ,k , Hn.rf.h, Uy^l ut,

It .VmiuiuiV* it 4 e^it Ah I Hliimstrl* OM D.iiie'i

DiiihA C'MMMir Im iKol, I wroi, Ip.iteo Kriii<..

1$ IH*, 00 v

I a \ u M* -itA * Ml to <M«i.4ppr VlArrvi, IwifsJ

<>n A o^iwil. h> J W4«*hr mo.I. IV^ru, 47

lull 1*1*1 i trk.irruon, | iRjdh. M)/|.

r K.UM I ' M» 1,1 NtUM • K<r..,*i,. i,a

StMlniK-Atr , |M»I, | rdito ('•<i|,kh/l. li

»«*b Mjyrf. *

I *A\Alim .h I LHx. ’ Ml. Iw H>a-4Iii. Imw I <<h Vhiu

i.Kfl S.MU .. MiJjn,

l* 4 *tM Altd VaIa, 7 Mat

M, »M K<MMh>, bAHNt •«> I Uulirri*- ’ >4 me

Hmh ( H..,,«uW |e.,„„ s,,,|

t. 4 ras 4 I rlt. owa.

*livi PAniu* lih. l» K*Mi4ir, . pfv.j. 'l<*j*ro

sHa V4I4, i<i | 4 M. ihi) ,

’ 1.4 r4r«A4m.4«n4 lit, l»> K«—Ahi, iMird r>ti .MjfoW,'!

04 * Jt vmjMroi Or K„inf.

Icdirh Kryle. .*y 1 pI«. 113 |.

t'nllkr iIk o|KTas. the syitiphohii and the

frw tIkaiiilH-r works hy /amlonai are of minor

importance. Most of ihtm were written

during the later years of his life, during wlmh

^ alw* clevoled hlintelf 10 orchiwiral conduct-

ing. Ills mrwi important orchestral coiiiposl.

lions arv as follows ;

Vmpb. pMcn ' ruMuvprA m \**l <lj s.,l» • , iwul)

VsmHi WH# • Q^*,lri ,ii Vz 4 himi ’ jgj 1 1, ''

NmwAij ’ fm (tll„ fc or*)), > mii y'

SvnH* MMcm * I'^ni limuhs ’ ■

SimM* Wiu Vr* il.albet.UMlHte lX,r.-nil) Cjgjy*.

KapmSm imiiinA '

Mtommo irwIJo*., ‘JorcHloa wn.sll ^th. homi

’ ll| 4 IK 4 l.n^ ’ ,r*S9j, ‘VS?!.

Zandonai alv> wmie a Requiem for un*

aeeompaoied chorus fiqifii, an • Inno alia

(»tria for chorus and orchestra ( 1913', other

choral worb. songs for voice and piani.forte,

and music for rhe films ’Tarakanova’ and ‘ II

pi llore maJedetto * (( laravaggio) . 0 , m . 0 .

IM. VirTWuA. 'Rjccird,, Ztn.

•Mtai ne| rKsnlo dry rynj I..hmi ' lyjn.

' OjeiAiJIv wrdwn fW bui Ufoopta by Mm.



ZANDT, Marie van {*. New York, 8 Ocl.

1861 ; d. Cannes, 31 Dec. 1919).

Anglo-Amencan soprano singer <£ Dutch

descent. Her mother, Mme Vanrini, a well-

known member of the Carl Rosa Company in

England in its early days, was her first vocal

teacher, and she also studied with Lamperti.

Her d^but took place at Turin in Jan. 1879.

when her Zcriina in ' Don Giovanni ' made a

highly favourable impression. She was im*

mediately engaged for Her Majesty’s Theatre

in London and made her appearance there in

May of the same y'ear as Amina in * La son-

nambula \ being then barely eighteen. Her

voice, ho\vever, was already well de\‘eloped

and of a preiiy Cjualiiy, if of no great power,

while her execution was singularly neat and

sure and her acting enhanced in charm by her

youth and grace. These were the gifts that

made for the success she won as Mignon at the

Pahs Op^ra*Comique in Mar. 18^, and for

the popularity she enjo^'ed in Paris during

the next five years. So enthusiastic were the

French critics over her Mignon, her Rosina,

her Dinorah and her Cherubino that Delibes

decided to entrust her with the creation of the

heroine in his * I,akm^’. which she sang for the

Imi lime on 14 Apr. 1883. Her \‘oice did not

stand the strain of constant M'ork, and her long

stay at the Op^ra-Comi(|uc was brought to a

close in Mar. 1863. She nev'crthel^ con*

linued for scs’cral years to tour in concerts and

appear as guest at various opera*houscs, until

her marriage with Professor Tcherinov in

Moscow'. H, K.

BtSL. • Ci'*ao>, H. or, * Croouis il’annin' (farit.

ZANDUNGA (Dance). Stt Folk Ml'sic:


ZANELLA, AmUcare (^. Monticelli d' On-

gin a nr. Piacensa. a6 Sept. 1873; d. Pesaro

9Jan. 1949).

Italian pianist, conductor and composer.

He studied at Cremona and Parma. AAer

conducling an Italian opera company in

South America he became director of the

C^onservatory at Parma, and in 1905 he

succeeded Mascagni as director of the Liceo

Mvisicalc at Pesaro.

His first opera was ’ Aura \ produced at

Pesaro on 37 Aug. 1910, bul apparently not

given elsewhere. Others, including * $ula*

miia followed, and in 1940 ’ II revisore a

lhrce*aci opera based on Gogol’s comedy, was

produced at Trieste on 90 Feb. He abo

wrote a Requiem, a symphonic poem, ' Vita

and other orchestral works, chamber music,

pianoforte works, songs, etc. £. l.

8(bl, — ' AmHcAte Zanell*. sniws. uemo. e£oes*«f«'

Dieti. r. & Notni. .M. F., * Ls viia « T am

Amitcar< Zanrlla ' | 8 «rvamo. 1941).

ZancUi, Ippolico. St* Fmx (* GiMCMM plaeaia ’, lib.}.

ZANETTA (Opera). jVcAuaea.

ZANETTl (Zaanetci), Fnaceeco (^.

Volterra, 1740; d. ?).

Italian singer and composer. In 1770 he

was mars/re di eapp<U 4 ai Perugia Cathedral,

but he lose his post on account of his connec*

tion with the si^e. He married a singer, and

both toured together as operatic singeis.

According to P^cis he was in London in 1790.

As, however, his six siring Quinieu, Op. 2,

five books of Sonatas for s violins and bass,

six Sonatas for harpsichord, six solos for flute

and 4 solos for vnolin were all published

in London between 1770 and 1773, it appears

that he paid an earlier visit there soon

after leaving Perugia. Of Zaneili’s operas

ihe most popular was ’ Le lavarandine ’, pro*

duced at ihe Tcatro Capranica in Rome

in the Carnival of 1772. It enjoyed a certain

t*ogue both in Italy and Germany. Besides

several lets successful operas which, unlike

* Le lavarandine are all lost, he abo

wrote church music and songs.

E. V. d. s., adds.

Stf *li4 t lAi (C. B. , Z.'t Requiem lunr •( TunerAJ L

ZANEtTO (Opera). Stt Mascaoni.

GpHs. Sh Fsnciulls del Wett (fueeini,

lib.L Uioitlli delU M«d»An* (Wolf.Ferrsii, lib.).

FweetAi ('FwKiulU del >Vnt lib.). Welf.Perrari

C GmelN \ bb.). Zsndenai la libi.).

ZANCmS, Nieolaua {h. d. ? Berlin,

1618 or 1619).

German organist and composer. He was

Kc^lawiie/ at Brunswick in 15971 deputy

organist at Si. Mary's, Danzig, in 1603, 1603

and 1605, **Auhcus” (court composer) at the

imperial court in Prague in 1609 and from

j 6 i 3 fispef/* ncutfrat the court in Berlin. He

waa a prolific composer of motels and of

sacred and secular songs, »me of boob which

appeared In several editions. A number of

moteu, 5-ao voices, a 7*pari Mass and sacred

songs remain in manuscript. e. v. d. 1.

ZANOTTl (Joa&nod), Csmillo (L Cc*

sena, ? ; rf. ?). ^ ,

lulian tfith-century composer, rrom 1

Aug. 1586 till aflcr 1591 he was vic^

KsfeUmtuKr to the Emperor Rudolph H*

He composed masses, a 5 (tsSS); ‘Sacrtc

sympboniae 8 voices ; moteu for double

chorus (Nuremberg, 1562) ; 3 boob ofmadri*

gab. 5 V. (1587-89) i I book of madnsals*

6 v. (1589) ; ’ Madrigalia (am iialici quam

Utina . . .’, 5, 6 and 12 v. (I59«>)«

K. V. d. s.

ZAKTEN, Comelie (*. Dordrecht, « Aug

i835i d. The Hague, lojan. 1946)-

Dutch singer. Although a mezso-soprano.

she had a remarkably high range which

allotved her sometimes to undertake soprano

pans. After lessons from local teachers site

studied under Carl Schneider at the Consena*

lery of Orfogne and with Francesco

at Milan. Her debut was made at Tunn lo



' La Tavorita \ after which »hc appeared with

great 8ucc<« in Breslau, CaascI (two >«ean

under MahJer), Hamb^ aj»d other German

centres ; and after louring the U.S-A- with the

National Opera Company she returned to

Burope» where she sang in opera in Hamburg,

St. Petersburg and Moscow, and et'eniually in

Antsierd a m. For eight years she was professor

of singing at the 'I'oonkunsi Conservatory and

later m Berlin. In 1914 she settled at 'ITw

Hague, vshcrc she was originally altarlsed to

the Royal CJoxumaior>, but later she devoted

herself to private practifc. She was the fir»t to

make a rnoiing picture film of the sin a I

organs, Iroin which she wa^ able tv deduce the

theories and practice <»f her teoc hiiif . M<wi of

the bot'knuwn Dutch singer^ of ntem limes

including Jacques Urlus. Jilly Koenen and jJ

VliHeiit, were her pupils.

She wrote a numlwr of icxt. bools and

thec»reti<al work-*, of whkli ihr principal are

MM Canto Jes Uorles*, ’ Hoogere leshnirk

van dcii 4aiiK • Lciifaden zurn Kun^ige.

sang •, • Hei %tcinmrn den stem * I let sietn*

wonder in den mciwh' and 'Das VV..hl-

icmperlcrtc Wort ah Orundlage fur Kunst

unti Briedrn ,, ^

ZAPATEADO. a Spanish daiKe lor a

'Ingle performer, m 3.4 time and widi tJsc

niyihtnkc accent* marked b> sianming of ihr


ZAPATEO stance I, ,W< Font Miuc. •



ZAPPA, Fraaceaco \i. Milan, ?; >},

Italian i8th*ceniur> violuncrllist. He was

Inr ionie lime iii JlnglaJHl, m the service of the

Duke of \ork. ai»d composed svmpbonies

quarieu, trios, sonata and duo fur cello soral

romaiues, cie. a. v d i.

rf CiovnnaJ (A. Tree iso, f;

Itahati iCth.cenlury composer. He wroie

i b<iOks of * Ncapcjletane ' for 3 V'vkcs which

appeared »n several editions between 1571 and

\ . d, 8


ZWEI PETTR ( Taar aad Carpenter, or

The Two Patera*). Opera in 3 acts by

horumg Libretto b> tW compener, based cai

- pUv by Anne Honore Joseph Mcleivilic,

l«ussaint Merle ;.nd Kugcise Caniirande

^nrie (l8t8) Produced Leipzig. Municipal

Ihcalir, aa iJec. 1837. abroad,

Copenhagen (»n German), summer iBai

.« in U..S.,\., N\.„ York (.n Orman). „

, nn. 1B57. „t London. C.i«y

,h kl"' "-’i;'-- J- “ ' •'‘•■'r

the .Shipwright 15 Apr, f8?i,

ZAREBSKl (Zarombaki), Juljuas

Polish pianUl and comps^er. He played his

own compotiiiuns in inthlii us a Iwjy uf nine.

He enterrd the pianoforte c lass of I Whs at the

Vienna O.iucr\'atorv In i«70, which li« le(t

in 1874 with a gold medal for pianolorle jtlay*

ing and a silver medal for ct»ui|M*siiiun 1 piano-

forte Trioi. He ihi n inovcxl to .St. JN i< is(>urg

for furihi'f instruction, Sliortiv afierwards

(»S? 5 ) b** wrni to Rome and Ixraine a pupii

of I.lsit. who both as teacher und friend

at»istt'd him in his pianisiir c.irc'CT. In iB^b

ZaryUki began uiuung widely in J'olund,

AwsirjA.Cennanv. I ranee, l.ncUntI and lulv.

toon reciHpuced and voted an . xceJJent jnjnist.

itv act{uami«d hisntelf uiih a new insirumeiu,

the •• Wano Mangem ", with a dmiWe key.

board, mventerl b> Jt.Af WietilawskI and

cemstrucud l>v L. Mungt'oi in iWh. He

IserA^rtned a wisoir ri'cital on that n« vv insirci*

mental iW Paris iAhihiiion in iBja In ia:t,

he became a teacher of ihe<oneen rl.iss at tlic

Brusse ls Conserv atoire, not ilhcuiiunuing hit

concert a|»jn aranc c-s. He <li, d carlv c*f uiln^r.

culoMi at his j.an nis' liuuse at /hiiomir.

loss arch the rml of Ins life /ar?lnki wrote

a ptancdorie Qmimi in (i minc»r Op.

wliKh is even now among ihe Ix'st s|wcun<ns

of Polish chamber musit. Jhe re^i o| his

CHstput incJucht 33 opus luindx rs conijiming

polonaisi's, itiaznrlas, sicidiec, se renades, nn.

prov ISJ lions, wa 1 1 /..s , I >a 1 Udei . < cc . He int rv

duced into his works bedd hartnomet that

sounded strange at the time. In his ten

inaturlas itimr for jiianoforte wlo and seven

fi^rour IsancU/ he employ ed mans new pi a nis tic

effects of a bras u ra cha ra< ter. 1 1 is in.Umaises

li*j ma^ir, Op, 6. comjxneci In lUdi ; ,\

j^joc. Op. II : G «ia>>r. Op, ib: B major,

t^. •«; and I. minor; cotiihinc the ixreiry

of the polonaltei of Olvopin with ihe v.riucsic

quahlK-s of ihose of Li** id show a com.

pw-f vf great talent, leaning tow aids the-

rraiff forms. His other works, such as a

Bercrvise * ;n A? major lOp. a*) and ' SiVc.

Mde burlesque * (Op. au>, were at the moment

« Che.f appearance completely nmiindcrsomd,

they preceded to far icm great an extent

dir i«tc* and habits gf his conietntKirarles,

Hi$ Taricegalleyjilie ’ (• Dances of Gahcia

J.C. the dar^ of southern J*oJ,«incb for piano,

forte duet (Op, ar) wrre, after the composer

death, orchestrated by Liszt. c. k, u

ZAMMBA, Nikolay Ivanovich A cVi.

Russian theorist and composer. He

^canw a professor at die Clonservaiory of

5 >l. lei^rnburg at Its foundaiion in i».j and

succeeded Rubimidn as director In

*«»?, retaining tbe pon till 1871. His

compositions, which arc unimportant, Include

2 ARE 8 KA, Eug«nia (^. Lwdw, ?f.

Lkrainian mezzo-soprano sliigrr. She



studied ai the Lw6w Conscnatory and Utcr at

Milan and Rome. She sang at many inter'

national festivals and opera-houses, includiog

the Teatro alia ScaJa at Milan in 1041 « the

Teatro Reale in Rome the CtA’eni

Garden Opera in London (1948) and the

Municipal Theatre of Basel (1950). She also

sang the part of Dorabella In the performances

of Mozart's * Co»i fan tuiie ’ given by the

Giyndebournc Opera during ihe Edinburgh

Festival of 1948. Her repertory includes

nearly all Rossini’s c^ras in tl^ original

mezzo-soprano coloratura version, Mussorg*

sky's and Mahler's song cycles, etc. She now

lives in Lncland. c. a. »t-

ZARLlNOf Gioaeffe (or Ciosefld) (4,

Chioggia, 32 Mar. rjr?; 4. V'enice, 14 Feb.


Italian ihcoriit, one of most learned of the

16th century. Chloggia being the Clodia of

the Roman*, he wa* generally known as

Zarlintis Clodiensis. By the wish of his father,

Giovanni /.arltno, he spent his youth in study-

ing for the church, was admitted to the minor

orders In 1539 and ordained deacon in 1541.

In that year he came to reside at V'enlre, w’here

his proftcirncy as a theologian, aided b>’ hit

intimate acquaintance with the Creek and

Hebrew languages, and hb attainments In

philosophy, mnihrmatic*. astronomy and

chemistry soon gained him an honourable

position. Hut his lo>e fiK music, for which, as

he himself iclK us in the dedication prefixed

to his * Istltutioni armoniche he had felt a

natural Inclination from his lenderest years,

icrnpicd him to ff>rsake all other studies for his

favourite pursuit ; and he was at once accepted

as a pupil by Adrien W’lUaeri, under whom he

siudied. in company with Cyprien de Rore

and other promising neopliytcs.

On the removal of Cspricn de Rore 10

Parma, Zarllno was elected, in 1583, first

mat lira 4\ tapf^Ua at St. Mark’s. The duties

connected wilh this appointment were not

confined to the offices sung in the cathedral.

After the Battle of l.epamo, ? Oci. 1571,

Zarlino was commissioned to celebrate the

victory w'ith music svorthy of the occasion.

When Henri 111 visited Venice, on his return

to France from Poland In 1574, he was greeted,

on board the Ducentaur, by a composition the

Latin verses for which were furnished by

Rocco Benedeiti and Cornello Frangipani and

the music by Zarllno, who also composed the

music sung in the cathedral and a dramatic

piece, called ' Orfeo’*, which was performed

with great splendour In the Sala del Gran

Consiglio. Again, In 1577, when the church

of Santa Maria della Salute was founded in

memory of the plague, Zarllno was commis-

sioned 10 compose a Mass for the solemn

occasion. None of these vwks has been pee-

* CalTi calls ii an " opwa

serv’cd, and we can judge of their merits only

by the immense reputation the composer


But Zarllno did not neglect the duties of his

ecclesiastical status. On the contrary, in 1582

he was elected a canon of Chioggia ; and, on

the death of Marco de’ Medici, Bishop of

Chioggia, in 1583, he was chosen to fill the

vacant see. This proceeding was, however,

so strongly opposed by the Doge Niccolo da

Pemie ai^ the Senate that Zarllno consented

to retain hb appointment at St. Mark's In

preference to the proffered mitre; and he

coniinued to perform the duties of matilre 4i

eappfila until hb death. He was buried In the

church of San L^enzo. No inscription marks

the spot, but hi« bust was placed In a corridor

of the doge’s palace ; and during his lifetime

a medal was struck In hU honour, bearing his

effigy and, on the res’erse, an organ, with the

legend, LAttdaie rvn in thai4\s~

Few compositions by Zarllno have been pre*

sersed besides the examples given in his

theoretical works: they include a MS Mass

for 4 voices, in the library of the Liceo filar*

monico at Bologna, and a printed volume of

' Modulaiiones sex vocum ’ {Venice, 13C6).

Torch! (* Arte musicalc In Italia ') printed

two motets (5 v.). His chief fame, however,

rests upon three treatises, entitled: 'Istltuiiom

armookhe' (Venice, 1538. reprinted 136*

again 1573, etc.), ‘ Dimoslrationi armomchc

(Venice, 1571, reprinted t3?8) and ’ Sopph-

menii musical! ’ (Venire, The be«

edition b ihc complete one, entitled ' fuite

I' opere dd R. M, GiosefTo Zartino da

Chioggia’ (Venice, 1589)’ . j

The ' Istiiulioni ' comprise 448 pp. fol. and

art divided into four seel Ions :

Lib- I contains 69 chapters, chiedy devoted

to a dlsseriaikm on the excellence of mouc ; a

mystical elucidation of the transcendental pro-

perties of the number si* ; and a description 01

ihedlfTercni forms of arithmetical, gcometncai

and harmonica! proportion.

In Lib. II. comprising 5' chapien, Zarlino

demonstrates the superiority of the »y«tcm

known as the '* Synionous or Intense uia-

tonk ” of Ptolemy, abos'c all other syitems

whatsoes-cr. In thU system the tcirachord is

divided into a greater lone, a lesser tone ana a

greater hcmiionc-the diatonic semitone «

modern music — as represented by the fra *

tions 2. I •- The system was not a n^ one,

and ZaHino. naturally enougli,

attempt to claim the honour of its

The constiiuiion of the les^r tone

demonstrated, by Didymus, as early as the 6otn

year of the C3itbtian era. Didyrnus P

^ below the greater ; an ord^ which

reversed about the year • 3^. /y C aud|U5

Plokroy, who gave his Mine to ***« ^ ;.

The merit of Zarlino Uy m h.s clear recogn



rion of ihe correcineu of chb diviuoA of ihe

tetrachorU, which, in Lib. 11 , cap. uxix,

p. 147 of the complete edition be illu&trates

35 in Pig. s ' :

C H Z f C. A If r

>M. I

11) fol lowing tlie fun'Ci in ihb figiife vve

muy aM'crijin tlic exact pri>pf>fiH>ix, in ju»<

intonaiiot; (/.<. ju^i icmpetanicnt ) of il»e dia>

Ionic M’initonc, thr greater and trv^r tone, t1»r

major und minor ihird, tlw perfect fourth artd

the perfect fifth, in different |>arti of the *x lave.

Like Pietf) Aron (* Tincarwho della mudea

Venice, 1 ^ 33 ), Ludovico FogliarHi «*Mu%ira

icoreiicd Venice, I53f)^ and other ihcnreiual

writer' of the iCth century, /.arlino wa» hxid uf

iUuciratinit hie tlu*^ by diagrams of ihU kind.

l.iU. Ill i>r die * hiiiuiioni* ireau of the

laws of countcrfioint, which, it niu«i Ik cmi*

feued. are inn always »el forth licre with the

I Ivnrni’sN for whit h /.act oni ic v> Jucily remark*

able. In ihv examples with which tlib part of

the work is il hut rated an inlimiinii use n

made of the welhkixmn caato /ttm which

fortni conepic u<>ut a feature in ' Non rM>bb

Dominc ' aiuJ 10 many other works <^ihc i6ih

and 1 7th centuries :

F)«. t

Lib. IV treats of the modes, more especially

in the later forms introduced by the early

(;hrUtians and sy’stemaiized by St. Ambrose

and St, Oregocy. In common with Olareanus

and all the great theorisls of the pnlyphonic

seijool, Zarlino insists upon the recognition of

li modes, and IS only, rejecting the l^rian

and >iypc 4 ocrian foriiu as inadmissible, by

reason of the false fifth inseparable from the

one and the iritone which forms an integral

part of the other, but, though thus entirely at

' \\*BI U space CMitpeb m l* mui mk oe Iw®

icnporiAhi deUiLs M the (liABram, a» tiven as tlw rdiiiaa

wt (Sl» 9 .

voi. tx

ooe with the author of the * Dodccachordon *

on the main facts, he arranges the ixiodcs in

a dincrenl order of succession * {uf Moui.s.

KccL£siAtnCAL|. instead of beginning his

series with the I^Un mode, lie begins with the

lunian, arrattging hi» series thus :

SUA,,. I rut^

I. loMMA. I^uut, C. (I. Ii> I'OlOOi.lll.

I Mul. C.

III. l>«run. FsmI, D. ' l\*.

FmuI, D.

V. I 1 ir>rs«n, FituI, J„ V(. Ih pu|»lir>Bian.

Final, £.

VII. L)di«n. F. MM. K^pvlydi^ii,


IX. Fuvil.C. X. Hvitotnisolv'lidh.


Xt. .It 4 wa. FimI. A. XM. Hvr*'^"iMii.

FimaI, a.

an arrangement xshieh no Oliivr gn at theorist

of the century followed.

In the cuufac of the work Zarlino iniroduces

some wry valuable memoranda and occasion'

ally records as facts M^me wry euriuus super'

scitiom. In ojsr plate he lelU us that the

human puUe is the measure of the beats in

ntusic — a yiatvinenl fiKtunati ly corroltoralcd

by other early wriim ant! Jurnhhlng us with a

eontparaiive rstimaie lA ilic duration c>r the

two lieau whith are intludvd In the normal

scmibrrte. la amitlwr he aswrts ilut Josquin

del l*r^ I realetl t Ise ft mri li as a consonant r. I n

a third Isc records hh observation that uit*

lasight singers always sing the third anti sixth

majtir •> whith U hi all pw/b.iLnliiy true.

Oceadunally, too, he di'crgn iniu thv region

of roinaMe by assuring us, for instance, that

deer are so delighted witii music that him ten

use K as a means of capturing (hem.

’llie * Dimostrationi armoniche \ occupying

fidio pago, is disposed in the Ibrin uf live

dialogues, carried on by NNillacri, Claudio

Merulo and Francesco Viula, maeslto Ai <op/iflla

to .MfcKiso d' Lste, Ouku of Fetr.ira. /arlino

tells us that in ilse year 15(^3 the friends met at

the IwHise of WMlaert, who was then laid up

with the gout; aisd that their conversation

is faithfully reported In the live reasonings

(/agrmaavtfr; of the 'Uimostrationi '. The first

of these treats chiefly ©f the proportions of

intcnals; the second and third of the ratios

of the consonances and lesser intervals; the

fourth of the division of the monochorJ ; the

fifth of ilie authentic and plagal modes.

Not long after the puldic ai ion of these works

%'incenzo Galilei — who had formerly been

Zaclino's pupil — printed at Florence a tract

coiiiled * Discorso intorno alle opere di messcr

Gioseffe Zarlino di Chif4?gia‘, in which he

violenOy attacked his former master's prin*

ciples ; and in 1581 he followed up ilie subject

in hw famous ‘ Dialugo della musica arnica ct

della moderna ’, in the second edition of wliich

(Florence, i6o3), the title-page bore the words

* See Lib. IV. cap. «, p. in eJicivti of ISB9,

2 0




'* in $ua difesa contra Joseffd Zarlino **.

Galilei attacked, in uncouiceous terms,

the division of the scale advocated by ZaiLIno

and proposed to substitute for it thle ditonic

diatonic icirarhord, consisting of two greater

tones and a liinma as set forth by l^thagoras

— a division which all modern theorists agree

in rejecting. While accusing Zarlino ol in>

novation, he inconsistently complained that

the s)'ntonous diatonic was advocated by

Lodovico Fogiiano half a century before his

time. I'his is perfectly true.^ But Galilei was

not satisfied with an empirical scale, and hb

admiration for the Oreclu blinded him to the'

fad that his theory, reduced to practice, would

have been iiuulerable, His favourite insiru*

ment, the lute, required some reasonable

power of temperament, and Zarlino. who was

in every respect in advance of hb age, actually

proposed that for the lute the octase iliould be

divided into 12 equal semitones — that is to

say, he advocated in the i6ih century the

practice tiiat we have seen universally adopted

only wiilhn the I9ih.

In defence of his principles, and ir» answer to

Galilei's caustic diatribes, Zarlino pubibhed in

1388 hi» * .Sopplimenti muiicali containing

330 pages of valuable and interesting matter,

much of whith is devoted to the reinfoecerrtcni

of the principles laid dow n in the 'hlitucimi *

and the * Dlmostrationi The system of equal

ten I pc ra men t, as applied to the lute, is set

forth in detail in Lib. IV, cap. xxsii rt sey. In

Lib. \7 the aulhrir recapitulates much of what

he has prcsiously said concerning the modes

and in Lib. V'lll he concludes the s’olume with

a dissertation on the organ, illustrating his sub*

jeet at p. 291 by an engraving of ilie sound-

board of a very early organ remov ed from a

church at Grado, and giving many particulars

concerning organs of v'ery early date.

In 1389 Zarlino reprinted the * Soppli*

menti preceded by the * Isliiulioni ’ and the

' Uiinostraiioni in the complete edition of

his works already mentioned, together with a

fourth volume, containing a 'I'ratto della

pasienzia a discourse on the true dace of the

Crucifixiun of Our Lord, a treatise on the origin

of the Capuchins and the resolution of some

doubts concerning the c^ecincss of the

Julian Calendar. He sursiv'cd the bsue of

the 4 volumes only a very short time; but

his death in 1590 was far from terminating

the controversy concernir^ his t^nions, for

C.'ililei published the second edition of hb

'Dial^o' as late as 1602; and in 1704

Giovanni Maria Ariusi puUished an equally

hitler attack at Bologna, entitled ' Impresa dd

R. P. Gio. Zarlino di Chioggia etc.

’ The liinma or remaining portion eta pedrtl Ibunh.

Aher (WO ereairr kmwi hove been subUMleU from it, il

less than a dialonk semitone b>* one eoainu.

' Sef FotNliAxu'* ' Mi0iea teoeicA ' ( Veaiee, issol.

sect. ii. * tic utiliiAte loni majons el mmo ns *.

Zarllno’s works are now scarce and costly,

lliough copies * exist in a number of con-

tinental libraries. (Set Q..-L.} In England

copies will be found at the British Museum,

the R.C.M. and the Leeds Public Library. In

Scotland the Reid Music Library has* Tutic

1' opere ' of 1589 and ' Isliiulioni harmo-

niche ’ of 158$. w. s. a., rev.

BibL, — £o<srsrH, Atraio, 'Tbe Italian MadriesI ’

(Princewe L Oafoid, 1949}, ^tii«,

Sff aIm Afiwi. Menlo (G., meaiine wiih). Tem^ra.

awoia (fee brief meodon of tome of .^arliao's work on

ihe tuCiiiv 0/ keyboard inttrunvenu).

2ARSK1, Tollmir (6, D^browa Gdrnicza,

1S35; J, Prague, Dec. 1896).

Polish violin maker. As a technologist he

held a high-salaried post in the industhaJ firm

of lilpop, Rau & Loewensiein in Warsaw.

Later he established a Arm of beniwood-

furnilure of his own, At (he same time he

began to make violins, first as a hobby and

later professionally ; finally he concentrated

exclusively on the making of instruments. In

j 668 Count Led«Scbewsld exhibited some of

Zarski's instruments (four violins and a cello),

wlikh were highly praised by Bareewics and

Noskowski, then the foremoal musicians in

Poland, who said that these instruments

possess ** beautiful and noble tone ”.

In the 1890s Zarski moved to Prague, where

he established a small workshop of his owi^

The venture, however, was not successful, and

he died in utter po\erty. c. a* •••

2ARTFL6TE. Sff Oroan Sroft.

ZARZUELA. A typically Spanish kind of

musical stage piece, practically an apfrd htjff.

ofien In one act (when it belongs to the s>

called iAun with any number of Kcnes

and tableaux, lasting about an hour. Three

Of four of these pieces arc given in an evening

Generally the plot is of a comic nature, and

customs, fashions, operas, plays, novels, poliu*

cal situations and, not least, the tauromacl^

mania, arc reproduced, saiiritcd and travestiro

in a manner that gives scope for the peculiarly

Spanish wit. Sornciimes plots of a tragic

nature arc written, sometimes melodramatic,

sometimes fantastic; but it would be quite an

exception if one were produced without lU

element of humour- Scarcely any successful

play, oper* or novel fails to be somehmv or

other burlesqued in the form of a

ITje best performances of ecrciWo/ take place

in Madrid, in the ibeatrc which is no'v invari-

ably called the Teairo de la Zarzuela. It was

» The euJy cxiii-ir of 2*'^ »

At omoakhe ■ Ar« iwa FrAfveb one*.

, N.UonAl Ub*arr. F*ni: fr ijf:

Hirdv. fr. 30101 bv

met ‘De«»TfAd»cvo«»frsA<*i*«inWit«*deZirijno ,

. . — ■- tan). ^ ihe enwieov*

bw to Sweelinek of ih« Ovuh

w Sriffett, ‘ Sw«lu»ek v(»d *«ne

/Mr^iAhnSckrifi fur M«.*kwbsa»«h«fi . VIh

•SrS 3 Ant««lA»iofi by Jeh.nn Ca*p« Troil

VC «e«nu to be no ttA««.



buUt at (he instigation of the composers

Barbieri and Gastambidc, the singer Salas and

the poet Olona, and was opened on to Oct.

1856, in the presence of Doha Isabel, her con-

sort, Don Francisco, and their court. On that

occasion the performance consisted of a sym-

phony on themes from carcar/os for orchestra

and military' hand composed by Barbieri ; a

cantata by .^rrieta to words by Olona and

Hurtado; a iarimU in one act, ‘ LI sonani-

bulo by Hurtado and Arrseta, and an alle-

gory in one act» ' La aarauela \ text by

Hurtado and Olona, with music by (jaztam-

bide, Barbieri, Arrieta and Rossini. .Another

theatre where good performances are given is

the Apolo, huilt on the site of a eon vent, and

for that reason formerly avoided from religious

feeling by many MaJrikhiH.

^ar^ueloi are soiiictimes in two or more aeu,

ancl such wurhs as * La Fille de Mmc .Angot

' H.M.S. Pinafore*, etc., have l»een produced

and announced as ^arcae/as; but the piece in

one act IS by far lh< nvost freeborn t and pojiular.

I'hc music is almost a I way's of vivid Spanish

colouring, sii.'irkling and bright: hUmnf,

Arigonece, Bast|ue or whatever the occasion

de mandi, but always res 1 less, somew hat lack ing

in ihe elegance that ehararieriaes the niusie o(

the more sueec-^sful operettas of other countries,

a litile hlaiant in oreliest radon and apt to be

vague in form \\hen the national dance anrl

folk^ng forma are awided- Tlierv is, m faci.

a diicnnteni and want of repose apparent in

'his pliasc of art in Spain, as i» alnwAi et'cfy-

thing in the country.

I'he librettos are scimeiimes w rilten in verse,

Inii mure frequently not, and the autluir often

depends on ihc actors* own invention and in*

gcTiuiiy for presenting the public with a g<»Kl

character, and the custom of *• gagging *’ and

improvising entprt verses to a song is so freely

indulged in that the actors themselvei, as well

AS the audience, are ronstanily in roars of

laughter during the early stages ^ the run of a

new piece. The acting is ksscons'cntional and

more umtudieci and natural than in other

forms of d ra mat ie jyerformoner. Use i nt i macy

between actors and audience it so close and

informal that a course of repartee between one

of the former and members of the latter b at

limes started and kept up for quite a lorsgtimc.

I he Iwst-known authom and composers in

Spain havr contributed to the cer^aWa, and

among the most successful composers may be

mentioned Arrieta, Oaztambidr, Barlwri

Oudrid, Marques, Caballero, Chapf, Chueca,

Torregost, Barrera and the A'als-erdes, father

and son. Perhaps the most successful

has been that called ‘ Giganiet y cabeaudea ’,

written In verse by the illustrious and vener-

ated Miguel Eehegaray, with mude by Cabal-

lero, It deals with a subject dear to every

Spanish heart, that of the cf the Virgin

of Saragossa, Santa Maria del Pilar. It has

had matiy a long run uti many a stage and is

constantly revived, and som<’timcs for a sj>ci*ial

occasion or a gala performance it is given a

place in ibe programme at the Royal ( Ipera In

Madrid. Of its kind U is a gem, and, as the

name of its author would su^itrst, has ncitic ol

the extravagance, the vulgarii) or ilic mor-

bidity of many popular ^arzarht. .\iiother

favourite, * La gran via*, by C)hu(«a and

X'aKvrdc. hasovrrrun ihr theaif<’« of I1.1l> and

bem giv'en in various other Luropt an <oun*

tries, besidrs Itelng produetd in Ltmdon iu

1906 in a distorted and elongated f(»rrn, utitler

ilte title <4 * Castles in Spain *.

N. V, jt,, abr.

Bi*i. tbiAsi. CuMai. 'BjfLKri uxl iIk ^panlUk

uM. 4 l... XX. 19V1. !•. .

*Kne im ’ llie Mii»k <$l

S|MMl ’ V«ik. IV|I '• !*• I /I.

MtA«w. M, * Ut Ig f^r/Hrla s d eCru-rci

tliHu * > <94a».

ZARZYCKl, Alaksander l.wow, n

Feb. i8;}4: d. Warsaw, s .\uv,

iHdisli juaniil and (ojn|>owr. l.dueated in

Poland, he moved to Paris, w heir hrtondnurd

Ills Studies lor five years Oi ,. In lliUi

Im* settled in Warsaw and tvas uppolimd

director of itu' Warsaw Music Swm i>, a post

W held until 1874.

He ((imposed * Grand Puloiuis** * for pl.'Mio*

hiricandorehestra lOp. 71, dedicated lu Hans

son Ruhiw*: a piaaolurir (^vneerto ^()p. 17,

idbBf ; sumr pieces lor siulln and orehrilra,

among tlimi a Ma/urka (Op. aOj ; an or-

rhestral suite consisting of a Polun.*ti»e,

Mazurka and Krakuwiak ;()p. 37); a

'.Solemn Ovcrigrv*; man> picevs for piano-

forte solo lOpp. 10, lO, IQ, ^0, '^4, 34J. Hr

also iniUished many songs with a pl.-moforic

oeeompaniinent, in two volumes, entitled:

‘Spiew'njk domowy' ' (* .Songlwok for Home

Use *, J«7i & 1873)-

Two of Zarzyeki's com|>ositions became

world-famous: a song ' Micdzy narni nk nie

b>'lo * (‘ I’here was nothing between us *>, to

words by .\sn>k, sung by Marcella Sembrich

sreUnigh all (jver the world, and his Mazurka

in O major Air violin, dedkaied 10 Sar.'tsme,

who included it in hi* fepei lory. His cxariij>lc

waa kdlowcd b)* Bronislaw Hubennan, who

playrd it fri^quenily during his concert tours

and made a recording of it in London.

ZASZCWSfU, J6aef (*. Cracow, ?; d. ?).

Polish l7Ch-i0ih-ccnlufy singer. He was

a dcscantisi at the Cathedral at \\ loclawck

during ibc years 1693-1701, famous for his

most remarkable and beautiful voice as well

a* hi* vocal art. Enchanted with his c'oicc,

the \‘<9vodc (goNTenor) of the province,

DaialyAskt, kidnapped him and forced him

to join his private chapel. c. a. it.

‘G***". Sjn«lnif «nd Chunli

MuAC u U |o«b»«k Othe Oral ’ AV tu. I.*. ri . ( 90 j J ,




ZAUBERFLOTE. Set Organ Stops.


Flut« *). Opera in ^ acU by Moaart. Li-

bredo by Emanuel Schikaneder arxd (P) Karl

Ludwig Gieseke. Produced Vienna, Theater

auf der Wieden, 30 Sept. 1791. rst perf.

abroad, Prague (in German), 05 Oct. 1799.

I at in England, London, Haymarket Theatre

(in Italian, trans. by G. de Gamerra), 6 June

idii. iH in U.S.A., New York (in English,

adapted by G. E. Horn), t? Apr. 1833.

Su s/i» Compas (»riM (or Quren of N'i(Ki}.



ZAUBEROPER (Ger., magic opera). A

type of opera popular in Vienna in the late

18th and early ii)th centuries, roughly the

equivalent of the English Christmas panto^

mime, but usually with music contributed by

a composer of some reputation. It consisted

mainly of dialogue, but was intcnpersed with

songs and other musical numbers. The sul>

ject was that ot a fairytale, either a familiar

or a newly invented one, and spectacular

scenic efTecis as well at low comedy were im

dispensable features. Wranilaky’s * Oberon *

( 1 780) , Wensel Muller's ' Kaspar der Pagottist,

Oder Die Zaubersither ' (179c) and Sussmayr's

* Spiegel von Arkadien' (1794) are character-

istic specimens, Muller’s piece anticipates

some of the incidents in Mozart's * Zauber*

dote '• the one great work of the kind that has

i urvi \Td , w'h ir h in t u rn had a sequel i n Winter's

’Das Labyrinl ' (1798). The English work

— Lnglith as regards the libretto — nearest

(0 the ^auhtrofier in Character is Weber’s

■ Olwron * (t836). a. a.

ZAVERTAL (Zavrsal). Bohemian musical

family, several members of which became

prominent in Austria, Italy, England and


(1) Joseph Rudolph ZaveeoaJ (Sawer*

lhal) (6. LitomeKce, s Nov. 1819; / Lii<^

meMcc, 3 May 1893), horn player, bandmaaler

and composer. He was educated al the Prague

Conservatory in (830^7, entered the Austrian

army as a bandmaster (6th Cuirassiers) in 1840

and in 1843 was transferred to the 33rd In*

faniry. In 1846 he established the Pension

Society for Bandmasters of the Austrian Army,

which vvas taken over by (he gos’ernment in

2839. After several promotions, including (hat

to the musical directorship of the Austrian

Navy and Marine at Trieste in 1630, where he

founded the Socicik Musicale, he l^ame. in

1664, director of military music and court

musical director to the Emperor Maximilian

of Mexico, ^^'hen the court functionaries and

the Ausiro-Mcxican corps wTre disbanded In

(667, Zavertal returned to Europe and, going

to England in ($68, was made bandmaster

of the 4th King’s Own Regiment, and in 1871

was placed at the head of the bat^ (wirtd ai^

strii^) of the Royal Engineers, an appointment

he held until 1690, when he retired to Bohemia,

where he died. Although best known for his

miliufy-band compositions and arrangements,

he wrote an opera * Pastyrka ’, which was

produced at the State Theatre of Temesvir,

Hungary, in 1647. A few of his worb in

manuscript are to be found in the Zavertal

Collection, Glasgow University Library. By

(he Emperor Maximilian he was made a

Knight of the Order of Santa Maria di

Guadeloupe. He was also decorated by

Francis Joseph and Napoleon III.


* B*fMhf 7 ua ' (LMCwt, i 9 W* 9 o), IJ, 60*61 ; Itl,

SNBV Ososer. * Cav«]irre ZavrrtsI saC lb«

Royal Anitkry Baad * {London, iSSi).

FAnNrx. HsNav C. It Sumi, Hmoear, ' N«wMouni*

ans * |Gla»ce«'. IMS).

MAas, RoMar A., 'afusie and Mmieiani . .

(Edisbwf'h, iM?).

WvarsACH, C. vom. * Kof rsphiuhA Lenikon de*

KxieenuM On(«rr«kh * (Vienna, iSsS-da).

(a) Weacealaa Hugo Zavertal (6. Polep,

31 Aug. idai ; d. Litomehcc, 8 Sept. 1899)1

clarinettist, conductor and composer, brother

of the preceding. He was educated at (he

Prague C^sen.'aiory under P. D. Weber, Pixis

and Gordigiani. After playing the clarinet (his

instruments are preserved in the Glasgow Art

Gallery and Museums) at the National Opera,

Prague, he became iModmasier of the iBih

Bohemian Regiment in 1845, and in 1847 was

appointed musical director of the Teairo del

liceo at Barcelona and professor at the

Conservatory there. The same year he

married the eminent soprano Carlotia Maironi

nobile da Ponte (i8a6-?3), a pupil of the

Milan ConKrvatory. Returning to Milan in

1848, where he became the lifelong friend of

Karl Mozart, who ga\*e him the precious relics

of his Illustrious father in 1849, now in the

library of Glasgow University, he became in

1830 bandmaster of the 34th Austrian In-

fantry. In 1835 he was a professor at the

Islituio Pubblico Musicale at Fiumeand later

bandmaster of the 49lh Austrian Infantry. In

1838 he was, with Moschelcs, KalUwoda,

Kitil, Dreyschock, and other students of the

Prague Conservatory, invited to its jubilee

celebrations, and an ’ Albumblaii ’ dedicated to

Zavertal containing their musical auii^aphs

b preserved in Glasgow University Library.

Owing to hU strong political convictions as a

Czech, he left the Austrian service for the

Italian in 1859 and took part in the v/u

against Austria as bandmaster of the 4tc

Grenadiers- He retired from the service m

1866 and became director of the Isiiiuio

Musicale at Treviso (*867). moving to a

similar position at Modena m 1870- In 1074

he went to Great Briuln, where he was offereO

the conduciorship irfthe PoHoksbields Musical

AasocUtion, removing in 1875 ^ KclensburgR




near Glasgow, where he was much esteemed

as a teacher of music dAd his compositions were

much relished. He wis a man <4 considerable

abilily as a musician, as both Mercodantc and

Karl Mozart U'silhcd. His Czech songs won

great popularity in Bohemia. He also wrote

an opera, * Estrella ' (Italian libretto by Ptavei,

while among his later works were an Ot'eriure

tn K minor and a ciardas * La&an e Frlsen '

for orchestra. Nearly sixty of his works, both

printed and manuscript, are in the ZaveriaJ

Collet tinii, Glasgow Vniversily Library.


* Usliber '. 7 ilsSi.

Faji mkr, H>' s kv G & S mi Tu, 1 it ••tar. * N’ew Mor u u<

an* ' iQStJ*

’ Vt*Hti MurK«Mp«»i *, ,>0. I <7 (frairuc. il^r

* VV^her KrtKlrii/(>l«ll *, .So. 146 iVteiwm, iMot.

* VSiPhrr .So. 916 • Bu).

tSta/tAiM, i'- * IWerapttmbei I^aiLm dn

Ksb«rlan» OatWrirkh . . .* iNtecb*. Hi*

(3) Ladialaa Joaepb Philip Paul Zavar-

lal (A, Milan, i<j bept. id^Q; J. Cadcnabbia,

39 Jan. I 04 i), composer, conductor and

tcacltcr, son t/f the preceding. He leamc

itiusic front his parenir and at cite Naples Con*

scrN’aior>', where ’riisti was his motiltim for the

violin, and first appeared at Milan in 1864.

Kuur yean later lie produced an opera. 'J iia ',

written h; conjunction with his father at

I reviso, in which the tenor (;ayam made his

iirsi uulstanding success. In later yean ihrs

opera was re*writicn as * Atiriana ' and pub*

lished in 1930. Jhe next year he was made

< onducior and comiXMer 10 a Milanese theairr,

in which capacity be contributed srvrral

successful operettas. In 1871 he remosrd lo

Claigctw, where lie remained teaching and

conducting fur ten years, In’ing connected with

the Glasgow Amateur Orchestral .Soeteiy, the

I'ollokshields Musical Association and the

I lillhrad Musical Association. He also toured

as Ham von Hulow's conductor in StenUnd In

lU??' In l8Bt he succeeded Jansrs Smyth

(1816-83; master of the band (wind and

s iriiig; of the Koyal Art iJlery at Wod wic h. He

initialed a series of symphony concerts In 1 668

at the Prince's Hall, St. James's Hall and

Queen's Hall, London, as well as Sunday

concerts in the Albert Hall (1693-1905). at

which he introduced many new works to

British audiences and. maintaining a high

standard of artistic excellence, raised the Royal

Artillery Band to a high positim. He filled

the post with distinction until 1906, when he

retired to Italy.

As a composer he worked with socceis in

almost every creative sphere; a list of hk

published compositions may be found in ' Del

maestro di muuea milanese Ladblao Zavcrtal '

(Milan, 1914), while (hose in manuscript,

mostly autograph, arc contained in the cata*

Icgue of the ZaveriaJ Collection in Glasgow

GniversUy library- His first Symphony, in

C mirtor, was produced in 1664. The second

Symphony, In D minor, was pr^uerd in 1888

and performed at the last Queen's Hall

cofsceri {1906^ conducted by the cooip^ivr.

HU tragk opera * Una noiu* a Firenze * (1870J

was produtrd at league in t&8o, .\ second

opera, ' Mirra *, w’as produc<‘d ut PraKue in

1886, wIkA Ds*i>fak, vw'ing to the opp<.>silion

of a Wagnerian clique, ihrealvned lu LurKiuci

the opera himsHf If titrre was any furl her

(irrinan antagofii>ni. \n <*piT<'tu ' (j)vv's

Magic ' ^originally ’ Lesson in Mai'ic ',

1 883 1 was produced at \\ o<ihvi< h in 1 8 (k>.

Zavcrtal was tlw recipient of many honours.

In Britain, the laisd of h8 adoption itiaiural*

Uvd l89d>, he w’as raised to the coiiunis«ii>n<’d

rank in tl>e Koyal Artillery (181161. 'Hie

following year, after a »iate concert at Wind-

sor, Queen Victoria presenicJ him with a

liandwHite batoit; King Edward \ 11 decor*

aietl him with iIk K</\al \'i(t<»rian Carder

/,ch class, Kjtij . Italy made him A niemlsrr

<il cIk Sot let) of Santa Otilia of Rome, King

Humbert 1 imnimau’d him Camfi/tr of the

< >rder uf t Ik Grown «>f J i a ly , w )i i le H u inbert 1 1

honoured him with tJie title ol Ct/iiifutt

ii^U. The King of (irretr conferred the

Order t*f the RedeenuT, the King of .Serbia

made him a Knight C'oni|Mnioii of ihe Order

of Takova, the Sultan <»t 'I'urkcy bestowed the

commander's star uf else Osmanieh, the Duke

of Cambridge prrw>nally decorated him with

the Saxe*Cvburg Ernestine Order <4 Art and

ScieiKe (1896;. o,. adtit. 11. o. K.


I'AXAOkr. At MKo.* ]| (Amnwodaiwrc Ltdulou/jvpttjl '


yAMUtk, (;,, *].Ml«>l*w ^«t(rial: ho l.itr anti

Wetk ‘ 'LwkSm, > 94 a>.

* Mcmuui «f ik« Rotal Arii)lei> Bat,J * il.ntuJwn,

* .Mmmc Kettet. *

* S'w Ntotiriuna ' !l«U«e<>w, 1*175).

*TH OcSotral 'Itnwi \ t). 71 .yy il-omloe. 100^).

*1h« Muxtil Mktf«nne’, VI, 75*77 ihondwn.


La AMbfoMiw, * DrI hikm/o «li miuka mihnCK

Lk 4 al** ZAverlal * Milan, 1914),

ZlAWlLOWSKi, Konrad ( 4 . Cracow, td

Feb. 1660).

Polish baritone singer, teacher and com*

poser- He studied music first in I’oland, then

in V'ienna and finally under Bat ti son Haynes

at the K.A.M, in London. He dcvrlopetl a

system of vocal training of his o\tn and lived

in L^tdon as a voice specialist until 1917,

when he moved to the U.8.A,. where he has

been domiciled since. In irjtfi he published

a book entitled ‘TIk IVacitcal Psychology of

Voice and Life’. His compositions include

a choral work, some orchestral music, many

song C)Tles and separate songs.

C A ((

ZAYTZ, Giovuuu. Set Zajc.

ZAZA (Opera). See Leokcavallo.



Lwow. i8?8; Cracow, Nov. 1948).

Polish soprano singer. She made her debut

at the Lwow Opera in J899, where ahe sang

for ihi'ee seaaor«. In 1904 she moved to

\\'arsa\v, tvhere she sang at the Opera till

1 906. She then made an <^raik tour,

appearing at the opera*hoiises of Vienna,

Palermo, Madrid and later Buenos Aires.

During the Verdi Festival organized in Italy

in 1913 she sang Aida twelve limes at the Scala

at Milan, arousing great enthusiasm among

the Italian audiences. From 1916 till 1919

she sang at the Prague Opera. In 1 919 she

returned to Poland and Imame the leading

prim a donna at the Warsaw State Opera. A

few years before the outbreak of the second

world war she disappeared from the stage and

dcthcated all her energy to the training of the

young generation of Polish singers. For her

musical activities l>olh as singer and as teacher

the order of Polonia Reslituta (3rd class) was

conferred upon her. c. a. k.

ZEBALLOS, Fnaelaco & Rodrdgo. Set


ZECCHl, Adone Bologna, 93 July 1904).

Italian composer. He studied ai the Ueeo

Musicale of ^logna under Franco Alfano.

In t93o he founded the Orchestra Bolognese

(la Camera, which he conducted for soeral

years, and later the polyphonic choir Euridke.

which he directed until 1943. He then became

teacher of choral singing and conductor of the

choir ai ihr Licco Musicale ** C. B, Mariini ”

ai Bologna and music critic of Bolognese daily

papers. Among his composiiiom may be men-

Honed the incidental music for Beau*

niarchais^i comedy * Le Barbier de Seville ’

(Bologna, 1949} and Alfred de Musset's

' Barl>crlne ’ (Bologna, 1950) : a ' Ditirambo '

f<»r maIe*vojfe chorus (1938): ‘Toccata, ri*

imarc e finale* {1941) and ‘Due astraaioni

in forma dl fuga’ (I.S.C.M. Festival, Copen-

hagon, 1947) for orchestra: 'Trc canti reli*

giosi * for voice and orchestra (1936-37); a

2 rio : ‘ Sonata fantasia ' for violin and piano*

forte: music for harp, etc. c. m. q.

ZEGKWER, Camilla (^. Philadelphia, 06

June 1873 ; d. Southampton, N Y., 7 Aug.


American pianist and composer. He began

10 learn music from his father, Richard

Zeckwrr, and studied with Dvo> 4 k in New

York (1893-95) and with P. Scharwenka in

Berlin. He settled as a teacher in bis native

city and became director of the Musical

Academy in conjunction with F. E- Hahn.

He was the composer of several sympltonk

works played by the Philadelphia Orchestra;

his symphonic poem ‘Jade Butterflies ’ won a

Chicago prize and was played there ; he also

wrote chamber music ai^ an opera. * Jane and

Janetta’. h. C.C.


ZECKWER, Richard (A. Stendal, 90 Apr,

1850; rf, Philadelphia, 31 Dec- 1922).

German pianist and teacher, father of the

prweding. He was educated at Leipzig,

migrated to America and settled at Phil*

adelphia. He Joined the sufT (1676) of the

newly opened Musical Academy and later

became director, resigning this past in 1917.


(Operctia), See Supp^.

UHNDER, Max {b. Turgi, Canton

Aargau, 17 Kov. 1901)-

Swiss composer. Having studied at the

Zurich ConKrsatory, he was conductor and

teacher of singing and instrumental music in

1926-30 successively at Bienne, Brugg and

Zurich. In 1931 he was appointed teacher at

the training-college of Rorschach (Canton St.

Gall). As a composer he has appeared with

various vocal and instrumental works. His

si)le, though adhering to the baroque forms

of chamber concerto, toccata, etc., shows

individual traits of modern linearity and

polyphony. Hii chief works are as follows:

Cmm*u ’Vmi dcr Uebc* (Novalu) fer sole veicn.

<hontf a onh. (1414).

1*10111) Ct. (w chem* A erch, <1437).

Prdode and CKacemc ter lu, e^. (1441).

* Medi* Vito * ter erch. (iMv).

leccoia Cw full erch.

<^OAcene Set fluie. ebee A iin. {1444).

* Tertinen * ler eervi rolie A rhomeor erch. ( 1 4 rf )>

(Uatoij (fljtiKr aiorto Alike) Ter conuolie A tniaiJ

wrh. (1447).

SeOfi le weri b kv Se«tkB C«er(c, Rilke. Ac.

K. V. r.

ZEINALLY* Aaaaf (>. Derbent, Acer-

baijan, 1909;

Aserbaijan composer. Of peasant origin,

he was strongly attracted by music while stili

at schotd, and used to sing and listen to (he

Azerbaijan songs and to play the clarinet in

the school orchestra. In 1923 he entered the

Baku Musical School, where he learnt to play

the trumpet and. later, the pianoforte and cello

as well, stud>'inf composition at the same time

under Cadahibekov. In 1926 he entered the

Azerbaijan Conservatory, from whieh he

graduated in 1931 on completing the course

in composition under Boris Karagichev.

After a few months In Leningrad,

Zeinally took up teaching in the Azerlwijan

Conservatory. He composed a great deal, but

his untimely death interrupted his creative

work while he was collecting and studying

folk music in Karabakh, All his works testify

10 his close relationship iviih the national

songs of Aaerbaijan. Although he ^va5 unable

to complete many of his projects (he left, w

insunce, drafts of a Sy^nphony), there remain

a number of compositiws in almost all species.

He did a great deal for the Azerbaijan

Dramatk Theatre, to whose musical diwiot-

ship he was appointed while still a student ot

(be Conservatory.




Asnonf ZeinaJiy’s works iho fulUming arc

th< most importaat :

lnci<lenul mtuk M v{«veB fo* Uw A«e*b»iiM

NitioDkl Tb<airc.

Chorute * SeirjA * Oi*<k» *, * Mv CouAtry * The

Man at ih« Froniitr ’• ’ D4<lar *.

Pra^menu \ut tymphonic occhnira.

C^nipoiMiotta fw vn. fc Twt <«klo.

Si>naia Tur pr.

9 rMiKu««<or pT.

s. c. a.

ZElSLERf Faoajo Bloomfiold (R BioMu,

Austria, tSJuly SB63; V. Chi<afo, 30 Auf.


Atncrican pianist of Ausirian origin. She

was taken to the L’.S.A. in 1 80S by her parents,

who seiilet) in Chicago. She studied there

under Bernhard Ziehnand Carl \Vcdr»ol>n, and

in 1878 went (o Lescheiuky in \ ieryisa, with

whom >\»' studied for Pin c vean. She returned

to .\inencn in 18H3 and ai unce made a nante

at a piaimc. In she underio(>k a «>nccri

lour in CcTitiaiiy and rrpeaud U the next year.

She appeared m l.^riulon ui i8<j6 and in that

year also at the I.owcr Rhine Musk Kotival

a I (^olosne, and she nia<Je European tours

in auhsr(|ueni years. She married .SsegntulHl

Zcisler, a lassyee of Chkaf;o, in 1HB3. She

was a cousin <>| Ntori/ Kraenihal. ihe pianist.

Her style uas one of imhskluality, Piery

inirnsily and intmveness — that of a nervously

higlostrunff artist. a. a.

ZELENKA, Johano (Jan) Diansas E

r.ouAovire, ih ()ft. iGyn; </. Drenkn, 33

lh'<. I

Bohemian composer. H<* was the son of

a village schoolmasier who vs as himwIP a

versulile mush ian. 1 tas Ing had a gsrod train*

ing in tnusie at home, hr was educated at die

Jesuit (ktlkgr in Bragne. lie went into the

service of l>ri herr Joseph Ludsvigvon Harlwig

there in lyny, entered the ccHiri orchestra at

{Dresden as double* Itass player in 171 a ami

ubiained leave oP ahsener in 171b in order to

study eomposition with Fu't it» Vienna. In the

same year he was taken in tlse suite of die

Elector of Saxony to Italy and breamc a

pupil of Lotti. hut he returned to \’ienna in

2717 and to Dresden In 1719.

In 1733, Tor the eonmation oP<;harles VI

In league, Z< Irnka htoic the music to a i.alin

comedy by M. Zell, ’ Melodrama de .Sanrto

N'enceilao, sub oka pacb cl palma virtulis

conspicua Orbi Regia Bohemiae Corona ', an

allegorical play praiiing the empetm as heir

of the St. \\*fnci*slas crown.

Zelrnka succci*dctl Krinirhen N*bose road*

julor he had liern since 1710) as director of

church music in *729, and he received the

lillcofcourt comiKxwrin 1733. a composer

iir prosed himsclP to l>e an outstanding master

oP the so*called sole mhl«. mnarkabte for

polyphonic consistency and Pullness of bar*

monic resource. He left no fewr lhan 3t

masses, 3 Requiems, 2 ‘ Tc Deum to8

psalms, motets, etc. In the doniain of inslru-

menial mu&k hU overture * Hypocondria *

is particularly remarkable. 'I'hree Italian

oratorios (* I penitcnii al sepolero\ ' II ser*

penie di bronao', *Oiesu al C^lvario'^ ihrrc

cantatas Immisit Dominus *, * IVu^ dux

and ‘.Altendilc et \id<*te*i, he>id<*s a sc n’tialK

and the melotlrama ’* above nienijonc<i,

uath other compositions in his aiitograpli.

were kept in a special cupl>oard in the

C7ath«>ite Church at Dnsden, and the State

Library there has the largosi collection of his

inanvrscripl compositions. In *|>iU' "P ids

long years alsroad Zelenka never Porgoi idv

n>ol]ter*l«in|giie, as i$ provesi hv hi> arjn oil

a Crech patAidira'C oP I’sjhn (J. ( diva lie

Doha silnelui '1. i;. t.

BiM. -f ViuiiNAV. M.. * /at L'whKiilr (kr Muub uiel

vies IhcAim m IMe lu IWwkn *, N nl. II ^Ilres*

vkn. 1X61 .

TuvHBs, 1... * (>A /rUrk«’t ('nmfXHiitnn* And p.irticn*

|j<V nil hiv MHoIrsms |lr Sinelo \Vnrr»|jo’*

I' IaoI*. Vn|«, l,\**l.\’lll, iv^9 5J : in <t«efli|.

ZELENKA, Ladlxtav Moslfanv' ur.

1‘r.igue. 1 1 Mur, iIUli .

Crech vjohmielliu. Me uas evluraud at

the Prague {Vrtivervalory ilkyfi .sricl

afterwartls Mudiesl with M. Iktki r at I'r.vik*

Port 0 M. In itK>3*Mi he t.'iuglu at the Con*

servauiry of <KI« Na, Prom 1910 to 10(3 he

wjs a nwnilier t»f ihe ftev^ik's Qua net and

in 1913 he jmnesi the Bohemian .C^edi)

Siring Quartet, remaining uiih this leaui to

tl»r end. Uevldes his activity as a |irorrimenl

chainbiT*mudr idayer Zelenka shuvxed him*

sdf a very vu(c«'\%ful sedobt. His maOrrly

pcrforniance of iMifik’s (kmcerto imht

panieiilarly lie menticin<*<I.

Zehmka was alvo a very infhieniial teacher.

In I9ja he lire arm* profevvof ofcImmliiT mii'k

ami in >937 alv) of ihe cello at ihe Ihaguc

Omservaiory, in Mi3fi he was promoictl 10

the professorship at the Mavlrr S< hcM)l ami

after the second world war he was appointed

prufevsor al the Academy <»r Musical Arts,

He was awardesi the tide of Xaiionul Arlbt

•" '9»6.

BoL Kvti, J. M, •!,. Zrienki a Ivarieiu*

^VrAgwr, io«8),

ZELENSKL WladyfUw <b. Groslkowlce

«e. Cracow, 6 July 1837; d. Cracow, .^3

Jan. 1921).

Polish teacher an<l romf>oft*r. He was born

al a country' estate which hail Iwlongevl to Ids

family f<»r a numl>rr of general Ions. Hi^

father, Marcjan Zelvtiski. was an ardent music

lover, played the pianoforte and is said to

have wrilim some ocmipodtions. Zeleriski lust

both hb pan nis very early. Hr b<gan his

studies under F- Mirerki at Cracow in 1834.

duriiif which lime he composesl two string

Quartets, a siring Trio and an nrchc’stral

overture. All these works are lost, hut the




pianoforte Sonata (Op. 3) was published at

Milan. On leaving the secMMla^ $cho<^ at

Cracow he mmed to Prague, where he pur-

sued an academic course (philosophy) at the

University, at the same time studying cMn*

position under KreJ^i and pianoforte under

Dreyschock. Having obtained the Ph.D.

degree he went to Paris, where he continued

his musical studies under B. Damecke (1666-

1871). In 1871 he returned to Poland and

settled at Cracow. The next year, however,

he moved to V\'arsaw to take up the pos t of

teacher of theoretical subjects at the Con-

servatory. In Mar. 1876 he was elected

director of the W'arsaw Musk Society. Three

years later he resigned and returned to

Craeo'v. where he remained until his death.

There he organited the Cracow Music Society

and the Conservatory under the auspices ^

that society in *887. He became director c(

the Consrnalory, also teaching organ, piano-

forte and all the theoretical subjects. Owing

to his aU*round education, energy and, above

nil, persona) charm and abilities, he was

able to pave the way for the newly organized

musiral insUtulions and establish them against

the strong opposition and prejudices of his

“musically deaf” fellow* townsmen. Hk

first pupils soon made their names known in

t he Pol ish musical worki . They were Zygmun t

Sinjowiki, composer and pianist, Henryk

Opiertski. the distinguished musicol^t. and

Fclicjan SsopskI, composer, teacher and later

author of his teachers biography.

Zelertskl's activities were gradually recog-

nised, and the freedom of the City of Cracow

was conferred upon him in tg 13. In (89? he

published two tcxt-l>ooks on musk: * Nauka

zasad muryki ' (' The Rudiments of Music ')

and * Nauka Harmonii ' Treatise on Har*

mony ’), the latter written In collaboration

w’iih Gust aw Roguski.

2eled$ki*s w'orks include four operas :

' KorrA<S VVallenrod ' (liWctto by ZyimuAl S^metki g

\V U«lyitsw Neiko^ki, After a perm by Mkhiin^i).

prAtl. I.vr 6 w. caSs.

‘Coi^AMA* (lib. by Ludom*} CrmAn. bAwU 90 a

irAcr Jr. * ItAllAdyna by Juliwts M«wAeki|. prod.

CrAcn**, igaa.

'fARrli * tlib. by LuJomil CermAa), prod. Lwdw'.aOe*.

• aoo.

* Siara bAin * (‘ An Old Tok *) d*. br AkhuiMk* Sav

BAiHlrowiki, bA*cd OB a novel by j, 1. KiAMew^),

prod. 19B7.

He also wrote two masses : motels for mixed

chorus ; very many partsongs for men’s

voices; incitlcntal music for a play by Win-

centy RapackI, * Wit Stwoss'; and seven

cantatas ; ( i) for the jubilee of ihe nov'clist

J, I. Krasaewski (1679); (2) for the b*-<en-

lenary of the victory of Jan III of Poland over

the Turks at Vienna (1883}; <3) fur the

ceremony of unveiling of the monument of

J. Szujsfci At Tarn6w (1887); (4) for the

' At ihe opening of the Muly bviJt Gxaad Tho*uv,

tercentenary of St. Anne’s School at Cracow

(e888) ; (3) for the Exhibition at Lw6w

{1894); ($) 'Gloria Tibi AJma Mater’ for

the 50o(h anniversary of Cracow University

(» 9 <») i ( 7 ) for the inaugural ceremony of the

opening of the Warsaw Phllharmonia in tgoi.

Zelehski's large-scale works also include two

symphonies, the second of which won the

second prize at the Warsaw Philharmonic

competition in 1912; two concert overtures:

' W Tatrach ' (* In the Tatra *) (Op. 97) and

‘ Echa Jrsne ’ (‘ Woodland Echoes ’) (Op. 41) ;

‘ Grand Polonaise ’ for orchestra (Op. 45) ; a

pianoforte Ccmcerto in major (Op. ^).

His chamber music includes three sonatas

for pianoforte (0pp. 3, 3, 20), two violin

sonatas ( 0 pp. 39, 67), a pianoforte Trio in Ek

major (Op. 22) ; * Variations on an Original

Theme ' for string quartet (Op. 2 0 i ‘wo

string Quartets, in A major (Op. 28) and P

major (C^. 42) ; a string Sextet j a pianoforte

Quartet in C minor (Op. 81), voted his best

and most successful piece of chamber music.

He abo wrote (eludes for organ (Op. 38).

Hit songs amounting to just over eighty arc

among the best Polish songs of the rgth century.

c. a. K.

8 ia u— jACKiMSCXt. Z.. * FdAfid : bet Hiiiory And Cul*

itsre J SeciiAn on blusk, Vel, JIJ (WonAw. isjbj.

Siomi. F.. * WlAdydAw ZekAikl ‘ (Wamaw. i«il).

K. Sii SudA (‘ tpt baikb muli lib.).

Z^LINDOR (Opera). Stt PjtANCSUit.


ZEUNKAf Ju EvasgelJaca (6. Prague,

1 3 Jan. 1893 ).

Czech composer. His father, Jan Evan-

gelista Zelinka, sen. (1858-1933), was an

esteemed organist, choirmaster, composer of

church music and [richer. Having received

a ^>ecial education from his father, .f. £«

Zelinka, jun. completed his knowledge of

composition by contact with Osiriil (l 9 i 9 ~^ 3 )i

J. B. Foersier, Zkh, Suk and Nevik. The

composition of music w as for him but a secon-

dary occupation up to 1942, wlicn he was

compelled to abandon his official career

owing to an e>'c complaint. In spite of this

he vvrote a very considerable amount of

music (over 200 items of various kinds),

whkh are worthy of attention for ihrir

^tontaneous invention and unassuming fresh*

ness of expression. In the choice of hu

themes he has often been inspired by

impulses. Among the Czech composers of

his generation be has been most diligently

engaged in mefodraroa. The following is a

short sdeciion of his principal works ;

WTA 'lk«nJbA hoUlrtriklM' ('The tnnkceper’t

Liltk Dw^ter') (Ubfel*® by J. Mskk). •

FrAcue, <4 Feb. > 9 eS. . „.k

WA ’ DevAU leuhA ’ f Tbe NifUh kkadow ) (Mb'

by R. Joemki) . $ *ev.^od . Prafue. «9 Sept. ijS ' .

ter* ' FalKAlv Wee ’ (’ Th« $Tubbflcn ShAwMl^ i

Uib. by J. KoptA). S ecu, pe«l F»*rue. i9 Mat,

> 944 *



Open ' Melulna* 4 Mb. by F. KoUkV^ 6 Keon. prod.

?lteA» ij Apr. 1930.

B*Uet * SkkBfni piAM* ('A Claw DdU’\ prod.

Pr*fv*r. 9 July iptB.

$c«nie m«l«draaM * Srde« M priadninAch * {' The

H««n «n Hol)d 4 n 'J 10 J. b(ala»rk*> pUv. prod.

Bmo. aO J411. tpsd.

IncidenLal murk for ihe palnotk play ‘ Zbocov ‘ by

A. Bkiiii (194)).

* Mi(M in hoAorrm S. loasAis EvaafelaiM ‘ ((943}.

* Mim in henorrm S. Judae Tadaei ’ (1943).

CanlaU ’Flafxi div^aifco* i' The NVeepinf Lilde

Oirl *) if. Hrdiat (ipadl.

Canuik 'Slanknv byC^ ' i'The Straw PuKKolf'J

( stiTord* by Conpowr. afi«« • Rwwkn fable >

Cantau * CeaW oiMee ' ^ Cireh .Montb* ’> < K . ToPun 1

U 9 y>)-


Chamber muak (of varkua rombinaikM.

.Sru nf ifHigt,

Meloilramai, mainly humorowt in tharacire. far de>

claniaiioA & pf,

O. t.

2*i\, F. (Camille Walacl). Sti hirauu j, 4 lab*.!.

2ELLBELL, Ferdifiaea (1) <». UppuiU.

1689; Su»rk holm, C June 176^1.

^wedUh muficihr). lie wa« a member of

ihe cnuri flrche»ira from 1715 urttil hk death

and org.intM of the church <4 .S(. Nicholas,

Stork holm, frcim 1717. In 17.10 he publidtrd

his crraiUe ‘ IVntjxraiur Umnrtim and he

compiled a book of chorale^ r. 1 747. He wat

a fine orsnnUi and trained many pupiK, in*

cludinK hi' «<iri Ferdinand, who suereecled him

at St. Nicholas In 176 v k. t>.

ZELLBELL, FcpdiiUBd (U) (i. Siock*

holm, .\us. 1710; 4 , Si«<bh(4m, 31 Apr.

Swedish conductor and ewnposer, son of the

prceedini;. He studied with J. II. Roman in

.Stoekholtn and (». V. ’I'idrmann at HamhurK,

ni\d spent some lime in St. tVimlKirg, uhcrc

he produced an opera, ' II Kiinlizio d* Aminta

on the Empress Khzal>elh*s nafne>day. In

1750 he was appointed eondurtor of the

Swedish court orchestra. The founclinf <rf the

Stockholm Academy of Nfuste owed much to

his imiiniive, and he was m fir»i director in

*773-74« Zellbell made hw dt^but as a com*

po«cr in 174? with an overture fiw strings in

the style o( .Scarlatti, and he composed a

festival cantata for Adolf FredrikN accession to

the throne in i7Snand an opera*ballri, * Sveas

hogtid ' which was performed in the Riddarsal

in 1774> The manuscript of hb pet

mtnica, ' II ];iu<lizio d’ Aminta \ b in the

Library of the Academy of Music, Stockholm.

K. o.

BiiL. -SiHMiAou, F... *Fe«<tinwi 4 Z«IIMJ d, y. In]

««li haiu ©pefj •• ]| KiiKli<i«d* AimU " ' (S-T.M.


ZELLER, Karl (F. $1. P«(er*in-dcr*Au, 19

July 1842; d. Baden nr. Vienna. 17 Aua

•898). ' *

Austrian composer. He specialized in

operettas, the rmai successful of which was

'Her Vogrihandicr’, produced in Vienna

at the Theater an det Wien on to Jan. 1891.

It was given on many Oerman stages and often


revived, made its way alt over Europe In the

1690s, and reached North and South America

and South Africa. Among numerous others

were *Joconda ' (1676), 'Die Carbonari’

(idSoh 'Der Vagabund ’ (188G) and 'Dor

Obersieifrr* (1694}. a. l.

Bin. - /rii ra. C. tV.. * M<in y»ici Rail Zelkr ’ ' Si.

Pnli^M, 1 94s I .

ZELMDIA (Opera). Ste Rosstsi.

ZELTER, Carl FriedHch {h, B<'r]in, n

Dec. 175&; d. Berlin, May 1630).

German composer, conductor and teacher.

He was the son of a ntasojt. He has recordi’d

ilie lirit indelible imprss^ion he received on

hearing Grawn's opera * Phaeton ’, to uhich

liis iMrtnis Created him in the C^arnhal of


Tlw sr«fMl pAwyrfjt mj'ws •>( nvririi m>

ktWMiNA (if matf iliMi ilir n«rl«>J\ aut] loinirucMoii

of ajr<. ... I (Imivlil ihr eoWti* a ntliJIe

»u(Mlftful »* ii beaudful, I •niociBK

llv ... I in « v* of

Of the opera itself he say's litilc, ezeopi ihat

the sweet unkisoun Italian words added 10 the

magic uf (he tsiHilr, to litnt he afiensards

agreed Hiih Fredi’rick the Great as to the

profanity of alhming an to speak in the vulgar

tongue, and »>mpathizetl heartily wiih the

royal dislike of the fierman opera. \>*hcn he

was nearly fouricrn his failier srni him 10 liie

(!jnn 4 $iim, but thrrr, though he did lolerubiy

wri] at leivsns, he was on such had terms with

hit felUns'-pupils that he uas ol)ligcd to leav'c.

Hr waa next handed over to ihr organist of

the ajmiMiium. who had a school of his own.

J’his was only a temporary expedient, for

/elirr reiumizl to the fiyimuiian u*hrre some

of the masters were well dhiwxecl towards him,

nolwithsiaiKling his taste fur practical jokes.

At tl>e age of scvTntecm, aflrf another course

of the organist's teaching, he left school, and

now his real education began. 'I'Jiuugh ap*

pfrnilcrd to hn father's trade, lie was but a

halfhearted mason. He made friends with

any one who happened to hnv'c musical pro*

clivitics and was quickly ri]>enlng Into a

capable musician.

In 1777 hb apprenticeship was declared

over, and a great longing seized him to join Ids

friend Hackeri, iheanbt.on a journey to Italy,

a longing which often returned upon him

through his life, though he never fulfdled It.

His love afTair with an artistic Jew'css, at whose

father's house Moses .Mendelssolin and other

scholars used to meet. Is worth recording, as it

marks the first omnceiion of the names of

Goethe and Mendelssohn with that of Zeltcr,

Uhen he was eighteen his first cantata was

performed in St. George's Church, and Mar*

purg thought so highly it that Zeltcr applied

to Kimbeeger and Kasch for further instruction

in musical science. In gratitude for his

master’s leaching, he was to become the bio*




graphcr of Fa<ch ihc original founder of the

Berlin Singakademie. From 1793 to (800

Zclter acted is accompanUt to that institutiM),

and at the death of Fasch he succeeded 10 the

dircctonhip. In (806 he was appointed

assessor to the Akademie, and in 1807 he es-

tablished a Ripitnsehule for orchestral practice.

A few years earlier Zeller’s music to some

Goerhe's verses had so attracted the poet that

a correspondence began which shows that

Goethe was capable ^ a real afTeccion for at

least one of his blindest worshippers.* There

are frequent allusions in these leners to the

progress of the Singakadrmie, o\*rr which in

his later years Zeller reigned as a musical

dictator from whose decision there was no

appeal. The Akademie consisted originally of

only 30 members, who met weekly at diflerent

pmaic houses, and durtrtg Paseh's life they

practised little except his composUiom. It

was reserved for Zeller to enlarge the area of

selection, and under him some eif the greatest

tvorks of the time were added to the repertory.

'I'hr Llcdrriafcl. which was definitely (bunded

in i8oo> at first consisted of 95 men, singers,

pocis and composers. The society met once a

mom h for supper and music, the songs were the

compmitions of the guests ihemselvTs, and the

fiathcrings are amusingly described in Zeltcf'i

Irt ters 1 o Goethe. I n t he same year he receivrd

the professorial title. In 1819 he founded the

Konigliches Instilul fur Kirchrnmusik. which

he eondurted until his death.

Zolt< r’s altitude towards MendeUsohn, first

ns tear her and Inter as a friend, was admir-

able, and though hisjudgment of contemporary

art was at limes mistaken, his faith in hia pupil

never waverr<l. No less praiKU’Orthy was his

'ihare in the rev ival of the choral music ofj. S.

Bach,* The joint enthusiasm of Mendelsohn

and Gcvricni for Bach's music had been

kindled by the study of the score of the Sc.

Matthew Passion which Zclter had bought

years before. Zeller rashly ventured on

simplifying some of the recitatives and choral

parts, after the method of Graun. I'he purity

of the work was saved by Mendelssohn ’s

grandmother, who prevailed on the fortunate

possessor of the score to present the treasure 10

her grandson. Not only was the M’ork well

bestowed and rescued from sacrilege, but its

publication and performance inaugurated a

fresh era in the art of music. The expediency

of printing the work was discussed at a dinner-

party given b) Sehlesingcr. the publisher, who

decided to bring out the work.

The zeal of Mendelssohn and DevTient, in

league to prevail on Zeller to allow a pubUc

performance, es'entually triumphed over every

' Karl FricUricKChriMun Furh *, 4le<Berfio. iSoi),

vriih a ivarirAit (drawn bv SKhadow}.

* * Rtirrorehvl awiKbm GoeUw vnb Zrlter*. $ v^.

llkriifl. iB 33 -s«}. Triwldied by A. D. Coleridge, i $ 9 ?.

* Sf* 4in Back CucsucHArr.

obstacle. The concession was wrung from

him with difficulty, but once given he put the

fences of the Akademie at his pupiPs disposal.

The first and cver-memorabic performance of

the Passion was pv-en on 1 1 Mar. tSsg, under

Mertdehsohn's direction, his friend ^ward

Devrieni singing the part of Christ.

Zeltcr compo^ songs and quartets for the

Ltederiafd of Berlin and set many of Goethe's

poems to music. These songs were intezpreied

in their day by Mara and other great singers.

Among his numerous works, now forgoiien,

was a cantata on the death of Frederick the

Great, which seems, judging by the account of

it in a journal of 1 786, to have been thought

worthy of the occasion. He also wrote an

oratorio called * The Ascension *, a Requiem,

a * Te Dcum ' and several other works which

were never published. A list of these Is to be

foufsd in ' A Sketch of the Life of Carl Fried-

rich Zeller, arranged from Aulob)ographical

ManuscKpis by Riniel. a. d. C., rev.


Kii’sc, Csoao RicHABo, ‘ ZHter * (Berlin, i 9 $i)«

l^cvcB. J■rrltrr. * Ber(Ko^'«>n in i>i« (Jwih«-2el(«r

Cwrriponjfnfe' t L., XVIf. iO;$. O itjL

$CHO*TLA'<Br<i. J, W,. * Cirl Fr»«dfich Zriicr* Dsr*

iwllwncrn L«bem * tWeimir, 1991 i.

ScMOaivAK!!, Groao. *C»rl Fr»<^ruh 2 di«r. d«r

B«rwi»der d«r prevwaehm MuMkp^trge* (B«rl!n,

! Oer ^(rnKh uod Kin tVerk*

f. Zelwr ill Cherditigenl'

Frwdrkh Seller


(Berka. in?)*

WcrrncB. Pm’S.

(Berlin, lessj. ^

WrrtyAKM. Csaram. * Du kUviefbegtejieie Selelied

KjcI priedrKH Zelim ’ (Berlin. rg}$).

Sft W«* iUibKhiKbe* Arehiv. MeadeUtbliB (ded. M

pf, el«>, Seng. IK 096.

Z^MIRE ET A 20 R. Opera (cenMit-M-

frr) in 4 ac u by Cri try- Libretto by Jean Fran-

cois Marmontel. based on Pierre Claude

NK'elle de La Oiaussde's comedy 'Amour par

amour’ (1749). Produced FontainebCeau, at

court, 9 Nov. 1771 ; in public, Paris, Com

Italiennc, 16 Dec. 1771. isi perf. abroad,

Copenhagen (in French), 1772- ist in

lard, Loi^on, Drury Lane Tlieaire (traru. by

G. Collier, music adapted by Unlcy), 5

1776. isi in U.S.A., New York (LInIcys

vmion), I June 1787.

Z£M 1 K£ UND AZOR (Opera). Sk


ZEMUNSKY, AfeaaAder von (k. Vienna,

4 Oct. 1879; d. Larchmoni. N.Y., (6 Mar.

, Ha

Austrian conductor and composer, nc

studied at the Vienna Cwisen'itory and be-

came conductor there, finl at the VoJkso^r

(J906),thenai«heCourtOpera (i 9<*6)«

holding a similar position at Mannhe<m

Zemlinsky settled in Prague as conduct^ at

the German Opera, where he did dulingui^"

work. Under him that house maintained a

high Icvd, and he directed it until igay-

Zemlinsky composed six operas, given m



4 "

Vienna and eisewKere with success. They

were the foHpwing :

* SArrma ' <librc((« by AfnaU Sehaeobfre. ba&rd oa •

kiAfy by KuJoir sMk UofucKalL ' l>*« Kote wm

Kaukiaus*). prod, Munich, to Iki.

* ba Hat ciiimal * ilib, bv Mositn bin««t, b«cd o* •

play by liulit^r Dtachinant>». prvd. Opeta.

ri jan. I9uu.

' Kkiilrr mudicn l.vuv ' bb. by ],«o F<U« batfil on a

Kory bv CjouCt^d KcHrr '• proH. S'€lkiepfr>

t I>^. I 9 MI.

* }'in^ rintriUMiixlif Trar^alic ’ tbb. bv Max MeyrrMd.

irjna. ftwm <>xat VVihk « prod. blaii$arl, jo Jan.


* (kr /hctx ' Mib. by Crorp C. CSaren. Uavtl om ^VaUc*<

tU>r> * The Hirlhdjy uT ihe lafaivu p*«d.

OHucMe, .May I'jn.

’ f)rr Kreldebreis' ilib. by KloLuoidi. pruJ. Zurich. I4

Ou. {©jv

Ui’tween and 193a ZenUinsliy uas

associated with Quo Kkrm|>erer and Fiiia

Zweigas conductor of the Berlin State Opera

(Kroll Opera,, uherr he uas outstarKlingly

successful. In 193’} he returned to Vienna

and comp<>sixt a nurnbiT vt works which have

remained un|iulilished, 'Ihc inlluence he

exerted, t spec tally m Ins youiU, u|>un ihe

}{encration of compuseri who were undergoing

their iraiiiing beiwern njnoand 1910 uas an cm

I eejmgly strung one, Kis »on*m*laxv, Arnold

Sehoetiberg, was alio his pupil, and later a

nurnWr of gifted inuncians studied (ompcai*

lion under him and Sihoenbrrg. .Ml>an Ihrg

trsiihed to his admiration for Xemliiuky by

introducing iriio his * Lyruchc Suite* for string

(|i>aru t 4 theme from Zemliruky’s * l.yriKhe

S>mphonie ', m. c, c. & b. j, w,

ZENATELLOf Giovacuil ((. Wrona, ua

IVh. 1876; rf. New York, it fell. i<M 9 l«

Italian tenor singer. He was trained as a

haritoiie and made hh dclnit as such at the

Jeatro Mcrradante, Naples. I'wo inunihs

later he exchanged the part of Sljvio in

* Pagliacci ' for that of Canio as>d asionMird

the Neapolitan critics hy proving hinuelf a

genuine r<ibust tenor, in which capacity he

apiieared in various opera-houHn in sciuthern

Italy fur three years. I'hen only did he begin

serious vocal study at Milan and fit hiinsrlf

for the worthy employment of a magnificent

voice. After a highly successful reappearance

at Mnntua he went to South Amerka and

entered upon the most brilliant part of his

career , bei ng e ngaged on his ret urn for La Scala,

Milan, where he sang regularly from 1903

to 1907. In the latter year he sang for Ham-

inerstein at the Manhattan Opera House, New

York, following up there Ihe successes wbkh

he ha<< won in Ixindon in 1903-6. He made a

good impression there, at Cov'ent Carden, both

by his acting and his dnging, on hb debut in

* L'n hallo in maschcra ’ t tooth |>erfnrmarKe at

Coveni Carden, 6 Oct, 1905/, but achieved a

more marked triumph three years later when

he sang Othello with Melba and Scoiti as

I>esdemona and lago- He was also very fine

that season as Radamb with Dcsiionova a$

Aida, and these two Verdi parts were con-

sidered his best in a repertory of some fifty

characters. He was for many vTars a member

of the Boston Opera Company and while

in America married H9131 the wvll-kiiown

Spanish prima donna Maria (Ja)'. He sup-

ported a ctmscrvaiory at V erona for die free

luicitm of talented students. 11. K.

ZENCK, HermanA <b. CarUruhe, 19 Mar.

1898; d. Freiburg i,B., j Dec. 1930 1.

German muvkolugUt. He went in Hlio<rl

at CarlvTulie and studied inuNic hi the (!u{i*

smaiory* there. In 1919 he gained the

SehrJTel stale pnee for <om|V>%iiion. Having

passed on in the Universities of Munich

(Sandbergri Heidelberg and Jaipzlg

(Kroyrr), lie look the Ph.I>. at tin la>i*

meniinned in 19^4 and be<ame a'shtant

teacher in hi muvivologual dcparimeiu,

advatHing to tlx; post of lecturer in 19^9. Jii

tc>3^ he was called in the rimrrsliy of

(MMcingen as leather ami director of the

mudeolngka] seminary. Hr l>rcHine pro*

|r>s«ir*exiraordinary m 19)4 and profcwur-iii-

orJinary in 1937. In he aerrpled a

prnTevsorvJiip at the L’liiveruty o| Freiburg I H.

ile became a mernlier ol the lleiljn Slate

Irhtiiuic fur ((iTiiiaii MiMCnlogy ici 1 939.

VMien the serkN r»f ‘ Ih'iikinalvr ’ was rc*

organued by ils f>ublisher' he tiHik i barge of

ll>c 'LandKliafiN^’tikmale* for Lower Saxony.

His liirrar)’ works, which show .v prcsloniinai*

ing interest in medieval and Kcnaii^atKc

musk, include the following :

* SimiWm ru AdnM tV'ilWrt * iliucrtaiiuM,

i$rt. wtiiHiiaiainJ'.

* biBiuft iWitKh. r«a rwr »mcI Mtuik.

'ZoriirHn “l»uiu 4 ioni kirAWoi.be”* /I.M.M .. XU.


* N. V HCMOnuB “ 1 ,* aniHj aiumib”’ ‘ Kivvrr I'm*

whrtfl KbiiJ«.hi, 1915).

* l>i« MtMik im /auIwi UsuiM* 'Jjhtbuili <l«r

aMUflhtl IXMite.<.r>^lb(hah Wnni.tt. .

IXm Falw ikvntWr Mouk . (ikitsurr l.i^lpilmcli mimI

I.ihIuik SmHt UVrkr * V/rkhfle

An/«%tm •. 19)4 ft 1940 .

L«hIh,< e]}^yiMl ,4 MtHiUukiir VI ||,

•994 « 4 r.

4 4\f*y >

* MMietiU«t« uml Oxmparl (!« VVoUVjibainlrr (^xlex


Mk Ii4«i PPMWO w. • .MPt«hntf<lia * • IS oHvo bul lei .

A. 9 JUfcKoH rMaiAe,

IP 4 ppfti of i $99 BiKl V ISiWikaiwHcn

utervr Aiwtik . IX. intj.

J«h*oAa ScKuliren, * MutiLajiKher J lainaite *. iGa 4

t UftUM^ftoWAkiiuk dee Mi^k in SitJti-

i*elnen .1 AV«UeAbyiipl, 1997),

Siina IKeWMh. Jlymm of tus i‘ Rm Menkmale

deaueber Mu^ *. XXIII. Leiptie. 1944).

, . K. G., adds,

ApoMolo. Julisn bbteni>i. He v.a* burn

j| on I j lie-*, idea. He e.iBblul,pi| ij,e f«fm»l»

w (he iLabsn a|«era libertlo 1I141 •.«« accepted bv

Ai Ike 4 R of citliicch Ik iwbTinied a

.....**!*''***'® w^eio*. and hit lirn opcraiie

bbeeiio, Ol in«ano. IpkciM'frirSi. I,*d an immeduic

iHeeru. He then wpo** one oc iho p»e<« ft>f V enice

V«r. In 1 709 be made Piilaii ku auuiant. and

libteiiof were wntwn ioimly.

^e» was head of 4 VencuaH 110^9,1^1 iLatarciio




Vecchio) and Uwr chief of ihc <uMO(m house. H« alM

made I’estarehes utio numiimaiics aj»d liieracui^. la

: 7'0 he founded the * Giomale de* leiieraci d* liaSa *.

in which I he first desctipikm ofCmcefon’s inveaiioo of

the puneforic appeared. By 1718 he bad won iMer*

national fame and wa» appoioied Poe (a ed istorico

C^reo to ihe Ausinao court. After ekven vvar% io

Vienna he returned to Vemee, where he dt^ 00 t c N«v.

• 7 iO.

Biat. — WoiQfcsNe, A., * Alphabetischet \>r 7 ekhna

der hiwcke in S’ersen aus den dramatueben S>>«kc«

von Zeno. MeiatiaMo uihI Getdoru ’ (Leipi^. 1905^

Stt e/;» Araia r Lueie \'etw'K AruMi <4 hba.).

BenoiKini (e. libti. BunofK*ni (). JibeJ. Chenibeni

('Quinio FabiQ 'j. Ciampi (F., 'Teiaaouc'l. Duai

ih U.. ' liramnde drbellaia Fa»ch t], * Luetv

N liOte iS. A., a hba k Pus 4' PiKhc Cahippi

I-, libi.h Oatparini rF,. 'Ambteio'), Cmmann

i' k1e(0|ie >, Cuvltelmi <K. A.. ' Seseaire Han^l

(7 fi] hht.], Haaee ($ hbt. . * Damrlle *. orasotio).

Helmoni tC. J., * Gntehia *. Flemnh xersionl. Laa>

pu^nant (* Volofese'). libretto, p. 9 »^ L.o(ti ('Ale**

sanOto Set ero\ liU). hfanaa ($ lite.h Peetek*i

Chalutiia', lib.). Puieccht CNaicrto'). rnllliido

(C. I'.. 'Incaniu (eho * 1 : * Faraowetda *). Porpora

baccUmi. SearUttj (1, 4 bba.h Scadatn

‘Anthkio'. lib.). .$earlaui ( 8 , 'Marope’, M.i,

lerradHUt (7 hb*.). Torn (7 hb*.'. Tractu (4 hbt >.

Vhaldi 13 hbi.). Zinrarclh 49 hb*.|.

ZENOBIA (Opera). 5 r< Mi,TASTA&K>.

ZENTA, Hermana. 5 m Hocus* (Au*

ClJst a),

ZERLINE (Opera). Sft Auasa.

ZERR, Aaaa (&, Baden-Baden, 9$ July

iBt 23 i d. Winierbach nr. Oberkirch, Baden,

i^June (dSi).

German soprano singer. She was lauglil by

Dordogni, and firsl appeared in opera at Carls-

ruhe, in 1639, where she remained uniil iS4S,

when she was engaged in Vienna. In 1851 she

obiained leas'e of absence and made her first

appearance in London, on 19 Ntay. ai Cathe-

rine Hayes's conccri, ai ihe Hanoser Square

Rooms, and sang with great success there and

at other concerts, including one given for the

benefit of the Hungarian refugees. On this

account, on her return to Vienna, she was

deprived of her diploma of court chamber

singer, and tvas not permitted 10 sing again ai

the opera during the remainder of her engage-

ment. On 10 July she made her d8bui with

great effect at the Italian Opera in London

as Ihe Q,ueen of Night. She reappeared in

1 8 JO in the same part, and in that of Lucia ;

on I j July as Rosa on ihc rev ival of Spar's

* Faust ’ ; on 17 Aug. as Catherine on the prtw

duction of ' Pieiro il grande’ (Jullien}. She

afterwards sang at the Birmingham Festival,

at Jullien's conceris, went 10 America and

retired from public life In 1837. a. c.

ZERRAHN, Carl (L Makhow, Meckkn-

burg*Schwcrin, 28 July i8o6; MUion,

Mass., 99 Dec. 1909).

American conductor of German birth. He

w ent to t he U .S. A. i n 1 B48 as a member of (he

Germania Orchestra, playing the flute. He

was elected conductor the Handel and

Haydn Society In 1854, and conducted the

concerts of this ekoraJ society for foriy-iw‘o

years. He conducted the concerts of the

Worcester, Mass., Musical Festivals for over

thirty yean (1866-97) and the Harvard Sym*

^loay CktocerU durir^ the entire period of

their existmec. He was also the conductor of

many musical fesUvab in America and exer-

cised a powerful influence on the spread of

musk in the country of his adoption.

^ & K

Sm tiM hltmc Fetiivab, U.8.A.

ZEDGMEER, Jakob * (6. ZOxich, 1805 i

Liverpool, j 3 June 1865).

Swiss violinist and composer. He kamt the

violin first from Wassermann in hb native

(own and in 1B18 was placed at Munich under

Ferdinand Franzel, for the violin, and Grata

for composition and musical science. A visit

to Vienna in 1823 confirmed his enthusiasm

for chamber music and Beethoven, who re-

mained through life the object of hb highest

veneration. The example of Sehuppanzigh

arKi of ilie four brothers Moral 1 suggesicd to

Zeugheer ihe idea of attempting the same with

hb friends at Munich, as " das Quarteti

Cebruder Herrmirui ". They started in 1B94,

giving performances in southern Germany,

Switzerland, Holland and Belgium. In the

spring of 1826 they played in Pans and then

crossed the Channel. Jn England they seem

10 have been successful at Dwer, Ramsgacc,

and especially at Brighton, where they settled

for five mrmihs. They gave conceris through-

out the south and of England, and in

Ireland from Cork lo Dublin, where they

arris’ed in -Vov. 1827. Early in 1828 they

proceeded by Belfast 10 Glasgow, Edinburgh

and London. There the quartet was broken

up till a new second violinist was found in

Anion Popp of \^'bnburg, who repla«d

Joseph Wcx. The conceris began again with

a aeries of si* ai Liverpool in the summer of

1829 continued through the northern

counties. Bui in the spring of J830 (he

" brothers ’* had had enough of a rwlng life.

Zeugheer settled at Liverpool, where he re-

mained till hb death.

In 1831 Zeugheer took the conduetorship of

the Gentlemen’s Conceria at Manchester,

which he retained till 1838. The Liverpool

Philharmonic Society, originally a pnvaw

society, began in Jan. 1B40 to give public

concerts with an orchestra, and in 1843 ap-

pointed Zeugheer director. He conducted

(heir c<mccrts from (hat dale to 28 Mar. 1 665,

shortly belbre hb death. But the great work

of hb life at Liverpool was teaching.

Zeugheer wrote 9 symphonies, 2 overtures,

a cantata, 2 sets of entr’actes, a violm Con-

cetto, Op. 28, a Potpourri for violin and

orchestra. Op. 6, a an Andante and

Rondo for vioUn and pianoforte. Op. *

a Polacca for 4 voices, few of them pubJisheO.

At Liverpool he wrote an opera, ‘Angela oi

Venice’, loChorlcy’s words, but It was neither

* Kmwb also a* J. 2. Hemnasc.


ZICH (Jarodlsv)


produced nor publlshnJ. He publi$hed 3 sds

of waltzes, a \‘ocaJ duet, * Come, lovely May

and other songs and glm.

n. u., abr.

ZEUNER (Pseudonym). Set Goidiciaxi


Zeyee I Jolio*. St* Ambrw * Oriwo <k U Lm *.

iV|vr»), Jauseck {’&a(ka\ lib.K Kal«k

’• oprtaK OiirCiI {’ KuaaLx't t>*o\

* La|Kr>d ntHna lib.K {S wr"|'*i. porim . OMh>

|j, ‘J.ijkj div Mib.t.

ZK«4a, NUcokay Pavlavieb. Srt S«to* <* Sm \

iiKid. m,>.

ZHELOBINSKY, VaJ«ry (h. Tambov,

13 Mar. 1913; d. Moscow, 13 .\ug. 1946).

Russian pianist and composer. He b<^n

to show mutical gifts of a high order at (he age

of six, and by the time he was hfieen lie

was ready (o leave the Tambov .Musical

Tcchnicum and in advarKc to the Leningrad

Contenatory. Before he was sev'enleen he

had appeared in public as a pianist, and he

composed a great deal while still ai iltc

ConuTvator) , which he left in 1933. On lu

Oct. >933 hi* first opera. ' The Peasant of

Komarinsk was produced at the Leningrad

Little Opera Theatre. This was foUcnvrd by

another, 'Her Saint's Day at the same

theatre on 32 Feb. 1933. To this period l>rlong

also a Symphony, two pianoforte CoiKerius

and a violin Concerto. Jn 1997 ZheloUnsky

was occupied mainly with the composition of

his third opera, ' Mother based on Maxim

Gorky's novel. This, ho^vevcr, was not pro-

duced until 1939. It was followed by a

' Dramatic Symphony ' and (wo others, a

third pianoforte Concerto and a ballet, ' Parly

f ickci M. p. c,, adds.

2h*(«chosanlb«v. A. Stt BjTsbircv v.i.^ .

ZHIVOTOV, AJ«««y Sec^osovich (i.

Kazan, 14 Nov, 1904).

Russian composer. He was a pupil of

Shelicrbachcv at the Leningrad Ckmsenatory

and made his first appearance in Moscow* in

• 927 with a Symphonic Suite (Op. ij. A

Nonet for strings, w ind and pianoforte, and a

Jazz Suite followed. In these early works he

sacrificed to the fashions of the moment. *n»e

later ones are on broader and sim^dcr lines;

the principal are the operas ' The Year jgrg '

and ‘ Ilnny ', a Symphonic Suite and a Jazz

Suite for orchestra; ‘The West a cycle of

settings for voice and orchestra of translations

of revolutionary poems by wcatem authors

and a ' Threnody and Funeral March in

memory of Kirov ' (*937).

Zbohb^v. N. P. S<fov {* fvmtt et Cvil *. bb )

ya*sU, Ai.4mrvich. ** Olm

( Manna Cfwve . op«ca skecth ; 6 town). ImoUm

Ivay V (nKinona I can ta u,. Lvov (wm& «| * Sdw

•>i«T«r K ^«llOAal AaiIkhu IR«w>a]. RakknaA.*

(senn). J chaikav*kv (* MaiO af Orkm % opeis).

ZlANl, Marc* Asiromo (K Venice,

1053 J Vienna, 23 Jan. 1715).

Italian composer. He was maettn A' eap^i

at Santa Barbara and at the theatre of

Mantua, whence he was dismiss'd nn 3d

Sept. 1 086 . He became vice Caft^llmtisU/ at

the court in V ienna on 1 Apr. 1700 anti Iiim

Ctp^lfwtfiiKr on I Jan. 1712. He comfK-sed

oratorios, masses, mot<*i$ and other rhurch

music as w'cll as 49 o|M'ras, si'rvnatles ami


Hit most important operas are ' .Mlessandm

hfagno in Sidonv ' dibri iio by Aur<*liano

Aurellk, produced at ihe Teatro dri Sami

Giovanni r Paolo, V enice, In tlie Carnival t»f

1679; ' Damira plaiata ' 1 libretto by Filippo

.*Vcciaiuoli\ pnvlurcd at the I'eairo San

Giovanni f .risoslomo, V'enlc/*, (lamival i68n;

‘ .Mcleagro ’ t libretto |>)' Pieiro Antonio

Bernardoni', produced in V'ienna on ifi .Vug.

1706; and * <;luU>nida ' libmio b\ .\iccolo

.Minaiio, produced in Vienna on 31 .\pr. 1709.

► . V. d. s, & A. L.

.Zm Wi* .k««aiu«.li Ub.

ZlANl, Pietro Andrea V'enlir, r. 1620 ;

A Xapirs. ij Feb, td64 '.

Italian organist and <uin(>oser, uncle of the

prrtnlmg. He wa^ organic I at San SaKator,

Wnke, in 1640; from Mav 1657 lill 1(159

or iGbo he v\as oraci/re A fapfnfh of .Santa

Nfaria Maggiore, Bergamo; lietwcen 20 I>ef.

16W1 and 30 J.in. ilk)? he <on<lucted some of

his church works at tJw w edding of the heredi-

tary Prinee of Saxony at Drevlen, In iCfx)

he succecxled CavalU at second organist of

Si. Mark’s, Venice, bul w*hen he was no I

appoifttrxl first organist, on the death of ih<*

fomwr in iC?6, he went to Naplct. From that

time reliable data arc not ohiainabic; ih<m*

gis'cn by various biograpljcts are not sub-

stantiated. He Composed 33 operas, 3 ora-

torios. masses. j>s4tms, Instrumental sonatas of

5 to 6 parts, oirrlures, organ pieces, etc.

His most important operas are ‘Le fortune

di Rotl<^ e di Damira ' (libretto by Aureliano

Aureh'. pr-Kluecd at ihe Teatro Sam'

Apolhnare, Venire, in the Carnival of JC37,

and * 1 .' Aniigona delusa da .Vlccste’ fsamc

hbreitlul. produced ai the Teatro del

Santi Gioianni e Paolo, V'enice, on 15 )an.

•^* E. V. d. 8. & a. 'l.

ZlCH, Jaroslav J*. Prague, 17 Jan.

Czech pianist, musical scholar and com-

pwr. The son of Otakar Zlch, he was

Mucated a( a seeondars* kHooI in Prague

(1922-301 and from his youth received a

thorough (raining in music under his father’s

gu^ance. In 1928-31 he was a pupil of

J, B. Foersier at ihe Master School. At the

Charles University he studied mathemaiics

AM i^yssea, but desoied himself chiefly to

philosophy, musicok^ funder Z. .N'ejediy)

(under O. ZIehU taking the

rh,p. in 1936. Having finished his studies

U 3«fwd the suff of the Czechoslovak

oroMcasiing organizaiion in t937, where he


ZICH (Otakar)


has remained ever since. From 1946 lo 1946

he also lectured on mmical aesthetics at the

Academy of Musical Ai&. la hb essays and

studies, published particularly in the period-

icals ‘ Li&ty Hudebni Matice-Tempo ’ and

* Rytmvs he has shovit) interest in the

problems of aciblic execution. He has abo

shown himself to be a dbtinfuished piamv

forte accompanist and chamber*inusic player.

As a composer Zich, although influenced

by (he example of hb teachers, shows a

considerable degree of independence in musi-

cal thinking and an individual art in carrying

out his ideas. Unfortunately his activity

as a compo.scr seems to have declined in

recent years. I'he following is a selection

of his Morks :

Ballrl * I' musiky ' (’ Al (he Dance * 1 , bated an eld

CUreU folk ilancei, fee a viKaae eiueakbk af ebht

inurvmcni* (1940).

*Leimv hatl ’ (’Fl>init GueM*?, »r( af teetp «»Uh

orchrdra (ar pianafeele) (Viktae l>>kl

’ HAAianre helealandika ‘ C A Hflieatand *K

re(it«i»at> uuh aKheura i|in NenjdaJ (lOas).

Sirine Quanct, ma. (1931).

C. t.

ZICH, Oiakar KrAlovi Mfsiec, 25

Mar, 1870; OuMniee nr. Benckn', 9 July

• 034)'

Orcch compmer, aesthetieian and folk*

music expert, father of the preceding. After

a sccondar>’ school education he siudM mathe-

matics, ph>'sici and particularly aesthetics

(under Hostinsky) at the Charles University in

Pr.vguc { 1897-1901), where he took the I'h.D.

in 190a. He ^^'orl(cd as a secondary school-

master from 1903 to 190C at D^ailice,

where he became closely acquainted with the

folk music of the Chods, a rural population m

1 small district of south-western Bohemia.

In 1911 he became lecturer at the Charles

University and in 1920 he was appointed

professor of aesthetics at the Masaryk UnisTr-

sily of Brno. In 1924 he rejoined the siafFof

the Charles University in Prague, to remain

there until his sudden death.

At the beginning of h is activity as a scientbt

Zich svas chiefly interested in musical folk-

lore. Later he concentrated on problems of

musical aesthetics and psv'cholo^, showing

an uncompromising independence in hb out-

look and a keen insight in hb works on the

subject. He also act^ as a musk critk and

took his share in the fight against Dvorak,

led astray by his too exeliisis'c admiration

for Smetana, whose ‘ Prague Carnival * and

music to Goethe's poem * The Fisherman ' he

later carefully edited (1924) and of whose

symphonic poems he published masterly

analyses. His book on the aesthetics of

dramatic an b a work of ouuundiog im-

portance, showing a thorough grasp of the

extensive and intricate problems ^ the matter.

As a composer Zich was self-taught. ABer

some impersonal and technkally not very

prombing attempts he worked bard in ord^

to acquire the necessary Imbh of workmanship

and to find his own way in aribiic expression.

Smetana's heritage and the spirit of folk

musk were the roots of his creative activity

during a first period culminating in the song

cycles on Neruda's poetry and in his first

opera, ‘ Maltfsky nipad He tlien became

deeply influenced by the late works of Beet-

hoven, by Mahler and Schoenberg, and a

thc^ugh change became apparent in the

principles and means of his art. A frank

attitude towards the world and simplicity of

musical thinking and diction gave way to an

intense concentration on the serious problems

of human life and to rlaborate polyphony, as

is shown by the dramatic veracity and power

of his second opera, ' Vina '. In his third

opera, 'Precksky', Zich also showed a

remarkable gift of humorous, characteristic

and witty expression.


Opera * MalifUi} ni^ ' (' Painter's VS'Him ')

bv Oomp^wr. aher a mmv br Svateplu^ Ceeb;,

I a<i. Cm. 4 (ieolj.pred. rraewe. it Mar. >oi«.

Opera ' Vina * (* 1 m Sis ’) <lib. an jaro^v Hilberi’s

B iV af the same (iUr). j acu. Op. 10 ( ipt$), prod.

asu«. <« Mar. ipta.

Opera 'Pmkskv' ('Les Prkieuw* ridicuin *} {hb.

fram Matr^re'* c«nwdy), i act, Op. (B (ipas), prod.

Praewr, i> May load.

CantaiA ’ OmmJaS ivaiba' ('The tU-fe>ed Weddlaf')

(felh leat). Op. I (ipas). ^ .

Canuu * Polka (*lV Palira Rida' (Jan Neruda),

S««^Kk^'S”*Mr«‘ {'From the Hearr) (Nanidi)

fee ban«on« A anh.. Op. « (ifa?). ^ ,

SoAf ayele 'Z m«lniek« iktlr' ('Fram ihe Rack al

hfelttok') (.Neruda) fer barliaw & arch., Op< 7

rXa my Maiher') (Neruda)

fee bariiane A arch.. Op, k (ipM).

cmIo ' SUepiny 4nt ' <* Frapnanu oT Day* 1

(Jan jiri) feamMiumx'oiea ft arch., Op. IS (>9ra).

Tria sac vialia, ceUa ft pt, Z mi. (ipat),

* Ctaeh Mite ’ fee vn, ft r«Ua, Op. 14

Paruann. Arran«emenu af felkaant*'

OfchefWatiao af Smetana's ' CsKh Uancat . fte.


* Ftaa* a laacc da kaMka na Chadku ’ (' Sin«^f and

Danewe Rau^ in iKc Uirtrici af (he Chadt )

{•CokyJkl', Vris. XV-XIX, ipo6-ra). .

lidmd laiKc t pramMh-rm uktern C Cmn

Foft Oanecf in Chanpinc Time*) I* NSrodapanr

Wciiuh teskmlavaiHky *, Val. XI (tpod-S). , .

' Cwet<^< vnintSM hudby * ('Aeuhctie Apprehcnsiaa

* Hudebnt otewky rasbar Hubitky * C Muiiaf aad

AoMheiiral Anah'sh k [Smciaae t) " Thr Ki» >

• DxJiSil vYsnam umtletk^ * (* TV Aniriic Sien^fi-

taaee of DvatSi ') (* Hudebni ibamik IP’S). _

'Symfenicbd bAtiW Smeunavy ' ('Smetanas

plMAie Paenw'J (19*4. aad ed. iwP). , _

* Eueuha dramattfVha urntm * (' Aeflhenes af Dramj-

be An* (IPS*)* ,

G. C

ZICHY. Cd*o (CoiMit) (*. Sztkra Castle.

Hungary, 22 July 1849; Budapest, 14 Jan.

^Huitfariao pianist and composer, He was

a pupil of Robert Voibnann and Lissi. From

*875 until 1918 he was president of me

National Coosert atory in Budapest. A jurist,




he played a prominent part b public life and

adminUiration. As a boy of fourteen he had

lost his right arm in a hunting accident, but

he developed great skill in ]eft>hand pianc^one

placing and from J&60 onwards toured all

over Europe, being everywhere admired as a

virtuoso. From t^t to 1894 he wasintendanc

of the Royal Hungarian Opera in Budapest,

his appointment signalizing Mahler’s resigna-

tion of the musleal directorship there.

Zichy's numerous pianoforte works are

mostly written for the left hand alone, being

designed in the fmt place to enrich his reper-

tory, They Ineludc 6 Studies ( 1878 . prefate

by Lisat), a Sonata and a Concerto in E>

major (tgo 3 ^ He also published a cantata,

* Dolores ’ (ibBgn songs {' KunstlerfaUn

1866 ; and H’veral works for the stage which

were suec<*ssful in Hungary and fJermany.

They include the balUt ' Cemma ’ f league.

1903 ; Budapest, 20 Feb. 1904 * and the follow,

ing operas :

X4f 'f. |sr«.l,

lb .MdV I SKI.

' yy, prt-l, llu«la|>co, II Apr. iW. Berlin, ita«.

KwImiU Du«J*iir»t. lu Imv, iIm. IVam,

leuv. ^

Tritoey en ihe Mr of HSbec<i .

I. Nemo ^ipoV'

S. II. KjkSciu Prrrne

S K'xImiS '19121,

He alir> published poems 1 1877 &: 189?/,

plays and an autiiblography Kirr. ed., ’ Aus

memein Leljen 3 wk, t<jii-^4;.

A. t.„ rev. j. 5. w.

ZUgenbacon. Frosa Hoinrlcb. .S^r M«as(i Immi.

( VNjilrimKMiir.r. Halt. nwhjw.«l Oa...

Wrni I. ’ Kivak ill «c *WWU *. opera*.

ZIEGLER, Joaeph ( 4 . ? ; d. ?).

Ausirian iBih.cetiiury violinist and com-

poser. He lived In Vienna about 1750 and

was the maaier of Diltersdorf. Of hn com-

positions there are still In existence 5 motets 4

rnasses, 2 litanies, 1 ' Salve Regina*, i virdin

Concerto with string atcoinpanimcnt and a

violin sonaia with coriitnwo. a. v. d. s.

ZIEHN, Bernhard ( 4 . Erfurt, Jo Jan.

184$ ; rf. Chicago, 8 Sept. tgia).

Germart'American musical theurisc. In

1 868-70 he taught higher maihemaiks, Ger-

man and musical theory at the German

Lutheran School in Chicago.

After 1871 Ziehn occupied himself wnh the

theory of music, the technique <rf composition

and of piarKifone playing, and with writing

concerning it. Busoni said of him : •• He is a

theoretician who points to the possibilities of

undiscovered lands — a prophet through logic.

As a master of harmony he stands alone '*

^idcs his masicf.worit, •Harmonic und

Modulaliomlchre ' (1888), his books include

System der Ubungen fur Klaviersplcler '

(1881) ; • Lehrgang fur den etsten Klavicr-

untemeht * (t88i) ; ‘ Five, and Six-Part Har-

monies: How to Use Them * (tgi 1) ; ‘Canon-

ical Studies, a N*rw ’Fechnlc of Gomp(><Ition *

w, b. s.

Bot.— Moir*. Joaciiih. * B^inlianl /iHin; iln

ikuuch.amrnkaniKlw .Nfioiktlieoirtibrr ' .

reviJk, leyo ,

ZlEL£Nt£W 1 CZ,M»ciej < 4 , / Cracow,

f. 178 a).

Polish conductor. H« t\as a priest and a

nx'mber of the Cj|X'lla Koran ti« tar uni at

Cracow, and In iTbi. after tlir death of

J. T. B. i*(kaUki, hr was ap|>ointvd precc nior

of ihr chapc’l. He ts said to luvr written two

masses un D minor and in .A minor', (ound

tn the archives of the (athulral thapu r of

Cracow*. (Jo|Hes of ih<'s*‘ masses werv niatic

by the Craeow cantor Kraiz« r, who attributed

them to /iflenwwifz. New rew’drcli, how-

eser, iltruv^'s doubt upon Ziflen lew tee’s

authorship, proving that the copli's in f|uesilon

were made Iroot nianuKripls by ZleleinfwieA,

but that these were copies math' by liini o|

works by <*I«t Polish masiers. c. k. u.

ZlELENSKl, MikoUj (NicoUa) {b. r.

/ ? 7 »

Polish i 6 ilt-t 7 ih.<enlury organisi ami tom-

poaer. K r<im 1 bott he eonduc ted tli e t hi lira nd

bantl of the IVimaie of IViland, Archbishop

Wojtiecb '.\ll>eri Baranowskiai Lowiea, uniil

the latter's death, which <KCUf red In 1615 .

On the recoin mendaijon of his noble pjiiMn

ZielenskI puUislied 1 wo large c<^le(tiuns uflils

eonipostiions with Jacopo Vincenil at Wnlee

in tbii. Jbe Imt volume of this colossal

Work is rmttird ‘ OiTtriuria lotius anni, quilnis

tn fevl Is omnibus .Sancta Rotnana Ectlesia uti

consuevic. septenis et ocionis voeilnis lam vjvls

quam insirunientabbus accomnicHlaia. QuiUus

acccsseruni Saerae .Symphonlae cum Magni*

Beat vxKum duodeelnt. Ainmre Nieolao

/lelehski I’olimo, tieganario ei capcilae magi-

stro musirissimi el Keverendcssimi Domini

Alberti Baranvwski |>ci graila Arclilc^piicopi

Cnesnemi ^aii nati, Ri^ni Poloniae Prima-

ch el Primi Principts. Nunc prim urn ab ijBci

autore in lucctn aedtta. Wnetiis apud

Jacobuin Vjncentlum, tCii and comprises

the following :

(1) Uci^iitf (i. Deal (ims.jt otbtm

(jl !•*. »«(» fjrt; (4, riwrtmi AiKiiulij

. 4 - Thsfw.; 9 I Urtklerniin Aiij.

•®». (•&> V «niM mes: ( ibi A«e Mi/ia : <«jj JWra

; * lOJ I n tuiiyk Jc coeJo ;

Confifins hoc:

**1?, ^ 75?i ' 3 • ) f •i-e re e om M 3 I M omnem

« do.HAe; ,J4, iuMruio «i

(S^Aswmpta ew; fjgj In vinuieTus;

!?il S><eiii Angcloi; 139) lw,o.

O^Mf Deui; (40 Alicreniur:

(4SJ «t booere : f43> Lmicaiuc timiipi j (44) Fe^

n! 7 ,!r^ te* •< Per me/iid s.ikU AdalCei,

! S I _^ f ^ S»Aftislsot : (}o) fpiima na«

Inemm Ipvmm. riee»ds p*tt} EiT»«puri*f (jn Salve

4 i6



(e»t« die«: {$s> Spiriiu* Sasctt grMia; (u) (Q

choro ; {54) Dontine ad adiuvaadum me ; (5)) Msf-


(No*. $. 6. It. 14. i 6 , r 9 . «>. 3 *. 36. 4 «> ^ Tof tewa

voicei, all others Cot eighty except Ko. the Xtagaifical^

which 14 Cm twelve.)

The second pari is entitled * CommunioMS

toiius anni, quibus in solemnioribus Testis

Sane la Roraana Eedesia uii consuevii ad

cantum organ! per unam, duas, tres, quaitaor,

quinque ei sex voces cum inslrumentis

musicalibus ei vocU rnolutione, quam I tail

gorgia vocant, decantandae. His acccsserunl

aliquot Simphoniae quatuor, quinque et sex

vocum el ires Fantasiae imirumcniis must*

calibus accommodaiae ~ Auctore NicoJao

ZieleAski.' It comprises 6d numbers divided

as follows ;

(i) Foa Okc Vows wnti Oscam

( 1 ) In iplend<M»bu 4 Sanctorum (tenor) : (si V»dro

eoelw (Mprsno) i 1 $) ExHt *erme (b*M) ; ( 4 ) Retpen*

wm jccepit (loprane} ; Si eoeuirseticlit lum);

( 4 ) ConCuntlaniur tupcvbt (*opreno) ; <71 Wniie p«t

me ( tenor ); ( 6 ) denel iurasi (boui; I 9 ) frwxipe*

penecuci (wprsrto) ; lio> Ameri Jko vebci <bS 44 >:

1 1 1 1 Mirahintur ibs* 4 ) ; IIS) Inirmho mI aJutc (tenorl ;

( 19 ^ lllumina ractem tuem (boKt ; (I 4 ) Curtate el

videte (loprane) ; ( 13 ) Qui mandurai (hM)«

(il> Pos Two VtHCKt (Sorat^ a2*s Bas») anp OnoAM

|id) To ei reiruti (17I Amen dice vobit: (illEcee

Virgo eoncipiet I (ip) ISalhte DooMno; (so) Spiruui

4ui a Fatre; («i) ^ih milw miottuai ; (ts) BrMa

viKera 1 (a)i Mute rnanum Twem; IS4) Faniaiia, fee

cornet and bawoen with an orfan aecempanlmeat. or

for violin^ viola and or|arv>

(iii) Foa 1 'Hmra N'oKis amp Oaoam

Isj) !n tplendoribua : led) Rnponaom aeeepii :

(971 Bcaia viKcra : IrB) Peei iwdxioruA: Ispl ^’i*

tjonem quam xidiMh: (30) Brai« aervot; tNo*.

90 , so and so al*o with two victim aiad baaoaa);

rantaMj fur two corocu artd banaon or two

vielini, viola oimJ organ ; ()a) Fantaira for a nmilar

enKmblc ai No. )i.

(iv) Foa Fova Votep

(99) Domuimri; f) 4 l Vidrruniomnesfmr*: {u)Vi*

deruni omnei Rites, (ai>o(hef version ti No. $4 bot

written “ limpliciKr **) ; ( 9 i) \'es in Raota ; () 7 l Vo«

•ecuLciiu; (9!) Fascha nowrwm . (3P> F«Mha noetftim

(anothrr veniort of No. $S but written ** umplkiler ;

(40) Per lignum cruck $ (41) QuotiecufM|ve • {4s) Be*

all oiundo corde i ( 49 ) Admamiu Te.

(v) Foa Five Voksi, OaoAM amo OzHca Iwitatwsxn

(44) Kaec die*: ( 4 S) Haec die* (wnh an ortan and

iiutrumenti) i ( 40 ) Surreut DoiiMAtA: (49) C«o ftton

6 atierb«nu«: (4B) Ptallite Domino : <49) Beitedtcimus

'rum: (SO) Spirilva Saiwtw* doeebit (with or<an and

intirumtnui: (91) Spiriiua Saaeiua; fjs) Tu puer

prepheca : ()}) Opiimttn parwm (wrih ihtre uombofie*

and organ) : (54) Levari occulo* : (99) Dormae Dew

mrw : ($ 0 ) O gIorio*a Domma; (97I la Monte

Olit'Cii: (90) BerWJiritc Deum ; ($01 Ipwm bene*


(vi) Foa $£c Voicsi amo OaoAK

( 0 o) Vidimu* scllam; ( 0 i) LaetaWior iwtoa:

( 0 s) Magna ew gloria: (69) Magna ed aloria (with

organ and imirumenu); ( 04 ) Be«ed*riie onaa r* ;

(69) Caudete lusii ( 06 ) Contere.

Ziele^ki, fully aware of (he responsibiliiy

of (He (ask entrusted to him, employed in both

these works the new anliphonal " Vertellan

method wTiUng his ?• and R'part ofTeriories

for two 4-part ch^rs w ith a separate organ for

each. His most ambitious work, (he Magni-

ficat, is scored for three mixed 4*par( choirs

and three organs. He was the first Polish com-

poser to employ this new method of writing ;

'* primus a Polono novo modo concinnau

A fact vrorth noting is that Zielenski's or-

gan parts, the usual hgured bass, have the

fswiodic line of the top pan added to them,

regardless of which voice sings it at that

moment. He thus gave (he organbt (he oui-

lines of (he whole, in order to prevent him

from perfonning his work in (oo sponianeous

a way, and he even added (he admonition

** verum opus esi ut adhibeantur simpliciier, ne

impediant caniores in facicnda resol udone

In (hese works speab a daring composer

and a real master of hU art. Although he was

well aware (hai music which pleases the ear is

more valuable than that which merely astoo*

Kshes by iu cleverness, his endless inventive

pow’er, subtle gradations of dynamics and

highly polished and refined contrapuntal

writing astonished his lisienen. Blending

homoplsonic with polyphonic technique, lie

produced extremely elective and beautiful

results. He was undoubtedly one of the

greatest P^ish composers before Chopin.

His greatest work, the Magnificat, was per-

formed ai the centenary of Chopin's birth

at Lwdw in Oct. 1910. AH the choral

socielies of Lwdw took part in that perform-

ance, orgariiacd and conducted by Miecryslaw


Zieledski's wurki were edited and published

by J. SursyRski in the * Monumcnia Muaices

Sacrae in Polonia ’ (1W5 & iSB?)

' Kircbenmusikalisches Jahrbuch by >».

Oieburowski in the ‘Cantica seiecia Munecs

Sacrae in Polonia ' (198$); by A. ChyblAski

and B. Ruikowski in (he ' >Vydawniciwo

Dawnej Muayki Pohkirj' ('Publications dc

musique ancienne polonaise ’) (Warsaw, rgjj).

c. %■ H.


X*NKt. i. 1. * D* bMi«0j M. 2iHeitdiic<» * (' Sup^^

n^. 14 the WsphV ^ M. ZkhMii‘f C W'*

aiuu(«l«eKAl YrarbooS , \V*r»Aw, i930)« ,

AeMmscKt. 1. • WNrwv wteskie w mutrcc

('Tht Julitn JnRoeiKeM* Foluh Mu«« ') (Cwo".

hrr Hiiiory and CultuN SmUm on Mhmc,

Vd. I OVaruw. if 90). .,,11

* MvrvbA PelikA w Rngweiu '

ivarSSjT'j.l^M'uykA A*** kK

p«bkkb^ ('Figured MsaM in Pduh Churchn )

iPocnan. 1009) . ^. 1.1

i*c*erA*mA, M.. ’O n-gteowym M4g«jfic*‘ ^

Zkkhikittp' CTSe

SI. Z*el«n*U‘l (‘Poluh Sfu»*celogiul Y«*ib»» *

Uaruw. i«5J.

ZlELlNSKl, Jarorfaw (*. Lub)T*a Krb-

ewska, 31 Mat. 1847; d. Santa Barbara,

J.S.A., as July 192*)* u,

Polish pianbt, writer and compo^r. nc

vas a pupil of Gunie'vics and Mikuli (pjsno-

CMHel at the Lwdw Conservatory. He wn-

Inued his studies under SchulKofT

It \ ieiuta and Cenitii (singing) at MJ'*"'




He look an accive part in Ihc Po)Uh upriung

agaisut tsarist Russia in 1863^4 and was

badly wounded. But he soon re<o^'r^^d and

in 16G4 moN'cd to the V.S.A. and joined the

Amvriean Army, serN'ing there until the end

of the Ci^'i! War, He quitted the sertice in

i8Cg and began to appear as pianist on the

concert plattorin.

Zielinski U\-cd in New York, then at (irand

Rapids and Detroit, [n 168B he moted iv

Buffalo and linahy t\vTniy*tw'o years later to

Los Angeles » where he founded the Zielinski

']>io Club and became head of a musk

school, fie wrote several pianoforte pi«es

and comriUuied an imjwrtam ankle, * l^oles

In Musk \ to * The Centurs Library of Musk ’

(Vol. XVIir . c, a. K,

ZIENTARSKL Romuald Teodor i.

Hock. 1831 ; d. Warsaw, 1874 .

Poli»h teacher, writer ami composer. Hr

was a pup.l of LLsni r at the W*ar>aw

srrtatory. A large work of his. m three

Volumes, under ihc title of * Stiiavka k«iMiehta.

ehoralna i lippjr.ilna ’ Churih Musk both

Choral .tnd Kigund *1, was puNished in parts

from i8bo and comprised ihe religious songs

and chants harnionlaed hy hon as well as his

original contposi lions. He also |Hjbhsherl a

Miserere ' and * iabera me, IftHnitte ’ for

douhie cljoir ami wind ban<l. sewral masses,

motels, hymns, preludes and logues for organ,

three symphonies, 4 oratorios and very many

secular songs. His total output numbers

1)34 works.

In idS'j Zieniarski was a|>|>«>inted teacher

of (ircg-inan chant at the Rrman CUiholic

Seminary in Warsaw, and from 1OC5 he alv>

taught organ pbsing at the Mwk Iiuiiiutr

then . He puhlkhcd a pianoforte School and

an organ SchiMd, i;. n. n,

^ ZIENTARSK], Wikeor li. W’anaw', 1854:

Polish composer, vm of the preceding. He

was taught hrsl \>) his father, then by Krcyer

and Momus^ko at the >N‘ar>aw Consersatory.

>lc wrote many for luanolorie and songs

with pianoforte accompanimcni.


Baron'), Operetta in % acts by Johann

btrau5%, ^uii, Libretiu by Ignai .Vhniuer

based on a libretto by Mor Jokai adapted

from his own story ' Salli \ l*Toduccd \‘»enna

llieaicr an der W ien, 24 (Xt. 1885. isc perf.

abroad, Uudai^cst <in German), 27 Sw. 18^.

Jst m D.S.A., New York (irans. by S. Roseiw

.. '•* England, London,

Rudolf btcmcr Hall, 12 Feb. 1933.

Zn^, Richard .fr. V^ctin, Moravia, ij

Jan. 1897; Hague. lo Nov. 1^7).

Gztxh violinist and composer. He was a

menilxT of a large family of musicians.

Having received a good training from his


father, he was educated und<*r .Siirhy a I I he

Prague Cunservatory (1913-1^1, From ipt8

to 1931 he was prufessor of the \ iu!in at the

Conservatory of Ljubljana ( Yugml.iviai, from

1920 to 193.* he playid lir;<t siulin in ihr

Prague Quartet ami afterwanh H<)43-4<>; in

the OndhCrk Qiiartel. In 1940 h<' was

enlrusUHl wltli a profisajishlp at the Pragu«

Academy of Musical .\ris. He dewrvi’div

enjoyed the utnsosi fame as a singularly line

and unassuming soIom and an Kirllem

ehamlwr-inu^ie plawr. A« a wIL i.iuglit

composer Zika arousexi unusual inierist by

Im siring Quartet M9331, whirh received the

first 4>ri/e m die 4<imp'*lition ul the C.irillori

(lhainiwi Musk S«K lets alUemv.i > Mijb^.

ZtLCHER, Hermaon ,L Ftankfort o M.,

18 ,\ug. 1K81 . rf, Wurabutu. 1? Jan. 11,48 .

German (oinp>»HT. He studied vviih hj»

fallieraiMl at Hmh's Ckmservalory in bis native

low'n. Ill Kiud be was pr<Jrssf>r at iliu

Aeadenn of Music, Munich, ami in 1920 hu

Iseeame director of ilse Jlavariaii State (fon-

servaotfy ai Wurrhurg, .W a rompiuer of

vocal musk ZilciH t is one id* ihe lK»l*known

represemacives ul <*eriMari trad it ion a I Um. Hiii

w/>rkv imlude manv songs and an oratorio,

• l.ieliCMisesw •, Op. 27 pc rfoimrd Siras-

Ixiurg, lyiji, Fnf the stage lie wrote incl-

daital music for wveral Slukes|>eirc l>la)»:

‘.\s You Like It ' 'I9i7<, ' The Winter* I ale'

1 19191, 'Ihe laming of the Shrew ' (1931.;

ai^ • A Consedy of Lrror* ’ U9341 ; also for

Rkhard tXhiiuT« chddrcn's pUy ‘ Hiac-

buicc 119074 and lor (krhart Haiipimaim's

• Dk goldenr Haile ' 0933 . He wroie one

of^ra. ‘ Doknir l.iwnhart ' ' Maimlieini. 1922,.

His insiru mental w’orks are: semphoniesj

prelude for chorus and orchestra, ’ ,\n mein

drutsehes Und <)|>. 48 ; ‘ I anajihantasie *.

Op. 71 ipnnluccd as a Isallet at Hamburg in

'Rameau .Sgiti Op. 76 11934!:

and he composed several piixes for solo insiru*

ments and orchesira, ihainlier musk, piano,

forie pierrt, etc. i .

***** •» ' Hermann £>U l*ri ' Munieh,

ZIMBALIST, Efrem (F. Rosiov*on*Don.

9 Apr. 1869).

Russian (naturalized American) violinist,

composer and cducationbt. He frceiwd his

first muskal instruction from his father, an

orchestral conductor, and studied in 1901 -7

w^h .\uer ai the Si. Petersburg ConKTsaiory .

On hit graduation he won the gold medal of

^ msiicute and a scholarship for 1200 rubles.

Hr made he European debut on 7 Nov. ino7

>^th tl^ Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. In

Dec. of the same year he appeared in England

and there followed mgagemeois all over

fcojrope. H IS significant for the recognition

be won that he was the lirst violinist to be




inviied by the Leipzig Cewandhau& to con>

linue the Joachim tradition, observed fiAy

yean, of playing there on New Year's Day.

In 1911 2imbalist went to the U.S.A., where

he appeared with the Boston Symphony

Orchestra on 27 Oct. with the first American

performance of Glazunov’s Concerto in A

minor. This marked the beginning of a

brilliant concert career which induced him to

make his home in America. In 1928 he joined

(he faculty of the Curtis Institute oS Music,

Philadelphia^ as head of the violin depart*

ment, and in 1941 he was appointed director

of ihit institute, which position he still holds,

Zimbalist is greatly interested in early violin

music and has done research in this line. He

gives in various musical centres a series of fise

recitals illustrating the history of violin music

from Biagio Marini up to the present time, in

which he combines the actisiic and the scholarly

approach in a singularly attractive manner.

He married twice, his first vvife being the

singer Alma Gluck, the second Mary Louise

Curtis Bok, who founded the Curtis Institute.

Among his compositions are the following:

’ American Rhaps^y ’ Portrait of an Artist '

and concert fantasy on Rimsky*Korsjkov’s

’ Golden Cockerel ' for orch. ; a violin Con*

eerto; a Sonata in G minor for vn. and pf.

* Sarasateana ’ (suite of Spanish dances),

string Quartet in E minor and many songs.

K. G.


ZIMMERMAN, LouJa (E Groningen. 19

July 1B73).

Dutch violinist and composer. His first

teacher was his father, but quite early he

received lessons from Christiaan Poortman and

Constant Muller. When he was seventeen be

was sent to the Leipzig Conservatory, where

he studied the violin under Hans Silt and

theory with Reinecke. After winning the

Schumann Prize he went to BrusseR, where

he took lessons from Eug^c Ysaye. He was

then for a short time leader of the Darmsudl

orchestra and was. in 1899, appointed second

leader of the Conccrlgcbouw Orchestra in

Amsterdam. A successful tour in England kd

to his appointment, in 1904, as professor at the

R.A.M., where he remained until igio. In

that year he accepted appointments as leader

of the Concertgebouw Orchestra and pr<>

fessor of the violin at the Amsterdam Conser-

vatory, retiring into private life in 1 940, except

for appearances as leader of a string quartet.

His greatest successes have been as an or-

chestral player, and he was the favourite of

Richard Strauss in the violin se 4 o in ‘ Ein

Hcldenlebcn ‘ and other works, Carl Muck

also seeking his services tor similar work. As a

soloist he toured Europe ses’eral times.

His compositions, which are generally of a

somewhat conser^’ativ'e character, but marked

by personal characteristics and an exception-

ally complete knowledge of ibe demands of

various instruments, are few In number. The

principal are a vi^in Concerto, Introduction

and Rondo for violin and orchestra, a string

Quartet m major and cadenzas for the

concertos of Beethoven and Brahms, h. a.

ZIMMERMANN, Agiiea (Marie Jaco*

bina) (k. Cologne, 5 July 1847 : d. London, 14

Nov. 1925).

German pianist and composer. She was

tsiken to England very early, and at the age of

nine became a student at the RA.M. under

Cipriani Potter and Steggall. Later she leamt

from Paucr and Sir George Macfarrcn. Her

works were often heard at the R.A.M.

Students' concerts. In 1 860 and 1 862 she ob-

tained the King's Scholarship, and on 5 Dec.

C863 made her first public appearance at the

Crystal Palace in two movements of Beethoven's

F.> major Concerto. In 1864 she followed this

up by paying at the Gewandhaus, Leipzig, and

ebcwlMfe in Germany.

Though occasionally travelling abroad (as

in 1879-80 and [882-83), always with

success, she made England her home, where

her name became for many years a household

word for purity of interpretation and excelleni

musician^ip. In playing she always devoi^

herself to the classical school, once or twice in

a very interesting manner. Thus It was she

who performed (for the first time in l^gland)

Beethoven’s transcription of his violin

eerto for the pianoforte at the Crystal

on 7 Dee. 1872. Her compositions are ebieny

in the classical form and style, and include $

Sonatas for violin and pianoforte (Opp. ifi, 21

and 23), a Sonata for violin, cello and pi^>

forte (Op. 19), a Sonata for piano solo (Op.

22), a Mazurka (Op. ii) and Presto alia

TarantelU (Op. 15) ; also several songs, dueu

and 4*par( songs, and various arrangements «

instrumental works, etc.

She edited the sonatas of Moran and Bee^

hoven and the complete pianoforte works ot

Schumann. ..

ZIMMERMANN, PUrre (Joaepb G*"'

laame) (f. Paris, 1 7 Mar. J 783 ; d. Pans, 29

'®S3)« . . Th.

French pianist, composer and teacher. i'»c

son of a pianoforte maker, he entered the

Conservatoire in I 79 ». «wdying the pianolofte

with Boieldieu and harmony with Rey ano

Catel- In 1800 be carried off first pnae

pianerforte, Kalkbrenner taking the sewMr

His musical education was compleieO by a

course of advanced composition under ^neru-

bini. In t8il be was appointed

undermasccT, of the pianoforte at the

servatoire, whert in .817 42 ^

pn>fettor and in 1820 professor

^ he held till 1848, "hen be reu^ h the

title of honorary inspeelor of pianoforte class




During thU bng period he fulhUed his <luiic5

with inderatigdble zeaJ and entire de%‘Otion,

so much so, indeed, that for the sake oT his

corutantly tncreasinf pupils he eniirely gave

up appearing in public and found little rime

for composition. He did, hovkvver. produce ai

the Opera* Comique in 1830 ' L’Enlevement *,

in 3 acu, libretto by Saint-Mcior. Scribe and

d'Lpagny, wholly forgotten, actd composed

' Nausicaa a grand opera, whkh was nevTr

performed. He also wrote a number of plants

forte pieces of various kinds, but his most

important work is the * £nr)‘clopMie du

planiste which comprises a compltce method

of pianoforte playtng and a treaii»e on harmony

and counierpoini. In 1811 Zimmermann unn

the post of professor of fugue and counterpoint

thrown open lu competition on tl»c death of

Kler, but satisfied with the lionnur of victory

decided lu retain his fas’ounte pianoforte class.

A daughter of his married Gounod. a. j.

ZINCK, Bcaediki Friedrieb ih. Husum,

Hohtein, 93 May 17.49; d. l.udwijplusl,

Mecklenburg, 23 June ibni).

German organist and composer. He was

organist at Schleswig at first; in Aug. (783

he signed himself • court musician" at

Ludwigslua. He compcnefl a Considerabh*

number of symphonies, mostly for full or*

ehesira, harpsichord sonatas, duets for sarttius

instruments, etr. He was also the insenti>r of

the Oielesiina, a clavier- or organ* harmonica.

j. A. e.*si.

ZINCK, Harnak Occ« Coarad i*. Husurn,

Holstein, 2 July 174C; rf. Otpenhagen, 15

I* cl). 1832).

German ringer, llauirit, organist and com*

psrtcr, brother of the preceding. Ho wa* a

singer at Hamburg in 1 768, flautist and eham*

ber musician at l.udwigslusi, where Iw had

doubtless gone to join his brother, and in 1787

he went to Copenhagen as singing*inascef at

the royal theatre. He was organist at .St.

Saviour's Church there in 1769-1601 and

music-master at the Blaagard Seminary in

i 7 !#t* I.

On I Keb, t?c)o Zlnek produced a Hanrih

opera set to a libretto by Heiberg, * Selim og

Miraa He publidted the authorised Hanbh

hymn*boo!c. Among his compositions are

oratorios, cantatas, trio sonatas, diveriimenti

for violin and harpsichord, clavier sonatas,

songs, etc. He also wrote two books in

German, r»ne on Scandinavian music, ‘ Die

nordlirhc Harfc • (Copenhagen, i8oj), and

the other a collection of ’ Vorlesungeit uber

Murik und ihre nutsliehstc Anwendung’

(Copenhagen, 1813). a, i_

ZINGARA, LA (Opera), irr Rinavuo 01


ZlNGAft£LLl, Niceolb Antonio f*.

Naples, 4 Apr, 1752; d. Torre del Oreco,

5 May 1837;. »

Italian composer. He was ih<' son of

Riceardo Toca ZingarelU, a tenor and teacher

of singing. In 1739 his father died, leaving

his mother with four children and very |>oor.

The eldest boy was chief clerk in the Conserva-

lorio Santa Maria di Lorcio, and Niccolo was

at onee admitted there as a resident pupil.

'I'here he, like Cimarusa, learnt (omporiuon

under FrtSek Fenaruli. By the rub’s of the

Conserv'acoiy he was bound to Mudy an

instrument, and he cliose the violin, on which

he soon l>eean>e s cry jiroTicivni, .Vntong his

teachers was .^{XTanza, a U’arnvd contra*

puniist aswl the best pupil uf Durante.

Before leaving the Conservatory' Zingarrili

produced his first oi>era, or railier interiitc^ro,

'I quaiirti pazsi ', which uas ix’rformed hy

the pupils in I T^B. hcHin after his departure

from the school in 1709 he taught the violin

in the Ga^ano family at 'lorrr Annunriaia

near Napht. l.alrr on he gave lessons to the

l>uehess of (^astvljtagdno, under vs hose

paiMnagr he priKloced his lira work at the

.Va lib's leairo San Carlo, the raniata

BimmalKiTH’ ’, whuh met with some sure ess.

On C3 .Vug. 1781 Ins hrst lull opera, ' Monte*

suena', was pr«Hlu(cd at the same house.

|i show's a style of the greatest siniplkiiy and

purity. Hiere is no retoni, arrording to

U«rwenberg iif a later pcrlbri nance in

\ie«na. when Haydn it said lu have praises]

it highly and foretold a rarrer nf success to its

composer; but the same authority conjt'Ctufcs

that the wtirk may have l>een given at

Lsterhia in 1 766.

Strongly rec<>ninn*n<ieil to the Arc hduc hess

Beatrice of Austria, ZingareJU wrnt to Milan,

where he was well recejv'cd at the vicc-rrgal

court. .Milan was to be heineforth the scone

of many of Jiis triumphs, and it was for the

Teatrg alia Seala chat he wrote in<rft of his

serious and all his comic operas. He liegan

there with ' Ahinda ’ in 1785. The work

greatly pleased the Mdanese public, though

it was competed in seven day's and in ill-

health, if WT are to believe Carpani, wJio

asserts that lie was an eye*wiincu, not only of

this feat, but al»i of the composition of the

whole of* Giulieiia e Romeo ' In forty hours

short of icn days, litis asiou nding fac 1 1 i ty w as

the muU of Speranaa's method of obliging his

l^pik to write the same composition many

limes over, with change of time and signature,

but withuut any change trf its fundamental


• Alsinda * was soon followed by ‘Rkiniero',

'Annlda' and ’Ifigcnia in Aulidu' {1785-

•787). \Nbilc thus satisfying the theatrical

public ZingareUt did not neglect his more

etmgemal work of w'fjting sacred music. In

1787 he composed a Passion oratorio, per-

foftoed in ihe Church of .San Celso at Milan.

' • AiMi&k <4 Optf» p. 1


BetNs'^n 1 7S6 and 1 788 he wrote nine

cantatas* all perfonned at Milan with one

exception {m lUl Mow).

In 1789 Zingarelli was invited to Paris to

compose an opera for the Acad^mie Royale de

Musique. Marmoniel wrote for him the

libretto of ‘ Antigone the only French one

he c\'er set, and it was produced at the Opera

on 30 Apr. 1790. But it had no sueem

and was withdrawit after three performances.

The composer, who was both a conservatiw

and a religious man, soon fled from revolu*

nonary Paris and returned to Milan ihroi^h

.Switzerland at the end of 1790. There he

produced at La Scale * La mone dl Cesare '

and in ikie following year * Pirro '.

In 1793 there was an open competition at

Milan fur the place of mteiirp of the

Cathedral, the subject being a canon for 8

voices, and Zingarelli was appointed. Among

his many pupils of this time may be mentioned

F. ]*<>llini, to w'hum he dedicated his ' Parti*

monii’ and hit 'Solfeggi*.

With *11 mercato di Monfregoso ' {1793)

Zingarelli began a series of comic ^eras,

which made his name popular not only in

Italy but throughout Germany, where they

were wi<lely performed. I'his wxirk is reputed

his best oport ^yffe anti was foUow^d by *La

seerhia rapita * (I793)> In this >*ear he

composed * Artaserse * for Milan. * Orazi c

Curiazi * followed at Naples in 1 793 and

'Aprlle' at the Teatro lui Fenice Venice

in 17931 in which opera Cmcentinl made

his tlfbul. * II Conic di Saldagna ' was

unsuccessfully produced In 1794 at the same

\*cnclian ihealre ; but this failure was grandly

reirieved two years later by the performance

of his gecaiest work, * Giulieita e Romeo \ at

the Milan Scala. Its beauty and popularity

are shown by the fact that it was played all

over ihe continent for the greater pan of a


In 1794 Zingarelli was appointed moetuo dt

taf>f>elU at Loreto, which place he held for ten

years. There he ^vrote many operas, of which

may be mentioned ' Clitcnncslra \ written

expressively for Calalani, and * litez de

Castro *, for Silva. His principal w’ork,

houwer, during these ten years we sacred

music, to which he was inclined by his nature

and by the duties of his office. In the archNes

of the Santa Casa of Loreto is accumulated

an immense quantity of manuscript musk,

known by the name of'Annuale di Loreto*.

To this great collection Zingarelli contributed

the astounding number of $41 works, inclusive

of s8 masses, which are still sung in that

church. As it is forbidden to copy the music

of the ' Annuale *, the outside world must

remain ignorant of Its merits. ZingarelU's

masses, to those who heard them, have a spon-

taneity of expression, an easy facility of style,

simplicity and, above all, most entrancing


In 1604 Zingarelli succeeded GugUelmi as

maatTO eofipefU of the Sistine Chapel in

Rome. There he set to music passages from

the great Italian poets. Tancred’s Lament,

from the twelfth Canto of Tasso’s ' Gerusa*

lemme libera la ', was performed at Naples in

1 805 , i n the Palace of the Prince of Pantellena,

where Zingarelli met Mme de Stael, whom he

had previously known in Paris as Mile Necker.

The same >var he gave in Rome ' La distni*

zione di Gerusalemme’ at the Teatro Valle,

where It kept the boards for hve consecutit^e

yean.' He produced, seven years later, at

Florence, * La riedilicaaione di Gcrusalemmc

one of his t*ery few failures. His opera

* Baldo>*ino ' was given in i6t 1 at the Teatro

Argentina theatre, and the same year

appeared * Berenice ' at the Teatro Valle,

both in Rome. ‘ Berenice ' was Zingarelli's

last opera and had a run of over a hundred

consecutive performances, a thing unheard of

in the thinly populated towns of Italy. But U

was fMi his last work, as he continued wrhing

to the Iasi day of his hfe. 'Berenice’ was

composed after he tefl Rome for Civita

Vecchia on his forced journey to Paris; and

one of its fmest numbers, the finale of the first

aet, " Cik sparir vedo la sponda was

written on board ship.

We hav‘e rww arrived at a memorable

period of Zingarelli's life, when his already

wclLknown name became illustrious among

thoM of Italian patriots . \Vhcn Napoleon, at

the zeniih of his imperial power, gave hii son

the title of “ King of Rome ", he ordered

rejoicinp throughout all his dominions. A

* Te Deum ' was therefore arranged to be sung

at Si. Peter's in Rome; but when the auihot^

ties, both French and Italian, were assembled

for I he performance, ii was found to their

consternation that the matUfc di

refused to have anything (0 do with it, and

that nothing could induce him to aeknotviedge

the rule of the Corsican usurper. He was

arrested and, by Napoleon’s orders, taken to

Paris, where he was immediately set fr«

and granted a pension. This he owed to the

fact that Napoleon was fond, abm e all other,

of ZlngarHU's music, which he had heard at

Loreto in 1798, in Vienna in *803 and m

Paris in 1809- On the last occasion, when

CrescentinI sang the part of Romeo, Napoleon,

much affected, sent Zingarelli from hi^t own

breast the star of the order of the Iron Crown.

He also ordered him to compose for rta

imperial chapel a Mass that should not l»«

more than 30 minutes, had it rehearsed m his

presence and was so ^eased with it M to gt^

the composer 6000 feaocs, Dunng his stay m

. Fim rm. sc iWl “ * <**®'**

* Ovnestemow disirvtu *.


21 NC 0 NI

Paris ZinfarelU was replace in Rom« by

Fjoravanti. In Feb. (813 he was app<Mnced

director of (he Real Coll^o di hlusica at

Naples. In (816 he succeeded PaJsiello as

TnoistTo d( eopfxlU of the Neapolitan cathedral.

He held both these places until his death.

For the Birmingham Festival of 1629 Zinga*

relli wrote a cantata on the i2(h chapter of

Isaiah. As he could not take it to England

himsi’ir he entrusted hi» pupil, Cc«ta, with

the mission, and this was the occasion of

Costa’.s inirtKluctiun to the Lnglidi public.

/ingarHIis next contposinon v«as a Hymn 10

coinmi’mrirate the inauguration of the l*hil*

harmonic Society of Na^des in, Jan. 1835, HU

oratorio * l.a fuga in Fgiitu ' was wriinm and

performed only a lew sseelu before his death

in 1837.

Of ZingarelliU ma«si*s, which are s*ery

mimrrous even withoul reckoning ilsc 26

inaccessible ones in ihc \\nnualr dl lyoreio*'.

the best arc that ol Nosara. dial of Dresden

(torn missioned liv ihe King of Saxonv and

;K'rlorme<l in 1833 tiiMler the direction of

Morlacchi, one of ZingarelliU pu|>ilsi. the

Rc<|uiein fur tlir Nea|M 4 itan minister Nfidici

and anothiT, com|H>«ed for his ow n foneral.

Although in his * Mrreato di MotifregiKo *

and * hrcchia capita * /mgarrUi gises man)

|>riK>rs of a comic musical vein, hr thonc mure

in serious ofiera and most of all in hU nuinl>er*

less sacred roinposi lions. The adaptation ol

prolanc music to religious serv ires, in his time

so eonimon in Italian churches, he strenouslv


Jliu rdlcAving is alist olZingarelliU [irinci|sa]

coiit|>usiliuns :


’ I rluao^> \ inwriwfm, p«wd. CMwrrva*

Sams Mana tii I.o(ri<>. isW.

’ Moiiieuiiiij * ihUrOA bs Viomhi AitMikv

>>oiiij, ;>roil, fp^irw t) Awff.


Al'iiKli', ptwij. MklaH, |>*in* »IU *M«b. it Prb.

• lti(»nirro\ nro«J. Vcnxr. ipt'mn t>#v

Arm id a ’ 4 UK hasrd utt 1 , prW. K«-m, i 7 M.

Ant»Boru>* 'hb. by SlriMiaMo», MaMva, ij Apr

< 796 .

* iritcnia ii> Auli«|<*. iwud, Mi|jn, IVaKw jII« Scab.

*7j»n. 1797.

Aniim»r’ lUb. by Jran MarsMescI*. bf«d.

Ibfiv Optra, Apr, 1790,

La iponc di (hurt ’. pro«|. NLUm. '(r«ir« oAa &a|*

vv I>cc. 1 79)1.

’ l*j»rr>, te <f Lpin.', MiIam, Tr«if» tlU Sr*U. Vn

• TO*.

^yiriilMlr in V-Kno*, prv<l, Turjn, Cjmnal I7W.

l\ inroam >U Muorrcvi^' ilil,. *||rre<l Uf>m tJuMgai's

11 inewaio ,U Maimantik Piod. MiUiu T^ir^

.ilU Vab, Bj Sc|H > 793 .

•L* »r»xhia rap.i»\ proJ. Mibn. Tratrn alia Scab

7 ^ppl. I W.

M«ao*M«.l, pre^. M 4 aA, iVair*

alia brala, Om. 170^

; Al-OIr pn-l. Vcfti.r. Traim Ij» Fcnitr. Xm%*. ism.

La K«M<ana pro<|. <;«••(,•, CariHval tm,

. »' ^ -""I <o«plrlr bx of yai MS ««rk* •> ilw

Annu:) e , okun«d form in«| rrr«ir>«<| br ibe awrM

rft ai I.or«lM, in ihr K.C \t

Th« mox ueporiani are th»w U .AKb Ml aarcka.

lanareihown, ^

42 »

’Abira’ (hh. after A'otiaire), |>ruO. >lorrA<«, 7 S?|><.


* Fabao ’ <bb. alcrrni frvm TftH/'t ' Lucio

FafMrM *1, prnd. I.rchuni, aulitmn 1794.

* ] I CwKc di haklaffcia ptud. WiiK • , 1 rat oi l.a Fc r>i( r

*6 ISrr. |?««.

'Oraii r Cuxian *. |Kod. Sapjn, JVaUu San Carla,

4 N*«v. 1 795

‘Oiuhnur R«MiK 4 » ’ r|ib. bv Ciuteppr Maria h«|>|iA,

afirr Sbahr»prar<>., ppad. .MiJaii, Iraira alia Scats,

90 Jan, 1 79b.

* Asdrwmrda |v<«l AVnur, i 7 <> 6 .

* 14 merle Ji Miuxlaie ', |>r<-{. VViikc, 27 Mj> I 7 >j 7 >

’ CarelHia « MraNi»« ’, pna). \rnkr. t.'aoutal t 79 H,

* Mekaero*. prwl, Milan. Jrau^ alia VaU, Jan. i7<iB,

’ I er«i ainiii prn«|. I'urui, Cartutal iT<yi.

‘ tl mraiio prvd, .Milan, lrain> alia Ntala, 13 Oit.

« 799 .

* It vane tleWc Sabiiir ’ . pnxj. \ Viih r. »6 Ih • , t T'io.

* (.iMcnaewra prod, Vlilaii, 'J'raiiu alia S<ala, aU Drt,


* faiipn a Cekmo * Lb. aliei N(.|iL(h lc>j, i.tiHl, Wiimc.

l>re, i&>a.

' J Her ill (i*Mru'. poal. .Milan, lea 110 Car* aim. 11 Oil.


*11 lirviiurr ^iiuiaui ', pnxL Milan, Ivaltw alia Siala,

Nitv. I Si 13.

* I4 diilniXHinr Ji (iriioakriime * LL. S\ .NniuiMu

Simnnr Soyrai*. ihimI Muiniii , Ir.iOQ dc’ In*

SMiaao, 37 Nws. lAij.

' I.* '* N’jT'kH, Iralrii ^aii CarLi,

' II fMomp dl Vi«e MiidriM, i 9 |oK iBnK.

'Bakkrtne'. pnnl, Kimir, Latin Nreeiiluia, 11 Vrl>.

l 9 il.

'Berwe. rrcina 4 ' Wniriiia* kh, Lv Jata|xi rrrtcoi,

baaed «mi *Lut *6 Vrn»'', pn-l ItortK*,

I Cairo N afle, «r .\in, lAi 1.

. . « a

9 dfbbb

* 9 s I «

* ISinihalkMir *, iHid. \*p|r«. Iraiiu San C'arln. IT 7 Q.

’ .Ahr»te*. prod. Milan, i?llb,

* I nr, Milan, 1 ytlb.

* SalTn *, iictaL Milan, lyAti.

l'a>Ni>n (Van •*•<>, peml Milan, San tVlwi, 17R?.

* Nxr d* LIpMMa*. prnd. .Milan, .San Crivn. 1797,

1 . aiM liLak *, peml Itlilan, San (a ki, 1717,

’ .Shwk al b>«Hi *, prnd, Milan, s^h (^.ki, 17B7,

Jekmoia', petal. MiUn, San Ok*, 17*7.

* Ore>*r ’. pral, Mdali, San < rfm, lyM.

" 'h Iktod*. prwL Na|*k., Iratm San Carlo,

* Ueewwirmme diuniua ’ after 1 *-mi . pkkJ. Hinriue.

• 79 ».

^ FraArru a ila Hunini ’ afier l>antt> , pr.al, Rmnr, iftya,

laiM/nk ai lepidtni <li i krMida * alier I . nrvil

Naplr«, |ft>v

‘ I4 rmldiiaritme ih ikru'akmmc * laflcr I aum, nriKl,

FkHPiKr, mia,

* r«aMh ’. pn«l. BirnuntLam F<^i\al. iSaa

Sayl*. nriid. Hontr. San .MHlirk. iM'iy.

Ihm «l Mina^iaMione |>n«l. \a|.lrs riiilLannAnK

^»riy, iBiv

L« TiMla in l^iou *, prod. \aplc<, l 9 }?.

. , I.. A., fev. A. t„

•''«««• • Funeral SMii,ik,n\..

ZZNGARl, I 'OperaV . 5 er LroxcAS ALLO.

ZtNCARl IN FIERA, I (Opera). 5 ^


ZINCON 1 , Giovaiioi BaitUta 6. ? : d.

Italian i6ih>cenlury tenor singer and com*

poKT. He wav a member of (he tratelling

opera company of the I)e Amici v family, who

performed in Brussels atitl .Antwerp jji 17(^1) m

Ihe Smork Alley I'heatre, Dublin, early in

and m [.ondoo, joined by other singers

arui uitder J, C, Bach's direction, from Nov

I 7 <rt to May 17G3. This was Bach's first

LowUm season, and Zingoni sang ilic I on or

parts ill Ills ' Asian© ^ Orionc * and ‘ Za*

®*UJa He h meniionrd as iliv composer of




two comic operas performed ai Dublin in

1762. ' La ereanu ’ and ' La Rma sposa

(he laKcr, when revived in London {r4 Apr.

J 7<>3^ . "*as however adveriUed as by several

masters* under (he diieciion of J. C. ^ch

A. 1.

ZIaX* S*v*ri«. Sft CimareM (* FsasiM budaio'.


ZINK. $fi Orcan $tok.

ZINK, Susaone. Sef Neffb.

ZINKE (Ger.l. Cornett.

ZIPOLI, Domcoieo (^. Prato, 15 Oct.

1688: d. Cdrdoba [Aqreniine)* 2 Jan. 1726).

Italian organist artd composer. Recent

research has disproved the generally accepted

siaiemem that ZipoU was a composer of the

Neapolitan school, born at N'oia about 1675.

He is now shown to have been a Tuscan.

I’wo oratorios of his, ' Sam* Antonio di

Padova ' and ' Santa Caierina, vergine e mar-

lire*, were performed in Rome in 1713 and

1714, and in 1716 his only published work

Appeared, * Sonale d* intav^olatura per organo

e eimbalo I’he composer was then organist

of the Jesuit church in Rome. In July 1716

he went to Seville, where he entered the Jesuit

order. On j April 1717 he sailed from Cadis

fur the River Plate and from 1716 until hU

death he was organKl of the Jesuit church at

Cbrdoba, in the Argentine.

The volume published in Rome in 1716

contains all the music by which Zlpoli is

known. I'he ' Six Suits of Italian Lessons for

the Harpsichord ' published b>’ NN’alsh in

London are only 1 reprint of the second part of

the ' Sonatr d’ intavolatura while the so*

called ' Third Collection of Toccatas, S'cdten-

larys and Fugues ’ is nothing but the first part

of the same volume.

According to Pannain even the ' Sonace

<i* intavolatura * are not entirely of Zipoli*s

own eom|>osiiion. They include works which

exist in manuscript under the names of Du-

rante and Alessandro Scarlatti, r. w. (li).

DiSL.— i\rF*rAiiAx. Lavuo. * Dewc ak o Zipoti. el itrsn

eemp^itiK y ertsniiu rontMo det 17M «it eJ Rie

d« Is Plats ' <M«(Mevkl«o. isat).

fi«KBACct. K.. * tptimi fasti dells ioims imH* AeBeiw

tins ' (Riv. aluv li.. ilMl. v.vi).

Panmain, Guioo, * Le Mirini e I# ivihippo deR* wte

pisniMka in Itslis dal taoe •! !?}»’ (Nsplet.


RvetATii. ViTTonro m. * Do«r e oasade nse^tie e

in«ri D. ZtpoJi* (Riv. Mua. IL, Llli» Apr. -June


Zlppert, Lsdwia. 5ft Rsdo I* Blsek KniglH bb. :

• R<'vcnef '. fwntoftiifne; l *ene).

ZIRYAB, AbuH-Hasan, *A 1 j ibn Ni£i‘

(L?; rf. ?).

Arabian Sth-oth-ccnrury musician. He was

the greatest musician of Muhammedan Spain.

Tlie dates of his birth and death are unknown.

His nickname *‘ Ziryib *' (blackUrd) b said

to have been given him by reason of his

marvellous voice. I bn Haiyin < 00 ?- 1076),

the Andalusian historian, vays that be was

a freedman of Caliph Al-Mahdl (d. 785) at

Baghdad, and the ‘ Tqd aUfarid ' (10th cent.)

tells us (hat his teacher in music was Ibrihlm

al'MaufiU (tf. 804}. He may have been a page

of Isbiq aJ-Maujili (d. 850), who is also

credited with having been his teacher, and

under him he made such progress as to rival

his master, $0 much so that the latter forced

him to quit Baghdad. It was owing to this

that be migrated to Qairawan and entered the

service of Ziyidat AJlih (816-37), anger*

if^ this ruler by an oflensive song, he was

banished, when he offered his talents <0 Ifa-

kam I {/ 099 ) at Cdrdoba. Before he could set

out for Spain this ruler died, but he was then

invited to Cordoba by the new monarch *Abd

aURahmin II (/. 859), under whom he be-

came the most privileged person in the king-

dom, while the bounteous treatment that he

received was the ulk of the world of Islam.

Ziryib well deserved the praise and emolu*

meni bestowed on him. Al-Maqqarl says that

there *' never was, either before or after htm,

a man of hU profession who was more gener-

ally beloved and admired He was not only

well s’cned in science and letters, but was the

Beau Brummel of his day. In music '* he was

deeply verKd in every branch of the art . . .

and was gifted with such a prodigious memory

that he knew by heart upwards often thousand

sonp with their appropriate ain**. That he

was acquainted with Ptolemy's * Harmonics'

seems rather likely, and that this work was

known in Arabic seems dear. He was most

likely the founder of the music theory taught

in Muhammedan Spain, which would have

been the old Arabian system, as clarified by

Isbkq aUMausill. Ziryib's conservatory of

music and Its pupils were famed, and traces of

his influence could be found in North Africa

in the i4th century- He is credited with

having added a fifth string to the lute and with

having substituted the quill plectrum for the

lute in place of the woeden implement. Kis

method of teaching singing is described by

>M'Maqqar(. He had ten children, all of

whom were musicians of standing. The

greatest of them was ‘Ubaidallih, although

QAsim was more famous as a singer. 'Abd al*

Rahmin carried on the conservatory.

Ahmad leaned to poetry. Aslam I bn 'Abd al-

'Aei* (9th cent.) wrote a book called ‘Con-

cerning Ziryab's Songs ’ (* Ft aghSnl J

while a doubtful w«k on the mystical con-

ception of music has been credited to Ziryfu

(s« ‘ Isis XXXVI, p. 129). H' '•


• Al 0»f»kl»ri • (ir*ns. P, CAVJfve?*?,.; HIjWrv et ^

RIohAmmeOsn l>rMsiks •" Sp«*6 (London, ict®-

' (U»-d«n-Lond<«,

FAiJilU**'HSmV C.. ‘Hiiwy of Awbiin Music'

(London. iRfR). PP- isF-^o.




* SiwjiA in On«nuil Iniimncnu * ILotmIoo.

(•SO. (. 6o> 97 '

‘T>^ MinUreh Q<lhc GoWeo Ave ^TlsUn * (* libiaic

Cyltwre \ HrdrtAlMd. XVlir. ^).

RjvtfLAi JtU'iKi *L* mu&i«n 4rabe y su infliMoci* m)

It aptAolt ' (^{sdrtd. I 9 > 7 ), M. i 64 >Sl.

* La muiics <i« las caatifts ' ^Madrid, 1944). >«iaM.

* Muiie in Ancwnc Arabia tad SfMiin * ^)>iapford.

(pl.S.A/. l949L^ttna.

Sf*»U» Ibrahim al>Mau4ilL t}<Mai4ilL

ZtTEK, Ocakar Pragw. 5 Nov. 1692).

Czech oprra producer, writer on mu&ic and

composer. .After his educauon at a Pragxie

''Gymnasium'* (1902-1 he studied musico>

iggy (G. Adler) and romposiison H. Gra-

denrr) In Vienna (1912-15] and made him*

self known in ihc following years as a keen

music eritie b> contributing numerous a rtieles

and studies lo various C/eili periodicals

{f.g. ' Hudehni Revue *, * Uslv Hurlebnl

Matice-U’einpo ' and particularly to the

daily * l.idos e Nos in> ’]. But he soon ccxKrn'

trnird on the problems of ojsera produtcion,

an<l it was in (his line that he beranie I he

rnosi enterprising and successful specialist in

his country next tu F. Pujman. >le wrcMe

an inierraing book on cim suL^t <* O sk>vymi

zjrfvohrg *, IVaguc, 1920/ and prov-ed his

practical ak>ilitii’s in a convincing iiianiM’r at

the theatres of Brno (1 921 *29, diretcrir in

(929-31), Plu'ft (director jn (931-43 except

tliu years I939'4l> spent at the <vnc nitra-

tion camp of Buchrnwaldj, Prague and Brno

again (director 1946-491.

/Itek's transUtiuns of many opera lil>rettos

and cantata lexU, as well as hU activity as a

teacher at the Brno Conservatory during his

first slay there, also deserve mention. Among

Ids compositions the follow ing are the most

irnpt>rtant :

Oprr* ' Krlknce ' (* 1 V «f Prwr

Kraifnw*/. 1 »t*, Hibtcsiu by Comfvier]

prsal. ftrno. Mar.

ft«llri • (J rail • (• On ih^ Jt«»e *>. srm. by (WmMcr.

*f««r SSiklrs 'DirihiUr of i>k Jnfanu* <i94i-4»i

prod. )1«A, 1944.

Inridr'kUl musK Am J, K, Td’i p(at 'Jan Hm * 1 iMai.

5 t fnaJmnir norm * .VUrto * f The n * ] » 1 m) .

Btfchen* aid '. c>< le oC pf. |Mr<m 1 1 444).

‘ Plurt ( veiny ’ {* s«nn el* ihe Ww 9 tr^tl),

^ u. t

UTEK, VU 4 m (^. Prague, 9 Sept. 1890).

Czech bass singer. He was originally an

optician and a mechanic by profession, and

his remarkable (alent for his later career was

discovered by chance, when he was a journey-

man in this trade. After a systematic training

in singing he joined the staff of the Prague

National Theatre (1912), and under Kovafo-

Vic's and later OstrfiPs guidance hk art

gradually ripened until he reached an out*

standing position in the company of thU

theatre. This was due not only lo his powerful

voice, refined in technique and mastered with

a fine sense for stylistic demands, but aho to

his superior ability as an actor. His qualities

« an artist were also acknowledged abroad,

at lurin (1926), Milan (1937}, Paris (1928),

Berlin ((929). Moscow {19331, I-cn ingrad

(1993) and eke where. In 194O he was

aw’ardcd (he title ^ National .Artist, Up to

(hat (ime he had appeared in no lev$ |}ian

2926 performances at the National I'heatre,

hi$ mov( successful and mo»( friyiuently

acted parts Iwing : Vndnik (the w.it« r-goblin)

in Ik-ofik’s ' Kusalka ' iiGul Kecal in

* *nte Bartered Bride ' 1 1431. Ugaro r N*«uie

di Figaro'] (121 j and Ifomd iihc jailer] in

Smetana's * Dalilior ' (1121. In 191b his

splendid tarrer was prematurely cut .«hort by

paralysis. o,

lhai.* ’ KfMr*puiMkm.e (>. Oiireild t W /ixKrnt ' (* O.

(hufil'i (aitrr 4 M*JclMr uiili S', iVjgur.

*Sde*n /i(rb ^iki^hihui ptiH. AitAMVilivMtIv b) the

jk Miiuktty <ii Inli^inaliii)

ZITHER. A modern meml^er of ihc great

family of stringed itoiruincnts plucked with a

plectrum, which are un<foubledly among the

(no^c arKieni of musical jiiNtruinenis. It Is

unnecessary in tins place to trace the develop*

mem of iIk modem zither frum the tiiher of

(wo centuries ago. or from ihe Greek

but it i> remarkable lhai the mriliod ul exciting

tlie vibratKins <4 ilie strjngv is practically

identical in all ihe iitvirutiicms similarly named

at various dates, tliough ihe bare linger li

used, as In (he guliar, and fur the modern

zither a kind of open ihumb-riiig with a

pointed end It worn. This plectrum Is the

mam distinction bet\s*ecn the real zither, or

as it is sometimes called, and the

SiidrMiiiha, which can be played with a bow

and IS a more or less hy l>rid Invention of recent


The zither may be called the iiailonal in-

slfumenc of Bavaria, Styrla and Tyrol, fur it is

played by all classes 111 those regions, and no

inn is without one. It consists of a (!al box

which lies on the table, sirung with 5 metal

Strings passing over frets, and from 27 to 40

strings of various kinds pJayed as open strings

plucked witli the lingers, to form the accom-

panimeiK (o the tnel^y which is played with

the plectrum, on the strings nearest the per*

former. Tltcre arc many slight varieties In the

make of ihc instrument, and every user has his

ow n preferences ; the form most commonly

seen is (hat shown on Fl^TB 69, Vol. VIII,

p, 146 (tv), .No. 5. I he concert zither is

rather longer, more powerful in tone, and

has from 36 to 42 strings ; a yet longer variety

of (he instrument is the elegy zither, which

Is tuned a third or fourth lower than the oilicrs.

*1 he tuning of the mclody*8irings is as follows,

the two highest being nearest to the player ;

The two As are of steel, (he D Is of brass, (he

O of steel covered with silver wire and tJic C




of brass covered wilh copper witt. Thb is the

standard or Munich ” arrangement of the

strings, but the "Viennese” tuning is as

rollov\'s :

and was adopted in order to facilitate certain

eflects at first peculiar to Styrian Uit^Ur,

These strings arc stopped (by the fingers of the

left hand) on 09 frets, arranged in semitones.

The accompaniment strings are arranged in

u’hal at first sight seems to lie an arbitrary and

most complicated order. The 1 a or 13 strings

nearest the player (the highest 8 of gut, the

rest of silk covered with silver wire) are called

the "harmony strings”, and in the "Munich"

tuning are Ihus arranged :

The "bass strings" which Ik again beyond the

" harmony strings " are tuned, roughly speak*

ing, in octaves with them, adding some notes

tuned semitonically in the extreme baas.

The accompaniment strings arc playod with

the three middle fingers the right hand and

are piurkrd to\varcls the player, «\hose thumb

is occupied with the mcludy strings. The

arrangement shoun, which is by ^ths and

fourths (transpositions of an octave being ar*

ranged for convenience and so as to keep the

whole within ordinary limits) allows ihe w’hole

chord in any tisual major triad to be played,

for ihe fourth finger (the little finger is not

iKcd) plucks ihe bass-note of a triad, the

middle finger the third, and the forefinger the

fifih and octave together. In whatever position

the chords may lie. The minor triads are more

difTicult to manage, and other harmonies have

to be specially studied.' The present type of

silher with Us 30 strlnp has apparently been

in use for only about 100 years ^ and before

then 18 Strings were (he av’erage. A mountain

r.ilher of the 17th century is in ihe National

Museum at Munich and has 4 strings on the

keyboard and 13 for accompaniment. Pels*

mayer, the ” Paganini of the zither ” used

only 18 strings in all.

TIic musical effect of the zither Is greatly

enhanced b>' ihe picturesque and romantic

circumstances in v^hich it Is usually heard.

I'hc mcial " mclodv strings ” have a naturally

plaintiv^e lone, and their "singing” quality

' T)i4*ua> m whkh th'v onliaiArv chocritarcarrantT^

Mil) be TmuiuI in romrn>«ni tabular forsB in f^irlrl

Maclean's admirable ariKl« on die itth<r m

x,ui> * Aw;

t^lrasls very agreeably with ihe more harp*

like tones of the accompaniment, while the

resonance of the whole is considerably In-

creased by the characteristic sympathetic

vibrations of the open strings. It has been

introduced into orchestras for special purposes

in imitations of narional music ; and is a

pdeasant accompaniment to the voice, either in

solos or in choruses of moderate size.

It would be impossible to enumerate the

varieties of the zither which have been brought

before the public from time to time. From the

"Arion” zither, with a slightly different shape

and a powerful (one, to the toy known as ihe

" auto-harp ”, the principle of the Instrumeni

is the same. A more important variation is

that of the Sifekhzit^n, played with a bow.

Tliis necessitates a different shaping of the

body, with a ** waist ” like that U the violin

family. It was made in three several sizes, but

does not appear to have won much permanent


|. A, P.'M.

Sn Ww Cithrf. Guitar, reiunsycr.

ZrVXOVIC, MUenko (I. Belgrade, i^z).

Yugoslav composer. He studied music in

Belgrade, Leipzig and Paris. He was formerly

professor at the Siankovic School of Music,

but since 1 94 3 has been professor at t h c Belgrade

Academy of Music. As a composer he cleverly

adapts classical forms to the needs of modern

thought and harmonic idiom. This is perhaps

best shown in his works for full orchestra. Hit

composiiiom include the following :

iMblentM mtik tot • Zoot 2*mAr«va *.

\fwHC S»e Almi. . ,

Nwnwmuf ehoe«l warb ilzrcelv bs>ed aa i«lh mutif)'

* SrinptWAK Prdueue * for fwh.

SvAph. (»•«■ • n** Of«n Ye4f

* SuiM ' for Aiii« & onh.

* CpXAiw ' (or <elle 4 pt.

Suiic Cl* pt.

In 1947 Zivkovic published a book on ‘ The

Science of Harmony '.

ZNAMENNY. The name by which the

age*otd Russian liturgical chant Is known. It

dominates Russian church music front its m*

eeption in the nth century or thereabouts to

the middle of the 17th century. It has und^*

gone many transformations during ihai perio^

though without any violent breaks. It reached

its peak in the No\-gorod school about the loth

century*. (5e< Russian CtruacH Music.)

A. s.

ZOCCA, GaetaoQ ( 4 . Ferrara. 1784; ^

Ferrara, 14 Sept. 1834I.

Italian violinist and conductor. He \%'*s at

first a pupil trfjean Dalloand afterwards went

to Rolla at M ilan . In 1 8 1 6 he was nomi nated

conductor of the theatre and cathedral or-

chestras at Milan, and succewlvely became

conductor of the Philharmonic Society ^

Ferrara and member of the Philharmonic

Academy of Bologna, He advanced the art ot



violin placing comidrrably in Italy, dt^ng

much lo reform the art of bowing in that


t. H.'A.

ZOELLERf Kmrl (Carli, al«o knoMu as

L^B Marteau) Berlin, 28 Mar. 1840;

London. i3July 1889L

German violist, bandmaster and composer.

His musical studies ssere pur>ued entirely at

the Berlin Conser^'alory. where Hubert Kies,

\S'. Garirh and Orell were his masters for

violin, harmony and counierpoint respeciiiely.

He Iravt'lled for some time in Germans , with

an Jiiilian opera coinpan)', settling cscntuallv

in l.ondon in 1B73. In 187(1 hebeeanse band'

mailer of the ?lh < Queen's C>wni Hussars ; in

1884 he was elected a rnemlier of the .Vera-

demia dt Santa Cecilia of Uomc: in 1K83 a

similar honour was conferrc'd oti Itim l>> the

htiiuto MusicaJe rU t'lff'is/r.

Zocller ssrote a comte ojyretia, ’ I'Ik Miss,

ing Heir ', a lyrical drama. ' Mary Stuart of

Kolheringay *, church music, a stena lot

soprano and orthrsira. ' Ihe Khiiie King's

Daughter', four overtures and otheroxehoiral

pieces, aho a (Umcerto for s loltn amJ ocs l>r%ira.

a string Qtiariet and Quin let. srsyral songs,

e I r , 1 J r did mue h towards res is ing 1 1 le c ult of

Ihe viola d'atnorr, ishlch he himsslf played,

and for which hr wrote a selKdarly MetlMx),

preceded Ity an erudite and concise hhlory of

the insirumrni and iis ortgin entitled * 1 he

Violr d'Ainour, Iis Origin and History, and

Art of Playing it In Mar, 1880 he wrote an

admirahle lecture on ihe viola d'ansvrr.sshich

was read ni a meeting (>f tltr original Crentona

ScKM’ty, illustraled l>) manv instruments,

aecessoriesand works relating to th« imirunvent

of which a catalogue was puldislsed by the

Sucieiy, He was at ihat time bandmaster of

the and Life Guards and ediior of the ' L'niied

Services Militar>' Band Journal He died as

ihc rrsull of an accident which lirMI him at

the Military J'ournamenl at Ishngton,

r. i< 'A.

|Z«iraBl. Johtt. Sif .Nrrtc 4 . rwru«ji >.

ZOILO, Aaaibale ib. Home, c. 1537; d-


Italian singer and ctxnposer. He was aiarirr#

di r»pi>tUft at San Gios*anni in l^irrano from

Jan. 156a to June In (563 he call*

himself mofiiso tapptlU at San l.ulgi. On

^ J’dy 1570 he entered (hr papal chapel a*

singer, in which post he remain^ until Dec.

1581, when he svent for about a year to the

Calhedral of Todi, rom (hat time onsvard*

he devuted himself entirely to cvntpoMtJoo,

but only a fesv maases, his second book of

madrigals and a number of *01^ and madrU

gals in coJIrctivc volumes arc still in exasivnee.

s. V. d- i., rev.

Itjxi CAUMtv. K.. * AnnilMle Xoilo e U M* iaa«li» *

mNwi Hofuffufoti hin«rififr (‘.Sotr 0* Arehirio '.

Jaii.'ApC. 1940),

ZOILO, OgBrg (k. ? KortU', ?, J.

Italian (7(h>ceniur)' cuni|Hiser, H<’ wrt>(r

madrigals for 5 vtitce* (Venice, i6jo, M*veral

edtuom) ; motets in collcctiie volumes, etc.

L- V. d. s.

ZaKa, £milr. >W du nx>iihM hoioeauj.

fWuiKAM K klH.j. yn*! '' I'dtdrli.u *, ottli. rjncA«v,.

'M.. 'Sun'. <i(>erd>, Kdan 2 .VMie^io *(;rr.

»Mn*l *. Afwtd*. SV ro •’ ,\t(d< I (Ml iIk i»|ierM .

Z^LLNER, Heinrich 'b. l.<’i|>iig, 4 [uly

1834; / PieiUurg I B,. 4 May i«j4ij.

(MTman condixtor and tompcrser. Hr

studied at the Li'ip/ig Gonservaiorv and

Unhvfsiiy. In 1H78-B3 he was direr 1 or o|

mu'ie a I the I'ruversity of Dorpal <rjow I anu.

Lvtonia.i and in idSj-tfO condut lor of various

organwaiions at (Cologne. In the Initer year

he went to the L'.S.A.. where he toiulutied

the |)euls<h(T Liedrfkraiu. Jle returned to

Germany in 1898 10 succt'eil Ilrrmarui Krv t2'

schtnar as inu deal director at l.riji/ig L’liivcr*

siiy. He was also coiHlucior of the choral

wiciriy I'aulus there aral orgatiht of St. Paid'it

Church, aiuj taught at ihe Cons(>rva(orv. In

1907-12 he was at .Sntw'Tp as lond actor of

llse Memivh 0 |H ra. Having hvrd in Swit/rr»

land and Italy in iqi 2*I4. he sciih'd ai I'rch

iHjrg i II. in the latler devoting his time

to o>m|)osiisiMi and erttkism for the ' Brviv

gauer /tiiung *.

Zollner wrote wveral operav. tome of which

were given in New York as well as In (irrmuny,

Hse rrvnt sucsewful was * Die vcrsunkenc

Clucke*, which wav frrqurntiv revived up to

I0J4* T" hi« .Ninrrlran (wriod belongs the

(estival cantata ' Die nrqr W'elt which was

awarded a pci/e at CUs eland in 1B92, and the

overture •L'mcrdem StrrmnhaTiiur' J)p. 88,

19060 founded on .\mcrtcan tunes.

'n>r follow'ing may be nieniionrd from an

enormous list of works, inainl) choral cantatas.

ballaiU and the like, which reaches the opus

numlx r 153 and com a ins several unuuinhm<d

(omposi lions ;

* ImU «rw«4 <l»WrUM Iw c<HMn<ner, lusrd mm (itxilirr

MuMch. 19 Chi iHa*'.

1 ^ . ofwd •l•l>. Uv sudifkiirr. lu^rd «>ii a

Mon. ' Dm *. bv Crmc run tSiMeoUiucii).

1004 . l)tn 4 rM. ; S<pt. lAg*.

* Die sengnkroc (•|n(k« *, operj ijib. l»» compe^rr. bj'ed

jHi C.e«liM( H«uptnunn’i pryj, Rprlm.

, - JTmaiw 4 e» \VeMeo«, I Jm(» iB 99 ».

A Hero i ’ r«ir >mmaau. malr*voi<e <horu* &

•M<h, '4>|i. 4)).

He^uirm. B(*«dKWu mkI SacKius fur <loMUIe cKi^riis

(C>9. gfi*.

Vophonr V«, ». F,> OVA. 'Op. »oj,

SvmplHiAr W a. F tm», U|p. jouf.

Symphrav Nu. 9. D Ihi f<>n. iv)|

Suiog QuAflrt (<»p. I4J . ^

A. r... adds.

2 ^^TAREV, VaaalJy Aadreyevich (i.

Taganr^, 8 Mar. 1873L

Russian composer. He entered the school

of the court chapel, St. Petersburg, as chorister

and studied the violin, but had to give it up

because of an injury to hi* hand, I le w orked

at ccunposition smder Liadov and Balakirev :



also under Rinuky>Korsakov, at ibe Si. Peieis>

burg Conserv aiory, from 1898 10 1900. In the

latter year he won the Rubinstein Memorial

Prize with hb cantata ‘ Paradbe and the Peri

based on Thomas Moore's poem from ' Lalla

Rookh He was a prolessor at the Moscow

Consen’atory, but later lived in the Caucasus.

His chief works are the following :

Svm^ofly, 0|>. a.

’ A Rusik Pftiivai * r»r »r(h.

Sirinc OwAnrt No. 1, 1 > ni«., Oo- U

Sirine QtMrMt No. a. A ma.. a.

Pf. Quariei. D ma.» t>|>. i).

Suinf Qukiwi, |> mi,,

Sirini Quartet No. 3, D m*., t&>

Pr. Trio, C mi.. <>p. aB.

Sirina Quaetei .So. 4, ^ ma,, Op. 33.

IT. S«>no(a, tj ma.. Op. >0,

Alw> pf. pkeet srHl wnfi.

a. N.

ZOPF (Ger. • pigtail). A term for an old-

fashioned obsolete style in music. The word

is generally used of a particularly conventional

style, which was very common through the

idth cenlury, especially in its latter part.' The

tendency, which may be perceived in com-

posers like Durante, Vinci, Jommelli, Craun

and many others, to subslitute a mechanical

kind of otpreuion for the utterances of genu Inc

emotion, found a very common oullei in the

trick of writing for two soprano voices usually

fol]o\ving one another abMt in thirds, ov^er a

bas.1 a long way below them. This was not

done as a result of poN’erty of ideas, for it

occurs side by side with music that is earnest

and workmanlike. It seems to have been

demanded by the fashionable people of the

day, and tn have been just such a guarantee

of respectability as a wig or a pigtail at the

same date. Much the same lack of originality

gave rise to \N’agner's term of Kt^limtsUr-

mutifs. j. A. P.*M.

ZOPFF, Hermaan (^. Glogau, Silesia, I

June {626; d. Leipzig, 1 a July 1663).

German critic, teacher and composer.

Although he had received a complete univer-

sity education, his father wished him to be a

farmer; but his own predilections inclined

him to music. At length the successful per-

formance of an overture composed by him

removed his father's opposition, and from

the age of twenty-four he desoied hiicKcLf

exclusively to mutlc. He placed himself under

the tuition of A. B. Mani and Kullak in Berlin,

and was soon engaged to fill an important post

on the teaching-siafT of their new Conserva-

tory there. He had also other appointments in

the musical circles of that city; but his am-

bition drew him In 1S64 towarcb Leipzig, and

he gladly accepted an offer from B^n^l to

succeed him as editor of the ‘Neue ZellachriA

fur Musik ’, which necessitated his removal

(hither. There he toiled until within a short

time of his death, as editor, critic, conductor,

• IV, 6aff.


composer and professor of singing and com-

positiM). The character and tone which had

been imparted to the * Neue Zeitschrifi ’ by

Brcndel were cOTtinued by ZopfT, Ibr both

editors were strenuous advocates ^ the new

German school. But Zopff was no narrow

partisan ; he was ready to do full justice to

every musician of high aims.

Zopff 's compositions cover a wide range of

form, from the simplest pianoforte pieces or

songs to the largest polyphonic or dramatic

wtwks, and all bear the mark of a thorough,

scientific musician. Bui for a certain want of

spontaneity and grace, they would probably

have been much betler known and oftener per-

formed. Among his numerous choral works

with orchestral or pianoforte accompaniment

may be mentioned his ' Brauthymne ', ' Friih-

iin^ymne ’ and ' Triumph der Llebe *.

Larger works, approaching the oratorio form,

were ' Anbetung Gottes ', * Evangelium der

Tat ' and ' AJexandera It Is clear from his

operas, * Carloman ' Mu hammed 'Judas

Makkabeus ' and ' Constantin that his

strength was especially concentrated on

dramatic forms; ^t as regards popularity his

symphonic poem ‘Tell’ (after SchUler), the

' Idyllen fur kleines Orchesier ' and the

' Traum am Rhein ' were most fortunate.

ZopJf wu a careful and prolific writer of

critical, theoretical and didactic essays; his

' Tbeoric der Oper ' is a good illustration of

she industry with which be collected and

utilised valuable information.

A. K. w.

ZOPPA, ALLA (Iial. - halting or limping).

A term applied to a rhythm in which the

second quaver in a bar of 9*4 time is ac-

centuated, as in certain Hungarian pieces, in

American " rag-time ”, etc. 0., adds.

ZOPPIS, PrmaceBCO (L Venice, s. (

Venice, after t?8i).

Italian compeuer. Nothing is known about

his career before 1 739, when his name occi^

as (hat of the composer of an opera performed

by the Mlngottl company at Graz. He wis

sec^ mPtstrp di <appeUa at Bonn in 1 745*32

and then joined the travelling opera company

of Giovanni Battista Locatelli, with whom he

went to Leipzig, Prague and, in Dec. 175^

Russia. In 1 78 1 he seems to have returned w

Italy. His works include several operas,

written mostly for St. Petersburg. The score

of his ‘ Vofe^^ ’ (performed at Prague anfl

Leipzig in C753) «« Dresden m

c 93 q; of other operas, 'Didone abbandonara

(St. Petersburg, 1758) ‘ Galatea 1

1760), single ain only have been preserved.

A. S.


Do.viz Em. , p ,





20 RAS

ZORAS, L««ni4iA9 (^. Sparta, 8 Mar.


Gr«ck conductor and compo$cr, He studied

in Athens vrith Kalomiris and in BeKin at the

High School for Music for two years (1938-

2940) under H. Crabner, ?. Hofler and W.

Gmeindl. He appeared for the Arse time as

conductor, with great success, in 1933 with

Kalomiris's opera ’ The Mother's Ring

Since 1940 he has been permancni conductor

at (he National Lyric Theatre in Athens.

His compcaiiions include incidental music

and ballet for ‘The Legend of Violanio ‘

^• 930 : ' Cleft ic Dance* (1934), 'Legend'

^uite (1947) and a Sympl^ny (1947)

for orchestra ; Concertino for violin ai^

woodwind (1930}: Sonata for violin and

pianoforte (1930}; various fnartoforic pterrs

anti songs. s. m.

ZORIAN, Olive Manchester, iG Star.


English violinist, hhc was edtwatrd at

Folam Hall, Darlington, and studied music at

the Royal Manehnier Odlrge of Nfusic and

the K.A.M. in Lt>ndon, where she oMained

her A.R.A.M, degree. In 1942 she formed

tiie Zorian String Quartet, which p 1 a)‘ed and

broadcast regularly throughout Orrai Britain,

in Ireland and in France until it was disbanded

in 1949. With her Qutriet she specialiacd in

rncKlem mus\c as well as playing the standard

claasiral chamber music, and gave many fine

fserformances of quartets and quintets by

Uloch, Uriitrn, Bliis, Bartuk and other modem

composers, l*he Quartet also made a number

of recortlings,

As a soloiii Olive Zorian has made many

appearances both in Kngland and in France.

Her d 4 but at the i.ond<>n Promenade Con-

err IS was in 1 i^u, and since 1 hen she has piayvd

concertos with the H.B.C. Symphony Or*

cliirtira, the B.B.C. Scoitish, Northern and

Wi lih Orchestras, and with ihe Royal Phil*

harmonic, Liverpool l‘hilharmonic and other


H. K. w*.

Z«HUa y J»i4. S*f t^anipo r<>Hio 4« I*

V tti , Jpilam. a tiy. L«My*Ja ' ’ Dm


A»4*r9. Srt B|o*Un«kr f Prstsnn' Daim ’.

ini|iir*0 Vy pifCiiMl.

(Opera). Stt Rasuau.

ZORTZIKO (Basquejl (Basque dance.)

ZORZICO (Spa.) ( FotJt Mvsic:


gs«b*l(ke. t;«ll«kk CTMMthrn

Kornidtin WwU fH., MVMII.


Florendo von (L VValdbrul. 12 Apr. 1603;

rf. Nachrodt, Westphalia, 23 Mar. 1B69).

German musical editor. He is memorable

alike for hta eomributioru to .Schumann's

• Neuc Zeitschrlft fur Musik * and for his

edition (with A. Kreischmar) of ' Deutsche

Volktlirtlrr mil ihren OriginabWeisen* (1838-

1840, a vols.). It was on this l>ook (hat

Brahms largely relied for the sources of his

arrangements of folksongs, and .Max Fried*

lander, in * Brahms's Songs * *, has claimed

that certain of the I'olkslifder were in fact com*

posed by ZuccaJmagUo Itimsclf.

It. c. c,

ZUFFOLO. In modem Italian the name

for the tin whistle. Jn the 18th century it

meant a whistle id* any kind, hut particularly a

Bagcolet (Brossard, Grassineauj, and is scored

for in Reiser's •Croesus' O710 and 1730),

in which it is twice given a solo function in

parts ranging l>ctwcen a' and d'"; the scene

is pastoral in each case. It U also fvatun'd in

the same composer's ' Jodelei ' ((7ibj, and in

the anonymous ' Tumyris ' (London, 1717) as

irtiftSA 9 {ir^Ua, with Compass g' (u e'",

I'here has been much confusion alx>u( this

i6(h 'Century Bonaimi ( Uabineuo

armonico 1722) describes the anfch 4 tl

itfUm as (hat small shawm which is used in

conjurKtion with the bagpi|)c in the .Nbruzsi

Utr dancing : in othe r wortls the ftormnffla of

(he 'riiis is lui reason for conclud*

ing, as seme itave done, iliui Reisers zu^oh

was a small shawm; indeed he aciually

imitates the cex/wfiwir in ' Croesus *, using

oboe* and bassoons fur the purpobo, very

realMkally. Kleefeld (J..M.S., 1 ) claims that

this was neither lUgeolci nor shawm,

but panpipes. 'I'his view is founded on an*

other vf Bunanm's lui (riv/efe -panpipes), on

Wahhcr'i conjecture that eiufch ftailoraU

meant panpipes and on Mahillon's observa*

lion (hat panpipes were sometiinri called

Ct/pfi p€it 9 ttit in Lombardy.

j. A. P.'M., rev. A. a.

ZULAUF, Max li. Bemp, ty May 1898).

bw'iu }iarpsi< hurdut and musicologist. He

studied muiicologv at Berne Univmily under

l>mi Kurih and the piaiwifc^rte at the Geneva

Conservatory with Alex, MoUu. In 1924 he

look the Ph.D, de g ree with a (nuch*rv»pccied

dissertation, ' Die Harmonik J. S. Bachs *

(Berne, 1927). After a further course gf

study in Berlin he was appoi oil'd teacher of

theory at the Consi*e%*atory and lecturer in

musicology at the University of Berne (>933-

194S). At the latter he qualified with an iin*

portant treatise on the (caching of music,

‘ Der Musilunierrlcht in der Geseijichte dcs

Berner Schulwesens * (Berne, J934). He has

aho published several articles to various

musical periodicals, including one on the

• Musiea figuralis ’ of the Bernese cantor

Ntkiam Zecrieder (* Sclbwclzerlsches Jahr*

buch fur Musikwisscnschafi’, IV, 1939).

Apart from his (eachlng-aniviiies Zulauf is

well known as a harpsichord jilaycr. He is

eooduetorof the Berne Minster Choir and has

long been president of the Bernc-Fribourg-

* St* BMinB, BibbofrAplty,


Soloihurn region of the Swiss Musicolofical

^ociciy. K. V. r.

ZhIawsU, J. S<t Rvtfl (' tjd* \ eoers).

2UZ«AWSKJ» WawRyTkiec (Jerry) (^.

Zakopane, 14 Feb. 19(6).

Polish critic and composer. The son of a

well-known poet and playwTighi, Jerty Zu-

la wski ( 1 674- 1 9 1 5) , he began h is studies under

MarceK Poplawski at the Toruh Conservatory

and continued under Sikorski at the \^*arsaw

Conservatory, where he obtained a diploma

i'^ *937* During the second tvorld w’ar he

lived in Poland and took part in the ^Varsaw

rising of 1944. Since the conclusion of the

war in 1945 he has been teaching music at the

Stale High Schools of t.6dz and Warsaw, and

writing criticism for ' Ruch muayezny ' <1945-

1946) and from 1948 onwards for the Warsaw

papers * Express \Viecsorny ’ and the weekly

* Nowa Kuliura Before and after the second

world war he took part in several Alpine

expeditions, and wrote many articles as well

as published two books on cnouniaineericig.

He now lives in VNarsaw and devotes most of

his energy to leaching and writing musical

criticism, His critical essays and articles have

established his reputation in the Polish musical

sphere by their impartiality, directness and

construct ivenrss, In 1933 he was elected to

ihc post of Secreiar>’-General of the Union of

Polish Composers in >Varsaw.

Zulawski's music was introduced to England

when Ernest Lush and the Blech Quartet gave

a magniftcent performance of hU ^anolwle

Quintet at a concert of Polish chamber music

at the Wigmorc Hall in London on 13 July

194O. His output is small and includes a

Prelude and Fugue for string quartet (1936};

Concerto for violin and strings (194(^43);

pianoforte Quintet (1943) ; ' 4 Polish Carols

Suite for two pianofortes, abo arranged for

orchestra (T947) ; Sonata for violin and pian^

forte {1947}; * 3clani dumbek *, Kurpian

folksong for 2*part women’s chorus and small

orchestra (1949) : Trio for flute, clarinet and

bassoon {1950}: many pieces for pianoforte

(Partita; Variations; Maturkas, etc.).

C. K. H.

ZUMAYA, Manuel (k. Mexico City, c.

1680: d. Oaxaca, r. 1740}.

Mexican composer. He studied with

Antonio de Salazar, chapel master of Mexico

City cathedral between t695 and (713, and

succeeded him upon his retirement in the

latter year. The Duke of Linnres, who became

viceroy of Mexico in Jan. 171 :, was a dev'otee

of Italian opera and commissioned Zumaya

to translate various currently pt^ular Italian

opera Mbrelios, adding original music. The

only one of these printed, however, was the

first, * La Part^nope', presented with choir-

bo>'8 in the leading parts on 1 May 1711 at

the viceregal palace. This was the first ^>era

ZUMP£ (Hermann)

to be puUicly presented in the New World.

The libretto, originally writ lea by Silvio

Siasnpjglia, had b^n used at Naples a dozen

years earfter and was again used there in 1 733.

The ^ot has to do with rival princesses in

love, one of whom, in order to test her suitor,

wears a disguise ; there are eight singing parts.

The names of other operas by Zumaya have

not been preserved, but the Mexican biblio-

grapher Berisuin de Souza sa>s he was highly

esteemed for hU musical ability by the viceroy,

"for whose diversion he translated into Spanish

and set to music various Italian opera librettos

Chapel master at Mexico City cathedral

from 1713 until 1733, Zumaya at the end of

his seventeen-year period of service renounced

music and retired (o Osixaca, where he spent

his remaining years as a parish priest. His

noA-musJcal published works include a

translation from the Italian of a Jesuit's

biofraphy and an original play, * El Rodrigo '

(17^). His manuscript works in the archives

^ Mexico City cathedral include three

Magniflcaii, two Misereres, two sets of

I^meniaiions and miscellaneous ei/foarKor.

a. 8.


ZUMPE, Hermann (k. Taubenheim,

Saxony, 9 Apr. 1S30; d. Munich, 4 Sept.


German conductor and composer. He was

educated at the teachers’ seminary at Bautzen,

was a schoolmaster ai \Vejgsdorfin iBrn-?'*

thence going to Leipzig and playing percussi^

at the municipal theatre there. He was one of

those who helped Wagner in the preparation

of the ' Ring ’ at Bayreuth in the years i873“

1678, and after this he conducted at (he

theatres of Salzburg, \N'urzburg, Magdebu^i

Frankfort o/M. and Hamburg (in i684^)‘

In 189c he went to Stuttgart as court A>pWf*

■wis/rr, taking o\*ef the conducionhip of

Society for Classical Church Music, in place

of Faisat, who was ill. In 1695 he became

conductor of the Kaim concerts at Munich,

and he was made court K»p<ilinfui<T at

Schwerin in 1897. He visited London to

conduct the Wagner performances at Coveol

Garden in 1898- In 1900 he received the most

important appointment of his career, that ol

court Kapfilmeiikr at Munich. There he ^

especially active in directing the famous ^^ag•

i>er performances at the Prinzregenien Theater

up to 1903, when be died suddenly.

Among Zumpe’s compositions the most

important are a fairy opera ‘Anahna

(Berlin, 1881 >, another, ‘Die vervunsehene

Priiiacssin operettas ‘ FarincUi ’ (Hamburg,

t666), ' Karin ' (Hamburg, 1 888) and

nischc Wirtschafi • (Hamburg, 1889). At M

death the score of another opera, ’ SawiUJ .

• 00 »« the ‘ Mah.bhirstx •. tM

mtbitet •ho Mcd by Kobe

ZUMPE (Johaniw*)



v>a£ found incompkie and scored b)* Gusiav

von Ros$eler for produciion at Schwmn in

r907. Another posthumous ' Das

Gespcnst von Horodin \ was produced ai

Hamburg m 19(0. a. r.*y,

Sh KiUl r Bianca uimI rev.).

ZUMPE> Johaonn {b. ? ; ?).

German i8th*cenuir>* harpsichord maker.

He was in London in the middle of the cen-

tury » in ihe employ of Shudi, who about the

year 1760 began the manufacture of square

pianofortes. If Zumpe was not actually the

in \ c lUur of 1 he type » it vs as he who popularised

it as a domestic Insirument. a. j, h.

ZUMSTEEC, Johann (Rudolf) ~b.

Sachsen liur, Mosbath, E^en, 10 Jan. 1760:

d. Stuilgart, 27 Jan, 16021.

German conductor and cosriposer, HU

father l>eing a NaU’i tu Duke Carl of \N uriiem*

herg, hr was adiniited into the (lathe hule,

al The Sohtutle, near Siuiigari> where

he received a K<M>d gent ral nlucatxm artd

formed a close Inenthhip with .SthiJIer, wlnt

was alsu a i)upj| there. He was orlgiriali>

Intended lor a seulptor. but the lose o| niusu

(troved tuu strong, and ire studied lirsi the

cello and then cumjMwiiicin with Poll, whom he

sun reded in 1792 as C 9 p«lfmi%Ut and director

of the .Stuttgart Court Opera.

ZiiMulrr|*t chief claitii to a place in the

history of music Is that he seas the psurtrrr

of the ballad, a form afterwards carrietl to

perfection by Krichardt, /rJter and Loewe.

And there is no dmibt that hr PAertiwvl a

slrong inlluencr i»n the youdifgl Schuben.

some of whose long narrative earh s<>n|s an*

clearly tnodelled <m ZuntsicTg s Isallads.

/.unislccg's l>est and In ids day widrvi*

known ballads were *Lr<»m»rr' clkirgvr .

* 1 ^ i^farrera ’l«ht<'r von Taubenhavn

*Kolmn' (Ossiam, 'Die Dussende', 'Riitrr

i ogge nburg ‘ KIwina ’ and • Dk Lntfuli-

rung ^ Of his operas ihe Mlowing were

frequently performed: ‘Dir (;cisterliwel *,

based on Shakrtpeare's ‘ l einpesi prvdueed

at Stutigart on 7 Nov. 1798 Das Pfauen-

fesi* and ‘ (’.llmncloeanl, dcr Calif von Bagdad*

' Ut Heirug auv I.lelse *. • Dk Fnjhlingsfcicr '

(an ode by Klopstock fur recitative witli

orehesira) and * Zalaor ' were other pleeo of

ills, and many ballads and odes were pub-

lished separately from the seven books of

iiK ' Jial laden und Lictler * published by

Breiikopf & Hartel. Other works deserving

mrntlon are choruses for Schillers ‘ Rag her

18 church cantatas, a Concerto and Duct for

violoncello. c, F. p., adds.

DiAi . l.ASfHMotf. Utmio. • Joh. RuMph /vmufrt

Pin lt<Mt» iwr C:«^<liMhw ^ t.Kile und «lt«

Udiljilp , >lu*ct(aoun 1909),

. •>r ihp t»mt Wi

r^ndi WillMlin Omicp. h»U bevn |>«Q(|«Kcd in

inl> nvr niOMiht before, en 6 Juim

^(SMKKowfki. K.. ' Jdhanii Kinlolf /nriikin'K •«(' Kom*

pout vtpA li«llAiJrh ntnl M<Miu<lirr> ’ 'MMlIS^tC,

Ihelcf .mlUl, in It. o(>MS', Scliutiirt

ilibr.l. •‘Hxic, p. 016.

ZUND£RT> Renaai van. Sff Asivvfkf.

Zii^el, Eaaasel. .Wr SmeUnj VS'idoHtV

lil>. .

ZUR MUHLEN. Raimund von ii6. I.i*

V'oiiia, 10 .Nov. 1854; d. Sivyiting, Su'W’x, 9

Dec. 1931).

German singer and teas her. Hi was horii

on his fai Iter’s properly and received hi' edu-

eaiion in Germany. In his tvw’niV'lirsl sear

hr l>egan to 1 « arn viitgiiig at ihc High School

for Miiwr in IWrlln. and he cnniwiuid the

studv uimUt Stockhausen a I Fratikfori 0 M.,

and buvsiiM* m 1*4 ri». He made a v|m’< iafii> of

Orman song. paniiuUrlv SrhulKTt and

Schumann, tlw latter of whi< h he studied uiih

(!lara Sshutnann. 111% voice imd a (Kiuliiir

and sympailietir quality; but what gave /ur

MulilenS Mrieing its <hie| charm wii% the

remarkable rlearneii'. ol ho enum laiion aiul

the via> III whiih he torlrtveil to Itlettiify the

feeling of ihr words with the niu%u. He first

sang in laindon in 1IHI2 and was a frequent

visitor later. I.vriiiuall) he settled in Knglnnd

a« a ver)' successful teacher of voit e-prodoctlon

and iiiierpreiaiion. o., adds.

Bi»i . NiHaiBK), <«v«i>sii 'HdenuiHl vmi Ziir

MiilibM' M, k L., XJII. 1911, p. iiS'.

iDRAWLEW, Jeray *. Kt»stiA', Kiissia,

iKBb .

polish pianist and nuisu orgarti/ei. He

siudHd uiwler MKhahmski at the Warsaw

(xHiservatory and rompleii d lii< studies with

disiinciion in iqig. Min'c )ears later h«'

losindnl a jniisit mImmiI at Minsk. After ihr

lifst world war he reiiirnrd to Warsaw ,tn<l in

rqro founded a niiisie at Hi.dvsiuk.

In 1923 he was ap|iolnt<d teat Iter at ihe

OnqHn High .Sehisd of Music in ^^arsAw,

He continued his voncerl apjiearances, whieh

he lirgan in tijcaj, though they became rare,

Zurawlew' was tin* initiator of the Ghopin

InirmaiiocMl (lompetilion for I'ianistv held

foiir->car]y in Uarsavv, which k’gan in 1927J

In 1929 he inaugurated an exchange of

eoAfrru belwvrn Pul and an<l other conn tries

given by tlie Uiirealrs of the musical high

sehiMik. In 1931. thanks to his inhiallvc, the

PiJiUi Union of Music School sc ante into bring.

He is now teacher at the W arsaw Stati* High

Seh«)| of .Mwsir, For his acliviiirv in the

cnuskal field he was decorated with the Polonia

Restiiuta, Gold Medal of Nteril and by the

Legion uf Honour. c. n. n.

ZCRJCH. An asskluous cultivation of

music at the Swiss city of Zurich can l»e iraceil

back to the middle ages. The most intporlani

monument of Gcnnan Miniu song, the

* Heiddbe^CT Liedechandschrift * (Manesso

Codex) oHginaicd there. Tlte services in the

* 4S»rCNO»e« lKlrfO.A1K>MAL C0MPt.1IIlOH.



Great Minster and numerous monastic into an activity of intcmaiionai importance

churches were regarded in the ijlh century as is due in the ftnt place to Andxcac. Under

the most resplendent in the southern German him the Tonhalle Oicbestra developed into

region. With the introduction of the Reforma* a body of hm^raie quality, which since its

fion in 1527, however, ecclesiastical music fusion with the former Radio Orchestra in

vanished completely and the organs were re- has also become numerically adequate

moved from the churches. It is (rue that to the most exacting tasks. A municipal

singing was restored to the service in 1598, subsidy requires of the Tonhalle Society a

but not till (839 was an organ again erected large number of popular and youth concerts

in a Zurich church. In the lyih century apart from the orchestral subscription and

musical life was sustained mainly by the chamber-music concerts, for which eminent

musical cdlUgU, where instrumental music was native and foreign conductors and soloists are

performed as well as unaccompanied choral engaged. Andreae retired in 1949; his su^

works intend^ for church use. The earliest ccasor is Erich Schmid, who since 1950 hu

Swiss Collegium Muslcum was the Gesell- been assisted by Hans Roabaud as permanent

schaft ob dem Musiksaal, founded in i6($, guest conducu^ and guarantees the furlhcr

which began to issue New Year's sheets in development of a progressive and topical

1683. These unique documents of middle- concert life.

class musical culture have appeared without The Tonhalle Orcbesira also serves for

interruption dovm to the present day, and opera at the municipally subsidised Stadt-

they are now published by the Allgemeine theater, which, opened in 1833, enjoys a

MuiikgesellKhaft, whose valuable music col- reputation reaching far beyond (he confines

lection is deposited in the Central Library. of Swiuerland. Among its early conductors

The purely local inHuence of musical life at was Frans Abt, and Hans von Bulow and

Zurich became extended when Hans Georg Wagner appear^ there as guest conductors.

Nagel i began his many-sided activity as pub- Under Ernst Reucker’i direction the lim

lisber, composer and educationist. His p^a- legllireate " stage performance of ' Parisfal '

gogic works, conceived in the spirit of Pesta- outside Bayreuth was given there in

lossi, and his literary and lecturing enter* Karl Schmid'Noas in 1931-4?

prises attracted attention in many countries, Festival Weeks an artistic event, and under

and it was he who published in 1802 the first him productions and lint performances, par*

reissue of Bach's ' Art of Fugue ', in t8o3-5 tieularly between 1933 *nd 1945, made tl«

various sonatas by Beethoven and in 1833 the ZQrich Municipal Theatre an opera-house of

full score of Bach's B minor Mass. international fame. It was responsible for

The Allgemeine Musikgescllschaft, formed the productions of Alban Berg's ' Lulu ^

by amalgamation of the earlier caf/r/ta, (1937)1 Hindemith’s 'Mathis der Maler

organized regular subscription concerts with (1938) and Honegger's 'Jeanne d’Are au

its amateur orchestra, into which professional higher ' (1942) auid gave the first European

musicians were drawn only by way of excep- performance of Genh win's ' Porgy and ^

lion, and it was there that Wagner appear^ (1945)- Worb by Paul Burkhard, nilly

as conductor during his sojourn at ZOrich Burkhard. Honegger, Bernhard Paumgarincr,

between 1850 and 1858. In 1682 its direction C«hmar Schocck, Heinrich Sutermeisier »nfl

was assumed by Theodor Kirch ner, who Alexander von ZemUnsky were also given,

exercised a great influence on music at Zurkh The present director b Hans Zimmerma^i

and Winterthur from 1843 to 1872. To him ihe permanent conductors are Victor Rem^

was due in 1863 the appointment, at first as hagen and Fred ^Vidmer, with Robert^

leader of the orchestra, of Friedrich Megar, Deialer and Otto Ackeruiann appeanng

who in 1863 became Klrchncr’s successor as regularly as guest cooducion.

conductor and in 1867 was appointed conductor As the centre of a populous district ol oy«

of the newly founded Tonhalle Society, which half a million inhabitants, and situated ^

afterwards organized official conceru with a main European traffic artery, the largest uw

professional orchestra. Hcgar at the same of Switzerland has grown into the mwt im-

lime conducted the Mixed Choir, and in portant artblic and cultural , ,

1876 he became director of the Mu«e School Confederation. Its musical life rcwmbies tn

established on hb initiative. of a world city in its extent and iniewu^

Hegar’s pereonallty determined the de- apart from the d^naung position neio vr

velopmeni of ZCiKeh as an important musical the T^dialle Society, there is much p

town. His successor was Volkmar Andreae: concert activity that is chawcerisnc 01

in inoa as conductor of the Mixed Choir, In manifold musical life of Zurich.

1906 as conductor of the ToohaUe concerts Great credit for the furtherance ol mw

and in 1914 as director of the Musk School. • M

which had by that lime become a Cooserva- JjSjlSriid »a Ne*' Voek, Bottoa *»<•

tory. The expansion of musical life at Zurkh Ansiecd«A in i 9 os-».



music i$ due to what waa done by Alexander

Schaichet with hU chamber orchestra between

1990 and 1943. Its functions have been partly

taken cner by the Collegium Musicum eon'

ducted by Paul SacberofB^i. Baroque music

is exclusively cultivated by the Hausorchesier*

vercinigung under Edmond de Stouiz. There

are, moreover, seteral amateur orchestras,

which give concerts regularly with ilte assist*

ance ol professionals.

The large choral societies, aerording to

tradition, hold their eonerrts with the I’on*

halle Orchestra. They are the Mixed Chmr,

w’hich has been iniimairly linked w’Uh the

ronhaUe Socieiy ever since Hegar's time;

the Harmonic, under Harts Ijivaier; the

Teachers* Choral Society under Krnst Kunz:

and the N(ale*Vo;ce Choir founded by Xageli

in which has since 19^0 been under the

direction of Hermann Hofmann, the hrsi

conductor of the former Kadlo Orchestra.

H.Mjtermann*s I'rivaie Choir has <h»ne remark'

able work in the half<ccnniry of Its existence,

latterly under Hermann Duk>t (Monteverdi,

modern unarcompanled works, ric.>. ,Vlso to

be mentioned are the Moiet Choir under

Bernhard Seidmann. founded in 1943 (Knghsh

music;, the Reinhart Choir, which, together

with the Winterthur Municipal Orchntra,

makes a speciality of Bach under Walter

Reinhart, and Margrii jaenike’s Arte Antica

(Purcell, Prrgolcsl, etc,).

If we include the recitals gisvn by Swiss

an<l foreign solottis, several humired rnusUal

events take place In the conreri*rAO«n$ and

churches uf Zurich each >‘ear. They arc

supplemented by the iKoadcaaiing of Studio

Zurich, whose programme director, Hermann

bixb, has made an impunant champion for

nuxlern music of the Zurich branch of the

^wi(s Radio Company. The studio orehestra,

until S949 directed by Hermann Seherchen,

t% now In the charge of Paul Durkhard and

Rolf Liebcrmann.

These manifold musical activities are

necessarily maintained In the educational

flomain by the Conservatory, directed by

Rudolf Witicisbach in succession to Carl

Vogler, which incorporates the operatic school

forming pan of the .Swiss Theatre School, and

by the Music Academy, directed by Hans

Lavairr. Elementary musk leacldng is

looked after by the Sing- und Spielkreise

Zurich. The Professors of Musk at the Uni*

vei^iiy are Frit* Cysi, A.'E. Cherbulie*

(Presulrni of the Muslcological Seminary) and

lately, alternating with his Chair at Yale

Uftiveniiy, Paul Hindemith,

Tlie following musical associations have

their heatiquarters at Zurich : bchwetae-

risebrr Tonkunsilenerband, founded in tnoo

(Pr.widem, Paul Sachcr) ; Schwelserlschcr

Musi kpudagoglK her Verband, founded in


1B93 (President, Lorena i.ehrj ; Schw'eiae-

risrber Muslkerverband. founded in 1914

(President. Rudolf Leuz in ger] : the .S<hwei7.e*

rische Muslkforschendr Gcvi’llsdiali, Section

Zurich (Preslclenr. .V*E. (Ihcrbulicz) : Pro

Muska. the Zurich di\'i>ion of the Su Its section

of the I.S.Cl.M. I l*rrsjdent, Waller h'rt y> ; and

the *' Suisa “ Schweizcrlsche (Icsclhthafi drr

LVheber und Wrleger (Predcient, Carl

\*oglerl .

The Music Prize uf the Cily of Zurich has

since 194C been besiowed biennially on I in'

poriani Zurich eomptners ; the pR'sent holders

arc Oihmar Scisocck, .Vrcimr Honegger and

^Villy RurkharJ. r. o. s.

Hfti . r.RN'T, * l*r(rr JoiliTki CM! jw»

/u«Rh« Mu'ibSrlKM ’ IIjmI, i 9 ( 7 ».

ZURNA. ^ Bsc.rii'i Rinsivi,

ZUROWSKl, Mareia 6 * ; d. .^l.

Polish 1 7th*{liih*teittur> tumt>oser. He

was a Jesuit monk and alxiut 1740 rector of

the Jesuit Musical Bur»ar\ at Cracow. The

inventory of tlw Bursar) mentions i)jr fol low-

ing w^orks by him ;

‘ r. vcnim t ’

' l,a«*(tr(wr >«• r«n)rniMm.*

’ l.itiiiiir Bs in 4 }i»r.

t ih (.

’ Sdhr Kp(ih« ’

C. R. ir.

ZUROCKSCHLAC (Ocr. ^ rikariula^. .Stf

ORKAMfeMrs, l\ ^iil >.

ZUSAMMCNSCHLAG ((hr. >> ccrkcrc

fare*. Sft ORNSMfxn, A <ivi.

Z<ii*«r. Vl«ce««. Sf< VVvtl K., mic.

ZVONAR, Jan Leopold b. Kiiblov nr.

Dcroun, 22 |«24 ; rf. PrnRue, 23 Xov.


Crech theori'i, cdutatlonbt and composer.

At first hr was obliginl to take u[> the tailor's

trade, but the luianti.il support of a lilMTal-

minded priest enabled him to allend the

pedagogic course in Prague. ,\ftrr wards he

studied under Pitsch at tjw Prague hchool for

<>rgani<ii, where he bee a me assistant teacher

in 1 844. In 1 6C0 he accepted the dirrctorsliip

of a good musical iniiiiuie (Zoflnski aka*

demie). which he held for two years, anti in

1662 he waa appointed choirmaster at the

Trinity Church and teacher of singing at the

college for girU. He was one of the founders

of ihe choral sockiy Hlaliol (iR6n and of

the Umeleekk Beseda (Society of .\rtistsE

A* a prulifK composec uf an innau* if very

modest talent he was particularly active in

the field of s*o<aI musk, composing masses,

Requiems, motets, cantatas, choruses and

songs, Residet these he wrote many Instrumcn*

ul works of various kinds and also attempicti

dramatic work with his only (unperformed)

opera, * ZAboj • (1859-62), to a libretto by

J. V. Smilovsky.

Z\*onaf*s books and hIs articles contri-

buted to several periodicals (McliEs ' Dalilx.r




‘ S}avoj ’) \vtrt mostly educational in char-

acter. Occasionally he abo touched upon

Critical and aesthetic proNems of general

interest and importance. Hb study of the

character and spirit of Czech music (‘Zkumn6

pfispivky ku pozninl povahy a ducha feslc^

hud by publ. in ' Slavoj \ r863) is still

worth reading. He contributed several valu-

able entries to the hrst Czech encyclopaedia

(' RiegrCiv Slovni nauCn^ *, 1660-74), ^nsong

them particularly that on history c^ music

in Bohemia (Vol. ll, p. 455). His collection

of early Czech tunes arranged for men's or for

mixed chorus, some of them with pianoforte^ is

also worthy of mention (‘ Hudebnl pamitky

iciki \ 4 vols., 186^-64). C. t.

Btss. — 'J, U Zveost', tympoMum ed. by K. Kaida


ZWART, Jan (i, Zaandam, 90 Aug. 1677 ;

d. Zaandam, 13 July t937).

Dutch organist. He was a pupil of several

local teachers at Rotterdam and of Hendrik

de Vries, organist at the English Presbyterian

church in Amsterdam. After holdirtg small

posts at Rotterdam and at Capelle-on-the-

Yuel he was in 1S96 appointed 10 the Evan-

gelical Lutheran church in Amsterdam, whkh

post he held till hb death. In 1914 he started

a regular series of summer recUaU (Apr. to

Oct.), which attracted attention all over

Holland, and in 1925 five the first oBkial

radio organ recital in Holland. From 1939

he gave regular weekly recitals for the

N.C.R.V. Radio society, whkh brought him

correspondence from England, France and

other countries. In 1917 he had already

started a series of publications of Netherlands

organ music with the object of improvic^ the

instrumental paru of the Protestant church

Services, and later he began htsiorical recitals.

He also wrote much r<^ the Dutch newspapers

and periodteaU on old Dutch music and

musicians and on the art of organ building.

His own compositions coraist chiefly of ^an

arrangetnenu of and variations on psalm tunes

and chorales. h. a.

ZWEERS, Bernard Amsterdam, 16

May 1834: J. Amsterdam, 9 Dec. 1994).

Dutch composer. He was a pupil of Jadas-

sohn at Leipzig znd showed a strong talent for

composition as a youth by whkh he overcame

hi( father’s objections to serious musk study.

Immediately after his return to Amsterdam be

was appointed choirmaster at the famous

Moses and Aaron Church and conductor of

Amslel’s Mannerkoor, and shortly afierwards

professor at the ConserNatory. He was an

enthusiasiic promoter of Dutch national feeling

and style in music, and he refused to set to

music any words other than Dutch. He had a

very great influence on the younger generation,

primarily as a composer, but in a scarcely less

d^ree as the teacher of many who in their

turn look leadic^ positions in Holland’s

musical life.

In later life be became very deaf, which

caused an almost complete cessation of his

puUk work.

His compositiorts comprise three Symphoo-

tes, the last of which, ‘To my Fatherland',

fills a complete programme, concert overtures

and preludes for the popular Vondel drama

‘Gijsbrecht van Amstel all inspired by

national events or figures ; a number <d

eboral works and many songs and parlsongti

these last being principally for male voices.

Stf Aodrknett (« & 4, popilf). Bcmet Keniprn


Zwdf, AnftU. Sm Kaihaus (*$erersni Gtuha

inck B,),

ZWEIG, Frita (k, Oiomouc, 8 Sept. 2893).

Czech conductor. He studied in Vienna as

a private pupil of Arnold Schoenberg. At the

age of nineteen he was appointed

meiiitr <0 the court theatre of Mannheim, a

position he held from 1912 to 1914 and after

the first world war from 1919 10 1931. Hr

then became operatic director at Barmen-

EIbcrfeld (1931 *33). From 193$ 10 1933 he

worked in Berlin as chief XafuZ/mfititr at the

munktpal and later the state opera-house,

where he was a colleague of Bruno \ Valter.

Otto Klemperer, Leo Blech and Erich Kleiber.

In 1934 he became director of opera at the

Cerman Opera House in Prague, a post he

held until 1936.

In recent years Zweig has frequently

appeared as a guest conductor, his visits includ-

ing operatk performances in London (Covent

Carden) and Paris (Opkra and Opfra-

Comique), and concerts there and elsewhere.

Hb performances arc remarkable for tlicir

accuracy and careful preparation, and he hw

achieved especially striking results with the

works of Mozart and Janiiek . a . h . (ii) >

SfitM. Sn Archiv fur rh«i(«r*iTiW

Oemwth IS wnri wilk wch.). (Bnp

irwa. Ir«m N'erhMren). ReiKt <s tenp). ,

VAmtn •ki 5 n^n'. rtdio oo*r*J

<hMal work). &chHrictAiw Ft am (Suaim |R:I.

Seiber <* VotpWK ' Utaiu. ©f Bai* J«n»©nJ.

$ltMB m. 'S^hxifunw FrAu', U).

(•VirAu’. ©fAiorw). Toch au* U.b A. *

•bod, n.).

ZWERG, DER (Opera). Stt ZeuLtwar.

ZWILUNGSBRODER, die (Operetta).

Sft ScHvaeaT.



ZWISCHENSPIEL (Ger., lit. bct^^'een•

olayinn). The German term for "loter-

lude the old English “ act-tunc ” and the

French mO’octe. But that the term

time a wider meaning than ” interlude »

evident from a notice in the ‘ Wiener Zeiiung

for I Apr. I795» referrir^ 10 Beethovens Of

major pianof^te Concerto :




Tat Ok inteml [om aa ih« fuU

ev«Ain|, Uir tiataia H«rr BeAbo^oi wee the «A»»ise«0

AppliuM ef puMw br ao entire^)' eew ^aiwCo^

cencCTte of ha own.


ZWYSSIGf Joseph (Father Alberik) (4.

Bauen, Canton of Uri, ij Kov. (8o6; /.

Mehrerau nr. Bregenz, Austria, j8 Nov.


Swiss composer, the hest^known id four muri*

cal brothers. He was a pupil ai the monas*

lery school at WetUngen and later joined the

order and was ordained priest. Along wiih

his ecclesiastical funciiom he taught music

and became conductor of the cathedral choir.

He composed a number of works and was

regarded as an expert in all matters touching

the organ, and a much-oieemed adviser in

questions relating to church music. After the

dissolution of the monastery he was compelled

during the remainder of his life to change hb

dwelling. place continually. He was every*

where csieemed on account of the frankness

of his disposition. He wrote many masses and

olfertories, both accompanied and unaccom*

pariivd, solos and choral songs, etc. His name,

howesTr, survives chiefly from its association

with ihe patriotic song emit led * Schweizer-

psalrn *, '* Trltlsi im Morgcnroi dalier*’, which

he composed in t84i, and which U sung to

this day on festive occasions in Switzerbnd.

Sh tit* Niiiensl Anikenu {Swwserl*ii4>.

ZYGMUNTOWSKl, Teodor (h.} \ 4, >).

Polish idih*century singer and violinist.

He was the son of Adam Zygmuntowiki. con-

ducior of the cathedral choir at Cracow. He

was educated at the Sierakowski School there

and in 1 768 became singer and viotinist at the

Cracow Jesuit chapel. Later he was appointed

conductor of a band at the court of Prince

Sapteha, the great chancellor of Lithuania,

(hen a province of the Polish crown. A

papal distinction, the Order of the Golden

Spur, was conferred upon him. He wrote

among other works a * Miserere ' and a can*

tau, • Swieiy Waclaw ’, to words by Father

Sierakow^i, c. n. h.

ZyUI^SKl. Fnastyii (4. Lithuania, J796;

d. Warsaw, tg June 1867),

PoJbh tenor singer. He made his debut

in Paisiello's * FraKauna ' at Minsk in (814.

Later he moved to Wiino, w’here he sang from

1815 till tSag, The next year he appeared at

the Warsaw Opera in KurplAski's ’ Jadwiga '.

After that he was pcrntanently engaged in

'Varsaw until 1841, when he retired from the

stage. He aho wrote several hymns, prayers

and songs, and Is said to ha\*e composed

masses as w'ell. c. a. >1.

ZyWNY, Wojeiecb (Adnlbait) (4. Bo-

hemia, r3 Mav 1756; d. Warsaw. 21 Feb,


Polish teacher and composer of Bohemian

origin. He went to Poland as a youth during

the reign of Stanislas Augustus (1764-951, to

take up the post of musical tutor to the chil-

dren of Prinerss Sapirha. Later he moved to

Warsaw, where he remained until liis tleaih,

A native of fioliemia. he had studied music

under a teacher, most probably Kuchif, who

made him an enthusiast for J. S. Bach. As

Chopin's teacher Zywny soon recognlr^ the

unusual talent of bis pupil, Into whom he in-

stilled a lasting admiration for Bach and


Z> w-ny K said to havr written man> pieces

for pianoforte and some orchestral works

which remained in manuscript. He is now

remembered solely as the iirst teacher uf

c. R. It.





S<te(ifd tfW euiinHBg rfiou Mfi tit ktypn4


T\k drscnpiioiu ciT crmtcmporAnn itfr abbn viaicd follciw'v ;


(>, <Ira#lsniaft,

Dj. DMM<r.

Ilr, •I)r4aulKi.

(<>• hhI« »*«> •»!»,<

Iii«*<«i«nk. fit,’.


ft. • l'<uMPr wl. p|< Ixrt,

idx^rji^rs •


V. •VulfHo*.

M«o i^to

* r. Bini

•<. Dufay

tt'hAUPPf, Ci«oflrr«, r. Pa,

• «. UiHtKX »4B ihf UerJen. J*4.

t f Sa«hrtli« Tutttn, t. Tw, N’o.


^ LancUiMl, WiHisxn. /. C9. Pa.

*M 4 WA«tA I tk

diCwM*). Pd.

•g Paunuun

* r. Bo>U«, I>i«>4cL Td.

|r«n, 78 , I,(, (Hi,


* 4. MfM. Judn dc. IVd.


* «. Md«i«<|ur. (;o«t.ex. fp. Dr,


* rrr%i«A. J«b« dr. 4*. Ba. 1 A


* f .WmkIIa di Mr^wnd, I'd.


*('Jid«(r|ldi'». (.rarer*. P*.

140 $

* <. IdT<pi, Pihr*^, P*.


rAv*T», ptikw Upri dr, <0. TH.


bmlarlie, A 77 , Pn,

* 4. Iwwqurl. Joa. Pj.

i 4 t 6

•Squafcialu|>i, 77 NUr.

* €. fearthnr, Pkito (ISexadHU

FraiMrKd), p«.



t,^•vlH«A, SpmHu, 92.

tOower, John. r. 61. ^

*f- Ab^c^don


.VdiBn of «Am|*»»rn »r« rrprstnl er-rv «* V^»n, frMb mb of «a . 1 ,— l

thrir lik'n s a iLth<c ai a < 7^ ^ -.i na.

.yry--of»hc pri.iriMl corapa-..^ *«

MiirMaraAPogt arm* Mi tfnaii r^.A. h,..,—



Z 4 S 0

Binchou, c. 90

Duiky> e. 20

*C««9, Hugo v«C( der. N.

Btncsto. Po.


*Be((ini. Oeniil^, Po.

*Drllini» Ciovonni. Pa.


« f. Henn-'on. Rob«ri. Po.


ttxk. Hub«r( voA. t. 36. Pa.


*BaldOiineitj. Mom. P*.

* f. ReicHioo. Ajiwawo. Sr,


t r. PaOrloiM. Fftncmo 4 i GtMile

<l«, <, M. P«.

thfosoMio (TomoMdi Ctovonoa

<li Cruidt). » 7 . Po.


*Polloiu«lo, Ancoftio. P*. Cr.


Binchou, c. 30

Dufay, e. 30

* e. Okfgl^m

Paumann, c. 20.

* Deiordo, htoioo Mo/io. Po.

f Oiti«iifK dc PcMo, 4 . 67 . ft).

* t. Memlinc (Momirog), Hon. ftu

t t. Ruhlov, Aodrey, «. S». Pa.


^klonwfTia. Aodrta. Pa.

*V’illoi), Ffanfob. Po.


tVillena, Ecutquc 4 c. so. Xi.

> 43 $

*CSo(te, Ajtdno (Vemcchio).

Cr. Se. Po.

*CMU Robbio. Andrea (lufrhow).

Cr. Sc


Squarcialupi, 20


f t. BarcoJi, Taddeo, <• 7 $. Pa.


t 4. Heedeve (Oc<l««e). Thomaa,

t. 47. Po.


Abyngdon, t. 20

tDcUa Quercia, Jacojio, 64

H 39

*Gioi2ce. FrooccKO, Ar. Se, Pa.



Binchou, <. 40

Dufay, c 40

PaunuAn, <. 30

* c Ramoa dc Pareja


fErck. Jaa vaa, r. so. Pa.

* Maerique. Jorfc.

> 44 >

* «. Signorelli. Luca. Pa.


*Giatnbcnu Giuliaao (laier Sao*

gaOo;. Ar.


tArecino, Leonardo (Leosardo

Bruni). 75- ti.

*BotiieeUi, Soadro, Pa.

* <. Bcaoioaie Loaaari (Dooalo

d* AgDolo). Ar.


* e. Banasior

*FiDcfc (Hoanr.)

fPower, 5 June

f >Volkenstcin, f. 66, 2 Aug.

* r. Sebeocauar, >Can(n. Pc




•Agricola (A.)

Squarcialup(> 30

f Brus«)le$dii, Fiiiapo, $7.

tCiuwibijtiu. 58. ?«.

*Vaaueri» Piel/o (Pe/uriM). Pi.


Abyngdon, c. 30

tOufchkllo (Dmikhko di Ck*

vami). Po.


* t. ChirliiMlik Uomeok». O.



Binchoit, e, 50

Dufay, t. y>

* f. Isaac

•<.Josquln dc» Pr^

•<.U Kvk

•<-. Newark

Okeghem, r. ao


Pauniami, r. 40

* ' Friiwwi. Po.

* r. Ufiminiinu <Birk 4 omAra

Svirdi). P*.

* r, Carpweio. VkiKe. P*.

* r. I)ivld. Orird, Pi.

* f, Prirxii (FriM*««i ftiiWta*).

Cr. Pi.

T Lydfil*. |whn, <. le. Po.

*a(iot 4 |ni, Birtolwflwi. Pi.


^Luairdl di Vinci. Po. Se, Ar.


MS 3

fDuniiablc, 34 Dec.

•r. Obrcchc.


*B(Ui, Bemirdjn* di (Pimwrk.

rhu). Pi,

*Pili>iino. AnaHo. Po. Li.

*Po 1 kH>ol«, Simiae del. Ar,


* t. Compere

tAnselko. Fri.da. P*.

FniKiKO. Pi.

tOhibeni. UceoM, 77. Cr. Pa.



S^uarcialupi, 40

Tinccoris, c. 30

tSIfM, Juin d«, r. 4$. Po.

tPuuio. Viuerc (Piunriln). e. 7C.

Pi. Cr.

* 5 kia/ar*, CmiII^. Ar


* r. Uppa. KiUppini. Pi.


Abingdon, r. 40

«Brwti, Sebiitiaa. Po,

tSifMiUioi, liiifn Lepec de

>lrndua. 6u. P«*.


•HofliairTwr, 33 Jan.

* r, Cmb, (/•rciM di. Pa.

fklirch. Atiiuk. 4 >. Po«


tBinchois, c. Co, 30 Scpi.

Dufay, <. Co

Okeghem, r. 30

Paumann, r. 50

Karrm de Pareja, <. 30

NVcerbecke, r. 30

TOiiUKhy, l^ir. r. 70. No.

* I, (dm*. Gioxanm BiUitii. Pi,

*GAni«K<i, AridiTi (lairr $ink»<

xim). Sc. Ar.

*Cpmi, Leremo. Pi.

* f, Diinbir, W'dliiln. P«.

t c. PTrei dc Cuiman. F«niin, Sa.

Pa. ti.

* r. Rkmctbcbncidcr, I'llmin. Cr.


Jetm. Pa.

* <. V i n h e r. Prccr. ic«. Sc.


tfiarialommcg Vcncio. Pi,


* <. Beich. Hkronrvmtf. Pi.

•CotiiBO, Pietre di. Pi.


*Rca diUi Mirindoli. Ciovinni,




•Fayrfax, Apr.

*i*a<chiAr 4 Uo, Jac^o. P«.

^Ro«Kr van t(er Wev^. «. 64.



Uauasirr, f. 20

Finck (Heinr)i 20

'( |nh», 87. IV

* i. >l«lbcin» Ham, wo. Pa.


Agrkola (A.), 20

Squjircialupi, 50

TinC(orit> r. 30

ff)»naiel|A <r)oiiaio 4c Nicolo il*

Beito DaHi). f. 80. P».

'Maitvi, Qumtia. Pa.


*B0hranM, (iKnaimi. Pa.

'Sourrhicr, JoKn (I,ar4 8mim>.



Abyngdon, c. 50

* r. Corn>‘shc

*£ncina, r 2 July


tLipp), PihTtpo. r. 6}. Pa.

*Machiav«T|i, \k<«> 6. ti. Tk.


*e. Curccn (A,)

Dutay, f. 70

•c. Genet

Isaac, f. 30

Jotquin dts Pr^, <. 20

La Rue, c. 30

Novark, c. 20

Okcgliexn, c. 40

Pasche, c. so

Paumann, e. 70

Ramos dc Pareja, g. 50

W'cerbecke, r. 30

* t. Bat.lune. Ham. Pa.

*De1ltni. JaeofM). Pa.

* <. lhactOv V’ifKcnao di l(Ialcaa).


* c. Lwisi. Andrea dt (.\fKlrea

d’ AaHsi). Pa.

* <. Luini. Bernardino, Pa.

• f. Mabw, Jcaa Uao C«s*crt).


• c. Onpooe. Marco da. Pa.

*Riccw. Aodrea. Cr.

• c. Vkieoic, G»I. Dr.

* 87 <

*[>krrr, AlUvcIit. Pa.

f Kempa. Thomas k. t. 99 . Li.


*Cranach, Lucw (sen.). Pa.

H 73

Obrechi, c. 20

tPawmann, e. 7a, 24 Jan.

*B«ir|kmiir. Haiu, Pa.


tDufay, (. 74, 37 Nov.

• e, Pevin

*Anoti«, L«*d«v»r*. Po.

* r. Dotftiat. Gavin, Pe.


Banaster, /. 30

Compare, c. ao

* c. Parching

Finck (Heinr.), 30


* g. Mouton

* r. Barclav, Aievander. Po.

*Aa(Wfofnnw« di Pathalo, Pa.

fiMs DwKb.r. Pa.

•Imnarrori. Mh lirU<nah». Sr.

A*. Pa. Po,

tChMtdIain, Gcorfct, 71. Po.

* r. OrinfotOrr, Pierrp. Ac. Dr.

* r. Cririwnald, MalUitai. Pa. Ar.

k]<lw>an«clo {M€ Bwonarroir.


*Ri(cc«8ai. Gianni. Po. Dr.

tGcccIle (Paolo di Donni. r. ?d.



AgricoU (A.), 30

Squartialupi, 60

Tindoris, c. 40


•Cioc y iowc (Gioivio Ba/barrlli).


* f, TiiaB HviiaM VcccK). Pa.




Ab>’ngdon, e. 60

BitdASUW. Li.

tMAftnqwr, i«(iK. 36 . Po.

•^tnrr. TWiHM*. Li.

M 79

*CocMacus, so Jan.

licthainicr, iO

* <. K«Mcllino. Aiilenio. t. Sr.

'TaIIi, Jmojm >Ulrr Smiwthmu

S c. Ar.


*f. /\sinn

luac. e. 3V

JirtC|uin do Pr^. t. 30

i.a Kui*. i. y>

Newark, r. *jo

OkcKhrm, (. 50

Paiche, t. 30

Ramoi <Jc Parrja. r.


tSqiiArdalupi, 64. 6 July

W'ccrlKTkr, c. 40

*Ah<i«.r{rr, .SX*rrchl. f*.

*B*rrwtw«e. AImm*. Pa. Sr. Ac.

* r. CaraiA. Franerwo.


* r. I.Altrt. l/irrnan. Pa.

•r I'dima, JatAfA c" Vrcctm “K



*D«nvmui« (TbwAa <iaraMo).


*?cnt 3 /i. BaWaautr, Ar. Pa.

*Saint.i;rla>», .Nlclin Jr. P9.

* •. OamiMCAola, nemcfiUa, Pa.

tUclU K-A>bi», Loca (unck).t3.

Or. St.

tCort. }iu«o VM Jet, 8a. Pa,

H 83

Obrechl, t. 30

*Aapharl Saais {RabeVa SaAeio).



Fayrrav, ao

*Beccaiumi. Dommico, Pa.

* t. Frirati. GauJeetio. Pa, Sc,

•Nfanurl. Nicolaa, Pa. Po.

*.Saaapkl)rli. Mkhelt, Ar.

i 4$3

Banaiier, t. 40

Compi’ri*. r. 30

I'inck iHdnr.), 40

*e. P^-gnu

* <. baiMkVd, >Ui*co. No.

t t, K«iw')uc(. Jean, r. 90. Pa,

*Rwmanin<i. (iirolaino. Pa.

*VbW 4 iaiw (M hi.Ait- 1 . l'«.

t t. prai>{ 4 >K, t. 5 |. Pw.


.NgrkoJa (A.), 40

’I'inc lorii t. yo

X 4«7

tUanasicr, e. 4*1, .\ug.


*VM<hrr. Prirr, j«Hi, Sr.


Abyngdon, (. 70

Cvm>shr, <. to

liACina, 30

•c. Rhau

‘Andrea dr( San*. Pa,

‘Huwrii, I'lrkh s«A. Po. U.

t Vrrracilii*, AiHlrra Url 'A.

CkaMT), s). Cr. Sc. Pa.


HorJtaimrr, 30

* t. BanJmrlli. batcio (oc Batlo.

Inmmro), Sc. Pa.

•NMea, Ptaoervo Maria. Pg.


Durcon (A.), c. «o


• <. P'emimJez de Casdllcja


Genet, r. 20

Tt aa c , (. 40



•^.Jcrfinson (R.) (i)

J(»quin d« Pi^ <. 40

L4 Rue, <. 40

Newark, e. 40

Okcghem, e. 60

Pasche, r. 40

Ram» de Parcja, t. 50

* (■ S«nnUy

Weerbecice, t. 50


* <. Ambrrecr, Chiisioali. Pj.

* <. BoKdn Almo(*ver, Jmd. Pm

•< . Vuioria.

(^(yoi. ThfMHM. Li-

•Ij»kI»v» OavkI. Po. [>«.

* t. (Wkv, BenucfC P«.

* 4. AabelaM» Pr»iic»H. No.


*Folcnco, Trofito {McrUito Coe*

«oio). Po.

t Manrique, Comrc, r. 7$. Po.


* Mclit. FfoeooKo (le*. Po.

t>^<liOhrow«r, Morix). t. 46. Po.


fBusnoU, 6 Nov.

*Ar«ltno. Pi«iro. Po.

"{jiuliM Komono (Oio(» Pip(M dc*

(itonnum). Po. Ar.

tPicfo dctlo PraiKcwo (Pktro

BorchfK). r. 76. Po.


Obrechl, t. 40

T i. Antoncllo do >lc«wno, e. 79. Po.

*F)rviiiuolo, Afooto. Li.


Fayrfax, 30

Fcvin, f. 90

tBoiorUo. Moilio Mario, t. 64.


* «. Cloitilkio, CrSstolui « 1 «^ Po.

* /. UMrccsw. Antonie AHcsri do.

1 * 0 .

Kihirbndoio. Doncoko. *• 45.

Cr. Pa.

*Lurao von Leyden. Po.

tMrmiine (^kinlinc). Hoia. t.

64. Pa.

tPko<kllo MinuKla 4 a. Cievoaai.

7 i. Li.

tPelkiorwv. Aeqelo. 40. Po. Li.

*Kieeio. Dontenice (Brtuoaevci).


Flam. Po. Dr.


Compm, <. 40

Parthir^, t. so

Finck (Hdnr-), 50

Jannequin, t. so

Mouion, «. so

t<. Oke^em, <. 65

•Paminger, sg Mar.

• f. Taverner

•f. Whyc broke

*Cen>eliu, Lueos. Po.

* t. Mirondo. Fronutco &k 4 «. Pd.


Agricola (A.), 50

* e. HcMinck

Tincioris, c. 60

•VValJhcr (J.)

*MoiiUod, Rkhotd. Po.

* r. aUroi. Ckment. Po.

*RoMi. Giovonni Bouiiia. Pa.


lAbyngdon, e. yg, Scpi.

*Bemt. ProiKraro. Po.

* I, Kcmood. John. Dr. Li.

*Holbeii«. Ham. fm. Po.


Cornyshe, c. 30

Encina, 30

fCota^i. Benoiee. j 4 . Pa.

'HeeoMlierk, KUrricn iMob«

{Xlorrten ton \’em). Po.

* r. ^kwTlto (Akraoiidio Bentkine).


fPolUrvelo, Antonio. 69. I'o. Cr.


Cochlaeua, so

Hothaimer, 40

tBoldevinetii. A kaw o. 7a. Pa.

*Froi>ck. SebiMion. la.


* r. Animuccia (C.)

Aston, e. so

BwrtoA (A.), <- 30

*Cabewn, so Mar.

* e. Ctemens oon Papa


Genet. <. 30



•r GreUer

Isaac, e. 50

Josquia des Pra, e. 50

La Rue, e. 50

Lloyd (J,)» f. «o

Ludford, 20

* t. Milan

* r. Morairs

Newark, r. 50

Paschc. <. 50

Richaforl, <. 30


Weerbecke, r. 60

* r. J*cob. N.

*A»rri»nr, P«ru.

'Celiini, Sc. Cr,

f t. Henn'Mn, ll»bcri, t. 7 ^


tiWHiAk, Grniik, B». P«.

*C«iuin, Jc*n. p 4 . Se-


fr. Re|U, ? 16 May

tCi«rr«, PrsAcnca, $>. Af. S(.

U. Cr.


Obrechc, r. 50

tlcffvfwtr. Pnir*.

tlcAt. RrimiM. A#.

Cm 4. C)g«iimi. P».

* CimiUm «k U Vfm.

*GrMxin>, AMom FraiKcwe.

9^ l>t.

*HuFi«ao «k Mcftafou. Dwr*i

Li. P«.

CwliK FxaKctM

rPxwn n Bip, Fa.

*Wvau. Tbamai. ?•.


•Corieeda, July

Fayrfax, 40

Fevln, e. 30

*Ciraldi, GiovaAOi Am(bi«

(CiniH>aCB»ihM). Dr. No,

tUpiH, Filippioo.x, 43. F».


•<. Arcadeli

Compare, t. 50

Farlhjng, c. 30

Finck (Heinr.), 60

• <. Gombert

Janoequin, r. 30

*r. Lc Mautre

Mouroft. «*. 30

fObrecht, r. 52


•r. Tallis

tB*Ho, FrMcewo, r. $ 5 . Po.

* <. I imninift, Leonard. Ha, Cx.


tAgricola (A.), 60

Tinctorn, c. 70

*Briuivo(to. Ertolc. Fb.

'Buchanaa, <>«^. Li.

f Manir««ia, AiMlroa. 7S. Pa,

*UdaU..VKhola«. Dr.



Carver, 90

*Car«. AACtikalc. 1 ^ 9 .

• '. MoMenali. Giovaani AascIo da.



Com>'ihe, c 40

Encina, 40

Rhau, e. 90


CochJacui, 90

Hofhaimer, 30

t Newark, <. 59, Nov.

fPollaiuolo. Sunone drl. «, At.


Asion, f. 30

*r. Bourgeois

Bunon (A.), c. 40

FeUatyriski, r. 20

Femindex de GastiJIeja,

r. 20

Fesia, 30

Genei. r. 40

* <> Coudimel

Isaac, c. Go

Johnson (R.) (j), c. 20

Joaquin des IV6, c. Go

La Rue, e. 60

{J.)» (■ 30

Ludford, e, 30



*e. Manchicourr

Paschc, <. 6o

RichaTori* <•. 30

ScrmUy, <. 90

^\'e€rbccke, 70

W'ilJaeri. e. 70

*Bauano lU Ponir).

tBoMjfrIli. Swdro, 66. Pa.

* f. C1ou«t. Fcancoh, Pa.

* f. Dclotme. llti^rbcft. Ar.

*Motoni, CijtnbaiiiMa. Pa.

* f. PaliMy. B^nuM. C«.

*RAui, Prancrwa4lai iC'atfrItina

Hr( SaUutii. Pa.

*R«KJa, t.«pc 6«. Dr,



tTinccorls* e. 75, Oel-

*(. Vicemino

*£vrn*. Je^annn (larer SrrMti*

(U^). Pe.

(Ctorpio BarbarrUit,

U> P«<

SeikimJui.Jahanon tut

‘N'a^ari. D>ort>o. Pa. Ar. U.


tFfvm, e. 37»


tBrllini. Ctatanni. po. Pa.

*Pefliana, Pro»|Krv. Pa.

*Uob«»ii, ia<«pp <tiM«rt(u>}.



*FcrTftbo$(0 (D. M.), 14


tPinlurarcbio. ikntanlirte <B. di

Brllih %ft. Pa.


Fayrfe*, y>

fWwfbeclif. t. 74

tbranuAie Laitari (Onna*o

d* Afiwla ^. «. fO. Ar.


Comp^, (. 60

Firihinf. r. 40

F)nck (Heinr.), 70

Janacquin, t. 40

Mouion, c. 40

Pamingcr, 20

Pygoil, (. 30

Tavcmcr, <. 20

Whytbrekc, f. 20

* t. BuUiAi, JaaA. Ac. Se.

'Cranach. Lvcac (jun.). Pt.

* t. CouiM, Jean. &.


HelHnck, e. 20


WftUlwr <J.).20

tBalcraAa. GiMvanni. 49. Pa.

tB«arh, Hwranvmut, t. 54. Pa.

•flam. Frau (4« Vrienai). Pa.

*Faa. John. li.


Cjin'Cf, 30

fltuc, ^ 67


• e. \Vft«lrftJKl

fBartolotHmeo di Pajholo, 49.


tFraiida (Franrevo IUih«lini>.

r. 69. Cc. Pa.

• 4. Howard. Kenrv Uater Earl of

Surrey). Pn>

tSaafallo. CiuUano. 74. Ar.


tComp^, t. 63, j 6 Auf.

Com)ftliCi e, 50

Cncinft, 50

•e. Ccro

fLft Rue, 4. 06, 90 Nov.

Rhau, <. 30

fCima. ClQ^*ann• natiixa. r, ,>6.


'Palladio. Andrea. Ar.


Cochlaciu, 40

Horitftjcncr, 60

tBoriMfiMri. PraiMCWo, 64. l*a.

tLrosardo da N'mci. 67. Pa.

Ar. Cr.


Animuecia (G.), <*. 20

Asion. e. 40

BurtcM (A.), f. 50

Cabe2dii. 20

Clemens non Paps, f- 20

Coclice, 90



•f- Faber, Heinrkh

tFaxihii^, 45, 12 Dec.

PeUziyAski, <. 30

Femiodez de Caziltleja,

f. 30

Festa, 30

* <. Gabrieli (A.)


Ccnei, e. ^

Grcitcr, e. so

J(»hiuon (R,> 30

Joiquin <te9 Pr^, e. 70

Uo>d (J.n t. 40

LudIWO, f. 40

Milan, r. 20

MoraK* 3 , r. 20

Pa»chc, (. 70

Ricliarort, e, 4(»

SermUy. f. 30

*<. Shepherd

Tyc, e. 20

\N'ilNeri, c. 3»

HliHiihir, \N>UwHi. /. 4 ai, Pt>,

* t. K.ii»twkL I4,

*Mon«>nu>r,f. Jwv* fir. f%*.


} 7 . i*.i.


t Fay f fax, 37

tJo«)uin drt t. 71, 2?



f t. il^MlrMk. f. 41. |‘j.

tDr^nf. tj. fm.

Pwlru tli, ff%


fAiion, (. 42

*f. Fdn arils

fMouion, (. 47, 30 Oct

* r. CaHi|>i, AhlAMu. Pd.

t<;ftrpdrrM, Vwrofe, «. 7^, pj.

tlKwflsv CiAVM, f, lO. p«».

* t. FdiMiah, Pdolo. Pj.


fAr)chirta, 30 July

t(k>rn)$hc, f. 33

tUoyd (J.j, f. 43, 3 Apr.

T f. Jtawn, Sirph^n. Pu.

tll>Ui«n, I'kkh vuB, Po. U.

tMunidcna. 75. p*,

}Prn)eiiio lPwlr« Vanweei). 7;.



Coriixcia, 20

1 1. BotfOfDooe, Am&fofio (Aie-

krorio Sttlani). Pa.

*C«m4n. L«H< Vat 4t. Po.

*Gio«*aAfu 4a Bologna. Sc. Ai.

^Hdlbaii), Han«, »er>., e. 59, |*a.

*R4iMard. Pterre dc. P«.

t <> SafiwreUi, Luca, t, 83. Pa.


Areadeli, r. 20

Fiitck (^lAr.), 60

Gomberi, r. 90

Joanequin, c. 50

Lc Maistre, e, 30


•(?iPalrtCrina, 17 Dec.

Paminger, 3a

fPaschc <. 73, f. June

Hygou, f. 40

Tallis, e. 30

Tas'crncr, f. 30

Whythroke, A 30

•Ifci-aav. Joaclaini «»y. K.

*l>rlU RpLhia, Aiidcca ^Acnliewk,

9U. U.^.

* e. CasCeiefM. Ucecac. Pv. Or.

« t. Mnra. .ViMoftM (saa l>a*l»or«0.


*S<o».J«hn. U.


Hdlijsck, r. 30

ljudenkunitf, <. 4 Mar.

Waltlkcr (J-), 30


'Naiaivu, Juao FcinaMlcx, Pa.


bakfark. 30

Carsec, 40

IFinck (Hrinr.), 8». g June

•FiiKk (Herm-), 91 Mar.

•Guerrero, May

^CaAhiaU. Lwa. Pa.

fAlarlMavcai, Nh%oI6, sO. Li.



Encina, Go

•Lc Jeune

Rhau, A 40

•Sclncccer, C Dec,


*llafoc«io. P«<l«nco. Pa.

• 4. Brikau, Krmi, Po,

•Bry. Th««dona( <D«A) dc. Pa.

Hl*eUad. Paolo Pa

tDgrer, AllMcchi, 57. p*.

"Pemira. AMonio. Pu.



1Gruoewald» M*((lu4s, c. ^ P».


*Mu3iAiio, GuoUmo. Pa.

? f. Palma. Jacopo (" Veecluo

48. Pa.

Veronese (an* Cagliari}

tVischex, Peter, ]«».» 41. Sc.


t {. Baudoin

Coehlaeus, 50

fEncina^ 60

Horhdimer, 70

tJacoiin» t3 Mar.

•r. Mundy (W.)

tOrco, Fcb-


* <. Brueghel, Pieter («cn.>. Pa.

tCaatiglione, Baldasiaxt, $1. La.

'Pence de Lden, Lu^ Pe.

tSofMOviao, Andrea (erig. Con*

luecil.Sf. 5c. A r,

t Skelton, John, 5 g. Pe.

tVicclirr, Peter, aen.. t. Sg. Sr.

i$ 3 ®

■r. AiTimcrbach

Animiiccia (C.), e. 30

Beurgeoia, (. 20

Burton (A.), t. 60

Cabpsdn, 30

Clemons non Papa, <. 30

Coclico, 30

* (. Donato

FelutyiSskI, r. 40

Festa, 40

Cenot, t. 60

Goudimol, (. 30

Croiior, <. 30

Johnson (R.) (i), t. 40

Ludford, e. 50

Manchicouri, e. 20

Milan, t. 30

Morales, c. 30

■<. Navarro

•r. Porta

Richafon, t. 50

Sermisy, r. 40

Tye. t. 30

• f. White

Willaert, <. 40

t Andrea del Sarto, 4 t. Fa.

t <. Bramaniino (Bactelofflmeo

Suardi), 4 . 70. Pa.

t Manuel, Nieoiaa, 46. Pa. Fo.

fhlabyi, QuinUn, 64. Pa.



•c, Kerle

Parsley, 20

Vicentino, c. 20

tBtafgkmair, Haat, ^ Pa.

fCatena (Vioceneo di Biigb], c.

5 l. Pa.

tRiemcoschneider, Tilman, «. 7t

Cr. Sc.


Guyot, 20


t David. Gerard, r. 8>. Pa.

*Jo 4 ^, £ii«nM. Ac. Dr,

«Nortoo. Tboeaaa Dr.

tRiccio, Andrea, da. Cr.


Ferraboseo {D. M.), 20


tArioMo. Ludtvieo, 59. Fo.

«£r«iUa f Zd&ifa. AImcuo de


tLucai vaa Leyden, jg. Fa.

'MootaifiM, Michel de. U.


Corieccia, 30

*Las Infantas

*r.Wackaw of Saamoidy

tCorrofgio, Aolooie Allegtl da,

4 . 40. Fa.

*Keer«. Lveaa de. Fa. Po.

* r. Herrera. FerMndo de. Po.

1 1. Mabuaa. Jean (Jae GoMaerih r.

«4. Pa.

tSaegnllo (orlg. Giamterii),

AenenSo. leo. Ar.


Arcadelt, r. 30

Chisel in

Gomberi. r. 30

Jannequin, e. 60

Le Maisire, r. 30

Paminger, 40


Tallis, <. 30

Taverner, <. 40

•c. Vinci (P.)


Whytbroke, f, 40

tSemr, Franecaco, 38- Fo.

tCeau. Leeeneo. 75. Pa*

t r. Lutsi. BerBardino. <. 85. Fa.

tMoee. {S*r| Theokas. 37. Lt>




Hellincki 40

Rove, 20

Wallher Q.), 40

tG*roUa0 Oe to Vcf*. <. 3 $. Po.

tPeruui, BikUmrt. Ar. ?».

tScoiodut, Johinnft (Bvertt),



Pakfark, 30

Carver, 50

f r. Hof haimer, 76

Scandello, 20

VVaelrand, r. 20

• f. Zoilo

tCreOi. Lw«nw H. t. ?«. p*.

*GiM#iBj,GmaaDi Po.



Gcro, <. 20

Rhau, e. 50

t Altdorfer. Albr«<kl. aa. Pa.

*aorr«»o, Miforl. Pa.


Coehlaem, 60

•r Rcfnari fj.)

*Solo de Lanfa


Animuceia (G.), t. 40

Bour^eoUi <. 30

Burton (A.), e. 70

Cabesdn, 40

Clemciu non Papa, r. 40

Coclico, 40

* <. Daman

Faber, H., c. 3o

FebaiyAaki, c. 50

Femdndez de Casiilleja,

Feila, 50

Gabrieli (A.), e. to

GaJUei, ao

Genet, t. 70

Goudimel, t. 30

Greiler, t. 40

•f.Johruofl (J.)

Johft»n (R.) (i), f. 30

* r. Lcopoliia

Lttdibrd, t. 60

Manchicoujt, t. 30

Milan, e. 40

Morales, e. 40

Rkhafon, t. 60

• <. Schroeter

Sermisy, e. $0

Shephei^, e. 20

Tye, <. 40

•r.Vee^i (Orfeo)

\Mllaert, t. 50

* r. BcvMame. Pierr* dr. U.

*ChMi«bfd, Pkrre de Bcdcom)

de. Po.

*Pifveroe, Fnisciice de. Pe.

*Coo(e. Bamabv. Po,

1 1 . PaccbUeoiio, Jacopo, 76. Pe.

tPacTMtiaAo (Oir^Daeo Fr«n<

««$co aiatiob 1,37, Pa.

t 4. Veeeetie, Cd, t. 70. Dr.


tHHIinck, r. 44. 4 Jan.

Monte, 20

Parsley, 30

Vkentino, r. 30

*Chre*ii«o, Ploeeni. Po.

tMooieavayor, Jorte d«. 41. I’o.

tRoeM, OtOiaoAi Batiieia, 43.



Edwards, r. 20

Cuyoi, 30

t r. Ludford, (. 63

* (. Meiland

tRoMio AJmotaver, Juan, r. 33.


ffriMa. SebMiian, 43. U.

*Ftaorfc«n. Frani. Pa.

t r. Orter. Bcmacn van. r. 33. Pa.

tWroii. fSirJ Thomae, 34. Po,

*ZMtaio, Federifo. Pa.


t<. Burton (A.), r. 72


•Fembosco (A.) (i).Jan-

FerraboKo (D. M.), 30


*Drer, (Sir) Eduard. Po.

♦P on ea n a. UoAeoko. Ar.

tKolbain, Hio«, juo,, 4$. Pa.


Coiieccia, 40


t <- Febaiyibki, e. 54

f Foleoco. Teoltio (Merlioo Coo

eaM).33. Po.


t Cr)n9o(i)rr. Picrrc.r, 6g. At


tMaroi» CWmcni. t. 4$. Po.

tMolsa, f/aiKCMo 55


• t. Palma, Jacop© (•• Giovine ••).


*’rai»o, TorquJM, ft).


•Ancina, 19 Oct-

Art Ack’ii, f. 40

tf. Burton (S.)

* f. Cactini

tF«ia, 55, 10 Apr.

Gombcri, e, 40

Jannrquin, e. 70

lyC Maisirt', r. 40

* Luzzaschi

•r. Nanini (O. M.)

Ortit, e. 20

Palf^irina, (?) 90

Pamingrr, 50

Pygoti, r, 60

Tallis, r. 40

tTa^rrncr, t. 50, *5 Oct.

\\*hyi broke, <. 50

tftaldune. Uani. r, 93. Pa.

* f- Omen, N’kMai. Pit,

t f. Pirena««eaa. AptoU. n 3 »- U.

* f. FiKhart, Ji>hanA (MeniMrI.


* f. Garnkr, Rebrri. Pe.

* f. Harv«v, Calvkl. U.

* t. Threiacef«i*i, ])o«nrn«ce l£J

OrecuK Pa.


Rorr, 30

WalthcT (J,), 50

tCateio. Cievaatii FranctK©, t.

C6. r«.

tUrei. (SSir) TlMiut. '.36. LL

tParrari. Gawknaie. r. 6a. Pa.


fCiulie ftemane (Goalie PipfM 4 «*

Cianni^tsi), 34. Pa, Ar.

tSangallo, Anlenie, km. Ar.


Dakfark, 40

Finck (Hcrm.), ao

Guerrero, 30

•U Hcic


t f. Rickarort. r. 47

ScaAcIclIo. 30

W'aclrand. c. 30

*Ccrvanle4 Saavr^a, fctifvcl 4 e.


tCelofina. Viiteria, 57. Po.

tSebaaiuDo 4 «l Piombe, 69. Pa.

tS«tf rey, EaH ©T (Heery Howard).

*. 30 . Pe.


fCenM, e. 78, 14 June

Gcro, (. 30


Le Jeune, ao

fRHdu, r Go, 6 Ai^.

Scineccer, ao

• (. Victoria

NVhyiliome, so


Cochlacus, 70

*0u Caurroy

Mundy (\V.), (. 20

SpontoiK, c. 30

t8»<rarumi. Demmlce, 63. Pi.

*Cen(aHAi. Gtovamti. Pa,

*l>uf|unAoy, Prtftceit. $«.

tOp^kona. Mareodi. t, 74. Pa.


Ammcrbach, r. 30

Animuccia (G), e. 30

Bour^eoo, e. 40

Cabezdn, 90

*r. Cavalieri

Otmem non Papa, t. 50

Coclico, 50

OoAtio, <. 30

•t. Farrani, J. (t)

Fernandez de CaztUU’ja, r.


Gabrieli (A.), c. 30

Galilei, 30

Goudimel, r. 40

fGreiier, r. 30, 30 Dec.

*Handi. 31 July

Johnson (R.) (i), c. Go

Manchicourt, r. 40

Milan, f. 50

Morales, c. 30

Navarro, e. 30

Porta, <. 30


Sermisy, f. 60

Sh^herd, e. 30

Tye, e- 50

*Vecchi (Orazio)

White, f. 20

Wilbert, e. 60

*Lji Cerwa. Juao de. Po.




Cosccicy, io

Kcrlc» t. 20

• f. Macque

Monio, y>

Parsley, 40

Vicenlino, e. 40


• <. H-kunl. Li.


fCochbi'iu, 10 Jan.

KJw arils, e. y>

tl'abcr iH.), 3i, iO Keb.

Cuyot, 40

l.assus, 20

<. O7

*U«t<laVi .\kN.MHlrr. <. 77 .

<«»brKn«. po.

* t. (!o<itch>r. l.uiaK ij. Pa.

* <. S|>rRwr. L(hr>yw|, Pd.


J Vrrabosco (D. M.). 40

• (. Jb-oper


Mifulo, 20

t. 53. Si pj.

tlkrib (t. lairil < Jia»n BwutchRr^

ML Li.

*Dv> 4 . Mark Alr«aiHlc*. I i.

t<’ran«ili, Luci* '*rn.l. Hi. P*.

* f. IVriD. Jehrk. |J.

«Miy, Dr.

*.MufKlJV. Aixhufit. I>V. I.i.

t t, Kah«ld»», fran<«»ii, f 6^

Cortcccia, y 9

(.as Infanias, 20


^Vacla^v o( $?:aino(u^*,r. 90

*lkil, l*ayl, P«,

*C>tevillr, f'wlke iLMd BrniAf).

IS*. U>.

Pliilip. Pd.


AcacadeJr, r, 30

* <. Coperario


Gomberi, e, 50

Jannr^uin, e, do

Lfi Miusirc, c. 50

•r. Lobo(A.)

Ortiz, (. 30

PaUatrina, (?) 30

Pamingrr, 60

* i. Quagliaii


f. 20

Taliis, y. 50

Vinci (P.). €. 20

W'tn. 90

^Vh^tllrollc. (, 60

bonmuMr. Al<>MaMdrD [Uf


Urnit, pj.

*CMa«i. Ludavita. I'a.

Sfrcikm. Li.

tLwkdMV. .Silt David. 6 $. Pa,


I.Am»nv, 7 v Pa.

*A(aU*rrb^, Fryn^vMvdr. Di.

t f Mwtrita i.klrvvandra BoiivHirvoj.

1. S 7 . P. 1 .


tr.C’kinrm non Pa|M. r. jG

tr.GMnlK'rt, e. 5c

* f. Lu) chon

Rorc, 40

Walihrr U.),6o

LkiMMM. IVira, 44, Pu.

*IWi<jl«Ai. rt«i«««o. I.i,

TCIavnllria. liJ d<^. r, 69.


' IMU Cm. OkrvatHH. ) 3 . Pg.

* r, iMin. Andrr* di <.Si 4 dt««

r, fib, r«.

* t. MaMfufitfr*, .Vkiamlrr. |*v.

« .. Olfvrr. IvxK, Pa.

tl'daM. SMltaUt. Dr.


Dak^rk, ju


■<. Oroc«

Finck (Hrnn.), 30

*Fonlanclli, 13 P'cb.

•GabriHi (O.)

Guerrero, 30

*Mau<luil, 16 Sept.


Scandrllo, 40

^VacIran<). e. 40

Zq\\o, e. 20

*Carar<i, Asawina. Pa,

Ciavanni Kaiiisia (]|

Cerarto). Sc, P«. Ar,

•Oar», Adam van. P».

♦ S i dne r. Mary (laicr CauoUual*

Pembr^). Pa.




*e. Carllon

tFinck (Hcnn.)» 3*, a® Dcc-

Gcro» e. 40

• f. Giles

Lejeurw, 30

Seln^cer, 30

Whylhomc, 30

*Kvd. Thoma*. Dr.

• r. Lodge, Thomas. Po. No. Dr.

t <. Miranda. Pran«keo $4 de, t, 64.


*ragani, Cregorio. Pa.

• f, Perle, George. Dr. Po.

tSaini'Celau, Melin de, 77. Pe.


tjachci d« Manios a

Mundy (\V.), <. 30

Regnan (J.), c. ao

Solo de Lang a» oo

Spoatonc> f. 30

tBenvrauio (TUw d« GaraMo).

78. Pa.

* t. Chapmaa. Ceocfe. Po. Df.

*Cigoli» Ledovko Card! da. Pa.

At. Po.

tSanmkheJi, hlkhck. 73. Ar.


Ammcrbach, <. 30


■r. Ancrlo (F.)

Animuceid (G.)» c. 60

*<*. Hlas de Caairo

iiourgeois» t. 30

Cabrtdn, So

Cociko. 60

Daman. <, 20

Donaio, e, 30

Fernandes de Casiillga, <.


Gabrieli (A.), <. 40

Galilei, 40

*t. Gesualdo


Goudimel, t. 30

fc.Janncquin. t. $5

Johmoo (J 20

TJohmon (R-) (i),r. 70

Leopoliia, t. 20

Manchicourt, r. 50

Milan, e. 60

•f.Nanini (G. B.)

Navarro, <. 30

Poria, f. 30

• (. Rogier

Scliroeter, t. 20

SermUy, e. 70

Sh<'|)lK'rd, r. 40


Tye, e.

Vecchi (Orieo), c. 20

White, c. 30

WiUaeri, c. 70

tBellar. Joachim du. a$. Fa

*Cameci. Aasihale. Pa,

*Carducho ;Cardu<(i). fiuto*

fam co. Pa.

* <. Cheitie, Heerv. Dr. Li.

*Grecne. Roteri. Dr.

*Sehideni, Bartolomea Pa.


t r. Bourgeois, t. 51

Cosieley, 30

Kerle, e. 30

Monie, 40

Parsley, 50

•Peri, 20 Aug.

Viceniino, <. 30

* Ba c on, Prancif. Li.

tBandieeUi, Baceie (or Oauo<

lommee), r. 79. Se. Pa.

tBerniguete, AImw, Bi. Pa. $<.


•Odngora r Argoie. Lub d«. Po.


•r. Bull

•Dulichius. Dec.

Edwards, c. 40

Guyoi, $0

Lassus, 30

Meslind, c. 20

tSermisy, e. 72

•Sweclinck. e. May

fWiitaeri, e. 7a, 6 Dec.

fBandello. Mai we, r. 77. Na

*Banict, Bamabe. Pe.

‘Borbagr. Rkhard. Ac.

•Comlabk, Heary. Pe.

*Cemrli«. Cemclir. Pa.

*Dank]. Samuel. Pe.

"CodwtA, Franeu. Ne.

*Veta Caipie, Lope F«li> de.

Po. Dr,


fAnimuccia (P.)

Byrd, 20

t c. Codko, e. 63


Ferrabosco (A.) (i), zo

Ferrabosco (D. M.), 30

MeruJo, 30

Pevemage, 20



t <. Shepherd, e. 63



tAmbetfc*, Cbriuoph, t. 7^ Pa.

tChasiekard, Pkm dc

<$. Po.

*C>iayteo, P«.

tMeotonoli. Giovaosi Amlo da •

a6. Sc.

tSalviaii, CMclHO»<kl (Ftaft-

ccwb d»i Reni). ja. Pa.



Corii’ceid, So

*HMlcr, 45/26 Oct.

Las Inranias, 30

TNtanchicourt, c. 54, 5 Oel.

NVaclaw c^Sxamoruly, f. yo

Abcaham. Pa.

*Sr«Kvhrl, Pkeaer {jufi.h Pa,

CKriuopkcf. Dr. P*.

T NSklKlanfcta iMiclMU(ii«k(

BtnearMch. 49. S«. Ar. Pa.


tScive, Maurkc. Pa,

*Slialinprar*, VS’iMian. Ar, IV



Ancina, 30

Arcadeli, <, 60

tfiyua, Au*.

Caccini, e. so

*c. Cavendish

* e. Daniel

*t. Farnaby


•< Kirby

Lc Maisirc, t. Ou

•Lobo (D.). Sept.

Luaxaschi, 30

Nanini (G, M.), (. so

Ortiz, r. 40

Palestrina, 40

Paminfer, 70

*'■ Philips

tRore, 49, Sept, or Ocl.

Singgio, (. 30

Tallis, t. Go

•<. Verso

Vinci <P.K e. 30

Wert, 30

Whytb^r, t. 70

tAurda. LoiM de. sv Dr.


fCabirzdn, G5. 36 Mar.

tEdts-ards, <.44, 31 Oeu

Waliher (JO. 7®

*Braeeiolini, Fraoeesea. Po.

tCara, Aanibak. 59, Pa.

f Labe. Lovirc, 40. Pa.

tPemaiuao, CiralAma, 0i. Pa.


•r.Anerio (G. F.)

f r..Arcadeli, r. 63

Bahfark, bo



*Camplan, 13 Feb.

•Form^, 36 .\pf.

*Giacobbi, Aug.

Guerrero, 40

La H^ie, 30

tLupus (M.), tsJuly

* Monteverdi

tPanuneer, 73, 3 May

Scartdvilo. 67

tVaci, 8 Jan.


t r. ^Vaela« of Szamotuly, f. 33

>N‘aelfaiid, e. 50

Zoiio, r. 30

♦ r. JanwAi vaa Nu)<hch. Abrahan>,


*.Vbrr«ve*<. Muhbl Jwkuoon \aM.


* Va « h «, lltawAi . Pb . ttt, (. j .


Oeroi e. 50

Cisscs 30

L< Jcune. 40


Selneccer, 40

Victoria, r. 20

fr. Whyibroke, r. 73

Whyihorrse, 40

t f. Kack. iacal>, t. 9 $. Pa.

*Cac(u. GutiMifiw. Pa.

*Ce«ari. GtMepp*. Pa,

tGauioa. Jcia, t, 93, Sc.

t^lai, Franeesca dc’, c. y?. Pa.

*R>diatcr. Ccorf. A*.

•WgNwt, Hcary. P©.


tCauaiuo, 38 Oct.

Du Caurroy, so

Mimdy (W.),e. 40

Regnart(J.),e. 30

Soto de Langa, 30

SpoQione, r. 40

• 4. Bcaechcl. Jan. Pi.

t*r^hcl, Piccer (icn.). r. 4©.

*^*r»Yaet}©. Michclanaclo

Amhehi 4 a, Pa.





*Casiro y 8«Uvu, Guilkci dc. Dr.

t Ferreira. Antonio, 41. Ax

* (, Hardy, Akxaodic. Dr.

'Marini, Giovaooi Baiicsra. Fo.


Ammerbach, (. 40

Animuccia (G.), e- 70


Cavalicri, t. ao

Daman, <*. 30

Donaio, <. 40

Farranl. (j.) *0

Fernandes de C»tiile)d, <.


Gabrieli (A.), <. 30

Galilei, 50

Goudimel, <. 60

Handl, w

JohMOfl 30

tLe Franc, June

Leopolila, e. 30

Navarro, r. 40

•e. PaceUi

Porta, <. 40

Ravai, r. to

* r. Roasi (S.)

Schroeter, f. 30

Tye, (. 70

•r.Valcmmi (P. F,)

Veechi (Oraaio), so

Vecchi (Orfeo), r. 30

t^^'aUher (J.)» ?$» «4 Apr.


White, <. 40

'Ayioun, Robert. Pe.

* 4. Dtkber. T)toma«. Pe. Dr.

fDcloriM, PbiUb«n.(. do. Ar.

rnorb. Frars. «, )4. Fa.

*C«e«ar«, Uta Vekr de. Dr.


' t, Heem. David van, Fa,

tHopkim. John. Px

* t. JOurefui y Afuilar, J«an de.

Po. Fa.

* <, Middleton. Thomai. Dr.

tSansovuM, Jaropo (aria. Talli).

01. Sc. Ar.


f Animuccia (G.), r. 70. 05


fCortcccia, C6, 7 June

Coateley, 40

Kerk, e, 40

Macque, e, 20

Monie, 50

Parsley, 60

Vtceniino, t. Co

tBordene, Faria. 7t. Fa.

tCellini, BeaveauM, yt. Se, Cr.

*Fa«h«ce, FianrcKo. Pa.

* 57 *

fCerton, 22 Feb.

f Goudimel, c. 72 , 95 Aug.

Gtiyoi, 60

Lassus, 40

Mciland, c. 30

* e. Peenon


fe-Tye, c. 7 a

fVicentmo, c. Ci

tChmet, Frantoii. r. 69. Fa.


Byrd, 30

E^rd, 90

Ferrabosco (A.) (i), 30

Ferrab^co {D. M.), 60

* Franck (M.)

Hooper, t. ao

Marenzio, 20

Merulo, 40

Pevemage, 30

tBentivoUo. Eroek, 4?. IS».

* Donne. John. Pk

tGiraldi. Giovanni BatiUta

(CiniknCinthie), S9. Dr.


tjocklle. Fikane, 41, Ac. Dr,

* r. Joaea. Jaiio. Ar. Fa.

' f, foMoo. Ben. Fo. Dr.

'Rdfnkr. Mathuria. Fo.


tFemdndea de Caslilleja, e.


fFerrabosco (D. M.}, 6 r,


Las Initial, 40

Mel, e. 90

t While, r. 44 , Nov.


'Banidcid, Richard. Fo.

' <. Day. John. Dt.

* f, Qiheimcr. Adam. Fa.

tKreiMhrri, Mierten Jacobra

(Maerten van Vcao), 76. Fa.

IVasarr. Giorfie. 4}. Fa. Ar. Lr.


Aneina, 30

Caedni, c. 30

Copersrio, t. 20

•c.Ferraboseo (A.) (It)

* t. Franeisque


Geae, c. 20

•r.Jones (R.)

Lc Maisirc, <. 70



Lobo (A.)* so

Luzzaschi, 30

•f. MicheU

Nanini (G. M.), r. 30

PalestHna, 50

Qi,iaglijii» (. 90

Stri^gio. r. 40

Tallb, i. 70

fVento (I. de)

Vinci (P.), t. 40

Wert, 40

* «. HAuehMA, WiUujn, Dr.

* 4. He>'woed. TheoiM, Dr.

tHutUdo dc Mebdou. Dtefb.

7S. Li. Po.

*M«ruoe. John. Dr. Po.

•Reai. Ctiido. Pa.

*T«wrB«ur. Crrd. I>r.

i 57 «

fUakrark, 69, 13 Aug.

Luython, e. 30

*K»rrrfj, PraJKOCO de, ka. Po.

rSotht, Ham. Po. Po. Dr,

tTidan (Hsiano VcrelU), e. 99 .



Croce, t. 30

FonUAeIJi, so

GabrieU (G.), so

Guerrero, 50

La Kik, 30

tLe Maiiirc, t. 73

Mauduit, 30

fMeilaod, <. 3$, 31 Drc.

Morky. so

Scamleiko, $0

WaelratKl. <. Go

ZoiU>, r, 40

tPelkau, Reini, <.49. Po.

*B^rion, RoWri. U.

•Cau. lalw^ Po.

*Ca*edoM. CiocMiib. Pa.

tOaMoienr. Grorfe, r. jo. Po.


t (. LimouMA, LdOnatd. r. 99. Pa.


tRtccio, Demetkko (Prwaiofi^i).

TV Pa.

* Ruben*, Pclee Pavl. Pa.

1 57 *

•Agaziarl, 3 Dee.

Carlton, c. 30

Gcro, (. 60

Giles, c. 30

Gincs P 4 rez, 30

Le Jcunc, 50

SeliKCcer, 50

V'icloria, f. 30

tBuUani, Jean. r. 6v Ar. Sc,

tMoeeni, GiambattbU. G6. Pa.

*S4adv«. Ceorte. Po.


Uu Caurroy, 30

Mundy (W.J, r. 30

Rrgnari (J.), c. 40

Solo de Langa, 40

Spontonc, e. 30

'FkKber.John. Po. Dt.

* t. M«sM(uui, JohaH. Li. Dr.

tNavifcie. Juan Femander, > 3 .


*Snrdcf». Frani. Pa.


.Vmmerbath, r. 30

Ainnaon, so

yVnerw (F.), <*. 20


Bias de Castro, r. 30

Cavalkri, r. 30

Daman, r. 40

*f. Dering

Donato, r. 30

*e. East

Parrant (J.) (1), r. 30

* {. Ford

Gabrieli (A.), <. $0

Galilei, Co

Ceiualdo, <. 20

CiovaruMlIi, so

Handl, 30

Jolinson 40

LeopoHta, r. 40

Nanini (G. B.), r. so

t Navarro, c. 30, 35 Sept.

Porta, (. 30

Rival, (. 30

Rof ier, r. so

tScaodcllo, Cs, 18 Jan.

Schroeter, e. 40

Siaditnayr. so

*Siobaeui, C July

VeecKi (Oraxlo), 30

Vcechi (Orfeo), <•, 40

•f. Viiali (F.)

tCastdco. Luu Vae de. $0. Pe,

* r. Cauilk Seldruno, Ak^ del.


* r. Fiirfaa, Edward. Po.

* t. Hab, Frartf. Pa.

t e. Herwood, John. <. S). Dr, Li.

tHoluuhed, Ripkael, r. do. Li.

IPaBadk, Aadrea, 6). Ar.

*Que«edo r Vilkfai, PrajKbco

GM>ct dc. ^ Dr.

* r. Webuer, John. Dr.




Cosieley, yi

tFarrani (R.)

Kerlc, c. 50

Macque, c. 30

MiMite, 60

Parsley, 70

Peri, JO

•Staden (J.)

fUcenihal, 8 May

*L>om«nklbfM (OenMnke Z*m-


*Hoort, Pk(cr CAroeliu4>M. Dr.

AatooM (vaa Dubena ;

$ir Aji(h«nyater*).(. Pa,

*Overburv* Th«onj. P©.



BulJ, r. JO

DuJichius, JO

Guyoi, 70


LaMus, 50

SweeUnek, 30

tSvakMMM. 7O. li.

* 4 . FlfUher, PhiMti. 1 ^.

*Tcni«n, David, wn. !*«.


Byrd, 40

DowUnd, JO

Cecard, 30

FcrraboKo (A,) (i), 40

‘Frcscobaldi, P ^p(.

tf.Gero.r. 65

*Gibbons (O.)

Hooper, e, 30

• (.Johnson (R.) («)

Marensio, 30

Merulo, 30

Pcverna^, 40

Tiiclouze, JO

Wrdonck, 90

*• 9 f auinoM. Jaho.

tCirassiAi, A«ionw Fraae^wo. an,

Po. Dr.

*MuMnger. n>ilip. Dr.


Aichinger, jo


Ha&sler, jo

Las In&nUs, 50

Mel, (. 30

tVInci (P.), e. 49

*BeauiB«ei, FnocU. Dr.

Luaas <fe, jo. Fa. Po.

fNorVoo, Tlioinis, 59. D>.


Andna, 40

*e.Boe 3 se(

Caccini, (. 40

CavCDdUh, e. jo

Coperario, c. 30

Daniel, e. jo

*(. Donaii

Famaby, t. jo

C«e, c. 30

Gu 61 ron, jo

Kirbye, e, 20

Lobo {A.), (. 30

Lobo (D.), JO

LuzaaKhi, 40

Nanini (G. M.), r. 40

Palestrina, (P) 60

t Parsley, 74

Philips, (. JO

Qpagliad, t. 30

*Schu(s, 6 Oci.

Sirifglo. r 50

tTallis, r. 80, 33 Nov.

Verso, f. JO

Wert, 50

*Brrdrro, Cerbrand Adriwfiwen.


ICambiaM. Luca,

^Orvaamai^, William. Pd.

* /. UvarcMr. jaeqwa*. Ar. S<.

YRaocard, Firrre de. 61. Pn.

* (. Rowky. William. Ac. Dr.

•Tinodc Melina (CabriH

Tclica;. Dr.


* Falcoflieri

fGabrieU (A.), t. 66


Luython, t. 30

*$aracini, 1 July

*Schcin, JO Jan.

tCraoach. Lvcai (FiO.), f* I'*'

* r. Ferd, John. pr.

t&tarilaiKL (Sir) Richard, jo.


tMeraki, Luk. Pa.

<Sk) Ftwlip. S 9 . Po.

•5leaf. Nichel**. Sc.


Ancrio (G. F.), e. JO

BaiKhteri, 20

t r- Beagjoyeulx (Belgioioso)

Besard, e. jo

Gantpian, 20


Opocc, t, 30

Foouaelli, 30

Formi, 90

GabKeli (G.)>

Giacobb), 20

Guerrero, 60

Mauduit, $0

Monteverdi, 90

Morle>*, 30

t Robledo


^Vael^and, c. 70

Zoilo, e. 50

Nailunkl. Ac. I)r.

tFox, John, fi, (i.


Carlton, t. 30

tFcrraboico {A.) (11.45, i.»


GNn, {. 30

Giiufl Prree. 40

fGuyoi, 7O, I r Mar.


*Lan>or, Sept.

Le jeune, 60

Ros3cter. 20

ScLneccer, 60

Victoria, <. 40

<. atAlXaoicr, Rkhortl. Pa.

c. Fkwhrr. liiln. N,

*!.« Naio. Aataier. Pa.

tVcreiicw (PmIo Cadwii.


■ 5 %

Du CauiToy, 40

tLeepolha. <. 49

Mundy t. Oo

Regnarl (J,), c. 50

Soto de Langa. 30

ttiowin, J«an, Sa. Pa. Sc.

Halt, l^rh. Pa,

t PaKtt)'. Bernard, r. fa. Cr.


Ammerbach. r. 60

I Ammon, 30, June

vVicrio (F.),<. 30

fiatcaon, e. 20

Bias dc Caairo, t. 30

Cavalieri, e. 40

Daman, t. 50

Donato, t. 60

Farrant (J-) d), r. 40

CaJilei, 70

Cnualdo, c. 30

Giovannclli, 30

Handl, 40

Johitton (J.), c. 50

•r. Landi

Nanini (G. B.), r. 30

Facrili, t. 20

Porta, e. 60

RavaJ, r. 40

*<*. Ravcivcrc^t

Rogier, t. 30

Kotsi (S.). 20

*r.Sabbaum (G.)

Schroeier, e. 50

SiadlmavT, 30

Valentini fP. F-), e. 2m

V ecchi (Orazio}, 40

Veerhi (Orfeo), e. 50

Weelkr* <. ao

tBarrcM. ja. Pa.

*0rcf9(, Oanielr, Pe.

* Faria v Manurl <1«. Li.


*Hen(hort(, (ierard vaH. Pa.

* t. Jan*vA, Ceewliu*. Pa.

Daairl. Pa.

Simon. Pa.



Costelcy Go

t Daman, e. 5t

t Galilei, 71. ajuly

tHandl, 40, til July

tKerle, t. 59, 7 Jan.

Macque, t. 40

Munir, 7u

tr. Muftdy (W.), r. Qt

Peri, 30

fPevemage, 4S, 30 July

• f. Bronnr. William. Po.

t r, FtKhan. (hlmiacr). r.

46. Ci.

*<H>«r«i(W IGi«*an«i FraAcnco

BarWcri^ Pa.

*llrrmk, A^ert. IV

*Kin(, Hrnrr. IV

fPonre 4 r U«n, Lull, 6a. Pu.


Bull. r. 30

Oulichius, 30



Peereon, r. 20

tSdnecCCT, 63, 24 May

Stveelinck, 30

Tomlins, 20

fZoilo, f. 35

fBaMaao (GUcoeto da Ponte). Ba.


tCrecn*. Rebcn. ja. Dr,

tMooiaipK. Mkhel de, jg. Li.

tMuaiaao, CSrolacM. 64. Pa,

"^aartn, FraftcU. Po,




•Agtaiini (P.)

Byrd, 50

Dowland, 30

£e<rard> 40

Franck (M.)» 20

Hoop«r» e. 40

Marcniio, 40

Merulo, 60

TtCelouac* 30

VVrdonck, 30

*Callo(, jMqun. P«.

*Her>>«fi, Grar(«. ^


*L« Nail), Loui*. P«,

t hfarlewe, CkriKopt^r. «». D^.

*\ValivA. I 2 a»k. Li.


Aichin^r, 30

Hauler, 30

Lu Infania^, 60

tLauiu, 62, 14 June

Mel, r. 40

t Palestrina, (?) 68, 2 Feb.

Wjibyc, 20

t£ftiU« y ZfiAica, Aloaco 6 t, 4 i.


tCoof*. Barnaby, 54. pa.

* t. Jamn. Li. fo.

tKyd, Themu. 96. Dr.

* t. Pauuia, Nicelaf. fa.

tTibiuralie <Ja«ap» RebuMi). If.



Ancina, 50

Caecini, <. 30

<^vendish, r. y*

Coperario, r. 40

Daniel, t. 30

Famaby, r. 30

Ferrabwo (A.) (ii), e. 20

FrancUque, <. eo

Gagliano, 20

Gcae, c, 40

GuMron. 30

TJohnson (J.),r. 55

Jones (R.), t. ao

Kirbye. r. 30

Lobo (A.), (. 40

Lobo (D.), 30

Luxaaschi, 50

Micheli, e. so

Nanini (G. M.}, <. $0

Philips, e. 30

• <. PofCcr

Quagliaii, e. 40

t f.Schroeter, <•. 55

t^.Striggio, c. 60

• e. Turini

Verso, e. 30

tWaelrand, e. 78, to Nov.

Wert, 60

•WIbon, 5 Apr.

*Qvaa«lain. Jeaa. Li.

*May, Thaeiai. Dr. Pa, U.

tTaaae. Torquato, ji. fo.



*Laxve8 (H-), 5 Jan.

Luyihon, c. 40

* c. Marini

fBogier, f. 36, 29 Feb.

* Scheidemann

tWeri, 6<s 6 May

tCbrmWn. Floreai. 3}. fo.

'Cortona, fkiro Bcraitini da.

fa. At,

*Geym, Jaa vaa. fa.

*SKi^, Jamn. fo. Dr.


tAmmerbach, <. 66. 27 Jan.

Anerio (O. P.), e. 30

fianchien, 30

Besard, e. 30

Campiao, 30

Croee, e. 40

•Ferrari (B.)

FenuneUi, 40

Formd, 30

Gabrieli (G.). 40

•Gaultier (O.)

Ciacobbi, 30

Guerrero, 70

Mauduit, 40

Monteverdi, 311

hforley, 40

tSorbaee. jamet. At.

•Fooiana, froioero. 89 . fo.

fKrrrara, femando dr. r. Oj.


*OpaU. Martifi. fo.

t 4 . fe«k. Coorgr. r. $9. Dr. fo.

•SoitI. Charles. No.


*<. iU>batini

Agaaaari, 30

Colton, t, 40

9 Apr.

Giles, r. 40

Gines P^. y>

Lejeune. 70



tr.Mcl,f. 44

Ro$set«r> 30

Rossi (Luigi)

Victoria, c. $0

'Beroiei, Giov«uti L«r«a«o. At.

f Bry, Tbcodend (Oirk) 4«, TO.

* t. C(»r«w, Hwfius. Po.

'Maniurd. Fr»iifo«. Ar.

* <. Saerhi. Andr«a. P«,

"Zurbaraa. FrsnriKO. Pa.


l>u Caiirro>’. 50

t Guerrero, 7a, 6 Nov.

*HiUnn (ii)

t Marenzio, 46, 97 Aug.

tRegnart (J.), (. 60, 16 Oci.

tSaK July

*Sel]c, gj Mar.

Solo de I.anRa, 60

*Bu<f mil, FraiKfMo. Ar.

tHpanuf. CtlmvJkd, «. 47, Po.

*Vaa Dyck. AAihoit^. ]'a.

fltrra RoalrMto^i •b'

S^lva i. Pa.


Anerio (P.), r. 40

bateson, r. 30

Bias dc <!aatro» r. 40

Cavalkri, r. 50

Dcring, r. w

Uonalo* <. 70

Laai, c. 70

Ponl, <. go

(ksuaUIo, (. .^n

Gio>’anneMi, 40


tr. Lc Jeunc, 7a

Nanini (C*. B.), t. 40

Paerlii, r. 30

Porta, c. 70

Ravil, r. 50

•r. Ro«i (M. A.)

Koui {S,), r. 30

*r.Sabbatio» (P. P.)

Stadimayr, 40

Stobaous, go

Valenijfti (P. P-),r. yi

Vecchi (Orazk>), 50

Vecchi (Orfi.*o), r. 60

VltaJi (P.),r. go

Wcelltrt, t. 30

*ilawKarU. JacQner, Pa.

*Cakkr«o 4« la Barai. Pedrn


t r. Campi, Asiooio. f, 70, p^.

CSauik Lorrain <im G«M«e)

*Pak«n«. AjtoeZlo. Pa.

tCamkr, Robwl. /. a. Po.

•GelWe. Claude {Claude Lor.

caia). Pa.

* e. Heett, Jaa Davidtf van. Pa.

*Seii4Wry, C«on|n d«. Dr.


Coucley, 70

Macque, <. 50

Monte, do

tPalla\*k;ino (B.), 6 May

Peri, 40

f Porta, c. 71, 26 May

.Su<kn (J.), 30

•Strungk <D.)

tBoyd. Mark Alexander, 4& Li'

*CaM, ASmbo. Pa. S«. Ar.

*G<acil«. Baliiur. U.

t?i;ad>e. Tboma«. 94. Po. Dr. I.i.


.Mlogri. go

Doniftl, 30

Dull, t. 40

tCavalieri, r. 31, 11 Mai.

■GavaNi, 14 pcb.


Dulkhius, 40

J'lodia. r. go

*Lawes (W.)

Pemon, r. 30

S\«‘eeiincl(. 40

Tomkins, 30

tCara«i, Aaoslinn. 4J. Pa.

*CI>ainMi«M. PlMl«)i|»e de. Pa.

dr MwnialvAn. Juan. Dr.


Byrd, So

t Donato, <. 73

Dowland, 40

Eccard, go

rranck (M.), 30

Prwobaldi. 20

Gibbons (O.), 30

Hooper, r. 50

• f- Jenrii

Johnson (R.) (jj), r. go

Mcrulo, 70

fMoMc, $3, 4 July

1 <. Morley, 46

Titelouzc, 40

t r. Vccchi (OWeo), r, 63

Vcrdonck, 40

•Neer. A«nMu( van def. Pa.


Aiehingor, 40

•Albert (H.), 8 July


fAncina, 58, 31 Aug.

Cifra, ao

HaeJer, 40

Las InCutas, 70

tMcruIo» 71, 4 May

fRavaJ, i. 64, 25 Oei.

Wilbye, 30

*Cotio. Ch*rl«9.

Friedrkh T«a. Po.


•ii’Assoucy, 16 Ocu

•Bencvoh, t^Apr.

Bocssei, e. 20

Caccini, e. 60


C^vendiih, r. 40

Cop^rartc, <. 50

Daniel, e. 40

Donaii, t. 90

Farnaby, c. 40

KcmboKo (A.) (ii), e. jn

IPrancisque, t. 30, Ocl.

Cagliano, 30

G«c, (. 50

Ou^drorii 40

jonft (R.), (. 30

Klrbyc. r. 40

f. La Guerre (M.)

Ubo (A.), t. 50

l.^bo (D.), 40


Michel), e. 30

Nanini (G. M->, <. 60

Philips, c. 40

Quagliaii, t. 30

SchuU, 20

fVecchi (Oraaio), 64. 19


Verso, t. 40

Tbemu. li.

tC*fit«rini, CtowAoi, > 4 . Pa.

*0*«h, Iwnaa. Po.

William. P», Dr.


tHaufhion, WiIUmi, t. 90. Dr.

*>N«bhei, TJtotnis. Dr.

tPas*'*i» Ccrtono. 4). Pa.

tSiow, Joha. So. iX



fCostcl^, 74

Falconiert, 20

fLechner, 9 Sepl.

Luython, t. 50

Saracini, 90

Schein, 90

*C«cr»«ilk. Pierre. Dr.

*D*refi*Bt. WiOian. Dr.

tFariaaii, Paok, c. $4. Pa.

*GriB]tMi, GiovtAfu Fra2>c«sco

Ar. Pa.

ILyIv, John, 53. Dr.

*R«mbrafidi, Hameiu van Run.


* r. Saehtfevea, Coroeln. Pa.

•Walter, SdmuDd. P«.


.Ancrio (C. F.), c. 40

Banchieri, 40

Besard, c. 40

Campian, 40

Croce, t. 50

Fontaqell^ $0

Pormd, 40

Gabrieli (G.), 50

Giacobb), 40

tLuaaaschi, 62, 21 Sepi.

Mauduii, 30

MonievcMi, 40

tNaniAi (G. M.), r. 61, u


Scheldt, 20

*S(aden (S. G.)

tChecde. Heery, r. 47. Dr. (.1.

t Dyer. (Sir) E4»acd,«4. Pe,

tPoataaa. Domaeieo, (X Ar.

*Gerhar 4 (, Paul. Pa

•Hollar. Weneolu. Pa.

•Kilbircw, WlUiam. Dr.

tta Catva. Juaa d», 37. P».

*Lc Naia, Macbku. Pa.

•Scwd^rr. Madekiae dr. No.


Agassari, 30

Cariton, <> 30

Gikt, e. 50

Gines Pdres, 60

Hcrbit, 90

fHilioa ( 0 , Mar.

Lanier, 90

Roeseter, 40

Vtctoria, <. 60

•Prouwer. Adnaao. Pa.

fCarducho (Carduccih Dario*

loB> e o. 40 . Pa.

•Cokaroe. AalOB. Po.

•Pullet. ThoiBM. Li.

rGaOvanai da Botaeoa, 64. S«.


•Mdion. John. Po.

•Peiilot. Jeaa. Pa.


TCrocc, r. 52, 15 May

fDu Caorroy, 60, 7 Aug.


Sole do Langa, 70



tCaracd. Aoubale. 44. Pa.

Attcriflu dt, 40.

*Coopcr, S*nitfL Pa.

*Rg|jou, Jean 4 e. Dr.

*S«e|i(kv«n, KrnnaD. Pa.

*Suck2iBf. Johik. P». D(.

tZuccaro, Frdr«i(». 4?. P*.


.\nerio (F.), e. 50

Balrsorii e. 40

Bias dtf Castro, r. 50

Dcrin*, t. 30

e. y>

Ford, f. y>

GcsuaJdo» e. 50

Giovannallii 50

Landi, (. 90

N&nlni (C. B.), r. 30

Paced I, c. 40

KavrittcroTc, c. 30

Rotti ($.), t. 40

Salkbaiini (G.), c. vi

Siadlmayr, 50

Siubacus, 30

VaJcmrni (P. F.)»^' 4‘>

Vjiali (P.j, c. 30

NN’velkea, e. 40

*Debi«n. Mi'iUam. P*.

*L* (;AlpteAr4«. (••vit«r Jr

Cptwt. N«.Df.

*Nf»gn«rd. Pierre, Pa.

*>fent|«mcne. AJcMioltr, r. S4.


*OMAdr, AdriMR vm. P«.

Paul. fo. IV.

* rroirn, Da«h 1 «iun.|. Pa.


fFccard. 58, autumn

tI*ohel, July

Macque, c. Go

Peri, 30

Station (J.), 30

tVjcioria, c. 63. 97 Aug.

*Bq]. Ferdinand. Pa,

*l*r«,Aan, IWrai. IJ.

I. N an dr Velde, Wilkin, Pa.


Allegri, 30

Bonini, 30

Bull, (. 50

Dulichius, 30

tOabririi (G-), 55, ai Aug,

tOines Perez, 64

* Hammerachfliidt

tHassler, 47, 8 June

d’lndia. c. 30

Jenkins, 90

Peeraon, r. 40

Sn'eelinck, 50

Tomkins, 40

tBarveeia, Fedeiifo. 64. Pn.

'Byitrr.Safnnel. Po.

"CaiMArUk, SiiiMne. Pa.

r. Oraaliaw. Rieliard. Po,

*CurO. Peniamio. Pa.

fCuaHni. OHH'amu fiauiiia. 75.

Po. IV.

Thomas. IV.


Agoaiini (P.), 90

Byrd, 70

Dowland, 30

Fraock {M.), 40

Prescobaldi, 30

fCeac, c. 58

IGetualdo, c. 33, 8 Sept.

Gibbons (O.), 30

Hooper, r. 60

Johnson (R.) (n), f. 30


Titelouze, yj

Verd^Kk, 30

*IUiwhMt«io, Picier vait La«r. P.i.

fRoccaliei, Traiano. $7. l.i,

Ladovko Cardi da, 54.

Pa. Ar. Pe.

'OettlMid, John. Po,

KVftMaMe, Henry,

*l>eu, Gerard. Pa,

*He(ai. Barriiolofnarui van dcr.


*La Hoeheroocauid, Praiicnh.

Due de, Li.

tOverbury. (Sir) Tliomar, iv.


*Perrauli.<aaude. Ar. l.i.

tRdcmer. htaihurin. 40, IV.

*^ini*£vremond, <'harlr* Mar*

fuerei de $aini>t>cuu. Li.


Akhinger, 30

t.Knerio (F.J, r. 54, 37 Scpl-

Cafra, $0

tMacque, c. 63, Sept.

* Rogers, May


Wilbyc. 40

tVraotdme, Pierre dr, r. 74.

tCreeo. Cl (Deevenke Tbeoto*

oopuli), r. 69. Pa.


Borsaet r. 30

(Jaecini, c. 70



Cavendish, c. 50

Coperano, e. ^

Daniel, e. 50

Dooati, e. 30

Famaby, c 50

Ferrabosco (A.) (ii), e. 40

Gagliano, 40

•Gibboiu ( 0 .)

Gu6dron, 50

Kirbye, c. 50

Lobo (D.), $0

Micheli, e. 40

Philips, r. 50

Poner, e. jo

Quagliati. <. 60

Schuts, 30

Turini, f- ao

Vents f- 50

Wilson, ao

*Ckah««t, J«hn, IV

•Rom. Sftivaior, P4. fJ.


c. Cooke (H.)

Palconteri, 30

■Ffobwfcr, 19 May

Lawn (H.), ao

Liiyihon, e. 60

Marini, e. ao

Saracim, 30

Scheidcmann, t. ao

bchein, 30

tBeftumont, a». IS. t)t.

•Boufdnn, S<b*«ikn. Ta.

•CMiifltoAe, tiiovsnni Bmtifiin,


fCcrvAAM 4k.

4 a. No.

•[)ol«i. Carle. Pa.

fpMfKkcn. Fraiu. 94. Pi.

tHakhiyl. Rkbird. <. 4^ Li.

fRidk>a«r, C««rf. 4& Ar.

fVhidani. DvtelenK*. $4. Pa.

*Shak»tp«ar*. Willianv. at. Ac.

IV Ot.


Ancrio (G. F.), c. y>

Banchieri, 50

Besard, e, 50

Campian, 30

Ferrari (B.), ao

FonlanHIi. 60

Formi, 50

Gaullier (D.), ao

Giacobbi, 50

Mauduit, 60

Monteverdi, 50

Scheidt, 30

•Le Svmir. Euiiache. Pa.

•Murillo, Banoloute CxiMn.


tOlsvci. liaae. e. 4 i. Pa.

•Terboich. Ctrard. Pa.

i 6 t 8

Abbaiini, (. ao

Agazzari, 40

tCacdni, e. 73, Dec,

Carlton, e. 60

Crdj^er, ao

Giles, e. 60

Herbst, 30

Lanier, 30

Rosseter, 50

Rosti (Luigi), c. ao

tBrcaere, Gcrbrand Adriirniern,

39 - Or.

•C!eque« (Cecx). Cenaaln. Pa,

• O ewfay. Abraham. Pe.

♦Lelv, PMer. fa.

•Lovelace. Rkhard. Po.

•Mereto y CahaAa, Afuviii. Or.


Hilton (ii), ao


SelJe, ao

Soio de Langa, 80, 35 Sep(.


tBar^ei. Bamabe. .4?. Pe.

•Berfcrae, Cyrano de. Po.

f Burbatr. Richard. $ 9 . Ar.

tCalveri. Denii. 64. Fa.

tCaroni, Ludovico. 4 «. Pa.

tOiaiei, .Samuel. 37. Fo.

•L< Brva. Charier. N.

•Wow^erman. Philifu, IS.


Bateson, c. 50

Bias de Castro, e> 60

fCampian, 33, r Mar.

*(. Cazzad

Dcring, e. 40

East, r. 40

Ford, <. 40

Giovannelli, 60

Ives {$.), 20

Landi, (. 30

tLuythm, f. 64, .\ug.

Nanini (G. B.), e. 60

Pacelli, e. 50

Raveoseroft, e, 30

•t. Roberday

Rossi (M. A.), c. 20

Rocsi (S.), e. 50

Sabbatlni (G.), (> 30


Sabbadxii (P. P.), (. to

Siadlmayr, 6o

Siobaeus, 40

Valcalins (P. F.), c. 50

Vitali (F.)> <■ 40

W«Uces, e~ 50

"Bcrchem, Nicoljutf. Pa.

*Owrp. Aalbcri, Pa.

tCUbciiMr. AtUm. t. 4«. Va.

t^tfucfoa. Fr4Acw«« ik. b<. Pi*.

<. rkckiMC. Pieluprf. Ur.

*Mola, CiambaiiiMa. Pa.

<. Nfola. PirrftaMfww. Pa.


tHoopcr, <. 08, 14 July

Peri. Oo

Siaden (J.}. 40

Sirun^k (D.), so

tSweetiAck. 59, lO Ocu

tVfno, <.55,? \ug.

• Iwir m fi ill f , Jarwpo Cmw>«.


*Cktiin<M, Pa.

"Ik^khoui, Orbraml «ait «1 cr.


F«nu(n«, JraM 4c. Pa.

*Mar«Fll. Amirew. Pw. U.

*Oiia4c. luac cart. fg.

*P«t«broliF, Cowirm «ff (Mar>

ShliKv>.64« IV


Allegri, 40

Bimini, 40

Ball, (. €0

Cav»lli. 30

Chambonnierrf, so

Duliehitn. So

tKonlanrlJi, O4, n Veh.


d'india, t. 411

Jenkins, 30

Uw« (W.), so

Peerson, e. 50

*Seba$iiani, 30 Srpe.

Tomkins, 50

‘iirrrrra, FraiKaco «k. jon. Pa.

Malkrc Im Paqwlin)

*Pg9«* c ln>, Jean BaptnM

A<. Ur.

*VauKhaB. iicnrv. Po.


Agostini (P.), 30

tByrd, 80, 4 July

•GasiI, 5 Aug.

Dowta^, ^

Franck {M.), 50

Frcscobakli, 40

Gibboru (O.), 40

J«w«U. <. so

Johnson (K.) (li), c. 40

tLos Rios

t.Vanmi (G. B.), <. 63

tPacrIh, f. 53, 4 May

•RWnken, 37 Apr,

tRo$»lrr, 55, 5 ^Jay

Tilelouze, Co

Verdonck, So

tNSVelkcs, e. 53, yi \<n'.

* 4. B«l 4 a. I.47«anK l*g.

fPIrHltFr. )<(. P<i.

• Ka« J, tBjne, 1,1,


.^khingcr, <*■>

.Mberl (H.|. 2i>

Cilfra, 40

* r, Gigaiilc

•King (W.)

ilb>r. 50

SiF|il4Fa. b*, |,;,


•-VIjIc a. R ), u

d*Ass«nKy, so

DciKvoli, so

Boessei, r. 40

Caricsimi, so

Cawndish, r. Co

Copetario, t. 70

Danirl, r. 6u

Donaii, c. 40

Famaby, r. Co

Ferraboiro (A.) (it), t. 30

Gt^iano, 50

tChbboAs (O.), 4s. 5 Jimr

tGioNaonclli. 64, 7 Jan.

Klrb)^, <. 60

La Oucrr« (M.), c. so

Lobo (D.),So

* c. Luccio

Miehdi, <. 50

Philips, (. 60

Porter, c. 30

Quagliaii, r. 70

Schuis, 40

Turin! , c. 30

fVcrdorick, 6a, 4 July

Wilson, 30

tCarcia. Cuclktmo, 37. Pa,

*UwnKilk. ThocAar, Po. Jk.

IFkieber. jahn, g6. P«. tk.

tPkrk. ioAa, t. ys. LJ.

* r. CrimmclthauiCM, Ham Jakob

(^nrlolM ««o. No,

tl-WlCe. T>)«fnas. <, 67. Po ^<o.




Ctrlo. Fa.

tMarioi, Ci«v»nni Battxsia, 5$.


*Pe(e)(en, Juj. Pa.

•Potter, Paul. Pa,

tRucoelUi, Ciovanai. UK p^


tVem CarpiD, Lope F«Ua <!«, 63.

Pd. Dr.

tWebtwr. Jota. <. 45. Or.


Child, 20

fCopcrtrio, /. 71

tDowUnd, $2, 90/21 Jan.

FaJconicri, 40

I.awa (H.), 30

tLcgrenzi, Aug.

Marini> t. 30

Saracini, 40

S<heidrmann. c. y>

Schein, 40

tBrtton. MeKoloe, r. ft. Po.

tBril, Paul. 74. P«.

•KabHiM-ChMiaJ, Ma/>e 4« <la««r

(k li.

Mow de Im RabwiieM


•Si««A. Jan. Fa.

tTvumeur, Grril, ai. Ur.


Anerio (C. P.), r. Co

fianchieri Co

Ferrari (&.}, 30

Korm 4 , ^

CauKicr (D.), 30

Giaeobbi, 60

*Kerll, 9 Apr.

"Mauduit, 69, 21 Ai^.

Moii(evcrdi> Oo

Scheldt, 40

Scaden (S. C.)» 20

tBam&ekI, Riduirtf. &). INk

tBraurnom <Sar) John, c. 44. Fk

*B ot*wet, Jac^wn {knlfne. Li.

Burkinchaat CMw *4 («rr Vil*

lien. Oeorae)

tCOngora y Arte*r. Loii 4e. 64.


'HeafwraWA. Saotwd van. Pa.

r>l«Mkl«0, Thomas, r. $7. Dr.

*Osbonw, Uwrodtr. LL

•Vtiliers. Geotvc <Duke oTBwck-

ineham). Or.


Abbarini, e. 30

Agaazarl, 30

tAichingcr, 63. 21 Jan.

tBulJ. f. 65, 12/13 Mar.

* e. Cambert

Carlton, e. 70

fCaveodi^, c. 63, 5 July

Cruger 30

fPerrabosco (A.) {iO,c. 53,


Cilo, c. 70

Herbsl, 40

Lanier, 40

tOuafliaii, c. 73, 16 Nov,

Ros&j (Luifi), r. 30

fBacoA Fraoeit, $7. Li.

BroedM, Lord (wr Crtvilk]

*BMayan. John. Po. ’

*Ci«BaaL Carlo. Pa.

•Grrardoe, Praneois. Sc.

tCrevilk, {Sir} Fulke {l«rtl

Bnoke), 74> Fo. Dr.

* Malherbe. Francois de, 7). Fe.

*U«<r, Jan vaa drr, MO, Fa.

IFalna. Jaeepo ('* Gievinc t.

64. Ph-

•Ferrauli.C^rkc. U

* i RvivUel. Jakob van. Fa.


tAfoMini (P.), 36, 3 Oci-

tCtfra, 45, 2 Oct.

fCiacobbi, 6 t, Feb.

HUton (ti), 30

Rebelo, 20

Sdle, 30


fAncrio (C. F.), e. 63, June

*r. Banuier

t Bateson, e. 59, Mar. or


Bias de CasDo, f. 70

f r. Daniel, c. 6 $

tDerii^, f. 50, Mar.

East. r. $0

Ford, r. 50

Ivo (S.), 30

Laodi, <. 40

*Lc Bd^e

•r. Locke

tMundy (J.)

*r. Pallavieano (C.)

Ravenserofi, c. 40

Rossi (M. A.).r. 30*

*e. Rossi (S.), r. 60

Sabbatini {G.), c. 40

Sabbatini (P. P<). r. 30

tSchein, 44, 19 Nov.

Sudlnayr, 70

Siobacus, 50

Valenum (P. F.), t. Co

Viuli (F.), <. 50

•Cbher, Cabs Oabnel. Sc.

* r. CoeBo. Claudid. Pa.


tCrespi, DMiek, 40. P*.

tHarver. GabmI. e, 9 $. Li.

tHemiAf (Hem mi aft), Johi*.

A«. li.

•MeUu.CibrkL Fa.

•Fhillipi. Edward. LL


fBlas de Casiro, t. 71, 6


tDulkhius, 68 , 33 Mar.

Peri, 70

Siadcn fj.), 50

Sjrungk (D.), 30

tCutro y BtMvn. (iuilko d». f.

6a. Dr,

Jebe. Ft.

t Drayton. MitbuL 66, Po.

*Orvdto, Jnbn. Fo.

t r. Hardy. Akuindrt, '. 6a. Ur.

*L« BoMu. R«M, U.

lohfi. Pe.


.'MIrgrt, 50

Bonini, 30

Cavalli. 30

Ohambonni^m, 3 i»

Kamtnerschmidc, vn

Jenkins. 40

Lawn 30

* Lully, 38 Nov.

Peerson, t , 60

'I'oRikins, 60

•Wrfker, 9 .Apr.

*(>ktdan«, Lwa. Fa.

tHerm. ]>*vd van. r. 6s. Pa,

*H»och. Fitter dt. Pa.

*|afuen* vaa NuyiMii, Abrabam.

4. 6$. Pa.

*K(ar«, Ntctlatt. Pa,

*Mciikn. Adam «aa der. Pa.

*Vrr>iwt«. Jan. Pa.

*VSVrrt. <>>ritiepb«r. At.


Franck (M.). (hi

F' reseabaldi, y>

tGiles, t . 74, 24 Jan.

Jrwe«t, f. 30

tjohnson (R.) {U), c . yy

TPerl. 71, 14 Aug.

fr. Ravcnscrofi, e . 43

tT»ip|ou*e, 70, 45 Oel.

(Crttpi. Ctovanai Baiiiwa 111

C<rano).76. V. Pa. At.

tFkM, Nalhaaicl, 46. Ae. Dr.

tOodwin. Franck. 71. Ko.

tHtraen, Ctoege, 4a.

tMundav. Aaibany. 60. Dr, |j.

*Proy», SaaoeL Li.

•Vande Vtldr,S«llcm.jm.. P*.


Albert (H.). 30

tBanchkri, 67

•Charpenner (M.-A.)

fKirbye, r. 69, Oci.

•KrkgcT (A.), 7 Jan,

Rogm> 40

tSuden (J,), 33, 15 Nov.

Tunder, so

Wilbye. 60

tChapman. (k^rf«, c. yj, Po,


*l.a F*>'ei(t, Nfark Madrlrmr d<*.


tMantoa, John, m. Dr. Pa

*>ktr. Eflon Her\m<k van dct.


x 635


d'.Assoucy, jn

Bestevoir, 30

Boctaec, e . 511

Carisaimi, 30

Donaci, r. 30

•Urighi (A.)

Famaby, r. 70

Cagliano. 60

Cibhons (C.), 30

t.a Guerre (M.), t . 30

I.obA (D.), 70

Mielteii, <. ^

tr. Ptulj|n. f . 70

Horier, f . 40

.Schutt, 30

Turin i, r. 40

^Vibon, 40

^Bnccnon, Tbomar. A«,

rCallat. Jaequm. 4 a, Pa,

* r. Fibtrrte. Georfe, Ur.

t Fairfas . Edward, c. 35. Fn.

*b(i«ri(, Prana van, »rn. Pa.

*bl«niMytr. Jran Par>tiMe. Fa.


c:hiid. 30

(Jooke (H.). r. 4*1

Paleonieri, 50

Froberger, so

Law« (H.), 40

Marini, r. 40

•Rewncr, 49 Apr.

Saraeini, 30

SchekJrmann, t . 40

*6nilpa<a (•Ofi>rta<.t), Nirokt.

Li. Fa

*K«»dtt«cter, Mekliiord\ Pa.

tMtseoim. JoLan. c. 57 . U.




t e. Bdltcn

* Buxtehude

*Co]onna, i6Juf)e

Ferrari (B.), 40

Form^, 70

OauUier (D.)» 40

Monteverdi, 70

•Pa$quinl, 7 Dec-

Scheidl, 50

Sladrn {$. G.)i 30

tBrverhcl. Pieter, iun., 73, P».

*C«k»ti, AfHlree. f*.

tChUbeefj, Cebrifflis ty

*Plainun, Thoma*. Po.

*Herdrn, Jaa v«K der. Pa.

tjaiuon. Bee. t. 64. Fe. |>r.

• ’I rahefw. ThemM. Pe.


Abbatini, r. 40

Aguxari, $0

t <. Carltoo, <. 80

Cruger, 40

fDonaii, e. 53

tForm^, 7t> 26 May

Herbtt, 50

Lanier, 50


Rowi (Luigi), e. 40

fWilbye, 64, Sept.

tAyteun, F«beri. M. Pe.

t Blanchard. Jae^uea. )$. P«.

tCeencler. CntneUi. tC. Pa.

*Ov Lifter de La Carde. Ae

teieeitc (hfme DnJwelieeei).


* HaMema. Mcinderi. Pa.

tJVrri de Memalvan. Juan. 36.



fFranck (M.), 66, J June

Hilton (ii), 46

Rebeio, 30

Roaenmuller. e. 30

SelJe, 40

Weekmann, 20

*nackcK>» Ciovaniu naiiiMa

OawH. Pa.

tCare«. 'n»emaa.r, 41. P».

• t. Qtaviku, Cuillawae de. Pii.

tOjaU. Marlin. 44. P».

*Raciae, Jean. Dr. Pe.

* <. Bedley. Charlei. Dr,

*Van de VcMc. Adriaee. Pa.

tWotcee. (Sir) Henry. 71. ^


fAgaeeari. 61. 10 Apr.

t f. Aitey

Cazzati, <. 30

•e.Diaghi (C. B.)

East, r. 60

fFaniaby, c. 75, Nov.

Ford, e. 60


* e. Hacquart

Ives (S,), 40


Landi, <. 50


Roberday, e. 20

Roasi (M. A.), t. 40

Sabbatini (G.j, e. 50

Sabbaiiai (P. P.), <. 40

Sudlmayr. 80

Stobaeus, 60

•Sirungk (N. A.), Nov.

Valeniioi (P, F.), e. 70

Viiali (F.), r. 60

Aphra, Dr.

*Borcfaeae. Cievanni Veeiura.


*8re«khuieen, Jan van. P».

tBreuwer, Adriaan. ss. Pa.

tflurtae. Reben. 6). U.

tCeMri, Giuseppe, yt* Pa>

* r. Crewtte, Jake. Dr.

t r. Day. Jetui. r. M. Dr.

} t. Ferd. Jeho. t. 34. Dr.

tMaiiiofer. Plnlip, Dr.

*M«AtBeMV. AeieiMjaeeb. Dr.

f RuScm. (&r) Preer Pauli d).


* Wyeherky. HUiiam. Dr.



*f. Franck (J.

Struftgk ( 0 .). 40

t f. Dehker. Ttweiai. r. 71. Dr.

tDaMekhine (Deownree

ZampteHI.de. Pa.

f hikrevrii. Mkhk) Janaseon van.

M- P«*

fNabbea, Thomis, )6. Dr.

t Oort. Adam van. ^ Pa.

fVan Dyek. (Sir) Aothony. 49 .


Zatnpieri. Oememee (wr



AJb^i, 60

Bonini, 60

*6oaoneini (G. M.), Sept.

Cavalli, 40

Chambonnidrts. 40

tOagliano, 66. 34 Feb.

* i. Gautier

Hammenchmidi, 30

Jenkins, 50

LjMrs (VV.). 40

Peenon, c. 70

Sebastiani, so




Tomkins^ 70

tBruefhri^ Jut, <, 73.

*FilkaM. \’inecsiA Po.

rOvevAn. Luk Vtia 4 e. 74.

Dr. No.

B7. Pa.

t t. Rowley, William, t. 57. Ae.


*Sha4well, Thomat. Pa. Or.

tSueUiec, (Sir) Jobs, j}. Pb.



ffioeu^i, f. 58, 6*^ Dec.

OsO, 90

TFnscobaldi, y>. 1 Mar.

Jcwetc, e. 40

t Monteverdi, 76, 99 Now

Krinken, 90

tHrowiie, WiHiuM, r. pu,

*l:4iiillo SaUrxaoa. Deo Atowo

«lrl, I, 6$. Na.

*Paloiniiio de (^Ire. Amoom.

Pa. U.


vMbcrt {H.>, 40

*DiI>er, C 9 Au^.

*C>abanillc», 4 Sept.

Cigaulc, t. 30

Kins (VV.). 30

Rogers, 30

Tunder. 30

•r.Vitali {G. B.)

t<^rt*«. Prutca. 7a, Pa.

tSaitdyi. (Xnrte. M. Pa,

I& 4 S

Aide (J. R.>, 20

il^Assouey, 40

Bcncvdi, 40

Carusimi, 40

Gibbons (C.), 30

La Guerre (M.), r. 40

t La wet (W,), 43

Lobo (D.), eo

*L6hner, at Dec.

Luccio, t, 90

Micheli, r. 70

* <. Muflac (Ce^)

Porler, t. 50

Schuu, 60


'1 urini, r. 50

NVibon, 50

"La Bniv 4 re. fran 4 c. |j.

tQiKrrOa Y V.Octm, Praadcca

iUmeztii.Su Ptt. IX.


catild, 40

Cooke (H.). f. 30

PaJconieri, 60

•Fischef (Joh.), 25 Sept.

Frobergrr, 30

Lan’cs (H.), 50

Legrerui, 30

fLobo (D.), 8t. 23 Sept.

Marini, r. 50

Saracini. Co

Scheidemann. c. yt

tSiobaeus. 6C. n Sept.

•Theile, 39 July

t bra« toKiii. FraiHcKv. Bo l*a.

tbebMiM, MilUant. 36. Ka.

* I baqunaov. FrancoH, S?. S< .

" . . HcHuli'm. AiiUwrtv. l.i. N’<».

"Kftellcr, t^adfrey. pj.

"Meazini, Ocnrdeuo.



Ferrari (B.) 30

Gaultier (D.), 50

* Humphrey

Kerll, 30

tRomcro, 10 May

Scheldt, Co

Siadcn <S. G.), 40

tTraliaci, 31 Dec.

•Dam, Peticr. Ka.

tKaaO, PWicr CeracUMaan. 06.

IX. Pa. U.

*Rachncrr.iol.n VVihnui. £ 4^1 aT.


fStaate, Nieholat. Cl, Hr.


Abbatini, e. 30

Cambert, r. 90

Cnigrr, 50

fEast. r. C8

tFord, r. 68, Nov.


Herbst, Co


Lanier, Co

(Luigi), f. 30

tStadlmayr, 86, 13 July

r. NVise

^kiocham aad Narmanby.

Dake of (ik Sbeffidd, Jahni

•Gmuam, Simaac. j6. Pa,

•Oibbata, Grisliftff. Cc. •$(.

<Le Naia. Aa<oiac. 6a. Pa.

tLe Naia. Lauij. sy Pa.

*^4»reard. Jul« HanJouic, Ar,

•SeuX. Ukanab. K,. Dr.



*ShelK«ld, ]«ltn (Duke of Buck*

ia^um «ad NooDanby). Dr.

fTino d« ^foliaa (CabrM Telks).

63. Dr.


•Blow, F«b.


Hilton (ii), 50

•Krieger (J. P.), 85 Feb.

Rebelo, 40

Roscnmuller, <. 30

$elk, 50

fValentini (Ciov.), Apr.

\\'rckmann, 30

Rkhard, r. 3^. Bo,

*Dn*maMri. Killum, ^ Bo.

tFtrio y $m»u. Monu«1 39.

U. Po.

* I. jAurcfui y Af uUo», J«m dr. r.

98 . Bo. Bo.

tOwodr. luioc voB, 9$. Bo.

fTmirn. David. K11.. $7. Bo.

fVeurt, ftimoa, 58 . Bo.


fianUirr. t. 90

Caaut). r. 30

*(. Fiocco (P- A.)

Ivcf (S.), 50

Landi. e. 60

Lo Bdgur. 80

Locke, r. 80

Pallavicino (G.), r. 90

tPeenoA. e. 76. Dec.

Roberday, e. 30

* t. Roseingrave (D.)

Roasi (M. A.), r. 30

Sabbaiinl (G.), r. 60

Sabbaiini (F. P.), t. 50

fSacrati, 30 May

■ f. Tudway

Valeniini (P. F.), <■ Bo

•^.Veracim (A.)

Vitali (F.), c. 70

*AulAor Mark CaihertiM. d'.


tFkachrr. Phinroi. r. 68. B».

*Cwidt, Cork) Akuandro. Bo.


*Cw)79. Rkaaor (Kel). Ar.

T 4. Keywood, Tbornoa. r. 75. Dr.

f May. Thostas. 55. Dr. Bo. Li.

tRotrvn, Jeon dr. 41. Dr.


t Albert (H.), 47, 6 Oci.

•Krieger(J.), 38 Dec.


tMielcacwski, Sept.

Siruagk (D.), 50


tBlermom. Abraham. 87. Pa.

*Feorkpii, Fronemi, Li,


t Allegri, 70, 17 Fcb-

fionini, 70

Cavalli, 50

Chambonniirea, 50

Hammenchmidt, 40

tHilion (ii), 53. Mar.

Jenkiru, te

Lully, 90

Sebasiiani, 30

Tomlum, 60

Walter, 80

iSronae, Rwhord. Or.

*iruyB. Cemeliwf. Bi.

tCuyp, Banjamui, 40, Bo.

t r. J«ae$. laito. r. 78 > Ar. Bo.

*Oiwar, Tbonoa. Dr.

•BitcoanM. ArchihoM. Be. Or.

*To(r. NohucB. Be. Dr.


CctfJ, 30

•Corelli, 17 Feb.

Jewett, e. 50

•Pachelbel, Aug.


Reinken, ^

fRosai (Luigi), e. 55

tViuJi (F.), r. ?3

*Diirf«v. Thomao Li. Dr.

r. L««, Nothonirl. Dr.



Charpenlier (M.*A.), 80

CigauU, c. 30

King (W.), 30

Krieger (A.), 80

Rogen, 40

fScheidt, 66, 30 Mar.


Tunder, 40

t Valeniini (P. F.), e. 84

«Habinfflon. William. 49. Bo.

Dr. ii.

9 Borlw««. Fraeriwe. 83. Ba.

fBoder. Baul. f«. Ba.


Able (J. R.), 30

d*Anglebm, so



d’Assoucy, 50

fieaevoJi, 50

CAnBUDj, 50

Dragfai (A.)» 90

CibboQS (C.), 40

La Guerre (M.), <. 50

f ? Uadi, r. 55

Luccio, f. 30

Micheli, t. 80

Forcer, c. 60

Schulz, 70

fSiadeo (S. G 0 » 481 30 July

Turini, e. 60

\VUlOQ, 80

tlknrrce, CyrsM de, 36 . ^e.

tL« Sueur, F,uiuche, ji. N.

tL«4au, Friedrich VM. 31 . IH».

*Keiretrd, Jea^ Frafif«». E>r.


Child, 50

Cooke (Ho. <■ 40

tKhlconicri, 70, *<9 July

Froberf^r, 40

Uwo (H.)i 80

Ufrenzi, 30

*MAr&u, 31 Mar.

Marini, r. €0


Reu&ner, so

Scheidccnann, t. Go

fTomkinr, 64, June

t Turin!, <. 61

tC«ym. Jes van. 4*. P«.

rH»U. Utrfc, (. 49 . F*.

FfwtciMode, Mn., lo.

t |f«a ihMti . Cmrd van. 44. Fj,

*MMe. J«n vtB dcr, fuo. P«,

t Myua*. Daniel. 64, ft ,


Buxiehude, so

CoJocuia, so

Ferrari (B.), Co

GauJiler (DO. Co

KerU, 30

*LalAf^r, Dec.

Fasquiryi, so

•Pitoni, iB Mar.

Cir«lo. Abbai* (m Saltmeoa)

*Deonn. Jahn. LL

^FanUnelW. SernanJ Lc Potier

de. Po. Dr.

tSnvden. Praru. >4. Pa.

*Solifneea. Fcanecacg fAbbaar

CiecM). Pa.


Abbaaiai, e. 60

Camberc, t, 30

Cniger, 60

Herbst, 70

Lanier, 70

*BarTT. Ar.

iQevcIaAd. Julia, 4^ Po,

tCrarito, Baluur. $?. LI.

tLovelace. Rkhard. 40, Po,

*La Guerre (E. Jacquei)


fPorlcT, e. C4, Nov.


fUbelo. 30

Ro$enmuMrr, c. 40

ScHe. Co

VVeckmann, 40

*n<ady, Nkholai. I'v.

»Cauaaa, Nicc« 16 . Pa.

fOach, SioMi, S 4 . Po,

* f. Oeioc, Daniel. No.

*Racc«. Seloiiieno. Pa,

* Rifaud, Hyac iHtke. Pa,


lUni»icr, c. 30

"Campra. 4 Dec.

Caazaii, t. 40

Dra^i (G. &), r. so

•r. Finger

Frcichi, so


Hacquari. r. so

Ives (SO. Co

•Kuhaau. $ Apr.

*Ku»er, Feb.

Le &v|uc, 30

•r.Le Roux

Locke, e, 30

Lorenaani, so

Fallavicino (C.), t. 30

Roberday, e. 40

fe. Rorsi (M. A.), c. Go

Sabbaiini (GO. t. 70

tr.Sabbaiini <P. P.). t. Co

•Scarlaui (A-), a May

Sinangk (N. A.), so

tGau, Jakob, 9 % Po.

tCavcdofK. C^cwme, 4 ). Pa.

tLeoterciar, Jacques, t, 7$. Ai.


'Mencua. »Vi«* Anihony. la.


tScaaroo, Paul, so. Po. Dr.

fUrqubaM, (Sir) Thoma*, 49.


•VaUtquei. Die<o Rodrigues de

Silva V, 6 1. Pa.


•Bohm. s Scpi.

Franck (J. WO, e. sn





•Perii, € June

•Rilxl (J..F.), Apr.

tRcb«Io, 52, 16 Nov.

Strungk (D.). 60

*r) 4 fKMri» FlofCBC CamMc Df.

t Puller, TbMAM, 53. U,

*CM(h. Sanuel. P6.

NkMas. Ar.

tMeU, Giambaiiiiia, 4t. Pi,

t^rctii. Andrea, *. 63. Pa.


Bonini. 80

Bononcini (G. M.), 20

Cavalli, 60

Chambonni^o, 60

tCriiger, 63, 23 Kb-

* f.Desmareu

Gauiier» r. 90

Hacnmcrachmidc. 50

five* (S.)» 61, t July

Jcnkini, 70

fLawra (H.)» 6C» 2J Oct.

LuHy» 3«

tMaraaaoJi, 24 Jan.

tSabbaiinl (0.), t. 72

Sebastianii 40

Stradclla, 20

VVecker, 30

*Oriiun(e (J. P. van Bleemen).


tPaKal, Blabe, at. LI.

fT^iirbaran, Franrlaeo, 64, Pa.


•Albrrgaii, 90 Nov.

tUoninn $1, 3 Dec.

Ceati, 40

Jeuvu, r. Co

Reinkcn, 40

tScIieidemann, r, C?

tSrIle, 64, 9 July

"ZacKau, tg Nov.

* r. Brae«t**dle, AlHie. Ar.

*JafMariMt VkMr Henoriu*. Pa.

*KiKt, WHIaam, L*. Pe.

tt.a CalpreoMr. Cauiirr de

CmM, as. No. Ur.


Riber, 20

Cabanillei, 90

Charpentier (M.>A.), 30

Gigaull, r. 40

•f. CJofczycki

King (W.). 40

Krieger (A.), 30

Rogers. 30

Tunder. 50

Viiall (C. B->, c. 90

•VftiArufh, John. Ar. JV.


Able (J. R.), 40


d'AnflebcTt, 30

d*Assoucy, 60

Bcoevoli, 60

Carusimi, 60

Draghi (A.), 30

•r. Fiacher (J. C.)

Gibbom (C.)» 30

La Guerre (M.), r. 60

Lbbner, 90

tMarini, r. 69

MuRat (Georg), (. 20

Reuaoer, 30

Schut^ 80

Staggins, e. 20

•c. Vi tali (T. A.)

^Vil$oo, 70

*Aain»e. Udr UriMt. Po.

*Cmp], ChMeppe Maria, fa.

tPaleene, AnleU&, t}. Pa.

tJaMaen. GenKliua, t. 75. Pa.

*afartelli. Pier Jaeepo. Po. Dr.

rPauaiia, KieeUa. r. 71. Pa.

* f. Reuter, Chriiiian. U.


*Ariot(i, 3 Nov.

Child. 60

Co^e (H.), e. 30

Fiacher Joh.), 90

Froberger, 30

fHerbst. 77, 96 Jan.

IKrieger (A-), 32, 30 June

tl.an»cr, 77, Feb.

Legrenai, 40

Theile, 90

tOavenant, (Sir) tVllliam. Sn.


fCiurreine rClevanni rratHeKe

Barbieri), 73. Pa.

tUal», Prant, r, B$. Pa.

tHuHell, Jaoie*, 4 . 7e. Li. Po.

fMaiaai^, Pran^nM, 6t. Ar.

t Atoll, PierfianceMO, r. iC. Pa.

fSAir1e>', Jamn. 70. Po. Or.


Aldrich, 20

Buxtehude, 30

Oohnna, 30

Ferrari (B.), 70

tFroberger, 50, 7 May

Gaultier (D.). 70

Humphre)*, 90

KerJJ, 40


"Morttdclair, 4 Dec*

Fajquini. 30




tTunder, 53, 5 No\.

*A«buthaot. Jolui. Li.

tHnmMiti, FraiKwco.tf. A#.

Aloazo, 64 . Pa. 4 (. At.

* <. Ccodivw. SuuMkAk. Dv.

tCowky. Abraban. 49. Po.

*Graavi! 1 e, Cc««fe (Lecd l^n>-

dawTtf >. Pa. Dr.

t 2 >(«Uu. Gabrkl. $7. Pa.

t$<u«krv. Gcor^n 4 e. 47. I>r.

*SwiP, Jenaibaa. No. Li.


Abbatiai, t. 70

(^mbert, t. 40

*C.’oupcrin, tO Nov.


^Guparini {F.)> S M^r.

Gianoriiifu, to

W'iie, r. 20

AbiT) K«n#. Dr. Nu.

fU'mivrrman. PTiilf^s 49. lb.


blow, 40

fOsli. 46. 14 Oct.

Colnnr, to

Krkjer{J. P,), to

*MarchAo(l, 9 Feb.

HMcnmultcr, (. 30

tSimpson (C.)

Werkmann, 50

tCartona, Pktra Bcrriiini ria. 7$.

Pa. Ar.

llTmlwiA. fSw) John. } 4 . ^

*KMtr, Henry, 79, f®.

tMorrto y (bbaAa. AcutHn, ai.


tRrmhraailt, Harmeiu van Ri^

69 . Pa,


Banuitr, t. 40

'Bononcini ( 0 .), iSJuly


Caazati, <. 50

Draghi (O. B.),/. 30

rioCCO (P. A.), C. 30

Frcschi, 30

Hacquan, t. 30

Lclkju<, 40

•f, I,rv 4 rid^

Lock, t. 40

Lorcnzaoi, 30

Pallavicino (C.L e. ao


Roberday, t. 30

Roselngras** {D,), e. 90

Sirungk {N. A.), 30

Tudway, t. 20

Vcfacini (A.), e. 20

tCaMifKone, Ci<n*annj UenedrMo,

S 4 . Li.

*(bncvev», WiUivn. Dr.

tKebi, Banhalamargi van det,

S 7 > Pa.

*Xlaft 4 avUl«, Semaxd de. Li.


* Albinoni, 8 June


Franck (J. ^\^), r. 30

•Grigny, Feb.

Krieger (J-). 20

l,.alou«De. 90

Strung (D.), 70

Turner, 30

fYoung, 9 1 Dec.

tAourdon, $dl>4iiKr(, Pa.

*CiM*r. Cniky. Ar. Ik. Po.

* <. HiiViM, Ambtvir. Dr.


tbenevoN, 67, 17 June

Boftoneini (C. M-), 30

CavalN, 70

tc«Chafnbonni6re7, 70

fCookc (H.), (. 56, 13 July

*Oeiiouehee, Apr.

tCiauUier (U,)» 74» J>n.

Gautier, <. 30

Hammenchtnidi, 60

Jenkins, 8d

Lully, 40

*t. Schwrmann

fSchuU, 8 ?, C Now

Scbasiiani, 30

ScradeIJa, 30

>Veckcr, 40

'AddHon. Jot«|>h. Li.

t C aa pe i, 6}. Pa.

*HouJard« La Mollc. Anioirtr.

Pa. Or.

*Sirrk. RiehanL U. Ik.

t^'aA 4 « VeWr, Adtiam, JJ, pj.

f AJiIe ( J. R.), 47, 9 July

Corelli, 20

Jcwcit, e. 70

Facbdbel, 20

FollaroJo, so

Reinkeo, 50

t r. ftaAboMio. Pki«( vaa Laer. t.

4 o. Pa,

tPralhwaiia. Pkhard. <. Sj. iVi.

tMalkie ejeao Baptnte P^

qudia), SI. Ae. Dr.

<R«a. SakaMr. jB. Pa. Li.



i «74

Biber, 30

Blank«nburg» 20

CdbAnUIcs, 30

fCarisumi, B6> tajan.

CharpenJicr (M.-A.), 40

* e. Clarke

Gigaulc, r. 50

tHuraphiry, *7, 14 July

•KciKr, 9 Jan.

King (W-), 50

Regers, So

Steflani. so

Viuli (C. 8-). r. 30

tWeekmann, 55

t Wilson, 78, 22 Feb.

tClumitaitne, PbilipiK n.

t<!ha|wl«jn, J«ao. 79. I i.

*C:r«b)llon, PrMpex i«)rM 4 c.


* C«ckli«u(. Oerbraod v«n den,

32. f».

tHerfkh, Rcbeti, 0 }, Fd.

T MilMA, 7 «hn. 66.

*Rowe, Nkholas. Fe. Dr.

tSorel, Cbarlet. 77. No.

rTrcberee, Thoma*. x. 37. h>.


H'Anglobcrt, 40

d'Aasoucy, 70

Draghi < 4 .), 40

Gib^ns (C.), 60

tHammcrKhmidt, 83,

8 Nov.

tjoiveu, f. 72, 3 July

La Guerre (M.), «. 70

Lohner, 30

Muffat (Georg), t. 30

Reusner, 40

Staggim, t. 30

• f. N'jvaldi

t Uo<x. Gerard. 63. Fa.

* MafTei, Praace*c 9 Scipionr. Ur.

f Vermeer. Jan. 4^ Pa.


fCavalJi, 73. 14 Jan.

Child, 70

*Q 4 rambauli, 19 Dec.

Fischer (Joh.), 30

TCibbons (C.), 81 , 20 Ocu

Legrenzi, 50

Marais, 20

Moreau, so

Theile, 30

•Weldon, 19 Jan.

tBerfOfnene. Jaeepo Cm Mi , 55.


fCoiirioa, Jean. 55. Pa.

f Ccfhardi, Paul, 69. Pe.

tCn'ameHbausqi, Hau Jakob

Chxixtnffel von, r. 3 c. No.

*Plullipt, John. P«.

* 7 'boi^ll. Jamei. Pa.


Aldrich, 30

fd’Aisoucy, 7«, 29 Oct.

•Boftoodni (A. M.), r8 June

Buxtehude, 40

fCamberc, <. 48, r. Feb.

tCaziatl, r. 57

•Glari, 27 Sept.

Coloana, 40

•Fago, 26 Feb.

Ferrari (B.), 80

Kerb, 50

Lalande, 20

fLocke (M.), c. 47, Aug.

Pas^uioi, 40

Pi lord, 20

tHollar, Weaecslaa. 70 . P«.

*Huc)Kt, John. Fb. Dr.

tLe Main. Machleu. 70. Pa.

tNeer, Acmewl van dcr, 74 . P*.

t Pete) wn. Jan. 5a. Pa.


.Abbaiini, c. 60

fBonoflcim (G. M.), 36,

18 Nov.


Gianneitini, 30

t Jenkins, 86, 27 Oct.

U'ise, r. 30

"Farnubar. Ccoree. Dr.

t r. Fkckttoe, FUKard, r. 96. Dr.

fHeoe^untco, Samuel van, 31.


tjofdaem, Jaeob, 63. Pa.

tMarrell, Andrew, 37. Pe. Li.


fBanisirr, r. 49, 3 Oci.

Blow, 30

Colasse, 30

Krkger (J. P.), 30

La Guerre (E. Jacquet), 20

fLa Guerre (M.), e> 74,

t3 No^•.


Pistocehi, 20

Purcell, so

Reusner, 44, 1 May

Roscnmbller, e. 70


t Tucker, 26 Feb.

•Zclenka, i€ OcL

*hmetf. Thareax. Po.

tS*ece, Jan. 39. Pa.



tAbbaiioi, t. 6a

*A5C(^ga» 20 Mar.

Campra, 20

Uraghi (O. B.), <. 40

Finger, t. 20

Fiocco (P. A.), (. 30

Fmchi, 40

Fux, 20


Hacquart, t. 40

tKing (W,), 56, 17

Kuhnau, 20

Kuuer, 2U

U B^ur, yj

Ij: Roux, t. 90

*LoeilIec, tS Nuv.

Lorensani, 40

Pallavieino 30

Roberday, (. Co

Roseingrave (O.), c. 30

Scarlaai (A.). 90

Scrungk (N. A.), 41^

TudMay, <. 30

Veraeini (A.), f. 341

tBcrnkhi, Ciovanfu Lwrowe,


AirUioW H«ihr«lk. IV.

tBulkr. S«rukU 6 a. IV.

•UaiMchn. I>>.

tCfiaiAWi. CiovMuti

74. Ar. V».

t(.a KechcfmauU. FrM»«w,

Due df, Li.

*Uh^.Rtni. 4 ^ li.

tUly (Sir) f<Ut.U. n.

tRoeheWr, JvH» UilmM. r.Ml at.

39. IV


Rohm, 90

TFerrarl (B.), 84, 99 Oci.

Kranck (J. W,), t. 40

Kfieger (J.), 30

Laloocuc, 30

*Malchc«on, 96 Sepi.

Prrti, 20

Rebel (J.*F,), 90

Sirungk (D.). 80

*TeIemann, t4 Mar.

Turner, 30

*VaU.'nt)ni (Gius.)

70, F*.

'bMMh. Ac.

t *. Hoa«l>. Pidrr dc. 4a> Fa.

tSlMra, Pf«n* vas. t*o.. 46. }*«.

tT etLanA. Cirrard, 64. Pa.



JJf'aniareis, r. 91J

Gauder, r. 40

Lully. 50

•Nfoorct, j 6 Apr.

Siebasiiani, 60

fStradella, 39. 96 Feb.

Weeker, 30

(Sir) Ihomas. 77. l.i

Caawk Lorraia IxrGelkv)

tCMio. Chwk*. 76. Vo.

tCcH^, CUud« (Claude L»r>

rain), dj. Pa.

* I tuynim, Jan \*n. Pa .

tMutdIu. harcolonte r.wrl^n,


IKu^-mImI. | 4liul» tail. <, -^4. 1'^.


Albergati, 90

Corelli, 30

*Craupncr, 13, fan,

•Hciniehen, 1? .\pi,

Pachelbel, 30

Pollarolo, 30

*Kamcau, Sepc.

Keinken, Ou

fSebasiiani, Co, spring

Zachau, 20

tBrnlxm, .N’kulaat, 63. Pa.

tC;a4d«ni« dr b Barca, Duii

Bodro. Or.

*F«aMA, F4gah. Po.

tKilKrre«', ITkomai, 7r. Dr.

*OMA«ld. Amic (" Nanrr Ac.

I WaliMi. I laak, 90. Li .

r. |:d»aM. JV.


Bibcr, 40

Blanbcc^urg. 30

Cabanilld, 40

^Cemohorsicy, iC Fvb,

Charpemier (M,.A.), 30

r. Daginevurt

*Duraft(r, 31 Mar.

Oigauli, c. 60

Gorcyzyeki, r. 90

Roger*, 70

tRo»cnmuJlcr, c. 75, lo/ti


Sieffani, 30

Viuli {G. 40

•Waliher (J. C.), iBScpi.

tColiavDe. (Sir) Aiioa. 76. Po.

fCb^aei (ConJ. (79aiale». 66 .


tCuAcdb. Pkrr«, 74. Po, Hr.

Jaa D«VHltt van. r, 64.


•IWb^, laidvie. U. Ur, IV.

*KcM. WilliaA, Ct. Pa. Sc. Ar,

"Waitoau. AMoinc. Pa.




Aldrovandini, 3d

d’Angiebert, 50

•Bach (J. S.), 31 Mar.

Draghi (A-), 50

Fi«hct (J. 0, r. ao

•GeW (J. C.)

•HaiwicI^ 23 Feb.

Lbhner, 40

MufFat (Georg), t. 40

•ScarUcii (D.). 36 Oti

Suggiiu. r. 40

Vicali (T. A.), r. 20

JgKn. Pe. Ur.

tHerrer*, PraiKiKe 4 t, mo., 6 %


Aaron. Ls. Dr,

tMoaiArurv. Anioine Jacob, 4 V


tOtiodr. Adriaon von. 7 ). Pa.

tCJiwor, TKentM, 3 ). Or.

t (. Soehdcvra. CemcK*. r. 7a. Pa.

Ibaehikven. Herman, )$, Pa.

-Tukell, Thomas. Po.


Arieaii, 30

atild, So

•Fiocco (J..J.). ?D«.

FiKhcr 40

Lefrenti. 60

Marais, 30

•Marcclio, 1 .\uf.

Moreau, 30

•Porpora, (9 Aug.

Thcite. 40

fUoki, Carle, 70. Pa.

*Kanuar, Allan, Pe.


Aldricli, 40

Buxiehuik» 541

r. Carey

Colonna, 50

•Feach, e. Apr,

•Geminiajii, Dec.

Ker]i» 60

Lalande, 30

Lotii, e. 70

fLulIy. 54, 72 Mar.

Mont 4 clair, 30

Pasquiai, 50

Pepuseh, 30

Pitoni, 30

•Senaill 4 , 33 Nov.

fVVise, e. 39, 34 .Aug.

tCwyo. Eleanor (Nell), 97. A«.

f Waller, Edm«0id, 0 i. Pu.


Couperin, 20

Eedcs, 30

•FaKh a F.). 15 Apr.

Gasparini (F.), 30

Gianneitini, 40

• t. Nebra

tPallavkino (C.), c. 5?, 36


•Pfedicri, 13 5 epi.

* 7 jpoh, iG Oc(.

Bookinahun, Duke ef (>rr \'il.

lien, Georvel

tAunyae, John, Bo. Pe.

tPlaunan. Thomas, SI. Po.

*Leinevne, Fraecoii. IV

*kCarsvaux, Pierre de. No. Or.

tlNerauh, Qaude, 7j. Ar, M,

*Popa. Aleiaoder. Pe. LI.

t VjUieN, Geeefc (Duke of Huck*

iniham), 6 j


Blow, 40

GoJajie, 40

Kricgcr (J. P.), 40

La Guerre (E. JacqueOr 3 ^

Marchand, to

Piitocchi, 30

Purcell, 30

IBehn, Ajdira, eg. Or,

*Broeene, William. Li.

*Pierre ft oei, Lady Mary (Woriley

hfeniaeu). LI.

*Rkhardsan, Sanvuel. No.


Boooncini (G.), to

CaJdara, do

CaiDpra, 30

Draghi (G. B.). e. 31)

Finger, c. 30

Feocco (P. A.), r. 41*

fFreschi, 30

Fux, 30

Hacquarl, r. 30

Kuhnau, 30

Kusser, 30

LeB 4 ^, Go

tLegreiui, 63, 26 May

Le Roux, c. 30

Leveridge, c. to

Leveoxani, 50

•MuFTai (Coidicb)

f c. Roberday, e. 70

Roseingrave (D.), r. 40

•Ro*eingra\-e (T.)

ScarJacti (.A.), c. 30

StruQgk (N. A.). 30

Tudway, t. 40



Veracini (A.), t. 40

•Veracini (F. M.), 1 Fcb-

•Vinci (U)

*Lutcr«i» NtfolM. Pk

tL« Bnio, Chjrles 71 . P«.

tilfvICA, Adam van 6 tf, jB. Pa.

tT«nwn, David, ju«.» Pa.


«UbiAonj, 30

td'Angkbcri, 55, 33 .\pr.

Bohm, 30

l''orf|u«rav, 30

Orif py, 30

Krkger (J.),do

Laloue Ur. 40

Prrti, 30

Ribcl (J.-F,), 30

^irui^k (D.), 91

1 urnrr, 40

t DaptMie, 4 Ja»par . Pa.

*flvroin. Jalin. IX

t<Sw)i>. Aalbvri. 74. I*j,

t^ihcinK. (Sw) Charge, Ik.

tMc««, Janvaadfr.ant., Pa.

*<}d<U. fKamM. Dr.

TlVhioi, lean, 9 ). Pa.


]}c«marei», e. 30

Dttiouchrs, 30

Gaucirr, t. yt

t. Ci»eomi:Ili

-Schurmann, t. 30

* rarlini, $ Aug.

tViiali (G, B,), c. 4B, 13 On.

Wcckr, 60

*f ru«<iM, CarW luvK«nxiv. IV.

*U UuuaOv. JVrr« (Ma^

Nivilk «fe. Dr.

*j 4 «iu«rcu«. AdtknAr. ,V.

tl4e, Nalbankl. «. 99. Ik.

TStta<UvU. llioMM, ^ Pp, Ik.

* J K|N>la. OievaMu Kaciai^ P&.


Allirrgali, 3*1

Corrili, 40

Pachrlbri. 40

Poliarolo, 40

Rrinkcn. 70

r.SaiTunarcini (G.)

Zachau, 30

rCoclk, Cbudi«, (. 47. P4.

tLa Fayette, atarie MaitekH.e

Comiesae d«, M. No.

*J Jlk. Georce, Dr,

I.Vfaes. Nieolae*, 61. IV.

Jaaiet. Ac.

tVan de Velde, Wilkm. wn..

c. Oa. Pa.


Wber, 50

Blankrnburg, 40

Cabanillcf. 30

CUtarp^pfier (M.-A.), 6rr

C 3 arkr, r. so

*Daquin, 4 July

GigauJi, r, 70

Gorccycki, r. 30

Kewrr, 30

tKcrll, 65, 13 Fell.

■I^, 5 Aug.

Kogen, 80

*Komap, 36 Oct.

ScHTani, 40

fScrupgk (U.), 93

CHietierlield. I.ail «4 ikc Stan*


tl>e(b<>ulktn, AHuXiellr. -fi.


*'M 4 AlMi|if, hiiliii Doinier

1^1 ( 3 i«tirrfie)dt. I.i.

*\*< 4 uHe. Frartcoti .Maile

.^reuct dc. U. Ik.


.MJrovaiKlini, 30

fOtJonna, 38, aB No\'.

Draghi (A.), Co

hiachcc (J. (J.), <•, 30

tCaunrr, r. 55. Srjjt.


•Locaifllj, 3 Srpu

l.ohncri 30

Muffat (Gcofgi, f- 30

IPurcrU, 36, 31 Ntiv.

Slagglns, <. 50

N'ilafj (r, A.), f. 311

Vivaldi, f. so

t'Vrcker, <13, ao Apr.

IK'tndrrceier, Mctcltior d\ 50.


tKabcre*, (Skj \\’inia>n. HA


tLa Poiitaiae. Jean de, 74. rv.

1 ai)««ard. Pierre, ty Pa.

IC>ib«nie, D«r«tliv (Lady

Te«ipk).«8, JX

'Raabillae, I^ogis Featjcoit. V.

tVAusfian, Kcary, 77. Pg.


Alioni, 30

(•Itikl, 90

Ckrambault, 3 o

Fiscbrr(J<J».), y,

Marais, 40



Moreau, 40

Thcile, 50

Weldon, 20

tLa finiycrc, Jean de, jr. Li.

t Phillips, Edwvd, Li.

tS^vifne, Marie, Marine dc. 70.



Aldrich, 50

Bononcini (A. M.), so

Buxtehude, 60

1 Child, 90» «3 Mar.

Ciari, so


Fago> so

Lalande. 40

*LecUir» 10 May

Loiti, (. 30

■Maio (G»u*.)» 5 Dee.

Mont^clair, 30

Pa$quiiw, 60

Pepiuch. 30

Pitom> 40

*<^antz, 30 Jan.

*Vallocii, 11 June

'Canale, Amonio {Caaaleitar.


DclTaiHl. MtiK du Utr \Vhr*


* I logarth , WilUam. Pa.

t. hJacklm, Chark*. Ac. Dr,

'Privesi d'Kxiki. Anceiitt Fsan*

enk. No, Li.

f, Savaf*. Rickard. Pe. Dr.

*V'khi‘*OkMtrand, Mark da

(Mm du DefTand). Li.


Couperin. 30

CreO. to

Eccles. 30

*FraiKceur. s8 Sepi.

Gaaparlni (F.), 30

Gianneuini. 30

*Logro3cino. Oct.

TRogen, 84, June

*Sammarlini (G. B.)

*Bo>{mer. Johann Jakob. I.i. Po.

*Dcu<kardor>, Cdmc. S<,


Wow, JQ

CoJasse. 50

•Gibbs (J.)

•Haase, 25 Mar.

Kricger(J. P.), 50

La Guerre (E. Jacquci), 40

Mancini, so

Marchand, 30

PUtocchi, 40

Sarro, to

•Zaeh. 13 Nov,

Zelenka. so

*Biair. Robert. Po.

• Chardia, J«4a Baptuie. Pa.

tMranoyer, Jeao Baptiste, 64,


Iftacioe, Jean, do. Dr, Po.


• (. Araia

Aalorga, so

Bononcini (G.), 30

Caldara. 30

Campra. 40

fDr^hi (A.), 64, 16 Jan.

Finger, t. 40

Fiocco (P. A.), t. 30

Fux. 40

GaJliard, e. to

Hacquart, e. 60

Kuhnau, 40

KuMer, 40

Le Btguc. 70

Le Roux, e. 40

Leveridge, t. 30

Loeillet, so

Lorentani, 60

Roieingrave (D.), e. 30

Scariacti (A.), 40

fSiagfins, <. 53, 13 June

fStrungk (N. A.), 39,

25 Sept.

Tudway. t. 30

t<4bh«r. Caius Gabriel. 70. bv.

•Crawtarq. Hebert. Pe.

tDrydA, John, 69. Po.

•CotUch^, Johann ChriMoph.


•lltomwB, Jame». Pn.


•Afrell. j Feb.

Albinoni, 30

Bbbm. 40

Forqiwray, 30

Crigny. 30

Kriegcr (J.). 30

Lalouetie, 30

Matiheson, so

Perti. 40

•Rdbd (F.). 19 June

Rdbel (J.-F.), 40

Tdemann, to

Turner, 50

Valentini (Cius.). so

*Scuddry, Madeleine de, 9 t'


JSedkv. ISifLChark*. 68, W.




Daadneu, 20

Desmarels, 40

D«»touches, 30

*£bcrlu], 27 Mar.

*Guigno&, 10 Feb.

tU Bigue, 72, 6 JuJy

Mourei, 20

Schunnann, t. 30

"AppMAi. Franrcaea. ^

* LioUrd. Jru) EiicAoe, Pa.

> 7«3

Albergati, 46

CoreJJj, 50


Graupr>er, 20

tCrigny, 32, 30 No^-.

Heinkhen. 30

r. [^inpe

PacKelbel, 30

PoUat^o, y*

Rameau, 20

ReinVcn, 80

Zachau, 40

fi«Wi. Larenap.'. V*. P*.

Fraafoii. P«.

t |ehn, t. 63. Dv.

JUUn. La. IV.

rNeer, E4IM H«ivVk «mi 4ft.

60. Pa.

tNpn. SaiMtfl. f*. LL

tPvrMull, CturVa, 7 V

t.tAiA»(t» u i » nd. (2url«t M*f

fucttl dc S*ini'D«pi», ao. |j.

• 7«4

TBiber, 59, 3 May

BlankenbuTf . 50

Cabanilles, 60

Cernohonky’, 2b

fChaqxncier (M.*A.), (19.

24 Feb.

Clarke, e. 30

Da|iixourt. t. 29

Duranie, 20

Glgauh, c. 80

GofCtycki, t. 40

•Craun (C K.), 7 May

Keuer. 30

TMuffai (Georg), f. 39,

23 Feb.


Sieffani, 30

Wallher <J. C.), 20

tB«wuei, Jacqon O^narw. 77.


tMeqrioi, BcfwdtiM. 3B. Pp.


Aldrovandirii, 40

Bach (J. S.), 20

Fttcher (J. C.), e. 40

GebeJ {J. G.). 20

fr.Gigaulc, c. 8 r

Handel, 30

tLohner, 59, 2 Apr.

Scarlatti (D.), 20

Viiali (T. A.), t. 40

Vivaldi, c. 30

tAuliM). CatlirriK 4\


tOwrdwM, Luca. 7 $. Pa.

•MaMocK <kAKr MaJlei). David.

Pa. U.

tMrcr. Jan van 4cf, jun,, 42.


*^a, Anioniu J«*d da. IV,


Arioaii, 40

(^rambauU, 3<»

Fiocco (J.-J.). 20

Fischer (Joh.), Go

Caluppi, 1 8 Oct.


* Lustig, 2 1 Sepu

Marais, 50

Marcello, 20

•Martini ( 0 . D.), 24 Apr.

Moreau, 30

t Pachelbel, 52, 6 or 7 Mar.

Porpora, 20


Weldon, 30

*PiwIk. Henry. No, Dr.

tOlceii, AJtdrta, Pa.

*CiCMr^. Giovanni Beitinn.


tlliilUpi, John. 7^ Co.


Aldrich, 60

lAldrovandini, 41, 8 Feb.

Bonortcini (A. M.), 30

t Buxtehude, 69, 9 May

Carey, r. 20

Clari, 30

tOarkc, c. 33, t Dec.

Fago, 30

Pesch, 20

Genuiuani, 20

LaJande, 50

t r. Le Roux, c. 47

Loiu, e. 40

Mont 4 dair, 40

Pasqubi, 70

Pepusch, 40



Pitoni, 50

ScnailI 4 , 20

tBfoekiiutfen. Jm taa. 67. fg.

*CnbiUon. Clud« Jolrot <fe.

No. Dr,

tFarquhar. C«oree, « 9 . Dr.

^Firldiof, Henry. No. Dr.

tFilwaii, Vieceetio da, 6 ».

*Gol 4 Mi. Carlo. Dr.

T\'*ti de Velde, Wilkm, |m.. 74.


fBIow, 5 ^ I Ocl.

Couperin, 40

Croft. 30

Eccks, 40

FMch (J. F.). 20

Cdjptrtni (F.), 40


Nebra, r. 20

Predicri^ 20

•Reuiwr{J. A. K. G.), Apr.

ZipoJi, 20

*DA(eAi, l*nnipc« OiroUme. Pa,

rBonthew. CiovMMi Wnturj. 68.


•Delia. OkIvM. Pe.

tDoM, Nner, 61. Po,

•Hetedom. Friedrkh ««e. h».

•Heller. Albr«c6( *M). Pe.

tHobbrme, Meic^rl. 71. JV

tMen«erd, Julri llerdouln, 60.



•.\vBoo, Feb.

*Ucnda (F.), 24 N(».

tColaae, 60, 17 July

•Duni, 9 Feb,

•Cebel (C.). 25 0<L

Kricger (J. P.>, 60

La Guerre (E. Jacquel), y>

Mancini, 30

MarchanJ, 40

Piatocchi, 30

•RichiCT (F. X.), J Dec-

Sarro» 30

Zelcnka, 30

f Oeckeio, Gioveniit Aaiiuu

Ueuli. 70. Pe.

tCoenriUe. Thomas. 84. 1*0, Dr.

•Cmari. Jran fiaptisie Iauo.

Po. Dr.

•JohAMO, Samuel, Li.

t Phillip*, John, 3$. Po.

t Aeitnerd . Jren Francois se.



c- Alberti (D.)

t Aldrich, 63 , 14 D«-

•Amc (T. A.), 12 Mar.

A«orga, 30

•Bach (W. F.), 82 Nqv,

•Bonoo, 29 Jan.

fiononcioi (G.), 40

•r. Boyce

Caidaj^, 40

Campra, 30

Finger, e. 50

Fiocco (P. A.), e. 60

Fux, 50

GaJiiard. t. 30

Hacquart. e. 70

•Hopben, 7 July

Kuhnau. 30

Kusaer. 50

Leveridge. r. 40

l^UlH, 30

Lorenzanti 70

Muflat (Gottlieb). 80

tPaaquini. 72 . 21 .\ov.

•PcrgolcM. 4 Jan.

Roeemgravc (D.), e. $0

Ro*eingrave (T.), 20

Scarlatti (A.). 30

Tudway, t. $0

Veraciol (F. M.), 20

Vinci (L.), 20

tBetiertOA. Tbomai, 73. Ae.

•Hamawnd, James, Pe.


Albinoni, 40

Bohm. 50

Feo, 20

Forqueray. 40

•Holabauer, 17 Sept.

Krieger {J.), 0 o

Lalouctie, 60

•Latilla, 12 Jan.

Mattheaon. 30

•MondonvilJc, Dec.


Pertl, 50

R^bd (J.-F.). 50

Teiemann, 30

Turner, 60

Vaknlini (Giui.), 30

;Boiieau (•Dnpriaw*). Nicolas

7J. U. Pa.

•Lofoonewtav, Mikhail Vas*

•ilevkh. Po.

171 a

fCabaniiles, 67 , 29 Apr.

Darxlricu, 30

Dezenareu, e. 30

Deslouches, 40

Giacornelli. r. 20

Mourei, 30


*Rousseau» sS Juse

Schunsana, c. 40

•Smith (J. C.)

Tarcini, 2Q

tZachau, 48, 14 Aug.

FcafKctc«. Li.

*GI(nrr, RkttMd. Pb. l>f.

FruKcteB. Pa.

tUuMi. Carlo Akuandro, 4^.

h>. Dr.

tHr^dre. Jaa vaa der. Pa.

tKiaf. \Vdl 1 a 0 t. 49. la. Po.

•Movrr. tatward. Dr. f.L

tHvuiCf. Chrkiiaa. /. 4}. la.

*Ro«iuraH. J<ar»*)a<riun. IX



Alb«rgaii, yt

t Corelli, 59. 8 Jan.

•Dauverpic, 3 Ocl.

Grauprter, 30

Hvinichen, 30

*KreU, 10 del.

tUorvnxam. 73, aS (ki.

Pollarolv. Go

Rameau. $0

Reiakcji, 90

■.Sala, 7 Apr.

Sainniariini {G.), r. 90

•Sianky, i7jar»,

*’ri’rrailrlbf» I’Vb.

tHartr. l.liiaUdi, sv 'V.

*l)Hlervt. Ihnrt. U

*CJwr<i. (.ar|Nr» Pa. IX

tMvaUa. Carlo, aa. Pa.

tPiUairHf, ArrhikaM. ki. ISb


*>lrni«. 1 JsrrtKr, No.


•Bach (C. 1*. E.),8Mar.

Blankenhvrx. ^


Dagincourl, e. 30

Da^uin, 20

UuiAAIr, 3 u

tl'ioceo {P- ,\.)» <. C4,


•Gluck, 3 July

Corcayclu, t. 50

*H«(anJius. 3 Kcb.

•JommeUi, lu Si‘pl.

Kcuer. 40

Leo, 30

RomaA. 30

SicfTani, Go

Waliher {J. C-), 30

tCauaaa, NUeoWt {Nkrolinoi. $a.


'MrentigM. SVPIum. Pw.

Iticliard. Pa.

* r. tVoffiogion. Maraarci i‘'P«s'*).




Bach (J. S.), 30



•r- Cocchi

•Fiorillo (I.), II May

Kischcf (J- C-), r.

Ccbel (J. G.), 30

Green, 30

IJaiHlel. 30

Locaielli. 30

•.Var<*s, Apr.

• f. KiiiakJo di Capua

ScarlaMi (D.), 30

Vivakli, f, 40

•WagrnMil, 15 Jan,

t Fdarkn. Fraiu ok . C «. t .1.

'(kOert. <3<rjtiian KiirrLirK'rfi.

1 * 0 .

*ijir«rd«o. FraiK«H. a?. Sc.

• I lclv«i iat. aantlc AtltiCA. Li.

r I M. NoluM. 4). J'e. Dr.

*\'auv«nArtuffc. Luc ik cajpicr*.

XlarquM «lc. Li.

t^^'>«lMlk«. W’llUain, 75. Dr,


<Vrio«u, 30

•Uim, 21 June

CH^ambault, 40

Kiocco (J.-J.), 3i)

Ficcher 7^

•Giardmi, 13 A|)r.

hlaraU, Go

Marcello, 30

Moreau, Go

Porpora, 30

•Seegr, 31 Mar,

'I'beile, 70

Weldon, 40

•Oorrkk. Dovid, As. Or.

*Crav. ll.oniar. Ps>.

*S»int*L*Miljeri. Jean FrAivC)'i« <lc.

JSr. Li.


Bvnoncini {A. M.), 40

(iarey, c. 30

CUri, 40

Falm, 2u

Fago, 40

Peach, 30

CecniniaAi, 30

LaUndc, 60

Lcclair, 3u

I cMii. r. 5«t



M&io (Gius.), fio

Monciclaii, 50

*Njchelmaon, 13 Aug.

P^pM*ch, 50

Pilonc» ^

Quants, so

SenaiJI 4 , 30

•Stamlis(J,), 17 or »9 Jwm

V aJIoiii, 20

*Cart«r, Clitabeih. P».

*Rpdri^>«i. Vcotura. Ar.

•WAlpelt. HorKc. Li.

*\Vin«ketntan0, Johann Joarhim.



Couperin, 50

CroA, 40

Eccles, 50

FaKh (J. F-), 30

Franceeur, so

Oasparlni <F.), y>

OianEfettiiai, 70

LogrosciiM, so

*Muchct, I7jaa.

Ncbra, t. 30

Predieri, 30

*Ko] 2 r, 83 Dec.

Sammardni (C. B.)i So

Zipoli, 30

r. Chipp«nOalr. Thomak Cr.

tMou«ua. Peter Aaihony. 5S.

Li. Dr.

tfamcll. ThomSH M. Po.

tPOHe, NkhoUa, 44* Dr.


•Abol, 16 No\*.

f. Ciampi

Cibln (J.)» so

Hasse, so

Kricger (J. P.)» 70

La Guerre (E. Ja«)ueO* 60

Mancini, 40

Marchai^, 50

Pistoechi, 60

Sarro, 40

Zach, so

Zelenka. 40

tAddifCM. Jo*ri4). 4?. Li.

fBmyB. ComBw. $7. P«.

ICifDABi. Carlo. 91. Pau

f Carih . I&ir> Samuel. 58. Fto.

*Clc>in. joLoM Wilhelm Lu4w>f.



•Africola (J. F.), 4 Jan.

Araia. r. so

A$torga, 40

Boaoncicu (G.), 30

Caldara, 50

Campra, 60

Finger, e. 60

* c. Pi$cbie(ii

Fux, 60

Galliard, e. 40

Hacquart, r. 80

Kuhnau, 60

Kiisser, 60

Levcridgc, c. 50

LoeiUet, 40

'Meyer van Schaueiuec, 10


Muflat (GoiUieb), 30


Ro«*ngra\'e (D.), e. 70

Roeeingrave (T.), 30

ScarJatli (A.), 60


Tudway, e. 70

Veracini (F. M.), 30

Vioci (L.), 30

tOwulieu, CuUtaume de. <. 9 i.


*Poole. SofnweL Ac. Dr.

*Coai. Carlo. Dr.

fHamiltoe. Anthony, t. 94. LI.


tHuiLaa, John. 43 . Po. Or.


Agrell, so

AJbinoni, 50

Bohm, 60

Feo, 30

t<, Fischer (J^Oi 73

Porqueray, 50

•Gheyn, 7 Apr,

tGianneiiiiu, 73, July

•Heltendaa], Mar.

'Kimberger, Apr,

Krieger (J.), 70

LaloMtte. 70

Mauheson, 40

Peril, 60

Rdbel (?.)» 90

Rdbel a-F.), 60

Telemann, 40

Turner, 70

•Slaeklock. Thomai. Po.

Suclonrhan and Nonnanby,

Dbk« oT (wv Sheffield. John)

*Casii. Cievanfli BatiKta. Po.

•CoUiu. WiWam. Fo.

f CibbofM. CcuKof. 73. Cr. Sc.

rSbeffkId. Jobs { Duke ol* Bucklnr

ham and NorMsby). D*.

•SmoUcu. Tebiaa. No.

jWalMau. AoUue. 77. Pa-




Beada A.), June

Dandrieu, 40

DesmareU, c. Go

Dmouches, 50

Eberlin, 20

GlacomelU, <. 30

Guignon, so

tKuhoau, 6s, 5 June

Mourei, 40

*Nanlmi» is Apr.

tPollacolo, 69

tReinken, 99, 34 Ncn'.

Schurmann, <. 50

Tartinii 30

John. l)r.

'(tocBc. John. JV.

*$rno/(» Clmiioahtr. 1*0.


"Abel, ss Det*.

Albrrfati. 60

•Beck (F.), jjFeb.

Fiocco 30

Graupncr, 40

Heinichrn, 40

Lampe, <. so

Rameau. 40

SammafUni (C.), 30


t<ionllivr«, Sioonnoh. t.

tihirfcr. ThemM. 70. LLDr.

tKnrIkr. C oj &o y. 77. fo.

Jeon FvofKot*. No.


»gwocho. Domonko, Sc. Po.

♦KcyfieHaioohoo. Po.

tWren. (Sir) ChciHoohcc. |t.



Blankenburg, 70

Cemohonk^, 40

Dagincourt, c. 40

Daquin, 30

Durante, 40

Gorezyck), e. 60

Graun (C. H.), so

Keuer, 50

Leo, 30

"Ixheliui. 31 Dec.

PcTcecii. e. 30

Roman, 30

Sieffani, 70

tTheile, 77, June

• f. Toesehi

WaJchcr (J. G.), 40

*K| p ui »t fc. FcK4ckh Gudteb.


* r. Sfisoo. WilliaB. IV Dr.

tSeuk. DkMah. 76. Pm. L>r.

*Srubb>. Coorae. P*.


Bach (J. S.), 40

"Beriom. 15 Aug.

Fixher (J. C.), c. 60

Gebcl <J. C.). 40

Greene, 30

Handel. 40

tKfieger (J. P.), 75, 7 »b.

Locaielli, 30

f Scarlatti <.A.), 65, 24 Oci.

Scaiiatli (D.), 40

Vivaldi, r. 50

* t. A 4 oin< Joimc*. Ac.

*Bor«ofo<(i. FrofKCkco. P«.

*<^iaoeT« <k ScinfAii.

OiovofMi Joto^a, (.1.

CUicoa (<rr L<rv)

Pnnck fo.

tDonccuri. Ptoceai Carton. A4.


*Cr«v»>. Jean Bafniiie. fa.

"bent, Oairc Jo»I|>h« (Ckironj.



Arioaii, 6o

Bononeini (A. M ). 49.

8 July

Cl^rambauli, 30

Fiocco O-J'). 4 ®

Gaiuppi, so

"Hartmann (J, E.). 34 Dec.

tLalanclc. 66, 16 June

Lampufnani. so

Luittg, so

MaraU. 70

Marcello. 40

Martini (G. B.). 30

Moreau, 70

•Phllidor. 7 Sept.

tPiMocchi, 66, 13 May

Porpora, 40


tTodway, e. 76, 23 Nov

^Veldon, 50

tZipoli, 37, 2 Jan.

f Brady. NkhoUa. «7, IV

"Chodowkeki, DankI Nkela».


♦Ppinay, Lmiw 4 ‘. la,

f PalonuBo de Cutro, Antonio.

H Pa.L*.

•Vaabr«fb,(&c) John.fij. Ar.



"Anibaai, S5 Apr.

Carey, c. 40

CUri, 50



fCroA, 48, 14 Awg.

Fabri, 30

Fajo, 50

Fcsch» 40

tGasp^iai, 59, n Ktar.

GminUni, 40

tK\isa<r, 67, ? Nov.

Leclair, 30


Lotri, c. 60

Maio (Gsus.), 30

Mont^laiCf 60

Pepusch, 60

Piloai, 70

Quaniz, 30

tRoseingrave (D.), t. 77,


•IVactia, 30 Mar.

VaUott:, 30

*BeIloy. DomwAi <fe. Ar. Dr.



Jaae. P».

*Gaimbor9«th. Taomat. Ta.

tMartellii Ptar lacoo^. €t. Pa.


* Murphy, Acihur. Ac. Dr.


Coupcrin> 60

Eccks, 60

FaKh Q. F.), 40

Franc<sur, 30

*Gavmiis, 11 May

"GugHetmi (P. A.), 9 Dec.

•Hiller a A.). 95 Dec.

fLalouette, 77, 31 Aug.

Logroacino> 30

tMarau, 79, 15 Aug.

Nebra, r. 40

•Piccinni, jbjan.

Predieri, 40

Reuttcr (J. A. K. G.}, 90

Sammartini (G. B.), 30

Senailk, 40

Sicffani, 73, 13 Feb.

*Adam, Kobcrl. Ar.

*Ool4sfniih, Ohrrr. Po. N«). l>r.

* Percy. Tbemaa. La.

*\Vanon. I'hemaa. 1S>. li.


■Adlgjmer, 1 Oci.

Avison, 20

Benda (F.)» 20

Duni» 90

•Gafimann, 3 May

Gebcl (G.). 90

Gibb* UO. 30

Haase, 30

tHeinichco, 46, <5 July

fLa Gwm (E. JacqucOi

70, 97 June

•MaWere, 16 Oct,

Mancinl, 50

Marcbai^, 60

•Moosigny, 17 Oct.

Richter (F, X,), 20

Sarro, 50

•Sard, I Dec.

•Soler, 3 Dec.

Zach, 30

Zelenha, 50

tCaAffitva, William, $9. Dr.

*Goite, GUt>die Maaeel da. Po.

*L«uinp. Cofihold Ephraim. L!.


*Moer<, Jahn. No,

tJtrcle, {Sir; Rkhard, ay. Li.



Alberti (D.),r. 90

Anua, e. 30

Ame (T. A.), 90

Astorga, 30

Bach (W. F.), 90

Bonno, 90

Docioncini (0.), 60

Boyce, (. 90

Caidara, 60

Campra, 70

•Fenaroll, 95 Apr.

*<. Fills

Fux, 70

Galliard, <. 50

*c. Giordani (T.)

fr. Hacquart, <. 90

Hdpken, 20

■Jackson (W.) (i), 99 May

Leveridge, e.

fLocilkt, 49, 10 July

•<. Lolli

Mu (Tat (Gotilieb). 40

Pergolcsi, 90

Roscingraw (T.). 40

•Sacchini, 14 June

tSrnailk, 41, 8 or 15 Oci.

Veracini (P. M.), 40

t Vinci <L.). 39, 27 May

‘Bftrhrr. Reteri. Pa.

iBaarh. Ban«a, sp. Ac.

•CaHvrari, Oiumk. Ar.

tFeaion. eUiah, 47. Po.

*G«mer, Sainoa. Pa.

tLecouvmur. Adrieonr, sS. Ac.

tOWSrtd. Anne ('' Nance 47*


* Wcdfwced . ioaab. Gr.


Agrell. 30

Albinoni, 60



Bdhm, 70

*Cuuubich» Dec.

Fco ,40

Forqueray, 60

Holzbauer, 90

Krieger (J.), 80

LatilU, 20

Mattheson, 30

MondoQvilIc, 30

Perea, 30

Peril, 70

*Pugcuai, 97 Nov.

RiM (F.), 30

R^bel (J.-F.), 70

Telemann, 50

Turner, 80

*C*trprr. Po.

GuklAV Vihp, P«K

t(>cr«c, l>*niel. f. )». Ko.

tll'*v^r Jc Aniwin*.

•VQ. l>t. h..

• 73 »

Dandrieu, 30

Deimarcta, e. 70

Deatouchrs, bo

Ivbcrlin, 30

Oiaeofnelli, t. 40

Guignon, 30

* Haydn, 31 Mar./i Apr.

•Main tOiov.), 2.\ Mar-

t Mare hand, 63, 17 Frb.

Mourel, 30

Kouaeau, 3u

Sehumiann, r. <jo

Sntith (J. C.), 90

Tarimi, 40

*Hc«iinu(v>uU, K«rr« AiioMin

<^rofl d«. Dr.

*rUni«n. irn. I>r.

*i:iiinlKrljTid. KirhaH. IV.

*i'akof*«r. JS».

*>ia|ten»nl, Jean )*j.

TGar. Jehn. 47, fo. |)r.

fraiHK <lr. |j.


Albcrgati. 70

IBohm, 71, 18 May

tCkiuperin, 64, 19 Sepl.

Dauvergne, 30

Kioeco ( y>

Graupner, 30

■King (M-)

Krebs, 30

l.ajnpc, e. 30

•Linley, 17 Jan

t Moreau, 77, 34 Awg.

Karaeyu, 5i»

Sula. *io

Samraarlini (G.), <*. 40

.Stanley, 90

Terradellas, so

•Trilto, 9 Apr.

tCrawTor^. Robert, sa. Po.

*l>wch. Jean Praatnir. Dr.

*Llor<]. Robert. l>o. Dr.

tafaB^evidc, Bernard de. 6 :t. Li.

*SVtcUad, CMtloph Marlin.

Po. No,

*/,« 4 [nr. lohann. Pa,

>?J 4

Bach (C. P. £. I. en

blankenburg, Bo

Ccrnoliorsky, 30

•C:oeke (B.)

Dagiiscouii, (. 'to

Oaquin, 40

Duranie, 30

GliKk, 90

tCrofcayeki, <. 7t», 30 .Vpr.

■C^oaiee, 17 Jan.

Graun (C. H.), 30

Homilius, 90

Jommelli, 90

■Kamirntld (M.), {3 Oct.

Keiier, Oo

Leo, 40

PesceiU, <. 30

Roman, 40


*D«n<e. Nathaniel iDaiMe*

H«>lterMl!. Pa.

fDeonii. Jolin, 77. Li.

*M«nuel, FraiKtseo. Pu.

*.MkUe. W,niam Juiiuv At.

^Nasrimente. FramiKe Manorl

do. Li.

IKkci, SebaiUaiM, 7 j. P«,

•Ke wit y. <?eoffe. Pa.

t rhnmhdJ. |$ir) lanw*. % 6 . Pa,


♦.MbcTfail, 71, 39 June

•lUcIi (J. C.), 5 Sepi.

Bacli (J.S.), 50

Caf^, c. 90

Chiarini, c. 30

Cocchj, f. 90

fEecIcs, 6C. 19 Jan.

Fiorillo ((.), 90

Fischer 0. 70

Ccbel (J.C.),3o

Greene, 40

Handel, 50

tKricger(J.>,83. 1 8 July

Locaiclli, 40

Narea, 90

Rinaldo di C^a. e. 20

Searlatii (O.), 50




•Vento (M.)

VcvalcU, c. 60

WagenwU^ 20

tArbuthiMl, i«hf», M. li.


*fie«itie, Po.

* t. Bickent^, I«Me. Dr.

Graavillc. C«orf« (mt Lam-

<lowM, Lortf)

tHavrbtoor. Ntcbolu» Ar.

*Kruicki» Ifoaey. Fb.

f T.ui*dowBe» LoH (Ccorfe Gmn-

yint).€i. t^tk.

Jehane KacI Aunm.



Bint, 20

tCaldAra, 66, 26 Dec.

CkramiMuli, 60

•Faich (C F.), t8 Nov.

Fiocco 50

Caluppi, 30

Givdial, 20

LampufnMi, 30

Luatif. 30

Marcello, 30

Martioi (G. fi.), 30

tPcrgolesi, 26, 16 Mar.

Porpora, $0

Seep, to

tWeldon, 60, 7 May

« Ma<phrrwa. JaAM. Li.

*S<Me dc Mdttan. CahrM. Li.


« 7 S 7

Carry, t. 50

Oari, 60

Fabri, 40

Fap, 60

Fcich, 30

CemUuanl, 50

LecUir, 40

LoKi, (. 70

Maio (Ciua.), 40

tMonl6:iair, 6^ a? Sepc.

•Myiliveiek, 9 Mar.

Ni^elraann, 20

Pepuach, 70

Pitoni, to

Q^ianu. 40

e. Raimondi (I.)

•Schwindel, 3 May

Scamitt (J.), 20

Vallotd, 40

*Genl«Qb«ra, HaiOrich VrllhclA

vbo. Dr. Li.

* Gibbon, Edward. LL

*Haekerl. fbHipp. Px

*Kar>kirMoo, Pranris. li.

tLanoyoe, Fraafoii, 4%, ?a.

•NolkkcM, Jowph. Sc.

•SaiauFierre. fienurdia d«. LI


* 73 «

•BaeiishiU, May

fDandrieu, 55, 17 Jan.

Faacb (J. F.), 50

Franeceur, 40

Lofroicino, 40

fMourei, 56, ta Dcc-

Miichel, 20

Nebra, c. 50

Predieri, 50

Rculier (J. A, K- G.), 30

RoUc, 20

SammartinJ (G. B.}, 40

*DeliUe, Jacaun. Fo.

*Laharp<. Jeaa Franfoii dc. Dr.


*W«K. Bajamin, J»a.

*Welco(. JoLfi Feirr Pii^r’*).



Abot, to

Aviion, 30

Benda (F.). 30

Ciampi, e. ao

•Diciendorf, 2 Nov.

Duni, 30

Cebel (G.h 30

Gibbs (J.). 40

Haase, 40

tKeiser. 63, It Sept.

tMaAcmi, to, 1 1 June

•Manfredini, 22 Oci.

fMarccUo, 32, 24 July

Richter (P. X.). 30

•Rust, SJuIy

•Sabbadni (L. A.)

Sarro, 60

•VaAhal, t2 May

Zacb, 40

Zelenka, 60

*BrMKhaeidcr. Heiwkh Gotl-

frM voo. Li.

*CMre&od. Susaone (Mine

Necber). U.

tlanaett. View Kocoriui, 7 ^


*Kelh’. Hu«h. Dr. Li.

tLiBe, Goorfe, 46, Dr.

*Schubar(. Oxutiao Friedrich

Daniel. Fo.

tSiira. Aaiom Jo«i da. 2^ Dr,


r^ricoU (J* F>)> 40

Alberti (D.), e. $0

Araia, c. 40



Arne (T. A-), 30

* Arnold (S.), 10 At^.

Astorga, 60

Bach (W. P.), $0

t <. Blanl(enburg» 86

Bcnno, 30

Bononcini (G.), 70

Boyce, (. 30

Campra, 80

PiKhieiti, c. 20

Fux, 80

CallUnl. i. 60

tGi 4 Comclli» t. 48. *^4 Jaji.

* <. Giomo'ichi

Kopken, 30

Leveridge. c. 70

tUui.r. 7a, 3 Jan.

Meyer von Schauenwr, an

Muflai (GocUiebj. y>

*Pai»ictU>, 8 May

Roselngrave (T.), 50

^Scholirri. r. ao

tTurner, 66, 13 Jan.

Veraeini (F- M.K 50

•Webbe (i)

*lhllinM< K«rl Ki.

•ItoweH, J«nm. U.

*•. Cii«v«Mw P».

f f. Oria«(Me Pm» v«a |Ugr«

ttten). 4. fk. P*.

t I'kkeH. TbomM, Pn.


Agrcll, 40

Albinoni, 70

*Barihdenion, a? July

fDwmarew, <. 79, 7 Sepi.

Feo, 50

tFiocco (J.-H-), 38, aajunc

Forqueray, 70

fFux, 80, 14 Fvb.

Clheyn, ao

•Cr 4 iry, Feb.

flellendaa], 90

Holabauer, 30


Kirnbergcr, ao

Lalilla, 30

* Luce hoi, a8 May

•Mariini fj. P. A.), 1 Sepl.

Matiheson, Co

Mondonville, 30

"Naumann, 17 Apr.

Perea, 30

Perii, 80

Rebel <P.), 40

Rebel (J-.P.), 80

Telemann, ^

tVivaldj, t. 66, July

*BAtry, /aeiet. P*.

*C 7 Mn 4 (ofi, NkoIm ilf. |,i.

*Cembe. Williva. No.

*HoMOee, Jean Antoioe. Sc,

*KAutfm4nn. Aoa«li<a. Pa.

'l^vMrr. JoltatiA Kwpar. Li,


174 a



Benda (J. A.), au

fCernohorsk^, 58, t July

Desioucho, 70

Eberlin, 40

Cuignon, 40

e. Inaanguinc

Nardini, ao

Rousieau, 30

Schurmann, t. 70

Soich IJ. C.), 30

Tariini, 30

•C:mwav. hkluifJ. J'a.

*tueuH. Johann JJcinckli <(Aict

Henry PwtcU). Pd.

*HamiBon4, Jam**, ja. fo.

*>oVAt«, kKkdfd. <. 43 . Po. Dr,


Abel, ao

Beck (P.), 20

*Boccherini, 19 Feb,

f Carey, t. 56, 4 Oel,

Dauvergne, 30

*Gatsaniga, Ocu

Graupr>er, 60

Krebt, 30

Larepc, <. 40

♦Lima (J. F.), 30 Sepu

tPi*0fil, 85 , I Feb,

Rameau, 60

Sala, 30

Sammariini (0.). r. 90

Stanley, 30

Tcrradellai, 30

UtiinI, 20

*Boe 4 nnovkK, Ippulii Frodem.

vkh. Pa.

♦Cowkv. Hjondli. Dr.

*OvnhnviA. Covril* KotruinM,

Hek. ^

* L««ld. Johonncb p)i.

tRifoud, Hyocinlbr. ^4. P*.


Bach (C P. £.), 30

fCampra, 83, *9 June

Dagincourt, c. 60

Daquin, 50

Durante, 60

Gluck, 30

Craun (C. H.), 40

Homiliui, 30

a 11

' OL. IX



Jommelh, 30

tLeo, 50, 31 Oct.

LoheJius, 20

Pcsceiti^ c. 40

Roman, 50

fSarro, 65

TocKhi, (. 20


*Hrr4 <«, JoKam CMcfrM voo.

t*e. Li.

*J«v«IUiw*. Cwpv Klefebior dr.

Li. Dr.

tPop«. Akunder. $6. Po. U.

*Qu»ren|hi, Gi«c«Hn«. Ar. N.


BacK (J. $.), 60

Eenoni, so

Cafaro, c. 30

Chiarini, t. 30

Cocchi, t. 30


tPago, 67, iB Feb.

FioriJlo (I.), 30

Fiicher (J. C.}, t. 80

fForaueray. 74, s6 June

Gebcl (J. G.), 60

Greene, 50

Handel, Go

I^aielH. 30


Nates, 30

Rinaldo di Capua, t. 30

Scarlatti (D.). Go

*$iamiiz (C.), 7 May

Wafenaeil, 30

tZclenka, 66 , 23 Dec.

tBrMm*. WiHiam. ad. Li.

•Karky. Williun. Li. ?•.

T>MAas. N». Dr.

fl^nercL Nicolai. U* P*.

*Macbcnsk. Henry. No.

*htore. Hannah. Li.

tSwift, Jonaihan. 74. Ne. LL


Bini, 30

*Cambim, 13 Feb.

Ddrambault, 70

tFioceo (J.'J.), 59, 30 Mar.

tFischer (J. C.), (, Bi . 27


Oaluppi, 40

Giardini, 30

Hartmann (J* so

•Hook, 3 June

Lampugnani, 40

Luatig, 40

Martini (G. B.), 40

Philidor. 20

Porpora, 60

•Rauzzini, 19 Dec.

•Roasler, a6 Oct.

Se^, 30

Surzer. 20


fBaillk, Lady Critd. 4 j. Fo.

tKair. Robert, 47, Po.

*8<uee, Michael. Po,

*Ceal«>. Sitphank Nlicit^ dr.


*Coya y Ludceica, Francueo de.


*Necihc«ie, JadMf. Pa.


Anfosai, so

Claxi, 70

Fabri, 50

Fetch, 60

Geminiani, 60

Leelair, 30

LdhJein, 20

Mato (Glut.), 50

NicheJmann, 30

PepiiMh, Bo

Qpanu, 30

7 R 4 bcl (J..F.),85,Jan.

•SchuJz, 3t Mat.

Stamitz (J.), 30

Traetta, 20

ValloitJ, 30

tBreebs. Bardtotd Helarich, 67.


*Bun«r, Co(i/>ied Aufusi. P«.

Ckcto, Ahbau («v Solimerta)

tCreifi, CluMppe Maria, 4 t.


*Coosaf a, Ternhs Anienie. Po.

tLoage, Alaia Kcnd, 7 g. Dr.


*0‘K««fr«, Jolio. Ac. Dr.

*Scward, Anna. Po. Li.

tSokmena. Fraemco (Abhaie

Ckcsoi. 20. Pa.

fVau*eAarrr<«i ^ Clapim.

hlan]uia de, Jt. D.


Fasch (J. F.), 60

•Floquet, 23 Nov.

■Forster (A.), aG Jan.

FranetBur, 50

Gavinids, ao

Cuglielmt (P. A.), so

HilJerU* A-), 20

Logroacino, 50

Miithel, 30

Nebra, c. 60

•Neefc, 5 Feb.

Piedruu, 20

Predieri, 60

Reuuet (J. A, K. C.), 40



Rolle, y>

SasDjnariini (G. B.)> 50

* Shield, 5 Mar.

*Scadler, 4 or 7 Aug.

tWaJlbcr {J. G.)» 63, 23


*B«atti4in« Jrteny.

Aaoc, <. Ss. Ac.

* David. J»c4wn Lamb. Pa.

*l>ay, Thomas. Li. No.

'GinfucM, Pietr* Lovi*. U.

IKeni, WiUiaoi, 64. (k. Pa. jk.


'Logaa, Joha. Pa. Li.

*Siolb««9, Cbrktian, ^ Dr.

tThofMon» Jamei, 46. pu.


\bta, 3«

Adlgascr, 20

AvUon, 40

Brnila < K.>, 40

Ciampi, c. 30

"CImaroM, 17 Drr.

tCl 4 rainbaul(, 73, 3 <»Oci.

tDntouchn» 78, 3 Fcl>.

Duiii, 40

fOalJiard. Ctj

Ga«inann» 30

Ocbel (G.)i 40

GibU (J.), 30

Kasac, 30

Maldrre, 30

MoAaigny, so

Richirr (K. X.^ 40


Sol«r» 30

•Vogler, isJum*

itach, 30

*Ain«ri, VithirHi. Or.

*Fedrrki. Camillo iGiovanM

ViMsotej. Dr.

*C«o«iW, Johann Woltiaiii von.

Po. Dr. U.

*H(inM. Johann Jakoh WillHm.

Ia. No.

Ulntvim. J«n van, 4 ?. Pa.

tOdrII, Tlioinas, 58, Or.

t n»ilip>, Antbnm, <. > 4 . Or.


ARrlcoU (J. F.>, 30

t Albinoni, 78, 17 Jao.

Arhih, t. 30

Arne (T. A-), 40

Aiiorga, 70

JBach (J. S.), 65, 28 July

Bach (W. F.), 40

Boaao, 40

Bonondoi (G.), 80

Boyce, c. 40

Fenaroli, 20

FUtz, «. 30

Fi$chiet«i, r. 30

•Frigel, 3 Sept.

tCrbcI (J. G.). 75

GiordAAJ (T.), r. sci

Hopicen, 40

Jackson (W.J (i), 30

Lev’cridgCi (. 80

LoJIi, c. 30

*Mac(ci, 10 Feb.

Meyer von Schauensec, 30

MiifTat (Gottlieb), 60

Rttdngrave (T.), 60

Saeehini, 30

*Salieri, 16 At^.

t r^ammaritni (G.), c. 57

Sehohert. r, 30

•Smith (J. S.)

•Sterkel, 3 Dec.

fVeracini (F. M.), Go

• c. Ver he>*en

'lianianl. I.a<lr Anne. J*o,

*irr«biMn. Kobrri, Pe.

turn, Aaron. Li. Dr,

*tfiaric, Tunis dr. Pa.

*0»mjiirma, jAhan Gahricl.


*Ss«lbcre. PrkdrKh Leopold,

Pa. Dr.


.\grell, 30

Cannahich, 3u

Kco, Go

Ghcyn, 30

Hellendaal, 30

Ifolabauer, 40


Kimberger, 30

tl^pc, e. 48, 35 July

•Lasema, 4 Feb.

Latilla, 40

MauJkeaon, 70

Mondonvitle, 40

Perct, 40

Peni. 90

Pugnani, so

R^bel (F.), 50

tSchurmann, r. 79, 23 Frb.

*<. Stegmann

Tricmaftn, 70

tTerradeltas, 3$, ao May

'KeSerm. Johan HrnriV. Po.

*Lrni, Jakoh MKha«l Itrinhold.


*Shrrawe, TIiOfMS. Cr.

*Sbet>dU9. Richard Prin«ky. Dr.

> 75 *

Benda (J. A.), 30





"dementi, 23 Jan.

Eberlin, 50

Guignon. 50

Haydn, dO

•Kneche, ^ Sept.

Maio (Giov.), 20


Naidini, 30

tPcpmch, 8$, 20 JuJy

•Reichardl, 45 Nov.

Rouseau, 40

Smith (J. C.), 40

Tarimi. 60

•Zingarelli, 4 Apr.

*Bun«r. PraiKet <F«M»y>. N«.

*ChAii<rmt, Themw. Bo.

*Cotettt, Joliii Robefi. B*.

*KUna«r, PxMrki) Ma<itnik*ik

von. Or. Po.

John. Ar.


Abel, 30

Beck {F.l 30

"Dalayrac, l^Junc

Dauvergne. 40

•Fiorillo (F.)

tGcbel (C.), 43 i *4 Sept.

"r.CiordanI (G.)

Craupner, 70

King (M.). 20

Krebs, 40

Unley, 20

Rameau, 70

Sala, 40

•Schenk, 30 No*.

Stanley', 40

Tritto, ao

Uuini, 30

*Br*rhrv. tVilltoiM. i*«.

*roilh, Khiinvii. Be. Or.

*BicKlemont«, TppolMo. Bo. Or.

*$irnp«oci, ElisatKrh fblrt Inch*

bdU). Ac. Or. No.

*SeofK. John. Ar.


Bach (C. P. E.>, 40

tGlari, 76, 16 May

Cooke (B.), 90

Dagincourt, f. 70

Daquin, 60

Durante, 70

Gluck, 40

Gcasec, 20

Graun (G H.), 50

Homilius, 40

Jommelli, 40

KamieAski (M.), 20

Lobelius, 30

•Martin y Soler, 18 June

Peacetii, 50

Roman, 60

Toeschi, c. 30

•Winter, Aug.

*Appioni, Aadrea. Bo.

•Crobbe, G«er(«, Po.

tOAieucfarr, PCalif^, 74. Dr.

tFirldiBs. Hoary, 47. No.

tHModem, F/ietlrich von, 4$,


tHolhort. Ludv^, 70. Li. Dr.


f La ChaunS*. Pkrra CUtide

Niv«llc do. 6«. Dr.

*ACeiendes Valddi. Juan. ]*o.

* Monti, Vtnronto. Pe.


Bach (J. C.), 20

Bertoni, 30

tBononcini (G.), 84

CaTaro, e. 40

Cocchi, r. 40

tDuranle, 71, 13 Aug.

Fiorilto (I.), 40

tGreenc, 60, j Dec.


Handel, 70

Locatelli, So

Nam. 40

Rinaldo di Capua, e. 40

Scarlatti (D.), 70

Schwiter, 20

Venio (M.), 20 M

•Violti, 13 May

Wagenscil, 40

*Fabre d*Frt*n*>nr, Philippe

France)!. Dr.

^FU^atan. John. S<.

*FlerMn, Jrie B>crre Clara <lr.

Be. Dr.

*Kembk, Sarah (later Aiddom).


Labnin. Mark touoe {Mt


tMafS^i, Franeesro Scipionr,

hfarchete di, So. Dr.

Saddoru. Sorah (ift Konbk)

"Vifdo. Marie Louw (laicr tab-

run}. I'a,


•Ahkiruin, 14 Aug.

BIni, 40

Fasch (G F.}, 2o

Galu(^i, 30

Giardini, 40

Hartmann (J. E.), 30

Lampi^nani, 50

Lustig, 30

Martini (G. B<), 5^

•MoMrt, 27 Jan.


fPCTii, $4, TO Apr-

PhUidor, 30

Porpora, 70

*RigKim, 22 Jan.

Se?gfT, 40


Scarzer, 30

•Turk, roAug-

•Wtanhziy (P.), 30 D«.

*BilJcrd4>k, P».

*Co>iwin, WilUam. No. Li.

*Leo^elil, KaK Cuouf, ^ (h.

*Karb«icn, Krory.

* RiH» laA^MMt . Tltoma*. I**.


.\nfoMi, 30

tAMorga, 7 G

Fabri, bo

Fe$ch. 70

Geminiani, 70

l.(cla»r, Co

Luhlein, 30

Maio ((»iua.), On

MysItvT^ek, 2u

Nich<rlniann, 40

■Plcycl, t June

Kaimocidi (I.), r. jh>


tS<arIaM»(D.), 7 i,‘i 3 Ji.|y

Schwindel, 90

fSianuiz (J.), 3<K 27 Mar.

Tracua, 30

VaJlolTi, Co

*BellaAty, Jacebu*. Pe.

*tUabc. William. Li. fo. Pa.

«Dridel. Phibppe Cyxiaiiw. li.


*CaMva, Anionio. Sc.

t Cibber. CoBey, 86. Ac. I>f. P.*.

TFoiKewlte, Bemanl La Boticr

•Ic, leo. Pa. Dr.

*n>Uray. Jamn. Pa.

*K«mbl». Joba PbiU|». Ac.

f Ntuarr, lUlisard, 4^ Ih. I.i.


UattUhill. 9u

tDagiftcouri, <. 74 , 18 June

tFa»ch {J. P\)» 70 , 5 Due.

Franeceur, 60

Gavinids, 30

•Gcijntk, 3 Dec.

Cuglxelmi (P. A.), 30

Hiller (J. A-), 3 o

tLevtrklgr, c. 88 , 22 Mar.

LofTOKino, 60

Muihrl. 40

Nebra, <. 70

PtccinnI, 30

Prcdicrl, 70

RcuTler fj. A. K. 0.), 50

Rolle, 40

tKoman, 63 , Oci.

Sammariini (C. B.), 6 u


•Zeller, 1 1 Dec.

*Haaail(on. ElUabcib, Li. Nn.

*Koppocf, Joha. Pa.

* MiHiden, Jocepli* Ac.

*.'iauDyUi. AkaaA^er. Pa.

Pkrre Paol. Pa,

*Rafmar, Allan, 79. Po.

*\'enm. Horace. Pa.


.\bos, 40

.\dJ|asier, 3 U

Avuon, 50

Benda (F.), 50

Uampi, <. 40

DUcertdorf, 20

Duni, JO


Gattfflann, 30

Gibbi (J.), 60

tGraun (C. H.), 53 . 8 .\ug.

tHandcl, 74 , 14 Apr.

Haae, Co

Maid ere, 30

MaAtrcdini, 20

Momigny, 30

Rkhtcr (P'. X.), yi

Kw(, 90

SablMiini (L. A.), 2 u

Sarti, 30

Solcr, 30

VaAka), 90

Zach, 60

•BceUord, WilKam. No.

'Burnt. Knbrrt. Pe.

tCa>lliiu, WiNiam, jB. Po.

*l 4 aftd, Aho»i VViliKlin, Ac.


'SchtUtr, KnrtlcHli. Ho. Dr.

*W«*lltiunr«ran, Man lOodwiii).


17 C 0

f Abot, 40 , Ocl.

Agrkola f J. F.), 40

Ania, t. 60

Ame (T. A.), 50

Amc (M.), e. 20

Am^ (&}, 90

Bach (W. F.), 50

Boooo, 30

Boyce, r. 50

•CkenilMni, J4Sepi.

•Dussek, 19 Feb.

t Fabri, G 3 , 19 Aug.



F«ciaroli, 30

tFiJu, c. 30 Mar.

Fischitftli, r. 40

Giordani (T.), e. 30

Ciornovichi, r. ao

fCraupoer, 77, 10 May

Hdpken, y>

Jackjon (W.) (i), 30

•Louciir, jj Feb.

LoUi, c. 30

Me>Tr von Schauerwr, 40

Muffat (Gotilieb), 70

PaUicllo, do

Roseingrasx (T.), 70

Sacchini, 30

Schoben. t. 40

Webbe (i), 90

*Zumstec^» lojan.

Johann Filler. Po. No.

*KoktMai, KiTiiihitt Pa.

*MAraiin. Uandro Fmantkr 4e.

Po. Dr.

tQMaciM, Omboimo, Pa.

tWunMfion. Maramc

46. At.


AgrcM, 60

Darth^lemon, so

C^nnabich, 30

tFco, 70

tFcKh, 73, 3 Jan.

* Fomin, 16 Aug.

*Gavcaux, Aug.

Cheyn, 40

Orrery, so

Halkndaal, 40

Holzbauer, 30

Jannaconi, so

Kirnbcrger, 40

*Kunzen (F. L. A.). 24


iatilia. 30

Lucchesi. so

Martini (J. P. A.), so

Mauheatm, do

Mondonvillc, 30

Naumann, so

Peres, 30

Pugnani, 30

R^bel {F.). 60

Telemann, 80

*KolMbuc< August FrMrich <rwi.


"Nfathinon. FranJrieh von. Po.

*Opie. John. Pa.

fRirhanhon. Samuel. 79. No.


Aleuandri. 30

Aranas, ao

Benda p. A.), 40

tCUmpi, e. 42, 30 Mar.

Eberlin, 60, 19 June

OuignoD, 60

Haydn, 30

Icuanguine, c. 20

•Kelly, Dec.

Maio {Gtov.), 30

Nardini, 40

fNichelmann, 44, 20 July

•Portugal, 34 Mar.

Rousseau, 50

Smith (J. C.), 50

Tariinj, 70

*IUil!le, Joanna. Po. Or.

tBoucharOen. Eilnw, $4. Sc.

*Ch4mer. Andre,

*Colotaa. Ccorte. jun. Dr.

tCrebUlon, Prosper Jolyot dr, Sd.


*Jordan. Dorotlien. Ac.

tMooiafu. Lady hlary Woriley,

T). Li.

tRoubiilae LowH Franeo)*.



Abel, 40

Beck (F.>, 40

Boccherini, 20

Dauvergne, 30

•Ferrari (G. G.)

Gasaaniga, 30

tCeminiam, 74, 17 Dec.

•r.Guglidmi (P. C.)

•Gyrowetz, 19 Feb.

King (M,), 30

Krebs, 30

Lima (J. F.), 30

Linley, 30

•Mayr, I4june

*.M^hul, 22 June

Rameau. 80

Sala, 50

Staoley, 30

•Stonce, 4 Jan.

Tritio, 30

Uiiini, 40

YBvfom, John, jt. Li.

*ChaudM. Antoine DcoU, Sc.

•Cobbeu. WiUiam. U.

tOalin. OtoTvoo. 95. Po.

Jeao Paul (itt Rioter)

*Haif<f«. Xavier dr. Li.

t Marivaux. Pfene dc. 7). No.


*KtortBBd. George. Pa.

f PrCvoel d'Exilet. Anioine FraA-

400, as. No. Li.

*RkhMr. Johann Paul C'Jran

PauV). No.

•R<«eR. Samuel. Po. Li.

tSbcmione. Wiiliam. ah P»-

• I'elma. FmiHoi* Joeeph, Ac.



Bach (C P. E.), 50

Cooke (B.), 30

Daquin* 70


*Fioravaji(i (Val.), ii Scp4.

Gluck, 50

Gossec, 30

HomUius, 30

JommelU, 30

Kamieri^i (M.), 30

•Lavotu, 3 July

fl^lair, 67» 32 Occ.

i Locate! Ii, 4^ r Apr.

LohcUus, 40

tMauheson, 82, 17 Apr.

IVsceiti, (. 60

tRameau. 81, r 3 Sept.

Toeichi, f. 40

tAlganMli. Frjncrte*. IX

*8MCrvn. J«A» iMSkMiKt IV

*CW«icr, Jmeph. Po.

tOKirthiU. Chvics. )). IV

rite4«lev. KoU«i.6t. U. IV

VVilliAfn, 67 . N,

UJ*v4. Robert, SI. IV l>r.

•Nieu«U^. Pkier. IV

RkdchfTr. Ann (m W«/iJk

* Sehadvw. JdhaiM UMifrcd, Sc.

•W»r«l. Aftn (R»4<U1t<t. Ne.


t^\greU, 63. 19 Jail.

* Atwood, 23 Nov.

Bach (J. a), 30

Berloni, 40

Clafaro, e. 30

Cocchi, e. 30

DdMc. c. 30

Dibdin, so

■Cyblrr, 8 »b.

Fiorillo (I.), 30

•Ulinmr!, 20 No^'.

Mercaux, 20

Narr*. 30

•Ofiitokl. 7 Sept.

RinaUo di Capga, c. 50

Schwrilter. 30

Slamila (C.). 20

•Sldbeh, 23 Oci.

Vento (M.), 30

^^'agclUcU, 50

Mano*! Maria BarboM


*KarM(M. Nikolay Mikhailo-

vkk. LL

tLonoeasMv, klikhail A'aaik«

vkk, S4. P».

tMalki foris. MaHocbl. David.

60 . Po. Li.

FVounr. Edward, c, S», Po.



*Callcoit, 30 Nov.

Cambini, 20

*Ebcrl, 13 June

Fasch (C. F.)i 30

GaJuppi, 60

•Get!, s8 Oci.

Giardini, 50

Hartmann (J. E.). 40

Hook, 20

•Kreuticr (R.). iC Nov.

LampuRnanl. Go

Lusiig. Go

Martini (G. B.), Co


tf.PrteeMj, f. 63

Philklor. 40

tPoTporm, 79, Frh.

Rauzzini, 30

fRosdngravr (T.), 76, 23


RotUcr. 30

Sergf, yt

Slarzrr, 40


Umlauf. 30

38 Mar.

•Waky (S,), 24 Feb.

*M«onirKtd. Robert. Po,

JwhnAa Chriiioplk.

M. U.

^Xetkar. Anne LomUc Germaine

{MmedeSiael). Li. No.

*QuiA. Jaam, ?}. Ar.

.Sta«l. Anne LoviM Ormaine

dc iMt Knkn)


.Xofoiii, 40

•Brrton, t? Scpi.

I.dlilein. 40

Maio (Gius.), 70

•MuJIcr, W'enzcl, 28 Sepl-

Mytlivciek. 30

tPredieri, 78

Quanta, 70

Raimondi (I.), r. 30

•Rombci^ (A.), 37 Apr.

•Romberg (B.), t2 Nov.

f Schoberi, r. 67, 38 Aug.

Schulz. 20

Schwindel, 30

tTetemann, 86, 25 June

Tractta, 40

Valloiti, 70

tbrv««. Mkbael. *i, IV

"Cdfeworth. Maria. No.

•babry. J«on Rapiitie. Pa.

*.SeMecH, Aupa< Wilhelm von.

La. Po. Dr.




Bauishill, 30

Floquci, ao

Forster (A.), 20

FrAfic<Eur, 70

CaviAib^ 40

Guglielmi (P. A.). 40

Hiller (J. A.), 40

tMaldere, 39 , 3 Nov.

MQthela 50

*r. Nasoliai

fNebra, r . 80 , 11 July

Neefe, 20

Picciruii, 40

Reuller (J. A. K. G.), 60

RoJIe, 30

!>amcnarttnt (G. B.). 70

Shield » 30

Stadler» 20

tCaaalr. Anieme iC*n*k«io).


•ChiUMbraod. Frukcoii Hen*

d«. P»,

tPrufAni, Carlo (Anoc«iuio, 74.


fSierne. LauiVAc*.

fVS’incfedniana. |oh«nA JoaeliMn.



Adlga&ieri 40

*AHdit 30 Au|.

Avison, 60

Benda (P.)» 60

CimaroM, so

Dittendorf, 30

Duni, 60

*£Janer, 29 June

Gas»niann» 40

Gibbs (JO, 70


Hasse, 60

*LicUf 1 J Apr.

Manfredini, 30

Monsigny, 40

■Penuis, 4 July

Richter (P. X.). 60

Rust, 30

Sabbatini (L. A.), 30

Sarli, 40

Soler, 40

VaAhal, 30

Vof ler, 30

Zach, 70

'Alfiman, Amlia (air& O^J.


*B«rk«r. ThoetM, s«n. Pa.

*<2>diMdolU, Charlea Julirn

Licult da. Po.

"Cromc, Joko. Pa.

rPalMMr. Wninaw, S7. Po.

TCalktl. Chrwiian Furcataaotl.

54 . Po.

*Lawr«nc«, llumaa. Pa.

OpM. AoKlia {m Aldenoo)

*0><rov. Vladkbv Alesaodro*

vich. Dr.

tT7«f»do, Gwvaoai Battuta, 77.



Agricola (J. F,), 50

Ajto (M.), c. 30

Arne (T. A.)»6o

Arnold ($0, 30

tAvison, 6t, 10 May

Bach (W- F-), 60

* Beethoven, c6 Dec.

tBini, 53, Apr.

fionno, 60

Boyce, e. 60

Fenaroli, 40

Fischietii, e. 50

FrigeJ, ao

Giordaru (T.), r. 40

Giomovjchi, e. 30

Hbpken, 60

Jackson (W.) (j), 40

Lojy, e. 40

fMaio (Ciov,), 38, Nov.

Mattel, so

Meyer von Schaucnsce, 30

fMuflai (Gottlieb), 3o, 10


Paisiello, 30

*Reidia, a6 Feb.

Sacchini, 40

Salieri, 20

Smith (J. $.), so

Sterkel, so

fTartini, 77, s6 Feb.

Verheyen, f. so

*Vitisek, 3$ Mar.

Webbe (i), 30

r.Webbe (ii)

t Boucher, Francoit, 67. Pa.

tCbattcnoa, Tboms. i9. Po.

lOfAaroU. Giovanm Bctiioo. 64.


tCwei. Franeu. 45. Pa.

*Gerard, Fraocon Faecal. P«.

jamn. Po.

*Hold«clin, Johann (aimtian

Priadrt^. Po.

*Tberwa2d(eA, IkrWi. Sc.

*Wordiwortb, William. I**}.


*BaiNot, I Oct.

Bartb^mon, 30

Cannabicb, 40

*CrarDer, 34 Feb-

Gbeyn, 50

Orftry, 30

HeUendaaJ, 50


Holzbauer, 6o

HuJIm^ndel^ 20

Jaonaconi, y»

Kimbcrgn*, yf

LaMma, so

LatiJIa, 60

Lu€chni» 30

fMaio (Oius.)> 7 $> r8 Nov.

Martini (J. P. A.). 30

MoAdonviilr, 60

Naumann, 30

•Paer. (June

Perea* 60

Pugnani, 40

R^bcl (F.)» 70

Sicgmann, t. so

*S(eginaycr, 29 Apr.

Chirki Brvcbdrn. Na.

fOrav. TIiMM*. ^

f Uawk A«b)rii. $ 6 .


*Moniaon»rry, Jsmn. 7i>,

tV'Alwr, Pb. No.

t^fBari, C;iir»iopltrr. 4 ^ Fit.

tSmelktt. U'ebiM, No.


Alraaandri, 30

Aranaz, 30

Benda (J. A,), 30

Bianchi* 20

Bortniansky. 20

CJcmrmi, 20

TOaquin, 77, 15 June

Ggignon* 70

Haydn. 40

Iruangvine* e. 30

Knechi* 20

*Liverali* 27 Mar.

Marah* ao

fMondonvilk, 60, 6 Ocl.

Nardioi, 50

Reichtrdi* so

tReuuef<J. A. K- C.). 6 %,

1 1 Mar,

Rousseau. Co

Smith (J. Cl), 60

Zingarelli, 90

*Bird. £«lw&hl. IV

* C :i>h n o»o^lB». Aai4n»»i«».

*Cct«n4t*. ^miKl ToylM. Po.

*Cou«)rr rUe M<rei. PmI Log^


Msrt AniMfM. Dr.


Fiau MkhwI. Pv

*H»rilcnl>frF. Friodrkfc


*S<hk(el. K«il M Acte Frktf

rka von. ti. No. Dr.


Abel, 30

Beck (K.). 30

BocchWini* 3r>

*Catel, lojune

Dalayrac, 20

Daus’crgne, 60

FiorSllo (F.), so

Gaasaniga, 30

•GeoeraJi, 23 Oct.

Giordani (G.), c 20

King (M.), 40

Krebs* 60

bima i J. F.), 30

Linicy* 40

tQuanu, 76, 1 2 July

SaU* 60

Schenk, so

Stanley, 6a

Triito, 40

Uttini. 30

•\Voelfl. 34 D<t.

t ?2aeh* 73

*Rrrr, Mditliioi xjn.


* C *aBapi. Aoionio, Fo.

*Ca«iuAkM. Sort of (Pliihii

Demer SiaahopeK 99. Li.

*C«okoAay. Vker Mxtitlv. Pa.


f Agrieola fj. F.), 54, 2 IJec.

Dach (a P. £.), Co

Cooks (B.), 40

fCaantann, 44. 20 Jan.

Gluck, 60

Gosaec, 40

t Gulf non, 71, 30 Jan.

HoRiiliui* 60

tjommelli, 59, 23 Aug.

KamieAaki (M.), 40

Lohelius, 30

Mantn y SoJer* an

•Rode. 16 Feb.

•Sponcini, 14 Nov,

Toeschi, r. 50

•Tomalek, 17 Apr.

•WeyK, $ Mar.

SVincer, so

•Dr Como, kloru I bcicvj

IKomblc). Ar. Dr,

•Enirtoo. Robert William.

f Frifusoe, Kobm, 94, Po.

tColdiBuih. Olirer. 46. Fo. No.


•OuMo, Ptrrre Narchse, Pa.

K«mW«. Maria ’Jtirma tm tk


•boMibry, Robert. |V I4.




Bach (J. O, 40

♦BainI, 21 Oct.

Bcrtoni, 50

*Boieldieu, c6 Dec.

Cafaro, r. 60


Cocchi, <. 60

•Croicb, 5 July

Dcz^dc, e. 30

Dibdin» 30

tDum. iSt tt June

Fiorillo (I.), to

Grcsnick» 20

*lsouar(l, 6 Dec.

Mercaux» 30

Nam, 60

*RadtiwiU, Jejune

tR#bcl (F-), 74, 7 Nof.

tSammaMini ( 0 . B.)» 76,


•Schweitzer, 40

Siamitz (0» 30

Vento {M.), 40

ViotU, 20

Wafcnseil, to

*AbHl«n, JaiK. No.

tBtIloy, Dormeni 4S. Ar.


*Girii9t. Thomas, To.

•KrmMo.Caiarkv A<.

*Umb, Chorln. li.

'Landor. WaMer Savaft. Pi*.

No. ti.

*L«wis, hlactkcw Crrtorr

C‘ Moot *'). No. IV.

*Ne«a» AltarM. Or.

‘.Sherwood, Ma/y Martha. No.

* rumor. Jecoph Mallard Williain.



AhUtrdni, 20

Camblni, 30

Pasch ( 0 . F.>. 40

Galuppc, 70

Giardini, to

Hartmann (J. E.), 50

Hook, 30

Lamptignani, 70

Lusiig, 70

Martini (G. B.), 70

^fo^al’l, 20

PhUidor, 50

Kauasini, 30

Righini, 20

Rosaler, 30

Seegf, to

'Sey fried, J5 Aug.

Starker, 50

Turk, 20

Umlauf, 30

Vertto (M.), 4t, 22 Nov.

Wraniuky (P.), 20

*Comiable, Johe. Pa.

‘Giraud, Gkivaooi. Dr,

‘HofTmanft, Em««( Theodor Wi(.

helm (later Amadeus). No.

tl^inane, Jeanne do. 44. IJ.

*Maih«wi. Qiarloj, ten. Ac.


f Adlga»cr, 46, 23 Dec,

Anfocsi, 50

Lohlein, 30

Myslivetok, 40

Pleyel, SO

Raimondi (I.), e. 40

Reeve, 20

Schulz, 30

SchtxiAdel, 40

Tract la, 30

VaKoitj, to

tWagemeil, 6a, t Mar,

‘Bartobni. torenio. So.

‘Oamphell, Thomas. Pn,

tCrdhtilos, Claude Jdyoi de, 90.

No. Dr.

t Foote. Samvel, jy. Ac. Or.

Fouque. P. H. K. de La Meiir

(srv La Mottc)

‘Crertei. Jeaa Ba^ote Louis. 6S.

Po. Dr.

tHaller, AIhroeht von, 69. Pe.

tKelfr. Hu|h. )«. Dr. Li.

‘Klein. Hcsnrieh *on. Or. No.

*La Mmu Fouqu^, Friedrkh

Keitukh Karl de. Po. No,

‘Raoeh. ChruUae Daniel. Se.

‘Kuofe, Philipp Qtio, Pa.


tAmc (T. A.), 67, 3 Mar.

BaubMJI, 40

•Fbchcf (A.), Jan.

Floquei, 90

Foratcr, 30

Francosur, 80

jGasparini (QJ, it Oct.

Cavini^ 30

Gclinek, ao

GugJielmi (P. A.), 30

Hiller (J. A.), 50

fHdpken, 66, a8 July

•Hummel, 14 Nov.

Muthel, to

Necfr, 30

•Neukomm, to July

Piccinni, 30

RoUe, 60

fRcHisseau, $6, 2 July

Schjck, 20

Shield, 30


40 *

SiadJcr, 30

Zelter, 20

*BrenUfK>« Ctcmcos. IJ. ^o.

*FoscelA, fo.

WiUkofc. IX

tPfniiifiii. Je*n-jMQun» tt. Li.


•V»rlev. Pa.

t\'ollaire» Jean Fraafeis X(a/w

Afogrl «l«. f.i. I>t.


Benda (K.)» 70

tfloyce, <- M, 7 Feb.

CHitiaroaa, 30

iJillendorf, 40


Ciibhs (J.), 80

Naaae, &>

Mantrcdini. 40

Monaigny, 30


Richter (K X.), 70

Ruit, 4<>

SabkMtini fU .V), .|n

Sani. y»

Holer, ju

t rraeiia, 39, G Apr.

VaAhal, 40

Vogler, 3«

*<’4Hcoii, Amiv»iu< Watt. Pa.

tCharJln. Jeaa 8a. |*a.

t<rkMp|w)iflab, TlH»ma*, r. 8i,


*<Uh. Jnhn. No. Dr.

tOarrHb. DavkI, 69. Ac. Ur.

*Moorv, TImoxo*. Po. li.

*0«hkM^lilM«r, A«laai, Po. Dr.

*PaitMinc. JaiitA Kiibe, No, J i.

'Smjih. H'ftsiHt (H«rac<*j. Ji.


Arnp (M,). r. 411

Arnold (S.), 40

Bach {W. F.), 7«i

Bonno, 70

Oherubini, to

D uuek, TO

Fenaroli, 50

Fiachieui, <. 60

Fflgel, 30

Oiordani (1*.), t, 30

^fionm'tchi, r. 40

Jaebon (VV.) (i),^©

tKrebs $ 0 , t. 1 Jan.

■Krcuuer (K.), 22 No»'.

I.e 9 ucur, 91)

Lolli, t. 30

Mattel, 30

Meyer von Hehaiirnsre, Co

Paisiello^ 40

Sacchini, 30

Salieri, 30

Smith (J. S.), 30

Sterkel, 30

tVallotti, $2, 10 Jan.

Verhr>*cn, e. 30

VVebbe (i), 40

Zunuieeg, 20

*lkraiicer. Pierre Jean <le. Pn.

tUelTand, Marie du, 83. L».

*Keanev. JaOMC. Dr.

•UMaw, William. P<*.

*Nodwe, t'iwrlef. .Vo.


BarthrlemMi, 40

Cannabich, 50

Fomin, dO

GavTaux, 30

Ghe^’n, &>

Grrtr>', 40

Hellendaal, Co

MoJzbauer, 70

HullmaiKlel, 30

Jannaconi, 40

Kimberger, Co

Kuiuen (F. I.. A.), to

tLampiignanj, 75

Laaerna, 30

t^lilla, 70

tLohlein, 54. 17 Dec.

Luccheti, 40

Man ini (J. P. AJ. 40

tMyaliwerk, 43, 4 IVb.

Naumann, 40


Stegmann, r. 30

*.Vfitun. Lvd«»ix AcliirM «mh.

N. No.

*< 9 Mm(>«e. <\ 4 allxri von. Po.


‘Uiantrev. Framn.

*EBiau. Ehenraer. Po.

tCwaU. Johaaner, )M, Po,

*ln(m, Jean Aufu«ie Domiiiioue.


fl.e«ini. OomIh 4J tfrluaim %t.

li. Dr.

*Vartev. t^ieliu*. Po,


Alessandri, 40

rVranaa, 40

•Auber, *9 Jan.

tBaeh fj. C.), 4C. I Jan.

Benda (J. A.), Co

Biaoehi, 30

Bonruansky, 3r>

Ctementi, 30

•Cooke (T.)

•Field. 9C July



Haydn, 50

Iruanfuiof, c. 40

Kelly, 20

Knecht, 30


*Ma2as, 23 Sept.

Nardini, 60

•Paganini, 27 Ocl-

Portugal, 20

Reichardi, 30

Seegr, 66, 22 Apr.

Smith (J. C.), 70

ZingarelH, 30

* Blkh«r, Siern SicriM«n. N>.

*CoimAn. Jobs SMI. !*«.

"Perrier, Sutaii EdmMHioec.


* MAturin, CliArki Robert. No.


"Nkcolini, CiovAMii BaiiisiA.

Pii. Dr.

tU'ilron. Rkhird. 66 . Pa.


Abel, 60

Beck (F.), 60

Bcccherini, 40

DaJayrac, 30

bausTTfne, 70

J'crrari (C. G.), 20

FicrilJo (F.). 30

Gaiaanif a, 40

•Ceijef, 12 Jan.

Giordani <G.), r. 30

Guglielmi (P. C.), c. 20

C)Tnweu, 20

IHaiee, 64, j6 Dec.

tHolabauer, 71, 7 Apr.

King (M.), 50

tKimbcrger, 62, 27 July

Lima (J. F.), 40

Linlcy, 50

Mayr, 20

M 4 huJ, 20

fNarea, 67, 10 FcU

SaU, 70

Schenk, 30

fSoler, 34, 20 Dee.

Stanley, 7a

Storacc, 20

Tritio, 50

Uiiini, Co

*De>l«. Henri (SerndhAl). IJ. So.

7 Bodmer, JohAAfi Jokob. 6$. Li.


tBrookr, Henry. 77. No. Dr.

"B>*MrOin, JoliAf) NiktAS. 2$c.

•C«enrlt«. Peter veo. Pa.

tCptoAr, Lownr d*. s7. Li.

"Hebcr. Rcei"*bl. tJ. ^

*Irvio«. H’orhinaten. Li. No.

Hirndlwl (u*


tBach (W. F.), 73, I July

Bach {C P. E.). 70

Gx*c (B,), 50

Federki, 20

Fktravanti {Val.), 20

Gluck, 70

Goaec, 50

Homilius, 70

Kamkikki (M.), 50

Lavoiu, 20

Lohelitu, Co

Martin y Soler, 30

tManini (O. B.), 76, 4 Oct.

•Morlacchl, 14 June

• 0 «low, 27 July

•Rica, Nov.

•Spohr, 5 Apr.

Tocachi, (. 60

U'inter, 30

"Boroo, Bcraard. I^.

"CvMiACbM. AIUb. Po.

"Drvriroi, Lvdwif. Ae.

tlMtroi, Deny*. 7J. li.

*Hua(, L«i(Ii (lAfim Henry

Ldfh']. Li.

t M a ion , 6»mue1, 7 ). Li.

"Koowlei, itmci SheridAn. Dr,

"QuAflio, Anielo, mh. Ar. Pa.

"Wint. Pder dr. Pa.


All wood, 20

Bertoni, 60

•Bo«]y, 19 Apr.

Cafaro, (. 70

Cocchi, e. 70

Deside, e. 40

Dibdin, 40

Eybler, ao

Florillo (I.}, 70

tFloquel. 3^ 10 May

tCalupp, ? 0 , 3 Jan.

fOheyn, €4, 22 June

Gresnick, 30

Himmel, 20

fH<»)iljus, 71, 5 June

•Kurpihski, 6 Mar.

Mereaux, 40

Ogiiuki, 20

tRolle, 67, 29 Dec.

Schw^iuer, 30

Stamiu (C.), 40

Sietbcli, 20

• r. TadolinI

Vioiii, 30

AraioA. BciiioA voo («r


"BreiUADo, BetiioA. 14. Po.

fCipriAAi. CkvAftni BAitiiiA, > 6 .




tCivMU, G«uC«T Filip> $4. Po.

*Dt Quiecvy. ThocMv L*.

tOlwr, meWd, 73. Po. U*.

•Orimoi. Jakob Ludw if. U.

*^fafltoni• Alcsaodn). No.


*PeMoek, Thomas Low. No. Po.

tRodr^uez. VVolwra, 61 . Af.


Altbuom. y>

tAme (M->, t. 45, i 4 ja>».

fBcnda (P.), 76, ? Mar.

*6Uhop, iS Nov.

Callcoit, SM

C4ambini, 40

Cberl, 90

FakH (C- F.), 50

Cerl» 90

Giardini. 70

Harimann (J. E.), Co

Hook, 40

*Horr), ai Junr

Krruiacr (R.), 90

*Kuhlau, II Sfpl.

I.ustif , 80

Mozart, 50

Philidor, 60

*E^imondi (P.), 90 l)rr.

Raiuzini, 40

Righini, 30

Rottler, 40

tSacchini, 56, $ Oct.

"Schneider, 3 Jan.

"Schnyder, iB Apr.

tSchwiodrI, 43, 7 Aug.

tSianIry, 73, 19 May

Starzer, ^

SussmayTi 30

Turk, 30

UmLauf, 40

■Weber, iB Nov.

Wrlgl, 90

NVrtIcy (S.), ao

NVraniUky (P.}, 30

tRcHamv. Jasobui. ml Pm

‘Far. AfKitA. Po. Nm

*loe*ia*re, a nn dkl Crlwid. s«.

tCaul. Gaipofe. )). fo. U.

Wilhelm Kaal, Li.

tKeppkwhile. 0 «erf«. Cr.

*i{iUon, NMIIiam. Pa.

*Kemer. Justuius. Pn.

* Mwlreadr. Willian, p«.

‘Quaelio. DooKfiko, Jun. P^.


tAbcI, aojune

Anfo&si, 60

Berton, ao

tCataro, r. 79, 95 Oct.

■Carafa, 17 Nov.

tPiorillo (I.). 79, June

tPranctrur, 88, f* Aug.

tClMck, 73. 15 -

Kfullcr (W.), 30

Pkycli 30

Rairoondi (I.), r. 50

Reeve, 30

fRodrlgueade HUa, 91 Frk

Romberg (A.), 90

Romberg (B.), 90

Schulz, 40

^Schweitzer, 59. 23 Nov,

fStaner, 60, 99 .Apr.

tlLatooi. Pompro OireUiTio. 79.


•Ciiv, Witliiai. Pa,

•Fuddiat, AAihoB}' CopUv>

*Mi«rora, Mary Ruu«n. Pm Dr.


*A|iaarHt, JokaAit Kart Aufuil.

57 . No.

*NasiByih, P«i«« (Patrick). I*a.

*Procter. Bvsan >Valkr. Po.

*k’hlaad. Johann Ludavg. Pe.


178 $

tBach (C. P. E.), 74 i •:»


Bauisinll, 30

tBonoo, ?8, 15 Apr.

Fonier, 40

Gaviniia, 60

Oelinek, 30

tOibht (J.), 89, 19 Dec.

Gufitelmi (P, A.j.Co

Hiller (J. A.), 60

tLohelius, 83, 29 Feb.

fMutheJ. 70, 17 Jan.

Naaolini, e. 90

Neele, 40

Piceinni, 60

Schack, 30

•Sechter, 1 ; Oct.

.Shield, 40

Siadlcr, 40

fToeachi, r. 64, 19 Apr.

^Ucr, 30

*Baabam, Rkhirtl (Harrhj. ],i.

*Or>w, George Cordon. |V>.

*De V«re. Aobcey. Po,

*£«benderfr. Jotrnh von. Po.


tCo«f»bneou«h.Tboma5,6i. Pa.

Salomon, >6. Po. Pa,

*H«ok. Theodore Edward. Dr

No. U.

"IMaludr. Kirely. Po. Dr.

*l.oc«'t. John. 40, Po. Li.

t MkU«. William Julho, 54. Po.

*Pcllico, Silvio. Po. Dr.

*RiKkm. Friedrich, Po,

Vew, Aohtey De (w De Verc)




Asioli» 20

•Camiccr, 24 Oct.

Cimarosa, 40

Ditterydorf, y>

Duqucsnoy, 30

El$ner, 20

•F«ca, 15 Feb.

Gnecco, 20

Uckl, 20

Manfred ini, 30

•Mayjedcr, 26 Oci.

t Meyer von Schauensce, 66

9 Jan.

Mon$igny, 60

Persuis, 20

t Richter (F. X->, 79, 13


R«i» 50

Sabbaiini (L. A.), y>

Sarii, 60

V’ahhal, 50

V'ogler, 40

T*4ev VrMdaMencK.

Li. N».

•C!«op*f, JSMi Fcnknere. Ke.

tOay. TImaMi 41. l 4 .K».

Hi kn. Willem. Po.

* Kean. Edmund. Ae.

*Kn«x, Wdliana. Po.

tl.ieiard, Jean Eikiuie, 67. Pa.

*Manin. JehA. Pa.

*^(arlirtct da la Rau. FraiKiua

de Paula. Pa. Dr. LI.

*Oirrb«ck. Johann Prkdrkk.


MkKad. Ma.


ArnoJd (S.), 30

Beethoven, 30

Cherubini, $0

Dussek, 30

Fenaroli, 60

Frige], 40

Giordani (T.), e. 6 d

U iomovichi, r. 50

Jackaon (W.) (i),6o

]<CMaruT, 30

*I.iptn»ki, 30 Oct.

Lolli, r. (k>

Mallei, 40

Pamrlk), $0

Reicha, 20

Salieri, 40

Smith (J. S.), 40

Sierke), 40

•Thranc, 8 Occ.

*Vaccai, IS Mar.

Verheycft, e. 40

Vititsek, 20

NVebbe (i), 30

^V'ebbe (li), r. 20

Zurmteeg, 30

‘Atlorbom, Per Daniel Amadcui.


*Jlocjeaoi), Johan. Po. Dr.

tCmta, Claudio Maiioel da, 6 i.


Joha. $c.

*HaiKh, Johannee Cafilen. Po.


*Kun(, Williim Henry. Pa.

*Lanijritoe, Alphomo Marie

Loiut da Prai de. Po.

*Jtaimund, Ferdinand. Ac. Dr.

fWarien, I'liomai, 69. Po. Li.


Baillol, 30

Barihdiemon, 50

Cannabidi, 60

Cramer, 30

•Czemy, 20 Feb.

Fomin, 30

Caveaux, 30

Criiry, 30

Helkndaal, 70

•Harold, 26 Jan.

HuJInundel, 40

Jannaconi, 30

ljuema, 40

tUiilla, 80

*Lindpaintner. 9 Dec.

lAicchesi, 50

Maxiini (J. P- A.), 30

*Mcyerbeer, 3 Srpi.

t Mozart. 33, 3 Dec.

Neumann, 30

Paer, ao

Pugnani, 60

Siegmann, e. 40

Siegma)‘cr, 30

•V'eFBek, n May

*BeMr, William Henr>' tVeM. A<.

fBlackloek, Thomai, fo. Po.

*Brod«iA*ki, Katimierf. Po.

*Caldntlt. Anne (Manli*

Caldwell). No.

*Dahlgrcn, Karl FredriL Po. Li.

*C^rieauU, Jean Leuu. P«'

'Urdlpartar. Feant. Dr. Po.

*HeilMre. Johan Ludvig. Dr.

tHopkintoA. FrarOi. M* hi.

tifucie. Tomtade, 4 '« 1 *^

•Komee, Theodor. Po. Dr.

Macib-Caldntll. Anne <nr


tSehuban. Chtuiian Friedrich

Daniel. $e. Po.

•Scfthe. Eut^ae. Or.


AlessaAdH, 50

Aranas, 30

Benda U« ''•)* 7 ®



Bianchi, 40

Bortniaasfcy, 40

ClemenU) 4Q

c. 47

Haydn, 60

losanguinc, (. 50

KtUy, 30

Knecht, 40

Kunzcn {F. L. A.), 30

L(\'erati, 90

Marsh » 40

Nardini. 70

PonufaJ, 30

RcicKardt, 40

*Rc«Mni, 99 iVU.

tkwsJer, 45, 30 June

Smith (J. 0» 80

2mgarclli^ 40

fAJam. R«b«n, 64. Ar.

1 AppUlWt FfAIKTMO^ 90. Pa.

*8araiifukv, Cvlray Abramovkli.


*i)ar/vtaa/d, Iknrik Anhcr.

Fo. tu.

tBwRornf. Jvhn, f«». Dr.

* r. ChiiKolA, AUxaa^r. Fa.

*Cniiluhank, Oearta. Fa.

jakana L»>

tLans, Jahab Mulucl HnaltaU,

«i. Po. Dr.

* .Vtak MWik«. AftWM. Fm.

*K(arrTi<« Fr« 4 rr«l. .V<\

T Kavnal^ {iitt Jaahua. 49. Pa.

*HhcU«>, PrfCr Br^hr. Fw.


Ikek (P.), ?o

bocchrbni, 30

Caicl, 90

f Cooke (B.), 59, HSepi.

Dalayrae, 40

Dauvergne, 80

Ferrari (G. 0.), 30

Fiorillo (F.), 40

GaunnJga, 30

Generali, 90

G*ordani (C.), c. 40

GugJielmi (P. C.), t. 30

Gyro'^'eu, 30

fHartnunn (J. E.), CC, 9 1


King (M.), 60

Lima {J. F.), 50

Linley, 60

Mayr, 30

M^huJ, 30

fNardIfti, 71,7 May

Sala, 80

Schenk, 40

Storace, 30

Tntto, 60

Uumi, 70

Worjfl. 20

*AlaaQV'iM, Cart Jona* l.ov«. Li.

*Bodt<hrr, Uudwe Adolph. Po.

*BrowDe, FebcSa Dorvihra

(Hemaitf). Fo.

*Clar«. Joho. Po.

■Co*. David. Pa.

■Daabv. PraiKii. Pa.

■DclAvtgBe, Casinur. 1*0. Dr.

■Ceckhoui. Jacob Jo««ph. Pa.

9 GoU«*i. Cario, 9 ^ Dr.

fCoAtaca. ToBtdt Anloaio, 46.


tCuardi. Fraocctco. Bt. Pa.

Hmom, Fekrria tin Browiir]

*htaer«adv, William CSo/ks.


■Quavlin. l.oTi'or. Pa,


Fedcrici, 30

Ficravanii (Vat.), 30

CoMre, (>c

Kamiertskj (M.), 4^

Las’oua, 30

Martin y Solrr. 41)

*MoKhelei, 30 May

Rode. 90

SpoAiinu 90

Tornakk. w

H>>V, 9i)

\\’inier, 40

t.Wam, JanMi./. Ar.

*Brvaii(, Wilhim C«ilkn. Po.

IKorter. Oonrxkd Au«Uii. 43.


Nkolai dr, 4S. Li.

iCMatirr. Andre. )a. Pk.

tColman, Oorge, ten,, Br. Dr.

lFal>red*F 4 knrinr, Pliilipix.

Franfoii, 94, Dr.

tPlorion, J«an Pkrre Oarir «lr.

M. Po. Dr.

tCibhon. tdoaril. j}, ].i.

■(•rote. Ceorae. U.

•Kork. Paul tie. .Na.

■Lerfac. Cliarlct Aebrri. Pa. U.

■Molkr. Pool Marlin. No. JV.


•MMrr. SMIhelm. Po,

f.Vecbcr. Sueaitne {h Curebed;.

aa> Li.

tNicawlaod, Picier, 90. P«,

■Schaorr von Carahfeld. Juliuj.


•Stark. Jatnei. Pa.


Allwood. 30

Baini, 30

tBcnda (J. A.). 73, 6 Not-.

Benoni, 70

BoieMaeu, 90

Cavoa, 20

Coechi, c. 60

Croleh, 90

Dibdin, 30


EybJcr, $0

Gr«tnick, 40

HijDinei, 30

tlnsangyiiw, e. 52, 1 Feb.

IsouArd, 20

tLinJey, 6a, 19 Nov.

"Manchoer, t€ Aug.

•Mercadanie, Sept.

Mereaux, 50

Ogirtski, 30

*Pear»aJI, 14 Mar.

tPhllidor, 68, 24 Aug.

Radziwill, 20

tSmiih (J- C.), 83, 3 Oct.

Stamitz (C.), 30

Sieibelc. 30

fUtiini, 72, 25 Oci.

Viotli, 40

•B**ry. Ch»ri*i. At.

*8«ry«. Antoine Louie. Sc.

tBellinMi, Knrl Mikeel. 55. Po.

tBoevcH. Jemet. SS. I.i.

*Sr«ok*, Marie. Pe.

*Cerlyle» Thoniee. Li.

*U*rIey, CeoTf*. Po.

* Griboyedov. Alexonder

Serfcvevkh. Pe. Or.

*Ke«n. Johft

f KeHfren. Johen Henrik. 44. Po.

*KerHMdr. J« 4 n Pendkeoek No.

* OuacMa . Geoetee. Li.

* Poiidori. joha HilUea. No.

*^eelio, 3 *moa. Ar. Po.

•Scheffer. A/r. Pa.

tVS’edpeeed. iodoh. 62. Gr.


AhUtrom, 40

*BerwaJd, 2$ July

Callcott, 30

Cambini. 30

Ebert, go

Faich (C F.), 60

Gerl, 30

tGiardini, 60, 8 June

Hook, 30

Kreutcer (R.), go

•Loewe, 30 Nov.

tLualif, May

* Pacini, 17 Feb.

Rjuxiini. 50

Righini, 40

fRust, 56, a6 Feb.

Seyfried, 20

tSioracc, 33. 19 Mar.

SuascDayr, 30

Turk, 40

tUmUuf, 30, 8 June

Weigl, 30

U'eaJey (S.), 30

Wraniizky (P.), 40

*Banim. Mkheel. No.

•SnkoM. BerBt*erd von. Po. Or.

•Booth. Junius Bmtui. Ar.

•Breidn de las Hermos. Maauel.


f Burn*. Robert, 97. Po.

•CDte/idfe. Hanl^. li. Po.

•Coroi. Jean Bapiiste. Pa.

*Ocbureau. Jean Baptiste. Ac.

•Okie, Gcorie Robert. Li. No.

•ImmersuAft. Kart L«br«<ht.

Po. No- Dr.

•idsika. Uikidi. No.

t Maepberson. Jattws, 60. Li.

•Ptaten. Aufust von. Po. T>t,

•Roberts, David. Pa.


f AnJbaai, 69, Feb.

Berton, 30

tOauvergne, 83, u Feb.

"Doniaetli, 29 Nov.

* Mil ray, 23 Nov.

tMereaux, 52

Muller (W.), 30

Pleycl, 40

Raimondi (I.), e. 60

Reeve, 40

Romberg (A.), 30

Romberg (B.), 30

*Schubcrt, 31 Jan.

SchuJt, 30

•Betiushev, Alexander. No.

BttiiuL AJbrechi (nt Coiihetf,


•Detaroche. Paul. Po.

•DroeM.Nulaboff, Annette von.


tCodwia. Mary Wellstenccran,

tea.. 90 . LL

•Godwin, hlary WolUtonccraK.

Jufi. No.

•OwihelL Jeeemiat (Albrecht

Pitiiui). No,

•Heine. Hrmrich. Po. No.

•Hiroehifc (Ando Tokitaro). Pa.

•Lover, Samuel. Po. No.

fhladiJin. Chartae. r. too. Ac.


t Mateo. tl'iHiam. r. 7$. T«- Hr.

•Molhenvell. William. Po.

ShelleVi Mary (<rr Godwin;

t Walpole. Horace (Carl of

Orftrdl.So, Li.


f.AJesaandn, 56. (5 Aug.

Baltiihill, 60

fCanoabich. $ 6 , 20 Jan.

Fischer (A.), to

Foncer, 30

Oavini^ 70

GellAek, 40

fCiordani (0-), t. 44. dJan.

•Gtaser, 1 9 Apr.

Guglidmi (P. A.), 70

HUJer(J. A.), 70



Hummel, 30

•Lvov, 6 June

Nuolini, <, 30

tNeefc, 49, 36 Jan.

Neukomm, 20

Piccinni, 70

tPu*nani, 66, 15 July

•Rci*$Her, 31 Jan.

ScKaek, 49

Shield, y>

Stadler, 50

Zeller, 40

*AiF(lio. T«p«r«lk

Li. Vm.

*B4Diin, Idm. No. Dr.

Aufiitw francuH. Pa.

*Biuen, HrnnaA Vilbalm. S<.

tC*uneva Srinvali. CiovanBi

JaMlpo, 7 ^ Li.

*Cetia, l»aM <Ia. Pe.

*DrlMrvia. Pj.

Hrerik. Pe, t>f.

*l 1 onnwfiii, .AuKinl HdnrkK IH.

ton killtfikbnK Po.

*Mohri, Karl £<tuar 4 voe. A«.

Dr. StK Po.

* 7 i*min, Jaequn {Jar«|wr« Bo/i.


*Leon*rdi» OiaewfiM. Pw.

*Mukirwki. Adan. P«.

*SaMiiine, iairpa. N*. Dr.

‘Kolomvi. DionytiM, Pb.


Aaioli, 30

CimaroM, 30

tl>iticr»dc*ff, $<►, 24 0<t.

Duque$noy, 40

I'/lsner, 30

•I’ioravanil (Vine.), 5 .\|)f.

Cnccco, 30

IGrewick, 44. 16 Oci.

•Hal^, 27 May

t HcMenOaaJ, 76, 26 Apr.

Uckl, 30

t Manfred In I. 59, 16 Aug.

Moruigiiy, 70

Penuis, 30

Sabbalim (L. A.), 6a

Saril. ?o

VaAlial, 6u

•Witiovsky, a Mar.

Vofler, 50

*aal<ar. Honored#. No.

*BrM*tarckaH. Pkrrv AufuuSn

i^tondc, 67 . Dr.

*llrylov. K«n»Uoi(B Pavlorkli


JetM Robert, 47. Pa.

*H<>od. Pe.

*JatiKs. Crorre Payne Ran/onl,


*I.ee. Frederick ftkhartl. Pa.

tMarntontrl, Jean Praitfok. 76 .

No. 1>(.

*NicaBdcr. Karl August. Po.

*Piishkin. Alexander Ser2e>vt'lcli.


AITrerf de. Po.


Arnold (S.), 60

fieelboven, 30

Cherubini, 40

Dusaek, 40

tFaach (C. F.), 63, 3 Aug.

Fenareli, 70

tFomin, 38, Apr.

Ffifel, 50

tGaviniOs, 72, 22 Srpi.

Giordani (T.), r. 70

Ciornovkhi, r. 60

JaeluM (W.) (i), 70

Kreui<er (K.), 20

Leiueur, 40

Ldlii, e. 70

Maud, 30

Pabiello, 60

tPkdnni, 72, 7 May

Reidia, 30

Salieri, 50

tSchult, 53, (O June

Smith (J. S.), 30

Slerkd, 50

Verl>c>*en, t. 50

ViUiek, 30

Webbe <i), 60

^Vebbe (ii), f. 30

Zunuleeg, 40

*Bi«(h*Pfrilfrr. ChatMle. Na.


'Boxalt, SVilIkam. Pa.

^(iMilho, Antenw Felidaaedr.


*CM«enBe4«.<ieerec, Pa.

William, 49 , Po.

*Fieldinv, Artna Maria. No.

Ifall, Anna Maria <tt4 Pirldiee)

*Ma<aala«. f'ltomas 6abitt«ion.



Baillot, 30

Banhdemon, 60

tBauUhill, 63. 10 Dec.

•Bellini, t Nov.

tCifnaro»a, 31, Jt Jan.

Cramer, 30

Gaveaux, 40

Grdtry, ^

Hutimandel, 30

Jannaeoni, 60

•Kalliwoda, 21 Feb.

•Lanner, 12 Apr.

Lasema, 50

•I.Indblad (A.), 1 Feb,

•lAVieiftf, 23 (Vi.

2 1




Mariini (J. P. A.), 6o

fNaumatu), 6o» 23 Oct.

Paer, 30

•Sala, S8, 31 Aug.

*Skroup, 3 June

t Slant! « (C.), 5$, 9 Nov.

Siegmann, r. 50

Slegrctaycr, 30

•Va/lamov, 27 Nov,

*BArAe<. William. Po.

*Br«m«r. Frediifct. No.

*Calder4o, Scrafto EsittMAe*.


*Car*«r, Lwifi. Pil

t€hedeMC<ki, DaoicI Nkol«s

'Cob. Thomas. Pa.

*Dcvmnt, C4«usd. Af.

*Grab^, Cbniita* Dkeirbh. Or.

*]netaA. Henry. Fa.

fKraaieki, Igeacy. S6. Po.

ttavacer. Johann Kaao^r* 4o.

U. Pd.

* Newman, John Henrv> f*-

tNovali) (Vrie4ricb roa Harriro*

berf ). 99 . Po.

*Paicton. Jowph. O. A*.


Aranas, Co

fArnold (S.), 62, 92 Oci.

Aubcr» 20

•Barncu (J.), 15 July

Bianchi, 30

Borinian^y, 50

CIcmrnli, 30

Cooke (T.), 30

Field, 20

Haydn, 70

KeUy, 40

KiKchi. 30

Kunsen (F. L. A.), 40

Livcraii, 30

fLolli, f. 72, 10 Aug.

Manh, 50

Masaa, 20

•Niedcfcneycf, 97 Apr.

Paganini, 20

Portugal, 40

Rekhardi. 30

fSarii, 72, 28 July

Zingarelli, 30

tZuimiccg, 42. 37 Jan.

*Bau«mfetd. Eduard vem ^


*Bon«nflDn. Richard. Ps.

fFederiri. CamtfTr (CtovaMti Bat*

liica Viartolo), $3. Dr.

fCirlu). Thomat, 97. Pa.

'Hauff. Wilhelm. No.

'Hugd, Vktor. Po. Dr. Nrv

*LafKe. Ceorpe. Pa.

*Landen, Leihia Eliaabelh. Po.


'(^rkbeer, EdHin. Pa.

Lonau. Nikt^ua (ut Nlemseli

von Sirehleoau)

*Lennep, Jacob van. Po. No.

'Manineau, Harriet. U. No.

t Moore, John, 73. No.

*NkmKb VOS Sirehkoau. Nlko'

lain (I.enau). Po.

*Pned. Winthrop Maokvorth.


} Romney. Ceorfe, 6d. Pa.


•Adam, 24 July

Beck (P.), 80

•Bcrlios, ri Dec.

Bocchermi, 60

Caiel, 30

Dalayrac, 30

Ferrari (C. G.), 40

Kiorillo (F,), 30

Gazza>niga, 60

Generali, 50

Ceijer, 20

Guglielmi (P. C.), r. 40

0 x 70 ^* 012 , 40

tjackioo (W.) (i), 73. 5 July

King (M.), 70

•Laehnrr (F.), 2 Apr.

Lima (J. F.), 60

Mayr, 40

M6hu], 40

Schenk, 30


fSUttmayr, 37, iC Sept.

Triiio, 70

VVodfl, 30

tAHkrt, Vilterio, 3a. L>r.

tBeaUie, Jamei. 4$. Po.

'Bcddoei, Thomaa LovrIL Po.

*B«2dafw>vich. Ippolit Peodoro*

vich, 6 a. Po.

^Borrow. Ceofffe. LI.

tCaldrrari. Oltonr, Ceunl. 73,


* r. Calven, Fjjwatd. Pa.

tCaali, Gimanni BauUla. 6».


* r. Chamber*, Ceorte. Pa.

tOairon (Claire Jotdphc Ldrk}.

yt, Ar.

*Coo(»er. ITwma* Sidney. Pa.

*0«camp*. Alexandre GabrkK


*l)wnat. Alewaadre. sen. No.


* Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Li.

tekim. Johann Wtihelm Lw<l*

wif. 64. P«-

* Cram. Francis. Pa.

•GrifRn. CeroM. No. Or.

* Hawker. Robert Strr>hcn, Po.

fHeUue. Johann Jakob Wilhelm.

^ Li. No.

tHerder. Johano Courried r«n.

Po. Li.

•JerroM. Douelas. Dr. No.

tKlo^tock. Ffkdrkh Goltikh.

72. Po.



J^o Frinfeif dr, 4^

Dr. U.

'Lyttoo, Edward Eulw^r. N».

C&aries. )«p, Ar.

Prot^r. U. Ka.

*Rkhter. Ludwif. Pa.

tSaiANLanben, Jtan FraiH'kt dr.

ft?. Po.U.

t$^MC dc MrilhaA, Cabrirl, ft?,


*S«irim. Robcri ftmiih. Nai.


•Brnfdici, 97 Nov.

tCoeehi, Sc)

•Dorn, 14 Nos',

Tcderici, 40

I’tordvAnu (Val.). 40

tCiomo'irhn r. C4. 31 Nus.

"CilinkA. 1 June

(icnrt. 70

fCiuBlIrlmi (P, ,V). 75. iB


t Hiller fj. A.), 75, 16 Jmiv'

Kamiert^kl 70

Lav at la, 40

Marlin y Soirr, yy

■Mfehum, a Kvb.

*Monp<iu, 13 Jan.

Morlaccin. 30

Onslow, 30

Rics, 30

Rode» 30

Spohr» aa

.Sponlini» 30

*Strauas |J.) (ij» i.| Mar,

'rnnialHi. 3»

NVc>*>c, 30

^V»n1cr, f/*

RidKri MtHiictMfwrr. I>r.


*lhip(i>. AmiaiHlinc Lvnfe

Amocr ttkorcc ^and). Ko,

*Duracli. Rt njamM. Na.

*<:i*rrr.v»ri, Ftanre^o J>iMHriiKo.


*ll««Ui^or. Ndikankl. N«k

*J anMi. Juk« Oabrkl. I4, K<n

"MyfiW. Uluatd. Po. Na.

tMflrkml. GmrRT. 41. pj.

* Plwlp*. Sannirl. «V.

*HuaeW<a. Ludvqr. Pw.

*Sa<ttlr.B«uv«. <:»urlr« Aw«umm.


Sand, Orocsr (wr l>u|iiB)

*Schwind. Nloriir r»n. P«.

•Sh«. Fuc^. Nn.

s 8«5

Auwood, 40

fiaini, 30

Btnoni, 60

tfioccherini, 63, a8 May

Pocly, 20

Boieldifu. 3a

Cavo$, 30

Cpoich, 30

Dibdin, 60

E) bkr, 40

•Hartmann (J, I*. K->. 14


Himmd> 40

Isouard, 30

Kurpii^i, 3<»

Ogirtshi, 4a

RadaiwHi, 30

•Ricci (L.). 6 July

SiribcJi, 40

Tadolini, <*. an

viotii, 4a

*AiiiiwBrlh, ^ViHiaM ilarcMiM.


*.Sii4r*(r*, llam Cl»r4ifian. I.i.


IBanki, Ihnnut, 70. *k.

*Baibkr, Henri Autv>'*e. l‘o.

tBarace, Manorl Maria djri>»»a

de. fte, P<i.

*tlaeper, 'IVimai, pn.

tCaalwnas , .Milvtlv, ya.


fbllki, Jane, 7ft. pa.

tCirmse, Jean Hapiatr, ftn. pa.

*KMlbaeh, Wilhelm van. I’a.

•hfariKlKtti. (Urk. 8e.

thlnrphy. Anhnr, 7ft. Ac. I>r.

•Palmar, ftaiunel. Pa.

*S«lBlkr, Frkdntb vnn, 4ft. |*i>,




Bishop, 30

(lallcoit, 40

(lamhinl. Ik)

EbeH, 40

(•crl, 40

tCiocdani (T.J, c. 75, IVh,

Kook, 60

Horn, do

KrcuUrr (R.), 40

KuHlau, 30

tMariin y SoVr, r,i. 50 J.m.

tr. Naaolini, c. 3B

Raimondi (P.), 30

Kauzxirvi, 60

Kift^ini, $0

Schneider* 30

Schnydrr, st)

Seyfried, 30

Turk, 50

Weber, 20

WdgI, 40

Wesley (S.). 40

kVraniliky (P.), 50

fftatber, Robert, 7ft. Pa.

•Barreir. E|icab«di |Bf«»«,rie).




tD«rty, James. 65. Pa.

BrowDin^, ElSsabetlt BarfcK (iir


fCarter. Cliubeth, 69. Po.

'Feuchtenlebco, Ernst veo. Po.

t Fragonard t Jean Honors, 74.


tGo«3«, Carloi SB. Or.

*HariieobuMh. Juae Ewienio.


*Laub«. Heinrich. No. Dr.

* Lever, Chartee Jamca. No.

*MacIite. Daniet. Pa.

t Sheraton, Thomaa, Cr.

tSiubbe, Georg*. S*. Fa.

*NVjnicrhalt««, Prana Xaver. Pa.


Bcrioni 40

Carafa, 90

tEberl, 40, ci Mar,

*Lachner (I.), 11 Sept.

Muller (VV.), 40

Plcyel, 50

Raimondi (l.)» 70

*Reb«r, 9i Oct.

Reeve, 50

Romberg (A.), 40

Romberg (B.)> 40

*Per(rand, JacQue*, Po.

*Cantbi CcMre. I.i. No,

*Caflen, Emilie. No.

*Chriwi«, Alrtandcr. Pa.

tHackcre. Philipo. 70. Pa.

tKaufTmann, Xnaelira. SB. Pa.

*LeReuve, Crrsesi. Dr. LL

*Lengrellow, Henry Waihworeb.


*Opt€. John, a$. Pa,

*Welkav«n, Joban. Po, Li.

*V>'hili<cr, John Creenletr. Po.


*Balfc, 15 May

fBarch^lcmon. 66, 93 July

*Oapiaaon, 15 Sept.

fFiacher (A.). 30, t Dec.

Fonier, 60

Gelinek, 50

•GrUar. 96 Dec.

Hummel. 30

Neukomm, 30

Schack, 50

Sechter, 20

Shield, Co

Stadlcr, 60

fVVraniuky (P.), 51, 96


Zelter, 50

*Bal(anrirM. James. li.

*6arbey d'AurevUIr, Jules

Amddd*. No.

^BlommaerT. PhiHp. M.

"Daumier. Hooore. Pa.

*Eiex, Anioiot. Sc.

John, 6S. Dr.

"Karr, AlphooM. No. Li.

"Lahruoi*, Gdrard (Gerard He

NcTvaJ). Li.

"Norton. Caroline^lixabeUt

Sarah. Po. No.

"Wergeland, Hendrik Amoldue,



Asiedi, 40

fBcck (F.), 06 , 31 Dec.

Camicer, 90

tDalayrae, 56, 27 Nov,

Duquesnoy, 50

Elaner, 40

Feaca, 20

Gneoco, 40

tHaydn, 77, 31 May

LickI, 40

•Lindbtad < 0 .), 31 Mar,

Mayseder, 20

*MeAdeliaohn, 3 Feb.

Momigny, $0

*Paciu$, 19 Mar.

Perguis, 40

•Ricci (F.), 92 Oct.

fSabbalini (L. A.), 69, 29


VaAhal, 70

Voglcr, 60

"Blaelu*. John Stuart. Li.

"Berel de Hauierive. JoMpli.

No. Po.

tCowIcy, Hannah, SS. Dr.

•FiiiGenld. Edward. Po.

"Ci«Bti, Giureppo. Po.

"Gogol, Nikolay Vaerikeieh, No.


"Hake, Tltontai Gordon. Po.

tKoleroA, Tltomav 64. Nu. IV.

"Holmei, Oliver WendeU. Li.


" Kembl*, Prancei. Ae.

"KoltMv, Alexey. Po.

"Paludaji'MulleT, Fredrrik. Po.

"Poe. Edgar Allan. Po. No.

tSeward. Anna. Se. Po. Li.

"Slowaekl. Juhum. Po.

*TenB)*oo, Alfred. Po.


Beethoven, 40

t Blanch j, 58, 27 Nov.

Cherubini, 50

•Cht^in, t Mar.

•David (F.), t$ Apr.

Dusaek, 50

•Erkel, 7 Nov.

Fenai^i, 80

Frige], 60

tGnecco, 41

•Kaatner, 9 Mar.


5 ^»i

Kreulzer (K.)» $o

Lesueur> 50

Lipid$ki, Qo

*Lumbye, 2 May


Klaiiei. 60

•Mwmei, 5 Jan.

*Nico)ai, 9 June

Paisielio, 70

fRauzzini, 63, 8 Apr.

Reieha, 40

*Rosai (Lnurv)» 19 Frii.

Salieri, Go

"Schumann, 6 Junr

Smiih (J. S.^ <x)

Sterkel, 60

Thranc, 20

\'accai| 30

Verheyen, t. 60


\Vcbbe <«), 70

\Vcbbe (ii). r. 40

*\Vc»ley (S. S.>, 14 Ai«.


frmi von, 71. Li.

t Drawn, ChnrI** Brarltilm. W'


•Cal 4 mr. AlewniMlra. P*.

tCliawlei. Anibkic Dwm. 47.


Colet. L4MiiM («• Revo»>

*£«proiwrila, joie tto. Po.

*F'rn(uMn. S^iniMl, Po.

*^reklicr»ih. F<r«lin*nd, P*.

*yu)ler. .M^riarci. I.L

Uwikell, eiizabcth Cl«tlMro (u>


'Ou^rin, (k«r|c> ai*u«ke Oc.


tlleppiwt, J«ha, $ 9 . Pa,

tJev«IUMs, Cupar Nkkhiet dr,

66. Li. Dr.

*M«r«au, K^iauppe. Po.

•Muuei, Alfred dr. Pa. No. I>r.

*Rr«ir«, Fxiti. P». No.

*RrvMl, Lo<i«M {Lounc Coin).

Po. No.

tRunge. Pliilipp Omo, )). Pa.

*Sieien>on. ELtAbri}> Ckirhorii

(Mn. Ca»kc)l|. No,

"Troyon. ComUnL Pa.

tZoffonv, Jobs, 77. Pa.


BaiUoi, 40

Cramer, 40

Czerny, w

Gaveaux, 30

Grelry, 70

Hdrold, 20

•Hiller (K), 24 Ocu

HullmMdd, 60

Jannaconi, 70

Lazerna, 60

Uculpaimner, 20

•Utti, 22 Ocl.

Martini (J. P. A.), 70

Meyerbeer, ao

Paer, 40

•Stamaly, 13 Mar.

Stegmann, f. 60

Siegmayer, 40

"Tbomaa (A.), 5 Aug.

Vofilek, 20

*BclMukv, Vmarioii tiriKurriich.


*Bmrdu(. Julius, Ik. I j.

teneokr, Jmrph, 47. tSi.

•Cfofwkk, 7 boniai. Pa.

f Cumberland, RkKard. 79 , llr.

IDaaCT'HoUand, (Sir) Kathankl.

77. P*.

*OaHoon. Hrhrv, P«.

•Ouprd. Juki. I'a.

«CaHtkr. 1 lid..,>).ik. l.i. Hm.


*(;uI<Im««. Kj«I. Ur,

*Halbm. AriiMir liriin*. I'u.

*K<an, Charln. A«,

*KkHi. Hriarkti von. 34. Or.


*Pcr(v. Ibemu. dl. U.

*>atMleau. Juki. No. Ur,

Crorse Oitbrn. Ar.

*'lhacbrrav, U'llhatn Ntakriirarr.



rVranaa, 70

Auber, 90

Bortniamlcy, Go

dementi, 6u

Cooke (T.), 30

tUuizek, 52, 20 Mar.

FieW, 30

•FJotow, a6 Apr,

Kelly, 50

Knechi, Go

Kunzen (P. t. A.;, 50

Liveraii, 40

Marsh, 60

Maaas, 30

Paganini, 30

Portugal, 50

Reiehardc, Go

tRighini, 56, 19 Aug.

Roazini, 20


•Wallace (V.), i j Mar.

fWodfl, 38, 21 May

Zingarelli, Go

•Ai bi finrn. Prtre CStrUtiaii Li.

•.kurrUach. Brrlhold, No.

Brrrhrc Siowe. Hatrki {tv


t Bicfcmum. Itaar, t, 77. Dr.

*bosbooin, Anaa Louisa. No.

*Bio*>Bine. Koben. Po.

*CareaDo. Ciulio. Po. Ko.

•Cooocknre. Hrmltik.

•Dkkrm. Charks. Kn.

* Gaear. Jonos. Po,


*C«(Khatov» Ivan Aleiaodro*

vich. N'o.

*K«nen» Alaxaftdec. LL No.

*KTaM«wa((>, J 6 nt Isb4«v. No.

Po. LL

*L«ar, Edward. La. Pa.

*Oxen£ord. John. La. Or.

‘Rmumau. Pkrra £ti«imc TUth

dore. Pa.

*5(ow«, Harrwi (BtMbrfStowel,



•AJkan, 30 Non-.

tBcrioni, 88, J U«c.

Caid, 40

•Dargomiihaky, t4 Feb.

Ferrari (C. 0 -), 50

Fiorillo (F.), 60

Gaazamgai 70

Geycr, ^

Generali, 40

fCrdtry, 72, 24 Scp«.

Guglielmi (P. C.). r. 50

Gyroweu, 30

King <M.), 80

Lima (J. F.), 70


*Macrarrcn, 2 Mar,

Mayr, 50

Mdhul, 30

fRaimondi (I.), t. 75, r4


Schenk, 60

Tritto, 80

flMrk, 57, aC Aug,

fVafihal, 74, 2$ Auff.

•Verdi, 10 OcL

•\>’agner, aa May

*Ay(oun. William EdineoMounv.


*INi(lw»rr. Coorf. I>«.

CoHcir, Joiobate (k« \V«rvv


tDrlilk, Jae«)iirt, Po.

*Hebb«i, CHixniian KrtedrkJi.

Po. l>e.

tKdrner, Throdor. tt. Po. Dr.

*r>id«*i«r, Ouo. Dr. No.

*Moc,Jort«n. Li. Po.

'Wm^Uod. JakolHcte Camilla

(J. aCuiku). No.

tNVkland. CUraioph bfattin. &>.

1*0. No.


tDibdIri, 69, 25 July

FcdcrIcI, 50

Fioravanti (Val.}. 50

Gossec, do

•Heller. 15 May

•Hcmelc, la May

fHtmmel, 48, 8 June

KamieAaki (M.>, 80

Lavoiia, 30

Mortacchj, 30

Moscbeles. 20

Onslow, 30

tReichai^c, 6], 26 June

Ries, 30

Rode, 40

Spohr, 30

Spondni, 40

Tomaiek, 40

fVogler, (>4, C May

Weyse, 40

•Xyndas, 8 June

Winter, 60

*Bceu, Nieolaar. Li. Po. No.

*Ck«Mieer, Jean Bapririo Aufui<e.


*Dc Vere, Aubfey HMmaj. Pa.

*D«^Uiedi, Franz Ferdinand.

Po. Dr. No.

flflUad. Aucvti tVillielm. sa*

Ae. Dr.

*Lc Fanu, Joieph Sheridao. Nu.

*L«rmoncov, Makkad Yurevich.

Po. No.

«Maekav. CKartn. Vo,

Jean Franfois. J*a.

*kMlrr, P«ier Ludvie. Po. L(.

*Nkoll, Rebcri. Fe.

*Prke, Ellen (laier Mn. Henry

Wood). No.

*Reade. Charlei. No.

tSainuPkrre, Ifemardin de. 77.

Lr. No.

*1'tdeinaod, Adolf. Pa.

Verv, Aubrey Tliontai De <»rr

De Ver«}

•VMki'V'Doc. Cuclne Fm*

otanue). Ar.

*W90d. Mfi. Henry («n J*rii e)


Acc^^'ood, 50

Baini, 40

Boely, 30

fioicldieu, 40

Cavos, 40

Crotch, 40

EybJer, 50

•Fran*, 26 June

•Fry, 10 Aug.

Isouard, 40

•Jackson (\V.) (H), 9 Jan.

•Kjerulf, *5 Scpl.

Kurrw&iki, 30

Marschner, 20

Mercadantc, 20

* Moson)!

Ogiwki, 50

Pearsall. 20

•Pierson (Pearson), 12 Apr.

RadsiwiJI, 40

tReeve, 58, 22 Jum*

Stcibelt, 50

Tadolini, e. 3«>


y )3

Violti, 6o

*Volkmanji, 6 Apr.

Thorns*, iui. ?&.

tfisrifileiii. F/afiMSco, oo. P*.

*Gc>bel, Ensnuel «oa> Po.

tGiUrsy, Junn, P«.

Ankec. Po. Ko.

*LAbkb«. EvtkA«> Dr>

*M«iBeoi)ief, Low


f Meli, Cicviani, c. 99. Po.

*M«niet, Adolph voo. Po,

tQgogliu, AnpeV), 91. Ar. Po.

*Trollopc. Anchonir. No.


AjiUirom, 60

•Iknncu, 13 Apr.

bcr>sAtd, 30

Bishop, 30

CaJicoU. y>

l^mbini, 70

Ocrl, 30

Hook, 70

Horn, 30

tjannaconi, 74, i 4 > Mar.

Krcuizer <R.}, 50

Kuhlau, 30

tl^rciB, Cf,. 6 Aug.

Locwc, 30

fMaMlfti (j. P. A.). 74, 10


Pucini, 30

tPalsirllo, 7C, 5 June

RaimoiHji (P.}, 30

Schneider, 30

Schnyder, 30

Seyfried, 40

tWeUbc (i), 75, 35 KU>

Weber, 30

W'eigI, 50

W«ley (S.), 50

*Bronte. Cl<otM(«. No.

*Cu*hmoji, CliarlWR. A(.

tDcrsbovin. GovFiU Koinorw.

vUh, 73 , Po.

tDueu, Jc«R ProncoM. #3. I>r.

*Puch«r, Jehoaa Ocovi v«e, Pv.


*Ft9yUf, Gusiov. No. Pr.

tOineucoe, Pkfre Low. (a. L».

•r^obicoau. JoKph ArltM* df.


*KMUoii«l<r, PriadrkK WOboIni

von. No. Dr.

filamUtoe, Lli^bcth. jB. LI.


*J«rK^w. Jerii AdolT. &c,

IJordut. OorMlm, 94. At.

lOttn¥. Vlodialov Akuodro*

vkL, 47. l>f.

*kelh<l. Alfred. Po.

tShendao, Rkhord Bnulcy. 65.



Berlon, 50

Carats, 30

DonuetU, 30

*Gadc, 33 Feb.

tCugliclmi (P. C.), f. 53 »

26 Feb.

tKnechc, 63, 1 Dec.

IKunzeo (F. L. A.), 54, 36


*Mabellini, 2 Apr,

*Maillarc, 34 Mar.

MBcray, 30

tMchul, 54, (0 Oci.

fMoruogny. 87, 14 Jan.

Midler (W.). 50

*Pedrotu, 13 No^^

I1e>el. 60

Romberg (A.), 50

Romberg (B.J, y»

bchuberi. 30

t.Sierkel, CO. 31 Del.

f ApfHoni. Aiidm, B3. I’o.

*.Sr*hV, JoiiQ». Po.

tAuMrn, Jone, 49. No.

"Bonvin, Pranfou. Po.

•Brkelr. Oswald k>'«Uen. Po.

‘CoApooiuor y Centpoesorin,

Ramte dc. Po.

*U«ubitny. Charles PraiHu**.


"Cilbers, ioliA. Po.

*KerM«ffli. (.;earo. Po.

*Horsky. John Ckleoii. Po.

* Lewes. Ceuree llenrv. LI.

IMekDiks Vald^. Juan, 4 j.


fQare«>irhi. Gioeomn. 73, Ar.


tikoel. AoM Louhe Germohie <le

31. LI. No.

*$ioe«n. IVodor. Po. No.

* rhoetoo, Henry David. J J.

* Polstoy. Aleaeyev, Couni, IG.


* " am, Oeorye Frvderk h . Pa,


*Zordla y Moral. Jok. Po, Dr.


fFenaroli, 67, 1 Jan.

Fbnier, 70

tGasasn^a, 74, 1 Feb.

Gelinek, 60

Oliuer, 30

*Gouj>od, 18 June

Hummel, 40

flsouard, 43, 33 Mar,

•Uiolff, 6 Feb,

Lvov, 30

Neulcomm, 40

Reissiger, 30

Seback, 60

Seehter, 30




Shield, 70

Stadkr, 70

Zch^r, 60

*Bc«n»» Emily. No.

*CooV, Elito. Pd.

♦Poky, John Henry. S«.

* Proude, Jonrn Aaihony. U.

*Leconi« dc Lnle, Charles hf»rir.

Po. Dr.

tLewik Mauhew Ortirory

rMook"),4S. No. Dr

*Meurke. Paul. Dr.

tOaens(i«rn«. Johan Cabrid. 6S.


*R«ul. Thonta* Ma)7te. No.

*Sttvtn», Alfred. Sc.

•Turgenev, Ivan. No.

•Whitman, VVaUfer). Po.


•AU, Q2 Dec.

Aaioli, 50

Camiccr, 30

Ouquongy, 60

Eisner, 50

Fesca, 30

Fioravgnei (Vine.), 20

Hftldvy, 90

LickI, 50

May»e^r, 30

*Moniuszko, $ Mhy

•Offenbach, aojunc

fPenuia, 50, 90 Dec.

*bupp<, 18 Apr.

fVerheyen, <. 68, u Jan.

Vcwoviky, »

tBird, Edward, 47. Pa.

•Bodcaitedc, Fri^rieh ve«. Po.

•Clough, Arthur Hugh. Fo.

•Courbet, Cuitave. Pa.

•Evani. hfarian <Oeen« Elioi).


•Faed.John. Pa.

•Foniane. Theodor, Po. No.

•Frith, William Powell. Pa.

•Croth. Klaus. Po.

•Harpignie*, Henri Jeaeph. Pa.

•Hook, James Clark. Pa.

•Keller, Goterxied, Po. No.

•Kingsley, ChaHe. No.

f Koiwbue, August Friedrich von.

30. £>r.

•lowell, JaiTws Rgn«n. Po. li.

t Manvel, Franc hco, 05. Po.

• Marueet, Jehik Westland. l>r.


•Melville. Herman. No.

•Millet, Aime. Sc.

f NaacinMnio, Franciseo hlao^l

de, 65. Po. U.

Pindar. Peter (srr Wofcot)

•Auskio, John,

tSiolberg. Friedrich Leopold. Sp.

Po. Dr.

tWokot. John (** Peter Pindar”).

01. Li.

Beethoven, 50

Cherubini, 60

Frifel, 70

Kreutzer (K.), 40

•Kfiikovsky, 9 Jan.

fLavotia, 56, 1 1 Aug.

Lesueur, 60

Lipinski, 30

Mattel, 70

Rcicha, 50

Salieri, 70

•Sctov, «3jan.

Smith (J. S,), 70

fStegmayer, 49, jo May

Thrane, 30

Vaccal, 30

•Vieuxtempa, 17 Feb.

VitAsek, 30

Webbe (ii), r. 50

•Augier. Guillaume Vidor Emile.


•BroikU. Anne. Na.

•Fat. Afanasy. Po.

•Prometsiitk, LimNiic. Pa. (.j.

tHaylcy. William. 75. Li. J’n.

•logelovr. Jeaik. Po. No.

•Jones, Ebeneser. Po.

•Tenniel. John. Pa.

tW'est. Benjamin, fit. Pa.


fAranat, 79

Baillot, 30

Bellini, 20

fCallcott, 54, 15 May

Cramer, 30

Caemy, 30

Gaveaux, 60

Hdrotd, 30

HullmandrI, 70

KaliitktxJa, ao

tKamiehski (M.), 86, 35


Lanner, ao

Lindbl^ (A.), ao

Lindpainlner, 30

l.eriaing, ao

Meyerbeer, 30

Paer. 50

fRomberg (A.), 54. 10 Nov,

Skroup, ao

Stegmaon, r. 70

Varlamov, ao

Vo#Sek, 30

•Baudelaire, Cbarfe^ Po.

•Brabacoo. Hercules. Pa.

•Brown, Ford Mados. Pa.

•Budoo, Richard Francis. LI.

•Chami^uey, Jules Husson. t.i.


fCosway, Richard. 79*



tC n a» e . Joha» y. Pji.

*DupoAi, Pkn«. fo.

•F^ix, £la*bc«h (RkIwI I . Ac.

•Fcuilln. Octxv«. N». D*.

* Feydeau, Ernest. Po. Ke. Li.

*Flaubert, Guwave. No.

tlnehbald, Elivabetb. U. M.

Dr. No.

t KraU. Joho. Po.

*Lo<ker*Lan)pMn. Prederkk.


‘Maikov, ApoOen Nikolayrvkh.

Po. D*.

*Molb««b, Cludtian Knud

Frederik. Po. Dv.

‘N'ekrasMv. Nikolov Akxryexkh.


‘Palofl. JoMpb No«l. Ka. fo.

tPoUderi. John WiHian. •&. No.

Rachel (m« F«Iu>

tSlolberf, Chtittian. 73, Po. IV.


•Abrinyj fK.). 15 Oei.

Auber, 40

Barnctl (J.), 30

fionnijM^y, yo

Clemcnli, 70

Cooke (T.) , 40

tDuquesnoy, 63, 9 May

Field, 40

•Franck fC.), 10 Dec.

•CasumUide, 7 Feb.

Kelly, 60

tLima (J. F.), 78, 19 Keh.


Marsh, 70

*Mau^, 7 Mar.

Mar.as, 40

Nlcdermeycr, at»

Paganini, 40

Portugal, to

•Raff, 37 May

Rouini, 30

Zingardli, 70

‘AriinIJ, MaUhew. U. Po.

‘Doth. )kik. Po, Dv.

‘Bvnheur, Rou (Roaalir Markr.


‘Boucicauk. l>k« <f>k«riHi*l.

Ac. Dr.

‘Caoiobcll, John Prancit. JJ.

tCaoQva, Antonie, 63. Sc.

‘Ilmieye^y. Frodoc Mikkatfe.

vkh. No,

‘Prekmann, Emik. No.

‘Ferrari. Paote, Dv.

‘Pwlkr, Georfv, Pa.

‘Ceoaouvi. Edmood «le. No. if

Erow Thredox

Amadrus, 46, No.

‘Hughn, TVemaa. No.

‘Muntcr. Henri, No.

‘Riitoxi, Adelaide. Ae.

tbhclky, Peeey Byuhe, 30. Pu.


Adam, 2f>

*Barbkri, 3 Aug.

Berlioz, 30

Caiel, 50

Ferrari (G. G.), 60

Fiorillo {F.), 70

fPdnier, 75, Nov.

Ceiier ,40

Generali, 50

Cyrotvecz, to

fHullmandcl, 73, ig Dec.


•Kirchner, 10 Dec.

Lachner (F.), ao

•Lalo, 27 Jan.

Mayr, to

•Rcycr, i Dec-

Schenk, 70

Sowifblci. ao

tSieibeh, 57, a Occ.

Triito, 90

* Bant ilk. ’PModore ck. Po, No.


♦ BloomAeM. Robert, S7. Po.

‘C.ob*A*t. Akaandre. Pa.

tCombe, M'lUfam, Be. No.

WtIlijBt Johnton. Po.

tOeealenhetf, Hrutrkh N>'ilhclm

voa. 96 . Dr. Li.

‘Uencalvei Dias, Aittonk. Po.

‘Geiucball, Rudolf voa. Po. Dr.


‘InaeM. Georgr. P«.

tKrmble. John Phili|>. 66 . Ac.

tNolkbeoi, Joteidi. M. Br.

‘Pattisore. <Vvcntry. Po.

t Prvd'hoA. Pkrre Paul . B5. Pa.

tRadclifle, Ariel, 34. No.

^Raeburn. iSie) Henry. 67. Pa,

‘Vongr. (Iharlour Nfary. No.


Benedict, ao

•Bruckner, 4 Srpl-

• Cornelius, 24 Dec.

Dom, ao

Pederki, to

Fioravanti (Val.), to

Glinka, ao

Cossec, 90

Mtohura, ao

Monpou, ao

Morlacchi, 40

Moscheles, 30

Onslow, 40

•Rcincckc, 33 June

Rks, 40

Rode, 50

•Semet, 6 Sept.

•Smetana, a Mar.

Spohr, 40


Sponimi, 50

Slrauw (J.) (i), 20

Tomaifk, 50

tTriiio, gt, 16 Sept.

fVioni, 60 , 3 Mar.

VVeysc, 50

Winter, 70

fByroe, Ge«<tr Gordoo. Lard.

96. fa.

*('/ollirvs, William Wilkie. No.

Atexaadre, jun. Dr.

tFeitK, RhijavM, 71. ?o. Dr.

*Fremie(. CmmaAwel. S«.

tC^rieauIr, Jem Louii, $). Fa.

*Geram«, JeaA L^oe. Pa.

*Urael*. jo«er. Pa.

tMaturin, C^harWr Poben. 47.

No- Df.

*Palt««ve, Francis Tu/aer. IV>.


*ruvii d« C^havanncr, PWrre

<^^il«. Pa.


At i wood, 60

Baini, 50

BotJy, 40

Boicidieu, 50

tBoftniawky, 73, 10 Oct.

tCamiMftj, 79, 29 Dec.

C:avos, 50

Crotch, 50

Eyblcr, fo

fGaveauK, 63, 5 Feb.

tOeiinek, 66, 13 Apr.

Hartmann (J. P. E.), 30

■Hen*d, 30 June

KurpiAaki, 40

Marschner, 30

t Mattel, 75, 13 May

Merc ad ante, 30

OgiAaki, 60

Pearuii, 30

Radziwilt, 50

•Ricci (U), 30

tSaileri, 74, 7 May

•Straus* (J.) (ii>, 95 Oct.

Tadolini. t. 40

f VoPtlck, 34, jg Nov.

t Winter, 7*, *7 Oct.

'Ilallanlrne, Robert klieharl. ]j.

*AaItico. Alfonso. Sr.

tBornard, Lady Anne. 73. Po,

*D)a<kinorr. Rkhard Doddrxipe.


* Boudin, Cwifne. Pa.

*Bouguereau. Adolphe. Pa.

*Ca»tcllo' Branco, Camrllo. No.


* (Caplin, Charles. Fa.

tCourier (de Mdrdl. Paul Louts.

S 3 . Li.

tOavid, Jacques Louis. 77. Fa.

*Fosier. M^tes Birh«(. Pa.

tpH’eli, Henry, fl$. Pa.

*Oar 9 i«r. Jean Louis Clia/les.


•Gude. Haas Frcdrkk. Pa.

J«ao Paul (srr RicJitari

•Jdkai, Mor. No.

tKnox, tVilliam, 36. Po.

tMakaeushi, Antoni, $$. Po,

* Meyer. Cosrad Feedinaod. Po,


* Procter, Adelaide Arm. Po.

f Richter, Jobana Paul (‘^Jean

Pau]*^;,fi2. No.


Ahbuom, 70

Berwald, 30

Bishop, 40

IFederici, 63, 36 Sept.

iFcsca, 37, 84 May

•Foster, 4 July


•Haflsirom, 5 June

•Holstein, t6 Fell.

Hook, 80

Horn, 40

tKelJy, 63,9 0 ci-

Kreuucr (R.), 60

Kuhlau, 40

Loewe, 30

Pacini, 30

Raimondi (P.), 40

fSchack, 66, 1 1 Dec.

SchrMider, 40

Schnyder, 40

Sey fried, 50

tStegmann, e. 73. 37 May

t Weber, 39, 5 June

'Veigl, 60

\N'e*ky (S.). 60

rSafiffeten. Jcni Immatiuel. Ca.


Crad, hfrt. (srr htulock)

*Chatrian, Louia. No.

*Faed, Thomas. Pa.

tPlaxman. Jolin, 7i« &<•

IGlee, tVilliam, 37. Ihi.

tHebel. Johann Peter, *6. ]*o.


tHebcr. Reginald. 43. Li. Po.

tKa/anain, Nikolay hfikhaile*

vkh, at. Li.

* Moreau. Gustave. Pa.

*Xlu)ock, Dinah Maria (Mrs.

Geaik). No.

*lMlliliov. Mikhail I.ygrakivich.


*$chelFel. Jeue^ k'ietor von.

Po- No.

7 Talma. Ftanfots Joseph, C3.



fBecihoven, 56, 26 Mar.

BeriM), 60



Donizetci, 50

Lachner ( 1 .), io

M^iray, $0

•M«rke!, ti Nov.

MuJIer (W.), 60

Pleyel. 70

Reber» 20

Romberg (6.), 60

Schubert, 30

t61ak«, tSilliam, fo. Li. Po.

Afnohl. P*.

* Breton, jutn AOulftfae. Po.

*CArpeau2. Jeon Boplule. Sc,

tlVuuciert. hforc Anwiite, 5V

Pr. Po.

t>Wolo, U'lo. 4Q. fc-

tHaulT, j). No.

•Hum, illiom Hobiian. Vo.

tLJuMer, %% pu.

t|tuw|4iHl«Mi. Thoinm, 71. fo.


Dalfr, 90

Clapitfon, ao

•Gevaert, 31 July

GlikMr, 30

Gr)»ar, 9 o

tHook, 6 t

Hunmiel, 50

Lvo^ , 30


Ncukumm, 30

Kci&iigcr, 30

fSchuberi, 3 t. 19 Nov.

Sechirr, 40

ShivUI, 60

Stadicr, 80

t llirane, 38, 30 Drc.

Zeller. 70

•Bkibtreu, tieuec, pj.

tBonihiiwn. RkkorJ, a6. P«,

TPoy* y l.uetchiFi. Fr*Khco de,

Hi. Po,

tHuuden. Jeon Aiwaim. t). Sc.

•Hum, Richoid Morre. Ar.

•Ibeen, Henr>k. Di. Po.

•MeeediOi. Gcurf*. No. Pw.

t Monti, V ineento. 74. 1^,

tMorotln. l«andn> PerhirHlei tie

66. IS>, Ur.

OMphwii. Martatei (m Wibon;.

thnOemoAie. (ppoUlo, 7^ Po.


•Rouetti, Uante Cobrkl. Po.


•Kydbera, AStahaot Viktor. Pe.


•Si«*ea«, Alfred. Pa.

*'l'aifve, Kip^yie Adolphe. U.

* 1 .Ottvy. l4* .Vikoiayevich. No.

IN>. (.1.

•Verne, Jgler. N®,

•WiWi, Mar^rel <Mn.

phanlh No.


Asaoti, 60

Camiccr, 40

F.lsner, Co

Ftoravand (Vine.), 30

^Gosscc, 93, 16 Peb.

Hal^%-y» 3®

LickI, Co

IJrulblad (O.), 90

Kfayscticr, 40

Mciitli’l»obn, 9ir

Pacius, 20

Kkci {F.J, so

tbhietd, 60, 93 Jan,

S*mlo\«ky, 30

•Borraniet, k'iiuente. Po. Li.

•Cherbuliei. Utarlr) Victor. No.

•Uuboit. Paul. Sc.

•Feuerbach, AtMekn. I'a.

tOnteyedov. Alexander Serfeve*

tich, 7|. Po. Dr.

tLe.*pbld, Karl Oukiaf. 7|. Po.


•MilloH, Jfdm TtereM. P*.

•Hwbenton. Ihumm VVilliaiM.

Ar. IV.

• Kerl UiUKlm Fiictl*

tuh tort. S7. li. No. IV,


tGaiel, 37, ^ Nov.

Cherubini, 70

Chopin, ao

Da^'td (F.), 20

Erkot, 20

Krigvl, 80

•(Mdmark, 18 May

•llebc. Cl Feb-

KaMncr, 30

KrcuUcr (K.), 30

•Lassen, 13 Apr.

Lraueur, 70

Lipirtski, 40

Lumb)*^, 20

Maldeghem, 20

•Mermel, 30

Nicolai, 40

tPorti^aJ. C7, 7 r«b.

Reicha, 60

tRod«. 5$, 95 Nov,

Rossi (Lauro), 90

•Rubinstein, 38 Nov.

Schumann, 90

Smith (J. S.), 80

Vaccai, 40

Vicasek, Co

Webbe (ii), <. (k>

Wesley (S. S.), 90

•IVtu .Vocueira Kunoc. JoLo de.


•Die Hnr i ’ i et , &(u1y. Po.

5 o8


tCcnlif, Si^hank F^lieU* 4 «. 84.


*C«2«IIe. Guido. Po.

*Con<euri. Juki de. No. U.

Robert. Po.

tHaelin, WillUm. 59. LL

Paul. No. Fo.

• Hoamc r. Horr >«c Sc.

*Hun(. Alfred WilUom. Pa.

*Kint«ley, Henry. No.

tKisfeludy, KAroly. 4s. Po. Or.

tLawreckce, (Sir) TbooiaA. 61.


* Leif li ion. Frederick. Po. .Se.

*N}is(rol. FrM^rcc. Po.

*Pi*»erro. Camiik. Po.

*Ro»«ettt. Chriitina. Po.


Ballot, 60

Bellini, 30

Cramer, 60

Czemy, 40

H^rokl, 40

HiJJcr (F.), ao

KaJIiwoda, 30

tKreutzer (R.), 64, 6 June

Lanner, 30

LindbJad, 30

Lindpaininer, 40

Liizt, ao

Loruinf, 30

*Marchctd, a6 Feb.

Meyerbeer, 40

*Norman, a8 Aug.

Paer, 60

tPleyel, 74, 14 Nov.

akroup, 30

Scamaty, ao

Thomaa (A.), 20

Varlamov, 30

tAmim. Ludwif Achim eon, 50.

Po. No.

*BorreM. Ltwreore. A<>

*Det 4 S. ReinhoU. 5 e.

tBilderdijk, Willem, 75. Po.

*Cftl««rley. Chork* Scuart. Po.

*£d«rord>. Amriio AarK. No.

fCllitton, Robeil Witliom. }7.


*Folfuikre, Jeoo AleiLondre

Joseph. Sc. Po.

*Jocksofi, Helen Morio, Po. No.

tKlinfer. Frkdrich Uooinulion

voB. 79. Dr. Po.

* Leskov, Nikoky. No.

IMaihisson. Fri^kh voo, 90.


*Mesdof. Hendrik. Po.

*Meun>cr, Consiooiio. Se. Po.

tNasmyth, Peier (Patrick). 44.


f Noftheole, iomes. 6$. Pa.

*Roobe< WiUielm. No.

*Sardoo. Vktoriea. Dr.

t^iddoni. Soroh. tS. Ae.


tAaioli, 6a, 18 May

Auber, 50

Baroclt (J.), 30

tOemend, $0, 10 Mar.

Cooke (T.), 50

Field, 50

Flotow, ao

tGenerali, 59, 3 Nov.

tKuhlau, 45, ta Mar.

•Lecocq, 3 June

Liverali, 60

Mazaa, 50

Niedermcyer, 30

Paganini, 50

Rosalcii, 40

•Sbderman, I7juiy

*Sokalsky, 26 Sept.

Thalberg, ao

Wallace (V.>, ao

f Zeller, 73, 15 May

Zingarelli, $0

tDenihom. Jeremy. 84. Li.

^Sjormoo, Bjorait/eros. Po. Oi.

Wilhelm. Po. Po.

tCanoppl. Antonio, $4. Po.

CorrolJ, Levis (m D^fson)

tCrobbe, Ceorce, 78. Po.

tDcvrienl. Lvdwif, 48, Ac.

*Dedfsoe, Charles Lutwidfe

(Lewis Carroll). Li.

*I>or 4 . Cufiave. Pa.

*Eehetiray. Josd. Or.

tCocihe, Johana Wotfioof von,

8s. Po. Dr. Li.

*kfaMt, Cdouord, Pa.

tMunden. Joseph. 74. Ac.

tScost. (Sir) Wilier. 61. Po. No.

"Stephen, l^Mie. Li.


Adam, 30

Alkan, ao

BerJioz, 30

*8orodin, la Nov.

*Brahms, 7 May

Dargomifhsky, 30

Ferrari (G. C.), 70

Ceijer, 50

Cyrowelz, 70

fH^rold, 41, igjan.

Lachner (F.), 30

Loder, ao

Mactairen, 20

Meyr, 70

tOgiiteki, 68, 1 8 Oci.

tRadziwilJ, 57, 7 Apr.

Schenk, So

So^vinski, 30

tSiadJer, 85. 8 Nov.

Verdi, 20

Wagner, ao



*Alftrc6e, P«4ro Apimio. N».

L4oa RorttiiiB.


"Booth, C4win Thonaa. A<.

"BimC'JetM*. Edward. Pa.

*Chala«rn< Gcargr. Pa.

"Cha^ti, Hcn«i. S«.

tCUMdolU. J«ap Jutiea Lkmlt

dc, 64.

"Chutiat, Giuacppe. Po. Li.

"Cole. GeMte Vicat. P«.

"Cerdoo, Adan Undsay. Po.

t Guerin, Pierre Kareitfe, )g.


tHallaat, Arthur Hriu*, 99 . Po.

tKean. EdaMarul. 44 . A<.

"Lie, Jorva^ No.

thiorr. Hannah, 00. Li.

to* Keetle, Jolui . 06, A«. Pr.

"Pereda, Josd Staria de. No.

*.‘>ie<lfnan, Cdmurtd Clarence.

Po. U.

Bt’nc^ict, 30

*BvAoil, 1 7 .\uj(.

tBukUJiru, 58, 8 Oci.

Dorn, 30

I’ioravanii (Vol.), 70

Glinka, 30

HcJler, 90

HenKlc, 90

MOchura, 30

Monpou, 30

MorlaccUi, 50


Onslow, 30

"Ponchirlli, 1 Sept.

"Reubke, 93 Mar.

Rics, 30

Spohr, 30

Sponiini, 60

Sirawi (J.) (i), 30

Tomakk, 60

\N'cy»o, 60

Xynclar. 70

"Btoeh, Karl Henrik. Pa.

"Btnwiie, John Farrar '.ArteuHn

Ward), Li.

tCeleridcc, Samne) Taylor. 6a,


'Cnwa. Pietro, Dr.

"Deta*, Edgar, Pa.

"Du Maurier. George. No, p*.

tCiraod, Crovaont, )0, Dr.

"Kivi (Stenvall). Akou. No.

fLamb. Charka, 39. U.

"Morrit, William. Po. Li. Cr.

"Shorthowe, Joaeph Heory. No.

Ward, Artemu* fur Broam«>

"Whuiler, Jamri M<NeUI. Pa.


AKts'ood, 70

Uaini, Co

*Bel>CMy, 10 Aug.

tBellini, 33, 23 Srpi.

Body, 30

Cavos, 60

Crotch, 60

*Gui, t8Jan.

"Draeaeke, 7 Oci.

Eybicr, 70

Fraru. 20

Fry, 20

Hartmann (J. P. E.), 30

Jacluon (W.J <h), so

Kjertiir. 90

KurpiAski, 30

Manchnor, 40

Mcrcadanio, 40

Moa^yj, 90

t Muller (W,), 67, 3 Au^.

Pearsall, 40

Pienon. 20

Ricci (L.), 30

*$ 4 iAt«Saena, oOct.

Tadolini, <. 50

Volkmann, so

*\Vieniawski (H.), jo July

"Auttin. Alfred. l*o.

*Brod<oiilii. Kaihnim, 44. Po.

"Sutler. Samuel. .Vo.

"CUemem, Samuel Langhome

(MaA Twaio). No.

ICobbeti, ^^'ln(am, 7a. Li.

"Defregger, Pxant eoA. Pa.

fHemane, FelkU Deroiliea. 44,


tHoM, Jamet, 6). Po.

tSCaihewi, Charki. ten., 49.


taiotherwell, William, )9. Po,

t.Vaeh. |eha, I}. Ae.

"Oechardton. William, Pa

tmalon, AuguM voo, S9. Po. Dr.

"Peeieoat, Harriet Lliaabeth

(later SpolTord 1 . .Vo,

1 Scott. Klkhacl. 46. No.

SpoAbnl, Harriet Pliubeth (rrr


"Stcohenr, Jamet Brunten. Po.

Twain. Slarh (err Oemcni}


Ahbirom, 80

Benneti, 20

Bcrwalrl, 40

Bishop, 50

*Oelib«, 2J Feb.

Gerl, 70

•Goows, II July

* Hartmann (E.), 91 Feb

Hom. 30

Loewe, 40

Pacini, 40

Raimondi (P.), 30

IReicha, €6, 26 May

fSdwnk, 73, 20 Dec.



Schneider, 50

Schayder, 50

Seyfried, 60

t Smith (J. S.>, 86, ai Sepi.


Wesley (S.), 70

*Alma-Tadem«, L^urenct. Pa.

*Be<quer, CiuUvo Addfe. Li.


*8cMnt. U'alicr. U. K«.

*Bumand. Fraiwu C^le)*. Dr.

*Carducci, Cimui. P9.

tColoian. (•cotfe, jun., 74. IV.

*Faniijt>LJ>i«u«. H«ikri. Pa.

* Gilbert, UilHam Seb^vucb. IV.

f Godwin, WillMm, fto. No. I.i.

TGrabbe. Chritiian Dielrkb, %%.


*Lcnbaeh. Frani. Pa,

t Maekeniie, Henry. IK. No.

*Neuvill«. AtphOfM* de. Pa.

*PovT)irr, fcdwanl. l*a.

tRairnund, KrrJinarMl. 46. Ar.


*Saeher-M«oeh, l.eepeld yon.


fWmet, Horace, 7b. P*.


"Udlakircv. a Jan.

•lUrncu (J. F.), 16 Del.

Bcrcon, 70

Oarafa, 50

iVmitetti, 40

tFiekI, 54, 93 Jan.

tPioravami (Val.), 72, 16


Cade, ao

'Guilcnani, 12 Mar.

*Guiraud, 23 June

tHumriKl. 5^ 17 Oci.

‘feruen, lajan.

Lachner {!.), 30

fLesucur, 77, 6 Oci.

Mabel I ini, ap

Nfaidart, ao

Mat ray, 40

Pcdroiti, ao

Rebcr, 30

Romberg (D.). 70

t Wesley (S,), 71, II Oci.

*\Vicnia>\'ski (J,), 23 May

* 2 cleA»kj, 6 July

tZingarelM, 85, 5 May

*Be«Qur, Henri. IV.

tBectushei’, Akiander. 40. No.

*boHVnaer, Pierre CoimaiHiel

Hippalytr. Pa.

"Braddon. Mary* riiubclh. No.

tlktchncr, Geocf, 94. Dr.

Carolus.Duran (*rr Durand.


tConsiaMr, John. 6t. Pa.

*Cul«‘erw«)l. CbarieS (later Wynd*

hant). Ac.

*Duraod, Gharlca (Carolus^

Duran). Pa.

*Ebcn. Georg Uorits. No.

fGdnrd, FraA^i Pajcal, 87. Pa.

*Howells, Wiiliaoi Dean. Li. No.


* Kipling, John Lockwood. 8e.

Pa. Li.

*Legro3, Alphonse. Pa.

tbeopardi, Giacomo. Ckuiil, S9.


IN'icoll, Robert. 9$. Po.

tPusbkin, Aleaaoder ^rgeyevich,


tQujglio. Domenico, jun., sr.


tSoane, (Sir) Joho, 84. Ar.

'Swfflburm. Algernon Charies.


Wyedham. Charles (ut Culver*



fAhhlrom, 81, n Aug.

tAiiwood, 7«, 24 Mar.

Balfe, 30

*Bendl. 16 Apr.

*Biiei, 25 Oct.

*Bruch, 6 Jan.

*CastiJlon, 13 Dfc.

Clapitaon, 30

•Clay, 3 Aug.

GJascr, 40

Gounod, 20

Crisar, 30

LitolfF, 20

Lvov, 40

•Morales (M.), 4 Dec.

Neukomm, 60

Reitsiger, 40

fRici, 53, 13 Jan.

Sechter, 50

t< 3 aaniMse, Adalbert von, 77.

Po. No.

*Dalou. Jules. Sc,

*Gray. David. Po.

*lr\ inff. Henry. Ae.

t Kemble. Maria Therera, 84.

Ae. Dr.

*l.ando«). Lclilia Ellialiedi, 36.

Po. No.

^Lccky, ^^'illia^) Cduaid Hart,

pole. Li.

tMoOcr. Paul Martin. 44. Pn.

Dr. Lt.

tMoreau, Hdgdsinpc. 38. Po.


Ab«, 20

Carnicer, 30

Ebner, 70

Fioravanti (Vine.), 40

Hal^vy, 40

LickI, 70

Lindblad (O.), 30



Ma>'seder, 30

Mendel&sohn, 3Q

Mociiuszkp, 2 f>

*Mui$org$ky, 2t Mar.

*Nipravnik» 24 Aug.

Offenbach, go

Paciui. 30

tPaer, 67, 3 May

•Paine, 9 Jan.

•Rhclnlwrger, 17 Mar.

Ricci (F.), 30

Supp^, 20

\Vf»»vv>kv, 40

tVUisek, 69, 7 Dec.

*Anaexk| ruber. (.tnlHic, \<>.

»Bc««lirv. (Siff M. |>«.

tBrce, Sfahhiu Icmamm v»n, 66.


I.immL Pe. Ih.


»CV(aiiiw. lUul. I'e.

I)e Nlursan, WilliaMt Mf


tc;ali.)v}»n. 6e. N.>. Ik,

^UniA, Pn. Ik.

tCw^ria, Ge«r«n Mauritr ile,


* Marie. P/aiMM Brel. Na,

* 1 1 ilii M». il lism. <11. Pa.

*l.s Mack lM*>e iKe


* Nf«c\VI»ir Irr. JeJm , I'a.

* Marian. William Ik. N'w.

TN'irander, Karl Aucu«*. 4A, Pn.

OuiJa Ittt 1.4 Rani^l

» Paler. WaUrr. l.i,

tlVard. Winthrt.p Md<k«e«ili.

37. P«.

*^^ull> »PfwJhemme. Hmit Kran*

l<« 4 Armanil. Pn.


•.\udran, igApr.

•Ikiiraauh'IXfCvtMJras. j


tC<avo», 64. 10 May

Cherubini, Bo

CHiopin, 30

David (F.), yt

Erkel, 30

•I'acciu, B Mar.

Frigi l, 90

•Cola, 7 Dec.

Kaalncr, 30

Kreucaer (K.), Co

K^UkON*»kf, ao

•I.angc (S. dc), 22 Fcl>.

I.ipihiki, 50

Lumbyc, 3U

Malilcglicm, 3U

Mermot, 30

Nicglai, 30

1 Paganini. 57, 27 May

Rvssi (Lauro), 30

Schumann, yt

Sorov, 20

•Stainer, 6 June

*S^'eodsen, 30 Sept.

•Tchaikoi^ky, 7 May

Vaccai, 50

VieuxiemfK, 30

Webbe (ii), <. ?o

Wntty (S. S.), 30

Ahrrne. Jacaer (kt Meme,

Jamet A.)

*Baj#mbacli, Ruduir, Pa. S*o,

fBwmei . Franret (Panov. Mme

d'Arfclav). U. No.

*Caain. Jeaa Oharlr*. Pa,

tUiaAibm, George, r. %y. P*,

*dareiir. Juirt <An 6 ne Amaud).

.No. Dr. Li.

*Daude«. AlpiMoie. No. Dr.

*IX4b«eo, Heory AuMiA. Ia l.i.

KlnflW). Gerakl. 37, N'o. Ik.

* Hardy. Tkamat. Na. Pw.

*lt«mr. Jamet A.

Afceroej. Ac. Or.

tlfiimemuan, Ka/I Lebrerlii. 44 .

Pa. .No. Dr.

•.Makan. HaM, Pa.

•Monel, Gbwde. Pa.

^Vaimvdi. Akfander, B 4 , Pa.

•Riviere, Briton. Pa.

•Rodin, .AuguMc. $«.

•HMley. .Alfred. Pa.

•Svmmvdi. John Adtiinffion. Li.

•A'lUren d« l'Jile.,Adani. l’hilip|>e

.AufiHir Mriliiai. hi.

•^•da. £mile. No.


Daillol. 70

•Chabricr, iBJan.

Cramer, 70

Caerny, 30

•l>vo#ik, B Scpi.

Jollier (F.), 30

•Homcman, 17 Ucc.

Kalliwoda, 40

•l^nge (D. dr), ii JuJy

l^nncr, 40

Undbl^, 40

landpaintnrr, yj

Uut, 30

Lonsing, 40

Meyerbeer, 30

tMonpou, 37, 10 Aug.

tMortaeehl, 57, /B Oil

•.N cwler, 28 Jan.

•Pedrcll, C9 Frb.

TRomberg (B.), 73, jj Aug.

fSeyfned, 65, 37 Aug.

•Sgarabati, 28 May

Skroup, 40

Stamaly, 30

Thomas (A.), 30

VarUmov, 40

•Baacrvft, Sqotrr. A<,

fBertrand, Jaeqoei, 54 . po.



•fiia<k. William. No.

*Bu«hafiaji, RoWrL No. Fo. Dr.

tChanire>', (Sir) FraAcU, «o. Se.

*CoqueUn, B«oo(i FraAfou. A«.

fKook» Thoodoco EdvanS^

Dr. No. L*.

'Hudson, William Henr>*. Li.

• /. Keodall, Henry CUrcitcc. Po-

tLermoniov, Mikhail Yuiwich.

97. Po. Dr.

•MerwUi, Caiulle, Po. No. Dr.

'Moor*, Albert Joseph. Pa.

*E^id. Ceorye. Pa.

'Renoir. Aufuste. Pa.


Abrinyi (K.)» 30

Auber, 60

fBaiUoi, 70. 15 Sept.

Barnett (J.)» 40

•Boiio, 34 Feb.

fCherubini, 8i» 15 Mar.

Cooke (T.). 60

fFerrari (O. G.)» 7^, Dee,

Ftoiow, 30

Franck (C.), 30

fFrigcl, 93, 34 Nov.

Castambide, so

*l.iuertko, 33 Mar.

Liverati. 70


*Ma»er)et, 13 May

Mazas. 60

*Mihalovich» 13 Sept.

*Milldeker, 39 Apr.

Niedermcyer, 40

*Nordraak, 1 2 June

PafT, 30

Pouini, 50

"Sullivan, 13 May

Thai berg, 30

Wallace (V.), 30

t^>'cyse. 60 , 0 Oci-

f Banim, Johe. 44. No. Dr.

tBevle. Henri (Stendhal), pp. Li.


'B<«r<e, Ambrose. LI.

tBi«rre(aard, Henrik Anker, yx

Po. Dr.

* brandet. (ieorf. Li.

fBrentano. Ormcoe. £4. Po.

' (:a«4l lost i. Fclke. Po. Dr.

*Copp 4 «, Franfoii. Po. Dr.

tC^tman, John Sell, bo. Pa.

tCur>nin«hain. Allan, .sS. Po.

t| 4 peonceda, Jos 4 de. 3*. Po.

*Poc*>*«ra. Antonio. No.

'DaWde, Benito P^rrt, No. U.

'Heredia. JoH Maria dc. Po.

» Koltsov. Aleaer. 33. Po.

'Lanxr. Sidne>*. 1*0. LI.

ILebrun, Marie l.ouiae B).


'Mallarm^, St 4 |>hane, Po.

' Patrlew«lia. Klhe (Orxeahni.


htendhal (sreBeyk)

tVarley, John. 64- Pa.


Adam, 40

Alkan, 30

Barbieri, 30

Berlioz, 40

DargomizKsky, 30

•Grieg, 13 June

GyroweU, 80

Kirchner, so

Lachner (F.), 40

Lalo, 30

f Lanner, 42, (4 Apr.

tLickl, 74, 13 May

Loder, 30

Macfarren, 30

Mayr, 80

Reyer, 20

Sowidaki, 40

Verdi, 30

Wagner, 30

fWebbe (ii), r. 73. 25 Nov.

*Oabn, Felix. No,

tOelavifne, Cajimir, 30. 1*0.


*£ca dc Qurtroz, JoH Maria.


'Perrier, Paul. Dr.

FouduL F. H. K. do La Mottc

(uf La Moue)

tHaWerlin. Joliann Christian

Friedrkh, 73, Po,

*Jame«, Henry. No.

tLa hfoiie Fouqud, Friedrich

Heinrich Karl 6b. Po. No.

'Rrcnault, Henri. Pa.

'Rkhmoad, Wijliam. Pa.

'Rooefeer. Peter, Po. No. Dr.

tSouthey, Robert. $<). Po. LI.


fBairti, 66, 21 May

Benedict, 40

fBerton, ss Apr.

Bruckner, 30

•CeiJier, 1 Dec.

Cornelius, 30

Dorn, 40

tCerJ, 77 . *3 Apr.

"Gigout, 33 Mar.

Glinka, 40

Heller, 30

Henselt, 30

M^hura, 40

Mcechcles, 50

Onslow, 60

Reinecke, 30

•Riinsky«Korsako\', 18 Mar.

•Selmer, 30 Jan.

Semet, 20 *

Smetana, 20

Spohr. 60

Sponlini, *0



Sirauo (J*) (*)« 40

TooiaM, 70

Xyn(b», 30

WiUiim, By Ko.

*BebelmftAa. Qtrulun L«au.


* Bridge. E^obert, P«.

* Cable, G«»rf« WaduDgioii. Ke.

t^koii. (Stf) AugetxH Wall.

6^. Pa.

t Campbell, Thomui 67. Pa.

*Carpeaier, Bdwiml. Pa.

tDahlgreo. Karl Predrik,

Po. U.

•Fitdei. Lube. Pa.

*Fraoc«, Anstole (ThibaulO. U.


* Hare. Jobs. A<,

'Hepbiu. Gerard Maatey. Pe.

*Lao8, Andrew. Pa. Li.

*mitBcrer>. Ocilcv voB- Pa. Nw.

Madioba. Helena (w Opi^l

•Munbiety. hlUtily. Pa.

*Nt«uacbe. Fricdriek La. Pe.

tNedier. Charlee. B4. He.

*0»idv. IJekna (Med>Mha>.


*0*Sbauclmewy, Arthur. Pe,

*ftep«n, Ilia Verteietkb. Pa.

*ReuMeau. Henri, Pa.

*Therwal<bcn. Beriel, 74. $«.

» Verlaine. Paul. Pe.


fiodly, 60

Croich, 70

Eybler, do

*Fnur^, I a May

Frnni, 30

Fry, 30

Gcijer, 60

Hbrimnnn (J, ?, E.)» 40

H«rvd, 30

JnduQA (W.) (ii), 30

Kj<ruir, 30

KurpiAalu, Go

Mnrschner, 50

t Mnyr. 82, 7 Dec.

Mercadnftte, 50

Mosonyi» 30

Peamll, 50

Pienoo, 30

Ricci {L.), 40

Suau 39 (J.) (it), 70

Tadolini, c. 60

Volkmaim, 30

•Wldor, 24 Feb.

tBaratirokr, Evgeny Abeame«kb.

ii- Po.

t Barham . Rkhard. ^7. LL

* Bernhard 1. Sarah, Ae.

• Bk«afnen, Beraardu* iehiAna


fBtidel. Philippe Gyria^ we. BB.

Li. Pe.

tBrnebe. Maria, »o. Pe.

*Canetao(, BeojaodA. Pa.

*ilelL FniKia Mmtiague. Pa.

tHnnd. Thomaa. 46. Po.

ILauDaw, William, Bs< Pn,

*Le«n{mfber, Camille, la. No.

*Mercid. Mariuf Jean Antonin.

Sc. Pa.

*Snia«sbury. Geur|e. Li.

tSehIcfcl, August \SiU»elm vui>.

tB. U. Pe. Dr.

•Spiiteler. Cart Pe.

tWerfcland. Hendrik Ar«Kddu«,

JT. Pu.


Benncti, 30

Berwbkl, 30

Bisltop, Go

•Brull, 7 Nov.

fEyblcr, 61, 24 .July

FoMcr, 30

^Hnllen, 23 Dec.

lialUirom, 30

HoUtrin, 30

Horn, 60

LoevKT, 50

*Noskoi''ski, 3 May

Pacini. 30

Raimondi (P.), Go

Schneider, Go

Schnyder, Go

*Solovicv, 9 May

•Wcfcliui, 10 Nov.

fWcigl, 79. 3 Feb.

*Aniieii. Cdmende d«. Ne.

‘Barren. Wilton. Ac.

•CaJdeeoti, Handulph. Pa.

*Ce<h. Svalopluk. Po, [>r.

‘Conrad, blkhael Grerg. Li. Ke.


‘Crane. U'alter. Pa.

IDarley. Oeerce. 71. Pe.

lOebureau. Jean BaptiMc, 70.


•MreuHde. Paul. LI.

fDe Vote, {Hui Aubrey, 7®, J»a.

‘Farina. SaUaiore. Ke.

‘Creenavray. Kale. Pa,

tinman, Henry. 43. Pa.

* 0 *Cra«lp, Standuh. Li. Ku.

‘SknbkHiee, Henryk. No.

Vert, (S«r| Aubrey (wv De



Carala, Go

fCroich, 73, 7 <j Dec.

Donizellj, 30

•Frank, 7 Feb.

Gade, 30

tGcijw, 63, 23 Apr.

•Holmes, 16 Dec.

Lachner {I.}, 40

Mabellini, 30

VOL. tx

2 K



"Msckcnzk, 92 Aug.

Maillari, 30

M 4 (ray, 50

t Mendelssohn, 36, 4 Nov.

Merkel 20

Pedrotil, 30

R«ber, 40

*Salvayre, 24 June

•Scharwenka (P.), j6 Feb.

fBarker. Thomas. Ke., 78. Pb

*Brock. Thomas. Sc

tChuholm. Alesaodor, t. 5^


•Climiie, JariKs £»««. Pc

tCSirUtopoulos. Aibaaasios, 75.


*Cou]bstih. Joa DoetBB. Po.

tFrans^n, Frans Mkhact, 75.


*Hil(lcbraAd, AMI v«a. Sc.

*JacobMn, Jeas Pelcr. Po. No.

*Lkberfnann» Mac Pa.

tNo<a. Atberio, 79. Dr.

‘KoMbery, Archibald Philip

Pritnroi*. Lari «l. U.

*Thaulow, FriU. Pa.


Balfe* 40

ClaptMon. 40

t Cooke (T.), 65. 26 Feb.

fDonisclis 90, B Apr.

*Duparc. 9i Jan.

Gevaert, 20

Glaser. 50

‘Goldschmidt (A. v.), 5


Goun^, 30

Griaar, 40

‘Kbticr, 12 Mar.

LiloJff, 30

Lvov. $0

‘Mailing, I June

*Mancmclli> $ Feb.

Neukomm, 70

■Parry, a? Feb.

■Planquette. 31 July

Rcissiger, 50

■Schylte, 28 Apr.

Scchtcr, 60

fVaccai, 58» 5 Aug.

t Varlamov. 46} Oci.

*Barlholome. Paul Albert. Pa.


*BMMpft*l.«oafr. Juks. Pa.

tBelinshr. Vitsamn Griaoravkh.

37- U.

tBIkhcr. Siren .Sseetuen. 66. No.


tikonie. Emitv. S*- No-

tByelrw. Johan NlUas. 65. Sc.

fC^iraubrUad, Fraacois Rend

de. So. Po.

fColc, Thomas. 47- Pa-

*Coaueiin. Emesi Aleaaodrc

Heoord. Ac

*DecaiUe, Jeaa Bapliita. Pa.

tDrace*H2lsho/r, Annella von.

$r. Po.

‘Gai^uiii, Paul. Pa.

*HarTis, Jod Cbacdler. Li. No.

*HuysiMiis. JorU Karl. No.

*Jefrcriea, Richard. No.

*Ohoc<. Ceorget. No. Dr.

■Terry, Eiloo, Ac

I &49

Abt, 30

Carnicer, 60

fChopin, 39, 17 Oct.

Eisner, 80

Fioravanti (Vine.), 30

■Godard, 18 Aug.

Halivy, 50

fHom. 83, 21 Ocl.

fKreuuer (K.), €9, 14 Dec.

Undblad (O.)*

•Uoyd (G. H.), iSOcl.

Mayseder, 60

fMas^ 67

Moniusako, 30

fNicolai, 36, n May

Offenba^, 30

Pacius, 40

Ricci (F.), 40

fStraui* (J.) (I), 45. 95 Sept

Supp 4 , 30

Vcrsiovsky, 30

■Ztchy, 22 July

tBarton, Bernard, 63. Po.

tBeddoea, Thomai Lovell, cS.


tBroace, Anne, 09. No.

■Brvnetkre, Ferdinand. LL

■Bulihaupi. Heinrich. Po. Dr.


*lhimeu. Francos. No.

■Carrkre, Cuahoe Anatole. Pa.

*ClhaM. Ilian MerriiL Pa.

tCokrsdBc, Hanley, 93. Li. Po.

•Ean. Allred, Pa.

tEdfcworcb, Maria, Se. No.

■Ederen, Anna Carleua. No.

tEllkxi, Ebenracr, 66. 1 * 0 .

t £1 ly, William, 6e . Pa.

TFeu^ienlebco, Errui vofi. 43 *


*Coasc. Edmund. Li. Po.

■Henley, WJliaa Ereveai. Pw. Li,

■Herhomcc, Hubert voo. Pa.

tHohusai. KaUuhika, 69. I'a,

JKconey, James. 64. Dv.

■Lucas, Julio Seymour. Pa.

fMarryat. Frederick, 96. No.

MeyocU, Alk« <srr Thompson)

■Konlaw, Max. No. Dr.

f Poe, Edsar AUan, 40. Po. No.

■Rioheptu, Jean. Po. Dr. No.

tSIowacki, Juliuss, 40- Po-

tSmith, Horatio (Horace), 70.

•Siris^berg, Aimmsl No. Dr. Li,

• Thompson. Alke Chrinlaca

(Alke Meynell). Po. Li.

JWint, Peter de, 69. Pa.



i# 5 ®

"Brecon, 39 Dec.

David (F.), 40

Erkel, 40

"Fibich, 21 Dec.

■Georges, 25 Feb.

Goldmark, 20

tGyrowcia, 87, 19 Mar.

Heise, 20

•Heuberger, rSJune

Kasuier, 40

Kfiilcovsky, 30

•Langc-Mo!kr, * Dec.

Lassen, 30

Lipirtski, 60

Lumbye, 40

MaJdeghem, 40

Mermec, 40

■OUen, 4 July

Roui (Lauro), 40

Rubinstein, 30

•Scharwenka (X.), $ Jan.

Schumann, 40

■Scontrino, 17 May

Serov, 30

■Thomas (Coring), 30 Nov.

tTomalek, 76, 3 June

Vieuxeemps, 30

Wesley (S. S.), 40

tbslisf, H«n«rS 4 e. $1, No.

ta*rioUni. Lerense, 73, ««.

Avc^uM. Li.

tC 4 fr«r. Lvi|i. 44, fo.

«Coll>«x. /ohA. Po.

tPulWr, ^roh M*fcore«, 40. U.

tCiwti, CiuMOiM. 41. P^

*H«axA. LslMdio. Li.

*Heckioc. S*lu. No.

tL«B«u (Nknuch von Streb*

knoui. NiSolow, 4a. Po.

Loll, Picxrs Loukl

•Mtnion. Philip Bourkc. Po.

*MBup«Mn(, (^uv d«. No.

*Mirh«»v, O«(ove, No- D(.

tO«hknKblit4«r. Atiom. 9t. Pe.


tSchodow, JoKaiwt ConfrkO. M,


*Stiwipon. Rohm Loom. Po.

No. Li.

*Thomrcron. WilUom. Sc.

"Vioud, Lowa (Pkxre Loli). Ko,

fWocOrworih. William, 0o. Po.

($ 5 S

•BJockx, 35 Jan.

Cramer, 80

Czemy, 60

■Farkai ( 0 .)

HiUer (F-), 40

■d’Indy, 27 Mar.

KaUiwoda, 50

Lindblad, 30

I 4 ndpalotner, 60

Lisat, 40

tLortzir^, 49, 3i Jan.

Marchetii, 30

Meyerbeer, 60

Nomsan, so

Skroup, 30

tSpootiru, 76, 34 Jan.

Scamaty, 40

Thomas (A.), 40

*AneW, Mary Autnua lUcrc

Mn. Ilumphxcy Ward). No.

tft«iU*e. Joanna, Ap. Po. Dr.

tOoeper. Jamrt Frnimore. 4?.


*r>olUnan. iohnCliarief. Pa.

*Joneo. Kenxy ArihHr, Or.

tSbeUry, Mar>' S>'ulUtoiir«raR,

54. N«.

tSKcrwoed, Mar> ^far<ha, 76.


(Tomer. Jotrph Malkrd Wdliam,

76. Pa,

Ward, Huieipl.tey (k«


l 8$3

Abrinyi (K.). 30

Auber, 70

Barneit (J.>, y>

■Co wen, 39 Jan.

Flosow. 40

Franck <C.), $0

Cascambidc. 30

Lecoeq, 20

Masse, 30

Niedcrmcyer, 50

RalT, 30

Rosiini, Co

Soderman, an

Sokabky, 80

■Stanford, 30 Sept.

Thaibcrg, 40

Wallace (V.), 40

fB«e«h, Jonioa tteuiMf, Ac.

*Bour|tc(, Paul. No.

*CUu»co, Crorpr. Pa.

*Dafnao.8owvrrvi. Paacal. Pa.

*K<inJ. Ldword OnUov. Sr.

*Grr>rx. Keori. I'a.

t C oaol. Nikolay VaMikvirh. 43.

No. De.

O r r eofv, Lady («re Peeaic,


*Kine«kT. hlary {Lucm XIaleo.


tUaaie*, Xavier d«. 89. Li.

MaSei. Lucaa (*r« KinAlcy,

"Markham, Charles £4win. P«.

* Macradi, Ciovaaai . Po.

"hfoerr, CooTfo. No.

tUoore, Thomai, 77, Po. Lt.

"Onaai, AlTvedo. No. Li.

tOaoDcoux, Cooeprs. 77. Li.

"Pardo-Baian, Ee^lia, No. IL

•Pcrire, Isabella (Udy Ceetory).



i «53

A 4 am> 50

Alkaji» 40

Barbieri, 30

Berlios, 50

Borodin, 30

Brahms, so

Dargomithsky, 40

•Foote, 5 Mar.

Kirchner, 30

•Koesslcr, i Jan.

Lach ner (F.), 50

Lalo, 30

Loder, 40

Macfarren, 40

•Message, 30 Dec.

•Nicodi, 13 Aug.

fOmlow, 69, 3 Oct.

t Raimondi (P.), 66, 30OCI.

Reyer, 30

tSchneider, 67, 33 Nov.

•Sjogren. 1 6 June

SowiOski, 50

Verdi, 40

Wagner, 40

•B«taK0. DavmI. Ac. Vt.

tBrvlev, KonxAOCia Pavlevkh.

,S 4 . Pa.

*Cainc, Themaa Hcnn' Hall.


*IXckM«, Praaci* Bernard. Pa.

*F«cb«»Rab«ri#ofi. Johcttcon. Ac.

tCarav. JiAM. 41 . r«.

'Oofh. VirKcfii van. Pa.

*Haniilioft. JoKq McLurc. Pa.

*Hodtcr, Ferdinand. Pa.

*JehiM«o. Robert Uarlerweed.


* Korolenko. Vtadinur. No.

*Lemalire. Jnlca. Po. Dr.

tOpic. Amelia. B4. No.

*Soloviev. Vladimir Sereeiwkb.

1 * 0 .

*Tre«. Herbert Beerbohm. Ae.

•Vrchlicky, Jareelav. Po. Dr-


Benedict, 30

Benoit, 90

Bruckner, 30

•Chadwick, 13 Nov.

Cornelius, 30

Dorn, 50

fEJsner, 64, 18 Apr.

•Oast, lojao.

Glirtka, 50

Heller, 40

Henseit, 40

• Humped irtek, 1 Sept.

•Janifek. 3 July

M^hura, 50

Motcheles, 60

•Mosekowski, 93 Aug,

PonebieUi, 90

Reinecke, 30

Reubke, 20

Semet, 30

•SmaregUa, 5 May

Seneuna, 30

Spohr, 70

•TineJ, 37 Mar.

Xyndaa, 40

•Zdllner, 4 July

•Zweers, 18 May

tBird. Robert Moniaomery, 50.

Dr. No.

Biiuua. Albreebt (we Oouheir,


*Cnw{ord. Francis Marioa. No.

*Corel. Fcaaeois de. Dr.

tEckermaaA, Jobaiui Peter, 8a.


tFerrier, Suaaa £dmofutone, 7*.


rFofelberc. Benediel Briand. 66.


*Fraacr, George JaiM*. Li.

^Gilbert. Alfred. Cr. So.

tCosibetf. Jeremiai (Aibreehi

Biiiiui). $7. No.

•HarrU. Frank. U. Dr.

rKaenble, Cbaclm. 73. Ac.

tMartm, Jeha. 6}. Pa.

tMoeit^mcrv, Jamea. 6}. Po.

7 PelUco, Silvio, 66. Po. Dr.

*Rimbai>d. Arthur. Po.


Belkzay, 30

t&ishop, 68, 30 Apr.

Beely. 70

tCamicer, 65, ty Mar.

•C 3 iau»on, 31 Jan.

Cui, 30

Draeseke, so

Pranz, 40

Fry, 40

Hartmann (J. P. E.), 50

Hervd, 30

Jackson (W.) <ii), 40

KjerulT, 40

KurpiAski, 70

•Liadov, It May

Marschner, 60

Mercadante, 60

Mosonyi, 40

Peanall, 60

Pienon, 40

(L.), 50

•Rdatgcn, 9 May

Saint^aeiu> so

Strauss p.) (li), 30

Tadolini, <• 70

Voikmann, 40

Wieniawski (H ), so

lAtterbeo). Per Daaiel Aenadrus,

65 . Po.

tBroete. CharloMe, 99> No.



M«rr. H.

*Ci&fnpDli, Decneiuco. N'o. li.

t Field iB|» Aolbooy Copley, 6S.


‘HoebAf. jBwph, No,

tiubey. Jeu Bopit&le. W. fo.

tMicUcwkl. Adw. ) 9 . Po.

fMitfoed, Moey RumU, Fo.

Dr. No.

*M«ntc«quiou. Rnbeci <lr. U.


tKmol, C^rord de, 47. Li.

*Pwcali, GtovAnoi. Fo. IX

*Pioero. Aeibur. At. Dr.

*Kodei)bieli. Ueorgn RAyntood

CoAitAAiin. Pv. No.

fRoten, S 4 inu«l. pt. Po. Li.

*W(hMrrn, Smile. Pu,

*W«r*mb«y. ErX. Fa.

tWerdiweeili, Duroihy. LI.


tAddfn, 52, 3 May

B cfuicu, 40

BcnvAld> (hi

D elibck, w

Poser r, 30

Contrs, 'M>

H&llsir6in, 30

Hartmann (£.), 30

IloUtrin. 30

*Kuialsky, 36 Nov.

fLindpaininrr, 64. 31 Aur.

Lorwr» 60

*Marcucci, 6 Jar)

E^acini, <x>

tPranall, 61.3 Aur.

Schnyder, 70

t Schumann, 48, 39 July

*Sindir)g, 1 1 Jan.

•TaiKyev, 35 Nov.

*n<hari, Ale»AfMl«r. F*.

*D 1 oml>rk|. KrginAld. Ar.

tOrUroelie, Paul, 99. Po.

Ridee. No.

tH«ine. HeittTKh, Po. N*.

*MicaiUitrAy, Jamci. Sc.

Moetoed. Fm* {we Shorpi

MorCw. Jew) (we PopMji3m«n«o>


*N«viaMn. Henry Woodd. Li.

*PAp 4 di»mMl«poako*. JoAoertO

(Jeoo Fu. No.

*S«r3enl. John SiOfer. Po.

*Sherp. William {" Itono

UoeW*'). Fo. No.

*S|ia«e, Oeorge Rernatd. Ue. Lo.

*SmiU. Jakob. Fa.

•Wilde. Oicar. Pe. No. Dr. Li.


Balakirev, 30

Bameic (J. F.), 3u

*Bruneau, 3 Mar.

CaraJa, 70

*Chamin^e, B Aug.

fCzemy, 66, 15 July

•Elgar, 2 June

Gade, 40

tOlinka, 33, 15 Feb.

Guilmani, 30

Guiraud, 30

Jensen, so

•KienzI, (? Jan.

tKurpinski. 73, i 0 .Sepl.

Lachner (I.), 50

Mabdlini, 40

Nfaillart, 40

Milray, 60

Merkel, 30

Pedrotti, 40

Re her. V)

\Virniav\'aki fj.), so

Zetenski, so

*ftari4, HcrmaoHi |o*<|iifn. No.


*8ortow, Jaiw. No.

*Reraiiaee, Jraii Pirrre de, 77.


(jMirad. Juwph iwf Kuitictiioyy


•Campl^rll. Mat«4rtltj (Mat*

larelta VVadr llrlaitd). N".

•Potidon. John. I'o. I>r. 1.1.

*F.Mhmdnrir. Jwtepli voii, C9,

Pu. No.

•Ftirbn. Nuahope Alraaivdrr.


•Uu>ine, Oorzr, No. Li.

•Girllerup, Karl .AtMl*. I'n. No,

l>r. ].i,

•Gould, NaflianwI. N\i,

•lirtvirii, Paul Iviirti. Dr. D<.

*Jrr roW. IkuisUt, Y 4 . Dr. No.

•Kknsrr, SIa«. Ne.

•Kwrre*tinu»ki, jdrrri rvdur Ki>n

rati ijotcph (^uAradj, No.

•Lavaty. John. Pa.

•hlttnlhr, Anal. Lt.

tMtMMt. Airted lie, 47. Po. No.


•PenloppHlaii. Hanrili. No. J'o.

tRavch. Chrntiaii Oanwl, Ho.


•Robeeii, Motky. No.

tSolomot. DtonyMot. 59, Po.

•Sudmn«iin. HrtmuMi. Or. Nn.


Balfe, 50

bendl, 30

Kzei, 30

tBoeJy, 73. a?

Bruch, 30

Caslilkm, 30

Clapiason, 50

CUy, 30

tCraiOCT, 87, 16 Ajir,

Gevarn, 30

Glazcr, 6(1

Counotl, 40

Gruar, y>

•Leoncavallo, 6 Mar.



LitoJff, 40

Lvov, 60

•Major (J. G.)» J3 Dec.

Morales {M.), 20

tNeukomm, 79, 3 Apr.

■Puccini, 22 D«.

ReUsiger, 60

tReubkc, »4, 3 June

Sechier, 70

■Smyth, 23 Apr.

*firirux. Eu(^. Dr.

Vinceni Marie AJTreO.

Dr. No.

*l>Mc, Elearwa. Ac.

*C«urnM*ni. Kemy 4 c. No. ]J.

tHifoihiee (Ab 4 o Tokitaro), €1.


Srlrna. No. Po.

rRaehel. Dim i£Uzab«ib F«Ua).

) 7 . Ac.

tSekeffer, Ary, 63, Pa.

*S«n»<rviU*. £diik (EAOoe. No.



Abt, 40

•Che^’^U•r<^, 14 Oct.

Fioravanii (VirK.), 60

•Focrsier, 30 Dec.

Hai^vy, 60

•Ilyinsky, 24 Jan.

•Ippo)iiov>|vaA4v, 19 Nov.

■Liapunov, 30 Nov.

LinJblad < 0 .), SO

May'sctler, 70

Moniusako, 40

Mussorgsky, so

Nkpravnlk, so

•Nioviadomski, 4 Nov.

OfTersbach, 40

I’acius, 50

Paine, so

fReisiiger, 61, 7 Nov.

Rheinbrrger, 20

Ricci (K.), 50

tRIcci (L.), $4, St (?) Dee.

■Schjrklcrup, 17 Nov.

fSpohr, 75, 22 Oct.

Supp<, 40

Ventovsky, So

tAmim. Bcttina vae, 74. Li. Po.

*Ber«l 4 c Hauicrivc. Joseph, jo.

No. Po.

Brenlano, Beilina (jrr Areim)

*Bute^r,*n, Tarfey Vefrctfiktovich,

)o. La. No.

tCM. Davia. M. Pa.

tl> Qaiiwcy. TIaomaa. 74. Li.

*Do«inay. kfavrae Charl^ Dr.

*Dovle, Ariliur Cuoan. No.

*Cilb«ra.Ca^ Ar.

*Crali.ime, KeoMibt. No, U.

fOrimm. Wilhebn Karl, 72 >

*Oulbrie. Jamec. Pa.

*Hamjun. Keui. No.

■HeidenaiazB, Carl Cuaiaf Venier

VOD. U. No.

■Housman, Alfred Edward. Po.

IHuai, J.«leh (Jama Heory

beigbO. 7 $. U.

tlrviog, Watbiogioc, 76. IJ. No.

■Jerome, Jerome Klaeia. No.


tLeclie, Charier Robert, $4. Fa.


1 Macaulay. Thomas BabiogioB,

Lord. Li.

■Moakhouse, Allan. LI, Dr. No.

tReihel, Alfred, 43. Pa.

■Bchreaner, Olive, li. No.

■Seurat, Georgei. Pa.

tSiarh, James, Sj. Pa.

ISue, £ug 4 ne, 4?. No.


•Albdniz, 29 May

Audran, so

BourgauU'Ducoudray, 20

•Charpcniier, 25 June

David (F.), 50

•Enna, 13 May

Erkel, 50

Facdo, 20

■Prancheiii, 18 Sept.

Goldmark, 30

Cou, so

Heise. 30

Kasiner, 50

KPiikovsk^, 40

Lange (S. dc), so

Lassen, 30

IjpiAski, 70

Lumbye, 50

•MahJer, 7 July

MaJdeghem, 50

Mcrmct, 50

■Paderetvski, 6 Nov.

•Rezni^k, 4 May

Roaai (Lauro), 50

Rubinstein, 30

Serov, 40

Siaioer, 20

Svendsen, ao

Tchaikovsky, 20

Vieuxtemps, 40

Wesley (S. S.), 50

•WoJf, 13 Mar.

■Banre, Jamei. Dr.

IBarry. (Sir) Cbarics, 6$. Ar.

■fiaibbiruev. Marie. Li.

tCbririic. Alewander. 33 . Pa*

tCosta, luM da. dz. Po.

fDeeampc, Alexandre Gabriel. 37 *


* r. Dtinkexicy. William Arthur

<jAlm Oxenhamt. No. Po Li.

*£edeii. Froderik Willem van.

Po. So.

■Prampeoo, George. Se.

■Garlaod. HanJin. Li.

•Gieaud. Albert. Po.


ti »****»- Ac.

tHeibecf. Jobaa Ludvig, 6^ Dr.

*Hyd«, C^ugUs Li. F«. Dr.

tjaan. Ceorge Fayrte RainifOrd.

6i. Ko.

tjano. £b«ftrter. 4 a. P».

*L4l»rfM, JuJ«9. Fo.

K^l. Fe. Na.

Osroham. John (mt DmkerleyJ

tPauUing. Jatau Kube, 6r. Ko.


*R<*berl>. Gharleo. Fo. No. LL

*5icb*ri. Walur Richard. P«.

*S(««r, Philip Wilioxi. Pa.

*Tchckhov« Anton. Dr. Ko.

*ThompMA, Francii. P». LL


*Areruky, 1 1 Aug.

*Boui, 25 Apr.

•Dr«vilk, 21 Feb.

ChhbKer, 20

Dvof4k, 20

tGli*er, 03, 29 Aug.

Hiller (F.), 50

Homcman. 20

KaUiwoda, 60

l.ange (D. dr), 20

l.icKJblad> 60

tLipiiSaki. 71, 16 l>ec.

l.iut, yi

•Lorffler. 30 Jao.

•Mac Dowel I . id Dec.

Marchcili, 30

tMarschnrr, 6$. 14 Dec.

Mryrrbrrr, 70

•Misaa, 12 .lunr

Nrssirr, 9**

1 Nicdermeyer, 56, 14 Mar.

Norman, 30

PrdrrU, 20

Sgambaii, 20

dkroup, 6c


Thomas (.V.), 30

•Thuille. 30 Nov.

•Volbach. c7 Dec.

*blan<hr. Jiici*ie« £miL. Pa.

^BovrdrlW. Emile Ar^ioino. Sc.

tProwniac. EliuLeih SarreN. iy


*CafinaA. William Rliai. Po.

trao«wth< Arthur Kueh, 49. Po.

tDanbr. PraiMis, 44 . Pa.

tCerbhewi. Jacob Jotoph. M.


fCrar. DavW.ej. Po.

*K««kU. hfaurkc. No. Po.

*L<rbcrtbe. Charln «4«. P«.

•Maillol. Arithde. Sc.

TMur^er. Henri, yK Mo.

TKkcoIjni. Cfiovanni lUttnU. ?«.

Po. Dr.

t^ribo. Cuvene. 70. Ik.

•Tagore. Rabindranath. Po. LL

•Tyaan. Katharine. Po. Ko.

*Va<h^. horoee AnnnleT. >^0.



Abr^yj (K.), 40

Auber, 80

Barnett (J.), 60

Boito, 20

•Debussy, 22 Aug.

•DcUus, 29 Jan.

•Dicpenbrock, 2 Sepl.

•Emmanuel. 2 May

Flotow. 50

Franck (C.), 40

Gasiambide, 40

•Cerman, 17 Feb.

tHal^vy, 63, 17 Mar.

•Kovafovie, 9 Dec.

•Le Borne, 10 Mar,

Leeocq, 30

Lissenko, 20

Mass^. 4c

hlassenet, 20

MIhalovich, 20

Milldckrr, so

Nordraak, 20

Raff, 40

Roasini, 70

fdkroup, Go, 7 Feb.

Soderman, $n

Sokaltky. 30

Sullivan, 20

Thalberg, 50

fVcTstov^y, $3, 17 Nov.

•Wagenaar (J.), 1 Nov.

Wallace (V.), 50

•Weis (K.), 13 Feb.

•^V)lliafn$ ^.*\|licno), 23


*8ah«, He«nuiw>. Li. Dr,

•Brtion. Arthur Ghrhlopher. Li.

•Conradi, Hermann. Li.

*D»«ie«, Arthur 8, Pa.

•F.etauai«. Edouaitl. No.

"Fulda, |.udwig. Po, Dr.

"Haupcmann, ^rhart. Dr. No.


Henrr. O. (let P«tier>

"HermarU. Abel. No.

•|oi»e«. Edith (later Wliariool.


tKeeitcr. Jivtioiu. 76. Po.

fKnowlee, Jamci Sheridan, 78,


•Maehcn. Arthur. No. U.

"Maeteelioek. hlaurke. [V. Po.


•MaHine. Violet Florence (Mar-

tin Rom). No.

tMarUne* dt fa Roi«, Frcacitco

dc Faula. 77. Pw. Dr. Li.

MmiAart. Henr> Seion tut

ScMt. H. 8.1

*Ke«*b«lt, Heorv* Po. U.

"Phillpotu. Eden. No. Dr.

•Porler, William Sydney (O.

Henry). No-

*Pi 4 ««Ml, hlarcd. No.

Rob. hlariin (m hfarline)

•Sehoicaler. Anhw. Dt. No.



* Score, Duncib Campbell. Po.

No- U.

*Scotl, Hufh Stowell (Hearr

Selon Memnma). No.

tTboreau, Heory David, 4 $. LL

t C'hlaod . Johano tudwif . 75. Po.


NChartOA. Edith favJoAev)


Alkan, 50

Barbien, 40

Berlioz, Co

*Bordc3, 19 May

Borodin, 30

Hrahrm, 30

Dargomizhsky, 50

Crieg, 20

*Kaiin, 21 Mar.

Kirchner, 40

Lachner (K.), 60

Laloi 40

■Lcroux, 1 1 Oc<.

Lodcr, 50

Maefarrcn, 50

*Ma4eagnii 7 Dec.

tMayaedrr. 74, 21 Nov.

•Mobr. 19 Feb.

•Parker, 15 Sept.

■Picro^, i€ Aug.

Rcycr, 40

•Sarpara, 22 No\’.

•Soliyi (M-\ 7 Feb.

•SQmcr>*ell, 5 June

Sowirtiki, 60

•Srendy, il Aug.

Vcfdl, 50

\Vafncr, 50

•Weingariner, 2 June

*Annunti«, GabrkV d’. Po. No.


*Ck(i«(. Charki. Pa.

*Couprrui. Lnvichfarie*Anne.

Po. No.

t Delacrois. Eivfene, 4 s. Po.

tCrimm, Jakob budwic. 7$. U.

*Jlawkim, Anrhonv (Hope). No.

tHebkel. Cbrntian Friedrich, .so.

Po. Dr.

*Hcr<acc, Fercnci. No.

Hope, Alithonv <*rr HawkrM>

*Ja«ob». Williacn >Vvmark. No.

*Jar. Harrkti. Ac. No.

* Locke, William Jehtt. No.

^Mockerinal. Bcrlram. 5 c.

*M«crill, Stttari. Po.

tMuIrcady, WMliam. 77. Pa.

*l*emb«rien. kfaa. No.

*Piwarro, Luckn.

‘Quilkr-Coych. Anbur. La.

*Shaf>non, Charkt. Po.

*5ulozub, Kcodor (F. Kuomkh

Teremikov). Pe. No.

* 5 utcT>, Alfred. Dr.

tThackcrov, William hfakepcaee.

Sa. No.

Alfrvd dr. 64. Po.


•d’AJbert, 10 Apr.

Benedict, €0

Benoit, 30

Bruckner, 40

CelUer, 20

Cornelius, 40

Dorn, 60

tFostcr, 37, »3 Jan.

tFry, 49, 21 Sept.

Gigoui, 20

•Grechaninov, 25 Oct.

•Guy-Ropartz, 15 June

•Haivorsen, 15 Mar.

Heller, 50

Henseli, 50

•Lavranga, 17 Oci.

tLindblad (O,). 54, 24 Jan

M^hura, 60

t Meyerbeer, 72, 2 May

Moschelcs, 70

Ponehietli, 30

Reinecke, 40

RimskV'Konakov, 20

Selmer, 90

Semei, 40

Smetana, 40

•Strauss (R.), 1 1 June

Xyndu, 50

•BMkr.Jowpli. Li. Po.

^Botifchrer. Arthur. Ac.

rCaUme, Akxat«dr«. 34 . Po.

tClorc, John, 7 r. Po.

*Corelii, No.

tFay. Andria, ?5. Po. No.

tGor>(alvt« Dias, Antonio, 41 .


f Hawthorne, Nathoniel, 4o. No.

*HeiJer 7 nooa, Dermoa. No, Dr.

"Hkhcru. Boberi, No,

*Hevey. Richard. Po. Dr.

*Huch, Ricardo. No. Po.

iHunt. Williacn Hortrv. 74. Pa<

tjasmirt, Jacques (Jacquo* Bod),

45. Po.

«Karireld<,&fik A«el. Po.

tt^Bcc. Coorfc, 5a. Pa.

tLandor. Walter Savage, 99. Po.

No. Li.

*Machar, Jexf $vatopluk. Po.

*lt4orrtek, Loeoard. No>

*MuAro, Noil. Li. No.

*Pain, Barn'. Li.

*Fhilljp>. Stephen. Po. Dr.

t Procter, Adelaide Arm, $9. Po.

*R4fnier, Heori de. Po. No.

iRoteru, David, 48. Pa.

tSuriees, Robert Smith, 4i, No.

"ToukniK'Lautroe, Heori de.


*Unoif>«oo, Mizuel de. No.

*;Unswill, Iwoel. No.


Beliczay, 30

Cui, 3®



Dra«s«k«, 30

*I>uku, j Oct.

Faui^, 20

Franz, 50

*GihoQ, 13 June

*G]a2unov, 10 Aug.

Hartmann (J. P. E.), 60

Hctv^, 40

Jacbon (W.) (ii), y>

Kjerulf, 50

fLoder, 5c, 5 Apr.

•Magnard, 9 June

Mcrcadanir, 70

*Morera. 22 May

Mosenyi. 50

"Nielsen (C.), 9 June

Pierson, 50

Saint'Saens, 30

•Sibelius, 8 Dec.

Straus* fj.) (ii), 40

•Siopski. 5 June

Tadolini, c. 80

Volkmann, 30

t Wallace (V.), 53, t« Oet.

VX'idor, 20

W'ieniatsslii (H-), 30

* AyWmi. Willism EdowMSMuM.

At. Po.

BimtHif h « m . (*«««(«

tftmncr, Fredrilia. 64, N«.

*CinMron. t>«v<d Yeynf. fa.

r.«mpb«li. Mrs. Pairirk (wr


*Efnini*el, Prank. P».

*Piicb, WidwmChtir. Dr.

rUuk*ll. Etiubrib CMwni. )v


*Hann«v. Jan>et CKcb (C«ene

Dirniir«h 4 (nj. No.

'Houiman. Po. Ii.

P *.

f Jteika. MikMs. 69. No.

•KkpliriM. Rutlyard. Po. No.

tLudwif , Quo. Dr. No.

"Moron. Alfred Edward Weodky.


"MmsKkovtkv. DuMry Sorcero.

vich. No. Pe. Li.

tMolkr. Pci«r LuJwic, &i. Po.


Oresv. BaroAoM (irrTomoonr

I PoziAtt, (Sit) Jtoepa. C4. Cr.


tkoiiMia*. Jooeph. a?. No. Dr.

"StniUi. Lofott P«ar^•H. Li.

"Symoiu, Anhux. Po. Li.

"Tattnev, Boairiee SwUa (Atn.

Patrick Caoipb*)!). Ao.

"Tamaor*, Emnusko (Parcmiu

Otexv). No,

•Txonch. HerkoTt. Po,

tTroton, CeosUot, 6^ Pa.

"Yeau. WiHiatB Bgtkr. Po. Dr.



•Aulin, CO Sept.

Bennett, 30

Benvald, 70

Brull, 20

•Busoni, I Apr.

•CUesu 2C July

tClapbson, 57, jp Mar.

Delibes, 30

•Drysdale, 3 Ocl,

Gomes, 30

Halldn, 20

Hallstrom, 40

Hartmann (E.), $0

Holstein, 40

tjackson (W.) (U). 31. 15


•Kallmnikov, tjjan.

fKalliwoda, 65, 3 Dec.

Loewe, 70

tNordraak, 23. 20 Mar.

Noskowski, 20

Pacini, 70

•Reblk^, 31 May

•Satie, 17 May

Schnydw, 80

Soloviev, 20

Wefelius, 20

•Wood (C.), 15 June

tAlAqvwt, Cad Jooaa love, ?).


tAarfUe, Moiaitno Tanarolll d*,

«•. Li. Pa.

"Bakrr. Leon. Pa,

"Benavenie y Mardnoi, JaeiniA.


"Bernard. TrirUA. Li. Dx. No.

"Beruand. Leuia. N«. Li.

IBorieaMO, Johan, yd, Po. Dr.

"£U»ennetoa, Maxv Saran iMoxio

Tontpew). Ac.

•Pry. Rofcx. Pa, LI.

tGibaoo, John, sd. Be

"Halbcrom. Pn. No.

"HomoAf, EroMi William. No,

*Le CallMaoc, Rkliard. No.

Po, U

"MaiwaU, WiXIiam Babinetoa.


"Murray. Gilbert. U. Po.

" Op p c ^ c iiP. Edward Philhpa.


IPeocoek, Tbofoaa Love. dt. No.


*Pryd«. Jamm. Pa.

"Rkbciu, Chaxk*. Pa.

•RoHaad, Ronwo. U. No. Dr,

JRdekert. Friedrich, yd. Po.

TerspeM. Mark <xer Bcherioe*


•Welh, Heeben Goorte. No. Li.


Balakirev, 30

Barnett (J. F.), 30

Carafa, &

Frank, 20

Gade. 30

•Giordano, 27 Aug.



"Granados, 27 July

Guilmant, 30

Guiraud, 30

Holm^, 20

Jfwn, 30

tKascrwr, 57, iQ Dec.

•Kccchlin, 27 Nov.

Lachner (J.), 60

Mabcilim, 50

Mackenzie, 20

Maillart, 50

Nfltray, 70

Merkel, 40

tPacIni, 71,6 Dec.

Pedroitc, 50

•Peterson •Berger, 27 Feb.

Reber, 60

Salvayre, 20

Scharwenka (P.), 20

t^echier, 78, 10 Sepi.

•Saabados, 3 June

•Terrasse, 27 Jan.

\Vieniat\‘ski (J.), 30

2elei^ski, 30

(iH RiMell)

K«tnti«n(in. Pe.

r8«M(kl*«rr. Charln, 46. Po.

*8«nn<t<. AriicU. N«.

*ll«Awin, RdwftrH Frederic, Ne.


*D«nn«rtl, Pietre. P*.

«Bovlnv«. Reo4 (Kene Tardi<

vetuh No.

*Branrwrii. Freak. P«.

ItrnwiM. John Forror Word.


tCoWeren, 8«roffn Ctiebonos. 6d.


tCemolius Pct«r voo. F4. Po.

* 0 «rifl, RuMr>. Po.

*GoUwonhr, Jefin. No. Or.

MoOb«», J^A Olivor («r


^tboaci, ViceiKc BliMo. No.

t lA(r««, Jeon Aueune DoatieioM.

M. Po.

*MonUsu«, Qtorla Edword. Ll.


*Pjrond«llo. Lu^. Dr. No.

*Pkhordf, Prorl Morv Tb«r«so

{John Oliver Hobbes). No.

rRcuMOoo, Piem Eikrino

ThSodor*. nj. P4.

«RuaMll. Ccoffc WUlioBi

(" /«-"). Po,

•Vonbruch. Viotec. Ar.

tWard, Artomus CJohn Farrar

Browne), 3 ). Li.


Balfc. 60

•Ban lock, 7 A«g.

Bendl, 30

fEJerwald, 71,3 Apr.

Bizei, 30

Bruch, 30

Caslillon, 30

Clay, 30

Duparc, 20

OavaerC, 40

•Gilbert, 26 Sept.

Goldschmidt (A. v.), 20

Gounod, 50

Gnsar, ^

Kistler, 20

tKjcrulf, 52. 1 1 Aug.

Litolff, 50

Lvov, 70

•MacCunn, 22 Mar.

•McEwen, 13 Apr-

Matling. 20

Mancinelli, 20

•Merikanio ( 0 -), 5 Aug-

Morales (M.), 30

Parry, 20

Planqueite, ao

t Rossini, 76, 13 Nov,

•Schillings, 19 Apr.

fSchnyder, 82, 27 Aug.

Schyite, 20

•SeiaccMi, 8 Dec.

•SirtigagJia, 14 Aug.

•Viana da Mota

* I. Belloc Lowndes, Mark Adelaide.


tBrAow, Bernhard von. ?S. Pe.


tBireh'PfeiRer, Charloiie, 66.

No. Dr.

tBiiaeA, Hermao Vilheloi, }e.


tCairerm^, Georte, 66. Pa.

*ClMidel, Paul. LI. Po. Dr.

*Ceoder. Charka. Pa.

* n au d e<. Ldoo, l.i.

*Douclaa, Norman. Li. No.

*Fune, Charka Weltinirion. Pa.

*Geoev«, SteCM. Po.

*Oorky. Masim. No.

*Kolmes. CHarks. Pa.

*Jainme«. Praocis. Po.

fKaan. CKarki. 33. Ac.

tLcwieii, Jacob vae, 66. Po.


3L«wr. Samuel, 71. Po. No.

*Luc«. Edward Verrall. Li.

*M*ekir>ieih, Charles Renoie.

Ar. Pa.

tMarocheui. Cask. Baron. 6$,


•Oboume. Lioyd. No-

*ReMaf>d. Edmond, Pn. Dr.


Abt, 50

tBcrJio*, 65,8 Mar.

f Dargomizbsky, 55, 1 7 Jan*

* Davies, 6 Sept.

Ftoravanii (Vine.), 70

Godard, 20

fCrisar. 60, 15 June

•J.-imefeli, 14 Aug-

Uoyd (C- H.), ao



fLoewe, 72, 20 Apr.

Moniutsko, 50

Mxmorgslcy, 30

N^pravnik, 30

Ojf«QbacIi. 50

Pacicu, Oo

Paine, 30

•PfiizncT, 5 May

Rheinberger, 30

Ricci (F.), 60

*Rouuci, s Apr.

*Siojowiki, 14 May

Supp^, 50

2ichy» 70

*Dmituu, LAnrentr. IV.

* 0 l 4 ck%sood. Alfernod, U.

*Dro«>n. DwwcLu. N*

tCrrawkk, TbOHus IV.

*iiuk, Ai>dr<. I j.

K. N«. L>. !>/.

tl.unariinc. Alplwuir ^l«ric

l.oui< dr yr^i <i>', 7^ |V>

l.inrvinkMk«, J«<h^iitac* iMt


Rd«>ih. .\r.

•Ma(U»r. Ilr«ui. y«.

*Mo«dv, WiUiun \4«whd*i. JV.


TOvrrbrrk, Johanu l>i«d«kb. ko.


*IVK»nrn, Viklarl

I.irin«Akw*ki}. N». Ik.

fUuaitlHs Lareni, 76. Pa.


"Kwl.MiiUlvIatMaM «l«x Scbalb.

lirnririir, IV.

tKa»ni«>U«ur<, Cha/ln

65. Li.

*N'<g«1and. a*.

JkanidaM Ko.


Audran, 30

tBalfe, 63, 70 OcL

fidurgault'Dgcowdray, 30

Ureion, 30

David {F.}. 60

Erkcl, Co

Faccio, 30

Fibich, 30

TGaziambide, 46, 16 Mar.

Ocgri;ca, ao

Goldmark, 40

Cota, 30

Hcisc, 40

Hruberger, 3o

*Komhchcfiko, j6 Dm.

Kli2ko>'»ky, 50

Lange {S. de), 30

l.ange*Mulkr, ao

Lawco, 40

*Lohir, 30 Apr.

•Lekeu. 3u Jail.

Lumbye, 60

fLvov, 7a, a8 Dec.

Maldoghcm, 60

tMFchura, 66, 1 1 Feb.

tMcrcadantc, 73, 17 Dec,

Mcrmci, 60

fMoscheles, 75, 10 Mar.

tMosonyi, 55, 3* Oct

•NwAk, 5 Dec.

OUen, 20

"Opiemlu, 13 Jan.

Kos&i (Lauro), 60

Rubinsiein, 40

Scharvsvnka (X.^ au

^.Schmitt, 38 Si'pi.

S<onlrino, au

Serov, 30

Stainer, 30

Siamaiy. jiM, *<j .\pr

♦.Suier, 38 .\pr.

Svendern, 30

'l’chaikov»ks, 30

J Ihmiui i<*orinsh ao

* ruurnriiurr, 23 Jaii.

•Viemv, $ Oct.

Vieuxtemps, 30

•Walker, 13 July

U'l'iJey <8. S.). 60

tBCeqwrr. CuMavo Ad«IC». $4.

I.i. 1*0,

•BcHve. U. IV.

^HonicMi;. Krnrv. No.

*B>4nin. IvM Alrte>evjrU

tikckni*. Cliortn. ^ Nu.

«IVv<t4», I.0H Alfrrd. I'v.

tIkHiiJi. Aku^ndn*. tru., 67,

.SV (k.

tia*|«el, •■•cMr, 4v. IV,

Jwki dt. 4 t>. No. Li,

Adam Lioduy. jf. IV.

tlleiu, llrofik, 79. 1*0. Ur,

*Hr<i«n. AkBondrt, sA. U. No.

*Kroiirdv. Jefcii JViMiUion. 75.


'Kopna. AkKAiickr (v»iiovici>.


tMo«iae. Oontd, 64. P«.

tM 4 ruB 4 e. Proper, 47. Li, No.

* Moore. TNomoi Siiurge. Po, L*.

•Nrfti. Adi, Po.

•Norrii. Friak. .No.

•Rodr, Krlse. P*. Ck. Li,

*SaKlair. Miy, No.


lAubcf, 89, 13 Mar.

•Blech, 31 Apr.

Blockx, ao

•Uuttykay, a 2 July

Chabricr. 30

•Coov'cree, 5 Jan.

Dvolik, 30

Farkai (O.), 20

•Hadley (H.), ao Dec.

IliJkr (F.), 60



Homeman» 30

d*Iody, 20

Lange (D. de), 30

•lie, 23 May

Liridblad, 70

Liszt, 60

•Lunasens, 16 Apr.

fMaJUart, 54, 26 May

Marchelti, 40

NessJer, 30

Norman, 40

Pedrell, 30

fSerov, $1, » Feb-

Sgambati, 30

•Spendiaiov, 1 Nov.

•Stenhammar, 7 Feb.

fThalberg, 59, 97 Apr.

Thomas (A.), 60

’Andreyev, Leonid Niteleyevieb.

No. Dr.

rUommeert, NiiUp, 6). Li.

’ChurrkiB. WiMon {VS.A.i.


*Cr*nr. ScepHen. No. re.

’Device, WiUiea Henry, yo.

’Dreiser. Theodore. No.

’Pebrieiue, Jea. Dr.

tCrote, CeoTfe. 77 . Li.

’Kodrion. (Ulph. Po.

*(rvin«. Leumwe. Ac Or.

tKoek. Peul de. 77> No.

’Mena, KelaricJi. No.

’Peploe, Semuel John. Pe.

*Pr^K. Mereel. No.

’^inwro. Serefio Atveree. Dr.

rRctieuli. Henri. eS. Pe.

T Roberteoo, Thontee WitUem. 4 s.

Ae, Dr.

*Rouel(, Ceorfc*. Pe,

tSohwind. Meriu von, 4?. Fe.

’4ynfe. jehn MiMinfSon. Dr.

•VtUry, Peul. Po.


Abranyi (K.}, 50

•AIfv<n, t May

Barneit (J.), 70

Boilo, 30

tCacafa, 84, 9$ J\Uy

Covv«n, 20

■Farweli, 23 Apr.

FJoiow, 60

Franck (C.), 30

•OraencT, 1 1 Jan.

*Jo4cyko, J Apr.

*Juon, 8 Mar.

Lccocq, 40

Liesenko, 30

Ma»^, 50

Massenet, 30

Mihaiovich, 30

Millockcr, 30

fMoniuszko, 53, 4 June

"PcToai, 30 Dec.

Raff, 50

•Sekles, 90 June

•Skriabin, 6 Jan.

Sdderman, 40

Sokabky, 40

Stanford, 90

Sullivan, 30

fTadolini, c. 87, 39 Nov.

•Vassilenko, 30 Mar.

•Vaughan Williams, 19 Oct.

•ZemJiosky, 4 Oct.

’BeteiUe. Henri. Dr.

*ficardilev, Aubrey. Pe.

’Aecrbobm, Mex. Pe. No.

’Craic, Edwerd Cordon. Ac.

tCeuiser, Tbeophile, dr. Li. Po.


tCnJlper«er, Freu, dr. Dr. Fo.

tHeu^, Joheiuwe Ceneo, 09,

Po. Dr.

’Jooee. Thornes Cwyeee. Po. Li.

tKivi (SienveJlL Aleciie, $1. No.

t Lever, Cberk* Jeaee, ^ No.

’Nkhohoo, WilUem. Pe.

’ReUieneiein, Williem. Fe.

tSehnerr von CereUTeld, Julius.

74 . Pe.

’Veabruab, Irene. Ac.


Alkan, 60

Barbieri, 50

Borodia, 40

Brahms, 40

tCaaUllon, 34, 3 Mar.

Foote, 20

Grieg, 30

•Jongen, 14 Sept.

Kirchner, 50

•Kocssler, 30

Lachner (P.), 70

Lato, 30

Macfarren, 60

•MaJiixewski, 30 July

■Mason (D. G.), so Nov.

Messager, so

Nicodd, 30

tPiefSon, 37, 28 Jan.

•Rabaud, 10 Nov.

•Rakhmaninov, 1 Apr.

•Reger, 19 Mar.

Rcyer, 50

•Roger-Ducasse, 18 Apr.

•Sdvcrac, 30 July

Sjdgrtn, 20

Sovnrisid, 70

•Tcherepnin (N-), 14 May

Verdi, 60

Wagner, 60

Aeorin (sw Merlloerj

rBenedis. Julius. 4s. Dr. Li.

’Beresfaid, John I>»v>-s. No.

’Bielib, Ciuim Ntchmen. Po.

’Braithweile, Litieo. A<.

tBretOn de to* Kerreror. Meeuel.

77. Dr-



*Cotettt, &(dofue C«bmtk

Qoudiofi. N«. li.

* De U Mue, Wdicr. Po. No.

tFeTd««u, Crac»(, $ 9 . ^ No.


tOuerraui, Fraaceu^ Domcfiko,


*]nvko«oki. Kjrel. No. Df. Fo.


*J«(U«o, JohjQoa ViUkIb. No.

(Sir) E 4 wia. 91. Pa.

Fun. JcMpb SheridoA, S 9 .


tLyCton^ Edward Butwcr, ^rd.

TO. No.

tMooreody. Willium Charles. So.


tMansoni. Akaandro, tt. No.

Po. Dr.

*MuUnef, RwioJoidC* Aaortt '*>.

No. Dr. U

^Oliver, GeorRc (Oliver 0(WM4).


*Plfsiy. Charles. U.

*Qwiaiero, Joa^yin AKare*. Dr.

*TemlinMo. Keiiey Ma^. la.


tVa/leVi Conwliuk, Pa.

TWelhtven. Johan, tt, Po. la.

tWiBlerhalter, Frane Xaver, S7.



fieoedicl, 70

ficBoic, 40

Bmckncr. 50

Cellicr, 30

Chsdwick. 20

tComcUua^ 49, 26 Oct.

Dora» 70

Gut, ao

Gifoui, 30


HtnuN. 60

*HoUc, 91 Sept.

HumperdiACk. 90

•Ivc» (C.), 90 Oct.

J«fti£ek. 90

fLumbye, 63, 30 Mar.

Moukowiki, 30

Ponchielli. 40

Hciiwckc, 50

Rimsky* Konakov, 30

*Schmidt. 33 Dec.

*Schoenb<rg, 13 Sept.

Selmcr, 30

Semet, 30

Smar^ia, 30

Smetana, 50

•Suk, dJan.

Tinel. 20

Xyssdas, 60

Zollnor, 90

Zvreen, 9o

tBaoini. MiehacI, 7S. No.

‘BarbuMe. Keon. Po. No.

*Barina. Maurice. Li. No.

fBotiy, William Henry West. B3.


tBodccber. Ludvig Adolph. Si.


‘BoMomky. CordOA. Po.

tBouknaer. Pierre £amanuel

Hippetyte. a?. Pa.

*Ches(crtoa, Gilbert Xeiib. Li.

■Dodd. Fraoeu. Fa.

t Foley, John Heory. flS. Sc.

'Clastow. EJIeo. No,

tllollmane von Fallepakben

(A«*ruM Hemrich H.), 96. Po.

"Kofmaruisihal, HwfO Von. Po.


•Jaeboa. Hdbrooh. Li.

tjaain. Juki Gabriel, 70. La,


♦ Kaolbarh, Wilhrlm von. 69,


‘KMbbiKh (later Knoblock),

Edward. Dr.

"Kraus. KoK. Po. Dr. la.

"Lowell, Amy. Po. LI.

"Machado, Manuel, Po. Li.

"Maufliam. tVilltacn Somenri.

No. Dr.

tPeoeier, Bryan tV'aUer. B?. Pn.

tReuter, Frill, 6a. Po. No.

".'tiein, Crnmdr. Li.


Belicsay, 40

tBeimcci, 38, t Feb.

tBUei, 36, 3 June

*Camllo, 98 Jan.

Chauuon, 30

•Colcfidgc-Taylor, j 5 Aug.

Oxi, 40

Draeteke, 40

Faurt, 30

•Fdvriep, 9 Oct.

Frana, 60

•Cliefc. II Jan.

•Hahn, 9 Aug,

Hartmann (J. P. E.). 70

Harv*, 50

•Labey, 0 Aug.

Liadov, 20

fMktray, 77, 1 7 July

•MeUrtin, 7 Feb.

•MontccDczsi, 4 .\ug.

•Nougu^ 23 Apr.

•O’NeUI, t4 Mar.

■Ravd, 7 Mar.

Roncgen, 90

•Rootbam, 3 Oct.

Saiat^Saerks, 40

Stiaua{J.) (ii), 50

•Tovey, 1 7 July

VoUunann, 60

Wider, 30

Wieniawiki (H.), 40

tAndenu), Haru Chrisiian, 70.

Li. No.

Aateine Loub. So, Sr

"Buehao, Johrt. No.



ICarpcaux, J«*i) 46.


tC*sijlbo. Antonio F«ikwo <k,

75 ^ P«.

f Corot. J«»o BasKim, 79. Pa_

*Dele<lda. Gruia. No.

*F/o*t, Robert Lee.

tHawker, Robert SiapiMn. 79.


tHerwegb, Georg, sS. Po.

tKiBgiley, Charles, 5$. No.

• M a e bedo, Antooio. Po.

*blaj)Q, T^mas. No.

Jobn Edward. Po.

Or. No. Li.

*Milks, Vilhelm Carl Eoiil. Sc.

tMillei, jean Frartcoit, Si. Pa.

thforike. Sdoard, 71. Po. No.

t. Rieherdton. Henry Handel. No.

'Rilke, Rainer Maria. Po.

'Sabatini, Kafael. No. Dr.

t Steven, Alfred, 97. Sc.

t J'obioy, AJexeyev. CoMt. 9S.

Po, No.


•AJfdno, 6 Mar.

Brull, 30

*Carpencer, ^8 F«b.

t David (P,), 66. iQ Aug.

Dviibrs, 40

"Faila, 43 Nov.

Com««, 40

fCdta, 36, 3 Dec.

Kaltdn, 30

Hallbirom, 30

Marimaiin (E.)» 40

Holstein, 50

*HurUtonc> 7 Jaa.

*lngcnhovcn, 29 May

*Karlossics, ri Dec.

KastaUky, so

*LaparTa, 13 May

Martucci, ao

■Morawski, a Nov,

Noskowski, 30

*SchHling. a6 JuJy

•Shaw (M.), 9 Mar.

Sinding, ao

tSoderman, 43, JO Feb.

Soloviev, 30

Tancyev. 20

•Vreuls, 4 Feb.

WcgelluJ, 30

tWcoJcy (S- S.). 65, 19 Apr.

•Wieniawakj (A.), 27 Nov.

*Wolf-FcrraH, 12 Jan.

'Bcnuleia. HcOeV. Dr.

•Bibeaco. Aoaa (Comiew de

Noailkf}. Po.

•Bone. Muirhead. Pa.

•Carher. WUU Sibert, No.

•Cobb, Irvin. No.

tCelet. l.o«in (b. Revoil). 6S.

Pc. No.

^Cuehmao, CbarioRe, 60. Ac.

tFreiiigratb. Fecdcoaod. SS. Po.

IFrooKotio, Eugbae, 96. Pa. LI.

•Giloiao, Harold. Pa.

tKiogsley, Ueary, 46. No.

•London, John Griffith (**Jack’*).


•Marioecti. Fjnilto Filippo Tom*

maeo. La.

fMariioeau, Harriet, 74. Li.


Noailtn. Anna, Contesie de (iu


tPaludaO'MoUer, Frederik. $?.


f Saod. George (Anundioe Lueile

Aurore Dudevaat). 78. No.

tTidensand. Adolf, St. Pn,

•TrevelyoA, George MocagUy.



•Auberi, 19 Feb.

Balakirev, 40

Baroeii (j. P.), 40

Bruneau, 20

Chaminade, ao

•DohnSnyii 27 July

•Dunhill, r Feb.

EJgar, 20

•Fairchild, 2$ June

fFioravanU (Vine.), 77, 26


Frank, 30


•Gardiner, 7 Nov.

CuUmanl, 40

Guiraud, 40

HolmSf, 30

JenKn, 40

•Karg'EIert, sj Nov,

KienzI, 20

Lachner (I.), 70

•LadmirauU, 8 Dec.

Mabellini, 60

Mackenzie, 30

Merkel, 50

Pedroiti, 60

•Quilier, 1 Nov.

Reber, 70

f Ricci (P.), 68, 10 Dec.

Salvayrc, 30

Seharwenka (P.), 30

Wicniawski (J.), 40

Zeleibki, 40

tBaliaatioe, James, Sfr. Li.

tCeurbet, <^tave. 56. Pa.

tDevrient. Edward, 76. Ac.

•E>yk, Vkter. Li. Dr.

*Dser>Liaikv, Fein Edmuado*

vkh. No.

•Crao><lle>Barker, Harley. Ae.


f HacUtoder. Friedrich Wilhelm

voo, St. No. Dr.

•H^c, Hermann. Nd> Po. Li.

tNekroMov, NtkoUy AlcMyevkb.

jd. Fo.



t NerisA. CM«li5e EliMbctk Su^b

fLady Stiflioc U«AweU). 69.

Po. No.

tOxenford, John, 65. LL Or.

tRuftobery, Johno Ludvig,



Bendl, 40

*B<>ugbion, 33 Jao.

firuch» 40

*CapIei» 43 Nov.


Duparc, 30

Gcvaert, 30

GoldscKmidc (A. v.), 30

Gounod, Co

■HoJbrooke, 5 July

tHoisiein» 59, 9 a May

KisUer, 30

Leoncavallo, ao

tLindbia«l. 77, aB Aug.

Licolfr, 60

Major (J. G.}, so

MaJliAg, 30

KUcKinclIi. 30

Morales (M h 40

*PaJmgn’n, 16 Pcb.

Parry, 30

Planqueiir, 30

Puccini. 90

*Schrckrr, 93 Mar.

Schyue, 30

*SU06s, aCJune

Smyth, so

*Tomma9ini, 17 Sept.

•Zagwijn, 17 July

MaMiRw. Pv. K».

tBry&nt. William CuHco. 94. P9.

'Cammarrli, £nwlv. Ij. Pu.

tChAloktra, C«org«, 4). P«.

tCrwibbana. C«^r. W. Pa,

tDaybifBv. Qurkv 44.


t LJa«,wn . Hcnrv. 67. J’«.

• thiecaa . 1 *a 09««. O*.

"tWnniy. edwariljohn (Lvrd

D.). Ni>. Dc.

*r«R»^. Jcffcrv. No.

*C«e«*. Addinr. Da.

*Cibian. WiKrHi. Po.

tCfani, {Sir) Franca, 75. Pa.

tOuUkow, Karl. 4?. Or.

*Kauer, Georg. Or.

tLawrr, Georga Heary. 4f. IJ

*McLvt)y, Ambroar. Pa.

rMail(vw«, Charin. jun., ?». Ar,

AirrvtL Pa.

•N.ven, PrrOrrkk John. iV No.


*Ur^e, William. Pa,

tPbelpa, Samuel, 74. Ac.

tOuaclM. Simaa. 03. Ar. Pa.

*$aadbwr|, Caai Po. No. LL

tSeotr. (Sir) Gilbert. 67. Ar

*SiBcUir, UpCQQ. No.

*WilkifaeQ. NonucB. Pa,


Abe, Co

•Aadrcac, 5 July

* Bridge, v6 P'eb.

*Campo, 28 Oci.

ChcvilJard, so

•Ficelberg (C.J, iB Ocl-

Foersicr, so

Godard, 30

•Gro\'Iea, 4 Apr.

'Haas, 19 Mar.

tHcise, 49, rs Scpc.

Ilyinsky, so

Ippoliiov'Ivanov, so

* Ireland, 13 Aug.

fjetuea, 4a, S3 Jan.

Liapunov, 20

Uoyd (a H.), 30

Mussofpky, 40

Nipravsik, 40

NiewiadomskI, so

OlTrnbach, Co

*Os4rril, 33 Feb.

Pacius, 70

Paint, 4u

•RtspighI, 9 July

Rhtinbergcr, 40

Schjrlderup, so

*Scoii (C), S7 Scpi.

Suppd, 60

•Trtink, 10 Keb

*Zich, 35 Mar.

Zkhy, 30

IBoaall. (b>r} William. 7». Pi.

*CabeU. Jamn Vraoek. No,

*CMfieM, Dorothy. L>. N».

lOiuKucr, Hoaort. 71. Po.

*Dkb, WilliJB Raid, So.

*Foaier, Edward Margaa. No.


*i^n, Augtucui. Pa.

•Klee. Paul, Pa,

tLce. Frederick KJthard, 8u. Pa.

•Linduy, NichoUa Vachrl. Po

*Lv*d. Robert. LI.

*Menea, SiganioMl. No.

*Sioiih. hlatibew. Pa.

tViolkt-k.DiM. E«ig4«e Em*

maovel. bv Ar.


Albeoia, so

Audran, 40

*iUocb, 94 July

Bourgaull-Ducoudray, 40

Breton, 30

Cbarpentier, so

Enna, so


Pacdo, 40

Fibkh, 30

•Fourdrain, 3 Feb.

Prancbetli, 20


Georges, 30

Goldmark, 50

Heuberger^ 30

• Karel, 9 Nov.

KK2kov«ky, 60

Lar)ge (S. de), 40

Lange* Muller, 30

La&&^, 50

Mahler, 20

Maldeghem, 70

■Mcdincf, 5 Jar>-

Mermet, 70

tOHenbach, 6(. 4 Oct.

Olsen, 30

Paderewski, 90

*Piz2elli, 30 Sept.

tReber, 73» *4

Rernidek, 90

Roui (Lauro), 70

Hubicutein, 50

Scharwenka (X.), 30

Scontrino. 30

■Scon (F. C.), 35 Jan.

fSowiiSskl, 76, 3 Mar.

Stainer, 40

Svendien, 40

Tchaikovsky, 40

Thomas (Goring), 30

*Uribc Holguin, 17 Mar.

Vieuxtemps. 60

tWieniawski <H.), 44. 3


Wolf, 30

*Apollinair«. CuilUuiM. LL Fe.

*BcV, Aiidr«v. Po. Nft.

"Blok. AleKMtdtr. N.

*D*r»iA, Ax>dr 4 . T*.

t&liet. Ceorfe (Mariui Evam}.

61. No.

*£^(ein, ]a<eb. 5 e.

tFrurrbacb. Aiuelm. 91. F*.

trUub«M. Ko.

*FokiB, Mikhail,

fHtrtacsbuich. juan Eofeeio. 7 «.


"Hcrfctheimer. Jowph. No.

tHolMi. Karl Eduard xon, •».

Ae. Dr. No. Po-

•Nov«J, AUVtd. Fo. LI.

t Richter, Ludwic, 77 . Fa.

• Strachey, Gilo Lvitor*. Li.


■Alaleona, 16 Nov.

Arensky, 20

•Bart 6 k, 95 Mar.

Blockx, 30

Boasi, 30

Brdvilk, 30

•Cadman, 34 Dec.

Cbabrier, 40

■Dresden, 30 Apr.

Dvofik, 40

■Enesco, tg Aug.

Parkas (O.), 30

■Gibe, 1 1 May

•Gram, 95 Nov.

Hiller (F.J, 70

Horneman, 40

d’lndy, 30

•KalUtenius, 39 Aug.

•Knab, 19 Feb.

Lar^e (D. de), 40

•Le Flem, 18 Mar.

Liszt, 70

Loel^r, 90

MacDowell, 20

MarcbeitJ, 50

•Miaskovsky, so Apr.

Missa, 90

t Mussorgsky, 43, 36 Mar.

Ncssler, 40

Norman, 30

Pedrell, 40

•Rofowtki, 3 Oct.

Sgambati, 40

Ibomas (A.), 70

Thuille, 90

fVieuxumps, 6t, 6 June

VoJbach, 20

*Avala. Ramen Fdrei Je. U.

Bcacorxaheld, Eart of itrt


rSecrow. Coorge. tB. Li.

*BeMue. Georges. Fa.

tCarlyk, Thomas. M. Li.

tCoesa. Fieire. 47. Dx.

fChageWcdi, Franc Ferdirtand,

Freiherr woe, $7. Po. Dr. No.

CDisraeli. l)cn>a'"*'*> 77 > No.

tDMMve^y, Feodor Mikhaile*

vkh. 99. No.

fHall, Anna Xtaria, 9 i. No.

tLanser, Sidney, 39. Fo. Li.

•Loesdok. Fraderkk. Dr.

*Ludwif , Emil. Li.

*Martis du Card. Roger. No.

* Norris. Charles Gilman. Li


tO'Shaughnessy. Arihu*. 37 . FO'

t Palmer. Samuel. 78. Pa.

*Fapini. Giovanni. Po. Na. L».

*fk«fO. Fable. Fa.

•Sierra. Gregorio MtrKnr*. Dx.


•Webb. hUry. No.

•Zweig, Sidan. Lt. No.


•Abrinyi (E.). 22 Scpi.

AbrAnyi (K.). 60

Samcil { J.), 80

BtMto, 40

•Braunfels, 19 Occ.

Cowen, 30

Debussy, 20

Delius, 20


Di^abrock, so

Eimnasuclt so

Flotow, 70

Fr&ick (C.), 60

Fryklof, 14 SepL

O^roiAj), 20

*Kodi)y, 16 Dec.

Kovalovic, 20

•KHeka» 97 ^\ug.

■Laitu&da, 5 Frb.

Le Borne, 20

Lecocq, 50

Lbsenko, 40

*MaJipiero, c8 Mar.

*Marx, sc May

MaMi, 80

MaucneCi 40

Mibalovich, 40

Mill6ckrr» 40

•Pick-ManfiafaUi, 10 July

•Pence, 8 Dec.

*Rad 6 i 9 <S Dee.

tKaff, 60, 94*25 June

■Samimky, 8 Non*.

Sokabky, y)

Kian/ord. 30

•Stravimky, 17 June

Sullivan, 40

■Szymanou'tki, 6 Oct.

■Turina. g Dec.

•Vyepalek, 93 Feb.

Wagenaar (J.). 20

Web(K.), 90

WilliatTu (Alberto), 90

f/^iMwetih. >ViUi*m llvru**. ^ 7 ^


tA«tov.ilnoi. 63 . ^

t AwerUch . gerih^W . 90. Ne.

tlwawr. Henri A«r 0 W. 97. ^

Thom«», )un.. $7-

* 9 «rrvnMre, ]nhr>. Ar.

tBiafU. Aveuite Fra»t«^. 44 . Fa.

‘Drinkwater. JoKn. Ac. ?«. Dr.

*Dulac. CdiMind. Pa.

tCincrton, Ralph tS’aMa. 94 . Lk

•CiU.Brk. Sc. C».

•CirauJewa. Ho. Dr.

•GlMpeSl. Sima. Ho. Dr.

tGobiAcaw. }a>*9>h Arthur 4*. 64.


*Jevec. Jama. No. Po.

tKciMlall, H«nry OaroKC, r. 4 C.


*L 4 nocinand. Rene. Dr.

tLooerrUow, Kaorjr Wadrworth.

99. Po.

‘Mackenitc. Compton. No.

*M»lnc, AUa AlevaBAer. Or.

tMoe, jorfcn, 69. Li. Pe.

tKoaceiti, Dontc Cabriol, S 4 .

Po. Pa.

* Stephen. Virfiaia (Uor Waotf).

No, U.

*Slephea3, JiBNO. Po. No.

^Thorndike. Srfail. Ac.

tTroUopc. Anihonr. 67. No.

* Un^d . Stfrt^ Ko,

Woolf. Vu^ioia («« Stephen)


AJkan, 70

Barbicri, 60

•Bax, 8 Nov.

•Bemera, 16 Sept.

Bordcs. 20

boroclin, 30

HrahDu, 50

•CaselU, 93 July

•Dyson, 28 May

•Fabiiu, 18 May

fFlotow, 70, 24 Jan.

Foote, 3®

•Furuhjelm, € July

•Cnesun, 2 Feb.

Grieg, 40

•Hauer, 19 Mar.

•Kalomiria, 26 Dec.

Kaun, 20

Kirchner, Co

•Klenau, n Feb.

Koculer, 30

•Krcin (A.), ao Oct.

•Kuula, 7 Jo*y

Lachner (F.). 80

l..alu, bo

Lrroux, 20

•Lloyd ( 0 .), 30 Apf.

Macfarren, 70

Maacagni, 90

Mesaaget, 30

•Moonie. 29 May

Mo6r, 20

Nkcode, 30

Parker, 20

Piem^, 20

Reyer, 60

■RolOn, 22 June

Samara. 20

Sjogren, 30

Sdlya (M.), 20

Sommel), 90

•Steinberg, 4 July

Szendy. 20

Verdi, 70

f Volkmann. C 8 , 29 Oct.

twiner, 69, 13 Feb.

•Webern, 3 Dec.

Weingariner, 20

•Zandonai, 28 May

tCaivcd. Edward, c. Bo. Pt.

tCUuBcer. Jean BaptUtc

Avto*t«. 64.

tCeoKie«K«. Hendrik. 7<

rDo«e. GuMve. &(. Pa.

*£rviBo. St. Johf]. Dr.

•Foeher. Otakar. Li. Po.

tFiieCerald. Edward. 74. Po.

yjerkhau, Jens Adolf. 67. Sc.

•Kafka. Frans. No.

thtauei. £deuacd. $1. Pa.

•Mdtmd. Ivan. Sc.

•Motcram. Ralph Hale. No.

tReid. hlarB*. 69. No.



tS*iide*u, Jul«a, 79 . No. D*.

*S«v«Kni, Gioa. Ptt.

*1'oU(or. Alexey NUoUyevkh.

No. Dr.

ITuigenev, Ivait. 6$. No.


d’Albert, 3 C»

Benedict, 8o

Benoit, 50

Bruckner, 60

Cellier, 40

Chadwick, 30

•Dieren, a? Dee.

Dorn, 80

Cast, 30

Gigout, ^

Grechaninov, 30

•Grifles, 1 7 Scpi.

•Gruenbcrg, 3 Auf.

Guy-Ropartz, 30

Halvorsen. 20

Heller, 70

Hccvelt, 70

Humperdinck, 30

Janiiek, 30

Lavranga, 30

tMa»<, 63. 5 July

*Mi]ojevic, 15 Oct.

Moezkowaki, 30

Poncliietli, 30

*RangitrOm, 30 Nov.

Kemecke. 60

Rinttky*Konal(ov, 40

*Roaycki, 6 Nov.

Selmer, 40

Semet, 60

Smareglia, 30

tSmciana. 60, la May

Sirauu (R ). ao

TincI, 30

*\Vhiihorne, 6 Sept.

Xyndas, 70

Zollner, 30

Zween, 30

fOMahitur*. > 4 . ti.

tBMi>rn-L«o*fe. iwkt, Pa.

*BloeK. Jeaa lU^ard. No. Dr.

tCoiwrky. Cha«k* Siuut, ftV


*GaAnan, Gilbert. No.

tCo/cono, Guilto, 79. P«. No.

*Duliaen«l. Georfe. No.

*Feuchivrooeer. Lion. No.

*FleoLer. JoitMs LIroy. Pe. Dr.

tPutkr, George. &S. Pa.

tCeibel. EiMOBucI voa. 69. Po.

*Graboo«, Stepbeii. No. Li.

tt^ube. Heinrieh. yS. No. Dr.

*Le>vi», Wyndbajn. Po. No. Li.

fMahorl. Nau, 44. Pa.

‘Modifliaoi, Ajmi^. Pa. Sc.

* 0 *Caacr. Seaa. Dr.

fReodc. Cbarka. 70. No.

*R«jnyoo, Atfrrd DaoKMi. No.

*Sqiijre, John Colluiev li. Pe.

*SwinAenoa. Fraxtk. No. Li.

*U(rUlo. Maurice. Pa.

"Walpole, Nugh No.

*YeuAg, Francia Breu. No.


fAbi, 65, 31 May

Beliczay, 50

fBenedtct, 80, 5 June

•Berg, 9 Feb,

•Buuerworlh, la JuJy

Chauaaon, 30

Oii, 50

•Dale, trJuJy

Draeseke, 50

DuJcaa, ao

Faur^, 40

Franz, 70

GiUon, 30

GJazunov, ao

Hartmann (J. P. £.), 80

Herv^, 60

tHilJer (F.), 73, to May

•Josien, 13 June

•KamMiki (L.), 7jan.

fKNikoviky, 6$, 8 May

Liadov, 30

MagnarJ, ao

tMerkeJ, 57. 30 Oct.

Morera, ao

•Mul6, 38 June

Nieben (C.), ao

tNorman, 53, 26 Mar.

•Reti, 37 Nov.

•RIeggcr, 29 Apr.

ROntgen, 30

tRo« <Lauro), 73, 3 May

Saint>^linr, 30

Sibelius, so

StrauM (J.) (ii), 60

Stopski. ao

•Taylor (Deems), 32 Dec,

•Var^, 22 Dec.

•Varvoglis, 33 Dec.

•Weiner, 16 Apr.

•Welless, at Oct.

Widor, 40

tAeb j ofi M eo. Peier Ghristlaa. 7$.


tCampbclI. John Franck. 6 s. Ll.

*De la Roche. Maae. No.

•Duiet. A»hl«y. Dr.

•GotiM, CeraM. Po. U.

"Graoi, DuACao. Pa.

*Guitry, Sacha. Ac. Dr.

•Henoff. £mik (Aodti Maerou).


tHugo, Victor. 0$. Po. Dr. No.

tjadwe, HeleA Marla. S4* P^


tiocoteae. Jem Peter. $0. No.

"Jazger, Qurlea Sargeaot. Sc.

*Lawrcoc«, David Herhen. No.




*Lvwit, Sincbiti Ne>

No. Po.

Mouraist Aodrt (mt KtfvesJ

tN*«ydk. AlMde,49« P**

*PftTlo««. A&oo. Da.

•Pouadi Eara. Po.

"RomoiM. Juk*. Po. Dr. No.

*Woir«. Hgmbert. Po. LL


Aulia, 20

BruU» 40

BusoQi> 20

Ci]«a, 20

DcIIIMi 50

Drysdale, 20

•EspU, 5 Aug.

*C*agnebiA, r 3 Mar.

Gome. $0

'Guridj, 25 Sept.

Hall^n> 40

Hallfirom, 60

Hartmann (£.), 50

Kalinnikov, ao

*Kaminski, 4 July

ka»iabkr. yt

*Levlcli$, fl Apr.

fLUn, 74» 3* J«*y

Martucei, 30

No9kow»ki. 40

tPonchklli. 51, 17 Jan.

Rebikov, 20

Ruyneman, 6 Aug.

Satie, 20

*Schoeck, 1 Sept.

Sinding, 30

Soloviev, 40

Tancyev, 30

Wegeliui. 40

\Ve^ (C.), 20

* AlAin.Poumicr. Hreri. No.

TParAM, WilkMH. 9 $, Po.

•laj.U<lTor 4 . Po. Dr.

‘Brnwit. Pkrr«. No.

tBoibonm. Anna Loom. >4. No.

tCaklMoK. lUMMpa. 40. Pa.

*CkM«r 4 n. Veniura OorcN. No.

*Car(o. PraM0. Po. No.

tDkkiiiiun. Emilr, S 9 . Po.

tFonuMi. (Sir) Samuel, Po.

*Fku;Wr. Jeha Ce«M. Po.

*Kok^hka. Oikar. Pa. Dr.

«Ma.i«r^a. Salvador d«. li.

*N)cobon, KaioU. LL No.

"RoWuon. LeoDoa. Dr.

*^aaiaoo, i«afn« 4 . Po.

tSehelM. Joarph Victor roo. 60,



*Atterberg, 12 Dec.

Balakirev, 50

Bametl (J. F.), 30

tBorodin, 53, a? Feb.

Bruoeau, 30

Clhamioade, 30

Elgar, 30

Frank, 40

Gade, 7Q

Guxdano, 20

Granados, 20

CuUmaot, 30

Guiraud, 30


KienzI, 30

K<rchlut, 20

Lachner (I.), 80

•Lindberg. 23 Feb.

*Lualdi, 22 Mar.

Mabellmi, 70

tMacfarren, 74, 31 Oct.

Mackenzie, 40

*Madetoja, 17 Feb.

Pedrotti, 70

Petresoa-Berger, 20

SaJva)*re, 40

Schar>«enka (P.), 40

fSokal^y, 34, 1 1 Apr.

Saabados, an

Terrasse, 20

*Tie«en, to .Apr.

■Toch, 7 Dec.

•Trapp, t Nov.

•Valen, 25 Aug.

*ViJ]a*I.obc», 5 Mar.

•Vochc, 21 Sept.

•VonUHa, 96 Juoe

\Vieniawski (J.), 30

ZeleiSski, 30

tSonvin. PranfOii. 70. Ps.

Fupcrl. 1 * 0 .

"Chaaall. Marc. Pa.

tOaik, Mrt. (Dtaalt Maria

Malock}. 61. No.

•IMooo. rraob. Sc.

*lai«0, Jamn Dkkron. Pa.

tjeffrrio*. Rjehtrd. 99. No.

tKr«*ar«nb(. Jdief lena«v. ?$.

No. Po. Li.

tLoTortue, Juloi. 07 . Po.

tManton, Philip D^rke. 27. Po.

•Muir. Cdwio. Po. No.

•Overiand. Aruulf. Po.

•PearMo. Hethoih. Ae. Li.

•Sii««U, Edith. Po. U.

tVVeed. Elko Mn. Heotv

Wood!. 7 ). No.

•Zvfeia. Arnold. No.


fAlkan, 74, 29 Mar.

Banlock, 20

BeodI, $0

Bruch, 30

CUy, 30

•Delviftcouri, 12 Jan.

Duparc, 40

•Du^, 27 May

53 »


•Frazzi, i Jan.

Geva«r(, 6o

Gilbert, 20

GolcbchniKlt (A. v.)» 40

Gounod, 70

fHeller, I 4 jan 4

Kistler, 40

Leoncavallo, 30

Licolir, 70

MacCunn, 20

McEwen, 20

Major (J. G.), 30

Mailing, 40

Mancinelii, 40

Merilcanto (O.), 20

Morales (M.), 50

Parry, 40

Planquette, 40

Puccini, $0

Schillings, 20

Schyuc, 40

fSemet, 63, (5 Apr.

Sctaccioli, 20

*Sigtenhorst Meyer, 17 June

Sinigaglia, 20

* Ski a VOS, 20 Aug.

Smyth, 30

Viana da Moia, 20

tArnoM. 4$. Li. P».

* Derniivd, J«an Or.

Jatnci (Oibome Hriwy

Mavor). Dr.

* Klloi, Th«nia» Stesras. Pe. Or.

rEua, Aacotae. to. Sc.

*CvM*. 64iih. Ac.

tCkic. Ccotfc Robert, ee. Li.


tlloll. Prencb Montofue. «$.


tLobicbe. Eocene, 79 . Dr.

rLacretelle, Je«4u«e 4e. Ho. Li.

* Lawrence. Thorrm Edwerd. U.

tL««r. Edward, tS. Li. Pa.

•UOward. Gdberc. Se.

tMeibech. Chttfiian Knud

yraderib.ST. Po. Dr.

*Morand. Paul. Po. Ho.

*0'He*l(. Eii|toc. Dr,

*Roland Hobt, Adriaen. Pe.

*Sedkir. Michael. Li. Ho.

*bUlaapaa. Fnaa Cenil. No.

tStorm, Th e o d or, 71 . Po. Ho.

rUarub, Fritz von. Or. Ho.


Chevillard, 30

fCJay, 5J, 24 Nov.

Davies, 20

Foerster, 30

t Frank, 42, 17 Aug.

* Gibbs (A.), 10 Aug.

Godard, 40

fHcnselt, 75, 10 Oa.

Ilyinsky, 30

Ippolitov'Ivaiwv, 30

J^efelt, 20

*Kapr 4 l, 26 Mar.

Liapunov, 30

Llo^ (C. H.), 40

fMcrmct, 79, 4 July

Ndpravnlk, 50

Niewiadoznski, 30

Pacius, 60

Paine, 50

Pfiuner, 20

Rheinberger, 50

Roussel, 20

Schjelderup, 30

*Shaporin, 8 Nov.

Stejowski, 20

Suppd, 70

Zichy, 40

tAnsencruber, Ludwig, jo. No.

tAufier. Cutllaunve Vidor Emile

62. Dr.

tBarbev d*Aurevilly, Juice

Amddde, Si. No.

tBrowoinc, Robert, 77. Po.

tCabanel, Alexandre. 6€. Pa.

tChamjiAeurv. Juice Huieon, SI.

U. No.

•Chaplla. aiadas (*' CharUa *’)•


tColljM, William WAkk. 65.


tCook. Eliza. 71. Po.

tPuprd, Juk^ 7S, Pa.

•(>^edaJla. fhtlip. Li.

tHamerline. Robert, 50 Po.

tHopUiu. Gerard Manley, 49.


*Huat, Faaaie. No.

*Kaye^mith, SbeiUu No.

cLkbaee, Sarah Gertrude (Sarah

Millia). U. No.

*LiDklaicr, Erie, No, Dr, Li,

tMackay, Charlee, 79* Po*

•Nadi, Paul. Pa.

•Ncvmeon, Chrbloalter, Pa.

fSalukav, hlikhail Evgrafovich.

65. No.

•Spring. Howard. No. Li.

•Iftagra, Klcomcoie'Ceorga. No.

tVilliere dc litle Adam, Philippa

Augusta hfathiae, 49. Po.

•Waddell, Helen. Li.

•WadvHOrtb, Edward, fa.


Alb^is, 30

Audrao, 30

t Barnett (J.), 87. 16-17 Apr.

Bourgauli-Ducoudray, 50

Bretort, 40

Charpentier. 30

Enoa, 30

Erkel. 60

Faccio, 50

Fibicb, 40

Frutc^td, 30

tFranck (G), 67, 8 Nov.



*Frdiaa Braoco (L.), I3


tCdde, 73 . a* D«c.

•G 41 , 5 Aug.

Georges. 40

Goldjnark. 60

*GuerTini, ti Sept.

•Gurliu (M.), 6 Scpi.

*Gumey, 28 Aug.

Heubeirger, 41)

•Ibert, 15 Aug.

Korcsbehenko, 20

I Lachcier (F.), 66, 20 Jan.

Lange (S. de).

Laage-Multrr, 40

Lassen, 60

Lthir, 20

Lekeu, 20

Mahler, 30

MakJrghem. Bo

*Mariin, 15 Sept.

"Martini^, 6 Drr.

•MoU) 4 r, 7 Jan.

fNessler. 49, 28 May

Novfik, ao

•Nyitfom, 13 Oci.

OUen, 40

Opiei^i, 20

P^ereuaki, 30

Resniiek, yt

■Riadis, 13 May

Rulucuiein, Go

‘Salazar. 6 Mar.

Scharwenka <X.>, 40

Sohmiit, 20

Seonirino, 40

•Soltys (A.), 4 July

Kiainer, 30

Suler, 20

Svendsen, 50

Tchailio^tky. 30

Thomas (Goring), 40

Touraemire, ao

VIerne, 20

Walker, 2u

Wolf, 30

f 9 «u«mrF(d, CJuArU «««t, SA

IV. J>r.

tftlwcli. Karl Hcrtrik. yA Pj.

tB 9 Mckaul(, IKsn iDtMtwnl. M,

Ac. Itr.

tfiurlofl, (Su) Hkhsrd Franck.

6o> L.i.

Karel. CJ. I>r.

tC«Mll^Br*fKo, ('.aaiUlo. Gs<


tCbairian. l.owij. 64. Ko.

tCaneadi, Hermanu. rt. li.

t Fevkirt . ( K lave. 69. Nn. I>r.

t(;«irh. ViiKeni vaf», ay. Pa.

*He(ber(. ALt» PaictcK P«. No.

tliuni, Alfred WillcADi, fe. Pa.

tKart, AJphQ«ie. a*. No. Li.

tKelkr, GotUried. 71. Po. No.

* c. Macaulay, Keec. No. Li.

*aiansfiekl. Kachcrirte. li. No.

t.SlanUn, John WeSiUnd, 71.

Pr. Li.

tSewBcao. John Heocy, 69. Po.

"NiiUrnky. Vaslav. Ua.

•SVcrIcI, Kcana. No. Pd, Dr.


.Arensky, 30

Blech, 20

•Bliss, 2 Aug.

Blockx, 4U

Bosu, 30

Br^villr, 30

Buitykay, 20

t Ollier, 47. 28 Dec.

Qiabricr, '/>

Converse*, jo

tOelihes, 54, iCJan.

Dvvtik, 50

tFaccIo, 51, 21 July

Farkas, O.. 40

•finke, 22 Oct.

Hadley <H.). 20

Horneman, y>

d'lndy, 40

•Jirak, 28 Jan.

•Komauth, 14 May

•Krejd* (M.), 4 Nov,

Langv (P. dc), 30

•Lemaclirr, 26 June

Lie, 20

fLiculff, 73 i € .Vug.

Loclllrr. 30

Lunssens. 20

MaeDuux’ll, 30

Marrlirui, bu

‘Migot, i? Feb.

MhM, 30

tPacius, 81 , 8 Jan.

Pedrdl. 30

•ProkoTiev', 23 Apr.

•Rallio, 15 Apr.

*Roland‘Manuel, 22 Mar.

Sgambaii, 50

Spendiarov, 20

Slenhammar, 20

'Fliumas (A.), 80

Thuille, 30

Volbach, 30

t Ala«e«n, MrO Aiiiohju. 20. No.

tBanvilk, l-beodvretk. 611. Po.

No. l>r.

tRwmr. l.aHrmce, 6u. Ae.

f Okapfen, Chariei. 66, Pa.

fUupu. ILenri, >6, Se.

•CecCeau. jeao, L^ IV.

tGurKharuv. Ivan AleKanilroxich,

7 » No,

"Hindus. Maurice. No.

tLocvdl, James KusmII, ye. Pv.


tMfwsMonkc. Jean Louis Ltncsi.

y 6 . Pa.

taielviUe. Herman. 73 . No.



tMilki, AioW, 7 d. 5 «.

t Rimbaud, Actbu^, 37.

Georges, 39. ^


Abrinyi (K.)» 70

Al/v^, w

Boito, 50

Cowen, 40

Ddbuuy, 30

DeUus. 30

Diepen brock » 30

tUorn, 87, so Jan.

Emmanud» 30

Fanvell, 30

fFrana, 77. 34 Oci.

German, 30

*Ger$ibcrger, ra Feb,

•Ghcdini, I j July

Graener, 30

fGuiraud, 54, 6 May

*Heaoikaioen, 19 Oct.

fHervd, 67, 4 Nov.

*Honewr, 10 Mar.

*Howej]j, 17 Oci.

*Jarnach, 36 July

Joieyko, so

Juon, 90

^KiJpiAen, 4 Feb.

Kovatovic, 30

*Kvapd, 91 Apr.

*Lajiha, 30 June

tLalo, 69, 99 Apr.

Le ^rcie, 30

Lecocq, 60

Lissenko, 50

*Louri^, 14 May

MaMcnei, $0

Mihalovich, 50

"Milbaud, 4 Sept.

Milldcker* 30

tPedroiti, 74, 16 Oci.

Perofli, 90

*Peiridb, 93 July

*Poniridy, 6 Oct.

■Radnai. c Jan.

■Roseaberg, 9J June

Sekle9» 90

Skriabm, 90

Stanford, 40

Sullivan, 30

•TalJleCwre, 19 Apr.

tThomaa (Goring), 41, 20


Vasulenko. 20

Vaughan Willianu, 20

Wagenaar (J.), 30

Wie$ (K-), 30

Williams (Albeno), $0

•Wood (T.), 98 Nov.

Zemltnslry, 20

•Benton, Siella. No.

tUeiOcreu. Ceora, 64. Pa.

tBeOea»(«d(, Friedrich v«o. 73.


tCartte. Eoiilie, 83. No.

tCooper, Thomai, 87. Pe.

iCofv, Wtlliaa Jc»hfuan, 69. Po.

tEdcrrn, Aaos CariolU, 43.


tEdtrards, Amelia Aane, 6t. No.

tFcl, Afanasy, 79. Po.

*Gariiet, David. No.

*Crievc, Chrutopber Murray

(Hugh Maediarinid}, U.

*L4^l(ova, Lydia, Da. Ae.

Xlacdiarmid, Huyh Grieve)

*MacLe»h, Archibald. Po.

*MilLay, E^a S(. Vincent. Po.


*llke, Elmer. Dr. No.

*$a<kville>Weei, Victoria. Po.

No. U.

*Shanb. Edward. Po. U.

*$ji»«tl, Osbert. Po. No. Li.

*2ipenecr, Stanley, Pa.

tTennyeon, Alfred, Lord, 83. P

*Wc«(. Rebecca. LI. No.

tWIiiimaa. Wall, 74. Po.

tWhlitier, John Greenleaf, 83.



•AbsU. 93 Oct,

Barbieri, 70

fBelicxay, 57, 30 Apr.

•Benjamin, t8 Sept,

B^es, JO

Brahms, 60

fErkel, 82, 1 3 June

Foote, 40

•Cooasens, 96 May

tCouood, 75, 18 Oct.

Grieg, 50

•Haba, 9J June

JoDgCQ, 90

Kaun, 30

IGrchner, 70

KoodJer, 40

Lcroux, 30

tMaldeghein, dj, tj Nov.

Maluzewski, 90

Mascagni, 30

Mason (D. G.}, so

•Merikanto (A.), 99 July

Messager, 40

•Mompou, 16 Apr.

Modr, 30

•Moore, 10 Aug.

Nkode, 40

•Orr (C. W.), 3* July

Parker, 30

Kerne, 30

Rabaud, so

Rakhmaninov, 20

Reger, 20

Rcycr, 70



Roger-Ducasse, 90

*Rogtn« 4 Feb.

Samara, 30

S^verac, 20

Sjogren, 40

Sohys (M.), 30

Somervell, 30

Szendy, 30

fTchaiko^y, 53, 6 Nov,

Teherrpnm <N.). ao

Verdi, 80

Wcingarmer, 30

*ZeUnica, 13 Jan.

Tbeovte, te. Ac.

tarnwA. Ford Kladov, 79 . P«.

7Cuk, Grotto Vk«I. 60, Fa.

^PolUdo Hatu. Ke.

*FecW>. ftoMla. I

0«orte> Fa.

tKcenUr, Francn. $4. Ar.

*Mar)7uan«l. Johct Pltdlipc. No.

tMawaoMOM. Cuy dr. 49. No.

tKlourr. Albccl Jocrph, 59 . Pa.

"Nash. Jelu) Nocihroie. Pa.

*N'Kholt, Hobrri. Po. Li.

*No*dlo. Ivor. Ac. Or.

•(>w«a. W.irrnJ. Po.

*Sayrn. OoroUiy. No. D*. Li.

t^yiAOCKh, jAhn AddMCton. s%


t'l'aine, HippoUtc AaMpbr, is.


tZorUUy Moral. 7 «. P».


d’ Albert, 30

tDarhicri, 70, 19 Feb.

Bertoii. bo

fChabrier, 53, 13 Sept,

Chadwsek, 40

Cast, 40

Gigoul, 50

Grechaninov, 30

*Grou, 1 1 Aug.

<ruy*Rop4rtz, 30

Halvonrn, 30

HoUl, 20

Humperdinck. 40

Ives (C.), ao

JanideV, 40

I-avranga, 30

tLckeu, 24, 21 Jart.

*Moeran, 31 Dec.

Moszko«>9ki, 40

•rijjwr, 8 Sepi-

*PlMon, 20 Jan.

Reinccke, 70

Kimsky'Konakov, 50

Rubimtcin, 83

Schmidt, ao

Schucnbrrg, 20

•Schwlhoff (R), 8 June

Sclmcr, 50

SmaregUa, 40

Strauss (R.)i 30

Suk, 80

TineJ. 40

•Vi^i (j.). n Jan.

*\Vagenaar (B,), 18 July

* Warlock, 30 Oct.

Xyndas, 80

Zdllocr, 40

Zweers, 40

tBaUMCVAr, Kobcri Michael. Cq.


•BcMtard. Pawl Albeti. Pa.

t8wkrlfnanr>. Chchiian V>.


tBrkrh*. iWt Oinaki Walters.

77- Po.

fProudr, Jamc* AiitlHviy. 76.


t Hoba rt . Olnvr U'ciidcll. 6$.

U Po.

*H«alrr. AMwor. No.

flttfWM. Ccorgr. 69. Fa.

iLcroatc dr Lule, Gharlo* Marie.

?«, Po. Dr.

*Lewa. Domtftk Vet an tS’yod*

ham. Li.

*KlortaA, Cliartn. No. Li.

*.Vathan. Robert. .No.

tPaice, Walter. 55. Li.

^FrMlIey. |ohn fioyaton. No.


tRomeeti. Chrudoa, €4. ]*«.

tbirveftioft. Robed Lown, 44.

Po, No. D.

•IWber. Jamn. Li. Pa.


•Carneyro, 27jan-

Carrillo. 20

*Casiclnuovo'redcsco, 3


Chausooft, 40

CokridgC'Taytor, so

Cut, 60

*Dai^eloi, 8 Dec.

*David (J. N.). 30 Nov.

Dracseke, 60

Dukas, 30

Faur*. 50

F^vrier, 20

Gilson, 30

Glazunov, 30

Gli^e, 20

tCodard, 43. 10 Jan.

Halm, 20

Hartmann (J. P. £.}, go

^Hindemith, 16 Nov.

•Jacob, 5 July

l.abey, 20

fljichocr (I-), 87, 24 Feb,

Liadov, 40

•laatoshinsky, iCJan.

Magnard, 30



•MartcIU, F«b.

Mclartin, 20

Montemezzi, so

Morera, 30

Nielsen (C.K 30

Nougu^s, 20

O^Ndll, 20

•Orff, 10 July

*Rathaus» 16 Sept.

Ravel, 20

Ronigen, 40

Rootham, 20

•Rudhyar, 23 Mar.

Saint'Saeru, 60

Sibelius, 30

•Sikorski, aSJune

•So'verby, 1 May

•Siill, II May

Strauss (J.) <ii), 70

tSupp^, 74, 21 May

Szopski, 30

lovey, 20

•Voormolcn, 3 Mar.

Widor, 30

•Zidor, 5 Nov.

tBIachir. John Stuart. B 6 . Li.

fC'^ntti, C«ur«. as. Li. No.

tColleii, jakobine CanulU (b.

NV«rrcUnd). 3*. No.

tDHmas, A)rsond(c. jun., 71 .


tFfc> IS*. CuiUv, 79 , .N'o. Dr.

'(irave*. Robort. Pa. No. LL

tHabo, Tbomaa Oordoir, 33. l*o.

Richard Murth, 3?. At.

*JuA«cr, I.mai. No.

ti.ciknv. Nikolay. 64 . N«».

tlxi\b«r*].aiMp»on, Prrdrrkb, 74.


*NcumaM. Alfred. No. l)v.

‘Kerlaot*. Maurkc. Po. No.

tKy«lhrrc. Abraham N’lkior, 37.

Po. No.

tSochrr'Maaoch, Lee|ioU roo,

59. N«.


Alfano, so

Aulin. 30

t Bruckner, 11 Oct.

Brull, $0

BviStMi, 30

Carpenter, 20

Cika, 30

DrysJale, 30

Falla, 20

•Gerhard. 25 Sepu

fComes, 60, 16 Sept.

Halkn, 50

HalUtrom, 70

•Hanson, 28 Oct.

Hartmann (E.), <k»

Hurlsione, so

ingenhoven, 20

Kalinnikov, 30

Karlowicz, 20

Kastalsky, 40

•Koffler, 28 Nov.

•t^broca, 22 Nov.

Laparra, 20

Mariueei, 40

•Monnikendam, 28 May

Morawski, 20

Noskowski, 50

Kebikov, 30

•Rivicr, 21 July

Salic, 30

Sehelling, 20

•Sessions, 28 Dec.

Shaw <M.), 20

Sinding, 40

Solov’iev, 30

•Szeligowski, 13 Sept.

Taneyev, 40

tThomas (A.), 84, J2 Feb.

•Thomson, 23 Nov,

Vogel {V.), 29 Feb.

Vreub, 20

Wegetius, 50

•Weinberger, 8 Jan.

Wieniawski (A.), ao

Woir^Perrari, 20

Wood (C). 30

fXyndaa, 82, 25 Nov.

* 8 luAd«n, Cdmuitd. Po.

•Jbomlwld. Lout*. No.

*C«onki. Archibald Jowph. Ng.

t|>cui Noffurira RarnM, JoSo de,

33. Po.

*I>M PaMo*, John. No.

tDu hfaNfirr, Cieoree, 3?. No.


7(«oncouft. Ixiniond dc, 74 . No.


tHowaaayc. Aratnc. 3i. 1*a. .So.

tHufhe*, Thomas, 74 . No.

t Leigh Ion, FroderKk, l.ord, 63.

Pa. Se.

* Mauon . Andrd. Pa.

tMillair. ($irj Johit £v«rctr, 3?.


*Morna. VViUlam, 32. Po. LL Cr.

1 Patmoio, CovoAiry, 73 . Po.

tRktoci. Addakk, 74. Ac.

*Sb«rrilT, Robert Ccdrk. Dr.

*bhcrwood, Robert Emmet. l)t,

r^cowc, llarrrel Bccchcr. 64 . Nw.

'Strong. Leonard Alfred (ioorge.

U. Po.

IX'erlaane, Paul, 3 a. l*o>


Aubert, 20

Balakirev, 60

Bameii (J. F.). 60

tBendl, 59, 20 Sept.

•Bcniaon (J.), 14 Feb.

t Brahms, 63, 3 .\pr.

Beuneau, 40



Chamioade, 40

•CoweU, II Mar.

Dohninyi* 20

Dunhill, 20

Elgar, 40

Fairchild, 20

•Femstrdm, 6 Dec.

Gardiner, 20

•Gerjter, 29 Jane

Giordano, 30

Granadoa, 30

Guikaiant, 60

Holmis, 50

Karg-Eicrt, 20

Kienzl, 40

KcechlUi, 30

^Komgold, 29 May

*K6sa, 24 Apr.

Ladmirauli, 20

*Lorcn20 Fernlndcr. 4 Non*.

tMa bell ini, 79, 10 Mar.

Mackenzie, 30

* Mocachinger, cojan.

"Moreno Oaiu

•Neteriiis, 1 Dec.

Peterson* Berger, 30

Qvilier, 20

"Riisager, 6 Mar.

•Saeverud, 17 Apr.

Salvayre, 30

Scharwenka <P.), 50

Stabadoi, 90

•Tansman, 12 June

Terraue, 30

Wieniawski (J.), 60

2elehski, 6 a

tr>Midrl. AlithufM. &T* Ke.l>r.

tPMkcr. J«k«AA UMrs at.

fp. Ur.

t Gilbert, (Sir} j*bn, Oe. fa.

* Haldane, Naaim blargam

MMcbMaal. Ha, fo.

tlna«Ww, Jnn, 77- K. Ha.

rMaika*. AaaHwt NiM4v««wb,

H. P«. K>*.

MiKAkaa , Haam* (M HildiM/

•CypUbrrtv. Ua». Na.

T OMmai . Mar*a#«(. Ha.

tfaWtav*. Fran«» Turner. 7a>

fa. U.

* SUwtH. 5achev«r«11. Pa. Li.

*WiUier, Themcao. Dr. Ha.


Baniock, 30

Boughton, 20

Bru^, 60

Caplet, 20

•Delatinoy, 9 July

Dupare, 50

*^er, 6JuJy

‘Gershwin, 25 SepL

Gevaert, 70

C^lben, 30

Goldschmidt (A. v.), 50

•Harris, 12 Feb.

•Harsinyi, 27 June

fHartmann (£.), 62, 18


Hdbrooke, 20

Kiscler, 50

•Knlpper, 16 Dec.

i,eoncavaJlo. 40

MacCunn. 30

McEwen, 30

Major (J. G.), 40

Mailing, 30

Mancinelli, 50

Merikanio (O.). 3^

Morale* <M.), 60

Paimgren, 20

Parry, 50

PlanC|uei(e. 30

Puccini, 40

•Rieii, 20 Jan.

Schiilioga, 30

Schreker, 20

Schylie, 30

Seiaccioli, 30

SiUds, 20

Suugaglia, 30

Smyth, 40

Tosnmasini, 20

Viana da Moia, 30

•\Vcil(F.), 15 Apr.

Zagwijn, 20

tkarrante*, N’intrnir, Go. Pu, Li.

tkr«#d»Wr. Aubf«r, a6. fa.

t Btu k. Williank. )t. He.

19Qud«, ku«hir. fa.

t8u#n«*JeAa, (S^l Ldwanl, $3,


tCarrall. Le«*i< (Charkt Lui*

mdae Dadpoa], 66. U.

tCavaUaui. F«lk«, }6, Pa. Dr.

tLb*M.C«aef MaHis. 61. Ne.

tfeauBT, Thrader. 72. Pa. He.

tCarBMr.ieaa Lauu Charl«, 7).


•Haimban. Oive (Cine Staples

Lawisj. LL

♦Hnanwr>«ay, Ernest. Ne.

*iMibr. Wtnibed. Ne. Li.

*Kr«fnev. Eekb kfaria <R«*

mM(|ue). Na.

Lewis. C2«v« SUfilo (cm Hainil*


IMalUrro^, 96. fa.

t Meyer. Owed Ferdinainl, 7$.


•Moore, Henry. Sc Pa.

t kfarcau, Cunave, 7 *> Pa >

•O'Brien, Kaia. Ha. Dr.

f Puvii <le Cbavannes, Pierre

cecae. 74, Pa.

Reeiarqoe, Ctkh Maria lut


tPwtenbarh, Ckarses ftayiDond

Consuntin, 4*. Pa. Na.




Andreae^ 20

•Auric, 15 Feb.

Bridge, 20

CampOi 20

tChau&soD, 44, 10 June

•Chives, 1 3 June

ChevilJard, 40

Davies, 30

Fitelberg (G.), 20

Foerster, 40

Grovles, 20

Haai, 20

•Hadley (P.), 5 Mar.

•HefTding. to Mar.

Ilyinsky, 40

IppoliioV'lvanov, 40

Ireland, 20

Jkmelelt, 30

•Jemniu, 9 Aug.

Liapunov, 40

Lloyd (C. H.), 50

•Maklakiewics, 24 Nov.

tMillockcr, 57, $j Dec.

Nipravnik, ^

Niewiadomski, 40

0»tr£U, 20

Paine, 60

Pfitaner, 30

•Poulenc, 7 Jan,

Respighi, 20

•Revueliai, 31 Dec.

Rhcinberger, 60

Rouuel, 30

•Santa Crus, 5 July

Schjeldrup, 40

ScoK (C.), 20

•Skold, 29 Apr.

•Souris, JO July

Stojowvki, 30

TStraus# (J.) <ii), 73, 3 June

■Tchcrepnin (A.), at Jan.

•Thompson, 21 Apr.

Trunk, 20

•Woytowtca, 5 Dec.

Zich, 20

Zichy, 50

tlWIske, AKmm. 74. Sc.

rSe«eue. H«nri, 6 a. Dr.

tB—k. F.rik. 77 , Pd. |>r.

tBwilMwr. Ro«« (RMAlie MmmK

77. P».

*Bow«n, Kliza(««h. N«,

tCherbulirt. Chaik* Vkcor, 70.


* Coward, Noel. Ac. Dr.

tSfckmaos. fistSk, 77. No.

tPrrrari. PmSo. 77. I>.

tFoaUr. Myin Krbrt. 74. Pa.

tC«Mlk. 69. I^.

f('.ro(K. KUua, 9o. Po.

*Kas(fMr, Erkh. No.

*t.aveh»oa. Chark*. Ac.

*Lorea. Paderieo Garda. Po. Dr.

*Mar«o<an. Haodrik. Po. No.

*MLro, Joaa. Pa.

fSisky, AJG^, 52 , Pa.


Albania, 40

•Aniheil, 9 July

Audrao, So

Bloch, 20

BourgauJt^Ducoudray, 60

Breton, 50

•Burkhard, 17 Apr.

•Bush, 22 Dec,

Charpentier, 40

•Copland, 14 Nov.

•Dunayevsky, 30 Jan,

Enna, 40

•Ferroud, 6 Jan.

tFibicb, 49, 13 Oct.

Fourdrain, 20

Franchetii, 40

Georgee, 30

Goldmark, 70

•Halfficr (R.), 30 Oct.

fHartmann <J. P. £.), 94.

10 Mar.

Heuberger, 30

Karel, 20

•Klamt, 20 Sept.

Koreshchenko, 30

•Kleoek, 23 Aug.

Lange {S. de), M

LangC'Muller, 30

Lassen, 70

Lehir, 30


•Lonque, 8 Nov.

•Luening, 13 June

MalUer, 40

•Mansiarly, 13 Oct.

Medtner, 20

•Mossolov, JO Aug.

Nov6k, 30

Olsen, 30

Opiedski, JO

Paderewski, 40

Plasetd, 20

•Reuiter (H.), 17 June

Retnifek, 40

Scharwenka (X.), 50

Schmitt, 30

Sconirino, 30

Scott (F. G.), 20

•Skcrjaac, t? Dec.

Stainer, 60

tSullivan, 58, 22 Nov.

Surer, 30

Svendsen, 60

Touraemire, 30

Uribe Holguin, 20

•Veretti, 20 Fcb-

Vienae, 30

Walker, 30



•WeUJ, 3 Mar.

Wolf. 40

•Wyonc, * Jiine

tBUetauK, Rkhftnl I>od4ndce»

»j. N«.

tCnft*. Supbea, >». No. P».

tE«« de Joid Muia.


tFacd, TbooM. 74^

tFolfwAM. JcoB Afesoodr*

JoMpb. 69 . Sc.

tHovcy, R»«bord, >6. P«. Dv.

*Haca«. lbcbor4 AcUwr Womn.

H Df. No.

•MiwtKU. >>Urt«fc(> No.

«Mooia«rl*o(. Heon <le. No.

T Mookioy. MJiNr. jS. P*>

fNicUKbc. Ffirdfick. i6. li.


^O'FooUiM. Seon. No. Li.

•PciKhcti, VktecSowden. No.


tR\»k»a. Jobn. t(. Li.

•SoiovLoopCrr. Aoloiae dc. No.

Sa«m. IfOAiM {#MTrM4wiUi>

tSolovMv. Modiauf ScrtcycMCh.

4?. Fo,

•TrooquiUi. Sceeodo (Ifoouo

SiloMj. No.

tWM«. Oscor. 44* Fo. No. Pv.



AlaJeona, so

*Apost«l» 82 Jan.

Arooiky, 40

tAudrao» 6c, 17 Aug.

BartOk, iO

•Beck (C.), 16 June

fBc&oU, 6 Mar.

Blech, 30

Blockx, 50

Bosfti, 40

Br4v)lle, 40

Buttykay. 30

CadiiUfi, so

•ChevreuiJIc, x? Nov.

Cofiverse, 30

Drodoo, 30

Dvofik, $0

•Egk, 17 May

Eneco, 3o

Fark^ 0 ., $0

•Finzi, 14 July

•Fuleihao, s Apr.

Gibe, 20

Gram, 30

Hadley (H.), 30

tHalbtcdm, 72, xi Apr.

•Henneberg, 27 Mar.

Homeman. 60

d'lody, 30

tKalinnikov. 34. 1 1 Jaa.

Kalbte&iua, so

Knab, 20

Lange (D. de). 60

Le Flam, so

Lie, 30

Loc&r, 40

Luntacena, 30

MacDowdI, 40

•Major (£.), 26 Jan.

Marcbetti, 70

Miaskovaky, so

Mma, 40

Pedreili 60

•Pepping, IS Sept,

•Foot, 7 May

tRheioberger, 6a, 25 Nov

Rogewtki, so

•Rubbra, 23 May

•SaugueC, 18 May

Sgambaii, 60

Spendiarov, 30

tSuiner, 60, 3 1 Mar.

Stenhammar, 30

Thuillc, 40

t Verdi, 87, 27 Jan.

Volbach, 40

•Wbyic, 1 3 Aug.

t AMrw, JoCMi (Jama A. Heme).

4i. Ac. Or.

iBcMot. (Str) Walter, $y LI.


tSacUio, AnaeU. 74. Fa,

t SucluaaB, Robert, So. No. fo.


tCampoamor v Camf»oo*ofio,

Ramba dr, B4. Pa.

tCaw), Jeaa Cbarla. 4i. Pa.

•DoMr. Wall (Walter EUu).


t Ford. Edward OmIow. 44. Sc.

tOroeoawav. Kate. $9. Pa.

•Sackrilk WeW. Edward. U.


tTotdouae-Lauirre. Heori de. $7.


tYo«ee.<AarIeiie Mary, 7 B> No.

190 a

Abri«yi (K.). 60

Abrinyi (E.), so

AUvdn, 30

Boito, 60

Braunfeb, 20

•Brooian, 25 Mar.

Cowen, 50

Debuasy, 40

Delius, 40

Diepenbrock, 40

•Durufld, c I Jan.

Emmanuel, 40

Farwell, 30

PryUOf, 20

German, 40



Gracncr, 30

Jolcyko, 30

Juon, 30

Kodily, 30

*Kondracki, 4 Oct.

Kovafovic, 40

KiiCka, 20

Lattuada, 90

Lc Borne, 40

Leeocq, 70

Lisenko, 60

*Loihar, 23 May

•Maler, 91 June

Malipiero, 90

tMarcheiii, 70, j6Jan.

Marx, 90

Maarenet, 60

Mihatovieh, 60

*Moriari, 6 Dec.

Peroal, 30

Pick*Manpagalli, 90

Ponce, 30

Rad6, 90

* Rodrigo, 32 Nov.

Samicuky, to

*Schouwman, 8 Aug.

Sekles, 30

*ShebaUn, 11 Juxte

Skriabin, 30

Stanford, 30

Siraviiuky, to

*$2abd, 97 Dec.

Saymanowski, 90

Turina, to

Vaaailenko, 30

Vaughan U'llMarm, 30

Vycpalek, to

Wagenaar (J.), 40

* Walton, 33 Mar.

We« (K.), 40

Williams (AJberto). 40

"Wood (R.). 31 May

ZemJiniky, 30

tBrewe, C«orfe Dou|l*s, 95.


f SjimtKi. 67. Li. No.

tC:onWoAt» 97. f*.

tCeoar#. Thetnos SiAter. 99 .


tDolou, Juks. 64. Sc.

1D« Verv, Aubrey Thomao. 88,


TFaed, Johji. 89. Pa.

tHanc, Franco Br«(, 69. No.

tNorrb, Pronk, jt. No.

tPMM. (Sic) Jowpa NoH, 8t.

P*. Po.

‘Richardson. Ralplu Ac.

‘Robson, P(^. Ac.

‘Steinbeck, John. No.

tSicpheiu. James Rrunton, 87.


Vcr«. Aubrey Tbomac Ek (mr

Ue Verv>

IZola, Emile. 82. No.


fAbrinyi (K.), $1, so Dec.

Bax, to

•Berkeley, 12 May

Berners, 20

•BJacher, 3 Jan.

Bordes, 40

CaseUa. 20

Dyson, »o

Fabini, 20

•Farina, 30 Oct.

•Fiielberg (J.), to May

•Fleury, 25 July

Foote, 50

Furul^jelm, 20

Cnessin, 90

•Goldschmidt (B.), 18 Jan.

Grieg, 60

•Halloas, 24 May

Hauer, 20

tHolmi, 33, 28 Jan.

Jongen, 30

•Kadosa, C Sept.

Kalomiris, to

•Karyoiakis, 2t July

Kaxifl, 40

•Khachaturian, € June

tKirchner, 79, id Sept.

Klenau, so

Kocader, 30

Krein (A.), to

Kuula, to

Leroux, 40

Lloyd (D.), 20

"Lotpainikov, c6 Mar.

•Lucas (L.).5jan.

Maliszewski, 30

Mascagni, 40

Mason (D, G.), 30

Messager, 50

•Milford, tt Jan.

Moonic, to

Mo6r. 40

•Nabokov, 17 Apr.

Nkod8, 50

•NoetcJ, 30 Oct.

Parker, 40

Piern8, 40

fPlanquelte, 54. 36 Jan.

Rabaud, 30

•Rainier, 3 Feb.

Rakhmaninov, 30

•Raphael, 30 Apr.

Reger, 30

Rcycr, 80

Roger-Ducasse, 30

RolOn, 20

Samara. 40

Sdverac, 30

SJdgrcD, 50

S^ys (M.), 40

Somervell, 40



Sl^inWrga 40

Szeody, 40

Tchmpoin (N.)> 3^

•Wagocr-Rfgeoy, aB Aug.

Weben)> ao

Weingvtner, 40

tVVolf, 4a, aa F«b.

Zandonai, ao

tBeeu. Nicobw, U. 1 ^>. N«.

tc;«uc«in. Paul. U* P**

tC#ia»MlC« 46 . K«. Li*

r(iu*. K4 m Fn^ik. 79. ?».

fH*i 4 «T. William £meM. 54. P».


*Honl«y. joLa CakoM. B4. Ps.

tLfcky. William EdvrardHartpak.

63 . y.

9 d. Dr. LL

*Luec. Clare B«Mk Dr. U.

tMcfriman. Hearv Scroo. 4 i>


* Piper. J«hn. Pa.

IPuMcro, (lamitte. 1^. Pa.

tShorihouM. Jowpli Kcnrv. dO.


"Simeoort, Orortrr. No.

*NM(lMrland. OraSam. Pa.

*NVauRh. Evelyii. No.

tWKMiUr, Jamca MeNeill. 69 <



d'Alberl, 40

*Burian, 11 Apr.

Cihadvrkk, 50

■DaUkpiccola, % Feb.

Diercr), ao

tDvoFik. 6 ai ( May

* Fagan, 3 Nov.


Gail, so

Oigoui, Co

Grechaninov , 40

GrifTea, ao

Gruenberg, ao

Cuy-Ropariz. 40

Halvonen, 40

HoUt, 30

Kuraperdinck, 30

Ives (C.), 30

JaniCek, 30

*Kab*lev«ky. 30 Dee.

"Kauem. 19 Mar.

•Krejei (I,), CO July

tLasacn, 73 , *sJan.

Lavranga. 40

tUc, 33 , 3 oScp«,

MiJo|tvic, ao

Moc^owtki, 50

‘Pecraui, 16 July

RaogMrOm, 30


Riiiiaky*Konakov, 60

ROxycki, 30

Schmidt, 30

Schoenberg, 30

Selmcr, 60


Smareglia, 50

Strauas (R.), 40

Suk. 30


Tinel, 50


V>'hiihrayie, ao

ZoUner, 50

Zucers, 30

tBomit. W'ibofl. $0. Ac.

^Ivador, P*.

tPaniiiwl^iour. Henri. dA. ]*a.

*Porrell. Joirm TIiMiiOf. No. Li.

tPum. Charlre IS'ellinrion. 76 .


fCdrAnw. Jean Ldon. 6n. Pa.

*Ci«lcvrl, juhn. Ac.

* 4 kccnc. <j(AliAm. No. Dr.

'MAimltoA. I'Airjrk. IV.

tIleAm, l.AlrAdH>. $4. L«.

*ldierwood. Chriuopher. No.


iJokA«. Llw. 74. No.

tl.en(uea. fram. dd. ]*a.

•Lewo. Cmil Dav. Po.

t&wpdie*. (K«r| Letlie. 7 i. I>.

tTehefcho*. Anion. 44. Dr. No.

tW'aiu. Georse PrederKk. $?•



•Alu^n, 7 Nov.

Serf, ao

*BUizsidn, a Mar.

BuHerw'onh, ao

Carrillo, 30

ColeridgC'Taylor, 30

Cui, 70

Dale, 30

Draeseke, 70

Dukas, 40

*Fark4s (F.), 15 Dec.

Faurd, ^

Fdvrier, 30

GikoA, 40

Glaaunov, 40

GUdre, 30

Haha, 30

"HaJITter (£.}, 16 Jan.

•Jollvci, 8 Aug.

Josten, ao

Kamiehski (L.), 20

Laboy, 30

•Lambert {C), 33 Aug-

• Leigh, aa June

Liadov, 50

Magnard, 40

Melanin, 30

•Menaace, 19 Aug.

Mooiemcaai, 30



MorcrA, 40

Mul^ 20

Niel9«n (C.), 40

Nouguis, 30

O’NeUl, 30

Ravd, 30

*Rawsthome, 2 May

Red, 20

Riegger, 20

RSnigeo, 50

Roothaui, 30

SaiDt'Satttt, 70

*Seiber, 4 May

Sibelius, 40

Szopski, 40

Taylor (Deems), 20

•Tippeii, 2 Jan.

Tovey, 30

Var^, so

VarvogUsi so

Weiner, so

WellcM, 20

Widor, 60

•Wir^n, 13 Oc(.

H«rbcfl £rMl. No.

t BagmbMh. Rvdoir. 4$. P«.


tBouawrvou. Adolpbe. 4o. Pa.

tOulChawp*. Hcioncb. iS. Po.

Df. Li.

tDubo*. Paul. 74 . S«.

rKm4ia. JoU Maria 4e. 4$. Po.

ttrviof. (Sirj Haary. 4?. Ac.

Mocifoe. f*o»a (m $bar|>)

tMcaatl.A4olpavea.ae. Pa.

fMcedoc. Hcadrik. 74 . Pa.

CooMaaiiA. 74> Sc.


tMeurice. Paul. 4?. Dr.

*4artr«. J«an Paul. No. Dr.

fSharp. WiUiam (** Fieaa

Ma«kod").4» Pe.No.

*SheIokhev. Mikkail. No.

tVerac, 77. No-

*Whiiiier. Rea. Pa.


AJfano. 30

tArensky, 44, 25 Feb.

Aulin. 40

*Baudrier, 1 J Feb.

firtUl, 60

Busoni, 40

•Capdeviellc, 1 Feb.

Carpeoier, 30

*Caruin, 1 Dec.

Cilea, 40

•Cooke <A.), 4 Nov.

•Creston, to

Drysdale, 40

£apl4, so

FaJIa, 30

•Finney, 8$ Dec.

•Fraokcl, 31 Jan.

Gagoebin, so

tGoldschmidt (A. v.), 54, 21


Guhdi, so

Halloa, 60

tHomeman, 64, 6 June

tHurUtone, 30, 30 May

logeohoven, 30

Kaminaki, so

Kariowica, 30

KaaiaUky, 50

•Kenessy, 23 Sept

Laparra, 30

•Leoz, 10 Jan.

Levidts, 20

•Lier (van), to Sept

•Lopes Cra9a, t? Dec.

•Lutyens, 9 July

Martucci, 30

Morawslu, 50

Noskowski, 60

tPaine, 67, 25 Apr.

Rebikov, 40

Ruyneman, SO

•SaikkoJa, $1 Mar.

•Sanders, s July

Sade, 40

ScheUing, 30

Schoeck, 20

Sbaw <M.), 30

•Shostakovi^, 25 Sept.

Sioding, 30

Soloviev, 60

Taneyev, $0

Vreu^ 30

fWeg elius, 59. 3 Mar.

Wieaiawski (A.), 30

•WUliams (C.)

Wolf.Fcrrari, 30

Wood (C), 40

tftiheri, Aloxender. 50 . Pe.

tBrobeson, Htr«ule>. 4a. Pe.

tPretoo. Juki Adolphe. 79 . P«.

tPniorti^. FcrdinoAd, 57 . Li.

lCom4re. EusNte Anotole, jy.


tCdcofuie. P»ul. 47 . Pc.

tHobfeei, John Oliver (Pecrl Mery

Tbervt* CreifieK $9. No.

tlbtea. Hcn/ik, 76 . Dr. Po.

•Odets. Cliirord. Dr.

tPeredc, Joid Marie de. 73> No.

tStettM. AJM. 76 . P4.

fThaulow. Frio. $9. Pa.


Atierberg, 20

Aubert, 30

•Aul^, 6 Dec.

•Badiogs, 1 7 Jan.

Balakirev, 70

Baroett ( J. F.), 70

tBrOB, 60, 17 Sept



Bnioeau, $o

CbMniB«Uf» 5»

Doku^yit 30

DimhiUf 50

EJgar, 50

Fairchild, $0

"Foriaer, c3 Oci.

Gardiner, 30

Giordano, 40

Graoadoe, 40

fCrieg, 64, 4 Scpl.

GuUmaot, 70

•Holler, as July

Karg'Elert, 30

Kie^, 50

fKutler, 58, I Jan.

K(Echlio, 40

LadmirauJc, 30

•Langlais, 15 Feb.

lindbcrg, ao

Lualdi, ao

Mackenzie, 60

■Maconchy, 1$ Mar.

Madrioja, ao

•Pal«<cr. ao Dee.

PcterwA'Berger, 40

Quilier, 30

Salvayrc, 60

•Saygun, 7

Schanvci^a (P.), 60

Szabadoa, 40

■SzaJowaki, ai Apr.

'I'crrasie, 40

tThuille, 4S, 5 Feb.

Tiezaen, ao

Toch, ao

Trapp, 30

Valen, ao

•Verezz, r Feb.

VUla>L«bos, ao

Vochi, ao

Vooiaftka, ao

Wi«oiiwiki (J.), 70

2«leiS»ki, 70

iwu Dr.

*A«drn. Wv*Uii Huffr. ?o, t>r.

tG*r 4 i*cci. Cmm*. 91.

•Pry, Chrawpeitr. Dr.

tK«*k. JsMCUrft. tt. Pa.

tHuywM*. 1 m>s KatI, >9. No.

tL^botfh*. ChArtes voA, 06. fo.

*l.kw«llva. Rkhor 4 . No. Dr.

*Ho(N«ior, Lmci, Po. Dr.

*Olivicr. l^urcner. A<.

tCMoM. Alfredo. SS. No. LL

tSoltf'Prvdhortunr. KciN

Fronfoir AmMAd. 6& Po.

rTbonpoao. PrAAcb, 49. Po. li.

tWyipiodikS. StanifUw. 3a. ?o.


Basrock, 40

Bougbtofi, 30

Bruch, 70

Capici, 30

Delvincourt. ao

•Dhder, 34 June

Duparc, 60

DuMy, ao

•Ferguson, at Oct.

Fraisi, ao

•Frumerie, aojuly

fCevaert, 60, 24 Dec.

CUbert, 40

•Heaseoberg, 17 Aug.

Holbrooke, 30

Leoncavallo, 50

•Lesur, 19 Nov.

•liastead, 24 Jan.

MacCufU), 40

fMacDoweU, 46, 33 Jan.

McEwen, 40

Major (J. G.), SO

MaJiing, 60

Mancinelli, 60

Klerikaolo (O.), 40

•Messiaen, 10 Dec.

t Morales (M.), 69, ra May

•Muradely, Vano, 6 .^pr.

•NktIsco (R.), 3 Mar.

Palmgren, 30

Parry, 60

Puccini, 30

fRimsky-Korsakov, C4, ai


Schillings, 40

Schreker, 30

Scbyiie, 60

SeuedoU, 40

Sigteabont Mayer, ao

SikJds, 30

Sinigaglia, 40

SIdavoi, 30

Smyth, 50

•SuchoA, 9$ Sept,

•Tarp, 6 Aug.

Tommasini, 30

Viana da Moia, 40

•Wordsworth, 17 Dec.

Zagwijn, 30

tAoikii, EdmoAdo d«, 4 s. U.


tBuMK. Wilhotm. 94. P«.

tCedk, Sv*«opluk, 4 *. Po.

rChiortei. Cwppc, 9 ). Po. li.

fCoiMlor, Chorte*. 41, Po.

fCojipSc. FcAAfou, 4 s. Po. Dr.

tHorm. Jo«l CboAdler, 4 o. Li.


IHcobm. Horoict. 94 . Sc.

tLk.loAM.9S. No.

tOoids <Mark Lo«uK d« La

IU rae«), 49. No.

ISardou. Vkiorwo, 77. Dr.

^SoroyAo, WilUAio, Dr.

tStedmoo. Bdauod ClAreoeo. 7 S.

Po. Li.




tA]b^n»» 48, 16 May

Aodreae, 30

tBordes, 46, 8 Nov.

Bridge, 30

Campo, 30

*Caaal Chapi, isJaa.

CheviJlard, 30

Davi«s, 40

tDrysdale, 4a, iBJune

* Daerzhiiuky, 2 c Apr.

FiieJbe^ (G.), 30

Foentcr, 50

*G«vaascni, 23 July

•Gcnamer, 2 Feb,

Gibbs (AO, 20

Crovlex, 30

Haas, 30

20 Dec,

Ilyinsky, 30

I ppoiitov- Ivanov, 30

Ireland, 30

JamefeJt, 40

Kapr4J, 20

fKarlowicj, 32, 6 Feb.

Liapunov, 50

Uoyd (C. H.)> 60

fMartuccl, 53, 1 June

*Murri]], Herberi, 11 May

Napravnlk, 70

Niewiadormki, 30

fNoskowski, 63, 23 July

*Orr (RO. 2 June

Ostr<cy, 30

Pfiianer, 40

Respighi, 30

tReyer, 85, »5Jan.

RoxisscI, 40

Schjelderup, 50

fSchyite, 61, ro Nov.

Scott (C.). 50

Shaporin, 20

Stojpwiki, 40

*Swanson, j6 Aug.

Trunk, 30

Zich, 30

Zichy, 60

tCoeuelie, BenoM FrsfHOis. 68.


tCoqucUn, Emeii AlcUA^re

HofMKe, 61. A«.

tCfawford. Fr*Aci9 Sfirion. 5^


fDavidwn. J«hA, 53. Fe. Dc.


t Fitch, William Clyde, 44. Df.

tFriia, William F<»wcll, 90. Pa.

tCotiachall, Rudeir voa, 86. Po.

Dr. Li.

tJ.j)iciKrofi, Ddkv voo, 6$. Po.

fMaadia, CaluUc, 68. Po. No.


faieredilb, Gcotfa, 8x. No. Po.

IModjcika. Helena, 63, Ac.

*Soeader, Stepbea, Po. Li.

f Swioburoe, AJaeroon Charin,

W. Po-

tSynce, Joho MiUiapen, $0, Dr.


t Balakirev, 73, 29 May

•Barber, 9 Mar.

Bloch, 30

fBourgault.Ducoudray, 70,

4 July

•Bowles, 30 Dec.

Breton, ^

Charpeotier, 50

Bnna, 50

Pourdrain, 30

FranchettJ, 30

Freitas Branco (L.), 20

CsU. 20

•GaJando, 3 Feb.

Georges, ^

Goldmark, do

Guerrtni, 20

GurlUt (M.), 20

Gurney, 20

Heuberger, 60

Ibert, 20

Karel, 50

•KaaasogJou, tj Dec.

•Koch (E. V.), 26 Apr.

Koreshchenko, 40

Lange (S. de), 70

Lan^Mtiller, ^

Lehir, 40


Mahler, 50

Martin, 20

•Martinon, 10 Jan.

MartinA, 20

Medtner, 30

tMissa, 48, 29 Jan.

Molnir, 20

NovAk, 40

Nysirom, 20

OUen, 60

Opiehski, 40

Padere^viki, 50

Piazelti, 30

fReinecke, 83, to Mar.

Resniiek, 50

Riadis, 20

Salaxar, 20

Sebarwenka (X.), 60

Schmitt, 40

•Schuman, 4 Aug.

Scontrino, 60

Scon <F. C.), 30

tSelmer, 66, 2J July

Soltys (A.). 20

Suler, 40

•Sutermeister, 12 Aug.


Svaodses, 70

Toumeoure, 40

Uribe Holguin, 30

Viente, 40

Walker, 40

rBj«r« 30 O, B)armi)rn««. fC ?o.


Glcmeru, Seauel L.u)|horw

(mt Tw^o. Muk)

tPrrmiM. EmioMutl, Sc.

tHenrr. O. (WilUtm Svilscy

Peeler), 46 . No.

tHwai. WiJUom Hdaun, B), Pa.

tMooBy. Wihiun hlauchao, 41.

Pe. Dr.

»l4»r«u. Jeaa.

tOKhardMa. {Sir} WUUam. 75>


tUfMko. r.ter. M. No,

tRMbt. WillMlB. 74 . Ke.

tftMWCMI. H •ar>, «& r*.

rT«4Mor. L«v Nikoloycvkh. 0».

No. Po. IX

tTHoio, Mark i&arowei Xanf'

home Cleinem). 7i. No.


* Ala in, 3 Feb.

Alaleona, 30

Dar(6k, 30

Blech, 40

filiu, 40

Blockx, 60

BoMi, 30


Butlykay, 40

Cadman, 30

Convene, 40

■t>egen, leJ*"*

Drnden, 30

Enetco, 30

Karkaa, O., 60

Finke, so

Oilie, 30

Gram, 30

*GwlUnani, 74, 49 Mar.

Hedley (K.), 40

*Hovbanes9, 6 Mar.

d'lndy, 60

JirSk, 40

KalUieniiu, 30

Knab, 30

Kornautb, 40

Kr^il (M.>, 40

;Lange (S. de). 7 ». 7 July

Lange (D. de). 70

Le Flcm, 30

Lemacher, 40

Loeffier, 50

LujiMCQs, 40

fMahler. 30, 18 May

*MeQotti, 7 July

Miaskovsky, 30

Migoi, 40

Pedrell, 70

Prokofiev, 40

Raiuo, 40

*Rei2eiutein, 7 June

Rogowski, 30

Rolaod-Manucl, so

•Rou, 3 Dec.

Sgambaii, 70

Spendiarov, 40

Sienbanimai, 40

fSvendsen, 70, 14 June

•Tate, 6 Apr.

Volbuh, 50

tBrsM, RcioltoW, So. Sc.

tPoCMtaro, Anionto. 6g, No.

fCel^rt. (Stf) Will tom ScKwenck,

7J. D*.

tCmf, klariao, 79. Pe. Dr.

tI»roeli, Joecr. 87, P«.

tKtpboi, John 1.«kweo«l, 74.

Sc. P*. hi.

tWerut, AI(*Wfi«r, 74. P«.

tkfoeWhiner. Job(», 79.

*af«rluA'«, AlkiA (Alk« Morks).



Abrknyi (B.), 30

.Mfv4n, 40

tBlockx, 6(, sC May

BoKo, 70

Braudels, 30

tColeridge«Taylor, 37, i


Coweo, 60

Debusy, 50

Deliui, 30

Diepenbrock, 30

Emmanuel, 30

tKarkaa, 0 .. Ui, 1 1 .Sepi.

Far>vell, 40

•Franfaix, 23 May


German, 30

Ceniberger, 30

Chedini, 40

Graener, 40

Hannikainen, 20

Honegger. 20

Howells, 40

Jamach, 4 o

•Jonca (D. J.), 7 Dec.

Joieyko, 40

Juon. 40

Kilpinen, 20

Kodaiy, 30

Kovafovic, 50

Kri£ka, 30

Kvapil, 30

Lajlha. 40

Lattuada, 30

Le Borne, 30

Leco e q,

54 ®


fLisMnko, 70> 6 Nov.

Lourj^» ao

Malipioro, 30

^Markevich, a7juJy

*Martm«t, 8 Nov.

Marx, 30

tMa54cn€t, 70, 13 Aug.

MihaJovich, 70

Milhaud, 20

*MoD(&a 2 vatge

Peroai, 40

Pecridi», ao

Wood (T.), 20

Zemliniky, 40

(Si«> LAU#m<ei


H«nnann J»Mhiai. ss.

No. Li.

tDoltn. F«IU. 79 . F«.

rDcuUk. J««a Bopib(«. 6^ Fa.

tLoat. Andrew, 60. Po. U.

tPoMOd. Giwonni, >7* ^ Li>

tSirindborf. Avptii. 6». N«. Dr,


tVrthlkif , JororUv, S9> Po. Dr.


Absil, ao

Bax, 30

Beajamin, ao

Berner?. 30

*firictcn, aa Nov.

Caaella, 30

*DelloJ«Mo, 24 Jan.

fDraeseke, 77, ^ Feb.

Dysoo, 30

Foo(e, ^

Purubjebn, 30

Coossens, ao

Hkba, ao

Hauer, 30

Jongen, 40

KaJonuris, 30

Kaun, 50

*Khrezinikov, so June

Kleaau, 30

Koessler, 60

Krein (A.), 30

Pick'MangiagalU, 30

•Leibowitt, 17 Feb.

Ponce, 30

Leroux, $0

Poniridy, ao

Uoyd {D.), 30

Kadnai, 20

•Uoyd (G.), 28 June

Radd, 30

MaUuewzki, 40

RoaentKrg, 20

Mascagni, 30

Saminsky, 30

Mason (D. G.), 40

Scklcs, 40

Merikanto (A.), 20

Skriabin, 40

Measager, 60

Stanford, ^

Mompou, ao

*Sirategier, jo Aug.

Moonie, 30

Slravinaky, 30

Modr, 30

*Sz 4 kely> S Apr.

Moore, ao

StymanowikJ, 30 *

Nicod^, 60

Tailleferre, 20

Orr (C. WO, ao

tTinel, 38, 28 Oct.

Parker, 30

Turina, 30

Piemd, 50

VaasiJenko, 40

Rabaud, 40

Vaughan Willitnu, 40

Rakhmanlnov, 40

VycpAlek. 30

Reger, 40

Wagenaar (J.), 30

Roger*Dueaise, 40

WeU (K.), 30

Rogers, ao

fWienlawski (J.), 73, is

Roldii, 30


Samara, 40

oeverac, 40

Sjogren, 4 o

Soltya (M.). 50

Somervell, 50

Steinberg, 30

Szendy, 50

Tcherepnin (N.), 40

*Thorpe Davie, 30 May

Webern, 30

Weingartner, 50

Zandonai, 30

Zelinka. ao

tAyriin, Airred, ?6. Po.

f CUrriir, Julet (Aodne Arnoud),

73, No. Dr. U.

}E«t. (Sir) Alford. 64 * P**

fLoiooBoicr, ContiMo, JJ,


Itjonooketkj, Johoonn (Viktori

Pelbonro), 44. No. Dr,

f Reid. (Sir) C«orf e. 7«. P«*

•Sroti. WilLitm. Po.


d 'Albert, 50

fAtilin, 47, ( Mar.

Chadwick, So



Dieren, $o

G«$t, 6o

Gigoui, 70

GreebaAioov, $0

GrifFcs, 30

Gro$2, do

Gruenb«rg« 30

Guy-Ropartz, 50

•Haieff, 25 Aug.

Halvonen, 30

tHtubergcr, 64, Oct.

Holst, 40

Humperdinck, 60

Ives (C.), 40

Jani^ek, 60

•Kapr, ca Mar.

Lavrartga. 50

t Liadov, 5<>, 28 Aug.

•Loud, 3

tMagnard, 40. 3

■Mdlcra, a6 Apr.

•Mills, 8 Jar».

Milojrvlc, 30

Mocran, ao

Mosskowski. 60

•Panufmk, 24 Sept.

I’ijper, ao

I'iaton, ao

tRad6, $s, 7 Sept.

RangsirOm. 30

Rdaicki, 30

Schmidt, 40

Schi>enbcrg. 40

Schulhoff (E.), ao

tSfambaii, 73. *4 Dec.

Smareglia, 60

SirauM <R.). 30

Suk, 40

Vogd (J.), ao

VVagenaar (B.), ao

Warlock, ao

Whithorne, 30

ZOllner, Go

Zwel^^. 60

tAUin.Fvumier, Henri. 96. Nn.

t • Bierc«, AnibroM. 7 «. U.

tBImntnvn. ll«ntAt<Sus Jobsnnei.

09 !*•.

fChraiM, Fldcr. 67. fa.

tn«riMlW«. Paul. 49 . U.

tHerkemer. <tMr) Hubctl vcei. 6 s.


tHrvM. Paul.a 4 . H«|. Pe.

tlnn«), Janes l>kksoo. * 7 . Fa.

tlrrini. Law/fne«. 49. Ac. l>c.

tl^naSrrc. Jwka. 4 i. Pe. I>r.

tMutral. PrMerk, 84. P«.

tP^a^y, <%arkt. 41. li.

t reitnici, (Sir) John, 94. P*.

* rhanaa. Dylaa. F^.

*To 4 d. Iturbveik. Po. No. Li.


Berg, 30

Butterworth, $0

Carneyro, 20

Carrillo, 40

CastelQuovo^Tedeaco, ao

Cui, 80

Dale, 30

Dan^loi, 20

David <J. N.), 20

•Diamond, 9 July

Dukas, 30

Faur^, 70

F4vri«r, 40

Gilson, 50

Glazunov, 50

Glt^, 40

tGoldmack, 84. 2 Jan.

Hahn, 40

Hindemith, ao

HoHcf, 20

Jacob, ao

Josten, 30

Kamicmki (L.j, 30

•Kapralova, 34 Jan.

Labey, 40

Liacoshinsky, ao

t Mailing. 67, 3 Oci.

Maridli, ao

Melanin, 40

Montemcaai, 40

Morera, 30

Mul6, 30

Nielsen (C.), 30

Noufuds, 40

O'NeiU, 40

Orff, ao

Rathaus, 20

Ravel, 40

Retl. 30

Rieggcr, 30

Rontgeo, 60

Rootham, 40

Rudliyar, 20

Saint-Saens, 80

•Searle, a6 Aug.

Sibelius, 30

Sikorski, ao

tSkriabin. 43, 27 Apr.

Sowerby, ao

Still, 20

Saopski, 50

tTaneyev, 58, 19 June

Taylor (Deems), 30

Tovey, 40

Vartse, 30

Varvoglis, 30

Voormolen, 20

Weiner, 30

Wellesz, 30

Widor, 70

Zador, 20

fbeMldee, blAry Cliubeth. 70 .


tBroebc. Ruperi, ad. Po.



tC*puafu. Luifi, ^ 6 . No. Po.

Of. Li.

term. Walur. Pa.

tneclKr, Jaota Elroy, 31.


tGounogot, Remy dc. jf. No.


tHerviou, Paul Ernest. 5C Or.


* Lewis, Alua. Po.

t Merrill. Slu«ri. 59. P«.

tPhitlipo. Stephen, ji. Po. Dr.

tRoM. M*nia (Violei Floreocc



Alfajio, 40

*Aplvor, 14 Apr.

tBarn€» (J. F.), 79, a4No\-.

Biisoni» so

tBuuerworih, 31,5 Atig.

Carpenirr, 40

Cika, 50

"DuitJJcux, 39 Jan.

Erplh, 30

Falla» 40

Oafn^bin, 30

Grrhard, 30

fCranados, 4B, 34 Kfar.

Guridi, 30

Hall^, 70

Hamon* 3 o

InganJioven, 40

Kaminaki, 30

KasuUky, 60

Koffler, ao

Labroca» 30

Laparra, 40

Lcvidai, 30

fMacCunn, 46, 3 Aug.

Monnik^ndam, ao

Motawaki, 40

tNapra>*nik, 77, 33 Nov.

Rebikov, 50

t Reger, 4a, u May

Rivier, 30

Ruyorman, 30

fSaJvayre. 66. >6 May

Satie, so

Scbelling, 40

^Schiake, la Feb.

Schoeck, 30

Sessions, 30

Shaw (M.), 40

Sioding, 60

fSolovtev, 70, 14 Dec.

*Stevens (B.), a Mar.

Saeligovi^i, 30

Thomson, ao

Vogel (V.), ao

VreuU, 40

Weinberger, ao

Wieniawski (A.), 40

Woir>Ferran, 40

Wood id), 50

* 2 uIawsLj, 14 Feb.

tCh«*e, Willitu Merritt, 67. P«,

tDarfo. RubSn, 49. Po.

f Cchegaray, }«U, 64. Dr.

tHarpjgnies, Heori josepb, 97.


tjames, Heory, 73. No.

tLoedon. John GrifSiK (** Jack *’),

40. No.

taferct 4 , Mariui Jean Anipoin,

7c. Sc. Pa.

fSiesUevic*, Mearyh. 70. No,

tVerhacrca, Battle, 6 t. Po.

* 9*7

*Amd], 15 Sept.

Aiierberg, 30

Aubert, 40

Benuon (J.), 30

Bruneau, 60

CJiaminade, 60

Cowed, ao

Dohoinyi, 40

DunhiU, 40

Elgar, 60

Fairchild, 40

Femstrom, ao

Gardiner, 40

*Car<lner, a Mar.

Center, ao

Giordano, 30

Karg-Elert, 40

Kie^, 60

Kcecblin, 50

Komgold, 30

Kdsa, 30

Ladmirauil, 40

Lindbcrg, 30

Lorenao Fernindez, 30

LuaJdi, 30

Mackenzie, 70

Madetoja, 30

Moeachinger, ao

Moreno Gans, ao

Ncaerida, ao

Petcnon-Bcrger, 30

Quilter, 40

Riisager, 30

Saeverud, ao

t Samara, 33, 7 Apr.

fScharwenka (P.), 70, iSjuly

Saabados, 30

Tansman, ao

Terrace, 50

Tiessen, 30

Toch. 30

Trapp, 30

Valen, 90

VilJa«Lobos, 30

Vocht, 30

Vomaika, 30

BeleAski, 80



tBwIow, Juie, 6o. N«,

tfiufuad, (Sir) Francii CowWy.

01. Dr.

lC 4 roluvDur*o (Chftckt

Duraad), 00 . P*>

tDcfM, E^Ugv, 03 . Fa.

De Morgan, William (««


tMirb«au, 0 «U*«. 07 < No. Dr.

t Morgan, William 4 l«. 70 . No.

tRodin, Auguatr, 77 * Sc.

tTrc«, (Sir) H«rben Brrrbohm,

04 . A<.


Bgrttock, ^

jBoiio, 76, CO June

bvughcon, 40

Bruch, 80

Caplet, 4U

tCui, 83, 34 Mar.

tUebuMy, 55, - 2 ^ Mar.

DelanJtoy, ao

Delvincourc, 30

Dupar<', 70

Durey, 30

*£itiem, 34 Jan.

K.islrr, uo

I'razzi, 30

fGaai, 64, 13 Aug.

Gerahwin, so

(JUbcri, 50

Harris, 30

Harsanyi. an

llulbroukv, 40

KiiipiH'r, 30

t KuuU, 34, 18 Nfay

tl.ange <U. <lc), 7^. 3 * Jan*

tUxocc), 86, 34 Oci.

Leoncavallo, ^

McUwvn, 30

Major (J. G.), 60

Mancinelli, 70

Merikanio (OJ, 50

PaJrngrcn, 40

t Parry, 70, 7 Ocl,

Puccini, 60

Rieti, 30

Schillings, 30

Schreker, 40

.Selaccioli, 50

Sigtenhorat Meyer, 30

SiU6s, 40

Sinigaglia. 30

t Sjogren, 64, 1 Mar,

Sklavos, 30


Tornmasini, 40

Viana da Mota, 30

WcU (F.), 30

Zagwijn, 40

tApoUinairc. Owillaumc, 30. LL


TFanna, Salvaiore, 7 a. No.

tHodW. Ferdinand. 63, Pa.

tOfaoel. Georges. 70. No. Dr.

tOwea. WiUrid, 9$. Po.

f Repin, lUa Ye6movieh, 74. Pa,

tRoeegger, Peter. 75. No,


tRos«and, Edmond, 50. Po. Dr.


Andrcae, 40

Auric, 30

*Bentaon (N. V.), 34 Aug.

Bridge, 40

Campo. 40

Ghivez, 30

ChevUlard, Go

Davies, 50

Fitelberg (G.), 40

Foersier, ^

tPrykldf. 36, n Mar.

Oibba (A.), 30

Orovicz, 40

Haas, 40

Hadley (P.), 30

Holding, 30

tJIyuuky, Co

Ippoliiov* Ivanov, 60

Ireland, 40

Jamefelt, 50

Jemniiz, 30

Kapril, 30

tl.eoneava]lo, Gi, 9 Aug.

tLeroux, 55, 3 Peb.

l.iapunut', 60

•Lloyd (C. H.>, 70. tb Oci.

Maklakiewica, 30

tNicodd. 66. 3 Qci.

Niewiadomski, Co

*Orrego*Salas, 18 Jan.

CHtr<il, 40

•Parker, 56, 18 Dec.

PCuner, 5a

Poulervc, 30

Reapighl, 40

Revoeiias, 30

Rouaael. 50

Santa Cruz, ao

Schjelderup, Co

Scoti (C.), 40

Shaporin, 30

Skokl, 30

SourU . 30

Siojovk’ski, 50

Tchcrepnin (A.), 30

'J'hompson, 30

Trunk, ^

Woylowicz, 30

Zieh, 40

Ziehy. 70

lAndreyev. Leonid Nikwlav«v>e)i.

40 . No. D«.

tOifTord. Sophia t.vcy. No. Dr,

ICUfMO. Harold. 49. Pa.



tC^lkrvp, K«ri AAaif, 63. Ki.

No. Dr. Li.

tGould, N 4 (bafud. 6t, No.

tPoysicr. (Sir) E4^»^. 8$. Pa.

tRcoear. AugusM, 78. Pa.

fWrrtdhaia, (Sir) ChaHes, 8f .



Antheil» so

Bloch, 40

Breion, 70

tBruch, 89, 9 Oct.

Burkhard, 90

Bush, 90

Charpcniicr, 60

Copland, 20

Dunayrvsby, 20

Eniia, 60

Fcrroud, 20

FourOrain. 40

Francheui, do

Frchu Branco (L.), 30

•Ffickcr, 5 Scpl.

Gil, 30

Gcorgej, 70

tOriffes, 8 Apr.

Cucrrini, 30

GurUu (M.), 30

Gumcy, 30

HalITter (R.), 90

Ibcrc, 30

30 Jan.

Karel, 40

Klami, 20

Korcshchenko, 50

tKova^ovic, 57, $ Dec.

Kfenek, 90

L^nfC'MuJIer, 70

Lebar, 50

Liitov, 90

Lonque, ao

Luening, 90

Manaiarly, ao

Martin, 30

Martind, 30

Medtner, 40

MolnAr, 30

Mosaolov, 90

Novak, 50

Nyilrom, 30

Oben, 70

Opieibki. 50

Paderewski, Go

Piszetii, 40

fRcbikov, 54, I Dec.

Reulicr (H.), 90

Rezni^ek, 60

Riadb, 30

SaJazar, 30

Schanvcnka (X.), 70

■Schiblcr, 90 Nov.

Schmitt, 50

Scootrioo, 70

Scott (F. G-), 40

Skeijanc, 20

St^tys (A.), 30

Suter, 50

Toumenure, 50

Gribe Holguin, 40

Vcrctti, 20

Vieme, 50

Walker, 50

Weill, 90

Wynne, 90

tPerrier, PauJ, 77. Dr.

tCaMte, Beaiic PTres, 78, No.


tHoMvIU, WiUiam Deaa, 83. U.

No. Fo.

tKUn^er. M«i, 8j. 8c.

fModbliaai. Astadce, 98. P».


IRivi^re, Briton, 80. Pa.

tScKrcteer, Olive, 8(. Li. No.

tWard, Mn. Hgmpkrey (Mary

Au^U, b. Arnold), No,


AJaJeona, 40

Apostel, 90

‘Arnold (M.), 21 Oct.

Ban^, 40

Beck (C). 90

Blech, 50

Biin, 30

Boat, Go

Brdville, Go

Buttykay, 50

Cadman, 40

Chevreuilic, so

Converse, 50

fDiepenbrock, 58, 5 Apr.

Dresden, 40

Egk, 90

Enesco, 40

Finite. 30

Final, 90

Fuleihan, 90

Gilse, 40

Gram, 40

Hadley {H.), 50

Henneberg, 90

‘Hopkins, 9i Mar.

f Humperdinck, 67, 97 Sq7t.

d*lndy, 70

Jirtk, 30

Kallsteniiis, 40

Knab, 40

tKoreshchenko, 50, 3 Jan.

Kornauth, 30

Krejcl (M.), 30

Le Flem, 40

Lcmacher, 30

Loeffler, Go



LuTifnt. 50

Major (E.), 20

tMancindli, 72, 2 Feb.

Miaskovsky> 40

Migot, 30

PedreU, 60

Pepping* 20

Foot, 20

Prokofiev, 30

Raitio* 30

Rogowski* 40

Roland- Manuel. 30

Rubbra, so

ISaint-Sadis. 66. 16 Dec.

Sauguec. ao

tS6verac, 47, 24 Mar.

Spend iarov. 50

Stenhammar. 50

Volbach, €0

Whyte, ao

t 2 cleriaki, 83, a^ Jart.

tBIeb. Alez«nd«r. 41 •

tJ>rfr«ci«r, Ffdot ven, 66. Fa.

tl>obwn. ilearv Atuiin. 6i. Fa.


tHiliiabraiMl. Adolf voa, 74* S<>

tHonkUMC. Crnni William. &».


tKorolenbo. VUdimir. 6a No.

tafonUaquioM. Roberi <le. 66.

TJ. Po.

TVavd^BAZan, £fnili 4 , $6. No.


tKtelimoiid, (Sir) 76.


t6i)0lTor«J, Vlarriac Ehubaih. 66.



AbrSnyi (E.), 40

Altv^n. 30

Braunfela, 40

Droman, ao

Gowen, 70

Delius, 60

Duru86. ao

EmmanMl, 6o

ParwcU. 50

•Fo« (L.). 15 Aug.

German, 60

Gcratberger, 30

Ohedini, 30

Graener, 30

* Flamilton, € J une

Hannikalacn, 30

Honegger, 30

Howelb, 30

Jarnach, 30

Joteyko, $f>

Juon, 50

Kilplnen, 30

Kodily, 40

Kondracki, 20


Kvapil, 30

Lajtha, 30

Lattuada, 40

Le Borne, ^

Lothar. 20

LiOurii, 30

Maler, 20

Malipiero, 40

Marx, 40

Mihaiovich, 80

Milhaud, 30

Moriari, ao

tPedreki. 61. 19 Aug.

PerosI, 50

Pelridia, 30

Pick-MangiagaUi, 40

Ponce, 40

Poniridy. 30

Radnai, 30

Rodrigo, ao

Rosenberg, 30

.Samlcuky, 40

Sehouwman, ao

tSconirino, 71, 7 Jan.

Seklea, 50

Slrebalin, 20

Stanford, 70

.Stravinsky, 40

SsabO. 20

tSaendy, 39, to Sept.

Szymanowski, 40

Tailleferre, 30

"Tranehell, 14 July

Turina, 40

Vassilenko, 30

Vaughan \Vilhamj, 30


VycpAlek, 40

WagenaarfJ.), 60

Walton, 20

Weis (K.). 60

Williams (Alberto). 60

Wood (R.), 20

Wood (T.), 30

Zemliruky. 30

tBstsilte, Maori. 30. Dr.

tBonnsc. L 4 «n Flereetin.

69. Fs.

tBreck, (Sir) ThoniM. 7 $. Sc.

fCspuj, ViMsat Nlsrie Alfrod,

64. Dr. Na.

tHudtAA, WilliAin Hertrr, 61. LL

Sidney. Po.

tMeyaall, Alice, 79. Fa. Li.

tProuai. Msr««l, 31. No.


Absil, 30

Bax, 40

Benjamin, 30



Berkeley, dO

Bernen, 40

Blacher, 20

tBrelon, 7a, 2 Dec.

CaseJU, 40

fChevilUrd, S3, 30 May

Dyson, 40

Fabini, 40

Farina, 20

Fitelberg (J.), ao

Flcury, ao

Fooie, 70

tFpurdrain, 43, 23 Oct.

Funibjelm, 40

Goldschiniclt (B.), ao

Goossens, 30

Hdba, 30

Halinu, ao

Hauer, 40

Jongen, 50

Kadosa, ao

Kalomiru, 40

Karyocakis, ao

Kaun, 60

Khachaturian, ao

KJenau, 40

Koeasler, 70

Krein (A.), 40

Uoyd <D.), 40

Lo^tnikov, ao

Lucas (L.), ao

Malissewtki. 50

Mascagni, Go

Mason (D. G.), 30

"Mcnnin, 17 May

Merikanio (A.), 30

Message r, 70

Milford, ao

MompoUi 30

Moonie, 40

MoOr, ^

Moore, 30

Nabokov, ao

Noetel, ao

Orr (C. W.), $•>

Piem^, 60

Rabaud, 50

Rainier, ao

Rakhmaninov, 30

Raphael, ao

Roger>Ducas$c, 30

Rogers, 30

RolSn, 40

SoUys (M.), 60

Somervell, $0

Steinberg, 40

Tcherepnin (N.), 50

tTerrasse, 56, 30 June

NVagner-Rigeny. ao

Webem. 40

VVeingariner, 60

Zandonai, 40

ZeJinka, 30

tBcmbsrde, Sanfa, yg. Ac

fCoupenu, LouiS‘Mane^\aoe,

go. Po. No.

IHewlMi, Maurice, gr. No. Po.

tLoti, fiem (Louis Viaud), ys.


ILucas, Jeba Seymour. 74. Pa.

f MaasfieM, Katheribe. a, Li.


f (. Mamdi, Gwvaaai, 71. Po.

fNordau, Max. 74. No. Dr.

tTreoeb. Herbert. Po.


d*A]beri, 60

Burian, ao

fBusoni, 38, 27 July

Chadwick, 70

Dallapiccola, 20

Dieren, 40

Fagan, ao

tFaurg, 79, 4 Nov.

Fnd, ao

Gigoue, 80

Gneasio, 40

Grechaninov, 60

Groat, 50

Gruenk^rg, 40

Guy-Ropariz, 60

Halvorsen, Go

HoUt, 30

N« (C), 30

JanA^ek, 70

Kabalevsky, ao

Kassem, ao

Krej2i ( 1 .), 20

Lavranga, Go

fLiapunov, 64, 8 Nov.

tMerikanio (O.), 53, 17


MiJojevk, 40

Moeran, 30

Moatkowski, 70

■Nigg, 6 June

Peirassi, 20

Fijpe^ 30

Piston, 30

t Puccini, 65. 29 Nov.

RangslrOrn. 40

Rdzicki, 40

tScharwenka (X.), 74, S


Schmidt, 30

Schoenberg, 50

SchuJhoff {£.), 30

Skalkotas, ao

Smareglia, 70

t Stanford, 7J, 29 Mar.

Strauss (R.), 60

Suk, 30

Szeknyi, 20

Vails, 20

Vogd a.), 30



W^naar {B.)> 30

WarJock, 30

Whilhome, 40

tZichy, 74, 14 Jan.

ZoUn^r, 70

fZwccrs, 70, 9 D«c.

tBabc* Lcoo, 9$. P*.

tBucMli, Fr*n<u> fs* No.

tConn^, JoMpb» 67. No.

tCordli. Mark. 60, No.

tDuM. Ekaoora. £6. Ac.

t»aivc«. Anatok. 90. U. No.

t H€ii«rTnaii», Herman. 6o, No.


tKa^a, Frans, 41. No.

tSpiUeler, Carl, 79. Po.


AJwyn, ao

Berg, 40

bUiucem, 30

fBoui, 63, 30 Fob.

fCaploc, 46, 33 Apr.

Carneyro, 30

Carrillo, 30

Castelnuov<^'redewo, 30

Dale. 40

Dandelot, 30

DavUl (J. N.), 30

Uukaa. 60

Farkas. K.. 30

F^vrier, 50

t<«igoui, Bi, <j Dec.

GllMn, 60

Giaaunov, bo

Oii^rc, $0

Hahn. 50

llalHtrr (K.), 30

tHaU6n, 7R, 11 Mar.

Hindemith, 30

Hbflcr, 30

Jacob, 30

Jolivei. 20

Joalen, 40

KamieAski (L.). 40

Labcy, 50

I.ambert (C.), 20

Leigh, 20

Liatoahiniky, 30

fMajor (J. G.), 66, 30 Jan.

Martelli, 30

Melartin, 50

Menaace, 30

"Milner, 13 May

Montemezai, $0

Morera, 60

tMoazkowski, 70, 4 Mar.

MuR, 40

Nielarn (C.), 60

Nougucs, 50

O’Neill, 50

Orff, 30

Rathaus, 30

Ravel, 50

Rawsthornc, 20

Red, 40

Riegger, 40

Rdnigen, 70

Roolham, 50

Rudhyar, 30

tSaiJC, 59, I July

Seiber, so

fSeiaccioli, 3C, 5 Dec.

Sibelim, 60

Sikofski, 30

Sowerby, 30

Still, 30

Scopaku, 60

Taylor (Deems), 40

Tippett, 30

To\*ey, 50

Varese, 40

V'arvoglU, 40

Voormolen, 30

Weiner, 40

Welleu, 40

Widor, 80

Wir^n, so

ZAdor, 30

tSrcMon. Arthur Chri<to|>her, 63.


f Cable. <*e«rv« WatUinsten, 81.


f Cooei . Cliarkr, 4s . I'».

ttfuiiev. Lucien. 63. Ar.

I HMSarO, <ltir| Utdrr. 63, No.

ILoodl. Amr, SI. Pu, 1.1.

tNersrn*, Jnl»h JSinerr. 6 m, Pa.

t'l hornttroh, (Slrf VS'iIJiacit, 93.


Alfano, 50

Baudrier, 30

"Uouiez, S3 Mar.

Capdevielle, So

Carpenter, 50

Cartan, so

CiJea, 60

Cooke (A.), so

Crrvon, so

EspU, 40

Falla, 30

Finney, so

FrankcE, so

Gagnebin, 40

Gerhard, 30

Ctiridi, 40

Hanson. 30

•Hcnae, 1 July

Ingcnhos’cn, 50

Kaminski, 40

tKasulsky. 70, *7 Dee,

Kenessy. so

tKoesslcr, 73, 23 May



Koffler, 30

Ldbroca, 30

f Langc-Miilkr, 75, 95 Feb.

Laparra» 50

Lcoa» 20

Le\ 40

Lice (van)» 20

Lopes {Gra^), 20

Lutyens, 20

MonniJeendam, 30

MorawtJci, 30

*Oldham, 6 Sepi.

Rivicr, 30

Rxjyncman, 40

Saikkola, 20

Sanders, 20

SehelUng, 50

Schoeck, 40

Sesaiom, 30

$ha\v (M.)« so

Sboatakovich, 20

Sinding, 70

tSuter, 56, 22 June

StelifowsJu, 30

Thomson, 30

Vogel (V.), 30

Vrculs, so

Weinbe^r, 30

Wieniawski (A.), 50

WiUiams (O.), 20

Wolf'Ferrari, 50

fWood (O, 60, t2july

tBancroA, <S*r) Seui*e, 45. Ac.

fBe)4«*e, Rend (Rene Ter.

div««uj, sa*

tCMUil, i^ry. 71. Rs.

tDaeratunsay. F«lu Edin«Mi^

vieh, sa*

tMoMl. Oavek. W, P«.

f hkhcoin. Jean. 77. Fo. Dr. N'tt.

fRilkr. Rainer afar*4, si. Pe.

tZanewill. Iwael, 6s. No.


"Angerer, t6 May

Atlerberg, 40

Auberi, 50

Aubin, 20

Badings, 20

Benlson (J.), 30

Bruneau, 70

Chaminadc, 70

Cowell, 30

Dohninyi, 50

DunhilJ, 50

Elgar, 70

Fairchild , 50

Frmstrom, 30

Fortner, 20

Gardinn*, 50

Gerster, 30

Giordano, 60

Holler, 20

Karg-Elert, 50

ICteiuJ, 70

KoschJitt, 60

Komgold, 30

Kd$a, 30

Ladrnirault, 50

Langlais, 20

Lindbei^, 40

Lor«mao Femandea, 30

LuaJdi, 40

Mackenzie, do

Maconchy, 20

Madetoja, 40

Moeschinger, 30

Moreno Cans, 30

Nearrills, 30

fOlsen, 77, 10 Nov.

Palcsier, 20

Peterson-Berger, 60

QuiJier, 50

Kiisager, 30

Saevrrud, 30

Saygun, 20

fStenhanuTur, s$i 20 Nov.

Saabados, 60

SsaJowski, 20

Tansman, 30

Tiessen. 40

Toch, 40

Trapp, 40

Valen, 40

Veresa, 20

Villa-Lobos, 40

VocM, 40

Vomadka, 40

fBeurehier, Arthur, $). Ac.

tBeandct, Ceort, 9 s« Li.

tConrad, Michael ( 7 eort, 4 i, Li.


nXiocan, IradMC, sg. Da.

rrOdes. (8ic> Luke.aj. 7 a.

tj«e«*nc.jerg(ne Klapka.6S. No.


fMeC«^, Ambrou, 49. Fa.

tSo l afwb. Feodor (F. Kuamich

Tetereikov;, 64, Pe, No.

TWebb. Mary, 46. No.


f Alaleona, 47, 28 Dec.

Baniock, 60

Boughion, so

*Oamase, 27 Jan.

Dclannoy, 30

Delvincourt, 40

Disder. 20

Duparc, 0o

Durey, 40

Eisler, 30

Ferguson, 20

Frazai. 40

Frumerie, 30



Genhvvin> 30

fOilbcrt, 39, *9 May

Harris, 30

HanAnyi, 30

Heisenberg, so

Holbrooke, 50

tjani£«k, 74, 12 Aug.

Knipper, 30

Leiur, 20

Llnslcad, 20

Me E wen, Co

Messiaen, 20

MuraJely, ao

NicUen (R.), ao

l^almgrcn, 50

Ricii, 30

Schillings, 60

Schreker, 30

Sigienhont Meyer, 40

Sikids. 30

SinigagUa, 60

SkUvus, 40

.Sniyih, 70

fSpendiarov, 36, 7 May

Suchofi, 20

Tarp, ao

Tommasini, 30

Viana da Klota, 60

Weii <r.)> 30

Wordsworih, ao

Zagwijn, 50

P*ul Albert, On,

Pa. Nr.

r<^MulbriOi. lt »4 l>D«ie«. ai. Po.

tCurcl, >r.irice0 d«. 74. Dr.

tDavKi. Artliur fi.. 06 . P»,

tOwkrer, (Sir) FraiKit BenurJ.

?a. Hj.

fFrampion, <$ir) Crfvmc. 60 . Si.

tOone, (Sir) LUmiine, 99. U.


fHArtly, 't'lkumei, 69 . No. Pe,

tlbaftes. M<«nM BI«ko. 6t.


tMackiounK. Chark* Reiiok, 60.

Ar. Pj.

rMeotaawc. Cbark* PldwarO, 61.

Li. No.

tO'CxAdy, SiAbdaJt, 9 t. L^. No.

tPoiA. Borrv, 64. Li.

tSeiiu. Jokob, 7a. Po.

tSudemonn. HemtoAn, 71, Dr.


tTerrv, tDomo) Pllen. 0 o. Ae.

i 9«9

Andreae, 50

Auric, 30

Bridge, 50

Campo, 51*

Caaal Chapi, 20

Chivea, 30

Davies, Go

C^erzhinsky, 30

Fiielberg (G.), 50

Foenter, 70

Gavaazeni, ao

Genzmer, 20

(A.), 40

Grovlez, 50

Haas, so

Hadley (P.). 30

Hdffding, 30

HvJmboc, ao

I ppolilov* Ivanov, 70

Ireland, 50

JarnHelt, 60

Jemnitz, 30

Kapral, 40

fLe Borne, b6. j^Jaii.

Maklakii’Micz, 30

fMfssager. 73. 24 IVh.

tMihalovicIi, Bd, 22 .Apr.

Murrill, ao

Niewiadonioki, 70

Orr (R.). 20

Ostriil, 30

Pliuncr, Go

Poulenc, 30

Respighi, $0

Kevuelua, 30

Roussel. 60

.San la Cruz. 30

ScHjeJderup, 70

Scon (C-), 50

Shaporin, 40

Skold, 30

tSmarcglia, 74, 13 Apr.

tSolt)9 (M.), G6. I a Nov.

Souris, 30

SuQOM'^i, Co

Swanson, 20

Tcherepnin (A.), 30

Thompson, 30

Trunk, 50

Woyiowic, 30

Zkh, 30

fBourdcUe, Ginik AatcMiie, 66.


fCormvt. Williom &U>k. 6B. Po.

t Carpenter, Edward, 0 ). Po.

fCiampoli. DomenKO. 74. No.


rDacnan>Bovi«tet. Pascal. 77.


tCcrrei, Henri, 77. Pa.

tHoffnaonethal. Hufo von, sj,

Po. Dr.

tjones, Henry Axilivr, 76. Dr.

t Rosebery. Anhibald Philip Prim*

rose. Earl of. 0e. Li.


Anlhcd, 30

Barber, 20

Bloch, 50

Bowles. 30



Burkhard, 30

Bmh» 30

Charpenticr, 70

Copland, 30

Dunayevsky, 30

Enna, 70

Ferroxid, 30

Franchetti, 70

Freitai Branco (L.), 40

Gkl, 40

Galindo, do

Oeorfo, 80

Guerrini, 40

Gurliu (M,), 40

Gurney, 40

Haiffier (R.). 30

Iberc, 40

Karel, 50

Kazasoglou, V>

KUmi, 30

Koch (£. V.), 20

Kfenek, 30

Lehir, 60

Listov, 30

Locique, 30

Luening, $0

Maeiejevi^, 20

Manaiarly, 30

Martin, 40

Martinon, 30

Martini), 40

Medtncr, 50

Molflkr, 40

Moisolov, 30

Novik, Co

Nyatrdm, 40

OpicAiki, bo

Paderewaki, 70

PissetU, 50

Reuttcr (H.), 30

ReaniCek, 70

Riadis, 40

SaJaaar, 40

Schmitt, 60

Schuman, 90

Scott (F. 0 .)i 50

Skerjanc, 30

Sdlys (A.), 40

Sutermebicr, 90

Toumemire, 60

Uribe Holguin. 50

Verrettl, 30

Viemc, 60

Walker, 60

t Warlock, $€, 17 Dec.

WnlJ, 30

Wynne, 30

tBhdfw. Rvbcn, M. 1*0.

tboyk, (Sir) Aribur Conaa, ?(.


TGuduk, ($«r> James. ?>• Pa*

tLawT«M«, tUvsd Herbert, ss.

No. Po.

tLocke, WilliaiD John, $ 7 .

tMui)r«.Netl.66. U. No.


Alain, 90

AposteJ, 30

Bartdk, 50

Back (C.), 30

Blech, 60

Bib*, 40

Br^ville, 70

Buitykay, 60

Gadman, 50

tChadwick, 76, 4 Apr.

Chevreuille, 30

Converse, €0

Degen, 90

Dr^en, 50

Egk, 30

Bnesco, 50

Finite, 40

Pinai, 30

FuJeihan, 30

Cilie, 50

Gram, 50

Hadley (H.), 60

Henneberg, 30

Hovhaness, an

fd’Indy, 60, 9 Dee.

Jirkk, 40

Kallitenius. 50

Knab, 50

Kornauth, 40

Kr^ii (M.), 40

Le Flem, 50

Lemachcr, 40

LoefRer, 70

Lunuens, $0

Major (E-), 30

Menotti, 90

Miaskovsky, 50

Migot, 40

fModr, 91 Sept.

tNleCsen (G.), 66 . 9 Oci.

Pepping, 30

Foot, 30

Prokofiev, 40

Raitio, 40

Reitenstein, 20

Rofowski, 50

Roland-Manuel, 40

Rota, 90

Rubbra, 30

Sauguet, 30

Tate, 90

Volbach, 70

Whyte, 30

^Belasco. Oavki. 96 . Dr.

taeoaett, AmoW. 64 . No.

tCainO, (Sir) Thmas Henry Hall

78 . No.

1Dyk.VkMr.94* U. Dr.




Frani* 9?. Li. Dr.

tIUrifeMi, Erik AmI. «7. Po.

tL&rwo, Kwl. 7 C« Fo. No.

tUodMv. NkbolAs Vochel. it.


tMockeaoAl. (Sir) Bcrlr*m. 6S.


tMaUt. Lucas (Majv Sr. Lc^cr

KftrrUoii.b. Kingly). 79 - No.

tOrpce. (Sir) Willuio. 53. Pc-

tPavlovA. Anna. 46. Da.

tRicketu. ChAfles. 6$. Pa.

tSchsiuIcr. Ankur. S 9 . Dr. No.

tTynaji, KaUiAriDe. 70, Fo. No.


AbrSnyi (E.), 50

td'AJbert, 67, 3 M«.

AJfvto, 60

Uraunfeli, 50

Broman, 30

tC)arcan» 75 , *.16 Mar.

Cow«n, Bo

Delius, 70

Durud^, 30

Emmanuel, 70

Ear well, 60

Fran^ix, ao

German* 70

Orrsibergrr, 40

GhediDi, 40

Graener, 60

Harm! ka men, 40

Honeggrr, 40

Howells, 40

Jamach, 40

Jono (D. J.), ao

Ool«yl»<‘. 60, 19 Aug.

Juori, 60

f Kaun, G9, a Apr.

KUpinen, 40

Kod4ly, 50

Kendracki, 30

Khika, 30

Kvapil, 40

Lajiha, 40

Lattuada, 30

Lodiar, 30

LourK, 40

Maler, 30

Malipiero, 50

Markevich, 30

Martinet, uo

Marx, 30

MUhaud, 40

Monlsalvatge, 20

Mortari, 30

INouguis, 37, ad Aug.

Perosk, 60

Petridis, 40

Pick'Mangiagalli, 30

Ponce, 50

Poniridy, 40

Radnai, 40

Rodrigo, 30

fRdntgcn, 77. 13 Sept.

Rosenberg, 40

Samimky, 30

Schouw’man, 30

Sekles, 60

ShebsJm, 30

Strategier, 30

Stravinsky, 50

Ssabo, 30

Ss6kely. 30

Szymanowski, 30

Tailleferre, 40

Turina, 50

Vassilenko, 60

Vaughan Williams, 60

Vycj^lek, 30

\Vagenaar<J.). 70

Walton, 30

Weis (K.), 70

Williams (Alberui), 70

Wood (R.). 30

Wood <T.), 40

Zemlinsky, 60

tOricus. EuffSac. 74. i>r.

tbedei*, Frc^rik \Stllcm tAf>, 79.

Fo. .No.

t<irAhAtnc. Kcniwih. 79. No. ].l.

tCrctarv. Lady (IsAbrllo l*ccwe),

So. Dr.

tjay, HAm«t(. 64. Ae. No.

tSirachey, Ctk* LytMo. ss. Li.


Absil, 40

Bax, 50

Benjamin, 40

Berkeley, 30

Berners, 30

Blacher, 30

Britten, 30

flasella, 30

Dellojoio, 30

fDuparc, 83, 13 Feb.

Dyron, 30

Fablni, 30

tFairchild, 55, 23 Apr.

Farina, 30

Fitelberg (J.), 30

Fleury, 30

Foote, ^

Furubjelm, 50

Gnessin, 50

Goldschmidt (B.), 30

Goossens, 40

Hiba, 40

HalLnas, 30

Hauer, 30

Jongen, $0

Kadosa, 30

Ksdomiris, 30



tKarg-EIcrt, 5$, 9 Apr.

Karyotakis, 30

Khachaturian, 30

Khrcnnikov, 20

Klcnau, 50

Krein (A.)« 50

Leibowiu, 20

Lloyd <D,), 50

Lloyd (G.), 20

Lopainikcw, 30

Lucas (L.), 30

Malisaew^, 60

MaKagm» 70

Mason (D. G.)> 60

Mcrikanio (A.), 40

Milford, 30

Mompou, 40

Moonic, 50

Moore, 40

Nabokov, 30

Noeiel, 30

Orr (C W.), 40

Piernt, 70

Rabaud, 60

Rainier, 30

Rakhmaninov, 60

Raphael, 30

Rofcr-Dueaue, 60

Rogen, 40

Rol6n, 50

tSchjeldcrup, 73> »9JuJy

Somervell, 70

Steinberg, 50

Tcherepnin (N,), 60

Thorpe Davie, 30

\Vagncr»R^ny, 30

Webern, 50

NVeingartner, 70

^andonai, 50

Zelinka, 40

t8«mon, Si«l(s, 4 r. No,

tBifMlI, Aufuktine, 9 ). Li.

tCskworihr, John, $ 6 . No. Or.

tCcorv*. $HrsA, Pe.

fHswkica, (Sir> Anihonr

(Antbony Hope), re. N«.

IMoATC. C«orer, 9 i. No.

tNoailIra, Anns, Comiow Or. S 7 .


tStinubwry. Gcorer, M. Li.

tSv;ro, AJfred, tck Dr.


tBruneau, 77, 15 June

Burian, 30

Dallapiccota, 30

tDelius, 72, JO June

Dieren, 50

t Elgar, 76, 93 Feb.

Fagan, 30

Frid, 30

Grechaninov, 70

Gross, 40

Gruenberg, 50

Guy*Roparta, 70

Haieff, 90

Halvorsen, 70

fHolsi, 59, 25 May

Ives (C.), 60

Kabalevsky, 30

Kapr, 90

Kakem, 30

Kr^ei (I-), so

Lavranga, 70

Louel, 20

MeJIers, 20

MUb, 20

Milojevic, 30

Moeran, 40

tO’NciJI, 58, 3 Mar.

PantJhik, 20

Pdraasi, 30

Pijper, 40

Piston, 40

Raogsirdm, 50

Rdiicki, 50

Schmidt, 60

Schoenberg, 60

fSchreker, 55, 2 1 Mar.

SchulholT (E.), 40

fSekles, €2, 15 Dm.

SkaJkotas, 30

Strauss (R.), 70

Suk, ^

Saeldnyi, 30

Vatls. 30

Vogei (J.), 40

Wa^oaar (B,), 40

Whithomc, 30

fZich, 55. 9 July

Zodner, 60

tgohr. Hrtmson. 7s. Li.

tDrly, AfHfrey, S4, Po. No.

tBriAOnd, Paul Albrri, 40. Pa.

fgiaUk, Ghaim Nachman, 9 i.


tColIrrr. John. 84. Pa.

tDolInvtn. John Clharlei. 8s. Pa.

fPry. Potcr.88. Pa. Li.

tCilbtrt, (Sir) Alfrtd. So. Cr. 5 e.

tOilbcrl, Caai, 75. Ar.

tPInrro, (Sir) Arthur, 79. A<.



AlwyT), 30

tBerg, 50, *4 Dcc«

Bliczstein, 30

fButiykay, 64, 29 Oct.

Carneyro, 40

Carrillo, 60

Ca5ielnuot*o>Tedesco, 40

tCowen, 83, 6 Oct.

Dale, 30



Dandelot, 40

David (J. N.)» 40

Diamond* 30

f Dukas, 69. 18 May

Farkas, P., 30

F^vricr, 60

Gibon, 70

Glasunov, 70

Cli^re, 60

Hahn, 60

Haim^r (£.)*

fHaivorscn, 71, 4 Dec.

Hindsmilh, 40

HoHer, 40

flppolKov -Ivanov, 75, 28


Jacob. 40

JoUvci. 30

Jo«c«n, 30

Kamirrtiki (L.)» 30

KapriJova, so

l.abey, Co

Lambcrl (G-), 30

Leigh. 30

Lialashiruky, 40

tJ.ocfllcr, 74. *9

tMacki^nvie, 87, 36 Apr.

Mariclii, 40

Melanin, 6n

Mcnasce, 30

Nlontcmceai, 6u

Morera. 70

Mul^, 50

Orff. 40

fOsiT^I, 36, 90 Aug.

fRadnai, 43, 4 Nov.

Kathaus, 40

Ravd, Go

Ka Wit home, 30

Reli, 30

tRIadli, 45, »7 July

KJegger, 50

Uoolham, 60

Rudhyar. 40

Scarle, so

Scil>rr, 30

Sibelius, 70

Sikorski, 40

Sowerby, 40

Slill, 40

tSuk. Gc. 39 May

Saopski. 70

Taylor (Deems), 30

'I'ippeli, 30

Tovey, 60

Vartee, 30

Var\x,glis, 30

Voormo)en, 40

Weiner, 30

Wrilesz, 30

Widor, 90

Wir4n, 30

Zidor, 40

A. (m RuimII)

iBarbum, Heori $1. Pe. No.

tfiourgel, Paul. 87. Nu.

IHockins, SiUt*. <7. No,

IHohby, Winifred. 37. No. LL

tiaac«r> CharWs Sarfcani, so.


Lawrenee. Tlioma* Edward (u*


tldebermann, Max. 66. Pa.

tWploe. Samuel Juha, 64. Pa,

tR^navn. Edwtu Arlinslon. 66.


tRueaell. Ceorae VN'>llia,n

(iE.K 66. Po.

tShaw (oria. Lawrence). Thoma*

Edward, 47. U.


AJfano, Go

Apivor, 90

Baudrier. 30

Capdevielle, 30

Carpenter, Go

CU«a, 70

Cooke (A.), 30

Cresion, 30

tDieren, 31, 94 Apr.

Duolleux, 90

Ejplk, 50

Falla. 60

fFcrroiid, 3C. 1? Auf.

Finney, 30

Frankei, 30

Gagnebin. 50

Gerhard, 40

tCernian, 74, 1 1 Nov.

fGlaxunov, 70, 3i Mar.

Guridi, 30

Hansen, 40

Ingvnhoven, Go

Kaminski, 50

Kennsy, 30

Koffler, 40

Labroca. 40

Laparra, 60

Leoa, 30

L^vidis, 50

Lier (van), 40

Lopes Gra^a, 30

Luiyens, 30

Monnikendani, 40

Morawski, Co

fNiewiadomski, 76, 15 Aug.

t Respighi, 56, j 6 Apr.

Rivier, 40

Kuyncman, 30

Haikkola, 30

Sanders. 30

Scheming. 60

Schiske, 90

Schoeck. $0

Sessions. 40

Shaw (M.), 60



Shostakovich^ 30

Sinding, 60

Sicvcns (B.), 20

tSzabados, 15 Scpi.

Sscligowsid, 40

Thomson, 40

Vogel (V.), 40

Vreuls, 60

Weinberger, 40

Wieoiawski (A.), 60

Williams (G.). 30

Wolf-Fcrrari, 60

2uUwski, 20

tChcsKfCOB, Cilberi K<tih,

U. No.

t Dekdds . CrszU, . No.

tCofkv. Muim, No,

tHoniilion, Johe McLur«. dj.


rHolmoi. (Sir) Clurtn« 66. Ps.

IHousnwn, Alfml Edword. 77.


tKipliof, Rudyard, 71. Po. No,

Kotl, 6*. IV. Po. IJ,

tLorra. CaKla. 97. Po.


f Menkhoiiie. Allan, 77. Li. Dr.


t Pirandrilo, Luifl. 69. Of. No.

t R^tnirr. Hriui de, 73. Po. No.

t Unamuno. MifucI de, 78. No.


Arnell, 20

Aiterberg, 50

Aubert, 60

Aubin, 30

Badings, 30

Bentzon (J.). 40

Chamina^, 80

Cowell, 40

Dohndnyi. 60

Dunhill, 6c

Pemstrom, 40

Foote, 84, 6 Apr.

Fortner, 30

Gardiner, 60

Gardner, 20

fGershwin, 38, i r July

Gerster, 40

Giordano, 70

tCurncy, 47, 26 Dec.

tHadley (H.), 5 $, 6 Sept.

H^ler, 30

Kieiul, 60

Koechlin, 70

Komgold, 40

K6sa, 40

Ladmiraull, 60

Langlais, 30

Lind berg. 30

Lorenzo Femindez, 40

Lualdi, 30

Macoochy, 30

Madetoja, 50

t Melanin, 62, 14 Feb.

Moeschinger, 40

Morezio Gans, 40

Neaeritls, 40

Palester, 30

Peieraon-Berger, 70

fPiemi, 73, 17 July


fRavd, €2. 28 Dec.

Riisager, 40

t Roussel, 66, 23 Aug.

Saeverud, 40

Saygun, 30

fSomervelJ, 75, 2 May

Ssalowski, 30

tSzymanowski, 34, 29 Mar.

Tansoian, 40

Tiesaen, 30

Toch, 30

Trapp, 50

Valen, 30

Veresi, 30

tVieme, G6, 2 June

Villa-Lobos, 30

Vocht, 50

Vomaika, 30

fWidor, 92, 12 Mar.

tBorm, (Sir) Jamr*. 77. Dr.

tDri«kwai*r. joka. 55. Ac. Po.


tPofbaa R oh o uoft. (Sir) John*

MOD. 64. A«.

tCoidd.Ocrald, s«* Po. U.

tHecUoa. Joaeph, 8a. No.

f Johaaea. Robert Underwood,

84* Po.

tRock. Hcif*. 67. Po. Dr. Li.

iSbaaooB. Chsrki. 74. Pa.

tUTtartOB, Edith, 77. No.


Baniock, 70

Boughion, 60

Delannoy, 40

Delvincouri, 30

Distler, 30

Durey, 50

Einem, 20

Eisicr, 40

t Emmanuel, 76, t4 Dec.

Ferguson, 30

Frazai, 50

Frumerie, 30

fOeorges, 87. 1 8 Jan.

Harris, 40

Harsisyi, 40

Heasenberg, 30

Holbrooke, ^

Knipper, 40

Leaur, 30

Liaslead, 30

McEw'en, 70



Meuiaen, 30

Muraddy, 30

Ni^Uen (R.)> 3 ^

Palmgr«n» ^

Rieli, 40

fRooLbam» 6s, 18 Mar.

Schillmgs, 70

Sigicnhont Mayar, 50

SikJds, 60

Sinigaglia, 70

SIdavos, 50

Smyih, 80

SucboA, 30

Tarp, 30

TonuTUttini, 60

Viana da Mota, 70

WeU (F.). 40

Wordsworth, 30

Zagwijn, 60

tAnnuniS^, C«jlrfirkr d*, SS.

So. Of.

tlMdier, JoMpU. 74. I.i. I*«k

tFUcher, l.i. P«>.

Ffsnctt. 70. r»,

tKupr<M, Ale*af>«lrr

f> 8 . No.

tlAicAJ, Edward \'rrrall. To. t.i.

T M«<cdlivr«v. i«nw<. 89 . St .

tMaHWfll, Wtlliarn ItjlHnclAit,


tNcwbeU. (SirJ M«n/y, 76. IV.


tQuiniero. ^Mrafin Alvam, 87.


TWcrcrukiold. F.rik. 8i. Fa,


Andreas, Co

Auric, 40

Bemson (N. V.), so

Bridge, 60

Campo, 60

Caiai ChapI, 30

Chavez, 40

Davies, 70

DaerzlUnskv, 30

tEnna. 79. 3 Aug.

Ficclbcrg (G.), bo


Gavazzeni, 30

Cienzmer, 30

Gibbs (A.), 30

fOrosz. 45, 10 Dec.

CrovJea, 60

Haas, Co

Hadley (P.), 40

HofTding, 40

Holmboe, 30

Ireland, ^

Jamefelt, 70

Jemniu, 40

KaprA), 30

Maklakiewkz, 40

tMaliszewski, 66, July

MurriU, 30

Orr (R.), 30

Orrego-Salas, so

Pfiuner, 70

Poulenc, 40

Revucitas. 40

Santa Crua, 40

fScKclling, C3, 8 Dec.

fSchmuit, 64, M Feb.

Scott (G.l, Co

Shaporin, 30

Skold, 40

Souris, 40

Stojowski, 70

Swanson, 30

fSaopski, 74

Tcherrpnin (A.), 40

'fltompson, 40

tTourncmire, C9, 3 Nov.

Trunk, 60

Wnyiowicz, 40

tCuprk. Karel, 49, Pr. I.i.

t Fulda, LudMte. 77. Fo. Pr.

iSlMhatSo, Aniwniu, 84. I'.i.

taieffiek. Leviiard, 77 . N.>.

iVeaii, William Butler, 74. IV.

Dr. Li.


fAJain, 09, OO June

AnibeiJ, 40

Barber, 30

Bloch, Go

Bowles, 40

Burkhard, 40

Bush, 40

Charpenlier, 80

tConvene, 69, 8 June

Copland, 40

Dunayevsky, 40

Prancheui, 80

Freitas Branco (L.), 50

Fricker, so

Gal, 50

Galindo, 30

Guerrini, 50

GurLiii (M.), 30

HaliTter (R.), 40

Jbert, 50

Jirdinyi, ao

tjuon, 68, 21 Aug.

tKaprilovii, 25, iG June

Karel, 60

Kazasoglou, 30

KJami, 40

Koch V.), 30

Kfenek, 40

Lehir, 70

Liscov, 40

Lonque, 40

Luenlog, 40

2 N




Maci^ewski, 30

Manaiarly, 40

Mariin» 50

Mar(inoR» 30

Martind, $0

Medtiwr, 60

Motnir» 50

Mossotov, 40

Novak, 70

Nysirdm, 50

Opiehski, 70

Paderewski, 80

Piaictii, 60

Eeuccer (H.), 40

tRcvuclias, 40, 5 Oci.

Reaaiiek, 80

SaUaar, 50

Schlbler, ao

SchiTUCC, 70

Schuman. 30

Scou <F. 0 .), 60

SkcrjaAC> 40

Sohys (A.), 50

Sutenneb(er» 30

tTovey, 64, 10 July

Uribe Holguin, 60

Veretii, 40

Walker, 70

Weill, 40

Wynne, 40

tB«nMO. Edww4 F««e««kk. n.

No. I.i.

t 8 «rir«A 4 . Lowb. 74. No. LL

tBixhon. jeh» (Lm^ Tw t e d*

imitf), 4 ). No.

fCompbell. Stella Pairkk, 74.


tDorw*. William Henry, 6^ Fo.

tCoHoAd, Hamlin. So. Li.

tCiH. Erk. sS. Sc Cr.

tHeidmum, Carl Ctnuf VeAor

v«A. Ii, Li. Noi ■

tKle*. Payl.St. Pa.

tLafcrUtf. Selma. Se. No. Po.

rMarkham. CLarln Edwbt. M,


tManmao. Hendrik, at.


tWolle. Humbert. 55 - fti. LL.


Apoatel, 40

Arnold (M.), ao

Barldfc. 60

Beck (C). 4Q

Blech, 70

BlUa, 50

BraviUe, 60

fBridge, 6j, jo Jan.

Cadman, 60

Ghevreuiiie, 40

fDavies, 71, i( Mar.

Degen, 30

Dresden, 60

Egk, 40

Enesco, 60

Finke, 50

Finze, 40

Fuleihan, 40

GUse, 60

Gram, 60

Henneberg, 40

Hopkins, 30

Hovhaness, 30

JirAk, 50

KaJUieniui, 6o

tKienzl, 64, 19 Oct.

Knab, 6o

Komautb, 50

Krejei (M.), 50

fLavranga, 76, 18 July

Le Flem, 60

Lcmacher, 50

Lunssens, 70

Major (^), 40

Menolti, 30

Miaskoviky, 60

Migoi, 50

fPadcrewski, 80, 39 June

Pepping, 40

Pool, 40

Prokonev, 50

Raiiio, 50

Reisenatein, 30

Rogowski, ^

Roland*Manuel, 30

Rota, 30

Rubbra, 40

Sauguei, 40

fSinding. 85, 5 Dec.

Tate, 30

tVoJbach, 79, 6 Dec-

Wagenaar (J.), 78, 17 June

Whyte, 40

*Zid]ner, 86, 4 May

fProKe. (Sir) Goorf e Jamei. S7.


f Joyce, Jame*. 49. No. Po.

tLavery. <Sjr) John, 84. Pa.

tbIereihLovsky, Dmitry Scfcye.

vkb, 74. No. Po. Li.

tKevioton, Henry Woodd. Sj.


tOmnham, Joha (William Arthur

DvtiLetclay), r. 8i. No. Po. Li.

fPrCvoti, Marcel, 79. No.

fPryde.Jamei, 7 J. Pa.

tTaeore, (Sir) Rabir^raoaih. So.

Po. LL

tWalpeir, (Sir) Hush. $ 7 > No.

tWee^, Virfioia, 79. No.

AbrSnyi (£.), 60

Alfv6), 70

Braunfels, 60

Broman, 40



tDisUer, 34> 1 Nov.

DurufU, 40

Farw&U, 70

Foss (L.), 20

Fran^aix, 30

fFrarMhctti, 81, 4 Auf.

Gentbcrger, 50

Ghe<lini» 50

tGilsou, 76, 3 Apr.

Oraener, 70

Hamilton, 20

H&rmikamcn, 50

Honegger, 50

Howells, 50

Janiach, 50

Jones (D. J.), 30

Kilpinen, 90

Kodily, 60

Kondracki, 40

KH^ka, 60

KvapU, 50

L^tha, 50

Latcuada. 60

fLeigh, 3$, 12 June

l^thar, 40

Louh^t 90

Maler, 40

Malipiero, 60

Markevkhi 30

Marcinei, 30

Marx, 60

Milhaud, 90

Moncsalvacge, $0

fMorera, 76, 1 1 Mar.

Moruri, 40

tOpicAski, 72, 2J Jan.

Ferosl, 70

tPeierson*Bcrgef, 75, 3 Dee.

PciridU, 50

Pick'MangiagalM, Oo

Ponce, 60

Poniridy, 90

Rodrigo, 40

Rosenberg, 90

Saminsky, 60

Sehouvvman. 40

fSchulhofl (E.), 48, 18 Aug.

Shebalin, 40

tSiklos, 63, 3 Apr.

Siralcgirr, 30

Stravinsky, 60

SzabO, 40

Sz^kely, 30

Tailleferre, 50

Tranchell, 20

Turina, 60

Vassilc^o, 70

Vaughan Williams, 70

Veak, 20

Vyepdick, 60

Walton, 40

tWeingartner, 78, 7 May

Weis (K.), 80

Williams (Alberto), 80

Wood <R.), 40

Wood <T.), 50

fZemlinsky, 69, s6 Mar.

tBsrcvmore, John, So. Ae.

fBlanchr. Jacques CmSItf, Si. Ps.

tBIomfield, <$irj Repnsld, 86.


fUauJet, tAon. 74. i.i.

tEsUuoie, Cdousj^. 80. No.

1 Fokin. Mikbatl. 6a. U«.

f Machar. Jowf 2>v«Mp|gk. 78.


tNforKS, SiiHinood, 6$. No.

IRoberu. Morky. Os. No.

t!»kker(. tVsIur Kkhard, 8a. Pa.

tMccr. PftiUp WiUon, 8a. Pa.

tTempesi, (Dame) Nlark, 76.


fVanbruel*, 73 . Ac.

tZwcif, Siefait. 61. L*. No.


.Absil, 90

Bax, Go

benjacnin, 90

Berkeley, 40

Berners, 60

Blacher, 40

Britten, 30

CMclIa, 60

tDale. 98, 30 July

Dcllojoio, 30

Dyson, Oo

Fabini, Go

Farina. 40

Filelbcrg (J.), 40

Fleury, 40

Furulijelm. 60

Cnnsin, 60

Goldschmidt (B.), 40

Goesseru, 50

Haba, 50

Hallnas, 40

Hauer, 60

Jongen, 70

Kadosa, 40

Kalomins, 60

Karyocakis, 40

Khachaturian, 40

Khrennikov, 30

Klenau, 60

tKolRcr, 46

Krein (A.), 60

fLaparra, 66, 4 Apr.

Lei bo wi (2, 30

Lloyd (D.), 60

Uo^ (C.), 30

Lopatnikov, 40

Lucas <L.), 40

Masca^i, do

Mason (D. G.), 70

Mennio, 90



Mcrikanio (A.), 50

Milford, 40

Mompou, 50

Moonie, 60

Moore, 50

Nobokov, 40

Noetd, 40

Orr (C. W.), 50

Rabaud, 70

Rainier, 40

fRakhmaninov, 69, 28 Mar.

Raphael, 40

Roger‘Ducasse, 70

Rogen, 50

tSchilUngs, 75, 93 July

Steinberg, 60

Tcherepnin (N,), 70

Thorpe Davie, 30

Wagner- R 4 geny, 40

Webern, 60

Zandonai, 60

Zclinka, 50

fBinven, LftwreiKc, 74. Po.

VS’illjem W^mstk, Bo.


tKeyei, BMnev. ri>

tPonioppKijn. Hennk, 0B. No.


tftobcri*. (Sir) Cbork>, 9y Pe.

No. U.

tViieUiuJ. Cioid. 74. Sc.

Burian, 40

tChaminade, 86, t8 Apr.

Oallapiecola, 40

Fagan, 40

Frid, 40

fCibr, 63, 8 Sept.

tCraener, 79, 13 Nov.

Grechaninov, 80

tCrovIcr, 65, 90 Oct.

Cruenberg, 60

Guy*Roparu, 80

HatefT, 30

IvCT (C.), 70

Kabateviky, 40

Kapr, 30

KaaKm, 40

Krd<l (I.)» 40

tLadmirauit, 66, 30 Oct.

Louel, 30

tLunsseru. 79, 1 Feb.

Mcllcra, 30

Mills, 30

Milojevic, 60

Moeran, 30

Nigg, 90

Panufrtik, 30

Peiraasi, 40

Pijper, 50

PUton, so

Rangsirdm, 60

Rbiicki, 60

Schoenberg, 70

fSinigaglia, 75, j6 May

Skalkoias, 40

Sirauas (R.), 80

Srel^nyi, 40

Valb, 40

Vogel (J.), 50

tVreuU, 68, 96 July

W'agenaar (B.), 50

tWei. CK.), $2, 4 Apr.

WhiUiome, 60

tZandonaii 6 j, j 2 June

iCUioeo. (Sir) Croffe. 99 . Pa.

f Giraudoux, Jou. Sr. No. Dr.

tCvedalla. Philip. 35. Li.

tLey*U. AJun. 09. Po.

tLutyena. (Sir) Edwirt. 75. Ar.

tMailtol. AriMide. 6$. Sc.

tMariotni. Emilia Filippo Tom*

ma*o. 69. Li.

thfoore. Thomaa Sturte, 74. Po.


INkholt. Robert. 91. Po. U.

tNiven. Frederick John, 66. Po.

No. U.

^Phaarro, l.ueieo, 9 j. Pa.

fOuiUrr-Cooeh, (Sir) Anhur, 9 j.


tQuiacero, Joaquji* Alvarta, 7(.


tKolknd, Romain. 76. Li. No.


tSaioi.Eavp4rv, Ancoinc ife, 44.


t Whistler. Rev. 99. Pa.


Alwyn. 40

fBaridk. 64, 26 Sept.

BUtastein, 40

Can^TO, 50

Carrillo, 70

Castelnuovo-Tedekco, yi

Dandetot, 50

OBvid (J. N.), 50

Diamond, 30

Farkaa, F., 40

Fdvrier, 70

Gli 4 re, 70

Hahn, 70

HaJmer (£.), 40

Hindemith, 50

Hofler, 50

Jacob, 50

Jolivet, 40

Josien, 60

Kamienski (L.), 60

tKard, 64, 6 Mar.

Labcy, 70

Lambert (C.), 40

liatosbinsky, 50

Martdli, 50



tMascagni, 81 > a Aug.

Menasce, 40

Milner, 20

Montemeasi, 70

Mulft, 60

Orff, 50

fRailio, 44, 10 Sept.

Raihaus, 50

Rawslhornc, 40

Red, 60

tRwiieck, 85, 5 Aug.

Rieggcr, 60

tRol6n, 57» 3

kudhyar, 50

Seark, 30

Seiber, 40

Sibelius, 80

Sikonki, 50

Sowerby, 50

Still, 50

Taylor (Dc^ms). Co

fTcherepnin (N.j, 7a, aC


Tippett, 40

Varbe, 60

Varvoglis, Co

Voormolen, 50

t Webern, 61, 15 Sepi.

Weiner, 60

Welles^, Cu

Wir^rt, 40

Zftdor, in

tg«r»na, Maurice, ft. U,

tLUUnd. M«r«»r«Ha SVjilr. M.


tDviiMV, Msucice Charier, ib.

Ng. Dr.

tDvualas. Loect AirreJ. 9). P«k

tUreuer, Theedvre. 74. No.

tOlM|ow, Mien. 71. No.

t Hippm, Zinaida NtiMivevTta. 7 d.

Fa. No. Li. Dr.

tKairer, Ceort, 4 ?. Dr.

tKrMbiMk. £d«srd. 71. Dr.

lN«fri, Ada, 7 J.

tKMhcrwMin, (Sir) William. 7).


rSvmoex, Arihur. 80. Pe. ti.

t 7 'elrMv. Alexey Nikelaye«kh.

49 . No. Dr.

yVaWry, Paul, 74. fo-

tWerfrI. Praoe, 55, No. Po. Dr.

i 94 «

AJfano, 70

Aplvor, 30

fBantock, 76, 16 Ocl.

Baudrier, 40

fioulea, 20

fCadman, 65, 30 Dec.

Capdevielle, 40

Clarpectier, 70

Cilea, 80

Cooke (A.), 40

Creston, 40

tDunhill, 69, 13 Mar.

Duiilleux, 30

EspU, 60

tFalla, 69, 1 4 Nov.

Finney, 40

FrankcJ, 40

OagTtebin, 60

Gerhard, 50

Guridi, Co

Hanson, 50

Henze, so

Ingenhoven, 70

t Kaminski, Co, 14 June

Keneasy, 40

tKlenau, 63, 31 Aug.

Labroea, 30

Leoz, 40

l^evklis, Co

tier (van), 40

Lopes Gra^a, 40

Lutyens. 40

fMIlojevic, Cl

Monnikendam, 50

Moraw'ski, 70

Oldham, so

Rivier, 50

Ruyneman, 60

Saikkola, 40

Sanders, 40

Schiake, 30

Hchoeek, Co

Sessions, 50

Shaw (M.). 70

Shosiakoviclt, 40

tSniyth, 8G, 9 May

fSteinberg, 0 $, 6 Dec.

SicNens (B.), 30

fStojowski, 77. C Nov,

SaHigowski, 50

Thomson, 50

Vogel (V.). 50

Weinberger, 30

Wicniawski (A.), 70

Williams (G.), 40

Woir-Fcrrarj, 70

2utawaki, 30

tCranville.RaTkcr, Harky, 89.

A<. Dr.

tHawpwnann. <lrrhari. 84. Dr.

No. Po.

tNaah. Paul. 7). Pa.

tNc«iaao«. ChriMoahrr, 77. Pa.

tOpcwnhrim, P'dward Phillip*,

80. No.

7 Richardson, Meiuy Maode), c.

71. No.

tRuoyea, Alfred Damon, 69,


tSiocUir, May, 76. No.

tSmith. Logan Pcanal). 8t. Li.

tSiAS. Qertrud«, 79. Li.

IWellr, Herbert Ceorse, 80. No.





Ang«rer, 20

Arneli, 30

Alterbe^, 60

Aubert, 70

Aubin, 40

Badings, 40

Bentzon (J.), 50

tCasella. 63, 5 Mar.

CowcU, 50

Dohninyi^ 70

Penucrtm» 50

Fortner* 40

Gardiner, 70

Gardner, 30

Gerstcr, 50

Gjordarto, 80

tHahn, 71, 28 Jan.

HoMer, 40

t Kaprii. 58, 6 Apr.

Korchlln, do

Korngold* 50

K6ta, ^

LangJais, 40

Lindberf* 60

Lorenzo FemAndez, 50

Lualdii 60

Maconchy, 40

f Madetoja, 60, 6 Oct.

Moeachinger, 50

Moreno Carts, 50

NezeriiU, 50

fNoetel, 43, 9 Apr.

Palcsier, 40

tPijper, 5a, 19 Mar,

QyjJter, 70

fRangsirbin, 6a, n May

Rtisager* 50

Saeverud, 50

Saygyn, 40

Szalowski, 40

Taoaman, 30

Tiesaen, 60

Toch, 60

Trapp, 60

Valen, 60

Vereas, 40

Villa-Lobos, 60

Vocht, 60

Voma£ka, 60

tBelloc Lownd«5. Mwi« AMudc,

t. 72, N©-

♦ BetaferJ. Joho 74. Na.

tB«msr 4 , Triiisn, Ot. Li. No-


tOonoore. PkrTc. Be. Fo.

tC*ih«r, WUIa Sibert, 71. No.

t Churchill, WiQstoi) (U.S.A.), 76.


tForba, Sushope Ale*OAd«r. 90.


fHuch. Ricardo, Oj. No. Po.

tlx GallictuM, Riehajd, Bi. No.

Pe. Li.

tMochado, Msoud, 79. Po. Li.

tMochea, Arthur, 85. No.

tOrcay, Eounuaka. Baroacn, 84.


fOsboumc, Uoyd, 79. No.

tScon, Duncan C4in|>betl, 8$.

Fo. No. Li.

tSicrra, Groforio Manlnea, 68.

Dr. No.


tBenuon{J.), 51, 9 July

Boughion, 70

Damase, ao

Delanooy, 50

Delvineouri, 60

Durey, 60

Einem, 30

EUlcr, 50

Ferguson, 40

Praazi, 60

Frumerie, 40

tGiordano, Oi, la Nov.

Harris, 50

Harsinyi, 50

Hessenberg, 40

Holbrooke, 70

Knipper, 50

tLehir, 76, 24 Oct.

Lesur, 40

Linstead, 40

t Lloyd (D.), 6$, ao Aug.

tLoreuo FernAndez, 50, 27


fMcEwen, 60, 14 June

Messiaen, 40

fMorawski, 71, Oct.

Muradely, 40

Nielien IR.), 40

Palmgren, 70

fPonce, 65, 24 Apr.

Rieti, 50

Sigtenhorst Meyer, 60

SkJavos, 60

Suchoft, 40

Tarp, 40

fViana da Moca, 80, 1 June

Weis (F.), 50

tWolf-Ferrari, 72. 21 Jan.

Wordsworth, 40

Zagwijn, 70

tBoiiofnlc)', Gordoe, 74. Fo,

tBcaithwoiic, Lilian. 7 $. Ac.

tEfnanuel, Frank, 83. Pa,

tJockson. Holbrook, 74. Li.

tLud>«i8. Cmi), 67. Li,

f MaaoA. Alfred Edwaid >N'oodle7

8$. No.


Aodreae, 70

Auric, 50



B<nWon <N. V.)> $0

tBr^n«, 8d. d4 S«pt.

Campo, 70

Casal Chapl, 40

Chive*, 50

D*eRhimky> 40

Fitelbcrg (G.)» 70

Poer*ier» 90

G*>*ueni, 40

Genzmer, 40

Gibb* <A.). 60

Haas, 70

Hadley (P.), 50

Heading. 50

tHoffer, 53, 31 Aug.

Holmboe, 40

Ireland, 70

Jamefeh, 80

Jemnitz. JP

Maklakicwkz. 50

Murrill, 40

tNovik. 78, 18 July

Orr (R.), 40

OrrefO'Salai. 30

tPAizner, 80, a* May

tPiek-Mangiagalli, 66, 8


Poulenc, 30

tRabaud. 73, n Sepi.

Santa Cruz, 30

Scott (C.), 70

Shaporin. 60

fSkalkoca*, 43, ao Sept.

Skuld, 30

Souris. 30

tStrauss (R>)i ^ 8cp(.

Swartson, 40

Tcherepnin (A.). 30

Thompson, 30

Trunk, 70

tTurlna, 66, 14 Jan.

t Walker, 78, 2 i Feb.

Woytowte*. 30

tDod4. FrAAcis. 9$. F*.

tHydc. DouflM. Li. F». Dr.

tjonn, 'I'hofliu CwynM, f?. Pe.


tLynd, Rcbtii, 70 . Li.

tM*et*rlifKk. afiurk*. *7. Or.

?P. I.i.

tMiich«M, Msrffttfi. 44. Ko.

f Munlh*. AmI. 4*. Li.

tMehoLon. 'Sir) William. 77.


tSofncrvitl«, E 4 iih <£AOAe. 41.

No. Fa.

f UoiiMt. StfHii, *7. N».

tVanbfMRh. (Dama) Irene, 77.


tWaihwMCh. Edward. 60. Pa.

« 9 S«

Antheil, 30

Barber, 40

JBemera, 66 , 19 Apr.

Bloch, 70

Bowlo, 40

Burkhard, 30

Bush, 30

Charpentier, 90

fCUea, 64, ao Nov,

Copland, 30

Dunayevsky, 30

tFabini, 66 . 17 May

Freitas Branco (L.), 60

Pricket, 30

G&l. 60

Galindo, 40

fOardiner, 7a, aSJune

Guerrini, 60

Curlitt (M.), 60

Kalffter (R.), 50

Ibert, 60

jArdinyi, 30

Kazasoglou, 40

Klami, 30

Koch (£. V.), 40

Kfenek, 30

Listov, 30

Lonque, 30

Luening. 30

Macieje^^'Skl. 40

Manziarly, 30

Marlin, 60

Martinon, 40

MardnO, 60

Meduier, 70

tMia^ovsky, 69, Aug.

fMocran, 35, 1 Dec.

MolnAr. 60

Mossolov, 50

NystrOm, ^

Pizsetti, 70

Rcuiter (H.), 30

Salazar, 60

Schibler, 30


Schuman, 40

Scott <F. G.), ?o

Skerjanc, 50

Soltys (A.). 60

Sutermebter, 40

fTommasini, 7a, 24 Dec.

Uribe Holguin, 70

Veretti, 50

tWeill, 50, 4 Apr.

fWood (T.). 37 . »9 Nov.

Wynne, 50

tHKben*. Kobert. M. No.

tPemberMn, (Sir) Max, 67, No.

ISabattni. Rarael. 75. No. Dr.

tSbaw. GeoTRe Bernard, 44, Or.



Apostel, 50

Arnold (M.), 30



Beck {C), 50

Blech, 80

Bliss, 60

t Carpenter, 75. 26 Apr.

Chevreuillc, 50

Degen, 40

Dresden, 70

Egk, 56

Eneaco, 70

Finke, 60

Final, 50

tFiwlberf (J.), 48, July

fFoerster. 91, 29 May

Fuleihan, 50

Gram, 70


Hopkins, 30

Hovhaness, 40


Kallstenius, 70

Knab, 70

tKccchlin, 8$, j Jan.

Komauih. 60

Krejei (M.), 60

t Lambert (C.), 45, »i Aug.

Le Flem, 70

Lemacher, 60

tLevidia, 65. 30 May

Mujor (E.), 50

fMediner, 71, j 3 Nov,

Mcnoiti, 40

Migot. 60

tMui^, 66, 10 Sept.

tPalmgren, 73» *3 Dec.

Pepping, 50

Foot, 50

Prokofiev, 60

Reisenstein. 40

Rogowski, 70

RoIand'ManucI, 60

Rota, 40

Rubbra, 50

Sauguet, 50

fSchoenberg, 76, 13 July

Tate, 40

Whyte, 50

tBtAckwood. Alfemon. 0*. Li.

tSfidie. JstHs {Oibomc K«ary

MsverK 0). Dr.

tCidc, Andre, Br. LL N<k

tNoveSlA. Ivor, $0. Ac. Dr.


Abrinyi (E.), 70

Alf\>4n. 80

Braunfels, 70

Broman, 50

Dunifl^, 50

Faris'cU, 80

Foss (L.), 30

Fran^aix, 40

Gerstberger, 60

Ghedini, 60

Hamilton, 30

Hacuiikainen, 60

Hone^er, €0

Howells, 60

Jamach, 60

Jones (D. J.), 40

Kilpinen, 60

Kodkly, 70

Kondracki, 50

Kfi£ka, 70

Kvapil, 60

Lajtha, 60

Latluada, 70

Lothar, 50

Louri6, 60

MaJer, 50

Malipiero, 70

Markevich, 40

Maninci, 40

Mane, 70

Milhaud, 60

fMontemezzi, 76, 13 May

Montsalvatge, 40

Moriari, 30

tMurrUI, 43, 25 July

Perosi, 80

Peiridis, 60

Poniridy, 60

Rodrigo, 30

Rosenberg, 60

Saminsky, 70

Sehouwman, 50

Shebalin, 50

Strategier, 40

Stravinsky, 70

Saabd, 30

Ss^kely, 40

TailleRrrc, 60

Tranche! I, 30

fValcn, 65, 14 Dee.

Vassilenko, 80

Vaughan Williams, 60

Veale, 50

VyepAJek. 70

Walton, so

fWilliams (AJberip), 89, 17


Wood (R-), 50

tBirminehAfi), GeerfC (Jame*

Ow«n Hannay), 07.

tDouglas. Norman, 04. Li. N't

fHamvn. KOMl. No.


Absil, 60

fBax, 69, 3 Oct.

Benjamin, 60

Berkeley, 50

Blacher, 50



Brittca, 40

Dello Joio, 40

Dysoo, 70

Fanna, 50

tFitclbcrg (C.)» 73

Fleury, 50

Furuhje|m» 70

GneMin, 70

GoldschmUlt (B.)* y>

GoosMiUi 60

H 4 ba, 60

Hallnas, 50

Hauer, 70

tjongen, 79, 13 July

Kadosfti 50

Ra]omih$» 70

KaryoiakU. 50

Khachaturian, 50

Khrcnnilcov, 40

Krcin (A.), 70

LvibowUzi 40

tl^cois, 47, 23 Kcb.

Lloyd (G.), 40

lx>t|>atnikriv, y>

Lucas (L.), 30

Mason (D. GJ. 80

Merikanto (A.), 60

Milford, 30

Mompou, 60

Moonir, 70

Moore, Co

NeIioko>', '•,!)

Orr (t:. VV.), Co

tProkofKv, Cl. 4 Mar.

ttiuillrr, 75» Skpl.

Rainier, y*

Hapliarl, y*

Roger* Due asw I 80

Rngers. Cu

t RC^teki. G8, 1 Jan.

tSigtrr)hr»ni Meyer, 65, 17


Thorpe Davie, 40

Wagner-R^eny, 30

Zeltnka, Co

tBclloc. Hilaire. 6 }. Li. Pd.

1Brrmt««n. Heory. 77. l>r.

tBone, ONt) Muufaead. 77. I‘a.

1 <I»otBra«rU, &nile, 7$. Li. Pd.

tCKilac. Edmund, 71. Pa.

lO'Neill. Eue««r>

tTbooias, Utlan, sg. Pe.


Burian. 50

Dallapiccola, 50

Pagan, 30

Frid, 50

Grechaninov, 90

Gruenberg, 70

Guy*Ropar(z, 90

Haicif, 40

Ives (C.), 80

Kabaleviicy, 30

Kapr, 40

Kassem, 50

Krejil (I.),

Louel. 40

Mel I era. 40

Mills, 40

Panufnik, 40

Reirassi, 30

Piston, 60

Sael^nyii 30

Vails, so

Vogel (J.). 60

\Vagcnaar (B.), Co

W'hithome, 70

IColettf. Sidoni« Uabrklk

ClMdine.di. Nq. La.

tYDUfif, FrsACuBrtii. 70, Kd.





3 o 6 ii ARMOKICA

Aid i« Stic.:

392 i BALLET

AH f Beau:

473 ii BART6K

I, 90 <JkfareMXj, «di'.

609 ii BELLINI

AH r* Bi9L. ;

638 ii BERO, AJbu

AH M Dial. :



AH 9 ed IiM to (hii Mction :


Bi*b. I. 1$, 19)4)'

991 i BUCCHI

Par. 2, i. 7. afuf the following

inifrf i

1013 i BULL, OU


AH <• Bok. (Sr*HL, W,.

Buit«bw4« ’) :

GinutB. Hu«iT WMiftAK. * tNr CilMlkariiiviiica *


Gmvk>v. Akatoi 4 , * Th« Now York Cay Balki ’ <S’«w

York. I 95 SJ.

Caf. tram, by G. S. Vittel k I>ik 4 e \faty)y JJ^idnn,

ScHLTTarn, Fuamco (r«l. >. * Tommato Traetta, t.rvn«Mo

k'lAri. \'«iK<nio AHIini : iwtitia « doeutnenti '


Jouvs. P. J. k Kano, bl., 'WoiKcb, ou !.« .\cu>e 1

(>p«ra* < Faria, i 95 >J.


44 . * A Pinner Eneatement * (lib. by Paul Deliok, pro. 1 .

Akkburfh Ketuval, if |ua« 1999.

iQMi aew ad., Vienna, i 9 s«),

(omic opera * II <vi>irabauo ' (on a itory by

Tchekhov^ pmUtKed Flnrencc, MaEfio Muii*

cale, 1934;

Leioc, <)i,A, 'OIrBuU: li^abaieria, mannen, kuint*

naren ' sOUo, 1999 ).

•ewed. (Caoel & baael, 199a}.




AH ar iH:



AH It IhtL.:



AH U ki 9 L. (sod work by fUNOASb) :


i ddd;

Bia4.~FtknerT*, Ni>«o, ' Temperamenu and Trnden*

CIO in tl>e Florentine Camerau’ iM..Q, Vel. XL.,

< 9 S 4 , 9. 169).

HoMMAK, Jak. * Ibe l.e(aey of (:iK>pin * (New York,

I 9 S«L

* Rw Glaeinec * ((.oodon. 19$*}.

CONCRETE MUSIC (Kr. Muaique con-

erit*). The invention of Pierre .Seiiaetfcr of

Paris. He began work on it in 194& under the

auspices of the Club d’Essai of the Radio-

diHusion Franchise. At first it was merely the

use of musical or natural sounds from available

gramophone records, rearranged In a new

order to suit die purpose intended, fn this

process the individual suunds could be played

backwards or the speed of die record could be

considerably increased or decreased I0 produce








co^ D’OR

1. 2. CocKEUL sfmtild read :

corresponding diflerences in pitch as well aj

in qu^ity. After 1950 Schafer's work was

aid^ and simplified by the construction of

new kinds of apparatus using magnetophone

(ape instead of discs ; this made it easier both

to record new sounds and to alter or distort

sounds already recorded. At the sane «>"»»

Schaeffer’s experimental group, consisting of

himself, Pierre Henry and the engineer

Jacques PouUin, was put on a permanent

basis within the framework of the French


Schaefler calb this type of music "con-

crete " because it starts from already existing

sounds, unlike normal music, which begins

from an abstract idea in the composer's mind

and has first to be written doum and then

performed before it becomes sound. In

concrete music the "composing" process is

the choice of the sounds to be their

alteration or distortion, if required, and (heir

rearrangement lo form a whole. An example

of the result of this process is Schaeffer's

* Symphonie pour un homme seal ’ *— a

representation of a number of sounds heard

by a solitary man. The work lasts about

twenty minutes and is in ten movements with

titles such as * Partita ‘ Scherzo ‘ Siretio

' Erotica ' and * Eroica Each movement

creates a mood-picture based on a loose

association of ideas, and the sounds are

arranged in rhythmical pailems which cor-

respond to normal musical shapes; it is in

fact in the fields of rhythm and sound*rolour

ihat concrete music has made in most striking

contributions so far. It has also been used in

films, such as Schacffer’i own * Mascarade '

and * Leonardo da Vinci ' (the latter in

collaboration with Pierre Henry), and he has

composed an ^ra^Mlel eaiKriu on the

lukidect of Orpheus, produced at the Donau*

eschingen Festival of 1953. Other French

composers, including Messiaen and Boules,

have also shown interest in concrete music and

created some pieces in this medium, which,

ihotq!h still at an experimental stage, dues

represent a new means of expression that may

be of technical assistance to artistic creation,

particularly in music for radio, film and

theatre (especially ballet). h. s. {u)>

ScHACffts. hrniu, ‘A U trrherehe d'un«

oMiuioe ’ (P«rs. issa).

St* fit* £Smrephonk Ktutic.

Enf. trsm.. * Tlw CoAductoi't W«rld ' (Loftdon.


• IVTcfKlerLsad ' (hbreito by HerAce Ev«r*(i) (ism).



Add It B«»&. :

Rmalw, M., * Aoansrlo Corrib ’



P^e Cel.

3 ^ ii Addi

qoO ii A 4 d:


A sCTics of mu&ica] even ts (alung place annually

ID July at Darnuiadt-Kranichstein and

officially entitled Iniemaiionale Ferienkune

Air neue Musik. They arc organised* under

the patronage of the He&sian Minister of

Culture and with the support of the Hessian

Ministry of (he Interior, by the Kranichsteln

Musical Institute, with the collaboration of

the Darmstadt State Theatre. The artistic

director la Dr. Wolfgang Sieinccke. The

courses began in 1946. They have attracted

an Increasing number of international

musicians and encouraged new composers

of any nationality who have something new

to say. The tendencies are progressive to the

point of including electrophonic music and

■a*/yw reiurek, but the choice is by no means

narrowly cxrlusis*e, as is shown 1^ a list of

193 composers from some twcnty*five dllTercni

countries whose works w'cre performed lietween

194C and that yvar. Living or recently dead

composers receive nearly all the attention,

since this is the qKcial aim of the courses,

ImiI rare and interesting works of the past also

liml a place In (he programmes : in 1933, for

instance, Orartu Vccchi's * Amliparnaso * was

pcrfi>rm^ Ibr the first time in Germany.

Special courses in performance and interpreta-

tion are held for young students under the

guidance of eminent musieiaAS. B. a.

Sf» 4lH C«nrme Mutk. Cteeirephonle Musk.


ment dating from the late 19401 and cultivated

mainly in Germany at present. It has been

particularly encouraged by the Cologne

branch of (he .N’erih-West German Radio,

which provided racilitles for experimental

work, and its leading exponents are Dr.

Herbert lUmcrl and Dr. Werner hleyer-

K|*pler. In this music the sounds are actually

produced b>' electrophonic instruments : there

are no perfurmers and no microphonic record*

ings of external sounds, nor is there any

generally accepted system of musical notation.

Ihc sounds produced electrophonically are

recorded on m^nelophone tapes and may

then be rearranged, altered or distorted as In

concrete music. Unlike earlier electrophonic

instruments, (hose used here do not attempt

to imitate the sound of normal musical instru-

ments; their aim is to create entirely new

sovnd-strueium that can range from the

simple to the extremely complieated. These

methods clearly widen the potential range of

musical expression, but at present eleeiro'

phonic music U still at an experimental stage

and cannot be said to have produced any

results of genuine artistic value. However, it

has attracted the attention of some of the

young German composers, including Karl-

heina Stockhausen, and its future dcvelopinvni


will be watched with interest. PuUic demon*

strations of electrophonic xmnc were 6nt

given at Che Dannst^t laiemational Summer

School of (931-53 and at the Cologne New

Music Fest3«^ of J953.

In New York Edgar Var^e has expen*

mented along similar Hims for some yean,

but the results of his researches have sol

yet been heard in Europe.

K. 8. (ii).

Set CoBcreM Mime.

VOL. in


AOd N BiSL. ( Pahiaa) :


A*i u inANOFOftT£ DUET:



AM */Uf 1A14:


tk^U ftM :


S, ^ Medkvft) Carolt

Cof. (TMS. by Jeu W*fiulT (Leadea, igss).

Quadrille m The awi Cram WsAcr'i * Rise * twiib

MeM«ferl {«. 18M).

iS. ‘ Owftun fee «B Oeeaam’ (r9sS)>


1$. t Peolsras hi 4 (rwapto B a (raaabt. (cpss).


5. } Medkwel Carab.


AM 19 B<it. : McCeaniT, Currena, * PUm Compeeen in America :

a CAitk Uw of ib« Work * (Glendale, Cal., ipssi.


Par. I, U 3 . 5 Jan. 1793 ). tMd

rtad; SJba. 1798 ).

Par 3, J. I. Possibly John

Flack (on, William's brother,

shcul^fM^: John Flacklon, no doubt WiUiani'i brother,


AM ti BiSfc. i

FOLK MUSIC (Bttlgariaa)

After Ex. 13, II. 6*7 j/wu/d nod:


Ex. 6 ; Htading «W tst Um gf ttxt

thAuld rr«d :

FOLK MUSIC (N«tfa«rUAdlali)

Hfoding 0/ lit awo. rx. ihoald rratf :


Signalutt shoitld rtad :


AMl 9 ^ 9 L.-.


AM t« Bcai, ;


Cestaao, A.. ‘Hbeoira e« rkbeaae de It Bfirc' fParii.


one-eighth. They have not the same rapidity

as the bemiolic measures (^^•(90*953 as

agairat J^*340-

Entm (an Etr£)

Entre (an Etre)

Boesu (am Bossn)

A. A. $. <ii). (aM A. A. S.)

CamewAY. John. ‘ Asnericaa F«U: Sanp of Peotst *

(PbiladcTphla & Oxford. I98S).

Maoiabxv. AfUiAira. ’ Girdamo FmrabaMi FenaetasB *

(Pam, I3S9).

GABARAIN, MaHaa de (h. Saa Sebas*

tiaa. >).

Spanish contralto singer. She began to

study music at home as a child and had her

first systematic vocal training under Ricci lo



Pagt Col.



U BifrL. ;


Par. 1, 1. 9. 1863). thottUttad:

669 i GUNKA

AM M :


4hetild ri4d :

•738 i <3«ul

I. ir: AM


I. ad thtvU uM-

805 i GRIEG

AM u :


Par. l, L 9. 1679). ikoMdrtUi

849 i GUITAR

luiy. lAier sbe studied with Pierre Bcrnac

in Paris, at the R.C.M. and with Llena

Gerfaardt in London, (hen with Lotic l^nard

in Paris and finally with Ricci again. She

sang Carmen with the Carl Rosa eompany

10 gain operatic experience and also studied

acting with Irene Worth. In 1959 she made

a brilliant success at Glyndebournc in Rossini’s

* Cenerentoia ' and two years later appeared

there as Baba iheTurk in Stravinsky's ' Rake's

Progress*. She has also sung at orch<'SlraI

concerts in Britain, Swiuerland and elsewhere.

E. B.

CavAuaM, Ct>o<**'0>.aa, * Quademo del fnwiithta

(194^19)0}* (BeriaMo, 19s*)*

Pauaa. WiLtuM. * Gibbeca's V«rte .\Aih«in* * (M. &

L . VeLXXXV. I 9 S 4 .P. i« 7 t’

1863; d. nr. Lancaster, 94 July 1954).

Oirru, Paul GeAiiAAor, * KliMsmOe Cl^kehr : Michail

Cliaka unJ BrtUn ' iBrrMn, I9ss>.


Uwaii <* Au|«llta twi ^ puppet •peraj.

Record Vear % V«b. I 9 It itooden. I9SS'S9)> Ouidri

to llw

$c>giL»c«vp*Laai, Oac, 'A Study of Grics'r liar*

meay ' <Ovlo. I9$9l.

1679 ; d. Chipsiead, Surrey, 3 Apr. 1954).

Boms. Phiuo J., * Tbe Ouiiar and Mandolin : Bio*

a iH of Ceiobrated Ptayen and Compotori *

Ion. I9M).


3 i HAAS, Joaeph

dddMBioi.o/vrl. I {end work by I.*in 0 ^


Par j, 1. 13. add:



L >6. eawaU.) okauVnad:



AM U /wteoO »:

’JoMphKaas; eia« lUefraphic * tOuMidorf, i9S4l>

Two books of old keyboard music edited by

him were published posthumously in 19341

emtaining pieces by 8ach, BakTark, Couperin,

Famaby, MufTat, Purcell and otlicn.


* Tbe Auioftapli of OA air frocn this, ** Pis«n«e ntli

•OM in a« altered wruon, war a«ld at Sodicby'l io

Loodoa. Apr. I9S4. Srr p, $6. footnote a. for (liree

«lk>er aonc* <*i >be ume *et,

A l•an«ttccip( reUeelieit ofhatpticitoni pitcer by Handel

and otfccn, toW by asclioA at Sothety'a in London,

Apr. < 9 M< •cluds kwt 10091 >0 the <omp<Aer*i hand,

■•dated : the Spaneih aoOt ■wntlooed on p, S 5 , footnote

; No. l of (he ) Preoeh maoi. wnh a different bsM i a

rcoeb ebaaean, * Otaod on run I'amoueeiue lole

oM Mherwiee koown; and an "Air en Langue Alle*

wa od e ’ Der Muad cpnchi awar geswungen Nein '

iiaidtt I did obewbrre.

57 ^


Pfigi Col.

72 I Add'. HAIIMONIC ANALYSlS^The purpose

of this artide is to lilt and describe as short!/

as poirible the chords used in traditional ”

harmony. Particulars of their provenance and

use must be sought In some text-book on the


The ubtes given below wiJI» it is hoped, give

some idea of the normal harmonic vocabulary

from r. tTOO to 1900. They cover the triads,

sevenths, augmeated sixihs and augmented

fifUu, diatonic and chromatic, in the major

and minor keys. Ninths have not been in-

cluded in these lists, since their appearance as

complete chords, with the ninth as an essential

(as opposed to a decorative) note, is rare.

Sevenths and thirteenths have alio been

omitted ; in essential and complete form they

arc even rarer than ninths. The whole

matter of fundamental basses generating

ninths, devenihs and thirteenths is contrary

to the present writer's view of harmonic

ilieory tJmugh the addition of a minor ninth

to the dominant, tonic chromatic and super-

tonic chromatic sevenths is used, poaibly

illogically, asa convenient ntethod of classifying

the diminished-seventh chords.

llie two forms of minor KaJc (harmonic and

melodic) have been regarded as a single entity

for the purpose of chord formation, and the

chords brought about by the use of these two

forms arc considered to be diatonic. This

procedure is open to objection, but has been

adopted for the sake of simplicity.

* Sh anicle on Haimoky.






S«iperiMUc Scvrelh

(M>nMr 7 ih)

* ^i«n (Albxl ** Sim*) I'n Suli<k>iMii»jMi”

N(c«{i&nl Triad

rNtinof (SoniiiuHi (Jmnl^

(NtiMu« Tlkj

4 ** !•««<«•«« 3 M

* I ♦



(•MKiHrft Chwrtif

StilolonkMiaiit Srv^itlli

<Ma|wr 7 «lir

llomiMant I rwd

(Major ( iiirnnHak (Jboadk

i»»r «•( i«^r*H« f*«>***uw« 0/4

T1-I* f--— M lawrMk

IXm>inaMt Srrehili

(MiHnr 71 III

9 • «

• «


Ir 4 lakk'kxa

N t SubmrijbifH J ruii

(Miiior (rfonmuh

fwwi— l 4 » 4 M

a I

Sk»biiK«lun( Scvciilh

(Minor 9lla)

>— 4 »i>H«it «M Uxtina irJ I. ••{•)••

^ : t :


•2 O









Leading Note Triad

(Difninith«d Triad)

Leading Kot« S«v«Mh

(Minor 7ih)

Rm! ** ftiiim md /Mvrrieair

^ t I

B n . — r-g

Bm* fnltlM ta Vat (aMnM

I :

CHKOHAtK CMomm n Tits XUioa Kev



Tonic CHinainaiir ScrentK

(Minor 7i>tt

Major Triad on FUt Super*


(known in ji> flr>i inwrrioa

M " Ncap^itan Snth ”}

Augmemed Siaihi


Fill Superlenic

" tialian*’

Augmented Siaih


Flat Svperlonk

German "

Augmared Siaih


Plat Sopertonk

" French ”

SuMrloek Chromatic


{Major Common Chord)

SupenoArc Chronutic


(Mioee 71b)


•a* laRrMaa CM la>M«|a« ari JaiaNiM

A ‘

*a*f AuM l«t U«<r>t»a !«• iMWMaa

■a Kr.^Maam •



RaM NMUaa U ta<*tMM M l^tnMa

« % K

|a««»uaa ate

’I -5





Supotonie DiBunubrd


^upcxIdAtc DlMMlitltnl

Tf»*>S »>iih

xnibOf 7ih

•wa *** (•wrwM

^ J

*4^ lr4

t M

^SMUlf^nMikaoi >l»n<»r


(NfiiiM <k^inMiofa (Jantall

M.tj^r Tx^i cm

h 1*1 Subm^iant

(Majcr CemitMMt (^exd)


Awi(iii«ai<>«I .Si^ih


Mat SutimediaM

•••irMHIa* tMuiVuZr



Fl*i S«UnKd»a«rf

Cfonnan '

AyKnifnrxtl S»a(h


F Flai SubmothafM

** Fr^Ach

^f*^oc Triad on


(Msjox Cofttftion <^hontl

Min)>x S«v«ntk

a(id«d lo Majoe Txlad

OA SubfMdiaM

»••« l.l •M.taia* a«« Ut«

0 t n

r>«M t/4









I lit




Tnnk Trift<l

(Ikliiier Ck>nintwn Cliord)

Tnni< Srvniik

(Minor 7llii

<Otca«ieniil1v A nujor }ih mAV br mMtiI c« ihr lActk manor iriod.)

Kufwnenk UiminithnI


Sufierinnk ScveiMli

iMknor 7ih]

p u ^

■mi atti««»r>kr

: I j

< I M imvniM) ol w known j« *«Wed 00 % m SobHnmi aam, )

SunrrKwic Miner Trud

( Minor Cemw»wt Chonl,

(|«ri«««J from

MeMk klMtor S«ok>

^prrlonk Miner TtU<l

M ilh 4«kM kltnor Scvrnth

(MrledrC HrokJ

Mr^ionc Triod

(Auffmeiitrd 1 'rioil)

M«tliont SoTwUt

{Mojnr 7lh add^ Co ike

Aufmcnml Triad)


1*4 >14

5 *1



Kmi *’ *jW htfTMHt




' tt9»* *' /M^mu

Submttfiant Triad

{Major Common Chord)

Sutmedianf Sov-ench

(Major 7ch)

Major Submodiant

U<mioi*hfd Triad

{hfriodk $«akl

Maj>»r Swbnacdiaiii

OimiAhlwd Triad

nUh Minor $«venlh

{Meiodie ^a)«)

Major Triad on

Flat LradiMfioM

(MrMk fcakr

May>r Triad on Flat

t44dm(*no*« »>«h

Minor S«v«nih added

(hlelodk S<ak)

Lcadint*no<e Triad

(Dicninbhed Triad)

I.ea<lit^d••lO(e niminklwd


{&# Diminuhed Tih)

•«M OmkIm

a«e r^f«Ma


Chromaik Ohoiim n ma blixoa Kcy

'I'onie CliTomaik 5 rv«nrh

(T(»nic Major Triad wiih

minor 7U1 added)



C 3 Wt/A'««w

Mtjor Tmd os

FiM Sspmosk

^iw ui«TrunA koo'k'n ft$

" N«a^»Un *')

A«»f ** FasfcM W hfniifit





AuKnKnicd SiKth

on FUi SupetMnic

A( 4 m«nt«<l HriK

nil FIaI Supcriook


Nuoiiirnlnl ^«ili

Ml H4I ^uprdotiK'

• IVikH •'

.Sun^rh>fli« (:Krr»m»iK Tri««l





"r* iTiz

Jup.'rtfinK ehromtik ninth «imiUtly ifraicd. B\' hivrniw lEi hSS?*^ chromaiK niftth and ($) ihe

n clMMini^cd K>enih U asailaWe (ei.lKrr in “nS pt^i.S!^' wh«« ne^oafy

icmpcramrnt. dnc# every interval of the ehiMl m-CTwon wHKh peodures theume eneet mequji

•J I ^e*e th rec serk' of d irein nhcd wvemh are. by the aS^B?«hjnnSie22uiSiJ ** if v*^*'*t^

cx«nr(« Hih ,how the provenanee of the ThefnlloH.n«

C major «r ntn»r

Anoclitr example will ahow how any

ditninishod sr%’cn(h may brJonf^ ro any key

(major or minor) by enharmonic change :

I, C tv M oyrten k ehromatk) G (dotrilnant)

1) {lomc chroma I k)

t. D> (dominjiti) £a{iuperionic chroma riej

K {MMiie ehromatk}

^ R IdcMMnanO A (agpertonie ehremaiic)

9 (lonk elirofnaitel

4. fSfckmrinwi) F|(»uperionk eliromaiie)

at r«onk (h#o(natk>


The Mibriiturion of an aufmcnled ftHh for

(he perTecc fifth in (he (onic, subdominanl*

domtnani and supertonic chromatic chords of

the major key (or, in the case of the minor

key, tonic major, subdominani major, domi*

nani and eupertonic chromatic), givva, by use

of invenaons, all (he augmented fifth chords

on (he pianette. Dike diminished seyenihs

these arc available on any degree of (he

chromatic scale, and each is common to cveiy*

key, major or minor ;

C m*ftr •* aU»r



For the sake of completeness mention may

be made of some rarer chromatic chords not

included in Uie lists £i\‘en above (inversions

are not shown, but are available).

Da Mr fiatitatti jereatf dfgne of the seele a

chromatic minor triad is possible, in both

major and minor modes. This very rare anti

remote chord may be found occasionHlIy in

the worits of i^th^ecniury composers, for ex'

ample at the end of the slow movement of

Schubert's i' major Quimrl :

C BieM*

*l'wu clirnrnaiie chords, tm the mediwt and

JUlUivJ mediofit of the major key may be

nolkevl ;


The hrsi. a major triad with or wiilioui n

adthtl, ocnirs sporadically in I he

rlaisjcal anti romantic priicxis; (ht* second, n

tnaj«*r triad on the lUiteiu'd mediant, is a very

i< lling later usagv,

'rite jiossibilily of augtH«nM/‘ii»lh fhoiHi fit

tki fiMdMtMnr must not Ik' ovcrl«><>kcd. I’hcy

have liecn used hy toinptxtcrs t»f the lao* i!)th

and rarly aoth renturirs such as (iri<*g,

Ihahins and IJ];ar :

C ar si*«r

*i»h**' *a*i**a*

On the vfarrprW fmtth {or finttrntd Jifltt)

dr<w i*f the s<alr a ma>»r roniinun tiumi is,

wry exceptionally, foimd, Thi> l>est 'known

examide occurs in the first bar of the slow

iiun rinc’nl of Dvof^k's ” New World " .Syin«

|>hony ;

C «!•« piMr)

On the fAw/aart/ three chrontatit ehorcls

make occasional app«*aranccs as real (hr«iina tic

harmony; they arc (i) ;i minor triad (with

the possible addition of a seventh) and (a) a

dinunished triad (and seventh) in the major

key ; in the minor key this diminished triad

(3) IS aho found:

l'h(Hi|;h these chords arc not j>arl of llu*

liannonic vtKabulary of the riavsical (leriod,

they arc used very eflrctively by Grire,

Ds*o^ik and Dvbu&sy.



Past CW-




AiWmBisl. :




Ai end of Pat. 4 (liM M VeksJ wV :











iw BciL. (Ceneeal) :


A 4 i u ;

ThJkinimuAaUiD both moda cap sustain

a minor mad. Thh very striking chromatic

harmony twtongs to the vocabulary of Uw

aoth century rather than to the daa&jcaJ age :

On At fiat stoetiA dtgnt of both modes the

possible chromatic chords are as follows :

(t) The major triad on the fat seventh of

the major key is a chord of modal origin and

lendency. In modem tima it has been used

with a seventh, major or minor, added.

(») The minor triad with or without a

minor seventh appean in works by composers

such as Rlmsky-Konakov.

(3) In the minor key the minor triad on

<k) VII possesses, like (r), a strongly modal


Two chords on the (raised) ]cading*noie

bring (ho brief survey to an end. These are

a major triad and pooible seventh in the

major key, and a minor triad in the minor key.

The first of these is a most cfleciive remote

chromatic chord. Its use may be wclJ seen in

(he slow movement of Dvofik's cello Concerto.

The second, equally striking. Is well illuitrated

in the last movement of the same composer’s

D minor Symphony. h. x. a.

PuwA. Two. ' E. T. A. Hoffmiflft : etn L«bcn»Ultl *

* The Musk M JUlph VMrhiB WiUisiw * dose).

BchSitoT. ieACtcH Eamt, * Dw fan 8u<h ; Eniuick*

ima uoO M eutuaa 4ti Jacsmusik * (rrankroci

wM.. lassJ-

Tistohi. C. C.. * Enciclope^ dri jau* (Milan,

Beat, Henam, * Das Ju<ketuA in dcr Musik ‘ (Siuii*

Pae^MAS, * ^ Maak lifach* (Td Avit. 1991).

Oauoi. f . w.. ' TV Mask af th« Sun«riuu «sd ihcir

SatcCHon ’ (Caotbndce. ifs?)-

RAMMOvncM. liaAet, *Of Mioie* (Moniiral.


Jtemrtuaa, AAaea hUaao. * TV Muse of (h« (m:

am HirWncal AaO^wiaiiM) ’ & New Ym.


Sa;««Mr. Amee. 'PtMkert^V ^ Jewish Music’

tNfw Vue*. tesO-

ResmOuaa. AAaen MAaao, * TV Musk oTtV •

ao Hbtorkal Apprccuikn * (LAitdoo & New Yofk.



Pa§e Col.

750 ii KIENZL

Bfsc. : Scmcu, Ham (ed.), ' Wi(hd«n Kientlt " Lcbmwtndc*

niBg *’ IB Ausxug * (Zurich. I9^)>

836 i KRADSSf CleiBeafi

A 4 it» Bpk*: GufOOfu )ou*h, *Clemcot KrAuu: eioe otwsikAliKJie

Sc^uof* (VwAAA & Zdruh, 193$).



Par. 1, ]. 3. 1S97 should tto^:

133 ii LEO

AU f Pi*u :


AAdu Drab..

i3f» ii LIBRETTO

AM fh*!..

344 i AM:



AMl 0 iUmt..

ii AM:


SruLriU*, Fmajcco led.). ' 'I’onunAMTrAeUa. (.cenarri'*

VifKit N'iiMcnte Bellini: iMlisle < documeiill*

(Sieiu. I9>*).

AiBueiiT, Orso S.. ‘A Cemui of AutofrAph Muiicol

MAMcriM of Lu roaewi Oompown Ia Afrerje*n

Libewm' {?lMl*delfM*. 193}}.

DcitA Cmi^> Anooba. ‘ (1 libretio c il melodrantnii *

ll'wrin. 1931 ).

LlUZZlt Femaado (^. Senigallia, 19 Dec.

1664; / norcnce, 6 Oci. I 940 }>

liaJian muiieologiti and rompoecr. He

iiudied undrr Pano at Tint and later al

Munich under Re^er and Moul. On iiis

reiuni (o Italy he waa appointed prufeiuor of

harmony at the Conservatory of I’amta and

later at that of Florence, also professor of

musical history at the UnitrersUy of Rome.

He dislin^ishcd himself by doing excelJcnl

work on ^haJf of old Italian niusir, both by

prrfbemances of such ilungi as Oraaio Vecchi's

* Amfipamaso ’ and the ' Oedipus Rex ’ of

Sophocles with Andrea Gabrieli's music, and

by an edition of louii, about whicit he also

wrote a book. HU other writings include

studies of Italian musicians written in Frem h

in order to make them more widely known

and a volume of critical essays cntitletl

* bstetica della muslca

Liuzsi’s compositions include a puppet

opera, ' L’ augellin bel verde * (after ( 5 os»i) ;

incidental music for Pirandello's ' Seaman*

dro the oratorios ' La Passione ' Laiidl

francescane * and ‘ Le N-ergini savic e le

xTrgini foUe* ; Neapolitan impressions Ciaola

e Marccchiaro * for orchestra ; a Sonata and

two pieces for violin and pianoforte ; organ

music; 3 sets of songs including Italian,

Greek and Serbian folksongs, gee.

e. 8.

Fob. HiacAr & Oooowih. Noei, * LonOoii Sym-

phMy : I'ucifaii of an (>r«h«*lxA ’ <934).

.. i i * ***^ Jnn.Bspiiit«. St* Luiciht

(* Paublw t^pcra).



Pa^e Coi.

420 i Add:


I. I . After add :

445 li LULLY

AM M &IH,:

4n6 i Add:


Par. 1. 1. 9 . 1699). ifmddrmft


AM u Bi»L. :

567 ii MARGHAL

Par. 3, 1. t^,«dd:

^91 ii Add:


AM After I. s 6 :

610 i MASON, Low«lJ

Par. 1, ]. 9. 94 Jan. should nod:

LUDWIG, Leopold (h. WiiJtowitt, Mora*

via, 12 Jan. 1908).

Austrian conductor. After studying the

pianoforte under Emil Paur at the Vienna

Conservatory he began his career as conductor

at several opera‘houses in southern Germany

a^ at Bmo. In 1936 he became cnusieaJ

director of the Oldenbuig: State Opera and

at the same time fulftlled regular guest

engagements at the Berlin State Opera. In

1939 he vfeni to Vienna as first conductor of

the Slate Ojtera and in (943 to BerPn in the

same capacity at the Deutsches Opemhaus.

After the second Horld war he conducted

regularly at both the Municipal and the

State Operas (here, fn 1930 he was ap>

pointed muskal director the Hamburg

Slate Opera, with which he appeared at the

Edinburgh Feslival in 1952. He is also active

as conductor of symphony conceru and has

visited many European musical centres, such

as Vienna, Paris, Amsterdam, Naples and

Milan (Tcairo alia ScaJa). x. w. a.

(after Louvet dc Ccuvrei)

Vaum.T., *Ut4» XJV «t Lyllr ' Wn.

MAlttRNA, Brsiao (L Venice, 1920).

Italian c^ductor and composer. He

studied under Hermann Scherchen and has

made his way as a highly gifted conductor in

Italy, France, Germany, Spain and Switcer*

land. As a composer he has been particularly

sueceasftil at (he Darmstadt Holiday Courses,

where in 1949 his Fantasy and Fugue on

B.A.C.H. for two pianofortes was pr^uced,

in 1950 his ' Composizione ’ for chamber

orchestra and in 1959 his * hlusica per due

dimensioni '. a. a.

1699; d. Warsaw, 6 Feb. 1954).

BoNr. pHivur J., * Thr Guii«i artel .VUmloTiM :

B<atr»p>l>iw dt CdebralfU n4>*en anti (.oinpoKn'

iLaadan. I2S4>.

On 94 Mar. 1954 he look pari, with Ralph

Downes, in (he opening of the Ro^al Festival

Hall organ in London.

MARTIN. The French name for a baritone

voice of exceptional range. It was first made

familiar on the Parisian operatic stage by a

silver of (his type, Jean Blaise Martin (17^

1637). A modem instance of its use is the

part of Ramiro in Ravel’s * L'Hcure espa*

gnole E. B.

Trie, D mi., S»r n)., cvBe & pt



Pagt Coi.

62s ii MASSON

Par. J, 1 . 2. 1662). should rtaJ:

634 ii MATTHEWS^ Thomas

Par. 3, 1 . (4, odd aJUr Covcot

Garden :


Par. 2, 1 . 10. parallel mos’emonis

should nod:


Ihai -•l*drn*r<, * Ktiilniniim'

i 9 V>i 'fod:

79U ii Add:

O31 ii MONK

II. 3*4. one of chr musiral rdiivn

<>r s/ioutd rtad :


,HJ •» Ul»L. !


2nd eniry in col. first /ssuo:

Ulif> ii MOORE, Garald

Add at /'lit :

io2g ii Addt

1882; d. ParU, 27jan. 1954).

He left ihU in 1952 to become leader of ihe

London Symphony Orchestra until 1934,

when he be^mc leader of (he Scottish


parallrl moCirm


MIRLITON (Pr.). A (oy insirument

consUiir^ of a shojde cylindrical pipe with a

hole fur a mouthpiece pierced at the side, one

end stopped and the other co\«ercd widi light

parchment or onion skin. It is not played,

strictly speaking, but sung into, and a reedy

tune not unlike that of the oboe is produced.

The instrument resembles the eunuch llule,

but is even more primitive. It was kntnvn as

Kaazo in England. I’hc ' Danse des mirli*

loits ’ tn Ichaikovsky's * .Nutcracker * Lallei

makes no attempt to imitate the sound of this

instrument. c. s.

musical editor of

SARtvai.t^VMP. * M<dtte\eNli * (ftmeia, 195$).

'I'ransfer to eul. Modern Ediiioiu

Moure puLIUlmd a second book, ' Singer

and Acrompanhi ; the Perfurmance of Filey

Sungs in 1933 and was created Ci.S.L. In 1934.








GvA1 r.llAUA.

I. 4. KafacI .^Ivarex ihoutd tend ;


Jl> 9* 1 2. Col Smaller audi>

i'>riums . , , increasing fre*

quency, ond mistilote :

i II. 3>4. Milrupuulus was . . .

1930-31 shouldreud:

Par- 5, II. J1.J5. Cur The

present schedule . . . years of

age., and Mihstitutt :

Rafael Alvarez Oraitr.

The Carnegie Recital Hall and Car] Fisciicr

Hall (a6o seats) arc among the most fre*

qucnily used sm^ler auditoriums.

Miiropvulus has since been the sole regular


Hb swcceason were Doris Bukrtolf, a young

American, In 1950 and Wilfred IV| letter In



Pagt Co\.

63 i Par. 7, 1 . I, The $ca&oQs arc

eight weeks ikovid read :

C4 i Par 4, II. r$^9. Cw( The

current autumn . . . spring and

summer aW n/^slUkk :

H ii Par. 9. II. 3.5. Cut the highest

rate . . . artUlu: W sutUiMe :

Par. Cnlu'Meptu.aaduhsli/aU:

6C ii Par. 3J. 9. (1959) sMdW:

G? ii Par. 3, II. 4.7. 1936. Its . . .

are devoted to

11 . 13*13. Friends have . . . de*

voted lu compre* stmddmd:

Par. 3. Cut tvM* par. aad switti-


69 ii Par. 3, II. I 2 *i 7 . muniiy funds.

Julius .... 09 i 9 - 47 )> >hmdd


Par. 4.1. ti. Gregory Mason, now

profesor emeritus, 191^ shatJd


< 953 - Tlw present schedule indudes a

regular senes of five Saturday mominp and

a series of three concerts for chiWrco under

nine yean of age.

The seasons are sui weeks

After Toscanini’s retirement in Apr. 1954

the orchestra was divided into smaller groups

for oi^r broadcasts. During its last few

years its autumn and winter seasoiu have

consisted of from tvrcniy-two to twenty-four

weekly broadcasts under Toscanini and others.

the highest rate for a seat is $3.60 — is pm-

vided by the New York City Opera Company.

Liaalo HaJau was iu first artistic

Joseph Rosenstock, who succreded Ha?a»

in Dec. tgji, has continued a progressive

policy. OfMra has aho been provided in

recent years by Fortune CaJfo's louring San

Carlo Opera in short spring seasons and.

at Brooklyn, by Alfredo Salmaggi's I’opular

Price Opera Company. On television sevemJ

performstnees are given annually by the N.fiC.

Televiijon Opera Theatre.

(< 954 )

1936. Its regular seasons consisted of sixteen

ccnceru each season at the Town Hall on

Sunday afternoons at 5.90. The programmes,

usually limited to ninety ntinuta, were

devoid to

Friends had no permanent performing group,

but engaged their artists according to the

demaisds of each season’s programmes. In

these much aileniion was dieted <0 eompre-

The New Friends’ series came to an end in

1933, but were succeeded In the 1953*34

season by the Concert Society of New Yo^»

which has a similar schedule and similar

comprehensive policy of programmc*making.

More diveraC}’, however, has rqilaccd the

New Friends' c<mceniration upon a given

composer or composers each season.

munity funds. Robert Ward is the director

of the Music Schod Settlement, which has

1000 pupils a )*ear. His predecessors include

Thomas Tapper {1907^}, David Marines

(19C0-15). Arthur Farwdl (1915*19). Mehar

ChaHee ( t9t 9-47) andjulius Rudel (1947-53).

Gregory Mason, 1919-



Pag* Col.

69 11 i. 14. music Iq May . . .

chntral should rtod :

1. I B. produces sioidd nod :

70 i Par. 7, II. a*3. 1683-1939’

ford, 1939)1 ihoaidt*^:

7« i Par. 2. Cut uMt par. aad sahsti-


73 i

101 i . 4 dd:

1G9 ii OBOE

AM U Oixi !


AM u Bl»L. :

341 ii / 4 dtf:

mudc lA May 1945: this, up to

eluded an orchesir^


i683-r930' (New York, 1933)1

Johnson retired after the <949*30 season.

Hit successor, Rudolf Bing, had been active

in Great Britain as general manager of the

GlyAdeboume Opera and director of the

Edinburgh Festival. Among the features of

his first four seasons were a smaller repertory,

a change in the long'Standlng subscription

s)‘slrni which permits more repetitions of each

opera and completely new productions of

fourteen more or less familiar works, Sira*

vimky’s ' The Rake*i Progress which had its

American premiere on 14 Feb. 1933, was the

only new opera offered during the period.

A campaign for $1,300,000 was launched

curly in 1933.

Kw'ww. Jbv«^u. ' llw Stwry ft (lie Meuepflitan

<l|i«fA, iMs*i4s«: sCsAdHl Hituuv ’ {Nc^ Vork,

NONO, Luigi (k Wniee, 1936).

Italian composer. He studied conducting

with Hermann Scherchen and composition

with Druno Ktaderna. He U devoted to

twelv‘c*notc composition and made his hut

ap|>ranince, at the Darmstadt Holiday

Omrses of 1930, with orchestral Variations

on a »ote*teries by Schoenberg. I'he following

year, at the same place, Schcrchcn produced

hit *PoliroAiea*monodia*riimic 4 * for orchestra,

and in 1933 Madema ctmductcd the cantata

* l.spaha en el egraxun I'his work wav

aftnwards heard at Hamburg, Cologne and

BademBaden. AJiogetitcr Nono's success has

so far (1934) been confined mainly to Ccr*

many. 1 v a commission to write a work fur

performance at Donaucsehingen in 1933 he

responded with * Due espresstniii * for or-

chestra. e. a.

Ko* irwtLt, tvrLVK, * Oboe Trthnique ’ (OsjOrd, 1 953 ) .

Kai»ai, Fuw»r. * jubunnet Okrebtiu' (New York.

OPERETTA (Ital., liiOe opera, small

<^ra). Tlkc term, aliiiough Italian, hsis

become universal in a number gf variants

(op/rersc uv French, Ofirrel/e in German, etc.),

but is used in the Italian form in English. It

denotes opera, or more strictly speaking, comic

opera, not necessarily on a small scale as to

siae, but light in character both in its subject

and its music, llic clemeni of comedy In*



Pa^r Col.

Cj 3 n A<i^’.


Ait 4 19 OiBL.

variably pr^dominalcs, but it ha room for

sCTiiimciit {f.g. JohaAD Sirauss, juji.), for

par^y if>g. Offonbach) and Cjt snifc {t.g.

Sullivan). These three coaiposera reprcsenc

lu best period {r, iSscHipoo) in chc three

eountiies in which^ thanks to them, the type

Nourished most artistically: Austria, France

asKl England, in each case mainly in the

capitals, Vienna, Paris and London, which

remained iu chief centres. As

(which indeed was Offenbach's name for it

already) it continued most abundantly and

attractively in Paris (Audran, Lecocq, Herv«,

Messager); in London it had some graceful

representatives (Sidney Jones, Lionel Monck*

ton, Howard Talbot) and in Vienna some most

successful ones towards the end of its best

period (Lehir, Leo Pall, Oscar Straus). New

York caught up with it just in time to produce

some engaging examples (Gershwin, Jerome

Kem), but by their time — the early 90 ih

century — it had b^n to degenemte into

*' musical comedy ” (Amer. '* musicals

in which plots had broome wereoiyped and

often scniimenul, both humour and music

were sadly enfeebled, and artistic pretensions

were upheld only by increasingly lavish and

not often correspondingly tasiefuJ productions

which failed to sustain the vitality of operetta

as muika] species of art. 8. a.

Bau— Kntra. O.. * Dk Op«r*lt« in ihnr |«Khic>)i*

liclwn EfiiwkUunt * (Leiatie, 1SS5>.

aiACwtAT, at. SnauKO, *Lifht Oocra* (LencJvn,

0»«ra. Lmv. * Lea Op^reiin du relief lotrc <oiiirint

MMeiuiu Ue lOJ epTreitei Ue 4S <«n*

pM(««ra ' (Paric. las)}.

PERNEL, Orrea (k. Si. Mary's Platt,

Kent, 9 July 1906).

English \iolinist. She was educated pri*

vairfy by her father, the architect, sculptor

and jeweller Henry U ilson, and wu given a

basic training in jewelry ; but she studied the

violin from the age of six, beginning at

Venice, continuing under Adila Pachiri in

London and Edouard Nadaud at the Paris

Conservatoire, taking a first prise there in

J934. She toured widely in Europe, appear-

if^ai the I.S.CM. Festival of 1933 in Prague,

visiiii^ Finland the same year and again in

1953, and making a first American tour In

I 937 > when she played with the Boston

Symphony Orchestra under Kussevitsky.

She eventually settled in the U-S.A., first as

a member of the Music Faculty of Smith

C^lege, Northampton, Mass. (1943-44} and

afteewa^ of Bennington College, w’licre she

formed a string quartet. In 1950 and 1953

slie appeared at the Pradru Festival organised

by duals, and in the latter year she re-

appeared in LmuImi. 8>

Ucehat. Mat«^ • L^reoio ’ (lilikn, lassJ.




723 ii PHYSHARM 0 N 1 CA

Add ai tndi

83 1 ii Add :

Two youchs from Germany played on ihc

Phys'hannonica, an inairument unknown as

yet in ihis country", at the dmncr of the

Royal Society of Musicians on d r Apr.


* Sn ' iBas* 903.


is created in detail dsewhrrc^ but this article

introduce* a tabulated list of plainsong

syenbob, with their names and their inierprela*

lion in modem staff notation.

All the special froup'symbols used in plain-

song notation are built up from a very small

vocabulary of basic elements; and while In

theory a limitless number of different com-

binations of these basic elements is possible,

in practice the early teachers and composers

of pJainsung found that tJiey needed to use

only a few of lliem. At a very early stage in

tiH’ir hbtury these commonly recurring group*

s)mbols were each assigntd a special name in

order to niakc them easier to teach, to remem-

ber and to understand, and these names were

evidently selected on the grounds of their

aptness as descriptloni of the symbols In

question. Dy lung tradition, deriving uhi*

maicly from the testimony of Ills disciple John

the Dt'aeon, this was part of the self-imposed

task of the pious, ingenious and wise Sc.

(•regory*; It would certainly seem that most

of these names were developed and first used

in the Roman *ong*scKool founded an<l

directed by him, though a few may have been

added at tome later stage in the resplendent

history of plainsong — the only form of music

practisetl by mankind that can claim some

two thousand years of continuous and inspiring


I’Jiv codified system of plainsong neumet

and nanses used m Rome was disseminai<*<{

throughout the Christian world by such

missionarirs as St. Augustine and his forty

eoiniMmions, who went to Canterbury in

yjj bearing a copy of the Roman Aniiplioner ;

Si. Oirodegang, bishop of Meta during the

reign of king Pepin, who went to Rome in

733 and establish^ a song'School on Roman

line* upon his return to Metz ; Simeon of

Rome, who founded a song*school at Rouen

a few >‘ears later; and the quasi •legend ary

singer* ’flicodorc and Benedict, despatched

frum Rome in 767 to Metz and Soissons at

the request of the Emperor Charleinagnu.

I'he ehauvinisiic and unreliable 1 |{li*ccntury

historian of the monastery' of St. Gall, Ekke-

hard, who seems to have been jealous of the

renown of the Song-school at Metz, sought to

establish the superiority of the tradition at

* S*< NorATMK, pp.

2 K




hu own monAsiery by fabricating an accouw

of how these two monks were called " Peter “

“ (he Roman ”, and how Peter reached

Met! safely while ” the Roman ” fell U 1 and

yw nursed back to health at St. Gall, impart.

to the cOTUttunity in gratitude the secrets

of the Roman school and bequeathing them

hU copy of the Gradual with its neumes — a

story that is still repeated in most histories

of musk.

Some traces of (he special techniques used

for teachii^ plauuong at Meu (and presum-

ably, therefore, in Rome) arc to be found in

the theoretical writings of Thcoger, Bishop of

Meu, whom Du Cange lists as (he earlirsc

authority for many of the special names for

neumes (mr his * Glossarlum art. *Hepia.

phthonga Relics of others, perhaps, are

comprised in the system of Romanic letters

in use at St. Gall, too confidently ascribed by

the eager Eldcehard to “the Roman ”, It

^vouJd seem (hat the teachirtg-methodi of

the Roman song-school may have fallen into

two halves, the one concerned with notation

pure and simple, the other with interpretation ;

&nd that each of the missionary monks was

specially expert in one technique. But the

(rue history of so remote a period Is almost

Impossible to recover — many essential doeu*

ments must have been destroyed in the tragic

lire at the learned Gerbert's monastery of

St. Blaise in 1768 — and the suggestions put

foi^vard here can be no more than Jiyp^


Most plilmong theorists of the last two

centuria have be^ coneemed with the history

of (he neumes rather than of their names,

and the only adequate explanation of the

whole subycet in English appears to be in

Hdmore's lucid little book on plainsong. first

published in the 1870s. This may be supple-

mented by the outlines given in ' Plainsong

for Schools ' and * A Grammar of Plainsong

prepared by the Beoedictine nuns of Stan-

brook. In the accompanying table an attempt

has been made to show not only the essential

structure of the system but also how the

various namn and symbols could be modi-

fied ; the plainsong reforms and simplifica-

tions initiated by the Benedictines of Solesmcs

ha\‘e resulted in (he elimination of certain

terms included in the table. a. r. o.


CArAM. OoH AoevrRM, * La Muwque crerorimM '

(rant, lao!

CcKBcitT fed.) eaaiy fStnyHca Mcra. . . .

'ScripMm . . . immeAtwra * (i 7 d 4 )>

Heumu . Rzv. J. T., ‘ Plain-sone ' (Laodon,


RoaetTWM. A., 'tv laterpKiAtion of PlAKKlurit

(I tiaiin. i«S7l. ^ ^ „

SatwMCA. AwsLH, ' Dk Singenctwle S. Callm<

(ti nu fd e lft. ia>0>.

ScAoc, Dm Cuoovt. ‘IiHrodweM a ts

m m iP A l fveforuM * {Mantcmi, iS 3 S)*








Uipuactum :





biiunphsi tiTAphifu*

tfi«ir9|>ha, iirnpliKia


(Tcia »treph(ra

n««4 fnupina



l>n n«aui retuiMaui

pn tl'atu*


|>r» Heaiu (Ifaphiiut





( -Acia raupiAA)

a rad. «wi( .

4 dM. poBBi

an apwim^M

a ifeiccal


a va«ilie«

a ak*jt dawti


' neiarbrat**)

tMdai«M riMWd


S^ty Qtfffnt

w. ,

ft t

m »

PoRt CW.

8^4 ii PLATO




Sl.s Jj’p’

Is ^

pJ sv


tsviitrd brata^


1 ^




4 Iraiwafa .




( *hUltnplia, fisofa or








npiplionui 1

•n ** wvcr-VNinJ**.

tUalHM, rnoma.

plwa aaceadr** .





aravoia, mnca.




pl «4 doeradooi


< 2 ui(uralis


diroat)' . ^

^ »



bent am

♦ *



corapancen iioio , |

* * • 4


Kbns bai h.ion'

IBcrac A S(u(ifart, 1954).



^<*1# Coi.


Add aJ end :



*M». isodi Aanivemry.

»95>. Kieoal, to*h Aiiiuv«mrYofD«»lh. PoBr*it.

19$4« SchntfnoKl, C«ni«Qjrv. Fortriit.

^ *955- Wolf, soUk Aiin{¥erury of Dejiih. IWirait.

I9S9. H, Oswald. C«Blez»ry, Pertrut.

CfecMDuoTAjcu ;

*950. Fibkh, Centeniry, pMlnii,

(951. P/afut Mudeal Fotival tel. Portralu of

Dvofik aad Smuas.

*9S»- Praw MuiKol Paiival kL Ponnit (tome*

*!>•( fascilial) of imko^B.

1959. S«t«ik, CoAkoarv. Portrait.

>955 - iM(h Aamvtrury of Dooib. ronrair,

*955- JonMet. asth AJHiivenary oTDroita, Poriraii.

>953. TOih AAoitarury of Notional Theatre. JVrroh

of OeMM.


r9Si, d'ladv. Centoaory. Poriraii.

1959. Soint-Safm. Portrait.

*95^ Hameau. Portrait.

funcH ENnae (Laos) i

t955- Good pknwe of a nollwe orrhrwra in aedon.

GeaiMV (W. :

195^ noaap* cckbratiof berlia Philharmonie

OerWwra (on* *ho«n a « ottem harp, tli«

other a o^ia« of " Uofiitf Anfeb

19) *• LortiMf. Cenienarv. Ikruail.

r95«. 9e«i2Mv*n, 1 25 th AfinKemry of Death. Deotii


19)9- 2*lcer. Pwirati (one of a aet of famoui


CtOMAHr (Aiaamr Zona):

19)0. Bach. ii<eni<«orv- Set <f 4 . inrlwIlAf a

port rail ood *orhM eaocuuou.

I9)a. Beethoven. itjUt AAOiverury of Death, 9


19)9. Handel Feetival at HaHe. jPoriraiii: Handefi

Loeciin< and Weher (a palpable aea rrewVar),

1939. Schubert. J a )ihAfliti««mryM Death. Portrait.

*9)3- View of Berlin Stale Opera-Houie, with

^ayie af ke arehiteet, (i. W. van KnobeU'

CvartaMM :

1939. Centcitarjr of KaticMl Anthem. Portratit nf

ittcotnpoaer (A. Alvarea Oralk) and author

(J. f. nima).


r9M. Pijprr. Ponait.

H t 'WOA a r;

193). See of Bonroiif of eornpoaen: BariOk. fiiliari.

RrM. DoWmaak. KaOilr, Litei and Moioitvi.

IrAav :

1930. Cnido d* Areiae, 9oolh Anrk!>«nary. rorlrail.

r93r. Verdi, (olh Artruvervarv of Death. 3 Porlraiii

mi— quart— uakal backirouoda, itieluding

a ^vrr mk uack of orqan mpe*.

1939. BelliAi. 130th Annivenarv. ronrah.

r93h CercUi, sooUt Anniversary. J*ortrait.

Iftnitiioamo '

193a. J. A, Zinaert. ^Hroit'l 9 ect of* charity uampe

i9S(. L. Meita9«r. J'ortratt f io each caw.


1931. Polith Mink Fniivil. Portraits of CSiepin and


1939. md Wieiuaweki tntomaiional \'ioUn Cota.

peutMA. Portrait of Wiemawslti.


1939 C. Porvinbewu, Centenary. Poslrail.


1931. Alabtev. Pociraii.

193 r. Kalinnibov. Portrait.

Sasjmai CouMtKs : lawi, Soakism Gvikc*. SpAtiBii


t935. 9 aeii vitb native musicians plar<s9 divers rude

W. D.

' Some of these are meaiioned ia the article, but a

tabulated list uid be found useful.




Pa^t Col.


30 i RALF* Toima

Par. I, J. 2. 1901), r^x

60 si RAVEL

u BiM.:


Par. I, 1 . 9 . 1873). should rnJ:

205 ii ROGOWSKl

l^r. I, I. 2. (8dl).

23c i A4J:




AM 4lUUmt :


AM f* Biai,. ;








Aft^ 1. lisM;




isi in U.S.A., New Vvrk, Mrlropolitan Opera,

14 Feb. 1953-

Jan. 1901 ; J. Stockholm, 27 Apr. 1934)>

Sntofr. Vicroa I.. * Maurice Ravel ' (New York, losj).

*873 J 20 July »954),

1681 ; tf. Dul>ro\'nik, (4 Mar. r9&.|).

ROSBAUD, Hast {k Graz, 22 July 2893).

German conductor of Auitrian birth.

Havins finished hi» studies at the Coruervatory

of Frankfort o/M. he took ot'er the directorship

of the Mainz School of Music in 1929; but

he left in 1930 on being appointed conductor*

ln>rhief and head of the music drparimcnl

of Radio Frankfort. After a short stay at

Kfunatcr as musical director to that city he

spent the years of the second world war at

Strasbourg in the same capacity. In 1943

lie went to Municli to direct the Philharmonic

Orchestra. In 194S lie was appointed princi*

iml conductor of the Sudwest*Funk symphony

orchestra at Baden*Badcn, which under his

direction hecame, after complete reorganiza*

lion, one of Germany's finest- U'hilc continu*

ing his aelicittes there he has been conducting

the concerts of the Zurich Tonhalle orchestra

since 1952. For a number of years ho has

taken a prominent part in the music fittivaU

of Aia-cn-Provenec. He has many first

perfonnancCT of imponani present-day works

to his credit. In Mar. 1934 he performed

the astonishing feat of deputizing for Hans

Schmidt-Issentedt at short notice in the

Hamburg broadcast performance of ScJjoen*

bcig's ' Moses und Aaron ‘. k. w. b.

Sr .pbwnr Na. 6

Dam. * Ilii4in« RewnUrg ’ ('Limner'.

to Nov, IMS).

IMS. Hah>r David McBain, A.R.Qhf.

IMS- litor 'StraviAckr.

RD&SELL John (*. Stanhope, Durham,

aOci. i9t4).

Rn^nh conductor. He studied with

Howells, AJeock and Kaihiccn Long at (he

R.C.M, in London and in *949 became Music

AdvKcr to (he Reading Education Committee,

dcwimg his spare time to the conducting of

the Reading and Newbury amateur orchesuas

and choral societies, with whom he gave



ncepiionaJIy good perfomunces. To an out*

sUfiding taJont he Uius added mueb valuable

experience. Hb London dibul fdlowed eariy

in 1954, with the Boyd Ned Orcbesira at a

Victoria and Albert Museum concert, and on

6 July of that year be made an important

venture of hb own by conducting a concert of

worts by Final at ^e Royal Festival Hall,

preferring thus to conhrm a quickly growing

reputation in the eyes of serious musicians to

courting p^ularity with a pr^ramme of

safe succttse*. a. b-


Par. i» i. $. 1874). iAea/^rMd; 1674 ; d. AiX'Cn'Provence, s6 May jqm)*


Par. t. 1 . d. Workington, Umld



AH I* Biai. :

464 i A 4 d\

57 1 ii SCHUBERT

Ust I ttmti VstiBX. Um THtu


Par. ij. U 0 ( 1 . sMdrotd:

AH {Minote:

G51 i SCHtTZ

AHh Bini. .

653 > SCHWEITZER. Albert

,|tW t 9 UiBL. :

G61 ii SCORE

Add a/ut par. 3 :

^VashingtMt, Durham,

PcaaiM, MAxert, 'L« Saieohen*: ten hui«iK, u

MMi^ye H MO uciliMiwii dwu I'erclKiice *

irwa. tMi-

tfrr AtM rMMPMi.)



Vattf a, WAbtMt, ' Dcr Klu»i1(«r Sctiuberi t Vgh.

(Uipuf. tMh

4 Oct.*

* OOMMf WcMlv (itt SibU areuM thi( kUutr who

HM miamlr b«ot<s*d on 9 Oct. wm bom on

4 Od. M* t Oct., the date hiihcfte uiuaUv accepMd.

VVcMiST, Zur Fr»ee Dsch drm Ceburuuit

mior«h SrlMJ ' r AAMifW dor ohit. hln.

KiM der Oeuomidwoohro AbodOM der WiMrii*

kMWo IMS. No. is4 oiTprini).

FoDuiom. JACOtm. ‘Albert S«hmit»r; do*

lesM indditt ' (Pario, iMS).

One of the puaals of musical iiisiory which

greatly perplexes siudcnti, and an explanation

of which b very rarely offered by scholars, b

the procedure used by old composers of

polyphonic music, up to about the end of the

16th century, in writing dow*n their compU*

cated textures of parts. It is obvious that

compoMtimt of that kind b utterly impossible

widmt socDc kind of a score showing all the

parts simultaneously; yet no such scores

survive, and an^xme who thinks about the

problem at all is bound to ask why. Here is

an explanation, quoted from Thurston Dart's

book ‘ The Interpretation of Music ‘ (London,

1954) as the briefest and most lurid 10 be

found anyvriiere :

bloM compwn oMde um aT Hhat »er«

blank thecu of panhmcni or paprr. incuM

viih 1 doara or rnore wB of rlovvliaes. A potyphwK

rMpoHtMA wuM be drafted on ihete in peiM«l or ink;

a «( «if Dans ««uM Ihen be prepared from ihli i

^4 tealfv ar^wal texl crn^ld be erased a npgK

iwerp of a «r( eaf or sffonee. kavioe the .i^ceis clean

aed i«adv to* Tuiuee use. li is bardlr surpraiog (bai no

BKciMf of a rar(r/fa or composing-shevt u kiunen lO




734 ^ 8b«ltc«p«ar* ('Teapnt’} '



Aii u Di»u (2bd by tLAOcj :


M fiaL. :

S jj AM :


AJJ !• Iil»l . I


Aiidtt Uiai . Kii^l wMk by KMvi :


Pbr. 3 nisi o( [>ruc w(.>riu)



Par. j, I. 2. 1SB6). j/mkUrrMi


Par. I, I. 2. i 806 j.


Par. 4 . II. York, He a/miid



I, I itmMuaJi

iMt liM,

caift to^V. foe iltrr wouU liavv bceo uwW over and

owtr a^aiA gnul they Cell (0 pkcea and >vrre thrown

away. B«*i ib* avadaoce for their existence survive!,

even iboufh only in ihe fOnn of scallered and ambjguoiis

referanoea here aod there.

L, B.

AennW (M., incid. «t.).

* Uonfrted Sclberoiami : rin Beiiratf lur Grsihivlite det

<tr«ueben Oefel* uM Klavierhaua im /ejialter

ttaehi ’ <Lci^it. i2Sal.

MaaaouANO Moki, RACeiaLa, ' I staestri del bel <ar»to ’

(koow, I2»)j.

SMITH BRINDLE, Ragioald (k. nr.

Prrsion.Jan. 191 7)<

Enfliih composer. He studied under D. E.

Parry* Williams ac the Bangor College of the

University of \Vales and was awarded the

Gvrynnedon Scholarship and aficnvards a

Univrniiy Fellowship which enabled liim 10

continue his studies under Piuetti at {lie

Accademia dt Santa Cecilia in Rome, where

he received a diploma for advanced compost*

tkm and the Luigi Siuro Prise. He tlicn

studied 12 •note technique with Dallapiccola

at Florence for two yean. He has since lived

continuously irt llaly, writing music for

documentary films, conducting British music

and acting as music critic. Among his works

are a Concerto for string orchestra, a clarinet

Concerto and a Quintet for clarinet, violin,

viola, cello and pianoforte. The last obtained

the Clements l*riac of the South Place Con*

certs in London in 1933*

lk«xc, KIaimics, * f/'hitwicnrincnt ntuiicAl de Sok»iiiei

<1 U ftnlve rhrdtMnne * (I'arii, !$»).

' Tht MuwcaI Inurumcuu of U>« Naiive Ksrei «(

.So«ib A<ik« * (j*hAiU)e»tA<rf, ig$s).

1944. N9 (trisr.

C 9 S 3 . R«cih*hl Smith BriixJle iQuiAkl fur ctirinct,

vudiik. viplt. erUo a pi*"«mrie).


1688 ; d- New York, 26 May 1953).

1668 ; d. London, 20 Nov. 1953).

York. In Dee. 1953 his second Serenade for

orchestra olitaincd the fiist prize in the

^^een Elisabeth of the Belgians Coinpeucion

at Brussels. He

Sr(«nA<k No. 1 (i 9 >a).

S«tvna^ No. 2 0933 ).


Ftigt Col,


1. 1 ihoutd nod :

85 u ,UU:

!H » Add:

115 ii STRAUBE

/IMm Bjil. !


Par. 1, 1. I. 6 Mar. i67o).]Ae«U


iiA i STRAUSS <Fa«nay)

i» Aiet. ;


(*. ?, 20 Sept. 189$;^. WtfMw, 9? Jwt


STEVENSON, Robert (i. Melrose, New

Mexico, 3 July J916).

American muacologvi. He obtained the

dr^nrt of B-Liit., Oxon, S.T.B. el of

Harvard, M.Mu*. of YaJe and Ph.D. of the

Univmiiy of Rochester, N.Y, His honours

include the Juidiard Fellowship (1934*38),

Charles Diis<m Travelling Fellowship (Vale

Univeniiy, 1939-40), Beams Priie and Baier

Pelkiwship (Columbia University, 1942 &

1946) and Ford Foundation Faculty Fellow-

(* 955 " 54 )* He served in the U.S. Army

in 1 943-46, was instructor at ^N'estminsior

Choir CoJIty, Princeton, N.J. in 1946-49,

and in 1930 was appointed Assistant Professor

of Musk at ihc University of California at

Los Angeles. In J953-54 he did research

tvurk in Europe, with headquarters at

Qfteen't Coll^, Oxford, specialising in old

Spanish music and visiting Spain for that


Stevenson has contributed to learned

.\merkan periodicals, including * Notes ’,

M.Q., * Musica Disciplina Joum. Amer.

Musicol, Soc., * Hispanic American Historical

Review eie., and, apart from several

com positions, has published the following


*>l«nk Sb a Hnturkal Survey* (\cw York.

* n*<«rnw •TPruMHani (Aurrh Stuur * (IXrlum, lOJj).

* SluMc WffiT ihe C l an * tra * iLomleu, I 9 M)>

S. D.

STOCKHAUSEN, Karlbelns (I. Alton*

l>crf nr. Cjolugne, 1928).

German composer. He studied ai Cologne

under Frank Martin and later in Paris with

Messiaen and Pierre Schaeffer. He was nor,

howcN’er, strongly inAuenced by any of them,

but devoted himself (o composition In twelve*

note technique. Among hrs works arc

* Kreuzspiel produced at the Darmstadt

Holiday Counea in {948, * Spiel fur Or-

Chester* (Donaucschingen), ' Schlag-Quar*

trt t * for piasioforte and kcitlc-d rums ( h I unlch)

and ' Kunira*Punklc No. t ’ (Cologne).

e. a.

StitMW. KaM, ' BrkCe eiiicf Thomavkanton *, r^t. by

W. i;uriH( & Itu4«maim (Siuusari, >9)^).

6 Apr. 1870 : d. Ischl, 1 1 Jan. iqm)*

Jacea, Hpmucii Edv'akO, ‘Jghann Sirauts \'atrr unri

iMm ' <IU«ifcurc. i9s3>«

‘4(4iaao \'aie( und tMin * {Hamburg. i9S9>>


AM M Ihm.. (in*! work by Jareb) ;







STRAUSS, Ri«h*rd


EkHAavT, Orro, ‘ Rkbani Suaw : Lrb«n, Wirlccn,

SclulTca* (Ollo) 4 Freiburv i/B., 19$}).


1. 13.

ViePBA, 194S}.





1 . 12 .

Op, 46 No. t. ObcdMh ubaW

Cn«. IcaM., * RecelWciiecn atiiJ Rcfkviiont % by L. J.

Ijwicik* iLonden. I9$S).




1 . 11 frwm bvilwm. •dJ:

Cng. (ram., ‘Tl>« hfmaiir of Siraviruky'. by'

Hobnl Craft & An«lr4 MaritHt (Londuii,



1 . 3. Add:

Sacral* I* Finia paiia lib.).




Par. 1 . 1. 3 . 18 Aug. udd :

iC .Aug.



Add t» Biai,;

WiiuauMv, AueBLr, * Cilbrri ami Sullivan Opera:

a .SrM AurwmrAt ' (I.4)n4«n, 1993).




Par. r, 1. 2 . Mu., ifmdd n4d\


a <>0



Pur. 2, \. 23. AJut .^t(Kruw. mW:

hi 1939-49 111* w«$ in Rio dc Janeiro as con-

<lucft>r uf ilir Brazilian Syjni^Jioiiy Orchesira,

whkh lie fuunclrd, and cd’ ihc Municipal

llirairr. On hia return 10 Germany In 1930

he cunducted at Mannlx'lm and Colognci and

in 1952 lie waa appointed director of the

Duasrldorf Opera and conduclorortlic Ddueh

dorr Symphony Orchestra.




Bta*. Klrmo. * Hie Music ef I'livllii Tale *

tM. 4 L.. XXXV, 1954. p. • 9$).




1 'i, IHttfl !

n*utlu <* CkoMrabaaw «i|>era).



Par. 1, 1. irulnt pt’nnMrnCly

in Pari», ih^tddndd:

setilnl in Paris, but later he lived in Japan an<l

in 1949 hr was ajj{x>inte<l profexsor ol theory

at (he lx* Paul UnKersily, (Jiicago.





.SynipbMifr Ku. $ tl949).




Par. 1. 1. 2. Mjro).

Hjvi ; d. Ifundun, 12 l>cr. 1933).




. 4 ^ I* BiKi,. ;

Kmfla, * Hluihfl) ami 'JVniiMi * (I.e<uten. 10:^9).




I*ar. 1, ]. -2, 1870 ; iAmiW trad ;

23 Dec . sfMtdd rrW :


24 Dec.

rj «3



Par. 1. 1 . 1. Munclanu, tfmJd





Add »» BiM.. ,

SuKirzBR, FkAAW <ed.). * I'unimoM Trarils, Leonanln

>4X1, V'iMciiau Bellini: iiMitic c J^unieiiti '

(btCM. ( 9 $*).




Par, 1, I. a. iC June 1903).

should stud :

20 June 1899).









797 i

$21 i



Par. I, I. 2. 1889}. shmddn^:


I. ?•

it 4dd limff) :

*884; / Lauianne, «7 Dec. 1953).


tw ZwOinooMhnik’ CPUn’, Oci.

AM tt Biai,. :

'U T-elw-Tooe T«hniciu« on ihf

tMimf (M.Q., XXXrX, Cht. I93SJ.




Afin l9il Aw aM ()rd w»rh by H«<m) ;


kiSMn ANQ OncKenftA


UHDS, Hert&ftao ( 6 . Breroen, 1914).

Gemian bass* baritone singer. He ii the

»on of a GffTnan father and an American

njolher. At the age of eighteen he began to

itudy singing at Bremen and in 1936 be made

his operatic d 4 but there in smalj parts* but

during his two years there quickly advanced

to more imporunt bass parts. In 1 938-40 he

w«at Freiburg i/B. and in 1940-42 at Munich,

stiJI as a baa. He then d^ided to undergo

further training as a baritone and went to

the Opera ai The Hague, where he appeared

in such parts as Don Juan, Escamillo and

Scania. AAcf serving in the German army

during the second world war and being taken

prisoner by the Americans in Prance, he

returned home in 1947, sang at the Hanover

Opera in 1946 and at Hamburg and the

Vienna Sute Open before 1951, when he

rejoined the Munich Opera. Apart from this

sunding engagement he frequenOy makes

guest appearances, as for instance at Salzburg

in OrfPi 'Anti^e* (r 949 } and Britten's

* Rape of Lucretia ’ (1950), at the Bayreuth

Festivals of 1951-33, MUan, Rome, Naples

and Trieste, and u) 1953 in London, at Covent

Carden as Mandryka in Strauss's * Arabella ’

with the Munich company and as TeJramund

in ' Lobeogrin ' in English with the resident

company. t. e.

*T1w M(Bk at A*lpb V«ugk«ii Williimi * (Ovrerd,


CoAcene tm Us lub*. 19 ^ 4 , London, t) June igse.


altif 9 Kousmui Sonfft w/MfwJ ; 6 HsiMOua SMip Sbr voire & vn.

A, C. Houmm. Publ. issi.

t. I (M bdwe).

4. Cg«dAre.

V In the anfniiw

4. Tbe fiA Ou( nenves (be 2r«sK».

7. Pnacfi knHL

a Witb rae ay heart « Isdeo.


AdJ It BiS4. : btAius, V.. * Heitor VilU.L«bc* ’ {Rio de Janeire.


AM It BiRt . : KjiAv. KntMitT. * THc FouadaiioQ* of VMin PUviof

aod blunctatttUp* (Loodoa, I9se|.



Pogt Cat.


6 fur par. 3 :

John Bull's Book.— T he Fiizwilliam

Museum, Cambridge, acquired in 1 995

(MS $2. D. 95) a beautifully bound volume

on the front cover of wJuch is stamped :

lOHN . OVLL . OOCTEft . OP . WVSiqvB



The keyboard music, preceded by (v.o

sungi for voice and keyboard, is as follows :



UuwUmW oyi fit my raun Slscyn


|iur*nid ,1

Mr, N«»»

Mr, N««tHiar>s p«van«,


GAllisril rsn jLf : And nwv «rrv* u> J,Af(inftae.

(;ur«iriier r or yr nM hunu upR.

huvrlandi t^rinute.


«kl l‘AttF 0 Uo,

Suiann un iM»r • .s* vm.


l' 4 unM 4 M: I'avm.


'I he CaliArd h» ihr fAvstte belure.

JSiuVt Wharf,

Mv «ki>r«.


Mf. Julin Hdirttre Pav«i» [or] Rvlnn Snueu Lklighl.

tart inroMipkie pavab).


IRdward iahnron. t«l by] Mr. Rsiiiidll.

I Ml bv h


*1 kdak.

fNrvinAn. iH b>'] Mr ftanilAll.

hk. aiarrhuni.

llWlMid. Ml Lv M

hlf, Birde.

MM bv M«. RarvfAll,

I Iauuk, mi by M

1 r. B.rdt.

Mr. B.rdt.

hk. M.irky.

Me. Mdeky. vir Iry Mr, HryltAiirne,

ht«, aiurlry (mi by HryUMinie f].



air. Kdbrri Jdluiwn.

Ptgf CW.


l*ar. 3, 1 - a, ^/»tt .No. 1 1, :

A/Ur par. 3 i«rr/ :

Par. 4, I. 3. f'*/ named piircs

arc as follows ; luki/iMf ;

7 itfr

RdfiMnUev kavn.

11 m BamII of Paw.

AW dlmArM on iho udM,

(loiwrl PAvan.

^Ikard of y« Uiif ^««n.

Ndcmib* (tin |««r|,

PaanMMtie liwvMt),

C^IUtd 1(0 pdMvMKAMirei].

(he ouMkani pamh.

Cdilbrt llo^uodro].

(idillA/c |«n a t'Awnd|.


PdBiTKAMur (pAvan.)

No. 8 is by Jolin Bull :

Anoilier MS belonging to Lord Dalhoutle

is J.aHy Jean Campbeiri Book (Panmure

MS 8), consisting mainly uf lute musk by

members of the i^ih'Cenlury Anglo»French

school (Gauliier and otliers), but also includ-

ing eight pieces of virginal music :

A*. THtf

1 . Tkc fecAA Dsunce.


4 . AknuyiM.

J AlmeyiM.


i . Aim Air. OrUfKln XGiblidciiM.

. RMAband. OUniJo (Uibboix’J.

contents are as follows :

[ JohoAon.

IHvrwAAj P(umFtil.

Ml be MillMnw kifUMlM.

^Kitiiwh »|

IKinlMh ?|

Ml be wdlKoi Kkniuch.

*« ?1



Im wjlUAtiM Kinidrii.

IKiolocb »>


Makie* fikd.

6 o 4





AV. rnk

19. (iU falCwd.]

50. IV Qocae of IncloA^s Lmmm.

51. llTto Quc«B*i Co^-oif he]

n. (csraaM.1

05. (foUiBnl.l


ny Prac t'By’d]*





Afu/ par. $, Dallis Boole, Dublin,


The conienu are as follows :


AiH t» biBi .:


A4d It Dl»L. :

lai ii WAGNER

AM It Rivi . :

34 r ii WOLF, Hugo

AM h BciL. :

416 ii AM:

Tiriei, dt.

— Ume ftribUo, and (he old claw-fliarld R.


- Blank.

piBWf wwi Mvaa.l


pavajO 4d MMyrr uykr#.

IB laKurd.)


•U callCud.]


IB aalUard.)

hti&new pavan.]

The Qum’i GeM’iuahi.]

repriie lo a paean * d'anven M

knak litnfikTl

Was not |M Kiof Solamen.)

braafe caoeanl?}

ihnan ‘ ksriert *.]

iu resHie.l


beanie «lr beuraesMM

abaan * mc^lipi *./

rianw * Lhomme armf *.)


•w taBurd.!


Lite ■* ite Urk.}

The le d d m «f le»«.)


lU laii^s^d.]

bntee cawaanc?!

hriale dvwWefJ

13 and






















- iaif*~-

Daar. THvaiten. ' New 5 eur<ei of Viriinal bluiic *

(M. 4 L. Vd. XXXV, ipM. P* »)•

Ktao>. K. K., ' Zor Snrvchdkhiunir und KrimalfraBe

Waliteis veB ikt \’««d«eide * (laiubrycli, rsst).

Kaaua. IMnoex, * Dw fJp$t Walibrn van ikr

V^leeter ’ (VMM, ipscj.

LeoL An>i. .^alHua. 'Rkhard Wiener; VeHeiKluiia

HndTri«<kderde«iiKten Ramaniib * (Uemr,

CoAesenLii HAmnOMaa, htAOSA a on. ‘Huge Wolf*

(Vieona. IMSJ.

ZZMMERMANN, Bcmd Alois (L m'lrs.

heim nr. Cologne, 1918}.

German muskok^ and composer. He

Studied at the Cologne High School for

Music, with some inierrupiions by military

service, and on leasiog it in 1 947 passed on 10

the University (o study musicology. He is

now a lecturer there, but devotes a good deal

oThis lime (o composition. His works include

a Concerto for orchesira (t 949 )i * 3 onaia for

viotio and pUooTofte (i 950)1 a ^nau for

unaccompanied violin 093 Or * violin Con-

certo 11953)1 a Symphony in one movrmeni

1 1952), chamber music and songs. £. a.



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