Full text of "Dictionary of obsolete and provincial ...

Full text of "Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English, containing words from the English writers previous to the nineteenth century which are no longer in use, or are not used in the same sense. And words which are now used only in the provincial dialects"

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window.__realDefine = customElements.define.bind(customElements);

customElements.define = function() {

try {

return window.__realDefine.apply(this, arguments);

} catch (e) {




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Full text of "Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English, containing words from the English writers previous to the nineteenth century which are no longer in use, or are not used in the same sense. And words which are now used only in the provincial dialects"

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TEOMAS WKIGHT, Eao.. M.A., F.S.A., H.M.R.S.L., &r ,





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Soia seren centuries ago, two distinct langiuges were spoken

tiuronglKHit England, the Anglo-Saxon, which was that of onr Teu-

tonic fare&thers, and consequent] j one of the pure Teutonic dialects,

and the Anglo-Norman^ one of the Neo-Latin fiunily of tongues,

which was hronght in by the Korman conquest. For some time,

these two languages reoiained perfectly distinct, the Ang^Norman

being the only one spoken or understood by the higher classes of

society; ^Hiile the lower dasses, and a great portion of the

intermediate class, used only the Anglo-Saxon. Some only of the

middle dasses, more espedally those engaged in mercantile occu-

pations, were acquainted with both. It was not until the thirteenth

century, when the intercourse between the several classes had become

more intimate, that an intermixture of the two bmguages b^an to

take place, and then all the educated classes appear to hare been well

acquainted with both tongues. From this time forwards, an English

writer, though using the Anglo-Saxon tongue, adopted just as many

Anglo-Norman words as he pleased, — in fact it had assumed the

^ character of a language of two ingredients,. which mi^ht be mixed

together in any proportion, from pure Anglo-Norman (pvre, as r^^g^ds

the derivation of the words) to nearly pure Anglo-Saxon, according

to the class of society for which he wrote. Tj^us, i^Je^ ^ ^^^

middle of the fourteenth century, the language of* Piers Plbaghman,

which was designed for a popular work, contains a-K^mAl^abij amail

ndxtuxe of Anglo-Norman words, while in the xntmg? cf Qiancer,

who was essentially a Court poet, the proportion of the Anglo-

Norman to the Anglo-Saxon is very great. Much of this Anglo-

Norman element was afterwards rejected £rom the English language,

bat mneh was retained, and of course a proportional quantity of Anglo-

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Saxon ^ta diBplaced by it. In consequence of this unsettled state of

the English language^ the writers of the ages of change and transition

contain a very large number of words belonging to the Anglo-Saxon

as well as to the Anglo-Norman, which are no longer contained in the

English tongue.

Such was the first process of the formation of the English language.

The limitation of the Anglo-Norman element seems to have taken

place in the fifteenth century, when a considerable portion of the

Anglo-Norman words used by previous English writers were rejected

from the En^ish language, and were never seen in it again. But as

these disappeared, they were succeeded by a new dass of intruders.

The scholastic system of the age of the Eeformation, had caused a

veiy extensiye cultivation and knowledge of the Latin language, and

it is probable that the great mass of the reading public at that time

were almost as well acquainted with Latin as with their own mother

i tongue. In consequence of this universal knowledge of Latin, the

writers of the sixteenth century, without any sensible inconvenience,

used just as many Latin words as they l^ed in writing English,

merely giving them an English grammatical form. The English

language thus became suddenly encumbered with Latin words, until,

at the end of the sixteenth century and beginning of the seventeenth,

the practice of thus using Latin words was carried to such a degree

of pedantie affectation, that it effected its own cure. A popuUr

writer of this period, Samuel Eowlands, in a satirical tract published

in 1611, under the title of " The Knave of Clubbs," has the following

lines upon this fashion, which had at that^ date reached its culmi-

nating point :

• * \ • • ••• •••;

: • • V HMflivR^irlfibOli'UOVQKK. THB APE OF SLOaUENCE.

• • • • , 4* on the wav I Itenerated,

•*'•: :•!.:: :*A:Rurall person I obviated,

• ,*:«.:*•,:*••* IiSterrogatlng time's TransiUtion,

• ^ • And of the passage Demonstration.

«• •,; •**• *•!*••• My apprehension did Ingenious scan,

I • l»*\ • l'*»l km. he was meerely a Simplitian,

So when I saw he was Extravagant,

Unto the obscure vulgar Consonant,

I bad him vanish most Promiscuously,

And not Contaminate my company.

A few of these Latin words have held their place in the language,

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^onr vriien, from the Utter part of the fifteenth centni^ to the

Bu|iileof theaefeateenth, abound in words adopted from the Latin

I *^ Bodem Eogliah dictionaries do not recognise.

I ^rm these and other eanaes it happens, thai of a rtry large

I potioo of English literatore, one part would be totally nnintelligible

totlie genenJ reader, and the other would present continual diffi-

^ties, vithout a dictionarf especially deroted to the obsolete words

of our laogoage. It is the object of the Tolumes now offered to the

poUic, to famish a compendious and us^ul work of this kind, which

sittil contain the obsolete Anglo-Saxon and An^o-Norman words

osed b^ the English writers of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,

BttOT of the obsolete Latin words introduced in the sixteenth and

Krentecath centuries, as well as words which haye been adopted

^Dponrilj at various times according to prerailing fashions from

other languages, such as French, Italian, Spanish, or Dutch, or

vbich belonged to sentiments, manners^ customs, habits, and modes,

te hare existed at particular periods and disappeared.

^liere is another class of words, forming at least an intereating

Portum of the English language, and coming especially within the

objects of a work of this kind, those of the prorindal dialects. There

can be no doubt that the peouliar characteristics, or, we may say, the

orgaiuc diSerencea of dialect, are derived more or less from a diversity

of tribe among the Anglo-Saxon settlers in our island; for, as far as

our materials allow us to go, we can trace these diversities in Anglo-

^on times. As, however, during the middle ages, and, in fact,

down to very recent times, the intercommunication between different

parU of the country was very imperfect, progress, of whatever kind

vas by no means uiifocm throughout the kingdom, and we find in

the provincial dialects not only considerable numbers of old Anglo-

Saxon and even Angb-Norman words, which have not been pre-

served in the language of refined society, and which, in many cases, as

iar as regards the Anglo-Saxon, are not even found in the necessarily

imperfect vocabulary of the language in its pure state which we are

enabled to form from its written monuments; but also numerous

words, m general use at a much later period, but which, while they

became obsolete in the Eng^ language generally, have been pre-

served orally in particular districts. The number and character o'

Digitized by VjOOQ IC



these words is very remarkable, and instances will be oontinnally

found, in the following pages, where a word which is now considered

as peculiarly characteristic of the dialect of some remote district,

occurs as one in general use among the popular, and especially the

dramatic, writers, of the age which followed the Eestoration.

Words of this description are a necessary part of a dictionaiy like

the present, and they have been collected with as much care as possi-

ble. On the other hand, the mere organic differences of dialect, as

well as the differences of orthography in words as found in different

medieval manuscripts and early printed books, have been inserted

sparingly, as belonging rather to a Comparative Grammar or to a phi-

lological treatise, than to a dictionary. In fact, to give this class of

variations fully, would be simply to make a dictionary of each parti-

cular dialect, and of each medieval manuscript, and to combine these

altogether, which could not be done within any moderate limits, and

if done, with regard to the manuscripts especially, the first new

manuscript that turned up would only show its imperfection. It has,

therefore, been considered advisable not to insert mere orthographical

variations of words, unless where they appeared for some reason or

other sufficiently important or interesting. There are, moreover,

certain letters and combinations of letters which are in the older

forms of the English language interchangeable, so that we constantly

find the same word occurring, even in the same manuscript, under

two or three different forms, none of which are to be regarded as

corruptions. To insert all these forms, would be to increase the

dictionary twofold or threefold, for the words in which those letters

occur, without any proportionate advantage; I have therefore in

general given the word only under the form in which it occurs most

usually, or which seems most correct ; but, to facilitate the reference,

I add at the end of this preface a list of the more common inter-

changes of this kind, so that if a word be not found under one form,

it may be sought for under another.

Various and indeed numerous glossaries have been already pub-

lished, both of provincial and of Archaic English, but most of them

have been special rather than general. We may mention among these

the valuable work of Archdeacon Nares, which, however, was de-

voted only to the writers of a particular period ; the extensive undcr-

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taking id Boucher, which was not continned beyond the Utter B ; and

the nnmerouB gloaaaries of particular dialects, among which one of

the last md best ia that of Northamptonshire by Miss Baker. Tlie

"Didionary" by Mr. Halliwell, when we consider that it was almost

new in its dasa, and that the author had many difficulties to con-

tend with, wfaidi would not, perhaps^ have existed now, was in erery

respeet an extraordinary worL

In compiling the following pages, I haye taken all the adYantage

I eonld honestly of the labours of my predecessors, in addition

to a large quantity of original material which was placed in

my hands, md I have added to this numeroua coUcctions of

my own, especially from the dramatic and popular writers of the

latter half of the seyenteenth century, and of the earlier part of

the eighteenth. I haye also profited by lists of Ibcal words com-

moTiiaited from yarioua parts of the kingdom, and among those who

hare contributed in this maimer, I haye especially to acknowledge

the aeryices of the Key. E. Gillet, of Runham, in Norfolk. To

make soch a work perfect is impossible ; but I hope that, on the

whole, the present will be found one of the most generally useful

works of the kind that has yet appeared.


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Aj 0, and sometimes e.

ar, «•, or, ur.

be, bi, by, as prefixes.

e, 9, eh, 9h, 8ck,

e, ee, L

A. often omitted where it ought to be inserted,

or used superfluously.

k, e, ch.

0, 00, ou, u.

gu, whf uf.


8W, sgu, qu.

X, fth.


Z, 8.

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Obsolete and provincial exgli

^tbc definite article, "."l ^^

^hi«mtioa of am^ wbicn w«

Ml before consonanta *^ . ,„,-

w Towels, till a •^'"P^^wiVTle^

^t period. The J>l>»^ticte

aiod« of employing tbe »«^1'*^V^

.« not Tery n°«\^™Yt*H adjec

tiT«5,the«ub»tantivc having s ^^ ^

before in such P^f^*,^ ii not

tall man aad a good. *^ .,

«„««lly prefixea to ^^{^^l^,^^

«fl many princes. *,,^^erala,

fte^Bcntly prefixed to ««»*

Aa4 ap«te bole ^V«^™t«d^°fty*« « ^•

fiawme caaoc trote or. _'^Z?v,,e«fc, and ao

• Bu; B??V.e».fulte Wi^»«^^j^e wcste.

HrrB«e from the a<«^»',^rime aq^iench-

The ILyn« and ^^.f^^^^e of Oxen-

f^rfe preveW there Jl»^??*^*kxid land^f

ayiedB to them S^^^® TtSS^ dr»erM of

the erAe . and eo » «»"^ ^q. or ix.

etle bade ao^t P*«*C5d.*Vithc hym ;

>Ka»e tha% ^<>^e Wdc ^i ^^^^

the vbicbe waa ibe aiuioynB^ ^^

^'^s ^ery comtnonly ^^^ ^^!L^^

personet in a Godhede/^

persons in one Godhead).

Hir « ichsnke bbke, hir other

It is used often as a men

tive, generally at the ei

line in tongs and popular

ji, for on, or ai, before

tbos we ha?e a place,

place, a JMd, in the fie]

representing on, it is fret

prefixed to words in comp

sometimes apparently giv

tensity to the meaning,

general not perceptibly i

it. Thus we have con

such forms as aeoid, fo

adoum, for down, ab€ieJk, U

aready, for ready. It i

sometimes, chiefly whei

before verbs, to represe

French preposition d, ai

theano doubt an adaptatio

the Anglo-Norman. Th

seems to represent the Fr- 1

The following are the pi

meanings of a as a 8eparat<

(1) Always; ever (froi

A.'S.) ; still used in thii

in Cumberland.

J the more I loke tberoo,

A tjie more I thynke I fon.

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(2) Yes (a contraction of aye).


(3) And. Someraet. It occurs in

this sense not unfrequently in old

MSS., perhaps an accidental


(4) An interrogative, equivalent

to what ? Far. DiaL

(5) If. St^olk.

(6) He. It is often pnt into the

mouths of ignorant or vulgar

people in this sense by the old

dramatists, and it is not uncom-

mon in MSS. of an earlier date.

(7) They. In the dialect of

Shropshire. In the western

counties it is used for she, and

sometimes for it.

(8) All.

(9) Have. As in the common

expression << a done/' t. e. have


(10) In. « A Latin," in J.atin.

'*A Goddes name/' in God's


J. tket kow, in that way or manner, e.g. I

■liaU do a' that h9w. line.

(11) An interjection ; for ah 1

At swete mre, I seide the.

Pitrs Phuffkman.

A per ee, A person of extraor-

dinary merit ; a nonpareil. This

phrase was used chiefly in the

Elizabethan age.

The fiunoot dame, fayre Helen, lost her


Whenwithred age with wrinckles channgd

her cheeks.

Her lovely lookes did loathsomneaie en-


That was the A «<r »t of all the Greekei.

T$irtemae's Trapicall Tala, 1687.

That is the A per u of oil, the crenin of all.

Bluri Master ConstahU, 1602.

The phrase is sometimes varied

by an additional a.

In faith, my aweet honey-comb, 111 lore

thee, A per $0 0. Wilff BeguiVd.

kk. An exclamation of lamenting.

It was asserted by the old po-

pular theologists that a male

child atters the sound a^ when it


is bom, because it is the initial

of Adam, and a female e-e, as

that of Eve.

Aac, *. {A.-S.) An oak. North,

Aad, adj. {A.-S.) Old. Yorkah.

Aadlb, v. {A.-S.) To flourish. Suf-

folk. See Addle.

Aaint, v. (A.'S.) To anoint. Suf^


A A KIN, ad). (A.-S.) Oaken. NortJu

Kkv^ (1) adj. Own. Yorka.

(2) inter. A contraction of anan !

what say you? FMst.

(3) adv. On. A form of the

word used in a MS. of the 15t!i

Century, in the Ashmolean


Do, ooayn, anon thyn armja atm.

Aandb, f. {DanUh). Breath. A

form of the word not uucoramon

in MSS. of the 15th Century.

Hya mynde es schort when he osbt th ynkes,

Hys neae oft droppes, hys aaude sTynkea.

HampoUf MS. Bowes.

""TZZ: }-(^-^-) Anfter-

noon's repast; the afternoon.

Ctanb. See Amdem.

Aane, *. (A.-S.) The beard of

barley or other grain, the


And that wo call the aane, whirh

Rro«'etli ont of the eare, like a lon^

Sricke or a dart, whereby the eare is

efended from the danirer of birds.

Oooge'e tiushandry, 1577.

Aar, prep. (A.'S. ter). Ere, be-

fore. This form occurs in the

Romance of Kyng Alisaunder.

Aahm, *. {A.~S.) The arm. Wy-

cliffe, Bodl. MS. Aarmed, for

armed, occurs in Wyclyflfe's ver-

sion of the Testament.

Aaron, s. {A.-S.) The herb wake-

robin. Cotgrave.

A AS, f. (A.-N.) Aces.

Aat, *. (a.'S.) Fine oatmeal, used

for thickening pottage.

A AT A, prep. After. Stiff.

Aath, 9, {A.^S.) An oath. Yorke.

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ia,i.(,it-S.r) Tbe MP of a tree.

li'.4.Ttne^kTc»9MMd to dnle with-

w. oka to Uua end, bat not with to

p^ wocemm w they hsve hoped, bi-

ease tb« «& or jwcc wiU not ao looue he

Tve^ovrd aikd dieuM drmwne oat, which

icjec atmbioc to vnnt of tune io the

Harrium's Tkacriftum of BmfUmd.

Aaack, ad9. Bftckwardt. iVbr/A.

Thr> dirw oiarJb, fts half with •hame

OGnfouud. 5p<ni. ^i«p. iEoi. June. 63.

Aback-a.bcbi3(T, ai*r. Behind;

in the rear. North.

Aaactcd, par/. /». (!«/. fliflc/m).

Dnren away by violence.

AiACTOK^t. (Lat.) One that drives

Kvay herds of cattle by stealth

or violence.

Abaok, (1 ) past t. of abiden {A.-S,).

Abode; remained.

(2) «. DeUy. In MSS. of 14th


Y<ff MXtne aitir that he was made.

He (d vith0Btea koger ahadc.

Abafsllkd, part. p. Baffled;

treated scornfully.

Abawed, 1 part.p.{ixom A.-N'

ABAi*T. \.abawer). Asham-

ABAiscHT, [ed; abashed.

Aad anboxome y-be,

Nouht abauted to aj^te

God and alia good men.

Fieri Pl^^,%\&.

Th« sodem eaaa the man attoneyd tho,

1 i-alxeoi he wax, aheiickt, and al qpakjng.


I was ebmu^ite, be oore Lorde,

Of «XT best* heme*, i^or/* Jrtkure.

Abakward, <ufv. Backwards.

ABAxrexATE, V. (Lat.) To alien-

ate ; to transfer property from

one to another.

Abakde, 9. To abandon; forsake.

Am! Vortigern eoTont the kingdom to

»iud. Spen$€r.

Lei at therefore both cruelty aiande,

Andprodcnt iceJce both god* and men

10 please. Jiinmr/or MayisircteM.

&BAXDON, adv, {A.'N. a bandon,

at discretion). Liberally; at dis-

cretJOD ; freelr, folly exposed.

A/lir this Bvift gift tis bat renson

We are ha gode too in abandon.


His ribbet and scholder M ndonn.

Men might m the li\cr ah,m'l.mn.

Jrtkvur amd Meriim, p. 223.

Abandukb, V. {A.-N.) To subject ;

to abandon. Skelion.

Ababct, f. {Med. Lat. abartia.)


Ababb, r. {A.-S. abarian). To

make bare.

Ababbb, r. (from A.-N. abarrer).

To prevent.

BedacTnge to reraemfirannce the prrvrd

mrrooryes and penietuall irrtc.wn.U

iartrs of the f«njou«r pnncft •»! I«i.nl.

which did not only «6arr/^)dolianc Mid

other ungodlyiicne. ».«t utterly ibo-

liahed aii occds^ont of the same.

MomMtic Letter*, p. 209.

Ababstick, a. Insatiahleness.

Abarstir, adj. More downcast.

Myght no man be aharsHr.

Towneley iffitaiet.

Abask, v. {A.-S. abaiaser). To

cast down ; to humble. Speruer.

Among illiterate per«ons, it is

still used in the sense of debate.

**1 wouldn't abase my*t\{ by deaccndiug

to hokl any converaMnim « iih l.iiii."

Oliver Twitt, \\\, 134.

Abashment, t. {A.-N.) The state

of being abashed.

Abast, part. p. Downcast. See


Abastardizb, r. {A.»N. abaitar^

der). To render illegititnate or


Abasurb, *. (A.-S.) Abasement.

Abastick, adj. Insatiable.

Abataylment,*. (^.-M) Battle-

ment. Sir Gawayne, p. 30.

Abate, v. {A.-N.) (1) To subtract.

Abatyn, subtraho. Prompt. Parv.

It was the technical term for the

operation in arithmetic.

(2) To beat down, or overthrow.


(3) To cast down, or depress the

mind. Shake»p.

(4) To cease.

Ts coatinsttuce abated eny liost to make.

J^olUical Songs, p. 21tt>




(5) To contract, or cut thort.


(6) To lower, applied to banners.

Common in this sense in the

metrical romances.

Alle the banen that Cnrsten foonde

Tliey were abatytU.

Octovian Imp., 1743.

(7) To flutter, or beat with the

wings. A hawking term.

An hawke that trnreyleth npon the

teyne, a man may knowe if he take

hcdc, for Buche ia her mancr that ihe

wolde pante for ahatyng tlieii another

doth, for in and if site ahold fle a litcU

while ainioste ahe wulJe loae her breth,

whether ahe be high or lowe.

B€Uq, Antiq., i, 800.

(8) To reduce to a lower temper,

applied to metal.

(9) To disable a writ. A law


Abatbmbmt, t. {A,-N.) (1) "A

mark added or annexed to a

coat [of arms] by reason of some

dishonourable act, whereby the

dignity of the coat is abased.''

Holme* 8 Academy of Armory,

(2) A diversion or amusement.


Abaty, V, (A,'N,) To abate.


And ttiat he for ys nerew wolde, for to

abatjf atryf,

Do hey amendement, aawrc lyme and lyf.

Bob. Glouc.

A^KJJT, prep. About. North.

^ V. (from A.'N. abaubir

Abawb, or abaudir.) To asto-

ABAUB, S- nish, to confound, used

ABATB, by Chaucer, and writers

J of his time.

For. aoche another, aa I gesae.

Afornc ne iraa, ne more vcmiaile;

1 was abawed for merveile.


My mirth and roelia ia fit<iting.

My countenance ia nireti,

And al abatced where ao I be.

The Drevu, 614.

Many meu of his kynde aauh him !>o

' "• LMgt^*4 Chron., p. 210.

(2) (A.'S.) To bow; to bend.

Alle the knvghtea of Wnlia londe.

Ho icade »^toe to his honde.

Cambridge MS. o/Utk Cent.

Abawt, prep. Without. Staffordeh.

Abayb, v. (from A.^N. abayer.\

To bark.

Abay, *. {A.'N.) The barking of

dogs ; at abay, at bay.

And this doon, ercry man atond abrml

and blowe the deeth, and make a abort

abay for to rewarde the lioundea, and

every man have a arnal roddc yn hia

houd to holde of the hounJra tlutt thri

shttl the better ahoye. MS. Bodl. 540.

Thuathe foreat they fraye.

The hertia bade at abaye.

Sir Degretants, Line. MS.

Abat, V. To suffer a heavy pe-

nalty; to abie. This form is

given by Skinner. See Abie.

Abayschid, lr''lf'^5^*o^'

abaysshbttb, r^A^^.'^!!?^- See

J Abatssed.

Abatst, part. p. {A.-N) Disap-


And that when that they were travyat

And of hcrborow were aboyst. '

Brit. Bibl., It, 83.

Abb, *. (from A.'S. ab.) The yarn

of a weaver's warp.

ABBARAYBD,/;aff /. Started.

And aftyr that he knonnynply ahbarttyed,

Aiid to the kynjf evyn thus he aiivd.

Lydffate'a Minor Pocuu, p. 4.

Abbas, e. An abbess.

Abb AY, V, {A.-N. abbayer.) To bay;

to bark. See Abay.

Abbbx, v. To have. Glouc. Dif-

ferent parts of the verb in this

form are found in Robert of


Artnre, Uter aone, of wan we tolde byvore.

Ye abbyth y-hurd hou he waa bygete and


Abbess, 9. According to Grose,

this is a vulgar name for the

mistress of a disreputable esta-


Abbky, 8. {A.'N.) The great white

poplar, a variety of the popuiue

alba. H'eelm. Yor/ke.

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ABBiT-LiTBnK, t. A term of re-

pnMch for kile persons. Soaur-

9et, Yorit. It is found in most

of the earif dictionaries.

"Xdtlwr VIS I mndi unlike those «M<y-

luUenuk ny life, though farre unlike

tken in behef, vho laboured till they

were coit" Zy//, E»fku€t.

Ite Bort of that which they did bestow

VM oa the nrhe, and not the poore in

iede, as ^Li, lame, blinde, sicke, or im-

potent, bat lit her lubbera that mi?ht

vorke and would not. In lo much tha t

H eaae into a eommen proverbe to raJJ

hiai as mhiay-lubSfr, that was idle, vel

fed, a loni; lewd lither loiterer, that

Bti^t vorke and would not.

Tie Burmyngt tfPamlu CkmrtK 1S6S.

Abbiggct, 9. To expiate: make

amends for. See Abie.

Abbod, f. (^^5.) An abbot. Bob.


Abbreviats. par/. /). {Lat.) De-

creased; shortened.

Abbbochmsnt, •. {A.'N.) Ingross-

ing of wares to sell by retail. Cock.

Abbbochb, 9. (A.'NJ) To broacb

a barrel Prompt. Porto.

Abbut, cwy. Aye but. Yorhn*

Abbtt, f. A habit.

And ehanmes gode he dede therinne,

Unther the ahhyt of aeynte Austviiiie.

IfnyA/i St. Patrick's Purgatory, p. 6fl.

Abcb, t. The alphabet. A not un-

common word in the 16th Cent.

Abdetkkham, a. An astrological

term for the bead of the twelfth

bottse, in a acheme of the


Aboucb, v. {Lat. abdueo.) To lead


From the whyeh opinion I rolde not

^ttte thnu with al my enderor.

StaU Paper*, temp. Hen. VIU.

Abbab, v. (from A.'S. aberan.) To

deport ; to condnct.

So did the £Krie knif^ht himself* aiean.

And eunped oft hia head from shame

to shield. Spenser.

Good abearing, or abearance, the

proper and peacefiil carriage of a

loyal subject. A law phrase.

Whereof edie one was pledge and

samic for others' good akecwins.

Umharie't Peramb. of Kent, 15M.

Abearance is still the technical

word, in law, for such behaviour

as the law deems unexceptionable.

(2) To bear; to tolerate. A Tul-


Abpxb, t. The alphabet; and,

from this, the elements of a sri.

ence. Found in wnters of the

14th and 15th CenU.

Clerr he was gcd ynou, and ynt, as me

teileth me.

He was more titan ten yer old ar he

couthe jB ahrce. Jtuh. b'lonc.^ p. iiAi.

A pbce, a« man mnr ae,

Quan a chyid lo aco'lr taltet be.

A b<>k hym is bruwt,

Nayhd on a brede of tre,

That men cal'yt an aUce,

Pr«tylych i-wrout.

Belig. Antiq., i, ft^.

Whan that the wise man acomplcth

Aftir the lormrl propirl^

Of aigorumea abrce.

Gawer, US. Soe. AmL

i. e. the she, or elementa. of anthmeiic.

Abbcbdahian, t. (Lat. abeceda^

rius.) One who teaches or learns

the alphabet. Mnubeu.

ABECEDAnr, adj. Alphabetical.

Abbcbbd, part. p. {A.'N.) Fed;


pt schnlde I anm delle been aheckei.

And for the tyme wei refrfrltt-d.

GoKrr, MS. Hoc. Int.

Abed, adv. In bed. Var. diaL

Abedb, v. (A.-S.) To bid; to

offer. In MSS. of 14th Cent. It

also occurs as the past tense of


Abbbr, v. To bear with ; tolerate.


Abeggb. See Abie.

In the MS. of Gower, belonging

to the Society of Antiquaries, we

have abege, used as though the

ff were soft-

He woMe don hia snerilege.

That many a man it tchutde aiege.

So in Urry, a passage from Chau-

cer's Cant. T. is printed—

There durst no wi^ht hand on him ledge.

But he ne swore be ahold abedge.

AnEiAAVvn, 9. (^A.'N.) Obedience,




Abbldb, «. (^.-S.) To become bold.

Thea folk of Perce (cnn abeldf.

Kgng Al}ftavnd<r, 2443.

Abblv, ». (ji.'N.) The white pop-

lar. A common name in the


ABBL.WHACKBT6, 8. A gtme of

carda played by sailors; the

loser is ))«aten with a knotted

handkerchief, of which he re-

ceives a blow, or whack, for each

lost game.

Abbltchb, adv. Ably.

Abbnchb, adv. Upon a bench.

^b. Gloue,

Abbnt, f. A steep place. Skinner.

Abequitatb, V. (Lat. abequUo.)

To ride away. This word is

given by Minsheu, in his Guide

into Tonguetf 1627.

Abbbdatinb, «. A provincial name

for the siskin {JringiUa tpimte

of Linnnus).

Abbrb, v. {A.'S.) To bear. Rob.

Glouc. See Abear.

Abbbbmord, 9. (A.'S.) A law

term, meaning murder fully

proved, in distinction from man-

slaughter and justifiable homi-

cide. Juniua.

Abbring, f. A law phrase for the

proper carriage of a loyal subject.

See Abearing,

Abbrnb, adj. Auburn.

Long aheme beardes.

CuHmngham*i Revels Accounts, p. 56.

Abbssb, V. {A.-N.) To humble.

See Abate.

Abbstob, f . A kind of stone.

Among itonet abeslor, which being hot

wil never be colde for our constancies.

Lyl/s Mothtr Bombie, 1594.

Abbt, t. Help ; assistance.

Abbttbs, 8. Abbots. Monatiic

Letter8, p. 206.

ABEW,/>r^. Above. Devon.

Abbyb, 9. (1) See Abie.

(2) To bow ; to obey.

AbbtdBi v. To abide.

Abbttbd, part. p. {A.'S.) En-

snared. In MSS. of 15th Cent.

Hys flesshe on here wrb to mheyted.

That thjlke womman he coveyteyd.

ABBT5BD0UN, pa8t t. pL They

obeyed. A form found in MSS.

of the 15th Cent.

Aborboatb, v. (Lot.) To lead out

of the flock. Minsheu.

Abhominablb. a pedantic forin

of the word, prevalent in the

16th Cent., and arising from an

erroneous notion that it was de-

rived from ab and homo. Shake-

speare ridicules it in Latere La^

bour Lo8t, V, I.

Abhor, v. {Lat.) To protest

against, or reject formally. A

term of canon law.

Abhorrant, 8. A person who

abhors. Minsheu gives this word

in his Guide into Tonguee, 1627.

Abid. Used as the past tense of

abide^ in writers of the 16th and

17th centuries.

Abidancb, 8. Dwelling ; tarrying.

Abiddbn, part. p. Endured.

Abide, v. (from A.'S. abidan.) (1)

To persevere; to endure; to

suffer. Pegge gives the phrase,

** You must grin and abide it,"

applied in cases where resistance

is in vain. It is used by Lydgate

in the sense of to forbear ; and

it still occurs provincialiy in the

sense of to tolerate.

(2) It occurs sometimes as an-

other form of Abie.

Abie, ^ v. (from A.'S. ahic^

abiggin, gan.) To expiate;

ab^, atone for; make

abboob, amends; pay for. A

ABBTB, S-word of very commoti

ABTCHB, occurrence in early

ABiTB, MSS., and in a great

ABUY, variety of forms of

ABUY;B, J orthography.

ITero he had the dcstenee

That the povre man xulde ahi,

ReHq. JMtiq., i, 03.

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TWduite «o v%ht bimd npoB lihD Ugge,

Hat k Be tror uum be lehald »byye.

Ckmmecr, C. T. 8t»i.

Tfaerefim I rede, keepe the tX home;

For tfaom tkalt aky^ for that is dose.

Tba itirt In Sander Sydcbreclie,

lad 8vere^ be hi* fader sovle, be ichnJde

^fche. EwUmg of Ike Bart, 179.

Ve, ja, that ibal tboo eore aMU.

ToKneUy Mpsterieg, p. 16.

m ryot ihaa sebalt now tiJbwtt.

Pmw of W. MMpe$, p. 84&.

ABivixo, (1) «. An abode; per-

•everaDce; suffering; sojourning.

These four senses of the word

ire found in Rida^M DielUmarie,


(2) adj. Patient

And bold and ainipige

BwuMfct to soffre.

Fien PI. p. 413.

(3) In MS. of the 15th cent.,

ahidyngeiy is used adverbially,

for remaining.

lad in myn houolde ben abiJpufely,

ABtGGEDB, V. {A.'S,) To Suffer.

Tbe widie sehal it aiiggede.

UgemL CkthaH^ p. 806.


billment. A common ortho-

graphy of the 16th and begin.

Ding of tbe I7tb centuries.

(2) Ability.

Nerer Ur*d gentleman of greater merit,

Hope, or aA^UmuMt to steer a kingdom.

FoH, Brolm Heart.

Aiiii.L,v. To make able. See^di^.

Abillskb, adj. Stronger; more

AUSHere thane erer was

Syr Ector of Troye. MorU Jrtkw.

Abimk, 8. (J,'N,) An abyss.

Abiktsstatb, adj. {Lat.) Intes-

tate. Mhuheu.

Abishbeing, s. (A.'N.) "To be

qnit of amerciaments before

whomsocTer of transgression."

Rastall, quoted by Cotrell. Kider,

in his Dictionarie, translates it

by/fco «o» redilutt.


Abit, (1) prei. t 3J f*rf. ting, of

Abide. Abideth. Common in

Chancer, and the early writers.

(2) 8, A habit; clothing. Roh.


Ottt of ys ehyt anon Vortifer hym draw,

And clothes, as to kyng Bicome, dnds on

him faire y-uo«}.

(3) 8. A habit or custom.

(4) 8. An obit, or service for th«

dead. Apotogyfor the LoOarde,

p. 103.

Abitaclb, «. {LaQ A habitation,

or dwelling.

In whom slso be ^e bildid togidre into

the a$itaele of God in the Hooli Goost.


Abitb.(1)«. AhabiUtion;adwell-


lb le?e his aM/#, and pon hit waie.

Rom. qftke Bom, 4014.

(2) 9.{A.'N.) A habit.

Also wymmen in rorerable aklte with

Bcbamcffistneiieand sobreaesse anugoje


Wuhmfe^i New TetUment, 1 Tym. ii.

(3) 9. See Abie.

(4) r. (from A,'S. abiian,) To


Abited, adj. Mildewed. Kent.

Abitbn, part. p. Bitten ; devoured.

A thoutent shepich babbe aiiteitt

And mo, tef hy werfn i*wriien.

Retiq. Jntiq., ii, 876.

Abition, 8. (Lat.) Going away;

dying, toekeram.

Abittb, pr, tenee. t. from dbiden.


Abjbct, {Lat.) (1) «. A base, des-

picable person.

I deemed it better so to die.

Than at my foeman'i feet an abject lie.

Mirrourfar Magutratee, p. 30.

(2) V. To reject ; to cast away.

Abjection, 8, {Lot.) (1) Baseness,


(2) An objection.

For they most take in hande

To prech, and to witbstnnde

* " of abieeiioHS.

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Abjects, t. (from the Lai, abjeeti.)

Castaways ; persona abjected.

Shakespeare^ 8 Richard III.

Ablactation, «. (Lat.) A par-

ticular method of grafting, where

the cyoo is as it were weaned by

degrees from its maternal stock,

bat not wholly cat off, till it is

firmly united to the stock on

which it is grafted. See the

Dictionarium Mwtticum. 8vo.

Lond. 1726.

Ablamd, par/, p. (A.^SJ) Blinded.

The walmes ban the ahUmd,

Snjfu Saga, 8468.

Ablaqubation, 8, (Lat.) The

practice of opening the ground

about the roots of trees, for the

admission of air and water.

Ablastb, t. (A,^N.) A cross-bow.

•' Prompt. Pare. 'The correspond-

ing Latin word balitta in the

Prompt. Parv. does not give a

▼ery definite explanation. It is

said to be synonymous with the

cross-bow; but in a passage in

Hall, a distinction seems to be

made between them. The arb-

last was doubtless, like the cross-

bow, a weapon used for the pro-

jection of arrows, but perhaps of

a more formidable character, for

from Hall it would appear that

there was a difference of some


JiBLASTKf past t Blasted. It oc-

curs in the MS. of Gower in the

Soc. Ant. Library.

Venym and fyre togedir he caste.

That he Jason so sore ahlatte.

Able, v. {A.-N.) (1) To make

able, or to give power for any


And life by this (Christ's) death aJhUd, shall


Death, whom thy death slew.

Donn^a Divine Poems.

(2) To warrant, or answer for ;

to undertake for any one.

None does offend, none; I say none ; Pit

aJble *em. Lear, iv, 6.

Admitted ! aye. into her heart, PU able it.

Wldovo't Tears, O. P., vi, IW.

Constable 7'U aife Mm; if he do come

to be a justice afterward, let htm thank the

keeper. Changeling, Ane. Dr., iv, 840,

To sell away all the powder in the kingdom.

To prevent blowine up. That's safe, iU

able it. Middl. Game at Ckesse.

(3) To make fit or suitable for.

God tokeneth and assygneth the times,

ablj/nge hem to therpropre offyces.

The 1*/ Boke ofBoetxus.

Wlierfore what tyme a man dooth what

he may in ahlynge hym to Ktaee, hit

safflcith to him, for God askith not of a

man that he seeth impodsible to hyai.

Carton's Divers Drvytful Ghottly MaUrs.

(4) 0^, Fit; proper.

A monk ther was, a fair for the maiatriew

An out-rydere, that loved venerye ;

A mauly man, to ben an abbot able.

Chaucer's Canterh. Tales, 165.

(5) Wealthy. Herefordsh, North.

An able man, t. e. a rich man.

Ablrctick, adj. (from Lat. ab and

lego.) Set out for sale. Cockeram.

Ableoation, t. (Lat.) A dismis-

sion ; a dispersion.

Ablementes, «. Habiliments. See


Ablende, o. {A.'S. ablmdan,) To

blind; to dazzle.

Ableness, «. Power ; strength.

Ablent, part, p. Blinded; de-


Ablepst, 8, {Gr. dpXt^ia.) Blind-


Abless, adj.^ Careless and negli-

gent; untidy; slovenly in per-

son. Lmcohuh.

Ablet, *. (A.-N. able.) The bleak,

a small fresh-water fish. It is

said by Ash in his Dictionary,

1 795, to be " a local word ;" but

ablette is given by Cotgrave as

the French word for the same

fish. It is still used in West*


Ablewe, past t. Blew upon.

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ABLicRv,aih^. Ably. MSS. of 15th


Abliouht, a. (From Lai. abSffu-

rio.) "Spending in belly cbeere."


AsLiKmir, 9. (from ^.-5. ailm-

dmL) To blind ; to dazzle.

▼by nenettow thi mood for a mote

Ib ibi brotheres esbe,

^tken a been in thjn oweDO

Fieri FlamgkmMM^ p. 199.

AB1.IW8, mh. Perbaps; pottibly.

Nwik, AtbUna is used in

liitco&uft.; when n person has

been taunted by another, and

wishes to reply contemptnonsly

to an inqniry whether be is about

to do sncb and snch a thing, he

will t^y, **aiblm$ I may, aiblnu

I may'nt."

Ablocatb, v. {Lai.) To set, or

let out to hire, tliis is the ex-

planation of the word in Cocke-

ram*8 Biglith Dietumarie, 1639.

ABLCDB,a<fv. Bloody; with blood;

bleeding. We read in an Oxford

MS. 14th cent.,

Ohibrioiis sat and brbeld

Bow here lymet roone oNcde.

Th*m Kie hyoe h^derandthyder y-cftehed

fraoi relate to ^erode,

So me bete hja bare flescbe,

Tiat brjt ame all mbUxU.

If. de Skortham.

Ablot, hderj, {A.-N. ablo!) An

exclamation used in hunting, and

equivalent to On ! On !

Abludk, v. {Lai. abludo.) To dif-

fer; to be unlike.

Ablusion, t. {Lai.) A chemical

term, for the cleansing of medi-

cines from drugs or impurities.


Abksoatiox, «. {Lai.) Self-denial.

0 let me imitate ao bleaaed example,

and )n the mehte of thT obedieoee, let

me obtam tbe mee or Jiomility, and

ehn^iitm of alTmj ovn desirea m the

dcucat reBimeiatioD of my will.

Ttyhr^s Great Exemplar.

Abnokmb, V, {from Lai. ainormit.)

To disfigure: disguise. Chaucer,

Aboads, pari. p. qf abide* Suf-

fered; endured.

For all her majdena m«rh did fean^

If Oberoii had rhaDc'd to heare

That Mab hia Qaeene ihoald hafo beena


He would not ham ehoUe it


Aboard, «. (from the Fr. aborder.)

To approach the shore.

(2) In some games, this phrase

signifies that the person or side

in the game, which was previ.

ously either none or few, has

now got to be as many as the

other. Djfche.

Abobbbd, adj. (from A,'N. abobf^

utonished.) Astonished.

The messangen were ahobhfd tho,

Thai niatCA what thai mitrhti-n do.

Arthour and MerVtn, p. 74.


Abodb, r. {J.-S.) To bode ; to fore-

bode. The word occurs in Shake-

tpeare. Jbodemeni, #., is also

used in the sense of an omen or


(2) f. Delay.

(3) Paei tense of abide. Waited


Abofb, t. A dwelling; an abode.

Wolde God, for his modurs Inf,

Bnrng me onys at myne abofe^

1 were ont of theirc eye.

Cambridge JJS.^ 16th cent.

AnorFB, prep. Above.

Be Jhcsa Cryst that is ahofr.

Cokevolds Daunety 217.

Aboobn, part. p. Bowed.

Abohtb, pa$t tetue, sing., of Abie.

Atoned for. Aboghten occurs as


Marie he ther wrohte.

Ah Rymenild hit ahohte.

Kyng Horn, 1402.

Abolbtb, adj. (Lai. aboHtus.) An-

tiquated ; obsolete. Skelton

speaks of ** abolete sdens,"

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Abon«, (1) 9, {A.-N.) To make

good or seasonable ; to ripen ; to

dispatch quickly.

(2) prep. Above.

{Z)adv. Well.

And a good swerde, that wolde byte tibone.

Sir OmPttyUf p. 317.

Aboov, patt tense of abide. Waited ;

expected; remained.

And Cora die abood hem with hise

cosyns and neeessarie frendii that weren

clepid togidre.

Wickliffc's Nete Tesiament, Acta x.

Aboon, prep. Above ; overhead.


Aboord, adv. From the bank.

As men inRummerfearles passe the foord,

Which is in winter lord of all the plaine.

And with his tumbling streames doth beare


The ploughtnans hope and ahepheards

labour raiue.

Spauer't Humes of Rome, 1591.

Aboot, part. p. Beaten down.


Aboovb, pret. Above. Went.

Aboke, part.p. Born. SomersetMh.

Abobmbkt, t. An abortion. Top-

aell'a History of Four-Footed

Beasts, 1607. W« have abors^

ment in Higt'ns' Nomenc1ator»

and abort in Florio, ed. 1611.

Abort, v. (Lat.) To bring forth

before the time.

Abortivb, *. {J..N.) An abor-


Abostb, v. {A.'N.) To assault.

A Bretone, a bniggere,

Abotted Piers als. PierM PI, p. 126.

Abotb. {I) part. p. Deatendown.


(2) pret. About.

They com the towne abotf.

lieUq. AHliq., ii, 31.

A BOTH B, prep. Ab ove. Art hour

and Merlin f p. 18.

Abougbt, (1) the past tense of

abie. Atoned for.

(2) Bought.


, ; An incorrect form of about.

Abouobwbd, part. p. Bowed;


Abou.^, pr<7). Above.

Thev snid t)jat songe was this to scy,

Tu God dtonn be jov and blysse !

Tunetale's Vuion*. p. 158.

Abounds, part. Abounding.

Kyjt BO this mayde, of grace most abottndtr,


Abour£, s. {A.-N.) The same as

avouri; a patron.

By God and Seynte Mary, myn ahourg.


About, adv. (1) In a circle. It

is used by Shakespeare in the

sense of to work! as in Hamlet,

ii, 2, " about, my brains !" t. e.

** brains, go to work."

(2) prep. Near, in the dialect of

the Eastern Counties, where they

say *< worth nothing <z3o«/ twenty


Aboutrn, ado. About. Chaucer,

Still used in Sussex.

About-slbdob, s. a smith'a great

forging hammer.

About-ward, adv. Near.

Abouyb, v. {A.'S.) To bow. Ro6.


ABOvjTKf part, past of abie»

Or it schalJe tone been abov'ite.

MS. Gotccr.

AbovkNj prep. Above.

Abowb, v. {A.'S. abogan.) (1) T^,


(2) V. To avow ; to maintain.

In blood he stode, ich it abawe.

Of horse and man into the anclorre

BUm*9 Romanees, ed. 1811, i, 270.

(3) prep. Above.

Abowbd, part, p. Daunted •

ashamed. Coekeram, *

AaowRNj^rg?. Above.

Abowbs, *. (A.-N.) Probably for

aboures^ or avoures, patron sidn ts,

God and Seint« Mary, and Scin Denis ni.^'

And alle the aJbows of thischurche, in ^*

ore ich am i-do. Rob. Gloue., p. ^V^*

ABOWQur.prep. About.

Abowtynb, adv. About.

Abo^kdb, past t. Bowed.

Aao^Ttpastt. Bought.



Abead. pert. p. (from A.^S. abreo^

dgH.) Killed ; destroyed.

The fode hargea on a dai.

His jnapc Uin«'aide he aai.

Fair t-vonce and fair i-tprad.

Bat tbe oldetrc vas airod.

Setfn Stifa, fllO.

AiSAi>K, ». (Lo/. dbrado,) To rob,

<7 terapeoff.

Ab&aham-coi^vb, Abraham-co-

LOUBCD. Supposed to be auburn.

"A good] J, long, thick, Abraham-

eoiottr'd beard/' ocean in Bturt

Magter Cmuiable, 1602. See

jihrawt twUMttu.

Vkere if tht eldest son of Priaxn,

tkA Jirmkam-colovr'd Trojan.

SoUman and Peruda, 1399.

Abbaham-mbx. The tiang name

of a elatt of beggars in the six-

teenth century. Nares thinks

the phrBse " to sham Abraham "

has some connection with it.

As dbnham-maM is he that walketh

tee-armed, aad bare-lef ged, and fayn-

eth bjnself msd. and caryeth a packe

Gf vGol. or a stjdce with baken on it.

«r SBch Ijke toye, and namcth himaelf


Frmlermitye of Vaeabomdes. 1575.

Ria hdpe extends farre and neere to

fkc^e rs^a-mnfflns, under the signe

o( sBpotent s^diers, or waadring Jbra-

ktM-mem: but his helpe prores the

■aittteBanee of thnr function, because

it proves his ovue, by occasion : for

ibei^ reccnred as a secretary to the

emndl of vag^ranta, hee conceales mnch

idk property, in advantage of himsclfe

and cooBtrTmen, not of the c<nuuon'


Stefkm^s Etaajfi andCkaraeUrs, 1615.

ABSABAJi's BALM, t. An old name

for a species of willow. BuUo»

kar, J&iffiisk Ezpositor, 1641.

CodLeram explains it as '^ a wil.

low in Italy that brings forth

agBos castus like pepper."

Abbaidb, v. (from A.-S. abradian.)

(1) To awaken ; to start up.

IpoaiydoB with that stroke abntjfde,

Aad to the kynge thus he sayde.

Ipomydon, 1149.

^'^CD be espied the 'squire, therewith

be tiirayed and break himself loose.

aad took his tarord in bis hand, and ran

tohaveiiaiBifaat 'aqufre.

iWwy, Bist. qfK. Arthur, i. 419.

11 ADR

Vhan an to all

ShHil coDie, he thall,

1 trust irvm vyce abraffd.

The A'rtP h'ofhoniHf ifatfd.

Tbo sche herd the angd voice,

Sche bigan to mhroyd.

Legend ofSeynt MergreU, p. 116.

(2) To apbraid.

Boehas present felly gan abrayde

To Measaline, and evrn thos he tnyde.

Bockae, b. vu,'c. 4.

Atrens after with a full brode rhcrfl.

And of fnrve full dead in liys visMjtr,

I nto John Boehas be enn appnichc ucrc,

Liche as lie had befallen in a mjre.

And fuhoosly mbrajfde In his lan^sge.

Id., b. i, lol. \x\\.

(3) To draw a iwnrd from its


(4) To apply one'i self britkly to

a thing.

Jabrajfde, I inforca me to do a thrnee.


(5) To rise on the stomach with

a feeling of nansea. North,

(6) To excite ; siir np.

Abram. Naked. A cant word.

*'Abram cove" is an expression

used amongst thieves, signifying

a poor manj and also a strong

thief. ** Abram cove^ naked or

poor man." Colet' Englith Die-

tionary,l677. See also Mid-

dleton's Works, iii. 32.

Abram-colourvo. This phrase

is used by Shakespeare in Corio-

lanus, ii. 3: "Our heads are

some brown, some black, some

abratHf some bald, but that our

wits are so diversly coloured."

The folio of 1685 alters abram to

auburn. See Abraham-coloured,

Abrasb, v. (Lat.) To shave. This

word occurs in Cockeram's Eng-

lish Dietionarie, 1639.

(2) Part. p. Smoothed; shaved.

The fourth, in white, is Aphclcia, a

nymph as pure and simple as tlie soul,

or as an abraje table, and is therefore

called SimpUelty. Ben Joneon, u, 366.

Abrbad, 04^'. Unconfined; spread

out; exposed. North,

A BRED, part, p. Brought up.


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Abrbde, (1) V, To wander.

How Troilus ntrt out of his wittc abredtt

And wept full sore, with visage pale ot'hewe.

The Testament ofCreseide, 46.

(2) adv. In breadth. North.

(3) adv. Abroad. Yorks. It

occurs in Chaucer.

Abrbggr, 1 V. {A.'N.) To abridge;

ABRRGB, j to shorten.

Abrbkb, v. {A.'S. abrecan.) To

break in.

Abrenouncb, v. {Lat. abrentaUto.)

To renounce utterly.

Abrept, r. {Lat.) To take away

by violence.

Abreydb. See Abraide.

Abric, f. Sulphur. Coki.

Abricock, 1 f. (from Fr, ahrieot.)

Abricot, J An apricot. In Ge-

rard's Herbal it is spelt abre-

cock. The form abricock is still

in use in Somersetthire. "An

abricotfruxte^ malum armenium."

Baret*9 AlveaHe, 1580.

Whose golden gardens seeme th* Hetperides

to mock :

Nor there the damzon wants, nor daintle


J)rajfton*3 Pofyolbion, song 18.

Abridgb,9, (A.'N.) To diminish.

VThme chilling cold had bound her bowels


As in no wise she could abridae his wo.

TurbemlU*i TragieaU Tales, 1587.

Abridgement, 8. The word was

used in Shakespere's time (see

Mids. N. D., V, 1) to signify a

dramatic performance; perhaps

from the prevalence of the histo-

rical drama, in which the events

of years were so abridged as to

be brought within the compass of

a play. In Hamlet /ix, 2, "Look

where my abridgement comes,"

the sense is doubtful. But in a

subsequent passage Hamlet calls

the players "the abstract, and

brief chronicles of the time."

Abrioge, v. (1) To abridge.

(2) To shield off.

AUe myscheffes from him to ahritjffe.


Abripted, part, p, {Lat.) Ra

vished ; stolen away. Cockeram

Abroach, Iv. (from A.'S. abrtB

ABROCHR J can.) To tap ; to &e1

flowing. Chaucer and Lydgate,

And rushing in amongst his foes, so hoti

a skirmish made.

That every blowe sets blood ahroaeh.

Warner's Albion's England, 1592

Coll all my servants, lav down all my

ment to the fire, set all my Img^hpntf)

abroach. Shadwell, Bury fair, lOb'J.

^ (1) adj. Broad. Min^

^^BRODi M2W^- I" P'«C«S J

ABRODB, jgunder. Comxo. Away ;

J in pieces. Dortet,



adv. Abroad. North,

part, p.

Spread abroad.


Abrodieticall, adj. (from Gr.

dfipoUaiTOQ.) "A daintie feeder,

or delicate person." Minaheu*9

Guide into Tongues, 1627.

Abroke, part. p. {I) One that

has a rupture is said to be abroke.


(2) Tom. Hampeh.

Abroeen, part. p. Broken out ;


Abron, adj. Auburn.

A lustie courtier, whose curled head

With ahron locks was fairly furnished.

Hall, Sat., b. iU, s. 5.

Abrood, ncfo. (1) Abroad.

(2) Sitting, applied to a hen.

Abrook, v. To brook, endure,

suffer. Shakeipeare*9 Henry VU

Abrupt, part, p. {Lat. abruptus.)


Abruption, 9. {Lat.) A breaking

off. Mineheu.

Abryggb, v. To be shortened.

My dayes. make y never so quaynte,

Bchullen abrygge and sumuhat swage.

Cambridge Ml

Absconsion, t. {Lat. absconsio.


Absist, v. {Lat.) To desist,

Absolent, adj. Absolute.

And afterward, syr, verament,

They called hym knyght absolent.

Si»yr <ifLowe Dcgri, 630.





Absolvea; •«*


jUwtBTf, «jr. Obsolete.

AKOLcn, (1) «4f. (^^'O

tceompiahed; perfect.

(2) pert, p.

libatj. CAaueer.

■MBsedintbe amtoe •«"»*:

(2) UDtnuaWe. Coeker-iMn*'

Wrested away by f«f5^ j^ lii»



briag to an end ^^^i^^^j,iiar^

maste ; to cat up. ^'>*»* ^

ployed when ^»i»Vf ^?rom t»^^

pra&aes of the oPP**lJ*^"l>i»*Ae«-

AwHAiiE,.. ^.steward. Afa^ ^^^

Said to be the old ^itle o

High Steward of S<5<>i)^^

To ^^^






AaroE, », (^.-SO

offer. MS, \hth cent-

Ajwnt, \ «- C^rom yi-^-

ABTiv, I To bow ; to o

KjlC Ayn«i0«t gret de^py t «!«

Hii »« «a«Ad«U> l&»BllW««»**^j;. p. 234.

A»CT, jnr^P- Atoov«- -^_^ -jf the

^ery> to a6te, vvWicb »®®- .jl



ABtnvPAKo. pari. «• Abonndii

Abvndation, «. Abandance. //


Aburnb, a{^. Aobani. It

soraetimet «peU aboume, as la

Triall of Witts, 1604.

ABOCBiD,^r/./y. Arobashei

Abuse, 9. {A.-N.) To decci

to impose apon. Al/utable, \

may be abased, and abu9<

abuse, were words employcfi

the 17th century.

A BUSED, /far/. ;». Fallen into abi

become depraved.

Ab USEFUL, adj. AbasiTe. Hi


Abusbbment, a. An ambush.

Abcshmbntlt, adv. In ambi


Abusio.v, f. An abase. CAau

and Spenser.

He presuoieth and tnkrthnpon liri

purtie your estate ro\<il in cailjii^'

fore liym into jjfiatc uhusiun of \\ i j

lande, and dtnij(;inou of your li;_-.!

wliiciie haili not l>een scnc nor use

no dayei heretofore.

HiiU, Ueniy VI, fol,

Abusious, adj. Abusive.

Tlum a^M;r}V/w.f villnine!

Taming of a Shrew, 1

Abut, ecnj. Sometimes used in

beginning of a sentence, wh

no more is really meant t

would be expressed by the w

but. North.

Abvttal,9. (A.'N.) Aboundi

Abutsk. See Abie.

Abvkb.t,v. (Lat.abverio.) Tot

away. Cocieram.

Abvolate, v. {Lot, abvolo.)

fly away. Coc&eram.

ABWEKE,prep. Above.

Tlianc rorae of the oi jcnta

Ew7ue hyme ajjayne*

A hlake bustoiis 'bero

Jbvm4 in tlie ciowdes.

Abt, r. To abide ; to feel the ef

of a thing. Shak. Midi. Niy^

Dream. Same as Abie.

Abychb. See Abie.

AAYDDK,part.p. of abide.

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Abtdb, v. (AS.) To forbear.

Chaucer. See Abide.

A BYT, V. pret. t of abyde. Abi-

deth. See ^^t/.

Abyyd. a form of abide, found in

some earlv MSS.

Ac, conj. (A.'S.) But

Acadbmb, 8, (Gr.) An academy.

Love*9 Labour LotL

AcADKMY, 8. This word is used

by Ben Jonson, and Beaumont

and Fletcher, with the accent on

the first syllable.

AcAiD, s. (A.-S. €eeed.) Vinegar.

AcALR, adj. ^from A.-S. acalian, to

cool.) Cold.

For blood may snffre blood,

Botlie baugry nnd acale.

Jfiera Flaugkjnen, p. 898.

AcA&NB, t. (Lat. acame.) The

sea-roach. Kersey,

AcA8, adv. By chance

AcASiAN, $, " Acasian, that is jns

of wodstone," Med. MS., 14th


AcASTB, V. (A.'S.) To cast away ;

to lose.

The olde tre Lis vertn fnn aeaste.

The Snyn Sage*, 600.

(2) To lie cast away.

Agate R, 8. (A.-N. acater.) A ca-

terer ; a purveyor.

He is my wardrobe man, my acater, coolc,

Butler, and steward. Dnil is an Ass, i, 2.

}f. {A.^N.) Victuals;

provisions purchased.

Abridged to cate,

which see.

Wlian I cam eerly or Inte,

1 pincbcd uat at hem in myn acaU.

Hocclete, i, 180.

Cotgr&ve, defining the term pit-

tance, says, it imported ** meat,

food, acatee, victual of all sorts,

bread and drink excepted."

The Mantttan, at his diarfccs, bim allow*th

AU fine aeaUs that tbat same country bred.

MarriHff ton's Arivst., xliiij 139.

Acatrt, 9. (A.'N.) The place al-

lotted for the provisions pur-

chased for the king by his pur-


AcAusB, conj. Because. Suffolk.

AcAWMi'y, pari.p. Coming. ^-


AcAZB, prep. (A,'N*) Against.

Mob. Gioue.

AccABLB, V. (Fr.) To press down.

AccAHiNT8,«. Accounts. Staffords.

AccEKSKD^part.p. {Lat.) Kindled.

AccBPcioN, «. (Lat.) Reception;


AccBRSB, V. (Lat, accereo.) To

summon; call together.

Wlierfore the erle, oonsideryng that

kyng Edward did dayly encrenae bys

p«m-cr, as a runnyng'ryver by froynp

more and more augmented, tbougbt it

moste necessary for b^Tii to geve bim

battayle with apedc, and tberupon

acGCTsed aud called toiretber bvs armv.


Access, 8, Used by Shakespeare

in Hamlet, \\, \, accented on the

first syllable.

AccEssB, s. (in Lat. acceesue febris,

the access of a fever.) A fever; or,

more properly, the fit of an ague.

For upon fiym he bad an note aecesse,

Tbat dale by daie bym sboke full pitoushe.

The CompiaiHt of the Blacke Kmght, 1S7.

AccEssivBLiB, adv. (Lat.) Acces-

sorily ; as an accessory.

AcciDAVY, 8, An afiUdavit. North.

18. (acctdia in medieval

Lat., derived from the

Gr. (iieij^m.carelessness,

sloth.) Indolence, sloth.

He badde an accidie.

That be sleep Sutcrday and Sondar.

Piers PL, p.' 99.

ACCIPITB4. XY, 8. (Lat. accipitra-

riu8.) A falconer.

}v. (Lat. aceire.) To in-

cite ; also, to summon, or

call. Shakespeare, 2

Henry IV, and Tit. And.

We be all by Uie coudyc}*on egaU, now

acytrd for to appere unto lucbe and

801) merv«ylo«is jii«rcment.

The Ordjfnarye qjf CrysUn ilen^ p. S20.

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AccLin, 1 (Lot, ftdibtf.) Slo-

ACCLITOU8, j ping ; riling ; steep.

AccLOT, ». (1) {A^N.) To cram ;

clog; 0Ter]<»d; doy.

G.rt'Q. Bj oonfort is Mcdofd with eare,

1. nev msbiip my wonted jojet hftUi


Tl-.n nienaile aoi ahboBgli my mnsieke

Wita iketlttaatliar of her mirth hath


Ih!..!! .9 deal and in his emre is )&id, he.

(2) (from the Fr, enchuer.) To

<in\e a nail in ahoeing a horse.

Hence, tteehyd,9., a wound given

to a hone in shoeing, by driving

the nail into the quick.

AccoASTf •. To sail by the coaat;

to At Bear the ground.

>> is tbeit bavk that mantleth her on

* ^iha i^ towering or aeeoastiaa low.

SpeuMey* Faerie Queem*.

AccoiL, 9. {A.'N.) To be in a eoiV,

or bustle of boainess.

About Uie cnUron many cookes acoyU

^•Ui hooks aiidlad;es.


AccoLE, 1 ». {J..ff, aeeoler,) To

ACOLB, J embrace round the neck.

Hence, accolade, the ceremony

of rmbradng, at the creation of


T: f c cro&» be the knyjt, and kyssct hym

^ uverir wd sadly ts he hem seUe coatbe.

Syr Gawityne, p. 71.

AccoLDKD, pitrt. p. Become cold ;

suffering from cold.

*ljra tbis knyght that was aecfiUed.—

au hit was grcte f rostc, — and be saw

We f J re, be desceodide of Ins bojsc,

tad )cde to the fjtt, and vnrmide bim.

6e$ia RoBUMorum.

AccoHBBaous, <ujf. Camberaome;


iccoMBat. 1 ••(^-'^•) Toencnm.

ACCJiBa*. r^'» perplex, or de-

J stroy.

Cii of Warwike mi name is;

Ivel ich am mamhred y-wia.

Gf ^ WmrwUx, p. 817.

HsppWe tharc auy be Ave less in the «sm

nomore ;

Jw tiieir sakea I trwt thn wilt not the

rest accomkrt. OU I'lay, t, iHK

ACCOM If oDATK, V. (from the ItaL

aeeommodare.) This word it

was faahionable in Shakespeare's

time to introduce, properly or

improperly, on all occa^^ions.

Ben Jonson calls it one of ** the

perfumed terms of the time."

The indefinite use of it is well

ridiculed by BardoIpU's vain at-

tempt to define it :

AeeommodMted : tbat is. when a man is,

as Ibey stv, accutu..njjxtfd : or when a

man it, — W.ns:,— wherrby, — he msv be

tboujebt to bf. — accomm'ilnted ; which

is an excellent \\t\u%. 9 Uen. IV, m. 2.

Hostess, accomiHodaU ns ailh another


The « oiiiua does not understand the words

of acttun.

B. Jon., R9. M. in B., i. 5.

Will yon present and ac€ommjJ4ite it to the


Id , ToeUuUr, iii, i.

Accomplish, v, (A,-N.) To fur-

nish; to perform. Shakesp.

Merck. Ven. and 7am. Shrew.

Accompts, v. (A.'N.) To tell ; to

recount. Skellon.

Acconfkrmekt, t.{A.'N.) A oon-

firmatioo. Rob. GUmc.

AccoRAGB, V. To encourage. $Mm-



green arable earth. North.

Accord, la. {A.^N,) An agree-

ACORD, J meat ; a decision.

Shakespeare uses this word in

the sense of agreemetU in At

You Like It ; as a verb, to agree,

in Romeo and Juliet; and ac-

eordant, agreeable, in Muck Ado

about Nothing.

TboQ opene DiTne lyppen. Lord,

Let feltbe of seiiiie out wende,

Anil mv nioutlie wvtli wel gi/d acori

Scbel tli>ue wor^clivpvuK sn de.

Williawi de a/iorckam.

Sire knight, qnoUi he, maister and my


Kow diuweth cut, for tbnt is mm Mrni.

C'kaucer'* LoiUcrbnry ttUa, b39.

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AccoRDAUNT, part, a. Agreeing.

Suche thynge whereof « man may lere,

That to vciiu is <w»r(/««M'. ^

Oowrr, MS,

The printed edition of Gower has

the vord acordend,

Nowc mvght ihou here next sev-end


Gower^ ed. lo32, f. 86.

According, part, a. Granting.


AccoRT, adj, {A,'N. cccort,)

Warv; prudent. Miraheu.

Accost, v. {A.-N.) To address

one's self to a person or thing ; to

approach ; to attempt, or try.

AccouNSAYL, ©. To counscl with ;

8. counseL

AccouNX, V. {A.-N.) To reckon.

Long workc it were

Here to account llic endleaae progeny

Of all the weed* that bud and bloMome

there. ___ . ^.^

Spenser's Faerie Queene, lU, vi, SO.

Accountant, adj. Accountable.

And, I dare think, be'll prove to Deadcmona

A moat dear huaband. Now, 1 do lo?c her

Not out of absolute luat, though, pcrad-



Othello, n, 1.

AccouPLB, «. (A.-N.) To couple,

or join together. Acopled is used

in the Piumpton Corr,, p. 50, for


AccooRAOB, V, To encourage.

AccouRTiNO, part, a. Courting.


AccoY, V, {A,'N, accoyer.) To

appease; extinguish; to render

shy or coy ; to pacify.

Thou foolish awain that thua art oreT}oy*d,

How aoon may here thy couraee be accoy*d.

Peele's Eglogue GnUulatorie, lo$9.

AccoYNTKD, part, p. Acquainted.

AccRASB, V, (Fr.) To crush ; to


yjnding my youth myspent, my aub-

•tance ympayred, my CTcdyth accrased,

my talent hvddcn, my follves laughed

alt. my re'wyne uupytted, and my

trcwlh unemployed.

Queen's Trogretses, 1, M.

16 ACB

AccRBA8B,v. (from Lat, aecresco:

To increase : to augment.

AccREW, t>. {Fr,^ To increase ; t-

accrue. Spenser,

But sight and talke aeerew to love, tli

substance must be had.

Wanur*s Albion's England, ISOi

AccRocBB, V, (Fr.) To gather

to catch hold of; to increase

to encroach.

AccROMBNT, «. (from Fr, accruer ,

Addition ; increase.

AccuB, 8, The footmark of an;

animal. Cockeratn.

'=::}- (-^-^o To-'--

TVhich is lif that oure Lord

In alle lawea acurseth.

Piers PL, p. S7I

AccvsB, V, iA.'N.) To discove

or betray.

Tlie entrees of the yerde aentseth

To him that in the vratir nniseth.

Rom, of the Rote, 1691

(2) 9, Accusation. Shakespeart

AccusBMBNT, 8, An accusatton.

We do apperceyre by the relatinn <

▼our graces commissiuners Mr. doctou

Wh and Mr. Williams, that divers

and sondrye aecusementes have bci

made upon'ua unto your highnea.

Monastic Letters, p lo^

AcB OF Spadbs. a widow. Thi

slang word is given in the LeAi

con Balatronicum, 8vo, LfOQdi


AcELR, V, To seal. Rob, Ghuc,

Acenten, V, To assent.

Acerbate, v. {Lat,) To mak

sour or sharpen.

AcBROTB, 8, Brown bread. JUin


AcBRSBCoxxcK, 8, One whose hai

was never cut. Cockeram's £nd

liah Dietionarie, 1639.

AcBRTAiNED, part, p, Infonnei

certainly; confirmed in opinion

AcERVATE, V, (Lat,) To hea]


AcEscBNTi adj, {Lat.) Sour.





Acisi. 9. (J^N,) To ceaM; to


AciTARss, «. {Pr.) A talad of

small herbt. Coderamt, 1639.

AcKTH. A form of ow/A. See

Jedk %n tmiMft. nHifkctio.

tt^BKpt. Pan^ ed. 1409.

Acs, t. Snallage ; waler-pftnley ;

AcHASXB, V. (from Pr. aehanur,)

To set on ; to aggnvate against.

AcHAT,t.(i^.-Ar.) (1) Acontmct;

aTiargain. Chamctr,

(2) BargainiDg.

Coeaptigfl it to laie, ronea aekmU or

bojiB^ together, that were estalil:shed

n-ptja \ht peple by »oche a numer ini'

■ « fao M Wu^t m busit«ll of

corne, he mast jeren the kjug the

fiv«Ui parte. ChaMeet'* Bottkiut.

Achates, «. (J.-N.) An agate.

AcHATouK, f. (i/.-A"!) The person

who bad the charge of the acatry ;

the parreyor.

A ;:ejittl msBueiple vas tlier of a temple.

Of viudi ueiatomn mif hteu tAke exemnle.

CUmetr, C. T., 569.

AcBAUFB, o. (Fr.) To warm ; to


AcBAVNGSD, pm-t. p. Changed.

AcHK, f. An ash tree. Phtmpton

Corrttpomdenee, p. 188.

AcBB-BOKB, #. The hip-bone.

AcH ELOR, 9. Ashlar, or hewn stone.

This form occurs in a Yorkshire

docameot, temp. Hen. VIII.

AcBza,^^ Was Sequent ]y used as

a dissvDable. See HudiiraM, III,

ii. 407.

AcBBsooM, V. (J^N, aekaiton,)

Beason; cause.

AcBXTTBy 9. To escheat. Prompt,


AcBtyE,9.(i#..iV.) To aceonpliah.


AcBOKKo, jmt/. j9. Choked.

AcBoa, a. A soib od the head of


AcBoaif, a. An acora. CAetAtre.

AcisB. For assise.

AciTB, ». (^...V.) To cite; sum-

mon. See Aeeiie.

AcK, V. To mind; to regard.


AcKKB, 1 a. (apparently from ^.-5-

AKBB, J c^or, the flowing of thr

sea.) This word is explained

in the early lexicographers I'V

the Latin tii^pefiia mmrU, and is

stated to he that which prr.

cedes the *' flood or flowing.'*

Eagtr, and Higer, are vanatiiinR

of the same term. The follow-

ing extract from MS. Cott. Titus

A., xxiii, f. 49, further explains

the meaning of the word :

Wei know llify therrume xt it aryie.

An aker i« \i r'lept, I uiiderBfonde,

When mvght Utere may no liuppe or vjnd


Thii reume in thorrian of propre kynde,

Wytoute wynde halhe hia c<>n«moi oun;

The marjneer theror may not be hhude.

But when and where in every re)c><'iin

It re«iietbe, be moste have iitsfXTtmun ;

Vor in Ttaiee it may bbthe haste and tajj,

And, onanaed thereof, al myscary.

It appears that the word aekfr

is still applied on the Trent to a

dangerous kind of eddying twirl

which occurs on the river when

it is flooded. In the dialect of

Craven, a ripple on the surface

of the water is termed an acker,

(2) ». (A,'S, aeer.) An acre;

afield. YorktK

. (3) Fine mould. North,

AcKBBN, 8, An acorn. A Northern

word, used principally in West-

moreland and Cumberland.

AcKKRSPBiT,«. {A.'S.) Wilbraham

explains this word as being said

of potatoes when the roots have

germinated before the time of

gathering them. Corn, and par-

ticularly barley, which has ger-

minated hefore it is malted, is

said, in the East of England, to

be aereapirtd.

AcKaBSPirsLS. A word in use

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amongst masons and stone-get-

ters (or del vers) in the neigh-

bourhood of Huddersfield, &c.,

in reference to stone which is

not of a free workable quality,

but, on the contrary, is of a very

hard, flinty, or metallic quality,

and difficult to work.

AcKBTouN,«. {A.'N.) A jacket of

quilted leather, worn under the

mail armour; it is sometimes used

for the armour itself.

Ac KNOW, t?. (A.-S,) To acknow-

ledge. North. It occurs not

unfrequently in the Elizabethan


AcKSBN, 8. (A.'S.) Ashes. Wilts.

Ac&WARDs, adv. Applied to a

beast when it lies backwards, and

cannot rise.

AcLiT, adj. Adhered together.


AcLiTB, adv. Awry. North.

AcjLOYB. See Acehy.

AcLUMsiD, part. p. (A.'S.) Be-

numbed with cold.

AcMB, s. (from Gr. die/ii}.) Mature

age. Jonson.

AcoATHED, adj. Rotten or diseased

in the liver, as sheep. Dortet.

AcoLD, adj. (from the A.-S. aco-

lian.) Cold.

Late come to an abbey

Syx men other seven.

And lat theron aske gode

¥oT Godd love of heren.

He schal ttond tbcroute

Anhongred and ac'}ld.

W. de Shonkam.

AcoLASTTc, adj. (from the Gr.

dKoXaorriKoc.) Intempwerate; riot-

ous; prodigal: lascivious. Min-

sheu gives these meanings of the

word in his Quide into Tongues,


AcoLATB, adj. (Gr.) Froward;

peevish. So explained in Rider's

Dictionarie, 1640.

AcoLDiN 6, j^ar/. a, (from the A.'S.

See Acold.) Getting cold.

AC01.BN. See Accole,



"1 V. (fron

' V to lainei

^'* J to griev

AcoMBRB,«. (A.'S.) To encumber;

to trouble.

Tite feend with prede acomhrelh ons.

With wrethe ana with envie.

jr. de Shonkam.

AcoMBLTD, part. p. Enervated

with cold. Prompt. Parv.

AcoMPLiN, adj. Limping. Lane.

AcoNiCK, adj. (from aconite.) Poi-

sonous. Rider.

Acop, adv. (from the A.'S, cop.)

On end ; conically.

Marry ah* is not in fashion yet ; she

wears a hood, bat it stands acop.

Ben JoTUon, iii, 60.

V. (from A.-S. ceorian,

lament.) To sorrow;


At Gloucestre he deide, ao eir nadde he


That acorede al this lond, and ys men

echon. Rob. Qlonc.

Bu a peyre of a marc, other thou aaalt hit

aeorye sore. Ih.

AcoRSB, V. (A.'S.) To curse.

Callede hem caytyres

Jcorsed for evere. Pieri PI., p. 875.

AcoRST, V. (from the A.'N. cors, a

body.) To bury. " For to aeorsy

here brother body." Oxf. MS.

AcosT, adv. (from A.'N. a eoste.)

On the side ; near.

Forth thai passeth this lond aeost.

Arikow and Merlin.

ACODNTB*. I counter, ifss. of

ACUNTBE, I nth cent.

AcouPB, V. (from A.-N^. acoulper.)

To blame; accuse; inculpate.

Me aconpede horn harde inoo, and sethtbe

' atte last,

As theves and traitors, in strong prison me

hom caste. Bob. o/Glouc., p. 6-M.

AcoupBMBNT, s. An accusation.



[ $. An onset.

At the acwpyng the knittes C«peres] either

brak on other. W. and tka Jreno., p. 1S4.

AcovBRD, past. t. Recovered..

Acow, adv. Crooked; awry.


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AcoTKn,9. (from A^V. «eo«i/cr.}

To make acquaintance.

Eeo aeoynifJe hjm SMtt, nd Ucobcb

Bouie for here prawn, ud far l>eo weir of

oa bkde. Mob. of Giame^ p. 16.

AcoTarieo, «. Accusing. A mere

comipt spelling. Kymg AHukun-

<fcr, 3973.

AcauAiNT, t. An aoqnaintance.

intn« old aciueiml n the.

And one vhom 1 lia.e os'd *n that dtr-zTfe.

LuWt H'utorie oj Helu^iuruM, lOoo.

AcauAiNTABLB. Easy to be ac-

quaiDtfd with. Mhukeu's Guide

ialo Tongues, 1627.

AcauBTirr, adj. (from if^& ae-

vewos.) Quenched.

w that me tLjnlef h,

Xy tkont slull never be me^uegni.


AcQuiLL, t, (A.'N.) A term in

hunting. It was applied to the

buck and doe, the male and the

female fox, and all Yermin, and

is nearly synonymous with the

more modern word impt ime.

itjr hmnere, boir many bestit •cfmllT

Srr, Uie bak and the doo, ibe male fox

awi the female, and alle othtr vermyn,

M a«nT aa be put in the book. And

koT OHiiy bncbes? Sire, aJle that be

«?»i/c Rtitq. Jni^ i, 151.

AcQuisa, V. {A.'N.) To acquire.

AcQuiST, i»:(^.-iV.)Anacqui.

Acawi, r"^*''"L '**°?'^"«

' J acquired or gained.

His Kirants he with new acqnut

(K ime experience from thia great event

With pcaitt and consDlation h«iit dismint.

SamMn Afomstes, v, 1753.

Vnd, Ttpoied near the oaiea of riTera,

Bakei contuiinl additiooa to the land,

thereby ezclndiog tlte acft, and preaerr-

utK theie ihella aa trophiea and Bipiaof

iuaev mcfU€9t» and encroaehmenta.

Skinner hat it ts n verb, to ac-


AcwiT,parf.jf.(i#..iV:) Aeqoiited.


AcQum, e. To requite.

AcwiTTAifcn, t. (^..M) (1) Ac-

qoaintance. Sknmer,

(2) Reqnital. Othello, ir, 2.

(3) A disciiarge, or relra^c : ie^r»

nicrly in general use fur nhal

is now called a receipt; and

it is still so in the northern


AcKASKD. Crazed.

AcRK, «. (from the A.^S, eteer.) A

field. Originally not a deter-

mined quantity of land, but any

open ground.

(2) A duel fought by si ni;le com*

Iwtants, English and Scutch, l)e.

tween the frontiers of the two

kingdoms, with sword and lance.


AcRB-DALK, 9, (A.-S.) LanHs in a

common field* in which dirTerent

proprietors hold portions of

greater or less extent. Norik.

Ac REM B, «. Ten acres of land. A

law term.

AcRKMAX, 8. {A.-S.) A hnsband-

The foaln up, and tonf on bnn«rh.

And meremen yede to the ploii<;h.

JLay le trcime, 176.

AcnvsBOT, 9. A kind of local land-


AcRCffTAFF, 1 Called a plough-

AKKRSTAFr, J Staff lu Huloet, An

instrument to cleanse the plongh-

cnlter. See Kersey's EaglUh

Dieiionaryf 1715.

AcRiLOGY, 9. (from Lai. aeer, and

Gr. Xoyoc.) Bitter speaking.

Minsheu gives this word in his

Guide into Tonffuee, 1627.

AcROKB, adv. Crooked.

Acrook'd, adj. Crooked; awry.


AcROSPTRB, 1 tr. (from (Tr. drpoc,

AKBRSPiRE,/ the extremity, or

end, and o-wtipa, a curling

shoot.) To sprout. When un-

hotised grain, exposed to wet

weather, sprouts at both ends,

it is said to acroipjfre. Pota-

toes, sprouting prematurely, are





said to be acJterspritted, See


For vant of turnintr, vlien the mnlt is

spread ou the floor, it comes and sprouts

at both ends, which is ailled to aerO'

tpjfres and then it is fit only for swine.

Mor/imer'i Husbandry.

In H Scottish act of parliament, anent

nialt-roakers. it is said they " let tliesr

malt aktTspire, and shutc oat all the

thrift and substance at baith the ends,

quhare it could come at ane end oui%\"

JUffiam Majestatem^ p. ^.

Across. A kind of exclamation

when a sally of \fit miscarried.

Said to be taken from the lan-

guage used in jousting. See

Shakesp. JlTt Well that Ends

WeU, ii, 1.

Acrostic, adj. Crossed on the

breast. "^cro«/ic arras." MiddU-

ion. It may be regarded as a

punning use of the word.

AcaoTCH, ». (from Fr, acrocher,)

To take up ; to seize.

XcsKDK^pret.p. Asked. A rather

unusual form.

The kynjr Alesandre aaedt

Uwan sail that bo.

Bcliq. Antiq.y \, 30.

Act, v. To behave ; to conduct.


Act of parliamicnt. A military

term for small beer, five pints of

which, by an act of parliament,

a landlord was formerly obliged

to give to each soldier gratis.

Acts, «. ( Gr, <icr)).) The sea- shore.


AcTiFs, «. pL An order of monks,

who, according to Skinner, fed

on nothing but roots and herbs.

AcTiLLT, adt. Actually. Lancash.

AcTious, adj. Active.

With dirers here not cmtalosd, and for a

eheefest take

AH aetioui Candish, and of these eteraall

pen^worke make.

Albion*8 Smgland, ed. 181S.

AcTiTATiON, a. (Lat.) Frequent



cant term is given in the Lfjncon

£aiatronicum,vid is too piqitant

to be omitted.

AcTON, », {A,'N.) A jacket or

tunic, worn under a coat of mail.

See Acketoun.

Kit acton it was all of hlacke,

HiS hewberke and his sherlde.

Sir Cauluie, in Percy's 7f«rt.

AcTouRKS, 9. {A.'N.) Governors ;

keepers. Wycklyffe.

AcTUATB, V, (from Hal. atttiire.)

To put into action ; to produce.

AcTVRB, 9, {Lat.) Action.

All my offences, that abroad yon see, ^

Are errors of the blood, none of the mind;

]x)Te made them not; with actnre they

may be,

Where neither party is nor true nor kind.

Shake*. Loter*$ CampluiuU

AcuATE, 9. (from Lat, acuo.)


Gryndvng: withvynegar tylllwas fatygnte.

And luso with a quautyt6 of spyces acuaCr.

JskmoU'i 'heat. Chem. Bnt., p. 191.

In the following example, the

word is erroneously altered to

actuate in the reprint by the

Shakespeare Society :

The Lacedemonians trusting the oracle,

lece^'ed the champion, and fearing the

government of a stranger, made him

tner citizen ; which once done and he

obteinins; the dukdome, he assendid

the theater, and ther very learnedly

wysliiiig them to forget theyr folly, and

to thinke on victory, they i>eing aeuate

hy his eloquence, wa^ang butttiil noa

the fleld. Lodfft's Defence of Plays, 1679.

AcmSt9,pL. Agixe». MS. qfiith


AcuMtNATB,i;.(from Lat.aeumina"

tu9.) To whet. Rider*9 Dieiion^

arte, 1640.

AcuRR, at^. A chemical term, ap-

plied to a drug, the power of

which is increased by the additioa

of some other.

AcuRSKN. See Acwr9en.

AcYDBNANDTS, adv, Aside; oh.

liquely. Prompt. Parv, Appa.

rently a corrupt spelling of atide^

d by Google





tunpoXoyia, impropriety of ex-

preisioii.) Improper speak iiig.

This word ocean in JOderM

Dietkmarie, 1640.

icTS£, J. {A.'N.) Cutom ; Uw.

And of thoe berdede Irakke* ateo.

With hoDfeif \hy moche mysdo,

Tiiat lere CrygtrD mennjs atyu,

Anl hainie al ih« newe $;\«r.


An. Htth. Jdde. Had, occon in


Adacteo, part, p, {Lat. adaettu.)

Driven ia br force. MhuAeu,

Adad, adb. Indeed: tniljr.

I see Ton wonder at my changn ; vbat,

vookl yoa oever have a xua& learn

Ikmdjsc ciad^

sLdwtd, Sgwr* qfdUatla, 1658.

They are all deep, tbey are Tery deep

and tkarp; sharp as Deedlea, m^; tlie

viUicft men ia England. lb .

AsAftUATB, part, p, (Lat, adttqma^

/w.) Eqaal to.

Why did the Lardfiroi& Adam, Eve ereaie ?

BecaBK vrth him abe ahoold not b' ada-

Had the been made of earth, the would

liare deem'd

Ber ttU hia aiatcr, and Ida rqnal leem'd.

Omen's Epigrawu, 1677.

AoAM. A seijeant, or bailiff, was

joealarly so ealled. See Sbaketp.

Ctmed^ ofBrroTB, iv, 3.

Adam-akd-Btv. The bulbs of

fxrekit vMcnlata, which have a

fancied resemblance to the human

fignrc. Craven,

AoAM-TiLEB, s, A pickpocket's

associate, who receives the stolen

goods, and runs off with them.

Adamant, *. (yf.-JV.) The magnet.

Ai trae to thee as steel to aiMum/.

Gr*em*s Tu Quoque.

Ai iron, toneh^t by the ad^tanVB tttcei,

10 the north pole doth ever point direct.

5jrb. Dm BarUs, p. 64.

The mntiial repulsion of two

magnets, which takes place in

•ome situations, is alluded to in

the following extract :

— away i

Well be aa diffrnnz tis ti« u mdam/t: t$ ;

Theooe ahall «l un iiir othrr.

Wkittlintl, O. «.,Ti.815.

Adamantinb, adj, \erj hard.

This word occurs in Midoris

Dieiionarie, 1640.

Adamatb. V, (from Lat. adamMr9.)

To love dearly. Mintheu.

Adamitks, 9. pi. A sect of enthn.

siasts who were said to imitate the

nakedness of Adam in their pub-

lic assemblies.

AdamValb,*. Water. Var.dtai.

AoAif's-ArrLK, a. (1) A kind of

citron. Gerard.

(2) The nob in a man's throat,

so calli^d, because, it is said,

when Eve swallowed her apple

with ease, and gave another to

Adam, his conscience so rebelled

against it, that it never got

farther than his throat.

Adam's-flannbl, «. "White mul-

lein; perhaps from the soft white

hairs with which the leaves are

covered on both sides. Craten.

Adarnech, «. Colour like gold.


Adaekbd, ad^. Ashamed. Cofes.

Adarris, «. The flower of sea-

water. HtntelL

Adascd, 1 adj. (d.'K) Dazzled ;

ADAsaiD, jputoutof countenance.

The fiiitnufc tberaf void hare made

every inHii's eyes so adiurd, ttuit no man

thoald have spied hia f^iUm d.

Sir T. Mart.

Adauds, adv. In pieces. Yorkth,

Adaunt 1*(^-^) ToUmejto

ADACNT, l^uc^ to daunt, miti.

Adaukteblbt. Another form of

avauntlafy which see.

kDKm,v.(A.-N.) (1) Tobedaunted.

Therewith her wmthful connive ^n appall,

And haazhty spints meek It to adnvt.

Spenser,^, q., IV, vi, 3$.

As one adait^d and half confused stood.


(2) To awake. This seems to

be a figurative sense, for Pais-

d by Google




grave says, " I adawe or adawne,

ai the daye dothe in the morn-

ynge whan the sonne draweth

tovrardes his rysyng;*' and, "I

adawe one out of a swounde.'*

Him to rewakin «hr did all her pain ;

And at the last he gan hia breth to drawe,

And of his swough acne after that adawe.

Troil. and Cret., iii, 1124.

(3) To kill ; to execute.

Some wolde have hym adanoe^

And some aavde it waa not lawe.

Ron. of Richard C. do L., 978.

^"^^'.- \ttdv. In the daytime.


I ryac aoner than yon do ttdeya : ie mo

doa'amcheplu* tool quo two lotu les ioiiro.


Adays, adv. Nov-a*day8. East


Adaz, «. An addice. Kermett,

Adcorporate, v. (Lat.) To in-

corporate. Minsheu'9 Gtude into

Tongwfy 1627.

Addecimatis, v. (Lat.) To take

tithes. Mituheu't Guide into

Tongues, 1627.

Addekm, v. (A.'S.) To think; to

judge; to determine. Spenser,

Adder-bolt, s. The dragon fly.

For. dial.

Adder-sat. I dare say. Yorksh.

AddbrVgrass, «. The name in

Gerard for the cynosorchis.

ADDER*a-T0NOUB, s, A plant ; the


Addbr-wort, s. The bistort or


Addick, s. {A.'S.) An adze.

I had thought I had rode upon addiceo

between thia and Canterbury.

Lyly'o Mother Rombie, 1594.

An addis, or little axe. Barefs

Alvearie, 1580.

(2) An addled egg. Huloet.

Addict, part. p. For addicted.

To atudies good addict of comely grace.

Mirr.fir Mag.

Addiction, #. {Lat.) The state of

being addicted to anything.

Since lui addieUon waa to coarsea vain.

ShMkoop. Bonn V, i. 1.

Addition, s. {Lat.) A title given

to a man over and above his Chris-

tian and snrnaroe, showing his

rank, occupation, &c.,or alluding

to some exploit or achievement.

Addiwissbn. Had I known it.

North. A corruption of AflJy-

ufissen^ or hadiwist, which see.

Adywyst occurs in MSS. as old

as the 15th cent.

ApDLE, V, (from the A.-S. adleant

a reward.) So pronounced in

Yorkshire ; in Staffordshire it is

a-dlef in Cumberland, ettle; and

in Cheshire, yeddle. To earn by


With goodmen'a hogs, or com, or hay,

1 addlo my niuepence every day.

Richard of iteJiton Dale.

In the Eastern counties it is ap-

plied to the growth of com ; as,

" that crop addles,'* t. e. thrives.

Forby. In which sense it is used

by Tusser—

Where iry embraceth the tree very sore.

Kill ivy, elae tree will addlo no more.

It occurs in the Toumley Myste-

ries, p. 195. See Adyld. "To

addle his shoon '* is said in the

North of a horse that falls upon

his back, and rolls from one side

to the other. In Sussex, when a

horse does so, he is said to ** earn

a gallon of oats."

(2) Labourers' wages. Yorksh.

(3) s. A swelling with matter id

it. Somerset.

(4) s. The headland of a field;

same as adland. Northampt.

(5) s. Lees or dregs.

(6) adj. Empty.

Addled, adj. Having corruption.

Used in this sense in Somerset*

shire. Hence addled egy, said of

an egg in a state of putrefaction »

according to Grose and Jennings ;

but more usually applied to aa

egg forsaken by the hen after her

sitting. **Urinum ovum, gene-,

rationi ineptum, quod fit incubiu


ADD 23

derdicta, an md& egge, a

wiDdc cgge." Ridei'M Laim Die-

iifmmie, 1640.

AoDLB-HBAOEo, odj. Stapidj

thoDghtlcas. Vor.dial

Adsle-patk, «. A foolUh person.

Ai>DL|t.pi4yr, #. A person who

•poUs any amatement. &mth.

Addlx-pool, «. A pool, or paddle,

neai to a duoghill, for receiving

the liquid that oozes from the

dnnghili; in which liquid it is

not ttocommoD, in Suuex, to see

large quantities of mould or

earth, taken from the commons,

thrown to be saturated with it.

Aadukcs, #. The wages received

for laboorert* work. Yorkthire,

^et Addle.

Abdolokatk, ». (taken apparently

from the ItaL doiordre.) To


Abdkbss, ». (fV-.) To prepare for

anything: to get ready.

Adds. t. An addioe.

Adb, «. To cat a deep gutter across

ploughed land. SkroptA.

Ancca. Vinegar milk. NowelL

AncLAKTADo, #. (a Spanish word.)

A lord president or deputy of a

country; a <s>mmander.

iBTiadble mdriumfado over the amado of

pnpled laces.

Musmgtr, Ftrg. M«rl., ii, 1.

Open no door; if the a^aUntatto of Spain

vac kere ke ahnokl ntt enter.

B. /«... £9. M. out ofR^ T, 4.

Adimavd, «. The loadstone. See


Anurr, ». To fasten. MituAeu.

Ai>EPTi09r,a. {LaL) An aoquire-


A portwa <»f time wherein, to my on.

dcntandinir, tiiere hath bin the rarest

^wietics that ia like ■umber of auc-

of any hereditary monarchy

Mth bin knowiie: for it begioncth with

l.« mixt aJtptiom of a erovne, bv armes

•ad title.

BacoM, JU9. qflMTiu, b. i^ p. 114.

ADiauATi,».(Ztf/.) To make even

or equaL

ADancoF. t. (J.^,) A spider. See

Ades, a. Anaddice. Kemteit.

Aom9Piync,adJ.(Gr.) Notdeipotic.

Adiwbn. 9, (from J.^S, demeicm,

to bedew.) To moisten ; to be-


Thy grackmi ifaoiijyi lat reyne in habnad.


Upon mjn herte Vadtirm twtrj veyne

lAfdgaW$ Minor Poeatt, p. 251.

Adfiuati, w, (Ut.) To adopt for

a son. Minsheu'i Guide into

TongueB, 1627.

AoGK, a. An addice. North,

AoHKU, 9. (lat.) To suit; to fit.

I wojiM have avom hia dispoiition

would hare gone to the truth ot ins

words ; but thry do no more adA^rg and

keep pace togeijier, than tlie liundredth

paalm to the tune of Greftu SUew.

Merry Wives qJ Windtor, ii, 1.

Adbib, «. A name of the herb eye-

bright. .

Adh iBiTK, 9. ( Ui.) To admit.

Adhort, 9. {Lai.) To advise, or


Julina Agricola was the first that by

adk'rt-titm the BriUines pnbhkely, and

helping ihem privately, wuu them to

build hooses for themselTea.

Stow^9 LoHdim,'^, A,

AoiAPHoaiCT, a. (from Gr. d^ia-

^opia, indifference.) Indifference.

Rider' 9 Dictionaries 1640.

KniQUT, part. p. {A,>S.) Adorned.

Thanne sawe they yn a park

A castetl stoat and stark

That ryally wns adwpkt.

Lyheaus Mtanat, 711.

AoiHTRN, e. (from A.-S. adihian.)

To order; arrange ; adorn ; as be

adihteth him, t. e. fiu himself


Jdiktetk him a gay wenche of the newc jet.

FoUtidd Sonfft,p.SS9.

ADtVf prep. Within. Sustex.

AniRf pron. Either. A local form.

d by Google




Adit,«. (Lat.) A sough or level in a

mine, for the purpose of drawing

off water. Derbyth.

Aditb. V, {A.'N.) To indite ; to


Kyng Rychard dede a lettre wryte,

A iioblc clerk it ipm adyie.

Kck. Coer de Lim, 1174.

Adition, ». (Lat) An entrance or

approach to.

Adjotnatb, part, p. Joined.

Two temely

princes, together adioynate.

Hardyng** Chronicle.

Adjoynaunt, part. a. Adjoining.

Tnith it is, that he (Carclicus) iryth hys

Britons were iryvcn into Canil)rYR, or

Wales: yet he left not continuallye to

make reyses and assntes uppou the

Saxous,next to him adjoynaunU.

FbbturCs CJiroH., p. t, f. 106.

Adjoynauntbs, », Those who are


Sought and practised wales and meanes

how 10 joine himself with foreiii princes,

and to grcvc and hurte his neighbors

and adjoynsunta of the realme ol* Knjf-

laud. Ball, Hen. VI, t. 68.

Adjoynt, adj, A person joined

with another; a companion or


here with these grsTe adjcfnie,

(These learned maisters) they were taught

to see

Themselves, to read the world, and keep

their points. DanxeVe Civ. fTare, iv, 69.

Adjourn, v. (from the J.'N,

adjcumer.) To cite or sum-

mon any one to appear before

a judge.

Adjumbnt, 9. (Lat, a^mentum.)

Help; succour. Miege.

Adjunct, part,p, (Lat, adjunetut,)

United with; immediately con-


AojUTK, V, {Lat, adjuto.) To assist ;

to help. JoMon,

Adjutories, s. The arm bones are

so called in the old English trans-

lation of Viffo*» Book of Chirur-


Adjuvant, part, a. (Lat,) Assist,


TVhich meeting with convenient natter

and adjuvant causes, doe proceed to the

generation of severall species, accord-

ing to the nature of the effiricnt and

aptnesso of the matter. Jubrey'e Wilu.

Ad LANDS, s. The butts in a

ploughed field which lie at right

angles to the general direction of

the others ; the part close against

the hedges. Shropsh,, North-

ampt,, and Leieetterth,

Adle, adj. Unsound; unwell. EoMt.

See Addle.

Admeasurement, t. (Fr.) A law

term, defined by Cowell to be "a

writ which lyeth for the bringing

of those to a mediocrity, that

usurp more than their part."

Adminiculary, adj, (Lat.) Col-

lateral; indirect.

That he should never help, aid, snpply,

succour, or grant tliem any subvei'i.

titions fhrtheraiice, auxiliary suffrage,

or admnicuUry aoaistauce.

Sabelaie, ili, 84^

Admiral, "^ #. This word, which

ADM ERA l, is Very varied in its

admyrold, I orthography, is a

AMiRALD, Smere corruption of

ameral, I the Arab emir, Ac-

AMRAYL, I cording to some,

amy RALE, J the word is from

emir'atmat or emir of the water.

It is used especially in the me-

dieval romances, where it signi-

fies a Saracen commander, or

sometimes a king. According

to Kennett, the term admiral

was not introduced, in its present

sense, before the latter end of

the reign of Edward 1.

He sende aftur lordyneys,

Fyfteue admeraUya and kyngyt,

AjuI armyd them to fyght.

Cambridge US.

And be the cyteet and be the townea

ben tunyraUeit that han the governance

of the peple. MaundeeiU's TraeeU,

A launcc in hys band he helde,

Ue smot an f my rale in the scheUa.

Richard Coer d$ Uan, 6018.





TV) •fK'C <m •dmjroU,

Of «orUcs he ve» ■vythe boM.

ADMiBAXUflT, adj. Moti ftdmi-

nble. Accented on the ante-

peaalt. Yorksh,

Abmibai. or TBK bi.uk. a pobli.

em. This caot woitl it given

bj Grose, who inforios us that

the blae aprons formerljr worn

hf publicans gave rise to the

AoviRATiTS, a^. Minshen tppliea

the term adnarative point to the

Bote of interrogation (?).

AnifnuE, «. Admiration.

V^en jbrbMaanis did behold vith wonder,

Kua'i imuuen of Jove*s draidfnll thnndt-r,

£e that coaelnde* his eenmire with admire.


Aoim-TAiacB, ». Used by Shake.

speare in the sense of a custom

I or power of being admitted into

the presence of great personages.

I ?ord calls Falstaff a gentleman

' '*of great admiiiamee," Merry

meet, ti, 2.

AnxirriBLB, a^. Admissible.

Maaf dij|mtable optniont may be had

of rare, without the prayaing of it aa

oaiiy gdmiUiUe by inforeed neceaaitie,

aaa to be vaed mtelj for peace aake.

HarrisM'$ Deac. cf BrUm».

Apmokbst, V, (from the J.-N. ad-

aoaeff/er.) To admonish; to


loxoKisHMBirr, f. AdmonitioD.


Abmotb, v. (from Lot. admoveo.)

To move to.

AnartcBEix, «. To annihilafte.


AjmBiiJkTS, V. (Lot,) To tnnihi-

laie. This word is given by

llinsheu in his (hUd€ int^

T&tguet, 1627.

iinroTB,v.(£B/.adfH»/o.) To note;

to observe.

Adsvl, v. (LeJ,) To annuL

Ado, 9. (1) To do.

I vol that thri tmritlilr pt,

Aad dooeal that thri iinn nJo.

namanut «/ IJU Bust, 6(^.

(2) part, p. Done; finished* So-


Adonnbt. f . A devil. Norik,

AnooBS, a<f9. At the door.

But what, air, I beseech ye, was that


Toor iofdabip was to atndioaaly iaiployed


When ye came oai cdoor$ f

Woman TUaied, if, 1.

Adoptious, ai{r. Adoptive. ShaJtetp.

Adobat, $, A weight of four

pounds, a chemical term.

Adobb, v. To adorn, ^easn*.

And thoae tma tmn, falliag on your pus


Should turn to annlett for irreat Queens to

adort. Beaumont and Fletcher.

Adobnatioh, f. (Lai.) Adorning.

Mhuheu*» Guide into Tonffuee,


Adobne, (1) 9. To adore.

(2) «. An ornament ; adorning.


AooTB, V. To doat

He wax neijh out of wit for wrath that


And for dol adoUtk and doth him to hire


WilUam and tie Warwotf, p. 74.

Adoubed, part. p. {A,'N.) Armed ;


"^ t^. (from J.-N, adouU

Adoulcb, I cer.) To mitigate with

AOULCB, I sweetness; sweeten.

j Mineheu'e G. T„ 1627.

IVot knowing thia, that Jove decrees

Some mirth, Vadulee man's miseries.

Herrir ft Worts, a, 4,7.

AoouN, adv. Below.

Wiian Phebns dnelt her in this erthe adoun.

As olde bookea maken mencioun.

Ckaacer.C. T.,n, C&7.

And when the ^nepf I ys y'dooe,

Afayn thou niyjth knele adown.

Constittktumt of Masonry, p. S6.

XDOjmHtpart.p* (^.-iV.) Feared ;


Adpoymte,v. To appoint. Momutie

Leitert, p. 194.

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Adaad, ^part, p, (from A,»S.

ADRED, J adr€Bdan.) Frightened ;


— I am adrad, by raynt Thomas,

It stondeth nat aright with Miciiolaa.

Ckaueer's C. T.. 1. S435.

Seeing the iig;]y moiiater paaning by.

Upon Uim aet, of peril nansht adrad.

Spenser's P. Q.

The sight whereof the lady woxt adrad.


Adramino, adj. Churlish.

Adrawb, o. (1) To draw away; to


AweT fro hem he wold adrawe,

Yf tbiit he myght. Octovian, 867.

(2) To draw forth.

The geant, tho he ley hym come, begnn ys

mace adrawe. hob. Gloue.

Adreamt. (1) Iw(U adreamt, for

I dreamed.

Wilt thoa believe me, sweeting? by this


/ teas adreamt on thee too. 0. PI., vi, 8S1.

I was adreamt last night of Francis there.

Cilff N. Cap, 0. PL, xi. 835.

I was eren nnwadream'd that you could

sec witli cither of your eyes, in so ranch

as I waked iur joy, and I hope to iind

it tnie.

Wits, mtes, and Fancies, 1596, p. 9i.

(2) Dosing. Ojcfordsh.

Adrede, v. {A.'S. adr<edan,) To


Ganhardin seighe that sight.

And sore him gan adrede.

Sir Tristrem.

ADKEiirrjpart.p,(A.-S.) Drowned.

A 1 dame, he saide. ich wnn asschreiht,

Ich weuda thou haddest ben adreint.

The Sevyn Sages, li86.

Adrelwurt, 8, The herb federfew.

Adrbnchen, V, (from A^-S. adren-

can.) To drown. AdreniCf

pati t, Adreint, part. p.

The see the shal adreneke,

Ne shal hit us of-thenche.

Kyng Horn, 109.

And ladde hem out of Egypt bi the liverede


And the kyng adrente and alle hvs, that he

ue com never age. Jxob. Glow.

AoRESsiD, part. p. Dressed;

clothed. Gower.

Adkest, part.p. Dressed; adorned'


When spreng, adrest in tutties.

Culls all tiia birds abroad.

Jennings, p. 138.

*«i-™ r<^dv. Aside; behind.

adreich, j

The kinges doughter, which this aigh,

For pure bbasshe drewe her adn^h.

Qower's Coufessio Amantis, ed. 1632, f. 70.

A DRINK, adj. Drunk.

Adrooh, \pa8t. t. Drew away.

adrowb, J Rob. <^ Glow;.

Adronuue, part. p. Drowned.

Kyng Horn, 988.

Adrop, 8. A species of auricbalc,

mentioned by Jonson in the

Alchemitt, ii, 1.

Adrowed, adj. Dried. Devon.

Adry, arf;. Dry; thirsty. " Doth a

man that is adry. desire to drink

in p:old }" Burton*s Anatomy of

Melancholy, p. 329. It is still

retained in various dialects.

How pleasant 'tis to drink when a man's


Tiie rest is all but dnlly sipping on.

Behn, The City Heiress, 168S.

Adrtb, V, (from the A.-S. adreo-

gan.) To bear ; to suffer.

Adulable, adj. (Lat.) Easy to be

flattered. Minsheu.

}To dub a knight.

*• Charlemay ne adoub^

Adulterate, adj. (Lat.) Adulte-

rous; also false, in a general


Th' adulterate Hastbga, Eirers. Vanghan,

Grey. Jtich. III,ir, 4.

Aye, that incestuous, that adnlterate beast.

Shaiesp. Ham., 1, 6.

Adulterine, adj. Adulterous.

Mir. for Mag., p. 85.

Adumbration, «. {Lat.) Accord-

ing to Huloet, the "light de-

scription of a house side or front,

where the lyne do answer to the

com passe and centrye of everye

parte." Abcedariwn, 1552.


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Adcn, «fe. Down.

AouiTATioK, 9. {Lai.) Union.

AoiTHCiTT, a. {JLat') Crookednest.

Aditrb, v. {LaL aduroS) To barn.


Aorsr, jtari. p. (Lai, mduitmi.)

Burnt; parched*

Drje aad tsdust, and a gret vaatofiir.

I^d^aW* Motor Poemj. p. 197,

AoijTAsrrK, m$. Astonishing.

Witli ther roppcntftote

.M<r«/«m, ITorly, ii, 4S9.

AoTAXCB, w. To gr«ce; to giTC

lustre tOw SAaketp., Timon of

AthenM, i, 2.

Advancers, 9.pL The second

branches of aback's horn. Howell,

See Avaniert.

AoTANTAGE, V. To giTC idTanttge

to another.

Thus Yeana tint, to kelp lore*! poUide,

JivemtefU him with opportunitie.

Aid sow aa Iwrera wont ^h«r timea eapie,

Tu:» iorer can liia taake mil well applte,

AiKJ fttmcatoeoorlhia misirea runum^lie.

TaU Of Troy, 15tt9.

ADTAUirr. t. (i#--M) A boast.

AovAurrrorK, #. A boaster.

Advayle, ». {A.'N,) Profit; ad-


la any wise to do.

For lucre or adraple,

Actyast Uiy» kyng to layle.


Adtkhtatxe,*. (i^.-M) Th€ open

and moveable portion of the hel-

met which covered the mouth,

for the purpose of respiration.

Advbntvksrs. It was common in

the reign of Queen Elizabeth for

young volunteers to go out in

naval enterprises in hopes to

make their fortunes, by disco-

veries, conquests, or some other

means. These advmturerBt pro-

bably making amorous conquests

a part of their scheme, vied with

each other in the richness and

elegance of their dresses. Sir

Funds Drake, in hia cxpcdiUon

against Hispaniola, bad two thoa

sand such volunteers in his fleet.

To this Den Jonson ailndes under

the name of the Ulsnd Voyage:

*« I had as fair a gold jerkin on

that day, as any worn in the

igland voyage^ or at Cadiz." Epic.,

i, 4. (Naret.)


Those travellers who lent money

before they went, upon condition

of receiving more on their return

from a hazardous journey.

KnY^fL&AVTtpart.p. Contrary to.

Mintheu*9 Guide mio Tongues,


Adtemation, 9. {A.'N.) Oppo-


DeaTTinge ao a fastrit in to d« ell,

Uyiii Hud hia meo to kepe froma all ciwr.


Hardyny't CkromicU,

Adtbrse, ». {A.-N,) To be un-


Adverse*, 9. {A.'N.) An adver-


If yn atberttn and falae wytnea bemra

agaynate me. Jrckicoloyta, xxm, 46.

Adversion, s. (Lai.) Attention ;


The lonl bestoweth her Mdweniom

On •umething elw.

So thooKh tlie lonl, the time she doth a^


The bodies paaaioDS lakea heraelf to die ;

Yet death now fiaiih'd. the ean well


Henrlf to other thoiiKhta. And if the eye

Of her adternon were fast Hx'd on lii^h.

In midst of death 'twere no more fear nor


llian 'twaa vnto Elias to let flte

Hi» uieleaae mHiitletothat Hebrewe twain,

Wliile he rode np to heaven in a bright

fiery waia.

Mor^t PkiUuopkual Pom*, p. 29 (.

Advert ASB'D,^arf.^. Advertised.


Advertation, f. Information.

Digby Mytieriet, p. 106.

Advertence, «. Attention. CAou-


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AsvERTigE. V. (^.-Al) To inform

oneself. This word formerly had

the accent on the middle syl-


but I do hend my speech

To one that can mj part in him advertise.

Meatnnfor Measure, i, I.

Advektissment, «. (1) Informa-


(2) Admonition.

Advest, t>. (A.-H.) To put a per-

son in possession.

Advice, «. (from A.'N. adtfit,) Con-

sideration ; reflection.

Fair air, you arc well overtaken :

My lord BasiaDio, upon more adviee.

Unth sent you hero thia ring; and doth


Your company at dinner.

MercAoMt of Venice, It, 9.

Advigilate, v. (Lai.) To watch.

Advise, v. (from A.-N. advUer.)

To consider.

Bnt, if through inward griefe or wilfull


Of life, it be ; then better doe adnise.

Spenser^s Faerie (^ueene^ IV.riii, IB.

Bnt when they came again the next

day and viewed it likewyBC, the kepcn

of the Buid castell, suspectvnf; some

fraude to lurcke in their lo'kyng, de-

manndedof theim what was their entent.

and why they vewrd and advised so tlie

castel. EaU, Henry VII, f. 48.

Advised, part, p. Acquainted. " I

am not advUed of it." Used in

the North, and, according to

Grose, in Norfolk. Shakespeare

uses it in the sense of acting with

sufficient deliberation.

My liege, I am advised what I say ;

li either disturbed with the effect of wine,

"Sot heady-rash, provok'd with raging ire.

Albeit, my wrongi might make one wiser

mad. Cat$ud]f of Errors, v, 1.

Advisement, «. Resolution ; ob-

servation; consultation; advice.

8t Augustine noteth how he saw the

tooth of a mMU, wherof he took good

advisement^ and pronounced in the ende,

that it would iiave msde 100 of his

owne, or anyother man's that lyvcd in

his tftae. Sarrison's Descript. of Brit.

Hem smI mn mal y pemse, quoth he.

Wherewith nfou advizement, thougn the


Were small, bis pleasura and Ids purpose


T* 'dvaunce that garter and to instttute.

Honor of tke Garter, 159^.

Advision, «. (J.'N.) A vision ; a


Advite, adj. Adult.

Fyrste such personet, beynr nowe ad-

vite, that is to saye, passed their chylde-

hode, as wel in ninners as in yerea.

Sir Tko. BUfoVs Governor, p. 85.

Advocacies, «. ph {A.-N.) Law-


Be ye not aware, howe that false Poliphete

Is now about eftsonis for to plete.

And bringin on you nivocaeies new ?

TroU, and Cres., \, 14C7.

Advocas, «. {A.'N,) Lawyers;


As shameful deth as herte ean derise.

Come to thise juges and hir advoens.

Ckmteer, Cant. T., 13,225.

Advocation, «. {LaL advoeaiio,)

Pleading. In Scotland, advoca-

tion signifies the same as a writ

of certiorari in England.

Alas I thrire gentle Cassio,

My advocation is not now in time.

Othello, iii. S.

Advocatricb, 8. A female advo-

cate. Elyot,

Advoid. «. To avoid; to leave;

to quit.

Advouch, v. To avouch.

Advoutress, », An adultress.

Revealing Sir Thomas Orerburies wonls

to the countess of Essex, lord Rnchcs-

ter's advoutress, she was much enraged

at it, and from that moment resolved on

revenge. Bib. Topog., vi, 5.

Advoutrie, "] «. (from A.-N. ad-

AVOUTRiE, > voutrie^ avoutrie,)

ADVOWTRT, J Adultery.

We eiffe nojte ourc bodyse to lecherye ;

we do nane advowtrye, ne we do na

aynne wharefore us sulde nede to do

penaunce. lAneoU JUS,

And so tlie good sely man spake and

made the pese betwene tlicm both, yea

and farther he gave them a gallon of

wyne : addvnge to his wivea advoutry

the lossc of his wine.

Taiet and Quieie Jusvcers,

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duke Bvufrcj sjc ra-

X <2u>aatch mdeomtru, as it vaa.

Mirror for Mmg^ p. MS.

A5TOWI, ». (^.JVT. OAWMT.) To

trov; to plead.

Av¥OTi>«, ». To ftTOid.

A^ BO li£. wlticiie OQffat and vhoie

in?e-^ was to bare adtojfdfd and put frtna

Bbc t^ inrarie* of all otlterperMnea.

Ai^f« C'MMhlMB. Hem, IV, t^.

ADVAKO, »- and ». Award ; judg-

senteoce. ^9«nwr.

V. To wait for.

2'f'mast. Lettert, p. 202.

lDTu>,^«r/- />. Earoed. Toipm.

tv MysierieM, p. 195. See

Airrp, #. ffirom Gr. &8vrov.) The

mneriDOCt part of a temple ; the

pace where the oracles were pro-

Befactd. aaiidrt the adyU of oar goda.

^ Greenes Work*, i, 114.

Ax, mdj. yJ'-S.) One; one of

gereral; each. North.

JL»G*GEA2ST9, «• (^r.) A tOrt of

mfla. '* j£nffaffeant$, are double

rsfBei that fall over the wrists."

Lad9*9 JHrHamarp, 1694.

Axa, «. An car. SomL

AfasMAKcnr, «. {Gr.) Dmnation

hv the air.

AzaiE, I a- (fi^m -^-^- «7. •»

Ajaia, I egS) Th« »"* o^ "

ATKKT, f eagle, hawk, or other

ETSKim^J Inrd of prer, but some-

times also the hrood of the yooog

IB the nest

Ok aerit, vitb proportioB, ae'er dis-

Tlae oSe and tbe wren.

^^lUamii3€f'3Mtii(^E<mour, I, 2.

I ^mad tfae fSwaaant that the bawk doth

Seekjsg fiff safety bred bis Mery there._

For as an eftri* from llie'r Kerra wv^l

Led o'er thepUins and Uujtlii to |cel tbrir

food. Bnmn*, Jtnt. I'mst., u, «.

On hii anovie rreat

Tbe tov'riiig faicoa whilooie built, and


Strove for that «iri#. A., i. 1 .

There is a grant, in which the

"harts and hinds, wild boars and

their kinds, and all ariew of

hawks," are reserved, liuichin-

soa'i HUt. qfCumb.Xb2Z. And

a petit serjeantry was heid in

Cumberland, "by keeping the

king's oerieM of gonhawks."

Biouni*8 Joe. Ten., p. 165.

(2) a. To build its nest.

And vhere tbe plicBnu turut. Drayton.

^STiTALL, ael/. (Lat.) App<»r-

taining to summer. Rider^t IHc*

tionarie, 1640.

^STiVATK, 9. ( Lat.) To remain in

a place during the summer.

iEsTivK, adj. {Lai.) Of summer.

i£TiTE8. A pebble, sometimes

called the eagle-stone. The an-

cients believed that it was found

in the eagle's nest, and that the

eggs could not be hatched with,

out its assistance. Acconling to

Lopton, it is a charm to be used

by women in childbirth, and

brings love between man and wife.

A singular account of its virtues

may lye seen in Cooper's edition

of Elyot's DietumarUt 1559, Sig.


Abwaas, adv. Always. Norths

PkXYt adv. Yes. Var. dial.

Afaitbn 1 *'• (^-^- *-^*''^)

afI^^ r'™^^' toUme,to

AFAYTT, JjubduC.

It afttHetk the llf ash

Fram foliet fol nianye.

Pitn PI., p. 891.

He badde a rlergon yon^ of age,

\S boiu be batii lu bia cUamber affaitod,


Tbe 5onge wbelpe wbicbe is irffayUd.

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Ai sonc M tomer come, to YrloncI he gan


Yor to afaytjf that lond, and to wynne ech

ende. Rah. Glove, p. 179.

Afa I.LE, part, p. Fallen.

Afare, «. {A.-N.) Afifairs ; busi-

ness; ado.

Afarne, adv, {A.'S.) Afar off.

Afatement, f. {A.'N.) Be-

haviour; manners.

Afayle v. {A.'N,) To faiL

Afeared, 1

affeard, V part. p.{A,'S.) Afraid,

afert, J

For be he leired man or cUes lered,

He iiot how Bone tliat lie shnl ben afered.

The Doctoura Tale.

Ich am a/eri,

Lo whet ich se,

Me tliiuketh )ut beth derclet thre.

MS. Arvnd., 8S.

Afere, 1 ». {A.'S, afceran.) To

affear, J terrify.

Tlie flnm the soudan nam, Richard for to

effere. LangtofVe Chron., p. 187.

And it afereth the fend,

lor swich ia the uivehte.

Fieri PI., p. 805.

£ach trembling leofe and whistling wiod

they hearc,

As ghastlv bug, does grratlv them affeare.

^pouer^s Faerie QHeene,ii,i'a^ 20.

AFEDS,e.(^.-5.) To feed. Chaucer,

Afbfe, v. {A.'N.) To fcof ; to give


Afeld, \adv, {A.'S.) In the

afelde, j field ; in fight.

Ant hou he sloh afelde

Him that is fader aqnelde. Som^ 997.

Afelle, V. {A.'S.) To fell; to

cut down.

That lond destmd and men nqneld.

And Cristendom thai hnn michel afeld.

Oy of JFaneike, p. 96.

Afbnge, V, {A.'S.) To receive;

to take.

A ladv, whyt as flowr,

That iiyghte la dame i'amoret

Afeng hym fayr and well.

Ljfbeaue Diseonvs, 1401.

Afxormb, V, {A.-N,) To confirm ;

to make fast,

nave who so the maistry may,

Aftorm^ed fastc is (his dcray.

K^ng Misaunder, 7356.

Afer, f. {A.'N,) A horse. The

word is now used generally for

a common hack, or cart- horse.

According to Spelman, it was

current in his time in Northum-


AferDi part, p, {A.-N.) In-


^^r«;, l«&*-(^-^) Afraid.

aferre, J

Sche that is aferre lette her flee.

SiUon, Jne. Soh^s, p. 77.

Afetid, part, p. {A.-N.) Well-

shaped, or featured, applied to


Affabrous, adj, {Lat. affabre.)


Affadil, f. {A.'N.) A daffodil.

A form of the word common in

the 15th and 16th centuries.

Affaied, part. p. (/^.-iV.) Af-

frighted ; affected, hangioft,

Afpaies, f. {A,'N^ Burdens.


ArFAiyEDtpart,p.{A.'N.) Feigned.

Affamish, v. {A.'N,) (I) To fa-

mish with hunger. Speruer,

(2) To die of want.

There is a cnrious clause in one of the

Romish Casuists concerning the keep-

ing 01* Lent, riz , that beg^rs which

are ready to affumish for \\ ant, may in

Lent time eat what thev can get.

HalVe THumpht'of Borne, p. 123.

Affabulation, f. The moral of

a fable.

Affect, v. {Fr.) To love.

Who make it their taske to disparage

what they affect not.

JehmoU'e Theatr. Chem., p. 461.

Affect, i t . Affections ; passions ;

affects, j love.

For every man with his qfeele is horn.

Looeys Labours Lost, i, 1.

Is*t possible, I should be dead so soon

In her afeelsf

Marston's What Ton Witi, iii, 1.

All orercome with infinite t^ect

For his exceeding courtesy. J^tenser.

It shall be so. Grime, gramercio»

Shut up thy daughter, bridle her o^k^j.

Let me not miss her when I make


GreeHo's Pinner <if Wakefield, 1390.





Sq bcr cbfT cue, n eutlcne bov to please

fifx ova tfeeL, wm care of n^opln ease.

im^lmit BUza, Mirr. M^ p. 863.

AmcTATBD, ^r/. p. {Lat.) Af-

fected. " A stile or oration to

much afeetaied wytb strange

words." Baret.

AyncTATioK, $. {Lai.) A anions

desire of a thing which nature

hath not given. Aider.

AppEcriotrsLT, ado, Aflection-


AfFEcnox,». (fr.) (1) To love.

"But can too affection the

'oiBinr Merry jnv€9(tfJfind'

tor, i, 1.

(2) $, AiTectatioii.

(3J Sjmpathy.

Affkctionated, part. p. (Lat)


ArpEcnoiTKD, part.p. Affected;

having affections.

Atfectivx, A^'. Touching; affect-

ing; painful.

Afpictuall, adf. {Fr.) Effectual.

*»»»«««™ « V *^^7 » affection-

So xhai mj vrittnge rather mm>kit1ie

T<m to ilispkMar iliiin it foraeriihe me

111 uiy Myni conccrnynj; jour ftruur,

whicbe I aoet ^ectnclly coreyte.

ArckaohgiA, xxt, 89.

I kare •ooght h jn mffeetuosly.

AFncruo8rrT,«. The Tehemence

of passion.

AmsBLKD, adj. Enfeebled.

Affeer, 9, {J.-N.) To settle ; to

Bsseu; to reduce to a certainty.

All amerciaments — that is, judge-

ments of any court of justice,

vpon a presentment or other

proceeding, tliat a party shall be

unereed— are by Magna Charta

to be afeered by lawful men,

sworn to be impartial. This was

the ordinary practice of a Ck>urt


njtiUeis^«er'<i/ Fare thee vdl. lord.

AymKKBS, f. Persons who, in

courts leet. are appointed upon

oath, to settle and moderate the

fines and amerciaments imposed

upon those who have commiiied

faults, or offences, for which no

precise penalty is proTided by

statute; and they are likewise,

occasionally, so emploved in

coui ts baron.

Apfendb, r. To offend.

Affkra VNT, f . (j4,'N.) The hanoch

of a hart.

Arraaa, (1) «. (^.-JV. offerer.) To


(2) a. Countenance ; demeanonr.

Affbeme, v. (^.-A'.) To confirm.

Among the (Oddrs hve it i« effTntrJ.

Ckuu'cer, CuHt. T., i,'Jil

kwvMXE,^,part.p. {A.-S.) Fright,


She for a vhile wns wfl] %mv nf^t^i.

Brtfwn^t SkephearfTi Fipt, Lcl, L

Affis, "]

AFFY, I P. (J.-N.qffer.) (l)To

AFYE, I trust; to rely in.


Tot to slicwe by expCTicnce

That she i« Kortuiif renlir.

In whom no man ne vhould affif,

Kor in bcrvetii* hnre rinunrr.

iiomMUHi o/lh4 Kote, S480.

Bid none c^^ in frif ndt, for uy, his childrrn

wroapht hiswrarke.

Wanur'* Albion' » Bnglmni, UM.

Pon afyed in his streynihe.

K. Jluaumdsr, 7351.

Who that bath treve amye,

JoUiiich he ouy hym in her afwh^.

JK 4753.

(2) To betroth in marriage.

And wedded be thon to the ha^ of hell,

>'or darini^ to e^ a mighty lord

Unto the daughter of a wortlilrsa kinjr,

llaring neither subjecl, wealth, nor du<lfm.

2 Uenry VI, ir. 1.

Affinaob, «. {j4.'N.) The refining

of metals. Skinner.

Affink, (1) «• (Lai. affbue.) A


(2) V. (A.'N.) To refine.


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Affinkd, tfi|f. Connected by re-

lationship or otherwise.

Now, sir, b« Judge youiwlf,

WlicthCT I in any Juat term am amn^d

To love the Moor. OthtUo, ^ 1.

Affirb, adv. On fire. Lydgate.

Affirm ABLT, adv. "With cer-


Afflioht, f. Flight.

Afflioit, adj. {j4.'N,) Afflicted.

Afflubncy, #. {Lat. afflueniia.)


Yott may justly wonder at this vast

aJHuMOf of indulgences.

BrniHl*s Satd, ^e., p. 968.

Affodbll, #. (^.--y.) The daf-


AFFORCB,f;.(>^..M) To strengthen;

to compel. See ^orce, (the more

common form.)

Afforb, V. (^.-M) To make


Heete and moytture directyth ther pai-


With grecne fenrenoe faforeyongeonM:

Ljfdffate's Minor P., p. 844.

Afforbst, V. {A.'N.) To turn

ground into forest. This term is

used in the Carta de Foreata,

9 Hen. III.

Afformb, v. {Lat.) To conform.

Afforst, adv. Thirsty. See


Kot halffe ynowh tberof he hadde.

Oft he was afforst. F^ere and Boy.

Affrayb, V, {ji.'N.) To frighten.

And wbenne kynge Kdwardes hooste

had knowlege that sere Fcrys le Bnisille

with the Scotlcamen were comynge,

tliei rcmcved from the segc and were

o^y#rf. Wartvorlh's ChnmicU, p. 2.





But yet I am in grete affraie.

Bom. o/ik€ Rose, 4Z^.

His herte was in grete afrojfe.

Syr Trjfamoure, 1382.

Affray, t. A disturbance.

Who lyved ever in snob dclyt a day.

That him ne meved eytlier his conscience.

Or ire, or talent, or nom luaner affray.

Chaucer, Cant. 7., 6656.


Affraynb, V. {J.'S.) To ques-

tion ; to ask; to know by asking.

I tf^ayiMrf liym first

Fram whennes he come. Pters Pt.»p. 347.

Affbayor, *. {J.'N.) The actor

in an affray.

Every private man being present be-

fore, or in and during tlie time of an

affray, ought to stay the a/rasN>r,and to

Cart them, and to put them in sunder,

ut may not hurt Uiem, if they rcast

him; neither may he imprison them

(for that he is but a private man).

JXilUni'e Country Justice, 16S9.

Afframynge, 9. {A.-N.) Profit ;

gain. Prompt. Parv., p. 176.

Affraf, v. {A.-N.) To encounter;

to strike down.

Tliey bene y-roett, both ready to effi^.


Affrbnd, ». {A.'S.) To make

friends ; to reconcile.

And deadly foes so faithfully egrended.

■ Spenser.

Affret, f. {Fr.) An assault ; an


And, passing forth with ftirious gffireL


Affric AN, f. A name for a species

of marigold.

Affriction, f. Friction.

Affriohtmbnt, f . A frightning.

I have heard you say that dreames and

visions were fabnlunsj and yet one time

I dreamt fowle water ran through the

floore, and the next day the hoiue was

on fire. You us'd to say hobgoblins,

fairies, and the like, were uotlung but

our owne affrightmenls, and yet o* my

troth, cuz, 1 once drcnm'd ui a young

batchelour, and was ridd wiih a night-

mare. But cume, so my conscienee be

cleere, I never care how fomle my

dreames are. The VouyBreaMer, 16S6.

Affrodilb, f. A daffodil. Chegh,

Affront, (1) v. {A.-N. afnnter.)

To confront ; to salute. These are

the direct meanings of the word ;

but it is also often used to denote

encountering, opposing, attack-

ing, and most generally, to offend

and insult avowedly and %'ith


For we have closely sent for ITamlet hither.

That he, as 'twere by accident, may here

Jfffont Ophelia. ilaaUet, iu, I.





(2)«. A Mliitttioii.

Oaij, tir, tlut I aort caotian ymi of, in

jov mffrtmt, or white, nerer to more

yoar Let Greenes Tti ^MfW.

Has daj^hoB ikall hare ingots, and to-

Caekn^iVmffrcmt. /mam, .iZdL. n» 8.

(3) odSr. Id faee of.

Afl norbd «nm WVwi/ the ntc

Fhaa'* rtrfi, p. 194.

4fbii# the tovBC A., p. in.

. . . . aad Ob the ahofe ^/(wl them tenda.

it., {k 821.

AFraoKTBBNBas, f. Greal impn-


ArFuin», 9, (Lot.) To pour upon.

Afftauwck, #. (^.-M) Trust.

Atgodnsss, «. (^.-51) Idolatry.

Ansui, oA. Gone to the fields ;

out in the fields. Nortkam^

knuL, \v. {A,'N,) (1) To

ATFILB, J polish.

7ar vd wyat he, vhan that aonf was imge.

He BQita precfae^aad vcl t^U his tunpte.

CKatMflr, CImiI. T., 7l4w

(2) To defile.

Alia, beo aaide. y acn y^apiUedl

ftesKm me elepoth qoeae Med.

gj»ff Jlunudtr, 1064.

AriHDV, 9. (^.^.) To discover.

And tha the Sarsens tfmidt

Ucr lord was sIstii.

OetowUm, \,IW9.

Aront, eAr. The same ts -^fyn.

AmsGwxD, adj. A-hnngred ; him-

cry. See 4/unt.

Aid after nanv auuier metes

Hisaa»reisi|^nvr«^ /1wfvPr.,p.lSS.

A f« fon oat of the wode fco,

Jfm§ni aob that hiin ves wo.


Aftt, oAr. On foot. North.

AnTK. 0^. Into five pieces.

Ihat has spcre braat tfvt.

Of pfWarygnkij p. 894.

Aflamixo, adj. Flaming.

Aflat, adj. Flat.

Atlaumt, a4N Showily dressed«

Al ^kmmt now ramit it ;

Brave «earfri^ east away care.

riwmm mmd CatBrnuin, V 8.

Atlxd, per/. Esctped. "He

thought hym well ^^indL" Sir


ArLiOHTB,v.(^.-iV.) Toheaneasy.

ArLOBS, adv. On the floor.

Afo, v. (^.-&) To take ; to re-

ceive; to undertake.


tor Boihuig that he aitht do.

Of pf Wmrwih, p. 9i.

Awo AT, adj. On foot. Var.diaL

Awoihu, V. {J.'N.) To foil; to cast


AroNDB, 9. (A.'S. ^amdiam.) To

prove ; to try.

And nys son ned wrth foole handfynf*

Other othcri{^OM(«<A W.i$Skardmm,

AvoNOK, 9, {d.'S.) To take; to


Noa God that oea soole jai; oas kU hire

her BO rede,

Tbateeint Miehd oea note ^^bay* aad to-

fnra him kde 1

MUdU-Jge TrmOm m Sdmet, p. 140.

AFoncB, 1 V. {A,'N. affbrcer.)

AFFOftCB, /(l)Toforce;tocoro-

peL To <|foretoiMtff^, to labour

to do a thing.

And doth hit tvme in yerdis leynth^

And t{fareed hit by streTiithe.

jr. Jlunmdtr, 78S.

And heo ii^breei^hoa the more the hethene

awey to diyre. ital. GUmc.

(2) To violate a female.

He hath me of Tibrnie Wioocbt ;

Me to ^fgret is in his thoachu


AFOEN, J ^^" ""**"• P~*-

(2) Gone. Somenet.

AroRE-Tux. Before thon hast


AponxTiirs, eifi^. In time past.

Afouyenb, prtp. (J.'S.) Over

against ; in front of. Somenet.

The yondir hoow, that etante ^orftns nn


AronNAifBS, adv. Beforehand.

Prompt. Part.

AronNX-CABTB, adj, (^.-5.) Pre-


By hii^ inaglnacion afonu-auff.


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Aforran, adt. lu store; in re-

serve ; corrupted from q/orehand.


Aforsb, adv, {A.-N.) By ne-


Than ffelle it affi^rte to ffille liem atejne.

Z>(7KW. 0/£icA.//, p. 28.

Aforthb, adv, {/4.-S. afor^.) Al-

ways; continually.

And yaf hrm mete aa he nivghte aforthf^

And uiesurable hyre. Fiers PL, p. 139.

Aforward, adv. In front.

Afote. adv. On foot.

Afoundrit, pari, p. Foundered.

Chaucer^ ed. Urry,

Afrawl, adv. For all ; in spite

of. Sufolk,

Afrebd, adj. Afraid. Derhyth,

Afrrt, adv. {A -N.) Placed cross-

wise, or in fret.

For round environ her cronnet

Ww full or ricUe stoiiis afret.

£oM. of Rose, 3204.

Afrbtie, v. {A.'S.) To devour.

The fend ou afrelie

Pol. Songs, p. 240.

Afrkyne, v. {A.'S.) The same as


AvRosT, adv. In front; abreast.

Afrore, adj. Frozen. Somerset,

Afrountk, V, {A.'N.) To accost;

lo encounter. An older form of


And with Node I mette.

That afroutUed mc foule.

Pisrs PI, p. 425.

Aft, (l)arfr. Oft.

(2) prep. (A,-S. aft,) Behind;

after. North. "I'll come aft

you." Sussex, but not in general


After, pr^p. (A.-S.) Afterwards ;

according tu. "After that they

were," according to their degree.

Afterbvrthbn, f. The afterbirth.

Aftercastb, s, a throw at dice

after the game is ended; some-

thing doa« too late.

Ajterclap, f. Anything unex-

pected happening after a diss-

grceable ailair has been thought

at an end.

For the assaults of the devil be craftie

to make us put our trust in such Hrniour,

hee will feme hiniselfe to flie : but then

we be most in jco))Hrdie. For he c:in

give us ajt afterelap y.\itii we least wecne,

timt IS, suddenly returne uuawurea tu

us, and then he' |?ivcth us an aflerclmp

that ovurthroweth us, this armour Ue-

ccy veUi us. Latimer's Sermons,

Afterdeale 1»-(^-^-) ^"con-

^^^^^' Vvenience; disad-

AFTERDELE, J^^^^age.

The kyage and the duke were before

put to great aftcrdfnle ; by reason of

rcforiniuioun of tliat iile they gat daily

upou their eneniycs. labiau, ii, 14^.

Thus the battle was great, aud ofcen-

tinies that one party was at a fureddc;

tuM anon at au afterdele, « Inch eudui cd

Ion jr.

Malory, H. ofK. Arthur, fcc., b. i, p. 169.

After-eye, v. To keep a person

in view ; to follow him.

Thou shoutd'st Iiave made him

As hi lie as a crow, or Jess, ere left

To after-eye hint. CymbcliMy i, 4.

Apferfeed, t. The grass after the

111*51 crop has been mown, which

is fed off, not left for an after-

math. Oxford.

Ap-rER-GAME, s. The •* after-game

at Irish" is mentioned in the

DeviVs Law-Caae, 1623. It is

described in the Compleat Gatne-

ster, 1709.

'W'hnt cursed accident was tliis? what

mischievous stars have tlie niunagiu*; of

my fortune? Here's a turn with all my

heart like an after-game at Irish.

Etkertge, Corneal Rertnge, 1668.

After- KINDRED, t. Remote kin-

dred. Chaucer,

After-love, «. A second or later

love. See the TSco Gentlemen

of f 'erona, iii, 1, and Richard II,

V, 3.

Aftermath, m, A second crop of

grass. Var, dial.

AFTER-PARTE.The behind. Prompt.


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Ama.6Aiu, f. The tails thit

bekmj to the main and mizen

GB»tB, and keep the ship to the


A^rearxcs,*. The last milk taken

(nm a cow. This word is used

iotbe Midland Counties. " Dimna

EX the tfierhufM wi* tother milk."

—Do not mix the last drawn milk

»ith the other milk.

APTnarrs, #. Aftermaths. Berk».

AntR-ioNGK, adv. Long after-

^'■^^Um^ht Ijred withonten stnrfe.

Rfllf. Jntiq., i,'47.

ArrEBWARDS. •• I must leave that

fcr old eftentards** i. e., I must

'io It at Mme future time.

ArsE-tERXE, 9. {A.'S,) To long


Aw.ifEAL,,. A late meal.

^h'^MftUtxlio shall paye for tlic tiine?

Tky$ut€'s Debate, p. 49.

A7raE, tic. On fire. -fto*. C/oiu?.

inasr.fl^/p. Thirsty. The two

firiaj a-fyngred and a-furstt ap-

pcirto l»€ characteristic of the

salectof the counties in the West

f'f England, and occur often in

^ifrt Ploughman^ and in manu-

«?"«pta pro^moly written in that

P»rt of the country. ""Affurtt

f^rrcptc pro at hirst ^ siliens, siti-

P^nas." MS. Glouc. Glass.

*tiT.«^. Sullen. Somerset.

^'woaE, prep. Before. Var.


^GHTE, ». (^..5. qfeohtan.) To

^*°«i reduce to subjection.

•^5. li?.(i#-A:fl/».) In fine;

^'^s, J in the end; at last.

Jf«» «rt drrnk thrv badde «/>«.

n«Srtt, ckri, abd'Rert-DTscii vm.

' Ztfimyai, 348.

^6 V. To eot with a ttrokc. North.

^«Uir,«ir. Against; again. North.

«ABaiD^ part. p. Gathered.

A6A«,fc Tiicagae. North.

^I'^X W(^..5.) Apinst,

. ^ . .^. .* f "«*•' to ; towards.


And |irrrrtli hir for to ride o^nn tbs


TUe honour of bts rf«»nr to •n^trm^.

i'kaucrr, (nut. T,*h\2.

Til it were ov-"'" r^^^\.

SvH'jt und Cnrols, X.

(2) adr. Used expletivcly.

Till! riti(« lic<h brtwrrn the rnrri IV>n

and !)<••-, ttiicrt m t« iln- ifnav^i «!i.re

or sm1iii<i(i4, I lull i» l(j he louiiil ay«wi

vithiii till' cuiiKf iKsr ol Aii'iori.

J^f-lCr. nl >CotL, lioliUf.'.'J, p. 7.

Tliry lia\»'. in t|ii« roiiiiliy iMrlir |«lrrify

of I«'iM-« Ixi'iie «iidi- iiiiil l.iim- .t<i tj.c

lyk" iKiiiiiitf oyaynt >• uoi tu be 1 w\A in

Jinia.iic. /A., p. i4.

Againbye, 1 V. {A.'S.) To re-

AGiiKNBiE, / deem.

Agaynbykr, s. a redeemer.

** A(jayuhtftT or a raunsf.mere, re-

deinptor." MS. Hart., 221. fol. 3.

AoEvy - BYiNGR, *. BedcniptioD.

Prompt. Parv.

Agayne-commyngr, s. Return.

AoAiN.Ri8iNO,a. The resurrection.

Agaynsay, la. {A.'S.) Con-

agayxsayyxg, j tradirtion.

Sure it is tliat )»f liHikt* laiulf pt-nrrahly

wytliout auy ai/ii}/tuait or iti»irin[,i mi.

JJairt I ,noH. 1.M8.

Againstande, v. (A.'S. agfuatan'

dan.) To resist ; to oppose.

l^rtle, tJiou hyjldnt iutr. rrn b«»h

W|(ili'Z«*9 aild BtiVkrs l»lllli)U!rn arfi-n.

sioudimie... Km- sulh-i ins; uoiiMiiLUi lo>c

nnil a;inuslc»,lfih tl.-baff.

Prtiyrroj thf I'lovcmtin, llnrl Misc., vi, VJ

Fur rnuse he caiue not forth wiili all liM


The tyi-ant fell to nqavns'and sm lie bi^'lit.

IJurdi/t4if'a i'hrou., fol. 48.

With cSBtellca atrong aiid towiea for the


At eche mvlea ende to affefiutande alle the

foonyi. * U., fol. 53.

Agaynewarde, ] adt. (A.-S.) On

AYENWARDE, V the contrsrv, on

ageynwarde, I the other hand.

But agaynetoarde the wretcbeth dis-

posYciuu of the body diatonrbeth the

aoule. TrerisOt lib. ii, cap. iii, fol. 61.

And ayenwardet yf thej hey oneryn la

Eroporcyon, and infecte, Uieiioa has

rettytb evyl and sykneaac.

Barthifl., bi Tnsiss, Ub. ir, p.fL

d by boogie




AoAiTARDS, adv, (A.-S.) <' To gang

agaiiwardt" to accompany. A

Yorkshire word.

AoAiMTH, prep. Against. North,

AoAME, adv. In game. Chaucer,

AOAN, part, p. Gone.

AoAPE, adv. On the gape. AfUton.

Agak, 9. A sea monster ; perhaps

a personification of the Higre, or

hore of the tide.

Hee [Neptunej tendeth a noDster called

the agar, against whose coming the

waters roare, the fowles flie awav, and

the cattel in the field for terrour shnnne

the bankea. LiUy'* Gallathea, act i, s. 1.

AoAK. An exclamation. Devon.

AoARB. An exclamation, equiva-

lent to— be on your guard, or,

look out.

With TOQ again, Beangard. jigare, ho I

Otwa^, The Jikeitt, 1684.

AoARiOK, 9, {Lat,) The fungus on

the larch. Gerard. Minsheu

calls it '* a white and soft mush-

room." It is also given as the

name of an Assyrian herb.

AoARiTiBD, at^. Having the ague.


AoAS-DAY. St. Agatha's Day.

AoASBD, \part, p. Astonished;

AOAZBD, j aghast.

The French exdaim'd, "the devil was in


All the whole anny stood aga^i on him.

1 Henry F/, i, 1.

The were ao sore agased.

Cknter FUtyt, ii. 86.

AOAST, part, p. Terrified. Still

used in the North.

For which lo sore agatt was Emelie,

That she waa w«l neigh road, iiiid gan to

crie. The Knightes Tale, 2343.

Agastb, V. To frighten. S^eneer,

AoATB, adv. {A,'S.) Agoing, ado-


I pray yon, memory, set him agate again.

O. P., T, 180,

To pet agate, to makjC a be-

ginning of any work or thing ; to

he agate, to be on the road, ap-

proaching towards the end.

(2) f. A very diminutive person.

Said to be a metaphor from the

small figures cut in agate for


AoATB-WARDs, odv. To go offaie-

icariftwith any one, to accompany

him part of his way home, which

was formerly the last office of

hospitality towards a guest, fre-

quently necessary even now for

guidance and protection in acme

parts of the country. In Lincoln-

shire it is pronounced agatehotue,

and in the North generally ^a-


AoATHBiD, part, p. Gathered.

Agb, 9. {J.'S, aee.) Ake ; pain.

Thei feclen mychc age and grevaunoe.

Medical MS. Utk eemt.

AoB, v. (A.'N.) To grow old-

" My daam aget fast," i. «., ahe loolra

older in a short space of time. It ia

sometimes used in Yorkshire in tba

sense of affecting with concern asd

amazement, because those jNttaiona,

when violent and long indulg^ed. are

supposed to bring on gray haira and

premature old age. The verb agyn oc-

curs in Prompt. Fart., p. 8, and Pals-

grave haa, " I age or wexe olde."

AoB, adv. (from A.^S. agenj)

Against, towards.

As the kyng Gaouiguont flrom Denenwrko

wende age

Hider toward Engolond. Beh. Glomc^ p. 30.

So gret tempest ther com Umt drofhem

here and tiiere,

So that the meate del adreynt were in the


And to other londea some y drive, and ne

eome ner age. Jk, p. 96.

AoBE, adv. Awry; obliquely; askew.

North, It is sometimes used for

** wrong," and occasionally m cor-

ruption of ** ijar," as applied to a


AoBBAN, prq>. Against; andn.


Agbins, prep. Towards.

AoBTNU8,/»r9». Against.

Alao hyt were a^fynme good reson.

To take hya hure, as hys felows don.

ConetU. qfMoMonrf, 167.

A0BLA8TiCK,ac{f.( QrJiyt\a9TucoQ.^

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Sad; nilleD. Minshea, Gmide

mio Tomgmn, 1627.

Agblt, (1 ) r. (from A.-S. agiidam,)

Forfeited; repaid.

(2) Offends, for offUt.

AGZ!r,ad9.{A.S.) Again ; aftintt ;


STal hare a wvpcr at ronr alter cost,

Hrre in this plaee, nttm^ by tha poit,

Vljaa Uiatye eomni a^at from C«ntcrbarr.

CiMMter, Caml. TaUt, SOd.

The trae lord or owner of any

thing. Skhmer,

AcEXHiKx, $. {J.-S.) A guest at

a houje, who, after three nights'

stay, was reckoned one of the

family. CowelL

Agen-rising, 9. {A.^S.) The resnr-

nction. ^ This is the firste a^e»-

ruyng, blessid, and hooH is he

that hath part in the firste a^en~

riaynff." Wyekiiffe*9 New Te»ta^

mentj Apoe., xx.

Agkkdows, au$. (A.-N.) Sager;

keen ; severe. SieltoH.

Agest, Aff. Greatly alarmed. Some-

times used to express such great

terror, as if a ghost had appeared.

Used in Exmoor, and according

to Grose, in the North.

Agbthb, pret, t, Goeth.

Agg, (1) r. (^.-5L epgian,) To

incite; to proToke. Exmoor.

Afigmg, mnrmuring, raising a

quarrel. Dewnu

(2) t. A grudge ; a spite. Abr-

(3) V, To hack ; to cut clumsily.


Aggexxration, ». (Lat.) A grow-

ing together.

Aggerats, f. (Lai.) To heap up.


Agcestbd, f. (LaL) Heaped up.


AficiE, r. (A,'S.) To dispute; to


AfiaLATED. Adorned with aglets.

AooLB, V. To cat uneven. Nmik*


Agorack, (I) v. (A,'N.) To Csvour.

Anil, that Thick all foireworkci dpth moat

(2) f. Favour.

Of kiadneaae and of cuoilwwa aygraor.

Agorate. 9. (I) (A^N.) To please

or gratify.

From whom vkatcrer thing is goodly


Doth bamnr pice, the faonr to apcrmie.

Sp<iu., Tean of Mu»a,

(2) To irritate, rar. diaL

Aggeedk, v. To aggravate. Coin,

Aggreevan'ce, 1«. {A,'N.) A

ack}revaun8, J grievance; injury.

Aogrege, 1 ». (A.'S. agreger.)

AGRXGOX, L To augment ; to ag-

aggrstoe,J gravate.

And ■ame tonget rcnemons of nature,

Wban thcv prrceyve ihiit a pnnce lamered.

To agrtg hya yre do tbeir buiy cure.

Bockas. b. ui, c 30.

AoGREsrrsTNE, *. (A.-N.) A sick-

ness inddeot to hawks.

Aggroup, v. To group. Dryden.

AoGuisE, 1 (1) f. (from gube,}

AGUisB, J Dress.

The glory of the eonrt, tbHr faahions

And brave agguizf, with all Uinr princely

aUle. More't f kilos. Pocmm, p. 7.

(2) 9. To dress; to put on.


Aghe, prea. i. Ought.

Aghen, adj. (A.'S.) Own.

AoHENDoi.K, #. An old r^ncashire

measure.contaiDing eight pounds.

See Aighendaie.

Did eorenant vith the uid Anne, that

if she noold hurt neither of tliem, ihe

ahonld yearrly have one nqkrndoU of

mcale. FotVa Diseov. of H^iUkes, 1 613.

Aghful, 1 adj. (A.-S.) Fearful ;

AOHLicH, J dreadful.

Aght, (1) pre$. t. (from the A,'S.

agon,) Owes ; ought.

(2) pret. t. Possesses.

(3) 9, Possessions ; property.

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(4) 9. Anything.

Whan aght was do ajena liys i»7lle,

Ue cuned GoUdys name wytli ylic.

MS. Uarl., 1701, f. S3.

(5) adj, {A.^S,) Eight.

(6) *. The eighth.

Aghtand, adj. The eighth.

Aghtele, r. (A.'S.) To intend.

The knight said, May I traist in the

For to tel my prevete

That I have aghteld Tor to do.

Sevyn Sages {ffeber), 3063.

Aghtene, ad/. Eight.

Agilite, adj. Agile.

If it he, as I have inyd. moderately

taken al'ier some Meightie busiucsse, \u

Diiikti one mi)re IrcBlie and offiliie to

prusecute liis good and godly affaires,

and lawtull biisinesse, 1 Ktiye to you

apiine, he mnve lawiuUye due it

I^'ortkbrooke'a Treat. offaittst Dicing ^'j^. 53.

He agilU her nere in othir case,

So here all wholly his trt-spasse.

Bom. of the Rose, h^^.

Hiay were fal glad to excuse hem ful


Of tiling, that thay never agilte in her lyve.

Chaucer, Cant. T., 6974.

Agin, (1) conf. As if. Yorksh,

(2) prep. Against. East.

(3) adv. Again, far. dial,

AoiNATE, ff. (from Low Lat, agu

nare.) To retail small wares.

Rider's Dictionaries 1640.

Aginatour, 8, A hawker of small

wares. This word is given by

Skinner, who says he bad met

with it but once. It occurs in

Cockeram's EngHih Dictionaries


Agipe, f. A coat full of plaits.


Agist, v. (from Medieval Lat. agit-

tare, supposed to be from Fr,

gesir.) To take in cattle to de-

pasture in a forest, or elsewhere,

at a stipulated price; to put in

cattle to feed ; also called, in the

North, yiitit^, gitting^ or Joisting

cattle. Cattle so taken in are

called gisemente. According to

Cowdl, it is a law term, signifying

to take in and feed the cattle of

strangers in the king's forest, and

to gailier the money due for the

same for the king's use.

Agistment, s. (1 ) The feeding of

cattle in a common pasture, for

a stipulated price.

For, it is to be noted, that agistment is

in two sortes. that is to smv, the ofjift-

ment of tlie herbage of woods, laiides

and pustiires, and uUo the agistment uf

the woods, which is the niast of the

woods, which by a more proper worUe,

for diffcrenrr, is culled the pawna^tc

JJanicood's forest Lavs, 1598.

(2) An embanknieut; earth

heaped up.

Agistor, 9. An inteudant of the

royal forests.

Agitable, adj. Easily agitated.

Agleede, v. (A.-S,) To glide

forth ?

When the body ded rysc, a grynily e-**

agleed. Lydgate's Minor 'l\, p. J 1 0

Agler, 9. {A.-N.) a needle-case.

Aglet, \8.(A.'N.) The tag of

aigulet, J a lace, or of the points

formerly used in dress; a spangle;

a little plate of metal. Aglet, " a

jewel in one's cap." Barefs


Which all above besprinkeled was through-


With golden agguUts that glistered bright.

Like twinkling stars. Spruser^ F. Q., II, lii.

All in a woodman's jackut he h as clad

Of Lincolne gtccuc, belay'd with ailver

lace ;

And on his head a hood with aglets sprad.

lb., VI, IL

Aglet-baby, #. A diminutive being,

not exceeding in size the tag of a

point. Stuike»p.

Aglets. The calkins of the hazel.


AcLOTYE.r. (from A.-N.gloutoyer,)

To glut; to >atisry.

To rnakf n m ith papelotes

To aglolye with here gurlei

Thai giwUcu altur fode.

Pirn Pi., p. 639.

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A6LrTrTD,;Mr/.p. Choked. Booi

of Si. Jlbau.

Agxatles, If. A. hmng-nmil.

A.V6KATLBS, j This word U, pro-

ittbiy. the same as gmffmaih (pro-

BOOBCcd in Yorkshire it«ii^miii^),

which Grose gives as a provincial

word used in Cumberland, to

fignily corns on the toes. Pals-

glare has "agnayle upon one*s

toa'* "An agnaiie] or come g:row-

ing upon the toes." Rider 9 Die-

tionarie, 1640. Minsheu explains

it as the "sore betweene the

finger and the naile." It is used in

some places to denote pieces of

skin, above, or Aon^ng over, the

nauM, which are ofren painful and

troublesome. These in Statford-

shire arc called baek-Jriends ;

and in Yorkshire, ttep-moiher's


It is piod, dnmken in vyne, asaiost

Korpioocs, and for agne^hM.

inmfr'M Herbal.

W:th the shell of a pomegnrTjeJ, ihey

puree aaar angnavlU$, a;id such hard

iacLin§e»,"Syc. ' Tumtr^M HerhaL

Agnation, #. {Lat. agnatio.) Kin-

dred by the father's si<ie. Mauh.

AGxmoy, $, {Lat, agnilio.) An

acknowledgment. .Ifi>^e.

Agnizb, 9. To acknowledge; to

confess; to know.

Agnomixate, 9. iLat.) To name

from any met itoi ioiis action. Jg^

nomxnalion, according to Min-

shea, is a "surname that one

obiaineth for any act, also the

name of an house that a man

commeth of."

Ago, ji7. {A,-S,) To go; to

AG0!«, \ pa.<s away. The part,p.

AGOXNV, i is still used in some

paru of the country; a wkUe

osroae, some time ago.

Be the lef. other be the iot1^

Tiiia vorhlcs »ck al (u/oik.

Relui. Antiq., i, 180.

Al Uulk titspas \% aqo.

I'U, Somfft, p. 197.

And I toUe tbf m be was «r«

Cock* LorclUs JivU, p. 14.

T>U the thjrd dey be «/f<>t>/.


Uppnn that o^her tjit Palamoo,

IXfhMn be wifttr that Arale «aa ayM*.


CUwrr. CtmL T., 1277.

A-OOD'CHBBLO. God ihicld JOQ !


Agomous, iufj. FuU of agony.

Agonist.*. {Gr,) A champion; a

prize-fighter. Rider.

Agonize, v. To fight in the ring.


Acoo, part. p. Gone ; ago ; since.

Dorset, and Somemt.

Agood, adv. In good earnest;


AORAOS, p, {A -AT.) To be plea&ed


Agramb, "I V. (//.-S-) To dis.

A6REME. V please ; to Tex ; to

AOROMB, J anger.

knA if a man be lalaely famfd.

Aod wol \m ik«* pm^rvnun,

Tluui wol llie of'ijcers j^ ajr^mfi.

rii/KMans 'lair, \. '-I**l

Lybeamu was sore airharaed.

And jn hys herir aqmnrdt.

For lie haidde y-lore nys s\v'>rde,

AoRA8TB,/»re/. t. Agraced ; showed

grace and favour. Spettser.

Agrauntb, v. {A.'N. agreaunter.)

To please; to satisfy.

Agraydb, v. {A.'N.) To arrange ;

to decorate.

Thvn halle airntyde, and hele tbe walta

>^'iLii ciodes iu»U wjtb ryche pallcs.


Agr£, adv. {A.'N. a gr4.) In good

part; kindly.

Whom I ne founde fmward, ne fell.

Bat toke aari all whole nir plaie.

Bam. 0/ iJU aMe,i»4».

AoRB, V. To please.

If barme agn me, whcrto plaine T thenne.

TroiluM and Crt»eide, i, 410.

Agrbabilit^,!. Easinesaof temper;




AoREAGB, V, To allege.

Agrsat, adv. Altogether. To

take a work agreat^ to take it

altogether at a price.

Agrbbablb, <z(^'. Willing to agree.

"I am quite agreeable to any-

thing you likes best." A com-

mon provincialism, though given

by Forby as peculiar to East


AoREEABLT, odv. Uniform ; per-

fectly alike. Spenser speaks of

two knights "armed both agree-


Agreeancb,*. (^.-iVl) Accommo-

dation; accordance.; reconcilia-

tion; agreement.

Agref, 1 adv. {A,-N.) In grief.

AGRBVE, f To take agref is a

common phrase in the old


And, nece mine, ne take it unt agrefe.

Troilus and Cretride, ill, 864.

Agrbmbd. See Agrame.

Agrbssb, V, (from Lai,) To ap-


Agrestical, adj. (Lat.) Rural.

Rider's Dictionaries 1640.

Agret, adv, (A.'S.) In sorrow.

Agrbthb, v. (J.'S.) To dress ; to


AoRBVE, t». (A..N. agrever.) To

grieve a person ; to vex ; to in-


And now ftilly porposide withowte oc-

casyon of greyff to be playntyffe aguynste

me, whom I never agreryde in no case.

Monastic Letttn, p. 188.

Synne offendyth God in hit face,

And agrevyth oure Lorde ffnllc ylle.

Ludta Cotenirut^ p. 41.

AoRiOT, $, {Fr.) A tart cherry.


AORI8B ^^*{^"S.agr^8an.) To

AG^'z;,^^*-'^?^^; to. dread;

J to tcmfy ; to disfigure.

Tet not the colour of the troubled deep,

Those spots supposed, nor the fojfs that riie

from the dull earth, me any M-hit agrist.

Drayt., Man in the Moon,

40 AGU

To hide the terroor of her aneoiith hew.

From mortal eyes that should be sore

agrized. Spenser, ¥. Q., VII, vii.

Sttche rulers mowen of God agrise.

The Plowium's Tmle, L 2300.

Who so take ordin othirwiae

I trowe, that they shall sore agrtse.

/*., Sf780.

Thejode knyght up aros,

Of Mornea woirdes him agros.

Kyng Hom, 1. 1S26.

And in his herte he sodainly agro»e.

And pale be uexte, &c.

Legends o/Thisbe, 1. 11^.

Agrombd. Angered. See^^am^.

Agrope, ». To grope ; to search


Agros. See Agrite,

Agrosb, $. {Lat.) A person who

has much land. Cockeram't Eng^

tith Dictionaries 1639.

Agroten, 9. {AS.) To cloy; to

surfeit with meat or drink. This

word is given in Rider^e Diction-

arie, 1640. It is generally ap-

plied to surfeits.

Gorges agnUeied enbosaed their entravle.

Boehas, b. r, c. SO.

Aground, adv. To the ground.

And howshefel flat downe before hia feete

aground. Someus and Jtdiet^ 1S6^

Agrudge, V. {A.'N.) To be

grieved at.

Agrum, f. A disease of hawks.

Agrym, a. Arithmetic. See AU


Ague, (1) adv. Awry; obliquely;

askew. North.

(2) *. {A.'N. from ai^. sharp.)

Swelling and inflammation from

taking cold. East,

Agubd, part. p. Chilly; cold;


All hurt behind, backs red, and faces pale

With fright and agtud fear.

QmeiofiuSj i, 5.

Ague-ointment, f. An unguent

made of the leaves of elder, held

in Norfolk to be of sovereign cf-

ficacy in curing agues in the face.

Aguk-proof, adj. Proof against

an ague.





Go fta^ they are DoC ocB of tbcir voids ;

tbey ttM nte I vw eTerjtluii{; tu •

rtay I««r. vr, 6.

AGrs-nm, <. The lassafns.

AsiJEamT, r. ( Fr.) To diadptine and

■ake warlike.

Aficrii.eK, «. (A^X. aguUher,) A


A «Snr neda fiirtb I dxowe,

Cl«t of ^mZerqoeiDt i-DOwe,

Aadsaa tJbis niedill thredc mioDe.

Afix^sK. See ^^^wiftf.

AecLTB, r. To be guilty; to offend.

Tbe form of the word which oc-

cars in Fiers Ploagbroan, Robert

ef Gloocester, and other early

vriterB. Seej4^e.

AcvAcr. Going. Jgwon, gone.

Agtje, (I) r. To guide ; to govern.

See Gie,

(2) adp. Aside ; askew. North.

A«r»K. »- Ia.'S.) To begin.

Tbon woidat that ich wrofate

That ▼ Her ne thobte,

Bt Bvm-Bild toru ly^j^e,

T-wri icb hit wiilisusf^e, •

5e Oad leh net mgymu

£r ich Sodrnnc wjrnne.

Ah. (1) I. YorJttA,

(2) Yes. Derbyth.

A-HAsrc, ^por/. /y. Hanged ; been

banged. iZo^. ^/bae.

Ah bxjt. EquJTalcnt to Juiy *k/,

frequently used in the country.

it appears to be generally a

sneering dissent to an assertion

of an oDComplimentary character.



}adv. On high.

Aad ae be benge, levedy, fonrons,

Jkefe oppon the liDlle,

I-ccbela o«» vane we deade ben,

Ikst we Be bongy in belle.

1*1 o«t of the lond no myi^bte lebyp go,

Btfte Ktveoae mehc* two.

ic dfa»i ao aay mon myghte aeone.

^ Mmtg AUuunder, 8286.

A-HBfOBT^adlp. Onbigb. Skdkftp.

Abbnt, ai/v. Behind. MuUnd


Ahint, ath. Behind. AbrfA

A hind f Leietst.

Ahoh, adv. (/I.'S, awoh.) All OB

one side. Northampiansh.

A-BOioHT, adv. Elevated ; in good


A-BOX.D. adv. To lay a ship a-hold,

to suy her or place her so that

she nay hold or keep to the wind.

ABOBSE.a^9. On horseback. North.

Ahtb, (1) f. Possessions ; property.

Ab ! feyre thin sees, freoly bore !

When me on u«metti. belh vw bifure

Wliocb is woridct nhle.

Lyric Pottrf, p. 4ft.

(2) pret. t. Ought.

(3) Eight.

And letbe b« reiTnede her

JUUe ant turnu UtWv. ytr.

CkrouieU Cff Englamd, 410.

Ahvb, adv. Awry; aslant. Var.


A-hungbt. Hungry. Shaheqf,

Ahjb, *. {j4,.S. age.) Fear.

Ai, adv. (^.-5.) Always ; ever.

Ain, 9. In Staffordshire, a vein of

ore going downwards out of the

perpendicular line; in Shrop.

shire, a deep gutter cut across

ploughed land, as well as a reach

in the river, are so called.

AiDEB, s. A helper.

W)iat men shonld scale tbe valles of tb«

cytie of Worccstre, and wlio sbuuld

kepe the paBmites for lettynic of lea-

kewei and tuders.

Hall, Ht*ry TU, f. 4.

AiOLB,9. To addle; to earn. North*

AiB, 8. {A.'S.) An egg.

And for tlie titbing of a dneke.

Or d an apple, or ait aie.

Vrry't Ckauetr, p. 185.

AiBL, f. (A,"V,) A forefather.

To gyre from yoare heirea

That youre aieU yow lefte.

tiers Floughwum, p. 814

AiBSB, f . Ease ; pleasure ; recrea*


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Aio, (1) 9, {A,-S.) A haw. Lane.

(2) *. (^..A'.) Sourness. Nwih.

AiouENDALB. A iiieasiire in Lan-

cashire containing seven quarts.

j4gh. See Aghendole,

AionSt 8, An axe. Lane.

AiGUT.pret. Ought; o»ed. Yorkth,

AiQUTKDEN, adj. {J.'S,) Theeighth.

AiGLE, ». A spangle ; the gold or

silver tinsel ornamenting the

dress of a showman or rope-

dancer. Shropsh, See j4glet,

(2) 8. An icicle. Midi. Couniies.

AiGiiB, adj. (J.'\.) Sour; acid.

Yorksh. See Egre.

AiGRBKN, ». The bouse-leek. Ker-


AiGULET, 9. The clasp of a buckle.

" ^iguelet to fasten a clasp in."

PaUigrave. See Aglet,

AiK, *. An oak. North.

AiKKRf 9. Glory. Cornw.

Ail, r. (^.-S. aidlian.) To be in-

disposed. Var. dial.

(2) 9. An indisposition.

AiLK, (1) 9. A writ that licth

where the grandfather, or great-

grandfather was seised in his

deniaines as of fee, of any land

or tenement in fee simple, the

day that he died, and a stranger

abateth or entreth the same day

anddi»posscsscththe heir. Cowell.

(2) *. (^.'i\.) A wing, or part

of a building flanking another.

AiLBTTEs, *. (Irf/.-iV.) Small plates

of steel placed on the shoulders

in ancient armour, introduced

under Edward I.

Ails, #. {j4 -S.) Beards of com.

Essex. " The eile9 or beard upon

the eare of come." hollgband.

Aim, v. (A.'N.) (1) To intend; to

conjecture. york9h. Shake-

8t)eare has it as a substantive in

the same sense in the Two Gent,

of Veronat in, 1.

— like Cn»iu«,

Sits sadly dumpine, uiminti Ctcsnr's death.

Greenes OrUukv turioto, 1394.

(2) To aim at.

(3) "To give aim," to stand

within a convenient distance from

the butts, for the purpose of in-

forming the archers how near

their arrows fell to the mark.

Metaphorically, to direct.

(4) " To cry aim," in archery, to

encourage the archers by crying

out ainif when they were about

to shoot. Hence, to applaud,

to encourage, in a general sense.

(5) To attempt. Yorkeh.

Aim-crier, #. A stander-by, \vho

encouraged the archers l)y ex-

clamations, tlence used for an

abettor or encouragcr.

While hcronn creatures, Witttim^riers.

bchtld licr mischuuce \» itli ijoiliiii!; !mt

lip-pity. EufflUh Arcudia.

AiN, (1) adj. {A..S.) Own. Xorih.

0 then bespy'd her ain dear lord.

As he cam owre the see, &c.

Percy's lieliques.

(2)9.pl.{j4.~S.) Eyes.

AiNCK, adv. Once. North.

AiNOGu, adv. Anew. Rob. Clone.

AiNT, V. To anoint. Figuratively,

to beat. Suffolk.

Air, (I) adv. (^.-S.) Early.

1 pricv'd you never in all my life,

^ either by late or air.

Bobiu Hood.

(2) 9. (A.-X.) An heir.

Tho^ the Sara7.yn« smyte of myn hcd.

He yi niyu eyr aftpr uiy ded.

J/5. Ashmole, xxxiii, f. 46.

Tlie rij(ht aire of that cuntri

£s cumen, with alle his knifrhtea fre.

Mimt'9 Poems, p. 14.

(3) Appearance.

AiB-DEw, 9. An old name for


AiR-DRAWN, adj. Drawn in the

air; a creature of the imagina-


This is the rery palntin}; of yoar fcftr ;

This IS the air-drawn dugsrer, « }iich said

Led )0tt to Duncan. Macbeth^ lii, ^k.

Aire. «. An aerie of hawks. See


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Aiuif, «. [A.N.f tarln \\\ Craven ;

r^rla in Westmoreland ; and in

Scodaod, eirie-pamy.) Money

itivtaetd, or giYcn, to couArm a

targaJD, See y/rtet.

•:VjaLi.\G, adj. A li^bt airy person ;

- '-^. ssR tberc be, sagbt MrlUgs, vilj be

JoiMm*a Caiilimg, i, S.

AniMj,f,^/[. Arms. A Yorkahirc

' ■>• 3riiik«! ffirw* t(e«i she li*:'tl te show,

- -a*„Tii t'miril bi'trr «i:ttl did blaw.

ne lofksktre Dialrri, ld3U, p. 13.

■^''-^*f (I) *. Iron. Maundetilea

;2jF. To cam- WiUa.

*3; EitUr of them (e'er a one).

A:i»ToxEs, t. pL Stones fallen

i'om the air; meteoric stones.

t.*T talk of diTCTS pmdiiria, aa veil in

^'<*< jaiU at in IltiLaod. but tpeciiilly

^n\%,a; Ue IwU in his hoiiso doth

•-"'. nnz ou: two or three hours to-

rUarr »!i«ij nobody is near it, and

»!Jri a )M (xpnusly m-ntclicd ; and the

rr-^ and ban of h'is windows are coii-

iM^fbammered and battered, aa if

'i-'r«^were a smith's forj?e, which hath

LKst fat hia oQt of his wits.

Utter, daUd\9f».

-f*7,t. (answering the Germ, ori,)

A pouit of the compass. Norih.

^WH, arfy. Afraid, jiirthful,

feyfoL .Vorf A.

••^^- An eagle's nest ; also nsed

'^* the brood of young in the

net %^/lerte.

^•tt.(^.-A-.) (1) Ease.

-' The plant axweed. Skinner.

^'Hi *. Stubble ; as wheat, or

f» mk, i. e. wheat or oat stub-

'^ Grose g^ves this as a

'i«ipihire woi^

^laiucHs, 9d9, Easily.

^^■^^ ] *. (yf..& tfsfi/ or e»i7.)

^YiB> V Vinegar; or at least a

^*^ J tort of vinegar. In two

receipts in the Forme of Cury,

"wyne, vyncgar ay*W/, oihrr

alegar," and "vynrgar other

aytfll^** are mentioned as ingri*-

dieuts. Tiiere was, jieriiapik.iinTc-

fore, a difference l)etu(:t>n what

was ordinarily called viin't^ar and

aisel; and it has b(*cn Mnipo^rd

thai ay\eU may have been wiiat

has since been called verjuue;

thaf i«, an acid obtained from the

expressed juice of crab-applca, or


Ajrnns Castas soilen with fenril in t <'//

IS gtMid To dtftlri)\ (be liiofr \ . A I-. > ."i

pla\»tcr m^dcuu!i \\\\% iinS r-

Tiili trniprrcd Wiih mis II i:e^f'<\ '.U

w».d«^ fvrf. Pvtr M tu x Hr'r'^L

She wxn hkr Ibiiij? for buinjir ded,

lluit lad her lilr only l> bud

Knt'dwi with rijrl itnmjr :i>id ctrrr,

Aud thereto »bc' was kin- .ntd im /r(».

Chaucer, Rom. oj ike Itos', 1.-17.

AiSLiCHB, adj, {A,'S, egetlice.)


There I anntrede me in,

Ksulaishche 1 sev!**.

AisvKciA, f. (from yl.-y, aitne.)

Primogeniture. Skinner.

A I ST. Thou wilt. Unc.

AiSTKB^BAL, #. Caster-ale, an

extra-allowance given to labour-

ers at that season, \orihampt.

AisTRE, "I *. (//.-iV. aietre. or, as it

ESTRE, J is very commonly written,

esire.) A house ; the parts or con-

ditions of a house; itsapartments;

also, condition, life. The old

French phrase, savoir fatM/re.

wrhich is inter])reted eonnaitre

tone letrSduUed'une maieont will

help to explain its application in

some of the English extracts. It

is still in common use in Staf-

fordshire, Shropshire, and, pro-

bably, in roost of the Midland

Counties, for the fire-place ; the

back of the fire ; or the fire itself.

In the early writers the form utre

is the more common.

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Al peynted was the wa] in length and


Like to the estres of tbe grislv place

Thnt hight the gret tempul of l£an in


Ckauen,KniglW* T., 1. 1973.

This Joban itert up as fast as ever lie


And grasped bv the walles to and fro

To fytide a star, and sche start up also,

And knewe tbe estra bet tlian dede Jon.

Iiafe'4 TaU, 1. 4290.

His portes and his atret were fui even


Of tresour and of lordscbyp

Hist, of Seryn.,\. 109.

Krrst by bya subtyll compassyng

He gan espiethe estret or the place.

Boeluu'4 JHaU ofFrinea, f. 74.

Ait, 9. (j4,'S.) A little island in a


AiTCH, f. (^.-.S.) An ach.orpain;

a paroxysm in an intermitting

disorder. Var.dial,

Aitch-bone #. The edge-bone

{o8 innominaium). Far. dial,

AiTCHORNiNO,«. Gathering acorns;

acoming. Chesh.

AiTH, 8. (^.-5. aiS.) An oath.


AiTHB, 8. Swearing.

AiTHER, (1) pron. (^.-S.) Either.

' North.

(2) Each. "Aw so three greet

hee fellows cummin up t' loanin,

an' aither o' them had a great

big stick iv 'is hand." Wett-

moreland and Cumberland Dia-

lectt, p. 323.

(3) 8. {A..S.) A ploughing. North.

Aits, ». Oats. North.

AiXES, *. (^.-5.) An ague. Grose

gives this as a Northumberland

word, and Brockett explains it,

" a fit or paroxysm of an ague."

AiYAH, 8. The fat about the kid-

ney of veal or mutton. St^oUe.

AJAVLf adt. This word is some-

times figuratively used for con-

fusing, clashing, or shaking. Its

usual meaning is applied to a

door partly opened.

Ajax. Pronounced Ajax (with the

a long.) Sir John Harrington, in

1596, published a celebrated

tract, called "The Metamor-

phosis of Ajas" by which he

meant the improvement of a

jakee, or privy, by forming it into

what we now call a water-eloset,

of which Sir John was clearly tlie

inventor. The book was an of-

fence to delicacy, for wliich Queen

Elizabeth kept him for some time

in disgrace. Probably from this

circumstance, the writers of the

Shakespearian age were coiiti-

nually playing on this name,

by taking it in the sense given

to it by Harrington.

A stool were better, sir, of Sir j4ja* hia

invention. B. Jon.^ Epic, vf, 5.

But, for his wit no matter much it wakes,

Whether he sits at tbe boord, or on Jjas,

Daviet, Scourge o/FMy, 1611.

Adoring Stercntio for a god, no lease

unwoorthily then skanitnlly consii-

tutiiig him a p%tron and protector of

Jjux and liis commodities.

Mosp. of Tneurab. Fooles, p. 6.

Inquire, if you understand it not, of

Cloacina's clinjiiains, or such as are

well read in Jjax.

Camden, Remains^ p. 117-

Ajee, adv. Awry; uneven. Var.


AjuqoedKi part. p. Adjudged;


Ak, conj. (A.-S. ae.) But.

A KALE, adj. Cold. See Aeale,

Akard, adv» Awkward. North,

Akcorn, 8. An acorn.

Ake, f. (A.-S. eec.) An oak.

Akedoun, m. The acton. See


Akble, v. (A.'S. acelanJ) To cooL

Tlie kyng liyre fader was old man, and droa

to feblesae.

And the anguysse of bys dorter hym dnde

more desiresse.

And akelde liym wel the more, so that feble

he was. Bob. Gloue., p. 44S.

Akenne, V, (A.'S.) To recon-

noitre ; to discover.

Aker, (1) «. {A.'S. teeer.) An

acre ; a field.




*««^ twrjwte trIrakB be m n dbr,

om mdt^ be take, aad •» oibcr left.

JVktUar.c zxir. WireUifi^s weniom.

(2) «. As acorn. Swi/A.

AxKK-Loyi>, «. ColtiTated Und.

AncucAK, c A hosbandinftii.

AKBTHXB,«ifr. Indeed. 2)evon.

Anmss, r. (^-A') To recover.

AjEKVAno, «dlv- Wrongly. See

AuyxAXCK, «*. On one tide;

AxKKB, ». (>^-5.) To »hake, or

ti^ble. NarthampionMh,

jLkkud, fl4A Awkward. Abr-

AcyowB, L «fe- {i«-&) On

; knceliog.


AK3EOWB, l «fe- {^-&)

xnns, r knee* ; kneeUng


4w^ ^ade aoBjksjtlit dhiMM

Ob Bcdevr. in feld, ded bybtte.

Tbo Atbdbm aatovncle.


AxvAWx, ». (^-5.) To know;

«» acksovledge; to be con-


Axsin, «. (^.-S.) The tgoe. See

!:btf » y-Mitfdcid »»d •eh«»t with tb«

Assc V. (^--5.) To ask.

Au Will. AU IwiUfkewUL


Ajlaax, «i^ Alone. North.

A3jkmAsrmi3nt,a4f\ Like alabaster;


Iiy^i^y vVile vmler tbe OTtuU briakt

B« ■frfarfrifrr wcU-ttUapt bmb« she


SyHeUet'M Dm Bar tat, 203.

BS, «. (1) A corniDt pro*

Ml of ataiatier,

{T) An arbalest.

kt^mm^ «. A kind of far.

Asd ^e ku chakc with «2«lr«,

Aad tke knoUca of goUe.

jrs. <jri5/4«ii/.

Alaccsb, 9. (^.-A^ a/aeA€r.) To

faint or fall down from weakness;

to fell, or itrike down.

Ai.ACuous.Af/. {Lai.) GayijoWW.

A-LAnY, t. Lady-day. Suffolk.

Ai^AMins, t. The lowest noU bat

one in the scale of music of

Guido Aretioe.

Alamoob, f. (Fr,) A kind of


Alamort, odj\ {Fr.) Half dead;

in a dying state ; drooping.

Whose toft and rofsl treataieBt naj


To heal the rick, to cheer the tammori

Fmnsk. Liuiad.t,9S,

Sometimes written all mmcrt.

See Amort,

AuiND, Qd», On land ; to land.

Where, ■■ fli fortvna woidd, the Dane vUh

f rceh suppbes

Was lately ooaie aUmi.

Ihwgtcm^t PeifolUoM,

Aland, 1 1. {J.-N. aUm, aUmt,)

ALAN, \ A kind of large dog ; a

alauni>,J boar-bound.

Abonte hit chare vente arhite efaaiif,

Twenty and mo, aa gretc at eny ttere,

To huate at the lyonn, or at the here.

And folwed him with motel faet i-bonnde,

Cotlerd with golde. and torettet fvlid

rounde. CMmmeer, CmU. T., 1. S160.

Fonie eovnera and two «/f«« of Spayae,

Ihife and good.

Bimrckm't FnHsamrt, b. it, c. S4.

Alandb, «• (from the adv.) To


Alakb, a4^'. Alone. North.

Alanbwb, ff. New ale. Huloet.

Alano, adv. Along. North,

Alanob, )a4^(l) Irksome; pain*

ALBNOB, S ful. Apparently only

another form oietinge, which see.

In time of winter «2eii^« it Is!

The fottlet leten ber blitt.

£Ui^» JUmumca, ed. 1811, i, 809.

(2) Strange. Prompt. Pmrv.

(3) Lonely.

Alanoenbs, f. Irksomeness ;


Alantum, adv. (from Fr. hmiam.)

At a distance. To thbword ^f

d by Google


is generally subjoined. It is given

by Grose, Thoresby, and Carr,

as a word used in Yorktibire.

Alapat, v. {Fr.) To bit bard ; to

beat. j4lapifej in old Frencb, is

interpreted as meaning farceurs

qui se donnoicnt de9 sovfflets pour

amwer le peuple.

Kotwilh nwnml to n/rt;ya/ and strike tlipm.

Afellon's Sire-foid PoliticiaH. p. 1:25.

Ala RAN, *. Seems to mean a kind

of precious stone, in tiie follow-

ing passace quoted from a MS.

of the 15th century.

Here cropynit was of rychc pold,

Hire pnrri'llt! nllu of alamu:

Iletj'. brjilyll was ol n-lcr bolile.

On ivt'iysiilelimi^rycl belly* then.

Alauge, p. {A.-N.) i'o enlarge; to

bestow liberally.

^M^|| part in tlipr nntivitie

ViiXi then alaryhl of bcjimie.

Chaurrr's Drfame, 158.

Alas-a-d\y. An exclamation of

pity. Var. dial.

ALAs-AT-KVEa. An exclamatioH of

pity. Yorkah,

Alassn, conj. Lest. Dorset.

Alast. adv. At bast; lately.

Alatk, adv. Lately.

Alatiiate. t>. {Lat'.allatrare.) To

growl ; to bark.

I.*-t C.-rbmis, tlie ilojj of licl, alatrate

\\iin\ ii«-l'st<; totiiccontrniv.

iitubfjK'iAneUomieoJ Abiitrs, p. 179.

Alaund, adv. On the grass ; on

llie ground.

Alaunder, *. A kind of pottage.

Alnund^r of nioton. Take nioton of the

J«'jr,'e, niid «eih hitteiidur hi liitscif, and

cjwiieii liii is sotlun. lake and bmie hit

111 u morttr, or ht-wc hit smal with a

knyle, and puile hil in a poi and boilc

hit with Ihe vime broth; and take saf-

frone, anti pouderof i-km-js, and of cauel,

and put therto, itnd scth iiit, and serve'

bit fori he. Cookeiy Rfcripts 1381.

Jfaunder of beef. Take leekea of the

lenjfthe of • spoiiuc, uud take parcel and

bewe smal, and pouder of pepur, and

muree, and temnur hit togedur, and

take leeches of beef, and rolle'bam

therin, and laye horn on a gridirne and

on the coles tyl they ben rostcd ; and if

46 ALB

ye hare no maree, take of the aclf taljrii

and hewc jiit with the parcelle, and ten

pur hit as ye dyd before. /

Alawk. Alack; alas. Suffolk.

Alay, v. (A.~N.) To mix; to re

duce, or lower, by mixing : ap

plied most commonly to wine

and liquors.

Ilfi must be wareof alle sucb thinipf s n

may cliafi.' him- ifhedrinketh wine lij

liini altn/r it, or let it be sonre.

Hufibujth's Ilomish /fpolkrary, fol. 41

(2) A term in hunting, whei

fresh dogs are sent into the cry,

Ala YE, V. (.7.-5. alecgan.) To lai

low ; depress ; to apply.

Albacore, #. {Pr.) A kind o


The alharore that follmrcth night and d'»v

The flying fish, and takes them loi his ))r«<V

Jtrii. Bibl., ii, 4t-2

Albe, eonj. Albeit ; although.

Albk, 1 8. (A.-N.) A long white

AUBE, V linen garment, worn by

awbFm J Roman Catholic priests.'

Albidene, \adv. {A.-S.) From

albedenk, J time to time; u):g

after another; by and by; forth-


Kend it n how je war keno

A! Inu'lis-inen with dole to derc;

Thairr jrndcs toke jt- alhflntf,

JS'o man born wald 5c forbt*rc.

MiHOt^s Poems.

The ten comiunidemcntes allebrU^ne,

lu oure phiy jc x:il liein senc.

Lndiu CorntCriif, p. ♦.

Albeuge, 8. (Fr.) Tbe early peach.

Albespyne, 1 *. {A,~N.) 'Whitc-

AUBEPYNB, J tborn ; hawthorn.

And there the Jcwcs sconied him. and

madeu him a rrowneofthc braunrliesof

aibf4p\fHf, that is white thorn, that grew

in tliac 8.ime gardvn, and setieu u 011

bis bevcd. Mauna'nile's TrmeU, p. 13.

Albian, 8. An old term for that

variety of the human species now

called the Albino.

Albification. *. (Ztf/.) A chemi-

cal term for making white.

ALBLASTBJi, ^instrument for

' J shootmg arrows.



Bets dUut aod temnx a U9W

Var reefj ia.ku r»pr#n'a rcxw.

Mimot^M I*o<>tL9, p. Ifi-

J'ti a^tMrea and « 1 1 h st^jncA.

Uc]r rieve iKii. aad bmkf:'^ Hones.

-^uujTEix, A A cros & bo «r - in an -

-4«ijais,*.(5/i«n»«A-) A reward

or gniidtr given to one tb&t

W&gs good Dew s.

-Atitix. «/•. Aahnm« 5*»7M«*^-

Tcij word oceans in ^ AVm? Ew»^^

M Dicfionttry, 1G9I, explained

**» «biie brown."

-iisiijr-TMi,*. This ^•rorrt oc^nra

a MS, //ffr/.,221 (the /^i-owe/^/o-

raa PaiTB-VKwi), explained t>y

"' bBmnm/' the wild "vine.

Alstx. 0^. (ta/.> ^'hite.

-'-mi, afc. (y#.-S.) Scarcely ;

«. e- with mucli l>u»ineft» or

l^Jwr.hardW. Hob. Glnnc^^ p- 81-

Alt iifTXE, 9. ' A niixed metal* A.n

iirhfaikal term.

AuiTOTE, 1 ». A silly fello^--

AiiJTOTLK, J Dertnt^

-Afl caf. a liiapie aira t^yt^, an iitiior^rnt-

*^ /^<>,d\. »Vi-4r*, ii, '-212-

-'*J-^ATiL\s. Akind of sca-guH- (^/«/0

- -*i <-raij 11^ air aih4X» c lUe liqiiid tcl"^*-

^icnmrr. ». A mixed metal- See

Alc.i.on. Halcyon. This corruption

^c^ttTs in Talh&m*a Royal CJitket


Alchoc«oi5iix, ». The term given

i» »»iroUi^ t<» the planet wliich

teari rule in the principal places

«€ aa astroVorical figure, Mrhcn a

P^:T%rrti «fc YK>rn.

^^-a-«2;. (^^.-S.) Old.

X'\ *. Not unfrcquently used in

^^A MSS for Ae/d, or hold.

^iAaT,adv. Alwavs.

^^ oa aSonse then dUa^, men may see.

Baeka», li. i, c 20.

*i*Em, f 1) adj. Older.

(2) t. An elder; an ancestor.

C^o* oUcrs, oar ancestors.

47 ALD

C3) A common expretsioi

Somerseuhire for desning

alle>s in s potatoe ground.

Saxon forms of inflpction «l

were preserved to a verr j

period of our Ungiiac^. It '

used roost frwjuii.tiy in com

si lion writh an arJjeJtivc in

superlative degree; of which

mar give the following i

aril plot:

- fiett. Best ©fall.

Ht Ix-n the ntth^rh'st

llial bea frora mi ,.,fo wttL

t^'jng AUs<iH,tdrr, I. 4S

For when ^r wpiieth alrehtMt

*or te hftvero iinr resi.

Tliat standrtJi vpt sm n p •

It »-M luit heied alderh'.'i

i>ktltom, ii, I

^aire»/. The faireat of all.

?'!i5'"'? ?"* •'■'^^ ""« ^»»« »»cnde.

in tbe althet/airrst %nf.

Floris and BlatuhJIoh

-firtt. The first of all.

T}»o aiUrfnrat Ijp unrltiriitfKlp

Tiiat he was n-Jit k^ n.-i, i,',xl.

-formeai. The first of all.

For thnr tliai make »Mnl.l;,i,! f:,ircst

'hiffhett. Highest of all.

And aUerkigkfat tooke astronomye

LydijaUt Minor P., p. H

-Awf. Last of all.

Aiid a«<.W«<. how he in hi« ritc«

was by the sonoe shivnr of Toolom^.

JSochai, b. V, c. 4,

Hor own lorde, aUherJajt^

Tlic venom oat of hvs hedd bratte.

FUirence (^ Bitme, 21 U.

-fe*/. Lcaatofall.

I^ve, nyenst the whiche who to defi-ndith

Hiflucivm mosie, liim aldirUtt Hvn,i,.,i,

Xroitiu wm( Or., i, fibs.

d by Google


Tliat of the alihsrUtte woande

Were a itcde brouht to grondc

MtoMilak, 1978.

4irfe$i. Dearest of all.

mine aUtrlenst lorde,orbrotliir dere.

Trail, and Cr., iii, S40.

An instance has been given in

which this compound appears in

the comparative degree.

An €Uer-Uef«r iwaine I wccne.

In the barge there was not teene.

OMer qfCmUerb., 1606, lig. B, U.

4owe»U Lowest of all.

/H^w, aldyrlowert.

Bcliq, JfUiq^ i, 7.

-mtw/. Greatest of all.

But dldiriMtt ia hoiionr out of doate.

TrviL and Cret., i, 163.

To wraththe the God and paien the fend

hit MTTeth aiUrmott.

Pol. Songs, p. SS6.

The flour of chyvalarie now have j lost,

In wham j tnut to miremoft.

Jeiu wil the help in haste i

Thi miechcfe ee now aUkernuute,

Setm Sa^ct (Wgier), 8669.

.nor/. Nearest of all; next of


The Satepday «i<**ni«rte •ewyng.

Lydffot,, Min, P., p. SO.

'truest. Truest of all.

First, Engliih king, I humbly do request.

That by your meane our princess may unite

Her lore unto mine alderiruett lore.

Qretn^t Works, ii, 166.

.wort/. Worst of alL

Ye don ons aldenosrst to ipede*

When that we han mest nede.

Gy <^ Warmks, p. 188.

Hon, thou havest wicked fon.

The sirs-worst is that on.

Xyric Fostry, p. 104.

•wiffM/. The wisest of all.

For alMrv^ist han therwith ben plesed.

TroU. and Crss^ i, 347.

Aldib&kab, 1 «• An alder

ALDY&-KTR, V plantation in a

ALDSR-CABRBt J moist, boggj

place ; explained in the Prompt,

Parv. by locui ubi ahi et talet

arboret eretcunt. See Car,

Aldbbumos, ff. A kind offish, said

48 ALE

to be betwixt a trout and a


Aldbrmanrt, ». A government

by aldermen.

The government of Stamford was, long

before their written charter, held and

used amongst thrmselvea by an ancient

prescription, which was eaUed the

aldsrmnnfy of the guUd.

BnUher's Stafford, 1717. p. 16.

Aldbrmkk,«. (i^.-5.) Men of rank

and dignity above the rest.

ALDBfcNB, 9. {A.'S.) The elder


Aldo, con/. Although. £»/.

Ald&bss, *. {A.-S.) The wife of

an alderman. The word occurs

on a brass plate in the church of

St. Stephen, Norwich, given by

Blomefield, Hiat, Narw., 1739,

vol. ii, p. 595.

Here ly buried Mieatrease Maud Heade,

Sometyme an Aldrsss, but now am deade.

Anno MCCCCX)LX and Seaven,

The XIU Day of April, then

My Lyf 1 leafte, as must all Men,

My Body yelding to Christen Dust.

My Soule to God the faithAtll and Just

Aldrian, 9. A star on the neck of

thelion. Chaucer.

Ais^,9.{A,'S.) (1) A rural festival

«<At wakes and ales.'* Ben Jtm-

ton* 9 Tale qfa J\tb,proi.

(2) An ale-house.

0, l^im, that we were now at Putney, at

the aU there.

l%om. Lord CromsosU, iii, 1.

(3) AIL

(4) Also.

Albbbrbt, 9. A beverage made

by boiling ale with spice and

sugar, and sops of bread.

Albccioun, 9, An election.

Besechyng yon therfore to help to the

restguacion therof, and the kvnges lettn

to the byshop of Lincoln for t he oiseeion.

Monastic Lsttsrs, p. S4a

A1.BCIB, ff. Dmnkenneu caused by


If he had arrested a mare instead of a

horse, it had beene a sUgbt oversigh:;

but to arrest a man. that hiith no l.ke-

nesse of a horse, is flat lunasie, or idseis.

Jflf*s Motksr McmUs.

d by Google



ALScosnmu «. "An officer ap-

pMBted in evcrjcoait-Iect to look

to the MBse uid goodness of

hnad, ate, and beer." Ker$ef,

It if said of Captain Coi, of

Coventry, that be was

OrvoygiaiCTcdKie and tiugt iu tlie

ton heer, for ke Itti beem chcneB mU^

nmmu mmaj • yeer, when his betten

taffBitoBibr; aad ever quitted hinacir

vith ittcb otinataoD, u yet« too tatt of

»CB^ «r Bipyitate, hit JadgeBOit vill

be taken above tke beat ia the pariah,

^ ba aeBa Mar ao read.

la lome panahes, the afaeomMf^t

jariiAction wna Tery extensive.

AuEcon, «. Costmary; an herb

vbidi waa frequently pnt into

sie, being an aromatic bitter,

sun nsed in the North.

ALicriTB, a. {Lmi.) An attraction ;


Thoe ii BO better mkdht to nobla

vittea, tbea to endnra tbea in a eon-

kacjrvB with tkcir inferiofur ooapa-

Sir Tk». mgoei Omrmmr, p. 16.

Aixcnm, adv. To wit. .fi^/.

Aun, \pttri, jr. Allayed; sop-

4J.SID, J preaaed ; abolished.

ALBDOBXBirr, a. (jL'N,) Sase;


ALs-DmApsn, «. A keeper of an

ntrakiatbai,1etearabe ,

Tfe braal iboald veigh aa it ia rated here.

B«i«bjaha«Id bakcn be to atrietly aa'd,

Afld tbe tU-irm^en fireqoently exeoa'd

Ibeyical IB seek and Urath, and tea

IWir ibart Uf piala by wbicb they get

^tkeir traaue :

Woe aO ihey piUofy'd tkit do trade tUa

^«ntt tike up a very buy day.



On the lee.

Bst vbia asproadunc Sidl ooaat the winde

thee (artb doth blov,

^ tibt Pdoraa crooked itnitcs begin

"^ ' itoahoWf

Than left baad had. and left hand tea.

with eompaa looc wt.

Fetch oat akxtfe frooi lands and i«s oa

right hand, tee thoa flea.

PAaif** FiffyiA 1600.

ALBsa, f. Aloe trees.


Of alia aaaer of trees.

fitting Bimiii,

Als-fbast. a mral festival. The

WhiUQB ales are common in

Oxfordshire, and are oondocted

in the following manner : Two

persons are chosen, previously

to tbe meeting, to be lord and

lady of the ale, who dress aa

Buiubly as they can to the cha-

racters they assume. A large

empty bam, or some such build-

ing, is provided for tbe lord's

hall, and fitted up with seats to

accommodate the company.

Here they assemble to dance and

regale in the best manner their

drcumstanoes and the place will

afford; and each young fellow

treats his girl with a riband

or favour. The lord and lady

honour the hall with their pre-

sence, attended by the steward,

sword-bearer, purse-bearer, and

mace-bearer, with their several

badges or ensigns of office. They

have likewise a train-bearer or

page, and a fool or jester, drest

in a psrty-coloured jacket, whose

ribaldry and gesticulation cootri^

bote not a little to the entertain-

ment of some part of the com-

pany. The lord's music, consist-

ing of a pipe and tabor, is em-

ployed to conduct the dance.

Ai.arr, (1) part p. Lifted up.

(2) adv. On the left hand.

Alboab, t, {ak-aigrt.) Sour ale,

used aa vinegar in Cumberland.

According to Mr. Hunter, it is

ale or beer which has passed

through the acetous fermenta-

tion, and is nsed in Yorkshire ss

a cheap substitute for vinegar.

d by Google




Mr. Clive, in his MS, Stafford'

§Hr€ Glouary, callt it "a fine

add liqaor/' Skinner girea it aa

a Lincolnshire word, and it is

•till in use in that county. In

Westmoreland the word is pro-

nounced aUekar.

A lieeoce was granted, 1696. by the

queens patentee, to Mr. Francis Ander-

•00 to hare the sole brewing of ale

and beer, for makinj; beer, vinegar.

hetrtufer and aUgar within that town,

and ita liberties.

Brand^i Hist, qf NeweoHle.

ALVooBjItr. (A.-y. dleger.) (1) To

ALB6B, jalleviate.

The joTOQs time now nig heth fast.

That shall aUgg* this bitter blast.

And slake tne winter sorrow.


But if thei have some privilqEe,

That of the paiiie hem woll aiege.


(2) To allege.

They wole aleggm also, quod I.

And by the Gospel preven.

Pun PhuglkmaH, p. 807.

Albobancb,«. {A,'N,) Alleviation.

** AUegyaneCt or softynge of dys-

. ese, alleviaeio" Prompt, Parv.

Albger, adf, {Fr.) Gay ; joyfuL

Albhoove, s. Ground ivy; for-

merly used in the making of ale.


Albiche. adj. Alike ; equally.

Ale-in-cornes, 9. New ale. Hu'

heVt Abcedarittm, 1552.

Aleis. (1) Alasl North.

(2) 9. Alleys.

(3) 8, Aloes. Chaucer.

Aleived, part, p. Alleviated ; re-

lieved. Surrey,

ALEKNioBTft. A frequenter of ale-

houses. *' A common haunter of

alehouses, or vittayling houses,

an aleknight, a tipler." Baret'9

Ahearie, 1580.

Albndb, prei. t, of alande.


Alenob, adj. Grievous. See Alange.

Ahi&ovD^adv, By land. Ste Aland,

Alb-polb, 9. Another name fbr

what was more usually called an


Another branght her bedet

Of jetorof ooie,

To offer to the aU-fcU. SMiom.

Alb-post, t. A maypole. We9t.

Albsb, v. {A.'S. aly9ttn.) To loose ;

to free.

Alb-shot, «. The keeping of an ale-

house within a forest by an officer

of the same. PhiUip9,

Alb-silvbr. a rent or tribute

yearly paid to the Lord Mayor

of London by those that sell ale

within the dty. Mentioned in

Miege, 1687.

Alb-stake, 9. A stake set up at

the door of an alehouse, for

a sign. Palsgrave, f. 17, trans-

lates it by "le may d'une ta-

Tcrne." It appears that a bush

was frequently placed at the top

of theale-stake.

He and I never dranke togyder.

Yet I knowe manv an aU^ake.

Bawkint'g Old Play*, i. 109.

Bat, ftrst. quoth ha. here at this uU-kou»e'


1 will bothe drinke. and etin of a cake.

CkoMCWt Urry, p. ISl.

And with his wynnynges he makith his


At the aU^takiSt sittyng ageyn the mone.


— not set like an uU-stake

Prondlle to brag yourselves and bring fijes

in brake.

Ssywoodfs Spider and lUs, 1&&6.

— thebeare

He plaies with men, who (like doggs) feele

his force.

That at the aU-staks baite him not with

been. Jkanss, Seourys qf Folly, 1611.

Albstalder, 9, A stallion. Ett9i


Albstan-bearbr, 9, A pot-boy.

Higin9*9 Nomeueiator.

Albstond, 9. The ale-house.

Ale-stool, 9. The stool on which

casks of ale or beer are placed in

the cellar. Ea9t.

Albt, 9, (1) A kind of hawk.

d by Google





(2) An ailette, or maa plate of

•ted, voro <m the shoulder.

M^rie Jrtkmre.

{3) part. p. Canred, aiipUed to

partridga and pheasants.

Au-TASTBA, a. Aecordiay to Co-

well, an oAcer appointed in a

caort ket, and sworn to look to

the assixe, and the goodncaa of

bread and ale within the pre-

dncu of the lordship. See C»-

iM0'« Interpreter, 1658.

Albtsk. Eleven.



Tet «d tte not iMneat with loads eUw,

Ai vomett mrmt, Irat with deqM tiffhes

ad nngolft few. Iktrie Qhmm, V, tL

Alb-wifb, «. A woman who keeps

sa sle-hoose.

AiaxAMOBB, a. (J^N,) The name

of a phuit, grot parsley.

Alizaxder's-foot, a. The plant

pelliUMT. Skmner.

AiKZAirDnnr, adf, Goth or em-

bnideiyof sorae kind, bronght

from Alexandria.

Alitb, a. {A^'Nl) An alley.

TUt in tt «l(f» bad a mivM plaee.

CkametrtCemL T.

Alsth, oda. Alone.

Aijnm,o. {jL'N.} To alienate.

la flus tl»T dyde ejthar fdle or «(4yiM

thenme or tmjpuU therof, that tho

aae Edwaide timlde have jt before

uy other nan. JfaM««<wXrMnv,i».86.

Aad leyde OB heBlordachipe,alnnM appOB

oilur. J)tfmtiomitf£3tmiJJ,^.U.

Alv, a. (^.&) An elf ; a deiiL

Alvabbz, la. (^pemuk,) An en-

ALTBaBs, / sign. The word was

in use in onr army daring the

OTil wsrs of Charles I.

Aid then joar tbaroagliftTC» Jog here, hit

Ganneoded to sie from eoDie noble Meadi

foemfMlftm. B. mid FL Bait m W^ i, I.

the hdiotrapevm or naflovvr, it It

aid, is the tme rnl/lmt, hcaiiaff vp

the itnidard of flora.


AL-VATOimrR, a. AtermappBed

to a faahion of wearing the hair.

dl/mfomriUt, a tori of nodith loda

hang daagiiBg oa the temples.

ladu^ Jkctiammf, I6M1

Alfvtnlt, edbr. Slothfnlly ; slag-

gishly. Prempt, Pmn,

AiSaiDABiA, a. An aatrdlogieal

term, explained by Kenejr to sig-

nify *' a temporary power which

the planeta have over the liii of



' la. (1) Th


The bishop

of chess.

ini find the eaip SBda^^derla.

▲ad kaov what pkaet is in eeiuaL




The miykyns ought to be

fonaed in maaaer of jadices silting in a

ehair, with • book open before their

eyes; and that is bcraase that soma

erases he eriBuaal. sad some civil.

Cmstom, Gamt of Oesi.

r2)a. (if..&) A lubberly feUow

(equivslent to ehiek); a slug*


Now eertci, tais tyr Wawayas^

If yche woodyre have I

That syche aa •Ifymt as thow

Due apeka sycha woides.


Ai«AS0T, a. A chemical prepara-

tion, made of batter of antimony,

diluted in warm water, till it torn

to a white powder.

ALoI^ fpi«/t.)Always;every

ALOATsa, J ^y. by aU means.

Stin used in the North.

80 eatiiely me mereth, that I mwt

«4n^ reoorde the seme^ and thenia ha

no flatterer.

Aikmo^i Thmtr. CX«n., p. 100.

AH mercOes he wiU that it be dos^

That we •IgmU ihall dye both two.


dl§mU hy slei^te er hy Tioleaea

fro yer to yer I wynae mydespeaea.

CAaMMT. a T.,70U

Also that the said Katherine shsU taka

aad bsTO dower ia oar realm of Bagtead.

ef Eagland hithenrard

(hitherto) were woat to take aad haTS.

That ia to say. to thesam of forty tlioa^

iaad crowns by the year, of the whieh

d by Google


twain al^et ihall be worth t noble,

Ensluh money.

Letter (ffTing Eenry F. 1480.

And therefore would I thoold be oigaUe

For while I live his


zichi ii in laepense.

Fakrf. r., iv, 80.

ALOATB-HOLE.t. A Small recess in

the wall within the chimney near

the fire, in which is deposited the

tinder-box, matches, brushes, &c.

Sometimes it is the receptacle for

salTcs, ointments, and other such

articles. Noff.

Aloe, adv, (A.-S.) Altogether.

Alosrb, «. {A.'S.) A spear used

in fishing.

Algid, adj, (Lai.) Cold.

Aloifs, eonj. Although ; literally,

all if.

Aloific, adj. (Lat.) Making cold.

Aloosb, a^\ Very cold.

Alorade, t. A kind of Spanish

wine, mentioned in the earlier


Both olgrade^ and reipice eke.

SqugrqfLowDegri, 766.

* 1 «. (a contraction of

"* f algorism.) Arithmetic.

The name of this craft is in Latyn

clfforeimtte, and in EnjrHs alffrim ; «ud it

is namid off utffos, that is to say, craft,

and rwKU, that is, nounbre; and for

this skille it is called craft of nonnbringe.

MS. quoted by HalUiceU.

M ethonght nothing my state could more


Than to beare name, and in effect to be

A cypher in cUonM, as all men might see.

Mirr. for Mag., p. 93S.

Than satte inmme, as siphre doth in

Depoeit, ofl^. II, p, 99.




Al-hal-dat, 1 9. All-hallows

ALHALWB-ME88E, V day, the 1st

alhalwen-tyd, J of November.

Alhidadb, t. An astrological term.

A rule on the back of the as-

trolabe, to measure heights,

breadths, and depths.

AuANT,«. An alien. Rider,

Alicant, 9, A Spanish wine, for-


merly much esteemed; said to

be made near Alicant, in Valencia,

and of mulberries.

You'll blood three potUes QfJUcamt^ by

this light, if yon follow them.

* O. PK iii. S6«.

Your brats, got out of JticmU.

B. mi Fi^ Chanceg, i. 9.

t. e., "your children, the oonae-

quence of drunkenness."

Alie, v. (A.-S.) To anoint.

Alien, v. {A.-S.) To alienate.

A-LiFE, adv. As my life; exces-


I love a ballad in print orUfe.


Thou lov'st a-life

Thehr perfum'd judgement.


A clean instep.

And that I love a-Ufe.


Alive, V. To allow. Skitmer,

Alicant, t. Wine of Alicant.

Alioob, v. {A.'S.) To lie down.

Aliohte, v. {A.'S.) (1) To light;

to descend ; to pitch.

(2) To light; to kindle. Surrey.

Alynb, v. {A.'N.) To anoint (?).

The children atte cherche dore

So beth y-primisined ;

And that hi beethe eke atte fount

liid oylle and creyme aljfned.

W. it Shorehm.

Alimentary, *. (Lat) " An aitf-

meniarie" says Minsheu, " is he

to whom a man giveth his meat

and drinke by his last will."

Alinlaz, «. An anlace. This sin-

gular form occurs in the Romance

qfHopehk, 2564.

Alirt, adv. (A.'S.) Acroas.

Somme leide hir legges aiirjff

As swiche losels konneth.

Piers Ft., p. IH.

Alibattndrb, *. (A.'N.) The herb


With alisavnire thare-to, ache ant anra.

Lgrie Poetry, p. S6.

Alisb,9. (A.'S. alyifon,) To release.

Ai»9edne9»t releasing, ransom, re-

demption. "Ac aljf9 us from yfle."

d by Google


OU Trtmdatiom of ike LordTg

^rmffer, m Camd. Bern., p. 24.

AuwATS, 9. Aloes. Lineobuk,

Ai.KAnui6T, «; The plant peni-

oria. Prompt. Pan.

Ax.KA37Kr, «. The wild bag^.

Gsiiiu a.

AxKAVz, «. Tin. HoweiL

Ai^mm. A liroad farm of ilk ; each.

Ai.KXKE3ro, a. Thewinter^herry.

AjLKDf AMTX, 9. Alcheoy.

ExperiiMBU of cttnunyf

The pe|»fe to dccgrre.

Alxxb, #. A sort of custard.

For to mke m a£br. T^k fieyt, and

nrmmm, and do awey the kernelia, imd

a god party of applrs, and do awf y the

parynfT cf the applis and the kernelia,

and bray hem wei in a morter : and

temper hem op with alnunde mylk, and

meo^e hem wyth llowr of rya, that yt

be vel ehanaoat. and strew thernpon

powder of galyngale, and nene yt forth.

Cilery BeceipU, 1381.

Alkb, #. All elk.

Aa far the plowinf with urea, which I

anppoae to be unlikelie, because ihey

■TB in mine opinion untameable, and

tfiicr, a thing conmoniie naed in the

MarriMm. Deter. cfEngUuid, p. 226.

A1.KTMI8TRB, #. An alchemist.


Aix, 4uh.(ji.^S.) (1) Although;


And tiMMe two ftowud listen, their faire

Caiae with them eke, oU they were won-


Spemt^t Eurie queens, U, ii, S4.

(2) Entirely. A common pro-


And ace, yon workbonae, on that Tillage


Where Inubands, cU without their vires*


Foetrj oUriMed to Wkiley, 184S.

(3) '* For all" is a common ex-

pression, meaning **in spite of,"

and is constantly used by country


53 AIX

(4) <' All that," until that Tyiw

JUtamOer, 2145.

(5) "For good tad all," CD-

tirely. North.

(6) Bach. Prompt. Pan.

(7) Ja and oome. One and aH;

every one ; etery thing; entirely.

Thoa who wilt not love do this.

Learn of ne what woman it •

Something made of thread and thnoBBa^

A mere botch of ail and some.

Herriek, p. 8.

In armour eke the aonldim aU and tome.

With all the force tliat miKht ao moo be had.

Mimmrfor Magistrmtee, p. 91.

We are bctrayd and y-nome I

Hone and hanM>aa, lorda. eJl and eome t

Bukard Coerde Lion, 22M.

(8) This word is frequently, in

popoUr language, joined with

others toform an adverbial phrase,

aa in the following examples:

alUa-Mtt, All in pieces (iVorM.);

aU^bout, ** To fsei ail about in

one's head," to become lighu

headed (Herrfordih); "That'a

all about it," that is the whole

of the matter ; ail-abroad, squeez-

ed quite flat {Somer9€t)\ alUa-

hoh, all on one side (ffiV/t.);

alLaiong, constantly, **alL.along

of," or **all^loHff on," owing to;

aU-^oHOH^, mingled, as when two

flocks of sheep are driven to-

gether (Wilii.); allMt'is, **all

Of it to me is this," all I have

to say about it (Herefordih.);

alLa-tauni-Ot fully rigged, with

masts, yards, dtc. (a sea term; ;

alUt'eaoe, gently, quietly (/fo-

rtford»h.)\ a/^t.^t,allinpiecea

{North.') ; all^^-a-eharm, talking

aloud {mit$.); alLin-aU, every-

thing, all m all with, very inti-

mate or familiar with ; aU-in-a^

muggle, all in a litter (Wiit9.) ;

all-in-one, at the same time;

alLof-a-huffh, all on one side

{Suffblh) ; all-OH-endt eager, im-

patient (Somert€t)i oU-out, en-

tirely, quite, to drink ail out.





medofacaroose; aU-to-nought,

oompletely ; aSUtO'tmafh^ •mash-

ed to pieces ; MU-tgfere^ altogether.

Allans, adj. Alo&e.

All AT, V, {A,'N,) (1) To mix, to

put water to wine.

The relvet breeches for him anntwered.

And for itrength of hie drinke excused


For he •Uay^i them, hoth white and red,

And oft with water made them imall

and thinue.

IMate between Pride and IoicItiMtt,p.59.

(2) To aUay a pheasant, to cut or

carve it up at table. Kertey,

(3) t. The set of hoonds which

were ahead after the beast was

dislodged. A hunting term.

Allatmbnt, «. That which has the

power of allaying or abating the

force of something else.

All-bbdsnk, oAr. Forthwith. See


ALL-BB.Taouoa,4itf9. Albeit. Sitn-


Alle, (1) ad9. All (omfiino).

(2)9, Ale.

Ther was plenty of aUe

To theym that were in halle.

The Fee$t, it t.

Allbblastbb, «. A not uncommon

form of alabaster.

In the chappell neact to the prioors


Item \J. olde maaee bookei.

Itm y. imageea of why te alleehlatter.

Itm one dewe^one lakering bell.

ifofMu/..iT, 643.

Allbct, V. (la/.) To allure; to

bring together ; to collect.

Allbctation, t. (JLiU') An allure-


Allbctitb, t. An attraction ; al-


Allbctuart. An electuary, ^ikfftton.

Allboatb, v. (£«/.) To allege.

Why, belike he is some lunnagate, that will

not show his name :

Ah, why should I this Meaater he is of

noble fame. TeeVt Worki, iii, p. 68.

Allbob, 9. (i#..Al) To quote; to


Allbobauncb,!. (1) Citatioii; the

act of quoting.

(2) Relief.

Herof we habbcth tokene gode,

Wanne we fangeth penannoe;

For sennes that we habbeth i-done

To pyne aUegaumee.

IT. de Skonkitm.

Allbobubnt, f. {A.'N.) An ease;


Quod sche, ''Gere I schal the telle,

Mercerye I have to seile;

In boystes soote ovnementia

Therewith to don tuUgementie

To ffolkes wkiche be not {clade.

The PyUffim, MS CotUm, Tib. d., riii.

Allblttya, 9, The plant wood-

sorrel. It is found in the index

to Gerarer9 Herball, ed. 1633.

^AUeluya, an herbe called wood-

sorrell or cuckowes meat, which

cuckowes delight in." J/ifwAeic'«

Guide into Twguu, 1627.

Allbmasb-day, «. Allumage-day,

the day on which the Canterbury

silk-weavers began to work hy

candle-light. Kent. Gro9e,

Allbn,«. Grassland recently broken

up; unenclosed land that has beea

tilled and left to run to feed for

sheep. Suffolk,

Allbb, (1) 9, {A.^S,) An alder-

tree. A common form of the

word in the Western counties.

The alder tree, which is alsoe eallod an

mUer-lne^ is named in Greek elethra, in

Latin alnus, and in Dncbe ein Erlen-

Turner'i Berbal, 1651.

(2) yen. pi of aL Prefixed to

adjective. SetAtder,

Adam was oore tUler fader.

Piers PL, p. 343.

Allbbbvkt, 9, A plantation of

alders. Devon,

Allbb-float, 9, A species of large

trout, frequenting the deep holes

of retired and shady brooks,

under the roots of the aller, or

alder-tree ; also called the aiier*

tromi. North,

Allbrnbatch, «. A kind of botch

or old sore. BtewwiT,

ized by Google




AuxBa,«. Ab acute kind of boO or

CHbwide. xXevon*

Aixsa, the gen. s. of «0 used ad-

vertnaDy. Altogether ; alL

TkB CmmtmM wwm Ma vzotb. ■» creto

•takes tecat Mak.§Umt.

Alu^ab, part, p. Lost.


See MS. Uari.» 2391. quoted in

HampMNi's KAleodarium, ii« 11.

Allzts, a4r. Eleven. AUeunikt^


Auxr.t. (1) The oondotion of a

game at foothaU, when the ball

has paaaed the boandt. Yorkth,

(2) A marble, for boyi' play.

Allstb, v. To allege.

ALL.rLowxK-wATsn,a. The urine

of cows. Lame.

Au^ronBS,a. A game at carda. A

traditional epitaph describes an

eathusiaat ;

Here lici the body of ^H Foitn,

Who •pent hit numey and pawned


And if yoa viah to know his name^

Ii IS kigk^ loto. Jack, and gawu.

Au-GOOD, a. The herb good Henry.


Au.HALLOWV«8UlfMKB, «. A Ute

All-hxal, a. The herb panaz.


AU.-HID, a. A name, according to

Karcs, for the game of hide-and-

seek; but Cotgrave seems to

make it aynonymoos with Hood-


All-holland's-day,*. The Hamp-

shire name for All Saints* (or

All Hallows) Day, when plum-

cakea are made and called Al

Holland cakes.

Ai.LHoo¥a, «. Groond ivy. Minsheu,

AU.H08E, a. The herb horsehoof.

Aluciatk, 0. (La/.) To attract.

AixiciBNCT, t. Attraction.

AixiEKT, a. An alley ; a passage in


Alugavt. a eormption of ^itoan/,

the name of a Spanish wine.

Allioabta, a. (finoni Sptaiih !§•

garto,) The alligator, or croco-

dile. The urine of this creature

was supposed to render any

herb poiaonoua on which it was


And who an teQ, if bdbrathe gathcriaf

and Biakinf np thereof, the MUigmrU

hath not piaa'd therconr

Allikb, a. An ally. MUdklom,

Allingb, \ad9,{A.*S.—Um9a,)

ALLiNoaa, J Altogether ; totally.

lor hire fiiirad and hire chers,

Ich hire boaite allinge to dere.


In that lond growen trees that beren

mele, vherof men maken yode bred and

white, and of gode ■aroor; and it

aemcthe as it were of whele, bat it is

not sitiaoM of sochc lavour.

MamndtwiU, p. 189.

All-in-thb-well. a game prac-

tised at Newcastle. Boys make

a circle about eight inches in

diameter, termed the well, and

place in the centre of it a

wooden peg, four inches long,

with a button balanced on the

top. Buttons, marbles, or any-

thing else, according to agree-

ment, are given for the privilege

of throwing a short stick at the

peg. If the button fly out of

the ring, the player is entitled

to double the stipulated value of

what he gives for the stick. The

game is also practised at races,

and other places of amusement,

with three pegs, which are put

into three circular holes, made in

the ground, about two feet apart,

and forming a triangle. In this

case each hole contains a peg,

about nine inches long, upon

which are deposited either a small

knife or some copper.

Allison, a. The wood-rose. See

All-mannsr-a-wot, a. Indiscri-

minate abuse. St^ff^olk.

Digitized by V^OOQ IC


All-ov-a-row, 9. A child's game.


Allolida, 8. The plant cockoo-


Allonck. All of us. Somertet,

AhLonEhY, adv. Exclusively. See


Alloquy, «. (Lai.) The act of

addressing a prrson.

Allottbrt, f. An allotment.

Allow me such ezerciaes u may become

a gentleman, or £ire me the poor allol-

tery my father letl me bv testament.


A1.LOU8. All of US. Somenet.

All-oybkish, adj. Neither sick

nor well. Var. dial

Allowance, f. Approbation.

A etirring dwarf we do aUcwanee give

Before a sleeping giant.

Trmiua and Cuuida, % 8.

Allowbd. Licensed. An " allowed

fool." Skaketp., Twelfth Night,

i, 5. " An allowed cart or cha-

riot." HoUybaTuTe Diet., 1593.

All.plai8tbr,«. Alablaster. Yorks.

Alls,«. Earnest money. Abr/A. See


All-bales, adv. (A.^S. from e<Bl,

a time.) At all tiroes. Shtfolh.

All-sebd, t. The orach. SAinner.

All.8ebb« «. One who sees every-


All-si DBS. Every one. South.

All-thb-birds- ^ Two names of

iN-THB-AiR, I games pecu-

All-thb-pisrbs- f liar to Suf-

in-the-sea, J folk.

All-tre- world-over, adv. On

every occasion. This common

familiar phrase is ancient, being

found in Brome's Queen and

Concubine, 1659, p. 96.

Allubescency, 9. (Lat.) Willing-

ness ; facility in yielding.

Allusively, adv. (Lat.) With al-

lusion to something.

I thought him also in the late times a

little too nice, and tender of hia credit;

56 ALM

and somewhat too nrofose of his Togfrl

and rhetorick; wno being to preacli

upon that of the Acts; Silrer and guld

have I none, but such as I have give J

thee : 'Whenever he liad named his text,

desired the people, in all hast, to take

the words not btterally, but aUusimely,

for that he had good store of moucy

chinking in his pockets ; besides what

he left at home in his coffers.

Baekar^a ObterMituns, 1071, p. 63.

Alluterlt, adv. Altogether ;


Alluvion, t. (Lat.) A washing


All-waters. "I am for aUwa^

ten," i. e., I can turn my hand

to anything. Shakeep,

Ally, 9. The aisle of a church.

Var. dial

Almain, 1

ALEMAiNi l». (I) AGennan.


(2) A kind of solemn music. It

was also the name of several

dances, the new allemaigne, the

old, the queen's allemaigne, all of

which are mentioned in early

books of dance tunes.

Almain-lbap, 9. In dancing, a

kind of jig.

Skip with a rhyme on the table from New-


And take his almmn-Uao into a custard.

Jotuon, DtvU is oa Jsa, i, 1.

Almain-quarrbl, 9. A causeless,

unnecessary quarrel.

D. John. I met before Don Ferdinand's

house a serving mitn wlio thrusts me, by

design, upon an almaiH-guarrel.

Tod. That's very true, but somewliat

unwillingly, like a oownrd as he is.

Jktttetumi, Tke Atan't the Muslrr.

Almain-rivets, 9. Moveable ri«

▼eU. The term was applied to

a light kind of armour, used

originally in Germany.

Almainy, 1

ALMANT, It. Germany.


I'll cry flounders else.

And walk, with my petticoat tuck'd np, int-

A long maid of Mmmny. 0. P., viu, 4SS;.

d by boogie



ITov Mko eoBCi, ffait to te Vralkcr «▼•

Hii bad in luly, vkkk vmwA ■Ball.

Aai dwdt in Jlmmg.

BaniMfMt Jbiatto, ISn, p. 19.

Upon tke Joule of JbMyM.

Alkak, «. A kind of bawk.

AlmjlXdikk, ttf;. Made of almond.

AiMANDRK, t. All almond-tree.

And of dbfliifu grele plenty

Kfldi, od mamj a date ire.


kiMhxsm, 9. (J.'N.) A cupboard;

apantiy. See^m^rie.

TlMT twice batk ciiMrMf,

Aid VTCB bomidcn cofrcs.

Fun PL, p. 888.

AucABioL, a. (if.-iV:) Ack)aet,or

etipboard,in whicb the ecclesias-

tical babiu were kept

AuiATOum, 8, An almoner.

After liim tpak Dalinada«,

A nehe almatomr he vas.

Kyng JUMnmdtr, 8048.

Am, 9. An elm. Nortkampt.

Almen, made of elm.

Almess,!.^ Alms. Ea$tSiu9ex,

AuiBs-DisH, t. Tbe dtsb in the

old baroDial ball, in which was

pot the bread set aside for the


Alhxstdl, a^. Charitable.

Almks-eow, *. A row of houses

inhabited by paupers.

Alto wbenne eny pow ■»*■ * wommaa

it ded in the atmyt-rewe, the leyd prytta

to be redy to brynge the cootb to

drardw, aod there to abyde til fait be

boryed. Stntltford MSS., tern. H. VJ,

Almissk, a. (A^N.) Alms.

AucisT, ad». Almost.

Aid aa he priked North and Ert.

1 td it yov bym had mbme$t

Bityd a lory care.

cUuer, 2Ur efSirt Thopn.

Alxicaivtaratb, a. An astrologi-

cal term, applied to a circle drawn

parallel to the horizon.

Veanvbik, vith anorerieal iastrnmeBt,

By mn of ^ym*^'* and ahmicaniantk.


Alm ODZA, a. An alchemiod term for


ALMOiTD-Fom-A-rAnROT. Some tri-

fle to amuse a silly perMu. A

proYerbial dpreasion, which oc-

curs in Skelton and the writen

of the Elizabethan age.

ALMOMiKBUTTma, f. Tbe following

ia given aa a receipt " to make


BlaBch yow ahMnda. aad bcaft then as

tne aa voQ raa with fair vater two or

three hbnra, thca atcain thcathrovgh a

linncB cloth, boil them vith rate-waicr.

whole atace. and anniie tecda. UU the

avbataacc be thick, aprcad it upon a fair

doth, draining the whey from it, after

let it hang in the tame doth anoae few

hoora, then ttrain it and aeaaon it with

Toae-water and tngar.

3Vm G«mtlewowmm'» Jkhgki, IfFit.

Ai.icoia>-cusTAU>, a. Was made

as follows :

Tkke two ponnd of alBonda, Unnch aad

heat them very fine with roaewater,

then atnun them witb aome two qoarta

ot cream, twenty wfaitea of efga, and a

pound of dooble refined aogur ; mako

the paste aa aCoretaid. and bake it in a

Kildoven fine and white, garniah it aa

helore, and terape fine angar o? er ail.

Tki ^^Mm'« Bofu^ Cooktry, 1713.

ALMOWD-FUaNACB,». At the sil^CT

mills in Cardiganshire, they have,

or had, a particular furnace in

which they melt the slags, or

refuseof the litharge not sUroped,

with charcoal only, which they

call tbe almoMfyiiriiace. Kenmett.

Almond-mile, a. Almonds ground

and mixed with milk, broth, or


The deril take me. 1 lore yon ao, that I

ooold be content to abjure wine for

ever, and drink nothing but alwumd-

arif* lor your take.

Skadwdl, Efmm^Wetti, 1973.

ALMONmaaYB, «. The almonry.

Almosb, a. pL Alms.

ALMOTN,a./?l.(if.-Ar.) Alms.

Alms-drink, a. Liquor of anothers

share which his companion drinka

to ease him. Shakwap.

Almsman, t. A person who lives

on alms; also, a charitable per-

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ALM 58

Ajlmuet, 9. The upright part of

an astrolabe.

Almusles, adj. Without alms.

For thef is reve, the load is penyles;

For pride hath aJere, the loud i<i almmle*.

Pol. Songs, p. 255.

Almtttb, 9, A governing planet.

An astrological term.

EmuiiKnly, ere his popular applause

dliatch'-- ' '


could hMtch his ruine, upon conference

with a witch that hee saw (by the almu-

Im of his nativity) short life attended

with a witch that hee saw (by the almu-

Im of his nativity) short life attendcf

him, growes fearful! of his syres iucon

sUncy. Herierfs TrmeU, 1638.

Without a sign masculine P Dem. Sir, you

mistake me :

You are not yet initiate. The almuteg

or the ascendent is not elevated

Above the almulet of the filial house :

Venus is free, and Jove not yet combust.

Bandolpk's Jealous Lotters, 16i6.

Almitluent, 9. {Lot,) Beneficent ;

abounding in alms.

Almyoht, adj. A not uncommon

form of almighty.

Alnath, t. The first star in the

horns of Aries, from which the

first mansion of the moon is

named. Chaucer,

Alnbobok, 9, One of the king's

officers, says Cowell, ivho under-

took the care of the assize of

woolen cloth. Rider, in his

Dictionaries 1640, explains it by

the Latin word ** uluiger.''

Alnbr, 9. (A.'N.) A purse, or bag

to bold money.

I wvll the yeve an «liMr,

I-niad of sylk and of gold eler,

Wyth fayre ymages thre.

Alnbwat, adv. (A.'S.) Always.

And therby hcth he aUieway the herte

ine peyse, and the body govemeth by

thewylleofGod. '

AytnHie o/Imrit, MS, Jtundd, 67. f. 95.

AiifiL, adv. And only. (?)

Sertis, sire, not ic nojt;

Ic ete sage alnd gras,

More barm ne did ic no^

Pol, Songs, p. 201.

Aloes, «. An olio, or savoury dish,

composed of meat, herbs, eggs,

and other ingredients, something

similar to the modem dish o

olives. See the Good Hotue

fD\fe*9 Jewel, 1596.

Alofb,!^. {A.'N.) To praise. Mart

Arthure, ^ttAUnoe.

A-LOFTE, adv. (A.'S.) On high.

Leve thow nevere that yon light

Hem alofts btynge,

Ve have hem out of belle.

iS«r»«.,p. 876

AxooE, V. (A.'S.) To lodge ; t<

pitch a tent.

I am aloffffit, thought he, best, bowBocv);

It goon. ChoMcer, ed. Uny, p. 597

Alooh, adv. (A.-S.) Below.

Lewed men many tymes

Maisires thei apposen,

Why Adam ne bUed noght first

His mouth that eet the appul.

Bather than his likame alMk.

Purs PL, p. ^a

Aloot, *. (Gr. dXoyia.) Ad ab-


Alomba, 9. Tin. Howett.

Alond, adv. On land.

Ah, the mansing is so ihroded.

Thah no preost alcndf nere,

A wrecche neothrles thu were.

OkI €md NiglUingaU, L 1301.

And taketh his leave, and homeward aaileth

And in an ile, amidde the wilde see.

He made his shippe alond for to sette'

Chaucer, Leg. Qood Women, L 2164.

Alone, adj. {A,-S.) One; single.

Now, Jeshu, for thy holy name,

Aso 1 ame but man aione,

Tlian be mv helpe to nyght

Torrent qf Portngisl^ p. jjg,

Alonelt, "^

ALL-ONELY, I , / ^ « x ^

ALL.ONB, 'H«'-(^.-5.) Only.

alone, J

He made his mono

Within a garden al him one.

Oower, f. 26

But he hathe lost aUe but Grece; and

that loud he holt aZ20^i«. * ^^

Mimndente, p, g.

Vigenius, or Nlgenfus, was not kins,

but edmulf Peiedurus. ^

FahiM*s Ckrom.^ C Si.





•oiptdfc. afftjoethe kote coUege o( tiw

Tor tkt wtQ mUomdf m de«dlT fTmne.

hmmmkem (fa CkrisUm MmtL, p. 111.

Wfaenof fnpwtting nniij thiofiX »y

jr«nur'« .i»ia»'« tm^l^U, IS03.

Aloof, odb- Nearer tbe wind. A

sea term. See Hoater's Ditqui^

ntiom om the Tnipet/, p. 46.

Auovc, (I) ad9. SUnting. Ox-

(2) prep. Owing to. tar, diaL

It is found in Chaucer.

Alokoe, e. (J.'S.} To long for.

Pitn Phvffkman^ p. 526.

Tlds vorihy Jawm wre ahmgttk

16 w the itimann RsionM.

Onwr, ir5. &c. .^ii/tf ., f. 147.

Au>2rG8T, pr^. Along; len|th-

wine. Somenei. It is found in

the Elizabethan writert.

A1.00UCE, adt. (A form said to be

derived from tbe leUndie.) Awry;

out of order.

His heed in diappe as by nstnretirorke,

Not one haxre amisse. or lyeth ahorke.

MS, lanU., SOS, f. 4.

Aix)RTMO» #. (-rf.-^.) A partpet

wall. A form of ahare.

Aio»K, ©. (1) (^.-iNT.atowr.) To

praise; to commend.

TheK u. fainhoppes tofare that tyme

t the most aloMed biashoppea among

Xo». 6£oM.,p.460,iM/tf.

To loose ; to make


(2) (^&)


ku^^.fmrt.p. Lost A. Somer-

setshire word.

WbcaaUEBghmdiaeiMf. MS.j0mu.

kunfkws, V, (J,-S.) To become


Kei BOB M hot that hit na eoleth,

Keoon 10 hwit that hit ne soleth,

Neion M leot that hit oe aioiketk,

^eaoft w Khd th«t hit ne awratluth.

AiouGH, oAr. Below. SttJkfgh.

Auovn, 1 V. {A.'S, uluiam.) To

ALOWTB» V bow; to pax obeisance.

ALDTa, J Pien PA, p. 495.

Ho that paaseth the brrgge,

Hys annea be mot lepre.

And to the ;rraant alomte.

Lfkmm$ DiMOMM , L 19S4

Tint diiU that vaa ao wild* and whaf.

To me aUdt love.

JflSf. .la/if., i. 101.

Alowb, (1) aAr. (^^.-5.) Low dowp.

(2) 9. To homble.

Alows, \9, (A.'N, aOtrngr.) To

ALLowm, J praise ; to approve.

Cwsyd be he that thy mat mlomt f

Bichmrd Coer It Lum, 4Mi.

For he bathe no knowen congregacioa

to reprove bim or mllane him.

Sir T. MorTs Warkt, p. 184.

Alotnk, n. {A.'N, oMgner,) To


Al.0T8B.(l) Alit!

(2) A kind of preeioos stone.

Book of St. Albtme, sig. r, i.

Alpb. t. (1) {A.-S.) A baU-flnch.

Ficedala, BD ajptf. MS.Bo4i.,9!i^i.lL

There waa many a birde tineiiiK.

Thoronjcboat the yerde all inringing:

In many placia ntjchtinpilfs,

Andalecy, and finches, anil wodfwalea.

(2) {A,'S, «^.) An elephant.

Airns-noK, t. {A-S, etptn-ban.)


Alphabkt, 9, The index or list of

contents to a book was formerly

so called.

Alpi, adj, {A.'S.) Single.

A. quod the vox, ieh wflle tha Idle,

Oa ofot word ich lie neUe.

Beliq. AnUi^%^%.

AxpicKB, t. A kind of earth.

Cotgrexey v, Chere4e.

Alfveth, #. A halfpenny-worth.

MwkOMt. AngL, i, 198.

KhKK,9en.pl(A,'S.) OfaU.


Sweteat aire thin(ce.

That heo nre erende beore

To then heoven kioge.

MS. cut., Calig., A. u, f. 244 />.

Alb, (1) eanj. (A.-S.) Also; aa;

likewise ; in like manner.

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(2) AVz, a contracted form of

all thi$. Dorset.

Alsatia. a jocular name for the

Whitefriars, in London, which

was formerly an asylum for in-

solvent debtors, and all such as

had offended against the laws.

^-;;.}«fe. Altogether.

Alse, (1) «. The name Alice.

(2) ado, {A,-S,) Also.

The fowrihe poynt techTth oi aUe,

That no mon to hys craft be false.

Const. qfJiaMiuy, p. SS.

Alsene, s, (A.'S,) An awl. Ebin

is still used in the North of Eng-

land in the same sense.

Also, (1) conj. {A.-S. alnoa.) As.

(2) All save; all but Midkmd


Alsone, eof^. As soon; imme-


JlaoM as that chflde y-borne is.

It hath wytt or har i-wys.

And may speken to his dame.


Alstxte, adv. (A,'S.) Quickly.

Unto the porter spcke he thoe,

Tayd, To thi lord myn (

Hasteii and alttite.

Sayd, To thi lord myn emde thou to,

Bobwn's RoHumeet, p. 50.

Albvithb, eof^, (A.'S,) As soon

as ; as quickly as.

Alswa, eon/. (A.'S.) Also.

Altamel, «. A verbal or lump

account, without particulars,

such as is commonly produced at

spunging-houses. A slang word.

Altbmbtrye, s. The measuring

of altitudes.

Altbbage, s, a fine or tax to the

altar; one of the amends for

offences short of murder.

Alteratb, v. (LatJ) To alter; to

change ; p€trt. p, altered.

ALTBBCAND,j9ar/.a. {A.-N.) Con-


Altbrn, adv. Alternately. Milton.

Altham, s. a slang term. In the

FratermtyeofVacadondei, 1575,

the wife of a «< cnrtall " i| said to

be called his altham.

Alther, geiL pi of al. Prefixed

to adjectives. See Alder.

Altbicate, 9. (la/.) To contend.

Aludbls, s. {A.'N.) Subliming-

pots without bottoms, which

fitted into each other, without

luting. An alchemical terra.

Aluffb, adv. (A.-S.) Aloof; more

nearly to the wind.

Alure,' '\s.(A.'N.) a gutter or

ALOUR, J channel behind the bat-

tlements, which served to carry

off the rain-water; sometimes,

an alley, or passage from one

part of a building to another;

the parapet-wall itself.

Up the alurs of the castles the laydes

thanne stode.

And byhald thys noble nime, and whyrhe

knyjies were gode. Mob. GUmc, p. 192.

Alisaunder rometh in his toun.

For to wissen his masons.

The towns to take, and the torellia,

Vawtes, aUmru, and the corneris

Kynff Alisaunder, 1. 7310.

Alutation, s. {Lat.) Tanning of


Alute, 0. To bow. See Alouie.

Alvisch, adj. {A.-S.) tSlfish ; hav-

ing supernatural power.

Alway, adv. (A.'S.) Always.

Thereby a christall streame did grntly play.

Which from a sacred rounUine wenetl forth

alwaf. SpenMr's Fsurie <^tteen€t I, i, 34w

Always, adv. However ; neverthe-

less. North.

Alweldand, \ad;\ (A.-S. «/.

alwbldino, J waitfa.) All-ruling;


Ijprai to grete God alweldand.

That thai have noght the hegher hand.

TvMtne and Gavin, 1. 2199.

Alwes, 9. pi. Hallows ; saints.

Aly, v. {A.-N.) Go.

Ahf t he saide, aly blyve !

Kyng AUsaunder^ I. 4S70

Alyche, adj. Alike.

Alye, (1) r. {A.'N.) To mix. See


(2) s. Kindred; allies.

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I ALT 61

i Ifl mfi^ of wajnal^aoyaerfjude,

I It vnM begrrtt joje onto bml

I 4lt«s. (jL'S.) Aiwajs.

A-LT©jBTM,r, «^. Ltgrhtlj.

ALTKSsrEB, «. Similaritj.

A>LTKB>WT8K,Afr. In like manner.

Ai.rjr, #. A kind of oil. ^SHiumv-.

^T, 1 #. A tent mude of can Taa.


AiTSiOK.jLf^.-Al) The herb mad-

wert. Said bj Iluloet to be a cure

isT the bite of a mad dog.

Ain. o^: A term applied to aome

kiad <^doch. A " gown of green

tfyz doth of gold, with wide

•ieeres," occurs in a will of tlic

diftof 1439. r«/. Vetnat., p- 2^<>-

iJi^^TM, Th«m«

^ ■! he Mdce to tham in bi« wrvtla*


ft. li, 5. Jf5. Colt^ Veap^ I>. ▼«-

iviiLs, a$p. (^^M) L-oTelr-

AnAcoLT, aife. Partly; in m»^*^^

Ahuh, fl$. Mad.

Hcsvendetkbdkes _

lamkethBcnaiBOnetli «»•»—- 1B«.

IW. SamffS, P- »o*»-

iMAOiPfo, It. A kind of pe*""-

iiCAj>OT, \ Skhtnier,

Ajhajl,<. M«il;am90«r. ^— ^-^

Amaimox,*. Iii»trology.tli«»»»^

<rf a kiog of the Eaat, o»*^/'*^"

iras to be guarded again** ^^^™

the third boar tfll noon, an A J^™ ^

the BiDth ho«r mi ^f^'^'S

"The diief wboae domi»»o» ^

« the north part oC tUe inferon*

mightily -.plentifoUy. ^_ ^^^^li^g

He BiA. nd from liis eyea the tT»c»"

(2)limiicffiatcly, ^o^^^^JS^'w 9!

Ca^ MV at once. A »«*J^^!S^eli.

AaffAxaTBBif, •. [A..N.) Tootj

come ; to be mtster nf.

Ac the Holt Gott it the ftioAe \frht W

mwMWMtretk hia siknette ami r)Min;i

bta hamonrs. JfnthtU of Un

And how I njrflite Muiu/m hea,

Aad make hen to verrtie.

/W» -Pt, p. \i

A>ffAi.a AMINO, «. Mixing qaie

ailver with esy metal. An alch

mical term.

Aaff Ai.x«. #. Enamel. See ^fm^Al

iLatf AMD. (l)a.(Z4i/.) Toiendawa;

to remove.

-WYfcrmfan we doMM»^ IMu HeaphRj


■^ca- their pftmnon truly it o* th' leMt :

A. «lofr doth fmre much bctUr wiUi hii hoiK

•Xlmmn tbow whoM tabtc. Beat, aid dm

(2> r. (fr.) A flne; penalty.

AacAWD ATiON, $. (Lat.) A mettagi

AacAKO, ]rrep. (A,^,) Amoni

iVor/A *

The lye^ere is ouii, the men an th

▼Alee peny numf the ffnode. aM th

chef «He*y the corn. J^nthiU of Iwmi

Aaff AMO-HAMDg.otfv. (1 ) Work don

conjointly with other boaaeai

(2) Lands belonging to diffeien

proprieton intermixed. YorkMh,

AaaANaa, 1 9.(>f..5.aHiminim<aN

ikBtfAUNsa, V to excommunicate.

jkMONSi, J To interdict ; excom^

nunicate ; or aecune.

Hii amuntti* the

AUc thnlke that rlcrkei niehe deapjte dadi

That BO *aiao, hota the pope oae, hea

■aoyley ae mygte.

with a peaylee pore for to pleye,

lAt Mho eaa the pepal mmvm.

Beliq. AtUiq., i, 74

A.MAKT,a<if. Many people.

«- . , , 3 , A-wiany that I knewe

Kntghtcd in my remembniDce, I beheld

And all their names were in tknt ReKiit«r

Pm^« Bonour of Ike Garter, UW

Amar^i^. To mar; trouble.

A-if ARSTLKD, part. p. Amaxed ?

Hupc forth, Hubert, hosede pye,

I«hot thart Urwtaretled into tiie mawe.


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Amartrv, v. To sacrifice ; make a

martyr of.

Amascdnkhsb, $. Amazement.

AMA6BFULL,a4f'. Frightened. i'aZ»-


A-MA8KSD, adj. To go a-matked,

to wander or be bewildered.


Amatk, 0. {A.-N,) To daunt ; to


Upon the walls, the trngans, old and young.

Stood btuh'd and still, amated nnd amaz'd.

Fairfax's Tauo, p. 248.

Here the townsmen are amated,

Tliat their spire should he translated

Unt-o Pauls ; and great's their labour.

How to purchase so much paper

To enwrap it, as is fitting,

To secure their spire from splitting.

Drunken BanuAy.

Amatorculist, 9, (from the Za/.)

A wretched lover or galant.

Amatystv, «. Amethyst Minsheu

gives this form of the word, and it

occasionally occurs in other writ-

ers. Rider has the form amatet,

AmawsTj adv. Almost. We9t.

Amate, v. {A.'N, esmayer.) To


Fors weneth that y am amaied.

For his gwinris me han bytraied.

JT.^/MflKJMfor, 1.7243.

Am BAOB, «. (Lat, ambaget)^ pL am-

6a^>«. Circumlocution. It is used

as a verb, apparently meaning to

travel round, in the Morte d' Ar-

thur, i, 135.

Epigramma, in which erery mery oon-

ceited man might, without any long

stndie or tedious amhage^ make his

frend sport, and anger bis foe, and give

a prettie nip, or shew a sharpe conceit

in a few rerses.

Tultenktm, Art efFocM, 1. i, ch. 97.

We have now heard much of the abnies

reigning in AHgna; but now setting

aparte the ambagies, and superfluous

vagaries, I pray you describe, kc.

Slubbers Anatomy of Abuses, p. 48.

Ambagious, adj. Tedious; wan-

dering from the purpose.

AMBA88ADB, 1 ,. (^..^x ^^6111-

^"^'"^^^'Kbaisy. "^


Ambassador, s. A game formerly

played by sailors to duck a lands-

man. " A large tub is filled with

water, and two stools placed on

each side of it ; over the whole is

thrown a tarpaulin, or old sail ;

this is kept tight by two persous,

who are to represent the king

and qtieen of a foreign country,

and are seated on the stools.

The person intended to be ducked

plays the ambassador, and after

rei)eating a ridiculous speech die

tated to him, is led in great form

up to the throne, and seated

between the king and queen, who

rising suddenly as soon af he is

seated, he falls backward into the

tub of water." Grote.

Ambassatrib, a. {J,'N.) An em-


Ambbr, v. To scent with amber-

gris. See AmberffriMe.

Ambbr-cawdlb, a. A preparation

of ambergrease, of an aphrodisiac

character. See Ambergrise.

Ton may talk of your amier-^muiUt,

chocolate, and jelly-Droths, but they are

nothing comparable to youth and

beauty; a young woman is the only

provocative tor old age, I say.

Bojiunseroft, Umdon Cuekotds.

Ambbr-dats, a. The ember days.

Ambbrorisr, la. (Fr. amber

AMBBRORBA8B, J ^rw,literally gTcy

amber, from its eolour and per-

fume.) This substance was for-

merly much used in wines, saooes,

and perfumes. It was consi-

dered also as an aphrodiaiac. It

was sometimes called merely


Tis well, be sure

The wines be lusty, high, and foil of spiriL

And amker'd all.

B. andlU, Cust. qfCoumtrf, iii. S.

I had clean forgot $ we raott have nmksr


The greyest can be found. 0. FL, vii, 167.

Milton has inverted the word :

— Meats of noblest sort, Sec.,

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1#. (^^M) Tbelow-

AMES-Acm^ J est throw on the

diee ; two aeei ; ftgnratiTeiy, bad

Hlrn the

r«<} ^tr aftnr t3ie tat«ile» to SDgdoaid

£sd t^M^ rift al that folk, nd vyna

is te ewi thcKcf «■**>•» tho be to londe

tsm, Bok. Okmc., p. 51.

I kfti ntber he in thit eiioiee, than

tfaov w<i an' far bit life.

AMBfvsrmK, #. (X«/.) A kind of

Vkar of Bray. '* That juror that

taketh of both parties for the

fiv^g^ of bis verdict." CoweU,

AMnoi7,«.(Fr.) An entertainment

■ irincfa all dishes are mixed to-

gether, instead of regular courses.

kmrnojOGY^ a. (X^f >) An equivocal

AMBtTTOsrATS, aff. Ambitious. This

word is giiren by Min^hen, in his

G^de imio Tmtjptet, 1627.

AMBrrcuB, «. (/^f.) The circom-


AjfBz.cax,a.(^.-M amblntre,) An


Akbolitx, od^. Oblique.

Aaidtako sode kepa of this dupiter of

anofise of edotiaJl bodjet, for ther

tiiiaiftiTi vel that Bfcither mone nciUiar

■toBC m oar mmkaSfg orizoot

Ckmaeer, ed. Urry, p. 446.

a. (Za/.) Wild sage.

^ #.(.rf.-M)(l) A cup-

board, a pantry; any

^ place in which nc-

toals are kept.




Me in the cap.

nuwr. 1&7S.

By tkidt time be came thither, he had

W three of Ins henriBff left ; for, by the

vt9.be fe& iate the thievish hands of

ad of baee-kaifEkts. by

Boi only robbed of BUbw

_ as &iB to redeem bis life

WsBie vitfc the better pert of his aaidfv

sfbazBohedisbea. '

Naatrs LcMUm Sh^^.


(2) The almonry was sooeUmefl

so called, the alms being kept in


Ibe abee vbercin this chapel and

ahas-hottte standcth «aa railed the

ElcaiooiiiarT,or almoary, d<>« n>rni|Miy

the eaairy. for that the a>ni« of liie

Abbey were there diatrihutrd to the

poor; and therein Ultp. ahitoi of \Vttt.

nunster, erected the first pn m uf )}^M.k^

prhitinx that evrr was in Eoglaud,

aboai the year of Chmt 1471.

Siowe's Smrwy af Loudom.

Ambclbr, «. (J.-N.) An ambUog

horse; an ambler.

Amburt t. {A.-S. ampre,M swollen

▼ein.) A disease in horses' legs.

Skifmer. SeeJnitny.

Ambcscado, #. (^Min.) An ambos-


AmusioK, «, An abase.

Ambust, adj, {Lai,) Burnt

Ambtnowbb, «. An almoner. MS,


Amb, 1 (1) ». {A.'N. memer, met.

Aim, J mer, which represented

the Lat, tutimo,) To guess; to

think; to telL

Of nea of ames bold the nombre thd mm*,

A tfaoBsand and tno hundred told of Cnttrn

meu hi aame. Peter Lang toft, p. 2'2»i.

Nomoanpon mold mi^t ayme the noamher,

Al that real araj reken tcliold men never.

WiU. and tkt Wtrwolf. p. 68.

Tee, wyth food handelyne. as I eywtf,

Even by and by, ye shall her rcclByme.

Ccwmnnt Secretary and Jalowwyg.

(2) «. {A..S, tgpm, breath, Ta-

pour.) The spirit; breath.

IHin that ptxn it sochte.

And tH ar note an havis it brohts^

8co delte it vrisbc ais soo vilde,

That aUe this werde it is fiilfUde

Of the esM. aad of the smelle ;

Forth! es Rodc thar of to telle.

JUMuryk MS. qmoud fy Bouektr,

AiffBB, s. {J.^N,) The herb awteos,


Ambked, part. p. Padfled; lite-

rally, made meek.

Am BL, t. (J..N.) Enamel *

Heav'ns richest diamonds, set in aaief

white. Flelck,, Purpk /<{.. x, 33.

The ammeU is so faire aad fresh of hew.

As to this day it seemeth to be new.

Jm oM/adoiud Um, hg J. T^ UM,

d by Google

AMB 64

He leems a fhU itodeni, fbr he is a

fCreat dcsirer of controvenics ; he argues

•harply, and carries bis conclusion in bis

scabbard, in tbc first refining of man-

kind tbis was the gold, his actions are

liis AmmfU his alUv (for else yoa cannot

vork him perfectly), continnal duties,

heavy and weary marches, lodgings

as foil of n«ed as cold diseases.

Otcriurfs Ckaracten.

Neu«r mine eies in pleasant Sprm| behold

The azure flax, the gilden marigold.

The violet's purple, the sweet loaes


The lillie*s tnowe, and pansey*8 vanoos

AMEL-coaw, ». (A,'S.) A kind of

corn, " of a middle size betwixt

wheat and barlie, unlike alto-

gether unto winter wheatwhercof

we last spake, but of a sort and

facultie like unto spelt." Mori"

ham's Qnmtrey Forme, 1616.

Gerard calls it the starch-corn, a

species of spelt.

AuzhL^prep, Between; as **ameU

one and two o'clock." Boucher

gives the phrase ameU-4uirtf

which signifies the passage be-

tween two doors in a Cumber-

land farm-house, built according

to the old style.

AuN^YD, part, p, BnamcUcd.

Ambnaob, ©. (J.'N.) To manage;

to direct by force. Spemer.

Amenancb,». (^.-M) BehaTiour;


Soone after did the brethren three advance,

In b«re .ray. «*^/^^^; ja. j.

iLnd with graTe speech and grateftil

Himself, his state. Us spouse, to them

AMmNDABLK, A^. (perhaps for

i^ble,) Pleasant.

Amen DEN, adv. A sort of oath,

equivalent to a piaffue, or a more

gross word now disused. " Where

amtnden ar yeow a goen?" A

Suffolk wont


Amsnomskt, s. Dung or compost

laid on land. Kent.

Amends, t. {A,-N.) An addition

put into the scale of a balance, to

make just weight.

AuKfiB, a4f. {Lat. ammui.) Plea-

sant ; consenting.

Amenne, 9. To amend.

As we be wont, erborowe we crave.

Your life to OMeiuu Christ it save.

Mom, qf the Bote, 7496.

Amense, «. Amends. Skeittm.

AMENT,t.(Ia/. amentum.) A thong;

a string. This word occurs in

Cockeram's English Dictionaries


Amenuse, v. (A.'N. amma»er^

To diminish.

The fame smmut* of so noble a knight.

Bocha*» L 39.

His mercy is surmounting of foyson.

Ever encreaieth without mmtmuiyt. ^

AMB08,«.(-<<.-iV.) ThcherbbUhop»»-


Ameral. See Admiral

Amerawd, s. An emerald.

Ambrawdes, s. The hemorrhoida.

Amerce, \f>. (A.'N. anwrcter.)

AMERCY,/ To punish with a pe.

cuniary penalty ; to inflict a fine

or forfeiture; to punish, in gene-


And though ye mowe amercf hem,

Lat mercy be taxoor. I'iers PI., p. 110,

Bat I'll amerct yoa with so strong a fine.

That YOU shall ail repent.

Amerciament, a. {A,'N,) Ajb

arbitrary mulct

To the archbishop belonged the mm^ertim

mnU of bloodshed, from such tynae aii

they cease to sayaUeloja at the chtirc)

■ervice, tiU the octaves of Easier.

AimM,ad».(A.N.ameir.) Fiercely

pariadas, Danes brother.

He hadde y-slswe on and othir.

Tanryn and Hardas he slowe witla naey

With sweord n'den he dad amere /

la this strong fvghtyng cas,

He mctto with Dalmadas.

d by Google




Amuts, ^v.{ji,'S.miifrrmi,amer-

Ajf BRB, J rm, to mar.) To mar ;

to spoO ; to destioj.

Ac vif lad the tide i-hcrd

And tlMNig;hte veil to ben mmtrtdj

Aad nide, " Sire, tboa hast oatnfe

To leve a pie in a kace !**

He mi vitli a dnve fverde

Tb hjs namentiye.

Aad all bye goidTS ther he •mtrrtie.

With greet euTje. Oetofum, L M07.

Amxbs, #. Embers. TbritA.

AiURTAiLE, V, (^.-iVl) Tomarrel;

to be sorprised.

By neaDe whereof, the Vyn^^t death

was bloaren into the eitye, and after

onto the cares of Chilpericiia. whereof

he was not mmenmyUd, nor wotde to it

gere fenne credence. Tnrif, L 97.

Am ss-Acs. See Jmket^^,

AnsB, tf. i^A.-N.) To calm. "Amne

jna," calm jooraelC Towmley

Mjf9i., p. 194.

Ambssb, c. The amice.

AjfBT, «. (^..&) An ant.

Sothjcfce htt eome, that the k»d over al

hii goone fiallep

Al thycfce as aateim erepeth in an tmeU

hade. Bok. QUme^ p. 996.

AifBTHODiCAL, odj. {Gr.) Without

method; irregular.

AmnrsKD, part, p. Destroyed.

Amvvs, v. {A.'S.) To more.

AnnLAcruous, a^. {Lai.) Foil of


Amias. The city of Amiens.

Am icB, 1 #. (A.'N.) One of the

AMTTS, [sacerdotal Testments ; a

AMMis, fpiece of fine linen, of an

AMMAS, J oblong square form,

which was formerly worn on the

head nntil the priest arrived be-

fore the altar, and then thrown

back upon the shoalders.

Amtd, 1


Aurnoy, #. Fine wheat-flower

steeped in water; then strained,

ind let stand until it settle at

the bottom; then drained of the

water, and dried at the son ; used

for bread, or in broth, it is very

nourishing; also, starch nude of


Amidwako, ad9, (A^-S.) In the


And tmjfiward the place

He mette with NrrohM.

Amil, t. Starch.

Of wheats is made satyl. the making

whereof Gato and Diosroridea tescbeth.

Ocop^t Hnshtatdru, IMS.

Amilsd, part, p, (A.-N.) Ena-


Amillibk, «. (A.»N,) An almond-


The briddes in bkaMBS the! beem wd


On olyres, and am^Oun, and al kynds of


The popcjayes perkcn, aad prayncn for


On peren and pynappel they joyken in

pees. FisHU o/SuMam, st 7.

Amikish, 9. (A.~N.) To diminish.

Ami KB, v.{A.'N,) To auist; to

remedy. Ckameer.

Amis, v. (A.-N.) To miss; to faiL


Amissk, a. A fault.

I wretch, too late, do wrrow my mat.

Sis OU Flmyt. p. 17.

Tet lore, thon'rt blinder than thyself in


To rex my doro-like firiend for my amiss.


He told the erring their ssmm, and taught

them to amend.

Wtuiur's Jlhiom's EitglaMd, 1693.

Amission, a. (lot.) Losa.

Amit, (1) See Amiee,

(2) V. To admit.

(3)0. (Za/.) To lose.

Amittb, r. {A.-N,) To set one's self

to a thing.

Amitvbb, a. (A,'N.) Friendship.

ThoWf he laide, tmytonr,

Tustnrday thow co'aie in aauturSt

T-armed to on of myne,

Ke byhynde at my chyne

Smotcst me with thy spere.

Sgmg JUsaandeTf 397a

d by boogie



AmcAT, # A luncheoo. Wnt.

Amkis. See Amice,

AMNBft, «. An tlmoner.

Amnicolist, «. (la/.) One who

dwells on the hiuiks of a river.

Amnigbnous, adj, {Lot.) Gene-

rated in rivers.

Am OD, oJo. Amid. Langtqft,

Amond, «. (Fr.) An almond, ifm-

Amonbste, 1 v. (^.'M atnonet-

AM MONBSTB, J teT.) To admonish.

Amonbstbmemt, «. (J,'N.) Advice ;


Amongb, adv. (J^S.) Amidst; at

intervals. JBoer amovge, from

time to time, ever at intervals.

Amonsi. See Aman$e,

Amoost, lufo. Almost. ir««/.

Amorgb, ^ttdv. {A,'S,) On the

amorbge, j morrow. See /fmonoe.

Amobatlb. See AdmiraL

Amorettb, «. {A.'N.) (1) A love


(2) A love^motto ?

For not i-cladde in lilke waa he.

Bat aU in flonrii and flonrettet,

I-paintid all with amorttle*.

Bmn. qftkt Bote, 89ft.

Amorist, «. An amorooa person ;

a lover.

O lie I yoa look not b1ce an amorisif that

face woald frielit her.

CarUU*t Pattumate Lotm* 1S&5.

Gontnme your timoroui cringing amoruiSt

that would possess their heifik, hut dare


Dh^, Uadtm KeiU, 1076.

Amoroso, «. (liaL) A lover.

No-hody manr times malceth the ^ood

man cuckhola, for though his wiTcs

mmoroto have heene at homp all day,

yet if hee asle who hath heene there,

she answereth suddenly, nobody, who

should he here, I say againe, sweete

hart, nobody.

liick CaHnet fitrm*hed vith VansHe

ofExeellent 2>i<rrtfftoM, 1616.

Amort, <ufo.(fV-.) Dejected; dead.

See Alamort,

Amortisb, 9. {A,'N,) (1 } To amor-

tise ; to give property in mort-

Pier9 PL

J) ad9, (A.^S,)

^ >morrow; i

^ J morning.

On the

In the

(2) To kill, or deaden.

Bvt for ala moche as the goode werket

that men don whil thay ben in good lif

ben mmorilud by tynne folwyng, and

eck sith that alle the goode werkes that

men dooa whU tbay ben in dedly ay one,

been ontrely deede as for to have the lif

perdmmble. Cktmcert Ftrtonei 7\

Amortisbmbnt, 9, The act of com-

mitting lands to mortmain. A

longer explanation is given by

Skinner» in his Etymohgieath






Wei 5eme he wille the bidde and prai^

That thou come amTrewe and plaie.

Florie* and Monckefiomr.

And thai thai served him never so faire,

Armorwen schold another pair. n.

8o suart so eni crowe atnorw* is fot was.

Sok. Gkmc, p. 48a

Amountb, (1) V. {A.'N,) To

amount to ; to be.

Lordyngs, qaod he, ther is fill many

a man that crieth werre, werre, that

wot ful litel what werre nmountetL

Chancer, T. ofUeGheut,

{2) part, p. Smeared. An error

of the scribe for anointe.

And I will goe gaither slyche.

The shippe for to cnulke andpvche ;

AwunuUe yt mnste be with aUche,

Boide, tree, andpyqnc.

Ckeeter PUt^f, i, 47.

Amountmbnt, ». Reckoning*

He luked up nnto^the tonre.

And merily sang he of avufwre,

Seejfn Sagee, SMS.

Amovb, V, To move; to move

away from.

Amper, «. (A.»S, anqn^ a swollen

vein.) An inflamed swelling.

Eatt. A rising scab or sore,

also a vein swelled with cor-

rupted blood. Eu€x, A fault, a

defect, a flaw; a fault or flaw in

linen or woollen cloth. In

SomerHtihire, a penon covered

d by Google


witb piniplesistaldtobeaii^^Mrir.

Tbe word is applied im the Bastera

Counties to sigai^ wak, or un«

Wealthy; in Snitex, to cbeese

bcgiiuiiBg to decay; and tome^

times to decayed teeth. An

ampn^img^ a decayed tootb.

AMPaxBOLooiCAft, a^p. (£?r.) Am-



Ampbiboi4>6R, #. (O.) Ambi-

gaoos language. ChoMetr.

AMn.x, (1) V. ^aapposed to be cor*

jnpted from aai^/^.) To go.

(2) m^. iLai.) Liberal ; geoarou.

<3) j; (^--AT.) An ampidU, or

wemA for ointment. See^n^pti^.

TbB ffth pMB, that ii wt MbM tiM

, ,. and u foriMd in the

Itarc flf a Eua; and he w get in the

cksr M A aaaater, and faoldeth in hit

Bgfeft hand abode; and an om^ j^, or a

bac with ointment, in hiildthand; and

•s hia fodte bis iaatnunenu of iron and

flf aiifcr^far to nnke indaioM^ and to

WBCcb voaada and hnrts, and to cat

^ mem. Castem, Gaau €f Cka$e.

T, V. {Lai.) To embrace.

(, V. {Lai,) T# ao^lff.


AjcForr, a. A hamper. SSknpth,

AMPmsT, ttjF- C-^--^) Faulty $ de-

feetne; apoiled; decayed, applied

to ciieeK, Ac JToit Amw*. See

AimiB, Jt. (X-& ^m$tia.) An

.1#. (^^M) A

AMTOM^Tf yveiiel&Krholdiagoint*

A101JI, J meaty holy^water. &&


He btf by Us lyde^

An hnadred aiamnnUm

I bin hstaeten. FieraFLt'^^Q9.

.a. Abia£kfahrd. Far. disiL

Amsbbst, a. (a eormpt form.) A

eosalatory eourt.

Aicrr, 1 m^, {jL^ mmii^mOig.}

AscpTT, J Bmpty«

ila^piaee ha aada aboote, and fole flea

AmmcB, r {Lai.

or lees of oiL


having leei.

AmrsB, a. To

(.) Dregt

The qoality of

tmote, according

to the cant dictionariety it to

fling dost or snuff into the eyes of

the person intended to he robbed.

AifWAST^Aia. Almost. JVbr/Aamp^

AMW0AST,ato. Almost WiU9.

Amt, a. {A,^N,) in the fimMma

amye, amUt aimeff^. One beloved ;

a lover, or a miitrets ; a friend.

H« ToUnd the chaambre of Many oehoa.

For be nide, in that nyaht, hmmtaak

Scholde come to theo tady.

And beoB hire koTaMy.

/ Mtmmdtr, L SlO.

He atldd what bin gpeved io?

Sebce nide he* vee eauye

To Amnion the god of ptcye.

An, (1) a. To have. Lane,

WeU Mr Cnnstable, eed JneUee, WHot

an ye bronght me aesw f Tim Bobbim,

{t)B, {A.^S., from iRBOBito dwell.)

A dwelling; a honse.

Nen beth therimle that riebe toare

Four and twenty maidrnee bowcb

So wele were that ilke man.

That mitte wooaen in that an.

(3) One. NoHK

(4) A. See^.

{^)prtp.{A.^S.) On.

(6) coiy. Than. iVbr/A and EoMi,

It is found in the Varwr Mundi,

a*^m written in a very broad

Northern dJitOect; bvt there it

has the form oNdL

(7) If.

(8) And.

(9) Oi: Northampt. «I yerd

nothing a» it," I heard nothing


Ak? What? Whether? Dmm.

Amagk, a. A provincial name for

some hind of fine oaten bread.

Also with this tmallneale, catgineale, ft

made in divert eonatries stee eefvraU

kindes of very giood and whokeome

breed, every one finer then other, as

your maeii, jaaacks, and sndi lilu.

d by boogie




Anadbm, «. {Gr.) A chaplet; a


Upon tliii joyfnll day, lome dainty chapleta

twine :

Some othen chosen oat, with fingen nei^

and fine.

Brave auadems doe make : aome baaldrlcks

up do bind :

Some, garlands : and to some, the nosegaies

were aasign'd.

Drajfton*» Polyolhion, aong 15.

Anaoesm, «. (Gr.) A band to tie

up wounds. Minsheu.

Anagnostian, i. ((?r.) *' A curate

that senreth onely to reade,

or a Clarke or scoller that read-

eth to a writer or his master."


Anagogical, adj, {Gr,) Pertain-

ing to the Scriptures. This word

is given by Minsheu, in his Guide

into Tongues, 1627.

Anairm IT, a^r- Armed. Gawayne,

Analem, «. \Gr,) An instrument

for finding the course and eleva-

tion of the sun. Minsheu.

An-all, adv. Also.

Anameld, ad). Enamelled.

Anamet, s. a luncheon. Hamps.

Anamorphosis,*. ((?r.) A change

of form.

Anamourd, adj. Enamoured.

— MSS. qf Uth and 15M


Anan, adtf. (1) How? What did

you say ? It has been observed

that mid trnnan, in Anglo-Saxon,

means "with permission" and

unnan is, to yield as a favour;

so that anan (more properly

annan) seems to be an elliptic

expression, like the French

"Plaii'iir* meaning " may I ask

the favour of your saying it


(2) A corruption of anon, imme-


Anamger, v. To incense.

And when the eraperonre harde this,

he was greatly amoved, and sore on-

angtrU. Virgiliiu, ed. Tkomi, p. IS.

Anantrbs, "^ ^ , ^. ^_ ^ ^,

ANAUNTERB ''^' ^^^^^ ^ ^^

t^ANTER M*^') I" case

^nanter' I **»*^' ^*^»* **^*''

?nan™,' Jifjpeniclventure.

Anger nonld let him speak to the tree,

SnoMnUr his rafce might cooled be.

Speiun't Shepherd's Calendar.

For longe durst he nut abyde,

Jnat/MUr if men woil Beyne,

That he his sister hath forleyne.

Qover de Omf. Jnu, f. 48.

An APES, s. Cloth ; apparently some

fine kind of fustian, which word

is usually joined with it.

His dooblet sleevez of black woorsted ;

Qjpon them a payr of povaeta of tawnv

chamblet, laced aldng the wreast H7th

blu thretrden points; a wetilt toward ilie

hand of fnstian aruives.

Laneham's Account o/thg Qtuen*8 Bnter-

iainnurU at KiUinificorti Castle.

Yestis heteromalla lanea, trcpiif&aAAor

coihjf . De tripe, de chamois velout^

A garment of fusUon aiuipa, of vcllurr,

of tuft mockado. Nonundator^ 1585.

Anarwe, v. (A.'S.) To narrow,

or constrain ; to render timid.

He makith heom way with scharpelaunee«

Thy men anarmth thy continaunce.

Kyng Alisaunder, 1. SS46.

Anathematism, s. {Gr.) A curae.

In the primitive church though in their

councils they were not backwiuil to paaa

analkematUiM on everything that they

judged heresies, be.

Stmufs Hist. qfR^ormatum^ fol., p. SS.

Anatomy, s. A skeleton.

Anauntrins, adv. Perhaps ; if so

be. North. See Jnantres.

Anberry, "1 *. (j4.-S. ampre.) (1)

ANBURY, J A disease in turnips.

It is a large excrescence, which,

forming itself below the apple of

the turnip, grows sometimes to

the size of both the hands; and, as

soon as the hard weather sets in,

or it is, by its own nature,

brought to maturity, it becomes

putrid, and smells very offen-


(2) A kind of spongy wart, full of

blood, growing upon any part of

a horse's body.

d by Google


AsTMLBUM, s, (for mmdlgreJ) An

mmbliag MUtg.

Tbe mevr wtod, as je nmy *o^.

And amw hjm €ome ride up ***^J^ga

Ajtbt; tf^. Some time hence ; in

tbe evening. Somergei*

A.VCAB, s. A hermit, Seej^nif^or.

AxcMJkXTfMf adv. Anciently-

Ajichaisck, #. (j4.'N.y B«^<»» •

caoie. See ^itffA^«w^ _ ^^^_.

ASCHANTBOB, #- Ao «"«^*"f^*

A5CH0E. (1) #. An »bbren»tion oe

andiorci, a bennit- i«n>e»

tftteDendwn turn my. *^'^**5,f^-^ soo^.


Jr oik, often i«*d by •^''^Sr.e-

l-ek. See the notes of^.^^ ^

meoUton on »[l"^3«jfc^.

eatenh, ^ ^ foon^ ^f

a nmnin J »'^^-^e ^rcH of •

i^ to the c»^^f^''^be »•«»« ^'^ •


Asc^sT, \»-^>2«ti An elder.

69 ANC

Tea tlnet more dithoMPVibly r

tlmi to old fac'd tmdfnt.

Full ofbolM. Ukt a ihot m^Ml


It vit a ipeetade extremelf deli|

to behoM the JMcka, the Modanu

the Midemt* sponing in the wind.

Am QuixoU, cd. 16tf7* p

(3) The ttandard'bearer.

Plcaie Tonr gnee, my vteieMt:

A naa he u of hooestj aad tniet.


TiM me laco, tmeinU to the acne


AMCi«3fTT, 1 #. Antiquity.

jiVNciBNTT, J writen of the


Ancillb,«. (la/.) Amftid-ter

So fortunate, that I myhte of ribte

Do trewe lervjce, as •ttrilU ever to si

Lfdffot^i Minor fotma,

Anclb-bonb, «. A name give

•ailon to the prickly lol


Akc LB- JACKS, «. Pieces of la

put round the ancle a little a

the ahoe, tying in front. Nat

In Derbyshire this name u

plied to a rough tort of i

which tie above the ancle.

Anclbrb, «. Ancles. Shroptl

Anclbt, «. (1) The ancle. H

(2) A gaiter.

Ancliit, «. The ancle. Non

Anclowb, «. {A,'S, ancleow.)


Ancomb, 1 i, (ji.-S.) A sma]

ONcoiiB, Vcerous swelling, f

UNcoM B, J ed unexpectedly.


I have aeen a little ]iriek no him

a pin's head, swelling bigger ana b

till it came to an ommm. 0. P., r

AvcoNT, «. A term in the

works for a bloom, wrought

the figure of a flat iron

about three feet in length,

a square rough knob on each

KamiU. In Stailbrdahire

d by Google

AVC 70

of these knobi is called the on-

eony-end, the other the moeket-


Anckb, *. (itf-iNT.) An anchor.

Ancumsi, 1 ^ (^.-isr.) A female

ANCAB8, V i^nchoret or hermit


And asking wtay she moit be kept a tlaTe,

Or how ahe hath deaerv'd so strict a doome,

To be so youog put in her marble grave,

(For whals a prison, but a living toombeP)

Or forwhat cause she may no husband have,

But live an mereue in so strict a roome,

Knowing herselfe a princesse ripe and


Wrougd (as she thinkes) not to be

married yet. _ ,.^

Great Britwus Trout, 1609.

Anoylb, «. A kind of javeUn or

dart, or the leather thong with

which it IB thrown. PhiUipi.

And, con;'. If.

ANPAW.con/ And all; as weU;

likewise. North, Somernt.

Wi* crackin, and Jwokin, and brsggin.

And fratchin, and feighUn and ow j

Sec elorioua fun and divarsion

"Was ne'er seen in castle or \am**

Jndfr9(M*i OumberUind Balladt, p. 91.

Andb, «. (said to be derived from

the Dixniih.) Breath. See Aande,

Tliai rested than a litel slound,

For to talc thair ande tham till.

¥wdn» and Gawm^ 86ft6.

Andblono, adv, (^.-5.) Length-


Andbrsm A8, ». The mass or festi-

val of St. Andrew. Yorkth,

ANOBRSMBATy «. An aftcmoon's


Andbbith, adv. {A.^S.) Previ-


Andirons. ] ». (A.-S,) The or-

AOMOiRONS, l>namental irons on

AUNDEiRTs, J cach sidc of the

hearth in old houses, which were

accompanied with small rests for

the ends of the logs.

Andulbes. ». (J^. ondouUkM,)

Puddings made of hog's guts and


Amour, ooiy*. (/)<m.) Either.


Anpbrs, 1

ANDYR8, Kprrn. IA.'S.) Other.


As I me went this ontfyr* day.

Fast on my way makyng my mone.

In a mery momyng of May,

Be Hontley bankes rnvsclf alone.

Sdand of True Thomas.

Anb, (1) «. {A.'S.) The beard of

corn. See Aane.

flaxen wheate hath a yelow eare and

bare without a«y«. Polard whete hath

no anU. White whete hath anys. Red

wheate hath a flat eare fnl of amis.

Enslish wheate hath few «iy« or none.

IlUherbert*e BushoMdry, L 2a

(2) «p. (^.-5.) One.

That es made als a anamer stane,

B tnin fblBis one.

For to X

Cwtor Mundi, MS.

Cokwdd no man 1 wyll reprcre.

For I aroe ojm, and aske no leve.

For all my rent and loiidys.

CokwoUfs "

(3) adv. Alone. "Bihymeon*,"

by himself alone.

(4) A.

Alas! thou sell FhiQBce, for the may

thnnche shome.

That aiM fewe fuilaris malceth on so teme.

Folitical Songi, p. 194.

(5) a^. Own. North.

(6) V. To aim at. Somenet.

(7) prep. On.

(8) 0. To dweU. MS. qf Ibth


ksuKOvsTt prtp. Near to; almost.


Anbar, (1) prep. Near. Somer9et.

(2) «. (A.-S.) To approach.

Akbarst, \prep. (A.^S,) Near.

ANBABT, J Exmoor.

AmtATSL, prep. Beneath. North.

An BEAK, adv. Aback. Gawayne.

Anedb, part. p. of aniie, to unite.

United ; made one.

Anbdbl, s. (^.-iS.) One part.

Tko he thestedo was opon.

He cave anedel of his fon.

ArthouT and Merlin, 1. 4033.

Anb-bnd, 1 adv. {A.-S.) On one

ANiNP , I end ; upright ; rearing,

ANNBKD, J applied toafour-foot^

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aoimal ; perpetoAlIf, erermore, in

Cbcshife. JwKnd is used fimply

for OS end, in Norihampt.

AircHKDK, <. {A.'S.) Unity.

Akzuick, ] c. {Med. Lai. aii«-

AJOJLCE, y^acttif.) A kind of

AXLAS, J knife or dagger, worn

at the girdle.

Ab ofxr and a ppseral of silk

H<Bc *i iua eeidal, vhit u mome aijlk.


AiTELATX, r. To gape.

AxMLK^ 1 r. {J.'S. an and «2p,

KSKLx, > oil.) To anoint, or gi?e

AJTOTLK, J extreme nnction.

CrMtesdom, ud binelioppTTkga,

FcB&iuu, ftad eke Bfounnn,

Codes body ine forme of brec^

Ordre, and oMcUin^*,


Hciti b<^ eherehe Mcremena,

Th^ bcth Uikenen of berene.

WmUm de Shorekam.

So vben he vaa houeled and and^d,

■■d had all that a Chmtian maD oujcht

to bare. Mart fJrtkur, p. iii, c 176.

IW extmne auction or anelynge, s&d

e«in»cioii, be njed be no lacra-

meaiM ci the cfaarch.

Sir Tkos. More a r<wi«,p.Si5.

The hyi&op aendeth it to the cnrates*

tliey ftboald tiienritb annojnt

the Bdc IB the nentment of anoyUna.

/*., p. 431.

iho children were ehriiten'd, and men

htna^d and emncyl^d thonra^h all the

bod. Holinsh., vol ii, n. 6.

(2) {A^S. aualan.) To temper

in the fire.

(3) (^.-5. Msteeam.) To ap-


Katte arfth hoflex and bertt, tad borez


A^ eu jBcz, that hjm tuuUdt, of the bete

2dk. Syr Otncayne, p. ^.

AvKLiKG, #. (1) Ooe that bringi

forth one yoang at a time.

thta eves abo are to fall of increaae,

that Kme dos luoalhe bring foortb two,

iBkntr cr fowre lanbes at onee, wbereby

Oct aeeooBt onr atuUng*, which are

sack ac brin; foortb but one at once,

n&a barren than to be kept for anie

ipaatt. JSEcrruoa'f Desc. of Brit., p. 4S.

<t) The sacrament of anointing.


Ami.T,\adJ. {A,-S. mUie,



AXLT, /Alone; solitary. Jnt-

lyne$, solitariness.

Anemas, 1^- (supposed to be

ANEM IS, / derived from the Sean-

dinavian dialects.) Lest; for fear;

as, "shnt that window anemoM

it should rain ;*' " spar the door

omemiM he come," shot the door

lest he come in. Norfolk. It

appears to he now obsolete.

Av-END, adv. Onwards ; towards

the end; "to go an^end," to go

forward ; " to go right am-nd,**

L €., to go straight forward.

AxENS, a. Chains or fetters.

Now er hit m«m wnmht of aOrcre wda


Dayet that therof ronht. his was alle the

gilt. FeUr Ungtoft. p. 187.

ANE1IT9T, ^ pnp. Against ; over

ANEKsrr, against ; opposite to.

AJfEWT, > ( 1 n a secondary sense)

ANEKTis, concerning; with re-

ANEND8, J spect to. In the MS.

Household Book of Henry Lord

Clifford, 1510, there is mention

made of an action ** on^niif the

dean of York."

And wee hombly bceeerh yoor highnes

wee may knowe TOur Grnrea pleaiure

bowe wee shall oraer oursehea anrmptt

your grncea aayd cytie and raBtell. for

our discharge. SUte Papers, ii, 204.

And rieht tauntt him a doc snarling-^.

B. J<m^ Alchem., act U.

The king shall iitt tuiemptt hym, face to

fare, in a chair prepared aa to his

high estate aecordeth.

RutUmd T§fen, p. 14.

Aa K was borne towards the place,

when the bearers came ajuynjt the

aepolchre of her husband, king Malcolm,

they were not able to remove the re-

lykes any further.

Rduuked, Hist, of Seal. ; JUxander, 9Sf7.

Foure times the brazen horse, entring.

stuck fast

Jtunst the min'd guirdle of the towne.

Heywood's Troja Britanmca^ p. 394.

Jnenst tliis nartition there was greeces

and Btayrea, down to the pkce of toom-

sge, for messengers, he.

UUm^sCoa. T.867.





Of that dottn-cut we may hi chaiuee

Anmt this vorld get covcraunce.

Cunor Mundi, MS. Caniai., f. 141.

AviOVBT,prep. Near i almost. Var,


Anbrdk, t». {A,-S,) To adhere;

dwell with.

Anbrrb, V, (A.'S.) To draw near

to ; to approach.

Anerthe, adv. On the earth. To

briny anerthe^ to bury, to inter.

So that it was thorn hyre wjtb gret

honour y-bore

To the boosof Waltam, and j-hn^ianerthf

there. Bob. Giouwi., p. 864.

Anbs, (1) adv. Once.

His herber her ones gan he ta.

That was beffinyng of our wa.

^auu and GawUh ^ 3015.

M anes, at once.

Botli patriark and prophete.

All thanked thei God at anei.


(2) adj. Just like; similar to.

Aneg'tOf almost, except. 5b-


Anes-kikes, "Xadv. (A,-S.) Any

ANis-KiNES, J kind of; any.

Wilhouten anisimes duelling,

Sche gan Gregori to threte.

Leg. ofPupt Gregory » p. M.

Anbsal, 9. To nestle (?). A term

in hawking.

Tlien, when he is well reclemyd thertoo,

ancsol hym to a xnalard. and when be is

made unto a malard, lete oon have a

tame malard, See. Be^. AtUiq., i, S99.

Anet, 9. {A,-N.) The herb dill.

Anbtbb, \advJA.'S.) Scarcely,

ANETHT8, J See Urmeihe,

Anetherb, v. {A,'S,) To depress.

Rob. Gioue,

Anbust, adv, (A.-S.) Much the


Anew, adv. Enough. Var, dial,

Anbwe, 9. To renew.

Anbwsti prq>. Nigh; almost.


Anby, adv. Enough.

Aneyment, 9, (A.'N,) A plague ;

an injury.

And that thynge hys ase ich seyda her.

Tbo ich ber-an gan worche,.

The holy joynynge of God self

And o£ al holy cherche,

la tome,

Of aponhoth thys tmeyment

Looketh jon for hordome.

miliam, de Skorekam,

Aneyb, 9, {A.'N.) Aniseed.

Anfald, adj, {A.'S, anfeald, one-

fold.) Simple; single; one.

Fader and Sun and Haligast,

That mifald God es ay sledfast.

Cursor Mundi, MS. JSdini.

Jnftdd Godd I call on thee,

Laverd loved in thnit6.

To the mak I mi bon.

MS. Cott., Vetp., A iii,f. 143.

Anfbldtyhde, {A,'S.) a simple

accusation. Skinner,

Anfeeld, 1 «. {A,'S, anJUt,) An

ANFZELn, J anvil.

By this had Vulcan hammered his heate,

and bod to stay

The bellowes ; and he lymping ftom the

tmfeeld thus did say.

Warner's jlbUm's Bnghmd, 1S92.

Anfractuous, adj, {Lat.) Wind-

ing; crooked.

Anfeactuosities, 9. (from Lai.

anfraeiut.) Mazy and involved

turnings and windings.

\¥hich arteries, taking their riae

from the left capaula of the heart,

bringing through seTeral circuits, am*

bages, and an/ractnosities, the vital

spirits, to suhtiliie aud refine them to

the wtherial purity of animal spirits.

BabeUns, iii, 23.

Ano, 9, The hairy part of au ear of

barley. North,

Angel, «. (1) A gold coin worth

from about six shillings and

eightpence to ten shillings. This

word was frequently punned


You foUow the young prince up and

down like his ill-angel.

Not so, my lord ; your ill angel is light ;

but I hope he that looks on me will

take me without weighing. IHenJV, i, 3.

It appears from the following

epigram, that a lawyer's fee was

only an angtl:

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Upam Jmm^s Marri€fie with « Lewytr :

kaut M aa ugel, what if ao she be?

What la ao mugH hot a UtnTer** fee ?

Win Seenathm.

(2) An ADgular opeailig in a bnild-

iiig. fFiUiM's Architectural NO'

nunciature, p. 52.

AvGKi^-BBAST, «. A game at cards.

This seDtlemaa offering to play at

aafel-&m*t with *am. though he acarce

kaoMT the canla, and has no more viaible

eatate then what he may ioae at a

SedUf, lUMiiaerry Garden, 1668.

An6kl-bei>,#. a kind of Open bed,

wilboQt bed'posta. PkUlqn,

AxeEL-BRBAD,*. A pRFgative cake,

Dade of spurge, ginger, flour,

oatmeal, &c.

AB6EUCA,t. A Species of master-


AaroELiCAi^STOBB, 9. An alche-

Bucal stone. AngeHeal-ufaier, a

sort of perfume.

A3IGBI.UZE, V. To raise to be an

ISaii^ Satban cannot diine lo hright,

asteetta'M D» Barto, pt 161.

AjrsBixrr. (1) A small cheese

brottght from Normandy. See

Holme's Academy of Armory,

ifc^ b. iii, p. 81, which he says

is cords made of milk, cream,

aod rennet, made into thin



loar Hanoiini, and Faraiasan of Lodi.

The Witt, iv, 1.

Hflv to anfce an oM^dZr/.— Tkke a pint

of rream, and doiUile the quantity of

XBilk, pattittg to them a sznali quantity

of rannct, and when it thicken*, take it

vp with a apooa. and put it into a fat,

there let it continae till it is rerj stiff,

then aait iS;and when itii lO, let itdiy,

aad at the end of three months eat it.

The CUmi fffRantia, 1706.

(2) A gold coin of the Taloe of

half an angeL

AxexL'a-rooD, t. Apparently a

torn for heavy ale. Harri-

son's Daer^tum qf England,

p. 202.

Anobb. (1) #. (^.-5:) Sorrow.

**Jugyr or angwyuhe, angor, an-

gustia,tribulacio." Promp. Parv,

hwA sobreti ^ereth herre swete drynhe

And aolaceth heere in aUe anqre*.

Furt FU p. *71.

And I sal lene to yow my ring,

That es to me a ftu der thing :

In nane aN^cr sal je be,

WhUa ye it bare and thinket on me.

itMUM and Gattim, 1. 1629.

(2) An inflammation*

(3) V. To anger. A provincial

use of the word, but employed

also as a verb by Shakespeare.

Akgkrfull, adj. Enraged.

— - it calls him pitifull,

Repentant, jealous, fierce, and trnfftrfuH.

Sghetter'i Du Bar tat, p. US.

Anoerich, adv. Angrily.

And angeriek I wandrede

The Auatyns to prore.

Fiert P/.. p. 466.

Anobblt, 04;. Angrily. Shakctp,

An6ild,«.(^.-5.) a fine. Skumer.

Anginb, s. (/v.) The qninsey.

[Hel knew the eold cramp, th' angint, and

lunacy. S^hester, Du Barlas, p. 83.

Angle, a. {A.'N.) (1) A comer.

(2) An astrological term.

Anglb-bbrbt, 9, A sore under the

claw or hoofof an animal. North,

See Anberry,

Anolb-bowino. a method of fenc-

ing the grounds wherein sheep

are kept by fixing rods like bows

with both ends in the ground, or

in a dead hedge, where they make

angles with each other. Dtvon*

Anoledoo, 9. A large earthwonn.


Anole-lkos, 9, Bent legs.

This heaid, sir, play stil in her eyes.

And be a dyiii^. lives, like flyea

Canj$ht by their angle-trgt, and whom

The torch laughs peece-meale to consume.

Lowlae^t Imeattt, 1649.

A146LB.TWITCH 1 1. (from Fr.

ANGLB-TWACHB, ^onguiUe, an

AnoLB-TovcH, J ccl.) Aucarth-

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worm. Th«y are mentioned as

being troublesome to Bick hawks

by Lady Juliana Berners, and

called tmgueUes,

ANOt.RR,,«. One who begs in the

daytime, observing what he can

steal at night. A cant word.

Anolst, 8, {FrJ) A little comer.

Angnail, 9, A com on the toe.

Cumberl. See AgnaiL

Anoobbr, 9, A sort of hrge and

long pear. Diet, Ruat.

Angoras, «. An anchorite.

Angromb, V, {J,-S», from an and

ffremian,) To grieve ; to torment.

Angry, adj. Painful; inflamed;


Angry-boys, «. A set of wild young

men who delighted to commit out-

rages, and pick up quarrels. They

are often mentioned by the dra-

matists of the time of James I.

Sir, not so young, bat I have heard aome


or the anffry boys, and seen 'em take

tobacco. Ben Jon., Jlehem., iii, 4.

Off by the oMfffy boyt, iat thy conversion.

Get thee another nose, that will be pull'd

""■ •- " • for thy conversion


This is no ongry^ nor no roaring bey, bot a

blustering boy.

Grt€n*s Tu. Qu., 0. PL, vii, 26.

Angry-watsr. a liquid of an in-

flammatory nature arising from a

sore, as in blisters from chafing,

the skin not being broke. Nor-


Angubllr,*. (Fr.) A kind of worm,

mentioned by early writers, as

being troublesome to sick hawks.

Anouisbous, 1 a<{f. (^.-iV.) In

ANGuisous, J anguish ; in pain.

I was bothc anauishotts and trouble,

for the peril! that I sawe dotible.

Bom. qf the Rose, 1766.

And fortherover, coutricioun schulde be

wonnder sorwfnl and anffitissckous, and

therfore givith him God pleiiily his

mercy. Chaueer, rersane$ T.

Anguyously, adv. (A,-N.) Pain-


Ky wordes to her^

That bought hyiu oere.

On croaae anamyousty.


Anoussb, I. Anguish.

I-nome for theofthe and i-demd

Jnhonge hi were there. —

And anhouye on the rode

As thtt were Jhesu also.

MS. Barl., 9STI, 1 14.

O, swete leredv, wat the was wo^

Tho thy chyld was anhongo,

I.taehed to the harde tre

Wyth nayles gret and longe.

. lv.(A..S.)

Y, y to exalt ;

SB, J vance.

To raise;

to ad.




Hye nou to anhaniy us alle, and y nelle

nojt be byhynde. Sdb. Clone., p. 198.

Ther stont up a jeolumen, jejeth with a


Ant hat out anJkek that al the hvrt her^e.

Pol. Soi^g, p. 1&8.

And told hem this vilanie.

And seyd he wold hoiu an-iHgke.

ArthoHr and MerHn., p. 88.

Anhittb, V, (A.'S,) To hit; to


Tlio kyng Arture a5en the brest y» fcTawe

rorst ankytte. Rob. OUnte., p. 1S5.

An-hond, adt. In hand, i. e., in

his power.

Me to wreken ve sdhul go

or a treytour that is mi fo.

That is y-oome up mi lond,

Wer he thenketh to bring me an-kond.


Anhovb, r. (>#..&) To hover.


Aniente, 9. (A,'N.) To destroy;

to annihilate.

That wikkedliche and wilfalliche

Wolde mercy aniente.

Pien PI, p. a66.

An-if, conj. If.

AniQUtprep, Near. Skroptk.

Anzght, adv. In the night.

Tristretn to Ysoude wan.

Anight with hir to piny.

Sir Triitrtm, p. S33.

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Anut, n^. (Lai. muS».) Imbecile

from olda^e.

AviiCABLB, adj\ (Ist.) Thtt may

be endoved with life.

Akimats, o^p. {Ui. amimaba.) En-


I am tHiwtgit to mipuvlUDC jour pMxIe

krdikip vith noste tertj dcsrret to

CQBtTinie ny goode lorde in aoementiag

the iiBges piode esthnacinn of me.

Mtmasiie Letters, p. 141.

Avnfs t. A white gum or resin

brought out of the West ladies.

Akimositb, t. (£«/.) BrsYerr.

Anishj adv. Oa end; upright.

"Mr. Jooes's hos reared an^,

boat oprit." A Shropshire word.

Moor gires it ts a Suffolk word.

Axious, my. {A.'N.) Wearisome ;


Ak-^kko, mey. {A.-N.) Angry.

He mnk ftichard a»-ired, and bis mTkrlle

■jlht. Pettr Lmtgt^, p. 151.

AKJumDOOS, 9. Kitchen utensils

for the spit to mn on. /. of


AirKza, «. A measure of liquid.

%et Anchor ,

Well dzink it oat of tbembr, my boys.

Tk« BarUy-Uow Somg, n. d.

AjruEK, a. (A.'SJ) An anchoret ; a

hermit. See Anekor.

AsKBRAa, a. A female hermit See


Anki.1t, a. An ankle. WmtSiu$ex.


He stod, sod totede in it a bold.

Her he spok omiqn word

MapeM, 2107.

Am es fonueadon, a fleicbl^ synne

Betvcno m amdtpm man and an aneUpv

WOOMIL JH5. Ilkri., loss, f . ^.

On icfa bdf thai smiteii kim to.

And he Q^B to ben ateo ;

5erer no vas anltm kni^t,

That so maai stona mfclit.



Tbat by ne take bits for bo naa.

Bote mdeff lythr.

mUimm d4 Skorekam.

Aklab. See Anelact.

Anlet, a. An annulet; a small

ring; a tag, or piece of metal

attached to the end of laces or

points. Yorkth.

Anlbth, b. {A.'S. amwSi, mmdwUt.)

The Imc ; the countenance.

To the mi kert laidc the tOKbt faee oiino,

I ml teke larcrd to fnrr thme;

Ne tnrne thine muUtk me fra.

Ke hehle In wrath fra thi hiiir «wm.

jr& a></.. f9»p^ D vii. f. 16 b.

Anlicxk, v. (A.'S.) To liken ; to


TliaeTTore hi byeth ««7ini«(/tothe iayle

of the voxc, be hare Iwirat. and vor lis re

betvykinfe. MS. JnntJrl, 57. i. 17 b.

1 a. {A.-S.,anliene$.)

Therefter vendeth onto ore larrdi «%•

licue$$e and rneolith mit fire Areea;

alait to the other innitn and to the

relUces Inteth other mrrileth.

MS. CoiLy CUofMtfu. C Ti, f. 9.

AK1.T, «dj. {A,'S.) Solitary. See


Am^rrmv, a. (A.-S,) Livelihood;

snbitanoe. Venteffon,

An LOTS, o. (A.'S.) To pay a share

of charges, according to the cns«

tom of the place. 3/i'naAm.

kitvxuKLYD, pari.p. Enamelled.

For the vycbe tbyng ichynis of dyrers


flchynand ftill bry|tht ttftyn irold.

They hongyd ftiU thycke on vike a party.

An aniMMiWyi wonder rvdiely.

THMd^, p. 04.

Annabt, a. (Med. Lot. atmariut.)

A yearly description. Fuller.

AvvR 1 "• (^••^- *"*^' «»«»»•)

unn; KD To give; to yield; to

^^^*» J consent.

Bohant that was there,

To Mark hia tnle biftan ;

" Wirt ye what Triitrem ware^

Miehe gode ye wold him on ;

Tow owun softer him bare."

Sir Trittrtm, f. i, gt 71.

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Idi wuu hire wel, ant beo me wo,

YchRoi hire frrnd, ant heo my fo.

Me tbuncheth min herte vol breke atwo.

For aorewe ant syke.

lyrie Poetry, p. 40.

Ich on «el ! ewath the nijtinnle.

Ah, wranne, nawt for tbire tale.

SuU and JinOmgaU, L 1738.

(2) To wiah well to.

Tristrem fpeke binn,

"Sir king. God loke the.

As 7 the love and an.

And thou hast aerted to me.*'

Sir Trittrtm, f. i, at 77.

Anns, pnm. One. The objective

case of on.

Annsal, V, {J.'S.) (1) To heat

anything in aach a manner as to

give it a proper temper. This

word is chiefly used by the

blowers and workers in glass.

'' He that doth aneale pottes or

other vessels, inustor." Baret'i

Ahearie, 1580.

Item, a myter for a btahop at St. Nicholas

tide, garnyihed with lylver, and aiulyd

with perlf, and eounterfeyt stone.

Churckwardeiu' Aecompts, p. 114.

(2) To anoint. See Anele.



^^'^'J late; tod



The whiche thre thingesyehave nonght

anntntiuched or destroyed, neyther in

youre self ne in youre cbunseiloures, as

ye oughte. Ckauetr, T. qfMcUbau.

Annet, t, (A.'N.) The common

gull. Northumb,

Annett, «. First-fraits ?

The L.6oTemaar,as touching the workes

to be tnkcn in hand, noe nmnicion to

be lookt for, with some occurances of

the English and Spanish fleets ; for the

coroinz up of Capt. Case, and touching

Sir John Selby's meadow, Townsdale's

amuU. JrehaoiogU, xxx, 169.

Annbxmekt, $. Anything annexed,

or subjoined.

ANNiHiLED,/7ar/.p. Destroyed.

Which els had been loop since atmikUedf

With all other living things beside.

Lo9ti Owle,lh96,

Anntvbbse, «. (Fr.) An anniver-



Be kept with ostentation to reherss

A mortal princes birth-day.

CoHtemplaiumt Moral and JXvint, 1676.

Annot. It. {A,'N.) An annoy-

ANKTB, J ance.

For Helen's rape the city to destroy,

Threat'oiug cloud-kissing Ilion with am

Skak., Rape ^ Lucrec0, p. bi\.

When his fair flocks he fed upon the downs,

The poorest shepherd suffcrrd not tuuurv.

IVay<->ifo<*6. p. 1414.

How many ills do follow one anmtsf f

Now merrily sail our gallant Oreekes to

Troy. Peel€'»FafeufcU,15ii9.

Ther nys lyves mon noon so nlygh

That he neo tholeth ofte mony mmnwe.

JU$amiuUr, L 1(

Anoyitul, ad;\ Hurtful ; annoying.

Anoiing, #. Harm.

No might do with hir wicheing

In Inglond non tmoHng.

Arihaur and Merlin, p. 166.

Anoious, a4/. Fatiguing; weari-

some; unpleasant.

Wlien driven with wordlie winds, his

tt$unout business waxeth without raea>

sure. Chaueer't Bo4tkius, SGO.

Annotb, t. A note.

In annote is hire nomc, nempneth hit noo

Whose ryht redeth ronne to Johon.

Lyrie Poetry, p. 26.

Annuary, a^. {Lat.) Annual.

Annublbr. a priest employed

for the purpose of singing anni.

versary masses for the dead. It

is spelt annivolor in SJkelion, ii,


In liondoon was a prest, sn anmuitr.

That therin dwelled hadde many a vrr.

Chaucer, Cant. T., 121M0.

Annunciate, adj\ (LaL) Foretold.

Lo Sampson, whiche that was im«

By thangel. long er his nativity.

Chaucer, Cant. T., 16601.

Annt, adv. Only. NorthampK

Annyle, «. Anise seed. Huioei»

Ano, con;\ Also. Nnrth,

Anodbb, adj. Another. "A pyx of

sylver, anoder of laten." Invent,.

MS. 15/A cent.

Anoylb, V, To anoint. See Anele*

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The bpihop mdeta ft to fbe eantct.

Wcanae th«T iboald thcnhth munoyBt

the sirk in the Mcnaent of ano^Hmg.

Sir nomn Mw^t Worka, p. 481.

Anotntb, r. To flfttter ; to deceiYe.

A figmtiTe teose, as we should

My to gresse a person. " I moynte,

I diicevTc by flstteryngejlfoypit.''

Pabgra^, verb.

ANonmo, adj. CMef; principaL

*'An anomiid scamp.** Wett.

Anoisauxce, a. A nuisance.

Ancle, adt. Too ; aUo. Yorkih.

A'fOHrifATioir.t. {Lai.) An opinion

contrary to Law.

He tbat adornes his vhole ontioD with

BO Other trope bnt a sveetiabjecUon or

la MomutiM. mar be thought a trim

"HB ia the eanof the multitnde, but iu

the jadgemcBt of the elegaat orators, he

iM be knovn as mde in hia art <^

riKtorick, aa the batcher that acalded

tlie calfe vaa in his craft of butcfaerr.

.0H/. JiM., ii. 441.

AvoMT, 9. {Gr.) Lawlessness.

Axon, ad9.{\) What do yon say?

yurkth. See ^noik

(2) Instantly; immediately.

Snw nudj, brother, aaid the feat amon.

Matker BrnMenP* TmU, t ▼!.


UmkarUt Ftrmmi. of KaU, p. 106.

(3) Onwards.

^h"^ ^ KorthnmberlODde kyiig was,

ON Uk> kmde btxoode Hombre •non into

(4) Anon, sir, is equivalent to

the modern "coming, sir,*' the

pbaie used by waiters in inns.

Aa aader-akinker, who never spake

etker Xaciiah in his life, than— omm,

«w«.air. lir«uy/r,ii,7.

AwoKDia, ado. {A.'S.) Under.

Ta whTpmea to loode yede

Tom tbe jle jn lenpthe and brede,

Aad fette water aa hem waa node

Ihe roebe anonJfr.

OetamMM Tmpfratar, L fiSO.

A^oici, "Xadv. At one time; in

AiroMEN, /the first place.

Axoxu,«ftr. Under. North.

Akokbi oima, 1 aifo. (A.^S.) Iir

AM AN at HT, J mediately.

Efter ereaoBfr mnomrikt aifx^h owrr

placebo ereriche niht hwon te bcnth

eiae. MS. Cott., Nero. A xi?, f. 6.

Srheo hette marcha] and knTgbtit

GreTtheo heom to rrde aiumrv»tkti*.

j. Ahsamnder, I. 170.

He hadde in toon r. hundred kaiKbtea,

He hem oCaeat an^nnhu$.

Arlkour and Merlim, p. 86.

AKO!n>, prep. Against; opposite.


Anonzcion, i. (for ammtelion.)

Anointing. Hardyng.

AifomrwAa, adv. At unawares.

Tho the Brytons come myd tbe priions


The Bomerns come aien hnn al uncmyimr.

Bok. aiamc., p. Hi.

Amotb, dd9. Enough.

^»o/A,damcaefle! anath Blaanchefloar,

To aeome me is htri honour.

jnorice and BUmmektfl.

ANOTHn, adv. (J.^S.) Otherwise ;


Al that therinne were,

AI thai mide glade rhrre.

And etc and dronke erbon wij other,

Ac Florice thoo^te al another ;

Etc ne drinke mi;te tic nou^t ;

On BlanncheHour vm al hii thonjt.

Floriet and Blauncktfi.

Me je, qnaih the kyog, tho omotKer we

aaolde do.

That he ath y-nomewrth treaon we molde

with maystrie. koi. of Oloue., p. 4l7-

Anothbb*oaikxs, adv. Another

sort of.

ANOTHBa-OATES, odv. (J.^S.) A

different kind; another sort.


And hia bringing np anolker^aiss mar-

ciage than such a minion.

Zy/y'« Molhtr BombU, act 1.

When Hndibraa, about to eater

Upon anotktr-patet adventure.

To Baipho calT'd aloud to arm.

Not dreaming of approachinjr storm.

jBttdibras,% iii, 488.

AMOTHBB-aussfl, odv. Another

sort of. A word in common use

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in the Utter half of the 17th


H' as been a atadent in the Temple this

three yean, awlker-^kcu lellow than

thia, I aasure you.

Z)tir/«y. Madmn, FickU, 1682.

AjrouoH» adp. Enough. We$i.

That wende bare joie anough,

Certos it nas nought so,

Hrr M'cning was al wough,

Untroveand til hrm to.

Sir Trittrem, F. H. at Ivi.

Amour, $. {A.-N. anor,) Honour.

After him thou best emperour,

God bath the don gret aiumr.

Gy of Wano%ck9, p. 149.

Anours, V. {A.'N, anorer,) To


Thou ne anourest najt God aiyjt,

Ac dest is onderlynges.

Bvlef thou in no w^checnft,

Ne ine none teliint^e.

WilUam de Shonhtm,

Anourbmint, 1 «. {A.'N.)


I am tormentide with this blew fyre on

my bcdc, for my leclieroune attouremeni

or myne heere, ande other array ther

one. Oesla Samanorum, p. 431.

Anournb, V. (A.'N.) To adorn.

Anow, adv. Enough. Wett,

He keit the bor doun hawes anowt.

And com himself doan bi a bowe.

Sevyn Sagts^ 921.

Anoward, adv. Upward; upon.

Hearne explains it, ''thorough,


And anoward his rug Air y-maked,

And doih from tcre to xere.

Jf5. Harl, 2277. f. 47.

The hors hem lar anoward^

That hem thoagnt cbaunce hard.

Arthourand MtrUti, p. 129.

Anotlb, V, To anoint.

ANOYMB2rns,«. The translation of

iimat€9 in an early gloss., in ReUq.

Antiq,^ U 8.

Anotntment, t. An ointment.

Anott, t. Trouble ?

That other branche ftd np^t goyt

To the lytil fyogere, without anoft.

BtUi.Jniiq,,i, 190.

Anparsb. The character &. Hie

expression and per «e, and, to

signify the contraction dc, and

substituted for that conjunction,

is often found in nursery books,

more especially In alphabets, such

as the one commencing, ''A,

apple-pie." Sometimes spelt

anpaasy, and anpatty.

An PYRE, t. Empire^

Anrednbssb, i. {A,'S,anradn£ue.}

Unity of purpose.

AN's-AfE. I am afraid. TorltJk.

Ansamplb, «. An example.

Ansel, «. A corrupt orthography

for hanseL


number of persons are assembled

at a table where the provision is

scanty, and each one is almost

obliged to scramble for what he

can get, it will often be observed

by some one of the party, that

they never in all their life saw

such antkum'tetanckitm work.


Ansinb, It. {A.'S. anaifn.) Ag^

ONSiNE,/ pearance; figure.

Not no moil so muchel of pise,

Aa povre wii that falleth In ansine.


Yor nis of ow non so kene

That durre abide mine onseng.

Tk€ HuU and the Nntingale, 1. 1694w

Ansxacht, \s, (Oerm,) A sud-

ANBLAroHT, J den attadc; asuv-


I do remember yet, that onHaigki, thou

wast beaten.

And fledst before the butler*

Betutm* ltd Fl., Mans. Thmmt^ ii, S.

Anblet, V, (fV.?) An article of.

dress in the latter part of the

14th cent. Some MSS. of Chan,

cer read hanteUnet.

Upon that other syde, to speke of the

horrible disordinat scantnes ot elothinf^

as ben these cutttd sloppis or muleU,

that thurgh her schortnes ne corereth

not the schamfoi membre of man, to

wiekid entent. Chauc^r^ Fartonet T,

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AsjftUAE^lc. ToiMwer. MSS.

AnancB, J of Utk end htgbmiMf

fflUh cent,

AH3TtiKi>, V. To wHbtUncL Ab&.


A5S0Bn, 9. An answerer.

ixsvKB, (1) 9. To encooBter at a


(2) To answer a door, to open

it when soy one knocks.

(3) «. Retaliation ; requiUL

^' (I) Am not. Dewm.

(2) com/. And. Common in If SS.

of the reign of Edward II.

ne Ijfie Vamam is ant \oo%,

wiik liebe me m/ rode among.

Zjrn« Poetry, p. 83.

AswM, «. (1) A church, A cant

<«ni. An antem-morle, " a wyfe

Buzied at the churcbe, and they

be as chaste as a cow." Brii.

BUL, ii. 520.

(2) Aa anthem.

^VAn,M.{Ut,) A tasting be.


^snniHs, a. An aatiphon.

A«n»0H«,». (X«/.) To prefer; to


A^^nas, (1) eoiy. In cas« that.

(2)«. Adfcntiirea. Nortkf See

AsTc-nME, a.. A .te.xt or motto

^«ni at the head of a theme or

<<iKome. SkeliwL,

AsTiviaT, r- (I«^-) To avert.

A*T«ATa, f . An occasion. Skvmer*

A»T«. And the. A'or/A.

AniHosnr.KUT,*. The hladder^Ht,

A*nioyr-pi«, a. The favoarite or.

«»Ueit pig of the litter. Kent.

''To (jbOow hke a tantoay pig/'

to foOow dose. The friars of

f^rtain conTeats of St. Anthony,

IB E&glaad and France, are said

to bsTC eqojed the priYilege of

^*^ th^ swine feeding in the

streets. These would follow any

one for food; and it was con-

sidered an act of chanty and

religion to feed them. St. An-

thony was invoked for the pig.

AsfTBONT's-rimSy a* A kind of


AKTaaopoMANCT, a. (Or,) Divi-

nation by the entrails of men,


high.sounding word put by

Shskespeare in the mouth of a

swaggerer. M^rry Wivn qf

Windsor, iv, 5.

Amticipatblt, «fo. By anticipa-


What onx Lord did intend to beatow on

aU paaion, that be did anUdpoMy pnn

mile to iiim.

Smrrow, Of the Popta Suprnuiejf.

Antick, (1) adj. Old.

(2) An antimasque. Fqt^b

fVitrks, i, 440.

A^TicKLT, atfa. In an aatiekmai.


Go ontickliftKDd thaw an outward hideona*

ncM. Much Ado about Kotking, t, i.

AMTicKa, a. (1) Odd imagery and


AU bar'd with goMcn bandea, which were


With curiona aiUitkcs, and fiiU «fayre

aaauyid. Sp^ F. Q^ II. iii. 27.

(2) Aetors are sometimes termed

cfif icia.

Antikb, adj. Grotesque.

A foole defonn'd, a brutish cursed eraw.

In body like to antikt work devised

Of monstrous shape, and of an ugly hew.

Harr., Ario»t^ vi, 01.

AirricOBf la. A swelling on a

AKTOCow, j horae'a breast, oppo-

site to the heart.

Amtidotart, aty. Having the

qualities of an antidote.

Antibmts, a. Ancestors.

ANTiLLoaDiB, a. {LaiJ) A preface ;


Therefore I will rehearse to this antiUoqme,

But only the oognisannce which appeuyth


Bokuf'i Fall ofSebemoH, p. 7.





ANTiMA8au£, t. A contrast to the

principal matgue, a ridiculoas

interlude, dividing the parts of

the more serious masque. It

appears to have been distinguish-

ed by extravagance, and was

usually performed by actors hired

from the theatres ; whereas the

masque itself was more usually

acted by ladies and gentlemen.

It resembled the exodia of the


Let anti-maiki not be long, therbave

been commonly of fools, tatyrt, baT)oons,

wild men, mntique*, beasts, spirits,

witches, Ethiops, pigmies, turquets,

nymphs, rustics, cupids, statnas moving,

and the like. As for angels, it is not

comical enough to put tnem in mUi-

maths ; and aiiy thing that is hideous, as

devils, giants, 'is on the other side as

unfit. But chiefly let t^e mnsick of

them be recreative, and wiih strange

changes. Some sweet odours suddenly

coming forth, without any drops falling,

are in such a company, as there is steam

and heat, things of great pleasure and

refreshment. JJocom, Bs$oiy 87.

TlMi. What are yon studying of Jocastus,


Jo. k rare device, a masque to entertaine

His grace of Fairy with.

Tkest, A masque? what i'st?

Jo. An anti-ma$iit9 of fleas, which I have


Tb dance currantoa on a spider's thread.

Mop. An anti'tMMqMC of fleas? brother,

me thinks

A masque of birds were better, that could


The morice in the ayre, wrens and rob-

bin -redbreasts.

Linnets, and titmice.

Randolph's AminUt, IMO.

Antinomies, «. Rules or laws op-

posite to some other rules or

laws deemed false and having no


Antioche, 9. A kind of wine, per-

haps brought, or supposed to be

brought, from Antioch.

Aniioehe and bastarde,

Pymeut also, and gamarde,

Squyr of Lows Degri, 757.

Antipbristasis, 9. {Gr,) Ex-

plained as " the opposition of a

contrary quality, by which the

quality itopposes becomes height-

ened or intended." Used by


Amtiphonbr, t. {A,'N.) A kind

of psalm-book, containing the

usual church music, with the

notes marked, and so called from

the alternate repetitions and re-


Antiphons, $. (Cfr.) Altemmte


In atUiphotu thus time we female plaints.

O. PL, Tii, 487.

ANTiauART, adj. Old; andent;


Instructed hj the taiHfwuy time.

He must, he is, he cannot but be wise.

TVoilui and Crtssida, ii, &

ANTiauB,ad)'. Ancient. Accented

on the first syUable.

Show me your image in some ii»/»f«wbook.

Skakap., Amm , 59.

Not that great champion of the tmticns

world. Spen.^ I, xi, S7.

ANTiauiTT, t. Old age.

Antlb-bebr, adv. Crosswise ; irre-

gular. Exmoor.

Antling. a corruption of Anto-

nine, a saint to whom one of the

churches in London is dedicated,

which is often called Si. Ant^

lvng*9 by the older writers.

Anto. If thou. YorktK.

Antpat, adj. Opportune ; apropos*


ANraE, (1) «. {Lat. OR/rvm.) A

cavern, or den.

Wherein of anlra vast and desarts idle,

Bouffh quarries, rocks, and liilla whoae

heads touch heaven.

It was my hint to speak.

Skakup., OtkeUo, i, 8.

(2) V. To adventure. See


kvTKESB% prett. t. He adventures.

Antrums. Affected airs; whims*

"A's in as antrwnt this oiorQ.

ing." Suffolk and Cheah. The

more usual expression is tan-m


Antul. An thou wilt; if thou

wilt. Yorksh.





Axt-wabt, t. A lort of wirt, de^

scribed in the iVbiif«iid^or( 1585)

as being deep-rooted, hroaid be-

lov, and little above.

AyrwHiLx, adp. Some time ago.

AjfTT-TUMF, *. Ab ant-hill. Heref,

AyuAi^ M. {Lai.) A chrooicle. jSi-


Ancdobr, ad/. Another. N9rtk.

Anukl, «. {A.'N.) An annuitj;

particularly one paid to a priest

for keeping an anniyersarj.

Aod hentea, gif I migfaie.

An mmmel for myne owen uc^

To kclpcn to dotbe.

iPS«rr Tt, p. 475.

AiruKDSR, 1 ^ft>p.(^.->5'.) Benemth.

Awoifosft, J CwM^. To keep any

one at ammder, to keep them

IB a subordinate or dependent


Ten tdiypnen to londe yede,

To ic the jle yn lengthe mnd bredo,

Aad f etie water u hem was nede

The roche «ao*i^irr.

Oeiommt ImfenUr, 5S0i

A3SjntT,pnp. Opposite; against

This old word exists in Lowland

Scotch, and is current in the

dialects of Yorkshire, Cheshire,

Herefordshire, Shropshire, Wilt-

shire, and Worcestershire.

Anuost. Near to. ffegL See

Jemunfs, p. 185.

Axrav, 9. To honour.

AxuaTBB, ad9. On the earth.

Akut, t. (A^N.) Annoyance; Tex-

Aid to the eontri that je beoth of,

Sotbe fc scholle vende,

Al caefaeh witbonte * hmt,

Aad there youre lyf eadfe.

jr&i7er<., 8977. £ 46 b.

^^ U.(^.-M) To annoy;

Meek me mmnea

That m drvhl dnrilh.

BOiq. Jmtiq^ ii. SIO.

Ihe waa alle the court Mgra^

Ac mi lorod viteth mi ioule vel.

That thn hire nojt ne spilie.

For tha ne mijt mid al ihi mijte

JMmg4 hire «orth a flUe.


Tor thai hadde the ooantr4 oaumMd,

And witb robberie dcatnred.

Snjfn, SagUt MIS.

Aliaamidxe eeaM vat ;

Over the table he fon ttoope.

And smot LiAaa with the conpe.

That be feol duun in the flette.

K$n§ Aluamtdtr, 1103.

Antclt, la. {j4.'S.) An anTil.

ANViLD, j See Anfetid,

Upon hia oHttU ap and dovm,

Therof he toke the Ante lovne.

Itr*m€ <^ CUmetr, IIU.

And in eche hande a preate haoMr.

and thenrith they imtte upon a eji-

tUd4. VirgiiimM, p. 26.

Aktkmpns, v. To enveoome.

CoMn/ry Mfsteri€9, p. 75.

Amtil, #. (1) The handle or hUt

of a sword. Shaketp.

(2) A narrow flag at the end of

a lance. Meyrick,

Anwaepb, v. To warp. Mhukeu,

Anwkalo, «. (A.'S.) Power; au-

thority. Skinner.

Anworo, t. {A.'S.) An answer ; a

reply. VerBtegan,

ANXiriRouB, adj. {Lai,) Causing


Ant, a^^'. Either; one of two, or

of more.

Anymob, la. {A.'S.) Union. See

OMTNOB, ] Ane.

Amy SOT, #. A fool. Prompt, Parv.

Amttbink. Anything. " Like

anytkhUk agen,'* exceedingly.

Antwhbn, ad9. At any time. '* I

can come anywhen after this


Antwhilb, adv. At anytime.

Antwhithbb, ado. To any place.

Dor. Do yoa forbid hia coming, or I go.

AtMt. Go? whither?

Dor. Jmgwkitka-f madncM oe're wanta a


Moumtfart, Qrommek Tmk, 16»1.

d by boogie




AoL'RNED, pjr^;?. Adorned.

So that he that tofore wente clothed in

clothes of golde and of sylke, and

aounud wyth precyons stones in tlic

cyl6. ntaPatruvhtOe.

AoY, adv. High. OUme.

Apayb, 1 V. (A.'N.) To pay, sa-

APPAY, J tisfy, or content. " Well

apaid, glad; ill apaid, sorie.*'

Rider's Dietionarie, 1640.

Therwith was Perkyn apayed,

And preised licm faste.

Fiers Ploughnutn, p. 138.

Till thou hare to my trusty ear

Committed what doth thee so ill apny.

Spena.^ Daphuaida, 69.

So only can high justice rest appaid.

Milton, F. L., xii, 401.

Th* nnweloome netrea seeme welcome to

his eares.

And yet he wishes they awhile had staide;

That the vil'd deed is done, he glad ap-


Tet in hia gladnea, he seemes ill apaid.

Great Britainet Troye, 1609.

Apaisb, adv. In peace.

Tho thai were al at aifte,

Ich went to his in apait^.

ArthoHT and Merlin, p. 87.

Apaltd, part, p. Depressed ; dis-

coin-aged ; appalled.

Apalled, part. p. Wearisome;


Thanne cometh nnderoctoun thurgh

winch a man is so blunt, and as saith

seint Bernnrd, he hath such a langour

in soule, that he may neyllier rede ne

svn«re in holy chirclic, ne hcerc ne

thill ke on devocioun lu holy cliirche,

ne travsyle with his hondes in no good

werk, that nys to him unsavory and al

apmlUd. Chaucer, Persone* T.

Ap AS, prep. Upon.

Apakink, ». (Fr.) The name of a

plant ; clivers.

Aparseivk, r. To perceive.

Tlie burgeis aparaeived of his wire,

Fele nightes was j^on him tram,

And in the daw vrnf? aven sclie cam.

The Sev'yn Sages, 1. 14S4.

Aparti, adv. Partly.

Apahtlik, adv. {J.^N.) Openly.

Monastic Letters, p. 179.

Apast, \part, ». Passed.

Apaybre, v. (A.'N.) To impair.


Ape, (1) r. To attempt?

And that sche nere so michel ape

That sche hir laid doun to sLipe.

Arthour and Merlin, p. 33.

(2) t. A fool. To put an ape

into a person's hood or cap, or,

to put on his head an ape, to ma k e

a fool of him. Tyrwhitt con.

aiders " win of ape," in Chaucer,

to be what the French called

vin de singe.

Haha I fclaws, be war for such a iape.

The monk put in the mnnnes hood an ape.

And in his wyves eek. bv Seint Austyn.

Chaucer, Cant. T., 14850.

Tlius was the ape

By their fair handling put into Maliirrco's

cape. Spenser, F. Q., Ill, ijc, 81.

And thus sche maketh Absolon hir ope.

And al his emest torneth to a jape.

Chaucer, Cant. T., 3389.

To lead apes in hell, said of a

woman who lives and dies


I must dance barefoot on her wedding day,

And, for your love to her, lead ape* in IkeU.

Shakeap., Taming of Shreuf, it. 1,

But 'tis an old proverb, and yoa know il


That women, dying maids, lead apes in A ell

Ltnukm Frediffal, i, 2,

Not to know an ape from az

apple, to be very ignorant.

Cnlrnlated according to art for t1i<

meridian of]^nglHnd; and may. withc»u

sensible error, sen'e for any other coxin

try besides, where they do' nnderst.tm

an ape (torn an apple, or a B from a but

iledore. Poor Bobin^ 17 U7

To say an ape's patemoater^ u

chatter with cold.

Apece, a corruption of abect

The alphabet. Prompt. Part>.

Apeched, jMir/. p. Impeaclied.

And asone as he came, he was nrot «•

and apeched of hye trfjsone, Uu.t L

Bchulil help*: the erle of Uxeiiforde.

fFarkioorth'a Chronicle, p 2

Apeire, V. (^.-iV.) To impair. Sc


And thanne yonre negbeboree next

Ls none wiie apeire, Fiers 1*1., p. \

d by Google

APE 83

Afkl, 9. {A.N.) An old term in

hunting mDsie,coDsistiDg of three

long moots.

Apeltt, pmri. p. Called ; nftmed.

Apekds, v. {A.-N.) To append ;

10 apperUin ; to belong.

Tl;as the pore pcple is nntounde,

Teej ■ajmdie pute t'en shuutd mpmd*.

Pkmmam't T»U, L 2606.

Arvsioum, #. Opinion.

A?EB.B, V. To appear.

Aperement, m. An injnnr ; a mis-

chief. " Jperement, pejoracio/'

Prompt. Parv., MS.Harl, 221.

ApERv, t. An apron, jippam is

itijl the form in Shropshire, ap-

peron or i^ppren in the Northern


Apsrnke, «. One who wears an

apron ; a drawer at an inn.

We lucre do wine here, mcUsiokfl ;

Wliere's tlin a^entrrf

Ckapman'M May Day, Iffll.

A-PlR-8*. See J.

Apert, «ff. {A^N.] (1) Open;


(2) Bold; free; pert

APKRTB,t. {A,'N, t^ferie.) Conduet

in action.

For vUehe the k3Fii« hym had ay ifter in


Cobs^deryngireli hisknishtlT aperU,

BardgMg'* Ck^cU, f. 1«.

t^^-'}(^.-M) Openly.

Apertiok, «. {Lat.) A passage ; an


Apertksss, a. Franknesa; open-


Apert, «. An ape-hoote.

And iraw to ply thy b oke as nimbly m

ever thoa didst tby muter's «p<yy, or

lUe hsaty i«alting horse

Jfollo Skroring^ 1897, p. M.

ApBSKf, w. (^.-iV.) To appease.

ApzTiTKLr, a<fv. With an ap-


ApR.WAn»,«. A keeper of apes.

Jor 1, quod an mpe^ioard.

By saghi that I kan knovp.



APBTmB, ». (le/.) To open.

Apbtebmbnt, *. (A.-N.) Injury.

Apbyrin QBs, a. Losaes.

A-FicKPACK, adv. Astride on the

back. See A-pifpa-baek.

There's k speech for yoa, riioo'd^yM

make inch a one in the emate houae.

ve ihnuld hare yon brought home

m^ekpmck in tnnnipb.

FtoraTt Va^tim, IffJO.

ApfBCB, e^. To each. North.

AlPibcbs, adv. To pieces. Suf,

NaT, if we faint or fall mpuee* nov.

"We're fo-)!*.

Beaum. aaJ FT., Islamd Frinca*, r, 1.

ApiBs, a. Opiates.

As be shaH slepe as long as er the Ir^te,

The nnrrri'vikfi and apt ft l»rn so •tion,;.

Chancer, Leg. of Uypermnettra lu».

A-piooA-BACK, adv. Carrying a

child on one's back, with his

le^s nnder the anus, and his

anus round the neck. Var. diaL

Apis, a. A kind of apple-tree, in-

troduced about the year 1670.


Api8HNBSs,a. Playfttlneu ; game-


Apistille, r. An epistle.

A-pisTY-POLL, adv. Carrying a

child with his legs on the shoul-

ders, and arms round the head.


A- PLACE, adv. In place. Gmoer,

A-FLAT, adv. Rat down.

Aplight, adv. {A,-S,) Certainly;

truly ; entirely.

Hidor th«i come be mone-litt,


X. Bdufard and tha Shepkard.

Non is Edward of Camanran

King of Engeiond al aplyhf.

Political S<mffM,^.24/i.

The child yede tobedde anight.

And ros arlirhe amorewen aplight.

Sntyn Sages {Weher), 203.

Aplustbe, a. {Lat.) The small flag

of a ship.

Apltn, a. pi. (A.'S^) Apples.

Apock, a. A small red pimple.


Apodttekt, a. (Gr.) A vestry. .

d by boogie


NT, adv. At point.

SON, V. To poison.

.Lo, 9. A name for a ban-

eting room.

moved slowly towards the sultnti's

Ijice, all the way pHssing through a

ck or file of archers and niusqueiiers

either side doubled, and being

[hted, usherd him into his ApoUo,

ere upon rich carpets was plac'd a

it and costly banquet,

Herber>*s IVaw/*, 1638.

,OOBTIK,«.( Gr.dTToXoy ijriicoc.)

I apology.

'» P^^' Upon.

iTED, adj. Tainted. Dorset.

UAK, «. A kind of herb, men-

nedinthe ArchaoL, xxx,404.

LET, pari, p. {A.-N.) Made

or ; reduced to poverty.

EN, t^. To demand. This word

:urs in Sicinner's Etymolo-

m, 1671.

TATA, 9. (Lat) An apostate.

TEM, f. {Gr.) An abscess,

joyful casual violence may break

dauircrous apostem in tby breast.

Donne't Frogreuqflhe Soul, ii, 479.

medicine or salve that maketh an

MUnu^ or drawetli a swelliug to mnt-

Nomenclator^ 1585.

iTEMATioN, t. An impos-


iTHUME, 9, All imposthume.

'ompt. Parv,

ITfLHBED, 9. ApOStlcship.


(TiLLB, 9, (Lai,) A marginal


ITLE-8P00N8, ». SpOOnS of sil-

r gilt, the handle of each termi-

ting in the figure of an apostle,

ley were the usual present of

)nsors at christenings; rich

)n8ors gave the whole twelve ;

>se in middling circumstances

ve four ; while the poorer sort

en contented themselves with

J gift of one, which bore the

ure of some saint in honour

whom the child received its

DDe. It it in aUusion to this

84 APP

custom, that, when Cranmer pro-

fesses to be unworthy of being

sponsor to the young princess,

the king replies, "Come, come,

mv lord, you*d spare your

9p'oon9" Shake9P't Hen. VIII,


And all this for the hope of two apostl^

spoont, to ButFer I and a cup to eat a

caudle in ! for that will be thy lepc;r.

B. Jons., Bartk. Fatr, \, S.

Apostolione, 9. An ingredient,

a{)parentlv a herb, mentioned in

ati old medical MS. In another

there is a long recipe to make an

apostoliconey composed of frank-

incense, alum, &.C.

Apostrofation, t. Apostrophe.


Apozemb, t. {Gr. Airo^ffsa, a de-

coction.) A drink made with

water and divers spices and

herbs, used instead of ayrup.


Appaibe, Tr. (J.-N.) (1) To

APPEYRB, J impair, make worse,

or bring to decay.

His neyuheboures ful of envy, liia

feyncd frcendes that seniede recoun-

sifed, and his flatereres, mnden «en\.

blaunt of wepyng, and appmred and

airgrrgged rooclie of this matiere, in

pniisyng gretly MeliW of might, of

power, of riches, and of firenues, de-

spisinee the power of his advervaries.

Chaucer, T. of MeUb€Ma

What mendeth it you though tliat we hot I

apaire / Chaucer, Tr. /• Cr., lib. u. 1. 329

So well it maye with rethorike terme


Wlii'che by my aimplenes I would not we

appaired. Harding'* Chron,, f. 5]

Gentlewomen, which feare neithe

Sonne, nor winde, tor apptdring tUei


Sir Tkomae Blyofs Oovemor, p. 61

But if 1 should so presume. I iuij;1

apayr it; for it was right wel an

cunnvngly made, and traiislatyd ini

ryght good and fayr Englishe. Ceu-r^j

Himself goes paUhed like some bare co


Lest he might oogbt the future sto<

appeyre. Bp. HalPs S»/.. iv.

(2) To be brought to decay.

d by Google




AH tkA Ijytih anaifretk fute.

HMckimt's OU Flays, i, 88.

He WM of honest oonrcrBmaon and

pore iiil(f ritie, no kno«cr of eril, and

■ kepcr of all goodne*, a dispiser of al

tfavBpes wbfch vere wonie to cause

tke nTndes'of mortall nicnne toshde

or mffiure. HaU, Edward, IF, fol. 34.

Appals, 1 v. To torn anythiog to

APPALLS, /ft pftle colour.

Jlire lisle DOC appaUed for to be,

2soc aa tJie morwe unfesUiche for to see.

Ckameer, Cant. T., 1(«79.

Appalls, ».(-rf.-iV.) To discourage;

to terrify ; to appease : it is also

used as a neuter verb, to be

terrified; to grow mild; to be-

come weak ; to faiL

This disromfltnFe so amazed the wittet,

and appclJed the hartes of the nieane

Gascons, that ibei offered many touues

to the French part.

Hair^ Chrom^ Henry Ft, f. 79-

her misshaped parts did them appali^

1 bathly, vhnkied hag.

Sp€fU€r, F. Q., I, Tiii, 4«.

Aad to the cuppe ay took I hcc de and cnre

>Qf ilui the drynke appalU slioMe nosrht.


^iriie never shall igppallm in my nimde.

But alvays £resli been in myne menione.

Frolog 9U to ilvrie of Thebct.

Appalbmekt, a. Consternation.

Appasailc, t». i^d.^N.) To equip ;

to furnish.

Appajlancis, #. id.'N.) Appear-


Wliose lained jrestnrea doe entrap onr youth

'Kith an apparancie of simple truth.

Browne's Brit. Fast., i, Bonc 2.

Apparatb,#. Apparatus.

AppARATORf a. (Aa/.) A seijeant;

a beadle.

Bailifis, promoters, jailors, and apparafors.

ne Mn*e» Loohng-glest, i, 1.

AppAKBiL,a. {A.-N.) A word which

Skinner inserts in his glossary of

law terras, with the following

explanation : ** Integra ration um

snbductio, item summa totius

deliiti, qu« rationibus subscribi

lolet." The sum at the bottom

of an account, which is still due.

Apparxmsktxs, t.pl. Omamenta.

AppARB>'CE,t. (if.-iV.) An appear*


That is to sarn. to make illiisinn

By Bwichc an apparenc^ or juicierip.

LLiuctr.Caut. t., 11377.

Appasbkted. part. p. Made appa-

rent. Holimhed,

Appariblynok, a. A symbolical

meaning ; an allegory.

To thys ordrr croun** bet

y» an mpparubluHf/e,

Tlirt hvs 111 liolv rlii-rrhe y.eleped vel

The inrsle sellers ntfc

' Ol rlf rke ;

Clrrke hys to segjcc an fcjiL'^srh.

Eyr orCcMles werke. »\ de SAoreiam.

Apparysshandb, a4/. Apparent;

brilliant. Caxton.

Apparitions, t. {A.-N.) Appear-

ances. Applied especially to the

appearance, or supposed appear-

ance, after death, of departed

spirits; yet sometimes, at in

Sliakespeare, understood literally.

As this wicked people were strangrrsto

thiir God ID their ronvcrsHtion. •<> was

G«m1 trrrmn a stranger to iLcm lu his


Buhop HaWs Contemplations, p. S.

1 have niark'd

A thousand blunhin^ appariiions

To start into her /ace.

Muck Jdo alHfut yothing, i?, 9.

Appasb, ad». Apace ; in pace.

An actnarie, clarke or scribe, that wri-

teth oues wordes eppuse as ihuy are

spoken. A'ummclator, lobb.

Appas8ionatb,o. To have a passion


Appassionatbd, adj. Violently

stedfast; obstinate.

Tlic said Gower rcmnincd appassionated

in the opinion of the Popt's suprfnuiry.

Letter in Stripe's Jnnals, iii, 135.

Appbach, ». (^.-M apeicher.) To

impeach ; to accuse.

Bifore this yonge prophete this preost go


Lnd he 1

And he him apecked sone, with chekes wol

paie. Husan, st. xxiv.

Now. by mine honour, by my life, my troth,

I will appeack ibe viUain.

K. Bichard II, r, 3.





Oeortre Annstronge was pardoned to the

eiide he shotilde appeache the residue,

which he did.

HoUiuheiFs Hist. ofSrotUutd, p. 441.

Appearance, t. Ao apparition ; a

vision. The word in this sense

occurs in Rider'$ Dictionaries


Appecememtes, t. Impeachments.

Appeyre. Sec Appaire,

Appeirbmbnt, 9, {A.-N.) An im-

pairing; diminution.

To the gretc appeiremeiU of his most

royalle estate, nnd enpoverisshyng of

hym nnd allc his true eommona and

anbjettis, and only to the enrichyn^re of

themself. MS. Mkm., IIGO.

Appel.leaf, ". {A.^S. €^eUleaf.)

The violet.

Appblte, adp. Haply.

ApPELEN, 1 , / ^ o\ * 1

appelynJ'-^''(^-'^-) ^PPl««-

— — the moappeUn the tree hereth, the

more sche boweth to the fullL

Romanee qf the Monk, MS., fol. 3 b.

Appellacion, 9. {A,-N,) An ap.

peal from an inferior to a supe-

rior court.

This sentence shall never be repelled,

ne it may not be apnelled, for the

appelUuyt/n sliail nerer be receyved.

Golden Legend, fol. 5.

Appblunk, f. A dish made of apples

and other ingredients. See a

receipt for making it in Warner ,

Aniiq. Culin.t p. 89.

Appends, r. {A.-N,) To belong; to

appertain to. See Apende,

Tel me to whom, madame,

That treaoor appemletk.

FUre PL. y. 17.

Appjsnb, r. To happen. Wark-

worih*9 Chron., p. 2.

Appbnnaoe, *. (Fr.) That which

is set apart by princes for the

support of their younger children.


Afpbrcbive, r. (A.-N.) To per-

ceive. See Aperceive.

Appbrceitiko, 9. Perception.



Appbre, V, (A.-N.) To deck out

to apparel. See Appaire,

Apperil, 9. Peril. Middteton an<

Ben Joneon.

Let me stay at thine apperil.

Timon of Athens, i. S

Appertainment, #. The circum

stance of appertaining to.

APPERTINAUNT,/Mr^ a. Belongiii

to. An astrological terra.

Appertyces, t. {A.'N,) Dexteri


Grete strokes were amy ten on hot!

■ydes, many men overt firowen. hurt

and atayn. and grete valyauncea. pr^.v

esses Hiid auperlyce* of wcrre wert tii;

day shewed, wliiche were over loii^ i

recounte tlie noble featea of tvcry nut

Morte d* Arthur, i, 1 »

Appese, V, (A.'N.) To pacify. T

appe9e one's self, to become pac


And TulUos saith : Ther ia no th\t%^ i

coniendnlile in a {cret lord, as whan 1

is debonaire and mecke, and nppr^i

him lighUy. Chaucer, T. ^JHeUh^t

Appetence, t. {Lat, uppeienfia


Appetite, v. To desire ; to covet

As matire appetiiith fonne alwaie.

And from forme into forme it pHSsin zani

MypeipyU oMt Medea, 2]

Appbtition, 9. {LaL tqjtpetitio

Desire for anything.

Appetize, v. 1o provoke an Rpp(

tite for food. North.

Appety, ». Appetite ; desire.

Appibrt, adj. Open ; public S«


Appignoratb, V, {Lat. appigmorn

To put in pawn ; to pledge.

Such bibliopoUsta are much to blame.

When a good author's dead, t' abu»e 1

name ;

These tricks they play and act wiil,o


For money th^'U i^pignorate their so^il

Satyricail Poetns, \c*

Apple, v. To bottom, or root firm |

in the ground. *• The turnip^ t

not apple.**

Applb-bbe, 9. A wasp. CoruMty^

Applb-bird,!. AchAffiocU. Cortki

d by Google




Anu^sTiB, i, A dealer in applei.

I Here » Glyed Wolbr of Gylforde iqiiyere,

I ■ Coet* LoreiUs BoU,

I AppiB-DEoxB, #. A wwp. Wett.

Appia-ceat, «^'. Dapple grey.

Ha bead «M tnmbki in tneh a bad plight,

is !kaf h b» tjt» were apfU-arajf.

li»3tada FtKtrt Hortkerue Man, 1640.

AfFu^oGUR, «. An apple turn-

over. Sf^oik. It it made by

folding sliced apples with tugnr

in a coarae cnist, and baiting

tlieia withoat a pan.

Appu- JACK, §. An npple tnmoTer.

AiTu^jOBN, t. An apple, which

vQi keep two years, and conse-

<I«nUy becomes Tcnr withered.

I m vitker'd like an old afpU-Jok».

8 Hen. IF, lii, 8.

! Bi \«aa tkn the pome-vater or amI*.

J^ 0. Foifm*. Mu, Dr., iii. 192.

I ^sr /ji^tppi^ whoae wither'd riad, en-

r' s»sy « fiuTQV. aptly rn>«««ntB

I "^ccpriagc PiiU^, Cider, b. i

Ar?LB.|foisi, t. (1) Cider.

(i) A di«b compoeed of apples.

Afpun,«.^(. A^lef.

Ams^PKAft, t. A kind of pear,

Febapt the tankard pear.

Apn.i.piK.BEn. A common trick

B Mhoob. The bed is arranged

nnewhai in the fashion of an

tppie-turoover, the sheets being

<M>Ied 80 as to pn;? ent any one

^ getting at his length be-


ArpLB-nsmrnDBn, t. Anything in

'«nr gnat order.

A?rLi.pip»,t, Divination by appU-

W: To ascertain whether her

F««Hded lorers really love her

VBOt,the maiden takes an apple

P^Pf lad naming one of her fol-

bwcn, pQU the pip in the fire; if

■t aseks in bursting from the

!^» it is a proof of love, hot if

^ is consiuDed without noise, she

afaayiitiified that there is no

real regard in thai person towards

her. DatfyUMS.

Apflsplbx, a. The apoplexy. />•-


APFLB8-or-LOTK, $. The fruit of a

foreign species of nightshade, said

to be an aphrodisiac.

Apple-bqcire, ff. This very popu-

lar word was evidently used in

more than one sense. An apple-

squire was sometimes a kept

gallant ; at others, a person who

waited on a woman of bad cha-

racter. The name was also applied

to the person who fetched in the

wine. Its most common signifi-

cation appears to have been a


Boyea which do attende upon eomiDnne

harlottea, called upnU-tnutm.

MuUMt's Jbeeedaritm, ISU.

la Cupid fit to be an apU-s.vire,

Of lilthy ln«t to take the lijathaome hvref

The h'ewe MeUamorpkMU, MS. tem/t., Joe. 1.

Ifl lechery wax'd scarce, is bawdry scant.

Is there of whores or cuckolds any want ?

Are wliore-masters decai'd, are all buwds


Are panders, pimps, and anpUseuires, all

fled? Taglor-t Works, 1630.

Each buah, each bank, and each base appU-


Can scrre to sate their beastly lewd driire.

Ball's Satires, i, S.

Aquarfolns, festo, impudicarum mulie-

rum Bordidus assecla, wopvoiiaxoyo^,

llacquereau, mfien. A rutlliiiv knave :

an appU-squire : a Aliliie Mmf kHudie

knave attending npon whores -. a wiiinll

that keepelh the doore whiles his wife

is occupied. Nomntelmtiir, 1586.

His little lackey, a proper yong apple^

Mifire, called Fandarus, whirhe carneth

the keye of his chamber with hym.

BuUien'f Dialofftte, 157S.

Apple-stucbxik, a. An apple-

turnover. Hangt0lL

Apple-tirrb, ft. An apple orchard.

Formerly used in Sussex, now


Apple-twelin, 9. An apple-turn-

over. Norfolk.

JLTFLK-YARD, s. An apple orchard.

d by Google



Appliabls, adj. Capable of being


Appliance, s. An application.

Appliment, t. Application.

Applot, V, To plot ; to contriye.

Apply, v, {A.-N.) To take a course

towards ; to ply to ; to apply to.

A nautical term.

Appo, #. An apple. Cheth.

Appoast, V, {Fr.) To suborn.


Appoint, v. To impute.

Appointment, #. Preparation.

Here art tbon in appoinltMnl fresh and


Anticipating time with starting conra^.

Troilu* and Crusida, iv, 5.

Apponb, V. {Lai. appono.) To dis-

pute with; to oppose in ar-


Apposaylb, 9. {A,'N,) Question ;


Wlian he went out his enmies to assayle,

Made unto her this aucouth apposayU.

Buchat, b. v. c. S9.

Appose, r. {A.-N,) To raise ques-

tions ; to object; to dispute with;

to examine.

Tho the poeple hyro apposed^

With a penv in the temple.

Fieri PL, p. 18.

Apposition, t. (Lat.) Annexation

of substantives. A grammatical


But this yonge childryne that gone to

the scole have in here Diiuete this

questione, how many thinges (alien to

apposicioH ? Ande it is answeride, that

case alle only that is afalle.

Quia Bomanomm, p. 472.

Appositebs, ff. Opposites; anti-

podes. Maundevile.

Apprehension, *. (Lat,) Catch-

ing ; laying hold of.

Apprehensive, adj, (Lat.) Of

quick conception.

You are too quick, too apprehensive.

Btery Man out of hit Humour.

Thou art a mad apprehensive knave.

O. P.. iv, 343.

Apprbifte, t. (Fr.) Contrivance.

Apprentice-at-law, s. a conn-

sellor, the next in rank under a


Apprrst, i, (Fr,) Preparation.

All the winter following Vespasian liiu

nt Yorke, milking his apprests agaiusi

the next spring to go agninst the ^cotl

and Picts. HoUnshed, Hist. Scot., p. 4S

Apprinzb, i, (Fr.) Capture.

I mean not now th' apvrinze of Pncell Jone

Mirrourf/r Magistrates, ed. 161C

Apprise, i. (A.-N.) Learning.

Approacher, s. One who ap

proaches or draws near.

Approbate, part, p, (Lat. appro

batus.) Approved ; approved of

Havyn^ perfect confidence, and sur

hope in the approbate fidelitic an<

constaunt integntic whiche 1 have eve

experimented. Hafl.Edtpard IF, fol. 6f

lie utterly refused to rce^yve th

crowne, except the law establisbcd b

his father Kenneth for the successioi

therof were first confirmed and nj


Holinshed's Historis of Scotland, p. 22^

Thomas earle of Lancaster was hanged au


With sixteene barroDS moe in Edward lb

Second'* daies ;

The filthy demeanor that then was a^


I alilior to recite, they tooke such nangrht i

wayes. Holmes's Fall of Rebellion, p,{

Approbation, «. (1) Approval


(2) A noviciate.

Approchemicnt, #. Approach.

Apprompt, v. To prompt. Bacoy

Approof, 8. Approbation.

So his approof lives not in 'a epitaph

As in your roval speech.

AWs Pell that Ends tTcll, i,

A man so absolute in niv approof.

That nature hath leser^* d small di^^it

Tliat he eiyoy^ not. Cynthia's Rc-cn

APPROPINaUATE, 1 V. (Lat.) 7

APPROPiNauE, j approach ; |

come near.

Appropre, \v. (A.'N. of^f^r^

APPROPER, jprier.) To appropr


The fyrst name is the sone of God ai

these names beu appropryd to hym*

Golden Ltgcsui^ f

d by Google


Ae £vn^eljs(es M spnTTe and

•Pf^ir Owl prophvie word EeclesiA

to KinJj iht vbote eompanv of cUnsten

peple. 5ir T. Jfor*** jrjwi*. p. 428.

AwiovB. #. (/v.) To justify ; to

Dike good : to bring proof of.

Xtlobnu in likewise eaderored her on

t£« otber fjde to approwe the caid

3^B7, bi hflr commised and pur-

lOKd. BeyUu, p. 27.

Afpbover, #. (A,'N,) An in-

former. A person who had the

i^ting of the kind's demesnes in

■aisil manors to the best ad Tan-

Uge was termed an epprover.

Affccnant, a^'. (/«/.) Quar-


Amrixi, a. An apple.

ApfTLMOT, j a. (i^.-5.) A dish in

APpcufocK, I cookery, of which

^miMOi, j apples were the

priscipal ingredient. **JpfrtUmo9f

i^hmete, pomaciom." Prompt.

Jif^mcj.—Takit apple* and weth hem

'3 - ver. Drave bem tburxli a itynnor.

likt UJBacde mylke, ajio hony, and

lfcrefm,»i,fnm, and powdor-fort, and

Aftj «ad Mctli it f toodyng.

Forme of Cwy,XiW.

f^ U wuie apfdmot. — Nym aopelyn.

ad ttth hew. and lat bem kcle. and

Bd« hen tborw a cMhe; and on

>«h daves kast thereto grod f«t breyt

^^, a&d {rod vjtc grces. and augar,

^ii u.'nofi, ar«d almande mv Ik ; on fyach

^M 4»l« de oiyve, and gode pov-

^ ; nid lerve it forthe.

Cootery Receipts, 1381.

A'miD,|wrf./?. (/v.) Supported.


^^»AiifE, a. An apron.

Itea, if aar common vrtman were any

eftw tbf tluil forfaii hit, and make a

iu «I;ct ibe eosinme of tlie iiianur,

^ iepJatiau ^ Oe SlfW.UtA cent.

^^'S9m,part.p, Pra'iacd. Bo6-

*»*» lUmaneet, p. 14.

Artw,!. Cloth of Ypres in Flan-

^,<aaKK» for ita woollen manu-

^OTt **'}. cover of apret lynyd

•«l» Jynen clothe." AV /oAii



89 APT

Apricatk, v. (Lat. aprieo.) To

bask in the sun.

Aprication, a. Basking in the


Apbicitt. a. (Lat. aprieitas.) The

warmth of the sun.

Apricock, a. An apricot. JTeit,

Sec Abricoek.

Hop in hi* walks, and |tambo1 in liti ereas

Keed him with mprirofts and d(*« brrrirs.

SLkctp.,M,d*.N. i>.. ill, 1.

April-gowk, a. An April fool.


ApRii.LBD,adiF. Applied to beer or

milk which has turned, or ia

beginning to turn, sour: alto to

a person whose temper has been

disturbed. Dev<m.

Aprine, i. (Lat.) A poison which

was said to come from swine

when mariM appetentei.

APRI8E. a. (A.^N.) (1) Learning.

(2) An enterprise ; an adtenture.

On that other half it Darie, y-wia»

Wroth and grim, and alle his,

for Alisaimdera aret aprise.

f. Jlisaunder, 1. 3539.

Hian tayd Lybeam, Be seynt Jame,

To save thjri mayde fro sebame,

Hyt wer a fayr aprvie.

Lyi. Ditcon., 1. SM.

Apron, a. (1) A hog's caul. East.

(2) The fat skinny covering of

the Ijelly of a duck or goose.

Apron-man, a. A waiter.

We had the salatc of welcome, gentle-

men, presently: Wilt plesise ye see %

chamber? It was our pleasure, as we

answered the apron-pum, to ser, or bo

▼ery neare the looroe where all ihat

noise was.

Bowley't Semrehfor Money, 1609.

Aproye, r. To prove. See Ap^


Aps, a. (A.'S. mp$.) The asp or

aspen tree. A word used in

"Warwickshire, and also in the

South and West of England.

Apsbn, (adj.) Of, or belonging to

the asp tree.

Apt, v. (Lat. apto.) To adapt; to

fit to; to render fit for anything.

d by Google




The symbolt used, are not, neither

ougiit to be, simply hieroglyphics, em-

blems, or im preset, but a mixed cha*

ractcr, partaking somewhat of all, tuid

pecuUiirly apUa to these more magniti-

cent iuvcntioiis. BenJotuon.

And some one apletk to be trusted then.

Though never alter.

B. Jon., Forut. Ep., xiL

And here occasion apUth that we cata-

logue awhile.

Warner's AUnont Engl

Aptes, t. pL Aptitudes.

Tiiei ban as well divers apUs, and divert

mancr usyiiges, and iliillc aptes uoweu

in will ben clcped affeccions.

Chaucer, ed. Urry, p. 617.

Apt-tinoing, €idj. Having a ten-

dency to ignite.

If th' exiialation hot and oily prove.

And yet (hs feeble) giveth pi rice above

To th' airy revions ever-lasting frost,

Incossantiy tli' apt'tinding fuiiie is tost

Till it iiitiaiiie: then likea squib it ftUls,

Or fire-wiug'd shaft, or sulpMiiy powder-

balls. Sjflcester's Du Barta*.

Apurt, eidj. Impertinent. Somer'

set Sullen, disdainfully silent.


Apyks, 8. pL Apes.

AauA-ACUTA, s. (Lai.) A compo-

sition of tartaric and other acids,

formerly used for cleaning ar-


AauABOB, t. An icicle. Kent.

AauAKB, 9. To tremble.

AauAL, adj. Equal. North.

AauAPATis, t. A kind of pottage.

Aqnapatyt. — Pil garler, and cast it in a

pot with water and oilc, and seeih it.

vo thereto safroii, ' salt, and powder-

fort, and dresse il forth hool.

Forme of Cury,\^Vi.

Aau AT, adv. Sitting on the houghs.


AauATiL, a4f. (-^'O Inhabiting

the water.

AauAToaiES, t. {Lat.) Watery

places. An astrological term.

AauA-viT^, t. {Lat.) A general

term for ardent spirits. Irish

aqiia-vitse was usquebaugh.

Aqua-vitji man, t. A seller c


Sell the dole beer to aqva^U* men.

Bern Jons.,Alck., i, '

Aqjjj^ight, pret.t. otaquake^ (froi

{A.-S. gueccan.) Shook ; treoi


The gleumen uscden her tunge ;

The wode aqueiffktte so by suuge.

Ki^nff Alisauuder, 525

AauEiNT, (1) part, p.qfaguenc/t

Quenched with water; destroyer

(2) Acquainted.

Heo desirith nothyng more.

Than to beo to vou aqweynt.

kyMff AUsatntdcTf 7SC

AauEiNTABLE, adj. Easy to be ai

quainted with.

AuuRLLBN, V (ji.-S. aewellan.) 1

kill ; to destroy ; to yanquish.

And her gref anon hem teld .

Uou Foriiger her king aqueU.

Arthour and MerliH, p. l

And gif y schal be thus a^uHd,

Thurch strong hete in the feld.

It were ogaiu the skille.

Gy qf trarvike, p. S!

Aqubncre, V. {/i.'S. aeivencat

To quench ; to destroy.

Nothing he ne founde in al the ni^te,

Wer-uude his hongtftT aquencke miTiic

Reliq.AHtiq., ii, "2

AauRTONS, t. Acquittance. 3o

of Curtasyef p. 25.

AauiTE,r. (A.'N.) (1) To acqu

(2) To requite.

He wole aqtcyte us ryth wele oure medc

Cotentry Ujfsttrias, p. 3

(3) To pay for.

Or if his winning be so lite,

Tliat his Ubour will not aq^U

Sufficiauntly al his living.

Yet may he go his brede be^ngc.

BomautU of ike £^e, 6*;

AauoiNTE, part. p. Acquaint

Rob. Glow., p. 465.

AauoT, adj. Cloyed; weary- <««

eating. Devon.

AauoY, adv. Coyly ; shyly.

With that she knit her brotrs.

And looking all ai,noy.

George Bumto^U, 2d

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As, (\) L (A.-S.) A scar; a pock-

Btrk. Aor/A It is found in MSS.

of tbe 15th cent.

(2l t. (if.& or.) Aaotf.

3;c«y. Or.

{*,pnp.(J^S. artier.) Before.

ilKMte ■ydDTtlit, ar tlie dsT.

ijfmf JIuoMmder, 844.

AiACE, «. {A^N.) To d»w away

i? force.

^ 90 wMj holdith lehe

'-ibdra tun, whan scbe gm bem

'- < til gnt lie'sbt and ?rct difficult6

'•t -i^dita frm Ikt arm tn^ f^nnr arar^.

CUsecr, (7«)>^. 7., 8979.

^ ^ the rMMuibfiiace of tlieire

?«'te* anon were anced oat of

ifliiie BeoDcs heertea.

fir 7. Mon'a Worki, p. 85$.

^^gg > t. The herb orach.

^*J»s, ;»rrf. /. of arede. Ex-

^^n, f. Some kind of precious

^7 pijrtrelle wM of a riaUe fyne,


^^«^prrt.fc Struck ; smote.

^«i»,«(p. Enraged.

^SE,l4. (^..M) A spider.

*^^,\NoH$. and Nartkampi,

*»*? 5V wraw down, till aU be dean,

-^ -^ileaak all ttye when he conies in.

f^hkire DtmiogMe, 1697.

i*ET«,|*- Toraiwj.

UA,^|t,(^..iV:) A spider.

^^uoit. In a row.

**«»«*. (i«/.) Qaickly.

<j^ Ifao table he leop araps.

Ir>9 AUaammder, 4239.

^«'0)?r*<. Of flrise. Aroac.

. ' «-M Arrows.

^»*,». (i^5.) To rate ; to scold.





Thynir that al the world woot,

"Wlierfore •iKildMtow tpare

To redrn it in rrU*nk

To mrtiU dedlj aynne ?

Fieri Fl.,^9tB,

ABAuaHT, preL of areehe, (1)

Seized; took away by force.

In that foreat woncd an herd

Tliat of be«te« loked an slerd.

0 best him was aram/hi ;

Wide-war be bit liadde i-«ought.

Seujfn Sages, I. 895.

(2) Struck, or seized by the


Rifrlit bifor the donkei fet

Gn ormMoJU bim with a ataf cret.

ffy 0/ Wanftkf, p. 225.

He mnutght no man with a rytcht atrook

but be bare bim doon to the crib.

y«Mji, MS.

(3) Reached.

Florice the rinfr here arttm^t.

And be bim »yn hit breau^t.

Florice and BlaHckrfUmr.

Aaaws, adv. In a row.


(2) Equipage.

(3) Clothing.

(4) Condition, or situation.

AH these different meanings of

the word are found in Chaucer.

Up ryat thia jolyf Unrcr Absolon.

And bim arraj/elk iray at pnynt devya.

CUueer, Cant. 7., ^689.

(2) To disoose; to afflict.

(3) To defile. " I ^le or araye,

je uUig" Palagrave. " I fyle or

araye with myer, Je emboue,*'


Akatned, part. p. Tied up by the


Araynyb, «. {A^N.) Sand.

Araysino, part. a. Advancing;


Akbkr, (1) t. {A.'N.) An arbour;

a grove of trees.

And in the garden* aa I wene,

Waa an ather fay re and grene.

And in the arher waa a tre,

A fayrer in tbe world niij^bt none b^.

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(2) To make the arber^ or arbour,

a phrase in hunting, to disem-

bowel the animal. The dogs

are then rewarded with such

parts of the entrails as are con-

sidered to be offal. It is applied

metaphorically to the embowel-

ling of a traitor.

Euhert. Not here, my lord,

Let them be broken up upon a scaffold.

••f will shew the better when their arbour*s

made. Beaum. and Fl.

Arbbrib, t. {A.'N.) Wood.

Arbbset, t. {A.'N,) A strawberry


Thou schoH fynde trowea two :

Bcyiites and I'loly they bnth bo.

Hygher than in othir rontray all;

Jrbtset men heom callith.

Xyng AltMunder, 6765.

Arbitrate, v. {Lat,) To deter-

mine. SftaJkesp.

Arbitrie, f. (A,'N.) Judgment.


Arbitrbment, t. Arbitration.

At lencth came ccrtaine English, Scots,

and Dutch,

Who hetiriog their contention grow so


Would take upon them an arbittemunt.

To mnke all friends: so unto cups they


RowUmdt, Ennei ofSp. /- 2>., 1613.

TJod. Suppose one woman be indebted to

another, what would yon then determine?

Breakh. Why, in that rase, let her that

is fHircst and most beloved of men in

commiseration forgive t'other.

Cl<v. An arbitrtmoit of love, you'll end it,


Hoyoard, Han of Newmarket, 1678.

Arblast, t. (A.-N.) An arbalest.

But rise np your mnngonel.

And cast to their tree-tnstcl,

And sho«jt to them with arblast.

Biekard Coer deLum, 1867.

Arblastir, f. (A,'N.) (1) An

arbalest, or cross-bow.

(2) One who shoots with tn


Eries, barons and squyeri,

Bowmen nnd nrbfastir*.

Biehard Coer de lAm, 1810.

Arborbt, t. A shrub.

Arbour. See Arber (2).

Arbouses, t. The dark hard cherry.


Arbustbd, a^. Filled with straw-

berry trees.

What plcarures poets fame of after death.

In the Eliiean turbusted groves.

Cyprian Academy, 1847.

Arc, t. A cirrhus, or cloud in the

form of a streak crossing the sky.

Herefordah, See Ark,

Arcane, a^, (Lat.) Secret.

Ilave I been disobedient to thy words ?

Hjivc I bewray'd thy areoMe aecrecy ?

Loerine,'r, B.

Arcel, t. Liverwort. Skinner*

Arch. (1) A chief; t master.

The noble duke, my master.

My worthy arek and patron, comes to.

night. Mimff Lear, ii, 1.

(2) A piece of ground left un-

Worked. A term in mining.

Arcbal, t. Lirerwort. Phiilipt.

Archangel, t. (1) The dead net-


(2) A kind of bird. Rom, of the

Rote, 915, where the original

French is metange, a titmouse.

Arc HARDS, t. An acorn. Prompt,


Arch -DEAN, t. Used by Gascoigne

for archdeacon.

For bishops, prelates, aiek-deant, deans,

and priestes.

Steel. Glat. Ckalm. Poets, u, 6S8. a.

Arc HDi ACRE, t. {A*-N.) An arch-


Archer, «. The bishop at chess

was formerly so called.

Archbt, t. An orchard. IFilts,

Archewives, t. Wives of a su-

perior order.

Ye arekewyves, stondith at defena,

Svn ye ben strong as is a greet chamayle,

Ne suffre not that men vow doa offena.

Ckaueer, Cant. T., 9071.

Arcbidecline. The name given

to the master of the feast at the

marriage in Cana.

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AicBiiLkaTKTK, a. ik term applied

to ebemittrj, as the most im-

piKtaat of ail scieoces. AbH-

ml^$ T%eai. Ckem, BrU., p. 13.

A^CHTTKCT, «. Architecture.

I-^ &ade aa house T-biuIt for holy deed,

^'s^ piodiy mrrkiiirt juid rioitten vide.

I Jfnwme'a BrU, Fastonis, 1625.

AicHnxM PI.KS, #. Chief temples.

I^. Giame,^ p. 74.

iBCHMAsimre, #. Arithraetic

^KB-iirE, *. The throat. This

«qr1 oecan in Florio's New

WtHd 9f Wordt, 161 1, p. 36.

'^^vsumantKaij a. {Lai.) An arba«

^»er. Htyiauked.

^, 1 «^-. (1) High: nsed

*ai. J chiefly in the names of

piarcs. In Comberland the term

> «ed to describe the quality of

• piiee, a conn try, or a field;

•^ «rd land means a dry,

}«cbcd, arid soil ; apparently a

^KBndary sense, such lands being

^ ^. parched, fte., only becanse

«»? lie high.

'.t) Hard. Rob. Glome.

^latuoic, M. {Lai. ardeUo,) A

^-hody, a meddler.

^i^Han, biMM-bodiem, as ve sre, it

*n sadi ftitcr for nt to be qaiel, lit

■^ ad tike ow case.

BmH«m, Amat. <^U«U '\ S50.

^asssr, a. Fallow qiurter. Cwmb.


^*»t3n, a. Ad ordinance ; a com-


^K^ȣ3rnEKsaB, a. Earnestness.

^ea, a. A kind of fish. Veniegan,

'^ QUai'a Utermy Let ten, p. 108.

AascBs, 1 a. (^.- S.) Fallowings or

^*^>omiA, ] plooghings of ground.

^^ faes^ n the towne, let him noc

P^ *<9 see asy van tbereni, except it

tg^vaaqr, or at soeh tune as Vheo

""^BrvoK is in. aad his aeede time

*^ &rit aricr W dwpateht, to the end,

'^^me mmi the nmr meanes he

^ >aai lyoa hia canses in con.

7g*^Mi* gae shot tha getting ig

'■I 'Aaa, ne Cmmtrit Farms, y. «7,


93 ARB

A»Di, aJF. Hardy. JrdiUeke,


ARi>URK,a. (A.'N.) BnnuDg.

Amm, (1) a. An oar.

Bia maiater than thai fluid

A. hot and an «r«.

Sir TrUtrtw^ p. 1S3.

(2) a. A hare.

(3) adv. Before.

Ke irije t nerer aiv

So wUJe beat v-vroucht.

Sir Tr^em, V. I, at. xlii.

(4) V. To plough. Kersey giv^

this as a proTincial form of the

word. See Ere.

(5) a. An heir.

(6) a. (A.-S.) Honour; dignttT.

Dnme, he ac^de, be Goddya arv,

Haate any aioney titoa voldvtt ware f

Rttwm'a Fop. t'otL, p. 10.

(7) a. A note in music, the lowest

but one in Guido's scale.

(8) a. (^..5.) Mercy.

Svete Taoode, thin «r»,

Thoa preye the king for me.

Sir Tnttrem, p. 341.

(9) a. An hoar. Lane,

^ll^li>\l' (^-^.«r«fa».) To

Therefore more pUdn eteai thia doabtftU


And manr perila doth to aa weed

In that Whrrrof we eeriously entreat.

Dray/.. Moua B., ii, p. 1684.

F. Sad swain ereadt if that a maid may


What canie ao great effecta of grief hath

wrought? BrxLFattoraU.

Ajisadikess, a. Readiness.

Aready, ready.

Arbab, adv. Upright. Keni,

Arbaraoe, a. {A..N.) The re*

malnder of an unpaid account ;

money unpaid at the time when

due. Cowell says, "it signifieth

the remain of an aocoant, or a

sum of money remaining in the

hands of an accountant.''

Arbarb, \ad9.(A.'N.) Behind;

Jin default.

d by Google


tilt JMid tomey, wrestle in the sand,

leave wit, speed Atlanta in arrear.

Fair/, r., ii, 40.

it when hit force gan failc, hit pace fian

wex areare, Sp., F. Q., Ill, vii, 24.

fiEAUT, 1 adv. Out of* doors.

IE AWT, J Yorksh. and Lane,

RECHE, V. (1) (^.-5. arecan, to

declare.) To utter; to declare.

it as tone at Beryn had pleyne know-

leche ^

lat his eycn were y-lott, luineth he mycht


word for pare anKuythe.

hUl of Beryn, h^iVn.

(2) {A.'S. arecearit to explain.)

Crist and Seint Stcvene,

Quoth Horn, areche thy mevene.

r. Horn, 1. 668.

(3) (j4.-S. armcan, to reach to.)

To reach ; to attain.

He that wyle further ttreche

Than liys schetjm wyl areche.

In the strau hc'clmrhvs feet feche.

Hart. MS., No. 8362, fol. 4^ r.

On foot he was, and he on layde ;

MHiiye under hys hand ther deyde,

Al tliHt hys ax areche mvpht,

Hort and'man he tlowgh dounryght.

. Richard, 1. 7089.

RECKELLY, adv. Dircctly. /. of


RBODE, V. {A.-S. ahreddan.) To


iiEDE, V. {A.-S. aradan.) (1) To

guess; to explain or interpret.

See Aread.

n tlionsand hugles of Ynde,

And two thousand oxen, alt 1 fynde ;

■Withouten horses, wiihouten stedeu,

Of wliiche no man ne couthe areden

The nombre. hot the hevtr.e kyng,

Tliat woot tlie sothe of al tiling.

K. Alisaunder, I 5116.

To geate and arede upon his dark ridles.

Sir T. More's If oris, p 615

(2) To advise ; to |pve counsel to ;

to apprize ; to (pve warning of.

Peculiar to Spenser,

herefore to me, my trusty friend, arede

iiy counsel : two is l>ett«r thiin one head.

Mother Uubberd's Tale, p. 6.

tread, said he, which way did he make?

F. Q., V, i, 19.


Aredgb, #. The sharp edge of tl

angle. North.

Areoilt, a(/p. Easily; readily.

Arsdt, adj. Ready.

And that we hyt mote aredy hare.

Lord, her at oure nedc.

William deSkoreha

Aredtnes, t. Readiness.

Areed, *. Counsel ; advice.

Arehthe, t. {A.'S. yrMS.) Fea

Ah neothclct, in one feldc.

Mid boldc worde, an mid ilcte,

Deth his i-vo for arehthe swete.

Hule and Hgghtingale, 1. 17(

Areioht, pret. of areche. Struc

Arbisb, 9. To raise.

Ful wroth than that werwolf wmx of tl


And bremW his bristelet he nn tho »Tn

irniiam and the WerwolJ, p. 1

ARE-LUMB9,t. Heir-looms. iVbri

Arbly, adv. Early ; soon.

Arin, preet. t.pl. of be. Are.

Arendb, t. {A.'S. eerend.) An (

rand ; a message.

Arbngb, \ adv. {A.-N.) On a ro

ARBNK, J in a series. **Arenff€,

arowe. Seriatim." Prompt. Pa

And ladde him and hit mouekea

Into a wel fair halle.

And tette hem adouii arenk,

Aud wosche here fet alle.

St. Brandast^ p.

Arenulous, adj. (Lat.) Full

fine sand.

ARERAGE,t.(^.-iV:) Arrear. "I

remain of an account, or a s

of money remaining in the bai

of an accountant." CowelL

Arere, 1». {A.'S. anrran.)

AREAR, J raise ; to rear, as a ho

And yeve us grace goodnetse to leri

Oi ham that before ut were,

Crysteiidom how tlicy goune arere.

Oetotie^tt^ L

Arerb, adv. {A.-N.) (1) Ba

wards; behind.

My blaspheming now have I bongcbt


All yerthly joie and mirthe T set arere.

Teetameni qfCreseitie,

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^2) Back. A term in bare-hmit-

ir^:, osfd vhea the hounds were


rateflmje hjn here, be flail wye arn-e.

B0^ 0f St. Jliiou.

!3) f. To retrett.

ktuz, V. (from j4..S. areotiani to

&i] down, perish.) To totter.

TLi«^h tbenoabt tbe fom was wight,

I*-? tascfcn iQ Ike tre he miit ;

i tf tre cnsM^ ai bit woM falle,

Im bod «tt wh adnd wtthalle.

Sceyn Sages, I. 915.

^tBGSft. (A^N. vreatmer, to in-

lem^e, to reuon.) To inter-

t!%ue; to reason, or debate, with.

^ feiR it Bfome were, to mretom the

••^ -^kt for lo declare, sod for tlie psrtics

'-'«^. Ungtqfi, p. 3U.

^ hcKTl we hra iron mie,

^e httb AfOMS oas bifom.

UfodcfSeymi KaUrine, p. 181.

A» fJtf kyag rod with dujkes nnd eoriie,

Ef Brtk «iih two olcie cheorlis.

i'' *=« nrel ibeo herd heng :

]'-a«rt*»ed bemn tbe kfog.


^^ 'J daj if aciftbe je weore bore,)

■ :? yt esibwv by niy weyes,

^r McrreiUes by \iM wa> e«.

Alimmnder, L 6751.

^»T.(l)t.(^..JV.) Arrest; con-

«a«»t; delay.

.-I fm. t. of ta^de, ReUtest.

?»i««r» rygbtly thoa wttt

AT^ the Biiner.

^^mtboB ryde apoD tlirs best

heater bym that thon ne falle f

(Metimn Imptnttor, 1425.

Ti «5. BaneiiL Prompt. Pan.

*»«5n,e.(^..,V.) To stop.

^2 ir sore itoct b«r*n hi* hors arate^

'^^l^Urin, herkeneUi if vow leae.

Chamcer, Cant. 21, b29.

^***ratt8!!,t.Banddity. "^»-ef/-

"**<»fteshe. Rancor. Rancitas."

Prtmat. Pan, See Reaaty.

*4W!<i)Gn,«. Apparently the name

«»nb«rb. i^reA#o&yu»,x«,404.

;^B»«»t.(^.-5.) Honour.

**^»«' «. Arthritica. " Oowtc

*«uk.» Uidkd MS. Uth cent.

Aritte,! tr. {A.-N.) (1) To Im-

ARiTB, / pute ; to attriliute, allot,

or decree. A person was arretted

who was "covenanted before a

judge, and charged with a crime."

Cowell, Interpreter, 1658.

And yf there he ony thrnir wrrton

or fayd to her plnvfir. y sbuli ilxiike

my Iniraor well employed ; and were at

therif defawte. thnl ehe aretit \\\x to

the fymplenea of my ronn>nKe, winebe

if fal f Dialle in tbit behtilrei and ^equ^ re

and praye alle tbem that thai I rrde t'l.is

tame werke to correct hyt, and buid me


CaxUm^ in ITerbfrrs Jnut. i. 6.

Ai keeper* of the chnnli. judfret. and

risht auveretgii biahops, wliicb Un nrets

the arms of tiie cbarrh und of tbe w hule

world unto their jimper nbt-y.

Fkilpot'9 ITorkt, p. KO.

(2) To ?alue, to esteem.

ARBVAi<rT, adv. Back again.

Tlie mevn fhalie ye nrUylle,

And I flinllc B>n3{ (be trcbille,

Areranl the dcville,

Tille all.* ihiR b«)le rnwte.

TotpneUy itysUries, p. 319.

Arew, adv. (A.'S.) In a row.

Arkwb, v. (A.-S.) (1) To pity.

Jhesn Chrift arev hem sore.

Ant acide he wulde vacetic liero thnre .

Harrowing uf Uell, p. Ifi.

(2) To make to repent ; to grieve.

Tbe mayster mnaon motte be ful f ecarly

Bt)the «u-defii9t. trufty, and Irwe,

llyt aluti hym never thenne arni*e.

Const, of Musonrift p. 15.

'^rR^Hs,}'--^'-^^-^-) A'^^^''*-

Areynb, V. {A.'N,) To arrest.

Arfe, adj. (A.'S.) Afraid ; back-

ward. North. See Argh.

Whangh, mother, how ahe rowU ! lae varra


Shee'l put and rire mv snod prunella scarfr.

Torksnirs Dialogue, p. 35.

Aro,v. (1) Toargne. West.

(2) To quarrel. Northampt.

(3) To grumble. Smtex.

Aroabu8HB,s. a harquebuss.

AROAiLB,*.(^.-iV.) Potter's earth.

See Argoik

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At, I know yon have arsenic,

Vilriol, sai-tartar, argaiU, alkali.

Btn J<m*on*$ JlckewMt, i, 1.

Aroal. (1) " Hard lees sticking to

the sides of wine vessels, and

otherwise called tartar." Keney.

See ArgoiL

(2) Used by Shakespeare as t

vulgar corruption of ergo.

Arobmone, «. {Lat) The wild


Arobnt, f. (A.'N.) Silver.

Aroextil, 9, {A.-N.) The herb

percepiere, according to Gerard.

Arobntina, t. i^Lat') The wild


Argentine, adj, {Lat.) Silver-like;

composed of silver; silver.

Argent-yiyb, t. (Fr.) Quicksilver.

Argh, \adj. (A.^S. earg.) Timid;

ARWE, J fearful ; indolent.

Now thow seiflt he ia the beate knyght.

That maj beore amies in fvght.

Thou aaist aotli, liardy, and hard.

And thou art aa ance coward.

£ MiwHHder, 1. S340.

Frensche men arn oriM. and feynte,

And Sarezynya be war and queynte ;

And of her dedea eni^noua :

The Frezuche men be covaytons.

Biekard, 1. 3821.

[if he i-aith that thn nart are^^

lie wile of bote wrchen barej.

Hule and Np^UngaUy 1. 407.

Arghb, \v. {A,'S. eargian,) To

ARjE, J wax timid.

Antenor argket with oustere wordea.

Hade doute of the duke and of hia dethe


Leit the tyrand io hia tene hade turnrt

hym to ale. SUge of Troy, MS., f. 88.



Jrghun also me thinke is hard,

For that mase n man a coward ;

That mat be cald htilhede

or troste of helpe in goode dede.

VausngtoaCi Mgrrotw, MS. Hunt, f. 29 b.

Aroier. The old form of Algiers.

Aroin, t. (//«/. argine.) An em-

bankment ; t rampart.

It mnst have high argiiu and cover'd waya,

lb keep the bulwark fronta from battery.

' Marlowri Works, i, 188.


' I f . Slaggishn

» J

Argisomb, adj. Quarrelsome.


Argoile, «. (Fr, argille?) An

article used in alchemical opera-

tions, the exact character of which

seems to be doubtful. It has

been taken as signifying potter's

earth ; but it seems to be more

properly the impure salt de-

posited from wine ; which, when

purified, is called bitartrate of

potash, or cream of tartar.

Argolets, ^a.pL^Fr.) Light

ARGOL#riERs, J horscmen.

Argolooy, t. {Gr. apyoKoyia.)

Idle speaking.

Argos, t. (Fr.) The small false

toes at the back of the foot, ap-

plied to animals.

Argosib, t. (supposed to be de-

rived from the name of the ship

Argo,) A large ship, either for

merchandise or war.

Who sita him like a fulUaail'd argone

Danc'd with a tofty billow.

Ckitpm. Byron*s Co$up.

That golden traffic lore,

la aeantier fer than gold ; one mine of that

More worth than twenty argonet

Of the world'a richest treasure.

Rowley** New Wonder, Jnc. Dr., t, SS6.

My instance ia a mighty argorie.

That in it bears, besides th* artillery

Of foorsoore piecea of a mighty bora^

A thousand soldiers.

Drayton, NoakU Flood, It, p. 16S9.

Argue, v, (Ft, arguer, to reprove.)

To find fault with.

The false Matabmne beean to caste an

eye on her, and reprevedherof thefisute

that her aelfe had made, anftdna her

without a cause, and saide, <) nnhappi

and miserable woman. Helyat, p. 98.

Argufy, 1 v. To argne. Far. dial.

ARGiFT, J The country people in

the Midland Counties often say

" what argijiei T* in the sense of,

** what signifies it ?

Argument, (1)9. {Fr,) To argue.

i2)t. Conversation.

3) A given arch, whereby an-

other is determined proportional

to the first.

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Ashem'bu eentris. ud hfi trgtmenlii^

1:4 bw acoporcioiieto conTenientis.

Cl«ac»r, Cb»/. 7.. 11589.

AiGT, «. All arg^nmnit ; an aster-

tioB. Skarjuh, Also, a person who

is B0t only oontentioos, but per-

tiaadou in managing an argu-


-U:cHKS, «. ^ The ends of joists.

AuDK. See Arride.

A&iEBjiBAX, a. {A.^N.) A general

KnaaHnw from the king to all

bH Tassala to appear in arms.


iuKTATBt V. (I4i/.) To bott like a


iJusTATioK, a. Botting.

it:sTE,a. Aries, one of the aigna

latbe zodiac.

.luGBT. Apparently the prei. of

creeie, and used in the sense of

readied, effected, did, or per«


k\i?%^ s. A kind of bird.

At ^ifid mripa. briddes of Archadie.

MS. Dighy, 330.

Aas^is-GK, #. (A.'S.) Resurrection.

l-l Y-iere me the H0I7 6o«t» holr

tltsdx «ena^Iiche, mranesse of hal-

*rii. kratene of sennes. of vlesse aric-

<•/', aad lyf evrdntiikle,


"Ui^T, yd pen, #. of the jvrev. and

/rw/. of aris«.

Yy^a hi wode hem make bfitke,

U eitncb tend «m/ sone.

Jrikaur ttmd Merlim, p. 274^

^ v^e vaflte upon a dare,

i^ tbat vm er the sonDe orjr^/.

Cmw^^ Omf: Jm^ ed. 1333. f. 7a

AusTK, a. (^.-&) An arising.

ki* ifq>e advB ant aprnptcst helle;

^K« ast tfatn mristg enddett thine

'^^ecnc; aat aUbeabarea Uie ateorren.

MS. Beg., 17 A xxtu. f. 67.

^ ap anrie do me stepen upward

^ beat aad bob thravea.

JTSL C<»«., JV#f», A xir.

^aivnppuft, a. A sort of wine.

0 ^srafeyvi of &t eauarf,

2 '9 ilriti^^at«, aparitliog: sherry !

vme aectsr Hae ntMU Jane's dairy;

OtbesB tosaiits would mnke ns nernr !

MiddUttm'M Jfarkt, ii, 4SS.

AaiaroLocH, t. ((^r.) The plaac

called Round Hartwort.

A&iTHMANciB, a. ((7r.) Dirination

by numbers.

A&iTAOB, a. (^.-iV.) The ahore;

landing place.

And pririlie toke mriMge

Into the coutiirie of Cartha<e.

CUmetr, House o/Ame, I 223.

AKiVAiLB,a. (^.-A'.) ArriYal.

AaK,a.(l) (A.S.) A chest. In the

northern counties, the large

chests in farro-houset used for

keeping meat or flour are still

so called.

Soth was, that he wolden him bjnde;

And traase ai that be mithen fynOe

Of hi»e, ill arte, or m kisip.

That he OMmth in sccken thriste.

Hagrlok, L 2018.

Quen this rem to the kniht waa lald.

He did it in an are to ha Id,

And opened this arc the Ihrid day.

And fand tharin aeiconthe to aiiye.

MS. CoU. Med. Edinh^

(2) Clouds running into two

points, thns (); more usually

termed Noah's ark.

(3) a. An arch.

Arlsb, a. Money paid to bind a

bargain; earnest-money, loarle

a bargain, to close it. See Airltt.

Arlichb, adv. Early.

Arliko, a. A bird which appears

early in the spring.

An arling, a byrde that app^areth not

in wmter, a clotbyrde, atnintch, e^erulm.

Bar€t*s AUearie, 15hU.

Abloup, a. The orlop, or middle

deck of a ship.

Arly, adv. (A.'S,) Early. Eati.

And no{;ht over arfy to mete at gang,

Me for to sit tharat over laag.

MS. CoU., Oal6a,% ix, f. 6&.

Arm, a. (1) Harm.

So fnlle on the. aire emperonr,

Swich arai, and icbaDie, and desonour.

S<vyn Sagf9, 852.

(2) 9. To lard (in cookery). In

Warner's Antiq. CuUn,^ p. 26,

we have a receipt in which it is

directed that ** cranes and herons





shal be armed with lardes ol


(3) V. To take up in the arms.

Akm, adj. {j4,.S.) Wretched. In

writings of an early date.

Arm AN, «. {Fr. amumdJ) A pre-

paration given to horses to create

an appetite. Diet. Rutt.

Armbd, adj. Having arms.

— As a heated lion, so he looks;

His hair haogt k>nf behind him, black and


Like ravens' wings; his shonldcrs broad

and strong }

Jrm'd long and ronnd ; and on his thigh a


Hanv by a curious baldrick.


Armental, \ a4;. {Lat-) Relat-

ABMBHTINB, Uog tO E hcrd o£


Armbntosb, adf. {Lat,) Abound-

ing in cattle.

Armbsin-taffbta, t. A sort of

Uflfata. HaweU,

Armbt, t. A helmet. *' Armet, a

heed pese of haraesse." Paia-

grave,{, 18.

Arm-oaunT| adj. Lean ; thin. As

thin as an arm.

— So he nodded.

And soberly did mount an arm-aauiU steed.

Who ncigh'd so high that what 1 would

have spoke

Was beaailjf domb'd by him. . _ . ,

ShakcMp^ Ani. tmd CI, i. 6.

Arm-grbt, a<f;. As thick as a man's


A wrethe of gold 9rm-gret, and huge of


Upon his heed set fol of stones bright

Ckamecr, Cant. K, 2M7.

Armin, «. A beggar ; formed from

the Dutch arm, poor, to suit an

assumed Dutch character.

0 hear, God 1— so young an armin f

M. Flow. Armin, sweet lieart^ I know not

what you menn

By that, but 1 am almost a beggar.

' LoixUm Pnd., 8«pp. Sh., li, 519.

Armtn, 9. Ermine.

Armxllb, t. {Lat. armiOa.) A

bracelet; also, a necklace.

After they had dronke he gave her two

ryngea to haogt ou her eena veyeage

ij. Bycle8,and as many«n«yUc»w(!yea?e

X. sycles. Goldtu Legend, (, h*.

The king thus-gird with his swerd, and

standing, shall lake armifU of tlic 0*r-

diuall, saying thise wurds, aeeipe armil'

Uany end it is to wet« that amytf la

' \ in maner of a stole wovyn with

Sid and set with stones, to be puti by

B Cardinall abonte the kinges neckr.

JEtMtUmd Pspen, p. lH.

AsMiNe, a. (1) A coat of arms.

(2) A net hung about a ship's

hull in battle, to protect the men

from an enemy.

Armino-oirdlb, #.' A kind of

sword girdle. Fiario, in y. SeUduf,

mentions an arminy-wddie.

Arming-points, t. Short ends of

strong twine, with points like

laces, fixed under the aniipiu

and bendings of the arms and

knees, to fasten the gussets of

mail which protected those

parts of the body.

Armino-bword, t. A two-handed


And weening to have play'd a yonng

man's par^

Gins to his arming-nowd with trrm-

bttng Imnd. Pm^< tkrewelK 1 ^b9L

Armipotbnt, a^\ {Lot,) Mighty

in arms.

Armitb, *. (^.-iV:) (1) ' A sort of


On the iiiji oorners of the waggo* wcra

iig. hed pcoes called armiUs^ every pece

beyng of a aondery device.

Hall, Hatrj mi, 1 70.

(2) A hermit.

The nrmyte seyd. So mote tboa go.

Hast thou any othyr heraud than ao

Onto my lord tlia Icyny?

HeLeUhtm/e Met. Talet, p. aOli.

Abmivbstai., a4j. Warlike.

By his antufeeetat oontenaoBM he waU

have caused ua to havo fled.

Armlbt,!. a bracelet. Armtdett,

armleta. Herbert^* Travels, 1638.

Armonical, a^. Harmonious.

And in May whan the treea apiyngeth

and bring forthe theyr odifenuinte

floures. and thai the birdes bring their

«rjiMmMiii/ tuuea on the smal grcne

twigea. Heijfae^ p. IS.




^Mo?nr, I. Harmooy. LyigaU.

AH a eoiTaptioB of the name of

& ctKiQtnr, Annenii.

An trmn%9 erUcb«

Thcnpooor arm silcerl^rhe.

Gy of Warwicke, p. 117.


0* www w than eme we.

A., p. 184.

A«»PU,*C^..M) Annoar.

^s,j; Subbing or daggering of

■VL Toong men freqcently

HKtared Ibcir arms with dag-

pn, toshow their devout attacb-

Boit to their miatreaaes, and

BiagiiBg the Uood with wine,

dunk it off to their healths,

^is explaias a paaiage in the

IJUny 10 Bfereanr, mi the end of

<WAiiV£«Mb^ "Prom Mtab-


*&il!^ tad aU Hwb swaggering

J»«awwii, good Mercury de-

SR«lBMbccadnm1t to yfmrbealtb,

»«ji»«« iap-drwou, «t p)MMes.

b>is^aiBe,«<aM'i ar«#, and done all

^^M rt protnted galiantnr for your

"^ ? Mtntom't Dutch Courtezan.

Hew Bay nOaoU have drank beaKba


'^ "* Tfcrir ijiiunr V lat *


**"•»«,*, Afnumr.

^^ Utt«rwfyf which Bade B^n


hdgut^t Ximar Poeau, p. 260.

^•WMtr, «. The wrist. Contir.

Afttjrw-f./»tof Ae. Arc

iifiwkes it h seene that dyrert tbnr

*x.t^ vtucii fonceoe not tbe ciiiuia


Mmn^s Urmgmmi, p. S88.

y*3f*«»» this layea mn^e J-'^'yt^

*** hfcwda aad tetbe T-getc

Sr Orpkeo, 13.

^*»»(l)Toeam. 5»nytA.

J5».(^..A) Tomn; to flow.

*-«H ot rf Gknccater, lUao in hya side

•*^aai kaa bex aiid thcT, aud aiow

*'»*ie ujit JW. ff/ffwr.. p. 140.

K«w list frete tabcNir betrnf ,

Blaveyng of pypea. and ek trampyuf,

Stcdet lepyag, and ek armng.

Kfttf JiisMuuJar, SilCi.

(2)t. (^..5.) An eagle.

(3) For e'er a one. H'ett.

Arnalms, a. {Medietai Lai, tamaU

dia.) A kind of disease, men-

tioned in the early ehnmicles.

ARNAKT-CHKKaB, J. Ordinary

eheese made of skimmed milk.


Aknd, 1 a. (A,'S.) An errand ;

ABNRDK, J a message.

Arndbrm, a. Tbe evening. See


Wliea the nd arudem sbattin^ la the

light. Draytw*9 Owl, cd. 1746. p. 410.

Aknbibd, part, p, BroktB with

nmning ?

Tb« hora was noofbt i.paied wel,

lie arnede away with the kinr.

TboarfFk fdda aod wode HMbtrataa


And in a mnre don him nut,

Almnt he hadde deied in buit

At er hii wonna the stede

Bopea IB tbe eontr^ thai leide^

▲e never tithe, withoate fable,

Ke com the atcde oat of the stable,

8o aore be waa mnmed that tide,

Sitbtba donrta no nan on him rids.

B«vi» o/MumUnM, p. 70.

Abnbmbwt, a. (^.-A^) Ink.

ABNRitoRWB, odp. fiariy noraiag.

Sea iifnionae.

Arnbotb, a. Bameat money.

Prontpt. Porv,

Arnbts, t. Harness; armour.

Arks. Tbe form of ar/let, or earnest

money, prevalent in Lancashire.

Aritt. (1) A eontraction of have

not ; am not. For. (ttoL

(2) a. An errand. Lane,

Arnut, a. The earth-nut, or pig-

nut. North.

Aroint, inierf. A word of expni-

sion, or avoiding. It occurs in

Shakespeare, and has been the

anbject of much discussion.

Aromatb, 1 ^ ^^. ^



a. (lof.


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The tot her to mirre, the thridde to floor,

Tlie fertile like to aromate.

Cursor Mundi.

Also he that in renadng lyac,

Ertyr he be amoncjit thrvse,

Hr aromes beres fro that lie

Tlirvse of hys bysschope anionest be.

' Hampole, MS. Botoet, B.7, p. 10.

A RON, 8. Starch wort.

Arost, adv. Roasted.

Thenne mot ych habbe hennen arost.

Political Songs, p. 161.

Aroumk, } adv. {AS.) At a dis-

AROOM, ) tance ; apart from.

The p:eaunt aroume he stode,

His bond he tint, y-wis;

He fleighe as he were wode,

Ther that the castel is.

Sir Trislrem, F. Ill, tt vi.

Tho Alisaunder syi;li this,

Jroum anon he droH*. y-wis.

A'. JHsaunaer, 1. 1637.

Aroun, adv. Around. Still used

in the North.

Aroutb. (1) To go; to move


In all that lond no Christin dnrst aroitt.

Urry's Chaucer, p. 63.

(2) An assembly. Gower.

Arove, (1) adv. Rambling about;

on the rove. Craven.

(3) pret. of arive. Arrived.

In Thamis arote, wher lie had ful sharpe

shores. Hardyng's Chron., f. 36.

Arow, ^ adv. In a row, suc-

Arowe, > cessively. See Arew,

Tliis day and yesterday I told artnee,

Tiiut six and thirty tliey had y-sloMe.

Richard Centr de L., 1. 1787.

Mv master and his man are both broke


Beaten the maids arow, and hound Ihe

doctor. Shakesp. Com. of E., v, 1.

Tliabot present him a schip

Ther that muni studi* aroMwe.

Legend of Pope Greg., p. 31.

Arowze, v. {Fr. arroser.) To be-

dew; to water anything.

The blissful dew of heaven docs aroicze you.

Beaum. and PI., Turo Nob. A'intm., v, 4.

Arpent, f. (Fr.) An acre. ** Halfe

an arpent, that is, nine hundreth

foote of ground." Holly band' 9

Dictionaries 1593.

Arpets, t. A sort of resin, corr

posed of tallow and tar. Arc/uet

logia, XXX, 404.

Arpies, 8, Harpies ; furies.

Arpine, *. (Fr.) An acre.

If he be master

Of poor ten orpines of land forty hon

longer. Webster's Work's, ii, 5

Arpit, adj. Quick; ready; pn

cocious in learning. ShropsA.

Arr, (1) #. A mark or seam, mac

bv a flesh-wound ; a pock or &ca


(2) V. To incite; to egg on ;

quarrel. Northampt.

Arr A, 1(1) /iron. Either. Nori

arr, ] ampt.

(2) adv. Ever. Northamp

Arra-one, or arrun, either on

ever a one.

Arrablb, adj. Horrible.

Arrabys, 8. Arabian horses.

Elfaydes and arrabys,

Aud'olyfauntez noble.

Morte Artku

Arracirs, t. (A.-N.) A term a

plied to the smaller animals

the chase, which were skinnc

similarly to the process nc

used for hares and rabbits,

opposition to flayed.

Arrage, (1) *. (A.'N. araffe.) Vi

sal service in ploughing the Ion


(2) V. (A.-N. arragerJ) To

about furiously.

Arraiiind, adv. Around. Staj

Arraign, 9. To arrange. Websi

Arrals,». Pimples; pocks. Cur

Arrand, "I


Arrant, (l)pflr/, a. (i^.-A^.) ]

rant; wandering.

(2) adj. Notorious ; as an arn


Arras, *. A kind of powder, st

posed to be made of the rot.»i

the orris. It is mentioned a

material used in brewing-, a

also as a powder for spriukli

the hair.

An errand.

d by Google




ABKAveBTy pret. of arreaeh.

Reached; seized by Tiolcnce.

AsjLAUGBTS, 9, (from fr. or-

rmeher.) To snatch.

lEKATC, ». (1) (-^.-M orrayer.)

To prepare ; to arrange-

Fe» vbMO will make s fe«te toony of

i.5« frrjukv. there ben certeyn inna in

evrrrgodetoane. and helbatjiil muLo

i> f»te, wil aeye to the hwtellcTe,

crraifir for Be to monre a pod* dyner.

f^fnonoYfolk. MMmmd€9ti^* TmeU,

tL 1S39, p. 3l4w

(2) To dirty; to cicfUe; to bc-

Tir. Paiagrave. Also, to ipot

aiVthiog. /*. See Araye.

AuiwiG, a. An earwig. Norths

XKiAviGeLK, #. An earwig. Suff,

•Uiurcaa,a. Officers who had the

ewe of the soldiers' snnoor.

.12*1, 9. To snarl. _ , . ,

AMSAa. «ftr. C^-iV:) Behind.

T,i«e with .peoi AU-^^,^-^

3« ever did

ber ere sisht toni artre.

Hucaa* 1 r. To reach. See

i^asACH, J Areeh^*

c.tr«itd them. «»«* **• *«?*". ■^;

^ASTui tSekingea m»je.t6 oato of

iW toeithera fwh »> te we hjre

T«.ini.drinied. aad conaMlered, as litfre

■ ear noorc wyttea can ^rrtcht.

imcT, a. (I^/-) (1) To impute,

rioiore he BTT^eUth no bbune of theyr

li^^ aato tbeBB' _ . mm

^Th^mm9 Mor^9 W0ri0», p. 271.

'2) To refer.

^rT<>efaifi# nato your wrae ezaminaeioii

H^ dthat I do w anarr «|J2™*I2S-

St^icm * WorkSt i, o7o.

^3) To direct. **l arecte, I

adrme a thyng in the ryght

^^^^ jmdrttae ; Be nat afrayde

if thoo be oat of the waye thoa

ihalte be arreeted, fftdeM poynt

iitfmmr « /« e9 kara du ehemyn

tuMemadreaae'r Pabyrave.

(4) To exect or set ap anything.

AaaiDT, V. To make readr.

Aaaaisa, 1 v. To raue. See

Aanrta, j Araite.

Aaaaa, adv. Rather. Northampt,

AaasaB, 1 v. {A.^S.) To rear; to

AaasAa, J raite. See Arert.

And out of Sarrye. and oat of Tarkye,

and out of other rr»ntrrft that he hull,

he ouiy «rrfr« mo than 60.00IJ.

MmundetiU's Trafth, p. S8.

And in the veat parte of the taide walla

hearrered a fay re and itronce pte. and

ooRimanded tt to be called Ludd>« GHte,

whiche at thia day ia rleped LuUiireaie.

FabiM's Ckromicl4.t.3'2,

AaRBSB, adj. Strange ; wonderfuL


ARRBaB-s UPPER, t. (/V.) A rere-

supper ; a collation terved up in

the bed.room, after the firat


Arrbbond. Reasoned with. See


Of the enitomct of Saraainef . and of

hire lawe ; and how the Soudan vrttond

me, aucumr of tliis book.

Maumdevile'i Tmdi, p. 131.

Arret, V. (Fr. arreier.) To de-

cree, or appoint. Spen$er.

Arretted. " Is he," says Cowell,

**that is covenanted before a

judge, and charged with a crime.''

See his Interpreter^ fol., Ix>nd.,

1658. It is translated by •'ad

rectum Tocatus," in Rider*$ Die^

iUmariet 1640.

Arridb, v. {Lai. arrideo.) To

please ; to amuse.

Tore heaT'na hia hamonrcrnierme ex-


Egerp 3U»imt<^kis Humour, ii, 1.

Her form anawera my affection, it

urrida me ezceedinrly.

Tkt Jutiguury, 0. P., z, S2.

Tliia ia a good, pretty, apiah, dorible

fellow; really he might have made a

very pretty barber surgeon, if he had

been pat out in time ; but it arridu me

cztieamly to think how he will be bob'd.

SkadweU, The Humorut$, 1771.

Arridoe, s. The edge of anything

that is liable to hurt or cause an

arr. North.





ARriER£, 8. (Fr.) The hinder

part ; the rear.

ARai8HB8,t. The Devonshire term

for stubble or eddish.

Arrivancb, f. {A.'N.) (1) The

arrival of company.

For every minate is dpecUncy

Of more arritanee. OtheiU)^ ii, 1.

(2) Ori^nal abode of a family.

•*I say, mate, which parish do

you belong to ?" *• I can't justly

say, but fother's arrivance was

fram Sbeperd's-well." (Sibberts-

wold.) Kent,

Arrivk, t. Arrival.

Whoae forests, hills, and floods, then long

for htT arrive

From Lancashire.

Drayt., Pdyolb., Song, 28.

Tliese novice lovers at their Ant arrivt

Are bashfull both.

a^he»Ut*i Du Bmrttu, 212.

So small a number can no wnrre pretend,

Therefore their stiauge arrive they neede

not feare.

As fSrre as doth their hemisphere extbnd,

Thry view the sea, hut see no shipping

neare. Great Britaine's Troy, 1609.

The verb arrive is sometimes

used in an active form, without

the preposition.

Bnt ere we could arrive the point propos'd,

Csesar cried, Help me, Csssius, or L sink.

Ukakesp. Jul. €., i, 2.

Milton has adopted this form :

Ere he arrive

The happy isle. JPar. Lost, ii.

Arrgdr, v. (Lat.) To gnaw.

Arrooation, t. (Lat.) Arrogance.


Arronlt, adv. Exceedingly. Lane.

Arrosk, v. (Fr. arro9er.) To wet ;

to bedew.

— your day is lengthen'd, and

The blissiul dew of heaven does atrose yon.

Beaum. ami Ft.

His navye greate, with many soudyoiires,

To sayle aiionc into this Bntavn made,

in Thamia orrtwe, wher he had fui sharpe


Mardyng'i Chroa., ed. EUu, p. 76.

Arrow, a4f. (A..S.) Fearful. Ri-

der. See Argh,

Arrow- HBAOBRs, «. Manufactar-

ers of arrow-heads.

Lantemers, stryngers. grysdcrs,

Jrowe-keden, nrntemen, and oorn«-


Coch Lorelks Bote, p. 10.

Arrt, ad/. Any. Somer»et.

Arryn^, v. To seize. Coventry

Mysteriet, p. 316.

Ars, 8. {A.'N.) Art ; science.

Oregorii conthe not wel his pars,

And wele md and songc in laire^

And understode wele his ars.

Legend qfPope Gregory, p. 5K.

The seven arts, or sciences, of

tlie schools were Arithmetic,

Geometry, Music, Astn>noiny,

Grammar, Rhetoric, and Logic;

and these were the arts, par ex-

eettenee, understood in tike aca-

demical degrees, and in ancient

scholastic education. A '* roaster

of arts" meant a proficient in

these s<Sven arts. They are enu-

merated in the following lines :

Tlirojh hye grace of Crist yn lievcn.

He comiiieused yn the syens avren ;

Gramattca ys the furtte syens y-wysse,

Diuleiica the secunde so hare y blyssc;

RrtJiorica the thrydde, wiihonle nay,

Mnsica ys the fowrtbc, as y 50W sny«

Astromia ys the v. by my snowte,

Arsmetica the vi. wiiiioute dowte,

Genietria the scventhe maketh an cnde;

For he vs bolhc mcke and hende.

MS. Bib. Beg., 17 A I, foL 23.

Arsard, 1 adj. Unwilling ; per-

AHfiBT, j verse. Var. dial

Arsbawst, t. A fall on the back.


Arsboord, 8. The hinder board of

a cart. Staff.


assadbk, m. a kind of oma-

assady, > mental tinsel. See


0R80EN, ^

Are yon puffed up wHh the pride of

your warea ?— your arudiue ?

Bartk. r\ur, ii, 3.

A London vintner's signe, thick jagicrd

aad rottttd fringed, with theMniiug

eweadine. Natk's Lenton Sii^.

Arskfootb. a small water-lbwl;





girea m the trantktioii of"' mer-

giiJiis*'iD Higtns's JmUm, ed.

1585, p. 60.

AMCLnrG-pOLK, «. The pole with

vbicfa baken spread the hot

embers to all pom of the oven.


AftnuvB, oAr. Badnrards. N&ff.

Akse^ick, #. The water-pepper.

"■ Waier-pepper, or m-wemcke :

»ne call it kilUridge, or cale-

ncc" Nomatelaiw, 1565.

Arscpush, «. A Ml OB the hack.

A2$KSMAaT, «. The persicaria, or

^ater-pepper, called in old

Prnidi cfdr^e. See Arttnick,

ARscraasE, s. "A pretended

apeti, written upon the door of

la boose to keep it from hum-

in?." Blount's GloMiographia, ed.


AisiWA&B,«db. Backward. Cmmb.

AagEwispE, ». Rider gives this

«ord as the translation of anUer-

Aaslk, v. To mo?e backwards ; to

%et. Beai.

AisMiraiK, «. Arithmetie.

^ vmeiiyh, be CMtyng of nombnxy,

Cam PykteiEons for her part£.

LgdgmU** Mimor PoemM, p. 11.

Attoanraa, oAr. However. Letc.

Amouw, 1 1. (^.. N-) The bow of

ABSO.V, la saddle; each saddle

Auus, J having two araouns, one

in hoot, the other behind.

iB ax he kente of metall bnmu

IBiMlKBS on kja fonacst crsoim.

Or^dRM, 1. 1106.


'ft* fang tt favS OTRMM.

Xf^mtu 2>iM»mM» I. IS9S.

He bnf hit heorte and kia ponioo,

Aad tfazcflw him over •rtun.

K. JUmtimder, L 4B7S.

^ UaateM cave him CHch a bnffet,

that the «rw. of b» niddie lirokfi,«ad

■0 be lev orer bb hoTM's UiL

JUMy, ^. 1^ K. Jrikur, v. i, p. 190.

&' liuotlot pmed Ikronfch them, aad

tittJy Itt tariKd him in a^in, and

mat iBstiia- kai^t tkrangtoDt the

body, aad throogh the bone's anm

more than an ell. /!., p. 870.

In the following eiample it seems

to be Hsed for the saddle itself:

He seboT him qnvcly adena.

And leop himaeolr in the artotm. ,

Aest. ndt. {A.-S. <treit.) Tirst ; erst.

And pride in richrw e r^i^neth

Rather than in pm-erte :

Jnt in tlie maiete r thnn ia the man

Bom maneion be bareth.

Pi*r»PI^p. 887.

AasTABLs,#. An astrolabe.

Hia cr«toM0 be lok oot wme.

Theo cofura he tok of aoane and mone,

Theo conra of the planetii aeren,

He lelda alao andar bcren.

C JUtammitr, ^SfJ.

Arston. a. A hearthstone.


Arst-vbrst, adt. Upside down ;

preposterously. BrmyUm*

Art, ( I ) t. A quarter ; a point of

the compass. iVor/A.

(2) Sight. Exmoor.

Abtb, 1 ». {Lat. mreio.) To con-

ARCT, J strain ; compel; urge.

And ore all thU. ftil mokil more hr thonght

What fortoipeke, andwhattohotden inne.

And what to mrtiu her to love he aought.

Ckaueer, Tr. and Cret., LVry, p 27».

Love artid rae to do my obaervaunce

To bia eaUte, and done bim uhcisHunee.

Court of Lne, I'nj, p. 660.

WherthnijEb, they be artifd by neces-

aity so to wateh, Inbour, and grub in the

j^rounde for their ansteiiaunce. tliat their

nature ia mwch waaiid, and the kynd of

them hronght to nowglit.

Fortttme m JhwUte Moiutrehy, p. 2S.

Artbck. Eighteen. Bvtnaor.

Art*maoe,«. The art of magic.

And ihToogh the cnfte of artemagt.

Of weae he forged an ymage. , ^ ^^^


Artee, prep. After. Var. dial

Artkttkbs, *. {Gr.) A disease

affecting the joioU; a sort of


Arth-staff, t. A poker used by

blacksmiths. Skropsh,

Artjiua, a. A game at sea, de-

scribed in Croae.

d by Google




A&THV&-A-BKADLET. A Teij po-

pular old song, frequently re-

ferred to. Three songs are still

preserved relating to this hero.

One of them is published in Rit-

son's edition of Robin Hood, and

another may be seen in Dixon's

Ancient Poenu, p. 161.

Arthur's-show. An exhibition of

archery by a toxophilite society

in London, of which an account

was published in 1583, by Richard

Robinson. The associates were

fifty-eight in number, and had

assumed the arms and names of

the Knights of the Round Table.

ARTICX.B, t. (I) Comprehension.


(2) A poor creature; a wretched


Articulate, v. (Lai.) To exhibit

in articles.

Artier, t. (Fr.) An artery.

Artificial, adj. Ingenious ; art-

ful ; skilful in art.

Artillery, t. This word was for-

merly applied to all kinds of

missile weapons.

Artnoon, t. Afternoon. Etstx.

Art-of-memory, 9. An old game

at cards. Compleat Gameater, ed.

1709, p. 101.

Artow, v. Art thou ; a common

contraction of the verb and pro-

noun in MSS. of the 14th cent.,

and still preserved in the dialects

of the North of England.

Artry, It. Apparently a con-

ATTRY, J traction of flr/i/fery. See

NieJiok'aRoy. frtto,pp.284,288.

Artdate, v. {Lat.) To tear mem-

ber from member.

Arum, 9. An arm.

And he ham on tliora his arwn,

Therof is fal mikel harum.

BtuOok, 1992.

Arundb, f. An errand. Perhaps

it should be printed amnde,

Aruwb, t. An arrow.

Ac an mnwe oway he bare

In his eld wounde.

Sir Triitrewi, p. S04.

Aryal, #. A fnneral. Nortk, Arvai.

aupper is a funeral feast given to

the friends of the deceased, at

which a particular kind of coarse

cake, composed of flour, water,

yeast, currants, and some kind of

spice, called arval-bread, is some-

times distributed among the poor.

Arvyst-gos, 9. A stubble goose.

A Tone wyf and an wj/st-f/oi,

liocne gagil with botlie.

Rtiiq. Jntiq., ii,113.

Arwe, pbiral onewM, arewen, as

well as arewe9, orwet, «. {A.-SJ)

An arrow.

Myd an»e», and mrd qnareles so nracbe

folk first me alow.

Bob. o/Gloue^ p. 48.

Of solde he sent hym a coroane^

And a swithe fair faukoune,

Tweye bt^le hornea. and a bowe also.

And fy?e arewen ek therto.

Arwe, (1) v. (J.^S. eargioL) To

render timid.

(2) a4f. Timid; fearful. See


Thou saist soth, hardy and bard.

And thou art as arwe coward !

He is t)ie turste in echo baiaile ;

Tbou art byhynde ay at the lalle.

K, Aluaundtr, S340.

Arweblast, t. A crossbow or ar-


The galeye wente alsoo faste

As quarrel dos off the mwebUut,

Biehturd Cetur de JAo», 2624.

Arwe-man, «. A bowman. (?)

He calde bothe orvMnat and kene,

Knithes and serganx swithe sleie

ITowfeit, 311S.

Arwyooyl, t. An earwig. PrompL

Parv. See arrawiggU,

A&yne, pre9t, LpL Are. A pro-

vincial pronunciation of am,

For alle the sorowe that we ayue innc.

It ea like dele for onre syne.

Aryoles. (Lat. kariolus,) Sooih*

sayers; diviners.

d by Google




.juHteaiictSr. or iher g<Ml Flioo-

j ^^tder, 3748, ^^

Vn^#. Arras. '' Uj. Pf*^ ?^

^ That; which ; wbo. J^^^U^'^s

-He-fcomes/'for he who comes,

la Lek»te«h- they say « ^^^ ^'

tor. as yet. ^ ,

A-CAo^Air. Sad; sorrowriU-

AsAiLB, r. To sail. _.«.?l - to

ai^^aaWT ThoT^i e^e ^he« torn

A..«riaD.#. Liter»ny. ash^* ^.

a box in which ashes arc c»»

«bom Beria of »*™P\^e old

9«d, according *^^^*^e aecn

51 the aty »st« ?f^^"^,^ - full

ttewaa said to «jave "^ - ^g

^'^ 's:rJ ST. we.*^i.d

fc«e, mder his arm 1 ^^ " ,

faded to hr Shakespeare^i^ywn,

Sdather'BUxabethais writers,

p. To escai^e.

Aaci^ a. A peiaoa who asks.

Broken Uke an t^^



ad0. C^-^SO O) Ob.

Uqoely; aslant.

.^ S«ae bad ptooplied the for-

(2) As if.

And vroot the dudm alwar, ■• )ic ttood.

Of aUe folk that gaf hem euv f(o<Mi,

^<tf«««M«« that he wolde for ficm prrjr.

Ckauctr, Cani. T., 7325.

(3) Searcely.

jMknuu the mav nat to the lettrci aej nnj.

JLjfOfAt^M Minor Fi,enu,'p. So.

AscAUNT,^«p. Across.

There is a wiUoir frowB tueatnt the hrook

That ihrwi his hoar ltn\ es in the glativ

streaui. EnmUl, \v, 7. {early 41m'.}

Ascend Airr, t. A term in judicial

astrology, denoting that degree

of the ecliptic, which is rising in

the eastern part of the horizon at

the time of any person's birth :

supposed to have the greatest

influence over his fortune. Com-

monly used metaphorically for

influence in general, or effect.

lis well that senraat's gone; I shall the


Wind up his master to my purposes ; —

A good tuoendant. 0. FLt vii, 137.

AacsNT, ff. See Jueni,

AscH-CAKB, ff. A cake baked under


AscHE, V. To ask. This form oc-

curs chiefly in MSS. of the I4th

cent. The word had soft formi

in A,.S., ahnan. See A$i,

AacHBs, ff. Ashes. See An.

ASCHBWILE, V. (A.-S. ofcaUoHf to

send away). To drive away.

An hwanne heo habeth me ofslahe,

Heo honyeth me on hcore balic ;

Thar ich asekaeele pie and crave

From than the thar is i-sove.

HuU ttnd Nfgktingak, 1. 1601

AacHONNB, V, To shun ; to avoid.

They my5te not uaekoimt the sorowe the)

had served.

JkpoiitUm qfRUkard TJ, p. 14

AscHOSB, adu, (i^.-SL an eyrre,]


A moneth after mon myghtte horn a food

Lyand styU on the grownd,

Thei mvght nouer ryde ne goo.

Ever after the dogges wer so starke,

lliei stode uekore when thei schuld harke

Her feytt thei drew hom soo.

SwUtyng of tht Hart, L 25€

d by Google




A9CHRENCUE, V. (AS oscrencaii.)

To shrink ; to make to shrink.

That deth that hi naitondeth nonji^

Ac ech othren M^rmeheth.

WilUam dt Shoreham.

AsciLL, *. Vinegar. Chester Plays,

ii, 75. See AiseL

AsciTB, 9. To summon; to call.

AscLANDBRD, part. p. Slandered.

AscoN, 0. To ask. Jtob, Glove,

^f™^'!-*- Acres.; Mtride.





Nif he'd a pumple-root hezide

An a braniBtick vor'n to zit asenie^

O' wizards a mid be thawt tUa pnde,

Aniangst a kit o' twenty.

Jeaningi Observations, 1825, p. 118.

AsCRY, V, (A.'N. eserier.) (1.) To

cry ; to proclaim.

(2) To assail with a shout

(3) To betray.

(4) To descry, to discover. Pals-


AscRYVE, 9. To ascribe; to impute.

AsE, (1) ». Ashes. North.

(2) eonj. As.

AsBLB, V. {A.-S.) To seal.

Tliat brouKht hym lettre« apeciele,

Aaeljfd witii the barouna aele.

Thai toldeii hym, hya bruthir Jbon

Wolde do corowue hym anon.

Bichard Ceatr de L. 1. 6472.

AsELY, V. (A.-N.) To assoil, give


The Englysse al the ayjt byrore vaste

bygon to aynee.

And aoende al tiie nyjt in glotanye and in


Tiic riitrmans ne dade nojtso, ac hii cryede

on God vaste,

Aitd laryre hem eeh after oUter, the mile

tlie nyjt y-laste»

And amorwe hem lete asely wyth myhle

herte ynoa. £0^. Glouc, p. sdO.

AiEs^t port. p. Seen.

AsBRB, 9. (A.'S. asearian.) To be-

come dry.

Nou ben hise boiree awai i'Sschore;,

And mochel orhiae beauts forlorr —

Tliarfore that olde tre lea his pride.

And ai0fwfbi that o aide.

Setyn Sages, L 606.

Asehvk, 9. (1) To desert.

(2) To serve.

AsEssB, 9. To cause to cease ;


Bnt he bethoughte hym, aftyr tbenae

Tliat he wolde leva ther al hys menae

And, with bis pryvy meyn6.

Into Yngclond tneitnc wolde be.

And asesse the werre anon

Betwyxc hym and hys brother Jhon.

Richard Caur del., I. 63

AsETH, s. Satisfaction for an inju

We may not be assoyled of tho trespat

Bot if we make aselk in that at we im

MS Earl., 1022. f. Ci

AsETNEs, ff. {A.'S. asetnys.) A


This ilke abbot at RamBai

Metnes set in his abbai,

Thttt in this Ber%'i8 for to stand

Ai quiiii that al>bai be laataucL

MS. Med,, cited in Bouc

Aliaaundre wente ageyn

Quyk atiwetA him ai Hie men.

r. AlisawuUr, U 2

AsEW, adv. Applied to a cow w]

drained of her milk, at the e

son of calving. Somerset.

AsEWRE, adj. Aznre.

AsEWRYD, part. p. Assured.

AssrsT, part. p. (A.'S.) Lost.

Al here atyl and treaonr was al-ao am

Bob. Glou<r., p

Ab-fast, adv. Anon ; immediat

AsGAL, s. A newt. Shrqpsh.

Ash. (1) Stubble. South. «

tressel, asehe of corn." ^c

de Bihblesworth.

(2) To ask. Lane. See //«*.

Ash-bin, s. A receptacle for ai

and other dirt. Une.

AsH-CANDLBs, s. The aeed po

the ash-tree. Dorset.

Afhblt, adv. Probably ; perb

Lane. It is usually pronoui

as two words.

Ashen, s. Ashes. North.

AsHBRLAND, s. "Assarts, or "wi

land grub'd and plougtied


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AsHiBo. fm1.pL Maiie white* at

with wood ashes.

OU Viatrr. dad ia kicli fmres, iStoven of

>;7!eanof m liis eres. who stQl doth poe

i« » me gowae, mAm^ with flakes of snow.

Stpeood^t M^fiagt Triumpke, 1613.

AsHiiH, Aft*. SidewaTS. Somenet.

AsH.KETs, ». The fruit of the ash.

The failare of a crop of ash-keys

is bdicTed in some parts to por-

tend a death in the royal family.

Sm touakea^ck-tet-kedgt. Then the

torict of the white or liaw-thorae,

anom. uik-kefa mixed tofsether, mnil

tkse vroQgfator vouudap in a rope of

Kn*. will serre, bat that tbej wil be

woFToat loncer in growinf^.

Aflfdn'a Smrweyor^s Dtmiogue, USIO.

As^ELMtl'- He*"" or squared

achilbeT J **^"*' foi" building.

AsHLAR-WALi., a. A Wall, the stones

of which are hewn in regular

eoorse and sise. ** An a$hier wail,

frKMtose hewed with a mason's

tx into smoothness, q. axtter."

Tktr99k^9 Utter to Ra^, 1703.

^A flight of arrows, that harmed

an nkiar-toail aa little as many

bOsteacs." The Abbot,

^iaaui,gdj.(ji.^) Aside. fiPca/.

It is Qsed in the sense of mjar,

sp|>lied to a door. See Atohore.

A$B.pAy,iL A pan fitted to the

onder part of the gnrte, to receive

the asbcs fram the Hre. Xtnc.

^B.Tai7e,a. Aooal^acuttle. North,

AsHUHCHE, V. To repent?

M^ sbappie; ae mey hit mc askmuk*,

5«i y aever wyeche ne wy.e ;

lea an a naide, thai me of-thsache,

l«ef aw wwe fome bunte g7le.

Z^WcPotf^ry.p. S8.

AsiDKx, aJa. On one side ; aslant.

VW. Bider has omdenam in his

BicRoaarie, 1640, in the same


^iLs, t. (£af.) An asTlom.

As».«($. Made of ashen wood.

MydeucWamik. if yosir hoDor and my

^(n toaid acconl with the kw of the

a. (A.^S. 4MM.) A

water newt, w liiard.

Bidefttla flnuar 1 kipe, f^od hHpe mc to

in niT moat nide na I « uUI glnitiy hi tli.iC

one joint fore yonr •«(* Hbtide «iih nif.

but aioa I can not that 1 wold, I wil do

that I may, and wU rather diinke in an

Mjji cup than yott or yonia shude not

be aoccerd both hy aea and land, yra and

that with all spede noasibie, and let this

my scr^liny haua wimea it to them

alL Yours as my own,


AsiNABY, odj. Asinine.

AtfiNDB. /»orf.^. Assigned, //ejf-

vood, 1556.

AaiNSGO. See Atnne^,

AsiNoa, a. Easings. Shroptk,

AsiT, 9. To ait against, so as to

receive the blow without being


Vo man ne myghte with strenftbe anttf

Hjs swordes draoKht. Oclosian, 1C65.






Snakes and nedcres thar he faad.

And ffTtX blac tadft yaDjCHTid,

And arskeM and other worntrs feUe,

That I can aobt on Iiifriis telle.

MS. Ue4„ I4ii cent.

Ask. adj. Applied to the weather,

meaning damp. "The weather

is so atk." Yorkth.

Arkauncb, adv. Aside ; sideways.

Nearly the same meaning as a«-

kew, and given as the same word

in Bider* $ Diclumariet 1640. See


Asks, v. (A.^S.) To ask; to require.

Ho so hit temprath by power,

8o hit oMkitk in snclw mancr.

^Hf Mittmudtr, L 6319.

AsKZVTSS, ff. {A.-S.) A fire blower.

The word is translated by ciniflo

in the Prompt. Parv. "Ciniflo,

a fvre blowere, an yrrn hetere,

Ktk'oMkefyct:* MS, Medulla, In

the Prompt. Parv, we find the

following entry, ** AttefiK, ci-

niflo." It seems that atktfae

was used in a contemptuous

sense to signify a man who re-

d by Google




mained snug at home while

others went out to exercise their


AsKEN, 8. pL Ashes.

AsKKR, s,{l) A scah.

(2) A land or water newt. ritr.


AsKKs, ff. Ashes. See An*

Askew, adv. Awry. Bared Jhe^

arte, 1580.

AsKiLE, adv. Aslant; obliquely;


What tho' the scornfal miter looks tukiU,

And pouts and frowns and curseth tliee

the while. 3p. Hall, Sat., t, S.

Askings, «. The publication of

marriage by banns. Yorkth,

AsKOFy adv. Deridingly ; in scoff.

Alisannder lokid attof.

As he no gef nought therof.

Almiundert 1. 874.

ASKOWSB, V, To excuse.

Bot thow can luJbioMtbe,

Thow schalt aber, v till the.

F\rere and the Boy, st. xzxt.

AsKBYBt «. A shriek ; a shout.

AsKusB, 9. To accuse.

Owre Lord gan appose them of ther grete


Bothe to tuhue hem of ther synful blame.

Ludut Co9€ntM, p. 8.

AsKT, (1) a^. Dry; parched.


(2) p. {A.'S. ateian.) To ask.

To asti that never no wes.

It is a fole askeing.

5ir 2H«/rm, p. SOO.

AsLAKB, 0. (A.^S. oikeian.) To

slacken, or mitigate.


And the fleashe to please

Sorowes to atlukr.

The Bote q/T Mttyd Smlfn.

AsLASH, adv. Aslant; crosswise.


AsLAT, adj. Cracked, as an earthen

vessel. Devon.

A-SLAWB, part. p. Slain. For

y-ilawe; in this and similar cases

of verbs, j. prefixed merely re-

presents the usual y- or i-.

XiULVfOdv. Aslope. SomereeL

Aalevo), part p. Sleepy.

And Yemngii, at that cas.

So sore asleped was.

He no might fixht no more.

Bwlaud a$td fernofm, p. S'

AsLBT, adv. Obliquely.

Aryde or ucydenandys, or guUt <

asluute: Oblique rel a latere. ProiMju

Pan. Aslet or aslowte : Oblique. 1%

AsLEw, adv. Aslant. Suseejc.

AsLiDE, 9. To slide away; to dc


\-sLov, pari.p. Slain.

Aslope, adv. Sloping.

AsLOPEit, part. p. Asleep. An nn

usual form, used by Middleto:

the dramatist apparently for tli

mere purpose of rhyme.

A8L0SH,<u/r. Aside. *' Stand atlb«/


Ablough, pret. t. a. AeUnoen^ j^

Slew; killed.

AsLouTB, adv. Obliquely. Pronepi

Parv. ^etAelet.

AsLUPPB, V. (A.'S.) To slip away

to escape.

Bet«re is taken a eomeliche y-dothe.

In armes to ensue ant to clnppe«

Then a wrecche y-wedded so wrotbe,

Thah he me slowe, ne myhti htm a^mppt

LjfHc Poetry, p. fc

^ASTLT,}^"^- Willingly. North.

AsMATBYK, ff. Apparently a oor

ruption oi arithmetie. Coventry

Mytterieit p. 189.

AsMELLB, V. To smdL

AsociB, V. (A.'N. oineier.) Tc


AsoiTB, V. To soften.

AsoMPBLLE, ff. An example. 3£S


AsoNDRi, adv. {A.'S. on ffMndSr^a.]

Asunder ; separately.

Atondry were thei nerere,

Na moore than rayn hand mnj

Mere withonte my fTngrea.

Pien PL, p. SuR

AsoNKB, pret. t. Sunk.

AsooN, adv. At even. North.

AsosHB, ^adv. Awry; aslant.

ASHOSHB, J £)(u/. See^nratA. la

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the time of Henry VIII, PaUgraTe

introdoced this word into his

Dictiooanr, intended for the spe-

cial instruction of the Princess

Msnr, ind has added in ez-

plsnatiooy "as one weareth his


A'SOjjKD, adv. In a swoon.

Asocaa, t. *'Guinme of oiottfv.*'

jR^Uq. Antig., i, 53. Tbe meaning

is uncertain.

AsoTLB, ». See AttoUe.

AdOTLiNGEfff. Absolution.

AsoTNKDB, par/.j>. Excused; re-


Asp, 8. The aspen tree. A Here-

fordshire word. It occurs in

Florio's New fTorld of ff^ordt,

1611, p. 68.

AsPAas, 9. (from ^.-5. atparian.)

To spsre.

And wren be wu m nygard.

That DO pood iDTf hte tupare

To ficod ne to /icmmed.

Pi«r«P{., p. SOS.

AspAiTD, adv. Astride. North,

AspBccioux, f. {A,'N,) Sight.

AspECHE,s. A serpent. ^tRAtpiei,

the more usual form.

AspECFEfS. Expectation.

Tb« 10. of Jsn I was disrhai^d from

l»nds at the aaaizea contrary to the

csfcte of all men. Forman's lAary.

Aspsy.LEAF, s. Metaphoricallyi

the tongue.

For if they mytehte be snffred to begin

'>ne4 in the con^rcffaciou to M in

(1 :9TiiitinK, those afp^*-leat€9 of theira

■oiihl ncTer leave tr (^nfyof^*

Sir T. Mores Worka, p. 769.

AsPEK, 9. A kind of Turkish coin.


AspBRAUNCK, #. (A.'N.) Hope,

For nperaunee,

AspEEAUNT, ad;. (A.-N.) Bold.

And hare horses arenaunt.

To hcni atalwurtlie and tup^munl.

MiM»nd.'r, i. 4871.

AspERGiTSG, t. A sprinkling.

AsPEaLICUR, 1 j_ o 1 !«,

AsPKKNATiON, $. {Lai.) Neglect ;


AapsaNK, V. (Lai.) To disregard.

AspBRaioN, «. (^/.) Asprinkling*

As PRODI L, s. A daflbdil.

AspiCK, 9. ( 1 ) A species of serpent*

an asp.

So Pbanohs rat rtr he herin the fray

'Gainst the bliMlc aspick, w\\h a deariag


rpoD his cost he wraps an earthrn rake,

lAliich a/tcmard the inni hoi hrama doo

bake. SfUt*lcr'§ I)m Bmrtm.

(2) The name of a piece of ord-

nance, which carried a twelve

pound shot.

AsPiB, (1) 9. {A.'N.) To espie;

to discover.

Sche hath at soole nd cDcs wber hini


Til fviwlly sche fcan of hem amft.

That be waa last <rTn in tlic Jevrcrit.

Chaucer, Unt. r.,L IWOl.

(2) #. A spy.

AspiLL, 9. A rude or silly clown.


AspiouR^t. A spy; a scoot.

AsPYRB, V. {Lot,) (1) To inspire.

God allowed, assy«te<l, and ajpyred them

by his grace therrin.

6ir T. Mor*'* Works, p. 937.

(2) To breathe ; to blow. The

word occtirs with this explanation

in Rider* 9 Dictionaries 1640. It

is used by Shakespeare as a verb

active, to ascend, without the

particle which now usually ac-

companies this word.

TTutil onr bodies tarn to elementi.

And both our aonis aip(r<'ceirstial Ihrnnes.

Marlowt't Tam^riaiHe, 1690.

AspiftEMENT, 9. Breathing.

AspoHTATioN, 9. {Lat.) A carrying



And makest fortune wrath and atper

by thine ini]>ncienre.

Chaucer t Jioetkitu, p. 366, col. 1.

f bitter.

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ASP no


He saith tliat thcwnytohctreniistraltc

ind oMwre and painful.

Sir T. Mcre'i Works, p. 74-

PRBAD, jwrr/. p. Spretd out.


PRELY, adv. Ronghly.

PRENB8SE, 8. Roiighness.

PRONG, pret, t. Sprang.

PROVs, adj. Bitter; angry; in-

clement. Leie. They say, " Ifi

I very a»p"rou» day."

fXVAPyadv. Sitting on the hougha.


auARE.lote. On the square;

8WABB, J at a safe distance.

1 twore bj lejut Amyan, that he ihold

th siroki hard and lore, eren oppott the


he hym myght fynd,he nothing wold

lyni spare.

It herd the pardoner wele, and held hym

etter tuqiuare.

FroL to Hist. sfBeryn, 1. 691.

QUINT, adv. AyiTj,





8 KEN,


9,pL {A.'S.aate, tBtce,)

Ashes. Pronounced

eu in Staffordshire,

» Cheshire, and Derby,

shire. It occurs in the

singular, '' Askt or

asshe: cinis vel ciner."

Prompt, Part.

The wyiide of thiike belyes acholde

nrver puudre ne aschfn altyde, tlint ia

dedlcche man. which i« aeid'tbat tueken

ud poudre and dong is.

^«MM» qf tks Monk, MS., f. 56 b.

And brand til Mshsm al bidene.

Havelok, I. S841.

mk man, he layi, askes ertow now,

1 into tukss agayn turn mltow.

MS. Coll., Oulia, £ ix, f. 76.

srwiih the fuyr of jeloueye uptterte

thinne his brest, and heiit hi in by the


wodly, that Hk was he to byholde

I box-tree, or the asscken deed and coldf .

Chaucer, Cant. T., 1. 1301.

rheir hereaiea be burned up, and fal

aa flatte to ashen.

Sir T. Mare's Wifrks, p. 4M.

wolde Boche damiellys yn fjre were


It ihe asskes with the wynds awey

aygUt fly. JUiig. Jntiq., i, i».

As8, V. To asV; to command. Cffmb.

and Lane. This form occurs in

MSS. of the 14th and 15th


A88ADT, ^ #. Gold tinsel. See

A8SADYN, Artadine and Atsi-

ARSBDYKB, [^ due. There is a

AR8BDTNB, [ ChaigC of 2d. foX

ORSADT, " anady and redde

OR8BDEN, J wai" in the ac-

counts of the expences for a play

at Coventry in 1472, published

in Sharp*9 Dissertation, p. 193

The word is spelt with many

variations, and in the one series oi

accounts just mentioned it oc-

curs in the following different


£xpeni. ayenst midsomer nyght ;

Imprimis, assttdf to the crests . vj. d

1477. Item, for assodyn, silver papnr, aoi

sold papur, gold fqyie, and (rrem

foyle . \j. i. ij. d

1478. Item, for atmim for the hanies x . d

1484. Item, payd for a paper of arsf

difks .... xO d

AssAiBs, a. ** At all assaies," s*. «.

in all points.

Shorten thou these wicked daifs;

Thinke on thine oath at alt aseairs.

Dra^Um's Harwumis of the Church, U91

Assail, a. An attack.

My parts had power to charm a saertd sob

Who, disciplined and dieted in {rmcr,

Belier'd her eyes when I th' asseul bcsnn

Shakesp., Idmer's ComfUumi

AssALVB, V, To salve ; to allay.

Assart, s. {A.»N.) Assart lands

parts of forests cleared of wuod

and put into cultivation, f(>r whicl

rents were paid, termed assar

rents. It is used also as a verij

Assassinate, s. Assassination*

What hast thou done.

To make this barbarous hast- aji«aRMa/<

Vpon the peraon of a priuct*?

DoHteCs Cirii Wars, ixi,7i

AssATiON, ff. {Lat,) Roasting.

Assault, 1 adv. Maris appefnu

ASSAUT, j said of a bitch or otii«*

female of animals, and someiin.r

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a coBtemptBoos senie of a

To coe MMM^ or onrad, ■« a

iaic&<Uli. JVmmmMt, lott.

iai vbiimo tke fixene be «nmr/, and

task J1S liwc tore, and srhe lecheth the

dsfir *», she cryetk witli an boot

^eii, as a wood booad doith.


If wf Biaii vitliinne tbe lordibtpe

l»:«i£ any licke Uiat goeth «iati/<

TTiLiaiie tbe aaaoe lordabipc. he thai

Bate a iae fOT bir unto the lord of

Ahaut, 1 #. {A.'N.) An awauU.

i-5AWTK,J SiiU used in SUrop-


Ijod bv a«iss< be vam tbe dt< aftnr,

Asd reate dcioa bothe w*l «nd apaiTe

adRftur. C*««*r.Ourf. r 991.

iadat tbe kiod-gate, byng Bicbaid


Sickard Coer d* Uon,\VSi.

i«ArTAJiL«, «C/^ Capal)lc of

be^ taken.

AfUTX, au To «*fe

ittAT. «. (^.-iV.) (1) B»My ; tml.

¥4, teflU je me wit We offence ?

mtm'M Audemi Songt, p. 108.

(2; An examiiiation of weights

iad mesiiireft, br the derk of the

Baikct; alao of silver in tbe


i3. The prooeas of drawing a

iii^ ak>Dg tbe belly of a deer,

^■Bins et tbe brisket, to try

fe^ &t he U5 1^ **» <^^*=**»

ttbmv cfMiy. or atfy-

Gfldctcd tbe crett49at

of «!«• tb«l tber were.

tmldiddem. hem derely nido.

.^.^ « tat, tbcaaay

Ma»c ttei thcr were,

t»o iTiKcerea th«y fonde


fi^cys «»d Otf ^.'«., 1. 2S97.

^4) The point at which the knife

altkebaaferwrBB inserted in the

bwrt of Ae bode for the par*

pwe of 3fciCCTtatfi*>g his fatness.

At tbe MMjr Utte him. that hrnlet may


Anoo flit or leor, whether that be bee ;~

At tbe chaulrt to br;> n. loone as jc uuy.

And alK biiii dovne to the MMjr,

Aad fro the oMay, eren down to tbe bdy

•bal ye alvt.

Book of Si. Jlbmu, chap. "Hate y«

skM hrtke en /f«r/."

(5) The most frequent me of the

term in former times, was in

matters relating to the office of

pradihator, or taster, in palacet,

and tbe honies of barons, where

there was an officer, who was

called the aaaytr. The sewer

roost commonly took the anaiet

but tbe other officers also some-

tiflMs did the same ; such as the

panter, who tasted the contents

of the trenchers ; the yeoman of

the ewrie, who drank of the

water with which the lord was

to wash his hands ; the roarshall

sainted the towel, with which he

was to wipe his hands, by way of

mtme; and the cup-bearer was

to swallow a small portion of the

Uqaor which he presented, as an

tutaU* In short, so great were

the apprehesaiona of poison and

danger in nntned food, that no

▼lands were served up at the

tables of the great, wikhoet being

uftt M$tn€tL

Kysf Rycherd ante dome te dy««r, and

waa lerved viUiout eorteeie or M«aya;

he mncbe mervKvlyng at the aodnvDe

nratacion of the thvnc, demauiiUetl of

the eaqoier why he ayu not hit duety.

nratacion of the thvnc,

" e ayu n

(6) Metaphorically, the attempt,

the moment of doing a thing.

And ryghl as be wis at ««a,v0,

Hya lyliyng vaiiyacht all awuye.

Ut Bam»nannc$ <^Mom, 1 1600.

(7) Experienoe*

SborU wy tted laen aad lyttell of c«fa|w,

nye that Panulyae ia lanfce layllyngc out

of the rrthe that men dweUe inne, and

also departeth frouo the ertbe, and is

as hygbe at tbe nione.

Quotation in NuU» to Morte ^Jrikur,


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Ass AYE. r. {A'N.) To try; to

prove ; to taste.

"Ccrtcs," quod frudencc, "If ye wil

virche by my coan&eil, ye ichul not

assaye fortuue by no maner way, ne

Bchiil not lenc ne bowe onto hire, after

the wordofSenec."

Chaucer, T. ofMelibeui.

Hereni>on the companie assayed to

convey it to St Augiutines.

Lambarde's Perambulation, p. 116.

Contyncwyngc which feaste, twoo noble

and yonge knighiis amonge other hap-

pened to assey eyther other in wrasi-

fynge. Trevisa, f. 84.

AasAYiED, parL p. Satisfied. Phil-

pot* 9 Works, p. 376.

Assaying,*. "An aMaytn^, or flour-

ishing with a weapon before one

begins to play." Rider' 9 Die-

iionariet 1640. ** Assaying, a

terra us'd by musicians, for a

flourish before they begin to

play." Kersey's English Die-

tionary, 1715.

AssAYNB, s. A term in hare hunt-

ing. B. of Si, Albans, sig. d, iv.

AssBuuRD, s, A box for ashes.


AsscuRBiNT. See Asshreint,

AssB. In the following passage at

asse seems to mean prepared.

And fond onr men alle at asse,

Tliat the Paiena no nii'jht passe.

Jrthour and Merlin, p. 278.

Asse A SB, v. {low Lat.) To cease.


AssECUREfV. (1) To make sure of ;

to make safe.

And so hath Hcnrie asseeur'd that side.

And therewithal! iiis suite of Gasconie.

Daniel's Civil Wars, iv, 9.

(2) To give assurance.



AssECUTiON, 9. {Lat.) Acquire-

ment ; the act of obtaining.

AssB-EARE, #. The herb conifrey.

Nomenclatory 1585, p. 137.

AssEBR, 9. To assure. Yorktth,

AssEGE, «. {A,'N.) A siege.

«. Assurance.

Swiche wondrins was thcr on this hers oi


Tliat sin the gret assege of Troye was,

Tlier as men wondred on an hors also,

Ne was thcr swiche a wondring, as n-Jia

tho. Chaucer, Cant. T., iTyrw.) L 10C2O.

Moreover his ordre of assetjes, plaotvng

of campes, setivng of battailea, are left

behind at this day to our insiraction.

Institacion,ofa GentlemoM, 1568.

AssELE, V. To seal.

AssEMBLABLE, ». Likencss.

Every thinge that berithe lyfe desyreth

to be conjoynyd to his assembUabU ;

and every man shall be assocyate to his

owne symylihide.

Dial, qf Creatures Moralised, p. 96.

AssBMBLAUNCE, 9, RcsemblaDce.


AssEMBLBMENT, t. A gathering.

AssBMYLE, V. To asscmblc.

AssENE, «./7^ Asses.

AssENEL, *. Arsenic. Prompt. P.

Assent, {A.-N.) (1) adj\ ConsenU

ing; agreeing.

(2) 8. Consent ; agreement.

Tlic wyfes of ful higbe prudence

Have of assent made ther avow.

Lydgate's Minor Poenu, p. 1S4,

(3) part, p. Sent.

Assentation, t. {Lat.) Flattery.

AssENTATOR, *. A flatterer.

Assention, 9. Consent. Herrick.

AssBNYCKE,#. Arsenic. Pai^ar^.

AssEPERSBLiE, 8. The plant cher-

vil. Nomendlator, 1585, p. 131.

Asses-foot, s. The herb coltsfoot.

Assbth, adv. {A.-N.) SuflScienily ;

enough. See Aseth.

Nevir shall make his richcase

Asselh unto his grednu-sse.

Bom. of the Boss, 5600.

Assette, v. To assail.

AssHB, V. To ask. See Ass,

Asshead, s. a blockhead ; a fool.

AsS'HEARD, «. A keeper of asses.

Ass-uoLE, s, A receptacle for ashes.


Asshreint, 1 part, p. (from

ASSCHRBINT, J ^.-5. screnccn, to

deceive.) Deceived. The infini-

tive of the verb would be asth*


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A ! iTame. he mide, icb to mnrireimt,

Icii wcjide then Indtlest ben adreint.

SerjmS^a. 1.148S.

Thep3Fimm loreden the kjng Donshtii,

And volden iuiTe liim bycaogbth.

Hj ledden kva theifore. aia I fynde,

Ih die ttnuBicest perjl ol Yndc

Ac, w irh rrnile in Use book.

By woe mukrnnt m her crook.

r. AUtnmder, L 4819.

AssiDUAi^ adj. {Lai.) ConsUnt.

At Inr the son ve tct onr dralt, lo

(MMam) Te set onr pietys by Ton;

WitboBt whose light, ve shWui dark-


And DothiDg traely good hot rertiioiu


T.-ni IB the JemjlLt so atsldnal nre.

Yoor vhole life seems but one conttnned

prarer. FUckiioe'i £fignaa$, 167U.

Ass iDu ALLY, adtf. Constantly.

AssiDCATB, adj. Constant;' nn-

remitting ; daily.

By the atsultule labonre of hys wrfe

£»hclbar|p^ kc IMmn, t lid.

AssiDUB, ff. A word nsed in Hal-

Jamshire, a district of the county

of York, to describe a species of

rdlow tinsel much Jited by the

mnmniers at Christmas, snd by

the rustics who accompany the

plough on Plough Monday in its

rounds through the parish, as

part of their fantastic decoration.

It occurs in an old shop-bill,

as synonvroous with horte-goid.

See Ar»dine and Auady.

AssiEGK, 9. (/v.) To liesiege.

Rider' g Dictionaries 1640.

AssiL-TOOTH, a. A grinder. North.

Assii^TKSB, a. An axie*tree.


AssiMULATiON, #. (Za/.) Assimi.


Besides thew three terrra) opemtions

of dt};estioii, there is a foarfold ordrr of

coneortion: ma^ticntion, or chewing in

th« month; chvliffration of this so

ehrrrd meat in the stomnch ; tlic lliird

is in the liver, to turn this rhvlas into

bjnnd, ealled snngn.fimtion; ihe lu(i«

UMKuUium, vhirh is io every part.

Bartait, An. qfUtU v. i, 29.

Assni ULB, r. To assimilate ; to


AssiNDB, imt/. ^. Assigned*

AssiNEGO, la. A Portuguese word,

ASiNKOo, J meaning a young ass :

nsed generally for a silly feltow ;

a fooL

Thon hast no more bmins tlisn I har^

in my elbows; an utinfffo mav tutor

thee. Tro. mmd Crrt., ii, 1.

When in the interim they apparcil'd

me as yon see.

Mads a fool, or an Mimiao of me, kt.

0. PL, X. 109

All this vonld be foraironi. and I again

an annegOt as your sister left me.

B. and /Z., Sc»rnf. Uirf,

B. Jonson has a pun against Inigo

Jones, on this word :

Or are vou so amhitinus 'bo»e y cmr peers,

Yon'd be an «M \nvio by jour y»:irs.

Eint/rama'\v\. ri, p. 21X>.

Assise, a. (A.-N) (1) Place; si.


Tliere ne was not a point traely.

That it has in his right uMMise.


(2) A sutute.

Sire, he said, bi God in beren,

Thise lioilouos tliHi boilrri seven,

Bitocnen thine Krven w iu%

That ban i-wrowt nven the Mfise.

Stryn Saga, I 349*).

(3) A judgement.

The kyng he sende word sjeyn, that he

haJde yt franchise

In ys owiie eoiirt, for to loke domes

and €uiu. Bob, GUme., p. 5o.

Ur elder God did Jhcsmn rise.

The quilc gie hang with fals atiie.


(4) A regulation ; rule ; order.

And after mete the lordys wyie,

ETcryclie yn dywers qut-yntyse.

To dauuce went, by ryteii't asyse.

' OclovtuUj 1. 61

(5) Assizes.

jow to teche God hnth me sent.

His hivrys of lyfi ih«t am lul wyse ;

Them to lern be 'dyliffcnt,

joure'sonlys niuy ihei save at the

last atjfte.

CoveiUij Mytterift, p. 80.

(6) Things assigned; commo-


d by Google




Whan Cher comet marchnnndise.

With corn, mju, and tieil, oUiir other


To heore lond any achip.

To houae they wollith nuon ikyppe.


(7) The long attite, a term of


Nou bothe her wedde lya.

And play thai bi^iiine ;

▲ud aett he hath the long esUe,

And endred beth therinne :

Tlie play biginnelh to arise,

Thatren deleth atuinne.

Sir Trisirtm.

(8) Measure. In the romance

of Sir Tryamoiir (MS. in the

Cambridge Public Library), after

the hero has cut off the legs of a

giant, be tells him that they are

both ** at oon attyse,** i. e. of the

same length.

(9) V. To settle ; to confirm ; to


AssisH, adj. Foolish. "Asintfggme,

assishnesse, blockishnesse.*' Fior.

AssKBS, «. Ashes. See Ass,

Ass-MANURBi ff. Manure of ashes.


As8MAYHEi>, pari. p. Dismayed.

Ass-MiDPBN, M, A heap of ashes ;

a mixen. Norlk.

AsBNOoK, adv. Under the grate.


AssoBiiB, 9. To reader calm.

And tlrna I rede thnn assohre

Thyn hertr, in hope of such a pracc.

6cmer'» Confetako Jnnuttit, b. vi.

AssGCiATBy V, {Lat.) To accom-


Going to find a bare-foot brxrthcr ant.

One of our order, to atsoclate nie.

Borneo and Juliet, r, 2.

AssoiL, V. To soil.

AasoiLB, 1 V. {A.'N.) 0) To ab-

ABsoiLLB, V solve; acquit; act at

AaoYLB, J liberty.

And so to ben as$oilUi,

And siUithen ben hooaaM.


I at My own tribvaal aa a$§mTd,

Yet fearing others censure am cnibroii'd.

0. Ft., xri. M.

Here he hit subjects all, In general.

duoyUt, and quites of oath and fealtl«.

Dan. Civ. War$, ii. 111.

Pray derontly for the aonle, whom God

astoyte^ of one of the moat worskipiul

knights in Lis diiyes.

Bpitapk, m Camden** Rem.

Tlioae that labour to auoyle the Prophet

from siane in thia his disobedii-nce.

what do tliey else bnt cover a naked

body with fig-leavca, 8m.

^ King on Jomak. p. 566.

But, if we live in an age of iiidcrutiun.

we thhik ourscivea well auoiVd, if n e

be warmer tlmn their ice.

Taylor's Great Exemplar, p. 08.

(2) To solve ; to answer. " I

anoyte a hard question : Je senh."


Caym, come fforthe and answere me,

Asojfle my qwest\un anon-rv^ht.

CovetUry Mj/eterief, p. Sd.

(3) To decide.

In th* other baad

A pair of waighta, wiih which he did a».


Both more and lease, where it in donU%

did stand. On Hintak., canto via. 58.

AssoiLB, s. Confession.

When we speake by way of rid^e (en?jr-

nis) of which the aencA can hardly !»«

picked aai, bat by tha pitnies u'«iic

atsaiU. Puttenk., iii, p. 157, repr.

AaaoiNB, (I) t. (^..JV:) Excuse ;

delay. See Essoine,

Therfore hit hi^te Babiloyna,

That abend thing is witliouten asaoyne.

Cursor Mundi, MS. Trin. Cantai., f. 15.

At Venyse com np AHsairader ;

Pea men bhrwe and no loud sdannder.

His lettres he s^nt, withooten assoynty

Anon into Grace-Boloyne.

Mitamnder, 1. I4dS.

(2) V. To excuse ; to delay.

Theacbolde no weder me eusoitu.

t'tor. and BlaneA., 67.

AssoMON, V. To Kummon.

AssoBTB, s. {A.'N.) An assembly.

" By one assorte" ia one cotu.


AssoTB,! r. {A.'N.) (1) To betot,

A880T, j or infatuate ; used by

Spenser, who also employs it fur

the participle assotfed.

WillTe, I ween tbou be ataot.






(2) To dote no; tobeiniataaied;

loed especiiUy by Gowcr.

^ vyfe, vhidie in her lostca grrao

1 u fajrrt ud (naAt and Uwler oT age,


Of kjiD, that «oi OD her mssoU.


AssowK, oAf. Id a swoon.

As$.pLuif,f. A sort of plum, men-

liooed by Florio.

Ass-UDDLiN,«. Asapentitioos cos-

toffl practiied in the North of

EngUod open the ere of St.

Mark, when ashet are sifted or

riddied on the hearth. It is be-

lifTcd that if any of the family

littil die within the year, the shoe

(tf the fated iadiTidual will leave

>o imprcssioa on the ashes.

ASSUBJUGATB, 0. To Bobjttgate.

Amci, 1 «fo. A term applied to a

A28W, J cow when drained of her

Bilk at the season of calving.

Wwef. jDerje/.

A»4t;xB2rr, «. {LtU. aamumemimn.)

A patch or piece sH on.

^^"^w, part. p. {Lai, aasun^ftu.)

I^nsed It occnrs in HaO, Nemy

yif C 61, and should perhaps be

^smpsiT. f. A pronriae. It is

properly a Uw term, bnt in the

^oIlowiBg pua«S^ U is wed in a

S°»nl lease.

^ ^ vhMi now a doobtcd hope of

'^eedhelpe made glad,

^hd* vroBun oT two mOk wkite iteadco


-> ve Hcmika, vhow ventroua heart did

'^^ hoot (br fane,

^n^ tr mtmptit Mid prcpoRS the


^aracr"* Jlkiam't BngUaU, 1692.

^»inipr, t. (Fr.) To take vp fnm

Alow pisee to a high place.

A«suaANCB,t. Affiance; betroth-

H fcr marriage. Ptmkr^ka*^

^re«fis,p. 17.

^»oa,t.(from Fr.aoimirv.) To

^ireak forth. SkeUan, H^^rihi,


Ainjaa,».(l) To confide

de Tele of hyni. and thrn

(2) To aiBaacei to belioUk


There lovely Amoret, that vas ttttu'd

To hviy Pcrigot. hlccda out her life.

BmumoHt mud Ft., u. 107.

(3) a. Assuraaoe. Cktmter, adL

Urry, p. 432.

AaawTTHB, adv. Quickly.

Tnay la^ed and made hem blytho

Wyth lutes that were to lowe i

To aoper they jede mttwythe

"Wyth dayntea nwe innowt.

AaarooK, a. A hvntiBg term. Pqw

haps for turiege, or m tugt,

Te ahull mt,

whan th^ lyade

Safaul krate oak ajayyif al abovU the

d for to ae where lie he go oat of the

paatvie, or eUia to his foorme.

Ass T MB, V. To join.

Syna th^ be lo loth to he unned.

rUtfe eaXUd tkg Foun FF.

AasTNO, 9. To assign.

kvT. Asked, i^orih. The sanr.e

form occurs in MSS. of the 14th

and 15th cent.

AsTA. Hast thoa. Yorhth.


AST AT, Vt. (^.-JV.) State.


Tbanne is accidie enemy to every tU^

of man. Ckmmetr, Ftrtomi T

WlMB he ia iot in hia «#<«/.

Xhie thevya be hreut of Biriifnl gyic.

CcfPoUrjf MfSitriet, 9. 1*2.

The kyof lay is the palois of York, and

kept liia attaU lolemply.

AsTABiLissB, 0. To establish.

AsTABLB, V, To ooaftrai.

AsTANTB, V. To Stand by.

The might him so Mstmt the by.

JUm^rum, p. 479.

ASTAUKCBB, 9. To SBtlsfy ; tO


And eastelhe one to chese to bfr defite

That may better ofteaaciU hir appetite.

iy4fe^« Jf JMT PeMU, p. Sa

AsTB, eoiy. As if; althooah.

AaTBBB, adv. Active 1 basiling

stirring abroad; astir. NtriM.


AST 116


AsTBLT, 0^9. Hastily.

Or clt, Je«u, y aske tlie rcyd,

Mtelif that y wcr deyd ;

tberto God helpc me then !

Sir Amadea, \. 896.

AsTENTE, f/ret t, of a$tmie, {J.-S.)


Aster, *. Easter. North and


AsTERDE. V. {A.-S.) To escape.

AsTEBiSM, t.((rr.) A constelUtion.

AsTEBTB, V, (A.'S.) (1) To escape.

For man was maad of iwich a matere,

He may noght wel atierte,

That nc som tvme hym bitit

To folwen hit kynde.

Piert FU p. 2^6.

And so begun there h qiiarcle

Btrtwcne love and her owne herte,

Fro whiche she couthe not asterte.

6<neer'9 Conf. Am., ed. 1682, f.70.

(2) To release.

And amnic tythera thay were fonly schcnt,

It eny persoun wold upon hem plrvue,

Thcr might astert him uo pecunml pcyne

Ckaueer, Cant.

(3) To alarm ; to take unawares.

No danger there the shepherd can atUrl.

* SpeM.,Eel.Not.,y.l^.

(4) To trouble; to disturb.

Asierte or asteredf troubled, dis-


AsTKYUTE, part. p. Attainted?

Wliat dostow here, unwrast gome P

For thvn harm thou art liider y-comel

He ! fyle aateynU horesone !

K. AUammdtr, 1. 880.

AsTiOE, t>. {A.'S.) To ascend ; to

mount upwards. AslUffung, aa-

cension. Verategan,

AsTiNTE, K /^..5.) To stop.


And whan sche drow to his chaumber sche


Here maydeiies and other meyne mekeli

astents. ^ _

Wmiam and the Werwolf, p. 56.

AsTiPULATE, V. (Lat,) To bargain ;

to stipulate.

Astipulation, t. {Lat.) An agree-

ment; a bargain.

AsTiRB, #. The hearth. See Jsfre

and Aistre.

Bad her take the pot that sod over the fire,

And aet it aboove upon the aatire.

UUerMm'* Pop. Poet., ii. 78.

A8TiRTE,pr«/. /. Started; leapt.

AsTiTE, \ adv. (A.'S.) Anon;

ASTYT, y quickly. Kersey, in his

ALSTYTB. J Engluth DietUmary^

1715, gives attite as a North

country word with the explana-

tions, '*as soon, anon," ukcn

probably from Ray's Cotteetion,

1674, p. 2.

God rooroun, sir Gnwiyn,

Sayde that fayr lady,

je ar slepcr un-slvje,

Mon may slyde hider;

Hovf ar 5c tan aatpt^

Bot true us may schape.

Gatoayn and tkt Green A'., 1. 1282.

He dyde on hvs clothys aslyUf

And to seynt Jhon he wrote a skrytc,

MS. Harl, 1701. f. 46 b.

Ful richeliche he gan him schrede.

And lepe tutiie opon a stcde ;

For nolliing he nold abide.

Amis and AmilouHy 1. 1046.

Bot 80 he wend have passed quite.

That Icl the toiher bilor ahtyte.

I'veaine and Gavin, 1. 686.

ASTIUNE, f. A kind of precious


Ther is saphir, and nniune.

Carbuncle and astinne,

Smaragde, lugre, and praesiunc.

Poem on Cocaypte.

AsTOD, pret. t. of aaionde. Stood.

A-sTOOG*D, part, p. Having one's

feet fast in clay or dirt. Vonet.

AsTONDE, V. (A.'S.) To withstand.

AsTONGD, \part. p. Stunned.

ASTONIED, J Rob, Glow,



ASTOUND, ^^ ^ tijidpart.p,

ASTOUNDED, 7^..jNr.)Astonisbed.




Wert wonderfully thereat estonyei,

Stanihwr$t*e Jrtland, p. 1^

d by boogie




— AduB, noB u be heard

Tm fitai tretpaia done by £Te, amaz'd,

^<Mu^ittiodtnd blank.


^ wuMteuyttf in that sto«mde,

'« IB Iiji Ace ibo aav ft wonde.

JmuM and Gmrin, 1 1719.

And with hys herr Biftw of rtela


Ajid hya <wcr byt aadell drore;

And liyt ttyropri he forbare :

^ a itrake had be never ara.

He VM 10 tUmjftd of that deote

not By^ he had bys lyff rente.

jr. iUcAar^. L 4S1.

J^ wdCTB eaae the man a$toneyd tho,

jbat reed he vax, abancht, and al qtukynff

aeuood, Baaethe nyd be wordei mo.

CkoMc^, UiU. T^ 8192.


la hii ovene meode,

*aae be note nerer wannea he eomthe,


Willuam de Shorekam.

So «M cf bii felowes aayde, ao nowe

>K^ to her. Bat he ttode styll all

"to-f^ Talet imd Qmei* AMUfcn.

^ — Th* elTe therewith •stowed

^Nuicd lightiy from his kKwer make.

Spen*^ F. C-, I, vii, 7.

^^i be Hood, and ap hia heare did hove.

/*., I. ii, 81.

^bomi backs break nnder them j

Tot knigbU were both a»loiCd;

ft Toid their horwa they made haste.



^^^^ with hha Aehates was, for joy they

-»«»ldha.tlept -» '/ /

^'2*«wr hands, bttt feare againo them


FUa^a Virgil, 1600.

•^«TonnH,». To Stun with a blow.

^«ash,a|itata: yiju bare mttomiiksd him.

Skaketp., Henry V, t. 1.

A^^TosiTrB,t.(i#.-iV.) To confound.

^J»ST. t. (^^M) To astonish.

fwitt'i .Vew World of fTordi,


^on,partp. Sank fast in

UM|roQiid,asawasgon. Donet,

**J»t,a*. Shortly; very quickly.

AiToPAa©,,. A.n animal, but of

•lai kiad U oncenain.

Of Ethioipe he was y-bore,

or the kind of oMlopardt;

He had tntkes bkc a btKir,

An head Jike a libbard.


AsTORB, 9. To Store ; to replenish ;

to restore.

At rit£. borwe, snd rastel.

Thai were tuiortd swithe weL

Artkomr and Merlin, p. 90.

Abtound, 9. (A.-N,) To astonish


AsTOTNTK, 9. To shako ; to bruise.

PtoiHptm Pttrv*

AsTBADDLB, r. To Straddle.

Astragals, t. (Cr. iLvrftdyakoi,)

A game, somewhat like cockall.

** Aitragalize, to play at dice,

huckle-bones, or tables." Bkntni,

Giouographia, p. 59.

Astral, a^f. {Lat.) Starry.

AsTRANOLBD, ^or/.^. Strangled}


For neifrh by weren bothe for thorsi

4*tra.ijfUd, and ek for-prest.

X. Miumnder, fi099.

AsTRAUOHT, port, p. Terrified;


AsTRAVNOED, /^or/.^. Estranged.

AaTRAY,«. A stray aiiimal. Prompt,


AsTRAYLT, odv. Astrsy. Prompt.


AsTRK, $, (1) {Lot,) A star; *


(2) A hearth. See Ettre.

AsTRBLABRS, «. An Rstrolabe.



AsTRRTCHB, 9. {A.'S.) To Teach.

AsTBBYNYD, port. p. Constrained.

AsTRBTT, adv. Straight

Ahtrick, 9. To restrict. Stat€

Pcpert, temp. Hen. VHI.

AsTtLicTED. part. p. Restricted.

Artrid, a<f9. Inclined. Suffolk.

AsTRiDOB, ff. An ostrich. For es-


A8TRiDLAKp8,ffifty. Astride. North,

AsTRiNGR, 9. (Lot.) To bind; to


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ASTBIKGCft, 1 9. {A.-N.) A W-

AnSTKINGES, \ concF. lo AW 9

08TRBGIEE, J WeQ tJUlt fiu2ff

W^U, act ▼, icI, tbe stigc di-

recUon lar^ **£»ter a geatk


We niMUy call ft IUcodct vlio keqn

that kind of hawki, an austnngtr.

ComdCt Law Diet.

AsTUPonNT, #. (Ifl/.) Ha?iiig

power over the stars.

AsTBOD,<uf9. Straddling. &>M«r«r/.

AsTRODDLiNO, o^/' Astride. X^'c.

AaTROiB, V. To destroy.

AsTKorr, a. A sort of stone* some-

times called the sUr-stone, of

which Brome, Travelt over Bng-

kmd, p. 12, mentions finding

many at Lassington, in Giou-

cestershircand gives a particular

account of them.

Astrology, a. A herb mentioned

by Palsgrave, and perhaps the

same as the mrUtoiogU,

AsTROMiBK, t. {A.-y,) An astro-

B»mer, or astrologer.

or cold be mftde a table,

Al rul of steorrea, tana fable,

And thottgte to leyn. amougea men,

Tliat be is an «froMy<^. , , ^^^

AsTRONOMRR, 9. An astrologCT.

Astromombr's oavb. a.

Gentlemen, to solace tbeir wearied

miudei by boneat paatimea. playe 8t

clieaae, tbe atirononur's game, and the

philosopher's game, which wheltcs thyr

"witles, recreates Hieyr miii<k,aiid brnia

no body in the meane season.

Li^n*M Too Good to U Trw,

Abtrofhbl. f. A bitter herb;

probably starwort.

Mv little flock, whom earst I lov*d so wril,

And wont to feed with finest graaae that


Feede ye heDcefarih on bitter attrqf$lU

And stinkiBK suallage and unsavene me.

ifpati., Dttpkn., 844.

Astrosb, «4f' il^') Born under

RB evil star.

AaraoTB, adv. (1) In a iwelliag

'AtitnU or strovrtingly.

ToTgide." Prompt, Parr.

The nwyaer, that voUe hare layne hnr


Hys yen stede oiwte mitvte forthy ,

Bys lymnes were rotoa bya fro.

1$ Bcmt Fhrinety L 8S20.

He gafe bym awyOce a dovie,

Tbat bathe bis eicbne sUde me 9tnwU.

^ iMmmhms, Ltneoln SfS.

What good can the great gloton do with

bis bely standing tutrote like a tAi>er,

and bis noU toly with drink, but balk up

bis brewes in tbe middes of bis matters,

or hre down and slepe like a swine ?

Sir Tkomat Mor^* Worts, p. 97.

(2) Standiag out stiff, in a pro-

jectiBg posture.

Godds sowle schal be swore,

Tbe knyf tohal atond mtlroui,

Tbow bii botea be al tA-tore

fat he vol make it adoat.

AsTRTLABE, 9. An Bstrolabe.

His abnagest. and bookca gret and smale,

Bia a$trylahe, longyiig for his art»

His au^ym stoonea, Ufyen fairc apnrt

On aehdras ooacfaBdal hie bnddea heed.

AaTRTVTD.jwir/.^. Distracted.

Berya and bis company stood all astrwyd.

Uittory ofBerfu, 24S9.

AsTUN, V, (A.'S,) To stun.

He frost doan at o dent^

Tbat ban and man attuned lay.

Arikour and MnUn, p. SSS.

THio with the tbundring noise of his swift

ler's feet _

^^JMM'a' tbe earth. Ar9.Pa<.,STiii.

Abtunte, pret. t (from A,^S,

mtandan.) Remained; atood.

At Lewes the ktRgbigm mid ia peer abide.

The baroos tatunt* wHbonte toun bisidc

Boh. Gtvue^ p. &4«.

AMTxm, a^. (Lat.) Crafty.

Abtt, ad9. Eather; aa soon as.


Abtyb, «. {jL-S.) To asceiid. Mob.


Abttfud, fferL p. Lamed ia the

leg; said of a dog.

Abtvllb, f. (A.'N^ A ditngie; a

thin board of voed. "JBtifUt^ a

d by Google




•Ayrd. Tcdft. AttvU. Cadia.''

Primpl. Pm.

A^vsomtLLY, ad9. Separately.

AsuNDRi, Y«^. (J^S.) Apart;

AarNDU, / aeparateljr.


So wise • HUM it thcrnoo,

./matfn tchiilci hem kaave.


ayth Che thjwie towche,

Umt one thynge •erne not twejne, that

ilnUe liUe yf cither ogre mtgmdn wart


AiWABi, adv. Oa Mie side ; out

of the way Ckf anything. See

Hvn iMi bin beter to hftve coon more

CMstaem', id. XJrry, p. 699.

AswASH, md». Slaating.

Ckammrre, n loooe an< Kght ffomm, thftt


AswKLT, 9. (^.>5.) To become ez-


Ac wt and raov eometh o«t of holM,

And breoBTng fnyr. and glovjnK eoiea;

That theo anov for Uie fuyr no nielt.

So the fayr Cor tkco laov mmwcU,

r. AUaawUer, 86S9.

kswvrmt^, part. p. Stupified, at in


Ear M aftawied and gjwud

Was «rery firtoe hi me heved.

HouMt of Fume, ii, 41.

kswnt^adn. Obliquely. JfortlL

^^-^ I-*- (^) «- •

A«»^.^ J swoon.


Ab hj« Itrnder anom.

Lj^mau Dueoma, 1171.

The Ubc MMtbm, the atede above,

for aothe ur Artbnor vao «mmd«.

^flhmr mnd Mtrlim, p. 18S.

AmnrHANDB, ode. On one aide.

Bat he take Bat Mi around ao evin in

the fmit afore them aa be void have

doB yf be might bettar have acne them.

battaoaMwhata mtydeniamd*, where he

dupoied aU hia peajpie in good amye

^ thatay^it.

AaTom,*. Tocisay.

Now let leo tef ony it to bardy

That dorate hit him mn^kg.

Mf§ AUmmmdm, 8879.

AaTNSD,/Mrf.jy. Assigned.

At, (1) jinyp. To; prellzcd to the

verb, as at tcy, for, to tay ^ of db,

for, to do. Common in MSS. of

the 14th cent.

Bred they pard and icbare,

Tnoagh thai hadde mt cCe.

diir Trukrtm, st. 60.

(2) To; before sabataatives, as,

to do «f a thing, instead of to it.

H«e'a c« ye, viaS 1 diiak vaaH fa ya^


Yat eartaa, at the aanre that a man

myght make fire the begynaynge of

the world, nya bat a Ktei thing, mi

rtamrd of the aorwe of heUe.

CkmMT, Fmmmm T.

(4) OL North.

W» take bio leve at the daya

M llildor tlie bin m^e.

(5) Por.

M this cauae the faiYjt comlyche hade

la the more half of his ichelde hir ymage

depaynted. Sgr OmMtgfUt p. 26.

(6) omtf. That

Tbon ert a fole, at tbon ne bad an


rwdmc and Gmmn, L 461.

StiU«aed in the North of Bog.


ftleetweelar tiM podffteh war oaw

leawdtng. Tim BoiHm, p. S8.

{7)protL Who, or which.

Alao he to, «/ Uwborya tbe wma ShooM

kea aad waderatoad the wyd awyeb


Skepmt^i Mmlaider, aif . P. 7.

We may aot heaaeeyled af the traspea.

Bot if ve make aeeth ia that mi we may.

Jf^.JBori., 1038, f. 66 b.

(8) Prot.i.9(ete,tota^

Ko hadde thai aa wines vat,

No ale that waa old,

No no gode mete tliai c^

Thailiadden al that thai wold.

Sir JVit/nm, p. S69.



ATA 120


(9) At efltr, after. Still used in

the North.

But I pray the vhnt betokned thiit

woiinderful coDiete and sttrre which

appervd npon this londe the vere of

our lo'rde MCCCCII, from the Epiphany

ta two wekes a< after £«iterP

Biuu and Pauper, tig. d, 6 b.

Atabal, ». A kind of tabor used

by the Moors. Dryden.

Atakb, V, {A.'S.) to overtake.

And to the castel gat he ran ;

In al the court wns t) er no man

That him might aUtke.

^ JtittS and Amiloun, L 2070.

At-allb, adv. Entirely; alto-

gether. Lydgate and Chaucer,

Atame, v. {A.'S.) To tame.

Atanunb, adv. Afternoon. Suff.

Atabne, o. {A,-S.) To run away ;


lianie flowe to chnrche, and the oonsuble


Jtamdt alire, and manie were i-brof t to

dethe. Bob.Gloue.,^.iS9.

Atastb, v. To taste.

Ataunt, adv, (A.-N.) So much.

Atayite, adj, (Lat.) Ancestral.

But trulie this boldnci, not mTiie owne

nature, hath taught nice, but your

nature, geiierositie pnifrnate. and come

from your a/an/« progeuitours.

£llit** Literary Letteri, p. 7S.

Ataxy, », (6r») Disorder; irre-


Atbbrb, v. (A.'S. dBibenm.) To

bear or carry away.

Atblowb, «. To blow with bel-


Atbrbstb, V. To burst in pieces.

Atchaeb, <u/v. Ajar. Norf.

AtcnmKZD, pari. p. Choaked.

Atchbson, If. A coin, of billon

ATCHISON, /or copper washed

with silver, struck under James

YI of Scotland, of the value of

eight pennies Scots, or two thirds

of an English penny. It was

well known in the North of Eng-


Hor can the atelestm or the birabee

Ifor my antiqaitv compare with nie.

'Tuylor't Work*, 1680.

Atchorn, t. An acorn. Alehom-

ing, gathering acorns. Var. dial

Atb, (1)9. To eat. Somenei.

(2) For atie. At the.

Atkoar, 9. (A.'S.) A kind of lance


Atkigke. (A.'N.) To attain; u


Ateinb, v. (A.-N. atainer.) Tc

over-fatigue ; to wear out.

Moo dyede for hete, at ichorte werdetL

Thenne for dint off aper or ■wrrdea.

Kyng Richard was aimooil ateytU,

And in the smoke nvgh adrevnu

BichATd Coer de'L., L 4S47

In the hete thev wer almost tUeynt,

And in the smoke nygh adreynt.

IK L 6131

Ateintk, t>. (1) (A.'N. aiincter.

To give a colouring to.

Nat, dowter. for God above !

Old men ben felle and queinte.

And wikkede wrenches eonne atHntt

Setyn Sage*, \. 176<

(2) (A .JSr.) To reach ; to obtain

She seid, Thomas, let them stand.

Or ellia the feend witle the atevn4e


(Z)part. Convicted; atuinted

Atklich, adj. (A:S.) Foul ; coi

rupt; hateful.

The bodi ther hit lay on here.

An tUtlick thing as liit was on.

Appwd. to W. Mape$, p. S4;

Atbllb, v. (A.-S. atellan.) *r

reckon; to count.

The kyng thorn ys eonseyl eneented «■

her to.

And Kod ostage of nom, the traace wor t


And aM al her god, and let him al b^

wende. Boh. OUmc., p. 17

Atbv, adv. Often. Northamg^t.

Atbnbb, adv. At once.

Atent, 9. (A.-N.) An object ; i^


Ther y had an honderthe aaarke of rent >

Y spente hit alle in ly^htte mtemt, '

Of snche forkik was y.

^rjimadasi^t, 37

Atbon, v. (A.'S.) To make avicrr

Atbb, (1) adv. After. For. tidaiL

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(2)#. Attire.

ATKasT, ad9» In earnest ; in fact.

At6o, 1 V, {A.'S.) To expend ;

ATGOK, j to go, pasa away, or


Whet may I mgge bote vdbwol

i iif ia me ^o.

Lfrie PoUry, p. 74.

r iefa wea Incf, irham fol lobt.

Ami aUe mjn godea me stMtJU.

Ath, (1) #. (^.-5. iris.) An oath.

(2) ^cv. /. of Aatfe. Hatb. i^o^.

(3) Each.

Thai token atk tnlke;

Tbe ro^ire Ta|!|p scoike

£02 bam ia belle !

Fol. SoHgiy p. SM.

Atbaldb, 1 V. (^.-A) To with-

ATHKU»K, Vbold; to keep; to

▲TBOLDE, J retain. Pre/. otAeld,

Mod atJhUd. Rob. Gbmc.

He biaa oaisbt no lenjc e atheldt.

Gf <^ Warwike, p. <K).

kjBg of thi« knd, yt truafre

Mob. Oloue., p. &2.

ATHAJiom, #. A digeating furnace ;

an alchemical term*

Asi •€ tls J fornaee be apt tberfore,

Wkreb vrvt men «lo call alkenor.

jiAmeWt Themt. Cktm^ p. 148.

A'tb ATTBKfl, oifv. In that manner.

jftkiawensj in thia manner. jLetc.

LTsnti^ tf4r. {A.'S.) Noble.

Fortbi for ftntoon and fayiTia

Tbe folk there bit demed,

t^ericbre to aansvare watj arje

3ftQaT *CAr< f reke.

Gmmm^ /- /A« (?r. KMygkt, L 410.

AnEBX.iSTm9 o^jp. Moat noble.

Ttaac arr Artbore oaa ectb«.

At cveae at his aweaa borde

Antfid hia ktcdex.

MorU Jrtkurt.

Atbeste, »- (^.-5. fl^wwtfH.) To

streccfa out. Atheiung, t. Ex-

teanoo. Lfdgaie,

AiHXOUOGiJiS, a. ((rr.) One who

ia the oppoaite to a theologian.

ATHKOtra, adj. (Gr.) Atheifticai.

It is an ignorant conreit, that iiiqairy

into nalore should nmke men athrtms.

Bishop UM» H^orks, ii, 13.

ATHsm, adj. Either.

k'nL%KT, prep. Athwart; aeroaa.

Devon and Someraet.

A-THEs-ALF, /^fp. On tills aido

of. Mob. Gioue.

Athillktdat, a. The rule of an


Seeke the ground meete for your pur.

Ci, and then take an astroiolie, und

g that upon yoar tbombe by the

ring, and then tnriie the athilleyimy or

rule with the tights up and downe,

ontill that yoD doo see the niarke.

Bourn^B liuentioiu, 1578.

Xmis, prep» Within. Var, dial.

Atbinkkn, v. (A.'S.) To repent.

Soore it me a-thgnkelk

Fur the dede that I have doon.

Pi€rt PL, p. 874.

A-THI8-8IDX. On thia aide. Var»


Athoo, eon^, Aa though.

Atholdk, V, See Aihalde.

ATROVT,prep. Without, Samenet,

Athrano, adv. In a throng.

Ath&b, ^adv.{A,^S.) In three

ATHRKO,/ parts.

ATUtL%T,adv. (A,-S.) With tor-

ture; cruelly.

Heo hire awarietb al tUkrep,

Also wolves doth the scrp.

Ocfap'tan, Conyhcarty p. hi.

Athrinx, 9. To touch. Verelegan.

Athristk, v. To thrust ; to harry


Atbrotbd, pari, p. Throttled;

choked. Chaucer,

Ath ROUGH, adv. Entirely.

Athrust, adv. Thirsty.

Athurt, adv. Athwart; across.

Weat. Alhurl and alongtl, a

proverbial expression when re-

flections pasa backwards and

forwards between neighbours

also, when the two ends of a

piece of cloth nr linen are sewr*il

together, and then cut ih rough

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the middle, so tliat the two ends

become the middle or the

breadth, and the middle or

breadth makes Che two ends.


Atbyt, part, jl CondUiooed?

No storing of piutuie. with tegeedply tyt.

With ragged, with iiged, and ev5 atli/t.

Tuuer, ed 1573.

Atil, *. (^.-A^.) Furniture ; neces-

sary supplies. Rob, Glouc,

ATiL%,v.{A,.N.attiler.) To equip;

to supply with necessary stores.

Used frequently by Rob. of Glouc.

Atilt, (1) udv. At a tilt ; Ut the

manner of a til ten

(2) V, To tilt,

Atir£, V, (A,-N.) To prepare; to

fit out.

^at doa the kyng of Prance? aiirts him

Kode navie

TiDe In^kwkl, o chance to wynne U with

mautrie. I'eter Lattgto/l, p. 207.

AnsFBOTNT, 9, {A,.N, atifement.)


A pavilion ofhonoor, with richtat^fnttnt

To sen-e an emperotur at a pBflenient. *

Atitlb, V, See Atiitle,

AtlaBp *. A rich kind of silk cm-

ployed for ladies' gowns.

Indian-gown vtan, Fiaemominf goirnfl.

very rich Indian rtuff^j clioice of fine

tUlaU€i: ilMr noroiiiK kowiib.


Atlb, V, To array; to arrange.

See EUle, *

Hire telit ami white aie bon of wbal.

Evene aet ant alUd al.

ifnc fothf.p. ».

At-lowb, adv. Below.

Atnun, ad9. Afternoon. North-


Ato, adv. In two.

Atok, part. p. Took; seized.

Atoiit, 9. {Gr.) An atom.

Drawn with a team of little atomies

Athwart men'a domw, at ifaey Ke ssleep.





t. A skeleton.



XM. Goodman dcatli ! goodmaa bone

Eott. Xhou atomif, thou !

2 Hen. 17, x.

It is also nsed in the provinci

dialects of several of the Kocthej


Oar Jwohnny'a puA tvm'd till a part


NowUier works, eats, drinks, or sleeps

he sud. Jndenen's Cumb. Ball., p. $

As I protest, tliey must lia' disteci

and made an anatamjt o' me first, kf.

Ben Jomton, i, U

Atonb, «. (1) To agree.

He and Anlidins can no more aUm4

Than vKrfenteat ooutntriL'ty.

Sitakt$p.y Corid,, iv.

(2) To reconcile.

Sinoe we cannot atang you.

At-onb, adv. in a state of co


Sone thd were at-one, with wine at

assent. Peter Langtqft, p. S:

At fewc wordea thai ben at-ome,

Uegraythes hun and forth is gon.

Atonement, s. ReconciliatioB.

If we do now make mr eUammeni wvU.

Our peace will, like a broken liflsb unite

Be auunger for the breakuig.


Since your bappinen,

Aa you wUl have it, has alone dcpeBdeD<

Upon her favour, from my mni I wish v

A fair atonanemt.

Mamng., B. qfMilM, iv,

Atop, adv, wadprqi. On the to]

upon. Ib modern dialecta it

accompanied by^or on.

Tlie buzzar is t'ery ordinary ; lis corei

atof to keep out the aeaickv^ kcas

of the Boortching sunne.

BmrberVi TrmtU, 16:

Atop the chaMeU is a gMie (or «t«

mirrour) pendant, whereia tl»eac Jii

eyed people view the deformity of tb

Ato&nb, (I) fc To rua away.

Tho Water Tyrel y^ey that ke wm di


He tLtomdg M Taste as he nvfte; that «

kys best won. Boi. OUme., p. 4]

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(3)1. Anattornev.

Aioi7£, pnp. {jCn.) About;

Atocrse,*. (^.-JV.) To equip.

Atdw. ThattbiMi.

AT-PLAT.oAr. OutoffToric. Simff.

irtAHT, \prei. L of atrecke.

AnucGHT, /Seized ; took away.

AnAjfEMTAL, "1 a4f. {Lai.) Black

Anuxsirroua, J aa ink.

AnuTB, r. (froBB A^S. trtgian*)

To trouble; to vex; to anger.

He itete kin «p in ft hreyd,

!■ hit hoteflore Wrfyi.

ATMD,«^*.(froin lii/. fl/er.) Tinged

vith a black colour.

Anm; l«tfv. Distinctly;

ATKiGma, j compietdy. Trae-

'w, <fii/Hie/e. FrtmpU Parv.

AiiiCK,A Ad uaher of a ball, or

Btttter porter. Mimakeu.

Ana,«. To try; to judge.

9* JTBtiK fie wtte. tlie tothe to nine,

far tefe BO lotk lo Ictte tlie n^ lave to

SBJt i»e<«r Langtcft, p. 60.

ATiiCTiir.tL Totmsl ; to confide.

AnociE, ». (1) To rout ; to put



Atecti, t. To appear.

^I(n«re fait k tkat me tin «liiniet3i,

\^ the totoraeUi. an tftbwcth

|i3 liait. an ftooM, an tarf, an date,

^ tka Be Buct DO var a/rw/«.

lliife M^ Iffffkiinffde, 1156

Atscatex, a. (J^N.) To eacape.

I«9a.ilii paee that ia ao fre

h Aer kope do than mi^

MttafCH perae ant come to flia,

tkihe Mine tint «T aha) be.

Lgric Foetrf,^1i.

iniTn,«.(^^ Towtthatand;


At-mutare, ad». In dispute.

^tiMl JBog BKB io fall Mt-*9iuiret

i« Afaa vodi tbat ia fieni m4 tairei

Fiiiaif* 2Xc«Mwarta» p. S71.

AawBBE. s. (^^&) To with.

Attacb, w. (Fr.) To johi.

Tm maiU •tUek'd oAr. not the aitltnda

Wliicb tbott haat perpcndicnlarly failrn.


AiTACHB, (1) t. (fr.) A term in


An atUukt, la aa omeh at to aay,

wlgarly. tack'd or faalcn'd tofetbar, or

one tiling faaten'd to another.

Ladief Dictionary, IftM.

(2) 9. {A..N.) To ittach; to


Aid eomanndrd a eonslakli^

That com at the firete.

To atUeken tho tyranntz.


I fare oate a canmytmem to certaina

good vorahyppefnJI folke at Biyatow lo

mttaeke Bicimrd Wrblte.

Sir T. Mor€'i Wltrb, p. 737.

Attaint, a. (1> A taint ; anything


I viil not pobon thee wHh my a/fata/,

Nor fold my faaK in deanW coin'd ext aiea.

SMMt«$p., Luereee.

(2) A term in jousting. See (3).

The kyng vat that daye hygihly to be

prayscd, for he hrake xxl)j. apereap

beaytle mttafuteM, and bera doaae to

rroond a man of nrmn and hya borw.


(3) V, To hit or touch anvthing,

as to strike a blow on a helmet.


ATTAL-aARnaiv. a. A term formerly

applied by the inhnbiunta of

Cornwall to an old mine that ia


Attamb, v. (1) id^N. mUaiMT,)

To commence ; to begin ; to make

a cut into ; to broach a vessel of


I pray ye> syr emperoore, ihewe roe thy

mTnoe. wlietber is more accardynftc, to

nitnme thyt fytahe here preaaente,

fyrate at the heade, or at the tayle. The

emperann arawered abortive, and

aayde, at the bead the fytake tltall be

fyrsU eUtamed. Ahan's Cknm. f. 178.

Tea, ootte, qnoth be, lOO mote I lyde or


But I be meiy, I wia IwolbeMamedf

And right anoD his tale he bath aUmed,

And tms he said unto ns everichon.

ClUaKer, Nomw PrUsl't 3'«2«, #d. Urrg.





For tithin tlwt paync wa« first named,

Was ner more wotull payne attamed.

Chaucer's Dreamer 596.

(2) (A..N. titainer.) To hurt;

to injure. Probably, \?hen the

word occurs in this sense, it is a

misreading of the MS., and ought,

according to the derivation, to be

aitaine. In the following passage,

given under this head by Mr.

Ualliwell, the meaning probablv

is that of (1).

or his scholder the swerd glod doun.

That botlie plates and haal^goua

He carf atuo y plight,

AI to the naked hide y-wis ;

And nought of flesche atamed is

Thurcb grace of God Alniight.

ffy 0/ Warwike, p. 886.

(3) To tame.

Wliich made the King change face and


And specially his pride gnn aitame.

Whan he wist Pandosia was the name.

Bochas, p. 108.

TAUiNATB, V. (Lot, aUamtRO,)

To corrupt ; to spoil.

TAN. See Aile.

TANis, adv, {A,.S.) At once.

TAR,;;r<y. After. Shropth.

T ask' D, pari. p. Blamed.

TASTE, V. To taste.

TE. ] pr€p. {A,-S. at pan, at

TTKN, Uhe, softened first into

TTAN, 1 aiian, then into at fen,

ind finally into atte.) At the.

And bad hir Wght it atte fver.

CaxtoH, Jteynart, sig. B 6, b.

jttla prestes hows. lb., sig. B 7.

Before a word beginning with a

irowel, the final n was often re-


So that atten ende

Mabyle hyu ansuercde.

R. Gloue,, p. 431.

Sometimes, in this case, the n

Rras thrown to the next word,

nd thannc seten sonime.

nd songen atte nalc. Piers PI, p. 134.

rE-FROMB, adv. (A.^S, «/ fru-

nan.) At the beginning ; im-


Attelan, t. {Lat. ateUanut.) 1

drollery ; a satirical piece.

All onr feasts almost, masques, mam

mings, banquets, merry meetings, wed

dings, plcasme songs, dne tunes, pocn«

love-stdnes, playes, comoedies. attelaui

jigs, fesceninea, elegies, odes, &c. pm

ceed hence. Burton, An. qfMel.,\iM\

Attele, V, (A.-S.) To aim; t

design; to conjecture; to p

towards ; to approach. A forn

of ettle.



The feUwes of abstinence ben atttmp*

raunee, that holdith the mene iu all

thinges; eek schame. that esrhirwith i

dialKinesW. CJumcer, Perswes 1

And it bihm'eth a man putte sue

attemperoHce in his defence, that mc

have no cause ne matiere to repreve

him, that defendith him. of excessean

outrage. Chaucer, T. of Melibeui

Attemperrl, adj, (A.^N,) Mo

derate ; temperate.

Certra, wel I wot, attemperel wepvng i

nothing defended to him that sorwfi

is, amonges folk in sorwe, but n j

rather gniunted him to wepe. Th

apostel Poule unto the Romavn

wriieth, A man schal rejoyce with llci

that niaken joye, and we'pe with euc

folk as wepen. But though attcmpm

wepyng be grannted, outngeoiu wet

ynge certes is defended.

Chaucer, T. of Jfelibeui

Attemperelly, 1 , , . ,,

attemperally, I if^' (^•-^-

ATTEMPRELY, ' J Temperately.

Man schnlde love his wyf by discre<

cioun, paciently and atlemperetly, au

thanne is sche as it were his suster.

Chaucer, Persones :

Attemprb, (1) adj. {A.-N.) TeiB

perate. Sometimes writtea ai


Sche schulde eek senre him in i

honesty and ben attempre of hir array

Chaucer, Personet *3

(2) fy. To make temperate.

Attemptatb, 9, {A.'N.) (I) Ai


(2) An encroachment or assauli

Attend, v. {Fr.) To wait.

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^mndry of liif fm*c9t friends reso!rinp

to Mi/emd tbe nrttpx of some comfort

toliefcnt Aroa Inm.

AmEXDABLS, adf. Attentive. •

Attkndabi.t, aiv. Attentively.

AiTEKDBR, #. One who attends;

a companion, or comrade.

Attbnt, adj. Attentive. SMakftp.

Attentatks, «. pL {Lot. atten-

Uia.) Proceedings in a court of

jodicatnre, pending suit, and after

an inhibition ia decreed and

gone ont.

Atontly, adv. Attentively.

Arraa, *. ( 1 ) (^.-5. aiter.) Poison.

Oraydi a wenn that uitfr bercth,

Otlier it stingrth. odi*^ it trreth.

Coujfk€mr^9 OeUtMn, p. 57.

(2) Corrupt matter issuing from

an ulcer. AUyr fylth. Sanies.

Prompt Parv, Still used in

this sense in some of the dialects.

Hie forc is full of matter or miter,

Uku est fHmltniwm.

Hormamm VuigarUt aig. 1 8.

(3) An otter.

Take heare eattes, dogget too,

Mttr and fou, fiiiir, mare alne.

Ckftier Playg, i, SI.

(4) An abbreviation of at their.

And ase ther not alter f poiupige

Berj^C atent of lioUie,

Of maa, and of thcr wvmnian eke,

Ya lotf-e and nauTt T-lothe.


(5) pTfp^ After. Northampt,

(6) Attire; array.

Attercoppe, 1 9. {A.^S. ailer-cop'

ADsacop, J pa) (1) A spider.

Perhaps it signified originally

some insect of a more hurtful cha-

rscter; tbe atlcr-coppa* figured

in MS. Cotton, Vitel., c. iii, do

act resemble modern spiders.

Ae vat eteato. that tba ne lije,

Bate tUtereoppe an fulc vli^c ?

UhU aud Nrfffktitufele, 1 800.

Ajifl thongb there be iio grci venemoiis

wettes in that londe. jet bcD ilierc

tttUreoppet vetienious tiwt ben called

»iAlau]pa in tlmt loniie.

Tretai^* PvUchrm., f. 32.

In the towne of SclirovTiImrr, tefrji

tfare men toyednr. and as tliey u:n»

tJiJkjng, an nttwrevfpe com otrte of tha

wu«5, and bote hem by the oekLos alio

thre. Pre/, to Rok. 4* Brmmme, p. cc

(2) A spider's «eb. NoriJL

(3) A peevish, ill-natured person.


Attb&lothb, f. {J.'S.) Night,

shade. Explained by mortUa in

list of plants in MS. Harl., 978.

Atterly, adv. Utter!} . Skinner.

Attbemitr, 9. An ill-natured per-

son. North.

Attern, adj. (from A^S. at tern )

Fierce, snarling, ill-natured, cruel.


Atterr, v. (Ft. atterrtr.)

Knoiring this that yonr renovn akme

(As th' adamant, and aa the amiter dravrt:

That, hardcac aieei} ihia^ eaaie-yeeldtng


Aiterrs the stQbbom,and attmcta the prone.

Sylvesters Sijnn. to £.of Essex, p. 71.

ATTEmRATB, #. {Lat.) To become


Atterration. f. {Lat.) An old

word for alluvial ground on tbe


Atterino, adj. Venomous.

Attert, adj. Purulent. Ea9t. Iras-

cible ; choleric. We9t. See Attry.

Attest, a. Attestation ; testimony.

Atteynant, adj. Appertaining;


Atteynt, part. p. (A.^N.) Con-


Atticb, 9. An adze. Somer9et.

Attiouous, adj. (Lat.) Very near ;

close by.

Attincture,*. (.^.-iV.) Attainder.

Attingb* v. {Lat.) To touch lightly

or gently.

Attires, t. The horns of a stag.

Attisb, v. To entice.

Servauntes, aroyde tbe company

Or thcni that playe at cardes or dyw}

Fop yf thnt ye them hannte, tmely

To tbetie ahall they you soone attyse.

Ane. Poetieat Tracts, p. U.

Attitls, V. To entitle ; to name.

d by Google




, t. Rubbish, refuse of stony

^er. A ruiniiig terni.

r'D, adj. Filled with small

idea ; thick. Drayton.

V, adv. Altogether.

fnah blood did firiese with feurftU

hii leBtef leem'd bereft atlone.

Spau., F. q.. II, i, 42.

iss, "Xadv. Once for all ; at

NCR, J once.

attonce her beastlv body rais'd

ttble forces higli above the leronnd.

/*.,I,i. 18.

thenne they alyght wdenly, and

their handes apon hym all attonet,

toke hyiu pryioner, aud soo ledde

onto the ca*tcl.

XK, or Atturnc, v. {A.^N,)

«rfonii service.

plainly tohi him that they would

lilunu to him, nor be under his

liction. Holing»h., Rich. II. 481.

NBY, 9. (A.'N.) A deputy ;

who does service for another.

B, (1) ». {A.'N.) A head-


jrep. {^A.^N. entonr.) Around.

prep. Besides. Hence the

;tish phrase, ^jr and attomr.

KNB, V. To return.

RNBifBirr, «. (A.-N.) A

ling of a tenant unto a new

. AfhuAeu. A law term,

rnppon dyrerae tenauntes have

ly mtUrni uhCo the kynsres grace.

MoMOMiie Lelters, p. 88.

>CT, t. An attraetion.

then their Ute aitneU dedine,

I tarn as eager as prick'd wuie.

Uudibrtu, III. i. 695.

mt$.pL Flattery. Skinner.

PB, V. {Fr.) To entrap,

lying and placing thother vj c. men

tecret place nygh in the mydd way

en Warke and the wyd towne of

srttayenet, aiwell for the rvlfyse

B said wawcuriurea, as to altrape

memyee, yf they unadvisedly wold

tve or coiae to the said Iyer or truy.

MS. CoU., Calig., B v. f. 23 A

he that hath hyd a snare to attrap

her vitli. hatb hvni selfe ben taken

0. TtUes and (^nickt Annotru

Attbectation, *. {Lat.) Frequenl


AiTRiBrTioN, 9. Commendation

Shaknp., 1 Hemy IV, it, 1.

Attbid, pari. p. Poisoaed.

Attbibd, part. p. Tried.

Attritb, adj. {Lot.) Worn.

Attrition, «. (Lot.) Grief for sin

arising only from the fear o


He, the wbyebe hath not pUyac con

trvcyon. but all oneJy attrycpott, thi

wliyche is a nianer of contrycyon un

parfyte and nnsoffycyent for to havi

the grace of God.

iHttitutUm o/» ChrhiuM Mam, p. 16S

Attrokibn, v. (A.'S.) To tail

to weary.

Attry, a^. (A.'S.) Venomous

poisonous ; filthy.

And gulcheth a! ut somed fhet the aiti

heorte sent up to the tnnge.

MS. cat., Ntro, L vcr, f. 31

^nnuw conetli of ire tUtfy anrei

whan a man is scharply anousstetf i

bus scbrifte to ferieie synne, thann

wol he be angry, iind answere hokcrl

and angrily, to uerendeii or ezcusen hi

synne by onstcdefastDesie of bis lleisc)

Chtutetr, Ftrmnn "i

Attwebn, prtp. Between. FaM


AruNDBBB, ado, (A.'S.) la sob


Atvoke, ad9.{A.-S.mt/aranJy Be

fure. Rob. Gloue,

Atwatn, ad9. In two ; asnnder.

ATWAPED.part.p. (A.'S.) Sscapei

What wylde lo ar.iea^ ^"77^ tbi

■cbottcn. Syr Gawmyne, p. 4

Atweb, adv. In two. North.

Atwxel, adv. Very well. North.

Atwben, prep. Between, /a


Atwende, v. (A.'S. atwindan.) T

turn away from ; to escape.

Heo mai hire gult atv*€nde,

A rihte wde, thurth cbirche bende.

ir«^ OMd Nygklimg., 1. 141

Atwin, adv. Asunder; in tw(

Chaucer. The word occurs i

this sense in Rider^s Dietumari

d by Google


1640, and acconling to Moor, is

still tued m Suffolk.

Atvikkb, 9. (J^.) To part


Atwuche, r. (^..5L) To vork

«ga«i«t; to do vnl work to.

AJtlai trove on JkesaCrisI,

&ja/ Mergntf, p. 168.

^^w, (1) «. Disagreemeat.

^^)rvt.p. Twitted. Somerut.

^»^, /nr/. <. (^.^.) Knew.

Atfo, /art. /I., known.

AiKi BLuiMlielloitr a/m'^^

"1m hi ande so loa^e dfrnncre.

EarUkome't Met. Ttdet, p. 106.

; ^'•nB, f . (^.-SL mtw'itoM, to re-

i P«ach.) To twit ; to upbraid.

' Ti-at oi BBB beo f^iUe ia odwitc,

1^1 Kfaal he me hw sor alyeiU ?

Rule and Sighting., 1. 12S2.

--J *flri Aide mach wnre tkia tell olde

' </«T<erfr bym and ys 9t»t, tk«k he

1.^ bjm self noiLinz.

A^l. ofGhuc.j p. S3.

8« ^»M wnfh. ye aciral here vitc^

I i^ Mcria hadfie kim c/vf'^.

ArtkomrmadlUrfm, p. 841.

Atwiie, 1

I *TwiiT, IjM^. Between.

*Tro. I ad9. {J..S. on twa, on

atwab, ^twofftnJ) Intwojasuo-

*^AW, der.

I ^^^,pnt.Uofaimii€. Twitted;

' *^<«iided.

AiiAjcca. «fo. AtoBcc A(w/A.

ArTiii,adr. On a time.

fTTa,t. Ittare.

f a^. Ail. Aor/A.

••'aAOK,t.(Fr.) A serenade.

^fBii«,^(^,) Anhm.

*'^8tTioi, s. One of the male sex

^ (^ age when leiguig upon

*olwoi Ahebbledeboy. fflm.



AucRT, is used in the dialect of East

Auglia as the preterite of the Terb

to OW0,

AocTE, 9. {A.'S. Okie.) Property.

To-monrea thai ninkra the fre,

And ttvcU the yeven, aod nchr mak^.

UoMhk, in.

AfTCTiVB, fl<jF. (Zflf.) Ofaoincreas-

ing quality.

AccTOftiri, #. (Lat) A teit of

Scri|»ture, or of some writer ac-

knowledged as authority.

AucTouR, a. {J.'N.) An author.

AucuPATiON, #. {lat.) Fowiiug;

hunting after an^ thing.

AuD, adj. Old. Var. dioL

j^js t' mtd man tit oak tree.

Young aad liuty was I when I kcnn'd thee.

Kursery BAymt.

Audacious, 04^. (A.'N,) Bokl;


Aud-fahand, adj. (A.-S.) A term

applied to forward children, who

imitate the manners of elderly

people. Norik. See AuU/ar^d,

AuDiBNCB, ». A bearing. Ckmtcer.

Audition, #. (Lat.) Hearing.

AuDiTiYK, adj. {Fr. audifif.) Hav-

ing the power of hearing.

AUD-PK6, 9. An iaferior cheese,

made of skimmed mitk. Norik.

AuDRiB. "SevBt Audries lace,

eordom," Paitffrmpe, See Awdrie.

AuBN, adf. Own.

AuFF,s. An elf. This word oceors

in J New BagUak JOieiwmary,

1691. Skinner explains it, "stul-

tns, ineptos," a fooU See Jwf,

AuriN, 1 9. Tbe bishop at chess.

AWFiN,J See AlflH. The tract

De P'etnia (publiibed under the

name of Ovid] gites the following

Latin or Latinized names of the

chessmen. ,

Milca et ^pimtt, roceot, res, rirgo, pe-


AuGENT, adj. August ; noble.

Uayle, cnmW kynsris atuientt

SharpU dn. Mfsi., p. lOL





^UGOKRE, 8. An ague.

A man that is here yhungre and lyeht,

Tlio never bo stalworthe and whight.

And comly of shaoe, lovely nnd fayr,

Auggeret and ruelles will soon apayr.

HampoUt p. 6.

\.uoHEint, fl4f. Ovin, See Aghen,

luoHT, 1

AujT, V pret. t, oiowe, (1) Ought.


Flonre of hevene, ladi and qtiene,

As sche ttuxi wel to bene.

(2) Owed.

(3) *. Possessions ; property.

4) adj. High. Rob. Glouc.

bS adj. Eight ; the eighth.

6) 9. {J.'S. awiht.) Anything;

at all.

(7) adv. In any mann« ; by any


Ic is ful joconde also dare I Icye ;

^n he au/jht tell a niery tale or tweie,

Vith which he gladen may this conipai^ne ?

Chaucer, C. T., 10065.

LuGHTAND, adj. The eighth.

LUOHTKD,/;r«/. /. Cost.

Bevis did on his acquetonn,

That had auqhted mnuy a tov-n.

Mii's Met. R<m.,\x^\\\.

LuHTEND. adj. Eighteenth.

LUGHTBNE, adj. The eighth.

LUGHT9. (1) Any considerable

quantity. North,

(2) *. (corrupted from orts.) Bro-

ken victuals; fragments of eat-

ables. Heref. and Sussex.

LUGHTWHBRK, adv. Anvwherc.

LUGLC, V. To ogle. North.

LUGRiM, If. Arithmetic See

AWGRiM, } Algrim,

He raedleth not muche with mtgrim to

se to wlint summe the norabcr of men

ariseth that is multiplied bv an c.

Sir T. More's Workt, p. 800.

LUGRIM-8T0NE8, f. Couuters for-

merly used in arithmetic.

LUGURATioN, *. {Lat) Conjectur-

ing. This word occurs in Ridei*s

Dictionaries 1640.

Luouaious, ad/. Predicting.

AuouRiXE, f. A fortune-teller.

Augusta, s. A cant term for tl

mistress of a house of ill-fam

Auk, "XadJ. (1) Angry, ill-nature

ACK, J unpropitious.Proutp/.Par

Still used in this sense in tl

North of England.

(2) Inverted ; confused. The o

signal of alarm was ringing tl

bells backwards, or, as it w

often termed, aukward, or ac

ward. " I rynge auketrardt

Sonne abransle." Palsgrave. '.

the East of England, bells are st

" rung flti^," to give alarm of fii

(3) s. A stupid or clumsy perso


AvKERT, adj. Awkward. Var.di

AuL, *. An alder. Hertfordsh.

AuLD, adj. (1) Old. For. dial.

(2) Great. North.

(3) The first or best, a phn

used in games.

AuLD-ANB, «. The devil. North.

Auldfar'd, a^. Old-fashionc


Thus vearst in legendnry teale,

This auldfar'd chronicle nid tell

Things that >aen's rarra lugs wad geali

or what til this and that befell.

Stagg's Cumberland Poenu, p.

Auld-thrift, *. Wealth accun

lated by the successive frugal

of ancestors. North,

AuLEX, adj. Of alder. Hereford

AuLN, s. {Fr.) A French measi

of 5 ft. 7 in. ; an ell.

AuM, *. (1) An aim. Palsgrave.

(2) The elm tree. Northumb.

(3) Allum. North.

(4) A Dutch measure for liqni

Auma, «. A sort of pancake. I/e


AuuATL, (1) s. {A.'N.) Ename

As sTowe grcne as the grea.

And grener hit semed

Then grene aumayl on golde.

Qawayn ^ Ike Or. Kn,, 1. ■

(2) 9. To variegate; to figure

Aumayl'd, adj. Enamelled or c




Ti giUeo bmldBs ofcortly rard^nrne

AJ t«rd viiii goUeB bendes, wluch were


With conoos ftBtickea, and fiiU fayre m.

-«|rri ^wu., ?: Q, U. iii, 27.

AriCAisT, «db. Almost. Am-/A.

AiiMB, «. Alma distributed to the

poor at Christmaa were formerly

so called in Devon.

AuMBK, 9. A measure of lime, con -

taiving three biufaeli. Norfolk

Records.earHerpart qfl6lk cent,

AuMBss-AS. See AmUa-oM,

AuMBLB, a. An ambling pace.

AuM BRX-gTOMB, «. Amber. Pa2i.

129 AUN

have been informed, it a kind of

weight with scales hanging, or

hooks fastened at each end of a

staff, which a man Ufteth up upon

his forefinger or hand, and so

discemeth the equality or differ

rence between the weight and

the thing weighed." CoweU, /n.

terprtttr, 1658. In Piers PI. we

find i

AuHELET, 9. An omelet. Skiimer,

Than of Us aanwiMr he droogh

A little keie fetiae i-nough.

Rom. of the Sou, 3067.

▼ere ttreif hte glovis virh cuai^r*

Of ulke, and alway with fod« chere.


ArvDrERB, a. An almoner.

AuMEB, 9. (j.-N.) To shadow ; to

cast a shadow over. Yoriuh,

ApMicaD, ». {A.'N.) A shadow.


AuuoNB, #. (A.'N.) Alms.

AuHous, a. Qaantity. When a

Uboarer has filled a cart with

Ruuiure, corn, &c., he will say

to the carter, " Haven't ya got

yoQr MMtoKt." Lmc.

Admpxbour, 9. Ao emperor.

AciiFHjCHfe. Awry; aslant. SAropah,

Admrs, a. A cupboard. North.

Adurt-soal, a. A hole at the

bottom of the cnpboard. A word

fonnerly used in Yorkshire.

AcMs-ASE. See Ambe9'a9.

AcNCKL, a A sort of scale or ma-

chine for weighing, prohibited by

sutttte on account of its uncer-

tainty. ^'utmaceU weight M I

Ac the pound that she psied by

Petsed a qoatron monre

Than myn owcne amutr.

Who 10 voycd tnithe.

Pitn PU, p. 90

AuNCEBTftBL, 9. {J.-N.) A homsge

which is rendered from genera-

tion to generation.

AuKcvTBB,a. {A.'N) An ancestor.

Skelton basa«iice/ryforanc«a/ry.

AuNCiAN, adj {A..N.) Ancient.

The olde Mmuiam wjt

Hqett ho tTtte;.

Gmp$ ftk9 Or. ZJt.. 1. 180C.

AOKCfBNTi, 1 . A 4- lA


Xii«*D, part, p. Fated. Nortkumb.

Supposed to be derifed from

the IsUndia mdaa, to die.


AuNDBR, f. Afternoon; evening.

Apparently the same at trndem,

Cotgrave uses aunder9-meat to

signify an afternoon's refresh-


AuNDTRN, t. See Jndiron.

Aunt, a. (1) A cant term for a

woman of bad character, either

prostitute or procuress. Often

used by Shakespeare.

lb call yon one o' mine atmt*, sister.

were as good- se to call you arrant whore

0. P., iii, 2G0.

And was it not then better bestowe<i

upon his uncle, tlian upon oi^ of his

aunlsf I need not say fjawd. Mr every

one knows what oaa/ ttanda for in the

last translation.

Middttton's Trick to eutek the Old Ont, ii. 1.

It Still exists in this sense in

Newcastle, as we learn from






(2) The castomAry appellation

addressed by a jester or fool, to

a female of matronly appearance ;

as uncle waa to a man.

Aunts, adv. {A,-N,) Together.

9eo gederede up here aunte here ott aboate


^itd' destruyde hire knides evther in his

qyde. Bitb. GUmc, p. 37.

iuNTELBRB, s. An antler.

Hunters,! «. ;?/. Needless scm-

ANTERS, J pies ; mischances. Ray

mentions it as a Northern pro-

vincialism, used in the first of

these senses ; as, *' he is troubled

with aunters,**

Dho this kynge hadde go abonte in such

sorwful cas,

ht the laste he com to Caric, there ys

dbtter was,

He bilcTcde withonte the tonne, and in

vet] grete fere,

Se sende the qaene ys dorter worde,

wuche ys an^re* were. Bob. Ohue., p. 35.

[se ding thy hams oat> thoo base niukky


riiou mak's nc anterty thouMl mistetch my

cuw. Yorkshin Dialogue^ p. 86.

Hunter, "]



in auntre, j

Ac tiiaiture, for the f^ght.

This victorie is the y.dvEht.

K. Mi$awider, 1. 8923.

So I seid, amntnler wh>«niie my enemys

be to glade over nie.

Ptainu and Prayers : MS. Hunt., f. 88, v<».

7b do anaunier, to put in


Phy love ych abbe wel dere aliojt, and my

ty ve anatmUr y-do. B4A. Glome., p. 81 1.

yadv. Perchance.

V. To venture; to





How ][ades] for her lele Inf

Hor Iyvc5 Imu aunterei,

Siidu'red for tier drury

alful stoundex.

Oateayn and the Or. Kn., 1. S787.

I wol ariae and autUre it^ in good faith.

Chaueer, C. T., 420?.

luNTBR, (A.'N,) (1) a. An adven-

ture; a hap. or chance. Inaunter,

for fear. North,

Forthi an aumter in erde

I atUe to shawe.

Warton'e Hiit. B. P^i^

I eonjnre the ncverthe!esc be God

Ihy nobley, that thou uke it unio n

ydyotia, in aimfyr that they by l

unkunning niyghtwerknoy toouy 1

that is yeven unto the conienne pro

' MS. Uth c

(2) a. An altar. Probably a m

clerical error.

B«-f«m his atmUr be kneird adonn

Songs and Carols, st

AuNTBROUs, 1 a4j* Bold ; dari

AUNTROSE, y adventurous ; 1

AUNTRU8, J midable; soroetin


1 wot. Sir, ye are wight.

And a wegh aobiUe,

Junierotis in armes,

And able of person.

Destruction of Troy, MS., f. I

AxTNTEBS, adv. Peradventure

case that ; lest ; probably. No

AuNTERSOMB, a4f> Bold ; dar


AuNTRB, adv. On the oontn

on the other hand.

Anntre, they swore hym hool oth

To be hys men thai wer there.

B. Coer dt Lion, i



At auHtrwusUeke ther ha oomen w<

Oy of Wartcike, \

AuNTT, (1) adj. Frisky and fr

generally applied to horaea. J


(2) a. An aunt. Var. dial.

Au-ouT, adv. Rutircly. North

AxTP, (1) a. A wayward c

North. ProQOvnced aup^


{2) prep. U^ Weet.

Au PY, adf. Apeish ; ioiitatiTC ;


AuR, conj. Or.

AuRATK, a. A sort of pear.

AuRB,j9r«7;. Over.

AURBAT, adj. (Ut.) (1) Gol


(2) Good ; excellent.

d by boogie

lua 131

He pidrat oate prettely,

iLadaarf-iUl liiitt radlr-

A«rmD,^flr/.j». (Xa/.) Made

pare a gold.

AuKiCAnoN, f. (la/.) The prac-

tice of drifing carriagei.

^f^acsT, f. Harrett Wore.

'^^^m,pnm. Ourselves. Nerih.

ArHcsi-MCLicuM, ». A com po-

rtion mentioned in some early

^^^^cQiMBU relatiBg to the arts. '

Afam-poTABiLE, *. A medicine

^ to hsTe possessed great


''^;^^ the golden ojU ealled

- *«siM Bkort nerrelou to preierfe

'tf<iaM2e'« Hm^. CA«».. p. 43S.

^^(1)». U-JV.) To try; to

fTwsiSft favorably. See ^#ii«/.

'2 cwy. Abo.

•^«a,«. An osier. S^^ett.

-^»^nr,r. To anticipate bad news.

f=5«CATE,«/;.(la/.) Anspidons.

ffizmi, adj. Joyful.

^f'»- To attempt; to dare.

^'SadWtrw. Also used u


*f*TtiKB,/«ir. Stem; aercre.

^^^ l^' *» ^^^ W"^

Prr^'j Rdifues, p. 75.



if or/tf Jrtkure.

tsnn>Gi,t. (^..iV.) Ab ostrich.

')«fc.Ottt. NoriJL


*^«j «. A cburch, in the cant-

2^ »«n«a; auiem-dhers,

^a?^^ who pnuitise in

•^^ca.«g. Authentic

^'^^^nwAmerfj. Authentic.


AvTBoas, t. The name of a lower.

Tbe ievre is oT r gnde lose,

TliAt men calleUi awteoit.

AuTER, 9. An altar.

He lies at Wyncbcatre, beside an mUre.

LoMfftqft, p. SO.

AuTHBiTTic, adj., '* seems to have

been the proper epithet for a

physician regularly bred or li

censed. The diploma of a Kcenti.

ate runs auihenUei UeentiAim"

To be reliaqnished of Galen and Para-

And all tbe learned and mUknUic M\tm».

Skakesp., AlCt ff. thai EtuU If'., it. 3.

Or any other nutriment that by tlie

jndgnient of the most authmtteal phv.

sicmns, where 1 rrarel, sbml be tlioagbt


JimaoHy Batty JVoii ami ffU^ iv, 4.

AtTTHKU, ady Either.

AuTOLOGY, e. ((7r.) A soliloquy.

AuTOMEOON, e. The charioteer of

Achilles ; hence the early drama-

tists applied the name generally

to a coachman.

AoTOMOMY, e. {Gr,) Liberty to

live after one's own laws. This

word occurs in Coclceram's Eng-

liak Dictionaries 1639.

AutoponI tMietj. Out nponl


AuTORiTT, 9. Authoritv. North.

AuToun, 1 *. (J.'N.j (1) An an*

AUCTOUR, J thor.

(2) An ancestor.

AtTTRRMiTB, 9. Explained by

Skinner, another atttre. Tyrwhitt

reads vitremite.

And ahe that helmid was in atarke itonris.

And wan by force tonnis strong and touriSp

Shall on her hedde now werin autremi^.

Chaucer, ad. Vny, p. 1

AuTUROY, a. {Gr, aitrovpyia.)

Work done by one's self; the

work of one's own band.

Atrrs, 9. The helve or handle of

an axe. Shrop9h,

AuvRRDRO, V. To overtbroav. Wwi.

AuvBROiTiV. To overtake. We9L

d by boogie




AuvsRLOOK, V. To overlook; to

look upon with the evil eye ; to

bewitch. West.

AuvERRioHT. Across. A West

Country word.

Is vat her in a little cot

Liv'd, auverrighl tlia moor.

An thaw a kipt a vlook o' geese,

L war a thoughted poor.

Jentungt* DiaUets, p. 100.

AunsE, «. Counsel; advice. For


AuwARDS, a<fo. Awkward ; athwart.

North, Sheep are said to be

auwardtt when they lie backward

so as to be unable to rise.

Ava', adv. At all. North,

AvACH, V. To avouch. Beds,

Avaoe, t. A rent or duty which

every tenant of the manor of

Writtel, in Essex, paid to the

lord on St. Leonard's day, for the

liberty of feeding liis hogs in the

woods. PhiUipi,

Avail,*. (A.^N.) Value; profit;

advantage; proiduce.

The ami; of the marriage cannot be

craved but at the perfirct yeares of the

apparent heir, because he rannot jmy

the avail, but by |civin<; secnriiy of Ins

landea. Hope's Minor Practicts, 48.

Quoth he, " Fayre maye, yet I you pray,

Thus much at my desyer

Vouchsafe to doo, as goe him too.

And saye. an Austen fryar

Woulde with him speake, and maters


For his avayle certaine."

A Mery Jest of a Sergeannt,

Howe'er, I charge thee.

As heaven shall work in me for thine avail.

To tell me truly.

Shaicsp., AWs W. that Ends W^ 1, 8.

AvAiTE, V, {A,'N,) To watch.

The which ordeynede for a law, that

what tyroo there was any fyrc in that

cit6, there sbulde be a bidelle y-or

drined for to avaite hit, and to make an

highe prodamadone in the nXi.

Gesta Rom,., p. 53.

Avals, "1 ». (A.-N.avaler.) (1) To

AVAIL, j descend ; to fall down ;

to sink.

And often it bathe befallen, that tur

of the Jewes ban eon up the nu

taynes, and ataled down to the vale

biit gret nombre of folk ne may nu

so. Mamndcvilc, p.

But when they came In sight.

And from their sweaty coursers did on

^W, F. q., II, IX

(2) To lower; to let do

Sometimes abridged to vale, s

the phrase ** to vote the bonn

to lower the bonnet, or take

the hat.

He wold avaU nowther hood ne h

Me abyde no man for his curtesyr

Chancer, C. T., I

(3) To assault. Skinner.

Ayan, adj. Filthy; squalid. Noi


AvANCB. {A.^N.) (1 ) ©. To advai

to profit. See Avaunce,

(2) a. Advancement.

AvANCB, "I 9. {A.'N) The 1

AVANS, I barefoot, which

AVBNS, J formerly much usee


Costmarie and arens are rerie plcf

heurbes to give a savour like 8pi(

potlMec and salads.

Markham, Conntrie Fkrme, ed. ]

Ayanceubnt, a. Advancement

AvANG, 8. A strap, or sUy

which the girt is buckled

whang ; the iron strap under

lap of the saddle to which

stirrup-leather is fastened. De

AvANSB, 9. To escape from.

For any cas that may betyde,

Schall BOfi therof ar'nnse.

CohooU's Dtnrnee,

AvANTAOB, f. Advantage.


from the east, so named by


Etesii, windes blowing very stiff**!

fortle daies together from the east

about the dogdaies, called of mur

the oMaU'Curriers. I

AvANTERS, a. pL Portions of

nuuibles of a deer, near the r

AvANTUURB, a. (Fr.) The 1

wall of a town.

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AvAXT.PBACH, s. An ewlv kind of


Atastwardb,!. (A..N.) TheYtn-

^vi of an timy .

AuBorg, a^. {Lot,) Awidous.

?« it bireftt^ him the lore tl»t men

•0 tm owen, and tornith it bakward

V:>?B«aI moan, and makith that the

«w«!w ann bath more Iiope in hia

wd Uan m Jh«a CrisL .... And thcr-

« "Wth aeut Poole, ad Bpket. that

to awroa, nan ja in the Ibnidom of

J^uia. CJka««r,P«r#oM»T.

^tvmer, more aTaridoas.

A« M Ben aaarwwr than hii,



^^AST. M/«^'. A sea term, mean-

I /^?>top, hold, enough.

-^*wcs, 9. {A.-N,) To advance.

^fi^Valaa fast en thai,

lare for to dveU and him «m»«mv.

I J . Mind's Fotnu, p. 4.

I ;« » *««wM hath aent yon thi • three,

^t^Witaad Science, p. 34.

A'AcscxRa,,.(^^.) The horns

J •'»bncL

^^Jjjf«x*«i ffwte pwrmyd he must

^^ m»K«f*the adlh yf ye woH

^ ^Si.Mhmts, tL ISIO, ng. D iL

^'*)*CT, F. To advance; to


■-|^ W tike a^ he chanaeed toesny


**•«■ Ama/iiy in great brareir.


^•)j^. Before.


■jw eaae, aad ibrth lid this

,,2J*« «rf, hia prentis him

^^toBtnei came ftiH meray.


**^ «« abaihed and in grete fere.


(5)t. Dismissal. « To give her

the ttvaunt:* Henry VIII, ii, 3.

AvAUNTANCEi t. Boasting.

AvAUNTLAY, s. (^.-M) In the an-

cient system of hunting, one or

two couples of hounds were sent

with a man to several points

where the game was expected to

pass. On the approach of the

deer, these hounds were uncou-

pled. The term relay was applied

to any of these sets of hounds ;

hut those winch, when a hart was

uoharboured, were a-head of

him, were the avauntrelay, or,

more usually, wauntlay,

AvAUNTOUR, «. A hoasler.

Avamntmir, iahe thatboitetii of the harm

or of tlie bounty that he hath don.

Chaucer, Tertonet T,


AVAUNTARYB,;*- Bo"ting.

Ave, (1) V. To have. Avedy he had.

Aveden, they had. This form is

of constant occurrence in early


(2) *. Evening. For eve.

The king ther atode arith his metn^

Ou a palinesonnea ne.

Jrlhowr Md MerUn, p. 200.

Award, adj. Afraid. We$t.

Atraunt, adj. Graceful; beoom*


Ats-blot, 9. A reckoning ; a pay-

ment. Minsheu,

AvB-BooRDS, *. "Aubei, the short

boords which are set into th'

ontside of a water-mills wheele ;

we call them ladles, or ove-

boorde" Coignwe,

AvEBR, #. Property. See Ater,

AvEis^, adJ, Careful ; wary. For


Atbl, (1) e. The awn or heard of

barley. Norf. and Suff,

(2) V. (Lot avello,) To tear away.

AvELONO, adj. Elliptical; oval;

oblong. "Avehng, oblongus.*'

Prompt, P, It is still used in

Suffolk, according to Moor, who

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tays that "workmen— reapers or

mowers — ^approaching the side

of A field not perpendicular or

parallel to their line of work,

will have an unequal portion to

do,— the excess or deficiency is

called ateUong work."

AvKLT, adj. Com is said to he

avely when a portion of the awns

adhere to the grains, after it is

dressed for the market. East,

AvEN, 9. Promise; appearance.


AvBNAOB, *. {A.^N.) Trihute, or

homage, consisting of oats, paid

to the lord of the manor.

AvBNANT, (1) *. {A,'N.) Agree-

ment; condition.

(2) adj, {J.-N.) Becoming;

graceful; agreeable.

Madame, ahu aatil, had ve tlint knyght,

That ea ao curtais and avmant.

rwaint and Gatrin, 1. 8885.

(3) adj. Accomplished; able;


No doayper naa ao wfenamU

To atonde hya atrok.

OeUmtm, 923.

Aybnaktxi, \adv. Suit.

AVENAUNTLiCHE, J ably ; well;


Armed at alte noiiitea

And avntnMtli horted.

WiU. and the Went., p. ISe.

Of erbea, and of erberi, so atenauntliehe

idiht. Fisiill ofStaan, at. 1.

AvENCB, t. (^A,'N.) The feast of


AvBNB, (1) t. An ear of corn. Pr.


(2) adv. In the evening. Per-

haps a misprint for ois-eve.

Hi tul him and elde folow.

Both oMiM and eke armorw.


Aybno, prei. t, of avonge, for

afonge. {A.-S.) Took; received.

He a»€ng dethes wonnde, and wonder naa

yt none. Boh. Oloue., p. 923.

AvENiMBU, part. p. Envenomed.

AvBNOB, t. {A,-N.) The person

who, in the household of

king, and of great barons,

the care of the provender foi

horses. His duties are deaci

in the Book of Curtasye aa


The cMyiMT sohalle wdeyn protrande


For tho lordya horaia ererychon ;

Thay acliyn have two caat of hay,

A pek of provande on a day ;

Every horae achalie ao muclie have

At racke and manger that atandea


A maystur of horaya a aqnyer ther la

Jsfynrr and feronr undnr hym i-wye

Those 5omeo that olde aiidrla tchyn 1

That Bchyu be Uat for knyjt and kiv

For yche a hora thai ferronre achat le

An halpeny on day he takea hyai to :

Undar ben groroci and pagea mony <

That ben at wage everychoue;

Som at two pons on a day,

And aom atfciy. 6b. I 5on say ;

Mouy of hem lotemini ther ben.

That rennen by the brydela of hidya m

AvENS, f. The plant herb ben

ATBNaoMO, «. Evening.

AvENT, interj, Avaunt !

AvENTAiLE, *. (A.'N.) The n

able front to a helmet, but a

times applied generally tc

whole front of the helmet.

AVENTE, t. {A.'N.) To Ol>€l

aventaile for the purpos

breathing; to admit air to.

And let hym bayte hym on the gi

And 03Kntid hym in that atound.

Ti»rffU of Poringal, i

AvENTBRS, t. Chance. See


AvENTOuB, (1) V, To venture


(2) t. An adventurer.

AvENTBE, V. {Ital.) To thr


Thenne thia one knyfrtit mm

grete spere, and one ot the x. kn

encoantred with hym, bnt this

knyght smote hym lo hard that ]

over hia liora taylle.

MarU d'Arlk^r,

Ayentbous, f . An adventun

As dooth an hemad of armrs

^ haa mttUrmu oometh to ju9t

Fiert PL,

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lTsiiTVBB,(l)t. Acodent causing

doth. A law term. It it the

generic teim for ehanee in early

wrifceri. See jhmiw,

(2) adv. Perchance. SetJunter.

AVKMTDBLT, aIv. Boldlj.

kvmn, 9. {d..N.) (1) A bub's per-

sonal property.

(2) #. A woilcJiorse, or other

bent empiojed iB larming.

(3) a^, (conjeetBred to be the Ice-

landica/ir.) Peerish. N^rikwmd.

i^BAGB, It. (J..N.) Manley,

ATBBisH,jin bis additions to

CowelU saf s that ib the North

of fngland this word is ased for

the stublile or remaiader of

straw and grass left in corn-

fields after the harvest Is carried

in. Boocher gives it as a York-

•hire word, meaning a coarse of

plonghing in rotation^ Carr ex-

plains it " winter eaUge."

ArgR.CAKB, M. An oat-cake.

AviBcoBN, #. (1) Com drawn to

the granary of the lord of the

nanor by the working cattle, or

aMrt, of the tenants.

(2) A reserved rent in com,

psid by ftrmera and tenants to

rdigioas houses.

AvRB, #. Property. See Aver.

A7iEit.t.(^..Ar) April. A North

Coontry word. See the PofnUar

Ri»yme9, Sfc, of Scotland, by R.

Chambers. 8vo, Edinb., 1842,

p. 39, where the same form of

the word occurs in a rhyme

popular in Stirlingshire. It is

>^1B archaism.

/»ml i« mtarj, and Inogitli tke day 5

Ud]« loven solas and pJay :

3«a7Bet.)aite«; kajehtia, tamay ;

SjrogiUi tU aygktyagde. frrcddh chco Jay.


ATiBiMa, t. '«When a hegging

boy strips himself and gOf:s

aaked into a town with a fals

•tory of being cold, and slript,

«l more oompaasioo aud get

better doaths, tUs is call'd

averptff, and to goe a mermg,**

Kemneii, MS. Lanad.

AvBRiBH, t. The stuhUe and grass

left ia com fields after hanrest.

Aar/A See Avermga,

In thrae mouaiea after the eoranc bfe

inaede, it is me«t« to iratt dnm.'Uta

horasea aad oxflo lato the aarruA, xiifl

so ioooge to eoBtiuae there «• (i.e

meate safllceth, whirh will raae tiir

other paatorei they went ia befurr.

JrckmUgia, iiii, S79.

Atbbland, «. Land ploughed by

the tenants, with their cattle, or

arerv, for the use of a monaster^',

or of the lord of the soil. OntelL

AvBBotjs, «4f. Araricioas. Wick-

litTe renders Prov. i, 19, *' of the

tnermu maa that is gredy of

gaia." See Jvaram.

Atbbotiib, a. (.^.-M) The herb


AvBBPBNT, #. Average penny.

This word occurs in Rider'$ Die-'

fioiutrie, 1640. According to

Cowell, it is money contributed

towards the king's averages ; and

Bastall gives the same ezplana-


Aterbat, 9. To aver ; to instract.

A¥BBRVNCATB,«.(Iaf. Wfrrunco.)

To root out, or extirpate; to


AysBEVKCATiow, t. EztirpatioB.

AvBBBATioif, t. (ImL) Aversion,

great dislike to.

Tliii abaoat aaiTenal Maermtiam of the

people had a aatural inflneaca apoa

the imi'saentative. tbe Parliament.

)rU«m*f/caMff 7.1668.

ATBRaiLvxB, t. A custom or rent

so called, originating from the

cattle, or antra, of the tenants.

AvBBST, adv. At the first.

Aybbtt, adj. {A.'N. avertin.)

Mad; fiery.

The respons wore rei^ that PhUip did

'*" " here.

e aaert .

*9Ur lan^^, p. S60.

▲ knyght fuUe aaerta gaf^ tham this sn-


by Google




AvKRT, (1) t. The pltce of sttnd-

ing for draaght and work-horses.

This is Boucher's explanation of

the term, which is frequently

met with in old writers. The

author of A New Engiuh Die-

iUmary, 1691, explains it, "the

place where oats are put for

horses," which is probably more

correct, haver being the term

for oaU in the North of England.

(2) Every.

AvE-scoT, #. A reckoning; an

account. Mhuheu.

Ayit, $. Weight.

And yt atet more bi six and thritti leed

punde, tbat beeth to bundred and sex-

tene wexponde. Seliq. Jniiq., i, 70.

AvBTROL, «. (^.-iV.) Abasterd.

Thoa ateirol, thou foale wrecbe.

Here tbon hast tbyn endyng fecbed !

K. Alisaundfr, 1. 3693.

Aybydb. Perhaps an error for


Takcth and cteth. tbys biia my body.

Of Mthe he bam mfi/de.

mUiam de Shoreham.

Ayexbd, adj. Troubled ; vexed.

Also rt most to tbat abe be not avexyd

nor grevyd with moche noyae, nor wyih

ionpe of men. , ,„,^ .

Book ^St. AOtuu, ed. 1810, »\g. B it.

AviDULOUs, adj. (Lai.) Rather


AviEU, \v. To view. "I<nr«M,

AYEWK, J I take syght of a thing."


AviLE, V. {J.'N. avilir.) To de-


kviKTAiv^ adv. (A.'N.) Speedily.

AvTROUN, prep. {A.-N.) Around.

Avis, #. {A.-N.) (1) Advice.

And right as the scbipmen taken here

avyi berr, and goveme hem be the lode

aterre, right so don schipmen befondo

the parties, be the sterre of the southc,

the whicbe sterre apperethe not to ns.

Mmindniit, ed. 1839, p. 180.

(2) Opinion.

AvisE, V. {A.»N.) (1) To obsenrc ;

to look at. AvUand, observing.

(2) To consider ; to advise with

one's self; to inform, or teach.

Avi^it pori. p. Circumspect.

Of werre and of bataile he vaa fnlle «nV.

LangU^, p. 1S».

AviSELT, adv. Advisedly.

Orer alia tbinges ye scbal do yosre

diligence to kepe yourc persone, and to

warmstore youre bouse; and scydm

also, that in this yow aughte for to

wircbe ful avysiU and with prei d<»lile-

raciotto. ChauctTt T. ttf Melihet*.

Ayisemknt, «. Advice; counsel.

AvisiNESSB, «. Deliberation.

AvisiouN, #. {A.-N.) A vision.

This word is of frequent occur-

rence in Chaucer, Robert of

Gloucester, and others.

And onre Lord defended hem that tbd

sebolde not telle tbat atisiouHj tU that

he were ryseu from dethe to lyf.

MauHdeviU, od. 1839, p. 114w

AviST, <Kftf. A -fishing. West,

AviTous, adj. {Lot. aviius.) Very


Ayivbs, «. A disease in horses.

The horse liaving dranke much, or

watered verie quickly after bis beat and

tra\-aile, and upon it growing cold, and

not being walked, doth beget the anvrs,

M'liich doc but little differ from the

disease called the king*s-evill, because

as well in beasts as in man. the king's-

evill coninieth of too much cooling of

water, the throat having becne heated,

whereupon the borsc ioosetb his appe.

tite to eat, and his rest likewise, and

bis eares bec«)me cold.

Markhamt Ccmtirit Rrm*.

AvizE. See Aviee,

AvocATB, V. {Lat ttvoeo,) To call

from ; to draw away.

AvoERT, t. {A.'N.) The right

of the founder of a house of

religion to the advowson or pa-

tronage thereof. Thfse patrons

had, in some instances, the

sole nomination of the abbot or

prior, either by direct investi-

ture, or delivery of a pastoral

staff; or by immediate piesenta-

tion to the diocesan ; or if a free

election were left to the reUgiona

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fonndatiofi, « licenee for deetion

was first to be obuioed from the

patroD, tod the election was to

be oonfinned by him. Kttmtii.

Aroio, V. {A.'N.) To go, depart,

or retire ; to get oot of the way.

Than buesfc thiag, meU, hence from mj

Stv not a amtm stirrins, for mil the

people were mtcmitd and witbdraven.

(2) The word ia frequently used

by old writers, to signify the

remoTal of dishes firom table.

Jwcjdm tko borde into tho llore,

Tbae away tbo treetes that b«n ao itnre.

Bok$ cf CmrtaMge, p. SS.

His office to mveU the tables, in (air

(3) «• The act of avoiding.

And as well the aerryae for the king

far all nif ht« as the sreete mroydea at

feastea, and the darjy drinkingra be-

twixt melcs in the kings chaaoibre for


lOer Niger Damns Beg. Edw. IK p. 87.

Avoidance, a. (^.-M) Expulsion ;


Atoidons, t. In a general aense,

the vacancy of a benefice ; but

in some instances, the profits

during such a vacancy.

Aroim, a. (J.-N.) Property. See


AV0IB-DE-PBI8K,1 t. (^.-iV.) Ar-

AToi&DCPoisE, /tides of mer-

chandise that are sold by weight.

** It 8ig:nifieth such merchandise

as are weighed by this weight,

and not by Troy weight." CowetL

AvoKS, V. To revoke; to call


Atokbt, t. An advocate. Wyekliffe.

AvoLATioK, t. {LaL) A flying


Onlj indieate a moist and plinioiis air,

which hinders the mmtUtum vt the light

and fariUoos particles, whereupon they

settle upon the snast.

Srvwme, Tulgor Btron,

AvoNGX, V. To take. See Afange,

Atobo, 9. To aflbrd. Wett.

AyoviWf pr€p. Before. Wegi.

AvoBBWAno, ad9. At first ; before-

hand. RoA, Giout,

AvoBN, «Ar. Before him. Wmi,

AvoBTB, adv. Forward.

AvoTB, adw. On foot. Roh, Okme.

Avouch, 1 #.(<^.-JV.) Proof;

AVoucHMBNT, j testimony,

Atoubb, t. Confession ; acknow-

ledgment. Spetuer,

Atouby, t. (A.-N.) An oU law

term, nearly equivalent to justifi-

llierfore away with these evownrr- )rt

God alone be our awowrye; what kivo

we do to runne hether or thrther, bat

onely to the Father of heaten f

UHmer't Sermoms, ed. 1S71. f. M.

Ayoutbeb,«. (A.'N,) An adulterer.

Ayovtbie, «. (A.-tf.) Adultery.

Ayowablb, «. Allowable. This

word occurs in Rider'g Dicfion*

«n>, 1610.

Avow, (1) «. {A.-N.) A vow; an


Mjne eaow make I.

Sob$tm't Bommuet^ p. 61.

Thns he biak his nmoc, that he toGod had

Booni. Laiujto/i, p. 112.

Avows, p. (A.'N,) (1) To vow ; to

make a vow. "Avowen^ or make

avowe ; Voveo." Prompt. Parv.

(2) To allow; to pardon.

Avowi, #. (A.^N.) (1) A fnend;

an advocate.

And hendely they bjsechith ths

That thou beo heore atait*.

L. AUaaundtTt L SlOO.

(2) One who has the right of

presentation to a benefice. ** He

to whom the right of advowson

of any church appertainetb, so

that he may present thereunto

in his own name." CoweiL

(3) Patronage.

Tor thorn aaoW of him, the eone 1

that strif. Bob. Glome., p. 477.

And so indured sir Robert Harmyon

and Somervyle as anneit of the howys

alle the tyme of the lyve of William

the Baatarde. Jtoiuai. Anglie,

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LvowsRT, #. (i^.-M) (1) Patron-

age ; protection.

(2) Cognizance, badge, distine-


IvowsAi., «. A confession.

IvowT, $. (A.^N,) A couatenance.

iyowTBKT, 9. Adalterv.

IvoY, ini€fj, (A.-N.) ' (1) A cry

used to call hounds ovt of cover.

(2) imp, i. Avoid ; leave ; quit.

IvRiL, s. April. North, See AveriL

ivnoRE,ad/\ Frozen. We»t.

IvuEV, adj. Slovenly in dress.


LvYB&MBTL,*. Oatmeal. YorJkth,

ivYK, V. {A,'N.) To show the way.

Sir Arthnre and Gawayne

Aajfede tUeme boUiene.

Morte Jrtkun.

LvTNBT, «. A collection of fables,

so termed from Avienus, whose

fables were popular in the Middle

Ages, as from i£sop, an Esopet,

By the po feet is undentande,

Aa I have lenieU in Avynei.

Piers PL, p. 24S.

ImrasETH, adv. A-fishing.

L-day as he wery was, and a suoddrynge

byni Bome,

Lnu yi men wery y-wend avyueik^ sevn

Ctttbert to hym com. Rob. Gloue^p.Zti.

iw,{\)pnm, I. Nortkumb,

(2) adv. Yes. Warw.

(3) adj. All. North.

{\)ado. All; totally. Crwen.

(5) prtt, i, nng. Owe.

And lir, aho aaid, on al wise,

I cw tha honor and aervne

i'waute and Oitmm, I 720.

(6) For awy althoagh.

I eoitld do Baa leat ner mack bond to

eah him in tot' house, /or aw it wor an a

clunter. Crmvtn bitUogMet, p. )!99.

(7) Aw out, adv. Entirely.

VvTKHT^t prtt, i' (A.^ awehie.)


iwAiT,i,(J,'N.) Watch; ambush.

kwAiTB, V. (A,'N.) To watch; to

attend upon.

And this sire Urre wold nerer goo frc

sire Laaucelot, but he aud sir Gara

avayted ererniore U|Min hym, and tli

were in all the courte ncoouiitod 1

good kayghtes. MorU d: Arthur, li, St

AwAiTBR, «. An attendant;


AwAKiD,;Mir/.p. Awake. Somer8i

AwANTiNO,a^'. Deficient to; wat


AwAPB, 1 V, (A.'S. perhaps co

A WHAPB, j nected with wa/iun,

be astonished or amazed, som

times written wapean,»nilwoffic

to rave.) To confound; to 6t

pefy ; to astound.

Tlieo noise of heom askaped ;

Al that oat wa« awaped.

K Jlumumder, 1. 36

Ah any dear goaaip. answrrd then th«* n

Deeply do your sad words my wits mwka

Spctu., Mother Hub. TaU,

AwARANTiSB, adv. Assuredly.

Award, 9. To ward off.

AwARB, (1) To bt aware, to pi


As Kohin Uood walked the forest alon^

Some pnstime for to 'spy.

There he was atpare of a )oliy akq^ert

That ott the gi-ouad did lie.

Robin Hood and the Skepht

(2) P. To prepare, or make rtn

for any one.

So he led him to the chambor of j

senre. and ever and anon cr>-ea •

Aware, roome for me and my uiirle *

Armtn's Nest oflvimHife, IC

AwARiB, 0. {A,'S, awyrian.)


Theves, ye be ded, withouten leainge,

Awarid worth ye irhon.

Off qf Wanrite^ p. 1

AwARN, 9. To warn; to forewa

AwARPB, 1 p. {A.^S, aweorpa

AWKORPB, J To cause to bend ;

cast down.

Eld me awarpeth^

That mi schuldren scharpith.

And fouthe me hath let.

Reliq. Anti^,, n, 5



To warrant :

d by Google




AwABT, adp. Thrown on tke back

•nd anable to rise. North,

AwAa9ums,parl.p. Washed.

A-WATBB, miv. On the water. Pien

PL In the following paaaage it

seems to have somewhat the sense

of «/«ea.

But if be hud knke Us araa as wd ■•

hi» in^, vhen be fell oat of hevTen

into CnaiMW. cither Apollo must hAre

plated tbe bone-«etter, or crerj ocenp«F

tioB bmii! byde »-mUer.

CoM»'f ScAo^U iffJhue, 1$79.

A WAT, t. (1) A way.

And ihaU dqnzte his MPtyefrom thcace


J€remjf, chap. dS, CnenUl^g Vtrnm,

(2) Past. "This month away."

Away with, v. To bear with ; to

eadare ; to abide.

I aaj Bot new wiih fomt new noones.

ItauS, i, IS, CowrdaWs VertUm.

She cooU nercr Moey witk me.

Of all vjai^ i' the eonrt I cauioi avow

tfia her. B. Jon., Cfptth, SeteU, ii, 5.

I, Vat I am an nnfortonate ; for I neither

can pre or take jests, neither can mrav

wUk aczokes. Tereuet U SmglUk, IMl.

AwAT-ooiNO, t. Departure.

AwAT^HB-MARB. A popoUr song

of the sixteenth century, fre-

quently alluded to by writers of

that period.

Of no nsB ho tooke any care.

But son?, heyho. ewm tie msrt,

lis FtjoF md tks B0f, cd. 1617.

Jwmy thtmar: food Wnttik

I set not a whitiago

By all their wriUog.

DocUmr DinOkU AU.

AwATTB, *. A Spring. See i^voif.

AwATWAKD, ado. Going away;


AwBBLL, 9. A kind of tree, but in

consequence of the manner in

which the word is explained in

the Prmnpt. Parv., it is difficult

to state the exact species. "Aw-

3ftf or ebeltre: Ebenu8,iribumus."

It prohah^ means the abek, or

white poplar, which is called

eiM in the Eastern Coanties.

AwBLAST, «. An arbalest.

A wcTB, pret. f . Possessed.

Awn, adj. Old. NoHk.

AwDEiBB-DAY, J. Sl iGthddrytha's


Awb', p. (1) (J.^.) To be bound

by duty. / awe, I oughL

And the arehebjMeboppe of Cawnter-

bory, tbe erie of Essex, ibe lonie

Baraeaae. and sarhe other as amyd^

kjnee Edwarde good wylle, as welle m

iJbndone as in otiierc pt<ir(-s, marie as

naay menae as thei myglitc in atrcu^jtb*

yuge the aeide kynge EJwarde.

Warheortk's Cknm.

(2) To own ; to possess ; to owe.

(3) t. (A.S.) An ewe.

AtM bleteth after lomb.

Jiiouth alter calve ru.

iBt/J9«V JucutU Som§*, {,11.

(4) 9. (A.'S. ofa, fear.) Doubt;

fear. **Jwe or doute: Dubium,

Ambigunm." Prompt. Part.

(5) V. To awe ; to make afraid.

AwBALDB, p. {A.-S.) To govern.

AwBAftiBD,jMirf.j9. Weaned; tired.

AwBBAND,«. A reprimand; a check

upon aay one.

AwEccHB, V. {d.'S. aofeeean.) To


O frere ther wes arooag,

Ot here slep hem shulde mrntke.

Meliq, jUUif., tu i378.

AwBODB, at^. (J.'S. ) Mad.

Wives ther lay on chfld bcdde,

SiUB ded, sna sum aweMe.


AwBDB, V. (J.^S.) To become


He rod agayn as tyd,

And liybeaas so he smyt.

As men that wold mwede,

lyh. JHtean,, I 957.

AwKiGHTTB, pret. t, {A.'S.)


The kyng swoghened for thst voniide.

And hastilich bymself ^npeighttt.

And tbe lannce out nleijchtte,

Aiid lepe on tote with swerd of steeU

And gan hyn were swithn wel

A'. AluatuuUr, 6&»&





AwKiNTD, part, p. Weaned.

AwELDB, t7. {^.-S.) To govern; to


AwEN, a4;\ (A,'S.) Own.

AwENBKSf pret, i. pi. Thought.

AwBR, «. An hour. Lane.

Awesome, adj. {I) Respectful; re-

specting one another.

I Ree tliey ore wiw nni witty, in dne

place awsome, loving one the oilier.

Terence in EnglUk^ 1641.

(2) Appalling; awful. North,

kwvs:^ V. {A.'S.) To know.

Be mey home we tchall meet

Yeff Boben Hade be nerhnnde.

Bobin Hood, i, 93.

AWBTWARD, T fl(fp. (A.'S.) A-

AWETW AftDES, j Way. See Away'


Thofl we beth al aweyvuLrd,

Tliat BChold her bvleve.

Widiam de Shortham.

To winne hem alle aveiwardes fro the white

beres. tniliam, and the JFenoolf, p. 79.

AwF, #. (1) An elf. North.

(2) An idiot ; a fooL North.

AwFiN, $. One of the pieces in the

game of chess. ** Awfyn of the

cheker, alfinus.'' Prompt, Parv.

See Aljfyn.

AwFRYKE, tf. Africa.

Awful, ad;. (1) ObedSent ; under

doe awe of authority. Shakesp.

(2) Fearful ; fearing.

AwGRT, pret. t. Ought.

AwoHTEND, adj. The eighth.

AwoRYM, », Arithmetic. See


AwHAPB, V. To confound ; to ren-

der stupid by fear. See Awape.

A wild aiid salrage man ;

Yet was no man, but only like in ahape,

And eke in atatnro higher by a span.

All over-grown with hair Ihiit rould awhape

An hardy heart. Spent,. F. g., IV, vii, 6.

AwHARF, adv. (A.-S.) Whirled


And wyth qaettyng a-wharf, er he wolde

lyjt. Syr Ga«ayne, p. 82.

AwHEELS, adv. On wheels.

AwuERE, adv. Anywhere.

Fer yf my foot wolde euoker goo.

Gvterr. MS.

I knowe ynongh of this matter. Pam-

phagua, not thither avekfre but riche.

JeoUutut, 1540.

AwBEYNTE, V. To acquaint.

Awhile, (1) conj. Awhilst.

(2) V. To have time. Var. dial.

AwHOLE, adv. Whole; entire.


AWILLE« V. To will.

AwiNNE, V. To win ; to gun ; to

accomplish a purpose.

Wyth sonft-the ofherte and achryft of


Duth deedbote this tyme nouth,

tif te wolle God atov'ttne.

^lii.Jntiq., ii. 843.

AwiRouD, jior/. p. (1) Accursed.

(2) Strangled.

AwiTB, 17. (A.'S.) To accuse.

Be not to hasty on brede for to bite,

Of gredynca lest men the wolde avfite.

lUli^. jAtig., i. 167.

AwiTH, pres. t. of awe. Ought.

And if the prcst sacre Crist wan lie

blessilh the sacrament of God in tlte

autcr, amtk he not to blessilh the peple

that dredith not to sacre Crist !

Apology fur the Loliards, p. 80.

AwKE, adj. (1 ) Transverse ; cross ;

oblique. ** AwkejOryfron^ : Sinis-

ter." Prompt. P.

Hienne groned that knyght and ad.

dressyd hym to syre Gawayn, and with

an atoke atroke gaf hvm a grete wound

and kytte a vayne. tyng Arthur, i, 148.

(2) Angry ; ill-natured. ** Awke^

or angry: Contrarius, bilosus."

Prompt. P.

AwKELY, adv. Ill-naturedly.

AwK-END, 9. The end of a rod,

wand, or pole, which is not that

used for the purpose for which

the instrument was made.

AwKERT, adj. (1) Perverse. Zone.

Awkertly, foolishly.

Tlie dickons tey thee, Meary I whot on

avkert wlieun arteau ! whot teh pleague

did t' flay meh o thiss'n for?

Tim Bobbin, ^.^,

(2) Stubborn, obstinate. North,





kwrwAKDE^edv. Backward. Awk*

ward occun in a umilar senae

in Shakespeare.

Awl, cdj. All. Jly «02r, my


AwLATK, i. (^..5.) TodiagQst.

Tar Ike kinr wn aondel mvUted, ud to

gnt deaptt it wun. Mob. Giimr^ p. tfS.

A^LDB, A^'. Old.

AwLBssB, adj. Fterless.

Tbc grcatrr strokes, the fiereer wu the

■ouster's aml€*9e liebt

Wmrma't Jm<m*9 SmgUmi, U99.

AwLUKo,/»r^. All along ; entirely

owing to. Amhmg o\ all along

of. North.

AwLirs, o^. Always. Lane,

AwM, (1) «. A measure of Rhenish

wine. conUining forty gallons.

(2) I am. North,

Aw-M ACKS, t. All sorts, or kinds.


AwifBRRyl tf. (medieval Lai. am-

AwvYB, J 6ra.) A liquid mea-

lare; a kind of wine vessel.

AwMBasB-E, «. An almoner.

Prompt. P.

AwiiE. (1) 9. {A,'N. eemer.) To

guess ; to aim.

(2) «. A auapidon.

AwMNE&B,a. (^.-iV.) An almoner.

Hhdoties are thns set.out in the

Bokeof Cortasye:

Tke svwMr* by tliis bathe siiyde grace.

And the abnes-ayMke base sett in place;

Ther in the kcrrer alofte schalle sette ;

To lerre God fjrst, withotiten lette.

lltese other h>fes be parys slioaie,

Iats hit myd dysshe, witbouten donte.

Ilie smaUe lofebe enttes even in twynse,

Tbo over dole in two lays to faym.

The ammenere a rod sclialle hare in bondc.

As o(Bce for almcs, y undarstonde}

Alk the broken-met he kepys, y vatc^

To dele to pore men at the jate,

Aad drynke thatlerea serrcd in halle,

or ijehe and pore, botlic frete ami smalle;

He IS ssrome to averse the serris wele,

Aad dele it to the pore erery dele ;

Selvcr he deles rydand by way,

And his atmys-dysahe, as 1 500 say.

To the porest man that be can fynde,

Other sllys, I wot, be is unkynde.

AwMoss, t. pi. Alms. Thcresby

gives this form of the word in hia

letter t<^ Ray, 1703.

AwMRT, 9. A pantry. North. See


Awn, (1)9. To own ; toacknow*

ledge. North.

(2) To own ; to posseu. North.

(3) To visit. YorkMh.

(4) adj. Own.

As fVrste, the zr. of alle there gnode*,

and tlisiine sne bole x%\, st yctt ni k\ rry

batell to oome ferreoute there ountrets

at tber «mi« coste.

WmrbMrtk*i Ckrem.

Awv'o.pari. p. Ordained. Yorkeh.

I am aum'd to ill luck, i. e., it is

ray peculiar destiny.

AwNDBRNB,«. An andiron. Proatpi.


AwNB, s. The beard of com ; the

arieia of Linnsus. North.

AwNBR, «. (1) A possessor; aa

owner. North.

(2) An altar.

AwN-BBLL, #. Own-self. North.

AwNTtTBfl, t. AdveoturoQS. Sea'


AwoNDKR, 9. (1) To surprise; to


He was wjjtliche awonJerti,

And nn to wepe vtrr..

Willum mad tk« Werwolf t p. 13.

(2) To marvel.

Heo mituniffde switbe.

MS. Beg., 17 A xfvii. f. 6S.

AwoRK, aifv. On work ; at work.

I'll set his baming nose onre more ansork

To smell where I reroot'd it,

B. Jon., CoMe it Jlier'd, ii, S.

WiU yonr grace set him aworkf

Bird in m Cogt, i, 1.

AwoRTHK, adv. "Worthily.

AwR,;ir(wi. Our. North.

AwREKK, V. (A.-'S,) To avenge, or

be revenged of. Pret. t. aurake.

Fort ieb have after )oa i-sent,

To morekt me thorou^ jntrement.

Vow «e witen how hit is agon,

Awreke me swithe of mi fon.

FUmeeandBlanekffl., 1. 679.

Awreke, part, p. Revenge^

d by boogie




He finor he wold mortkf be of hy« brofchrr

Robenl. Bob. GUme , p. 368.


AwvLiTmSf pari. p. WrittCB.

Awmo, adj. Any.

Is ther fallen imj affny

In lud ovro where!

Tvwtuley M^tUriet, p, S73.

AwBOKEN, part. p. of twreke.


AwBOTHB, r. (-(^.-5.) To mike


AwKUDDT, a/9. Alreidy. iVbr/A.

Aws-BONKs, «. "Ox-bones, or

hones of the legs of cows or oien,

with which boys (in Yorkshire)

play at aw$ or yawse." Kennett.

AwsT. I shall. Northumb,

AwT. (1) All the. North.

(2) adv. Out. North.

AwTALENT, #. {A.-S.) in will.

AwTER, (1) 17. To alter. North.

(2) 9. An altar.

Seynt Tbomaa vat i-sbiwe.

At Canlyrbury at the aaoter tton,

Wlier many mvnidvs are i-don.

Richard Coer de Zidit, 41.

AwTH. (1) All the. North.

(2) *. Ought ; anything.

AwTHB, adj. Sad ?

Pilgreines. in speche ye ar folle moike.

TowneUii MjftUrit*, p. 274.

AwTHER, adj. Either.

AwT8, #. Oats. Lane.

AwvE. I have. Northumb.

AwvER, firf». Over. 5om«r*e/.

AwvisB, adj. (1) Elvish. Z.<m(?.

E, law I on did 'n the awvish shap, an

the pleek Juaap paa, aed 'n the ?

Tm Bobbin, p. 7.

(2) Queer ; neither sick nor well.


AwvisHLT, adv. Horribly; super-


"When be eooa in ogea, be glooart

tunUkfy ot meszil feaae; on meuil

feaie glendurt oa wrytlienly ot him osen.

Jim Bobbin, p. SO.

AwwHERE, adv. Everywhere ; all



AWTRIEN, t. (A.-S.) To


Tliry wolden awyrien that wifbt

For hia vel dedea. Fiert Pi. p. 400.

Ax, 8. (1) A miU-dam? See


Alaother ia a artbntmymafltcrclainetb

the keeping of; i pray yiMi let then

bare and occnpie the same unto the

aame tyme, and then wc ahuU takt a

dereccion in every thiiif.

PlnrnptonCorretpmuUmet, p. 7>.

(2) An axletrec. Kent.

Axe, 1 p. (A.-S.) To ask. This

AX, J word, which now passes

for a mere vulgarism, is the

original Saxon form, and used

commonly by Chancer and others.

That alio some as he hym berdc;

The kiHgea wordra he anauerde ;

'What thyug: the kyng: him axe wolde,

Therof anon the trowthe he tolde.

Omer, MS. Gw*.. It. i, 6.

And axed them this question than.

Heywooi^ Four Ps, 0. P.,i, ^^

AxEN, #.(//.. 5.) Ashes. Still used

in the dialect of the West.

T not wharof beth men ao prate;

Of erthe and axen^ fcUe and bone?

PoL Sonte, p. 90S.

AxBN-CAT, «. A cat which tum-

bles in the ashes. Devon.

Axes, «. The ague. Applied nsore

particularly to fits or paroxysms.

In the xiii of king Edwardc, there was

ft mate hote aomer And unhrer-

•ally ferera, axee, and tlie hlody flix pre-

vailed in diverse partes ot Endande.

LeUaid's Coll., ii, 607.

Not only yong. bat some that wer olde,

Wyth love's axcesu now wer they bote,

now colde.

Bockas, Fall ofPrinca, L lU.

AxEW ADDLE, (1) ». To woUow on

the gruund. Devon..

(2) «. One, w1k> by coostantly

sitting near the fire, becomes

dirty with ashes; an idle and

lazy person. Devon.

(3) A dealer in ashes. Devon.

AxFETCH, 1 tf. A plants so called

AxvETCH, yfrom the axe-like

AXWORT, J shape of Us pods»

d by boogie




And ve seede aot maka asy Itmbt of

it, but that ercii food ud kinde frowMl.

iMin); forth any

tJung bat liitstvd Kede,— tikv bottles,

a^ftck. or rach otbrr like wipi«fit«bJe

vcnieL n« OMW/rM fWw. p. M6.

Axii^NAiLs, «. Naik or bolts to

attach the axle-tree to the eart.

Axing, t. A reqacsi.

AxioMAXCT, s. DiTiBatkm by

hatchets. Coeiermwt,

AxLi-TOorH, «. A grinder. North.

To dreame of esfks UTing oirer oar

beadi. to dremie of ■uurriujrea, dUoc-

iBg. «sd banqneuin^ forrtcils some of

our kinsTolkes are departed ; to dreaow

of Hirer, if thtm haat it fpf«a to thy-

■etfe, rarow; of gold, ggod fortvive;

tokiie an axU-tolk or an eye, the death

•f tone friend; to dmia of bloody

teeth, the death of the dreamer.

Commirf-mBt$ Comnulhr, 163S.

Ax-piDLAR, M. A dealer in aabes ;

1 penon whabawka about wood-

ashet. IF«ff/.

AxsKBB, a. The axfetcb. Hiimheu.

AxsT, V. (i/.-5. octtaa.) To ask.

Ho that wyD tliere mxfjf jostna.

To kepe hys amea fro tlie mta»,

la taKDeaeot oUier Orrht.

Liwtfid, 10S7.

AxTREi, «. The axle-tree.

AxuNoxE, «. (Za/. ajpunfiaj) Soft

fat; grease.

The povder of eartb-vanaes, and anpa-

ftr, artdeth farther, nvanaweU, and

tite tender toppea of the bo\e.tree,

viib olibanam -, nil tbeae. beinx made

«p aad tempered to^eclwr to make aa

enpbater, he eoaaaeUeth to bee ap'

pljw to Hnaeves that are layed oiicn.

TdpieU. History qfSerfetUs, p. Sll.

AxwoBT, #. Axfetcb. iOnaheu.

Ay, $. (^..s. 4Bf.) (1) An egg.

Affr9m,pL{ji,^a9ru.) Eggs.

Aftcnnrd a llok of Vryddit,

And a faaotn heom amyddca.

And «r he laide, lo he tiejfh,

TJal feol ihe kTOg Phelip nygh,


A drafNm erep out of the tcbelle.

TUe bryijht tonne m bote hit schoa,

TJmi the gjf al to-«oon.

The dragoa by in the atrete.

M}sbte he noasht dare for hete;

p. 101.

He fondith to errope, aa y ov telle,

Ageya ia to ihe ««-whei(e.

X. AUmmnder, U. IM-«77.

Jj/rm they Icfpth. aa a grilToB ;

Ac they bcoB more feor arouo.

/I.. I. aeod.

(2) eoiy. Tea.

(3) ad9. Always ; erer.

(4) interj. Ah I

A$ ! be-thereve Tov be ny fay.

EiUon'g AMcinU Song*, p

Of noa the bad ay to ttint ne hold tlinm

BUOe. Un^ttfVt Ckrtm., p. 2:^).

Thi men er btoeged baid la Dnnbar «ith

grete «y«. lb., p. 276.

Atancb, prtp. Against.

Atdbk, eonj. Either.

Ayb, ^

ATBjr, \adv. (A.'S,) Again;

ATBNB, [prtp. against.


Ye mote abide aad thole aie,

TiU eftMBe y oome awe

Atbl, «. (J.'N.) A grandfcther.

?or kyng Cynii woald not, ia h ji lire,

SnlTre bya mfH of venr i^eiitilnesse

That men abMild ^raalhe liiai d^pryre

Of kinglj hoDoar. BoekoM, li, 60.

ATB?(BiBft, «. {A.'S.) A redeemer.

Aybnbytb, «. {A.'S.) Remorse.

Thia boe ia daa ICiehelia of Northirate,

y.write an £ii^ of hi* ojcae band,

thct hatte mfttOyle of invyt, and ia of

the bocbouae of Myat AnstimB of

Canterberi. MS. ArundH, 67, f. 2.

Atenristvo, 1 #. {A.S.) Resur-

A^BN&iSTNO, J rectioB.

Atbnbat, 1 o i^



Aybnst, prep. Against

AYEN8TONDB, 1 To withsUod.

A5EN8TONDB, / wuua*«utt.

Ayemwa»de,1 ^ Back.





SRB, t. (I) Breed.

MaiiT fawcoans and faire,

Hawids of nobille ayere.

Sjfr D^rntMti.

2) An heir.

3) Air; breath.

4) 9. (A.'N.) To ^ out on an

xpedition, or any business.

There awes none alyenea

To d3f«r0 appone nyglittya.

JUorte Artkun.

PET, V, To coTet. Rob. Glouc,

PULL, adj. Awful ; high ; proud.

SHB, ». {A.'S.) Terror; fear.

Sum for rret aygke and dout,

Tu other kinees flowen about.

Jrtkour and Merlin^ p. 18.

ORE, adJ, (A.'N.) Sour.

SREEN, «. The houseleek.

suLET, 9. An aglet. Spenser.

[LD, P. To yield.

L, adv. Always. Skinner.

LASTANDE, adj. Everlasting.

LASTANDLY, odv. Everlastingly.

LS, 9. To possess.

Hir ayUdt no pryde.

Sir Perc€tal,.l90.

LIS, «. pi. Sparks from hot iron.

KANT, «. {A.'N.) A diamond.

.MEE. A lamentation; from

Tying ah m«, or ay me/

n hold off, and by my chymick pow'r

w sonnets from the melting lover's


leett and elegies.

Beauwu. ^ FL^ Woman UaUr,

lero of hie-hoes, admiral of ay-m^it

nd Monsieur of mutton lac'd.

Htywood^s Lote's Mittreu.

MERS, «. pi {A.'S.) Embers.

'ake chickes and wry hem in ashes all

yjt, other lay hem m boot aymers.

Forwu qf Curg .

!«D, «. Breath ; life. See Ande.

N, tf. pi Eyes.

[)H, adv. Awry ; aslant. Shropth.

^STtprep. Beyond. North,

-auBRB, oJv. Everywhere.

Ay-quere naylet fnl nve

Vor that note ryched.

SjfT GmwajfMS, p. 34

Ay RE, (1) a. An heir.

(2) adj. Ready ; yare.

lz)prep. Ere; before.

(4)*. Air.

Ayrbly, adv. Early.

Ayrek, a.;?^ Eggs. See Ay.

Ayry, (1) 9. To make an aerie.

(2) adj. Joyful ; in good spirits.

Ayschbttb. pret. i. Asked.

Mercy mekel"che of hym he aytckette.

Chron. ViloiuH., p. 25.

Aysohis, «. pi Ashes.

Ayse, a. (A.'N.) Ease.

(2) 9. To make at ease.

I made it not for to be praysed,

Bot at the letred mene were ayted.

WartoiC* Hut. Sngl. FoeL, i, o8

Ayselle, #. Vinegar. See AiselL

ArsHWEBO, «. A herb mentioned

by Minsheu; perhaps the gou^


Aythir, a^. Either.

Ayttene, a^. Eighteen.

Aywherb, adv. Everywhere.

^iji,}(l);^. Against,

(2) adv. Again.

Abbrole, «. {Fr.) A diminativ<

kind of medlar tree.

A'ZVTfpart.p. Set; planted. Dor


AzocK, t. The mercury of meta

an alchemical term.

AzooN, adv> Anon ; presently. Ea


AzuRB>BYSE, «. A colour.

^if thon vilt prove ature-byte, whetht

U be good or bade, take a pensel or

Sonne, and drawe smalle rewles upc

Icwe lettres with that ceruse, and ^

thi ceruse be no^t clere while bote de\

fade, then is the blewe nott fyne.

MS. SUmtu, 256i. p.

AzZARD,1«. A puny child; a

AZZY, j insignificant fello\


Azzardly, a4^'. Poor ; ill thrivei

AzzLE-TOOTH,a. Agriuder. Crat>^

AzzLED, adj. Chapped. Leic.

person's hands are said to I


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^jtXKis, ffrep^ Against.

3Lki] Bore if he prammnce viUiOQt

wmhi or fif coalrariouahr «imjim the

LuRStvflte. '

Jfolagffir the loOards, p. 8.

.iSrinroBD, adv. On the other hand,

MEM,ai9. Yearly.

a»*Q{Rtfcer hj-teTe here tnage, that |e

hm hereCh ejcr. iM. ffbmc, p. IGU.

A>sT3rv9, ^rtp. Against.

i^Lzz, A^. Fearieat.

AH. 1(1) «{^. (^^5.) Noble;


X! licvdie mmutymt to Eogdood wende,

^ t^ gtt mwrn io Sngekiad lie let aomony

^ eeh eiide. Moi. Ohmc^ p. S77.

for si&er hit is of tvam thiage,

Xe oni tlat tbridde no mait hriogeO

' Akar the larerd ia wel ail,

(jihtT a ewflde an nis naht.

^-f be ta wBithAil, an oil maa,

Xt« aBsuzi that viadom can

Kan ot it wire do htm abame.

^-r pf ai/ HMii is hire bedde,

Hi^a B:^ vcae th«t the nualid^

?ttae tha list bi hire side.

Mmie mmd the H^ktingaU, 1. 1407.

{2}prei.i. Onght.

:3) tidj. Eight.

^yi^fTti, L Poaaeated.

34.(1)«9. (^.-A) Both.

(^) r. To kisa. CAaaeer,

f-S) «. A kias.

(43 s. A ball.

Baju), (1) 9. To bathe. Craveiu

i2)fret.t. Continaed. York^h.

i^)*. A disrepotable woman.

OsH*. See B0ui (7).

Baa-uuob, «. A chiidiah tenn for

• Uaib.

£^i^L.BiLL8, «. Hillocks on the

■Mwci, on which fires are said

to ha^ beea formerly lighted.


^44!(, t. A bone. North.

B4AS.CABT, a. The body. Craven.

^KKTsrt, Am not; are not. Var,

dial •* 1 itumi agoing."

8&AB,«. To bear. Mamadevik*

Baahd, t. A sort of sea-resse!, or

transport ship.

Ba-arok, t. A ht, heavy person.


Baas, adj. {A.^N.) Base; low.

Wberfor rmpostame off blode and thcr

oil enfendred ia callrd flifgiuon; em-

poalume sprnngen off flew me is oiH\d

hitas, that is to ssy tow. empostumi ;

of rede, ooleryk. MS, iuk etml.

Baas damaett, were dancea very

slow in their moTeroents.

And then came downe the 1. prince and

Uie lady Cecill. aud dauncedT two Uuu

doMMctM and departed np anine, tlm

L prince to the king and the lady CcciU

to tbe qneene. Uwl. J/5^ Mo. 68.

Baastb, (1) v. To sew ; to baste.

(2) «. Bastardy. Prompt. Parv.

Baath, adj. Both. North.

Bab. (1) v. To boh down. North.

(2) 9. To fish, by throwing into

the water a bait on a line, with

a small piece of lead to sink iL

(3)«. A baby; a child.

Babbabt» «. A familiar name for

a hare. ReUq. Jniig., i, 133.

Babblb, (1) «. Hounds were said

to babble, ** if too busie after they

have found good scent." Getit.

Mec, p. 78.

(2) 9. To talk boiaterooaly, or

without meaaure.

(3) a. An idle story.

Babblbmbnt, 1 «. Idle discourse ;

babbling, j much speaking.

Babby, «. (1) A baby.

(2) A sheet or small book of

prints for cltildren. North.

Babb, «. **X child's maumet."

Gouldman. See Baby,

Babklakt, a. A foolish tale. Sir

T. More.

Babblatantb, t. A babbler.

CA«ffcr Plays, ii, 34.

Babble, v. n. To totter; to waver.

'* Babeljfn or waveryn : iibrillo."

Prompt. Parv.

Babbbxupped, adj. Thick-lipped.

Pierk PL *• Babyrlyppyd : la-

broans." Prompt. Parv.

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Babery, 1 ^ Childish finerj-.


Babbury, #. An architectural or-


Al was of »tonc of bcrile,

Both the cattell and tl»e toure,

And eke the lialle, and every boure,

"Wilbout peeccB or joyniiiKS,

But many snbtell conipassiogs;

As babruriet and pinnacles,

Imageries and talcnmcles.

Chaucer, Howe of P., ui, 90.

A baboon.



Babish, adj. Childish.

Bablative, adj. Talkative.

Bablb, 1. A fool's bauble.



Mean wbilc. my Mall, tbink tliou it's


To be my loolc, and I to be tliy babl^.

Earring. Jijng., u, 96.

Bables, #. (Fr.) The glass or

metal ornaments of the person.

Their ears are long, made longer by

jjonderous babUs iliey bang there, some

using links of brassc, of iron, otiu-rs

liuve glasai'-beads, chains, blew stoni*,

bullets, or oyster-shells.

Herbert's Travels, 1638.

Tlicy suppose them most brave, most

couftlv. who can teare or dilaci-iule

their cares widest, which they effect l.y

many pouderons habUs they hang there


Baby, ». A child's toy, especially

a (loll. In the North the word

is still used to signify a child's


Oscilla. pro imngunciilis qnic infantibus

pueridqueadlusum pnebcntur. Puppits

or babies for children to ])lay wilhaM. ^

Homenciator, 1585.

Babies dot children please, and shadowcs

f(M)les :

Shew es have decciv'd the wisest many a

time. Griffin* s Fidcssa, 1<)96.

But to raise a dayry

For otlicr men's adulteries, eonsumc my-

self in caudUMy

And scouring work, in nurses, bells, and


(July for charity.

rUlifrs. The Chances, 1693.

Ba5y-clout9, was a name givcu

to puppets made of rags. Cot-

grave translates muguet, " a cu-

riously dressed babie of clowts.*

BabieS'head». AJcind of toys lo

children are callfd babies'-head;

in the Book of Rates, 1675.

To look babies in the eyes, is

phrase common among our ol

poets to characterise the amor

ous gnzing of lovers upon ear

other. In addition to many e^

amples which have been quotec

we may add the following :

She clung about his neck, gave him t(


Toy'd with his locks, look'd hahies in l

ryrs. Jletftoood's Loee's MislreM, p.

Look babies in your eyes, my pretty awe


There's a fine sport.

The Loyal Subject, ii.

We will ga to the dawnes, and slubl

up a sillibub, and 1 will look babies

your eyes.

Philocles and Dorielea, 16J

CIrv. How like you one anotherv flc

now 9

iVrw. Ilnst ne're a baby in thy eyr t

truordinnry, MaldtiuP or do'st see i.

iu mine?

JJovard, Man of Newmarket, IG

Babyshrd, part. p. Deceiv

with childish tales.

Baccarb. An exclamation, si;

posed to be a corruption of 6a

there, and found not uni!

quently in our early dramatist

Baccatkd, adj, (Lai. baccaitt

Garnished with pearls.

BACCHAR.a. The herb ladies' glo

Bacchbs, «. Bitches; or, perb a

a mere clerical error for racoA

The batches ihat hym scholde kno\P4

Fur sone mosten lieo blowe prts.

App. to Walter At apes, p ;

Bacchus-peast, «. A rural fe

val ; an ale.

Bacccfrrous, adJ, {Lai,) T

bears bciries.

Baccivorous, adJ, (Lai,) T

eais berries.

Back, (1) 8. (A.-N.) A kind





fi h, suppo»ed to be the basse,

or sea.perch.

(2) Au iocorrect orthography of

(3; r. To beat Devon,

Back cbacmber, «. A room od

the loiver floor. " Baee chem-

hyr : Bassaria, vel camera bas&a-

ria, »ive camera haMa.** Prompt,


Bachblxr, a. {A,-N.) A young

man who has not yet arrived at


B\CHELERYE, t. (J.-N.) (I) The

condition or grade previous and

introdnctory to knighthood; and.

generally, that period in the life

of a young man liefore he ha^

entered on a determinate footing

in the world. There were iTtiyA/i

haehelorM, or young knights.

(2) The qualification of this age,

courage and strength.

(3) A party of bachelors.



fiower. It was an ancient en atom

amongst country fellows to carry

the flowers of this plant in their

pockets, to know whether they

should succeed with their sweet-

hearts. Hence arose thc phrase,

"to wear bachelor's buttons,"

for being unmarried. In some

parts, still, the flower-heads of

the common burdock, and the

wild scabious, are thus named.

Gerarde mentions two or three

plants, of which this was the

trivial name.

He vevs iaehelort buttons, does lie not ?

Uesie., fair Maid qf ike WuL

n^crNB, t. A bason.

Back, #. (1) A bat.

(2) In mining, the back of a

lode is the part of it nearest the

surface ; and the Itaek of a level

is that part of thc lode extending

above it to within a short (lis-

Uiicc oi the level above.

(3) A back m»d brtoM'. a cnim«8.

(4)v. To mount on the b«i(.A.

••To iHickM. horse."

(.')) 0. To endorse ; as, to back a


B CK-ALONO, adv. Backward.


Back and bdob. Completely, en-

tirely. In Yorkshire they say,

*'I can make back nor edge of

him;" I can make nothing oi him.

Back A RACK. See Baekrag.

Backards-way, adv. Backwards.


Back A 8, a. The back-house, or

wash. house; sometimes the bakc>


Back-bahd, tf. That part of the

harness which, going over the

back of the horse that draws,

keeps up the shafts of the cart

or carriage.

BACKBARtf. The bar in a chimney

by which any ve^tsel is siupended

over the fire.

Backberand, #. The bearing of

any stolen g(K)ds, especially deer,

on the back, or open indisputable

theft. A law term.

Back>board, «. More commonly

called baek-breyd. The baking-

board, or baker 9'boardt is a thin

board about 18 or 20 inches wide

each way, but the corners and

end held next to the body of the

baker rounded off a little. It is

cut cross-wise with shallow kerfs

of a handsaw, al>out an inch

asunder, over the face of it in

form of net-work. When used,

some dry oatmeal is spread upon

it, and a small wooden ladle full

of the oatmeal dough [which by

lieing elted is previously made

to alK)ut the consistency of thick

cream] is poured in a heap upon

it. The baker then, by a pecu«

liar kind tif circular motion of

the board, slightly elevating and

depressing the sides alieruattly





iring the working of it, con-

ives to spread out the dough

to a broad thin cake, rarely

ore but often less than one

ghth of an inch in thickness,

lie cake is then slid otf the

xk'breyd upon another thin

>ard of lesser dimensions with

short handle on ealied the

ikinff'tpitile, and by a peculiar

St of the baker is spread out

ill thinner upon the hot bake-

nne, uhere in a few minutes'

me, being turned over once or

rice in the interval, it is tlio-

lughly baked. ServanU used

be required to know how to

ike oatmeal, but this custom is

ipidly becoming obsolete.

KBRON, •. A large log of wood

It at the back of the fire. Dorset,

KBY, adv. Behind ; a little way

r. North.

KCARRY, V. To carry on the

le back.

R-CAST, «. The failure in an

fort ; a relapse. North,

K - c A UTBR, 9. " Couterc dor*

r/, the bacAe-eautert somewhat

Ice a knife, or having a back

ke a knife, and searing onely

1 the other side." Cotgrave,

iKEN, V, To retard.

K-BND, t. The latter end;

itumn. Yorkih, Sometimes,

le latter end of the year.

KENiNO, 9. Relapse; hin-

rance. Yorksh,

KER.ae^. Further back. W^tt.

KERD, adv. Backward. Var.


KERLT, adj. Late, applied to


KERTs, adv. Backwards.

KERTBR, "XadJ. More back-

CKiRMORB, J wards.

K-FRiEND, «* (1) A secret


I) A term for an angnail.


BACK-o'-BEYoifD, adv. Of an ni

known distance. North.

Back-out, t. A back-yard. Ken

Back-piece, «. The piece of a

mour covering the back.

Backrao, I «. A kind of win

bacharach, I made at Bacharai

BAGRAO, ] in Germauy.

I'm for no tongues bat dry'd ones, sach


Give ft fine relish to my haeirag.

Old Fl., ix, 21

Backset, «. " To make a baekst

to make a stand to receive

chased deer, and to cast fre

hounds upon him at the latt

end of the course." Holme.

Backsbvorb, adv. The hind pi

before. Devon.

Backside, «. The hind part

anything, generally. But tl

word was used in several p

ticular senses, of which the f

lowing are chiefly to be notice

(1) The yard behind a house.

Kicholas Wiird, nnfortoniitelT smn

to deaili, in sinking for ft dmw wd

his fathen haeknde, 10 feb. 1716.

Tarisk Register, Hartlepool (Ckron, Mir

No innkeeper, alehouse keeper, vict

ler, or lippler, BhiUl admit or suffer

person or persons in his hoase cir in

tide lo eftt, dnnk, or plav at cnrds.

GrinddCe Kemains, p.

(2) The back part of the ho


OnHy hcare mcc: I have a cert

parlour in the baekeide, in tlie furt

most pari of my house, iu tliithrr

ft bed carried and covered with clot

Teraue in Buglith, 1

The backfide of the kitchen.

Durfey, Fond Uusbnnd, 1

(3) A farm -yard. Hampuh.

(4) A man's posteriors. In

following passage it is appUe<

the ant, because the latter, a

a fable, is spoken of as a hut


A poor ant carries a grain of c

cliniliing up a whU with her head dt

wards, and her backside upwartla.

d by Google




(5) The side of a letter on which

I he address was written.

Ciwe, vnp it (the letter) up bcw,

Thilst I 1:0 fetch vu uid a eniMlle;

and vTite on the taekndt, *'for Mr.

WfdMtf, Caamirf Wife, 1688.

BACKSTArF, «. An instrument

o^ed for taking the snn*s atti-

tude at sea; so named l)ecause

the back of the observer was

turned towards the sun when

using it.

Backstand, a. Resistanoer

Backster, a. A baker. North,

Backbtebs, a. Wide flat pieces

of lioard strapped on the feet, to

walk o^er loose beach on the sea

coast. Stmth.

Back-stock, a. A log of wood.

Backstonb, a. An iron for baking

cakes, generally hung over the

fire. A person is said to go

■*]ike a cat upon a hot back-

stone," when treading can-

tiously and with apparent fear

and uneasiness.

Backstrikino, a. A mode of

ploo^ing, in which the earth,

after being turned, is turned

back again. Suffolk.

Backsundbd, adj. Shady. Dorwet.

Back>8wankbd, a4f. Lean in the

flank, applied to a horse.

Backsword, a. The game of

single-stick. WiUm,

Backward, V. To keep back ; to


Backward, a. (1) The state of

things past. Shaketp,

(2) A Jakes.

D ackword, a. An answer to put

off an engagement. North.

Back-worm, a. A disease in

hawks ; also called the filander.

Backwobt, #. The name of a

herb, apparently the same as the

BACKMroujrv, r. To wound sc-

crei/r, or fmni behind-

Bacon, a. A clown. ShakMtp.

Bacon-bbb, «. A small insect of

the beetle kind, which blows

bacon. Ltiettt.

Bactilb. {Lat.) A candlestick.

Baculombtbt. a. (Lat,) The art of

measuring altitudes or distances

by means of a staff.

BACim, part, p. Baked.

Bactn, a. A light kind of helmet

More correctly, ^osyn.

9oine he hytte on the h^eyny

Thai he deff hym to the ehrn.


Bad. (l)ttf>. Side; iU.

(2) adj. Poor. Var, dial

(3) Offered; inrited.

(i) pret, t, of bidde. Asked;


(5) 9. To shell walnuU. W^$t

(6) a. A rural game, played with

a bad'ttiek, formerly used in


(7) 9. A bsd person or thing.

Thnt of tvo hadds for betters rhojrte he

bncke Ngnyne di<i goe.

Warner's Albion's England, 1502.

Baddblichb, adv. Badly. Rob,


Baddbr, Af;. Camp, o( bad. Worse.


(2) pref, t. of bide. Abode;


(Z) pret. t. of bidde. Prayed.

(4) Commanded Chaucer,

(5) a. (A.'S.) A pledge ; a surety.

(6) V. To bathe, ff 'arw.

Badbltkoe, a. A flock or com-

pany of ducks.

Badob, v. To cot and tie up beans

in shocks or shesTes. Leicett.

Badgbr, (1) a. A pedlar ; a corn-

factor ; a person who buys eggs,

butter, ftc, at the farm-hou«es,

to sell again at market.

(2) tr. To beat down in a bar-


(3) 9. To tease ; to annoy.

d by boogie




Badger-the-bear. ». A game, in

which the boy who personate*

the bear places himself upon his

hands and knees, and another

boy, as his keeper, defends hitn

from the attacksi of the oihers.

Badget, « (1; A badger. East.

(2) A cart-iiorse.

Badling, 8. A worthless person.


Badly, a^'. Ill; sickly.

Bads, «. The husks of walnuts.


Babl, «. (^.-5.) Sorrow; bale.

Baei.ys, a. Rods. Tufidale.

Baffb, v. To yell as hounds.

Saffen at houndcs : BhuIo, buffo, Intro.

Bdfyn lu houDdes alter iheir pray:


Baffinge or hawlingc of hntmdea : Bau-

latus, vel baftaiUB. Prompt. Pan.

Baffers, 8. Barkers ; yellers.

Baffet, v. To baffle.

Baffle, \v. {Fr.) To treat with

bafful, J indignity ; to expose.

Properly speaking, to baffle or

baj^ul a person was to reverse a

picture of him in an ignominious


Bafulliny ii a ^atdisjrrace among the

Scots, and it ia iu«d w]ieu a man is

o|)f«ly peijurcd, and then tliey make

an ininge of htm painted, reversed, \\\i\\

hia heels upwards, wiili his nimn;,

Wiwndering. crying, and blowing out of

him witli horns. Uolituhed.

And aaer all, for ^eater infamie,

lie by the hcela him hung ui)on a tree.

And baffttVd so, that all » hich passed l>y

The picture of his punishment misjlit set-.

Spmttr, F. Q., B. VI, vii, -27.

I amdisgrac'd, impeach'd, nnd '.njffrdhvve,

Picrc'd to the soul witli slimdcr's vfiioiu'd

spear. AT. Richard JJ, i, 1.

(2) ». To cheat, or make a fool

of; to manage capriciously or

wantonly; to twist irregularly

together. East,

(3) In Suffolk they term ba^d,

corn which is knocked down by

the wind.

{i\ V. To twist or entangle.


Baffling, s. Opprohriwm ; affront-

Baft, adv. Abaft. Chaacer.

Baftys, adv, {A-.S.) Afterwards.

Cov, Myst.

Bag, (1) «. The udder of a co^v.

Var, dial.

(2) 9. To cut peas with an in-

strument like the C(Hnmoa reap-

ing-hook, fregt.

(3) 17. To cut wheat stublile.

generally with an old scythe.


(4) 8. The stomach. Hence eat-

ing is called familiarly bagging.

(5)t>. To move; to shake; to. 05.

(6) r. To breed, to become preg-


Well, Vcnns shortly &(V7i7Af. and ere Vu-z

was Cupid bred. Aib. £mjl., vi, p. 1 »?,

(7) 8. In some dialects, turf.

The upper sod cut into squares

and dried for fuel.

(8) «. A name for the long-tailed

titmouse. Northampt.

(9) Among the popular pliras*>s

in which this word enters, are to

get the bag, or be dismissed ; to

give the bag, or leave. The lat-

ter phrase is also used in the

sense of, to deceive.

You shall have those curses which be-

longs unto your craft; you shnll \»

ligiit-footed to tmvcl farre, light niite I

up<m everv small occiision to (jiv^ ynnr

masters tM bag. GremU Quip, Jc.

Bag and bottle^ a schoolboy's


An ill conirivin? rascal, that in hH

younger yenrs should ctioose to lug /A-

big totd 'the bottU a mile or two u

sclKMtl \ and to bring home only a sni:iil

bitol Greek or liJinii m«>Bi niii^istc^n;!]!/

construed. Eachard^s Oh*'rr„iv>u-.

8vo, 1G71. p. dl.

Bag and baggage, everything a

person possesses.

And counsel'd you forthwith to park

To Gnecia, bag and baggage, l>»ick.

Monter A4a-Mod€, p. 73.

Bag-of'tnoonshine, an ilIii<o.y de-

ception ; a iuulish tale.


BAG 151

Bagatikk, *. An Italian coin,

worth abont the third of a far-


Bagaitel, #. (^.-5. /) A tribute

granted to the citizens of Exeter

bj a charter from Edward the

First, empowering them to levy

a duty upon all wares brought to

that city for the purpose of sale,

the produce of which was to be

employed in paving the streets,

repairing the walls, and the ge-

nerzl maintenance of the town.

Jaeoit* Law Dictionary.

Back, 1 #. A badge. Prompt .

MAGGKjj Parv.

Bageard, #. A badger.

Bagellb,*. {A.-N.) Rings ; jewels.

Baget, #. A sort of tulip.

Bag-fox, a. A foi that has been

unearthed, and kept a time for

sp(Mt. Blame,

Baggaboxb, «. A vagabond.

Baggage, «. (perhaps from Fr.ba*

SfoMte.) A worthless or pert


Baggaged, \pQrt. p. Bewitched ;

btcagmd, j mad. Ermoor.

Baggagely. adj. Worthless. Tuas,

Bagge, v. To swell with arrogance.

CAaueer. Tyrwhitt conjectures

that il means to squint.

Bagcermbnt, a. A corn-field full

of weeds and rubbish is said to

be fall of bofffffrmeni. It may be

qoeationed whether this is genu-

ine Uocolnshire, and it has been

suspected that it has been intro-

duced by tome sailors ; the only

word hke it being Bogamante,

a eommoo lobster, and such a

word it ia possible may have

Ijeea cormpted and used meta-

pfaoriraiJy for rubbish, or that

^hlch is good for nothing.


Bacoij, /. The belly. NortAumb.

-ff^Gcw, #. Food, Cumb, Baggin*

fime, or baggmgMme^ baiting.

^isat, lane*

H/re ample rows of tcnti are strrt* \' ».

The gurM green ctimm«.ii ln;;i:"«l \>u \

And biujqtn reddv rurk'd w f« irlid

i'nie Pe«htb, Carlt*. hii Wi^iou.

Statft/t Cmmderland T<tfo<t.

Bagging, #. (1) The act of cut-

ting up the haum or whrat ftiu'».

ble for the purpose of thatching

or burning. Oxfordth,

(2) Becoming pregnant.

Bagging-bill, "la. A cun-e*!

BAGGING-HOOK, J imninstrun:ei:t

for agricultural purposes.

Baggingly, adv, Squinlinglr.

Bao.harvbst, a. A harvest in

which the men provide their own

victuals, which is commonly car-

ried by them in bags for their

daily support. Norf,

Baghel, «. Jewellery. See f?a-


In tonn herd I ttl!f .

The 6i7,/AW Hnd il.r b.-lle

Bcu tilcij.d uimI n.il.

J*oliliial :s<mgt, p. 3^'T.

Baginkt, a. A bayonet.

Baglb, a. An impudent and dis-

reputable woman. Shaketp,

Bagpipbs, 8, A popular name for

a fiaii. Northampt,

Bag-podding, a. A rustic dish, of

which we have no very clear

description, but it was probal>Iy

like our roUy^poUy puddings.

A big hag-fuiding Wwix I must conuiund.

For Tie is full, and holds out to the end ;

SildoQie with men is found so soun«l a

friend. Davie* , Scourge of lolly. 1 Gl 1 .

True love ia not hke to a ba<i-fnnliii, , -,

a hag -pudding hath tvio enJi, but iruf

love hath neVcr an end.

Fow Robin, 1767.

Bagwalbtoub, a. A carrier of


Baoy, a. A badge. Bemerg,

B AH N, part, 8. Goi n g. Yorkah.

Baibbey, #. A bay-berry. Mr.

Dyce suspects an error here for

bribery. But see Bayberry.

I wept and sighed, and tbunuH d and

thumped, and raved and rnmldl antl

railed, and told him how mv v \c w ..i

now grown as common «h Luh-m.

AorHiKu.J lL«, 1G07.

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Baich, «. A slip of land.

A btdeh or langnct of Innd.

22ay'« 2Va*W«, p. 280.

Baics, «. Chidings ; reproofs.

If iRzar 10 loathsome in cheese he espied.

Let baia amend Cisly. or shift her aside.

Tu*ser'» HHsbatidry.

Baignb, V, (Pr.) To dip in liquid;

to drench ; to soak.

Bail, (1) *. (^.-5.) A beacon; a

l)onfire. North,

(2) The handle of a pail, or the

bow of a scythe. St{f,

Bails, «. A wooden canopy, formed

of bows.

Bailes, 9. pi {A,-S,) Blazes;

flames. Staffordth,

Bailey, t. {A.-N.) Each of the

enclosures round the keep of a

castle, so named because its de-

fence was intrusted, or baill£, to

a portion of the garrison, inde-

pendent of the others.

Four toures aj hit has, and kernels fiur.

Tlire baillUet al aboute, that maj nojt


Xouiher hert may wele thinke ne tnne mny

wel telle * '

Al the hount6 and the beirt6 of this ilk


Seven barbicans are aette so sekirly aboate,

Tliat no maner of shotinir niny greve fro

nithoute. The CtutU ofLcuH.

Bailiwick, «. Stewardship.

Baillik, #. (i^.-iV.) Custody; go-


Bails, «. Hoops to bear up the

tilt of a boat.

Daily, #. {A.^N.) A bailiff; a

steward ; a sheriff's ofBcer.

An honeste hushande man, that

cliannsed to fynde the sarde bodget.

brought It to the haily of Ware, ac-

cordynge to the crye, and required his

XX. li. for his labour, as it was pro*

elaymed. Tola and QMtcke Jnnoert,

Baiv, adj. (1) Near; ready, easy.


(2) Pliant, limber. JSatt.

(3) Obedient, willing.

Water thai asked swi'tbe,

Clotli nnd lionl whs drain :

With mete and drink litlie,

And serjauncc that were hayn.

To een-e Tristrem swithe.

And sir Bobaut ful fayn.

Sir Trutrem, i, Gi

I saw this wild beste wns ful bayn

For my luf himselfe hare slnyne.

rmdne and Gavin, 1. S09

Baink, (1) #. (Fr,) A bath.

As the noble emperour Augustus on

time cam in to a bewne, he behelde n

olde man that hadde done good aervii

in the warres, frotte himselfe agaynsi

a marble pyiler for lacke of one i

helpe to wasshe him.

TaUttmd Quiche Atumet

Balneator, Cic. ^aY^vcw. Maistre d«

bnins ou eatuvea. The maiater of ti

hnnt*t staves, or hothouse.

NoKunelular, 1E8

(2) V, To bathe.

To iain0 themselves in mv distilling b'oo

F.Lodge, ITouHds (^ Ciwil n'a

Bainrd, adj. (A.-S.) Fated. Use

in Somersetshire by farmers whe

the sheep are affected with IiT<

complaints, from which th(

hardly ever recover.

Bainer. Nearer. North.

Baines, «. pL Bans, particular

applied to the announcement <

introduction to a play ormyster

as in the Chester Plays. "1

the players of Grimsby wh(

they spake thair Itayn of tha

play." Lineobish. Records.

Baingb, 9. To bask in the sui

to sweat as in a bath. Gloue.

BAiRB,a<(/. Fit ; convenient. Du

Bairn, *. {A.-S.) A child. Nort

Bairnelie, adj. Childish. Nort

Bairn -TEAM, *. {A.-S,) A progei

of children.

Bairnwort,«. The daisy. Ytn-H

BAi8B&fAiNs,«. (Fr.) Salutation

compliments. Spenter.

Baisee, a^. (A.'S.) Sour.

Bath hew doune and caste in the lit

l-or the froite ot itt is soure,

And baiske and bittere of odoure.

MS. CoU., tantt., B. \X t.\2Z\

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Baist, 9. To beat Kcrtk. See


Bacstb, A|f. Abashed.

Bees Dorhte Anr^ of jone hajta,

Ke ot Unin brT^Jite vedis.

Jforte AHkmn.

Bait, (^..5.) (1) «. A luncheon.

(2) 9. To refnsh; to stop to


(3) «. Food; ptstare. North,

(4) p. To flutter. A hawking


(5) V. To teaze,or worry.

BAiTAND,;Mir/. In great baste.

UAiTBL,r. To thrash. North,

Baith, ffi^'. Both. North,

Batt-pokx, #. A bag for proTi-

iions. North,

BAJAanoDR, a. (j4.'N.) A carter ;

the hesTtr of any weight or bur-

den. Kertey.

Bak. f. A bat. See Back.

Baked, part, p. Incmsted. For.


Bak'd-mbat, a. A meat pie, or

perhaps any other pie ; pastry.

B A XBN, part, p. Baked.

BAKKaLBGGCD, odj, A pcrsoH

whose legs bend outwards.

Bakbe-knee'd, adj. One whose

knees knock together in walking,

ss if kneading dough. Baker-

feet, twisted feet.

BAKsa's-DozEN, «. Thirteen. A

haker^t dozen, was formerly called

the deviPt dozen, and it was the

number who sat down at a table

in the pretended sabbaths of the

witches. Hence arose the idea

of ilUluck which is still popularly

connected with it.

Nais, Hinthe, Metra, Phrine. Uesnlina,

Aurotonion, Letisa. AflVanea, Laurentja,

<J*fhens, Chione, and lasrivioaa LicBSte,

Miike a hakei^i daten with ABtinaaac

Dana, Samrgt o/IoUg, 1611.

Tlie refvse of that eham Ot the earth,

Ah\e to give the world a scfotid birth,

AfTnrk, amitntl Thy thfliuir moosiers


Btti theeps-ejed to this penal ignorance.

TImt all the prodi|ri«v bnmgtit forth tiermv

Are bui tUme ^'ttliu«*8 biuali Irfi on ii««


Tliia »trinn theialvr'fiocni^cbrivtnisiill

Tiie croaa-lef'd bonn of ume aincr Atiaai'a

<all. Rmmft A«mf,s.

Bakbstee, a. A feroala baker.


Bakhalfb, a. The hinder part.

Baehoise,*. a bakehouse. North,

Baein, 8. The quantity of bread

baked at one time. YtnrJkth.

Baeino-deaugbt, «. Part of the

hinder quarter of ao ox.

Bakes, a. A cheek.

Tlian brayde he bmyn wod.

And alle kii bakkft rente.

His twrde and his bnit fax

Yot bale he totwitt.

iruium /- Us Werw., p. 76.

Baxpaner, a. A kind of basket ;

apparently a pannier carried on

the back.

Other hnliyUeroentes of werre-. Firtt

xii. c pavrjscs: re. tjn paiinrs nnd

XXV. other tyre punnes . . . . Item vr.

brnkpanen al garnislird, ec. kiiternes.

CoxIom'm Vtfttins^ lig. 1 ? , b.

Baestalb, adv. Backwards.

Prompt, P.

Bal. (l)». (^.-5.) Aflame.

The following lines occur in an

early poem which contains a

description of the fifteen signs

that are to precede the destruc-

tion of the earth, and the day of


Than nl the raynbow deernd.

In hew of i^all it mI be kend ;

And wit the « indes it lal mel,

Dril thaim doun into the hell,

And dnnl the develes theder in

In tliair M al lor to brin ;

And lal aim bidd to bald thaim thar,

Abon erthr to com no mar.

The term is eumen bar ye sal,

Tlie incom to be in your bat.

Than sal tai bijrin to cri and calle,

Larerd fader ! G<id of nlle !

Cunor Mundi .- MS. £dini., f. 7 ?•

(2) a. A mine. Weet.

Balaam. This is the cant term in

a newspaper ofllce for asinine

paragraphs about monstrous pro.

ductious of nature and the like.

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kppt standing in type to be used

whenever the news of the day

leave an awkward space that must

be filled up somehow. S^e Lock-

hart's Life qf Scott, vi, 294.

Balade-royal, 8, A poem writ-

ten in stanzas of eight lities.

Balance, (1) ». Balances. Skakesp.

(2) Doubt; uncertainty. *'To

lay in balance," to wager. CAoucct.

In old French we have, eMtre en

balance^ to doubt.

Balancers, t. Makers of ba-


Bala SB, v. To balance. Buret.

" Balasien, saburro."

Balastre, v. a cross-bow.

Balatb, v. (Lat.) To bleat ; to

bellow. Salop.

Balayn, 8, Whalebone ?

Alft vr cnme, wliyt as the snow,

Fvftty tliousand'on a rowe,

Tlicr aiiiotig WHS scr Sidudyn,

And liis iievewe Myrayn-Momelyn.

Her biiner wliyt, witlibuti-n lablc?,

Willi thre Siirezyaes licUes off sable,

Tliitt wer schnnen nolde and lar^d,

Of balajfn, both BCheeld and tei'i^c.

Richard, 1. 2982.

Balays, 8. {A.'N.) A kind of ruby.

Balbucinate, v. {Lat.) To statu-


Baloh, (1) v. To sink flower-pots

in the mould in a garden, level

with the surface.

(2) «. Stout cord, used for the

head lines of fishing-netss. Cornw.

Balche, v. To belch. Huloet.

Balchers,^. Very young salmons.

Balching, 8. An unfledged bird.

Var. dial. Frequently used with

the prefix blind. Warw.

Balcoon, \8. {Fr, balcon.) A

balcgne, j balcony. Howell.

Tliis preparation begot expectation, and

that lilled ail the windows, bakoncs, and

streets of Paris as tliey passed with a

multitude of spectators, six trum-

peters, and two miirshals.

WtUou's Jamet 1, 1653.

Bald, adj. (1) Bold,



Gentile Jnliaii of Do}.ca9t«r

Did a lui batdf defie.

MinoCa Poems,

(2) adj. Eager ; swift.

(3) 9. To make bald.

Baldar-hbrbb, 8. The amarau-

thus. Huloet.

Baldchick, 8. A callow un-

fledged bird. Leic. Synonyuiuus

with Balchin, which see.

Baldcoot, 8. The water-heu.


Baldb, v. {A.-S.) To encourage.

BaLOBLICHB, 1 , n 1 11

Baldbmoyne, 8. Gentian. Prompt.


Balder, 9. To speak coarselv.


B.vldbrdash,(1) f. Hodge-podge;

a mixture of rubbish; fiiih; fiiihy

language; bad liquor. Ic i»

found in the latter sense in the

early dramatists.

(2) V. To mix or adulterate


Baldfacbd, a4r* White-faced.


Bald-kite, «. A buzzard.

Baldock, 8. A kind of tool.

Baldorb, adj. Bolder. Rob. Glouc. -

Baldrib, f. A portion cut lower

down than the spare-rib, and

devoid of fat.

Balduick, "I *. {A.-N.) A belt,

bauldrick, I girdle, or sash ;

baudbrik, rsometimes a swoni-

baudrike, J belt. In sonic in-

stances it seems to have bee:i

merely a collar round the neck,

but it was more usually pas^e^l

round one side of the neck, and

under the opposite arm.

(2) Some subsiiliary part of a

church bell, perhaps resembling a

belt, though it is not certain w hat

it was. It is often mentioned in

old churchwarden's accounts un-

der such forms as bawdryk, bato-

dryckt beaodrick, bawdrikket baU

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drtge. bowdrey^ batcuryff. Eai'fy

(Diet.) says it meant a belt, strap,

thong, or cord, fastened tty a

biickie, with which the clapper of

a bell is suspended. The buckle

is mentioned in some accounts.

In the vestry-books of St. Peter's,

Ruthin, Denbighshire, there are

entries in 1083, and many sub.

sequent years, in the church,

warden's account, of wooden bal-

drocks, from time to time sup-

plied new to the parish.

Alio hyt y» agreed the same tymi!. tJic

ekr¥e hare all tbe rnanta]^ of the 4

beUea, and he to frnde fxith bMtdryckes

and ropes for the 4 seyd brlles.

Slrutes Hitrda Jngil-Cynnan., iii, 172.

(3) A kind of cake, made pro-

bably in the shape of a belt.

Balductum, ». A terra, apparently

borieaqne, applied by writers of

the 16th cent, to affected ex-

pressions in writing.

Balowein, m. The plant gentian.

Balk, (1) i. (^.-& beaL) Mis-

chief; sorrow.

THervbtle.sire, that I tnlde this tnle,

Thi 9onc mucht« tholie dethes baU;

Thanne vere mi tide forlore I

Ac, of-acnde thi lone thertore,

Aiid Tif iun remit ni his bale.

5«y»&y«,r«**r, 1.701.

Let now your bliat be tamed into bale.

Spens., Dapkknda, 320.

(2) «. Destmction.

(3) t. {A.'S. baiefv.y Evil.

Mt (^wutiser with preme pird [liem] unto.

Aii;1 ilo^he ail uar siteayoa aiid our sud


Brittojied to baU dethe and there hlode

ihed. Destruction of Troy, f. 36 v®. MS.

(4) (^.-5. baliff.) The belly.

Pronounced bai^. In a curious

description of cutting up the deer

after a chase, are the foUowuig


Sythen rytte thay the fove lymmes.

And nnt of the hyde ;

Then brck thay the buU,

The balet oat token.

Gawt^n /• tke Or. Kn., 1. 4507.

(5) 9. {J.'S,) The scrotum.

(6) «. Basil wood. Skinny.

(7) Ten reams of pa per. Kennett,

(8) «. A bale qf diet. A pair of


For exerciir of armv. a btile of dire.

Or two or tliree pack« of canu to shew the


And itimbleneas of hand.

B. Jon., Nnt Im, i. 3.

h. pox upon \\\r%f ilir.', «^'ivp'» h fo *\\ l,i''.

Gt fern's III '^i-MfUf. U. Fl„ *ii, io.

(9) v.(Fr. bailier.) To enipiy

water out with buckets or oiucr

small vessels.

(10) >. The bowed handle of a

bucket or kettle.

(11) A bar or rail to separate

horses in a stable.

Baleful, a///. Evil ; baneful.

Balb-hills, *. Hillock'* iip<«n the

moors upon wliirli ba\e lornicriy

been tbo*e fires called bale-Jires.

See BaalMlU.

Balbis, ». (.-i.'N.) A large rod.

Balbise, v. To beat with a rod ; to

scourge. Pien PL Still in use in


Balena, «. {LaL) A whale.

llie hufre leviathan it but a Hhrimpe

Compur'd with nur balena on tlir lund.

Tragedy oj Ihffman, KKil.

Balbw, *. (A.'S. balew.) Evil.

Baleyne. #. (Fr.) Whalebone.


Bale), «. Bowels.

Balhew, adj. Plain; smooth.

Prompt. P.

Baliagb, 8. The office of a bailiff.

Balin, «. The name of a plant.

Nor wonder if such force in hcarbs re-


What cannot jnifp of dcvine limplet bm'!»<'?

The dragon finding hta young serpent


Having thlierbe balin in his wounds


Restores his life and makes him whole


Who uught the heart how dettany is used

Wlio being pierced through the bouts

and niarrow.

Can with Uuit liearbc expfll th'offcnaivu

arrow. Great iSrilainee Troy^, 1GC9

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Balist, t. (A.'N.) An engine for

projecting stones in besieging a


Ba-listab, t. A crossbow-man.

Balk, «. (J..S. bale.) (1) A ridge

of greensward left )»y the plough

in ploughing. " A baUte or banke

of earth raysed or standing up

betweene twoo furrowes." Ba^

ret* a Alvearie.

(2) A beam in a cottage. A

pair of couples or strong supports

is placed between each pair of

gables, and the balk is the strong

beam, running horizontally, that

unites those below. The balk

was used to hang various articles

on, such as flitches of bacon, &c.

Balk ende wliych appvareth under the

eaves of a house, procer. Huloet.

(3) 9. To heap up in a ridge or


(4) '*Balk the way,'* get out of

the way.

(5) 8. A contrivance in the

dairy districts of Suffolk, into

which the cow's head is put while

she is milked, is called a balk or


(6) Balktt straight young trees

after ihey are felled. Var, dial

(7) *• To be thrown ourf *att,"

to be published in the church.

•* To hing ourt* balk" marriage

deferred after publication. Yorksh.

(8) A division of lands in an open


(9) To balk a hare, to pass one

on her form or seat without

seeing her. Norf,

fieam'd and jadidoni Lord, if I should


Thyne lionor'd name, It being in my wny,

Mv nittse uiivorlhy were of such a wnlkc,

AVliere honor's branches make it ever Mnv.

Jkmuy Semtrge of Folly, 16ll.

Balke. (I) 'To leave a balk in


But lo vel halte no man the plogli.

That he ne halkelkoXhcrwiit,

Oowcr, MS. Soc, Antii. I

(2) {A.-S,) To belch.

Baikyng, sum is smnki and hoot, an

sum is sour; the firste comrth of lu-nt

and of bote humours that ben iu th

stomnk, the serounde is of roold In

moiuv eithernf fcble heate ofthe stomn]

Medieul MS. of the 1 htk eeu

(3) To be angry. Reyn, the Foxi

Balker, «. (1) A little piece c

wood by which the mowcr.-«smoot

the edges of their scythes aftc

the whetstone has been used. ]

is commonly fastened to the en

of the sncyde by a pin. Devon,

(2) A great beam. East,

Balkers, 9, Persons who stand o

elevations near the sea-coast, i

the season of herring fishing, 1

make signs to the fishermc

which way the shoals pas


Balking, «. A ridge of earti

Balk-plouohino, a, A mode <

ploughing, in which ridgea ai

left at intervals. Eatt,

Balks, f. The hay-loft. Chet,

Sometimes, the hen-roost.

Balk-staff, «. A quarter-staff.

Ball, (I) adj. Bald. Somerset.

(2) «. The pupil of the ey

**Ball, or apple of the eye

Huloet, 1552.

(3) », Cry ; lamentation.

Sou after, wen he iras halle.

Then befran to sink hrr MU.

Gnjf qf Warwick, 'MiddUhiU 31

(4) «. The palm of the ban


(5) 9. The round part at the Iki

torn of a horse's foot. See Fiori

in V. Cdllo.

(6) «. The body of a tree. Lan

(7) V, To cohere, as snow to t]

feet. Norlhampt,

(8) r. To beat a person with

stout stick, or with the ban


Ballack, v. (supposed to he fro

A,'S. behkntaa, to load a sbip

To stuff.

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Witli flooe sailed Unak, haUa^d with itnv


Left fur Uic Mvn of his nrarwion.

Ballad, o. To sing or compote


Ball A dkb, «. A maker of bdlsds.

Ballaoin, t. (fr.) A kind of


Balladky, «. The subject or style

of bailtds.

Ballancs, #. (J,'N.) This word

wu formeriy regarded as a


A pair of hallance.

BarckUg't Smtmmm Jdmm, p. 431 .

Are there imUmce here, to weigh

the lleahf M. of * eniee, ir, 1.

Ballakt, «. A ballad. North.

Ballard, #. A castrated ram.


Ballast, #. A name for the hare.

UeHq. Aniig.t i, 133.

Ballast, «. A rubj. SeeBofayi.

Ballat, «. A ballad. Abrf A

Ballatron, 9. {Lot. baUairo.) A

nscal ; a thief. Muuheu.

Ballatboi70H,#. Afoolish prating

fellow. Dev.

Ballatky, «. (/fa/-) A song, or

jig. MiUon.

Ballb, (1) «. The head. Chaucer.

(2) V. To howl. •• I balle as a

curre dogge dothe, Jt hurled


Balled, ndf. Bald.

Ballbonssss, #. Baldness.

Ballkngek, i «.( A.'N.) A small

BALLiNOEB, f Sailing Teasel used

in ancient tiroes.

Ballbrao, 1«. To banter; to

BULLiRAO,/ abuse; to scold. Var.


Ballbssb,*. Ballast. HiUoet,

BaUcue or bftsce for thippcs, uAmm,


Balliards, a. The game of bil-


B A LL-iioNBT,a. '* Money demanded

of a marriage company, and given

to prevent their lieing maltreated.

In the North it is customary for

a party to attend at the church

gates, after a wedding, to enforce

this claim. The gift has re-

ceived this denomination, as

beinx originally designed for the

purcnaseofa foot-ball.*' Brocket/,

SaU'Wtomjf. firtn by a new bride to hrr

old pUyfeUovt. LaJia' Dietiomaiy. 16M

Ballock-orass,*. The herb dogs'-

stones. Gerarde,

Ballocks,*! f. (A.'N,) Testicnli.

BALLOKs, >The word occurs fre-

balloxs, J quently in early me<li-

cal receipts. Sometimes called

haOok-etonet, '* Hie testiculu*, a

hahk efon. Hie piga, a balok

kodr yominale, MS., 15M cent.

1 1 appears from Palsgrave's Aco-

lastus, 1540, that baUocte-otoiug

was a term of endearment.

AIm take an erbe that tsrowitti in wodes,

and is lidc an nettle, and it » tlia

kttsdM of s cnbite ether ther alMiute,

and hath as it were MIok tloontt

sboote the rnote.

Meii«al MS. oftU ISa cent.

Balloc b&otb, If. A kind of

balok-brotub, J broth described

in the following receipt :

BaUiK »fu»M.— Take eelyt. aad hilde

hem, and kerre hem to pecya, and do

hem to aeeth in wster and wyne, aotbat

it be a litcl over^tcpid. vo thereto

■awge andoothir erbis, with ft w canons

y>niynced. Whan the eelis bath iodrn

ynow), do hem in a reaael; tnke a

pyke, and kerve it to ftuliettes, and

•eeth hym in Uie lame broth \ do thereto

powdor irynger, galynjcale, canel, and

pcper ; tall it. and cast the eelys there-

to, and mease it forth.

Ballok-knyf, a. A knife hnng

from the girdle. Piere PL

Balloon, It. (/V.) A large in-

baloon, J flated ball of strong

leather, used in a game of the

same name, introduced from

France, and thus described in a

book entitled Comntry Contentt:

** A strong and moveing spori m





e oppn fields, with agreat linll

doulile leather filled with wind,

d driven to and fro wiih Ihe

rength of a man's arm, armed

th a hraccr of wood."

hile others have brrn at the balloon,

ittve been at my b«K)l;8.

Ben Jon., For, ii, 2.

insheu, under Bracer, speaks

a wooden bracer worn on the

m by baloon players^ ** which

)hlemen and princes use to

ay." In the play of Eastward

o'e, Sir Petronel Flash says,

We had a match at baloon too

ith my Lord Whackum, for

lur crowns;" and adds, "0

;reet ladv, 'tis a strong play with

learm." O. P/., iv, 211.

1, from those hums, whicli she through

htncssp setts

bttVonehaVs) to hire, to all that piny,

muit iu tiiiu' quite volley them aw»v.

D-FiM. Scourge of tulhj, lUl.

.LOP, \9. The front or flap of

LLUP, J smallclothes. Northumb.

.LOW. (1) adj. {A.'S.) Gaunt;

ony ; thin.

rcas the hallow nag outstrips tlie

•inds in chase.

Drayton, Polyolhion, song ni.

2 ) r. To select or bespeak ; used

IV boys at play, when they select

, goal or a companion of their

;ame. North.

3) *. A pole; a cudgel. North.

'A bailer y malleus ligneus quo

flebffi franguntur." Huloet.

LL-STELL, 8. A geometrical

luadrant, called in Latinized

brm balla-stella, Nomenclator,


LL-8TONE, *. A local name in

Shropshire for a measure of iron-

(tone which lies near the sur-

ace ; a kind of limestone found

wear VVenlock.


ihistlc. Gerard.

LLU, 9. {/i.'S.)

row. See Bale.

A species of

Mischief; sor*

Ballu.m-uancum, *. A licentioni

dancing party. An ola slaiiij


He makes a very good odd-ram ai

haJlwn-ranrum, or»o; ihnt is. when tlit

rest of the company is couplril, ^»il

tnke CJire to sec tliere'spood aticndnnn

paid. Otway, The Atheist, 1661

Ballup. See Ballop.

Bally. (1) i. A litter of pigs


(2) p. To swell or grow distended


(3) adj. Comfortable. Wett.

Ballys, 1 3g„„^g


Balmer, 8. If not a corruptioTi

this word, in the Chester Plays

i, 172, seems to designate som

kind of coloured cloth. ''Bai

rones in balmer and byse."

Balneal, adj. (Lat.) Refreshinj

Balny, *. {Lat. balneum.) A. bat I

Bald, *. A beam in buildings

anv piece of squared limber. Eae

Balon, *. {Fr.) Whalebone.

Balotade, 8. \Fr.) An attemi

made by a horse to kick.

Balouroly, *. A sort of broth.

For to make a halonrrjly broth. T

pikys, and sprecl hem jiljoitl. ami hi!

■^if iliou hasi, fle hian. mid kt-l hc.ii

gobbcltys, and seth hem ii> alf wyii ni

hfilf in water. Tak up the pvkvs ni

clys. nnd hold hem h(»tc, and draw \\

broth tliorwc a clothe ; do powder

gyn;rcvcr, peper, and galyngnle, ai

canel, into tht- broth, andboyle yt; ai

do yt on the pykya and on the eh

and aervc yt forth .

Warner, Antiq. CuUn., p. i

Balovvt, (A.'S.) prep. About.

Balow. (1) a nursery term. Nori

{2)8. {A.-S.) A spirit; proper)

an evil spirit.

Balow- BROTH, 8. Probably t

same as ballock-broth.

Baloyngb, 8.

Evther arm an cine long,

Bahynife mcngeth al by-mong,

Ase baum ys hire bleo.

Lyric Poetry, p.

d by Google




T?u *A3i-AP?iE, 9. Tl p T»rme of an

t»"lt. f!orio,T. Caranza,

BusASfCM, 1 «. (fr.) Balsam.

HI LSAiii>'T, J Shaketip

Li A 1 «oi« ATV. ff<//. £ ni balmed. //ar-

c'^y « 6'Aro«.

?- A Lvr AFF, «. A large pole or staiT.

Srt Balk^taff.

Du.TfcE, r. To cohere together.

:-) To fiance about; to caper.

liiirie Arthure.

rULcsTEa,*- {Fr.) A bannister.

uM.^v..{l)s. {A.^S.balewe.) Evil;

mischief; sorrow.

(2) oc^'. Plain ; smooth. Pr. P.

3^LY, (1) 9. {A.'S.) Evil; wrrow.

.2: *. (A.-S.) The liellv.

■ :i) ». (^/..A:) a bailiff.'

Balti, #. (^.-iV.) Dominion.

B t fivr be shu him noht lx>t man,

'' vrlLtrd in h III wend lie war nui,

J ^»b: he fancied itlienlyc

To barl bim tli his hal^t.

CnrsorMvudi, MS.Ed.,f. 54.

3 ALTSHip, a. The office of a bailiff,

H^ihyp : Baliatus. Pr. P.

D-.rjKAN, #. {Fr.) A horse with

»hiie feet- Hotcell.

2 »L^E, a/;. {A,-S.) Ample ; spell-


Sia. a. (1) A story which is in-

vented to deceive or jeer, probably

an abbreTiatioo of bamiioozle,

(2) V. To make fun of a person.

^■HKLK, V. To walk unsteadily.

Bamboozle, ff. To deceive; to

make fun of a person. Some-

tho^ it is used in the sense of to


Ba.xby, adj. By and by. Devon.

Ijamchicbes, a. "Arietiniy the

chich^ealleii bamehicka.*" Florio.

y>-'iiL^9, Bdlni.

li • M MEu tr. To beat ; to pommel.


B^s, (I) IT. {A^N.) To curse.

i^i licsc Upon mj knees, striking the

* kit ibrj sobIs to freHactinc: palm.

Marbm'*Jeu>qfU9lia. <

(2) a. A curse.

(3) a. An edict; a proclamation.

Tlint «-as the ban of KettiDgwanbe, that

«iit lo tliig,

Tlint ihrr ui- ssolde of heie men deterited

lir tioni'.

That lijuidr j.tiolde a^e the kiiif , bwte tlie

crl of Lciccire one. Bvb. GU.uc., p. ^60.

(4) 9. A summons; a citation.

Of y» rouiidi" tablrys ban nixmU- he teude.

That echf a U > it»o"uci} d to Vax ifou w nidt.

Jtob. Glmc, p. l«i.

(5)9. To shut out; to stop.


(C)a. A kind of dumpling. Lane,

Band, a. (A.^S.) (1) A bond; an

engagement or covenant.

(2) prei. t. of l/inde. Bound.

On slope fast yit tho him fnnde,

}Ii8 lt.;r» mil if .1 lit fIiu bail J,

And hastily to I. mi <tlio\fdr.

}tntine and Gawin, L 1778.

(3) a. Im prison nient,

nil niodcr danc Alicnore, and the baroni

of iliis l:inil.

For him travaded sr»rr, nnd bnmht him ont

ot band. Lauytvfl '$ Ckron.. p. tv\.

(4) a. String or twine. Var.diaL

(5) a. A hyphen.

(6) a. An article of dress for the

neck, worn commonly by gen-


Ilis shirt he chaungcth, as the moone doth


His band is starch'd with grease, french-

ruBsct deare.

David, Scourge of Folly, Iflll.

Some hitindresBr wr also will entrcate,

For bannes aiid nilirs, which kindues to be


We will confc5«e, yea and reoiiite it too.

lioiriunds. Knave of Spadee, 161S.

(7) a. A space of ground twenty

yards square. North,

(8) a. The neck feathers of a

cock. Holme.

BAND-nox, a. Originally a box for

bands and other articles of dress

which required to be kept from

run I pi i tig and crushing.

Band-cask, a. A band-box.

By thfsi' wiihin a band-rnse lies thy niffr,

And m-\t lu that thy brush, and t'ltfii iliy

mulie. CnmUjf's AMiandu, p. &1.





Bandbd-mail,#. a kind of armour,

funned of alternate rows of

leather or cotton, and single


Bandel, «. {A.»N.) A little band

for wrapping round anything.

Bandrlbkr, 1 8. {Fr. bandouil-

BANDOLBBti, I /f«re.) Abroad belt

BANOiLBRO, J of leather, worn by

a musqueteer, over the left

shoulder, to which were bung,

besides other implements, ten or

twelve small cylindrical boxes,

each containing a charge of pow-

der. The charge-boxes were also

called bandeleers, Sylvester calls

the zodiac a bandelier :

Wliat shall I ny of that bright htmieUer

Which twice «u signs to richly garnish


JhtBarl. P. iv, Day S, Week S.

Bandblbt, a, A band, or fillet ; a

narrow scarf. ** Citirpa, any kind

of scarfc or bandelei" Florio*

Banders, a. Associators; con-


Banoish, a. A bandage. North.

Band-kitt, a. A large wooden

vessel, with a cover to it. In

Yorkshire it is said to be known

by the name of bow-kittg and iu

Lincolnshire, of ben-kit

Bandlb, e. To bind round; to

encircle with a scarf.

Bando, «. A proclamation. Shirley,

Bandog, «. A fierce kind of dug,

conjectured by some to have been

thus named because it was always

kept tied up on account of his

fierceness. Bewick describes it

as a cross breed between the

DiastifiT and bulldog.

Bat, Oraras, if thy sole repute bee hmlling :

A btmdogge is thy better, bv his bitlliiiir.

Jkmes, Seourg* oj FuUg, 1611.

Bandon, «. {A,-N.) Dominion;

anbjection; disposaL

Mcrci, qttetli. ich me yelde

Recrenuiit to the in this felde.

So hnrde the smitestupon me krown.

Ich do me alle iu thy banioftM.

Betet of JJamiotiMt p. 43.

Bandore, a. (ItaL pandtara,) A

musical instrument, very similar

in form to a guitar, but whether

strung with wires like that, or

with catgut, like the lute, we are

not told.

Bandorf, «. A penon banner.


Bandovt, a. (/v. ftofuleatf.) A band

round the head, worn especially

by widows.

Banoroll, a. {Fr,) A small ban-

ner, or pennon, fixed near the

point of a lance.

Bands, «. (1) The hinges of a

door. North,

(2) The rings of a hinge. They

speak of "hooks and bands.**


Bandsters, a. Those who bind the

sheaves in reaping. North,

Bandstrino, a. The string or taa-

sell appendant to the band or


They were to stand mannerly foraooth,

one hand at their batuhtrinp, the other

behind the breech. Jukrey.

Bandstrino-twist, a. A kind of

hard twist made of bleached

thread thrice laid, used in making

laces for females.

Bandstrot, a. A charm.

Bandt, (1) a. A game played with

sticks called bandies, bent and

round at one end, and a small

wooden ball.

(2) V. To toss a ball, a term at


(3) V. To join in a faction.

(4) adg. Flexible; without sub-

stance ; applie<i to bad cloth.

(6) a A hare. East,

(6) a. The small fish called a

stickleback. Northampt,

Bandy-hkwit, a. A little bandy-

legged dog ; a turnspit.





Bakdt-hoshok, «. A game at ball,

cofumon in Norfolk.

Bandti^n,«. a bad woman. North.

Bakdt.wickst, t. The game of

eridutf plaTed with a bandy in-

stead of a Int Eut.

Baxb, (1) ». (^..& tea.) A bone.


(2) V. To poiaon.

(3) «. (J.'S. teiuL) A mnrderer.

(4) «. Ia.'&) Destniction.

15) a<^'. Courteous; friendly.


(6) Near; oonYenient. North.

(7) t. In Somersetshire and the

idjaeent counties this is the name

giiven to the disease in sheep,

oommoniy called rotietuun.

(8)9. To afflict with a bad disease.

Weti. This term is not applied

ezdoaiTely to animals.

(9) a. (J.'N.) A proclamation

by Bound of trumpet.

Hokenn nowe, heads sires,

te htat hcrde ofta

wieli a eri bus be cried

Tliarth cuntrea fcle,

llartb liesT of themperoor

That hath Rome to kepe,

Thai vbat man upon molde

Mif t on vatr finde

Too breme wite barea.

The btoie i» ao maked

He arhold wiune his wansott

To weld for erere.

mitum and the Wcnoolf,^, 81.

Jkc No, I forbid

Hie fajMv of death : yoo shall lire man and


Tear scorn is now aofficienthr reveog'd.


" iBoae of a play, or marriage :

Banna, preludium." Prompt

Parv. In Somerset they still call

the banna of matrimony banes.


BANEBBsaT, «. The herb Chriato-

pber; the winter cherry.

Banbd, a^. Age-stricken.

Banehound, 9. To make beliere ;

to intend; to suspect. Sonunet.

BANBim. The bearer of a banner.

Banbs. ''Fewimcf /' no difficulty,

quickly dispatched. Northumi.

Banbwoet, a. The plant night-


Bano, (1) v. To strike; to shut

with violence.

(2) To go with rapidity. Cvmb.

(3) «. A blow.

(4) «. A stick ; a club. North.

(5) V. To surpass, to beat

(6) "In a bang," in a hurfr.


(7) a. A hard cheese made of milk

several tiroes skimmed. Suffolk.

Bano-a-bonk, v. To lie lazily on

a bank. Staffordih.

Bako-bbgoar, a. (1) A beadle.


(2) A vagabond, a term of re-


Banob, #. Light rain. Euex.

Banobr, «. (1) A large person.

(2) A hard blow. Shrtipth,^

(3) A great falsehood.

Banoino, a^. Unusually large ; as

a bon§finff child.

Banglb, (1) 9. To spend one's

money foolishly. Lane.

(2) «. A large rough stick.

(3) V. The edge of a hat is said to

bangle when it droops or hangs

down. Noff.

Banolbd, jMsrt. p. Com or young

shoots, when beaten about by the

rain or wind, are bangled. Eaet.

BAN0LB.BARBD,a4r- ilaviug loosc

and hanging ears.

Banostraw, f . A nick-name for a

thresher, but applied to all the

servants of a farmer.

Bang-up, «. A substitute for yeast.


Banot, adj. Doll ; gloomy. Eaeex.

Bakis, 9 {A.'S.) Destruction.

Banish, v. To look smooth and

bright. Suteeae.

Bank, (1) v. To beat. Devon.

(2) V. To coast along a bank.

(3) A term in several old games.

(4) a. A piece of unslit fir-wood.

d by boogie




• from four to t«n inches aqatre,

and of any length. Bailey.

(5) ». A dark thick cloud behind

which the sun goes down^

Bamkavalst, «. An old game tt

cards mentioned in ** Games most

in Use," Lond. 1701.

Bankaob, 9. A doty for making


Banker, t. (1) (A,-N.) A carpet,

or cohering of tapestry for a

form, bench, or seat ; any kind of

small coverlet.

The king to semper b set, sirred in balle,

Under a siller of silkc, dayntyiy dight;

With all worsliipp and vele^ mewiih tke


Briddes branden, and brad, in htmttrt

bright. Oawan and eutahm, ii. 1.

(2) f. A stonemason's bench.


(3) An excsTator. Line.

B ANKsm, 1 t. A pile of stones raised

oiNKER, J by masons for the pur-

pose of placing upon it the stone

they may be working. LtHC.

Bankbt, «. A ban<)uet.

Bahk-aook, «. A large fish-hook,

baited, and attached by a line to

the bank. Shropik,

Bank- JUG, «. The name of a bird ;

according to some, the nettle-

creeper ; according to others, the

chiff-chaflT. The name is also

applied to the hay-bird. Leieeit.

Bankrout, 1(1) *. {Fr.) A

BANauBRouT, J bankrupt.

Hor shall I e'er believe or think thee dead,

Thottgh miat, until onr bankrout stage be

sped. Leon. Diggea. Prolog, to Sk.

or whom, I think, it may be truly said,

That hee'U prove hanqueroul in. ts'r^ trade.

Hon. Gkoit, p. 4.

And to be briefe, I doe conjectare that

in this yrare will happen too many dis*

honest practises by HnkrowUt wortliy

the halter Tor a reward.

Almmutek, 161S.

(2)«. Bankruptcy.

An unhappy master is he, that is made

cuDning bt many shipwraeks ; a niise-

lable mercliUnK that is neither rich uor

wise, but after some bankroutt.

Aseham, Seholenn.^ p. 59.

(3) t. To heeome bankrupt

He that wins empire with the loaa of fiu'tbe,

Ihit-biriea it, and will kaukromt.

Tkarft Bjfrom*4 Ctmtfirmejf.

Baitics, a. The teat tm wfaiA the

rowers of a boat tit ; the tidea

of a vesseL

Banksman, «. One who sopcrin-

tends the businett of the coal

pit. Dtrbyah.

Bank-up, ». To heap up. Dtnwi*

Bankt, (1) adj. Haying banks.

A banky piece, a field with banks

in it. Btref.

(2)9. To bank. <' I dont ^onfty /'

t. ^., I dont keep aceonnta with a

banker. Somerwet.

Banlbs, adj. Witboat bones«

Banks, v. (^.-M) To ban; to

curse ; to banish.

Banner, «. {ji.-N.) A body ef

armed mcBf varying from twenty

to eighty.

Bannbrbll, f. {J.-N.) A little

streamer or flag.

Bannbrer, a. A standard-bearer.

Bannering, a. An annual peram-

bulation of the bounds of a parish.


Bannerol, «. The same as bimdroL

BANNBT-HAY,a. AHck-yard. Wiltw.

Bannet.si St. Barnabas. /. H^iffAt,

Bannian, «. A sort of dressing

gown, used in the last century.

Bannick, 9. To beat; to thrash.


Bannikim,«. a small drinking cup.

Bankin, «. That which is used for

shutting or stopping. Somerset.

Bannis, t. A stickleback. fFHts.

Bannxtion,«. The act of excision.

Bannistbrs, s. Persons (with

passes ) who received money iVom

the mayor to enable them to de-

part out of the limits of hia juris-


Bannock, I A thick ntond eake

B ANNACK, f of bread, ntde of oat-

meal, kneaded with water only,

with the addition somclCimet of

d by boogie




trade, and baked in the emben.

A idnd of bard ship biscuit some-

times goes vwler tbis name.

Tbcir Imsd and drinke I had ilniMi

^4teB; wdMd it was not nuke as

tae Spuurdi aae. or oatea-eakes, or

i««icii, ai in Nortb Bntaane, nor

boket M Eniialiiueii cate.

T^lm'a Worb, IMO.

3A?rxi;r,jL A walnut. Wett.

BunnowB, > «. A banner-bearer.

BASsiBK, / Bamtyvwr or banner

terer:VeiiJJariiis. Pttmpt.Parv.

BA!(aviT, t. (1) What we now

nit a deaaert, was in earlier tiroes

«ftea termed « kanquei ; and was

■aally placed in a se|Murate roon,

to wbicb the guests remoYed

vbea tbej bad dined. The oom-

BOB place of bm^^meiinfff or eat-

iaf the dessert, was the garden-

^Mie or arbour, with which

ifa&Qst tnry dwetfing was for-

^n- iiae ia the crcat room, bat let the


'^ i«,wr W praparad here.

i our npon

^* voodaoBfcrs do bitleta, for tlic first,

'^ KeoBi, aad tbird oonoe; and moat of



^ eai7 aad pleaaaat waj to ictory I

''oa oar kcd to our glass ; from our

1^ to our board ; from oor dinner to

^pipc; from our pipe to a rimt ; from

Vmt to a nipper; from a sapper to a

WTi tern a plaj to a hm^utt ; from

» ioifMf to ear bed. J^. EtUTs Works,

(2) Ptft «f tjbe bcaoch ci A


^^«<7Rn, $, (1) A feaster; one

vbo lives deUdoualf .

(2) Abaaker. HicAm^.

Basebiit,! «. A bftoiiefet; a

•AXECT, / noble*

WsHur, a. To buiah. Pr. P.

&AXBU, a. To beai; to punish.

oAKsncxLB, a. The atickleback.

Asptragua (qusedani piseis) a

hanMiykyU, Ortua Voeab, In

Wiltshire it is called a baniide.

Bantam WORK, a. A showj kind

of painted or carved work. Aih.

Banwokt, a. (A^S,) The violet

Bany, a4f. Bony. North,

Bantan-day, a. a sea term for

those days on which no meat it

allowed to the sailors.

Banino, a. A name for some

kind of bird.

Banzbll, f. A long lazy fellow.


Baon, a. See Bawn.

Bap, a. A piece of baker's bread,

of the value of from one peony to

twopence. North,

Baptbmk, a. Baptism.

Baptists, a. Baptism.

Bar, (l)a. (il..5.) A boar.

(2) a. A baron. Rob. Gloue,

(3) adj. Bare; naked. North,

(4) pr9t, i, €4 hare, Batt.

lb) 9. A joke. North.

(6) a. To shot ; to close. North.

(7) ». To bar a die, a phrase used

amongst gamblers.

(8) V. To make choice of (a

term used by boys at play).

(9) a, A feather in a hawk's wing.

(10) a. A honeway «P * ^l


Bara-picklbt, a. Bread made of

fine flour, leivened, and made

into small round cakes.

Barathrum, a. {JUt.) (1) An


(2) An insatiate eater.

BARAT0UR.a. {A^N.) A^natnU

aome person.

BurraUmrt : Pngnsx, lizoras, jorgosas.

Fromft, Fan

Baratous, a^. Contentious.

Barayns, a. A barren hind.

Barb, v. (J.-N.) (1) To shave, or

to dress the hair and beard. To

barb money, to clip it; to b€trb

a lobster, to cut it up.





(2) Metaphorically, to mow.

The atoopiuf icythe-iiuui, that doth harb


Thou mak'st wink-tare.

Mwt. MulamtaU, ir, 68.

(3) «. A kind of hood or muffler,

vhich covered the lower part of

the face and shoulders. Accord-

ing to Strutt, it was a piece of

white plaited linen, and belonged

properly to mourning, being ge-

nerally worn under the chin.

(4) Florio has " Barboncelli, the

barbn or little teatei in the

mouth of some horses."

(5) The armour for horses.

(6) The feathers under the beak

of a hawk were called the barb


(7) The edge of an axe. Gataayne,

(8) The points of arrows are

called barbeg, in Sir Gawayne.

^^.^«.»^ |». A Barbary horse.


Barbalot, t. (1) A puffin.

(2) The barbel.

Barbarin,«. The barberry. Pr.P,

Barbed, adj. Caparisoned with

military trappings and armour.

Spoken of war-horses.

Barbed-cat, t. A warlike engine.

For to make a werrely holde. that men

calle a barbed catte, and a bewfnty that

shul have ix. fadome of leogthe and two

fadome of brede, and the said catte tix

fadome of Icngthe and two of brede,

ilial be ordeyiied all sauarre wode for

tlie same aboute foure iiondred fndom,

a thousand of borde, xxiiij. rollea, and

a grece qoant^t^ of swalle wode.

Caxton's Vegeeius^ sig. I, 6.

Barbbl, «. (A.-N,) A small piece

of armour protecting part of the


Barber, v. To shave or trim the

beard. SAaietp.

Barbkr-monoer, t. A fool.

Barbican, 1 «. When the siege

barbecan, v of a castle was an-

BARBACAN,J ticipatcd, the de-

fenders erected wooden pal-

ing and other timlier work in

advance of the entrance gateway,

assuming often the form of a

small fortress, where they ooold

hold the enemy at bay for some

time before it was necessary to

defend the gate itself; and they

also placed wood-work before the

windovrs, which protected those

who were shooting out of them.

Either of these was called r

barbican, a word which, and

therefore probably the practice,

was derived from the Arabic. The

advanced work covering the

gateway was afterwards made

of stone, and thus became per-

manent. When the old system

of defending fortresses went out

of use, the original meaning of

the word was forgotten, and the

way in which the word was used

in the older writers led to some

confusion. It is explained by

Spelman: ''A fort, hold, or

munition placed in the front of

a castle, or an out-work. Also a

hole in the wall of a city or cas-

tie, through which arrows or

darts were cast; also a watch-

tower." The temporary wooden

defences on the top of the walls

and towers were called bre*


Barblbs, «. Small vesicular tin-

gling pimples, such as those

caused by nettles. Eatt The term

was also applied to knots in the

mouth of a horse. See Barb (4).

Barborannb, a. The barberry.


Barborert, a. A barber's shop.

Prompt. Pan,

Barbs, «. Military trappinga.

Barbwio, a. A kind of periwig.

Barcabt, «. {A.^N,) A aheep-

cote ; a sheep-walk.

Barce, a. A stickleback. YorHh,

Barcblet, «. A species of bow.

Gaw, ? A hound. See Bartiei.


BAR 165

Barb, 9. {A^N.) (1) The warlike

»apping of a horse. The bard$

CDoiisted of the foilowiiig pieces :

tie cbamfipn, chamfrein, or thaf.

fron ; the crinierea or main facre ;

^ poitrenal, poitral or hreaat.

pbte; aod the cronpiere or hut-

tock piece.

(2) 9df. Tough. Rob. Gloue.

{^jperi.p. Barred; faatened.

BAaDAaH. 9, (Fr,) An nnnatoral


Bai'd cater-tra, or more pro-

perfy, iarr'd gfuatrt iroit. The

■Mw for a sort of false dice, so

coaitrncted that the quatre and

fr»» shall Tery aeldom come op.

^Mit fBllaB high and low men bore great

^i^ tfae irakke behie of a fartf m/A- /r<y.

rajpfcr** aVw. qfli penet, p. 78.

Swh be «Uo eall'd Urd eattr treas, be-

g**** OBBmooly the longer end will of

tei own fwmr drawe downevardi, and

«raeiV to the eie aice. sincke. deuce,

*^ The principal uae of tbem is at

jJ^^Bai, for BO long a paire of bard eattr

«a» be waJking on the board, to long

«Bje not caat live nor nine nnless it

"by a great chance.

Jrt tf Juggling, 1618. C, 4

Raised, ^rp/. p. Equipped with

■^iUry trappings or ornamenta,

>pphed to horses.

'««ataD alannea he was the first man

vard^aad that at all points, and his


Cvmima HisL ly Damet, 1696.

^AtoiLto. f. {liaL) The quUted

*<i^ wherewith colts are


^'^DoiF.t. An ancient dish in


^^^^Ttkt aimomd nylk, and draw

J««P Guk with veroage. and let hit

3K,aad braane of capons braied, and

^ tbmo; and east therto eagre,

'^^ niacts, pynes, and ginger,

^^i and take ehekyna parSoyled,

{;j tbapped. and pal of the ekyn, ani

gieaieiueiBble, and in the aettvnge

r^ fcB» the fire pat therto a lytel

2^«J«i«lwith pooder of |inger,

vf ^ **'*' '^ eTeroee. and make

r^,^*V Jaftginge, and serve hit

**««. Wtner^ Amliq. Ctdin^ p. 84w


Bardous, adj, (Ut. bardtu.) Sim-

ple; foolish.

BAKDa. ff. Stripe of bacon used 10


Barb. (l)«Cr.r^..5.) Mere.

(2) adv. Bately.

(3) 9. To shave. Shaketp.

(4) a4f. Bareheaded.

(5) ff. A mixtore of molten iron

tnd sand, lying at the bottom of

a furnace. SArepik,

(6) a. A piece of wood which a

laboorer la aometimes allowed to

carry home. Sufolk,

(7) A boar. See Bar,

(8) A bier.

(9) A place withoat grass, made

level for bowling.

BARBAHONn, fi. To assist. North.

Barx-barlbt, t. Naked barley,

whose ear is shaped like barlev,

but ita grain like wheat without

any husk. An old SuflTordshire


Barb-dubs, a. A boyish term for

the unfledged young of birds.


Bare-buck, ff. A buck of six Tears

old. Narlhampt.

Barbonawn, adj. Eaten bare.

Barbriobs, ff. A kind of covering

for carts, used in the 16th cent.

Barbllb, ff. (? ^.) A bundle.

Basbly, adv. Unconditionallv ;


Barbn, (1) pret. t. pi of **re.

They bore.

(2) V. To bark.

Barenhono, 9. To intimate.


Barb-pump, ff. A small piece of

hollow wood or metal to pump

liquid out of a cask.

Bares, a. Those parts of an image

which represent the bare flesh.

Baret, ff. (.f.-^:) (1) Strife; con-


(2) Trouble; sorrow.

Barbynt^, ff. Barrenness. Pr. P.

Barf, ff. A hiU. Yorkth.

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Barphamb, 9. The neck-oollur of

t horse. Durham,

Baapray, t. A tower. See Berfirey.

Barpul, adj. Full of ban or im-

pediments. Skaketp,

Bargain, $, {A,'N.) (1) An in-

definite number or quantity of

anything, as a load of a waggon.


(2) Iff a bargaintt it's no con-

sequence. Line.

(3) A small farm. /. Wiffhi

and Nortkampt.

(4) A tenement, so called in the

county of Cornwall, which usually

consisted of about sixty acres of

ploughed land, if the land were

good, or more if barren. See

Carlisle's i^ec.o/CAartYMff, p. 288.

(5) An unexpected reply, tend-

ing to obscenity. To sell a bar*

ffain,io make indelicate repartees.

No msid at oonrt n leu atlutni'd,

Howe'er for selling bargaitu fam'd.


Bargains, «. Contention ; strife.

Bargainer, #. One who makes a


Bargain-work, t. Work by the

piece, not by the day. Leieett.


Bargandkr, t. A brant-goose.


Bargant, «. A bargain. Pr. P.

Bargarbt, "It. {A.'N.) A kind

BARGiNKT,/ of Bong or ballad,

perhaps of a pastoral kind, frum


Barge, (1) #. A fat, beary person ;

a term of contempt. Exmoor.

A blow-maunger barge, a flat,

blob-cheeked person, one who

puflfs and blows while he is eat-

ing, or like a hog that feeds on

whey and grains, stuffs himself

with whitepot and flummery.

(2) A highway up a steep hill.


Barge-board, t. The front or

facing of a barge-course, to con-

ceal the barge couples, Utha,

tiles, &c.

Barge -COUPLE,' $, One beam

framed intoanother to strengthen

the building. '

Barge-course, #. A part of the

tiling or thatching of a roof,

projecting oyer the gable.

Barge-day, «. Ascension-day.


Barger, a. The mani^r of a


Bargbt, «. (Fr.) A little barge.

Bargh, ff. (1) A horseway up a

hill. North.

(2) A barrow hog. Orttu Vocab.

Bargh-ii ASTER, #. See Bar-


Bargh-mote, ff. {A.'S.) The court

for cases connected with the

mining district. See Bar-moMter.

Bargood, ff. Yeast. Var. d.

Bargubst, ff. A goblin, armed

with teeth and claws, believed

in by the peasantry of the North

of England.

BARBOLM,ff. ** Collars for horses to

drawe by, called in some coun-

treyes barholmei. Tomiees."

Huhet, 1552.

Barian, ff. {A.'N.) A rampart.

Bar- IRE, ff. A crow-bar. Deton.

Bark, (1) ff. The tartar deposited

by bottled wine or other liquor

encrusting the bottle. Ea$t,

(2) ff. The hard outside of

dressed or undressed meat.


(3) ff. A cylindrical receptacle

for candles; a candle-box. North,

(4) Between the bark and the

wood, a well -adjusted bargain,

where neither party has the ad*

vantage. Suffolk.

(5) ff. A cough. Var. dial

(6) V. To cough. Sut9ex.

(7) V. To knock the skin ofTthe

legs by kicking or bruising them.


Barxart, ff. A tan-house.





B ARKS9, 1 a4^ B ocrntted wi th

BAaxBNBD,j diit. Nvrik,

Barkkk, «. The yard of a honie;

a fann-yard. Samik, For kmrton.

Bawub, #. <1) a tuaer.

Wiwt enftona ait tlraa, md the kiaf .

I pn^e tbee, tell ne trove:

I am a Imrter, nr, br my trmdc ;

Kove telle me, vhat art ilioa?

r. M. JFmd Ttmmtr, Ptrqf.

AvKr : Ger^ fraaio. Barkmrm karke-

water: ITaotea. Barke powder for

lethyr: Fmnhun. Barkin^e of lelhjrr

or ledyr : Fnuicee. ifar^f lethyr :

f maio, taaao. frgmpt. Fun.

(2) A faolt-finder.

(3) The slaag name for a pistol.

(4) A marsh bird with a long

failL Bap.

(5) A wlietctone; a rubber.

Barkpat, ff. A tanBer** vat.

Barkham, ff. A horse's ooUar.

North. See Btwkkolm,

Barklkd, ff. Encrusted with dirt,

applied particalarly to the human

skin. North.

Barkkan, ff. A boatman. Kertty.

Barksci^, ff. The time of strip-

ping bark.

Barxwatrr, ff. FodI water in

which hides have been tanned.

Bark-wax, ff. Bark occasionaUy

foand in the body of a tree. East.

BARLAT,mto7. Supposed to be a

corruption oi the French par lot.

BARLRRSfff. An old dish in cookery.

BarUegi. Take ereme of almondes, and

alHj hit with flour of ryi, and cast

thereto angje, ajid let hit boyie, and

■tere hit vet and colour hit with saffron

ami aauBdert, and make hit atoiKiynge,

and drcaae hit up on leches in disshea,

aad aerve hit lonhe.

Warner, JtUiq. CnHn., p. 83.

Barlrp, ff. A basket for barley.

Prompt. P.

Barley, 0. To bespeak ; to claim.


Barlkt-ho, j: a kind of barley,

cultivated in the fenny districts

o( Norfolk and in the Isle of

Ely. **Betncone^barleif'dyt!ye,

or BOB00iiie.^iUaM«." Hmloet,


Barlbt-bird, ff. The siskin. It

is also called the cudtoo's mate,

which see. Its ftrst name is

taken fnyn the season of iu ap-

pearance, or rather of its being

first heard; which is in barley-

seed time, or early in April. Its

chirp is monotonous, — tweet,

tweet, tweet. The first noUs of

the nightingale are expected soon

to follow, then those of the

cuckoo. Moort'tS^folMMS.

Barlry-bottlrs, ff. Little bundles

of barley in the straw, given to


Barlby-brrak, ff. Aa ancient

rnral game, played by six people,

three of each sex, coupled by lot.

A piece of ground, was divided

into three coropartments,of which

the middle one was called hell.

The couple condemned to this

division were to catch the others,

who advanced from the two ex-

tremities; when this had been

effected, a change of situation

took place, and hell was filled by

the couple who were excluded

by prc-occiipstion from the other

places. By the regulations of the

game, the middle couple were

not to separate before they bad

aucceeded, while the others might

break hands whenever they found

themselves hard pressed. When

all had been taken in turn, the

last couple were said to be in

hell, and the game ended.

Jamieson, in harla.breikit, barUy

braekSi says, '*This innocent

sport seems to be almost entirely

forgotten in the South of Scot-

land. It ia also falling into

desuetude in the North.*' He

describes it thus : " A game ge-

nerally played by young people

in a com yard. Hence cailefl

barla-braektf a^out the etackt.

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One stack is fixed on u the dule

or goal ; and one person is ap-

pointed to catch the rest of the

company, who run out from the

thUe. He does not leave it till

they are all oat of his sight.

Then he sets out to catch them.

Any one who is taken, cannot

run out again with bis former

associates, being accounted a

prisoner ; but is obliged to assist

his captor in pursuing the rest.

When all are taken, the game is

finished; and he who it first

taken is bound to act as catcher

in the next game."

Barlby-breb, ^ #. Familiar and

BARLBY-BBOTH, Mocular names

SIR JOHN BAR- [ for alc, which

LEY-CORN, J is made of bar-

ley. Bariey-bree is, literally, bar-

ley broth.

Barlby-bun, 9, A barley bunne

gentleman^ "a gent, (although

rich) yet lives with barley bread,

and otherwise barely and hardly."


B ARLBY-coRN, #. Ale or beer.

Barlby-h AILB8, $. The spears of

barley. South,

Barley-muno, 9. (from A.-S.

menegan, to mix.) Barley meal

mixed with water or milk, to

fatten fowls or pigs. Eatt,

Barlby-oylbs, ff. The beard or

awning of barley. Berkt.

Barley-plum, t. A dark purple

plum. Weft

Barlby-sebd-bird, «. The yellow

water-wagtaiL Yorkth,

Barlby-sblb, #. {A.'S,) The sea-

son of sowing barley.

Barlichb, t. Barley.

Barlichood, «. The state of

being ill-tempered from intoxi-

cation. North,

Barling, i. A lamprey. North,

Barlings,!. Firepoles. Norf,

Barm, «. (1) {A,'S, bearm,) The

lap or bosom.

And liiide his faeved on hire tsrwie,

"" ' [ofoiiy harme.

J. AUseutuUr, L oo

Witbonte doyncor ony harme.

(2) Yeast.

Bar-mastbr,«. (if..5L) An officer

in the mining districts; whose

title is written berghnuuter by

Manlove in a passage cited from

his poem on the Cuttonu of the

Mine$, In the Craven Ghu,,

which brings it nearer to a word

used in Germany for a like oflScer,

bergmeiiter. He is an agent of

the lord of minerals, who grants

mines and fixes the boundaries ;

the term is in use in Derby-

shire, where an ancient code

of laws or customs regulating

mines, &c., still prevails ; and in


Barmb-cloth, «. An apron.

Barm fbl, i. A leathern apron.

Barm-hatrb, ff. Bosom attire, the

garments covering the bosom.

Barmotb, ff. A bergmote. Derd,

Barmskin, Iff. a leather apron.

basinskin, j The skin of a sheep

with the wool scraped or shaven

off. There is a proverbial phrase.

" Her smock's as dirty and greasy

as a barmskin.** To' rightly ap-

preciate this elegant simile, you

must view a barmskin in the

tanner's yard. Line,

Barn. (1) (A.^S.) A child. Still

used in the North. See Bairn,

(2) ff. A man.

(3) ff. A baron.

(4) ff. A gamer. Wickl(fe,

(5) «. To lay up in a barn. Eatt,

(6) part, a. Going. York$h,

{7) V. To close or shut up. Ojtf,

Barnabas, ff. A kind of thistle.

Barnaby, ff. In Suffolk thev cal

a lady-bird *' Bishop Barnaby."

Barnaby-brioht, ff. The trivial

name for St. Barnabas' day,

June lltb.

Barnacles, a. A popular term for


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BAvrACUUBiKD, «. The tree pro-

ducing the bumaclet.

HxxsAGM^t. {A^N.) The baronage.

^aJLSji, part, p, Barnt.

I Sjuw-door-sataob, «. A clod-

hopper. Skropth.

Ba&nb, «. (1) A sort of flower,

raeatioiied in HoUyband't Diet.,


(2) A btron.

Babstbkd^j; Childhood.

Baoxkiv, It. The outermost

BAurvKTwcH, J Ward of a castle,

ia which the bams, stables, cow-

boases, &c, were placed.

SAax's-LAiKiNS, #. {A.^S.) Chil-

drea'a playthiDgs.

Bauhess, 1 9. To grow fat. Leu

lARjcjiH, J eeti.

34asi6UN, «. A breaking ont in

faall ]HmpIea or pnstales in the

tkia. Dmn,

B4E5I8H, (1 ) ff4jf. Childish. North.

(2) 9. To increase in strength or

Tigoar; to fatten.

%mt ose to breake off the toppa of the

kfpM vfaen they ar growne a xi or zii

^ 'Jt fasfb, bicaoae thereby they bamuk

ttd iiociKe exceedingly.

i Seoe$ FUtforme of* Hof-Gmrdm.

BAasr-MousK, a. A bat.

B&air^scoop, a. A wooden shovel

eedin bama.

3Aa3f-TEM«,«.(^.-&)(l) Abrood

if children.

JLsfenowTe was of that iun-Ume,

Afid was fovnder of Jerusalem,

Itet was vYght vithowtvn we&e.

Lt home nanmct qfkomt, L 10.

(2) AehiUL

iuA Alphfe httn$-tfm§

Wm finu biseop of Jemaalem ;

ti^tvwe to hiiB was eal maa wone,


CurtOT MwUt.

CAaarfARD,!. Aatraw-yard. IBiM^

BAaxT»KTX , a. A leather apron.

Pr. P. See BannaiHis.

B4ao»,f. (1) A child. For *«rfi.

^2} The back part of a cow.

Baron AOt, a. {A.-N,) An usem-

bly of barons.

Baronee, a. (1) Aharon.

(2) Some officer in a monastery;

perhaps the school-roaster, or

master of the barns or children.

Bury JFiUM, p. 105.

Barr, (1) a. To choose. Shropik.

(2) a. Part of a stag's horn.

(3) a. The gate of a city.

(4) V. To debar.

Barra, a. A gelt pig. Exmoar.

See Barrfm.

Barracakt, t.(fr.) A sort of stuff,

a strong thick kind of camelot.

BARRA-BOR8B,a. A Barbary hort*.

BARRAa, a. A coarse kind of cloth

— sack-cloth.

Barrb, (1) a. To moTe violently.

(2) a. The ornament of a girdle.

(3) A pig in bar, was an ancient

dish in cookery.

fy99^ '» harr9. Take a pipjre, and farte

hvm, and roete hym, and lo ibe ruitynu'o

endurie hym j and when he i« rostcd

lay orethaait him orerone barre of iiU

Ter foile, and another of golde, and

•erve hym fonhe lo al hole to Uie

horde for a lorde.

Warner, Jntiq, CuUn., p. 60.

Barred, jyarf.jy. Striped.

Barrbl, a. A bucket.

BARRBL-rKYKR, 9. SickncM occa-

sioned by intemperance. North,

Barrvn, (1) a. Cattle not gravid.

(2) a. A company of mules.

(3) a. The vagina of an animal.


(4) adj. Stupid ; ignorant. Shak.

Barrvnkr, a. A barren cow or

ewe. South,

Barrbn-ivy, a. Creeping ivy.

Barrbn-sprinos, a. Springs im-

pregnated with mineral, and con-

sidered hurtful to the land.

Barrbnwort, a. A plant (epU


BARRB88B,a.p/. Tho baTB.

Barricoat, a. A child's coau


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Barrie, 1 a4;. Fit; convenient.

DA I RE, J Durham,

Barriers, f. The paling in a tour-

nament. To tight at baniers, to

fight within lists.

And 80 if men iliall rno at tilt, jmt, or

fight Ht barriers toeether by the kingi

comman dement, and one of them doth

kill another, in these fonner cases and

tlie like, it is misadventure, und no

felony of death. Country Justice, 1620.

Barriham, 9. A horee'a collar.

North. See Barholm.

Barriket, 1 «. A small firkin.


BARRiKQ^part, £xcept. Var.dial

Barring-out, t. An old custom at

schools, when the boys, a few

days before the holidays, barri.

cade the school-room from the

master, and stipulate for the dis-

cipline of tiie next half year.

Barrow, t. (A.-S.) (1) A mound

of earth ; a sepulchral tumulus.

(2) A grove.

(3) A way up a hill. North,

(i) The conical baskets wherein

they put the salt to let the water

drain from, at Nantwich and


(5) A castrated boar.

Barrs, ff. The upper parts of the

gums of a horse. Diet. Rust.

Barry, v. To thrash corn. Nor-


Bars, «. The game of prisoner's-


Barsale, «. The time of strip-

ping bark. Eatt. See Barksele.

Barsb, i. A perch. Wettm.

Barslets, 9. Hounds.

B arson, «. A horse's collar. Yorkth.

B ARST, pret. t. Burst ; broke.

Barte, o. To beat with the fists.


Barth, 1#. a shelter for cattle.

BARSH, J Var. diaL

Bartholomew-pig, s. Roasted

pigs were formerly among the

chief attractions of Bartholomew

Fair ; they were sold piping hot,

in booths apd stalls, and oaten-

tatiously displayed to excite the

appetite of passengers. Hence s

Bartholomew pig became a com.

mon subject of allusion; th<

puritan railed against it :

For the very calling it a Bartkolowiet

piff, and to eat it so, is a spice of idola

try. B. Jons., Bart. Fair, i, <

Bartholomew-babt, «. A gawd;

doll, such as were sold in tfa


By the eighth bouse yoa may know t

an inch, how many moths will cat a

alderman's gown; by it also, and ili

help of the bill of mortality, a roan mn

know how many people die in Londo

every week : it also tells farmers ■« lu

manner of wife they should chnse, nc

one trickt up with ribbands a»id knot

like a Bartholomrw-babjf ; for such & u:i

will prove a holiday wife, all play an

no work. Poor Robin 'I'J^

Bartholomew-obntleman, *. .

person who is unworthy of tru«

After him comes another Bartkototnc

fffHtUman, with a huge hamper of pit

mises ; and he falls a trading with h

promises, and applying of promises, ar

resting upon promises, that we co

hear of nothing but promises: wine

trade of promises he so engrossed \

himself, and those of his own confnre^

tion, that in the late times he <%ou

not so much as let his neer kinsnie

the presbyterians. to hare any dealii

with the promises.

Eackard^s Obsertalunu, 167

Barthu-dat, «. St. BarthoU

mew's day.

Bartizan, s. The small turret pr<

jectiug from the angle on the tc

of a tower, or from the parapi

or other parts of a burlding.

Bartle, ff. (1) *'At nine-pins <

ten -banes they have one lar^

bone set about a yard before t|

rest caird the bartUt and i

knock down the bartle gives f<

five in the game." Ketmett.

(2) St. BarthoAomew.

Barton, t. {J.-S.) (1) The d

mesne lands of a manor; t1

manor-house itself i the outhous

and yards.

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(2) A coop for pooltry.

Ba&t&am, t. (eorrupted from Lai,

pyretkrwn.) The pellitoiy.

'BAKTYStT^parLp. Struck; beaten

with the fiftL Gaw. See Barte.

Baku, t. A terrtv or gelt bo«r.

Sob. GUme.

BARvsi,.t. A short leftthern apron

worn by wasberwomen ; a aUb-

bering bib. KenL

Babyot, ad}. Bare-foot.

Baxw, o^f. (^.-5.) Protected.

Babwat, a. A passage into a field

made oi bars which take oot of

the poata.

Babytonb, 9, The name of a tioU

shaped musical instrument, made

by the celebrated Joachim Fielke

in the year 1687.

Ba8, (1) V, (Fr.) To kisa.

(2)t. A kiss.

Nay. lyr. M for hattg$.

From hence none yes^s*

But «i in gage

Of manrage.

FUy (fWUni Stimee, p. 18.

Basak, a. The red healh broom.


Basclbs, a. A sort of robbers or

highwaymen. Lanfftqft, Chron.^

p. 242.

Bascon, a. A kind of laee, con-

sisting of five bows.

Basb, (1) adj. {A.-N.) Low.

(2) V. To atng or play the ba$e

part in music Shaketp.

(3) a. Matting. Eawi.

(4) a. A perch. Oamb.

(5) a. The drapery thrown over

a horse, and sometimes drawn

tight over ita armour. See Batet.

(6) A amall kind of ordnance.

Basb, la. PrUon-bate, or priton-

BAc^jbart. A rustic game, often

aUuded to in the old writers.

Lads more like to ran

The orantry bate, than to commit each

Shatetp^ Cym., v, 3.

So no fher all m they bad been at h»ee,

Tbcy being cfaand that did other* elwce,

' • Spent. F. Q , V, nu. 6.

To hid a bam, to nra ftst, chal-

lenging another to pursue.

To Mtbe wind a I«m be now pnparea.


Basb-ball, a. A country game.


BA8CBBooiff,a. The herb woodwax.

B ASB-couBT,a. The outer, or lower


Basb-dancb, a. A graTC, sober,

and solemn mode of dancing,

somewhat, it is supposed, in the

minuet style; and so called, per-

haps, hi contradistinction to the

▼anlting kind of dances, in which

there was a greater display of


Babbl, a. A coin abolished by

Henry II in 11&8.

Basblabd, a. See Batlard.

Basblbb, a. A person who takes

care of neat cattle. North.

Ba«bl-pot, a. A aort of earthen


Wliieh head she plasht within a hauttjtott

Weil covered all with harden auvle aloft.

Tmitnili^t Tr^ietU fai*$, 1&87.

Basbn, a^. Extended as with


And atajre on him with big looks hatem wide,

Wond'ring what mister wicht he was. and

whence. Spau., Moth. Hubb. TaU, 1 670

Basb-bing, t. The ring of a can-

non next behind the touch-hole.

Basbbocbbt, a. A plant (the bur-


Basbs, ff. pL A kind of embroi-

dered mantle which hang down

from the middle to about the

knees, or lower, worn by knights

on horseback.

All heroick persons arepietnred in hates

and buakina. Q^Un^ FttL N»U$, p. 218.

JBoMf were aho worn on other

occasions, and are thus described

in a stage direction to a play by

Jasper Maine.

Here six Mores dance, alter the ancient

Ethiopian manner. Erect arrowea

I stuck round their heads m their corkd

d by boogie




hair instead of quiven. Their bowcs

in their hands. Their upper parts

nnked. Their nether, from the wast to

their knees, covered with bases of blew

satin, edged with a deep silver fringe,*'

kc. Amorous Warrs» iii, 8.

The colour of her bases was almost

Like to the falling whitish leaves and


yfith cipresse trunks embroder'd and era-

host. Harr. Jr., xxxii, 47.

(2) An apron. Butler has used

it in Hudibras to express the

butcher's apron.

Bash, (i) v, (probably from A,'N.

baUaer.) To lose flesh ; become

lean. A pig is said to basht when

it " goes back" in flesh in conse-

quence of being taken from good

food to bad. Z«t'c« Norihampt.

(2) o. To beat fruit down from

the trees with a pole. Bed9,

(3) 0. To be bashful.

(4) ff. The mass of roots of a

tree before they separate; the

front of a bull's or pig's head.


Basbmknt, ff. Abashment.

Bash RONE, ff. A kettle.

Bashy, adj. (1) Fat; swollen.


(2) Dark ; gloomy ; sloppy ; said

of the weather. Northampt.

Basil, ff. (1) When the edge of a

joiner's tool is ground away to

an angle, it is called a basil.

(2) The skin of a sheep tanned.

Basilez, ff. A low bow. Decker.

Basil-hampers, ff. A diminutive

person who takes short steps,

and proceeds slowly; a girl whose

clothes hang awkwardly about

her feet. lAne.

Basiliard, ff. A baslard.

BAstLicoR, ff. A basilisk.

Basilinoa, ff. The play called

Questions and Commands; the

choosing of King and Queen, as

on Twelfth Night.

»*""*""•}.. A«,r.ofc«,non.


Basinet, *. The herb crowfoot.

B A SING, Iff. The rind or cute

BAziNG, J coat of a cheese. Miti

land Cottniiet.

Basinskin, ff. See Bamukm.

Bask, (1) adj. Sharp, hard, acid


(2) V. To nestle in the dust lik<

birds. Leic.

Baskefystkb, ff. Fututio. Ck>Jt

woldt Dotmce,!. 116.

Basket, a. An exclamation fre

quently made use of in cockpits

where persons, unable to |>a'

their losings, are adjudged to l>

put into a basket suspended o ve

the pit, there to remain till thi

sport is concluded. Gron.

BASKET.swoRD,ff. A sword with i

basket hilt.

Basking, ff. fl) A thrashins

Eatt. *

(2) A drenching in a ahowei

Baslard, ff. {A.-N.) A long dag

ger, usually suspended from th<

girdle. In 1403 it was ordaiiie<

that no person should use a baa

lard, decorated with sUver, unlea

he be possessed of the yearly xn

come of 20iL

Basnet, ff. (1) A cap. Skeiioiu

(2) A bassenet.

Bason, ff. A badger. Cotgrave. Se


BAsoNiNG-FURNACB,ff. A fornac

used in the manufacture of hats


Bass, (1) ff. A kind of perch.

(2) ff. A church hassock. Nor-tfi

(3) A collar for cart-horses oaadi

of flags.

{A) Dried rushes. Cumb,

(5) The inner rind of a tree


(6) A slaty piece of coal. Skrop^i^

(7) A twopenny loaf. North,

(8) Athing to wind about graft et

trees before they be clayed, anc

after. Holme,

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BASSADO, V«. A buhaw.


Rassam, «. Heatb. Devon.

Bass*, (I) v. {A..N.) To kisi.

(2) «. A kiM.

(3) 9. A hollow place. Hoi*

(4) «. Apparently, the elder

swine. Top9eU$ Foure Fooled

Beattt, p. 661.

(5) e. To ornament with baset.

Bassel-bowia, f. Bowling balls.


Bassbnet, 9. A light helmet worn

sometimes with a moveable


Basset. «. (1) An earth^og.


(2) A mineral term where the

•trata rise upwards. Derbyth.

(3) An embassy. PmL Lelt,,

h 158.

Bassbtt, a. A game at cards,

^hionable in the latter part of

the seventeenth century, said to

have been invented at Venice.

Bassbynts, ff. Basons.

Bassinatb, #. A kind of fish,

supposed to be like men in


Bassock, f. A hasiock. Bailey,

Bast, (1) #. Matting; straw. Norlh,

(2) #. Boast.

(3) a. A bastard.

(4) part. p. Assured.

(5) p. To pack up. Norlh,

Basta. Properly an Italian word,

signifying it is entmghy or lei it

m^ee, but not uncommon in the

works of oor ancient dramatists.

Bastaho. a. A sort of sweet Spa-

nish wine, which approached the

muscadfl wine in flavour; there

were two sorts, white and brown.

It was perhaps made from a das.

lard species of muscadine grape;

but the term seems to have been

applied, in more ancient times,

tu all mijced and aweeteued wines.

Spune brmgeth forth winet of iwhit*

colour, bnt much hotter and sinwccr,

M ncke. nimney. and biatard.

CogiMM't Haten of HemUk, p. 239.

I WIS dmnk with htuUrd,

whoya Batiirv ii to forai thingt. like itKlf.

Hcidy end monftrooa.

B. /- /7., Tkmtr TawCi, ii, 1.

(2) a. A gelding.

(3) V. To render illegitimate.

Bastat, f. A bat. North,

Baste, (1) r. {A.-N.) To mark

sheep. North.

(2) r. To sew slightly.

(3) a. A blow. North.

(4) r. To flog. Ba9ting, a severe


(5) a. Bsstardy.

(6)(^.-&) A rope.

Bastblkr, t. (A..N.) A person

who bastes meat.

Bastel-bousb, s. See Battile.

BASTBL-RooFs.a. Turrcted or cas*

tellated roofs.

Bawte*, (1) t. A heavy blow.


(2) A bastard.

The 16. Octob. A All. dflhrered before

her tyme of a man child. This yere

was a quiet yere, but that the diacour-

tan or A. AIL troblud me often, and

the hatter. Fi>rman't Dimty.

BASTBRLT-ODLLioKyt. A baitard's

basurd. lane.

Bastian, t. St. Sebastian.

Bastick, a. A basket. fFett.

Bastilb, a. (^.. N.) A temporary

wooden tower, used formerly in

military and naval warfare ; some-

times, any tower or fortification.

They had alto towrea of tymber eoyng

on whelea that we clepe battiUt or

8omercit«tellea, and ahortly alle thinges

that nedrtiUe waa in eny maaer kynde

of werrea. the legion had it.

Vegedia, hg Tretittt, MS. Beg.

Item the xivigtl of Marche Boger

VTitherington and Tbomaa CarleU, of

thia towne of fiarwyke. rode into Lam-

mermore to a place called Bowahehiil,

xvi myle from Bamyke, and Iher wan

• hasteU-kawse, and gote the man of

the aarae, wliiche offred to gyve theui

for his rannsome x\ marks.



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Batch, 9. (1) A certain qtmntity ;

p-art of a nomber. BerJkt,

(2) A qoiotity of bread baked at

QBce; ftbo the whole of the

vheil Aitir used for making com-

IB9II homefaold breftd, tfter the

IftB hat bees leparated from it.

(3) A kind of hound. North*

(4) A moond ; an open spaee by

tbe roadside; a tand-bank, or

jatch of gnmnd lying near a

RT€r. West,

BATomsAKs, ». A cake mad« of

^ «iB« doogfa, and baked with

the b«tcb of bread. Nwrthampt.

jATCH-FiorB, t. Coarse floor.

2a^ (1) 8. (A.-S.) Contention ;

*(we; strife.

i'^) V. To abate ; to diminish.

(3) a. To iotter, applied to


[j)fnt.i.x^bUe, Bit

^'^)prtp. Wiihoat; ezecpt. Lame.

(«)r. Toflya*.

<T , Thus torrnrfnc round

-''^'■v^efeatlier'd pnaon, till at length

-* -^ ber noble birth to raiod, lad

2"^ her ving was bora) her raggtd

e -^ «?h«rJKii^Bg Jesses, strires to bresk

V3^^^ fetun, and begins to haU

"^1 giiapie. ssd darts at CT'nr firsts.

quorum* EnMenu.

Ti e- To go with rapidity.

t^)». ToiiUMddniiy.

»u.(^&) A boil*.

(19) «. A theaf of hemp. Norf,

'^O/wpf. /. Did beat. ^nu.

jA7|-BaaBDix«, #. Causing strife.

^'no^aCr- A fisb, when plamp

^ fnO-rMd, ia weU bated.

^^in. 1 JL (^.-AT.) A Uttle

E^TELt8s,ad^. Not to be abated


5*n-»A««E. «. A caoMTof Strife.

31***^' *• That part of wood

*Wch U cat oflr by a carpemer


Batbvkkt-liohts. a. The upper

openings between the mulliona

of a window.

Batsa, f. A bye-way, or eraas*


As for the word h^Ur, that in Snglish

parporteth s lans besring to an high

waie, I taks it for a mcere Irish word

that crept unwHres into the English,

throuf^h the dailie imercoane of ths

Msgiiah and Irish inhabitant!.

SUmikttni, Iftic. ^Irtl^ p. 11.

Batfowling, a. A method of

taking birds in the aight-tiina.

Batful, adj. Fruitful.

Of Berera hatfuU earth, men iseaM as

tbott^li to friine,

Beporting in what atore ahe mnltiplirs

her graine. DrayUitt P<A., long xiii.

The belly hath no earea. No ? hath it not ?

What had my tores when ahe with child

was got?

Though in berwombethe seedsman sewed


Tet, betng battfi$Ue, it btre perf^ft eares.

Ikuics, Scourgt 0/ FoUp, 1011.

Bats, (1) adj. Both. North.

(2) a. A sow. Herrf. See Bme.

(3) V. to dry any ointment or

liquid into the skin.

Batbka, (1)9* To nettle and mb

in the dust, as birds in the sm-

shine; also to roll and settle

downwards, spoken of smoke.

Leic. ,

(2) (^.-5.) ^«i. pi. of both.

Bathing. See BeMtin§.

Bathing-tub, «. A bath formerly

administered to people aflteted

with the venereal diaease.

Batiob, 9. A pearl.

Batilbabt, a. An office in forests.

Batillagb^ a. {A.-N.) Boat hire.

BAT-iN'WATsa, «« Water mint.

Batlbb, ^ a. The in-

BATLBT, I strament with

BATLtNG-BTAFV, Vwhich wash-

BAT8TAF7, I ofB beat their

BATriN«.8TAFF, J coarse elothes.

Batlbton, a. A batler. Shropoh*

Batlino, a. A kind of flsb.

Batlins, a. Loppings of trees, tied

up into faggots. Sti^^





Batnvr, «. An ox.

Batoon, 9. (Fr.) A cudgel.

Batour, «. Batter. Warner,

Bats, ». (1) The short furrows of

an irregalar field. South.

(2) ff. The game of cricket. Det.

(3)». A beating. Yorkeh.

(4) $, The slaty part of coal after

it is burnt white. Coal deterio-

rated by the presence of this

slaty matter is said to be batty.

Northampt In Shropshire it is

called basi, and in Yorkshire.


Bat-swain, t. {A.-S.) A sailor.

Batt, ». (1) To beat gently.


(2) To wink or move the eyelids

up and down. Chesh,

Battabls, a^. Capable of culti*


Battailant, #. (A.'N.) A com-


Battailb, a. (j4,-N.) A battalion

of an army.

Battalia, t. (Fr.) (1) The order

of battle.

(2) The main body of an army

in array.

Batted, part, p. Stone worked off

with a tool instead of being

rubbed smooth. A stonemason's


Batten, (1) ». (>^.-5.) To thrive;

to grow fat. North.

(2) #. A rail from three to six

inches broad, and one or more


(3) «. The straw of two sheaves

folded together. North. See Bat.

Batten-board, «. A thatcher's

tool for beating down thatch.

Battbn-fencb, f. A fence made

by nailing two or three rails to

upright posts.

Battbr, (1) f. (perhaps from

A.'N. abattre.) An abatement;

a wall which diminishes upwards

is said to batter, Suuex.

(2) 9. Dirt. North,


3) V. To fight one's way. Mid'

and a

(4) V. To wear out. South,

Battbro, 9. A bat.

Batticlb, 9. A moveable wooden

cross-bar to which the traces of

husbandry horses are secured.


Battid, a^. Covered with strips

of wood, as walls are previously

to their being plastered.

Battil, "1©. (^.-5.) To grow fat.

battbl, j Also, to fatten others.

For sleep, they said, would makelier haitU

better. ^., F. «., VI. viii. 38.

Aihet are a marrellous improvement to

battle barren land. Bay't Prov., 238.

Batting, 9. A bottle of straw.


Battino-stock, f. A beating

stock. Ketmett.

Battlb, (1) V. To dry in ointment

or moisture upon the flesh by

rubbing that part of the body

while exposed to the fire.

(2) acff. Fruitful, fertile, applied

to land.

(3) V. To render ground fertile

by applying manure.

(4) V. To go about a room with

wet and dirty shoes. Northampt.

(5) V. To bespatter with mud.

Battledt splashed or bespattered

with mud.

(6) V. To take up commons at a

college, without immediately

paying for them. Skinner de-

rives it from the Dutch betaatm,

to pay, a term which appears to

have been formed from the an-

cient manner of keeping accounts

by tatiie9, or tale.

Eat my common* with a good stoniach,

and battled with diacretion.

PKritoM, ii, p. S4S.

Battled, jpor/. p. Embattled.

Battlbdorb, #. (1) A hornbook,

and hence no doubt arose the

phrase "to know a B from a

battlcdoor," implying a very

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slight degree of leuning, or the

htmg hardlj ible to diitinguish

one thiDg from another. It it

wmetiines fonnd in early printed

voris, as if it should he thus

written, *'to know A. B. from a


Ton tlHil Bot neede to bvybookes; no,

•onie to distiajniith « B.from c iattU-

^f»rr; oneiy Joofce that your cares be

^ enoagh to re*eh our nidimentft,

■ad fo« are made for erer.

Gult Some-iooke, 1609, p. S.

(2) A flat wooden implement,

with a slit at one end for the

band, used in mending thatch,

to posh the ends of the new

itnw under the old thatch.


BiTrLKDoRE-BAB.Lrr,#. A kind of

barier, said to be so called " from

the ^tness of the ear." Aubrey's

Battlbk, «. (1) A small bat to

I^T at ball.

(2) An Oxford student ; properly

Me who pars for nothing but

vhst he calls for, answering

I searly to a sizar at Cambridge.

BATTLft-BOTAi., s, A fight bctwecn

KversI cocks, where the one that

lUods longest is the victor.

Battles, c Commons or board.


BiTTLCT, "I #. A kind of

BATUKo>8TAFV, > flat woodeu

6££TLB, J mallet used to

b^ tinen with, in order to

whiten it. See Batler.

Battlvtwio, 9. An earwig. Mid-

lemd Cowntiea and North.

Battuxo-ston*, $. A large

imooth-faced stone, set in a slop-

ing position by the side of a

i stresm, on which washerwomen

beat their linen. North.

Batfolooist, 9. {Gr.) One who

eoniuot] y repeats the same thing.

BATTOLociiB, V, To repeat con-

tiaoaUy the same thing.

I Battologt, «. (Gr. parroXoyia.)

The frequent repetition of the

same thing.

Battoii, #. A narrow board, the

full breadth of the tree from

which it is sawn. North,

Battok, #. (/v.) (1) A dub or


(2) Strong, broad, fencing rails.


(3) Doors made by the boards

being nailed to rails or bars are

called da^/oii. doors, in contradis-

tinction to such as Are panelled.

(4) Narrow deals with which the

best floors are laid.

BATTEiLft. A bathing-stalf. Lane.

Dattrt, ». A copper or brass

wide»mouthed vessel, not riveted

together, as plates of metal are

in larger vessels, but hammered

or battered into union, as tea-

kettles, &c., are.

Baits, «. (1) Low, flat grounds

adjoining rivers ; sometimes,

islands in rivers. North.

(2) Short ridges. Wight.

Batty, ac[f. (1) Belonging to a

bat { in the manner of bats.

(2) A term applied to coal. See


Batwell, «. A wicker strainer to

put over the spigot in the mash-

vat, to prevent the grains from

passing through. Leic.

Batyn, p. To make debate. Pr. P.

Baubee, f. A copper coin, of

about the value of a halfpenny.

Bavbsby, f. A squabble; a brawl.

Var. dial See Bobbery.

Baud, (1) t. (A.'N.) A procurer,

procuress, or keeper of a brothel,

or any one employed in bad ser-

vices in this line, whether male

or female.

(2) f. A badger..

(3) adj. Bold.

Baudk, adj. {A -N.) Joyous.

Baudekie, «. Pimping.

Baudkin, i. (A.-N. baudequin.) A

rich and precious sort of stuff,





said to hftTe been composed of

silk, interwoTen with threads of

gold in a most suinptaous


I'or ctoth of ffolA, or tinsel iiniie.

For baudkin, broydrie cutworks, or conceits,

He set the ifaippes of merchantmen on

worke. Gucoigne, StctU Gliui9, r. 7&6.

See Baldrick.


BAt7D&Y, J '

Baudrt, », Bad language. Skelton.

Baudt, adj. (A.'N.) Dirty.

BAt7DT-BA8KET| «. A caut term

for a profligate woman.

Bauffe, v. To belch.

Baufrey, «. A beam.

Bauf-wbek,«. Among the pitmen

of Durham seems to mean the

week in which they are not paid,

they being paid fortnightly.

Hone*» Table Book, \,Qb4.

B auger, at^. Bald; barbarous;


Than bronglit he forth another bvll,

conteyniug the said sentenre; and that

also he reade in his hanger Latine.

Bale, Sir J. Oldcatlett.

Baugh, (1) t. A pudding made

with milk and flour only. Chesh,

(2) V. To bark.

Baughlino, «. Wrangling. Cumb.

Baulchin, f. An unfledged bird.


Baulk, o. To overlook or pass by

a hare in her form without see-

ing her.

Baulkt, adj. A term applied to

earth which digs up in clots.


Baulme-mint, 9. Water mint.

Baultbr, V. To curl.

Baun-cock, ». A game cock.


Baunsey,!. a badger. Prompt. P,

Baubghwan, i, A horse-collar.


Bausb, V, To kiss. See Base.

Bauson, adj. Swelled; pendant.





BAWS'TONB, >f. A badger.




Bautbrt, adj. Encrusted vith

dirt. North.

Baux-hound, 9. A kind of hunt.

ing dog.

Bavaroy, 9, (Fr.) A kind of doak

or surtout.

Let the loop'd ftcroroy the fop embrace.

Or his deep cloke be spatterd o'er vrith

lace. Gaj.

Bayen, If. A brush faggot, pro-

BAViN, J perly bound with only

one withe, a faggot being bouud

with two.

Bariiu will have their flashes, and youth

their fkncies, the one as soon quenched

as the other is burnt.

Mother B0miU,U9i.

With coals and with Aaniu, and a frood

warm chair. OU &mg.

The skipping king, he ambled up and down

With ehallow jesters and rash 6ari» vita

Soon kindled and soon bomt.

1 Em. /F, iii, 2,

(2) 9. A bundle of small wood.


Bavens, 9. A kind of cake.

Bavere, t. Bavaria.

Bavian, 9. A baboon, or monkey ;

an occasional, but not a regular

character in the old Morris dance.

Bayier, 9. {A.'N.) The beaYer of

a helmet.

Bayin, ff. Impure limestone.

Bavisenbsse, *. (A.-N.) Mockery.

Bayish, t. To drive Hway. East. "

Baw. (1) An inteijection of con-


(2) f. A boy. Ea9t.

(3) f. A ball. North.

(4) ff. A dumpling. Lane.

(5) V. To bark. See Battffh.

{6) V. Alvum levare. Lane.

Baw AIT, ff. Lindsey.wolsey.iVbrfA.

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179 BAT

Bawcoci, g. (conjeetnred to be

« corruption of the Fr. bean eoq.)

A borieaque word of eodeannent.

VW that's 1117 im»eock. What has


SkMJtetp., r. TaU, U 9.

At a later period the word bow-

esc* was lued to signify a rogue.

Bawd, (1) f. The outer covering

of a walnut. SomeruL See Bad,

{^)r^.L Bawled. Yorkgh.

(3;t. A hare. A word used

chiefly io Scotland.

Bawmi, 9. To scold grumblingly.

^A^ «. A species of worm for-

Bcrljr used as a bait for fishing.

BA»»-UMa,t. The bowling of a

nil ; that rope which is fastened

to the middle part of the outside

of a tail.

Bawek, «. A maker of balls. Strf-

2*n,(l)c. To relinquish.

Hw? kt her go? by no means, sir.

« *!»n ncrer be read in ehrouidc. that

^Arlfcer Addd (my renovu^ friend)

***'^ a iiistRaa for feur of rivals.

Caryl, Sir SaUmm, 1691.

.2)1. A balk in ploughing.

%: Abeam. AisPil-Ae/'/, the

teghtofthebeam. Ocm^.

J*»,». A bow.

fiAwwm,*. A aort of sand-stone

wed for whetting scythes. So-

■«w/. SeeBffOvr.

J**«.t. A hay-loft. Cwnd.

J^»ux,«fj. Big; large.

Ba»»,». To daub. •* He ^eimiecf

ttd ilawmed it all OTcr mortar


(2) V. To embalm.

(^) 9. To address ; to adorn.


BiviiTK.t. Balsam. Proust, P,

**^«. (1) t. An inclosed yard,

«»P«ially of a small castle.


These rooad hQli and square Uwtu,

vhich yon see so strongly trenched aiid

thrown up. were at flrst ordmned t)i«t

people might assemble themsehes

tlierew. Spmar'i SUUe 0/ Jrtisstd.

(2) adj. Ready ; going. North.

Bawnd, adj. Swollen. East.

Bawndonly, oiftr. (A.^N.) Cheer-


Bawrell, ff. {A.'N.) A kind of

hawk. The male bird was

called a bawret.

Bawse, o. To scream.

Bawsen, adj. Burst. Derby th.

Bawsherb, a. A corruption of


Bawsin, 1(1)*. An imperious

BAWSON, J noisy fellow. North,

Peace, you fat hatntm, peace.

Lingua, 0. FL, v. 233.

(2) adj. Great; large; unwieldy;

swelled. Coles has **a great

bawnuy Tentrosus.*'

(3) #. A badger. See Anfffon.

Bawsand, \a^. Streaked with

BAW80NT, J white upon the face:

a term applied only to horses

and cattle.

BAWSTONE,f. Abadger. Prompt.P,

Bawt, (l)yrep. Without. Yorkth,

(2) 9. To roar; to cry. North,

Bawy, f. A boy.

Baxter, *. (1) A baker. See


(2) An implement for baking

cakes, common in old houses.


Bay, (1) f. A berry.

(2) A high pond^head to keep

in the water, for driTing the

wheels of the fUmace or hammer

belonging to an iron mill. Blount.

Tn Dorsetshire, any bank across

a stream is called a bay. Cotgrave

mentions " a bay of land."

(3) #. The space between the

main beams in a bam. Abr-


(4) #. A principal compartment

or diTision in the architectural





arrangement of abuilding^marked

either by the buttresses on the

walls, by the disposition of the

main ribs of the vaulting of the

interior, by the main arches and

pillars, the principals of the roof,

or by any other leading features

that separate it into correspond-

ing portions. The word is some-

times used for the space be-

tween the muUions of a window.

Houses were estimated by the

number of bayt :

If this law bold in Yienna ten ycnrs,

I'll rent the faireat house in it, after

three-pence a bajf. Meat, for 3f., ii, 1.

Of one hay(?» breadth, Ood wot, a ailly


"Wliosc thatched apart arc furr'd with

sluttish soole. Ball, Sat., r, 1.

As a term among builders, it

also signified every space left in

the wall, whether for door, win-

dow, or chimney.

(5) «. A pole; a stake.

(6) 9. To bathe. Spenter.

(7) f. A boy.

(8) adj. Round. Gaw,

(d) V, {A.-S, bugan,) To bend.


(10) V. To bark. Miege.

(11) V. To open the mouth

entreatinglyfor food, like a young

child. HoUyband.

(12) f. The nest of a squirrel.


(13) t. A hole in a breast-work

to receive the mouth of a cannon.

(14) V. To unlodge a martern.


(15) ». To bleat.

Bayard,*. (/f.-iV.) Properly a bay

horse, but often applied to a

horse in general. '* As bold as

blind bayard," is an old proverb.

Bay-berry, «. The fruit of the


Bncra lanri. 8a^v6KO«rieof, Ttlajonio.

Graiu de laurier. A bni,hrrry.

AuatcncUUor, 1585.

Bat-duck, #. A shell-duck. EcLsi.

Baye, adj. (^.-5.) Both.

Into the chaumber go we bofg.

Among the maidens for to piaye.

Gy of Wartoike, p. ICS.

Batbn, V. To bay; to bark; to


Batbs, f. Baize.

Bayl£, f. A bailiff.

Bayler, t. A bucket.

Bayly, t. {A.-N.) Authority; any.

thing given in charge to a bailiff

or guard.

B AYLYD, part. p. Boiled.

Bayn, f. (A,'S. bana,) A mur-


Baynyd, part. p. Shelled for

table, as beans, &c. Prontpi. J>,

Bayte, v. {A.'S.) To avail ; to

be useful ; to apply to any use.

Baythe, v. To grant, (rotr.

Baytino, t. A chastisement.

Bay-window, t. A large window ;

supposed to derive this name

from its occupying the ^hole

bay. It usually projected out-

wards, in a rectangular or poly.

gonal form, or sometimes aemi.

circular, from whence the cor-

rupted form boW'tpindow arose.

Bay-yarn, t. Another name for


Bayyd, adj. Of a bay colour,

Prompt. P.

Bazans, t. A sort of leathei

boots, mentioned by Mat. Paris.

Bazb, v. To alarm. Xorth,

Be. (I) prep. (A..S.) By.

(2) part. p. Been. In the prov

dialects, be is often used as th<

pret. L of the verb.

(3) Be, bi, or by, is used as i

common prefix to verbs, generally

conveying an intensative power.

(i)i.(A.-S.) A jewel or ring. Se«


Beack, 9. (1) Cattle. North.

(2) A cow-sUll. Yorksh.

Beached, adj. Exposed to th^






BiAD, 1 «. (^.-5!.) A pnjer, from

'Sid, to prmr.

A padre of knia eke she bere

Upon ■ lac-r al of wliite threde.

On which that she her kedu Me.

JZaMWfl/ ^ AU JKam; L 7373.

Rriair the holy vatcr hither,

Let OS Tub and pray together:

Whea our ietuU are tfana united,

llica the foe will fly affrighted.

Herritk, p. 38S.

Small round ImIIs, ttringed to-

gether, and buDg from the neck,

as&sted the Romish derotees in

eoDBting the number of prayers,

or paternosters, they said, and

consisted of thirty, or twice thirty,

single beads. N ext to every tenth

bead was one larger, and more

embellished, than the rest ; these

were called gaudei, and are men-

tioned by Chaucer :

Of tmal coral aboute hire arme scbe haar,

A peire of hedUt gamdid al with grene.

Cant, r., 1. 158.

Tirom this practice originated the

name of bead$ a» apphed to per-

sonal ornaments.

BxAiM;urF8,9. Small ruffles. Miege.

BiAO-PARiNO, «. Pilgrimage.

Beao.bou8e, 9. A dwelling-place

for poor relagious persons, who

were to pra^r for the soul of the


Beadlk, «. (^.-5. hmlal, bydel)

A crier or messenger of a court ;

the keeper of a prison or hotue

of correction ; an under-bailiff.

Bead-roll, 1 #. Originally a list of

BiD-aoLL, J the benefactors to a

monastery, whose names were to

be mentioned in the prayers; more

generally, a list of prayers and

church services, and such priests

as were to perform them ; also,

an inventory.

And hcUow forth against the gods them-


A UdrnU of ootrageoas blasphemies.

OU Fl^ ii, 851.

Or tediooi hmd-roUs of defended blood.

FflHB £iUier Japhet ainee Denealion'a flood.

3f. Hoik Sat., ir, S.

Then Wakefield battle next we la irar

hedroml bring. Drayton, Folgolh.t 23.

Tia a dead world, no stirring, he hath

Beheaneth up a head'TOwU of his kMSca.

RawUnda, Kmmm o/ Harts, 161S.

Bbadsm AN, f. One wlio prays for

another; and hence, being used

as a common compliment from

one person to another, it was at

length used almost in the sense

of servant.

Bkadswoman, s. a woman who

prays for another person.

Bbak, (1) 0. To bask in the heat.


(2) s. An iron over the fire, in

which boilers are hung. Yorith,

(3) 9. To wipe the beak, a term

in hawking.

(4) V. A term in cockfighting.

(5) t. The nose of a horse.

(6) f. The point of a shoe, in the

costume of the 14th cent.

Bbak bh, s. ( Germ, becher,) k large

drinking vessel ; a tumbler- glass.

Another bowle, I doe not like thia cap.

Yon slare, what hnnen haat thoa brought


KU me a heaker, looke it be good beere.

Jto»land$, KtuvM of HarU, 1613.

BBAKiRox,f. An instrument of iron

used by blacksmiths.

Bbakmbnt, s. a measure of about

the quarter of a peck. Newcattie,

Bbal, (1)9. To roar out (for bawl)*


(2) V. (d.'S.) To suppurate.


(3) s. {A.-S.) A boil, or hot in-

flamed tumour.

B%ALDKfV.{A.'S.) To grow in years.

Ine atat that sacrament ine roan,

Waane 50 iae Gode b;rHldeih.

William d« Shoreham.

Bbalino, f. Big with child.

Bbalt^, 9. (A.-N.) Beauty.

Beam, (1) #. (^.-5.) Misfortune.

Mob. GUmc.

(2) V. To put water in a tub, to

stop the leaking by swelling the

wood. North,

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(3) #. A band of straw. Devon.

(4) «. The shaft of a chariot.

Holinth., Hist, of Eng., p. 26.

(5) «. A kind of wax-candle.

(6) a. The third and fourth

branches of a stag's horn were

called the beamst or bear/i'


(7) «. A part of a plough.

The imm is perpendicnhirlj abore the

spit, and connected with it: first, by

the plough handle, or by the lower part

of that piece of timber which terminates

in the handle. The size of this piece is

eqnal to the beam at that end or it, and

both the beam and the spit are strongly

morticed into it. Above the bcHm it is

oontinned in a sweep the length of 5

feet from the bottom ; the hidiest part

of the sweep beingS feet from the ground

hne, or bottom of the spit.

(8) t. {A,-S.) A trumpet.

(9) t. The rafter of a roof.

Beame of a rouffe, not beyng inbowed or

fretted. Loifuear. Huloet.

Beamslino, t. A small ray of


Beam-feathirs, s. The long fea-

thers in the wings or tail of a


BiAMFUL,a4/- Lnminons. Drayton,

Beaming-ki^fe, «. A tanner's in-

strumenty mentioned by Pals-


Beam-rimolb, «. A moveable iron

ring on the beam of a wheel-

plough, by which the plough is

regulated. Norfolk,

Beamy, adj. Built with beams.

Bean, 9. The old method of choos-

ing king and queen on Twelfth

Day, was by having a bean and

a pea mixed up in the composi-

tion of the cake. They who

found these in their portion of

cake, were constituted king and

queen for the evening. — " Three

blue beant in a blue bladder" is

an old phraae, the meaning of

which is not very clear.

/•, Hark docs't rattle?

S. Tes, like three Hue beam m a blum

bladder, rattle, Uadder, ratlU. ^

Old Forlunatue, Ane. Dr., tii. p. 1S28.

They say-

That imtting all his words together,

*Tts three blue beans in one blue bladder. ^

Prior, Jlma, Cant. I, ▼. 25.

B B A N-BELLiBS, s. An old ntck -name I

for the natives of Leicestershire.

BBAN-coD,t. A small fishing vessel.

Bbanb, a^. Obedient.

Bbanbd, adj. A beaned horse, one

that has a pebble put under its

lame foot, to make it appear sounci

and firm.

Bbanhblm, $. The stalks of beans.


Bbar, (1) «. a kind of barley. i

(2) «. A noise. See Bere.

(3) a. A tool used to cut se^ge '

and rushes in the fens. Piarfl

(4) The o. bear is used in aewerid

curious old phrases. 7b ftettr" « i

bob, to make one among m^nv

to lend a helping hand. To deoy^

in or OS AoiMf, to persuade, to Ueep

in expectation, to accuse.

She knowynge that peijanre

greatter offence than advouW ,

wepynjje and swerynge defended bcr

hoiiestie; and bare her husban^e oa

hande, that they femed those ta|«« f^.

ciirye tliat thby kadde to se tho^ ly ve

so quietly.

Tales jr (^uieke ^

To bear a bram, to exert %t^eii«

tion, ingenuity, or memory.

Bat still take yon heed, hare a ▼isUau&t

— Well, tJT, let me alone, FU bear a 6«-a;.

JU FooU, 0. PL, ivVl 7Y

To bear low, to behave oneself

humbly. Palsgrave. " I deaw-^ one

wronge in hande, w iouch^.** y^^^

7b bear out a man, to defend one'

Ibid. Bear one company^ «. e *

keep one company. /6i</. ^e«»^*

one bold, i. e., to set at defia-noffT

'•Theyknowe well theydo sga^vn^t

the lawe, but they beare /X<**al

AoWeof theirelordeand msymter »*

Ibid, Toplag the bear sri/^ *

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iojare or diaadvantage tny one.

"A wet uason will phf the bear

with me." Sortkam^t.

BsAmABLB, Qdj» Supportable.

BsAm-AWAT, V. To learn. Pmbg.

Bbabbind. 9. A apedea of bind-

weed. North.

OiARD, (1) V. To oppose Cace to


(2) 7b make one't beard^ to de-

ceive a person.

(3) 9. To trim a hedge. Shmpth.

{i) t. An ear of corn. Htdoet.

(5) «. The coaner parts of a joint

of meat.

(6) 9. The bad portions of a fleece

of wool.

Bbard-bkoob,! a. The bashes

BEARoiNoa, J stack into the

bank of a new-made hedge, to

protect the plants. Cke$k.

Bbabd^tkbb, a. The hazel.

Bbabbb, a. A farthingale.

Beabers,!. The persons who ca^

a corpse to the grave.

The Mvtbera of each oorpf good gainers be,

Hke kmrtr* have a proMabie fee.

Ttflor's Wiarkei, 1630.

BiAB-FLT, a. An insect. Bacon,

Beab-oaboen, a. A favorite place

of amusement in the time of

Elizabeth, and frequently alluded

to m works o£ that period.

Bbab-hbbd, a. The keeper of a


Bbabino, «. (1) A term at the

games of Irish and backgammon.

(2) A term in coursing, giving

the hare the go-by.

Bbabino-abbow,!. An arrow that

carries well.

BEABING-CI.AW8, $. The foremost

toes of acock.

BBaBuio.cLOTH,a. The fine mantle

or cloth with which a child was

covered when it was carried to

church to be baptized.

BBABiiio.oiaHB8, a. Solid, sub*

fUatial diabes ; pOEtly viands.

BBAmiNO-or-TRB-BOOK, a. A term

among the old players for the

duties of the prompter.

Bbabi NO-OUT, a. PerMnai carriage.

** Great bearyBgout,|Mr/." PoSb-

Bbab-lbap, a. A large osier basket

to carry chaff oot of a bam, borne

between two men. See Baritp,

Bbab-moutbs, f. Subterraneous

passages to coal mines. North.

Bbabn, a. (1) A bam. Eaet.

(2) A child. North.

(3) Wood. Cotei.

Bbabbmlbbcb, a. The name of a


BBABa'.coLLBOB,a. A jocular term

Qsed by Ben Jonson for the bear


Bbab's-bab, f . The early red aori-

cula, called in Latin, according to

Gerard, Jvrieula Urti, and in

French, Oreiile d*Ottr$.

Bbab'b-foot, a. A species of helle-


Bbab-stokb, a. A large atone mor-

tar, formerly naed for unhuaking


Bbabswobt, a. The name of a


BBAmwABD, a. The keeper of a


What a bragkyng maketh a hraremtrd

with hie lylver bntiened bawdhke, for

pride of another mannea here.

Sir T. More.

Beab-wobm,!. The palmer- worm.

Bbab, 9.pi. Cows ; caule. Noirth.

Bbabel, f. The part of a ring in

which the stone is set. See Bo9il

Bbassh, v. To defile. PaUgr.

Beast, a. (1) A game at cards,

similar to our game of loo.

(2) A measure. Wardrobe Ac*

eount9o/Edw, n\ p. 129.

(3) An animal of the beeve kind

bk a fatting state. Ea9t,

Bbastial, a. {A.'N,) CatUe.

B basting, a. A fiogging. Lane.

See BaMte.

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Beastings, "^ #. (A.-S. hyfiyng.)

BEAST.MiLK, Thc fifst milk givcii

BEESTLIN68, V-by a cow after her

BEESTINGS, I calviiig. {Bytlms

BESTNiNO, J in Staffordshire.)

A cow hath no milk ordinarily, before

that she hath calved : the first milk that

she siveth downe is called beesHiu;

which, unlesae it be delaied witli some

water, will soon tvme to be as harde as

a pnmish stone.

HoUand'i FHny, vol. i, p. 348.

So may the first of all our fells be thine,

And both the heestning of our goaU and


As thou our folds dost still secure.

And keep'st our fountainssweet and pure.

Btn Jonton, Hymn to Pan, vi. 177.

Beastlb, o. To defile. Somerset

Beastliness, «. Stupidity.

He both cursed the time that he obeyed

the king's letter to come to him, seeing

fromises had been doubly broken with

iro, and also accused himself of STcat

beastUneM. hj the which these mischiefs

were suffered to spring.

£owfS Correspondence, 1583.

Beat, {l)v. To make a noise at

rutting time, said of hares and


(2) V, To search. A sporting


(3) V, {ji.-S.) To mend. Eaet.

US t. Peat. Devon,

(5) V. To hammer with one's

thoughts on a particular subject


(6) t. A blow.

Be AT- AW AY, ». To excavate. North,

Beate, \ V, (A,'S,) To excite, kin-

BETE, J die, or make to burn.

Thy temple wol I worship CTermo,

And on thin auter, wher I ride or go,

I wol don sacrifice, and fires befe.

Chancer, KnigkWi Tale, Tynrhxtt.

And in a bathe they gonne hire faste shet-


And night and day grct fire they under

Mten. Second Nonue't Tale.

Beate BURNING,*. An agricultural

device, used particularly in the

West. See Denekering,

About May, they cut up alle the gnase

of that ground, which is to be broken

up, in turfes; which they call heattn^.

These turfes they raise up somewhat im

the midst, that the wind and the sunne

may the sooner drie tbeni. After they

have been thorouebly dried, the bu»>

bandnian pileth them in little hea])s.

provincially called heat-bnrrowes, aud

so bumeth them to ashes.

Carew*t Survey rf Comica.lt ^

Bbatem, f. A conqueror. Yorksh,

Beaten, adj. Trite.

Beater, t, A wooden mallet.

Beaters, t. The boards projecting:

from the inside circumference of

a chum to beat the milk.

Bbath, ©. {A,-S,) To dry by ex-

posure to the fire.

Yokes, forks, and such other, let bttOiff spy


And gather the same as he walketh about :

And after, at leisure, let this be hia hire.

To heath them, and trim them at home by

the fier. Tna*it*s Hnabnn^ry,

Beatillbs, e.pl (from Fr, ahatti^J)


Beating, (I) f. Walking or hur-

rying about. Weet,

(2) A row of corn laid on the

barn.fioor for thrashing. Norf.

Beatment, «. A measure. North.

Beatour, adv. Round about.

BEAT-ouT,;»ar/./>. Puxzled. fir«e^.

hEATWosLLDtOdv, Bcyoud coQtroui.


Beau, adj. (Fr.) Fair; good.

Beaupet, #. (A.-N.) A cupboard

or niche, with a canopy, at the

end of a hall; a cupboard, where

glasses, bowls, &c., areput&^ay.

Beau-pere, t. (1) (A.'N.) A friar,

or priest.

(2) A companion. Spent.

Now leading hhn into a secret shade

From his beMt-peres, and from hiiglit he».

ten's view.

Where him to deep she gently would


Or bath him in a fountain by some coverft.

glade. ^.«.UI.i,sS:

Bbaupers, », Apparently some

kind of doth. Book of J^a<e*

p. 26.

d by Google


BiAUFLBADKm, f. A writ that lies

I where the sheriff or bailiff takes

a fine of a party that he may not

plead Wrlj.

BEAirnriKo, adj. Beautiful. Skek,

Polonius calls it a Tile phrase,

but it was a cominon one in those

times, particularly in the ad-

dresses of letters. "To the most

hemdified lady, the Lady Eliza-

beth Carey/' is the address of a

dedication by Nash. "To the

most beautified lady, the Lady

Anne Glemhain." R. L. inscribes

his " Diella," consi»ting of poems

and sonnets, 1596.

Bbautipul, adj. Delicious.

Beau-traps, a. Loose paTeracnts

in the footway, under which dirt

and water collects, liable to

splash any one that treads ou

them. Norf.

Bkauty-spot, *. The patches

which ladies put on their faces,

as fashionable omamenU.

BiAUTT-WATEB, *. A Uquid for-

merly used by ladies to restore

their complexions.

BiAVKa, (I) 9. (A.-N.) That part

of the helmet which was moved

up and down to enable the wearer

to drink, leaving part of the face

exposed when up.

(2)f. The bushes or underwood

growing out on the ditchless side

of a single hedge. VoneL

Bkaybr, 1 *. {A'N.) A name

BBYKR, > formerly given to^thc

BSTKRAGK, J afteTuoou colUtlon,

and still in use in Essex, Nor-

thamptonshire, and other parts.


Drinkinse betwene dimsr tad nipper.

til^aAh$a»*r. JMieemam. Huloet.

Betimes in the monun;; they brenk

their fiMt ; at mxm they dine ; when the

day M far spent they take their hea»er ;

late at night they aup.

6aU ofhangr»«gn» 1568.

Certea it is not supposed niecto that ire

tiioald now contcnte ooreselves with

185 BEC

hreakfMt and rapper only, as onr eMcrs

hare done before os. nor eno«Kl> ^y*}

ve have added onr dinners nntti tlutr

foresaid meales, bnt we must huTe

thereto onr hevemgn und rearesuppei*,

flo that smaU time it sparrd, whf rem to

ooeupT ourseUes onto any godly exer-

etae. Detenptwu of ScolUmd, p. 20.

BBAVsmAOC. a. (^.-^.) Cider

made after the first squeezing


BBATBftrr,«. A half-beaTer hat.

Bmawtk, prep. Without. Lane.

B«a«led, adj. Fatigued. Stums.

Bkb, v. (Ut. bibn.) To sip; to

drink. North, A i^Mer. an im-

moderate drinker. See Bib.

Bbba8tb,v. To beat,

Bbbathb, t. To bathe all over.

The balls meanwhile each other woands do


And t«rt each others sides, whose blond

sports ont.

And head and shotildrrs all b^^tknii\um%

Whose hlouJy blows tlie erlioio; wood

resound. Virgtl, hy }iemr», Itt^ii

Bbbbbibd, part. p. Buried.

Bbblast. part. p. Blaseed.

Beblbd, part, p. Covered with


Beblindb, v. To make blind.

Bbblot, 9. To stain.

Be bob, v. To bob ; to bother, or

mock. See Bob.

Bbbiddb, v. To command.

Bbcallb, v. (A.^S.) (1) To ac-

cuse; to challenge.

(2) To abuse ; to censure. Weat

(3) To require. Gaw.

Bbcassb, #. (Fr.) A woodcock.

Bbcco, #. (ItaL beeco.) A cuckold.

Dnke, thon art a btcco, a eomuto.

P. How? J/. Tlioa art a ruckold.

Malcontent, O. PL, ir. ia

Bbchattbd, part, p. Bewitched.


Bbchb, $. (A.-S.) A beech-tree.

Bbchbe, f. {A.'S.) A betrayer.

Lore is htcher and Ics,

And lef lor to tele. MS. Dighi/, 86.

Beck, (1) *. (A.-S. bece.) A rivu-

let or small brook.

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(2) t. A constable.

(3) V, To nod ; to beckon.

Tlii* here I row.

By IDT beloved brothera Stynan slow.

By air tlioae pichy fioudt uid banks nuwt


Whereat he beeit^ and vith a tbnnder-


Olympus totall flrame eittreamly treinbled.

rtiyii,4y nc«rf,1682.

(4)«. A bow, a salutation. A beck

was a bend of the knee as well as

a nod of the head.

(5) The beak of a bird. " Sbo

with a longe beeket souliar aptm-

lame.** Palsgrate,

Tm none of these same cringing things

that stoops,

Jnst bke a tumbler when lie vaults tbroog^


Or daw or magpy, vben at first it necks,

A.ltcinately Iheir tails above their leek$.

FUckno^s Efxffrawiit 1670-

Becker, 8. A wooden dish. Nor-


Bbckbt, «. (1) A spade used in dig-

ging turf. Eagt.

(2) A mantelpiece. NorthampL

Bbckets, f. A kind of fastening;

a place of security for any kind of

tackle on board a ship.

BkcK'Stans, #. Literally, brook-

stones; the strand of a rapid river.


Bkclappe, r. (^.-5.) To catch.

Bkclartbd, adj. Besmeared ; be-

daubed. North,

Bbclippb, 9, (1) To curdle. 3faim-


(2) To embrace.

Becomes, t. Best clothes. E(ut,

BKCovQ^Ttpart, p, (A.^S.) Seized;


Bbciuke,«. a kind of oath. iVbr^A.

Bbckipflb, v. To make lame.

Beg URL, V. (1) To bend in a curve.

(2) To curl all over.

Bko, (1) 9. A roe is said to bed

v^hen she lodges in a particular

place. Diet. Ru$t.

(2) «. A horizontal vein of ore in

a mine. Derbyah,

(3) V, To go to bed with.

(4) part. p. of bidde. Offered ;

prayed; commanded. Langtqft.

(5) «. A fleshy piece of beef cut

from the upper part of the leg

and bottom of the belly. East,

f 6) t. The uterus of an animal.

(7) Getting out the wrong side qf

the bedi a phrase applied to a

person who is peevish and ill-


(8) A bed of snakes is a knot of

young ones.

(9) 9. The under side of a wrought

stone, in masonry.

(10) t. The horizontal base of

stone inserted in a wall.

(11) », The body of a cart or

waggon. Northatnpt.

Bbdaffe, 9. {A,'S.) To make a

fool of.

Then are yon blind, dull-witteti, and hei^rflt,

North's Plut,, p. 1U3.

Bedaole, 9. To dirty.

Bed-ale, «. Groaning ale, brewed

for a christening. Deton,

Bed ARE, 9. To dare ; to defy.

Bedasshbd, part, p. Covered;


Bedawe, 9. To ridicule. Skelton.

Bedde, (1) f. A bedfellow, hus-

band or wife.

(2) 9. To bed ; to put to bed.

Beddeb, It. The under-stone

bkdbttbr, j of an oil-mill.

Beddern, t. A refectory.

Bebdy, a^. Greedy; officious.


Bede, 9. (1) (^.-S.) To pray.

That thou wdt save thi moder and me^

Thi prevcre now I graunte the

or that thou hed9 bRfore.

(2) To proffer.

A ring Ysonde htm hede

To tokening at that tide :

He flcighe forth in gret drede.

In wodc him for to Ip'Hc.

I Sir 'frulrem, iU, 28.

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(3) «. To order ; to bid.

(4) <. A prayer.

(5) «. A commindment.

(6) «. ProhibitioB.

(7) yreL t of bide. Dwelt;


BmDmja>K9,pret. p. Shun; made

dead ; deadened.

Bn>mir, part. p. Dirtied. Norik.

BiovnousK, «. See Bead,

Bkdkl, 9. A aenritor ; a bailiff. See


Bkdklbt, t. The jnrisdictkMi of a


Bkdbxb, a^. {A,'S.) fmmedt.

ately; at once; continuously;


Bbdkbjex, v. To darken.

Bkdbvil, V, To spoil. South,

Bbobyilbd, part, p. Rendered

like a devil; become Tery wicked.

Bkdbw, v. To wee

Bbd-pagoot, a. A contemptoons

term for a bedfellow. Eaet.

Bbdfbbb, \s.{A.'S.) a bed-


Bb96att, #. Command? Morte


Beoioht, pmi, p. Decked out ;


Her veaposs are the iareliii, sad the bow.

Her t(«nnfeiita ingeli Uke, of rir^nn-wliite,

Aud tttckt aloft, her f&lline skirt belov

Her boflkin meeCet: backkd vith ailrer


Her Lure behiad bar, Uke a doake dolb


Some tnekt in fonlet, some knee with

flowert hedigkt :

Her silken vaitei play rooad about her


Her golden qniTer fab aHiwart her barke.

Ormt Britaum Truft^ 1609.

Bedizbn, v. To dress ont.

No; here's Diana, who as I shall !••

AjBrn, shall pass for as sabstaatial an

alderman's beireti as ever fell into

wicked hftndt.

Mn. Bekn, CUy Hrireu, 1688.

Bbd-jointb, c Joints in the beds

of rocks. Derbpsk,

Bbplam cowslip, c The paigle,

or laq^ cowslip. NartAan^t.

Bbdlamitb, a. A person who,

having been put into B«tlilehem

as insane, had, after a due time

of trial, been discharged though

not perfectly cnred. Not being

mischievous or dangerous, they

were afterwards suffered to go at

large ; and the p«blic took much

interest in their wild and extra-

vagant sayings amd deeds. Male

liedlamites were all Toms, and

Poor Toms; and the females

Bettys and Bess ; and all, in addi-

tioQ to lunacy, were afflicted with

loathsome bodily diseases. It was

one of the most popular plans of

vagrant mendicity; and the coun-

try was filled with bedlanu and

bedlamitee, or Tom of Bedlams,

as they were indifferently called.

Fvenr dnuikard is so farre estranfcrd

frum binis^lfe, that as one in au cxusie

ot Diind, or rather, in a plajrne phn-iizj,

be may not be said to be siu animi

compos, or a nan of soiuide wit, bai

rather, a very hedUm, or much worse.

Siubbn't JiuUomie of Abuta, p. 123.

Alas ! thoB Tannt'tt thy sober sense in vain.

In these poor £^<//aitti/«f thy selt lanrey.

Thy self, leaa innocently mad than they.

FittgeraUCi Poems, 1781.

Tin the breakinfr out of the cirill warres,

Tom o' BfdUmi did travel about the

countrv. They had been once di«itriicted

men th^t had been put into Bedlam,

where recovering to some sobernrsse,

they were licentiatcd to ^oe a bcgKiug.

I'hey had on their left arm an ariiiillu gf

tin, about four inches long : they could

not get it off. They wore about their

necks a freat horn of an ox in a string

or bawdrick, which when they came to

a house for alms they did wind ; and

they did put the drinke pven them into

this born ; whereto they did put a stop*

pie. Since the warres I doe not remenw

oer to hate seen any one of them.

Jubng, Nat, Hut. of WUU.

Bbdlawtb, a. A bed-ridden per-

son. Prompt, Parv,

Bbdmate, a. A bedfellow.

Bed-minion, a. A bardash.

Bbdolbd, part. p. Stupifled with

pain. Devon.

Bboolve, v. To dig.

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Bedonb, part. p. Wrought ; made


Bedote, v. To make to dote ; to


Bedoute, part, p. Redoubted-

Bed-phere, «. Bedfellow.

And I most have mine ears banqnetted

with pleasant and witty conferences,

Jfretty girls, scoffs, and duUiance, in her

hat 1 mean to chuse for mv bed-fketre,

B, JoHS.t S^ccttu, ii, 5.

Bedfrksser, «. A dull heavy


Bedrabtlbd, part. p. Dirtied;


"BEJiKKDy part, p, {\) Dreaded.

(2) Bedridden.

Bedreinte, part, p. Drenched ;


Bedrepes, t. Days of work per-

formed in harvest time by the

customary tenants, at the bidding

of their lords.

Bed-roll, t. A catalogue. See


Bedrop, V, To sprinkle ; to spot.

Beds* «. The game of hop-scotch.


Beds-foot, s. The plant mastic.

Bedstettlb, t. A bedstead. Euex,

Bedstafp, 9, A wooden pin stuck

formerly on the sides of the bed-

stead to keep the clothes from

slipping on either side.

Bed-suster, «. One who shares

the lied of the husband ; the con-

cubine of a married man in re-

lation to the legitimate wife. Rob,


Bbdswervbr, s. An adultress.


Bed-tye, <. Bed-tick. Wett,

Bbduele, o. (^.-5. edwelian,) To


Our angela ells thai him lete

Our Gudis suiic ells thai him helde

For he cuthe make the men bedueide.

Cursor Mundi, MS. Uimb.^t 129.

Bbdusk, V, To smudge, darken the

colour of.

Bedward, adv. Towards bed.

Bedwarf, V, To make litiie*

Bedwbn', t. A birch tree.

Bbdyner, f. An oflScer.

Lyare wes mi latymer,

Sicuthe ant alep mi bedwur.

Ljfric Poetry, p. 4©.

Beb. To have beet in the heati^

to be choleric ; to be restless.

But, Wyll, my maister hath hee$ in his


If be find mee lieare pratinge, I am lt\it

deade. Damon and Pith, 0. PL, i, 1 so.

If he meet but a carman in the atreet

and I find )iim not tnlic to keep hun off

on him, he will thistle him and all hia

tunes at overnight in his sleep! he iiua

a head full of bees.

B. Jom.f Bartk. Fair, i, .^.

To have a bee in the bonnet, to

be cross ; to be a little crazy.

Bbb, «. A jewel. See Bei^h.

Bee-band, «. A hoop of iron wliieU

encircles the hole in the beam

of a plough where the coulter is


Bee-bike, t. A nest of wild bees


Bee-bird, «. The willow wren.

Bee-bread, t. {A.-S.) A viscous

substance found in the hives of

bees, supposed to be the ma.

terial from which the young bees

are formed.

Bee-but,<. a bee-hive. Somcr^^f^

Beechgall, t. A hard knot on. the

leaf of the beech, containing the

maggot of an insect.

Beb-drovb, ». A great crowd ^£

men, or other creatures. £a«>^.

Bbedy, «. A chicken.

Bebdy's-bybb, «. The pansy


Bebf, ». (Pr.) An ox.

B kef-eaters, t. The yeonaeu of

the guard.

Beefing, «. A bullock fit for

slaughter. SttfolJk.

Bekfwitted. a^/- Having no more

wit than oxen ; heavy-headed.

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fiES-GLrs, «. A snhstance with

which bees protect the entraoce

of the hive.

Prapolifl. Plin. Glnteii qno alrd mi aras

coniptogimt apea, «]^»oAav. BeefiUw,

vbtch Uiey make at the entry of the

hive, to keepe out cold.

NamtneUiar, 1181.

BR.HITS, 8. A wattled straw*

chair, commoo among cottagers.


Be8X£d, atg' Covered with dirt.


Beel, v. To bellow, applied not

only to cattle, but to human

beings. A woman at Nettleham,

whose only cow had been sold

by her hasband, a noted ringer,

for the purpose of subscribing

for a new beil, always used to

uj to him when ringing com-

menced : " Hark I how my poor

cow beela /** They also say when

any one makes a great noise by

shouting, "How he beeltf"


Bebld, (1) $. Shelter. Norih, See


(2) V, To build. North.

Beeldino, t. A shed for cattle.


Bbele, g. A kind of pick^axe used

in separating the ore from the


Beb-ltpfsh, 9» A bee-hive. So-

Been, (I) 9. pi. (J.'S.) Bees.

(2)8. Property ; wealth. Tu88er.

(3) The plural of the present

tense of the verb to be.

(4) adj. Nimble ; clever. Lane.

(5) s. A withy band. Devon.

Beenship, «. Worship; goodness.

Beemt-msed, 8. Help on particular

occasions. Lanca8h,

Beeok, 8. An iron over the fire in

which boilers, &c., are hung ; a

beak. Yorkgh.

Brer, «. Force ; might. Che8h.

Bebr-plip, t. A drink prepared in

the same way, and with the sam«

materials, as "egg-flip," except-

ing that a quart of strong home-

brewed beer is substituted for

the wine ; a glass of gin is some-

times added, but it is better


Bbee-oood, f. Yeast. Eatt.

BBBaaousE, t. An old name for

an alehouse.

BKBftNBSs, f. A beer-cellar. North,

Bbbrt, adj. Intoxicated. Warw,

Bbbs, (1) 8. pi nics. Line,

(2) 8. pi. Cows. Cumb,

Bebsen. 1 ^j (^^5 ^y^j

bbbzen, I Short-sighted; half-

■'*°''' I blind.

BY80M, J

Wei vottu that hi doth tharinos,

Hi fnleth hit up to the chinne,

Ho litteth that ao hi bo hisne,

Tharbi men aeirgirt a vorhiane)

Dahet habbe iliut ilke beat

That fvleth his owe nest.

HuU and ^'yghtingeie, 1. Mb

Now gylleorrs don gode mf n gye,

Ry^i eroi re<flrs alle behynde,

Truthe ys tamyd to trcchery,

for now the hjitom ledva the blvnde.

MS. Uarl., 539tf, f. 24.

Bbb-9Kip, f. A hive or skip of


Bbes-nbst, 8, A kind of flax.


Beesnum. Be they not. We8t,

Bbbsomb, 8. A broom with a long

brush. This word occurs in

HoUybOMTa Dictionaries 1593,

and is still in use for a birch

broom, though never applied to

one made of hair.

Sure 'tis an uncouth sight to see some,

That sweepe their hall without a btfiome.

Mm-MiracUs, 165«.

Bbbst, 8. The first milk given by

a cow after calving. See Bea8thuf.

Bbestailb, 8. {A.-N.) Cattle.

Bkbt.azb, 8. The instrument used

in beeting ground in denshering.


Bbethy, adj. Soft, sticky; in a





penpirttion ; withered. Applied

to meat underdone. Herefordth.

Bbbtle, 8, {A,-S.) A heavy mallet.

A three-man beetle was one so

heavy that it required three men

to manage it, two at the long

handles and one at the head.

BiKTLB-B ROWED, adj. Having

brows that hang over.

Bebtlb-headbo, adj. Dull ;


Bebtlestock, «. The handle of a


Beetle-ston, «. The cantharides.

Bbetnbbd, 9. Assistance in the

hour of distress. North.

Befbt, «. A buffet ; a blow.

Beffino, 8, (I) Barking. Line.

(2) Burning land after it is

pared. North.

Bepioht, v. To contend.

Befile, 9. To defile.

Beflay, v. To flay.

Bkflbckk, V, To spot ; to streak.

Bkfoam , V. To cover with foam.

Befog, v. To obscure.

When speech it had of Uiese thinzs,

they are so befogged, that they cannot

tell where they ure, nor what they snv.

Dent's Pathway to M§a»en, p. Si2S.

Befon, v. To befalL



The time nas once, and may again retom,

For ought may happen that hath h<Tu

btforn. Spent., Skep. K. Muy, 103.

Tlie little redbreast to the prickled thome

BL'tom'd, and song there us he hwd

befome. Browne's Brit. Past.

Bffote, adv. On foot. Pr. P.

Bevrobe, part. p. Frosen.

hEFTt pret. t. Struck; beaten.

Tliai wrang thair hend and wep fuJ sair,

Ala men war carkid al wit car ;

Apon thair brestea fast thai bcft.

And al in God tbaimsclf bilefc.

Cursor Mundi, MS. Edinb., f. 4A.

Beftce, «. Beau fils, fair son.

Beoab, 9. To mock; to deceive.

Beoalowb, v. To out-gallop.

Beqakkh, part.p. Adorned.

^ fP^V' {y^'-S.) Before.

BEOARRBD,;iar/.;7. Defiled; very

much dirtied. Devon.

Bboay, v. To make gay.

Bboayobd, part. p. Bewitched.


Begchis, 8. Bitches. Cov. My8t.

Bbgbnild, f. A mendicant P. PI.

Beo6ar-my.neiohbour,«. a chil-

dren's game at cards.

Beogar's-barm, 8. The froth col-

lected by running streams in

ditches, or in puddles by the

road-side. Northampt.

Bbggar's-bush, 8. A rendezvous

for beggars. •* To go by beggar's

bush," to go on the road to ruin

Bbogar's-buttons, 8. The bur.

dock. Devon,

Reogar-licb, 1 «. The plant

BEGOAR-WEED, J clcavers ( Ga-

lium aperme). Northampt.

Beggar's-nbedle, 8. The shep-

herd's needle. Midi. C.

BBOOAB's-VELyET, 1 8. The light

beogar's-bolts, J particles of

down shaken from a feather-bed.

and left by a sluttish housemaid

to collect under it. Boat.

Beggary, a^r'. Full of weeds. Ba8t.

Begin, 8. See Biggin,

Begirdgb, V. To grudge. Somer8et.

Begkot, adj. {A.'N.) Foolish.

B^gkot an bride,

Re'de Iiim at ride

Li the disniale.

Political Songs, p. SOS.

BEGLUBD,par.p. Overcome. Lyf/^.

Bego, "X part. p. Circumstanced;

BEGON, J happened to.

T)ie toadan com that iike tyde,

And with his wyf he ^n to chyde.

That wo was hire bigon.

KyngofTMX 552.

Wo mu this wieeched womman tlio bino^.

Cant. TttUs, 1. h^SA.

Begone, ;mir/./». Decayed; worn

out. Ea8t.

BrnQossE, part. p. Begun.

Bbgravb, v. (1) To bury.

(2) To engrave.


BEG 191

BKGSFDm, V. {A,'S.) To cry oat

BEGRUicPLEDy odj. BispleaMd.


Begthkn, 9. To buy.

Aiao. the forserd ececatoiiTi and fttmr-

£jea fantpjn trnfytm and makeo bow-

STUfr tar porre mes in a strrt clepyd

I* nsijs ^ne, aod h^ye hrgthyn and

saJBiCe of Ur foresryd hownvnf of

Ms^re nea. /b**^. if/a/. ofSnfff*m

WaUen Jlmsk.,HLO.

Begxtklm, tr. To covet with guile.

With oatantrd fiooetty, bat yet delU'd

With iavard vice.

Bkgui^ r. To make a gall of; to

li- Larh Dot left a penny ia my pane :

T.fc sLiIiinsa. not a fartbine more, I had,

A.vi xhum keffvid, doth make me almost

mad- RomUmda, Kntae 0/ Clukht, 1611

Bkguth, prea. t. Began.

^at bliced bodi to wind thai vald,

▲e4 I hefutke it witliald,

Sdili: atri/ bttvix q« was tare.

Cmnor ifiuMfi, MS. Edinb.. f. 40.

BcsTKeoK, ^'. (^.-5.) CarefuL

Re&q. Aniiq,, ii, 8.

B«H, prei, t. of .^rf.-^. trngoH,

Beat; indiDed.

BcHAD, oi^. CirCDDistaneed ; be-

fallen. ** You're sadly bekmL"

Bp.aAvr, prei, t. Beheld.

BeaAi.^K, 9. Half; tide, or part

BzBAPFKX, «fr. Perhap«. Skropth.

^njLTKD, part.p. Hated ; exceed-

iagty fasted.

Bkbats, r. To manage or goTem,

IB point of behHTknir.

iad with Math, sober and annoted paasion

VU dvl fe&iM hia aager ere 'twas spent,

hsUht had bat prov'd an aiyument.

Shaietp., Ttai. tfA., fii, S.

Haw vd my itars ieJUa* tbefr inflnence.

Drntenmnf* Jiut Itaiutn.

Beb ATioirm, i- Bepre^ntative cha-


tkea. after greeting, speaks ilie king of

I* siv kthAnimr, to the Bugesiy,

The ^annm'4. nsr^jcsty of Eogland here.

^ • p.,j:.^»ili..i,l.


BinEAaD, pari. p. Heard.

BsHiLiBD, pari, p. Covered.

BKHBaT» r (^.-5.) (1) A promise.

(2) A command.

Behbtb, 9. (J.^S.) To promise.

jire/. behiffki and 6eAo/e.

And for hit paines a whistle him hehU^ht.

Sp«ms.,r. §., IV.u.fl.

Bsaiwi, adj, (A.-S.) Coloured.

Bkhint, adv. Behind. Norfh.

Bbhitheb, {I) prep. On this side.

T!ie lUlijin at this day by h'ke nrro-n nre

calif th the Frcnehniaii. S^panmid. 1 1« 1 < h,

£i)(;tish, and ail otiier breed hrhtther

their mountaines Apennines. Ininiou-

tani, as who should sny bnrbaron^.

PuttenA., Art of Enyl. Poftir, p. 210.

(2)pr^. Except.

I have not any one thinp. hehith^r vVp,

that bath ocrasioned so mucli ciiuterni-t

of the cicrjfie, hs unwiIlingncM to lake

or keep a poor liTing Ohn's Vref. tn

Uerbert\ C. Pa'rsoH, A. 11 b.

Beholding, adj. Beholden ; ob-


Wc anglers are sll iehoUin/j to tlic pood

man that made this song. Walton's Ang.

And I shalle thinke myselfc hii^iily

Mkolduig onto you.

BaeheUn^s Banquet, p. 18.

Bbholdingitess, 8. Obligation.

Behoveful, adj. Useful ; profit-

able; needful.

Bbhouncbd, adj. Finely dressed ;

smart with finery. E»iex.

Behove, t. {A.^.) Behoof; ad-


Bbbovelt, adj. Profitable*

BBHVifo,/»arf./y. Hung about

Beie, 1

BBiEK, \ adj. {A..S.) Both.


Ac heo ne mrft so rathe come, tliat the

kyngea twei.

Nere y^K>me oat Trloud, wyt gret power

Of Scottea and of Ficars, of Dcnemarch, of

Morwei. Rob. Gloue., p. I07.

And tude btschopea in ys lond,

Wcl hy were beyne v-foud.

Chrm. ofEngL, )U/«m'« Met. ILtm.

d by boogie


ICe beon jit butc tweicn.

Mine sunen jit beoth bden,

MS. Colt , Calig., A ix, f. 28.

Beigh, 8, (j^.-5. beag.) Anything

twisted, but generally an orna-

ment for the neck; a torques:

it also is used to express an orna-

roent in general.

Sir Canados was than ,

ConaUble the qucn ful neighej

For Tristrem Yaondc waiij

So wcneth he be ful alcjghe,

To make hir his lenian ^

With brocbc and riche IrngM. ,

Sir Trutrem^ lU, 66.

Height, 8. Anything bent; the

bend of the elbow. North.

Bkikb, r. To warm as before a fire.

Hys flcsche trembylde for grete elde.

Hva bUKlc coldp, hya body unwelde,

He had more nivstyr ol h godc fyre,

Of brygbt brnncIyB brL-miynif schyre,

To *ci/ke hys booncs hy .

Le Buiu Florence qf ttowu, I. 99.

Beild, 8. (1) See Beld,

(2) A handle. Yorksh.

BEiLDiT.jpflr/.^. Imaged; formed.

Being, (1) conj. Since.

And being you have

Dcclin'd his means, you liave increai d hii

™'^**' B. and Fl., Hon. M. Fort., act u.

Hear. How now ?

So melancholy sweet f

Pot. How could 1 choose ^ ^^ ^. ,

Being thou wcrt not here? the tune le

Thou' It' be as eood unto tne as thy word ?

Cartvright's Ordinary, 16»1.

(2) *. {A.-S, byan, to inhabit.)

An abode ; a lodging. Su»8tx,

(3) 8. Condition. Weber.

Beirb, (l)^en./>/. Of both.

(2) adj. Bare.

BKiaANCK, 8. Obeisance.

How is't ihen.thicke great shepherd of the

Towhomour swainessikc humble heitanee

^ield. FeeU'$ Sglogue, 1689.

Beytb, 8, A sharper. Cumb.

Here pedlars frae a' pairts repair,

Bcrtth Yorkshire bei/tes and bcotch fwoalc,

And Paddies wi' their feyne lin ware,

TUo a' dcseyn'd to botch fwoak.

Stagg's CumUrL Foemt, p. 186.

192 BEL

Bejadb, v. To weary; to tire.

Bejapb, v. To make game of ; to


Bekat, *. The jowl or lower jaw

of a pig. Northampi.

Beke, (1) 8. The brim of a hat or

hood, or anything standing out

firm at the bottom of a covering

for the head.

(2) V. To warm ; to sweat. Be^

keande.part, a

BBitENE,f A beacon.


Bekenne, V. (I) (A.'S.) To com-

mit to.

(2) (A.'S. beeennan.) To give

birth to.

Bekere, tJ. To skirmish ; to bicker,

Bekins, flrf©. Because. Dorset.

Bekke.o. To beg. Towneley Myat.

Beknowe, v. {A.'S.) To acknow.

ledge ; to confess.

Thenne wat; spyed and spured

Upon spare wyse,

Bi previ poynte^ of that prynce

Put to hym selvcn,

That he beknrw cortaysly

Of the court that he were.

Gawtyn /- tkf Or, Kn., 1. 1620

BbkOr, «. Fight; battle; skirmish,

Bel, adj. (A.-N.) Beautiful.

Belaob, ». To chastise with a strap,

Belacoil, \8. {A.-N.) A kind

BiALACOiL, J reception; a hearty

welcome. Personified in tjie Ro.

mance of the Rose.

Bblaftb, pret. t. Left ; remained:

BELAOOED,/»flr/./?. (1) Tired ; lag<

ging behind.

(2) Dirtied ; wetted.

Bblam. r. To beat.

Belamour, 8. (Fr.) (1) A lover


(2) The name of a flower.

Bel-amy, 8. (A.'N.) Fair friend.

Bblappb, ». To lap round; u


Belast, /?ar/. p. Bound.

Belated, /?ar/./>. (1) Benighted


(2) Retarded.

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Belatb, r. (A.-S.) To remain.

Belay, v. (1) To fasten. A sea


' 2 j To flog. Sorthampt

^-lATEn^psri.p. Covered, Spetuer,

^ci^B, (1) #. sjraall »>eer. yoritiA.

(2) r. To remove the indurated

^ isngfrom sbeep'a tails. Somertet,

j^ELCHE, c. To decorate. iV. P.

tJ=:Lcosra, «. A balconr.

HiLDAMK, 9. {A.-N.) (1) A grand-

'2j A fair ladr. Spetuer.

EiLDE, (1) e. (^.-5'.) To protect.

T-'ia Fptb tlinred fmm yer to yet :

/i* jJibestc nrce men «eu4 it wpre.

!ss abt^K iter ^an teclir Rnd beUe.


(2) I. Protection ; refuge.

IJa em iin«ver be ydd,

Tuat litel be vruld wette,

^ '^^ Khe maa bini 6<;/^.

Fuat Moraant suster bad bene.


(3)«5. Bold.

'i) t. Build ; stren^h.

^« bliHid liere, and from him ran,

i£ti] bere chamber aoon ahc cam.

Tint vai ao ttroiiffe of 6r/^. .

Syr GotcffkUr, L 81.


Oreramra I am in m yn elde.

Cttnor MuHdi, MS.

''i) e. To build.

. 6) P. To inhabit.

-tLOBa, c. To roar; to bellow.

'-'-It, (1) ad;, (A.'N,) Fair; good.

-; «. (.^,.5. 6«a/.) Bad conduct.

^. The signification of tliis

Word, as far as can he gathered,

appears to h^ had caurge, or con-

*^', or eenmra&le proceeding of

^^pn^ident or UUdijfposed cha-

^ffn, -He'll ne'er bate bele

*faa«i hes spend evry hawp'ny"

^i' aid of a spendthrift.

'tLXAKwg. By the Lady kin!

Cui.cHERE,«.(>^..iV:) Goodcom-

Belechosb, t. {A.-N.) Pudendum

f. Chaucer. Belchot, in MS.

Addit. Brit. Mus., No. 12,19&»

f. 158.

Beleddy. By our I«ady ! Leie,

Beleb. v. To shelter. Shakeap,

Belbeke, a</r. Belike; probablj.

A« Hertor had nnhorel Pntroclut tho,

l)i8[)oviiii|r liim in ticlil, iilas lur wrte,

Uuwn'rc* lo « rerk« i In** def«lr of hit hfUehi

He ilayes a peereles Trojan for a (irerkp,

Belepered, ai(r« Infected with


Bblbve* (1) p. (i^.-5. beii/an.) To

remain ; to be alive.

(2) r. To leave.

(3)1. Belief.

Bsi.EVENESsE, 1. Faith. Pr. P.

Bblkwing, 9. The belling of the


BzLEYVtpart.p.ofbefye. Besieged.

Belfer, t. A sort of framework

of wood or other material sup-

ported by )>iUars of brick, iron,

&c., on which a stack of corn is

raised. At the top of each pil-

lar is placed a projecting coping

stone, and on these stones are

laid the crou beams : the inten-

tion of the broad stone is to

prevent vermin getting up into

the stack. The proper terra

for this erection is a brandrethf

but many of the common people

call it a belfer, confounding it

probably with the word belfry,

mentioned below. Lincoln.

Belfby, a. (1) A temporary shed

for a cart or waggon in the fields

or by the roadside. Xinc.

(2) a. Part of a woman's dress.

Lydgai^e Minor Poemt, p. 201.

Belo, V, To bellow. Somertet.

Belgards, a. {Fr.) Fair looks.

Belorandfather, a. A great

great grandfather.

Belier, adv. Just now. Somertet.

Belike, 1 adv. Certainly ; per-

belikblt, J haps ; probably.

Belimb, v. To ensnare. Dent.





Beling, 9. (1) Siipparntion. **I»i-

sanics. Btlyng," AlH,^ Vocab.

15M cent.

(2) Tbe noise a chicken makes

when first breaking the shell.

** Tou can hear them beling sir,

afore they comes out." Somerset

Bblitter, t>. To bring forth a child.

Bblivb, adv, {!) {A.-S.) Quickly;

immediately ; presently.

(2) In the evening. North,

Bblks, v. (1) To belch. North.

(2) To lounge at length. Line,

Dell, (I) t. A roupie ac the tip of

the nose. Palagr,

(2) t. The cry of the bart at

rutting time.

(3) ». To swell.

(4) To bear the bell, to win the

prize at a race, where a bell was

the usual prize.

Among tbe Boiunns it [a horse race] was

sn Olympic cxercbe, and the prize was

M gariaud, but iiow they bfarg Ike bell

awag. ScJtonstall, Char. Ij.

To lose the bell, to be wor>ted.

But when in single flvht he lost the bell,

l^turf., Tauo, xvii, 69.

Bbllakin, part, a. Bellowing.


Bblland, 9. (1) Ore, when re-

duce to powder. North,

(2) Its pernicious eMects, when

imbibed in small particles. North.

Bbllarminb, «. A sort of stout

earthen bottle, ornamented with

the figure of a bearded face, and

said to have received its name

from Cardinal Beliarmine, whom

this face represented. To ditpute

with Beliarmine, to empty the


Cos. There's no great need of sooldiers j

their camp's

No larger than a ginger-bread office.

Fan. And the men little bigger.

Phil. What half hereUck

Book tela yon I hat?

Sko. The greatest sort they sny

Are like ttoHs-pot* teilk beard* that do reach


Unto their kncrs.

CartwrigKt, Lady Sfrmt, 1661.

Tls dark, weMl hnrc one tfUarmine

there, and then bonus nocius, I must lo

niy mutress.

Ukadwetl, Bptom WeUe, 1G73.

BELLAmT, $, A bear-leader. Chest.

Belle, (1) », A mantle? See

Wright's Aneed. Lit., p. 12.

(2) V. (A.'S.) To roar.

(3) s. A clock. Cbv. Afyst,

(4) s. A bonfire; for baaL Gam.

Bellb, v. To swell.

Belle-blomb, a. (A.-N.) The


Belle-cberk, f. (A.'N.) Good


Bellbjeter, s, a belUfounder.

Prompt. Parv.

Bell-flower, s. The daffodil.

Bell-oatb, \ s. The circuit or li-

bbll-oait, J berty in which a beg>

gar was formerly allowed to beg,

so named from the bell which

he tinkled to attract the notice

of the charitable.

Bellibone, s. {Fr.) A faur maid.

Pan may be proud tliat ever he begot

Suirh a iellibone.

i^MM., sup. £ii., Apr. 91.

Belli borion, t. A kind of apple.


Bellical, adj. (lat.) Warlike.

Belliche, adv, (A.-N.) Fairly.

Bellicon. s. One devoted to good

cheer. North.

Bellicous, adj. {Lat.) Warlike.

Bellify, v. To beautify. Ray^

nalde's Byrth of Mankynde.

Bellin, v. To roar; to bellow.


Bellitudr. s. {Lat.) Fairness.

Bell- KITE, s, A protuberant bodv.


Bellman, t. A watchman. Part of

his office was originally to bless

the sleepers whose door he passed.

Thus Herrick :

Fnm noise of scarrtires rest ye frc«^

from murders, bentdieite.

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tmrn «]1 mMclmnefS. tlint nuiy fn>M

Tnor plens'inrslutuhers in the night}

Meirie •eoire ye nil, and keen

Tbe xftliha frnm ye, vliile ye sleep.

Past one o'cU^ck nnd nimost two^

My muUn all, good day to yoa.

H€tp., p. 139.

So Miltoiif Pensenuo :

Tlie Mmut*a drowsy cburm

To blew the doors from niglitly hwrm.

Hence onr Bellman^t Teises.

Bkllock. «. To bellow, far. dial

Bn.Loyiin,adj. Asthmatic North.

BnLtosK, adj. {Lai.) Warlike.

Bei.lowfari(er, $. A person who

had tiie care of organs, regals, &c.

Bbixpsarb, 9. A son of pear.

Pirnm ciicnHMtinnra. Pltn. ab oblonga

CttcurbifK fiipin. Poire de aartean. ou

dc camrrane. A Ml f^are, or guard

peare ; so called of his likencsse.

Nomtnefator, 1S8S.

BsLLRAG, V. To scold. Hertf. See


Bbllraogks. t. A sort of water-


Bblls. «. pL The ears of oats.

Narthamp. A crop oi oats is said

to have beWd well, when it pro-

mises to be heavy.

Bbll-sollbb, t. The loft in a

chnrch on which the ringers

stand. North,

Bellweather, t. A cross and

blubbering child. North,

Bbllt, a. The widest part of the

▼ein of a mine. North.

Bblltatbbb, f. A bellfoonder.

Prompt. Parv*

Bbixt-bakd, t. A girth to a cart,

saddle. North.

Bblltchbat, a. An apron. Awk.

BEI.LTCHBBB,t. Good Uviog.

A ipender of his putrimony and goods

in Miyek^ere, and untliriftie eompaiue :

utaeHd-allr k waste-good.

Nomendator, 1S85.

Glottonie nuranted on a greedie beare.

To betbf-fluer* and banqneti lends his care.

Bovkuds, Kntaef ofSptJe*, /-c , 1613.

Bbllt-clappbb, t. A word eqni-

valeoi, according to Florio, to

certain seoses of the Italian

words hattiglio and iattifiUe.

It has been con.ectured to be

some instrument for announcing


Bbllt-fbibmd, f. A sycophant.

BsLLir-aoD, t. A glutton, or epi-


Bellt-bahm, f. The cholic

Belly-holdikg, f. A crying oul

in labour. D&pon.

BBLLT-NAKED,a4/. Entirely naked.

A very common expression in our

earlier writers.

Bbllt.pibcb, f. (I) The apron, or

covering of the belly.

If thou shonlds cry, it vonld make

strraksdimn thy face; as the tears of

tlie taukard do upon my fat bouts heUv-

pieees. SMadweU, Jfurf Fair, 16b9.

(2) A thin part of a carcase near

the belly. North.

Bblly-shot, adj. A term applied

to cattle, " when in the winter,

for want of warmth and good

feeding, they have their guts

shrunk up." Kennett.

Bbllt-timbbr, t. Food. far. dial

Bbllt-vbnobancb, a. Small beer.

Bbli.t-want, a. A belly-band.


B B LLT- w ARK,a. {A.'S.) The cholic.


Bklokk^ part. p. Locked.

Bblokbd, part. p. Beheld.

Bblon, f. (/v.) A distemper eom*

mon to cattle in some parte of

the North of England. It is sup-

posed to be caused by the water

they drink being impregnated

with lead.

Bblonoinos, f. Endowments.

Bklook, v. To weep. Bedt.

Bbloukb, v. To fasten ; to lock np.

BtLOWT, V. To abuse roughly.

^«,^?« !»• To cheat. Cwnb,

bilpbr, J

Brlscb, V. (J.'N.) To adorn; to


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BsLSH^f. Rubbish; sad stuff. Line.

Bkl-8hanglk8, 8. A caot term.

Headmniter of morrice-dauncert, high

head-borongh of hciglts, and oiielv

trirker of your trill-lilles, and be«t bet-

ikangla betweene Siou and mount


Kemp, Nine Daies Wonder, 1000.

Bblsire, *. {A.'N.) A grandfather;

an ancestor.

Belsize, adj. Bulky ; large. Eatt.

Bel-sw AGGER, 9. A swaggerer ; a

buUy ; a whoremaster.

Belt, (1) v. To suppurate.

What godly reason can any man alyve

alledge why Mother Joanc of Stowe,

•peaking these wordes^ and neythcr

mure nor lesse,

•' Our Lord whs the fyrat man

That ever thorne prick't upon r

It never blysted nor it never beVei,

And I pray God, nor this not may,"

should cure either beastes, or men and

women, from diseases ?

L. NorthamptOH^M Defensalive tufninit the

Jfoifsvn qftwppo»ed Pr&phecUs, 15b3.

(2) V. To beat. Shropih.

(3) V. To shear the buttocks and

tails of sheep. Midland C.

(4) 8. An axe. Pr. P.

(5) 8. A course of stones pro-

jecting from a wall.

(6) Pricking at the belt, a cheat-

ing game, also called fast and

loaee, as old as the age of Shake-


Belt AN, ». The first of May. North.

Belter, ». A prostitute. North.

Beluted, adj. {Lat.) Covered with

mud. Sterne.

Belvb, v. (1)To drink greedily.


(2) To bellow ; to roar. Somereet.

I^elvering, adj. Noisy; blustering.


Belwe, it. {A.'S.) To bellow.

Belwort, 8. The name of a plant.

Be LYE, V. {A.'S. belicgan.) To sur-

round ; to beleaguer.

The kjng; and heie men of the lond, mid

strenglhe and mid giurie,

Aud beUjte the castel longe, ar Iiii him

mi5te i-winoe. Bob. Otoue., p. 619.

Beltmmed, part. p. Disfigared.


Bem, 8. A beam ; a pillar.

Bemanolk, ff. To mutilate.

Bem, \f. {A.'S. betna.) A trum-

BEMB, J pet.

Thau sal be herd the blast of bem,

The demster aal cum to dem.


Trompors gnnne heire bemee blowe.

The knilites rtden out on a rowe.

On atedea white and bhike.

Kyug qf Tare, L 499.

Bbmb, 8. Bohemia.

Bbmenb, v. {A.-S. benuenan.) To

lament for.

Tlie kyng of Tart out of his sadel fd.

The blod out of his woundo wel,

Mouy mon hit benunt.

Kyng of Tars, 1. 1068.

Brmbte, V. {A.'S.) To measure.

Bemoil, 9. To bemire, or be-


Thou should'st hare heard, in how miry

a place ; how slie was bemoiVd.

Shakeep., Tam. ofShr., ir, 1.

Bemoistbn, o. To moisten.

Bbmole, 8. A term in music,

B molle, soft or flat.

Bemonstbr, v. To make mon-

strous. Shakesp.

Bemooked, adj. Dirtied, defiled ;

literally, bemucked. Pal8grave.

Bemused, adj. Dreaming ; intoxi-


Bemt, 8. A term in music ; per-

haps B my, or middle, between

flat and sharp.

Ben, (1) V. {A,'S. ben.) To be.

{2) adj. Prompt; ready. Gaw.

{^) 8. pi {A.-S.) Bees'.

(4) 8. pi. {A.'N.) Goods.

{b) adv. {A.'N.) Well; good.

{6) prep. In; into. Yorkek.

{7)8.{A.-N.) The truth. Deww,

(8) The •' true ben," the utmost

stretch or bend. Ermoor.

(9) 8, A figure set on the top of

the last lo<id of the harvest, im-

mediately in front, dressed up

with hbbonsi &c. Not/,





(10) «. Oil of beo (hemmn),

an ointment formerly in great


Besar, odjr. Better. A cant term.

BE.KATuaK. #. {A.'N.) A vessel con-

tainiBg tlie holy water.

Bettcth. #. The shelf of a rock ran-

nia^ to a main joint. A term

aaMH^ qturry-meo in Nortbamp*


(2) «. A widow's bench, a share

of the husband's estate which a

vofDan enjoys besides her join-

ture. SutaejT.

B ExcscLOTB , t. A carpet to cover

a bench. *' Benchclothe or carpet

doch. /fl?M»." Huhet,

BexcHKD, adj. Fomished with


BsHCHKB. s. An idler; one who

^yends his time on the benches of


Be.vcH'FU>or, «. Id the coal mines

of Wednesbory in StafTordshire,

the auth parting or laiuing in the

body of the coaL

Bxvca-HOLB* #• The hole in a

beBch, mi levandam alvum.

Besca-TAALE, #. A low stone seat

roand the inside of the walls of

a boilding.

Ec!Eca -WHISTLER, 9. An idler, who

spends brs time chiefly on the

alchoose bench.

Bexd, *. C 1 ) (J.'S.) A bond ; any-

thing which binds.

Ml bvrd tlie doake, he serd snoit,

Far scLamR l«t« the levedis gon,

Thia er faoUie gode and heiide !

Ta uh laa eoroen hider to-day

lor to t^rea hem, yire j mar,

AmI bnng hem out of bmdf,

JmU aMd AmiUnu^ 1. 1S3S.

(2) A band of men.

(3) A band; anything bound

riM&nd another ; a tie.

(4) A torn of a forest.

X^rs^KAitx* Mm in iht bend,

lil frrdiax beione liti fiaee :

5«v ike. hrtt of /'m 111 Imretomydumer,

And tkat m a little vpar«.

JLHm Hfjod and kit Cotam SearUt.

(5) Strong ox letther, ttmied

with bark and other ingredients,

which give it a blue cuu


(6) Indarated clay. North.

(7) The border of a woman's

cap. North.

(8) A piece of bent pUte-imn,

which went over the back of the

last horse at plough. Leic.

(9) (A.'N.) A baud or bandage;

a horizoittal si ripe.

Bbndbd» part, p. Bound. Afatci-


Bbndbl, t. (A.'N.) A band, or

stripe ; a beiidlet.

Bend I NO, par/, a. Striping; band-


BbnD'Lbathce, s. Sole-leather.

Bbndspull, «. Bands-full; bun-


Bendwaee, «. Hardware. Staff.

Bbndwith, s. The name of a


Bbnb, (1) V. To be.

(2) $. Bane ; destruction.

(3) ». A bean.

(4) $. {A.'S.) A prayer; are-


(5) adv. (A.^N.) Well; fair;

good. Gauf,

B^sEATED^part. p. {A,-S.) Left

aground by the ebb of the spring

tides. South,

Bbnbdat, f. A prayer-day.

Benbdicite. (Lat.) An exclama-

tion equivalent to Btf$a ut !

BBsrEDiCTiON-PosSBT, M. The sack-

posset taken on the evening of

the wedding day, just before the

company retired.

Bbmbpicb, t, (A.'N.) A benefit.

Benefit, s. A living ; a benefice.


Bbnemb, 0. (A,'S.) To take away ;

to take from.

tee 5yren hrni all fowre povere, and

forte ^yve hem ^ee benetnen me, mid

urvere the hittrre y mygljte nevere

hare so niurhe p<i\vei- as ^oty.

RjinuHce <tf'th« Monk, MS., f. 14.





BiNEMERBNT, odj, (Lat.) Well


BsNEMPT.jvar/.j?. Named ; called.

Bbnskth, $. The service which

the tenant owed the landlord by

ploagh and cart in Kent. Lam-


Benbthb, v. To begin. Cov. Myst

BbnetoirEi 1 ». a cavity or small

BENATUHE, J holc in the wall of a

church, generally near the door,

for the vessel that contained the

holj water.

Benbvolencr, $. A volantary gra-

tuity given by the subjects lo the


Bbnbvolbrs, «. Well wishers .Pof/.

Lett, ii, 336.

Bbnbwith,«. The woodbine. Pr.P.

Ben OB, V. To drink deeply. So-


Ben GBR, t. A chest for corn.

Pr. P.

Bbnot, adj. Cloudy; overcast.


Benignb, adj. {lat,) Kind.

Ben 1MB, V. To take away. See


Bbnison, «. (A.'N.) A blessing.

Bbn-joltram, «. Brown bread

soaked in skimmed milk; the

usual breakfast of ploughboys.


Bbnk, f. (A.'S.) A bench.

Ben-kit, $. A wooden vessel with

a cover to it. line.

Bennet, $. The bent grass, or

bent2». Someriet.

Bennicb, 9. A minnow. Somerset,

B BNou B, part, p. of beneme. Taken


BBN0THiN6RD,^ar/.jy. Annihilated.

Benow, adv. By this time. North,

Bbnsb, t. A cow-suU. North,

Bensil, v. To thrash; to beat.


Bent, (I) «. A plain ; a common ; a

field ; a moor ; a common term in

early English poetrv.

(2) $. f ne declivity of a hill.

(3) «. A kind of grass, mon

usually known as beni$.

(4) f. A chimney. North,

(5; $, Form; shape.

(6) adj. Ready.

Bents, «. pL Different kinds o

hard, dry, coarse grasses, reeds

and rushes; the grounds, or pas

tures, on which they grow. X>if.

ferent writers apply the term t<

the jtmcua butbustu; the 9/ar.

wort; the arundo arenaria; thi

alopecuruM genicuiatug; and tli<


His spear a hent both stiff and stroDcr

Aud well near of two incites loti^. "^

DrafloH'4 Njftaiikidia, ii. 4C6

Next to that is the nnisk-nise ; ihetx tlu

strawberry leaves dyinsf. with a nic><s

excellent cordial smell; then the fluwe

of ihe vines; it is a litilf dust, lik** w^'^

dust of a hent. Lord Bacon's £»»« vj

June is drawn in a mantle of dark nn'naj

rreen ; upon his head, a pirlandof ^^^

king-cups, and muidcu-liair.

Bbntebs, », Debentures.

Bentles, «. Dry sandy paaturcf

near the sea covered chiefly Ti ii|

bent-grass. East.

Benwyttre, $, The woodbine^

Pr. P.

Bbnzamynb,! «. Benzoin, & kin«

BENZwiNB, J of resin.

Beg, (1) r. (^-.5.) To be

{2) prep. By.

Beodr, (1) V. To pray; to off-ei

See Bede,

(2) *. A prax-rr.

Bbohtng, $. (1) Burying; ^ fu


(2) Birth; t. e., child-bcarinc-

Beon, V, (A,-S.) To be. *•*

And tell en we srhulen of Ysay,

Tliat us lolde trvw ely

A cliild ther is i-l)urfii tons,

And a sone i-|[i\cti its

Wiios nonie sdiul i-ncmpnrd &c«tn

Wonderful, as ntc iuhv i-scoh.

Feruom Jf5, i?«JW«i, U^^^^

Beoth, prest, t, of beon,, ^^J

are;is. "


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BtOTm2itprep.{A.''S.) Without

CspiNCH, V. To pinch all over.

AsoBcvi the mt, wu » good fritov devill,

2m cki'd in Idnds^ nose he did bo erill,

KnoYn? bj the uaaie of Bohin (U VS


Atd time bb ejrcs m broad M nveen


W'lo rnme anightt, and vould maka

t'tfl.ms clcBiie,

Aad in the hrd b-pinek a \ntie qarane.

Jtaxlarndt, Knates of Spades, 4x^ lCi3.

BnauARKK, t. B sharp. An old

musical term.

(2) 9. A bemr.

(3) ». A bier.

Kow frends^rhip avid 56 Tande

Of air Pli'hy jovru Jcrc,

To hriii^ ;ow out of band.

Or ;e be broght on bertt.

(A) part, p. Carried.

(5) ». The space a person runs in

order 10 leap with impetus. North.

BEa.ArRYNOE, ». A drinking term*

Khff Edward and the Shepherd^

Hartthome^ p. 48.

Bkrand, part. a. (I) Rushing;


(2) Bearing.

Berandtlks, s. Thenameofadish

in ancient cookery.

For to make hermmdyUa. Nvm heniiTa,

and ■ecli hem wytli wxl bofj and whan

hi beo BodTn. nym tlie hrunvn, and do

a«ey the* buoys, and bray siual yn a

mortar, and temper yt «yth ihe broth,

and aeth yt tliorw- a ciikJore. and rasi

thereto powder t>f s^yngeryr, and augar,

and gmynya of powniys-grriiaiya, and

boyle vt* sbd drecae y t in dytehra ; and

caat a}x>Te clov^a, gylorres, and macea,

aad god povder ; aervc yt forih.

WameTt Jjitiq. CtiHm.^ p. 40.

BsftA8CAi,,«. Toabiise like a rascal.

Bkratk, 0. To scoid.

Bkrattle, v. To rattle.

Bbraysd, jMr/. j7. (1) Arrayed;


(2) Dirtied.

Ukraine, ». To wet with rain ; to


BsRBnut. The barberry.

BxaBiNE, «. Ttie verbena. Kent,

Beecel, *|

BERSREL, «. (y^.-iV. beTfOuU,)

BBRTEL, y A mark to shoot at.

BY8SBLLE, I pTOmpt* PttTP,


Bercblets, 9.pL Ilouoda. See


Bebcrn, «. The barton of a house.


Bbrchb, adj. Made of iron.

Berd, t. A beard.

Berdash, 8. A neck-cloth ?

I baTo prepared a treatiae againat tbt

cravat and htrdatk, which L am tobl la

not ill done. Onardian, Ko. 10.

Berdb, «. (1) Margin; brink.


(2) A lady. See Bird.

Berb, (1) a. {J.'S.) A noise; b

roar; aery.

(2) V. (J.'S.) To make a noise.

(3) a. A pillow-case. See PiUoia-


(4) V. To hear; to carry.

(5) V. To bear ; to produce

(6) a. A bear.

(7) r. To bear upon ; to accuse.

Bere-bao, a. One who hears a bag.

Be REDE, V. {A.-S.) To advise.

Bere-franke, jr. A wooden cage

to keep a bear or boar in. 3/o-

naatic Letter*, p. 269.

Brrex, v. To bear. See Bere.

Berent, v. To rent ; to tear.

Bkretta, a. A kind of hood worn

by priests. Hall, Satires, iv, 7.

BerfreYi a. A moveable tower.

Beroer, a. (Pr.) A term in hair-


A herger, ia a little lock, plain, with a

pud' larnin;; up hkuthe ancient l'ushi<>u

used by aliephenlosaca.

Ladj/'s JHcUouaty, 169^.

Bbrgbbrt, a. {A.'N.) A sort of

song. Chaucer.

Bergh, a. A hilL Yorksh.

Be ROOM A 8 K, a. A name for a rustic

dancei taken from Bergamasco,

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the people of vhich were ri-

diculed for being more clownish

than any other people in Italy;

they were on this acconnt made

the types of all the Italian buf-


Bekhrgor, 8. Beer-aigre.

Bbriallbs, ». Beryls.

Berib, 9. A grove ; a shady place.

The cell « cliRppcll had on th' cast erne side,

Upon the vesier eide a grove or berir.

Orl. Fur., xli, 67.

Beribl, f. (1) A burial.

(2) A tomb; a grave.

Bbrino, a. The lap.

AI so he lay in slcpe by iivght.

Him ihoughte a goshaukWith gret flyght

Steieth on his be>yng.

And yenith, and aprad abrod his wyngyn.

K. AliMunder, \. 4S4-.

Berino-casb, «. A portable casket.

Bbringe-lbpe, 8. A basket. Fr, P.

BERI8FE, V, To disturb.

Bkrkb, v. To bark.

Berlin, #. The name of a kind of

coach in use at the beginning of

the eighteenth century, so called

from being first used in the l^rus-

sian capital.

Beware of Lotin Authors nil !

Kor think your verses sterling.

Though with a ^Iden pen you scrawl,

And scribble in a berim. " Swift.

Berlina, 8. A pillory. B, Jonson,

Berlt, aty. Barry, an heraldic


Bermk, (1) r. (>^.-S.) To foam.

^2) 8. Foam ; froth.

(3) f. Yeast ; barm.

Behmen, «. Bar-men; porters to

a kitchen.

Two dayea tlier fnstindc he yede.

That noQ t'orhisw-erkwolde'hini fede;

Tlie thridde day herdc Ijk c.ille ;

"Bermm, bermm, liider forth mIIcI"

Uacelok, L 868.

Bkrmootheb, «. The Bermudas.


Bermudas, 8. A cant term for

certain obscure and intricate

alleys in Loudon, in which per-

sons lodged who had occasion to

live cheap or concealed; called

also the Streighta. They are

supposed to have been the nar-

row passages north of the Strand,

near Covent-garden.

Meercmft. Engine, when did von see

Hy cunsin £verhill? keeps lie atiil year


In the BermutUis.

En0. Yea, sir, he was writing

Thu moruing very hard.

B. Jotu., 2>etit an Asa, ii, 1.

Bermudaa also denoted a species

of tobacco; probably brought


Where being furnished with tinder.

BUI toll, and a portion of decayed Bar-

moodaa, they siuoiike it most tcrriblT,

Cmut't Whiuu., p. iS5.

Bern, (1) #. {A.-S. beom.) A nnan ;

a knight ; a noble.

(2)8.(A..S.) A child.

(3) 8, A barn.

Bernaglr, *. A gag for a horse.

Bernbrs, 8. Men who stood with

relays in Ininiing; the men who

fed the hounds.

Bbrowne, adj. Round about.

Bbrribr, 8. A thrasher. North.

Berry, (1) a. A gooseberrv.


To thrash corn. North.

A rabbit-burrow.

A nanic s- hollers went tostenle conies,

and by the M-ny they wara'd a uorice

among them to make' no noise fur fenre

of skarriug the conies awav. A< last he

espying some, s<ud aloud in Uuine:

"jSccc cuniculi niuJli;" and with that

the conies ranne into their berric*

Wherewith his fellowes offended nnd

chyding him therefore, he said. *• Who

(the dcvUI) would have thought that

conies understood Latinc."

Copley's WiU, r%U, and Fiincin, 1614.

(4) 8. A herd of conies.

(5) *. A flood.

Crdseia tTdegve, a suddaine showre, h

atomie, a tempest, a blustrinjr. a b<Try

or flaw of many niudes or siurniea lo-

getiicr, bringing viulent sliowrea of

Wiitcr. Florid.



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(6) t. A borough.

Bkrskbl, «. A mu'k to shoot at.

Sec B€t'C€tm

BnsELST, «. A kind of bow ?

Bbrst, (1) pregt, i. of bere,


(2) preL /. of kreke. Broke.

(3) #. (^.-5.) iDJuiy.

The leredi, aore adrad witlulk.

Ladde Beve» into the faalle.

And of eTorichc aoode,

ThAt Itim rom to Iionde,

A dide hire ett nhhcrfent.

That the ne dcde him no bents

And driake fent of the via.

That no poiaonn wai thcrin.

Bn0$ qfJiMwUotm, p. 75.

Bkrt, 0)v. To penpire. North.

(2) at^. Bright.

Berufpianise, v. To abuie like a


Beecngb, 9. A burial.

BaawE, «. A shadow. %tt Berowt,

Bebwe, V ,^^^v j^ ^^^^^

BEETS, J ^ ^

Berwhau, ». A horse-collar.


Bebyll. t. Apparently some rope

belonging to a ship. Caeke LoreU

let Bote, p. 12.

Bbbyne,#. A child. MorteArthwre.

Berysb, 9. Berries.

BRBY5T,/»re«. /. of here. Beareth.

Berje, t. A meant ; a hill.

]itui,pre9. t of be.

Besaob, 9. {A.'N.) A bed carried

by horses, called be9age Aort^t.

Besagut, t. {J.'N,) A two-edged


Besant, 9. A gold coin, so called

becanae first coined at Byzan-

tiom. Its value seems to have

Taried from ten to twenty sols.

Bescattbr, v. To scatter over.

Bescbadb, v. To shadow.

Bbbcornbd, adj. Despised.

Bbscbatche, 9. To scratch.

Bescbo, v. To beshrew.

Bescommeb, Iv. To acattcr oi-

BEscuJf BEBy / dure.

▼hieh werkine titnmflr vith

The conceit of the puiieat, «ouid niaka

tbent brjcummer

To th' hr>eiit »f a michtr pnrpitinn.

B. 4- n., tmr Hmd of Ike Jum, w.

A critic that all the world b^ntmifn

With MUncal hanoara and lynral nnm-

bcra. Jout., FoeUster^ act t.

Bebe, V, To see; to behold; to

see to ; to take care.

Beseee, v. To lieseech.

Beseem E« v. To seem ; to appear.

Bebene, port. p. Clad ; adorned.

Besenys, 9. Business.

BEBETfpart,p. Placed ; employed ;


BEaHAEE, V. To shake roughly.

The ronntry frllow by the flat did fake him,

And in plaiiie rustick'e awnnrr did beMhake

him. BMcUnd*, KuneofSpmde*, ICiS.

Berhabp, 9. To make haste.

Var. dial.

'BKsHF.T,part.p. Shut lip.

Beshine, p. To give Ught to.

BE8H0TE,/yar/./>. Dirtied. Lane.

Beshradde, part. p. Cut into


Besbrbwe. 9. (A.'S.) To curse.

BziiDKt prep. By the side of.

Bebidery, 9. A kind of baking-

pear. Ker9ey.

Besjeqeh* pcnrt. p. An astrologi-

cal term applied to a planet when

b(»tween the bodies of two male,


Besien, 9. To busy ; to trouble.

Bebight, 9. {J.'S.) Scandal ; of-


Be8I8HiP| 9. Activity.

Besit, 9. To suit; to become.


Be8Kyi«te, part. p. Thrust off;

shifted off.

Beslabber, \ 9. To slobber one-

beslobbeb, J self.

BESLOMEREDy part. p. Dirtied.

Pier9 PL

Beslurry, 9. To smear; to de-

file. Drayton.

Besue, 9. A besom. Pr. P.

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Besmirch, v. To soil ; to daub ;

to smear. Shakesp.

Besmoterbo, part. p. Smuilged.

But he ne wm nought gny.

Of fustran he wered n gepoun.

Ail bytinotfrud, wiih hia linbunreoun.

Ckaueer, C. T^ I 70-

Besmudoe, 9. To soil or blacken

with dirt or soot.

Besmut, v. (A.'S. betmytan.) To

soil, or blacken with smut.

Bernow, v. {A.-S. beftniwan.) To

scatter over like snow; to whiten.

Bbso, conj. So be it. Matmdevile*

JiEROVTE, pret. L Besought.

Bescgnio, «. {Ital.) A beggar.

Besore, v. To vex; to annoy.

Bcsort, (1) r. To suit ; to fit.

(2) g. Attendance; society.


Besparaoe, v. To disparage.

Yet nm 1 not mniinBt it. that theie men

by their mechaniotll trades should come

to bc9paratfg ircnilemeu and cbuff-heHded


Nuh's Pieret PamiUue^ 159S.

Brspai7L, r. To daub with spittle.


Bkspelt, pari. p. Bewitched ; mis-

chievous, without being vicious.

Brspeken, 9. To speak to; to


Besperplbd, jvar/. /». Sprinkled.

Be-spoke, part. p. Uewitched.

Besprenged, )part. p. Besprin-

besprent, j kied.

And found the 8prin<;inz jfrnss with blood

httpremt. I'uirjax** Ta*$o, p. 191.

Brspurt, V. To spurt; to cast


BBsauiTE, 9. Biscuit.

Bbssen, 9. {A.'N. bauser.) To

stoop Leic.

BESdOMK, r. (^.-5. bencimmaiu)

To swim ; to sail.

Bessy, a. A female bedlamite. See


Bkst, a. (A,'N.) An animal; a


Bestab, V, To stab all over.

With all my heart Tie spend a crown« at

i\\ siine

To n.eete the rascali in nij dish aeaine s

I would beilnb his skin hko double cutx.

Borland*, Kttase of Clubha, 1611.

Bbstad, a. (A.'S.) Circumstanced ;

beset; provided.

Sum •on5te thayre maystnra, sann hit

thnym that day.

Sum ran lierc and there, h'ke men that

were madde.

Sum were rysht hery and harde bsstadde,

Rypht bcsy'jn thayri* wittcs away lo icoo,

All was for the beht. oure Lorde w oltl it,

■liulde be so I MS. Bibl. Reg., 1? D. xt.

BE8TARRBD,/>ar/. p. Covefed with


Bestial, a. {A.-N.) Cattle.

Bestially, adv. Beastly.

Bestiate, v. To make like a beast.

Bestly, adv. Belonging to a

beast. Chaucer,

Tliey find as bad beato§ na is their portage


Warner** Albions Bnglamd^ 1592.

Bestow, v. (1) To lay up; to stow

away. East.

(2) To commit suicide. Lino.

(3) To deliver a woman.

Bestract, 1 adj. Mad ; dis

BESTRAUOHT, J tracted.

Bestud, r. To ornament x^itU


Beswieb, v. (A.'S. beswicanJ) To

betray; to deceive; to cheat*

Besy, adj. Busy.

Besyttvn. To set in order. />,-. p

Bet, (I) a^. {A.-S.) Belter.

(2) part, p. Beaten.

(3) part. p. Bettered ; improved.

(iSpret. t. for behet. Promised.

(5) Go bet, go along, an oM

hunting cry, often u»ed in a more

general sense.

Brtake, v. (A.'S.) To give 5 to

iiitru&t to. See Betecbe.

Betalr, 9. To tell; to give an

account. Drayton.

Betars, f. A word used in the

accounts of the proctors of the

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church of St. Gilet, Oxford, for ao

article used at the festival of that

saint, which has lieen a subject of

some discussion, and is sup|M)sed

to mean bitters, or bitter herbi

dried. lo the earlier half of the

16tb cent, there is a regular

charge in the pari&h accouut«i of

7d, tor a pound of be tan or bet-

ters. One of these iiejits seems

to throw soroe light on the sub-

ject: "Comp. 1540. It. for a

pound of Judas betars Id J* Ano.

ther item occurs occasionally, not

only in these accounts, hut in

those of other churches, " for a

pound of betan for Judas light."

This item, coupled with others,

for " wax for the dedication day,

20<f." — " for a pound of wax at

dedication day" — **for 4 pound

of wax at S. Gyles tyde 2t. 6</."

— " It, for gress (jrease) at the

dedication day," &c., has led to

the supposition that the beiars

were mixed with combustible

matter, to cause a smell in burn-

ing. See, however, Betyng-


BiTAFrERED, odj, Bresscd in rag-

ged clothes.

Betaughte, pret. p. of beteehe.

Gave to.

BxTAYNB, a. {J.-N.) The herb


Beta w DEB, v. To dress gaudily.

Go, fct Te iiorae, and trick and hetmwier

yoonelf up hke » right city lady.

Mr*. B^iu, dtp Ueireu, 1638

Betb, (1) V. (>^.-&) To amend ; to

heal ; to abate. " Bete my hale,"

bring me relief frum my misfor-


(2) To light or kindle a fire; to

administer fuel.

(3) iA.'S.) To prepare ; to make


(4) a. Help; assistance. SHnner.

(5) r. ( J..5-) To beat.

(6J V. To walk up and down.

{7) pari. p. Bit.

(8) a. A black-beetle. Devon,

Betkcbs, r. {A.'S. beieean,) To

give; to intrust to; to deliver


Betbem, o. To bestow ; afford ; aU

iow ; deign.

Yet conld he not htteeme

Tbr shape of an; otiirr bird limn rnvlr U,i

to ternie. GoUtny's (hid I/ilampk.

And poore heart twere not wifhtny in

vaine) 1 coutd bctermt her a belt r

match, tlian thus t» tee a diamond

buried in searoale-aithci.

Ca»e i$ alter' d. Dram. Dialogue, 103S.

Tlierrfore the Cretan people mneh esteemed


And cal'd him God on cartk /or his rare


Hurh honor he rrceiT'd which thtyieUem'd


And in their populer judareinents held it fit

Tu lairn'' liiiii mirrheaud inscnce, lor lijcy

(Irriu'd him

'Wurtliv alone amongst the Gods to ait

JJcyneood'i Grtat Britai$ui Trap, 1CC9.

BiTBL, a. A hammer.

Bktkllb, 9, {A.'S.) To deceive;

to mislead.

BRTKVf part. p. Beaten; worked;


Betbndino, prfp. Concerning;

relating to. Yorksh.

liETH, pres. t. of ben. Be; are.

^^'"' \adj.


Bethekys, prep. Betwixt.

Bethink, (1) 9. (^.-^.) To grudge.


(2) To recollect. NoriJL

Betmkal, v. To enthral.

BETHUixT,^e/i. Betwixt.

The prest Uketh that iike child

In his hund n bythnixU,

And seilh, Icli ne crislin thei oaujt,

jef thuu ert i-ci ist ned.

WMiam dc Skjreham.

.Beth WINS, a. The wild clematis.


Betide, v. (A.-S.) To happen.

Betined, a4^'. Hedged about, /er-


Betle, ad;.Soft ; fitted for cultiva-

tion ; applied to land. North.


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Bktoatled, adj. Imbecile ; stupid.


Brtokb, pret. t.pl of beteche. Gave.

Betossed, adj. Troubled.

BETOusEf V. To drag about.

Betraitor, V, To call one traitor.

Qetrappb, v. To entrap; to en-


Betrash. \^fA,^N.) To be.



Betrax, «. A bretcsche, or bat-

tlement. Pr. P.

Betrayn B, /;ar/. /. Betrayed; de-


Bbtraysshe, r. To go about the

streets of a town. Palsgrave,

Betrbd, pari, p. Prevailed ; con-


BKTRBiNT,/7ar/. /7. Sprinkled.

Hetrim, V, To adorn ; to deck.

iBT80, 9. The smallest coin cur-

rent in Venice, worth about a


AndM'hat most I giro yon?

Bra. At a \rord thirty livres, I'll not

bate you a helso. Antiquary^ O. Pl.^ x. 47.

Bett, ». To pare the turf with a

breast-plough. Herefordsh.

Bettaxb, $. A pickaxe. Devon.

BBTTB,fl<(;. (1) Good. //er^or<2vA.

(2) Better.

Bettee, 8. An instrument used

by thieves to wrench doors open.

BisTTELYNGiss, «. BattUngs ; bat-

tles. Latimer.

Better, adj. More. Var. diaL

" Shee has now gotten the better

way of him/' f. e., beat him in


Bbttbr-cheap, 9. A better bar-

gain; cheaper.

Bettermost, 9uperL of better.


Bbtternbss, 9, Superior. North.

Bltty-tit, 9. The titmouse. S^f'


Betwan, 9. An open wicker bot-

tle or strainer, put over the vent-

hole in brewing to prevent the

grains of malt passing through.


Betwattled, adj. Confounded ;

stupified; troubled in mind.

Betwit, v. To taunt ; to upbraid.

Betwixen, prep. Between.

Betyno-candle, 8. A candle

made of resin and pitch. Shar^^t

Cov. Myst., p. 187.

Betynge, 8. A rod, any iMslninaent

of ' unishment. Pr. P.

B^vm.adj. Buff.

Bkvbu (I) 9. A sloped surface in


(2)8;. To cut an an "^c.

(3) 9. {J.~N.) A v.oient push

or stroke. North.

(4) 9. A kind of square used bv

masons and carpenters. Col-


Bevbr, (1) 9. (A.-N.) An inter-

mediate refreshment between

breakfast and dinner; any re-

freshment taken between the re-

gular meals. See Beaver.

Appetitut. Your gnllHnts never np,

breakfiiat, nor hner without me.

Ungna, 0. PL, r. 148.

Ho is none of those same ordinary

eaten, that will devour three lirfsik-

fasts, and as many dmners, witliout luiv

prejudice to thctV berers, drinlcings, or

suppers. B. 4'FL, Worn. Hater, i, 3.

(2) V. (perhaps from A.^S.

bifian.) To tremble ; to quiver.


Beverachb, 9. (A.'N.) Drink;


Beverage,*. {A.-N.) (1) The same

as bever.

(2) Reward; consequence. Rob,


(3) A composition of cider, wa-

ter, and spice. Devon. See


Bbver-ke.v, 9. A cant term for a

drinking house.

Is tlie top of the sliire,

or tl>e better ken,

A mnn auion>; men.

WiU Becreat'ums, 164S.

BbvisHjO. To fall headlong. North,





to possess ; to govern,

BsTT, #. (J.-X.) A company;

a term properly applied to dif-

ferent sorts of game, as roebucks,

quails, and plieas«tnts. An old

MS., perbaps out of compli-

ment, speaks of "a bevey of


Bewails, v. To caose, or compass.

ia vlien a ship that flycs fayre wider

in\ le

All II uden rocke escaped hath unvar<^,

Tluii lay in waite ber wrack for to heraite.

Spau^ F. C-. 1. vi, 1.

BcwApBD. part. p. Astonished.

S<% Afchopt.

BrvARED, part, p. Expended.

Bewb, (1) «. To bow ; to obey.

(2) 8, Drink ; liquor.

Bewbd.v. Towed.

l)Ew«LD, yv.{A.'S.) To wield;


or sway.

Tlie whiche alialde seme to be tnte, for

•0 muck as this Efuivalyu was of irnifiil

«ee to irveU« bis landi'Vben Ins latlier

dved. FabioH^s CkronieU, p. \iA.

^KWEyDED,part.p» Turned at>out.

BcwapB, V. To weep for; to


Bewxs, a. Bonglis.

Bkwkt, adj. Wet ; moist.

Bewbt^, a. Beauty.

Bswglb, a. A bull. Hampah*

Bewhisper, v. To whisper.

Bewits, a. The leathers with which

the bells were fastened to the

legs of a hawk.

Bewivbr,©. To bewilder. Devon,

Bewly, adj. Shining; having a

lustre. Warw.

BEwoND,/Mrr/.^. (J.-S.) Imposed

npon ; embarrassed.

Bawoao, r. {ji.'S.) To become.

UTee muadl all wbat vonld hereof beword.

Tkynn^i DebaU, p. 61.

BcwRAP, V. To wrap up.

Bewray, ^

BKWRCT, (1) ». (A.-S.) To

BKWRiK, }- betray; to disco-



(2) r. To defile with ordure.

Bewrbckt, part, p. ^Viecked,


Beurought, part, p. Wrought ;


Bewte8B» 8. Civilities; cere-


Bex, a. The beak of a bird. Norf.

Bey, (I) ».{A.'i>.) An ornaweut

of the |)erson. See Heigh,

(2) prei, t. Bowed.

The wolf bfjf adoun his brett,

And gun tu aikeii Imi tic and atron^e.

Itrliq. Jiiliq . u, ;276.

(3) a. An ox.

And as CMncernyng hryf, all ffate hey$,

exreple a vm Jlt-we lor the ho«BC, be

Biild, niid myck of the atttf of ItuwihotU

is comcyd awry.

Ji/iuutie Lettrrt, p. lol.

(4) a. A bov. Pr. Parv,

Bkye, (1) 9. To aby ; to atone for.

(2) V. To buy.

(3) adj. Both.

(4) a. A bee.

>'or the flyet tliat are Bbmrte the trtter

ol' K'^ipic, and for the bey ft iu the

A»ii-iaus londe.

Coperdale'i Bible, £sa^, cli. rH.

Beyetb, (1) V, To beget; pro-


Ye sire, heo scide, be seint Knterin,

Yi( halvciidcl the rlitid were ihyii.

Then niiht ve gliutiii>s 9co.

B^inie, he seiJc, how is tliHl?

H\» lut ttot myn that icli h^-^atf

Ko, sire, i-wi«, scth hen.

Ktfng of Tart, J. 7R6.

(2) j: An obtaining; gaining;


('S) part. p. Begotten.

Beyghed, p£trt. p. Bowed.

Bbykb, v. (I) To lieek ; to warm.

(2) To stretch. Pr. P,

Beyn, adj. Pliant, flexible. Pr. P.

Beyne, adv. Quickly ; readily.

Beynesse, adj. Lively; quick.


Bkytk, a. (1) A sharper. North.

(2) A bait ; a snare.

Bbz. Be; is.

Bkz ANTLER, t, Thc sccood autlcf

of a stag.

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Bezonian, Is. (from Tlal be-

BKSsoGNE, J soffno, or besogiioto.)

A beggar. Shaketp.

What Bexonian is ttiut ?

Middleton't Blurt Matter Constable.

Beat tlifl besaoytus that lie hid in tlie


Brome, Cav. Card, weeded, act v, 8C. S.

Bezzle, 1 «. {A.'N.) To drink to

BiZLB, J excess.

'Sfoot, I wonder how tlie inside of a

tavern lifoks nuw. Oh! wlieu shall 1

bizUf biele ? Honest Whore, part ii.

That divine part is soakt nuiiy in sinne,

la sensusil lunt, and niuiiiigliC bfzeting.

Marston, Scourge of ¥., lAb. li. ikit. 7.

Bezzlk, », The slanting side of the

edge of an edged tool. Norf,

(2) «. A drunkard.

Oh me! what odds there scemeth 'twixc

ilicir cheer

And the twulu heztU at an alchnnse fire.

BalVs Satires, v, S.

Bezzlsd, adj. Turned, blunted, as

the edge of a tool. Suffolk.

Bi, 8. {A,'S, by, bye.) A town or


Balder bem was non in hi.

Hia name was hotcn sir Gii.

<?y qf Warwtke, p. S67.

BiACON-WRED, «. The plant goose-

foot. Vortet.

BiALACoiL, ». {A.'N.) Courteout


Bias, 1 (I) adv, {Fr. biais.) In

BiAZ, J a sloping manner.

(2) 8. A slope, **byaa of an hose,


(3) ». A gaiter.

BiAT, (1) 8. {Fr. biaut.) A leather

strap ovei the shoulders, used by

miners to draw the produce to

the shaft.

(2) '*A kind of British course

garment or jacket worne loose

oyer other apparrell." Cotgrave.

Bib, 1(1) r. {from Lat. bibo.)

BiBBE, J To drink ; to tipple.

Tliere gneth a pretie Jeast of a notable

drunkard of .SyrMCuaa, whose manner

was, when he went into the taverue to

drinke, for to laye eertaine egpes in the

earth ; and cover them with muuld : ami

he noiild nut rise, nor give over bib-

biug, tiii the whole wer hnirhcd.

Holland's Pliuy, i, 299.

The muses bacely bo;rre, or 6iMr, or both.

Warner's .itbioHsJi\,laHd,\hy-2.

(2) 8. A ^h, gadus barbatus.

(3) 8. A child's pinafore.

(4) 8, A piece of clotli attached

to an apron to protect the upper

part of a dress.

BiBDED. adj. Drunk. Chaucer.

BiDBELER, 8, One who drinks


I pcrreive you are no pre -t kybter (I. e.,

rciuler of the bihic), Piisipliilo.

Pas. Yos, sir, an exrclliut good bib-

beUr, 'speciiilly in a bottle.

Oasemgn^s Works, aign. C. 1.

BiBBER, (1)». A drinker.

(2) V. To tremble. Kent.

BiBBLE, V. (1) To drink ; to tipple.

(2) V. To eat like a duck, gather-

ing its food from water, and

taking up both together.

BiBBLK-BABBLB,«. Idle talk.

BiBBRiDGB, 8. A forfcit or fee in


He 18 a passionate lorer of morning,

dmuirhts, whicli he generally continui-s

till dinner-time; a ri^id cxncrvror'imni-

rrnata and oolLctor- general uf foys and

liberidge. He admires the prudence ot

thai apothegm, "Jeta drink firAt:**nuil

wouUl rather sell SO per cent, to Luss

than make a dry bHrgnin.


BiBLB, 8. Any great book. Hie

most remarkable superstition con-

nected with the Bible, ia the

method of divination by Bible

and key, described in the Athe-

nian Oracle, i, 425, as follows:

A Bible having a kcT fastened in tb«

middle, and living held between the two

forefingers of two persona, will turn

round after some worda said : as, if one

desires to find out a thief, a certain

verse taken out of a psalm is to be re.

peated, and those who are suspectrd

nominated, and if they are gniUj^ the

book and key will turn, else not.

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Itn ftitl practised in Lancxshire bv

voung women who want to learn

who will be their husbands.

BiBLER-CATCH. «. ( A COSTIIption of

biUfoqnet.) The game of cup and

ball. Sorthttmpt.

BiBLC-cf.KRKtiHip, $. An ancient

Khobrship in the UinTer»ities,

for a student who was lo read the

Bible at nieal-times.

BfBLiN, a. A voang bird nearly

fledged. Leiceti.

BicACHE, V. {A.-S.) To dereive.

Pret, t. and part, p., bicaugM^


BiCAKE, 9. A poor kind of grape.

Blcas, adv. By chance.

^icnAKRin. part. p. {A.'S,) Over-

turned ; deceived.

Bichaunte, v. To enchant.

Bichb, c. a kind of fur, the skin

of the female deer.

BicaBu.BONBs, a. Dice. Chaucer,

BicHE-soNE, «. Son of a bitch. A

terra of reproach.

Bice, 9. A wooden bottle or cask

to cany beer to the harvest fields.


Bicker, (1) v. (^.-S.) To fight;

to quarrel.

(2) V. To clatter; to hasten.


(3) a. A short race. North.

(4) 9. A small wooden dish

made of staves and hoops like a

tub. AVM.

(5) 9. A beaker or gambler glass.


BicKORN, 9. An anvil with a

Wckcm, or beak-iron.

BjcLEPT, part. p. Enibrtced.

BicuFPE, iv. (A.'S.) To em-

BicLuppE, Jbrace.

BiCLo»E. V. To enclose.

BicoLLE, 9. To blacken.

BicoRKED, adj. Double-horneil.

Bib, 1 r {A.-S. biddmi) (1) To

BiOBE, J invite. See 3/a//Aeii7,xxii,

9, "as many as ye sbaH find, bid

to the marriage." Still used in

the Nortli, esppcially with re-

ference to an invitation to a

funeral, which is termed a bid.

dmg. Two or four people, callt d

bidder9» are sent alM>ui to invitti

the friends, and distribute the


(2) To pray. North. To bid the

bead9f originally, to lay pray,

ers; afterwards, merely to ctnint

the Ijeads of the rt^sary; each

bead dropped passing fur a


(3)' To entreat.

(4) adj. Both. Skhmer,

Bid- A LB, 9. The invitation of

friends to drink at the house of

some poor man, In hope of a

cliaritahle distribution for his re-

lief; sometimes with a view of

making a collection for a portiou-

less bride.

Bid AWE, V. (A.-S.) To dawn.

BiDcocK, 9. The water-rail. Dray-


Biddable, adj. Obedient; trac-

table. North.

Bidder, a. A petitioner.

BiDDiBB-NiB, t. A term of en-


Jella. why frown'st thouP Say, sweet


Hut hnrt thj foote with trriu1m|^ Inte

awiy ? Ztantff, Samnjt of folly , 1611.

BiDDiNO PRATER, «. The prayer

for the souls of benefactors in

popish times.

Biddy, a. (1) A louse. North*

(2) A chicken.

B1DDT-BA8E, a. Prisoner's base.


Biddy's-btes, 9. The pansy. So-


BiDE,r.(^.-5 AiV/fl«)(l) To dwell;

to abide.

(2) To wait ; to endure.

\Z) for bidde. To require. North.

BiDELVE, V. {A -S.) To bnry.

BiDENE, adv. Immediately. See


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BiDE-owB, V. To 1)6 punished, or

suffer punishment. Kennett An

old Norfolk word.

Bidet, ». (Fr.) A small horse.

Bid-hook, «. A hook belonging to

a boat.

BiDowE, #. (A.'N.) A weapon

carried by the side, supposed to

be a sort of lance.

A bidotoe or a baselnrd

He berith be his side.

Fieri Plottffkman, p. B40.

BiDRAVELBN, «. (A.'S,) To slob-

ber ; to slaver.

Bid-stand, ». A highwayman.


BiE, (1) V. {A.^S.) To suffer; to

*^bide. See Abeye,

{2) prep. With.

(3) #. A bracelet. Stee Beigh,

Biel, 8. Shelter. North.

BiELDE, V. To dwell; to inhabit.

See Beide.

BiENFAiT, 8. (A.'N.) A benefit.

BiBNVBNu, ». (A.'N.) A welcome.

BiBR, 8. The Redeemer. Sec Ay-


BiER-BALK, 8. The church road

for bjirials, along which the

corpse was carried.

BiEBD, 8. A lady. See Bird.

tiiBRNE, 8. A man ; a noble. See


BiKST, 8. A small protuberance,

especially on the stem of trees.

Suffolk, '

BiFPEAD, *. A blockhead. Ldc,

BiFPiN, *. A sort of apple, pecu-

liar to Norfolk, sometimes called

beaufin ; but beefin is said to be

the true name, from its resem*

blance to a piece of raw beef.

BiFOLD, part. p. Folded.

BiFOLK, V. To make a fool of.

BiFOREN, jortf^. (A.'S.) Before,

BiFORifED, «4;. ilai.) Double


BiQf (l) V. {A.'S.) TobuUd.

Ne\'ertlicle«9e some clironicles report o

That Irelnniall iheir capitayn had to nume.

By whom it was so biffgrd.

Hardyng*$ Ckromeie, f. xxx.

(2) V. To remain ; to continue.

(3) #. A kind of barley.

(4) Big-and-.big^ very large, full

big. Somer8€t.

BlOATB, I (^^^x 3j j^^

ELGETE, J ^ •'

Bio-ENO, 8. The greater part.

BiOBRNYN. {A.'SJJ To ensnare.

JiiG'TREstn,adJ. Very tipsy. North.

BiGGATNB, 8. A nUU. PolSff.

BiooE, (1) V. To buy. Weber.

(2) f. A pap; a teat. Estex.

UsuiUly applied to a cow.

(3 ) «. A name for the hare. Reliq,


BiGGEN, V. (\) To enlarge.

(2) V. To begin.

(3) V. To rise after an accouche-

ment. North.

(4) 8. A kind of close cap, which

bound the forehead strongly, used

for new-born children^ to assist

nature in closing the sutures of

the skull. Shakespeare seems to

use the word for any coarse kind

of night-cap. Abiggenjorbiffffin,

appears to have been part of the

dress of barristers- at- law. Ken-

nett describes it as "a cap with

two long ears worn by young

children and girls."

Upon his head he wore a filthr course

biffffin, and next it a {j^mish of night-

caps, witJi a sage batten cap of the

forme of a cowsheard, orersprcd rerie

orderly. Nash, Pierce PensUUu.

Ah sir (said he, turning towards the

rntlenmn) will you perswade me then

could shew any kiudnesse to this old

higgiiCd ape f Don't you see she has

nothing in her but what's capable to

strangle love and iiigendrr hate?

> iTiWory ^froMcion, 16oS.

BiGOBB, 8. (A.'S.) A builder.

BioHEs, 8. Jewels. Ea8t. " She is

all in her bigh€8 to-day," L e.,

best humour, best graces, &c

Set Beigh,

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BiSBT. «. (^..iSL) A bend, tbe

bend of the dbow ; a bend in a

river, Ac. Anything folded or

donbied. Still osed in Cheshire.

Ib tiM Iwff of tke anne also

Aaotjr liTs tint OMt b« undo.

BiofNG, 9. A building.

jovre Uffta^«9r Mil mea brenie,

Aid bfdw tovie v«lkt obouL


BieimoLv* «. A girdle worn roond

the loins ; a parse.

Biciar, m^\ Girded.

BioLT, mdj, (1) Loudly; deeply;

boldly ; stroDgly.

A aveete yonth. mo donbt, for ho hath

tiro rooeo on hia ahoea. to qnalifle the

heat of hk feete ; he looketh very biglf,

and eooBmeCh vrtoDdnc in.

(2) ad;. Agreeable; delightfoL

BiOKiNG, 9. Bnlarging.

BrooLD,a. Chrysanthemom. G^€rartf.

BiGOKKn, pmrL p. Gone; de-


BicaAODB, jtT€i» t. (^.-5.) La-


BiOKATn, part. p. (1) EngraTed.

(2) Buried.

BioaTPa, V. To seize; to indude.

BiHALVB. V. (^.-5.) To divide into

two parts.

BiHWDm. Ipart.p. Beheaded.

BiHSLYE, a. Behalf.

BiHBsT, f*. {J.S.) To promise.

BUught^ promised.

BiHKWB, 9. To hew to pieces.

BiHOTB, V. {A.'S.) To promise.

BijBK,Ala. Truly. Yorktk.

Bica, #. A nest, especislly of wild

bees or wasps.

BiucHa, V. (^.-5.) To deoeive.

BiKBD,;»rvl. /. Fought.

BiKXNKKN, V. {A,^) To commit

to. ^ttBeiMiime.

BiKBax, (1) 9, {ji,^&) To skir-

mish ; to light ; to quarrel.

(2)«. AquaneL

BiKNoWKN, V. {J.»S.) To know ;

to recognize ; to acknowledge.

BiL, $. A fish of the cod kind. Aik,

BiLAB, part p» ci bilede* Brought.

BiLANDza, t. A small ship, of

about eighty tons burthen.

BxLAPPBD, part, p. Wnpped up ;


BiLASH, 9. To (log.

BiLAYB, 9. (for M/f9e.) To remain.

BiLATB» 9. To besiege.

BiLBBBRita, «. Tbe 9accMJiiiii

myrtUhUf or viiU idma, la

Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Che-

shire, and most of the Northern

counties, they sre called wkartle^

herrieti elsewhere kurilM'berrie$,

blaek-worttt and wmd-herriM;

but, in Cumberland, AVestmore-

land, and Lancsshire, they retain

the older name of blae» or bka^

b€rrit9t from the colour of their

berries, which are livid, or a

bluish black. Perhaps bil is a

mere corruption of bUa,

BiLBo, 9, A Spanish sword, so

named from Bilboa, where choice

swords were made. A swords-

man was sometimes termed a


BiLBOcATCH, «. A bilboqnet. The

tov generally known ss eup end

baU. Ea9t.

BiLBOBs, 9. Stocks used at sea for

the purpose of punishing of-


BiLcocK, f. The wtter-rail. North,

BiLD, «. (A,'S,) A building; a


BiLOER, 9. (I) A long-htndled

mallet for breaking dods. North.

(2) 9. A builder.

BiLOBBs, 9. A kind of water-

BiLB,«. (1)(^..5.) Aboil.

(2) GuUe.

BxLBDB, 9. To lead sboot.

BiLKF, adv. Quickly ; suddenly.

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BiLKT, #. A willow plantation.

BiT.KVB, V, (^.-5.) (1) To remain ;

to Btay.

I know what if the peyne of deth,


Which hum I Mb, fWr he ■• mighte

bgUM. Chaucer, Cant. 7.. 1. 10^5.

(2) To leave ; to quit.

Hie imale addrra, of whichewe ipatke,

Weren Mived att a lake.

r. Jlimm^er, 1. 6310.

BiLOK, tr. To indent. Somen,

BiLiBKB, ». {Lai.) Two pounds.

BiLiD.ff^^*. Mad; distracted. Somen,

BiLiMB, V. To deprive of limbs.

BiLiNOi e. The whole number.

E»sex, See Boiling.

BiLiTHB, e. An image. Ventegan,

BiLivB, «. {A,-S,) Belief.

Bilk, (1) v. To cheat; to defraud.

(2)t. Nothing. An old cant term.

Bill, *. (1) {A.^N.) A pike or hal-

hcrt, formerly carried by the

English infantrj, and afterwards

the usual weapon of watchmen.

(2) (A,'N,) A letter; a petition,

or paper of almost any kind.

(3) A promontorr.

BiLLABLB, «. Liable to haTing a

bill preferred by law.

BiLLAMCNTS, 9, Oiiaments, espe-

cially of a woman's head or neck.

BiLLARD, «. A bastard capon. Su$$,

BiLLBDB jtrei, i. Built.

And the day afore the Wnge ichiilde

"icnya '

hare comrne to the archei ,

the aeid maaere of Moore,' whii

laide archebiiahoppe hade pitrdiaiahed

and b^lUds it ryithte comodiosly and

pleaauntly, the kynj^ send a gentylman

to the ieioe archebirahoppe.

Warkwortk^s Ckromd».

BiLLBT, t. (1) {Fr.) A piece of

wood chopped into the length con-

venient for firewood. In North-

araptonshire the term is applied

to cuttings of sallow for planting

osier beds.

i2) A stick, or cudgel.

3) The g^me of tip-oat. Ihrhftk,

(4) A small bundle of hal^

threshed com. ITfs/.

(5) The coal-isb.

BrLLBTiNGS, #. The ordore of the


Billing, t. Working. YoritA.

BiLLiirGSOATB, 9. A fish-markct in

London, proverbial for the coarsa

language of its frequenters; so

that low abuse is often termed

talking BiUmgegaie.

BtKiigt wae fbnueriy a gale, Ihen^k

now rather portm than f frte, being the

prime landing (»laee and ntarket for unae

aea rommoditiea. Vow, although as

fuhionaMe people lire here aa else«-hera

in the City, yet inneh mde folk repair

thithrr, lo tfint one may term thia the

Esculine gate of London, from thedraaae

and drega of the baser people flocking

hither. Here one may hear tin^nas

jurgatrices; yea, shrewd words are aome-

times improred into imari blows be-

tween them. I doubt not« but that

Borne, Venice, Parit, and all populous

cities, have their BilUngtfat* langnn«re.

in those placea where rude people make

their renOeivous. FuUer^t WbrtAu9.

In short, if you would please a Raaainn

with- fltnaiek, feet a conaort of Billing^'

gate nightinffolet, which, joyn'd with a

flight of screech owls, a nest of jackdaws,

a pack of huogry woWcs, eeven hogs in

a windy day, and aa many eau with

their oorrivala, and let them ainf^ La-

eryma, and that will rarish a pair of

BMsaian lugga better than oU the mnsick

in Italy, licht svres in France, morehea

in £uglana,or the eigs of Scotlnnd.

PraeU SUttt of Russia, 1071-

BiLLiNSOATRT.f. Cosrsc language.

After a great deal »t BilUnfispmify against

poets. Bevuurks upon Remarqurs^ 1673.

BiLLUAN, #• (1) A maa who cuts


(2) A soldier armed with a HU,

BiLLT, 9. (1) A bull. M'iffJkt.

(2) A bundle of wticat-straw.

(3) A brother, or young fellow ;

a term of eadeirment. North,

(4) Removal, or flying off; a term

nsed by hwn at marbles.

BiLLY.«nTBB» a. The black-cap.


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BirxT-FKATRKKPon,#. Thelong-

tailed tit. North.

BiLLT.wix, t. An OWL Etut,

BiLOKB, part. p. Fastened ; locked.

BiLowB, V, (A.^S.) To bend ; to


BfLTKB, #. The water.nif. North.

BiLTTK, #. (A.'S.) Food.

BiM.BoM . ( 1) t. The sound of bells.

(2) «. Cobwebs. SomerBet.

BtMRBT.a<f». Byandbj. Somertet.

BiHBLOB, 9. (ji.'S.) To sperit of

a thing.

Auae, Ood the foncUfl.

Bote oo that thon me nout Kmdd^.

Wri0hCM Jnccd. Lit., p. 8.

BiiiBNB, 9. {A.^. bwHunuok.) To

hment} to pity; to bemonn.

Part, p., hinunt, bemoaned.

PrH. t., bmtmie, mourned, hu


Bin. (1) Been.

(2) nJv. Bemg^ in the sense of

became. ''Why dessant stud

«p?" *'.Stisescint." Dewm.

Biim, 9. (1) Any indurated argiUa.

ceous sabstauice. A mining term.

(2) A eertahi nnmbet of eels;

according to Kcnnett, two han-

dred and fiftv.

(3) A bop-stalk. SmUk.

(4) Anything that binds. Eatt.

Btif]M»Bx,«. Bock-wheal.

Bi3n>-»ATs^ «. Days on wbieh ten-

ants were bomd to reap their

lord's com ftt harrest^time.

BiNniHo, «. (1) A hazel rod or

thorn, used lor bindaig the bedge^

tops. North.

(2) The tiring of ft hawk.

BufotKo^BAHo, #. A ^rdto.

(^intnze. A giidle^ or Vm^-btmdi a

iprtli. WmmclaUfr, U8S.

Bninmo.B«AH-TBXB,#. Tbebla^-


BiKDiHo-covmBB, #. The topeourse

•f bay before it is boand on tbe

cvtwUbaiope. North*

BnrmM«.i>Ay, 1 #. Th« M*

BiKDrNo-TVBSDAT, J cond Tttes-

day after Easter.

B1N0.WBBD, «. The wild ceiiTol-


BiNB, \9. The sUIk ofthehop-

BTNB^/plant. Seei?tMf. In Cam-

bridgeshire» aceording to Cam*

dSra't BrUaimm, malt was caUed

BiNBTHBN./mji. Beneath.

BiNo, (1) e. To begin to turn Mmr,

said of milk. Chesh,

(2) adv. Away. Decker.

(3) V. To go. A cant term.

(4) «. A saperior kind ol lead.

(5) «. A bin.

Bin OB, V. To soak a vesiel in water

to (yreventita leaking. Lme.Leie.

It is also used in the sense of to

soak, generally.

BiNOBB, ad;. Tipsy, Lme.

B1M0.8TBAD, 8, Thef plade where

ore is deposited in tbe fumaoe.

It was also termed kmg-ptaeot

and hmg^hoU.

BiNiMB, V. (A.'S.) To take away.

BiKK, «. A bench. North. ** The binh

of a coal-pit," the subterraneous

vaolt in a mine.

BiNNB, adv. iA.'S.bhuutn.) Within.

BiNNiCK, #. A minnow. Somert.

BiNSTBAD, «. A bay in a bam for

housing com. Northampt.

BiPABTBD, \adj. {Lat. b^trti-

BrpABTiTBD, j tut.) Farted in two.

or Quintiii Bunista hia father't Aird son.

As if ono tree bara two bonglis, none bs-

So thoa doat all thinga in tvoparta divido.

ir aU thing elM thovld KmartU*d be.

What of thj faiiiera gooda would come lo

ttee f OiH»*9 Mpifrmmt, 1«77.

BiovAflBRBiv, #. (^.-^ift) To crush

to pieces.

BntAiM, Ifpr^, t. othhre^e* Be^


BiimettiNo*LANB. " To Mnd a per-

son to HreM^4ane," a>proterbial

pbraie for ordering hiA to bd


d by Google




B»D, '\i.(ji.'S,) A lady. Avery

BURD, >coinruoa word in early

BRiD, J English poetry.

Biro, (1) «. The pupil of the eye.


(2) $. Any pet animal. Kent.

(3) t. Bread. Exmoor.

BiRD-BATTiNOt 9. A method of

catching birds at night with a

net and light.

BiRD-BOLT, «. (I) A short thick

arrow with a broad flat end, used

to kill birds without piercing.

(2) The burbot.

Bird-boy, t. A boy who drives

birds from the corn.

Bird-call, t. A small whistle used

to imitate the call of birds.

Birdbr, 9. (1) A bird-catcher.


(2) The wild cat.

BiRD-BYBD, adf. Near-sighted.

BiRDiNO, 9. Bird-catching.

Bird- KNAPPING, t. Frightening

away birds from com by noise.

Devon, It is termed bird-keeping

in Northamptonshire.

BiRD'9-BTB,t.(l) Germanderspeed-


(2) Some kind of cloth.

1666, May U. To church, it being Whit-

Sunday; my wife very fine in a new

yellow Hr^iHft hood, u the futhion is

now. Pepyt' Diarg.

BiRDs'-ifBAT, 9. Haws. Somertet.

BiRDSNiBs, 9, A term of endear-


Dont talk to a body so; I cannot hold

oat if thou doat, my eyes will run over,

poor fool, poor birdmies, pofir lambkin I

Olwap, SoUm'M Fortwu, 1681.

BiRD-TBNTiNG, #. Watchiug the

birds to drive them away from

the corn.

BiRB, 9. (A,'S.) A stall; a cow.


BiREDr . (1) V. {A,^S,) To coaniel.

{2) part, p, Buaed.

BiRBLAT, t. {A.'N.) A virelay.

Perhaps a mere clerical enor^

BiRBPB, V, To bind.

BiRKVB, V. To bereave.

BiRBWB, V. (A,-S.) To roe.

BiRPUL, a4f. Roaring.

BiROAND, \t, A sort of wild


BiRQB, 9, A bridge. Northampt*

BiRiBL, 9. Burial; also, a grave.

Birr, 9. A birch-tree. North.

BiRL, 9, A rattling noise. Norths

BiRLADY. By our Lady. North,

BiRLB, V. (1) (J.'S,) To pour out ;

to draw wine.

(2) To powder; to spangle.

BiRLBR, 9. The master of the revels

at a bidding-wedding in Cumber*

land, one of whose duties ia to

superintend the refreshments.

BiRLET, t. {Fr, bouHet.) A band

for a lady's head.

BiRNT, 9, {A,'S,) A cuirass, or coat

of maiL

Birr, t. {A.'S.) Force; impetoa;

a rapid whirling motion. North.

BiRRBT, 8, A hood. Skinner,

B1R8B, t. A bristle. North.

B1R8EL. tr. To roast, or to broiL


BiRT, 8, A kind of turbot. *' B^te

fysbe, rhombne." Hnioet.

Birth, t. A place ; a station.

BiRTHDOM, t. Birthright.

BiRTB-woRT, 8. The aristolochia.

The English and Greek names I

have the same signification (the |

latter from dptora rait Xbxotff

i, e., good for women in child-


BiRTLB, (1) aJff. Brittle. Eoit.

(2) t. A summer apple. Yoriah.

BiRYB, t. {A,'S,) A dty, or town.

B18, 8, (1) (^.-M) A silk of fine

texture, generally described with

the epithet jncf7>fe. "Purple and

bis" are sometimes mentioned

separately, but the former is then

probably used as the name of a


Girt Windaore Castle roonde. AsonlsMr

Under a canapie of crynaon Jycw,



^a«M with goldmd tptvithiilTerbeli,

Tmt aweellie diijiied, and loldae haUe a-

FteU^M Btnor gf tht Gvter, 1593.

(2) A black or dark grey colour.

Bmats, 1 r. {A,'S.) To see fit ;

BTmoHB, J thiuk fit.

BiscAK, t. A finger.gloTe. Devon.

BiscHXDB, V. To overflow.

^\%cuwT, part, p. Shut up.

BiscHTNB, V. To shine upon.

Biscoms, adv. Immediately.

BtscoT, t. {J.-S.) A fine imposed

on the owners of marsh lands for

not keeping them in repair.

BiscoTiK, t. (/v.) A confection

made of flour, sugar, marmalade,

eggs, and other ingredients.

BitcTiT, #. A plain cake as distin-

goisbed from a richerone. Suttex,

B»B, V. (^..5.) To look about.

Bmeggxx, «. {a.'S.) To reproach.

BisBKBX, \v, {A,'S,) To be-

BisBCBEN, j seech.

BisBLBT, t. A carpenter's tool.

BisBMBN, r. {A.'S.) To appear.

BisBK, adj. Blind. See Bime.

BisEKDB, V. {A^S.) To send to.

Bi«BTTEN, V, To place ; to set.

BisGBB, a. A short'handled mat-

tock, to serve for a pickaxe and

axe. We9i.

BisHRBWX, V. (A.-S.) To curse.

BlSRETTB, V. To shut Up.

BiSROP, (1} #. A kind of punch

made of roasted oranges, lemons,

and wine. The name is said to

have been derived from a custom

in old times of regaling bishops

with spiced vrine, when they

visited the University. Its cha-

ruter is given in the following


Tlireecnpi of this apradent man may take ;

Tlve first of these for constitation'B take,

Va weood to the lata he loves the beet,

Stt third and hwt to loll him to his rest.

(2) a. A popular name for a lady-


(3) 9. To make artificial marks

213 BI8

on a horse's tooth, in order to

deceive buyers as to its age.

(4) V. To confirm. Biahcpphig,


Wsnne the bissebop Ustekaptth the,

Tokene of marke he set to the.


(5) a. A pinafore or bib. Warw.

(6) V, To water the balls, a term

among printers.

(7) t. "That firy round in a

burning candle called ihtbi$k€p."


BiSHop'o MILK, a. Milk that is

burned in the boiling, whence it

acquires a particular taste. In

Staffordshire it is called griet*d

or grew'd milk. In many parts,

especially in Shropshire and Che-

shire, when milk is burned, in-

stead of saying " it i$ bithcp^d,'*

the phrase is, "the bishop has

set his foot in it."

Blesee Cisley, good mistriss, that huiop

doth ban.

For buriiiiiy the milk of her eheeee to the

pen. Tiu$er's HuthMdry.

When a thinge speadeth not veil, wt

borove speech and saye. llie byukop*

hath blessed it, because that nothinira

speadeth well that they medyll withnll.

If the podeche be banned to, or the

neate over rosled, we saye, The byuhopt

hath put his fot« in the potie. or The

kyukopt playd the coke, because the

byshopes Durn who tbei lust and who-

soever diepleaseth them.

T^ndAU, OMienee cfa Ckrutm Man, 1635.

BisHOp's-piNOBR, a. A guide-post.

BianopawoRT, a. (^..&) A plant,

a species of earum.

BiaiB, adj. (A.-S.) Busy.

BisiLKB, t. Some kind of silk.

**Birilke the groce conteyning

xii. dossen peces, x.a." Rates rf

Cuetome Houte, 1545.

BisiTTBN, V. To beset.

Bisk, (1) «. A term at tennis, a

stroke allowed to the weaker

party to equalise the players.

Car. I am for you at tennis.

Prigff. 1 ■ ... -


Prigg. I'll give you a buk at Longs for ten

ShadweH, Tnu WuUm, 1679.


BIS 214


(2) V. To erase.

This was at length, complained off: and

he was forced to beg pardon upon his

knees at the eounril table, and scud them

[the books] back again to the king's

kitchen to be bisfd, as 1 think the word

is ; that is. to be rab'd over with an inky


CaUmy, Juount ofMimsten efteted.

(3) t. Broth made by mixing

aeveral kindi of flesh.

BisKY, 1 A biscuit. West


Bum ABE, 1 •. {J.-S, bUmer.) In-

BI8MERE, J famy ; disgrace; con-


or cbidynge and of chalangyiige

Was his chief liflode,

With bakbitynee and Hsnure,

Andberyuge of fals wiinesse.

Pi«r# FM. 3649.

BiSMB, #. {J.-N.) An abyss; a pit.

BiSNB, (1)#. (A,-S, biten,) A blind


(2) #. (A.'S. bym,) An example.

BisNBwio, part, p. Covered with


BiSNiNO, «. Beestings.

BisoGNio. See Bezoman,

BisoKNE, ». Delay; sloth. Bob.


Bison, 9. A bull.

BisPBKB, ». (1) To speak, to ac-


(2) Toeounsel.

BisPEL, ». (1) {A.'S.) A term of

reproach. Cumb,

(2) A natural child.

BiBPKREN, i;. {A.'S.) To lock up.

BispRENGDB, par/./). Sprinkled.

Biss, *. (^.-iV.) A hind.

BiSHADEWB, V. To shade over.

BisssN. Art not. fVett,

BissTN, Iv. To lull children to

BYSjYNE, J sleep. Prompt, P.

BisT. Thou art ; art thou ? West.

BisTANDB, V. {A.'S.) To stand

by or near.

BiSTBRB. r. To bestir.

BisTOCKTE, «. A stock of provi-

sions laid by.

BisTBETB, a4i' Scattered.

BiswiNKBN,v. Tokbourb«rd. •

BiSYBEB, t. (A.'S.) Buaiuess;


Bit, (\) pret. t. Biddeth.

(2) t. The lower end of a poker.

It is also used as a verb, to put a

new end to a poker. West.

(3) t. The nick of time. North.

BiTAiBTt, pret. t. otbitake. Gave.

BiTAKB, V. (A.'S.) To give; to

commit to.

Bitch, «. (1) A term of reproach,

given more especially to the

female companion of a vagrant.

The term *• byche-clowtc" is

applied to a woitliless woman, io

the Gov. Myst., p. 218.

(2) A miner's tool for boring.


BiTCH-DAUQHTEB, «. The nigfat-

mare. Yorksh.

BiTE.(l) To bite the ear, was onoe

an expression of endearment.

Ben Jonson has biting the nose

in a similar sense. 7b bite the

thumb at a person, was an in-

sult; the thumb in this action

represented a/^, and the whole

was equivalent to giving the

fieoy a relic of an obscene gesture.

— Dags and pistols 1

To Hte his thumb at me 1

— Wear I a sword

To see men bite their thumbs/

Randolph, Muu^ L, Glau, O. Fl., ix, 990.

Tis no less disrespectful to bite thtnail

of your thumb, by way of scorn and

aisdain. and drawing your nail firom

between your teeth, to tell them you

value not this what they can do.

BuUs of Civility, 1878.

(2) 9. (A.'S.) To drink.

Was therinne no page so lite.

That everewolde ale bite.

Ma»elok, mi.

(3) 8. The hold which the short

end of a lever has upon the thing

to be lifted.

(4) V. To smart.

(5) To cheat.

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Preach afluiiit vrarr. that art of Itlti^-

BrrsL, t. A large wooden hammer

used in splitting wood. Beri$,

BrrHBNKB, V. (J.'S.) To co»-

trire. PreL t., bttkouffhi.

BiT&KNT, adj. Twisted.

BnT» 9. An instrtment used in

blasting in mines. .Vor/A.

BiTTs, (1) #. The ited part of

an axe.

{2)pret.t.olbidde. Bad.

BiTTKaBUM p, «. The bittern. Ltme,

BimasisNT,a. Arbitrement. /£ey-

wood, 1556.

BiTTBa.8irKKT, !«. A sort of

BiTrBB-awxxTTNo, j apple.

For al mehe tjrne of love is lore.

And like mto the bUUr-tweU ;

For Oioiigb it thinks a man tynA fvete.

He dMl vel felea, at laste,

Tkatit is sower, and ouie Bot laata.

' T.ed.U54kf.l74.

Aj vit Is a Tcry HtUr-tweefmg; it is a

aoit iharp lauce. SkaJtttf^ Mam^ %^.

^What Sb diapleasora gone t

And left me wneh a hUter-*w$«t to mm

BiTTKa.6WKVT, s. The wood night-

shade. Germrd.

^TTTtMwiTLfadJ. Sorrowful. Ckatte,

BiTTLiir, #. A milk-bowl.

BnroN, s. A bittern.

Stack with ostrife, craaca, pamts,

Kitaw, eoeket, and capons feathera.

JXmL i$iwem the Cap i- the Hat, 1666.

Brrru,«<fo. (A,~S.) Bitterly.

BimrwBLP, adv. Headlong. Be^,

Brrv, t. A twin lamb. Twin lambs

are still called bipt lambs on the

borders of Sussex and Kent.

BiWAKB, tr. To watch ; to guard.

BiWAUf.o. To warn.

BrwKNTE, pret. t. Turned about.

BiWBTB, ©. (1) {A.S.) To cofcr.

(2) To weave; to work.

BiwiccBB, at. To bewitch.

BiwiHNm, •. {A,'S,) To win; to


BfwiTS,9. {A,S,) To know.

Biwops, p&rt, p. Fall of tMn \


BiwoRPB, •. {A S) To cast

BiwBBTB, V. To betray.

BiYETB, a. To beget.

fiizoir, #. A term of reproach.


Bizz, a. To bun. North.

BizzBN-BLnvD, B4f. PurbUad.


Bi;b, o. To boy.

Bi BTB, s. {A.'S.) Gain.

Bi-fUHDBvjmjp. Beyond.

Blaa, a. Biocu Still «ced in


BLAANBO,B4r. Half-dried. YoHtoh.

Blaat, 9. To bkat. Nortkampi.

Blab, s. An indiscreet chatterer.

Cacquetenr. habillard, Imqnenasdier.

barard. A Ue*. a Imiclonfiie : one that

teUeth whaUocTcr he heareih.


Th* ATTe't davghtcr Eceho, haantiBf

wooot amoDK.

A UoA that will not (eaanot) keep bar


Who never asks, b«t one J]r answers all.

Who lets not aaj her in rain to calL


Blabbbb, tr. (1) To talk idly.

(2) To loll out the tongue.

Tomocke anybody by UMofimg oat the

tonfoe it Uie part of waghaltert and lemd

boyea, not of well mannered children.

(3) To whistle to a horM.

Blabbbr-lifped, odj. Having

thick tips. SeeBM»«randBAi^.

Black^o^^'. Mischievous; malig-

nant ; unpropitious.

Black-almain, «. A kind of


Blackamoob, s. (1) A negro.

The Moore aoe plcaa'd this new-made en^

press* eie.

That Blie consented to him seeretlye

For to abuse her husband's marriage bed :

And soe in time, a Uojckamare she bred.

F§rqf, Belipuit i, SSt.

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(2) The bull-null when in full

bloom. Wight.

Blackamoor's beauty, $, The

sweet BCtbtous. Somertei.

Black and blub. The common

phrase for a bruise of the flesh.

But the miller*! men did so bMte hit

bones, and so soundly bethwsck'd him,

that they made him both black and blw

with their strokes. Babtltu*, i. 3M.

Black and whitb. Writing or


Careful III let nothing paase without

good blaek a$td white.

Jaeh Dntm's BnUrtainmeMt, a. 1.

Black-a-vizbd, ocgf. Darkincom-

plexioD. North,

Black-bass, 9. A measure of coa 1

lying upon the flatstone. Shropth,

Blackbbbbibs, t. Black-currants.


Blackbbrbt-scmmbb, ». Fine

weather experienced at the end

of September and beginning of

October, when the blackberries

ripen. Hanq>9.

Black-bbss, t. A beetle. Shropth,

In Berkshire, a black-bob; in

Yorkshire, a blaei-clocJt; and in

Cornwall, a blaci-worm.

Black-bitch, t, A gun. North.

Black-blbos,«. Bramble-berries.


Blackbowwowbrs, #. Blackber-

ries. North, On Michaelmas-

day, the deril puts his foot on

the blackberries, according to

the general belief of the common

people. In truth, after this day

they are seldom to be found


Blackbbown, adj. Brunette.

Black-bug, t. A hobgoblin.

Black-buribd, adj. In infernum

missus. Skinner.

Black-bubniko SHAifB, and a

** burning shame," are everyday

expressions. Northampt.

Black cap, «. The loxiapyrrhula,

or bulfinch. lone. In Cumberland,

this name is giTen to the mota^

ciUa aaUearia, sedge bird, reed

fauvette, English mock-bird, or

lesser reed sparrow; in Nor-

thamptonshire, to the greater


Black-cattlb, 9. Homed cattle,

including oxen, bulls, and cows.

Black-clock, t. The cockroach

{blatta orietUaUs).

Black-coat, ». A familiar term

for a clergyman, as a red-coat is

for a soldier.

Black-ckoss-dat, 9. St. Mark's

day, April 25.

Blackkybd-sus AN, t. A well pud-

ding, with plums in it. Su»9ex.

BLACK-rASTiNG, t. Rigid fasting.

North. It is believed among the

peasantry in Northumberiand to

be dangerous to meet a witch in

a morning ** btaek-futing."

Black pbathbbs. Large black

feathers were fashionablein mea*s

hats about 1596.

But he doth scriousl j bethinke him whether

Of the gul'd people he bee mure esteem'd.

For his long cluake or for hts grfai bUck*

fealher. Sir J. Dans, Epigr. 4?.

BLACK-rooT,«.(l) One who attends

on a courting expedition, to bribe

the servant, make friends with

the sister, or put any friend off

his guard. North.

(2) The name of a bird.

}Mel«mpnt, Ovid. ftcXoMvow, nigripes.

NomemeUtor, l&as.

Black-f&ost, t. Frost without


Black-gbas6,«. The fox-tail grass.

Black-guabd, 9. Originally a

jocular name given to the lowest

menials of the court, the carriers

of coals and wood, turnspits, and

labourers in the scuUery, who all

followed the court in its pro-

gresses. Hence arose the modem

acceptation of the word.

d by Google




Ear majatj, by mne mmmm I knov

Mt, iru lodged si his howe, EwtUm,

faxTc nnmeet for ber hixhnea, but fitter

kKtktbUckM garde.

Lod^MJUtutrmiiomSt ii,188.

Win joo kaoir the oomiHuiioiM of my

>mnirT? I vm akme unouee a eoub-

■ * • BoTUie

fall of vomen, and thoM of the clreton

dutdeMe chamber fonooth. whtch yoa

voold have aaid to bare been of the

Uaekrfuard. MoHtm'aUinermnf.

Tboogfa fooie of them are inferior to

thoae of their ova ranke, m the Mecfo

^iier;^ in a prince's ooart.

Bmiom^ Jmrntomy cfMti,

Blackhead, «. A boiL Wett.

Black-hkaded-pbgot, #. The

reed-banting. Leie.

Blackino, #. A kind of pudding,

perhaps a blood-puddingy men-

tioned in the 17th cent, aa made

in Derbyshire.

Black-jack, «. (1) A large lea-

ther can, used for beer.

There's a Dead-aea of drink i'th' cellar,

is which soodly vessels Ue irreck'd ; and

iBihemtuidle of this deinge, ajtpear the

tops of flagons and Uaek jacks, Lke

dourdies drovn'd i' th' marshes.


HoDoar is a slippery thing, yet simie

persons will oooie to great preferment :

« to ieii:n lole King of tlie Pots and

Block' Jacks, Prince of the Spigot, Count

Palatine of clean Straw and Fro^-nnt, and

Lord Hich Begent of Bashers of the

Coals. Poor £0M».174««

(2) A small black caterpillar

which feeds on turnips.

(3) Solphuret of zinc, as found

in the mines. Derhifth.

Black-jack, la. A kind of

slack-jsku- y greens. North-

SAL » MS, J ampt,

Black-lad-monbat, #. Easter

Monday, so called from a custom

on that day at Ashton-under-

Lyne, termed riding the black


Blackmack, ». A blackbird.

Black-ocskl, 8. A blackbird.

Black-mkn, #. Fictitious men,

enumerated in mustering an

srmy, or in demanding coin and


Black-mowdat, #. (I) Easter

Monday ; so called from the se-

verity of that day, April 14, 1360,

when many of Edward Ill's soU

diers, then before Paris, died of

the cold.

(2) The schoolboy's term for the

first Monday after the holidays.

Black-monbt, «. Money taken

by the serrants, with their mas*

ter's knowledge, for abstaining

from enfordng coin and livery in

certain places, to the prejudice of



8, A man who condemns every-

thing and accuses everybody,

cutting off the roost innocent

indulgence, as Presbyterians are

suppmed to have done. North,

Black-neb, a. The carrion-crow.

Black ox. The black ox hot trod

on hi$ foot, a proverbial phrase,

meaning worn with age, and

sometimes with care.

She was a pretie wench, when Jvno

wss a young wife, now crowes foote is

on her eye, and tkt Umck og« hath trod

on htrfoot. Lgl9, Sappho ^ Ph., it, 1 .

1%4 Nacke as# had not trod on bis or

ber foote. Hejfw. <m ToUuham.

Black-polss. #. Poles in a copse

which have remained after one or

two falls of underwood. Hertf.

Black-pot, ». Blackpudding. So-


Blacks, a. Mourning.

Black's Toua eye. They shall

not say block it your eye—that

is, they shall not find any accu-

sation against you. Wanley, VoJt

Dei, 1658, p. 85, speaking of St.

Paul's having said ** that he was,

touching the righteousnesse

which is in the law, blamelesse,"

observes upon it, "No man

could say (as the proverb hath

it) black wu his ego,"

d by Google




I can my blacl^t your 4y«, though it be

prey J

I Uh\ e conniv'd at this your friend, nnd

you. Jt. and Fl., Lome's Cure, n\, 1.

He i% the rery jivitice o' peace of the

play, and ran commit whom he will,

and wliMt he will, error, absurdity, a«

the toy takes him, and no man any

black is his fye.but biunh at liini.

B. Jons., Staple of Jfewe, 1st interm.

Black-sanctvs, t. A hurlesqae

hymn performed with discordant

and strange noises ; any extreme

or horrible din.

Thither wee came, whereat the entrie

wee heare a confuaed noise (like a

blacke saneius, or n house haunted with

spirits), such hollowing, shouting,

dauucing, and clinking of pots, that

sure now wre suppos'd wee had found,

for all this revelling could not bo with-

out Mounsieur Mony liad beene on of

the crew.

Sotoley, Searekfcr Mimeg, 1609.

And npon this there was a generall

mourning through all Koroe : the cardi-

nals wept, the abbots howled, the monks

rored, the fryers cried, the nnns pnled,

the curtizans lamented, the bels rans,

and the tupers were lighted, that such

a bladte sa*etiu was not seene a long

time afiore in Borne.

Tarlton, News otU o/Purff.t 1690.

Blacksap, t. The jaundice in an

advanced stage. Eatt,

Black-saturday, t. (1) The first

Saturday after the old Twelfth

day, \%hen a fair is annually

held at Skipton. York$h.

(2) In Northamptonshire, when

a labourer has anticipated his

wages, and has none to receive

at the end of the week, they call

it a black Saturday.

Black-sculls, s. Soldiers with

skullcaps on their heads.

Black-shobs, 9, Shoe-blacks, or

men who formerly attended in

the streets for the purpose of

blacking the shoes or boots of

any passengers who required it.

This was a common practice in

London at the commencement

of the present century.

Black-spicb, #. Blackberries.


BLAca-suNDAY,«. Passion Sunday.

Blackthorn, «. The sloe tree.

Spinut A blaeke tkome tree: a sloe

tree: a snag tree. NoaundatOTt l&Bo

Blackthorn-chats, 9. The young

shoots of blackthorn, when they

have been cut down to the root.

Blackthorn-wintbr, 8. Cold

weather experienced at the end

of April and beginning of May,

when the blackthorn is in blos-


Black-tin, «. Tin ore ready for


Black-wad, «. Manganese in its

natural state. Derbyk.

Black-water, «. Phlegm or black

bile on the stomach, a disease in

sheep. Yorkih,

Black-witch, ». A maleficent


According to the vulgar conceit, dis-

tinction 18 nsuully made between the

¥}kit8 and Uie black witch; the good

and the bad witch. The bad witeA they

are wont to call him or her that workes

malefice or uiischiefe to the bodies of

men or beasts; the oood witch tliry

count him or her that nelps to revcsile,

prevent, or remove the same. Gea^.

Black worm,«. The black beetle.


Blacksaunt, 9. (corrupted from

black ionetm,) Any confused or

hideous noise.

Bladdbr-headbd, adj. Stupid.

Bladders, «. (1) {^i.-S. bUfdra.)

Little rising blisters of the skin.

(2) The air bubbles in bread.

Petite vescie du pain. A bladder or

little swelling bump rising in the crnst nf

a bfe of bread. KomancUUor, l&bj.

(3) The kernels of wheat affected

by the smut. Ea»t.

Blade, (1) v. To trim plants or

hedges. Skropth. It is an old

word, for it occurs in the Prompt.

Parv., " bladyne herbys, or take

away the bladys, detirto.**

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(2)#. A brisk, mettlesome, iliirp,

keen, and active young man.

Ib 1667. Sunnel GwreU. mm to Draald,

n. rillsn beiofve the bnrne, bnried SSih

of May. iBT ffodson /and a stout Nsde)

^ • dunnd B«

yet died.

i Bobinton beug Uien

/UOoti'^ Tomr totkti.qf Mam.

▲sd u he came to Noittnghaa,

A tinker he did meet.

And acHnjE him a Inaty Uade,

He did him kindly greet.

(3) V. To iUde it, to play the

blade, to go about vauotingfy.

Bladbd-lkkk, t. A iund of leek.

Petit porrean, porrette, dvette. The

wnet leeke: maiden leekea: Um4€d

leekt*. yoHUMcUlcr, U85.

Bladb8» a. (1) The principal laft-

en of a roof.

(2) The shafts of a cart. South.

(3) **BUuie9 or yame wyndles,

so instrumente of hoswyfery,

prgiibur HuloeL

BLADxsifiTHy #. A maker of


Bladgb, #. A low woman. Line.

Bladiek, #. An engrosser of com.

BLAX-BBuiTy 9, The bilberry.


Blsc, t. {j4.'S.) The grease taken

off the cart-wbeeh or ends of

the aile-tree, kept till dry, and

then made in balls, with which

the tailors ptb and blacken their

thresd. GiTen by Kennett as a

Yorkshire word.

BLAprooaoB. A person with any

defect in his speech. Pr. P,

Blain, (1) V. {A,'N,) To blanch ;

to whiten. North*

(2) a. (A.'S,) A boil ; an emp-

tion. '^iUsyntf orwhealke. Pa-

fula.** Huloet.

Blakb, (1) a^. (ji^S,) Bleak;

cold; naked. North.

{2)v. To cry till oat of breath,

or burst with langbter ; to faint ;

to turn black in the face. Devon.

(3) adj. (A..S.) Yellow.

(4) a. {jLS.) To bleach; to

fiide* To make his brows hkktt

or turn pale, wu a common po-

etical phraie, equivalent to, to

vanquish him.

And at be nefrhet bi a noka,

The king aturenly him ttroke.

That bothe his bree* con bUkt;

Hia maiatry he mekee

Mobmm's M<tr. Rom., p. 64.

BLAKBD,a4r* Blackened. Chmtcer.

Blakblino, t. The yellow buat.

ing. North.

Blakbs, 9. Cow-dung dried for


Blakvb. a. (ji.'S,) To torn black in

the face ; to grow angry.

Blamb, a^f. Blameworthy. The

phraie ** too blam* " occurs not

uafrequently in the old drama-


— > T* are foo blawu.

And, Bene, you make me angry

The girle was much too iUtwte.

T. HtytPood, En^l. Trap., sign. Q.

I were too hlamo if I shouid not teU

thee anie thing.

Seneckwttu, 0. Fl.. i, 1S8.

Blambplum. {A,-N) White-lead.

Blam, /ira/. /. {A.-S.) Ceased.

Blanc, 1 (in the fern. g. bUtneho

BLAUNC, J and bUtunehet) adj.

(A.-N,) Wlute. It it used in

several terms and phrases, of

which the following are the


BukNCHB BBBWBT» *. A SOrt of


For to make Uomcks hrewet de i

Kym kedya and chekenvt, and hev

hem in monellta. and seth hem in al-

mand mylk, or in kyne mylke. Grynd

gyncTTer, galingale, and east thereto;

and Doyle it, and tent it forthe.

JTrnmer^s Antiq. CuUn., p. 89.

Blakc db soai, ^ t. A dish

BLANK DBSsoBRfg, I in cookery,

blank DBBiRi >for rosking

BLANK DB SURT, | Whlch the


one of the receipts :

Blank dctiorri. Take almandea blanched,

grynde hem, and temper hem up with

whvte wyne, or fleiaah day with broth,

ana cast thcreinne floer of rys, other





amydovn ; and lye it therewith. Take

brawn of cnpons y-fcrouud; take sugar

and salt, and cast thereto, and florish

it with aneys whyte. Take a vessel j-

holes, and put in safron, and serve it

forth. Fbnu of Cury, p. 10.

Blanchb-pewrb, 8. *' The agues

wherwith maidens that have the

greene-sicknesse are troubled."


Blanc-manob, \$. A dish in


Blank-mang. Take capons, and seeth

hem, thenne take hem up. Take al-

mandes blanched, grynd hem, and alay

hem up with the same broth. Cast the

mylk in a pot ; waisshe rys, and do

tiiereto, and lat it seeth. Thanue take

brawn of capouns, teere it smalle and

do thereto. Take white ^eece, sugar,

and salt, and cast theretnne. Lat it

seeth. Then messe it forth, and florish

it with aneys in confyt, rede other

whyte, and with alraandes ^ed in

oyle, and serve it forth.

J^ofVMo/tTury, p. 10.

Blanc-plvmb, «. White-lead.

Blanche-fobb^, «. A dish in


Blatmcht porrS. Take the Qwyte of

lekes, and parboyle hom, and new horn

smalle; and take onyons, and mynse

horn therewith, and do hom in a pot,

and put thereto gode broth, and let hit

boyle, and do therto smale briddes, and

seth hom therewyth. and colour hit

wyth saffron, and do therto pouder

marchant, and serve hit forth.

WameTt Antiq. CuUn., p. 51.

Blanch, (1) •« Ore when inti-

mately mixed with other mate-


(2) IT. To whiten; to change


(3) V. To peel anything.

(4) V. To shift off; to evade.

Blanc HBB, «. Anything set round

a wood to keep the deer in it.

Men were sometimes employed

for this purpose.

BLANCH-rABM» 9. An annual rent

paid to the lord of the manor.


Blandambnt, If. Blandishment;

BLANDYMENTE, J flattery.

Blandb, (1) adj. Blended ; mixed.

(2) f». To flatter.

Blandise, v. {J.^N.) To flatter.

Blandrbll, 1 «. (jPr. blan^

blaundebblle, J dureau,) A

kind of apple.

Blank, *. (fV.) (I) The white

mark in the centre of a butt, at

which the arrow waa aimed;

the mark, the aim, a term in


(2) A small coin, struck by

Henry V in France, worth about

four pence.

(3) The name of a game at dice.

Blanker, «. (1) A spark of fire.


(2) A white garment.

Blankkt-puddino, «. A long

round pudding, with jam spread

over the paste, and then rolled

up. Sussex,

Blankktt, U. a kind of bird.


Blank-matins, «. Matins tung

over night.

Blanknbss, 8, Paleness.

Blanks-and-pbizbs,«. Beanaand

boiled bacon chopped up and

mixed together, the beans being

considered blankf and the meat

the prize. Shropsh.

Blank>surrt, 8. See Bkme-de-


Blanpbtn, 8. {A.'N.) Oxford


Blanscub, 9. A misfortune; an

unexpected accident. Somerset.

Blare, o. (1) To put out the

tongue. YorksK

A mocke with the tong, by pnttin^ it

out; a blaring as a dog doth that is

thirstie and diry. HommdatOTt 1&86.

(2) To roar ; to bellow ; to bleat ;

to cry. Var. dioL The following

has been given us as a genuine

sample of Norfolk dialect : " Lor

mor dont »'n blarin o* that ne ;"

which means, literally, *' There,

girl, do not stand crying in that


d by Google


(3) To Ulk loud. Siu$ejf.

Blart, v. To bleat. Nortkamp,


Blasb, v. To blazon annt. See


Blasb, (1) •. To splash ; topdot.


(2) #. Nonsense ; rabbish. line.

Weak liqoor is popularly called

Uaskmeni, and is said to be

Blasht.ajF. (1) Thin, poor, spo-

ken of liquor. Nortkamp.

(2) Wet and windy.

Blasovb, #. A flatterer.

Blass, t. The motion of the


BiAssBK, V. To illumine.

Blavt, (1) V. (^..&) To boast.

(2)9. Tomiasfire. Devon.

(3) V. To raise the eyes in

tttonishment. Devon.

(4) t. An inflammation or woand»

attributed often to the action of

witchcraft. Somenet.

(5) 8. The blisht. Sune».

Blasted, odj. Beaten down by the

wind, applied to bay. North,

BLkarm, part, p. Blown.

Blastmkmt, #. A sudden stroke of


Blast, v. To blazon; set forth.


l^urAHT,adj.(Lat.) (1) Bellowing.

A word perpetuated by Spenser

is hU term of the*' biaUtni beast."

(2) Prattling.

Blatcb, v. To smear or dirty.


Blatb, (1) V. To bellow. North.

{2) odj. Bashful; timid. North.

(Z)adJ. Cold; bleak.

BLATcaooN, t. A babbler.

Blathkk, v. To talk nonsense; to


Acre'iBotlunK fua'd bjr beisfr witty } ha»

GttiMn b«t vind to »ba«r up a name.


Blatter, t. A paddle. North.

Blauk, €^. {J..N.) White.

221 BLB

Blauncb, #. A blain ; a patch of

large pustules blended in one.

Blaunchbttb, 9. {J.'N.) Fine

wheaten flour..

Blavnchmbb, t. (yf.-NJ) A kind

of fur. Syr Degor^, 701.

Blauhcb-pbrreyb,*. SeeBAmrA«-


Blaundbsorb.#. SeeB/kni«-ife-Mr^.

Blavnkk, 9. A kind of fur, perhaps

the same as bknmchmer. *

Blautgb, #. A great noise. North.

Blautbt, adj. Bloated. Eoit.

Blav BR, ( 1 ) 9. To prattle ; to prate.

Patton Lett., It, 22.

(2) 9. The com bine-bottle.


Blaw, v. To cry loud. StMea.

Blawb. 9. (1) To blow.

(2) To put to the horn, or ei-


And BcTertkelef in hhn wm more cum

of coning than in raoi that today an

hlnnm iu the kirk.

'^polonM <^ taUardty p. U.

Blawiho, t. A swelling. North.

Blawnyko, t. White-lead.

Blawort, a. The com blue-bottle.

Blawzs, 9. A blossom. Yorkth.

Blay, (1) 9. A blaze. Ate#.

(2) 9. To bleat.

Blazb, (1) 9. A yule-log.

(2) V. To spear salmon. North.

(3) 9. A pimple. YorAtA

(4)v. To blazon.

I beare the badge within njr breat,

Wherin are iUsde jonr colonn brave.

TurUrntU, Hpig. tmd Somtelus, 1M9.

Blazed, (1) a^f. A term applied

to a hone when it has a white


(2) To a tree when marked for


Blka, (1) adj. (J.'S.) YcUow.


(2) High ; exposed, in situation.


(3) «. The part of the sub-stem

of a tree between the bark and

the hard wood.

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BhUACKYt adj, Bracki»!i. Somenet.

Hlbad, t. Fruit. Vertieffon.

Bleak, (1) v. To bleach.

(2) adj. {A,.S. bUBc.) Pale with

cold ; pallid, sickly.

Palle, et bletme. A hUake^ pale, or

fomewhat yellowiah colour.

liomendalor^ 1585.

(3) adj, Sheepiih. Ea»L

Blcart, V, To scold ; to make a


Blbase, «. {A,'S, bUue.) A blaze.


Blkat, a<^'. Cold; bleak. Kent

Blbater, t. A cant term for mut-


Bleathbe, 9, A bladder. North,

Bleaut, "1 t. ^J,.N. bleaut, bli»

SLiAUT, I aiw.) A kind of robe

BLiHAUT, I which fitted close to

blihaudJ the body. The editors

of early English poetry have

comraonly turned the « into an

n, and printed bUant instead of

btiautt and it has even been cor«

rupted into ^/«a«it^

Blrb, (1) «. A drop of water; a

bubble. North,

(2) p. To drink. North.

(3) 9. A blister.

Blech, t, Bleach; water in which

. hides have been tanned.

BhitcuiBi, adj. (A.-N.) White. See


Blbckbn, V, To make black.

BitBDDER, (1) «. A blister.

TTow mey that be? wo dnr theroppe steije,

tor doQ^ of fotes NeiUft.


(2) V, To cry. North.

Br.EDE, r. Blood.

Blbden, v. {A,'S.) To bleed.

Bledewobt, 9, The wild poppy.

Blbb, t. {A,'S, bleo ) (1) Colour;

• eomplexioDb *< Bright of blee" is

not an uncommon epithet of a


(2) In a teeondary lense^coante-

nance, feature.

Bashful. North.

Blbecu, 9. The bleaehing-ground.


Bleed, v. To yield abundantly.

Com is said to bleed well when

it is productive on being thrashed.

Bleeding- B0I8T, 9. A cupping.


Blrrdino-heart, 9, The walU

flower. West,

^*'="' 1 pret. t of bileven. He-

plefedb, [^i„ed.


BLEPF,ff4Jr. Turbulent; noisy. JEff«/.

Blepfin, t. A block or wed^e.


Bleike, V, (A.'S.) To turn pale.

Bleine, 9. {A.'S,) A pustule.

B^K". \adj.

blate.J •'

BLEKE,Cl)«4ir. Black. Prompt. /».

Blely, afh. Blithely.

BLEME^cM^f. Powerful. Morte Arth,

Blemish, 9. A hunting terra, when

the honnds, finding where the

chase has been, offer to enter,

but return.

BLBifMERE, 9, A plumber.

Blemmlb, v. To mix anything 'vrith

a fluid, as flonr with water, by

moving. North,

Blench, (1) o. {A,'S,) To start, or

fly off; to draw back.

(2) 9. A sUrt or deviation.

(3) t. A glhnpse, Warw,

(4)r. To wink, to glance. Shak^sp^

(5) V, To impeach; to betray'


(6)*. Afknit. North.

Blench BR, #. Anything that frigHt^

ens, or causes to start.

Blencorn, 9. Wheat mixed ^vrith

rj'e. york9h.

Blbnd, tf. To pollute or confoQi^^

And all these storms that no* his be&nt^

bUnd, ^^^^^J



Blende, (I) v. {AS,) To blia^

(2) a^. Blind.

Blindmo, a4f* Clottdf.

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JtzirDiNOs, r. Peas and beam

mixed together.

BLEND.WATKat«- An fiilltiiimatory

disease to which bladi cattle are

liable. North.

Blxxx. r. (ji.-S.) To bTiiter.

(2) To arise, to bubble ap.

6lk3;gk, v. To binder. Tuiter.

Blenkabb, #. A person near-

sighted, or almost blind. North.

BLExncR, 8. A fighting-cock with

oaljr one eye.

BLE?nn, 9. "{!> To glance at ; to


12) To appear; lo shine.

(3) To wince.

Ble^^see, V. Mrnffere perparee.

Bl£xka, t. Ashes. ITes/.

Blc!I9, «. ▲ fish, the ptuhg bar*

BusiacHnrtV- To darken ; to ble-

Blebtt. The ^rel /. and pari, p. of

Head, Umde, and £i^ii«.

Bleuw, v. {J.'S) To blearj to

mAe a pefsen's sight dim. To

" bkre one'a eye,*' to impose upon


BLascmEH, r. To eztingaisb a fire*


Bixse, r. A Maze. Prompt. P,

iSLEss, 9. (I) To wave or braadish

a twoTu. Speiuer.

it) iPr.) To wound.

Buasme.'rBS'-nBB-ofrT. An ope*

ratioB performed generally, I be*

fiwer ahvavs. by a female. She

Vets her forefinger with spittle,

sad mores it in a efrcnlar slow

eiaaBcr o^er and' round the part

&at may have been binmi or

icsldcd, at the aaoie time matter-

lag ioandibtr a anitable ineanta.

few or blesaing, in the mysteries

<if wbfefa I am not initiated. This

I hsreoften aeeii done, aaid hvn^

indeed, not unfrcqncntly expen-

eaced the benefita, be *«TJ^

tkerroaT.of themnoeeai. Mmr9


Br.K88aDL0CURRa, a^. Blessedly.

BLasaiNa-rinae, a. Midsummer

Fines. fFfit.

If eddy, Ui»t wu wont to make

9veh grcfkt feMting at the vtke,

Aud the Heuimg Mr*.

SrowiWt Skefksr^t Pipt, 1779.

BLBaanto-wrrcB, «. The white or

good witch.

Blbtch, «. Black, greuy matter;

the grease of wheel-axles. Stof,

Bletbblicbb, oiftr. Blithely; free-

ly; joyftrily.

Blbtbeb, a. A bladder.

BLSTHKB-HBAn, ». A blockbcad.


BtmivoK, adf. {A,'8.) Flaming.

Blbvb, 1 a. To stay ; to remain.

BLSWB, J See Biiepe.

Blbw-blow, «. The corn-flower.


Blewino, a. Bine paint.

Blbwit, a. A kind offungm. North.

Blbxtba, «. A person who blacks.

Bletb, adj. Blue.

Blbtmb, a. An inflammation in the

foot of a horse.

BLBTNA8aB,t. BHndness.

BLvraTBm, «. A bfeaeher.

Blxakb, a. A bar of wood with

holes to take the soles of a hurdle

while being wreathed. Dore.

Blxcb, a. Lice. North.

BLicKBifT, ocf^. Bright; shining.


BLina, a. Wretches. Dewm.

Blioh, adj. Fx>nely ; dull. Kent.

Bt.fOHTBD, adj. Stifled. *• Bliglited

with the best." Oxfii.

Bltkbn, a. (1) (A.'S.) To quiver.

(2) {A.'S.) To shine.

BLnf, a. To gladden. Prompt. P.

Blinch, a. (1) To keep ofi'.

(2) To catch a sight of a thing

or person. Comw.

B&nr», (1) adj. Obscure.

(2) AbortiTe, applied to flbwert

and herbs. Far. dioL

(3) i^ A fence for skoots and

sentinels, made of bundles of

d by Google




reeda, canes, or osien, to hide

them from being seen by the

enemy; an old military term.

Bltnd>i8-thk-cat, «. An old

Cliristmas game, perhaps blind-

man's buff.

Blind-alehouss, «.

If the fldler at hand that ut'd to ply at the

kUitd-aUkou$e f

Blkeregi^ Comical Stten^e, 1669.

Blind-ball, t. A fungus.

Blind-buckt-davy, t. Blind-

man's buff. Somer$et mtd GUme,

Blind-buesa&d, 9. A cockchafer.

Blind-days, «. The^r«/ three days

of March, which were formerly

considered as unlucky, and upon

which no farmer would sow any

seed. Devon,

Blind-eyes, «. The corn-poppy.


Blind-hob, «. Blind-man's buff.

Blind-hooky, t, A game at cards.

Blind-man's-buff, «. (1) A well-

known children's game.

(2) A kind of puff-ball.

Blind-man's-bolyday, a. Twi-


BLiND-MAmE8,t. Nonscnse. DtfvoA.

Blind-nettlb, 9, Wild hemp.


BLIND-8IM, «. Blind-man's .buff.


Blind-thabm, tf. The bowel-gut.


Blind-worm, 9, The slow-worm.

Blinders, a. Blinkers. North.

Blindino-bridle, 9. A bridle

with blinkers.

Blindfrllenb, v. To blindfold.

Pr. Part.

Blindino-board, #. An instru-

ment to restrain an unruly cow.


Blinds, t. A term for a black

fluor about the vein in a mine.

Blinb, «. A kind of wood. Skinner.

Blin R. ( 1 ) a. A spark of fire, glim-

mering or intermittent light.


(2) 9. To evade; to avoid the

sight of. North,

(3) 9. To smile. North,

h)v. To wink.

(5) Blinking the malt, is putting

it to work too hot. Cambridge.

Blink ard, t. One who sees badly.

Blinked, adj. Stale or sharp, ap.

plied to beer.

Blinker, a. A term of contempt.


Blinks, a. An old hunter's term.

Bri$iUy bonffhea rent by hnntera from

trees, and len in the view of a deere, or

cast oTerthwart the way wherein he U

likely to pavie, thereby to binder his

running, and to recover him the better;

our wood-men call them hUnket.


Blinnb, v. (1) {A.^S. bUnman.) To


(2) To stop, to delay.

Blirt, v. To cry. North.

Blisful, a^. Joyful ; blessed.

Blish-blash, t. Sloppy dirt


Blissb, v. (1) {A.-S,) To blesa.

(2) (Fr.) To wound.

Blissbne, gen, pL Of joya.

Blissey, t. A blase. Wilte,

BLi880M,a4r. (1) Blithesome.

(2) Marie tqipetene, applied to

the ewe.

(3) V. To copulate, said of sheep.

Blist, pret, t, of bUeie. Blessed.

BLiT.a^^*. Blighty. Dor9et.

Blitb, a. Face ; visage. Kemnett.

Probably a corruption of blee.

Blithe, a. Blight.

^hivi,^ adj. hnA ado. Quick; ready.

A contraction of biHve.

Blizzy, $. {A.'S, bfyea,) A blaze.


Blo, acff. Blue ; livid.

Bloa, adj. Cold ; raw. Une.

Bloacb, a. A tumour. Simmer.

Bloachbr, 9, Any large animal.


To Bloat, or Blote, v. To dry by

smoke, applied especially to her-

rings. A Bloat-herring, or, rb

d by Google




^ nov call it, a ihaier, a her-

nng 10 dried.

iMjjtntmtid courtier oa tlie ootls,

iikf « uman or a hloat-kerrimg.

B.Jim^ Masq. ofMer., r. 4S9.

Make • seal of a Ncat-ktrrina, water it

*idk f(Mff ihflfiofs beer, and thru swear

^ bate diaed as well aa ray loid mayor.

I yert fimr doEcn of fijie llrebrandt id

"7 Mlj, 1 have more imoke in my

■Math Una woukl Mole a hundred her-

nofL B-mndFL, id. Ptvu., ii

Tkne^utoof gpnta, carried firom mart to


ill M modi Dcat ac theae, to more nao



mioM^t. Ablaze. iVorM.

^LOftr I. (1) A blant termination

^ what ig asually pointed. A

^MK, a note with a small

^p It the end.

(2) A mull lamp of anxtbing

tiiick, fisdd, or dirty.

(3) A Tulxar term for the lower


V) A bobble; a blister. North.

(5) Thick. %etBbtb.

W A drop.

(7) A term applied to theHower

<>f the water ranoDColua.

wjBsnuLip. Seei3/ti^.

^i<>B.iiiLK, t. Milk with its cream

Bisgled. ybritA.

WscoTCH, f . A bubble. York$h.

Bioi-TALi,*. A tell-tale.

^•^cx, t. (I) The wooden mould

^ vhich the crown of a bat

*«> formed. Hence it was used

^ the form or fashion of a hat.

. n>^t a hat of the newest faahion



la thia nao hat


T^ tt, « of the current fashion."

{}) The Jack at the game of


Iff, A broadaxe.


Block-roksb, ff. A strong wooden

frame with four handles, to carry

blocks. Etut.

Blockpatb* ff. A blockhead.

All theae things raaT well be aiiid nnto

me, that be commonly spoken against a

foole. aa tobe called a kloekpai*, a dnll'

head, an ease, a lumpish sot.

Terme§ in Bn^Usk, 1641.

Blockstick, ff. A club. H&rik,

Block. WHBATp ff. Buck- wheat.

Blody, tfifo. By blood; of or in


Blooot.I V. To look angry or

BLOOO, J sour ; to be sullen ; to

frown. Exmow,

Bloknb, «. (A,'S.) To fade ?

That, man, thi body arise schd

or daithe nammore to blokne.

Blom AN, ff. A trumpeter.

Blomanobx. {J,'N,) ff. A diah

in cookery.

For to make UomMtger. Kym lys, and

lese hem, and watch liem clenc, and do

thereto god almande mylk, and seth

hem til theyal tobrcat; and than lat

hem kele: and nym the lire of the hen*

nyn. or of eapona, and grynd hem amal.

Kest thereto wite grece, and boyle it.

Nym blaiicliyd alnuindya, and urron.

and set hrm above in the dysehe, and

serve yt forthe.

rofiMf, AiMq. Culm., p. 89.

For to make Nomanfier of fyseh. Tsk a

pound of rys, lea hem wel and waach,

and leih tyl Uiey breate; and let htm

kele; and do thereto mylk of ta pound

ofalmaudys; nym the perche, or the

lopnster, and boyle yt, and kest augur

and salt alau thereto, uid serreyt forth.

Warner, AnUq. Culin., p 46.

Blomb. (1) «. To flourish.

(2) ff. A blossom.

Blomb-dowk. a<fp. Clumsy; clown-

ish. Donet,

Blommbr, ff. Noise; uproar.

Blohc, fl4/. (^..M) White.

Blonckbt, a^, (probably from

Fr, bUmc.) Gray. Sptnaer,

Blondbbn, «. To blimder; to


Blonk. (1) adj. Sullen.

(2) «• To disappoint. NortK

d by boogie




Blonks, ff. (^.-5.) A steed ; a war.


Blont, adj. Dull ; heavy.

Bloo, «. To Wow.

Blood, ff. Dispoeition. Shaketp,

Blood-allby, t. A marble taw.

A boy's term.

Blood-boltbrbd, adj. Matted

with blood. Shaieap.

Blood-fallen, adj. (1) Chill-

blained. East

(2) Blood-shot.

Blooding, a. A black pudding.

Apexabo, intestinnm nn^ine fartmn,

admiata anrina. A hloudtnff or blnrke

puddinge. Nomenelator^ 1585,

Blood-olpr, t. A bullfinch. East,

Blood-sucker, t. A leech.

BiooDsupPBE, t. A blood-sucker ;

a murderer.

Blood-wall, ff. The dark double

wall-flower. Norihamp.

Blood WORT, «. (y^.-5.) The name

of a plant.

Bloodt-bone, ff. The name of an

hobgoblin or flend.

Bloody- THURSDAY, a. The Thurs-

day of the first week in Tjent.

Bloody-warrior, a. The dark

double wall-flower. Wett.

Bloom. (1) ff. A mass of iron

which has gone a second time

through the furnace.

(2) 0. To shine ; to throw out


(3) ff. Heat Bloomy^ very hot.

What abloom an I inalloTerP giveme

my fan J I protest I am in a general

damp. N. TtUe, OuetoUTs Haven, 1 6&5.

- (4) ff. The hot stage of a fever.

Blooth, ff. Blossom. Devon,

Blorb, (1) V. To bellow like a bull.

East, The bhre is the moan of

a cow, unsettled for want of her

calf, or by being in a strange

pasture. Lineolnsbire,

(2) ff. A blast; the act of


(3) V. To weep. Prompt, F.


ff. A blossom.

Blort,v. To chide in a loud tone.




Bloshy, \adj. Sloppy, windy,

BLOSHiNG. J and rainy. Leie.

Blosmb. (1) 9, (A,'S. biotmian,)

To blossom.

(2) ff. A blossom.

Blosmy, aifj. Full of blossoms.

Blosb, ff. A ruflEled head of hair.


Blossomed, adJ, The state of

cream in the operation of churn-

ing, when it becomes full of air,

which causes it to be long in geU

ting to butter. Noff.

Blot, a. A term at backgammon,

when one in danger of being

taken up ia called a blot.

Blotch-paper, ff. Blotting paper.

Blote, a4^'. Dried. SeeBioat,

Bloten, adJ, Ezceasivdy food.


Blothbr, v. To chatter idly; to

make a great noise to little par-

pose. Var, dial

Blots, a. The eggs of moths.

Bloughty, adJ, Swelled; puffed.


Blounchet, adj. Blanched.

Blousb, ff. (1) A bonnet.

(2) A woman with hair or head-

dress loose and disordered, or

decorated with vulgar finery.


(3) A girl or wench whose ftce

looks red by running abroad in

the wind and weather. Kennett.

Such a woman is said to bare a

**blouzinff colour." To be taa

blouse, to look red from heat.

Blousy, adj. Wild, disordered,


Bloutb.a^*. (A.^.) Bloody.

Blow, (1) v. To blossom.

(2) ff. A blossom ; more particu-

larly the blossom of fruit trees.

(3) ff. A bladder. Dewm.

(4) V. To inform of; to peach





(5) V. To make a penoB blutli or

be ashamed ; to ke bhmm^ to blush

on a Middea Mrprise.

AB Ifomi sad Ted.

Skaketp.t Rap* tfUurtf,

Blow-ball,*. (perhapa from ^.-JV.

MoMTo/le.) The corn-flower.

Blowboll, #. A dmnkard.

Blowk, V, (^J.»S.) To blow; to


Blowbr, #. O) A fitsare In the

brokeo strata of coal, from which

a feeder or correat of ioilammable

air discharges. North,

(2) A child's name for the downy

heads of dandelion.

(3) ''One mwi's particular lass."

lhmt<m*» Ladie^ JHetUmary,


Blow-flt, #. The large blue fly

which Mows neat.

Blowing, #. (1) A blossom. WUtt.

(2) The egg of a bee ? Httrrison^t

Dner. qfEmgL, p. 229.

Blow-m AUNOBR, «. A fuU fat-faocd

person, with cheeks poffed oat.

Blow-kilk, #• Skimmed m&lk.


Bloww, a|F. (I) Swelled; inflated.

(2) Proud, insolent.

(3) Stale, worthless.

(4) To say a oow or beast is blown,

when in pain from the fermenta-

tion of green food having caased

a distention of its carcase, is com-

mon, perhaps, to many counties.

When a man or horse is panting

for breath from over-exertion, he

is also said to be blown. Moor'i


BLowv.RBBRtifO. " In some parts

of England they are called bknUed

herrmfftf and the term occurs in

several of our writers about Elisa-

beth's day, but not, I believe, in

Shakespeare. The word bloatod

is a confirmation of the above

conjecture as to the origin of

Mnm, being merely another form

of the word, but not so appHcable.

We sometimes see and hear hhwmf

bloated, and puffed «p, in neariy

the same sense. I have heard

our blown-herrings called bawen

herrings, and bone-herrings, but

never any good reason for so

calting them. Hottn is another

sense of blown or puflTed np,

but never applied to a herring.

Since the al>ove was written, X

have seen (October, 1823) in a

shop in Great Russell Street, a

parcel of ^^oira-herrings ticketed

' fine Yarmouth bloaters/ 1824,

in the autumn of this year, bear-

ing the blown or bown herrings

cried in Woodbridge by the name

of Tow Bowen herrings, I learned

on enquiry that it is a common

name for them." Mwt'9 Suffolk


Blow-foii«t, 8. A child's game,

mentioned in old writers.

Blowbb, s. a pustule.

Blowrt, adj. Disordered. Warw.

Blows, t. Trouble, or exertion.


Blowsb, t. See Blotuo*

Blow-bhoppb, t. A forge.

Wild boret, bulls, and falcons hredds

there in times uaite ; now, for lakke of

woodde, Hmo-ihoppu deoay there.

LtUuid, Itiu., Tol. Tii. p. 48.

Blowt, v. To make a kwd queru-

lous noise. North.

Blowth, 9. A blossom.

BLovrrr, adj. Applied to a person

who increases in size by a false

appearance of fat. Norf,

Blu, acg. Blew.

Blub, (l)tr. To swell.

(2) adj. Swollen, plump, round.

Odd I She bts a delicate lip, rach a lip^ so

nd, so hard, so plump, so Umi.

Otwag, SoUHer'i ForUm$, 1681.

Ton li«?t a pretty poatittcsbofBt the Booth

like me, and fine UtUe hM Um.

Shadwdl, Trw Widow, 1679.

BacGo, bncculentna, Plauto, cni tnmi-

diores sunt bucea, ant os grandins.

d by boogie


yvaBmv. Jonffln, on geullard, qni a la

bouche grande. That hath biz cheeks,

or a great and laree month : Unh cheeked :

■pairov mouthed. NommtdatoTt 1685.

BJ.UBBBB, (])«. A bubble. Var,


(2) To bubble, as water.

(3) V. To cry ; to weep till the

lean stand in bubbles.

(4) ff. The name given by sailors

to the sea nettle.

Blubbxk-orass, ff. Different spe-

cies of bromuM, so-called from

their soft inflated glumes. Ea$t,

Bluck, tr. " So the true men shall

be hunted and bhtcked:* The

FettyvaU, fol. xxvi, r°.

Blub, (1) a. Bloom. Devon.

(2) 9. Ale. SomeraeL

(3) V. To "look blue," to look

disconcerted ; to be mortified or


Blux-bottlb, ff. (1) A term for a

servant or beadle, from the colour

formerly used for their dresses.

(2) A large blue fly.

Blux-bottlbs, t. The blue flowers

which grow among wheat Oj^d,

BLUB-CAP8,t. (l)Meadow scabious.


(2) The com blue bottles. North'

Blub-inklb, ff. Some substance

which burnt with a strong offen-


Ah met help, help my lady! cut her

lace,cather laoel get loroe ana fcetida,

kUw inkle, or partridge feathen, and

bom under her noie.

ShadweU, Amormu Bigctte, 1690.

Gad take me! hold the eentleworoan,

bring lome cold water, and flower, bum

some blew inkle and partridge feathers,

'tis my ladies medicine.

SkmdmM, Tie Scowren, 1691.

BLUB-isAAC,ff. The hedge-sparrow.


Blux-john, ff. Fluor spar. DerbytJL

Blub-milk, t. Skimmed milk.

Blub-moon, ff. He won't do it for

a blue moon, t. e., never.

228 BLU

Blub-kock, ff. The wild pigeon.


Blue-stocking, ff. A woman who

addicts herself to study or author-


BLUB-TAiL,ff. The fieldfare. Norths


Blub-vinnibd, adj. Covered witH

blue mould. South,

Bluff, (1) otfr. Churlish; anrlv.


(2) a4f' Big and puffed up, ma it

were with wind.

(3) V. To blindfold. North.

(4) ff. A tin tube through which

boys blow peas. Sn^oli,

(5) ff. The blinker of a horse.

Line, and Leie.

Bluffbb, ff. A landlord of an


Bluffin,«. To bluster; toswaj^ger.


BhvvTuo, adj. Hoodwinked. iLtne.

Bluftbr, ff. A horse*s blinker.

Line., Leie. Bbtfled, having

blinkers on.

Blundbb, (1) ff. Confusion; trouhle.

(2) 0. To disturb.

(3) V. To blunder water, to atir

or puddle, to make it thick and


Blundbbbuss, ff. A stupid fellow.


Blunob, «. To break or blend

whilst in a sUte of maceration ;

a potter's term. A long flat

wooden instrument, called a 6lKn.

per, is used for this purpose.

Blunk, (1) oiir. Squally ; tem pes-

tuous. Eaet.

(2) V. To snow, to emit spso-lts.

(3^ ff. Any light flaky body.

(4) ff. A fit of stormy weather.

Blunkbt, (1) ff. A white aiuff,

pro)>ably woollen.

(2) ff. A light blue colour.

Blunt, (1) a. The slang term for


(2) ff. A pointless rapier, or foil

to fence with. " Batre ie /er.





to plaj tt ilmti, or at foyles."


Blvr, 9. A blot. North.

BLxnar, «. A oiistake, a blai^er.

Bldkt, (1) An inteijectioii of con-

tempt. *< Blort,muter oontUble,"

t fig for the constable, seems to

ba?e been a proverbial phrase.

(2) V. To blurt at, to hold in

contempt. **BoeekeggiSre,U> make

months, or iktrt with ones lips,"


Blusb, #. Reaemblanoe ; look. At

the first kbuk, at the first sight.

Blush a, o. To look.

Blushbt, #. One who bloshes;

used by Ben Jonson for a young

modest g^rL

BLusT.t. Bryaipelous inflammation.


Blostbr-wood, «. The shoots of

fruit trees or shrobs which require

to be pruned ont. £asi,

Bldstrb.v. To stray along without.

any particular aim.

Bat Uustreden forth m beeitas

Over bankes and lulles.

Blusteous, adj. Blustering.

Bluter, {i)adj. Dirty.

(2) V. To blot, to dirty, to blub-

ber. North.

BLCTTxn, V. To speak nonsensi-


Bluv, «. To believe. £»/.

BtuzzaD, a^. Darkened; blinded.


Bit, t. (1) Likeness ; resemblance.

Satt. See kiee.

(2) A transient Tiew. Ea$t.

Bltcano, a4if. (i^..&) Glittering;


Bltfs, ath. Quickly. See BeUoe.

Bltkkeo, pret. t. Shone.

Bo. (1) adj. Both.

(2) t. A hobgoblin. North.

BoALLiKG. t. Drinking, L «., bowl.

ing, or emptying the bowL

BoAn,t. A clown, for ^oor.

BoAa^CAT, #. A tom-cat. Kent.

The word oocon in Wgeheritif,

Piam-dealer, 1677.

Board, (1) «. (^.-N. ahorder.) To

address ; to accost.

(2) a. An old cant term for a


(3) a. A kind of excayation. North.

(4) " Set him a clear board in

the world," L e., put him in a

good position as to pecuniary


BoARORR, tuff. Made of board.


BoARoiNO-BRiDOR, t. ApIankUid

across a running stream. fVeit.

BoAR-NRCKBD, o^. A term applied

in some parts to sheep, when

aflfected with a disease which

causes their necks to be bowed.

BoAR-sBo, t. A pig kept for three

or four years as a brawn. Shropi.

BoAR-BTAo, a. A gelded boar.

BoAR-THisTLB, a. The eordwu bm-

cfolatuif Lin.

BoATiON, t. {Lat,) An nproar.

BoAT-wHi8TLRa, 8, Little bottles

which grow on the sea shore,

which the boys cut a hole in and

make whistles of, and blow in

imitation of the boatswain's

whistle; properly, the bottle ore.

Bob, t. (^.-iSr. «o»0.) (1) A joke;

a pleasantry. A dry hob^ a dry

joke. To giTe the bob was a phrase

equiTalent to that of giring the

dor, or imposing upon a person.

He that a fool doth Terr wiiely hit,

Doth Tcry fooliihly, altho' he smart,

Kot to teem seuadeM of the iod.

Jm fm Itkt t/, ii. 7.

I hare drawn blood at one's braiiit with

a bitter io«.

Alex, and Camp^pt, 0. n, ii. 118.

C, I gness the business. & It can be no


But go^tM m0 the M, that being a nuUtcr

Of main importance.

Mauing . Mtud tff E<momr^ ir. 5.

So, ladies, I thank yon for the tricks yon

have pat upon roe ; but, madam, I am

even with you for your London tricki, I

have giren you auch a AoA.

Skitd!mtU, J^soM WeUt, 1873.

d by boogie




(2) V. To cheat ; to outwit.

miere binding both, and MHng them, then

trembling at her yre.

Wamtr^t Albums BngUmd, 1599.

I«t him be M'd that bohi wiU hare ;

But who by means of wisdom hie

Hath aav'd his charjte?— It is even I.

Pm^. Jrcad., Lib. ii, p. SOS.

Imagining that all the wit in plays oour

aisted in bringing two persona upon the

atage to break jests, and to hob one

another, which they call repartie.

SAadwelC SuUm Lonn, 1670.

No, I am no statesman, but yon may

please to remember who was boVd at

0acend,ha,hal Id.,ii.

53) V. To disappoint. North.

A) 8. A blow.

(5) t. A bunch. North,

?6) 8, A ball. York8h.

(7) «. The burthen of a song.

To bear a bob, to join in chorus ;

also, to take a part in some foolish


(8) To ilsh. North.

(9) To " bear a bob/' to be brisk.


(10) «. The pear-shaped piece of

lead attached to the line of a

carpenter's level. East,

(11) 9. To swing backwards and

forwards sitting on a rope.

(12) #. A ringing of bells.

(13) 0. To bob up the hair» to

twist it in papera.

(14) t. A louse, or any small in-

sect. Hant8. " Spiders, bobbt, and

lice," are mentioned in MS.,

Addit. 11812, f. 16.

(15) 8. A short wig.

(16) V. To strike; to beat.

(17) V. To cut.

!18) V. To pass in or out.

19) t. A term applied to a par-

ticular method of taking eels.

(20) «. The engine beam. North.

(21) atg. Pleasant; agreeable.


(22) t. A slang word for a shilling.

BoBAN, 1 t. (^.-iV.) Pride; va-

BOBAM CBy J nity.

So proot he ia, and of so gret h<A«m.


For eerteynly, I aay for no bobtatuce,

Yit was I never withonten purvey aaiioe

Of manage, ne of no thinges eeke.


BoB-AKD-HiT, «. Blind-man's-buff.


BoBBANT, Aj^. Romping. Wiit$.

BoBBB, 1 To buffet; to strike.


Ye thoght ye had a fUI code game.

When ye my sone with buiTettee bobbydd.


BoBBBBOus, adj. Saucy ; forward.


BoBBBBY, ff. A squabble; an


Bobbin, t. A small fiq^ot Kent.

BoBBiN-AND-JOAN, 8. The flowcrs

of the arum maeitlatum. North-


BoBBiNO-BLOCK, #. A thing that

may be struck with impunity; an

unresisting fool.

Became a foole, yea more then that, an esse.

A bobbinff-Noeie, a beating stocke, an ovie.

Gwnign^a Detisei, p. 837

Bobbish, atff. A trivial word, used

in different senses, such as, pretty

well in health; not quite sober;

somewhat clever.

Bobblb,«. a pebble. Comw.

BoBBLB-cocK, t. A turkcy-cock.


BoBBs, t. Pieces of clay used by

potters to support their ware

before it is baked. Staff.

BoBBY, adj. Smart ; neat. North.

BoBBY-WBBN,«. Tho commou wren.


BoB-CHEBBY, t. A children's game.

BoBBT, 8, A buffet or stroke.

BoBBTTS, 8. Thick pieces ; gobbets.

BoBOLYNB, a. A fool.

Be we not bobofyntf,

Sutch lesinges to belere.


BoBRBLLB, t. The nyrophc pti.

dendL " Hec caturda, AngUce ^

d by Google




MS. l&M

Bobtail, (1) v. To cot off the tail.

(2) t. The ftted of «■ arrow which

it amall-breaated, and big towarda

the hca<L Kerwey.

BoBT, «. Cheese. Wett,

Boc«.(^..SL) A book. Boc^kmm,

o library.

BocASiN, «. A iort of bodcram.

ho<:coNB, «. {lUU.) A monel.

BocB (1) V. To easboM. Pakgrwt,

(2) «. A boas, or lamp.

AImI aom Mea of h«m aehcvcn the

■chap and the toer of the bomble swollen

membret, that semeth like to the male-

diea of hiniia, is tlie wravpiiif of here

hoML Ommt, ¥9r$m»$ T.

BocBS, «. Sardinea.

BocBAXT.a. A forward girl. WUit.

BocBB,«. A boaa or awelUng; a


BocHBB, «. (1) A batdier. Bodmry,

botcherr, botefaen' Bieat

(2) The'name of a fiih.

Bock, «. Fear. Deftam.

BocKB, (1) A Terb to which Pals-

grave giTet the different nean.

iogi, to belch; to look upon

any one diadainfully ; to make a

noiie like that of a toad.

(2) «. To flow out

(3) «. A book.

Bockbrbl, 1 «. A long^winged


Bogknb, 9, To teach; to press


BocTAix., «. A bad womaa. Cote.

Bod, v. To take the hoaks off wal-

Buta. WUi:

Boddlb, #. A small iron tool used

lor peeling trees. Narik.

Boddum, #. Principle. North,

BoDB. (1) ff. {J.-S,) A sUy or


(2) t. A oomnand.

(3)«. A message; an offer.

(4) «. An omen.

(5) e. To forbode.

i6)9.(J^S.beod.) Board, firing.


(7) The prti* t, and lOBietimaB

the pari. p. of buide,

(8) TheprettofMe.

BoDB-CLOTH, t. A table-cloth. EaH.

BoDBD, a4f. Overlooked; fated;

infatuated. X^ob.

BoDBB, #. A messenger.

BooBBiNO, 8, The lining of the

skirt of a woman's petticoat.

BoDQB. (1) «. A patch.

(2) V. To patch domsily.

(3) To boggle, to &il.

(4) A kind of Bieaaore, probably

half a peck.

BoDOiT, #. A budget.

Of the marehsviit that lost Us hcd^eiU

hetvene Ware and London :— A reruirns

marchant betwene Ware and London

lo«t his boJfei, and n e. 11 therein,

vherfure he mated to proclayme ia

dyrert market townet, y^ho to ever that

fonnde the layde M^et, and wolda

bryn^ it a^tync, shuide hare xx. U.

for his labour.

lUw md Qm. Amtm.

BoDiLT, adv. Entirely, all at once.


Bodkin, t. (1) (^.-5.) A dagger.

Was noon io hardy walkyng by the weye^

That with hir dorite raj^ or cil«rf pleye.

But if he wold be alayn of 8ymckyn,

With pnnade, or with knyf, or hoydftyn.

Know I am for thee, from ths cannon shot

Unto the smallest hodkin can be got.

Name any weapon vliataoe're thou wilt.

Botfimmdt, £nm* o/CMkt, 1011.

(2) A sort of ri h cloth, a cor-

ruption of bamdJtm,

Bodkin-wobk, s. A sort of trim-

ming worn on the gown.

Bodlb, «. A small coin, worth

about the third part of a half-

penny. North.

Bodbakb, Iff. Depredation; abor-

BODBAOB, J der excursion.

By meanes wherof the mid caatellcs be

not for oar defence anynit ther iteltlie

and hodrakti, acoordina; as they were

fyrtt ordeyned, bnt rather take part of

suche botyea aa eomeyth by them to-

wardea the Iryihery, to kepe the thynj;



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Ifo w^lnig then nor wreteliedneu it

No nightlT hodrags, nor no faup and cries.

Spent, Colin a.,v.ili.

BoDwoRD, t. (A.'S.) A message;

a commandment.

BoDY-cLouT, t. A piece of iron

adjoining the body of a tumbrel,

and its wheels.

BoDY.HOKSE, t. The second horse

of a team of four.

B0DY.8TAPP, #. A stake or rod of

withy, &Cm used in making the

body of a waggon. Warw.

BoF, #. Quicklime. HowelL

BorvLE, 9. (1 ) To change ; to vary;

to stammer through irritation.


(2) To thwart; to impede. Mid-

land C,

B0FFLBB8, t. The legs of old

worsted stockings, or twisted

haybands, put round the legs to

keep off snow.

BoFFY, V, To swell; to puff.

Boo, ( 1 ) t. Sturdy ; self-suflScient ;


The cockooe, seeing him lo tog, w«zt

tlso wondrous wrothe.

Warner's Albions Sngland, l&M.

(2)tr. To boast.

(3) V, To move off.

Boo-BBAN, 8. Marsh trefoil, or

buckbean. Yorkgk.

BoOBTT, #. A budget.

BoooABD, t. A Jakes. '* Boggarde

or drawght. Loke in Siege."


BoooABT, #. A ghost, or goblin.


BoooARTY, adj. Apt to start aside,

applied to a horse.

B06OE, «. A bug.bear.

BoooiSH, tuff. Swelling. Pr. P.


child's game in the North.

BoooLB, f>. To do anything in au

awkward or nnskilful manner.


BooGLBB, t. A Tidous woman.

Ton hare been a iamler ever.

Shaketp., Ani. and CL, iii, 11 .

BoGOT, a^. Bumptious: tn ol4

Norwich school-word.

BoooY-Bo, t. A goblin. Norih,

Boo-Hou8B,t. A Jakes. This is am

old term.

Booing, adj. Sneaking. Beda.

BoGTROTTER, «. An Irith robber.

BoG-vioLBT, #. The butterworl.


Bogy, «. (1) Bodge fur; lain>>*8

fur. Dean Colet, by his will, in

1519, bequeathed his " beat coat

of chamlet, furred with blaek

bogys.'* Wardrobt Accounts 0/

Ediard IV.

(2) 8. A hobgoblin, orspectte;

sometimes called a bogie.

Boh, e<n^. But. Lane.

Bo-HACKY, «. A donkey. YorJkah.

BoHBMiAN-TARTAR, «. Perhftpm a

gipsy; or a mere wild appd.

lation, designed to ridicule the

appearance of Simple in tli^

Merry W. of Windsor, It, 5.

BoiDBR, «. A basket. North.

BoiB, ff. {J,»N.) An executioner.

He het mani a wikke boie.

His Bone lede toward the lMuife]g;iii|p

Snyn Sages, 960.

BoiBR, t. A beyer. BareVtAht^^tri^

1580. for boire.

BoiLARY, t. A place where Bait is

deposited. North.

Boiling, t. (1) A quantity of thinctB

or persons. '* The whole ^a/tno

of them." ^

(2) A discoTcry. An old cant


BoiLouNS, «. (1) Bubbles in boil.

ing water.

(2) Projecting knobs.

BoiNARD, 8. {A.'N.) A low peraon.

A term of reproach.

BoiNE, «. A swelling. Enex^

Boia, t. (^.-iV.) Wood.

B018T, t. (1) A threat. See B^mt^

(2) A swelling. Eatt.

(3) {A.'N.) A box.

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BoisTXB, $. A bmsteroni fcUow.

BoisTNKSS, 8, Cborlishnest.

BoisTocs, «4r. (1) Rough; bois-

terotts ; cfaurlisb ; ttabboro.

(2) Costly, ricb, appUed to


Bon, (1) V. U,^S. ^MlMH.) To

belch; to nameate; to ▼omit.


(2)«. Balk. BoJte4oad,iLhuSkj

kMuL Eati,

(3) V. To iwelL Ba$i.

(4; «. A break or separation in

a vein of ore.

(5) «. To point, or thrust at


{B)part.p. Baked. North.

(7) V. To enter in a book ; to


BoKKLBK, «. A buckler.

BoKJKK, V. To strike. Skvmer.

BoKST, #. A backet.

BoKKi>,/M»-/.jv. (^..5.) Learned.

Sche WM wel kepte, wche was wel lokid,

Sehe va« wd taiijte, lehe wu wel bokid.

Go»gr, MS. Soc. Jntiq.

BoKT, «. (1) Soft. Nortkitmb,

(2) ** Boky-hottomed," broad in

the beam. Line,

BoLACE, #. Bone-lace.

Bo LAS, #. A buUace.

B01.CH, 9. To poach eggs. Yorkih.

BoLDK. (1) V. {J-S.) To become


WlieD he Qemeiites ipeche bude»

Hjt hAxte b^anne to boUa.

(2) V. To render bold ; . to em-

bolden ; to encourage.

It toaches us m Fnooe ioTadcs our land,

ICot kfUt the king. Skakup., Lear, t, 1.

Alas that I had not one to «oU me,

Hjfck* Scomer.

(3) a. A bold or braTe man.

Ia)9.{A.»S,) Abailding.

(5) a^. Magnificent ; grand.

(6) adj. Smooth* applied to


In ehooeeing barley for his use the

' r looks that it be Mi^ dry, sweet,

of a Mr eolovr, thin skin, dean Mtered

from haraes, and dressed from fnni.

Bess, seeds, and oatta. AtArty^t Wilu,

(7) c<fr. Healthy, strong. Ni^^


BoLCHiN, «. An onlledged bird.


BoLDBm,t. (1) Aloadreport.^br/A.

(2) The rash used for bottoming

chairs. Norf,

Boi.DBaiNo,a4F- Cloudy and threat-

ening thunder. Nurtk.

BoLDBES, #. Round stones.

BoLDHBDB, 8. Boldncss ; courage.

BoLDLOKBB, a/v. Morc boldly.

BoLDRUMPTious, o^t'. Prcsump-

tuous. Kent,


BowLDisH, V«. A large flat bowL


BoLB, #. (1) The body or trunk of

a tree.

(2) A bull. A free bull, was a

bull common to the town or


Thay thynke hem fre, and han no |Q]ce,

no more than hath a fre bote, that takith

which oow that him hkcth in thr tonn.

So faren thay by wommen ; for ri}^ht ns a

fre hole is jnoaph for al a toun, right to

is a wikked prest eormpcioan ynough

for al a paxisrh, or for al a contray.

Ckauetr, Fenoim T.


A measure containing two

bushels. North,

(5) A small sea boat.

BoLBABM IN, «. Sioople.

BoLB-AZB, 9, In the romance of

Octofian, t. 1023, 1039, this

word appears to be applied to

some kind of weapon; but it

signifies some article used by

potters in a poem in Reliq. Antiq.,

ii, 176, *<hail be 50, potters, with

jur boie-ajp."

B0LB-HILL8, #. A provincial term

for heaps of metallic scoria,

which are often met with in the

lead. mining districts. Places on

hills where the miners smelted


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or run their ore, before the in-

vention of mills and furnaces, are

called bolet.

BoLK-HOLBs, a. The openings in a

bam for light and air. North,

BoLB-wxEDy 9, Knopweed.

BoLB-woBT, t. Bishop's-weed.

BoLOSDi a^. Displeased; angry.


BoLGiT, adj. Bulged?

And after they <^m with gret navi,

With M^t tchipis ful craAIy,

The havyn for to hftn schent.

BoLiNB, It. The bow-Une of a

BOLiNGi J ship.

BoLisMB, ff. (Gr.) Immoderate


BoLKB, (I) V, (A,-S.) To belch.

(2) t. A heap. P. Part,

Boll, t. (1) A. ghost. Lane,

(2) A man who manages power-

looms. North,

BoLLEp (1) V, (A.-S.) To swell;

in a secondary sense, to pod for

seed. BoUynget swelling.

And the fliiz, and the barler was smit-

ten : for the barley waa in tae ear. and

the flax was bolUd. Bxodus, ix, SI.

Here one being throng'd bears back, all

Mn and red. Sk.^ Bapt ofLucr.

(2) A bod ; a pod for seed.

(3) A bowl, or cup.

BoLLXR, «. A drunkard, one who

empties bowls.

BoLLBWBD, ff. BalUweed.

BoLLEYNx, ff. Bullion.

BoLLiNG, ff. A pollard.

BoLLa, ff. The ornamental knobs

on a bedstead.

BoLLTNB, tr. To peck. Pr. Parv,

BoLNB, o. (1) {A.'S.) To swell.

(2) To embolden.

BoLSTXB, ff. (1) The bed of a tim-

ber carriage.

(2) Pads used by doctors were

formerly called boUten,

(3) V, To prop op ; to support.


rouad jam pudding.

Bolt, (1) ff. A sort of arrow. ««It

is an arrow with a ronnd or half-

round bobb at the end of it, with

a sharp-pointed arrow head pro-

ceeding therefrom." Hoime^Aead,

of Armory. Bold-tqfright, bolt an

endj straight as an arrow. Some*

times the word is used for an

arrow in general, but more espe.

daily for one thrown from a


(2) ff. To sift. Nwth,

(3) «. To swallow witboot


(4) ff. A narrow piece of stuff.

(5) 9. To dislodge a rabbit.

(6) V. To run away.

(7)v. To truss straw. Ghue,

{%\ ff. Straw of pease. Eatt,

(9) A quantity of straw tied np


Boltell, ff. A round moulding.

Bolter, v. To cohere ; to coagu-

late. Northampt,

Boltin, ff. The quantity of wheat

straw usually tied up together

after the com is thrashed out.


Bolting-hutch. See BimUing.

Boltings, ff. Meetings for dispu-

tations, or private arguing of

cases, in the inns of court.

Bolts, ff. The herb crowfoot. Ger.

Bolt's-hbad, ff. A long, straight,

necked glass vessel, rising gra.

dually to a conical figure.

Bolion, ff. See BuUiont.

Bom AN, ff. A hobgoblin or kidnap,


Bombard, (1) ff. (fV.) A large

drinking can, made of leather.

(2) ff. A kind of cannon. Bom^

bardiUe, a smaller sort of bom.


(3) a£^. High-sounding, as Lom-

bard words, or bombard phrase.

Their bomkard pkrate, their foot mad

half foot words. B. J<m^ Art ^ p.

(4) ff. A musical instrumeot.

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[m. Cotton.

Bomb AMB-u AX, 9. One who ear-

hed oat liqaor.

With that tfaer VitoA'd Hrpoeriaie on

the pate, and nade raoa for a hamhmrd-

■aa, Uiat homght boofe (or a oountrr

ladj <v cvol B. J<m^ Luae Ratarei.

Bombards, «. Padded breeches.

BoM-BAJiuL, #. The long-tailed

titmouse. NorikampL



Hcer for onr fcod, miOkna of flov'rie


nith long mutachoes, ware vpon the

Heere UMfonnd fleeces, At for priaeet robcf»

In 9inui fmreata hang in liuen glohfs :

Hcer ■hmba d Malta (for my meaner use)

Tbc lae white balls of AomAaM do prodaca.


BovBAST, #. (Fr.) Cotton.

(2) 9. To stuff ont, which was

usaaUy done with cotton.

Isthis ttttin doablet to be bamiMted with

broken meat?

An mderstandinf lonle in a piroase

body, is like a p»d leg in a winter

boole; but a foolith opirit in swell fea-

tond body, ie like a miahapten ipindle-

tbanke in a hombasied aiocking.

Doiu'a PofydoroH, 16SI.

In the following passages we see

bow it became applied to writing:

Give me thoM linen (whose touch the skil-

fol ear to please)

ibat eliding slow in stste, like swelling


la winch things natnral be, and not in

Wsely wrong,

ibe loaDdtare fine and nnootii, the sense

ii fall and strong :

Hot b&miasted with words, vaia tieklish


Bat inch as may content the perfoet man

to read. i)n9^Pofyott., 8.zzi,p.l064.

Tq floorisk o're or hmmiast oat my stile

To makesnfh as not anderstand me amile.

Ta^lor't Motto, 1023.

(3)e. To beat; to baste.

I will so oodgeU and homhasU thee, that

tiion Shalt not be able to storre thyself.

Ptlu$ f^PUagmn, Sign. K, 8.

BoMBAzi, V. To confound; to

perplex. ilM.

BowBiLATioNy «. (la/.) A

roing noise.

Boif BLB-BBB, #. A hnmble-bee.

BoMBONB, 1 r. To hnm, as bees.

BOMMB, J " I bomme as a bom-

byll bee dothe, or any flye, jt

bruyi.** PaUgr^Bi.

BoMBswiBM, fltfn. Helter* skelter.


Bom NO, o^r*. Hanging down. So-

Bon, (1) «. A band.

(2) adj. for boMm, Prepared.

(3) adj. (^..iV.) Good.

(4) adj. Bound.

(5) s. Bane ; destruction.

BoNABLB, adj. Strung ; able.

BoNAiR, ^at^. {A^S.) Civil;

BONBBB, J courtly ; gentle.

BoNA-BOBA, s. (ItaL) A courtezan.

BoNA-socf A, ff. A good companion.

See Bom^weio.

Tosh, the knaves keepers ars my horn-

9oda$ and my pensioners.


BoNCB, ff. A kind of marble.

BoNCHsr, ff. {A.-N.) Prosperity ;

the opposite of mischief, misfor-


BoNCHBN,e. To beat; to thump.

Bond, s. (1) Bondage.

(2) A band.

BoNOAOBB, ff. A cottager, or ser-

vant in husbandry, who hu a

house for the year at an under

rent, and is entitled to the pro-

duce of a certain quantity of

potatoes. For these advantages

be is bound to work, or find a

substitute, when called on, at a

fixed rate of wages, lower than

is usual in the country. North.

BoNDBFOLK, ff. Scrfs, or villains.

And fortherover, tber ss the lawe sayth,

that tcmporel goodes of bomde/olk been

the goodes oi her lordes.

Ckmuc», Fermmu T

BoNDBKAK, ff. {J.'S.) A husband-


BoNDBNB,ii4r* Bound.





BoNDBUs, «. Binding stones.

Bond-land, s. Old cultivated or

yard lands, as distinguished from

assart. Sussex,

BoNDT, #. A simpleton. Yorksh,

BoNm, (1) adj, (A.-N.) Good.

(2) adj. for boun. Ready.

(3) s. {J.'S,) A petition ; a com-


(4) 9. To seize ; to arrest

(5) 9. To draw a straight line

from one point to another by

means of three upright sticks;

a term in land surveying.

(6) V. To steal privately.

BoNB-ACB, s, " A game at cards

called one and thirtiei or bone-

ac€" Florio,


««J- «wTl M« Lues venerea.


BoNR-CART, (1) s. The body.

(2) V, To carry on the shoulder

articles more fitted from their

vreight to be moved in a cart.

BoNK-CLBANER, t. A scrvant.


RoNE-DRY, adj. Thoroughly dry.

BoNB-FLowKR, #. A dalsy. North.

BoNB-HosTEL, s. A good lodging.

BoNE-LACE, s. Lace worked on

bobbins, or bones.

Thy bnnd which thow did use to weare,

Which was scarce washd id. times a yeare,

Is turned nowe to cambiicke cieare.

With broad hoHekte* up to the eare.

MS. Unai., Ml.

BoNE-LAZT, adj. Excessively indo-


Boneless, t. A description of

goblin, or ghost.

Bonbnf.. gen. pi, of bones.

BonbrbtI, s, (A"N.) Gentleness.

Bones, «. (1) Dice.

And on the borda he whyrled a payre of


Quater treyedewthe clatered as he wente.

SkeUo»*s fTorh, i,4&.

(2) Bobbins for making lace.


(3) The carcase of a hog is di-

vided into — 1, the flick, or outer

fat. which is cured for bacon;

and 2, the bones^ or the rest.

(4) To make no bones of a thing,

to make no difficulty about it.


BoNBSEiTBB, t. (1) A rough trot-

ting horse. South.

(2) A doctor.

BoNB-SHAVE, t. The sciatica. The

peasantry in Exmoor have the

following charm against the bone^


Bone-ahme right,

Bone-ahave stmi^t,

As the water runs by the stave,

Good for bone-thme.

The patient must lie on his back on the

bank of a river or brook of water, with

a straight staff by his side, between

him and the water, and must hare the

foregoing words repeated over him.

BoNB-soRB, adj. Very idle. West.

BoNET, (Fr.) s, A small cap worn

close to the head.

BoNETTA, s, A kind of sea-fish.

BoNEY, s. A cart-mare. Suffolk.

BoNGAiT, V. To fasten. Cumb,

BoN-ORACB, It. (Fr.) A border

BONDGRACB, J attached to a bon-

net or hat to defend the com-

plexion ; a shade for the face.

'' ComettCf a fashion of shadow,

or boonegrace^ used in old time»

and at this day by some old wo-

men." Cotgrave.

Her bonffraee, which she ware with her

French hode,

Whan she wente onte alwayea, for aonne


Tke Pardoiur and the I^«, 15S3.

Tod. Tou think me a very desperate man.

I»ah. Whyso, sirP

Tod. For coming near so bright a sun aa

you are without a parasol, umbrellia, or

a bondgmce.

DtuauaU, Tha Man*s the Matter, 1669.

In this hot quarter women wear maalu^

fous, &c. &c., and children hongrace* to

keep their fsoes from being sun-burat,

because beauty is delightful to all peo.

pie. ^oor £oH», \T^





BosTBomffc, «. A priett.

Bonis, «. A blow orwoand. Giyen

by Kennett it tn Essex word.

BoKifT, V. (Xtf/.) To convert into


BoNiTo, 9. A kind of tnnny-fish*

BoKiTT, #. {Lai.) Goodness.

Bo!f KB, «. A btnk ; a height

BoMKUL, ttdj, (1) Lnrge; strap-

ping. Ea»L

(2) V. To oatdo mother in feata

of Agility. Sma»ex.

BoNKXT, t. A hackle-bone.

BoNKKA, md}. Very Urge. Ernes,

BoifKAOHT, #. A tax formerly paid

to the lord <tf the manor in Ire-


BoKHBTs, #. Small sails.

BoNNiBBi, #. A handsome girl.

BoNNiLASs, «. A beautiful maid.


BoioiiLT, adv. Pretty welL NorilL

BoNmr, ttt^. (1) Brisk ; cbeerfuL

(2) Good; pretty. North.

BoNNT-oLABBBR, 9. Cfeam gone

thick; bnttermilk.

BoNNT-GO, o^. Frisky. Wight.

BoNOMABLT, odv. Abominably.

Ptti^$ Worka, ui, 88.

BoN-socio, la. (//a/.) A good

■ONo-sociOy j companion } a good


pCQce to KifUey, whert ftrs Boaotnas

|tctp74kraitniBf , llTdj iwukXMnm,

Baii>¥ hilU, and barren TaUict i

Jet io«-MCM# and good feUowt j

{oml. joeiind, jolly bovlert,

^ they wen the world's eoatrovlers.

Dnmkm BmnuAg.

BoKsoum, s. {A.'N.) A Tault.

ne tetias com oat of the didie.

Of rede gold y-arched riche;

The hotmmr vaa avowed al

Of ich naaer dhrera animal.

Sir Orpkeoy ed, Lmmp, 88S.

BoNTBToua, mg. Bounteous.

BoMTuio, t. A binding; curred

bin of iron placed round ofens

and furnaces to prevent their

iwdling otttwarda.

BoNVs ifocBBs, 9. A comiptton of

the Spanish words ^ncnot nocAct,

good night.

BoNWOBT, 9. The lesser daisy.

BoNx, 9. To beat up batter for

puddings. Asrjr.

BoNT, ff. A swelling on the body

from pinching or bruising. Pr.P.

Boo, (1) 9. A bough.

(2) adj. Both.

(3) V. To roar ; to make a noise

like cattle. North.

BooBT-HUTCH. A eovercd carriage

or seat oontriTcd clumsily. J5Ssff.

Boon, jrret. t. Abode.

BooDGB, V. To stuff bashes into a

hedge. Her^.

Boonisa, t. "Broken pieces of

earthenware or glass used by

children for decorating a play-

house, called a boody~hou9tt made

in imitation of an ornamental

cabinet." Broekeit.

BooDLB, 9. The com marigold.

Boor, a4f' Stupid. Lhte.

BoooTB, «. Bigness. Yori9h.

Book, 9. This term was applied to

anything in writing, sometimes

even to a grant. '* There is order

for the passing of a ^oo* of £2W

land." Letter dated 1603.

BooKBOLDBB, t. A promptCT.

vnx^tuMot. HethRtteUetbthepiayera

their pari when they are out, and have

foncotten: the prompter, or books-

kotdtr. NoM€nelator, l&bS.

Booking, t. A chastising. South,

BooKBMAN.a. A clerk or secretary.

Bool, v. To bawl.

BooLK, tr. To abuse. Suffolk.

Boom, t. A term for a stake placed

at the margin of deep channels

to warn boats from the mud.


Booubb, «. Smuggled gin. Brock.

Boon, (1) a^j. {Fr.) Good; lair.

(2) t. A bone.

(3)/Nirf. 0. Going. North.

(4) o. To mend the highways.

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(5) V, To glide tlong.

The flnt of them booming by himielfe

before the wind, with hit flag in the

maine-top, and all hia aaylea gallantly

spread abroad, after him came the

admirall and the vice-adminill, and

after them two more, the reare-admirall

and his fellow. Taylor'* Worka, 1630.

BooNCH, V. To irritate ; to make

angry. Leie.

Boon-days, s. The days on which

tenants are bound to Vork for

their lord gratis. North, Going

to assist a neighboiir gratuitously

is called booning in the Midi C.

Boons, «. (1) Fowls. Yorkth,

(2) Rates for repairing the roads,

the surveyor of which is called a

boon-master, JAnc.

Boon-Wain, 9. A kind of waggon.

Boor, t. (A.-S. bur.) A parlour ;

an inner room. North.

BooRD, V. To board.

BooRo, "I (1) *. {A.'N.) A jest.

BOVRDB, J See Baurde.

(2) ». (from Fr. aborder.) To

attack ; to board ; to accost.

"Ext kmg with like again he boorded me.

^w«.,F. C..II,iv,24.

Philautus taking Camilhi by the hand,

and aa time served began to board her

on this maimer. Svph, B»gl. P., 4^ b.

(3) To border, or form a boun-


Boord's-bkd, «. The head of the


Ebriscna cannot eat, nor looke, nor taOce,

If to the boord's-end he be not nromoted.

Daviet, Scourge of F^Uy, 1611.

BooRSLAPS, ff. A coarse kind of


BoosB, t. {J.'S. botfff bong.) A

stall for cattle. Booty, the

trough out of which cattle feed.

Booty-poHure^ the pasture con-

tiguous to the boose. Booting'

gteket the post to which they are

fastened. North,

Boosening, v. a method of curing

mad people by immersion. Brandos

Pop. Jntiq.,'i\\, 149.

BoosHyV. TogoreasabolL We$t,


BoosoN, 1 #. A trough or siro-

BUS HON, Vger for cattle. Leie.

BooziNOfi, J and Wqrw.

BoosTERiNO, part. a. Sweating

at work; working so hard tliRt

you perspire. Exmoor.

BoosY, adj. Intoxicated.

Boot, (1) s. {A.-S.) Help; raato.

ration ; remedy.

(2) t. (A.-S.) A boat.

{^)pret.t. of bite. Bit.

(4) t. A kind of rack or torture

for the leg.

(5) «. Surplus ; profit.

BooTCATCHER, «. Thc persoii at

an inn whose doty it is to pull

off the boots of passengers.

BooTED-coRN, #. Com imper.

fectly grown, so that the ear re-

mains partly enclosed in the

sheath. South,

BooTHALiNO,t. Freebooting; rob-


— Well, Don John,

If yon do spring a leak, or get an itch.

'Till ye claw off your cnrPd pate* u&aiJc

your night walks,

You must be atill a boot^Ui^.

B. taU Fl., CkmHcea, i, 4,

BooT-RALER, t. A fireelKMter. CoU

grave explains pieoreur to be

** a boot-baler (in a friend's coun^

try), a ravening or filching %ouU


Sir, captain, mad Mary, the gull mi

own father (dapper air Dnrj), |a,j

these London boot-hakrs, the catcli*

poles, hi ambush to set upon me.

BooTHXR, #. A bowl-shaped harci

flinty stone. North,

BooTHYR, «. A small ship lifted 01

rivers. Pr. Part,

Booting, t. (i) A robbery.

(2) A mock ceremony of pu]iiab<

ment among boys in Nortbamn.


BooTiKO-coRN, t. A kind of reot^


BooTNE, *- (A.-S.) To xeston^

to remedy. -





Biynde and bcd-reden

Were AoeAMtf a thoiuaade.

BooTT, V. To pUy bootr, an old

tenn at cards, to allow one's

advenary to win at fint in order

to induce him to continue playing


Bop, 9. To dip ; to duck. Emt.

Bo-PBEF, t. A childish game, not

uafreqacntly mentioned in old

writen, and sometimes called bO'


Akoat the arefaei Hmms dotk play I0-

Whii any Trqjaa or eli merry Oreeke.

The NoM MetamorpkoMt 1900.

Boa, 1.(^.-5:) A boar.

BoRACBio, a. (Span,) (1) A bottle

or ?easel made of a pig's skin, with

the hair inward, dressed in-

vsrdly with resin and pitch to

^p wine or liquor sweet.

(2) RguratiTely, a drunkard.

BoaAs, f. (^.-iV.) Borax.

Golde adder, of some it is called bcrtu

or ereene eajlh, whereof there be two

lmaes,iiatiinli and artifieiafl. Nomenct.

BoaAscoxa, #. Storms of thmider

sod lightning.

BoaATOB,t. Bomhasin.

BoRD,«.(l)(^..Ar.) A border.

(2)(4.-&) Aboard-

BoRDAOK. 8. A bord4HafpenDy.

BoRDE, *. (A^.) A tabU, which

was made by placing a be«rd

upon trestles. Hence, ioorc/ and

lodging. *• To b<^n the borde,"

totske the principal plaoeat table.

The Uble-doOi was called the

BoRDEL,*. (jr..JV:) AbrotheL

Heladde hire to the iordst thoo»

Ifowmidir ia thoote arhe be wo.


Theaaaeiehal the aan teDe pieynly,

^ alte the eireanutaiuieea, and whe-

wer he bare ayaaed with commune

toriial vommaa or noon, or dooa hla

"y»M m holy tyme or noon.

CUuett, Ftnmtm T.

That the woemea that ben at eomnon

hordeU be ieyn every day what thev be,

and a woman that liveth by hir Ixxlly to

er»me and to po, ao that she paie kir

dutie aa ohle custume ia.

MggnUtim§ <^tk$ Sttwt, ISM etmL

BoR]>vLL,#. A border.

BoRDiLLKB, #. The keeper of a


Bordello. {ItaL) A brotheL

~ Worn the windmilt!

Vrom the hord^lo, it mi|;ht come aa well.

B. Jmu., Enry Mmm m Aw H., i. 8.

Also crept into all the atewea. all the

hraOicll-lMaaea, and burdeliotM of luW.

Coryt,nA ii,p.lf».

BoKDEKED, adj. Restrained. Shah,

BoKD-HALFPENNT, #. Moucy paid

in fairs and markets for setting

up ubies, bwdt, and stalls.

BoBDJOun, #. {A.'N,) A jester.

B0RDLAND8, #. Lands appropri-

ated by the lord for the support

of his Uble.

BoRDOUR, s. Apparently a piece of

armour attached to the cuirass.


BoRORAOiNO, a. Ravsging on the

borders. See Bodrag,

BoRD-rou. A phrase used by one

harTcst man to another, when the

latter is drinking, meaning that

be may ha?e the next torn.


BoRDRS, t. {A.~N. h€hordei$.)


Bore, (1) part.p. Born.

(2) a. A kind of cabbage. Tutter.

(3) s. An iron mould used for

making nails. Shropth.

(4) a. A pore.

(5) •• A tiresome fellow.

(6) a. The head or 6rst 6owing of

the water, seen at spring tides in

the river Parret, for a few miles

below and at Bridgewater, and

also in some other rivers. The

epithet <*Boria]l stremys" is

applied to the Thames in ReKq.

Antiq., i, 206.

Boreal, a^. (Lai.) Northern.





BoRBCOLE, s. A species of cabbftg«.

BoREEi §, A sort of dance, in

▼ogue at the beginning of the

18th century.

BoRBL, If. A species of coarse

BUREL, J woollen cloth, generally

of a grey or grizzly colour, and

applied in a secondary sense to

laymen, in contradistinction from

the clergy. The term borelfolk

and borel men, is yery common

in Old English poetry. It thus

became used in the sense of illi-

terate. The third of our quota-

tions contuns a pun upon the


And tbanne shal bwrd derkes ben


To blame yow or to grcTe,

And carpcn noght a« thri carpe now,

Vt caile yow doumbe houndes.


For, sire and dame, trustith me right wel.

Our oriioans ben more efiectuel.

And more we se of Ooddis 8err6 thinges.

Than horel folk, although that thay ben

kingca. Chaueer, C. T., 7461.

And we see by experience in trarell the

mdenesie and siniplicit; of the people

that are seated fer North, which no

dottbt is intimated by a vulgar speech,

when we say such a man hath a borreU

wit, aa if we said horetde ingemum.

Tk4 Optick GUuM 1^ Human, 16S9, p. S9.

BoRELY, \adj. Large; strong;

BORLiCH, J burly.

BoREsoN, «. A badger.

BoRFESiB. See Berfrey.

BoROEON, V. {A.'N.) To bud.

Thus Cham his broode did horgeon ftxtt,

and held the worlde in awe.

Wamei't JOiotu BngUmd, 1693.

BoROH, «. {A.-S,) A pledge.

BoROHEOANO, «. (A,'S.) A duty

for leave to past through a

borough town.

BoRBAiflB,«. A flounder. North.

BoRiTH, §. An herb used to take

out stains.

BoRJouNE,«. A bud. SeeBoryeoii*

BoRUER, 9. A clothier.

Borne, (1) «. A stream ; a burn.

(2) V. To bum.

(3) 9. To burnish.

Born-fool, 8, An idiot.

BoROW,#. A tithing. "That which

in the West countrey was at that

time, and yet is, called a tithing,

is in Kent termed a borowJ*


BoRowAGE, 9, Borrowing.

BoROWE, (1) #. {A,.S,) A pledge ;

a surety.

This was the flrst aonne of shephenl's


That now nill be quit with bale nor horrov.


(2) 9. To be a pledge for another.

BoROWEBODE, i. Suretyship.

BoRREL. 8, (1) A borer or piercer.

(2) A play-feUow.

BoKKiD.adJ. ABOwmttritappetmM,

BoRRiBR, I. An auger.

BoRRow.PENCE,«. A term formerly

given to ancient coins in Kent.

BoRSB, I. A calf six months old.


BoRSESf part, p. Burst.

BoRSHOLDBR, «. A sort of consta.


BoRSOM, 04^*. Obedient; buxom.

Borstal, 8. ''Any seat on the side

or pitch of a hill.*' KennetL The

term is still universally current

in Sussex, applied to the nume.

roos roads or pathways leading

up the steep ascents of the whole

line of South Downs from Ea^t.

bourne to Midhurst.

BoRSTAX, I. A pick-axe.

BoRflTEN,/^aW.j». Burst, niptared.


BoRWAOB, 9. A surety.

BoRWE, (1)9. A town ; aboroogh.

(2) 8. A bower; a chamber.

(3) 8, A pledge; a surety.

Thanne Melib6 took hem up fVo tlte

ground fnl benignely, and resceyrcd

Sere obligadouna, and here bondes, bj

here othes upon here pleggcs and borwe*^

and assigned kem a certeya day ui

retoume lutto his court

(4) V. To give security ; U> bail^

to borrow.





(5) V, (^.-5.) To tare ; to gnard.

I Bc^,«. A game, mentioned in Moor's

Suffolk Words.

BosAEDB, «. (1) A buzsard; a

worthless bawk.

(2) A worthless or useless fellow.

Bosc, §. (/^..AT.) A bosh.

RoscAGK, (1) 9. (A^N.) A wood.

(2) The food which wood and

trees vield to cattle.

(3) Boscage> or leaf-work, in


BoacBAiLX, «. (^.-iV.) A thicket ;

a wood.

Boscena, t. Bushes.

Boas, (1) jiret. /. It behoTCi.

(2) I. /i hollow.

BossTf , «. A badger. North*

BosB,(l)«. A dash, or show. Eat.

(2) 9. Nonsense. A word derived

firom the Turkish.

BosHBS, 9. '*The bottom of the

furnace in which they melt their

iron ore, the sides of which for-

nace descend obliquely like the

hopper of a mill.'' Ketmett,

BosHOLDBR, «. The chief person in

an ancient tithing of ten families.


BosKB, 9. A bush.

BosKJED. See ButJte,

BosKT, adj. (I) Drunken. From


(2) Busby.

Bosom, (1) v. To eddy. Yori9h,

(2)«. Adesire;awish. 5Aa4;.

Boson, «. A boatswain.

Boss, (1) 9, A protuberance.

(2) V. To emboss; to stud.

(3) 9. A stone placed at the in-

tersection of the ribs of a vault.

(4) 9. A head or reservoir of


(5) V. To throw. &i99est,

(6) a. A hassock. North,

(7) 9. A hood for mortar. EoMt

(8) 9. A large marble. fFarw,

(9) «. A master, or he who can

beat and overcome another.


BosctAOB, a. The projecting work

in building.

BossocK, (1) «{f- Large; coarse;


(2) 9.' To tnmble clumsily.

BossocKiNo, odj. The same at


Boss^vT, 9. A game at marbles,

also called ^ott mul ^pan.

BossT, adj, (1) Thickset; corpu-

lent. North.

(2) Convex.

Bossy- CALF, a. A spoilt child.


BosT, (1) I. Boast; pride.

(2) pret. t. Burst. Wnt.

(3) adj. Embossed.

BosTAL. See Bor9tal.

BosTANCB. a. Boasting; bragging.

BosTB, 9. To menace.

And that he wnt threatened and hotted

with proud words jriren by the Coivills.

Sawet Corr*$p<mde»cc, 16M.

BosTBN, 9. (i^..5.) To boast.

BosTLTB, adv. Boasting. Gaw,

BosTUs, adj. Boastful ; arrogant.

BosvEL, I. A species of crowfoot.

BoawBLL, f. Some part of a fire*

grate. Suffolk.

Box, (1) f. A boat.

(2) 9. A but.

{y)pret. t. Bit.

(A)pret.t. Bought. Dewm.

(5) conj. Unless.

(6) adj. Both.

(7) a. A botcher. TbriaA.

(8) a. A sword ; a knife.

BoTANO, a. A kind of blue linen.

BoTABOE, la. A kind of salt cake,

BOTABGO, J orrat)iersausage,made

of the hard roe of the sea mullet,

eaten with oil and vinegar, but

chiefly used to promote drinking.

Becanae be was naturally flegmatic, he

began his men] with some doxens of

gHmmous, dried neats' tongues, boiargot,

•attsages, and such mher ftiremnners of

wiue. BabelaiSt B. i, ch. 21.

Botch, a. (1) A thump. Su99ejp.

(2) An inflamed tumour. North* •

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(3) A badly done patch.

Botch BRY,«. Patchwork; a clnmsy

addition to a work.

Botch ET, 9, Small beer mead.


BoTCBMENT, I. An addition.

Bote, (1) pret, t, of bite. Bit;

wounded ; ate.

(2)#.(^.-S.) Help; remedy; sal-


(3) V. To help.

(4) adj. Better.

BOTELER. 1 ^l,„^,^^^


BoTBif AT, 9. Bitumen.

BoTENE> V. To button.

BoTKVY sQj 9. {A.'S.) Help; assist.


BoTE-RAiL, 9. A horizontal rail.


150TESCARL, 9. A boatswaiu.

BoTEws, I. A sort of large boot,

reaching up to or above the knee.

BoT-FORKB, 9. A crooked slick.

Moil in the mone stoiid nut etrit,

On it hoifork* it burthen he bcreth.

Lyrie Poetry, p. 110.

BoTHAN, 9. A tumour. Devon.

BoTHE, «. A booth; a shop where

wares are sold.

Both EM, i. A watercourse.


Bother, (1} v. To teaze ; to annoy.

(2)ffen.pL Of both.

Bothering, «« A great scolding.


Bo-THRV8H,«.The squalling thmsh.


BoTHUL, 9. The name of a flower.

Pr. Parv.

BoTHUM, I. (1) Bottom.

(2) (A.^N.) A bud.

BoTiNG, 9. {I) (A.'S.) Assistance.

(2) «*Encrese yn byynge." Pr.


BoTMB, 9. Bottom. Pr. Parv.

BoTON, 9. A button.

BoTOR, 9. (A.'N.) A bustard.

Ther was Tenuoan of hert tnd bon,

Swannet, pecoket, and Mors.

Arthour and Merlin, p. 116.

He brojt a heron with a poplere.

Curlews, hoinn, bothe in fere.

MS, Cantab., Tt. r, 48, 1 49.

BoTRACBs, I. A sort of frogs, said

to be venomous.

BoTRABEN, r. To make buttresses.

Botr£, 9. A buttery.

BoTS, 9. Small worms which breed

in the entrails of horses ; a term

applied by gardeners in someparts

to all underground worms.

BoTTA, adj. Proud, pert ; assuming

consequential airs. Norf.

BoTTB, {l)pret. t. of bUe, Bit.

(2) 9. A bat ; a club.

Bottle, «. (i) A small cask, used

for carrying liquor to the fields.

(2) {Fr, hotel, boteoM.) A bundle,

more especially of hay or straw.

Bottle9t little bundles. Leie.

(3) A bubble. Somer9et.

(4) A round moulding.

(5) iA.-S. botL) A seat, or chief

mansion house.

(6) A pumpion. Devon,

(7) The dug of a cow. Ea»t.

Bottle-bird, 9. An apple rolled up

and baked in paste. Ea9t.

BoTTLB-BVMP, «. Thebittem. East.

BoTTLE-FLOwrER,«.Tlie blue-bottle,

a flower growing among wheat.

BoTTLE-HEAD, 9. A fool.

BoTTLE-Jvo, 9. The long-tailed

titmouse. Leic.

Bottle-nose, 9. A porpoise. East.

BoTTLB-NOSBD, 9. Haviug R large


Bottle-tit, 9. The long-tailed tit-

mouse. Northamp.

BoTTLB-up,9. To preserve in one's

memory ; to keep secret.

Bottom, (1) «. A ball of thread.

(2) 9. A vessel of burden.

(3) 9. The posteriors.

Bottombr, I. llie man who con.

veys the produce of a mine frr>iii

the first deposit to the shaft.

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243 BOU

B«TTOMiicG-TooL, 9. A D«rrow,

coocare ihovei used by drainert.

wm-oM-wiKB, 9. A particular mo-

tion of the water obMrred in


fiflTraT, adj. Short, stunty, applied

to trees. Norihamp,

MrraT-TEtt, ». An elder tree.

^, «&'. Proud- Sn^olk.

°^. t. A butty ; a partner. -PflZt-

BoccE^AXE, I. (^.-M) An ancient

^ in cookery.

S^KtJtM. Take gode eovemylk, and

^ liic in a pot, and sethe hit. and Uke

*^ panel, yaope, and aarory. and

2^ gode hcrbea, and sethe hom and

^ ran amalk. and do bom in the pot ;

Imh take bennes. or capons, or chckyns ;

*«a tbai brn half nwted, take hom of

^ mii^ and amyte bnm on peeea, and

w ^'betto, and jrat therto pynea and

^>;Bgcs of corance, and let hit boyle,

^ wre fait forthe.

Warmer, Antiq. CvUn.^ p. 66.

BoBCHABT, 9. A name for a hare.

JoccHrr, f. (Fr.) A kind of pear.

J^B, t. (Fr.) To pout.

wcDCB, ». To budge ; to move.


^tJcr, #. A louse. Wore.

^trF?K,f. Belching. SJthmer,

^t^CB, ». (1) A cask. The term is

applied to the round swelling part

^* ctsk, in Sussex.

(2) (Fr.) An allowance of meat

^ drink to an attendant in the

^'^rt, termed indiscriminately

J«Kft, bovffe, or bcwge^ of court,

"&»?« qfecurte, whyche was a

"erye of meate and dryncke,

SorteUa." Huhet. In the ordi.

^eet made at Eltbam, in the

J?th of Henry VIII, under the

title bouehe cfeovrt, the queen's

ttaid» of honour were to have,

" for thdre ^oiicA in the morning,

^ chet lofe, one manchet, two

pUons of ale, dim' pitcher of

wine." *' Avoir bouehe ^ court,

to eat and drink scoUfree,to have

hudge-a-eouri, to be in ordinary

at court." Cotgrave, v. bouekt.

What is yonr bntiDcaif— JV: To fetch

boudge of eomrt, a parcel of inrisible

bread, &c. B. Jon., Muq. qfAugur§,

They had h<mek of court (to wit, meat

and drink) and great vagea of sixpence

by the day.

SUm^s Swvtg 9fUmim.

(3) «. To project. IMe,

(4) " To make a bouge," to com-

mit a gross blunder, to get a

heavy fall.

(5) 9. To bulge, to swell out.


(6) 9. To prepare a ship for the

purpose of sinking it.

(7) «. A small beetle. Lnc,

BouGBRON, «. (Fr.) Abardash.

BouGBT, f. A budget.

BouoH-RousBS, I. Private houses

allowed to be open during fairs

for the sale of liquor.

BotJGHRBLL, 9. A kind of hawk.

Bought, i. (^.-i\) A bend;

joint; applied particularly to the

curve of a sling where the missile

was placed.

Bougbt-bbkad, 9. Bakers' bread.


BouGiLL, *. A bugle-horn.

Bouoova, #. (Fr.) A bardash.

BouGT, 9. {Ft.) a small candle.

BouKE, (1) 9, (A.-S.) The bulk;

the body; the interior of a


(2) V. (-^.-S.) To buck or wash


(3) *. A pail. North.

(4) 9. The box of a wheel


(5) 9. A bolt. North.

BouKBD, adj. Crooked.

BouL, 9. An iron hoop. JJne*


small wooden stakes made again

the sea. Su99ex.

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BoULTE, V. [A.'S.) To aift.

BouLTBD-BREAD, 9. Bread made

of wheat and rye.

Boulter, «. (1) A person who sifts.

(2) A sieve for meal. " A meale

sive : a boulter : a serse." Nomen*


Bocltino-cloth, i, A cloth for

straining. " Estamine. A strainer

of hairy doth : a bouUing cloth."


BouLTiNo-HUTCH, «. The wooden

receptacle into which the meal

was sifted.

Boumbt, adj. Embalmed.

BouN, (1) a^. {A.'8.) Ready;


(2) V. To dress; to make ready;

to prepare.

(3) f. A woman's garment.

Bounce, «. The larger dogfish.

BouNCBiNo, adj* Bending or


Bouncing, oiff. Large.

Bound, (1) adj. Sure ; confident.

(2) adj. Apprenticed.

(3) 9, A boundary mark.

Bounds, 9. (A,'S.) A husband.

Bounder, 9, A boundary; a limit.

Bounding, «. Perambulating the

bounds of the parish.

Bound-stone, ». A boundary stone.

The term occurs in a charter

relating to Poole, co. Dorset,

temp. Hen. VHI.

BouNG, 9, A purse. An old slang


Bounty, #. (A,.N.) Goodness.

BouNTEvoua,! ,.



Mine, qaoth the one, ii of a loumiwiu


And in the tavernewill bedrunkeaUnieht,

Spending meet larithlv he knowet not what.

IhwloHdt, Iiuue ofSpada, 1618.

BouNTT-DAT9,i. Holidays onwhich

provision was given to the poor.


BouR, 9. {J,»S,) A bower; a


BouRAM, *. A sink. York9h.

BouRDE, (1) 9. {A.'N.) A game ; a


(2) V. To jest; to jape; to de-


Where words may win good wil.

And boldnesee beare no bluue«

Why should there want a face of brasse

To bourd the braTeat dame f

TurbervUU, Epig. and SontuUei, 1569.

BouRDER,«. A jester.

BOURDINGLT, odv, lu SpOlt.

Bourdon, «. (A.-N,) A sUfT.

BouRDONASSE, 9, (fV.) A sort of

ornamented staff.

Their men of armes were all barded and

famished with brare plumes, and goodly


Daiut't Drmd. qfFk. de Cominet.

BouRDOUR, 9. (1) A pensioner.

(2) A circlet round a helmet.

Bourgeon, p. {A,-N,) To bud;

to sprout.

Bourrolm, 9, The burdock.

Bourmaidnr, 9. {A.'S.) A cham*


Hail be te, nonnes of seint Man hovwe,

Goddea iourmttidnet and his owen spousr.

Reliq.Jntiq^ li, 175,

Bourn, 9. (I) (A.-S.) A brook ; 1


(2) A boundary, or limit

(3) Yeast. Exmoor.

Bournbde, aty. Burnished.

BouRT, 9. To offer; to pretend


Bous, 9. A box; a chest. Yort^h,

Bouse, «. Ore as drawn from th*

mines. Small ore, as waahed hi

the sieve, is called botue-tmiiheii





To drink,

cant term.

An ol

Boasus will boio$e, and bragget be cim on


(Or make them deadly dmnke) an Ikmu

of men ;

When he is foxt he plates the ball an


And nitikea all men and women feare hU

thcji. Dtme$, Seomgt qf F^lf, 16 1 1

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BoirsTOvs, ^. Impetooot.

Boot, (l)t. A batch.

(2}«. A tiini;ago; a Mt^toat


(3)eoii;. Bot.

(4) prtp. Without ; except.

BouTKrau, «. (fV.) An iDcendiary.

BuuT-HAMiiSR. The heaTT two-

handed hammer used hj black-

smiths. Eati.

BouT-HOusK, adv. On the ground;

aoTwhere. Wtght.

BoDTisAi.By i. A sale at a cheap


BoQziKo.CAM» s, A drinking


BoTATs, t. As much land as one

▼oke of oxen can reasonably cul-

tirate in a year.

BorB,pre>p. Above.

BovERT, #. (^.- A".) A young ox.

BovoLt, t. {liaL) A kiod of snails

or periwinkles, used as deli-


Bow, (I) f. A Toke for oxen.

(2)«. A nosegmy. N.R. Yorkth.

(3)«. A bow's length.

(4)#. A boy.

t5) f. A small arched bridge.


(6) i. An arch or gateway.

Bow-BELL, 9. One bom within the

sound of Bow bells.

Bow-BOT, t. A scarecrow. Kent,

Bowcaa, i. The barsar.

BowDiKiTE, «. A contemptuous

name for a mischicTOUs child ; an

insignificant or corpulent perwn.


BowDLKD.ai^'. Swelled out; ruffled

with rage.

BowE, (1 ) V. To bend ; to bow.

(2) t. A bongh ; a branch.

BowsLL-HOLB, «. A Small aper.

ture in the wall of a bam for

giving light and air. North.

BowxN, «.(!) A narrative.

(2) Early or half-cured sprats are

called bowm sprats.

Bowaa,,.(^..5.) A chamber.

BowiRixoB, 9. The part of a tree

consisting of the boughs.

BowBRLT, Afr* Tail; handsome.


Bowers, 1 «. Tonng hawks, be-

BOWVT8, V fore they are branch-

BowxasBS, J era.

BowKTT, 9. Linsey.wolsey. North.

Bow-HAND, 9. The left hand. To

be too much of the bow-hand, to

fail in a design.

BowHAWLERff. A man who draws

barges along the Severn.

BowiB-FRAMB, 9. A pbrsse ap-

plied to toads when together.

Fairfax, Bulk and Selvedgo t(f

the World, 1674, p. 130.

BowiT, 9, A lanthorn. North.

Bowk, (1) adj. Crooked. North.

(2) 9. An article used in the

shsft of a coalpit.

Bowk* IRON, 9. The circular piece

of iron lining the interior of a

wheel. Weot.

Bow-KiTT, 9. A sort of large can

with a cover. Yorhh.

Bow-knot, 9. A large, loose knot.

Bowl- ALLEY, 9. A covered space

for the game of bowU, instead of

a bowling green.

BowLiNo-MATCH, 9. A game vrith

stone howls, played on the high-

way from village to village. North.

BowLTBLL, 9. A kind of cloth.

BowN, adj. Swelled. Noff.

BowNDYN, adj. Ready ; prepared.


bourns, battell, or merestafe, or stone,

JmUarim. Huioet.

Bow-NBT, «. A sort of net for

catching fish, made of twigs

bowed together.

Bow-POT, \9. A flower-pot for

BOUOH-poT, J a window. We9t.

BowRB, 9. To lodge. S^etu.

BowRES, 9. A dish in old cookery.

Bowsing, 9. A term in hawking,

an insatiable desire for drink.

BowsoM, 04^'. Buxom; obedient.

Bow9omne9y obedience.

Digitized by V^OOQ IC




B0W88BN, 9. To dip in water, to

drench or soak.

B0W8TAYE8, s. Staves for bowi ?

Bowar, adj, (1) Bloated by


(2) Urge;bii1kT. Beri$.

BowT, #. (1) (JFV.j The tip of the


(2) Part of an angler's ap-


BowTEL, 9. A convex moulding.

Bow-WEBD, 9. Knapweed.

Bow-woWi 9. A servile attendant.

Poore anbegotten wether beaten Qualto,

an hob-hansom man, God wot, and a how-

wow to his lady and miitresse, Berving

a lady in Italy as a Tom dradge of the

pudding hoaie. Fhilotimus, 1683.

BowTVR, «. (1) A maker of bows.

^2) A small ship.

Box, (1) I. A blow.

(2)9. To strike.

(3) 9. A benevolent club, the

anniversary dinner of which is

called a boa -dinner. North.

(4) To " box the fox," to rob an

orchard. We9t.

(5) Box of a cow. A peculiar

meaning, apparently the wicket

of the belly. York9hire Ale,

p. 93.

(6) To he boxed about, to be

much discussed and talked of.

Fray be nleas'd to send mo your mind

about thia sermon: for Goodman

Staidman's child is to be christen'd

next Friday, and there it will be box'd

about; and I am in a prat quandary

about it. J}am§ HuddU't Letter, 1710.

Box-AKD-DicB, 9. A game of


Boz-BARROw, 9. A hand-barrow.


Box-HARRT, V. To be careful after

having been extravagant. Line.

Boxing, adj. Buxom. Line.

BoxiNO-DAT, 9. The day after

Christmas day, when people ask

for Christmas-boxes.

Box-iron, «. A flat-iron. Es«^ An

iron inclosed in a heater.

Bor-BLiND, adj. Undisceming, like


BoTDBKiN, 9. A dagger. See


BoYB, 9. {A.'S.) A lad servant.

B'oYB. Be wi' ye.

BoYKiN, 9. A term of endearment;

a little boy.

BoYLBs, 9. Lice. Line.

BoYLUM, 9. A kind of iron ore.

BoYLY, adv. Boyishly.

BoVs, #. {A.-N.) A wood.

BoYSHB, «. A bush.

BoYsiD, atff. Swelled.

BoYs'-LOYE, 9. Southernwood.


B0Y6TINO MILK, 9. Beestings ;

the first milk a cow gives aft«r


BoYRTONE, V. To cup. Pr. Pare.

BoYT, adj. Both.

BozzuM, 9. The yellow ox-eye.

BozzuM - CHUCKED, odj. Rcd-

cheeked. Weei.

B05R, V. To move; to rise, or go.

Braa, «. An acclivity. North,

Brab, 9. A bpike-naU. Yorkeh.

Braband, 9. Cloth of Brahank

Brabble, 9. To quarrel; to


Brabblement, 9. A quarrel.

Bra ceo, adj. Diligent ; laborious.


Brace, (1) 9. (A.-N.) Armour for

ttie arms.

(2) V. To embrace.

(3) 9. (A.'N.) An arm of the set.

(4) V. To brave a person; to


(5) 9. The clasp of a buckle.

(6) (Fr.) A piece of timber with

a bevil joint, to keep the parts of

a building together.

(7) 9. Warlike preparation.

Bracer, 1».(1) (-<^.- AT.) Armour

braser, J for the arms.

(2) {Fr. Bra98art.) A piece of

wood worn on the arm in playing

at ball or balloon.

Brach, 9. {A.'N.) A kind of small





scenting hoand. *' Catenas, •

▼err littdl hounde or kraehe, a

wbelpe."£^/. The word seems

at a late period to have lieen used

generally for a bitch. Brath was

the ancient Cornish name of the

masiiir dog.

There are ia Eagbnd and SootUad two

Linds of banTing-dog», and do «hrre

die m ihe worid : the first kind ia railed

time rmckt (Scotch), and this la a luou

Menting creature, both of mild bemta,

birds, and flsties alao, vhich he hid

tawog the rocks: thr female thrrcor in

Bag land ta called a irmche. A brnrk la a

naanerljF name for all hound-bitcbca.

GemUemoM** Beeremiiom, p. 27.

Bndk lfernaian,~the poor cur it ini boat-

Ami couple Cknrdervith the deepniuutb'd

inek. SktJketp^ Tarn, Skr. induct.

Ha' ye any krmtkes to apade.

B.mmdFl.,B€gga3^9Bm$k^m, 1.

BaACHicoumT, «. A horse with its

fore-legs bent naturally.


tbort-hand writer.

BaxciN'o, a. Cool, applied to the


BaAciN6-6iB.DLx, a. A kind of belt.

BaACK, (1) #. A break, or crack ;

a flaw.

Having a t^ngne aa nimble as his

needle, vith Mnrtie patches of glarering

flatterr. to atitch ap the hrtteka, he.

Jmtomo amd MelVida, 1603.

(2) I. A piece. Ketmett.

(3) «. Salt water ; brine ; some-

times, river-water.

Soffolke a annne halfe riaen from the iraek,

Norlolka a Triton on a dolphina backe.

DrmytotCi Pocmt^ p. 30.

Where, in dear zivers beauiifted with

The aber Naiadea bathe them in the hraek.

Uraytom^ Mmh m tJu Moom,

(4^ a. A sort of harrow. North.

W) V. To mount ordnance.

(6) «. A cliff or crag.

BnACK-BREED.a^^*. Tasted. ^orM.

BEACKXN.a. Fern. NortlL

BaACKBN-CLOca, I. A small brown

beetle found on fern.

BaAK£T-n0LBS, a. A trivet for

holding toast before the Are.


Bracklv, v. To break ; to crumble

to pieces. NorthanqfL

Bracklt, adj. Brittle. Staff.

BaACKwoRT, a. A small portion

of beer in one of its early stages,

kept by itself till it turned yellow,

when it was added to the rest.

Marriton*9 Deicr, of EngL

BRACONiKR,a. (Fr.) The bemer.

or man that held the hounds. At

present the term ^acoiiMJ#r is

applied in France to a poacker.

Brad, Mfj, (1) Spread out; ex-

tended. North,

(2)(W..5.) Roasted.

(3) Hot ; inflamed. North.

(4) a. A small nail without a head.

Braddir, atg. Broader.

^\'f ««,■;» \^J' ComforUbly

lllllll' f wimed. />,c«f.


Brade, (1) 9. {A.'S.) To pretend.

(2) V. To bray ; to cry.

l^)ttdj. Broad; large.

Brades, a. Necklaces, or hanging


Bradow, v. To spread ; to cover.


Brads, a. (1) Small nails.

(2) Money. £ifejr.

Bra EL, a. The back part of a


BRAFrAM. See Barfhame.

Brag, (I) adj. (from the Fr. v.

hragutr.) Brisk; spirited; proud.

It brought the spidrrt Mfcaine. kraa and bold.

Heyusood't Spider and Ft'u, 1556.

I vaa (the more foole 1; so proud and hra^j^

I sent to you against Si. James his faire

A tierce of elaret-wine, a frreui fat stai;. &r.

Uarringt., Ep., ii, 51.

(2) a. A ghost or goblin. North.

(3) a. An old game at cards.

Braoance, adj. Bragging. Tbtme-

ley Myst.

Braget, 1 a. a sort of beverage

BRAGOAT, V formerly esteemed in

BRAGOT, J Wales and the West

of England.





By me that knows not neck-beef from a


If or cannot relish hraaaat Trom ambrusi>>.

B. and T%., JUttU Thief, act 1.

7b make Bragottif. Take to z galons of

ale, iij potell of ^na wone, and lii

qaartia of honv, and putt tlierto canell

J. ii\). peper achori or long, 5. iig., enlin>

gHlc, f. {., and clo«78, t. j., and Kinjciver,

J.ij. MS.UlheeHt.

» The following it a later receipt

for making "braggef*:

lUce three or four gnlons of eood ale

or more at jon please, two uayea or

three after it it dented, and put it into

a pot bv itselfc, then draw forth a pottle

thereof, and put to it a quart of K^od

Knglish hony, and set them over the fire

in a reisell, and let them Imle fairc and

Boftly, and alwayet at any frmh nriseth

skunime it awny, and to clarifie it, and

when it 11 well clarified, take it off the

Are, and let it coole, and put thereto of

pepper a penny worth, cloves, mace,

ginger, nutmegs, ciuamon, of each two

penny worth, beaten to poia-der, stir

them well together, and act them over

the fire to boyle againe awhile, then

being milke-warme put it 10 the rett.

and stirre all together, and let it itand

two or three daiei, and put barme upon

it, and drink it at your pleasnrr.

Hmcn qf Health.

Braooable, adj. Poorly; indif-

ferent. Shropth.

Braggadocia, 9, A braggart.

Braogaty, adj. Mottled, like an

adder, with a tendency to brown.


Bragged, adj. Pregnant ; in foal.

Bragoer, 1«. a wooden bracket,

BRAOOBT, J or corbel.

Braooing-jack, t. A boaster.

•* Thrato, a vaineglorious fellow,

a craker, a boaster, a bragging-

Jaeke." Nomenclator.

Braggle, v. To poke about. West.

Bra OGLED, adj. Brindled. So-


Braglesb, adj. Without osten-


Braoly, adv. Briskly; finely.


Braid, (1) 9. To resemble. North,

(2) «. A reproach.

(3) V. To upbraid.

(4) r {A.^S. hregd.) A start; a

sudden movement ; a frigbt.

— When with a hrmie

A deep-fet sigh he gave, and therewithal

Claspmg hit handa, to heav'n he cast ^is

Bight. Ftrrex and Porrex, O. P., i, Ik*.

'5^ 9. A toss of the head.

6) I. A moment of time.

^7) «. Hastiness of mind; passian ;


(8) 9. Craft ; deceit.

(9) adj. Quick; hasty.

(10) #. (^.-5.) DecciU

(11) *. A blade of com. Norf.

(12) V, To beat or press, cbi*fly

applied to culinary objects. £m/.

(13) r. To nauseate. North.

(U) ». To net. Dorset.

(15) #. A row of underwood,

chopped up and laid lengthways.


(16) r. To fade or lose colour.

Braide, v. {A.'S.) (1) To start

quickly or suddenly ; to leap ; to


(2) To draw forth, as to pull a

sword out of the scabbard.

^3) To strike; to beat down.

(4) To brandish.

Braids RY, 9. Embroidery. Wight.

Braids. «. (1) A wicker guard to

protect newly grafted treea.


(2) Scales. North,

Braidy, adj. Foolish. York9h,

Brail, v. (Pr.) To put a piece of

leather over the pinion of one of

the hawk's wings to keep it close.

A term in falconry. BraU-fea^

ther9, the long small white fea.

thers under the taiL

Alatl our tex it moat wretched, nurs'd

up from infancy in continual alarery

No tooner are we able to prey for our>

telvet, but they brail and hood ua to w 1 th

iour awe of our ptrentt, tbat we dare uot

offer to bate at our detiret.

JOimatar, 0. P., rii. 1 79.

Brain, «. To beat out the brains.

Brain-crazed, a</f. Mad.





irint a'tria-tniB trick k Uutf The

muter aad the man both iraui-«ru'(<;

■s theoneu'daie, m did the other my

BaAixiSH, A(f- ^^ Skaketp,

BaAiN-LKAjr, 9. A kind of plint.

Braik-pan, 9, The skull.

Brainsick, a^. WildbruDed ; mid.

Brain-stones, t. A name formerly

p^tn to stones the size of one's

bead, nearlr round, foond in

WUuhire. Avbrey.

Brain-wood, o^p. Qntte mad.

Braird, (1) tdj. Tender; fresh.


(2) 9. (J.'S, Word,) The first

blade of grass.

Braissit (for brttctd,) Inclosed.

Braist, adj. Burst.

Brait, *. (1) {A.^S,) A sort of

garment, or cloak.

(2) A rough diamond.

BRAK,^r»/. t. Broke.

Brakb, (I) 9. Fern; called also

kraketu Still used in the North.

Bmhf. Sir^joni^thisp^eeeofgroiiod,

it toth not the name for nonfrlit ; it it

called Femie doae, and, aa yun i^, it it

faJU and lo overgroime with tbeae

iroiey, that all the art we can devi«e,and

lahonr we can use, cannot rid them.

Hordem, Smnq/on JHaiofuey 1610.

(2) «. A plat of bushes growing

by themselves, a bottom over-

grown with thick tangled brush-


Tia but the Cite of pbee, and the nnigh

That virtue nnst go through.


Honour should pun haid, ere it drew me into

thcae brate*.

B.tmdFL, Ther. and Tkfod., t, 1.

(3) »• An enclosure for cattle.

(4) «. A snaffle for horses.

Lvke as the inzit^ within the rider's hand

Doth strain the hone, nye wood with grief

ofpaine, ^ ^ ^

Hot need bcfoe to come m such a band.

Surrey** Foems, sign. U, 3.

(5) 9. An instrument of torture.

(6) 9. A flaw. Sec BrjteM.

(7) A strong wooden frame in

which the feet of young and

Tictous horses are confined by

farriers, to be shod.

(8) I. An engine to confine the


He is fallen into tome hrmitt tone wench

haa tied hun by the Irps.

Skiriyg Offortwiitf.

(9) 9, A sort of crossbow.

Cmeae-bowee were fiitt among the Cretans


Quarr^res and bolts the Sjrians bring to


The ever-bold Fhenetians ftemisht beene

With ^raihe and alinn to chroiuclr tin tr

might. Great Srifinea Trog$, 1600.

(10) a. An instrument for dress-

ing hemp or flai.

(11) I. A harrow.

(12) «. A large barrow. NoHk.

(13)a. Abaker'skneading-trough.

(14) 9. The handle of a ship's


(15) «. A sort of carriage used

for breaking in horses.

(16)9. To beat. Abrf A.

(17) «. To vomit. Pr, Parv.

(18) 9, A morUr. North,

BRAKB-nusH.a. Asmall plot of fern.

BRAKSN,;Mrf.jy. Broke.

Brakbt, I. See Braget.

Bralbr, 9. A bundle of straw.


Bram AOE^. Akind of cloth,of which

carpets were sometimes made.

BRAMBUE-Bn&iBS,«. Blackbcrrics.


Bramblb-sith, 9, A hedge-bilL

Bnncina. A hrtmUe-nth or buah-sith :

an hedge bill. Nomenelator, 15ba.

Bramb, 9. (A.'S,) Vexation.

Bramish.v. To flourish; to assume

affected airs; to boast. Ea9t.

Bramlinb, 9. The chaflinch.

Bran, (1) «. To bum. North,

(2) 9, A brand, or log of wood.


(3) 9, Thin bark ; skin.

(4) adv. Quite. Devon, Bnm^fuw.

See Brand-new.





Brancard, ». (Fr.) A horse litter.

Branch, (1) v. To make a hawk

leap from tree to tree.

(2) V. To embroider, to figure.

(3) «. A small vein of ore.

Branch-coach, §. In the old days

of coaching, a coach, called tlie

branch coach, ased to go round

the town collecting passengers

for the stage-coach.

Branch-coal, «. Kennel coal.


Brancher, «. (1) A young hawk,

just beginning to fly. Tbe term

is also applied to a nightingale

by bird-fanciers.

(2) An officer belonging to the


Branches, §, Ribs of groined


Branchilbt, 9, (Fr.) A little

branch or twig.

Brancorn, 9. Blight.

Brand, (1) «. (A.-S.) A sword.

(2) «. The smut in wheat.

(3) r. To brand turvet, to set

them up to dry in the sun. Cormo,

(4) V. To roast.

(5) I. A spark.

Brand-bete, v. To mend or make

up the fire. Devon.

Brands, «. To burn.

Branded, a. A mixture of red and

black. North.

Brandbllbt, 9. Some part of the

armour. Richard Coer de Z,., 322.

Branderb, 9. Tbe supporters of a

com stack.

Brand-irons, a. (1) The same as


(2) Red-hot irons for branding.

Brandishing, a. A parapet.

Brandle, t, (from Fr. brandiUer.)

To totter ; to give way.

Brandlet. See Brandrefh.

Brandling, a. The angler's dew-


Brandlt, ado. Sharplv ; fiercely.


Brand-new, adj. Quite new.

Brandon, ». (1) A fire-brand.

(2) A wisp of straw or stubble.


Brandrbth, "I a. An iron tripod,

brandblbde, I on which a pot

BRANLBT, | or kettle is placed

BRANLBDE, J ovcr the fire.

Brandrith, a. A fence round a

well to prevent falling into it.

Brands, a. The stems or stout parts

of the thorn, after the small

branches have been cut ofiT. Narf,

Branduts, a. Four wooden arms

fixed to the throat of a spindle

in an oatmeal-mill. Shropah.

Brano-wine, la. The old name

BRANDS WINE, J for cou-de^vie,

now shortened into brandy.

Buy any irand-wime, buy tny hramd-teine.

Beggar'i Busk, lii, 1.

He confided not in Hanse'i brande-trine

6. TifoJte, Bdid^s,

Brandy-ball, a. A Suffolk game.

Brandy-bottles, a. The (lowers

of the yellow water-lily. iVor/:

BRANDYSNAP,a. Thin gingerbread


Branolb, v. To quarrel.

Brangled, adj. Confused ; en tan*

gled. Line.

Brank, (1) V. To holdup the bead


(2) V. To put a restraint on any.

thing. North,

(3) a. Buck-wheat East.

Brankes, a. A saddle of straw.

Brankke, v. {A.-N.) To wound.

Branks, (1) a. An instrument.

formerly used for punishing

scolds, being a sort of iron framS

for the head, with a gag for the


(2) A sort of halter or bridle.


Bransle, 1 a. {Fr.) A dance, tb«

bransel, / same as the brawl.

Brant, (1) at(f. Steep; per^n^

dicular. North. *^ |

(2) adv. Up. '

{3) part. p. Burnt. Chesh^





(4) 9, A harrow. HuloeL

(5) ». A brutgooie, or bamade.

(6) tufj. Copteqoential ; pompous.


Bbam-taii.,*. The redsttrt. Skn)p».

Baamtsn, «4^'. Bold ; courageous.


B&ASB, 1 V. To make ready; to

BKAZK, J prepare.

Sneb-vu ny Inrkc, I ihot no shaft in raine.

My bow stood bent and inun^all theycnrc.

iftrr./or if«^.. p. 609.

Braskll, adj. An epithet for a

bowl, used in the game of bowls.

BkMe his sveet hoBonr's nranini; hrateU

bowle. MmUrn, Smi., ii.

Brasbt, 1 «. A kind of sauce,

BBASiLi^ J apparently for fish.

" Pykes in brauy," and ** eels in

hratiU,^ are mentioned in the

Fomoe of Cory.

B&A8H, (1) «> The refuse bonghs

and branches of fallen timber;

clippings of hedges.

(2) V. To run headlong. North,

(3) «<$. Impetuous; hasty; rash.

(4) f. A Tiolent push.

(5) «. A nsh or eruption. Wett,

(6) t. Any sudden development,

a crash.

(7) V. To prepare ore. North.

Brash, Is. A sudden

WATBB-BRA8H, J sickuess, accom-

panied with a rising uf brackish

water into the mouth. Wano,

Brasbib, adj. Land that is light

and brittle, and full of small stones

and gravel, is said in Gloucester-

shire to be braghie.

Brash T. Small ; rubbishy ; delicate

in constitution. North.

Brasii,, 9. A word used in dyeing

to give a red colour. It is used

by Chaucer, Cant. T., 15465 ; and

in other early writings.

Brass, «. (1) Copper coin, half-


(2) Iropudenee.

Brass ARTS, 1 «. (j/.-iV.) In ancient

BBASSBTS, J armour, pieces be-

tween theelbow and the top of the

shoulder, fastened together by

straps inside the arms.

Brassish, b((^*. Brittle. North.

Brast, fnre$, and pret. t. Burst.

Brast, 9. To burst, or break.

Then gan she an to tobba

It aeem'd her hcmrt would brtt.

Hamma mtd JuUsi, Smpp. to dX. i, 333.

Brastlb, 9, To bout ; to brag.


Brabtnes, a. A rupture. Iluloet.

Brat, 9. (1) (J.^S.) A short coarse


(2) A coarse kind of apron.


(3) A child's bib or apron. North,

(4) A turbot. North.

(5) Film or scum. North.

Bratchst, 9. A term of contempt.


Brathlt, adp. Fiercely; exces-


Bratticb, 1 s. a partition ; a shelf;

brattish,/ a seat with a high

back. North.

Brattish I NO, a. The same as


Brattlb, (1) V. To thunder.


(2) V. To lop the branches of

trees after they are felled. The

loppings are called hratttmgg.

(3) 9. A race, or hurry. North.

(4) a. A push, or stroke. North.

BRATTY,adJ. Mean and diriy. Line.

Brauch,!. Bakings of straw. Kent.

fiaAvcHiN,a. Ahorse-collar. North.

Brauohwram,«. a dish composed

of cheese, eggs, and bread and

butter, boiled together. Lane.

BRAWOisOtOdJ. Pompous. North.

Brayadobs, 9. Roaring boys.

Bravation, 9. Bravery.

Bravb, (1) ae^. {A.^N.) Finely


They're wondrou kmt to^y: why do

tliey wr«r

TfaeAC scTeral habits f





For I hare gold, and therefore will be hna§ ;

In silks ru rattle it of ev'nr colour.

(7rw»'# Tu. q., 0. PL. vii, 36.

(2) 9. To make a person fine.

Thoa bast bra9*d raaoT men (that is,

liast made them fine, Deins; stiid to a

taylor) brave not me ; I will neither be

fac'd nor brag'd. Dam. Skr., It, 8.

Thou glasse wherein my dame hath sudi


As when she hwet then most on thee to

gaze. T. WaUon, Somut 24.

(3) «. A boaat ; a vaunt.

(4) I. A bravo ; a ruffian.

(5) «. A trophy.

Troph6e, enseigne de victoire. A signe

or token of victorie : a braw.


(6) ad). In some dialects, they

say of a person just recovered

from a sickness, *^ He is braved

Bravery, (1) «. Finery.

(2) 9. A beau ; a fine gentleman.

Bravi, #. {Lat.) A reward, or prize.

Brawdry, «. Sculptured work.


Bra WET, #. A kind of eel. North.

Brawl 1 «. (Fr.) A sort of dance,

BRALL, J brought from France

about the middle of the sixteenth


Brawl, ~



I*. J

9, A brat, or child.

Shall such a btgof't hrawt« as that, think-

est thoo, make me a theefe?

Oamwur Gurt., 0. PI., ii, 61.

And for the delight thon tak'st in beggars

and their bravls.

Jonml Crew, 0. PI., x. S57.

Brawn, «. (1) Smut of com. West

(2) The stump of a tree. Devon.

(3) A boar; a boar pig.

(4) Any kind of flesh, not merely

that of the boar, especially the

muscular parts of the body.

Brawned, a((f. Strong; brawny.


Brawnbschedyn. Branded. Twu

dale, p. 40.

Brawn-fallen, adj. Very thin.

Brawns, §. The muscles.

Bray, (1) v. (Pr.) To beat in a

mortar ; to beat ; to thrash.

Twould grieve me to be irajf*d

In a hnge mortar, wruujrlit to paste, 8bc.


(2) adj. Good; bold.

(3) r. To throw.

(4; V. To upbraid. HuheL

(5) V. To cry.

(6) 9, A cliff, or rising ground.

But when to climb the other hiil they gan.

Old Aladine came fiercely to their aid -,

On that steep bray lord 'Gaelpho would

not then

Hazard his folk, bat there his soldiers

sUid. f^rf., ToMOf ix, 96.

Brayin'O-rgpes, 9. Part of the

harness of a horse.

Brays, «. Hay thrown in rows

before it is made into cocks.

Braze, v. (1) To be impudent.

(2) To acquire a bad taste, applied

to food. ^brM.

Brazil, 9. Sulphate of iron.


Breach, (1) «. A break, applied

especially to the break of day.

(2) Breach of the eea, the brim

where the waves beat over the

sand, or where the foam is carried

by the breaking of the waves.

(3) 9. A plot of land preparing

for another crop. Devon.

(4) «. To quarreL Tu99er.

Breacb-corn, f. Leguminous


Breach Y, adv. (1) Said of cattle

apt to break out of their pasture.

(2) Brackish. Su99ex.

Bread, 9. " To know which side

one's hread is buttered on," i. «.,

to consider one's own Interest.

<* To take bread and salt," meant,

to bind one's self by oath. In

Northamptonshire they say, ** If

I don't speak to such a one when

I meet her, there will be no

bread in nine loaves ;" meaning,

she will fancy I am offended, or

too proud to notice her.

Breaoinos, 9. The swathes or

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lieipt of corn or grasi wherein

the mower leaves them. Ckeah,

BaxAO-LOAF, «. Household bread.


Brxak, (1) t. Land in the lint

year after it has been ploughed

or broken np, after it has long

lain fallow or in sheep-walks.


(2) r. A stag break$ cover, when

he goes oat before the hounds ;

aad breakt fcaier^ when he has

jost passed through a river.

(3) V. To brt^ beans, to run the

horse-hoe between the rows.

(4) V. To tear. Hamp$h.

(5) To break acro§a in tilting,

when the tilter, by unsteadiness

or awkwardness, suffered his

spear to be turned out of its

direction, and to be broken acrou

the body of his adversary, instead

of by the push of the point.

BaBAiL-DANSK, 9, A treacheTou


Babakditch, 9, A cow which will

not stay in her own pasture ; any

one in the habit of rambling.


Brbak-ksck, 9, A ghost North,

Brkaknbt, a. Thedog.fish. "A

breaJkenei: a seadi^, or dog-

fiahe." Nomenelator.

Bheak-up, V, To cut up a deer. An

old hunting term.

BanAM ,a4^'. Cold and bleak. North,

Brban, 9. To perspire. York9h.

Brbakt-nbkd, 9. Assistance in

distress. North,

Breast, (1) 9, The voice.

this, be able to nile their hreoMte* it«

erery porpoae. Atcham*i Toxoph., p. S9.

By my troth, the fool has an excellent

knui. Skakap., Tw, Night, ii. 8.

Fmy ye stay a little: let's hear him ain^,

Vu^tntbntut, B.^Fl^Piigrim,in,S.

(2) V, To trim a hedge. Shroff9h,

(SJa. Thefaceofeoal-workings.

(4) 9. To spring up. North,

Brbast-rxot, «. Aknotofribbona

worn by women on the breast.


Brbat, 9. A kind of tnrbot.

Breath, (l)f. Exercise; breathing.


(2) V. To exercise.

He would every morning kretUk himself

and his hone in running at the ring ;

after dinner he often danced in masks,

and made sumptoooa feasts, and in ererr

thing he did shew himself so magnitf-

eent, that be cbamed the brans of nil

the Italians. irwtor]r^/VaNdo»,165&.

(3) «. To take breath.

(4) 9, A smile. Somer9et.

(&)a. Scent; odour, ^etf.

(6) V, To bray ; to neigh. Denon,

(7) Fatuere. '*And think'st thou

to breath me upon trust?"

Heywood, Royal King, 1637.

Breath iNo-BOLE, a. A vent-hole

in a cask.

Breathino-whilb, a. A time

suiBcient for drawing breath;

a very short period of time.

Ingmtitnde, I hold a vice so Tile.

That I ooold ae'r endare't s Vrftkbig


And thersfore ere 11 prove a ihanklcsss


Time in his eoarM shall mnne quite retro-

grade, l^fer*! Wifrkei, ItSO.

Brbau, a. Spoon meat. North.

Brbcre, a. (J,'S,) (1) Breeches.

And wban that tluy knewe that thay

were naked, thav sowede of fige leves

in maner of brecM, to hiden here mem-

hirs. Ckmueett Pertone* T.

(2) The buttocks of a deer.

Breck, (1) a. A piece of unen-

closed arable land ; a sheep walk,

if in grass. Ea9t,

(2) A small hole broken, usually

confined to cloth or like material.


Bred ALE, 9, A marriage-feast.

Bredb, (1) 9. {A,'S,) To roast.

Man and hoos thai brent and hreddm,

And her fodes oway ledden.

Jrtkour and Mwl'm, p. 910,





(2) s. Breadth. North.

IZ) V. To breed.

(4) adj, (^.-5.) Broad; extended.

(5) adv. Abroad. Skinner.

(6) «. Liviag; employment.


(7) 9. A knot. Wett,

(8) 9, {A..S.) A board.

(9) 9. A biaid.

Bredechbsk, 9, Cream-cheese.

Bredhitithk, 9. A lamp of bread.

Pr, Parv,

Brbd-sorb, «. A whitlow. Ea9t,

Bree, (1) «. A bank. North,

(2J 9. (A.^S,) The eyebrow.

(3) adj. Short, spoke of earth as

opposed to stiff and clayey.


(4) V, To frighten. North.

(5)». AgiUtion. North,

Breech, v. To flog; to whip.

Brbbchmbn, 9, Sailors.

Breed, (I) v. To plait. South,

(2) Breed and 9eedi birth and

parentage a:id relationship. **l

know the breed and eeedof him."


Brbed-bats, «. A maker of con-


Breeder, 9, A fine day. Ea9t.

Breeds, 9. The brims of a hat.


Brbefb, 9, A gadfly. See Brief,

••Flye havynge foure winges

called a brerfe, Tabanue," Hul.

Brbek-oirdillb,*. a girdle round

the middle of the body.

At ys hreggurdle that iwerd asiod.

AskmoU MS., Ihtk cent.

Brebl, 9. Perhaps for broL

Why lowtt je nat lov to my lawdabyll


Te brawlyng hreeU and blabyr-lypnrd

byccbys. Digby Mytteries, p. 1(17.

Brbbn, 9, A gob'in. North,

Brebtb, adj, A term applied to

light, open soil. fVe9t,

Breeze, (l)v. To lean hard Devon,

(2) 9, A quarrel. Var. d,

Bref, adj, (A,-N.) Brief; short.

Brbffbt, V, To rails ck. Lijte.

Breoob, 9, A bridge.

Brrgid, jior/.^. Abridged.

Breid, 9, {A,»S, bregd.) Grief; fear.

For crere were thou luthcr and les,

For to bretre me bitter hreid,

Asd me to puyten out of pees.

WaUer Mapes, p. 843.

Brbke, V, To break ; to sepante.


Brbicet, «. A weapon; a sort of


Brbme, a^, {A.'S, brem,) Re-

nowned ; fierce ; vigorous ; cnieL

Brench, «. The brink.

Brende, (I) «. To make broad;

to spread aboat. North,

(2) part, p. Burn &hed.

Brbvdston, 9, Brimstone.

Brenk, V, To stand erect in a stiff

and pompous manner. Yorkek.

Brennb, (1) «. {A,'S,) To burn.

(2)«. Bran.

Brennimglt, adv. Hotly.

Brent, a^. (I) Steep. North.

(2) Burnt.

Brbnwater, 9, Aquafortis.

Brentbde, 9, {A,'N,) Courageous.

Breed, 9, {A,'S.) The surface;


Brbrb, (1) 9, {A,-S, brar,) A briar.

(2) V, To sprout. North.

Brbrbwood,! «. The brim of a

BREWARD, J hat "Aile, a wing ;

also, the biimme or brerewood

of a haf Cotgraioe.

Bat'SE, 9. {A,'N.) To bruise.

Brkssemor, 9. A beam. North,

Brest-apple, 9, A kind of apple.

If nk orthomastira, Plin. mammamm ef-

flgte^iptfo^aaTucA. SreMt-avpUs^or mpo-

applet, so called of their likene*.

Nomemelaior, 1685.

Brestb, (1) V, (A..S,) To burst

(2) 9. A burst, especially of sor-


B^^BSURB, 9. {A.'N,) A bruise or

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BaET, 9. To fide awmj ; to chtage.


BuBTAeB, 1 «. (^..M) A para-

BRXTKSCBB, I pet, or, more pro-

BsjBTEXK, (perly speaking, the

amxTisB, J temporary wood-

works raised on the battlements

in a siege. Bretaged or dre-

tered, famished with bretagcs.

BwerrvTLLj adj. Brimful.

Brbth, #. Rage ; anger.

BaxTHKL, It. A worthless

Ban-HELiMO, V person; a mise-

BaoTHKi., J rable wreti:h.

BaKT-ouT, V. Com being verr dry

in bairest time, and falling from

the husks, is said to brti^out*


BanTENS,9.(^.-5.) Tocanre; to

cut up.

Baava, (1) v. To speak; to in-

form; to account.

(2) ». To mark; to write.

(3) adj. {J.'N.) Brief; short.

BaEvsMENT, «. An account.

BaavBT, (1) •. (J.'N.) A small


(2) To more about inquisitively ;

to search diligently. JFesi.

BaETBTOua, #. A porter, or car-

rier of letters.

BaaviAL, «. A breviary.

Brbviatb, (1) V. {Lai,) To


(2) «. A compendium.

BaaviATuaa, «. A note of abbre-


B&KTiT, (1) V. To rammage for

anything. NorikampL

(2) A person who • oes hunting

and fidgeting about. North*


Baaw, (1) «. A kind of Inrd.

^2) «. Broth. Comw.

BaawAan, «. A blade oi com.


BaawEa's-HoasK, «. A dmnkard

was said to be one whom the

brewer' t horte bad bit.









9* \A,»S» briwatf

sops.) Pottage ;

broth. In the North

they have still a

brewU, made of

slices of bread, with

fat broth poured

over them.

For to malu hruti of Jlnutytu. T»k

partrichji rotljrd, and rhrconyt, and

qualyi roflUd, and lftrk>i ynul. and

aemrmbre the other; aild niak a fiiA

nirdel, and dmae the lleach in a dysrh,

and atrNwe poadcr of galentyn tkrr-

nponj aivk upon cio«y« of gelofre.aiid

lenre yt /ortbe. IFMnur, Ant. Cul., p. 4L

Brew€t of Jlmomm. Take eonyngf* or

kiddea, and hewe hem nnali on luoscrls,

other on pecya. Parboile hem vith the

lanie broth. Drawean almaundf mylke,

and do the tifinU therewith. Cast thereto

JOH dor gal) D<pile and of g)'nger, «iili

oer of rvi ; and color it witn alkenet.

Boile it,'aiid mesae it forth «itU auxar

sod powdor-doute. Forwuo/Cutyf]f.il.

For to make bnut vf Lomiardye, Tak

chekrnvs, or benny a, or othne flearh,

and mnk tlie rotowre «!■ red as any hlod ;

and tak peper. and kHnel, and gynfry ver

bred, ana grynd hem in a morter, nod a

porcon of bred, and roak that braer

thrnne; and do that flcach in tliat

broth, and mak hem boyl« togrdere,

and atnry it we). And tuk Cf:vj9, and

temper hem wyth jua of parcyie ; and

viyng hem thorwe a cl<i(h; and wan

that bruet ia boylyd. do that thereto,

and meng tham tovedere wuli t'ayr

greea, ao tliat yt be fat ynow ; a'l.d serve

yt forthe. Wamer, Antiq. Culia , p -11.

Baaw.LBDa, «. The leaden cooling

vessel used by brewers.

BaawsTER, «. A brewer. North.

BaETDE, (1) 9. Force; violence.

(2) V. To startle ; to frighten.

BaE)B, V. {A.'S.) To frighten.

BaiAN, V. To keep fire at the

mouth of an oven. North,

Briab-ball,*. An excrescence on

the briar. In Northamptonshire

boys put it in their coat-cuffs as a

charm against flogging.

Briars. Brought in the briars,

t. «., deserted ; brought in the

lurch; impeded. To help one

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ont of the briars, t. e., oat of an/


Briart, «. A place where brim


Bribaob, •. {A,'N.) Bribery.

Bribe, tr. i^A.-N.) To rob; to


Bbibb-pib, a.

Sat with him I damn Um 1 to hear him

employ hia barbaroua eloquence in a

reading upon the two and thirty pnA

bita in a shoulder of yeal ; nnd be forc'd

yonraelt topraiae the cold h-He-pye ihat

itinks. WyckerUf, PUun-4eaUr, 1077.

Bribour, a. {J,'N,) (1) A robber.

(2) A beggar.

Bribrb, a. Robbery.

Bricco, adj. Brittle. Cheth,

BRicui, adj, Happy.

Brick, (1) ». To break by pulling


(2) a. A loaf of bread baked in a

narrow oblong f6rm, tomewhat

resembling the proportions of a

brick. Warw.

(3) a. A rent or flaw. Devon.

Brickbn, (1) a4f. Made of brick.


(2) V. To draw the chin to the


BRiCKETTBa, a. The pieces of ar-

mour which covered the loins,

and joined the tassets.

BRicK-KBBL,a. A brick-kiln. South.

Bricklk, adj. Brittle. Still used

in the North.

See thoae orba, and how they passe i

All'i a tender brickie glaase.

Tisall Poetry, p. 59.

Bricknoooin, a. An old mode of

building with frequent wooden

right-ups, filled in with bricks.

Half-timbered houses are termed

brick-pane buildings.

Brickbtonb, 1 ^^^^^^ ^^

brick-tilb, j

B Ric K-w ALLS. Making brick- walls

is a term sometimes applied to

swallowing one's meat without


Bricolb, 1 (Fr.) The rebound

BRiCKOLL, Vof a ball after a

BRICK- WALL, J side stroke at


Bricolb, a. {A.'N,) A military en-

gine for battering walls.

Brio, a. {A.-S,) A bird.

Bridalb. See Bredale.

Bridaltbb, a. A nuptial festiTsl.

Briddib, a. {A.'S.) Brood ; family*

Anoone he ordeynide a Teaael afore hit

hole, ande put therin ereri dave milke,

that the sen>ent witliehiain'Mwrnyirht

lickehitoute. Qe9tABamm»ontmL,^.\9t.

Bridb, (1) a. {A..N.) A bridle.

(2) V. ** Cincischiire, to mince

or bride it at the table or in

speech as some affected' women

use." Florio.

Bridb-lacbs, a. (1) A kind of

broad riband or small streamer,

often worn at weddings.

(2) The ribbon grass (oa&mui-

grottii variegata). Northampt,

Bridb- WAIN, a. A marriage custom

in Cumberland.

Bridbwell. a well-known prison,

and often used for a prison or

house of correction in generaL

A bridewellMrdt a rogue.

Ergaitnios. Semis ergaatulo inclnsna,

qui e vinculia opua faciu Serf enaerr6.

Aroge kept in priaon and forced to

worke : a iridewgU bird, NomeneUUor.

Bridob-pin, a. Part of a match-

lock gun.

Bridobs. (1) Bruges.

(2) a. A kind of thread, made

probably at Bruges.

Bridlb, a. An ancient instrument

for punishing a scold.

Bridlbgoed, adj. Weak in the

legs. Ckeih.

»*if":~*°' 1 1. An).dfora

BRIDLB-STY, > v^_^^ ^^|„

Bridlino, a. A bitch maria Rpp^


Briolino-cabt, a. A parting ton.

Brioris, a. Breeders.

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B210WORT, «. Metdow^weet.

B&iBF, (1) «. {A.-N,) A peUtion ;

any tbort paper; a letter; an

abstract ; an account.

(2) o^'. ComiDon ; prevalent.

(3) «. A horae-Oy, or gad-fly.

(4) «. A breve in music

Brig, 9. A otensil used in brew-

ing and in dairiea to set the

strainer upon; a sort of iron,

set over a fire.

Brigamt. 9. {J,'N,) A robber or

plunderer. Originally, a soldier

who wore a brigandine, which

being light armour, these soldiers

were the most active plunderers.

Brigaxtajlb,«.(^..M) Abrigan-

dine, a sort of armour composed

of small plates of iron sewn upon

quilted linen or leather.

Briob. ju (ji,-N.) Contention.

BaiGeK, 9, A bridge. North,

Briggbn, r. To abridge.

Bright, «. Celandine.

Brightsomb, adj. Bright.

Brioosb, a^.{A,-N,) Quarrelsome.

Brik, A^. Narrow; straight.

Brikb, 9. (A,-S.) Breach ; ruin.

Brim, (1) «. The sea; flood; a


(2) 4ug. The same as breme.

(3) 9, The forehead. North,

(4) High, in respect of locality.


Brimblb8,«. Brambles. Devon.

Brimmb, «. Public ; known.

—Teat that thoa doest hoUe me in


Is krimnu abmd, and many a gybe to all

tiat keepe this plaine.

Wantr't AUHtm Bnghmd, 1692.

BBoncBB, #. A hat. North.



I cuaot tas^ (befonaMhesaBcl broad

bats cune into teatnon) how mach I

have Ken a amaU puny wit delight in

biaseU, and how horribly he has thouzfat

to hare abased a divine, only in twnU

ing the ends of hia gixiile, and asking

Um the price of hia kriwrntr ; hut that

phauie u aot altogether to considerable

now. as it has been in former ages.

SaOard^B OUervtUimt, 1671.

Brimmlb, a. A bramble. fTe*/.

BRIlfS. 1

BRll«8BT.;'-^8***"y- ^^'

Oestnin^. Virg. asUDa, Bid. tabanos,

Pliii. Vesparum genus armentis infes-

tnm. /tuM^, oZoTpov. Ariatot. TRhoa.

A gadbee; a breeae-, a '


dnnflee ; a

NommuUtor, 1581.

Brimstonb, Aff. Rampant. Somth,

^B^rNci, !•• To drink in an.

BBINDICB, J »''«'**' *P»«^

Luther first krimcei to Germany the

poisoned cap of his heresies.

UtuiUng, in Bishop JewV* fforki.

Let OS consult at the tareme, where

after to the health of Mcmuhio, drinke

we to the life of Stellio, I canrase to

Prisius, and Ininek von mas Sperantna.

Lflg, M. BomMe, ii. 1.

Brindbd, adj. Fierce. Devom.

Brindlk, a. The state or condition

of being brindled.

Brindlbd, tu^. Streaked; vane-


Bringek, v. {J.'S.) To bring. To

bring one going, or to bring one

on his way, or to bring onward ;

to accompany a peraon part of a


And she went very lovingly to Mng kirn em

ki* Kmf to horse.

Woman kilUd w. k., 0. PL. vii. 288.

Come, mother, sister 1 you'll Mng mu en-

mirdt brother.

Revengtr^M Tr., 0. Fl^ iv, S19.

Tlie knyghtii re dv on Jnsters,

Alley-anued swithe wel,

Bnuuft and launce, and sweord of stel.


Brink-warb, 9. Small faggots to

repair the banks of rivers. Ea9t.

Brisb, (1) V. To bruise, or break.

(2) a. A bristle. North.

(3) a. Fallow ground. Ea9t.

Brisk, v. To enliven oue's spirits.

BmsK-ALB, 9. Ale of a superior

quality, We9t.

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Brisken, V, To be lively.

Brislb-dick, «. A tort of fake


BR»ft,«. Dost ; rabbiafa. Dewm.

BnissLB, «. To scorch; to dry.


Brissour, «. A sore plice ; a chap.

BrisT'HIOh, adj. Violent. Yorkth.

Bristlb-tail, 9. A gadfiy. North.

Bristow, Bristol. Bristol milk

was an old name for sherry. A

false diamond was called a BrUtol

ttone, from a kind of soft dia-

monds which were found in rocks

near that town.

Coffee-houses «nd tSTPn» He roand the

Change, just as at Loudon; and the

BrutolmiUt, which ia Spanish sherry,

no where so good as here, is plentifully

drank. Journey tkn^ EngUmdy 17S4.

Oh I yon that should in chooeiog of your


Knowe a true diamond ftxmt a Bristow

stone. Wit Best<»''d,\6iS.

Brit, «. To bruise; to indent.


(2) «. A kind of fish. Comw.

BaiTAiN-CROWN, t. A gold coin,

worth about 'five shillings.

Brits, v. When hops or com are

over-ripe and shatter, they are

said to brite. Eatt and South.

Brith. s. Wrath ; contention.

Britonner, s. a swaggerer.

Brittenb, v. (J.-S.) To carve ; to

break, or divide into fragments.

Brittlino, s. The slow-worra.

Brize, 9. A gadfly.

This briu has prick'd mr patience.

B. Jons., Poetoiter, ui. 1.

I will put the briu in's tail shall set him

gadding presently.

rut. CoroM., O. PI, Ti, 261.

Bro, s. a brow ; the brink.

BuoAcn, (1) 9. (Fr.) A spit.

(2) V. To spit or transfix.

(3) 9. A larding-pin.

(4) 9. A spur.

(5) V. To spur.

(6) «. A sharply pointed stick

to thrust into mows of oorn.


To deflower. Jtficyv.


(S) 9, A taper ; a torch.

(9) 9. A rod of willow or bazle

used by thatchert.

(10) An irregular growing of

a tooth. Broddtft a crooked-

ness, espeeiaUy of the teeth.


(11) «. To abape stones roughly.


(12)«. Afishing.hook./Voii^/.P.

Broad, «. A flooded fen. JSsa/.

Broad-arrow, 9. An arrow with a

large head, and forked.

Broad-band, #. Com laid out in

the sheaf on the band, alter

rain, and spread out to dry.


Broad-blown, atg. FnU-blown.

Broad-cast, a^. Com sown by

the hand and not drilled. South,

Broad-heads, «. The heads of


Broad-set, o^'. Short and thick.

Broak, 0. To belch. Eiut.

Began, *) «. Cleft wood for the

BRAWN, J fire. Devon. A faggot.


Brob, v. To prick with a bodkin.


Brobille, v. To welter.

Broo, 9. {j^.-S.) A rapture.

Brocage, «. {A.^N.) A treaty by

a broker or agent.

Brooale, 9. Broken victnals.

Broche. See Broach.

Brock, (1) a. (A.^. broe.) A


(2) 9. A cabbage. North.

(3) 9. A piece or fragment


(4) *. (J.-S. broe.) An inferior

horse. A horseman was called in

Kent a broekman. The word is

still used in the North for a cow

or husbandry horse.

(5) 9. The insect which produces

the froth called cuckoo-spittle.

(6)«. A brocket.

Bbockb, v. To brook ; to eigoy.





Beocsxt, t. {A.'NJ) A ftag in iU

third year; or, according to tome

authorities, in its secoad year.

Bbocklb,«<$- Brittle. North.

BaocouR, #. (J,'N.) A broker.

BBODDLB,e. To make holes. iVbrf A

BaoDB, 9. To prick. North.

BaoDBKiNS, #. (/v.) Boakint or

half- boots.

j BaoDBL,«. AhrotheL

I BaooBLTCHB, mdj. Strong; fu-

BaoDB-NAii^ «. A sort of nail,

often mentk>aed in oU building


BaoDS, «. Money. Late.

BaoBAB, a^. {J.'S.) Tractable.

Bbog, (1) «• A swampy or busby

place. North,

(2) p. To crop. Yori$h.

(3) V. To catch eels with brogt

or small sticks. North.

(4) V. To trouble water.

(5) #. A trick. Boot.

Bbooobb, «. A badger who deals

in com.

Bboo«lb, v. To fish ibr eels in a

manner called in some parts to

Bboohb, (1) «. A sort of shoe

** made of the roagfa hide of any

beast, commonlT used by the

wilder Irish." BoUmthed.

(2) 9. Breaches. Suffolk.

Bboidbd, o^f. {A.'N.) Braided;


Bbokb, (1) t>. (^.-S. iruean.) To

deal, or transact a bvsiness, par-

ticulariy of an amorous nature;

to act as a procurer; to be the

means of seducing.

Bat we do wuit a certain aeoenary

Wooiaii, to Woke between them, Cupid laid.

AmA., Xttddtf, ix, 44.

Tit aa I tdl yon, Colaz, ihe't as coy

And hMth as tbrewd a spirit, aa qnicke


hM eta weoeh I hrok'd in all mjr life.

JhnM^ QMf«'« Arcadia, iii, 8, p. 865.

(2) «. A breach. Beeon.

(3) s. A rupture. Kent.

(4) my. Bxhausted; used up.


(5) 9. A misdeed, or crime.

(6) 9. A brook.

(7) V. Sheep, when lying under

a broken bank, are said to ^roAf.


(8) V. 4J0 keep safe.

BaoKKLB, atg. Brittle.

Of iroM* kende his that beddthe,

Forhy aa nore nautt dory.

Bbokblbak, «. The water-dock.

BaoKBLBTrB, 9. A fragment.

Bbokbll,#. Rubbish. ** Gary away

rubbell or hroMl of olde decayed

houses. EnOtro:* Huloet.

Bbokbn-bbbb, 9. RemnaBts of


BaoKBN-omossE, «. To come home

by Broken Crosse, t. e., to be

bankrupt. Howell, 1659.

BaoEBN-GBAaa, «. Grass left and

mown after a field has been

grazed by cattle. Leie.

Bbokbb, 9. A pander or go-be*


Bbokbt,«. (1) Alaik. Northmmb.

(2) AUttlebrook.

(3) A torch or taper.

Bao BEING, 9. Throbbing; qui-


Broblbmbb, 1

BBAKLB1CPB, 1 9. The herb orpin.

bboklbmp, J

Brol, 9. (1) {J.'8,) A brat or


(2) Part; piece.

Bbom,s. The bit of a bridle. North.

BBOMii>eHAif. Birmingham. The

name was applied to false money,

of which it was the g^eat manu-

factory; and to politicians who

were between Whig and Tory,

neither one nor the other, a


BBONCHBD,^;iarf./y. Pierced.

Bbono, •. (1) {A.-S,) A sword.

(2) {A.-N,) A torch.

Bbondb, V. To brand ; to bum.

d by boogie




BaoND-iRON, a. A sword. Spenser,

B&ovo, pari, p. Brought. North,

BaoHSTBOP, a, A prostitute.

Baoo, «. (1) The top of anything;

the brow.

(2) Brother. North, A broo-

chip, a person of the same trade,

or likeness.

BaooD, v. To cherish.

BaooDLB, V. To cuddle. North,

BaooDY, adj. (1) Sullen ; ill-tem-

pered. Dorset.

(2) Dark and cloudy, spoken of

the weather. Norihamp,

(3) Broody hen, a hen which is

sitting on eggs.

Brook, (1) v. Clouds are said to

brook up, when they draw to-

gether, and threaten rain. South,

(2) a, A boil or abscess.

(3) a. To digest. Palsgrave,

Brooklims, a. Water-s^ieedwell.

BaooKMiNT, a, {A.'S,) Watennint.

BaooM-DASHEa, a. (l) A dealer

in faggots, brooms, &c. Kent,

(2) A maker of brooms. Leic,

BaooM-FiRLD, a. To sweep broom-

field, to get possession of the

whole of anything. Eaat,

Broomstaff, \a. The handle of

BaooMSTALB, J a broom.

Brosb, 9. To bruise.

BaosBLBY, f. A pipe, so called

from a place in Shropshire where

pipes were made.

BaoBBWoar, a. Henbane. Gerard

gives this name to the conaolida


BaosiBR, a, A bankrupt. Cheah,

Brosshimo, a. Gathering sticks or


BaoBTKN, part. p. Burst.

BaoTCHET, a. A liquor made from

the last squeezings of a honey-

comb. North,

BaoTEL, adj, {A.-S,) Brittle ; un-


BaoT-oaouND, a. Ground newly

broken up. Weatm,

'YTH, «. Pottage. North.

DaoTH-BBLLT, f . A glutton. North:

^^OTU%, 1 aiff. Enraged; an-



Brotub, adv. Abroad. North,

Brothbl, a {A,-S,) A worthtesa

person ; a harlot. See BreiheL

Brothblry, a. Lasciviousness ;


Brothbrbd, part. p. Embroi-


Brothbrbbd, 9, Brotherly af-


Brothbr-in-law, a. A half-bro-

ther. East,

Brotbbrwort, a. Pennyroyal.

Brothy, »^'. (^.-5.) Hard; stiff.

Brotts, f. Fragments; droppings.


Broud, «. A forehead. fFeot,

Brouou, a, A kind of halo.


Brouou-wbam, 1 a. Adishmade of

broughton, J cheese, «ggSf

clap-bread, and butter, boiled

together. Lane,

Broukb, v. {A,-S,) To enjoy;

to use ; to possess.

Brou8b,«. Brushwood. Weat.

Brout, a. A bruit, or rumour.

Brow, adj. (1) Pert; saucy. Aor/A.

(2) Brittle. mUa,

Browdbn, atff, (1) Amdooa about.


(2) Vain ; conceited. North,

Browdbne, tt^. Broad; ex-


BR0WBN,j9ar/.ji. Brewed.

Browbs, a, Potuge. See Brewet,

They thank'd him all with one content.

But especially maister Powea,

Desiring him Ut bestow no coat.

But ouely bcefe and browa.

ring'* Half«.Peiiny»ortk <(f Wit.ltlZ.

Browing, a. Soup ; pottage.

Brown-clock, a. The cockchafer.


Brown-crops, a. Pulse. Gloue.

Brown-day, a, A gloomy day.


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Bbowk-dskp, Ajf. Loct in re-

flection. Kemi.

BaowM-OBomoK, t. (1) A coarse

•ort of bread.

(2) A Urge earthen pitcher.

(3) A small dose wig, with a

single row of carls, said to take

its name from George III.

BaowN-LnMBRS, 1 Ripe brown

BBOWNSHULLE&s. J nuts ; figu-

ratively applied to generous per-

sona. North,

Brown btudt. A thoughtful ab-

sence of mind.

Aad in the Boreynge wlnn evny nan

■ade h jm rcdjr to ryde, and lonie were

on honelMcke letting fonrurde, John

Bfejnoldcs foviide his eompiiniuii tyt-

tynge in a krtnens Undp t the inae

(ftte. TaU* mU Qm«^« dutwert.

Why hov BOW, liitcr, in a motley m^mtf

I'aith, this hromn itmdjf raiU not with your

Toor habit and your thoof hts are of two

B. Jcmmm, Ow AU0i'd, iv, 1.

BaowBAOE, «. Browsing.

BaowsK, «. Dry food for cattle.

*' BfvwMe, or meat for beastes in

snow tyme. F«tca." Huioet.

Baow-BauAiiB, t. A triangular

piece of linen, to bind the head

of an infant just bom. Weat,

Bbowtht, adj. Light and spongy,

spoken of bread ; the opposite of

cbisty, or clayey. Comw.

Bbotlbby, f. (/v.) A tumult.

BaoTLLT, adj, (Pr.) Broiled.

Bbozibb. **Brozier my dame/'

t. e., "eat her out oi house and


Bbucb, «. Pottage. See Brevet,

Bbuck, s. A field-cricket. North,

BaucKBLED, a4f. Wet and dirty;

begrimed. East,

Bbui>lb, tr. To let a child lie till

he is quite awake. Devon.

Brub, v. To embrue.

Brvbt, s. Pottage. See Brewet.

BauFP, adJ, (1) Hearty; jolly;

rou^h in manners.

(2) Brittle l^rs#f.

Bruoob, #. (A.-S.) A bridge.

Bruilb, v. a sea term.

Ovr master Rithard Swanlry. sseing

their admntage, eaiiaed to irMr^mame-

aaile, and edge within niu»k'-i sitot of

tliem both, and there nainiainrd fl^^it

with then till ranne-aet, and rrrftvtd

no hurt at alL Tmylor't Work€$, 1630.

Beoit, ( 1 ) «. (J.'N.) A rumour or


(2)v. To report.

A thowaad thingi beeldea the hmiU and

telia. Mirr.forMmg.,^n,

Bruitist, f. A brute.

Broklbmpb. «. The herb onrin.

See BrokUmhe,

ItewL Alao take heyhore, walworte,

white malowea, and imklrmpe, and bnylo

hem in waters and waaah ihr toore ther-

in. MS. \Uk etni.

BRULLiMBifT, a. (fV. hromlkmgni,)

A broil. North.

Bbumblb-gblobb, «. A farmer.


Brummbll, «. A bramble. Hanie.

Brvmmock, «. A sort of knife.


Brump, v. To lop trees in the

night. Boat.

Brun, v. To bum. North.

Brunb, «. (A.'N.) Brown.

Brunobon, a. A brat; a child.

Kent. It meant properly a


Brunnbo, adj. Shrank. Doraet.

Brunswick, a. A sort of dance.

Brunswymb, f. The seat Pr,


Brunt, B4f- Sharp to the taste.


Bruntb, v. To leap.

Brurb, a. Brush «rood. Weat.

Brus, a. Broth. See Brewtft.

Brusbll, v. To bruise, or break.

Brush, (1) p. To jump quickly.

(2) p. To splash hedges. Yorkah.

(3) f. A nosegay. Dewm.

U) a. Stubble. Staff.

Brushaly, f. The bushy branch

of a tree.

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BRU 262

BausK, adj. (Fr. Brn$qu€.) Rude.

Bruslsrt, #. {A,'N.) A tumult.

Bkuss, (1) adj. Proud; upstart.


(2) 9. The dry spine of furze.


Brust, (1) «. A bristle.

(2) adj. Rough, or oovered with


(3) V. To burst. Nwth.

Bru8tino-8atue]>at» «. The Sa-

turday before Shrove-Tuesday.

Brubtlb, f>. (1) To rise up against

one fiercely.

'Sbttd I'll hru»iU up to him I


f2) To crackle; to ms^.

(3) To parch.

BausT. Be gone I Bedt.

Brutb, ». (Fr.) Rough.

' Bbutbl, aiij. Brittle.

Bruts, «• Old clothes. North.

BaoTra. «. To browse. South.

BauTTLR, adj. Wild ; furious.

Bruzz, v. To blunt. Yorkah.

BauzzLXDf atg. (1) Over-roasted.


(2) Bruised.

Bby,s. a kind of tart ''Tartede

bry." Warner.

BaTCHB, adj. Low.

BaTDB, adj. Bowed ; broke.

BaTOAVNTBSi 9. Robbers. See


BAToa, 9. (A.'S.} Strife ;oonten.


Amongst other, he lutpeetith oon to be

hia aceusar callyd Champneys, whiche

is u fond a Mowe, as mahciouse, and

aa aediciouae a person, aa any in this

shire ; he ia a tenant of myn, and was of

laate my aerrant, and for sedidou and

irygn that he had with ayr John

Saynrtlo, and other jeatyllmen here in

the ooontre. LetUr, 1636.

BaroouB, adj. Quarrelsome ; Obn-


BavaaNDBR, «. A brigaadine, or

coat of light mail.


An ancient diah.



For to make hrymsut. Kym the thamqra

^^ ^ PyKKC> *nd wasch hem dene in

water aiid salt, and seth hem wel; nnd

than hnk hem smule ; and gryud pepyr

and aafron, bred and ale, and boyle

togedere. Nym wytya tA eyren,

knede it wyih flour,


and Diake snial

peloivs, and frye hem with wyte irrees,

and do hem in dischea abore that othere

mete, and serve it forthe.

Warner, JnHq. OmXm^ p. 89.

Brtm LENT, 9. A sort of tart.

Brtn, 9. A way or path ; a joumey.

Brtne, 9. Brows or bristles.

Brynnt8» 9. Bourns; streama.

Brton, 9. Wild nepte.

Brybtb, 9. Want ; need.

Bryswort, 9. The less daisy.

Bryttlb, v. To cut up veniaon.

Bryvb, adv. Brief.

Bn, (l)v.(^..&) To bend. Niwih.

(2) *. {A.'N.) An ox.

Bdb, (1) 9. Liquor.

(2) V. To throw out in bubblea.

Buballb, f. (jAt, bubabu.) Ab


BuBBBRy 9. A great drinker.

Bubble, (1) 9. A simple fellow ;

a man easily cheated.

Are any of these gentlemen good hMU».

SUUf, Th» Mutktrrg Gm4m, 1668.

(2) V. To cheat.

He'a a Bnekiaghamshire gnsier, very

nch ; he haa the fat oxen, and fat sicrea

in the rale : I met him here by chnncv,

and oonld not ayoid drinking a glas«

o' wine with hini. 1 beliere he's none

down to receive money ; t'were aa excel,

lent desini to ^bbU liim.

Etkertge, Comtcol JEfMayc, 1669.

This is unlooktfor fortune— but tin auch

a good natur'd old fool, that methlBka

*tia pity to hums him.

Dtuftg, Fool tmm*4 CriiUi.

(3) V. To dabble in the water.

** Bubblynff, or bvbblyngin water,

asduckesdo. An^MMm9.** Hu.


Bubble- AND-savBAK, t. *A dish

composed of beef and cabbage.

Bubble-hole, a. A child's game.

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BirBBi»niB.iiy«ncB, •• AgUM,

•aid to be tke Mme at nine-holes.

BuBBLT-iocK, «. A tnrkcj-eock.


BuBBT-BOTCK, #• A wft of tru^

or hamlborrow. Ijth,

BuB-oouBLB, 1 #. AaortofftroDg


BUBUKI.B, «. {L^t.) A botch or im-


BucHT, «. A herding pUoe for

•heep. Nitrtkttmb,

Buck, (1) «. To waib.

(2) J. A qoantity of linen waihed

at oaee, a waab of dothea.

Tbe wicked ipirit could not oAvat her,

becune sht had washed among her hiek

areloatbea,aeatholiqBe priMtes thiit.

jMeL ^Fopisk mfort, 4Co, E, 3.

Then aball wm not hare our hoaaea

I np in the BifEbt, aa one of my

f htbora had, and two great kueket of

I Btolea oat, and moat of the same,

fyaa lyjuten.

Commtfar Com, Omn^ A, S, b.

(3) «. That peculiar infecCion

wbicb in •ammer aometimes geU

into a dairy, and spoilt the cream

and butter. Cormif. To he iucii,

is, in Devon, to have a rankish

taste or smell, as we say "the

beer is htei'd," <Hhe cheese is

iueki" In the dialect of Ex moor,

milk is said to be butktrard or

focivd^ when it smells of the milk-

pail or backet, or turns sour in it.

(4) 7b 6meJt eorHf to pick out all

the floor or pith of grain in the

ground, afUr it baa begun to

apring, leaving only the busk or

shell behind, which birds often

do. Heuen.

(5y #. A gay or faahionable per*

aon ; a word in nae as early as

tbe l&th cent

(6) s. The body d a wagon.


(7) a. Tbe iron in a wagon to

which the horses are tied.

(9) a. To spring nimbly. East

{9) 9. (J.^) Tbe brMtt. or beUy.


(10) r. To swell out. Sfmir$H,

h\)9. To fill a baaket. KmU.

02) u. To beat roritA

Buck- n^aKBT, «. A clothes*basket

BucKBBAB, 9, To tcaie, find taiilt.


Buck-buck, «. A child's game,

more usually called, ** bnck, buck,

how many horns do I hold up ?"

BucKBB, (1) «. A bent piece of

wood, on which anything is sus-

pended, as a slaughtered animal.

(2) #. A broad flat hammer, used

in mining.

BucKBRBLs, «. A sort of play used

by boys in London, in the time

of Henry YIII.

Bucket, «. A pulley. Narih,

BucKBTS, t. Square pieces of boggy

earth, below tbe surface. Yorkih.

BucK-PATT, «. A washing tub.

BUCKHBAD, V. To lop.

BucKHOBN, a. Dried haddock.

BucKBOBSB, a. A smart box on

the ear; a cant term derived

from the name of a boxer.

BucKiNO-STooL, c. A wasUng




BucKLB, «. (1) To bend ; to bow.

(2) To quarrel. Somergei.

(3) To marry. "Good silly Stellio,

we must Auekle shortly." Mother


(4) To buckle to, to return to any

work, &c. ; to set to a thing in


BucKLB.HOBNfl, «. Short crooked

horns, turning inward. Y&rkeh,

BUCK1.B-1I0UTHED, otff" Having

large straggling teeth. North,

BucKLBR, (1) 0. To defend.

(2) 9. A great beam. Lme.

(3) To give hueklere, to yiel^

or lay by all thoughts of defence.

To take up the buekler»t to con-


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A most muAy wit. Mamret, it will not

bnrt ft voiuftn ; luid lo, 1 pray thee, call

Beatrice : / giM the* th» iuckUn.

Much A., T, S.

Charge one of them to take wp tk« buekUra

Against that hair-mon^r Horace.

Deeter't Satiromasli*.

Ag^ ia nobodie — when youth is in place,

it aiwes the otktr the buctUrt.

Old Meg ofHeref^ P. S.

BucK-MASTy «. The fruit of the


BucKRAM-BBARKR,». A dependant.

Hii buckntm^hearer, one that knowei his

Can write with one hand and receiTO with


Tajflor't tforkes, 1680.

BucKSHORN, s. A bawd.

BucKsoMX, a4r. (1) Blithe; jolly.


(2) Lascivious. The word was

used in this sense early in the

last century.

BucKSTALL, «. (1) A net for taking


(2) The stout part of a thorn,

the branches being cut off. Norf.

BncK-swANGiNO, s. A sort of

punishment, which was adminis-

tered by two boys taking hold of

the culprit by the hands and feet,

and swinging him with a bump

against a wall.

BucKSTicK, «. A stick used in the

game called Spell and Ore.

Buckwasheh, «. A laundress.

BucK-wBBL, 9. A bow-net for fish.

Bud, (1) 9. To make, or compel.


(2) 9, A calf of the first year.

(3) pret. i. Behoved.

(4) s, A term of endearment,

generally between man and wife.

Mrs. Pin. 0 Lord, budd, why dWc friplit

me so ? WyekerUy, Country Wtfe, 16b8.

BuD-BiBD, «. The bullfinch. West.

BuDDLB.v. (1) To suffocate. Somer'


(2) To cleanse ore. North,

(3)«. The Teasel for this purpose,

formed like a shallow tumbrel.

BuDDLBD, a4;\ Tipsy. Devon.

Buddy, adj. Fat ; corpulent. Xtnc.

BuDDT-BUD, s. The flower of the

burdock. North.

BuDB, pret, t. Bode; endured.


Budge, (1)». (Fr.) Lambskin with

the wool dressed outwards.

(2) adj. Brisk ; jocund. South.

(3) adj. Proud.

(4) a4f. Stiff; dull. Suitex.

(5) 9. A bag or sack. Kenmett.

(6) 9. A kind of water-cask, oo

wheels. South.

(7) t>. To abridge, or lessen.


(8) 9. A thief.

(9) V. To stir; to move off.

The sounding well they like, ao in they


And buig€ not till the tyler's pots were


Itow1andt,Inmre9 ef Spmiet, 1613.

And when wee struck downe one. the

residne budgd not one tot till all were

yanqnished. Berberrs TirateU, 16S8.

BuDOBT, 1 9. (Fr.) A wallet; a

BOuoBT, V leather case for carry.

BOOKT, J ingthings behind a man

on horseback.

I am a Welshman, and do dwel m Wsles,

I have loTed to serche budget* and look in

males. Jndrew Botde, B. t^Xnm^,

BuDPicKBR, f. The bullfinch.


BuDRAM, 9. Oatmeal gruel. Notf.

BuE, fli^*. (ijf.-JV;) Fiur.

Busings, «. Joints. Devon.

BuBN, V. To be.

Bukr, «. A gnat. North.

B u ESS, «. A stall, or station. North,

BuF, 9. {A.'N.) Beef.

BuFARious, aidj, Mendactons.

Buff, (1) ». To rebound. A wood-

man will say bis axe tn^9 when

it strikes on a tough piece of

wood and rebounds without cut-

ting. Wtarw,

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(2) 9. To emit a dall somiil, m a

bladder liUed with wiod. Buffed-

heilt are toUed or rang with a

coTering. Wmw.

(3)t. Leather made of a buffalo's


(4) «. The bare Blcin. To be in

bt^, it equivalent to l)etng naked.

(5) V. To beat or strike. Spenser

uses it for buffet*

(6) V. To boasL

(7) J. A tuft or hassock. Kent.

(8) 9. The bough of a tree. North,

(9) s. A buffalo.

(10) Buff ne haff^ neither one

thing nor another. In North-

amptonshire they still say huff

flM>r hum^ in the same meaning.

A ecrtiune penone being of hym [So-

crates] bidden eood speedc, wied to hvm

•^ne nather k^ n* baff, [thftt it» mi

bin no kind of ftniwerj. Neither i

Soentes therevith any thing discon-




Bu7FARD,l«. (J.'N.) A foolish

BUPTBK, J fellow.

BuTFB, 1 V. To statter, or stam-

BurrLB, J mer.

BuTFBT, s. (I) A cushion for the

feet ; a small ottoman ; sometimes

called a buffet-stooL

(2) (Fr.) A kind of cupboard.

(3) A blow.

Boma, «. A Tent-hole in a cask.

Buffi K, s, A sort of coarse cloth.

BuFFiNO-KNiFB, «. A kulfc for

scraping leather.

Buff- jBRKi s, ». A leathern jacket,

worn usually by seijeanu and


Bufflb, (1) #. A buffalo.

(2) V. To handle clumsily. EoMt,

(3) 9. To speak thick and inar-


(4) V. to puzzle.

BuFFLB-GiLKENs, «. The Bmssels

sprouts. Nortktcmp.


Yon knoir nothing, you Hffle-heudedt

■tapid cmtnre yon.

Burr, a. The joiat ol the knee.


Buo, ^1) «. A goblin ; a bugbear.

Tn«b, tub 1 fear boji with hif$.

Shmkup^ T*m. Skr., i, 1

AAcrvardi they teU them, that tboM

which tbey mw, were huga, witchci, and

hug*. UMU€r. it Spectrit, tr. 1&7B.

HobcobliBa, or airiit-walking tptriu,

kUck imf». NomemcUtor.

Which be the fery higget that the

pMilaie meaneth on, walking in the

night and in comera. Jsck. Ttaoph.

(2) a4f. Proud ; conceited ; me-

nacing, when applied to words,

seems to be the meaning in

Skinner. "To take bug/' to

take fright or offence.

Theae are hugg-wfrda that aw'd tlie wo-

men in former agea, and atill fool a great

WMOj in th'.i.

RMMHurqfi, (kr«le*$ Limen, 1878.

Brm. A very great comfort^-a whore is

a very great comfort to her hneband,

without donbt.

Beauf. Sirrah, no btig words, there waa

no whoredom in the case.

J>mrjey, A Firiuoui Wife, 1680.

(3) 9. To take offence. North-


Bugaboo, «. A bugbear ; a ghost.


BuoAN, «. The devil. We9t.

BuoAsiN, «. Calico buckram.

BuoB, V. (A.-S,) To bend.

BuooBN, V. {A.'S.) To buy.

BuoGBR, (1) «. To cheat at play.

(2)«. A hobgoblin. Gioue.

BuooY BANB, 1«. An old game

BUCKBE BBNB, J lu Devonshire

played by children in the dark,

in which the following rhymes

were repeated by one of the


Bag^y. baggy, bidde bene.

Is the way now fair and cleau?

la the gooie y-gone to neit.

And the fox y-com to rest?

Shall I come away?

BuGLB, «. A buffalo.

BuoLB-BOD, a. The crosier of a


Bugs-words. Fierce, high-sound-

ing words. See Bug. ** Chenal de





irompettB, one thats not afiraid

of sbadowes, one wbom no big

nor buga wordt ean terrifie."


Bitot, adj. Roagh.

BuiLLEN, t>. (A.^N.) To boil.

BuisT, 0. To mark tbeep. North,

BuKE, «. A book.

BuKBNADB, «. A disb in cookery.

Bukkeitadc. Take henncs, other coayn-

gei, other veel, other other flessh, and

hewe hem to sobetts; waische it, and

hit well. GrvndealDuindeaunblanrhed.

and drawe hem up with the broth.

Caste thereinne rayaons of conincc,

sugar, powdor gyuger, erbes y-atewed

in greet, oynouna. and salt. If it in to

thvnne, alye it up with floor of ryse,

otiier with other thyng, and color it with

safrouiL PbrmeofCurj/tV'^'

Bulbs, «. The tonsils of th^ throat.

BuLCH, 0. To bilge a ship.

BuLCHiN, «. A bull-calf.

Buldkhino, adj. Hot and sultry,

applied to weather. Devon,

BuLDBB-sTONK, «. A boulder.

Bulb, «. (1) A boil or swelling.

(2) The semicircular handle of

any article like a bucket.

BuLoooD, a. Yeast. Eaai,

Bulk, (1)«. The body, from the

neck to the hips.

And itriko thee dead, and trampliBc on

thy bulk,

By atampwg with my foot crush out thy

•ool. Four PreiUieei, 0. Fl., vi, 478.

Beating her bulif that hit hand ahakea

withaL Shakttp., JUp« nf Lucr.

(2) «. The bottom part of a ship.

(3) a. The stall of a shop. The

front of a butcher's shop is still

called a bulkar in Lincolnshire.

(4) V, To strike ; to beat.

(5) V. To throb.

(6) a, A beam.

Bulks, (n v. {J.'S,) To beleh.

(2) To bow, to bend. Prompt,


Bulkbb, a, A night-walker; a


That ii their last refhge In point of

doatitti and wUentbat'i worn out, she

■rait OB with the strip'd senar, and

turn bulker: at which trade 1 hope to

see you suddeuly.

Smmuenfl, Cureltts loten, 1673.

BuLK-BiDDEN, odj, Riddcu with

one's body.


From what huH-riddeH strumpet recking

homiP OUUkmm'tFoem*.

Bull, (1) adj. Strong.

(2) V. Cattle are said in York-

shire to bull up hedges.

(3) a. An instrument used for

beating clay.

(4) «u A sandstone for scythes.


Bullace, a, A wild plum, larger

than the sloe. See BuUiana,

BuLLAKiN, a. Low vulgar abuse.


BuLLATB, V. {Lot,) To bubble or


BuLLBBAE, a, A bugbear.

BuLL-BEOGAB, a, A hobgoblitt;

any object of terror.

A searebttff: a hdheggtr: a sight that

frayeth and Arighteth. NomeucUtor.

And they have ao fraid iu with bull-

b«gger», spirits, witches, urcheus, elres,

8cc., aud such other kugt, that we are

afraid of our own shadowrs.

ScotM Due.ttfWiUko'., ISSa

And being an ill-look'd fellow, he has a

pension from the churebwardens for

bc^ne buUbtygar to all the froward

children in the parish.

Momttfori, Onemnck Park, 1691

Bull-calf, t. A stupid fellow.

BuLLBD, (1) a^. Swollen.

(2) Said ofhcoyfrmariaofpetena,

BuLLKN, a, (1) The stalks of hemp

after they are piled.

(2) Boulogne.

BuLLBB, (1) o. To roar. North,

(2) «. (^..iNT.) A deceiver.

BuLL-VACBB, 1 «. Tufts of coane

BULL.FBONT8, J grass. North.

BuLL-vBisT, f. A puff-balL Eeat.

Bullfinch, (1) a, A stupid fellow.


(2) a. A hedge which is allowed

d by Google




to grow Irigh witboat iKpmg.


applied to doobk rowt of potti,

with a qakkiet in the middk.

BuunAB, «. (1) A todpole.


(2) A smaD fiih, called alto a


Bullheads, #. Cnried tnfta of

I hair on a woman's forehead.

BvLUKS,*. Bound pebbles. &w/A

BvLLiMON«,«. A mixtare of oais,

peas, and Tetches. Timer, and

ttillln use in Essex.

Bulling, part, a, Bmling.

Arffanw, boUjnfe. or bobblyag of water

Bullion, «.(^.MaM.) Base coin.

Afld tlKM, which dd'B strict doon did


Aad dunn for Is2!i0», |!0 for correat Mw.

S^h., Dm BmrUu, week S, day %.

^™. ""*!!!• !*• wad plums ;hu-ge

BULLiaa, J "**^

BuLuoNs,c (1) Hooks used for

fttteoing tiie dress; buUons;

embossed ornaments.

(2) A pahr of hose or deubleto

omameBted witk baUionSi

BULL.JUB, 1 #• The fish called

BULL-KNOB,/ a BiiUer's thumb.

BvLL^nxpiN09« #• Aldndofpor.

ridge. North.

Bullock, v. To boBy. Abrf A

fiuLLOT-sTONxa, 9, BaUs of stone.

The arroww llewe from side to Bide,

Ike kmUU^tmn did wvlkc

TmrheniXWt TrogiM TtUt, 1687.

BuLL.p ATBD* adj. A heavy crop of

grass driven by wind or rain into

an eddy, k said to be huU-paied.


Bulls, t. (1) The stems of hedge-


(2) TransvetM bars of wood into

which the heads of harrows


BvLxs-AND-GOws, $. Tho flowef

of the OPiMt sMCuAifttm.

BvLL-SBO, s. A gelded bull. North.

BuLLs-BTEs, «. A sort of coarse


Bull's-pkathbb. To stick a bnlKs-

feather in the cap, to make one

a cuckold.


air-grass. North,

Boll's-nbck, «. To bear one a

bull's neck, t. e., to bear a grudge

against, or to be provoked at the

s^t of a person. DetOH.

Bull's-noon, t. Midnight. JSssf.

Bull's-pink,s. AchaiBncb. JVorf a.

BuLL-sTAa, s. A boU gelt after he

is full grown. OUme.

BuLL-BTANtt, «. (1) A dragon-dy.


(2) An upright stake in a hedge.

BuLL-BTONB, s. A kind of sand-

stone. Yorkoh,

BuLL-TBouT, *. A large species of

trout, found in Northumberland.

Bull-ward, 1 adj, A cow mad

BULL- WOOD, I forthebolL A sow

bullao, [is said to be boar-

BUBJUiD, J wood, and a mare

horsewood, under similar circum*

sUnces. The word is sometimes

appliedopprobriously to a woman.

Bull-wbbk, f. A name given to

the week hefofe Christmu at


Bull-wobbs, 9. Boisterous lie-

haviour. Weot.

Bully, (I) 9. A familiar term for

a companion.

(2)«. A parlour, or small room.


3) 9. {A.'N.) To bolL

|4)e. To frighten.

;5)e. A riot. "To make a bully."

to kick up a riot.

BvLLT-BBOOAB, 9. A scare-CTow.

Bullyeao, v. To rail or use op-

probrious language. Leie.

BvLLT-BOCK, 9. An impudcnt

swaggerer. The word was much





used in the latter half of the 17th


If they spy a gentle gquier making

faces, he poor soul must be hector'd till

he likes 'em, nrhile the nioro stubtx)rn

hUiu-rork darom's and is safe.

SkadweU, SuUen Lover*, 1670. Pref.

Oh ! dear HUy-rock, that wheadle wont

pass. SkadweU, SuUai Lu»ert, 1670.

Upon honour, in a short time not a bnttg-

roek of 'em nU can come near tliee for

gallantry. Dur/ey, Madame mkU.lQS^

BuLSB, 9, A bunch. North*

BvLTf (1) «. A sifting cloth.

(2) V. To sift. *'Bult, raunge,

or syeve meale. Hueeemo"


BuLTBR, «. A bag for fine meal.

" Buliret or bultyng poke for fyne

meale. Cribra:* HuioeL

BuLTiNGARKE, «. A tub or chest

for sifting.

BuLTLB, f. Bran. North,

BuLVKR, 9. To increase in bulk.


BuLVERasAD, «. A stupid fellow.


BvLYKRisQ.part, a, A tree or bush

whose branches extend over the

road, is said to hang buhering

over. Any part of dress, as of a

gown or coat made large and full,

so as to stick out, is said to be


Bulwark, «. A rampart.

BuLWORKs, «. Part of the armour,

used to prevent the thighs of the

wearer from being chafed by

the pieces that terminated just

above the knee.

Bum, (1) V. To strike; to beat.


(2) 9. To spin a top. North,

(3) V, To rush with a humming


(4) «. To dun.

f&)«. To drink; to taste.

(6) «. A bum.bailiff.

Bum, 1 «. The posteriors. This

BUMMB, Vword was in common

BOiiMB,J use with theEUzabethan

writers, and with those of the

century following. It appears to

have been originally synonymous

with buttock. Florio has, "JV&*

tiehe, the buttocks or bummet"

Tne is light, tad yet she bath two

Phi^ne is 1

Like a fttlpayre (at least) of monntanetts.

Daviet, Scourge ofFoUy, 1611.

But when the priest had dona his part, and

that they homeward come.

The bride, for Baltus. might salute the

paTement with her homtae.

Wamei'9 Albumi EngUni, 1698.

The female sex each new moone defying

pale fac'd Cynthia by turning up their

bummei, imagining her the cause of their

distemper. Berbert't TroMla, 1 638.

Bound all the roome were placed Ucita

Mirsaes, Chawns, Sultans, and Begler.

begs, above threescore; who like ao

many inanimate sutues sat crosse.

legg'di and joyned their hmm$ to the

ground, their backs to the wall, their

eyes to a constant object ; not daring to

speak one to another. Ih,

Bums, «. The game of bandy.

Bombard, v, Futuere. North.

Bumbarrel, 9, The long-tailed tit.

BuMBASTB, 9, To beat, or flog.

BuMBE, V. To hum. Prompt. P.

Bumble, (1) «. (A.-S.) To make

a humming noise.

(2) «. To rouiBe a bell. East.

h) 9, To sUrtoflTquickly. Ea^t,

(4) «. A confused heap. North.

(5) 9, A small round stone. W^9t,

BuMBLB-BBB, 9. The humble bee.


The olde woman to her parne

In such a butiAU-iroik had layne.

The VnluclieFirmentu, Engl. Dr., iu. 1S9.

For laundresses are testy and full of


When they are lathering in their bmtmhl^

hrotk. r«yl0r'« Workex^ \ cao.

BuMBLE-FooT, «. A thick beavT

foot. East.

BuMBLERiTBs, «. Blackberries.


BuMBLE-PUPPT, a. The game oil


BuMBLBR, «. (1) A humble bee.!

North. '

(2) A bungler. GUmo. \





(3) AwcDcber.

BcMBLKS, «. (1) Rashes. Line.

(2) A Mrt of blinkert. North.

BuMBLB-STArF, «. A BtOttI itick.


Bum-boat, «. A boat which waits

npon ships coming into harbour,

to sell greens, spirits, &c.

Bitmbbushbb, «. A schoolmaster,

from the panishment he is in the

habit of inflicting.

Bumbt. (I) By and bye. far, dial.

(2) «. A place for'inmber; any

collection of filth. EmL

Bum^abo, 1 «. A card used by

BUN-CABD, J dishonest gamesten.

'* RuUerzdia edrta, a bwueard,^


to ihmt expknrts he ever ituids prepared;

A riUaiae excellent at a kum-^uti.

Btmimtd^ Bmmon Or£iuurU,

Bcmclock, t. A beetle. North.

Bum psa, 9. To beat ; to belabour.

Bumfiddlb, (1) «. Podex.

(2)9. ToUkein; to cheat.


Xoovrn veDches thus long, all the ways of


Their niares and aohtilticaf have I read


All their idKnl-kaniing, div'd into their


And am I Bov timi^UM vitb a baatard.

VUUsn, Tks Cktuteeg, 189S.

A biisy4»ody; a

Bvmfidlbb, «.

fidgety person.

Kate atill exclairaea aninft ereat nedlen,

A boaie-body liardiyabe abidei;

Tet ibe'a veil pleu'd with all hum-JUUn,

And hir owne body itiiriug still besicles.

Da»i€$, Scomrgt ofFotly, 1611.

Bumkin, 1 «. A rude country

bumpkin, / fellow; a ploughman.

Of which hee that hath not heard loiiie-


I count htm but a eonntrey Immkm,

Sir Thomas Browne^ MS. Sloane, 1900.

BuMMBLL,f. (1) A bramble. Cvmb,

(2) The baU of the foot near the

toes. J>tc.

BuMMBB, 9. A rumbling carriage.


BuMMLB, 9. To blunder. AiorM.

Bump, (1) p. To beat.

(2)s. A blow

h) V. To ride rough. Ea$t.

(4) 9. The noise made by a bit-

tern with its bilL

(5) p. To make sncb a noise.

Bumping, adj. Large. Wett.

BuMPSY, a4f. Tipsy.

Bumptious, b4^'. Proud ; arrogant.

BuMPT, a^. Uneven.

Bum-bolls, «. Stuffed cushioas,

used by women to make their

petticoats swell out, instead of

the more ezpensiTe farthingales.

Nor yon nor toot home were to nnch

as ipoken of, oefore 1 diibued mvself

from mj hood and my fartlnnKiiJ, to

tbeae kum-rawU, and yofar whafeboDO

bodice. B. Jon., Poe/att., ii, 1.

Ihoae virtoea [nf a bawd] rais'd her

from the flat prtiicuat and kercber, to

the goreei ana bum-rt^l

Fat»tm*s Wedding, 0. Fl.. xi, 4<0.

BuM-BUPFiAN, «. An outrageous


Give a dmnkard that hath learned tr

reele of the tap-apinning Mearmaidc^

and a ii^tt iomau-ruffiam^ the wnll, in

any case; for the one needes it, the

other in right ihould have wall on all

iidea of him, via. Newgate.

Bone** Polgioron, 1631.

BuM-TBOTH. An abbreYiation of

by my troth. Bum ladie, by my


Bun, (1) «. The tail of a hare.


(2) «. A dry stalk, especially the

stubble of beans.

(3) 9. A familiar name for a


(4) #. A term of endearment.

(b) part, p. Bound. North.

(6) 9. ri altoXov, Devon.

Bunch, (1) 9. To beat ; to strike ;

to push. *' I bounche or pusshe

one, iepou99e." Paltgrave.

(2) 9. To bend or bow out*


(3) 9. The act of a calf when





•acking, in pushing its bead forci-

bly against the cow's udder, to

cause the railk to come more

freely. Norf.

(4) «. A worthleu woman.


(5) f . A company of teaL

(6) f. A pack of cards.

(7) 9. The horn of a yonng stag.

Bunch. BACKED, adj. Hunch-

backed. This term occurs in

Copley's Wiu, Fits, and Fancies,

1614, p. 186.

BUNCH-BBRRIEB, «. Thc frUlt of

^t rwbm$ ioatttUU. Craven*

BuMCH-CLOD, f. A clown.

Tenn it no sooner ont but in comet

Valentine to trade in tweetheartt, tiien

the maidt look ont aharp if possible to

have him for a valentine whom they

Cfluld inwardly incline to chute for a

husband; ana at for those who are

£y«m'd by lump lore, if Valcuiiiie's

y will not do for them, here is Fan-

case day a comiiiie, one to please the

fimcy, and tlie other the appetite ; for

there are a threat ninny bunch-elods in

the world that had rHtlier have a belly

fUll of victuals than a handsome sweet-

heart: not that I would encourage

anybody to neglect their victuals for

the sake of a woman, much less to so to

plays or masquerades to seek a hauusom

woman, where you have a better chance

to neei with beauty than virtue.


BuK-CROW, f. A grey bird which

commits depredations on the com.


BuKCVs, f . A donkey. Line.

BuNDATioN, «. Abundance. West.

Bundle, (1) «. A term for a low


(2) 9. To go away in a hurry.

Bundling, t. A custom in Wales

of courting in bed with the

clothes on. It is still continued,

and often has rather disastrous

results. An action for seduction

on this custom was tried at Car-

naryon, July, 1846.

Bunds, «. A species of scabious.

BuNB, a/fo. Promptly.

BuNOy (1) 9. A pickpocket A

cant word, also used for a pocket,

and a parse.

(2) «. A heap or bmcfa. North*

BuNO-DocK, «. A curtail. JSoa/.

BuNGBR, 1 V. To do anything awk-

BUKJBR, J wardly. Stm.

BuNGBBsoMB, tdj. Clumsv. Berks.

BuNGiB, adj. Short and squat.


The tree it not high nor himffie: the

branches spread to a great knpitli, nnd

beare many cods (not unlike the Indian

beanes) arm'd with many sharp prickles.

Herhert's TravfU.ieSS,

Croat-le^d bee tat : hit shash or turbant

was white and bunffie; hit waiat was

girded with a thong of lather.

Bmrbert's TnneU.

BuNGY, atg. Intoxicated. Beds.

BuN-HBDOB, «. A hedge of twisted

sticks. Lane.

BuNHiLL, «. A bunvon. Northamp.

BuNHOBNS, f. Briars bored and

used by woollen-weavers to wind

yani on. Lane.

Bunk AS, s. A number of people

collected together. East.

Bunking, 04^. Fat. Yorksh.

Bunks, s. The wild succory. East.

BuNNED,'ac{f'. Shrunk. Dorset.

Bunnbl, 1. A dried hemp-stalk.


BtJHwi, 9. (1) A small swelling..

East. "Bownche or bwmjfef

Gibba." Huloet.

(2) A sort of drain. Hants.

Bunny-back'd, adj. High and

round shouldered. Devon,

BuNNY-MouTH, «. The snap-dra-

gon. Surrey.

Bunt, (1) v. To push with the

head. West.

(2)v. To rear. Otef.

(3) V. To run like a rabbit.


(4) 0. To sift, or to boult meal.


(5) s. Smut in com.

(6) f . The part of a sail which

is inflated by the wind.

(7) s. A puff.balL Northamp.





BiT3rmu«.(l) AeoileeUvQf lagi.

(2) A prottHnte. Eui.

BuNTiNO, ( I ) A$u McMi ; diabby ;

uiiUdj. Enl,

(2) «. A lam piece of timber.


(3)«. A shrimp. JTm/.

V4) t. A boys* game, piajed wHb

sticka and a small piece of wood.


(5)«. Thewood.brk.

(6) f. A term of eDdearment.

▼here ii BT little kmmHmg t Whj, hov

Mw, bird ? vhiit, in a pi-n ?

iV: ra/«, CHCitoM*« fTovm, 1085.

(7) «. A sort of fine Uoen of

which searches or sarsers are

nsde (cribra p^Oimuid)*

BcR, (1) «. A blow; force, or


(2) «. The halo roand the moon.

(3)f. A stop for a wheel.

(4) «. A whetstone for scythes.

(5) f. Sweet-bread of a calf.

(6) t. A rabbit burrow. Dortt.

(7) COM/. Bat. York9h.

BuaATo, «. A sort of woollen cloth.

*'"*»• U. T.b«bH..


BumBLK, If. A bubble on the

BUEBTL, J water.

Bdeblb, t. A small pimple. Stut,

BuBCOT, «. A load. Somenet.

BuBDBLAis. «. A sort of grapes.

BcaoBN-BAND, «. A hay-band.


BuBBis, t. {A,'N.) A tom-nament.

BcBDisB, V. {J,'N,) To joust at a


BuBOON, «. (^.-M) AsUff.

BuBDo UN, a. {A^N.) The base in


BuBB, t. {A,-$.) A chamber.

BoBEOKLTyOcfv. Forcibly ; swiftly.

BuuLB, f . The spoke of a wheel.

BuBBT, f. A drinking Tcssel.

BvKKWB, r. (itf..&) To protect.


7. y^S.*««.

BvBAB, «. A bridge. 0^

BuBOBN, 1 9. (1) To bud. See

BunoBoir, J Bimrgmiu

(2)«. A bud; a sprout.

BuROH, «. (1) Part of a spear.

I'll try one tpmam . thcmgh H

piov« too ohort bj the hmr^lL

BomriMg Girl, O. PL, vi, 33.

(2) The projectiBg rim of a deer's

horn, dose to the head.

BuBOHB, «. (^..&) (1) A hillodc

or barrow.

(2) A town or borough.

(3) A barrow hog.

BuaoMOTBf'a. (A.^S.) A borough


BuROoiN, «. (/v.) A part of the


A hwfoiin, is that put of th« head-

dreu that coven the hair, betof the

first part of the dress.

Dmntom'i Ltufy's Diet., 1094.

BuROON, «. A burganet, or helmet

Tjtan enooonters Jore, Jore bim defies,

AjmI from his steely burgom beatf s out lire.

Great Brttaines Tro^«, 1609.

BuRoooD, «. Yeast. Norf,

BuROULLiAN, f. A braggadocio.

BuRJONBN|9. To bod. See^ttTTai.

BoRK, 9. To warm by fondling;

to nuzzle. Norikamp.

Burks, V. To bark. West.

Burl ACS, a. A kind of gn^ies.

BuRLB, (1) 9. To welter.

i2) a. A knot or bump.

3) 9. To take away the knots

or impure parts from clotl).

**MuHe cloth, dttquamare fian»

num." Huloet.

(4) a. The horn of a young stag.

BuwLhni^t part.p, Armeid.

BuRLBR, a. (1) One who buries


(2) A resoWerofdonbts.

BuRLBT, a. A hood, or head-dress.

" Calantiea, a tyre, burlei or

coyfe, a kerchief, or a hood for a

woman.'' Eiyoi.

BuRLBT, a. The butt end of the


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BuRLBT-MAN, f. All ofBcer in

oourt-leets, assistant to the con-

stable. Ketmeii,

BuRLiBouNO, (uH- Rough; un-


BuRLiNBSS, «. Bnlk.

Burling, «. A young ox. Line,

BuRLiNO-iRON, f. An instrument

for burling cloth.

BuRLiNOs, «. Pieces of dirty wool.

Burly, adj. (1) Big ; stout.

(2) Red and pimpled. Somertei.

BuRMAiDBN, «. A chamber-maid.

Burn, (1) «. (A.-S.) A man.

(2) *. {A.'S.) A brook. North,

(3) ». A load or burden. North.

(4) V. To waste, applied espe-

cially to time, as to bum time.

(5) To bum daylight, to light

candles before it is dark.

BuRN-BEKiN G, f . Dcnshering land,

or burning turf for improving it.

B URN-COW, «. A kind of ticetle.

BuRNBD, adv. {A.'N.) Burnished.

BuRNBL, 9. {A.'N.) A name for an

ass, from its colour.

Burnet, a. (1) {A.-N.) Brown

woollen cloth.

(2) A hood.

(3) The plant pimpernel.

BuRNBux, «. A sauce, made of

butter, pepper, salt, &c.

BuRNiE-BEBy «. The lady*bird.


Burning, a. Lues venerea.

Item thnt no itneholder kep« soowom-

man withynne hii howi that hJith any

■ikenet of hramnjfHge^ bnt that she

be putte ont.

Regvlatwn qftke Stem, lUk emt.

No heretici hun'd, bat wenches' taiton.


BuRNiNO-CANDLB, «. The ignis


The lowest meteor in the air ii the

burning eandU, or, as some call it,

fenis fatuus.

WiU^ori, NtUurg's SeereU, 1668.

BuRNiNG-oT-TRB-HiLL, ». A me-

thod of punishing a thief, for-

merly practised by minen on the

Mendip hills.

BuRNiNo-swBAT, «. A plague

which occurred in the reign of

Henry VII.

Burnish, v. To smooth or flatten.


Burn-stick, «. A crooked stick,

on which a piece of coal is daily

carried home by each working

collier for his own private use.


BuRN-THB-Biscurr, «. A child's


B URN-TROUT, f. A trout. **Troeta.

A bumtrout: a trowt" Nomet^-,


BuRNT-wiNB, a. Brandy. See


Vinum ignieliqaatam,Tini latex. Eau

devie,eanardente. 3nmlwine,OTwpx^

vite. NomtncUUor, 1&84.

BuRNwiN, a. A blacksmith. North.

Burr, a. (1) The broad iron ring

fixed on the tilting lance just

below the gripe, to prevent the

hand slipping back.

(2) The knot at the bottom of a

hart's horn.

rs) The flower of the hop.

(4) The burdock; applied more

especially to the prickly calyx of

the plant.

(5) The lap of the ear.

BuRRATiNB, a. Some sort of

clothing. Ben Jonton.

BuRRiSH, a4f. Rough; prickly.

Burrow, «. Sheltered from the

wind. Somenet.

Burrs, a. Upright pieces of armour

in front of the thighs.

Burr-stonbs, a. Rough unhewn


Burse, a. {Fr.) An exchange for


Bnnnt. Take the whyte of lekea, slype

hem, and slirede hem small, like

noumbles of swyue, and parboyle hem





Ib brotb awl wtm TWke bym ap. lad

dnsae hym, and do the leke iu the broth.

Seedi and do the aonmblet thereto ;

Bake a lyor oTbrade, Mode, and vyner re,

and do thereto povdor-fort; teeth

mifanM, nynce hem, and do thereto.

Ihe icir wiK Bake of piggca.

AnM^Oary, p. I.

Bunemg. lUte poik, aeeth it, and

PTude it aaiale vith aoddcn ayrtB. Do

thereto p)de powdon. and hole apieet,

aad aalt, vith angar. Make thereof

malie 1r<Uca aad cast heoi in a botor

of ayren, aad wete hem in lloer ; and

ftye hem m greoe as rr3rtor«, and oenro

hrm forth. FI»rmt^Cmrr,p.$i.

BvKSB9.BK£xiKB, wff, Bsptiired.

BoMT, •. To break.

BuRSTB,t.(^.-5.) Los8;adYeiiity.

BussTD, part, p, BruiMd.

BuKT, (1) V. To prett or indent

annhing. Somertei,

(2J 9. A SRwU flat iish.

BcRTH, jpreit. i. Behoves.

BonTHBN, (1) •- A quarter of ale.

(2) e. To press earnestly. EMti.

BuKTBBNSoitKt «• ProdttctWo.


BuB-THisTLB, #• The spetr-thistle.


BuBTLB, «L A sweeiiBg ^>pie.


BuB^TBBB, «. Tlie elder-tree.

BuRTTitB, «. Birthtimes. M. Okme.

I BuRWALL, « . A wall leaning agninst

a bank. YorkMk.

BuRWE, 0. {A.-JS,) To defend.

BunwHB, #. A circle. Pr. Pan.

Burt, t. (1) {J,-S.) A house or


A nbbit's barrow. SomtJL

A place sunk in the gronnd

to protect potntoes, &c., from

frost. Norihem^L

BuRTHf o-A-wirB, #. A feast given

by an apprentice at the expira-

tion of his articles.

Bu8,p«i. <. Behoves; must.

Buscaob,!. (Fr.) A kind of cloth.

BuscATLB, #. (J,~N.) A bash.

BusB, (1) «. The sign of a uvem,

tuoally an ivy-bush. Cotgrave

gives the proverb, *«Good wine

draws customers withodt any

help of an ivy-bosh." The term

was afterwards continued to the

wooden frame of the sign, on

which the bush was placed.

What elaret't this? tho veiy vorst in


Tour trnttrut-huh deterres a palling


MtwU»d$, Xmmt pfBmtU, 1618.

{Kntfr LeekUl akim im m UUoHf.) I

foand this holder of ropea apon a ilirlf,

bat dare not vmtare dova yet« for fear

aome prying rascal iliaJI snap me b«.

tween earth and hear'n— 'sdeath, I'll

creep into this baah. it maybe ibit may

aecnreme. {Gets nfom tk* tmotm imk.)

Hah I upon honour I grov chearful;

this is so modist a device, that I've

great hopea of good socceaa.

Lmrfy, Mmdmm tUkU, 168S.

(2) To go about the bush, to

approach with ceremony or cau*


(3) V. To butt with the head ; to

push. Wett.

(4) f . The inner circle of a wheel,

eui losing the axle-tree.

(5) B. To retreat from. South.

(6) «. A form of the beard.

BuaHBT, \«. A smaU shoot from

BUSEBT, J Bbusb.

BusHiTiNB, «. Sprouting out at

the roots. Cfhue.

BuaHLOCR,«. A bushy tuft of hair.

At nyght Mr. Baayster canled me up to

ae a comet, but f% was Venus with a

great htn base fyke a itukloek about

hir. MS. Addit., S008.

BusHifBNT,«. {A,»N,) (1) An am-


(2) A thicket of bushes.

BvsnsiTHB, «. A bill-hook. Huloet.

BusHT-BABNABBB, 9. Thc lady-

bird. Si^foli.

BusiKB, V. {Fr.) To trouble with


BuaiNBss, «. (1) Trouble.

(2) A term used affectedly, for

what is now called an aflkir of

honour, a duel. To make a mas-

ter of the duel, a carrier of the

differences, Ben Jonsoi^ pu^t

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among other ingredients, "a

drachm of the buHnen** and


For that'i the word of tincture, the

humus. Let me alone with the basi-

neu. I will carry the bunneu. I do

nnderataod tke butitust. 1 do find an

affront in the business.

Masque qfUereurfft jrc.

— Gould Caranza himaelf

Carry a huinsss better.

B.irFi, hoses Pilgrim, t.

Busk, «. (1) A sort of linen cloth.

(2) A rod of whalebone, or

sometimes of steel, in the front

of the stays to keep them


Her long slit deerei, stiffe busks, puffe


It all that maket her thua angelical.

Marston, Scourge, II, viL

!3) A flock of sheep. East

4) {A.-N.) A bush. North,

(5) 0. To lie in the sun. Estes,

BusKE,«.(if.-&) To busk; to go;

to array, prepare, make ready.

Buskbt, «. {Fr. boaquet.) A small

bush, or branch.

Youth's folk now flocken in every where

To gather yLay-busksts and imelliiig breere.

Spsns., tcl. Ma^, 9.

Buseino, ae^. (1) Bushy.

(2) Provoking. Exmoor,

BuBKLB, 9, To bustle about.

Busk-point, «. The lace, with its

tag, which secured the end of

the busk.

Whether a kick will raiie it. Pray go fetch


Some aqua vita; for the thought of iteel

Has put him in a awound : nothing revive


Then will I keep thy sword and hang it up

Amongst my busk-points, pins, and curling-


Bodkins, and vardingals, a perpetual tro-

phey. Statdolfh, JseJUnu Losers, 1640.

BusKY, a^n Woody ; bushy.

BusMSK. See Bitmare.

Buss. (1) A young bullock. Devon,

(2) V. To kiss.

(3) V. To bttU with the head.

(4) «. A large pitcher. Dewm,

BussAKO, «. A great drinker.

BuBSB, (1) «. {Dui.) A kind of


(2) V, To lie in ambush.

BussBS, f. Hoops for the top of a

wagon. North,

Bussing, s. Whispering?

Without the blind bvssings of a Plapist.

may no sin be solved.

BmWs Imsgs of both Chtrekos.

BussocK, «. (1) A thick, fat per-

son. Warm.

(2) A young donkey. Xetc.

Bust, t. A tar mark on aheep.


Bustbk,«. (I) A loaf.

(2) A heavy blow.

BusTiAN, 9. A sort of coarse doth.

fiusTous. See Boi»tou».

Busy, r. (A.-N.) To be active.

BusY-oooD»«. A meddling person.


But, (1) «. A cast ; a throw.

(2) prei, i. Contended ; stmg.

gled with each other. Havtiok.

fS) 8. A flounder, or plaice.

(4^ 9, A small piece of ground.

(5) «. The thick or fleshy root of

a plant. A potato or turnip is

said to be large in the but.

(6) f. A conical basket used

for catching salmon in the river


(7) o. To grow or swell out.


rS) «. A buttock of beef. We9t,

(9) f. A shoemaker's knife.


(10) «. Strong leather. Nitrth.

(11) ** But and ben," the outer

and inner apartment, where there

are only two rooms in a house.


n2) «. A hassock. Devon.

(13) f. A bee-hive, commonly

called a dee-te/. ExtMor,

(14) ff. A kind of cap. North,

hhSa^. Rough; ragged. North,

(16) 9. To barter. CVomm,

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(\7)frep. Withovt

(18) eoiy. Ualeai.

(19) V. To tbot.

(20) adv. Suddenly. Denom.

Bi7T.B0LT,«. The peculiar utow

used in shooting tt the bott.

BuTCHB, V. To kill. North.

BoTCHKii's-BROoit, «. A kittd of

ruth (rwntf).

BcrFCHBR*s-CLBATBm,t. The nune

giren in Northamptonshire to the

constellation of the Pleiades.

Burn, t. Help ; remedy ; for Me.

BoT-GAP, «. A hedge of turf. Devom.

BiTTH, (1) pre§. i. pi. of buen.

(j4.'S.) Be; are.

(2) «. A sitoation. Euex,

BuTLANDB, «. Waste ground. Sati,

Birr-SHOT, «. A bow-shot.

Burr, «. (1) A boat

(2) A cart. Devcm.

BuTTAO, «. (Fr. boutade.) A burst

of passion.

Una Inrifmd faaA certtin Tiolent sad

nddaia kmlUdt of furioiu eraelty, tad

■axiim dravrn firom the f ery iMweto of

Totmiiee it Mlf : for if he vcre never

m little offended bj another, or tos-

peeted another to be offended vith him,

he pretentlj commaoded sneh to be

Btllmm ArterwMt, IftM.

BuTTAL, t. (1) A bittern. South.

(2) A corner of groond. North.

Bcmxr, v. To posh.

Burrsm-AND-BOOSt t. The daffodil.


BvTTBB-BiT, t. The small strainer

io which each pound of butter

is wrapped when packed for

market. Northatig^.

BuTRB-Box, «. A cant tern ibr a


BomB-BUM p, t. A bittern. North,

BuTTBB-cop, t. The wild rannncn-


BuiTEB-OAiBT, f. Hm white ox-


BomBBO-ALB, f . Ale boiled with

sugar, butter, and spioe. Skrepth.

BinTBB-PiNOBBBD, otS' Slippery.

BvTTiB.HAM,t. Bread and butter.

BmrsB-MiT,*. A tub in which the

butter is washed. PFett.

BvTTBB-PBKCB, «. The farmer's

wife's perquisite money gained

from the sale of her butter.

And when the fiither on the earth did Urc,

To his eonnea fancie he luch way did tira ;

For at no leaeon he the plow oiuat hold.

The enninier waa too hot, the winter cold }

He robs his mother of her butlrr-pemct,

WtUun the alehooie smrrs him for exprnea.

Taylor's Witrkea, 1630.

BuTTBB-PBiirr. A bastard child.

BuiTBB-Puitpa, t. The ovary of

the yellow water-lily. Dontt.

BuTTBB-aHAOi 8. A sUcc of bread

and butter. North.

BuTTBB-TABT, t. A tcrt made as

follows :

Firat yon mnst beat a Uttle green dtroa,

a httle salt, cinnamon, two OMckrooms,

a picoe of batter that ia (kvah and food,

with the yoiks of four raw em ; beat

all thia well together, and put this into

a pan. sheeted with fine paste, snd bard

it over with hmg tiieas of paste, and

when it is bakni, pnt to it some onnge

flowcn, and aa^ar in serring it away.

Tli4 QiMm'«£^ CooHrf,

BuTTBB-TBrrH» «. The two in-

dsors in front of the uppey jaw.

BurrBB-wBOBB, t. A woman who

carries butter about, a class who

were set down in the same cate*

gory as the fish-women of Bil*


BUTTBBT-BAB, 1 «. A half-

BUTTBBT-HATCH,/ door between

the buttery or kitchen and the

hall, in old mansions, through

which provisions were passed.

BuTTiLLABT, 9. A buttcry.

BvTTiNO-iBON, «. An instrument

for peeling bark. North.

Buttock, •• A common strumpet.

iniUsiywi. yon jade. Ill inviah you,

Toa hmUmek, I am a htstice of the peaee,

sinah! Ohs^. &Ui«r'« /br<«»«, 1661.

The bawds and tka MIodb that liv*d there


Came floddng thai tUthtr.

Foot BMt^t 16M.

BuTTOCK-BTBAP, «. A Strap at-





tacfaed to the back of cart-har-

nesB, which assists to hold the

trace up. East.

Button, (1) «. A. bud.

(2) ff. The chrysalis of an insect


(3) 9. A small cake. Eatt.

(4) V. To shut up. Oxon. But-

toned'Upt closed up, shut. ** See

how her little mouih is buttoned-^

(5) «. A small mushroom.

BuTTON-NAiLB, f. Roundhcaded


Button-pound, f. Money. North-


Buttons, (1) a. Sheep's dung.

Devon, To make buttons, cacaret

and hence to be in great fear.

(2) f. In Devonshire, burs are

called beggar'9 buitotu, and cuC'

kold*9 buttons,

BuTiuiCB, f. A tool used to pare

the hoofs in shoeing horsea.

BuTT-sHAFT, «. A sort of arfow ; a

butt. bolt.

Butty, (1) a. A companion or


(2)*. To work in company.


BuTURB, «. The bittern. North.

Butynb, i, (Fr.) Booty.

Buyer, a. A gnat. North,

BuviDLY, adv. Stout made. North.

Buxom, ae(;. {A.-S.) Obedient;

and hence, meek, or humble.

Buzz, 9. To empty a bottle of wine

in carousing ; to drink.

Buzzard, a. 0) A coward.

(2) A sort of large moth that is

seen in great abundance in the

meadows, hovering over certain

flowers in a summer evening.

Devon. The word is also used

in Craven, and is supposed to be

the origin of the proverb, *' As

blind as a buzzard.*'

Buzzom-chuck'd, at^. Blowsy,

or with cheeks of a deep red.

BuzzT, 9, A familiar term

dearmeot. Northampt.

By, (1) prep. By is often u

old writers in the sense of

** by his hfe/* in his lifetim

sometimes in those of yor

or of. ** By and by," distin

order one after the other.

(2) f. A by-place. " But

by or darke corner.*' Flori

(3) a. A bracelet. See Bet

(4) a. A bee.

(5) V. To buy.

(6) V. To abide.

(7) 9. To able. See Abeyt

(S) A term in gambling,

a^ra, to play or cast at the

hazard or gresco." Ftorio.

(d) adv. Besides. Northw

Byar, a. A cow-house. Nor

Bybbby, a. Some kind ol

Che9ter Ptay9, i, 119.

By-blow, a. A bastard.

In such a ladies lapp«^ at sach a i

That iu a jrorld so wide could not 1

such a wilie

Lad ; in an ace so old, conld not 1

such an ola lad.

Bam^MtPs 4fectumat€ Shepket

SaL Thon specJc'it not like a

what's thy name ?

I^l, Mv name is Draco.

StU. Of the AtheuiMn Draco's?

FU. No, of the English Drakes, gr

tain Drake

(That sail'd the world round) left

a bjf-blow,

or whom I coae.


Bycallx, 9. (A.'S.) To ace

Byclaoob, 0. To besmear.

Bycokbt, a. Some oniam<

the head.

B yd A GOB, v. To splash. fF

Bydb, a. (A.'S.) Abode ; dv

Bydryvbn, v. To oommi


BYDWONOBN,j9arf.j9. Com

Bybbb, a. A dwelling. J9h,

Byb-bootinos, a. The fini

of bran. North.

BYBTff. Work not finished.

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Br.pAm, adv. Much.

Btfounob. Found oat. Hemme,

Br.fminTs, «. ** Those went or

humid babbles which inseets niie

upon vefetables, wherein they

lodge their egge and produce

their voung, ore caU'd bf-fnUit."


Btgacbd, a^. Mtd; bewitched.


Btoatbs, «. Spoil ; plunder.

Bt-gold, «. TinteL

Btgorn, 8. A goblin. Narih.

BrHBFOs, 9, To behead.

BTHBTsm,*. A surety, mcklife,

BTHonx, V. To commit adultery

sgainst ; to comote.

BT-HovmSft. Extra hoars at worlt.


Btbotx, v. To adTantage. Ckameer,

Btlans, t. A peninsula.

Brut, «. A boil ; an nicer.

Btls sn, ath. Just now ; a little

before. Somenti.

Bt.lcmax, «. A second loter, or


Btlib, v. To belong.

BrLLvairv, «. A kind of water-

plant. Pr, P.

BruLTKB, V. To use a spade or

mattock. Pr. P.

^T'hov, part, p. Laughed at.

Bt-ltb, 9. {J,-S,) To lie with a

Br.icATTBBa,'a. Irrelevant circam-

I BmoLBW, V. (A.'SJ) To spot ; to


Btv owe, 9. To modu

fiYv,prep, Within.

BrsTAMB, V. To nick-naTne.

BryDui]»,«. Binden; robbers who

bind. Havehi.

Btitb, f . Halt.

Brinrr, t. A kind of pepper.

Bt-xow, ad9. A short time ago.


BTTn^jnvs. f. of Mule. Binds.

Broy, 9. A <iainsy. North.

Bt.fa»t, adt. Past by. ••With order

that sll faults bypatt should be

forgiven." Bowe9 Corr&apondenee^


By'Plot, 9. A plot of ground oat

of the public way.

Btqoidb, «. Bequest. Rob, Gloue,

BrwLDn,pret. t. Must; it beboTcd.

".7."^;.}- A burden.

Bybb, «. (1) The stump of a tree.


(2) A cow-hotise. Cumb,

BYBKYNft. Breaking. Town,My9t.

^YaLAKIN. A dimiButire of by our


Byblbt.s. SttBurUt, "ByrM.w

tyrvnge for women. Catantiea,**


Byronnb, 0. To run over.

Bybynb, V, To bury.

B) sit ALOW, 9, The hollyhock.

Bysom, b4^. Blind. See'^iseii.

Byspbl, 9, {A,'S.) A proverb.

Btspitte, r. To spit all over.

And yit i« it tonnentid by impnrieDre of

adreraii^, and htfspit by servage and

•ub)ecrioan of tynne, and atte last it it

alayn finaUy. Ckmrnter, Pertomtt T.

BrspYiiro, «. Confirmation. An

abbreviation of bUhopping.

Byssi, adv. Quickly.

Bysbinb, t. Fine silk. Wiekl\ff^.

BYVT,pre9. t. oibidde. Pray est.

Bystb, 9. A temporary bed used

by hop-driers and maltsters.


Btsyschyppb, f. Activity.

Bytack, 9, A farm taken by a

tenant who resides on another

farm. Herrf.

By-tail, t. The right handle of a


Bytb, (1) V, (A.'S.) To cut with a

sword, or any instrument.

(2) 9, A morsel ; a bit.

By-thb-wali^. Unburied. JSssf.

Br TiMBS, ttfv. At times; occa-

sionally. Northamp,

B ytbaysid, part. p. Betrayed.

Ccrtis tinful niannc* aoole if hytmyni





of the derel, by coveitite of temporal

SrosperiK^i and 8Ci>rned by ditceyt, whan

e cheseth fleischly dtriyrca.

Chauecr^ Pirsotus T.

Bttte,«. a bottle; a flagon. Warw,

Bttondb, part p. Found ; con-


Byvors, adv. Before.

5ywait, v. To be patient.

By-wash, t. The outlet from t

dam. North.

By-wipb, 9. An indirect sarcasm.


Byword, *. (A.-S.) A proverb.

Bywrye, v. To let out ; to betray


And therfore yow is better hyde yonre

counscil in youre herte. thnn pfayen

him to wliom ye have hy¥>ryed youre

counteil, that hr wol kcpe it clos and

•tiUe. ChaMcer, T. o/Melibeus.

Byzant, 9, A besom. Dor9et.

\iYiTf f. A bend. See Bight.

3a, v. To drive. North.

:aad, «. Cold. North,

)aa8, 9. (for ca9.) A chance, or


)ab, «. (1) A number of persons

secretly leagued together. Stt89ex,

(2) Any glutinous substance.


^ABBAOB, (1) ff. The part of t

deer's head on which the horns

are set.

(2) V. To grow to a head, ap-

plied to the horns of a deer.

(3) 9. A part of a lady's head-

dress. See Choux,

tehind the noddle every bng^cage.

ITean rowls, in Knglish mll'd a cabhojfe.

London Ladiu Dreuiiuf Room, 1705.

(4) V. To Steal slily ; now used

merely of tailors.

^ABANB, 9. (Fr.) A cabin.

/ABARBT, «. (Fir.) A tavern.

/ABBY, adj. Sticky; clammy.


;abbs, 9. A cabbage.

Cable-hatband, t. A :

supposed to have been

duced at the very close

16th century, consistini

twisted cord of gold, sil

silk, worn round the hat.

I had on a grold cabU-katband, \

come up. which 1 wore about t

French hat 1 had.— iruts my

and yet it wai maasie gol

work, &c.

B. Joiu., Ev. Mmm <nU of

Cabltsh, ff. Brushwood.

Cabob, ff. A leg of mutton,

with white herrings and


Cabobblb, v. To puzzle, j

Cabochb, v. (A.'N.) To b

Cabriolbs, ff. A lady's heac

Cabrito, ff. {Span.) A kid

Cacchbn, v. {A.'S.) To ca

take. Kachone. Con9t.Freet

Cache, r. (I) Togo.

(2) To couch or lay down

Cachbrb, ff. {A.'N.) A hu

Cachbbelb, ff. A catchpol

Cack, v. Cacare.

Cackle, «. To babble.

Cacklino-chbat, ff. A <

capon. An old cant tern

Cackm AG, ff. Idle Ulk. Eoi

Cacorne, ff. The windpipe.

Cad, ff. (I) A very small pig

(2) The person who guai

door of an omnibus, and

on the look out (or pass

It is also a low term of al

(3) A low fellow who

about the college to prov

Etonians with anything ne

to assist their sports.

(4) A familiar spirit.

(5) A bUnker. Leie.

Cadar, ff. A wooden frame

over a scythe to preserve ;

the com more even in the i


Cadators, ff. Beggars wh<

circuits round the kingd<

suming the characters of d


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Caddbe, t. A ■errant employed

under another serfant.

Caddbl,(1)«. Cow parsnip. Dewm.

(2) md9. Id a harry ; confotedly.


Caddis, a. Wonted ribbon ; alio,

a woollen stuff.

Caddlb, (1) V. To scold ; to hurry ;

to attend officiously. Wett.

(2) a. A dispute ; a noisy con-

tention. Var/diaL

(3) 0. To tease. Wett,

(4) 9. To coax ; to tpoiL Norik,

{b) 9, To squander money.

(6) «<(f. Nice in appetite. Ltie,

Caddling* part. «. (1) Dawdling.


(2) Tale-telling.

Caodow, a. A jackdaw. JBsa/.

Caddt, (1) a. A ghost or bugbear.


(2)«. The caddis-worm.

(3^ adv. WeU ; hearty. North,

Cadb, f. (I) A barrel containing

six hundred herrings.

(2) In Kent, a cade of beef is

any quantity of pieces under a

whole qnarter.

(3) A tmJdl cask. '

(4) •. To pet; to indulge.

(5) «. The testicle. Still used in

the North.

Telle Klml wires tnelre,

fi ui child maj be nwde

withoaten kuoH-eiii{|: of mannet €*de.

Arlkuw mU Merlim, p. 36.

Cade-lamb, «. A pet lamb.

Caobkt. a4r. (Lat) Falling.

Cadbr, f. A small wooden frame

on which the fisherman keeps his

Ime. South.

Cades,!. Sheep-dung. Var.diaL

Cadbssb,!. a jackdaw.

Cadbw, f . The straw-worm.

Cadge, (1)9. To bind. *' I cadge

a garment, I set lystes in the

^ynyng to kepe the plyghtes in

order." Palsg.

(2) •• A circular piece of wood,

on which hawks are carried when

exposed for sale.

(3) 9. To stuff, or fill. North.

Cadge-btU^, a fuU fat belly.

(4) 9. To carry. North.

(5) 0. To beg. Leie.

(6) 9. To talk incessantly. leie.

Cadger, a. (1) A packman or

itinerant huckster.

(2) A butcher, miller, or carrier

of any other load. Ketmatt.

Cadoy, adj. Cheerful. North.

Cadillbck, a. A kind of pear.

Cadlb, 9. To fondle. Norihamp.

Cadlino, adj. False; insincere.


Cadlock, 1 a. The name ^ a

GALLOCK, I plant; rough ead-

CHARLOCE, J toek, the wild mus-

tard; gmooth eadloek, the wild

rape. North,

Cadma, 9. The least pig of a

litter. Var, dial.

Cadnat, f . {A.»N.) A canopy.

Cadoccs. a bludgeon. 5SMi«rfef.

Cadukb, adj. (la/.) Frail; pe-


Bot follow the eaduke plenrares of this

world. Bitkop FUher.

Erei^ thfaig in this world is eadukt,

tnntitory, and momentary. Id.

Caoy, adj^*. Foolish; addled.


CECITY, a. (laf.) Blindness.

Cafabt, a. (/v.) A hypocrite.

Caff, (1) a. Chaff. North. "Full

ofkaff." Apol Loliardi,p,b6.

(2) f. A gardener's hoe. North.

(3) 9. To run off a bargain ; to

abandon anything. CVa9eii.

Caffa, f. A kind of rich stuff,

perhaps taffata.

Cafflb,9. (1) To caril ; to quarrel.

Ah if I now pnt in tome a^ing cUnte,

I ilwll be cul'd uaeonsUDt nil my days.

Harr. Jr., xlv, ^7.

(2) To entangle. Somertet.

Caft, adj. Intimidated. Yorhth,

Cag, (l)a. A stump. JF§$t.

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[2) 0. To crawl about. Leie.

6KL, V. To harrow ground.


OG, 9. To make a tow or re-

lolution not to get drunk for a

;ertain time ; or, as the term is,

ill the eoffff is out. "I have

xiffged myself for six months.*'

GMAO, (1) ff. Coarse bad food of

my kind, properly an old goose;

I small inferior breed of sheep.

2) V. To quarrel Ware,

iFE, f. An iron cap. Grafton,

iLBs, f. Nine-pins.

iNED, a4/* Mothery. North,

iNOBL, «. A crabbed fellow.


iNOT, adj. Peevish; ill-tem-

)ercd. North.

IRD, 9. A tinker. Northvmb,

I8AR, f. (A.'N,) A king, or


ITCHB, «. The game of tennis.

iTiF, f. (A.'N,) (1) A captive.

'2) A wretch.

3) A cripple.

iTiFTKB, a. Captivity. Wieklife,

UB, (1) 9. To cackle. North,

2) ff. A foolish fellow. Var. di,

|3) '* My cake is dough," I am

intirely disappointed, my hope

s gone.

^otwithstuiding all these traTerses, we

kre confident here that the match will

ake, otherwise my cake it donah.

KX-BRBAD, ff. Rolls, or msncbct.

KB-CRRBL, ff. A rack for drying

»at.cakes. North,

KB-H0U8B, ff. A confectioner's,

ers not so concern *d. walk ia the fieldi,

pre their longing wives what eake-konst

lelds. Satyr agaiiul Hypocrites, 16h9.

KB-NiGHT, ff. A term for the

ive of All Saints, at Ripon in

forkshire, when a cake is made

or every member of the family.

KKR, V. To bind with iron.


Cakb-sprittlb, ff. A thin 1

used for turning the oat-

over the oven. Yorkth,

Calabass, ff. A sort of small

Calabbb, ff. A kind of fur.

CALABa. (Gr, x<JXtn^.) Sted

Calamancb, ff. CalammmeOf ,

of woollen stuff.

Calamdea, ff. (A.'N,) A ki


Calangt, V, {A.'N, emkmffer.

challenge. Rod, OL

Calash, ff. (/v. ctfi^cAff.) An


Calassxs, ff. Alms-housea. i

Caloar, Iff. An asirologei


Calculb, v. (A.'N) To


Caldbbb, 9, To cheat, o

ceive, chiefly by fortune-ti


Calb, (1) ff. Colewort.

(2) Pottage.

(3) A turn. North,

(A) V. To throw; to gambol,

Calbbvbr, tr. To gambol. I

Calendbr,(1) V. Togiveth<

to woollen cloths.

(2) A kind of wood.

(3) A guide, or director.

Calbnturb, ff. A hot fever.

I'ear ma;

Friends to uartake of pdsica. anger

To fire ea» aeighbottriug boaomc


By being transplanted ; but a loTcra

Flamea, though converted to a caln

Unwillingly with the least flame wil

Although to thaw anothers frozen h

Chmmbtrlmyue*s Fkar^ntueU

Calbb. The city of Cadii.

Calbwbis, ff. (A.'N) A

of pear.

Calf, ff. A hart in its first t

Calf-lick, 1 ff. a toft of hi

cow-LicK, /the forehead i

cannot be made to lie smo4

CALr'a-aciN, ff. Fools kep

diversion in great families

often diatlDguished by cof

d by Google




Mj^^fdt, With bottons down the

back. See Sk., K. Jokn, iii 1.

Wn e^^-^tim icsto froB brace we eleur

enlU tni. to Wilg BepdUd.

Calf^staobs, j; PltcesforholcliDg

calvet. Gieme.

Calf-tkundlb, «• (1) TheeDtnik


(2) The niiBe of a thirt, or

floancet of a gown.

Calf-taro, V, The dweUing-place

of oar ialkncj. North.

Calimawco-cat, t. A tortoiie-

shdlcst. Nitrf.

Calis, t. A chalice.

Calitcb, 9. (/v.) A large pittol

or blnnderbuM.

Calkk, 9, (1) To calculate.

(2) To cast a figure or uatiTtty.

Cajlkins, I t. The parts of a

CAWKiNS, > horseshoe turned up

CALuas, f and sharpened to pre>

▼eut slipping*

Call, (1) v. To scold. Abr/A.

(2) 0. To proclaim by public


(3) V. A term in bunting : when

hounds are first cast off, and find

game, ther are said to call on.

(4) 9. The outlet of water from

a dam. North.

(5) 9. Occasion ; necessity.

Gallant, «. A lad. North.

Callar, adj. Fresh ; cold. Cumb.

Callarob, «. Leaves and shoou

of cabbages. Wiffht,

Call-back, f . A wear. North.

Calub, (1) t. A sort of csp or

network worn on the head; a


(2)». To invite.

Callbd-rom K, port. p. Asked in

the church.

Callbr, (1) odj. Fresh; cool.


(2)9. Tojnmp;toeaper. Wight.

Callbt, (1) «. A scold ; a drab ;

a strumpet.

^2) V. T(»taiL

Or to hear her ta bar spleta

CoUet like a bu'tar-oncftn.

BlU/$ Stamens, vol. iii. p. 84.

Ca llibrd, «. {A.»N.) A hard stone.


Callino-band, t. A leading-

string. North.

C ALLOT, 1 «. ( Fr. eoloit€.) A plain

Callbt, j coif or skull'^ap.

Callow, (1) a. {A.^S.) Smooth ;

bare ; unfledged ; applied chiefly

to birds.

(2) adj. Smooth, applied to an

even wood. Smmb.

(3) f . Tlie stratum of fegetable

earth lying above gravel, sand,

limestone, &c. Soot.

Callow-doctor, «. A qnack.

Calls, a. Pieces of tape. North,

Calltmoochbr, #. A term of re-


I do, thou npetut emttfwtcoeh«r. I do ;

n'v-M well known to the jUrieh I hare been

Twice «le-mnner.

Mayor qf Qmnb., 0. TK zi. p. 183.

Calltvan, 9. A sort of pyramidal

trap for birds. Sbmerse^

Calm, a. Scum of liquor. Boot,

CALina,f.(l) Thecogsof awheeL


(2) The frames of a window.

Harrimm*9 De9e. of Engl, p. 187.

Calmbwb, la. A kind of sea

CALOif AWB, J bird.

Calmt, at^. Mothery. £iaf.

Calsbt, a. A causeway.

Calsonb, 1 9. {Fr. eolefon.)

CALROUND8, V Closc linCB tTouscrs

CALZOOMS, J for men.

Caltrop, (1) a. (J.-N.) An im-

plement with four spikes, so con-

trived that, in whatever direction

it is thrown, one Of the spikes

always stands upwards. It was

used against cavalrv in war.

(2) A kind of thistle.

Calth, a. Quoits. Shrcp9h,

CALtra, adj. iA.'N,) Bald. Weber.

Caltbr, v. To prepare salmon, or

other fish, in a peculiar way.

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Cohered ealmon was a dainty

celebrated by our old dramatists.

ALYE8-HBNGB» », A Calf 8 pluck.


ALYBS-MUOOBT, f. A pic made

of the entrails of calves.

ALVEs-SNOWT, «. A plant. '*Aiia-

gallis silvestris. Muroa Tiolet.

Tceil du gat. Cabjee tnowt,** HuL

ALTON, f. (Fr.) A stone or flint.


AM, (1) «. A ridge, or old earthen

Diouud. North.

(2) M^. Crooked.

To doe a thing deane Iramme, out of

order, the wron^ way Cotgraoe.

(Z)ad9. Awry. North.

(4) pret. /. Carae.

AMACA, 9. A sort of iich silk


AMAiL, «. (1) (A.-N.) A camel.

(2) A ncckguard ; the thickest

part of the armour near the


AMALiON, 9. The camel-leopard.

AM ARADK, 9, (Fr.) A comradc.

AMBBR, «. A harbour. South.

AMBER-NosB, «. Ao aquiluie nose.

AMBLE, V. To prate saucily.


AMBRiL, #. (1) The hock of an


(2) The curved piece of wood

on which butchers suspend the

slaughtered animal. See GambriL

AMBUCK, *. (1) The dry sUlks of

dead plants. Ea9t.

(2) A game at ball.

AMBURE, adj. Hooked.

AMEO, a^. Covered. North.

AMELINB, *. {A .N.) (1) A Stuff

made of camel's hair.

(2) A kind of sauce.

AMBL8, ff. A nick-name for the

natives of Cambridgeshire.

AMBRiKE, ff. Cambrick.

Iamil, ff. Chamomile. Somereet.

:ami8, ff. {A..N.) A thin transpa-

rent dress or robe.

Camisado, ff. (ItoL) A whit

or smock frock, which was

worn by soldiers to knoin

other in a night attack. '* 1

a catni9ado^ viz. to wear a

shirt over their armes, tha

may know one another i

dark.'' HowelL

Camle, ff. A camelion. ifa

Cammed, o^^*. (1) Crooked.

(2) Cross; ilinatured. No

(3) Short nosed.

CAMMicK,ff. The plant reath

CAUMiiHf adj. Awkward. S

Cammock, ff. (1) A crooke

or beam.

(2) Timber prepared fo

knee of a ship.

Thoaeh the ammock the mo

bowed the better it is, yet the h

more it it bent andoccupied, the

it waxeth. LiU^4 £

Bitter the blossom when the firait i

And early crook'd that will a eamot


Camoisb, *] adj. {A.'N. a

camusb, I Crooked; flat

CAMUSED, J plied to a nos4

Camooch, ff. A term of com

Camorochb, ff. The wild tai

Camp, (1) v. {A.-S. cempan.


Get campers a call.

To eray therewithal!.


(2) ff. A game of ball, foi

practised in the Eastern coi

(3) V. To Ulk of anything.

(4) ff. A hoard of potatoe

nips, &c. North.

CAMPABLB,a4/« Able to do. i

Campane, adj. Consisting of

Camperknowb, ff. Ale-po

made with sugar, spicei


Campbson, ff. Theganihison

Campestriall, adj. {Lot.)

longing to the fields.

Cample, v. To talk, or argi

contend. Var. dial

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CAHFLms, t. A kind of wise.

CAMn,part,p. Encamped.

Camstkbrib, A{r. Crazy. North-

Can, (1) the pni, t ci


(2) ». To be able.

(3) Began to; used as an anxi-

liary before verbs in the infinitiTe

to express a past tense. See Ga%.

Camacin, «. The pUgiie. Boiky.

Canakin, «. A small drinking can.

Canakus, «. {Fr.) A quick and

lifdj dance, in which the dancer

sometimes used castanets.

Cakaey, (1) e. A kind of sweet

wine, much used in the earlier

part of the 17th oent.

CmmU-^mne, which beareth the name

of the Mlands from whence it is brottfcht,

it of some termed a lacke, with ihit

•4|imet iweetc; but yet Tcry imDrc

Mrij. for it diffefelh not only from

ncke in iweeiBcaie and pleaMatnc« of

teste, but also in eokrar and ransistenee,

for it is not so white in ooloar as sack,

nor so thin in sobatance; wherefore it

is more nntiitiTe than sack, and leas


(2) 9. To dance; to frolic

(3) «. A soTcreign.

(4) f. A kept mistress, ^orf A.

Can-bottle, 9. The long-tailed

titmouse. Shropth.

Cancardb, «(f- Cankered.

Cancblebr, \9. {Fr, ehaneeUer,)

CAUCBLXBR, / The tum of a light-

flown hawk upon the wing to

lecover herself, when she misses

her aim in the stoop.

The fierce and eager hawks down thrilling

from the skiea.

Hake sundry emcOun ere they the fowl

can reach. J>r^t. Foljfolb., ix.

(2) To turn in flight.

The partridge sprang.

He makes his stoop; but wanting breath,

is forced

To eaneOier; then with such speed, as if

He carried H«ht'ning in his wings,he strikes

Ihetiemhhngbizd. Ma$t.(hurd.,i,l.

CANcmm,t. A plant of some kind.

Who taagfat the poore beast harinf poison


To seeke th' hearbe «M«rr, and by that to

cure himf

Who taught the bora ftndiag his spirits


To seeke a branch of iv^ to assure him f

Ortmt Brtiaime$ SVoye, 1609.

Cakch, «. A word used in the

Eastern and Midland counties,

and used to signify a small quan-

tity of com in the straw put

into the comer of a barn ; a short

torn or spell at anything; a

trench, cut sloping to a Ytrj

narrow bottom; a certain breadth

in digging or Ireading land, or in

turning over a dung-hilL

Cancro. (//at) A sort of impre-


Candlb, #. The pupil of the eye.


Candlb-babk, t. A round cylin-

drical box for candles. North,

Canolb-bbam, «. A chandelier.

** CandU-keame, suche as hangeth

in gentlemens halles, with sock-

ettes, to set candels upon, faen-

nar," Huloet, 1552.

Candlb-cap, «. An old brimless

hat, with a candle in front, used

by butchers. North.

Candlboostbs, «. Goose-grass.


Candle-sbbabs, «. SnufTers.

Candlino, f. A supper given by

landlords of alehouses to their

customers on Candlemas-CTe.

Can DOCK, #. A water-plant,

Cank, f. A small animal of the

weasel kind.

Canbd, adj. Mothery. Yorkth.

Cankl, s. {A.-N.) (1) A channel.

(2) The faucet of a barrel. 5o.


(3) {A,-N.) Cinnamon.

(4) A lot. ApoL Loll, p. 93.

Canb-tobacco, ». Tobacco made

up in a particular form, highly

e&teemed, and dear.

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The BOftrfls of hit cliimiiies ar« itfll ttnfTd

With smoke more chargenble than cant-

tobacco. Merry Devil, O. PL, v. 257-

•>- Mj boy onoe Hyhted

)f eane-lobaeco, with a piece

B baUiuL JU ^boU, O. PI . ir, 187.

tobacco he a pype doth lack

idade in cane, in lt«f, or ball.

Harringt. Bpig., iv, 84.

V. To ivhine. North,

\f 9. To entangle. North-

a^. Cross; ill-tempered.

LB, 9. To dissemble; to

•. Devon.

s, 8. Rolls at the bottom

e breeches just below the

sometimes indented like a

:i)9. To talk; to cackle.

A gossip.

To persevere; to oTer-

. Wiltt.

, To be infested with can-


c(/. Dumb. YorkaK

El, ff. (1) The common red

poppy. East,

The dog-rose.

L toadstool. Wett,

\. caterpillar. South.

RFBET, «. (1) Copperas.

A sore or blister in the

h. Ea»t.

RWEED, f. The ragwort.

, V. To whine. Verbysh.

, adj. Rotten, applied to

:. Northampt.

L, ff. The collar, neck.

L-BONK, Iff. The coUar-

!«BL-BONB, [bone.

MBS8, ff. Caution ; good con-


s,9. To toss about carelessly

place to place. Comw,

, (I) a^. Pretty; good ; neat.

A. Canny 'hmnytH sly person.

^ To coax. Northamp,

, ff. A portion of a deceased

s goods exacted by the priest.

Cavons, t. The first (^afh«

hawk after she has mewed

Can8h,<. (1) A small m


(2) A small pile of faggo


(3) A strain. Skropth.

Canstick, ff. A candlestick.

Cant, (1) adj. Strong; b


(2) V. To recover, or mcn<

(3) V. To throw; to


(4) ff. An anction. North,

lb) 9. To let fall. Suuex.

(6) ff. A comer or divisi<


(7) ff. A small bundle €


(8) ff. A niche.

The flrat and priDcipal peraoii

temple waa Irene, or Peace;

plac«d aloft in a cmnt.

Jons., CoronaHom Sni

Directly under her, in a emnt by

was Arete inthroned.

Decker y Enter L of

(9) 9. To humonr, caress.

(10)0. To backbite. Her%

(11) V. To whine, or pi


(12) 9. To set upon edge.

(13) ff. A company, or


(14) ff. A canter, or vagal

(15) 9. To divide. 7Wff«r

CANTABANaUI, ff. (//o/.) ]


Cantankerous, a({f. Contc

Cant-doo, ff. A handspike

hook. North,

Cantbl, \ ff. (A^N.) A CO

CANTLB, J angle ; a small {

portion of anything.

Cantbled. Different pieces (

worked together. Hall^He

Cantelino, ff. A stake o


Cantbb, ff. (1) One who <

vagrant or beggar.

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A Tcry euUef I, w, ooa thai maundt

Upon the ]»4.

B Jm., SU^pfNem, act iL

Hey dagri tum'd aml«r/ this teeomc*

thee worse tlian toa dreMuid yooihAil

cIqcIkb an old woman. There's acaree a

Bu wUl talk thiM throii|ch a grate.

(2) A flint jug. Norihaw^,

CAirrsaBUBT, «. A horse's canter.

Canting-callbb. An auctioneer.


Camtlb, 9. (1) The betd. JVbrM.

(2) The leg of an animal. NortK

Cantxb-pibcb, ff. The part of a

cask into which the tap is driTen.


Caktlt, ocfv. Strongly. Minot,

Caicton, 9. To notch.

Camt-baii., f. A triangnlar rail.


CAit-rmAP, ff. A magic spell. Norjh,

CA3rrBBO,ff. A term used in Wa'les

and Irdandfor a certain diTision

of territory.

Smr Two knights Hew sake OMowilrW,

which after the first conipntation*

uaottoteth to 8840 acres. Six auUred$

11.S6 maketlt a hmronj, 25600 acres,

whose reliefe is 100 oiarks. One barony i

make an earklome 8840U acres whose

xdiefe is 100 ponnd.

JfcrdemU Smvtifon Diakfrn. ItflO.

Cakt-window, f. A bow.wtndow.

Caitty, adj. Cheerful; talkatiTe.


Canyab, ff. To receive the canvas,

t. #., to be dismissed. The phrase

is taken from the practice of

joamermen mechanics who tra-

vel in quest of work with the

implements of their profession.

When they are discharged by

their masters, they are said to

receive the eanvag or the bag,

because in this their tools and

necessaries are packed up prepa.

ratory to their removaL


As mneh as marriage comes to, and I kMe

Mj honor, if the don reoeives the mihnu.

SUH^,Broiken^vA^^ 14.

Caktsfab. ff. A flre-pole.

Canty. a4^'. Merry; cheerful. North,

CAMTASADOtfli. A move in fencing.

Cap, (1) «. To eomplete; to finish.

(2) «. To overcome in aigymant ;

to puzale any onOi

(3) ff. A challenge to competition.

(4; ff., A master or bead. Cumh.

ib) «. To arrest

(6) V. To mend shoes at the toe.

(7) A shepherd's dog. /. Wight.

(8) A man's cap wm aaid to ake,

when he was tipsy.

To walks and sea a Mead tliay boUi in-


Some two mile oat of towns, and manio


So firoUqne. tfll the husbands cap dU aAv.

Qitoi NmamndBadNtw**, 1«29U


liar cap carried before a high

dignitary on state occasions.

Abont X. of the etoke afore none, tha

kioK come into the parlement chamber

in bis parlement robes, and on his bed

% cog of maynietMuncf, and satin hia

most royall ranjestd.

MS. CoUoH^ JmL C, Ti, foL tt6, f.

Capabi^b, «{r. (Xc/.) CenpnheB.


Capadob, h (J.-N.) A boad.

Cap-oabb, ff. A small travdiing

case, or band-box. "A bag: a

wallet t a porUmanteau : a cqa-

eaee," Nomenelator.

CAPB,ff. (l)TbeoopingofawalL


(2) The sleeve of a coat.

Capb-oloak, ff. A Spanish doak.

CAPBi..ff. The horn joint connecting

the two parts of a flail. Devon.

CAPBi.LiiiB,ff. A skulUcap of steeL

Capeb-cocsinm, ff. Great friends.

CAPBBDBW8iB,ff. The stocks. Buf -


Capeblasb, ff. Abosive langnage.


Capbs, ff. Ears of com broken off

in thrashing. Notth*

Cap9a, ff. A kind ol damask ck>tb.

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L. 1

AT.) A hone

L, f . A domestic hen.

(l)f. (^..&) A rock.

9. A wood or grove

8t soil, generally of aldi

9, Any bollow pla


V. To carry. Scmth.

f . A botile or keg of <

> gallons. Leie.

f. A gutter. Line.

BiN8,«. A sort of light ca

the 16th cent., armed


COL, ff. The half turn

lorseman makes on

CTE8, 1 *. (A.'N.) CI

tCTis, J ters ; figures ; a]

icially to characters for


3E, *. {A.'N.) Mei


[NO, "I *. {A.'N.) A ca

iTNB, I Canmyett car

iiNG, J Rob, Gkme.

ITEL, I f . {Pr. caraveUt

^EL, V light round ship,

^iL, J a square poop, r

fitted out like a galley.

nrATE8,«. Comfits made

iway seeds.

ERRT, f . A gooseberry. ^

)KUL, f. A carbuncle.

)NADo, (I) 9. A stea]

sways for broiling.

V. To broil.

iNBT. See CarkaneL

tLAOE, f. Prison fees.

{l)adj. Crooked. Nor

I. A chart.

I. The mariner's coropa

We're all like lea

endeavoare and our motioiia

' do to the north. atiU pa

V. To mix bad and


d by Google




And fbcse ; for On* by thenuelret ther

vfll not vtter, to auRfle and to eard

with the apostles* doethnea. kc., that

at the least yet he may so Tent them.


Ton e&rd your beer, if ton see yonr

fsesta b«pn to be dninc, half aaall,


Gntm^s ^uif/br mm Vp$t. Comr^w^ 1890.

(5) 7bipefilftyM«<rartf,toipetk

with gjeat exactness.

Casdbb, ff. (1) A card player.

(2) A jackdaw. Ai/btt.

Caroew, «. An alderkar.

Cardiaclk, f. ((rf-.) A diseaae af-

fecting the heart.

Cardicxje, #. (corropted from Fr,

quart tT^eu.) The fourth part of

a French crown, aboat fifteen-

pence. The other it the apeUing

of the tinie.

IMd I not yc8ter>inomin;

Bring yoa in a eardeeu there fxoB the pea-


Whoos aas Vd dmen aside f

B. /• FL, Blooit Brother, W. 8.

Cardinal, (l)f. A liquor drunk in

the UniTersity, made like bishop,

except that claret is substituted

for port wine.

(2) f. A kind of cloak, in fashion

about 1760.

CAnDiNAX-TRiLOST, f. A Comish

fish, the three-tailed ray. Barla$e.

Cars, «. (1) Grief; Texation.

(2) The mountain-ash. Devon.

Carr-awates, «. Caraways.

Yet, if a atorme ahookl liae (by u'^t or

Of sonr-enowes, and haile of Mrr-«H0aya.

Dmmt»,aeowri$«fFoU9, 1611.

Carr-cakk, #. A pancake. North,

Carr-cloth, 9. A square cloth

formerly held over the head of a

bride by four men.

Carrcrin, adv. Cheerfully. North-

Carbful, atg. (A.'S.) Sorrowful.

Carrirr, «. {Fr.) The short turn-

ings of a nimble horse ; the move-

ments of a drunken man.

Carrr,«. AsieTC. Derby^

Carewarr, 9. A cart. North,

Carr, (1) pret. t. Carved.

(2) f. The breadth of one cut-

ting in a rick of bay. Kent,

Cartaz, «. (J.'N.) A meeting of

four roads.

Cargo, 9. A bully or braro.

Car-hand, f. The left hand.


Carien, v. (A,-S.) To carry.

Carirs, ff. (itf.-M) CaraUofgold

Carinr, (1) ff. The bottom of a


(2) V. To pijk or prune the

feathers. Xetc.

Let me see, says madam, where's my

eomet? Fray caritu this, faronrite.

UdU^ DUtiomary, 1«M.

Cark, (1) ff. (A.-S,) Care ; anxiety.

(2) V. To be careful and diligent.

(3) adj. Stiff. Leic.

(4)ff. Forty tod of wooL

Carkanrt, 1

carcanrt, I ff. {Fr.) Anecklace.


As rings, and stones, and carkmettet.

To make them please the eye.

Turternlk't TVapcall TlU9,IWJ.

Aboat his necke ^curhut rich he ware

Of prcciona sUmes all set in gold well tried.

Harr. Ar%o»t., vii, 47.

About thy neck a eurhmet is bound

Made of the mbie, pearl, and diamond.

Hariek, p. SO.

CARL,ff. (A.'S.) A churl ; a bond-

man ; a clown.

Carl-gat, ff. A tom-cat. North.

Carlinr, ff. A term applied to an

old woman. North.

Carlino, ff. A penguin.

Carlinos, ff. Grey peas, steeped

all night in water, and fried the

next day with butter, eaten on

Palm Sunday, formerly called

Carling Sunday. North.

Caklisu, adj. Churlish. iVbrM.

Carlot, ff. A rustic, or churl.

Carmbs, ff. {A.'N.) Carmelite


Carnadinr, ff. The carnation.

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Carnart-cbapbl, «. A chtrneU


Cahnbl, t. (I) {A.'N.) A bat-


(2) A dish in cookery*

Cmmd of pork. Take the Imwnn of

■wyne. Pnrboile it, and rrv nde it amale,

and alay it up with ^olkes of ayrenn.

Set it over the fyre with white greece»

and lat it not teeth to fast. Do tliere-

inne safronn and powdor Jori, and nicsae

it forth; and cast tliereinue powdor-

fort. and serve it forth. /bnn« of Cury.

Garnet, v. To coax. Var, d.

Carnivbx, «. (Lat) A scoundrel.

Carnilate, 9, To build houses

with battlements,

Carnill, 9, Kernel Heywoodt


CARN08ITT. «. {Lai') Fleshiness.

" Carwmtyt or anye tbynge that

is fleashye." HulMt,

Caroch, «. (/y*.) A large coach.

Have with them for the great emrockt eix


' And the two coachmen, with my ambler


And my three women.

B. Joni,t De9, U om Au, iv» 8.

Caroionr, «. See Caraing.

Carol, (1) t. {A.-N,) A dance;

(2) V. To dance.

(3) «. A closet or small study.

CaroUvrindow, a bow-wmdow.

Carouse, «. A bumper.

Next he devoured op a loyne of vealo,

Upon foure capons then his teeth did


And sent them downe into his pnddias


So tooke the cup, and drinkine a carowu,

Pell to his rabets, and dispatcninflr fonre.

BowUmdt, Xmne o/Sp. tmdD., 1 818.

Carp, a. (I) {A.»N.) Speech ; oon-


(2) Noiae ; tumult

Carpb, r. C^..JV.) To talk.

Carpbt-kniohts, f . Knights dub*

bed at court by favour, instead

of for distinguished military ser-

vices. Hence, an effeminate



But as for yon, your ekiaths aie rich and


Of purple hues, embroidered all most fairc,

Signes of your laxie mindca; and your


In wanton dancings ar^ fond earpet-


In jackets short, with sleeves meet ddicate^

And hairelace, bonrntce. roost effeminate.


Carpets, 9. CoTers for tables or


Carpet-shjeld, «. An effeninate


Can I not toach some upstart e«f««/«5At«/^

Of Lolio's Sonne, that never saw the field Y

HalVs Sal., iv, 4.

CARPET-sauiRS, 9, An effeminate


Fbr that the valiant will defend her fame.

When oofpH tquirm will hide their hernia

wiih shame.

TurbernOe't TngietU 2Um, 1687.

Carpbt-stanoino, t. A amall

piece of rich carpet, for royal

and noble personages.

Carpet-way, a. A green award.


Carpmbals, ff. A coarse sort of

cloth made in the North of Eng-

land in the reign of James L

Carpnbl, 9, A kind of white cot-

ton cloth.

Carr, a. A sort of black fibrous

material washed up by the sea in

heavy gales, and used for fuel.


Carrack, ff. A Spanish galeon;

any vessel of great value and

sixe. At an earlier period the

name waa given to smaller


Carrans, f. Buskins or coverinjr

for the feet and legs, cut out of

the raw hide. /. Afoii.

Carrbct, ff. A carat of gold.

Carrefour, ff. {Fr.) A place

where four ways meet.

Carrel, a. Fustian cloth.

Carriage, a. (1) A drain. WiU9.

(2) A belt to carry a wheutone

behioid the mower.

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Carkock, #. A heap of sUmes for

a boandarr^niarlL Aorih.

Carro«8k, «. (Fr.) A coich.

Carrot, «. (A^N.) A iquare or

body of toldiert.

Carry, v.(l) To drive. Crmttn,

(2) To recovijr. North.

(3) To e&rry eoak, to aabmit to

jiBj indignity.

CAamT-CARTLK, «. Ab elephant.

So dotehr aabosbt aliBMt t^vn day,

To «asd» the ctrtjf autiCt in his way.

C Anr-MVRRT, «. A kind of sledge

Ibr conveying goods from one

wiireboase to another. Somertei,

Ca.bby-pi.kck, t. A boggy place,

the water of which leaves a red

sediment. Lane,

CA.KBY-TAI.S, f . A tak-bearer.


KAJUSB, J ^ -^

Cabsst, «. Kersey.

CABiiicK, «. The kennel or gutter.


Cabt, #- {ji^-S.) A chariot, or car.

Cabt-:^sa]>, «. Bought bread.

CabtbOv ^J' Ifot considered;

equivalent to ** put on the sheif."

CabttsBv #- (J.'S,) A charioteer.

Cabtbacinbs, f. A cant term for

Cabtlb* v. To dip, or cat round.

Cabt-loosb, #. A cart-rut. North.

Cabttlt, a/v. Rough; unman-

nerly. North.

CAB;r-BAKB,«. Acart-track.iSMejr.

Cabt-sadkl, 9. The saddle placed

on the horse in the shafts.

Cabtb, (1) #. A plough land.

(2) 9. To grow sour, or curdle.


(3) 9. To cut; to slice.

Cabybx^ «. (1) A small ship, or


(2) A prostitute.

(3) {A.^N.) A baaket; achickea.

coop. North.

Carvbtt, f. A thick hedge-row.


CARViRi-CAXM, f. Flat round

oatmeal cakes, with caraway


Carvi8t, 9. A young hawk.

Car-watbr, 9. Chalybeate water.





}ff. A pun,


An the foal i' the fair. I mean all ths

dirt in Simtljfield.—that'a one ofMaater

Littlewit'a earwkiekeU now,— will be

tfarovn at oar baiinrr today, if the

matter doea not pletise the people.

B. Jom , Bartk. Fair, r. 1.

Sir John had always his bodget fnll of

panna, connndnimfl, and carrawiteheU^

— at which the kiiix laufrht till hta aides

enckt. JrhUJmot, Uiaatrt, om J)mmfUnfi.

Cary, «. A sort of coarse cloth.

Caryb, v. To go.

Carymtb, 9. (Lat.) Scarcity.

Ca8, 9. (1) {J.'N.) Chance;


(2) A ease.

Casardly, adv. Unlucky. North.

Ca9balj>, ff. A term of contempt.

Cascade, v. To vomit.

Casb, (1) 9. To skin an animal;

to strip.

(2) 9. A kind of fish, somewhat

like a char, but not so much

esteemed. Nieolton and Bvm'9

West, and Cwnb., i, 185.

Casrlinos, 9. The skins of beasts

that die by accident. Cheth.

Cakklty, a4f* Uncertain ; casual.


Casbm uNP, f. A casement, ^ey-

wood^ 1556.

Ca8b-woric, 9. The caddis. Ea»t.

Ca9hs, V, To cashier.

CASiBRa, a. Broad wide sleeves.


Casinos,*. Dried eow-dnng used

for fuel North.

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Casks, adj. Strong.

Casket, f. A stalk, or stem. North.

Caspeue, f. The plant cardiac.

Carsabullt, 9. The winter cress.


Cassb, (1) ». {A.'N.^ To discharge;

to cashier ; to disoand.

(2) t. An earthworm. Florio,

Ca88iasistre, 9. A pUnt, the

cassia fistula. Gerard.

Cassock. \ f . (fr.) A loose cot-

CASSAftUB, J ward coat.

Casson, f. Beef. Dekker,

Cassydontb, t. The calcedony.

Cast, (1)9. To speak ; to address.

(2) V. To intend.

(3) V. To contrive.

(4) V. To consider; to de-


(5) t. Chance; opportunity.


(6) 9. To bring forth prema-

turely, said of beasts. Shropth,

(7) V. To vomit.

W)v. To empty.

(9) part. p. Thwarted; de-

feated. Shropth.

{\Q)part.p. Warped. North.

(11) V. To choke one's self with

eating too fast. North.

(12) 9. To yield; to produce.


(13) V. To add up a sum; to


(14) V. To think; to cogitate.


(15) ff. A second swarm of bees

from one hive.

(16) f. A brace or couple.

{11) part. p. Cast off; thrown


{\^) part. p. Plotted; devised.

(19) t. {A.'S.) A stratagem; a


(20) 9. A flight of hawks.

(21) V. To set a hawk on a


(22) V. To purge a hawk.

(23) When hounds check, and

the huntsman tries to recover

the scent by taking the hounds

round abont the spot, he is said

to coat them.

(24) V. To rectify or correct a

compass. Pattp.

(25) V. To arrange or dispose.


(26) To coMt vpt to upbraid.

North. Also, to forsake. To cast

afore, to forecast. "I cast my

penyworthes,^e/»o«f]fM/e; whan

I have all caste my penyworthes,

I roaye put my wynnyng in myn

eye." Palsgrave. To cot/ te^

yond the nwon, to attempt im-

possibilities ; also, to indulge in

wild thoughts and conjectures.

To cast vfaterfto find out diseases

by the inspection of urine.

(27) r. To groan. Jfarw.

(28) i. (A.'S.) Strife; con-


(29) V. To condemn.

(30) f. A small portion of bread.

Castelbt, s. {A.'N.) A turret.

Castbllb, s. (a.'N.) a large cis-


Castbb, $. (1) A cloak. Dekker.

A cow that casts her calf.

To come the caster,/t<fif«re.

▲bating that ezprecsion, I aliould hare

•worn that tlion Aid 1 should hare cmm

tk4 easier with her by turns.

Howard, Maa ^ Newmarktt, 1678.

Castbb, i. An instrument for

punishing schoolboys with a

blow on the palm of the hand.


Cabtino-bottlb, «. A bottle for

casting, or sprinkling, perfumes ;

a fashionable luxury in the days

of Elizabeth. Sometimes called

a eatting-gUut.

Pray Jove the perfumed courtiers keep

their ca$txng.hottla, pidutooths, auJ

tbittleeoeki from you.

B. Jons., C3fnikia*9Rtv.,i,\.

Faith, ay: his civet and his oaMting.iilau

Have hdpt him to a place amonic the rest.

B. Jon., £§. M. tmt qfH., it, 4.

Castlb, «. A lort of close helmet.

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Castlkwaed, «. A tax laid on

those dwelling within a certain

distance of a castle, for the lap-

poit of the garrison.

Castlixg, «. A calf bom beHore

xu tinte.

Castock, a. The heart of a cabbage.


Castor, 9. {Lai,) A liea^er.

Castkbl., f. {J.»N.) An inferior

kind of hawk.

like a« the sjmitow, from the autreU ire»

Made his aaTlom in the wise roan's list.

Foem mJJreaitd to Ladg DnJte, IS96.

Cat, «. (1) A mess of coarse meal,

clay, &c., placed in doTe-cotes,

to allure strangers. £lsff.

(2) A ferret. St^olk.

(3) A game played among ooys

with sticks, and a small piece of

wood, rising in the middle, so as

to rebound when struck on either


(4) A stand formed of three

pieces of wood or iron, crossing

^nd onited in the centre, to place

before the fire for supporting a

plate of buttered toast.

(5) (From a common usage of

the #V. ehai.) Podendnm f*

(6) Mentula. Somertet,

(7) A shed to protect aoldien

while lying ready to attack.

Cataditf*, a. {Gr.) A cataract.

Cataiak, a. A sharper.

Catapvcb, a. {A^N.) A kind of


Cat- ARLSS, a. An eruptiTe disorder

of the skin. Nurth,

Catati.« #. A aort of vesseL Bich'

ard C.de L,

CAT-BKAGi.St a. A swift kind of


CAT*Bixx,a. A woodpecker. North.

CAT-BUkSH, a. Any thin liquid, as

weak tea. Une,

Cat-boii.8, a. Small boils. North-


CAT-BBAiK,a. A aort of rough clay

mixed with stone. FPetf.

Cat-call, a. A tort of whistle.

Catch, (1) a. A few hairs drawn

out of a knot or bunch, woven

in the silk.

(2) «. A sort of ship.

(3) a. The eye of a link.

Orbicolui. hm^: Maille. Tlis male, the

ctdcK, or rundle through which tlie

latchetpaaseth and is faatt'ned with tho

tooDg <u the buckle : a loope.

N<meHclatpr, 1683.

(4) To eateh copper, to take

harm. To lie t^xm the eateh, to

seek an opportunity.

I hope yon do not lie upon tk« cmtek to

wenry and tire me out, by putting more

upon me Uien a horae t« able to endure,

and then jro about to hang me, Imcaum

I, through tiredneaa, want bodily

strength and abihtiet to make nnd pro-

nounce my defence. English H^ortkUs.

To eateh afelL A weaver is said

to have caught a fell when he

finishes his piece, because there

is always a small portion wove

beyond the actual termination

of the piece, for the purpose of

securing the remainder of the

warp after the finished work is

cut ont.

Catch -coBNEB, a. A well-known

child's game.

Catch ED, a^. Entangled. Beda.

Catchbbxl, a. A catchjMle. Pr, P.

Catch-lano, a. Border-land, of

which the tithe was disputable,

and taken by the first claimant

who could catch it. Norf,

Catch- WATEB, a. A reservoir of

water in a newly-erected com-

mon. SovMreetm

Catcht, adj. Disposed to take ad-


Cats, v. To be lecherous. North.

Catxl, a. (^.-JV.) Goods; property;

treaaure, or money.

Cateb, v. To cut diagonally.

Catbb*cou8in, a. (1) An intimate


(2) A parasite.

CATBRBTNis,a.(if.-i\r.) Quadraius;


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CAT 292


Catbrpillar, f. A oockchafer.

Catbrram BL, V. To bollow out.

}t OTtPt

Cater8nozslbd, part. p. Zig-zag.

Catkrt, •. The place where pro-

▼isioDS were kept.

Catbs, f. ProTisions.

Ill a plftine conntry frreeting he inrftcd

us to drinke and ente with him such

etUe$ M ih« house mlfurdf d.

SmeUg, Search for Monejf, 1609.

Cat-oallowb, f. A child's game.

Cathammbd, adj. Awkward ;

clumay. South,

Cat-haws, $. Common haws.


Cathedral, i. A bull?. Line.

Catuer, f. A cradle. North.

Cat-hip, t. The gurnet rose.


Cat-icb, f. Ice from which the

water has receded. Northampt,

Cat-in-pan, f. A turncoat, or de-

serter from his party; to turn

cat-in-pan, to be a turncoat.

Our fine phylosopher, our trimme learned


Is (Tone to see ns false a spic as himselfe.

Dumon smatters as well as he of craftic


And can toume col in the foniu very pre-


But Carisnphua hath given him such a

mightie clircke,

As I tliftike iu the ende will breake his

necke. Damon and Filhiat, p. S06.

Thus may ye see to tume the ml in Ike p^n.

Workes of J. Heivsood, lo98.

Catling, t. The string of a lute or

violin, made of cat-gut.

Catm ALLISONS,!. Cupboards Dcar

chimneys for dried beef and

provisions. North.

Catriooed, c^'. Badly creased;

applied to linen. North.

Cats and kittbns, •. The blos-

soms of the salix.

Cats-cradlb, t. A children's

game, with string twisted on the


Cats-foot, t. Ground ivy. North*

Cats-hbad, f. (1) A kind of po-

rous stone found in coal pits.

(2) A sort of apple.

Cats.hbbr,«. " Catte^heere, other-

wvse called a felon. Funmeuku.**


Catso, t. {ItaL cazzo.) A low

term of reproach; a rogue; a

base Mk>w. Catzeriet cheating,


And so cunningly temporise with this cun-

ning caUo. JTiTy hefwUd, O. PI.

— And looks

Like one that ii employed in tatMtrit

Aadcrotbiting; such a rogue, tc.

Jew qf Malta, 0. PL, vtu, S74.

Catr-smbrb, 9. An old name of a

plant, axungia.

Cats-tail, t. (I) The catkin of

the hazel or willow.

La fleur de noyer sembUUe ^ la queue

d'un rat, minoiis in Gallia Narboncnsi.

The eats Uulet on nut-trees, the luiis;

hud hanging like along wonne or ai-

glet. Homendalor» \hhi.

(2) The plant horseUil.

(3) A sore place, or fester. Cb/-


Cat-stairs, ff. Tape, &c., twisted

to resemble stairs. North.

Cattbr, 9. To thrive. North.

Catton, v. To thump. North.

Catwhin, 9. The dog-rose. North.

Cat-with-two-tails, f. An ear-

wig. North,

Catwittbd, atff. Silly and con-

ceited. North.

Caucr, «. A nasty mixtnrei Devon.

Cauci, 1 «. (i/.-M) A causeway,

CAUCfi, J or road.

Cauciovb, ff. A surveyor. CmnA.

Caud, a4;\ Cold. North.

Caudrbec, f. A hat of French

fashion, used in England about


Caudel, If. (A.'N.) A sort of

cawdbl, j pottage.

Chvkens in eatedel. Take ehjkrnns,

ancl hoile hem in gode broth, and'nmme

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kmvp. name teke jolkat of iTren,

■ and the broth, and aljre it lofcdra. Do

tiiereto povdor of wynftr, and sugar

jaovb, aarronn, and salt ; and let it

orer the ffre witho«te bejUyace, and

icrve tbo ehyUns bole, other j-broken,

aad ky tbe aove oooward.

AnM^Cbiy.p. 9.

Ctmiei feny. Take iloer of paynde-

BMva nd fode wyne ; and dratre it to.

n^dre. Do thereto a grete qoimtU^ of

•ofar eypie, or bony ciariflM ; and do

tbrreto laAiona. Boile it, and whan it

U boiicd. alyr> it no with )oIkea of ayren,

and do thereto Mit, and meate it forth,

and lay tbereoii annr and nomlor gyn-

gCT. Arair afCmiy, p. 11.

Ctadd mnytif . TUce remafe, or otber

Ipode avete vyne, and jolkea of ryren

betca and Itreyned, and put therio

nger. nnd eolonr bit with Mifron, and

•etbe hit tyl bit be^ to boyle, and

almwe ponder of ginger thcron; and

•ore hit forthe. WarMr, p. 82.

CAUDcaHB, 9. A caldroD.

Caodlb, ff. Anjr ftlop. Detmt. See

Caud-pib, t. L »^ Cold pie; a dia.

appointment or lost. North.

Cau«lb, v. To quarrel. North*

Cauk, f. {A.-N.) LinK'stoDe. Eaat.

Caul, a. (1) A spider** web.

(2) A swelling. North,

Caold, a. A dam-head. North,

Caulb, a. (1) The filament inclos-

ing the brain. '* Les covertorea

de la cerrelle. The eaulei or

filmea of the braine." Nomenelat.

(2) A coif. *• Where ii my eaifle;

On est mon escofion?" The

French A^hahei, 1615.

CAincpEBsoMK, ad/. Lively ; play-

ful. Derbysh,

Caumt, adj, Qoalmy, Northampt,

CxuPt V. {A.'S. etapian,) To ex-

change. North.

Cauphb, a. Coffee.

The Tbrfara bare a drink B«a good at

meat called amfke, made of a berry as

btgge as a small beaiie. dryed in a fur-

nace and beat to powder of a loote eo-

lonr, in taste htile bitterish, tliat tliey

•eeth and dnoke hot as may be en-

dared ; it is cuod all boorea uf the day,

but especially niorning and ei-rninjc,

when to tbac porpoac ibey entcruune |

tkems»l«M two or three honres in

t&m]ike-homu$t wbirh in all Turkey

ahoand more then innes and alehousrs

with ns.

Cavponatb, a. (laf .) To hold an


Caurt, adj. {A.^N.) Worm-eaten.

CAoaa, coiy. Becsase.

CAUaav, a. {A.-N.) A caoseway,

of which it is the more correct


Caush, a. A sudden declivity.


CAnaiDicK, a. {Lat.) A lawyer.

Cadtkl, a. {A.^N.) A cunning


Cautblovs, adj. Artful ; cautions.

Caution, a. A pledge ; a surety.

Cavb,(1) v. To tilt up. Shropth.

(2) To fall in, as earth whcB


(3) To rake; to separate. South.

(4) To thrash corn.

(5) a. A cabbage. North.

Caybarb, a. The spawn of a kind

of sturgeon pickled, sslted, and

dried, which was formerly con-

sidered a great dainty.

Cavbl, (1) V. To divide or allot


(2) s. A part or share. North.

Cavbnard, a. (A.'N.) A Urm of


CAVBR8TN,a. (^...V.) A hypocrite.

Cavill, a. A coif, or caule.

Her golden kwkes like Hennus sands,

(Or ttren bri^iit Hermin brighter)

A ananglrd can// bindi in with bands.

Then silver niornins lighter.

JlngUuub Heiicon, 16U.

Cavillation, a. (Lat.) A cavil-

ling; a quibble in law. '* CaviU

lation, or subtvle forged tale.

CavWatw:* ttut^t.

Cavino, a. Refuse swept from the

threshing floor. Ea$t.

Catous, adj. Hollow ; full of cnves.

Caw, (I) a. The rot in sheep.






!2) V. To brinf^ forth a lamb.

3) V, To gasp for breath. J)ewm,

Cawabd, adv. Backward.

Cawbaby, 9, An awkward, shy

boy. Devon,

Cawoaw, ff. A jackdaw. North.

Cawdle, 9. Entanglement ; con-

fusion ; also a mining term for a

thick and muddy fluid. Comw,

Ca WD BITE, ff. A shivering feeling.


Cawdy-icawdt, ff. The Royston

crow. Northampt.

Cawb, v. {A.'N.) To go, or walk.

Cawf, f. An eel-box. East.

Cawftail, ff. A dunce. Lane.

Cawhand, ff. The left hand. North.

Cawkkn, v. To breed, applied

especially to hawks.

Cawkt, adj. Frumpish. Line,

Cawl, (1) ff. A swelling from a

blow. Yorksh.

(2) 9. To do work awkwardly.


(3) ff. A coop. Kent.

(4) ff. A sort of silk.

(5) V. To bully. North.

Cawm, V, In Derbyshire, the rear-

ing of a horse is called eawming.

Cawnmy, ff. A silly fool; a half

idiot. Berii.

Cawn8B, ff. A pavement. Devon.

Cawte, adj. Cautious.

Caxon, ff. A worn-ont yng. So-


Cay, v. To caw, as a crow.

Cayn, ff. A nobleman.

Caynard, ff. (A.'N.) A rascal.

Cayre, v. To go ; to come. Cayers,

comers. Morte Arthtare.

Cayser, Iff. (A.'S.) An empe-

CAY8BRB, f ror.

CAVTBFET^t ff. {A.'N.) Wretched-


Cayvar, ff. A kind of ship. K.

Aluaunder, 6062.

Cazami, ff. The centre or middle

of the Bun; an astrological


CAjTBj/irff/. t. Caught. Rob, Ghuc,

Ceace, ff. A layer of earth, straw,

&c. Noif.

Cease, v. To die. Shaketp,

CsATB, ff. A membrane.

Cecohin, ff. An Italian coin, a


Cedule, ff. A schedule.

Cbb, ff. The sea.

Ceob, ff. A seat. See Sege.

Ceoob, ff. The water flower de-lnoe.

See Seffffe.

Cbise, 9. (A.-N.) To seize.

^c."».}'- A«.rt«f.kuU^p.

Cblaturb, ff. {A.'N.) The under*

surface of a vault ; the ceiling.

Celb, (1) adj. Happy. See Seie,

(2) ff. {A..N.) A canopy.

(3) ff. Time ; season. See Sele.

(4) r. A term in falconry. " I

cele a hauke or a pigyon or any

other foule or byrde* whan I aowe

up their eyes for caryage or other-

wyse." Palegrave.

Cblebrious, ff. {A.'N.) Famous.

Crixd, part. p. (I) Decorated by

sculpture or painting.

(2) Wainscoted.

Celeb, adj. Strange ; wonderful.

Celerer, ff. (Lat) The officer in a

monastery who had the care of

the provisions.

Celbstinb, ff. A kind of piiinket

or coloured cloth, with broad


Cellar, ff. {A.-N.) A canopy,

especially of a bed. " Cellar for

a bedde, eiel de lit." PaUgrave.

Cellb, ff. {Lat.) A religious house.

Cblsitudb, ff. {Lat.) Highness.

Celwylly, adj. Unruly. Pr. P.

Ceme, ff. A quarter of corn. Pr. P.

See Seam.

Cbmmed, o^/. Folded; twisted.

Cemy, adj. Subtle. Pr. Parv,

Cencleffe, ff. The daffodiL

Cbndal, ff. {A.'N. aendal.) A sort

of rich silken stuflT, which was

much prized.

Cbns, ff. (I) A sort of sauce.

a by boogie



(2) An isserabW. Pclf^tfw.

CBicg, 9, Incense. To eeiue, to

sprioUe with ineenae.

CssisiB,!. AiiiDeeDupot;abottle

for spriokling perfumes.

CKNBumB, (1) 9. (I«^) JodgmcBt ;


Thly, nudan, he raffera ia mj eentmrt

e9HU with yonr Udythips. and I think

bin to be a bundle of vanity, otherwiae

called a fop ia extraordinary

Dmtftff, Fooi twn'4 Criiiek.

(2) V. To judge; to give an


Tlicy doffe liMir upper garaMiita: cadi

Unto her mSke-vlute limiea mocke to

bare her,

^ndl difference twkt tbdr white nmoAM

and their akina,

And iiard it vere to etmsure which were

fairer. Grmi BriUim$ Trojft, 1G09.

Cext, «. A gmme at cards, supposed

to have reserabled picquet, and

10 called because 100 was tbe


CaNTBNKft, f . Ad officer command-

ing a hundred men.

Cbkto, f . {Lat) A pitchwork.

CcNTRT-OAnTH,«. The ccmctery of

a monastery.

Cekty-foot, 1 ^ ^ ^^

I at cards pbiy'd with a girl,

Bose by name, n dainty pearl t

At etniy-foot I oft'n moved

Her to love aw, whom I loTed.

DnuJct» BaniMkjf.

CiouT, tr. To bark. Shroptk.

Cap, V. To catch a balL North,

Cbpb, «. A hedge.

Cbphbn, «. The male, or yoaog


Cbradenb,«. a fresh-water mnsde.

■ North.

Cbbcle, 9. {A,'N.) To surround.

CBaBMONiBa,«. Prodigies. Shaietp.

Ckrqe, i. {A,-N.) A wax Uper.

CgnKE, 9, A shirt. See Sark.

Cben, «. To concern. ShaJteqt,

Cernoyle, «. Honeysuckle.

Cerse, 9. To cease. North,

Cbrtacioh; #. Assurance.

Certain, Aft>. Certainly. Chauctr.

Certei>, adj. Certain ; firm.

Certes, adv, (^...V.) Certainly.

Cert-monet, 8, Head money or

common Ane, paid yearly by the

residents of several manors to

the lords thereof. BUmmt.

Ceruse, «. Ceruse or white-Iead»

used by ladies for painting.

Cbrte, 9. A circlet.

Cervelle, ff. (A,'N,) The brain.

Ce88, (I) v. To spill water about.

(2) t. {A,'N.) Measure ; estima-

tion. " Out of all eeat/ exces-


(3) i. To call dogs to eat. Somth,

(4) 9. A Isyer or strttum. Bast.

Cessb, v. (1) (J,'N.) To cease.

(2) {A.'N.) To give seizin or


Cbsbbr, f. An assessor.

Cest, part, p. ( A,- N.) Ceased.

CEBTOVft,(A,'N.) A studded girdle.

Cbte, «. A company of badgers.

Cbterach, 9. {Fr.) The stone-


Cbtywall, f. See Setewale,

Chack, t. The groove for the

arrow in a crossliow.

CBACBABLB,a<(^'. Fit to be hunted.

Chacechibnb, f. {A.'N,) Berners.

Chacklb,9. To chatter. Somerwet.

Chackstone, a. A small flint.


Chacoon, t. (^pon.) A dance like

the saraband, brought from Spain.

Chad, 9, A small trench for drain-

ing land. MidL C.

Chadan, a. The inwards of a calf.


Chaddb, «. To shed.

Ch ADFARTHiNO, 9. A farthing paid

formerly for the purpose of hal-

lowing the font for christenings.

Cbadle, v. To make a small groove

in which to drive a wedge to split

stones. Northampt.

Chads, «. Dry husky fragments

found amongst food. JBa9t,

Chafe, n. {A,-N,) To grow angry*

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Cbafsoall, «. A bon earned by

the friction of the legs.

EntreUil, weorchuw et pe«u wr «-

chKttffement, aouillare. A gui with

■wMiing! I ckaf^gdU: i nighig^h »

siernrKiul, wliicK m»)

and riding in a sweat.

piU, wliicli may come by roing

CHAFB»,#.(l)The May-bug. South.

(2) (irf..JV.) A laucepan. "A

caudoFDe, kettle, skellet, or cAa/-

fer to beate water in." Ao»i«i-


CHAPB&.BOUSK, f . An alehouse.


CHArsBT, t. (-rf-iV.) A fnrnace.


Chatkwbsd, «. An old name for

the plant cudwort. Nomenelat,

CHAFr-BONB, If. The jaw-bone.

chaptb.ban, J Chaff'faXLBk^ low-

spirited. Norths

Chafpsbb. (1) V. (^.-5.) To deal,

exchange, or barter.

(2) a. Merchandise.

Chafflb, «. To haggle. North.

CHArr-NBTS, i. Nets for catching

small birds.

Chapfo, v. To chew. Lane,

Ch APFRON, t. A chamfron, or head-

piece for a horse with a projecting


Chaflbt, a. {J,'N,) A small scaf-


Chafty, adj. TalkatiTe. Yorkih.

Craibrb, «. {j4,'N.) a chair, or


Chain, t. A weaver's warp. Somer*


CttAiB-HOLB, f. A recess made in

the upper part of a rick in which

a person stands to receive the

com or hay to convey it higher

for completing the rick. Eatt.

Cbaisbl, a. (^.-iV.) An upper


(2) A sort of fine linen, of which

smocks were often made.

Chattt, adj, Careftil; delieate.


Cbalandb, f. A chanter.

Cbaldbr. t. To crumble. East.

Chaldron, la. (A.-N.) A sort


Chalk, v. To mark up debts with

chalk in an alehouse.

Where I drank, and took mj eommdn

In a tan-house with mv woman :

While I had it, there I'paid it.

Till long ekaUting lMx>ke my credit.

DrwuHm BmnaAy.

Chall, 9. The jaw. Leie.

Cballbnob, «. A term in hunting ;

when hounds or beagles first find

the scent and cry.

Chalm, v. To nibble into minute

particles. Norihamp,

Chalon, a. A coverlet. Chanter.

Ca altered, pari. p. Overcome

with heat. Leie.

Cham, (1) adv. Awry. North.

(2) V. To chew or champ.

Chamberdbkins, 8. Irish beggars.


Chamberbr, a. A wanton person.

Chambbrerb, a. (J.-N.) A cham-


Chamber-fellow, a. A chum;

one who occupies the same cham-

bers with another.

Chambbrinob, a. The furniture of

a bed or bed-room.

Chambrr-lib, a. Urine. Shaknp.

Chamberlin, la. An attendant

chamberlain, /in an inn, equt-

valent to the head waiter or upper

chambermaid, or both, and some-

times male, sometimes female.

Milton says that Death acted to

Hobson the carrier,

Ib the kind oAce of a chamhtrHn,

Show'd him his room where he must lodge

that night,

Fuli'd off his booto, and took away the Bght

On the Umw. Carrier, 1. 14.

I had eren as live the ^Afla^erloiiM of

the White Horse had called me vp to

Ud. PteWs Old Witet TtOt, \ 1.

CRAMBBm-PiBCB, 9. A guu which,

instead of receiving its chaige at

the muzzle, had an opening or

chamber near the opposite extre-

mity, in which the powder and

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rly secured, were de-

. Small caonon, with-

res, used chieily on


To chew.

}#. {A.-N.) A ▼•ne-

gated stuff.

, «. Husks of com.

RKNE, 9. (A.'N.) A


. Tbejotnt or bending

r part of the hind legs

(1) The plain slope

sring off the hedge of

i rabbet.

3w channel or gutter;

" Cham/red brows/'

rows. Renter.

nalleoii, a kind of dnrtt,

be on this fashion : There

ade of a cane, beim'ixt the

■teile, joined and rmirhed

i yron full of chamfers nnd

muM$u Mttreellimu, 1609.

\{A.'N,) Armour for

)se and cheeks.

A richly ornamented

\ by persona of rank in

V% time.

adj. Hard ; firm.

lite, or chew,

tread heavily. Wctrw.

:ut&e. Ejcmoor.

\adj.{A^N,) Plain;

J flat ; open ; applied

reet lies a way up into a

w heath, where the whIIcs

It. and the air so sweet.

tuft Tra»«U our EngUmd.

, ff. (if..^.) A share

partnership in power,

irm, a maintenance of

his suit on condition

I share of the thing

a case of soccess.

CHAMra, «. {A.-N.) The field or

ground in which carving is


Champers, 9, Hounds.

Champkynb, ff. A sort of fine


CuAMPiONON, #. (fr.) A mush-


Champion, «. To challenge; to


Chanck, f. The game of hazard.

Chance-bairn, t. A ba&tard.

A or/A.

Chance- BONK, ff. The huckle-

bone. Ea9t,

Chandrt, ff. The place where can-

dles were kept.

CuANB.j^re/. /. (A.'N.) Fell.

Chanprocb, adj. Very fierce.


Changk, ff. A shift.

Changbabls, adj, Varie^^ted.

Chanokl, ff. The herb bugloss.

Chanoelino, ff. A child changed

by the fairies.

Chanobrwipe, ff. A female huck-

ster. North,

Chanoinolt, adv. Alternately.


Chankb, ff. An old dish in cookery.

Chanker, ff. A cliirik. Dorset,

Cuanks, ff. The under part of a

pig's head. South,

Channel, a. The windpipe.

Channsr, v. To scold. North,

Channbst, 9. To exchange. £r-


Ch A NT, r. To mumble ; to chatter,

as birds do.

Chanter, ff. Part of a bagpipe.


Chantrel, ff. A decoy partridge.

Chap, (1) ff. (from A,-S,

A purchaser.

(2) A familiar term fc


(3) A chink.

(4) A knock.

(5) The lower jaw of i

(G) V, To crack.

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Chap-book, t. A small book sold

bv hawkers.

Chapchubch, t. A parish clerk.


Chape, s. (1) The hook or metal

part at the top of a scabbard.

I'll make him cat the sword you «penk

of; nay, not only the aword, but the

hilt, the knot, the scabbard, the ehape,

the belt, and the buckles.

Durfejf, Marringe-hater MatclCd.

(2) The end of a fox's tail.


Chapbl, f. A printing-house, said

to be so named from having been

originally held in the chapel at


Chapellb, t. {Lot.) A chaplain.

Chaperon, t. A French hood.

CHAPBTREL,f.(^.-A^.) The Capital

of a column.

Chapin, t. See Choppine.

Chapitlb, t. {A.'N.) A chapter.

Chapman, t. {j.-S. ceapman.) A

merchant, or buyer.

Chap-m ONBY, t. Money abated or

given back by the seller.

Chappbllet, t. {A.'N.) A small


CuAFFKD^ part. p. Chopt.

Chappy, adj. Cleft ; gaping open.

Chaps,!. Wrinkles. Craven.

Chapyde, pret. t. (for etchapyde.)


Char, (1) *. A species of trout,

caught in the lakes of West-


(2) V. To char a laughter, to

raise a mock laugh. North.

(3) adv. Ajar. North.

(4) V. To hew stones.

Char, It. A work or business.

CHARE, J They still use the word

in the North, where they would

say, " That char is charred^** that

work is done. Char-womarit a

woman hired by the day for

general work.

To blush and to make hononi, and (if need)

To pule and weepe at every idle toy.

As women use, next to prepare his we

And his soft hand to ekare-wort

imploy :

He pronts in his practise (heaven


Ana of his shape assumed graunt hin

Great Britaxnes Trcye,

And luok that the hanKing:s in

malted room be bruaht uom n, an

ehart-woman rub the rest of the n

Retet, The Town ShifU,

Charactery, f. Writing;


Charbokul, *. {A.'N.) A


Chare, (l)f.(i^.-iV.) A char

(2) V. To hinder. Pr. Part

(3) V. To stop, or turn I


(4) V. To drive away.

(5) V. To separate chaff

com. South.

(6) V. To counterfeit Nori

(7) #. A narrow street. Ne

(8) f. A wall-flower.

Charely, fl^f. Careful ;chai

Chare-thursday, ff. Ma


Charkts, 8. Chariots.

Charge, v. {A.-N.) To weig

incline on account of weigfa

weigh in one's mind.

Chargeant, 04;* {A.'N.)


Charged, a((f'. Ornamented;


Charge-house, «. Apaidscl

Do you not educate Tonth at the i

house on the top of the mountain


Charoeous, adj. {A.-N.) '


Charger, f. A large dish.

Chariness, «. Caution.

Charitous, adj. {A.'N.)


Chark, (1) V. To chop, or <


(2) *. A crack. Northi

(3) V. To creak. North.

(i) V. To make charc^.





(5) ». To expose new ale in an

open Tcstel ttotil it acquiretacidity,

and becomes clearer and soorer,

when it is lit for drinking. Lme.

(6) ff. Small beer, yorkth,

CHAaK-coAL, ». Charcoal.

CHAaLBsVwAiN, #. The constel-

lation Ursa Major.

CaAaLBT, t. (^.-JV.) A dish in


Omtitt. Take pork, uid teeth it wel.

Hewe it miale. Cast it in a pAnne.

Breke ajrcnn, and do thereto, and

•ryiig it wel topyder. Pat thereto

cmre mylke and aafroan, and boile it

togyder. Salt it, and meate it forth.

Jbrm^^Cury, p. 10.

Charlock, «. The mustard plant.


CHAaii; (1) V. {A.'N.) To utter

musical sounds.

Here w onr alendcr pipes may safelY

tkarm. Spent. Skep. Kal., October, ?. 118.

0 vhat longB will I charm out, in praise

of those valiantly stron{c-8tiuking

breaths. Decitr, G*U Bonk, fromm.

(2) s. A hum, or low murmuring

noise. " With charm of earliest

birds." MiUon, Par, £., It, 641.

Hence, as birds charm together,

it was used to mean a company

of birds, as a charm of gold-

finches, t. e., a flock of them.

(3) V. To silence.

Chariied-milc, \8. Sour milk.


Cbarmbr, t, {A.'N,) A magician.

Charn-curdlk, ff. A cfaurn-sUff.


Charneco, 1 ff. A sort of sweet

CHARNico, J wine, made near


Come my inestimable bullies, well

talk of yonr noble acts in sparkling


FuntM, act 4, Smppl. to Sh., ii, CIS.

Cb ARNRL, ff. The crest of a helmet.

Cbarrb, ». To return.

Crarrbd-dunk, ff. Drink turned

sonr in consequence of being put

into the barrel before it is cold.


Cbarmt, (1) t. (A,'N.) A cart,

or chariot.

(2) adj. Dear ; precious. North.

Cbartal, ff. (Lai, eharttda,) A

small document.

Chabtxl, ff. (Fr.) A chslleng^.

CHARTBRBRtff. A freeholder. Cheth,

CuARTBR-MASTBR, ff. A man who,

having undertaken to get coals

or iron-stone at a certain price,

employs men under him.

Chartbr-partt, ff. A bill of


Charthovs, ff. {A,'N.) Carthu.

sian monks.

Charwort. See Brackwort,

Chart, adj. Careful ; cautious.

CuABR, (I) ff. {Fr.) A term in the

gsme of tennis, the spot where a

ball falls.

(2) ff. A wood, or forest.

(3) V, To enchase. Cw. Myut,

(4) V. To pretend a laugh. North.

Chasing. An amusement at school

of pressing two snail-shells to-

gether till the weaker was

broken. The strongest is called

the choMcr,

Chasino-spbhr, ff. A hunting-


Chasour, ff. {A,'N.) A hunter.

Chassb, ff. The common poppy.

Chaste. (1) t^. {A,'N,) To chastise,

or correct.

(2) ff. (^.-M) Chastity.

(3) Trained, applied to hounds.

Chastelain, ff. {A,'N.) The lord

of a castle.

Chastey, ff. (A.'N.) The chesnut.

Chabthbde, ff. Chastity.

Chastie,«.(^.-A^.)(1) Tochastise.

(2) To chasten.

Chastilet, ff. (A,'N.) A small


Chastise, v. To accuse; to ques-

tion closely. Weit,

Chat, ff. (1) (A,'N.) A cat, or


(2) A child. Detfon.

^3) A tell-tale. Devon.

d by boogie




(4) A stnall twig; a fragmeiit of

anything. WeMt.

(5) The wheatear. Northampt.

Chats, «. (1) A feast; a ireai.


(2) A sort of waistcoat.

Chates, 9. The gallows. Hamum,

Chatbus, t. {A.-N.) Chattels.

Chats, «. (1) Catkins of trees.


(2) Small refuse potatoes. Var.di,

(3) Smalt hits of drieil wood.

The gathering of them is called

ehaiting. Norihampi.

Chatsomb, adj. Talkative. Kent.

Chatter, 9, To tear; to bruise.


CHATTBR-BAaKBT, 1 «. An inces-

CHATTBR-BOX, J sant talker.

Chattbrnoul,«. a lubiHjr. North,

Chattbr-pib, 9. A magpie.

C hatter- wateh, 9. Tea.

Chattery, adj. Stony, or pebbly.


Chattocks, 9. Refuse wood from

f<^ge>ots. Glove4

Chaucer's- J EftTS, «. Licentious-

ness ; obscenity.

Chaudern, 9, A sauce, or'gr^^*

The chaudem for swans was

made of the giblets boiled and

seasoned with spices. H'ameTf

AiUtq. CuLt p. 65.

Chavdron. 9. Part of the entrails

of an animal.

Chaupb, ». {J,'N.) To warm;

to heat.

CuAUFBRB, t. (A.-N.) A basin for

hot water.

Hurre thou^t that Iiurre ehoKfere the

wfajche iraa of ledde y-made.

CAro*. Fi&)Am.,p.64.

Chaufraik, t. The head-piece of

a horse. See C^m/ron.

Of ail aaie he caught the dUitOe boae.

Boekiu, 33.

Boag:lit also and redeemed oat of the

wolves ehawi.

Frtf. to Bulknfftr'i Sermom, p. 9.

(2)v. To scold, or, u We say IB

trivial language, to jaw.

Chaumbrb, 9. To curb, or restrain,

applied to the tongue.

For Critiat manaced and thretenrd

hym. that onelesst he ehaninbreed his

tougue in season, ther should ere Ion;;

bee one oxe the fewer for hym.

Jpoptkiffmu o/Brasmut, 1643.

Chaumpb-batailb, tk Battle in

the field.

CHA0NCBLT, odff. (A,'N.) Acci-


Chauncbmblb, It. A sort of


Othere spices ther ben of pride whiche

men and women ben fonnoea inne, and

it encresith fro day to day, of dyTers

atire about the bodi: as ofle streyte

clothes and schorte daj^id hodis, ekatm-

semlcet disgised and leyde op strayt in

T. or vi. stedis: women with achorte

clothis unnethe to the hipes, booses and

lokettes about the heed, and rile styn.

kend homes loiigc and brode, and other

dyrers atire, that I can nought witen

ne discryen of surche thinges. Even

man and woman be hit owne juge and

loke wctl if it be noniiUt ihiu.

MS. CanUti., IBM eimt.

Chauncbp£, 9. (A.'N.) A shoeing

horn. Pr, Parv, (For ehaucep^.)

Chaundler, 9. (A,-N,) A candle-


Chaune, V, (fr.) To gape, or

open. Chaun, a gape or chasm.

Chaum is still used in the same

sense in Warwickshire.

Chauntement, t. Enchantment.

Chauntrb, 9. (A.'N.) A singer.

Chavbl, 9. A jaw. See CAauie,

Chavibh, (1) 9. A chattering, or

murmuring tioise, especially of

many birds dr persons together.


(2) adj. Peevish ; fretful. Kent.

Chavle, v. To chew. YorknA,

Chaw, v. (1) To be sulky. South.

(2) To chew in an awkward


Chaw-bacon, a. A country down.

Chawcers, 9. (A.'N.) Shoes.

Ch AWDPY8, 1 i. (A.'N) The stran-

CHAUDPis, J gnry.

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>CK, «. The Senecio

(^.-/V:)ClMmce; turn;

i. {J'S. eeap.) A

8 bargain ; a sale.

ip, 8 good bargain. See

iside, in London.

> ask the price of any-

heapen is still used in

in Shropshire.

Number. Weber.



) The second sort of

M-ead, ranking next to

en collar, and shirt-

ended, to cheat the

into a belief of the

if a clean shirt.

An escbeaior.

u False dice. Deiker,

Fraud. North,

V. To reproach. East.

'ben a hawk forsakes

T game, and flies at

s, or the like, she was


n a hoand loses scent

he is said to check.

ccheggiire, to play or

,h the mouth as some

ioc." Florio.

)n the same footing.

ij. Chapped. St^H^olk.

K (J.-N.) A diess-

EC. See Ciclatoun.

. a. A roll of the nanaes

(3) tf. Courage; irnpudpnce.

Chkek-ball8, <. The round parts

of tile cheeks. North.

Chkbks,<. Door posts; side posts

in general. " The cheekpt or mdc

posies of a crane or ^^indbcame."

Nomenclator. The iron plates

inside a grate to reduce its atzc

are also called cheekt.

Cheeks and bars. A kind of

head-dress, in fa&hion early in

the 17th cent.

IV. O then thou ran'st tell how to help

me to cherks utui ears.

L. Yc8. mi?ire!*i, very well.

Fl. ^'. Chefki and rnrs f uhjr, TnistrcfB

FninccB. wnnt you cherts and ears /

Dielliiiiks jou have very Uir oiu'S.

Fr. Th'tu :irt a UxA indeed. Turn, thon

ktiowfat what I mean.

Civ Av. iiy, Kester -, 'tis surh m tljcy

wear a' ihcir heads. Lotidott Frod., iv, o.

Cheek-tooth,*. A grinder. North.

Cheen, adj. Sprouted. Devon.

Cheep, v. To chirp. North.

Cheer, v. To least or welcome

friends. North,

Cheering, a. A merry-making.

Cherrly, (1) at^. Pleasant; well-


(2) adv. Courageously.

Ckeerely, prince Otho, ther's such a war

like Bight

That would stirre up a leaden hrnrt to fl'.'ht.

Tragedy of lUjfman, Ifiol.

Cheese, s. A hag of pommace from

the cider-wring.

Cheese and cheese. A terra ap-

plied in some parts to two fe-

males riding on one horse, or

kissing each other.

Cheese-brigs, \ a. Two poles of


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Chebse-vatt, t. A vessel in which

the whey is passed from the curd

in cheef^e making.

Cheese-ford, s. The mould in

which cheese is made.

Chbbse-latb, 8, A loft or floor to

dry cheese on.

Chreselopk, t. Rennet. North,

Chbesrr, «. The yellowhammer.


Cheese-running, t, Lady's-hed-

straw. South,

Cheeses, «. (1) The seeds of the


(2) Making eheetes, a game

among girls, turning round seve-

ral times, and suddenly curtsey-

ing low, when their clothes spread

in a large circle round them.

Chebste, 8. See Che8te.

Cheevino-bolt, 8, A linch-pin.

Chepb, ( 1 ) v. See Cheve.

(2) 8. A sheaf.

Chefpery, 8. A rent due to the

lord of a district.

Cheftance,«. (^.-iV.) Chieftains.

C hefts, 8. Chops of meat. North,

Cheg, v. To gnaw. Northumb,

Chege, 8. A frolic. Kent,

Cheggle, r. To chew or gnaw.


Chbho, V, To sneeze.

Cheisrl, 8, (J.'N.) A sort of stuff.

or T. thinges hehitau^t hem werk.

As to hem wnid bifaile,

Of flex, of silk, of ekeisd.

Of porpre aud of pnlle.

Legend of Joachim ^ Jnne, p. 16S.

CnEiTiF, 9. {jt.'N,) A caitiff.

Chek, 8, III fortune.

Chbre, {\)port.p. Choked.

(2) Checked, in chess ; and hence

used metaphorically.

(3) 8. A person, or fellow. Unc,

Chekblatoun. See Ciclatoun.

Chkkbne, v. To choke.

Chrkbrb, «. (1) The exchequer.

(2) The game of chess.

CUKKKBFULLE, 8, Qulte fulL

Morte Arthurt.

Chbklew, T adj. Che

CHOKELBW, J strangling.

Chelaundrb, 8, {J.'N,) A


Cheld, adj, (A.'S.) Cold.

Chbldez, 8. Shields of a boi

Chblb, 8. (J.'S,) Cold ; chill

Cuillinge, «. The cod-fish. 1

Chblp, V, To chirp. Northm

Chelterbd, adj. Clotted ; c

lated. North,

Chem, <. A team of horses.

Chemise, «. A wall which 1

work of sandy or loose ear

Chbne, 8. A chain.

Chenile, 8. {A.-N.) The hei

Cheorl, 8. (A.-S.) A churl.

Chef, «. The part of a plouj

which the share is placed.

Chepb, (1) V. {A.'S. ceapian

buy ; to cheapen ; to trade

(2) «. A market.

(3) 8, Cheapness.

(4) 8, A bargain. See Chet

But the sack that thon hast dn

would have hought me lights i

cheap, at the doirest chandl

Europe. Shakup., 1 Hen. II

Perhaps thou may'st agree Mier

now. Anon. Play of,

Chbfer, 8. A seller.

Cbkpinq, 8, (A.'S.) Market;

a market place.

Chepster, 8, A starling. iVc

Chequer-trbb, 8, The s

tree. The fruit is called eke


CHsarjiN, 8, See Cecchin,

C HERA LI. Y, 8, A sort of liqiv

By your leave, sir. Ill tend my i

and' instantly be with yoo for a

cheraUw tliis hot weather.

B. /- n, Fkir if. itfin

Cherchbr, 8. A kerchef.

Ch BRCOCK, 8. The mistletoe tl


Cherb, (1) 8, (A.'N,) O

nance; behaviour; enterttin

(2) 8, A chair.

(3) adj, (A,'N,y Dear.

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Cbievl, 9, A churi ; ft peattnt.

CHiarrfe, 1 #, (^.-A'.) Detrncm ;

chkbt£,j affection.

Cbsricb, p. {A.-N.) To cherish.

Ckeritaneet comfort.

Chiuk, r. To creak. Pr, P.

CHiaKY, a^. Rich and dry, ap-

plied to cheese. NorthampL

Chkrlich, «dp. {A.-N.) Richly.

Chbrlish, adj. {J.»S.) Illiberal.

Chbblts-tryaclb, «. Garlic.

Chbbbilbt, 9. A little cherry.

Chbbbt, odj. Ruddy. Devon,

Cbbert-cobs, 9. Cherry-stones.



lings. Oxford,

Chbrrt-curds, 9. A cnstard made

of beastlings and milk boiled

together and sweetened. North-

CBBRRT-FAni, 9. Cherry fairs,

often referred to in the early

vriters, especially as typical of

the transitoriness of human life,

sre still held in Worcestershire

and some other parts, on Sunday

evenings, in th« cherry orchards.

H^ worlde byt ys fiiUe frkylle and frele,

Alle d&y be day hyt wylie enpuyre;

And w fonc tbys worklyt we«le»

Hyt teiTtb bat «• a ekeryfew^,

MS. Ca«tJb., 15a emt.

CBBBftT-RABT, «. A chcTTy fair.

Snmtyme I dnve into nctnoyro

Bow torov may not ever Uiste,

And so oom<^k hope in at ]aste,

Whan I non other foode knowre ;

And that endoreth but a throwe,

Ky^t ai it were a ckery'fetU.

Gow€r, MS. Soc. Antiq., f. 18S b.

CasBRT-nT, 9. A child's game,

consisting of pitching cherry-

stones or nnta into a small hole.

I hare knred a witdi erer since I play'd

c*«ny^. mtehofXdmoiUoH,

Hii ill favoured viatse was almost eaten

tbrongb witb poek-Colea, eo that balfe

a parah of children mizbt eaaily have

pUyed at ckmy-fit in his face.

ftrnter^B Compteri Com. IT, in Cau.

Ca^RiiDf pari, p. Christened.

Chbkvbn, 9. To writhe, or turn

about. Pr, P.

Cbzbk, {\) V. {J.'S,) To choose.

(2) pret. i. Saw. " Even til the

hegh bord he eke99.** 5yf


Chbbbbollb,! ^


Chb8Lb.mo2«bt,«. The name given

by the country people to Roinati

brass coins found in some places

in Gloucestershire.

Cbbslip, 9. A woodlonse.

Cbbsoun,*. Reason. See ^cA«soim,

which is the correct form of the


Chbss, 9. (1) To crack. Line,

(2) To pile up. York9h. Three

ehe9 chamber, three chambers

over each other. Totmelejf ifya/.,

p. 27.

Chbssil, 9, (^.-5.) Gravel or peb-

hies on the bhore ; a bank of sand.

Chessnek, 9. A chess-player.

Chessom, 9. A kind of sandy and

clayey earth.

Cbbbt, (1) «. (Lat). A coffin.

(2) V. To place a corpse in a coffin.

** Che9i a dead corps with spyce

and swete oyntmentes in a close

coflyn. PoUincio" HtUoet,

(S) The game of chess. "The

game at draughts or dames : some

take it for the playe at ehe9t9."


(i)part,p. Chased ; pursued.

(5) adj. Chaste.

Chbste, 9. (A,-S. eia9t.) Strife;


Chkstbine, la. {A,*N) The

CHB8TAYNB, J chcsnut.

jChbstbr, 9. One who emhalros

or places corpses in coffins.

Chbst-trap, 9, A sort of trap for

taking pole-cats, &c.

Chet, 9, A kitten. Stmtlu

Chbtb, v. (1) To cut.

(2) To escheat. Pr. Parv.

Chbukb,v. To work or char. TTiZte.

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CHE 804

Chktachie, 9. (A.-N.) An expe-

dition with civairy.

Chbve, r. {A.'N. cheptr.) To suc-

-led; to compass a thing:; to

irive ; to obtain, adopt. Chevinfft

iccess, completion.

HowBomcver that it ehete.

The knyeht takis his Icre.

Sir DfgrnaiU, lAtteoU MS.

)ture Mith heritage holdyn \iTongfally

I never ckeve, ne with the thred heyr

uayne, MS. 15M cen^.

cvRLURB, 8, (Fr.) A peruke.

iVEN, 9. A blockhead. North,

5VENTEYN, «. (A.^N.) A chief-


tvER,». {A.'N,) " Cheville. The

in of the trukle : the cheverj or

te." Nomencl.

;vERB, V, To shiver or shake.

iVERiL, «. (Fr.) (1) Akid.

Bentence in but a ckneril glove to a

lod wit ; how quickly tbe wrong Bide

ay be turned outward I

Shakesp., Tvcel N., iii, 1.

I) Kid's leather, which being of

very yielding nature, a flexible

)n8cience was often called a

leveril conscience.

EVERON, t. (Pr.) A kind of lace.

:VB8AiLB, «. {A.'N,) A neck-


tviCE, V, (A.»N,) To bear up.

;vi8AKCB, #. (A.'N.) Treaty;

^cement ; a bargain.

;viSH, t». (A,'N.) To bargain ;

) provide.

;yoRBLL, 8, The herb cherril.

;WBN, o. To eschew.

iWBR, 8. A narrow passage or

»ad between two houses. "Go

id sweep that chevoer" fVeti.

;WKT, «. A sort of pie.

iewetta on flenhe day. Take the lire

|)ork, and kerve it al to pecys, and

innes tlierewith; and do it in a* panne,

id f rye it, and make a coffyn at to a

e, smalc, and do thereinne, and do

ereuppon ^olkea of ayren, hardf , pow-

tr of ^ynger, and salt. Cover it, and

ve it m grece, other bake it wel, and

i-re it forth. Ibrme <^ Cury, p. 32.


Chewrb, t. (a corrupt fon

chart,) A task, or business,

still used in Devon,

Here's two ekevre$ ekewr^d; when w

is employed

Tis e\er tlius. B. i- Fl,,Lo9^tCure,

Chewrbe-rino, V, To assist

vants. WUi8.

Chetle, 8, Cold. For chele.

For many a way y have y-goo.

In hungur, thurste, chej/tc, and '

MS. CmM., Ft

Chez, v. To choose. North,

Chibbals, 8, {A.'N.) Small oc

Chibblb, V, To chip, or brei

in small pieces. Northawpt.

Chibb, 8. A kind of onion. A

Chick, «. A small portion. Ek

Chiche, {l)a^. {A.-N,) Nigga

sparing. Chiche.faeedj lean (

(2) 8. (A.-N,) A dwarf p<

vetch. '* Pease ehiehm, or c

pea8on," Nomenclet,

Chichelings, 8, Vetches. Nt

Chick, (1) v. To germinate.

(2) V, To crack.

(3) 8. A crack, or flaw. Etu

Cbickbll,«. Thewheatear. L

Chickenchow,*. a swing. A

Chicken's-meat, 8, A nana<

plied to chick-weed, to th(

dive, and to dross corn.

Chickering, 8. The cry d


Chick-peas, «. Chiches.

Chiddlbn8,«. Chitterlings. I

CHiDB,r. (1) {A,-S,) To wrai

to quarrel.

(2) To make an incessant i

^"•"""'■}.. Afem.Ie«!


Chidham-white, 8, A speci

com much cultivated in Sui

Chjd-lamb, 8. A female lam

Chibi^ 8, A young fellow. No

Chibrtbb,*. See Chereii,

Chibvb, (1) V, See Che»8,

(2) " Apext 8tamenj the ekie

Utle threds of flowers, as in ]

fers, lillies." NometwL

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CHfVB. t. A fngment. SttfoUL

Chig. (1) 9, To chew. North.

(2) «. A quid of tobaeco.

Chiu, <. (^..&} A chicken.

Cbuilaodke, 9. A chiibbin.


Child, #. (1) (^.-5.) A youth

trained to arms ; a knight.

(2) A girL Dtwm, So ^AcAe^r.,

^Ft«/«r'« Ttf/f , iii, 3, " A boy or

leAiA^ I wonder."

Cbildaci, t. Childhood. Ea»t.

Cbilds, v. {A,'S.) To be delivered

of a child.

CHiLDKftMA8,«. Innocentt' day.

Child-okkkd, adj. {A.-S,) Of

childish manners.

Chiloino, (1) #. Bringing forth a

child. Chiiding-woman, a breed-

ing woman.

(2)a^. Productive.

Cbildly, adj. Childish.

Childmb88, «. Childishnesa. Shot,

Chuo-of-tbs-pkopjlb, t. A has*


Cbildrk, pbir. of cAtitf. (^.-5.)


Child's-pakt, #. A child's portion.

Kot so dck, sir, bat I hope to hsre a

dut^$p^})j yoar last will and testa-

Beat ma. of Thomas Sluiefy, 1G0(.

CBiLowrr, 9. A fine paid to the

Saxon lord when his bondwoman

was unlawfully got with child.

Cbilb, a. A blade of grass. Leie,

Cbill, (I) a. A cold. Donet, A

cold shaking fit. JSast,

(2) V, To take the cbill off liquor.

Cbillert, o^r*. Chilly. Kent.

Cbiltbr, a. (1) An ewe*sheep.


(2) The mutton of a maiden sheep.


Cbimbb, a. {J.'S,) The prominent

part of the staves beyond the

head of a barreL

Chimblb,v. To gnaw. CMmbUnfft,

bits gnawed off. Buek$.

Cbimbb, v. (A^S.) To shiver.

CaiMxcKjB, a. A chemist. Ftorio.

Chim iKO, a. A kind of light we

perceive when we wake in the

night or rise suddenly.

Cbiminomkss, a. Melodioosnesa.

Chimlby. a. A chimney.

Chimnbt, a. (A.»N,) A fire-place.

Cbimnbt-swbbps, a. The black

heads of the plantago lanceolata.


Chimp, a. A young shoot. Donet,

Crimpinob, a. Grits. North,

Chimy, «. (from Fr. cAamsae.) A


Cbin-bakd, a. A laee to fasten

the hat or cap under the chin.

Chinbowdash, a. The tie of the

cravat. Dortet,

CuiscRE, (I) adj, (A,'N.) Miserly.

(2) a. A miser. Chjfneherde.


Chinchbl, a. A small hammer.


Chinchbrib, a. Niggardness.

CHXNCHONB,a. The herb groundseL

Cbin-clout, a. A sort of mofller,

Chin-couoh, a. The hooping-


Chxnb, (1) «. A chink or cleft.

(2) a. A kind of salmon.

(3) a. Same as cAtm^e. Chine*

hoop, the extreme hoop which

keeps the ends of the staves to-


CuiKKDtpart.p. Broken in the back.

CBiNOLB,a. Gravel ; shingle. East.

Cbink, (1) a. A chaffinch. Wett.

(2) a. Money.

h\ V. To cut into small pieces.

(4)9. To loosen or separate earth

for planting.

(5) a. A sprain on the back. Eaet.

Cbioppinb. See Chappine,

Chip, (1) v. To break, or crack, as

an egg, when the young bijTd

cracks the shell. North,

(2) 9. To cut bread into slices.

Chippinge, fragments of bread;

ehipphuf^kntfe, a knife to cut

breaid vdtb ; chipper, the person

' who cnts bread.

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(3) V. To trip. Norih,

U) 8. The cr>' of the bat.

(5) Chip m porridge^ a thing of

no avail, neither good nor bad.

ChippeR) v. To chirp. Eati.

Chip-up, t». To recover. East,

>HiRCHB, «. {A.-S.) A church.

/HIRE, (1) ». To feast, or make


Vhat tho' he ehirti on pure manchet


V^liile kind client grrads on black or

brovne. Hall, SatirUt book ii.

(2) 9. A blade of grass or of any


yHiRisTANB, t. A cherry-stone.

^HiRK, V. (A,'S.) To chirp.

i^HiRMB, t. (1) A charm, or noise.

Heywood, 1556.

(2) The melancholy under-tone

of a bird previous to a storm.


^HiRRB, 9. (^..5. eecrian,) To

chirp. Herrick,

jiiiis,pret. i, of chese. Chose.

/UisAN, It. A dish in old

CHTSANNB, J cookcry.

Cktsan. Take hole roches, and tenchys,

or playa. bui choppe hom on peces, and

frie hom in oyle ; and take cruatea of

bredde, and draw hom with wyn and

▼ynegur, and bray fyggea, anddrawe

hom therwith ; and myncc ouyona, and

frie hom, and do therto, and blaunctied

atmondea fried, and miaingea of corance,

and ponder of clowea, and of einger. and

of cauelle, and let hit boyle, then do thi

fiaah in a faire veaaelle, and poure thi

•ewe above, and aenre hit forthe colde.

WkftUTt Antiq. (Mm^t p. 70.

7ai8B, t, A small quantity. " I

wish I had put a chiu more salt

into the links," was said by a

Bury house¥rife. St{foUb,

?Hi8BL, i. Bras; coarse flour.

^BiSELLT, Mdj, Brittle; chippy.


^HiSKBT, «. Cheese-cake. Leic.

^Hiasoif, 9. To germinate. //>»/.

i^BiSTB, 9, {Lat.) A chest.

?HiT, (1) V, To germinate.

(2) «. Th« first sprouti


(3) 9. A forward child.

(4) a^. Diminutive.

(5) "CAy^ffin thefacel

wartes." Huhet, 1552.

Chitb, r. (A.-N,) To scol

Cbitrb, V, To chirp.

CHirsFACB, 9. A baby-fi


Now, now, yon little witch

Chitt, 9. A kind of bird.

Chittbr, (1) V, To si


(2) V, To chirp. Pabgr

(3) adj. Thin, folded up

to a thin and furrow


Chitterlings, «. (1) Tl


(2) The frills at the bi

shirt ; any ornamental fr

(3) Tbe intestines of a p

in knots and boiled.

A haggiae: aome chII it a e

some a bogs harslet. Nom

(4) Sprouts from the

coleworts. Northan^L

Chittbr8,«. Part of the (

entrails of a goose. Nor^

Cbittypacbd, a4i. Bat


Chitai,, «. (fr.) A horse

Chiybl, 9. A small slit


Chivbrs, 9, The small

the roots of plants.

Cbivbs, (1) t. {Fr,) <

grass. Leic,

(2) The threads or i

rising in flowers, with

the end.

Chivino-bao, t. a ho


Chivt, V, To pursue.

Cbizrn, 9. To munch. Z

Cbizzlt, ad^. Hard; hi

dry. Ea»t.

d by Google




CvoAKnro-pn, $. A trick played

00 a tluggUh ileeper, hj hold-

h% a piece o£ ligbted cotton to


CHOAK-PBAm, #. A eant term for a

■mall piece of copper mooey.

Cboanb, 9. A snail fracture.

Croaty, e4r. Chnbivy. Keni.

Cbobbixs, 9. Graint of luuripeaed

vbeat left in the chaff.

Chock, (1) «. A part of a nedi of


(2) $. A piece of wood. North.

Cbocklino, «. Scolding. £niioer.

Cbocklt, adj. Choky ; dry. SuMter,

CBocKoif , V. To jingle the glaaiet

together la drinking.

Come, nephrr, all of at ckoekon,

cibelm. to an absent fiiead, ha, hnm ;

foo know— no more to ba said. (7A^

ibfA Uar gUu»et.)

SkadwtU, Tkt Seomnn, 1691.

Chockt, adj. Ridgy ; full of b<^et ;

nneren. Northampt.

Cbodb, jiref. t. of ehide.

CaofF, m^. Stem ; moroae. Kent,

Cboffb, «. A churl. See Ck^fe.

Cbocs, «. The cuttings of hop

plants in spring. So/utk,

Cboilb, v. To overreach. Ywrkih,

Cbokb8, «. The throat. Nortkumb.

Cbokkb, 9. (J.'N.) To push


Chol, «. {A,-SJ) The jok; jaws }

properiy, that part extending

from beneath the chin and throat

from ear to tar.

Cbouek,«. Soot. North,

Cbolickt, adj. Choleric. But.

Choller, a. A double chin. North,

Choi^t-hbadbd, adj. Stupid.

Cbomp, v. To chew; to cnuh.


Cbok, v. To break.

Cbonck, 9. To cheat. Dewm,

Cbonot, 9, (J.'S.) To change.

Cboonbb, 9. To grumble. Lane.

Cboobe, a. Thirty biiabels of flour

or meal, liber Ni^er Edm. IV.

Cboort, 9. To work, or char.

CBooaiNO-anc&, a. A difiniag.

rod. Somenet.

Chop, (1) a. (A.^S.) To exchange,

or barter. *«CA^p|M and cfaaonge.

Mereor." Huhet.

f2) To flog. E$90M,

3; To meet accidentally. North,

[i) To put in. North.

CBOPCHBBBYy $. A gam« with


Chopch vncHBa, «. Secular priests

who exchanged their beuefices

for gain.

Cbof-looobuibad, a. A great

blockhead. Eatt.

CHor*LooicK, 9, A person who i«

▼ery argumentatlTc.

Chopper, a. (1) A cheek of bacon.


(2) A sharp fellow. Devon.

Cbopfinb, '^ 9.{l)(Span.eh^nn.)

CBioFpiNB, I A high clog or clog

CHAPiN, I patten, of cork or

CHOPBBN, J light framework,

covered with leather or metal,

and worn under the shoe. They

were commonly used in Spain

and in Venice, but in England

only in masquerades.

By*r lady, your ladjahip is nearer to

hearen tlian when I sav 700 last, by

the altitude of a ckutppine.


The Italian in her high ekopeent.

H*fw.^ CkaiUn^t qf Bemuly, act S

.— I am doll—aonie mnsto—

Take my ehafitu off. So. a loaty strain.

MatHH^er, RnigadOt i, 8

(2) {Fr.) A quart measure. North

Chopping, a((r. Large; lusty.

CR0P8B, «. To abuse. Northanwt.

Cbobb, 9. A narrow passage be-

tween two bouses. See Chewer.

Chobk, a4f. Saturated with water.


Choblb, a. A churL

Chobtov, a. Tripe made from the

calf s stomach. Leie.

Cboseb, a. Excuses. Phaa^ton

Corr.f p. 198.

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I V. To cheat.

/H0§LiNOB8, «. Chosen people.

^HouLR^j. (1) Ajavr. North, See


(2) The crop of a bird.

)hountino, 9. QuArrelling. Erm.

/H0UNTI8H, adj. Surly. Devon.

Groups, t. Hips, the fruit of briars.


/HOUSE, "I ^|v

CH0W8E, J ^ '

(2) $. The act of cheating.

(3) t. A person easily cheated.

/HousLE, V. To munch. Line.

/HOUT, «. A frolic, or merry-

making. EaMt,

;houx, t. (Fr.) A part of t lady*»

head-dress. See Cabbage.

A ckous is the round bou beliind the

liead, rescmblitiK a cabbage, and the

French accordinKly so name it.

Ladies' Dictionary, 1694.

Jhove, V. (A.-N.) To sweep.

Jhovelinos, t. Husks or refuse

from rats or mice. Leie.

Ihovt, 9. A small beetle. Ea9t,

Jhow, v. To grumble. North.

iHOWDsa, 9. A fish-seller. Devon.

!howfinged, 9. A stupid fellow.


Ihowrb, v. To grumble or mut-

ter. Still used in Somerset.

But whei) the crabbed nurce

Beginnes to cliide and ckowre.

TurievUe's Otid, 1567. f. 123.

iHOWTBRitr. To grumble. Devon.

HKiNSiB, 9, A sort of drinking


This hot weather canses people to be

thiraty, insomuch that there will be

great employment for noegins, whiskins,

chriruies, cans, tanknrus, blark-jncka,

and such like implements of liusbandry ;

with any one of which, if a man follow

his work hard, he may |eet drunk before

night, if he's a good (or if you please a

bad) husband in the momiug.

Poor BoUn, 1740.

nRJsou^,9.(J.'N.)(\) In Popish

times the white cloth set by the

minister upon the head of a child

newly anointed with chrism after

his baptism ; but afterward

for the white cloth put u(

child newly christened, ii

of baptism, and with whi

women used to shroud the

dying within the month,

the term ehri9om9 was i

to children dying with

month of birth.

(2) In some parts of Bng

calf killed before it is a

old was called a chrisom.(

CHRiaoMB, 1 «. The oil witl

CRTSUMB, > children were

CRISMB, J ed when bapti

Christ-cross, 9. The al(

because, in the old horr

for teaching it to cbildr

letters of the alphabet wc

ceded by a cross. Son

called Chri9t'Cro99'row.

Christendom,*. Achristiai


Christian-horses, 9.

chairmen. Newc.

Christino-oay, 9, Chrii


I thinke if the midwife were pi

oath, I was wrapt in hers o' tl

ingday. Wine, Beere, Ale, and

eoiUentUng for SnperiorUi

Christltnos, 9, A small

pluhi. Devon.

Christmas, «. Holly, with

houses are decorated at


Christmas-boxes, «. Boi

ried by poor men at Christ

solicit money, whence the i

use of the word.

Christmas-lord, 9. The


Christ-tide, 9. Christmas.

Chub, 9. A rough country <

Chubby, a^r*. (1) Fat.

(2) Surly; angry. Ea9t.

Chuck, (1) v. To toss; to t

(2) 9. A hen. Craven,

(3) 9. A term of endearmi

(4) «. A sea-shelL North,

d by Google




chip. SuiteT,

Cosily. SuMtex.

Potions of ardent

3, «.


A game

Quite full.


exult inwardly.

t. A fool. Var.di.

he cheeks. Devon.

iched in the husk.

)8 of wood. SU99.

mp or chew,

need meat. See

Sullen ; churlish ;

c. Coigrave.

Belted; childishly

rm of reproach or

lally applied to


II ehvffe was come to


^Ub'wtu England, 1592.

m (l remember), with

hort to the stunins, as

^jinde, »nd a nuge

e. like h claster of


Pi^rc* PeniUsse, 1592.

I ;oa were married to

tt Wk^ 0. ?L, Ui, 26«.

Fat and fleshy,


andy ahont ; used

14th cent


tobacco. Miege.

9. A ceremony

sons on the arri.

omer, who is wel-

he music of old

▼es, for which he

pay his admission


of wood.

Chumpt, adj. Small; stunted.

Chums, t. The smallest fragments

of brick used by masons.

Chun, s, A profligate wotnan.


Crunch, adj. Sulky. Line,

Chunk, «.(1) A log of wood. AVn/.

(2) A trunk of a tree. Norths


(3) V. To chuck one under the

chin. Kent,

Chunkings, t. The stump of a

tree left in the ground after the

tree is cut down. Leie,

CHUNTKa. 1 To complain J to

I grumble.



Church- ALB, t, A feast in com-

memoration of the dedication of

a church.

Churcu-clbrKi 9. A parish-clerk.


Churchb-oano, *. Church-going.

Churcuhaw, "Is. {A.-S.) A

chtrchk-hayb, J church-yard.

Churching, t. The church-ser-

yice. Eatt.

Church-littbn,<. a church-yard,

or burial ground. "When he

come into that chirche-lytioun

tho." Chrm. Vilodun. Still used

in West Sussex.

Church-masters, 9. Church-

wardens. North.

Church-rbve,s. (A.-S.) a church-


Church-scot, s. Payment or con-

tribution to the church.

Church-8tilk,s. a pulpit. iVbrM.

Church -TOWN, t. A village near

the church. South,

Churchwarden, t, A cormorant


Churchwort.s. Pennyroyal.

Churer, 9, An occasional work-

woman. Comw.

Churl, 9. The wallflower. Shrop9h,

Churl's-trkaclb, 9. Garlic.

Churly, adj. (1) Rough, applied

to weather. York9hm

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(2) Stiff; cloddf; applied to

M>il. Leie.

Churn-dash, «. The staff of a

churn. North.

Chu&nbl, t. An enlargement of

the glands of the neck. North,

Churn-oottino, t. A. harvest-

supper. North.

Churn - milk, i. Buttermilk.


Churn-supper, a. In some parts

of the country it is customary for

the farmers to give an entertain-

ment to their men at the close

of the hay-harvest ; this is called

the churn-supper. At these sup-

pers the masters and their fami-

lies attend and share in the

mirth. The men mask them-

selves, dress in a grotesque man-

ner, and are allowed the privilege

of playing jokes on their em-

ployers, 8cc.

Churre, f. A kind of bird. Areh.^

xiii, 350.

Churrino, «. The noise made by

a partridge in rising.

Crurty, a. Rocky soil. Kent.

Chusb, v. (^.-iV.) To reprehend;

to find fault ; to accuse.

Chuse-but, v. To avoid. North-


Chuserel, «. A debauched fellow.


Chutb, $. A hilly road. Wight.

Chutb-lamb, a. A fat Iamb. Swi.

Cwwxxv.adj. Dressed. Somer$et.

Chtmbb, t. {A.'S.) A cymbal.

Chymmbr, t. A gown cut down

the middle, formerly used by

persons of rank.

Chtmol, a. A binge.

Chyn, a. The chine, pr back.


Chtppb, 9. To carp at.

Chyvblbn, tr. To become shri-


CicBLT, a. Cow parsley. North.

Cichlino, a. Vetches. North,

CiciLiA, a. The name of a dance.

Ciclatoun, 1 a. (.-/.-.V. ai


CHBKBLATO0N, J Stuff brOt!

from the East ; the name is i

bic. In the 16th cent, the n

appears to have been given

sort of gilt leather.

Lef on me ant be my wife, f nl wel thi

apt'dc ;

Auntiuge ant Aaie acaliou han to mec

Ciclatoun ant purpel pal acaltou ha


Wid nlle the metes of my lond fal

seal the fede. Legend of St. Jforj

But in a jacket, quilted richly rare,

Upon eheeklaUm. he whs strauKely c

^«M.. F. q., VI, Ti

CiDDLB, V. To tickle. Kent.

CiDB, V. To decide. South.

CiDBRAOB, a. The herb arsmai

CiDBRKiN, a. The liquor n

from the apples after the cid

pressed out.

CiERGBs, a. (A.'N) Wax tape

CiM BicK, a. {A.'N.) A miserly


CiMiCE, a. (Ital.) A wall-louse

CiMiss, a. (Lat. cimex.) A bu

CiNCATBR, a. {Fr.) A man in

fiftieth year.

CiNDKR-WENCHBa, t. Girls

collected or carried cinders

ashes from houses.

CiNOLKT, a. A waistcoat. Nor

CiNGULAR, a. A wild boar ii

fifth year.

CiNOPER, a. Cinnabar.

CiNauE-PACE,a. A dance, that

of which were regulated b^

number five.

We had not measured thrM ri

ptieet. but we met with one that c«

far greater pace towards us.

BcvBUy^ Searehfor Money,

CiNQUE-PORT, a. (fr.) A so

fishing-net, with five entrant

CiNUUBTALK, a. A quintal.

CiPE, a. A large basket. Berk^

Cippus, a. The stocks or pil

CiPRBSS, a. A sort of fine ga«:

crape, for wearing round «,

man's neck.

d by boogie




r,M» A roaring boy.


See Smrfuidrie,

. circle or crown.

BU8, 9. A circuitous


V. (Lat.) To cut otr.

:b, a. Conduct ; de-




MoL South,

V.) Adty.

rown-bred ; delicate.

•N.) A stringed mu-

nenu CUoierM, per-

lyed 00 citoles.

S.) To cut.

. musical instrument,

, used much by bar-

•n-Keadedf ugly.

It barbers can play on the

of Delight, voL vi, p. 22.

L) To result. See


ken, golden, lynl whore,

1, and most pockey poore.

M, Kmate of UarU, 1613.

wrtition or compart-

lulted ceiling.

ber; grave.

/. cwUat.) A city,

lose; tight. Yftr'kth,

Worm-eaten, applied


The clapper of a milL

ucker of a pump,

lap with the fingers,

id of small windmill

e top uf a pole, which

lie wind, and makes a

i»e, to frighten birds

itemptuoua name for


(6) i, A tale-bearer.

(7) r. To cut the sheep's mark

from wool, which made it weigh

less, and thus diminished the


Clack-box, t. The mouth. East.

Clack-dish, 1«. A dish or box

CLAP-DISH, J with a moveable lid,

formerly carried by beggars to

attract notice, and bring people

to their doors, by the noise it


Clackbb, It, A rattle to drive

CLACKBT, J birds from the corn.

Claddb, adj. Armed. Sir 'frU'


Claddbr, a. A general lover, one

who wanders from one object to


A. Two inaa of court men. B. Yei, what

tlien? A. Know n clad Jert,

Tiiroiijch all the town. B. Claddfrs! A.

Yes, catholic lovers.

From country madama to your glover's


Or laundress. City Match, O. P., ix, ?98.

Clape, /lor/. /I. Cleft.

Clao, *. To stick, or adhere.

C/ay^y, sticky. North. Women's

petticoats, when dirtied with

walking, are said in Northamp-

tonshire to be clagy'd.

Claogeb, a. A well-timed remark.


Clagoum, 1 Treacle made

CLAG-CANDT, J bard with boil-

ing. North.

Clag-locks, a. Locks of wool

matted together. Ea»t,

Clags, a. Bogs. North,

Claikbt, a. A puddle-hole. Ojefd,

Claim, v. {Lat. elamare.) To cry


Stryke them, also, with madnes, blynd-

oes, and woodnes of niynde, that thny

may palpe and ciayme, also handle as

bly'nde nian dothe in darkues.

State Fapert, U, 218.

Claim-U7, part. p. Overloaded,

applied to a mill ; pasted up, as

a placard agaiust the walL North.

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LAiBo, V. To bedaub. North,

LAITY, adj. Dirty. Cumb.

LAKE, 9. To scratch. North.

LAM, (1) o. To emaciate; to be

starved. Eatt.

ow barkes the woIfe tgainst the fall

cheekt moone,

ow IvonB \aM[t'eUm*d entrals loare for


ow croaks the toad, and night crowes

screech aloud,

uttering 'bout casements of departing


ow gapes the graves, and through their

yawnes let loose

upriBon'd spirits to revisit earth.

teond Part of Antonio and MelUda, 1638.

(2) V. To pinch. North,

(3) V. To choke with thirst.

{4)v, To clog up. lVe8t,

(5) V, To stick to.

i6) 9, Clamminess. Eiut,

7)9, Any adhesivcp viscous mat-


(8) 9. A slut. Ea9t.

(9) V. To snatch ; to shut. Line,

(10) t». To rumple. Devon,

(11) V. To muffle a bell; to ring

irregularly or out of tune.

(12) t. A rat.irap. South,

(13) t, A kind of shelUfish.

(14) «. A stick placed across a

stream. We9t.

(15) t;. To castrate a bull or ram

by compression. North,

(16) ». To daub ; to glue. North,

LAM, '\pret. t. Climbed; pt.

3LAMB, J clamben,

LAMBEB8CULL,«. Very stroDg alc.


LAMB, (1) «. To attach with glu-

tinous matter ; to spread butter

upon bread. North.

(2) V. {Lat,) To call.

h)9, A caU.

(4) 9, Ad iron hook, to bind

stonework together horizontally.

(5) V, {A,-N.) To challenge.

LAMMAS, (1) V. To climb. North,

(2) 9, A clamour. North,

Clammbrsomb, tulf. Clan

greedy. North,

Clamp, (1) o. To tread hei

(2) V, To fit a piece of b

right angles to the end of


(3) 9, A large fire of undi


(4) 9, A pit or mound lin

straw to keep potatoe

through ihe winter. Ea9t

(5) 9, A rude sort of bri<


Clamps, «. Andirons. Nor<

Clams, 9. (I) A pincer for

up thistles and weeds. A

(2) A rat-trap, made like

trap. Su99.

Clanch, v. To snatch at.

Clancular, adj. (Lat,) C


Clang, «. To eat Tora


Clank, «. A set, or series.

Clanker, 9, A severe 1


Clanlichb, a4f' (^^.-5.) <

Ctanne9f purity, chastity.

Clans, 9, Cows' afterbirth.

Clanst, V, (/i,'S, cUgn9i4u


Clant, V, To claw. North,

Clap, t^. (1) To place to, oi

(2) V, To strike.

(3) 9, A blow.

(4) V, To fondle, to pat.

Uni while the childe sowked hir

Umwhile ganne thay kysse and


(5) tr. To sit down.

(6) 9. The lip, or tongue.

(7) adj. Low ; marshy, i

(8) 9. The lower part of tl

of a hawk.

Clap-board, 1 t. Board

clapholt, J making casi

Clap-bread, If. Cake n

CLAP-CAKE, j oatmeal, rol

and baked hard.

Clap-oibh, 9. See Claek'di

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Clap-doos, «. The lower half of a

door diTided in the middle.

Clapxr, p. To chatter. Ojton.

CLkVBBXD, pm'i. p. Splashed with


Clap-oatb, 9. A small horse-gate.


CLAPn,(l)tr.(^..&) ToUlkfast.

(2) «. Talk.

Clappbr, «. (1) The tongue.

(2) {J.-N.) A rabbit burrow.

(3) A chUd's plaything. "Gew.

gawes for childreu to playe and

make tport withall, as rattels,

eteppen, Sic." Nomendator.

(4) A door-knocker. Mitukeu.

(5) A plank laid across a

stream to serre as a bridge.


Clappbk.ci.aw,9. To beat roughly.

Clappbk-dudobon, la. A cant

CLAFPBR-DouoRONijterm for a

beggar, probably derived from the

custom of clapping a dish.

See in their rags then, dsadng fur your


Our eUpf0r drnd^eofu, and tlieir wslkinr

morts. JoBtal Crew, O. ?., x, 372.

Clappino-post, a. The gatepost

against which the gate closes.


Clapsb, v. To clasp.

Clap-stils, a. A stile, the hori-

zootal ledges of which are moye-


Claranbk, a. A clarinet.

Clabbnt, adj. Smooth. Devon.

Clabbt. See Clarry,

Clabbtbb, a. (J.'N.) Brightness.

Claucord, "I a. {A.'N.) A musi-

CLAJiicoL, I eal instrument in

CLABI8HOB, j form of a spinet,

cxjkRico, J containing from

thirty-five to seventy strings.

Clarion, a. {A.-N.) A sort of

small-mouthed and shrill-sound-

ing trumpet.

Clarrt, 1 a. {A,'N. clarr4, elar^.)

clarr£, I Wine made with grapes,

OLAB&T, J huuey, and aromatic

•picea. The name was afterwards

given to wine miied with houey

and spices, and strained.

Clart, (1) 9. To spread, or smear.

Clariy, muddy, dirtj. CUtrty-

pap9t a dirty sloven.

(2) a. A daub.

Clart, v. To make a load shrill

noise ; to play on the clarion.

Clarynb, v. To clear, or clarify.

Clash, 9. (1) To bang anything

about. North,

(2) To gossip. North, CUuhme-

taunter, a tiresome teller of


Clasht, adj. Foul ; rainy. North.

Claspbr, a. A tendril. Oxon.

Clasps and kbbpbrs. Fastenings

for the shoes of children, and for

other purposes.

Clat, (1) a. A clod of earth.

(2) V, To break the clods or

spread dung on a field. B'eMt,

(3) V. To cut the dirty locks of

wool off sheep. South.

(4) a. Cow-dung. Weit.

h) V. To Uttle.

(6) a. A dish in ancient cookery.

Clatch, a. A brood of chickens.


Clatb, a. (1) A wedge belonging

to a plough. Cheth.

(2) A practice among school

and other boys before the com-

mencement of a game in which

two parties are interested, to

decide which party is to begin or

have the first innings.

Clathbrs, a. Clothes. Wett.

Clats, 9. Slops ; spoon victuals.


Clatter, (1) a. Noise; idle talk.

(2) V. To let out secrets.

Clattbrfert, a. A tale-teller.

" Clatterer, or clatterfart, which

wyl disclose anye light secreate,

Loquax." Huloet.

Clatty, m^. Dirty ; slovenly. Line.

Clauch, v. To claw. YorkMh.

Claucks, 9. To snatch. Line.

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Claud, «. A ditch, or fence. North,

Clkv Die ATK, V. (Lat.) To limp;

to go lame.

Claugbt, pret t. Snatched at.


Claum , V. To scrape together. Line.

Claunch, 9. To walk lazily. East.

Clause, t. {A.'N.) A conclusiou.

Claustbr, «. (Lat.) A cloister.

Claut, (1)9. To scratch, or tear.


(2) a. The marsh ranunculus.


Clave, t. The part of small ba-

lances by which they are lifted up.

Clavbl, 1 a. A mantel-piece.

clavy, J West, ClaveUiaekt the

shelf over the manteUpiece.

Claver, (\)v. To climb. North.

(2)0. To cajole by talking. North.

(3) 8.{J.>S. cUrfer.) Clo?er.gra«s.


Clavers, i. Noisy talking. North.

Clavy-tack, *. A key. Exmoor.

Claw, (1) ». To snatch ; to uke

away violently. North.

(2) V. To curry favour. North.

(3) #. A fourth part of a cow.

gait in common pastures. North.

Claw-back, (1) a. A flatterer.

The overweening of thy wit» doth mnkc

thy foes to smiie,

Thy friends to weepe, and elatobach thee

vith sooth infcs to bigile.

WoTHo's Jlbiotu England, 1 593.

CUtwbaeks more do not assail me.

Than are beggars swarming dmly.

Drunken Barnaky.

And this mischievous or deadly vice,

which in others sometime abaifth and

waxeth cooler, in him, as age came

upon him, grew the hoter, whiles a

company ofxUiw-hacke flnttcrers egged

him forward in his purposed course.

jimmi^nui MaretUintu, 1609.

(2)o. To flatter.

Clawe, v. {A.'S.) To stroke.

Claw-ill, a. An ulcer in the feet

of cattle. Devon.

Claw-off, 9. To reprove. North.

Clay, v. To shiver. Devon.

Clay-daubin, a. A. cv

Cumberland, for the ne

and friends of a newly

couple to assemble, ai

them a rough cottage.

Clay-salve, a. The oon

rate. East.

Clayt, a. Clay or mire, i

^n.Vj I'- A claw. Wan

clby, J

To save her froa

Of vulture death, and those rrlen

B. Jon., Underw.,

Cleach, V. To dutch. Si

Cleachjno-nbt. a. A h

used by fishermen on th<

Cleao, v. To cluthe or cl;

Clbak, 9. To snatch. No,

Clbam, v. To glue togetl


Cleambd, ae(;. Leaned ;


Clean, (1) adv. Entirely.

(2) adj. Clear in com pi

(3)o. To wash, dress, anc

one's toilet.

Cleaning, la. The af


Cleanser, a. A large kin<


Clear. (1) Pure; innocen

(2) Clear and thear.ioia:

pletely. '* He's thick

clear" said of a dui


Cleat, (1) t. A piece of ii

on shoes by country peo

(2) V. To strengthen wi

Clbat-boards, a. Flat \.

wood fastened to the i

enable a person to >

the mod.

Cleaver, a. A sucker, or

soaked leather to which

is attached, used by sch


Cleavers, t. Tufts of gra

Clechb, v. To snatch, or

Clbck, v. To hatch. Nori

Clbckin, a. A chicken. 2





'. Said of a fox maris

r. A shuttleeock.

^te of oatmeal. Line.

CUd; clothed,

oosej^asa. Dortei.

Stiff, clayey. Kent.

w. North.' Sec Clea.

especially applied to

Ills of the foot of

d animals.

look ; a barb. North.

A.-N.) Brightness.

The hoof. North,

r support.


/. Cleared.

Slack slate. North.

fit for cooper's ware,


of wood split for


The gad-fiy. Still


ti, gadus bmrbatug.

ng, or adhere. North.

ever person. iMne.

To cling. Cumb.

> snatch, or strike.

To starve. See Clam.

itill in use in Shrop-


hoice. when the Ttliant

arms, or eUm.

'oa-jf Man out of H., iii, 6.

itone« and turfs, say.

eltm me and rov follow-

a an be will einn me ;

/*., Poeleuter, i, 2.

M'ientmiU rmr for food.

AntoHxo and Uellida.

lent. South. In the

tit it is, or was till

Ci-EMTD, part. p. Fastened.

Clenchb, 9. {^A.'S.) To cling


Clbnchfoopc, «. See Clmchpope.

Clkngy, afij. Miry ; dirty. Line.

Clenb, adj. (A.-S.) Pure; clean.

Clenenetse, purity.

Clengb, 9. (1) To contract or


(2) To strain at.

Clk.nt, v. To become hard, applied

to grain. Wett.

Clepe, v. (1) (A.'S. elypian.)

To call.

Tlicy elrf€ as dronkarda, and with iwinish


Tax our addition. Skatesp., Haml., i, 4.

(2) {A.'S.) To clip, or embrace.

Clkpb, «. An implement for pulling

weeds out of corn. Cumb.

Cler, ^adj. {A..N.) Polished;

CLBRB, J resplendent. Clerenetae,

glory. Ciertty brightnes-*.

Clkrb, t. A sort of kerchief.

On their headei square bonettet of

daniaske eolde, rolled wyth lose c:nld

that did fiHiige doiinr at tlieir hacKrs,

With kerchieles or clrrrtnA lyiicrvpres.

Bull, Henry rjl/,t.h&.

Clbrbt£. {A.'N.) Purity.

Cleroib, a. (A.'N.) Science;

learning. CUrgically, learnedly.

Clbroion, a. {A.'N.) A young


Clergy, a. An assembly of clerks.

Clerk, a. (A.-N.) A scholar.

Clbrlichr adv. (A.-N.) Purely.

Clkrmatyn, a. {A.-N.) A kind of

fine bread.

Clerypy, v. To make clear.

Clbstb, v. To cleave in two North.

The word occurs in Huloet.

Clbtch, a. A brood of chickens.


r* A _i t ^J r.-A^_^J

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Clethe, V. To clothe. North.

Clbtt, «. Gleet. MS. Med. Ibth


Clevk, t. (1) {A.'S.) A dwelling.

. (2) A cliff.

Clbvel» «. A grain of corn. Kent.

Clevbn, (1)«.(^.-.S.) Rocks; cliffs.

(2) r. (A.-S.) To split; to burst.

Cleve-pink, *. A species of car-

nation found on the Chedder


Clever, (I) v. To scramble up.


(2) adj. Good-looking. Ea$t.

Kennett says, "nimble, neat,

dextrous." Lusty; very well.


(3) adj. Affable. South.

(4^ adv. Clearly ; fully. Kent.

(5) 8. A tuft of coarse grass

turned up by the plough, ^t.

Clever-boots, 1 «. a satirical

CLEVER.CLUMST, J term for a per-

son who is awkward.

Clever-through,/^^. Straight

through. Leic,

Clbvbs, «.• Cloves.

Clbwy, «. A sort of draft iron

for a plough. North.

Clew, (1) §. (A.-S.) A rock.

" Bothe the clewez and the cly-

fez." Morte Arthure.

(2) «. A ring at the head of a

scythe which fastens it to the


(3) pret. t. Clawed ; scratched.

Clbwb, v. To cleave, or ad-

here to.

Clbwkin, 8. Strong twine. North.

ChEWfTUEtpart. p. Coiled.

Clet, 8. A hurdle for sheep.

Cleyman, *. A dauber. Pr. Part.

Clbymen,!;. (A.'N.) To claim.

CuEYVT, part. p. Clung.

Cleystaffb, 8. A pastoral staff.

Pr. Part.

Clibby, adj. Adhesive. Devon,

Click, (1) r. To snatch.

(2) 8. A blow. Ea8t.

(3)0. To tick as a dock.

(4) « To click or flurt with on

fingers as moresco dancen

Florio. <*To clicke with on

knuckles." lb.

(5) 8. {Fr.) A door-latch.

(6) 8. A nail or peg for hangi

articles upon. North.

{J) V. To catch ; to seize.

Clicker, «. A servant who sto

before the shop-door to inv

people to buy.

Clicket, (1) V. To fasten as wi

a link over a staple. Shropah.

(2) 8. {A.-N) A latch-key.

(3) 8, A clap-dish, or anythi

that makes a rattling noi


(4)v. To chatter. Tutaer.

(5) 8. The tongue.

(6) 8. A term applied to a i

when maris appetens. Ancient

a common term for a fox, as

the following lines, describi

the properties of a good horse

Heded of an ox,

Tayled n» fox,

Comly M • kynff.

Nf kkvd ai a dukmg,

MouUiyd ai a kliltetf

'M'ilted ai a wodkok,

WylJed as a wedercoke.


Click-handed, oiff. Left-hand


Click-hookb, 8. Large hooks

catching salmon by day-lig


Click-up, 8. A person with

short leg, who in walking ma)

a clicking noise. Line.

Clider, 8. Goose-grass.

Clite, adj. {A.-N.) Clear; fine

Clift, «. (1) A ddt, or opening

any kind.

(2) The/ourchtre.

(3) A cliff.

Clifty, adj. Lively; active. JSTor

ChiQUTEfpret. t. Closed; fasten

Cliohty, adj. Stiff ; clayey. Kt

Cltm, (1) V. To climb.

(2) Clement.

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(3) ». {J..N.) To call, or chtl-


Climbbr, v. To clamlier.

Clim K, §. The ascent of a hill.

Climp, 9. (1) To steal. Eoit,

(2) To toil with the (Ingen. £att.

CuxcH, 8. (1) A repartee, or bon-

mot. Ciineker, one who aaya

bons-mots, a wittr fellow.

(2) A claw, or faiig. N(trth,

Clinch INO-NIT. See Cleaehmp'


Clinchpopb, 1 «. a term of con-

CLmcH POOPS, J tempt.

If a fentlanan bare in hym tmj hambla

behavonr. then royatcrs do cal suche

one by the name of a loate, a el^eke-

fop«,or one that knowetli no facioua.

JusiUucwn 9fm OeniUtum, 1568.

LesK vel-forro'd, or more il^fac'd, and

like dtneksoopt looke and lim.

Wamer'M Jlkion$ Sngltmd, 1598.

CLiKcauANT, a. {Fr. cHnguant,

tinsel.) Brass thinly wrought out

into leaves. North,

Clinb, v. To climb. Warw,

Clino. V, {A.'S.) (l)To shrink up.


If then speak false.

Upon the next tree thou alialt bang alire

"nil famine eUma thee.

Sk^keip^ JfMd., T, S.

(2) To embrace.

Seme fathers dread not (gone to bed in


Totlidfl fyoro the mother, and eUn^ the


Bgcengtf* Trag., 0. P.. iv, 8SS.

(3) To rush Tiolently. North.

Clink, (1) «. A hard blow.

(2) adv. Upright. Berkt.

Clink-clank, #. Jingle.

Tit prodirioos to think what veneration

the nrictliMod have raiaed to themaeives

by Uieir naiurpt commiaaton of apoetle-

aoip, their pretended aacceaaiuna, and

their tUnk-aamk of extraordinary ordi-

Pam*t Jddreu to FrotatmU, 1879.

Clinks, v. (A.-N.) To tinkle; to


CuNKKK, a. (1) Abadsortof coflL

(2) A cinder from an iron fur<i

nace. Shrop$h*

(3) A puddle made by the foot of

a horse or oow. fTorv.

Clinkkr-bkll.s. An icicle. SDm^a.

Clinkers, a. Small bricks ; bricks

spoilt in the burning.

Clinkkt, a. A crafty fellow. North.

Clinkb, a. Long nails.

Clinuuant. adj. (Fr.) Shining.

Clint, v. To clench ; to finish, or

complete. Somenet,

Clints, a. Chasms ; crevices.

Clip, (1) r. {A.-S.) To embrace.

But aa a dame, to the endahee may at a

time more opportune at better eaae, and

in a place more commodioua, be catilicd,

dipped, aud embraced, which femihine

art, I not yet knowing in flrat my be-

ginning, ao nnirahiy 1 did remains

wailed with love.

fauenger qfBawtnuto, 1619.

(2) V. To call to. North. This

is merely a form of clepty q. ▼.

3) 9. To shear sheep. North.

4) V. To shaTe. Rider.

5) V. To shorten. Craven,

(6) V. To hold together by means

of a screw or bandage. Shropth.

(7) a. A blow, or stroke. Eaat.

(8) «. To quarter a carriage so aa

to avoid the rats. Northampt.

Clipfkk, a. (1) A clipper of coin ?

I bad a siater but twelve yeara ago, Uiat

run away with a Welsh enai^n, who

waa banged for a highwayinau, and ahe

burnt in Walea for a clipper.

Motmtford, Greemnck Park, 1691.

(2) A sheep-shearer. North.

CLippiKO-TBK-GHuncH, 9. An old

Warwickshire custom on Easter

Monday, the charity children

joining hand in hand to form a

circle completely round the


Clips, (l) part. p. Eclipsed.

(2) a. An eclipse.

h) 9. Shears. Northumb.

(4) a. Pot-hooks. North.

Clipt-dinmbnt, a. (1) A shorn

wether sheep.

(2) A mean-lookmg fellow. Cumh.

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318 CLO

CLI9HAWK, V. To steal. Line,

Clish-clash, 9. Idle discourse.


Clit, adj. (1) Stiff; clayey. South.

(2) Heavy ; hazy ; applied to the


For then with u the dayt more darkish


More ihort, cold, moytte,and itonny cloudy


For Badness more than miKhs or pleasures

fit. Mirr.for Mag. Higtna's Ind.

(3) Im perfectly fomented. Somert.

Clite, (1) t. Clay; mire. Kent.

(2) 9, Goose-grass.

(3) *. A wedge. Pr. Pan.

(4) ©. To take, or pull up. North.

Clitbr, ©. To stumble. North.

Clithb, *. The burdock. Gerard.

Clithkrkn, 9. Goose-grass. Ge-


Clitpoll, 9. A curly head. Dor9et.

Glitter, v. To make a rattling


Glittery, adj. Ghangeable and

stormy, applied to the weather.


Glitty, ac(f. Stringy ; lumpy. Weet.

Glive, (1) *. {J.-S.) A cliflf.

(2) V. To cleave. Sufolk.

Gliver,(1)«. Goose-grass. //amj9«A.

(2) 8. A chopping-knife. Eaat.

(3) C/te^-an^.«Aft7er, completely,

totally. Samertet.

Glivrrs, 9. The refuse of wheat.


Glizb, 9. A covered drain. Somer9.

CiOAU, 9. Gommon earthenware.

Comvf. Cloamer, one who makes


Glob, 9. Rough material used for

building cottages. Devon.

Globe, 9. A club.

Gloche, v. {A.'N.) To blister.

Glocheb, 9, (1) A large cape or


(2) (A.-N.) A belfry.

Cloce, (1) 9. {A.'N.)' k belL

(2) 9. A sort of watch, some-

times called a dock-watch.

Bnt he who can deny it to be apr

which is recorded by Melchior Ad

of a fH'cat and goucl man, who

dock watch that had laven in a

manv years unused ; and when 1

dying, ai eleven o'clock, of itself, i

chest, it struck eleven in the heat

many. Baxter, World of &

(3) 9. A beetle. North.

(4) «. A sort of ornamental

worn on various parts of <

now applied to that on each

of a stocking.

(5) «. The noise made by i

when going to sit.

(6) 9. The dow ny head oi

dandelion. North.

Glock-ice, 9. Ice cracked intt

tastical forms. Northampt.

Glock-drbssino, 9. A meth

obtaining liquor on false

tences. Craven.

Glocks,«. Ordure of frogs. L

Glock-sbavbs, 9. The I

headed bog-rush. North.

Glod, (1) ». To break clods.

(2) adj. {A.-S.) Glodded;l

(3) 9. The coarse part o;

neck of an ox.

(4) 9. A sort of coal. Weft

(5) V. To throw. North.

Gloddbr, v. To coagulate.

If the aahes on the hearth do <

together of themselves, it is a i

rain. WilUford, Natmtrv's i

Cloddy, adj. (1) Thick; p]


(2) Hazy, thick.

This said, he swiftly swag'd the ni


Di8p4'll'd the ehdd^ clouds, elear*

bright beams. firffU ijf Flcura

Glodb, v. {A.-S.) To cloaih«

Glodge, 9. A lump of clay. J

Glooobr, 1 #. The cover

closers, j book.

Glodgy, adj. Plump. Hantpt

Glod-head, 9. A stupid f


Glodhopper, 9. (1) A farme


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(2) A downisli fellow.

(3) Tbe nbeatear.

Clod^mall, 9. A wooden baminer

for breaking clodi. Skroi^k.

Cloffbt,«. a great sloven. North.

Cloffino, §. The plant hellebore.

Cloit, a, The joinUune of two

branches. North.

Cloftd, jfort. p. Cleft ; split

Clog, ^l)a. A shoe with a wooden

I sole.

(2) 9. A piece of wood fastened

to a string.

(3) 9. An almanae nade with

notches and rude figures on square


(4)9. To prepare wheat for sow-

ing. We9t.

Cloogt, mdj. Sticky.

Clogsomb, mdj. Dirty ; doll.

Clogub, v. To flatter. Su999X.

Clog-wbxat, 9. Bearded wheat


CLoiNTBm, V. To tread heaTily.


Cu»sTxa-OAmTH, a. The space in-

closed by a doister.

Cloit, 9. A stupid fellow. North.

Clokakok, 9. A sort of musical


! Clokb, 9. A daw, or dutch.

Clokkb, v. {A^N) To limp in


Clom, o. To dutch. North.

Clombb, pret, t. Climbed.

Clomb, v. To gutter, as a eaiidle.


Clomb. See Oomn.

Cix>iiB-PAN, 9. A pan for aulk.


Clomp, o. To walk heavily. Ckm"

pertom, one who walks heavily.


Clomsbn, v. CJ,-N.) To ahrink or


CuovQtat^pari.p. Sknuik; ahrl-


Clow KXB, a. An idde. Smmtw^.

Cloom, (1) a. Clay or cement

(2) 9. To

Clooe, 9. A sluice. Northumh*

Clofb, a. A blow.

Cloppino, «4f'. (/v.) Lame ; limp-

ing. Corma.

Clo8b, (1) a. A farm-yard; ao en-


(2) a. A public walk. /. Blffht.

(3) a. An obscure lane. North.

(4)«4f*. Secret ; selfish.

(5) r. To encloaa minerals in


(6) adj. Quiet; silent Leie.

Clo8b*bbo,«. a press-bed. North.

Cju>aB-Fi«HT8,a. Things employed

to shelter the men from an enemy

in action.

Closb-fistbd, M^f' Mean.

CLosa-oAUNTLBT, 9, A gauntlct

with moveable fingers.

Cloab-hand-out, a. The name of

an old game.

Closeih, a. {A.»N.) An endoaure.

Closbn, a. A small enclosure or

field. Northampt.

Closh, a. (1) The game of nine-


(2) A Dutchman. South.

Closinob, a. Closes; fields. In

some counties we have the more

pore form clot^n.

Closu&b, a. (1) {Fr.) An endoaure.

(2) A dfcncher. Wight.

(3) A gutter. North.

Clot. (1) Same as Clod (6).

(2) a. A clod. **Clodde or etotte

lande. Oeeo." Hutoot.

(3) V. To dod.

For •■ the phraahmaa flnt setteth forth

Ua ]^arb, and then tilleth hia Innd.

and breiiketh it in funwrea, and aonie-

timer idgeth it np acaine, and at ano-

ther time harrowetb it, and dottetA it,

and aomtime dnngeth and hedgeih it,

dignth it, and weedtth it, pnriteth it,

anoroakethit cleane: so the prelate, the

preacher, hath many diverae offices to

(4) ..To dog,

(5) tr. -

To tosa about NortK

(6) o. To catch eels with worsted

thread. We9t.

d by Google




(7) t. A disease in the feet of


Clotch, ©. To tread heavily. East.

^cTot ' }'• ^® ^^^^"^ water-lily.

Take the rote of the klote, and lUnipe

it, and turne it on whyle wyne or ale»

and drynk at teve hoot and at morow

kolde. MS. Med. Bee., zv Cent.

Then lay a cht-leaf, or elae a wort-leaf,

on the >Hme, but first let the water out

of the blister with a pin. and it will

draw out all the water that causeth the

pain or srief .

LupUmU 1000 NotahU Thinge.

Clotb, *. A wedge. Pr. P.

Clottkkd, pari.p. {A.-S.) Clotted.

Clot-head, «. A blockhead.

Cloth- 0P-B8T ATE, «. A canopy

OTer the seat of principal per-


Clottbb, 9, A clothier.

Clouch, (1) «. To snatch or clutch.


(2) t. A clutch. Piers PL

Cloud-berry, «. The ground muU


Cloue, *. (A.'N.) A fruit or berry.

Clouoh, 8. (1) A valley between

two hills ; a ravine.

Each pUice for to search, in hill, dale, and

In thicke or in thin, in smooth or in rough.

Boiifuom.*e Bet. qf W\eked$i,

(2) A clfff. Mwte Arth.

(3) The stem of a tree, where it

divides into branches. Cumb.

S4) A wood. Lane.

5) A vessel of coarse earthen-

ware for salting meat.

Clouohy, a^. Gaudily dressed.


Clour, «. (1) A lump, or swelling.


(2) (^.-iSr.) Hollow ground; a


Clout, *. {Pr. elouette.) The mark

or pin fixed in the centre of the

butta, at which archers shot for


Indeed he must shoot nearer, or h

hit the clout.

Shaieip., Lae^t L

Wherein our

Is, thouf^h the cUmt we do not a

It will not be imputed to his wit

B. Jon., StofU oj

(2) V. To beat.

I wasted them and so douted \

they eould not arise.

Tindare and Tm9. BibUs, S

(3) «. A blow.

(4) 9. {A.'S.) A piece


(5) 9. A cloth ; a piece i

**A slice wherwith to

salve on clout9 and ma

ters." Nomenelator.

(6) V. To clothe shabbil]

1 seeing him clouted, his doathi

done on, very ill liking, as n

tattered fole, with never a who

his back. Terence in Bng

(7) To mend, or patch ;

especially to shoes.

Of the scoler that gave hia

cloute.—lvL the uuiversyte of

there was a scoler that delyl

to speke eloquente englysshe ai

iermes, and came to the ooble

■hoes whyche were pyked I

they used [at] that tywe) to I

clouted, and sajde this wyse.

Talee mU Quicie

(8) $. (Fr.) A nail.

Clouted, (from eloutt

Fortified with nails.

Cloutbr, (1) «. A cobb


(2) V. To do dirty work,

Clouter-hbadbd, a<|f. St

Clouterlt, acjr. Clumsy.

Clove, «. Eight pounds oi

Clotel, 8. A large beam

across the chimney ii

houses. Devon.

Clover-lay, 9. A field c

recently mown. HampsA

Cloyb-tonoub,*. Thebbu


Clow, (I) v. To scratch. <

(2) o. To work hard. AT

(3) V. To nail with clout

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(0».(^.-5.) A rock.

(3) c The cIoTe.pink. Eatt.

(6) «. A floodgate. North.

Clowchtnb, #. A clew of thread.

Pr. Pmr9.

Clowcla6«bv. " Thor jowet are

eloweiaffsf'd, they skitter iaire."

y*rhh. Dial, p. 43.

CLowDam, •. To daub. Lhc,

Clowxn, 9. To bnstle about. Citmb.

^lawviCAh, adj. Clownish.

H; behavionr I aka, alas, tia cfcmiiieaL

Clowk. v. To scratch. JVbrM.

Clowsomv, lu^r. Soft; dammjr.

Clowt-clowt, f . The name of an

old game. "A kinde of playe

called eiowt clowt, to beare about,

or my hen bath layd." Nwmenel

Clot, r. {A..N,) (1) To prick in

iboeing a hone.

(2) To oail or spike op, at artil-


Cut, 9. To daw. Skaknp.

CiOTEi, la. An old slang term

ciOTKan,/f6r one who intruded

OB the profits of young sharpers,

bydiiminga share.

Then there's a cUytr, or map, that dofiv

U17 nor brother in that trade, and

nupi,— viJl have half in any booty.

BMiriMff Girl, O.Tl,vUil$.

Clokzonb, a. Talons; dutches.


Cldb-ball, a. A game at ball,

pUved with a straight club.

Clcb-wkbd, a. The plant mat-


Clubbby, a. A sort of game.

Clubbishlt, <uf9. Ronghly.

Clubid, adj. Hard; difficult.

Cldb-ubn, a. People who rose in

arms in the West of England


CLiI^i}'- A •*<>»*• -^«^*-

Clucchb,». (^..&) To dutch.

Cluck, (I) «4/. Slightly unwell;

oat of spirits. SinUh.


(2) a. Aclaw;acIuteh.Abrfft.

Cluo-nttt, a. Two nuta grown

into one. North.

Clvft, v. To cuff. North.

Clum, (1) Ajr. Daubed. YorHh.

(2) pret, t. Climbed. North.

(S) o. To handle roughly. Wett.

(4)9. To rake into heaps. Dnwn.

CLUMn-BOEZA, a. An earthen pan.


Clummkrbomb, <u{r. Dirty; slut-

tish. Devon.

Clump, (1) «. To trai^p.

(2) a. A lump. North.

(3) adj. Lazy. Lme,

Clomper, a. A Urge piece. So-


Clumpbbs, a. Thick, heavy shoes.


Clumpkrtom,! a. A stupid fel-

CLUMPt, J low.

Cluiipibb, a. Awkward. North.

Clumpb, (1) a. Twilight. £a$t.

(2) Lazy. North.

iZ) Plain-dealing; honest.^or/A.

(4) tuy. Benumbed with cold.


Clvmpbt, adj. Benumbed with

cold. Northan^t.

Clumpy, (1) a. A dunce. South.

(2) adj. Sticking together.


Cluncr, (1) adj. Close. North.

(2) a. A thump. Eatt.

ii) a. A clodhopper.

(4) a. Close-grained hard lime-


Clunchtistbd, -oifr* Close-fisted;


Now a pox take these dtiseml and

then a roan may eet lome money by

'um ; they are ao 1bide>bmmd, there^a no

living by 'nm; ao clunekfitUd, a roan

would fwear the gont were got oat of

their feet into their hands, 'Ua death to

'am to pluck 'nm oat of their pocketa.

Tht ChemU, 1668.

Cluhchy, a4J> (1) Thick and

clumsy. EoMt.

(2) Quick tempered. Northampt,

Clunkr, a. A Cluniack monk.

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A gentle ehtner tvo cheeet liadde of me.

Barelay't tyfte Bglog.

Cluno.o^^'. (1) Shrivelled; shrank.

{2) Empty; emaciated. Craven.

(3) Soft; flabby. Norf.

(4) Heavy; doughy.

(5) Tough; dry. Eatt.

(6) Daubed. Craven,

(7) Strong. Berk»,

Clunok, 9. To crowd, or squeeze.

Somth. Cftm^eif, stopped. Craven.

Clungt, adj. Adhesive. North.

Clunk, v To swallow. Devon.

Cluntkr, (1) «. A clod of earth.


(2) V. To walk clumsily. North.

(3) V. To turn lumpy." Yorkih.

Cluntbrly, adj. Clumsy. Craven.

Cluppb, v. (A.-S.) To embrace.

Cluse. (1) «. (Fr.eelute.) A flood-

gate. North.

(2){Lat.) AcelL

Clttsb, v. To lie down close to

the ground ; to stoop low down.


CLuasoifKD, part, p. Benumbed.


Clus&um, adj. Clumsy. Cheih.

Clustkrb, v. (A.'N.) To harden.

Clustbrfist, 9. A clodhopper.

Well, Bwaj I went with it hetrr heart,

and brou}(ltt hie guest into tne very

chamber, where I mw no other cakes on

the table, bnt my owne cakes, and of

which he nerer proffered me to murh

as the least cram, eo baae a ehateff*t

was he. History qfFrandoH, 1(>5S.

C1.V8TT, a4f» Close and heavy;

applied to bread not well fer-

mented, or to a potato that is

not mealy. Comw.

Clut, v. To strike a blow. North.

Clutch. (1) v. To seise; to grasp.

(2) f. A miaer, or grasping


(3)«. A list. Outeh-JUtfiLYeTj

large fist.

{i)v. To cluck. South.

(5) 9. A covey of partridgea, or

a brood of chickens. Ea9t»

(6) atfj. Close, ^unex.

Clutb, #. A hoof. North.

Cluthbr, (1) adv. In h


(2) 9. A great noise. Kent

Clutsbn, v. To shake. A'orj

Clutter, (1) 9. A bustle;


(2) 9. A clot. ** Grumes

9anfft • clot, or ehUter of

gealed bloud." Cotyrave.

tered, clotted.

(3) 9. A plough-coulter. S

CLUTTBR.Fi8TBD,a4^'. Having


Cluttbrt, adj. (1) Changea

(2) Very rainy. Berk9.

Cluutts, 9. Feet. Cwnh.

Cluves, 9. Hoofs of hofM

cows. Cumb.

Cly, «. (1) Goose-grass. Som

(2) Money.

Clyke, v. To noise abroai


Clytbnish, adj. Sickly. IFi

Cnaffb, 9. {A.'S.) A Ud.

Cnao, 9. A knot. North.

Cnoble, 9. A knob ; tuft.

Cnopwort, 9. The ball-wee

Cnoutberry, 9. The dwmrl

berry. Lane.

Co, {\) 9. (A.-N.) The neck.

(2) V. To call. North.

CoACH-FBLLow,'! «. A horB


in the same carriage witli

ther ; and hence, metaphor

an intimate acquaintance.

I have grated npon my good frif

three reprieres, for you atii

coach-feUcfw Nym. Manjf IF.



Co AD, adj. Unhealthy* s. e.


Coadjuvatb» I. {Lai.) Ml


CoAOBR, 9. A meal of co'

tuals taken by agricnlti]

bourers at noon. Sun^r^

CoAGVLAT, «4^'. {Lat.) Ciu

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CoA V, «. Hetrt or pith, L t^ core.


CoAJBa,«. A iboemiker* AnNoor*

CoAKKN, 9. To ttrain in Tomitiog.

CoAKa,#. Ciodert. Yorkth.

Coal. To carry eoaii, to sabmh

to aflj degndAtion.

CoAL-BftAND, «. Smut ill wheal

CoAL-FiBB, «. A pared of fire-

wood, conUining when burnt the

quantity of a load of coala.

CoAL-HAGGLBBs, «. People who

fetch ooals from the pit or wharf,

and retail them to the poor. Leic.

CoAL-HooD, f. (1) A buUftocfa.


(2) A wooden coal-scnttle. £»/.

CoAL-powDBB, «. Charcoal. This

term ocean in an inYentory of

artillery stores^ 1547.

CoAL-BAKB, #. A rake for raking

the aahes of a fire.

CoAL.sAT,f. The coal-fish. JVbr/A.

€oAL-8MUT, #. An efllorescence

foond on tbe siufice of coaL

CoALT,#. (1) A lamplighter. Newfc.

(2) A species of cur dog. Norik.


aproar. North,

CoAMB, V. To crack. Oooffe.

CoANOBB, #. A comer. Exmoor,

CoAP, «. A fight. NifrtJL

CoABSB, «. Rough, applied to


CoABTB, «. {Lai. eoaretart.) To


CoASH, V, To silence. North,

Coast, v. {A,'N,) (\) To approach.

Who are these that CM«< us f

lOQ t<dd me the walk was private.

(2) To portoe.

Wimau Donidee still couted the Iskf

liahmen, doing tfaem what damage he

Blight l£iltMl.,ui,p.S53.

Coast, «. {A,-N.) The ribs of

cooked meat.

CoASTiNO, f. An amorous ap-

proach ;• oonrtship.

(1) 9. To faint Lme,

The rot in sheep. Som,

(1) adj. Irritable. Nmf.

To throw. Han^h.

». A blow.

To strike mr pnll the hair


To throw. Der^ik,

A lump, or piece. Florio,

A wealthy pierson; a rich

O these raeointrrert, so glib ef toofne.

That give a coattimg welcome ere it comes.

IVv.MiCrMf., IT, (.

CoAT,f. A petticoat Cmmi,

CoAT-CABDs, 9. Court-cards.

I am a eoat-eard indeed.—Tben thoa

mart needs be a knave, f«r than ait

neither kins nor qnren.

MUmUji, When jroM jw sm, /r.

Here's a trick of diMvded cards of vs :

we were raoked with eoaU as looi as

my old master lived.






Cob. (1)


of any




And of them all aMimg eonatry chnffee,

which make their bellies and their

bagges theyr gods, are called rich oMeM.


(6) a. A leader, or chief. Chnh.

(7)«. To outdo, or excel.

(8) 9, A stone; a kernel. £»/.

(9) 9, The broken-oif ears of

com, especially wheat, are in

some parts called eobt,

(10) «. A young herring.

He can come hither with four white

herrings at his tail~bnt I may starve

ere he give me so much as a coi.

Horn, m., part 8, 0. PL. iii, 44a

(11) a. The miller's-thiimb.

(12) a. A Spanish coin, formerly

current in Ireland, worth about


n3) a. Clover-seed. Ea9t.

(14) «. A small haystack. Osoil

(15) 9, A sea-gulL Var. dial.

ri6) 9, A basket for seed. North,

(17) 9, Marl mixed with stimw,

used for walls. Weat.

(18) 9, A punishment used

among seamen for petty offenoea,





or irregularities, by bastinadoing

the offender on the posteriors

with a cobbing stick or pipe staff.

(19) 8. A sort of loaf made in


Cobber, 8. A falsehood. North.

CoBBiN, «. A slice of any fish.

Cobble, (1) #. A round stone.

(2) 8. An icicle. Keni.

h) ». To hobble. Var, dial

(4) Cobble-trees, double swingle

trees, or splinter bars. North,

(5) «. The large cock of hay made

previous to carrying. Northampt,

(6) a. The stone of fruit. Norf,

CoBBS, $. The testicles. North.

Cobby, adj. Brisk ; lively ; tyran-

nical. North.

Cob- CASTLE, t, A prison; any

building which overtops its neigh-

bours. North.

wOB-coALS, 9. Large pit-coali.


CoB-iRONS, «. (1) Andirons.

(2) The irons which support the

spit. JSast.

CoB-joE, t, A nut at the end of a

string. Derbysh,

CoBKEY, 8, A punishment at lea

by bastinado, perhaps the same

as cob.

CoBLB, 8. A kind of flat-bottomed

boat, navigated with a lug-saiL

Cobler's-lobstbr, 8, A cow-heel.


Coblkr's punch, 8. Ale warmed

and sweetened, and mixed with

spirits. Northampt,

CoBLOAF, 8, A crusty uneven loaf

with a round top to it. ** A cob-

loafe or bunne." Minaheu.

Here, in the halU, were the mnniiniiigt,

cob-loaf stealing, and great nnrober of

old Chriitraai playes performed. In

ffreat hontei were lords of roiimle

anting the twelve dayes after CluristmaB.


Cobnobblb, «. To beat

Cob-nut, a. A master nut. It is

the name of an old game among

the childraa, played with nuts.

Cob-pocv, 9, A bag in ^

gleaners carry the cob8 of w

CoB.STONEs,a. Large stones. ^

Cob-swan, 8. A large swau.

Cob- WALL, 8. A wall of strai


Cobweb, (1) acf;. Misty. No

(2) 8. The spotted flyca


CoccABEL, 8. An icicle. Cot

Cochen, 8, (A.'S.) The kite

Cock, (1) a. A corruption (

substitute for, God, used var

in oaths.

Cockes armes (onod the baylj

pourae ia pyckeo, and my not

gone 1 'TaUi and Quieke Ah

By eoeke they are to blame.

Skaketp., Haml

By eoek and pye, was all

an unusual oath.

Now by eoek and fie m. never i

truer word in jfour life. Wilp Bt

(2) a. Acock-boat.

(3) 9. To contend ?

(4) V, To hold up; to


(5) V, To walk nimbly i

spoken of a child. North.

(6) a. The needle of a bal

(7) 9, A notched piece €

at the end of the plough-

for regulating the plough.

(8) In cockfighting, a ec

twenty is one that has

such a number of his antag

in the pit. Gif,

(9) 9, A striped snai


ilO) a. A conical heap of 1

11) 9. To swagger impud

Cock ADORE, v. To lord h

another. Leie,

Cock A L, a. " A game that

used with foure buckle

commonly called coekaU:

also diceplay." Nomenetat

CocK-ALB, 9. A particular i

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( Mr. Poet, nottrith-

oommcnJations you

r barley, yet if com-

, they are no more

0 a mountain ; irhe-

, China ale. rasbury

ry-eraM ale, borse-

>eth ale, Hull ale,

ovn ale, double ale,

eh beer, nor mum,

Catharines, put them

t to be compared.

Poor EUin, 1696.

i piece of timber

1 reeple in a coal

the roof.

'.,$. AjaiL Weit,



. courtezan,

nnall boat.

dj. Pool -hardy;

t thou aske, eock'

Terence m Enfi'

9, The rtiiui


k May bug.

Poor pottage.

la. Agamefor-

, J merly played


indulge, or spoil.

or boast. North.

lish or fight, said


1 cockers

luit heare bide the

Spider ^ FUe, 1556.


fraudulently; to

ling. Souih.


\g. Lane. An old

I that county was,

, a maid pulling

oong cock,


A small cock's

egg, which if hatched is said to

produce a cockatrice. Devon,

CocKBRB, a. (1) Rustic high shoes,

fastened with laces or buttons.

His patched eockert Bkant rrnrhed to his

knee. BarcUty't Eciogut, 1570.

His eocken were of cordiwin,

His hood of mini\eer.

Drayt , Bel, iv.

(2) Rims of iron ronnd wooden

shoes. Cumb.

(3) Gaiters. Northampi,

CocKET, (1) ». To join or fasten

timber or stone in building.

{2) adj. Swaggering; pert; brisk.

(3) Cocket bread was the second

kind of best bread.

(4) a. A docquet.

Cocksy, a. A sewer. Norf.

CocK-KYK, 9. A squinting eye.

CocK-FARTHiNG, 9. A term of en-

dearment used to a little boy.

CocK.^EATHER, 9. The feathcf

which stood upon the arrow when

it was rightly placed upon the

string, perpendicularly above the


CocK-GRAss, a. Darnel.


" Cock-hanneU, or house cocke.

GaUu9:' Huloet.

CocKHEAD, 9. The part of a mill

which is fixed into a stave of the

ladder on which the hopper rests.

CocKREADs, a. Meadow knobweed.


CocK-HEDOK, la. A hedge with-

cocK-FENCE, / out Stake, the ends

of the bushes being stuck into

the bank.

CocK-HOop, a. A bullfinch.

CocK-HORSS, (1) 9. To ride a cock-

horse, a term applied to children.

(2) adj. Proud ; upstart.

CocKiNO,;7ar/. a.(l) Cock-fighting.

(2) Wantoning.

I marvell then Sardiniua it so old,

When he is cocking it ill with evenr tmll.

Dovies, Scourge of Folly, 1611.

CocK.x&oN, a. A part of a plough

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immedittely before the breast,

to support the share, and prevent

roots from getting in between

the breast and the share.

CocKiSH, cufr* Wanton. North.

CocKLB, (1) t. The agro9temma

giihago of Linnieos*

(2) V, To cry like a cock. Cumi,

(3) «. A stove used for drying

hops. Kent.

(4) V, To wrinkle. For. dUU.

(5) To "cry cockles," to be


(6) a,

Kow, althovch be tayi in hit prefue,

that he wonia not much boast of con-

Tincingthe world, how much I was mis-

taken, in what I undertook ; yet, I am

confident of it, that this contrivanee of

his did inwardly as much rejoyce the

eoekUs of his htmrt, as he phansies that

what I writ did sometimes much tickle

ny spleen. EaekarJ^t Observat., 1671.


Cockled, part. p. Enclosed in a

shelL Shake^.

CocKLKR, 9. A seller of cockles.

CocKLB-SHKLL, «. The badge of a

pilgrim, worn in the front of the

hat, and implying that the bearer

had been at sea.

CocKLB-8TAiR8,tf. Winding stairs.

CocKLKTT, ad{j. Unsteady. North.

CocKLiNO, adj. Cheerful* North.

CocKLOACH. (Fr.) A silly coxcomb.

"A couple of coekloches." Shtr*

Uy'9 WUty Fair One, li, 2.

CoeKLOPT, 8. A garret.

CocKMARALL, $. A little fussy per-

son. Line.

Coc KM ATE, a. A companion.

^ey must be courteous in their beha.

▼iour, lowlie in their speech, not dis.

daining tlieir eoekmates, or rerraining

their companie. Lilly, EupXuea, Q I.

But the ereatest thing is vet behinde,

whether that those are to be admitted,

as eoekmateg, with children.


CocKNKLL, a. A young cock.

CocKNKT, a. (1) A young cock.

(2) A spoilt or effeminate boy*

(3) One bom and bred in Lon-

don, and Toy ignorant of rural


(4) A lean chicken.

(5) An imaginary oonntry, filled

with luxuries of every kind.

(6) A person who sold fruit and

greens. Pr. P.

CocK-PKNNT, t. A present made

to the schoolmaster at Shrove-

tide by the boys, 19 some schools

in the North.

CocK-piT, 8. (1) A place for cock-


(2) The original name of the pit

in our theatres ; which seems 10

imply that cock-fighting had been

their first destination.

Let but Beatrice

And Benedict be seen ; lo! in a trice.

The eoek-pUt galleries, boxes, all arc full.

Xmh. Digger., Si, Si^^ i, 71.

CocKuuBAK, «. (Fr.) (1) A beggar

or cheat.

(2) A female cuckold.

Qneene Juno, not a little wxoth agsinat her

husbands crime.

By whome shoe was a eoctputau made.

Wanm't Albiomt B$tgUnd, 1B93.

CocK-EOACH, a. A black-beetle.

Cocks, 9. Cockles. D^ois.

CocK'8.FooT,a. Columbine. Qerard.

CocK*8.BEADLiNO, s. A game

among boys.

Cocks'- HBADB, a. The seeds of rib-


CocK-sHUT, a. (1) A large net

stretched across a glade, and so

suspended upon poles aa to be

easily drawn together, employed

to catch woodcocks. These nets

were chiefly used in the twilight

of the evening, when woodcocks

go out to feed, whence eockahut

time, and eoekehut light, were

used to express twilight.

If thou (to catch a woodeoeke) snare me sou

lie flatter in thy eoekt-ahoote till I go.

Asvta, Scomrge 9f^^9, 1611*

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SaiTT, and himMlf,

mt time, went thro' the

\ketp^ Richard lU,f,i.

is only ipite ;

not vesterniirht

e eockikut light.

, VoM^ Masq. qf Satfrt.

ig road through a

HQ, adv. To come

neckliDg, L e,, bead

'he name of a small

o, «. Throwing at

icks. Wilis,

r. A short ipace.

I lay at Twelfth-

tji are now a coeJt-

^nite certain.

k cuckold,

cob-web. North,

The cockle. "Cock-

o." Huioei. "Herbe

de la poivrette.

cocke-weede: Span-

ttander." Nomen-

rt; tancT.

The arum. Wight.

i sour apple. fTw/.


carlet, or crimson.

S.) A bag.

tf the testicle.

axi and of hit itoonea

tiilei of hnmoiira that

0 the cod and into the

al MS. o/tkg Utk cent.

>r cushion. North.

it the end of a net,

ne is placed to sink

iket. OxfwdtK

le caddis worm,


ea-gatherer. Midx.

To parboiL

(2) To indolge; to take too

much care of.

CoDDT, adj. Small. NortK,

Code, s. Cobbler's wax. JHghif

Mytt.f p. 35.

CoDGE, V. To do a thing clumsily.


Codger, «. A miser; a queer old


Codger's-bnd, «. The end of a

shoemaker's thread.

Codgbrt, 9. A strange mixture.

CoD-GLovB, 9. A thick hedge-glo^e,

without fingers. Devon.

CoDiNAC, 9. A tort of consenre.

Codlings, 9. Green peas.


To nlake a codlinp ertam. After your

codiintsB be throughly cooled and yield-

ed, put them into a silver dish, and All

the dish almost hnlf with rose-wHter,

and huJfa pound of su^ar, boil all tlifflc

liquors together until half be consumed,

and keep it stirrinj; till it be ready, tht-ii

All up your dish with sweet cri-ani, and

Stir it till It be well min(;led, and whrn

it hath boiled round about the dish, take

it up, sweeten it with suitar, and serve

it cold.

A Tr%M OentUwotfuuCs Delight, 1C76.

CoDLiKf, 9. Partially burnt lime-

stones. North.

Codpiece, 9. A protuberance to

the breeches, sufficiently ex-

plained by its name, and pecu-

liar to the costume of the 16th

cent. It appears to ha?e been

often used as a pincushion. The

name was also given to a simi-

larly formed article worn by wo-

men about the breast.

Yet all is chanp'd : there is ^reat altemtinn,

Shee is as stale aa breech with cvUput


Whereof no tailor can avouch the troth,

Without he prove it with old painted cloth.

Cods, 9.



Cob, 9. {

(2) A


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CoF, {A,'S,) (1) adj. Keen ; eager.

(2) adv. Quickly.

CoFE, 8, (A.'S,) A cave.

CoFBRKR, 9. A chest-maker.

CoFF, V. To change. Oxen,

CoFFK, «. {A,'S.) A cuff.

Coffin, «. (1) The raised crust of

a pie.

(2) A conical paper for holding


(3) A basket or cheat.

(4) A shell or rind.

CoFRB, «. {A,-N.) A chest.

CoFRENB, V. To put in a coffer.

CorT,part,p. Bought. Northumb,

CoQ, (1) 9. To lie or cheat; to load

a die. " A cogger, un pipeur. To

co^^e.piper." The French Sehoole-

nuuter, 1636.

If his pa^e, Mockso. gibe at tout ill

mannen, it ia to make yon mena them ;

and i! hee himaelfe, the principal^ cut.

teth you to the quicke, know that hee ia

no eogavu chiruri;ioii.

Man in the Moon, 1609.

^2) 9. To entice. Suates,

(3) V. To suit or agree. Ea$t.

(4) 9. A wooden dish, or pail.


(5) 9. The short handle of a


Coo-BBLL, 9. An icicle. Kent.

CooBR,«. A luncheon. South.

CoGFOiST, 9. A sharper.

CooGB, a. (A.'S.) A cock-boat.

CoooBRiB, 9. Falsehood ; cheating.

CoooLB, (1) tf. A cock-boat. North.

(2) V. To be shaky.

!3^ 9. A small round stone. Lme.

i)v. To harrow. North.

"i^O^HT-il-C^--*) To cough.

CoGMBN, 9. Dealers in coarse


Cognition, a. (Lat.) Knowledge.

CoGUB, (1) a. A dram.

(2) V. To drink drams.

CoG'WARBt 9. A sort of coarse

worsted cloth.

CoHBRB, 9. {Lai.) To agree with.

That trimmmg too, with your '.

very disagreeable, and doea n

vita your complexion at all.

ShadweU, Trui Wid

CoHiBiTOR, t. {Lat») A bin

CoHORTBD, J7ar/. /i^ Exhort

CoiGNE, 9. (A.'N.) The

stone at the external an


Coil, (1) a. A bustle, tun


You will not believe what a i

t'other dar, to compound a

between a kattem-pear woman

about anatchiuE.

B. J<m.» Bni. .

They talk of wit. and this and

keep a coyl and a pother al

there's nothing at all in't.

ShadweU, Trut Wid

(2) a. A hen-coop. Nortt

(3) 9. A lump, or swelling.

(4) r. To beat.

COILB, 9. (^.-iV.) (l)To

or select.

(2) To strain through a <

CoiLERS, 9. .The part of

horse's harness put o^

rump and round his haui

hold back the cart whei


CoiLBT, 9. (A.-N.) A stalli<

CoiLONS, a. {A.'N.) The te

CoiNB, a. (A.'N) A quince

CoiNT, 9. {A.-N.) Neat ; <

cunning. Comteee, a str

CoiSR, adj. Chief; master.

CoisTBR, adj. Ill-tempered.

CoiSTBRBD, part. p. {Fr.)


Coi8TRBL,a. (A.'N.) (1) An

groom; one who carri

knight's arms.

(2) A coward ; a runaway

CoisTY, adj. Dainty. Nort

CoisT, adj. Excellent ; choi

CoiT, r. (1) To throw.

(2) To toss the head. Bt

CoiTiKG-STONR, *. A quoit,

CoiTURB, a. (Lat.) Cuitioa





Ah coneetve ; one sonne


AUions England, U92.


A disb in cookery,

M cock. Warner,

»pi7 about. Suitex.

peccavi. North.

I name for mineral

- «. A crocodile.

choak. North.

L reaper. Originally

iker Kbo came out

le. Warw.

by auction. South.

1 rims round clogs.

. fool ; t simpleton.

t a mkes of this vise

reM, an abnoliite fine

Jon.y Devil an Ass, ii, 2.

r hereio.je see. so very

I madly alored by the

O. PL, li, 72.

lew eoax, a toy, a fop.

Wit at se9. ffeap., iii. 1.

IX ; to make a fool

; a good poet inch con-

ranee nnd also benefiie,

an excellent artilirer,

it her kiftse nor cokes

o/Foetrie, I, viii, p. 16.

t of fine bread.

J.-N.) A cuckold.

'.) A rascal.

Clay. Pr. P.

female cook.

S^.) Coal ; charcoal.

(2) adj. Serious ; sober.

(3) Cold-rottf I. e., nothing to

the point or purpose.

CoLD-CHiLL, a. An ague-fit. Eatt,

CoLD>cooK, a. An undertaker of a


CoLOE, V. {A.'S.) To grow cold.

Colder, a. Refuse wheat. Eatt,

CoLD-FiRE| a. A fire laid but not


CoLDHED, 8. (A.'S.) Coldness.

CoLDiNO. Shivering. Cheth.

CoLD'LARD, 9. A pudding made of

oatmeal and suet. North.

CoLD-PioRON, a. A message.

CoLDRicK, adj. Very cold. " Cold-

rycke or full of cold. Algonu"


Cold-shear, a. Inferior iron.

Cole, (1) v. {A.-S.) To cool.

And lete hir role hir bodi thare,

For iiir wordeB unwrast.

Legend of Seynl Mergrete, p. 9S.

(2) a. (A.-N) Cabbage.

(3) a. Sea-kale. South.

(4) a. Pottage. North.

(5) 9. {A.-N.) The neck.

(6) 8. A colt.

(7) «. A species of gad us.

(8) V. To put into shape. North,

Colbmak-hkdge, a. A common


Femme impudicque, f)donn6c k paillnr

dise. A stt-weu wliore. tin arrant

whure: h colemau hedge : awonian liiat

ia rumpproud. NomencL, ISbo.

CoLEPixY, V. To beat down apples.


Cole-prophet,'! a. A false pro-

coL'Prophet, J phet.

CoU-prophet and coA?-pov8on. thou art both.

Ueg'w., Ep. b9, Cent. vi.

Whereby I found, I wan ilic Imrtlrs hare,

Aiid not tlie beast colprophet did declare

d by Google




Riding hi the ayrenpon a eouhiaffe, out

of a chimney top. AtuU. of MeL, p. 60.

CoLKT, ». An acolyte.

CoLFREN, ». pL Doves.

CoLiNO,». The crab-apple. Shropah,

CoLiSANCB, a. A badge or device.

CoLKB, a. The core.

Coll, 9. (1) (A.-N.) To embrace,

or clasp round the neck.

Found her among a crew of Batyra wfld,

KiasuiK and eolUng all the live-lnnj; niicht.

Orim the CoUier, O. PI., xi, 191.

There, th'amorous Tine colU in a thousand


(With winding arms) her spouse that her

supports :

The vine, as far inferiour to the rest

In beauty, as in bounty past the best.

Du BarUu.

Therefore I blame not Pamnhilus so

much, though hee had rather be eoUing

of her himaelfo a nights then that my

master should. Terenc* in Engl., 1641.

(2) To run about idly. North.

Collar, 1

coLLOW, w. (1) Soot; grime.


(2) Smut in wheat. Kent.

Collar, (l)r. To entangle. ^br/A.

(2)r. To collar the mag, to throw

a coit with such precision as to

surround the plug.

(3) a. The fork of a tree, where

the branches part from the trunk.


Collar-ball, a, A light ball used

by children. Eaat,

Collar-beam, a. The upper beam

in a building.

CoLLARD, «. Colewort. Eaat.

Collaret, a. (Fr.) A band for the


A collaret, is a kind of a gorget that

goes about the neck.

^ Ladie^ Diet., 16M.

Collar-of-ss, a. A sort of punch.

Mrs. W. What say you to your cellar

0/55, then?

SerupU. That would not be amiss.

There's no false Lntine in't.

Mrs. W. Quickly, Tim, quickly ;— a pint

of sack, a quart of aider, and a handful

or two of sugar, and put 'um into the

greai bowle. The CiUaU, 1662.

Collation, t.(Lfl/.) Aconfcren

CoLLAUD, V. (Lat.) To unite


Collection, a. (Lat.) A condus

or consequence.

CoLLEOioNBR, «. A coUcgian. i

gin* a Jeata.

College, a. An assembly of sn

houses having a common entra

from the street. Someraet.

Collbr-boos, a. New-laid e\


Collet, a. (fV.) (1) The set

which surrounds the stone


(2) A small collar or band, v

as part of the dress of the i

rior clergy in the Romish chu

Collets,*. Young cabbages, Bi

Colley, a. (1) A blackbird.


(2) Butchers' meat. North.

(3) Soot. See CoUar.

Collier, «. A seller of charcoi

Colligate, v. (Lat.) To bind


Colli-molly, a. A jocular cot

tion of melancholy.

The dcril was a little eolU-moUU and ^

not come off.

Ded. qfPop. Imp., sign

Colling, a. An embrace.

CoLLiNGLY, 0(^9. Closcly ; emi

ing at the same time.

And hunr about his neck.

And oHUngUe him kist.

Gasemgne, Worh

CoLLiSB, \a. (A.'N.) B

coLLAYES, J " Broth or coi

Pulmentariwn." Huloet.

CoLL-ME-NBAR, «. The swect


The flower sweet-william was <

among other names, eol-me-n^ar

hug me close : from the flowers

formed in so compact a cluster.


CoLLOBTNG, "1 /Mir/, a. Men

COLLOPYNG, J "Payd for calk

a beU clapper." Old Pariah





CoLiocK, «. A great ptiL NoriJL

CoLLOGUBpV. (1) To confederate

together lor mischief; to con-

verse secretly ; to cheat.

(2) To flatter.

CoLLOP. 8. A rasher of bacoo, or a

slice of flesh.

CoLLT, (1) «. Soot; the smut of

coaL See Collar.

(2) V, To blacken, or make dark.

Nor hast tboa eoUi$d thy ikee enough,

itiiikaxd I B. Jmu., PoeUsL, it, k.

To tee her ttrookinc with her iTory

hmad his eoOied eheeles. sad with her

SBOvy flaccn eorabioK bis sooty besrd.

Cmlum iriUm,, B 4, 1634.

(3) adj* Dirty ; smatty. Leie.

(4) #. A cottager's cow. North-


CoLLT-WBarroN. A term used when

anything goes wrong. CknK

CoLLT - WOBBLB, 9dj, UnCTCn.


Coi^LT'WouvMMMDfpart.p, Patch-

ed. North,

CoLMATK, t. A oolestaflT. Durham.

CoLMoan, #• The seamew. See


CoLVB, «. A basket, or coop.

"Colae or francke for fowles.

Vmarhtm. Cohu made of roddes

or wyckers. SeirpeaJ* Huloet

CoLOBB, t. (Lat.) A short coat

reaching to the knees.

CoLOPONT, «. Common rosin.

CoLOFRB, «. Fine gunpowder.

Couov, #. Stalks of furze-bushes,

remaining after burning. North

CoLPHBO, ^from Lat, coltq^hizo.)

To beat, or buffet.

CoLPiCB, #. A leaver. Warw.

CoLSH, t. Concussion. North.

Colt, (1) v. To cheat

(2) p. To crack, as timber. Warw,

(3) p. To ridge earth. Stmth.

(4) 8. A new comer, who is re-

quired to pay B forfeit called


(5)«. An apprentice, especially

to a clothier. Weat.

(6) 8, A piece of wood, found

loose inside a tree.

(7) «. A third swarm of bees n

the same season. We9t.

(8) p. To wanton ; to frisk about.

(9) To have a colt's tooth, to be


Indeed, towvds yon 1 sm lomevhat

fnjrid ; but some in the worid know I

hsre a tUVt tooth.

Skadipett, Bwy Fair, 16b9.

(10) To get a colt to a windmill,

to do a difficult thing.

1%e fentlemsn |msently takes the

book, and begimunfr axain, cries oat

aloud, fire, fire, heresie. rebellion; so

that now tou can no more get him

sear that book, ttian a coU to a teinj-

miil. Bachard's ObstmUioms, 1 67 1 .

CoLTBB, P. To be skittish. Depon.

CoLT'BPiL, «. The strangury.

CoLT-iN, p. To fall in, as the side

of a pit or quarry. Gloue,

CoLTiNo, t. Foot.ale. IVano.

CoLT-pizT, t. A fairy. Weit,

CohVMWstf adj, (Lat.) Dove-like.

CoLUM BUCK, t. An aromatic wood.

A eoltimiuei, a piece of inood of a rery

Sleaaant Kent, used in tlieir chambers

> keep oat onwholesom aires.

Dimtm's Ladies Dictiomuj, 16Mb

CoLVBB, B4f. Delicious. North.

CoLVBRB, t. (A.'S.) A dove.

Com, pret. t. Came.

CoMADB, 9. A mixture.

Com ADOBE, t. A table delicacy in

ancient cookery, formed of fruits.

Comb, (1) t. (A.-S.) A valley.

{2)8. AbalkoTUnd. Detfon.

(3) 8. A sharp ridge. North,

(4) t. A brewing-yat. Cheth,

(5) 8. The window-stool of a

casement. Glouc.

(6) 8. A mallet. Devon,

(7) p. To acrospire. ffeot.

(8) To cut a perM>n's comb, to

disable him.

CoMBACT, 8, Fighting.

And did oonrlude by combaey to winne

or loose the giime.

Wamtr't Jlbums England, 1592.

d by boogie




CoiiBATANCT, «. Fighting.

Comb-broach, «. The tooth of a

wool-comb. Somerset.

CoMBERB, V. To trouble. Combe-

rere, a trouble. Combertome,

troublesome, difficult of access.

CoMBRB-woRLD, 8. An incum-

brance to the world.

CoMBURMENT, «. Incumbrancc.

Cum BUST, adj. (Lat) Burnt.

CoMBUSTioufl, adj. Blustering.

Of late when Boreas' blui tring blaata had


Down mighty trees, and chinuiies tops ore-


In th' interim of this fieree eomhuliout


BowUtndi, Knavu of Sp. /■ D., 1618.

CoMB, (1) 8. (ji.'S.) ArrivaL

(2) preL L pL Came.

(3) ». To go.

(4) V, To become.

(5) V, To succumb ; to yield.

(6) V. To overflow, or flood.


{7)v. To be ripe. DoreeL

{%) adj. Ripe. Doreet.

(9) 8. A comfit. North.

Come-back, t. A guinea-fowl, so

named from its peculiar note.

Come-by, v. To procure.

CouRDfpret. t. Came. A common


Co-M£DLED, adj. Well mixed.

CoMB-iN, V. To surrender.

CoMELiNG, \». A stranger; a

CUMLYNG, J guest.

CoMEN, V. To commune.

Come-off, v. (1) To execute any


(2) To alter ; to change.

Come-on, v. To grow; to encroach;

to succeed.

CoME-ovER, V, To cajole.

Com brawn CE, «. Vexation; grief.

CoMBRous, adj. Troublesome.

Comestible, a^j' (Lat,) Eatable.

Comfortable, t. A covered pas-

sage-boat used on the Tyne.



Comic, «• A comediao, or actor.

My ehief business here this ereninr w»

to speak to my friends in behalf of

honest Cave UnderhiU, who has been a

comic for three generaiioua.

£<«»<«, Tc/br, No. 2S.

Comical^ a<if. Ill-tempered. Wegt.

CoMiNE, V. (Lat.) To threaten.

Coming, part. a. A word used to

denote the equal germination of

all the grains in the same parcel

of malt.

CoMiNs, 8. Commonage. MidL C

CoMiSE, 9. (A.-N.) To commit.

CoMiT, pree. t. 8. {A.^S.) Comes.

Comity, t. (Lat.) Courtesy.

CoMLAND, 8. (J.-N.) A covenant.

Comlyly, adv. Courteously.

Commander, t. A wooden rammer

for driving piles into the ground.

Commandments, «. The nails of

the ten fingers.

Commeddle, v. (Ft.) To mix.

Commence, 8.(1) Any affair. South,

(2) An awkward event. £ssex.

Commends, «. Regards; oompli-


Commensal, «. (Lat.) A compa-

nion at table.

Comment, v. To invent ; to devise.

Commenty, 8. The community.

CoMMBVB, V. To move.

CoMMisT, part. p. (Lat.) Joined


Commit, v. To be guilty of incon-


Conmit not with man's sworn apoose.

Leiart iii. 4.

Though she accos'd

Me even in dream, where thoughts commit

by chance. Witt, 0. PL, viii, 425.

Committer, t. A person guilty of


If all eommitten stood in a rank.

They'd make a lane, in which vour shame

might dweU. Deck. Hon. WK.

Committed, part.p. Accounted ;


Commode, «. A lady's head-dress,

of considerable bulk, fashionable

d by boogie

COM 333


ftt the begiinmog of the last cen-


Toy good, tbcre*! mi impndeDt ro^ue

too. he hai an ^lorant raw skittish

hfcad, with a flaihjif amode on.

iW/%3F, Mmrriagt^UUr M*tek*d.

Tct least these prove too great a load,

11ieT*r all rompnz'd in one ammodf;

Pins tip's with diamond point and head.

By which the carles are fastned.

London Ladte$ Dressing Soom, 1705.

1 wssVd and patched to make me look pro-


Snares that they told me won'd cttch the


And on ny head a hnge eommod* nt oock-

Which made me shew as tall agen.


ComioDiTT, «. (1) Interest ; ad-


(2) Wares taken in payment by

needy penons who borrowed

money of usurers.

(3) An interlude. Skake^.

(4) A prostitute.

(5) Pudeudnm f.

Commoner, «. A common Uwyer.

CoAmonbts, #. A boy's term for

a choice sort of marble.

CoMMOK-PiTCH, 8. A term applied

to a roof in which the length of

the rafters is about three fourths

of the entire span.

Commons, «. Pro?isions.

CoMMOBANT, /»ar/. a. (Lat.) Re-

maining at a place with another^

CoMMORSB, 8. Compassion ; pity.

And this is snre, though his offense be soch,

Yet doth cahunitie attract wmmarte.

Ikmul, C'n. JTars, U 46.

CoMMORTH, 8, A. subsidv, a contri-

bution, for a special occasion.

CoMMOTHBR, t. A godmothCT.


Couu<3mT^adJ.(Lat.) Disturbing.

7or, tfa' Etemall, knowing

The seas eomtHoti9e and inconstant flowing,

Ihns caibed her; and 'gainst her envious


for ever Cene't oar flovry-mantled stage.

JhtBartM. I

CoMMiTNZ, (1) t. (^.-M) The com-


(2) 9. To distribute.

Communis, «. The common people.



CoMMT, t. To come. Sieltom.

CoMNANT, «. A covenant.

CoMouN, #. (A.'N,) A town, or


CoMPACEy V. To encompass.

Com PA ION ABLE, adj, {A.-N.) So*


C0MPAI0NE.WI0, 8, A Wig of BU

expensive description.

Aug. ye 4, 1711, a compni^ne-mM, W.

OU BM of Exftndilnrf.

CoMPAiNB, 8. {A,'N,) A com-


CoMPANABLB, a<Jf. Sociablc.

CoMPANAOB, t. (J.-N.) Food;


Companion, t. A fellow of bad

character, because "companies"

were generally of rogues and


Company, t. To accompany. To

company with awomao,^/«ere.



It is a prettv soft thing this same lore.

an excellent company keeper, full of


Beeayee by Cornwattyte, 1633.

(2) A lover. Eaat

Compare, a. Comparison.

Whence yon, and yonr illttstrions sister are

£ach in their several kinds without com-


You for a matchless virgin, she a wife;

The great examples of a vertuous life.

Flecknoe't Bpigrams, 1670.

Comparatitb,*. a rival. Shakeap,

Comparisons, a. Caparisons.

CoMPARiTT, 8. Comparison.

CoMPAg, a. (1) {A-N.) Form?


(2) A circle.

(3) An outline. Ea8i,

(4) Compost. Timer,





CoMPASicvNT, 1 #. (A.-N,) Con-

coMPASSiNO, J trivance.

Compassed, adj. Circular. A bay

window, or oriel window, was

called a compassed window.

Compel, v. To extort.

CoMPENSB, V. To recompense.

Compere, «. {A,-N,) A gossip; a


But wote ye what I do here?

To ieke vouth, my compere :

Fayne of hym I wolde hHve a sight.

But my lippea haDge in my lyght.

Euterlude of fouth,

CoMPBRSOMB, oiff. FroUcsomc.


CoMPBRTE, «. {Lai. cotnpertum,)

An ascertained fact. Monattic

Lettert, pp. 50, 85.

CoMPEST, V, To compost land.

Complain, v, (A.-N,) To lament


CoMPLB, (1) V. To taunt, or bully.


(2) adj. Angry. Yorksh.

Complement, «. Anything orna-


Complin, a4r* Impertinent. Var.d.

Compline,*. (A.-N.) The last ser-

vice of the day in the Catholic


CoMPLisH, V. To accomplish.

CoMPLORB, V. (Lat.) To weep to-


CoMPLOT, V, To plot together.

CoMPON-covERT, t. A sort of lace.

CoMPONB, o. {Lai.) To com|K):ie.

Composites, s. Numbers more

than ten and not multiples of it.

An old arithmetical term.


CoMPosuRB, 9. Compositioii.

CoMPouNST,;9arf.j9. Compelled.

Peace, dawpates, while I tell a thing now


In my head, which to utter I am com-

pounst. Hejfwood't Slider ^ FKe, IS56.

Comprise, o. To draw a condu-


CoMPROBATB, pori, p. {Lat.)


CoMPROMiT, 9. {Lot.) To tu

to arbitration.

CoMPT, a4/- (^'O Neat ; spn

CoMPTB, «. {A,'N.) Account.

COMRAGUE, 1 ^ ^^

COMROOUB, J wuiiww.

CoMSBN, V, {A.'S.) To begir

endeavour. Comrinff, begini


Comonalt£, t. {A.'N.) <

munity ; the commons.

CoMTN, (1) adj. {A.'N.) Com

(2^ «. {A.'N.) The commoni

i3) 8. An assembly.

4) 8. Cummin.

(5) 8. Litharge of lead.

CoMYNER, 8. {Lai.) A partaki

Comtnt£, t. Community.

Con, (1) V. {A,'S.) To lean

know. Still used in the N

To can thanks^ to study ex

sions of gratitude, to ack

ledge an obligation.

I em thee Ikgnlt to whom thy dog;

deare. Pemi. Jrc, f

What me ? whoiigh, how friendly y(

to them that e<mtu$ you no tknnk.

Tirtmc* i» Bm(fU»k,

(2) pre8. t. Can ; is able.

(3) V. To calculate ; to cons

to meditate upon.

(4) V. To search whether i

is with egg. North.

(b) V. To filUp. North.

(6) 8. A squirrel. Cumb.

CosABhEtadj.{A.'N.) (1) Suit

(2) Famous.

Con ANDLT,aAr. Knowingly; w

CoNANT, a. A covenant.

CoNCABELL, 8. An idcle. Det

Concealment,*. A hidden pi

• person.

What are indi the objects, to i

that can with more gayneaa behc

brown mares buttodu uan the fix

ihmr comcealwunU.

Howard, Mtm tfNnmmrktt,

Conceit, (1) t. An ingenioni


(2) e. To suppose ; to sospe


noveltie for them to

goe in, and intice a


rbtrfi TnmU, 1638.

pt>w together.

.) To sleep with.

[rairn old.

s cubit lucavoriDg,


imV Epigrami, 1677.


IT his eomeufty


Mi.) Extortion.

, mpine, pilleries,

^ensationt filL

tji. Civ. Wan, ir. 7B.

i.) Atahliming.


convey anything away by trickery.

Comw. if Devon.

CoNDiE, r. (A.'N.) To conduct.

CoNDisB, ff. (A.-N.) Conduits.

Condition, t. Disposition ; temper. .

CoNDOCiTY, «. Docility. Leic.

Condon, adff. Knowing.

CoNDRAK, 8. A sort of Ucc.

Conduct, (1) «. A conductor.

(2) part, p (Lot.) Hired.

Conduction, #. Conduct ; charge.

CoNDUCT-ifONET, t. Mouey paid to

soldiers and sailors to carry them

to their ships.

CoMDUL, t. (^..5.) A etBdle; pL


Conk, «. A clog. NortK

CoNE-wHEAT, «. Bearded- wheat.


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d by Google




To know; to be

■eader. York$h,

t.) To join together.

A beast's kidneye.

y.-S.) Learning ;

Handsome; pretty.

k small outlet for

7. (Lat) To pollute.

^-iV.) A company;

1 entertainment.

Estimation. Norih,

{Lat.) To attain.

.'N.) Connsel.

A.'N.) To preserve.

\Fr,) Preserves.

lin^s dnraght, vhen he

teftct or catet, when he

i; his afternooiiei nnn-

;n he goeth to bedde, hie


any thynge whyche is

dfenred, as grapet, bar-

pearles, ke. Salgama.

r. A conservatory.

{A.-N,) To advise.

. To shrive» confess.

iron't eon»\T%v€ her him*

Flora's Vagmriet, 1670.

B, adj. Important;

led to a person.

(Lat. eofuittere, to

xist at the same time


«rered, that there was no

rivixt thcae two asser-

, our desires wereagreea-

kdameotal laws, and yet

that the acts which were

the conclusions of the

hi be repealed ; for both

WeoHMt' becaaae, as it

t to the imrlianient to

I statutes (or the good of

1 sUte, so it was proper

CoNSKiTR. 1 j^^^jj, aspergere.

CO.VSKITT, J *^ **

Ck>NsoRT, (1) «. A band of mu*


(2) V. To associate with.

CoNSOUD, $. {A.'N.) The lesser


CoNSPiRATioNi ff. (Lat.) A con-


CoNSPiREMBNT, t. Conspiracy.

CoNSTABLBRiE, t. (J.-N.) A ward

of a castle, under charge of a


CoNSTELL, V. (Lat.) To forebode;

to procure by prognostication ?

Oh, conid senren planets and twelv0

signes eonstrll one Rurh unrest.

Wam$f» Jlbums England, 1593.

CoNSTBRT, 1 #. A consistory

CONSTORY, J court.

CoNSTKR, V. To construe.

CoNSTiLLE, V. To dislil.

CoNSTOBLE, 1 ». A great coat,


CoNsuETE, a4i. (Lat.) Usual;


CoNSUMif ATE, «4f. (Lat.) Perfect.

lormerly nn eminent merchant in Lon-

don, whom the author had the happi-

ness to accompanv in these travels, is

now ngain revisea to make it the more

coiUHmflia/^ and inviiiiiff.

Brom^t Travels over England.

Contain, v. To abstain; to re-


CoNTEK, \8. (A.-S.) Debate;

CONTAKE, J quarrelling. Contt'

hour, a person who quarrels.

CoNTEL, V. To foretel. Tuuer.

CoNTENANCE, s. Appearaucc ; be-


Content ATioN, ». Content.

CoNTioNAT, adr, (Lat,) Suc-

cessivelv. Heame.

Continent, (1) a. That which

contains, Shaketp.

(2) adv. Immediately. For m-


Continuance, a. Duration.

d by Google




It if true: this kiud of wood ii of

irreater eontinvaHce in watrjr f)lHce8,

iheu anv other timber: fnr it is ob-

■erved, tbnt in these placM it ictdoatc

or never rota.

Norden's Survqfcn Dialogue.

Continue, «. {Fr,) Contents.

CoNTouRBB, ». To disturb.

CoNTRAiRK,a<(^'.(^^.) Contrary;


Contra PTioNyt. (1) Coattruction.


(2) Contrivance. We»t

CONTRARIK. (1) ». (J.-N.) To gO

against ; to oppose.

(2) V, To vex.

(3) adj. Obnoxious.

CoNTRARious, ^j, (i/.-iST.) Dif-


CuNTRATERSE» adj\ Contrary to.

-CoNTRETH, «. Country.

CoKTREvoRE, «. A contrivance.

Contribute, v. To take tribute of.

Contrive, r. (1) {Lat.) To wear

out, pass away.

(2) To confound, used as an

imprecation. "Cotvtrive the pig !''


CoNTROVB, ». {A,'N.) To invent.

Contubkrnial, atlj, (Lat.) Fa-


CoNTUND, o. (Lai.) To beat down.

CoxTUNE, V. To Cfintinve.

CoNTURBATioN, «. {Lot.) Dis-


Contail, v. To recover.

CoNVALE, «. (Lat, convaUit.) A


Convex ABLE, adj. Fitting.

Convene,*. (J.-N.) Arrangement.

Convent, v. To summuu; to



reserved rents of Hfe-leases.

CoNVBNT-LOAF, 9. Fine maiichet.

Converse, t, A point in conversa-


Tif very pleanuit to hear him talk of

the advautaircs of tliis reformation , his

lectures of repiirtes, converse, reipilcs,

audan hundred more unintell'tnble fnn.

penes. Tks S^ormalion, 1C73.

CoNVERTiTB, t. A convcri.

Convey, a. Conveyance.

Conveyance, #. Stealing.

CoNvicious, 9. (Lai.) Abusiv

Convince, 9. (Lat.) To conq

to convict ; to overcome.

Convive, v. To feast togethc

Convoy, *. A clog for the w

of a wagon. North,

Cony, ». (1) (A.-S.) A rabbit.

(2) RabbH.4kin.

CoNY-CATCH, V. To dcccivc

cheat; to trick.

He win omit no vilUnie lie can d

commit ; he will cheat his father,

his mother, and eomf -catch liia

sister. Man in the Mount,

Tlience to Hodfldon. mhere stood wat

Cheuiswbo liv'd by cony • catching :

•Kulse oirds brouifht nie, with them pit

Dear for their acqunintiiiirc paid I.

Drunken Bai

CoNT-CATCHni, <. A sharpc


A eonie-caleher, a name given t

ceivers. by a metaphor, Uken

those that rob warrens, and <

frrounds, using all means, sirijtht

cunnin;; to deceive them, as pif ch

hairs before their holes, fetching:

in by luiublers, See. Jf ii

CoNY-CLAPPER, 9. A nibbit.

ren. Monattic Letter9t p. 7<

CoNY-FisH, *. The loach.

CONY-POGLK, 9. To laV ])lotS.

CoNYOARTHc, 8, A rabbiuv^a

See Comgar.

The lie of Tknnet, and those t«i

partes are the graynrr; the Weal

the wood ; Kunmey Marsh is the v

plot; the Nortlidownes, towani

Thumvsc be the conypmrth* nr wiu

Lambarde'e Feramb. qfKentj

CoNY- GREEN, 9. A rabbi t-ws

CoNY-iioLE, 9. A rabbit-bun

Ilrre's one of Sir Ralph Noasa

mbbf t-catchers : there's Msaree a

sees further into a eonew-hoU.

Uuward, Man qfNewmarhat,

CoNY-LANo, 9. Land so ligh<

sandy as to be fit for nothin

rabbits. £asi»





CojmJOE,(l)f.(^..A:) A rabbit.

(2) c^'. Learned. Kimyngutet

Most learned, or cleyer.

Coo, (1) 9. To cdl. Cttmb,

(2) #. Ajwkdaw. Pr.P.

(3) t. Fear. North.

CoocH-BANDSD, o^/* Laft-bAaded.

Cook, o. (I) To throw ; to chuck.

(2) To disappoint; to puniah.


CoocKKL, #. A crosa«ban. Ea$i.

CooKLB, «. A pair of prongs through

which the meated apit is thrtut.


CoouBE, a. A large open tub.

CoouMe CARD. Something todamp

or orerwhelm the ho pea of an

cxpeeuat. A pbraae auppoaed

bj some to be borrowed from

some game in yhich money was

staked upon a card, and to have

been originally applied to a card

so decisive as to cool the course


Tlicw hot youtbs

I fear will find n cooHng card.


C00L8TOCX, #. Colewort.

Cool-Tankaro, m. ' The plant bo-

rage, used aa one of the ingre-

dients in a favorite lieverage of

the ume name. Northampt,

CooM, a. Dust ; dirt; soot. North,

Cooxs, «. Ridges. Ea»t,

Coop, (1) a. A closed cart. AW-M.

(2) a. A hollow vessel made of

twigs, uaed for taking fish in the


(3) An abbreviation of come up!

CooFLK, V. To crowd. North,

Cooas^v. To cower. Yorkth.

CooscoT, a. The wood^pigeon.


Coosa, 0. To loiter. Devon.

Coot, a. (I) The water-hen.

(2) The anelc, or foot. North,

CooTTON, a. A dolt.

Cop, (1) f. {J..S.) The top, or

summit; the head, or crest.

(2) a. A pinnacle ; the rising pait

of a battlement.

(3) a. A mound ; a heap. North.

(4) a. An tnclosure with a ditch

round it.

(5) a. A round piece of wood ct

the top of a bee-hive.

(6J a. A fence. North,

(7) a. The part of a wagon which

hangs over the thiller-horse.

(8) a. The beam placed between

a pair of drawing oxen.

(9) a. A cop of peas, fiArca

sheaves in the field, and siiteen

in the bam.

(10^ a. A lump of yarn. North,

(11) p. To throw uuderhand.

CoPART, V, To join in ; to share.

CoPATAiN, I «. A hat, in the

coppiDTANKE, > form of a sugar

coppiNTANK, J loaf. See Copped.

Cop-BONB, a. The knee-pan. So-


Cope, (1) v. To top a wall.

(2) V, (a.-S.) To exchange mer-


(3) p. (A.'S.) To buy. Leie.

(4 ) {J,'N.) A cloak, or covering.

(5) p. To comply?

To reqneit yon, sir, that by any means

you would hinder our chicVs, Mr.

SwifUpur and Mr. Trainttedy, from

eopinff with any such del lights.

Howard, Man of Newnuirket, 1078.

(6) a. A tribute paid to the lord

of the manor in the Derbyshire

lead mines for smelting lead at

his mill.

(7) p. To give way, to fall in, as

a bank or wall. Warw,

(8) p. To fasten; to muzzle.


f9) a. A large quantity. East.

no) p. To pare a hawk's beak.

( 11 ) p. Futuere. SAakesp,, Othtl ,

iv. 1.

CopKMAN, a. {J.'S,) A chapman,

or merchant.


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Or if combattAniie not please, the land is

rich nnd larjre.

And they cffoerHteers may live, and us ot

death diBrharge.

Wamer't Jlbiotu BttpUmd, 1593.

CoPERONB, 9. A pinnacle. Pr, P,

CoPESMATE, ff. A'frieud; a com-

panion ; a fellow.

Kise my concSnsInn is,

ir not for wort Si, liy force |>trlbrcc to winne

her from you all,

Yea tlH)U]ch onr lianisht eopesmaU could

his Ui-iltiah succours call.

li'anur's Albiotu BngUttd, U9S.

Her honest husband is her hobie-horse

at home, and abroad, her foole ;

aroonpst her eopfsmalrt,yxun\on wenches

game amontrsi themselves, and waggea

sport to point at with two fingers.

Man in the Moone, 1609.

This cSpefMoie will bring men that have

lost some of their wit quite beside them-

selves. Terence in SujlUh, 1641.

C0PB.H0RSK-DEALSR8, t. Petty

dealers in horses. Leie.

Cop-HALFPENNY, f. The game of


Cop-HBAo, «. A tuft of feathers

or hair on the head of an animal.

CopiE, «. {Lat. copia,) Plenty.

CopiNBR, *. (-^.-5.) A lover.

Copious, tuff, {Lat») Plentiftd.

Copland, «. A piece of land which

terminates in an acute angle.

CoPLOPT,». Atoploft.

Also in the eoptofies two little wheeles,

apples, aoDic wooU, with other thinccs

there. MS. Inventory^ 1658.

CoppB, t. {A.'K) A cup.

Copped, ] a^J. (1) Peaked, refer-

COPT, f ring to the fashion of

couPBD, J the long.peaked shoe,

or to the peaked hat, worn at a

later period, also called a coppid

tank hat. This word appears in

various forms.

With high-copf hato, and feathers flaunt a

flaunt. Gasewffne, Hearbei, p. 216.

Chapean d'Albanois. A suzer loafe hat :

a eo^id tanke hat. ifomenclator.

Qui a la teste arue, ou pointue. One

that hath a heade with a tharpe crowne,

or fnshioued like a sugeriofe : a eopid

tanke. lb.

Upon their heads they wore felt hata.

eopflt-lanked, a (quarter of an dl liigki.

or more. Coawiuss, by Danei, B B~ b.

Then should come in the doctoora of

Loven, [Louvain] with their great cop-

pin-UMka, and doctoars hattea.

Bee-kive qf&nn. CJL, I 7, b.

A €optankt hat, made on a yirmish blodc.

Gaae. Worktt, N 8. b.

(2) Crested. " Accreste. Crested,

copped f having a great creaat."


Were they as eop^ and high-crested iia

mariah whoops.

Babclait, (keU^ B. II, ch. xii.

(3) Proud; insulting. North,

CoppBL, 9. (Fr.) A small cup.

CoppBR-CLOUTs, «. spatterdashes.


CoppERPiNGH, «. The chaffinch.


CopPBR-RosE, t. The red field-


CoppiE, «. A dram. North,

CoppiN, «. A piece of yam taken

from the spindle. North,

CoPPiNO, f. A fence. North,

CoppLE-CROWN, «. A high head,

rising up; hair standing up on

the crown of the head ; a tuft of

feathers on a bird's head.

And what's their feather?

Like the eoppU crown

Tlie lapwing has. Bandolpk, AwtpU^ ti, 8.

CopPLiNG, a^. Unsteady. Eatt,

CoppROus. 9. A syllabub.

CoppY, *. (1) A coppice. We9t.

(2) Afoot-stool.

Cops, t. (1 ) A connecting crook of

a harrow. Jre9t,

{2\ Balls of yam. Lane,

(3) A contrivance ?

It is a great matter, saith Tcrtnlian, to

see the vanitie of women in these daiea,

who are so trimd aud trickt, that yow

would rather say they beare great

forests on their necks, then modest and

civil! furnitures: Tut, answers tV

shion, it keepes their facet in com-

passe ; to weare wiers and great rulTes,

IS a comely com to hidea long wrinckled

face in. Boufsters for crookt shoulders,

who but Fashions first sold tliero in

Venice ? Lod^^» Wiu Mittrit, 1:96.





Cops A L, 9. The iron which termi-

aates the front of a plough.

Copsx, V. To cut brushwood, &c.


CopsK-LAUBSi^ «. Spnrge laurel.

C0P8B8, #. The moTeable rails

attached to the side of a cart or

wagon» by which the width may

be extended. Narthampt.

CopsoN, #. A feuce on the top of

a dam laid across a ditch. South.

Con, adj. (1) Convex. North.

(2) Pollarded. Northampt,

CopT-KNow, 9. The top of a coiii-

cal hilL North.

Cop.up, V. To relinquish. Ea9t.

Copt, v. To close in.

Copt, i. (Lai. eopia.) Plenty.

Coaup.T, \ 9. (Fr. eofuette.) A

cocacrr, j harlot. Cocguetish,

amorous; eocqvetry, lust. This

is the older use of these words in


CosAGE, 9. {A.-N.) Heart; in-


Coralle,*. (J.^N.) Dross; refuse.

CoKANCB,«. Currants.

CoRAKT, par/, a. {A.-N.) Running.

CoRANTo, 9. A, sort of dance, with

npid and lively movements.

CoRASiT, *. Vexation.

CoRASiVB, V. To grieve. See Cor^


As nreiu, iclirich <mles, Iralli and bearea,

We^l bill and bawie our parta,

"0. jtrksome noyce have cloy'd joar carta,

And cormtni'd vour liearia.

WehtUf's Dutcheue qfMa{fy, IdSS.

CoRAT, 9. A dish in cookery.

Cffrai. Take the noumblea of calf,

Bwyne, or of shcpe ; parboile bem, and

akernc hem to dvee ; cait hem in ftode

bfuth, and do thereto berbea. Qrjnde

cJiylMUaamalley-heire. Seeth it tendre,

and lye it with ^olkea of eyrenn. Do

thereto rcijims, nfnmn, powdor.doQce,

tad lalt, and aerve it forth.

Forma ofCwry^ p. 8.

CoRBBAu, 9. The miller's thumb.


CoRBisTTBs, f. Gobbets.

CoKBiN-BONB.a. Tlic boBc betweca

the anus and bladder.

CoRBO, f. A thick-hafted knife.

CoRBT. 9. A carrion crow ; a raven.


CoRCB, (1) 1^. To exchange.

(2) 9. The body ; for eor99.

Cord, 9. (1) A cord of wood, a

piece 8 ft. by 4 ft. and 4 ft.


(2) A sUck of wood. Cordwood,

wood, &c., stacked.

Co roe, V, (A.-N.) To accord.

C0RDBLLB8, 9. Twisted cords, or


Cor — 'AN, 1#. Spanish lea-

CORDB -ATNE, J ther, from Cor-

dova, formerly celebrated for its

manufacture. Cordevan leather

was manufactured in England

from goat-skin.

Cordiner, t. A shoemaker.

CoRDLT, 9. A tunny.

CoRooNE, t. An honorary reward

given to a successful combatant.

CoRDT, adj. Of cord ; like cord.

Core, (1) pari. p. Chosen.

A stronj; kny^ t and a wel i-cor^

Woa he witbuute lye.


(2) t. The middle of a rick when

the outside has been cut away.

(3) 9. A disease in sheep. Devon,

(4) V. To sweep a chimney.

CoRESED, adj. {J.-N.) Harnessed.

CoREsuR, t. (J.'N.) A courier.

CoRETTB, V. To correct.

Corf, 9. A large basket.

CoRFOUR, *. The curfew.

CoRFT, 1;. To rub. North,

Coriander seed, «. A jocular

term for money.

Corinth, 9. A brothel. Shaketp.

Corinthian, 9. A wencher.

CoRKB, 9. The core of fruit.

CoRKED,;7ar/.p. Offended. Corker ^

a scolding.

Corks, 9. (1) Bristles.

(2) Cinders. Lane.

Corlb, v. To tap, or pat.

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CoRLET-SHOES, t. Raiscd cork-


CoRr.u, a. A curlew.

CoRM/vRTE, «. A dish in ancient


Cormaryt. Take colyattdre, Cftra^tiv,

sniHle {(Tonnden, powdor of peper. nnd

eRrlec y-grounde in rede wyne. Mcdle

alio thiM togyder, and salt it. Take

loynes of pork, rave, and fle of the akyn,

andpryk it wellcwith a knyf, and hy it

in tlie Mwse. Rooat thereof Mliat thou

vilt, and keep that that fnlliih therefrom

in the rosting. and leeth it in a possy-

net, with faire broth, and aerve it forth

with the roott anoon.

Forme qfCxtryy^ASL.

CoRME, #. {A.'tf,) the scrvicd-


Cormorant, t. A servant. Jonson*

Corn, (1) 8. A grain of salt, &c.

Comed'bee/t salted beef*

(2) *. Oats. North,

(3) pari, p. Chosen, See Core,

CoRNAOK, *. {A,'N.) A tenure by

giving notice of an invasion by

blowing a horn.

CoRNAtL, *. (1) The head of a

tilting lance.

(2) A coronal, or crown.

CoRNALiNB, ff. Cornelian.

CoRN'BiND, a, "Wild convolvolni.

CoRN-BOTTLE, $, The blue-bottle

flower. Norihampt.

CoRN-cocKLB, f. Corn campion.

CoRN-cftAKE, a. The land-rail.

CoRNDBR, t. A receding angle.


Corned, adj, (1) Peaked; pointed.

(2) Supplied with grain. North.

(3) Intoxicated. Shropah.

Cornel, f. (1) A corner. JVeat,

(2) An embrasure On the walls

of a castle. See Kernel

(3) A kernel.

(4) A frontal. Pr. Part,

CoRNELiDS-TWE, t. A swcating-

tub, prescribed by Cornelius for

the cure of syphilis.

CoRNKMUSE, ff. (Fr.) An insthi-

luent o/ music, closely resembling

the bagpipe, if not iden

with it. Drayton calls it eo


Even from the ihrilleat aliawn, mt


Some blow the bagpipe np, that pla}

country round. JPolyoli., iv, j

Corner, a. A point at whist.

Corn kr-crbbper, a. A sly fe

CORNER-TILE, ff. A gUttCr-ti

Cornet, a, A conical piec


CoRNrcHON, ff. (Fr.) A gam(


Cornish, ff. The ring at the n

of a cannon.



CoRNLAiTBRS, ff. Ncwly ms

peasants who beg corn to

their first erop with.

CoRN-piNR, ff. The com.c<


CoRN^ROSE, ff. The wild pop

CoRNUB, V, To strike vriti


Corny, adj. (1) Abounding in


(2) Tasting strong of mal

corny ale.

(3) Tipsy.

CoRODY,ff. {Med.Lat. eorrod

An allowance of money or

and clothing by an abbot, <

a monastery, to the king U

maintenance of any one <


Corollary, a. Something a

or superfloons.

Bring a eorollary

lUther than wnni.

Skaketp^ Temp

Coronal, ff< A crown, or ga

Kow no more shall these amooth bi


With youthful conmaU, and lend the

/7., FaUkf. S*€ji

CoRONEL, ff. The originiil S]

word for colowL Henc

modern pronunciation, cnr

d by Google




Aftenmrdb thar eoromtli, imrncd Don

i«liiigttaii. came Utrth to inlreat tbat

ikn mqriit put vUh tbeir umet like

He braaght the anine of corwifi to

town. M «orae did form^ly to the nib<

otIm thit of lieutetiKitt w mprain.

FUetmo^s Smignu Ouurafter*,

CowjiTN, 9. {J,-N.) A cfdwn.

CoKovKMBNT, #. CoroMtion.

CoRouR, t. (//.-M) A courser.

Coup, «. A corpse. North.

CoRPHUN, «. A herring.

CoRroRAi^ «. (1) The oficer who

gnardsd and arranged the 6hot

or arms of the soldiers on ih€

fi«U of battle.

(2) A corporal oath, an oath

laken on the consecrated bread.

CoaroaAS, *. The cloth placed

beneath the consecrated elententa

in the sacrameBt.

CoRpoRATtJBB, #. A roan's body.

Coaps, f. (I) (/#•.) The body.

Hiporrates hath tanght thee the one

kinde :

Apollo and the innac the other pert*

ind both ao well, that thoa vith both doet


Tbe minde, vith nleaeare; and the eorpt,

vitheaM. Dan€r,SeomyeofFolljf,Un-

(2) A lease for lives, of which

one or more lives have fallen in.

CoRras-CANDLX, t. (1) A thick

candle tised formerly at lake-


(2) A sort of apparition, de-

scribed by Aubrey, MUeellamet,

CoRRADT, a. What we should now

term a man's board. See Corody.

CoRRBTixa, a. A horse-dealer.

CoRRiD-HONXT, t. Candied honey.

CoRRiBS, a. Apparently, a cuirass.

The term occurs in an old do-

cament printed in Bnrgon's

Grcsham, i, 320.

Coaaioa, v, (A-N,) To correct.

CoaatN, #. {.-i.'N.) A crown.

CoRRiTAL, a. A partner in affec-

tion i a rival.

This pTDporlion vas aasnrcd clebra

before the loeae of Cimsuntinople,

which to Rome it self, if not coneklered

as a emrinJl, was a deep blow.

Biunt't Voyttgs in lit LeuaU. ItfM.

CoRROST, 8. A grudge. Dtvm,

CoRRUMPABLE, udj. Comiptiblsu

CoRRVMPB, 0. {A.'N.) To eorropt.

Corrupted, o^. Ruptured. Su^M^



CoR8, *. {A.^N.) (1) The body.

(2) A course.

CoRs AiNT, a. {A.'N.) A holy body ;

a saint.

Knowestow aught a e

Tkat iKSB calla Trnihe f

pMTi Fl^ p. 109.

CoRSART, f. (J^.) A pirate.

Corse, (1) v. {A.-S.) To curse.

(2) «. The body of a chariot.

'* Com of a chariot or horse

lytter covered wyth bayles or

hordes. Tympamm," Hu/oei.

(3) a. Silk riband woven or

braided. " Gotm of a g>Tdel),

tissn." Paiayraoo.

CoRSBRE, a. (1) A bonemaB.

(2) A war-horse.

(3) A horse-dealer.

Corset, 1 a. (a corruption of eor»

CORSIVB, Iroitvtf.) Anything tbat

coRziB, j grieves, tbat corrodes

the heart.

And that same b-tter eortive which did eat

Her tender heart, and made refniine from

meat. Sp4n$.,F. Q„lV,\x,n.

Tliis was a eonipt \o old Edward's days.

And without ceasinz fed upon liis bonrs. .

Drayt.t Lcff. ofF. Gm., p. 571.

The discontent

You seem to entertain, ia merely cause'


— And therefore, good my lord, discover it,

Tbat we may take the spleen and eoruf

from it.

CkoFmoH'i Mtmi.iy mwe, Ane. Dr., iii, 348.

CoRsiCK, tulj. Grieved ; embittered.

Alas 1 poere infants borne to wofull fittes,

What eoniekg hart such harmelfsse sonles

can greere. Oreat BrUainet Trojft^ 16(^9.

CoRSiNG, a. Horse-dealing.

CoRBiVBy adj. Corrosive.





CoRSPRKSANT, t. (Fr.) A mortuary.

CoRSY, adj. Fat ; unwieldy.

CoRTBisE, (1) 0^, {^.-N.) Cour-


(2) f. Courtesy.

CoRTER, 9. A cloth.

CoRTiNB, a. {A,'N.) A curtain.

CoRTs, 8. Carrots. Somertet.

CoRUNB, t. (J.-N.) A crown.

CoRVE, t. (1) The eighth part of

a ton of coals.

(2) A box used in coal mines.

CoRVBN,j9ar^p. Carved.

CoRvisoR, «. A shoemaker.

CoRWE, a^. Sharp.

Cory, *. A shepherd's cot. Pr.


CoRYE, V, To curry.

CoRTNALLE, «. See ComalL

Cos, «. A kiss.

CosciNOMANCY, 8, {Gr,) Dtfiua-

tion by a sieve.

CosEY, 9. Snug ; comfortable.

CosH,(l)a4;. Quiet; still. Shrop8h.

. (2)*. A cottage, or hovel. Pr.P.

(3) «. The husk of coru. Ea8t.

Cosier, «. A cobbler.

CosiN, 8. (A.'N.) A cousin, or kins-

man. Co8inage, kindred.

Cosp, 8, (1) The cross bar at the

top of a spade.

(2) The fastening of a door.

Cosset, (1)«. A pet lamb. Speruer.

(2) V. To fondle.

CossoLBTis, s. "A co89oleti»f a

perfuming pot or censer." Dun-

ton't Ladie8 Dictionoryt 1694.

CossiCAL, adj. Algebraical. An old

term in science.

Cost, t. (1) {LaL eo8ia.) A rib.

(2) {A.-N,) A side, or region.

This bethe the wordcs of crittninge,

Bi thyse Engliuclie rottes.

mUiam d* Skonham,

(3) A dead body. Devon,

(4) Loss, or risk. Nortk.

lb) Manner, quality, or business.

(6) The plant numtaffreta.

(7) " Ncdes CO*/," a phrase equi-

valent to positively. Chaticer, "It

will not quite eo8tt* it ^

answer. Almanack^ 1615.

CoHTAOB. *. (A.'N,) Cost ; e:

CosTARO, f. (1) A sort 0


(2) A flask.

(3) The head.



generally, one who kept

They seem even in Ben J^

time to have been fret


Her father was au Irish eostam

And then he'll rail, like a Tud(


That urhool-buys had couiened


As loud Hod senseless.

B. /• n., Scomf. La

CosTB, f». (1) To tempt. G

temptation. Vertiegan,

(2) To ornament richly.

(3) To cast.

CosTEiAN T^part, a. {A.-N.)


CosTKRiNG, (I) adj, Blua

swaggering. Shrop»h,

(2) 8, A carpet.

CosTKRs, *. Pieces of t

placed on the sides of

beds, &c.

CosTious, adj. Costly

CosTLBWE, adj. Expensive ;

Costly, adj. Costive. Ea9t.



CosTMOus, adj. Costly.

COSTREL. ] *. {A.-N.) A

c :)STRET, J portable vessel

of earth or of wootl, havi

jections on either side, wit

through which a cord or I

strap passed, for the pui

suspending it from the

the person who carried it

CosTY, adj. Costly.

Costyfhed 8. Costivenest

Cosy, 8. A pod, or ^hell. I

CoT, ». (1) {A.'N.) A coat.





for cattle.

tl bed, or cradle.

;r.8tall. EomL

MS-bar of a »pade.

who interferes in the


wool. North,

An old dish in cookery.

tke and make the lelf fan

f dorryU); but do thereto

i^r. Take an hole roirgted

hjm, and hyide hyiu al

; the Ifggea. Take a pigg,

m from the middes doim-

him fal of the fan, and

ist iojryder. Do hyoi in a

leeth hvra wel ; and whan

ode, do hem on a spyt, and

Color it with ^o'lkea of

afron. Lay thereon fovles

iiver, and serve liit forih.

Forme of Cury,^. SI.

ret. t. of catch, A


A sack partly full.

. {Fr,) To coast, to

ir keep alongside; to

m on the way, and hither

ing. Skakesp , Ilaml., ii, 2.

Toke (tallantly; my grrnt

ditadvantagcd in iiis slip

behind; marry, presently

tat ripped them.

tm. Grig, of Dr., iii, p. 238.

I mo his horse vith fixed


turns the hare, which first

it, Drt^Um, Foiyolb., xxm.

BS8 ; a go-by.

when he rnnuot reach her,

n a eoat, about again duih


I in banting, when the

goes endways by his

giTes the hare a turn.

SI) A coat or tanic.

A cottage.

ird sfrsnn of bees from



p. Braided.

COTB-RARDY, #. {A.'N.) A cloSC-

fitting t>o(Iv ganneiic, huttuned

down the front, and reaching to

the niirldle of the thiqh.

COTERELLK, #. A cottagcf. Pr, P.

CoTERKT, ». A fagqot.

CoTOAaE, t. Refuse wool. Blount,

CoTH, t. {/f.-S.) A disease.

CoTHE, V. To faint. £a.st.

CoTHY, "I Faint ; sickly ; morose.

COTH i»H, j East.

CoTiDiAL, ai/J. {Lai ) Daily.

CoTiDiANLicu, *. {J -iV.) Daily.

CoT-LAMD, a. A pei-lanib. Suffolk.

Gotland, a. Land held by a cot-

tager in soccage or villcnr.ge.

Cot-uuean, 9. An idle feUow ; one

who interferes with women's


CoTTK, part. p. Canght.

CoTTED, flr(/. (1) Matted; entan-

gled. Line,

(2) Cut.

Cotter, v. (1) To fasten. Leie.

(2) To mend or patch. S/iropsh,

(3) To be bewildered. H'eit.

(4) To entangle. Lire.

(5) ». An iron pin to fasten a

window-shutter. Northampt.

(6) V. To repair old clothes.


(7) a. A miscellaneous collection.


(8) V. To crouch over; to keep

close to.

(9) ». To grapple; to contend.


CoTTERALUGO, s. A bar across the

chimney for the pothook.


CoTTEHiL. #. (1) An iron wedge to

secure a bolt, &c. Called also a


(2) The leather which keeps the

mop together. Line.

(3) A pole to hang a pot over the

fire; a hook to bang spits on.


CoTTi£RiL8,a. Money. North.

CoTTERLiNi a. A pet lamb. Eatt,

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Cot. v. To fold sheep in a barn.


Cotton, r. (1) To succeed ; to go

on prosperonsly. " It will not

coittnr Almanack, 1615.

SUU mUtreM Dorotliv! Tliis gcer will cotton.

B. i- FL, Mom. Tho., iv, 8.

It eottem well, it cannot choose but beare

A pretty napp. Family of Love^ D S, b.

Styles and I cannot eotlett.

Hist. ofCapt. Slukeljf, B 2, b.

What meant this? doth he dote m much

of this strange harlot indeed? now I

perceive how tlii* gcure cot tens.

Terence in. EnglUK, 1641.

(2) To beat. " Til eotimt your

jacket for you.** Warw,

CoTTYER, ». A. cottager.

CoTYiNO, f. The ordure of a rabbit.

Couch, ( I ) «. A bed of barley when

germinating for malt.

(2) t. The roots of grass collected

by the barrow in pasture-fields.


i3) «. A den ; a small chamber.

4) 9. To squat, said of animals.

(5) adj. Left-handed. EoMt.

CoucHK, V. {A.»N.) To place, or


CoucHBR, t. (1) A setter.

(2) A book in mhich the trans-

actions of a corporation were


Couch-grass, 9. A coarse bad

grass which grows in arable land.

CouD, {\)pret. t, of kenne, of can,

and, in the Northern dialects, of


(2) adj. Cold. North.

CourLK, ». A tub. Rob. GL

CouQH-ouT, V, To discover.

CouL, (I) «. Cole, or cabbage.


(2) 9. An abscess. York9k.

(3) 9, To pall down. North.

(4) 9, A large wooden tub ; any

kind of cup or vesseU

(5) 9. To scrape earth together.


CouLixo-AXB, 9. An instt

used to stock up earth. Si

CouLPE, #. (A.'N) A fault.

CouLPKNBD, part. p. (

Carved; engraved.

CouL-RAKE, 9. A scraper. 2

CouLTBR, 9. A plough -sham

CouNDUTB, f. (A.'N.) A so

CouNGB, (1) #• A large


(2) V. To l>cat Northumi

CouNofi, #. {A.'N.) Perroisa

CouNOBR, V. (1) To shrink.

(2) To conjure.

CouNBEL, {\) 9. A secret; i

(2) V. To gain the affV


Count, v. To account.

Countenance,*. (1) Iropoi


(2) What was necessary ;

support of a person accor

his rank.

(3) Custom.

Counter, (1) v. To sing

temporaneous part upon tl


(2) A coverlet for a bed.

Counter-bar, 9, A bar fc


CouNTKR, 9. An arithmetici

Counterfeit, ». A porti


Countbrpaine, ». The coon

of a deed.

Counterpasb,«. (^.-A*.) C


Counterpoint, 9. A count


watch against.

CouNTisB, 9. (A.-N) Art; c\

CouNTOuR, a. (1) (A.'N.) A

ing-house. Chaucer.

(2) (A.'N) A treasurer.

CouNTRB, 9. To encounter.


answering to another.

Countries, a. The under

works in mines.

CouNTRY-TOM,a. ABcdlam-

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A count ; a nobleman.

) To empty, or overset.

rk, or yelp. Shropsh,

», or tilt. Northampt.

adj. {A.'N.) Culpable.

{A.'N.) A carving, or

If. A long cart.

NE, J North.

», «. A summerset.

. {A.'N.) A cup ; a vat.


»op for poultry.


jiecc cut off.

-N.) To blanjc.

», 9. (Fr.) A cut-

An encounter.


9. A lever. North.

, A plant, cauUcului,

I V. (/>.) To bend, or

Curved ; bent.

choTt*", liire scfanldris eottrbe,

nannis liute destourbe.

, MS. Soe Antiq^ 134, f. 49.

Sec Cuirlfoufy,

See Kerchrf.

A small cord. Shropth,

t, (A.'N.) Heart ; cou-

-A''.) To crouch down.

creep up. Morte Art A.

o rumble. North,

ARK, 8. The name of

miry game.

vN, *. A groom.

1) The principal bouM

Court crp, *. An aslicn dish.

Lrf It diy ill nn «sli«'n <li»h, oflier^ifC

nil d M covrt-cup, nnd \v\ it ntHiid in tlie

diHli till il be dry. Hud it will be like •


True Gmllevowan's Df light, 1C76.

CouBT-cupBOARD, *. A kind of

moveable closet or butfet, to dis-

play plate and other articles of


Ilprc nhnll xtnnrl my roNrt-ntpboard,V!i\h

iis furuitdi-e u( \)\:>\v.

Motu. Lt'Olite, Anc. Dr., iii, 394.

With a lean visRje. Uke a cnned face

On a couri-cup/xiird.

Corbrt, Iter Jioreale, p. 2.

CouRT-DisH, #. A sort of drinkiiig-


CouRTELAOE, 8. (A.'N.) A court-


CouRTEPY, #. (A.'N.) A short


CotJRT-FOLD,*. A farm-yard. JJ'ore.

Coi'RT-HOLY-WATER. hisiiicerc

compliment; flattery; words

without deeds.

0 nuncle, court hohi-vater in n dry

house 18 better than iliia luiti-watir out

0* door. Slwiftp., Lear, iii, 2.

CouRTiNE, 8. A curtain.

CouRT-KKEPER, 8. Thc mastcr at

a game of racket, or ball.

CouRTLAX, "I ». A short crooked

cuRTLAX, I sword; a comip-

cuRTLB-AXE, J tiou from the

French coutela8.

CouRT-LoDGE, a. A manor-house.


CouRT-NOLL, a. A contemptuous

name for a courtier.

CouRT-OF-LODOiNO», f. The prin-

cipal quadrangle in a palace or

large house.

Courtship, a. Courtly behaviour.

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CouTELAS, #. (Fr.) A cutlass.

CouTRRE, *. A piece of armour

which covered the elbow.

Couth, {\)8.{J.-S.) Acquaintance;


(2) prei. t. Knew ; could. Often

used before an infinitive in the

sense of began.

So couth he 8in}j his laves rimong them all

Aud tune his uypeunto the wuteiB falL


CouTHE, (1) t». (A.-S.) To make

know:) ; to publish.

(2) part. p. Known.

(3) adj. {J.'S.) Affable; kind.

Couth BR, v. To comfort. North.

CouTHLY, *. Familiarity.

CouvER, s. A domestic connected

with the kitchen, in a great


Cou WE, adj. Cold. Heame.

CouwEE, adj. (Fr.) Having a tail.

Cove, *. (1) A cave.

(2) A low building with shelving


CovEiTB, V. {A.'N.) To covet.

CovEiTisE, 8. Covetousness.

CovEL, *. A kind of coat.

CovENABLE,a4f'. Convenient ; Suit-


CovENAUNT, adj. Becoming.

CuvENOUSLY, adv. By collusion.

See Covine.

Also, if any hare eovenouMjy, frandn-

leutlv, or uDiluely obUiiiicd t liu freednnie

of IhjB rjly. Callhrop's Itrpijrts, 1670.

CovENT, ». (1) (J,'N.) A convent.

(2) A covenant.

(3) An assembly of people.

To know the cause vhy in that triumph he

Of all that covcnl found the time to be

With tliouehU ul cares Hhme.

ukamberlaytu^t Pharonnida, 1C59.

CovBNTRv-BBLLS, 8, A kind of

violet; a mariet.


CovERCuiEF, f. {A.'N.) A head-


CovERCLE, 8. (A.'N.) A pot-lid.

CovKRBy 9. To recover.



CovRRSLUT, 8. (1) A sort of


(2) A clean apron over a

dress. Norihampt,

Covert, s. (1) A covering.

(2) A cover for game.

i3)(A.'N.) Secresy.

(4) A sort of lace.


close to the sarcels of a ha'



Coverton, 8. A lid or cover,

CovERYB, r. {A.-N.) To tak


Covey, (1)8. A cover for ga

(2) V. (Fr.) To sit, said of i

(3) 8. A pantry.

CoviNE, (1) 8. (A.'N.) Int

deceit; secret contrivanc

law, a deceitful compact b<

two or more to prejudice j


(2) r. To deceive.

Cow, (I) r. To frighten.

(2) 8. The moveable wood

of a malt-kin, hop-house, <

(3) V. To scrape. Craven,

Cow-BABY,«. A coward. Sot

Peace.loiriu]C eow^be,\uh\ttr\j h<

hoy . Ikaiett Scourffe of FtAi

Cow-berries, *. Red w


Cow-BLAKEs, #. Dried cov

used for fuel.

Cow-cap, ». A metal knob

the tip of a cow's horn, fi

Cow-cLAP, *. Cow-dung. T

in a coW'Clapt i. e., to fi

poverty or misfortune, l

manage anything.

COW-CLATTINO, port. fl. Spi

manure on the fields.

CowcuMBER« 8. A comm

spelling of cucumber.

CowDB, (1) *. A gobbet of

(2) adj. Obstinate. We8t.

CowDY. (1) adj. Pert; frol






(2) «. A imall cow. NorilL

CowiD, a^f. Timid. North,

CowiT, \udj, Clab.footcd.

cow-FooTiD, J North.

Cow-fat, *. The red Taleiian.

CowFLOp, ». The foxglove. Dewm,

C0W6ELL, f. A cudgel. Huloet.

Cow-ORASs. #. The trifotiam me-

diaixi. Northampt.

Cow-GUPB, ». A gutter in a cow-


C0W.HSAB,TED, odj. WftOtiOg COtt-


C0WI8H, adj. Timid.

C0W.JOCKJIY, 9. A beast-deiler.


CowK, t. A cow's hoof. Devon.



Cowt, (1) ». To cower down.


(2) #. A poultry coop. Pr. P,

** Ptincke, coiiri!e, or place wher.

in inything is fedde to be fatte."


Cow-LADT, #. The lady-bird.

CowiAT, 9. A pasture.

Cowlick, 9. A stiff toft of hair on


CowLtTAFF,*. (1) A Staff for carry.

ing a tub or basket which has

two ears.

(2) A stupid fellow; a clown.

^7 thou vncoawioiuible bobiiail, thon

crautrj eoKl-MUiff. tbott ■bfolute piece

oftby own dry'd dirt.

Olwtt9» Tk4 Mkeist, 1684.

C0WLTE8, #. Quilts.

Cow-mo,,. The drainage of a cow.

house or dung.hill. North.

Cow.MuuBLK, ». Thecow.parsnip.

CowHAKT, *. A covenant.

CowKDBR, t. Confusion ; trouble.


Cow.PAa,!. Astraw.Yard. irorf,

tow-FAWKD, a4f. Left-handed.


CoWFiN, «. The last word. North.

Cow.FLAT, 1 f . A circle of cow-

cow-DAisr, J dung.

Cow-fhise, «. A wood-pigeon.


Cow-QUAKB, 9, The plant sporry.


Cow RING, 9, A term in falconry,

when young hawks quiver and

shake their winp, in token of

oliedience to the parents.

Cows, 9. Slime ore. North.

Cow8-AifD.CALVES, 9. The flowcr

of the ontm maculatum.

CoWRB, V. (1) To pursue animals.

(2) To walk about idly. Hnt,


COW8HARN, I p^„ .^^

COW8CARN. r- Cow.dung.


A filire womnn tooke in yll-fac'd mmi to

bnslmnd, ind bet beniit; still more ■nd

more increased. A plestniit ^entlrmiui

noting it Mid : That he ne? er in all hia

life Mwe an apple in a cowMhMn rou*

tinne lo lonr unrotten.

CopUy'M WiU, Pit$, amd IhMUtf. 1614.

CowsHtTT, 9, A wood-pigeon.


Cow-STRiPLiNOfl «. A cowslip.


CowTRERED, port, p. RecoYcred.


CowTHwoRT, 9. Motherwort.

Cow.TiE, «. A rope to hold the

cow's hind legs while milking.

Cow-TONGUED, adj. Having a

tongue like a cow, smooth one

way and rough the other, and

hence one who gives fair or foul

language as may suit his purpose.

Cow-WBEAT, ». The horse.flower.

Coxox, 9, A cockswain.

Cost, adj. Conceited. Warm.

CoxT-ROXT, a^. Merrily and fan-

tastically tipsy. North.

CoYE, (1) r. (/T.'.AT.) To decoy ; to

flatter ; to stroke with the hand ;

to soothe.

Come, lit tbee down upon tbis floweiy bed,

Willie I tby amtalile ciierka do coy.

Shakes^., Midi. N. Dr.^ ir, 1.



(2) *. A dec50)'.

To try a conclusion, I hare most fortu-

iiHtrly mude their pHj^es our coyci, by

tLe iuflueuce of a white powder.

Ididy Alimony t act 3.

(3) adj. Rare or curioas. DrayL

(4) s. A coop for lobsters. Ea»t,

(5) V, To stir in anything.

CoYEA. Qiiotli you. Yorkth.

CoYNTBLiciiE, odv. Cuniiingiv.

CoYSE, #. Choice ?

And prively. uitlioute nnyse.

He brvn^eih tliin loulc gret coyte.

Gower, MS. Hoc. Jnti^.. 1&», f. 49.

CoYSELL, 9. A consul, or judge.

Coze, r. ( Fr. causer.) To converse

familiarly with. South,

Cozier, ». {Span, coser, to sow.)

One who sows; a tailor, or a


Cra, 8. (J,-S.) A crow. East.

Crab, (1) «. The potato apple.


(2) s. An iron trivet to set over

a tire. Chesh.

(3) V. To iiiuisc, or break. North.

Crabat, s. a cravat ; or rather a

gorget, or riding-band.

Crabbat, s. Good looking.

Crabbun, s. a dunghill fowl.

Crabb, v. a term in falcoor}', to

fight together.

C RARER, s. The water-rat.

CRAB-LANTHORN,t. (1) An apple-


(2) A cross child.

Crab-lou8K,«. ** Pediculus ingui-

nalis, qu5d pubem et inguina in-

fpstet. Morpion. A crailoufse.**


Crab-stock, s. a crab-tree.

Crab-verjuice, s. Vinegar made

from crabs.

Crab-windlasa, s. a windlass

employed on a barge.

Cracche, v. (J.'S.) To scratch.

Crached, adj. (Fr.) Infirm.

Crache8, s, Chickweed.

Crachy, adj. Infirm. Var. di.



I Crack, (1) ». A boast.

^2) V. To boast ; to challei

(3) V. To converse. Norf.

(4) *. Chat ; news. Norf.

(5) Chief; excellent.

(6) V. To strike, or throw.

(7) *. A blow.

(8) "Inacrack,"qnickly.

(9) *. Crepitus ventris.

(10) *. A charge for a can

(11)*. A prostitute. Nort

(12) ». A pert, lively boy.

I saw liini break Sko{r>ut'8 lieai

court gale, when he was but i

not tliua liiffh.

Skake^,, 8 Urn. J

It is a rogtie, n wng, his name is

A notable dissentblinir lad. a crat

Four Frenticet, O. VU

(13) r. To creak. Palsgra

(14) r. To restrain. Norti

(15) tr. To curdle. Craven

Crack-brained, adj. Fligh

CRACKUDf part. p. Cloven.

Cracked-piece, «. A girl no

a virgin; sometimes said

cracked in the ring.

Crackel, «. A cricket. J^or

Cracker, «. (1) A small


(2) A small water-bifcuit.

Cracket, s. a low stool. i\

CraCKH ALTER, j . ... ,.

caACK-H«MP. l»AniU-di

CHACK-BOPF.. J ^«"<"'-

Crackling,! /,\ *

CRACKNEL, /••(^) ^ ^^«t

(2) The brittle skin of i


Cracking-wbole, «. A a;


Crackman, «. A hedge.

Crackndt, *, A nul-cracke

ITien for that pretty trifle, thnt sw

Just wean'd from's bread and bul

the school ;

CrackuuU and hobbihone, and Ui«


To wear a tiling with a plush acsitib

Flcteher*t l>o

Crackowes, «. Shoes witl

d by Google


^1 CRA

«, J

pDiDto turned up m « cmre, uid

to be named from Cracaw in



CRACONUM, y ». Kefwe af tallow.


Cracus, a. A sort of tobacco.

CftADDAKTi^r, ttfv. Cowardly.


Craddin, ». A mischievous trick.


CaAOBLixGa, «. Domestic fowls of

a particular colour. Leie.

Cramsk, v. To meod banks of

rirers for the purpose of protect-

iog the Adjoining fields from

flood. NorikawipL

Cradle, t. A framed wooden lence

for a young tree.

Cradle^caj^b, s, a scale in a

mill for weigbiug sacks of corn.



having a frame lo lay the com

smooth in cutting.

CaAirr, s. A sparrow. Cumd.

Crapflb, v. To hobble. Derbysh,

Crapte, e. To deal cunningly.

Craftiman, *. (A.'S.) An artificer.

Craitly, adv. {^.-S.) Prudently.

CRAfTY, adj. (j4.-S.) Wen made.

Crag, ». (1) The neck, or throat.

(2) The craw. East.

(3) A small beer-vessel.

Crao, 1 «. A large qoantity.

CAOG, J NorthampL

Craoovd, adj. Crammed. North-

ampt. See Crogged.

Craier, «. A sort of small ship.

Craim, ». A booth at a fair.


Crauey,«. Thebatter-^op. WUtt.

Craith, s. A scar. ITesf.

Crake, (1) v. To boasL

Shewu bred and nnrtt

Ob Cynthiu hfll, whence the her oiuaa did

Taeo is aho mortal borne, howso ye erake.


(2) $, A brag or boast.

Great ermkn hjitli beene nade lltat ■!!

sltouia be well, but, when all raius to

Mil, little or uothiDg wna done.

Utimer, Serm,, M. S8 b.

(3) V, To speak, or divulge. Wett.

(4) a. To slkout, or cry.

(5) V. To creak.

(6 ) V. To quaver hoarsely in aing-


(7) #. A crow. North.

(8) s. The land.rail. East.

(9; 9. To crack ; to break.

Crakr-bbrry, a. The crow-bemr.


Crakr.pbet, *. The orchis. North.

Cbakr-needlbs, #. Shepherds'-


Craker, ». A boaster.

Crakbrs, T #, Picked English

KREKKARs, J soldiers employed in

Prance under Henry VIU.

Crallit, part. p. Engraven.

Cram, (1) v. To tumble or disar.

range. Line.

(2) V. To Uc.

(3) #. A lump of food. North.

(4) V. To intrude. Leie.

Cram RLE, v. To hoI)bIe ; to creep.

Crambly, lame. North.

Crambles, 8. Large boughs of


Crambo, c A game or psstime in

which one gave a word, to which

another must find a rhyme.

Crambo-crke, 8. Pudendum f.

Crame,9 (1) To men d by joining

together. North.

(2) To bend. Lane.

Cramer, 8. A tinker. North.

Crammely, adv. Awkwardly.


Crammer, 8, A falsehood. Var. d.

Crammock,v. To hobble. Yorkuh.

Cramosin, 8. (A.'N.) Crimson.

Cramp-bonb, 8. The patella of a

sheep, employed as a charm for

the cramp.

Crampbr, a. A cramp-iron.

Craxipi»h, v. {A.'N.) To cuntract


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Crampled, adj. Stiff in the


Crampon, #. (Fr.) The border of

a ring which h"1ds a stone.

Cramp-rings, t. Fetters.

Cramsink, v. To claw.

Cranch, V, To grind or crush be-

tween the teeth.

Crank, t. (1) (Fr.) The crini^re.

Cranet, a small crane.

(2) A pastime at harvest-home

festivities. Northampt,

(3) A heron. Leic.

Crane-outted, adj. Very thin.


Cranbt, *. A small red worm.


Cranolk, r. To waddle. North.

Cranion, (1) «. The skul).

(2) ailj. Small ; spider-like. Jons.

Crank, (1) ad/. Brisk; jolly;


A last e onre favonr*il or at least did lecme

to fnrour it.

And fostcrd up my frolUck heart with many

a pleasing bit.

She lod|(*d hiin neere her bower, whence

he loTcd not to gad.

But wnxed eranke, for why? no heart a

sweeter Inyer had.

Jtamer^i Jlbioms Brngltrnd, 1593.

f 2) adj. Sick. Leic.

(3) a^. Over-masted, said of a


(4) r. To creak. North,

(5) V, To wind, said of a river.

(6) f . The bend of a river ; any

winding passage.

(7) t. The wheel of a well to

draw water. Pr, P.

(8) s. A reel for winding thread.


(9) *. An impostor.

Crankies, «. Pitmen. North,

Cr ANKLE, (1) V, To run in and

out in bends. CranJtUfigt winding.

(2) V. To break into angles or

unequal surfaces.

(.3) ». Angular prominences, in-


\*)adj. Weak. North.

Cranks, «. (1) Pains ; aches.


(2) Offices. South,

(3) A toaster. North,

Ckakkt, adj. (1) Merry; chi

(2) Ailing; sickly.

(3) Chequered. North,

Cranny, a<f . Giddy ; thong'

C rants, s. Garlands. ShaJtei

Crany, s. a crumb. Devon,

Crap, (l);»re/. /. Crept. Ni

(2) V. To snap ; to cracl


(3) s. The back of the nee

(4) f. A bunch. West.

(5) ». Darnel, or buck-wh(

(6) ». The coarse part ol

joining the ribs.

(7) s. Money. North,

h) s. Assurance. Wilts.

{9) s. Dregs of malt liquo

Crapaute, s. (Fr.) The toad

Crapbr, s. (A.'N.) a rope.

Crap-pull. Quite full. Dei

Crapish, adj.

Those poor devils that call the

virtues, and are very scandalc

erapukt 1 swear.

Otway, ScUia't fbrtw

Craplb, s. a claw. SpenMer

Crapon, s. (A.'N.) A loads

CRAPPBLY,a<(^'. Lame; infirm

Crappins, s. Where the coa

out. Shropsh,

Crappy, «. To snap. Somer

Craps, s. (1) The chaff ol


(2) The refuse of lard bui

fore a fire. North,

Crapsick, adj. Sick from

eating or drinking. Souths

Crarb, 1 , . ., _ .


In I


9 decaj'd c

Let him vent

rt of his own :

Rig me out, that's the short on't.

B. 4r JPT., Upti

A miracle it was to see them gmwi

To ships, and barks, «ith pillit^. bu

cng€9. Han. JnoiLt xxxij

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nae dull or little ereu,

or the land, on the high-

Dr0fUmt Potjfcih., zxiL

eorne fnm CaUna, in

tea, and gmall craygrs.


{A,-N,) Crashed;

An entertainment.

« merry. North.


Loose rock or stone

kveen the soil and

r limestone. North-

rrss, ». The teeth.

Lusty ; hearty,

o crash. iV, P.

L whale, or grampns.

ado. Cowardly.

Pr,) Thick; fat.

To split, or crack.

. {Fr. eriehe.) A

inier. Derhygh,

d of hand-barrow,

i. ShropMK

A moreable frame

n cart or waggon to

». Northampt,

Dden dish. Yorkth.

aw; to tear,

hes pole. Suitex.

, on animals. North.

One who scratches


M, delayers of proceate.

[jr. Old ; worn-out.

ad9. Feeble; weak.

i widcer basket for

'orth. Crate-men,

lers of earthenware.

A crayen ; a


Cbatbsr, «. A sort of scythe.

Crattlk, f. A crumb. North,

Cravaisk,*. {A.-N.) The cray.fish.

Cravant, adj. Craven ; cowardly.

Cravat-strino, », The orna-

mental tie of the cravat.

Oh give 'em but a fool,

A aenseleii, noiaie, gay, b<jld, briiOiDg.

blockhead, «» ' • »»

A rascal with a feather and cravat- strinff,

Ho brains in's head.

Oticay, The Athtiat, 1684.

Crataundb, 8. {A,'N.) A coward.

Crave, s. A chink, or cleft.

Crawl, ». A mantel.piece. Weet,

Craw, t. (1) The crop of a bird.

(2) The bosom.

Craw-bucklbb, 9, Shirt-bucklea.


Craw-fbbt, #. The wild hyacinth.

Crawk, 8, (1) Stubble.

(2) A faggot.

(3) The refuse of tallow. Pr. P.

Crawl, v. To abound. North.

Crawlbt-mawlby, adJ, Weak.


Crawlt-whoppbr, 9. A hlack-


Crawparsbd, adj. Hog-breeched.


Ca,Avm, adj. Jolly; brisk. Yorkeh.

Cray, «. (1) A disease in hawks.

(2) A sort of gum.

(3) A ship. See Crare.

Craynb, ». A chink, or cleft.

Crayton,*] «. A dish in ancient

CRiTOMB, J cookery.

>'or to make erayton. Talc checonya.

and Bcald hem, and »eth hem, and gryna

gyngeu, other pepyr, and comyn ; and

temper it up wrth god my Ik; and do

the checonys theryn; and boyle hem,

and serve yt forth.

Warner, Antiq. Cul, p. 40.

Crayzb, ». A wild fellow.

Crazb, v. (1) To crush, or break;

to weaken.

(2) To crack. Devon,

Crazbd, 8. Insane ; foolish.

Crazby, 8, Crow's foot. South,

Crazibs, «• Aches ; pains. North.

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Craclb, v. To congeal. Ycrkwk,

Cracy, adj. lofirm ; ready to fall

to pieces.

Crazeild, ». Coals caked to-


Creao, s. The game of mnepina.

Crbaoht. a drove of cattle.

Cr£ak, ». A hook. Yorkih,

Cream, (1) v. To froth, or curdle.


(2) (A.'N.) The consecrated oil.

(3) «. A cold shivering. Somer»

set. Creamy f chilly. Devon.

Creamer, ». One who has a stall

in a market or fair.

Cream-water, «. Water with a

sort of oil or scum upon it.

Creaxcs, *. (1) {A,'N.) Faith;


(2) *. {A.'N.) Credit ; payment.

Creancer y a creditor.

(3) V. To borrow money.

(4) «. The string with which a

hawk is secured.

Creant, ». Recreant.

Crcas, ». The measles. Yorhih,

Crease, (1) ai^. Loving; fond.


(2) t. A curved tile. Wett.

!3) V. To increase. Dewm.

\) 8. A rent ; a split.

Creauk,«. A crooked stick. North.

Crsaunser, 9. A tutor. SkeUon.

Creaunt, adj. (A.-N.) Believing.

Credence, # . Credit ; reputation.

Credent, a(^'. Credible. Shaketp.

Cree, (1) v. To steep, or sodc.


(2) V. To seethe. North.

(3) V. To pound, or bruise. North.

(4) s. A sty, or small hat. Cumb.

Creech, v. To scream. Somerset.

Creed, adj. Hard. Yorkah.

Creek, s. A servant. Suffolk.

Creel, ». (1) An osier basket.


(2) A wooden frame foroak-cakes.

(3) A butcher's stool. North.

(4) A ball made of worsted of

different coloara. North.

Crksm, «. (1) To shrink into tmall

compass. **To be creemed with

cold," that is, shrunk with it.

When potatoes have been pressed

into pulp, they are said to be

creemed. Comw.

(2) To press a person's hand or

arm so as to cause him to aoffer

from it.

rS) To pour out. North.

(4) To convey slily. ChcA.

Creek, o. To pine. Denon*

Cresnt, a^. Small; diminutive.


Creep, (1) t. A ridge of land.

(2) V. To hoist up.

Creeper, s. A small stool. North,

Creepers, s. (1) Small low irons

between the andirons in a grate.

(2) Grapnels. East.

(3) Low pattens. Norf.

Crebpinb, t. A beating. Craven,

Crseplb, v. (1) To squeeze; to

compress. East.

(2) A usual old form of et^/fpU.

Creeze, adj. Squeamish. West,

Crbil, s. a dwarfish man. North,

Creiled, adj. Speckled. Cumb,

Creke, s. {A.-N.) a crane.

Crektne, V, To duck, as hens.

Pr. Parv.

Cremb, s. (Fr.) Chrism ; ointment.

Cb ENELLE , 8. {A.-N.) A battlement ;

a loophole in a fortress.

Creopbn, v. {A.'S.) To creep.

Crbpsmous, «. An old term of en-


Crepil, s. (A.-S.) a cripple.

Crepinb, #. (Pr.) Fringe worn

with a French hood ; a golden


Crescent, t. (1) An omament for

a woman's neck.

(2) Podex.

A pox on this indigested Lond^ii Uqtiorl

its best esseaee is fit for nothing bnt to

beget a crude sort of females, that are

so impudent to turn up their cres-


Soward, Man o/Newmarksi, 1678.

Crescloth, «. Fine linen.

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CmssB, •. (J,'N,) To inereate.

Ceismsdb, pari, p, (A.'N.)


CuMAWHTm, t. A crefcent.

Cbbssst, «. An open lani|», tas*

pewkd OB piToU in a kind of

fork aft the end of a pole, lor.

meriy naed in nocturnal pro-

Crsso-hawk, t. A hawk. Cdrmw.

Ckbst, «. (1) The top of anything.

(2) The naing part of a hone'a


(3) In arcUtectnre, an om»-

mental upper finiahing.

(4)(^..iV.) Increase.

Ceistb-fau., a. The name of a

disease. MowkmtU, Knme qf

OMt, 1611.

CusT-ni.ns, «. Tiles nsed for the

ridge of a roof.

Crbtb, t. A sort of sweet wine.

CaaroTMB, «. {A,'N.) A sweet

CEiuDKK.pref. /. pL of ery.

The^ umhpad the scvak abowte.

And crmuim aad mad aa hazy achowt


Cawsn. (if..M) A cup.

CaavAssn,! *. {^"N-) A chink

cEBTETs, J or crevice.

CsBVEcoiun, «. (/v.) A term in


', by ■ome eaU'dheaithreaker,

tt the eurl'd lock at the nAp« «f the

Beck, and cenerally there are two of

^en. Jkdim' JActiomtuy,l6IH.

Cesvet, f. A cruet. £«/.

Ceevil, ,. (^..;v:) The head.

Cebvim, t. A crevice. North,

CaaviSB, (Fr.) #. (1) A cray-fish.


CaEW,f. A coop. Shropik,

CaawDLE, V, To crouch together.


Cebwdling, #. One who moves

slowly. Cheth,

^atwns, t. The measles. North,

^MWEL, (1) lafr. Severe; stern.

(2) «. A cowslip. Somertet,

(3) t. Vine worsted.

Cmnwirr, o. To mmhie. Amioer.

Cnsw-TAnD,*. Afium-yanLiiMff.

CmiB, «. (1) A rack or manger.

(2) A child's bed.

(3) A fold for catUe.

(4) A lock-up house. Skrop$h.

(5; A hundred square feet of

cut glass.

(6) 9, To be cooped up, or


CniBBAGB-rACEDf ^4/, Thin and

emaciated. Cormo,

CniBBLB, «. (I) A fine sort of

bran. OribU^hrtde^ bread made

from it.

(2) Acorn-sieve.

Ceick, t. (1) The gafile of a


(2) A cramp in the neck.

Cbickeb, a. A collier's horse.


Cbicebt, (1) «. A low four-legged


(2) adj, Marit qtpetem, said of

a ferret.

CniCKLE, v. (1) To bend; to stoop.

(2) To break down, applied to a

prop or support. Comw,

Cricks, # . Dry hedgewood. fFe9t,

Cbibl, a. A kind of heron.

Cbig, (1) 9, A wooden mallet.


(2) v. To beat

CjiiEE, la. (Fr. erique.) A

obikebt, j creek.

Grill, adj. Chilly; goosefleshy.


CRiM,(l)t. A small portion. We9t,

(2)9. To shiver. Wight,

Crimble,v. (1) To creep sHIy.Eat/.

(2) To crinible-i*-th'.poke, to

desert au engagement, to hang


Crime, a. Cry ; report. Jfe9t,

Crimmb, V, To crumble bread.

Crimm LB) V, To plait up a dress.

Crimosik, \adj. A red colour

CREMOsiN, J tinged with blue.

Crimp, (1) t. A game at cards.

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(2^ V, To be itingy. Dewm.

rS) adj. Inconsistent.

(4) f. A dealer in coals. Notf,

(5) V, To wrinkle. Northampt.

Crimps. To be in crimps, to be

dressed up choicelj*

Crinch, (l)f. A small bit. GUme,

(2)i>. To crouch together. iVorM.

Crinchuno, 1 «. A ^ery small

CRiNOLiNO, J apple. Var,du

Crincomks, «. The lues venerea.

Crincum, ». A cramp ; a whimsy.

Crindle, ». A kernel. Lane.

Crine, 9. To pine. North.

Crinetts, «. {Fr,) Black feathers

on a hawk's head.

Cringle, «. A withe for fsstening

agate. North,

Crinole-cranole, ado. Zig-zag.


Crinitb, adj, (Lat.) Hairy.

Crink, f. (1) Abend. Eatt.

(2) A crumpling apple, fferrf,

(3) A very small child. West,

Crinkle, v, (1) To rumple.

(2) To bend. Crmklett sinu-


(3) To go into loops. Line,

(4) To shrink. Sufolk.

Crinkle-oranklb, 8. A wrinkle.

Crinzb, ». A drinking cup.

Crip, 9. To cut the hair. Weif,

Criplino, atg. Shaky. North.

Criplinos, «. Short spars at the

sides of houses.

Crippes, «. A sort of fritters.

Warner^ Antiq, C, p. 40.

Cripple-oap, If. a hole left in

cripple-hole, j walls for sheep.


Cripples, t. Crooked pieces of

wood. Northampt,

Cnm, adj. {J,'S.) Crisp; curled.


Crisb, 9, Cartilage. Boat.

Crisimorb,*. a little child. Devon.

Crisled, o^f. Goosefleshy.

Crisp, «. (1) Pork crackling. South.

(2\ Very fine linen ; cobweb lawn.

(3) A kind of biscuit. North.

Crisps, (1) Ajp. Curied. GrUpmff*

iron, a curUng-iron. Crisple, a


(2) t, A fritter, or pancake.

Crispbls, $. Fritters.

Crytpelt. TakeaBdmakeafoOeofgode

past aa th^rnne aa paper. Kerre it ont

and fry it in oile, other in the greoe;

and the remnant, take hony duified,

and flannne therewith; alye hem ap^

and senre hem forth.

Forme <tf Cmty, p. 29.

Cristaldrb, If. The lesser

CRisTBSLADDRB, J Centaury. O^r.

Cristbn, 9. A kind of plum.

Cristbndom, 9, Baptism.

toar erittmdom hia tokene thxo^

Of Criate that we toke.

Wmam 44 Shorthorn.

Cristine, 9. {A,'N,) A kid.

Cristino, 9. Baptism.

Cristygret, 9, A sort of fur in

use in the 15th century.

Curr, 9. A hoTel. Shrop9h.

Critcb, (I) 9, Any earthenware

vessel; ajar. Hamp9h.

(2) adj. Stony. Line.

Critick, 9. Criticism.

Crituarv, 9. A sort of sauce.

Crizzlb, 9. To crisp. Northan^t.

Cro, 9. Nose-dirt. Lane,

Croak, v, (I) To complain, or an-

ticipate evils ; to despond.

(2) To die. Oxon,

Croat, 9. A bottle. St^oUk.

Crob, (1) «. A clown. North,

(2)v. To tyrannize over. Yorith.

Crocb, 9. (1) (A.^S,) A cross.

(2) A crozier; a crook. Oroeere,

the bearer of a pastoral staff, or

crozier. Pr. P.

Crocbe, 9. (1) {A.'N,) A crutch.

(2) The knob at the top of a

stag's head.

Crocbbd, f. {A.'N.) Crooked.

Crocbbn, 9, The crochet in mnsie.

Crochbt, 9. {A.^N.) A book.

Crocbetbur, 9, (/v.) A common

porter. -

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one hntd a creektitm for two cardeevM,

lb hurt done lo orach with hit whip.

B,^FL,Ra<L jr«s'«7.,iii.l.

Cbochom, «. A mixtnre of pitch,

roun, &c^ for crasaet lights.

CmocK, (1) #. (^.-&) A pot; an

enthen YCueL

(2) 9. To Uy op in a crock.

(3)». Soot. CrocAy, looty.

(4) tr. To bUcken with soot.

(5) a, A cake. Mrs, Bray*i

Trmdtu, qfDetwnthirt, ii, 286.

(6) M. An old ewe. Yorkth.

(7) t. A kind of musket.

(8) ». The back of a fire-place.

(9) ». An old-laid egg. North.

(10) V. To decrease ; to decay.


(11) «. Hair in the neck.

(12) ». The cramp in hawks.

I Ceock-buttbk, «. Salt-butter.


Crockst, f. A large roll of hairi

fashionable in the 14th cent.

Crocks, «. (1) Locks of hair.

(2) Two crooked timbers, in old

bnfldingStforming an arch. North,

Crocky, t. A small Scotch cow.

j North.

CaoDAKT, «. A coward. North,

! CaoDDT, V. To strive ; to play very

roughly. North*

Caona, #. A mole. North,

CaoFPi.E,9. Tohobble. jLmc. Crt^*

JUtfft infirm.

Croft, a. A vaolt. Kent.

CBJOGGKDt port, p. Filled. Oj^,

CaoeGLB, adj. Sour, or curdy.


Crogbton-bslly, t. One who eats

much fruit Lane,

Crookct,*. The coronal of a spear.

Croick, «. (A.'N.) A cross.

Croisaor, 9, (1) A crusade.

(2) The cross on the top of a

Gnat Brittalne, ihadow of ^ the rtaxry

ir'ij>( beauties true presented grsee

In n«tls myrrhov.on this orbe SMcarei,

Ib worth ezceJIiag. u eitoU'd in pMoe :

like the rich eniudt on th' unpeiiaU

bill, "^

As mueh adoniBg u raraMraBtiag idl.

£(Mck's Do90, 1918.

Croibb, ». A drinking-cup.

Cboisbbib, t. The Crusade.

Cbokb, (1) ». A hook.

(2) V. To bend.

(3) f. Refuse. Line,

(4) 9. A trick ; a turn. North.

(b)9.{A,^N.) A kind of lance.

(6) a. The ordure of the hare.

Cbokbo, adj, (1) Lame; infirm.

(2) Cross-looking. **A eroJted

countenance." The Pestytatl^tfA.


CBOKBB,t. (l)Agrowerof saifron.

(2) A cottage withoot stairs.

Crollb, a4^'. Curled.

Cbolling, 9. The rumbling of the

stomach. Paltg,

Cbom, o. (1) To crowd. North,

(2) To arrange. Lane,

Cboms, 8, (1) Kernel, or pulp; the


He wis more dogged then the dogs he

For they lickt toree when he denj'd his

BowUmdi, £mwm cfSp, ^ D., 1618.

(2) A crook. Norf,

Cromf, (1) a^. Witty. Oiif,

(2) V, To curl, as a dog's tail.

Cromstbr, 9, (Ihtt.) A vessel with

a crooked prow.

Cronb, #. (1) An old ewe.

(2) An old woman, used generally

in an opprobrious sense.

Cronb-bbrbibs, 8. Whortle-ber-


Cbonell, 9. A coronal.

Crones AN KB, s. The persicaria.

Cbonbt, ». The hair which grows

on the top of a horse's hoof.

Cbongb, 8, A hilt, or handle.

Cbonk, v. (1) To prate. North*

(2) To perch. Yorh9h,

(3) To exult insultingly.

CaoNNT, a4;. Merry; cheerful.


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Ckowt, «. Ab old and intinaU


Croo, «. A crib for cattle. Lme.

CaooDLBy 9. (1) To cower; to


(2^ To feel cold.

(3) To coax { to fawn.

C&ooK, (1 ) ff. A l»end, or curratiire.

(2) The crick in the neck.

(3) A chain in a chimney to ma-

pend boilen. North.

(4) The devil. Sormrtet

CBOOKBD-aTocKiNoa. To have

crooked stockings, i. a., to be

dmnk. NcrthampL

Cbookbl, 9. To coo. Norths

Cbook-luo, t. A hooked pole for

pulling down dead branches of

trees. Glome,

Crooks, «. (1) Pieces of timber

to support burdens on horses.


(2) Hinges. AbrM.

Crool, 1 V. To mutter ; to gnun-

ORooT, J ble.

Croom, 8. A small portion. Somen,

Croon, v. (1) To roar. NwrtIL

(2) To murmur softly.

Croonch, «. To encroach. SomL

Croof, e. To scrape together. Dev.

Croopback, «. A hump-back.

Croopt, (1) V. To creep. Bontt.

(2) a4f. Hoarse. Nwih.

Cboosb, t. The assistant to the

banker at basset.

Crop, a. (1) {AS,) The topw

(2) The head or top of a tree, the

extreme shoot. Any shoot, or

■pngf particularly the growth of

one season.

i3) The spare-rib.


I The gorge of a bird.

Crops, (l)prtt. t. (A.-SL) Crept)

pL eropen and ercfipeiL

(2) h. To creep slowly. Stmt

(3) a. The crupper.

(4) a4f. Crooked.

(5) t. {A.^N.) A band, or fillet

Cropibrs, a. The housings on a

horse's back.

Cropino, a. The snrfaee of coal.

Croponb, a. {A.-N.) The buttock

or haunch.

Crop-out, v. To appear above the

surfisce, said of a stratum of

coal or other minerals.

Croppbzt, (l)p0rtp. Crept. North,

(2) V. To eat, said of birds.

(3) a. The crop of a hen. Cmnb,

Croppbr, v. To cramp. Leie.

Crop-rash, a. The loose stone

above the solid vein. Wane,

Crop-rock, a. Loose, soft stone,

that lies above the solid Tein.

The surface or uppermost ntck.


Caop-wBBD, a. The black malfeUon.

Crosb, a. A crosier.

Croshabbll, a. A hariot. Kent,

Cross, (1) a. A piece of money, so

named from the cross which was

luually placed on the reverse of

old English coins.

He did reply, Tkdth not a ctpum

To bleaae me in thii cue :

I moft goe eedce to nena my aeU^

In some more wholeome place.

Howlandt, £mm <fClit6», 1611.

(2) a. The horiaontal piece near

the top of a dagger.

(3) V. To cashier.

(4) V. To dislodge a roe-deer.

Also, to double in a chase.

(5) V. To cleave the back-bone

of the deer, a term in huutiikg.

Cro8S-anb-filb, a. The game now

called heads-and-taik.

BU. That ever friendi should fall out

about trifles! (Ti^ 4nf tMr monb,

mid mkrmee.) 'Pnthee let's diMonne

the buiness quietly, between oorselvea ;

and since 'tia mne lo far aa to be taJcen

Botiee of in the town, «ro$» mid piU

between ns, who shall waar hia «m in


T. T. Agreed.— Bat bold— the deril a

erou baire I.

Sil Or I.->TheB knota and flata»— on

■words' ahall acrre;— this. Imots— that,

flaU.~I cry, knota. t%§CkMts,lte&,

Frithte let'a throw vp «rMt mid pilt thett

whether it ahall be a match or no^





AH on witdoB nid jadcaeat it dcHSbcI

chaaee, cton «r piU^ even or ood, we

take aO vpon trust, era borr awty by

CMton and anaber. and run heaolong

like akeep bccanee ve are led, and never

ataptoaakthereaioawby? Andattke

reaeanal vf a frceli itofy tho' tme or

fiUae, ve are whiatled together as thick

aa Bwanie of beea at the tinkliag of a

hcaaa varmioe paD.

flu MM* Cateckum, 1708.

Cboss-baks. 9, A juvenile game.

Cross-batbo, adj. Cheqnered.

Cboss-bitk, (1) v. To swindle; to

cheat ; to deceive. Crms-biie, and

ero99'Hter, a swindler. "Fur-

kSre, to play the cheater, the

cunnie-catcher or aroue biter.**


Who, vhes ha epeaka, ipranta like a hog,


like one that is employ'd in eatzerie

And eroMSmg. 0, PL, viU, 874.

Here*! joung Manot, and Selftth, why

they doa't know how to bet at a horae*

race, or make a good match at tenait,

aad arc cn$$-bitten at bo«-l8.

ShU^oeU, Tnu Widow, 1679.

I cfaaDeng'd him; he dar'd not meet;

bnt by trot$-Htimg made lack here, little

Jack, aad me meet, and Ml oat.

SkMdmdl, Bury Air. 1689.

Was erer ama to enu-bU aad eon-

founded by aa aoae?

Caryl, SHrSalommA'^l.

(2) «. A trick.

What a ero$aMte have I icapcd? this

dmm waa well carried on madam. Did

you hear, old fool?

aSuJMfM, Trw Wiiim, 1679.

Cbosb^bbiimib, «. The frame be-

hind • wagon into which the

•ide pieees art tananted. North'

Cbom-cix>tr, «. '' Plagnla. Vela-

men capitis linenm mlBos, quo

nostrates feminas fere eapiU in-

tegnnt. A ero$te clothe or knit

kercher.'* Nommetator,

CaosB-pATS, «. The three days

preceding the Ascension.

ZiJQ%%mD,9,(A.'N.eroi9^,) Having

taken the cross ; n crasader.

Cbomalct, #. {A,'N.) A crucible.

Cmoas.OABTBB'Oi «4r. A fashion

prevailed at the end of Eliza*

beth's reign of wearing the gar-

ters crossed on the leg, which

appears to have been considered

as characteristic of a coxcomb.

Cro88*obainbd, adj. Peevish ;

difficult to please.

CBosa.BO?PLED, adj. Ill-tempered.


Cro8s-lat» 9. A cheating wager.

CaoasLET, «. A front 'et.

CnoflsuMOBOANBD, od^. Pcevish.


Crobs-pubposbs, i. A child's game.

Cross-bow, «, The alphabet.

Of all the lettera in the eraurow a w. it

the worst and ill pronounced, for it is a

diiaemblers and a knuves rpitheton.

Doners PolydoroH, 1631.

Crosb-rufv, a. An old game at


Cboss-the-bucklb, 8. A peculiar

step in rustic dancing.

Cro8S-tolL| f. A passage toll.

Cross-trip, s. In wrestling, when

the legs are crossed one within

the other.

Cross-wampino, «. Wrangling;

contradicting. Northampt.

Cro88-wbbk, t. Rogation week.

Crosswind, b. To twist; to warp.

Crostell, ». A wine-pot.

Croswort, s. Herba Crimatiea,


Crotch, «. (1) A post with t forked


(2) The plaee where the tail of

an animal commences.

Crotch-boot8, «. Water-boots.


CaoTCH-BOUifD, adt. Lazy. Eaat,

Crotchbd, a4f* (1) Hooked. North.

(2) Cross in temper. East.

Crotch-room, 9. Length of the


Crotoh-stiok, s. a crutch. EoiL

Crotob-taii., #. A kite. Emus,





Crots, 8. A clod of earth.

Crotbls, \8. (Fr.) The ordure

CROTBY8» J of the hare, rabbit, &c.

Crotky, 8, (A.-N.) Pottage.

Croton, 8, A dish in cookery. See


Crohn. Take the offal of capons otber of

other briddes. Mnkc hem clene, aud

parboae liem. Take hem up and dyce

hem. Take gwete cowe mylke, and cast

thereinne, and lat it boile. Take payn-

dcmayn, aud of the self mylke, and

draine thur^h a cloth, and cast it in a

fot, and lat it seeth. Take arren y-sode.

ewe the wbyte, and cast thereto ; and

alye the scwe with 5olke8 of ayren rawe.

Color it wth safron. Take the 5olkes,

and frye hem, and floriah hem therewith,

and with powdor-douce.

Forme of Cury, p. 18.

Crotte, *. {A,-N.) A hole ; a cor-


Crottlks, *. Crumbs. North.

Crottling, adj. Friable. North,

Crou, *. A sty. Devon,

Crouch, *. A tumble ; a wrinkle.


Crouche, (1) ». (A.-S.) A cross.

We the byddeth, Jhesu Cryst,

Godes sone alyve,

Sete on crouche, pyne and passyonn,

Aud thy dethe that hys ryve.

W. de Shorekam,

(2) V. To sign with the cross.

(3) 8. A coin. See Cro88,

Crouchen, part p. Perched.


Crouchmas,«. Christmas. Tu^er.

Croud, (1)9. A fiddle. SeeCrotv^f.

(2) 8. The crypt of a church.

(3) *. An apple pasty. Wilt8.

(4) V. To coo. North.

Croudewain, 8. A cart, or a kind

of barrow.

Crouke, (1) 8. (A.'S.) An earthen


(2) V. (A.-S.) To bend.

Croume, adj. {A.-N.) Sharp; cut-


Crouncorn, 8. A rustic pipe.

Croup, (1) ». The craw; the belly.

(2) 8. The buttock, or haunch.

(3) *. (A.-N.) The ric


(4) V. To stoop ; to cron(

(5) V. To croak. NortA

Croupy-craw,». The rave

Crous, adj. (1) Merry; 1

(2) Saucy ; malapert. /

(3) V. To provoke. Ea8

Crouslbt, v. To court.

Crouth, 8. A fiddle ; a c

Crouwbpil,9. The herb c

Crow, (1) *. A cattle-cril

(2) 8. An iron gavelock

(3) V. To claim. Somer,

U) 8. A pigsty. Devon.

(5) *. The pig's fat

fried with the liver. Na

(6) To give the crow a

to die. ShaJkesp.

Crow-bell, 8. A plant

to Wilts. Aubrey.

Crow-berrt, *. Empei

ffruMt Lin.

Crowch, *. (I) A crutch.

(2) A stilt. "Stilts: s

crowcke8.*' Nomenclatoi

Crow-coal,*. Inferior coi

Crowd, (1)*. A fiddle;

a fiddler.

(2) *. A crypt in a chu]

Cnrptoporticns, Plin. Jon.

subterrauea, ant loco depre

sita, cujusmodi structara est

in anUqui operis monasterii

A secret walke or rault i

fronnde, as the crovdes ore

aules, called S. Faithes choi


(3) V. To make a gratii

(4)t>. To wheel about.

(5) 8. Congealed milk.

Crowd-barrow, 1 *. A

CROWDING, J barrow

Crowdlino, Afr- Timid;


Crowdt, *. A mess of

mixed with milk. North

And therell be pies and spioe dt

And there'll be bacon and peai

Besides a great lump of beef boil

And they may get erowdies vli





Cbowbt-kit, #. A MBtll iddle.


Cbowdt-main, #. A riotom as-

aembly ; a cock-fight. North,

CKfrwDT-MutTON, $. A fiddler.

CiowvT-pn, «. An apple-tarnoTcr.


Caow-FKBT, «. The wrinklei at the

oater oomen of the eye.

Ckowfu>wbb, «. The ciow>foot.


CaowrooT, s. A caltrop.

CaowisH, adj. Pert. North,

CwwLJLttvm, part, a. Exulting;


CmowLB, V. To grumble in the


Crow-ubbk, «. The hyacinth.

CaowM, V. To hold an iaqueit.


CaowNBD-cup, «. A bumper.

Caow-NBBDLBS, «. The plant ihep-

herd's needle. Nortkan^t.

CaowKiNo, adj. Slightly arched.


Caow-PABSNiP, ». The dandelion.

Caow.piB, #. Nasal dirt.

Cbow-piohtlb, «. The butter-cup.

CaowBB, adj. Sprightly, merry, or

alert. North.

Such one thoa art, as is the little 11^.

^Tbo is 10 cnwts mad gunetome wiLh the

lluie. Dr^Um^SeLl.

CmowBHBLL, a. The fresh-water


Caows-NBST, a- Wild parsley.

CaowaopB,a. The plant Mponorto.

Caow.aTOMBS, 1 a. Fossil shells ;

CEow.poT- > gryphitea. North-

STOKSa, J 011^/.

CaiOWT, V. To pucker np.

Caow-TOB, •• The wild ranun-


Caow-TOBD, adj. Wheat irregu-

hffly beaten down. Northan^t.

CaoTnoM-BANOuiNB, a. A sallow


CaoTN, V. To cry, like deer in

ratting time.

Cboxcils, a. Half-burnt ooala.


Cbub, a. A crust, or rind. CmMy,

cruaty bread. Devon.

Cbubbin, a. Food. Wott.

Cbubb, a. The wooden supporters

of panniers on a horse. fVeot,

Cbuccbbn, 9. {J.-S,) To crouch.

Cbucb, a. (Fr. ermehe,) A jug.

They had rarked luch a jnce

Out of the good aie entc*.

Tkt Umluekie PinuHtit.

Cbucbb, a. A bishop's crosier.

Cbucbbt, a. A wood-pigeon.


CBuciAB,a. Acrudfier. Wieklife,

Cbuciatb, 9. (Lat.) To torment.

Hee hath kneeled oftener is the honoor

of his Bweeteheart then hit Saviour : hee

erueuUetk himself with the thought of

her, and wearieth al his friends with

taOdng on her. Mm in th* Mootu, \90».

Cbucklb, 9. To bend ; to stoop.


Cbud, part. p. Carted ; conveyed.

Crud, 1 v. To coagulate; to

CBUDDLB, J curdle.

Cbudob, 9. To crush; to crowd

upon. Northampt.

Cbudly, adj. Crumbling. Shropoh.

Cbuds, 8. (i/.-S.) Cards.

Cbubl, (1) adj. Keen; valiant

(2) adj. Sad. Exmoor.

l^)adj. Very.

{A) 9. Fine worsted.

(5) a. A cowslip. Devon.

CRUBLa, 8. The shingles. York8h.

Crubl-wisb, adj. Inclined to


Cbuivbs, a. Spaces in a dam or

weir for taking salmon. North.

Cbukb, 8. (J.-S.) A crook.

Cbulb, 9. (1) (^.-5.) To curL

(2) To shiver with cold.

Cbvic, 9. To stuff. North.

Phormio. the whole char^ is laid on

thy back : thou thyself didst orum it,

thou therefore most eat it np all:

self do self have.

Ter49Ct in AyUsA, 1<UL

d by Google




Ckumbs, 9. The loose earth at the

bottom of a drain. Northampt,

Crumcakbs, 8, Pancakes. North.

Crumbnal, a. (Lat.) A purse.

Ckummkl, v. To beat. SArop9h.

Ckummt, (1) a4f. Plump; fleshy.

"A crummy wife and a crusty

loaf for my money." Warw.

(2) «. A cow with crooked horns.

Crump, (1) at(f. Hard; crusty.


(2) adj. Cross in temper. North.

(3) <wO*. Crooked. " Bossu. That

is crumpe-thoulderedt cam ell

backed, or crooke backt." No-


(4) *. The rump, l^orth.

(5) *. The cramp.

Crumplb, (1) 9. To wrinkle; to

contract. West.

(2) To twist ; to make crooked.

CRUMPtEDY,a4/. Crooked; twisted.

Crumplb-footbd, adj. Having no

movement with the toes.

CRUMPY.orf;. Short ; brittle. iVbr/A.

Crundlbs, 8, Scorbutic swellings.


Crunb, v. To bellow, or roar.


Crunby, v. To whine. Decon.

Crunk, v. To make a noise like a


Cronklb, v. (1) To rumple.

(2) To creak.

Crup, adj. ( 1 ) Crisp ; surly. Sbv/A.

(2) Short ; brittle.

Crupel, 8. A cripple.

Cruppbr, V. To vex. Northampt,

Crusb, (1) 8. Gristle. Baat.

(2) V, To crush a cup, to finish

a cup of liquor.

(3) V, To squeeze. IMe.

Cruskb, 1 «. a drinking cup of

CRucB, I earth,frequentlymen.

CR0I8B, I tioned in inventories

CRU8KYN, J of the fourteenth cen.

tury ; thus, in the Kalendar of

the Exchequer, 1324,— *« Un

enuekyn de terre garni d'amnt,

^ eovercle sooz dorres od iig

h«. Gristle.

esenehions as costes (i

armes, du pris, viij«.'

erwkjfn de terre blank hi

d'argent endorrez, ove

eabiitell, enaymellez dec

j babewyn, pois, ij lb."

Crussbi., 1


Crustadb, la. Apiec



CRUSTiyx, 04/. Coverc


Crusty, a4^'. Surly.

Crut, a. A dwarf. North

Crutcbbt, a. A perch, h

Crutch-nib, a. The rij

handle of a plough.

Cruttlb, (1) a. A crumb

(2) V. To stoop down.

Cry. (1) 9. To challenge

object to. Somer8et,

(2) a. A proclamation.

lZ)8.{A,.N.) The head

Cryancb, 8, (A.'N.) Feai

Cryiko-out, a. Child-bir

Spent St Ikir Sarah the di

erying^mt, who in her laboc

cmld to yonr worship.

Crytno-thb-marb, la.


in Herefordshire at the


Crymosin, 8, Crimson.

CKYnMv,8.pl Cries.

Crystals, a. The eyes. 5

Crystiant6, a. {A.^N.)


Cryzom, odj^. Weakly. C\

Cu, 8. (J.'S,) A cow.

Cub, {1)8. A bin. North.

{2)8. A crib for cattle.

(3) a. Acoop. "Ahenl

place where poultrie is

cud:' Nomencl.

(4) V. To confine in a


To be cuhML m on « nddea,

ha be ptiplezed.

Bwrt., AaMt. M*

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■urteB m tke int

(5)#. AhMp;A

(«> «. A

Cuba, «. A game aft canb.

Cuccu, «. {A^S.) A cuckoo.

CvcK, *. (1) To throw. JVbr/A

(2) TopaniihawoBftnwithtlie


CucKiK o-arooL, #. AweU-kaowii

eagiiiie for tha prausbmeat of

women, oilea, bat aot ao cor.

lectly, called a dnduDg'^tool.

HariBf Istel j rmA the nm history of

PMitttOntdl,Gat of it he hath drawM

this phyhMophkaU pontiom that if aU

wmom wen of that wonan'i oooditioB,

ahoald have no imploymeiit for


CvcKOLDy a. The plant burdock.

The bittiB oa it are called cnck-


CvckoldVfsx, #. A groat.

CocKOLD'a-KJfOT, 9. A noote, tbe

enda of which point length wayi.

CvcKoo» «. The harebell. Detim.

CvoKOO-ALB, a. Ale drank to

weleome the cadEoe'a retom. A

lingiilar castom prevailed not

loDf ago in Shropthiie, that u

aoon ai the txtX cnekoo had been

heard, all the labouring claatet

Mt work, and aatembled to drink

what it called the cuckoo ale.

CvcKoo-BALL, $. A light ball of

parti^colonred rags for children,

CucKoo-BnaAB, #. Wood-eorrel.

CvcKOO-Buna, «. The butter^cup

(raMMMvlav Mfomt).

CucKOo-rLowBB, 8. OrckU MMia-

evls, Lin. The wild l^eAaii

JIatcuU. Gerard, p. 201, '*wilde

water^cretiea or cuckow flowers,

eardamine." The greater atitch-

wort. Kent. Bed-flowered cam-

pion. Nortktampt,

CvcKoo-LAMB, #. An eariy lamb.

Oxf. AUte-yeanedlamb. North-

CvcKoo-MALT, 9, Malt made in the

BQBiner, i a., after the arriTal of

the cuckoo.

Thiaiahvtabadaoath !• make laait

Id, czeept tiie weather happen to be

orach oouler than one would either wiah

or eipect it to be : eueko^^malt (as ther

caU it) wiU sake but had lienor ; and

bad liqoor is snre to sell badijr i except

it be to SOBS drunken, lottish, idle-

headed fellowe, who neither eare what

thMT nxsle down, nov who pays for it.

Foot BM%, 1764.

CooKOo-niiTLB, a. The plaat arum.

CucKoo'a-MAiDxir,*. The wryneck.


CucKoo'a-MATn, a. The barley-

bird. Ea9t.

CucKoo-apics, a. Wood-eorrel.

CucKoo-spiT, «. Tbe white froth

enclosing the lar? a of the cicada


CucKoo-TiMB, «. Spring. North.

CuoK-auBAy, •• A female cuckold.

CucKuc, 8, A cuckoo.

CvGUBBa, a. Cubeba.

CncuLLBO, a4r* (^^') Hooded.

CucuaaiTB, a. (tat.) A gourd.

CuooB, pret. /. (J.'S.) Showed ;


CuDDBK, a. A down ; a fool.

CuDDiAN,a. A wren. Devoid

Cuddy, «. (1) A sUly fellow.

(2) The hedge-creeper. North.


CuDDT-Asa, a. A donkey.

CvoDT's-LBaa, a. Large herrings.

CuDB. CLOTH, 9. A chrisomc cloth.


CuDOBL, 9. To embroider thickly.

Cud's, a. A substitution for {rCMfa,

as odd's, fta, in popular excia*

mations, such as cMtTa Hgffou,

eud'9jl9h, Ac

Why, realy conain, or vnde, quo' the

yonnff man, we may chance to pop npon

ye before y'are aware. I shoula be at

£xeter-fair this Lammas tide. Cud^

Jitkt ouoth his cousin, 'tis but a little

out of your way, to ride to DcMrcheater,

and then you come within a mile of our

house. ladkt DieiUmar^t 18M.

CuD-wBBo, a. The cotton weed.

Cub, s. (1) Half a &rthiag. A





term used to signify a small

quantity of different articles.

(2) A borse-shoe. We9i.

(Z) Homour ; temper.

(4) The catch-word of a speech

in acting. Cue-fettowt, acton y/fho

play together.

CuBRPO, «. (Span,) To be in cuerpo,

to be Dvithout the upper garment.

Tour Spanish host is nvrer seen in euerpo,

Withuut his psramentos. cloke, and sword.

B, JoH$., N$w Inn, ii, 6.

Cuff, (1) v. To beat.

(2) 9. To insinuate. East,

(3) «. A glove, or mitten. Pr. P.

(4) To cuff over, to dilate. To

cuff out, to pour out.

CuFFKN, a. A churL

Cuff-sand, «. A deep heavy sand.


CuoLioN, «. (ItaL) A scoundrel;

a &tupid fellow.

CuiFF,©. To go awkwardly. iVorM.

CuiNSE, V. To carve a plover.

CuiRBOuLY, t. (A.'N.) Leather,

softened by boiling, in which

condition it took any form or

impression required, and then

hardened. A very common ma-

terial in the Middle Ages.

CuiKET, 9, (/y*.) A hard skin.

Th' hast armed som with poyson, some with


Soin with sharp antlers, sam with griping


Som with keen tushes, som with crooked


Som with thick euirett, som with scaly


But mad'st man naked, and for weapons


Thou gar'st him nothing but a pregnant

wiL Dm Barttu.

CuissBs, 9. (J,'N,) Armour for the


CuiT, 8. (jFr.) A sweet wine.

CuKKR, «. A part of the homed


CuKKYNE, V. Cacare. Pr. P,

CuKSTOLB, t. The toadstool.

CuLCB, t. Refuse ; rubbish. Ea9L

CuLDOKv, a. A colander.

CuLE, t. (A.-N,) The fun<

CuLERAOB, a. The herb ai

Cull, (1)9. To pull; to


(2) V, To embrace. Stm

h) ttdj, SUly. North.

(4)t. Acheat;tbedevfl


(5) 9, The bull.head. F

(6) «. A kind of lampre;

Cull AC K, «. An onion. L

CuLLEN. Cologne.

CuLLiCE, 9. To beat tc


Culling, a. The light c(

rated in winnowing.

CuLLiNos, 1 a. Inferior 8h<

CULLERS, J rated or ctci

the rest, as unfit for

CuUm^ in Northamptonsi

Those that are big'st of bone 1 1

for breed,

Mt euUistgs I put off, or for th

feed. Dray I., Nympk.,

Ovisreicula. Kebbers or cai/£

out of a flocke of sheepe : a r


CULLION, 9. (Fr,) A scoui


CuLLioNS, a. [Fr,) The u

CuLLis, a. (A,'N, eoulU,)


CuLLisANCB, a. A badge

corrupted from eoffnitan

CuLLOT, a. A cushion to r

Cully, (1) v. To cuddle.

(2) adj. Silly; foolish.

(3) a. (Fr.) One easily

upon, especially by wi

worthless or base fellow

Cully-fable, v. To


CuLMB, a. {Lot.) (1) The


(2) Smoke, or soot.

CuLN, a. A windmilL Nor

CuLORUM, a. The ooncli

moral of a tale or namt

CuLP, a. (i/.-iV.) A he«^


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tt.) Tobltme.

) Blame; ftnlt.

rgelunp. EoMt.

.-N,) Shreds; logs;

or pieces,

ick^t; ttoot. Suf.

: a dreis.

!^N,) Cowirdly.

(A.'S.) A dove ;

eon. Devon,

i; to throb. Eoii.

9. A plant.

( off heere. Tike and

•Mhet of an crb« that

hoie» and weaath thyn


v,adj.(l) Stupid,

with straw or stub-


f». A pigeon-bonse.

». (1) The bunches

e ash tree,


^N.) A drain.

{J.-N.) Cowardice.

A doTctaiL

r. Columbine,


Care, danger, or

to Mak tuMoan from

1^ and thus fhj eun^ers

Fmbf., 1k9$o, ii, 7S.

le ; a tumult.

t»uble, or inconve-

ron voold now at laat

■Act me with your nii-

rD» #. A useless

r. Trouble.

f. p> Oppressed;

t4f. Stiff with cold.

CuMriKta, «. The daisy.

CuMifBD-MiLKya. Curds and whey


CuMMT, a4r. Stale; bad-smelling.


CuMNANT.f. AooTcnant Hejfwoodf


CuMPANiABLB, tutj. Sociable.

CuMPUFTLByV. To confuse. North'


CuN, 8, (J.'S.) Kine; cows.

CuKD, V. To give notice, to indicate

the way a shoal of fish has taken.

CuNOB, «. Nature; kind.

CuNDBTH, If. A conduit ; a sewer.

cuNDY, J North.

CuNDTDB, a4f. Eoamelled.

CuNOBB,*. (1) A cucumber. Wmrw.

(2) A conger.

CuNotT, 9, The level of a mine.

CvNiB, 8. Moss. Comw.

CvKLiFF, «. A conduit. North,

CuNNB» (1) V, (if.-5.) To know.

(2) s. Kin.

CuNNiB, #. A rabbit. See Cony,

CuNNiPFLB, V. To dissemble; to

flatter. I)ewm,

Cunning, ^l)«.(i^.-5.) Knowledge.

(2) a4r. Knowing ; skilfal. Cim-

mnff~man^ a conjurer or astro-

loger. Cumdng'Wonum was used

in the same sense.

(3) f. The lamprey. North.

CuNRicHB, 8, (J.'S,) A kingdom.

CuNTBK,f. A contest. See Conteh.

CuNTiPUT, *. A down. Somer9et,

Cunt, #. Coin. Pr, P.

CuNTNG, f. A rabbit.

CuPALO, 8. A smdting-house.

CuPBOAED, 8, An open sideboard ;

a table or sideboard for holding

the cups.

CuPBL, «• A melting-pot for gold.

CuPHAR, f. (fr.) A cracking.

CuppB-MBLB, adv. Cup by cup.

CuPBosB, #. The poppy. North.

CuPBHonrrBN, o^r*. Tipsy.

CuR. 8. (1) {Fr.) The heart.

(2) The buU-head. Ea8t.

Curat, f. The cuirass.

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Curb, v. (#V.) To bead; io cringe.

CuRBKR, «. A thief who hooked

goods out of a window.

CuRCH, 8. Church. North,

CI7RCHT, V. To curtsy. North,

CuRciTB, f. A sureoat


To make eurd ecto. Tike a piat of

curds, four eggs; take out two of the

whites, put in some sugar, a little nut-

meg and a Mttle flour, sor them well

tf^ether, and drop than in, and fry

them with a little butter.

Qii«m*« So!fal CooHry, 1718.

CuRDLB-BAOK, #. The smtU crooked

fish which generally occupies the

shell of the whelk, after the latter

has forsaken it. South,

Cure, (l)s.(i^..iV.) Care; anxiety.

(2) V. To caie.

(3) V, To cover.

Curkt, Is. (JPr,) A cuirass; the

cuRiET, J skin.

For with his club he iknffles then amongst

their ewett so,

That speedie death was sweeter dole then

to survive his bio.

Wafnti^t Jlbiom Xngland, 1598.

CoRT, «. To earth up potaitoes.

CuR-FiSH, s. The dog-fish.

CuRTAL, adj, (Lat) Courtly.

CuRiouSi(l) 04^'. Nice;lHStidioiu.

Curiotityf niceBess.

(2) adf. Careful.

(3) adJ, Courageous.

Curl, #. The inward fat of a pig.


Curlings, «. Little knobs on

stags' horns.

CuRLiwBT, «. The sanderling.

CuRMUDOBoir, $. A miserly fe1l9w.

CuRNBBRRiEs, «. Currants. North,

CuRKOCK, f . Four bushels of com.

CuRPET, 8. See Courtepf,

CuRRALL, s. Coral.

Currant, #. A high leap, ffiffht,

CuRRE, 8. (A,'N.) A sort of wagon.

CuRRBL, f. A. rill, or drain. East.

Current, ndv. Freely; mith an

appetite. Leie,

CuRRBTTBRyf. A bfoker ; One who

CuRRBTB, 9, (Fr.) A wagon train.

Currish, a^. Surly.

CuRRouR, f. (Lat,) A runner. "Of

messagera, etrrroRrs, rybanldes,

and players at the dyse." Our/on.

CuRRULB, 8. (Lat,) A chariot.

CuRRT, V. To flog. North,

CuRRTDOw, 8, (Fr,) A flatterer.

CuRRYFAVBL. (Ft.) A flatterer.

CuRRTPiG, 8. A sucking-pig. WUt8.

CuRSB,#. A course.

CuRSBDNBSs, 8, ShicwishBeis.

CuRSBLART, AJf* Cursory.

CuRSBN, «. To christen. Cumb,

CuRSBNMAS, 8, Christmas. North,

CuRSB-or-BCOTLAND, 8, The nine

of diamonds.

CuRSBTOR, 8, (I) A Tagnmt. A

cant term.

(2) A pettifogger.

CumsoRART, aij. Cursory.

Curst, a^, lU-tempered; mail,

cious; vicious.

CuRSY, 8, Courtesy.

CuRTAiL-DOG, f. (1) Originally

the dog of an unquidified person,

which by the forest laws must

have its taU cut short

(2) A common dog, not meant

for sport, or a dog that missed

his game.

CuRTAiNBRS, «. Curtsius. Lane,

CuRTAL, 8. (1) (Pr. eouriault,) A

docked horse ; any cropped ani-


A booted swagg*rer sharking op and downe,

Met in his walke a silly hor8e*maB downe^

That nodding rid upon a eurtall-imU.

BowUmds, £mm qfHarU, 1003.

(2) A cant term for a beggar

with a short cloak.

(3) A sort of cannon.

Curt£, (1) «. Courtesy.

{2) adj, (A.'N.) Short.

CuRTBis, a^f, (A.'N,) CoBiteons.

CuRTBLS, 8, The nerves of the



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CtrsTLs-AX, #. A

CcBTOLB, «. A sort of fine ttaff.

CvwAT^ pari. p. (Lat.) CoTfcd.

CrBTB, 9. To carve off.

CvKTsr, «. (Fr.) To letp up.

Tet are jon temle to tU ; ha that hath

aoacjr may rommand yw; he that can

iofaiAero will ioanlt orer too, making

vtm erottch and mrMi wham he piaaaeth.

Cr»v, #. (^.-JV.) Cookery.

CcitrsTi, «. Corioiity.

CcB,t. A kiss. North,

CusEiAT,#. A wild pigeon.

CnsBiA, #- Cow-peroiip. tforth,

CusBiB8,«. Armour for tbethigln.

Cushion, (1) «. A riotoot kind of

dance, used mostly at weddings.

With the euskicm ituue

There it kiuiac* btUhif :

Srrry yoathftil guinea

tthowa the damaala wilUDg.

Tks Bop GcrUmd, 17S8.

(2) To be put beside the onshion,

to be pused over with contempt.

To bit or miss the cushion, to

Boicceed or fail.

AIm, good man, thou sow hegin*at to rave.

Thy viu do err, and flN«r /Jl« cwAioM qinite.

Drojft., Betog^ 7-

A ilmi^t, plotted betwixt her father and

To tbraat Moanehensey'fl noae huUkt the

aakum. Mtrry lk9., 0. ITL, ▼, 278.

CusHioNXT, f- {Pr.) A little cush-


CuBH ION-LORD. «. (1) A lord made

by fsTour, and not for good ser-


(2) An effeminate person.

Ci79HioN>MAN, «. A cbaimun.


CusHT-cow-LADT, t, A ladv-Wrd.

Cu8K,f. The wild poppy. Warw.

CusKfK, #. A drinking cup. See


Cu88,a4/. Surly; shrewish. Swt,

CussB, tr. {//..5.) To kiss.

CusaaN, adj. Dejected. North.

Cu88iN,». A cushion. Custynya,


CvBT, a. A second swans of bees

ftrom one hive. See Caai.


Ton ahall drink hampers out of yovr

eMter^Mp, yoo rogne, and he drank

Cv the hoiMiar of your oonntry.

Durfeg, Madmm FieiU, 1688.

Cvmn,9. The wild plum. Stmtn.

CnaroMABLa, a^. Customary.

CuaroMAVKom, a. A oastom. Xfdj^*

CuSTOMBn, (1) 4ldj. (J.-N,) Ao*

{2)8. A collector of the f

CuamaLL, a. One who carried a

knight's arms. *' CuatraU or

page whyche beareth hys mas«

ters buckler, shyelde, or target.

Scutigeruha." Huloet.

Cirr, (1) ff. A familiar name Ibr a

horse or other aniasal, properiy

one with a cut tail. '* Cnt and

lonff tail/' all kinds of dogs, oiigi-

nalfy a term in hunting ; e?ery-


Tea, eren their Terie dogt. Boa, Big.

and Biabie. yea e«l and ioKff tmt, they

ahall be welcome.

r^tvO, Art qfFtaitirf, 1B76.

(2) a. (J..S. ciPxS.) Pudendum f.

Come forth, thou qnene I comafiirthe,t]Km


Com forth, thon aloreynl eom foflhe,

thon slatte I

We xal the teche with carya colde

A lytyl bettyr to kepe tbi tutU.

CaomUrjf Mfsimu, p. flB.

rS) 8. A harlot.

(4) a. A slow-worm. North.

(5) V. To castrate.

(6) adj. Drunk. Sometimes ex-

pressed by the phrase cut m the

baekt or cut in the coxcomb.

(7)9. To say; to speak.

h) V. To scold ; to quarrel.

(9) 9. To beat soundly. Devon.

(10) a. A skein of yam. North,

hi) 8. Adoor-hatch. Somereei,

(12) a. A canal.

(13) To draw cuts, to draw

lots. Slips of unequal length

were drawn, and he who got the

longest was the winner.

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CoTBB&DOLB, «. Brank-UTsine.

CvTCHBL, V, To house or box up.


CuTCHT, f . A coacbman.

Intpire mettreightwith tome rare deliciet.

Or ile dismount thee from thy radunt


And make thee a poore eutekf here on earth.

Bttum/rom Panuutui, 1606.

Cim, adj. Shrewd ; clerer.

CuTBs, f. The feet. North,

CuTH, part, p, {ji,'S.) Tanght ;


CvruM, (I) part. p. (J,'S,) Made


(2) f . Acquaintance ; kindred.

CuTHBs, 9, {A.'S,) Manners ; ha-


CuTLiNs, «. Oatmeal grits. NwtK

CuT-MBAT, 9, Fodder cut into short

lengths. North.

CuT-puBsi, #. A thief.

Cirra, a. A timber-carriage. Une,

CuTTBB, (1) V. To whisper. North,

(2) 9, A ruffian ; a swaggerer.

Cutting, swaggering, raffling.

^3) 9. To fondle. Lane.

(4) V. To coo. North.

CuTTiNo-KNiFB, 9. An instrument

for cutting hay. South.

CuTTLB, 9, A knife used in catting

purses. Dekker,

CUTTLB-HBADBD, t. FooIlsh. York.

Cutty, (1) a. A wren. Somer9et,

(V\ 9. A hobgoblin. Somer9et,

(3) atg. Diminutive. North,

(4) a. A knife. North.

(5) 9. A cradle. JFe9t.

CuTTT-ouK, 9. A short pipe.


CuTwiTH, a. The bar of the plough

to which the traces are tied.

CuT-woBK, 9. Open work in linen,

stamped or cut by hand.

CuYL, a. {J.-N) Podex.

CuYP, V. To stick up. Norf.

Cybbbb, a. Sinoper. Caston.

Cyclab, a. A military garment.

Cylbby, 9. " Drqperye'Woreke, or

e]flerp9f a kynde of carvynge or

payntynge so called. VohUa."


Cylk, a. A sauce for certain fish.

''Tenches in cytt." Warner,

Antiq. Cut., p. 87.

CYLOuua, a. The ceiling. Mmmdt^


Cymab, 9. (Fr.) A loose robe.

Cymbalb, 9. To play on a cymbal.

Cymb, 9. Cement. "Cement, or

eyma, wherwith stones be joyned

together in a lumpe. Lithoealia.**


Cynbbotb, 9. The cenegild.

Cyphbl, 9. Houseleek. North*

Cyphbb, v. To cypher off a square

edge, to make two edges for that

one. A joiner's term.

CYPBB8s-CAT,a. A tabby CBt. £Btf .

Cypub, a. The cypress tree.

Cythbb, a. (A.'N.) Cyder.

Cyvi, 9. A sieTC.

Cyv£, a. (IV.) A ragout In some

instances it is wrongly printed


Cyvbb, a. Onions; chivea.

Da, a. A doe.

Daab, a4f* Dirty; covered with

filth. Berk9.

Dab, (1) a. A slight blow.

'2) a. A small quantity.

3) a. An insignificant person.

Dexterous; clever.

An adept.

To dibble. Noff.

A pinafore. Line.

To throw down careleaaly.

^9) a. The sea flounder. Stmex.

Dabbish. An inteij. of vexation.

Dabbit, a. A small quantity.

Dabby, adj. Moist ; adheaive.

Dab-chick, a. (1) The water-hen.


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DAB 369

(2) A babyish person.

To be rodct mdeep like a gmt bttby.

vkilit they are alUrevellinr! Well. I

■haU Meet with theae iai^Aich.

Dabctsk, #. A proficieDt. North.

Bab-wash, #. A Binall waih, u

contradistiiictioD to the regular

washing times in a fiunily.

Dacian,#. a vessel to hold the

sour oal-cake. DcrftysA

Dacitt, «. Actinty. Nort/L

Dackbe, (1) ». To totter; to wa-

▼er; to hesitate. Line,

(2) m4;\ Unsettled, applied to


DACKJ.B8, 9. Globoles of water

caosed by damp. Sunes,

Dackt,«. a socking pig. Skrop§k,

Dad, (l)#.Achildish word forfather.

(2) V. To stnke. North,

(3) «. A blow.

(4) 9. A large piece. North,

Dadacky, a4r. Decayed; rotten.

DAODsm, V. To perplex. £hr9et.

Daddick,1«. Rotten wood;

DABDOC, J touchwood.

Dabblb, (1) 9. The fist. Ea9t

(2) V. To trifle. North.

(3)ir. To do imperfectly. Crooen.

(4\ 9. A pea-shooter. ror/bA.

(5) 9. To walk unsteadily.

Dabb, (1) V. To lead children be-

ginning to walk. Dadinff^trinff9,

leading strings.

Ifluch nourUh'd and bred up at her moat

plenteocts pap.

Ho flooDcr taught to itde, bnt from their

nother trip. Dngt.^PofyM., aong i.

(2) To move slowly.

But eatly from her warce aa In't gently

dMkt. Dntffton, PoljtM,, long xir.

(3) «. A kind of bird.

There's neither sindlow, dove, nor dtuU,

Can aonr more high, or deeper wade.

fJU Loyal Garland, 1686.

Dabob, (1) «. A great lump. North.

(2) V. To walk danglingly. North.

Dadlbss, adj. Useless; stupid.


DMDALy adj. (Gr.) Variegated.

2 B


Daff, (1) v. To doff; to toss aside.

(2) ». To daunt. Xorfh.

!3) 9. A dastard, or coward.

4 ) 9. A priest. Crapeu.

(5) adj. Doughy. Lmt.

DAFFABIU.T, 1 9. The daflb-


The aznr*d haie>beU next, with theat, tltey

neatly mixt :

T* alia? whow Inahiona tmell. they wood-

bind plac't betwixt

Amongat thoae thinga of tent, there prick

they m the lilly :

And neere to that againe, her eister Jafa-

SUj/. Drmftm^s Poly-Abiaa, aongls.

Daft AM, a. A silly person. Craotn.

Daffb, 9. (A..S.) A fool.

DAmB, 9. Small crockery.

Dafvin, «. Mirth. Northmmh.

Daffish. adj. (1) Sl»y. We9t.

(2) Low-spirited. Shrop9h.

Dafflb, Is. A mop made of

BAFFLBB, j rags, for cleansing the

OTcn before baking. Leie,

Dafflbd, a^. (1) III one's dotsge.


(2) Bruised or decayed on the

surface, applied to fruit. North'


Dafflino-ibon, 9. A scraper for

getting the wood ashes out of the

oven. Xetc.

Daffock, 9. A slut. North.

Daft, (1) a^. Foolish; of weak


(2) 9. To put off. Shaknp.

Daftlikr, adj. Foolish. North.

Dag, (1) 9. A large pistol ; called

also a dagger.

(2) 9. Dew ; a misty shower.

(3^ r. To drizzle. North.

Ifl) *. To bemire, or daub.

(5) V. To daggle.

(6) V. To run thick. North,

b\ 9. A rag. Kent.

(8) 9. A sudden pain. BodM.

(9) t. A projecting stump on a

branch. Dor9et.

(10) t;. To cutoff the dirty locks

of wool from sheep. Kemt,

(11) 9. An axe. Dewm.





Daob, r. (1) To trudge. Cumb,

(2) To thaw. North.

Daogar, «. The dog-fish.

Daooe, (1) V. (J.'N.) To pene-

trate ; to pierce.

(2) «. (A,-S.) A dangling slip

or shred. A garment was dogged,

when its edge was jagged or foli-

ated. This fashion, according to

the Chronicle of St. Albans, was

introduced in 1346.

Daookd, adj. Tipsy. North,

Daoobr. The name of an ordinary

in Holborn, very celebrated in

the reigns of Elizabeth and

James I. Dagger-ale nnd dagger*

piee are frequently mentioned by

writers of that period.

But we must liare March beere. dooble

dooble been;, dagger-alt, Bheniih.

OMCoignt's Del. Diet for Droimkardet.

Daoobr-monby, a. A sum paid

formerly to the justices of assize

on the Northern circuit, for the

provision of arms against ma-


Daogrrs, t. (1) Icicles. North,

(2) Sword-grass. Somertet.

Daoolb, V, To trail in the dirt.


Daoglt, a^. Wet; showery.


Daglets, 9, Icicles. WiUe,

Dagling8|«. Sheep dung. North,

Dag-locks, 9, The dirty locks of

wool cut off sheep. South,

Daoon, 9, A slip, or piece.

Dag-pkick, 9, A triangular spade.


Dagswain, 9. A rough sort of stuff,

used for tables, beds, &c. " Dagge-

9wagne, Gausape." Huloet.

Dag-wool, 9. Refuse wool. Kent,

Daibsbtghe, 9, The daisy.

Daikbr, v. To saunter. North,

Dail, 9, A heap. North,

Dailb, v. To dally.

Dain, 9. (1) Noisome efSuvia.


(2) Taint, or putrid affect


(3) Disdain.

Dainoub, at(f, (J,'N,) Disdaii

Daintrel, 9, iA.-N,) A delic

Dainty, (1) a4f. Pleasant; ei


(2) adj. Nice ; affected. Tom

dainty y to refuse, to scrujde.

Ah ha, my miitraiMst which of yom i

Will now deny to dance f She that s

dainty, she,

ru swear, bath corns.

8kmk$$f,t Baan. /■ Jui.

(3) 9, A novelty, anything fi

Dairier, 9, A dairy-man. No\

Dairns, 9. Small, unsaleable 1

Dairous, adj. Bold. Devon,

Dairyman, «. One who renta <

of a farmer.

Dais. See Deie,

Daisbo, part, p. Badly bake

roasted. North.

Daisment-day, 9, The da;


Daivb, v. To sooth. Cumb,

Dakb, 9. To prick. fVeet.

Daker, (1) v. To work for

after the usual day's work it <


(2) 9. A dispute.

Daker-hbn, 9. The com-cral

Dakbrin, 9. Walking carelc


Dakbs-hbaded, a({f. Heavy;

Dalcop, 9. An idiot. North.

Dalder, 9. A foreign coin, cm

in England in the 16th cent

Dale, (1) v. (J.-S.) To i

pret, t. dolt, dealt.

(2) 9. (A,-S.) A share, or lo

(3) V. To descend.

(4) a4^*. Furious; mad. Nor

Daly, pret, t. of dehe. Dug.

Dalies, a. A child's game p]

with small bones, or-pieci

hard wood.

Dale, «. (1) A hollow.

2) A vale.

^) A dimple in the flesh.


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lett pi^ in a litter.

tart, p, Gaodily

Tt, a. Dressing out

ityofoolourt. Line,

be hand. From

. Wearied. North.

eda among com ?

Delay; dawdling;

A pateh of ground

g com mUaed by

I tuft of growing

ipa of manure, b^ve

1 of smuggled .tea.

mly woman.

iJeas lump of any-

in the hands.

w and toss about


Sheep's trotters.

A deep ditch.

sort of bnshy bob

vt Ust century by

scially chemista.

onely. North,

in dales.

. S^SToUt,

fuse. Var, d,


lie damson.

'-.) A sabre.


a. A perfumed

caL Dekker.

(J lady.

'.} An effeminate

toting boys.

?o condemn.

Damkift, V, {Lat,) To damage, or


Damnigkrous, adj. Injurious.

Damoskl, t. (A.-N.) A damsel.

Damp, (1) adj. Rainy. Oxfordth.

(2) #. A liquid refreshment.

(3) t. Dejection.

Damper, $. (1) A luncheon.

(2) Anything discouraging.

Dampnb, 1 r. {A,'N.) To con-

DAMPNY, J demn.

Damsax, «. A broad aie.

Dam-stares, 8. The slope over

which the water flows.

Dan, 9. (I) {Ut.) Lord; sir.

(2) Scurf on animals. Eatt.

Dancb, t. A journey. Var, d.

Dancb, adj. Dainty ; nice. North.

Dander, (1) a. Scurf; dandriff.


(2) V, To wander about. Cheah.

(3) V. To hobble. Cumb.

(4) a. Anger. Var. d.

Dandilly, 8, A vain woman. lAne.

Dandiprat, 9. (1) A dwarf, or

child ; an insignificant fellow.

There's no jfood fcllowthipintliig dandu

prat, this divcdapper, as m other jKiges.

Middieton's More Dissemblers, ^c,

Jnc. Dr., iv, 37i.

On father JEneaa his neck thee dandiprat

haugelli. Slany hurst's Virgil, I5b3.

(2) A coin of small value, minted

by Henry VII.

Dandling, (1) adj. Fondling.

Thence when first fittest serene seas gare


And gentle fanning blasts made dandling


Upon oar sails, our troops the shores do

filL Virgil by Vicars, 1032.

(2) *. A pet child.

Dandril, 8. A thump. Line.

Dandt, (1) adj. Distracted. Somer-


(2) 9. The hand.

Dandt-candy, 9. Candied sweet-

meats. Newe.

Dandy-chair, 9. A seat made for

a child by two nurses who cross

their hands for that purpose.

d by Google


Dandy-cock,1 *. Poultry of the

UANDY-HKN, J Bantam breed.

Dane,*. Din; noise. East

Danbs-blooDi t. Danewort.

Dang, (1) r. To strike down with


(2) A softening of damn, as an


Danger, «. (1) (J-^N,) Lordship;

dominion ; the power which the

feudal lord possessed over his


(2) Debt. Shakesp.

(3) A dangerous situation.

(4) Coyness ; sparingness.

Dangerful, adji. Dangerous.

Dangerous, adj*{\) {A,»N.) Arro-

gant ; supercilious.

(2) Difficult ; sparing.

(3) In danger. WeaL

Dangle-jack, a. The common

jack vrith hooks turned with

worsted. Leie.

Dangus, #. A slattern. Lane,

Dangwallbt, *. A spendthrift.

Dank, aefi- Damp ; moist

Danker, t. A dark cloud. North,

Dannace, f. A gaiter or buskin.


Dannet, t. A bad character. North,

Dannies,*. Grey stockings. Derb,

Dannocks, ». (1) Oat cakes.


(2) Hedger's gloves. Eatt,

Dans, ». Yearling sheep. Eatt,

Dant, (1) V, To tame.

(2) V, To reduce metals to a lower


(3) 9. A loose woman.

DANTON.r. {A,'N,) To tame; to


Dap, (1) V, To hop. Someraet.

(2) 9, A hop ; a turn. Weat,

(3) a. The nip of a kev.

(4) adj. Fledged. Yorkah,

Dapper, adj. Smart ; active.

Goe there and call but for a can.

And ther '• a ^apptr knave

Comes, Gentleman, what dainty hit

For diet will you have ? . , ^,


372 DAB

Dapperling, a, A dwarf.

Dapperwit, a, A lively littl

DAPPiNO,i9ar/. a. Fishings

line on the surface of the

Daps, a. Likeness. Devon.

Dapsilitt, *. {Lat,) Sum;


Dapstuck, oi^. Prim. Lek

Dar, (1) a4f. Dearer.

(2) a. A small hasty wash.

Darbt, a. Ready money. I

Darcell, a. The long-taile

Dard, a, (A,'N) Anythii

throws out ; a spout.

Dare, (1) c. To lurk ; to li

I have an hoby can make Infkys

Skelion, VuL

2) V, To cause to lo

Tighten. To dare birda, i

them by frightening thei

Let his erace go for

And dare us with his cap, like

Shakesp., Hen. nil, iii, S

) 9. To tremble for fea

) V, To threaten. Som

) t. To grieve. Eaaeae,

) V, To defy. Shakeap,

) a, {A.-S,) Harm.

) a. Peril. Shakeap,

) V. To rouse. Weat.

0) 9, To languish.

1)». To give, or grant.

2) a. The dace fish.

3) V, (A.-S.) To stare

4) 9. To dazzle.

Darpb, adj. Hard; unl


Darh, a, (A.-S,) Need.

Dariol, It. A dish


JkuyoU. Take creme of cowi

of almandes. Do thereto a

sugar, safron. nnd salt. Met

Do it ill a coffyn of two yi

bake it wel, and serve it fori


Dare, (1) v. To make da

(2) adj. Blind. Var, d.

(3) f. A dark night So

(4) V. To lie hid.




Irop ; to watcb tn

njuring others.

Vilight. North,


The old name for

InTolTed in diric-

le night. A ctnt

i% on which the


Very dark.

lick hedge-gloTe.

\o&Mm pereivM.

se sort of damask,

KtTournay, called


jy-wolsey. North,

>08ts. Devon,

ring. Devon.



y*8 work. Cumb,

change ; to trans-

be last.

[>tten. Ghue*

mask cloth.

i ; refuse. North,

\ The date-tree.

ive. Cufnb.

The Holeut kma-

(J.'S.) Dimness,

destroy ; to spoil.

u East,

h with dirt,

one in the teeth,


to nake a tndden attack or


Dashek-on, t. A piece of boiling-


Dashin, «. The Tessel in which

oatmeal is prepared. Derb,

DASiBEmoK, t. A simpleton; a


Dasino, 8. Blindness. Beeon,

Dasnb, v. (A.'S,) To grow dim.

Dasbk, 9, A badger. Caxton,

Dastard, «. A simpleton.

Dateless, adj. Crazy; in one's

dotage. North.

Dates, «. Writings; evidences.

Datukit, part. p. { A.' N.) Cursed;

generally used as an impre-


Dathee, v. To tremble. Kent,

Dation, «. (Lat.) A gift.

Daub, (1) t. Clay. Lane,

(2) V, To bribe. A cant terra.

Daubbr,«. A builder of mud walls;

a plasterer.

Daubing, a^. Wet and dirty, ap-

plied to weather. Leic.

Dauby, (1) adj. Clammy ; sticky.


(2) 9. A fool. Northumb.

Daudbr, 9. To ill-treat. North.

Daudle, 9. (1) To trifle away time.

(2) To swing perpendicularly.

(3) «. A slattern. Yorkgh.

Dauds, 8. Fragments. North.

Dauohter-in-basb, t. A bastard-


Dauk, 9. To incise with a jerk ;

to give a quick stab. Wilt8.

Daunch, adj. Fastidious ; squeam-

ish ; seedy. Daunchet fastidi-


Daundrin, 8. Same as Bever (1).

Daunge, 8. A narrow passage.

Moveable sic

BRtertina bar

Btle. Devon,

ike a great sho

d by Google

DAU 374


DauaBiV. Toduzlettoooiifoaiid.


Dauao, «. Aday'twork. N<»rih.

DAUtvr-HBADBDy a(/. Giddj;


Daut, «. A tpeck. Craven,

Davb, ». (1) To thaw. Somenet.

(2) To asauage, or relieve. North.

Davir, ». (I) To droop ; to fade.


Lord ! all thingi Inid. andshftU I d^»onr

Without the sunihioe of thy fsToor?

CudtMre*t Fra$crSon0, 1655.

(2) To stun ; to atqpify. North,

D AViD'a*»TAFF, a. A iort of quad-

rant, formerly used in navigation.

Davimo, a. A partition of boarda.


Davison, a. A large wild plum.

Davy, (1) r. To raiac marl from

cliflfa by means of a wince. Norf.

(2) a. An affidavit.

Davy-jones, a. The name given

by sailors to a sea-devil.

Daw, (1) r. To dawn ; to awaken.


(2) 9. To rouse ; to resuscitate.

Yot WM this man well fearder than,

Lett he the frier had ilaine ;

Till with good rappei, and hcvy dappei,

He dawed him np againe.

A Mery Jt$i



\wy Jttt of a 3erg$taU,

'3) 9. To daunt, or frighten.

^4) a. A fool ; a sluggard.

(5)c. To thrive; to mend. iVbr/A.

(6)«. To dawdle; to idle.

Ther is no man that doth well knowe

mce that will beeleevc that I would, if I

had not been dlitcmpercd by rarfett

■nd drinke, ryde lobbinge and damtiff^

to rayle at your lordship.

ilUt'i littrwy Lettm, p. 99.

m$.{J,-S.) Dough.

(8) a. A beetle or dor. Sa»t.

Daw-cook,!. a jackdaw.

Dawdy, a. A slattern. North,

Daw», (1) a. (wf.-&) Dawn.

(2)a. U.-5.) A day; life.

(3) adtf, Down.

Dawbnino, a.(-rf..5.) Dty-break.

Dawoos, a. A slattern. North.

Dawoy, adj. Soft; flabby. Toriak,

Dawib,*. To awake. Set Daw.

DAWiNG,a. Day-break.

DAWKiN,a. (1) Afoolish, aelf-con-

ceited person. North,

(2) A slat. North.

Dawkbs, a. A slattern. Glome.

Dawks, a. Fine clothes put on

slovenly. Line,

Dawl, v. (1) To dash. Devon.

(2) Totirc;tolistiguc.

(3) To loathe, or nauseate.

Dawnx, V. To revive a person.

Dawns, a. A kind of lace.

Dawntlb, V, To fondle. North.

DAWVYf adf. Damp; soft. West.

Dawpatb, 8, A simpleton. Hey-

Mfood, 1556.

Dawsbl, «. Tostupify. Sv^oli.

DaWSy, «4f. Sticky; adhesive.


Dawtet, part.p. Caressed. Ctow*.

DawA, «. To use the bent hazel

rod, for the discovery of ore.


Day, (1) V, (A,'S.) To dawn.

(2) 9, (if. -5.) Day; the dawn;


(3)v. To fix a day.

The rtoate part of my di^tters hare ho-

nestly payed.

And they that were not redy I have gently

da^ed: WMger't Cn»»U tk^Ur, 1566.

r4) V, To procrastinate.

^5) a. A league of amity.

[6) a. The surface of ore.

(7) a. A bay of a vrindow.

Day-bkd, a. A couch, or aofa.

CalUtg my ofBeen aboijit toe, ia my

branch'd valTet teiwn; having e«me

froqi a tfay-M, where 1 have left Olivia

sleeping. SluJtttp,, Twd. N,, fi, 5.

Above there are de^-heds, and aaeh tempt-


I daie not trust, sir.

B. ^ n, Xnb a Wift, /*,i,6.

JC It the great coQcbvip.

The Doke of Medina aentt ^ ^Tia iip»

and ready.

M. And 4^-Mliii sH cbsBberaf J. In

aU,kd7. A.,aetin,l.

d by Google




Dat«,v. (^.-5.) To die.

Datsgh,«. Dmgh. Yorkak,

Day-housb, 1 •. a dairy; t pboe

BKT-HOUBB, J for making cbccM.

Datii«», «. Arbitration.

Datis, v. (1) To blot out.

(2) To dally, or tany.

Dat-ligbts, «. The eyes, i^erf A.

Bati.mbt's-oats, j: Twilight.

Dat-hst, a. A net for taking

maO biidi.

DAY-vnTLB, a. Dead nettle.

Datklt, ad9, (ji,'N.) Diadain-


l>ATsiTKL^0^ A dainty.

Datktktov«, acjr'. Choice; dunty.

J>— g<iy»oi«wJy, daintily.

Datsmah, a. An arbitntor, or


If <ae BttB tbne agaiaaC Mother, Anf*>

isy «ake hii peace, but if a aan

' the Lord, who can be

hia iaycnMii

n«ier« BHIe, 1 Sim. 9.

If neighlKMiTa were at fariaaoe, they ran

not ttreight to law.

tmt§men took vp the mattar, and eoat

them not a atraw.

New CmiUme, O. PL. i. 3dO.

Siasna and Crito, niy ndehboura, are at

eoatTDrersie here about their lands, and

thcj have sade bm nmpife and i*i«»'

mum bcAwizt them.

Terene$ in £y{u*,lMl.

Dats-math« a. {D An acre, the

qnantity mown by a man in one

day. West,

(2) Any tmall portion of ground.

Dattalb, t. Day time.

DATTAi.KifAir, a. A chance-1a»

bonrer, one employed only from

day to day. Daytmle^paee, a

alow pace.

Bay-woek, t. (1) Work done by

the day.

(2) Three rooda of land. '*Fonr

perchea make a daywoike; ten

daywoikt make a roode or qoar-

ter." Twytden MSS,

Daks, v. To dazzle. Speiu.

Dazid, adj. (1) Dull; aickly.

(2) Confuted.

(3) Spoilt, aa in cooking.

(4) Of a don colour.

DAzto, t. A daisy. Cwmk,

Dc, (1) t. (^..JV.) God.

(2) The.

Dea. Do. ITertM.

Dead, (1) v. To deaden. Nwik.

(2)9. To kill.

^3) t. Death. S^f.

Ut)pmrLp. Fainted. Wut,

(5) ttdv. Exceedingly; com-

pletely. Norik,

DnAi>.nooT, a. (A^S.) Chnrefa ler.

▼ices done for the dead ; penance.

Dead-coal, a. A cinder. Nwrtk,

DEAO-soiirO| a<{r. Destructive.


Deao-hbdoe, a. A hedge made of

dead thorns, fitCn wattled with*

out any live wood.

Dbad-borsb. To puU ike dttd

horwt to work for wages already


Dbab-bovbe, a. A place for the

reception of drowned persons.

Dbad-lipt, t. The moving of a

motionless body. lienoe, a situ-

ation of dificulty.

Deadly, (1) mh. Very ; exceed-


(2) adj» Sharp ; active.

DsAO-HAjf, t. (1) Old works is a


(2) A scarecrow. West,

(3) When the soil rises higher

on one side of a wall than on the

other, or when there is a descent

of two or three steps into a

house, the part of the wall below

the surface of the higher soil is

called dead-mttti, Nortkampt.

DEAD-MAN'a-THVifB, t. An old

name for a meadow flower,

which was of a blue colour.

Dbad-mate, a. A stale-mate in


DEAD-MBif, t. Empty ale-pots.

Dead-mbn's-finoerb, t. The

small portions of a crab which

are nnftt fat food.

d by Google




Dbad-nip, t. A blue intrk on the

l>odv, ascribed to witchcraft.


Dead-pay, t. The continued pay

of soldiers actually dead, which

dishonest officers appropriated


Most of them [captaini] know arithmetic

80 well.

That in a matter, to preserve dsad-payt.

They'll make twelve stand for twenty.

yebsier't Jpphts. ?,i, Am. Dr., v, 437.

Deads, t. The under-stratum.


Dbadst, «. The height. Dekker.

D E AF, ( 1 ) a4j. Decayed ; tasteless ;

applied to nuts, corn, &c.

(2) V, To deafen.

Deafly, \adj. Lonely; soli-

dbavblie, j tary.

Deaf-bars, #. The valves of a

beefs heart. Norlhampt

Deaf-nettle, t. The dead nettle.

Dbail-hbad, 8, A narrow plat of

ground in a field. Cumb,

Deak, (1) 8. A ditch. KenL

(2) V, To fight. North.

Deal, (^.-5.) (1) v. To divide;

to distribute. See Dele.

{2)8. A dole.

Deals ate, v. (Lat.) To whiten.

Deal-tree, 8. The fir-tree. Deal'

applee, fir apples. Ea8t

DBAM,a4f. Lonely; solitary. North,

Dean, (1) #. (^.-5.) A valley.

(2) 8. A din ; a noise. E88ex.

(3)r. To do. Yorkeh.

Dea-nbttle, 8. Wild hemp.iVor*A.

Dear. See Dere.

Dearbd, p€trt p. Frightened ; con-

founded. Exmow.

Dearly, adv. Extremely. Var. d.

Dbarn, {\)adj. Lonely. North.

(2) 8. A door or gate post. North,

Dearnful, adj. Melancholy.


Dbath, adj. Deaf. Suffolk.

Death iNO, «. Decease.

Death's- HERB, «. Nightshade.

Dbath's-man, t. An executioner.

Deathsmear,! t. A rapidly fi

deam, /disease incident


Deaurat, aty. {Lat.) Gilded.

Deave, v. To deafen. North.

Deazed, adj. Dry; raw. North

Debacchatb, v. {Lot.) To act

a rage ; to rave furiously.

Debars, adj. Bare. Drayt.

Debashed, adj. Abashed.

Debate, (1) v. {A.-N.) To fig

Debatemeni, contention.

{2)8. Combat.

Dbbaushment, #. Adebaucbii

Debbll, v. {Lat.) To conquer

war. /)^5tftti/ioB, conquest. "M

at the debellatioH of JtruM9ltm

Nabuchadnezer." Huloet.

Dbbbllish, v. To embellish.

Debeof, 8. A sort of spear.

Debbrries,#. Gooseberries. Dee

Dbbile, a4f. {Lat.) Weak; infii

Debits, «. A deputy.

Deble, 8. {A.'N.) The deviL

Deboist, a^. Debauched.

Dbbonaire, aty. {A.»N.) Co

teous ; well-bred.

Debonert^, 8. {A.'N.) Gem

ness ; goodness.

Deboraine, adj. Honest.

Debord, v. {Fr.) To run ii


Debosh, v. To debauch.

Deboshbb,«. a debauched pen

Dbbreide, v. To tear.

Debruse, \v. To crush;

DEBRYSE, J bruise.

Debut, t. Company ; retinue.

Decantatb, v. (Lat.) To chao

Decard, V, To discard.

Decas, 8. {A.'N.) Ruin; dill


Deceivablb, a4f. Deceitful.

Dbcepturb, a. Deceit ; fraud.

Dbched, adi. Foul ; rusty. Wm

Decipb, v. (Lat.) To deceire.

Deck, (1)«. Apackofcards; ahi

of anything. Deck the boa

lay down the stakes. Sweep

deck, dear the stakes.

d by Google




(t)v. To pat nytbing in ocder.

(3) tr. To tip the haft of may

impleiiwat with any work; to


Dbculks, v. To UaiOB amit.

DicukBXMBXT, t. A dedaimtioD.

DECI.IHB, 9. (1) To incUne ; to bow


(2) To ondervaliie.

DicLOSByV. Todiidoie.

Decollation, t. {Lot.) A be-


Dkoopid. See Copped,

DmcoMMf V. (A.'N.) To decorate.

DacouRESir, v. (J^N.) To dis-

Decbew, 9. To decrease. S^etuer.

Dscmypartp, Decked; adorned.

Kynge Joktm, p. 18.

Dbcukt, tr. (Lat) To shorten.

DncTPHsn, v. To OTeroome.

Dxdb, (1) •. (if..5.) Death.

(2) tr. (i^.-&) To grow dead.

(3) /»«/./. of d^. Did.

(4)9. Deed; battle.

Dkdkful, atg. Operatite. ** This

rertoe it dedefuU to all Cbrysten

people." 7%«jPei/y9a22;fol.clxxii.

Dboblt, adj. (J.^,) Mortal.

Dedeium, mortality.

DBinnrBN-TBN,t. A sort of pulleys,

called also deaden.

Dedetnb, t. {A,'N.) Disdain.

Dbdib, «. To tremble. YorHk.

Deoition, a. {Lat,) A yielding np.

Dbducbd. (tat.) Drawn ftom.

Deduct, o. (lal.) To reduce.

Dbi>i7it» t. {A^N.) Pleasore ; en-


Dedtb, aiftr. Thither.

Deb, t. {A,'N.) A die.

Dbedilt, ado. Diligently. fTet/.

Deeds, a. Refbse. North.

Deedy, adj. Indiistrions ; very ac-

tive. BerkM.

DK%w.adj.{A.^) Deal

Dbegbt, tr. To spread mole-hills.


Dbbl, a. The devil. North.

DvKP,adJ. Conning; crafty.

DBsn. See/Hsrv.

DBBnHAT,«. A great net for catch.

ing deer.

DBBa,t.(l>(i^^iV:) Dice.

(2) The place where herrings

are dried. StuaeM.

Debt, (l)jw-e/. <. Died. Cmmh.

(2) part. p. Dirtied. North.

(3)tr. To plaster over the month

of an oven to keep in the heat.

(4) tr. To wipe, or dean. North.

Dbetino, t. A yard of cotton.


Debvb, a. To dip. Ai/btt.

Dbfadbd, part. p. Faded; de-


Dbfailb,*. (A.-N.) To effect; to


Devaillancb, t. (Fr.) A defect

Dm¥Amv,part.p.(A.'N) Wasted.

Defalk, tr. (Lat.) (1) To lop off;

to diminish ; to dietract from.

For breritie if then conuneiMUble, when

catting off impertinent and i

able delaicB, it iefalMk nothing from

the knowledge of neceasarie ana niat«-

riall points. Ammunu MarctL, 1609.

(2) To abate in a reckoning.

Defamb, (1) 9. (A.'N) Infamy.

f 2^ tr. To make infamoos.

(3) «. Defamation.

Fond men ni^nst] j doe abase yoor names,

With tlandrans tiMeohes, and most lUae

BowUmdt, Xnat of Clmb$, 1611.

Dbfamous, o^r* ReproachfbL

Dbfabb, tr. {^A.'N.) To undo.

DBFATEO,parf.;7.(X.a/.) Wearied.

Defatioate, tr. {Lat.) To tire.

DBFAULTY,4w{r.(^.) Blamcworthy.

Defautb, 9. (A.'N) Want ; defect.

Drfautele9, perfect.

Defbasancb, t. Defeat. ;^aifer.

Defeat, (1) «. To disfigure.

(2) 9. The act of destruction.

Dbfeatubb, t. (1) Deformity.

(2) Defeat.

Defect, tr. (Lot.) To injure, or

take away.

Defence, a. {A.*N.) Prohibition.

Defbncbd, par/. j9. Fortified.

d by Google




Dbvendb, (1) V. {A,'N.) To for-

bid ; to prohibit.

(2) V, To preserve.

(Z)paTt,p, Defended.

DsramioRT, #. {Lat.) Defence.

Dkffe, adj. Neat ; trim. Leie.

DKTFBtB. (A.'N.) To cut op an

animal. A bunting term.

Dflrrusiy «. (A.-N,) Vanquish-

ment. Morte Arthure,

DvvHKD, t. {A,'S,) Deafness.

Dkfiance, t. Refusal; rejection.

Deficate, adj. Deified. Chtmter,

Defien, 1 V. {A.-S,) Todigest; to

defiTen, j consume ; to dissolve.

Definishb, 0. {A.'N.) To define.

Dbfinttive, a^. Final ; positive.

Deflt, adv. Neatly ; fitly.

Defoille, 9. {A.'N.) To vaaqEith.

Deformate, adj. Deformed.

Dbfoulb, v. To defile ; to pollute.

Defoulinos, t. The marks made

by a deer's feet in wet soil.

Defouterino, t. {A.'N,) Failing.

Defraudation, «. Fraud.

Deft, a^j. Neat ; dexterous ; ele-


He taid I wore a deft Ism.

Bn»mtr$ Northern Lou.

A pretty court leg, and a defl, dapper

personage. Chapman, May Day, i, 1.

Deftly, adv. Neatly ; softly.

Df^fy decked with all costly Jewell, like

puppets. Beehite ofRomuk Ck., Z 6.

And perching diftfy on a anaking spray,

Nye tyr'd beraeu to make her hearer stay.

BrowtWt Brit. Pm/., ii, 8.

Dbfull, adj, {A.'S.) Diabolical.

Defunct, adj. Functional. ShakHp.

Deftb, v. {A.'N.) (1) To defy.

(2) To reject ; to refuse.

Foole ! sayd the pagan, I thy gift defye,

Bat use thy fortune as it doth befaU.

Spent., F. Q., U, fiii, 63.

Deo, v. To moisten ; to sprinkle ;

to ooze out. North,

Db-oaiiboys, a. A viol-de-gambo.

Dbo-bound, \adj. Swelled in the

SBG-BOWBo, j stomach. North.

DEoEiiDBm,v. TodegtMnt*.

DsoENntouB, m^. Degenei

Dbgo, 9. To shake. West.

DBOOY,«t{f. Drizily ; foggy.

Dbohghe, v. To die.

Deoisbd, part. p. {A-N.]


Dbolubino. {Lat.) Skiani

Now enter his taxing and t

face, a sqaeesinK look, like

Yespaaianoa, a» if ne Were hret*

a dose-atooL CUaoeland's Poci

Dkqovtkd, part.p. {A.-N.)


Deorbb, t. (A.-N.) A staii

of steps.

Dbhort, t^. {Lat.) To dissi

DEiv,part.p. Dyed.

Deiden, jPftf^ i.pL {A.'S.)

Deie, v. {A.-S.) (1) To die

(2) To put to death.

Deignovsb, at(f. {A.'N.) I


Dbinb, 9. To deign.

Dbintee, t. {A.'N.) A ]

thing ; value.

Dbinteous, adf. {A,»N.) i

Deirie, t. A dairy.

Deis, a. The chief table ii

or the raised part of the

which it stood. Frope

canopy over the high ub

Deject, (1) •. {Lat.)


{2) part. p. Dejected. S

Dbke-holl, t. A dry ditcl

DEKErTH, t. Decrease.

Dekkb, a. {A.'S.) A deacc

Dei^ t. {A^S.) (1) A part,


(2) The deviL

Delacbratb, 9. {Lat.) To


The fierce Medea did dflaetf

Aksyrtna tender menil»crs.

Tke Cyprian Jaidi

DsLARBft. An almsgiver. F

Delate. (£«/.) To accuse;

plain of.

Delation, t. (1) Delay.

(2) An accuaation. Shakt

d by Google




DitAT,(l)9. Tvallaymetall^ftc.;

to mix with.

(2) •. (ji.'N.) Amy ; ceremony.

(3) 9. To a»o«ge.

DsLATNB, •. (J.'N.) To deliy.

DsLB.v. (l)(itf.-5.) To share; to


(2) To bestow; to ptrtake.

Dblbctation, t. (la*-) Delight.

J>KLE-m:tM,9. Aford{;iiwine,Mid

to be Rhenish.

Pn^, 1 t. (from A.'S. delfmm, to

ssLrr, Vdig.; A quarry, ditch,

DKLYB, J or drnnnel.

Bifere fbmt llowiag cbtnaeli Mre detected

8o«e letter dtlftt, the foontain^i bottom


Dnv oQt the bu^ ttrenii the iliiriBlt

nAdjiBf. FUieh., PmrpU UL, ui» a.

There be tito tyringes, L «., eerUine

flgtokoi oooket nader the ground, aad

fUl of vindtnga ; which, bj report, the

ikilfBl! profesion of old ntea MTin^ a

Ibre-kBovledge of a dehig;e, and feanng

kaat the memorie of their ceremoniet

■jkoald be quite abolished, built in divert

plkcet irithin, digeated orderly by en-

rioot aad laborioua idfet: and Upon

Hie wait, hewed out of the very rodcet.

eocT«vea many kindt of fowlet and

wiU beaatt, yea, and infinite formea of

ether liring crtttarei; which being

not nndentood of the Latinet, they

eaOed hiaogiyphicke lettert.

Anmitauu MareOKmu, 1809.

Dx|.F.CA8K, •. Shelves for crockery.


Dblft. t. A sptde deep. ** I mean

to dig a delfl lower." Leie.

DsLFvixxcHi, ad9, iA,'S.) Dole-


DU.PTK, t. A dolphin.

DxLiBATE, V. {Lai,) To taste.

DsLiBXKB, V. (A.'N,) To delibe-


Dklicacib, t. (^.-^.) Pleasure.

Delicates, t. Delicacies.

DKLicica, t. {A,'N,) Pleasures;

delights ; delicacies.

pBLicT, 9, {A,'N,) An offence.

Hvnk, adj, iA.'N.) Thin ; slender.

DBLiUNt, aJF. (£a/.) Doating.

^Sireatii^^^ not shepheazds hum-


Age makes nlly twainea JsUremi,

Thirat of mica prres great men itnmble.

EngUaWM StUeon, 1614.

Dblightsoms, adj. Delightful.

Dblit, t. (A,-N.) Delight.

Dklitablk, adj. Delightful.

DsLiTBif, V. (A,'N.) To delight.

Dblitous, adj. (A.-N.) Delightful.

Dblitbr, (A.'N.)(\) a4j. Active;

nimble. Dc^fm^fs, agility. />«-

lioerfy, nimbly, adroitly. Deli*

v€iy, activity.

8wim with your bodict.

And carry it sweetly and deliwrUt.

But the duke had the neater limbt, and

freer 4*li»€ry. Wottom,

And thoae hafe dartet and ahorte

bowea ; whiche lorte of people be bothe

hardy and delvMr to aerche woddea or

marenet, fai tne whiche they be harde

to be beaten. StaU Ptp4n, iii, 444.

(2) t^. To despatch any business.

Dklitbbino, t. Division, in music.

Dblk, «. A small cavity. Eait

Dili., a. An old cant term, for a

girl not yet debauched.

Dbu.bct,«. Break of day. Craven.

Dbllfik, t. A low place, over-

grown with underwood. Gloue.

Dblph, t. A catch-water drain.


Dblutt, t. (Lot') A deluge.

Dblvb, (1) V, (A.'S.) To dig; to


(2) 9. A devil, or monster.

(3) «. To indent, or braise. Norih.

Delvbb, 9, (A,'S.) A digger.

Dblvol, a4r. (A.'S.) Doleful.

Dblybb, v. (A,'N.) To retard.

Dem. Touslut! JErmoor.

Demaine, v. (A.'N.) To manage.

Demandant, a. A plaintiff.

Dbmandb, a. A question ; a riddle.

Demath. See Day9'math.

Dxmate, V, {A.-N.) To dismay.

Dematnes, a. {A.'N.) Demesnes.

Dsifx, V, {A.'S.) To judge.

Demean, (1) v. {A.-N.) To be-

have; to direct. Demeoiitfr, a

I conductor.

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(2) t. Behavioar.

Dbmbans, t. Means.

Dbmembrb, «.(/>.) To dismember

Dembnct, 9. (Lat.) Madness.

Dbmbmb, v. {J,'N.) To manage.

Demening, behaviour.

Dbmbnted, a^, {La^-) Mad.

Dbmbr, t. (A.'S.) a judge.

Dembrb, I (1) V. (^..iV:) To

DBifOERB, J tarry.

(2) #. Delay.

Dbiibrits, 9. Merits. Shaietp.

Dbmi-culterin, «. A cannon of

four inches bore.

Dbmigbbtnb, t. (A.'N.) The me-


And where ve declare by yonr seid

letters, that the lame erle ehalde have

one cannon, withrache other mnnityon

aa moaght here be sparred; there ii

here no cannon, bat one demy>cannon,

whirli we will sende with hTni, and one

■acre, and ^. fawcous, with ehott and

powdre, and fiftie dtmUUike*.

StaU Papert, iii, 686.

Dbmilancb, t. {Fr,) A light horse-

man carrying a lance.

Dbm-in, v. To collect, as clouds

do. North.

Dbmino, 9. {A.'S.) Judgment.

Dbmirbp, 9. A woman of loose


Dbm 188, adj. {Lat.) Humble.

Dbm ONSTBR, 9. (Lot.) To show.

Dbmorance, ff. (A.'N.) Delay.

Dbmplb, v. To wrangle.

DeiiptioNiS. " Colysion, abjection,

contraction, or denqttitm of a

vowel, as this, thayre for the ayre,

thadvice, for the advice. Sympho*

netit." Huioet.

Dbmbtbr, 9. A judge.

Demurs, v. To look demurely.

Dbmtcbnt, t. The metal part of a

girdle in front.

Dbmtb, 9. A kind of close jacket.

Dbn, (1) a. A grave.

(2) 9. A sandy tract near the sea.

(3) "Good den," good evening.

Dbnay, (1) v. To deny.

A Tillabe, wens thn he that a


His maiater, for God'i ion, he ne'er

Bat did confesae him Joit and inn

Bowlanit, K%. pfSp. ^ L

(2) 9. DeniaL

Dbncb, a^. Dainty. North

Dbnb, t. (1) A valley. Nori

(2) A din. Ea9t.

(3) (A.'N.) A dean.

Dbnbrb, 9. (Fr.) A penny.

Dbnob, v. To ding down.

Denial, s. Injury; dra'


Denk, v. To think.

Dbnmb,9. To din; to makes

Dbnnt, 9. A plum which wi

on the 6th of August

Dbnominatb, part. p.


Dbnotatb, 9. (Lat.) To den

Dbnsherino, (from Denshi

Devonshire was formerly c

See Bum-beking.

Dbnt, ( I) #. A blow, as a <


(2) V. The worst of any


(S) part. p. Indented. Na

Dbntbthus, 9. Dainties.

Dbntib, a4;. Scarce.

Dbntor, t. An indenture.

Dbntt, adj. Tolerable; fine. I

Dbsudb, v. (A.'N.) To uj

knot ; to disengage.

Dbnul, v. To annuJ.

Dbnt, v. To refuse ; to rcjed

Dbnttb, v. To deny.

D^oh, 9. {A.'S.) Dole; grief.

fid, doleful.

Dborkhbdb, t. (A.-S.) Dark

Dbfardus. Anoath,^e/Nir

Depart, ©. (1) (irf.-^:) To <

bute ; to divide ; to separati

partable, divisible.

Big^t worshipful, onderstandin

like Sdlirns the Scythians fkgc

are all so tied togither with the bit

bond of amitie, that no diriaioa

sention can dMmrt yoo.

Lodigt, WUtMUtrit,

(2) To disband « body of p<

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refiner of meUli.

To pasture.

:]u, and promontoriet

pasture flocks of »hccp.

wen's Efigramtt 1677.

'.) To despatch.

r.-iV.) To paint.

oa a wall

many a farrc yroaffe,

it as they were of age,

hev were true.

iqaies Temftls ofGUu.

.) To drive away.


istt for the subject

likely to end in a

V of dependencieM

, who undertook to

rounds of a quarrel.

1 roost proper and suffl-

e, warranted by the

?Mry M. in hit H., i. 5.

four hi^h offers,

ters of dfpendende*,

ling diifereaccs 'tween

ecfssities, with me


'he nets used by the

srring busses were

;adths of six feet.

r depth was obtained

together successive

I each breadth was


{A.-S,) Deeply.


^.-5.) Deeper.

0 traduce.

ilh thee: nay, I cannot

ast : for. thon hast mirth

st I should thee deprave.

X, Scourge of Folly, l^^'^-

\A.'N.) To prcM

1 purify.

p. Deputed.

Igt,) Tocmih.

Di»ACiifATi,©.(Ia/.) To root up.

Dbraini, v. To quarrel; to con-

test. See Darraigne,

Dekaye, {I) 9, (A.-N.) Confusion;


(2) r. To act as a madman.

Derb, (1) V. {A,'S.) To injure.

(2) V, To hurry, or frighten a

child. Esmoor,

(3) «. {A.'S.) Wild animals.

" Rattes and myse and such smal

dere," BevU of Hampton,

But mice and rata, and Buch small d^er,

Have been Tom's food for seven long year.

Shakesjf., Lear, m, 4.

(4) adj, {A.'S.) Dear; precious.

'5) adj. Noble ; honorable.

^6) V. To dare.

^7) *. Dearth.

(8) adj. Dire ; sad. Eait.

Debeigne, V, (A.'N.) To justify ?

to prove.

Debeliche, adv. Joyfully.

Dbrelino, «. {A.'S.) Darling.

Dbrblt, adv. Direly ; extremely.


Derbnes. ». {A.'S.) Attachment.

Dbreworthb, adj. {A.-S.) Pre-

cious; honorabie. Derworthy-

nette, honour.

Dereyne, (I) s. {^.'N.) Agree-

ment ; arbitration.

(2) V. To derange, or disorder.

DERrs, 04;. Strong; fierce. Morte


Deroy, adj. Short and thick-set.


Derivatb, v. {Lat.) " Derivate, as

to take from one, and lay it to

anothers charge. Derivo." Hu-

loet. . ^

DERK.arfj. {A.'S.) Dark. Derihede,


Derl, v. To scold. Yorksh.

DBRLiLY,aJt;.(^.-5.) Dearly.

Derne, (1) adj. {A.'S.) Secret.

Demelike, secretly.

Who, wounded with report of beauties

Unable'to Witraine his itow desire.


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(2)v. To hide; to tknlk.



Bat look how toon they heard of Holo-


Their courage qnaU'd, and they began to

denu. Hudson, in jBngL Fam.

Dbrnxrb, •. A threshold.

DsRNFUL,a4/' Dismal; sad. ^ent.

Dbrnlt, adv. Mournfully; severely.


Dbrogatk, part. p. Degraded.

Dbbot, #. (1) (fr.) A sort of doth.

(2) A company. North.

Derrb, a4;' {J.-S.) Dearer.

Derrest, atf;. Noblest. Gawayne.

Derrick, •. (1 ) A spar arranged to

form an extempore crane.

(2) {A.-S. dweorff.) A fairy, or

pixy. Devon.

Derring-do, 9. Warlike enteiprise

(daring deed). Derring^doers,


fiat erer, who in dtrring-io were dread.

The lofty verse of hem was loved aye.

Sp»n»., Sk^. Kal„ S^t., ^.

Dbrsb, (1) 9. Havock.

(2) 9. To dirty ; to spread dung.

(3) V. To cleanse ; to beat. Cra-


Dbrthynb,9. To make dear. Pr.P.

Dbrtre, 9. (A.'N.) A tetter.

Dbrye, 9. {A.-S.) Hurt ; harm.

Descant, 9. Variation in music.

Descensorib, 9. A vessel used in

alchemy to extract oils.

Dbsces, 9. Decease ; death.

Descbytancb, 9. (A.'N.) Deceit.

Descharge, 9. To deprive of a


Dbscide, v. {Lat.) To cut in two.

Desclaunder, 9. Blame.

Dbscrie, v. To give notice of; to


Descrivb, v. {A.'N.) To describe.

Dbscure, 1 ». {A.'N.) To dis-

DE8CU VER, J cover.

Dbsesperaunce, 9. (A.'N.) De-


Deserib, v. (fV*.) To disviberit

DsaBRVE, V. To earn.

Dbsbsb, t. (A.'N.) Ineonveii

Desevy, v. {A.*N.) To dece

Db6«bli, adv. (A.'N.) Seen

Desioert, •. (Lat.) Desire.

Desigbt, t. An unsightly (


Design, v. (Lat.) To point <

Desire, v. To invite.

Desireb, adj. (A-N.) Desir

Dbsiritb, /?ar/. 0. (^.-M) R

JDlEaiROUs, adj. (A.-N.) Eaf

Dbslatie, adj. (A.-N.) Imp

Deslatb, •. (A.'N.) To dci


Dbsparple, v. To disperse.

Despbbd, v. To despatch.

Dbspendb, v. To consume.

Desfens, 9, (A.'N.) Expeni

Debpbrate, adv. Very ; gre

Despitb, 9. (A.'N.) Malice ;

De9pitou9t very angry.

Despoilb, v. (A.'N.) To um

Dbsb, v. (1) To lay careful

gether. Ctanb.

(2) To cut hay from a


Dessable, adv. Constantly. J

Desse, 9. A desk.

Dbssment, #. Stagnation, h

De8sorr£. See Blanc.

Dbut, pret. t. Didst Rod. C

Dbstaunce, 9. (A.'N.) Prid(


DES'n, part. p. Dashed.

DE8TEiGNED,/7ar/.p. Staiuei


Dbstbnb, \9. (A.'S.)


Destinablk, o^'. (laM D«

Dbstinatb, v. (Lat.) To d«

Destituable, a4/. (/V.) Des

Dbstour, t. (A.'N.) A di


Db8tr£, t. (A.'N.) A tumin

Dbstrbine, v. (A.'N.) Tc

strain ; to vex.

Destrerb, 9. (A.'N.) A


Destruib, v. (A.'N.) To dei

Dbstbynob, v. To divide.

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D, m^. Dcttitnte; waating.

Duum, 04^. (£a/.) Oat of use.

DuoHB, «. (L&iJ) To take Mrty.

DnwAUiK, Mfo. DoabUeMlj.

Detagts, 9. To boekbite.

DmcT, 9. To Aoenae. ^Adle^p.

DRiEifiKAT.^ar/./. (LMi.) Filed.

I^RUuciNs, •. (lol.) To termi-


I>RBEif istiON , «. Deienm&atkMi ;

liiittnctioB. CAmmt.

Dristant, t. One who detetto ;

t tenn used by Bishop Aadrews,

temp. Jac. I.

DiTRB, «4r. DmI. See 2)«a^A.

I^HWAKo, t. The tpproech of


Drbact, •. (£a/.) To avoid.

DaraAX, o. (La/.) Tothrattdown.

I^nrniMKirr, t. A mall sam of

noney paid aanoally by barristers

for the repairs of their ians of


I>»rT»,t.(^.-M> A debt.

I>ivcB. «. The deviL Vm'. dial

JhftM, Tery, moch.

I^iUK, V. To bend down. Bt^f*

^iiLK, t. The devil.

Dkus, «f>. {A,'N.) Sweet

DtosAw, «. A sort of apple ; aay

bard fruit.

I^osEWTNs,«. Twopence. Ihkktr,

I)>in«ET, It. A plant hafing the

i»EWTRT, J same quality as night-


Oh ladiet. Imtc jktf m me, I beUere

*M&« rogue, that bad a miad to marrr

ne, pive me deutny laat night, and I

vu dugnii'd and lost the key too, and

"T lady haa diaeharged me, to beg in

■y old age.

SkadmtO, Tim Seownn, 1691.

l)siiTTaAiJNS, t. Some kind of

^IdbeasU. K.Aluamuitr,bi\6.

J«VALD, t». To cease. North,

WAMT,t. (^.) An apron.

^*va, V. To dive ; to dip. Ea$t

^svBLwcjMrl.a. Throwingdffwn.

DavtLop, V. (Fir.) To envelop.

Dsviai, ,. (^..jV.) Daty;endea-

DiTiAUKTi^erf. a. Defiatiag.

DiTica, 8. Any piece of machinery

moved by wires or pulleys.

DxTiL, «. In ike de9ii way, L e.,

in the name of the devil. The

devU ridei oa a fiddleeiieky a

phrase to express something un-

expected and strange. Skakeep.

The devii and aU todo^h great


Deviling, t. The swift. Vmr, d,

DaviLMKNT, t. Mischief. North.

Dbtil's-bbo-fost, t. The four of


DsTiL's-Brr, «. The fco^^ota eue^


Dbvil'b-bonrb, 9. Dice. Dekker.

DaTiL's-coACHHORSEyl «. Au in*

dbyil's-racehorsb, J tect, the

ocjfjrtu olene of Lin.

Dbyil's-cow, «. A kind of beetle.


Devtl*8CB££cheb, «. The swift.


Dbvil's-dancino-boub, t. Mid-

nigbt» in allusion to the sabbaths

of the witches.

Dbtil's-duno, s. Auafoetida.

Dbvil's-ogld-rino, «. A palmer

worm. North.

Canker-worm which creapeth most

ooinonly on eolewortrt, aome do call

them the dofyls-goldrynge, and aome the

oolawort wormc. Eruca. Buloet.

Dbtil's-mint, t. An inexhanstible


Bbvil's-nebdlb, «. The large

dragon fly.

Devil's-pater-nosteb. Toeay the

devil'e pater-notter, to grumble.

DBViL's-BNurF-BOZ, 9. The puff-


Deviltry, t. Anything unlucky

or hurtful. Eaet,

Dbvinal, t. A wizard.

Dbvinbresse, «. A propheteas ; a


Dbvino-pond, t. A pond from

which water is drawn by dipping

a pail. Eaet,

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DsYiNiNG, t. {A,'N,) Divination.

Dbvisx, ». {A.'N.) (1) To direct;

to order ; to relate.

(2) To get knowledge of; to espy.

(3) At point devite (a French

phrase), with the atmott ex-


D^yoiDB, V, (A.-N.) (1) To re-


(2) To avoid, or shun.

Dkyoir, 9, {A.-K) Duty.

Than the nide fir Raof Grey deperted

from the taide heroud, ant put hym in

devoUr to make deffence.

31S. CM. Arm., L ix.

Devolutsd, part. p. (Lat.) Rolled


DivoTERXR, t. (A.-N.) An adul-


DxTOTioN, 9. A thing consecrated.

DxyouKBfV. To deflower, or ravish.

DsvouTBifENT, adv. {A.'N,) De-


Dsvow.o. (l)To disavow. Fletcher,

(2) To dedicate to.

Dktulsign, 9. A breaking up.

Dbw, V. To rain slightly.

Dbw-beatbrs, 9. Coarse oiled

shoes that resist the dew.

Dbwbbrry, 9. (A.-S.) (1) The

rubu9 ehanuBmortu, often con-

fused with the blackberry, but

its fruit is larger.

(2) The gooseberry. Var. d.

Dbw-bit, 9, A first meal in the

morning. We9t,

Dbw-dunk,1 «. The first allow.

dbw-cup, J ance of beer to har.

vest men. East.

Dew^, pret. t.oidaye. Dawned.

Dbwxn, v. (A.'S.) To deafen.

Dewing, #. The dew.

Dewlap, t. (1) A coarse woollen

stocking, buttoned over another

to keep the leg dry. Kent.

(2) The nymphs pudendi. See

Cotgrave, v. Landie.

Dewre, v. To endure. See Dure.

Dbw-bounds, •• The ring-walks

of deer.

Dewsiers, «. The valves of a ]

heart. West.

Dew-snail, t. A slug. North

Dewtrt. See Deutery,

Dexe, «i a desk.

Dextbrical, adj. Dexterous.

Dbt, 9. The servant who had

charge of the dairy. Dey-wi

dairy-woman. Palsgrave.

Detb, 9. {A.-S.) To die.

Deter, 9. (A.-S.) A dier.

Dbtkx, •. A hedge. Cumb.

Dbtl, s. a part. See Dele.

Deyled, adj. Careworn. Cim

Detnous, a^. (A.'N.) Disdai

Deynouthtfde, scornfulness. .

nyd, disdained.

Detrb, 9. (A.-S.) To injare.

Dbytron, 9. Daughters.

Desick, t. A day's work. Sus

Dezzed, part. p. Injured by (


Dejb, V. (A.'S.) To die.

Diablo, esel. (Span.) The de^

Dial, 9, A compass. Var. d.

Dialogue, 9. The eighth part

sheet of writing paper. Non

Diamer-window, 9. The proje<

window in a roof. Northamj

Diapbnidiox, t. (Gr.) An


Diaper, (1) v. (A.-N.) To c

rate with various colours ; tc


(2) 9. A rich figured cloth ;

a sort of printed linen.

DiB. (1) V. To dip.

(2) 9. A valley. North.

(3) 9. The cramp-bone. Dm

DiBBEN, «. A fillet of veal. Di

DiBBiTY, 9. A pancake. Var. (

Dibble, It. A setting stick.

oiBBBR, J dial

Dibble-oabble,«. Rubbish. Ni

DiBBLER, «. A pewter p


DiBLES, «. Difikulties. Easi

Dibs, t. (1) The small bones ii

knees of a sheep, uniting

bones above and below the j

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(2) A game pUved with theep



DiBSTONB,t. TosttBg pebUes. A

child's gi»f

DicACious, adj. {Lat) TaUutiYe.

DiCASB, t. A digger.

DiCB, «. A piece. Yoritk.

DicHB, •. (J^S.) To dig. lNeA«r,

a digger.

DicBT. See/»0rA/.

Dice, (1) •. A leather apron and

bib, worn by poor children in the


(2)0. To deck, or adorn. North.

(3)9. The bank of a ditch. Norf,

(4) «. A sort of hard cheese. Suf.

DicK-A-DiLVBRft. The poriwinkJc.


DiCKAsa,!. Ajadcoss. iVbrM.

DicK-A-TUSsDAT, t. A sott of hob-

gobtin. '*GhosU, hobgoblins, WiU

with a wisp, or iHcib-a. TWsd^."

The Vow^irtaMtr, 1656, ii, 1.

DicK-DAifiMPAAT, t. Threc-half-

DicKvr, t. The deril.

DiCKBB, (perhaps from Lot, decM,)

The quantity of ten, of any com-

modity ; as a dicker of hides.

BehoU, Mid Pts, s vhole ^hr of wH.

Pemir. Are., p. S9S.

DiCK-HOi.1*, t. A ditch. Norf.

DicK.poT, «. A brown earthen pot,

sometimes pierced with holes,

and filled with bright coals or

wood embers, placed by women

under their petticoats tokeeptkeir

feet and legs warm. Northampt.

Dicrr, t. (1) A common leather


(2) A woman's nnder-petticoat.

(3) The top of a hill. WetL

(4) A donkey.

(5) // 4$ att dieieywith Ann, it is

all over with him. See Dieken.

DiCKT-BiBD, «. A louse.

DiCT, •. (Lut) A saying.

DicTiTATB, •• {Lat.) To speak


DicTouR, f. (j4,'N.) a judge.

Did, 9, To hide. Crmpen.

DiDAL, (I) #. A trianguUur spade.


(2) V. To dean a ditch or riYcr.

DiDAPPBR, 9. The little diver.

^mn"n^}'Acow'steat. r«..d.


DiDDBR, V, To shiver. North.

DiDDLB, (I) ». To cajole.

(2) ». To dawdle. East.

(3) 0. To hum a tune. Xorih.

(4) «. A contrivance for taking

salmon. Wegt.

DiDDLBCoMB. Sorely Texcd. H>«/.

DiDDLBfl,«. (1) Young ducks. E(ut.

(2) Sucking pig«. Sorthampt,

DiDBN, pret, t. pL of do.

Dido, «. A trick, or trifle.

DiBRB, s. (A,-S.) A wild beast.

DiBRN, a4f. Severe ; stem. West.

DiBT, 8. To take diet, to be put

under a regimen for the lue$


DiBT, 1 1. (^..iV.) Daily food.

DiBTB, j Diet-bread, a daily allow,

ance of bread. Diet^houee, a

boarding house.

DiFFADB, 9. {J.'N.) To damage,

or destroy.

DiFFAME, (1) t. {A.'N.) Bad repu-


^2) 9. To disgrace.

(3) 9. To spread abroad the fame

of any one.

DiFFiBULATB, v. (Lat.) To un-


DiFFiciLB, adj. (A.-N.) Difficult.

DiFFiciLiTATB, 9. {Loi.) To make


Difficult, a4/< Peevish; fretful.


DiFFiDE, 9, (Lai-) To distrust.

DiFFiouRB, 9. (Fr.) To disfigure.

DiFFiND, 9. {Lat.) To deave.

DiFFiNB, 9. (A.-N.) To determine.

DiFFiNisH, 9. To define.

DiFFODBD, /Mr/. /?. Digged.

DiFFUoous, a^. (J^') Plying di-

vers ways.

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DirrusE, adj. Difficult.

Diffused, a4^'. Wild; irregular;

confuted ; negligently dressed.

Diftuedlyt irregularly.

Think apon love, which makes all creatures


Seemly for c^e-ught ; go not lo diffuseHy,

There are great ladies purpose, iir, to visit

you. B. /• H.t Nice Valour^ act iii.

Dig, (1) 9, A duck. Cheth. Dig-

bridj a young duck. Lane.

C2) «. A mattock, or spade.


(3) V. To bury in the ground.

(4) 9. To spur ; to stab.

(5) 9. To munch.

Di GO ABLE, a4f. Capable of being


Digging, #. A spit in depth. North.

Diggings, «. Proceedings. Devon.

DiGHLE, adj. (A.'S.) Secret.

DiGHT, V. (1) {A,-S.) To dispose ;

to array.

Now wote we thanne itonde

To fijte ;

The feend. that flesche, and eke the woidle,

A^eins out beth i-dixte.

William de SKorekam.

(2) To ordain.

In water ich wel the cristny her,

Afl Gode himself hvt di'^te.

WiUiam d€ Shoniam.

(3) To deck, dress, or prepare ;

to put on.

Soon after them, all dauncing in a row.

The comely virgins came, with nrlands

diffkt. Spens., F. Q., I, xii, «.

But ere he could his armour on him diaht.

Or get his shield. li., I, vii, 8.

(4) To prepare, or clean. North.

(5) To foul, or dirty. Bay,

DiGUTiNos, $. Deckings.

DiGNE. adj. (A.'N.) (1) Worthy.

Digneliehe, deservedly.

(2) Proud ; disdainful.

DiGNosTiCK, #. (Crr.) Au indica-


D I GRAVE. See Dike-me.

Digress, v. To deviate.

Dike, (1) *. {A..S.) A ditch.

(2) V. {a.'S.) To dig; to make

ditches. JHker, a he


(3) 9. A crack or bre

strata of rock.

(4) t. A small pond, (


(5) 9. A dry hedge. Cw,

DiEE.cAM,«. A ditch bank

DlKB-REYE, 1 «. An offi<

DiORATE, J superiutendi

dikes and drains in man

DiKBsif owLER, «. Thehe^


DiKE-sTouR, a. A bed]


DiLANIATE, V. {Lat.) To


Dilatory, a. {Lat.) A de

DiLDE, V. (A.-N.) To prot

DiLDOB, 9. Mentula factit

grave in Godemiehe.

DiLDRAMS, a. Improbab


DiLE, a. The devil.

DiLECTioN, a. {Lat.) Lot<

Dill, a. (1) Hedge parsl<


(2) Two-seeded tare, d

(3) A cant word for i


DiLLAR, 9. The shaft-horsi

DiLLE, (1) V. To soothe;

(2) V. To dull, or pre

(3) a^j. Dull; foolish.

DiLLED,^ar/.p. Complete!

DiLLiNG, 9. A darling, or i

the youngest of a brood,

Whilst the birds billing

Each one with his ^lh\

The thickeU still filling

With amorous notes.

Drayt., ^J

Of such account were— Tit

human! generis, and, which

Victor hath of Vespasian, the

his time, as Edgar Etheling w

land, for his excellent virtuei

Bmrkm't Am

Dills, a. The paps of a so

DiLLY, 9. (1) A small pu






i light ctrt, formed

placed on an azle-

selt. Somenet.

played with pieces of

he plant cidammm,

op up. North.

Bleanse ore. Comw,

f. Tired; confosed;

wouM. Etui.

I Dimness.

Pretty. Wore.


A.-S.) Dimness.

iOtJ) To diminish.

K {Lai.) Imperfect.

^.-&) (1) Dark,

to understand.

irUight. Devon,

d,'S,) The dawn of

imple. Norihampt.

rilight. Somenet,

Neat; smart North-

large piece of stag-


«af . Somertei.

. A dung-fork. Gloue,

Thunder. Exmoor,


be popular name for

tman coins found at


To tremble, or shake,

igger. North.


[>wthistle. Norf.


en an otter-hound for a

ale-hooM-keeper: and

unreaaonably from hit

>r ; and yet he may seeme

noit, for he hearkens


uyt and Ckaracten, 1616.

To Strike Tiolentiy


ma nohle Idnc,

word brandiamng,

"rencb hott did Smg.

Drayt,, BaUU ofJgme,

r2) To bluster. Wore.

f 3) To reprove. fFett.

(4) To surpass. Cheth.

(5) To reiterate, or importune.


(6) To ding on tho wm^ to Unnt.


DiNO-DiNo, t. An old term of


DiNO-DONO, adv. In good earnest.

DlNO-D088EL,t. Adung-pot.i)tfooii.

DiNODOULsas, t. Finery in dress.


DiNO-Fuz,t. A pet; anger. North,


Dinghy, «. A jolly-boat. North.

Dinging, ». {A,'S.) A blow.

DiNGLB, (1) r. To drizzle. " Dew it

rain? No— ta ded dingle just

now." Noff.

(2) On the dxngUt on trust.


DiNGNKR, adj. More worthy.

DiNG-THRiFT, «. A Spendthrift.

Dingy, a^. Foul ; dirty. Somerset,

Din MAN, 9, A two-year sheep.


DiNNEL, V. To Stagger ; to tingle

from cold, &c. North.

DiNNiCK, <. The Devonshire name

of a small bird said to follow and

feed the cuckoo.

DiN8PicK,«. A three-pronged fork.


Dint, #. {A.-S,) A stroke.

DiNTLE, (I) r. To indent. North.

(2) t. An inferior sort of leather.

DiOL, 9. (A.'S.) Dole.

Dip, (1) v. To go downward, as a

vein of minersl

(2) 9. Butter, sugar, or any sauce

eaten with pudding. North.

h) 9. Salt. Dor9et.

{4) a€[;\ Cunning; deep. Weet.

DiPLOis, 9. {Chr.) A cloak.

Dipper, (1) «. A bird, the eineha


(2) adj. Deeper.

Dippings, «. The grease, &c., col-

lected by the cook.

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DiPPiN-NBT, 9. A small nti ttttcbed

to two round sticks for sides, and

a long pole for a handle, used for

dipping salmon and some other

fish, as the shad, out of the wa-

ter. Somenet,

Djptativb, 8. A term in alchemy.

DiRD, ff. Thread. Somertet,

DiRDAM, «. An uproar.

DiRBMPT, /;ar/. />. Divided.

DiROs-ALE, M, A funeral wake.

DiRiTT, 9, (Lat,) Direness.

Dirk, v. To darken.

DiRKB, V. To injure. Spenter.

Dirl, (1) V. To move quickly.

Yorksh. Dtr^, an active person.

(2) V. To shudder.

(3) t, A thrill of pidn. North,

DiRSH, #. A thrush. Somertet.

Dirt, #. Rain. North,

DiRT-BiRD, 9, The woodpecker.


DiRTEN, a^. Made of dirt. W99t.

DiRTMBNT, 9, Rubbish. North,

DiRT.piBs, 9, Earth made into


I will learn to ride, fence, vault, and

make fortifications in dirl-pyes.

Otway, Th«Alkast,\eM.

DiRT-wrvEis «. The chenopodhkm

viridet Lin.

DiRUTBR, 9, (Lai,) A destroyer.

DiSABLB, (1) V, To disparage.

(2) adj. Unable.

DiSAOTLY, adtf. Exactly. Lane.

DiBADBiOKisH, V, To dlssuade.

Disaffirm, t. To deny.

Disallow, v', (A.-N.) To dis-


Disannul, v. To contradict; to

dispossess ; to remove ; to ii^ore;

to inconvenience. Var, dial,

DiSAPPoiNTBD,/Mir/.j>. Unarmed.

DiSAR, It. An actor. Generally

DiSARO, J appKed to the clown.

" A dizzard or common vice and

jester oounterfetting the gestures

of any man, and moving his

body as him list." Nomm-

elator. '^ Ditortf in an en

Pantomimu9.** Huhet,

DlSARRAT, #. (A.'N.) Dii

Di8ATAiL,t;. To prejudice

in the world.

DiSATAUNCE, V, (A.'N.) "




DlSBBAUTlFT, V. To dcfi


DiSBLAlfK, V. (A.'N.) 1

from blame.

DiscANDT,t;. To dissolve. <

Discard, v. To put one

cards out of the pack.

DiscASB, V, To undress.


DiscHArrE, •. (A.'N.) Ai


reckoning. *

Jacke seeing he uo more wooli

Unto his maister went,

And told him there was onewi

That had much victualls spent

And would not see the house o

Rowland*^ Kmc94 of C

DiscBBNBLT, ode, {A,'l


Disciple, v. To discipline

Discipline, t. Church i


Disclaundbrbr, t. A <

ator. ** To stone hym(S

to deth as for a dyssdau

The FestyvaU, fol. Ixx.

Disclose, v. To hatch.

Discoloured, at(i* Varie]

Discomfort, (1) •• (^.-A


(2) V, To disoourage.


one. Ea9t,

DiscoMMODiTT, t. Incouv

To seeke his own eommoditie

the iumwimoiitit of another?




Discordablb, a^, Disagi





[A,'N.) To disagree.

I) •. Reason.

I To run about.

'A,'N,) To uncover.

(A.-N,) To decrease.

(^.-JV.) To describe.

d.'N.) To describe.

. To descry ; to u^

I) To discover.

.ji. (1) Determined.

To put flax on a dis-

V. To trouble, or

r. {A.'N.) To dis.

luadicnfts beson f

Dfe men of reli^oD f

ntick heads, which pUe'd

gape and disiwtioffnt a

B the Cammons House

low both are gotten in.

JkmtUnd's Poems, 1661.

f. {A.'S,) Unfor-

(1) ». (^..M) To


Lat) Eloquent.

s,#. (A.'N.) Despair.

Afv. {A,-N,) De-

1) t. (A.^N.) De-

are a peacock,

'o digest.

To degrade.

Afp. (Lat.) De-

, pert, p, Discom-

To dress up in mas-

Htffuiting, a sort of


To remove from its

Diskabitedf uninha-

DiSRABrr, 9.



Dish AUNT, o. To leave.

Dish BILLS, «. Disorder. Kent.

DisH-CRADLB, t. A Fack for dishes.


Di^BUDf part, p. Ruined.

DisHBL, 9, Eggs, grated bread,

saffron, and sage, boiled to-


DisHBLB, 9. {A.'N.) Unhappiness.

DiSHBB, 9. A maker of dishes.

DiSHBRiTEBON, 9, (A,-N,) Disin-


Dish. FACED, aiff, Hollow-faced.


DiSH-MBAT, 9, Spoon-meat. Kent.

Dishonest, v. To vilify.

Dishwasher, ». (I) A scullery


(2) The water-wagtail.

DisioB, a€l;. Foolish. Veretegan,

DinJzcTED, part. p. (Lat.) Scat-


Disjoint, s. (A.-N.) A difllcult


DisLBAL, adj. Disloyal. Speneer.

Dislike, v. To displease.

DisLiMN, V. (Lat.) To obliterate.

Dl8LOIGNED,/Mir^ J9. (i^..jV.) Sc-


Disloyal, at^. Unchaste.

DiSMALE, 9. (A.'N.) Ruin; de-


Dismals, 9. Melancholy feelings.

DiSMB, 9. (A.-N.) A tenth; a tithe.

DisMBMBRB, V. (A.-N.) To viUfy.

DisNATURBD, <u(f. Deprived of

natural affection.

I am not lo disnaiured a man.

Or M) ill borne to disesteem her lore.

DmutTs ffymtn*s Tnumpk, Works, 6 g 8.

DisoBEisANT, part, a, (A.^N.)


Disoblige, v. (1) To stain. Ea9t.

(2) To incommode; to rumple,

or soil. Northam.pt.

DisoRDEiNED, ot^. (A.-N.) Dis-


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DisoRDiNATB. {!) (LaL) Dis-


(2) Excessive ; illegal. Ditordi-

nauneef irregularity.

For the wbiche the pcple of the londe

were gretely diiplesyd ; and erere after-

warde the eric of Worcestrc wa« gretely

behatede emonge the peplc, for ther

dysordinaU dcthe that he used, con-

trarre to the lawe of the londe.

Warkworth't CkromeU,

D18OUR, t. (1) {^.'N.) A teUer

of tales.

(2) {A,'N.) A player at dice.

DisPACAKLKD,/»aW./». Scattered.

D18PAB, (1) {Lat.) Unequal.

(2) A share. North.

D18PARABLE, t. Unequalled.

DisPABAOB, (1) #. A disparage-


(2) r. {J.'N.) To disable.

D18PARCLB, ^v. To disperse, or

DI8PBBC LB, J scatter.

Then all his (Darius) men for fcare du-

parcled, Brcnd^i Quinttu CurttM.

The bmte of thif act incontinently was

disparkled almoat throughout the re-

gion of Italy. . .. 0 ,

Palaa ofPUuure, toI. u, S 1.

D18PARBNT, adj, {Lat,) Varie-


DisPARLB, r. To destroy.

DisPABPLB, 1 To disperse.


They leave tTaitcrously the flocke to the

wouife, to be duptrpUd abrode and

tome in piecet. ,« , . -* .

Erasmmi, 10 John, p. 16, h.

D18PART, (1) «. To divide.

(2) #. The peg at the mouth of a

piece for taking the level.

DisPBBD, r. To despatch.

DispENCB, #. {A.-N.) Expense.

Di8PBNDB,9. To expend; to waste.

Ditpendiotu, coitly. Dispendere,

a steward.

Di8PEBAUNCB,f.(i^..iV:) Dcspsir.

D18PITB, ». (A.'N.) To be angry,

or spiteful ; to defy,

Di8PiTou», «4/' {A.'N.) Exces-

sively angry.

D18PLAY, t>. To carve a ct

D18PLB, 9. To discipline.



DisPLESURB, 9. Todisples

DispoiNT, V. {A,-N,) '


DispoNB, V. (Lat.) To dis]

D18PON8ATK, adj. Set in 0

Disport, #. (^.-iV:) Sport

D1SPO8B, «. Disposal.

And, with repentant thoughts fo


BMts humbW at your majesty's

JFeakest goelh to tks Wi

D18PO8BD, adj. Inclined 1

and jesting.

L. TouVeiupoM

V. Yes, marry am I, widow.

Chi. Wondrous merry ladies.

Lue. The wenches are dispo^d;

your way, sir. B. ^ A, FaU

D18POURVBYBD, part. p.


D18PRBDDB, r. To spread

D18PREI8B, V. {A.-N.)


Di8PUNOB,9. To sprinkle.



D1SPUTE8OUM, 9, {A.-N.)


D18PYTB, t. Anger ; reven

DisauiBT, V. To disturb.

Amidst their cheare the solemn

centaures did disfueat ;

Whom by no meanes the nobli

patience might intreat.


D18RANK, ©. (i^.-AT.) To<

D18RAY, (1) t. (^.-iV.) C

(2) V. To put out of on

DiSRULiLT, adv. Irreguli

Di88AR,#. A scoffer; a f(

D18SBAT, V. To unseat.

D188BILB, 9. (>^.-A.) To I

D188BMBLABLB, 04^'. Unlil


D188BNTIBNT. {Lat.) Di«





adj. (A.-N.) De-

ar/, p. Published.

K To dissimolate.

To dissemble.

at.) To solve.


•.) The strangury.

) To discolour ; to


Fo calm, or pacify.

[A,-N,) Discord;

D insult.

ado. Immoderate.

as, «. Disorder.

idj. Intoxicated.

'A,-N.) To mix.

L-AT.) The descent

[/.) To distinguish.

(/v.) A comma.

Vr.) To distinguish.

rcss. North.

(A.-N.) To dis-

f. Detachments,

o strain; to catch;

trt.p. (A.-N.) Dis-

A.'N.) Distraction.

4.-N.) Strait.

'.'N.) To constrain.

'.-iV.) A superior


(Lat.) To dii-


V, {A,-N.) To dis-

turb; to trouble;

to dispute. Dittro-

ber. Pr,P,

v.) To overthrow,


CB, f. {A.-N.) A

(J,-N,) To turn

To disdose.

DisvoucH, V. To discredit.

D1SWOR8HIP, 9. Discredit.

DiT, V. (A.-S.) To stop up; to close.

Ditch, (1) #. A fence. North.

(2) ». To make a ditch.

(3) #. Grimy dirt.

(4) V. To stick to. Var. d.

DiTCH-RACK, «. A fence. North,

Dite, {l)v. {A.'N.) To dictate ; to

indite. Ditement,An indictment.

(2) V. To winnow.

(3) 8. {A.'N.) A saying ; a ditty.

Dither, (1) v. To tremble; to

shiver; to confuse.

(2) #. A bother.

DiTHiNG, «. A trembling motion

of the eye. Cheth.

DiTiNG, #. (1) {A.-N.) A saying,

or report.

(2) Whispering. North,

DiTioN, #. (Lat.) Power.

DiTLESA, *. A wooden stopper for

the mouth of an oven.

DiTOUR, f. {A.-N.) A tale-teller.

DiTT, #. A ditty. Spenser,

DiTTED, adj. (I) Begrimed. Line,

(2) Stopped or clogged with dirt.


DiTTEN, f . Mortar or clay to stop

up an oven.

DiTTER, «. A boy's game, called

also Toucb-and-Run.

DiTTLE, t. The block placed at

the mouth of a large old-fashioned

country oven.


formerly cried the daily papers

about the streets.

Div, V. To do. North.

Divaricate, v. (Lat.) To stride.

Dive-dapper, «. A small bird, cal-

led also a dabchick, or didapper.

This dandiprat, this dire-dnpprr.

MiddUtoH, Anc. Dr., 1?, p. 872.

Diver, t. A cant term for a pick-


DivBRB, 9. {Lat.) A proverb.

DivBRous, a^. (A,'N,) Wayward.

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BrvsRss, adj. Different.

DiVERSORY, «. (Lai.) An inn.

Divert, v. {Lot.) To turn aside.

DivERTiVE, adj. Amusing.

Pray, fonrard, sir, methinks 'tis vcrj-


Dutfey, Tk$ Ibnd Hu^and, 1686.

DivKgT, r. {A.'N.) To undress.

DiVKT, #. A turf, or sod. North,

DiviDABLK, adj. Divided ; distant.


DiviDANT, adj. Divisable. Shaketp,

Divide f v. To make divisions in


DiviLiN, f. A brick-kiln. Line,

DiviNACLE, 8, A riddle.

Divine, t. Divinity. DitnnUtre, a


DivisE, V, To divide.

Divulgate, v. To divulge.

After that thies newea afforeaaide wan

divulgate in the citie here.

LelUr temp. Hen. Fill in Rymer.

Diwt-duce, f . A dabchick. West,

DiCBN, V, To adorn in a conceited

manner. North,

DizzAROLY, adj. Foolish.

Do, (1) e. To cause. / do make, I

cause to make, or be made ; to do

one right, or reaeon, to pledge in

drinking ; to do for, to provide

for; to do for one, to ruin him;

to do to death, to do to die, to

kill or slay ; to do tn know, to

inform; to do out, to extin-

guish, or obliterate ; to do forth,

to proceed with \ to do on or off,

to put on or off.

(2) The part, p, of do,

(3) cot\^. Though ; then. Kent.

(4) f. Deed; contest.

(5) t. A fete, or entertainment.


DoAOE, €idj. Rather damp. Lane,

DoALD, adj. Fatigued. Craven,

DoAN.t. Wet, damp bread. Devon,

DoAND, part, a. {/I.-S.) Doing.

DoATFO, adj. Beginning to decay.


DoATTEE,9. To nod the head fi

sleepiness. E^nn.

Dobbin, t. (1) An old horse.

(2) Sea gravel and sand. Sum

DoBBLB, V, To daub. Eaet,

DoBBY, t. (1) A kind of spirit, 1

the browny. North,

(3) A fool.

DoBB, V, To dub.

'DoBY,v,{A.-N,) To beck.

DoccY, 9. A doxy. "No i

playe doeey.** Hyeke Seomer

DociBLE, adj. Docile. North,

DociTY, #. Docility. Gloue.

Dock, (1) v. To cut off. Var, d

(2)t. The fleshy part of a boi

chine; the stump of a bea

tail ; the broad nether end <

felled tree, or of any body.

(3) 8, The crupper of a sadi


(4) V, Futuere. A cant w

often used in old vmters.

(5) f. The common mallow.

(6) In doek otU nettle, a p

verbial phrase expressive of


DocKAN, f. The dock. North.

DocKERSR, t. Fur made of wei


Docket, t. (1) (A.-S,) A piece

(2) A woodman's bill. Ojrfof

DocKEY,t. A meal taken by fi

labourers about ten o'clock

the forenoon. Ea$t.

DocKSPiiTKR, f. A tool for c

ting down docks. Doreet.

DocKSY, f. Podex. East,

Doctorate, t. Doctorship.

DocTRiNABLB, odj, Contaio


If the question be for yoor own ate

learning, whether it be better to ha

•et down aa it thold be, or at it i

then certainly it more doetrituMt

faiaed Cyroa in Xenophon, than

true Cyrut in Juitin. Sidney pn Po

Doctrine, v. To teach.

Documentize. ». To oreach.

DoD, (1) V, To cat off ; to lop.

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tg of cloth. Cmmi,

i fox.tail rccd. North,

hell. SufoiJk,

bog, or quagmire,

f. Dodrfy, boggy.

A game played with

1 a bent itick, which

tied the doddart.

) V. To ahake, or


ant ; the woodbine.

. A pollard. Warw.

DICKIES,*. The heads

grass. North,

The fore-parts of a

jol. North,

I) To totter. North,

:; to trifle. Dee,

idj. Feeble. Suuex,

Small. Eatt,

t, A blockhead.

. A cunning trick. To


dlow in the track of


og; to incite. North,

rag on slowly. North,

uirrel's nest. South,

3aU lump of anything

hick. E(ut.

) A miser. Howell,

;-cap. Keni,

A blockhead.

sar, onr cnrnte it naiight,

I dodipoU, a lack-latin.

Xa^ifliCT-'i&m., 98,b.

i small Dutch coin,

lart of a atiyer.

Mpaat, all my wit is not

y# Mother Bombu, ii, 2.

L snail ; a snail-shell.

t has been said that

ifference between a

1 a Suffolk man is,

lis a snail dodman,


A liiUabr.

Live on little food.

DoBLB,f. Dole; grief. JheffiM


Doer, t . An agent ; a factor.

DoBRBODY, f. The body of a frock.

Doff, e. (1 ) To do off ; to undress.

(2) To remove ; to delay.

DoiTYR, #. A daughter.

Doo, (1) 9. To follow or dodge

one. " Folow the fote or steppes

of one, properly to doffge one.''


(2) $, A toaster made in the

shape of a dog. North,

(3) #. A small pitcher. Craven,

(4) #. A band of iron, employed

to fasten walls outside old houses,

support wood, &c.

Doo-BEB, «. A drone, or male bee.

DoGBOLT, f. (1) A term of re-


I'll not be made a prBv wnto the marahalJ,

Fur ne'er a snarling dog bolt of you both.


O yc dotjhoUt I

That fear no hril but Dunkirk.

Beaum.4-Fl., Bon. M. Fort., t,l.

DoqhoH I to blast the honour of my

mistress !

Skadwell, Amoroui Bigot ts, 160O.

(2) Refuse or fusty meal.

DoocHEAP, adj. Excessively cheap.

DoocoLB, «. The plant dogbane.

Doo-DAisY, #. The field daisy.


DoG-oRAVE, «. A kind of sea-fish.

DoG-FENNEL, t. Com camonule.


DooFLAWs, 9, Gusts of rage.

Dogged, adj. Very ; excessive.

DoGGENBL, t. An eagle. Citmb,

Dogger, t. A small fishing ship.

DoG-HANGiNG, f . A wcddiug feast,

where money used to be collected

for the bride.

DoGHooRs, f. Strong hooks for

separating iron boring rods.

DoGHY, adj. Dark; cloudy; re-

served. Cheeh,

Dog- KILLER, 9, This seems to

have been formerly a common

office iu the hot montha.

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Would take yon now the habit of a

porter, now of a carman, now of the

dog-HlUr, in this month of Auentt, and

in the winter of a seller of tinderboxes.

B. Jon., Bart. Fair, ii. 1.

And last, the dog-killers great gainei


For brarning brawling corrt, and foisting


These are the grare trades, that doe get

and sare.

Whose gravity brings many to their grare.

Taylor's Workes, 1680.

Doo-LATiN, «. Barbarous Latin.

Doo-LEACH, f. (1) A dog doctor.

(2) An ignorant practiser in


Doo-LOPB, f. A narrow slip of

ground between two houses,

the right to which is question-

able. North,

DoQ-LOusK,!. A term of reproach.


DooNOPKR, f . The headle. Yorkth,

DoGONB, f. {A.-N.) A term of


Doo-Pio, f . A sucking pig ?

m be sworn, Mr. Carter, she be-

witched Gammer Washbowl's sow, to

cast her pigs a day before she would

hare famed ; yet they were sent up to

London, and sold for as good West-

minster dog-pigs at Bartholomew fair,

as erer great-belly'd nle-wife longed for.

Witek ofBdmonUm.

Doo-ROSB, ff. The common hedge


Dogs, t. The dew. Etiex,

DoGS-BARS, ff. The turned comers

of leaves of a book.

DoG*8-ORASs, f. The cynontmi

critlaiui, Lin.

Dog's- HB AD, t. Some kind of bird.

Dog's-nosb, f. A drink composed

of warm porter, moist sugar, gin,

and nutmeg.

Dog's-stoneb, t. Gilt buttons.


Doo-8TANDARD,f . lUgwort. North,

Doo-TRBB, 9. The alder. North.

DoG-TRicK, 9. A fool's baublc.

I eonld have soyled a greater rolnme

than this with a deale of emptie and

tmiaUstoffe : as paling soneta, whining

elegies, the dog-trieks of lore, to?

mocke apes, and transforme met

asses. Taylor's Workts^

DoG-TTKB,ff. Adog-louse. "De

tyk€ or louse. Ricinua,** Hnl

Doo-WHiPPBR, ff. A beadle. N(

DoiL, (I) f. Nonsense. We9t.

(2)v. To wander idly.

Doit, #. A Dutch coin, of

value of half a farthing.


Doited, part. p. Superannuai

Do KB, (1) t. A furrow or hol

See Dali.

(2) A small brook. E99ex.

i3) A bruise. Ei9ex.

4) A duck. Dokeling, a jt


(5) When a dog turns n

before lying down they sa;

is making his doke. Wight.

DoLABRB, ff. (Lot.) An axe. i


DoLARD, ff. A pollard. Ox/ot

DoLATB, V. To tolerate. Line

Dolce, ff. A gift.

^°;}''ij.{^-s.) stupid.

Dole, (1) v. (A.'S.) Todistril

to divide.

(2)ff. A share; a lot

(3) ff. A lump. Line.

(4) ff. {A,'N.) Grief; sorro

(5) ff. A balk or slip of

ploughed ground.

(6) ff. A boundary mark. Et

(7) ff. A piece of commoi

which only one person h.

right to cut fuel. Notf.

(8) ff. A low flat place. Wei

(9) ff. The bowels, blood,

feet of a deer, doled to

hounds after the hunt.

(10) ff. Bread distributed on

tain occasions.

DoLB-Ax, ff. A tool used foi

Tiding slats for wattle g


DoLBiNO, part, m, Almsgi^


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Dou-HSAOow, f. A meadow in

which seTeral penoDS hare


Douicoom, 8, A large nnindoaed

common. SomtneU

DoLKKT, adj, {A.»N.) Sorrowful.

DoLi-sTONK, f. A landmark.


DoLiT, oijr. (1) GloomjitoHtary.


(2) Soft, applied to the weather;

eity;withont energy. Une,

DoLiKo, t. A fishing boat with

two masts, each carrying a sprit-

sail. Su$9.

Doll, t. A chHd's hand. North,

Dolling, t. The smallest of a

titter or brood. Smu.

Dollop, (1) #. A lump. Boat,

(2)9. To beat.

(3) 9. To handle dnmsily.

DoLLouK, V. To abate in violence.


DoLLvn8.(/V.) Bad spirits. Wight,

DoLLT, (1) a^. Sad; sorrowful.


(2)t. AsloTcn. Vdr,d$aL

(3) t. A prostitute. North.

(4) V. To beat linen.* Wett.

(5) t. A washing tub, or a wash-

ing beetle ; a chum-stafT.

(6) $. A passing staff, with legs.


DoLLYn, part. p. Heated ; luke-

warm. Pr, P.

DoLLY-ooucsT, ff. A child's doll.


DoLovR, s. (ji,'N.) Grief; pain.

DoLovRiKO, t. A mournful noise.

DoLTB, part. p. of deht. Digged ;


DoLTXR,ff. Keclaimed fen-ground.


Dolt, fl4f. Doleful.

Dou, «. A door case. WUti,

DouAGB, t. (A,'N.) Hurt; damage.

DoMBB, adj. ( J..&) Dumb.

DoM B<m, V. To smoulder. North-


DoMR, t. (1) {A.^S,) Judgment

Dome-kotue, the judgment-ball.

(2) Down of rabbits, &c. Ea»t,

Dombl, adj. Stupid. Gkme.

Domblovs, adj. Wicked, applied

especially to a betrayer of the

fair sex. Line.

DoMKNT,?. A merry-making. iVbrM-

DoM BscAmr, t. (^.-5.) The hang-

man's cart.

DoMBSMAN, t. (A.'S.) A judge.

Dominations, «. One of the sup-

posed orders of angels.

DoMiNBBR, V. To bluster.

Domino, t. (1) A kind of hood.

(2) A mask used in masqueradet.

DoMMKL, «. A drum. North.

DOMMBLBBBD, ff. Pudcudum f.


DoMMBRARs, ff. BeggBTs who pre-

tended to be dumb.

DoMP, V, To tumble. North,

Don, (1) V. To put on ; to dress.

Some tUrts of msU, tome eosto of plate

put 00,

Some tUnm'd s cnirsM, some s conlet

bright fMrf., Toss., i, 73.

And, when he did his rich tppvcl dom,

Pat he no widow, nor ui orphan on.

Bp. CcrbeVt Foewu, p. S9.

(2) a4/. Clever; active. North.

(3) f. (^Mm.) A superior; one

who sets himself above others.

(4) ff. A gay young fellow. Line,

Donativr, ff. (Lat.) A reward.

Donch. See Daunch.

Donct, ff. Dandyism. North.

DoNDBR, ff. Thunder.

DoNDiNNBR, ff. The afternoon.


DoNDON, ff. (/v.) A coarse fat wo-


DoNB, (1) V, To do; pret. f., did.

r2^ part, p, (A,'S,) Put ; placed.

lz)part.p. Exhausted.

?4) ff. (A.-S.) A down, or plain.

(5) V. {J.'S.) To din ; to sound.

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CoeataiBe whcara to tndt tlifln, with Um

cgie or the dorr.

Wanm'a Mkm$ trnglMi, ISM.

(2) t. A IboL

(3) To dor^ or Ut ghe the door,

to make a fool of a person.

There oft to riTiIi leadi the ceatla dor,

Oa tdces (h» iDMtrew bv) the bitter bob.

FkUJL, Pwy. UL, vii, 3S.

Too wiU Me, I iheU now aim Aim <A(

foUk dor preMBtly, he farg:ettiiifr to

ahift the oobrara which tre now chaageil

with attention of the mtetrctt. /ft.,T,4.

(4^ V. To frighten. We$t

(5) To obtam a dart to get leave

to sleep. A schoolboy's phrase.

Dorado, t. {^pmi,) Anything gild-

ed ; a smootb-ftccd rascaL

D0RAI.LB. See DarioL

D0RBEU8H, a4f- Very clnmsy.

DomcAs, ff. BeneTolent societies

which famish poor with clothing

gratnitonsly, or at a cheap rate.

DoBCASBD, a<(f. Finely decked out.

DomoK, #. A kind of saoce.

Dou, (1) V. (J.'8,) To dare.

(2) 9. To stare. North.

(3)d^. There.

Domn-APPLE, ff. A winter apple of

m bright yellow colour. Etui.

DoBEE, ff. (^..M) Pastry.

DomsN, ff. pL {A.'S.) Doors.

D0RBSTOTBB8, ff. Door-posts.

DoaB-T&BS, ff. The bar of a door.

DoRrsftfff. An impudent fellow.


DomoBt ff. A kind of lace.

Do&isHMBNT, ff. Hardship. North,

DoB-UNX«, ff. Mackerel lines.


DoELOT, ff. (i^.-iV.) An ornament of

a woman's dress.

DoEM, ff. A dose. North*

DosMAMT, m4f. The large beam

acroia n room, sometimes called

a dormer. Anything fixed wm

laid to be domumt/ dorutmU-

tabtetf in distinction from those

consisting of a board laid on

trestles, are often mentioned.

As if hee only bed beene borne to nn-

clood whatMcver it inelnded in their

•pecions orbi, he holds e darwtamt coon-

cel-table in his own princely breast.

Tkt Cyprian JeaJemie, 1647.

DoEMEDOET, ff. A hcETy, slccpy

person. Herrf.

DoEMiT, ff. An attic window pro-

jecting from the roof. Herrf.

DoEMiTiTB, \adj.{Lat.) Causing


There are (seyes he) two dormtim fgntX


Th^ one made of horn (as fiune to ns re.


Br which tme spirits hare a pasaaire right :

In' other of elephantine ivorir bnght.

Virgil by ficAr«, 1633.

DoEMOND, ff. A part of the clothing

of a bed.

DoEN, ff. A door-post. Jhwm.

DoENTON, ff. A small repast taken

between breakfast and dinner.


DoEP, ff. (^..&) A hamlet

DoEEB, (1) V. To deafen. Someroet.

(2)pret. t. Durst.

DoEEBL, ff. A pollard. Warw.

DoEEKE, ff. A sleepy, lazy person.

DoEET, \adj. Endorsed, or sea.

DOEETLB, J soned, a term in cook-

ery. ** Sowpes dorry." Forme qf

Cwry, p. 17. "Pomes dbrre."

Earner, p. 89. " To make pomes

dbrrylp, and other thynges.^'

Forme of Cwy, p. 31.

D0E8KL, \ ff. A pack-saddle; a pan-

DOE8BE.jnier in which things

are carried on horseback. Suesex.

See Doner,

D0E8EE8, ff. {A,'N, donal.) Hang-

ings ; tapestry.

D0E8TODB, ff. {A.'S,) A door-post.

DoETBD, offf, Stupified. Cumd,

DoKTU, prep. Through.

DoRTOUE, 9,{A,'N,) A dormitory,

or sleeping apartment.

DoETT,ai(;. Saucy; nice. Nortkmnb.

DoBT, ff. A drone bee. PkUpot.



Dos, f. A master. North.

DosATN.f. {A.'N,) A dozen.


DASIBERDB, >#. A SlmpletOD.


D08EL, f. {A.'N,) A doner.

B08ELLE, «. (^.-iV.) The faucet

of a barrel.

B08BNBD, adj. Benumbed. North,

D08EN8, f . Straight clothes manu-

factured in Devonshire, under

Hen. V.

B0810N, f . A vessel for preparing

oatmeal. SeeDathhu

Bosk, at^^ Dark. Craven,

DosNELL, adj. Clownish.

D08OME, adj. Healthy. North,

Dobs, (1) v. To sit down roughly.


(2) f. A hassock. Eatt,

(3) V, To attack with the horns.


D088AL, f. {A.'N.) A rich cloak

worn by people of high rank.

DossEL, f . A wisp of hay or straw

to stop up an aperture in a barn ;

a plug ; the rose at the end of a

water-pipe. North. ^eeDoteile.

Dosser, t «. A pannier for carry-

D0R8ER, j ing on the back.

He fell to diecouning within an odde

manner of love-making, when beginning

very low, marking her new shod feet

hanging over her dosseri, begaune with

this commendation. PasqitiPs JmU, 1629.

The milkmaids' cats shall tnm the wenches


And lay their <<uM«rf tumbling in the dnst.

Merry Dew. ofBdm^ 0. FU t, 366.

By this some farmer's dairy-maid I may

meet her.

Biding from market one day 'twixt her

donert. B.^rFL, Night-walker, i, 1.

Cos. They're carri'd to the wars then

Aa chickens are to market, all in dorsen.

Some thirty couple on a horse.

CarltorigkfM Lady Errant, 1651.

Dossers, «. A motion of the head

in children, caused by affections

of the brain. Ea»t.

D088ET, f . A small quantity. Kent.

398 DOU

Dossil, t. {Fr.) A lump oi

lay on a sore.

DossiTY, (1) f. Ability. W

(2) aiS' Ailing ; infirm. J

Dossus, f. A weasel.

D08TER, t. A daughter. Pf

BosYt aiy.(ji.'N.) Dizzy, 01

DoTANCE, 9. {J.'N) Fear.

DoTANT, ». A dotard. Shah

Dote, t. (A.-S.) A fooL

Doted, adj. Foolish.

DoTE-FiG, «. A fig. Devon. Pi

a fig newly gathered from

not a preserved fig.

Dotes, s. {Lat,) Endow


Doth. {A.-S.) Do ye.

DoTHER, r. To totter. Nori

Dotous, adj. (A.'N.) Doul

Dots, «. Gingerbread nuts.

DoTTARD, «. A dwarf tree«

Dottel, f . See Dotelle.

Dotterel, t. A silly fd


Double, (1) 9. To shut or f

to clench the fists. Var. 1

(2) f . The duplicate of a y

(3) f. A letter patent. Ci

(4) A hare is said to doubl

she turns about to dece


S5) f. A sort of stone.

6) V. To vary in tcllin]

twice over.

Double-beer, t . Strong al

Double-cloak, t. A cloal

may be turned to serve a


Double-couple, t. Twin


Double-double, «. A doubl

with a ditch on each side.


DouBLER, f . A large dish, 0


Double-reader, t. A mei

an inn of court whose tun

to read a second time.



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DoUBLB-RVTT.ff. A gUOt it CUd%.

Doi7Bui-8Pflu>NOBi>, «^*. A term

applied to potatoei, when they

hne lain in the ground till the

new crop sboott out fresh bulba.

DouBi.KT,t.(i^..iV:)(l) A military

gument covering the body from

the neck to the waist.

(2) A false stone composed of

two pieces joined together.

I>ouBi.B.Toii,#. A double-breasted

ploQgh. EagL

DouBLE-TONOvB, ff. The plant


DouBLKTS, ff. A game resembling


BouBTsoMB, ai|r. Doubtful North,

DoccB, (1) adj, (J.-N.) Sweet;


(2) ff. A slap, especially in the


(3) 9. To duck in water. Ootwit.

<4)a^'. Sober; prudent. North,

(5) adj. Snug; comfortable.


(6)ff. Chaff. Dffoon.

(7) ff. The back of the hand.


DoucE-AMB, ff. A dish in cookery.

AwM amt. Take gode cowe mylke, and

do it in a pot. Take panel, aawge,

Kie, aavray, and oother gode lierb«>«,

e kem, and do hem in the mylke,

aod aeeth hem. Take capona half v*

rotted, and imyte hem on pecrt, and do

thereto pynea and hony clarified. Salt

it, and color it with san-on, and senre it

fonh. Forme of Cmry, p. li.

DoucBT, (1) adj. {A.'N,) Sweet.

(2) A custard.

Preth cheese and dom$eU, cnrda, and clout-

ed cream. Drayt., Bcl.^ 9.

Heer't dauuttvuA. flappjaeks, and I ken


Tkt King vtd a Foon Ncrthcrne Man, 1610.

(3) ff. The name of a musical


DovcET-piB, ff. A sweet-herb pie.


BoucBTs, ff. The testicles of a deer.

DoucH, 9. To bathe. Somenet,

DoucEim, ff. A didapper. XtmaHt

DourFB. ff. A doYc.

DouoH, ff. (1) A little cake.

(2) The stomach. Shroguh.

DovoB-BAKBB, offf. Imperfectly


DovoB-CAKB, Iff. An idiot. Dff-

DovoH-cocK, j oon. A foot

DouoB-Fio, ff. A Turkey fig.


DotroHT, V. To do aught.

DouoBTBB, ff. (.^.-5.) A daughter.

DocoB-up, 9. To stick. Sa$t.

DouoBT, adj. Foolish. Derl^.

Dou«LB, V. To wash thoroughly.


DouK, 9. (I) To bow.

(2) To dive, or bathe. North,

Doubt, a^. Damp. North,

DouL, (I) ff. Down. Shrcpth, See


(2) ff. A nail or pin sharpened at

each end.

(Z) a4f, (A.-N.) Thick; dense.

DouNORiN, ff. An afternoon drink-

ing. Derb,

DouNs, ff. An idle girL North.

Do-up, 9. To futen. Var. d.

Doup, ff. (1) The buttocks. North.

(2) An egg-shell.

Dour, adj. Sullen ; sour. North,

DouRB, 9. (1) To endure.

(2) {A,-N.) To dower, or endow.

DousBBR, ff. A rash person; a

madcap. Line.

DoussiNO, ff. (Lat.) The weasel.

DouT, 9. To do out ; to extinguish.

Douter^ an extinguisher.

DouTABLB, adv. In uncertainty.

DouTANCB, ff. (^f.-iV^) Doubt; fear.

DouTB, ff. Fear.

DouTEousB, adj. (A.-N.) Fearful.

DouTBE, (from J.-S. dugan.) (1)

pret. t. Was sufficient;- availed.

(2) ff. People ; nobles. Gawayne.

DouTiF, adj. {A.'N.) Mistrustful.

DouTous, a^. (A.'N.) Doubtful.

DOUTRRMERB, odj. (A.-N.) fxoUk

beyond the sea.

DouvB, 9. To sink. North.

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. Theback-kitehen.

A descent, or fall.

H-C0 of tbcir iweet

down their tender

ijig. in a foolish itrife,

U of this tlippenr life.

9. An accooche-

*. When one has

t wants the will to


^ersons quite drmik.

Ital.donzeUa), An

ow^pirited. Ea$f.

urrioDcrow. North,

le dabchick. Pr. P.

i last-hatched of a

. North.

An implement

lekneading trongh.

I strampet.

t. Var.d.

I heavily. North,

ider water. Berki.

ih, or drain. Line,

f. Doughty.


A mistress ; a

»rt, in an innocent

{uint. Gbme.


r. A fence. North.

Spiritless; im-



A nobleman ; one

the Bonze-Pairs of

ifoond; decaying.

DozziNs, ff. Com shaken ovt in

carrying home the sheaTCs.


DozzLB, 9. (1) A small quantity.

(2) A paste flower on a pie«

cover. North,

DozzLED, adj. Stupid; heavy.


Draant, «. A drawl. Suffolk.

Drab, (1) v. To associate with

loose women.

(2) V. To beat ; to drub. Kent.

(3) i. A smaU debt. North.

Drab-and-norb, 9. A game in

the North, something like tip-


Drabbet, t. An angr^ expression.


Drabble, v. To draggle. Drabble^

tailt a slattern.

Drackstool, 9. The threshold.


Drad, part .p. Feared.

Draf, f. (A.-S.) Dregs; refuse.

Draf-9ak, a sack of draf.

Draffit, f. A tub for hog-wash.


Drafft, adj. Coane and bad.

Drafty, adj. Worthless.

Drao, «. (1 ) a harrow for breaking


(2) A fence across running water,

formed by a sort of hurdle which

swings from a horizontal pole.


(3) An implement for moving

heavy weights.

(4) A malkin for an oven. North.

(5) A skid-pan.

(6) A raft.

(7) A dung-fork. North.

(8) V. To drawl in speaking.


Dragans, "1 9. (J.'N.) The herb

DRAOANCE, J serpeutinc.

Draoe, f. (A.'N.) A sort of spice.

Dragee, t. (^.-M) A small


Draoenall, ff. A vessel to hold


2 D

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URANT, ». The plant rocket.

DRAP-DE-LAYN*,f.(^..iV:) Wool-

len cloth.

(2) 9. A holIOTf tud


(3) V, To straitL

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ofikdgt. Wt9t.


Qild a nest, said of

stance an anrow will


)w the traok or scenl

atagem, or arUfice.

remove the entrails

10 ami»$t to follow

a wrong direction.

tthert to assemble.

furrow^ to plough.

f. A slattern. Devon.

«. A boaster; a

L tapster, or waiter,

r t. An old game

;he fingers.


:t's by


^e ammme

ti come,

or hi* winning a kiue.

>teofNe» Fancies, 1657.

ES, f. Drawers.

To soak with water.

il resembling darnel.

I. (1) A thief:


irtp. Finely dressed.

B throat SomerteL

k term among lace-

e long slip of parch-

h which they draw

X to keep it clean

xx-DRt^t. A child-

cards, resembling


A skdge without


(3) V, To act like a madman.

(4) i, A squirrel's nest.

D&AYNK, part. p. Drawn.

Drazkl, «. A slut. Suttex,

DkajT, #. A draw-bridge. Gawayne.

Drbadvul, a^'. Fearful; timorous.

Drbam, r. (1) (if. -5.) To be gUd.

(2) To sing.

Dream-holes, t. Openings left

in walls to admit light. Gtouc,

Drean, (1) r. To drawl. Somertet.

(2) ». A small stream.

Dreap, v. To drench. JSnrth.

Drjbare, V, To annoy. Drearin^^


Hian were no wowers hym nor his wyfe

to dreare. Jiarelay's fjifte Egiog.

Drecche, (1) V, {A,^S.) To vex;

to oppress.

(2) 9. A subject of sorrow.

(3) V. To linger ; to delay.

Drbcen, 9. To threaten. North,

Dreck-stool, s. a door-sill. Dev,

Drede, (1) ». (^.-5.) To fear.

(2) f. Fear; doubt. Jhredeful^


Dreoeles, adv. Without doubt.

Dreden, t7. {A.'S.) To make afraid.

Dredge, «. (I) Oats and barley

mixed together.

(2) A bush-harrow. South,

Dredger, "1 «. A small tin box

Dredgb-box, j for holding flour.

DREDGERY,a£/o. Cautiously; gently.


Dredoe-salt, f. Seasoned salt.

" Dredge salt, such as was tem-

pered with spices and seedes of

sweete lavour for belly cheere

sake, &c." Nomenelator.

Dredimgvul, adj. Full of dread.

Dredy, adj. Reverent. Wickliffe.

Dree, (1) ». {A.-S, drigan.) To

suffer ; to endure.

(2) a4f'. Long ; tedious. Dreefy,

slowly, tediously. North.

(3) adj. Continuously ; steadi^..


(4) V. To journey to a place^


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(5) 9. A cart wiihont wheels

dravrn by one hone. North.

(6) f . A hard bargainer. Yorkth,

D&SKD, f . {J.'S, drihL) The Lord.

B&iEDFUL, aeg, (J.'S.) Reveren-


Drkxx, 9. To drain dry. Suffolk.

D&KERY, adj. Fearful.

Dref, pret. t. Drove.

DREFBNE,/7ar/./7. Driven.

Drefully, adv. (A.-S,) Sorrow-


DRE6H,j9re/. /. Suffered.

Preohe, ae^. Long. On dreghe,

at a distance.

}>reqi8tkr, «. A druggist. Si^ff^olk.

'DvL^iNTf part.p. {A.-S.) Drowned.

Drbmel, ff. {J.'S.) A dream.

Dreme.r£darb, f. {A.'S.) An ex-

pounder of dreams.

Dremes, 8. Jewels.

Drenche, v. (A.'S.) To drown ; to

be drowned.

Drench 1N6.H0RN, «. A horn for

pouring physic down an animal's


Drengbs, 9. A dass of men who

held a rank between the baron

and thane. Havelok.

Drengy, adj. Thick; muddv.


Drknkled, part. p. Drowned.

Drepe, 9. (1) To drip; to drop.

(2; {A.-S.) To kill, or slay.

Drbpee> 9. A dish in cookery.

J>repee. Take blanched almsiides, grynde

hem, and temper hem np with gode

. broth ; take oy nouns a grete quantity,

perboyle hem, and fnre hem, and do

thereto, l^e amalle Dryddea, perboyle

hem, and do thereto pellydore, and lalt,

and a lytel grece. Forme qf Cury, p. 7.

Drere, ff. Sorrow. <^efiffer. Drery,





Drbsb, t^. To thrash. For. if.


Sorrow; afflic-

Drbbsb, v. (A.-N.) To address ; to

prepare ; to apply.

Drb88el, ff. A cottage dresser.


Drbssbr, ff. An axe used in coal-


Drb8sino-board, ff. A dresser.

Drbssing-knifb, ff. A knife used

for dressing or pruning anything,

apparently meaning a cook's.

Drbstall, ff. A scarecrow. I^evon,

Drkste, v. (A.'N.) To prepare.

Drestis, ff. (A.'S.) Dregs; lees.

Dre9tyt fall of dregs.

Drbtche, V. To be disturbed by


Drbtchino, ff. (1) Trouble; vexa-


(2) (A.^S.) Delay.

Dreul, (1) ff. A lazy fellow.

(2)9. To fritter away one's time.

Dreuler, a driveller. De^on.

Drbury, ff. Love. See Jhruery.

Drevb, 9. To pursue. IVett.

DrbvedEi part. p. Confounded.

Drbvblen, v. {A.'S.) To driveL

Drevil, ff. A drudge.

Dkeyy, adj. Dirty; muddy. North.

Drewb, ff. (^..A^.) Love; friend-


Drbwribs, 1 T 1

Drowryis! }•• "^^^^^^'J ornaments.

Drewsens, ff. Dregs ; refuse. Dev.

DRKW^^f pret. t. Drew; reached.

DREYDE,|?re^. t. Dried.

Drbjb, v. To suffer. See Dree.

Drib, (1) v. To shoot at ahort

paces. An old term in archery.

(2) ff. A small quantity. Suuex.

(3) V. To chop off. Dekker.

Dribble, (1) ff. A drudge ; a ser-

vant. North.

!2) ff. An iron pin.

3) V. To drizzle. We9t.

(4) 9. To deal out in small quan-

tities. Northanqti.

Driblet, a. Anything small.

Dridoe, v. To sprinkle. Lane.

Driolb, ff. An instrument used for

hollowing wooden bowls.

d by boogie







I endure. S


See l/trtfm

Bdigkn wm i-aakcd

Penuce for to dr^

Nov it ia myeh i-timed

To pryde aodclotonye.

Jnllitm d« SktMUat,

Dmims, V. (^..&) To be diy, or


Dkifb, 9. (^.-5.) To driTe; to ^>-


DmiTUL^ V, To drink deeply. NortJL

DftiFT, s, (1) A drove, or flock.

(2) Drift cf iheforett, an exact

view or examination what cattle

are in the forest, to know whether

it be overcharged, &c. BtomU,

(3) Boad-tand. GUmc.

(4) A lort of sleeve, made nsnally

of silk, nth cent.

(5) A green lane. Leie,

(6) Diarrhoea. Samenet.

Dnjimn, «. A sheep overlaid in a

drift of snow. North.

Dbiits, t. Dregs.

Dbivtway, f. A road chiefly nsed

for driving cattle. Northiuinpt.


DaioH, adj. Tedious. See Dree,

DuGHT, «. {A,^S.) The Lord.

Dkigbtups, t. A boy's breeches.


Dkikjc, 9, (J,'S.) To repent.

Drilk, r. To waste time. Weet,

Driix, (1) «. A targe ape, or ba-


A divnial-maker is the aatimark [anti.

■Msk] of aa hutorian, be diffen firom

liim aa a dril firom a man.

Clevel^ Char, cfa Dimnud-maitr,

And as well mateli'd aa any three ba-

boons in Europe, why, madam, 1 woold

as foon many a drill utaxj one of them.

ShadweU, The RumaruU, 1071.

(2) V, To decoy; to flatter. Dev,

(3) V. To twirl, or whirl. Devon.

(4) To drill atong, to slide away.


(5) f. A small draught of liquor.

DmiMBu, V. To loiter. Dornt.

DniMMBLyV. Tosofferpain. Somer*


DniMDLB, (1) 9. To dawdle. S^f'


(2) f . A small drain. Etut,

DniNOB, 9, (1) To drizzle. JEuf.

(2) To drink.

He BO may litt no ttonde»

No nnnethe drawen hii onde.

Best DO take ikpeinge,

Mete ete, no diinke drin^g,

Qy of JF^nriJte, p. 8.

DaiMGBTT» t. A crowd. De9on.

DniNOiMO, mg. Miserly. De9on.

DniNGLB, 9. To dawdle. West,

Dunk, (1) v. To absorb. East,

(2) 9. A draught of liquor.

(3) t. Small beer. If >«/.

(4) V. To smoke tobacco. Jon»


(5) «. To abie, or suffer. Cofff.

DniNKHAiL, {J,'S., literally, drink

health.) The pledge in drinking^

corresponding to wattaile.

Drinking, t. A collation between

dinner and supper, in use in the

beginning of the 17th cent.

Drinkino-tovteLi f. A doily, for


DniNKLX, 9. To drown. Pr. P.

Drink-mbat, f. Boiled ale thick-

ened with oatmeal and bread..


Drink-pbnny, 9. Earnest money*

Drinkshankbrb, $. {J.'S.) A


Drinky, adj. Drunk. Var. d.

Drip, t. Anything that falls in

drops. North.

Drxppbr, t. A shallow tub. JVett.

Dripping-horbb, f. A wooden

frame to hang wet clothes on.

Drippingb, t. The last milk af-

forded by a cow. Shrqpeh.

Dripplb, iu{f. Weak; rare. Wore^

Drish, f. A thrush. Devon,

Dribb, 9. To cleanse; to beat.


Dristbb, f . A daughter. Cravetu

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) 9. A crow. YorkiJt,

\ ran down. East.

D baste meat.

Ornaments on the

Forn by mummers.

LOWS, «. One who is foul-

. Eatt.

'. To beat. Wight

, adv. {A,-S.) By drops,

rangurie, which is when

5th water by dropmeale

rdely, and with great


V. To quarrel. Wett,

9. Persons employed to

1 into the holes made by


>adj. Rainy; wet.

(, f. (1) The dung of

irly apple. Yorhih.

THE-LETTER, *. A boy's

f. An old term in gam-

, s. . The plant ^/(p^n-

The dropsy.

A dish in cookery.

itajre. Take rcle or motnn,

it on gobcttee, and put it in

fr&tur, and let it sethe; and

i«, and mynce honi, and do

1 panel, vrage, ysope, savery,

lom smale, and' do hit in the

lonrehit ^ith safTron, and do

rder of pepor, and of clowcs,

rs,and alaye hit wyth yolkes

vna and ferjiu -, but let hit

ftcr, and icn'e hit forthe.

WamcT, Antiq. Cui., p. 54.

9. To gutter, as a can-

' die. Drosings, dregs

. Kent.

ij. Weary; languid from


9. Aslnt.

EAT, *. Inferior wheat

dressing. Suffblk.

[r. Full of dross. Worw.

. Very brittle. Devon.

Drot. Sec Drat.

Drotchell, 9. A dirty, untidy

woman. Northampt.

DnoTYNE, V. To stammer; to speak

indistinctly. Pr. Parv.

Drou, v. To dry. Ermoor.

DRorcHKD, part. p. Drenched.


Drouge, *. A strong carriage or

truck for conveying military


Drouoh, \prft. t. oidrawc.{A.'S.)

DROtTH, J Drew.

Drought, ». (1) A passage. We9t.

(2) A team of horses. North.

Droughty, adj. Thirsty. Hertf,

Drouk, v. To drench. North.

Drodken.no. 1 xslamber.


Droumy, adj. Dirty. Devon,

Drounslate, *. A drummer.

Drount, v. To drawl. Northumb.

Droupen, (I) v. To droop; to look

sickly. Shropsh,

(2) to lie hid secretly. Pr. P.

Drouth, s. Thirst. Drouthyt


Drove, (l)joflr/./;. Driven.

(2) 8. A road, especially an un-

inclosed one. fVe9t.

(3) V. (A.'S.) To pursue; to

tease. Drovyng, vexation.

Drovy, adj. (A.'S.) Dirty in


Drow, v. (I) To dry.

(2) To throw. West.

Drowbully, adj. Troubled.

Drowe, \pret. t. Drew. DroweUf

DROWT, J Driven.

Drowking, adj. Faint with thirst.


DRO^VNED-LAND, *. Marshcs.

Drow^ing-bridge, 9. A sluice-

gate. Wilts.

Drowse, v. To gutter. See Drose.

DrowseNi adj. Made of tallow.


Drowsyhed, 9. Drowsiness.


Drowty, adj. Dry; dusty. Derb.

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Drowy, V. To dry. Somenet,

JHoxr, adj. Rotten. Weit

Dkoy, (1) f. A thunderbolt. Old


(2) 0. To wipe clean. La$ie,

Dkoeb, 0. To beat aererely. Ea$t.

DbozsNi adj. Fond ; doating. North.

Drub, v. (1) To throb.

(2) To beat.

Dbubbt, a4f' Muddy. Northumb,

DnvBa, f. Slates among cinders.


DaucK, V. To thrust down. So^


Drucxxn, atff. Tipsy. North,

Drudob, (1) f. A large rake.

(2) V. To harrow. Wett. To

harrow with bushes. Sun,

Drue, adj. Dry. North,

Drv^wly. {J,'N.) Courtship; love;


Bruffbn, ae(;. Drunk. North.

Drug, (1) adj. Damp. Wight.

(2) V. To dry slightly. Sussex.

(3) s. A heavy timber-carriage.

Druoboub, adj. Huge. Devon,

Druooe, v. (A.-S.) To drag.

Drugged, adj. Half-dried, applied

to linen. Sussex.

Druggbr. 1 A druggist.

DRUG8TBR, J •' ^ "* "B8»'.

DRUiD*8-HAiR,ff. Longmoss. Wilts.

Druivy, a^. Overcast; muddy.


Drum, (1) v. To beat severely.


(2) f. The cylindrical part of


Drumbelo, f , A dull fellow. Exm.

Drumblb, v. To be sluggish, or

confused ; to mumble. West.

Drumblb-bbe, s. a humble-bee.

D bumbled, adj. Made muddy.


Drumble-drone, t. A drone.


Drum BLES. He dreams drumbtes,

he is half asleep. Norf.

Drumbow,! f. A dingle, or n-

B,/ • - -

DRUMBLE,/vine. Chesh.

Drumlbr, f. A small vessel of

war ; a dromon.

Drumlet, ( 1 )a4f. Muddy ; confused.

{2) ado. Slowly; lazily. Norths

Drumming. Palpitating.

Drummock, t. A mixture of meal

and water. North.

Drumsladb, f. A dram. 16 1 A

cent. Drumslager, JDrumsted,^


Drumstick, s. (1) The leg bone of

a fowl.

(2) The calix and stalk of knap-

weed. Northampt.

Drun,«. a narrow passage. WMs.

Drunge, s. a crowd. Wilts.

Drunk, «. Darnel grass. North,

Drunkbschipb, ff. Drunkenness.

Drunkwort, ff. Tobacco. Minsheu,

Drunt, f . A bad humour. NoriA,

Drupy, adj. Drooping.

Druries, f. See Drewries,

Drury, adj. Dreary.

Drubs, s. A slight slope. Wight.

DiLvy, part. p. Driven. Var.d.

Druvb, ff. A muddy river. Cumb.

Druyy, adj. Thick ; dirty. Norths

BnvYE, adj. (A.-S.) Dry.

Dry, (1) •». To suffer. See Dree.

(2) part. p. Disappointed ; ca&t

down. North.

(3) aty. Thirsty.

U) V. To wipe dry.

(b)adj. Crafty; subtle.

(6) a^. Genuine; unadulterated.


(7) V. To cease milking a cow, in

consequence of her giving little

milk. North.

Dry-bob, ff. A joke. Cotgrave.

Drychb, 9. To frighten.

Dry-communion, ff. A nick-name

for the Nicene Creed.

Dry-crust, ff. A miser.

Dryfat, ff. A box, or packing-case;

a large basket.

Dryfb, tr. To drive.

Dry-foot, a. To follow the game by

the scent of the foot. A hunting


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. To fuiTer. See Drte.

y ». (A.-S.) The Lord.

ht dry he, backwardi.

B,f. Abankofetrth.

,f. Hay.

V. To drench.

(^.-5.) To drink.

. (ji,-S.) To throng.

Fobeat. Skrtgnk.

IK, ». A penon dealing

I articles for dyeing.

f. The ring-worm.

{J,'S.) Torabdue.

rfce he drytiede alio,

ie of hjmtelvyiie,

^nne unto Swethenryke

ifl swrede kene.

Morte Artkure.

f$. A wall without lime,

r. Patient; enduring.

$. Proper ; conTcnient,

A dowry. Pr. P.

A blow.

}ne who drauk a large

i bis knees to the health

liatress was said to be


0 dress flies for fishing.

?o raise the flock or nap

\y striking it with teasels.

'o cut off the comb and

if a cock.

L pool of water ; a deep

imooth water in a rapid


art p.{l) Clothed ; oma-

l) Created a knight.

it ; not pointed. South.

Trimmers or binders of

Vavies' York Records.

9. (1) A paste made of

1 water boiled, used by


ixtnre of oil and tallow

i leather waterproof.

(3) The first coat or coTcring ol

clay laid on the splents and riz-

zors. Notf.

(4) Suet. Somerset.

(5) A mug of beer. Wilts.

DuBBiN-piN, f. The pin used by

lacemakers to fix the pattern

parchment on the lace pillow.

DcBBY, adj. Dumpy. H'est,

DuBBBOUB, adj. Doubtful. Var, d»

DuBLi, V. {A.-S.) To double.

Dubs, f. (1) Doublets at marbles.

(2) Money.

DuB-sKBLPEB, s. A bog-trottcr.


Due, s. A duke, or leader.

DucuxBY, s. {A,'N,) A dukedom.

Duck, (1) «. To stoop, or dip.

(2) V. To bow.

Smile in men's facet, smooth, deceire,

and cog^,

Ihicic wiih French nods, and apish

courtesy. Mich . 111. j , 3.

Still more duclcing.

Be there anv saints that nnd«rstMnd bv

signs only*? B. /■ Fl., Pilgrim, i, 2.

(3) #. A bow ; a reverence.

As it is also their (renerall cnstomo

scarcely to salute any man, yet may

they ueithL-r oniitte cfosse, nor carved

statue, witliout a rcliidous duck

Diicot. ofiSno World, p. 128.

Be ready with your napkin, a lower

douke, maid. 11. Brorne, New Jc, i, p. 19.

(4) ff. To dive in tho water.

(5) V* To support, or carry.



known game.

DucKBB, f. A sort of fighting-


DucKBT, #. A dove-cot. North.

DucK-FKiAR, «. Leap-frog.

DucK-FBOST, f. A slight frost.


DucKiNo-STooL, t. An incorrect

name for a cucking-stool.

DncKisH, s. Twilight. Devon.

DucKLBOOBD, odj. Having short


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Duck-oil, t. Water ; moisture. A

Warwickshire mason calling to

his labourer, who was making

mortar, said, " Put a little more

elbow grease in, and not so much

duck-oil,*' L €,, more labour, and

less water.

DucK-sHowER, 8. A hastv shower.

DucKs-MBAT, f. *'A kinde of

weades hovering above the water

in pondes." Huioet, 1552.

DnoKBTONE, 8, A boy's game.

DucK-WHEAT, f. Red wheat.


Ducky, ». A woman's breast.


DucTOR, f . The leader of a band

of music, a court officer.

VvD, (!) pret. t Did; put.

{2)8. A coarse wrapper formerly

worn by poor people.

(3)*. A rag. North. I>uddy,Ttig-

ged; duddle8f filthy rags; dudman,

a scarecrow or ragged fellow.

DuDDER, r. (1) To shiver. Suffolk,

(2) To confuse; to confound with

noise. WUt8.

(3) 8. One who carries goods

for sale from door to door in a

town, differing in this from a

hawker, who goes from town to


DuDDERT, 8. A place in a tovni

where rags and old clothes are


DuDDLE, (1) V. To wrap up too

warmly ; to cuddle. East,

(2) 9. Tomake lukewarm. North.

(3) f. A child's penis. Var. d.

DvDEfpart.p. Done. Somerset.

DuDOB, 8. A barrel. Wilts.

DuDOEON, f. (1) The root of box,

of which handles for daggers

were usually made, whence the

term isoften applied to the handle

it8elf,and sometimestothedagger.

(2) Anger; resentment.

Yet nererthelesse I take the matter in

-as great a dudgin.

Terence in English, l«il.

DuDOY, adj. Thickenedji)}

ing. Northan^t.

DuDMAx, «. A scarecrow.

Duds, «. Rags ; dirty dot]

was the cant term for do

DuDYN, prBt. t. pL Did.

DuELLE, V. To dwell; to n

Duello, t. (Ital.) DueUii

DuEN, V. {A.-N.) To cnd«

DusRE, 04;. Dear.

Duff, (1) v. To strike.

(2) *, A blow. Devon.

(3) V. To daunt. South,

(4) V. To fall heavily;


(5) 8. Goal dost. North

(6) 9. A dark-coloun


Duffel, t. A strong shag]

Duffer, t. A pedlar w

women's clothes. South.

DuFFiT, 8. A sod. North.

Duffle, v. Futuere. IV


Duffy-dows, «. Dove-cot


Duo, (1) 8. A woman's bi

(2) V. To stoop. Devon.

(3) V. To dress; to


(4) V. To gird, or t


BuaoEDf adj. Draggletailec

DuooLE, V. To cuddle. St

DuoH, V. To be able. Not

Duke, s. A captain. See .

DULBAR, It. A bl(


DuLCB, adj. (Lat.) Sweei

DuLciMELL, s. A dulcune

DuLE, (1) *. The devil. A

(2) f. An instrument 1

rating or cleaning wool.

(3J adj. (J.'N.) Double

(4) s. A flock of doves.

Dulb-crook, f. (1) An

posed person. North.

(2) A kind of fly, the

brown. Craven.

Dulkin, «. AdeU. Glouc,

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. (J.-S.) Sorrow; dole.

Hard of hetring.

le deid of night.

) stun. North,

A stunning noile ; con-


r. A blockhetd.

{A.-S.) To make, or

. (A.-N.) To sorrow

. Svfblk.

. A silly person. West

. A remnant. Line.

A dull moaning noise.

E««. A slattern. Warw.

tdj. Dull ; heaTj.

«. A species of plover.

he down or fur of an

Suffolk. A housemaid

a room negligently,

blamed for the dum

the downy produce of

id feather-beds.

D make dumb. Shakesp.

D, V. To perplex.

)adj. Very doll. Wilts.

muffle up. Suffolk.

wooded dingle.

E, 8. A drone.

Ls, 9. (1) A humble-


kchafer. South.

pid fellow. Somerset.

»LE, t. A piece of stag-

*r in a wood or dell.

, ». A stupid fellow.

:, 8. A fortune-teller.

lo, 8. A child's game.

i) 8. A heavy, stupid


»oU, inacthre, applied to

damp, applied to hay


8. A silent person.

DuMicKRHBAD, 8. A blockhcsd.


DuMMiL, 8. A slow jade. Shropsh.

DiniMUCK, 8. A blow. East.

Dummy, s. A silent person.

Dump, (1) «. A meditation.

(2) V. To meditate.

(3) 8. A melancholy strain in


(4) ff. The name of an old dance.

(5) 8. Astonishment.

(6) *. A deep hole of water, sup-

posed to be bottomless. Crrose.

(7) V. To knock heavily; to

stamp. Devon.

(8) 8. A medal of lead. East.

Dumpish, adj. Torpid; stupid.


Dumps, «. (1) To be in the dumps,

to be out of spirits. To put one

to the dumps, to drive him to

his wit*s ends.

Strange it was, and struck mc in some

Juuipcs, but considcrinz bis gentle ac-

tion and gravity 1 a little revived.

Jian in the Moone, 1609.

(2) Twilight. Somerset.

(3) A boy's game, by throwing

pieces of lead in the shape of

buttons at a small leaden figtire

of a cock.

DuMPTY, adj. A short person. West.

Dumpy, adj. (1) Sullen; discon-

tented. North.

(2) Short and thick.

Dun BIRD, 8. A bird mentioned in

Harrison's Descr. of Engl.

DuNCH,(l)arf)f. Deaf; dull. Duneh

passage, a blind passage.

(2) V. To give a nudge. Cumb.

Dunch-dumplino, «. A plain pud-

ding made of flour and water.


DuNcus, 8. A kind of weed.


DuNDBR, f. Thunder, or tempest.


Dunderhead, 1 y^.*. ..

,w,^.««««..™ I *. Different terms

dunderpate, Kor a blockhead.

DUNDERPOLL, J *'* " «»u*.^itw«i.

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DuNDERSTONES, 8, ThnnderbolU.

DuNoucKiTYMUR, f . A dull inde-

scribable colour. Suffolk,

Dundy, adj. Dull in colour. Eaai.

DUNBLM-OF-CBAB, f. A dish of tB

epicurean description. North,

DuNO, parLp, (1) Struck down.


(2) Overcome. North.

(3) Reflected upon. Craven,

DuNGAL, adj. Very noisy. North.

DuNOBOK, 9. A shrewd fellow ; a

•cold. North.

DuNGEviL,*. A dung-fork. Shropsh.

DuNGFARMEB, «. A jakes-cleauser.


DuNo-oATBy f. A sewer. Ea9t,

Dunghill. To die dunghill, to give


DuNOHiLL-auEAN. A slut. Florio.

DuNG«if BBEs» 9. Pits whcre dung

and weeds rot for manure.

DuNOOW-DASH, 9. FUth ; dung.


Dung-pike, f. A dung-fork. Lane.

DuNG-poT, 8. A cart for carrying

dung. Wight.

Dungy, adj. Cowardly. Wilte.

Dunk, adj. Little, fat, short, and

thick, applied generally to a pig.


DuNK-HOBN, 8. A Munt horn.

DutUr-AofTiaf, sneaking or shabby.


Dun KIRKS, f. Dunkirk privateers.

DuNLiNG, 8. A kind of snipe. Line.

DuNNER,f. Thunder.

DuMNocK, 8. The hedge-sparrow.

DuNNY, adj. (1) Dull; stupid.


(2) Deaf. Berks.

DuNFiCKLB, f. The moor buzzard.


DuN8BP0LL,«. A loggerhead. D^ron.

DuNSBRY, f. Stupidity.

D UNSET, f. A small hill. Skinner.

DuNSH, 8, Paste of oatmeal and

treacle. Yorksh



l\o^' stupid.

DuNT, (1) #, A stroke, or bloi

(2) adj. Stupid ; dizzy.

(3) V. To stupify. Eseex.

DvvTED^part.p. Beaten. North

DuNTER, 8. A porpoise. Norti

DuNT-SHBBP, 8. A shccp whi

suffering under a disorder ii

head, that makes it look dulL

DuNTY, adj. (1) Stupid ; confi


(2) Stunted ; dwarfish.

DuNYALiE, adj. (A.'S,) Tawn

Dup, V. (1) To do up, or faste

(2) To do up, or open the c

Gates and doors were (

opened by lifting up.

What devell iche weene the {k

are dmnk, will they not diqt the gi

day. 0. PL, i

DuPLicATB, 8. A copy of a d


DuppE, adj. Deep.

DuR, (1) f. (A.'S.) A door.

(2) pret. t. of dare. Durst.

Durance, t. (1) Duration.

(2) A sort of durable stuf

thread or silk. It is often pui

upon by the old dramatists.

(3) Imprisonment ; prison.

DuRC, adj. (J.-S.) Dark. L

hedff darkness.

Dure, (1) «(/. (^.-M) Hard


(2)v.{A..N.) To endure. JD

Jul, lasting.

Duresse, t. (A.^N.) Harda

severity ; harm ; imprisonme

DuRET, 8. A dance.

The knights take their ladies, to <

with them galliards, dmreU, corai

See. Beaumont, Muq. at GrapU

°„™^ ]•«»*■• Hard ;darabl


The people are cole black, haT«

heads, big lips, are flat nos'd, i

chind, huge limbd, affecting Ad

garb, a few plantaine leaves giraing

wasU, vailing their modest parte

and pmckt in severall works,' upon

duretto skins, face, armea, and th

striving to exceed each other far rai

HtHerfs TrweU, 1

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DumoAN,t.(^.-5.) A dwarf. Wft

I>UKOAK-wHKAT,«. Bearded wheat


DuRKS, V. To laugh. Nortkumb,

DumN, f. A gate-poit; a door-frame.

DumKX, •. To dare. Pr. P.

DvRKB, (1) frtM. and preL /. of

dare ; durst.

(2) 9, A door. Jhtrre^bmre, a


DmuiTDB, f. A pasty of onions,

ehidcens, and spice.

DuRSB, V. To dress. Ncrtk,

DomsT, V. To dare. Var. d.

DuKWS, #. {A.-S.) A dwarf.

DimzK, V. Com when so ripe that

the grains fall out, is said to iwrze


DvacLE, s. The tolatrum nigrwm,

DvsH, V. To push Tiolently. North.

Dusks, v. (A.-S.) To grow dark.

DussBT, t. A blow. fTdtf.

DvssiPEBB, t. See Dotepere,

Dust, «. (1) Tumult ; uproar.

(2) Pounded spice. Pakgrave.

(3) To du»i ons't jacket, to beat

a person severely. Down vfUh

jfOKT du$t, pay your money.

He beard at London, that they were

without Christ, and he came on porpoae

to bring them Christ, and what a great

deal of mone^ he was offered upon the

Toad for Chnst, bnt he was resWTed to

part with Christ to no body, till the

oeloved that he was preaching to, had

had the refosal of him} and if they did

hitead to trade with him, they must

imenvUh their dust instantly; for to

his knowledg, the Papists did offer a

▼ery rast sum of money for £nglands

Chriat. Saekar^t Obsenatumi, 1071.

Dtjst-pgimt, «. A boy's game, in

which the points were placed in

a heap, and they threw at them

with a stone.

Down go onr hooks and scrips, and we to


At M-fomtf or at q[Tioits, else we are at

An (klse and cheating games we shepherds

axe debarred. 2¥«jr/., Nymfkak

Dust-whoppbb, $. A carpet-

DvsTTVATt, t. Pedlars.

DusTTPoix, t. A name for a miller.

DuT, #. {A.'S,) A tusk.

Dutch, t. (1) White clover. 2>or-

(2) She taOti Duiek, i. e., she

uses fine and affected words.

Dutch concert, a great noise.

Dutch-cloak, t. A short cloak

worn in Elizabeth's time.

Dvtch-olbek, t. A jocular term

for drinking.

Dutch-mokgan, 9, The horse*

daisy. Wight,

DuTCH-wiDow, t. A courtezan.

Dutb, «. {A,»N.) Pleasure.

DuTFiK, f. The bridle in cart-

harness. £att.

DuTrK, (i)pret. t. Doubted; feared.


(2) An abbreviation of do it.

And whan the mayden csme with her

present, she foundie the abbot syttyng

at dyner, to whom she sayd : ICocti gooa

4fu/<«the,myIorde. Ua t welcome, may-

dea, quod he.

2Uef md Qmci* Jiuwtn,

DuTTBN, V. To shut ; to fasten.

DuTTT, $, A sort of fine cloth.

Duv, pret t. Dug. Xeic.

DuYSTKB, t. A leader.

DuYSTKT, r. To destroy. AudeUty,

DvzzY, adj. Slow; heavy. Cheth.

DujTT, adj. Doughty.

DwATN, (1) adj. Faint ; sickly. Boat,

(2) f . A fainting fit.

DwALB, $, (A.'S.) (1) The plant


(2^ A lethargic disease.

(3) A sleeping potion.

DwALLOWBD, tSf, Withered. Cumb.

DwABFS-icoNBT,«. The name given

locally to ancient coins found on

parts of the Kentish coast.

DwAULB, 9. To yield to reveries.

DwBBZLB, V. To dwindle away,


DwBLLB, V. (^.-S.) To remain.

Dwelling, delay.

DwBRBff. Doubt.

DwBRuoH, «. (^.-1$.) AdwarL


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I handle." NomemcL

ilftoe when hatchet

influx o£ the tide.

imal't kidney. SomL

9feiher by the ears.

To tend one away

• hU tmtf in anger or

\t heitp toike ear9,

ccupied. To go in at

mt at the other, not


The prominent part

: A cart North.

1. North,

imoroQS. North.

r. The little finger.

tax for ploughing.

KIN, #. A calTs sto-

rhich rennet is nuule.

t. The tonsils of


t'S.) The tip of the

r. See ArUs,

A token, or signal.


rdlemilk. North,

article of dress,

ean. North.

'he forenoon; afore-

[g. Yorkeh.


t. Deposit money to

n. *'Ajrra. An «am««/

}odfl penie, which is

ifirme and assure a


le in earnest,

iieese-rennet. North.

nbble-field. South*

netimes. Smiutor,

A day's ploughing,

n up the ground, as

uTf s. A kipper-nut.

EABrHsawATB, t. {A.^S.) An


Earth-flax, s. A kind of talc.

"A stone like to roch allum, or

stone allum, whereof matches or

candle weekes be made, which

being fiered, never goe out, so

long ss the oyle Issteth : earth

jiax: Salamanders haire.'' No*


Earthoall, 8. The larger centaury.


Earthly, adj. Austere; rough.


E ARTH-TABX.B, $, The lowcst course

of stone in a building, level with

the earth.

EARTH-TURr, t. A kind of mush-


Tuberei, Plin. tSva. Ma«ihromB : tad-

itotiles: earthlurfes: eartlipuffes.


Earwikb, 1 «. An earwig. Somer^

EARWRio, J set.

Eary, a^. Every. Yorkeh.

Easeful, adj. Easy. Eatt,

Easement, $. Ease ; relief. South.

Easbn, 1 f . The eaves. Ea8in§'

RAsisQ, j drops, drops of water

from the eaves after rain. North.

Easiful, adj. Indolent North.

Easily, adv. Slowly. Yorkih*

Easings, s. Dung. North.

Easino-sparrow, ff. The house-

sparrow. Shropah,

Easles, 8. Hot embers. Eseex.

Easter, 8. The back of a chimney.

See Estre.

Easterling, ». A native of the

Hanse towns, or of the East of


Easter-eggs. See Paech^gs.

Eastbr^price, 8. At Easter price,

f. e., at a cheap rate; flesh being

formerly then at a discount.

Easy-bbef, f . Lean cattle. North.

Easy-end, adj. Cheap. Craven,

Eat, v. To eat one't worde^ to re-

tract what one has said. To have

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eaten ^ aUthe hire, to feel under

no obligation.

**M« thinke," leyd the hermyte, "tlum

art a stoute iyre, I hare tUup aUtk*

hfr$." MS. JskmoU, 61, xv. eenL

Eatall, f. A glutton. "Pamplia-

gnSfOrid. tr&n^ayoC' OmniTonit.

Eatali, or ravener/' Komenel.

Eat-bbb, t. An old name for the


Meropt, apiuter, k derorandif aplbni.

I^porf. Goefpier. A wood-pecker or

^mMm. Norntnd.

Eat-cobn, "It. A name for a

BAT-WHKAT, J kind of pigeon. "A

kinde of pigeon called an ea/e-

c(rmet or eatewheate,** Nomenel.

Satbrs, f. Servants. Jonton.

Eath, (1) adj. (A,'S. «rt5.) Buy.

North. EatMy, easily.

For why, by proofe the field it «a<A to win.

Gascoiffnt's Works, a 8.

Who thinks liim most secure, is ealhetj

•hamU Fair/., Tauo, x, 43.

(2)*. Earth. Wiltt.

Eaths, adv. Easily ; commonly.

These an rain thoughts or melancholy


That wont to haunt and trace by doister'd


Which ttUkt appear m sad and strange


To pensive minds, deceived with their

shadows. ConuUa, 0. PU ii, 26S.

Eat*out, V. To undermine by false

insinuations. North,

Eatb, v. To thaw. Dewm.

Eavblong. See AveUmg,

E ATBR, ». A quarter of the heavens.


Eavinos, 9. The eaves.

Eazed, adj. Decayed; rotten.


EbB| adio. Near the surface. Wett.

Ebb-cbuse, f. A pot very nearly


Ebbbb, adj. (J.'S.) Shallow.

Ebblb, t. The asp tree. Eoit.

Ebbnb, f. Ebony wood.

EcGLBS. To build oeckn m the air

is a Northamptonshire phrase,

equivalent to building castles in

the air.

EccLBsiAST, t. An ecclesiastic.

EccLBS-TBBB, $. An axlc-tree.


EcHADBLL, adv. The whole.

EcHB, (1) adj. (A.'S.) Each one.

(2)l v. {J.'S.) To add to ; to eke.

(3)t. Increase.

The wordes schoUe be i-sed

Witheoute wane and eekt.

And onderstand hi more biased

In alle manere speche.

EcHB-HOOK, f . A hook attached to

the forbuck of a wagon or cart,

through which a rope passes to

bind on a load. Northampt.

EcBBLLES.f. (Fr.) "An eekeUeo^

is a stomacher lac'd or riboned

in the form of the steps of a lad-

der, lately very much in request."

Ladiet' Dictionary ^ 1694.

EcHBBB, V. To choose.

EcKLB, (1) 9. To aim ; to intend.


(2) t. A woodpecker. Var. d.

EcKLBs, 9. The crest of a cock.


EcTABY, t. Madness. Shaketp.

Eddeb, 8 (A.'S.) (1) A serpent, or

adder ; pi. eddren.

(2) A fish like a mackerel.

(3) The bindiog at the top of

stakes in making hedges, some,

times called edderiny. North.

In loppine and felh'ng save edderani stake.

Thine hedges as needeth to mend, or to

make. IVussr.

Eddbbcop, t. A spider. Craven.

Edobbwobt, f. Dragonwort.

Eddiob, "1

EDDISH, 8. The aftermath;

BTCB, >sometimes the stubble

ERSH, in corn or grass.


EoDLB,f. Putrid water. Northmmb,

Eddy, t. An idiot. Chesh.

EDE,pret.t.(A.'S.) Went.

Edbr, 8. A hedge. Cheeh.

Edbblyno, f. {AS.) Relations.

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I ridge of a hill.


aside. North,

r. North.

dge tools. North.

r. Northampt.

\ an end. Warw.

math. Chesh.

) To build.

to renovate.

BOARDS,*. Broad

ard Wlf BO named

rre much used in


(A.-S.) To re-



o love, or respect.

of a cup.

le. Shripih.

Tmath. Dor9et.


ver in. See Hele.

n oTen when first

oung eel. North.

rood of eels,

n iron implement

four points for


it. Anthony's fire.


it. IVsntm

rening. Yorkth.

syes. North.

but ; except. So-

' Mo9t an eend** is

•ession for mostly,


»f holes. Yorkih.

tened. Northumb,

L) Attention.

Ees. Yea. Var. d.

Ee-scab, 9. An unpleasant object.


Eevbr, «. (1) Ray-grass. Devon.

(2) A quarter of the heavens.


Efpkct, 9. (1) Substance.

(2) An intention. ShaAesp.

Effectuous, adj. Effectual.

Efferk, i (La/.) Wild; strange.

£FFBR0U8» J The fox is called "an

efferom beast" in Vitit Palatma,


Effet, *. A newt. Var. d.

Kffetk, a(^. (Lat.) Barren.

Effii, 9. A likeness. Suffolk.

Efflatbd, part. p. Puffed up.

EFFRBNATE,a£^. (La/.) Ungovcm-


Effund, v. {Lat.) To pour forth.

Effusion, t. Confusion.

Efrenge, *. Fringe.

Eft, adv. {A.-S.) Again.

EvrnK, prep. After. North.

Eftest, adv. Quickest ; readiest.

Eftir-temsin-breod. Bread made

of coarse flour or refuse from the

sieve. York9h.

EvT'SiTU^Sf adv. Oft-times. North.

Eftsones, adv. {A.-S.) Imme-


Eftures, 9. Passages.

Egal, adj. (Fr.) Equal. Egaliyt

equally, f^a/new, equality. Ega-

liteif equality.

Wlierefore, 0 king, I spcakc as one for all,

Sith all aa one do bearc you effall faith.

Ferrex ^ Forrex, O. PI., i, 113.

Egar, v. (Pr.) To put aside.

Egers, *. Spring tulips.

Egestious, adj. Belonging to di-


Ego. To have egg9 on the epit, to

be actively employed. To have

egg* for one' 9 moneys to be over-

awed into doing anything, to be

made a tool of.

2 B

0 rogue, rogue,! ahall have eggs for «ty

vwney ; I must Iibtib: myself.

Maick at Uidtv., 0. PL, vii, 433.

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418 BK£

Who, notwithiUnding his high pranuscs,

having also the king's power, ii yet con-

tent to take eggetnr kit moHey, and to

bring him in at leisure. Stotrs jUmals,

EoG-BERKY, f. The birdcherry.


EooB, (1) V. (A.'S,) To incite.

Eggemeni, incitement.

(2) 8. An edge.

(3) adj. Edged ; sharp.

(4) 8. Age.

Eoo.FEAST» 1 *. The Satur-

EOO-8ATUBDAY, J day prcoedlng

Shrove Tuesday. O^fd.

EoG-riBH, 8. The echinus.

EoGLER, 8, One who goes about

the country collecting eggs for

sale. North,

Egg-pie, 8, A custard. "These

tarts be cold, and the egge»pi€8

also. Ces tartes sont froides, et

ces flans aussi." The French

Schoolenuuter, 1636.

EoGS-AKD-BACON, 8, Bird*8-foot

trefoil. Northanqft.

£OGS-AND-C0LL0P8, 8» (1) Toad-

flax. North.

(2) Fried eggs and bacon.

Ego-wife-tbot, 8, An easy trot.

EoHE, 8, {A.'S.) An eye. Eghne,


Thow salle hym se with ^he^

And come to Criste thi frende.

ifS. Uncoln, A, i, 17, f. 222.

Egbte, f. {J.'S,) Possessions;


Eghwab, adv. Ever. Weber,

Egib, f. A sort of precions stone.

Eglantine, «. (1) Sweet briar.

(2) Sometimes the wild rose.

EoLBHOBNE, 8. A spccics of hawk.

Eglentebe, «. Eglantine.

Eglino, t. A perch, two years


Eobb, a^, (Fr.) Courageous.

EoBEDoucB, 8. {Fr.) A sort of

sauce piquant. ** Egurdouce of

fysshe," fish in sauce piquant.

We have also, "Boor in egre-


BgturdauM. Ttdce oonynges

and smyte hem on pecys rai

hem in white met. Tskc

corannce, and fry hem, tal

parboile hem, and hewe b

and fry hem. Take rede w

irith powdor of pepor, of

canel, salt, and cast thereto

seeth with a gode qaantit

grece, «nd serve it forth.


Egbblichb, adff, {A.-N]


Egbemoine, \8, {A,-l


Egbemony, 8. (Lat,) Soi

EoBEssioN, f . Departure.

Egbet, *. (Fr,) A bii

heron kind.

Eobiot, 8, {Fr.) A kin<


Egbitdde, 8, (Lat.) Sid

Egyptian, 8. A gipsy.


Egytmbnt, 8. An agistme

Ehgke, 8. Eyes.

Eigh, (1) Aye; yes. Noi

(2) f. (A.-S.) The eye.

Eighe-senb, «. (A.'S.)


Eight, 8. (A.-S.) An isli

EiGH-wYE, coil/. Yes, ye

Eign6, a^j. (A,'N.) Tl


EiKE-TBEE, f. An oak.

EiLo, (1) V. To be sickly

(2) r. To yield.

Old age. North,

EiLE, V. To be sickly.

EiLEBEB, 8. The herb ail

EiLBT-HOLEs, 8, A term

stresy ; very small hole

Em, eu^. Even ; equal. 1

Einatteb, 8. A serpent.

EiNE, 8. Eyes.

EiB, 8, The air.

EiBiE. See Aerie,

EiBY,a4^'. Light; unearthl

EiSEL, f. (A,'S.) Vine


EiYT, 8. A newt.

Eke, (1) conj. Also.

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tokiU; torid.

1 to a bee-hif e.

«ringly. Euex,


To prolong;

0 ache. Pr. P.

Bt note in the

'.) Strength ;

To unloose,

id of wine.


Exercise of the

A gamester; a

one. Cwnb,

ge; old people.

To make, or




fucL North,

) An ancestor,


lomewhat big-


chief, or prin-

.5.) A noble-

1 elder. East,

the elder.


Qserre made of

icrberry. Line.

.&) Parents ;

I the


i eldrynga ]UUi;t

lioM de Slorekam.

9l grandfather.

Eld-motheBi 9, A step-mother.


Eldritch, atH- Ghastly. North-


Elb, 8. Help. Skinner.

Elech, adv. (A.'S.) Equally.

Election, *. Option, /n election^


ELEMEN,a<^'. Made of elm. Dortet.

Element, *. The sky, or heavens.


Elenge, adj. (A.'S.) (1) Painful ;


Among many clit7n«rions divynoura

menne that crowes token revno with

grcdvnge and cryens?e, as llu« ver«o

meui'icth, "^unc plena comix phnium

vocat iniproba voce." that is to under-

atondc, " Nowc the crowc callelh rcyne

with an cUynge \ oyce."

liartholoiMtMt Dc Propr.

(2) Solitary ; lonely.

Elinylich mai hi go,

Wliiur thcr uomtli men no mo.

Land of CockaUjM

Eleots, f. Cider apples.

Elephant, i. A kind of scabious.

Elet, ». Fucl;ollit. Wilis.

Eleveneb, $. A luncheon. Sum.

Elf, (1) V. To entangle hair in

knots. Elf-locks, enUngled hair.

(2) #. A term frequently applied

to persons, in an iU sense ; a mis-

chievous person.

A gnxnibling, growlinp, ^cctly rlf,

Begruds^'d what went besides himself.

CoIUm' Miscellanies, 1762, p. 11.

Elf-arrows, *. A popular name

in the North for ancient stone


Elfe, 8. {A.'S.) A witch, or fairy.

ELF-auENB, 8. The queen of fairies,

Elger, 8. An eel-spear. Pr. Parv.

Elicompanie, «. A tomtit. Comw.

Elik, adj. Alike. North.

Elinolich, adv. (A.-S.) Wretch-


Elit, adj. {Fr.) Elect.

Elk, f. (1) A kind of yew used for


(2) A wild swan. North.

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Ell, 9. An ell-wancL

Ellar, s. The elder. Sussex,

Ellarnb, s, {J.'S,) The elder tree.

£ll.dockkn8,«. Coif 8-foot. North,

Elleed, adv. Together. Unc,

EhhBVf 9, pi. Ells.

Ellknch, adv. Afar off. Kent,

Ellbn-tree, s. The elder tree.


Ellbr, 8. The alder tree. North,

Ellerd, adj, Swoln with felon.


Elles, adv, (J,'S.) Else; other-


Ellbt, », The elder tree. Stueex,

Ellock-rake, », A small rake for

breaking np ant-hills. Shropsh,

Eu^RAKB, e, A Tery large rake,

called also, in different parts, a

hell-rake or a heeUrake,

Elly, 9, The bound in playing at

fooUbaU. North,

Elm, 9, An ell in length. North,

Elmbn, a^. Made of elm. Weet,

Elmessb, 9, Alms. Pr, P.

Elmothbr, 9, A step-mother.


Elnb, 8. An ell.

Elnorne,«. The elder tree. Pr,P,

Eln5Brde, 9. An ell-yard.

Eloinb, Itr. (^.-AT.) (l)Tore.

bloignb, J move, or banish.

I'll tell thee now (dear loTe) what thoa

■halt do

To anger destiny, as she doth ns.

How I shall stay, though she tloigne me


And how potterity shall know it too.

Lmne's Poemt, p. 23.

(2) To abscond.

Elono, adv. Slanting. Ejnnoor,

Elphamy, 9, Bryony. North,

Elrbn, «. The elder tree. North,

Elrichb, a4f» DreadfuL Durh,

Else, (1) adv. Already; before.

(2) a4f. Others.

Elsbdock, 9, The enula eanqtana,

Elsbwhat, ad^. Other things.

When talking of the dainty flesh and elte,

mkat aa they eate.

Wmm't AUiom MagUmd, IvW.

Elsbwhbn, adv. At another \

We Bhulde make a dockett of the i

of iuche men of nohylytie here,

thought mete and oonvenyent to

his highnes, in case his graces will

this preaient yeare, or eUe$-whtn,

ther serryoe m any other foreyn

trey. SUtt Papers, ii

Eh8u,adJ. Uncouth. Devon,

Elsin, 1 9, (A,'S.) A shoema

BL8EN, J awl.

Elswhithbr, adv, Elsew


Elt, (1; 9. To knead dough. F

(2) 9, A yoong sow. Weti.

Eltb, 9. Old age.

Elting-moulds,!. The soft 1

of fresb-plougfaed lands.

Eltrot, «. The stalk of wild

ley. Weot.

Elutriate, v, {Lat.) To i

liquid from one vessel int4

other ; to decant

Elvfn, 9. An elm. Var. d,

Elvene, 9, pi. Elves.

Elvers, 9, Young eels. Wesi

Elves, «. Young cattle. 7Wi

Elvish, a^, {A.-S,) Irril

peevish ; spiteful ; intnctab

Thon art too ebwA, faiQi then i

ilnih and too coy.

Wanm's AlHom BH§tmA

'EUfpron, Them. Var, d.

^UKSQ^prep, Among.

Embaricemt, f. An embargo

Embase,v. To make base. Sp^

Embassade, 9, {Pr.) An em]

Embay, v. (1) To bathe.

(2) To delight ; to charm.

Embayle, V, To inclose. JSsi

bound up.

Embblise, v. (i^.-A.) To bet

Embe8y,v. To busy. SkeUom

Emblkmentb, 9, Profits of la

grass, fruit, &c. Blount,

Embolde, V, {A,'N,) To


EMB0LLBD,/7ar^/7. Vaulted.

The west wall answers the othe

an emMd roof flnehr frett«d am

ter'd, with a pendant in the aMi

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eed ; confiderttioiL

!ar. Skrcpsh.

;male roe.

Among ; amidst.

A term in old ac-

urn total in stock.

, To diminish.

One who succours

difficulty. Line,

irer. SAropsh,

. (A,-N,) The hc-

L meriin, or hawk.

K {A,-S,) Even with.

nbers. Samer§et,

f^s, An aut-hill.

} Somenet.

OMPKBSA, s. A aevice, or pioiu>.

Empresse, r. To crowd.

Em PMDBy 9. To make proud.

Em PRIME) V. To separate a deer

from the rest of the herd.

Emprise, *. {A.-N.) An under-


Sundry werkis of merrelouB emftrise.

By carpentrye to forge and dyvise.


56 myjt telle hit for a gret empryt.

That this morne for yowre sake,

Soo mekolle I thinke one yowre serwyse,

That when I slepe I may not wake.

Porkitu/Um MS.

Ajax Odens was of smaller size,

Of milder temper, curteous, bhcke his


His colour fresh, himselfe of f&ire emprite.

And a graU part among the princes bare.

Qrtat Brittdmet Troye, 1609.

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Bmps-pikcb, f . An epicure'i choice.


Empt, v. To empty. Var. d,

BuvTioN, s. (Lai,) Aparchue.

Embod, 8, An emerald.

Emucid, adj, (LaQ Mouldy.

Emuli, V, To emulate. S^^etMer.

Emulsion, «. (Lat.) A drainiog


Were it not for the twuUiim to flesli and

blood in being of a publick factiona

aptrit, I mghi pitty your infirmity.

Eovurd, Mm ofNewmorhel, 1078.

En, ew^. And; also; if; him. It

seemsto mean in, xnSirDegrettaUf


Enablement, «. Assistance; quali-


Enacture, t. Action, or effect.

Enamet, t. A luncheon. Hmtt.

Enantyb,/w^. Against.

ENAEMBDE,par^;7. (1) Armed.

(2) Larded. In old cookery.

E NARRATION, 9, {Lat,) A narra-


Enaunter, prep. In case ; for fear


Enbane, v. To poison.

Enbaste, V, To steep in.

Enbate, V, {A,'N,) To pounce


Enbattelled, part, p. Indented,

like a battlement.

Enbelyse, adf. Parted per bend.


Enblaunchen, v. {A,'N,) To


ENBLAWi7N,/yar^j». Puffed up.

Enbocb, v. {A.'N,) To fill out.

Enbolle, v. To swell.

ENBOS8ED,j7ar/.jD. {A,'N,) Raised.

Enbowb, V, To bow down.

IBnbracb, V, (A,-N,) To take hold


En BREAM, adJ, Sharp ; powerful ;


Enbuschb, V, To place in ambus-

cade. J&i^ittcA«m«fi/, an ambush.

Enbusy, v. To busy one's self.

Enbtbed, part. p. Made wet.


Encave, 9. To hide, as in a cave.

Encensb, V, (1) To inform, or in-

struct. North.

(2) (A,'N,) To hurn incense.

Encerchb, v. To search.

Enchacb, (1) V, {A.'N,) To drive


(2) 9. Hunting.

Encharoe, V. To charge with any.


Enchaufe, V, To warm ; to anger.

Enchavfinfff heat.

Enchede. (A,'N.) Vanquished.

Encheined, adj. Chained together.

Encheson, (1) {A.'N,) Occasion;

cause ; reason.

Thou railest on rigbt withoat reaaon,

And blameat hem much for amaQ e*ektann.

Spetu^ Skep. jr., May, 146.

(2) V, To reason with.

Enchbte, V, {A,'N.) To achieve.

Encke, 9, Ink.

Enclbnse, V, To make clean.

Encline, 9. (A.'N.) A bow, or


Enclowe, ». (A.'N.) To nail; to


Enclotde, part, p. Hurt in the

foot, applied to a horse.

Encombrbment, 9, (A.'N.) In-


Encorownment, 9, Coronation.

Encorporb, 9. (A,'N,) To incor-


Encrested, adJ, Increased.

Kot doubting but. if the same nay be

conbmued emongea thepi, they shall

80 therby be enerated m wdth, that

they wold not gladly bo pulled tborfro.

StaU Piytfrt. iii, S69.

Encroche, V, To obtain possession


Encumbrance, 9, Family. Var, d.

Encurtynep, part, p» Inclosed

with curtains.

End, (1) 9. To finish ; to kill. North.

(2) 9. A number of anything.


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portion, or dirmon.

ore, or delight. North,

irect, or set upright,

stem of ft plftnt. Ea»t.

, or price. Yorksh,

f. To dftmage.

. Endwise; forward.

End ; part ; country.

Seat; corner,

colour. Line.

V, Toexert one's self.

tdv, {A.'S.) Along;

iri. p. Fixed in.

A.'S.) Past; gone by.

r dai/' the other day.

ro digest. A term in

9ret. t. Variegated in

, Two moveable plates

ontract the fire-place.

)(J.~N.) To dictate;

to death. Gawayne.

h. Straight-forwards;

y. The eleventh,

rhe blind gut. EomL

'. Eleven ; eleventh.

f9. Straight along

Lenticula. Pr. P.

t». (Lat.) To teach,

r/. p. (A,.N.) En-

dj. Made shiny, as

ith the yolk of egg,

in cookery.

I'N.) Indolence.

3 endorse.

To doubt ; to fear.

{A,-N.) QuaUty;

: the scale given by

trt. p. Dried up.

f.-5.) To suffer.


EiTDAotSB, V. To multiply.

Enducb, 9. {LaL) To adduce.

ENDumATB, adj. {Lat.) Obstinate.

Endukb, v. {Lat.) To make bard.

Endwabb, 8, A small hamlet. Lme,

Endways, adv. Straight-forward.


EttDYD, part. p. Yeaned.

Enb, adj. Alone ; only ; once.

Enbob, 9. (A.'S.) A duck.

Enble, V. To anoint. Pr. Parv.

Enemib, (1) s. A common term for

the devil.

An insect. Shrqpsh.

amj. Lest. EoMt,

(4) In the sixteenth century, it

was often customary to speak of

the gout, par excellence, at tha


ENENST,frr^. Opposite to. North,

Enbs, adv. Once.

Enewed, part. p. {A.-N.) Trou-

bled ; vexed.

Enfamined, a^. (A.-N.) Hungry.

Enfarced, adj. Stuffed.

Enfaunce, t. (Fr.) Infancy.

Enfelavshippe, v. To accompany.

Enfeoff, v. To grant as a feoff.

Enfelonbd, adj. {Fr.) Full of

fierceness. S^}enM.

Enfbrmi, V, To inclose, or lock

up. •

Enfibe, v. To set fire to.

It elads him now to note how th* orb of


Which girU this globe, doth not ei^re the

frame. Du Bartoi.

Enflaumede, part. p. Burnt up.

Enflaunce, v. To inflame.

Enforce, v. {A.-N.) To strengthen.

Enforcement, ». Effort. Eratmtu^

Enchiridion, 1533.

Enforme, v. (a.-N.) To teach ; te


Enforsb, v. To season. A term in


Enfoublbd, part. p. Wrapt up.

Enfouldred, adj. Thick ; misty.


Enfrat, a. An afifray.

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Engage, v. To lay to pawn.

Engaol, v. To imprison.

EngendurEi 9, (A,'N.) Genera-


'RvGnn.xDfpartp,(J.'N.) Frozen;


Engeyne, V, To enjoin. Audelay,

Enghle, (1) v. To coax, or cajole.

(2) 9. A gull. Jonson.

Engin, *. (Lot,) Wit ; contrivance.

Engined, v. {A,'N.) To rack; to


Enoinous, adj. Inventive.

Englambd, adj. (A.-N.) Slimy.

Enolosed, par/, p. Painted.

Englute, V, To stop with clay.

Engouted, adj. Having black spots

on the feathers. A hawking term.

Engrafted, part, p. Depraved.


Engrailed, part. p. (JFV.) Varie-


Engrave, v. To bury.

Engrease, t». {Fr.) To become fat.

Biche8,Mrhercwithal they are fatted and

enffreased like swine.

Fox^s Aclt and JiionumeiUs.

Engregge, «. {A.'N.) To aggra-


Engrelyde, part,p. Interspersed.

S«e Engrailde.

EN0REYNED,par/./7. (A.-N.) Pow-


Engross, v. (1) (A.-N.) To fatten ;

to make large.

(2) To collect ; to heap together.

Engrossments, accmnulations,

heaps of wealth.

For this they have engrossed and pil'd up

The canker^l heaps of Btrang^^itchieved

gold. Shaketp. 3 fl?i». /f, ir, 4.

ENGUERE,/7ar/./7. (A.-N.) Formed;


Engyne, v. {A.'N.) To deceive.

Engynefal, crafty, cunning.

Engyste, v. (A.'N.) To constrain.

Enhabite,». (A.-N.) To accustom.

Exhalse, V, To embrace.

Enha&piT| part, p,


"EvuASTEDy part, p, Hast^

Enhavnsb, V, (A.'N,) Tc

Enheritb, v. To endow

with an inheritance.

ENHiEDB,par/./7. Raised;

Enhony, v. To sweeten.

Enhort, v. (A.'N.) To ej

Enis, adv. Once.

Enixed, part, p. {Lat.)


Enjoine, V, To join in bai

Enjoyance, s. Enjoymeni

Enjubarde, V, To jeo]


Enkerly, adv. Eagerly.

Enlaced, part, p, {A.-}


Enlake, v. To overflow. .

Enlargissed, part, p.


Enlegeance, 8. Allegianc

Enlbte, adj. Eleven.

ENLEVKD,//ar/.j». Inlaid.


Enlimn, o. To illaminate

Enlonge, adj. Oblong.

Enlumine, v. {A.'N.)


Enmesh, v. To entangle i

Enmoisbd, par/. /7. Encoc

Enm URE, V. To inclose.

Enne, 9. One. The obj. ca

jet cret peryl hy undergo^

That criatneth twycs <h

Other to jcTe asent therU

Other for love of kexme


Ennbsure, s. {A.'N.) Gam

Ennbwe, v. To paint ; t<

the last and most brill


Ennose, r. {A.'N.) To co

Enoint, par/./?, {A.-N.) A

Enoo, adv. By and by. A

Enorme, adj. {A.'N.) Em

To beware, henceforth, of th(

enorme. Heyxcood^aSpiiUrand

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BmnncBms,v. TojottiacBjIliitg.

ExorurSy r. To adon.

J^VAMMtsj 9. AppareL

ExpATmx, V. To imptir.

Expi«HS, «. To ixnpeadi; to

EKFioHT,jM(r/./i. Pitched.

SxffOTsoKB,*. Poison.

Eypucs, #. {d.»N.) Fubioa.

EiiPBoimBD,/Mr#./r. (i^.-iV.) Be-


8NPw>wKD,jMr/.p. Profited of.

EKaiTBBT, «• {A.*N.) Inqninr.

ExQiJVTifTANCB,«. AcqiuuDtanee.

EvftuiSAKCB, t. Inqnirj.

Ex»Ac«, t?. {A.-N.) Toimpltnt.

E!fBX80HB,«. To reaaon with.

EffSAMSt (1) «• Tha greaae of a


(2) V. To cleanse, or pnrge a

hawk of ^nt and greaae.

Ekbajcfls, f. {J.-N.) Ad exam-

En'8concb,v. To fortify.

EN8KAifso,«4r. Greaay. JAoAc^i.

EMsmAK, V. To dry up. SkaHap,

ENSKOGSft. Allege.

Snsbisp,in»^. j?« Sealed ^; kept


ENaaMBi.s,(l)#. (^.-iV.) Company.

(2) adv. {Fr.) Together.

Ensbm Ls, V. To auemble.

Ensbnss, v. To anoint with

Ensbnt, 9. (A^N.) Adrice; wiih.

Ensbsb, v. To take poaaeaaion.

Ensigmbbakxk, «. A dnmkard.


EvsiONnfENT, f. (jFV.) Instruc-

tion; information. '* And whan

all the people come so togyder at

this aw^mfliwn/." The FuiywaU^

Ibl. cHv.

Eksilb, V, To pass a thread nnder

the beak and through the eyelid,

so as to hinder the sight.

BiiaiNxifXNT, 9, Perseverance.

Ensisei 9. Qaality. SJtumnr.

Ekslombes, 9. {A.»NJ) To make


Kmbnablb, 9. Toinsnare.

BNaoiNB, t. (A.-N.) An excuse.

Enspbrb, 9. (A,'S,) To inquire.

Smctatb, v. To inveat.

Bnstobb, v. {Lat.) To fcnew.

"Enstore, /fu/mro." liuhei,

BwaumB, v. To assare.

EMTACBBi>jp«r/.p.(^.-M) Spotted.

Of elapbuitit tethe wtn the palace gaUs,

EakMMnfed with many goodly platis

Of golde, mUckU with manv a prceyoa*

•tone. Skellon, Workcs, i. 380.

Entailb, (1) r. {A.'N.) To cut, or


(2) 9. Sculpture, or carving.

(3) 9, Cut ; shape ; a fashion.

Entails, t. Ends of land. North.

Entalbntb, r. {A.-N.) To excite.

Entamb, v. To subdue.

Entbcchbs, 9, {A.'N.) Spots;


Entbnd, V, (A,'N.) To attend.

Entendanee, attention.

Entbndembnt, 9. {A.^N.) Un-


Entbntb, (1) t. {A.-N.) Under-


(2) 9. Intention.

(3) v. To attack.

Ententif, a^. (A.-N.) Attentive.

Enter, 9. To commence training^

a hawk to kill game.

Entbb.clo8b,«. A passage between

two rooms in a house.

Entbbcokbe, v. iLat.) To in-


Entbbpbale, f . Intercourse.

For he is practlz'd well in policy.

And thereto doth his coorting moit apply.

To learn the mtgrdeaU of princea atrange.

To mark th' intent of couniels. &c.


Enteblacb, t. " Ent9rlace, com-

munication with them whych be

already talkynge. In aUenuoi

9ermonemin9inuare." Huloet

Enterlac£, 9. {Fr.)X kind of verse.

Entbrmetb, V, (1) {A.'N,) To


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In«roLim,#.(if.-M) The print tt

mm wIm chanted the epiitle.

Xn, «. The asp tree. Keni,

BavAX, «i$f. Just ; impaitiaL

Sonan, «. To make eqnaL

BavipnniT, t. A plamb-line.

Sainpoi.xNTB, ocj^'. BqiuTalent.

Sqm^olenee, an equivalent.

BaviPOLi.B,v.(^.-iV:) To be equal.

Bb, ad9. Before; former; early.

EmaTNS, t. A spider. Nommale,

Eansa, t. (1) (if..£) An arbour.

(2) A field, pastve, garden ; an


(2) The oondnit leading to the

stomach. An old hunting term.

EanoLAT, «. A confection of herbs,

eggs, ace.

ErMmUi. Take ptnel, nyntei. urerer,

aad fSMe, tuiaey, vcrrayn, clany, rewe,

ditajn, fend, loathrenwodfl ; hewe hcm»

tad gnndtf hem smale; mecUe hem up

with ayreii. Do batter in a trape, and

cb the fan thereto, and bake, ana mesie

it forth. Rirmt qf Cury, p. 80.

Brbowls, #. An article of cookery.

JBr^omle, Take bolas. and leald hem

with wm, aad drawe hem with a

•tyomor. Do hem in « pot. Clarify

bony, and do thereto, with nowdor fort,

and floer of rya. Salt it, and floriBh with

whyte aneyt, and terre it forth.


EacHDXKSirs, «. (^.-iV.) An arch-


ERCHSBTiacHOPB,'! t. An arch-


Bbclb, t. A blister. Shmpih.

Bbd,«. (^.-5.) The earth. BrdyUf


Bbdb, 9. {A.-S.) To inhabit.

Bbdbz, t. Lands.

Bbdon,«. An errand. Ccv.Myst

Ebd-shkbit, f . A shrew-moQse.

Brb, \v, (ji.-S.) To plongh. Sre-

fSM%,]abk, arable.

Ebb, (1) adv. Before; preTionsIy.

Eror, former. Erouii, first*

{2)i.iJ.'S.) An ear.

($) pr€9. i. pL of 6e. Are.

Ebbab,*, To raise up.

That other hywiafeete the eoal of mmi {

this eleoMethi that depraeeth, this

€rmn. Bmrtam't Ammt. ifW.

Ebb-laffb, 9. (A.'S.) The lower

part of the ear.

EBBMm, «. A hermit

Ebbxtb,!. Sand. Pr.P.

BBB-BOWirBB, «. A secret whis.


EBOB,ty. To tease, or vex. fTiti,

Ebib, v. (^..&) To honour; to


Ebigb, t. Straw, or stubble. Zifie.

"Erige holme or thacke."


Ebkb, iu(f. {A.'S.) Weary; sick.

Bbmb, v. (J.^S.) To griere; to


BRiiTTB,«.(i^..5.) Poverty; misery.

Ebn, (1) «. (^..5.) An eagle.

(2)e. To glean.

Erndx, t. (^.-5.) An errand.

Ebne, 9. (1) (if.-5.) To run ; to


(2) To yearn.

Ebnbmobwe, adv. Early in the


Ebhbn, V. To earn ; to obtain.

Ebnbs, t. The loose scattered ears

of com left on the ground.

Ebnbst, «. (A.-S.) ZeaL Emettful,

serious, zealous.

Ernbstonb, «. The eagle-stone.

Ernfull, adj. Lamentable. Sunex.

Errandx, \(J.'N.) Wandering;

RRRAUNT, J strolling.

Erratbs, #. Faults. HalL

Bbbatikb, adj. (A.'N.) Wan-


Ebbb, (1) 9, {A.'S.) A sore ; a pock-


(2)v.(A.-N.) To wander.

Ebrim, f. Urine. Devon.

^BMHr* }«• WheatstubWe. Jr«i/.

Ebriwioolb,«. An eor-wig. i43«/.

Errour, «. {A.'N.) A course;


Ers, «. (^.-iS:) Podex.

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Alio make pondir of jsope, of oda- i

mynte, and origane, either of her floniet,

and do that poudir in hie «r«.

Medical MS. qfUUl^aant.

E&8D1KNB, t. An archdeacon.

Ersmbrt, a. The plant colerage.

Erst, adv,{A,'S.) First; formerly.

M erst, for the first time.

Erswort, s. The plant mooae-ear.

Erte, (1) pre». ». 2 pen. Art.


(2) V. {J.'N.) To compel; to


Ertbkdoune, t. (ji.'S.) An earth-


Erthe-galle» s. The plant cen-


Erthbmotinge, s. (A.'S.) An


Erthbn, adv. (A.'S.) Previously.

Erthbsmok, s. The plant fu-


Ertborinb, It. (^.-5.) An

BRTHGRTTHB, J earthquake.

Ertring, «. Burial.

Erth8Tane,«. (^.-1$.) The hearth-


Ertinb, v. To irritate.

Ertou. Art thou ?

Erve, s. {j4.'S.) An inheritance.

Hit verketh wonderliche.

And ervet giveth nkerlich.


Ert, adf. Every. Var. dial

Ertday, adv. Every day. Pr. Part,

Eryn, t. Iron.

Erys, 8, (1) Ears.

(2) Years.

Erzell, pron. Herself. Somerset.

EsBATBMBNT, s, (A.-N.) Pastime.

Escape, t. A transgression. Shot.

Eschar, s. A newt. North.

EscHAUFB,v. {A.'N.) To make hot.

EscHAVMGE, s. (A.-N.) Exchange.

EscHE, 8. An ash-tree. Eseken,

made of ash.

EscHBKERB, s. (1) A chcss-board.

(2) The exchequer.

EscHELE, s. {A,'N.) Troop ; com-


EsCOBTBfl, f. {A..N.)

EscHswB, V. To move ; to (

EscBivB, V. {A.*N,) To ei

to shnn.



BscoRCHBs, t. Animak tha

• flayed. An old hunting i

BscoTBD, par/. />. Paid; %up\

EscouT, *. {Fr,) A spy, or i

E8CRiBD,]tMv^p. Descried.

EscRiTB, s. {A.'N.) A writi

EscuAOB, «. (^.-iVl) Servio

EscuLPBO, part, p. Seal]


B8B,(l)t.(i/..iV^.) Ea«i;pl

Esetiuntt relief.

(2) V. To accommodate ;


(3)«. Bait for fishes.

EsENOROPPBR, s. An eavesdi

EsH, s. (1) Stubble; aftc


(2) An ash tree. North.

EsHiN, s. A pail. North.

EsHiNTLE, s. A pailful. Chi

EsHUK, s. A hook at the ext

of a wagon-horse's traces,

form of an S. West.

EsiB, adj. Gentle ; light. J


EsK, s. A lizard. North.

EsKiNo, s. The pentice. Lh

Esle; v. To ask. Heame.

EsLOYiTB, V. To remove. ^

EsMAYE, V. {A..N.) To art

EsPBCB, t. (A.'N.) A sma

tion ; a bit.

ESPERANCE, s. {A.'N.) Ho]


ESPBYRB, 1 #. (A.-N.) El

ESPoiRE, J tion; hope.

EspiAiLLE, 8. (A.'N.) 8:

watchiug by stealth.

Espial, s. {A.-N.) A spy.

EspicB, 9. To look; to obse

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[J.»N.) Spices.


adf. (A^N.) Spi.

.-M) Advmtage.


).{A.'N.) An engine

vma% Ui^ itonei is

t.p. (A,'N,) Taken.

adj. Difficult to



e wonns. Kent.

r. A ditch. Grose.


tt ash-bia. North.

'.-iV.) An excuse,

bit. R.deBnmnB.

'S.) Love; miuufi-

re9,9. Eatest.

J.'N.) A guard.

'pan.) A footman.

. Sorprisiog; won-

. (Fr.) A standard.

[A.-N.) A shop, or

iVl) State; condition,


A.6totute. Hatt.

Instead. North.

r, s. Astrology,



isweU. North,

Mil stabbing sword.

, A sort of dragoons


rith cros8e*bowe men on

radiotty and footmen.

Comines, by Danel, F f 3.

r. {Fr.) A stranger.

N.) (1) State; con-

t or street. ^BtirtSt

9, An ostrich.

the interior parts of a building (

the chambers ; the passages in a


(3) A circumstance.

EsTRBTK, 9. A street.

EsTRiCH-BOABDS, 9. Deal-boards^

Ebtrichb, ]

estkidoe, j

And in birds, at estrichej, mlturei,

cnuiCB, and pastc-llemiii^ofB, whoM

feathers (equaliiziug the birds of para-

dise) arc rich cnmsitn and pure white

so amiably commixed, that above others

it inticed my pains to present it yon.

Uerberi's TraveU, 1638.

To be f^irions,

Is to bo frighted out of tear; and in tliat


The dove will perk the tstridge.

Shakesp., Ant. j- Cl.^ iii, 11.

EsTRicHB, adj. {A.'N.) Reserved ;


EsTRicH-rALCON, f. A species of

large falcon.

EsTBOiTs, *. (Fr.) Narrow cloths.

EsTUF, 9. Stuff; household goods.

EsTuiFE, 9. {Fr.) A pocket- case.

EsuB, V. (A.'N.) To escape.

EsYNE, V. Stcrcoro. Pr. P.

Etch, (1) s. Stubble. Tu99er. See


(2) V. To eke ; to 'augment


Ete, (1) ». (A.^S.) To eat.

(2) prep. At; to. North.




prep. Ai; lo. morin.

-^ 9. {A.-S. eoteUf eten.) A

'N, /giant. **An eten in icb a

w, J tight." Sir Tristrem.


he RfticI, thou foule ! thou etaynef

le myknyghles thou pjarte be slayne.


MS. Lincoln, A, i, 17, f. 128.

For they say the king of Portuf^nl cannot

sit at lus meat, but the iciants Hnd the

cttitts will come and snatch it from him.

B. ^ FL, KHujht ofB. F., i, 1.

And, whetliCT thou witli doughty knight,

Arm'd or unarm'd, shall cuter fight;

Nay, with a gyant or an eltni.

Thou shalt be' ever sure to beat him.

CoUon, Scoffer Scoft.

Eternal, adj. Damned. Eaet.

Eternb, adj, {Lat.) Everlasting.

Eth, f . Bartb ; a hearth. West-

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Ethb, (1) adv. {J,'S.) Easy ; easily.

(2) To ask. Gawayne,

Ethbr, (1) 1^. To bind hedges with

flexible rods called ethertt or


(2) 9, {A.'S.) A hedge.

(3)(^.-^.) Either; each.

(4) 9. An adder. North.

(5) 9. The air, or sky. Nommale.

Ethschaps^v.To escape. Hampole.

Etbtndel,«. Haifa bushel. Pr. p.

Etow, adv. In two. North.

Etraatr, adv. Truly. Craven.

Ettick, adj, (Fr.) Hectic Ettici

fever, the ague.

Ettlb, (1) V. (A.'S.) To intend; to

attempt ; to contriTC. Still used

in the North.

(2) V. To prepare; to set in


(3) V. To earn. See Addle.

(4) V. To deal out sparingly.


(5) t. A netUe. fFe9t.

Ettlbmbnt, 9. Intention. North.

Ettlings, 9. Earnings; wages.


Ettwbe, 9. {Fr. etui.) A sheath,

or case.

Etty9, pree. 9. 3per9. Eats.

Ettk, «. A fever. Lydgate.

EvGRT, pret. t. Owed. North.

Euphuism, 9. An affected style of

speaking and writing which pre-

vailed at the close of the six-

teenth century, and received its

name from works by Lilly, en*

titled, Euphue9i or the Anatomy

qf Wit, and Ev^huu and hU

England^ which set the fashion

of such writing.

EuB£, 9. Use. See Ure.

EuBOSB, «. (Fr.) Rose water.

EuTRiB, V. To pour out. Devon.

Ev. Have. North.

EvAKOBLETT-vATs, 9. Cheese-vatt

which were charged with images

of the saints to be imprinted on

the cheeses. S^ffolk.

7AMOILB8, 9. {A.'N.) ThoGospels.

Evans, t. A she-cat, said

named (torn a witch.

EyB,(l)9. To become damp.

(2) 9. A hen-roost. Somen

EvB-BOARDs, 9. Thcrailsofi

EvECK, 9. A goat.

EvBLiKO, «. The evening. I

EvBLLBS, adj. {A.'S.) Withou

EvELONG, adv. Oblong.

Eyembn, 9. Evening. Dor9ei

Even, (1) adj. Equal.

!2) V. To equal, or make eq

3) V. To compare. We9t.

Eyen-and-odd, 9. A gam<

tossing up money. " Evi

odde, a game much used d

dayes amonge chyldren." B

Etbn-cristbn, 9. A fellow-(


Etbk-down, adv. Downrigl

EvBNB, (I) adv. (A.'S.) Ev


(2) 9. An ear of com. Mid

EvBNB-F0RTH,a<ft;.(w^.-5.) Eq



EVBNB-LONGB, odv. All alOBj

One the npper lyde make holyi

loiige, as many as thou wjH.


EvEKBs, 9. Equity; eqn

**Evene9 of paisse or wa

^guiiibnum." Huloet.

Eyen-flavoured, f. Unm:

uniform. Suffolk.

Evbn-forwabd, Afv. Dircctl;

ward; in continued succei


Eyenhbde, f. {A.'S.) Eqw


EvENiNB, at(f. {A.'S.) Equitfl

E YENLBSTBK, 9. The plant mei

EvBNLiGHT, 9. Twihght.

Eyenlikb, (1) adj. {A.'S.) B

(2) adv. Equally.

EvENLiNBss, f. Equality.

Eyenolde, atg- {A.'S!) Oi

same age.

Eyex-wuilb, f. Even-time.

EyM»YVO,a4f,{J.'S.) Equal;

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Brn, (1) «i». (J.^.) Alwayf .

(2) Mfo. At uy time. For. tf.

(3) t. A drop ttile, lifted op to

pen through. Glow.

(4)«. Rye-gnts. Devon.

SriB-nTHSs, e^f. Both.

BvuFBRSTB,*. Wall fern. Qtfwrd.

Stiiich, acjr. {A,'S,) Bfery one.

Etiudsl, t. {A,'S,) Every pert.

STiELAmriNO, f. (1) A tort of

strong doth foimerly worn by


(2) American cudweed.

Etbbits, oiftp. Ever; faowerer.

SviBmoaB, «. (A.'N.) Rote water.

Etist, (1) Bwnf each, alternate ;

cMfy fioi tmtm, every wk^

tfkUe, every Uke, every now and

then ; every kantTe while, often $

every wh^ amd ayaim, ever and


(2)t. Ivory.

Tbe tovret thai be of ewery,

Cte&e oofrene by and by.

Forkm§tM MS,

(3) f. A apedea of grati. Weet,

SmTCHoifB, edj. {A.-S.) Every


Etssb, e. {A,»S.) The eavet.

** Sveeynye, or evet lettynge or

trimmynge, imbrieiumf eu^rtm

datio:* HfUoet.

Sysaso, aifp. Afraid. Lydgaie,

Btbt, t. A newt. West,

Byicm, jMr/. p. (Lai.) Dispot-

Etu, A(f. Made heavy.

Stil, f. A fork, as a hay-fork, &c.


Bvm, V. (/v.) To avdd.

Btoub,!. Ivory. Lydyate.

Etti, (1) 9. To fall ill, or tick.

(2) «. A disease ; a fit of mad-

EvTLT,Alkr. Heavily; sorrowfully.

Ewage, t. Some kind of stone, or

amolet Pien PL, p. 29.

EwAis, t. A water-bearer. Pr.P.

Bwi, (1) «. (A^K) Water.

Ac wttcr it katddichc cbtld,

TbM bit b« warmd of fen s

Therftra ae OMy emtai tbcr-fatac^

i In wbant tiae f«]ibe a f en


So mer ne Ma)t in tm ardaant,

Tbat netb no vateris wyae.


{2) pari. p. Owed. S^f6U.

Bws-oowAN, «. The daisy. North.

BwBB,t. An udder. NoHh.

EwBET, f . The place where the

ewers wen kept.

BwrmAS, e. The name of a plant.

EwLK, «. Tale ; Chhttmat.

At «wl« we wonten gaaibole, davnee, to

caiTole» and to sing,

To bare gad ipiccd sewe, and rotte, and

plom^piea for r kingr.

Wkrner'* AHwu BngUni, 1699.

BwN, t. An oven. North.

EwTB, (I) r. To pour water. JSr-

(2) t. A newt.

Ex, (1) t. An axle. We$t.

(2) V. To aik. Weet.

ExAOiTATiON, s, {IM,) A violcut

agitation or thaking.

And witb nch Tigoar ttrook

Tbe icepter on tbe long lir'dTamp, it shook

Ita cbryital wait to doit, not thnndera


EsagiUHomi, vhen it roan among

Heapa of eongetted elementt, a aonnd

More dreadfal makea.

CkemhtrlayH^i Fkanntuda, 16S9.

ExAKB&LT, adn, Eiactly. Var. d.

BxALTATB, adj. (Lat.) Bzalted.

ExAMBTBON, 9. Hcxametcr verte.

ExAMPLBB, 9. A tampler. Patty.

BxAN, f. Crottwort. Gerard.

ExBUBSB, V. To ditbnrse.

ExcALiBOUB, s. The name of King

Arthur's sword.

ExcBFTiON,«. Agroundofquarrd.

Faith» I'm of your mind, yet I have

• •eladietn '

known lome nnconanonnble u

their lervante wait as long for a just

txc^tum, and almost as impatiently, at

they did for tbe first faronr.

Stdky.TktMuUerry Gerim,lM8.

ExciiBVB, V, {A.'N.) To eschew.

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Excise, v. To overcbarge. For. d.

Exclaim, «. Ab exclamation. Shak,

ExcoMMBNGs, V. (A.-N.) To ex.


ExcouRss, 9. (LaL) An expedi-


flxcRXMBNTy «. Anything that

grows from the human body, as

hair, nails, &c.

ExcusATioN, s. (Lat) An excuse.

ExcusBifKNT, 9. An excuse.

ExB, s. An axe. Eoit,

Execution, s. The sacking of a


ExEcuTOVB, t. {A.'N.) An execu-


Exemplaire, adj. (J.-N.) Exem-


ExEN, «. Oxen. North,

ExsavY, «. (tat.) A funeraL

ExBRPXD, par/, p. Drawn out.

Exhale, v. To drag out. Shainp,

Exhaust, v. {Lat,) To draw out.

Did I not dotpise thee for thy want of

wit and breeding, these berbaroni con-

tomeiies would exkauMt tean from roy

eyea. Skcd»eU,BiayJhtir,ieSi.

ExHERiDATE, V. (1) To disinherit.

(2) To detest. ** Exheredate.

Abomwwr:* Hmloei.

Exhibition, «. Stipend; allow-


ExiDBMic, «. An epidemic HaU,

Exigent, «. (1) Exigence.

(2) A writ which lies where the

aefendant cannot be found.

ExiLB, oij/. (LaL) Poor; lean.

ExLB, s. An axle.

Exorcisations, #. (itf.-M) Ex-


Exonc, adj. Rare ; out of the com-

mon way.

I nm the son of a sqnirre], if this was not

mighty pretty and egoiie.

Shadwell, TheHumoriiUt 1871.

Expans-txrbs, «. Single years,

with the motions of the hea-

venly bodies answering to them.

Expect, (1) v. To wait ; to tarry.

(2) f. Expectation.

(3)v. To suppose ; to cone

applied to things put, not lb

"I esped he went to town


ExPECTAinrr, /7ar#. Waiting.

ExPECTioN, t. ExpectatioB.

ExPBDiBNCB, «. (1) Expeditic

(2) An enterprise; an ni


Expedient, a{^'. Quick.

ExPBDiTioB, 9. {Lat,) Despaft

ExpxNDUNTUB, t. An aoeou

the things expended.

ExpxBTruL, a4j. Expert.

ExpiATB, j7ar/.p. Expired. £U^

ExPiBBy V. To exhaust, or


ExPLATBftT. To explain; to un

ExPLBiTB,! ». (I) (^.-J\r.) To

BXPLOiT, J form ; to complelt

^2) To assist.

(3) To apply one*a adf to

thing. Pabgraoe.



ExposTUBB, 9. Exposure. Shm

ExpouNE, V. {A,'N,) To expoi

to explain.

ExpuLSE, V. (Lat.) To expel

ExpuBGBfV. (Lot.) TockMUMe

Exaui&B, tr. To inquire.

EXSUFFLICATE, odj, (Lttt.) (


ExTABLE, atlf, AcceptaUe.

Extend, v. (A hw term.) To ^

the property of any one whc

forfeited hia bond ; to seixe.


Thif manor is exiendei to my vie,

Yoa'll apeak in humbler key.

Muit^ New Wa9 to P. O. D

Labienna (Una ia stiff i

Hath vxUi his Parthian foree tstemded

(2) To praise. ShaJte9p,

ExTENDOuR, 9, A suTTeyor;

who appraises property.

Extent, 9,(1) A seicure.

Make an <flMi< open hia bofoae and &


(2) A TioleDt attack.

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mng hftwk new from

ff. (1) A. young male


cake composed with

iligent. North,

5.) Water. Somerset.

) Awe ; fear ; power,

month of a pit.

Dtlet for water from


observe minutely.

tall tint of colour.

)od of pheasants.

Sightly. North,

To bewitch with the


The eyebrows. Lane,

t. Eyelids. North,

Old pasture, which

ong without being

') Byes.

2 F

Tbat'hope behotet' and fuiei.

Etliads, *. (Fr.) Ogles ; wanton


Etlsum, adj. Wholesome.

EYLYKMf adv. Elsewhere. Lydg.

Etlyne, v. To withstand. Pr. P,

Eymanxnt, adv. Directly oppo

site. West.

ErifB&Y, «. Ashes. Pr.Parv.

Etnkk, s. Ink.

EY-awYT, s. (J.'S.) The white

of egg.

Eyrar, 8. A brood of swans.

Eyre, (1)». Grace.

(2) V. To plough.

To go ; to moTC.

Haste ; speed.

An heir.


To breed, as hawks.

Etsibh, adj. Aerial. Ckauetr.

B-novos, part. p. Erected.

Ermus, f. Yean.

Etrb,«. (1) An ice or glaze for the

ontaide oif a pie.










To make • fjrne white e^H. Take a

qaantitj of rose water aad a peece of fine

Bugar, and boil yt in a porenger on a

chafln^-dish of cdes, and bo iudore

anythuijc afler jt is baked, as march-

Kne, florcndin, keesho, or any Buch

e foreaayd dish, and pat yt presently

in the oven againe, and yt will be a

white «yM; bnt yoa must not let yt

tarry too long in the oven, for then yt

will loose the colour and shrincke.

MS. Cookery Beedfta, heg. qfV^th cent.

(2) Ease. Eytementet, conve-


Eysteh, 9. An oyster.

Eyte, 9, Eight. Ejftende, the


Ettendele, f. Half a bushel, or

the eighth part of a coomb.

Pr.P, Compare aghendole.

Etth, adv. (J.'S.) Easy; easily.

E5BNEN, «. Eyes.

EjEVEB, dufv. Ever. Audelay.

Fa, (1)*. A foe.

")ad9. Very fast. iVbr/A.

)adj. Few.

FABBiN,/»ar^ a. Flattering. North,

Fable, ». (A.-N,) Idle Ulk.

Fabrtcature, 8. (LaQ Making.

Fabric K-LANDS, s. Lands given

for the building, or repair, of


Faburdbn, adj. High sounding.

He condemneth all mens knowledge

but his owne, raising up a method of

experience with (mirabife, miraeuloso,

Btnpendo. and sncti faburtken words, as

Fierovauti doth) abore all the learned

Galienists of Italic, or Europe.

Lodge's WiU Muerie,U96.

Facche, V. To fetch.

Face, (1) v. To brag ; to rail at any

one ; to browbeat.

(2) s. Harm ; consequence.

(3) V. A term at primero, to

stand boldly upon a card. Hence

the phrase to face it with a card

often, to face anything out by

mere impudence.

Fac<d-oard,«. Acoort^ctrd.

Facer, «. (1) An impudent f

a boaster.

(2) A bumper of vrine.

Faobtb, atfy', (Lat,) Choice;

Fachon, 9. A falchion, or si

Fachur, V, To grow like i

ture. We9t,

Faces. By my faith! Devon

Facondb, "I a4r. (J,'N.)

PAOONDious, J quent.

Facrere,«. Dissimulation. (

Faculte, f. (Lat.) Quickna

Fad, (1)«. A truss of straw. 1

(2)t. A whim. Wm-w, J

frivolous. West. Finniking

(3) V, To be busy with


(4) a. One who is diflic

please in trifles.

(5) adj. Fashioned. Noril

(6) 8. A coloured ball. I

Fadole, (1) V. To cherish; t

die. Faddttr, a fondler, ei

spoils children.

(2) a. A pack, or bundle.

Fade, (1) adj, {A,'N.) Som


(2) adj, (A..N.) Dirty


(3) adj. The decayed p

cheese. Cheek.

(4) adj. Powerful; strong

(5) V. To vanish. Shaket

TADEDfpart.p. Decayed, i

Fadgb, (1) V. (A.-S.) To ftLi

fit ; to agree ; to succeed,

will noifiidffe,** Almanaekt

I will be plaine, he waxt too prcn

plotted higher drifts

Thau fitt him oryfai^well.

Wanur^e Aibione Bnglan

Though now, if gold but lacke in |

tlie wedding/otf^rM not.

Well, sir, how fadget the new i

huve you not the luck of all yoor

Srojectcrs, to deceive only yooi

ist. WyekerUy, Country 19%

{2)9. A small flat loa^ oi


(3)«. To beat, or thra&h.

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<4)ff. Ataiafe;almot^WM.

(6) $. A Mclu or |iick-4l>ac^

loQMly filled. lf«0LC.

Fao6Bs,v. To fig. i^dvon.

Famt, o^. Corpuleat. North.

WAMtmQ, M. The burthen of «■

Iiish long, Md the name of a

dance; often used m a general

ton for a biuihen for a long.

GMtje, I win bATc him daaw /iiiMy ;

>Av k • iM Jigp ril MHM joo, cen-

A /• IT. Imgkt efB.fntU, b, 1.

If o( one UBOBgrt « huArai ^I lUl,

Bat uwlflr tor enrts tlie bdl wiU be ftmd.

With a/odiiiy, Ik.

JiM M c Coy^ 0. PL, Yiii, 96S.

Fainkmlb, 9. Ftoiaefe. Dekker*

Fabd, /n»^. /I. Faded. Tomm^


Faboako, tf. A 9Uig of beggan.

i\^/A. See/'ow.

Fasbib,#. {A.^N,) The work or

coontiy of fairies ; eochantment.

Faff, v. To more violently. Nwih.

" Faffymg wordes/' violent, strong

language. JDoeument qf 29 H§n.


Fawls, v. (1) To stammer.

(2) To saunter, or trifle; to


FAWTfpmrLp, Fought.

Fao, (1)9. To beat, or thrash.

(2)«. A knot in doth.

(3) «. A sheep-tiok. Une.

(4)«. The paunch. £»/. "Fatte

/^ye. Firo$9ula." Hutoet.

(5) «. Long coarse grass. North-

ampL A field in which it grows

is said to he foggy,

(6) 17. To ravel or fringe out.


Faoakt, «. A vagary. Hatt.

Fa6b, (1)«.(^..5.) To deceive by

iattei7 or falsehood.

(2)«. Becflit, flattery.

(3)«. A fable; a merry tale.

Fao«ik«, f . Re^g the atubbk

with a short scythe. ^«ef.

FAOoa, mdo. Gladly. JCm/.

Faoh, ^rtl.f. Fought. Wobir,

Famoli, ff. {itoL) French beans.

Faoot, (1) 9. To cut, or tie up


(2) «. A contemptuous term for

a woman.

Faioh, t. Refuse soil, or stones.


FAioHTBsr, «4r. {A.-S.) Most


FAiL,(l)ff. Fiilare; fault. 5A«ilc^.

^2) 9. To oome to an end.

\zSv.(A.-N.) To deceive.

[4) «. A woman's upper garment.

Fain, (1) (if..^./sya.) Af>. GUd;


(2) aAr. Gladly.

(3)9. To be willing, or ready.

(4; 9. To be obliged to do any-


Paimb, 9. (A^N.) To feign.

Faint, 9. To fade. Var.d,

Faintt, AJF. Languid. Glome.

Fair, (1) «. {A,'S,) Fairneii;


The lovely lime.tfaatfiiinflowerforbesnUe

paet compare.

Whom winter*! cold kenie breethhAthkill'd.

snd blMted all htrfmre.

Mirror for Maf., Ind. io Wimta'M N.

Some weU I wot, tad of that aone full


Wiaht or my fairer or their desire were

lease. Lodgt^t GUmeuaJr SUU.

(2) 9. To make fair. SAaJte^.

(3) adj. Level, or parallel, said

of a wall, &c Line.

(4) A fairing. North, ''A day

after the faire," too late.

(b) adv, Evidently; manifestly.


(6) 9. To give symptoms of.


(7) atf;. Soft or slow. VFeftm,

(8) «. A great roe-buck. Blome.

Fair-dbatb, a. A natural death.


Fai&shedb, ff. (A,»S.) Beauty.





Fairfallbn, adj. Good, honest.


Fairish, adj. Tolerably good.

Fairly, adv. Softly. North.

Fair-maid, «. A dried pilchard.


Fairre, ac^. More fair. Will.


Fair.tro-dats,«. Daylight. North.

Fairt, 9. A weasel. Devon.

Fairt-butter, «. (1) A fangous

excrescence, foand about the

roots of old trees.

(2) A species of tremella found

on furze and broom.

Fairt-dart, 9. A popular name

for ancient flint arrow-heads,

which weresupposed to be thrown

by fairies.

Fairy-groats, 9. An old country

word for ancient coins.

Fairy-loaves, 1

fairy-faces, j

Fairy-money, «. Found treasure.

Fairy-pipes, «. Small old tobacco-

pipes, frequently found in dif-

ferent parts of England.

Fairy-sparks. Phosphoric light

seen in the nighttime.

Faitbn, v. {A.-N.) To flatter ; to

deceive ; to idle; to beg. Faiterie,

flattery, deception.

Faith, v. To give credit to.

Faithly, adv. Truly ; properly.

Faitour, 9. {A.'N.) A deceiver ; a

flatterer ; a vagrant ; an idle lazy

fellow ; a scoundrel.

Fake, v. To thrust ginger into a

horse's tail to make 1dm sprightly.


Falbelob, 9. An article of dress.

A street there is thro' Britain's isle re-


In upper Holbom, near St Giles's pound.

To wnich unh^py Monmouth gave hii

h«. Fossil echini.


The darling once of rictory and fune :

Ten thousand habits here attract the eyes,

Oarments of er'ry colour, swt, and site;

The rags of peasanU, and the spoils of


Hiz'dwlth hoop-petticoats %x\^fttJheloe$;

Here Damon's birth-night suit to vie


Fills miih new grief the taylor ret u]

There Cloe's mantua hangs, of win


In which ten winters since she grat


Here, on one hook, I oftentimes hare

The warrior's scarlet^ and the fooi


And near a broken gamester's o


The Utter'd pawn of some Ul-fiitedt

Hats, bonnets, scarves, sad argumi


Beavrojs and ridiuK-hoods make \

show. New Crae^ Takt, 1783

Falcon, 1 «. A cannon of 2|

FAKEN, J bore,carrying a sbo


Fald, 9. A handspike. Cbfet.

Faloaoe, «. A right reservt

the lord to set up folds f(

sheep in the fields of his ten

Fold-fee^ acomposition paid I

tenants in lieu of this servic

Faldb, v. To fold ; to embrac

Faldered, a4^'. Fatigued. L

Faldino, 9. A sort of rough <

Faloorb, 9. A trap-door.

Faldstool, «. A portable sea

a camp-stool.

Falb, (1) «. A pustule, or


(2) Wet marshy land. Un/t

Falewbden, pret. t. Fallowe

Falky, a(f/. Long-stemmed. Cc

Fall, (1) v. To strike dowi

make to falL Ea9t.

(2) part. p. FaUen.

(3) «. A falling-band, or VRn<

(i) 9. Yeaning of lambs. A

(5) 9. The time of cutting

ber. Su99ex.

(6) v. To befall ; to happen.

(7) Tb try a fall, to wp

FaU baei./aU edge, at all ac

tures. To fall m handy to

with or meddle. To fail oa

hy the eare, to quarrel 7\

through, to be abandoned.

qfthe year, autumn.

Fallal, adj. Meretricioua. Skr




orotmcnts; pro*

ig rufla of a wo-

«. The falling

Deceit ; fallacy.

«.trap. Pr. P,

Slaked. Craven,

Wool of a theep

lent or disease.

ease in hawks, in

rs turn white.

A gate across a

9. A neck-band

falling on the

leparated before ;

d a Vandyke.

now. My gown, my

'kll, where't my/«M,

0. PI. iii, 281.

B embleme 'bout his

ufle w ipmcely set

fff-band, foreootn !

ntom, StU. iii, p. 148.

. The epilepsy.

A common.

A waterfall

Hay grown upcn

strakes of a cart.

!t or straikes of a


9, The whestern.

r. The clotbird or

Yiiions of a large

ched to a village.

5.) To turn pale


) AUar.

I) Falsehood.

t)Stinate ; wanting

inning ; deceitful

^3) «4r. Forsworn ; peijared.

(4) 9. To falsify ; to deceive.

(5) V. To wheedle ; to flatter.

Falss-blows, 9. The male blossoms

of the melon and cucumber. Eatt,

Falsb-bbat, «. (Fr,) A counter-


Falsbhbd, 9. {J.-S.) FalMhood.

Falsb-point, 9, A stratagem.

FAtsB-auABTBBS, 9. A soreuess

inside the hoofs of horses.

Falsbb, iidj. False. Jofucn,

Falsob, «. A deceiver.

Falstb, 9, (J,'N.) Falseness.

Faltbb, 9. To thrash barley in the

chaff. FaUerinff'irom, a barley-

chopper. Line.

Faltbbed, part, p. Dishevelled.


Falwb, adj. Yellow.

Falwbb, 9. (1) Fallow lands.

(2) New.ploughed fields. Pr. P.

Falx, 9. A term in wrestling.

Or by the girdlM grsf pt, they practise with

the hip,

The forwtrd, beckwwd, falx, the mare,

the tome, the trip.

Dra^Um, FofyoUim, Song i.

Falyt, o^f. Fallow.

Fam. Upon my /am, upon my faith.

Famation, ff. Defamation.

Famblb, v. To stutter, or murmur

inarticulately. Line.

Fauble-crop,«. The first stomach

in ruminating animals. Ea9t.

Faublbs, 9. Hands. An old cant


Fame, (1) #. (A.-S.) Foam.

(2) V. To defame.

(3) 9, A surgeon's lancet. Ztnc.

Fauelick, adj. Domestic.

Why thou lookst ai like a married-man

already, with as grave a fatherly /«m-

Uci countenance as ever I saw.

(7/way. The AiJmit, 1684.

Fambn, (1) 9. {A.'S.) Foes; foe-


(2) tr. To famish.

Famile, v. To be famished. Warw,

Familiab, 9. The spirit attendant

upon a witch. or conjurer.

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Famxlovs, ttdj. Domeitie. North.

Fam OM, V. To ctlebnM. Shahnp,

The Chjna numuch U that wme great

cam which M. F. ToMtnt aai If anda*

vUa afora him havayhnMM^

S§rbmrt*t 2Vm«b, 1688*

Famulab, a4f. {Lat) Domestic.

Fak, (1) V. To leate^ or banter ; to

b^t. Suaex,

(2) V, To winnow com. Var, tL

(3) V. To ttir about briskly.

(4) part. p. Found : felt. Cmmi,

Fancical, adj. Fanciful. Wett,

Fancib8» «. Ligbt ballads, or airs.


Fancy, (I) Love. FlsNcy^/Vee, free

fh>m loYC.

Fur Halflaa in/SnMw folloving me.

f 2) ff. A riband, the prize for

dancers. Cumi.

Yakd, pret. t. Found.

Fande, r. To try. Sec Fonde.

Vksx, 9. (1) A weathercock; a


(2) (J.'S.) A banner. A fane of

a ship, was probably the banner

or vane at the head of the mast.

(3) The white flower-de-luce.


(4) Foes ; enemies.

Fankr, «. A winnower. Lydff,

Fanrcklbd, adj. Freckled. North,

Fang, (l)ff. Afln. Eatt, A claw.


(2) V, To grup, or clench.

(3) V. To be godfather or god-

mother to a child. Somenet.

(4) V. To bind; to strangle.

Fanoast, a4f. Fit for marriage.

An old Norfolk word.

Fanob, «. (^.-&) To catch, or take

hold of. Fanger, a receiver.

Fanolb, v. (A,'S.) To trifle* or toy.

Famgltd, trifling.

A hatred to /burlM and the Freneh fooleries

of hia Une. Woo^tJthmm, ooL II, 4M.

A book? O rare one I

Be not, ae ia omtfamgled world, a garment

Nobler than that it eorera. Sk., Cfmi., t, 4.

Fangs, «. The roots of a tree. Xcnc.

FANNANDfjyor/. a. Flowing. (7a.


Fannel, 1 #. (J.'N.) A priest's

FANON, J maniple.

Fanom-watvb, 9, The discharge

from the sores of cattle. ITonr.

Fanset, «. A faucet. SufoOb.

Fanbome, adj. Kind; fondling.


Fantasib, #. {A.'N.) Fkncy.

Fanta8tico, 9. (Ital.) A coxcomb.

Fanteaoue, 9. (1) A bustle.

(2) Ill.humour. Var. d.

Fantickles, «. Fireckles. York9k.

Fantodds, 9, Indisposition. Leic,

Fantoue, (1) a^. Fsint; weak.

Fantome'Jl99h, flesh that hangs

loosely on the bone. Fantome^

eorHf light com.

(2) Vanity.

Fantomtslichb, adj. Visionary.

Chron. Ft/.

Fantont, adj. (A.'N.) Deceitful.

Fanttsb, 9. Deceit. See Faynfi9e.

Fap, adj. Drunk ; tipsy. ShaJke^,

Fapb8, 9. Gooseberries. Ea9t.

Fab, adv. Farther. North. rUbefitr

t^/<fo, I willnot

Faband, part. a. Going ; faring.

Farand-wum, a traTcUer or itine-

rant merchant. HUfarand, bad-

looking. Farantfy, orderly,

comely, good-natured, neat.


Fab-awat, adv. By hr. North,

Fae-bt, prtp. Compared with, i

North. '

Fabcb, V. (1) {Fr.) To stuff; to |


Fardnff hii letter with like ftistiaa, call. '

ing hia owa coiut our moat hapm aad i

ahining port, a port of refuge for tho

world. Am4rf> 2V«»eb. p. 47. |

(2) To paint

Fabcion, ff. The farcy.

Fabd, (1) r. {Fr.) To paint the


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Utural death. East

Al burthen.

k up.

See FarihingmU.

The fourth part of

r. The old form is

(Fr.) An impedi-

d.'S,) To go; to

FVim, gone.

A journey ; course,

roach. North,

; to live. North.

lal display; enter-

ure; onset.


ear; to leem. 9uf.

emble, or act like

luct, orbehayiour;

or face. North.

\x of pigs ; the trace

oe with dice.

le, or throb. North,

ist. Faremakert, a


eelinga; symptoms.

i relish. North.

> /». Far-fetched.

h>. {A.-S.) Far in

. (1) Advaoced in

toxicated. North.

t-cake. Northumb.

Urly ; plainly,

mdera. North. See

An interioper.

) To eleaite out.

I) Food;amea].

Faemek, ff. The eldest son of the

occupier of a farm. Suffolk.

Farmbrs'-dat, 9. The day of St.

Matthias, in some parts of the


Farmery, «. An infirmary.

Farn-oeare, i. Last year. North'


Farntickles, 9, Freckles. North,

Farr, v. To ache. North.

Farrand, (1) adj. Cunning. Line.

(2) 9. Manners; humour. North,

Farrel, i. The fourth part of a

circular oat.cake, divided by a

cross. North.

Farren, 9. Half an acre. Wett,

Farrendinb, i. a sort of stuff.

If I were your irife.I must board half a

yrar with a friend in the country, tum-

l)le about the other half in most ▼iU

iHinous hKckneys, We two pair of stair*

high, and wear bWk farrendint the

whole vpar about.

SfdUy, Tfu Mulberry Garden, 1666.

Farroll, a. The cover of a book.


Farrisees, ff. Fairies. Eaut.

Farrow, #. A litter of pigs. East.

Farruw-cow, ff. A barren cow.


Farrups, ff. The devil. Yorkah,

Farsb, v. To stuff; to fill. See

Farce, Far9, stuffing.

Farsbt, ff. A coffer.

Farst, adj. Farthest. Craven.

FARauRB, ff. Stuffing.

Fart. ff. A Portugal fig. " Farie9

of Portingale, or other like swete

oonceites. CoUyria," Huloet.

Farthell, ff. See Fardel,

Farthing, ff. Thirty acres. Comw,

Farthingale, a. A hoop to swell

out the petticoat or gown. Shak,

She seems a medley of all ages,

With a hugtfarthingale to swell her fustian


A new eommode, a topknot, and a rnfT.


Farthing-bound, adj. Costive.


Farthings, ff. Flattened peas.


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FaR'Wkltkrbd, adj. Cast, m a

sheep. Line.

Pas, i. a porridge.pot. Line,

Fascinate, adj. {Lat.) Charmed.

Fasb, «. Foes.

Fasountide, «. Shrove-tide. Norf.

Fash, (1) #. (Fr.) Trouble; anxiety;

weariness. North. Fashious,


(2) V. (fr.) To trouble; to annoy.

(3) 9. (A.^S.) A fringe.

(4) «. The tops of turnips, &c.


(5) adj. Rough, applied to metal.


Fa8hert,«. Over-niceness. Cumb.

FA8HION, (1) «. State of health.

(2) V. To presume.

(3)«. The farcy in horses. Wilii.

YAauonSt adj. Shameful. Cheth.

Fasil, v. (1) To ravel, as silk.

(2) To dawdle. Line.

Fasside, part. p. Stuffed.

Fassinos, 4. Hanging fibres of

roots. Lane.

Fassis,!. Tassels. Hall.

Fasst, 9. The farcy. " Farsye or

foMfye, which is a sore upon a

beast or horse. Petimen." Huloet.

Fast, (I) adj. (A.-S.) Sure; firm.

!2) aty. Very near; intimate. Line.

3) 9. A dish in ancient cookery,

composed of eggs, pigeons, and


(4) adj. Full; busy. North.

(5) adv. Liberally.

(6) 9. The understratum. Weit.

(7) aeff. In use; not to be had.


Fast-and-loose. 9. (1) A cheating

game, played with a stick and a

belt or string.

(2) The game of prison-bars.


Fa8T-bt, adv. Very near.

Faste, v. (A.-S.) To fasten; to


Fasten, v. To seize; to detain.

Fa9teninff -penny t earnest money.


Fastens, t. Shrove-Tuesd

called also Fastens-Tuesday.

Fastidious, adj, (Lai.) Loi


Huge templet of idolatry, the mini

abore a hnudred (once lofty infutu

turrcta) to thia diir remaininfr.

Herhrl's TrmeU, 1

^;nZ»«"'}'- Shroyrtide.


Fastner, f. A warrant. G^roaf.

Fasyl, 9. A flaw in cloth.

Fat, (1) #. (A.-S. f€tt.) A vit

vessel in general.

(2) 9. Eight bushels of grain,

(3) V. To fetch. Var. d

(4) V. To fatten. Line.

Fatch, 9. Thatch ; vetches. If

Fatcued, adj. Perplexed. Non

Fatheadbd, adj. Stupid.

Fat-hen, «. The wild orache.

Father- JOHNSON,*. Aschoolb

term for the finis or end of a b<

Father-lonoleos, 9. The in

otherwise called Harry.longU

Fathom, 9. Full growth. Eaat.

Fatidical, adj. (Lat) Prophel

Fatioate, adj. (L-at.) Fatiguec

Fatness, «. Marrow ; grease. L

Fat-saoo, a4^'. Hanging with


Fat-shao, «. Bacon. East,

Fatters, 9. Tatters. Craven.

Fattin,«. a small quantity. Noi

Fattle, 9. A schoolboy's term,

a beat to jump from. Line.

Fauchon, 1 9. (A.-N.) A sword

FAUCON, J falchion.

Faud, 9. A fold. North.

Fauf, 9. Fallow land. North.

Fauoht, (1) V. To want, or i


(2) part. p. Fetched. rFe9f.

Faukun-Ramaue, 9. A ram


Faul, 9. A farm-yard. Cumb.

FaulIlnino, «. Hawking. Pior

Fault, (1)«. Misfortune. Shaki

(2) V. To see, smell, or ao


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Faith, (1) «. (^.-M) A floodgate.

(2) pari. p. FaUen. Var. d.

FAciffOB, 9. To Uke. See Ptmge.

Facittb, 9, (J.-N.) A child, or in-

fant, FamUekyn^ a soudl child.

FamnieUee, childUhneu.

FAumsD,;wr/.j9. Favoared. North,

pAetE. The North-coontry form of


Faussn, (1) adj. False; ily.

(2) 9. A large eel. **Aii eele. Apud

coedein praegraodU, ufmun eele,

minima, a grigge, media, a icaf-

fliog dicitor." Nomenelaior,

Fausonkd, part. p. Faahioned.


Favt, 9. To find out. Ea9t

Pautk, f. {A.'N.) Fault; want.

pArroR, 9. {Lai.) An aider ; a sop-


Paott, adj. Decayed. North,

Pat«l, (1) #. {A.-N,) Cajolery;

flatter? ; deceit.

(2) adj, (J.-N.) Fallow, or dun


Patulel, 9, An onion. Lime.

Patkkolk, 9. The plant water-


Patkeous, adj. Beautiful.

Pato vn, ( 1 ) «. Look ; countenance.

Faaoarable, beautiful.

(2) V. To resemble in counte-


Patocks, 9. Lore-locks.

Paw, (1) «. An itinerant tinker,

potter, &c. Faw-ffong, a gang of

laws. Cvmd.

(2)9. To take, or receive. North,

Pawch YN, V. To cut with a sword.

Fawd,!. a bundle of straw. Cumb.

Pawdtkk, 9, A notary.

nw%,{\)adj. (^.-5.) Glad; gladly.

(2) adj. (J.-S.) Variegated.

(3) ». Enmity.

Pawm,(1)9. "A bucke the first yeare

ii a/owne." Retume/rom Par'

nat9¥9, 1606.

(2) part. p. Fallen. North.

Pawns, adj. Fain ; glad. Pr. P.

Pawnbt, 9. A ring. Gro9e.

FAWa,ff. Afos. North.

Fawtbr, 9. To thrash barley.


Fax, 9. (^.-5.) The hair. Faxtd,


And here hoadet boinid«a at hat baldca

Fulle bittjrrly thanne.

And schoven of her fat

Asd alle her fayre btnies.

MS. Coll., Cmtif., A, u.

FAXBD-sTAm, 9, A comct. Cumi.

Faxwax, «. The tendon of the


Fay, (I) #. (J.^N) A fairy.

(2) #. (A.-N) Faith ; truth.

(3)adJ.(J..S.) Doomed or fated

to die.

(4) 9. To prosper; to succeed;

to work or act well. South,

(5) 9. To cleanse. Ea9t,

Fay BR, adj. Fair.

Faylb, 9. {A.-S.) To lose; to


Faylks, 9. An old game resembling


Fayllaed, adj. {A.-N.) Deceitful.

Fayly, (1) 9. {.A.'N.) To faU.

(2) f. {A.^N.) A traitor.

Faynb, (1) 9. To sing. SkiUon,

(2) 9. A vein.

Faynee, 9. A flatterer.

Faynes, «. Gladness.

Fayntyse, 9. (A.'N.) Deceit ;


Fayey, 9. {A.*N.) Magic; illusion.

FAY88ED,/Nir/.p. Fesstcd. Moiuu-

tic Letter9, p. 157.

Fayte, (1) 9. (A.-N.) To deceive;

to betray.

(2) 9. A. fact ; a deed.

Faythely, "Xado. Certainly; truly;

FA5LICHE, J in faith.

Faytoe, 9. A fortune-teller.

Faytoues-oebbs, 9. The plant

spurge. Pr. P.

Fazoun, 9. Fashion.

Fbabeeeies, 1 «. Gooseberries ;

FBAPBBRRIE8, J Still Called /eodet

in Suffolk.

FxAciOATB, a4r* Impudent. North,

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Fbaok, 9. To whip, or beat We$t

Fkaoub, (1) V, To beat ; to whip ;

to drive.

Yofa hell-cat, with yoor hofgt fhoe, lie

wafcaaut you with this fasgot-itick.

Revet, The Town Shifts.im.

I love to be merry sometiniea ; but when

a knotty point comes, I lay my head

dote to it, with a tnuff box in my hand,

and then Ifegne it away, i' feith.

The Rehearsal, 1676.

Heark ye, ye cum, keep off from snap-

ping at my heels, or I sliall to/eoffue ye.

Otway, Soldier** Fortune, 1(»1.

(2) V, To be perplexed. Line,

(3) 9. A sluttish person. North.

Feak, (1) t. A sharp twitch, or

pull. Wett,

(2) 9. To fidget ; to be busied

about trifles. Yorkth.

rS) «. A flutter. Line,

(4) 9. To wipe the beak after

feeding, a term in hawking.

(5) t, A curl or lock of the hair ?

Can set his face, and with his eye can


Anu daliv with his mistres' dangling /«•!*«,

And wish that he were it, to kisse her eye.

And flare abont her beauties deilie.

Murtton, Sat., I,repr.,p.l38.

Fkal, (1) adj, {A.-N,) Faithful;


(2') V, To hide. North,

Tkald, part. p. Defiled.

Fkam, f. A horse-load. Eatf.

Fkamalitt,*. Effeminacy. Taylor,

Feant, 9, A fool. North.

Fea», v. (1) To terrify.

(2) To feel ; to seem. Ea9t.

Fbard, adj. Afraid.

Fbarb-babbs, 9. A bugbear, to

terrify children ; a vain terror.

As for their shewes and words, they are

but ftmrs-kmhn, not worthy once to move

a worthy man's conceit.

Pembr. Arc^ p. 2W.

Fbarfdl, adj. Dreadful ; causing


Fearlb, 9. A prize }

By jnstdeseent these two my parents were,

Of which the one of knighUuiod bare the

Of womanhood the other was the pearle.

Murr.Jwr iUg., p. 27S.

Fbablot, 9. The eighth part


Fbarn, 9. A windlass. Line.

Fears, ad}. Fierce. Heywood^ '.

Fbart-sprank, 9, A large pi


Fba8btraw,«. a pin used to

at the letters, in teaching chi

to read. Florio.

Fbasils, 9, Kidney beans, f

FbA8TIN<}.PBNNT, 9, Efl

money. North,

FeA8TIN08-ETBN, ff. ShroTo'

day evening.

The castle of Roxburgh was tal

Sir James Bowglas on Feaetingt-^

BoUmsK Uiit. qfSeotl, si?

FBAT,(l)a4r. Neat; clever.

tffA, neat, proper. We9t, F

neatly, dexterously. North.

ne99, dexterity. Featou9^


(2) V, To make neat

(3) adj. Large in quantity.

(4) adj. Nasty tasted. Ber

Feather, (1)9. To bring a

or stack gradually to a 8U


(2) 9, Hair. Var, dial

(3) V. To tread, as a cock.

Feather- BOO, 9, A qua]


Feathbr-edoed, adj, A

thicker at one edge tha

other. North,

Fbatherfold, T #. The

FEATHBRFOWL, J feverfcw.


Fbathbr-fie, 9, An arrang

of feathers on the ground U

birds. Ea9t.

FBATLETft. Four pounds of 1


Fbausan, 9, Taste, or mc

Peam9mi/kzMenf a very

taste. North.

TKAVTk,9.{A.'N,) Fealty; f

Feaee, (1) v. {Fr./ai9er.


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r fmpm wboa ibod-^wial

Ight nuine.

Mirror for MoffisL, p. 4«0.

» settle, or finish a person.

pvta BM my qwhu ati I

rat«; I*m inre 1iM/wf*rfine.

rt7tt«r«, Tk0 Ckaueer, lft02.

o hsnss ; to tease ; to

o sneeze. Line.

be short ran befbreleap-

'o fetch his race, or/<pe#*,

the better/' HoUybamfa

ffie, 1593.

6 untwist the end of a

f. {A,'N,) Weak i poor.

, weakness.

.(.^.-5.) To fetch


V. To kick, or plunge.

Light ; activity. Feekful,

BCtive. F§eile98f weak,


any; plenty; the greatest

^eekfy, mostly. North,

piece of iron used by

n blasting.

By my feckha, by my

A featherbed. Une.

ft /. Fought,

p. (^.-5.) To feed,

port; play. Line.

. {A,'S,) A fathom.

, 9. An accomplice.

, V, To fetter. Pr. P,


A feather.


To fiddle.

J,.S.) Property; money;

n annual salary, or re-

• will I pve tbe« erery year,

nroWBi bErU be "

ieorye m Qreent, 0. Pi., ill, 47.

0 winnow com. North.

Fkiao, v. To enemnber. Cwmd,

Frbal, ff. Woe ; sorrow. North,

FsanLS, 9. To enfeeble. Paligrove,

Fai-BUCK, «.

None come to »eo and to be Been ; none


My lordB fet-huei ckMieth both ryn and

eares. CnrtwrigkVt tocms, 166 1 .

Fnsn, (1) ff. Food.

f2) V. To grow fat, or corpulent.

3) V. To give suck.

[4) 9. To amvse with talking or


Feedsr, ff. A servant Shaieip,

FsEDEiia, ff. Fatting cattle. North.

Feeding, ff. Pasture ; grazing land.

FBEOiNO-aroRM, ff. A constant

snow. North,

Feedino-tiue, ff. Genial weather.


Feed-the-dove, ff. A Christmas


Tonng; men nnd mfiident, now,

At "feed tks dow" (with laurel leaf ia


Or " blind-man'i buff'* or "hunt the tlip-

per," play,

Eeplete with glee. Some, baplj, cards

adopt. Chrutnuu, a Focm, 170&.

Feel, v. To perceive. North,

Febldt, adj. Grassy. Wiekliffe.

Feeltb, ff. Feeling. Warw.

Feeb, (I) adj, {A.^N) Fierce.

(2) ff. Fire.

(3) To take a feer, to run a

little way back for the better ad-

vantage of leaping.

Feebfons-ebn ,ff. Shrovetide. Lane,

Fbbsb. See Feaze.

Feet, ff. (A.-N.) A deed, or fact.

Fef7, v. To obtrude, or overreach

in buying or selling. Essex,

Feffe, V, {A,'N,) To enfeoff; to

present. Feffement^ enfeoffment.

Fbft, (1) v. To put off or dispose

of wares. Essex,

(2) part, p. Urged on or en-

couraged to tight.

Feo, (1) adj. Fair; clean. North,

(2) V, To flag ; to tire. North,

(3) ff. Bough dead grass. West,

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Fboaet, f . A TAgarj. Ea$i.

Feookr, at^. Fairer. Lane,

Fegs, mtery. In faith ! South.

FsH, «. {A,'S.) Property ; money.

Fbide, «. Feud.

Fkiob, v. To level rubbish; to

spread dnng ; to dig foundations ;

to clean. Yorkth.

Fkinb, v. To ting with a low voice.

Fbintisb, f. (1) {A»'N.) DiBBimu-


(2) Weakness ;faintne88.

Feire, #. (^.-iV.) A fair.

Feibschipb, «. Beauty. Lydg.

Feist, «. A puff-ball. Suf.

Fbistt, adj. Fusty. Eagt.

Fbit, 9. A paddock, or field. Line,

Fbizb, ». (1) To drive away, West.

(2) See Feape and Feague.

Fbl, (1) fldy. (^..5.) Cruel; fierce.

{2)pret.i, Felt,

Felawredb, \#. (^ArS.) Fcllow-

rBLAWBHiPB, j ship ; company.

Felch, «. A tame animal. lAne,

Fbldr, (1) 9. (A,-S,) A field.

(2) V. To fold ; to embrace.

(3) o. To become weak or iU.


(4)pret, t otfeU. Felt; folded.

(5) pret. i. of feOe. Felled.

Feldhassbb, 9. (A.'S.) A wild ass.

Fbloman-wifb, «. A female rustic.

Fblowod, 9. The plant baldmony.

FBLE,(l)a4r.(^..^.)Many. Feler,


(2) V. {A.-S.) To feel ; to perceive.

"And whan the people feUe the

smell therof." The Fe9tyvaU,

fol. c.

(3) r. To fulfil.

(4) V. To hide. See Feal

Fbleablb, adj. Social. Pr. P.

Felbd, pret, t. otfele. Felt.

Fblbfolded, part, p, {A,'S,) M ul-


Fblette, ff. The fillet.

At the turnyne that tyme

raytonn li)

The traytonn liym hitto

In thorowe the feUUes,

And in the flawnke aftyi

Vortt Jrtkurt.



( 6) 9. To hem t

(7) V. To finis

Fblf, 9, The spoke of a wheeL Lme.

Fblfarb, 9, A fieldfare. We9t.

Fblks, 1«. Felloes of a wheeL

FBLLiCKs, J North,

Fell, (1) «. A hill, or mountain ;

a moor ; a wild unindosed space.

^2) 9. Low copse. Drayton.

(3) adj. Keen ; cruel. North.

(4) adj. Sharp; clever; crafty.


A skin, or hide,

the inside of a seam,

finish the weaving of a

piece of cloth. Yorieh,

(8) V. To come round periodi-

cally. E89ex.

(9) 9. A mouse-trap. Pr. P.

Fblle, v. (A.-S.) To fell; to kill.

Fbllbrb, adj. (A.-S.) Purple.

Fellet, i . A portion of wood cut

annually in a forest. Gloue.

TELLtca, adt. (A.-S.) Felly; cruelly.

Fbllish, atf;. Fierce.

Never was wild boar more feOitk^

Though the wine did smally reliah.

Drunken Banaiy.

FELLUoKOBm, 9. A dealer in skins.

Fbllon, ( 1 ) adj. Sharp ; keen. North.

(2) 9. A disease in cows; a cuta.

neous eruption. North.

Fbllon-wood, 9. Bitter-sweet.

Fellow, 9. A companion ; a friend.

Fellowship, 9. A tete-d-tite. Line,

Felly, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Fiercely.

(2) V. To break up a fallow.


Felon, t. A sore, or whitlow.

Felonib, 9. (A.'N) Wickedness.

Feloun, 1 a({?'. (A.-N.) Wicked;

felon, /cruel. /V^onoiM, wicked.

Felonliehe^ wickedly.

Pels, f. Felloes of awheel. North.

Felsh, v. To renovate a hat. Line.

Felt, (1) #. A hat.

"We scone tvrnd our backes on this

place, and had as sooue espied many

naberdashers that bad felU of many

fashions, but none that would fit thia

foresaid bare-headed tall man: many,

for Mounsieur Mony, if he came him>

selfe, (for so they answered as a4 the

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cimiiuog me nun.

'. Female. Brome.

. (J.-N.) Womanhood.

A.'S,) Mud; mire,

do anything cleverly.

#. {A,'N.) Forfeiture.

#. The cranberry.

V, To keep out any-




dour, or anything de-

rH, », The month in

I &wn.

T, «. A kind of small

{A,^S.) A fiend; the

ndlieke, deviliih.


provide for or rapport,

[^£) V. TO oma cioiQ.

(3) f . The binding of any part of

the dress. Line,

(4) 9. A crack, or flaw ; a rem-

nant, or odd piece. North,

(5) «. A pet. North,

FvN-THRUSH, 9. The missel thrush.

Fbnvxrn, 9, Sage. Gerard,

Feo, 9. {A.'S.) Fee ; inheritance.

Fkodart, 9, One who held under

tenure of feudal service.

FsoFB, 1 9, {J.-N,) To enfeoff; to

fboffb, j entail.

For she that fayl'd to doe him right, did

fBcfe on him the wrong.

Wanur't Albums England, 1592.

Fborxs, adj. (J.'S.) Far ; distant.

FsoRT, V, To fight Devon,

Fborthb, adj. (A.^S,) The fourth.

Fbr, (1) adj. Fair.

(2^ adj. Fierce.

(3) adj. Far. Perrere, further.

Ferr€9tt furthest.





(4) ff. A fire.

(5) 9. To throw. Somenei,

(6) V, To free pastures. Crmen,

Fe&aunt, $, (J,'N.) An African

or Barbary horse; a word not

uncommon in the early romances.

Fe&che, adj. (A.'N.) Fierce.

Ferd, {l)pret. t of fare. Went,

(2) part, p. Terrified; afraid.

(3) 8, (A,'S,) A host, or army ;

a company.

(4) 8, Power ; force.

(5) a^. {J..S,^ The fourth.

Ferdeoews, 8. Some kinds of rich

or ornamental stuff. " In oar

irickt ferdegews." Roiat, DoUt,

Fbrdblatke, 8. {A.S,) Fear.

Febdnbss, «. (A.'S,) Fright.

Ferdt, adj. Afraid.

Fere, (1^ «. {J,-S.) A companion,

or wife. In fere, in company.

Feren, companions.

Warwicke ind Mowntegeir were tlayn in

Kny^tes and gentilmen, and other men


In alle thyngea, good Lorde, every thy

wiUeUdool MS.Bibl.Beg^n D„xv,

(2) V, (J.'S.) To frighten.

(3) «^'. {A,-N,) Proud; fierce;


(4)aifo. Direct; downright. £«nc.

Ferede, 8, Company. See Ferd,

Feres, a^i* Fierce.

Feretory, t. {Lat,) A tomb, or


Fbriaoe, 8. Boat or ferry Yore,

FsRiDGE, 8, A common sort of

gingerbread usually bought at

fairs. Noff,

Fbrie, 8, (Lat.) A holyday, a week-


Febisher, 8. A fairy. Sk^otk,

Ferke, V, (1) To proceed; to


(2) To fear.

Ferly, (1) 8. A wonder.

(2) adj. Wonderful ; strange.

(3) 8. A fault. North,

Ferlykb, 8. A wonder.

Fermacie, 8. (A,'N,) A medicine.

Fbrmail, ff. {A.'N,) A


Fbrme, (1) ff. iA.'N.) A

(2) V. To strengthen.

(3) adv. Firmly.

(4) V, To cleanse; to <

(5) ff. A lodging house

Fbrmealo, ff. (A.'S.) A

Fbrmerbre, ff. (Lai,) 1

who had charge of the

Fermorye, ff. An infirmj

Fermysones, ff. A hun

the time in which the

were closed, or not i

be killed.

Ferns, adw. (1) (A,'S,

formerly. Femyere, i


(2) Far; distant.

Fbrn-frsckled, adj, F

Fern-owl, ff. The g


Fern-wbb, ffi. A smaD 1

jurious to young apple

Fbrray, ff. A foray.

Ferrb, (1) adj. F&ir.

(2) ad». (A.-S,) Forth

(3) ff. A sort of candle

Ferrx-daye, adv. (A.»S,

the day.

Ferrel, ff. The frame <

See Forrel.

Ferren, mclf. (A.-S.)


Ferrer, ff. (1) A farrier

(2) A barrel hooped \i

Fbrribr, ff. A fairy. Sn

Ferrom, adj. Distant

" We folowede o ferron]

Arthure. We foUowe

Ferry, ff. A litter of pig

Ferry-whisk, ff. Gre;

haste. Yarieh,

Fers, (1) a^. Fierce.

(2) ff. The queen at ch

Fbrssb, adj. Fresh.

Ferstbd. Thirsted. Sec

Ferthe, aty, (A,'S,) Tl

Ferthyno, ff. A iiirthj

thing very intuUL

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TmaruM, «. (^.-JVL) ▲ Mirt ft

Fsaoi^sr, «4f. (1^.) Peftiiniiig


The diflkaltiet wbidi I ki?« hmt let

damnty vera b;f my Mcnliareiiictiaii to

tbia aether, at last all oreroome. I have

Bet kereia booad nyaelfe with a /#ni-

lavM Mpentitioa.

FerriMs' &<yr«ff, 1688^ iV^.

Fkbtmobs, Afe. Sadden. Hmrm.

Fbsci7e,«. (£a/./tfWMM.) A wire,

stick, or straw, chiefly iiied for

poiDting to Ihe lettert, in teach-

mg children to read.

Kay then hia Hodge ahaU karathe ploogh

Ajid buy a bboke and go to iclioole againe.

Why Bkoeght aot he aa well aa othen done.

Bine tnm hia/«tcM to his Littletoa.

Tbe fuew of the dial ianpon the Chriit-


PuritcMy IT, S, Snppl. ii, d07.

And spell in Frauice with/aiiMf made

«f Pikea.

PeeU's ffonori^lks GarUr, U»8.

FssK, V. To frighten.

Fsflsi^, «• A. ktod of bate grain.

Fbss* (1) v. To confeM. iSTor^A.

(2) 9. To obtnide anything. Ba$t,

(3) f. A small (agot. Somerset.

(4)«. A light blue colour. Somert,

(5) a^'. Smart; conceited. Wett,

Fkst, (1) 9. To fasten, or bind.

(2) «. A fastening. Lmc.

(3) #. A fist.

(4) «. A feast.

(5) 9. To pat out to grass. Norths

FxarrANCB, #. (^.-iST.) Fidelity.

Fkstetino, «. Feasting.

Fbstinate, adj. (Lai.) Hasty.

Fbstination, adj. {Lai.) Haste.

FK8nNG-PBNM7,«. Earnest moucy.


Festival-sxcesdings, e. An ad-

ditional dish to the regular dinner.

Fbstlich, adj. Used to feasts.

Festnbn, o. (^.-5.) To fasten.

Fe8tu,(1) (X.iV:)Aiiioteintheey«.

(2) A fescue.

Festucous, adj, {Lat) Made of


Fit, (1) «. [J^.) To litdh. /W,

/ar#.^.» fetched.

Ahonte a tyre they were set,

And good ale was there fet.

And therwith they their aoathes wot,

▲ad seone lovpca they.

TU Mjftmtr qfdkptgdom.

(2) ff. A foot.

(3) a^. Fast ; secure. lAme.

(4) s. To be a match for one.


(&) a. A piece, ^i^eneer.

Fetch, (1) v. To recover after an

illnesa. Var. d,

(2) f. The apparition of a living


Fbtchb, a. A vetch.

Fbtchbl, v. To seize. Leic.

Fbtch-liohtb, 9. Corpse-candles.

Fbtb, (1) 9. Work.

(2 ) adj. (A.N.) Neat ; well-made.

(3) f . A large puddle. Line.

(4) a4f, Middliag; tolerable.


FBTEEia, a. Features.

Fetise, \adj. {A.'N.) Neat;

VETU0V8, j elegant.

FBTLED,/»aW. p. Joined.

Fbtte, (1) ». (^..5. /e^l«i.) To


(2) 9, A fetch ; a contrivance.

Fettel, 9. A cord used to a pan-

nier. LiMC.

Fetteevoe, fl. The plant feverfew.

Fettle, (1) v. (J.-S.) To set about

anything ; to prepare ; to dress ;

to put in order ; to manage, or

accomplish ; to repair ; to beat.


(2) 9. Order; good condition;

proper repair.

Fettulent, at^. Stinking.

And straightway then her oorpea became

in parte as blacke as pitche,

Replenished with filthy seorffe, aa (almost)

none is such :

And other dregges most fettuUni issued

from her then,

Which modestieand reason ekecommaunds

me not to penne.






TvrTYKK,part,p, Fetched.

Fbtuebs, «. {A*'N.) Births; pro-


Feud, v. (1) To contend. North,

(2) To live well.

Fbudjor, 9. A bonfire. Crtnen,

Fbusoub, adj. Handsome. North,

Feuth, «. Fill; plenty. Craven,

Fbutbb, (1) 9, {A,'N.) The rest

for a spear.

A. faire floreichte ipere

Infewtyre he caatea.

Morte Jrtkure.

(2) V, To fix it in the rest.

His apeare ht feutred, and at him it bore.


Fbutbbd, a^. Featured.

Fever, (1) #. {J,-N) A black-


(2) 9. A perplexity. Var. d,

Fbverefox, 9, The feverfew.

Fbybret, 9. A slight fever.

Fbver-lurden, If. The disease of

FEVER-LUROAK, j idleness. "You

have the /ever-lwyan — two

stomachs to eat and not one to

work/' is still a Warwickshire

phrase, and is used also in the

West of England.

And for the printers, there is such

raping amongit them for the copy of my

lord of Eaaex voyage, and the ballet of

thresoore and foure imighta, that though

my lord marqueaae wrote a second

purte of his fevnAwrden or idlcnesse,

or Churchyard enkrg'd his China, saring

they were the very same which Christ

in Carpenters' Hall is paynted gathering

up, as Joseph, his nther, strewes

hewing a piece of timber, and Mary, his

mother, sitts spinning by, yet would

they not |pve for them tue price of a

proclamation out of date, or, which is

the oontemptiblest sxmune that may be,

(worse than a scute or a daudiprat) the

price of all Harvey's works bound up

together. letter dated 1 696.

Feverous, adj. Feverish.

Few, (I) 9, A small number; a

little. Infewt in short.

/«/«», the warres are fall of woes.

Wvmei*M Jliums EugUmd, 1593.

I tell of things done long sgoe, of i

things in few.

(2) «. A number, or qoai

Var. d. A goodfew^ a cons

able number, liic,

(Z)pret.t. Flew. CAetA.

(4) V, To change. North,

Fewiller, 9, One who suf


Fewmets, 1 #. The dui

rEWMisHiNos, J the deer.

FEwrfi, 9. {A,-N:) Fealty.

Fbwte, #. Track; vestige. Pr

Fewtbrer, 9, (corrupted fron

vautrier.) A dog-keeper ;

who holds the dogs and lets i

loose in the chase; a term o


Or perhaps stumble upon a yeoma

terer, as 1 do now.

B. Jon., Every Man out tfH.

A dry nurse to his coughs, a ftwt4

To such a nasty fellow.

B. /- Fl., Turner T.

If vou will be

An honest yeoman pheuterer, feed ui

And walk us after. Mau. Pietun

Ffwterlocks, «. Fetlocks.

Fewtrils, 9, Trifies. Lane.

¥ey, (l) adj. (A.-S.) Fated tc


The Aomaynes for radnease

Ruschte to the erthe.

Fore ferdnesse of hys face.

As they/fy were. Morte Jt

(2) 9. (A..N) Faith.

As hi habbeth devocioun,

And hie 6od^ taketh.


(3) 9, (A.'S.) A fee; prop«

(4) V. To cleanse a ditch or

of mud.

(5) V, To discharge blood. N

(6) V, To do cleverly. Lame

{iS 9. The upper soil. Siqjd

(8) V. To remove the nppei

(9) «. To injure ; to mat


Fey BR, 9. One who deani

ditches, &c. Ea9t, Feymg,

bish, refuse. North,

?m\'rvh,adf.(A.-S,) Ffttal; de

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Fetlo, f. A eompuiion.

FxncB, V. {A,'N.) To diuemble ;

to flatter.

VmT!iO,prei» t. of/an^. Reoei?cd.

Fetkjb. adj. (J.'S.) Fair.

Fbtt, <1) «. A deed; a bad action.

(2) tr. To fight. WetL

(5) a. Fkitb.

FBzzrs, f. A litter of pigs. Ncrtk^

Fbzsok, «. To seize od; to glot

upon. North,

Fbjb, v. (A.'S,) To fight; to quarrel.

Fi. (1) A term of ditgut and re-


{2) a. Mentala. Line.

FiAKCB, V. (Fr.) To afitonee.

TiAsm, a. The dung of variont

wild animals. A hunting term.

TtAUivcB, a. (J,'N.) Trust ; belief.

FiAZKK, a. Faces. Dortet

FcBLK, a. A small stick for stirring

oatmeal in pottage. Yorith,

YsvLM-Wksut, f . Nonsense. Var. d.

FiccffBs, a. The pip in chickens.


FiCHBt 9. (A.'N.) To fix; to fasten.

FiCHKT, a. A stoat. Skropth.

FicHSWs, a. A stoat. Ptara PL

Ff CHMANOEK, a. A fishmonger.

FiCK, «. To kick; to struggle.


FicKXLTow, a. The fore-tackle or

carriage of the plough-beam.


Fico, a. (ItoL) A fig ; a term of

reproach ; a reproachful gesture.

BdwH, next I tec Contempt murching

fortb, ginDK mee the Jteo with his

tluMube in lui month.

Ft(« Jfi>«ri«, 1690.

And jet the lye, to a man of my coat» is

as ooiinooB a frnit aa ihejho.

B. J<m$., B9ery Man m1A$H.,i.

Fid, (1) V. To trifle about anything.


(2) a. A amaU thick piece. Somtk.

(3) a. A sort of naiL

FiDPi*** a. To scratch. Ea$U

FiDDLBOBDjn, a. Nonsense.


PiDDLER*8-rARB| 9. Mcst, drink,

and money.

PiDDLE8TicKa-BND, a. Nonscnsc.

Fide, a. (La/.) Faith.

FiDErAi.LE, a. The falling sickness?

He it loHK. and he is imalle.

And 5ett bathe thtfvJfjalU,

Gud lorve hun sory thryrie

ForkiMgtom MS,

Fidel, a. A fiddle.

Fid-fad, a. A trifle, or trifler.

FiDGE, V. To fidget about; to

sprawl. North,

FiDGips^a. The name of a child's

game with two sticks. Norf,

Fib, adj. Predestined. North. See

Fey and Fay.

FiB-coBN, a. Dross-corn. Suffolk,

Field, i. A ploughed field, as dis*

ttnguished from grass or pasture.


FtBLDisH, a. Rural.

FiELD-EOOM, a. Open space ; room

for fighting.

FiBLD-WHOBB, $, A low strumpct.

FiELDWOBT, a. Gentian. Gerard,

Fierce, a^. (1) Sudden ; brisk.

(2) Well in health. Leie,

FiEBGE, a. Fierce.

FiERizE, a. To turn into fire.

But aire turn water, earth may/«ne«,

Became in one part they do aymbolize }

And M), in combate they have lees to doo ;

For, 't '• easier far, to conquer one then two.

Du Bwrtas.

FiBRS, a. {A.-N.) Proud ; fierce.


FisE, la. A noiseless emission

FIST, I of wind.


F1FER8, a. Fibres. Ea$t.

FiFLEF, a. The plant cinquefoil.

Fio, (1) «. To fidget about.

(2) a. A raisin. Samertet,

(3) p. To apply ginger to a horse

to make him carry a fine tail

i4) V. To bribe.

5) 7^ ^a /Aa/^, to treat con-

temptuously. See Fieo. To fig

one in the crotm with a ttory^

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fiMVM, «. (1) ▲ i(Ml fior thvp.

eaing kilim, Ac

(2) A c«t«».rod.

Fi£onLLo,«w(/te<.) Flowered lUk.

WamwAM, «w A p«tk aad norlar.

VaveaoiAH. A btggw'ft itaff; or

ii— boon. Ab old cant terai.

f iLTsmsoK, jMn*/. p, Kntaagled.

Hia &x and hit foratooM

Waa/Ztm^ togedcn.

And ovte of kit ftMe loae

F1X.TSKDK, f. (^.-5.) FiUhineM.

Fki.Tiu«ii> t. FUthy.

F11.THT, tt(f. Covertd with weeds.


Fu.T»ir,«. Filth; mbbUh* 5l9M«rteiL

FkMAAHQies, «. The dung of wild

bee«ta. A buntiiig teroi.

FiMBUiy (1) V. To Aunble.

(2) «. Thistle, or female-hemp.

(3) «. A wattled chimiiey. TFet/.

(4) •• To touch lighUy. £$$$»,

FiMBBJATB, V. (£a/.) To hem ; to

Fiinf AKiNG, Afp. Trifling; l<ntediig.

FcN, (1) «. (^.-iV:) An end.

(2) V, To end.

(3) •. To fiad; to fteL Cumi.

(4) «. The herb resthanow.


(5) t. A fioger. Var. dioL

(6) The broad part of a, ploQgh-


ViMAinrci,«. Fine; forfeiture.

Ttxcm. To jmU a Jbtek, to cheat

any one out of money. Chancer.

FuiCH-BAOKXB, I. White on the

back, applied to cattle. NortK

Find, (1) e. To supply, especially

with provisions.

(2) «• A fiend. LydgaU*

(3) r. Ta stand sponsor to a

child. Wett.

FiKDurae, e . Inventions.

Fim. (1) V. (itf..M) To end I to

And iM than nne in «Tory wighlas ii|kt

In the booM of Jaeobbo eternally by lyne,

Vboie kyngdome aver ihall laate, ana never

fynt, - •

(2)f. An end. /bieJest, endless.

Tliat lereat and regncat vyUi tka Tadar.

Thar nevor nyi no |nma»

And alio wyth the H0I7 Goat,

Svara wytiMmta^VML W. d* Skankam

(3) V. To poiify ; to adorn.

Aa golde in tjniafynid bjaaaay. Zf^ntr

(4) adj. Perfect; pure. ByJIne

force, by absolute power. Cf

ftnefiiree, of necessity.

FiNKOuB, V. To evade. Weet.

FiNB-LBAF» t. The violet. Line,

FiNBLT, ado. Nicely ; quite weU.

F1KSNK8S, t. Sabtlety.

FiNKNKT, e. To be very ceremo-

nious. Deeofi.

Fin BR, 9. A reflnec

FiNBw, t. Monldiness. See /*«•

FiNOBBBR,!. A thief.

FiNOBB-PBBN, f. A plant

In finaer-ftm : which, beine givm to awine.

It roaJtea their milta to melt away in fine,

With ranged tooth ckooaing the aanie ao


Of dl their tiipea to aarre it'a appetite.

F1NOBBKTN8, t. A term of endear-

ment. PaUgrone, 1540.

FiNOBBLiNO, \t. A cover for a

FIMGBB3TALX, J finger or thumb.

FiNOBBMBTB, s. A finger's breadth.

And than I loked on him that 7 saw

flrat in payn» and aaw the oolera and the

gay firaela and bawderikea breonyng,

and the fendea drayin^ hem bi two

fingermeU and more withthynne here

lleaah al biynneing as Are.


FiNOBBB, (1) a. Mr. HelliweU has

given from a MS. of the 15th

cent the foUowing rhyming

list of popular names of the

fingers. I» Moiiolk the fingers

are called popularly, Tom-thumb-

kln, Will-wiUdn, Long-gracioiis,

Betty-bodkin, Little-tit.

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nke a fyngir Ymm a name, ala men thaire

(yngen calle.

The lest fyngir bat Utjfl mom, for hit ia leat


The next fjmser hat leek* mom, for qnen a

leche doe ojt,

With that fynger he tastes all thyng^howe

that hit II wrojt ;

LoHfwutn hat the rajdilmut, for longest

fynaer hit is ;

The ^rthe men calles towekett therwith

men tonehes i-wis ;

The fide fynger is the tMommie, and hithaa

most mytt,

And fastest haldes of alle the tother, forthi

men calles hit rijt.

(2) " Pentas, Lod. Viv. xlvrac-

The fiTe : the cinque : the Jive

fingen atmawe." Nomenelator.

(3) To tee the end qf oHe'tJin-

ffertt to get drunk. Leie,

FiNOERS-AND-TOBS. Turnips are

said to go to fingers-and-toes,

when, instead of forming a bulb,

they branch off in yarioua direc-

tions. Var. d.

PiNOLB-FANGLB, «. A trifle.

FiNiAL, f. A pinnacle.

FiNiFY, V. (1) To finish.

(2) To dress finically. EtuL

" All the morning he wasteth in

/inifying his body to please her

eye." Man in the Moone^ 1609.

Finishing, t. Any ornament in

stone at the corner of a house.


FiNKVL, f. (1) Fennel. North.

(2) A tiurning or corner of a street.

FiNNBKT, adj. Mouldy. Weet.

FiNNBT, adj. Humoured; spoilt.


FiNNicKs, t. A tawdry dressed

woman. Enex,

FiNNiKiN, adj. Finical. For. d.

Finny, », A frolic. Wight.

Fins, t . Things found. NortK

Pint, pret. t. of finde.

FiNTUM, t. (1) A freak ; a fancy.


(2) The name given to a small

piece of wood used for placing

the sickle in while binding the

•heafs. Ea$t.

FiN-wBBD, t. The restharrow.

FioL, t. A Tiol. " FgoU or water

potte. Jmtda.** Huloet.

Fip, s. A fillip. Var. d.

FippLB, t. (1) The under-lip. Nartlk.

(2) A stopper; a bung.

FiR-APPLB, f . A fir-cone. Vmt* dial.

FiRBAUK8,f. The timber of stnigbt

young firs. Eaet.

Fib-bob, t. The fir-apple. X«ie.

FiBBOiffB, a. A beacon. Ft. P.

FiRDKD, part. p. Freed. Cra»en»

FiKB, V. (1) To burn.

(2) To sufifer from the tee* i

FlBB-BALLS, t. Hot shot, Of sbot

with fusees.

FiBB-BLABTBD, j^or/. ^. Struck by

lightning. Wett.

FiM-BOTB,f.(^.-5.) (1) An allow.

ance of wood for fuel to a tenant.

(2) Decayed wood. Northan^t.

FiRB-BucKBTs, f. WateT-buckets

for quenching fires. Higine.

FiRE-DBAL, 9. A good deal. WUis.

FiRB-DBAKB, f. (1) A fierydragoD.

(2) A sort of fiery meteor, and

sometimes a kind of firework.

(3) A fireman.

FiRB.FANGBD,jMir^ji. Fire-bittea.


FiRB - FLAU6HT, t. lightning.


FiRB-FLiNGBR, t. An uicendinrT.

FiRB-PORK, a. (J.'S.) A shovel' for

the fire.

FiRBHooK, t. An instrument for-

merly used to pull houses down

when on fire.

FiRB-iRON, a. A piece of iron or

steel to strike light with a flint.

Jpyrv yron, or any thing out of the which

fyre may be stricken. jl^mitMR. Huhet,

FiRB-LBTBN, f. Lightning.

FiRBLocK, f . A term of contempt

]>— n that KMifreloek, what a clatter he

makes j enrseliim, he'll ncTer be a con-

jurer, for he wa'nt bom dumb.

Mutorg rfj*ck Qmnor, 17(3^ i, 838.

FiRB-NBw, adj, Quite new.

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I will /r*

u he was nerer ^rVd

rannd hu noddle.


h ; to fret ; to nau-

ilt. North,

r. A wonder. Craven.

afirm. North,

*< Precious stones,

and the like, which

heir pins withal, to

eads shine, and look

alike stars/' /^A/Mt'


ED, adj. Discon-


K Freed. Craven.

J.-S.) Made of fir.


(4) adj. Frisky. Wane.

(5) f . A sort of top.

Fish. To have other JUh to fry, to

be bnsy with other matters.

FiSHKR, f. Apples baked in batter.


FrsHKRATB, V. To providc for. Eatt,

Fi8H-FAO,«. A fish -woman. South.

FisH-OARTHs, f . Places at the sides

of rivers to secure fishes, that

they may be more easily caught.

FisHiNO-TAUM, f. An angling Une.


FiSH-LBBP, f. A fish-basket. Pr. P.

FiSK, V. To frisk about, idling.

" That runneth oxxifitking." Tut-

eer, "Whither arc jonfitking

and gigiting now ?*' Mre. Behn,

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454 VI

at9 Heirtm, 168S. Tn fi$k

away, to slink away secretlj.

FisNAMT, t. Face ; phyiiogBomy.

1Hi6 ftjrttte of yycMoaiy

Tk«t foQimede wai ev«r.

Morti AHhm.

FisoBKowB, «. A load of lobater.

NonUnale MS,


gar woman. Etut."Finehittoeied

•owe. Tarda muUerJ* HuloeL

FissB, t. (1) Fiah.

(2) Fiats. Var.d.

FiBSLB, (1) a. A thistle. Suffolk.

(2) «. To fidget North.

(3) See i^t^.

FisT-BALL, f. A ball like a foot-

ball, but atruck with the fiata.


FisTiNO-HOUNB, *. A kind of


Fkbtt, t. The fist

FisTT-cuFFS. To come to fisty-

cuffk, to fight.

Pit, (1) a. a diviaion of a poem or


(2) V. To natch ; to be equal

with. Shaketp,

(3) adj. Ready; ineliAed. Tor. d.

(4) adj. Much; long. A •*flt

time," a long time ; a '*flt deal of

trouble,'' much trouble. Han^ih.

(b)pret. t. of fight. Fought.

(6) Fit qf the face, a grimace.


Fitch, a. (1) A polecat. SofMrwt.

(2) A amall spoonful. Line.

FiTCHBs, t. Vetches. Var. d.


riTCHBB, .^^^. A polecat.


FiTCHBT-piB, a. A pie of apples,

onions, and bacon. North.

FiTHBLB, t. (^.-S.) A fiddle.

FiTMBNT, t. Equipment. <Sibai(ff«p.




t. A falsehood.

He dolh feed yon with Mom, figneots.

andleatings. B.J<m.,Qjfntk.Be9€U,i,*,

To teU %Meme ia yoor landlord*! cara,

tfue. rorfa. C S.

(2) 9. To form lies or fictions.

Although in way other plioes be ooai>

Bionlj used to Jitte$^i/arfiUm\ aad to

write donsei or his own heed.

flHL Uh», »y ^br<A, p. 1016, A.

FiTTBK, t. A pretence, or feint.


FiTTBa, V. (1) To kick the feet


(2) To be In a pasaioa. North.

FiiTBas, a. (1) Men who vend and

loadooala. North.

(2) Pieces; fragments.

FiTTiiY, adv. Nicely; deverly.

FiTTLB, (1) V. To Uttle ; to blab.


(2) a^. **Fittie or ranninge

witted. FutUu." Huloet.

(3) ». To dean. O^d.

(4) t. Victuals. Wore.

FlTTLKD-ALE, f. Aic Buxed With

spirits, and wiarmed and sweet-

ened. YarH^h.

FiTTT, (1) adj. N«at; piA>per.


(2) Landa left hy the aea. Line.

FivB-FiNOBBS, a. (1) Oxlips. JSatt.

(2) A wart on a horae, called

also an anberry.

FiVE-LBAV, f. CinquefoiL

FiVB^pBKNY-wo&Bis, t. The game

of merrils, called by Shakespeare

nine men's monis.

FirBB,a. A'me8,adiaeaaeiBhor»es.

Fix, a. A lamb yeaned dead. 9Fea/.

FiXATiovN, t. (Lai-) Fixing.

FncB, adj. Fixed.

FiXBN, a. Avixea. North.

FrxBMB, a. The bitch lax.

Fnc-VAX, a. Faxwax.

FixuRB, f. A fixed position.

Fix, a. A flash ; ahisaing.

Fizoio, f. See Fisyig.

Fi2MBK, «. To fidget. St^ff.

FizxLB, V. (1) To fleet.

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icir rooft when there

formances at them.

) players were oat of

At, they were said to


out the hat ii aa good as a

le pole at a common play-

ft company.

Mad World, 0. PI., v, 864.

i fiagfaliu plaien, poore

lerrie knaves, that were

I nor ladiea, bat honestly

irnc clothes,

qr, Settrckfor Money, 1600.

B, », Rush-seated

Lying; flattering.

(1) {Lat) A scourge;

{^)pret. i.pl. Fled.

(4) f. The ray-fish. North.

Flairk, f. The scate.

Flaitch, v. To be persuasive.


Flaite, v. To scare. North.

Flake, «. (1) A paling, or hurdle ;

a temporary gate. North.

(2) A scale, or covering mem-

brane. Pr. Part).

(3) A piece, or fragment. Line,

Flam, (1) f. A low marshy place.


(2) f. A falsehood ; a deceit.

(3) V. To deceive, or cheat. Kent,

(4) f. A heavy stroke, or fall.





A flame.

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In fine, madam, were there not hopes

of seeing once more yoar angelical self,

and receiving some benediction fVom the

flambos of your eyes, I could presently

resolve to commence blindness; and

were it not for the oriental perfumes

that come from your breath, it should

not be long before I should put a period

to mv own.

Baehard^i Obtenation*, 1671, p. 178.

Flamed, par/./». Inflamed. Spenaer,

Flame-few, #. The bright reflec-

tion of the moon in the water.

Flammakin, 8. A blowsy slatternly

wench. Devon.

Flammb, v. To flame ; to glitter.

Flam-new, a^^'. Quite new. Cornw.

FlampoynteSi "1 t. a sort of pork

flaumpbyns, j pies.

Flampoynte*. Take gode enturlarded

porke, and sethe hit, and hewe hit, and

grinde it smalle ; and do therto gode fat

these grated, and sugur, and gode pon-

der; then take and make coffvns of thre

ynche dene, and do al this tnerin ; and

make a thynne foyle of paste, and cut

oute thereof smale poyntes, and frie hom

in grese, and stike nom in the farse, and

bake hit^ and serve hit forthe.

Warner, Ant. Cul, p. 66.

FlaNi (1) adj. Broad and large.


(2) adj. Shallow. Cumb.

(3) f. A small round net, placed

over a hole, to catch a rabbit.


Flancantebkin, f . The white rot.


Flancardes, f. Coverings for the

flanks of horses.

Flanch, t. A projection. North.

Flandan, f. "A kind of a pinner

joined with a comet." Ladies

Dictionary 1 1694.

Flandbrkin, f. A native of Flan-


I find him to be a man of more bulk

than brain, in short, a swagbrlly'd fian-

inkin. Durfey, Marriage-hater mtUeh'd,

Flanb, V. (A.-S.) To flay.

Flano, v. To slam a door. Si^jf,

Flange, v. To project out. Var, d.

Flangy, a4f. Shallow. Var. d.

Flanker, (1) v. To 1


(2) s. A spark of fire.

Flannbn, f. Flannel. Vi

Flant, v. To flaunt.

And I shall>fan/ it in the pi

grey Flanders, crowd the w

equipage, and be the enr

butterflyes in town.


Flantum, adj. Flabby. J

Flap, (1) v. To strike; t

Alle the flesche of the fl

'B.efiafpet in sondyre.


Rascall dost/app« mo in the


And tell'stthou meof haberdai

Boielandt, Knave ofi

(2) s. A Stroke, or tou

(3) To turn a pancake

shake of the pan. East

(4) s. Anything that fl

(5) s. A gadding woma

Flap-dock, t. Foxglove.

Flapdoodle, s. The

nourishment of fools, i

Flap-draoon, s. (1) Ra

taken out of flaming s

swallowed. An old (

amusement for childrei

(2) The lues venerea.

Flaps, v. To make a m

sipping liquids with


Flap-jack, t. (1) A pai


And 'tis in reanest among ]

daughters to aevonr their cb

apple-pies, cream and cus

jacks, and pan-puddings.

Jovial Cnv, 0.

(2) The lapwing. Suffo

(3) A flat thin piece


Flapper, t . A young du

has just taken wing.

Flappe-sawce, f. A glui

Nowe hatha this glutton, {.

tawce, the thyng that he

tnously swallowe downe holi

PaUgrav^9 AooU

Flappy, f . Wild ; unstead;

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Flays, «. Broad mnihrooms. But.

Fi^Fsm, (1) 9. To speak flippantly.

(2) «. An imp^tinent fellow.


FI.APST, a^. Flabby. Bed$.

Fi^mx, f. (1) Fat round a pig's

kidney. Var. d.

(2) Spittle. Somenet

FLAmNKCK, V. To flaont Yiilgarly.


FLABmAMCK, f. A bastle, or hurry.

Flaah, (1) r. To dash.

(2) *. A perriwig. Norih,

(3) t. A abeaf of arrows.

(4) 9. To trim a hedge. EoMt.

(5) f . A pool. See Flotehe.

(6) To make ajUuK to let boats

down througb a lock. W99L To

cut ajlash, to make a show for

a short time.

F1.A8HKS, t. The hot stages of a

fe^er. Somih,

Flashy, adj. (1) Showy; gay.

(2) Loose ; insipid.

Flaskeb, r. (1) To flutter. North.

(2) To choke, or stifle.

F1.A8KBT, f. A clothes-basket; a

shallow washing-tub.

FiASKiN, f. A small cask for carry-

ing liquor to the field. Yoriih,

Flat, (1) t. A blow, or flap.

(2) t. A smooth level place ; a


(3)f. A hollow in a field. Gloue.

(4) adj. Sorrowful ; out of spirits.

i5) f. A simpleton.

6) sdtr. Entirely.

(7) t. A shallow basket, made of

peeled osiers. Norihampt.

Flat-back, «. A knife. North.

Flat-caps, t . A nick-name for the

citizens of London, who wore

flat caps ; a cockney.

Shew iu (I pny) tome reawn how it haps.

That ve are ever bound to wtMxt fiat-eop$,

Aa thoagh we had unto a citie'i trade

Bin nreatiars, and 10 were free-men made.

^ SotcUmds, Kna»« of HarU, 1613.

Flatch, v. To flatter. North.

Flatcbbt, t. The stomach. Devon.

Flath, «. FiUh; ordure. West.

Flathk, f. The ray. Pr. P.

Flat-ieox, t. An iron without a


Flativk, aeg. Flatulent.

Flatlino, ladv. Flat. To Mirike

flatlono, fjlatHnfff to strike

with the flat side.

Flatlims, adv. Peremptory. North.

Flat-milk, s. Skimmed milk.


Flatoub, f. {A,'N.) A flatterer.

Flat-rhan, t. Stratas of coal.


Flats, t. (1) A general term for

small fresh-water fish. Sv^folk.

(2) The slightly burnt bricks on

the top of a kiln. Eatt.

Flat-stonk, 9. A measure of iron-


Flatten, r. (A.-N.) To slap.

Flatter-dock, a. Pond weed.


Flauoh, (1) V. To flay. FUmgher,

a flayer. See Flawe.

Well, well, go in and noint your hack,

neighbour, yon have been finely JfaaitfAX

ha, ha, ha; air, yon are an exoelleni

fia^ker, ha, ha, ha.

Ra»en$enfl, Ludom Cuekoldit 1682.

(2)pr€t. t. Flew; fled.

Flauohtbr, (1) V. To frighten.


(2) t. Thin turf. North.

Flaumpetms. See Flampoynta.

Flaun, «. A sort of baked custard.

Ffll oTcn ftill ofJUuaUt Ginny pais not for


To-morrow thy father hia wake-day will

keep. Tmutr.

With green cheeae, donted cream, with

fia«H» and cnatarda itor'd,

Whig, cyder, and with whey, I domineer a

lord. Dragt.^ Njfmpkal., 6.

Thii qnarter ia welcome to jonng lada

and lawea ; for now eomea in a whole

Spring tide of cherriea, gooaeberriei,

raaberriea, genitina, peaacoda, cnatarda,

checse-cakea,)I«PM, and fooli.

Poor Bobin, 1788.

Flaunts, $. Fineries. Shaketp.

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(7)9.T»TObor. Ail.

(8) t. A lore place in the flesh

where the tkin n nibbed off.

Lme. Abo, the lleMi itielf.

(9) j: The dowB of raimAlt. But.

fvmcmMD,p»H,p.{A.~N,) Arched;


FivcvsTOHS, It. A snail stone

runnrroNB, j nsed in spinning.

Flbct.v. Toallnie. HolL

Flbctbn, 9. To abound. Skimwi;

Fkas, a4^. Damaged by the fly, oi-

wet weather. Skropsh,

PLBsonna. Same as Fhppen,

Flee, (1) «. To Hj,

(2) f. A fly. North.

fLBB-sr-THB-SBT, ff. Afli||htyp<r-

son. North,

FuBCB, (1) 0. A ton. iSToffik.

(2) «. To wheedle. Abrf A.

Flbb-flownb, «• Fly-blows in

meat. Doroet.

FuEBiKO-BAniKK, f . The dngon^

fly. North.

Flkkk, t. A flitch. North,

FLnir, 9.pL Fleas.

Fi.K»fUBT,t. A yellow Add flower.

Flbsk, (1) 9. To bogh, or sneer.

** Ifleert, I make an yvell eoun-

tenannce with the mouthe by

imcoveryi^ of the tethe." Pak'

A ermfty fellow I fan, he it so ftiU of

eonrteaie, tnd lome cotnonioK eom-

pukm, he hAth lueh hfleMrinp eomnte-

BtBCe; wm he eieth yon, sir, hie heed

is here. Mm m tht Moom*, 1009.

A ^emooUUongn'd fellow of ow dt^

That with What lack yon? (ires his salur


AndU0riMg fhwnee, aad fawniag flatten

Gkim*d qnafaitaiioe of a ^ontrr-mn at\

staU. BowUmdt, Kn. ifSp. /- Di.

(2)t. Asneer; acontemptnooB


Do hvt eneaire Tourself.

lad mnk thsjf«»r«,the gibee, and notaUe

That dwell in n*ty regiOD of hie fkee.


Flbbt, (1) V. To float. South,

(2) s. A saluwater tide creek.

(3) t. Any stream ; water.

(4) r. To skim milk« er any

other li^|M. Fleet^mitk, akim*

med milk. Ftertmgo, cnrds.

FIgotimsHHoh, a shallow dish for

skimming off the cream. North,

(i)a4f. Shallow. Pr. P. Stil

used in sereral dialects.

(6)t. The windward side. Snusr-

(7) «. To gutter, as a candle.


FtBCmfa, «• A perquisite. line.

Flkob, t. Sedge grass. MS. Ibth


Flb«l, t. (J.~N.) A flagelet.

Flboo, s. a fly. Northtmb.

Flsoob, mg. (A.-N.) '


Flbookd, oAj. (1) Fledged. Eo»t,

(2) Parted; shaped.

Flbih, port. p. Flew ; fled.

PLBiNOia.L, s.. A kestrel hawk.

FtBiKOB, «4^'. Flying aboQt.

In the beginince of Feb. 1687 tad ia all

that moneth, ther wee many liee and

fUxnf talles, and atrange newee aad

nimoiurt, rerie many like to make an

uprora, which made many folkee almoate

at their witee end to hear therof.


FLBrrBB, «. To prop the bank of a

brook damaged by a flood. Dtrh.

fVKKXDt ptUrt. p. Bcnt.

Flbkband. Smiling. R.d€Brwmo.

Flbm, t. A farrier's lancet.

Flbmb, (1) f. (J.'N.) A river, or


2) f. A large trendi cut for

draining. Wett.

(3)v.(J.'S.) To banish. Flomer,

a banisher.

ftMumj), port. p. Burnt.

Flbmnoub,!. a phlegmatic peiton.

FLBN,s.jiiL Fleas.

Flbvb, «. (A,-S,) To fly.

Flbotbn, 9. (AS.) To flott; to


Flbpfbb, (I) t. The under lip.

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(2) V. To hang the lip. North.

FLsmTB, V. To fleer.

Flkschklthkdk, f. {A,'S.) Flesh-

lineu; carnality.

Flbsh, (1) «. To fatten.

(2) To strengthen; to incite.

(3) Fk^h and fell, muscle and


FLKSH-AXByf. AcleaTCr.

Fi.BSHINO-BSAM, 1 f. A WOOdCB ifl-

FLBSH-BBAiCy J stmment used

hy tanners to suspend the hides

to be dressed.

Flbshlt, o^'. Flexible.

Flbshmbkt, f. Pride, encouraged

by success.

Flesshamtls, f. Shambles.

Flbt, a. {A,'S,) A floor; a cham-

ber ; a field.

Flbtch, f. A plank. Northatnpt.

Flbt-chbbsb, a. Cheese made of

skimmed milk. Ea»t,

FLETCHEfl^ «. (J,'N.) An arrow-


Fletchbked, adj, (1) Having

variegated feathers, applied to


(2) Red, applied to a horse. Suf.

Flbtcubs, f. Green pods of peas.


Flete, (1) r. To float.

The order of the fyldes and medowa

beluugrogre to Sbotterer, and how miiny

acres the fanner showd hare lynig and

/Utynff. Stratford MS.

(2) pret. t. Flew. Gawayne.

Fletere, v. To flitter. Lydg.

Fletbcitte, f. Skimmed milk.


Flbtsheb, a. A young peas-cod.


Flett, (\)s. a fliting, or scolding.

(2)pret.t. Flitted.

Flbuks, s. Vermin in the livers of

diseased sheep. Var. d.

¥hKW,(l) adj. Shallow. **Ftewe or

not deape, but as one maye wade.

Brevia." Huloet. Still used in

this sense in Somerset.

(2)04;. Washy; tender. North.

(3) f. The down of animals.


(4) I. A sort of fishing-net.

(5) f. A lancet. MidL C.

(6) t. The chap of a hound.

fiewedf having large hanging


(7) ae^. Weak; delicate. Berks.

Flewkb,! a. A kind of fish; a

FLO KB, J species of plaice; the


Flbwort, s. The name of a plant.

^' }.. Keah.


Flbxt, v. To fly.

Flby, pret. t. Fled.

Flbybb, f. A kidney. MS. Ibth


Flbtnb, part. p. Banished. Rob.


FLBYa,t. (1) Fleas; flies.

(2) A fleece.

Flibberoibbb, t. A sycophant.

And when these flatterers and jUkkrr-

gibbes another day shall come and claw

Ton by the back, yonr grace may answer

them thus. lAiiaur, Sermoiu, foL SO.

Flibbergibbbr, f. A lying knave.

Flittertioibbbt, f. The name of

a fiend.

Flick, (1) t. A flitch of bacon.

(2) f . The faiiy membrane in the

stomach of animals. West.

(3)f. A slight blow.

(4) V. To give a jerk.

(5) f. A trial. South.

(6) V. To lap up. South.

(7; s. The down of animals. East.

Flicker, ». (1) (A.^S.) To flutter.

(2) To embrace.

Flicker-mouse, s. A bat.

Flickbtb, f. Blushes. Devon.

Flicx-tooth-comb. Acoarsecomb.


Flioder, f. A limpet. North.

Vlig, adj. Yledged. Palsgrave. Still

used in Cheshire.

Fliggard, 8. A kite of a diamond

form. Yorksh.

Fligg-dvst, a. The dust left in the

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nest after the young binU are

flown. NortJkampt.

PuMKD, adj. (1) Fledged. Var, d.

(2) Bntangled. Line.

FuGOKK, V. To flutter. Var. d,

Fliouxus, (1) t. A plant ; the com-

mon flag. Ea»i.

(2) Toung birfjt, ready to fly.

Fliahm, ff. A i^p'a mast.

Flioht, (1) «. To dispute; to


(2) t. A scolding match. NorilL

(3) s. A light arrow.

(4) f. Alight faU of snow. Oafd.

(5)f. The chaff of oats. EomL

(6) f. The first swarm of bees.

(7) 8, A second swarm of bees.

(8) f. Sea-fowl shooting. Stmth,

(9) f. The flight of an arrow,

abont a fifth part of a mile, called

also tiJUffht'tkot,

FuGHTSN, 9. To scold. North,

FLioBTSRyf. A spark; an ember.


Flights, (l)f. Torfcot into squares

for fuel. Lane.

(2) The chaff of com.

Flig-mb-oaiukt, f. A gaudily

dtcssed, but untidy girl. North,

FLI6KX88, t. Plumage. PaUy.

Flim-flam, (1) s. A lie; nonsense.

(2) a^. False ; nonsensical.

FLiNBtsi-Mousn, f. A bat. South,

Flikdbks, f. Fragments. North.

fLUf%,part.p. Flown.

FuNO, (1) 9. To kick ; to resent.


(2) V. To bafile, or disappoint


(3)v. To dance, by throwing out

the legs. North.

(4) t. A finch. Une.

Flin GiNO-TRU, f . A piece of tim-

ber hung as a partition in a stalL


Flinkxt, t. A long narrow slip of

Isnd. Northampt.

Elints, f. Refuse barley in


Flip, (1) •. To fillip; to jerk. So-

mertet. 7b /Iqf 191, to turn up

the sleeves.

(2) ». A slight blow. East.

(3) f. A drink made of beer, gin,

and coarse sugar. S^olk.

This tamn/Upp and pniich are nit drinks.

Shadmll, Tkt Seowreri, 1691.

(4) a4f. Flippant; nimble. Bewm.

Flipb, (1) •. To pull off. North.

mt. The brim of a hat.

(3) «. A fiake oS snow.

Flxfpamt, a4f. Lively; gay.

I jtttt met my doctor, snd he bu nT*n

me the rarest cordial — methiukfl 1 am

10 fitppanH— Vow, my little motue,

how do yoa f Shall ve walk in ?

Tk4 CJuaU, 1663.


and confusion caused by show.


Flippbrino, s. Weeping. North.

Flipfitt-flop, adj. Awkward in

fine clothes. Warw.

Flirb, V. To fleer.

Flirk, r. To jerk, or flip about.


Flirt, v. To move nimbly; to

speak lightly or sarcastically.

Flirt-gill, It. A forward

FLIRT-GILLIAN, Vaud uucoustant

FLiRTioio, J girl ; a woman

of light behaTioor.

Ton heard him take me up like a fiirtgiU.

B. ^ Fl., Kn, ofB. Pe^tU, iv, 1.

Thoa took'it me up at every word I spoke

As I had been a maukin. Kfiurt-gilUeM.

Flirtigig, (1) f. A wanton girl.

(2) f. A pet ; a passion.

Flish, adj. Fledged. Devon.

Flisk, (1) V. To skip, to flirt

abont ; to wince. North,

Were fannes, and flappes of feathers fond,

to flit away the Ifi^Aiii^ flies.

As iatle of mare that han^ on ground,

when heat of summer doth arrise,

The wit of women we might praise

for finding ont so great an ease.

0owo»*« FUoioiU <ituppett 1596.



To flick, as with a whip.

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(3) f. A coarse comb. Weti*

(4) f. A bundle of wbite rods to

brush away cobweba and duat.


PiiT, (1) 9, To fly; to escape.

(2) 9, To remote; to chaage

one*8 residence.

(3) V. To leave work unfinished.

(A)adf. Shallow; thin. Skmx.

(5)v. To tether.

Flitch, (1) v. To move (torn phu»

to place. Norf,

{2)a^. Ofllcious;KTe!y. mUi,

Flitchbn, f. A flitch of bacon.


Yowtrflitehinf of bMoa and Marttensi

b«ef. buKntorjf, Stratford (mAwmMSS.

Flitk, t>. (A.-S.) (1) To scold; to

brawL Still used in the North.

(2) To flit; to fly.

Flitkr, f. Ascolfi North*

Flittbn, V, To remove a horae

into fresh pasture. Oxfordth,

Flitter, (1) o. To droop. Line*

(2) 9. To scatter in pieces.

FLITTSBIN6, adj, (1) Floating.

(2) Sleety. Dortet,

FLiTTBE-MovaB. See FUndtr^

Fltttsrs, f. (1) Pieces; rags.


(2) Small pancakes. South.

(3) The residue of the leaf of a

fig, in making lard. Northampt,

Flix, f. (1) The flux.

(2) The for of a hare. Ktmk

Fliz, f. A splinter. North, Fliz-

lonut flying particles; sediment

of flour. East,

Flizzen, 9. To laagh sarcasticaUy.


Fltttebtnoe, pr€t. a, "Lyght-

nynge, and xkotflytterfnge** The

FmtvvaU, 1528, foL xUy.

Flo, (1) t. {A.'S,) An arrow.

(2) V, To flay.

Float, (1) a. (^..iS.) Flood.

(2) f . A kind of raft North.

(3^ 9. To irrigate land.

(4) 9, To pare off th<

Ftoaiinff-4ho9el, a shovel

ting turf. Skropih.

(5) pret, t. Chid, or


Float-grass, «. Grass gr

swampy ground. De9on

Floating, a. Uemorrlu


Floats, a. The woodei

that hang ovee the sic

waggon. Etut

Float-wbjet, a. Cordamu

whey. Northmrnhk

FLOATT,a. Rank,aaherbag

FLOB0BR,(l)ak Looaeflal


(2)o. To hang loose.

Flocoipbnd, 9. (Lat.) To

to make no account of.

Flock, t. A hurdle. 2>«M

Flockbt, It. a loose

vLOKKARik, J with large

worn at the beginning of

eent. Skelton, ii, 16a

Flockly, <uf9. In ambu

heap. " Floekhfet or in

meat ConfertinC' Hul

Flook-lbt, f. A mark <

reaching from the hi|

bucket joint. Ea$t,.

Flookmbl, ado, {J.'S.) Ii

FlockoPowdbr» t. a po

plied to doth, to make


If his oloth ke zviL yearis lo

let him on a nek, and ttret

with ropes, and raoke hii

■inewes Bhrinke a^ne, whil

brooght him to zviiL yearda.

have brought kirn to that

ther have a pretie feate to

agame. He makes me a poi

and plaies the policarie, ti

Jlock$-po%odtr, thejdoaoinc

to the cloth, that it is woi

consider, troly a good inrei

that io goodly wiU should

applied I umf may wel decti'

pie, bat they canaot deceiTe


Flocks, a. (1) Inferior wc

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Orer-ript; wooUy.

^. Covered; udorned.

}, To stop op a wa-

Abounded. Skhmer,

(Tearied. Oxon.

tuff. Skittish. WeiL

order. Yorkih,

Sag thick at one end

the other. North.

I'S.floe*) Aflounder.


B, adv. In flocks.

Untidy. Warw,

N.) A river,

to, (A.'S.) Arrows,

eavy rain. Devon,

cubic feet of earth.

a. A bank with a

h Bide. Ea$t.

i a person does any-

>rdinary well he is

floosert as *' Jack's a

ttles." Lmc.

'o outspread. Nort^

mass of thin mud.

imp ; flat.

^rotum. Somerset.

»t the wings.

)ur in hastily.


A small pasty. Glouc.


ull fledged birds just

re the nest. East.

An under-petticoat.

rHBo, 04^. Blnbber-


Y.) Flower.


I. Aiortofpiecus-

riginally at Horenoe.

ined till late in the

last century aa a Christmaa dish,

though perhaps the composition

of it varied, as they were then

called apple foren tines. They

consisted, we are told, of an im-

mensely large di&h of pewter^

filled with good baking apples,

sugar, and lemon, to the very

brim ; with a roll of rich paste as

a covering — pie fashion. When

baked, and before serving up,

the upper crust, or lid, was

taken off.

If •tealins; niBf ardi, tartt, and J^orentinett

By some Tate atalutc bcrrcaied trrason.

B.4FI., WumaH hater, Y,L

I went to Florence, from whence we

have the art of making cuBtarda, which

are therefore callfd Flurmt'iM-s.

Cotgraee, WiVs JnUrpreter, 167L

(2) A sort of silk.

Flobschake, 8. A decorator. Pr.

P. See Flourish.

Floschb, f. A pit, or pool. Flosh-

hoUf the hole which receives the

waste water from a mill-pond.

Flobsy, 8. A slattern. Craven,

Floster, c. To be very gay. Devon,

Flotb, (1) 8. {A.-S.) A wave.

Minsheu, Shakespeare uses the

word in this sense in the Tem-


(2) 8. A dilution.

When the madcrc is in fiottf, breke hit

smulle that there be no ballys, for to

every ^erde 30 moate take a pownd of

niadcrc. Porkington MS.

Item, for the masterynge, je nioste cast

owtc ^owre olde flcte of ^owre made-

rynge, and make a newe flote for tour

mastcryns^e of dene water in your ledc

compctenUy as wolle serve 30W. Ik.

(3)0. To be diluted.

To make rede water ; take brasylle that

fiotyn, and nut hit into an erthyne

polte, with ly made of lyme, that hit

be wcBshe, and selhc hit to the halven-

dele. n.

(4) f. Dew. Surrey.

(5) 8, A sort of rough boat, nser^

formerlv on the Severn.

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464 FLU

(6)part.p. Grieved.

Flotbd, adj. Flooded ; watery.

Floten, adj. Distant.

Floter, \„fyi,'S.) To float.


Flothert, adj. Slovenly, and

showy. Var, d,

Flothre, 8. Flakes of snow.

Flotis, f. (-^.-5.) The froth from


Flotsam, t. Goods floating on the


Flotte, r. To flow.

Flotten-milk. See Fletndtte,

Flough, (1) adj. Bleak; windy.


(2)f. A flea. ChefK

Flouohter, tr. To terrify. iVorM.

Floundab, f. A flounder. Suffolk.

Flounders, t. Animals found in

the livers of rotten sheep. Suuex.

Flount, v. To strut about in gaudy

dress. Var. d.

Flour, t . Soft thread or silk hang-

ing loosely, as on a tasseL

Flourettb, ff. (JFV-.) A small


Flourish, (1) v. To ornament.

(2) f. A blossom. North.

Flouron, 9. {Fr.) A border of


Flout, (1) t. A boy's whistle. So-


(2) f. A truss, or bundle. Warw.

Besrde my bed thou must goe

Ana take up t^fUmU of strawe.

MS. MkmoU 61, xw. cent.

(3) V. To express anger by ges-

tures. Berks.

Floutbrsome, adj. Frolicksome.


Flow, adj. Untractablc North.

Flowch, t. An old term of re-


Flower-tabbt, atlf. A silk ?

1668. March 26tb. "To the duke of

York's hooae to see the new play, called

'The Man ii the Master}' when the

house was (for the hoar), it being not

one o'clock, very full My wife extra*

ordinary fine in her flover-tiM

and every body in love with ii

inde«l she is very handsome in ii

Flower, «. (-^.-M) To foam

Flowery, adj. Florid. Nori

Flowish, a^;. Immodest. Is

Flowr, 8. A flaw or impcrfe

Heywoodi 1556.

Flowt, f. {A.'S.) Flood; a t

Flowtino, f. Carding wool t

in the mixture. North.

Flotoene, 1

FLOTNE, >f. Asortofshi


Flu, adj. Sickly looking. Kt

Flubst-faced, adj. Plump-


Fluce, v. (1) To plunge.

(2) To warm the legs by i

of a dick-pot. Northampt.

Flue, (I) adj. Shallow. Eat

(2) f. The coping of a ga

end of a house. East.

(3) t. The nap or doi


(4) Same as Fiemj and Do

Flue-full, adj. Brimful. Yc

Fluellin, f. The plant verc

Fluff, {A.-S.) Same as Flui

Fluogan, f. A coarse fat w


Fluish, adj. Washy ; weak j

in morals. North,

Fluit, t.

To fluils, horse-coarsen, sellers,


To prisoners, to nigfat-fannen


To all estates of forraigners, and free

Taylor^* Worke

Fluke, t. (1) A flounder


f2) A lock of hair.

(3) Waste cotton. Lane.

(4) A kind of worm found

times in the livers of sheep,

Flum, t. {A.'N.) (1) A rivci

(2) Deceit Var.d.

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ff. A fiery cba-

t. Oatmeal boiled

; is thick and gela-

• Flummevy-hulU,

oats prepared for



i sloten. Here/.

I maul; to bewilder.

To fail down

) be irregular.

7. Deceived; re-

L term given some-

rs, or assistants in

lore usually to foot-


be in a harry. Out

nrell. Lane.

at quantity. North.

7 ; floured. Gaw,

ade of flour.

>rood. North.

leer at. Line.

Useless finery,

onfusion. Fluredj

^o snap the fingers

al action or speech.

ie. Yorish.


See flirt.

;ht woman. North.

A sort of figured

. Full feathered,

re said to be Jluah

i able to leave the


Totslr, fall of breaii,

broad blown, as flush

Skaketp., Kami, lii, 3.

ad condition, espe-

2 B

dally with regard to worldly cir-


{A) adj. Prodigal; full.

(5) «. A great number.

(6) i. A hand of cards all of a


(7) *. An increase of water in a

river. See Floache.

(8) *. The hot stage of a fever.


(9) adj. Hot and heavy, applied

to the weather or atmosphere.

(10) 9. To hop, as a bird.

(11) adj. Even; on a level with.

Flusk., v. To quarrel. North.

Fluskkr, r. To flutter; to be con-

fused ; to fly irregularly. Var. d.

Fluste, adj. Pushed.

Fluster, \ . , ,

flcstr;t.okJ*- A great hurry.

Flustered, a^/* Half tipsy.

Flustergated, adj. Blustering.


Flustrate, v. (1) To frighten.

(2) To be confused.

Flutter, a. A litter. Gloue.

Fluttergrub, a. A field labourer.


Flux, v. To strike with the win^s.


Fluxive, adj. Flowing with mois-


Fluzzed, adj. Bruised; blunted.


Fly, (1) 8. A. familiar spirit, atten-

dant on a witch or astrologer.

(2) V. To be quick at taking

offence. Northampt.

Flyabostic, adj. Outrageously

showy. Somerset.

Fly-cap, *. A sort of cap, in fashion

about 17G0.

Flycche, v. (A.'S.) To separate.

Fly-clapper, |*. A clapper to drive

FLY-FLAP, J away flies.

Fly-dod, *. Ragwort. Chesh,

Flyer, v. To fleer.

Fly-foot, a. A village game, simi-

lar to leap-frog.

Flt-ooldinO| a. A lady-bird. Sum*


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le colour of a dead leaf.

1) (J.'S.) People; men

rely. /bU-8io#«, a popu-


FoNCB, adj.


Cunning; knowing.

Fond, adj. (I) Stupid ; foolish ; half

silly; timid; idle and unprofitable.


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the heeles so hanti his frighted

at last, iii footmoM'i-intu must

the bottom of a bed. Wardrobe

Ace. Edw, IV.

FooT80M,t. Neat's foot oil. Shropth.

FooT-gpoEE, «. Afoot-mark.





FooT-iTAix, f. The foot or base of

a pilkr. NmHimclmiar, 1585.

FooT.tTOOL, t. A iort of Btimp or

•npport for the feet of a womtn

riding on a pillion.

Foot-trap, t. Theitocks. "Cippni.

Un cep. The stocks, or fooU-

tn^r NonmeUior, 1585.

FooT-TmBMCBBti «. Superficttl

drains a foot wide. Nwih.

FooTY,a4r* Trifling; mean. Var.d,

Fooz, «. The plant Mempervivum

Fop, (1) «. A conceited fool.

(2) V, To act foolishly.

FoPi>ooDLB,«. A sillyfellow; a dnpe.

Come, come, yon brace ot/opdoodUt.

SkadweU, Bury Fair, 1689

FoppxT, f. A foolish person.

FoppY, a^. Light, puffy, moorish,

applied to land. EmU

FopsTBR, «. A cutpurse. Ddsker.

For, as a prefix to verbs, gives in-

tensity or a destructive significa-

tion, as from bete, to beat, for'

Me, to beat to pieces, to beat to

death. It answers to the modem

German vtr-. It is only neces-

sary to give the examples in which

the ori^nal meaning of the word

hu undergone any particular


FoRAORB, 9. The headland of an

arable field. Kent

FoRAoStf. (Fr.) Fodder; food.

FoR-AKD. And also.

FoRANSNTj9rq>. Opposlteto. AoWA.

FoR-BARRS) V. To hinder ; to pre-

vent; to interpose.

FoRRKAR, V. To giveway to another.

FoR-BBCAuas. Because.

FoRBBLO, f . A furbelow.

mu. To see a ledy in disabilee, with

lier night doatfas pleated about her face,

like a fortification at a pastry-cooks,

and another forbelo*d from top to toe,

like a Frieslaod heu— Why, we gate in-

deed, becaoae l^ature'i brought to bed of

a moniter. Vice JUelaim% 1703.

FoR-BBRB, V, iA,'S.) To abstain.

FoRBBTB, 9. The plant devii's-bit.

F0RBI8NB, Is. (^.-5.) An

poRBTBXNB, J plc ; a parable.

FoR-BiTBN, V. To bite to pieces.

FoR-BLBDB, V. To bleed oopUNialy.

For-bledd, covered with blood.

FoB-BLowB, V. (1) Toblowabont.

(2) To swell; to blow or pair up.

FoR-BODK, 1 «. A denial; a pro-

voR-BOTT, J hibition.

FoRBORBR,«. Afurbisher.

FoRBows, «. The breast of an

animal. Craven,

FoR-BRBKE, v. To break itt pieecs ;

to destroy.

F0R-BBI8SUTB, part, p. Broken ;


FoR-BRoiDB, atg. Very great; vn-

measurable; overgrown.

FoR-BURTRB, f. (1) Birth-rigjht ^

first burth.

(2) The first-born.

FoR-BUT, s. The top rail at the front

of a cart or wagon. Nortkaw^i,

fo%Br,prep. (^.-5.) (1) Past; near.

(2) Besides; in addition to. Cuntb,

FoB-BTB, V. {A,'S,) To ransom;

to redeem. For^bought, re-


FoRBTBR,«. (^.-5.) The Redeemer.

FoR-cARTB, 9. To cut IB picoes ;

to cut through.

FoRCB, (1) V. To regard, or care for.

Tims he in ofllce plaster

Paft up with princely night,

Not fordua Aretaflla

Hii mother-hiw a whit,

Nor any of his blood.

TurbertOWM TngUatt Tetcs, 1587.

(2)v. To strive.

Howbeit in the ende, peiceinng those

men did more fiercely /brce to gette up

ihehilL NorOrs PUUmtcC

(3) V. To urge in argument.


(4) V. To stuff, whence /orcsif

meat, still used for stuffing.

To what form, but that he is, Shoald wit

hurded with malice and malice forcti

with wit turn him r


(5) V. To exaggerate.

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Via ftUet Tiiae vy hittorfo to nil,

JfcillMJ By good. CXOWBf of By ill.


(€) V. To IrttcB aaiaMli. But.

(7) V. To dip, tlietr, or ihftTe.

(8) V. To clip off the vpper and

■Mve hairy part of wooL

(9)fl4F. StroBgp.

(10) 9. A water&IL NoHk.

(11) (y/arw.neoesiarilj. "Then

^f&n9 shce moat he worth the

iBft^iii^." Heywooi^M Irvm Agt,

1632. Ab /0r«^ no natter. /

Sm or pm€ w^fartt, I care not.

9yr <q«od the fdowe). I tmite ye wyll

hem me noordo that I hsTO hit nat.

Bo by the meiee qnod he, thoa were on

tlie pyllorie the whvle. Than no force

qnoa the feknr— ena wenle hie waye.

Tatct and Qmcit Jntmeret, i, p. 97.

WoMCMM, 9, {A^N.) A cheat; a

eatfier, or casket.

YbRCXna, «. Forceps; shears.

FoscHKS, «. {Fr.) (I) The spot

where two roads branch off from

oite. Devon,

(2) The hwnichea of a deer.

FoK-CHoanK,;7arf./?. Chosen pre-


FoKCiPATioy, a. (from Lat, for-

e9») Tearing with pincers.

FoB-CLOsii V. To ahnt np.

FoB-€OMi, V. To prevent.

FoB^cnABKD, adj. Crazy ; mad.

Fcnt-cuTTE, V. (J.'S,) To cut


FoBJ>, 9, To afford ; to sen.

Fott-DARKE,tr.(^.-i^.) Tomakedark.

FoBnnoH, t. The plant dodder.

Fost-Dnnn, «. A former deed.

Fo&oKLB, a. An adyantage. See


Fosonifn, (J,'S.) v. To condemn.

PoBDKR, V. To farther, or promote.

Fon-OKWB, V. To wet with dew.

FoRDiT. Sfantnp. fT. Jlfaj9M,p. 345.

Fos-DO, V. Tonndo; toniin;to


Fon-DBKDX, V, To terrify greatly.

Fon-DR£i2iT, part. p. Drowned.

Fon-DEiTX| V. To drive away; to


Fon-DnoNi2co, a. Trouble; dis-


Fon - nnowKsir, part. p. (1)


(2) Very dmnk.

Fon-onr, adj. Very dry.

FoR-ouLLK, (1) V. To be stnpified.

(2)a&'. Verydnll.

Fon-DWiNB, V. To waste away.

FonDTNQ, a. (^.-5.) Destruction.

Fons, (1) pnt. t. Went; fared.

(2W. Faring; going.

(3^ pmri, jr. Before ; having any-

thing forthcoming.

(4) a. A ford. Nwth.

(5) f. A furrow.

FoEBBrr, a. The plant devUVbit


FonKDALn,a. The pudding of a cow

towards the throat. Shrop9h,

FoBE-DATS, (1) a. Towards noon.


(2) Towards evening. Nortkumb,

FonK-BLPBR8|«. Ancestors. North,

FoEB-FAMUT, 9, The ancestors of

a family. Ea9t.

FoBBFBKG, t. The first taking of

a thing. We9t.

FoRB-FLANK, a. A projcctlon of ftt

on the ribs of a aheep. North.

FoBB-FLAP, a. Bands.

FoEB-FBONT, 9. The forehead. Pair.

FoRKGANOEE, 9. A forcrunner.

FoBBHAMMBB, 9. The large ham*

mer which strikes before the

smaller ones.

FoRBHAND-SHAFT, 9, An srrow

specially formed for shooting

straight forward. Shake9p.

FoRBHBAD, t. An earth-ridge.

FoRBHBAD-CLOTH, 9. A bandage

formerly used by ladies to pre-

vent wrinkles.

FoBB-HEBT, (1) V. To forbid.

(2) V. To predetermine.

(3) a. Forethought. North.

ToB.n-MMVT,part.p. Seized before*


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FoBEHEVEDE, t. (A.-S.) Thc fore-


Foreigner, t. A stranger to a lo-

cality. In some parts of Kent

all born in another parish are still

caHed foreignert,

FoREiNE, 8, (A,'N.) (1) A Jakes ; a

cesspool ; a drain.

(2) A stranger; a foreigner.

FoRELL, #. (1) (Lat.) A bag, or


(2) A cover of a book.

(3) A kind of parchment, much

used for covers of books.

FoRELONO. The same as Foolen,

FoRELOV7, adj. Slanting ; verv low.


Foreman, $. An ancestor.

Foremen, m. An old cant term for


FoRBMEST, adj. Earliest.

Fore-milk, $. The first milk after

calving. North.

Forenbnst, prep. Opposite to;


FoRENEss, 9. A promontory.

FoRB-PAST, part. p. Past by.

FoREPRizE, V. To except ; to ex-


FoRB-RBAD, 8, A prcfacc.

Fore-right, (1) adj. Straight-for-

ward ; obstinate ; headstrong ;

abrupt; foolish. S(mih,

(2) 8, The coarsest sort of

wheaten bread.

Foresay, v» To foretell, or decree.

Fore-set, part. p. Previously or-


FoRESHip, 8. The forecastle.

FoRBSHOuTs, 8. The double ropes

which fasten the main-sail of a


FoRBSioN, 8. Divination.

Forbslack, v. To relax ; to neg-

lect, or delay. Spenser.

FoRBSLOw, V. To delay ; to loiter.

FoRBSPBAK, V. (1) To predict.

(2) See For~8peak.

FoRB-spuR, f. The fore-leg of pork.


FoRBSTBAD, t. A ford. <


had a perpetual right

in a forest on paying tc

a certain rent for the i

FoRB-sTOOLS, t. The fo

a cart, which projecti

horse. East.

FoRESTOwE, V. To wast

Thifl nunraer must not be

minate of time forestowet

them of Scotlaua, lest; b;

here they ^n time and i

frame their parties with foi

Speech in Parliament, 1640

Forest- WHITES, 8. A soi

Fore-summers, s. A so

form projecting over

of a cart. East,

Fore-token, s. A wami

FoRETOP, 8. {}) The

''His fax and his J

Morte Artkure.

(2) An erect tuft of hi

head. Suff. Used in th

Ben Jonson.

For with far lesser danger yora

TrithemiuB charms, or view t


Nor must we now forget the cl

Who with their fore-tops ga


Broueht there to play at churc


And for discourse at meals wl

did. Satyr agmnst Bfjfpi

FoRB- WARDEN, part. p. ]


FoRBWARB, V. To indcmi

FoRB-WATCH, V. To wat


FoRB-WAY, 8. A high roa

F0RE-W£TING,«. (A.-S.) I


FOR-FAOHTE, "Xport. j

FOR-FOGHTEN, J with fij

FORFAITE, r. {A.-N.) 1

to offend.

FOR-FARB, V. To go tO


FoR-FERB, V. To terrif;



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VK, r. (i^.-5.) To cut


9. {Fr.foureheUe.) A little

That thurcli foTth hir chanmberlain

Wald hare Idrforlain.

Jrthour /• MerU$^, p. 53.

(2) To overlay and kill a child.

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FoR-woRN, part, p. Worn out.

FoR-woRTHE, r. (-.f.-5.) To perish.

FoR-WRAPPE, V. To wrap up.

FoR-WROGHTj/iar/. p, Over-worked.

FoR-WYTTYNO, t. Rcproach.

FoR-YAF, jwe/. t. Forgave.

FoR-YAT, pret, t. Forgot.

FoR-YELDE, 9. To repay, to re-


FoR-jEDE, V, To forego ; to lose ;

to omit.

FoR-jETYLLE, part, p. Forgetful.


Fobs, #. A waterfall. Craven,

FossET, *. {A.'N.) A faucet.

Foss-FOOT, 8. The impression of a

horse's foot. Northampt,

FossickmV' a troublesome person.

Fotnckmg^ troublesome. Warw.

FosBPLB, s. The impression of a

horse's foot on soft ground.


FosTAL, s, A paddock to a farm-

house, or a way leading to it.


FosTALE, $, The track of a hare.

Foster, «. A forester.

To a herte he let rcnne ;

:ui.fotlers dyscryed hym then.

MS. im cent.

And love ns well iht foster can,

As can the mighty nobleman.

BaUad nth cent.

FosTRB, 1 8, (j^.'S.) Food;

FosTRiNO, j nourishment.

For, V, To fetch. We8t,

FoTE-HOT, adv. On the instant;


FOTB-SETE, 8, A footstool.

FoTEZ, 8, pi Feet. Gawayne,

FoTH, 8. A fragment. Somer8et,

FoTHKR, 8. (A,'S.) A great quan-

tity ; a burthen.

FoTHBRAM, «. An open space be-

hind the rack, where the hay is

placed ready to supply it.

FoTiTE, adj, (Lat,) Nourishing.

FoT-LAMB, adj. Lame in the foot.

Fou, adj. Tipsy ; full ; few. North,

FoucH, V, To quarter a buck. A

hunting term.

FoucHB, V, To vouch.



FouDRB, 8, {A,'N,) Ligl

FouDREL, 8. Apparently


FouoADE, 8. (Fr.) A so


fovGBTt part. p. Fetche

FouGHTY, adj. Musty. .

Foul, 8, An ulcer in a (

any disease that prodi


FouLDAGB, 8. The liberty

sheep by night. Norf.

FOULDBR, 8. {A,-N.)

Foultringt flashing lik<

FouLE, adv. Greatly. *

Kynge Herode foule a

theyr wordes." TheF

Ixxv, 1528.

FouLBN, tf. {A,-S,) To i

Fouler, 8, A kind of or

FouLMART, *. A polecat

Foul's-mare, t. An oh

the gallows.

Foulyno, *. A wretch.

Found, (1) v. To intei

sign. We8tmorel, Se

(2) ». To confound. S<

Works, ii, 200.

(3) V, To mix ; to dis

(4) Supplied with foo

FouNDAY, 8, A space c

A term used by iron-

express the time in y

make eight tuns.

FouNDB, V, (A.'S,) Tog

to go.

Founder, v. To fall

cause to fall ; to give '

Fourbour, 8, A furbish

F0URCHBD,/MZr/./7. (A.-I

Four days. A person ii

four day8 in a week^ ^

quite the use of his i

idiot. Line,

FouRiNos, 8, An after

taken at 4 o'clock in lia


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Forsjfsi.r9. To do tccordiag to


FouB^-o'cLocK, «. A meal taken by

harvest labonrert at that hour.


Foum-mxLKar, «. The crossing of

two roads. Suffolk.

FoiTRmim, #. (f r.) A harbinger.

FouK-sauABB, adj. Quadrangular.


Fomrrs, adj. Fourteen.

YouwTK'VmLM, f . The fourth part.

FouKTNXT, a. A fortnight.

FonsK, (1) f. A fox. Craven.

(2) adj, {A,-S.) Ready; wU-


FotJST, (I) adj. Soiled; mouldy;

tttmbled ; particularly applied to

hay which from dsmp smokes

and stinks when opened and

taken abroad, ffesi.

(2) «. A labourer's beer-bottle.

FousTT, «if . Thirsty. Glouc.

Four, #. A spoilt child. North,

FouTBA, (1) adj, (Fr,) A term of

contempt. North.

(2) 9. To thrash grain. North.

FovTB, «. Plenty. Northumd.

Foimf ART, a. Afonimart.

FouTBA. (Fr.) A fovtra for you,

Bn expression of contempt.

FouTBT, adj. Mean; palt^^. Eaut.

FoiTTY, (1) a4j. Not fresh ; fusty.


(2) 9, {Fr.) A mean fellow;

B scoundrel.

FOUWBLE,! (^_^x ^i^jrd^

FOWSL, J ^ '

Fow, (1) adj. Foul.

(2) *. Fur.

FowAYLB,«. Fuel; provisions.

FowB. To cleanse out. •* Fowt, or

dense, or make deane. EruderoJ'


Beter become the i-licbe,

Pot Vofowen an old diche,

ThAime for to be dobbed kniRbtp

Te son amangmaidenei brignt.

Be9€M ofEamtomy p. 45.

FowxLBBs, f. (1) Small pieces of

ordnance, carrying stone-shot,

many of which were distinguished

by the names of birds.

(2) Stone-bulleto.

FowxB, (1) «. A fainting fit. North.

(2) See Fueier.

FowiNO, «. Fodder. North.

FowK, «. Folk; people. Yorknh.

FowKKN, 9. A falcon.

FowKiN, 9. Crepitus Tentris.

FowLB, (1) V. To catch birds.

(2) 9. A spoilt child.

FowNCB, V. To indent.

FowNDTHOB, 9. Trial. See Fonde.

FowTB, V. Fault ; want.

Fox, (1) 9. To make drunk.

Yoar Dutchroao, when he'i /(ur/, is like a


For when be 's sunk in drink, qnite earth

to a man's thinking,

Tis full exchange time with him, then he's


B. ^ Fl.t Fair Maid of the Thu, Act ii, p. 363.

Wei man*d, wel ahip'd, wel Tictnal'd, wel

Well in good health, well timbred and wel

joynted :

AU whoUy well, and yet not halfe /ox'i


Twixt Kent and Bsiex, we to OrsTesend

fell. Taylor's Wbrkes, 1680.

No looner waa he below, but his friend

arreiU him at Mr. Fox't anit, and by all

means would make him pay his groat

for being drunk.

The Merry BxpUnU cfFoor BtMn,

Ike Saddler of Walden, n. d.

Then such as had but little coin

lAid up in store to purchase wine,

Must drink fair water, cjder, perry,

Or mead instead of sack and sherry }

Or have their throats with brandy drencb'd.

Which makea men fox*d e*er thirst ia

quench'd. Poor iioim, 17S8.

(2) t. The old English broad-


(3) V. To steal.

Foxed, adj. Timber when it be-

comes discoloured by incipient

decay. Wane.

FoxEBiB, 9. Foxish. manners;


Fox-xK-THE-HOLE, 9, An old gam«

among boys, who hopped on one

leg, and beat one another with

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glores or pieces of leather tied at

the end of strings. " A kinde of

playe wherein boyes lift up one

leg, and hop on the other; it is

called fox'tn-thy^kole" Nomen-

clatoTy 1585.

Fox-TAiL, «. One of the badges of

a fooL To give one afiap with a

fMP'tttil, to deceive or make a

fool of him.

FoxT, adj, A term for beer which

has not fermented properly. Line.

FoY, $. {A,'N.) Faith ; allegiance.

(2) A merry-making given on

particular occasions, as at parting.

FoT-Bo AT, 8. An assistant boat used

in piloting a vessel.

FoYLE, (1) *. (i^.-iV.) Paste, or

crust, for pies, &c

(2) V. To fdlow land.

(3) 9. To defile.

FoYLiNGs, 9. The marks left on

grass by deer.

FoYKK, a. A heap, or abundance.

FoYNEDijDar/. j0. Kicked. Oawmfne.

FoYB, 9, A sort of tartlet.

FoYTKRBBs, 9. Vagabouds; va-


FoEY, (1) adj. Spongy; insipid;

woolly. Var, d.

(2) 9. A choice delicacy. Devon,

Fra, prep. {A.'S,) From.

Fracchyne, V, To creak. Pr. P.

Fbaccyon, t. (Lat) Breaking.

" When he was at masse, and

had made ihejraeeyon, he sawe

that blode dropped." The Feiti-

vol, fol. 11, recto.

Frack, (1) adj. Forward. North.

(2) V, To abound, or swarm. Eaet.

(3) 9. A hole in a garment. Suff.

(4) V. To fill to exce3B.Northan^t.

Fbactable, 9. The wrought stones

that run up the gable ends.

Tkacteb, part. p. (Lat.) Broken.

Fbactious, adj. Peevish.

Frao, s. (1) A kind of rye. Somere.

(2) Low, vulgar people. Middx.

Frahdle, V. To talk foolishly. Cumb,

Fraid, «. Fear.

Fraiobt, odSf. Fraught

Frail,(1)9.To wearoutdoth,

(2) adj. Weak-minded. lA

Fraile, '\9.{A.'N.frayel.)

FRAYEL, J ket, made of rus)

matting, used for fruit, as fi]

raisins. " Youhavepickta

out of A/rttHe of figges." .

Mother Bombie, 1632. «

pd. mending yray/es, 2d.''

Account Booh Line. C

70 fb are given as the wei|

a frail of raisins, or figs.

Three /rmlf of sprats carried from :


Are as much meat as these, to m

traveU'd. B.^FLyQtuenqfCcrin

Great ^lons fourteen, three handR

of wine.

Two honffired fraUei of lies and ratot

Frainb,«. (i^.-^.)To ask;to in


Fraisb, v. (A.'S.) To intern

Fraiste, v. (1) To try ; to i

(2) To inquire; to seek.

Frait, 9. A bundle of stn

hay. Eaet.

Fraks, 8. A man. See Freih

Fraknbs, «. (A.*S.) Spots; fn

Framablb, adj. Pliable.

Framal,!. AlMind with which

are tied to their stalls. Lm

Framation, f. (1) Contiii


(2) A beginning. North.

Frame, (1) part. p. {J.-S.

fected; finished.

(2)9.(J.^S.) Profit; adv«

(3) V. To speak or behave i

edly. In frame, very sti

formal. Frame-pereon, a ^

whom it is thought reqnii

receive ceremoniously. Eat

(4) V. To set about a thin

attempt ; to begin. North,

Frampolo, ^ aey. (1) Croi

FRAMPBL, I tempered. E

FRAMPUL, I (2) Fiery; I

FRAMPARED, J somc ; saucy


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^FSKCEs, t. Such fences

tBABt in the minor of

in Essex, has against the

mMsnes, whereby he has

i growing on the fence,

oany trees or poles as he

:fa from the top of the

th the helve of his aze

the repair of his fenees.

es seem to mean poles to

lied frtm or fnm the


(1) «. An iron ring to

>W8 in their stalls.

To dispute. Lane,

ID, adv. In an opposite

\ ; back.

E,«. Gain; profit. Pr.P,

. Frankincense.

t. Frenchmen.

. To scrunch with the

BomAs, t. A bnttitss

lagonally against the oor-


lOLB, s. A dish in ancient

composed chiefly of eggs

rp's &t.

EfS.{A.'N.) Frankness;

rN. See Frankeiem,

To be restless. Oxfd,

, adj. Passionate; ob-


adj. Irritable; ill-tem-

retful. Line.

t. {A.'N.) A wencher; a


) «. A small indosnre in

limals were fed to fatten.

Luxuriant ; thriTing.

le common heron. S^ff.

tiroad iron fork. Sknpth.

A8n,t. A wood, or park,

ed, but having similar


. Frankincense.

adj. (1) Fattened,

je; huge.

Feankslbin, 1 «. {A.'N.) A free-

FEANKLiN, J hoIdcr ; properly,

the son or descendant of a vilHn

who had become rich ; the term

was applied generally to small


Fbanklink, 9. {Span.) The bird

god wit.

Frank-posts, s. The piles of a

bridge, &c. Line.

Fbannel, adj. Succulent ; plenti-

ful. Kent.

Frakt,©. To be careful. Somenet.

Feant, adj. Very ill-tempered.


Feap, (1) V. {A.'N.) To strike.

(2^ 9. Tumult ; disturbance.

(3) V. To brag, or boast. North,

ii) V. To fall in a passion. Lane.

(b) 9. A violent gust of rage.

Feapb, (1) 9. A company ; a crowd.

(2^ V. To scold. Kent.

(3) V. To draw tight. Devon.

Fraplk, v. To bluster.

Frappino, adj. Fretful. Somertet,

Frappish, adj. Capricious.

FRAP8,f. (1) Noise; tumult. Crovm.

(2) A person who boasts much.

Fraet, *. (1) {A.'N.) A fraternity.

Prary clerks a member of a cleri-

cal brotherhood.

Edmtuid shall lafuffer my/mry dark of

London and Middx. to hare a key, na

well to the said utter gate as of the inner

gate of the laid Pardon Chapell, for

none oUier caus but for this cans only,

that he and other our frarv darks may

come to and fro the said cnapell yarde,

for to burv in the said chapell yarde

there, as ther seme place convenient,

the bodyes of all dcdr people, b; aucto-

lite of the pope's prevelc^e, after the

usance and custom of our frary^ as

often as cause shall require in that

behalf, dormg the lyffe of the said

Edmond. Grant, 1614.

(2) A fairy. East.

Fbaschbd, adj. {A.-N.) Crushed.

Frase,(1) 9. A froize,or pancake.

For fritters, pancakes, and for /rcyiM,

For venison pasties, and minstpies.

Sow to Choose a Good Wife, 1034.

(2) V. To quarrel. Cumb.

(3) V. To break. Noff.

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Frash, 8. An alehouse bush, or


FbasheNi v. To creak.

F]LASLXN6,«. The perch. Cheth,

Frabt. See Fraiste,

Ykat, pret. t. of frete. Gnawed.

Fratch, (I) v. To scold; to

quarrel. Fraicfier, a scold, a

boaster. North,

{2) V. To sport, or frolic

i3) 8. A quarrel, or brawl.

4) *. A playful child.

(5) «. A rude quarrelsome fellow.

Fratchbd, adj. Restive, vicious,

as a horse.

Fratbr, 8, One who begged under

pretext of seeking alms for a


Frater-house, 8. The refectory

or hall in a monastery.

Fratishbd, adj. Benumbed with

cold. North.

Fratour, 8. The frater-house.

Fraud, v. To defraud.

Frauohte, v. (A.-S.) To freight

a ship.

Fraunge, (1) V. To fling ; to wince.

(2) 8. A merry frolic. Craven*

Frauzy, adj. Frisky; pettish. Line.

Frawl, v. To ravel silk, &c. Suf.

TKAvrStpart.p. Frozen. East.

Fray, (l) v. To frighten; to ter-

rify. North,

(2)8. Fright.

h) V, To attack ; to quarrel.

(4 ) 8. An attack or affray. North.

(5) V. To crack, or break. Norf.

(6) A deer was said to fray her

head, when she rubbed it against

a tree to cause the pills, or fray-

ings, of her new horns to come off.

Frayment, 8. A fright.

Fraythely, adv. Quickly.

Frazb, 8. Half a quarter of a sheet

of paper. North.

Frazle, v. To unravel or rend

cloth. East,

fKAZYt adj. Miserly. Line.

Frb, adj. (A.-S.) Liberal ; noble.

Frbaob, 8, A freak ?

Or do bntlieare how love-bang Ka{(

In pantry darke (oxfreage of mate

With edge of Steele the tqnare wood i

And Dido to it chaunts or scrapet.

LoveUu^s Luauk

Frbam, (I) 8, Ploughed lai

much worked.

(2) V. To grunt as a boar.

Freaming, 8. The noise a

makes at rutting time.

Freat, (1) 0. To scold? See.

Some others whitest disorderedly

Theyfreal and foyne, are crowdec

those that hindmost be.

Warner's Albions EngUnc

(2) V. To be irritated, a

skin. ''Freatvnge or galo

Intertrigo:* Huloet.

(3) 8, A weak place in a b

arrow. Weak places, whic

likely to give way.

Freatet be in a shaft as well ai

bowe, and thev be much like a (

creepinge and encrea8ing:e in

places in a bowe. which be mndi ^

than other. Jsekam, Toxopk.,

(4) *. Damage ; decay. Crt

(5) 8. A recipe. Line.

Freathe, v. To wattle. Bew

Frbats, 8, The iron hoops

the nave of a cart-wheel. I^

Frecken, 8, A freckle.

Ykeddb^ part. p. Freed.

Frbde, V. (A.'S.) To feel.

We seye hit wcl ine oure fey,

And/red€th hit at nede.

William de She

Frbdom, 8. (A.'S,) Generosil

Freedom, 8, A term among

at tops ; one being pegged <

the ring, its owner gives on

as a chance to his advers

which is called ^freedom.

Freed-stool, 8. {A.-S./rHS/sti

seat or chair near the alt

churches, to which offender

for sanctuary.

Frebholdande, 8. A fr^ho]

Freelegb, 8. Freedom. Nor^

Frbbli-fraily, 8. Anythinj

substantial or frivolous. Ea

Frbblnes, «. Frailty.

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Very bad ; in great trou-

,U6H, a,


A brash for

2 I

Frbscades, «. {FrJ) Cool places;


Frbskb 8, A dish in ancient cookery

made of pork,chickens,andspices.



Febsh, (1) 9, An oyerflow or

swelling of a river; a flood; a

thaw. North.

(2) 9, A little stream or river

nigh the sea.

(3) adj. Brisk; vigorons; quick.


Rainy. North,

Unripe. Somer9et.

Handsome ; beautiful.

Gay in dress. Oxfd.

, ^ Intoxicated. Var.d.

(9) Sober. Wight,

(10) adj. Rather fat. Var.d.

FRB8H.DiiiNK,ff. Small bccr. Var.d.

Frbshk, v. To refresh; to take


Fkbshsn, v. To enlarge in the

udder, &c.| previous to calyinfF.

North. *"

Fresher, 9. A small frog. Ea9t.

Freshet, *. A stream of fresh virater.

Freshbur, 9. (Fr.) Freshness.

Fresh-force, 9. An old municipal

law term in London, equivalent

to Novel De99eizen. Calthrop'9

n€port9, 1670.

FRBSH-LiauoR, 9. Unsalted hoe's

fat. W99t. ^

Freslily, ado. Fiercely.

Fresone, 9. A Friesland horse.

Morte Arthure.

Fresse, adj. Fresh; quick.

Frbste, (1) V. To lend, or trust.

(2) To delay, or linger.

(3)«. A loan.

Fret, (1) ©, {A.^S.) To adorn.

(2) 9. Ornamental work of va-

rious kinds and in many different

senses, especially raised or cm-

bossed work.

(3) 9. (Lat.fretum.) A narrow

strait of the sea.

An ialand parted from the firme land

with a Uiilt/reC of the aea.

KnoUes'sHitt. of the Turks. 463.

{A)v. To ferment, as dder.fTw/.

(h)v. Tomb.

Pmmenta, qoa axi immisn prohibent

attntnm qm. Pceccs of iron, which

482 FRI

being driven into the 1

keepe it from frettina ov

them tackes. Norn

r6^ part. p. Tore up

(7;«. A wicker baske

(8)r. To graze. We^

(9) V. To thaw. Nor

Fretchety, adj. Fretf

old; brittle. We9i.

Fretchit, a4;. Peevish

Fretb, v. (1) {A..S.)

devour ; to corrode.

(2) To rub. See Fret

(3) To blame, or scol

fRKTEiiTipart.p. Fright

Fretishino, 9. A pail

ness in the limbs fron

Fretrots, 9. A religioi

sembling the Adamite

Frets, *. The pointe 1

string is to be 8topp<

or guitar. Howell.

Fretten, adj. Spotted.

Fretting, *. A griping, c

?REV,prep. From. Use

next word begins wit


¥reyeke,v.{A.'S.) To(


Manne, wanne tiiyt talceat asc

Into thy wombe hyjt sedly

Ac ne defith nau^t aae thy me

Wyth thyne flesch meiilyth,


Al other wyse, and 10 thy bod

And thy aaule hyjt/r<ft#r«/j

God weccht, and marketh.

And for^efth. and JoyneUi mi

A.nd Jretereth thorwe his bodj

And grace sent, and lyres.

Frbwbr, *. A sirrever

spread out by a kind c

ation. Norf.

Freyn, *. (1) (^.-5.) A

(2UA.-N.) A bridle.

(3) An old term for

of the boar or wolf.

Freyne, V. {j4.'S.) To a

Friars'-flibs, #. (1) Idle

brooke'9 TreatUe^ 15 7 J

(2) Daddy-longlegs. 5

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KNOTS, «. AkiodoftasteU

a embroidery, ttn^. Hen.

LOATES, «. Fossil echini.

piECK, 9. The piece of fat

!g of mutton, called also

>e*s eye.

(1 ) ff. An idler; a coxcomb.

ihy of fnbhUt, enough to dift-

ly nofictt houie in the world. —

uive jroii to know, 1 am for none

■kip*jacksi— no, g:iTe me your

of quality, there's somewhat

: by them. The Cheats^ 1M2.

To mock.

G, adj. Captions.

9. A sort of ointment for


idj. Brisk; nimble. Oxfd.

9, A basket for fmit hold-

»nt a bushel.

V. To waste time in trifles.


9. (1) To rub so as to in-

) fret, or fray. Var. d.

dance about.

i, 9. A name applied to

small rents formerly paid

lord of the great manor of

Id by the inhabitants of

ith of Hawksworth for

of common. Hunter.

A very young pike.

lACKiff. A hang-naU.iVbr/A.

r. A coarse narrow cloth.

[l)r. To warm.

To meddle ofllcioosly.

To wriggle.

The nmip of beef or mut-


V. To trifle ; to be tedious.


H, V. To astonish. Weet.

) V. To shiver, as hawks;

ible with cold.

The cry of an eagle.

To turn back in plaits.

Jj. {J.'S. freom, strong.)

us; thriving. The term

- in the provinces chiefly

applied to plants or trees in a

vigorous and growing state, and

its meaning in such cases is Hnd

and thriving. It also signifies

well fed, as applied to cattle.

Through the firm pastvea, freely at his

leisures. Lny ton's Mota, p. 1&76.

(2) The same as Frem. Frim-

folk9t strangers.

FftiMiCATE, r. To give one's self

airs. Ea9t.

Frimzy, a4j. Slight ; soft. Kent,

FaiNE, V. To whimper. North.

Frinjbl, 9. That part of a flail

which falls on the com. Suffolk.

Fbxnnisby, adj. Over-nice. Devon.

Frinny, v. To neigh. Lane.

Fbiperer, 1 ff. a cleaner of old

FRiPLER, V apparel for sale; a

FRIPPER, J seller of old clothes

and rags.

Frippery, 9. An old clothes shop.


Frisb. Friesland.

Frisket, 9. That part of the press

whereon the paper is laid to be

put under the spindle in print-


Friskin, 9. A gay lively person.

Friblet, 9. A sort of small ruflle.

Frissure, 9. A dish in old cookery,

composed chiefly of hare.

Frist, v. (1) To give respite for a

debt ; to trust for a time, or for-

bear. North.

(2) To put off. SeeFre9ie.

Fristele, *. (J.'N,) A flute.

Frit, «. A sort of pancake. Line.

FRrrcH, adj. Free ; sociable. Weet.

Fritful, adj. Timorous. JFarw.

Frith, (1) s. (J.-S.) A hedge; a

coppice ; a high wood. It is still

used in the provinces for ground

overgrown with bushes, or under-

wood ; and for fields which have

been taken from woods.

(2) v. To plash a hedge. Devon.

Frith E, #. (J.-S.) Peace.

Fritters, «. Small pancakes, with

apples in them. Suffolk,

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8, A frog.

«. ADjthing nipped bj


To turn down the hinder

lorses' shoes ia frosts, to

their slipping. Eatt.

CHEN, adj. Frost-bitten.

idj. Frozen. Devon.

Lt, 9. Nails put in horses'

frosty weather. Var, d.

A,'N.) To rub. Froterer,


f. Tender. Tiuter,

V. To feed. Line,

adj. (I) Loose; spongy;


rt; crisp; brittle.

(1) ©. To wrinkle; to

brow ; to frown.

lehtfrouneelh up the brow,

lunt y w4ie aluwe. Oower.

frown, or wrinkle.

0 curl, or twist.

their curled heare in courtly

B their ruffes.

Spent., F. q., I, ir, 14.

^, braidinp. frowneinif, flowV-

Drayl., JS'ymph., ii.

wrinkled ornament on

flounce, in dress,

disease in hawks, which

them from closing the

LE, 8. A frontlet.

idj.Wery passionate.Zinc.

To rumple. South.

A musty smell. Var. d.

'. Frightened. Hampth.

To curl. Florio,

lj.{\) Froward; peevish;

nsive to the eye or smell.

ty, from dissipation.

485 FRU

I lookyroirxy this BioniiB|;. 'id, I must

leave oft this drinking, it will kill me

else. Mountfort, Greemmck Parle, 169 1 .

Fbovbr, v. {A.'S,) To comfort; to

solace. See Frevere.

Frow, (1) *. {DtUch.) A wom^;

pi. froc8.

(2) 8. A dirty woman ; a slattern ;

a lusty woman. North.

(3) adj. Hastv.

(4) adv. Hastily.

(5) adj. Brittle ; crisp. Berk8.

(6) V. To pine. Northampt.

Frowaed, (I) adv. Back.

(2) adj. {A.-S.) Averse.

Frowdie, 8. A dirty woman. North.

Frowbr. Same as Frommard, q. v.

Frowrinoe, adj. Froward.

FaowY, adj. Stale ; not sweet. East.

Spenser applies it to grass.

But if they (the sheep) with thy goats

should ycdc,

Tliey soon might be comipted ;

Or like not of ihcfroiey fede,

Or with the weeds be glutted.

Spetu., Shep. KaL, /«/y,109.

Frowyte, "I

froyte, J *'

Frub, v. To rub, or furbish. Florio.

Fruce, 8. Fruit. Pr. P.

Fructuous. adji (A.-N.) Fruitful.

Frue, adj. True ; faithful. Line.

Fruff, adj. Brittle ; cross-grained.

Frugal, adj. Relaxed. Norfolk.

Frugoan, ». (1) {Fr. fourgon.) A

curved iron scraper to stir ashes

in an oven. North.

(2) A slovenly woman. North.

Fruit, *. Apples. Heref.

Fruitestere, 8. A female seller of


Frum, adj. (1) Early. Frum po-

tatoes, or fruit, Shropsh.

(2) Full ; fat. Frumnet8, reple-

tion. See Frim.

(3) Numerous; thick; rank;

overgrown. West.

Frumenty, 1 *. Hulled wheat

FRUMETY, y boiled in milk, and

furmety, J seasoned. A favorite

dish in the North. A person in a


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dilemma is gaid to be to a /r«-

menty iweat

Frump, (1) v. To mock, or treat

contemptuoutljr. "To /rump one,

to take one up hastily, to speak

short.'' Kenneit.

Hee fawneth upon them his master fa-

Toareth, aud jrumpeih thoie hia mis-

tresie frownes on.

Man in tks Moone, 1C09.

(2) 9, A sarcastic taunt; a flout.

Lttcilla, not ashamed to confesse her

follie, answered him with this ^mp«.

Then how may thy holdnet scape a fine


Warres land is matter for the brazen

trampe. FeeUs Bglogne, 1589.

These are a kind of witty frumps of

mine like selling of bargains ; I'll come

off well enough.

DwMumt, TkeMtm*t th§MaiUr, 1669.

(3) «. A toss under the chin.

(4) 8. A lie.

(5) V, To complain without cause.

(6) 9. A cross old woman ; a

gossip. Var. d.

T7) V, To trump up ; to invent.

(8) 9, A person whose clothes

are ilUmade and carelessly put

on. Su99ex.

Frum PERT, 9. A gibe ; a mock.

Frumpish, la4/' Scornful; pee-


Since yon are wfiimpuhy a pin for yon !

Mtvfnterofi, CarcUn Lovers, 1673.

Frumple, 9. To crumple ; to ruffle.

Frundele, «. Two pecks. North.

Frunt, 9. To affiront Somer9et.

Frus, «. Fruit. Somer9et

Frush, 9. (1) To bruise, or crush ;

to break.

Hector assayled Achilles, and gave him

so many strokes, that he al to-frusht

and brake his helme.

Caxtm*s Destr. of Troy.

High cedars itfrushed with tempests,

when lower shrubs are not touchea with

the wind.

Himd«^s Fliostolabidmoso, 1606.

(2) To rush violently.

(3) To rub, or scrub. Line.

(4) To/nwA a chicken, to break

up or carre a chicken«

the feathers of an arro

them upright, which wi

prepare them for use,

to make them fly stead

Lord, how hastely the soldi

their healmes, howe quickly

bente their bowea, and fr

feathers, how readily the bi

their billes, and proved thei


Frustical, adj. Festive.

FRUTiM0N,a<{9. Now and t

Frutour, 9. A fritter.

Fruttace, 8. A fritter. '.

Fruwaro, ad9. Forward

Fry, (1) adj. Free ; nobl

(2) «. Young children


(3) «. The pluck of a ca]

(4^ 8. A drain. WUit.

(5) 8. A sort of sieve.

Frtce, 9. Frieze cloth.

Fry ke, ( 1 ) a4f . Fresh ; \u»

(2) V. To move hastily

Frysoun, «. A^riesland

Fryste, adj. New ; smar


Fryte, 9. Fruit

FuANTS, 9. The dung oi

and other wild animals

FuB, (1) V. To put off; t

(2) At marbles, a mo<

jecting the taw by an efl

whole hand, instead of t


(3)'ff. A chubby child.

FvcvBt 9. (Lat) Paint foi

plezion, formerly used

Till yon preferred me to you


I knew no ivory teeth, no caps

No Mercury water, yWciM, or p<

Rum AlUy, 0.

With all his waters, powders

To make thy lovdy corps soi

B. ^ Ft., Woman 1

FuD, (1) 9. A hare's tail.

(2) V. To kick the f«

Fuddifiy a kick. Cravef

fvvDAU,adp, Further. J





FuDDBK, t. A fother, tlie loid of a

two-hone cut. North,

PpDDLm, V. To indulge in drink.

Fitdilie-cap, a drunkard. Fud-

dtrng-domi, a debauch.

?jmuiMD,paH,p. Bothered. Dorte/.

TuDB, a. (1) A man. See Fode,

(2) Food.

Fdogb, (1) a. Noaaense.

(2) 9. To poke. StiU used in


(3) V. To awindle.

(4) 9. To walk with difficulty.

(5) a. A Uttle fat person. North,

<6) •. A schoolboy's term at mar-

blea, deliTcring the marble with

a jerk of the t»nd, which is con-

sidered unlawful.

FnoosBrV. TooontriTe todo. D«9on.

FvDoai^a. Anawkwardchild. CHmi.

Fua, p. To make an attempt. North,

FuBLy«. Garden-stuff. Heref.

FuBLBBt a. The servant who made

the fires.

Bat in avoid those Taponn , whou iwoln


And ffMminc poywn, iroald pat oat tUs


^9aa.fu§a€n! they think (who dolh not


Their light't obore 't, because their walk's

below it.

WilMH'9 lift of James 1, 1653.

Fur, (1) adg. Five.

(2) V. To puff; to blow. North,

FuFFT, aiff. Soft; spongy. North,

FuoATioKy a. {Lot.) A hunting-

ground ; a chase.

FuoB, V. (Lat,) To take flight.

Fcont,a. Figure.

PvoLBiiAN,a. A person who directs

the cheering of a crowd or mob.

Fmcsa, a. Locka of hair. North,

FiTLBOLaT, ad9. Violently. Bedi.

FvLCB, 9. (1) To push, or beat ; to

gore; to squeeze. Daooit.

(2) A boy's term at marbles, to

edge on unMrly.

fvhDM,part,p. Destroyed. Heame,

FuLDBiTS, part, p. Fully driven ;

completed. Ctoioer.

FuLt, «. (1) A fowl. North,

(2) Gold-foil.

Fulfil,*. TofiUup.

FuL-ruMtSD, udj. (A,'S.) Quite


FuLoun, a. (Lat.) Brightneu.

Who (IB Omv told MeteUos) eoold by

the fulfw of his eye dart them dead,

iooDer thaa speak the word to hare

then killed. Strhtrfs TrmiU, 1638.

FuLHSD, a. Fulness.

FuLiKB, ad», {A.'S.) Foully.

FuLK, (1) 9. A phrase at marblea.

See FMiehe.

(2) a. A hollow phue.

FuLKBn, a. A pawnbroker, or

Full, (1) ad9. Quite ; entirely.

(2) a4/. Dark; cloudy. Z>e9oii.

(3) adj. Intoxicated. Crtnen,

(A) prep. For; because; on ac-

count of. North,

FuLLAMs, a. Falae dice.

FuLLAMNo, a. The groove in a

horse's shoe into which the nails

are inseited. Shrop9h,

FuLLv, (1) a. Fill; sufficiency.

(2) 9. To cleanse. Ztnc.

(3)9.(^.-5.) To baptize. FuUynge,


FuLL-FLOPPBB, a. A bird suffi-

ciently feathered to leave the

nest B(ut,

FuLL-moTR, a<f9. A cow is irkfidU

froth, when she gives the greatest

quantity of milk. Snffolk,

FuLLiNo-sTocKs, a. A machine in

a mill for fulling cloth.

And whan they hare bronghte forthe

theyr brrdes, to see that they be well

kepte mim the i^leyd, crowes, y«0y-

martei, and other vennynne.

nukerhirea Etuhtmdry.

With gins to betray the very Tennin of

the earth. As namely, the fltchet, the

fiOumtt, tha ferret, the polecat, kc

WoUaiCt Jfigl., p. i, ch. 1.





FuLLOCK, (1) ». To jerk the hand,

at marbles.

(2) 8. A sudden heavy fall. Derb.

(3) V, To kick, or knock. Leic,

FuLL-ONYD, adj. Agreeing ; being

of one mind.

Full-pitch, adv. Ploughing the

full depth of the soil is called

taking it up dLfuU-pUch, Norf.

FuLLSOME, adj. Nasty ; indelicate.


Full- SPOUT, adv. Copiously and


So when mine host docs money lack.

He money gives amone this pack.

And then it xxa\%full-tpout.

Buckingkam'a Poems, p. 100.

Full-stated, adj. A term apph'ed

to a leasehold estate held under

three lives. Var. rf.

Ful-made, part, p. Finished.

FuLsuMB, V. To aid.

Fulsumli, adv. Plenteously. Ful-

tumnessct satiety.

Folth, adj. Full-grown, North,

Fulthhkde, «. Filthiness.

Ful-tbust, adj. Trussed full.

Fumble-fisted, adj. Awkward in

handling. Suffolk.

FuME,#. (1) (^.-iV.) Smoke.

(2)r. Tobecome inflamed. Shrops.

(3)*. A rage. To be in a fumCf to

be angry. fumoMe, angry, furious.

Fumet, *. The ordure of the hart.

FuMETERE, 9. The plant fimiitory.

Fumette, 8. High flavour in game.

FuMiE, adj. Smoky.

FuMiNG-Box, 8. A pastile-burner.

FuMisH, ai^. Angry; fractious.

Fumosite, *. (A.'N.) Steam;


FuMP, 8. (1) A blow. Devon.

(2) The gist of a joke or story.


Fumy-ball, «. A puff-ball.

'FvSf{\)part.p. Found.

(2) t. To cheat. Somer8el.

(3) V. To joke.

(4) «. A small pitcher. Exmoor,

FuNCH,p. To push. Wi,

Funds, v. To go.



FuNDiED, adj. Injured,

Herbal, 1562.

FuNDLESs,«. Anything I

discovered. IVarw.

FuNE, V. To foin, or thi

FUNGE,«.(1) (A.'N.)X

(2) A fool ; a blockhc;

Funk, (1) s. A little fin

(2) *. Touch-wood. S

h) V. To smoke.

(4^ V. To cause a bad se

(5) 8. Great fear.

(6) adj. Cross; ill-temp

(7) A horse is said to ^

it throws up its hin

without lashing.

(8) 8. A stinking vap*

Funnel, 8. (1) A finia


(2) A mare mule prod

ass covered by a hors<

Fun-ston, 8. A font.

Fua, (1) *. Fire.

(2) 8. The indurate(

sometimes found in i


(3)r. To throw. Som

(4) *. A furrow. Nori

Furbelow, «. Omame

on female dress.

Women, whose pride and ti

them to poverty, and who ri

of the French air to the 1

shall see them in a tatter'd

high head, a dargel'd tail,

lac'd shooes, a aam'd furl

and ne'er a smock ; and thi

the' they dine on scraps foi

these 1 relieve with my chi

The Ladi«^ Cat

They'n as much drapery oi

as would make a wino-sl

mony furbelows and hbboi

make hoosings and topningi

team in Wig^n-pansn.

yon, my wife is none of thoi

no pride ; a straw-hat and

pettycoat sen'e her turn ;

on hang beef and a barl

without the help of French

ISU Country Ftrwm't CuL

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, *, {A.^N,) The pMi

le thighs separate from

' ; the legs themselves.

The bottom ; the whole.

/. t. Tarried. Heame.

To contract ; to draw up.

i. The farthest. Shropth,

pret t. Fared; went.

} go. Cumb,


V. faniace. Somenet.

9. The fourth part of a


An officer whose duty

burn false measures.

. A ferret.

oret. t. (A.'S.) Perished.


. (Fr.) A prop. Yorksh.

ee Fruggan.

tS, Headlands of a field.

f. (A.-N,) Raging.

adj,{Lat.) Mad; out.

A fire-iron.

)hurl. Wight.

'. Wondrous. See Ferley.

. The line of direction

ed lands ; a division of

Dsed corn-field.

See Frumenty,

se of the henvens, Chrisim&i

present, fall in thia month,

t mny do a thousand jears

those that are rich, and have

^ may. notwithstanding, feed

re nndfurmity.

Poor Bobin, 1746.

1)«. A boiler. Somerset.

9 smoke like a furnace.

. A fee paid for baking.

A malkin for an oven.

A furnace.

. To furnish.

, *. Furniture.

,s. Furniture. Ettex.

Fu&NTTURE, «. Any sort of movea-

ble property ; provisions ; stores.

Seeondlj, that he had neither money

for his expenses, nor fumitwrt meet for

hisjoomey. Bov>e9 CcrrupoHd€nce,\^^'i.

Fu&NOUR, *. {Lat.) A baker.

FuRNT-cARD, *. (Fr.) A coat card.

I hare hfHmy-cardt in a place.

That will bear a tame besides the ace.

Interludt of Lutty Jutentui.

FuROLE, 8. A kind of meteor.

FuRRED-up, part. p. Entiuigled.


FuRRiDOE, 9. To search; to hunt.


FuRRouR, 8. A fur, or skin.

Furry-DAT, 8. A dancing festival

and merry-making on the 8th of

May, at Helstnn, co. Comw.

Fur8ti, a^. Thirsty. Sec Afurst,

Furwe, *. (A.'S.) A furrow.

Furze-break, «. Land which has

been covered with furze, but is

broken up. South.

Furze-chirper, 1#. Themoun-

furze-chucker, j tain finch.

Furze-man-pio, 8. A hedgehog.


FuRZEN, *. Furze. Tu88er.

FuRZE-owL, *. A cockchafer. Som.

FusBALL, 8. A puflf-ball.

Fuse, 1 *. The track of a beast of

FUCB, J chase in the grass.

Fusel, *. (Fr.) A spindle.

Fusky, adj. Dusky.

Speake geutlo shepheard, have I not

(now bene as good as my word with

thee?) nnd is not this (thinkcst thou)

the still cell where heavie sleepc re-

maincth, and tlie dreadfull lodge of the

fiukie daughters of blacke night?

To/le, part ii, p. 44.

FusoME, adj. Neat; handsome.


Fuss. In aju88f hurried, bustled.

Fu88y, over-busy.

FussLE, "I *. A slight confu-

FUSSMENT, J sion. Suffolk.

FusaocKiNo, adj. (1) Large and

fat. North.

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(2) Irritating; annoying. North-


Fust, (1) ». The fiat.

(2) 8, (fV.) A vessel for wine, &c.

(3; V. To become mouldy.

(4) *. (^.-i\r.) Wood.

Fosterer, «. A maker of pack-


Fustian, adj. Low; vnlgar. Fustian

languoffet unintelligible jargon.

FusTiKB, 9. A kind of wood used

by dyers.

FusTiLARiAN, 8, A stinklug fellow.


FuBTiLuos, 9. A fusty feUow. Still

used in Devon to signify a big*

boned-penon, afiit gross woman.


Y<m may daily see inch^^Uac^ valk*

ing in the atreets, like ao many tuna,

each moTing upon two potUepota.

Jmumi, 16S9.

What'a that to yon, nincnmpoop ? What

has your wry neck to lay to lus. Bon*

bella here? or yon, UT.fitsHlnfft, wiih.

joarfivneum and bancum.

Mtuaueroft, BngUtk Lawjfir, 1678.

FusTLB, «. A bustle. Want.

Fusty, a4^'. (1) Musty; mouldy t ill-


Hector ahall haTC a great catch if he

knock ont either of your brains ; 'a were

as good crack njvtty nut with no kernel.

Where the dnU tcibnnes.

That with the fittty plebeians hate thine

honoura. Coriol.,i,9.

True is the proTerhe, thxmAfiuHe to fine

wito. Man in the Mooiu, 1809.

(2) Thirsty. Wiltt.

FuBUM, adj. Handsome. Norths

FuTNON, adv. Now and then. East.

FuTRB. See Foutra,

FuTRiT,ff. A horizontal shaft or way

used near Ironbridge. Skrcpth.

FuwTiNO, 9. Favouring.

FuxoL, ». A fowl, or bird.

FuTLs, V. (I) To defile.

(2) To fail.

FuTR»». Fire.

FuTsoM, «. Foison ; plenty. SI

Fuz, tr. To steal marbles at {

FuzzLB. Another form offiu

FuzzT, adj. (1) Light and s]


(2) Rough; shaggy. East,

FwALCHON,«. A term of rep

FrcKBR, 8. A vicar.

FrE,«. (A,-N.) Boldness; de

Thynge whiche is litille worth wit

He sayeth in apenjye to aynne.

Fybn, v. (1) To purge ; to cl

(2) To drive ; to banish.

(3) To digest. See D^.

Ftor&b, 8. {A.'N) A fig-tn

FroETyl 9. A dish compo

PTo£, J almonds, figs, raisin

ger, and honey. * Forme qf

p. 18.

Fyu, (1) V. To shrink;


(2) t. Trifling care. NortA

Ftland, adg. Defiling. See j

Ftle, adj. Vile.

Fylvoh, 9. To follow.

Ftllb, (1) V. To fulfil.

(2) 8, A file.


for conveying water

walls of buildings.

Ftn, adj. (A.'N.) Fine; dei

Ftndlt, adj. Fiend-like; tei

Ftkblichb, ado. Finely ; VlV

Ftnoi&mbll, 8. {A.'S.) A 1


FrwiBMBNT, 9. End; finish.

Ptnly, ado. Goodly.

FroLL, 8. A cup, or pot.

Fyrmbt^, «. Infirmity.

Ftrrts, *. Furze. Pr. P.

Fys, t. A winding stair.

ruption of ttice.

FyscBBRB, t. A fisher.

FrvBTHB, acgr*. The fifth.

Fyyre, 8. The star-thistle.

FrrsT, t. ^ttFUoi.



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0 go. N&rih,

1) adj. Clammy. WilU.

To dinb with dirt Birit.

A, N.) TtlkatiTenett.

D, 'Xadj. lU-coDth?ed, m

LM, J rooms ; large. Wni,

k(A.'N.) To talk idly; to


(1) •. To talk noDiente.

A jester.

Bg, s. (1) Deceits. Minth,

ittle; jests.

RATCHES, «. Birds which

i great noise in the ercD-


Iff. The game of three

/card loo.

. (^.-JV.) An excise.

Ns,ff;(/'r.) Aooarsedoak


LTiE, 9, A ballad-singer.

r. A large-holed sieve.

1) s. (Fr,) A cable.

. High.

)LB8, ff. Rods placed out-

1 roof to secure the thatch,

ff. A small ornamental

r canopy over a tabernacle


, ff. A crow-bar. Line,

a, 9. Spurs for fighting-

-BELL, ff. A local name

saints' bell or ting-tang.

-BATCHET, ff. The name

ost or night spirit. North.

A simpleton.

Filth or dirt of children.

r. (i^.-^.) A goad, or sharp

\i metal ; a spear ; a pole

I with metal.

I win go get a laif of bnis,

gU of steel wUl write these

fj. Tit. Amir.^ ir. 1.

The bo^i [atHorBcatileJ anniiftny kee

ttp the feetiral of the donlie on ICet

day, making a proeeesioii to this hi

with Ma}i gmdt, es they call them, i

their hands : this is a white willow wand

the bark peeled off. tied roond witi

eowslipe» a tkffnut of the Bacchanals

at nif^ht they hare a bonfire and othe

merriment, which is really a sacriflce a

leligioua festival.

SiuktUy^t Itmtr. Cmict^ 1776, i. 81

(2) ff. A measuring rod of tei


(3) ff. A fishing-rod ; any rod oi

stick. North.

(4) ff. A tall, slender person


(5) ff. The gad-fly.

(6) V. To flit about as a gad-fly,

(7) V. To run madly al^ut th<

field, said of cattle.

(8) V. To think; to believe. JTen.


(9) ff. A wedge used in mining

*'Pick and gad, and keep the

kibble going/' a very common

motto in the mining districtf

expreisiTe of bustle and acti<


Gad-about, ff. A rambler. JTet/,

G ADAM AN, adj. Roguish. Herrf.

Gad-bee, s. The gad-fly.

Gad-bit, ff. A naiUpasser.

Gad-breeze, ff. The gad-fly.

A. He's a fmppT— I can liken him to

nothing but my bald heffer when she'i

got the gad-krteu in her taiL

The Country Farmer't CateekUn^^nm,

Gaddre, ff. A sheep's or calf i


Gade, ff. A gadling.

Gadbb, v. To gather.

Gadoer, ff. A gauger. North.

Gad-book, ff. A long pole with an

iron crook. Somernt.

Gading, Iff. A going about ; a

GADDiMO, J pilgrimage.

Gadlino, ff. {A.'S.) A worthiest


Gad-natl, ff. A sort of long stoni


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Gads, s. Knobs or ipikes of iron

used in armour.

Gad-steel, t. Flemish steel, made

in ffodt, or small bars.

Gad-whip, *. An ox-whip. Line.

Gaekn, *. A garden. Somertet,

Gaf, prei. t. Gave.

Gaff, (1) 8. An iron hook. West,

Called also a gafler.

(2) «. A gaffer. Line.

(3) V. To toss up three pence, a

game in the North.

Gaffer, s. An old man ; sometimes

a grandfather ; the foreman of a

set of labourers. Wett. Formerly,

a common mode of address

among the lower classes, equiva-

lent to friend, neighbour.

Lord, mftitcr, woodman, aafer, or knare ;

lady, miatreu. goodwife. gammer, or

whore ; so they do but buy ray book,

and par honestly for it, it's all one to

me : a Icniive's money is as good as an

honest man's. Poor Robin. 1707.

Gaffle, (1) «. A part of the cross-

bow used in bending it, moved

in a part called the rack.

My crois-bow in my hand, my gaffle on

my rack,

To bend it when I please, or when I please

to stock. Drayi. Mu»et* Elys.

(2) V. To tease ; to incommode.


(3) V. To chirp, or chatter.

(4) V. To gad about. West.

(bj s. A dung-fork. Somerset.

(6) V. A term applied to ducks

when feeding together in the

mud. Norlhampt.

Gaffled, iu{;. Silly. Northampt.

Gafflock, s. a crow-bar. Derb.

Gaffs, s. Spurs for fighting-cocks.

Gaft, s. a sort of hook for catch-

ing eels. Wilts.

Gafty, etdj. Suspicious. Chesh.

Gag, v. (I) To nauseate. St^.

(2) To gad about.

(3) To hinder motion by ti

ness. Northampt.

Gaoate, *. {Lat.) An agate.

Gage, (1) s. {A.-N.) A plcdg

defiance for battle.

(2) r. To pledge ; to lay


(3)*. AbowL Pr.Parv.

used in the Eastern Counties

(4) s. A measure of slate, a


(5) V. To harness a horse. 1

Gagement, «. An engagen


Gaoger,«. a nonconformist. J

G AGGET, *. (Fr. ^r^o/.) Ale

mutton. See Gigget.

Gaggle, v. To cackle.

Gaggles, s. The game of i

pins. North.

Gags, s. Children's pictures. .

Gag-teeth, s. Teeth proje<

out. NomencL

Gaoy, adj. Showery. Suss.

Gahusey, s. a worsted short i

with sleeves. East.

Gaibesben, adj. Gay-looking.

Now lykewyse what saie you to ctmrl

These minion ptubeteen gentilmen.

Sir Tko. Chaloner'* Aloria Enc^ Q

Gaignaoe,^. (A.'N.) Profit; j

Gail, «. A tub used in brev

Gail-clear, a tub for wort, i

dish, a vessel used to pour li

into a bottle. North.

GAiLhAKD^adj. (J.'N.) Gay;fr

Gaily, adj. Pretty well in he


Gain, adj. Near; convenient;

fitable ; easy ; tolerable; tract]

dexterous; expert; active;

spectable ; accommodating ; j

tempered. Var. d.

Gainage, *. {A.N.) Profit.

Gaincome,«. (A.'S.) Retun

Gaincope, tr. To go across a

the nearest way ; to meet ^


Some indeed there bare been, of a

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•tniB, who itriTiof to ^aimtope

ibaget, by reatoring on a new

f. hare made their Tojage in


munhu*s Jimua Ling, ed. 1659.

» adj, TncUblc. Yorkth.

him gain/Ml, but be rare yon

1 fairly, if jou can, t* hii lodp-

B. ^ Fi. Pilgnm, n, 4.

NO, s. A misgiving.

[I) adj. SuiUble.

. Readily ; easily.

IB, 9. The barb of a hook.

R, V. To excite by the

t of gain.

lesend of absnrdett fables

onle moat of these admirablca ;

t reverence of th' unstained

ritnes where I yerst hare read

that onr gaitt-tfun^d pilots

!S, waters of more wondrous


rD, V, To withstand.

VK, 9. To strive against.

See Garith,

Yam. Yorkth,

8. A path, or street.

Sammer pasturage for

I a common field. North.

A gaii of water is two

carried with a yoke,


A single sheaf of corn.

ro set np sheares of com

leather to dry.

>B, 8, Goat's beard.

1) adj. Frolicsome. Dor8.

single sheaf of com set

o dry. North. See Oait,

ERRiB, *. The berry of

wood tree.

A simpleton. Glouc.

girl. Var. d.

riNo, adj. Large and

L W€8t.

Galaob, It. (fr. gaUoeht.)

OALLAOB, J clog Of patten, fa

tened with Imtehets; any coar


My heart-bhwd is nigh well from I feel

And my gaUge rrown fast to my heel.

SpenM. Sk4p. KMi. M., 94

Galantnbssb,^. Fashion in dres

Galaothb, 8. A chaplet. Mam

devile, p. 244.

Galahh, r. To cover the upp4

part of the shoe with leathe


Galcar, 8. An ale-tub. Yori8h.

Galdbr, 8. Vulgar talk. Ea8t.

Galdiment, 8. A great frigh


Galb, (1) V. To cry; to scream.

(2) 8. Song ; noise.

(3)«. A castrated bull. JTm/.

(4) r. (^.-5. galan.) To sing.

(5) 8. Wild myrtle. Cumb,

(6) 8. (Fr.) Any sort of excrei

cence. Line.

(7) V. To ache with cold; to fl

open with heat. North.

(8) r. To gale a mtntt to acquir

the right of working it. We8t.

iT) A taunt, or gibe.

(10) Gaol, or prison.

Lital Johne and Moeh for sotlie

Toke the way unto the gale.

Cambridge AiS., IS/A ettH

Galb-hbaded, 8. stupid. Devon.

Galbntinb, 8. (/v.) A sort of sauce

We have in the old cookery re

ceipts for such dishes as " lam

preys in galyntyne."

0al9nigtu. Take cmstes of brede, aw

grynde hem smalle. Do thereto powdo

of galyngale, of canel, gyngyrea, ant

salt it. Tempre it wilh vynegar, nm

drawe it up thrugh a itraynor. aiu

5 it forth. Forme qf Curg, p. 86

Gales, #. Wales.

Galby, adj. Marshy. Devon.

Galiari), adj. Gay. See GaWard

GaUardUet gaiety.

Galileb, 8. A church porch.

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OALiNOft. Abnuse. Somermt*

Galinoalb, 1 ». {J,-N.) The

oALAN«ALB, J anmiatic root of

the rush eypenu, used as a dmg,

or as a seasoning for dishes.

GAUNiCyt. A guinea-fowl. Comw.

Galiot, ». (fV*.) A small TesseL

Galkabaw, t. A girl who looks

after cows. Suff,

Gall, (Fr.) (1) «. A sarcasm, or

severe joke; a g^ng stroke;

vexation, or trouble.

(2) V, To say galling, sarcastic


I hare Men yon gleeking and gattmff 9i

thu gentleman twice or thrice.

fl«i. f;v.i.

(3) t. A sore place ; a fault

Stronglie they itcp in al go(m>h61e galU.

He^wtHPt Spider and Flu, 1656.

(AS V. To frighten. Somemt

(5) 9. The Mk-apple.

(6) «. A defect in a tree. Shu.

Gallacks, 9. Braces. YorJUh.

Gallant, (1) a(/. Finely dressed.

(2) 9, A person in gay appareL

Gallanted, adj. Gallant, well


£nter BuOMAoalkmUd.

ureene*t Ttt Qnoque.

Gallas, 9. The gallows.

Gallbt-bauk, t. A beam in a

chimney to hang pothooks.


Gallby-bird, 9. A woodpecker.


Gallbt.cbow, 9. A scarecrow.


Gallbt-foist, 9, A long barge

with oars.

BectuM the auids were hare, and water


Wb reatad there till it two hours did flow:

ind then to trarell went our galUy-foyit,

yta ancker quickly weigh'd, our eayle up


(Vhere thirty milea we past, a mile firom


rhe water two foot deepe, or little more.

Ttiglor't W^rJu, 1630.

Gallbt-halvpbmob, 9.

These wore oommonljr called gallii

aa men that came up in the gallie

brought up wines and other mei

disea, which they landed in Th

■trete, at a place called nlley-key

had a certaine corne of ailrer an

tbemtelres, whicli were half-pei

Genoa, and were called ^aU^y-Aolf-

Theie half-pence were forbidden

thirteenth year of Henry lY, and

by parliament in the third of Hei

by the name of half-pence of €

forbidden to pasae aa unlawful]

ment amongtt the English sul

Notwithstanding, in my youth, I

seen them passe currant.

SUno^s Survey ofLondoii,

Gallbt-nose, 9. The figure-

of a ship.

Gallian, ad/. French. Shake

Galliard, (Ft.) (1) adf. i


(2) 9. A quick lively dance

trodttced into England s


GALLiARoraB, t. (^.) Bzalx


Galliass (Ft.) A large Ida


Gallibbgoab, 9. A scarce


Gallic, a^. Bitter as galL

GALLio-HANDBD,a4r* Left-hai


Gallibb, 9. (1) One who h

teams for hire. Herrf,

(2) A fight ; romping. fFo9

Gallioant. See Gaiiii>antm§

Gallioantus, 9. An animal a

the usual size. Gloue.

Gallimation, 9. (/v.) Nonae

Gallimawfrbt, 9. (1) A

made of several sorts of i

minced, or of remnants

scraps. *'A gaUimmifrey^

fricass^." The French Sel

maeter, 1636. ** 0 Lord,

hath supped up all the brol

this gaUimaiifiy, Seigneur I

il a hume tout le brouid d

past^ en pot.'' Ih. The wo

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in priatiBg oOeei to any

I or drinktblet.

;apboricall]r, anj oonfuied

of things,

rr, t. Anything frightful.

r,«.(^Mii.) A small ship.

Trovin the broad 1 jtar flnmed,

Dt tlie liogr, which tone more

csB: with bwkithe Cyprians

M-rorers, eodcboatM (some

Gnat Britmiut Tro^t, 1009.

rmro, t. Rustic gtUtnt-

. The plant oomfrey.

■AND, t. The left hand.

>-Bnim, t. Poor beer for

ite nse. East.

» t. A scoUion or nnder-

r. (J.'S.) To frighten.

r, t. A horse under fifteen

igh ; a hackney. North,

LAPPEB, f. A ?ery wild

.ASS, t. (1) A sort of


heaTy axe used by the

adv. Very. Var,d.

aiE, ff. The gallows.

Springs or wet pUces in

bare places in a crop.

i) V, To frighten; to

0 hurry. Weii,

Wet ; moist ; applied to

ID, t. The woodpecker.


Wide loose





ff, t. A sort of cnlTerin.

lm , t. A team kept for


Bs, t. Small sqnare tiles.

LPS, ff. Any nnbeooming

(s. GUme.

Galocbb, a. See Gakgt.

G ALou, ff. Plenty (from the IriiA

Galpb, 9, (J,'S.) To yawn;


Galt, (1) ff. A boar pig.

(2) ff. Clay. S^foiM.

(3) V. To rub, or gall.

Galvke, v. To throb, or mo^

quickly. £iaff/.

GALwna, ff. (A.'S.) The gallows.

GAif,«. To mock. North,

Gam AaHsa, 1 ff. A sort of loot

GAM BADOsa, V drawers or stod

OAMooiNS, J ings worn outsic

the legs orer the other dothiog

cases of leather to protect tl

shoes and stockings from the dii

when on horseback; gaiters.

Daccns is all bedawb'd with golden lace,

Hoae, doublet, Jerkin ; and ganuuhet too.

Dmnts, Seowrgt afFoUg, 161

GAMAWDLBD,a4f. Half tipiy. Um

Gamba, ff.

Some likewiie there affect the gam!U wit


To shew that England eonld Tarietie affon

Drayton^s FolyoUnon^ long \

Gambaudb, ff. (J.'N.) A gambol

Gambeson, ff. {A,'N,) A stiff coal

worn under the armour, an<

descending to the middle of th

thighs; a simiUr though les

substantial habit worn by womei

to improre their figure.

Gamble, a. (1) A leg. Somertet*

(2) A butcher's staff.

Gambone, ff. A gammon. Sielton

Gambrel, (//a/.) (1) ff. A piece o

wood used by butchers for ex

panding a slaughtered animal.

?2) ff. The leg of a horse.

(3)«. To tie by the leg.

(4) ff. A cart with rails. Herrf,

Game, a. (1) (A.^S.) Pleasure

sport. GameHchej joyfully, play^


(2) A rabbit-warren.

Parkes of fallow deere, and gtuitei o

graie coniee, it maintaineth many, thi

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s, t. Rogation week.

re pMS-pQiTM; gamg-tid4 gattet

amer't JlHtnu BngUmd, 1 S93.

r, t. A pusage.

BK, ff. Rogation week.

r. A gander. Var. d,

iBAD,t. A dunce. Sonth.

, t. The barking of fozet.

ff. A standard.

a, t. A taTem-keeper.

A turkey. Devon,

BOOK, ff. A wooden wedge

ting timber. Wett

) ff. Merriment. Sia$,

Thin; slender. Kent.

ff. {A.'S.) A gander.

The gannet, a Cornish

ro yawn. North.


Hearty; well. North.

i Tillage wake. Ea$t.

1 ff. A stand for barrels.

, / North,

ij. (1) Frolicsome. Siiffff.

io. Ea»t,

r. {Span,) Geese.

. To chide. Exmoor.

o notch ; to jag. South,

D, ff. A ludicrous term

sight. He was looking

tie ffope-seedt i.e. looking

or any sight or idle en-

t. North, A strange

called a gape*9 nest in

^, ff. Sight-seeing. Var,d.

rcH, ff. A fool. Gloue,

3K, ff. (1) A large wooden


awkward country clown.

o make ; to compel.

BT, (uh. Awry. Suss,

A.'N,) A sheaf of com.

, «. Garbage. Fiorio,

iKfS. A person employed

ine spices, drugs, &c., to

imparities, or garbkt.


Garb-fbathbrs, ff. The feathers

under a hawk's bill.

Gabboil, ff. A commotion, or up-


Garcil, ff. Underwood. North,

Gabolivb, ff. Agrimony.

Gard, ff. {Fr.) A facing, or trim-

ming to a dress.

Gabdb, pret. t. Made.

Gabdbbbace, t. {A,'N) Armour

for the arm.

Gabdbbn, ff. A guardian. Suffolk,

Gabdbbs, ff. Guardians.

Gabdbmanobb, ff. (Fr.) A cup-


Gardbn, V, To put a hawk on a

piece of turf.

Gardbn-oinobb, ff. Cayenne pep-


Gabobn-hovsb, «. A summer-

house. Garden-pot, a watering


Gabdbn-wabbleb, ff. The black-

cap, motaciUa atricapiUa of Linn,

Gabdbbobb, ff.(./^.-iV.) (1) A ward-


(2) The necessary offices in a

castle or palace.

(3) A cloak or cover over the

dress. " Savegard, garderobe."

French A^habet, 1615.

Gardbyiancb, ff. (Fr.) A chest,

or pannier ; a bag for meat.

Gardwtnb, ff. {A.'N) A reward.

Gifene us genoms and golde,

And gardtrvnes many,

Grewhoundee and grett horse,

And alkyne gammes.

A£ort€ Arthure.

Gardiancb, ff. Defence, guarding.

I got it nohlv in the kings defence, and

in the gvardiance of my faire qucencs

right. Chapman's Sum. Day's Mirik.

Garoine, ff.

He not onely thanked the capitaincs,

and praisMl the citezens for their a«.

stired tidoitie and good will towarde

their kynee and sovereigne lorde, but

also extolled their ffardines and manly

doyngea above the starres.




Garb, (1) v. (J.-S,) To make or

cause. Pret, /., garde andgarie,

(2) adj. (ji.-S,) Ready.

He bud hys men maken hem jare.

Unto Londone wolde he fare,

To speke with the kynee.

Bomanct ofJthHston.

rS) t. (J,^S.) A dart.

(4) «. Gear; accoutrementt.


(5) t. Coarse wool.

Gare-brainbd, <u(f. Giddy. South.

Garb-locks, 8. The gaffles of a

cock. Cheth,

Garett, t. A watch-tower; a

room at the top of a bouse or


Garfanotl, t. An eel-spear. Pr,


Garfish, t. The sea-needle.

Garfits, t. Garbage. North,

Garoatb, t. The throat.

Garoel, "If. (A.-N. gargoyle.)

OARGTLB, j A projecting spout of

a gutter in a building.

Gargbt, t. A disease in cows af-

fecting the udder. Eaet.

Gargiloun, f. (A.-N,) Part of the

numbles of a deer.

Gargle, v. To warble.

Garooun, ff. {A,-N.) Language;


Gargut, t. A disease incident to

calves ; a kind of murrain. Norf.

GAROuT-RooT.a. Bcar's-foot. Norf.

Garish, adj. {A.-S.) (1) l^ne ;

splendid ; showy, especially in


Not being contented with that, thou

bvndest mee wyth garish* bandes, one

while of one colour, and another while

of anoiher, and sometyme with many

oolourea at once, as if I were mad :

howe is it possible to suffer so many


Dial, between the Cap and the Head, 1565.

The second leafe of this lilly hath en-

graven in it, Jeperitaj v^titue, that is,

coarseness and plainenesse of apparrell :

for ffttruk and fnntasticall doalhes are

Bpeechlesse rtporrers of wanton mindes.

Man in the Moone, 16U9.

498 GAR

(2) Frightened; Tery wild


Garisoun, (l)r. {A.'N.) T

(2) t. A reward.

Garland, «. (1) The ring in

set ii\ which the prick wa

(2) A small collection of h

Garlb, v. To spoil butter in i

by handling it with hot


Garlbd, adj. Streaked; Sf

applied to animals.

Garlic-batbr, t. A itinki]

low. South.

Garlono, t. A garland.

Garn, ff. (1) A garden; a (


(2) Yam. North.

Garnadb, ff. A dish in i

cookery, of which an a

will be found in Ord. and

p. 465.

Garnardb, ff. Wine of Grai

Garnbmbmt, ff. {A.'N.) J


Garner, ff. A granary ; a


Garnbtour, ff. {A.'N.) Pro^

GARNBTT.ff. (l)Thepomegi

(2^ (Ital.) A sort of firew

(3) A sort of hinge.

Garnish, ff. (A.-N.) (1) A

service, consisting genen

sets of twelve dishes, sauce

To gamith, to set the dis

the table.

(2) The fees paid by a pi

on entering the jail.

Garnishee, «. One who h<

his hand something dii

until the claim is decided.

Garnison, ff. {A.'N.) A gai

Garniturb, ff. An article o

fashionable at the end <

17 th century.

Besides, every ^ood roan is

quainted with this principle amt

that yon ran be in love with

bat yourselves, and may be Je

his wife, when indeed you oon

oently to take a new of your

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fttm hMd to fWt IB the mtt glMi,

eraab oat jonr periwig, ihake joor

gmwUmm, aod be gone.

5pA«r> iriia«fTy Av^m, 1M8.

Besides* the two gmrmitmm he broof ht

out of Fxanos an soU'd. It.

Was it the nerit of his ftahiooable

iBpadeaee, the brislEiiest of his noise,

the wit of his Jaogh, his jadgsMst or

itnej in his gmrmtur* T

1fiektrl0V, Plmb^dtmkr, 1077.

Gakn-windlb, t. A reel to wind

yam npon. North*

Gaamittn, «. AreeL Nominaie.

GAm&ACK, a4f. Awkwftrd. Cmmd,

Gakbat, t. Troops ; 9xny,

Gareb, v. (1) To work ; to eipel.

North. SetGiart,

(2) To chirp, or chatter.

Gailkbt, «. The head. Var, d,

Gakebttbd, o^f. HaTing small

splinters of stone inserted in the

joints of masonry.

Gakbon-naili, #. Large spike-

nails. North.

Gae&t-ho, «. Looae improper

language. Northan^t,

Gabs, «. (^.-5.) Grass. Gwnmg,

a pasture. North.

GAmsH, s. A notch.

Garsino, t. An old method of

bleeding by pricking the skin

with a lancet.

Gabsom, $. Earnest money. North,

GAmaoM, t. (^.-iV.) A youth ; a

GA&TfjMnef. /. of gore. Made.

Ga&txn, t. (1) A garter. North,

(2) Corn in the sheaf. Dmrham.

Gabth, «. (J,'S.) (1) A yard; a

small indosure adjoining a

house; a garden; a warren.

GartheereiMe, garden cress.


(2) A hoopi or band. North.



GARTLKSSf adj. Heedless. East.

OAaooiNES, t. Gally-gaskins.

Gasb, (1) t. A goose.

{2)pr€0. t. Goes.

Gasb-boumd, «. A kind of bound

valued for its excellent sight

GAtBruL,M(f. Ghastly. East.

GASK-BsiyBE, #. A young beast,

which has taken the bull, but is

not yet in calf. Norf.


Nay, iMre, in my consdeaee, he has a

hone that shall m nameleis, the sisht

of whose §tJtim» docs more irfease his

eyes than if he beheld the thighs of a

second Rosamond.

Eowfd, Mmm tfNmimmrhH, 1078.

(2) A gally-gaskin.

Gast, (1) $. (A.'S.) A ghost; spirit;


(2)0. To frighten; to be fright,


Gast-bied, «. A single partridge

in the shooting season. Si^olk.

GasT'Cow, t. A cow which does

not produce a calf in the season.


Gastbe, v. To frighten. Aser.

Gastben, Ajf. Frightened. Xetc.

GASTruL, B^'. Frightful. PaUg.

Gabtnb, t. An apparition.

Gastnbss, $. {J.'S.) Ghastliness.

Gastotnb, ff. (J.'N) A solitude.

Gat, t. (1) A goat.

(2) An opening. East.

Gatchbl, ff. The mouth. Somerset.

Gate, ff. (A.-S.) (1) A street, or

road. " Go thi gate," go thy


(2) Gatsst along the Kentish

coast, are waggon-tracks where

the cliflT, fifty or sixty feet in

height, is cut down in a kind of

trench broad enough for a wag-

gon, and thus forms a gradual

ascent from the beach to the

high land above. They are

chiefly used for drawin? sea-weed

to rot with other refuse as

manure, and the crops of the

d by Google




Isle of Thanet owe much to this


(3^ Afarm-yard. Sotith,

(4; Manner; fashion. Other

gaiett in another manner.

Gatb-door, «. The street door.

Gate-down, t. A going down.

Gatel, 9, For Catel, goods. Beves

ofHamtouM, p. 129.

Gatk-pbnny, «. A tribute for leave

to pass through gates.

Gate-post-daroain, t. When

the money is paid on the gate-

post before the stock sold leave

the field. North.

Gate-room, t. A paddock.

Gaterow, 8. A street, or lane.

I saw erewhile here in our gaterow r

poore maid lamenting for her mother

that was dead. Terence in Englieh, 1^1*

A certain woman came from

Androa, now three yeares since, to dwell

here in our neighbourhood or gaU-row.

Gate-schadyllb, t. The division

of a road. Pr. P.

Gate-shord, 8. A gate-way.


Gate-ward, t . (A.-S.) A porter.

G ather, ( I ) «. An animal's pluck.

See Gaddre.

(2) V, To glean. S<mer8et,

Gatherer, t. The money-taker at

a theatre. AUeyn Paper8,

Gatherers, t. The teeth of a

horse by which he draws in his


Gathering, t. Raking mown hay

or com into cocks or rows.

Gathbrino-tub, ff. A tob used in


Gatlebs, adj. Heedless. Ea8t.

Gattards, adv, Gatewards. Leie.

Gattbram, 8. A green lane. Line.

Gattbr-bush, 1 8. The wild gelder-

OATTRiDOE, J rose.

Gattlbhbaded, adj. Forgetful.


Oat^tothbd, adj. Having teeth

projecting out.

Gaubert, 8. An iron rack

chimney. Che8h.

Gaubt, 8. A lout. Derb.

Gauchar, ff. Vexation. Pol, S

p. 318.

Gaucy, adj. Fat and coi


Gaud, (1) t. A toy, or piec

finery. Oaudedt adorned.

(2) ff. A jest, or trick ; a


(3)ff. Habit; fashion. Yor

(4) V. To sport.

Gaudebs, ff. The larger bead


Gaudbry, ff. Finery.

Gaudy, (1) adj. Gay; fea

flattering. Gaudy-day^ a


X haye good canie to set the co(

the hope, and make gmndye chere

FaUgrwM^t Jeohetui

And, Phedria, thinkeat thou mee

80 andiscreet and foolish, that

canst deceive me with antcdie u

and BO lead mine away for nothia

Terence w Bnglieky

{2)8. Gaiety.

Gaudy-day, ff. A showery

with gleams of sunshine. N


Gaudy-fat, adj. Excessivel;

a term applied solely to butc

meat. North.

Gaudy-orebn, ff. Light gree

Gauf, v. To go off. Somerset

GAVOKLisQf adj. Tall and sle


Gauk, v. To stare vacantly. N

Gauk-handbd, adj. Left-hai


Gauky, adj. Clownish ; awln

Gaul, ff. A large wooden 1


Gauldrino. Drawling. Sonn

Gauls, s. Void spaces in cop]


Gault, ff. Blue clay. Var. d.

Gaum, v. (1) To understand

distinguish ; to consider.

d by Google





bandle improperlj. Ncrtk,

tmetr, or maul.

idj. Soiled, grimed, or

iltbj. **His haadi were

faUorer." Warw.

%, adj. (1) Half mj.

>sen, as the ingcrt.

tdj. Sticky. Nortkmmpt.

I) t. A gallon meaaure.

iog ; givra. North.

ringvacantly. NorthampL

( 1 ) V. To prance a hone.

. Gannt.

., 9. A sort of lauoe

ly eaten with geeae, made

r and milk, and coloured


idj. Reduced in strength.

r, $. A wooden frame for

adj. Luxuriant. North"

I) V. To gape, or stare.

Noisy talk. Derby.

To stretch the limbs


s. Two handfuls ; an im-

ite quantity. Norths

. A simpleton. South.

K (1) To stare,

cry out.

idj. Healthy; exuberant.


., V. To laugh loadly ; to

\T. Craven.

K To stare rudely. North.

N, f. A simpleton. North.

r. A dunce.

. A gage, or pledge.

1) «. A sheaf of corn be»

is tied up. Ea$t.

The gable.

To stare vacantly. Cumb,

Jsury. Gaveier, a usurer.

liMteis Tocitode rob«ri0,thieftlM,

A clownish fellow

title, and ^«m/, and baiftyn with

othren tot hu ot en to habbe.

AftmkUt ^Inwgi, p. C.

Gayblok, «. (1) (J.'S.) A spear,

or javelin.

Donax, come thov hither into the midst

of the noet with thy gwlock:

(2) A crow-bar. North.

GAvin, t. The sea cray-fish.

Gavkr-halb, «. The jack-snipe.


Gavy, ff. A silly person, or half

idiot. fVarw.

Gaw, «. (1) A boat-pole.

(2) A stripe. South.

Gawcum, t. A simpleton. So^


Gawfin, 9,


Gawish, adj. Gay.

Gawk, (l)«. A cuckoo.

(2) adj. Awkward. Var. d.

h) 9. A fool. North.

(4) 9. A cuckold.

(5) V, To hawk and spit. Devon.

Gawk-a-mouth, ff. A gaping fooL


GAWK8HAW,ff. A left-handed man.


Qkwl, ff. Gold. Somereet.

Gawlb, v. To cry out. See Gale.

Gawlbt, ff. A blockhead. Warw.


Gawic, v. To look idly about.


Gawmin, adj. Stupid. North.

GAWNB,j?re/. /. Gave* Etser.

Gawnbt, ff. A simpleton. Wilte.

Gawn-pail, ff. A pail with the

handle on one side. Gioue.

Gawt, ff. The channel to convey

water from a water-wheeL Lane.

Gat, (1) ff. A print, or picture.

Still used in Essex.

Look npon precepts in emblems, as

they dtt upon gays and pictures.






I must needs own Jacob Tonion's

ingeonity to be greater than the trans-

Intors, who in the inscription to the

fine gay, in the front of the book, calls

it very honestly, Dryden's VirgiL

mUKmrn^M NoUt on Dryi,

(2) ff. A gay person. Gawayne.

(3) adj, Qaick ; fast Var, (L

(4) adj. Tolerable ; considerable.


(5) t. The noon or morning.


(6) A small rut in a path. Line.

{1) A gay bit^ a tolerable piece,

a good while. Wettmorel.

Gat.cabdb,«. Court cards. Suffolk.

Gat-floor, s. In the coal-pits at

Wednesbury in Staffordshire, the

third parting or laming in the

body of the coal is called the

gtty'floor,i^o foot thick. Kennett.

Gatlb, $. A gaol.

Gatly, adj. Tolerable ; quite well.


Gatnk, v. (1) To gainsay.

(2) To avail.

Gaynessb, ff. Gaiety.

G atnestb, adj. Readiest ; nearest.

At thegayne8te,SitrKadom.Pal8ff.

Gayni AYNB, ff. The sword used

at tournaments.

Gatn-stib, ff. The highway.

Gat-folb, ff. A beam placed across

the interior of a chimney to hold

the hangers for the kettles.


Gayshbn, ff. A simpleton. Cumb.

Gatspand, pret. a. Gasping ?

Grisely gw/tptrnd

With grucchande lotes. MorteArihMn.

Gay8Tyn» v. To lodge. Oaufoyne.

Gazbl, ff. The black currant. Kent.

Also, the wild plum.

Gazbt, ff. A small Venetian coin

of the Talue of three farthings ;

it was the original price of a

newspaper, whence the now cur-

rent name of Gazette.

What monstroos and most painfnl or-

is here to ^t some three or four

Some three-pence in the whole,

'twill come to. B. Jon*., .

Gs, V. To go, addressed to

In Derbyshire, the folio

the Hounhym dialect:

straight forward — Height

right— /fott, to the left

t/Affr, to the driver — Woi

Sometimes all the terms i

in a breath ; an emphasj

laid on that command w1

quired obedience."

Gbal, ff. The hole througl

the metal, &c., is poured


Gbalb, v. (Ft.) To fre

become jelly.

It forms little prains or seeds \

which cleave to its sides, tl

hard, and gcal^ as it were.


GiALL, V. To grieve. Nor^

Gban, ff. The wild cherry.

Gbancb, ff. A jaunt, or er

Gbant, ff. A jay.

Gbany, adj. Profitable. T\

Gbab, (l)ff. Any kind of m

property; business in g

subject, or matter.

He tell her snch a tale for tl

that she shall not be well jtlei

some of you. Tema in Bngi

(2) V. To dress.

(3) ff. A worthless tb

person. Gearment, i


Gbarino-bails, ff. The

like rails at the side of


Gbabs, ff. Horse trappings

Gbarum, adv. Out of ordei

Geason, adj. Scarce; ra


Fayre is thy fsce, and lorely are tl

Rich be thy robes, and geason to

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GBAST,(l)f. Ajoi8t,orcro88-betm.

Te the getUs tnd dorechekei moved it

their crvinfce.

TirnddPsi-Cnum^* Bibles, « htUk.

(2) part, p, Gueued.

Gbat, f. (1) Jet.

(2) The hole through which

melted metal is poured ioto a

mould. MS. Leaud., 1033.

(3) Pace. Northtmb.

Gbat, (1) t. A jay.

(2)r. Togo.

Geb, v. To turn up the eyes ; to

sneer. North.

Gsck, (1) ff. A dupe ; a fool.

{2)v, To dupe.

(3^ t. Scorn ; derision. NortK

(4) V. To toss the head scorn-


GicKDOA, s. Goose .grass.

Gbd, (1) 04;. Dead. Derbyth.

(2) ». A pike. Northumb,

Gbddbob, adj, {A.-S.) Dead.

Geddis, t. Goods.

GmD^pret. t. Went.

Gbdbltnob, f. A vagabond. See


Gbder, v. To gather.

Gbd-wand, ff. A goad. North.

Gbb, (1) 9. To give; to thaw.

Var. d. Geed, gave ; ^eni, given.


(2)v. To agree; to suit Var.d.

(3) ff. An affront; obstinacy.


Gbbal, adj. Clear. Yoriah.

Gbb-brid, ff. The jay. Leie.

Gbed, pret. t. Went. Norf.

Gbbmb, v. To give suck, "je^me

or jeve soke, laeto** Nuloet.

Gebbino, ff. The ladders and side-

rails of a vraggon. Midland C,

Gees, ff. A hawk's jesses.

Gbese, ff. A horse's girth. Devon,

Gbbt, ff. (1) Jet.

(2) GoaU.

Gbetbn, v. To say ye, or you, in-

stead of thou, to a person.

**'ieetyne or sey 5ee, voio." HtUoet.

Gmrw,a^. Deaf. Var.d.

Gbg, v. To walk carelessly. North.

Gbogin, ff. A small tub. North.

Gbhezib-cheesb, ff. Very poor

cheese, made of half*skimmed

milk. Eatt.

Gbitlbssb, adj. Without booty.

Morte Arthure.

Obkb, ff. A cuckoo. See Gowk.

Geld, (1) v. (A.^S.) To castrate;

but anciently used also for the

operation by which females are

rendered barren. Antigonus, in

the Winter's Tale, act ii, threatens

to geld his three daughters.

(2) V. To cut off the tops of ant-

hills, and throw the inside over

the land. Her^ordth.

(3) V. To cleanse wheat.

(4) ff. (A.^S.) A tax. North.

Gelding, «. A eunuch.

Gele, "Iff. (A.~N.) JeUy. Ge^

OELiFFES, J lidet made into a jelly.

Gell, (1) V. To split. North.

(2) ff. A large quantity. Warvf.

Gblmto, pret. t. Glittered. Xeliq.

Ant., i, 77.

Gelovbe. See GiUofert.

Gelp, ff. Thin insipid liquor. Yoriih.

Gelpb, v. To boast. Nominate, MS.

Gelt, (1) ff. {A..S.) Money.

(2) adj. Barren, or impotent.

Yorheh. From geld.

Gbltip, adj. Guilty.

Gemban, adj. Common; vulgar.


Gbmb-fbdbrs, ff. The feathers

covering a hawk's tail.

Gemel, ff. {A.'N.) A twin, or pair.

GemeUf a pair of hinges.

Gbmetry, ff. Geometry.

G EMM AN, ff. A gentleman.

Gbmmbrt, ff. A jewel-house.

GKV,(\)prep. Against.

(2) pret. t. of give. Var. d.

Gbndb, adj. Neat ; pretty.

Gender, v. To ring, or resound ;

to chatter with the teeth. Craven.

Qekk, (I) part. p. Given.

d by boogie




(2) Genoa.

(3) V. {A.'S.) To force; to com-

pel ; to invite.

Genefe, #. {Pr. canff.) A knife.

General, t. The public. Shakesp.

Generals, «. The archdeacon's

yisitation. Norw,

Gbnero^ s, adj, {Lat. generotug,)

Of noble birth.

Genest, t. {A.'N.) The broom


Genet, t. The wild cat.

Genge, f . {A.'S.) A company ; a

retinue ; a people. See Ging,

Ac natheles ibis xj. nnges

Flowen oway with niichel oenae.

ArUumr and Merlin, p. 14S.

Genino-peppeRi s.

Hee flung gm'tng-peftper in the hang-

man's eyes as he came to put the nooze

o?er his necke. lept off the ladder, and

showed himself a very nimble footman.

Melton, Jstroloffast«r, 1620.

Genitino, t. A sort of early apple.

Gbnlesb, t. The cusps in the arch

of a doorway. W. Wyrc,

Genowaie, 8, A Genoese.

Gent, adj, {A.^N.) Neat; pretty;


Gbntbrie, If. (A.'N,) Courtesy;

oentrise, j honour.

Gentile, a4^'. {A.-N.) Gentle; well-

born; genteel. GentUlichej finely,


Gentility, «. Gentilism. Hooper,

Gentilize,o. To act the gentleman.

And left his thrifty gaine unto his sonne,

To gentiku it here when he was gone.

Niecoiy Beggars Jpt.

GuvTiv, adj. Projecting. NortAvmb,

Gentle, (1) adj. {A.-N.) Liberal ;

free ; of rank to receive knight-


He said he was gentle, hut unfortunate.

SkaJeetp., Cgmb., iv, 2.

I am as gentU as yourself, as freehom.

B. jf- «., Loft's Pilgr., ii, 1.

(2) «. A gentleman.

Away! the ^m<{«« are at their ga

So we will to our recreation.

Shaktsp., Love's L. L

(3) V. To make free, or pi

the rank of a gentleman. Sh

(4) «. A maggot. Var, d,

Gentlb-craft, 8. Shoemaki

The Princely History of Crisp

Crispanius, or the Oentle Crt^ sJ

what renowned princes, hero<

worthies, have been of the Shoen

trade, both in this and other kini

likewise why it's call'd the QentU

and that they say a Shoemaker*!

a Prince bom. ISmo. London, ]

by L. Uow in Petticoat-Lone, n.

Gentlbman-usher, ff. a se

who was to hand his mistr

the coach, and walk befoi

bareheaded; in later time

leaned upon his arm.

Gentlbry-men, t. The gent

Gentrib, 8, Gentility.

Gentry-cuffin, «. A slang

for gentleman. Dekker,

Gbnzie, «. An engine of wai

Geomesib, «. Mensuration.

Geometer, «. A ganger.

Georoe-noble, 8. A gold c

Hen. Vlll, worth ahout 6i

Gbosb, «. A hut for geese. 1

Geotbr, *. (A.-N,) A cas


Gep, 8. A scuttle. Craven.

Gepon, *. (A.'N.) A pourpoi


Ger. See Cktre,

Gbraflour, 8. The gilliflow

Gerbe, 8. (A,'N.) A hand

hay. Somereet.

Gbroolb, 8, A girdle.

Gerbve, t. (A.-S.) A govern

Gerfawcon, ff. A kind of


GBRiNBssE,ff. Changeablenes


Gbrisr, adj, WOd.

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9, $. A gerfitwooD.

r. (A.'S.) A child or young

)ii of either tex.

lUObtbrs, «. PenoDi who

led noisily.

lem as mrt conniellori imilet,

I roda Uobbiooldi gtr-imtgkiers,

linke they are never merry except

1st the boose out of the windowes

xtreame secnritie.

MeUon's Sixffold PoHticum, 1609.

INS, ff. A seed, or bud. ShaJt.

s, #. (Lat.) A brother.

s COMB, 9. The fingers, al-

;; to the slovenliness aseribed

! Germtns.

to put on his eloaths, which he

Jly cover'd with a large thick frixe

in d with fox skins ; tnen to comb

id with a German comb, that is to

is four fingers and thnmb. For

:or told him, that to comb, wash,

nifie himself any otherwise, was

waste time in this world.

FoffOHFrinee, ie90.

?. (1) To grin. North,

fo yawn.

1*0 open ; to come unsewn.


}adv. (A,'S.) Promptly ;

eagerly; earnestly.

ins he come to the groande,

water i>noa ther he foande.

he fond water, 5«rM he dronk,

thoate that water there stonk,

lit wes to-teines his wille.

Reliq. Jntiq., ii, 874.

i^mtf ne him bi-thonte

be hire gete moute. MS. JAghy, 86.

rsB, «. The pomegranate.

;b, *. A granary. Pakg.

fG, 8, Desire ; yearning.

*. (Jfy.) Qoarrelling.

dn is the canse of theyre wrange-

uid gerre, but onelye in the un-

jt election and choyse of theyre

R. Paynelly in Cau. Lit., ix, 26.

},part.p, Bedaabed. Extn.

&, ». The sea-pike. Comw,

Gbasb, (l)t. Grass. (7#rt%, pas-

turage. North, See Oart,

(2) Makes. See Oare,

Gmm»oUf8.(J.-N) Treasure; re-


TboQ salle hare gtr$om$ folle grett.

That gayne salle the evere.

MorU Jrikuri.

Girt, (1) adj. Great. Devon.

(2) Made. See Gart,

(&)pret.t. Pushed; pierced.

QvKTTKt part, p. Girded.

Gerund-o&indkr, 9. A school-


Gert, adj. (A.'S.) Changeable


Gkbarnb, 8, The garbage of an


Gesbnb, adj. (A. S.) Rare.

Gesbrne, 9. {A.-N.) A battle-axe

See Gi9arme.

Gbsinb, 1

GESYN. It. (A.'N) Childbed.


Gbslins, ff. (1) Goslings.

(2) The early blossom of the

willow. North.

GasoN, a^. Rare. See Oe9ene.

Gbss, ff. Sort; kind. Somer9et.

Gessb, V. (1) To guess.

(2) To aim at a#nark.

Gessebawnte, ff. {A.'N.) A de-

fensive jacket, without sleeves,

composed of small plates of metal

overlapping each other, and some-

times covered with velvet.

And a fyne guserawnte

Of gentille mayles. Mort* Jrlkwre,

GmnaiDf part. p. Valued.

Gest, ff. (1) {A.>N.) A deed; a

history, or tale.

(2) (A.^S.) A guest.

(3) A lodging, or stage for rest ;

properly, a gest-house.

(4) Gesture of the body.

Gestenb, v. (A.'S.) To lodge.

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Gbstli, V, (1) To prance • hone.

(2) To stumble.

Gbstling, ff. The term applied to

the meeting of the members of

the Cinque Ports at Romney, in


Gbstour, «. (A,-N.) A tale-teller;

a relater of romances.

Gbsyly, adv, (J.-N,) Fashionably.

Gbt, (1) «. That which is begotten ;


(2) 9, Gain ; booty.

hS 9. Stock ; breed. North,

(4) t. Fashion; custom; beha-


(5)t. A goat.

(6) o. To swagger; to brag.

GettouTt a bragger.

(7) o. To be scolded, or beaten.


Gbt-aoatb, v. To make a begin-

ning of anything. North.

Gbtarnb, «. A guitar.

Gbtb, t. Jet.

Gbtbb, «. {J,'N,) A part of a build-

ing which projects beyond the



. Gotten; begotten,

banner, two yards

GBTHB,^0ff. /.

Gbton, part, p,

Gbtodn, t. A


Gbt-pennt, f.

An old term for a

play which turned out profitable.

Gbttino-awaTi adv. Near; ap-

proaching to. Sujf.

Gbtts, 9. Earnings. Var. d.

Gewgaw, «. (1) A fantastical thing.

No sight to be seenc,bat the must view

it ; not a gewgaw to be heard of but she

most have it. Mtm in the Mow*, 1609.

You may fancy castles.

And forty I know not what's, but they're

of snow,

Come one good sbowre, and farewell mv

Ane gewgaw. Tke CkeaU, 1602.

Nor shall it go mnch better with vonr

^fKyaw brother. The Reformation, m^.

(2) A Jew's harp. North,

Gbw-ooo, 9. A gooseberry. Suff,

GEWTT,/?rw. /. Giveth.

Gbylbrb, t. A gaoler.

Geyn,(1) 9. (A.'S.) Denial ;

(2) A common form for

For words with geyn in c

tion see Cram and Agayn

Geybe, 9. A kind of eagle.

Geyt, 9, Goats.

G e Y ZENED , part, p, Parcl

thirst. North.

Ghells,^. The game of trip

Ghenob, t. The depth of a


Ghebn, 9. A garden. Bert

Gheus, «. {Fr.) Beggars;

of reproach for the Fiem


Ghizzebn, 9. The gizzard.

Ghost, 9, A dead body.

Grower, v. To brawl. Ea

Ghybe, v. To gibe, or scold

GiAMDEUx, 9. Boots. Spell


Gib, ff. (1) A horse which

from the collar, and ^

draw. North.

(2) A young gosling. X

(3) A wanton woman.

f4) (.r^.-iV.) Abump,ori

(5J A hooked stick. Nc

(6) A piece of wood su

the roof of a coal-mine.

GiB-A-LAMB,ff. A lamb just

from its dam. Devon.

Gibber, v. To chatter.

gabber^ idle talking. G


Gibbet, (1) v. To hang.

(2) ff. A heavy malift.

(3) ff. A violent fall. Su

(4) To gibbet a toad, tc

on a piece of wood, and

ing one end precipitate

to kill it.

Gibblb-oabble, ff. Idle tal

ble-gabble talk.*' Rabi


GiDBOL, ff. The second year

of an onion. We9t. See 4

Gibbon, ") ff. A hook

oibby-stick, j North.

Gibby-hbbls, ff. Kibed he<

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GiBBT-LAMs, «. A castrated lamb.


GiBBT.LBGi, f . LegB thinner on the

cdf tide than the other. Devon.

6iB^ AT, «. A male cat ; a cattrated


I*B Kkd I've cot air ages; this oM m».

«■/ hu mev'd me ihii half hour into

SBch s hole, that had I itaid a minute

koger I had certainly been mother'd.

Dmrftf, Th« Fond BtubmU, 168S.

GfBE, V. (1) To mock, or jest.

(2) To fit ; to agree with. Ea$t.

GiB-ri8H, f. The milter of the

salmon. North.

GiB-roBK, ff. The common two-

pronged harvest-fork. Noff.

GiBisn, «. (Fr.) Game.

GiBLBTS, ff. Rags. Kent.

GiBaiDGB, ff. Gibberish.

GiB-sTAFT^ff. Aquarter-stait Abr/A.

GiD, (1) ff.

ik»g%dd$ earn and go, lo flies enm and

are gone. Heifwoofs SpidtrJf'Flu, 1668.

(2) ff. A guide.

(3) pret. i. Gare. Somertet.

(4) ff. A dizziness in the head to

which sheep are liable. Notf.

(5) ff. The jack-snipe.

GiDDED, /^ar/. p. (1) Hunted.

(2) Guided; directed.

GiDDT, (1) adj. Angry; furions.

North. To go giddy, to fly in a


(2) Sheep are said to he giddy

when they have hydatides on the

brain. Line.

GiDDTQANDBB^ff. The orchis. Don,

GiDBBNE, ff. {A.-N.) A banner.

GiDiNOs, ff. Manners. Pakg.

GiDhiNG.adj. Heedless. Northampt.

GiB, ». (1) (A.'N.) To guide; to


0 Lord, my lonie and eke my body g%«.

Clumeer, C. T.

Noble prineei, jroor reason do applye

So pradently to goTem them uxane.

LgdgaUi Bockat.

(2) To give. Var. d.

Gibs, ff. Gaise. Heywood, 1556.

GiER-KAOLB. Akindof eagle men- |

tioned in Levit., xi, 18; Dent.,

liv, 17.

GiEST, ff. A joist.

Gir, cMf. (^.-5.) If.

GiFELiNO, ff. Idling abont, spoken

of girls. Northampt.

GiFEBOua, adj. Covetous. Cumb.

GiPF-OAFF, ff. (1) ConversatioD.

(2) Mutual accommodation.


Wo worth these gifta, they rabrert pu-

tice erery wher. Sequontur retriba-

tionea. They follow bribe. Pomewhat

was giren to them before, and they mast

needes give somewhat againe : for f^t

gaffe was a sood fellow, this g^t ffaffe

led them Jeana firom justice. They

follow gifts. Lahmer's Sermons.

GiFFiM, ff. A trifle. Somenet.

GirvLB, V. To be restless. Sujff^.

Gift, (1) ff. A bribe.

(2) Little white spots under the

nails of the fingers were called

(3) To give a gift, to make a


GiFTT-DAY, ff. A day's work given

by one neighbour to another.


Gio, (1) ff. A top. ** Toupie, sabot,

trompe. A top, gig, or nun."

Nomeneiaior. The term is ap-

plied in Somerset to a small

whiptop, made of the point of a

bullock's horn. It is used meta.

phorically in the phrase the gig'e

tqf, t. e., the matter is in agita-

tion, the spirit moves one.

!2^ ff. A long, slender boat.

3) ff. A machine formerly used

for vrinnowing com.

(4) ff. A machine used in raising

cloth, to prepare it for dressing.


(5) ff. A flighty person.

(6) V. To talk, or chatter.

(7) ff. A cock. Nomhuzle.

(8) ff. fitoj made with geese-

feathers, used by fowlers to de-

coy birds.

(9) ff. A fiddle. Junius.

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(10) V, To engender.

(1 1 ) «. A hole made in the earth

to dry flax. Lane,

(12) V. To make a noise.

(13) V, To hasten. Dewm.

GiooA-JOGoiK, 9, The noise made

by the shaking of a bedstead, or

other frame.

GiooBT, f. (fr. ffigot) (1) A leg of


To roait a ^^jr«< of miitton. Take your

eigtet with cloves and rosemary, and

lara it, roast it, baste it with batter, and

save the gnvT, put thereto some claret

wine, wiui a nandful of capers, season

it with ginger and sugar, when it is

boiled well, dish up your ^y«<, and

pour on your sauce.

True GentUtffonuuu JkUghi, 1876.

(2) A slice of mutton.

GiGoiSH, adj. Flighty; wanton;


GiooLB. See Giglet,

Giggling, adj. Foolishly merry.

Giggling-Jenny t a child always

laughing. Leic.

GiGo-MiLL, «. A fnlling mill.

GiGiT. Se^FiMk,

GiOLBT, ^8. A wanton wench ;

GioLOT, >a loose woman. Still

GIGGLE, J used in some dialects to

signify a flighty girl, or one fond

of romping. In MSS. of the

15th cent, this word is found

under the forms gygbote, gybtotf

and gylot.

If this be

The recompence of striving to preserve

A wanton giggUt honest, very shortly

rTwill make all mankind pondars.

Massing., FtUsi Dowty, act iii.

What is the matter, foolish gigloi?

What meanest thou?

Tersncs in BngUskf IMl.

Was I ffuU'd ; she had no fellow,

Her soft lips were moist and mellow:

All nijtht vow'd she to lie bv me,

But the giglst came not nigh me.


GiGLKT-wisB. adv. Like a wanton.

That thou wilt gad by night in gigUt-wise,

Amid thine armed toes to seek thy shame.

Fkiif., Tasso, vi, 72.

Gio-MiLL,t. A mill used for

ing and burling cloth.

Gigs. By gigt, a common <


Chad a foule tome now of late,

it you, iy gigs. 6€tm»ur Gurta

GiosY, s, A wanton wei


GiKE, o. To creak. North,

GiLCUP, 8, The buttercup, j

GiLDBO, ad^. An old cant w


GiLDBR, ff. A snare.

Gild, t. A village green. iV

GiLBRY,». {A,'N.) Trickery;

G1LBT8PEKB, ff. A trap ; a c

Gill, ff. (1) A narrow rock}

branching out of one of ih(

mountain-dales or passe

giU signifys a low ground

water side compassed with

More* 9 MS. addnt. to Ray

(2) A rivulet ; a ditch. Vi

(3) A wanton wench. H<

familiar term for a girl or \

0 what a world is this, that we can

private have,

Unoeusurde of our servanti, tho

simplest <7i'U or knave?

Wamer^s JlbUms Bmgloi

(4J A little pot. Pr.P.

(5) A coarse apron. Pr. 1

(6) The jaw.bone. Somer

(7) A pair of timber-^


GiLLABER, V. To talk no


GiLL-ALB, ff. Ale-hoof. Det




Ground ivy. JSomertet.

GiLLBR, ff. Horse hairs twi

form a fishing-line. CheeA

GiLLBRY. See Gilery.

GiLLBT, (1) ff. Aninstrumei

in thatching.

(2) **Oillet, dim, from

t. «. a litUe kid." Ladytl

(3) V. To wedge the inu

of ashlar work with small

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IT, J ton.

A flighty

a wan-




What, yoa would luTe bar w faaimdeiit

M younelf, m errant a>t^r<,agadder,

a inaf(p7» and, to nj all, a meer noto-

lioui town woman.

WjfektrUy, CotMtff W^, 1688.

Marrj oome np, giUtn^fhurt, ia that a

bitt lor your greasy chops ?


Thira iook'st me np at every word I ipoka,

Aa I had been a mawkin, a>ltr/ gilluin,

nUitn, Tk« OuMca, 1698.

GlLL-HOOTBR, t. All Owl. CheMh,

GiLLiTSR, t. A wanton girl. North.

GiLLorBBS, ff. The general term

for carnations, pinks, and sweet-

Williams. Hence the modem


GiLLouE, «. Plenty. See <7afore.

GiLLOT. See GigM,

GiLLTviNB-PBN, ff. A black-Icad


GiLOFRB, t. (/v.) Cloyes.

GiLouR, t. {A.'N,) A deceiver.

GiLRT, ff. Deceit. See GUery.

GiL8B,ff. A kind of salmon. North,

Gilt, (1) ff. A spayed sow ; a young

sow which has not yet had pigs.

(2) V. To commit a fault. PaUg.

(3) ff. Gold ; money.

GiLTiTK, 04/. Guilty.

GiLT-POLL, ff. A fish, the gilt-head.


Gii^vBR, V. To throb; to ache.


GiM, adj. Smart ; pretty. Var, d,

GiMAL, ff. A vault.

Gitf BBR, (1) V. To gad about. Nor.

(2) ff. A she-sheep which has

been twice shorn. Line. See


GiMBLB, V. To grin, or smile. Etut.

GiMBo, ff. A bastard's bastard.


GiMBDL, ff. A device ; a gimcrack.

But whether it were that the rebel! hia

ponder fiaylde him, or some gimJM or

other was out of frame, &c.

HolingsK SisL ofLrOcmd,

GuicBACK, ff. (1) A piece of ma-

509 GIN

chinery ; a term for the works of

a watch.

(2) A jack-of-all-trades.

(3) A conceited fellow.

Why mnat I be yonr May-game, gym-

erack? IVee hear me, you jnllllort,

leare yonr giggling and your flowting,

or I wiU send you to a cioyater to tame

ye- ^ra'* Vagaries, 1870.

Ladg Btardl. Lord blesa ua I I tow he

haa lor'd a wench better than a paalm-

book, coK : that he has, o*my word.

Bern/. Not unlikely, madam; bnt I

never heard he kept any.

Ladg B. Bid ye not? well, that's all

one if he did, 'twas privately with dis-

cretion, and not Kkc our gimcrack» now

adayes. Dutrfey, A Virtwmt Wife, 1680.

GiMBLL, ff- A double tree. North,

GiMLBT-BTB, ff. A squint-eyc.

GiiiLiCK, ff. A gimlet North,

GfMLiN, ff. (1) A tub for salting

bacon. North.

(2) **GymfyHf an instrument

used for tapping a barrel." //ii-


(3) A grinning face; restrained

laughter. £ait.

GiiiMACB, ff. A hinge. Somenet.

GiMMAL, Iff. A sort of double

oiMMEW, J ring.

GiMMB, ff. A hook.

GiMMBR, ff. (1) A female sheep

from the first to the second

shearing; one that has not been

shorn. North. A two years old

sheep. ,

(2) Ghnmer-tree, a tree that

grows double from the root.

(3) A hinge. Var. d.

(4) A gimcrack.


An old drab. Newcastle.

GiHMBW, ff. A joint, or hinge.

GiuMYf adj. Neat; spruce. NortA-


Gimp, adj. Neat. North.

GiMPLE, ff. (A.-N) A wimple.

GiMSON, ff. A gimcrack. Gimsoner,

one who makes them, an inge-

nious person. East.

Gin, (1) ff. (A.'N.) An engine; con-

trivance; a trap, or snare.

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{2)pr€tt Gave. Var. d,

(3) V. To begin.

(4)coi|^*. If. North,


They miut be ensnared with the plea-

sures of the tavern, gaming-honscs, or

worse places : there's nothing but pintu

and gilts here, or a sort of town sluts

that will out-lie horse coursers.

Howard, Man o/Newmarkei, 1878.

(6) 9. A perpendicular axle, with

arms projecting from the upper

part, to which a horse is fastened,

the horse moving in a circle,

called the gm-ring. Shropth,

(7) #. A crane ; a machine for

moving timber.

(8) 9. The entrails of a calf

dressed and prepared with cur-

rants, lemon-peel, &c., and made

into a pic, called a gin-pie. East.

GiNDB, V. To reduce to pieces.

GiN-FAT, 9. Fat from the entrails

of calves. Norf»

GiNG, (1) 8. {A.-S.) A company;


When as a nymph, one of the merry ffinfi.

Seeing she no way could be won to sing.

J>rajft<m, Muies' Elynum Nympk.,Z.

Here's such a merry ging, I could find

in ray heart to sail to the world's end

with such company. Roaritiff OirltO.Tl.

(2) Excrementum. North.

GiNOADO, 9, A gay ornament.

The female sex are wrapt in white (not

from innocence); some go naked up.

wards; mos^aluable in their eares and

noses, which are the richest ])art8 about

them, each eare being gamisht with a

dozen silrer rinn, and their fingers uith

such like gvngadoes.

Herbert's Travels, 1638.

GiNGAWTRE, It. A dish in an-

OYNOAWDRY, J cicut cookcry,

made chiefly of cod and haddock.

Oyngawdry. Take the powche and the

lyvor of haddock, codling, and hake, and

of oother fvshe ; parboile hero ; take hem

and dyce hem smalle; take of the self

broth, and wrne, a layor of brede of

galyntyne, witb gode powdors, and salt ;

cast that ^sshe thereinne, and boile it,

and do thereto annrdou. and color it

grene. Forme of Cury, p. 18.

GiNOBD, adj. Bewitched.

Ginger, (1) #. A pale re

(2) adj. Brittle ; tende

Ginger-orate, #. Grat(


Ginger- HACKLED, "] ac



Gingerly, adv. Carefi

caution ; afifectedly ; sli

Ginger-fated, a4^'. Ligl






showy ornament of dn

GiNGRBAT, V, To chlrp.

GiNNB, V. {A.-S,) To bcj

GiNNEL, «. A narrow


GiNNERS, 8. A fish's gill

GiNNET, 9. A nag ; a mul

GiKniCKt adj. Neat;perf(

GiNOUR, 9. An engineer.

Gin-tubs, #. Vessels foi

the ore from mines. A

GiouR, #. (A.-N.) A rulei

GiP, V. (1) To retch. Yo

(2) To take the guts


(3) To cheat ; to swine

GiPCIBRB, 9. {A.-N.) A


GiPE,(l)#.(.^.-iV.) Anui

(2) 9. A glutton. Nori

(3) V. To gulp. North

GiPouN,! #. (A.-N.) A

oiPBL, J properly, an ui

or petticoat.

GippBN, V. " %yppyne ai

pululoJ* Nominate.

Gips, 9. A sort of mortal

GiPSEN, #. A gipsy. S^e\

GiPSBT, «. A wooden pcj


G1P8ET8, 9. {A.-S.) Kn

water which break oul

after great rains on the

the East Riding of Yoi

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GiPST-LSOOiD, a^. Having slender

ankles. Northampt.

G1P8T-0N10N8, «. Wild garlick.


GiPST-ROSB, «. The corn-rose.

GiPTiAN, #. A gipsy.

Gird, (1) o. To strike; to pierce;

to push. By fiU and ffirdst hy

fits and starts.

(2) V. Metaphorically, to lash

with wit, to attack with words.

(3) «. A sarcasm.

(4) V, To spring, or honnd.

?5) #. A fit, or spasm. Craven,

(6) V. To crack ; to hreak wind.

(7) #. A girdle.

(8) a. A hoop. North,

Girdbrbw, a. A coarse sort of


Mow there is derived from this wash-

hreir another ooorser meat which is as

it were the dreggs,or grosser substance

of the washbrew, which is called ffird'

knm, which is a wellfilUng and sufficient

meat, fit for servants and men of labour,

of the commeodatton whereof I will not

much stand, in that it is a meat of

harder digestion, and fit indeed but for

strong able stomachs, and such whose

toyle and much sweat both liberally

speodeth evili humours, and also pre-

serveth men firam the offence of fulness

and surfeits.

Markham*sEtigUsk Sotutwife, p. 177.

Girder, #• (1) A blow. Skropth.

(2) A jester, or satirist.

Girdino, a. A beam. North.

GiRDLB, (1) #• A round iron plate

for baking cakes. North.

(2) a. A great deal. Somertet.

(3) V. To growl at. Somerset.

GiROLER, «. A maker of girdles.

GiRDLB-8TEDB,«. The waist, **Gyr-

deU-etede.fauixdueorpe." Pals.

Some short, scarsly reaching to the

girdle-steady or waste, some to the knee.

Stubba'sJnatomUofJbuses, p. M.

Who in their wombs did two strange mon-

sters breed,

One bore a child that had the face of man,

And body of a lyon : th'other bred

One with two bodies, from iheffirdU-sUd.

Great Britaine* Troge, 1609.

GiRDLB-wHBBL, «. A smsU Spin-


GiRDSTiKoa, a. Laths for hoops.

GiRB, (1) V. (Lat.) To revolve.

(2) a. A circle.

61RK, (1) V. To beat.

(2) a. A rod.

Girl, a. (1) See Gerl.

(2) A roebuck in its second year.

GiRN, V. (1) To grin. North.

(2) To yearn.

GiRNB-oRBAT, a. A great grinner.


GiRNiOAw, a. The' cavity of the

mouth. North.

GiRRED, 04/. Draggle-tailed. £rfN.

GiRROCK, a. A fish of the genus


GiRSLT, at^. Gristly. Craven.

Girt. (1) See Cfird.

(2) adj. Great. North.

GiRTB-wBBBiN. The material of

saddle-girths. North.

Girts, a. Oatmeal. Var. d.

GiRTY-MiLK,a. Milk porridge. Ea$t.

Gis, a. An oath ; supposed to be

corrupted from Jesus.

By Qi*. and by St. C3iarity,

'Alack, and fie for shame. JJanU., It, 6.

By gysy master, cham not sick, but yet

chave a disease. Qammar GwrUmt 0. PI.

GiSARMB, a. (A.-N.) A bill, or

battle-axe, with a spike rising at

the back.

Gi8B,(l)a. {A.'N.) Guise; fashion.

(2^ V. To dress, to prepare.

(3) V. To recline.

G18KB, 1 9. {A.-S,) To sob ; to cry.

518KB, J There is a receipt in MS.

Line. Med., f. 288, " for hym that


G18N, 17. To gasp for breath. North.

G18PBN, la. A pot or cup made of

OBSPiN, J leather. ^^Gytpen-pottet

pot de cuir." Paltgrave.

The boisterous billows strove to over-skip

The bounding vessel. In this great disaster,

Bavmond, the soldiers, mariners and master

Lost heart and heed to rule } then up starts


Calls for six gispi>u» drinks them off at

once. Legend qf Captain Jonet, 1659.

Gis8,a. The girth of a saddle. Devon.

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Gists, #. {A.-S.) A jpiest.

GiSTiNO, #. Agistment of cattle.

GisTNB, V. (A.-S.) To entertain.

And deyeth to wanne hi beih deede,

In hevene hi beth i-m»t»«d.

WiUiam it Skorthtm.

GiT, «. The gist of a thing. Devon.

GiTB, #. (1) A gown. CAaueer,

Thy brodred mite makM thee a gallant

gyrle. TurbenilWi Ep. /• &«., I&fi9.

When PhoabuB rose he left hie golden weed,

And donn'd a gitf in deepeat^orple dy'd.

Faiaf., Tu$o, xiil, 64^

(2) Splendour; brightness.

Thns naked Troy, or now not Tn^ at all,

Downe is thy pride, dim is thy glonoua oitet

Dead is thy prince in this unhappy fight.

Ftelt's Eu-ew€U,U&9.

As doth the day light settle in the west.

So dim is David's glory snd his aite.

Damd #• Bttktaht, O. £. Dr.

GiTH, #. {A.-S,) Com-eoekle.

GiTT, #. Offspring. Cravtn,

GiTTBRN, 1 ^ ^^^^^


GiTTON, «. {A,.N.) A small stan-

dard. Sometimes, a body of

troops serring under such a


GiusT, «. A tournament, ^^etuer.

Give, v. (1) To take, or assume.

A term in heraldry.

(2) To yield.

(3) To scold; to beat. Var.d.

(4) To gwe oui^ to relinquish,

to give way, fail, &c., from fatigue

or weakness, " My feet begin to

(five out" — "If you work too

long your wrists vrill give out"

L of Wight. To give over, to

leave off, to yield. To give again,

to thaw, to relax, to decrease in

value. To give the time of day,

to wish a go()d day to. To give

in fiekh, to have the skin galled.

To give back, to give way. To

give one his own, to tell him his


GivELE, V, (A.'N,) To gather, or

collect together.

Given, ae^. Disposed.

GiWEs, «. Jews.

Gix, «. Kex of hemlock. Wilit.

Gixr, «. A wanton woman.

Oiz-DANCE, «. A dance in disgaife,

or of mummers.

GizBN, 0. ( 1 ) To gaze intently. Ime.

(2) To leak. North.

(3) To deck out, applied to

dress. Line,

GizLBfV. To walk mincingly. North.

GizzBN, t. A soeer. North.

GizzENED,#. Rattling of the throat

from strangulation. Yorkeh.

GizzLiSQ,adj. Giggling; silly. Line.

Glabbr, adj. (Lat.) Slippery;

smooth. Devon.

Glabritt, t. (Lot.) Baldness.

Glacb, v. To look scornfully. Jahc.

Glad, a^f. (1) Pleasant ; agreeable.

(2) Smooth ; easy. From gHde.


Gladden, (1) v. To thaw. YorHk,

(2) «. A clear place. North.

(3) 9. A plant, the gladiobu (trtt


Gladdib, 9. The yellow-hammer.


Gladding, adj. Cheerful ; agree-


Gladdon, «. The plant cat*s-tail.


Gladb, (1) V. (A.'S.) To make

glad ; to be glad.

(2) 9. Cheer.

?3) adj. Bright ; shining.

(4) 9. An open track in a wood.

(5) pret. t. Glided.

(6) V, To look sly. Berke.

Glader, 9. One who makes glad.

Gladinb, s. {A.'S.) Spurgewort.

Gladisb, v. {A.'N. glatir.) To

bark, as hounds.

Gladloker, adv. More gladly.

Gladly, adv. Readily. Paleg.

Gladschypb, 9. {A.'S.) Gladness.

Gladsum, a^. Pleasant.

Glafb, adj. (1) Polite. North.

(2) Lonesome. IVeetnwreL

Glaffer, o. To flatter. North.

Glaik, adf. Foolish; inattentive.


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r, adj. Giddy.

M, 9. A puddle of mire.

\b. See Glare.

B,«.(l) A sword. Seeff2av«.

[A,^N.) A weapon composed

long cutting blade at the end


(1) «. Noise; cry; clamoar.

V. A sore. Dewm*

9. To snatch. North,

WB,, i, A charm, or spell.

it 9, The hands. Nortkwnh.

>i 9. The bank of a river.


m, o. To be glad. If. Arth.

E, (1) 9. To stare earnestly.


e M mrlancholie u a cat," answered

CIO, *' and glared upon me as if he

i haTa luoked through me."


r. A staring. E9HX,

r. Mire; mud. See Olaire.

He, miry.

ht monthes fha winter dues ;

lie ffUre it is so great,

it is May before he tame

[is ground to sowe his wbeate.

TttrierviU^t £p. ^ SoHM$tUi, 1669.

in the winter time,

0 iflgrit is the gronnd,

neither grasse nor other graine

a pastures may be found. Ih.

.To glaze earthenware. ire9t,

i-woRM, 9. A glow-worm.


J V, (1) To polish ; to scour

ess; to varnish.'

To glide.

BBS, 9. An old cant term for

ffGs, 9, Glass-work.

, V. (1) To view as in a


To inclose in glass.

BN,a^'. Made of glass. We9t,

•woRMt «. A glow-worm.

«. A gap in a hedge. We9U

RYE, «. Flattery?

;, adj. Public. Heame.

Mf 9, To welcome ; to rejoice.

Glatton, 9. Welsh flannel. North.

Glaucb, adj. {Lat.) Gray-eyed.

Glaudkin, 8. A aort of gown in

fashion under Henry VIII.

G1.AUD8, 9. Hot gleams between

showers. Northampt.

Glaumandb, adj. Riotous.



, 1 #. (A.-N.^

'' r sword.

A broad

Not sorely arm'd in steel or iron strong,

ndent by his side.

Bat each a gUa* had pendent by his s

2 L

DisdainfulHe did Hydra take the preaeBoa

of his foe,

And after subtill arguments to stordie fight

they foe.

Two blowes at once with gUue and taile

msde Hercules to reeie -,

Who 8in<^ he ftrst bad uaedarmeathe like

did never feele.

Wamer'i Jtium Bitffkmd, ISM.

Glatb, 9. A slipper. Lane.

Glatbb,o.(1) To flatter. GUntrer^

a flatterer.

(2) To leer, or ogle.

(3) To slaver.

Glaye&andb, adj. Noisy.

Glawm, 9. To look sad. Yorh9h.

See Glome.

Glaws, 9. Dried cowdnng, used

for firing. De9. and Cormo.

Glazbnb, adj. Made of glass?

Pier9 PI, p. 435.

Glazbnbr, 9. A glazier. North.

Glazb-worm, 9. A glow-worm.

Glb, 9. (A.'S.) Minstrelsy; mirth.

Glea, adj. Crooked. North,

Glbad, «. A kite. North, See


Gleam, v. To cast np filth from

the gorge, applied to a hawk.

Glean, (1) v. To sneer. Dortel.

(2) 9. A handful of corn tied

together by a gleaner. Keni,

Glee, adv. Glibly.

Glebt, adj. Consisting of glebe


Gledde, oitf. (.<^.-5.) Bright; shiji-


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G»DB, 1 «. (1) {A.-S. fled.) A

OLBiD, j burning coal ; a spark of

fire ; an ember.

Thongbe in hit hert wen Utelte pity.

« .. _ V ^ Bptrko of gled«.

MS. HarK 3252, f . 97.

the gMjfS alle by^wulte.

Cknm, fUodun., p. 37-

Jfr eyes with teen eceinit the fire striving,

Whoee eeorching glttd mv heert to cin-

ders tarneth. Armgi., Idta, 40.

(2) {A.^S,) A kite. " A glede,

mihtu" Nominate,

Glib, (1) v. To squint. North.

(2) t. (J,-S.) Pleasure.

To bath his Ummes in buruiDg ooales.

It is his glee and chiefe desire.

TurienUk^i JBp. ^ Son., 1M9.

Glisk, (1) «. {A,-S. gUg.) A jest,

or scoff.

{2\v, To beguile. North,

(3) s. The name of an old game

of cards, played by three persons

with forty.four cards.

Glbbm, «. {A.'S.) A flash of light-

ning. WeatmoreL

Gleek, v. To slide. Oxfdth,

Glbbtino-spbing, 9. A surface

spring. Northampt.

Glbbve, «. A pronged pole for

catching eels. Northampt,

Glbo, a^. Smooth; slippery.


(2) adj. Quick; adroit North.

(3) 9. To glance slily.

Glb-man, #. (A.-S.) A minstrel.

Glbmb, adj. Clammy. Palsg.

Glsm BRAND, adJ, Glittering.

GLBMMY,a4^'. Close; damp. Shrqpe.

Glench, i. A glimpse. fFarw.

Glendbr, V, To look earnestly.


Glent, (l)pret,t. Glanced ; glided.

(2) 9, A glance ; a start ; a slip.

hS pret, t. Gleaned. East,

(4) V. To make a figure. North.

Glerb, 9. Slimy matter. See Glare,

Glbthurly, adv. Quickly ;


Glbvb, 8, A glave.

Mniic; mxrtli.

Gliw, 9. (A.'S.)

See Gie,

Al at ones thai wta no ^(nev,

And Arthoor stede adoon threwe.

Jrtiumr nd MerUm, p. ISS.

Gl«wb, V. (A.-S,) (1) To look; to


Uplifted he his head, and glemde aboata

To see what wooftiQ wight it was.

TurieniU^s l)nigictM Tate$,l^.

Who gallopt OS, and pUmde with feB x«-


Fh>nouncing thieatei and tennes of hye

disdaine. lb,

(2) To glow.

Glbtolof, 9, A kind of MLy.

Gleyue, 9, The rheum. Pr, P.

Glbyngb, 9. Minstrelsy.

Gliand, part. a. Squinting.

Glib, (1) #. A tuft of hair hanging

over the £ice, worn by the Irish.

The Irish princesse, and with her a HAeene

others moe.

With hvipns fffybhes that hid their necks

as trnsel shadowing snoe.

Wttmer'e Jmm Bitgltmd, 1593.

(2) adj. Smooth. North.

(3) p. To castrate.

GLiBBBR,a4f. Worn smooth. North.

Glib*boards, 9. Boards tied to

men's feet to enable them to

walk in the pans of salt-works,

Glick, 9. A jest. See Gleek.

Glidder, adj. Slippery. Dewm.

Gliddered, adj. Glazed with tena-

cious varnish.

Glide, (1) v. To slide. Glydar, a

slider. Pal9ff.

(2) 9, A gentle movement of a


With silver gUde my pleasant streames do


Where leaping fishes play betwixt the


This graciooB good hath God so kind begru,

For London^s use, with help of sails and

ores. PeeU.

(3) adj. Squinting ; distorted.

Glider,*. (1) Anything that glides.

(2) A snare, or gilder.

Gliere, 9. One who squints. No-


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QLOWf tk An unexpected slinpte ;

a traiuient Tiew. North.

Guam, tr. To look.

Glio, «. A blister, lime.

Gum, 1 9. To look ukence, or

euM s, j ilily. Var, d,

ULim, ^^ jY^ mucet from the

^^ 'nottrilt of cattle. North.

GxiMPsm, V. To glimmer.

GLiMP8T,jMir/.|». Caught a glimpse

oL Gkme.

O1.1118T10K, «. A candlestick.

GuNCTi 1 Ajf- Smooth; slippery.


Glinder, «. A shallow tub. Dsmii.

Gums, 9. To slide. Fer. dL

Glisx, (1) V. To glitter.

(2) «. A great surprise. North.

OusK, V. To glitter.

Glistkm, a^. Marii a/gitetenit ap-

plied to ewes. Cheih.

Glzstkr, V. To glitter.

QuTXV, V. To lighten. Yorioh.

Glittish, adj. Savage; cruel.

G1.0AMIVO, f. TwUight. North.

Gi«oAK-rAT, o4f. ExoesiiTely fiit.


Gloas, s. Dried cow-dung used for


G10A.T, \p. (1) To look fcry in-

OLOTX, J tently ; to stare.

And wHh her gloomy eyes

ToddMf vponthoMstamtoiu thatntm

lue. ^^^1 PolgM-B an.

(2) TolooklustfoUy.

Her tongns, I oonfMSt was iflent; but

her ipeuang eyes gloM sncli things,

man immodest and Uscinovs than

raviihen can act or women under a

ot think.

Wychnkjft Tlrnn-imhr, 1877.

In short I could ^iotenpon a man when

he comes into a room, and laugh at him

when he goes oat. Ih.

(3) To look sulky; to Swell.

Globk-oke. a flower, supposed to

be a kind of daisy. Newe Meta-

morphotiit MS* temp. Jac. I.

Oumon^e. (1) A glnltoa.

(2) A miser. Semereet.

Globed, m^. FooliaUy fnid of.

Globx-pamp, e.^ Damp in coal

mines which forms ixto thick

globular osista. NoHh.

Glo-bbbbb,s. a glow-worm. Pokg.

Glodx, j»re/. t. Glided; fell.

The stede he smot and he forth jldde,

Ogaia« the king Nantors he rode.

J^Utmr mi MmUm,^.^SX.

Glodxn. The sunflower. lAne.

Glok. To enjoy? Cheeter Pknfe,

i, 128. The MS. BodL, 175, reads


Gloxt. Prei. t. Glowed.

GLorFAXEyS. A glutton. Pr. Pwro.

GroMx, 9. A bottom of thread.

Glomx, 1 r. (^.-5.) (1) To look

OLOMBX, I gloomy, lowering, or

GLOOM, J sullen ; to frown.

Who io stode iq>e and oghte sold laye.

He bade thamme \ '" " ^— «

And glommeii ala

He bade thamme n in tne derylle ways,

* " he were wraue.

If either he gaipeth or «2oMwfi.

T(m T$Ur mtd kit Wife, U98.

What denU, woman, plooke up your

hart, and lere of al thia pUming.


Whereu before ye latte all heayie and

glommjfng. Chdhmer'tMorim Bnc^Kl.

(2) To make gloomy.

A night that ffteiew us in the noontide ray.

Towig. Night 2»., b. u.

Glokd, e. Cow-basil.

Gloom, e. A passing oloud. WUis.

Glooming, adj. Gloomy.

Gloomy, 1 at^. Glowing or

GLooMiMG,/ burning hot. Leic,

Glop, v. To stare. North.

Gloppe, 0. (J,'S.) To suck in.

Glopfxn, \ (1)«. To frighten; to be

OLOPB, J frightened, astonished,

or startled ; to stupify ; to dis-

ffost. North.

Ti\ 9. To lament, or moun.

(3) i. A nervous agitation; a

tendency to sickness. Leio.

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Oloeb, 9, To ittre. See Ohre.

OlokiatioNi 9, (Lat) Boasting.

Glorious, adj, (Lat.) Boastful.

Olorry, V adJ, Fat ; greuy ; cor-

OLORT, J pulent. Still used ia


Glort-holb, 9, A cnpboard at the

head of a staircase for brooms,

&c. Var.d.

Glorttni, V, To defllc. Pr, P.

Glosb,9. (1) (A.-N,) To comment ;

to interpret.

(2) To flatter. (7Awer,a flatterer.

See Ghze.

Gloss, o. To polish. Leie.

Gloton, «. (J,'N.) A glutton.

Glottxn, 9. To frighten.

Glottsning, f. A temporary melt-

ing of ice and snow. North,

QhovDy prei. t. Glowed.

Gloundbn, «. A lock of hair.

Qloupino, adj. Stupid and sullen.


Glousb, 8. A strong gleam of heat


Glout, 9. To look sulky, or pout ;

to stare at.

And that thou ne wercbe iiaii;t»

Ac gett to pyne gUmtyng*,

Other in enT other foike

In jtleye of thretvnjce.

WtUiam d$ SkonUm.

OUmiing with fallen tplght the fnry shook

Her clotter'd locks, ancTblMted with each

look. Garth's D'upemutry, 1706.

Gloutous, a^.{A.'N.) Gluttonous.

Glots, e. To bevel. Craven.

Glow-babon, «. (1) A glow-worm.

(2) A bold impudent person.


Glow-bird, 9. A glow-worm.

Glowb, e. (1) To glow, or tingle.

(2) To look; to stare. Still used

in Devon.

Glowbr, v. To stare. North.

Glowbrino, adj. Quarrelsome.


Glowino, f. The discovery of

cockles in the water by a shining

reflection from a bubble which

they make below, when the son

shines upon the surftce of the

water in a clear still day.

Glox, #. The sound of liquids wben

shaken in a barrel. WiUm.

Glozb,(1) e. {A.-N.) To interpret ;

to explain.

No woman shall iiieeeed in Saliqine land.

Which Saiiqne land the French imjiistly


To be the realm of lyance.

Here it a matter worthy fflossyn^e

Of Gammer Onrton's nerale loatnge.

Gamwur GwUm, O. Fl., i£ 98.

(2) V. {J.'S. ffkmm.) To flatter.

For well he ooold hia ^loeia^ speadiet


Tb such Tain naea that him best became.

Aon wonldit decetre mee with thote

tfioctM speeches.

TiMtui i» BngUik, 1641.

(3) «. An interpretation ; a gloat.

(4) 8. Flattery.

And in extolling their beanties, they

give more credite to their own gJaiiM

than men's aUuu.


Glubbb, o. (A.'S.) To suck in;

to swallow. Ghtbbere, a glutton.

Glub-calybs, «. Calves reared for

stock. Dewm.

Glum, (1) #. A sour cross look.

(2) off. Gloomy; overcait ;


(3) #. A sudden flash of light.

Glum-ubtal, 9. A name given to

a stone found about Bradwell, in

the moor lands, in Staffordsh.

Glumpino,!^. g^

olumpt, J -^ ««*»/.

Glum-pot, #. A gallipot. Somertei.

Glumpsb, «. Sulkiness. North,

Glunch, «. A frown. Northmmb,

Glur, «. Soft, coarse fat. Line.

See Olorry,

GLusK,e. To look sulky. Ghuh^y

sulky looking. Eait.

Glustarb, «. One who squints.


Glut, (1) r. (A.-N.) To swallow.

(2) $. Scum; refuse.

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(3) $. The slimy rabttanee in a

hawk's psnneL

(4) A thick wooden wedge for

splitting hlocks.

6lijtch,9. To swallow. OhUdker,

the throat

Glutbsn, v. To gather for rain.


Glut-widos, «. A thick wooden

wedge. Eoii.

Glt, v. To squint.

GLTBKtV. To scold. North.

Glt-haltsr, «. A bridle with

winkers. Var, d.

Gltsib, v. To look silly. North,

Gltstb, V. To look.

QLYT.pres, t. ofgfyde. Glides.

GLTjT.^re/. t. offflowo. Looked.

Gkacchbn, o. To grind the teeth.

Gnag, v. (^.-5.) To gnaw. Lme,

Gnagging^ ovgnMgg&tg, gnawing.

Gnano, e. To gnash. Suttox.

Gnappb, e. To mb, or scratch.

Gnarl, v. (ji,-S.) (1) To snarL

(2) To gnaw. Line,

Ghabl-band, #. A niggardly per-

son. Line,

Gnablbd, at^. Knotty; twisted;

crumpled. South.

Gmabbb, (1) o. {J.-S. gngrran.)

To snarl, or growL

At tliein he nn torearehiibriitles itnmg.

And felly ffturre. Spmu., F. Q., I, t, 84.

(2) 9, To Strangle. " I gnarre in

a baiter or corde, I stoppe ones

breathe or snarle one, je oBtren-

gU." Paitgrave.

(3) 8. A hard knot in a tree.

Gnaspb, v. To snatch at with the

teeth. Paisgraoe.

Gnastb, (1) V. To gnuh with the


(2) #. A candle wick. Pr.P.

Gmat, a. A term of contempt,

applied to anything small or


Gmatling, adj. Busy about no-

thing. Norf.

Gnat-snappeb, «. (1) The name of

a bird, also called a fig-pecker.

(2) A fool. VrfmhaH*9

Gnatt, t. The bird called a knot

(trmga Camttw).

GNATTBB,e. To grumble; to gnaw.


Gnattbbt, «{F* (1) Full of grftvel.

(2) Ill-tempered. North,

Gnaubino, a. Forgetfulneaa.

Gn avb, part, p. G nawed.

Gnawing, (1) a. A griping.

(2) a. Grass-keeping. Northampt.

GNAw.poaT,a. A simpleton. Soau

Gnbdb, (1) oiff. Sparing.

(2) V. To need.

Qvtw.pret. t. Gnawed.

Gnidb. v. (J.'S. gnidan.) To rub.

Gnidgb, v. To press, or squeese.

Gnipb, (1) V, To gnaw. North.

(2) a. The point or ridge of a

rocky mountain.

Gnoppe, a. A churl ; an old miser.

Gnogh.,1 ^^^„^^^


Go, (1)«. To walk.

{2) part. p. Gone.

(3) AU the go, quite the fashion.

Going to it^ in the way of de-

struction, in the course of being

destroyed. Gone to it, utterly

destroyed; hence the expression,

tl'a gone to it at last, in allusion

to a pitcher, dish, &c. Line,

How doee it go with you 7 how do

you fare? How goe% U1 How

are you getting on ? North. To

go agaimt, to meet. To go

backward, to fall in debt. 7b

go from a thing, to deny it. To

go forward, to prosper. In Lei-

cestershire, the verb is used with-

out the preposition, as gokng

Leicester, for going to Leicester.

Goad, a. A gad.

GoADB, a. (1) Customs.

(2) Flaythinga, for^aimb. £«M.

GoAP, I a. A rick of corn in the

ooPB,j straw in a barn. Goqf-

etead, the division of the barn

where the goaf is placed. Ootf'

flapt a wooden beater used in

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making the goaf compact. iVbrf.

The word is found in Tusser.

GoAK, (1) #. The core of fruit;

the yolk of an egg. North.

(2) V, To shrink ; to discolour

by damp. Yorktk,

GoALi V. A term at the game of


While thar do outwit him, witii whip-

ping uxaff(MUnff,

Then his ]>ane and his perion both pay

for hii wit. BronWi HongSt 1661.

GoALE, «. A sepulchral tumulus.

Goal-end, «. The gable-end.

GoAM, 9. (1) To provide for. North.

(2) To clasp. North.

GoAN, V. To yawn.

QoAVDEf part. a. Going. Weber.

GoATHousE, i. A hrothel. Var. d.

Goats, «. Stepping-stones. North.

Gob, (1) $. A mucilaginous lump;

a portion. Var. d. To " sell by

the gob** is to **sell by the

lump," to sell the whole to-

gether. Warw.

r2)«. The month.

(3) 9. SaUva. North.

(4) V. To fill up; to impede.


Go-dan, «. An oath. " God's ban,''

or' curse. North.

GoBBEDE, a4j. BoastfuL

Thaiw answers syr Oayooi

TWle gohMt wordea. Mori* Jrthure.

Gobbet, #. (1) (A.'N.) A morael;


(2) A large block of stone.

Gobbin, 8. (1) A greedy clownish


(2) AspotttchUd. Var.d.

Gobble, (1) v. To do anything

hurriedly. Var. d,

(2) #. A turkey-cock, called some-

times a gobble-cock. Var. d.

Gobbler, in Suffolk.

(3) 9. A chattering. Derb.

Go-BET. An old popular phrase,

equivalent to go aiong.

Gobbtte, v. To take the garbage

out of a fish, to dress it. Bemtr9.

Go-bbtwbbw, #. A pimp.

Goblock, 9. A lump, or n


Goblet, 9. The raontli. Somtf

Gobonb, 0. To cut into gobs ?

Thay §dbmu of the grettoate

With growndone twerdeei

Hewes one thiui hulket

With theire hude waprns.


GoBSLOTCH, 9. A voraoious

slovenly eater. North.

GoBSTicK, t. A spoon. Norih

GoBSTRiKO, 9(. A bridle. V&r.

Gob-thrust, 9. A stupid fell


Go-BT, 9, To ghfe onathego

to deceive, to leave in the lui

GO-BT-THB-OBOUMD, «. Adiftl!

tive person. Ba9t.

Go-CART, 9. A machine In w1

an infant is placed before it

walk vrithout a support.

GocHB, 9. A pitcher. WHi9.

GocKBN, 9. To be ravenous. I

God-almiobtt's-oow, 9.


GoD-CAKE, 9. A sort of eake i

on New Tear's Day by spon

to their godchildren, a prac

peculiar to Coventry.

GoDCEPT, 9. A godfather.


GoDDARD, 9, (1) A fool. Norti

(2) A sort of Unkard. Flork

GoDDARTBT, odv. Caoftioi


GoDDEK. Good even. Oot

good day.

GoDDERBBLB, oMcL Better hes

GoDDOT. An oath or exclamal

common in early writers,

evidently an abbreviation of

fcotf or God knows.

GoDE, 9. (A.'S.) Goods; prop<

GoDBLi, (1) ad9. Goodly.

(2) V. To scold. Agembiii


GODELYHEDE, 9. (A.'S.) Goodi

G0DEKE88, 9. At


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GoDB9-ns, «. The herb clary.

GODFATHEKS, $. Jurvmeil. /OfUON.

GoDRBDB, t. Goodneu.

GoDLKC, «. Goodness.

GoDLTCHBy adv. Goodly.

GoDNBDAT, i. Good-day.

GoDPHBBB, «. A godfather.

GoDBBMD, #. An unexpected good

fortune; a wreck on the coast.


God'8-oood, «. Teast.

GoDSRABLD, Metj, Ood forbid I


G0D8IB, «. A godfather.

GoDs-XABK, 8. A sign placed on

houses to indicate the presence

of the plague.

With Lord have merde upon ns, on the


Whicb (thoofh the words be good) doth

gnerencn woit€.

And o*re the dooro-poiti flx'd s ooeee of


Betokenfnf that there death some blood

hath shed.

Some with aodt tnarket or tokens doe espis,

Ihoee maras or tokens, shew them they

mnstdie. Taylof'i Worket.l^.

GoDSNioa. An exclamation.

Cati. Takehimaway.his wine speaks in

him now.

Crtd. Gcdimgi the fanne is mine, and

must be so.

8Ue. Debate these things another time,

oood triends.

Cwiwrtghfs Ordinary, 1661,

GoD's-rBNNT, 9, Earnest-money.

God's-sakb, $, A child kept H>r

Ood^t takey a forter-child.

God's-savtt, «. Ad oath, or ex-


OdD's-suNDAT, $. Easter Sunday.

God's-troth, 9. A pnre truth.

GoDwtT, 1. The heath-cock, for-

merly considered a great delicacy.

^2^\ 1«. (^.-&) Yellow. Ea»t.

60LE, J ^ '

GoETi E, «. ((rr.) Witchcraft

GoFEB,f. (/v.) A sort of tea-cske,

made of flour, milk, eggs, and

currants, baked in an iron di-

tided into small compartments,

called a f/ofermg jrsn. Zinc.

GofeHng-workt a sort of crimp-

ing performed on frills, JWc.

GoPF, «. (1) A game played by

striking hard stuffed balls with


(2) A godfather.

(3) A fool. North.

(4) A mow of hay. Afer.

CrOFFIN, 9. A fool, ^£ic.

GoFFLB, V. To eat fast. E99tx.

GoFFRAM, #. A clown. Cumb.

G0FI8H, adj. Foolish.

GoFLB, 9. A small basket. Unc,

Gog, 9. A bog. Gog-mire, a


GoGB, 9. The throat.

GoGOLB, V. To swallow. Cbtffrate,

Goggles, 9. Eyes.

GoGGLB-a HELLS, 9. Large snail-

shells, the helix oMpera.

GoGGT, 9, An egg. Craven.

GooiKO-STooL, 9. A cucking-stool.

GooiON, 9. A gudgeon.

GoiOH, adj. Very merry. Devoti.

GoiL, a. Spongy ground.

Going, (1) #. A right of pasturage

on a common for a beast. SufoUt.

(2) Going to the vault, said of a

hare when she takes ground like

a rabbit.

(3) Going out, yisiting. Gotnge"

on, proceedings.

GoiSTEB, V. (1) To laugh loudly.


(2J To brag.

(3) To frolic; toact tumultuously.


GojoNB, «. (1) A gudgeon.

(2) The gudgeon of a wheel.

GoKE, «. A fool. &oi(y,agawky, a

clown. Pier9 PI

GoK^BT, adj. Awkward. Var.d.

Gold, «. (1) The plant turnsol.

(2) The corn-marigold.

(3) The wild myrtle.

GoLD-BLooM, 9, {Dut.) The man-


GoLD-caAP,l Crow.foot.


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GoLO-cvp, «. The meadow nnan-

cului. South and Weti.

GoLDsroMB, «. Copper.

GoLDSN-BUG, «. The ladybird. Suj^.

GoLDBN-CHArBRfA. A gTceo beetle

oommon in June.

Golden-chain, «. The flowers of

Uburnam. Weit.

GoLD-BND-UAN, t. One who boys

fragments of gold or silver.

GoLDEN-DROP, «. (1) A kind of


(2) A variety of wheat. Var. d.

GoLDBN-ETByf «. The bird anoi

OOLDNTE, J elangula.

GoLOBN-ouiNBAB, «. Pilewort, the

rammeti/M ficaria,

GoLDEN-HBRB, #. Orsch. North,

GoLDBN-KNOP, «. The ladvbird.


GoLDEN-wiTHT, 8. Bog myrtle.


Goldfinch, #. (1) Any gold coin.

The word was thus used as early

as the time of Elizabeth.

Mot R fev of thy gotdfinckea sing here :

and give me but fire guinejs, and I'll

make it ten if 1 do not better thee on

onr next engagement.

Howard, Man of JiewmArM,\Vt%.

!2) A purse.

The yellow-hammer. Leie.

GoLD-viNDBR, «. A cleaner of a

Jakes. " A gold-finder or jakes-

fsrmer." Urquharft RabelaU,

GoLDPLowBR, «. Golden cudweed.

GoLDPRE, t. Orfrey. Nominate,

GOLD-HEWEN, 01^'. (^.-5.) Of R

gold colour.

Gold. HOUSE, «. A treasury.

GoLDiNO, «. The marigold. Chesh.

Gold-knap, «. Crow.foot. Hutoet.

GoLD-NBPS, #. A kind of early

pear. Cheth.

Golds, «. The corn-marigold.

Goldsmith RIB, «. {A^-S,) Gold-

smith's work.

GoLDSPiNK,«. The goldfinch. iVbrM.

GoLD-WBiOHT, «. To the gold"

weight, to the minutest parti-


GoLDY, adj. Of a gold colour.

GoLDTLOCKSy 9, The name of a


GoLB, (1) «. The jaw-bone.

(2) s. A ditch, or small stream.


(3) A hollow between two bills ;

a narrow vale.

Than tjx Gawayne the gnde

A galave he takyi.

And glides up at a g<iU

With gud mene of armes.

MorU Arthmrt.

(4) s. A whirlpool ; a sluice.

(5) adj. Big ; florid ; rank. Eaet,

(6) ai^. Prominent. Enesf,

(1)9, A fool.

(8)s. The throat.

Go-less, v, I cannot go leu, I

cannot play for less, a term at


GoLET, s. {J,.N.) The throat; a

part of armour or dress which

covered the throat.

GoLV, «. An old game with a ball

and club, very fashionable at the

beginning of the 17th cent.

Goliards, a. Riotous and unthrifty

scholars who attended on the

tables of the richer ecclesiastics,

and gained their living and cloth-

ing by practising the profession

of buffoons and jesters.

Go-LiE, V. To recline ; to subside*

Somerset, Pret,, went-He ; part,,


GoLioNB, «. A sort of gown or


GoLL. (1) A hand, or fist. Still

used in the Eastern dialects. By

goU, a very ancient English

oath, literally bg the hand. By

golet or goUs, is still used in

Suffolk. Golle is known in Suf-

folk in the sense of large clumsy


(2) To strike or blow with rio-

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to rush, M whid does.


(3) The gullet. NominaU MS.

ifore properly the ball of the


Sethea he went to the akiiBe,

And hewrd uonder the throte aoH*.

GoixAND, 8. (1) Crowfoot; sup.

posed to be the double crowfoot

or yellow batchelor's-buttons.

(2) The corn-marigold. North,

GoLLAR, 9. To shout; to snarl.


GoLLDBR,«. (//.-&) Low ynlgar lan-

guage. Norf.

GoLLBT, t. A hollow in a hill.

See Gole.

There wes a eompaoT of gentjlmen in

Nortbamptontbyre wuich went tohunte

for dere in the* porlews in the goUet

beejde Stony Stntfoni. C. Mery Talya.

GoLLOP, (1) #. A large piece.


(2) e. To swallow greedily.


GoLLS, «. (1) Fat chops; ridges of

fat on a corpulent person. Eatt,

(2) Mucus banging to the noses

of dirty children. Norf.

Colossi ANS, «. Galoshes.

GoLP, 8. A sudden blow. Dewm.

GoLSH, V. To swallow voraciously.

Far. d.

GoLsoouT, 9. The jaundice.

GoLT, 9. Stiff clay. Northampt,

Clay which breaks into flakes is

said to be goltry.

GoM, 9. A term of reproach. W^t,

GoMAN, 9. A man.

GoMB, «. (1) {A.'S.) A man.

(2) {A.'S. gyman.) Heed ; care.

7b take gome, to take care.

i3) A godmother. Cotgrave,

4) Black grease.

GoMBN, 9. {A.-S.) Game ; play.

GoMBRiLL, 9. A siUv fellow. North,

GouMACKS, 9. Tricks; foolery.


GoMMAN, 9. For good-man, the

father of a family. Gommer was

applied to the wife, gammer.

GoMMB, «. The gum.

GoMSBBB, «. Cow.daisy.

GoN, (1) V. To give. Also the

pret. t. gave. Var. d.

(2) part. p. For agon, ago.

GoNB. A term in archeryand bowls,

when the arrow went beyond the

mark.orthe bowl beyond the jack.

GoNFANON, 9. {A.-N.) A Standard,

or banner.

GoNOB, (1) «. {A.-S.) A Jakes.

Gonge-fanner, a cleaner of jakes.

" Gonge-farmerf maitter de 6a«fet

onmre9f guigneron." PaUgraoe.

(2)«. Dung.

(3) V. To go. See Gang.

GoNHELLT, 9. A Comisli horse.

GoNMEB, 9. An aged person.


GoNNB, 9. A gun.

GoNNERHBAD, «. An imbecilc.


GoNT, 9. A great goose. Gloue.

GoocHY, 9. Indisn rubber. Var. d.

Good, (1) adv. Veiy.

(2) adj. Rich.

(3) A measure of length, con-

sisting of 4 ^ feet.

Gooo-BBOTHBR, 9. A brothcr-in-


GooD-CHBAP, 9. Very cheap, an-

swering to the Fr. bon-mareh/.

GooD-DAWNiNO, 9. Good-morrow.


Good-day, «. A holiday. ^/<uf.

GooDDiT, 9. Shrove-tide. North,

GooD-DOiNO, adj. Charitable. Ea9t.

GooDBD, pret. t. Prospered.


GooD-FELLows, 9. An old cant

terra for thieves.

GooDOBR, #. (1) Goodman, or hus-


(2) The devil. Devon.

GooD-HussBY, 9. A tbresd-casc.


GoooiE8-TOESDAT,«. ShroveToes-

day. Derby.

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GooDTV, «. A good thing. TbrAtA.

GooDiKG, f. To go a gooding, to

go about beforeChriBtmaSfUsutlly

on St. Thomas's day, to collect

money or corn wherewith to keep

the festival.

OooDisH, 9. Rather good, or large.


OooD>iciNo.HARiiTy «. The plant


GooDLTCB, adv. Conveniently.

GooD-LiKB, adj. Handsome.

GooDLT, adj. Gay in apparel.

GooDLTHEDS, #. {A,'S.) Goodness.

GooD-UAN, #. The mister of a


GooDMANTVRD, «. A worthless

fellow. Florio,

GooD^MiND, 9. Good humonr. JSof f .

GooD-MrsTREsa, 9. A lady patron.

GooD-MiGBT, 9, (1) A sort of bal-

lad. SAakup,

(2) The song made or supposed

to be made by a criminal shortly

before his execution.

Gooi>-oiTT8,n(^'. Doing well. Var.d.

Goods, «. Cattle ; produce of the

dairy. North,

GooDSCHiPE, 9. (A.'S.) Goodness.

Good-speed, #. Yeast. Fhrio.

GooD-TiDT, Mff. Moderate. Ba9t,

Good-time, #. A festival.

Good- WOMAN, «. A wife.

GooD-wooLLED, odj. Pfonouuced

generally good-*ooled, meaning a

capital or good fellow ; when two

men are fighting, and the weaker

one still persists in standing up

to his antagonist, they call him

a good-ooied one. Line.

GooDT, (1) «. Good-wife.

(2) V. To prosper ; to look good.


(3) «. Sweetmeats. S^fo^k,

Good-year, «. Corrupted by the

old dramatists from goujere, the

French disease.

GooDYiNO. See Oooding,

OooF, 9. A kind of sweet eake.

Ea9L See Gqfer,


GoOEEE, r. To hang down. Dewtn.

GooM, tr. To file a saw. For. d.

Goon, «. {A.-S.) To go.

GooRDT, adj. Plump, or round.

Goose, #. (1) An old game.

(2) A cant term for a particular

symptom in the Aiet ventTe€L,

Be had belike wom» private dealings

with her, and there got a gooH.

Comp, I vottld he bad got twa

Wehster't Own far a CudtoU, 1661.

(3^ A breach made by the sea.

?4) A simpleton. Year, d.

\bS A tailor's smoothing iron.

(6) The lean of the thin flabby

part of a leg of veal.

(7) To get goo9e, to be well

scolded. Norlhampt.

GoosBBBRRT, «. To pktg old $

berry f to create confusion.

GoosE-BiLL, 9, Goose-grass.

GoosB-CAP, #. A simpleton.

GoosBCRrrB, «. The herb


GooSB-BYB, «. A kind of apple.

GoosB-FEAST, «. Michaelmas.


GoosB-rLBSR, 9, The roughness of

the skin from cold. Var. d.

GoosB-ooo 9, A gooseberry. F. <f.

GoosB-oAASs, 9, Catch-weed.


GobsB-aotTSE, «. " A plate of tem-

porary confinement for petty

offenders, appended generally to

a country house of correction or

sessions house, for security until

they can be carried before a ma-

gistrate. Of small dimensiona

generally : whence probably the

name, which I rather think ia

confined to East Anglia." Moer't

St^folk MS.

GoosBLtNOs, 9, Goslings.

Theae silken suiters iriU youdiaafe him

that hononr to supply a phce in their

amorous pastimes, as in makisK ifooii-

linga in the fire, or drawing of gTores,or

snch like harmelease toyes, to passe the

night away. Two Lamcaik. Lorn, 1640.

GoosEN-CHiCK, «. A gosling. A





gander Is ctHed gootencHieyt-

wmtker, Wtii: In th« North a

gMlmg is eiiled gooiemaueMek,

Gooss-BTBCK t. (1) AtUckmniiito

thatch to prevent the wind blow-

ing it up. Ndrtfuuitpim

(2) Asortof acn^>erforQleaBiiig

out a drain.

Goosn-Bimm^ff. Akindof anmgia.

GoosB-TAirn', t. Silver-weed.


GoosK-ToirouB, ff. Sneese-wort.


Goosn-TURt>-««>sN, B. A eolonr

in apparel, mentioned in old


GoosHAMCTH, «. Goote-gnm.

GooaaitL, «. A gutter. Iftlfe.

GoosisR, B, One who bat the ctre

of geese. oMMertef .

OooTET, «. See GuttidiB.

GopE, 9. (I) To talk vnlgafly and


(2) To snatch, or grasp. Cwmb.

GoppsN-FUU,, «. A great handfoL


GomtR, ttij. Prond; testy. HortK

GoR,(l)a4;. Rotten; miry. North.

(2) #. A clown. Somertet

(3) ff. An vniledged bird. Weitm.

Go&BSLLTfff. Aperson with a large


A lepulrhTe to leailsli and otfaen ia

ponds, moatcs, snd riren; a sharp

■beepe-biter, and miknreilonB miittoii

monger, & gorheUy gInUon.

Men in tks Mtxm, 1609.

l%e belching gorbeliy hath well siKh

killed me; I am abut out of doora flnefy.


0 'tis an nnoonaoionable gorielUed

volume, biner ballced than a Dutch

hoy. Ntuh,HaMw.y.to8ttffrmWtadm.

GonsLB, o. To gobble. North.

Gorge, s. A wear ; a pool of water.

GoKCHB, V. To grudge; to grumble.

GoRCocK, ff. The red gronse.


Go&CROw, ff. A carrion-crow.

GoRD, ff. (1) A narrow stream of

water ; a deep hole in a river.

(2) An instnimentusedin gaming.

Gonm, (1; 9. To strike^ or spur.

see CrHV.

{2) part. p. Girded on.

GoRB, (1) ff. A piece of doth in-

serted ; a diagonai seam or gns-

set. It appears soro^^times to be

used in the sense of a petticoat, as

inserted at the bottom of a sMIt

or gown, in the phrase vndir

gortt iff., nnder tbe dothing,

often used by early vmters.

Gort^eoest, a gown or pettieoat

gored, or so cut as to be broad

at the bottom, and narrower at

the top. Armoor.

(2)ff. Mud; dirt

(3) A-gortf bloody.

(4) ff. The lowest part in a tract

of country. North.

(5) ff. A sloping ridge in a ftdd.

(6) 9. To mske up a mow of

hay. Lkte.

GoRB-BLOOD, ff. Clotted blood.

GoRBix, Iff. A clumsy fat lad ;

ooRRBLL, J any person that is fat

OoROATas, #. (iV.) A woman's


GoRGB, ff. (A.'N.) The tbroaA. 7b

give over the gorge;, to be sick.

GoROBAUNT,ff. {A.^N) A boarin its

second year.

GoROBR, ff. {A.'N) Armour fbr

the throat

GoRGBT, ff. A kerchief thrown over

a woman's breast. Borfff, 1580.

Ck>ROBT, 9. To tremble. Wttt.

OoRisovK, ff. {J.-N) A page.

GoRLB,v. To devour eagerly. South.

GoRM, V. To besmear. Var. d. See


GoRMA, ff. A cormorant. North.

GoRMiNO, a4r. Awkward. Xffte.

GoRN, ff; A small one-handled paO.

Derbgeh. A milk- pail. Leie.

GoRSB, I ff. (^..&) Fane. **The

G088, Vfirse or gorse." SIgot

OOR8T,J (1559).

Tboth'dbrien, aharp fartei,priddng0OM

and thorns. Tempest, tv, L

Vith worthless gortt that yearly fmitless

dies. CortuUt^ 0. FL, ii, 846.

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GoftSB-HooK, 9, A bill-hook, be-

cause used forcuUiug gone. Leie,

OoRSEHOPPSR, «. The whinchat.


GoRSE-UNNBT, 9. The common


GoRST, «. The jnniper-tree.

Go8, 1. {A.'S.) A goose.

GosE, imperat. of go.

GosHAL, «. The goshawk.

Gosling-grass, t. Catch-weed.

Goslings, #. The blossoms of the


GosLiNO-WBBD, «. Goosc-grass.

Gospeller, «. (1) An evangelist.

(2) The priest who chanted the

gospel for the day.

Go88,e. To guzzle, or drink. Devon,

Gossander, 9. A fen bird, the

mergus mergoMer.

Goss-HATCH «. The female and

young of the wheatear. Leic.

GossiB, 1 #. {A.-S.) A sponsor at

GOSSIP, j baptism ; an intimate


GossipiNG-poT, 9, A two-handled


GossiPRBDE, t, (A.'S,) The rela-

tionship between a person and

his sponsors.

GossoNE, 9. A god-son. Pr, P.

GosT, (I) #. {A,'S,) Spirit.

(2) pret, L Goest.

GosTEAD, #. A bay of a bam. Noff.

GosTER, r. To swagger, or over-

bear in talking. Go9teringt chat-

tering, blustering. Leic, See


GosTLiCHE, adv, (A,-S.) Spiritu-


GoTCH, #. A large pitcher. Var. d,

GotchbeUyy a large round belly.

The earthen jugs, out of which

the people in Norfolk drink, are

called gofehet; and their strong

beer is called nog.

It WM near ran-tet when he arrived at

a pleaiant village on the border of the

■em, which coutaiued what it there

called an inn. liaving deposited his

bundle in the room where

sleep, he repaired to the ki

seated himself amonp the ras

bled over their ereiiing got

joined in their discourse.

The ViUage Curate^

GoTB, a. A sluice, or ditcl

GoTER, #. (1) A gutter.

(2) A shower.

GoTFER, 9, An old man. }

GoTHARD, 9. A simpleton


as the stomach.

GoTHERLT, adj. Sociable.


goat's beard.

GoTovR, 9. The matter of

or wound.

GoTT, 9, A pitcher. See (

GouD, 9, The plant woad.

GovD-sPiNK,«. A goldfinch

GouJBRE, «. {Pr.) The Fn

ease. Often used in excli

and finally corrupted ii


We most f^rt folks leave to pi

the goujere ! SJtakesp., Mer.

The gouUm shall devour then


Ere they shall nakt us weep.

GouL, 9. (1) The gum of


(2) A hut, or cottage. (

GouLFE, #. A goaf of corr

GouND, 9, A yellow seci

the corners of the eyes.

or gundy ^ running eyes.


to make a gown.

Gourd, «. (1) A vessel foi

(2) A receptacle to coll


(3) A sort of false dice.

G0URDER8, 9. Torrents of

Govrmandize, 9. Glutton

GouRT, adj. Dull-looking.

GousH, 9. A stream.

GooT,«.(n (^.-iN^.) Adrop.

(2) A drain. Var. d. \

used in Lincolnshire, no

in this sense, but also ai

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ft sliding door at the extremity of

a draiD, by means of which the

water is retained in the drain in

a dry season, and let off in a time

of flood. See <rote. It is also

used in some parts for a sink, or

▼ault for water.

GouTK, V. {A,'N.) To drop.

GouTHLicu, adj. Goodly.

GouToua, adj. (1) Rich; delleate;

especially applied to made dishes.

(2) Having the gout ; goaty.

Gouts, f. The spots on a hawk.

GoirrrT, adj. Knotty; knobby.


GoTB, (1) part. p. Given.

(2) 9. To make a mow. See Ooaf.

(3) V. To stare vacantly. North,

GoTsui, V. To gain money by usnry.

GoTBBNAiLLB, f. {A.-N.) (1) The

rudder of a ship.

(2) Steerage; government.

GovB-TUSHBD, odj. Having pro-

jected teeth. Derby.

Gow, (1) f . Wild myrtle. Florio.

(2) Let us go. Suffolk. With

the Suffolk farmers it is a pro-

verbial saying, that ** it is better

to say gow than go.**

GoWAROE, f. A sort of roond

chisel. North.

Go-WAT. Give over; cease.

GowBERT, ff. A goblet.

GowcEs, f. Pieces of armour to

protect the armpit when the aim

ia raised.

GowD, (1) ff. A toy or gaud. North,

(2) V. To cut dirty wool from the

tails of sheep. The refuse wool

ia called gowdent. North.

GowDBR, V. Fiituere. North.

GowDTLAKiN, ff. A plaything.


GowBB, ff. (1) A great platter for

potage. Hampsh,

(2) A sort of cake, formerly made

at Christmas. See Gqfer.

GowGB, ff. A gauge, or measure.

Gowk, ff. (1) A cuckoo. Gowk^tpitt

cnckoo-sj^t. North,

(2) A simpleton. Cumb,

Gowk, Is. The core of an apple.

ooKB, J Cumb.

GowLARB, ff. A usurer. Pr, P.

GowLB, V. (A..S.) (1) To howL

(2) To cry sulkily. North.

(3) To open, or enlarge. North-


(4) To gum up.

GowLBS, ff. Gules.

Gownsman, ff. (1) A term formerly

applied to a Londoner, from the

peculiar costume of the citizens.

(2) A member of the univer-


GowsTT, adj. Dreary; dismal;

frightful. North.

GowT, ff. A sink. fFe$t. Set Gout.

GowTB, ff. A swelling.

GowTONB, V. To gutt er as a candle.

GoxB, V. {A.'S,) To yawn.

GoTSE, prew. t. Croes.

GoYSTRB, V. To rejoice.

6ozBLL,ff. (1) A ford. "TraghStto,

any ferrie, a passage, a foard, or

gozeU over from shore to shore."


(2) A ditch. See Guzzle.

GozzAN, ff. An old wig grown yel-

low from age. Comw.

GozzARD, ff. A fool. Line. .

Graal, ff. (A.-N.) A large dish or

hollow basin, fit for serving up

meat. The St. Graal was pre-

tended to be the vessel in which

our Saviour ate the last supper

with his apostles, and it wu

fabled to have been preserved by

Joseph of Arimathea.

Grab, (1) v. To seize ; to steaL

(2) ff. A snap, or bite.

(3) To rake up from the dirt with

the hands. Suttes.

Grabble, v. (1) To grope.

(2) To g^pple. Devon.

GviABBYf adj. Filthy; grimy. South,

Grab-stock, ff. A young crab-tree.


Grace, ff. {A.-N.) Thanks; a gift.

Harde gracot misfortune.

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GmANDiB, 9, Gnuidmothor. North.

GmAMDiTT, f. GreatnesB.


popular name of small fossil

shells {gryphm), Northampt,

Gband-taicktrack, t. An old

game at cards.

G&ANB, V. To groan. North.

GBANsiN,t. The fork of a tree. Zinc.

0&ANs», f. iJ.'N,) A granary.

J>eare jeares, quoth yeP tif not we

fh&t tbrire by deare yeares : they are

dearetoiui^ onrgnineiimtkeiuiiren

frwmir ere it be i^wne,

Sowleg, Starch/or Moh«$, 1609.

Gbanob, «. {J.-N.) A granary; a

farm-house ; a small hamlet.

Gbank, v. To groan ; to munnur.

Granky, complaining.

Grannkp,«. a grandmother. York$.

Gbanny-pod,«. A snail-shell. Camb.

G&anny-bxauid, a4f. Spoiled, as

being brought up by a grand.

mother. North.

Granny-thbbaos, 9. The runners

of tbecreepingcrow-foot. Craven.

Gaanons, 9. (Fr.) The k>ng hairs

about the month of a cat.

Granskr, If. (A.'N.) A

oRACNTaTiuB, J grandslre.

Gbamt, (1) 9. Pudendum if.

(2) V. To act the prostitute.

(3) To ffwe grant, to allow


Geantablb, adj. That may be


Gbap, 9. A vulture. See Gripf.

Gbapb, (1) V. To feel; to grope.


(2) 9. A three-pronged fork for

filling rough dung. North.

Gbapbb, 9. The coTering for the

gripe of a lance.

Gbapinel, 9. {J.'N.) A grappliAg-


Gbaplb, 9. A hook; a daap.

Gbas, 9. Grace.

Gbash, v. To gnash the teeth; to


Gbasibbs, 9. Sheep, &c., fed solely

on grass. North.

Gbasplin, 9. Twilight Devm.

Gbass-cat, 9. A bare. For. d,

Gbass-hbabth, t. A feudal ser-

Tice of a day*s ploughing.

Gbasson, t. A fine paid on alien-

ation of copyhold lands. North.

Gbass-tablb. See Earth-tabU.

Gbass-widow, 9. An unmarried

woman who has had a child.

G%A.T, pret.t. Wept. Nortkigmb.

Gbatb, (1) 9. A lattice, or grating.

(2^ V. To seize ; to snatch. Dwoii.

hS 9. MeUl worked into steel

(4) atg. Grateful

(5) 9. (Germ.) A fish-bone.

Gbatb, a4f. Confident. North.

Gbatino, 9. Separating large from

small ore. Craven.

Gbattbn, <. A stubble-field. It is

also a verb. " The geese be gone

apra/Zentn^/' i.e., they ve turned

into the field after the com is cut,

to pick up the few grains left.

Kent and Su99ex. Ray, however,

says that in Kent it means stub-

ble, and in Sussex the aftergrass.

GBATncHiNO, 9. Duug of dccr.


Obattlb, v. To dick or strike to-

gether. Leic.

Gbauncb, v. To make the noise

of crunching. Leie.

Gbaundbposb, 9. A grampus.


Gbaunt, adj. (A.'S.) Great.

Q9JLVim,part.p. (A.-N.) Agreed.

Gbaut, 9. Wort. York9h.

GBAVB,(l)r. To dig; to bury. It

is applied specially in Lincoln.-

shire to digging turves.

(2) part. p. Engraved.

(3) 9. A potato-hole. Line.

(4) 9. (J..S.) A bailiff. York9h.

(b) 9. {Dutch.) A nobleman of

the low countries.

Gaavblxn, 9. A small migratory

fish, reputed to be the spawn of

the salmon.

Gbavsllbd, atS' (1) Mortified;


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(2) Boned.

Gratbr, ff. An engraver.

Gkaybs, f. (1) The refuse at the

bottom of the melting-pot in

making tallow candles.

(2) Greaves.

The taithet, eniibet, uid the gmet,

■tttCl penteU, baiaea all.

Wtumti'i JU. Buffi, ziL cb. 89.

Gbave*8pike, «. An instrument

used in digging graves. Weaf,

GsAViD, adj. {LatJ) Big with child.

Gbavynob, ff. Barial. See Grave.

Gbaw, ff. The ague, or rather the

sensation before the fit. North,

Grawinob&nx, ff. A piece of iron

formerly attached to a waggon

as a drag.

Gbawsoux, adj. Frightful; uglj.


Gbat, ff. (J.^S.) (1) A badger.

(2) Twilight.

Gbaylino, ff. A term applied to

tapettes for sumpter horses, when

they were cut or rounded.

Gbatstb, v. To gnash, or grind.

Gratvbz, ff. Steel boots; greaves.

Gbazb, V, (I) To fatten.

(2) To become covered with

growing grajs. Norf.

(3) To chafe or ripple the skin.

Gbb, ff. An ear of com.

Gbbablb, adj. Agreed.

Gbbase, (1) ff. The fat of the hare,

boar, wolf, fox, marten, otter,

badger, or coney. Create time,

the season of the hart and buck,

when they were fat and fit for


(2) V. To greoM in the fitt, to


f3) ff. Rancid butter. North.

(4) ff. A dim suffusion over the

sky, not positive cloudiness. East,

(6) V. To graze. Palag.

Gbbasy, adj. Grassy. Norf.

Gbxat, (1) adj. Familiar; high in

favour with any one. Var. d.

(2) To work by great, to work

by quantity instead of by the

day. Tb 9eU by great, to sell


Grbatbk, V, To enlarge. Kent.

Griat-habb, ff. A hare in its third


Grbat-hbabtbd, a4f. Bold ; mag-

nanimous; resolute.

Gbbathly, adv. Handsomely. In

greaih, well. North.

Grbat-joskph, ff. A surtout.

Griat-likb, adv. Very likely.


Gbbat.mbn, ff. An old term for

members of parliament and no-


Greats, ff. Grosts, or shelled oats.

(ireaty 'pudding t a common arti-

cle at Birmingham.

Grbavn, ff. A mouth. Yori$h.

Grbavb, "Iff. (A,'S. grtrf.) A tree,

OREYB, J bough, or grove.

Greaves, ff. (1) Boots; buskins.


(2) Griefs.

(3) Refuse of taUow-chandlera.

See Gravee.

Grbazaoate, ff. A wheedling fel-

low. Yorkah.

Grbbychb, ff. A greyhound bitch.

GRECHUT,/»re/. t. Grew angry.

Greck, ff. A dwarf. Yorkth.

Grbcynoes, ff. Steps.

Grbdb, (1) 9- {^"S.) To cry ; to


(2) ff. The lap.

(3) ff. A small tub used in wash-

ing. Line.

(4) ff. A greedy person.

Gredel, ff. A gridiron. See Grid-


Gbeb,1 (1) ff. (A.-N.) Favour;

QBE, J pleasure ; will. 7b take in

gre, to take kindly.

Of thy moat honor'd nature, take in ffrte.

This offer of my muse to honor thee.

Jitmes, ScowrgtqfFbUfft 1611.

(2) V. To agree. North. ** It greet

not well." ColUer't Old Balladt,

p. 50.

(3) ff. (J.'N.) Degree ; the prize.

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Grescs, ff. (1) A ttep.

(2) A fat hart, capon, &c. See


Then went they down into n lanad,

Theae noble archen thre ;

Echo of them ilew a hart of ffrttce.

The best that they could aee.

Somg o/Jdam BttL

Grb«d, t. Greedioess.

Gabeos, ff. The straw to make

manure in a farmyard. Kent.

Grxkdt, 9. To long for. North,

Grbbdy-out, ff. A glutton.

Grbbk, ff. A jovial fellow. At

merry u a Greek, was a pro-

▼erhial saying. ** Averlan, a good

fellow, a mad companion, merie

Greeke, sound drunkard." Cot-

♦ grave.

Open. liberall, or free booiekeepexs.

merry Qreth, and inch like atilea and

titiet. SsaUheg Sieknme, fol. B 8, b.

Grun, adj, (1) Inexperienced;

unskilfdL A green-horn, a raw


(2) Fresh, applied to meat In

Lincolnshire, coals just put on

the fire are called green.

Grrbn-bonr, ff. The needle-fish.


Grrrn-cbbbsr, ff. Cream-cheese.

Grxbn-drakb, ff. The May-fly.


Grbbnb-winchard, ff. A sloven.

Grbbnxt, ff. The green grosbeak.


Grbbn-fish, ff. The cod.

Grbbn-ooosb, ff. (I) A Midsum-

mer goose, fed on grass, and not

Uke a Michaelmu goose, on


i2) A cant term for a cuckold.

3) A prostitute.

Grbbk-hakd, ff. One who is awk-

ward at any work.

Grbbn-hbw, ff. A tribute paid to

the lord of the manor for liberty

to cut off the boughs of trees.

ww€B tiH9rei»

Grbbn-land, ff. Pasture land.



Grbbnlino, ff. The cod-fish.

Gbbbn-linnbt, ff. The greenfinch.


Grbbnlt, ado. Unskilfully. Shmk,

Grbbn-man, ff. A savage.

Grbbn-olf, ff. The green grosbeak.


GRBaN-MusTABD, ff. The plant


Grben-pxak, ff. A woodpecker.


Grbbn-saucb, ff. A sour saaee still

used in the North.

To make an excellent ^«mMiwf. Itte

lam sorrel, white brnd grated, pared

ana cored pippins, some sprigs of nunt» a

^ntittofveijuicesafflcient to moisten

It ; and being stamped very small, scrape

sttnr on it, aod mix it well together,

ana ao serve it np, with pork, Teal,

chickens, kid, lamb, gosling, or the like ;

they being boiled.

CtoHt of JZari/icf, 1706.

Grbbn-sidb, ff. Turf. Devon.

Gribn-stonb, ff. (1) Stone newly

hewn. Chaucer.

(2) The name given to soft slaty

rocks in the Western Counties.

Grbbn-tail, ff. Diarrhoea in deer.


Grbbn-wbbd, ff. Dyer's broom.


Grbbof, adv. Very nearly so. Lane.

Grbbp, (I) V. To clutch. Devon.

(2) ff. A bunch. Somereet.

Grbbs, ff. {A.-N.) Steps ; stairs ; a


Grbbsinos, ff. Steps.

Grbbt, (1) ff. A kind of rough free-


(2) V. To cry out. See Crete.

GRBrBS, ff. Groves.

GRBFrs, ff. Grief; anger.

Greoal, a4f. (Lat.) Belonging to

a flock ; associating together.

Gregorian, ff. A peculiar wig, or

head of false hair, said to have

been invented by a barber in the

Strand, named Gregory, in the

17th cent.

Grboorian-trbb, ff. The gallows.

A cant term.

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Grbooribb, 9. A species of nar-

cisstts. West,

6Rvo8,f . (fV.) Wide loose breeches.


Greoyows, 1 Q ^

Greidb, pur/, p. Prepared. See


Greidly, ad). Well-meaniiig ; good

of its kind. North,

Greinb, ff. A year's produce of


Grbins, f. A sort of spice ; g;raiiis

of Paris.

Greiths. See GraHhe.

Greub, V, (A.'S,) To provoke;

to grind the teeth; to corse.

Gremthe, anger.

Grement, a. An agreement.

Gren, a. A snare.

GRENDE,par/.j9. Grinned; snarled.

Grenb, (1) «. Play.

(2) V. To roar.

Grbnehed, a. {A,'S,) Greenness ;


Grboby, adj. Foul. North.

Grbot, ff. Earth ; grit.

Grbp, {l)prei. t. Seized; griped.

(2) ff. A fork. Northmnb,

Gres, a. (1) Grass ; plants ; herbs.

(2) Grease.

Grbsco, a. A game at cards. Plorio.

Grbsb, a. Deer or game in grease-

time. See Greate.

Grrssbs, a. The jesses of a hawk.

Gressiblb, adj, {Lat.) Able to


Gressop, a. A grasshopper.

Grbste, adj. Greatest ?

And of ttlle other tacremeni,

Xhes sevene beth the grt^te.

WiUxam. de Shoreham.

Gresynb, V, To graze. Pr, P,

Gret, (1) adj, (J.'S.) Great ; loud.

(2) pret, t. Greeted ; accosted.

(3) a. A snare for hares. Line,

Gretandb. Crying; sorrowing.

See Grete,

Qrbtb, (1) t>. {A.-S,) To cry, or


(2) a. A cry.

(3)9. To be enlarged; to become

big with child.

(4) a. Great men ; nobles.

(5) a. Much.

(6) a. The com.

GRBTBt, a. (A.'S,) Grace ; favour.

Grbtinobs, a. (^.-&) Great things.

Grbtlichb, ado. Greatly.

Grbtte, pre/, t, xnf grete. Cried.

Grbttblilicrb, adv. (Greatly.

Greur, a. (/v.) Hail.

Grbvb, v. {A,'N.) To grieve ; to

vex, or injure.

GRBVBs.a. (1) Armour for the legs.

(2) Groves.

(3) Griefs.

Grew, (1) a. Greek.

(2) a. A greyhound. North,

(3) V. To adhere firmly. TTest.

Grbw-bitch, a. A female grey-

hound. Yorksh.

But Bodomont» u thongih be had had


Quite ore the dike like to a grnond ho

spriogfl. Uarringt^ Ariasto, xiv, 108.

Grewn, a. A snout North,


or Norway crow. Line,

Grey-bbard, a. A large stone

bottle. North.

Grby-bbardb, a. The seed of the

wild vine.

Grey-bird, a. The thrush. South

and Weft,

Grey-coat-parson, a. An impro-

priator; the tenant who t^jres

the tithes.

Greyoole, a. The bluebell. Dora.

Grey-hen, a. (1) The female of

the black-cock.

(2) A kind of pear.

(3) A large stone bottle. North,

Grey-linnet, a. The common

linnet. North.

Grbymin, a. A slight fall of snow.


Grbyne, v,{A.'N.) To grow oora.

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Grkt-kubsit, «. Cotne grey cloth.

Grbts, 9. To have the ^ey«, to be

idle. Norihampt,

GEBT.9TOMB8,f .Come mill-stones.


Gbxttbv, (1) ff. {A.-S,) Grace;


(2) prei. t. Agreeth. Skelton.

Grbttb, 9. (J.-S.) A greve, or


Gbib, 9. To bite sharply. South,

G&ibblb, f. A shoot or short

cutting from a tree. Wett,

(2) A step. See Greet,

Gricbb, v. (J.-S.) To greet.

Oriddlb, (I) t. A gridiron. We$t,

(2) V, To broU.

Gridr, v. {ItuL ffridare.) To cot,

or prick.

Then through his thigh the mortsl Steele

diAgryie. Spent., F. Q., II, viii, M.

Gridblin, s. {Pr. grit de tin.) A

purplish colour.

And hia love. Lord help us, Aides like my

ffredaline pettiooet.

Partm's WedtRnff, 0. PL, tU 41«.

Gribfvull, a4;» Melancholy, i^mh-


Gribmr» f . The groin. Florio,

Gribyous, adj. Dangerous.

Grif, «. A deep Talley. North,

Grifb, 9. To shed the horns, said

of deer.

Griff, «. A graft. See Graffe,

Gkitw-qkatv, adv. By any means;

right or wrong.

Griffovns, 9. Greeks.

Griffus, ff. Greaves.

Grifboundbs, ff. Greyhounds.

Grift, ff. Slate pencil. Tor. d,

Grio, (1) ff. Heath. Shropth,

(2) ff. A small eel.

(3)ff. A short-legged hen. Var.d,

h) ff. A cricket. Fur. d.

(5) 9. To pinch. Somertet.

(6) ff. An old cant term for a


(7) ff. A wag. Corrupted from

Greek. «*A merry grig, tm ptai^

9ant compagntm," Miege.

They drank tID (hey all were as merry as

AnTwrnUoWd about Uke a litter of pin.

Poor Ao»tt,1764.

Grioolbb, ff. Small apples.

Grioinob, ff. Dawn ; opening.

There nnbrydiUea theis bolder

And baytea ihmre horsea.

To the $ngifng9 of the daye^

That byraea gane synge.


Grikv, ff. A mt; a crerice. North.

Grilich, adi. Hideous.

Grill, «. To snarl; to snap. Eait.

Grillb, (1) adj. (J.^S.) Stern;

cruel; frightful.

(2) fl^. Sharp; seYfre.

(3) 9. To tremble, especially with


(4^ 9. To torment ; to proYoke.

(5) ff. Guile; deceit.

(6) ff. Harm ; InjuVy.

(7) ff. A kind of small fish.

Grim, (1) ff. (A..S.) Fury.

(2) 9. To grin. Pabg.

(3) adj. Dirty ; dark. Northampt,

Grimalkin, ff. A cat.

Grimblb, 9. To begrime. Eatt.

Grimb, (l)ff. Dirt. Cnm^, dirty.

(2) 9. To sully with soot or

coals ; to dirty. Var. d.

Grimoribbbr, ff. A lawyer.

Griming, ff. A sprinkling North.

Grimmbr, ff. A large pond. Eatt.

Grtm-sir, ff. A proud person in


Grim-thb-collibr, ff. Golden

mouse-ear. Gerard.

Grinch, ff. A small bit. Wett.

Grincombs, ff. A cant term for the

▼enereal disease.

Ton mast know, sir, in a nobleman 'tis

abiuiye ; no, in him the serpf^o, in a

knight the pineoma, in a gentleman

the Neapolitan scabb, and in a aenring

man or artificer the plaint; pox

Jon€S^* Jdrasla, 16S5,C 3.

Grindb, 9. To pierce.

Grindbl, ff. Wrath ; fierce.

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Grinobr, ff.

Here Mr. JackMu imned once more

upon the oompany; and. applying hie

lot thumb to the tip of bis nose, worked

a Tisionary ooffee-mill with his right

hand, thereby performing a rery grace-

Ail piece of pantomime (then much in

Togue, but now, unhappily, almost obso-

lete) which was familiarly denominated

taking ^grinder. Fichriek Papen, p. 818.

GRiNDiNO-HOUSBff. The hoose of


I am a forlome creature, what shall

keepe mee but that 1 must goe heuce

into the gfiitdkiff'houte to prison P

Terence in Em fUth^lUl.

I will cudgell thee well and thriftily,

and then cast thee into bridewell or

grimding-koiut to grinde tUl thou die. Jb.

Grindlb, ff. A small drain. Si^.

Gbindlb-cokb, ff. A worn-down

grindstone. North,

Grindlb-stokb, 1 ff. A grind-


Grindlbt, ff. A drain. South.

Gbindlb-tail, ff. A trundletail


Grinino, ff. The approach of an

ague fit. CAetA.

Grint, ff. Grit JBoMt,

Grip, (1) ff. Strength; power of


(2) V, To gnpe fast.

(3) ff. {J.'S,) A shallow drain to

carry water off the roads, ploughed

fields, &C. The word is also ap-

plied to any small ditch or drain.

!4^ ff. Any kind of sink.

5) V. To hind sheaves. Wett,

Grips, (1) ff. (^.-&) A volture; a


(2) V. {J,'S,) To seize; to em-


(3) ff. A handful of anything.

"Fasciculus manualis. Poignoe.

An handfull, or ^r^pe of herbes."


(4) ff. A kind of smaU boat.


(5) t. A three-pronged fork.


(6) ff. A amaU ditch. Berh$,

Gripbr, ff. An instrument of tor.


Gripino-linb, ff. A line to direct

the spade in cutting grips. JFeot

Griplb, v. To grasp.

Grippbn, ff. A clenched hand.


Gbipplb,1 a4/* Avaricious; grasp-

ORiPLB, J ing.

He gnasht his teeth to see

Those heapee of g^ which ^pU eovetyte.

iS^MM., F. €., I, iT, 81.

▲ many princes seeke her lore^ but none

might her obtaine:

For grippM Edell to himselfe her Idngdome

sougLt to gane.

Wantei'i JWom BrngUmdy 1S98.

▲ greedy minded grifplei clearke^

Had gathered store of gould.

BowUmda, K»ne of CMt, 1611.

'Whose Jaws are so hungry and grippte.

Cotgm^i Wits JmUrprtUr, 1871.

Grip-tard, ff. A seat of green turf,

raised on twisted boughs. North,

Gri8, ff. {A,^N,) (1) A costly fur,

used in the middle ages for rich


(2) ff. Pigs. See Griee.

Grisard, adj. {Fr.) Grey.

Grisbet, 0. To make wry faces.



Griskin, ff. The small bones taken

out of the fiitch of a bacon pig.


Grisly, adj. Speckled. Yorlah.

GRi8PiN*o,ff. Twilight.

Bested nponthesideof asilTerstreame,

eren almost in the griapinq of the even-

ing, ^k. Ayi.» siff. C 1.

Grissb, ff. Grass, or herb.

Grissbl, adj. Grisly.

Grist, (1) ff. The quantity of com

sent to the mill to be ground.

(2)«. To gnuh the teeth. Wiit9.

Grit, (1) a. The sea-crab. Lme,

(2) V. To squeak. Someritt.

Grith, ff. {A.'S.) Grace; protec


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0mttlb,9. Tocrambleoff. JVbr/A-


GusBiTB, 9. To g^nuh the teeth.


OuzLi, ff. A darkith grey. Dewn,

Grizzlb, V, (1) To grin, or laugh.


(2) To gnimble.

Gbizzlb-dbmundt, t. A person

always grinning. Devon.

Gbo, t. A rich kind of fur.

Groandb, /»ar/. a. Growing.

Groaning, t. A lying-in.

Grob, V, To seek for. Line,

Grobblb, v. ( 1 ) To grovel ; to poke

about. North.

(2) To make holes.

(3) To loiter. Line.

Grobiabt, ». A sloven ; dirty fel-


Grobman, 9. A sea-bream two

thirds grown. Cormo.

Grocer, s. A wholesale merchant

who speculated at markets and

fsirs. This was the original mean-

ing of the word.

Groche, «. To grumble.

Grock, t. A dwarfish, ill-thriven

child. Line. ** She ill uses her

children, they have grown up

mere tiny little groekt."

Grodb, v. (A.'S.) To devastate.

Grofb, pret. i. Digged.

Gwaw^LV^part.p. Grown.

Groffb, ff. Ground. On the proffe,

flat on the ground. Chroftyngee

or grubbUnget with the face down-


GRorr, ff. Growth ; produce. Batt.

Grofts, ff. A sort of stone for


Grog, adj. Angry. line.

Grogb, 9. To grudge ; to grumble.

Groorain, Iff. A coarse stiff

orooerak, j kind of silk tsffety.

Groinb, (1) ff. {Fr.) A nose, or


(2) V. {A.^N.) To grunt like a

pig ; to grumble.

(3) ff. A hanging lip.

!4) ff. A froward look.

5) 9. To cut grass. Yerieh.

Groinotiu B, ff. The spring. North,

Groins, s. Wooden bulwarks used

at the sea side to protect the

banks against the encroachment

of the sea.

Grolling, ff. Grumbling of the


Grom, (1) adj. Dirty. Suuex,

(2) ff. A forked stick for carrying

bundles of straw. Weet.

Gromx, ff. {J.'S.) A man.

Gromxr, ff. A boy.

Gromtl, 1 ff. The plant grom-

GROM ALT, J well.

GRoVf part. p. Ground. IFeot.

Grovi>ev, part, p. Ground.

Grondbswtlb, ff. The plant


Grondt, ff. A grandmother. Cumi.

Grone, 9. (A.'N) To groan ; to


Gront, adj. Grumbling. Pr. P.

Groom-grubber, ff. An officer in

the royal household whose doty

it was to see that the barrels

brought into the cellar were

tight and full, and to draw out

the lees from casks that were

nearly empty.

Groom -PORTER, ff. An officer of the

royal household, whose business

it was to see the king's lodging

furnished with tables, chairs,

stools, and firing ; as also to pro-

vide cards, dice, &c., and to de-

cide disputes arising at cards,

dice, bowling, &c. Formerly he

was allowed to keep an open

gambling table at Christmas; an

abuse which was not removed till

the reign of George III. George

I and II played hazard in pubUe

on certain days, attended by the

groom-porter. The groom-porter

is said to have succeeded to the

office of the master of the revels.

The word was sometimes given

to loaded dice. *'Dioe which be

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heavy, some call thein grome"

portert. VuUorii:* HuioeL

He will win voa

Bj irresistible Inek, within this fortnisht

Enough to buj a barony. They will set


Upmost at the groom-porter's all the Christ-


And for the whole year through, at erery


Where there is play. S. Jom. Jlch., ill. 4.

Run, and endeavour to bubble the sporters,

Betts may be reoover'd lost at the gnom-


Follow, follow, follow, lead down by the

• ditch.

Take the odds and then you'll be rich.

Academy qfCompUmeHts, 1714.

8th lannary, 1668, " I saw deep and pro-

digious gaming at the groom-porUr't ;

vast heaps of gold squandered away in

a Vain and profuse manner."

Xvelyn's Diary, Jan. 8, 1668.

0 happy man I I shall never need to

sneak after a lord, to sing caiclies, to

break jests, to eat and rook with him.

I'll get me a pack of fox-dogs, hunt

every day, and play at the groom^porter't

at mght. BhadwetVM True Widow.

Gboop, «. A pen for cattle; the

place in a stable vhere the cow9

or horses dung. North,

Groot, «. Dry mud in small pieces.


GiiooT-Riss,«. A ridge in ploughed

land. •

Groove, t. A mine, or shaft.

GroQveri, miners. North.

Grope- HOLE, «. Any receptacle for


Groping, $. A method of catching

trout by tickling them with the


Groping-iron, t. A gouge.

Gropts, $. Com chaff. Pr. P.

Gko9, pret. t, ofgrite. Feared.

Grose-REE, «. A hut for geese.


Grosbrs, *. {A.-N.) Gooseberries.


Grosh, adj. Fat ; thriving. Yorksh.

Gross. (1) A hawk was said to

fly groM, when after large birds.

(2) a^. Dull ; stupid. Paltg,

(3) a. All thick soft food, as

porridge. J)ev<nu

GR088BT, «. A groat

Grossolitis, t. Chrysolites.

Gross-up, v. To buy up all the


Grost, «. The star-thistle.

Gros-vair,«. Asortof fur. See Vair,

Grotxndb, jpor/. a. otgreie. Weep-


Grotonb, v. To surfeit. Pr. P.

Groudoe, 9. To shiver.

Groudlt, adj. Grumbling; dis-

contented. LHc.

Groulino, 9. The first approach of

an ague fit.

Groun, ff. A greyhound. Shropth,

Ground, (1) «. The bottom or


(2) t. The pit of a theatre, wlilch

was without benches, and on %

level with the stage. Groundling^

one who stood in the pit.

(3) 9. An old musical term for

an air on which variations and

divisions were to be made.

i4) f . A field, or farm.

5) 9. An inclosure of srass-land

out of the reach of floods. Glouc*

(6) a. A plantation of willows.

&c. West.

(7) To go to ground f alvnm

exonerare. Gone to the ground,

buried. "And dranke so long

untill the ground lookt blew.**

Heywood*9 Jlierarehie of th€

ble99ed AngeU9,\6Zb,p.U4. A

marginal note says that this is

"a common proverbe in our

English tongue."

Ground ASH, t. An ash-sapling.

Ground-bait, a. The loche. North,

Ground-car, a. A sledge. }Ve9t,

Ground-dice, a. BLunt-comered


Grounde, v. To grant.

Ground-elder, a. Dwarf-elder.


Groun D-EviL, a. The shepherd's

needle. Gerard.

Ground-firing, a. Roots of trees

and bushes for fuel.

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Grovnp-oudobon, ff. A small iiab,

the eobiiii bardatula of Linn.

GaouND-HALB, t. The herb grom-


Ground-i9aac, <. The yellow wren.


Ground-itt, f. The plant alehoof.

Groundlt, adv. Profoundly.

G&ound-nbbdlx, 9. The name of

a plant

GaouND-RAiN, t. A steady tall of

rain. £att,

Gboundb, t. (1) A term for a

farm. Northampt

(2) Sediment. Var, d.

Ground-sill, a. The threshold of

a door.

Ground-sop, a. A sop by which

the dregs may be soaked up.

Ground-swsat, a. A person some

time buried is said to have taken

a ground-sweat. BoMt,

Ground-tablb. See Earth-table,

Groupr, v. To sculpture with a

fine gouge.

Grouppadb, ff. {Fr.) A curvet in


Grouse, ff. GrsTel. Northampt.

Grousomb, adj. (A.-S.) Loath-

some; fearfuL Cumb,

Grout, (1) ff. Ground malt. In

some parts, the liquor with malt

infused for ale or beer, before it

is fully boiled, is called ffrout,

and before it is tunned up in the

vessel it is called wort. A thick

sort of ale was also called grout

and grout-ale.

This jolly grout it Jolly sad stout,

I pray yon stoat it still a.

Tom T^lcr «m4 Im W\f9, 1661.

(2) 9. To dig up with the snout,

like a hog. Yorkeh,

(3) Fluid mortar, poured over

the courses in building to fill up

the interstices between the stones

or bricks.

(4) ff. A jocular term for one

who takes anything fluid late in


GROirrBD,jiarf./». Begrimed. V.d*

GR0UT-HSADBD,a4;- Great-beaded;

stupid; stupidly noisy. Sussex,

CrouMeadf a blockhead. Urgu'

hart's Rabelais.

GR0UT8, ff. Dregs. Var. d.

Grouzb, v. To eat vegetables, fruit,

&c. "She is always grouzing

unripe gooseberries and other

such rubbish.'' Line. It has some-

times a more general meaning,

to devour.

Grovb, (1) V. To dig. North.

{2) part. p. of grave. Dug.

i3) ff. A ditch, or drain. Line.

4) ff. A deep pit sunk into the

ground to search for minerals.

Grove-woody timber used in sup-

porting the roof or sides of


Groybd, /ir«f. /. Grew.

Grow, t>. (1) To cultivate any-

thing. Grower^ a cultivator.

(2) To be troubled ; to murmur;

to repine. North.

(3) To be aguish. Hampsh.

Growblar, ff. A digger. Pr. P.

Growing, ff. The hot fit of an

ague. North.

Growmb, ff. An engine to stretch

woollen cloth.

Grown, adj. A term applied tq

milk when burnt at the bottom

of the pot. Line.

Growndb, v. To bellow.

Grownoen, adj. Sharpened by


Gbowndbr, ff. A founder.

Growndiswelib, 1 ff. {/i.-S.)

GRUNDESWiLic, j Gfoundsel.

Growbome, adj. Tending to make

things grow ; as, ** its a fine

growsome morning" or " its nice

grovfsome vieSiiheT.'* Line.

Growth-halppenny, ff. A rate

paid in some places for the tithe

of each fat animal.

Growtnoul, ff. A blockhead.

** Capito, testu, qui a grosse teste.

One that hath a great heade : a

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groMnm etpnt : a jolt head : a

johher-nouili a, ffrowinoU" iVo-


Gbowzc, 9. To be chill before an

ague-fit. North,

GmoT, a4f. Grey-headed with age.


Grotnb, (1) 0. To lament.

(2) pret. t Grinned.

Grozbn, f. A grove. Somenet,

Gbozkms, ». The herb duck's meat.

Grozbt.«tbs, 9. Goggle-eyes.


Qkv, 9. Greek.

Grub, (I) «. To grumble. To ride

grub, or be bitten by the grubsi

to be sulky. East.

(2) ff. A little dirty animal.


(3) 8. Victuals; a vulgar phrase.

(4) ff. Idle talk. Norfolk.

(5) V. To toil continually ; to

. search out

Gbub-azb, ff. A rooting-aie.


Gbubbbb, ff. A rooting axe. Florio.

Gbvbblb, 9. To grub about.

Grubby, adj. {I) Poor; stunted;

peevish. Weit.

(2) Dirty. Northampt.

Grubb, (1) ff. A drain. Norf,

(2) V. To cut the feathers under

the vrings of a cock. A cock-

flghting phrase.

GRUB-rsiiLiNO, 1 ff. Felling trees

ORUB-BTUBBiNOy J by cuttiog a-

vray the roots. Eatt.

Grublino-irok, ff. A gouge. Pair.

Grucchb, ff. {A.-S.) To grumble ;

to murmur ; to grudge.

Gruch, ff. Discontent ; a grudge.

By taking peace under condiscion inch

As maie extinkt (in both partes) all cause

of grtick.

BeywotTs Spider and lUi, 1 66ft.

Gruchbr, ff. A kind of hawk.

Gruody, adj. Greedy; covetous.


Grudobr, ff. A grumbler.

Gritdoino, ff. A fselittg ; a symp-


Gruboinob,! ff. Coarse wbeaten

ORUBL, J meal, hut somewhat

finer than bran. Var. d.

Grub, 0. To pain; to grieve. Lime,

Gruff, (1) ff. A mine. Gni^ffr.R

miner. Somerwet.

(2) V. To snub. Stt^.

Grufflb, v. To growl. Sujf.

QmvrvmVtpart.p. Begrimed. Lnsc.

Gruoob, v. To grumble.

Grum, adj. (1) Surly; angry.

Pray* titter, tell me why my husband

loou ao gntm here in town f and keeps

ue up ao eloae, and will not let me go

a walking, nor kt me wear my bMt

gown yesterday.

Wyek^rlejf, Countiy Wifk, 1088.

(2) Powerful, applied to the


Grumblb-outs, ff. A discontented


Grummbl, ff. The plant gromwelL

Grummut, ff. An ignorant person.


Grumpb, 9. To growl. North,

Grumprby, ff. A jostling among

schoolboys while hiding anything

one from another. North,

Grumpy, atg. (1) Surly. Var. d.

(2) Hard; stiff; crisp. Leie,

Grumbbl, ff. Tbedandelion. Deton,

Grun, ff. (1) The upper lip of a

beut. North.

(2) Ground. Var. d.

Grundbk. See Grovnden.

Grundlikb. Afo. Deeply; heartily.

Grundwallb, ff. A foundation.


Grunny, ff. The snout of a hog.

Grunsh, v. To scrunch. Shrop.

Grunt, v. To endeavour. Wett,

Gruntbr, ff. A pig.

Grunttno-chbat, ff. An old cant

term for a pig.

Gruntlb, (1) v. To grunt like a


So boar and sow, when any itorm it nigh,

Snnif np and uneU it gathering in the il^{

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Bott boekon* Mm to tiot m diMtent.

AaA there eofUfOBunate their imfliiifth'd


Peoeive in mud they wallow all alone.

And snore and oruutU to eaeh othen

Igytotkt Bthwudy 170C

(2) V. To be iulky

(3) <. A muzzle. North,

6&VNTLIM6, <. A pig.

Grvp, f. A trench. Etut.

Grupfbr, V, To give up. Wilis.

Grusle, t. Gristle.

Grut, f. Grit, or graveL

Grutch, 0. To grudge; to grum-

ble. See Grtteche,

Het'enioy with freedom will nxAgnUch

What thou ionlggspdlv dost spare.

iXai:«r'« Pomu, 1097.

Grutnol, f. A blockhead, l/rju-

karfs RabelaU,

Grt, V. To baye a Blight attack of

ague. North.

Grtb, ». To tremble ; to be agi-


Grtffb, f. Dragon-wort.

Grylb, adv. Horribly. See Gritte,

Grynobn, v. To grind.

Grynnib, ». A snare.

Grynstyno, part. a. Gnashing;


Gryppe, v. To snatch ; to seize.

Gry8e,9. (^.-5.) To be frightened;

troubled; vexed.

Gryzb, 9. (1) To squeeze, or rub ;

to wear or annoy. Heref.

(2) To grind between the teeth.


GvAOE, V. To engage. Pabg.

Guard, ». A posture of defence.

GuARDANT, adj. In a posture of


After some short discourse of their affaires,

iBneaa on his backe Anchises takes,

for young Askanius he his left hand


In his right hand his anardant sword he

shakes. Great Bntainu Troyt, 1609.

Guards, *. Trimmings, facings, or

other ornaments applied upon a

dress ; used also as a v., to orna-

ment with guards or facings.

The cloaks, doublets, 8ec were guarded

with velvtft MsrA. or dae laeed with

ooatlylace. 8tiM**Atu4omu^Akum,

And who reads Flutarches nther kls-

torie or philosophie, shall And he trin^

meth both their gamients with fnardm

ofpoesie. StrfliSidiujfDif.rfPoe^.

A pbiine pair of eloth-breeebes, without

either welte or gtcrdt.

Gr€0u^» Qittp, i-e. Bmrl. UUe., t, 89B.

GuARisa, V. {A.'N). To heal, or


GuARY, Iff. Some kind of poeti-

OARYB, j cal or dramatic perifbrm-

ance. The word seema to have

been preserved in the ptwry-

miracleo, performed in Cornwall,

so late as the 17th century.

Thys ys on of Brytayne layes.

That was used by olde dnyes,

lien callys playn the garye. Emari, 1089.

GuB, ff. (1) A pander, or go-be-

tween. Devon.

(2) A sum of money. Line.

(3) A round stone that will not

lay regular in a wall, called also

9l ffVibble-itone. Oxf.

(4) V. To stop up. Northampt.

GuBBARN, ff. A filthy place; a

drain. WiUo.

GuBBBR, ff. Bl ck mud. Svm.

GuBBBR-TUSHBD, odj. Having ir-

regular projecting teeth.

GuBBiNGS, ff. Parings ; fragments.

GuBBiNS, ff. A wild class of people

about Dartmoor.


GuBBV, (1) ff- A crowd. Devon.

(2) adj. Knotty. Northampt.

GuBBRNATiON, ff. {Lat.) Govern-


Was it not done to this entent, that

the conquerors might have the only

power and entier gihemadon of all the

hmdes and people within their climate f


GuD-DEYON. Good eveu.

GuDDLB, V. To guzzle. Somenet.

GuDB, V. To do good. ** I guded

'era as long as I could," that ia,

gooded him, got him what com-

fort and good I could. Moor^e


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GuoQSLL, 9. (1) A puddle.

(2) The gutter in a street. Gtid-

geU'hol€f the receptacle for a


GcDGEN, t. k cutting of a plant

set in the ground. Wett,

Gddobon, «. (1) The large pivot

of the axis of a wheel. " The

ffudgiona of the spindle of a

whecle." Nomenelator.

(2) A piece of wood for roofing.


(Z) A lie ; a joke or taunt

(4) 7b twalhw a gudgeon^ to

be deceived, or made a fool of.

To gape for gudgeontf to look

out for impossibilities.

Gudgeons, «. The rings which

bear up the rudder of a ship.

GuDoiL-ROLE, f. A place for dung

and other lilth. West,

GuDLY, adj. Courteous. Oawayne.

GuR, <. {Fr. gueux.) A sharper, or

rogue ; a low-lived person.

Diligent search was made all thereabout,

But my ingenious gue had got him out

Honest Okosi,V'^SX

GuBoiTT, f. A soft damp place in a

field. Cheth,

Guerdon, (1) ». {A.^N,) Reward.

(2) V. To reward.

GuERDONizE, r. To reward.

GuBRDONLES, adj. Without reward.

Guerre, ». (A.^N.) War.

GuERYS8HE,».(^.-iV;) Tobccured;

to recover from sickness.

Guess, (1) s. A corruption ofguett9.

(2) adj. Barren, applied to cows

and ewes. Kent.

(3) V. To suppose. Var. d.

Guess-sheep, «. Young ewes that

have been with the ram, but not

yet had lambs. Sues.

Guest, s, A ghost. North.

GuBSTLiNGs, 9. Municipal meet-

ings at the Cinque Ports.

GuEST-ufAL, 9. A dinner-party.


GuESTNiNG, t. A hospitable recep-

tion. North,

GuvF, t. A fool. Cumb.

GuoAW, f. (1) A flute, Pr. P,

(2) A Jew's harp. See Gewgaw.

GuGGLB, V. (1) To cheat North.

(2) V. To gargle. Wane,

(5) f. A snail-shell. Oxford9h.

GuGGLBR, 9. A funnel. East.

GuiDBRs, 9. The tendons. North,

Guides, t. (1) The arcs of circles

fastened on the fore-axle of a

waggon, as a bearing for the bed

of the waggon when it locks.


(2) Tendons. Northampt,

GuiDE-sToop, 9. A guide-post.


Guidon, 9. {A.'N.) A standard.

GuiORESsE, 9. A female guide.

GuiB, r. {A.'N.) To guide ; to go-


Guild-brother, 9, A member of

a guild or corporation. "A ^t^

brother^ a brother of a fratry,

company, corporation, or fellow-

ship." Nomenelator.

Guile, 9. As much liquor as is

brewed at once. North.

GuiLERY, 9. Deceit.

Guilb-shares, 9. Cheating shares.


Guil-fat, 9. A wort-tub. North.

Guill, 9. To be dazzled. Che9h,

.GuiLTY-cuPS, 9. Butter-cups. Dev»

Guimad, 9. The name of a fish

formerly caught in the Dee.

GuiNBA-HEN, 9. An old cant term

for a prostitute.

GuiPON, «. (A.-N.) The jupon, or


GuiRDiN6,f. Breaking wind loudly.

GuiSBRS, 9. Mummers. North.

GuissETTES, 9. Short pieces of ar-

mour for the thighs.

GuiTONBN,*. A vagrant. Middteton.

Guizened, adj. (1) Strangely

dressed. GtUzinny is used in the

same sense. Line.

(2) Leaky. North.

Gulardous, 9. A goliard. GnU

yardy, minstrelsy.

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GvLCH, (1) 9. To twaUow. WuL

(2) •. A fat fellow.

(3) V. To fall heavily. Var, d,

(4) «. A heavy fall.

GuLCHT, adj, (1) Fat Dtwm,

(2) Greedy of drink.

GuLDEK, 9. To speak loud and

harshly. Cumb.

GuLK. (1) a. (^..JV.) Gluttony.

(2) t. {A.^S,) Christnua.

!3) a. Lammas-day.

4) 0. To boaat; to langjii; to

sneer, ^w*^.

GuLKD» <m{/. Amazed ; bewildered.


GvLV, ff. The stomach.

GuLv, 1 a. A breach in a pit

G ULP- JOINT, j of iparl, interven-

ing between the joints of the

rock. Northampi,

GuLF-BOLB, a. The mouth of a

drain. Fliorio,

GoLOB, 1«. (1) To bulge oat.

GULL, f Northampt.

(2) To drink.

A^d zit and chat and ffulae a can.

Jordau't niumpJu qfloudont 1078.

GuLK, V. To gulp down. Dewm,

Gull, (1) t. A dupe; a fool.

(2) a. An uniiedged bird. North,

(3) a. A gosling.

(4) a. The bloom of the willow.


(5) a. The name of a game.

(6) V. To sweep away by force

of running water.

(7) a. A breach made by a


(8) a. A creek of water.

(9) V, To guzzle.

(10) a. An old cant term for a


GuLUE, adj. (<^.-& gyl.) Gay; flue.

GuLLBRY, a. Deceit; mockery.

GuLLBT, a. (1) A small stream.

(2) A pvcel, or lot.

And tbe residewe beinge xz. li. lyeth in

■ondnre gullettet in tererall townes

and snen.

LuHow Mummmtt, Umf. Bdv. VL

(3) A jack. North.

(4) The arch of a bridge. D^ooii.

(5) A gore in a shirt, &c.

GuLL-OBOPBB, a. An usurer who

lent money to gamesters. Dekktr.

GuLLioN, (1) a. (-i^.-iV.) A wretch.


(2) The coHc. Batt.

GuLLOwiNo, adj. Swallowing ; de-


0 doaeam tiaeem ae hibaeem. O thon

derooring nadcullowitig panch of a

glutton. Ttrence in BngUtk, IMl.

GuJLLS, a. Hasty-puddiog. JorkMh.

GuLLT, a. (1) A large kniife, called,

in Urqnhart'a Babelals, *'a cut-

pone knife."

(2) A ravine ; a small stream; a


(3) A haad4Mrn)w. Devon.

(4) A calf's pluck. North.

GuLLTGUT, a. A glutton.

Nothing behinde in namber with tha

invinciDle Spanish aroiadji, though they

were not anch Gargantuan boyaterooa

gtilliguU as they. Na»h*s Lenten Stvff,

Wherennto he added a very pleasant

and i^iausible act of clemency; Goe too,

insatiable ffullignts, said he, I protest I

see its but lost lubonr to endeavour to

hinder thee from stealing of my fruit,

for that I cannot keep watch every

nisht, nor will 1 be at the charges <n

heightning my walls.

Huiory qfFrandon, 165(.

GuLLT-HOLB, a. The mouth of a

drain. Norf.

GuLLT-MOUTH, 9. A Small pitcher.


GuLLY-piT,a. A whirlpool. Dtfwon.

GuLOSiTY, a. {Lat.) Greediness.

Gulp, a. The young of an animal

in its softest state; a very dimi-

nutive person. East.

GuLPH, a. A mow. Norf. See


GuLSH, a. Mud ; sediment. East.

(2) Ribaldry. Northampt.

GuLSHiNG, adj. Fat. Northampt.

GuLBKTy a^. Grossly corpulent.


GuLT, pret. t. Iigured; offended


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Gum, 9. luolence. Var, d.

Gum BALDSt«. An article in cookery.

Tartc* of Turky,

Tnste whane tliene lykyi,

GmmbaUUi graTtlidjr

FuUe gcaeioiu to Uste.

MorU Jrikmr€.

GuM-ooL8,«. Conjectured by Ntres

to mean clammy hands.

Do the lordf bow, tod the ngazded


KiM the fmm-aobf and err, We are yonr

ierrante f B.^-Fl fhUuUr, t, 4.

GuMBLE,9. (1) To fit badly, applied

to clothes. KetU.

(2) To stick together, applied to

the eyes when not easily opened

on wsking.

GuMMT, adj. Thick and swollen.

Gump, «. A fool. SouiK

Gumption, «. Talent. Var, d.

GuMPT, adj. Lumpy. Devcn,

GuMSHua, adj. Qaarrelsome. Eatt.

Conceited. Norihampt.

Gun, m. a large llsgon of sle.


GuNDB, 9, To break to pieces.

GuNNBR, 9. (1) A shooter. St^folk.

(2) A man whose business it was

to shoot wild fowl, before the

inclosure of the commons. Line,

GuNNiNO-BOAT, It. Al'ightnar-

GUNNINO-8HOUT, J row li^at in

which the fenmen pursue the

wild fowl.

G UNNY-BA6B, 9. Psckages for ropes

exported from England.

GuNPowDBB, 9. To drink gun-

powder appears to haye been

considered very exciting.

Bnxu; me a caone of wine, boy, qniekly,

Pat in gun^wmder, for He drinke me mad.

Bmolandi, Kn. cfSp. ^ JH., 1«18.

GuNSTBB, ff. (1) One who shoots

with a gun.

(2) A bayard.

GuNSTONB, 9. A cannon ball,

which was originally made of


GuoDOBD, a<if. Spotted. JFiber.

GuoDB, adj. Good.

Gup. Get up!

GuB, (IW. Ore, before it takes a

metallic form.

(2) adj. Green, applied to a

wound, &c. Line.

GuBDB, (1) V. To strike.

(2) par/. /I. Girt; struck.

GuBDs, 9. (1) Fits and starts.

(2) Eructations. Somenei.

GuBOB, 9. (Lat.) A whirlpool

GuBOBON, 9. A nondescript. Wight.

GuBOBONS, 9. Pollard meaL

GuBoipiNO, «. Stuffed up and stiC

A hawking term.

GuROLB, 9. The gullet. Leic.

GuBOY,«. A stubby hedge. Conm

GuBMONo, «. {Fr. gourmand.) A


And, rarely, let Seneca aay what hee

nleaie, it mig^ht rery well be that his

nmoua gwraumd [Apieiua] turned his

conree unto this country.

SteU^i Disc. qfNtw W„ B. i, ch. S.

GuBSTEN-DAT, 9. Ycsterdsy?

%ur»t9m-4«i ich herds saie,

Ab ich wende bi tiie waie.


GuBNET, 1 . . .^^..^^

ouBNADB,}*- Agumard.

GuBBT-BUT, 9. A duug-sLedge.


GuBT, 9. Groats. Fhrio.

GuBziN, 9. Pasture. Cumb.

Gush, (1) 9. A gust. Ea9t.

(2) V. To frighten. Gu9hment,

terror. We9t.

Gush ILL, 9. A gutter.

Guss, «. A girth. We9L

GusscHELLB, «. Au old dish in


G088BT8, 9. Pieces of chain-roail,

cut in a triangular lozenge shape,

and fixed to the garment under

the armour by means of arming-


GussocK, 9. A sudden gust of wind.


Guss-WBBB, 9. A woven girdle.


Gust, ». (^.-iV.) To taste.

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GusTARD, «. The grett boitard.

GusTmiLL, «. A dirty gutter. Wiii9,

Gut, «. (1) A Tery fftt man.

(2) Awater-coonewhich emptiei

itaelf into the tea; a bay. See


Gmrn, f. A girth. Sknpth,

GuTLiNOf «. A glutton. Creven.

GuT-scRAPEK, «. A fiddler.

Gutted, part. p. Begrimed. Devon,

Gutter, (1) «• The hollow place

in a eroM-bow where the arrow

was laid.

(2) V. To derour greedily. Dewm.

Gutters, f. (jPV.) Little ttreaks in

the beam of a hart's head.

GuTTiDB, f. ShroTe-tide.

Guttle, v. To be ravenous. North,

GuTTLE-HBAD, «. A thooghtless


GuwBORN, «. Spurge.

GuwLz, 9. Marigolds.

Gut, «. Any strange-looking indi-

vidual ; a term deriyed from the

effigies of Guy Fawkes.

GuTB, ». (J,'N.) To guide. See

Gie. Oufour, a leader.

GuTTB, «. A guide.

GuTZARoa, «. Men in disguise.

Guzzle, 1^«. A drain or ditch ; a

ouzzEN, J sm^ stream.

GwBNDERS, f. A disagreeable

sensation in the fingers or toes,

arising from Tiolent cold. Dewm.

In some parts of Cornwall it is

pronounced wondert,

GwBTHALL, «. Household stuff.


GwTLE,<. A ravine. Weit.

Gtbe, «. A counterfeit license for


Gtdb,«. Agmde. Stt Gid. Gfde-

r€99e, a female guide.

Gtdbrs, «. Straps to draw to-

gether the open parts of armour.

Gtdlbs, atff. Giddy.

Gyb, (I) v. To direct. See Oii.

(2) «. A salt-water ditch. Som.

(3)«. A weed that grows among

com. Eati.

Gtkb, V. To creak. North,

Gtken, ». To be lustful, ''^ykyne,

prurio:' NominaleMS.

Gyle, (1) «. Deceit ; guile.

(2^ o. To deceiTC.

i3) «. A brewing of beer. Sun.

4)<. Wort. {?yiff.fiiA»tf, a wort-


Gylkelade, «. A dish in cookery.

Gymb, (1) V, To grin. North,

(2) A breach or hole in a bank.


Gymblot, i, A gimlet. Pr. P,

Gym MB, «. A gem.

Gynful, «. Full of tricks.

Gyp, «. At Cambridge, a college

senrant, said to be derived from

Gr. yvif/, a vulture.

Gyrim-froo, m, a tadpole. Robe"

laitt by Motteux,

Gyron, i,(ji,-N.) A sort of triangle.

A heraldic term.

Gyrsom, i, A fine paid before-

hand. Durham,

Gyrthb, «. (A.-S.) Peace; pro-

tection. See Orithe,

Gy8t, (I) 9, iJ.'N) A deed; an


(2) i. Juice.

(3)«. A joist.

(4) prei, t. 2 p. ting, Gettest.

Gytblbchipe, m. Recklessness.

Gythese, ff. Guise.

Gytrash, ff. A ghost. Cracen.

Gytb, V, To banter; to quiz. North,

Gyves, i. Sinews of the legs.


Gytoursome, aeff. Greedy, glut-

tonous. Durham,

Gywel, i, A jewel. Hob, Ghuc,

Gywes, «. Jews.

The gf/wu tradden, oom sdoon I

Hy nette wat y.ineade.


Ha. a contraction of have,

Haafures, «. Fishermen's lines.


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Ha-apb, v. (I) To stop, or keep

back. Devon,

(2) To bite close. Northampt

Hab or nab, 1 Rashly ; at random;

HAB*NAB, vbyfairmeansorfoai.

HOB-NOB, J It is supposed to be

derived from habhe and nabbefXo

have and not to have ; as much

as to say, whether you are sure

or not.

I put it

Ev'n to your worship*! bitterment, hah

nab :

I shall hare a chance o* the dice for*t I


Let them e'en ran.

B. Joti. Tdls <2f a Tub, W, 1.

And his incensement at this moment is

so implacable, that satisfaction can be

none, out by pangs of death and 8epul<

Cher: hob, nob is his word; gire't or

take *t. Shaketp. Twelf. >., HI, 4.

If the toy take him, he will ftnde some

one canse or other, hyhtAor nah, hooke

or crooke, and so be it right or wrong

bee will tumble mee headlong into the

giinding-hoose. TermctinBugUsh,!^!.

With that he circles dnws and squares,

With cyphers, astral characters.

Then looks 'em o'er to understand 'em,

Although set down hah-nab. at random.

Hudibt. II, ill, 987.

Ha BBS, V. {A.-S.) To have.

Habbnribs, f. Architectural de-

corations of some sort, but the

exact meaning of the word is


H ABERDASHBR, «. A schoolmaster.


Haberdinb, «. Salted cod.

Habergeon, s. {A.-N,) A breast-

plate of mail or close steel, or of


Habilitate, r. To qaalify. Hahi-

litaiion, qualification. Bacon.

H ABILITY, ». (/v.) Faculty; power.

Habilliments, 8. Borders of gold,

pearl, &c. in dress.

Habitaclb, 8, {A,-N.) A dwelling ;

a niche for a statue.

Habitude, m. (LaL) Disposition.

Hable, 8. {A.'N.) A haven.

Hache, f. (A.-N.) (1) An axe.

(2) A rmck for hay.

Hachbd, part, p, Hatdlied ; em-


Hack, (1) v. To stammer; to

cough frequently; to labour in-

defatigably. Var. d.

(2) 8, A hard-working man. Sujf,

(3^ V, To win everything. Cumb.

(A) 8. A hedge. Ztne.

(b)8. A half-door; a rack. Norf.

(61 8. A pick-axe, or hoe; a

spade, or mattock ; a hatchet.

(7) 8. the place where the hawk's

meat was placed.

(8) 8. The place on which bricka

are arranged to dry. JFe8i.

(9) 8. The lights, liver, and heart

of a boar.

(10) V. To chatter with cold.


(11) V. To hop on one leg. 1Fe8f,

Hackandb, part. a. {A.-S,) An.


Hackbush, 8. A heavy hand-gun.

Hacked, part, p. Chopped, or

chapped. North.

Hacker, (1) v. To stammer; to

prevaricate. North.

(2) 8. A sort of axe. We8t.

Hack-hook, 8. A bill with a long

handle. South.

Hackib, 8. The game of GofF.

Hackin, 8. A pudding made in the

maw of a sheep or hog, formerly

a standard dish at Christmas.

Haokino-couoh, 8. A slight teaz-

ing cough. Var. d.

Hackle, v. To dress, or trim up.


(2J *. Hair, wool, or feathers.

'3) 8. A hog*s mane. Wilte,

4) 8. An implement with iron

teeth for combing hemp or flax.


(5) *. A row of new-made hay ;

used as a v., to put hay in rows.

(6) V, To dig up. Line.

Ijl) 8, A conical covering of hay

or straw. South.

(8) V. To shackle beasts. Suff,

(9) 8, The stickleback. Devon.

d by boogie




(10) «. To agree together.


Hackled, adj, Peeviih. North,

Hacklbs, ff. (1) The long feathen

on a cock's neck. Var. tL

(2) Singlets of beans. Glouc.

Hackmal, «. A tomtit. Deton.

Hacknet, (1) «. A saddle-horse.


(2) V. To ride. Leic,

(3) «. A common prostitute.

Hacknet-mani i. One who lets

oat horses for hire, ffacknejf'

man*8 wand^ a rider's switch.

First, to spread your circle npon the

ground, witli litUe con^toinp ceremoDj

(M I'll hare an kaektuif-mati't vand

iilver'd o'er o' jnirpoee for you )

Puritan, m, 8, SappL to Sh. ii, 694.

Hacknet-sadolb, i, A riding


Hack- PUDDING, f. A mess made of

sheep's heart, chopped with suet

and sweet fruits* Ctanb.

Hackblater, 9, (1) A dirty

slovenly fellow. NoriL

(2) 0. To stammer.

Hackstbk. See Haxter.

Hackum - PLACKUM, «. Barter.


Hacky, ad). Witty ; artful. Nor-


Haddbn. Pret. t pi. of Have.

Hadder,*. Heath, or ling. North.

Hade, 8. (1) A ridge of land; a

small piece of greensward at the

end of arable land.

(2) The underlay or inclination

of the vein in mines. Hading^

a sloping vein.

Hade, 8. A high pasture.

And on the lower leas, as on the higher


The dainty clover grows, of grass tlie only

silk. Drayt Pol., xiii, p. S^

Haden, a^. Ugly; untoward.


Hadfash, 8. Trouble. North.

Had-i-wist, f. e. Had I known, a

common phrase indicating re-


And cause him, when he had his purpose


To crie with late repentanee, Etd-I^mit.

HofT. Jrioito, ix, 85.

For when they shift to sit in hantie throne.

With hope to nUe the sceptre as they list,

Ther 's no regard nor feare of kad-I-vist.

Mirr.fw Magitt. ViteUius, p. 160.

Beware of kad-I'Wjfst, whose fine bringes

care and smart.

Paradi4€ of DayntU Devbet, sign. AS.

Let wisdome goide thee then, while for-

tunes flows :

So Shalt thou scape the rocke cal'd Had-I-


But, had I wist thou hadit been borne

from mee

On fortune's flood, I would have f(rf.

lowed thee.

Datus, Scourge o/Foffy, 1«11.

Valour is often overthrowne by rash-

uease, and had-I-mii is the worst part of

understanding: for rashnesse without

reason may breed sorrow without com-

passion. JUcA Cabi$ut, ire., 1016

"-.°„'"fX"a >«*• H«dly. iVort*.


Had-loont-kean, 8. A gutter or

diyision between headlands and

others. North.

Hape, pret. t. {J.-S.) Heaved;


Hafeu, v. To stand higgling. Sujf.

Hapbren, aeff* Unsteady. East.

Haffet, ff. The temples.

H APPLE, 1^. To stammer ; to pre-

varicate; to make a fool of.


Hafles, adj. Wanting.

Haft, ff. By the haftf a common

oath. Loo8e in the hqft, not

quite honest.

Hapted, adj. A term applied to a

cow when, from long retention of

milk, the teats have become rigid.

Hapter, ff. A wrangler ; a crafty


Hafts, ff. Little islands in a pond

for water-fowl to make their nests.


Hapye, 9. To have.

Hag, (1) f. A division of wood to

be cut.

(2) ff. A small wood or enclosure.

d by boogie




(3) t. A white mist; a phos-

phoric light seen at night. North.

(4) 9, An appearance of light or

fire upon the manes of hones, or

men's hmr.

(5) 8. The belly. Nortkumb.

(6) V, To hack.

(7) 8. A sink in mosses; any

broken ground in a bog. North,

(8) V. To haggle. Wett.

(9) f. Idle disorder. Somerset,

(10) *. (A.-S.) A witch, or fiend.

(11) ». To work by the hag, •'. e.

by the job. North.

(12) V. To torment.

Hao's-fack, e. A term of con-


Haoaoino, adj. Passionate. Devon,

Haobbray, #. The name of a shrub,

the Pruntu padtit.

Haobubh, U. A gun, or hack-

haobot, J bush.

Hao-cloo, t. A chopping-block.


HAOB,r. To tire with work. North.

Haooa, 8. The fruit of the haw-

thorn. Berke.

Haooadat, 8. A sort of wooden

latch for a door. Yorkeh.

Haooaob, f. A slattern. Devon.

Haooar, {I) adj. Wild; untamed.


(2) 8. A terror ; something which


'^tbin the dark ilutde of an ancient wood.

In whoae black breaat that place of horrour


"Wbere they appoint to meet^ like those of

ObKore and dark, by beaats and biids tb&t

The light alone frequented; but lore had

DiB-plum'd feara haggan, being reaolr'd

ahe dad ^, . .. , .

Beautiea fair pearl, where imooth dehghta

diddwcll. ..,...,.

Ith' Tough-caat mould of that aclopian

thdLCkambtrla^iu's Fluaronnid*, 1669.

Haggard, «. {A.-N.) (1) A hawk

not trained.

(2) A loose woman.

(3) A rick yard. Still us«d in

the ffe9t.

Hagoab-makbr's-shop, «. A

public house.

Hagged, adj. Fatigued; tired.


Haggbnbao, 8. Meat baked in a

pie-crust. Comw.

Hagobr, v. To chatter with cold.


Haggis, 8. (1) The entraiU of a

sheep, minced with oatmeal, and

boiled in its stomach or paunch.


(2) To cool one's haggis, to beat

soundly. Florio.

Haggish, 8. A t«rm of contempt

applied to a female. North.

Haogister, *. A magpie. Kent.

Haggle, (v.) (1) To tease, or

worry. Ox/d.

(2) To cut jaggedly. North.

(3) To hail. North.

(4) To bargain hard.

Hagolbr, *. The upper-servant of

a farm. Wight.

Haggles, «. Haws.

Hagolb-toothed, adj. Snaggle-

toothed. Devon.

Haggt, adj. Broken or uneven.

Applied to the surface of soil.

Hagh, 8. iJ.'S.) A hedge.

Haghe, *. (^.-5.) Fear.

HAGHB8.1 jj^^g ^^^^


Hagler, *. (l; The coalman who

carries coals from house to house.


(2) A bungler. Vear. d.

Hagmall,*. a woman who dresses

sluttishly. Somerset.

Hagriddbn/i4^'. Entangled. Devon.

Hag-tracks, ». Fairy-rings.

Hao-stonb, *. A stone with a hole

in it, hung at the bed's head, and

supposed to have the power of

preventing the nightmare; so

called because that disorder was

imagined to be occasioned by a

witch siUing on the stomach.

Hag-thorn, t. The hawthorn.


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Ra«-woaic» «. A ftHike. North.

Ha-house, «. A ibansion. (t. e.

hall-hoose, see HalUplace.) North,

HxiD-coRKy «. The plants of wheat

in winter. Norihwnb.

Hais, ». (A.'N.) A hedge

Haifbk, t. To toil. Eatt.

Haiho,«. Thewoodpecker.5Ar(9;fA.

See Heeco,

Haike. An exclamation of defiince.


Hail, (1) adj. Healthy.

(2) V. To poar, or cry. Somers.

"R AiLE, part. p. Dragged. Tutter.

Hail-vellow, 8. An expression of

intimacy. To be hailfeUow will

met with etery one, to mix in all

sorts of society.

Kow BMn that ent haU-Mhw vas with


'Woxe on to weene hlmwlfe a god at kait.

Hatlsen, V. (A.^.) To salute.

Hail-shot, t. Small shot for


Bnt the me is not so fonl as it leemB

at fint liKht, if it is true they were set

an, by a letter of Sir Thomas Watson's

to entrap certain notorions stealers by

a double train ; and that the keepers

had notice ot their coming, as they pre-

tend, and shot haiUtkot among them at

their first approach. Letter daUd 1619.

Hain, (1) 9. To complain ; to ease.


(2) V, To preserre. North,

(3) V, To exdnde cattle from a

grass field; to lay a field for


(4) 9. \A..N) Malice. Chith.

(5) V. To possess. Lhtc.

(6) V, To heighten. Etut.

HKitnvBj adj. Unpleasant. Ate*.

Haifb, 9. A sloven. Craoen.

HAift-BEAKD, t. The field wood-

rosfa {Uuuia cttmputrU).

Haireye, 9. {A..8.) The plant

cleaver. (?fottc.

Haiet-lockjio, a4}» Having side-


Haish, «. The ash.

Haistbr, (1) t. The fire-place.

Shrop9h, See E9tre,

(2) e. To hoist about. Cmmb,

Hait, fl^r*. (^.-AT.) Joyful.

Haitch, 9, A slight shower.

Haitchyt misty, cloudy. Satfer.

Haithb, v. (A.'N.) To heave.

Haitt, v. To shake. Somer9et.

Ha EASE, V. To tramp about. Line.

Haechyp, *. A hatchet. Pr, P.

Hake, (1) s. A hand-gun.

(2)s. A hook. Var.d,

(3) 9. The draught iron of a


(4) V. To snesk about ; to dally

wantonly. North.

(5) 9. A hawk.

(6) V. To be eager after.

Haked, 9. A large pike.

Haebl, 9. Dress. See ffaeile.

Hakeb, s. An idle fellow. North'

ampt. •

Hakere, s. a quarter of com.

Hakke, v. {A.'S.) To run after.

Hakkeb, v. To tremble vrith pas-

sion or cold. We9t.

Hal, 9. A fool. York9h.

Hala, adj. Bashful. Yorlnh.

Halantow, s. a procession to

survey the parish bounds.

Halche, V, To hook on.

Halchoo, 9. Hackle.

Halde, (1) 9. {A.'S.) A prison

or fortress.

{2)pret. t. Held;p/. halden.

Haldbr, ff. A plough handle. Line.

Hale,(1)s.(^..5.) Health, safety.

ISftaoones, aU hecdlesse of his dearest hate,

Poll greedily into the heard he thrust.

Sp. Jstrofkelt ver. 108.

(2) ad;. Whole ; welL

(3) a4f. Whole; aU. Halely, haUy,


(4) V. {A.'S.) To pull, or draw ;

to hawL

I am cnmbred with so many cares,

which diversW hale my minde to and

fro. hither and thither.



d by Google


(5) *. A tent, or pavilion.


And to avoyde the flixe, and iuche

dangerooa diseaaet as doth many tiroea

chaunce to iouldionrs by reason of lyin|

upon the ground and uncovered, and

lykewyae to horses, for lacke of haUs.

Letter iffl. B., 1572, in Cens, LU., vu, 840.

(6) tf. To vex ; to worry.

(7) t>. To pour out. Dorset.

(8) 9, To procure by solicitation.


(9) 8. An iron implement for

hanging a pot over the fire.


(10) ». The range of bricks taken

immediately from the maker and

placed in order to dry before


(11) 8. A rake for getting loose

pebbles from brooks. Devon.

(12) 8. A plough-handle. Line.

Hals-bredb, «. A lubber.

Haleoh, 8. {A.-S.) A mniipl


Halbsomb, adj. "Wholesome.

HALEST0NB,t. A flint. North.

Halbyards, t. Halliards.

Half-an-byb, 8. With half an eye,


Yet I will so declare, with kaJf-tm-eife,

Heraelf shall tell and certainly perceire.

The Wieard, a Plaf, 1640.

IlALr-BAKED, ofr'. Raw, and inex-

perienced. Var.d.

Half-bord, 8. A cant term for


Half-caps, 8. Slight salutations

with the cap. Shakesp.

Halfen.dbl,1».(^.-5.) Half. In

HALF-DBL, J Somerset, a dr«»ss

composed of two different mate-

rials is called a halfen-deal gar-


Half-facbd, adj. (1) Showing

only half the face, the rest being


GAnve PyeboardT honest Ckorge? why

cam's! thou in kaif-fatTd, muffled so?

Piiriten, iii, 6, Suppl. to Sh., ii, 691.

(2) Drawn in profile. Half-fac'd


groats were those which had the

king's face in profile.

You hetf-faei groat! you Ihick^jhcek'd


Half-hammkr, *. The game of

hop, step, and jump. East.

Half-kibtlb, ». A common dress

of courtesans, apparently a short

skirted loose bodied gown.

Half-laughs. "None of your

hay-UMghs,*" i. e., no half mea-

sures, do things on a large scale.

Halfly, adj. Half.

Half-mabrow, 8. One of two

boys who manages a tram. North.

Half-moon, ». An old cant term

for a periwig.

Half-named, adj. Baptized pri-

vatcly. West.

HALF-Novrr,». Half-price. North,

Half.pacb,<. a platform, or raised

floor. See Ha^ce.

Half-placb, *. The middle of a


Half-bocked, atjf. Silly.

Half-savbd, adj. Half-witted.


Half-strainbd, adj. Simple.

Halohb, s. {A.'S.) a saint ; a

thing consecrated ; pi. habnoes.

Halidom , s. (^.-5.) HoUneaa ;

sacrament ; the sanctuary.

Halib, v. To pulL See Hale.

Halioh, adj. Holy.

Halino-whip, s. a flexible whip.

HALi.PALiiBR,t. The palmer-worm.


Halitoous, adj. (JLat.) Vaporout.

Haliwby,». (1) The balsam tree

(2) Any remedy against sicknesa.

Halk, (1) 8. {J.-S.) A corner.

(2)». Futuere. Forman*s Diary,

Hall, s. (1) A chief house; a


(2) A trammel. SufoU.

Hallacks, s. An idle fellow.

Hallaeking, idUng, merry making.


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Hallaob, i. (Fr,) The toll paid to

the lord of a fair or market.

Hallan, 8. The passage between

an oater and inner door; as

well as the partition between the

passage and the room. HalUm-

ihaker, an impudent beggar.


Hallantidb, t. All Saints' daj.

Halls, (1) adj. Healthy.

(2) 8, A plough-handle. Devon.

Hallb-b'en, s. All Hallow eve.


Halltbash, 9. A great blaze.


Hallibr,«. (1) A student in a

hall at Oxford.

(2) A net for birds.

Hallino, (\) 8. Tapestry.

(2) Trying if geese or ducks be

with egg. Devon,

Hallion, 8. A reprobate. North,

Hall-ntoht, 8. The evening of

Shrove Tuesday. The previous

Sunday is sometimes called Hall-

Sunday. Devon.

Hallowday, 8. A holiday. Ea8t.

Hallowmass, 1 8. The feast of All


Hall-placb, 8. A manor-house.

Why I hftd rmiher marry a eoaatrey

Jiutice, that lives in a hMUflaee, two

mile from a town.

ShadmM, The Smmoriitt, 1871.

Halu, t. A handle.

Halmot-cou&t, 8. A court baron.

Halowb Thuesdatb, 8. Holy


H alpacb, "I 8. (J.-N.) A raised

HAUTEPACB, J floor, or stage.

UALF^tpret. t. Helped.

HAisFRDtpart.p. Crippled. Wighi.

Hals, 8. (^.-5.) The neck.

Halse, (I) V. {A.-S.) To embrace;

to clip round the neck.

And lovely kaitUt, from fearo of treaioa

free. F.q.,iy,^4,9.

(2) V. To acUure.

(3) 8. Hazel. Somer8et.

Halsbnim a, 0dj, Bough ; rude.

Halsent, «. Conjecture ; an evil

prediction. Devon.

Halsfano, 8. {A,'S.) The pillory.

Halsb, v. To tie ; to knot. North.

Hals-man, a. {A.'S.) An execu-


Halson, (1) V. To promise; to

predict Devon.

(2) 8. A sort of hard wood.

Halstbk, 8. One who draws a

barge by a rope. fVeet.

Halsumly, Afe. Comfortably.

Halt, (I) 8. {A.'S.) A copse. See


Cl)pre8. mdpret. t. of hoUtt,

(3) 8. Animal deposit. Somer8.

(4) «. A strong hamper. North,

Halte, (I) V. (A.'N.) To go


(2) adj. Lame.

Haltbrpath, «. A bridle-way.


Haltbrsack, \8. A term of re-

HALTBR8ICK, J proach. " One

whom the gallows groans for."


If he were my wm, I woold hang him

up by the heeU, and (lea him, aim nit

him, Vhoreion JkaUer-taek I

B. ir FL, Ih. of Bumimg Pe$tU, i, p. 878.

ThT beginning was knap-iack, and thy

ending will be kalter-Mck.

Ib.t Ffmr FUt^* im Oite, PL lit

Halyans, *. Inferior ore. North.

Halybndele. See Halfendele.

Halwb, v. (A.'S.) To consecrate.

Halwbn, 8. Saints. See Halghe.

Halwbthurs, «. Holy Thursday.

Haly, adj. Hated. Prompt. P,

Halzen, 8. See Hahon,

Ham, (l)iiro». Them.

(2) 8, Rich level pasture ; ground

near a river. Weet.

Hamber. " Hamber barelis.'' CaX"

ton* 8 Reynard the Fose. Proba^

bly wine-barrels.

Hambbrvvbs, 1 Horse-collan.


Hamburohbs, 8, The arm-holes.


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Hamch,*. Thehip-ymt. Northvmb,

Hamb, i, (1) Home.

(2^ A skin.

(3) A horse-collar.

Ham EL, V. (1) To walk lame.

Hamelin, limping, walking lame.

(2) To lame dogs by hamling,

HAMBLL'D.uPfOJ;. FiUl of business.


Hamel-tbbes, 9. The cross-bars of

a plough to which the traces are


Hames, m. Pieces of bent wood on

a horse's collar to which the traces

are fixed.

Ham-fleets, «. Cloth buskioa to

protect the legs from dirt.


Hamoams, 8, Antics. Leic,

Hamil, 8, A handle. Somertei.

Haminb, v. To aim ; to hit. Lydg.

Hamkin, <. A pudding made upon

the bones of a shoulder of mnt-

ton, after the flesh is taken off.


Hamlen, v. {J,-S.) To ti&

Hamlet, b. A high constable.

Hamlino,«. The operation of cut-

ting the balls out of the feet of


Hamm ARTWARDy 1 odv, HoBie-


Hammer, (I) v. To stammer.

i2) 9. To work, or labour.

3) Hammer and pincer$, the

noise made by a horse striking

the hind foot against the fore

foot. To live hammer and tonffs,

to be always quarrelling.

Hammer-drbssbd, adj. Stone

hewn with a pick, or pointed


Hammer-man, 8, The man who,

in Cornwall, by a hammer, stamps

the impression of the Duchy seal

on the face of a block of tin.

Hammbr-scapplb, 8. A mi^er.


Hammbrwort, 8. Pellitory.

Hammil, «. A hoveL North,

Hampbr, 9. To beat. North.

Hamper-clot, a. A ploughman.


Hamperlbgoed, adj. Led away or

overborne. Warm.

Ham pert, adj. Out of repair.


Hamron, 8. The hold of a ship.

Hams, e. A cant term for breecnei.

Ham-sam, odb. Irregularly. Cwnb^.

Hamshackle, r. To UsXtn an

animal's head to one of its foc8


Hamsticks, 8. Part of the harneM

to a horse's collar. North.

Ham-trbbs,<. Haines. Devon.

Hamwood,«. a hoop passed round

the collar of a cart-horse, to

attach the chains. SQuth.

Han, (1) V. To have.

(2) adv. Hence.

Han ABORouoB, «. A horse-collar

made of straw. J>evon.

Hamaf, 8. {A.'N.) A cup.

Item, he whidi it mayor of Londom

for the time ihall hate ui Aoiuip d* or,

a goldea tanker, at the coroaatkin of

every king, with othfr priviledges be-

lonnng to the said mavor and citr, at

such coronation of the kiag by aaeient

costome of the same city.

CaUkrop^t B^porti, 1970.

Hanaper, 8. A hamper, or basket.

The Hanaper Office derives its

name from the circumstance that

the writs wer^d^KMited there m

a basket.

Hanby, adj. Vnralji wanton.


HiLVCKhitDi part. p. Cutoff.

Hancle. Many. North.

Hanq, (1) 9. To sign. Moit.

(2) 8. Perfomance.

(3) «. A workman.

(4) 8. A bunch of radishes.

(5) 8. A hog's shoulder-joint

without the blade-bone. Suffi

(6) To make a hand or, to spoil.

To have the hand m, to be mo-

customed to. Jny hand qfor^

d by Google




ready and prepared. To hand

with, to co.operate with.

Bandbamd, ff. {4-S.) Posaetsion.

H ANDBEATTNOf 8, Cutting off the

tarf with a beating axe. Devon.

Handbow, «. The longbow.

Hand-bbbdb, m. {4.'S.) a hand'f


Hand-caitnon, a. A mnaket

Hand-cloth, t. A handkerchief.

HAMD-CLOirr, «. A toweL Vorth.

Handbchamp, a. A ruflle. Cmpen.

Hanbbll, a. A fiUkr's impkment.

Handbr, a. The lecond to a pu-

gilist. Ime.

HANDEBHAMP,a. Amfle. Crmen,

Handerboiib, adf. Meddling;

iMBdj. North.

Handewarps, a. A sort of cloth,

formerly made in Essex.

Handfabt, (1) a. Custody; COB-

finement; connection or union


(2) V. To betroth, or contract

for marriage.

At length, thioagh bis great impor-

tanity, he brought it to passe. ^ the

old Di'an kand-fuisd his next uelghboun

daughter to him.

T«nne$ im MitglUk, 1641.

Handful, (1) a. A measure of four


(2) 7b have a handful, to hafe

much trouble with. *'Mr8. S.

says she has a sad handfiU with

her mother."

Handgun, a. A culverin.

Hand-hoybn-brbad, a. Oatmeal-

bread, kneaded stiff. Lane.

Handica?, a. A sort of game.

IMO. Sept. 18th. To the Mitre Uveni,

IB Wood Street, a honae of the neateat

note in London. Here aome of us fell

to kumdietf, a aport that I never knew

Wfinre, Yhich vis reiy good.

Piflft't DUtary.

Hand-in-and-vand-out, a. A

game played by young people.

HANDLB-or-THE.BACB,a. Thenose.

Let me adviae onr ramiting sallants to

fi>rbear trading with whorea thia month.

not only hi raipeet of the dog-days, but

also for diverse other weighty confer*

ations, particularly that of losins the

ktmdU (ftMrfmce ; which if they sbonhl

chance to do they must make use of the

mwtiniia apoken of by Hudibraa.

Poor AoWfl, 1788.

Handlasb, a. A small windliaa.


Hand-limb, a. A ciron, or hand-


Hand-out, f. An old game.

Hand-otbr-hbao. 'Aooghtleaa ;


Handpat, adj. Fluent ; ready.

Hand-ruvt, a. A shirt rufBe.

H ANDRUNNiNO, o^f. Coutinuously.


HANDa-CBARB,a. Light honaehold

work. Northampt.

Hand-slebvb, a. A sleere reaching

to the band. ** Une manche.

The handtleeve : the sleeve of a

garment." Nomenclator.

Handsmooth, (1) adj. Quite flat.

(2)adv. Uninterruptedly, entirely.

Hand-sfikb, a. A wooden leafei:,

shod with iron. Craven.

Hand-8Taff, a. A handle.

Handstrikb, a. A wooden lever

to a windlass.

Hand's-tvrn, a. Assistance.

Handsum, adj. Dexterous.

HAND-TABLB,a. A table-book. Pr, P.

Hand-while, a. A moment.

Hand-woman,*. Amidwife. Devon.

Handt, (1) o^f. Ready; expert;

done with the hand.

(2) a. A piggin. North.

Handycvff, a. A blow.

Handt-dandy, a. A child's game»

in which something is changed

from o;ie hand to the other, and

guesses are made aa to which

and contains it.

Handyfast, adj. Holding ftat


Handyoripbs, a. Seizing by the


Hanb, (1) V. To throw.

(2) a. Protection; safeguard. Lme»





(3) i. An inn or caravanseraL

At their death, they ufually give legacies

/or the relense of prisoners, the freeing

of bond-tlaves, repairing of bridges,

building of ktuies for the relief of tra-

Tellers. Sandys' Ttm.^ p. 67.

Hang, (1) «. A crop of fruit. East.

(2) 8. A declivity. Eait.

(3) V. To stick, or adhere. West.

(iS V. To tie. Somerset.

(5) 7b ^n^ on/, to invite a party.

To hang in one's hair, to scold or

abuse. To hang in the beWropes,

to be asked in church and then

defer the marriage.

Hangbt, s. a contemptnous term

for a dependent

Hangb, s. The lights, heart, and

liver, or pluck of an animal. West.

Hangedlt, adv. Doggedly. North.

Hangel, s. a reed, or rush.

Hanger, s. (1) The fringed loop

appended to the girdle, to hang

the dagger or small sword.

(2) A pot<hook.

(3) A hanging wood. SovUh.

Hanoerbl, s. a gambrel.

Hang-gallows, s. A villain.

Hanging, s. Tapestry.

Hanging-level, «. An inclined

plane. East.

Hangings, s. Land on the side of

a hill. Northan^t.

Hanging-side, s. The higher side

of a vein which is not perpen-


Hangino-w^all, s. The side over

the regular vein. Derbysh.

Hanging- WOOD, s. A wood on the

slope of a hill.

Hanglb, s. a pot-hook. Var. d.

Hanoiian*8-waobs, s. Thlrteen-

pence halfpenny. Grose.

Hangment, ( 1) ff. Suspension. Pr.P.

(2) To play the hangment, to be

enraged. North.

Hangnails, s. Bits of partially

separated skin at the roots of the

finger-nails. Set Agnayles.

Hang-sleeve, s. A dangler. Suff.

Hamoulbook, «• A fish-hook.

Hanilons, s. The wiles of a fox.

Hank, (1) s. A skein of thread, &c. ;

a rope or latch for fastening a


(2) V. To fasten.

(3) s. A hold on anything.

She has a dam'd kant upon my heart,

and nothing but right down lyiog with

her will dissolve the charm.

Mr$. Be An, City Heireu, 1688.

(4) V. To hanker after. North,

(5) s. A body of people ; a con-

federacy. Var.d.

(6) s. A handle. Somerset.

(7) f. A habit. NortK

(8) s. An ox driven mad by ill

treatment. Middlesex.

Hanker, v. To long for.

Hankle, v. To twist, or entangle.


Hanktelo, «. A simpleton. South,

Hanniel, s. a bad fellow. North,

Hannibr,<. One who teases. Yorks,

Hannikin-boby, s. An old dance.

Hans, f. Quantity. HalL

Hanse, (1) s. The upper part of a

door-frame ; the lintell.

(2) V. To give hansel to.

Hansel,*. (A.-N.) The first money

received in the morning for the

sale of goods, accounted fortunate

to the seller and purchaser ; the

first use of anything ; a gift, or

bribe. Tohanseljto use for thefirrt

time. The first purchaser in a

shop newly opened hansels it, as

the first purchaser of the day does

a market.

Of hatua y can no skylle also,

Hyt vs noujt to belere tharto ;

M« tbynketh hyt ys fala erery deyl,

Y beleve hyt nonjt, ne never shal weyL

For many navyn glad kancel at the mcnrw.

And to hem or eryn cometh moehyl i

J#5. ffari. 1701

The vounger by the contraries gave ^^rrTf

* I nis

lu pnme

Of many virtues.

Warn^i MbtM't BngUnd, 1S9SL

And now Aneas firmly set on groond.

Himself first set upon tho rurall baiiu,

And for first A«jurM, with his valinut hands

Slaughters the Latinea, Theron bold beift

uiea, ineron Doia bemr


d by Google




The iauea of hit fortimet tffcr hit

coronation wm, that 60 French ihipt

landed at Rye in Suaaez, who homt and

•poyled the towne, and diTOt other

parta of the kinfdome.

Tt^lot'i WorkUt 1680.

Hanselins, «. A tori of short


Han8-sn*keldbb, f . (Dutek, lite-

rally Jack m the cellar); a jocular

term for an nnbom infant.

The Thehan wittall, when he odm dcaeriea

Jove ie his rintll, falU to iacxifica:

That name hath tipt hit hwna : ace on Us


A health to HMS-m-KeUtr Hercotet.

Next bef I to present mj duty

To pregnant sister in pnme beauty,

Who well I deem (ere few months elder),

Will take oat katu txam pretty keUer.

lAF ^i; V.

(2)#. Ac

(3) #. U-

(4)r. To

Hanttnos, f . The handles to the

sneed of a scythe. North,

Hamtls, f. A handful; trouble,

or labour. Var. d.

Hantt, o^f. Restive ;wanton. North,

Hap (1) v. To wrap up.

\ covering.

..&) Fortune.

To set on. North,

Hap-rarlot, 1 «. a coarse cover-

H appaklet, j let.

H APNBDB, /»r»/. /. Happened.

Kappa. What think you? North.

HAPPBfV. To happen.

Happen, adv. Perhaps. North,

Happbb,v. To crackle, ffest,

Happebgaw, t.

God blesae the laird, I trow hia worship


I am a roan that hath no kaaptr^gawet.

Th» Oopit of a BarotCa Court, 4to, n.d.

Happino, b, a covering ; a coarse

coverlet. Var. d,

Happy, m^, (1) Rich. Happy go

lucky, anything done at a venture.

Happy man be hit dole, may hap-

piness be his lot.

(2) V, To make happy.

She happily err'd, He that her honour

Bad in himaelfe Adl poirer to salve the


Her error iappyed me to (I eonfeiae),

If to be Jhovea childe be a happinesae.


Haps, «. (1) A hasp. Var. d.

(2) The lower part of a half^oor.


Hapsb, V, To fasten. Berke,

H APT, part, p. Covered up. Norths


Haciub, e. A short hand-gun.

HAdVEBUT, 8. An arquebus.

Hab, (l)j9roB. Their.

(2) e. The hole in a stone on

which the spindle of a gate rests.

Har-treet the head of the gate in

which the foot of the spindle is

placed. Durham,

(3) «. Drizzling rain ; fog. North,

(4) adj. Higher. Northttmd,

Habaoeouse, adj, {Fr.) Violent;


Habas, t, (JPr.) A stud of horsea ;

a stable.

Habbe6ieb8, 1<. Persons whose

habbinoebs, j duty it was to pro-

vide lodgings for their lords.

Habbbny«wbb, «. A lodging.

Habbbb, 8. The horn-beam. Eaet.

Habbebgaoe, 8. An inn, lodging.

Habbobous, adJ, Hospitable.

Habbobbow, (1) V, To lodge in

an inn.

(2) 8, Lodging ; protection.

Habbovb, 8, The term applied to

the lodgment of the hart or hind.

The man who held the limer was

the harbourery and his occupation

was called harbouring.

Habo, (1) adj. Sharp; grievous.

(2) adj. Hardy ; strong. South,

(Z) adj. Great; dangerous.

(4) adj. Sour.

^5) adj. Full grown. Somer8et,

(6) Hard-eety scarcely able. Hard

faMfo)i,veryill. Hard and eharp,

scarcely; harshly.

(7) adj. Miserly ; mean. North,

(8) a^. Half tipsy. Yorkthire.

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(9) «. A hurdle.

(10) «. A small marble. Soinen,

(11) In an advertisement in the

'Times/ 1846, mention is made

of " piles, stairs, hardt, or landing

places, oh the Bborc of the river/'

Hardbeam, 8, The hornbe&ili.

Hard-bt, prep. Very near.

Hard-corn, 9, Wheat and rye.


Hards, 9. (A.-S,) To make hard.

Hardel, 9, The back of the hand.

Hardely, adv. (A.-S,) Boldly;


Harden, (1)«. Hemp. SeeHttrd9,

(2) 9. Strong coarse cloth. Line,

(3; 9. To grow dear. North.

(4) V. To air clothes. Shr(}p9h.

Hardheads, 9. Knapweed. North.

Hard-hold, 9. A stiff dispute.

Hardhow, 9. The marigold.

IIardie, v. (A,-N.) To encourage ;

to embolden.

Hardiessb, 9. {A.^N.) Boldness.

Hardihed, 9. Hardihood.

Hardiment, 9. Courage; bold


Hard-iroK, 9. Com crowfoot;

triplex paiula,

Hardishrbw, It, A field-mouse.


Hardlb, v. To entangle. Dor9et,

Hardleys, l^^.Hardly.iVorM.

HARDLIN08, J ' "««!/. -^tw*/!.

Hardmeat, «. Com.

Hardness, 9. (A.-N.) Croelty.

Hardock, 9. A burdock.

Hards, 9. (1) Coarse flax ; the re-

fuse of flax or hemp ; small pieces

of coarse matted linen used to

stuff mattresses.

(2) Very hard cinders. Ea9t.

Hard-tristlb, t. The 9erratula

arven9i9. Ea9t.

Hard-wood-trees, 9. Trees which

chUnge their leaves annuallv.


Hardy-icouse, ff. The shrew.

mouse. Northampt.

Harotsby, t. Boldness, ffeame.

HAJLn, (I) aSg. Honnr; white.

(2)pron. Their. See Here.

(3)jDrofs. Her; she. Exmoor.

(4)*. A thick fog. North.

(5) V. To scare or harass.

(6) To 9et the hare^e head offmnmi

the gooee gibMe, to balance things,

to place ode agaimt the other.

Hare-brainbd, adj. Thoughtless.

Harecoppb, 9. A bastard.

Harx-ndt, 9. An earthnut. YorkM,

HARE-prpE, 9, A snare for hares.

Hare's-eye, 9. Wild campion.

Hare's-foot, t. To ki99 the hart^M

fiot, to be too late for anything.

Hare-shorn, 9. A hare-lip. Lhie.

Harb-supper, 9. Harvest-home.


Harewe, 9. (A.'S.) A harrow.

HaroueBvsibr, 9. A soldier who

carried a harquebus.

Harie, (1) 9. Devastation.

(2) V. To hurry.

Haripp, t. Catch-weed. North,

Hartnoe, 9. A kind of serpent.

Hark, v. To gness at. York9h.^

Harklb, 1 v. To make an incision

BARTLB, J in one hind leg of a

hare or rabbit through which the

other is passed to hang it by.

Northampt. See Hark.

Harl, (1) V. To confuse or en*


(2) 9. A fog. North.

Harlb, (1) v. To cut a slit in the

hind leg of an animal to hang it bj.

(2) 9. Hair, or wool. North.

(3) 9. Three hounds. Osfd.

Harled, adj. Mottled. North.

Harledb, jE^re^ /. Hurled.

Harlinos, 9. The hocks of a hdrse.

Harlock, 9. The charlock.

Harlot, 9. (A.-N.) A ribald, one

of a low claais of society in the

middle ag^s.

Harlotry,*, (1) (if. -JV:) Ribaldry.

(2) Astrampet.

Is my Boane any thing Riered at this

marriage, in respect of the lore and

familiarity betwixt him and thia strann

karhtrjf. TermM in BngUsk, 16il .

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Ha«m. «. A coDtagions disease.


Harm AN- BECK, «. An old cant teim

for a constable.

Haricans, a. The stocks.

Harms, v. To mimic. Yorkth,

Harn, a. Coarse linen. North,

Harnbis, a. {A,-N.) Armour.

Harneisb, v. To put on armour.

Harnbn, adj. Made of horn. Wilts.

HARNBs.a. {J.'S.) The brains.

Harness, a. (1) Armour.

(2) Any implement. West.

(3) Temper; hnmour. South,

Harn-pan, s. The skull. North.

See Heme^pan.

Harnsey, a. A heron. Eatt.

Haro, s. The ancient Norman hue

and cry. To cry out haro on

any one, to denounce him.

Harp, v. To grumble. Northumb.

Harper, 1 a. An Irish shilling,

HARP- > which bore the figure

shilling, J of a harp, and was

only worth ninepence.

But for men shall not thinke I bragge or


Those whom I doe oommiind 'He nominate,

liine pence (three quarters) with his karpt

befriends nie,

And »ix pence with halfe sernce still

attends me. TayUn^M Worka, 1630.

Harpers-cord, s. a harpsichord.

Harpsicals, a. A harpsichord ?

Then oni the people yawl an hundred


Some roar, some whine, some creak like

wheels of carts :

Such notes the gamut never yet did know,

14 or numerous kevs of harjuicaU in a row

Their liei)thts ana de|)ths rould ever com-

prehend. Sai^ ofioiMt Hypocrit<St\6d9.

Harpy, s. A kind of hawk.

Harr, v. To snarl. North.

HARRA8,a. Thehanrett. West.

Harrb, (1) a. The back upright

timber of a gate, bv which it was

hung to the post. Nomenel.

(2) adj. Higher.

(3) Out qfharre, out of order.

Harren, a4/< Mad^^ofhair. jEa«/.

Harrer, adv. Quicker.

Harrest-dam, s. Harvest-home.


HARRiAOE,a. Confusion. Var.d.

Harridan, a. An old hag.

Harriogb, a. The straight edge

of a ruler, Stc.

HARRiMAN,a. kliisiTd. Shropsh.

Harrington, a. A farthing;

named from Lord Harrington,

who obtained from James I. a

patent for making brass farthings.

Tet, sir, it's cast to penny halfpenny


0' the back side there yoa may see it, read :

I will not bate a HamngUm o' the sum.

B. Jon*. Dctil ii tm A*9^ ii, 1.

Thence to RnnvngUm^ be it spoken 1

For name-sake I gave a token

To a begpr that did crave it,

And as ctieerf ully receive it ;

Mure he need not me importune,

I'or 'twas th' utmost of my fortune.

Drunken Bamahjf.

Harrish, adj. Harsh.

Harrot, a. A herald.

Harrow, v. (1) To ravage, or

conquer; to tear to pieces; to

distract. See Harry.

(2) To fatigue much. Linn.

Harrow-ball, a. The frame of

a harrow. Line.

Harrowbr, a. A kind of hawk.

Harrs, a. The hinges of a door;

the two ends of a gate. North.

See Harre.

Harry, (I) r. (//.-S.) To spoil,

or plunder; to torment; to drag

by force.

(2) When a number of workmen

are employed together, and one

supplies another with such a load

as lie is unable to convey in time

to the next, he is said to harry

the man, and the person thus

harried or overladen is turned

out of the party. Warw.

(3) a. A rude clown. Craven.

Harky-bannino, s. a stickle-

back. North.

Harry-gaud, a. A low fellow.


2 o

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Harrt-oroats, $. GroAts coined

under Henry VIII.

Harry-lion, «. A coarse, mtscu*

line woman.

Harrt-lonolbos, i. The tipula

orelacla of Linneus.

Harry-racket, t. A game like

hide and Seek.

Harskb, tuff. Astringent; dry.

Harslet, t. A pig's chitterlings.

Hart, (1) «. A haft. Somereet,

(2)pret.L Heard.

Hart-claver, i. The melilot.


Hartmans, e. An old cant term for

the stocks. See Harmaiu.

HART-or-ORBBCB, \ Afathart;ca-

hart or OREA8B. j ponqfffTeoie,

a fat capon, &c.

HART-or-TEN, 8. A hart past his

sixth year, which had ten branches

on liis horns.

Hart.royal, t. A hart which had

escaped after haTing been hunted

by the king or queen.

HART's-EYE,a. Wild ditany.

Hartykyn, 9. A term of endear-

ment. Palsgravet 1540.

Harum, 04;. SloTenly. NorthampL

Harum - scARUM , adj. Very


Harvb, a. A haw. Essex.

Harvest-beef, a. Any sort of

meat eaten in harvest. Notf.

Harvest-cart. Men employed

in carting com are said to be at

hanent cart. The harvest cart

is the last load of grain.

Harvest-bars, a. Deaf ears.


Harvrsters, a. Reapers of corn.


Palelookestthon like npitcprond Palinode

Venter doth loase and warre doth danger


Bnt thoa art of those hmreesltn I see.

Would at one shocke apoile all the philherd

tree. Ptelt's Eglogue^ 1589.

Harvest-ooose, 9. A stubble-

goose. See jirvyet'ffot.

Harvest-lady, 1 a. The second

harvest>quern, J reaper in a

row, the first being csUed the


Harvest-man, a. The cranelly.

Harvest-row, a. The shrew

mouse. WiUe,

Hasardour, a. (A.-N.) A game-

ster. Hasardrie, gambling.

Hasb, (1) a. Small rain; mist.


(2) V. To beat ; to rub. North.

(3) V. To breathe short. Line.

(4) a. A hog's haslet. Norf.

(5) adj. Hoarse.

Hash, (1) adj. Harsh; rough;

quick; parched, or dry. Var. d,

(2) a. A sloven; a chatterer.


Hask, (l)a. A iish-basket. ^ena.

(2) adj. Coarse; rough ; parched ;

dry. North. See Hath,

Haskerde, a. A rough fellow.

Hasky, adj. Dry ; rough ; unplea-

sant to the touch or feeling.


Hasle-oil, a. A beating.

Haslet. See Harslet.

Haspat, 1 a. a youth between

HASPENALD, j bov and man.

Haspin, a. An idler. North.

Haspinpull, a. A handful. Notts.

HASSBLL.a. Animplement used for-

merly in breaking flax and hemp.

Hassock, a. (1) A reed, or rush;

a tuft of rnshes.

(2) A basket made of hassocks.

(3) Anything growing thick and

wild. Sussex.

Hassock-hbad, a. A bushy head

of coarse hair. East.

Haste, v. To roast. West.

Hastblets, a. Part of the inwards

of a wild boar.

Hastkners, a. Circular tins, put

on a spit, to reflect heat on the

meat in roasting.

H aster, a. (1) A tin meat-screen,

to reflect the heat in roaatiog.

(2) A surfeit. North.

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Hastert, t. Roasted meat.

Hastif, adj.(ji.-N.) Ha«ty. Haiti-

/lieAe, hastily. HMtUoke$t, most


Hastily, adv. Impatiently.

Ha8tino-harnbs8, «. ArmottT

uaed at a tournament.

Hastings, «. A kind of peas. Skiff,

HASTiTfi, }(A..N,) t. Hasti.

BASTivET^, / ness ; rashness.

Hastitsnbbsb, «. Rashness.

Hastlbt, t. A preparation of


EoitUtet of frayt. Take fyfret iqaar-

tend ; raytuM hool, dates and alniaiidea

hoole: and ryise hem on a ipyt, and

rooat hem; and enUnre hem aa pome

dorryea, and lerre hem forth.

Forme cf Cvarg^ p. 83.

Hastnbr, «. A haster.

Hastybbbb, «. A kind of corn.


Hasty- PODDISH, 1 «. A dish made

HASTY-puDDiNG, j by Sprinkling

oatmeal (or sometimes ./four) into

a pan of boiling water, which is

stirred until it liecomea a thick

paste. It is eaten with milk,

sugar, or treacle.

Hat, (l)ai&*. Hot.

" ) fre%. t. of hate. Is called.



(2) J

(3)pr€t. t. Ordered.

(4) pret. t. of hitte.

(b) part. p. Heated. North.

(6) In a letter from the Duchess

to the Duke of Buckingharoi

dated July 16, 1623, she says —

** She" (t. e., her little daughter

Moll) "will be exeeUent at a hat,

for if any one lay her down, she

will kick her legs over her head,

&c. " *' As queer as Diek'e hat^

hand, that went nine times round

his hat and was fastened by a

rush at last."

Hatbat, t. The common bat.


Hat-bbuart, t. A hat-brim.


Hatch, (1) ». {Fr, haeher.) To

engrave with lines ; to inlay, as

with silver ; to adorn.

Thy hair ia line u fold, thy chin is hMlck*d

With silver. Love m a Maze, 1083.

To which your worth is wedded, your


Hatched in, tmd mad* oue piece, in anch •

peril Beaum. /• it, Thierry /• TA.

(2) V, To smear, or stain.

(3) t. A wicket, or half-door.

(4)9. To fasten. Var.d,

Hatch BB, t. (Fr.) Minced meat.

Hatchel, (1) t. The instrumeut

with which flax is beaten.

(2) V. To beat flax.

Hatches, t. Dams. Comw,

Hatchet-paced, adj. Thin-faced.

Hatch If ENTs, ». The ornaments

on a sword, &c.

Hatch-up, «. A medley; a story

patched up with lies. Var, d.

Hatch-way, «. An opening in a

barn for pitching things through.


Hateful, adj. Full of hatred.

Haten, r. (^.-5.) (1) To call.

(2) To be caUed.

Hater, (1) t. (^.-5.) Dress


{2) adj. Hotter.

Hatbrel, 1 «. (Fr.) The crown

HATTBROL, J of the head.

Hatering, a. Dressing ; atture.

Hatbb, (1) jt. a trap-door in

ship. Howell, 1660.

(2) To be in a hathe, to be mat-

ted together. Wetl.

Hather, «. (1) Heath, or ling


(2) A sort of ale, formerly made

in the neighbourhood of New

castle, hy boiling the tops of the

hather plant to a wort, and then

putting wormwood to it, and fer

menting it.

Hat IB, a. Haughtiness.

H ATI EN, V. (A.'S.) To hate.

Hatkim, a. A finger-stall. Suff.

Hatous, adj. Hateful

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Hat-piecb, 8. An ornament of the


1664-5, March 6. To St James't—

did business with the duke. Great pre*

r rations for liis speedy return to tea.

saw him try on his buff coat and

kat -piece covered over with bhick

▼elvet. ^V9'-

Hatren, 9. {A.'S.) Clothes.

HA-mnKjpart.p. Called.

Hattcri 9. (1) To expose to dan-

ger ;to harass.

(2) To entangle. North,

Hattil, ». A thumb-stall. Derb.

HATTLB,a<^'. Wild. Che$h.

Hattock, 9, A shock of corn.


Hauber.jankock,». Anoat-cake.


Hauberk, 9. {A.^N.) A coat ofmail.

Hauch, ». (1) To gore. We9t.

(2) To 6})eak ii?ith a broad

accent. Deton,

Hauch EE.PAUCHEE, a. A terra

applied to potatoes when boiled

to a mash. Devon.

Haud, v. To hold. North.

Haup-rockton, adj. Quite silly.


Haugh, 9, (I) A hillock. North.

(2) Flat ground by the side of

a river. North,

(3) The blade iwhich contains

the head of oats just before it

breaks forth. Svff.

Hauoht, adj. Haughty.

Haughty, adj. Windy. Norf,

Hauk, 9. A cut ; a wound.

H AUK IT, adj. Very ugly. South.

Haul, (1) v. To carry anything on

a cart or waggon. Gloue.

(2) a. The hazel. Somer9et.

Haulex, V, To bawl ; to halloo.

Haulm, a. Stubble; the tops

of potatoes, asparagus, &c. So-


Haultb, adj. {A.-N.) High.

Haulto, 9, A three-pronged dung-


Hacm, 9. To lounge. Leh.

UAUM-GOBBAROyt. Afool. Yorish,

Haumpo, ». To halt. Lane.

Haums, 9. (A.-S.) The skin.

Hauncb, 9. (A.-N.) To raise.

Haunch, v, (1) To throw with a

jerk. North.

(2) To fondle. lAne.

(3) To gore, said of cattle.

H AUN KEDE, part. p. Fastened.

Haunt, a. {A.-N.) Custom.

Haunte, v. (A.-N.) To practise;

to follow or frequent.

Haunty, adj. Playful, applied to

cows. Northampt,

Hauporth,*. a bad bargain; an

awkward fellow. North.

HAU8K,a. {from A.-S.hal9.) (1) The

neck, or throat. North. Hame-

col, a gorget for the neck.

(2) V. To heave up. i-«c.

Haust 9. (1) A cough; a cold.


(2) A hop-kiln. Simex*

Haustment, a. A stiff under-gar-

ment to keep the body straight.

UAVTt adj. {A. -N.) High; proud.

Hautehedet haughtiness.

Hautein, adj. (1) Haughty.

(2) Loud.

Hautepace. See Ha^ace.

Hautesbe, 9. (A.'N.) Highness.

Hauve, (1) a. The helve of an axe.


(2)v. To approach, said of horses.

Hauzen, (1)9. To hug or embrace.

(2) To elevate.

About the time when Vesper in the west

Gan let the evening watch, and ailent


Eirhiy attended by hit twinklinje traine

Sent ilecpe and aluniber to poseaae the


And Fatitaaie to katueu idle heads.

Peei^t Hotumr oftkt GarUr, 1698.

Hay, a. The spike of the oat. Dev,

Hay AGE, a. (1) Family; race. Dev.

(2) Sort. Exmoor.

HAYANCE,a. Good manners. Dewm.

Hayk, ( 1 ) v. To clean corn. C'A^aA.

(2) Have with you, I will go with

you. Have good day, farewell.

Hatbke, a. (A..S.) A hawk.

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Hayel, t. The tlougli of a snake.


Havbles, a«(f. Destitute; poor.

IIavknet, ». A imall baven.

Havbr, (1) «. Oats. Naver-eakef

an oat-cake.

(2) 9, A gelded deer ; called also

a havering,

(3) 9. The lower part of a barn-

door ; a hurdle. Shrop9h.

(4) V, To talk nonsense. North,

IIaver-orass, 9. Wild oats.

Hateridil, t. A sieve for oats.

Havbril, 9. A half-fuoL North,

Havers, ». Manners. Var, d.

ilAYBS, 9. (A.'S.) Effects.

IIavbt-scavet, adj, Helter-skel-

ter. Cumb,

Havil, 9. A young crab. Stt99ex.

11 A VILER, 9. A crab. Su99ex,

Having, «. Fortune, or possessions.

Havock, 9, The cry of soldiers

when no quarter was given.

Haw, (1) ». A yard, or ioclosore.

i2) a. A small wood. Norihampt.

3) t. A green plot in a valley.

{4)9. An excrescence in the


(5) 9, The ear of oats.

!6) adj. Hungry. Cumb.

7)v. Tolook,' Kent.

(8) Azure colour.

Hawbuck, 1 a. A country clown.

HAWBAW, J Var, d,

Hawchamouth, 9, One who talks

indecently. Devon,

Hawcheb, v. To feed foully. Exm.

Hawen, a. pi. Hawthorn-berries.

Hawflin, 9. A simpleton. Cumb,

U AWiB^ pret, t. Hallowed.

H A WK,a. ( 1 ) A lopping.hook. Oj^d.

i2) A fore-finger bound up.

3) The board on which a mason

holds his mortar. Northampt.

Hawkey, «. (1) A boy's game,

otherwise called hockey.

(2) The harvest supper. Hawkey*

load, the last load. Ea9t.

Hawkie, 9, A white-cheeked cow.


HAWKI^r, t. The diminutive of


Hawks*.febt, a. The columbine.

Hawks'-hoods. 9. The small hoods

placed over the heads of hawks.

HAWL-TUBSDAY,a. ShroveTucsday.


Hawm , 9. A handle. Derby.

Hawmetx, a. A paddock. Kent,

Hawmino, a. Awkwardness, line.

Hawn, 9, A horse-collar. North.

HAWP8,a. A clownish fellow. iVbWA.

Hawse, a. The hose. York9h,

Hawtb, v. {A.'N.) To raise.

Hawthbr, a. A wooden pin.

Hawvelle, 9. Nonsensical talk.

Hawjb, v. To confound with noise.

Haxtbr, \9. A hacknied per-

hackstbr,; son; a ruffian; an


For to bring an old kaxter to the eier-

ctse of dcTotion, is to bring an old bird

to liDfc pricIcsoBg in a cage.

Clxln**s fi. e. BratkvmiVt] Whimdn, p. 61.

Yi)win^, like a deiperali: haxter, that he

has express command to seize upon all

our properties. Ladu AHwumn^ i, 1.

Hay, 9. {A.*N.) (I) A hedge.

(2) 9. An inclosure.

(3) a. A net, for catching rabbits.

(4) a. A round country dance.

(5) 9. (Ital.) A hit ! an excla-


(6) V. To dry. Northampt.

Hay-bay, a. Uproar. North.

Hay-bird, a. The willow-wren.


Haycromb, a. (1) A sort of hay-


(2) An implement used to draw

out hay from the sUck, for the

purpose of testing its quality.

Haydiokb, a. An old rural dance.

To be in haydigee9, to be in high


Floods, mountains, valliei, woods, each

▼acnnt lies,

Of nymphs that by them danc'd their Imt-

diffyes. Bnwmt, Brit. Put., II, d.

And light foot nymphs can ehace tha lin-

gring night

^'ilh hgydegrtya, and trimlv trodden trecea.





And wliilit the nimble Cambritn rills

Dance hM-dav-giei nniona: the hills.

Po/yofe.. S. T, Argum.

Whne iome the ringi of bells, and some

the bajrpipes ply.

Dance many a merry round, and many a

Ayiirpf. iJ., song xxy.

By wells and nils and meadowes greene.

We nightly dance our hey-day -guise.

Fairy's Song, in Percy.

Hatgeeho, 9. A carter.

Desborow, that bloudy beef-brain 'd

wretch falls under our drscription next ;

who was a stale hay-gee-ho, or carter;

and never shall ctiiue to the honour to

be waggoner to Charles his wain.

The Sage Senator,^. ilZ.

Hat-oob, s. Black bind-weed. War,

Hay-orass, 9. After-grass. Weit

Hayhofb. f. Ground-ivy.

Hay-uousb, *. A hay-loft. Paliff.

Ha Y.JACK, f. The white-throat.


Haylb, e. Tohawl.

Hayler, «. The rope by which the

yards in a ship are hoisted.

Haylsb, v. {A.'S.) To salute.

Haylwourth, «. The pknt dda^


Haymaidek,«. Ground-ivy. West,

Hayn, t>. (1) To lay in ground for

hay, by takiug the cattle off.


(2) To hedge, or fence. Var, d,

Haynb, $. A park ; an inclosure.

Hay-ket, f. A net for catching

rahl)its. Northampt. '

Hay-pines, %. Hay seeds.

Hayre, «. A garment of goat's hair.

HayreiteTy one who makes such


Hays, «. Plains. Siaff.

Hay-sao, t. The hedge-sparrow.


Hay-scalbd, adj. Hare-lipped.


Hay-bklb, t. {A,'S.) Hay- time.


Hay-spa DK, «. A heart-shaped

spade, for cutting hay. Weit.

Hay-stall, 9, A portion of wood I

on the oatskirts of a forest.


Haysuck, t. A hedge-sparrow.


Hayt, adj. Haughty.

Hay-thorn, 9, Hawthorn.

Hay-tit, f. The willow-wren. Imc.

Hayty-tayty, 9. The board used

in the game of see-saw. We9t.

Hay WARD, ». A person who guarded

the corn and farm-yard at night ;

or who watched cattle, to prevent

them from breaking the fences.

Hazard, «. A pool for balls in

games of chance ; the plot of a

tennis court.

Haze, v. To dry linen. Ea9t.

Hazb-oazb, 9. Wonder. Yor1t9h,

Hazel-earth, 1 «. A sort of loamy

HAZBL-MOULD, J soil. Northompt^

Hazbly-brick-earth, 9, A sort of

loam, found in Essex.

Hazbney,v. To foretell evil.Dorael.

Hazlb, (I) 9. To beat. Craven,

(2) 9. The first process in drying

washed linen. EoMt,

(3) adj. Stiff, as clay. Ater.

Hazon, V, To scold. Wilt9,

Hazzlbd, adj. Rough or dry, ap.

plied to the skin. Northampt,

Ha5er, adj. More noble. Gawayne,

He, adj. (1) High.

(2) pron. They; she.

Head, (1) V. To behead.

(2) 9. A head-dress. PaUg,

(3) Head9 and taiU, a cororaon

game of tossing up pence. Head

nor tail, nothing. To be off

the heady to suffer in intellect.

To go at heady to have the first

bite. To headpoint9y to put the

irons on them. To be tqion the

head qf ity very close to the jack;

a term used in bowling. To put

heads together, to consult. Head9

and holUy pell-mell. Head9 and

pluck9y the refuse of timber-trees.

To your heady to your face. 7b

give one*9 head for washing^ to

submit to be imposed upon.





rm refloIv*d.

1 Cii. And BO am I, and forty more good


That will not AM tkeir headifor the vask'

ing, 1 Uke li. Gild's lUvengf, w, 3.

Hbad-achEi t. The corn poppy.

Head-cokn, «. Mixed corn. YorJhfh.

HSAD-GO, «. The best. Var,d.

HBAD-G0R0LB,«.AdiBea8e in cattle.

Headoeow, «. Aftermath. Shrqp9h,

Head-kbep, «. The first bite. Norf.

Headland, t. The fee paid to the

apparitor in Lincolnshire.

Headlands,*. SteAdlandt.

Headlets, «. Buds. We$t,

Headline, v. To attach a rope to

a builock's bead. Somerset.

Head-money, «. A sort of tax.

Head-pennt, «. A penny for the

corp&e, formerly paid to the cu-

rate over and above the fees,

after a faneraL

Head-sheet, «. A sheet placed at

the top of the bed.

Head-sheets, $. A sloping plat-

form towards the stern of a keel.


Headstrain, «. A nose-band for a


Headswouan, «. A midwife. Eaet

Head-Wad, s, A hard pillow.

HBAD-WABK.t. (^.-5.) Headache.

Heady, ai(f. Self-willed; ungovern-


By him are seas past, heady shipa con-


He first tild, plead, sowd, reapt, and fined

gold. Heywood, Troja JBritoHtea, 1609.

Heal, ». To lean on one side, as a

ship; to hold downwards; to

pour out ; to rake up a fire.

Healer, ». A tiler. Weet

Healing-gold, «. Money given by

the king when toaching for the


Healings, «. The bed-clothes. Oxf,

Heam , 9, The skin that the young

of a beast is wrapped in.

Hkan, «. The hilt of a weapon.

Hrap, «. (1) A large number.

(2) A quarter of a peck. Norih.

(3) A wicker basket. North,

(4) Ai fuU heap, abundantly.

Heop'fitU, brim-full.

HeapingstocKv «. A stepping-

stone. Devon.

Heap-meal, adv. In heaps.

He departed not thence, nntil the mnl*

titude of darts and shot that by heap^-

meaU were flong and cast upon htm,

he saw that he was readie nuw to be

overwhelmed therewith.

HolUatd's Jmmumvs MareeUimu, IW9.

Hearden, «. A headland. Bed$.

Hearb, 9. A kiln, or furnace.

Hbabing-cbbtbs, «. An old slang

term for the ears.

Heabingles, a4^\ Deaf.

Hearn, «. Coarse linen. Newe.

Hearse, «. A hind in its second


Heart, t. (1) The stomach.

(2) In good heart, in good order.

Next the heartf in a morning

fasting. To break the heart qf

anything, to have almost com-

pleted it. Heart and hand, fully

bent. To have the heart in the

mouth, to be much frightened.

To tire one* 9 heart ou/, to be ex-

cessively troublesome. To have

one' 9 heart m a nutshell, to be

very penurious, or cowardly. To

take heart qf grace, or heart-at^

graee, to take courage.

He came within the castie wall to-day.

His absence gave him so much heart of

Where had my husband been but in the


He durst not, 8cc. Sarr. Ariott.f zxi,89.

fLise, therefore, Enphues, and take heart

at graste, younger tliou shalt nevrr bee,

plucke up thy stomacke. JSWpA., F 8, b.

Heart-breaker, «. A love lock;

a mode of dressing the hair in

the time of Charles II.

Hearten, v. To egg on; to en-

courage. East.

Hkart-grief, s. Severe grief.

Heartful, adj. In high spuitt.






Hbartorown, adj. Very fond of.


Hbartgun^, The cardiacle. Devon.

Hbarth, v. To bt^e. Northampt.

Hearts, «. (1) Bosom companions.

(2) Fossil shells (the pAofo-

domya). Northampt.

Hbabt-scad, «. Grief. North,

Hbaet-sci&ts, t. The diaphrarm.


Heartsome, adj. Merry. North,

Hbart-spoon, «. The naveL


Hbart.trbe, t. The part of a gate

which holds the bars. North,

Heartwhole,! adv. In good

HEARTWELL, J SpilltS. ffest.

Hearty, a<ff. Well ; having a good


Heat, (I) v. To ran a race.


(2) part. p. Heated.

Heath, t. A sort of coal found in


Hbath-croppbr. «. A poor horse,

one who lives on the heath or

roadside. English RogWt 1719.

Heathen, «. A rude and bois-

terous person of either sex. Line,

Heath br-blbet, «. The bittern.


Heathpowt, 9, The black-cock.


Heaulot, adj. Delicate. Yorkth,

Heave, (1) v. To throw.

(2) V. To pour com from the

scuttle before the wind. North,

(3) V, To weigh.

(4) V. To supplant.

(5) V, To swell, in fermenting,

as bread, cheese, &c.

(6) V. To ooze. When water

oozes from stone they say it

heavei. Somen.

(7) V, To rob.

(8) «. In mining, the horizontal

dislocation when one lode is in-

tersected by another in a different


(9) A place on a common on

which a particular flock of sheep

feeds. North.

(10) With heave and how, with

might and main.

Hbaver, ». A crab. Kent.

Heavb-up, «. A disturbance.


Heavino-dats, 9, Easter Monday

and Tuesday, so called from the

custom of lifting at that time.

Heavino-07-thb-maw, 9. An old

game at csrds.

HEAvisoaiB, adj. Heavy. North.

Hbavlb, 9, A dung-fork. Herrf.

Hbavy-cakb, «. a flat currant

cake. Coruw.

Heaze, v. To cough. Heazjf,

hoarse. North.

Hebbe, V. (1) Tu heave.

(2) To have.

Hebber-man, s. a fisherman on

theThames below London Bridge.

Hbbblb, (1) «. A narrow bridge

formed bv a plank. Yorkih.

(2) V. To build hastUy. North.

Hbben, s. {A.'N.) Ebony.

Hebolace, 9, A dish in cookery.

EeboUue. Take oyiioims and erbei, nod

bewe bem tmalle, anti do tberto {code

broth, and array it ns thou didest ca-

boclie; and if ihey be in fvssb day,

niHke on tbe same maner wiih vater

and oyl ; and if it be not in Lent, alye it

with Yolkes of eyrcn, and dresse it forthe,

and caate therelo po« dor<doace.

Forwte of Cury, ^ 6.

He-brimmle, 9. A bramble more

than one year old. Somern.

Hecco, 9, The green woodpecker.

The tydie for her notes as ddieate ai they.

The laughing keceo, then the connteraettiuf


The softer, with the shrill (ione hid among

the leaves.

Some in tbe taller trees, some in the k>wer


Thus sing away tbe mome.

bra^Um't PolyoU/um^ Song 1^

Hbch, 9, A small door. North.

Hechele, 9, A hatch el for flax.

Heck, 9. The division from the

side of the fire in the form of a

d by Google




passage in old houses ; any in-

closure of open-work ; the holt of

a door. Heck-door ^ the inner door,

partly panelled, and the rest lat-

ticed. Half-heck, the lower half

of a door. North.

(2) A hay-rack.

^3) The winding of a stream.

(4) A sort of fishing-net.

Hbck-boabd, 9. The loose hoard

at the back of a cart. Northampt,

Sometimes the board at the bot-

tom of a cart.

Hbck-bsbry, «. The hird-cherry.


Heckbiiai:..*. The torn-tit. Devon.

Hecklb, (I) 9. To dress tow or flax.

(2) V. To look angry; to heat.


(3 ) «. I ntrusive meddling. Yorks.

(4) 9, An artificial fly for fishing.

(5) 9, Any covering, as the heckle

of a fighting-cock, or the skin of

an ox. North,

(6) 9. An implement for catching

fish in the Ouse.

Heckled, jmr/. p. Wrapped.

Hecklb-spibe, See Acro9pyre.

Heckstoweb, 9. A rack-staff.


H^D.part.p, Cared for; heeded.


Hbddlbs, «. Small cords in a loom,

through which the warp ^oes

after passing the reed. North.

IIbde, 9. (yl-S.) Habit ; dress.

Hedeb, (\)9. A male sheep. Line.

(2) adj. Hither.

Hedge, v. To mend hedges.

Hedob-acobntob, «. The hedge-


Hedge-alehousb, «. A small ale-


Hedge- bells, «. Great bindweed.


Hedgb-bore, 9. Rough and un-

skilful, said of a workman. We9t.

Hedgb-bote, 9. Fire-wood.

Hedge-chat, 9. The hedge-spar-

row. Northampt,

Hedge-creeper, «. A wily thief.

Hedgehog, v. To divulge; to

blab. Northampt.

H EDO p. hogs, 9. Small, stunted

trees in hedges. Che9h.

Hedge-hound, «. A stinking kind

of fungus growing in hedges.

Hedge-jug, «. A kind of titmouse.


Hedge-marriage, «. A clandes-

tine marriage. North.

Hedge-priest, «. An ignorant


Hedgepeak» 9. A hip. Still called

hedge-9peak in Gloucestenhire.

I jatlg;e it is with mm as it ii with

pinnti: take one tliat hlossdias too soon,

*t will itanre • sloe or hrdg-peake.

Howard^ MamcfNewnarket^ 1678.

Hedge-rise, «. Underwood of

hedges. North.

Hedge-specks, 9. Hips. Glouc.

Hedge -TACKER, «. A hedge-

mender. Devon.

Hrdgb-trough,«. a ditch. Devon.

Hedge-wheat, «. A sort of corn

much cultivated in Sussex.

Hedgy, adj. Eager. Leie.

Hedlak, 9. A sort of cloth.

Hedlt-ii EDLY, 9. ConfusioD.

Hedling, adv. Headlong.

Hedoyne, 9. A sort of sauce. Morto


Hee, adj. High.

Heed, 9, The head.

Hebder, 9. A male animsl. lAnc.

Heeds. 9. Necessity. Northumb.

Heel, (1) «. The inside thick part

of the hand. Comw.

(2) 9. Rind of cheese, or crust

of bread. Var. d.

(3) V. To overthrow a bucket.


(4) To kick one'9 heeh, or to

cool one'9 heele, to stand waiting.

Caught by the heel^ overreached

in craft. Ea9t. To turn vp the

heele, to die. To fake to the

heelsy to run away. Out at keels,

in debt.

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Hbbldvn, «. A bad \roman (^ff-

dame), Berkt.

Heble, 9, Danger.

Heeler, «. A quick runner.


Heel-ring, «. The ring of the

blade of a plough. The wedges

are termed heel-wedget.

Heels, «. The game of nine-pins.

Heel-tap, «. (1) The heel piece of

a shoe.

(2) Drains of liquor.

Heel-tree, 9. The swing-bar of

a harrow behind the horse.


Heem, adj. Near ; handy. S/^opth,

Hebst, adj. Highest. Craven,

IIert, pret. t. Commanded.

Heezb, v. To raise. North,

Hefde, 9. The liead.

HnFKt pret. t. Lifted up.

Hefple, v. To prevaricate. North.

Hefful, 9, A woodpecker. Craven.

Heft, (1) g. Command.

(2) 8. Heaving ; reaching.

(3) *. Weight ; pressure.

(4) ». Great need.

(5) V. To judge of weight. Berle.

(6) 8. A haft, or handle.

(7) 8. A haunt. North.

Hefted, adj. Accu&tomed. Dur,

Heftpoip, 8. A temporary handle

for grinding knives, &c. York8h.

Heggan, 8. A husky cough. Devon,

Heoge, s. (1) A hedge.

(2) A hag.

Hegolino, adj. Vexatious ; trying.


Heohe, v. To exalt.

Heideoyb. See Haydigee.

Heie, adj. High ; tall.

Heiohaw, 8. A woodpecker. Cotgr.

Ueighe, v. To go in haste. Still in

use. On heiffheinfff in heighe^ in


Heigh EN, v. To heighten. Norf.

HEioH-oo-iiAD, 8. Id great spirits.


Hbigh-how, 8. An occasional as-

sitaut in a house. Line,

Hbighing, 8, A command ; a pro-


Height, v. To threaten.

H EI HOW, 8. The herb alehoof.

Heik, V, To swing. A heikey, a

board for see-saw. Yorieh,

Heike. See Huke.

Heildom, 8. {j4.'S.) Health.

Heir, 8, A young timber tree.


Hbirbrb, 8. A harrier.

Heisuogb, 8. The hedge-sparrow.

He IT, (1) 9. To throw up. Weet.

(2) 8. A command by which cart-

horses are turned to the right.

HBiVY-KBiyY,a4^*. Tottering; hesi-

tating ; tipsy. North.

Heke, «. A rack. See Heek.

Hbkforb, 8. A heifer. MS. Ae^

eounie, A.D. 1407. StUl used in


Hel, 8. A hill.

Helass, exel. (Fr.) Alas !

Heldar, adv. (1) Rather; before.


{2) In a greater degree. Gaw,

Heldb, (1) v. To throw; to put;

to surrender.

(2) 8. Health.

{3) part. p. Covered.

(ijpret.t. Beheld.

(5) V. To ride ; to follow ; to ad-

vance ; to lead.

(6)©. To incline, or bend. Pr. P.

(7) t. Loyalty.

(8) 8. The wild tansy.

(9) 8. A small apple. Devon.

H elding, a4f. Peking. Weai.

Heldish, adj. Appertaining to

cattle ; bucolic.

Hele, (1) 8. {A.-S.) Health ; sal-

vation, ffelelee, helpless.

(2) V. To heal, to help.

(3) V. {A..S.) To cover; to hide;

to roof or slate a house ; to earth


(4) V. To pour out. JFilte.

Hblen, 8. Caves.

Helfrinowobt, 8, The con»olid^


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Hblinos, t. The eyelids. PaUg.

Hblks, 8, Detached crags ; Urge

white clouds. North,

Hbi«l, (1) «. A term in the game

of barley-break.

(2) «. The place where a tailor

deposited his cabbage.

That fellowes pocket is IHeo a tailors

ktUy it eaU up part of every mans due :

tic an executioner, and makes away

more innoceut petitions in one yeere,

then a red-beaded hanirnian cuts ropes

in an age. Day*9 lie of GuUt, 1633.

(3) «. A cant term for tlie darkest

part of the hole or dungeon.

(4) V, To pour out. See Hele,

Hblla, 8, The nightmare. Wett

Hblleck, 8. A rivulet. Miege,

HbIlerbd, adj. Swollen. York8h,

Hellfallbro, «. A great tumult.


Hbllier, t. A tiler, or thatcher.


HBLLiNft. Hardened soot. Yorkth,

Hbll-bake, «. A large rake. See


Hbll-wain, «. A visionary waggon

supposed to be seen in the sky

at night. North.

Hbll-wbed, «. A troublesome

kind of bindweed. Northampt.

HsLLTt adj. Hellish.

Helm, (1) «. A handle.

(2) «. A hovel, or outhouse.


(3) V. To cut the ears of wheat

from the straw before thrashing.


(4) a. A heavy cloud on the hills.


Helm E-Hoop, «. A helmet.

Hbloe, adj. Bashful. North.

Hblon, v. To cover; to hide.


Help, v. To mend, or repair.


Help- a LB, «. The same as btd-'Ole.


Helper, «. The stand for a barrel


Helplt, adj. Helpful.

Hblsky, v. (ji.-S. heahian.) To

entreat. Ayenbite of Inwgt,

Helbuii, adj. Wholesome.

Helt, (1) adv. Prol»ably; perhaps.


(2) V. To soil. Une.

(3) adj. Healthy.

(4) ftret. t. Poured out.

Hbltbr, (1) a. a halter; a hempen


(2) V. To bargain sharply. Leie,

Hkltbr-kkeltrr,c</9. Disorderly.

Helve, (1) s. A haft.

(2) 8. A stone pitcher. Ghut.

(3) 8. Gossip. Su»8ex.

Helwalls, «. Tlie end outside

walls of a gable house. Oj^,

Helych, ado. Loudly.

Hem, (l)/iron. Them.

{2) pron. Him.

(3) 8. The partition between the

hearth and the oven, open at the

top, in a place for balung cala*

mine. Kennett.

(4) adv. Very. Su88ex.

Hem ELY, adv. Secretly.

Hemicycle, t. (Gr.) A semicircle.

The scabered of his sword was red, the

hilt of gold, the blade formed like a

AemeicUt and doubt lc-s« «cll tem-

pered. Herbert's Travels, 1638.

Heminoes, 8. {A.'S.) A piece of the

hide of an animal slain in the

chase, cut out to make shoes for

the huntsmen.

Hemmel, 8. A hove], or sbed.


Hbmme, 8. (A.-S.) A border.

Hempen-widow, a. The widow of

one who has been hanged.

HemP'HECklbr, 8. A flax-dresser.

Hempy, adj. Mischievous. North.

Hemton, adj. Made of hemp.

Hem USE, «. A roe in its third year.

Hen. (1) Hence.

(2) 8. Money given by a wedded

couple to poor neighbours to

drink their healths.

(3) 9. To throw. Somerset,





Hek-and-chickens, «. The Urge

douhie daisy with small ones

grovi ing round it.

Hbnbellb, «. Henbane.

Hen-caul, «. A chicken-coop.


Hench-bot, «. A page.

Hen-cower, «. The position of

sitting on one's heels. Durh.

Hende, (1) adj, (A,'S.) Gentle;

polite. Often written kendy.

HetideUcht politely. Hendelayk,

courtesy. {Gawayne.)

(2) adv. At hand.

(3) V. To seize; to hold.


Hen-driver, $. A kind of hawk.

Hene, (1) adj, (//..5.) Abject.

(2) 9. A command.

Henbk, adv. Hence.

Henktb, 9, A lizard. Nominale,

Hen -FAT, 8. Wild orache. See


Henoe, (I) v. To hang.

(2) 8. The heart, liver, and lights

of an animal.

Henglb.x. a hinge.

H EN-ooRSE, 8. The ononU arvenM,


Hen-harrow, «. A kind of buz-

zard. North.

Hen-hurdle, t. A hen-roost.


Henuussy, 8. A meddling person ;

a cotquean. We8t.

Hen K AM, 8. Henbane.

HsN-ifouLD, 8. Light dark loamy

soil. Northampt.

Hbnnes, adv. (A.'S.) Hence.

Hbn-pen, 8. (1) The plant yellow-


(2) Dung of fowls. North.

Hen- POLLER,*. A hen-roost. Norf.

Hen-scrattins. See FiUy'taH8.

Hent, (1) «.' Opportunity. Shakeap,

(2) V, To sow corn.

(3) 8. The plough up the bottom

of the furrow. Craven,

(4) V, To wither ; to become dry.


Hente,©. (A.'S.) To seize; to take

hold. HenteTf a thief.

Henting, «. (1) A clown. North,

(2) A furrow.

Hen -WIFE, 8. A cotquean ; a feck-

less female. North.

HEO.jpron. {A.-S.) (1) She.

(2) They.

Heorb, /TTon. Their.

Hepe, 8. (A.'S.) (1) A company.

(2) The fruit of the dog-rose.

Hbpb-boon, 8. The hip-bone.

HappEN, a^'. Dexterous; ready;

neat. North,

Hepping-stock, 8, A horse-block.


Her, (l)pron. Their.

(2) *. Hair.

Heraldizbd, adJ, Blazoned. *

Heraldye, 8, {A.'N) Misfortune*

As he vhiche hath the keratdye

Of hem that usen for to Ive.

&mtr, 31S.

Heraudb, 8, (A.'N.) A herald.

Herb-a-oracb, 8. Rue. Dekker,

Herbars, 8, Herbs. Spenser.

Herb-bennet, 8, Hemlock.

Herbrlade, 8. A confection of


Herbbr, 1 8. (A.'S.) A lodg.

BERBER WE, > ing ; shelter ; a

HERBERGAGEfJ harbour; a gar-


Herberjours, «. The king's har-


Herbery, 8. A herb garden.

Hbrbive, 8. The forget-me-not.

Herb-peter, 8. The cowslip.

Herd, (1) ». A keeper of cattle.

(2) a^. Prostrate. Line,

Hbrdes, 8, Coarse flax; dressed


Herdess, «. A shepherdess.

Herd-oroom, 8, A keeper of herds.

And many a floite, and litlyng hone,

And pipis made of prene come.

As luive thtte liUle kerdegnnnf^$.

That keepen beastes in the bromes.






He RDLB, V. To dress the roebuck.

HsRD-MAiD, «. A female herd.

I ait and watch a keard-mayde gay,

HITho laughs to sec me sijrh m sore.

SmgUnd^t Helicon, 1614.

Herb, (1) «. {A.-S,) An army.

(2) V, To hear.

(3)«. Hair, ff^prm, made of hair.

(4) #. Hire; reward.

(5) 8. Hoar frost. Lane,

Hereaways. Hereabout. Var, d.

HvREDE, /»ar/. ^. Praised.

Xh^red be the kyng of heren.

Such is hys myji 1

Foem on Unut qf Ed. II.

Heremite, f. {A.'N.) A hermit.

Hbrence, adv. Hence. Wett,

Hbrerigut. adv. In this place;

directly. Went.

Herbs, t. The eyelashes.

HerueD) part. p. {A.-S.) Plun-


Herir, V. (A.'S.) To honour.

lieri^ynfff praising.

Hbrigauh, «. {A.'N.) Upper


Heriot, «. {A.'S.) Warlike ap-


Hrritagelib, adv. In fee simple.

Heritbr, «. An inheritor.

Herkyn, v. To hearken.

IIbrle, ». (1) A twist, or fillet.

(2) A particular part of a pea-

cock's tail.

Herlotb, 9. A ribald, or harlot.

Herlots 8. (A.'N.) White latchets

formerly used to tie the hose.

Hbrmbline, «. Ermine.

Hern, (1) «. A heron.

(2) g. A herring. Somerset.

{3)pron. Hers.

Hbrnays, t. Harness ; armour.

Hbrne, 8. (A.-S.) A comer.

Hbrne-pan, «. {A.'S.) The skull.

Hbrnsewb, 8. A sort of strainer.

Heunshaw.I ^^

hernsewe, j

Heron ERE, ». (A.'N.) A hawk

tauglit to fiy only at the heron.

Hb&oud, t. A herald.

Hbrplb, v. To walk lame ; to

creep. North.

Herre, 8. A hinge. Pr. P.

Hbrret, «. A liitle wretch. JTegt.

Hrrringcobs, «. Young herrings.

Hbrrino-fare,«. The season for

catching herrings.

Hbrry, v. To rob. North. See


Hbrsall, «. Rehearsal. Spetuer.

Herse, «. (1) a dead body.

(2) The framework whereon

lighted candles were placed at

funerals; a frame set over the


Hbrstow. Hearest thou ?

Hbrte, V. To take heart.

Hertbclowrb, 8. Germander.

Hebtbn, «. Buckskin.

Hektly, adj. Hearty ; strong.

Hert.rowee, 8. A dish in old


Herts, #. M'hortleberries. Weet.

Hervestbm, v. (A.-S.) To make


Hery, adj. Hairy.

Herye, ». (1) {A-S.) To plunder,

or spoil ; to ravage.

(2) (A.'S.) To honour, or wor-

ship. Herying, praise.

The* wduldrst thou learn to carol of love,

And k<ry with hymns thy lasses srlove.

Spetu., 6htp. Kai., Feb., v, 01.

UtStpree. t. Has.

Heslynb, adj. Made of hazle.

Hesp, «. (I) A hasp, or latch.

(2) A hank of yarn. North.

Hespall, v. To harass. Ilertf.

Hess, «. A quantity of yarn, con-

taining two skeins.

Hestb, 8. {A.'S.) A command ; a


HESTERN,a4f. (Lat.) Of vesterd.iv.

Het, (l)r. To hit. We8t.

{2)pret. t. Named. Lane.

(3) pret. t. Promised.

(4) Heated. North.

(5) Have it. North,

Hetcii, (1) «. A thicket ; a hedge.


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(2) V, To turn upside down.


Hbtb, v. (1) {A.-S.) To promise.

(2) (J.'S.) To be named or


Hbtelich,') <uf9. (A.-S,) Hotly;

H ETLi K, J eagerly ; fiercely.

Hetel-tongued, adj. Foul-

mouthed. Durh,

Hbthen, adff, {A.'S.) Hence.

Hethennes, 8. The land of the


Hether, (1) ». An adder. Var.d.

(2) adj. Rough ; ugly. North.

(3) Nearer.

Hetherims, 8. Rods twisted on

the top of a newly cut hedge, to .

keep the stakes firm.

Hethino* 8. (A.'S.) Contempt;


Hethynbssb, 8. Paganism.

Heting, 8. {A.-S.) A promise.

Hetter, adj. Eager ; keen ; bitter;

ill-natured. North.

Hettle, adj. Eager. York8h.

Heuck, (1) «. A sickle. North.

(2) The hip-hone of a cow.

Hruck-fingered, adj. Thievish.


Heuoin, 8. The leather of a flail

connecting the hand-staff with

the swingle. North.

HiEUP, 8. A home ; a shelter. YorJt8.

Heugb, 8. A rugged steep hill-

side ; a ravine. North.

Heuks, 8, The hiccough. Devon.

Heuky, adj. Itchy. North.

Hbunt, f. A mole. Wore.



Heved, 8. {A.'S.) The head.

Hbyede, (I) v. To behead.

{2)pret.t. Had.

Hevedlichb, adj. (A.-S.) Capital.

Hetel, 8. Fine twine. Somertet.

H EVEN RICH E, 8. The kingdom of


Hbvir, v. To become heavy.

Hbwk, (1)*. (A.-S.) A husband.

man ; workman.

A dver.

(2) 8. (A,'S.) Hue ; appetrance.

Hewed, coloured.

(3) V. In cookery, to cut or


(4) (Fr.) A term in hunting.

(5) P. To knock one ankle

against the other. North.

(6)8. Acorn, or bunnion. Sotnert.

Hewer, «. A coal-worker. Lane.

Hewing, 8. A method of cutting

wheat with one hand. JDevon.

Hewkbs, 8. Heralds' coats. Percy.

Hewson, 8. (1) The leather on the

top of a horse's collar. Beds.

(2) A blind inconsiderate per-

son. North.

Hew9trino, adj. Short-breathed.


Hewsys, 8. Eaves of hoases.

Barclay, 1570.

Hewt, adj. High.

Hbw-yryn, t. An iron chisel,

held in a twisted hazle-rod.

Hext, adj. (A.-S.) Highest.

Hey. (1) adj. High.

(2) p. To have. North.

(3) V. To make haste. Yorksh,

(4) V. To sport, or gambol.

Hey-ba, «. A great noise. Yorkth,

Heyday, «. Wantonness ; a frolic.

Hbyderidan, 8.

But he gets his living by his feet and hii

handa ;

You mast know he's one of yonr keydf'

ridana. Cotgraw^s WtU Intafrtter,\SJl.

Heyhob, 8. The green woodpecker.

Hey hove, «. The plant edera ter-


Hey-howino. 8. Thieving of yarn

from the master weavers. Noffi

Hbyino, 8, (A.'S.) Haste.

Heylaw, 8. Halloo. Cotyr.

Heyle, v. To hide. See Hele.

Heylunsy, 8. A headlong fall.


Heyly, adv. Highly.

Heyman, 8. A nobleman.

Heymbnt, 8. A fence. Shropeh.

Hby-mdse, 8. The roebuck in hit

third year.

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Hbtndlt, adv, Courteoosly. See

> Hende.

Hetnb, (1) t». To exalt. Pr. P.

(2) «. A miser.

(3) adv. Hence.

(4) f. (^.-iV.) Hatred.

Het-passk, «. An old term among


Hbtrbs, «. Young timber trees.


Hktve-keyvb, adj. Tottering.


Hez, pre$. i. Hath. Line,

Hezzle, adj. Loose; sandy. YorJinh,

Hette, v. To promise.

Hi, />ron.;>/. {A.^S.) They.

HiBBY, i. A colt. Devon,

HiCB, V. To hoist up. Pat»g,

IIiCHCocK, «. (1) The hiccough*

(2) A term of contempt.

Hick, (1) v. To hop. Var, d,

(2) f. A country clown.

HiCKE&Y, adj, Ill-natnred. North,

HiCKET, «. The hiccough. A chap-

ter " of ycaxing or kicket" occurs

in Phayre's Regiment of Life,

bl. lett., n. d.

HicKEY, adj. Tipsy.

HicKLE, (1) V. To make shift.


(2) f. The woodpecker. Norths


HicKLEBARNEY, t. Hell. Norih'


IUckixdY'Vicklmhy, adv. In con-


HiCKOCK, «. The hiccough.

Laughter is the hietoei of a foolish

spleen, but he notes liinuelfe pdido<is,

or stapid, that changetb not his oouute*

nauce upon bit owne talke.

Done'M Polgdoron, 16S1.

HiCKOL, a. A woodpecker. Wett.

Hick's-mare. HaUerinffqfHick't'

nuxre^ a game mentioned in the

Nomenclaror, 1585.

HicKUP-sNiCKUP, t. The hiccough.


HiCEWAY, "I ,. Names for the

HicEWALL, L,ood-pecker.See


BYOH.WHItLE,J ^'^'^'

Hide, (1) ». i^A.-S.) A field.

(2) V, To flog. Hiding, a beat-

ing. Var. d.

(3) Hide-and'flndfZgimtBmon^it

children. Moreusually now called


Hide-bound, adj. Stingy. Var, d.

Hide-pox, 9, An old game, sup-

posed to be the same a» hide-and-


HiDEL, «. A hiding-place; an am-


HiDE-TBE-HORSEt 8. The name of

a gambling game.

HiDE-wiNK, V. To hoodwink.

Hidlands, adv. Secretly. North.

HiDLOCK, a<f9. Secretly. Var, d,

H1DOU8, adj, {A,'N.) Hideous;


Hidy-buck, 9, The game of hide-

and-seek. Dor9et,

Hie, 1(^.-5.) Haste. In hie,

HiOHE, J on hie, in haste.

Hierthe, 9, Hearing. Ayenb, qf


H1E8SEK, V. To forbode eviL


Hio, 9. A passion ; a violent com-

motion. North,

Higgle, v, (1) To effect anything

slowly and pertinaciously. Eatt.

(2) To rear an animal that hat

lost its dam. Norf.

Higgledy-piggledy. Intermixed.

Higgler, 9. A huckster. North.

High-days, «. Festivals.

High-de-lows, 9, Merry-makings.


IIlGHENESSE, 9. The top.



HiGH-jiNKs, 9. A mode of drink-

ing, by throwing the dice to de-

termine who shall empty the cup.

At highjink9, out on a frolic.

High-kicked, adj. Conceited.





High-lows, t. High shoes, fas-

tetied by a leather string in


HiGH-MBK, «. False dice. Florio.

HiGH>oN-iSND, adj. Dear. Yorkih.

Hi OH. PAD, a. The high way.

HiGH-PALMBD, adj. An old term

for a stag whose horns are full


HiOH-RUN, 9. Laxativeness in cat-

tic. Run.

HioHT, (1) part.p. {A.'S.) Called ;


(2) V. To adorn, or make fine.

(3) 0. To dandle; to hop; to

change one's position often. Line.

HiGH-TiuE, «. Quite time.

HioH-TOLTHERUM, adj. Long and

straggling, or entangled. Leic.

HiGHTY, adj. Pleasant ; cheerfuL


HiGRB. Sec Acker.

Hii, pron. They. See Hi.

HiKE^o. To swing; to put in motion ;

to toss ; to throw ; to stiike ; to

hoi&t; to go away; to hurry.

Var. dial. Brockett explains this

word ** to swing, to put in mo-

tinn." It is used in a much

stronger sense in Warwickshire,

as applied to the practice of

hikeing a toad, t. «., killing it by

jerking it from a plank.

Hi KEY, 8. A swing. North.

HiLBACK, 9. Extravagance in ap-

parel. Tu99er.

HiLD, (1) P. To skin an animal.

(2) V. To lean, or incline.

(3) 0. To pour out.

Tlinn make a frood fyre, to the pottes be

M-elle hote, and thnn take owt« one of

the potlya, mid kjfld owtf that is there-

iniie on a stone. Torkington MS.

(A) 9. The sediment of beer.


(5) A common form of held.

HiLDEBRANo. Thc name of Pope

Gr«'gory VII, which became pro-

verbial for violence.

HiLDBR, 9. The elder. Norf.

HiLDERLiNG, If. A Worthiest


HiLDiNO, 9. A low, worthless per-

son ; a shuffler.

HiLDY-wiLDY, a<(f. Rckle. North-


HiLE, (1 ) r. (A.'S.) To cover over ;

to roof. HileTt a tiler.

(2) V. To strike with the horns.

Weft. In Shropshire a person

tossed by a cow is said to be hited.

(3) V. To present. Line.

(i) 9. A cock of wheat -sheaves.


HiLiNG, 9. A covering.

The kvHynffet thereof srhal be biewe,

And dynpcr with aser hew

Coinly for the noneste. Porking&n MS,

Hill, v. To pour out. WiU9.

HiLLARIMESSE, 9. (A.-S.) HllaTV-


Hillerne, f . The elder tree. Pr. P.

HiLLETs, 9. Hillocks.

Hill-hooter, 9. An owl. Che9h,

HiLLiBR, 9. A tiler, or thatcher.

Hilt, 9. (1) The handle of a shield.

(2) A curved piece of wood, for

holding the straw while thatch-

ing. Nortkampt.

(3) A young sow for breeding.


Hilts, 9. Cudgels. Joruoti.

HiLwoiiT, 9. Pennyroyal.

Him, 9. To believe. Somer9.

II IMP, V. To halt, or limp.

HiMPLR, t;. To halt. Leie.

HiNCH, V. To be miserly. Line.


An old name of a game.

Hind. See IJine.

Hind-bbrries, 9. Raspberries.


HiND-cALP, 9. A hind of the first


Hinder, (I) v. To bring damage,

or hurt. Pal9grave.

(2) adv. Yonder. E99ex.

(3) adj. Remote.

(4) V. To go backwards. Somer9»

(5) «. A fragment. SJtropah.

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Hinder-ends, «. Refuse of earn.

HiNDBRBST,a<(f. (A.-S.) Hindmost.

HiNDBRsoMB, odj. Hindering.

UiND.HECK,«. The back end- board

of a cart. Norih,

HiND-HBELi «. The taosy. North.

The name is given by Culpeper

to the wild sage.

H1NDROU8, adj. Hindering.

HiNB, (1) 8, {A.'S.) A serf, rustic,

or labourer; sometimes applied

to any person in an inferior grade

of society.

(2) 8, A hart, or hind.

(3) adv. Behind. Somenet,

(4) adv. Hence; before long.


HiNBHBAD, 8. A distant degree of

relationship. Line,

H1N6, V. To hang.

HiNG-BT, «. A parasite.

H1N6B, (1) a4;* Active; pliant.


(2) 7b hinge vp, to get in a mess.

HiNOBBS, «. The ears. North.

HiNGiN, 8. A hinge. Suf.

HiNGLB, 8. (1) A small hinge.

(2) A snare of wire. Ea8t.

(3) The neck of a bottle. Line.

HiNOT, adj. On the work, said of

beer. Leie.

HiNNT, (1) V. To neigh.

(2) 8. A corruption of honey as a

term of endearment.

Hint, (1) pret. t. Took; seized.

See Hent.

{2)8. A cause, or subject. Shaie8p.

Hip, v. (1) To skip over.

(2) To have on the hip^ to have

at an advantage. Hip and thigh^


HiP-BRiAR, 8. The wild rose. North.

HiPB, V. (1 ) To push ; to rip or gore

with the horns. North.

(2) To make mouths at ; to cen-


HiPHALT, adj. Lame in the hip.

HiPPANDB, a^j. {A.'S.) Limping.

HiPPANY, 8. A wrapper for an in-

fant's hipa. Eaet.

Hipped, adj. Melancholy.

Hipper, 8. A sort of osier used in

coarse basket-making. We8t.

HipPiNo-HOLD,«. A loitering place;

a comer for idle gossips. North .

HippiNO-8TONBs,«. Large stepping-

stones in a brook. When pas-

sable by means of such stones,

the water is said to be hytpinable.

HiPPiNS, 8. Children's clothes;

clonU. North.

HippLB, 8. A small haycock. North.

HippocRAs, 8. A favorite beverage

in old times. The follovriog is a

receipt for making it.

Take of dnamon S ot., of ginger \ rni

oc., of grains a ^ of an oz., punne [pound]

them groBae,and pat them into a pottle

[2 Quarti] of good claret or white wine,

with half a pound of sugar; let all steep

together, a night at the least, close

covered in some bottle of gksse, pewter,

or stone ; and when you would occupy

it, cast a thinne linnen cloath or a niece

of a boulter over the mouth or the

bottle, and let so much run through as

you will drink at that time, keeping the

rest close, for so it will keep both the

spirit, odor, and virtue of tiie wine and


HoM* <^f Health, ch. 838. p. 364.

*^^*;^ \ffen.pl.o(he. Of them.

HiRcuBN, 1 «. (^.-^.) A hedge-

HiRCHOUN, J hog.

HiRD, 8. A heart. Trietrem.

HiRDEMEN, 8. {A.-S.) Attendants.

HiRDUif-DUKDUM, 8. Au uproar.

Hire, (1) ». (A.-S.) An army.

More correctly here.

{2)pron. (A.'S.) Their; her.

(3) V. To hear. Somer8.

(4) V. To borrow money. Suf.

HiRBN, 8. An old cant term fur a


Hiring, «. A fair for servants.


HiRNB, (1) #. (A.'S.) A corner.

(2) 9. To run. Somere,

(3)f. Iron.

HiRPLB, V. (1) To limp.

(2) To litter, or bring forth.


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HiRSBL, (1) «. A flock of ibeep.


(2) r. To fidget about. North.

Hirst, «. (1) A suddea ruing in

the ground.

(2) That part of a ford in the

Severn, over which the water

runs roughly.

(3) {A.-S.) A branch, or bough.

HisK, V, (1) To draw breath with


(2) To speak. North,

HisN. His own. Far. dial Chap-

man vrrote hem, her own, in


HissEL. Himself. Var, d.

Hist, «. The hearing.

HisTKR. Be off! Line.

HisTORiAL. 1^. Historical.

HI8TOR10US, J ^^ «»w««;«.

Hit, (1) (J.-S.) It. In Anglo-Saxon

and Middle English, the neuter

of the pronoun, which forms its

genders thus, he, heo, hit.

(2) •. To find; to agree. North.

(3) $. A good crop. Wett.

Hitch, (1) «. An elevation or de-

pression of a stratum of coal.


(2) s. A slight twitching pain.


(3) V. To knock the legs in going,

said of a horse.

(4) V. To fidget; to change places ;

to hop. North.

(5) V. To become entangled.

(6) V. To suspend slightly; to

tie. West.

Hitchapagy, «. The name of a

Suffolk game.

IIiTcuBR, 9. The chape of a buckle.


Hitching, «. A corner of a field

ploughed up and sowed, while

the rest of the field lies fallow.


Hits, v. To run about idly. North.

HiTHB, 1. {A.-S.) A wharf; a small


HiTHfiN, adv. Hence.

HrrHBB-TowARO, adif. Up to thii

time or place. Eaet.

HiTTSN, V. (J.'S.) To hit.

HiTTBR, at(f. Angry; ill-natured.


HiTTBRiL, «. Pimples attended

with itching. North.

Hrmr-MissY, adv. At random.

HiTY-TiTY, (I) 8. See-saw. Somen.

(2) adj. Haughty. North.

HiYB, (1) V. To urge in vomiting.


(2) «. A water-bleb on the akin.


HiYY-sBYVT, Aip. Helter-skelteT.


HiwE, 8. {J.'S.) Hue.

HtiTLYfOdv. Fitly. Gawa^ne.

Ho, (1) reLpnm. Who.

{2)pron. He; she; they. Lmo.

(3) V. To long for anything ; to

be anxious. West.

(4) An exclamation command-

ing cessation. Out qf all ho, out

of all bounds. There ia mo ho

with hiMt he is not to be re-


Ob, aye ; a plag:ae on 'om, tk4r^$ m ko

with them, they are madder than March

hares. Bonut m., 0. P., iii. 3M.

For he once lored the fair maid of Fre-

iingfield out of all hoe.

Grcen't Ftyer Bacon, 4rc. G 8.

Therms no ko with him ; bat onc« hartaed

thn», he will needei be a man of warr«.

Na$k*s LemUn Si.

HoAP, part. p. Helped. E88ex.

Hoar, (1) adj. Mouldy.

(2) V. To become mouldy.

Ho AST, (1) adj. Hoarse. North.

(2) 9. A cough.

(3^ V. To entertain as a host.

(4) 9. Curd for cheese before se-

paration from the whey. Cuptb.

HoASTMBN,! «. An ancient gild or

HosTMEN, j fraternity at New-

castle, dealing in sea-coal.

HoAZBD, adj. Hoarse. Exmoor.

Hob, (1) «. The side of a grate.

^2; 9. A country clown.





(3) «. The shoe oi t sledge.


(4) 8. A two^yeir theep. Conm.

(5) 8. An error, or ialte step.


(6)«L To Isiigh loudly. SoifMret^.

(7) «. A piece of wood eel ap

by boys to pat half-penoe on

to throw it with another hslf-


"^"^o?"*" I'Aladbetween

»A»«^^»n^ Vboyhood and

hobblkobhotJ •"•»"'~*

HoBBBLBBS, If. Men who rode

HOBBLBBB, / opon light hobMos

or small horses; a class of


HoBBiL, «. An idiot. North.

Bobbins, «. Rank grass, &c., left

by cattle. North.

HoBBLB, (1) V. To tie the hind

leet of a horse. North,

(2) V. To trammel for larks.


(3) 8. A place for hogs. Ea8t.

HOBBLB-BOBBLB, 8. Confuslon.

HoBBLB-DB-poisB, odv. E?enly

balanced ; warering. Sait.

HoBBLBDTGiB, odo. Limpiogly.

HoBBLBS, (1) «. A woooen in-

strument to confine a horse's legs.

HoBBLT, Mg. Uneren ; rough.

Hobby, «. (1) A small horse; a


(2) A small kind of hawk.

(3) A goose. Durham.

Hobbt-hobsb, «. The dragon-fly.


Hobby-lanthorn, 1 «. The ignis-


Hobby-owl, «. The great bam

owl. Northam^.

HoBCLUNCH, «. A rode clown.

Hob-collinowood, f . A term for

the four of hearts at whist. North.

HoBBLBN, V. {A.'S.) To skip over.

HoBBLBB. See Hodbelen,

HoBBBD, «. A simpleton*

An idiot. North.

A foolish down.

The 1

HoBOOBSnf , 8.




of a game.

Sailor. VUth, to teU tov homou tha

truth, we were at M-in-ikg-kmllt and

whilst my hrother and I were qnar-

reUinv about a cast, he alunk by ut.

WfOktrUf, tU FtMim-itabr, 1077.

HoB.ioB,«. A clumsy job.

HoBKNOLLiNOfjiar^ Sponging on

the good-nature of one's friends.


HoB-LAMB, I. A pet-lamb. South.

HoBLBB-HOLB, «. A term in an

old boy's game.

HoBLBBS, 8. (l) Men who tow

▼essels by a rope on the land.


(2) Sentinels who watched at

beacons in the Isle of Wight.

HoBLBSHor, «. Great confusion.

HoBLiNG, 9. A goblin or ghost.

HoB-MAN-BLiND. Scc Hoodmon^


HoB-NAiL, 9. A rode clown.

Hob-nob, v. To pledge by touching


HoB-pRiCK, «. A peg driven into

the heels of shoes. North.

HoB-SHACKLBD, o^. Hsviug the

hands or feet fastened. Lane.

HoB-THRUSB, «. An old name of a

goblin or spirit. Hob-thruMh^

tou9et the millepede.

HoBUB, f. A hubbub.

Hoc, 9. (i^.-&) The holyhock.

HoccAUORB, 9. Old Rhenish wine.

HoccHBB, 9. A term in cookery.

Chykeiia in hocekM. Take chykeniu,

ana icald hem. Tkke panel, and

sawge, without eny other erbet; take

garlec and grapes, and stoppe the

chikens ful, ana seeth hem in good

broth, ao that they may esdy be boyled

thereinne. Mease nem, and caat thereto

powdor-dooce. FortM qf Cury^ p. 11.

HocHBPOT, 9. {A.-N.) A mixture

of Tsrious things in the same pot.

See Hoggepot.

Hock, «. (1) An old game at cards.

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HOC 572

(2) A biuh of hair. Leic.

Hock-cart, «. The harvest-home


HocKBK, V, To climb upon any.

thing; to scramble awkwardly;

to do anything clumsily; to

stammer, or hesitate ; to loiter.


HocKBRHKADBD, odj, Rash. North.

HocKET, «. A large lump. GUme.

HocKBTiMOWff. An implement for

catting the sides of ricks. IVaruf,

HocKET. See Hawkey.

HocKLs,«. To hamstring. SiKnittfr.

Hocks, V. To hack. West.

HocK-TiDB, «. An annual festival,

beginning on the fifteenth day

after Easter.

HocK-sHiNs, «. Crooked shins.

Hocs-AND-HOES, f. The feet and

leg bones of swine, cut off at the


Hocus, V. To cheat, whence the

term hoax. Spirits are hocvseed,

when laudanum is put into them.

Hod, (1) f. {A.-S.) A hood, cap,

or helmet ; any covering.

(2) «. A heap of potatoes, co-

vered with straw and soil. Weet.

(3) t. A hole under a bank, serv-

ing as a haunt for fish. Yorkeh.

(4)©. To snatch; to hold. Abr/A.

(5) «. A chimney-hob.

(6) «. The crick in the neck.

Hodden, adj. A term applied to

ewes intended to be kept over

the year. North,

HoDDER, 9. A thin vapour. Yorkeh.

Hoddikg-spade, f. A spade used

in the fens, to take up a large

portion of earth entire. Eaet.

HoD'Dod, «. A garden snail.


HoDDY, (1) adj. Well; in good

spirits. East.

O my child, my child— thy father is

prettie kwUit again, but this will break

his heart quite. Tht CketUt, 1662.

(2) «. The uppermost width of

net, Norf,


A weak

foolish fellow




HoDDY-DODDY, (1) «. A rcvolvlng

light. Devon.

(2) adj. Disproportionably stout.

HoDBN, adj. Beaten ?

By whose directions undeceiTieable,

(Learisg our scboolmens vixlgar Juilen


Ot TrismegistuB and Pythacoras.

Ftd^t Honcmr qftle OcrUr, 169S.

HoDBNiNO, a. An old custom in

Kent, on Christmas Eve, when a

horse's head was carried in pro*

cession ; it is now discontinued,

but the singing of carols is still

called hodening.

HoDER-MODER, adv. Huggcr-mug-

ger. Skelton.

HoDOB, V. To ride gently. North.

HoDOELiNO.^r/. Hobbling. Z«tc

HODOE-POCBER, 1 . . v uv '

HODOE-POK.., }'• Ahobgoblm.

HoDiNG, 9. Making hoods.

Also the maystir schalle every yen

ordeyn cloth for kodynffe, but yef thcr

be a cause notabulle that my tt turae the

Elace to gret harme, and for bis hodyn&t

e to make purriannce by tyme to the

most profyte of the place ; and that, by

the avice of alle his aldirmen, and that

he charge not the place with no charge,

and no thynge do that may be hurt to

the place, without avice and sent cuff

alle his aldirmen.

Stratford MSS., temp. H. VI.

HoDMAN, 9. A nickname for a

canon of Christ Church, Oxford.

HoDMANDOD, «. (1) A SDail-shell;

a snail. South.

(2) A sort of fish. Bacon,

(3) A scarecrow. Weat.

HoDMEDOD, adj. Short; domsy,


TloDKii>, part. p. Huddled.

Hods, t. Leather cases stuffed,

put over the spurs of cocks when

fighting to prevent their hurting

each other.

Hobs, «. Hills.

HoF,j9re^/. Hofentpart,p.{J.^S.)

Heaved up.

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HoFET, 1. A COW. North.

HoFV, (1) 8. The hock.

(2) V. To throw tnything ander

the thigh. North,

(3) 0. To mock, line,

HowvL, adj,(J.-S.) Careful.

Hoo, (1) «. A sheep from six

months old till heing first shorn.

(2) «. An old cant term for a


(3) 9. To carry on the back.


. (4) V, To hoff a hor»i^9 mane, to

cut it quite short.

(5) To drive hoga^ to snore.

HoOATTEa, a, A sheepe two yeres

' old. Btyot, 1559.

Hoo-coLT, a, A yearling colt.


HooGAN-BAG, t, A minei^s pro-

vision bag. Comw,

HoGGASTEK, «. (1) A boar in its

third year.

(2) A lamb after its first year.

HoGGB, (1) «. {A,'S.) Fear; care.

{2) adj. Huge.

HoGGEFOT, «. A term in cookery;

whence the modem hodge-podge.

Oeet in koggepot. Take geei, and iinyte

hem on pecya. Cast hem in a pot ; do

thereto half wyne and half water; and

do thereto a code quantity ot oyooons

and erbes. Set it orer the fyre, and

cover it fast. Make a layor of brede

and blode, and lay it therewith. Bo

thereto powdor-fort,and serre it fort

jPbnMi/Ctiry, p. 9.

HooGBRDEMOw, t. An instmment

for cutting hedges. Warw.

HoGGKBs, a. Upper stockings with-

out feet.

Hogget, a, A sheep or colt after

its first year.

Hoggins, a. The sand sifted from

the gravel before the stones are

carted upon the roads. Eaaex.

HoGOLB, V. To take up anything

from underground, as potatoes,

&c. Someraet.

Hoo-G RU BBiNG, odj, Veiy sordid.


HoGB, a, A hill. See Hoea.

HoG-HAWs, a. Hips and haws.


HoGBB, a4;. High.

HoGLiN, f. (I) A boar.

(2) An apple-turnover. Eaat,

HooMAN, a, A sort of loaf.

HoGMBNA, a. A name given to

December, and to any gift daring

that month, especially on the

last day ; a new-year's-day offer-

ing. /fo^meiia-iit^A/.New.year's

eve. SetBrockett,

HooMiNNY, a, A depraved young

girl. Devon,

HoG-uousB, a. The shrew mouse.


HoG-MDTTON, «. A shcep one year

old. Lane,

HoGO, f. (from Fr. haut-gout.)

High flavour; a strong or bad


Hoo-ovER-HiGHp «. Lcap-frog.


HoG-piGS, a, Barrow pigs. North,

HooRBL, a, A sheep of two years


And to the temples first they hast, and


By sacrifice for grace, with kcgreli of two

yeart. Surrey, Ttrg., B. ir, 1. 78.

Hoo-RUBBBB, a. A clownish person.

HoG-BBBL, a. The thick skin on

the neck and shoulders of a hog.


HoG'8-pnDDiNG,«. The entraU of

a hog, stuffed with pudding, com-

posed of fiour, currants, and

spice. South,

HoGWBED, «. Knot-grass. Notf.

HoG-wooL, a. The first fleece in

lambs. Eaat.

HoGT, adj. Fearful.

^on,adj,{d,'S.) High.

HoiDBN, a. (I) Some animal re-

markable for vivacity of motion,

supposed to be a leveret.

Yon mean to make a koiden or a hare

o' me, to hnnt eonnter thna, and

make these doubles.

d by boogie



(2) «. An awkwtrd or ill-bred

yoQth of either tex.

(3) V. To romp indecently.

HoiGH, «. A kind of tmall thip;


HoiL, V. To eipel. YorHh.

HoiLB, a4/. Whole; sound. See


HoiLs, «. The beards of barley.


HoiNB, V. (1) To harass; to oppress.

(2) To whine. lAne,

"»'";}.. To hoUt


Hoist, t. (1) Voice.

(2) A cough. Eni.

HoisTBB, 0. To support. Ateur.

HoisTiNo-THB-GLovB. A Devon-

shire custom » formerly practised

at Lammas fair, of carrying a hand

with the first two fingers erect,

and surrounded by flowers.

HoTT, (I) tr. To indulge in riotous

and noisy mirth; whence, per-

haps, hoity-toity.

He linn and heiU and revels among hit

drunken oompantonH.


We ihall have raeh a koyting here anon,

YmII wonder at it.

Wth$L ntmcwm Womiettii, 1.

(2) B, An awkward, ill-taoght

child. North.

(3) «. A Urge stick. Zone.

(4) «. A newt. Btiekt.

HoiT-A-rorr,«. Assuming airs. At^

Hornr-TOiTY,#. A trick. %ttHity'


HoKX, (1) «. A hood.

!2) «. A nook, or comer.

3) V. To romp ; to gambol. Som,

(4) V, To gore with the horns.


HoKBR, f. (jt.-S.) Quarrelsome-

ness; frowsrdness. Hokerlieh,


HoKBT, #. (1) (J,'S.) Scorn.

(2) (A.-N.) A plaything.

HoKT-poKT, f . Hocus-pocns.iVor/A.

HoL»a4f. Whole; pure.



HOLBR, > f. A ribald, or harlot.


Hold, (1) v. To halt

(2) a. (^..&) A fortress.

(3) 8. A dispute, or argnment.


(4^ V. To take care ; to beware.

(5)«. Trust; fidelity.

(6) tr. To bet a wager.

(7) V. To set a price on ; to agree

to a bargain.

(8) 8, {A,-S.) Friendship ; fidelity.

(9) adj. Faithful.

(\0)pm't,p. Held.

(11) A stag was said to take Att

hotdt when he went into cover.

7b hold one's own, to persist in

the same conduct. To hoid one

tuckf to keep close to the point.

Tohold houtehotd, to live thriftily.

7b ^ tfi holdf to be grappling

with one another. 7b cry hold^

the signal for separating com-

batants at tournaments.

H0LDBR8, f. (1) The fangs of a

d<^. Wmt,

(2) Shemves placed as ridges on

corn stacks to hold the com

down before thatching. Derk.

HoLD-FUB, f. Putrid blood. North,

Holding, «. (1) The burden of a

song. Shdkeap.

A firm. Cormo.

A day of holdinff, L e., a day

of trial between two parties.

HoLDTNLTCHB, odv. Firmly. MS,

nth cent,

HoLB, (1) adj, {J.'S.) Whole; en-

tire; sound.

(2) 9. To heal or cure.

{3) adj. {A,-S.) Hollow; deep;


(A) part. p. Concealed.

(5) V. To hide. MiddMom.

(6) V. To make holes ; to ander-


(7) V. To earth, as a fox, Ac.


(8) «. The name of one of the

d by boogie




worst apartments in the Counter

prison. 7b Aofo, to send to gaol.

(9) «. A game played by ladies,

consisting in tmndling little balls

into eleven holes at the end of a

bench, answering to the old

French game of TVou Madame,

(m t. Middle. Craven.

(11) adj. Hungry; comfortless.

HoLETTKz, «. Holes ; caves.

HoLOH, ^adj, (J.-S.) Hollow;

BOLKK, j empty.

Holier, #. A fornicator.

HoLiif AUL, V. To beat. Somen.

HoLiNTRS, f. A holly-tree.

HoLiT^, #. Holiness.

HoLKET, adj. Hollow ; sunk.

HoLL, (1) adj. Hollow.

(2} «. A dry ditch. Boat

(3) ©. To throw.

HoLLAND-CHBESB, t. Dutch chccse.

Citye Match, 1639.

HoLLARDfl, «. Dead branches of

trees. Suteex,

Holla RDYoD AT, a. Holy-rood day.

HoLLE, adj. Sonnd ; well. Ste HoU.

Hotter, better in health.

HoLLBK, 8. A holyhock.

HoLLEN, #. The common holly.


HoLLiNo, 8, A name given to the

eve of the Epaphany at Brough,

in Westmoreland, where there is

an annual procession of an ash

tree, lighted at the tops of its


HoLLocK, B. A sort of sweet wine,

used in the 16th century.

HoLLow-MBAT, 1 1. Any meat not

H0LL0V7-WARB, J sold by bnt-

diers, as poultry, or rabbits. Eatt.

Holly, adv. Wholly.

Holm, «. (1) Flat land near water ;

a small island ; a deposit of soil at

the confluence of two watera

(2) The holly.

HoLif-scRBBCH, > «. The missel.

HOLM-TB RUSH, J thrush. Wett,

lioiMfpart.p, {A.^S.) Hid.

Ho-londis, «. High lands.

HoLPB, ;iar/. p. Helped.

Holster, 9. To bustle. Exmoor,

HoLSUM, adj. Wholesome.

HoLaT, 9. To tie by twisting. Bede,

Holt, (1) ». {A.-S.) A grove or

forest; especially, a wood growing

on a hill or knoll. Still in use for

a small plantation.

(2) «. A deep hole in a river

where there is a protection for

fish. OHer-hotd, signifies a place

in a brook or river set with osiers,

and thus affording a cover or


(3) «. A holing, going into a hole,

or putting a ball into a hole.

(4) 9. To halt, or stop.

(5) pret. t. Holdeth.

Holtless, adj. Careless ; heedless.


Holts, f . Debates or disputes. Leic.

Holus-bolus, o^fv. All at once. Xtnc.

HoLT-BYCONT, «. A ridiculous

figure. North,

Holy-ohostes-root, f. The plant

Angelica. NomeneUttor.

Holymab, f. All-Saints-day. East,

HoLYROP, t. Wild hemp.

Holys, f. Hulls; husks.

Holy-wake, «. A bonfire. Gloue.

HouAOBR, 8. {J.'N.) A vassal.

HoMARD, adv. Homeward.

HoMBBR, 8. A hammer. Weet.

HoMBLB, 8. A duck. Doreet.

Home, adv. Closely; urgently.


Hombbrbds, 8. Toung kine, bred

at home. Eaet.

HoMBCOMB, f. Arrival. North.

HoMB-DWTBLLBRS, 1 f . Natives; re-

HOMBLiNOS, J sidents.

HoMB-HARVBST, f. Harvest-hooie.


HoMBLLS, «. Large feet. JFarw,

Homely, (1) adj. Familiar.

(2) adv. Pertly ; saucily.

Hombbb, v. To mumble.

Homered, part. p. Hammered ;


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HoME-scRKECH, «. The missle-

thrush. Weit,

HoMBSTALL^t. A homestead. £Im^

Home-to, prep. Except. Somerset

Homing, a4^'. Ridiculous. JVettm.

H0ULINE88E, f. {J,'S.) Domestic


HoMMAKiN, adf. Awkward. ** A

big homtnaJkin fellow." Skropeh.

HoMMBRED, o^f. Decayed ; mouldj.


HoMPEL, «. A sort of jacket. North,

HoMPER, V. To hamper, or hinder.

HoMsoM, adj. Wholesome.

HoMUKS, «. (1) Large legs. Bedlf.

(2) An awkward overgrown girl.

HoNDE, f. (1) (^..5.) A dog.

(2) A hand. Honden, hands.

HoNDER, 8. A hundred.

HoND-HABBiNo,«.(^.-^.) Stealing.

Hone, (I) t. {A.-N.) Shame.

(2) «. A hand.

(3) 8. A backbone.

(4) «. Stockings; hose. North.

(5) r. To delay.

(6)r. - - -

To long for. North,

(7) V. To swell ; to increase.

(8) 8, An oil-cake.

(9) 8, A thin piece of stale

bread. Devon.

(10) V, To treat ill; to oppress.


Honest, (1) adj, {A,-N.) Noble;


(2) adj. Chaste.

(3) V. To do honour to.

HoNESTATE, V. (Lot.) To honour.

Honeetation, adornment, grace.

Honest^, (^.-.V.) Good breeding;

honour ; virtue.

HoNESTNEB, 8, Omameut.

HoNESTT, a. The herb bolbonach.

HoNEY, V. To sweeten ; to coax ;

to caress.

HoNBY-CRACH, B. A Small sweet




HoNET-poTs, «. The name of a

boy's game.

HoNBTSTALKs, «. Clover flowen,

which contain a sweet juice.

HoNBTsucKy 8. The woodbine.


HoNBYsucKLB, 8. (1) The red

clover. We8t.

(2) The yellow-rattle.

HoNOE, V, To hang.

HoNicoMB, 8. A flaw or defect in

a piece of ordnance.

HoNisBED, adj. Starved with

hunger and cold ; lean and mise-

rable. Lane.


Honour, t. Obeisance.

HoNOURMRNT, 8. An omamenu

Honouride, adorned.

HoNT, 8. (1) {A.-S.) A huntsman.

(2) A hand. Lane.

(3) A haunt. Kyng AUsaunder.,

HoNTEYB, 8. {A.^N,) Dishonour.

HoNTLE, 8. A handful. North.

Hoo, (1) V. To halt; to desiat.

See Ho.

(2) A cry in hunting.

HooD, 8. The raised crust of a


HooD-END, 8. The hob of a grate.


HooDERs, 1 «. The two sheaTes at

HOODS, J the top of a shock to .

throw off the rain. North.

HooDKiN, 8. A leather bottle

formerly used by physicians.


man's buff. Northampi.

HoooMAN-BLiND, 8. Bliud-man's


HooDMOLO, «. The moulding pro-

jecting over a door or wiudow.


HooFE, V. {A.'S.) To hover, or

stand off.

HooiND, adj., Much fatigued.


Hook, b. A curved instrument for

cutting some sorts of corn, dif-

fering from a sickle in being

broad with a sharp edge, instead

of serrated.

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HooK-BACKBik, o^, Crooked ;


HooKBR, «. An old cant term for

a shoplifter.

H00K-8BAM8 8. Pannien. North,

HooiM, adv. Wholly.

HooLT, adv. Tenderly; gently.


Hoou, «. An oven. Yorkah.

Hoop, (1) «. A quart pot, so called

from the hoops with which it

was boand, like a barreL There

were generally three on the quart-

pot, so that when three men

were drinking, each would take

his hoopt or third part.

The EngliBhraui'i healths, hii hoop$, caus,

ball-cans, fcc.

Heehn^t GmPs Bomb., p. S8.

I beliere hoopa in quart pots were

invented, that erery maa should take

his koope, and no more.

Ntah's Puree TenniUue.

The Ikree-hoofi pot shall have ten

koopt; and I will make it felony to

drink small beer.

Shakesp., S Hen. F/. It. 9.

(2) «. A measure of com, contain.

ing according to some four pecks,

according to others one.

(3) «. A bullfinch. Somert.

(4) V. To brag. Line.

(5) Hoop'Ond'Hide, ha old gunt.

HooPB»r«* A wild swan. Kennett.

HooPEBS-HiDB, a. Blind-man's.


HooBoo, B. A hubbub. Warw,

^^}'^^-^^-^-^ M**™-

HoosBT, $. A horse's head dressed

up and carried about with rough

music for incontinency. Berks.

H008IN6, «. The husk of a nut.


HoosiTBB, eoiv'. Howerer. Yorkth.

Hoot, 04^'. Hot; eager.

Hootch, v. To crouch. Beref.

HooTCHBB, B. A hooked stick used

in gathering fruit. Berks.

fLooritiQf part. Hoeing. fFore^

HoosB, «. A hsif cough peculiar

to cattle. North.

Hop, (1) t. A dance.

(2)». To jog, or jolt.

^3 ) «. Wood for hop poles. Kent:

(4) To hop the twig, to die.

H0P-ABOUT8, «. Apple.dumplings.


Hop-ACBB, «. A space of gronnd

occupied by a thousand hop

plants, about half an acre. Herrf.

HoP'CRBASB, 9. The game of hop*


Hop.Doe, «. An implement for

drawing hop-poles out of the

ground. Kent.

Hope, (1) v. To expect ; to trust.

(2) V. To think.

(3) «. A Talley.

(4) B. A bill. North.

(5) part. p. Helped. Var. dial

Hop-HARLOT, See Hap-hartot.

Hop-HOB8B8, «. Ladders for

horsing hops. See Horse.

HoPBOULAD, f. A moth which ap.

pears in May. Wore.

HoPKiN, B. A treat to labourers

after hop-picking. Kent.

H0P.0.DOCK, «. A lame person.


HopoLAND, «. A cloak, or loose

garment, made of coarse cloth.

H0P.0-UT.THUMB, f. A diminutive

person. Sometimes called hop'


HoppB, (1) V. (A.'S.) To dancf.

Attomeis in eontr6

Wynneth selfre for nowt ;

Thei make men to bigvnne pie

That never had it tbowjt :

Wan thei eometh to the ryng,

Hoppe if thei con,

Alle that thei wynne wit falsenes

AUe that thei te'lle i-wonne.

Foem OH Times qfBd. II

(2) s. Linseed. Pr. P.

HoppBK, 8. A maggot. Somers,

HoppBB, 8. A seed-basket. Hopper*

eaket a seed-cake with plums in

it. Hopper-hipped, having large


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Hom&-TROVOH» 8. The box in a

mill into which the grain i$ put.


HopPBSTBRB, f. (^.-5.) A dancer.

HoppBT, (1) tt» To hop. Somen.

(2) f. A hand-basket.

(3) «. The dish nsed by minen

to measure their ore.

(4)t. An infant in arms. Yofknh,

Hopping, t. (1) A dancing; a

country wake, at which dancing

is a principal amusement.

(2) The game of prison-bars,

played by hopping instead of

running. Berkt.

HoppiNo-DBRRT, 1 «. A lame per*

H0PPING-0ILB8, J SOU. Nortk,

HomffQ'MAD.adJ, Violently angry.


HoppiT, f. A small square field,

generally near a house. Eeses.

HoppLB, «. (1) To tie the feet of an

animal, to prevent it straying; to

raanade a prisoner. Hopples,

straps for the legs of hones.

(2) To totter. East

HoppY, V. To hop, or caper. West.

Hop-acoTCH, 8. A common child's

game. Called hopteon in York-


HopsHACKLBs, «. A term used by

Ascham,and conjectured by Nares

to be a sort of shackles put on

the loser of a race by the judges.

Hop-TO, a. A grasping fellow. Suff,

HoftuBTON, 8. {A.'N.) The gambe-


HoR,f.(^.-A) Corruption, ^yen^.


HoRCOP, «. (ji.'S.) A bastard.

HoRCOPPia, a. Cobbles of lime

which, not being well burnt, will

not slake.

HoRD, 8. (A,'S.) Treasure. Horde*

hows, treasury.

HoRDAM, f. Whoredom.

HoRDB, «. (A.'S.) (1) A point or


(2) A eow with calf. Dewm.

Bomm, {I) adj. {A.^S.) Hoary; grey.

(2) V. To become hoary.

(3) f. {J.-S.) Mercy ; grace ; fa-


(4)«. Whoredom.

HoRBLiNG, la. (A.'S.) A de-

HORBLL, J bauchee.

8o soother ther tt^en

That is an koHyng and a shrewe.

Let hym com to the court

Hyi nedea for to ahewe.

And bryn^ gold and selrer

And non raier wedde.

Fo€m on Tiwui^qfSd, IT.

HoRBSHBD, a. Hoarseness.

HoRBWORT, f. Cudweed.

Horn, (1) a. (A.-S.) A corner.

Still used in Kent,

(2) 9, To gore. Norf,

(3) In a horn when the devii is

iUnd, spoken of m thing never

likely to happen. Devon.

HoRNAOB, s. A quantity of com

formerly given yearly to the lord

of the manor for every ox worked

in the plough on lands within his


Horn-burn, v. To bum the horaa

of cattle with the owners' initials.


HoRNcooT, a. An owl.

HoRNBD, /lor^ p. Mitred.

HoRNBN,ii4f. Msdeofhorn. Var.d,

HoRNBR,a. (1) A cuckold. Dekker.

(2) A maker of horns.

HoRNBT, a. The large dragon fly.


HoRNBR.scoRNBR,a. The game of

prison-bars. Norf.

HoRNRT, s. (1) A falsehood; a

cheat. North,

(2) A name of the devil.

HoRN-FRRTTBR, s. A grub whicb

eats homs.

Sens. ^^. Termis qui oonnia arodik

A Xomtifjn^t or korntwwm,


HoRNiCLB, a. A hornet. Sussex.

HoRNKBCKB, s. A fish, Called also

the green-baclL Patsgravo.

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HomK-vn, t. The lapwing. Sa$t.

HoKN-SHooT, V. To incliiw or di-

▼erge, taid of any stone or timber

wbich shoold be parallel with

the line of the wall. North,

HoRK-THVMB, «. As implement

formerly need by cut>piinea; a


HoRNY-Bic, «. A boys' game.

HoBNT-wiMK, «. The lapwing.


HonoLoox, «. (Lat) A elock.

HomoNB, a. Horehoond. Pr, P,

Ho&owB,l o^f- FofqI. Still used in


HompTO, 0dj. {A.*S,) Bold.

HouiiBLBTfiy «. {A^N.) Horrible-

HoBBiDOB, B. A nest of bed eha-

raeters. Dortei,

HoKRiB8f«.(£a/.Aorr«a.) Oranges

or farms belongingto monasteries.

H0RROCK8, «. A stoot woman.


HoBRY, a. The hoar-frost Si^fbUt,

H0R8AM, «. Money. Yorkth,

H0R8BAD, 8. A term of reproach.

HoRs-BKRB,«. {A,'S. ) A horse-litter.

HoRS-CHAROB, ». A horse*load.

H0R8B, (I) «. An obstruction of a

Tein in a mine. North.

(2) «. A plank or other thing

vpon which anything is supported

by laying it across.

(3) «. To tie the upper branches

of the hop-plant to the pc^e.


(4)«. A reed or straw introduced

into a cask of ale or other liquor

by which part of the contenu it

drawn out.

HoBSB-BAZB, 8, Wonder. North,

H0R8B-BBBCH, «. The hornbeam.


H0B8B-BLOB, t. The large butter-

cup, or king-cup. Leie. The

marsh-marigold. Northampt,

HoR8B.BBAUBLB,«. Thcwildrose.


HoB8B-CHiRBy «. Germander.

HoBBB-coD, 8, A horse collar.


HoBBB-coBK, «. (1) Beans, peas,

oats, &c*

(2) The small com separated by

sifting. I>evoii.

H0B8B-COUR8BR, 8. A horse-dealer.

Hidnit the kor$»<tmn9r (tfitt eunniiif


Both ivith th« buven thiM eqfnivocftte;

'^lap> on hit hana, a *


Claps on hit


If that his

, and praya he may not

be not under Hts.

Wite$ JUertaiiont, 1614.

U0R8B-COUPBB, f. A horse-dealer.


H0B8B-DAI8T, 8. The great white

ox-eye. Northampt

H0B8B-00DMOTHBK, 8, A coarse

masculine woman.

H0BSB-0008, t. A sort of wild


H0R8B-00LD, i. The crowfoot.


HoR8BBBAD,a<{^. JfoTtt cgs^w/ent,

said of a mare. Somen.

H0R8B-HBLMB, 8. The name of a


HoRSE-Box, 8. A break of land.


H0R8B.KNATB, 8. {A.'S,) A groom.

H0R8B-KNOP, 8. Knapweed.

"»"•""• I*. Th« campamOa.


H0R8B-LBKCH, f. A horse-doctor.

HoRSB-LOAVBS, 8. A sort of bread,

formerly given to horses.

HoRSB-MA-ooo, (1) adv. All agog.


(2) 8. A large coarse person.

U0B8B-KB8T, f. A tiresome repe-

tition of an old tale. Gloue.

H0R8B-N10RTCAP, 8. A bundle of


HoB8C-PByNiB8, 8. The yellow.


HoRSB-pt.AT, 8. Rough sport.

H0RBB-8HOB8, 8. The game of


HoRSK-sMATCH, 8. Thc clotbird or


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HossB-STiNGER, «. A gad-fly. West,

The dragon-fly. Northampt.

HoRSB-STOPPLKS, f. Holes made

by the horses' feet in wet land.


UoRSE-THisTLB, «. The wild let-


HoR8B.THRU8H» f. The miBsel-

thrush. Northampt,

H0R8B-THYMB, «. Wild thyme.


IIoRSB-TREE, «. The beam on which

the timber is placed in a sawpit.


HoRSB-wARB, 9. Horsc-wash. Beds,

H0R8TAKB, «. Some sort of instru-

ment used in war. " Horstakes,

laden with wylde fyer." State

Paper$f iii, 543.

HoRVB» (1) 9. To be anxious.


(2) Come nearer ! Derb,

HosB, (1) «. An article of dress, con-

sisting of breeches and stockings.

(2) V, To embrace.

(3^ 9, The sheaf of com. North,

(4) 9, The neck or throat. Ctemb,

HosELT, V. To receive the sacra-


HoBERB, /?ron. Wbosoerer.

H08HBAD, 9. A hogshead.

An other paire of water-pandan would

pul a double fee for bis (wh) oaret, and

we ahoold ride like eentlemen, (or rather

almost empty hothheadt) a tilt for it

BowUy, Search far Moruy, 1609.

Ho-SHow, «. The whole show;

everything exposed to sight.


Hosier, «. A taylor who sold gar-

ments ready made.

IIossACKiNG, f. Huskiness or

horseness. Leie,

H088B, V, To buzz about. Palegr,

Host, (I) v. To lodge.

(2) part, p. Tried. Lane,

(3) To reckon without one*9 ho9t,

not to consider the most neces-

sary circumstances. To be at

host, at enmity.

H08TATB, 1«. To make a hostile

HOSTETB, J incursion.

HosTE, (1) 9. To swell ; to ferment.

(2) f . A vendor of articles out of

shops or houses. Hastrnga Re^

eordsy 1604.

H08TBLB, V, {A,'N.) To give lodg-

ing; to receive into an inn.

Hosteler, an innkeeper; also,

one who resides in an inn or

hostel. Hostelrie, an inn, or


HosTER, s. A sort of jug without

handle. Devon.

H08TILBMBNT8, 1 f.(^.-iNr.)House-

HUSTLBMBNT8, J hold fumiturc ;

any sort of utensils.

Hosting, s. A hostile incursion.

See Hostaye.

HosTOTTR, s, {A,'N.) A goshawk.

H08TRIB, s, {A.'N.) An inn.

H08TTLDB, a4f. Hospitable.

Hot, {\)pret. t. Ordered.

(2)v. To make hot. Notts,

(3)«. A basket for carrying dung.


(4) s, A finger-stall. Lane.

lh)pron. His. Suffolk.

h)pret.t. Hit.

(7) Hot in the spur, very earnest

in a matter. Neither hot nor

cold, under no drcumstanoes.

Hot-acre, s. Pain from intense

cold in the fingers, &c. Leie.

Hotagob, V, To move nimbly,

spoken of the tongue. Sussejf.

Hotch, v. {A,'N.) To shake ; to

separate beans from peas, after

thrashing; to be restless; to move

by sudden starts; to limp; to

drive cattle ; to boil cockles to-

gether. North.

Hotch BL, «. To walk lamely ; to

shuffle or hobble. Midland,

Hotcbbnb, v. To hop ?

Hittis tbonrghe the harde stele

Falle hertly dyntUs.

Sonne kotckeHe in holle

The hetlienue knygfaies.

UwU Arthurs^

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HoT-cocKLKS, «. All old Christinas

game in which one person lies

down hoodwinked, and being

struck, must guess who inflicted

the blow.

HoTB, {l)pret t. Promised.

(2) t. A vow, or promise.

(3)«. Heat.

(4 ) V. To shout, or make a noise.

HoT-BviL, f. A fever. Detfon»

HoT.pooT, t. See Fote-hoL

HoT.ROusB, «. (1) A bagnio; from

the hot baths there used. They

were of no better fame in early

times than at present, whence

the word was commonly used to

signify a brothel.

IHiose houM, Sir, wu, u thev ny,

phick'd down in the lubnrbt, ana now

■he professes a kot-kouu, which is, I

think, a rerr ill honse too.

Skdtcgp., Meu.Jbr M., U. 1.

Besides, Sir, yon shalt nerer need to so

to a koi-htmM, yon shall sweat there [at

eonrt] with courting your mistress, or

losing TOur money st primero, as well as

in all Che stoves in Sweden.

B. J<ms^ £vtry Man out of kit H., It, 8.

Marrr, it will eost me much sweat ; I

were better go to sixteen kot-kotusa.

PnnUn, iii. C.

(2) In salt-works, the room be-

tween the furnace and the chim-

ney towards which the smoke is

eonveyed when the salt is set

to dry.

HoT-PBAs-AND-BACON, f. A game

mt Hide and 9e9k.

HoT-PLANBT«, 8, The blight in


Hot-pot, t. A mixture of hot ale

and spirits. Grote.

HoT-SHOOTg, «. One third part of

the smallest coal, mixed well

together with loam, made into

balls with urine, and dried for


HoT-SHOT, «. An inconsiderate


Hotspur, (1) «. A rash person.

(2) adj. Warm, vehement.

HoTTBL, 9, A heated iron. Nwth,

HoTTBa, V. To boil ; to be in a

rage ; to vex. North,

Hottb, «. A hut.

Hottlb, «. A finger-stall. Fsr. d,

Hotts, a. (1) Water-porridge.


{2\ The hips. Craten.

(3) Round balls of leather stuffed

and tied on the sharp ends of the

spurs of fighting-cocks, to pre-

vent them from hurting one


Hot-vtatsbs, 8, Spirits.

Houdbbt, adj. Cloudy. We9t,

Hough, (1)9. To disable by cut-

ting the houghs.

(2) 8, A foot. Lane,

(3) 8, A hollow, or dell. North,

(4) #. A burrow, or den. Eatt.

(5) V. To pant. South,

HouGHBR, «. The public whipper

of criminals. Newe.

HouoHLB, «. The shank of beef.


Houghs, «. A dirty drab. North,

Houghts, 8. Large clumsy feet.


Houl-rampbbs, 8, Hollow and

empty stomachs. Craven,

HouLT. See Holt,

HouNCBs, 8, Ornaments on the

collar of a cart-horse. Eaet.

HouNCT-JouNCT, odj, Awkward.

HouND-BBNB, 8, Hoarhouud.

HouND-BBBBT, 8, Nightshade.

HouNDBO, part. p. Hunted;

scolded. Devon,

HouMD-PiSH, f. The dog-fish.

HouNSPOOT, f. A term of contempt.

HouNDTS-BXRVB, 8, The plant


HouNB, 8. A hound.

Ho-up, 8, The hunters' hallo6.

HoupBN, V, (A,'S.) To hoop, ot


HouPY, 8, A horse. Craven.

HouRBCHB, V. To rush.

Botptte the hathelieste on hy

Haythene and other.

All kounehei oTerhede

Uarmes to wyrke. Mortt Artkun.

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HousALL, a4f. Domntie. Cotg.

House, (1) «. The kitchen or

ordinary sitting-room in a ftrm-

hoQse ; the hall.

(2)v. To hide. Yorkih,

(3) «. To put com in the barn.


(4) «. A bing in which block tin

it put after imelting. D^rbyth,

(5) «. A partition in a chess-


(6) V. To 8tir up. Tim Bobbin,

(7) V. To grow thick,as corn.fiat/.

(8^ «. A child's coverlet. Devon.

(9) To be at the house top; to be

in a great rage. North. To be

out of ho/ute and harbour, to be

ruined. To put the hmue out of

windoMm, to cause great disorder.

Is shee, doe yon ttke f I hsTe felt it, I

wKmnt you ; for I have made her and

her traiue one tapper, but if 1 should

bee constrained of necessitie to make

her an other, it were enough to bring

mee out qflumte and harbour.

Tcrtnc4 •» Mnglitk^ 161i.

HousB-DOYB, #. A person always

at home. iVest.

HousKLK, (1) V. (J.'S.) To ad-

minister the sacrament. Hout'

lyng people, communicants.

(2) f. The Eucharist.

HousBLiKOB, «. Tame animals.


HousBN, (1) t. Houses. Var. d.

(2) V. To stay at home.

HousK-OF-oppics, a. A jakes.

HousB-PLACE, $. A hall.

HouBBSTBDB, t. A hall in a house.

HousB-WABMiNO, «. A fcBst or

party given to friends when a new

house is taken, or the first party

given by a newly married couple.

HousBWiFB, a. lAght-hovMemfe,

was in the 17th cent, a common

name for a prostitute. **Mereiris,

a Ught-houaewife." Terence <b

Engliah, 1641.

HoTTsiNO, «. (1) The coTorings of a


(2) The leather fastened at a

horse's collar to turn over the

back when it rains.

(3) A petticoat. Line.

(4) A niche for a statue.

HousLiNO, «. The act of taking

the Eucharist.

Their houtHingt, shrifts, and sacramaits

most reverently we take.

Wtunufi jmom*t EiiglMd, IS9S.

Houslino-bbll, a. The bell which

announced the Eucharist.

Houss, t. (1) (Fr.) A short coarse


(2) Large coarse feet. Boat.

Hour, V. (1) To hoot.

The boys hout at him. be draws his s

Sutge Unctitm, in a^ frimta m 1609.

(2) To hold.

HouTiNO, «. An owl. Someraei.

UovTStinterf, Pshaw! Nav ! North,

HouzB,9. Toladewaterl Yorhak,

HovB, (1) V. To lift or heave.

(2) V. (J.'S.) To halt, or hoTer-

(3) v. To Uke shelter.

Mayster TsTasonr had nat ryden past

ii. myle but that it began to rayne x

wherfore he calladde for his cloke ; his

other serrauntes saide, Turpin was b»>

hinde and had hit with him. So they

hoMddt under a tre tyilo Turpin o^er

TaUt and Qiitdb Jntweres.

(4) tr. To float on the water.

(5) V. To move. Someraet.

(6) V. To behove.

(7)t. The ground ivy, or aleboof.

(8)t. Dregs of oil. Pr.P.

(9) a. A child's caul. Pabg.

(10) adj. Swollen. Gkmc.

HovB-DAMCB, «. The court-dance;

generally contrasted with the


HovBL, «. A canopy over a statue,

HoYBLLBBB, «. People who go out

in boats to land passengers from

ships. Kent.

Hovel-pricks, «. Sticks used in

thatching to confine therod which

holds the straw at the eaTCs and

ridge of the roof. Northampi^

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UoTEHtpart.p, Swelled, ffwm'

krtmdf learened breed.

It ii to wit atte bemByng tiMt alle

empwtiinei withAtuJorth that be Ammm

anaiwoUen ejUiir tbd ben litill or irrett.


HovBR, (1) V. To iMck hops lightly

in order to defraad the measare.


{2) adj. Open. JTM/ofuf Atft.

(3) a^. Light, as ground. South.

(4) 9. A hole in a bank where

fich resort.

(5) t. A circular frame of straw

on which the bee-skep is placed.

How, (1) f. (^..&) Care.

W«l neighe wode for dred aad Amm,

Up thou Khotest a windowe.


(2)«. A hill.

(3) adj. Whole. Lme.

(4) ai$f. Deep, or low ; hollow,


5) pron. Who. Kent and Su9$e».

(6) A hunting-cry. See Hoo,

(7) An exclamation, Stop !

(8) V. To conglomerate. S^foli>

i9) eonj. In such manner as.

10) She is how come ye so, Le.,

with child.

HuwAT. Come along. Northmmb.

HowBALL, 9, A simpleton.

HowBBRDK, «. A halbert.

HowD, «. A strain. North,

HowDSR,e. To walk heavily. Ctmb,

HowDON-PAN-CANT, t. A bad &U.

Howdon-pan-cantert an ungrace-

ful mode of riding. North.

HowDT-MAW, 9. The conclttsioB

of the day's labour. Newe,

HowDT-wiFB,«. A midwife. North.

HowBDFoa, part. p. Provided

for. friit9.

HowMLhMDtprep.p, Splashed. line.

HowBN, V. To hoot.

HowBs, (1) 9. Haws.

(2) j^res . t. {A.'&) Hoves.

HowGATBs, a^. {A.'S.) In what


HowGT, a4^'. Huge. We9t.

HowK, V. To scoop. North.

HowKBD, a^. Hooked.

Her bill is very k4mked and bends

downwards, the thrill or brsathing

plaee is in the uidst of it

Herb0rft TimMli, 1688.

HowBT, a4f, Husky { chaffy.


HowLBT, 9. The bam or white

owl. North.

HowLBBS, 9. Boys who go round

on New Year's Eve to wassail

the orchards. S1199.

HowLBT, 9. The baru or white

owl. North*

HowL-KiTB, f . The stomach. North.

HowNTB, V. To hunt.

How.poMD, «. A fish-pond.

How-sBBDS, t. Husks of oats.


H0W8BWOLD, 9. A household.

H0W8HB. Move on! Dor9et.

H0W8ING, 9. (A.^S.) Bnilding;


Fro sejnt Mary at Bowe to London Stone,

At that tyme was kotpmnu none.


HowBOM BVBB, odv. HowsoevcT.

HowvB, 9. {ji.'S.) A cap, or hood.

Hoz, V. (1) To cat the hamstrings.

See Hough.

(2 ) To scrape the heels and knock

the ancles in walking. Gtoue.

(3) To hoax.

Before which time hee shall bee rare to

heare of him, and with this the little

deril ▼anisheth, earrying that away

with him which in the end will send

him to the gallowet, (that is to say, his

owne gold) and fortv pound besides of

the shop-keepers which he borrow^

the other being elad to take forty shil-

lings for the whole debt, and yet is

ioandlT host for his labour.

Ikkkir, Bugluk rtUoMa, 1683.

(4) To fret; to perplex. North*


HoxT, a^. Muddy ; durty. So^h.

Hot, (1) ». To heave, or throw.


(2) 9. A cart drawn by one

horse. Cumb.

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HoTD. Hovered ; abode. Weber.

HoTLBs, «. A mode of shooting

arrows for trial. Drayton,

HoTNDi V. To make a hard bar-

gain. CA«fA.

HoTSB-cup, f . A dmnkard.

HoEBD.a€f;. Finely off. Bxmoor.

Hu, a. (A,-S.) Complexion.

Hub, (1) «. A small stack of hay ;

a thick square sod, pared off the

surface of a peat-bog, when dig-

ging for peat ; an obstruction of

anything. North.

(2) The hilt of a weapon. Suffolk.

(3) The mark to be thrown at in

certain games. Eatt.

(4) The nave of awheel. Oxfd.

HuBBBD, a4f. Lumpy; knobby.


HvBBiNft. Asmall anvil for miking

nails. We9t.

HuBBLB-BUBBLB, f. Chattering.

HuBBLBSHOw, 8. Confusiou ; tu-

mult. North.

HuBBON, «. The hip. Lame.

HuBSTACK, «. A fat awkward


HuccHB, «. A hutch.

HucK, ( 1 ) «. A pod or husk. Stmih.

(2) f. The part between the shin

and the round in beef. Devon.

(3) f. A hard blow or knock.


(4)pret.t. Threw. We$t.

Huckaback, (1) «. A sort of linen


(2) adv. A childish phrase for

being carried astride on the neck.

HucKB, r. To higgle in buying;

to bargain.

LoB^ since I eheapned it, dor is my com-

mine now to hueke.

Wama'M Alhimu BnghaiA, 1692.

HucKLB, «. The hip. Huckle-bone,

the hip-bone. High m the hmcile,

in good condition.

Ton rotate, yoa look very high npon the

hucklt. Otwof, ih§ Alkeist, 1684.

HucKLB-DUCKLB, «. A loose Wo-

man. Playe qf Robyn Hode.

HucKLB-MT-BUFF,«. A drink com-

posed of beer, eggs, and brandy.


HucK-MucK, «. (1) A strainer

placed before the faucet in brew-

ing. WUte.

(2) A dwarf. Weet.

HucKSHBBNS, «. The hocks. £r-


HucK-sHOULDKRBD, odj. Hump-


HucKST-BUB, 8. The female breast.


HuD, (1) «. A husk, or bull ; espe-

cially the husk or covering of

nuts and other fruit. " Hudd

the walnuts," is a term used at

Stratford-on-Avon, for removing

the husks.

(2) V. To hide.

(3) 8. A hood.

{4)8. A term of contempt.

What ye breineticke fooles, yee hoddy-

peckes: yee doddy-poules, ye kuddes.

doe Tee beleeve him ? are yoa wdnccd

allot Latinur^t Sermont.

(5) 9. To collect into heapa.


HuDDBL, f. A heap. Somert.

HuDOBRiN, 8. A welUgrown lad.

Hutherikin-lady a ragged, uncuU

tivated boy. Boat.

HuDDicK, 8. (1) The cabin of a

coal-barge. North.

(2) A finger-stall. Weet.

HuDDLB, (1) V. To embrace.

i2) V. To scramble. Somereet.

3) 8. A list. Unc.

HuooLBB., 8. A bungler.

Huddling, a. One of the exercises

before taking degrees at Cam-


HuDB, jvre/. /. Went. Yotyode.

HuD-BND, «. The hob. Yorkeh.

HuDOB-MUDOB, odv. HuggeT-mug-

ger. North.

HuDGY,a4^*. Thick; clumsy. WHt8.

HuDKiN, 8. A finger-stall. Eaet.

HuD8T0MB,a.The bob-stone. iVbrM.

HuBijTTCNi. He; she; they.

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HuKL, t. (1) An old term for a


(2) A whale.

Hi7sa,«. Hair. Craven,

HuKRs, f. Persons placed on the

Cornish cliffs to indicate to the

boats, stationed off the land, the

course of the shoals of pilchards

and herrings.

HuFK, V. To hove.

Huff, (1) t. A bully; a hector.

A fool, belike. Tes, sir, much the uune :

A CTack-bnin'd Aii# that aet the world on

(2) 9. To swagger.

(3)t. ^

Fermentation ; confusion.

Their brains are atomm'd, and in a constant


And irhat irorks out is frolh and hnmming-



(4) f. light paste for inclosing

fraitor meat while stewing. Ghue,

(5) t. A scurfy incrustation on

the skin. East.

(6) V, To offend ; to scold.

(7) f. Offence, or displeasure.

h) 9. Strong beer. Var, d,

(9) V. To remove a man from the

board, in chess or draughts.

Huff-cap, t. (1) Strong ale.

(2^ A swaggering fellow. East,

(3) Couch-grass. Heref.

(4) A sort of pear. West.

HuFFLB, (1) V. To blow roughly.


(2) V. To rumple. 5i#.

(3^ V, To waver, or shift. Dev.

(4) 9. A merry-meeting. Keni.

(5) t. A finger-stall. Cfroee.

Huff-snuff, e, A bully.

HuFKiN,f. A sort of muffin. Kent,

Huftt, f. A swaggerer. Yorkeh.

HUFTT-CUF8, t. Blows. FlOTU),

Huo, (1) 9. To huddle; to crouch

up. Paisgr, Sometimes written


(2) 9, The itch. Somernt,

(3) V. To carry. North,

HuG-BONE, 9, The hip-bone. North,

HuovousLY, adv. Hugely.


Indeed I was weary of the play, bat I

Iik*d hugeovuly the actors ; they are the

goodiyest proper'st men, sistrr.

Wyekgrleg, OomUry )ri/v,1688.

HuoOAN, «. The hip. Crmen,

HuoGBN-ifUFFiN, f. The long-

tailed tit.

HuooER, (1) f. An effeminate

person. .

(2) V. To lie in ambush. HaU,

HuGGBK-lfUGGER, ttd», (1) lu SC-

cret; clandestinely.

Prithee, Ned, out with 'em ; come, I am

thy friend; and, 'sbnd, if 1 thought

anything was done in kugger-mmager.

(2) Comfortless ; without order.


HuG-ME-cLosE, 9, Afowl's mcrry-

thought. Var.d,

Huguenots, «. (fV.) A pipkin.

HuGY, adj. Huge.

The monstrous horse that in his htm* sides

A traytrous throne of subtill Grecians

hides. PMJtf'fArMvU.lBSd.

HuHOLS, t. An owl. Florio.

Huis, f. (A,'N.) A door, or thresh-


UuissHBR, f. {A,'N) An usher;

one who attends at the door to

introduce people.

HuiTAiNE, 9, {Fr,) A stanza of

eight verses.

HuKB, 9, (1) A sort of loose upper

garment, sometimes furnished

with a hood, and originally worn

by men and soldiers, but after-

wards chiefly by women ; a veil ;

a woman's cap.

(2) A hook.

(3) The huckle-bone. North,

HUKE-NEBBTDE, odj, Haviug B

crooked bill.

HuKKBKYE, 9, {J.-^S,) Huckstry.

HuL, 9, A hill.

HuLCH, (1) adj. Crooked.

(2) 9, A slice. Devon.

HuLCHiN, f. A broad thick piece

of bread or meat. Norf,

HuLDE, V, (A.'S.) To flay.

HuLDEB, V. (1) To hide. JVe9t,





(2) To Wow violently. Devon.

HuLB. 9. A husk. Northumb,

HvLUDj part, p. Covered.

HuLFBKB, t. (A,*S.) The holly.

HuLiE, adv. Slowly.

Hulk, (1 ) «. A ship, or heavy vewel.

(2) «. A hull, or hask.

(3) 8. A heavy luhbecly fellow.

(4) V. To he very lazy. Somergtt.

(5) «. A cottage, or hovel; a

shelter in the field. North.

(6) V. To lodge, or take shelter.

(7) f. An old excavated working,

a mining term. Derb.

(8) V. To take out the entrails of

an animal. EatL

(9) #. A heavy fall. Var. d.

Hulking, adj. Unwieldy.

Ht7LKY,fl4^'. Heavy; »i\xpid. Shropth.

Imagin her with thousand virgins i^ded

Unto her fcarefall toombe, her monster-


Imagin how the kutkv divell alyded

Along the seas sniootn brenst, parting the

wave :

Alaste poore naked damsetl, ill provided,

Whom millions wiihout heavens help can-

not save.

Heyvood, Troia BriUaiica, IG09.

Hull, (1) «. A hask, or shelL

(2) V. To Uke off the husk.

(3) o. To float.

(4)». The holly. Var.d.

(5) «. A pen for fattening cattle.


(6) V. To throw. For. d.

n)a. A pigsty, or hovel. Yorksh.

(8) «. Room inagrinding-wheel.


HuLLARD, 8. An owL fFe8t.

Hulls, v. To kiss ; to fondle.

HuLLiKs, 8. Large marbles.

Hullings, «. (1) Husks; chafF.

(2) Coverlets.

HuLL-up, 9. To vomit. Var, d.

HuLLY, 8, A long wicker trap, for-

merly used in Yorkshire for

catching eels.

HuLSH, V. To walk unsteadily. Leic.

llvhSTREDt part. p. Hidden.

HuLVB, V. To throw over. JFeat,

HuLVEA, t. The holly. Iluher'

headed^ stupid. East. SeeHulfere.

HuLwoRT, 8. The plant poley.


HxjLY^adj. Peevish; fretful. DmrIL

Hum, (1) v. To deoeive. J hmm,

a deception.

(2) 8. Very strong ale.

(3) V. To whip a top. Kemt.

(4) r. To throw violently. North.

Humane, adj. Courteous.

Humans, «. Men.

To live freely is to feast our appetite*

freely, without wluch humans are stonra.

Wido¥>*» Tears.

Humble, v, (1) To stoop.

(2) To break off the beards of

barley with a flail. North.

(3) to hum.

(4) 7V> eat hun^le pie, to be sub-


Humblb-bbb, f . A drunkard. Xtnc.

Humblbbbdb,! J, ^..

HUMBLE88E, J "»'"""/•

lluMBLOCK, f. H«Blockr

That aboundaunce of high stomaebe do

not overgrow the good disposition of

huDiilitie, like as in gardens wel situate

we see oft times fayre flowers put out

of syght, by reason of nettles, Aw»-

hlociet^ and other grosse wedes whieh

growe tlicrein, and kepe from tho good

hcrbes both the bcames of the snnne

and Jronpes of the raine.

Inttitucwn of a GtntUman, 1588.

HvMBUG, t. (1) A person who

hums, or deceives.

(2) A sort of sweetmeat

(3) A false alarm ; a bugbear.

HuMBUz, 8. A cockchafer. Wett.

Humdrum, 8, A small low cart.


Humeloo, 8. The herb hemlock.

MS. \Zth cent,

Humoumption, 8. (1) Nonsense.

(2) Self-importance.

Hum man, 8. A woman. Vcr. d.

Hummeld, adj. Without horns.


HuMMKR, (1) V. To hum, orbuxz.


(2) 8. A faUehood. SufoU.

d by boogie




(3) «. To neigh. For. d,

HuMiciMO, adj. Strong; hetdy.

** Sach kMmmaig stuff," York^

9kir€ Ale, 1697. See under tfii/:

HuMMocCi t. A mound of earth.


HuMM VMS, f . An eftttern ntroe for

sweating hatha, introdnced into

England in the 17th cent. There

were estahlisbments of this de*

scription in Covent Oarden, Lon-

don, the site of which is occupied

by two hotels which retain the


The kummum* (m sweatingplaecfl) are

nuMiT. resplendent in the azure par-

fettinc and tyling wherewith iber arr

cenileated. Herbert's Travels, 1638.

Ay. and thee and I, if we do not reform,

Sax, I'm airraid aliall sweat in those

everlasting knttmunu with him.

Moumtfitrt, Grunmek Parit. 1691.

HuicouKou8» a^. (1) Humid.

(2) Capricious. Shaknp.

Hdmours» a. Manners ; qualities ;

. oddities.

lluicp, (1) a. A lump. We$t.

Humphff hunch-backed. Hun^ty-

dunqftf, short and broad.

(2) t. A small quantity. Norf.

(3) 9. To grumble. Eaat.

(4) V. To insinuate. Craven.

Humph, o. Futaere. Moiteux'e



fiuM8TRUif, (1) a. A Jew's harp.

(2) adj. UnskilfuL Nortkampt.

(3) t. Pudendum f. Warm.

Hunch, (1) «. A lump.

(2) V. To shove; to gore; to

heave up. Var. d.

(3) a^. Excited. lAw.

HuNCHST,a. A small hunch. GroH,

HuNCH-nroonn, «4^'.Hump-backed.


Huif cH-WEATBEn,t. Cold weather.


HuNCKiTT, adj. Lonely. Lewe.

HuKDEs-BBuiEM, ». The plant


HuND-risH, a. The dog-fish.


apple. Rider, 1640.

HuNDY, r. To push.

UuNOAKiAN, t. An old cant term

for a hungry person ; a thief.

HuMOAUY-WATEH, t. A distilled

water, said to have been first pre-

pared for a queen of Hungary.

A high rectified spirit of JTwu/afy-iwi/tfr.

Take two gallons of spirit of wine, fonr

haudfula of rosemary-flowers in their

prime, the tender tops of maijornm,

sage, and thime. each a pngil, or aa much

as you can hokl between tour finger and

thumb, bruise them a little, and put

them into the spirit in a large glass,

stopping the moaih of it cloae, and let

it stand in the snn or a warm place

twenty or thirty days, according aa the

warmth is.

Tke Jceomplish'd female Instructor, 1719.

Hunger, v. To famish. Craten.

^ti»^er5a}ie<2, bitten with hunger.

Hunger-poiewed, ill from want of

food. Hunger-hit, starved.

HuNGERLiN, a. A sort of furred

robe, derived from Hungary.

HuNGEK-ROT, f. A mlscr. North.

HuNOER-STONE, t. A quartz peb-

ble. Line.

HvNORELS, a. Rafters. Cheeh.

Hungry, adj, (1) Poor, unproduc-

tive, said of soil. North.

(2) Very mean. Devon.

Hunkered, a^. Elbowed, or

crooked. North.

Hunker, ». A haunch. North.

Honks, a. A miser. Var. d.

HuNNE, adv. Hence.

Hunniel, a. A miser.

Hunnye, 9. (1) To fondle.

To tnme to oar domestieke hystorfes:

what English blood, seeing the person

of any bold Englishman presented, and

doth not hngge hia fame, and hrnnjfe at

bis valor. ^^^

Seywooi'a Apology for Jetors, U\%.

(2) To $eU honey, to give good


Thon, that in thy dialogues soldsl kunnis

for a halfepenie, and the choysest writers

extant for cues apeeee.

Nask't Fieree PamiUtss, UM

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HuNsvPy V, To quarrel ; to scold.


Hunt, •. {A.-S.) A huntsman.

HuNTiNO-POLB, «. A pole for turn-

ing aside branches in passing

through woods.

HuNTiNO*THE-F0X, 1 f. The


HUMTiNG-THB-wHisTLB, J of dif-

ferent boy's games.


• formerly prevalent at Eton.


tom still prevalent in Ireland, the

Isle of Man, and some other

places, on St. Stephen's Day.

Hunt's-up, «. A tune on the horn

played under the windows of

sportsmen, to awaken them.

HuNT-THB-Fox, V. To drink deeply.

HuPB, pret. t. Hopped ; leapt.

HuppE, V. (J.-S,) To hop.

HuRBURR, f. The burdock. Leie,

HuRCH, V. To cuddle. Somer»et

HuRCHBD, adj. Ajar, as a door.


HuRDAM, a. (A,-S,) Whoredom.

HuRDBN, f. See Harden.

HuRDER, t. A heap of stones.


HuRDiCE, f . (A,'N.) A hurdle ; a

scaffold ; a rampart ; the term was

also applied to the large shields

termed paviies.

HuRDiES, f. The loins, or crupper.


HuRDis, $. Ropes.

Hurdle, f. A gate. Wight.

HuRDREVE, f. Centaury.

HuRB, f. (1) A whore.

(2) Hair.

(3) Hire.

HuRBN, ^tffi. p/. Theirs.

HuRB-soRB, f. When the skin of

the head is sore from cold.


HuRGiN,f. A stout lad; an urchin.


HuRKLB, V, To shrug up.

Hurl, (1) v. To rumble, like wind.

(2) «. A hole, or comer ; a dotei.


(3) t. A hurdle. Keni.

(4) «. To be chilled. Cranm*

HuRL-BONB, 9, The knee-bone*

HuRLEBAT, f. A sort of dart.

HuRLBBLAST, t. A hurricanc.

HuRLEFooLB, «. A whirlpooL

HuRLBs, t. Filaments.

HuRLBwiND, «. A whirlwind.

Hurling, «. (1) Strife.

(2) The game of ball. Wtit,

{ZS A young perch. We»t,

(4) Harrowing a field after the

second ploughing. Cheth,

Hurluk, t. Hard chalk. Bedt,

HuRLT, «. A tumult. Shakttp.

HuRN, (1) «. A hole, or comer.


(2) V. To ran. Somer$et,

HuRPLB. See Hwrkle,

HuRR, «. A flat piece of wood, tied

to a string, and whirled round.

HuRRB, V, To snarl.

HuRRiBOB, 9, A smart blow. NoirtK

HuRRiCANO, f. A water-spout


HuRRiON, t. A slut. ybritA.

HuRRisoMB, adj. Hasty ; passion-

ate. Dewm,

HuRROK, 9. Quantity; a heap.


HuRRONB, t;. To hum like beea.


Hurry, (1) v. To lead, or carry

away. North,

(2) V. To shift ; to posh ; to quar-

rel. YorHh,

(3) f. A small load of com or

hay. Ea9t,

Hurrtful, adj. Hasty. Weat*

HURRT-SKURRY, 9, ConfuSlOll.

HuR8LB,9. To shrug. C«in^.

HuRST, 9, (,A,-S,) A wood.

Hurt-done, part, p. Bewitched.


HuRTELB, V. (A,'N,) To meet to.

gether with violence ; to clash.

HuRTER, 9. The iron ring in tUo

axle of a cart. Norths





H0RTLV, (1) t. A gpot. Htrrf,

(2)v. To crowd together. JVorM-


HuRTLKBKKBT, 9, Tbo bilbeiTy.

Hub, «. {A*'S,) A house.

Husband, (1) %. {A.^S,) A firmer.

(2) An economist. Hutbandrief


(3) A pollard. Kent.

HusBEKCB, «. The hornbeam.


Hu8BOND-MAN, «. The master of

a family.

HusB, t. Hoarseness.

HusBAN, 9. (J.'N.) A sort of boot.

Hush, v. (1) To loosen earthy par.

tides from minerals by running

water. North.

(2) To shrug the shoulders. JSr-


HusBBB. See /Ttiiff A^.

HusHioN, «. A cushion. York9h.

HusHTA. Hold. York9h,

Husk, «. (1) A company of hares.

(2) 9, A disease in cattle.

(3) adj. Dry ; parched. Line.

HusKiN, 9. A clown. Line.

HuspiL, r. {J.'f>f. hotupeller.) To

disorder, or put to inconvenience ;

to destroy.

Huss, (1) V. To buzz.

(2) 9. The dog-fish.

HusaBB, 9. A dram of gin. South.

HusT, f. Silence ; whist.

Hustings, t. {A.'S.) A court of ju-

dicature in the city of London.

HusTLB, V. (1) See HvrkU.

(2) To Tex ; to annoy. Leic.

HusTLB-CAP, «. A boy's game,

played by tossing up half-pence.

HusTLBMBNT, t. Odds and ends.


HuTca, (1) «• A trough, or bin.

Bread basket, hamper, or kuith. Ifastra,


(2) «« A coop for an animal.

(3) V. To shrug. Craven.

HuTCH-CBooB, t. A crooked stick.


HuTCR.woBK, 9. Small ore as

washed by the sieve. Corniff.

HuTic, 9. The whincbat. Shrop9h.

HuTT,a. Afire-bob. Derb.

HuTTEB, V. To speak confusedly.


HuwBs, 9. pi. Hills.

HuxBNs, 9. Hocks ; ankles. Devon.

HuYLDB, t;. To hold.

HuT88BLB8,«. Flames, or spsrks of


Huz, V. To hum, or buzz.

HuzziN, «. A husk. North.

HuzzT, a. A housewife. Devon.

HwAN, adv. When.

HwxL, 9, {A.'S.) A whale.

HwiL-GAT. (^A.-S.) How; in what


HwoND, 9. A hound.

Hy, adj. High. Hyely, proudly.

Hyan, 9. A disease amongst cattle.


Hydul-trb, 9. The elder tree.

Ort. Voe.

Hyrl, adj. The whole ; all. North.

Hybn, 9. A hyena. Shake9p.

Hyqhingly, adv. Hastily.

Hyl, 9. (A.-S.) A heap.

Htlbo, la. The planet under

hylbck, j which a man is born.

An astrological term.

UYV.pron. Him; it. Wilt9.

Hyndb, adj. Courteous.

Hynny-pynny, 9. An old game at

marbles, played in some parts of

Devon and Somerset.

Hyve, pron. (A.-S.) Him.

The diflciplea that were his,

^noue hy kym forsoke.

William i« Skortkam.

Hynbnb, 9. Eyes.

Hybbn, 9. A seducing woman ; a


Of charmiBg sin the deep-inchanating


The snares of virtue. Talonr-aoftening

Ayrau. 8jflvuta^9 DukarU*.

d by Google


IlTRNKnARD, 9. Ball-veed.

Hykon, $. A corner.

Hyrt, «. {A.'S,) An assembly.

590 ILL

maidens. See ShaJte^., Snm. Sc

Jul, 1,4.



I. (1) A prefix or augment to verbs,

chiefly to the preterites and par-

tidples, representing the ji.'S.

ge-f as i-bUued, i-cast, i-slawe.

Such forms must be looked for

under the letter of the verb,

bleated, ceut, $latoe.

(2) eonj. Yes.

(3) t. An eye.

IccLB, 9. An icicle. North,

IcB-BONK, «. The edge-bone of


IcB-CAKDLB, «. An iciclc.

IcELETy 9. An icicle.

The pleasant ide

Wliose walks, fair gardens, prospeett did


Time of so many happy hoars, mnst now

A solitary wildernessc, whose brow,

Wiuter had bound in folds of ice, be left

To wail their absence, whilst each tree


Of leaves, did like to virgin mourners


Qoathd in white vails of fflittering iceUU.

CkamherUyHe's PkaroHnida, 1659.

An icicle.



IcH,(l) /iron. (A.'S.) L

(2) 9, To eke. North,

IcHBT, 9. The itch. Somer9.

'«"L.}*- A- icicle.

Idbl, adj. {A..S.) Vain. In idH,

in vain. Ideliche, vainly.

Idle, adj. (1) Light-headed.

(2) Barren.

(3) An angnail is called an uffe

vrart, welt, wort, or wheal, in


Idlbmbn, «. Gentlemen. Somer9.

Idlbton, 9. A lazy fellow. Soiner9.

Idlb.worms, 9. Worms pretended

to be bred in the fingers of idle

Keep thy hands in thy mufl^ •■

Worwu in t)iy lingers' ends.

B. f Ft, Woman BuUr, iU. I.

looLASTftE, «. {^A,'N,) An idolater.

Ien, «. Eyes.

i-faos, J

Ifallb, conj, {A.'S.) Although.

Ifb, t. (a.-N.) The yew tree. St^.

Iftlb. If thou wilt. North,

Igh, f. An eye.

Ignomious, adj. Ignominious.

Ignomy, t. Ignominy.

Ignorant, adj. Unknown.

loNOTE, a^. {Lat.) Unknown.

Iia, 9. Ice. Piera PL

Ik, pron, {A.-S.) I.

Iklb, 9. An icicle.

Ild, v. To yield. North.

Ilde, 9. An island.

Ildy, aclj. Fruitful. Northampf,

Ilb, 9. (1) An island.

(2) A small flat insect found in

the liver of sheep. Comav.

I-LiCHB, adv. Equally.

Ilk, a4j. (A.-S.) The same. Uka

(sometimes written UJter), each,

every. Ilkadel, every part, /tf oa,

each one.

Ilke, 9. The wild swan. Drayt.

Ill, v. To slander ; to reproach.


Ille, adv. Badly.

Ill-farand, adj. Bad conditioned ;


Illfit, «. An ale vat. Shrop9h.

Illify, v. To defame. North,

Illiohtbn, V, To enlighten.

To oondnde, Ood by his ministerie or

meanes regenerates their natures,

ilUakUtu their miudes, conformes their

wills, orders their aflfectioiis, re-

formes their vices, conftrraes tlieir

graces, sanctifies their lires, assists

their deaths, and is the mjdwife that

brings Iheir soules out of eiidlesse tor-

ments into immortall jnvcs.

&VA CahiMt, 1616.

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Illtxs, 9. The cover of a book.

Derb, Perhaps for HiUingt.

Ill-thing, 8. St. Anthony's fire.


Illusteatk, 1 ndj, Illustrioas;

ILLUSTRB, J bright.

N<w doth Ui« king of flamM in *s golden


After a teropeit, aosirer men's desires,

"When as he casts his comrortabie beams

Over the flowery fields and silver streams.

As her illustratt beauty strikes in me.

Grcrtu's Tu Quoque.

Illustkb, 9. {J,*N.) To bring to


Illy, adv. Badly.

In the morning we learae best, becanse

at that time our memohe is emptie, and

at the evening illy, becaiue then it is

full of those thinges which wee encoon-

tred daring the day.

I-lomb, adv. (A.'S.) Frequently ;


Ilt, $. A gelt sow. Devon,

Ilthin, f. An inflamed sore.


Imaobhib, «. (A.'N,) Painting;

sculpture. Imageowr^ a sculptor.

Imaoinatif, adj. Suspicious.

Imaoikoub, adj. Imaginative.

Imbabn, «. To shut up.

Imbase, v. To degrade.

Imhased him from lordlines unto a kitcliin

drudge. Warner* $ Alb'tont England^ 1 698.

Imbbrs, t. Numbers. Norf.

Imbesil, v. To counsel.

Imbosmbnt, $. Sculpture.

Thence, wee were led by many sultans,

thorow a spatious and fragrant garden,

which was curious to the eve and deli-

cate to the smell, to another summer

house, rich in gold inJmments and

painting. Herbtrt's TrtneU, 16S8.

Imbostb. See Embo$9ed.

For loe afarre my chased heart imhotte

and almoet spent.

Wanut's Jlium OigUmd, 1693.

In BBAiD, 9. To upbraid.

Imobbkb, f. The honse-leek.


Imbbocaoo, «. (//a/.) A threat

over the weapon (a fencing term).

luBUBHMBNT, «. An ambosh.

Iubutb, adj. (Lat.) Bmbued;


Imb, $. (1) The end of the note.


(2) Hoarfrost. North.

I-mele, adv. (J.-S.) Together.

luEZfprep. Near, ff'arw.

Imitatb, v. To attempt. Ea$t.

Imuanitib, •. {Lat. immanUoM.)

Cruelty ; inhumanity.

Immanuablb, adj. LiaUeaa.

Immabobsaiblb, adj. {Lat.) Un-


Immound, V, To surround with


Fours with leas powr her plentiovs in-


Upon these straight and narrow streamed


And in-land seas, which many a mount


Then on an ocean rast and void of bounds.

Syltetter't Dubartat.

Immbdiacy, a. Immediate repre-

sentation ; the deriving a cha-

racter directly from another, so

as to stand exactly in his place.

Immoubnt, adj. Not momentous.

Immure, a. ' An enclosure by wall ;

a fortification.

Imnbr, t. A gardener.

Imp, (1) a. a graft or shoot inserted

into a tree, or any young shoot

or sucker. Hence uaed aa a v.

To engraft.

(2)t. Ayoungoffspringin general;

a son. In Warner's Albiona

England, Caliato is called ** Ly»

caons impe."

(3) «. A feather inserted into a


(4) «. A small or inferior devil.

(5) a. Grass, or pasturage.

(6) V. To add.

(7) a. An addition; an insertion.

(8) «. Each length of twists

hair in a fishing line. Nwth.

(9) V. To rob. Lane.

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TirPACY, f. An impression ?

One vow they made religiously.

And were of one societie ;

And onely w«i their impaeU

The forme of eithera phantaaie.

PkUlu and Flora,U9B.

Impair, (1) 8. Diminution; dis-


Go to, thou dost well, bat pocket it (the

bribe) for all that; 'tianoiMfatrtothce,

the greatest do*t.

Widow's Tear».O.V.,yUin.

(2) adj, (Lot, fmjvar.) Unequal ;


Impartment, «. Communication.

Impasteis part, p, Incrusted;

formed into a paste.

Impeach, (1) v. {Fr. empSeher,)

To stop, or hinder. Impeaehmentf


There was no barre to stop, nor foe him

to impeach. Spens., F. ^., I, >iii, **.

(2) 9, Impeachment ; trial.

Impale, «. To encircle.

Imparls, v, (Fr.) To debate.

Imparters, «. Persons induced by

artful pretences to part with

their money.

Impartial, adj. Partial.

Impatience, 9. Anger.

Impecunious, adj. {Lai.) Money-


8tabis, Homere, foras, yon may stand

like an impeeunious whore-master at

tlieir doores. Man in, the Moone, 1609.

Imperatb, v. (Lat.) To command.

Imperanee, mastery.

Imperial, «. (1) An old game at


(2) A sort of cloth.

Impbrib, 9. (Lat. imperium.) Go-


Impersbvbrant, adj. Strongly


Impetiginous, adj. (Lat.) Itchy.

Then, madame. of all creatures hetero-

geneal he is the most cleanly, no mange,

nor ever impetufinout in tlie least.

Durffjf, Marriagc-kaUr Matck*d.

Impbtratb, "I V. (Lat.) To obtain

impbtrb, j by entreaty.

^"^^^^^'It, Anulcer.Dewm.


Imping-nbbdlk, t. A needle to

imp hawks.

Impleach,v. To intertwine.

Implungb, t;. To plunge in.

Imply, v. To fold up ; to entangle.


Impoisonment, f. The crime of


Imponb, v. (1) (Lat.) To inter-


(2) To lay down, or lay as a

sti^e or wager.

Importable, adj. Intolerable. ^

Importance, #. (Fr. ) Importunity.

Important, importunate.

Importless, adj. Unimportant,

Importunacy, 9. Importunity.

Importunx, 9. To import, or im-


Bat the sage wisard telles (as he has redd)

That it importunes death, and dolcfttU

drcryhedd. Spms., F. Q., lU, i, 16.

Impose, 9. Command.

Impostbrous, adj. Deceitful.

Imposytourb, 9. A conferrer.

Specyally the more, yf the impos^ficmre

and gyyer of the name have pisrfyte

■cyence of the thynge.

Festival^ fol. cxxii, to.

Impotent, adj. (L-at.) Uncontrol-


Imprbss, 9. A device.

Imprime, 9. Tounharbourthehart.

Imprint, v. (Fr. emprunter.) To


Impropery, 9. (Lat.) Impropriety.

Imprbse, 1 ^ ^ ^^.^ ^^ ^

shield, &c.

Rome, the lady dtty, with her impreu,


Clitus*s Whiwmes, p. 160.

Improvb, v. (Lat. in^vrcbar^.) To

reprove, or refute.

None of the phisitions, that have any

ladgement, impnneih [these medicines^

but they approve them to be good.

FofneVs MsUton.



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Mciued, yet doUi not that imgnvt mj

thing that I have nid. ^nUgi/i,

Iv, (1) jin^ (^.-&) Upon.

(2) V, To cany in, u com after


(3) emtf. That; if; than. North.

iNAcnoua, atff- Awdona. Leie*

iN-AjiD-iN, «. An old popular

gambling game, played l^ three

pcnoDi with four dke, each

peiaon having a box. Oftea naed

metaphorically, etpedallj in an

indelicate aenae.

In-bank, «. Inclining ground.


IH-Bsrwsnr, ado. In a place be-


Imbowko, adj. Made in loopa.

Inb»b», Aj^. Nntiie.

IteCAFABUK, a^^ UnoonaciMia.

1moamxamh99^ atf. Bad.

Imcabmation, «. Aredeolanr.

To make ane utearntuUmf ; tate idiyte

and a lytalle r«de» ani Umptt hama

tofadjnk ani worcba hit ao.



der to clear the tight, mentiooed


Incsiiib. See /nacMe.

Incxstanct, «. Inoeat.

Inch, t. (Scotch.) An

iNCHxa. lb be at kufhoo «fM, to

be very near. Deoon.

iNcanaeouK, t. Cause. See Ai-


Inch -MS AL, ado. Heoe-meaL

IncHORN, f. The inner pooch of

a Hahing-net. Wopok

Ivca-Piir, 9. The aweet-faread of a

deer. Qitgr.

lKGiDEirra,t. Anything ineidental.

Incisb, o. {Lat') To cut in.

Iik;i.bpb, V. To call open.

Inoolamt, «. (Lat) One who in-


IircoMBBOva, atg. (J,'N.) Cum-


IMOOMB, (1) 9. (A.'S.) ArrivaL

(2) •.Tfr arrive.

IiicoifoTiov»«. AramKUngmotieB.

iNcoaiBMfSNT, e4^ Blameworthy.

iNcoNTiNBirT, edb. IminediBtcly;

at once.

iNcoinrBniBirr, a4f. Unbeeoming.

lnomKYfOt^ Sweet; pretty; deli-


0 onperdainty ehanon I viear imeoiuif.


Lore ma Uttla, lota moloHi ^ Bv^k


While I in thj numw lap do tumble.

Bat H makea jon hare, oh, a meat

imeoHit bodle. Imm. No, no, no, ■•, by

8t Marker the waale ienot long OMi^b.

Btmrt MmUt Comtmtlt, & 8.

Incobfsbd, adj. Incorporated.

In-cos, ado. In partnership. Saoo*

Ibcbbatb, a4f. (Lot.} Uncrefled.

Inculb, v. To inculcate.

Incumbbb, f. An incambraace.

INCUSS, \^fl^\

Incustumbd, atH* Accnstomed.

Indammaobmbnt, «. Injury.

To strike


If he think yoa imnura for him to hit

Mmmuwmmn/, perhapa hee will ahroad

himaeUe nom thu diaoorery.

Ihm, t. (A.^N) Dark bine.

Indbl, ado. In doors. Afeois.

Indbnt, v. Tb bargain.

Indeb, m. a ^entity. Ea&t.

Indiffbbbnt, a^, ImpartiaL

Indionb, «ff. (A.-N.) Unworthy.

Indignift, 9. To insult.

iNDiBEcnoN, •. That which ia not

straight or direct.

Ikdiblt, ado. Zealously; ear.


Indish, adj. Belonging to Indie.

Indivbetitb, adj. Not amusing.

Induction, a. (Lat.) An intiodoc

tion to a poem or play

Indultif, $. (A.'N.) Indulgenee.

Indobatb, o. To inure.

Indute, a4f. (Lat.) Qothed; in-


Inbab, t. The kidney. North.

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Inechb, 9, {A.»S,) To insert.

Inkffrenatb, adj. (Lat,) Lawless.

Inbnnerablb, adj. Unknown.

Infamb, V, To defame.

I lent moDT to mj friends, to Mrs.

Comins, ana could not hare vt again,

but was moch slaundered ana i^famed

by ber and her kinswoman, and tbey

sought my life. FormoH^t Diary.

Infangthbfe, v. {A,»S,) The right

of trying a thief.

Infant, «. A child \ a knight.

Infantry, 9, A jocular term for


Infabce, v. To stuff in.

Infabe, t;. To lie within. Somen,

Infatioablb, a4r'. Indefatigable.

Infect, jDor^ j9. Infected.

Infective, a^'. Contagious.

Infebrb, v. {Lot,) To bring in ;

to cause.

For the Scots and Pichtes tn/br^ con-

suming warre.

Wanur't Album EngUaUt IBM.

Infest, Aff. Annoying.

Inform, \adj. {Lot,) Shape-


Infortune, f. Misfortune.

Infortunate, adj. Unfortunate.

Infract, adJ, (Lot.) Unbroken ;


Infudb, V, To pour in.

Infuse. See Itueme.

Ino, 9, (1) A low meadow. North.

(2) A molehilL Notf.

Inoan, 9. Ab onion. Suffolk.

In-oanob, 9. A church porch.

Inoallt, 9. To condemn to the


Two fellows were a^Jndg'd to die, and

yet at last thitragh much entreatr it

pleas'd the Judge in fkvour of life to

tngeUy them for searen yeares; the

hangman seeing that^ stent in and be.

sought the judge to rid him of his

office and appoint some other in his

place. Being ask'd wherefore, he an-

swered, because you barre me of my


Ccf ley's Wits, Fits, tmd Aiwim, 1614.

Ingatb, t. An entrance.

Inoene, 1 «. {Lat mffenimm.) Ge«

IN0INE,J nius; wit.

Ingbniate, v. To contrive.

Ingbniositt, 9. Contrivance.

Ingenious, adj. Ingenuous. /«-

genuityt ingenuousness.

Ingbnnbr, V, To generate.

Ingent, f. Wit.

Inginer, 9. {Lat.) An inventor.

Ingirt, adj. Surrounded.

Inglb, (1) 9. A favorite; a para-

site. Chften used in a depraved


(2) 9. To wheedle or coax.

Oh, if I wist this old priest would not

stick to me, by Jove I would i$igk Ham

old serring man.

First Fart qfSir Joka OUc

(3) 9. A fire ; a blaze. NortJL

Inglb-harrow, 9. An agricul*

tural implement formed of four

small harrows Joined together

by means of short chains. Xmc.

Also called tLjingle-harrow.

In-going, «. (A.^S.) Entrance.

In-oood-worth, atff- Well iii«


Inoroton, 9. To surfeit. Pr. P.

In-oround. See In-hank.

Inhabited, M{r. Uninhabited.

Inhbrit, 9. To obtain.

Inhiate, 9. {Lot.) To gape.

Inhibit, t;. To prohibit.

Inhilde, v. {A.'S.) To poor in«

Inhospital, adj. Inhospitable.

Injest, oig. Almost. We9t,

Injoin, v. To join together.

Injurs, 9. (J.'N.) Injury.

Injury, v. {J.-N.) To injure.

Ink, 9. That part from the head to

the body of a bird that a hawk

wu allowed to prey upon.

iNKLB^f. Inferior tape.

Inkling, «. (1) A desire. Norikm

(2) An intimatioa ; suggestion*

There Parmeno gave mee an ittcUm^

and watchword of a matter, which now

I have put in practice.


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iKKBOANB-miiB, \ $. Studied

iNKHORNi8ic8« / expnfliioiit,

that taTonr of the ink-horn.

ThiB is the canae of fo many unlearned

gentlemen, whych (ai aome eay) ther

understand not the ptkikonu ierwu that

are lately crept into oor langnage.

InsHlueiim (tfa QentUman, 1668.

Is not this better farre

Than respice and pieeor, and soch tnkc'


As an intolerable in a oommon-wealth.

Tkt Weaiat goa to iha W.

To use many metaphors, poetical phrases

hi prose, or inckt-pot twmttt smelleth

of aHefitation.

WfigUt ToMAom (tf the Mhid,


In mightest tfUeionuiwu he can thither

wrest. SaiPs Satires, i, 8.

Inkhoan-m ATB, 9. One who gains

his living by writing. Shaketp.

Inklb, 9. A coarse sort of tape.

Ikk-standagb, 9. An inkstand.


Inlaid, oi^f. Provided. York9h.

Inlaws, v, {J.-S.) To reoeiye.

Inlbabcd, part. p. (J,-N.) In-


In-lokb, v. (A.'S.) To investi-


Inlt, adff. (A,'S.) Inwardly; tho-


Innande, ath^ l^thin.

lNNATr?B, adj. Innate.

Innb, (1) f. {J,-S.) A house or

lodging in generaL

Nov had the gloiious sonne tane up his

And ah the lamps of hea^'n enlightened

bin. Brownt, Brit. Fu$t., I, iii.

(2) 0. To lodge.

Sea theife and land theife met by acrident,

Upon the way : and, so oonsorted, went

TJnto a towne, where they together mm.

i3) V. To enclose. Su99ex*

4) adv. (^..&) In.

Innbaw, adv. Presently. Lane.

iMNERBSrnE, adJ* {J.-S,) Inmost.

Ivvmuowttodj. Inner. North.

Innin. If you wiU. Lane.

Inning, (1) «. A harvest.

^2) adj. Enclosing. South.

(3) «. A term at cricket.

Inniolf, f. Strong thread. Pr. P.

Innocbnt, a4r. Silly ; ignorant.

Innom-bablbt, 9. Barley sown

the second crop after the ground

is Mowed. North,

Inobbdibncb, s. Disobedience.

Inon, «. An onion. Warwk,

In-opinion, a4F. Opiniative.

In-ovbb, adv. Moreover.

In-placb, adv. Present.

Inpobtablb, adj. Unbearable.

lNPOBTUBBD,a4^'. Picturcd ; adorn-


Inpbavablb, at^. Incorruptible.

Inpbbnnablb, oiejr. Impregnable.

Inqubtb, v. (A,'N,) To inquire.

Inquibtation, 9, Disturbance.

iNauiBATioN, 9. An inquiry. Ea9t,

InrbDi adj. Red in complexion.

Inbbdb, V, (AS,) To discern.

That we ne mowe hyt nau^t i-w,

Ne forthe ine bodie kmiU,

Vft sethe hit wel ine onre fey,

And fredeth hit at nede.

WWiam d* Shortlum,

Inribb, V. To arise.

In-samb, adv, {A.-S.) Together.

Insanib, 9, {Lai.) Madness.

Insconcb. v. To fortify.

Insculp, V, (Lat,) To engrave.

Insblbd, adj. Attested under seal.

Insensb, V, To cause to under-

stand; to impart knowledge.


In-sbnt, jTorf. /7. Cast in.

luMTf part, p. Implanted.

Inshorb. v. To come to shore.

Insight, 9, A road in a coal pit

that is driven into the work.


Insisturb, f. Regularity; station.

Insoulino, «•

fc desnse his iMtotOutg at the foresaid

■ewer before the said f eaat, 8& so to keep

it from time to time; in payne of every

rood ddectiTe i}« njd.


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IirnANCBtt. Motive ;ipiool 8ML

Instamt, •. To imporUuio.

Imstatb,*. To|ila«eui.

Imstauab, o. (Lai,) To reMId;


brsTiLB, 9. To nftme.

hfrnnvcTf v. (£«/.) To ap

Insuit, i. Sail ok reqnMk.

Inoukob, o. (!«/.) To anw.

lNT»t, AcontttfmforM>i»e<]fm

of sharpen.

?ltBkt were mj troii|w with bolta,

iMvds, ounki, and pandfirt, pimped upe,

Imtack, t. (1) A piece of land

gained from the tea, and lyin(^

between the old and new aea*

banks. Line.

(2) Part of a comraon feld

planted or sown. North.

Intblligkncik, 9. A apy.

Imtbnd, v. (Id/.) (1) To attend to,

or be intent upon. IntmiahU,

attentive. /M/an/ipii, intenaitjof


To stretch oat.

To understand.

To be at leisuve.

iNraNDMKMT, 9. InteolBoii.

Intsntivs, i^. Bunest.

Thou •hepherd, whose tmUnHim eye

Ore erenr lamb is rach a apye.

Ootgnm^s WiU ItOmrpnttr, 1071.

Intbbdeal,!. Traffic; intercourae ;

dealing between different persons.

Intbrkssb, t;. To interest.

Intbrfbctob, f. (LaL) A slayer.

Intbbmban,*. Something between

two others.

iNTBRMBLLy «. To intermeddle.

To bite, to naw, and boldly hUtmuU

With lacred Uungi^ in which thou dost


MantM, Sconrp^cfrWmut tii,9.

Intbbmbtb, 9. To intermeddle.

Imtbr-mewino, 9. A hawk's mew-

ing from the first change of her

coot till she turn white.


iMUBrnKIWABLB, mf^ IiMte.

IiimmMiTTiNO, t. The aguio. North*

Imtbkpabuu «• A parky.

IvrBBFovB, V. (Lat.) To inteqMM.

Imthboitibatbv 1 jMrtf. p^ En-

iNTBBOwisBD, /thioiied.

Ihtil, prtp. (/i.'S.) Into.

iNTiMAOO^f. An intimate.

nose who hi the late Umm (aad hat*

not at yet left it off) caUed tkcsMsloea

Qoda apedal aaints, his f^voaritca^ and

(as I may ao My) bit mtimmdo% bat ia

rsattty wenioore Olivers than Qod^

Btioliw^$ 0»MrMliaw, 1071.

Intim, «Ip. WithiB.

luwUL U you will. North.

littOffir^. Within; short oi ffff^.

Imtozioavb, o. (Lat.) To poiaoB.

lMnTULBP,iMr/.j». Having a title

in anything, or claim upon it.

Imtbbat, 9. To treat.

Imtbbatancb, «. Entreaty.

Intbbatt, 9. Treatment.

Intbbnchavt, meg. Not pfrmt-

nently divisible. ShaJt^*


Introatb, 9. {Lat.) To mafc£ en-


Introsour, t. An introd^.

Intumulatv, atff* {Lot.) Buried.

Inttrn, (1) 9, A term in wrestling,

to put the thigh between those

of one's adversary, and lift him


(2) eot^. Instead. Shrtqnh,

Imtubb, 9. (Lat.) A bniiaOt or con*

losion. I^penoer,

Inyassal, v. To enslave.

Inybct, v. To inveigh. Intfeetweijf,


Invbnt, o. To meet caauadly.,

Intbstmbnt, a. Dress, habit, out-

ward appeaiMee.

lNTiBRo,/Mn-/.p. Environed,

Intooatb, V. (Lot,) To invoke.

Invt^ro, o^\ FaoiiUar,

IirWARP-UAID, «. A *


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Inwards, t. The inteitines.

Inwhblb, t. The iDser wheel of a


Inwtt, f . (JS.) GoMcieiiee.

Thet JMcy/ byt the dore-wHd^

Tke doren wyttet fyre;

He Bchel k>kT w«l briyijcbe

Tlttl BO lycyngt fii-diTTe,


ThAt {fiwy/ hri f be reddere eke

That holy lore thencbeth.



IitWBBSL, V. To encirde.

InwooOi v. To go into a Irood.

iNtriTH, a€h. (A.-S,) Within.

IPOCRAa, (1) Hippocrates.

(2) The bcrerage called hippo-


Imsa, f . A sort of irine.

Irain, f. A spider. See jirtrifte.

IRALB, f . Some kind of precious


I&AN, «. An eagle.

Ibs,«. Iron. Berk».

lasfiBsn, f. Rennet. Somen.

Ibbn-bardk, t. Yerrain.

Irish, a. An old game, similar to

backgammon, but more oompli.


Hie ttylor, mOlSmer, clogi, dnbe, tad dice,

Tl^-trip, or pMMge» or tbe most at thrice ;

At Iruk, tiek-tacke, doableu, dranghli or

I laoncf fti

2hjriof'« Worke$, 18S0.

Iribbrt, $. The Irish people.

Irish -TOTLB, «. An old cant term

for a beggar who carried ware

In a wallet, as laces, pins, &c.

Irk, 04^*. Slow; tedious.

Irklb, V, To tronbie. Leie,

Ib6h» (1) •. To taite a chaeae.


(2) f. I^oatiyeness in cattle, &c.

iROH-^totTLHS, a. Tallow lumps of

evtfa or aoft siona foond in


lRim««iDBH, «iF. UBraly. Boii*

lRoir*wBSD, t. Knapweed.

Irovr, 9.

lR0U8,«{f. {A.'H.) Angry, ra^^ng.

Irp, «. A fimtastic grimace.

Irrbcufbrablb, adj. Irreoover-


Irrbcurablb, a^, Incnimble.

Irruoatb, V. {iMi.) To wrinkle.

Isaac, t. The hedge-apartow.

Wort, A oormption of Htfifnyyvb

IsB, (1) I. Wett.

(2) I is, I shalL North.

IsBLBON, $. An edge-bone of beef.

IsHBR, a4r* High. Yorhi.

IsiNG, «. A lort of pudding, a


Island, t. The aisle of a diurch.

Islands, t. Iceland dogs ; shock-


IsLBs, f. Embers ; partieles of soot


I will lie to thia» and there I wiU mka

her to be fUl of isks, imoaky, and dnatv,

with drying com at tbe mill, and grind-

iflf. Termee in »igli§h, 1641.

IsRvif, t. A long tiresome tale.

IssBS, f. Barth-worms. Hen^tk.

IssHBN, V. To issne forth.

Issv, «. Bntraila.

Ivr, Iwin. Is it? /j^0, ait thou?


Ibta, t. A sort of plaster used in

the 15th cent.

It, (1) eoiy. Yet Wtti.

(2) prtp. In the. North,

(3) «. A beating or correction.

Itch, v. (1) To be very aniions.

(2) To creep; to jet out. KetU.

Itch-buttock, The same game as

Itbm, a. A hint. Wore.

Itbm8, t. Tricks ( caprices. Jkn.

Itbr, a. (A.'N^) To renew.

Iy,pr^. In. /nfja, into. North.

IvBLB, f. (^.-5.) BfiL

Itih, t. Ivf. NwtK

IromiB, a. {A.-N.) Ivory.

Iyt-bush. The iry-busb wu fbr-

merly hnlig out at tavems, t*

annoonee good wine*

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IwB, $. A Jew.

IwKRB, 9. A remedy. Pr. P,

IwHiLS, adv. Meanwhile.

Iwis, adv. (A.'S.) Certainly ; truly.

Ix, 9. An axle-tree. Su99»

It&ne, «. Iron.

IzBT-TizBT, «. Uncertainty. Dev,

lzLS,9, Hoarfrost. North.

Ja, 9. A local term for the tenon

for a mortise.

JabbbRi V, To chatter.

Jabbll, 9. A term of contempt.

See JaveL

Jacb, 9. A sort of fringe. Dev,

Jacent, adj, {Lat.) Lying.

Jack, (1) t. A defensive jacket

quilted with leather ; a buff jerkin

worn by soldiers.

(2) 9. A sort of jacket, worn by


(3)«. A quarter of a pint. North.

(4) «. A black-jack, or large jag

or can.

(5) «. The knave of cards.

(6) «. A figure made to strike

the bell in docks.

(7) 9. The male of any animal.


(8; 9. An ape ; a coxcomb.

(9) 9. A sort of water-engine,

used in mines. Staf.

(10) V, To beat. Craven.

(11) «. A furthing, or very small


(12) 0. To spavin. A^oeiM horse.

Jaci^-adams, 9. A fool.

Jack-a-dandt, f. A pert little


J ACK-A.LBG8, 9. A uamc for a clasp

knife. North.

Jack-a-lbnt, 9. (1) A stuffed pup-

pet which was thrown at in Lent.

(2) A scarecrow.

Jackanapbs, If. (1) An ape; a

jACK-NAPBt, J coxcomb.

Jaeke-Napti, fonooth, did chafe beeanse

I eate my slave the bat.

JTanur's JOions BngUni, 169S.

Next oommeth foshions Jack an ayo,

A gull eompoi'd of pride.

That hath his goodness in good doathcs.

And nothing good beside.

EowlmuU, KHooeofChMs, 1611.

(2) A sort of doth, in fashion at

the Restoration. Pepys speaks of

a "jaeJkantg)e9 coat with silver


Jack-a-nods, t. A aimpletOD.


Jack-at-wart8, 9. A little cox-


Jack-bakbr, 9. A species of owl.


Jack-bandy, a. The sticklebadc.


Jack-barrel, 9. The minnow.


Jack-by-the-hbdok, f. An old

name for the herb sauce-alone.

Jack-drum. Jack JDmm*9 enter*

tammentt inhospitable treatment.

Jackby, 9. A common term for

English gin.

Jack-in-a-box, 9. A sharper who

robbed tradesmen by substituting

empty boxes for others full of


This /adb-iii-a4oM, or this divell in

mans shape, wearing (like a player on a

stage,} good doatiies on his backe, comes

to a goldsmitha stall, to a drapers, a

habberdashers, or into any other shoppe,

where he knowes good store of lurer

faces are to be seene.

Jkkktr, JSnfftitk raUmin, 16S9.

jACK-iN-orFiCB, 9. An insolent

fellow in authority.

Jack-in-thb-ba8Kxt, t. A wooden

cap on a pole to mark a sand-


Jack-jump-about, 9. A local name

for the plant anufeUea eiheeirU.

Jack-kstch, t. A familiar term

for a hangman, derived from the

name of the public hangman in

the seventeenth century, who is

alluded to by Dryden.

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Jack-lag-xnitii «. A ditp knife.


Jack-man, «. A cretm-dweie.

"Cheaae made uppon niathet,

called a fretahe cheeae, or Jaekt^

man. JuneuU,*' Elyot,

Jack-nickea, «. A goldfinch.


terer in many thinga.

jACK-oF.DOvsB,t. An article men-

tioned by Cbaocer as told by the

oook. It ia laid to mean a diah

<tf proviiiona recooked and served

up a second time.

Jack-of-pams, 9. An indifferent

pie twice baked. Sir T. More.

Jack-of-thb-wad, «. A name for

the ignis fatnns.

Jack-fuddinOi «. The buffoon who

accompanied a mountebank or


To letd me oat of town with a frjiag-

pan and a fiddle, and ahow me in tne

enborbs for a monster, with a painted

doth, K jtnek'pudding^ and a eymoaL

Flon*t Taguntt, 187a

I tell TOO, I had at leare itand amonf

the rabble, to wee a juek-jptdding eat a

custard, aa trouble mTaeIr to see a play.

SUdwtU, SuOm Loun, 1870.

jACK-noLL,«. The roller of a draw-

welL North,

Jacks, «. The turnip fly. Suffolk,

J ACK-8HARF, 1 «. A SticklC-


jACK-aFRAT, f. A dwarf.

jACK-sauKAUin, f. The awift.


jACK.aTOMES, f. Small cobbles of

coaL Northampt,

Jack-straw, «. The black-cap.


Jack-wbioht, f. A fat man.

Jack-with-thb-bush, f. This

phrase occurs in BarcUy's

Eclogues, 1570, and seems to

mean a Jack-in-office.

Jack-with-thb-lamthorn, a. An

ignis fataos.

Jacky, «. Strong ale.

Jackt-longlbos, «. The sane as


Jacob's - LATHBR, e. A stitch

dropped in knitting. Norihmmpi.

Jacobus, «. Three-card loo.

JADDBR,(l)a4Jp. Infirm. Eatt

(2) t. A stone-cutter. GUme.

Jadrt, «. The properties of a bad

or Tidous horse, mjade,

Jao, (1) 9. To cut, applied espe-

cially to doth. See Dagge.

(2) 9. To trim a hedge, Ac


(3^ 9. A pared, or load.

(4) V. To carry hay. Weet.

(5)f. A quantity of com in the

straw, or of hay or thorns.

Jaoobr, a. One who works draught

horses lor hire. North.

Jaooino-iron, f. An instrument

used in faabioning pastry.

Jaoouncb, 9. {A.'N.) The garnet.

Jaos, t. Rags. North.

Jaoub, «. A ditch. Somer9.

Jaistxr, 9. To swagger. North,

Jakxs, 9. (1) A privy.

(2) Any kind of filth. Det.

Jakbs-farm BR,f . Onewho cleanses

the Jakes.

The chamber atinkea worse all the yeere

loug, than ti iakts-finnur't clothes doth

at twetre a clock at night.

Fennow on tig Compttr.

Jalitb, a4f. (A.'N) Lively.

Jam, v. To squeeae.

Jamb, «. The upright side of a door

or window.

Jamballs, t. Rolls made of sweet


Jambeux, 9. (A.'N.) Armour for

the legs.

Jamblbub, 9. {J.--N,) Gambolling.

Jammock, (1) v. To beat, or

squeeze. Ea9t. The term Jam^

moek'd, is applied to ripe fruit,

or fish, laying below many others

and broken from pressure. **I

am ashamed to set these straw,

berries upon the table, they are

so sadly JMuiioci^i/.''

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f2)#. A loft pidpf militate.

(3)ff. Alotfofoat-breML

jAM»AstB, ff. The Mme «f a dis-

1611. See Nmrel-amlL

jAif8,«. Wire tbirUbottoiM. IF«tf.

Jam's-mam, #. St. Jamei'i day.


Jandbrs, t. The jamdioe. W§9t.

Jan, ff. A email coin; properly

speaking, a coin of Genoa.

Jangle, e. (I) To prate. ** G^mrig.

You but Jangle." T§tmee in

Bngluhy 1641.

(2) To rove kUy about North.

jANGLBsom, «4^'. Boieteroos;

quaneltome. Stifbik.

JAKiTsmB, ff- (A.-N.) Janury.

Jannak, atff. Proper ; llir ; imart,


Jannock, ff. A boiti'ew er support

to a well. NorikMipL

Jannocks, ff. Large loaves of oet

bread. Norih,

Jant, (1) Atf. CheerfoL JVerM.

(2) ff. An ezovnion ; a Jaimt.

^JT^t; l«*\pashing5 showy;


WMit hit jmUf WIT of Vteying with

your fanP or wu ittn muipowdertpot

on his hand, or the Jewel in hii car,

tttt purehuM yenr heart.

WfcUritg, Flmm-imltr, 1677.

Jaktyi., adj. Gentle.

Jam VATS. The Genoese.

Jape. (1) e. (^.-5.) To jest; to

mock. Jt^^Tt a jeeter. Japerk,


Nay, jtf§ not hym, he is no smal fole.

(2) e. Fetnere. Jtpmg, copula-

tion. Paltgr.

(3) ff. A jest.

Jar, (1) ff. Discord.

(2)ff. A TesseleontaiBtng twenty

gallons of oil. Wۤi.

(S) e. To shake.

(4) e. To scold.

; l«4f.Di

Jakble, «. To wet or bemire.


Jasok, «. An old cant term ior a


Jamglb, v. To make a jarring


Jabmb, V. TobawL Yorkih,

jAB-PBG,ff^ Tbe woodpecker. iNfisrM-


JABBocK,ff. A sort of cork. Jfta-

jAEair, e. Wool which has been

combed bat not span into yam.

Jabworm, ff. An inaect pecnliar to

aaarshy places. Somth.

Jaibt, ff. A bobwig.

jAnvA,*. To shatter; to shake,

as a carriage. Siifi

Javl, e. Tb giumble. North.

jAimcB, e. (X-AT.) To nde hard.

J AUNT, e. To run abont ; to wander.

jADinsB, 1 adf. Dashing ; fine.

jAuinrr, J 8^ JtaUkf*

Why, I wonU hare you, Tim, to be a fine


a. MNM^, nediah fbBower of tiie tawca.

Jaup, 0. To splash ; to strike ; to

break by a sudden blow. NortiL

Jaopbn, itff. Spacious. North.

Javml, ff. (1) A worthless person;

a Tagabond.

He called the fcUowiibhald, viDtyn, jnM,

hMkhttc^kc. Jtoiitmm'»UUfim,im.

Thus got I aixteene hnndnl hands and

Which somme I did annpooe was somewhai


And now myyenths, wIthahilH smI ttfeha,

and carils,

Abore seven hundred, play the sharking

J0nlt. Ta^lort Worka^ 16S0.

(2) A gaoL North.

Jayvu, ff. Idle talk. North.

Jattlb, e. To wrangle. yerAsA.

Jaw, t. (1) A Twlgar term for


(2) A jest.





Jawdix, t. Tke Btonaeh of ttltto.

Jawlbimwt, «(^. M«ch fitigved.

Jat, ff. A looM woman.

Jatfii, t. The jsy. Cermv.

Jazkvt, t, A donkey. Lkte.

Jbaunt, #. (A,^N.) A giiBt

Jb»<cock, t. TIm jtck-Mipe.

Jbx, (1) adj. Kmj. JVbrfA.

(2) «. To turn to one tide.

Jkmk, #. A MTere beating. Nurtk.

JsooB, t. A leg of nottOB. See


Jbo«bt, #. Haahed Inngi.

Jeoolb, e. To be reitlasa. North,

Ju.pBn'0, «i{p. Serereiy bruited.

Jbll, ff. Alargeqoaatitj. JTorw.

Jblu, tug. Yellow.

Jemiit, ff. A great coat ; fonneriy

an undercoat, with pockets be-

fore and behind.

jBiofT-HAT, e. A popolar term

for a Jacobite, in the days of the


Jbmmy- JBsaAMT, t. A fop.

Jbnk, v. To ramble. North.

JsNKrr, t. A dfah, made partly of

milk and cinnamon, uaed in


Jbkmbts, t. A aott of for.

Jbnkt-balk, t. A imaU beam nev

thereof. North,

jBiiKT-BvmMT-TAiL, #. The Ignii


JsKirr-coAT, t.

gown. Wht,



jBHifY-H00KBn,#. Attowl. North,

#BNNT-amcK, ff. An ItaKan iron.


JsNirr-TiT,ff. The pmiu cmminu,

A ehfld'k bed*

A efnne. North*

A frren. Somth.

JBNNT-WHHF, ff. Thc ignia-fttunB.

We may indeed u well eipect.

That jmn^-iekUp ikoQ*d «■ dinet

The elnit way home in idaty ai^

Am wand'riag atan ihoiild letna nght^

WhoM variesated pattia betny.

And lead her foUoaren aatraY.

Jmtevo, ff. (1) A priaoo.

(2) A pri*y.

Jbbk,o. Tobeai.

Jbbkin, ff. (1) The aiale of a


(2) An npper doublet, with foor

•kirts; an under waistcoat.

JsROBOAMfff. A large goblet £sff/.

JsnowmyB, 1 ff. A term for some

IBBTMB, J part of the annonr.

J Bar, e. A Haw ia doth. North,

Jbbbbbaunt, ff* A jacket without

slecTes, formed of small platea of

Bwtal overlapping each otiMr,

and sometimes coveted with


JsaoBa, ff. {J.»N,) Theahoit straps

of leather, or silk, which went

round the legs of a hawk.

Jnaaup, a. Syiup, in fruit pica or

puddings. MkU, C.

Jbst, (1) ff. (J,.N,) A histciy, or

(2) ff. A mask, pageant, or


(S) o. To act a part in a mask

or interinde.

jBSTBBNBa, «L A part of light

' perimpa the aame as

Jbt, (1) o. (F^, jotter.) To strut;

to throw the body about in

walking. Jettor, a atnitter, or


Along the ilnetes as be (k^ JetHupf wmt,

Hia oat-aide ihoirea him far an inward aiae.

ANPioMb. XnM^t^BmrU, 1611.

(2) V, To exult; to encroach


(5) o. To thfow, to Budge.


(4) SI. To turn round, or about


(6) ff. A descent. Her^.

(6) o. To eoBtiife. Hence, a


(7)ff. A large water ladte. Awf.

Jbupbuttb, ff. Jeopardy.

Jbwbbib, «l a piaoe inhabited

by Jews.

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jEwisSylt. (J,'N.) Jadgment;

JuiSE, J panishment.

And alM he tholede that for om,

Levedy, a thyne wyse,

I'Bcheld oaa, wanne we dede beth.

From alle fendene JMpyM.


Atim him if he wdde flitte

The lawe for the oovetise.

There wwe he redie his jHtM. Gcwer.

Jew's- VAB8| t. A ki nd of fungiu.

Jbws'-monet, t. A term for old

Roman coins, found in some

parts of England.

Jbw'b-trump, t. A Jew's-harp.

Jib, (I) t. The under-lip. Hence

to hang the jib, to look cross.

(2) t. A stand for beer-barrels.


(3) 9. To back, said of a horse.

Jibber^ a horse which jibs.

JiBBLE, V. To pick out. Norf,

JiBBT, «. A frisky girl. Ea$t.

JiB8,t. Tatters. " Tom to^t«#."


JicB, t. A small quantity. Eitex.

JiCKS, «. The hiccough. Conw.

JiFFLE, V. To be resUess.

Jiffy, t. An instant.

Jig, (1) ff. A ludicrous metrical

composition, sung by the clown

in an interlude, who occasionally

danced, and always accompanied

by a tabor and pipe; a droll


(2)9. To rove about idly. North.

(3) 9, A trick. An old cant term.

JiG-BY-jowi., adv. Side-by-side.

Besidei, a woman need not be aaham'd

toKijighy jowle with the beet of the

perish, and who dare ur, Black is her

eye. The CheaU, 1063.

JiOE, e. To creak. North,

JiaGAMAREE, t. A trick.

Jigger, t. (1) An earthen vessel

used in toasting cheese. Somenet.

(2) A constable. Hampth,

(Z) A swaggerer. North.

(4) A cleaner of ores. North.

JiGGER-puiip, t. A pump for

forcing beer into vats.

JiGGET, V. To jolt ; to flaunt.

JiGOiN-siBYE, t. A tine doth to

sift the dust from grain wbea


JiGGB, t. Dregs. Sutff.

JiGGUMBOB, #. A knicknack ; a

child's toy.

Jig-maker, t. A writer of ballads,

or humorous poems.

If yon have this strtnge monster ho-

nesty in yonr belly, why so ^t^-*"*^*^

and chroniders shall pick something oat

of joo. Horn. Wk.t O. P., iii, 2M.

Jio-FiN, t. A pin used to stop a

machine when drawing.

Jigs, «. The carriages belong;iiig

a Norfolk plough.

JiKB, 9. To creak. North.

Jill, t. (I) A strumpet.

Bat the mad rascall, when hee's fire p«ta


Osls her his diab, his queene, his fiO^ at


And in his fory 'gins to rayle end rare.

Then with full mouth, he tmely call's her

whore. Taylor't Worku, 1690.

(2) A pint. North.

Jilt, v. To throw or fling.

Jim, (1) a^. Slender; spruce.

(2) t. A timber-drag. Eati,

JiMCRACK, t. A knick-knack.

JiMMER, s. A hinge. See (rtMina*.

hu^ycdj. Slender; neat; elegant.


Jingle, t. A carriage which pliea

for hire in Dublin.

Jingle-brains, t. A wild fel-



JiNGLER, t. A horse-dealer, one

who sells horses at fairs. See

an account of horse-coursers in

Dekker's Lantbome and Candle*

light, 1620.

Jingling, adj. Careless. Z«te.

Jink, v. (1) To jingle. Ea9t.

(2) To be gay and thoughUesa.


(3) To hurt an animal in the

loins or back. East.

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JiMNT-spiNNBB, t. The CTUie.ily.


Jip, 0. To trick i to cheat, or im-

pose upon. Stifolk,

JiRBLs, V. To jumble. Nortkumb,

JiTCHT, a4^'. Such. SamerteL

JiTTT, #. A narrow passage. Var.d.

Joan, t. A sort of cap.

Job, (1) e. To stab or strike; to

pedL. Var, d.

(2) ff. Ordure.

f 3) V. To scold.

(4)9. Asnudl pieceofwood.iVoHA.

JoBARDB, t. {A.'N,) A stupid


Jobation, «. A scolding.

JoBBEL, it. A small quantity or

jobbbt, j load.

JoBBBRy 9. A dealer in cattle.


JoBBERNouLB, «. A thick-hcad, or


Qit guts are in lus bnini, hnc^ /oft-


Bight gurnet's hetd, the mt without ell

Bonle. Mont. Saiires, II, ri.

Nov, miUer, miller, dnstipool,

ru clapper-daw ihj jobbernoul,


JoBBiN, «. The nuthatch. North'


JoBBLB, t. A small load. Leie.

JoBLET, t. At the mayor's feast at

Great Yarmouth, it was usual to

place on the outside of the Guild-

hall two puppets named John

and Bess Joblet. No reason has

been given for the origin of the


JoBBY, t. A joist. Yorkih.

JoBLiN, t. A stupid boy. Somen.

JoBLOCK, 9. A turkey's wattle.


JocAvm, adj. (J.'N.) Merry.

JocKBT, (1) adj. Lively. St^f.

(2) adj. Uneven. Kent,

(3) t. A thin walking-stick.


JocLXT, 9. A small faim. Kent.

JocoNOB, ae^. {A.-N,) Joyous.

JoB,e. A superior; a master. Abr/A.

JoB-BBN, e. The great tit-mouse.


JoBY, ff. A slang name for a four-

penny-piece, said to have been

taken from that of Joeeph Hume.

Jog, ( 1 ) ff. A small cartload. North'


(2) 9. To go.

O Phediia, tide it but a fool, we may be

icygit^t what do we nendiog oar U-

Dour in vain upon himf

Ttnnct iM StigUsk, 1641.

JooBLouR,ff. (A.'N.) A minstrel;

a mountebank.

JooBNNY, ff. A donkey. Somere.

JoQG^LY, adj. Vnateady.Northumb.

Jogging, ff. A protuberance on the

surface of sawn wood. JBaet.

JoGGLB, ff. A mason's term for the

fitting of stones together.

Jog-trot, adv. Gently.

JoHN-A-DRBAM8» ff. A dreaming,

stupid fellow.

Yet I.

A doll and mnddy-mettled rascal, peak,

like Jokn-^-Jreamtt onpregnant ot my

And can say nothing.

Skaiegp^ Ema., ii, S.


who is a favorite among the


JoHN-ANO-JOAN, ff. A hermaphro-




JoBNNY-wopsTRAW, ff. A farm-


JoBK-o-LBNTy ff. A scarecrow.


J0HN-8ANDBR8ON ff. The cushion


John'8-8ilvxr-pin, ff. A single

article of finery.

John - that - gobs - to - bbd - at-

NOON, ff. The pimperneL Norths


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Joics, a^. Merry, or pleasant

JoiKT, ff. AditisiOB.

JoiNT-OEASS, t. Yellow bed-straw.


Jointing,!. Ajdnt. Cotei,

Joint-sickness, «. The goat. MS,

Sloane, 1628.

Joint-stool, It. A stool framed

joiNKD-sTooi:, J by joinery work.

Jonrsms, t. Cattle that are taken

in to pastiite for hire. Northmiq>t,

Joit, t. A sudden stop. Nortkumb,

JoLV, V, To bump. Yorkth.

JoLiv, adj. {A.'N,) Joyfol.

JoLiFANT, t. Two persons riding

on one horse, one on a pillion

behind, are said to ride joUfiutt.


JoLL,Xl)t. The beakof a bird. Nmf.

(2J r. To peck. Nwf.

r3) s. The jaw-bone of an aninnL

(4) t. The head.

(5) e. To walk lumberlngly.


JoLLx, 9. To beat; to come in


JoLLicK, a4j. Right. «* That's not

jomek." Ai^.

JoLLtTEtN, #. A yomig galUuit.


JoLLT, ^, (1) rat ; large. North.

(2) Marti qy^etentt ssid of a

bitch. Cheth.

JoLTin-RSAD, «. A fool.

Jolts, «. Cabbage plants irMch go

to seed prematurely. Wore.

JoMBBx, V. To jnmble.

Jonathan, s. (1) An inslmment

used for lighting pipes.

(2) A piece of fnmitore, stand-

ing on four feet, baring two

hooks in front, for the purpose

of supporting a plate of toast

or other thing, or to hang on the

bars of a grate as occasion may


JoNNiCK, a4f. Kind and hospita.

ble. Northan^t.

Jooifc, 0. To


JooKnf«a,t.Corawhl^fUb tnkt

the sheaf in throwing it eiff the

stack. NoHh.

Jop, V. To splash. YorkriL

Jona, $. Braces in rooft.

Jon, 9. To jostle. North.

Jordan, e. ( 1) A Tessei soaiewhni

in the form of a modem soda-

water bottle, used by physicijBs.

(2) A chamber-pot.

Jordan-almond, t. A large aweet


JoRNFT, t. A sort of doak.

Joseph, «. A name for a sort of

riding habit, with buttons down to

the skirts, used in the Ural htH

of the 18th cent.

Joskin, t. A down.

Joss, (1) V. To crowd. Batl.

(2) *. A jossing-bloek.

Joss-blocc, 1 #. a bone-


JossEL, t. A hodge-podge. ^orlA.


Jostle, v. To cheat. South.

Jot, (1) V. To jog; to nudge. Bnt,

(2) ado. Plump ; with a aodden

shock. S^ff.

JoT-GUTfS. Theintestinnmreetora.


Jouder, v. To diatter ; to «peak


Joods, 8. Rags. PeooH.

JovraANCE, t. (A.-N.) Enjoyment.

JovK-coAT, ff. A great coat Norik.

Joure, v. To sle^. A term in


JonRfe8,«. Rushes.

JooNCE, 9. To bounce. iSM. 7b

ride fOWMktghf, to ride joltingiy.

JotTRtNG, t. A scolding. D^fmtL

I praj that Lord that did ^nm biOMr sa^

JOURKONTB, 9. Of'"^^ To TBX.

Journal, a^. (hr.) Daily.

JouRN-cHOFPRm, t. A icgmfter of


JouRNsr, t. {A.*N.) (1) A day's


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(2) A day's tmeViag.

(3) A day of battle.

JouBs, ff. Cold ahiven«s>. SemtK

JovflBD* Finiahed. fForc,

Jov8^, #, {A,'N») A toaraameiii.

JousTBR, t. A retailer of fiah.


JoQTi* t. (X-JVl) A oonabttt

JooTBa, a* A diali ia cookery.

Jowi49 of ftliMiid mylk. Tftke eitef,

Inile bin, hove hem, tad grjade kea

VBiale, and dnwe hem up with water.

Set hem on the fvre, and teeth the

ravtet with the mvlke, tad etat thereon

r and mlt, ana aerre it forth.

JonAL, atg- (Ltti') Mmn^g to


JowD, ff. A jelly. />«•••.

JofOt a. A jowl, or jaw.

JowxL, a. The apace between the

piera of a bridge ; a aewer.

JowKR, V, To tire oat S^f,

Jowl, (l)a. A jaw.

He might be tn oze for Ui joule, a hnU

far hit oecke, t cow for hit belly, tad a

eaUa for hit wit, I make no qoeation.

Mmm t» HU Moon*, 1009.

For drinking healthy and being ehnrched

Tbej tilkttkthj jowlo maj with aaah other

^^RouUnds, Knnet qfSp. #■ IH,, 1613.

(2) ff. A large thick diah, l>f*.

(3) V. To preaa upon aeverely with

fiata, not striking or giving blowa.

" Did you give him a good drub-

bing.'' " No, but I gin him a good

tidy/owttv." Suff,

(4)9. To toll. Nortkvm^.

JowLBR, a^. Thick. North.

JowR, tr* To push, or shake. Otmb,

JowTKa, ». To peck. Pr, P.

Jot, «. To enjoy.

Tbere in perpetual, aweei, and flowiiag

She Uvea' at eaae^ and/ay« her lord at wilL

Fniif., TasBo, sir, 71.

JoTANCB, a. Ef^oyment ; rejoidng.

JoTTNBS, a. Youth. Gawayn9»

JoTMTBRS, a. ThejointaofanuQur.

JuB, (1) a. A slow trot. EmL

(2)»^ To move alowly. 5ni4A.

JuBABD,a. {A,'N.) The houae-leek.

JuBBs,a. Asort of jugfWhidiheld

about a quart or mora.

tirf good alete a

With bred and (

SufflfiiagrightyBOwaaforaday. Chmum,

JvBBUff, a. A donkey.

JuBBBD, 9. To jeopard.

JfiJMS, a. The lower oouraa <tf the

greal oolite. NotrUUmpL

JucK, a. (1) A yoke.

(2) The oil in the ilftece of wool.


(3) A eoH. Lei^,

JuDAa-coifOUB, a. Sed, q»pUed

especially to hair or a bevd. It

waa a popular opinion that

Judas Iscariot had red hmr and


JuiMJB-TOBGHBa, ff. Laige torobea

used in proceasions.

JvpiciAi., a4r* Judicious.

Judicious, iff- Judicial. Skakttp,

Jul, V. To flinch. North,

Juo, (I) V. To nestle together.

(2) a. A common pasture, ffat*

JuoAL, A^. {Lai.) Nuptial.

JuooB, (1) a. (A.^.) To judge.

(2) a. A judge.

Juggle, v. (1) To mix together.

I oonfota, lady, that there may be (for.

mally taken) Aj^g^ling of interest and

pleaitire together in toine.

Howor4» Mom qf Noiomorkit^mS.

(2) Tojog* Woit.

JuGGLBMBAB, a. A swamp. Iktf»

Jvaa, a. An ancient nickname for

the inhabitants of BrightQU.

JuiL, a. (A.-N.) July.

Juiaa. See Jemso.

JuEB, (1) a. A bird's neck.

(2) a. To sit on a perch.

Julio, a. An Italian coin, worth


F. What myeat thou mtn P thera is no

religion in the world, but oaely for

fonue ; take here, aud pny him, tna givf

him ihii JuUo over and abore, to Imng

hiattelfe, and so in Goda name let'tbo

gone. Footengtr qfBauomt^ 1613.





JULK, (1) ». To tpksh; to jolt;

to itrike.

(2) t. A hard blow. Eitex.

JuLTT, V. To jolt. Devon,

Jvuy 9. (1) A jolt; a knock. S^f»

(2) Darnel We9L

JvuBAL, 9. A sort of biflcoit.

Jombals are still made in Lei*


JumhaIt,tM4ltaUmwsif. Tikkeapoand

of fine vheat floirer, and m mnch white

wfu, mix them into a paste with the

beaten whites of egn; put to the paste

a ponnd of blandied almonds well

beateiL and half a pound of sweet bat-

ter ; add half a pint of cream, ^wti so

mould it all welltogether with a little

Tosewater, shape them into forms, and

bake them in a gentle oven.

JuMBKR, V. To stammer.

JvMBLB»v. Futuere. Florio.

JuiiBLsifSNT,t. Confusion. North,

JvMSNT, 9. Cattle of all kinds.

JuMMB, «. Fotuere. Urquharfi


Jump, (!) adv. Exactly.

Yon is a youth, whom how can I orealip.

Since he so jmrnp* doth in my mashes hit.

MtnUm't SMtirn, iil

(2) a4f. Exact; suitable.

(3) 9. To agree, suit, or resemble.

Good wits BAjjump; but let me tell you,


Your friend must steal them if he have

iiute^ LooJdng GUm,0. PL, ix,988.

This story jnm^d just with my dream to

nii^t. ^iid^wMMa,0.Pl.,xi,5S.

(4) ai{f. Compact; neat. North,

(5) 9, A leathern frock ; a coat.

(6) 9, A sort of boddice used

instead of stays.

(7) V. To take an offer eagerly;

to risk, or hazard.

(8) «. To meet with aoddentaUy.


(9) t. A coffin. York9h.

Jumper, «• A miner's borer. North,

JuMPtNo-DicK, t. The

thought of a fowl. North.

JuMPiNG-JOAK, «. An old ootrntry


JuMPLT, ado. Suitably.

Jumps, 9, A sort of stays or boddioe,

used in the earlier part of the

18th cent.

JuMP-tHORT,t. Mutton from aheep

drowned in the fen ditches. Boat.

JuNAMBS, #. Land sown two socoes-

sive years with the same grain.

JuN0ATB,1 #. (1) {ItaL yamemta.)

JUNKET, J A sweetmeat, or dainty.

(2) Cuids and donted cream.


S3) A merry-making. North.

4) A basket for catching fish.

JuNCKBB, t. A oontriTsnce for let'

ting off water from a pond. Sitf,

JuNB-BUG, ff. The green beetle.


Junk, t. (1) A Inmp. South.

(2) A favoiite dish. Glouc,

JuNo's-TBABs, 9, Venrain.

JupABTBtO. To jeopard. Jtg^erdf,


Jupitbr'b-bbabd, 9. HooseledE.


JuPON, #. (J.'N.) The ponrpoint,

or doublet.

JuR, V, To strike, or butt. North.

JuBMUNGLB, t. A mcss. YorJkth.

JuBNUT, 9, A pig>nnt. Var. d.

Jus, 9, (J,'N,) Juice.

JussBLL, t. A sort of salmigondL

JnuhdU, Tske brede ygrated, and

ayren,andswyngittofydre; dotlwreto

safroan, sawn, and salt, and cast broth

thereto. Boue it, and messe it Ibith.

ArMtfqirCiHvy.p. n.

Just, adn. This word is used very

peculiarly in Herefordshire, ais

instead of saying, "I have but

put returned," they would say,

** I returned but/Ht/ ;'* or inateiul

of « I have ju9t seen him/' ** I

saw him bot^/," &c

JusTB, (1) ff, {A,'N.) To joust, or


(2) 9. A msel with a wide bodj

and small neck.

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JusTncvHT, t. Agistment.

Justice, v. (J,-N,) To judge, /m-

tieer, an adminiiterer of justice.

JusTLB, p. Fatuere. UrquharVt


Ju8TMAN-H0LDSA,«. A freeholder.

JugTT, V. To joust.

Jut, (1) 9. To strike ; to throw ; to

rim against.

{2)9. A sort of pail. Keni.

JuTBB, s. The fertile coagulating

■altish nature of earth. More.

JuTTB, #. {A,'N.) k low fellow.

JuTTT, #. A part of a building pro-

jecting beyond the rest.

Ju-UM, a4r. Smpty. North.

JvrESAL, t. A youth.

On his left-side stood a pflrtfwtM^M

readie to ffire the weloome to all oom-

mers as a Doy in abam, and aa nimble

as a parasito in an old eommodie.


JuTBirm, s. (J,-N,) Youth.

Jtk» v. To stir ; to turn. North.

Jtm IAN, 9, A knick-knack. iVissAV

Pteres PeiUktUt 1592.

KA,0)j9res./. Quoth; says. ts^.

C^l; say. Ka me, ka thee, a

proTerb implying, if you will do

me one favour, I wUl do you


thon art psadar to me fear my weaeh,

and I to thee for thy oonsenaae. X»#,

k thee, nma through eoort ana eoontry.

Seem, Well nid, my subtle QnickailTer.

Those £r ope the doors to all thii workl'a

fUidty. j;>«lv.libf,0.fL.iT,Sl.

JDs ffu, l» thee, one good tonme asketh

SBOtber. JKiywoodoaJProMr*«^£l,b.

Let's be Mends;

Toa know the lav has tricksj Kkme,hi

thee. Bmm AUe^, O. PI., ▼, 4M.

(2) V. To look. Alt/.

Kaaikb, «. To stare Tacantly.


KABBa,«. Chilblains. Northampt.

Kab, 9. A cow.

Kao, «. To potter about. Leie.

Kaib, t. A key.

Kail, (1) t. Cabbage. Kail-pot, a

large globular metal pot for

cooking meat and cabbages

together. KttU^ardi^ colewort.


(2) 9. To throw atouea awk-

wardly. S^f.

Kailb, v. To decline in health.


Kailbt, 04^. An epithet applied to

red stony land. Northampt.

Kain, 9. Rent paid in kind. jBstf.

Kaibb, v. To depart.

Comandei the kenely

To kmre of his landea,

Ore ellee for thy knyghthsde

Encontre hjme onee.

Kaisab, 9. An emperor.

I dreame it not the happy lifo

The needle benen bag to besfs;

Ne yet the blesMd itate of all

A. mightie im««rr oowne to weare. '

TwhemMt Bp. /• 3omuUef, 1649.

Kaitb, 9. A wool-dresser.

Kal, a4)f. Hard. A term in mining,

Kam, adj. (said to be CeUie.)

Crooked. Cleam ham, all wrong

or crooked, corrupted into him

Kamb, ff. A comb. North.

Kampb, ff. {A.-S.) War; battle.

Kangt, adj. Cross. Cumb,

Kanbbbdobtb, ff. Perplexty.

Bat now to yoir, ye lorera that bene here,

Wai Trojluf not m a hmkeriorte.

That lay, and myght the whistzyng of hem


And thoght 'O lord, noir renaith my lort

Folly to deth^ or have enone comfort.'

CiMieer,Tny. /-GrM.p. lie.

Kannino, ff. A measure. S^f.

Kabl-cat, ff. A he-cat.

Kabl-hemf, ff. Hemp grown late.

Kazzabolt, adv. Lean and ill*

thriven. North.

KMKfin^Mr. Gol North.

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KbagHi (1) V. To ladt water out*

(2) The best of anything. X«ie.

KsAK, (1) «. Aiprain. Yarkih,

(2) 9. To prop up a cart. North.

KvAL, 9, A cold. Ime.

Kbalbr, ff. A shallow tub uied for

cooUng. iSlmt.

K«ALT» adp^ Cowardly. Xom.

Kbamk, o. To comb.

Kaa.icEja,«. A kind of ferret. 5l9iiM.

Kbam Y, adj. A term applied to dder

when covered with a thin white

mould. IFeH,

Kbamb, «. To scamper. Cimk,

KsANs, t. Seam of ale» &c. Yori$k.

Kbatcb, 9. To congeal. WiUi.

Kbathbr, t. A cradle. Lame,

Kbaustril, t» A great-boned,

coarse creature. YorJtih.

Kbats, 9. Toatmggle. Cumb.

Kbe, (I) 9. To pant ; to sob. Ztae.

(2) t. A villain. Yorkih,

KvBBBRs, ff. Refuse sheep. No*

mencL, 1585. See CuUinffM.

Kbbblb, t. White opaque spar.


Kbblocb, ff. The wild turnip.

Kbcchb, 9. To catch.

Kbchtnb, ff. A kitchen.

Kbck, 9. (1) To lift; to refteh.

(2) To choke.

(3) To be pert Lane.

Kbokcorn,!* ff. The wiadpipe.


KBCKBR,(l)a4^. Squeamish. Nortk.

(2)ff. An overlooker in a ooal-

mine. Newe,

Kbck-handbd, adff* Left-handed.

Kbcklk, adj» Unsteady. Lane,

Kbcklb-mkcklb* ff. Poor ore. Derb,

Kbcklocr, ff. Wild mustard. Leie,

Kbcky, ad/. Like a kex. Line.

Kbd, {!) part. p, (A,'S,) Known;


(2)pr€t. t. Made known.

Kbdob, (1)9. To cram. North,

(2) 9. To adhere together. Comw.

(3) adj. Brisk; lively. Eaet.*

Kbdobr, ff. A fisherman. Yorieh.

Kbdoy, adj. Pot-bellied. North.

KEDJLOCK^ff. Charlock. ShrepaJk.

Km*, ff. (1) Kine. i>e90ii.

(2) A cake. Somert. A sort of

pasty. Northanqft.

Kbbch, (1) ff. The fat of an ox or

eow, rolled up by the butcher for

the tallow-chandler. Itisa|i|^ed

by Shakespeare to a butcher* bq4

to Wolsey, the reputed son of a


I wonder

That SQcli aliMdl cao with hia very bnlk

Taka up the rsyto* thabenaficiai •■»

And Uep it fionn tht earth.


(2) 9. T^ c«t grata and wwda.


(3) 9. To lade out water.

Kbbi^ (I) 9. (A,'S. etBlan.) To

cool. Keelfkeei-^mtyorkeeterttht

vessel in a4»rewery now caUed a


Taitli, Dorims, thy braiii boils, AmI it.

iMf it» or all the fat's in the fire.

UttnUm't What fom wiSk 1607.

(2) ff. (Fr. gmUe,) A nine-iini.

(3) ff. Ia.S.) a strong boat need

by the Newcastle colliers.

(4) ff. A keel of coals is 21 tons


(5) ff. A kiln, u for lime* &«.


(6) ff. A ruddle for sheep. iVbrf A.

(7) 9. To give over. Citmb.

Kbblaob, ff. Keel dues. Norik.

Kebl-alley, ff. A bowling aUer.


Ebbl-dbetbrb, ff. Wivea «»d

daughters of keeUmen, who

sweep and clean the kedSk

Kbbling, ff. A stock-fish. CfrfM.

hart'e Rabelaie.

Kbblt-itinb, «l a black-lead paariL


Kbbn-bittbm, a^f. Flroet4iitteB ;

hungry. North,

Keep, (1) 9. To live, iHhabit, or

lodge. Eeeptng-room, the rooaa

in Mihich the family usually aita.

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Here ttandB fhe pahce of the noblest seDie,

Here Vi«ii« ke^, whow ooart than crjtUl


And clearer leemt.

FUteker, ParpU M^ r, 85.

Wonld it not vei thee, where thy sirea did


To see the dnnged folde of dag -tail'd aheepf

SmU, Satires, ▼. 1. p. 86.

(2) «. Care ; notice.

Por in Baptiata*! ttfp my trearore lies.

SkMketp., torn, qfShr., i, 3.

(Z) $, Pasture.

(4) «. A reiervoir for flih hy a


(5^ 9. A safe for meat.

(6) «. A large basket. Somertet.

(7) V. To catch. Lane.

(8) To give ketp, or take keep,

to take care, to pay attention. TV

keep the dooTt to act the bawd.

To keep cut with, to follow the

example of. To keep touchy to be

faithful, to be exact to an appoint-


I hare k$pt touek, sir, which is the earl,

of these. B. /• Fl., B9ggtr*i Busk, ▼, 1.

Kbbp-and-cexak, «. A hook and


• Kkbpbr, «. A clasp. Suffolk,

Kebpino, 9. The lair of a hart.

Kber, ». The mountain ash. Devon,

Kbkve, 1(1) e. To set up; to

KBEVBR, J overturn.

(2) t. A brewing tub. fTeit.

Keezer, t. A sieve. Devon.

Kbptlb, t. A poor horse.

Kegob, v. To affront. Lane.

Keggt, adj. Soft ; pulpy. Line.

Keib, 9. To lock.

Keigbt, part. p. Caught. Spenser.

Kbik, v. To stand crooked. Lane.

Keil, t. A hay cock. North.

Keistt, adj. Dainty. North.

Kbiver, 9. A bumper. Yorksh.

Kbl, 9. A sort of soup.

Kblch, t. A blow. Line.

Kbld, (1) V. To thump. Northumb.

(2) 9. A well. Craven.

(3) 9. The smooth part of water

when the rest is rough. North.


(4) 04/. Covered with scales.

The otter then that keeps

In their wild rivers, in their banks, and


And feeds on fiah, whieh under water


He with his kM feet and keen teeth

doth kiU. DrmytoH, N<mk*i VUxti.

Kelde, v. (A.'S) To become cold.

Kblb, (1)9. To cool.

(2) 9. Time and place; drcum-

stance. Lane.

Kelp, (1) t. A fool, or lubber.

(2) 9. The incision made by the

axe when felling a tree. Warw.

(3) V. To wrench. Warw.

Keliaob, 9. The plant arsesmart.

Keling, 9. A species of codfish.

Kelk, (1) V. To beat severely.


(2) V. To belch. North.

(3) 9. A large rock. Cumb.

(4) 9. The roe of fish. North.

Kell, (1) «. A child's caul ; any

covering like net-work, as the

omentum in the intestines, a net

for hair ; alto the cones of silk-

worms, &c. ; a film over the eyes.

(2) 9. The garment worn by

females next the skin; a petti-


(3) t. A kiln. South.

Kelxbn, 9. A batch of bricks. Saff.

Kkllick, 9. To romp. Su99.

Kellow, 9. Black-lead. North.

Kellus, 9, A white aalt stone

found in tin-mines. Comw.

Kelp, «. (1) A crook to hang a pot

over a fire. North.

(2) Seaweed burnt for the potters.


(3) A young crow. Cumb.

Kelt, «. Undyed cloth made from.

black and white wool.

Kblter, t (1) Order; condition.

If the organs of'praver be out of ktlter,

— ^how can we pray f Barrote.

(2) Rubbish ; a confused mass.

• North.

(3) Money ; cash. Yorksh.

(4) An awkward fall. North.

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Kbmb, (I) V. To comb.

(2) 9. A stronghold. North.

KsMBiNO, 8. A brewing tub. Line,

Kbiiblin, t. A tub.

Kkmmet, adj. Foolish. ShropiJL

Kemp, (1) «. (^.-5.) A champion;

a knight.

(2) *. A boar. Suf.

(3) V, To strive with. North.

(4) t. A species of eel.

KBMPBB.IE-MAN, t. A warrior.

Kemps, g. Hair among wool. North.

Kbmpsteri t. A female who cleaned


Kemse, t. A loose sort of garment

for women.

Kbk, «. (1) A chum. North,

(2) A measure of com. Yorksh.

It is a hundred-weight of heavier


(3) Kine ; oxen.

Kench, «. (1) The part of a hay-

stack immediately in use or

cutting down. Suj^.

(2) A sprain. North,

Kbnde, adj. Natural ; kind. Kende'

licAe, naturally.

Kene, adj. (A.-S.) Sharp ; earnest.

Kbnbt, «. (1) a small hound.

(2) Ash-oolour.

Kbnnb, (1) V. (A.'S.) To know;

to know by sight ; to teach.

(2) «. Knowledge ; sight.

In the obserranoe of a1 which, thneand

tniTell had now brought ns in kenfu of

a Tcry pleasantly scituated towne, fairo

and aomptuoiialy builded.

Bowleg, Search for Mone^, 1609.

Kennel, o. Toharbour^saidofthe


Kennen, «. Half a bushel. North,

Kbnnets, 8, Coarse Welsh cloth.

Kbnnino, 8. (1) The distance one

can see.

(2) An inkling. North,

Kensback, adj. Perverse. Yorksh,

Kbnsh, tr. To shut up close. Leie,

KBNSII.L, V. To beat. North,

Kenspbckled, adj. Conspicuonsly

speckled. North.

Keg, t. A jackdaw.

Keout, 8. A cur. North,

Kep, v. (I) To retch with sickness.


r2) To lie in wait. Yorksh.

(3) To catch.

Kepb, (1) 8. (A.'S.) Care. See Ketp.

(2) V. To meet.

(3) V. To leave.

Keppen, V, To hoodwink.

Keppy-ball, t. The game of hand-


Kbr, 8. {A.-S.) Business ; occasion.

An hundred knighies gode of ksr,

■" ■ " may wepen ber.

6y qf mmnie, p. 68.

Kerch, 8, A sort of pan. Dewm.

Kerch6, 1 ». {A..N.) A head-

kbrcbbrb, J cloth.


embroidered cloth given by a

lady to her knight, which he was

bound to place on his helmet,

and wear for her sake.

Kerch BR, «. An animal's caoL


Kerb, v. (A.-S.) To recover.

Kerf, {I) part, p. Cut; carved.

(2) t. An incision; the fiimnr

made by a saw.

(3) 8. A layer of turf, We8t.

Kbrl, 8. The loin, or kidney. fFest.

Kerm, v. To dig ; to hoe. Somen.

Kern, v. (1) To turn from flower

to f^uit.

(2) To curdle. West,

(3) To salt meat.

(4) To simmer. Sonurset,

Kbrnb, (1) «. The name formerly

given to the lowest Irish foot-


(2) 8. A low person.

(3) V. (A.'S.) To sow with com.

Kemitiff, corn-bearing. Kent.

Kernel, 8. (1) (A.-N.) A battle-

ment. See CreneUe,

(2) A grain ; a pip.

(3) A swelling or knob of flesh.

(4) The dug of a heifer. North,

Kbrnells, 8, The king's evil





Kbrp, 9. To scold; to tyrannise.


Kerbs, a. Rock. Gaw, See Car,

Kerry, t. A large apron. WeiL

Kerrt-merry-bupf, t. A material

of which jerkins were formerly


Kbrse. (1) t. {A.-S.) Water-


(2^ 8. Courage. N(frth,

(3) V. To cover a wall with slate.

Krrsek, v. To christen. North,

Kbrve, v. {A,'S.) To cut; to


K^BCBTm, pret. i. Cast.

Keslings, «. White buUace. Deo.

Keslop, t. A stomach used for

rennet. North.

Kess, t. A cap. Devon,

Kesson, ff. A Christian. JSrmoor.

Kest, (1) V, To cast.

{2)8, A twist; a knot.

Kbsteb, 9, The abbrevtation of

Christopher. North,

Kestern, a4f. Cf<>*B « quarrelsome.


Kestin, t. A species of plum. Dev,

'&ESTBIL, 9, An addle-head. Suf,

See CaatreL

Kbt, If. Carrion; iilth. JTe/-

Ketm BNT, J craw,tht carrion-crow.

Ketch, (1) v. To catch.

(2) 8. A tub ; a barrel. fFest.

(3) «. To become hard in cooling.


Eetchbb, t. An animal's caul.


Kette, «. To cut.

Kettbr, (1) adj. Peevish ; perverse.


(2) v. To diminish in size.


Kettlb, V, To tickle.

Kbttle-ca8b, t. The purple orchis.


Kettle-hat, #. A sort of leather

bat worn in the 15th cent.

, 8. A net used for

mackerel. South.

Kbtfle-pims, «. Nine-pins.

BinUudt, httUfini, noddy-boanb,

tables, tnincks, ihovel-boarcU, fox SBd

geetej and the like.

SMUm, Frrf.tolkm Qmw.

Kbttle-sm ocK, 8. A smock-frock.


Ketty, adj. Worthless. North,

Keyal, 8, Coarse spar. Derb,

Kbtbl, «. (1) A horse's bit; a gag.

(2) A large hammer. North,

Kevelino, 8, The name given at

Brighton to the skate.

Kbyerb, V, To cover ; to recover.

Kbyin, 8. Part of a round of beef.


Keyir, o. To blubber. Unc.

Kbyiss, v. To run rollicking about ;

to beat. Line,

Keyybl, V, To walk clumsily.


Kbw-kaw, adv. Awry ; vrrong.

Kewb, 8. Irons for the bottoms of

shoes. South.

Kewtb, 9. To kitten. Pakgr. To

mew. Pr, P.

Kbx, 1 8, {A,-S.) The dry stalk

KBCKsiB, J of hemlock, and some-

times of other plants.

Kby, «. (1) The principal claw in a

hawk's foot.

(2) The fruit of the ash. *

Kby-cold, a^. Very cold. Shaketp.

Kbyh-wuss, 8. The left hand.


Keymbr, 8, A small description of

ferret. Su88,

Kbysand, ac^. Over-nice. Cvmb.

Ki. Quoth. North,

KiB, V, To fence ; to hedge. Dev.

Kibbagb, 8, Refuse. East,

Kibble, (1) v. To bruise malt,

beans, &c. Shropah.

(2) 8, Sticks for firewood. JTid-

bling-axe, an axe for cutting fire-

wood. We8t.

(3) 8. A stick with a knob, used

in several popular games.

(4) 8. The bucket of a draw-well ;

the shaft of a mine. Devon.

(5) V, To walk lamely. Bedf,

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KiBBLK-coBBLXfV. To crease. Oaf,

KiBBY, adj. Chapped. Den,

KiBB, V. To jeer. Ltmc,

KiBSEY, «. An osier basket.

KiCHBL, t. (1) {A,.S,) A small


(2) Rabbly stone. A quarryman's


Kick, (1) v. To stammer. Kick'-

hammer, a stammerer. Dev.

(2) 0. To sting. Var, d, KickUh,

irritable. North.

(3) 9, The plant /fo/ma ChritH.

(4) 8, A novelty. A kick in one'e

gallop, a strange whim.

KiCKLE, adj. Fickle. West.

KiCKSY-wicKSY, 1 (1) adj. A ladi-

KiCKSY-wiNSBYf J crousterm, im-

plying restlessness, or uncertainty.

Pcrhaps.aii ignis fatuua now and then

Starts up in holes, stinks, uud goes out


Such hckfee-wUksM flamei shew but how


Thj great lights resurrection would be

here. Poenu subj. to R. /dicker's Ep'ig.

(2) «. A contemptaoas term for a


Kickshaw, t. (said to be derived

from Fr, quelque chote.) A made

dtsh in cookery ; a coxcomb.

With fricassee, ragout, and whatsoe'er

Of costly kichKaws now in fashion are.

Oldham's Poffms.

KicK-up, a. A sort of balance used

for weighing halfpence in tbe

latter part of the 18th cent.

Kid, (1) prei. t. Made known.

(2)ff. A faggot. Kidding, making

kids or small faggots.

(3^ t. A pod. Var, d.

A tub ; a pannier, or bas-

ket. Sujjr.

KiDCROW, t. A calf.crib. (^ah.

KfDOBN, adj. Made of kid leather.

KiDDiER, ff. (1) A butcher whose

business wholly or principally

lies in killing young and small

animals, as lambs, pigs, calves,

and kids. Suff.

(2) A huckster. East,

Kiddle, (1) «. A wear in a river,

with a narrow cut to catch fish.

(2) adj. Unsettled. Kent.

(3) V. To cuddle. Boat, To en-

tice, or coax. Suaa.

(i)a. Spittle. Weat.

To rear or bring young

animals up without their mother

or dam, as a foal. The term is /

sometimes applied to an infant

that has lost its mother, whose

treatment is very little better

than that of the foal. SuJ^.

KiDooN, a, A loin of meat. DeMm.

Kidb, t. A shed made of boughs

to keep a calf when sucking.

Kid- FOX, «. A young fox. Shake^.

KiDOE, adj. Brisk ; lively. Notf.

Kid ware, a. Peas, beans, &c.


KiEYEL, t. A quantity. Yorktk.

Kiffb^ a. A corruption of kith.


KiFT, adj. Awkward. TTeat.

Ki-isH. a^. Dirty, filthy, applied

to children of two or three yean

of age who obey the calls of nature

as they walk or go about Eaat.

Kile, a. (1) (A.^S.) An ulcer, or


(2) A haycock. North.

KiLBs, a, A term in mining for

small leathers to fasten chains.

KiLK, a. Charlock. Suaa,

Kill, a. A kiln.

KiLLAS, a. Clay slate. Derb.

Kill-cloth, a. A sort of hood.

KiLL-cow, a. A great boaster.

KiLLicoup, a. A summerset. North.

KiLLiiioRB,t. Anearthnut. Comw.

KiLLRiDOE, a. Another name for

the plant artenick.

KiLPAT,«. G rease clogged in wbeel

stocks. Doraet.

KiLPS, a. Pot-hooks. North.

KiLsoK, a. The keel of a barge.


Kilt, (I) v. To tuck up clothes.


(2) adj. Slender; lean. Yor.^h.





Kilter, v. To dawdle. East

Kilters, 9, Tools. Ettex.

KiMBERLiNit. Strangers. Dorset.

KiMBLEo, part, p. Humbled.


KiuB, 8, A simpleton.

KiuED, adj. Cross tempered ; awry.


KiM.RAM. SeeiCam.

KiuNEL, «. A tab. See Kembing.

KiMPLE,v. To flinch from.

KiMT, AJr. Mouldy. lAnc.

Kin, (1) #. (^.-5.) Kindred.

(2)v. To kindle a light. Staff,

(3) «. A chap, or chilblain.


KiNCH, 8. A small quantity. Unc,

Kinchin. An old slang term for

young. Kinehin-eo, a lad not

yet instructed in the arts of the

mendicant fraternity. Kinehing-

mort^ a girl of a year or two old,

carried at the back of a woman

professing to be her mother.

Kind, (I) #. (^.-5.) Nature ; natural

disposition. To go out of kind,

to do anything contrary to one's

proper nature. Kindiiss, unna-


(2)8. Kindred.

(3) oiff. Intimate. North,

li)adj. Tender; soft. North,

(5) adj. Prosperous, ffest,

(6) 8, A cricket. Somerset,

KiNDA. Look yonder. Suff.

Kinder, adv. Rather.

KiND-HART, s. An old jocular name

for a tooth-drawer.

Kindle, v. To bring forth young,

said of rabbits.

Kindly, adj. (I) In accordance

with nature; natural; native.

(2) Well ; in good health.

KiNE, 8. (I) A chink. North.

(2) A weasel. Suss.

KiNER, 8. An infant's clout. Suf.


game used in the 16th cent.

KiNG-cup, 8. The marsh marigold.

KiNOEux, 8, Crowfoot.

Ki^G-piNGER, 8. The small purple

orchis. Northampt,

King-gutter, t. A main draiiu


King-harrt, «. Mentula. Diet.

King-harrt-redcap, 8. The gold-

finch. KtTtg-harry'blaekcqp, the


KiNGO, «. Mentula; a name given

by the nurses. Urquharfs Rob.

King*8-bloom, 8, An old name for

the peony.

King's-clover, 1 Themeiaot.

KING's-CROWN, J ^*""».

King's-sword, 8, The Lord Mayor

of London's sword, so called be-

cause it needed not be carried

downwards except in the presence

of royalty.

Ktnife, 8. A knife. Somerset,

Kink, v. (1) To laugh loudly ; to

lose breath in coughing. In Suf-

folk, a rope is said to kink when

it does not run out even from its

coils ; the term is more commonly

used when binding a load of hay

or corn.

(2) To twist, or entangle. North,

(3) To revive. East,

Kinkbr, 8, An icicle. Dorset.

Kink-haust, 8. The chincough.


KiNKLiNGS, 8, Periwinkles. Dorset.

Kinrede, s. (A,'S.) Kindred.

Kin SING, 8, An operation for the

cure of a road dog.

I Bsk't physitions what their counsell was

For a mad dogvo or for a mankind aiae?

They told me, «c

The dogge wm best cured b^ cutting and

Jnnting. HalPs Mpigr. ogaimt MarsUm.

Kinsman, s. This term is applied

specially, in Norfolk, to a cousin-

german,andin SuflTolktoanephew.

Kip, 8, The bide of a young beast.

KiPE, (1) «. An osier-basket, used

for catching pike, 8cc,

(2) adj. Wrong. Laric..

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(3^ V, To be stingy. Line,

(4) «. A grimace, (^eth,

(5) V. To belch, or vomit. North.

(6) t. Care ; study. West.

KiPLiN, 9. Parts of cod-fish, cured

separately. East.

KippE, r. To keep.

Kipper, adj. (I) Lively; gay.

(2) Amorous. Lane.

KippBB-NUT, t. The earth-nut.

Kip-TRBE, 8. The roller of a draw-


KiRBLE, t. The windlass of a well.

KiRCHBRft. The midriff*. Somenet.

Kirk, (1) «. A church. North.

(2) V. To turn upwards.

KiRNE, t. A chum. North.

KiRBOME, 1 (corrupted from Chry^

KTRSijr, j9om.) Christian.

As I am « true Hnome woman, it ia one

of the chryatal glasses mj cousin sent

me. B. /-. Fl., Coxcomb, iv, 7.

Ho, as I am a kyrsin soul, would I were


If erer I- B. Jons., Ttde of a Tub, ii, 9.

KiRTTNB, 8, A sort of SBUCC.

KiRYB, e. To cut coal away at the

bottom. A mining term.

KisH, 8. {IrUh.) A basket in which

turves are carried.

KiSK, t. (1) The act or noise of pigs

in eating peas or barley, when

thrown among straw.

(2) A kex.

Kiss. To kU8 the hare'efoot, to

come too late.

Ton must Ht$ Iks kart^ifoot, post fea-

tnm venisti. Odes' Diet.

The hall summons this consort of com-

panions (upon payne to drne with Duke

Humphfrie, or to kiu* ike hartfifoot)

to appeare at the first calL

Servmif-wtan'i Cow^t, sign. C*.

To kite the post, and kite the pot,

are used in the same sense. To

kiss the matter, to hit the jack,

a term at bowls.


The garden pansy.

KiBBBs, t. Small sugar-plnms.

KissiNO-BUNCH, 8. A bush of ever*

greens sometimes substituted for

misletoe at Christmas.

KissiNO-couFiTSft. Sagar-plams

perfumed, to make the breath


Sure your pistol holdi

Nothing hnt perfumes or kmitu-cow^tt.

Webster't Dutektu o/ i^, 1«3S.

lb wutie wuuietRiUMt eaUti riaimg-com-

fits or kusituf •comfits. Take half a pound

of refined sugar, being beaten and

searched, put into it two grains of mnsk,

a grain of dvet^ two grains of amber-

greese, and a thimble-rall of white ovris

powder ; beat all these with gum^lragoa

steeped in rose-water ; then roul ii as

thin as you can, and cut it into little

lozenges, and stow them in some wmm

oven or store, then box them and keep

them all the year.

Ma/» AccomfUshei Cook, 1671.

KissiNO-CRUBT, #. The imperfect

crust of a loaf, where it has stock

to another in baking.

KisT, (1) e. To cast.

(2) t. A chest.

KisTiNG, 8. A funeral. North.

Kit, (1) 8. A sort of fiddle.

Sweeter my bellows blowing and my ham-

mers beating is

To me than trunmest fidling on the tricfceit

k]ftywj». Warner's Alb. Bngl^liTi.

(2)pret.t. Cut.

(3) «. A straw or rush basket.


(4) 8. A box of tools. North.

(5) 8. A vessel of wood ; a pail.

(6) 8. An outhouse for cattle.


- (7) t. Brood ; quantity.

(S) 8. A dab, or smear. Cormt.

(9) 8. Flesh for dogs. Eaet.

(10) «. A country clown. Lime.

KiT-CAT, 8. The name of a boy's

game, of some antiquity, and still

practised in many localities.

KiT-CAT-c ANNio, t. A chlld's g«me,

with slate and pencil.

KiT-CAT-ROLL, t. A Follcr IB form

like a double cone meeting in the

middle. Eaet.





Kitchen, «. A tea-urn; a large

kettle. North.

K1TCHBN.BAI.L, ff. A woodloate.


KiTCHiKBss-BREAD, 9. Oat cakes

made of thin batter. Lane.

Kite, (1) v. To strike. Gloue.

(2) V. To preserve. Somenet.

(3) *. The belly. North.

Kitblb, tr. To tickle.

Kith, «. (^..&) (1) Knowledge.

(2) Acquaintance. Kith and kin,

firiends and relations.

Kdther father nor mother, Htk norHm,

•hall be her carver in a husband.

Lgfy'» Mother BomMt, i, 8.

(3) A region.

Kithb, v. {J.'S.) To make known;

to manifest.

Kiting, «. A worthless fellow.


KiT-KARi., adj. Careless. iSltf^.

KiT-KETs, «. Ash*key8.

KiTLiNO, f . A kitten.


ignis fatuus.

KiT-PACKB, If. A sort of buskins.


KiTPAT, 9, Old clogged grease.


KiT-poLB,«. A shaft of wood erected,

commonly having an old wheel

fixed horizontally at the upper

end for the convenience of placing

the flesh or kit thereon.

Kittle, (1) v. To tickle. North.

(2) V, To kitten.

(3) a. AketUe.

KiTTLB-EEAP. 9, Old, youug, or un-

skilful hands, unable to assist in

the harvest on equal terms with

first-rate workmen, but who help

them and do other work at that

busy time at higher wages than

usual. Suff»

KiTTLs-SMOCK, 9. A imock-firock.


KiTTT, f. (1) A company. We9t,

(2) The bundle of straw by which

mines are bksted. North,

KiTTr-cooT, 9. The water-raU.

We9t .

Kitty- WITCH, a. (1) A species of

sea-fowl. Ea9t,

(2) A kind of small crab.

Krrr, v. To lade out water. Bed9,

KivB. See Keene.

KiTEL, a. A double-headed iron

pick used for forming freestone

in the Portland quarries.

KivBK,a. A shallow tub for cooling

beer. Su99.

Kix,a. (l)Akex.

Bat he hath a certaine coTttoiu fellow .

to his lather, miserly, and as dry as a

kix. Ttremee in SngUsk. 1641.

(2) A wild plum. South.

KiEnsKDt adj, Husky; dry. North.

Knab, o. To browse.

KNABBLBa,a. A chatterer. Aiaa.

Knack, (1) o. To gnash the teeth;

to snap ; to crack.

(2) 9. A child's plaything.

(3) 9. The right way. Buex.

Knacker, a. (I) A farmer's har-

ness-maker. Ea9t.

(2) A dealer in horse-flesh.

(3) An old worn-out horse.

(4^ A collier's horse. Glouc.

(5) A husband who is not able

to procreate. Suff.

Knack-bardt, a^. Fool-hardy.


Knacks, a. The game of nine-holes.

Knad, a. A knife.

Knao, (1) a. A peg for clothes.

(2)0. To naU; to rivet

i3) a. A deer's antler.

4) a. The rugged summit of a

hiU. North.

(5) V. To gnaw. Line.

(6) a. A knot.

Knaoot, adj. Cross-tempered.

Knano, a. Grumbling. North.

Knap, (1) tr. To tap ; to strike.

(2) V. To snap. York9h.

(3) o. To talk short North.

(4) V. To browse, applied to deer.

(5) V. To frighten birds from

corn. fFi9t

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(6) 8. The top of a hfl] ; a riring


(7)«. The bud of a flower. Sra/A.

Knaps, f. (^.•&) A lad.

Knappan, 9. A rough game of

football played in South Walea.

Knappb, «. (A.»S) a knop.

Knappisb, 0^^'. Peevish.

K^rAPPLB, 9. To nibble. North,

KNAEsa, «. The kidneys of any

animal. S^jf,

Kkarle, «. A dwarf, North,

Knaklt, ^j. Strong. Svmert.

Knarkb, «. A cliff. Gawayne,

Knaeet, adj. Knotty.

Knast, 9. Snuff of a candle.

Knatch, 9. To knock. Line,

^"^™*» \v. To nibble. North,


Knave, (1) t. (A.-S,) A lad ; a ser-

yant. Knave-child, a boy.

(2) V, To separate corn from the

broken straw or chaff. Warw,

Knayb* \9, The frame containing

KNAPB, J the straw carried up the

ladder to the thatcher. Ea9t.

Knawb, V, To know.

KvETf, pret, t. Kneaded.

Knbb-hapsbd, adJ, Laid by wind

and entangled, as com. South.

Knbb-hollt, 9. Butcher's broom.


Knbb-knapt, adj. Knock-kneed.

Knbbstrads, 9, Pieces of leather

worn by thatchers to protect the

knees. Devon,

Knbb8teinob, 9, Oarters.

Knbp, v. To bite slightly. North,

Knbttae, 9, A cord for tying the

mouth of a sack. South,

KNBw,f. (A.'S.) A knee. pi. Kneen,

Knibbbeb, t. Young deer first be-

ginning to have horns.

Knifb-gatt. Hospitable. Line,

.Kniflb, V, To pilfer. North.

Knighthode, f . Chivalry. Chaucer.

Knightle, oiff. Quick; clever.



«. A cuckold.

Knioht-op-the-post, 9, A man

hired to swear falsely, or give

false bail ; a cheat ; a sharper.

A ktugkt qftkepottt quotb he, for so I

am tearmed: a fellow tbat will iweare

Toa any tiling for twelre pence; bat

indeed« I am a ipirite in nature and

eaience that take uppon mee tbii hu-

maine thape, onelr to Mt men together

by the earea, ana send aoules by mil-

bona to helL

Natyg Purct Ptmlesu kU Stiff I, I59!i

Knip, v. To pinch ; to bite. North,

Knit, (1) v. To set, as fruit blos-

(2) adj. CostivB. Notf.

(3) To knit up, to reprove, to

finish, to confine.

Knit-back, f . The plant comfrey.

Knitch, 9. A bundle. Somert.

Knitb, 9. Particles of lead ore

Knittlb, 9. A string attached to a

sack or bag to tie it up. Sun,

Knob, 9. A round tumour. South.

Knobbee, 1 «. The hart in its se-

enoblbe, j cond year.

Knobblb, V. To hammer gently.


Knobblb-teeb, 9, The head. Suff,

Knobblt, adj. Full of knots.

Knobloces, 9. Small round coals.

Lane. Called kHubblmg9 in some


Knoce, V, To move briskly about.


Knoceino, 9. A hunting term for

the cry of hare-hounds.

Knoceings, t. Native lead ore.


Knockledbboinaed, 9. A rough

clown. Palsgrave.

Knock-mb-down, 9. Strong ale.

Knoce-salt, f. A fool. Svff.

KNocK-STONE,9.Thestone on which

ore is broken, in mining.

KN0DDEN,par/.p. Kneaded. JVbr/A.

Knoddbn-caee, 9. A cake made

from a batch of bread by knead.

ing butter or lard into it. North"


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Knoob, «. (1) The coarse part of

hemp. We$t.

(2) Ninepins. Yoriah.

KnoklbDi atlf. Having craggy pro-


Knoll, (1) t. A round hill, of no

great elevation.

(2) V. To toll a bell.

^3^ f . A turnip. Kent,

(4) 9. The wooden ball used in

the game of bandj.

Knolster, f . The eimejp nheitrii,

Knop, *. (1) (^.-5.) A bud.

A knob.

A button.

(4) The knee-cap.

(5) A large tub.


Knoppkd, ddj. Partially dried, ap-

plied to clothes. Line,

Knoppit, f. A small lump. Eatt,

Knok, «. A dwarf. North.

Knornkd, adj. Rugged. Gawayne.

Knorrish, tulj. Full of knots.

Knot, f. (1) A boss, in archi*

tectiu-e; the key of a vault; a


(2) A garden plat. Weat.

h) A rocky summit. North.

(4) A puzzle.

Knotchel. To eiy a woman

knotchel, to give public notice

a man will not pay his wife's

debts. Lane.

Knot-orass, f. The polygonum

avieulare of Linnaeus. It was

anciently supposed to have the

power of stopping animal growth.

Come, come, George, let'i be merry and

wiie. the child's a fHtherleu child, and

sa^ they ihould put him into a strait

pair of vnsVina, 'iwere worse than knot-

aroMS, he v nnid never grow after it.

£. /■ Fl.» rnigkt cftkt Burning PesO*,

We want a boy extremely for this fanction,

Kept under for a year with milk and knot-

gnu. B. /■ Fl., Coxamb, act u.

Knotlins, «. Chitterlins. Somen.

Knottb, a. A bird, the cinclua

BeOonii of Ray.

Knottel, a. A little knob.

KyoTTiNOs, f. Light com. CheaK

Knottlbd, a4/. Stunted. South.

Knotty-tokmy, *. Oatmeal with

boiled milk poured on it. North,

Knowlechino, a. Knowledge.

Knowledge, v. To acknowledge.

Mine owne deere nimphea, which hum'

Udg4 me your qneene.

Gtucoign^M Workt, B. 8.

Knowth, V. To know.

Knubble, (1) f. A litUe knob.


(2) tr. To handle awkwardly.


(3) V, To wrap up untidily.

Knuchxr, «. To giggle. Surrey,

Knucker, v. To neigh. South,

Knuckle, a. Cuius? Urguharfa


Knuckles, f. Bands of a book.

Knur, t. (1) A knot, or knob.

(2) A round piece of wood

used in a game called kmarapelL


Knurl, a, A dwarf. Northmmh^

See Knor.

KvuTTE, part. p. Knit; tied.

Kntl, f. A knell.

Knylle, V, To toll bells.

KocAT, «. A Jakes. Pr.P,

KocoK, I. A cuckoo.

Korke, V,

Thanne ^e moate wasche hit owte dene

therrofF, and fe nioate korke )iyt welle,

and that hit bnve korke y-uo^e: ana

whanne ^e have kork^d hyt, ;e moste

wasche hit cleiie, and thnnne je schalle

have a fayre blewe withowte fuvle.

PorkingUm MS.

KOULE, «. (1)

And yf I lyt and crope the kouU^

And the wyfe be in the wave,

Anone schowe wylle swere, by cokknt


There is an haare in my have.



If te hare do^ y-no^e, take a hnMi

fnl(e, or tj. or i^., or as mony as ^e seme

woUe ser\-e jow. Porkington MS,

Krakbnel, f. A cake.

Krakenel homys havyth non.






Kktve, f . A grave.

Ku, «. (A,'S.) a cow.

KuB, f. (1) A small piece of bread.

(2) The catch-word in a drama,

more commonly written cue.

Muter Kempe, von are rery famous :

but that if ai well for works in print as

for your part in kue. Kempe. ion are

stiU'at Cambridge with size hte.

Return from Parnassus, Orig. qfDr.

KuNDERE, <u{f. Nearer of kin.

KuTTER, «. A bully.

Kyde, adj, {A,-S.) Famous.

Kye, V, To cry.

ILYiuiTK^adj. Half-witted. iSftrc^A.

Kyment. Here/.

Kyish, adj. Dirty. Si^f,

Kyke, V, {A,-S.) To look stead-


Kykyr, «. Erectio penis.

"Hie lentigo, Jngliee kykyr."

Nominals US.

Kyloes, f . Small Highland cattle.


Kyvdk, part. p. {A.-S.) Begotten.

Kyne, 9. Kin.

Kyngrikb, 9. (A.'S.) A kingdom.

Kynlyme, 9. The hearth-stock.


KrvTtt,pret. t. Caught. Heame.

Kyrb, v. {A.'S.) To change.

Kyrre, *. {A.'N.) Quarry. A

hunting term.

Kyttbd, jvar/. j9. Caught.

Kyx, f. (1) A kez.

(2) A bung. Pr.P,

La, a^. Low. North.

Lab, f. A blab. " Labbeh^ whyste,

and owt vt muste." Proverb, MS.

Ihth cent.

La-bee. Let be. An expletive.

Labber,«. (I) Tobathe. Northumb.

(2) To splash with dirt. North.

(3) To loll the tongue out; to

lick up. Somertet.

Labbce,«. Towhipflteat. Perhaps

for Lambeee.

Label, «. A tassel.

Lable, 9. To babble.

Labonetta, 9. {Ital.) The name

of an old dance.

Labras, f. (Span.) Lips.

Lace, (1) v. {A.-N.) To tie; to bind.

i2) 9. A cross-beam.

3) V. To streak, as with laces;

to ornament.

(4) V. To mix with spirits.

Laeed coffee is often mentioned

in writers of the latter part of

the 17th cent., as also laced tea.

No, faith: prvthee, nptain, let's go

drink a dish o(lae*d coffee, and talk of

the times. JTycherU]/, Tlain-dsaier, ]677-

(5) 9. To beat. To lay a Um§

lace on a per9on*9 coat, to give

him a good beating.

Laced-mutton, «. A term for a


Cook. 0 whom for mutton, or kid?

Child. A fine lae'd mutton

Or two; and either has lier frisking hus-

band. B.Jons.,Masq.o/Nat.Tnmmf.

Lace-horse, f . An implement used

by lace-makers to support the

pillow in their lap. Northan^t.

Lackrt, 9. (Lat.) A fleshy muscle.

Lache, (1) V. {A.-S.) To catch ;

to seize.

(2) ae^. {A.-N.) Sluggish.

(3) 9. A mud-hole or bog. Yorkth.

Lachbsse, 9. (A.'N.) Negligence.

Lack, (A.-S.) (1) t. Blame; a spoU

(2) tr. To blame. South. In

Norfolk, to tack any thing, is to

have an indifferent opinion of it.

(3) 9. Want. Lack^BM fonnerly

used much in composition, in

forming such nouns as lacklmemj

one not possessed of linen, fae^.

Iu9tre, a dull person, &c.

(4) 9. Hurt, or damage. Leie.

Lackadaisy, (excl.) Alas ! Lacka^

daiticaly very affected.

Lackee, 9. To wander from home*


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Lackbt, 9. A footman.

Lackits, «. Odds and


Lacky, 9. To beat soundly. Dev,

Lacky-boys, f. Thin-soled shoes.

Lacturs, 9. {Lat.) A miztore for


Lad, 9. A thong of leather.

Jjaddm, pari, p, (A.-S.) Led.

Ladk, (I) part. p. Laden.

(2) 9. To admit water by leakage.

(3) V. To fasten with iron bands.


(4) V. To abuse much.

(5) «. A drain. Notf.

Lade-oorn, 9, A long-handled

pail for lading water. Verb.

Lade -pail, 1 t . A pail for lading.

LADE-8C0OP, J Northampt.

Lades, 9. The frame work on the

sides of a waggon.

Ladb-saddlE| 9, A saddle for a

horse carrying a burthen.

Ladeshrides, f. The same as


Ladob, 9. To lay eggs. Devon,

Ladgbn, 9. To close the seams of

wooden vessels which have

opened from drought, so as to

make them hold water. Che9h.

Ladibs-and-oentlbmen, f. The

plant arum maeulatum.

Ladibs'-bedstraw, f. The plant


Ladibs'-com B,t. The plant 9candix.

Ladibs^cushion, 9, Mossy saxi-


Ladies'-glotes, f. SaceharU pul-


Ladibs'-hair, 9, The eapiOu*


Ladibs'-lacbs, f. Striped ribbon


Ladibs'-looking-ola88, 9, The

qfecuium VenerU,

Ladibs'-mantlb, 9. AlehemiUa,

Ladibb'-iiilk, f. Cardtnu laeteu9.

Ladibs'-sbal, 9. Bryonia nigra.

LADiEs'-THtsTLE, 9, The cardwu


Ladibs'-tracbs, «. The plant


Ladily, \adj, {J.'S.) Very

laidly, j Ugly.

Ladkin, f. A little lad.

I have been in many a parkmr

Where Bcrmons have been plenty;

I heard a ladJtin pray

Both a niffht and a aay.

And yet coiud scarce tell twenty.

Lr. mute, the Bnufiee.

Ladle, 9. To dawdle. Noffi

Ladron, 9. {Span.) A thief.

Lad's-loye, 9. Southernwood.

Ladun, 9. A burthen. South.

Lady-bird, 9. A prostitute.

Lady-buddick, 9. A kind of apple.

Lady-clock, 9. The lady-bird.


Lady-lonoinos, 9. A name for

some kind of vegetable.

for fruit these, fritters, medlers, harti-

cfaokes, and lady-hHffingt,

Lgly*» JSndymum, iii, 8.

Lady-of-the-lake, f . A cant term

for a prostitute.

Lady's- bower, 9, The clematis.

Lady's-fingbr, 9. AnthyUk legu-


Lady's-finger, 1 t.Bird's-foottre-

lady's-glove, J foil. Northampt.

Lady's-holb, 9. An old game at


Lady*s-niohtcap, *. Canterbury


Lady's-rufflbs, 9. The name of

a meadow plant. Northampt.

Lady's-slipper, 9. Helleborine,

ealceohUf or calceu9 MaruB.

Lady's-smock, 9. The cardamine ;

The great bindweed. Northampt.

Lady's-taste, 9. Boiled treacle.

See Claggum.

Laer, 9. A bam. York9h.

Lafe, 9. Remainder. North,

Laft, pret. t. Left.

Laft, \9. The number of eggs

LAFTBR, / laid by a fowl before

she sits. Var. d.

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Lao, (1 ) adj. Late ; slow.

(2) 8. The last or lowest part.

(3) V. To retard.

(4) 8. A stand for a barrel ; the

stave. North,

(5) V. To crack or split by ex-

posure to the suD. Var, d.

(6) 8, The name of a game at


Laoabao, 8. A lazy fellow. Suff,

Lagb, 17. To wash. An old cant


Lag-behind, f. A remainder.

Next, if FreDch wine be twenty pound the


Bat a poore penny in a qnart is wonne :

Besides, he somettiues in the caske doth


Of lees sixe gallons, for a laggehehinde.

And more, wlien in the celler it is laid.

The carmen and win^ porters most be

paid. Ta^loi'4 Workett 1680.

Lagob, 9. (1) To run.

Away the glutton lagged, and Mockao

high'cd to the doore, ezpectinir, that as

he was larded, so hee would be

witli some or other.

he was larded, so hee would be garded



(2) To splash with dirt.

(3) To lay.

Lagged, adj. In cracks, from heat

or hasty drying. Leie.

Laggbr, «. A narrow piece of

ground ; a green lane. West.

LAOoiN,f. (1) The projecting part

at the bottom of the stave of a

cask. North.

(2) The angle between the side

and bottom of a wooden dish.


(3) The pendent part of the hay

on a stack, corresponding to the

eaves of a house. North.

Laoh, 8. {A.'S.) Law. Laghberert

a ruler.

Laohtb, pret. t, of laeche* Caught.

Lao-last, t. A loiterer.

Laolt, adv. Behind alL

Lag-tail, 8. A loiterer.

LAO-TKBTH,f. The grinders. Florio.

Lao-wooo, «. The large sticks from

the head of an oak. Dorset,

Lagwort, «. The butter-bur.

Laichb, 9. To catch.

Laid, (1) adj. (Fr.) Uglv.

(2) Dead; killed. Suff.

(3) Trimmed, as with lace, &c.

(4) SUghtly frozen. Norf.

(5) part. p. Plotted; contrived.


(6) When a coal-pit ceases

working, it is said to be laid tm.

Laid m your dUhf laid to your


Then shall yon heare of yonr olde ▼»-

paries, your former follies shal be Jmdt

m yoftr dish.- if in yonr jollity yoa

wronged any, they will wait for rerenjce

in the time of your wni and weake-


Laib, 8. {A..S.) A lake.

Laieb,«. Dung; soil. East, See


Laighton, 8. A garden. YorksJL

Laike, tr. (A.-S.) To play.

And if hTm list for to kuJte,

Thaune loke we mowen,

And peeren in his presence

The while him pleye liketh.

JPier4 PK p, 11.

Lain, 8. A layer.

La INCH, 8. A long stride. NorHL

Lainb, (1) V. (A.'S.) To oonceaL

(2) 8. Concealment.

(3) pret. t. pL of layt.

Lainbb, a. {J.'N.) A thong, ok


Of other mennys lethyr men nakyt

large teyiwryf. Pn94ri,MS.Utketmt,

Lair, (1) a. Soil ; land ; dirt.

(2) 8. The haunt or resting place

of a beast, wild or tame.

(3) V. To fall; to lie down.


Laird, (1) a. A lord. North,

(2) a^. Learned. For Lered,

Lairb, 9. To wade through mira.


Lairie, 8. An aery of hawka.

Lairlt, aty. Idle. Cumb.

Laistowb. See Lap^taU.

Laitgh, 9. To loiter ; to laugh and





titter. Lttitehety, idle, care-

less. Var. d.

Laitk, v. To search for. North.

Laith, (1) adj. Loathly.

(2) V, To invite. York$h.

Lakb, (1) «. (.^..5.) A fault

(2) «. A sort of fine linen, of

which shirts were made.

(3) r. {A.~S.) To pUy.

(4) «. A player, or actor. North.

(5) 9. To like.

(6) 9. An open part of the river,

or the waters in the fen, when a

hard frost sets in, in a drowned

year, to which the wild fowl re-

sort for food.

(7) 9. A small rivulet. Devon.

(8) V. To lap up. Lane.

h) V. To pour gently. North.

(10) V. To be costive. North.

liAKK-wAKs, 9. The watchiDg of a

corpse. See Liehe.

Lakin, 9. (1) A colloquial con-

traction of ladykm, which Ib a

diminutive of lady. Our lakin,

our lady.

By our lakin, tyr, not by my will.

SkelUnCt Magtujieenci.

(2) A plaything; a toy.

Lakkb, {A.-S.) (1) tr. To blame, or


(2) f . A fault.

(3) 9. To catch, or obtain.

(4) V. To lack ; to be wanting.

IjAL, f . A spoilt child. Ea9t.

Laldrum, 9. A simpleton. Eaet.

Lall, (1) adj. Little. North.

(2) V. To loiter. Notf.

Laulop, V. To beat.

uAXLOPS, 9. A slattern. North.

FxAM, V. To beat.

UAMBACK, 1 Y ^^ ^^1


While the men are faine to beare off

with earet, hand, and shoulders. Happy

maj they call that daie whereon they

are not lamieaked before uiiclit.

DUcov. of New JtorU, p. 116.

Fbrst, with thia hand wound thus abont


Aud with thia dagger InsUlie UtnAaekt,

I would, y-faith.

Death of Sob. E. of Hunt., sign. K 1.

Lam BAST, V. To beat. 09eW9 Rob.

Lamb-hoo, 9. A lamb before shear-

ing. North.

Lam BiK, 9. An alembic.

Lamblack, v. To black shoes.

You that newly come from Uaailacking

the judges shoes, and nre not tit to wipe

mine. Wyclurleg, Plain^aler, 1677.

Lamboys, 9. The drapery which

came from below the tasses over

the thighs in ancient armour.

Lambren, 9. pL Lambs.

Lambskin, 9. A glutinous sub-

stance found in vinegar. lAnc.

Lambskine, f. A blow.

Lambskinkt, ^9.(Fr.Lan9quenet.)

LAMMBL, J The name of a

game at cards. Shrop9h.

Lamb*s.leo, 9. Nasal dirt. Var. d.

Lamb's-(iuarter8,«. White goose-


Lamb's - TONOUB, «. Rib -grass.


Lamb-svcklinos, 9. The flowers

of bird's-foot clover. North.

Lamb's-wool, 9. A liquor, com-

posed of ale and roasted apples.

The jralpe of the rosted apples, in num-

ber foure or five, according to the grcat-

nesse of the apples (especiHlly the pome-

water), mixeif in a wine quiirt ot faire

water, laboured together uutiil it eoine

to be as apples and ale. which we rail

lambet-vooif. Johnson's Gerard, p. 14C0.

A enpp of lambs-U)ool they dntnke unto

him then. The King and the Miller, Percy.

Lay a crab in the fire to rost for lamhswool.

Old mve's Tule, by 0. Peele.

Lamb's-wool^sky, 9. >^liite orbi-

cular masses of cloud. Devon.

Lambtob, 9. The bird's-foot trefoil.


Lame, (1) ». {A.-S.) Loam ; mud.

(2) adv. Often. See Lome.

Lamex, 9. An amulet.

Lambtkk, 8. A lame man. North.

Lamiger,«. A cripple. West.

La MINGS, s. The pariingi of coal





Staff, The fourth parting in the

body of the coal is called the


Lah-lakens, 9, Arum macvlatum,

Lamm, (1) «. A plate of metal.

(2) 9. To catch eels. Suff.

Lamming, adj. Huge.

Lammock, (1 ) V, To slouch. Var, d.

(2) «. A large quantity. Norf.

Lamp, (1) o. To shine.

A checrliness did with her hopes arise

That lamipei cleerer than it did before.

DcMiel, Civ. WarSt viii, 61.

(2) f. A cradle of fire used in

a coal-pit to make a draught of

Lampass, f. A disorder incident

to horses and cattle.

Ha9a ie bettias, the lampai, a disease in

tbe mouth of beasts, when such long

barbies grow in their mouthes, that they

cannot well feed. Miiuh., Span. Did.

Lampat, 9. To beat.

Lampbr-bel,«. The lamprey. East.

Lamploo, a. A boy's game.

Lampobs,*. {Dutch,) A sort of thin


Lamp&on, 9. The sea lamprey.

LAUFSEDf part. p. Lamed. Wett.

Lampus, «. A stupid fellow.

Lam's-orass, «. Early grass. West.

Lanart, f. {Lat.) A wool ware-


Lancb, 9. To rouse or start up ;

to shoot at.

Lancboayb, 8. (A..N.) A sort of

spear, prohibited by the statute

of 7 Rich. n.

Lancbrnight, «. (Fr. lasguenet.)

A foot-soldier.

Lancblet, f. A lancet.

Lancbpbsado, If. An officer

LANCEPRisADO, / under a corpo-

ral ; the lowest officer of foot.

Lancbr, f. A lancet.

And cut themselves, after their manner,

with knires and lancers.

1 Kings, xviii, 528, old edit

Land, «. The ground between tbe

furrows in a ploughed field.


Land-cres8| 9. Winter-cresB.


Land-daw, 9. A crow. Northampf.

Land-drarb, 9. The land-raiL


Landed, adj. Covered with diit.


Lander, f. A man who attencis at

the mouth of a shaft to receive

the kibble, &c

Landbrer, 9. One who washes


Landern, 9. A grate. NortlL

Landfbathbr, 9. A bay of the sea.

Landlbapers, 1 9. Persons who

LANDLOUPERS, V fly their country

londlepbrs, J to avoid the law.

Whether the gorernors of the c

wealth have suffered palmntera, for>

tune-tellers, stage- players, saweo-baxes.

enterluders, puppit players, loytercrs,

vagabonds, tandlfapers, and each like

cozening niake-sfaitu, to practise their

cogging tricks and roeish trades witUa

the circnite of his anthoritie. and to de-

ceive the simple people with their vile

forgerie and palterie.

Newton, TryaU <^a, Man*s owne Sd/m, 1692.

Land-lung, 9, The ash-odoored

ground liver-wort, Suff.

Landmalb, 9. A reserved reot,

charged upon a piece of land by

the chief lord of the fee, or a

subsequent mesne owner.

Land-mend, 9. To level ground afler

wheat has been sown. Glouc^

Landscrap,«. Alandscape. Skarle^^

Land-share, 9. The headland in

a field. Devon.

LANDSBUT,f. Aland-flood. Her^,

Landskip, f. A landscape.

Landstrakb, 9. The iron which

is fixed on the side of the head

of the plough. Ea9t.

Land- WHIN, 9. Rest-harrow. £s»#.

Land-tards, 9. Two staves or

18 ft. make a land.yard, and 160

land-yards an acre. CknrmD.

Lane, 9. A piece of iron at the end

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of the beam of a plough to which

the hones are fastened. Line,

Lansing, «. Concealment. Norik.

Lang, (1) adj. Long. North,

(2) V, To belong.

Lanoan, If. The socket of a spade.


Lang A B, a. The lash of a whip.

Lang-avizbd, adj. Long-faced.


Langdebbv, 8. (A,'N,) Bugloss.

Langkb, v. To long for. Devon,

Langblb, (1) 9. To bind together.

Pr. P,

(2) a. A blanket. Finehak Ch,

(3)9. To hopple ahorse. North,

' Langbt, f. (1) A strap or thong.

(2) A strip of ground. West,

(3) A chain to bind horse's feet.

LangholdSi 8. Spaniels upon the

feet of horses fastened with a

horse-lock to keep them from

leaping wrong. North,

Langlb, V, To saanter slowly. E<ut,

Lano-loanino-cake, 8, A cake

made for schoolboys in the vaca-

tion. North,

Langlt, adv, (A,-S,) A long while.

Lanooon, 8. A sort of wine.

Wby all the ipirit they have ii inAued

with pottage, langoone, and lobsten.

Durfey, Fool tum'd Criiick.

Lanoot, 8, The strap of a shoe.

Lakgoubb, (1) V. (A,'N) To


(2) a. (^.-iSr.) Faintness.

Langrbl, adj. Lanky. Line,

LANORBT8,f. False dice, loaded so

as to come up quattr or tray

oftener than the other numbers.

Lanosomb, adg. Tedious.

Lanotob, 8.

Shee added, withall, the report of her

better fortunes ; how shee had a swifter

and more profitable mutation of her ale

in former time, how tliat llrst her ale

was ale, and then it was Umgtoe, and

then it was ale tigaine.

Bowleg, ^arckfor Money, 1609.

Languish, a. The state of langulsb-

ing. Shaknp* .

Lanovagbb, 8, A linguist.

Languishing, adj. Coquettish.

Langwobt, a. White hellebore.

Lanibr, a. (A.-N.) A thong.

Lank, a. The groin. Devon,

Lankt, adj. Very tall. Var. d,

Lannbr, 1 a. (A,-N.) A species

Xann ARD, j of hawk. The Imtnier

is the male, and the lanneret the


LANNocK,a. Aslip of land. Wilts,

Lansblb, a. {A.'N.) Nibwort.

Lanskbt, a.

I peep'd in

At a loose lanstet.

B.i-Fl., Timer Tamed, a, $.

Lant, (1) a. (A.'S,) Urine.

(2)9. To beggar. Yorkah.

V."!^*' ^« I a. Three-card loo.

lanterloo, J

Lantbrbd, part. p. Hazarded.


Lantbrn, a. A lectern, or reading


Lantbrn-vish, a. The smooth sole.


LANTBRN-Purv,a. Ahurry. Warw,

Lantbrn-staff, a. A logger tied

to a horse's foot. Bed/.

Lantern-swash, a. Consterna-


Lanthorn-jawbd, adj. Thin-


Lantift, V. To moisten with lant ?

A goodly peece of pnff pac't [paste],

A little Umlifted, to hold the plding.

J. WiUon^t Incomst. Lady, Act ii. So. 9.

Lantorn, adv. (Fr. ioiniain,) At

a distance. North.

Lantrbb, 8. The bar of a plough

or harrowi to which the tracea

are attached. Herrf.

Lantbl, 8. A horse-hopple. Yorksh,

Lap, (1) V. To wrap up.

(2) a. A covering.

(3) a. (A.'S.) The skirt or lappet

of a garment.

{4)pret.t. Leaped. North.

(5) a. Some part of the interior

of a ship.

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An old cant term for ^or-

Here's pannnm, and lap, and f

of yarrum. Jovial Crew, 0

ood poplars

PI., X. 867.

(7) 9. Small beer. Norf,

(8) 9. To flog. Somerset.

Lapardi «. Pudendum f. Devon.

Lapassarella, «. An old dance.

Lap-bandbr, 9, A close bond.


Lap-cloth, 9. An apron.

Lape, (1) V. To paddle in the mud ;

to go slovenly. North.

(2) 9. A large skip used in a

farm vard for carrying chaff, &c.


(3) V. To lap.

Lapisb, v. To open in the string.

Said of hounds.

Laplove, 9. The corn convolvolus.


Lappior, 9. A dancer. Comw.

Lapse. Left in the ttg^scy deserted,


Lap-stons, f. The stone on which

a shoemaker beats his leather.

Laquear, 9. {Lot.) A ceiling.

Lara, 9. A round piece of wood

turned by the turners. Devon,

Lard, 9. (Fr.) To baste meat.


Larder, 9, (A.'N.) Noise ; railing.

Larb, 9. {A.'S.) (I) Learning;

doctrine. Lare-father, a school-

master, a teacher.

(2) {A.'S.) A rate or tax.

(3) A bog. North.

Larbabell, f. The sun-flower.


Large. (1) Lar^e and long, cha-

racters in old music. One large

contained two longs; one long

two breves.

(2) {A.-N.) Spacious; liberal.

Largely, fully, Largeneee, libe-


Largess, *. (1) A bounty.

(2) A gift to reapers in harrest

time. E99ex.

Lariot, 9. The witwal. Florio.

Lark, «. A mad prank.

Lark-hebl, (1) adj. Long-heeled.

Line. Thin-ankled. Northampt.

(2) 9. Larkspur.

Larks-leers, 9. Arable land not

in use ; poor land. Var. d.

Larmy, adj. Sorrowful. Somerset »

Larone, 9. (A.-N.) A thief.

Larrick, adj. Careless. Yorkeh.

Larrup, v. To beat. Var. d.

Larry, 9. A scolding. Weet.

Lart, (1) a. A wooden floor.

Lartin-nail9, nails used for floor

laths. Somere.

(2) part. p. Taught. Yorkeh.

Lary, adj. Empty. Var. d.

Las, 9. {A.-N.) A lace ; a snare.

Las-chargeable! Be quiet! fFett.

Lase, adj. Less.

LASH,(l)a^'. Extravagant. Laek-

ing^ lavish. The latter word is

still used in the North to aignifj

a great quantity.

(2) adj. Slack; dull.

(3) 9. A cord.

To beat. North,

f. Soft ; insipid. East.

To comb the hair. Laek-

a wide-toothed comb.

To rush.

Young grass, especially in

a wet season.

Lash-ego, 9. A soft-ahelled ece.


Lasher, 9. A wear. Far. d.

Lash-horsb, a. The second horse

in a team.

Lashigillavkrt, a. Superfluity.


Lask, 1

lash, Va. Diarrhoea.


Laskb, v. To shorten ; to cot short.

Lasket, 9. A lacet.

Lass, a4;. Lazy. Wight.

Lasse, v. {A.'S.) To decrease ; to



(5) aa




(8) a.

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Labs-lorn, adj. Deserted by his


Last, (1) *. A measure.

(2) 9, A court in the Kentish

marshes for levying rates to pre-

serre the marshes

(3) V. To extend. North

(4) f. The groin. Suj^.

Lastaitriatb, 9. Futnere. I/ryvA.


Lastaos,«. Ballast.

Lastenest, a4j. Most lasting.

Lasteb, 9. The coming-in of the


Lastrbl, 9. A species of hawk.

Lasts, 9. The perineum. Suff,

Lastt, a^. Lasting. North,

Lat, (1) «. (i^.-5.) A lath.

(2) V. To hinder. See Let, Lot-

and, letting.

~ Slow; tedious. We9t

Fashion, or manner.

Wet ; unseasonable.


(6) prei. t, of lead.

Lat-brod, 9, A lath-nail.

Latch, (1) v. {J.'S, Ueecan,) To


(2^ V. To inTite $ to entreat.

(3) V. To support ; to hold.

(A) V, To tarry, or loiter.

(5) 9. A cross-bow.

?6) V. To light, or fall. Var. d.

(7) «. To measure a mine for the

ascertaining how much of it has

been used. North.

(8) *. Fancy; wish. Somer9.

Latch-pam, 9. The dripping-pan.


Late, (1) t. Countenance; be-


(2) 9, {J,^.) An evil, or injury.

(3) V, To belate. Shakeep.

Latb-math, 9. The latter math*

Latere, 9. To delay.

I/ATB80MB,a4^'. (l)Loathful.Xa#«^,


(2) Ute; backward.

(3) Tiresome; tedious.

Lath, (1) v. To set down. Imc.

(2) part, p. Bent down.

Lathe, (1) a. A division of a

county, containing three or more


(2) adj. Hateful.

(3)*. In


Injury ; harm.

(4^«. A barn, or granary. Var.d.

(5) «. A weed. Somere,

(6) V. To invite. Che9h. lath-

infff an invitation.

(7)f. Rest; ease. North.

Lather, (1) f. A ladder.

(2)«. Part of a mill.

{Z)adv. Rather. We9t.

Latht, adj. ( 1) Thin as a lath.

(2) Strong. Heref,

Latin, t. (jt.-N.) A language in


Latitat, 9. A noise ; a scolding.


Lattaoe, a. Impediment. Weet.

Latten, 9, (A.'N. UUtofL) (1) A

mixed metal, resembling brass.

The haalMy not, at now, with UUten bound.

And mal with the trumpet for hit lound.

B«n Jwi., TnuuL tfBor.

(2) The word is now used in

some localities for plate tin.

Latter, v. To idle about. North.

Lattice, a. (1) An old name for

an ale-house or inn, which had

generally a lattice window.

(2) Plate tin. Cormo.

Lattino, fl*'. Backward; late.


Lau, 9. (J,'S,) A flame.

Lauchaids, 9. Terraces on the

sides of hills. Devon,

Laudation, a. (Lat.) Praise.

Laude, *. Praise.

Lauoh-and-lie-dowk, 9, An old

game at cards, still used in some


LAVQBUjpart.p. Taken.

Lauoht, (1) pret. t, mdpart. p, of

lacche. Caught; took.

(2) a. A loft. Dev. '

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UvK, V. (1) To beat Nftrth.

(2) To weed.

liAUiff, V, To twoon. SofMn.

Launch, «. The sand-eel. Weit.

Launcklbt, 9, (J.'N.) Ribwort.

Launch, ( 1) v. To plant in trenches

likecdeiy. Weit.

<2) tf. To groan. fFtfre.

(3) «. A trap for eeU, &e.

Launcbb, «. (1) To stride; to


(2) To throw.

Laundb, 9. {A,»N,) A plain; an

open place in a wood ; a park, or

Laundbr, (l) 9. (fV. favomlicr.)

A washer.

(2) V. To wash.

Oft* did ihB hesM ternipkin to her eyne.

Which on it bad ooa—iTwl cfameten,

I«MMbtM tho lilken figiirM in the brine.


(3) a. A gutter, or channel for


Launqb, 9. Tb lomige.

Lauf, 9. To leap. YorHh.

LAumBAT,«{f. {Lot,) CrowiiedwHh


Lavrxolb, t. {A,'N,) The spnige-


Laurbk, 9, [4,'N^ LaoreL

Laus, mig, (J^S.) Loose.

Latandrb, f . (J.*ff,) A Immdresv.

Lav ANT, 1 a. A land-spring on the

LBVANTfj downs. Ammt.

Lavast, a. Unindosed atnbble.


Layatrt, a. (Lai.} A wnfaing-


Layb, (IX«. To lade or Arvw water.

(2) 9. To pour oat.

(3) 9, Towash*

(4) 9. To flap down.

(5) 9. Tb gutter, as a curdle.


(6) f. The remainder. NbrfIL

Lavk-babsd, tuff. Long, orflapK

Hie tan lanf Imnng like n nw-hiR'd

•wine. Ik., IT, 1, p. »$.

Latebr, 9. {Fr. knatier.) To work

a ship against the wind.

Bow oMie *tii when «ImUu| profw kzod.

With ftill spread eaili, to run before the


But thoee that 'gainst etiir galea Umer

Mnat be'at onee reiolT*d and ahiUU too.

Dryieii*» Jslrw Jtedus, 1688.

Lavbl, f . The flap over the top of

the windpipe.

Lavbnobb. 7b fajr m AmeiMifr, to

pawn. An old popular phrase.

Lavxndbt, f. (A,-N.) Washing.

Laybb, 1 f. (A, If.) A trough

LAVOUB, J or basin to wash in.

Latxr, (1) a. a preparation of a

kind of sea^weed for food.

r2^ f. The remainder. North.

(3) a^r*. Hanging* allied to the



Speak te tepnneh of nature^ woitnan-

■hip. Mantofi, &UL n p. 159.

Laybrd, t. {A.*S.) LonL

Latbrook, a. (il-A:) The lark.

Lavi»b, iMJF. BiMikr applied to

herbage. fTetf.

LAVO&TA,a;(//«t) Aaortofwihz,

fomerlj unch ha feshfsn, in

which the gaodenMui turned the

lady round sevcnd times, end

then assisted bar in msking a

high jump*

Lavour. Se&Lmtr.

Latt, adj. Latish. NdrtiL

Law, (I) adj» Low. Norths

(2) a. Toung plaate, ae white*

thorn, crab, briar, &c. ; alao eaHed

Zoysr. Noifi

Laws, (1) 9. To cut out the balls


A. Um-mr'd aaie with (sdldmavtnppedbe.


(3) a{^ Reu^ ; brum. Wmt

(2)«. To laugh.

w< : " . '

(4) 9. To gO'to^law. Xmba.

Lawsd. deeZtfwedL

Lawghe, adj. Low.

Lawlbsb, ttif. Net sofajeel to or

recognised bf kiw. At Bxeter

tHe 29th ef llaf wae ealled Awk





les§ day, and wts passed in a

turbolent manner under the tm-

pression that nich condnet was

not punishable on that day.

Formerly, on the election of the

new bailiff at Kidderminster, the

hour immediately following was

spent in the same manner, and

was termed lawUit hour, A

kswlesf'tnan was an old term for

an outUw.

Lawmoxb, «. The sliding iron in

the fore part of a plough.

Lawk eai.u, «. A blanket. Pr, P.

Lawribn, 9. A sort of oil, used

to anoint the ears of deaf people,

Lawson-btb, «. Low Sunday Efe.

Lawtbr, 9. The number of eggs

laid by a fowl before incubsition.

Lawss, 0. (i^.-S*.) To laugh.

Lax, #. (1) An old name for the


(2) A part. Sonunet.

Lay, (1) adj, Unleaneil.

Law ; religions faith.


A low, or flame. NortM,

(b) 9. A wager.

(6) V. To re.steel the edge of a tool.

(7) 9, To deliver a womam

(8) V. To beat Somenet

(9) 9. Profit, or price; a job.

One person informs another IM

has sold his horse, when he is

commonly ask'd, ** What sort of

a AqF did yoa nnke of Mm?''


(10) 9. A bank. We9t

( 11)a. Summer pasturage. JVbfM.

(12) #. A very larg« pond. Nmf,

(19) V. To iotend; to piofide}

to contrive ; to stndy. Jissl.

il4) a. A poer-rate. lAite.

15) To lay an load^ to atriktf

iriolently and repeatedly.

tkb graater ttroket^ the fleresr wss the

mniter'iftvleneight: ,

8o that the Oraekes nod Trofms all lais-

doubt their dreadleeie kaight t


(4) a.

To lay down, to sow with gnu.

To lay an ear, to listen. To lay

to one'9 hand, to help. T& lay

in one*9 dUh, or to lay in one^t

light, to object a thing to a person.

tAit night jf<m lay i/, madiini, in our iiiXt

How tbat a maid of oon (whom we mutt


Had broke your bitches leg.

Sir John Barr., Bfigr., 1, 27.

What tho* flearce Fharao wrought myichef

in thy syght.

He was a pagan, Uy not tkat in onr lyykL

God's Promiu$,0.?lyU91'

LAT-aAND, a. A small roller. fFat,

Latbn, a. A layer. South.

Latbr, 9. (1) A field of clover or


(2) Young whitethorn. Bait.

(3) A slice firott the breast ef

a fowl. Craten.

(4) Cows' ordure. North,

L AY Ktihr, adv. Idle ; rascally. ^ortA.

LATsna, «< Pieces of wood uaed in

splasliing a hedge. Weot.

Latiet, Sif. EaHhly. See Lttir.

For it ee heghe, and alle that it dueUis

in it Ijftee abowie fajMry luttes and

vilecoivajtea. MS. UncoUrl&ih otnt,

LATsa, a. Loose women; from LaU,

the Grecian courtesan,

las how dMy omii the sight of hesiatie


la Englaiid, atthispresent ^leipall day?

All void of veUea, like Layes, where ladies

Aud lime aboat at mary feast cod pky.

They wandring walke in wvj stoeet and

way. Mtrr.May,

Latmian, a. A proatUota.

Aad tiU by inqai^ I eaiw it came firom

greedy novelty, I thought them Xoye-

sImhs; but it eeemM I erred. _

LAr^n*) 9. The laity.

LAr8«B,#. Leisttre.

LAT-sTAifL, $* A taighllL tiee

Latts, a. (^.-5.) Llghtahig.

LATinn, adf. (J.^8.y LoathsMie.

Laythely, loathly.

Lattbm, a. The rest <lf ■ spear.

LAZA»f#. A leper.





Laearous-clappkii, 9. A door-

knocker. HoUyband, 1593.

Lazarus, «. A chine of pork. We»t.

Laze, v. To be lazy.

Lazt, adj. Wicked. North,

Lazt-back, f . An iron rest placed

over the fire to support a frying-

pan, Ac. Northampt,

Latb, 9. To laugh.

Lb, t. A lie, or falsehood.

LzA, «. (1) (J.'S,) A field, or mea-

dow, applied generally to grass-


(2) A scythe. Yorkih.

(3) "

The seventh part of a hank

of worsted. North,

Lba, or La-ttf t. A quantity of yam,

containing eighty yards.

Lb-ach, 9. Hard work. North,

Lbach, (1) 9. The leather thong

attached to the jesses of the


(2) «. A sort of jelly.

To make leack. Make jom jelly for

your letuk with calres-reet, as yon do

your ordinary jelly, but a little stiffer,

and when it is cold take off the top and

bottom, and set it over the fire with

some einamon and eiucar, then take

your tuniaela, being weU steept in sack,

and email it and so strain it in yoar

leaek, and let it boil to such a thick-

Best, that when it is cold yon may

slice it.

A True OmOtwimuCt LeUgkt, 1676.

(3) 9, A common way. Dewm,

Ia) 9. A large pooL Lane.

(5) V. To cut.

Lbachman, 9, A surgeon.

Lbach-trouoh, f. "At the salt

works in Staffordshire, they take

the corned salt from the rest of

the brine with a loot or lute, and

put it into barrows, the which

being set in the leaeh'trouffh9t

the salt drains itself dry, which

draining they call leaeh-brinet

and preserve it to be boiled again

as the best and strongest brine."


Lbad, (1) 9. To cart com.

(2) V, To happen. Devon^

(3) «. A vat. North.

Lbaddbn, 9, A great din. North,

Lbadbr, f. (1) A tendon.

(2) A branch of a vein of ore in

a mine. North,

Lbadbrs, 9. The regular players

at an ordinary, those who aat

down to play at the first. Dei-

ker'9 Lanthome and Candle

Light, 1620.

Lbadb, 9. Battlements.

Lbaf, f. (1) The fat round the

kidneys of a pig.

(2) The flap of a table, or side

of a folding door.

Lbaguer, 9, A camp.

Lbak, (1) v. Mingere. An old


(2) «. A gutter. Durham.

Lbam, (1) «. A collar for bounds.

Leam-hound was an old term

applied to some sort of dog.

(2) V. To teach. North.

Lbaub, (1) V. {J,'S.) To flash, «ir


And when she spake her eyes did Utamt as

fire. Mirr.JbrMag.

(2) 9. A gleam, or flash.

When fierie flakes, and li^tnyng lenut,

Qan flash from out the skies.

KendaWs Poewu, U77.

Lban-to, 9. A penthouse. Ea9t.

1aat,{1)9,{A,'S,) Awheel to catch

fish. Lane.

(2) 9, Half a bushel. Stt99e9P.

(3) 9. Futuere. The Cityt Match,


Lbapbrs, 9, Grey peas. Weet.

Leap-frog, 9, A well-known game.

Lbapino-blocr, 1 9. A horse-

LBAPING-8TOCK, J block. Gltme.

Leaping, 9. A leap. Florio.

Lear, (1) v. To learn. North. See


(2) a^. Empty ; hollow. Var, d,

(3) 9. Pasture for sheep. CAes A.'

(4) V. To scowl. E99ex.

LBAR-auiLLs, 9. VcTy small quills.


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LsA-SAND, 8» The whetting-ttone

for a scythe. North.

Lbasb, (1) f. A pasture; a com-

mon. Far, d, A piece of ground

of two or three acres. Estes.

(2) «. A corbel stone. Glouc.

(3) tr. To glean. Far. d.

Leash, (1) «. A thong or string by

which a dog was led.

(2) V. To unite by a leash.

And at his heels

Lea»h*d in like hounds, should famine,

sword, and Are,

CroQch for employment. Shaiesp.t Hen. V.

(3) V. To lash.

(4) A leath of dogs, or of par-

tridges, was three attached to-


Leasing, (1) part. a. L3ring.

(2) a. An armful of corn.

Lbasow, f. A pasture-ground.


Leastt, adj. Dull ; wet. Eatt.

Leat, (I) 9. An artificial water-

course. Devon,

(2) «. To leak ; to pour. Dorset.

liBATB, (I) adj. Soft; supple. Derb.

(2) f. Ease, or rest. North.

(3) a. Intermission. North.

Leather,*. Skin nottanned. iVbrM.

(2) V. To beat.

Leather-coat, a. The golden rus-


Lbathbrhead, a. A blockhead.


Lbather-humort, 9. Inferior

cheese. North.

Leathering, adj. Huge. Warw.

Leathern-bird, a. A bat. Somer9.

Lbather-stowb, 9. A joint of beef

at the flank, near the ribs. Leie.

Leather- te-patch, a. A sort of

s^p in dancing. Cumb.

Lbathe-wakb, aiff. Flexible ; pli-

able. York9h.

LsAUTfi, 9. (A.'N.) Loyalty.

Leatance, 9. Dough set for fer-

mentation. Glouc.

Lbate-looeer, 9. The inspector

of weigfata and metsoFes is A


Leaybn-kit, a. A vessel for pre^

paring the batter of oat-cakes.


Leatenor, a. A luncheon. Kent.

Leaves, a. Folding doors or shut-


Window tfiyj of tymher be made of

hourdif joyned together with keys of

tree let into them. I have many prety

wyndowes shette with levys Rovnge up

and downe. Hornuauii Yttlgana.

Lea-water, 8. Clear water. Leh.

Lbazb, v. To clean wooL West.

Leazings, a. Lies.

Truths tale is simple : but each simple tale

Is not still true; for Mendax simply speakea.

And yet he makes new lyes and Uasingt

stale. Jkaui, Seourg* <^ Folly, 1611.

Lbbard, a. A leopard.

Leche, <1) a. {A.'S.) A physician

(2) V. To heal. Lechecrqft, the

art of healing.

(3) V. To cut in slices. Hence

such terms in old cookery as

Leehelardye, Lechefryee, Leche-

Lumbarde. Leehee, cakes or


(4) V. To adhere. Line.

(5) a. A deep rut. York9h.

Lechour, a. (J.'N.) One who lives

gluttonously or luxuriously ; one

of the class of persons called

otherwise ribalds or harlots.

Lbck, 9. To pour out. Lecking*

time, rainy weather. Norf.

Lecker-cost, a. Good cheer.

Lecks, a. Droppings. York9h.

Lecter, a. {Lat.) A reader.

LECTORN,a. {Lot.) A reading-deak.

Ledden, 1 a. {A.'S. leden.) Luk^

LBDENE, j guage.

A wondrous bird among the rest ihera


That in plain speech sang lore-lays load

and shriU;

Her Mm was like human lanipiage tree.

Fuitf., Totto, xvi, IS.

The Uddm of the birds most perfectly sha

knew. Draifttm, FolfMb.. zii, p. 906.

d by boogie




Thnmgli whfeli the iiBdentodle will mtxj


That any foole may in hii lr4t» faine ^

And oouUie he answer in his ledtn anin.

Cani. Takt, 10749.

LsDDBRt t. A ladder.

Lbdb, 1

LEODE, It. (1) {A,'S.) People;

Lc DB, I moYeable property ; land.

Thai hyen londi and Ude$

Ke may ther nowt aatonde.

Wat shal oore men be i'pild

Wil tuch Se in londe


Fo^m on tynut of Bd. H.

No asked he lond or Utke,

Bot that maiden brigtit.

Sit TfiUrfiik, slviiL

Thys tydynges had bothe grete and smalle.

For layrer fniyt was nevyr in ledi,

Thorow hys myjt that boglit ns alle,

Very God in Mrmc of brede.

Cambr. MS., ISth eent

(2) A man.

Lbdek. See lAther,

XiEOOE, (1) V. To Uy hands oo ; to

beat. Somerset,

<2) r. To lay eggs. North.

(3) t. The bars of a gate. Line.

Ledobd^I a. The tool used by

LEG ED, Vthatcbers for driving or

LBOUET J cleaning reed, Norf»

JjEDOiNG, adj. Positive. Zetc.

LBDB.ON, a. {A.-N.) A leper; a


Lbd-will, adj. Led away by folse

lighU. Ea9t.

Lee, s, (1) (A.'N.) Joy ; pleasure.

(2) The sid« opposite to th0

wind; shelter.

(3) Urine.

(4) Lyeofasbes.

Alio. North.

Leech, t. (1) A vessel bored with

holes at the bottom for making

lye. £a9t.

(2) The cuticle of mutton or beef

which remains on the back and

loins after it has bean skinned.


liBED-BOWLt, a. liilk-leads. Yorkt.

Lbef, Miv. WUUngly. Seei<^.

LEBFAKOE,t. A sort of cordage.

Lbefekibs. t. An article of dresa.

Besides all this, their shadows. th<4r

spots, thev Iam*nes. their kefekiei, their

rafTes, their rings, shew tkeoi rather

cardinals' curtisans Uian modest ma-

trons. Bupk. to Fkilauius. N 1. h.

Lbbfeken, «. A term of endear*

ment. See Lrfe.

Lbbfest, aey. Dearest.

Leeftail, 9. Quick sale. Cumi.

Lb-boo, v. To waddle. Somermi.

Leblly, 1 adv. Loyally ; Csith-

LELLT, J fully.

Lbem ,0. {A.'S.) To shell or drop oat

of tiie husk. Leemertt ripe nuts.

Lbbicbb, a4f. Anxious; miserly.


Lebnbr, «. Oae who lends. See


Leeny, adj. Alert ; active.

Leer, (1) '. Complexion; oolonr.

(2) t. The cheek.

(3) adj. Empty.

Bnt at the first enconuter dowae he laj.

The horse runs Irere away wiihout the nan.

Harrinift., Jriotto, xxxv, M.

(4) t. The flank or loin. Somtrar

(5) a. Leather. North.

(6) 9. To sneak away. North.

Lbbbb, a. Tape. Kent.

Leerino, j9ar/. a. Sneaking. JVer/A-


Lbbrspoole, a. A reed.

Lees, a. {A.^N.) A leash for dftgt.

Lebsb, v. To lose.

therefore that eredit lie not Utat,

How ever Clab and Spade agrees^

In colour blacke, and I all red.

MMriMds, K»M€ tfR^Ha, lOl.

Lebsh, adj. Active Northmmh.

Lbet, (1) tf. A meeting of cross*

roads. South.

(2) V. To happen. North.

(3) V. To feign. yor*t*.

Lebyen, /?r«t. /.p/. Theybeliere*

Lef, tf. (1) A dear one; a love.

(2) A leaf.

Lbfb, (1) adj. {A.-S.) Agreeable;

pleasing: dear.

(2) V. (A.-S.) To believe.





(3) V. To leave.

LsPM ON, t. A lemmaa, or lover.

LBF-siLVBB,t. A compoiiiion paid

in money by the tenants in the

w«aJ4i of Kent to their lord for

leave to plough and tow in time

of pannage. Kermett.

LsnoMB,«($. Lovely.

Lbft, (1) pr^t. t Remained.

(2) Oper ih€ lift Mkoulder, oon-


What beacflt a Tonlth lacoeswr «an

reap from lives taa fortniie* spent in

defence of the Protettut relij:ion, he

may pat in hit eye . and what the Pro-

testant religion seta by liret and for-

tnaea spent in the aervice of a Popish

aocceasor, will be over ike left skouldtr.

Julian the Jp<aUUe, 1682.

LsruL, adj. Lawful.

Lbo, (1) v. To walk nimbly.

(2) To make m leg, to make a

oeremonioiii bow.

Keeps ns from llKhts,

Makes ns not laugh when we make leg* to


BeaumnWi Lett to Joiuoh, B. /■ Fl., x, 865.

Or wiaiing low legs to a nobleman.

Or looking downward with your eye lids

ckMC. JBdward H, 0. PI., u, Ui.

To §i9t leg Ml, to fly from

jnatice. To put the best leg fore-

most, to act energetically. He

has broken hit leg, he has had a

child sworn to him.

(3) t. The last player or comer.


(4) e, A long narrow meadow,

usnally on the side of a brook.

'LsoBANS, t. (A.-N.) Licence. .

Lbgb, s, a league, or treaty.

IiBOKM PONE. An old popular term

for ready money.

Use legem pome to pay at thy day.

Bat use not Oremua for often delay.


But in this, here is nothing to bee

abated, all their speeeh is legem potu,

or dse with their ill costome they will


e. Muuhnly Besaget in Pruon.

l4ias8TBB, «. A lawyer.

Lkmb, «. (1) (J^S,) To lay; te

lav a wiger.

(2) (J.'N.) To ease.

Leggerbn, 9. A layer. North,

Lboobt, t. See Ledged.

Lbooinos, t. A sort of balf.gaiters,

reaching from the ankle to the

knee, worn with a sort of half-

boot called a high-loe or low.

Var. d.

Leghb, e. To lie.

LsGiSTmB, 8, (A.'N,) One skilled

in the law.

LBG-miNG8, «. Fetters.

LEG-TBAPBa, a. A aloven. Smiwrs.

Leif, adv. As soon; willingly;

rather. "JUleif."

Lbigbr, I 8. A resident or am-

lbidgbr, Lbassador at a foreign

ledger, J court, or a person sta-

tioned to wait on the aervice oi


Lbik, 8, Body. Haveiok,

LEiiiEm, a. (^A.'N.) Leisure.

Lbish, adj. Stout ; alert. North,

Leister, t. A prong or trident

used in spearing salmon. North.

Lbitb, t. {A.-8,) Lightning.

Lbiths, 8. Joints in coal. Staff.

Lbitb, a. Tracks; footsteps. North.

LKKii,{\)part.p,{A,'S.) Taken;


(2) 9. To lock; to fasten.

(3) a. A leek. Not worth a leke,

a common expression in early


The beste aoog thai erer was nate

Yi not worth a Ukjfs Hade,

But men wol tende ther-tille.

Legend oflUk cnU., MS.Harl, SMI.

(4) V. To grin. Line.

Lblano, a. A cow pasture. Wieet.

Lble, adj. (A.'N.) Loyal; true.

Lelelg, leUy, or lely, faUhfuUy.

Lblbv, r. {A.'N.) To sanction.

Leme, (1) t. (^..&) BrigbtMSs;


(2) «. To shine.

(3) 8. A Umb.

Lbmfbo, a. A dried fig. WUte.

d by boogie




LimcAN, t. (J,'S.) A loTeTi or

gallant ; a mistress.

Lemon -TREE, t. The verbena.


Lbm YER, V, To glimmer ; to shine.

Lbn, v. {A.'S. lanan.) To lend.

Lenard, t. The linnet. PaUgr,

Lence, t. A loan. Dortet,

Lench, 9. To stoop in walking.


Lenchbon, «. A shelf in the shaft

of a mine.

Lbndr, (1) v. (J.'S,) To dwell; to


(2) *. (^.-5.) The loin.

(3)9. To land.

(4) part p. Given.

Lendy, adj. Pliable. Dev.

Lene, v. (1) (A.'S.) To give

(2) To lend.

Lenob, «. (if. -5.) To dwell; to


Lenobre, adv. Longer.

Lenothe, v. To prolong.

London rqojce, and giro thy Qod the


Por her whose highnes l^n^tht thy happy

days. PeeWt Pagutnt^ 1686.

Lekkbthb, «. Length.

Lennock, adj. Slender ; pliable.


Lent, (1) t. A loan. Somen.

(2) part. p. Remained.

Lbnt-crocbino, t. A custom in

the West of England at Shrove-

tide, when the boys go round in

the evening to pelt people's doors

with pieces of crockery.

Lbntbo, part, p. Glanced off;

stopped. Lane.

Lenten, (1) adj. Niggardly, in-

sufficient ; like the fare of old

times in Lent.

To think, my brd, if yoa delight not in

man, what UnUn eatertamment the

players shall receive.

ShaJmp,, HtmUt, n, 2.

Poor JoliB, and halfaliTeiy, to read moral


Jhdi^i Mutrf$$, iy SkirUy.

(2)t. A linden tree.

Lent-evil, t. The ague.

Lent-grain, *. The spring cropfc


Lbntiginous, t. (Lat.) Scarff*

Lbntinbr, «. A hawk taken in


Lbnt-rosb, 1 t. The diffodiL


Leode, 8. {A.'S.) People.

Lepandb, part. a. Leaping.

Lbpb, t. (1) A large basket.

(2) A story, or lie.

Lbpi, adj. Single. See AnUpL

Lbppis, «./»/. Leaps; jumps.

Leprbhoob, t. The state of le-


Leprosy, t. The hut venerea.


Lbrarb, t. A learner. Pr. P.

Lerch, v. To trick. North,

Lerb, (1) V. {A.-S.) To teach ; to


(2) s. Learning.

(3) t. {A.'S.) Countenance;

complexion. See Leer.

Wer schalt tha fvnde

Redder men on Uns,

Fayrer m«u other fatter,

Than monkes, cba&oims, other tec;


Potm m Ung Bi. H.

(4) 9. Shame.

Lbrbnbss, t. Emptiness. SeelMr.

Lbrbp, v. To trail; to limp. Smdk,

Lerrick, v. To beat. Devon.

Lbrry, t. Learning ; a lesson.

hit^ipret.t. Lost.

Lesb, (1)9. (^.-&) To gather; to


(2) V. To glean.

(3) V. To pick stonea from the

surface of the fielda.

(4) V. To release.

(5) V. To lose.

(6) *. {A.'S.) A lie.

(7) 9. A leash.

Lbsbvb, v. {A.'S.) To pasture.

Lesino, t. {A.'S.) A falsehood.

See i^aztnff.

Lbsk, t. (1) The groin, or flank.

d by boogie




(2> Podendnm f. Line,

(3) The perinKom. Sv^f. See


Lbsnessb, «. ForgiTeneas ; remis-


LusE,9. To lessen.

LB88BS, It. The dung of wild

LB8SBL» J beasts.

Lbssest, adj. Least of all. Tor. J.

Lessil, t. A wanton woman. Cumb,

Lesson, v. To teach. Var, if.

Lbssow, 9. To feed, or pasture.

Gentlj his fair flocks Ustov'd he along,

Through the frim pastures, freely at hit

leitore. Drmjfton's Motn, p. 1676.

Lest, t. (A.-S,) Inclination ; plea-


Lbstal, (l)t. A mire; a jakes.


(2) adj. Saleable. North.

Lbstb, 9. To please.

Lbsur, s. a leasow.

Let, (1) V. (J.'S. lettan.) To hin-


What lets QS then the great Jemsalem

With valiant squadrons round about to

hem. Fttiffax^ TtMoX^-

Why la you» who lets you now ?

Tou may write quietly.

A Mad World, 0. PL. ▼, 394.

(2) J. A hindrance, or impedi-


He was detained with an unlookt for let.

SarrtMgtcn's Ariosto, 1. 14.

(3) V. To counterfeit ; to pretend.


(4) part. p. Leased off. Line.

(5) V. To leave ; to omit.

Letch, «. (1) Desire; passion.


f2) A wet ditch or gutter. North.

3) A vessel for making lye. Eoit.

(4) A foppish fancy. Line.

Lbt-down, adj. Astonishing.

I withdrew a little with this gentleman,

and have shew'd him such a jennet of

mine the best of your sex might borrow

thight on, *tis snch a let-down creature.

Howitrd, Man of Newmarket, 1678.

IiETE, (1) «. To leave, or dismiss.

(2) V. (J.'S.) To account, or


(3) t>. To be almost starred.


(A) part. p. Left.

Letblobtb, 9. A dish in cookery.

Letelorye. Take ayren, and wryng hem

thurgh a stynnor, and do thereto cowe

my Ike. with butter, and saf^on, and salt,

and seeth it veL Leshe it And loke

flmt it be stonding i and serve it forth.

Forme of Cmry,f.n.

Letewaete, «. An electuary.

Letoamb, a. A hinderer of plea-


Leth, 9. Comfort. (?)

Lethal, adj. {Gr.) Deadly.

Armed with no lelhall swoorde or deadly*

launce. Palace qf Pleasure, voL ii. A a 7.

Lethe, (1)*.(GV.) Death.

(2) adj. Lithe ; supple; pliant.

Lethbr, (1) adj. Wicked. Lether^

and, Reliq. Jntiq., i, 82. See


(2) *. The skin.

Letht, a4f. (1) Hateful.

(2) Dirty. Cumb.

(3) Weak ; supple.

Letipication. *. (Lot.) Rejoicing.

Lbtift, v. To make glad.

And at the dawning of the day.

To letifv our minde.

He doth tlie lyke, and biddeth us.

Good-morrow in his kiitde.

The forest of Fancies.

Lbt-in, 9. (1) To Strike. South,

(2) To deceive. Nor/.

Lettase, 9. A lattice. Florio.

Letter, (1) 9. Leather. Leland.

(2) 9. To enter in a ledger.


Lettered, adj. Instructed in let-

ters; learned.

Letts RON, t. The lectern or read-

ing stand in churches.

LETTERB-OF-lfART, 9. The Old

name for letters of marque.

Lettice, 9. A sort of grey fur.

Lettowe, t. Lithuania.

Lettrure, 9. {A.-N.) I^aniing.




LcuF, «. The palm «f tke hand.


LxvGH, pret. t. Laughed.

Leutbrer, 9. A vagabond ; a thief.

Leuth. 8. Shelter. South.

liEuwiK, t. Linen formerly used

for making table-cloihi.

liBYABLB, a4/' Able to be levied.

Levation, a. The elevation of the


1«ve, (^.-5'.) (1) tf. To leave.

(2) V. To believe.

(3) r. To dwelL

(4) V. To live.

(5) adj. Dear ; virilling*

(6^ 8, Inclination.

(7) *. Leave.

Lbveot, t. (A.-S.) A lady.

Level, v. To assess. Ea8t,

Level-coil, «.(/>.) A game played

especially at Christmas, of which

we seem to know no more than

that the loser in it was to give

up his place to be occupied by

another. Minsheu gives it thus :

" To play at ievell coil, G. jouer

a cul l^ve : s. e. to play and lift

up your taile when you have lost

the game, and let another sit

down in your place." The word

was often used figuratively for

riot or disturbance. By Sylvester,

it is called Uwlsice, '

YoQOg JosUce Bramble has kept Inel-eogl

Here in our qnartcri, stole away our

danghter. Joutom, Tal$ of a Tui, iii, i.

By trafiek death's devioe

Ambitions hearts do play at levgUia.

Stlvc»t4r'» IhAartat.

The term was also used in an

erotic sense.

By the help of this ftlobe, I made her

confeaa that the akicrman and one

Bilboe play latl d4 eoiU with her.

The Cheats, 1662.

Lbvbn, (1) V, To alleviate.


Lore is a Uven, and a loTinr kiss

The Uten of a loving sveet-neart is.

Wits lUcntUiom, 1640.



LEVENE,1a. {A,^S.) lifhtnifig.

LEviNf J Lain'^romij a thunder-


With aodcyne tempest and with iiry btvM,

By the goQdes senie doun from herene.

As when the flashing '««■ hapa to light

Upon two stubborn oaka.

Lbvenea, «. A slight lunch, at

eleven o'clock in the forenoon.


Lever, (1) adj. Rather; better.

(2)8, One of the chief aupporten

of the roo^ttmber of a house;

the lower moveable board of a

barn door.

Levers, a. The yellow.flag. South.

Levbsele, 8. A lattice.

Le VET,a.(/V.) A blast on the trumpet

Come, sir, a quaint level.

To waken our brave general I then to obz

Ubour. B.i-Fl.,S(»MeMarrufe,n.l.

Levino, 8. (1) Life.

(2) Departure ; death.

Lew, (1) t. The part or side shd^

tered from the wind.

(2) ae(f* Lukewarm.

(3) adj. Weak.

Lewcome. See Lueayne,

Lbwed, ]adf.{J.~S.) Lay; igno-

lewd, j rant; vile.

Certes also liyt flmth

By a prest that is lewed

As by a jay in a cage.

That hymsdf hath beshrew«d :

Gode Englysh he speketh

But he not never what.

Poem o» Tim09 tfBi. JI.

Lewdstbr, 8. A lewd person.

Lewese, v. To loosen.

Lewins, a. Bands put round a


Lewis, a. A contrivance for raising


Lewn, 8. A rate for church or

parish dues. Che8h.

LBW8TRY,e. To work hard. Aftfii.

Lewt6. a. (I) (J..N.) Loyalty.

(2) A sort of cup.

(3) The plant restharrow. Somen,





Lbwtb, «. Warmth ; shelter; a pUoe

of refuge. Var. d,

Lbwzuunb, «. A loii of fur.

Lbxst, T^rt9. U 2 pera, «. Tliou


iv^, quath the jwtioe, sviche memile,

Tiioa taU, damiKl, laoo faile.

Jrihimr and Merlm, p. 86.

L«T, (1 ) *. {A.'N.) Iaw ; reUgioQS


(2) t. (J.-S,) A flame, or low.

(3) t. A lake.

(4) r. To lie.

(5) t. A lea, or pasture. Ley-

breck, sward once ploughed.

(6) t. The standard of metals.


(7) t. Latitude; liberty ; kisure.


LiTARE, «. A stonemason. Pr, P,

LsYGHTy^e«. ^ Lieth.

Lbynk,/miW./». (^.-5.) Laid,

Leytb, adj. Loathly.

Lbise, 9. To laugh. Aywb, qflnw.

LiALB, <M(f. Loyal.

Liangs, «. An alliance.

LiARD, ». (-rf .--Y.) A horse, properly

one of a gray colour.

Lib, (1) V. To castrate. JMer,

a man who libs.

(2) «. To lie down. Libb$gi, a

bed. DekUr.

(3)«. Half a bushel.

(4) t. A basket. South.

LiBABDiNB, It. The plant

libbakd's-banb, J leopard's-

bane {doronicum pardaUancket)*

LiBBARD, t. A leopard.

Libbat, ». A billet of wood.

With that he iookt%iibM ip, aii4 bcaieth

out hii brainea. . ,.««

Wama's JlHotu MagUmd, 169S.

LiBBE, V. To live.

And so drawyth hy afllnit^

Wvth mile thyne sibbe,

Aae thou of hire sibben dra^it,

Fur-than that h? ne IMe,

Wat doth h¥St?


LiBBBT,*. A billet, or club. South,

LiBBBTS, t. Rags in stripk W^t.

LxBBAAi., 4H(f. Licentious. Z4te-

rally t licentiously.

Bui VaUinger, moat like a Uhenl TiUain,

Did KITS h«r acandaloua ignoble terms.

har Maid qfBrisUm, liK>6.

And gire anonrance to your Kberal jesta

T7pon his person. B. /■ Ft., Captain.

I haTO spoke too liberaUjt.

B. / jR., Li^/fe IV. Lawyer, ii.

LiB-KBN, «. An old cant term for

a house. Dekker.

LiBLONO, It. The plant orpine,

LivBLONO, J (tMftim telephium),

LiBBABiB, t. Learning.

LiCAMB, t. (^.-5.) Tiie body.

That ani man to hir cam

That ever knewe hir licham.

Artham and Mirlin, p. S7.

LiCHB. (1) t. {A,'S.) The body; a


(2) a4f. {A.'S.) Alike.

(3) t. Likeness.

Namniore maystrye nya Ujt to hym

To be ine bredes /ycA«.

Thane hym was ine the lieke of man

To ketben ous hiis ryche.

William d* Skonkam*

LiCH-owL, «. The screech-owl : so

called from the supposed omi-

nousaeas of its C17 and I4>pear-

BBoe. See Uke-oioi.

Hie shriekiBg Ui<h-<fwl, that 4«th never

Bat boding death, and quick herself inters

In darksome grsTes, ana hoUow sepulchres.

Draytom'g Owl.

LiCH-FOUL, ». The night-raTen.

LioH-GATE, t. The gate through

which the corpse was carried into

the church.

LicBWOBT, t. The plant pcWltory.

LiciBLB, adj. Allowable ; lawfuL

Lick, v. To thrash ; to excel. To

lick the eye, to be well pleased.

LicK-DiSB, t. A sneaking fellow.

LicKBN, r. To compare. Craven,

Lick BR, v. To grease booto or


LiCKBRisH, a^. Dainty.

Goe your wayea, yon are Uckmih. Alles,

Tons eatea nn croque-lardon.

t R-ench Schoolcmatt€r,ltM.

d by Google




LiCKET, i. Some London faBbion

in dress.

I tell yoQ I cannot endure it ; I mnst be

a lady. Do you wear your ouoiff, with

a London ticket; your staroel petticoat,

\riik two guards ; the buffln gown, with

the tufbafllty rap, and the velvet lace I

I must be a lady, and I will be a lady.

Etuticard Hoe, 0. PL, iv, 809.

LxcKLT, adv. Likely. North.

L^CKOKous, adj. Dainty ; affected ;


LicK-FOT-FiNOER, 8. Thc fore-


LiCKSOME, adj. Pleasant. Cheth.

Lickspittle, t. A parasite.

Lick-stone, t. The lamprey.

LicK-TRENCHBR, t. A parasite.

A town it is both Tair and fat, sir.

Well fenced round, but nothing hath, sir.

Into this doughty town dare enter,

Neither Sir Fop, nor Sir JUek-Treneker.



Th'art both a pick-thank, and detractor,

A cunning cheater, and a factor,

A lick'iwat, and a fencer too,

I wonder much (Vacerra) liow

With al I these trades thou canst want monj

now ? Fletcher's Poems, p. 106.

LiCK-up. Implies a small quantity,

generally of victuals of any kind.

" There's a lick-up indeed to give

one/' is a common mode of ex-

pressing dissatisfaction. It is

used to hay, straw, corn, and any

kind of fodder or pod: **Have

you any hay ?*' " I have only just

a liek^vp." Noff.

LicoRA8,«. Liquorish. ''A stick of


Lid, 8. (1) A bo^ .-cover.

(2) A coverlet. Kent.

Lidded, adj. A mining term, applied

to the top of the bearing part of

a pipe when its usual space ia

contracted to a small compass.

LiDDEN, (1) a£(;. Long. Somers,

(2) 8. A song, or story. West.

LiDDBRON, a. A lazy bad fellow.

LiDB, 8. {J,^S.) The month of


iiE, \i) V. TO resiae.

(2^ V. To subside. D

(3) t. Lees of wine.

(4) To tie with a lati

LiDOnrs, «. Gates set up at the

end of the villages and elsewhere

to prevent the cattle from stray-

ing upon the arable lands. Line.

LiDR, a. (1) Manner ; fashion ; re-

semblance. North.

(2) Bars of wood supporting the

roof of a coal-mine.

Lie, (1) v. To reside.

"" Dewm.


latchet, to teU

a great lie. To Ue by the wall,

to lie dead before interment.

LiE-Box, t. A great liar. Wett.

LiBF-coup, t. A sale of goods on

the spot where they stand. Keni.

Liegeman, a. A subject. Shaietp.

LiEOER. See Leiger.

Lie-leach, "| a. A box, perfo-

LiE. latch, I rated at bottom,

LiE-DROPPER, I used for straining

LIE-LIP, J water for lie.

Lib-let, v. To lie in grass. Yorkih,

Lieton, 8. A church-yard. WiiU.

LiBVER, adv. Rather.

LiF, 8. Leave.

LiFELicHE, atff. Lively; piercing.

LiFB-LiKiNS. An exclamation — ^As


LiFBR, 8. A leaver, or deserter.

LiFFT, V. To desert a girl after

seducing her. Dev.

LiFLODB, t. {A.'S.) Living; sup-


Lift, (I) a. (A.^S.) The air;

the sky.

(2) V. (A.^S.) To steal. Hence,


!3) V. To aid, or assist.

4) 8. Assistance. Su88ex.

ibS V. To carve a swan.

6) a. A trick at cards.

(7) t. A falsehood. Somertei,

iS) 8. A joint of beef. We8t»

(9) 8. The meat taken out of a

flitch of bacon when the ham is

left in. NorthumpL

(10) t. A person of bad repute.

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(II) t. A sort of moveable gate.


Lifter, t. (1) A thief.

(2) A lever. **Levier. A lever or

lifter: a sparre or barre of wood."


(3) A roortiae.

LiFT-LBO, t. An old term for

•trong ale.

Lio, t. {A.'S,) A lie. Ligger^ a

liar. Nortkampt,

Lio-A.LAME. r. To maim. NwtJL

LiGBANCB, «. (A.'N.) Allegiance.

LiooE, V. [A.-S.) To lie down.

LieoBE, t. A canred wooden quoit

naed at doddart.

LiGOEK, t. (1) A coverlet. Line,

(2) A line for catching pike. East.

(3) A plank across a ditch. East.

(4) A long slender pole, nailed

horizontally from stnd to stud ;

to which the splints are bound,

preparatory to receiving a coat

of clay or loam. Also called a

rizzor, Norf.

LioGET, t. A rag, or fragment. West.

LiooLB, V. To pull along. Norf.

Light, (1) v. To enlighten ; to make

or grow hght.

(2) V. To alight.

Come light and liiten, yoa nntlc

"" " • " - • - p to near.


LiOHTLT, adt. Commonly ; usually*

Short sammen /iVA//y hnre a forward

•pring. Skaktwp., Rkek. Ill, iii, L

The fxvi thieres of a state are Ufkilf

the officers of the crown ; they hanc the

leas still, plajr the pikes in the poiao, eat

whom they list.

B. Jmu.y JHseowriei, toI. Tii, p. 119.

At which timet lightly, though ther he

in the fields, they will spread their

npper garments on the earth, and (all

to their derotions.


Light-o'-love, s. An old tune of

a dance ; a proverbial expression

of levity, especially in love mat-

ters; sometimes, a loose wo-


He'll danee the moRis twenty mile an

hour —

And gallops to the tnne of light o' Iom.

Fl., Two Noil* Zitum., ▼, 2.

Sure he has encountered

Some light c^ hvt ot other, and there

That mirth do love for

And a story tme I'll tell to you.

If that yon will but draw near.

SaiUd qfRobiti Bood and th» Beggw.

(3) V. To be confined.

(4) s. An example. EoMt.

(5)t. A number, or quantity. Zetc.

(6)a4r. Weak; sickly. Somers.

Lighten, v. To clear up, said of

the weather.

Lightening, t. Daybreak. Netrth.

Lighter, s. A less number. North.

Light-heeled, a4/. Loose in cha-

racter, applied to a female.

Lighting-stock, s. A horse-block.


Liohtloker, adv. (A.-S.) More


Ltgbtiiams, s. The day. Dekker.

To play. Ice. B. jr Fl., Chancet, 1, 4.

Kext them grew the dissembling daisie,

to warn snch li^ht o* lot* wencnea, not

to trust evexy iaire promise that sneh

amorous bachelors make them.

Oreen*s Q«ip for on Upstart Courtier.

Light-ripe, adj. A term applied

to com when the straw appears

ripe, and the ear contains only a

milky juice. Line,

Light-skirt, t. A strumpet.

Lightsome, a4i^* (1) Full of light.

(2) Cheerful; gay. North.

Light-timbered, adj. (1) Weak.

(2) Active ; nimble.

Ligly, adv. Likely. Northumb.

The maner goeth downe and decayeth,

and all the houses about Tt; the woods

are dene destroyed and ligly to be in

hast. PlminptonCorre$poHd«mce,p.i99.

Lign£, s. {A.'N.) Lineage.

LiGNET, (1 ) V. To lighten.

(2) adj. Strong ; active. Cumb.

LiGs, s. Ulcers on a horse's lipa.

Like, (1) v. To please.

(2) 8. A resemblance.

(3) V. To compare.

(4) V. To grow ; to thrive.

(5) A common expletive. ** So,

d by boogie




Ukf, I went directly/' «< He is a

good sort of lUftD tike,** To go

t^OH HkeSf to go on triaL To Hke

of, to approve.

LiKvvuL, a(^. Pleasant.

Likely, oefr*. Suitable ; good-look.

^ ing.

LiKSN, adv. Likely. Suff.

LiKE-owL, «. "A shrichowlet a

UkeowUr Nomenel See ZtfcA-


LiKBRons, a((f. Voluptuous; le«


LiRBAwisE, ad}. Pleasant.

Likes, «. Likelihood. West

Liking, «. (1) Delight Chaucer.

(2) Condition. North.

Likns, 9. {A,-S,) To compare ; to


LiiBVRN, a. Ar stupid fellow.

LiLBTLOW, «. Perspiration ; fever.


LiLB, adj. Little. LUe-worth^

little value. Norths

LiLL,e. (1) To loll out the tongue.

(2) To assuage pain. North.

LiLLiLOp t. A bright flame.


Lilly, s. The wild convolvulus.

LiUy-royal, penny-royal. South.

LiLLYcoNTALLY, 9. The lily of

the valley.

LxLLY-DBW,#. Perspintion.iVbr/JI.


LiLLYWBiTB, 9. Au oM name for

a chimney-sweep.


cake. South.

Lilt, v. To spring ; to do anything

nimbly. North,

LiLTY-PATYBir, A A prostitute.


LiMAiLE, t. (A.'N.) Filings.

LiMATi KB, 9, A crooked person ; a


Limb, 9.(1) A virago.

(2) Attend. Ntif.

(3) The husk of a not. North-

ampt. See Lemn.

LiMBBCK,a. Analembie*

For, like n in a Umbtei, th' beat of ftre

RaJieth a rapour, nhich still mountiBg

higher. Sghesier^s DuiarU*.

LiMBEKy (1) adj. Flexible.

(2) 9. A thill, or shaft ^ds/.

LiMBEKSOMB, adf. Supple.

LiMBM BLE, adv. {A.'S.) Limb by


LiMB.TRiMMBB,«. A (ailor. North.

Limb, (1) v. To smear.

(2) 9. Limit

{3)9. A thong.

LiME-Astt, 9. A composition of

sifted ashes and mortar, used ss

a flooring. W€9t.

LiMB-BUKNEB, 9. A dwatf.

Limed, .adj. {A.-N.) Polished.

LiMB-HoUND, 9. {!¥. Umier.) A

sporting dog, led by a thong

called a Htm.

No, an I had. all the GmeJkomtJt o* the

dty shDuld have drawn alter yon ^

' tlw scAi rattier.

22. Jom^ Barik, Air. i»l

But TUw, that cooM like a Umt-kmi

winde her,

And all thinga secrete wisely ooold bevrst.

LiMicK, a^. Very limp. Whea

the flesh wants its firmness of

tone or feeling from fe?erish

symptoms, a penon is said " to

fe^Umidt." Nmf.

Limit, (1) a. A limb. Skakngf.

(2)t». To beg.

LiinTAtioifr a. {Lai.y Tko pre-

cinct allowed to a limitour.

LiMiTonRff. A begglng-friar.

A Arere ther waa, a wantona and % wMft,

A Igmfttngft a fOl aolcnpne man.

In aUe the oi^ita foore ia noon that can

9a moehe of dalianncf aid &ir lannpa.

LiMiTBOFHBra* A boundary.

LiM-LiFTBR, 9. A term o£ om-

tempt Jrktrio.

LiMMBB^ a4f' Base ; mtschievoos.

LiMovs, a^. {Lai.) Glutinous.

Limp, (I) r. To happen.

(%) 9. An instrument lor sepa*

rating lead ore.

(3>o4r. Supple iflaectdL

d by boogie



(4)«4r* Inefficieikt. SMNtrwf.

LiMPBATic, adj, {Lat.) Mad.

A negro ilood bj all the while trem-

bling, now and then liflingnphia hands

and eyes, muttering hie black art to

■ome hobgoblin, aiia(vhcn we leaat loa*

pected it) ikifM oat, and in a limfkmiU

nptnre drew a long knife which ha

brandiflht about his head 7 or 8 timet,

and after m many >pdU put it up

againe. Herhtrts Tntrtk^ 1636L

L1MP8BT, «jf. (1) Pliable; mot


(2) Lazy; loitering;.

LiM, (1) t. (J.'S.) FUx; linen*

(2) t. A pooL

(3) V. To cease.

(4) $. A caicase, Cmtb,

lb) part. p. Laid.

LivcBLs, 9, Tares in con.

LiNCH, (1) 9. To prance abost.

r2)t. AbalkoflMd. Kent.

(3) t. A ledge, or square pro-


(4) t. A nnall step; a steep foot-

path. West.

(5)«. Ahmlelcntliesideofa

hill. Gkiue.

(6) t. A small inland diff. S^^k.

(7) V. To beat. Ntih.

(8) SL A baaach of nmttoa. Norilu

(9) s. A spot of laiseA groaafL


LiNCHKT, «. Used for Umehf ia

the senses 2, 4, 5, and 9.

Linchpin, t. (1) The ifoii pin

which ftstess the wheel to the

(2) A stag's pcnia. SkMptk.

LiNDABRxsaSy t. A niatnsi.

IjXvss, $. (jL'S.) Tha lindea or


Ijinx, (1) t. To len, «r iadlne.


(2) a. To beat,

(3) Adogliasaabitch. Id old

hooka ii is sometiases cailid fy--

(4) s. A place to Ue down. Saai,

(5) ilarri^a liasf^ a certificate

of marriage. ForiaA. Limfkvtif

mid row, vary regidac

Opnt iieiamum. FUn. YitnL abl c

lapidum coria mquali eraasitudtne eon-

atmeuaunt. i^Mftm. WorkeaTcqiMU

Uu0^ kftllt Md nms eren werka.

Opua pteudiiodomum, qnaiido imparcs

■ant coriorum ordinei. f evdtaiMoyu>f.

Worke of unequall Urn, Uwdl, amd rowe :

LiVKD, part, p. Intoxicated. North,

LxNSNK&'r 8, A linen-drsper. *

Precede all the damea at eoort by a

fortnight} hare council with taylors,

iijMMrv, Uce^women, embroiderera.

M, Jtm.t Ejnctnu, ii, 6.

LiNBm, t. A bundle. Devon.

LiNST, t. Tinder. Wiltt.

LiNB-WAT, t. A straight path.

Lino, a. Heath.

LiNOB, 9. ( 1 ) To work hard. TeritA.

(2) To loll out the tongne. Ojtf.

(3) To lean. Uie.

LiNOBL, t. (Lat, Ungmla,) A thong

ar thread ased by sboemahciBk

Wbere sitting, I espy'd a lorely dame,

Wboee master wiMgkt with UngtU and

with anl.

And under ground he tamped many a boot

B. i-FU, EiU, <^i%4 B. FetOg, act ▼.

LiNGWORT, tf. The plant angeUaL

LnroT, adj. (1) ld\e, Kent.

(2) Strong; talL NortIL

(3) Flexible.

LiNAAT, t. An open shed. IFWf.

LiNiATioir, s. {Lai.) MenBuratio&,

Lining, a. (1) The loins. Bomtn,

(2) Coarse yam put across a fidd

to prereot birds picking op tha

com or seed. Norf.

Link, (1) 9. A string of saasaget.

(2) V. To walk quickly. Nortik

(3) o. {A.'S.) Tabora; to ^Te


(4) 9. (J.-S.) A green or wooded

bank on the side of a hill between

two pieeea af eiMfited land.

(5) 9. A sand.hilL Nortk.

LmsaaiNOy adf. Idle. Shr9p9ik

LiNC-PiN, #. See Imeh-pin.

LiNM AN, 9. A flax-seller. JTeatm

Lbxv^v, To(

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Bat ^et, good pen, hoald on ihj conrae, to

write doo then not Untie,

For I the truth to prosecute hereof will

now bcginne. Stubbet* SxampUs, 1681.

LiNN-TKEB, s, A lime-tree. Derb.

LiNOLF, 9. A lingel. Pr,P.

LiNSE, V, To beat severely. Detfon,

See Linch,

Lin;sbt, 8, The stool on which

women sit while spinning.

LiNSEY-wooLSET, t. A sort of

coarse cloth spun by the cot-

tigers' wives from the bits of

wool they picked up on the


The commons they are taken in,

The cottages pulled down,

And Moggy's got no wool to spin

Her Utuejf-¥nolsey gown.

£911^ OH tkt iftcloiuru.

LiN-SHORDs, 8, Lent-shords. See


Linstock, I «. A stock or handle

LiNT-sTOCK, J to hold the gun-

ner's lint ; the match itself was

called Unfel, or Uni.

I smelt the powder, spy'd what Ututoci

gave fire, to shoot against the poor cap-

tain of the eallifoyst.

Itoaring Girh 0. PI., vi, 108.

Lint, t. (1) A halter.

(2) A tare. Line.

(3) Old fishing nets. Noff.

Lintel, «. (Fr,) A tare. iVbr/Aomj?/.

Lint-white, t. A linnet.

LiNTY, adj. Lazy ; fat.

Lion, «. The main beam of a ceiling.


LiouR, 8. (1) The binding or fringe

of cloth.

(2) A mixture.

Lip, 9. (1) To leap.

Like a wilde-beast, whom huntsmen with

great shont

Bo hedge in ronnd, seeing himself beset,

Against their tools and toils doth rage and


And on expected death doth mdely <tjp,

And desp'rately on snares and gins doth

skip. Virgil, by kican, 1688.

(2) To kiss.

LiPABT, at^. Wet J rainy. Somer9.

Lip-cLiF, t. An old cant term for

a kiss.

Life, ». A fragment. Cumb.

LiPiN, V. To forewarn. South,

LiPKEN, 8. A house.

LiPLEAD, V. To persuade.

LippB, (1) 8. A slip, or portion.

(2) V. To lie down.

Lipped, ^4/. Loose ; ravelled. W^t.

LiPPEN, (1) adj. Rainy.

(2) V. To expect; to trust in.


LippER, 8. The spray from smsll

waves. North.

LiPPiNo-CLOuT, 8. A piece of steel

welded to the front of a hone's

shoe. West.

L1PPIN6-TIMB, 8. A wet season.

LippiT, Q^. (/v.) Wanton.

Well, to be brief, the nun will soon st

night torn {tmn7 ; if I can but dertK to

qvit her eleanly of the nonnery, she is

my own. Merry Jknly O. PL, v, S8S.

L1P8BY, 9. To lisp. Somen.

Lip-SHORD, 8. A chip. Devon.

LiPSOM E, adj. Active; pliant. Berit.

LiF-wiNOLB, 8. A lipwing. Beds.

Lip-vriSE, adj. Garrulous. WiffhL

LiauoR, V. To oil. Gloue.

LiauoRous, adj. Lecherous.

Whilst Uma Nastagio sought his owne


By Uquorout lost

Tnrberrims JVa^ieM TaUt, 1687-

LiauoRY-STiCK, 8. Rest-harrow.

Lire, (1) s. (A.-S.) Countenance;

complexion ; the cheek.

(2) 8. (J.'S.) Flesh. Zfery,

abounding with lean flesh. North.

(3) V. To plait a shirt. JJnc.

LiRicuMFANCT, 8. The May lily.

L1RIP00P8, 8. Long tails or tippets

appended anciently to the hood,

passing round the neck« and

hanging down before. lAr^^otp

and Itr^iMiop were sometimes used

to signify a fantastical person or

thing ; a trick or stratagem. Cot-

grave translates *' Qui s^ait bten

d by boogie




aon roiilet," by " one that knowi

bis UHpoope," A girl is called

"a yooDg Hrrif'poope*' (B. irFL^

Piigrim, act ii, sc. 1). A priest

was sometimes jocularly termed

a lerty-eufH'poop,

There's a giil that knows her Unjfoop.

Mother Bombie, i,S.

Thon maist be akQled in thy loeie, but

not in thjUrypoope. Sapkoi- Plao,\,$.

LiRK, V. To rumple. North.

LiRP, V. (1) To snap the fingers.

(2) To walk lame. Somers.

LiRRY, (1) V, To reprove ; to up-

braid. Kent,

(2) 8. A blow on tbe ear.

LiRT, 9. To throw. Cumb,

LisBR, 9. (Fr.) List of cloth.

Li8Hy adj. Active ; strong. North,

LiSHBT, adj. Flexible. Kent,

LissB, (1) 8. (^.-&) Happiness; joy.

(2) 9. {J,»S.) To ease ; to relieve.

LiasxN, 1«. A cleft in a rock.

I.ISNB, j Glouc,

Lissom, (I) adJ, Supple. *' He's a

li88om fellow." Shrop8h,

{2) adj. Strong; agile. Noff,

(3) 8. A narrow slip. Somer8.

List, (1) «. A boundary line.

The very litt, the very utmoit boond.

Of all onr fortunes.

Skakup., 1 Hen. IV, iv, 1.

(2) t. Canning ; artifice.

(3) 8. The lug of the ear.

(4) adj. Ready. Enex.

Ib)pre8, t, 2 p. Thou liest.

ThoQ list, hore, (quod he,) for if he had

fallen iuto tbe water, I thuld have heard

him plnmp I Tales and Quicke Jnsweres.

(6)8. The flank of a beast. North.

(7) 8. The streak which appears

in heavy bread. West.

LisTE, (1) V. (A.-S.) To please.

(2) 8. Pleasure ; inclination.

LiSTLT, (1) adv. Easily ; distinctly.

(2) adj. Quick of hearing. Ea8t.

LiSTRv, iX) 8. {A.-S.) A person

who read some part of the church


(2) V. To thicken. North.


hwrryodj. Strong. North,

Lit, V, To dye. Lit-howe, a dyeing

house. North,

LiTB, (1) adj. Little. North.

(2) V. (A.'S.) To hinder, or delay.

(3) 8. Strife.

(4) V. To depend upon. Xinc.

LiTSN, 8. A garden. North.

LiTH, 8. (\) Property. See Lede,

[2) 8. {A.^S.) A body.

iZ)pret, t. Alighted.

LiTH B,( 1)8. {A.'S.) A limb, or joint.

(2) V, To relate.

(3) V, To listen.

(4^ adj. Gentle; glad; calm.

(5) adj. Supple ; pliant.

(6) V. To make supple ; to soften.

(7) 9. To thicken liquids.

(8) adj. Obsequious. North.

LiTHER, adj. (1) (^.-5.) Wicked.

(2) Supple; pliant.

(3) Idle; lazy. North. Lither-

ne88f idleness.

LiTBXSOMB, adj. Cheerful. York8h.

LiTB EWALB, 1 «. The plant grom-


LiTHB-woRT, 8. The forget-me-not.

LiTHLiCBB, a^. Easily.

LiTBoORAPHT, «. (Gr.) The art of

cutting or engraving precious


LiTBY, adj, (1) Flexible. Var. d,

(2) Heavy and warm, applied to

the weather.

Litigious, adj. Injurious.

LiTLiNO, adj. Very little.

LiTsoif E, adj. Giddy. Northampt,

LiTSTER, 8. {A.'S.) A dyer.

LiTT, *. A sheep-cot. Somert.

LiTTEN, 8. A church-yard. South,

Litter, «. Nonsense. Somers.

LiTTERMAN, *. A gTOom. Warw.

Little-ease, t. A familiar term

for the pillory, or stocks ; or the

bilboes. "A streite place in a

prisone called litteU ea8e," Elyoty


Nenrus— a kind of stockes for thft necke

and thefeete: the pillorie^or little-ease.

Ahr. FUming^s Nomencl.

d by Google




Wa« not thu a Kditiona fellow? wu

not this fellow's prencliine a cause of al

the trouble in Israel ? was tie not worthy

to be cast in bocardo, or UUU-ease.

Latimer, Sertn^ fol. 105, b.

Little-master, t. A school-


Littlest, adj. Least.

Little-stands, 9» A shady lane.


LiTTocKS, s. Rags. Berks.

LiTTY, adj. Active ; nimble. fFest.

Live, s. (A.-S.) Life. On live^ alive.

Livelihood, s. Liveliness.

LivELODE,«. {A.'S.) That on which

one lives ; support ; income.

Liver, (I)©. To deliver.

{2) adj. Active ; quick.

LivERED, a^j. Underbaked. South.

LivEREDE, adj. Red. Rob. Gloue.

LiVERiNO, 8. A pudding of liver,

rolled up in form of a sausage.

LiVERSAD, adj. Caked together,

said of ground. North.

LiVERSicK, t. A hangnail. Stusex.

Livery, (1) s. Delivery. Still used

as a law term.

(2) t. An allowance of food or

clothing given by a lord or knight

to his retainers; hence, as the

clothing was usually of the same

description, a uniform ; a badge.

(3) adj. Adhesive. South. In

Line, clay or warp land is said

to be liveryt when, after having

been very wet, it has set fast in a


Lives-date, s. Term of life.

Living, t. A farm. Leic.

LiviSH, adj. Lively ; having life.

LixoM, adj. Amiable. Here/.

LizEND, adj. Blasted and lank ears

of com. Su89.

LizzAH, adj. Easily bent. West.

Lo, s, A large poud. Yorksh.

Loach, s. A fool.

Loaded, adj. Bloated. Devon.

Load, Y*. (A.-S.) A ditch for

LODB, J draining the water from

fens. Loadstone, a leading-stone

for drains.

LoAouic SeeZodSsm.

Loafed, adj. *'Laictue crespne.

Loafed or headed lettioe." iVb-

mencL, 1585.

Loadt, adj. Heavy.

Loadt-nut, s. a double not

LoAK, s. (1) A small quantitv.


(2) A lane closed in with gates,

or through which there is no

thoroughfare. Notf.

LoAL, V. To mew. Yorksh.

LoAMT, atff. Damp. Suf.

Loan, 1 t. A lane. North. X

LOANING, J place for miUuDg

cows, is also called a Awmm;.

LoAST, s. A wheel-rut. Sussex.

Lob, (1) «. A lubber, or down.

That Ich, quoth he, and yonder lasse that

this way driTes her Kotea.

Kama's Jlfion'* SmgUmd, U£.

(2) V. To hang down, or droop.

(3) 9. To throw gently. Var. d.

(4) 9. To kick. £ast.

(5) s. A large lump. Lime.

(6) ff. The part of a tree where

it first divides into brviches.


(7) s. A large Uw. Hanis.

LoBBATiNO, adj. Unwieldy. West.

Lobbing, s. An uproar.

What a lokbiuff makert thou.

With a twenty devill!

Manage of WUt amd Wisdome, 1S79

LoBBS, t. (1) Irregular veins of ore.

(2) Stain in mines.

Lobcock, s. a lubber.

Much better were the loleod lost tha

Unlesse he knew how to behave hinsel/e


Foot'bojf. I am none of thoae hea-?

lobcoets that are snod for nothing ^•'^»

to hang at the tail of a coach ; I am U'

all serrice, as well by night as by da}

CaryU, Sir SaUmtm, UT'

Lobkbling, «. A sort of fish-

For with cnsample may we le.

That al this world is but as the m

That bremli barith on banke with bale.

And ^te flschis etin therin the smak.

For nche men of this world ece

That pore men aith trareyle geto :

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For with pore men hnih the kisf

Biht M the whal with the herinc,

£iht •• the itnrf^eofiiia etith merliBg

And lotidimff ettth sjrirliBff.

So etroyen more men the leiie

Vith worldie wo and wrongwiuiene.

Al the skathe that lease fofferin of more

Smjtith aa atorm of the ae fill lore.

Camiridg* M8., Wk Cmt.

LoBKiN, «. A houae, or lodging.

Loblolly, «. A familiar term for

thick spoon meat.

Lob's-coubsBi $. A itew com-

posed of small lumps of meat

mixed with potatoes and onions.

Lob's-pound, «. A jocular term

for a prison.

Lobstabizb, 9. To go backward.

ThoQ makeat rlTera the moat deafly deep

To lobttarite, (back to their eource to

creep). SphtiUr't Dubtrt., I V, iii, 8.

LoBSTBB-POTB, t. Small wicker

traps used for catching lobsters.


LoBBTBB, t. (1) The stoat. Etui.

(2) A young 8ole« St^f.

LoBSTRous-LousB, t. A wood-

louse. North,

LoBUBYONByt. A snail. Pr,P,

LoBY, t. A loobf.

LocH, t. (1) A lake. North.

(2) A cavity in a vein. Derb.

(3) A wheel rut. Sua,

Lock, (1) v. To grapple. An old

term in wrestling.

^2) t. A bundle of hay or wool.

(3) t. A puddle. Herrf,

(4) V, To moYe the fore-wheels

of a waggon cross-wise. Devon,

(5) To be at loci, to be in a

difficulty. Cards, when faced, are

said to be locJked,

A WO0d-l0QM«

Lokdore, wyrme,

, .r locchester, nntt-

"*» J t^9." Pr, P.

LocKBB, (1) tf. A small cupboard or

closet ; a wooden cell for pigeons.

^2) V. To entangle. North,

(3) t. A piece of wood supporting

the roof of a pit. Shrop^



LocKBT, «. The hook of a sword-


LooK.FDKBow,«. A furrow plough-

ed across the balks to let off the

water. South,

Locking, 9, The hip-joint So*

LocKRAM, t. A sort of cheap linen.

Lockbum, 9, Nonsense ; a rigma-

role story. Midland.

Locks- AMi>-KBY8, 9, Ash-keys.




LocK-spiT, t. A small cut with a

spade to show the direction in

which a piece of land is to be

divided by a new fence. Noff.

Locust, t. A cockchafer. Var, d,

LoD, 9. (J,'S.) A load.

LoDAM, 9, An old game at cards.

Then follow*d lodam, hand to hand or


At which some maids so ill did keep the


That unexpected, in a short ahode,

They coola not cdeanly beare away their

load. EarringUm'tBpiffr,

LoDDBN, adj.

But had I thonght heM been ao loiden

Of Ms bak'd, fry'd, boil'd, roast and sodden

CotUm'i WorJa, 1734.

LooB, 9. (1) A regular vein of metal

ore. Lode-plot, a flat lode.

(2) Guidance.

(3) A ford. Gloue.

(4) A driftway or cut for water.


(5) A leaning-walL Gloue.

L0DBMANA6B, t. Pilotage.

L0DB-8HIP, t. A sort of fishing-


LoDESMAN, 9. {J.'S.) A pilot Or


LoDBSTAB, 9. The pole-star.

LoDBwoBT, t. Water-crowfoot.

LoDOB, V. To entrap an animaL


LoBLY, adv. Loathly.

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LoDOLLT, «. A small girl. WetL

LoBNGB» 9. {A»'N,) Praise.

LoBRT, 0. To tniTel quickly. Devon.

LoFP, (1) 9. To offer. Cumb,

{2) adj. Low.

LoFTy $. A floor of a house.

LoFTT, o^^'. Massive. Derb.

Loo, (1) 9. To oscillate. Cormo.

(2) t. A perch in measure.


Loo-burn, s. An open drain firom

a sink. WeMt.

LooEi 8. {J,'N.^ A lodge.

LoGOATs, t. (1; An old game, re-

sembling nine-pins.

(2) A sort of sweetmeat.

(3) Sheep's dung.

Logos, v, (A.'N.) To lodge.

Logger, (1) «. To shackle the

hind feet of a horse.

(2) #. The irregular motion of a

wheel round its axle. Etut.

Loggerhead, s. The large tiger

moth. North.

LooGiN, 9. A bundle. North.

Loggy, a^. Thickset, as cattle.


LoGH, t. A lake.

LoGHB, pret. t. Laughed.

LooBER, adj. Lower. Rob. GL

LoivKD, pret, i. Covered.

LoiTBR-piN, 9. A term applied in

Norfolk to the practice of the

ploughmen to stop at the end of

each ridge to talk.

LoiTBRSACKE, 9. An idlcr.

If the loiteruLcke be ^ne ipringinK into

a tavcnie, lie fetch him reeling out.

Mother BomUe, 1594.

LoKE, (1) V. (A.-S.) To look.

(2) part. p. Locked.

(3),.- - - -

The hatch of a door.

LoKBR, 9. A carpenter's plane.


LoKiNO, «. A look.

Loll, (1) v. To fondle. North,

(2) 9. A spoilt child. Oj^d.

(3) V. To box the ears.

LoLLiGo, 9. An idle fellow.

LoLLiKBR, 9. The tongue. Som,

Lollipop, 9. A common sweet-


LoLLOGK, 9. A lump. North,

Lollop, v. To lounge. Lottop9,9


LoLL-POOP, «. A lazy fellow; a

wheedling child. Sujf.

LOLLT-BANOER, 9. A SOrt of giogCT-

bread. Somer9€t.

LoLLT-cocK, 9. A tuikey-cock.


LoLLTPOP, 9. Apuddle. Nortkampt.

LoMB, 9. A lamb. £om£rm, Iambi.

Lombard, 9. A banker.

LoMBARD-Fn'BR, t. Idlencss.

Lombard-mustard, 9.

Lumbard mustard. Tlike nrastazd ted.

and waiaheit. and diye it in an orcae.

Grynde it diye. Sane it thursh a -nne.

Clarifie hony with wyne and vynegv,

and ttere it wd toeedre, and make it

thikke ynowf. Ana whan thoa wilt

tpende thereof, make it thinne «itJi

wyne. I/bniu ofCmry, p. 3*-

Lombard-pie. See hanber.

Lome, (I) adv. Frequently. "Oft

and lome," is a common phrsie.

Lomere, more frequently.

i2) 9. A limb ; a utensU.

3) 9. A loom.

LoMET, 9. A spoilt child. Devon.

LoMMAKiN, (1) atff. Large; clumsy-

(2) 9. Love-making. Hertf.

LoMPE, 9. A species of fish.

Furthermore thoee fiihes that fetde

upon Bweete herbea, rootea, and veedei

aooate the banke sidea are better then

those that live by mudde and sliat

amonge which ill sorte are those fiibei

that are called mi^lea or hmtuSy whi<^

are not holesome although they aeei*^

to have a pleasant taste and aaroiue-

Direct, for Health qf Magittrutes, U74

LoMPER, V, To idle; to walk heavily.

LoNCBE, 9. A great noise. Pr. F.

Lond, (1) 9. {A.'S.) Land. A land

in the dialect of Norfolk, signifies

a piece of land in a commos

arable field.

(2) V. To clog with dirt. Ea9t.

Londage, t. Landing.

LoND-EViL, 9. The epilepsy.






stealth without paying the rent.

LoNS, «. (1) The palm of the hand.

(2) A lodging-faoase. Somen.

(3) Begging. Devom,


Long, (1) v. {A.-S.) To belong to.

(2) 9. To long for.

(3) V. To reach ; to toss. Suf.

(4) adj. Tough to the palate.


(5) ttdj. Great.

LoNOART, 9. The end-board of a

cart. Cheth.

LoNO-BowLiMOi t. The game of


LoKo-BULLBta, «. A game peenliar

to the North of England.

LoNo-cRippLB, «. The speckled

viper. Devon,

LoNo-CEOWN, t. A cunning fellow.


LoNO-Doo, «. A greyhound, or


Longs, «. Lungs.

LoNoruL, adj, TedSoos.

LoNO-LAOT, 9. A fsrthing-candle.


LoNO-LANB, «. The throat.

Long- LEOGSD -TAILOR, 9. The

harry-long-Iegs. Northampt.

LoNG-Lira, #. A pig's miH. Line.

LoNO-or, prep. Owing to. "It

was Umg if me."

LoKG-oYsnn, #. The sea cray-fish.

LoNO-PunpLsa, «. The purple


LoNOSoMK, «4f • Tedious.

LoNGTAiL. i wiU come cut and

UmgiaHf I will come now and



tailed titmouse. South.

LoNO-TO. Distant from. Var. d.

LoNG-TOM, 9. The long-tailed tit-

mouse. Northampt.

LoNGWATB, adv. Lengthways.

LoMOWOBT, #. Pellitory of Spiin.

LoMiB, 9. A blsnket. Devon.

LoNK, 9. (1) A little dingle. Weet.

(2) The hip-joint. Herrf.

(3) A native of Lancashire.

LoNMiNG, 9. See Loam,

LoNT-Fios, 9. Dried figs. Weet.

Loo, V. (1) To shelter from the

wind. Kent. Set Lew.

(2) To aggravate a dog.

LooBS, 9. Slime in which ore is

found. Derb.

LooBT, 9. A down or awkvrard


TwittenhBin kohm, Tkiitleworth boobies,

Wita of the towD, Bud beani that have nanm ;

Ye JACobitei u iharp u pini,

Ye aoasiean, miul ye looterkiaa^

111 teach you ail the danco.

Acadtmf qf CompUwtmis, 1714b

LoocH, 9. A place to lay stone in.

LooBD,j9tfr/.j9. Supplanted. Weet.

Loor, V. The sea term now spelt

i^f. To bring a vessel close to

the wind.

LooiNDT, atlf' Sulky ; mischievous.


Look, V. (I) To behold.

(2^ To expect. North,

(3) To weed com. Looter, a

weeding-hook. Cumb.

LooK-ABouT-TB, 9. Au old name

of a game.

Look'bm. See Lueayne.

LooKBE, 9. A herdsman. Sueees.

Loom, (1) «. To appear large, as

things often do by refraction at

(2) 9. The track of a fish. Weet.

(3) 9. A chimney. Dwrhmm.

(4) 9. Any tool or utensil. Che9h,

Loom T, adj. Rancid and mouldy,

applied to meat. Notf.

Loon, «. A lout; a worthless


Loop, (1) «. A door binge. North.

(2) 9. A length of paling. Eaet.

(3) V. To melt and run together

in a mass.^ A mining term.

LooB, V. To' bow the head. North.

LooBD, 9. {Fr. lourd.) A lazy fellow.

Loos, 9. {A.'N.) Praise ; honour.

LoosB, (1) V. To discharge any

projective weapon.

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(2) «. The privilege of turning

cattle on commonB. N(trth,


mary dress of abandoned women,

hence used for such women them-


Yet if I go amoDff the citizens' vives,

tiiey Jeer at me ; if I go among tiie looMt-

hodud-ffowu, they cry a pox on me»

became I go civilly attired : and swear

their trade was a good trade, 'till such

as I am took it out of their hands.

Honett Whore, part 8, 0. fl., iii, 479.

LOOSB-LADDBR, «. A lOOp Slipped

down in a stocking.

Loot, «. A board fixed to a staff to

remove the scum in boiling brine.


LooTH. See Loo.

LoovBR, «. An opening at the top

of a dove-cote. North.

LooTXTNO, i. (j4.'S.) Praise;

honour. Looveyd, praised.

Loozs, t. A pig-stye. Weit.

Lop, (1) t. {A.-S.) A flea.

Ts Joy ynow so ye yonr ly ggys streyne.

Ye lade longe-sydyde as a7o0««.

HI nth Cent.

(2) 9. To hang loosely.

(3) V. To lounge. Kent.

(4) 9. The faggot wood of a tree.

LoPB, (1) «. To leap.

(2)pret. t of lepe. Leapt. pL

lopen, they leapt.

(3) 9. A leap.

(4) 9. To stride. E89€s.

Lop-BARBD, adj. Having long pen-

dulous ears.

LopB-8TAPF,«. A staff with which

to leap ditches, &c.

LopxwAT, 9. A foot and bridle

way, not adapted for carriages.


LopiRD, adj. Coagulated ; clotted.


Lop-LOACH, 9. The leech used by

surgeons. North,

LopLOLLT, 9. A lazy fellow. We9t.

LopPER, 9. To curdle. Var. d.

OPPBTXNO, atg. Loitering ; idle.

LoppiNO, adj. Lame. Dortet.

Lop-siDED, a4f* Leaningto one side.

Lop-STABT, 9. The stoat. Ea»t.

LopwxBBX, 9. {A.'S.) A spider's


LoQUiNTUB, a(^'. Eloquent.

LoRDBTN. See Feeer-Lwrdau

LoRDPBST, adj. {A.'S.) Exoesavely



term for a violent pain in the


LoRDiNOS, 9. (ji.'S.) Sirs ; masters.

LoRDS-AND-LADiBS, 9. The plant

arum maeulatum.

LoRD-sizB, «. The judge at assizes.

Lord'8-room, 9. The stage-box in

a theatre. Joiuon,

LoRDSwiK, 9, A traitor.

LoRB, (1) {ji,'S.) 9. Doctrine;


(2) part. p. Lost.



LoRBiNB, «. (J,-N.) A rein.

LoRBL, «. (A.'N.) A worthless feU

low ; a scoundrel.

LoRBMBB, a. (J.-N.) A bit-maker.

LoRENOB, 9. {J.'N.) Iron.

LoRBR, 9. {A.'N.) The laurel-tree.

LoRBSif AK, 9. {A.-S.) A teacher.

LoRiNG, «. Doctrine. Spenaer.

Lo9.Nmt part. p. Lost.

Lorr6, 9. A dish in ancient cookery.

LoRRiB-up,a. A brawl. iViDr/Aiiiii^.

Lortt, a4f. Dirty. Northumb,

LosARD, 9. {J.'N.) A coward.

LosB. (I) «. {A.-N.) Praise ; honour.

(2) 9. To praise.

(3) 9. Fame ; report.

LosBL, 9. {A.'N.) A scoundrel.

Another form of loreU

LosBNOBRiB, 9. (A.'N.) Flattery ;


LosBNoouR, 9. (A.'N.) A flatterer ;

a liar.

LosBTK, la. A losenge. Famu ^


LosH, (1)9. To splaah. North.

(2) a. Buff leather. Nwf.

d by boogie




Lossi, I. A lynx.

LostiT, «. A flat wooden dish.


hiisvu,adj, Lo?etome.

Lossy, adf. Lacky.

lM9Tf part, p. Famished. Herrf.

Lot, (1) 8. The shook of a tree.

(2) 9. To imagine. We$t.

(3) f. Dues to the lord of the

manor for ingress and egress. A

miner's term.

LoTCB, 9. To go limpingly. Lane.

LoTi. 9. (1) (^.-5.) A tribute.

(2) Gesture; aspect.

(3) A loft, or floor. South.

Lots, v. (l) To Inrk; to lie con*


Of the enmehe lie was do

At ere-iangee oare;

The Mtnnflhe lefte lotedt ine God


WlUUm dc Shonham.

(2) To struggle ; to strive.

LoTiBT, "If. A bedfellow ; a con-

LUDBY, J cubine ; a loTcr male or


LoTHE, (1) adj. (J.'S.) Hateful;


(2) V. To loathe.

(3) t. Harm ; danger.

(4)9. To offer for sale. Kermett.

LoTH*a,(l)a(^-.(^.-5.) Unwilling.


(2) 9. To splash. North.

LoTHLY, adj. Loathsome.

LoTiBN, 9. {A.^S.) To lie in am-


LoT-TBLL«a, i. A wizard.

LoTTtRYjf. (1) DlYination; witch-


(2) A chUd's print.

(3) To go to lottery, to quarreL

liOVfpret. t. Laughed.

LoccB, 9. To walk slovenly. We$t,

LoDCHBT, t. A larg^ piece. Beri».

LouD-AND-STiLL. An old phraso

equivalent to alwaya.

Lough, #. A bole in a rock. Line.

LouK, (1) «. A thump. Var. d.

(2) 9. To thrash.

(3) «. A kind of coarse grass.


(4) 8. A lattice. S^f.

(5) 9. To put in place. Somen.

LouKB, 9. To lock.

LouKBR, 9. A weeder. North.

LovM.i'SQ, adj. Awkward. North.

LouLB, 9. To carry. Far. d.

LouMB, adj. Gentle. Cheth.

LouN, 9. To beat. North.

LouNDBB, 9. To scamper about.


LouMBR, It. A large lump of

LouNOB, J bread.

LouNT, t. A piece of land in a

common field. Cheth. See Land.

Loup, 9. To leap. North.

Loup-TBB-LONO-LONNiN, $. Leap-


LouPY-DiKB, $. An imprudent per-

son. North.

LouRDE, adj. (J.-N.) Heavy ; dis-


LouRDY, adj. Sluggish. Sun.

LovRB, 9. {J.'S.) To look or be

discontented. Lourand, discon-


LouRY, a£(f' Threatening rain.

LousB, 9. To think ; to consider.


Lou8BBUR,f. A plant. OzeWeRab.

LonsTER, 9. (1) To loll about.


(2) To make a clumsy rattling

noise ; to work hard. South.


Forum promercale, eenitarium, obi vei-

timenta eat m ntu trltiB Tennin ex-

poDuntur. ypvTaumkelov. La fripon-

nerie, ott le viel miurch^. The place or

•tandine where oide apparell and each

like stttffe is to be sold: the lowri« fairer

or beggers market NommeUior, 1686.

LouTB, 9. (1) {A.'S.) To bend ; to

bow ; to make obeisance.

(2) To loiter, or tarry. Heame.

(3) To lurk. See Lote, Lotien.

(4) To neglect.

(5) To low, or bellow.

(6) To milk a cow. North.

LovB, (1) 9. {A.»S.) To praue.





(2) «. An old ntme of a game.

(3) V. To set a price.

(4) V. To prefer.

LoTB-ACHB, «. The plant loyage.

Love-bind, i. Traveller's-joy.

LovB-CABT, 9. A lent cart. Ox'


LovB-DAT, «. A day appointed for

the seitlement of differences by


LovB-ENTANOLB, «. The nlgcUa.


LovB-rBAST, «. An annaal feast

celebrated on the Thursday next

before Easter.

LovB-iN-iDLENB8B, t. The Small

pansy. Warw.

LovB-LiKiNO, f. (A.'S,) Gracious.

ness; peace.

LovE-LocKS, «. Locks of hair,

hanging near or over the ears,

fashionable towards the middle

of the 1 7th century. Sailors now

term the curls which they wear

on their temples love-locks.

LoTBLOKBB, odf, (J.-S.) More


LovB-LONOiNO, f. Desire.

LoTB-POT, f. A drunkard.

LovBB, i. (1) {A,^N,) A turret or

lantern on the roof of a building

for the escape of smoke, &c. See


(2) A chimney. North,

LovBRDiNO, «. A lordling.

LoVESOMB, adj. Lovely.

LoviBN, V, {A.mS.) To love.

LoviER, $, A lover. Var. d.

Loving-cup, «. The grace-cap.

Low, (1) t. \a.'S.) a flame; heat.

Lowyngty flaming.

(2) t. {A.-S. Mw.) A small hill,

more especially applied to a

sepulchral tumulus.

(3^ V, To heap up. Devon,

(4) prei, t. Laughed.

LowABLB, a^. Commendable.

Hope, thenne. is a vertue moche ImgabU,

and of grata meryte befwe God.

Caston't Art of Dying Wttl.

LowANCB, «• Allowance; income;


Unto Mme inne the owner never ment

To bo beyond a lord-sbipa loteanee •pent.

LowANBE, V, To stint. fFett.

LowBBLL, (1) a. A bell nsed in


(2) a. The fire-bell.

(3) 9, A term of familiarity.

Peace, gentle lowielL

B. ir Fl.t Worn. Price, i, S.

Flo. Ton are a tweet drunken yoatk.


r VagtaUi, 16f70.

Alb. No more of that, «>od I

Flows Fag

(4) 9, To serenade a quarrelsome

man and wife. A Northampton-

shire custom, resembling the old

one of riding Skimmington.

Lowe, prei. t. Lied.

LowBN, V. (1) To fall in price. East.

(2) To condescend.

LowBND,j9ar^/). Reduced in price.

*'The baker is hwend U da;"

the contrast to hisefCd, or raised.

LowBB, (1) a. {A.N.) Hire; reward.

(2) $. A lever. Vw. d.

(3) 9. To strike as a clock vrirh

a low prolonged sound ; to toll

the curfew. Devon,

(4) V. To shrug with the ahool-

ders. North.

LowBRST, V. To exert Devon,

Lowrs, f. Low grounds. YorJtt.

LowiNos, 9. See Lunie9,

Low LB, V. To carry a heavy

burthen in one's arms. Devon,

LowL-BARBD, odj. Long-cared.


LowLYHBDB, 9, (A.-S.) Meekncss.

Low-men, «. False dice, so con-

structed as always to turn op low


LowNB, adj. Sheltered. North. See

Loo and Lew.

LowRB, 9, An old cant term for


Low-ROPE, f. A piece of rope

lighted at one end. North,

Lows, 9, Low level land. Snfg^,





Low&sw, «. To Htteo. Dortet

Liow-suNDAY, «. The first Sanday

after Easter.

liOWT, If. To mock; to contemn.

Lo^vrrsM, v. To be silent.

I.fO'WXBKr (1) adj. Loud.

(2) «. Liowness.

Lo-wTHSy «. Low-lands. Yorkth.

LiO-wsKN, /wvi. jp/. They Ungh.

LoYKS, V. To curre a sole.

LoTT, «. A late.

LozBNGa. «. A lollipop. Eut,

LoziN, «. A feast or merry-making

when a cutler comes of age. Sheff.

LuBBBR, «. A giant?

Are yon tall? all that ue lower than

you are dwarfea : are joa low f all that

are taller are lubbers, or May-poles.

Mm in the Moone, 1609.

Lubber-cock, a. A turkey-cock.


LuBBBRD, «. A lubber. North.

M. Who knock! at the dooref

F. Friends.

M. Friends walks not in the nieht.

P. Tbott slovenly lubberd, and toyish

fellow, what idle toyes goest thou fan*


The Paetengtr ofBaaemiio, lOlS.

Lyibbrr-land, f. Ck>cayne.

Lubber- WORT, a. Any potion which

renders stupid.

LuBBY, a. A dolt. Dewm,

LuBRiciTT, a. (,Lat.) Incontinency.

LuBRicK, adj, (Lat) Incontinent.

Ill be no pander to hhn ; and if I find

Any loose luhrick 'scapes in him, I'll watch


And, at my retuni, protest I'll shew you all.


Luc, a. A small pool near the shore.





Luce, a. (1)'(/*...V.) A pike.

(2) A rut. South.

Lucense, a. (A.'N.) Light.

LucBRN, a. (1) A lamp.

(2) A lynx ; the fur of a lynx.

Luck, v. (1) To make or be lucky ;

to chance upon*


window in the

And in warrant you, that arch blado

that Imeyd upon a married minister,

and aak'd him how Mrs. Parson did;

thought himself in little less than a rap-

ture i and it was well, if he did not go

presently to bed, and take a dose of

Oiasoordinm. Baeharfs Oheen., 1871.

(2) To top.

LccKB,v. To knit the brows. North*

LucKEB, a. Sort or like. Devon.

LucKiNG-MiLL, a. A fulting-miU.


Lucks, a. Locks of wool twisted

on the finger of a spinner at the

distaff. Ea9t.

LucKT, (1) a. Large; easy. North.

(2) To make one^a htcky, to cut

one'i lucky, to depart in haste.

LuDDOKKES, 9. {J.-S.) The loins.

LuB, 9. To sift. A mining term.

LuFE, a. (1) Love. Zt^ar, a lover.

(2) The open hand.

(3) The ear of a toad. North.

Luff, a. The wooden case in which

the candle is carried in bird-


LuFT, a. (A.'S.) A fellow.

Lug. a. (1) The ear. North.

(2) A measure of land, contain-

ing a pole, perch, or sixteen and

a half feet square.

(3) A rod, twig, or pole. West.

(4) / cry luff, I am in no


LuGDOR, a. The wood-louse.

Luge, a. A lodge.

LuGEOus, adj. Unwieldy. Devon.

LuGGAKD, a. A sluggard.

Lugger, a. Astrip of ground. Glouc.

LuGOiE, a. A wooden dish. North,

LuGOiSH, adj. Dull.

hvoHEt part. p. Laughed.

Lug-lain, a. Full measure. Somen.

LuG-LOAF, a. A heavy fellow.

LuGBOME, adj. Heavy. East.

Lug-worm, a. A kind of sea-worm

found in the sand on the sea-

coast and used for bait.

LuiTEL, adj. Little.

Thanh hit on En^lisch be dim nnd derk,

Ke nabbe no savor before clerk,

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Tot lewed men that Imtel eonnen

On Engluch hit ia that bixonnen.

Fernon MS., Bodleian Lihrmj.

LuiK-LAKE, V. To be playful. Yoria.

LuKB, (1) V, {J.'S.) To protect.

(2) «. A turnip leaf. South.

Lukes, «. A sort of velvet.

LuKBWARD, «. A species of cherry

which ripened in June.

LuLLiss, «. The kidneys. Cheah.

LuM, «. (1) A woody valley.

(2) A deep pool.

(3) The chimney of a cottage.


Lumber, (1) 9. To stumble.

(2) a. Ribaldry. East.

(3) 9. Harm ; mischief. Var. d.

LpMBBR.piE, It. A high-sea-

LOMBARD-pYE, j soned meat pie,

of veal or lamb.

LuMBiSH, at^. Heavy. Line,

LuMBRiKB, 9. {Lat,) An earth-


LuMB, t. A beam.

LuMMACK, V. To tumble. St^,

LuMMOCK, 9. A lump. Leic.

Lummox, «. A heavy stupid fellow.


Lump, (1) «. A kind of fish. See


(2) t>. To be sulky. Devon,

(3) V. To beat ; to thump. Var. d.

Lumps, «. Hard bricks for flooring.


LuMPY-jUMMB, 9. A dish made of

oatmeal, sprinkled with water,

and boiled in lumps of about the

size of a nut, which, when eaten,

are found to be dry meal in the

inside. North,

LuM-swooPER, 9. A chimney-

sweeper. North,

LuN, 9, Cover or shelter. West.

LuNART, 9. Moon-wort.

Lunch, «. A thump.

Luncheon, a. A lump of food.

LvvDYf adj. Clumsy; heavy. Var.d.

Lunbs, a. (fV.) (1) Lunacy.

(2) Long lines to call in hawks.

LuNOE, V. (1) To plunge.

(2) To lean aside, or incline.

" It hinffea this way."

(3) To hmge a coU, to hold him

with a long rope, and drive him

round in a circle.

(4) To beat. Eaat.

(5) To skulk. Northampt,

Lunoeoub, adj. Vindictive ; quar-

relsome; ill-tempered ; awkward;

restive (said of a horse).

LuNGis, a, (fV.) A long, awkward

fellow. '*A slimme slow.back,

a dreaming gangrill, a tall and

dull slangam,that hath no making

to his height, nor wit to his

making.'' Minaheu.

Knaves, Tiurlet I what, {ni^/ gireme

a dosen of stools there.

DekHfa Satiroauutix,

How dost thon, Ralph P Art thou not

shrewdly hurt? the foal great Umgita

laid uiitnercifttllT on thee.

B. /- Fl., Knight of Bum. PettU, Act n.

LuNOSft. Afire-blower to a chemist.

That ia hia fire-drake,

His Imnffi, his sephyrua, he that pnflGi his

coaL B. Jont., Auh., n, 1.

liVVQEVTfpart.p, Tied. Lane,

LuNT, adj. Surly ; clownish. Eaat.

LuR,«. Loss; misfortune. Gaufayne,


Each worde (me thonght) did vonnd me so.

Each looke did lurcke my harte.

TurbtniU^t TragieuU Tales, 1587.

Lurch, a. (1) An easy victory.


(2) A game at tables.

(3) To lie at lurch, to lie in

wait. To give a lurch, to de-


Lurcher, 1

LUECARD, y«. A glutton.


Lurcher, a, A potato left in the


Lurch-line, v. The line of a

fowling-net, by which it was

pulled over, to enclose the birds.

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But when we heard with whom I had to


Weil done (quoth be) let him go beate

the bosh,

I and my men to the bavk-liiu will iteale.

And ptnck the net even at the present

pnah. Mirr.for Mag,^ p. 848.

LuBDSN, 9. {A.-N,) A down; a


^^v^li]^i' SluggUh. North.

LuM, (1) «• " That whereto faol-

coners call their young hawks,

by casting it up in the aire, being

made of feathers and leather in

such wise that in motion it looks

not unlike a fowl/' Latham,

(2) «. The palm of the hand.


(3) V. To give a loud and shrill

cry. East.

(i) «. A lever. Eoit.

(5; «. A sore on a cow's hoof.


LuaoE, 9, To move backwards and

forwards on a chair. Somerset.

liURKBY-DiSH, s. Pennyroyal.

LuARiES, s. Garments.

Lurry, (1) a. A tumult.

(2) 9. To do anything in a hurry.


(3) s. Bustle. Leic.

(4) 9. To pull. Northumb.

(5) 9. To daub. East.

LusARO, «. A lizard.

Luscious, adj. Strong and offen-

sive in smell. Leic.

Lush, (1) adj. Rich; luxuriant;

succulent; as applied to vege-


Then greene and void of strength, and Ituk

and foggy is the blade,

And cheers the husbandman with hope,

Golding*i Ovid, ST.

Shrubs Ituh and almost lyke a grystle. Id.

(2) adj. Limp.

(3) s. A twig for thatching.


(4) 9. To splash in water. Cumb.

(5) s. Intoxicating drink.

Lusht, adj. Tipsy.

LusK, (1) s, A lazy, lubberly


So, ho, so, ho, Appetitus! faith now I

think Morpheus himself hath been here;

up, with a pox to you : up, yon but I

ZJj^, O.Pl.,T,241.

What, thou great huk«, said I, art tbou

BO farre spent that thou hast no hope

to recover r Terence w Bnglitk, IMl .

(2) 9. To loll about idly, to be


He is my foe, ftrend thou not him, nor

foi^ him armes, but let

Him lutke at home unhonored; no good by

him we get.

Wtvm0r^$ Jlbum Bitgland, 159S.

Leavins the sensnall

Base hangers on, Xueking at home in slime.

MaraUm, Sc. i^ ViU., iii, 8.

Luskisb, <i4r< Lazy. Luskishness,


LuaoRT, adj. (Lat.) Deceptive.

For sorcery, properly so called, r'lt.

didnation by lotts, it is too much appa-

rent how it abounds. For buory lots,

the state groans under the Joese by

them, to the ruine of many men and

families } as the churches lament under

the sins by them : and for other lots,

hj sieves, Suoks, &c., they abouud, as

witchery, 8cc., abounds.

Home, DmmmuHogie, 1650.

Lussheburwes, s. Money of the

dukes of Luxembnrgh, which

was much debased, and forbidden

by our early statutes to be im-

ported and passed for the English

coinage, which it resembled.

^LuxuM,}^*'- Lovely; beautiful.

Luste, (1) 9. To like; to desire.

(2) s. Liking ; desire ; delight.

(3) 9. To bend on one side.


{A) s. A quantity. East,

Lu STICK, adj. Lusty; healthy;


To make his heart merry, as he has made


As Uutiek and frolick as lords in their

bowers. Joeidl Crew, O. PL, x, 340.

LusTNB, 9. {A.'S,) To listen.

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LUS 652


Lushutk to me, lordyngei,

Tho God atte begjnnyn^es

Heddr i-mud hevene with ginne,

^d the angeles lo briht withione.

Venum MS., BodUUm Library.

LusTRSBy V. To bustle about. Exm,

LusTRiNO, 9. A sort of plain silk.

LusTT, adj. Pleasant ; lively ; gay

in dress.

LusTY-OALLANT, udj. An oldteim

for a colour.

LusTT-GUTS, «. A strong person.

Nay, but Btay a little and rest thyaelfe,

that thou maitt be better able to talk

with her, lest she be too good for thee

because she is a young Uutie-cuts.

Terence in Sngiuh, 1641.

LusTYHBDB, «. (A.-S,) Pleasure ;


LvT, pret. t. Stooped.

LuTB, (1) V. (J.-S.) To lie hid.

(2) adj. Little.

(3) V. To play on the lute.

Luther (1) adj. Wicked. See


(2) i. A ladder. *< Shall I fetch

thatthare bUher?" Norf.

LuTHERBN, 9. Leathers; strings.


LuTHOBUT. Only look I North,

Luton, «. A projection from a

house ; a bow window. Smt,

LuTTBR, «. To scatter. GUmc*

LuTTER-PUTCH, «. Aslovcn. Comto,

LuxuRiABT, «. One addicted to


Luxurious, adj. Lustful

0 most insatiate, huniriona woman.

akakesp.^ Titiu Andron., t, 1.

What worse disgrace did ever king sus-


Than I by this Imsuriota couple have^

Webster /- BotcUy'e Thrae.JFonder, i. 1.

Luxury, #. (J.-N.) Lewdness;


LuYscHBNB, V. To rush violently.

LuzBRN, 9. A lynx.

Even from the parching sone, behold, I


A atraunger, stranngely mounted as you


Seated upon a lusty Iwum'e back. PeeU.

Lyam, f. A thong. " The string (

used to lead a greyhound is called

a leese, and for a hound a lyame.'*


Lybbbt, 9, A stick, or staff.

A beesome of byrche, for babes very feete,

A long lasting lybbet, for ioubbers most


A wyth to wynde up that there will not


Bynde it all nu in one and use it to sweeps.

CtBHuifor Cowmon CureUors, A 4^ b.

Lycceo-tea, «. Tea and spirits.

North. See Laced,

Lye, t. (1) A flame of fire.

(2) Kindred. Pr. P.

Lybrby, 9. A kept mistress. Mel-

baneke*9 PMiotimu9, 1583.

Lyfbn, v.

And with such sighs.

Laments, and acdamatiuns li(fen it.

Marstant dnUndoU Re^tnge^ sign. KS.

Lying- DOWN, 9, Accouchement.

Lyino-housb, f. A prison.

Lylse-wulsb, 9. Linsey-woolsey.


Lymmbr, 9, A plunderer.

To satisfle in |»arte the wrong which bad

bene oflred him, by those lymmen and


Uodnek., Hut. qflrel, B b. 4, coL 9.

Lymphault, adj. Lame.

Or YulcanuB the lymphttuli smithe.

Ckaloner^e Morim JThomi., C b.

He [Yulcan] plaieth the jester, now

wyth hys lymphttnUyngt now with

skofflug, &c lb.

Lymptwigo, 9. A lapwing. £r-


Lynib, 9. A line. Pr. P.

Lynkwhitb, 9. A linnet.

With lowde lagbttirs one bfle.

For lykyng of byrdcx,

or larkei, of lynhchytta.

That lufflyche songene. MorieJrthmn.

Lyriblirino, 9. A warbling or


8o may her ears be led.

Her ears where musike tires,

To hcMre and not despise

Thy lyriblirino cries.

Pembr., drcadia, iii, p. 895

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LYV 653


Ltvb,«. Lea^e. MS, dated 1470.

Ltjet, pres, t Lieth.

LTfTHKRBLY, odv. (^.-5.) Wick-



Ma, (1) V. To make.

(2) a((f. More (for mo).

Maak, t. A maggot. York$h,

Maapment, 8. A long story. Cttmb.

Mab, (1) «. A slattern. North.

(2) V. To dress negligently.

Mabble, v. To dress slovenly.

Macaron, ']9.(ItaL) A fop; a

macaroon, J fool.

Like R big wife, at right of lothnd meat.

Beady to travail ; lo 1 sigh and sweat

To hear this macaron talk in vain.

Donne't Pomm, p. 139.


And no way fit to speak to clouted iboon.

Blfffy on Donne, ed. 1050, ib.

Macaroni, «. (flat.) A term ap.

plied in the latter half of the

last century to a fop or dandy

who dressed in the exaggerated

fashion of the day.

Mace, i. (A.-N.) (1) A club. Macer,

one who carries a mace.

(2) Acorns. Somert.

Mace-mondat, 8. The first Mon-

day after St. Anne's Day, July

26, held as a feast in several

localities, and in some with bur.

lesque ceremonies.

MacE'FRoof, adj. Not liable to


Maca CHINA, 9. A sort of Italian

dance, danced by buffoons in

masks. See Mattachm.

Macham, t. An old name of a

game at cards.

Machb, v. To match.

Machound,] 8. (1) The medieval

MAcoN, V name for Mahomet ;

MAHOUNO, J any idol.

(2) A bugbeare.

Macilent, adj. {Lat.) Lean.

Mackb,>. An old game at cards.

Mackerel, 8. {Fr.) A bawd.

Mackerbl-8kt, 8. A streaky sky,

believed to portend wind and

rain. Northampt.

Mackerlt, adj. Fashionable.


Mackish, a^. Smart. Warm.

Mackle, 9. To eontrive. North"


Maceled, part. p. {Lat.) Spotted.

Mackler, 8. A hawker.

Macks, «. Sorts. North.

Macky, adj. Neat ; smart. North-


Macrio, 8. A bawd. Middleton.

Macrows, 8. Macaroni. Forme of

Cury, p. 18.

Macstar, f . A poulterer and dealer

in eggs.

Maculation, 8. {Lat.) A stain.

Mad, (1) 8. An earth-worm. Var. d.

Content the, Daphlea, moolea take mads,

but men know moolei to catch.

Wanur's Albiona Bngland^ 1592.

(2) adj. Angry. Var. d.

(3) 8. Madness. Gloue.

(4) «. A species of nightshade.

Madde,«. {A.'S.) To become mad.

Madder, «. Matter. North.

Madders, 1 «. {A. S. mage^a.')

MATHERS, > The May.weed

MAUTHERN, J {anthemts cotula).

Madding. To run a madding after

anything^ to go furiously after it.

M ADDLE, tr. (1) To confuse, or be

confused ; to rave. North.

(2) To be fond of. North.

Maddocks, 8. Maggots.

Mad-dog, 8. An old term for strong


Mader-wort, 8. Mug-wort.

Madge, «. (1) An owl ; called also

a madge-howlet. Cotyrave.

(2) Pudendum f. South.

Madgetin, 8. The Margaret apple.


Madlin, 8. A bad memory. Cumb.

Madning-money, 8. .\ popular

name for Roman coins found

about Dunstable.





Mad-pabb, Mff' Mad, or intane.

UrquMart't Rmbeltdt.

Mads, «. A diieaae of sheep.

Ma-fbis, (^..iST.) My faith!

Maftlakd, 9, A fool.

Mafvlb, 1 v. To mumhle, or

liUFFui, J stammer.

Mafflino, {\)adj. A term applied

to a small eater, e.g. '*She*s

nobbut a nu^gUng feeder." Line.

(2) c. A simpleton. North.

Mao, (1)9. TochAtter.

(2) V. To tease.

(3) «. The jack at which quoits

are thrown.

(4) 9. An old cant term for a


Maob, «. {Lai.) A magician.

Maobcollb, "I V. {A.'N.) To for-

iiACHicoLDfj tify the wall with


Maobs, 9. The hands. NcrthMmb.

Maoglb, 9. To teaze. Oxon,

Maggots, «. Whims.

Maggoty, adj. Whimsical; frolic-

some ; fidgety. Var, d.

Maggott-pib,! ^ J

MAGOT-PIB, J" -^ '"-»l'*^

Maggy-many- FBBT, #. The wood-

loase. We9t.

Magit, «. A magpie. Line.

Magnbl. See Mangonel.

Magnifical, adj. Magnificent;


Bestowed upon him certtine gifti after

the Turkish msniier, and in magmficaU

tMrmes gave him answere.

ImMc^ Hut. qf tk* Twh, p. 993.

Manificbnt, atli' Munificent.

Magnificats, v. To magnify.

Magnifico,«. {Ital.) A grandee of


Magnify, v. To signify. Devon.

Magnopbratb, 9. {Lat.) To in-

crease greatly.

Magny, t. A magpie.

Magudbr, 9. A stalk of a plant

Mahbrbmb, 9. {A.'N.) Timber.

Mahoit&es, 9. (Fr.) Waddings

used to pad out the shoulders.


MAHomr, t. Mahomet; an idoi-

See Maehmmd. \

Maid, 9. (1) A giri. !

(2) A kind of fish. OjretT* Rai. i

(3) The iron frame for the I

haking-stone. We9t. .

Maidbkin, 9. (A.'S.) A little maid. |

Maidbn-haib, 9. The plant ea-

piUu9 Fenerie* '

Maidbnhbdb, f . (1 ) The condition

of being a maiden.

(2) The first use of any thing.

So whan they came to a lyttelle towre '

where a newe pillorj was sette up, be

that sayd he eoolde lyghtly assenltt

people to gether went to the Uajij cf

the towne which was a boudker. ari

desired him that he wdde grre hia

leave to have the wiVaitwrf of tic

pyllory — ^whiche reqneste at the fynte

abasshed thebaTllye; for he wyst iivi

what he meote thereby.

TaUi and Qn«i« AsutMrn,

Maidbn-lip8, «. The plant lit^^p^is.

Maidbn-lob, #. A worm.

Maidbns-honbsty, 9. The plant


Maidbwodb, 9. Dog's-fenneL

Maid's-lovb, 9. Southernwood.


Mail, (1) «• To pinion a hawk.

(2) o. To milk a cow, when near

calving, but once a day. MaiiUn,

the quantity of one milking. AVf A.

(3) 9. A spot on a hawk.

(4) «. That part of a clasp which

receives the spring.

(5) 9. A defect in vision. J^evoii.

Main, (1) «. A throw at dice.

(2) adj. Great; violent. Far. d.

(3) 9. Might ; strength.

(4) 9. The thick part of meat

(5) V. To lame. HaUanuh.

Main-hamper, a. A basket for

carrying fruit. Somer9et.

Mainie, "I 9. {A.'N.) A house-

MAI8NIB, I hold; those who at-

MAiNY, rtended on a man'»

many, j table or house ; his

personal followers; in a wider

sense, an army.

Mainly, adv. Very much*

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655 HAK

Pidi, pdiaw, you'd make me tngry, Init

that I loTe you so «i«iiiiy.

Wyehefi*^, CowUry W^t, 1688.

Main-pin, 1. A pin put through

the fore-axle of a waggon for it

to turn upon in locking.

Mains, *. A farm, or fields, near

a house, and in the owner's occu-

pation. North.

Mainswear, 9. (^.-5.) To swear

falsely. North,

Maintenance, #. {A.-N.) Be-


M AiNTEN ANTLY,fldf . Mainly .iVorM.

Mair, 9. {A.-N.) A mayor.

Maiblikin, adj. Foolish. North.

Maison-dewb, 9. {A.'N. mauon-

Dieu, God's house.) A hospitaL

Maist, (1) fl^;. Most, Maist-what,

generally. Craven.

(2)pre9.t.9. Makes.

Mai8ter.(1)i. (^.-iSr.) a skilful


(2) Used as an adjective to sig-

nify chief, as the maUter street.

Maistbrful, adj. Headstrong;


Maisterlino, 9. A familiar term

for a master.

Maistlins, adv. Mostly. North.

MAiSTRE88E,«.(^.-iV.) Amistrcss-

Maistrie, \9. {A.'N,) Skill;

MAisTRisB, J power; an extraordi-

nary performance, or masterly


Make, (1) t. (^.-5'.) A companion ;

a husband, or wife.

(2) V. (A.'S.) To compose verses.

(3) *. An old cant term for a


(4) 9. An implement for cutting

up peas. Suff.

(5) V. To do ; to cause.

(6) 9. A sort, or fashion. North.

{7)v. To assist in. York9h.

(8) V. To prepare.

(9) V. To dress meat.

(10) V. To fasten. " Maie the

doors." Var.d.

(11) t;. To steal. Leic.

(12) To maie dtmger, to try, to

make experiment, {lat. facere


If there be e'er a priTate comer u you

A Mfh lobby out o' the way, make danger.

Try what they are, try. .„..,.., ^

To make nice, to scruple. 7V>

make unready, to undress. 7b

nuike aU split, to use great vio-

lence. To make fair weather, to

coax a person. To make a mat-

ter with one, to pick a quarrel

with him. To make naught, to

corrupt. To make to the bow,

to form to one's hand- Make

your mannere, a command to a

child to touch his hat or curtsey

in the presence of superiors.

Make-bate, 9. A quarrelsome


MAKE.BBGOAR,t. The aunual pearl-


Make-count, (1) f. A make-

weight. North.

(2) 9. To intend. E99es.

Maee-hawe, 9. An old hawk cm-

ployed to instruct a young one.

Make-peace, 1. A paciacator.

Maker, i. A poet.

Makerly, adv. Tolerable. North.

MAKE-sHirr,«. Substitute.

Who ii ao terrified by her that he were

better in hie grave ; by day he dare not

meet her, ahe ia so man'd with make-

shift ; by night bee feareth to lie with

her, her touch is ao ambiguona.


Make-weioht, "1 9. Something

MAKE-COUNT, J added to make

up weight.

Makkb, 9. A dish in cookery.

Uaike. Take drawen benea, and seeth

hem wel. Take hem up of the water,

and cast hem in a mortar ; grynde hem

al to douat, til thei be white aa cny mylk.

Chawf a lilcU rede wyne, cast there

among in the gryndyng, do thereto salt,

leshe It in dishea. Thanne take ornona,

and mynce hem amalle, and aeeth hem

in oilc, til they be al bron ; and flohaah

the diaahea, and aenrc it forth.


d by Google


. 656


Makbok, 9, A rake for an oyen.

Malack,«. a disturbftDce. Yorkfh.

M ALAH ACK, o. To cut or cure awk-

wardly. East.

Malakatoon. See Maleeotoon,

Malan-trbb, «. The beam across

an open chimney. East,

Malch, adj. Mild. Craven.

Maldbop, s. a ruby.

Maldworp, f. A mole. "Ye

maken a maldworp stonde there.''

Wyctiffite versions^ Prolog.

Malb, (1) a(^. (A.-N.) Evil.

(2) 1. {J.'N.) A budget; a box.

(3) «. Dandelion. Dorset.

M ALBBoucHB, s. {A.-N.) Calumny.

Malecolyk, t. Melancholy.

Malecotoon, \«. {Lat. maium


kind of late peach.

Peaches, apricots,

And maUcotoofUyifiili other cnoicer plumbs,

Will serve for large-aiz'd bullets.

Ordinary, 0, PI, x, 280.

A wife here, with a strawberry breath,

cherry lips, apricot cheeks, and a soft

velvet head, like a melieotton

B. /PM., Bath. Fair.i, 3.

"SlKhKiyiQnTfpart.p. Cursed.

Malefices, s. {Lat.) (1) Bad ac-


(2) Enchantments.

Malbnginb, 1. (A.'N.) "Wicked

ingenuity or art.

Bat the chaste damzell that had nsver


Or such malfngine, and fine forgery.

Did easely beleeve her strong extrennitye.

Male- PILLION, s. A horse cushion

or saddle to carry luggage.

Malbsb, s. (Fr.) Uneasiness.

Maletalent, s. (A.'N.) Ill-will;


Malgracious, adj. Ungracious.

Maloraoo, adv. In despite of;

notwithstanding. The Italian

form of maugr^.

Malhburb, s. {A.-N.) Misfortune.

MalAewedt illfortuned.

Malice, s. Sorcery ; more correctly


MaliciouBv a4f. Artfal.

Malign, 9. To regard or set with


Malinger, 9. Soldiers are said to

malinger J when they feign illnes*.

Malison. ». (A.-N.) Curse; mile.


Malkin, a. (1) The diminutite of


(2) A slattern. Devon.

(3) A scarecrow; a dwarf. Somtn.

Mall, s. (1) A hammer, or dub.

(2) A plough-share. Somerset.

(S) An old name of a game.

(4) A court; a pleadiiig-hoosc

M ALLBNDBR8, s. A discasc inddcflt

to horses, consisting of cracb ib

the knees, producing ulcen.

Mallioo, «. Malaga wine.

And Mattiffo glasses fox thee. ^

SpoMiik Giptj, !•! '

M ALLiNCOLLTfAJir.MelancholT; »c.

8acke mill nmke the mcry mind be n^

Soo will it make the nudlimeoUjf gUd

If mearth and sadenes dooth mnstn-


When I am sade lie drinke mm »^

againe. JfU» f*f^

Mallock, v. To scandalise- l^-

Malls, #. The measles. Exm.

Mallt, s. A hare. North.

Malm, «. Soil when wet, or of «

clayey and adhesive nature. 1*1

walking after a shower when iw

rather slippery, it is said to be

nuibny. Norf.

Malshragges,! «. Caterpillini

MALLI8HAGS, J canker-womis. j

Malskbre, V, To wander. I

Maltalent,<. {Fr.) Spleen; til


So forth he w«nt, ^ ^

With heavy looke, and lumpish pace ' ■''


In him bewrai'd great gmdge and wmH*''' f j

Malt-bug, s. An old term fw >


Malt-combs, f. The shoots whes

malt bqpns to nm. Var. d.

d by Google



UAL-wm^pmi. t. Melted.

Ma£vhiobm» 9. A rtnagy hMvy

hone, iika • dmjhafm- Sktdtetp.

mM*woBif,-ff. Agrealdranktid.

Malub, «. (ii.-5.) fbemaUow.

Malvuiib, «. The older luune for


Mam, «. A4oft man*

M AMBLs, «. To itick to taythiiig,

laidofioiL Bawt.

(2) V. To est with teeming di«-

.rejjih* 4S9fif«

MAMUsVt «• (^JSL) To iDiUi»li|e ;


Maiiebib, «. A pagtn temple.

From uuikmmmmritf «. motive.

UAiiaiia,9. TohtiitetejtoetaBd

mutteiiiigr'aad in doubt. Htm- '

•MTM^, heeit>tion, -ooBfuaeii.

Ye, whea ihe daygnet to tend for hin,

than MMMMRM ftft dolk donbte.

£nw^# «3rf«S J^itT A«y^ 1807.

It woQld not boU,

fivtinmtin twaii^viUi Us co^tipwU


And kft tin penn in no little uutmmtruu.

WhoiathoaU I Mkeftir hffff what way

wen it bail teaaa to |(ear I stand in

But if not thia Thai! which iMof Ita

•ran ahe. I am in a mtmmmiv ■• nh,

whatahoniaidoi It.

lUmiBV,^. AeaBpet»pr4pU;on


I haroaaen tho «ttY «f.aMr.Vtaia«ah.

jad Jnltoa Owar actod hjmMmmttt-

SMTjf Itoman in Ur uumour, ^609.

iodttan to hiKvo 1^ WKtched poling Cpol,

A vbining inamMf^, inher foitanes tander,

to anawer I'll not wed--^I oannot lore.

And when I meet year


Thw o'er my hepd. and hi^ .?em (ito


B, i'n.IiUftd princess, uA if, p, Mb.

UAiacooK^(l)«. Ain«neBt;a


(2)v. TomamUo. Jk^.

(3) 0. To mini, or mao^; to

dodomsily. Eati,



liAMViro, #.


Mam -swoBN, &^. Pmjored. MerIA

Mamt, (from J^N. m'amie.) A

wife. AiMc.

Mamttaw, 9. A donkey. JOfoen.

Mam, (1) 0. To,qMlio « h$mk tne-


(2) 4^ man 9f mmrk, a di|tin.

goishod man.

Among tham all a wottky auw ffmmU,

A Priniea oCfamoija mamocia I nwa.

Jfai-gJHo», a oomnlon mode of

addressing another when surprise

or slight reprooC is intended.

UtM .^«MMr, a sharp feUow.

Man-in-thb-oak, «. The ignis

Mama^b, o. {,A,rV^ To threaten.

ManadoBi^. a <dob to supply poor

people with goods, on payment

by instalments. ^orM.

Manantib, «. (if.-iV.) Mainte*


Makoh, o. Tomunoh.

Manchbt, #. {J,»N.) The Unest

white bread.

Mo manfkst oen so w^ the oooftly palate

Aathatmadsorthemsal femi'dlimm.my

fertU lease;

The ftneat of thnt Upd, o(«npered with my


For flneneaa of the bi«id. doth look like


Dnvt, Fol9<M., xri. p. 969.

Howbeit in England onx fineft mamtksi

ia made withoat learen.

fToMn ^iraaMreap. a, p. 3S.

Bread ia the staffs of life ; of all the reet,

Tine wumnk§t ia the whifeeet, and the beat.

ThtFkUo90fi«n£tinfuti, ISSS.

Mamcipatb, part, p, {Lai,) En-


Mamgipia, 9, {A,'?f.) A purveyor

of victuals; a clerk of the kitefaeni

or caterer; an officer who bad

the charge of purchasing provi-

sos lor an inn<-o£.oeutra col-

lege, dEC.





Mamcowb» t. A baboon.

Mamd, f. AdemancL

MANi»siaufT,«.(^^iV:) Amandate.

Mandsr, v. To cry ; to grumble.


Mandiliok, 1 «. (//a/, numdiff'

MANDBVILS, J Ii0fl«,} a MMt of

long jacket.

A looM hugfaig gtiment, meh like to

oar Jacket or Jumpe, Irat without ilceree,

onlj hariog bofce to pat the ami

thrangh; vet lome were made with

•leerea, hut for no other vae than to

hasg on the buk. BMtOtHolm*,

Hie gowne ia throvgUy foxt, yet he is

Bober. for hee looketh aa thoof^ he

quenched hia thirat with whay and water

rather then with wine and atont beere,

and hia mtutiUum edged roond aboat

with the itigmnticall Latine word, ftar.

TmuA, doblet, and the Spaniih hoae to

breech its

Short doakea, old mmniaiom (we beaeeeh

it). B9wlmi4t, Xmm qfSatris, 1618.

Mandt, a4f. Saucy; frolicsome.


Mams, #. A moan.

MAMsn, 9, A manor, or dwelling.

MAMBmLT, ath. Politely.

Mano, v. (1) To be itopified.

(2) (J.'S.) To mingle. Weit.

(3) 9. A masb of malt. North,

MamocokKi «• Mixed com. See

Mamob, v. (jt.'N.) To eat ifm-

0eHe, a f eaat

Mako-foddbRi «. Mixed fodder

for cows. Yorkih.

Mako-hamolb, atff. Mixed con-

fuiedly. Var.d.

Mamsombl, «. {A^N») A machine

naed in tiegei to batter walla.

Maksomibb, «. {Lat,) To trade in


Manhbd, I. (ji,»S.) Manhood.

Makicom, «. A apidea ol night-

Manx, t. Apranh. Yorkik.

Mah-kbbn, M(f, Maniageahlc;

maris appetens. Vtr. d.

Mankind, adj. Masculine; impn-

dent ; vidotts.


AMciiJH«iwitchl Hence with her. orto'

doora. .SJUimp., Vm/ar'^ ftkii, 8.


Axe you tom'd mudanA t

Iwaa a aound knock ahe gamac,

A plaguy moHUnd girl, how my bfiiaa

totterf B.i'h.,M<ms.nML,it,%.

I aak*d phiaitkma what their ooonaeB vai

For n mad dogge or for a mamkind aaaat

Manxit, atg. Maimed.

Manlicb, «4f. (A.-S.) Humane.

Mamnbb, (I) V. To dig and throw

up brows of ditches or banks iat

the purpose of being mixed with

muck or dung for manure.

(2) 9. Sand thrown up by the


MAinrBB8-BiT, #. The last pieee

left on a plate.

Manmib, 9, A little man. Lme.

Mannish, c4^. (1) Manly.

(2) Fond of man's flesh.

Mannt, v. To appnadi tonsn-


Man-uubllbb, 9. A slayer of


MANBBD,«.(itf..5.} Vassalage ;de.


MANaaoND, «. Slaves. Ln§it^

Mansb, (1) 9. (A.'N,) A house, or


(2)v. Tocurseyorexoommonieate.

Mansbbn, I. A sort of cake. Sa-

Manib,*. (J^^N.)

Manivold,*. To multiply.

Manikin,*. A diminuti^ person.

MANins, «. A handful; a bundle.

MANaHiP,«. Manhood. Mmufki

peHeke, manfully.


pakna Chri9ii,

Mansubtb, «4f. (Lmt,) Geatk.

Mmmieimda, gentienesa.

Manbwobb, m^» Peijured.

Mant, v. To stutter. OonA.

Mantblbt, I. (J^NJ) A aosaU

d by Google




Mantlb, (1) 9. To stretch one of

the wings after her legs, ind then

the other, said of a hawk.

K« » there havke wkkh wuuUUtk her on

high fanr'nng, or aecoesting low.



2)«. To winnow. MatUk-ufvud,

a winnowing machine.

(3) V. To froth, as ale. Exmoor,

(4) 9. To rave about. Lmc.

(5) 9. To ape the fine lady. Lime,

(6) e. To embrace. North.

(7) B, A bine worsted apron

worn by female serrants when

employ«l in rough dirty work.

Notf, SetMenile,

Mamtls-tme, ». (/v.) A mantle-

piece of a chimney ; properly the

great beam which went across

die opening of the large chimneys

in old houses.

Makto,!*. {Fr. mon/Mit.) A

MAKT, J gown.

To leeeUbliah a diionlered lock, to

reeall a ttraggling hair, to settle the

tucker, or compoae the tMoU.

Mmfkgt Qmj^M Jtm Jma%.

Brocaded flow'n o'er the gay mmdo9 thine :

jAd the Tiehstaya her taper ihape conllne ;

Thaa all her dreat ezerta a graceftil pride.

And RKirting lovei ittrnrand th* expecting

bridle. SlMU^sMue9ttamet,ml

MAMTooMyt. Perhaps deriTcd from

Ital. mantone, translated by

Floiio, *' a great robe or mantle."

Webster, ii, 25, mentions ** cnt-

works and manioom.**

Mauxjai., m. (Lai.) The masa-book.

Nov of the eonqnereor thia isle had

Bmtaine nnto name,

And vith bia Trqjana Bmte began am-


Wqnur't ^ANoM JbykiMi^ 16M.

]ifAMiJs.cBmiaTi, «. A sort of

Many, (1) #. (^..5.) A mnltitiide.

(2) See ifaime.

(3) e4f. Mach. ITatf.

MAirraw,«. The mange in dogs.

Mant-fbit, a. The polypus.

Son hare their heada groveliag betwixt

their feet

(As th' inky cnttlei, and the «ai^./«e/) .-

Bom in their breast (aa crabs) :sa '

Foot-lesa, and flnn-less (aa the bano-ftill

hare). ^hetUr^i DuiartM.

Manttolds, 9. A north-oonntry

term for the intestines.

Mappbn, eofy. Perhaps. North.

MAaUBBBLLE, «. (/V.) A bttwd.

Mab, 9. A smaU lake. Northumh.

Maba-balk, 1 «. a balk separat-

liiBB-ftALXyj inglandin afield.


Majiablanb, 9. A corruption of

myrobalane, an Oriental aroma-

tic, used in confections, as weU

as in medicine.

In oonaerreo, eandiei, marmalades^

sinkadoa, ponsdoft, marMaiu, kc

Fiir^t Sum* 9 DarUng, ii, 3.

Mabacock,*. The passion-flower.

Mabblbsi t. The loes Tenerea.

A term used temp. Eliz.

Makblb-thbush, 9. The miasel-

thrush. Norihtm^t.

Marbm, 9. (^.-M) Marble.

March, 9. (if.-5.) A boundary; a

border ; as the marehe9 of Walea.

Mabobalsib, 9. {A.'N.) Horse-


MAmCHANDIB, 9. {A.-N.) UtT-


March-biu>, «. A frog. Ea9i.

Mabchb, «. The plant smallage.

Mabch-babb. MmadoBaiimrek

hare, is a yery old saying. March

is the rutting time of hares, and

they are then yery excitable.

JtmMdium March Un; where madnesa


Are not Midrammer hares m mud u

March karetf _

M«yiooo^9 BfigraMmn, 18e7.

Lg9. And wept bitterly— bnt aU of a

■nddain, I ooeerv'd her Tiaage grew

pale, her eyft IoQk*t wfld, the string of

her tongne broke, and she talk'daf mmi

4U m MMrek-kar^~l mnat to look after

her. 2%«Qiie«ib,170(.

d by Google


Mamh-pamb, «. A MreMBbeoit,

like the modern niaettooiii, uucfa

ltd fof illy in dencrU. TiMy

were oompoeed, aocordiiig to

Miifchan (CmtUrty Fmnm,

1616), of Tery little floner, bat

ivtth a gretter qntaHty of 61-

berU, pSne note, puUees, al-

iDOBdi, «h1 need Mpur.

Makdlb, (1) 9. (A^ To goaip.

(2) «. A pond hat citlie. a^.

BUms, «. (1) A dMDon; alug.

'*^ A term in wnetUng. See


IIakb-blob, «. The manh niari.

fold. Nortkiumpt.

llAnpAKT,«. Yelloir


MAmsaaB, [^ «. (^..M) A

r,«. Yelloir lagwoii.



MABB'a-r AT, a. The plant fleahane ;

the imOa tfywii/«rtM, of Lin.

MABB's-rAiLa, a. Atennferlong

dark coloured doadi, which are

well known to nUonyWho have

a proyerb —

Water doga. and «MrT'# <iMr

Halce kllj dupa haTe low Nils.


M ABeABiTB, a. {J.-N,) A pearl

^ I long to rimr

TUaimknewn land, and aUtluir Malou


And gatktf mtuyaritet in my braMn cap.

Jftimitf Tnes, O. PI., rii, 409.

Mabob, la. a margin, or bor-

MABGXMT,/ der.

Mabobbt-koulbt, a. An owL

MABoxRT.pxBLB,a. ApearL Pien

PL See Margarite,

Mabichb, \a. A diaease of the

MABBT0, /matrix.

If ABUT, a. {A,^N.) The aea-coast.

MABigH,a. A marsh. See Mwvii.

Bring tnm. the man$h rashes, to o'erapread

I3ie groond whereon to charch the lovera


0 1U%

M ABimrB, B<|F. For i

Tfaia Coaberland enia oat, aad atxaBgly

lliainaaWai tiMpa with Ihat^ Wft Mawij

mmitim, Dnift., folifM., 8aat an.

Mabb, (I) a. A ooiB Of the nine


(2) B4f. Datk. See M^kt and

(3) a. A wMo'giitter. Dt—m.

II ABKBL, a. A aort Of Bight-capu

Mabkbs, a. Auarqvia.

Mabbbtwbbtbb, a. A iwaggcm.

Mabbxt-pbabt, aty. Very tipey.

WofV€9t, MnHM-yrt^hf and

BiarMymeny, in SJkrqpM.

MABEBT.pLAGB,a. The frool teeth.

MABBBivarBD.a. (A.^) Amaikeu


And their best atdieca plae'd

The m»k9t-4Ui abont

Drtijfitm, PolifM., aong ixiL

MABEiNO-aroHB, a. Red ochre.

Arsv aBaRi.

Mabl, a. (1) To marvel.

<2) To dceea 6ah with vinegar.


(8) To ravel. X^waa.

Mablock, a. (1) A frolic. Nortk.

(2) Albol. Ywkth.

MABu,a. A Jelly. Kmt.

Mabmtt, a. A pot with hooka at

the aide.

Mabmosbt, a. A kind of monkey.

Mabot, a. (i^.-M) A nipple.

Mabow, a. (/y. aianiitti.) A acoon-

drel ; a pickpocket.

llABauBaas, a. A marchioneta.

MABauiSATx, a. A kind of mineral.

The moontaineSk without doabt» abooad

with BKiffiiiwfa and all ridi mineraUa,

which for want of search arc yet nndi*

hiGidated. ibriw/t ilvfafr. UK.

MABBAM,a. Sea reed-gnia. Nwf,

Mabbbt, a. A manh. Notik,

MABBoauiN,a. (/>*.) Goat's leather.

BIabbow, a. (I) An eqnal, mate.

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or domptinoMi •

orwilB. Coles hM«'*th« gloves

an notiiMrroi0f;" wbich be fen-

ders in Latin, ekiroiheem nom nmi

of a fetkcar, best %e tsgekhn;

ptttnen about 70W nanct foat

mitmi €kMl Mod toafajrawo-



Cl«fl% yoai dorea a^ TacfdaiB^,

Tame ptseont eln are very plenty,

neae miy win aome ofToaraMfMam

I aM not oaagbt witi&doTea and eponova.

▲ banavb«B«y^rfidI]ad,

iibiidt* ^

I that waa my «

A birt whoae uaatiiiifi mada mtt |M»

Aad FUMp Hwaa. my aparrow.

Brm^M NorUum Lu$.

(2) Strengtii, or internal vigour.

(d) ▲sortoTsttWige. Wewim.

Mauowum* mIF. Matchless*


M xnauBBr «. (Xo/.) Lareojder oot<


Makkt. An inteijeetion, meaning

appsrently the Virgin Mary, and

combined in soch phrases 8%

Harry on «•» asorry oaaM ^,

ffMfry^.aadother inteijeotions.

M AMBAix, a4r* MartisL

ma times aC trace settadovae by aMTvlafl


TtM damea ef I^ with lo?die lookea doo

dnv. PMf0'« AtawU, 1589.

Marshalsva - MONST, «. The

oonnty rate, part of which was

originally payable to prisoners in

the Marshalsea. Eati*

Mart. (1) «. Msrs.

(2) a. War. 4»siiier.

Bat if thoa kmf ibr warn^ or yoimg Inlua

By manly mart to parebaae praiae, and gire

Ilia fbea tbe gled:e. TurUn.»On^»Sp,

(3)«. TotrafBc Jlar/N«r» one

who marts or trafficfi. Fiorio.

(4)«. Beef killed at Martinmas,

and dried for winter nse. North,

(5) a. Iiard* South.

Maktb, #. (if.-&) Wonders.

IfAM-i, a. To hammer. Sj^onoer.





MAKTiAi^iaT, «. A soldier.

Martill, a. A marten. TopooH

Mabtim, «• A spayed heifer.

MARTiN'a-niiTGa, a. IGnga madft

with copper, and 9H in imitation

of gold.

Mahtikb, v. (^A.'N,) To torment.

Mabtlbma8,«. Martinmas. North.

MARixxifA8-BUF, «. Beef dried

in the chimney like bacon. Atcjr.

MabtsonBp a. The marten. See


MABTBL,a, HoreboQild*

MART-Bvna, $, The flowers of the


And winklBf JferMmb begML

To ope their golden eyea.

MABT-MAsa, «. The feasi of the

Annnndation, 25th of Msrch.

Mab, (1) a. A colloquial ahbvevi*.

tiott of master. Mook^, mas-


Mm Bartolomeir Bunt,

One that hath been a dtizen, ainee a


Tea may pereeyve by the wordea be gave.

He taketh yoor aiofW bnt for a knare.

JbMrPi, 0. FI.,i,79.

(2}j?r«a.f. Makes.

Mascal, a. A caterpillar* Devon,

Masclb, adj. [Lat.nuueuhu,) Male.

MAScuxjBBt «. A masker.

MA8B,a. (1) To be confounded;

to doubt Masedf confounded,

mad. Mandnuie, astonishment.

(2) To turn giddy.

Masblin, a. A drinking-cup, said

to have been made of the metal

called fNdslm.

Masm, a. A bowl, or gpblet of


MasH, (l)e. To conduct one's self in

a mad and noisy way, using moch

d by Google

MAS 668

•ction, at if tboot to inash e?ery-

thfng that ctme before us. Thejr

•ay, << He m«tikct aboDt." Lhtt.

(2) 9. A marsh. Wiffkt.

(3) a. A mixture.

M ASBia, a. A great deal. Comw,

1Ia8B-tat, a. The vat which con-

tdns the malt in brewing, which

is ttiired ap with a maih^it{f,

formerly called a moMhel, or ma-

therein maMknUtt or mtuh-rudder,

Mash-moktab, adv. All to pieces.

MAaB-KVLK, a. See Math-fat.

IIahk, (1) v. To infuse. North,

{t\ «. The mesh of a net Norf,

(3)a. Amaat. Norf.

Mabkids, a^, {A,-S,) Bewildered.

M ABKKL, a. An old sort of lace.

Mabkklin, a. A masking.

llA8KB&D,<K{f.(l) Stupified; stifled.

(2) Decayed. North,

llABKBaT, a. Masking; masque-


All th«M pretentmentt

Were only muakerie$, end wore fUee hsf.

Bnmf <tfBu$gjf jyAmkoU^ C S.

Maskin, a. A diminutiye of mass.

By the wuulcin, methofoght they were lo

mdeed. Chofm., Ma^-4a}ft Anc Dr., iv.

Mablin. See MattHn.

Mablin-kbttlb, a. A brass kettle

for boiling milk. Leie.

Mabnbl, a. A club, or mace.

Mabonbb, a. A bricklayer. Leie.

Massbladb, a. A dish in old


Massblobm, a. Mixed com.

MASSKR,a. Apriyy,or Jakes. Somert,

Masted, adj. Fattened with roast.

Mastbb, a. The jack at the game

of bowls.

Mastbrdom, a. Dominion.

MASTBarvL, o^f. Imperious; head-


Mastbr-tail, a. The left handle

of a plough.

Mabticot, a. Gum mastic

Mabtt, (1) a. A mastiff.



WfckirUfft PUd»-Ualtr, 1677.

(2) adj. Very large. Lime.

Mabtlin, ^ a. Anythingoompoaed

MABLiN, I of mixed roateriala;

MBABLiN, I as, metal of differeDt

MB8LIN, j ores united, or bread

made of different kinda of gram.

Nor hreiB, nor eofrpcr. nor mMtfUm, nor

mineral. I^im, O. PL, ▼, Ittw

Hie tone ii eomnended for mfai,

Tet breed mede of beam Uicy do «et:

The tother for one loaf bath tvain.

Of wtttitUnt of lie end of wheat.

IVueer, cbi^. Ini.

Mat, a. A tool for atubbing fune,

flee; a mattock. Norf.

Match, a. The wick of a candle.

Matcrlbbb, a^. Not matched;


Ala aa aha doable apaka, ao heard She


With mMteklmm earea defonned and distort.

Sp^nt., F. Q., IV, i, 88.

MATCBLT,atf0. Exactly alike. Far.d!.

Mats, r. (1) (A». matfar.) To con-

found, stupiify, and overpower.

Ime. What, are yon mad, that yoa do

, bat


St.Jni. Kot

do not know.

Skaketp^ Com.efBmn, m, 8.

(2) To deject.

Eniample make of him yonr haplease Joy,

And of myself now mated, ai ye aee.


(3) To terrify.

Hia eyea saw no terronr, nor eare heard

any martial aound, but, that the^ mnlti-

plied the hidiouanetee of it to hnwmttd

mind. Pmkr., Jremd., Ill, p. 948.

(4) To baffle, or defeat.

Bicanse of their great forcea, wisdone,

and good government, they might eaaily

have mmled his enterptriae m Italy.

CammUf iy Duut.

(5) To puzzle.

Tonr wine aui/er them, they nndentaad it


Bat they hare rery good capacity in ale.

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MATni,!. The womb.

Matir»,«. Matter.

Nov ferst ieh wiUe telle 5 oa

Wet my be the nuOmey

werinne emtningee mej be made,

llut bringeth oat 10 merie.

liATFiLONyf. Knap-weed.

^ATH, f. A mowing. Somenet,

Matbbn, f.

Now hadde el tho theree betken

Ben to-frost doan to nuUkm.

Jrthaw and McrUu, p. 800.

Ite he leie Critten wedde bethen.

*^ mcjBt oar blodee fleeeke and wtaiM^n.

/Mi., p. 19.

Matrik, #. The great ox-eyed

daisy {anthemU eotula).

Mathum, «. A aimpleton; a

changellog. Westm,

Matlt, 1 adj. Eqaal ; alike ; eor-

MATLBR, / reaponding. Thus, when

two things are alike, thej either

My, '< ThU is maify to that," or

"That's a iiMi/fcr." Line.

Uattachin, 1 #. Originally a dance

MATACRiN, J with swords and

bncklers, usnally in masks and

disgnise. Supposed to be derived

from the Spanish.

^ Idll yoor nnele, do, bat tbat I'm petient,

Aad not a diolerick, old, teaity fool.

lAe to yonr tether. I'd dance a nuUUeUn

with yon.

Should make yon sweat yonr best bkwd

^ ror*t, I wonJd,

And, it may be, I will.

B. /• ^.. Bldtr Broihmr, r, 1.

80 as whoever saw a wuUaekim dance to

^t« fighting, this waaa fight that

tiie third, and revenging perhape that

of him which he had received of the

other. P«ii^..^c»f..I.p.6S.

led. We have bnmght yoa a maik.

^am, A ma*aelum9 it leemi. by yoor

drawn eworde.


Matrbs, 9. A sort of cloth.

Matrimont, #. A wife.

Mattrbrb, «. The marielat of a


MATrT,«9. Matted.

Matwot7rtb,<. The plantRqMTRpR.

Maudlin-fair, «. An aproar.


Mavdrr, 9. To mamble. Ktni.

MAvrRBovR, «. {A.'N.) A ma-


Mauo,«. a brother-in-law. North.

MAUORi, (1) eot^. (A..N.) In

spite of.

[2) #. Dislike; enmity; ill will.


To set at deflanoe.

Mauk, a. A maggot. North.

M AVKiN, 1 9. (1) Adoth attached

MAULKiN, J to a pole to sweep a

baker's o?efl.

What, thoa Inake. doet then think to

fight with a imauHn^ that then bringst

it hither f Tennee m Emgluk, IMl.

(2) A scarecrow.

Maukt. a^. Maggoty; whimsiCRl.


Maul, (I) a. A mallet.

(2) tu^. Sticky soil. Satt.

[3) a. The mallow.

4^ a. A moth. North,

[b) V. To draw, or tug; to puU


Maulard, a. A mallard.

Maulrs, a. The measles. iSmmts.

Maulmt, at^. Clammy. Ea»t.

Maum, a4f, (1) Soft ; mellow.

Peaceable; quiet. North.

To handle or smear about.

Var. d.

Maum BLR, a. A aoft adhesive mesa.


Maumbt, a. An idol. Matimetrie,

idolatry. North. See MamtMt.

Maumsbt, a. A simpleton. North"


Mauncb, a. A dilemma. North.

Mauncbr, a. (J.'N.) The sleere

of a coat.

Maund, (1) 9. {A.-N.) To beg.

Maunder, a beggar.

Leocrates, Arehippnt, after a while,

Pbilotas, and Stntodei, all four dis-

guii*d in beggen habits : one having a

leg. another an ana ty'd vp: all some

(2) P.


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DiediTiU Hike a bnnre wumt

a tMSSfng hiAtdfOb ml wm

Mmhmdtt Starek/br 1

eofnnterreiting trick tfradt mmmih^

people. . Leoerates and Arehippw peep

<mt of fhe wooda side at Berereil plaeei.

Oatiwrifki, Mfg^SltM, IQSl.

DiediTiU OOte a biare aunmi^) wasrid

Ife^ ana wanted neneT.

(2) s. A basket At Taimouth

tlH» term it giteB to • batkM

containing fiy6 hundred berrmgt.

(3) V. To command.

HAUNDfeKt V. To matter; to

wander in talkmf.

Maundwmh<i,"I ^.; p j^

MAtrMOMBb, «. A pickaxe shtrpt-

ened at eaeli end.

Maumdt, a4f. Saacf. Ololte,

Mauitob, 9. (itf.-iVl) To gorman-

dise. Line.

Mavp, t. to mope aboat. Maig^f

a fool. iVbr/A.

1Iavb,«. a root. SeeJfertf.

Maut. Might. iVbr/A.

Mavthbb,! ff. AgiH. £ImI. Ap-

MOTHsm, J plied in Bssex i^ni-

cally to a great awkwaid girl-.

P. I am a mother that doihmt a aerriee.

Qm. 0 thmi^ a KorjUk woman (cry thee


Where maids are motkergt and mothers are

maids. A.Browu'gBHglMoor.iii,!.

kwtcf, jon taft Mfce a feoHsh nmdkerl

B. /en./ jOeh., ir, 7.

MAUTHtAir, «. The ot-eyed Mty.


Matsis, dSS. {A.^N.) Wicked.

Matin»«. The margin. /Snttftr.

IIavis, «. {A.^S.) The song-thmsh,

as distinguished form the large


Thethmshreplyea, theatfaiidtiicantpbTt.

When to the mirthftd merle the worbltng

mnit singa. ]>MiifLt Pofyott., song xir.

Mator'TIai., «&*. {Lot,) Martirf.

Maw, «. (1) (if..& ffM^a.) The

I of a calf. In Leieesteir-

shire» sheep, ealvea, &e., when

overgorged, are said to be m&m»


(2) An old game at cards.

Expected a set of mmif or priB»«iati

iiMaPKeKif, cfM Hy Stea^..

Em. TBI, ^» 1.

Then thirdly follovf^d heftViaf of the smm,

A game withoct dir{St| or law,

An odiooB play, and yet in oosrt oft aaeae,

A sawey knavt to tramp both king and

qneene. HarUtffiom, JBj^t^^ it, IS.

Tet in my opinion it were not tt for

them [sfAours] to play at stoollnll

among wenchea, nor at nnlm.«hBBee or

mam, with idle loose

JblNoM^« OMiiknm vfSta§0 Pl^ys^lSSS.

MawbIkd, a^. Beginning to torn

sour. Said of beer, fte. Notf,

MaW-bookd, m^. Costive. C&etJL

Mawl, v. To make &tf ; to cover

with £rt. Une.

Mawmsnib, t. A dish is attdent


MmnOntt. Tske a pottd of wyne

freke, and t#o ponnde of sngw. we

and euffifye the sagar with a qnanlit^

of wyne, and drawe it thurgh a atynnor

intoapotoferthe; takefloerofcanelle.

and medle it irtth svki of file wyne, and

cast togydre. Tike pynes^ witk dalei^

and f^e hem a liteU m greee. other in

oyle, and east hem togfdre. Take

elowea and doer of camelw hool, aad

cast thereto. IMce powder mger,

eanel, clowea, color it with sani&ea* a

lytell yf hit be nede, eaal saK UMireia^

and let seeth warW with a alowie tfrt,

aAd not to thyk. 'ftike brawn of eapena

yteysed, other of fesannt, teyfedaauBe.

ana cast thereta Araw ^Otrf^f.^,

MAWMBNNr, «. A dirii in cookery^

Porto make sMiMMtMy. Taketheefaeaa,

and of Hess of oapoaa or of hensMa, and

hakke smale in a mortar. Tako mTike

of ahnandes. with the hnitli of frmaA

beef, other freissh flessh. and pnt Oe

flesah hi the myUn, other in thohralh.

and set hem to the fyie, and alye ham

np with floor of iys,et gaftbon, or amy-

don, aa chargeani aa the blank deaire ;

and with folkes of ayren and aafion

for to make it )ek>w. And when it is

dreest in disshes with blank desire, atyr

above clowea de gilofre, and aliewe

powdor of galyngala aboire, and aerre it

forth. Ibrm^Cm9,p.U.

MAWMi8H,«|r. FooHab;

Mawmb. 7bmBd«ita4NPnff,lonaiko

faces. Leie,

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IftAwirr, «$. Sticky. Nottkmmpt.

Mawn, t. Peau Her^f.

Mawp, 9. To gase on ; to walk to-

and from ; to walk and gaxe, at

if oat of mind or deliriouaw

Mawpvss8,«. tfofley. Line.

Mawsoll, 9. White horehoand.

MAwasT, (1) t. Aaimpleton. Leie,

(2) m(f. Soft and tastdeas. Wore.

Maw-8kin, «. The stomach of a

calf salted and dried.

Mawth, «. Dog'S'fenneL

Maw-wallop» f. A filthy nseaa.

Mirr,#. (l)Aaaaid.

(2) The blossom of the haw-


(3) Amaae. Saimr$et»

Mat-bbbtli,! «. The small oock*

MAT-Buo, /chafer. Var,d,

Mat-blob, «. (1) The marafa-


(2) The lady's smock.

MAT-BLosaoMt, a. The lily of the


Mat-oamb, «. (1) A frolic V a jest.

(2) A simpleton.

Matbap, ad9. Perhaps.

Matnb,«. (if.-A.) To manage.

Matnbfbbb, *. {J.'N,) The part of

the armonr which coTcred the

horse's mane.

MATMPBBNOUB^a. {ArN,)Ont who

gites bail for another*

Mat-polb,«. An ale-stake.

Mat-wkbd, «. Feverfew.

HiBABiNa, «. A porringer.

Mazbd, «{r* ** A witness from De-

▼onshire called the prisoner a

nuued man, adding, ' I mean a

man of unsound mind at times.' "

Time*, May 9th, 1844.

Mazb-hbadbp, at^. Crack-brained ;

stnpified. Somertet.

MAZBR,t.(^.-M) A wooden bowl,

often oarved and otherwise oma^

mented, made nsnally of maxer

wood, or maple.

King IMylw •Mk*taoBMtiM isoona tint^

Wbat in the flntr be wpvyVd, he now ra-

Al&wUiv of iNnterda, Ml with viMb

Cell for • maatr (which he might have

spered). tfmU JMUbM Th$, 1601.

Mazub, «; To wander as if stupe-

fied* Cmmh,

llMEBAftDi m, (I) A futtillar ttvoi

for he«l. In NoiMk, it ia ap-

plied to the face or jaw.

LftiMMLSb-^orm knock yoa 0^ 1h«

Tour InvTS tt^m^jn^*^

That gireeyoa ale. lo fOTtifled year wawrrf,

That then's w> taudiif to you.

B.imin.WU withoui Mimqf.

(2) The blade cherry.

MAnrBN, «. To ati^ify, or ston.


1iA8BAm»LT,«i^. Knotty. Shmtr$.

BlBACOOK,*. An eflieninate frtlow ;

one who ia the sl«f« of hia wiih.

A woDuoi's wen hoiyd up with neh a

mttuoek. 1 had father hare a hnuband

that would swaddle bm thrice a dar.

than inch a one that will be gnll'd

twice in half an hour. ^

UMlw^f Hoimi n^ a VL, iU, 977.

Oai ae laase gonyemer de la ftantte, lo

hoA hoouae. ▲ wucodkt w pestmC

that hath hia head under hia wired

cirdel, or that leta hia wife be hia

Mbadbe, «. A mower. Gmww.

Mbad-montb, 9. (^.-5.) July;

the season for mowing.

Mbabow, «. A field shut up for

hay. Yoriih,

Mbadow-cbakb, a. The land-rail.

Mbadow-battlb, s. The yellow

rattle (rhmmihut crista giUU).

Mkao, 1 «. a pea-hook. £im#.

mbak, J Used by Tusser.

Mbakbb,<. The minnow. Ikwm,

MBAKiNO,a4r. Poorly. Wnt.

Mbal, (1) «. The milk of a cow

piodBoed at one milking. North,

(2) «. A speck. Wutm,

(3) a. (leeL nmL) A sand bank.


(4)v. To melt.

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Mbal-besad, «. Bread mide of

wheat, ground and not lifted.

Meal-kail, «. Hasty pudding.

Mbal-mguthbd, a4r. Delicate


Mbalb, a. Mould; soil. North.

Mbal-bbbd, a. Hu!>ks of oats.

MbalVmbat, «. Meat enough for

• meal. Still used in Norfolk.

Ton ne'er yet had

A mtaPs wuai from my table, aa I re-


Nor from my wardrobe any cart mit.

B.i-FL Amett Man't Rriune, act ii,40S.

Mbalt-mouthbd, adj. Shy; hack-

ward. Sues, Delicate mouthed.

Norf. Fair-spoken.

Mban, (1) V. To moan, or la*

ment. See Mene,

(2) «. An old term in music; a

part between the treble and hass.

S3) «. A female advocate.

4) o. To beckon. We$i.

S5) V, To signify. Leie.

6) V. To limp. North,

Mbanblt, adj. {A.-S.) Moderate.

Mbanblb, a. Spots in white horses.


Mbanbvbrs, adv. Meanwhile.


Mbanino, «. A hint. East,

Meant, «. Meaning. Line,

Mban-watbe. When cattle Toid

blood, they are said to make a

mean-water. StaJ^.

Mbae, V, To measure. Somemt,

Mb A SB, », (leel mntf a basket to

carry fish.) An old East-An^ian

word signifying five hundred

herrings in a net.

Mbaslbd, adj, (1) Diseased, applied

to hogs, &c.

(2) Mixed; mottled.

Mbaslbs, ia. (A,'N,) Le-

MBSBLEiB, f prosy.

Mbaslb-taw, «. The great thrush,

or missel-bird.

Mbablings, «. The measles. Eatt.

Mbasueb, a. (1) A Winchester


(2) A slow dance.

(3) A vein of ore.

MBAavEiKO-CAST, s. A tcriB at


Meat, a. Food for cattle.

Mbatchlbt, a4r. Quite welL Somih,

Mbat-baetb, a. Cultivated land.


Mbath, a. Methegtin.

Mbat-haal, a. Appetite. Craves.

Meat-list, a. Appetite. We»t.

Mbatlt, adv. Moderately.

Mbat-waed» adj, A term applied

to dry peas which boil soft.

Meat-waeb, a. Potatoes, beans,

pease, and the like. In the Old

Testament, meat always signifies

something vegetable, farinEceoos,

in contradistinction to flesh.

Ihr»et and Somertet.

Mb ATT, a4r- Fleshy. For. d,

Mbauoh, a. A brother-in-law.


Mbawt, e. To imagine. Tork$h.

Mb ABB, a- A hare's form.

Mbazlb, a. (1) A blister on trees.


(2) A sow. Saemoor.

Mbazon, a. Mice. Sm^.

Mbblbs, a. {A.'N.) Furniture;


Meg HAL, adj. (Lot.) Adulterous.

That done, straight mmdcr

One of thy baacit grooms, and lay yon both

Graap'd arm in arm in thy adnitcrate bed,

Men call in witness of your mtekaU tin.

Btipt qf Liicrect^O.'?.

Meche, a. (^A,-N,) The wick of a


Meddle, V. (1) To mix. To meddle

or maket to interfere.

Thai medM9 ache with jor wo,

And with hyre iorwe joy alle ao.

(2) Fotuere.

Mede, (1) a. {A.'S,) A reward; a

bribe. Med^/uU^, deservedly.

(2) ». To rewaid ; to bribe.

He meieik the clerkes

And anstyneth the wench«

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Ana lat tlie pvjMli te uagn t

Tbe devyl hem ft-dr«ii«be

For hyt wer^ !

Mbdbstb, «. The midtt.

Mkdbtabdb, «. Meadow creu.

Mbdictnablk, adj. Medicinal.

Mkdin-bill, a. A dunghill. Bui-

iein'9J)ialoffue,lb7S. UeMidden,

MsDLBB, adj. Of mixed materiaL

Mkdlxt, a. (^.-M) Multitude.

Mkdbatelb, a. M5. 15M cen/.

See meadow-rattle.

Mbdws, a. (^.-5.) A meadow.

Mkd-wort, a. Meadow sweet

Mbdtoxss, a. (Za/.) Maska divided

by the middle, half man half


MnecH, "I ». To creep softly;

ifCBCHBB, J to play truant. South.

Mbbd» (1) a. Reward; gift. See


(2) V. To deserve.

And yet thy body metis a bett^ grave.

Mbvdlbb, a. Wild orach«

MBBJ>i.E8g, adj. Tiresome; un-

manageable. North.

Mbbf, v. To move. See Meve.

Mbb-floob, a. The second parting

or laming in the nether-eoal.


Mbbi., v. To meddle. Deoon.

Mbbn, r. To shiver slightly. Kent.

Mbbnb, a4;. Poor ; moderate.

Mbbs, a. (1) A cooked kidney.


(2) A strip of grass land, form-

ing a boundary between two pro-

perties or parishes.

(3) A vratcring place for cattle.


(4) A measure formerly em-

ployed in the Peak of Derbyshure.

Mbbbb, \(\) », (J.'S. nuBre.) A

MBABB, J boundary.

(2) 9. To divide.

Tor bounding and wMfiM, to bim that

win keepe it juately, it u a bond tbat

briddeth power and desire. _

^"» 1 ». (1) A meadow,or field.


And Tiehly ctad fai tby ftdr golden fleece,

Doo'st bold the flnt hooM of heavVs

tpMaooiMMM. ^fc.i>««ert,I.iv.

(2) The plural of mouse.

Mbbt, V. To meet with, signified

sometimes to eonnteract. To be

meet with, to be even with.

We mnit prepare to nuet wUk CeUben.

ShsJutp^ T$mpe9t, iv, 1.

Tbe penon knows the temper of every

ODe in hii houM, and accordinglv,

either mstts with their vices, or ad-

vances tiieir virtnes.

Herberts (kmnlrf Penom.

Well, He prerent her, and aoe meet her,

or else she »iU be meet wiiM me.

HolidMSf't TeehnegmHU, i, 1.

Mbbtbblt, adv. Handsomely ;

modestly. North.

Mbbt-mow, ad9. Just now. North.

Mebtbelt, adv. Easily. Ybr*fA.

Mbo, a. (1) The mark pitched at

in playing the game of quoita.


(2) A cant term for a guinea.

Here are megge and smelts ; I ne^had

audi a sight of my own in my life.

Here are more megg* and smelts^ yon

roKoe ; yon understand me not.

ShadnMO, Squin ofAUatU, 168&

Mboot-monnt-lbobi a. The mil-

leped. North.

Mbo-habrt, a. A hoyden. Zone.

Mboiowlbb, a. A kind of large

moth. Cormo.

Mborim, la. {Fr. migraine.)

MTORBiNB, J (1) A sick headacho.

ITor the mggregne in tbe hede. Take

oyle off rose, and Tincipre an* j quarter,

powder of hertishorne small f^llid.

1. J., and menge hem well togedir, and

make tberoff an oynement, and ther

with anoynt the heUe even and mome

after the anoyntynge. MS.,\UhCmt.

(2) A whim.

Mbo-with-the-wad, a. A name

for the ignis fatuus.

VLiL\VT,part.p. Mixed.

Mbintbnaumt, adb. {A.-N.) Im-


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Mbint, f. (^.-M) A houdioM';

retainen ; an army. See MmmiM*

Mbikb^ a. (^-A*.) Am^For.

MsnoH, «. To maaaura or ooan*

pare. Nwih,

MsKB, a. (A,'S,) To becoave meek.

Mbkbbbdb, a^ Meeknaaa.

Mbkil, a4^\ Great ; mueli.

MBBiLNBaaa, a. Btgneaa.

Mbbkublt, tt4i» Meek,

jet thai H%B nona men M MeHwIy

Witii tlie gra« and tha goodys that God

Wy«el6 and wytU and witoa the lend tbai


Her mya and her mjadedia. her to

MMLeV) «{F. Mild; aoft; damp;

•aid of the weather. North.

Mbldbb, a. A kiln fall of oata.


Mblb, 1(1) e. To apeak; to

MBLLB, J talk.

Of moB^ merrejlea I may of meU,

And al u wamynee to bevare.


To Lotli and to LyoneOe

Folia lorefly he «tffa«,

And to lyr Xawacalot de Lake,

Lordliche wordya. McrU jirtkure.

(2) a. (J.^S.) A bowl.

Melbrb, a. A >ort of cake.

MkLBT»a. The millet.

Mblb-tidb, a. {J.S,) Meal-time.

Mbll, (1) a. To mingle*

(»)a.(lBt) Honey.

And inch u neither waatOB aeemer nor

waiward, null, nor gaU.

Wimm't JUumi Mitghnd, 1692.

(3) ai The completion of reaping.

DttrAoM. Harveat-home call in

Com. Dunelm.

Bteaa'd be the day that Christ was bom,

WeVe gcfUen wuU of Mr. oonik

Weel MBBd and better ihora.

Hipi hipi ham.

(A) prep. Between.

(5) B. A itMn in linen. AMA.

(6) a. A wnrming-pan. So-

(7) a. To swing or whad ak>wly

ronnd. But.

(8) a. A eant.tOTBa fiortheBoae.

(9) a. A beetle. Cmmki

(10) 9. A milL

Mbll, la. a aqnare piece of

MBLLBT, J wood ttttcd With B han-

dle and used for tapping barreh,

&c; a mallet. Lhe,

MBLL*Doom8,a. A passage throogfa

the middle of a house. North.

MbllBi (1 ) V. (A.'N.) To meddie,

or be concerned with.

Not lit 'roonpt mmthat doa with leaaoa


Bat 'mangit wfld beastraadaaKanwaedi

todweU. %mf.,J'.0.,Y,B»L

(2) r. Fotnere.

Men are to ««0 with, boys are hnC to km

And n taDa nan with ter doihe «iA^

iS) «. To ilglit, or eontend with.

4) a. Company. In metto, to-


Tb) av A hammer, or mallet

(6) a. A blackbird, or merle.

Mbllwbll, a. CodAahy or Block*


Mblottb, a. A garment won by


Mblbh-dick^ 9k A tfflnai gpbUa,

the proteetor of haaal-nnu.


MBLT.jnnsi. t. of aaala. Spake.

MsLTBfla. A meaavn of lime

MBT, J oontainiBg two bnsliab.


Mbltbd, a4r- Heavy, applied to

bread. Deo,

MBMAW8,a. Trifles; grimBoea,

Mbm ERB, a. To mnrmur. •

Mbmorial, a. (^. memoir.) A hill

of fiue.

Mbmobisb, «. To render meao>

rable; toaecord.

Ih Tain I tUnk, right honourable krd.

By this mde ryme to ewawriM thy nana.

^MNMT, 8oimtt to Lord IhukhnL

Mbmobt, a. A memoriaL

MBNAOB,a. (A.'N.) A funily.

Mbwaltob, a. The middle dasaes.

d by Google


te the momtkb, Uw wa«e for the

»«MilM,1mt wonte of. all for Um eom-

SmIF* IMoH. 1U8.

Mknch, «. To bett 19 ; to uinoe.


Mkitdbnssbb, «. (J,'S,) Oom-


MnvDiiro-vas-inroK-BBAFyf. The

nuBe ui a roogh roBipiig gMM.

BAsNDMBKTy «. (1) AvMndmeUt.

(2) Manure. r«r. tf.

Mbkds, t. Amends; tcibnmtion«

Mbitb, (1) V, To speak ; to telL

(2) «. To remember.

(SS 9. To mow.

(4) s, A mean, or instrament ;

a mediator.

(5) «. A blast on tbe bom ; a

hunting term.

MurBGB,<. (fV.) Almfly. iVbrM.

IIbwxld, a4r. Spotted wfaiAe. and


liBKBMOif o, o^'. Of an erdiBary


Mbnbson, t. (#V*.) The djeeotery.

MsNVB, e. To mix.

MsN«r, «. A minnow. Jhtcm.

Mswirra^s. An exteniiTe oooimon.

Mbkovb, «. (^..i^.) A Minorite.

UmtnAL, «. (lo/.) The book of

accounts for pronaions.

BIJBii8B,«. (if.-5.) Comeliness ;de.

cency ; hospitality. See Memie,

"Mkhaev, part. p. Qraced, or deco-

rated. Cuna.

MnraB8,<. Chanty. YdrkiA.

Mbnskb, (I) t. {J.»N.) Decency ;

honour ; respect.

(2; V. To do honour to.

Mbnconb, a. The menses.

Ment, (1) v. To aim at. Paltgr.

{Impart. p. Mentioned.

(Z) pari, p. Mixed. NdrtK

(4) «. To resemble. 89m»h.

lfBifvax.4Mr,>«. An oU imm fat

th* salio law, deiived frM^men/a,


M«mbB,«. Aeotnetpron. fttsf.

If mnran, «. (lew tat. wmmtia.)


^J^:. ISeeJfaWe.

MBlffB, J

MaoLLBN, «. (i4.-5.) Mini.

Mbob-pot, a. A pottage pot O^ven.

Msnooi^*. To(

Tksn hath he (he power

To mtree yonr pnne, and in a sum to great

That shall for trer keiep Toor fortmies weak.

iftf. </ /<. jr«r., 0. ?U ▼. 8S.

Mbecb&ib, «. The stock of a mercer.

Mnnoax, a. The plant smaUage.

Mxboiablb, oeSt. MerdfioL

Mbboibv, 9. (J.^N.) To thank.

Mbbcift, V. To pity. %f9m€r.

Mbbcitbt, a. (1) Wild orache.


(2) White arsenic. North.

Mbbo, a. (Fr.) Excrement.

Mbbb, (1) a. A lake.

(2) a^. Bntire;abBolttte. Merely,

simply, entirely.

(3) a. A prirate carriage-road.


(4) a. A mayor.

Mbsbcbop, a. Pimpernel.

Mbbbsavcx, «. Brine for soaking

meat in.

Mbrbswtnb, «. A dolphin.

Mxbohb, a. {J.-S,) Msrrow.

Mb&gin, a. The mortar found in

old walls ; also, a white sort of

marl, the refose of a lime-pit.


Mbbillb, a. (Fr.) The game of


Mbbitobib, atg. {A.-N.) Meri-


Mbrkb, (1) a^. {A.^.) Dark.

^2) 9. A mark.

fS)*. To strOLc; to deaTO.

(4) 9. To be disturbed.

MBRKiN,a. Used at the beghming

of the 17th century in the sense

Oipudee nmHerUf bat theaense

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given to it in dicUonariet and

writers of the latter part of that

centuiy and beginning of the

18th ia pubes mulUrii a§eilUia.

It ii still used in Essex with the

meaning of pudendwnf,

Mbrlb, «. The blackbird.

Upon hii dulcet pn»e the flMfff doth oasly

Wben in the lower brake, the nightingale


In mch lamenting stninei the Joyfhll

howres doth plj.

DnyUm*» foljfottum, aong IS.

MnuN, If. A small kind of

MBKLioN, j hawk, fako atakm,


Tbej had not (irith such horronr illl'd)

The eourage to let one be Idll'd :

Thej fled, and left no foe behind.

Unleae it were the fleeting wind :

Only— a man by water took

Two fine yonng sMrtuw and a rook.

TktioffUmd tkt Sobi$t,\709.

Msuf AID, «. A prostitute.

Mbrrokes, a. A sort of fur.

Mbebt, (1) adj. Fair, applied to

the weather.

(2) #. (Fr. merise.) The wild


lIs&RTBAUKa, a. A cold posset.

Derb, The word occurs in Cot-


MSEBT-BKOOTTKN, Otg. Illegiti-

mate. North,

MBBRT-DANCBR8, #. The auron


Mbmlt-oo-down, a. An old cant

term for strong ale.

llBBBT.MAKB,a. Sport; junketing.

Theaot now nia the time of murn-mMit,

MBBBTNB88, «. Joy.

Mbmlt-nioht, «. A rustic ball.


MBRBT-T0TTBE,a. A swing, or ace-


]fBBRTWBATHBB,a. Joy ; pleMore.

Mbrbc, a. A marsh. Sim,

MBmsa»«. A marsh.

MBBaRAu.B, a. One who atteadi

to horses; a fanrier; a Uadi-


MBRTH,a. Greatness; extent Ctmi.


Mbryd, adj. Dipped ; soaked.

Mbsantbr, «. (J.'N.) Misadven-


'hHmacHxvvTtadj.{J.'N.) Wi^ed.

Mbschbvb, v. {J..N) To injure.

Mbsb, (1) a. A mess, or meal.

(2) V. To soothe. Northmmh.

(3) a. Moss. Ihroel.

MBSBLRTB.a. (^.-i>r.) Theleproif.


Mbsbtsb, a. (A.'N.) Trouble.

Mk8B, a. (1) A mash; a jelly.

For here we may tlinah oar boMi all to

And get no coyn at all.

Ci) A marsh. Sonih.

(3) A gap in a hedge. Weot.

Mbskinb, ere/. By themasa. Onar.

MK8LING8, a. Themeaalea. Lmc.

MB8PRI8B, (1) V. (^..JV:) To de«


(2) a. A mistake.

Mb88,(I)«. Aparty dining together.

At great dinners the company

was usually arranged in loan,

which were called Meaae*, and

were served together; hence the

word came to mean a set of ibar.

(2) a. A gang, or company. Baat.

(3) V. To sort meat in naesaes

for the table.

(4)«. To serve cattle witii hav.


(5) V. To muddle. Var. d,

(6) Truly; indeed. Ctami.

I wutH, and w« teie a

«WM» w wHMwe that m«8t be eooMBcd,

let 08 lay our heada together.

Iftff, ifeflw BomKa, i, L

Ton three fools lacked me fool to Mke

up theiMW. Skak$if., L.L.L^iw,Z,

MB88AOB,a.(j^.-iVl) A

MsaaB^a. (l)The

(2) A

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Msanii,*. (l)Aleper;tn<Hitcaat.

(2) A table.

SIbssbnb, «. To dazzle. Pr. P.

Mbsbbnobes, «. A provincial term

lor imall doads separated from

larger ones, which are oonatdered

aa precunor* of rain.

MB88BT, s. A cor.

ldBS80R,«. A lord's hailiir.

Mbstibe, «. (A.-.N.) Occnpaiion.

Mbsubb, t. (^.-iNT.) Moderation.

Mtmirttblej moderate.

Mbt, (\)ptari.p. Measured.



Two Ttfdi wu found :

Hernead trcm gnrond

W«i not M) hie.

Wutmvifor SmtUi, 1990.

f2)f. A

(3) a. A bosheL

(4) A measure of two bnahels.


(5) «. {Lat. meta,) A boundary.

{6)jfr€t.t Dreamed.

Mbtal, «. Materials for roads.


Mbtch, v. (apparently from the F^.

mSehe,) To snuffa candle. North'


Mbtb, v. (1) (i^.-5.) To measure.

(2) To dream.

Mbtb-foucb, «. A form or bench

for the dinner table.

IIbtbl, 9, {J.'S.) A dream.

MMTKLYfOdv, Moderate.

1Ibtbmeb,«. a poet Drttjfton.

Mbtb-bod, 1 «. A measuring


Msn-aBL, f. (^.-5.) Dinner-time.

llBTHB, (1) «. Mead.

(2) 04$. {A^S.) Courteous.

(3)9. To breathe with difficulty.


Mbthful, a4f. {A,-S.) Weary.

llBncuLOua, «|f. (Zb/.) Timorous.

MB17LBD, ail}. Possessing mettle,

or spirit.

Ib BUiliood he is a awtfftf awn,

Aad a BMlal Baa Vy tiades

n e? er thoaght I Ihst any man

Should hare made me w afraid.

jBoMm HoodaMHuJoUg Tmktr.

Mbtbbtb, «. A measure.

Mbtbbza, a. A mistress.

Why Biethinka I aee that aiaBor pawn

hia foot-doth; that w^trum har ptatej

thia madam take phyiie. Ice.

MaietmUni, i, 8,O.Pl.,ir,p.l9.

Mbtbicibn, «. A writer in verse,

Mbttbb, f. A measurer. North.

^;b.}*-(^-^-) ''«~^«-

I oonld right weU

Ten tymea aooner all that ha?e beleyred,

Than the tenth part of all that he bath

wuHd, JbiirP«.,0.PL,i,91.

MBVBBLTyBiff. Bashful; shy; mild.


Mmtt, 9. The sea-mew ?

About hia aidea a thooaand aea-gola bred,

ft and the halcyon.

TheeMiy, I


,} To moult,

MBW,(l)a. (^.

or shed the feathers.

(2) a. A place in which falcons

were kept ; metaphorically^ any

doae place.

forth oomins from her darkaome mmv,

Where ahe all day did hide her hated hew.


About the deaert partea of Gfeeee there ia

aTalley lowe,

To whieh the roaring watera fhU that from

the moontainea flo#e j

80 xockeo do orerahadowe it that aearee a

man may Towe

The open ayre; no aonahiaea there. Amidat

the daruome wmM


Wrnnrn'sJakmEngUrndt 1S9S.

(3) V. To keep shut up.

More pity that the eagle ahould be mni^d,

Whileldtea andbanarda mej at liberty.

(4) «. A Stack. North.

{b)pmi.p. Mowed. Yorkih.

Mbwt, 1 «. The dung of the

icuTBfj hawk.

MBTi4D,jMr/.jr. Mixed.

MsTwi, «. A company. See

Mbkbb, «. (ItML) Half, or middle.





If isin.*FA0ss, $41. Bed witb pirn-

plct* Ijtt^»

MfCH, ] 9. (1) To dniUc, or tci

MsscH, vbj ttealth; to indnlge

MBAOH, J in Mcret amoiin.


Of tnftttt Jlfl^iMBM.

WU. Tmi» O. PL,Ti,«li.

(2) To plAj tnunt.

If iCHJX. See Af«eML

MicHK, «4f. Much.

If ioBBLwo»T» «. BMwnu g^iM.

lficBBft,«. An idler.

(^)«. Aloifofbmd.

(S)«. Atorioffur.

MicKLB, (1) t^. Much ; great.


(2) «. A Wip.

MicKUtD, port, p, Btnwnbed.


MiD,(l)|MY. (w#^5.) With.

(2) «. Tke Middle ; tbe tMitfe.

fU hegumkigt tmd midt tfthsfmffmMm

ThB Ante miiM time that tkiM iotb^egin

Tran Myi rebnianr unto mrtf ICaj ;

And from myit Mfty loMitt ii «Btrdl in

To Mftf AiMst, wd Iha it kav«t day ;

And rai tint tyme wyoter mtreth alway.

MiOA«BD, a4f. Middle-aged. Biiy-

tooocf, 1556.

Mio-ALLKY, «. The nate of a


MiDDBN, 1 «. A duig«.hill. North,

MiDDiNO, J Midden'^rawt the car-

rion crow.

MiDDKS, «. The nidtt.

MiDDUi-BAKD, 8. The thong whidh

passes through the two caps of a


MiDDLB-BR]>, «. (itf.«&)The world.

Corrupted in later writers to

MiDOLB-sPBAB,! «. The upright

MiDDLE-TBBB, J beam that takes

the two leaves of a harn^door.

MiDDLB-sTBAO, «. Thc tiueshing-

floor. JBst/.

A go^

MnMWiiitg ■■—■», «.

MiMB, «. (^..&) (1) A gnsL

(2) AdwacC

MiD^nr, 1 «. The BMseaterr

mDOMOif, J gland of a pig.

MiDOBBUM-VAT, «. Tho fist of the

intestines. I«ie.

MiDiDwrB,nd^. ImnedinMy.

MiAiAV, «. A soMilpiaon. Gsrav.

MiD^MOur, «. Viae a'doikf a^ss.

Min-OTBMfoifB, «. ThMO o'clock

in thedlemoon.

MiDBBDB, «. Tbi widriffl

MiDBUif MBB^DOB, «. The May-buff.

MiDBQiuuE-ifAiry 4. The mu-


Mi]MrALL,«. The bee eater.

BfiDWABD, od9. Towards the


Mio-wiNTBB, «. (^•-'^) ChristBas.

MiE, «. (ji,'N.) To pmiBd. dfierv,

a mortar.

MiTP, «. (1) Slight ffl-hiunoar.

3Hff}ft apt to take offence.

(2) A mow, or rick. North-

MiTF-MATT^ «. Nonsense. N^k.

Mivrr, «. A nick-name for tb«

deriL Gloue.

Mio,«.(l)(^.-^) Mvd.

(2) Mead. ^Skmwrt.

MioB. See Midge.

MioRTFiTL, oiff. Powerful.

And God SMl4^,«nd xihtvya.

Of the world that oomea is.

Lord the fidflr

Andpcuifle«fpss. VgnrnMS.

MioBTLBB, adf. Weak.

Olde pMplei that h^.««yfta«.

MioRTSoiiKBs, f. Power.

MiOBTT, (1) od9. Very; as.

<" Mighty mod kind of people."

(2) a4f' nne;gaj. Somertei,

MioKiABO, adf. (/v.) Ddieate.

MiGNOir, V. (Fr.) To flatter.,

MiKB, 9. To idles to loiter. See



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MiKBLHSDE, «. (A,'S,) Orettnets;


MiLAN-sKiNB, «. Fine glorea mano.

&ctured it Milan.


iBd bjr thii honcrt lights for yet 'tii


SftTine ttie rareience of their gilded


And MUoM tHut thej ihew'd to me


Court enbbe that creep a tide way for their

living. B. ^FL, FaUnt., ii, S.

MiLCB, «. {J,'S,) Mercy; pity.

Milch, a4f. Sfhiie. Shaketp.

MiLDBKNAX,! «. Coarse canTsa

MiLDERNix, J for saila.

MiLDKR, «. To tarn to dast. Line,

Mildness, s. Mercy. Lydgate,


miles. Wett.

MiLoiN, t. A pumpkin. Noff,

MiLiONft. A pumpkin. ^^KmiUon,

mie goarde." French Sehoole-

matter, 1636.

MiLioNBT, e. "The thing they use

to turn about in the chocolate

pot." Ladiea^ Diet

MiLK.voBK, a. A fork to hang the

milk*paila on.

M1LKNX88, a. A dairy ; any white

dishes made with mUk. North,

M1LK-8BLE, a. A milk-pail. Nomi'

naie MS.

Milksop, a. A coward.

I, who am no mUnopt u ye wot.

Warner's Albums BitgUmA, 1S99.

MaK-sTOP, a. The pail or bucket

used to carry milk from the

cowhouse to the dairy. Norf*

MiLKT, V. To milk. Wme.

Mill, v. (1) To rob ; an old cant


(2) To fight with the fists.

Perhaps from meOe,

Millad, a. A miller. The children

in Worcestershire used when they

saw a large caterpillar crawling

on the ground to say :

A millad, a mollad.

A ten o'clock ichcdhid.

Millabs-coat, a. A brigandine.

Mill'd-stockinos, a.

In the flnt plaee we tre oremmwith a

race of vermin they call witt, a guie-

ration of Iniects that are alwayi making

a noise, and buzzing about Vonr ears,

concerning poets, plays, Iamp4

libels, songs, tunes, soft so

kdies, perukes, and erevat-strings,

French conqnetts, duels, relif^on, snuff-

boxes, poinu, garnitures, milTd-stoei-

ings, FOnbert's academy, politicks, par-


Otwoy, Tks JthsisOeM.

Milled, adj. Tipsy. Newe.

MiLLBB. There was an old pro-

verb, " Every honest mUler has

a thumb of gold." Putting the

miller'e eye out, a phrase used

when too much liquid is put to

any dry or powdery substance.

Miller, a. The large white moth.

MiLLERAT, a. A gold coin of the

value of 14a.

Milleb's-tbumb, a. (1) The bull-


(2) A kind of codfish.

(3) A fooL

Millets, a. A disease in the fet-

locks of horses.

Mill-eye, a. The hole through

which the grinded com falls.

MiLL-HOLMs, a. Watery places

about a mill-dam.

Milliner, a. A milliner was ori-

ginally a man, and seems gene-

rally to have perfumed himself.

He was perftimed like a millmer.


The waUinsrs threw out perfumes to

catch him bT the nose, and so (like a

beare) to lead him to the stake, sweete

glores to fit his hand of what sixo

soever, but they could not come to

take him by the nandes.

EowUnds, Search for Money, 1609.

MiLN, 1 a. A milL Milner, a

iiYLENE, J miller.

MiLOK, a. A melon.


Milt, a. The rot in sheep. Weet.

MiLTE, 1 1>. (A,'S. miUnan.) To

I MiLTHE, J pity ; to show mercy.


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MiLWTH, «. Green fish. Lne.

MiM, a4f. Primly silent.

MiMMAM, «. ▲ bog. Berkt.

MiMUOCKiKG, lu^f. Puny. Wmi.

yLiMvnta, a4f' Mincing?

I wazrant 'tii loroe wdmpmg coontry

Sffwtud, tmglUh Mamuieur, U74.

MiKATB, V, {Lot.) To threaten.

MiNcn, ». (1) To walk in an affiMted

AwBT. I ny i time wears: hold up yonr

hMdandMMM. 8k»ketp., Merry W.,r,l.

(2) To conceal, or soften any*


Tfae fonrth is, to mme$ and extenuate

any laadaUe part in her» but to display

and augment whatsoerer deformity yon

knov by her, for lore is feitcned bllude,

because he cannot judge aright, but

maketh a moautain of a mofo^iiU, a

niatofasow. MMintkiMo<mt,lW9.

DwCi mmee the matter, do not

conceal or soften anything in it.

MiNCH, 1 #. {A.'S.) A nun.

MiNCHBN, J Mmehenft a nunnery.

MiNCHiN.l «. (i) A small piece,

MiNGiN, J applied chiefly to food.

Hungry children say, on receiving

a small piece, " whst a tii%tii to

give me."

(2) A small gnat.

Mind, v. To intend.

Minding,*. Recollection. Weet.

MiNB, (1) t. Any kind of mineral

ore. It appears to be used in the

following passage for magnet, or



Which doth attract my spirit to run this

manhall coarse.

Is the fair guard of a distressed queen.

Dtmh Knight, O^li^v^,^.

{2) V. {A,'N.) To penetrate.

(3) «. To long for. Devon,

(4) The old orthography of mien,


MiNBVBB,«. {A.'N.) A sort of fur.

Ming, (1) v. To mix; to knead.

(2) To mmg at one, to mention.

North, Ray says, ** so it is nsually

674 lOK

said I had a mkn^rng, anppese of

an ague or the like disease, that

is not a perfoct fit, hot so much

as to put me in mind of it." •

MiMOB, V. To mention.

MiNGINATBB, «. Om who !

fret-work. Uof,

MiNGLB, «. (1) Mixture.

(2) A coBtnction ol mk

MiNGLXcuM-PUB, «. A disagrcMMe

mixture. Norf,

MiNOLB-MANGLB, «. A OOttfosed

mixture ; a mess.

Germany was nsited twenty yarn with

God's wocd, but they did not samMity

embnee it, nor in life follow it. bat nads

a aiiMl#dMMl< and a botch potiA of it.

MiNO-woBT,«. Wormwood. North.

MiNiCAL, adj. Trifling.

MiNiPXB,*. The small weaseL Norf.

MiNiFBB-piN,«. ThesmaOeitsixed

pin. Saet.

MiNiKB, ai(i- Trifling.

MiNiBiN, (1) at^. Small; delicate.

(2)«. A lute-string; properly the



Are still

ints, knowing mimikm nor bia^

allowed to flSdle with the ea«.





[78, 1«. (Xtff.) Anything

:, JverysmalL

Get jou rone, yon dwarf,

mt, or hindnng fcuot-graaa made.


■iwisifflfthy poor hsadmB|d.

MiNiM, f. (1) A brown tawny


(2) The minnow. Somermi.

MiNioN, (1) a<^'. (/V-.) AgroeaUe.

(2) «. A sort of gun.

MiNisH, V. To diminish.

MiNisTBB, «. (1) iA.^N.) An oflker


(2) «. To administer.

MiNiVBB. See ATtiieMr.

Mink, v. To aim at. JBaeL

MiNxa, «. {Fr,) A sort of te.

MiNNE, V. (J.'S.) To think; to

remember. Mumj^-day, the

d by Google




ttudrenary in which pragren were

offered for the sooU of the de-


MiNNBTs, $. Small pebbles, &c.

MiNisaioNy $. A particle.

Aad alle the »yii)r«noM]i» of that ujle.

That w^on fyled of that navle vith the file.

CMnm. nicdum., p. 41.

MimaNO-DAT, 9. An auuTeraarj.

Miif MiN-ON, $. A luncbeon. Yorkih,

MiNNU, ju A rising piece of g;roand.


MiNNT, «. Mother. North.

MiNovn., 9. A miner.

Mints, (1) v. To aim; to intend.

' To be



(Z)9. To invent, or feign. North.

(4) V. To resemble. Samanot.

(5) «. A mite. fFct/.

MiNiTTB, 9. A mite.

Mip, «. A nymph.

MiPLiN, 9. A delicate feeder. Derb.

MiB, «. {A.'S.) A marsh.

MiRABLB, a4;. {hat.) Admirable.

Mua, V. To puzzle.

Kov tins Tone my tntor hath left me

aUme, and I iball be mit^d immediatelT.

IhM^^ Jbflf tmr%*d CrUiei.

MiBB-B ANK, 9. A Separation. Norf.

MiBB-DBUif , t. A bittern.

MiBB-SNiPB, «. Part of the title of

an old ballad in the British

Museum is, " a warning for all

unmarried persons to have espe-

ciall care in choosing their maike,

lest they meet with such a myro-

oaypo as this poor man did."

MiBABOLAN, t. The proper form

of the word MarabUne.

Mm, adj. (A.-S.) Pleasant

Mirk, adj. {AS.) Dark.

MiKKB, (1) V. To darken.

(2) 9. Darkness.

Mi&KSHUT, t. Twilight. Ohue.

MiBKSOMB, a4f' Dark.

MiBL, 0. To grieTC. North.

MiRSHTT, 9. Mischief. Somertet,

MiBTHB, V. {A.'S.) To rejoice.

MiBTLB, V. To crumble. North. j


given. Atif.

Mistaken; mia*

MiSAGBBB, 9. {A.'N.) To disagree.

Mi8AUNTEB,«.(^.-iVl) Misfortune.

MiBBBDB, V. {A.-S.) To injure.

MisBBHOLDBN, odj. Disobliging;

disrespectful; unbecoming. Vor.d.

MnBomK, part. p. Misbehaved.

MucAB, a. Misfortune.

M^scBLL ANT-MAD AM , 9. A female

dealer in trinkets and omamenta

of various kinds.

Now I wonld he an «m|ireM,aiii bj and

byadntchete; thenacreatladyofatatie:

then one of yonr mucelltmjf mtuUmui

thenawaittng-woman, kc.

B. Jim., GpnikM't Xi»., iv. 1.

As a waiting woman* I woald taate raj

)Mdft delifhts to her; aa a mistvtlmn

UMAOM, invoit new tirea, and go Tiait

conrtiers. lb

Mi8CBN80BB,v.Tocensnre wrongly.

MiacHBPB, t. (1) {A.'N.) Misfor-

tune ; injury.

(2) The devil. Somerott.

MiacHiBF-NiGHT, 9. May eve,

April 30th ; so called in Yorkshire,

because many pranks are played

by youths of both sexes.

MiscoNBTBB., 9. To miscoustrue.

MiacoNTBNT, V. To discontent.

MiscouNSBi., «. To give bad


MiacRBACNT, 9, {A.-N.) An infidel.

MiscBBDBNT, t. A miscreantl^evon.

MiscBBBD, part. p. Detected ; de-

preciated. North.

Misdoubt, v. To suspect; to dis-


MisBNTRBAT, V. To treat badly.

MiSBR, a. A miaerable person.

MisERBRB, 9. {Lat.) A lamentation.

MlBBBBBB-MBI, 9. Au old popuUr

name for a very violent colic.

MiSBRicoRDB,a. (l)(^.-iV.) Com-

passion ; mercy.

I (2) A thin-bladed dagger.

MfssRT, 9. Incessant pain. Ea9t.

MisBSB, V. {A.-N.) To be iU at

(2) «. lU ease.

d by Google




MiBFAAB, «. Mitfortane.

MitFUBT, 9. (J.'N.) Wrong.

MiBOBE, V, To be doubtfuL South.

Mis-GONB, part. p. Gone wrong.

Mi8H-MA8H| $. A confuied mixture.

Ilieii Ungnage .... a mishmash of

Axabick and Portngnise.

HtrktrtTi Tntdt, 1688.

M18HTBEFULL, Q^. Miichie^ouB.


M18-KXN, 9. To be ignorant of.


M18KIN, «. (1) A smaU bag-pipe.

(2) AdonghUl.

M18LB8T, V. To molest. Var.d.

MiBLiKB, 9. To diilike; to disap-

point. Yorkth.

M18LIN-BU8H, 9. The mistletoe.


M18LIPPBN, 9. To disappoint.


Mi8-if ovBy 9. To teaze. North,

Mi8NABE,9. To incommode. CttiN^.

M18ON, «. Perhaps a sort of pan-

oake. See Moite.

If you talk with him. he makes a diah-

dotb of his own country in compariaon

of Spain ; but if you urge him particu-

larly wherein it exceeds, be can (dreno

instance, but in Spain they have oetter

bread than anir we hare ; when (poor

hungry slares !) they may crumble it

into water well enough andmake aiuoiu

with it, for they have not a good morsel

of meat, except it be salt pilchers, to eat

with it, all the year long ; and, which is

more, they are poor beggars, and lie in

foul straw every night

HuMt VffortunmU IVaaetlflr, 15M.

Mi8PBN8B,«. Bad expense, or em-


May reasonabW be deemed nothing

more than a wilful mupnue of our time,

labour, and good humour.

Barrow** 8ermt., xzix.

Mi8PROUD,a4^'. Unjustifiably proud.

Impairing Henry, BtrengthiiinK wutproud

TMk. 3J7ei».ri(ii,6.

M18QUB11B, 9. To displease.

Ml 68, (1) 9. To dispense with.

I will hare honest valiant souls about me ;

I cannot aiiM thee.


(2)«. Need; want


MissAKB, 9. To renounce.

MiasATy 9. To resile.

Mi88BL,«. (1) A cow-honse. yorM.

(2) Mistletoe.

M188BLDBN, \9. {A.'S. wustei'

ifi88BLD[NB, J /on.) Mistletoe.

They bruise the beriea of wrintUn

first, and then wash them, and after-

wards seeth them in water, whereof

biid-lime is made. Bamti Jl^mrie,

M188BT, 9. Perhaps for Mi99eL

Hee would supplv the place well

enough of a semle usher, with an

affected grace to cany her aujMi, open

her pue.

2%« 2W0 ItmcMkirt LoMn^ 1640, p. SI.

Mi880MBRB,«. Midsummer.

MisTAKB,9. To transgress ; to take

away wrongfully.

MisTBCH, «. A bad habit. North.

M18TBR, (1) 9. {J.'N.) Necessity;


(2) 9. Sort of.

Such wtjfiter saying me seemeth to mirkc.

Sp^ 8k. lal., 8^,11(0,

(3) 9. To signify, or be of con-


M18TIHBDB, 9. Darkness.

M18-TRBB, adj. Dirn-sighted. Jkv.

MisTBBSB, 9. The jack at bowls.

MisTRY, 9. To deceive. Devon. A

mUtry man^ a very deodtiiil


Ml swBM, 9. A blunder. Nortkampt.

M18WBNT, part. p. Cone wrong.

M18WONTBD, adf. Tender. North.

Mi9WRoijQUT,part.p. Done amiss.

MiT, 9. To commit. South.

MiTAiNB, 9. {J.'N.) A glove.

Mitch, adj. Much.

MiTB, 9. (w#..5.) A little worm.

MiTH,j9re/. /. Might.

MiTHB, 9. {J.'S.) To hide.

MiTHBB, 9. To smother, or en-

cumber; to muffle up. North'


MiTHBRS. To be in the m$ther9, to

be quite intoxicated. Lme,

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MiTS, (1) t. Ladies* gloves without


(2) atff, £?en.

MiTTiNO, «. A darling.

MiTBB, $. A mortar. Somer$.

MxvsYS, 9. Marbles. Var, d.

Mix, 9. To clean oat. Weti.

MiXBN, «. A dunghill.

Mix-PLKKTON, «. The lesser morel.

MiXTBLTN, t. Rye and wheat

ground together. See Ma$tHn,

MizMAZBy t. Confusion ; a puzzle.

Bat how to pleunre nicb worthy fleth

and blood, and not the direct way of

nature, is each a mitmoMe to manhood.

Homari, Mm of Newmarket, 1878.

MxzzLB, V. (1) To go ; to run. The

word is sometimes applied to a

light rain. The following epigram

inrolves both meanings :

How monarch! die it easily expiain'd.

And thni it might upon their tomb be


As long ta George the Fonrth eonld reign

he reign'd.

And then he mutWi.

(2) To mystify.

Then their bodies being satisfied, and

their heades prettily wuEteUd with wine,

they walke abroad for a time, or els

conferre with their ikmiliars.

StvM Jnaiome i^Abneee, 1696.

(3) To succumb; to yield. Euex.

Mo, adif. and adj. (J.-S.) More.

MoAK, oi^. Dark ; hazy. Line,

MoAM, adj. Mellow. North,

MoABZB, «. To bum without flame.


MoATS. To ptay the moattj to be


Mob, (1) «. To dress awkwardly.


(2) V. To scold. St^,

(3) $. A sort of close cap, with

two lappets.

MoBBLB,|v. To veil or cover the

asABLB, J head close.

The moon doth mobblem herself.

Skkie^t GmU. qfVmUi.

There heads and ftiees aresMftMin fine

linen, that no more is seen of them than

their eyes. Sandjf'e nwele, p. 69.

MoBiLB, «. The mob.

Onr nobility lore their ease and plea-

sure, the gentry are careless and stnb-

bom, the eommonalty fprnmbling and

poeitiTe, the derinr ambitions and fro-

ward, and the utwtle mad for an insnr-


Momifbrt, Oreemrieh Park, 1091.

The progress from tnobiU to

mob, is seen in two of Dryden's

prefaces. In that to Don Sedeu-

tian, he writes.

That dne preparation which is required

to aQ great events; as in particular,

that of raising the mobile in the be-

ginning of the fourth act. PkM., 1690.

In the preface to Cleomeneg :

Yet, to gratify the barbarous part of my

audience, I gave them a short rabble-

scene, because the moh (as they call

them) are represented by Plutarch and

Polybius, with the same diaracter of

baseness and cowardiee, which are here

described. Jhibl,U9St.

MoBLBB, 1«. (.^.-A^:) Goods;

MOBBLBS, J household furniture.

MocciNioo, «. A small Venetian

coin, worth about ninepenoe.

MocHB, adj. {J,-S,) Great.

Mock, (1) $, Ground fruit. Devon,

(2) $. The cheese, or compound

of apples and reed in the wring

or cider-press. Devon.

(3) V. To plant, or build, in a

quincunx, or irregular form, so

as not to produce straight lines.

(4) A root, or stump ; a large

stick. Dortet.

MocKADo, $, A stuff made in imi-

tation of velvet, and sometimes

called moek-vehet.

Who would not thinke it a ridiculous

thing, to see a lady in her miUceJumse

with a velvet gowne, and at her bridall

in her eassoek of moekado.

Futtemkam, p. 238.

MocKADouB, 9. (Fr, mouehoir,) A


For eyen and nose the nedethe a moiadour.

Ijfigat^e Minor Poemt,p.ZO.

d by boogie




J }#. Mocking.



But >U this percluninee ye wen I

•peeke half i& mocettge.

A nwctmoeka09, a eounterfeit ehann to

BO pnrpoee. Airtoi»» JtuU. tf MA.

MocKBSOGAR, «. A bug-beuT, or


Mock-bkooaA ball, f. A house

looking well ootside, but hftidDg

ft poor interior.

llocKBKS, V. (A.'S^ To beftp up.

MocKBT. «. A oftpkin.

Mocks, «. Trifles. Sumtn,

MocK-8HADOw,«. TwUigbt. ^Cf^f.

MoDDBB. See Mouther.

MoDB, 9. (1) {A.'S.) Mood;


(2) Mind.

MoDBH, (1)9. {A,^N.) To regulate;

to temper.

Imomoche that all inch thinfea as by

your bigbnea Kvnmoderd and qualifted

in that behalf, be nowe by greate deli-

beracion and adviae Aillf paned and

concluded. Slot* FuptrSt i, 118.

(2) t. (^.-A) A mother.

(3) 8, {A,^s) The womb.

(4)». The prindpftl plate of the


MoDBBN, adj. Common; trivial;


MoDGB, 9. To bruise. Worw,

Modish, a^. Fashionable.

MoDT, adj. High-minded ; moody.

Mob, (1) t. A cow.

(2) o. To low, as a cow.

MoPFLB, 9. (1) To do anything

badly. Var, d,

(2) To falter in speech. JVorf.

(3) To stick or cling to, said of

mould. Northampt

(4) To waste in trifles. Norths


Moo, V. (1) To enjoy one's self in

(2) To move off. TTm/.

MoGOHBTin, a. The paunch.

MooHT, M. A moth.

Moo-flHASB,*. The shade of trees.

MoouB, V. To cheat. Northampt^

MoowBDB, J. Mugwort.

MoiDBii,v. To bewilder; to labour.


Moil, (1) ». To labour very hard.

In th* earth we wmU with hunger, cnre.

and pmne. JUrr.for M^ff^ cd. 1610.

I never vaa w fure in love wiUi sio|rlM^ ;

To begge or ateale eota off mndi prnmrn

and toiling.

Jbwiamds, JimMifBarU, 161S.

Aa all our trareU did not teeme ao much.

My men did wade and draw the boaic like


AndBcareeoonldtnggeheronwithnll o«r


Mo^Fd, toyl'd, myi'd, tyr'd, itfl labeing;

ever doing,

Tet were we 9. lont hoorea that 8. miles

going. Ttflor's Workt$, leaa

And I have been toyling and wujfim^,

the pretta'at pieee of coina, mjaear.

Wjfckerhy, Comttfy W^ 16



[2) 9. To become dirty. We&t.

[3) a. A sort of high shoe.

Tbott wear*tt (to weare tby wit and thrift


MofUi of Telvet to eave tbr aboea of leather.

/. BtywooJf* ^ orkt fr Epigr.

[4) t. A mule.

Moii.%part.p. Tumbled ; fntigQed ;

perplexed. Noff,

MoiLT, tuff. Hating no honia.


MoiNB, t. (1) Iron ore. MS. imied


(2) A dunghill BerH.

MoisB, (1) f. Cider, ^tt Apph-

{Tit. A sort of pancake.

(3) V. To improve; to thrire^


MoisoK, f . {A.-N.) Hanrest.

Moist, (1) a^. Soft.

^2) ». To moisten. Somer$et.

(3) adj. New, applied to U(|Uon.

MoiTHBB, 9. To poule ; to tire.

MoKB, (1) a. Muck.

(2) a. Rust; scab.

^3) a. The m^sh of a net 5hai.

(4) 9. To pull wenches about at

ftirs. Notf.

(6) a. A donkey.





MoKBSAD, t. A deceiTer.

MoKT, mjf. Mistj. Itec.

Mold, (1) «. (^.-5.) Groand.

(2)t. The BQtare of the Bkun.

(3) V. To crumple. North,

MoLDALB, 9. Mulled ale.

MoLDSN, 9. A mole. W^rw.

MoLD-sTOHB, 9. The jamb of a


MoLDWASP, M, (J.»S.) A mole.

And, like a a^MiMry*, nuke him kiee bis

eyes. Bmrr,, Arhttto, xizili, 16.

M OLS, (1) «. A spot, or ttain.

(2) 9. To tpeak.

(3) «. Form.

MoLKDAY,*. Adajrofbarial. W€9i.

" yeast made at a burtell, m^k*

dtt^e, or entiermeBt onelye. 5i/i-


MoLXiNK, «. Scabs ; craeks.

MoLs-8HAO,«. A caterpillar. GUme,

MoLxariK, t. (J.'N,) Trouble.

JdoLHSRN, 9. A female heron.


MoLKiT, 9. An effenuDate boy.


Moll, «. (1) (i^.-^.) A measure of

wood contatniDg one cubic metre.

(2^ A prostitute.

(3) A mole. Noff.

MoLLART, 9. A malkin. tone.

MoLLXWBLLB, 9. The sea-calf.

MoLL-HXBN,«. The heron. North-


MoLLiCBusH, 9. To bcst. We9t,

MoLL-WARHBA, 9, The watcr-

wag;tail. 5o«/A.

MoLLT-coT, 1 «. A male per-

MOLL-coDDLB, Vsou who intcr-

MOLLY-coDDLB, J fcrcs in matters

or things relating to the house-

hold, but more particularly in


MOLLY-If ANK8, 9. A Slsttcm.

MoLLYPBART, a<{f. FHsky. O^d,

MoLOUB,».(£a/.) Agrinding-stone.

Molt, v. To perspire. Mott-wath,

Tiolent perspiration. Eatt,

MoLTBR, o. To crumble. North-


MoLTBft-MALT, 9, appesTs to hate

been malt purchased of the miller,

which haWag been collected at

intcnrals and in small quantities,

was probably of an inferior


MoLTLiMo, f. An angle-berry.

MoLTLONO, 9. A sore between or

rather above the knees of cattle.

Mom BLBicBNT, «. Confusion. Weat,

Mom X, (1) f. (!«/.) A blockhead ; a



A youth win play the wanton, and an Okie

man proore a iMMM.

r«fiMr># jm4m BHfUmd, 1(99.

(2) 9. An aunt.

(3) adj. Smooth; soft. North.

MoMBL, •. To mumble.

MoMBNB, a. An idoL Ayenb, of


MOMBMTAMY, tU^, Lsstiug fOT a


MoMMBMED, part, p. Worried;

bewildered. Var,i.

MoMMicK, (1) 9. A scarecrow.


(2) ». To cut awkwardly; to

maul. Var.d,

MoN.AMT, t. {J.-N) A dish in


MoH-nMjf. Tike thick crenie of eov

mylke, iad boyle hit o? er the (Ire, and

then take hit np and aet hit on the aide :

and then take ewete cowe cruddea, ana

preaa omt the qway, and bray bom ia a

morter, and cast horn into the tame

creme, and boyle al toecdiir} and put

therelo mere, and aaffiRm, and May

battnr; and take jolkea of ayren atrey-

ned, and beten, and in the aettynge

dovne of the pot, bete in the tolkea

therto, and etere hit wel, and make the

potage atondj^nge : and dreiae fyve or

aeaven leehea in a OMh, and plannt with

floojrea of violet, and serve mt forthe.

r«nMr, Jniiq. Otd., p. 8S.

MoNANDAY, 9, {J,-S,) Mouday.

Still used in Westmoreland.

MoNCB, 9, Mischance. Yorit9h.

MoNCHBLBT, «. A dish in oookery.




MoneluUt. Take ved other moton, and

■mite it to gobettes. Seeth it in Kode

broth. Cast thereto herbea yhewe, gode

wyne, and a qaajititie of ojnouni

mynced, jpowdor fort, and lafroan ; aud

alye it with ayren mud verjouB ; bat lat

not leeth after. Forwu ofOury, p. 6.

MoNE, (1) adj. Many.

(2) *. Money.

(3) «. Lamentation.

(4) V. {J.'N,) To advise ; to ad-

moniah ; to tell ; to explain.

(5) 8. (A.-S.) Mind; opinion.

(6) pre». t. Most.

(7) «. A month.

MoNEFULL, a^. Sorrowful.

Come to Tour tradesmen, which now

cappe and cringe you, and see if Toa

shaU receive any farther comfort, then

Mon</%iU words, alasse, it is pittie, would

wee were able (good wishes for them-

■elres). Man in the Moon*, 16U9.

MoKB-piNS, 9. Teeth.

MoNESTB, V. {A.-N.) To admonish.

MoNBY-BDCKLBs, «. SUver shoe-


MoxBT-spiNNEB, 1 «. A Small

If ONBT.SP1DBB, j Spider, the

arariea seerUca.

MoNOB, V. To munch. Wett,

MoNiAL, ». ( 1) A nun.

(2) A roullion.

MoNiouR, 9. A coiner.

MoNiSH, V, To admonish.

Monition, «. Admonition.

Monkey. In Northamptonshire,

a house which is mortgaged is

said to have the monkey on it,

Monkby-whisk, 9, A fop.

I think that Uttle monkof-wkist will

best match her; that nice disoeming

•park, that scorns to keep company with

^ " but persons of great qoality

and no sense.

Boyk^Mfou find U, I'm.

MoNKiTo, 9. A familiar term for a

monk. Urguhart*9 Rabelai9»

MoNK*8-CLOTH,t. Asort of worstcd.

Monks'-rhubarb, «. The plant

patience, rumex 9ati9tu.

MONICOUTH-CAP, 9. A soft of flat

cap formerly used by the lower


MoNNYLiCHB, a4^*. Manly.

Monra.de, 9, (A,'S.) Homage.

MoN8LA5T,«. {A.'S.) Manslaughter.

Monsope, 9, The plant orohu.

MoNSTRB, (1) V. {A,'N.) To show.

(2) t. A pattern. Chaucer.

(3) 9, A muster of soldiers.

MoNsus, adj. Monstrous; great.

MoNTANTo, 9. An old term ir


MoNTBNANCB, 9. Amount.

MoNTBRO, 9. {Span.) (1) A hmits-

man's cap, called sometimes a


(2) A game at cards.

MoNTBTH, 9. A Teasel used for

cooling wine-glasses.

Monthly, adv. Madly.

The man talks montkljf.


Month-minds, t. Monthly remem-

brances of the dead.

MoNTURE, 9. (Fr.) A riding or

saddle horse.

Moo, V. To mock.

MooD,(l)t. A sweetbread. Devon.

(2) 9. The mother in Tinegar.


{S) part. p. Crammed foil. Yorktk,

MooDLE, V. To fold up. North.

Moody, adj. (A.-S.) Angry.

MooL, V. To rample. North.

MooH, V. (1) To moan.

(2) To muse; to look idly about.


MooN-CALP, 9. (I) A shapeless

piece of flesh in the womb, which

made women believe themselTes

with child when they -were not ;

a monster ; a fool. Cotgrava.

(2) A crying child. Simer9.

MooNOB, 9. The slight stifled roar of

neat cattle when in want of food.


MooNLiNo, 9. A fool, or lunRtic.

I hare a husband, and a two-lcned oae^

But such a mocnlmg, as no wit of man.

Or roses, can redeem from being an aas.

B. Jont., lkt.*MjM,i,S^

d by Google




MooK-MKN, «. Beggsn, genenlly

of the gipsy tribe, who triTeDed

about the conntry in companies

of nearly a hundred persons each.

They were great thieves, and

usually dressed themseWes in a

fantastic costume. Dekker gives

a graphic account of them in his

Lanthome aud Candle-light,


Moons, a. The com-roarigold.

MooNBHiNB, (1) a. Smuggled


(2) There was a mode of dressing

eggs, called *' eggs in moomhme"

tot which the following is the


Bicdt them in a dish npon tome butter

and oyl, melted or odd, etrow on them

a little nit, end set them on a chiiflng.

diah of coala, make not the volka too

hard, and in the doing cover them, and

make a sauce for them of an onion cut

into round slices, and Med in sweet oyl

or butter, then trat to them reijuyce,

uted nutmeg, a litUe salt, and so serre

Mag's JceompL Cook, p. 487.

MooA,(l)«. A farm bailiff. Norih,

(2) V. To Toid blood. Yorisk.

(3) 9. A turnip. Devon.

MooR-ooLLOP, t. A sudden squall

across the moors. Devon.

Moorish, adj. (1) Strong tasted.

See Moriek.

Do thou not eate ftmle, I entreat,

That moorish is and raw ;

And milke, though pure, do not endure }

Of phisicke stand in awe.

AlmMoek, 1615.

(2) Wishing for more. Somih.

MooR-PALM , 9. The blossom of the


MooR-PooT, *. (1) Young moor-

game. North.

(2) An ignorant fellow.

Moot, (I) v. To discuss a point of

law, as was formerly practised in

the inns of court. Mooting, a

disputation in the inns of court.

He talks statutes as fiercely as if be bad

mooted seven years in the inns of court.

Sorites Mierocotm.



By the time that he [an inns-of-oonrt-

man] hath bcNrd one mootin^f and seene

two playes, he thinks as basely of the

unirersitie, as a young sophister doth

of the grammar schooie.

(herhirf's Ckaraetirs.

(2) 9. Contention.

h)v. To rout in the earth. Weet.

(4) 9. (J.'N.) A note on a horn.

(5) 9. A stump of a tree. Weet.

(6) 9. A moat.

MooT-BND,*. The backside. South.

MoOT-HALL, 9. {J.-S.) A hsJl Of

assembly ; a town-hatl.

MooTiNO-AXK, 9. A grubbing-axc.


MooTSBN, V. To wonder. Yorkeh.

MoozLB8,«. A stupid sloven. Line.

Mop, i(l)r. (^..A) To make

If OPPB, J grimaces.

I beleeve hee hath robd a jackanapes of

his Jesture ; marke but his countenance,

see how he mojUt and how he mowes,

and how he straines his lookes*

Barn. Rich, FauUs aitd nothing iut F.

(2)«. A grimace. In Massinger's

Bondman, the stage direction

says, "Assotus makes moppee;*'

imitating an ape ; iii, 3.

What mopt and mowes it makes I heigh,

how it f risketh I

Is H not a fairy ? or some small hobgoblin ?

B. ^ Fl., FUfirim, it, 2.

(3) 9. A diminutive, distinguish-

ing young creatures from the full

grown of the same species. Often

used to girls as a term of endear-


Mop, (1)«. A fool; a doll.

(2) «. A napkin. Glow.

(3) V. To drink up. Var. d.

(4) V. To muffle up. Mopper,

a muffler.

(5) 9. A meeting or fair for

hiring servants, principally for

agricultural purposes, held tfter

Michaelmas; similar assemblies

which take place 6^ore that time

being called etaiutee.

(6) V. To fidget about. NortK

(7) t. A tuft of grass. We^t.




MopAK-ttSfeDT, t. The game of

hide-and-seek. Devcn,

Mop-BTSD, adj. Short-sighted.

MoppBT, $, A little giri.

XloppiL, $. A blander. York$h.

MopsBT, «. (1) A aloTenlj woman.

(2) A little girl.

M0P8ICAI., adj. Low-spirited. Suff.

M0P8TAI.X1 •. A itio|>-handle. JLetc.

MoPT, pari. p. Fooled. Devon.

MoPvsSB, $. See Mawp%ue9.

MoBAL, 9. A llkeneBs. Var. d.

MoKCEOP, $. Pimpernel.

Mordant, •. (A.'N.) The tongue

of a buckle.

MoR«, (1) atff. (A.^S.) Greater.

(2^ V. To increase.

(3) «. A root. Mofede, rooted

up. Still used in doacesterriiire.

(4) a. {Lot. mora.) Delay.

(5) f. A hUL North.

Moas-BBRBTW, 9. The plant de-


MoRBiNO-AXB, 9. An axofor grub-

bing up trees. Gloue.

Morel, 9. (1) {A.-N.) A common

name for a horse, meaning origi-

nally a dark-coloured one.

(2) {A.-N.) The 9o1mmm dui-

eamara, or wood night-shade.

Tbom feeit no wfawt kellebonu can brinff,

Nor barley from the madding morrM

■prtng. SjflMter.

Solannm, ttryclmfi, oiBc. Mwette.

Night shade : norviitc, or deathei herbe.


(3) (Fr.) The morris.

(4) A fungus. North.


old name of a game.

M0RX-8lfBREW0RT, 9. The pUut


MoRBTNE, 9. A munrRin.

MoRFOND, 9. A disease in horses.

Morgan, a. Tares. South.

MoROiTB, 9. {A.'S.) A marriage

gift, delivered to the bride the

morning after the wedding.

MoROLE, V. To beat. Bedr.

Morten, 9. A negtiK

MoRiDSROim, m. (Xci.) Obedi-

ent; dotifvl.

MoRiNE, adj. Dead.

Morion, *. (A.>N.)A sort of hdnet

with a rim nM»d it

M0RT8H, c4f. Tasty. 71 <«/«

fRoritA, it tastes Terygood.

MoRKiN, 9. A boaat which has died

of disease.

M0RK-8HRIBK, 9. A mockery. Eut,

M0EX.AT10K, 9. A greas qRaatitt.


MoRLiN«, 9. The wool of a dead


MoRUAL, \9. A gingreoe, or


And the old mort-mal on hit afain.


A quantity of the qtriBteweaec abaB

aerre him to cue ktbea, or tlie mmmtl

o* the akin. i»., JtfoffW ^Mtrmj.

MoRBf B, 9. The short point at the

end of a spear.

MoRMERATioN, «. A mufmor.

MoRMO,«. (Or.) A apectie.

M0RO8OPH, t.((?r.) AlenmedfooL

MoRPHBw, 9. (#V.) A lepram


The morpkew ^te diaeoloared tke iplMt,

Which had the poWr t' attract the eyes «(

men. Drmfl., So., U.

MoRPioN, 9. A sort oC loose. See


And stole his talisakainie hmae, ....

HiB flea, his aitfnriow, and puncae.

iWrtr., III.1.4S7.


Morr«€. Take almaadea MaMtei

waisahe hem, giynde hem, and temper

hem np with rede wrne, and alye w*

with floer of lys. Bo thereto pjniM

yfiyed, and oolor it with Mndrea. i>>

thereto powdor fort, and powdor dooen,

and aalt. llesae it forth, and ftoer K

with aneye oonfyt whyte.


MoRRis-piKE, 9. A weapon usfd

by mariners, and sometimes by


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•nie Sii^fih VMriinn tali tbovt tiieK

with brown l»iUa, kalberu, aad smt-

r%e$fikn. Mt^JTs Jklh.

Of the French wwe beaten down flKMTM-

fikes and bowmen. Etgwd^ £. t. IF.

MoBT, «. (1) An old cant term for

a female.

Mala gtpaka all, not a mort amonf them.

(2) {A.-N.) Death.

(3) A qfnaatity. Vtw.d.

(4) Hog't-lard. Dmoh.

MoBTACiovat «4r. MortaL Nm'tk,

MoKTAiBB, 9. To gl^e land in

mortmain ; to amortise.

MomTAL, ocfr. Monstront ; wonder.

luL '* That's a morUd savage

dog." " He is worth a mortal

sight of money."

HoftTAR, «. A sort of wax-candle.


MOftTATS, Vs. A mortise.

Monns, J

MoftrnAVLX, a. {Ft,) An old game

resembling bowls.

MoftTBS,a. (^.-AT.) A night-liglii.

MoBTirr, ». To teaze. Wwt.

MonTLiNO, a. A poor wretched

person or thing. Notf.

Awretched wither'd morlHiu, aad a piece

or carrion, wrapt up ia a golden fleeoe.

Fueiaam Ftonm, p. 86.

MoBTaEWBS, t. A dish in cookery.

" MwirewB of fish." Forme vf

Cury, p. 23.

Mortteyu. *Mit henues and pork, and

■eetb hem toEydre. Take the Irre of

hennee and of the pork, and hewe it

•nuille, and grinde it alle to dovst.

Take brede ysrated, and do thereto, and

temper it with tbe lelf broth, and alye

it with jolkee of avren, and q^t thereon

powder fort; boile it, and do therein

powder of cynger* matu, eafronn, and

aalt, and loke that it be aionding, and

floer it with powdor of gynger.


MoKUB, 9. The plant j^enieoria.

MoBWB, a. {A,'S.) The morning;


MoBT, t. To become mouldy.

McsABn, i. An aarihen pidde-jsr.


Moaa, «. A disorder in horses.

Mo8«a. 7b say Jfostft , So make an

offer of marriage.

MoflVT, tug. (1) Mealy. Okme.

(2) atff. Rough, or hairy. JSlfl.

(3) a. A Jew.

MosH» V. To beat to death. Lete.

MosKBB, «. To rot. JVbrf A

Moss, s. A morass. North, Afesir-

woodj stemps of trees found in


Mo88-CBOP»«. Cotton grass. NoriK

MoaaBLL, a. A morseL

Most, ar^'. Greatest.

MosT-AN-BND, odv. Continuslly;


Mostly, adtf. Generally.

MosTRB, «. {A.'N,) Appearance.

MoflT-TiMB, luiv. Generally.

Most-what, ado. For the most


Mot, (1) preM, i. May ; must.

(2) a. (/¥.) A motto.

(3) s. A msik at quoits.

Mora, (1) a. (A.-S.) A meeting.

(2) V. To hold courts of justice ;

to judge.

(3) V. To discuss. See Moot,

(4) a. A mite. South,

(5) a. A stalk. Dewm, •

(6) a. The large white moth.


MoTBBB, V. To mutter.

Moth, a. An atom.

MoTHBB.a. (1) Hysterical passion

as arising from the womb.

(2) Phlegm.

(3) A round piece of leather

closing a foot-balL Weat,

MoTBBBiNG, a. The custom of

going to yisit parents on Mid-

lent Sunday, hence called ino-


MoTHBB-NAKBB, ocff. Qultc uakcd;

as Bsked as when bom.

MOTHBB-OP-TBB-lf AID8,«. (1) The

chief of tbe ladies of honour.

(2) A bawd.

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MoTHEK-wiT, «. No wit at ftll;


MoTHERY, adj. Liquor is said to

be mothery when there is a white

filament in it.

MoTHwocK, 9. Rather flexible.

Motion, *. (1) A puppet-show.

Z>. Where's the dumbo ihewyoapro-


I. Even ready, my lord; but maybe

called a motum ; for pappits will ipeak

but inch cormpt language youMl never

underBtand. Know in Graine, IMO.

(2) A single puppet.

The motim raya. you lie, he ia called

Dionystua. B. Jotu., Bart. Fmr, v. 5.

MoTiYB, t. Motion. Lydgate,

MoTLADO, 9, A sort of mottled


Their will motlndo it.

Of durance is their hate.

Wifs Intsrjtr., p. 10.

MoTLBT, 9. A dress of yarious co-

lours, the ordinary dress of a

domestic fool.

For, but thyself, where out of mctly'sht

Cotdd save that line to dedicate to thee.


Ne?er hope

After I ciat you nflT, you men of motley ,

You most undone thmga, below pity, any

That has a soul and sixpence dares re>

liere yon.

B. #■ Ft,, Wit wUkmt Money, iii, 4.

MoTON, *. (1) (/v.) A sheep.

(2) A small French gold coin.

(3) A plate of armour placed on

the right shoulder.

MoTONER, 9, A wencher. Lydg.

See Mutton,

MoTTBT, 9. (1) Talk; opinion. Lane.

(2) The mark in the game of

pitch-and-toss. North,

tAoTVNt part, p. Measured. ^«yw.,


MoucH, V. (1) To -stroke gently.


(2) To pilfer. Berk9.

MoucHATo, a. A moustachio.

Erecting his distended mouekatoi, pro-

ceeded in this answere.

Son. Okott, p. 40

MoucHiNO, adj. Shy. Zrae.

MouDT, 9. A mole-catcher.

MovoHT, (1) «. A moth.

{2)pret.t. Might.

MouK-coRN, a. Mixed com. See


MouL, V. To pull about VTett,

Mould, a. (1) A good form.

** That horse is a good motM.'^

Daify'9 MS.

(2) The opening of the satnre irf

a chUd's skulL Nortkampt.

Moulder, a. Mould ; earth.

MOULDWARP, 1,. A mole.

MOULDTWARP,/' *"""=•

MouLDY-BAND, 9. An aot-hiU.


MouLDT-puDDiNO, 9. A aUttcn.


MouLB, V. (1) To become mouldy.

(2) To dig. Devon.

MouLTURB, 9. (J.'N.) A fee for

grinding com.

MouN, /Tret. t. pL {J.-S.) May;



Mound, 9. A field fence. For. d.

MouNDB, 9. (1) Size.

(2) A helmet.

MouNOB, V. To whine. North.

MouNT,(l)«.To eqmp.Northanqtt.

(2) 9. A horse-block. Var. d.

Mount ABAN, «. A sort of hat.

MouNTANCB, 9. {A.-N.) Amount.

Mount-saint, 1«. An old game

MOUNT-CENT, J at cards, more

commonly called cent.

MouNTBB, "I a. (Fr.) Therisingnpof

ifOUNTiB, J the hawk to its prey-

But the sport which for thnt day

Baailius would prindpalJy shew tj

Zelmane, was the mmm^ at a heamc

which getting up on hia wagiisf wiMn

with pame. 8m:. Pemh. Jread.^ p. 1^

MouNTFAULcoN, 9. Pudeudum £.

MouNTOUR, 9. An elevated seat.

MouNT-ROSB, a. A sort of wine.

MouNTURB. See Monture.

MouRB, 9. A turkey. Somerset.

MouRNB, 9. {Fr. momeJ) The put





of a lanoe where the hetd united

with the wood.

MovKKivAL, 1 «. (1) A term ftt the

Mu&NiVAL, J game of gleek.

A wumrmaal is eithar aU tliB aeei, the

four kinn. qaeem, or knaret, and a

Kieek is Utree of any of the aforenid.

OnupUai QmnetUr, 19mo, 1880.

A aMwmlMil of protests, or a gleek at least

B. J<M$., SUfU ^ Nnu.

(2) A set of four.

Mouse, t. (1) A mouth.

C£) A term of endearment.

(3) A piece of beef, the part

b^w the roand.

Mouss-BUTTOCK, «. The fleshy

piece cut out of a round of beef.


MousB-DUN, $. A colour.

(2) 9. A muzzle.

A momM4U for Melastomas, the crnieaU

bayter of, and fool motttbed Varker

against £raha sex; or, an apdogeticall

answere to that irrelig;ions and ifiterato

namphlet,Tbe Arrainiement of Women.

Bf BaeJul Sp^gkt, 1617.

MousKL-BCAB, ». A dlftcmper in


MouBB-SNAP, 9. A mouse-trap.


MoosTBB, 9. (1) To be moying.


(2) To moulder. We9L

MooTH-BOD, 9. Food for cattle.


Mouth-maul, v. To sing out of

tone. We9t,

Mow, (1) «. A mock ; a wry face.

(2) V, Tu make faces at any one.

Mowing^ mocking.

Sometimes like apes that mm and chatter

at me. Skaiup^ Ttmp., ii, 2.

And make tbem to lye and moim like an ape.

OU MytUry o/CandUmas Day, 1612.

Vasind nubody al home bat an ape, that

sat m the porch, and made mops and

SMNW at bim.

Nath't JpoL qf Fierce Fm^ 1593.

Tea the Tciy al^eeta cams together

against me miavares. Baking nimm« at

me, and eeased not


(3^ 9. The sea-mew.

(4) t. A sister-in-law.

(5) 9. A stack. Vgr. d,

(6S V, Futuere. North.

(7) ffre9, t. May.

MowcHB, V. To ea^es-drop.

MowBL, 9. The mullet

MowBB, i, A mocker, or scomer.

MowflAT,«. An indosure for ricks.


MowiNu, 9. Ability. Chaucer.

MowL, V. To knead. Yorkeh.

Mow-land, 9. Meadow land.

MowLT, 9. A moth. Leie.

MowsBPBASB, 9. The plant oroiu9.

Mow-BTBADS, a. Staddles. Devon.

MowTHB, V. (J.'S,) To speak.

Mot, adj. Close ; muggy. North.

MoTBNAUNT, part. a. {Fr.) By

means of.

MoTNB, 9. A moan.

MoTBBD, part. p. Stuck in the


MoziL, 9. A stirrup-cup. Devon.

MozY, adj. (1) Hairy. Northampt.

(2) Stupiiied with liquor. Norths


MoSTE,prtff. t. (J.'S.) Might.

MuBBLBFUBBLBB, •. JDeprcssiou of


Melancholy is the ereast of ooortiers

armes, and now ereiy base companion,

being in his MuiUfitbUt, lays he is

mebincholy. £yy« Mydat, ▼, 2.

Whether Jvpiter was not joviall, nor Sol

in his imMUJubbUs, that is long donded,

or in a total eclipse.

Gay ton's Fesliv. NoUs^ P- 46.

And when yonr brayne feeles any payne.

With cares of state and troubles,

We'el come in kindnesse to pat yonr high-

Out of yonr mumbU-fiUtbUs.

Mite, Antiq. Angl in X. Frinee^ p. 6S

Much, (1) a^. {J.-S.) Great; nu-


(2) 9. A wonder. Che9h.

MucH-HOW. Indeed I Devon.

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MocBis, •. To itrokB, or nnooth I

down, ilevon. i

MucBNMS, •• SimiUriij.

MucH-wHAT, ud9. For the most I

pttt. I

Muck, (1) «. A triTial term §ar |

money. There is a proverb in ;

Norfolk, *' Where there*! muck

there's money."

Mot one in aU fiareiuia might oompam

With him for wealth, or msteht him for


TtirbaniiU*t TM0UMUlUe»,UefJ,

He muried her for mMeke^ she him for hMt>

The motiTea fowie, then fowly Uve they

moat. Dniti, Scourg* ^ A<<|r, 1611.

(2) t^. MoUt; wet Zone.

(3) V. To manure land.

(4) V. To Ubonr hard. JTm/.

(5) 7b nm a rnneil, to go mad.


(6) $. A busy person. <* In this

here business, de squire was head

muck:* Kent,

"r«.Z« I'- AhMdkercUef.

Be of good comfort, take my nuuMrndtr,

And dnr thine eyea.

Reader, if any thing thia booke the* ooa^

Thou need'at not d^eeme thy eoine and

labor loit:

nVili wrve thee weU tobaooo for to drie,

Or when thou talkst with mother Anth<Mue,

Twill aerve for mudetmdert for want of

So faroveU reader, I remaina thy debtor.

Ihyfer** Worku, 1«S0.

Onely upon hia wnuekiUr and band he had


By which I did auppoae his nana «aa


W$akt*tgoes to Wtill.

MucKXft, V. To be dirty. Wut.

MuGKBTTT, adj. Dirty. Stiff.

MucK-FORK, 9, A dung-fork.

MucK-uiLL» 8. A dunghill.

MucK-HOOK, 9, A fork to pull dung

up when trampled upon. Xcae*

MvcKiNGBu, t. A pocket-hand-

kerclilef. B99es. See MuekeAd^r.

MvcKLB, 9. To disarrange. Ent.

MocKLB*»BB», #4^ Lnw-bred.

Mucu.s-pom,8. To stoop. JDsvon.

MucKunoN, a. An old nmle nl.

MUCU.IMO, a4^'. Dirty*

MucK-ovT, 9. To ckear tba atalls

of cattle from dung. FbriaA.

MucKRi, 0. {A.'S,) To heap.

MucKacuTCHBON,«. A dirty person.


MucKMN, a. A dnnghilL ** Muck-

tew up to the bocksen/' a dung-

hill up to the hocks, L e.» Tcry


MucKSHAon, 9. Twilight. North.

MucK-apmouT, a. A dirty idlow,

more particulaily used in the

case of children. Line.

MucK-aucKLB, a. A dirty, untidy


MucK-WATKR, 9. The drainings of

a dunghill.

MucK-WEKD, a. Gooae-foot. Nmf.

MucK-WBT, oig. Very sloppy.

MucK-woRM, a. (1) A miasir.

(2) An upstart.

MucKT, a<^*. Dirty.

MucKY-WHiTK, adf. A person

who is pale and sallow ia said to

be of a wtuekif'Wkite eoaapkuoa.


Mui», (1) 9. To bring «p. WiiU.

{2S 9. A stupid fellow. WigJU.

(3) 9. A smiall nail used by cob-

blers. North.

MuD-cnooM, 9. A lai|;e hook* with

three flat prongi, and a stoat

long wooden handle. Noif,

MuDDLS, a. To oon/use. &al.

MuDGS, 9. Mud. Midi C.

MuDfiXLLT, adj. Broken, aa straw

trodden by cattle. Aiat.

MuDGiN, 9. ChalKy clay need fisr

daubing. Norf.

MuooiNa, t. The fat about the

intestines of a pig. Letc.

MuDJiNSAK, 9. To build earth or

clay walls. Nwrthanqtt.

Mud-lamb, «. A pet-lamb. Somih.

MuoLAMUuui, 9. A tecm» pohaps

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pecidiftr to tfa« river TliaBflt,

applied to poor boyi who obtain

a Mantj lifing by picking up

halfpence thrown in the mud,

and offering to assist people ont

of their wherries, with th^ Ing-

MuD-9HBBp, t. Sheep of the large

old Teeswater breed. North.

MuB, r. (J.'N.) To change.

Merer, adj. {J.-N.) Dnmb.

Muff, (1) «. A stupid feUow.

Those stiks to bisi wetre stnage,


Bid fsofe ibom on the beoe-kome mt^e,

aad him •■ king obftr.

Wana'* JWom MiigUmd, 1693.

(2) 9. To speak indistinctly.

(3) adj. Dnmb. Zete.

(4) $. A mitten. York$h.

McPFBTBB, 9. A small muff for the


MiTFFLB, (1) 9. To speak thickly

and in&tinctly, as though one

had one's mvffie, or mouth fall.

(2)t. Mouthful; luncheon. Mid. C.

McFFLB-oaBBNS, 9. Bmssels

sprouts. Ncrthampt.

MuFFLBB, 9. A wide band or wrap-

per covering the chin and throst,

and sometimes nearly all the fsce,

worn formerly by ladies.

MvFF-xom-MUM. Not a word more.


MD«,(l)«.Apot. ^orlA. Jftyyir,

a hawkef of pots.

(2) 9. To supply With beer.


(3) 9. A fog. North.

(4) a. The rump of an animal.


(5) 9. The mouth ; the iisoe.

(6) «. A sheep without horns.-


Mv^mB, prtt. t. Stirred.

Moonu>ii, 9, The caid or fit in

the inwards of a hog. North.

MuooABD, «|p. Sidlen. Sxmoor.

MuooBB,«. (l)Adealerinerockery.

(2) A gi^. Aortt.

Muo«jR8, 9. (1) Chitterlings.

(2) A crispy mflBed shirt. Wmt,

MveotB, 9. (1) To be restless.

MuggHng, moving about, restless.

A nurse will say of a baby, ** I

jumps up as soon as I hears him

mttfffflmg in his flannel." Soinert.

(2) To drizzle. York9h.

MuooLBTONY, f. A mongToL South.

MuooY, (1) aey. Close and damp,

applied to weather.

(2} atg. Half-intoxicated. Aser.

(3) 9. The white-throat. North.

MuGHOusB, 9. (1) A pot-house; a


(2) A pottery. fre9t.

MuoLARD, 9. A miser.

MuoLB, 9. The mullet.

MuowoBT, t. Wormwood. North.

For hjm that is wery off tr&vsile ia

eii Fflnte atte betynnjnce of hie

, Uke muggmeoru and oeere U

lym, and he icbal ferle no wery-

nesse in tiiat jorney. f lUm it a BMin

he wery at evy n of his jorney or goynge,

take the roote oim^ggewtrU, and itampe

it, and jiife it hym to drynke, and i

the weryaesee whal eo paiee firo hrm

that no maa wold sappoee it aehaide

hafe 10 greet a rertn in wirrhynge.


Mulct, «• A blemish, or defect.

No wuiUt in yonnelf.

Or in yonr penon, mind, or fortune.

MuLBBBDBt V. To cmmble.

Mulch, a. Half-rottea straw, fat/.

MuLDRT, 1 0^. Finely powdered,

MULTRT, J applied to earth. Notf.

MuLBRB, t. A weasel. Somerset.

MoLBT, 9. (/¥.) A mule. York9h.

MuLFBR,9. (1) To Stifle, or smother.

In Lincolnshire, a person well

wrapped up is said to be mu^ered.

(2) To moulder.

MuLiBBB, a. {A.'N.) A woman ; a


MuLiTBR, 9. A muleteer. Shakeap,

Mull, (1) 9. To rain softly.

'2) 9. To rub, or bruise. Vmr. d.

3) 9. To stew.

[4) a. Soft, breaking soU. Not/.

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(5) f. Dost; rabbith. North.

(6) t. To pull about Wett

(7) 9. A blunder, or fulare.


(8) M. A cow.

At thou didit once put on the form of bull.

And turn'Bt thy lo to a lovely wuUl,

Defend my nunp, great Jove, grant this

poor beef

Hay live to comfort me in all this grief.

CUmeUmJPt Fotmt, 1661.

MuLLXD, part. p. Soften^

Peace ii a very a]>oplexy, lethargy;

piMirdf deaf, aleepv, inteusible.

SAAt«tp., Gprtol., iv, 6.

MuLLBTS, «. (1) (A.'N.) spurs.

(2) Pincers for curling bair.

MuLLBT, «. A cow. S^f.

MuLLicRUBH, V. To domineer.


Mulligrubs, «. IlUbumour.

MuLLiN, i. Metheglin. Somertet.

Mulling, adj. Numb or dull, stid

of pain. liic.

Mullock, t. (1) A heap of rub-

bish. MuUoektft dirty.

(2) A mess ; a dilemma.

(3) A stump of a tree. Wett,

MuLLT, «. To bellow; applied

rather to the grumbling noise

of a bull, which does not amount

to bellowing. A(^.

MuLNE, 9, {A.'S.) A mill.

MuLP, 9. To be sulky. Eatt,

MuLSE, «. Sweet wine.

MuLBY, «. Kubbisb. Bedt,

Multiply, e. To magnify.

MuLTON, 8. {Pr.) A sheep.

MuLVBLL, $. The milwyn.

Mum, t. (1) Silence.

(2) Silent, secret anger. Etfex.

(3) A sort of liquor for drinking.

(4) A beetle. South,

Mumble, e. (1) To adhere. Sv^.

(2) To rumple. Northampt.

Mumble-matins, $, A popish


Mum-budget, t. Acant expression,

implying silence.

Bat mtmbouget for Carisophiu I espie.

XXmuni t ^th^ 0. PL, i, 191.

If or did I enr wineh or gmdge it.

For thy dear ndke x qooUi ihe, •«■

Mum.chancb,(1) 9, A game pUyed

with cards or dice.

But leaving cardea, lett's go to dJeeawkik,

To paaiage, trdtrippe, haxarde, or mm-

ehmnet. MaekineWM Ayy-* 16^7

(2) adj. Stupid ; staring Tacanthr.


MuMMEB. 9, A masker.

Mump, (1) r. To beg; to cheat.

To go a muM^inff is to go about

begging as they do on St. Tho-

mas's day in Lincoln, and at

Christmas generally in other

placet. Ume. MunynHg-dti^^xht

twenty-first of December, when

the poor go about the country,

begging com, &c. ffertf,

(2) V, To bruise. North,

(3) V. To make grimaoes; to

screw up the month.

(4) 9. To be sulky. Suff,

(5> «. A protuberance, or lump.


(6) 9. A knotty piece of -wood;

a root Gkme.

(7) 9, A hop and jump. Norf,

Mumper, a. A professional beggar.

How, sir! no children ! ha, ha, ha, mv

Tim no children I was ever such a

doubt made ? why. sir, he hai stockt all

the pariahea about us wiUi his offrazing

already, there's never a flNnii|ifr in Essci

but has one of 'em at her hack.

Dmrfey, Fool twrn'd CHtiek.

Much like an old Mafiiip«r, as I understond.

With a thread-bare coat, and a km^ staff

iu hand,

He went to her door, and amain tli«re dd


When his daughter saw him her tears tbca

didfaU. Tkt Norfolk GmUmd

Mumps, «. Sulkiness.

Ten to one, I know the cause of yoor

MMMft; as much, I find the rise of vo«r

Sttilenness. Tk* B^ormaiMm, I'CTS.

MuM-RUPFiN, 9. The long-taikd

tit. Wore,

MuN, (1) 9, The mouth.

{2)pre9,t. Must.

(3) Mum/Uh, rotten fish. Cormr.

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MuNCBAToxfl, «. Monttaehiof.

MuNCB-pmBSENT, «. Ooe who

takes bribes.

MuNCOKN, t. Mixed corn. North.

MuNDAiNK, adj, {A.'N,) Worldly.

MuKDEFiB, 9. {Lat.) To make


MuNOLE, 9. (1) A slice used in

making puddings. North,

(2) An instrument for washing

potatoes. Leic.

MuNDUNGua,! t. A sort of to-

MUNDUK60, j bacco.

KuNG, (1) part, p, of ming. Min*

gled ; kneaded. We were all mung

t^ m the tame trough, all haTe

one common nature.

(2) a. Kneaded food for fowls.

(3) e. A crowd. Cheeh.

MuNGB, a. The mouth. Notf,

MuNOBLiNG, part, a. Murmuring ;

cross. Leic.

MuNOBK, (1) a. A horse-collar of


(2) «. To grumble. North,

MvNOY, adj. (1) Sultry. Wett.

(2) Damp ; close. Northampt.

MuNiTE, t». (Lat.) To fortify.

MuNNioK, a. A mullion.

MuN8W0BKya<(^'. Forsworn. Yorkth.

MuNT, V. To hint. North,

MuNTB, (1) V. To give ; to measure


(2)pret. t. Moun^d ; went. Piere


Mdxtblate, "I a. a sort of pot-

icoNCHEiAT, J tage.

MuNTiNS, a. Intermediate upright

bars in framing.

Muffed, par/, p. Crowded. North-


MuR, a. (1) A severe cold.

Deafe eares, blind eyes, tlie paltie, gonte,

and MMTf

And cold vonld kill thee, but for fire and

for. BowIaitd9,MMa€9qfSp.^Di.,Un,

(2) A mouse. Dewm,

Mu&AT, a. (^.-iV.) A wan.

MuECH, a. A diminutive man.

Mu&CHT, a. Mischief. Dtnwi.


MuEDBSBEy la. A sort of

sfUEDEEiMG-FiBCE, J bell-shaped

cannon, charged with small b^,

so as when discharged to sweep

a considerable space.

MuEOBEiNG-FiE, a. The butcher-


MuEDLr, adj, (A,-S,) Joyful.

MuEE, (1) a. {J,'N.) A wall.

(2) V, To squeeze. Comw.

(3) a^. Soft ; demure. East,

MuEE-HEAETED, odj. Tender-

hearted ; meek. Norf.

MuEELT, adv» Almost. Corme.

MuEENGER, a. A superintendent

of the town walls. Cheeh,

MuEFLES, a. Freckles. Devon,

MuEGE, r. {J,-N.) To gladden.

MuRGiN, a. A quagmire. Cheeh.

MuEGosT, adj. Merriest.

MuRKE, (1) adj. Dark.

(2) a. A secret hoard. North-


Md EKING, adj. Penurious. North-


MuRKiNS, adv. In the dark. North.

MuEL, 9. To crumble. North.

MuELE, V, To muse attentively.


MuRNE, a^. {A.-N) Sorrovrful.

MuRNiYAL, a. Four cards of the

same rank. See Moumival.

Now we liave hereaie by complication.

Like to Don Onixota rosarjr of alavea

Strung on a chain ; a mumival of knarea

Puckt in a trick, like KTPsies «ben they


Or like coUeag;nes, which ait all ou a aide.

Bump Songt.

Murrain-berries, a. The berries

of black briony. Wight.

Murr£. Sec ilforey.

Murrey, adj. Dark red.

Murriqn. See Morion.

MuRTH, a. Abundance. North,

MuRTHB, (1) a. (A.-S.) Pleasure;


(2) V. To make merry or joyful.

Piere PI.

MuRUNs, a. (Fr.) Chickweed.

MuRiE, V. {A.-S.) Pleasant ; joyfu^





Mus»«. Themoutb.

MuBAKO, 9. {J^N.) (I) A va-

(2) A fooL Dtfvan.

Muscadine, -I a rich wine


And I will have alto wyne de Byne,

With new maid daryt, that is good and


MiacadeUt termtyne, and baalatd.

With 7po«na and njmeiit eomyng after-

waxde. JCSL JEewT, C. 86.

Tba mMtcaiint itaya for the bade at


the prieit and Hymeni ceremoniea tend

To make them man and wife.

Two Maids o/Mort^Mkg, 1809.

Let landkvda or wfaoenr ataj.

The lawyen shall be sore of pay.

Bevenge it ia of nimble lega,

And sweet as imfM«i^tiMande((gs.


MuscBT, 9. A mwde.


Mv8CUL, «. A puttole.

MU8KB, I ing in a fence or thicket

MU8ET| I through which gime

MV8IT, J puses.

Tis as hard to find a bare withant a

emw, as a woman without a souse.

Orients TlMvufaJttiMg out, ^e.

We terme the place where she sitteth.

her forme, the places through the

which she goes to releefe, herinu«f.

«m«i. ^ouinM^ U96, p. S2 .

I, but I knofw yonrsiMaer, your inlets

and outlets, and wherefcr the rabbets

passi the fenet or weead nay vcBftare.

Baufuenfi^ CanU$s Laten, 1C7S.

MusBT, V. {A,'K) To gtze.

Mu8R, ^1) 9. Dust; anything

mashed. North,

(2) 9. The best sort of iron ore.

{2)adj, SUent; quiet JE;sf^.

Mushed, adj. Subdued; spirit-

broken. NorthampL


>ff. A mushroom.

MUSHRUMP,/ «•»"«»"* will.

MusHaooM-H ITCHES, s. Inequali-

ties in the floor of a coal mine,

occasioned by the projection of

basaltic or other stony sub-

^ NoHb.

MusiciANBKyS. A mnaiciaii. N9tf.

MusiKKB, 9. A musician, ''ifa-

tt'cMt, a musyker." Nammale MS,

MusKt (1) 9, The plant ennes-bilL

(2) 9. To pick up loose ooni,

said of pigs turned into stnbUe.


MusKSL, 9. A eaterpiUar. 2>eMs.

MusiLST, 9, The male of the spar-


Mdskmellion, a.

I bott^t a basket of sniftBk of the

Quantity of halfe a pecfce rar a penny and

Earthing, and a hatfuil of fidre peaches

fiorasmiidi,pidded eoweoaritaslhaie

bought a pecke for three peaces and

sMf)nMiUi0M. there hath beeneeset fire

or size carts load of them in one di^to

their hogs. Tt^lmi^t WoH^^m.

Musroll, 9. {Fr.) The nose-btad

of a bridle.

Muss, a. (1) A scramble.

The monies rattle not, nor are Uiey knows.

To make a wum yet 'imong tiM gnmfiwair

•nitora. B. Jon^ iu§m. Xe^*''* ^

Th^'U throw down gold in auwec

t'tiivk ao well, captain, I would yua

could make such another anas, at all

adTcntuiet. A Mad. W.,O.YW*^f^

(2) A term of endearment

What ails you, sweetheart? Axeyeunot

wellP Speak, good SMUR.

if. /m., Atiy JGb» w A. JE^ii, S.

(3) A mouse.

MuasEix, a. A lump.

Mu88kb, a. (from /V. iiiuiafr, to

hide.) A hiding place Ibr gane.

I4ay we eaa find

Tour wildest parts, your tnategs ud


Your traces, squats, the swHjgre, fiinu.

and holes

Yon young men uae^ if oaee ov ssgMt


Be set a hunting.

Btm Jttey, O. PL, t, 4SS.

Must, (1) a. New wine.

(2) V. To turn mouldy.

rS) a. Ground apirfes. IPW.

(4) a. A liquor made of honey.

MusTiLBa, a. Armour for the body.

MusTia, 9. To talk togethar pri^


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mixed grey woollen doth, in use

tiU the Uttes part of the 16th


MuT. Most; might

MuTCR» adj. Half-rotten straw.


MuTB» (1) V. Said of the hawks

and other birds when they drop

their dung.

Cmb the otka^ the phueb-tree, end the

^Ihe atock-dore end the bluk-batd ehoald

'Whoee mMting on those treet doe make to


Bot-conng hyphee end the mineltoe.


One He'd tsiimiiroper teanne to a fUko-

aer, aaying that hif hanke dnng'd. The

flJkoner told him that he fhould hare

and, nuittd. Anon after tMs fdlov

■tumbled and fell into a oov-ahaie, and

the falkoner aaking him how hee came

io bei«7*d: he answered, in a cow-mute.

Copleys Witi, FiU, and Fkneies, 1614.

(2^ «. To mew; to moult.

i3} 9. A pack of hounds.

4) t, A mule between a she-ais

and a horse.

MuTiKy adj. Mutinous.

MuTTiNo, adj. Sulky ; grom-

bliog. Comw.

31 UTT0N» 9, A prostitute.

I am one that lovea an ineh of raw mut'

Km, better than an ell of Friday [or fried]

itockflah; and the ftraft letter of my

name henna with letehery.

Doctor fiatttut, IfiOi.

MuTTON-MOM oBB» 9, A debauched

Your whoraon bawdy prieatl Yon old

mmUoii-monfftr. Sir J. Olde., ii, 1.

li 't poaaible that the brd Hinollto^

vhoae fhee ia aa dril aa the outaide of a

dedicatory book, should be a flwI/M-

mmgtr t San. Wh., O. PL, iu, p. 400.

Mutton-tops, «. The young shoots

of the goose-foot.

Mmrr-CALF, t. A simpleton.


MuTVATS, part p, {Lot.) Bor-


Vivwaxt^ pna, pU They may.

Mux, Mock. Mutttnt a dunghilL


Muswnsyt. A cobweb. Nwik.

Muszijb(1)«. Thefhce.

(2) «. To grub with the snoot


(3) «. To trifle ; to skulk. YorML

(4) 9. To drink deeply. Line.

Muzzt, adj. Half drank.

MTDDTNo-rrTTB, 9. A donghlll-

pit. Hampok.

Mt-hin-hath-laid, 9. A game

mentioned by Florio.

Mt-ladt's-hols, ff. An ancient

game at cards.

Mtlatb, ff. A dish in cookery.

Mylatet of pork. Hewe pork al to peeys,

and medle it with ayren and ehcae

igrated. Do thereto powder fort, aafhm,

mid pynerea, with salt. Hake a cmat

in a trape, bake it wel thereinne, anl

serve it forth. Arawef Cary^p. 88.

My&, adj. (A.-S.) Pleasant.

Mtsk, v. To mince.

MT-aow-piooBO, ff. A game men-

tioned in Taylor's Motto.

Mtssk, «. (A.-N.) To faiL

MYSTAOwn, 9. (i^..&) To mistrust.


Na. No. North.

Nab, (1) ff' A csnt term for the


(2) ff. A hat.

B. S. Sirrah, behoU me : hera^s rigging

foryon; here's a imM: yon neter saw

sucn a one in your life. Ch. A rum

nei.- it ia a beaver of 5^

SlUulmU, Sfmn tfJUa^ 1068.

(3) ff. Th& summit of a hill;

an elevated piece of ground.

(4) ff. The shoulder of iron stick-

ing out about the middle of the

bolt in a lock.

(5) V. To catch ; to take utt«

expectedly. Var,d.

(6) V. To steal; to pilfer.

Naball, ff. A fool. Rowland, 1612.

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Nabbins, ff. A game at marbles

practiied io Norfolk.

Nabbitt, ff. A dwarf. Etui.

Nabblb, v. To gnaw. Northampt.

Nabchbt, ff. An old cant term for


Nab-nannt, ff. A louse. Eagt

Nabst, ff. An abscess. Northampt,

Nackendolx, ff. Eight pounds of

meaL Lane, Set Aghendole,

Nackb&» (1) r. To snap the

fingers. WiUt.

(2)ff. A colt. Devon.

NACKiNG,ff. A handkerchief. Comw,

Nadde. Had not, for ne hadde*

Naddlb, 9. To nod. Devon.

Nave, ff. {Lai.) A spot ; a ftult.

So many spots, like naves on Venns' soil.

One Jewell set off with so mitny a foil.

Dtyd. Versa on Lord HasHHge.

Naf, ff. Pudendum f. North.

Naffe, v. To grumble ; to haggle.


Nao, v. (1) To nick, or slit. Line.

(2) To eat. *'He nage away

famously.'' JVarw.

Naob, ff. (A.-N.) The buttocks.

Nagging-pain, ff. A slight con-

stant pain. Weet.

Nag6lb» v. (1) To gnaw. North.

(2) To toss the head. East.

Nagglbo, adj. Tired. Oxfd.

Nagoy, adj. Irritable. North.

Naorb, ff. A miser. North.

Naif, adj. {A.-N.) Having its true

natural lustre. A jeweller's term,

applied to a precious stone.

Nail, ff. Eight pounds' weight.


Nail-bit, ff. A gimlet. Ilerrf.

N AiLBVBN, ff. An intermittent land-

spring, irreguUr in its visitation

and duration, peculiar to Kent.

Nailed, ^ar/. p. Caught.

Nailer, ff. A nail-seller.

Nail-napes, ff. A gimlet. North'


Nail-passbr, ff. A gimlet.

Nail-spriko, ff. A hangnail.


Naitb, v. To deny. Naiime. Pr. P

Nakb, v. {A.-S.) To make naked.

Nakbd-bots, ff. The autonmsl

crocus, which flowers without

leaves. Noff.

NAKBD-ouLL,ff. Au unflcdgcd bird.


NAKBu-LADiEa, ff. The plant


Narer, ff. (/>.) Mother of pearL

^N^KERBR.1'- ^ *^^™«*' ""^ ^"^

^^"""^f of brass.


Nakettb, ff. A sort of predoos


Nakins. No kind of.

Nakkb, ff. The neck.

Naknb, e. To make naked.

Nalb, ff. An ale-house; in the

phrase atte nofe, a cormption of

the A.-S. set ^an ale, at the ale.

Nallb, ff. An awl.

Nam. Am not, for ne am.

Name, /»-«/. t. otnime. Took.

Namb-cards, ff. The cards which

it is customary to send to friends

by newly married people. Var. d.

N AMECOTHHBDB, ff. {A.-.S. ) FSmc ;

celebrity. Ayenb. qflnwyt.

Nameless, adj. Anonymous.

Namely, adv. Especially.

Nammet, ff. A luncheon. South.

Namore, adv. {A.^S.) No more.

Nan, (1) adj. None.

(2) ff. A small earthen jar. Dev.

Nancy, ff. A small lobster. Eatt.

Nang, v. To insult. Weet.

Nanoates, adv. (A.'S.) In no


Nangnail, ff. A hangnail.

Nankins. (A.~S.) No kind of.

Nannacks, ff. Trifles. Eaet.

Nannlb-berribs. See Anberrjf.

Nanny, ff. A prostitute. Nanny*

housef a brothel.

Nanny-hen. Ae nice as a nanny*

heUf affectedly delicate.

Nan-pie, ff. A magpie. North.

Nanterscase, eonj. In case that.


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Nakthino, «. (A^S.) Nothing.

Nantlk, «• To trifle. North.

Nap, (1) tr. To seize. North,

(2^ «. A blow. Devon.

(3) V. To cheat at dice. (Troie.

(4) 9. A hiUock. ir««/.

(5) adj. Expert. York$h.

Nap*at-noon,«. The purple goat's


Nape, (1) tr. To behead; to IdUby

a blow in the neck.

(2 ) «. A hole, or firactnre. Dewm.

(3) «. A piece of wood employed

to support the fore part of a

loaded waggon. North.

(4) To fuqte (in laying a hedge

or fence down) is the cutting the

branch partly through, in order

that it may be laid close to the

bank; pew or young shoots

■pring out at the place cut, and

the branch serves to fill up a

chasm that was deficient in live


N APBRTft. (A.-N) Linen^especiaUy

table Uoen.

BcndM the great charges of Tictnali,

and great attendance of the aerrants,

andgreat apoil of napenf and honahold

■tnll^ the goodman ano looaeth hia

xxorxiiL to keep ui company.


Napxt, 9. A napkin or hand-


7^APKiN,«. A pocket-handkerchief.

Naplbs-biskbt, 9.

To make NaoU bisiet. Take of the

fineit Hover half a peck, the vhitea of

a dosen eggt, fine nuar t«'o pound, aa

i milk aa will make it into a batter.

with a few beaten almone, and lome line

grated bread, itir them well together

till flnelj mixed; with this, fill thin

oofflna, andwaih them oyer with ntgar

and roae-water; tet them in an oTea

indiilBrently hot, and when they are

well hardened, take them out, hatter or

flower a little your ooflina, to make

them slip oat the eaator; and keep

them la papered bcxea in a dry place.

"Nappb, v. To sleep. ChoHcer,

^APPBK, ff. The head. Var. d.

Nappbbm, t. An apron. North.

TCAPPsmSi «. The koecs. Lme,

Napft, «4^. Strong, applied to ak.

SA*,oig. Nearer; near.

Nabd, ff. PepperwQit.

Nabb, (1) ff. (Lat.) A nose; the

nostrils of a hawk.

X2).ado. Never. DeooiL

Narohb, adf. Narrow.

Nablb, ff. (1) A hard swelling on

the neck. GUme.

(2) A knot.

NARNyff. Never a one. JFett.

Nabn-but. Used in the sense of aa

excuse. *' John, you must come

to work for me in the morning."

'' I can't, sir, a corse I nam-^tU

must go to Mr. A.'s to-morrow.**

See No'iut.

Nabeb, adj. Nearer.

Nabbbl, ff. A nostril.

Nabbow-wbioolb, ff. An earwig,


Nabbt, adj. Neither ; none. We9t.

Narwb, a^. (A.-S.) Nanow; dose.

Na8. Was not, for ne wa9.

Nash, a^f. (1) Firm ; hard* Derb.

(2) Chilly. WiU9.

Na8k, ff. An old cant term for a


Nast, ff. Nastiness. We»t.

Nastbn, v. To dirty. Somen.

JiASTic,adJ. Short-breathed. Dev.

Nastt, adj. Spiteful. Var. d.

Nat, ff. {Fr.) A mat.

Natal, adj. (Lat.) Presiding over

nativity, a term in astrology.

Natch, ff. A feat. Notf. " You've

done a rare natch."

Natcheb, ff. The battlements of a

tower. Kent.

Natb, (1) V. To use. Northumb.

(2) at(f. Bad. Kent.

Nathb, ff. The nave.

Nathblbssb, adv. Nevertheless.

Nathbmobb, adv. Not the more.

Bat nathemcre wonld that con^eoos


To her y eeld pasmR, 'gainst his lord to to.

Nation, adv. Excessively; a cor*

ruption of damnation.



Native, #. Native place. Var. d.

Nativity-pie, #. A Christmas-pic.

Natlino, adj. Ornamental; fan-

dfuL Norfhan^t.

Natlinos, 9. Chitterlings. Devon.

Natkelle, #. The crown. Nomi-


Natter,. tr. To scold; to blame.


Natfbred, adj. lU-tcmpcred.


Natterjack, $. A toad. Suf.

Nattle, v. (1) To knock. North.

(2) To busy one's self with trifles.


Natty, adj. Sprace; neat.

Natty-boxes,*. Contribntionpaid

periodically by workmen to the

trade union to which they be-

long. York.

Natty-lad8,#. Young pickpockets.

Natueable, adj. (1) Natural.

(2) Kind.

Natural, (1) *. Native dispo-


(2) adj. Kind; charitable. Lmc.

(3) adj. Legitimate. Constantly

used in this sense by early


(4) 9. An idiot.

(5) adv. Quite. J}or9et.

(6) 8. A term at the game of


Naturelike, «&'• Natural.

Naty, adj. Fat and lean, in good

order for eating. Devon.

Naufraoiate, v. {Lat.) To ship-


Naught, o^f. Bad, naughty. Be

naught awhile, was a phrase equi-

valent to. Go and be hanged!

Karry.nrl be better employed, and ft«

naught awhUe. Aijfoulike it, i, 1.

Come away, and he naught awhiU.

Stone i^X.Jhnut.

Nauoht-rbad, f. A blockhead.


NauohtY'HOUbb, «. A brothel. '

Naughtt-pacKi 8. A term of


694 NAT

She*8 a Tarlet-a naatghtifadt.

Soaring «M, 0.>U vi. p. 9D.

Haring tiro lewde daagliten» no bitier

than noMgktg packs.


He call'd me punk, and pander, and

doxy, and the rileat nidcnamei, aa if I

bad been an arrant naughtg-foek.

Chapm^ Hay-dag, act ir.

Naun, f . Nothing. Suf.

Naunt, v. To bridle up at any-

thing. Leic.

Nauntlk, v. To elevate. iVor**-


Nave, (1) 8. The navel.

(2) Have not, for ne have.

(3) 8. The wood on which the

straw is laid in thatching. Orfd.

Navegor, 8. An auger.

Naybl-gaul, «. A disease.

The jampaBBe, create-MI. wittMngnrfe.

The nanU-ffoU, aU thoae.

With diverse tedious toreheane.

BowUmde, Xnaee qfChMe, 1611.

Navel-hole, t . The hole in a mill-

stone which receives the grvn.

Navet, 1 ,^) Rape-Mad.

Navvy, #. An excavator.

Navy, 8. A canaL Nortk.

NAV^N,a4if. Own,

Nawl, f. (1) The navd. Somen.

(2) An awl.

Then shall be no more ahoe mendiBi ;

EToy man shall have a special caxe of h»


And in his pocket carry Ua taro coa-


Hia linsel and his nemU


Nawynsbtbbs, 8. Anoeatoia. Mo-

nartie Lettvre, p. 51.

Naxty, €Mfr*. Nasty.

Nay, (1) V. To deny.

(2) 8. Denial. ItUm My, it is

not to be denied.

Nay-say, «. A refusal. Nwih*

Nay-ward, a^. Towards « ne-


Ton would beUere nyiayiBg

Howa'er von lean to the naji-wa»i. „ ,


d by Google




Nat-wokd, ff. (1) A wttcfa-word.

(2) A proverb; a bye word.

(3) AnegatiTe.

Nazart, [t. A fool; a mean

NAZOLD,/ person.

Nazb, 9, A sloped surface in


Nazt, aiff. Intoxicated. North.

Nazzlbb^iu^'. ni'tempered. Yorith.

Nk, adv. {A.'S.) Not ; nor.

NKAGsm, «. A term o€ reproach.


Nba-maxins, adv. No matter.


Nbany, odjf. None.

Nbap, 9. A turnip. Cormo.

Nbapbns, adv. Both hands full.


NsAiL, (1) M^. Nearer.

(2) adj. Peaurioiis. Var, d.

(3) adj. Empty. South.

{4) eoiy'. Neither. Line.

IS) s. The kidney.

^6) Near tide of a horse, the

left side.

Nkak-hamd, adv. (I) Atanoat.

(2) Near.

(3) Probably.

Neakino-oix>thb8, ff. The Haen

worn next the skin.

^KAS^voWiOdv. Notlongago. Noff.

Nbakt, ff. Night, i^eoon.

Nsat, ff. (A.-S.) Horned cattle of

the ox species. Neat-houte, a


Nbatwrssb, ff. A female keeper of


Nbating, ff. Froth.

Nkb, (1) ff. A beak; the nose.

(2) V. To kiss. North.

i3) ff. A scythe handle. North.

4)ff. Thepoleofanox-cart.59HfA.

(5) ff. The mmp.

Nbbbob, ff. A ne^hbonr. North.

Nbcaktub, ff. (Lat.) The book of

aoooanta of the slanghter-honse.

NBCsaaAiBB, adj. {A,'N.) Ne-


NBCB881TY, t. Bad illidt spirit


Neck, ff. The plait of a eap.

Nbok-bawd, ff. A gorget Pa!$ffr.

NBCK-BABmow» ff. A shrine on

which relics or images were car-

ried in processions.

Nbck-bbbak, ff. Complete mln.


Nbck-collab, ff. A gorget

Nbcking, ff. A neck-kerehiet


Nbck-kbbcbbb, ff. A kerchief for

the neck. ** Collier de fin lin.

A partlet, neekeiereherf or gor-

get." Nomenel

Nbck-of-the-foot, ff. The instep.

Nbck-pit, ff. The bend at the bade

of the neck.

Nbck-towbl, ff. A small towel.


Nbckum , siNKuif , swANKUM. The

three draughts into which a jog

of beer is divided. Eteex.

Neck-wbed, ff. Hemp.

Ned-cake, ff. A rich girdle cake.


Nedder, (1) ff. An adder.

(2) adj. Inferior. North.

Neddt, ff. (l)Ajackaas.

(2) A simpleton. Neddyiih^


Nbde, v. (A.-S.) To force.

Nbdevitl, adj. Indigent.

Nedellbb, ff. A needle-maker.

Nedblinoes, adv. Necessarily.

Nedblt, adv. (A.-S.) Necessarily.

Nbdinob, ff. Need ; troable.

Nbdircop, ff. A spider.

Nbdlbb, ff. A maker of needles.

Piert PI.

Ned-stokes, ff. The four of spades.


Nbe, adj. Nigh.

Need-fibs, ff. Ignition produced

by rubbing wood. North.

Needle, (1) v. To nestle.

(2) ff. A piece of wood to

strengthen a post. Eatt.

(3) To hit the needle, to strike

the centre.

NBBDLE.H0V8B, ff. A necdte-case.





Nkbdlb-poimt, s, a sharper.

Nbbdlbe, ff. A keen man; a niggard.

Nbbdlb-webd, 9. Shepherd's nee-


Neeolb-work, 9, The timber and

plaster frame-work in old houses.

Nbedubnt, «. Necessaries.

Nbbds, (1) adv. Of necessity.

(2) 9. Necessities.

(3) eonj. Indeed. Somentt.

Nbedslie, adv. Necessarily.

Therefore he prayed that if the king

will HcedtUe command him to depart.

Bowes Corre$fondene9, 1582.

^^i".';!*- A needle.


Neen, ff. The eyes. York9h,

Nebp, 9. The draught-tree of a


Nbbse, v. To sneeze.

Nbbst, adj. Next. North.

Nebyetb, 9. See Nephew.

Nebzen» *. pL Nests. To go a

neezeningf nesting. Northampt.

Nebzle, 9. To nestle.

Nbfur, adv. Never.

Acjy f ther were v.mengd liconr

Other wid kende watere,

leh irojt wel tberinne to cristnye

Hit nere nefur the betere.

William de Skoreham,

Nbgh, 0^. Near. Negh9it nearest.

Neohb, v. {A.'S.) To approach.

Neghbk, «. Nine.

Nbglection, ff. Neglect.

Negligent, adjj. Reckless.

Negon, 9, A miser ; a niggard.

Neif, 9. (1) (^.-iV.) A serf, or


(2) The fist, or hand.

Neighbour, v. (I) To associate.

Noff. "Though we live next

door, we don't neighbour^*

(2) To gossip. YQrk9h.

Neist, adj. Next to. Devon.

Neint, (1) V. To go. " How that

horse did n«tn/ along V* Shrop9h,

(2) 9. A beating. " I'll give you

atiem/in^." SlS'op9h.

Nbithbr-of-both, adu Neither.


Nbitxl, v. To give a blow with

the neive or fist. Cwttk.

Nbkbd, «. Little or notlung.


Nbkist, a4f. Next.

Nelb, a/^. Cowardly ; eviL

Nbix-knbbd, adj. Knock-kneed.


Nbxb, 9. (1) Care. Take mtme,

pay attention.

And iche tdiel s^gen hit an Kngliach,

Nou tberof tume 56 kepe.


(2) An uncle.

Nbmel, a^. Nimble; skUfoL

NenUjf, quickly.

Nembline, v. To name.

Nempnb, v. (ji.'S,) To name; to

call. Nempt, named.

Nbne, (^..5.) Neither.

Nenbt. Will not.

NBN8,aif9. "iV{m«ashewas,"moch

the same as he was. *' Pretty

nen9 one," pretty much the same.


Nentb, adj. The ninth.

Nbp, 9. (1) A turnip. North.

(2) Cat-mint. Pal9ffr.

Nephew, 9. (Lat. ii^pos.) Grand-

son; descendant.

And yoar yoong and tall

Nepkaet, hit [your aon'a] lona, gnw np in

rnr embnices.

Joits^ Masq. qfJugnrs^ rol. n, p. ISl

This people's vertne yet ao firnitfnU was

Of vertooiu nephem.

Spensett Mmus ^Bomt, xva, &

Nepkin, 9. A nectarine. Somer9.

Neppered, atf;. Peevish. York9h.

Nepte, 9. {Lat.) A niece; a grand-


Ner, adv. Never.

Nerb, (1) adv. Nearer.

(2) Were not ; had it not been.

Nerf, 9. (A.'N.) Nerve; sinew.

NERLEo,a4f'. Badly treated. North.

Nbrvallb, 9. A kind of ointment

Nescock, \9. An nnfledged


NBgB-THRTi.LB, t. The sostriL

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Nbsh, mg. (1) (^.-^.iie«ff.) Tender;

wey^ ; loft ; delicate.

Of eheew,— ha Mdth it is too hftrd; he

Mith it is too MtA.

Cko'ue <f Ckanffe, 1585.

(2) Hangry. Si^.

Nk8hin,v. To make tender. Cheih,

Nbsp, «. To peck. Line.

NEBriTRff, Calamint.

Ness, «. (^.-5.) A promontory.

Without bridgo ihe Tentera,

Throfogh fell Gharibdii and false Syrtcs'

neste. Sylv., JhAwt.

Nbssb, (1) adj. Soft. See Neih.

(2) «. A nest.

Nbsslb, 9. To trifle. Sut$.

TfxssLK-TRiFB, 1 «. Tbeyoungest

NSSTLB-DBAFT, J of abrood. We$t,

Nb8t, «. (1) A collection of articles


(2) The socket of the eye.

Nkbtab.mB| 9, (A.'S.) An intestine.

T^BST-cocK, 9, A man who has

never travelled.

NbstlBjV. To fidget about. North,

To trifle. Su$9,

Net,v. (1)To wash clothes. York9h.

(2) To make water. South.

Nbtb. Hath not| for ne hath.

Ac 5if man icholde i-cristnid be.

That tuth none deathee ainie.

WVUMn de Skorekam.

Nbtbbboub,«. a neighbour.

Nbtbslbssb, adv. Nevertheless.

TiKTHBB, V. To starve with cold.


Nbtbx&>8Tock8, 9. Stockings ;

that is, lower stocks. The

breeches were the npper-stocks.

Thns, haut'de-chau99e9, and ba9'

de^^hoMneWt were the old French

names for those two parts of

dress ; the latter having retained

the abbreviated name Si ha9.

Then hare they mgiher-tiocin to these

gay hoeen, not of cloth (thonsh nerer

«o fine) for that is thought too oase. but

«f jarsey, wonted, erewell, silke, thred»

and soch like, or els at the least of the

finest yavn that can be got, and so

euiioiuly knit, with open aeame down

ihe legge, with qoirkes and clockes

about the aaekles, and sonetiae (haplie)

interlaced with golde or silver thnds, as


atMm^t Ami. tfAkum, p. Si.

The ntiktr'ttocH was of the mncst

Qianado silke. Qrun^i Qwf , /e.

NbttinOjS. Urine. Midi. 9l North.

Nbttlbd, adj. Provoked ; irritated.

Nbttlb-housb, «. A Jakes. North.

Nbttlb-sprimgb, 9. The nettle-

rash. Ea9t.

Nbtt-up, Afr. Exhausted with cold.


Nbuf, 9. A blaze. Devon,

Nbultt, «. A novelty ; a dainty.


Nbumb, 9. Modulation of the voice

in singing. Nominale MS.

Nbtb, 9. (1) A nephew.

(2) A spendthrift.

Nbvble, v. (A.'S.) To snivel.

Neybnb, v. {A.^S.) To name ; to


Neybb-a-dblx, «. Never a bit.

Nbvbr-tbb-latte&b, adv. Never-


Nevtr9'ih€-lMtt9n, the seide niarkea

Montagu hatyde ihe kynge, and pur*

posede to hare taken hym.

WarheortVi ChrwieU.

Neyer-thb-nbrb, adv. Never the

nearer; to no purpose.

O mother chaTe been a batchelour.

This twelve and twenty yeare.

And Ite have often been a wooing

And yet ch'am flwwr <A« iMTv. Old Song.

Nbyer-wheeb, adv. {A.-S.) No-


Netin, «. A sort of fur.

NEW.AND-NBW,a<f0. Freshly; again

and again.

New.bbab, 1 «. A cow which has

NBWCAL, /lately calved.

Newcastlb-hospitalitt,^. Roast-

ing a friend to death. North.

Newcome, 9. A stranger; a new-


Now time is neere to pea our sheepe in


And evening aire is nunaticke and colde.

For my hto songes plead thoa my pure

Though newcome once, (brave earle) wel-

come stUl. TteU^M Bglogui, 1589.





Nsw-COT', t. A gtme at eurds.

F. Yoa are bMt »t mm^-aU, wife ; yon*!!

pkyatthat IP. IfyonplajatiMw-tfu^

rm Moneit hitter of any here, for a

""^inuui. i. wUh X. 0. PI., rii, 5896.

Nbwdicle, «. A noYeltj. Ea»t,

N«WB, (1) V, {A,'S.) To renew.

(2) adt>. Newly.

(3) adj. Fretted.

Nbwsltik, «. A novelty. PaUgr,


Newrfangikteutet inconstancy.

NswiNG»«. (1) A new-year's gift.

(2) Yeast. Ettex.

NswsT-oNE, adj. Mnch the same.


Nbwt, «. (^..5.) The water4isard.

Nbxing, offo. Yeiy near.

Next-DAT, «. The day after to-

morrow. Sustex.

"SEJLT'DOORt prtp. Close.

Nbxtb, o^r*. Nighest. Chaucer.

Nbxt-wats, a2v. Directly.

Nbyb, (1) adv. Near.

(2) If. To neigh.

Nbttbnb, 9. Diseate.

NiAisB, f. {Fr.) A simpleton.

Nib, (1) $. A scythe-handle. JDerb.

(2) «. The ahaft of a waggon.


Sv. To eat into fragments. lAnc.

V. To critidse; to examine

closely into.

Teat this vas not the attremmte evyl,

Theye nfhUd ChrMt'a Adthe after their

pleaaore. British BibUognpiter, if, 9XA.

Kibble, v. To fidget with the


Nice, a^'. {J.-N,) (1) Fastidious.

(2) Foolish; strange.

(3) ClcTcr; good. North.

NiCED, t. A wrapper for the bosom.

"HiCKLY, adj. Well in health. North.

NicBT, adj. Agreeable. YorJkth.

NiCBTBB, *. iA.'N.) FoHy.

NiCH, V. To stir a fire sUirhtly.

North. ^* '

NicmL,(l)«. To^jMCnfte. Yarttk

(2) ff. One who payt witiiiDg.


Nicholas,*) «. St. Nidioias wis

NiCKLis, J the patron saint of

boys. When a boy is hard pressed

in any game depending upon

activity, and perceives his antago-

nist gaining gnrand upon ]iim,be

edes out Me'2s«, upon which be

is entitled to a suspennon of the

play for a moment : and on asy

occasion of not being ready, want-

ing, for instance, to &stea hk

shoe, or remedy any aoddental

inconvenience, the cry of Nklu

entitles him to protection or safe-


Nick, (1) v, (A.-S.) To deny. TV

niei with nay, to deny, a com-

mon phrase in old English.

(2) 9. A raised or indented

bottom in a beer-can, hy whidi

the customers were cheated, the

nick below and the froth alwie

filling up part of the measure.

We mmt be tapstcn xwuiiig «p and


With Cannes of beeie. (malt nd in Ub»


And thoae they lay are fil'd with met aad

froth. £oNtouZi, Skme qfHarU. 161S.

Old NoU that amse from


By brewiog, rebellion, me^mff, ant IMhiK

In ■er'n yean distance was tf 41riBfi, a5

nothing. Acadtntj/ ijf Qn^iimtmtt, ItfTL

Binee a eonsdentiooa hnntmi a mIm rf

onrs knowins; honesty to be no pobn

in her way of life, resoh'od to lam of

baBinesa aome httle time before ker

death; in oider to pccpan for her

paaeage over Madge Moor. Bat when

•he purpoaei to depart thia life is to at

a aecret, all we know of the natter it.

that she atiU ooatinnea the midt aad

firoth trade as nsoaL Poor JBdto» 1741.

(3) V. To catdi in the act

(4)v. To take a thing lyr^..,

7b mek themdk, to hit ezacUy

the critical moment.

There is so miA of native castiStym

the jut iisa and iikiliiy oCtlMM thiiffi.

d by Google




and io mnch of nmterie in tlie right

faxmioaring <if a btbioiMble word, tfiat

there is bat toj unall hopes.

SaekMfd't ObitrtaiidU, 1671.

(5) V. To deceiTe» or cheat.

Niei^d, cheated at dice.

(6) V. To win at dice. Chme,

" To tyc or jwc*e a cast at dice."

Fhrh, p. 280.

(7) ». A wink. North.

(8) 9. To cut yertical sectiooa in

a mine from the roof. North,

(9) To knock a nick in the pott,

to make a record of. Jnihenieky


Nicker, (1) tr. To ndgh. North.

(2) 9. A hoy's game.

(3) *. A ayrcn. Aymb. ofhmft,

NicK«B^PECKK&,«. A woodpecker.


KicKKBS, #. Wild fellowB who

amused themselves at night with

lyreaking people's windows with


Jfov is the time that raiies their revells

keep: . ,

Kiadien of riot, CBeaues of sleep.

His leattcr'd pence the flying mcit«rfUnga,

And with the oogver ahow'r the casement

'Wlbobaa not heard the acowrer's midnight


irho has not treashled at the Hohod^s

name ? ^y*' ^VtsM, 17S7.

Nicest, #. A emaU faggot. W€$t.

NiCKiN, 9. A simpleton.

NicfU2iG,tt^'. Convenient. Soman.

Ni€Ki«B, tr. To move hastily and

awkwardly. Weot.

KioKiAD, adj. Beaten down and

entangled. EoMt.

NicK-NiNKT,«. Aaimplflton.Soif/A.

NiCKOMpoop, 9. A very simple


Mr*. F. JMl marry a fooliah haber-

daaher to begovem'd byhimf oatnpon

thee, nicteomfoop, He order thee,

Mrt.Ji. Yea, yon nMseaipev* yon are a

pretty fellow to please a woman m-

NicxoPiT, 9. A quagmire. Kimt.

NicK-sncx,t. Atally.iV<>r<Afl»ip<.

KiCKT.f. A faggot. Wnt.

NiCKY-cox, 9. A simpleton. Jho.

NiDDB, V. To compel.

KiooBESD, odj. Cokl and hongry.


NiDDxcK, 9. The nape of the neck.


NiDDicocK, 9. A noodle, or simple-


Oh. Ghryaostone thon desert est to be

staic'd, as well aa bnried in the open

fielda, for being snch a jroose; widgeon,

and mddtcock to dye for lore.

QnyUM'i TMncmt NoUs.

They were oev« fach fond niddkoeies

aa to offer any man a radde to beate

their ownetayles. , ,


NiDDY, 9. A fool. J>€90n.

NiDDY-NODDY, «. A child'sgamc.

NiDDYWiT, #. An idiot. Durh.

NiDE, 9. {A.'N.) A hrood of phea-


NiDB&Li2fG,«. Ameaninhospitahle

fellow. Line.

NiDBs, oJv. Necessarily.

NiD6BLiNG,a4f'. Underhand; mean.


NiDGELY, *. A petty dealer. Zw.

NiDOEEiES, f . Trifles ; fooleries.

NIGEOT, J * '^^^'^'

Fear hfan not. mistreai, Mia a genUe

n^^tf<, yon may play with him.

Chtrngtling, Anc. Dr., w, M7.

NiDon, (1) «. The performance of

midwifery by an elderly woman of

the same or neighbouring village

where the means of the party

cannot procoze a professional

man. Norf.

(2) 9. Part of a ploogh. K0OL

NiniMo, 9. (ji.'S. n^ing.) A base

wretch; a oowaid.

Heia worthy to be called a nidina, the

pnke of whose sonl beata but miatly

towards heairen,-^ho will not ran and

reach hia hand to bear np his temple.

HowU on For, IVaMb, p. 8S9.

NiE, (A.^.) Nigh,

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NIE 700

NiBCBi 9. A relatWe in genera].


Nir, conj. If. Somers.

NiFF, V. To take offence. West

NiFVLB, (1) V, To whine; to


(2) V. To pilfer. North.

(3) V, To eat hartily. Beds.

(4) #. A spur. East.

NiFF.NAFFS,«. Trifles. Niffy^naffy,

a triflcr. AbrM.

NiFLE, f. {A,-N,) (1) A trifle.

The subject of it was not fair to sceke,

Hoe witta worke nickle matter oat of

Misc. Ant. Angl. in la, Prince^ p. 40.

(2) A glandule. Yorish.

NiFLiNGy adj. Trifling.

For a poor nifiing toy, that's worse than

nothing. Lady JUmony, £ 8 b.

NiG, (1) V, To clip money.

(2) 8. A small piece. Essex.

NiOARDM, Is. {A.'N.) Stingi-

NXOA&DizB, J ness.

Nigger, (1) ». To laugh vulgar!?.

(2) s. A fire-dog. North.

Niggle, v. (1) To trifle with.

Take heed, daughter,

XmmffgU not with your conscience and

religion. Mw.,Bfnp.qftkeEaMt.

(2\ Fatuere. Dekker, 1616.

(3) To deceive ; to pilfer.

(4) TocomplainpeeviahIy./7or«e^.

(5) To walk mincingly. North,

(6) To eke out carefully. East.

(7) To nibble. West.

(8) To dawdle. Essex.

Niggling, adj. Mean. West.

NiGH-AOBN, adv. Probably. Leic.

Nighe, v. To approach. See Neghe.

NiOH-HAND, adv. Probably. Leie.

NiGHT-BAT, *. A ghost. North.

Night-cap, s. (1) A cant term for

a dissolute fellow, occurring in

the Devil's Uw Case, i, 1,

"Among a shoal or swarm of

reeking niyht-eaps."

(2) A drink before going to bed.


NiGHT-cnow, "la. A bird. "iVSWt-

NiGHT-jAR, Jeorax, a nvght-

craw." NomimUe MS.

NiGHTBRTALB, ff. {A.'S.) Nigllt.


His men coom bi njnlurUie,

With hem awey his body stale.

Also if any man be a eommon iktor. or

a barrator walking by st^A/ertefawnli.

out b'ght, against the rule and coatme

of this dty. Caltknp'tRtportt, 10701

NiGHTGALB, s. The nightingale.

NiGHT-GEAR, «. Night^oUies.

Night-gloves, s.

To wash and prepare mskt-ftocm, to

keep the hands white, smooth and toft.

Take pure white wax four pound, sbct'

ma-ceti two ounces, oil of tl»e gnater

cold seeds, cleansed and drawn vithoat

Hre, and maeistery of bismuth or tie-

;lass, of each three drams, borax aisd

)umt aUom flnehr powdered, of each


-•—••"" '"■■"■» .MMM^mj |twi*«li«w, ^t_

half a dram, put them all into a niiikiB.

which set in a kettle of hot uoubk

water, and when they are nadted, s&r

them well together, to inoomratt

them; then, having wadi'd fimjiiar

gloves in several waters, and stecpC

them twelve hours in creua, dm them

in this composition whilst it ia hot.

The Quem*t Soyal Cookrrj, ITli

NiGHT-jAR. See Night-crow.

NiGHT-KBRCHEF, s. A lady*8 neck-




NlGHT-RAIL, S. A sort of loOK

robe, or pendent vest, thrown

over the other dress, which was

sometimes very costly. Among

the extravagances of fine Indies

are mentioned.

Sickness feign'd.

That yonr nigkt-nuit of forty pounds a>

Might be seen with envy of the Tiaitanta.

Muu., CUf Mmd.

NioRT-RAVBN, ff. The bittern,

" Niticoraxtt^nyte^rawyn.** AV

minale MS. Set Ntyht-eram.

NiGBT-RVLB, ff. Night-revel, or

night-work. Shakesp.

NiGHT-sHADB, ff. A prostitiite.





N16BT-8NAP, «. A robber.

NiGHT-spBLLy 8, A chami tgainst

the night-mare.

NiGHT.WABD, ff. The night-watch.

N101T, «. A coward.

NioifXNOO, «. Aumpleton.

Nio-NOG, ff, Fatuere.

NiGKUM, adj. (Lai,) Black.

N1KI.B, «. An icicle. Pr,P.

NiLE» t. The upper portion of a

HaiL Shropsh.

NiLL, (1) V, Not to will; to be

averse to; {ornewiU,

I twte in yon the same affections

To vin or niU, to think things sood or btd.

Cuimm, i, S.

Ah I tliat this lore will be no better rulde,

Ah ! tiiat these lovers nil be better sehoold 1

reeU*t ParewcU, 1589.

(2)«. A needle.

(3) «. A nalL Somert.

(2) To Bteal ; to pilfer.

(3) To walk with short quick

steps. North,

(4) To take care.

(5) To use a fidgety motion or

noise. Leic,

NiMBER, adj. Active.

NiMBLE*TAiLo&8, $. A field-pca.


NiMGiicMBB, 9. A doctor who at.

tended especially for the venereal


NiMiETT, 9. {Lai.) Satiety.

NiMEL, adj. (1) Nimble.

(2) Capacious.

NiNcuMPOop, 9. A simpleton.

See Niek&a^Mop.

Kind. Needs must. Line.

NiNB-BTBS, «. A small kind of eel.

NiNE.H0LB8» 9. The name of a


Ni NB-MUBDBB, 9. ThegTcat butcher-


NiNE-MusBs, 9. An old name of a


NiNBTBD, a^. Perverse. SouiJi.

N1N6LB, «. A contraction of mine


Ninny, "1 *. A simple.


NiNNY-NONNY, fl^'. Uncertain.


NiNNYTEBs» 9. Thc whlte watcr-


NiNNYWATCH, 9. A vain hope.


NiNNY.WHOop, 9. A fool. Urpt^


NiNT» V. To anoint ; to beat. Var.d,

Nip» (1) 9. A satirical taunt.

Wm, didst thon heare these ladies so talk

of mee.

What ayleth them? from their nifpet

shall I never be free?

Dawm #- Fith., 0. PI., i, 182.

(2) 9. To taimt.

(3) 9. A cant term for a pick,


One of them is a nip, I took him in the

two'penny gallery at the Fortane.


Pimps, «ip, and tints, prinados, highway


All which were my familiars.

EoMit Ghost, p. 231.

(4) V. To steal. To nyp a bong,

to steal a purse. Harman'9

Caveat, 1567.

Mean while the cat-pnrse in the throng.

Hath a fair means to nip a bung ;

80 by this means the case is clear,

For looks and stares tliey pay full dear.

Poor Robin, 1740.

(5) V. To snatch hastily. Yorieh.

(6) V. To pinch.

{7) 9. A niggardly fellow.

rs^ 9. A turnip. Suf.

(9) 9. A passion. Leic.

NiP-CBEESE, 1 «. A miser. Far.

NiP-sauEEZE, / dial.

NiP-ouT, V. To wash partially.


Nipper, 9. A cut.purse.

NipPERKiN, 9. A small measure of

liquor ; half a pint.

NipPET, 9. A small quantity. E99ex.


NiPPiTATo, l»- strong liquor,

NippiTATE, J especially •l^-



Wdl fiure Easluid, where the poon nay

here a pot of ale for a paBnjt fiteth ale,

ilime ab, nappie ale, ntapilaU ^. ^ ^

Lidy, Hiatraei yoa need not lay your

To better nipUato than there is.

That when thia iMpiUUnm^ tUa hnffe

.«appe, as they call it, thia neetar of lift

*is set abroach, well if he that can get

the ioonett to it, and spend the uoet

upon it. Shibhe^M Jnat. of Abuses,

Nippy, adj. Hungry. JDcrMet,

Nipt, adj. Bleak ; sickly.

NiRKBB, «. A finiahing stroke.


NiRBUP, s. A donkey. Donet,

NiET, adJ, Cat ; hurt. Oawayne,

NoLTiL, 8» A dwarf.

^"» lis not, for fw».

inrs. J

NisoALyt. The smallett of a hrood.

NisoT, ff. A lazy jade. Skelten.

NiBT, adj, (1) Nice. Line.

(2) prep. Nigh. Somerset,

NiSTC Ne wietey knew not.

Nit, ado. Not yet. Weet.

NiTAMOST. Nothing like it. South.

NiTCH, (1) «. A small bundle. Var.d.

(2) adj. Neat. Dortet.

NiTKA, 8, A smart person.

He that was admired by intsrs for his


Hog h. iksPnurl, 0. F.,Ti, 383.


Then rosea nila to behold

That dresse np lovers bowers ;

The pansieand the marygold.

Are rhoBbna paramoan.

JBuglatuPs HsUeon, 1614.

NiTHB, «. Wickedness.

NiTHXK, 8. A grimace. Wore,

NiTHiMO,!. (^.-5.) A base worthless

man. Also, sparing, parsimonious,

wicked, mean. See Niding,

NiTLS, ad;. Neat ; clever. For. dl

NiTDUR, «. (Lat.) Brightness.

NiTTiCAL, adj. Nitty ; loosy.

NirriB, adj. (1) (Lat niiidm.)

Splendid ; shining.

702 KOC

(2) Klthy. from a iri/, or 1<

NiwB, ffi|r. New.

Thys hys my chalia of my btode

(M Testament nywe.


Nix, (I) *. Nothing. (Slang.)

(2) V, To impose npon.

No, ad». Nor; not.

Noah, 8. The foot orswing^pioiigh.


Noah's ark, t. A doud^ fanned

somewhat like an ark, and indi-

cating rain.

NoA»r,«. To tolL <* Thebdl fsoas.**


Nob, (1) «. The boBd. Nak^

tkate^er, a pemke-maker.

(2) V. To strike, or beat. North.

(3) 8. A young colt, ffenf.

Nobby-eottf a young ooH. Giame.

NoBBLB, (1) 8. A lump. Bmtt,

(2) V. To beat; to rub. Ifi^rik,

NoBBLB-TRBB, «. The hCBd* Si^.

NoBBLY, atg. Round, like pebbles.

NoBBT, (1) adfj. Fine.

(2) ff. A fool. Batt.

NoBiLB, ff. (J.-'N.) Gnndeor.

NoBiLLART, ff. Nobility.

NoBLB, ff. (1) A gold I

6ff. 8d.

(2) The navel. Eaet.

NoBLBssB, 1 ff.(^.-iVl) NoUeness;

KOBLBT, /dignity; splendour.

NoBSON, ff. A blow. North,


pulsory marriage in conse^eiice

of the interference of the parish

officers, the woman being preg-

nant and likely to be cheiqgeabk.


"So-Bvr, prqf. Only ; except. Abrf A

NocBNT, ff. {Lat.) A wicked man.

Nock, (1) ff. A notch, eapedaSy

that of an arrow.

(2) V. To set the arrow on the


rs) ff. The fundament.

(4) ff. Pudendum f. fVwfo.

(5)9. To finish offanartide with

a different material.

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NocKi.B» «. A BtDeL Jkirf*

NocKT-BOT, t. A doU fellow.

Nod. ThtlamdffN9d,\^.

NoDCOCK, ff. A simplefcoB. &Mmrt.

NODDIB-FBAK, «. A fool.

NoDDLB, «. The head.

NooDT, (1) «. All old name of a

game at cards.

(2)«. A fool.

Ere Toa come hither, poore I was iom«-

The kms ddighted in me, now I am a ttotf V.

2>aai.#-i>i<A..0.Fi.. 1,174.

r3) aJf. Sleepy.

(4) «. A carriage which pHea

for hire. J)yibWii,

No9DT-HmADBD, oijf . Tipsy. Osfd*

NODDT.PAT., K^^fooi.


Fur toubw mMi «tolUitf. I noir at

length hardly oDdcntaiid with much

adoe, whofWD Jio^ot that I am.

Ttrtnn M EmgM^ 1641.

NoDGBCOCKy «. A simpleton. See

This poon nod§«eoei etntriving the

time with aweete and pleamnnt woordea

with his dareUng SiniphonMia.

PainUr, PtU, Ftms., i, £ e 5.

NoDiLB, 8. The head. iVomt-


NoDocK, «. The nape of the nedc.

Nob, tr. To know.

Nog, (l)f. Strong ale.

(2)9. A piece of wood supporting

the roof of a mine. Derd.

(3) V. To move on. North,

NoGOBDyO^^'* Strong limbed. iVor^A.

NooGBN, adj, (1) Made of hemp.

(2) Thick ; dimisy. We§L

NOGGBmHBADy «. A fool. DOTUi,

NooGiN, «. (1) A large-bdlied

earthen pot ; a mag.

(2) A lamp of anything.

NooGiifo, #. (1)

Thence to Clowne I came the qidcker,

I'd giTen my akin for Uqnor;

None was there to entertain ni^

Bttt a nagawg of Ynlcanui ;

"Who afltxraPt me welcome-plenty.

Till my lena-rent pnne grew empty.

(2) The ffiliBg up of tiie later.

stiecs in a wooden hoilding.

NoGOLB, tr. T» walk awkwaidly.


NoMW, a. The haadla of a aeythe.


NooGT, adf. Tipey. North,

Noos, f. (1) Hevp^ Shropih,

(2) The shank bones. Yorhth.

NoiB, V. (J.'N,) To tnMbk; to

annoy ; to injure.

Noils, «. Coarse, refuse locks of


NoiNT, V, To beat. For. d,

NoiNTMBifT, 8, An anointment.

NoisB, (1) r. To report.

(2) 8, A party of maaicians.

Cmp. Whatmj bold hnnro. bonoi afraid,

ami thou wert dead 'twere nothing, Ue

come but with a troope of weiu^es»

and a nof$e of fidlcn, and play thee

baeke like Orpheoi. What's to pay


Marmgc*, Fine Compaition, 1633.

(3) V. To make a noise.

NoKB, «. A nook, or comer.

NoKBS, 8. A simpleton.

NOKBTT, 8, A comer of gronad.


'SoKKKD, part, p. Notched.

NoLDB. Would not, for ne woUe,

NoLB, «. A head.

NoLT, 8, Black cattle. North.

No-M AiTBBS, adj. Not well. Suff.

NoMBBiL, 8, (Fr,) The centre or

boss of a shield.

NoM BscoLi., 8. A bh)ckfaead.

NoMB, (1) pret. t, of ntme. Took ;


(2) 8, A name. NanuUche,


NoMiMB, «. A k»g speedi. North,

NoMMBB, V, To number.

NoMPBBB, 8, An umpire.

NoMPiON, 8. One possessing more

knowledge than the common

people. Lane,

NoN, ff. Not one.

NoNiwnosr, e^f. ^^^^ svl inco-

herent. Wett.

NoNCB, «iv. Deaignedly. Atnr.

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NowB, (1) i. {J.^N,) The hour of

two or three in the afternoon.

(2) adif. Not at alL Var. d.

NoNBAKV, adv. Just now. Notf.

NoNx-OR-BOTH,iu{f. Neither. Etsex.

Nones, 1 1. The phrase for the

K0NT8, > nonei, corrupted into/or

NONCB, J the nonee, represents the

A.-S, for ]>an aneg, i. e., for the


NoNS-8o-PHETTT| «. Loudon-prlde.


Nonesuch, «. (1) One without


Olde Hector's 0Ter*match at pike and


Disgrace to Juno for a stately dannec.

The ?ery lumesueh of true coortesie.

And treasurer to liberaUity.

Sowlands, Kmuet ofSp. and JH., 1613.

(2) Black nomueh, trefoil-seed ;

white noniuch, rye-grass-seed.


NoNKYNS, «. {A.-S. nanes kynee.)

No kind of.

NoNNB, s, {J,'S,) A nun.

NoNNOCK, (1) V. To idle away time.

(2) t. A whim. Eaet.

NoNNT, 8. A silly fellow. East.

Notmyingt trifling, acting fool-


NoN-PARBLio, 8, One without


Why, faith, a man that were a non-parelio.

But that he doata on women.

Jhufef, Fbol tum'd Critiei.

I have married a lady this momin; that is

a MOuparcUo. lb.

N0N-PLnN0E,| j^ J


NoNsicAL, adj. Nonsensical. JVeei,

NoNSKAiTH, 8. A lougiug. Cumb.

NoNYNONT,^. Pudendum f. /Torto.

Noodle, «. A blockhead.

Nook, «. The quarter of a yard-


NooK-SHOTTEN, odj, (1) Hsviug

nooks and corners.

(2) Disappointed ; mistaken.

NooKT, a4f. Having nooks..

NooLBD, adj. Curbed. North,

Noon, «• (^.-&) None.

NooNiNO, 8. A repast taken aboot

NooNSCAPB, «. The time wheo

labourers rest after dinner.

NooNSHUN, It. A repast taken at

NUNCBiON, J noon; a loneheon.

Harrest folks, with enrda and daatei


With cheese and butter cakes, and eatet

enow, —

On aheaTCs of come were at their ims-

tkuMt dose. BrowHt Brit. PatL

NooNSTBAD, 8. The meridian.

Beyond the luxmstead so far diore his

teame. Brtmu,Br.Past.

NooKT, \8. (A.'N.) A boy; s

Nou&iB, J stripling; properiy, s

foster child.

NoozLE, V. To nestle. Somerset.

Nope, «. A bullfinch.

To philomell the next, the linet we prefer;

And by that warbling bird, Uie woodtuic

place we then.

The red-sparrow, the nope, the red-breut,

and the wren.

Brajf Urn's PoljfMkm, soof 13.

NoppBT, 8. A bunch of wood or

straw. Norf.

Nob, eonj. Than.

NoR-AND-sPELL, «. A boy*s game,

resembling the modem trap-balL

The little wooden ball used in

this game was called the war, or

rnir, and the receptacle in which

it was placed the epeiL

NoRATiNG, part. a. Chattering.


NoRATiON, 8. Rumour. Var. d.

Norfolk-capon, 8. A red-herriog.

Norfolk-dumpling, e. A glo-

bular pudding, made with dough

and yeast

NoRiCB, 8. (d.-N.) A nurse.

Norie, v. (A.'N.) To nourish.

NoRiSTRY, *. A nursery.

Norn. Neither; nothing. West'

NoRRBL-WARB, 8. A lorimcr.

NoRSTHiNG, 8. Nourishment.

NoRT, 8. Nothing. Somereel.

NoRTBLRiE, 8. {A.'N.) Nuiturc

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NoBTHBRiNG, odj. Wild. Weit,

NoBTH-BTB, «. To squiut. Suff.

NoBTHisH, adj. Overreaching;

grasping. Norihampt.

NoBWAT, «. A whetstone. Devon,



NoBwooDi «. A nickname ; a by-

word. Leie.

NoBT, It. (A.^N.) A foster-

NURY, J child. See Noory.

NosBy (1) «. A neck of land. SotUh,

(2) V. To smell. Var. d.

(3) To pay through the no$e, to

give an extravagant credit price.

To meature nosea, to meet. To

put one* 9 note out of joint j to

rival one in the favour of another.

To make a bridge of any one'e

noae, to pass by him in drinkingi

To make a peraon*a nose tweli, to

make him jealous. J note of

waxt a proverbial phrase for any-

thing very accommodating or


Bnt vows with you being like

To TOOT relinoa, a note of wax.

To \it turned every way.

Man., Unn.

C<m6., V, 3.

NosBBLBDE, «. The plant roillefoil.

NosBOBNT, 9. An old cant term for


NosB-Gio, 9, The toe-piece to a

shoe. Weet.

NosBLiKO, adv. On the nose.

NoaBTHiBLBS, "l *. (A,'S.) The


NosiL, V. (1) To encourage; to

set on.

(2) To grub in the ground.

Nosii.LB,«. A blackbird.

Nosing, 9. The exterior projecting

edge of the tread of a stair.

NosBBK, a. Rumour ; noise.

NossBT, (X) 9, A dainty dish.


(2) V. To carouse in secret.



NosT. Knowest not, for ne woei.

NosT-cocKLB, f . The youngest bird

in a nest.

NosTocK, f . A falling star.

Not, (1) For ne wot, know not.

(2) «. A game resembling bandy.


(3) adj. Well tilled. E99ex.

NoTAGE, V. To notice. Norf.

Notch, (1) t. Pudendum f.

(2) Out of notch, out of bounds.

NoTCHET, 9. A clever feat. Ea9t.

Note, (1) «. (A.-S.) Advantage.

Ayenb, of Inwyt.

(2) V. To profit. lb.

h) 9, A nut.

(4) f. Cattle. North.

(5) 9. (A.-S.) Business; use.


(6) V. To use, or possess. Lane.

(7) V. To contend witb.

(8) V. To push, or gore with

horns. North.

(9) 9. The time a cow is in mtlk.


(10) V. To eat. Durham,

Noteless, adj. Stupefied. Ea9ex.

NoTBBER, 9. A notary.

Notfulheoe, 9. Profit ; utility.

Nothao, 9. The nuthatch.

Not-half-sayed, adj. Foolish.


Notheles, conj. {A.'S.) Never


Notheb, conj.{A.'S.) Neither; nor.

NoTORis, adj. (A.'N.) Notorious.

NoTRiFiED,pflr/.j5. Noted. Norths


NoTT, (1) V. {A.-S.) To shear, or


(2) adj. Shorn ; cut close.

InMgining all the fat aheep he met, to

be of kin to the coward Ulisaes, because

they ran away from him, he masfacred

a wDole llocke of good no<< ewea.

MtUanorfk. ofAjas^ Trologui.

NoTTAMY, 9. A skeleton.

NOTTLE, adj. Foolish ; wanton.

NoTT-PATBD, Ifl^i' Having the

NOTT-HEADEO, J hairclose cut.

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A none.

'• 1 tr.

(1) To nestle; to


OtAy ytm blocUMidly tnMUsnnii, yon

hoaest-mflaaing dtixen, your noiLkauUd

CGontry gentleman. Sec.

IFuf. rMr»»O.Fl.,Ti,l60.

NoT-WHSAT, «. A kind of wheat

without heard.

NoucHK, 9. A jewel. See Ouche.


well. Deffon,

NouoHTT, adj, {J.^S,) Possessed

of nothing.

NouL. See Nole,

NouLD. For ne looiUd, would not.

Noun, adv, (A.-N,) No.



The nest of strife and nomiee of debate.

GascojfHe's Works, 1687.


Some dele ystept in age.

OrdiH., 0. PL, X, SS5.

NorsB, t. (t7r. voiJc.) Sense.




(2) To entwine.

The good earl finding his wife ttouiled

in the court, and seeing no poaaibility

to reduce her to reason, till she were

estranged from the relliih and taat of

the delights she auckt in there, made

his condition again known to her father.

mison's life of Janus /., 16SS.

So muM np hearein he was, that leave it

he ne eould.

But at each woord which he should apeoke,

by Qod's blood sweare he would.

Stubbes* SxampU, 1581.

Hovwrr^adJ, Peevish. Ncrth.

NouT-GBLD,«. Comage rent, origi-

nally paid in neat or cattle.


NouTHB, (1) «. Nought.

(2} adv. Now.

(3) V. To defy.

NoTBLL, "If. (Fr.) News; any-

NOYBLLS, J thing new. Nowhricy


We intzeat you possesse us o* th* mtmiU,

Hefw., Buffi. JVn.

NovBR, 9. High land ahove a pre-

cipito«s hank. Stmex.

NoTiLB, a^. New, in i

And fild the wronged wcnrldo with ames.

and to subjection brought

Much people, yet not capable of such hii

noviu Unit,

Wartur's AOimu Bnglami, ISOS.

Novum, b. An old game at dice.

Now-AND-Now, adff. Onee sad


NowEL, *. {A.'N,) (1) Christmas.

(2) A cry of joy.

NowiB, «. Horned cattie. Nvrth.

NowiTB, adj. Foolish.

NowLE, «. The naveL

NowT, 9. A knock on the hesd.


"SawKBtodv. Nowhere.

Now-B£6BT, ad9. Jufit now. Ent.

NowT, «. Cattle.

Goodly nowt, both fat and bigge with bsw.

CkMrckjfsad, WwiiS»a» tfWOts.

NowiTNDBB, ad9. Surclj.

NoTB, p. {A.^N.) To annoy; to


NoYSAUNCE, 9. (A.-N.) Tre^MB;


NozzLB, 9. The nose, nore c^e-

cially of bellows.

NuB, (1) 9. The nape. £a9L

(2) V. To nudge. Norik.

(3) 9. A cant term for a husband.

Nubbin, a. The stump of a tree.


NuBBLB, V. (l)Tohruiaewithths


(2) To double np your fingen.

NuBBLiNGSy 9. Small eoaL Wore.

^VBihA'na>tpartp.{Ltt.) Clouded.

NucH, «. To tremble. Northmii'

NucKLB, 9. Trifling or unoertaiB

work. North.

NuDDLE, (1) V, To stoop is wdk-

ing. Var. d.

(2) V. To go along hastily.

(3) 9. The nape. Ea9t.

Nudge, a. A gentle push.

NuDOELiNo, a(^'. StrcNsg and hearty.


NuDOiNO, part. a. (1) ChMriess

solitary living, irom penurioas

habits. Norf.

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(2) Bird't-neating. Leic.

NuFFBN, a4f. Cooked sufBciently.


Nuoy », (1) A rough piece of tim-

ber. Somtnei.

(2) A knob. Devon.

(3) A term of endetrment.

KuooiNO-HOUW, «. A brothel.

NuG-BBAO,!. A blockhead. Stmer.

Nui-L, V. To beat aeverely.

NvM, a4f' Stupid; benumbed. £a9t.

fi u M sLBSi «. The entrails of a deer.

NuMB&ovs, adj. Numerous.

Tbe creatett part of poets hare appa-

reUea tfaair |KMBticaU inTentioM, in tbat

nmmhroiit kinde of vriting which ia


Sir P. aUttt^^i Drf«n€9 qfPMtie.

NuMPOST, (1) «. An imposthume.

(2) V. To be as nnconceri^^d In

any matter as a post. Norf.

NuMPS, «. A fool. Devon,

Nux, #. (1) Noon.

(2) The small titmouse. NomencL

Nunc, «. A thick lump. South,

NuNCH, e. A luncheon.

KuNCSBON, f. A lamp of food.


NuNCLEy V. To cheat. Var, d»

NuNNBKT, $. A cant name for a


NuNauAM, 9. One who never re-

tams from an errand. (Can/.)

NuNT, V. (1) To make an effort.


(2) To be sullen. Nor/.

NuNTiKG, adj. Awkward-looking.


NuNTT, €idj. Formal ; old-fashioned ;

fussy ; mean ; stunty. For. d.

^^^' If. A fool.


TSs he indeed, the vilest uup; yet the

fool lores me exceedingly.

ZiN^IM, O. PI., Y, ISO.

Who haTiog matched with laeh a nupson.

B. J<m^ JkvU is am Ju, ii, 2.

NcB, t. The head- Warw, •

NuKCBY, 9. To nourish.

NuBBMBBBO-BOOB, ff. An old name

for watches made in that town.

NuBLB, V, To twist. Northampt,

NuBLT»a<{f. Knotty i ill-tempeied.


NuBPiN, «. A small perM>n. fferrf,

NuBSB-OABDBN, 9, (1) A nurtory-


(2) The crab-apple tree.

NuB-8PBLL,«. Aboy*s game, simi-

lar to trap-ball, line,

NuB8BOw,«. A field-mouse. Stqf.

NuBT, V. To nurture.

NusBBD, adj. Starred. East.

Not, 9, (1) The part of mutton

called the pope's-eye. Cotgr.

(2) The notch which holds the

string of a crossbow. Nomenel.

(3) A sort of small ^vase.

iiS A simpleton. Yorkth,

b) The stock of a wheel. Var. d,

(6) Sweet-bread. Saet.

NuTCBACKBBS, 9, The pillory.

Ndt-cback^niobt,«. AUHiilows'

eve, when it is customary to crack

nuts in large quantities. North,

NuTCBOMB, 9. A nuthook. Ea9t,

NvT-aooB, 9, A bailiff.

NUTME68, 9, The testicles.

Nut-stbmblbs, 9, The shoots from

the stock of a nut-tree, alter it

has been cut down. Northan^t.

NuTTEN, 9, A donkey. Wight.

NuT-TOPPSB, f . The nnt-pecker.

Nutty, r. A term of endearment;

also, a nickname for Ursula.

NuviTOUS, a4^'. Nutritious. 5Arc9iM.

Nut, 9. Annoyance. See Noye.

NuzzLs, (1)9. To nurse. Draifton.

(2) V. To loiter. North,

(3) 9. The noise of bellows, .fitter.

(4) See Noiale.

Nt, 9. A brood of pheasants.

Ntab, «. A cub. See Nia9.

Then like a njru^ragon on them fly

And in a trice devour them erecdily.

Fasciculm Flortm,

Nye, t. (1) An eye.

(2) Annoyance. See Nwf.

Nym lous, adj. {Lat.) ExcesaiYC.

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Nybi PHAL, f. A poem relating to

nymphs. Drayton.

Nymphs, t. Young female bees.

NysbbeKi «. A dish in cookery.

Ifysebek. Take the thridde part of i

dokkes, and floer thereto, and bete it

togeder tyl it be as towh as uny lyme.

Cast thereto salt ; and do it in a dyaabe

holke.in thebothom,and let it out with

thy fingers queyntliche in a chowfer

with oife, and fx^e it wel. And whan

it is ynowj, take it ont, and cast thereto

sugar, etc. FtMrnu of Cury^ p. SI.

Nyttb, 17. (yf .-5.) To use ; to re-


Ny5b, fl</>. (.^..5.) Nigh.


O, (1) adj. One.

{2) prep. Of; on.

(3) 9. A circle ; a cipher.

(4W. A lamentation.

(5) *. The woof in weaving.

OAr, 9. A fool.

Oak, *. The club in cards. JVett.

Oak-oome, 9. The fruit of the


Oak-wbb,«. The cockchafer. Wett.

Oamy, adj. (1) Light, said of land.


(2) Mellow.

Oab, 9. A waterman.

Oast, *. Curd for cheese. North,

Oast-house, 9. A kiln or vessel for

drying hops. South.

Oat-brush, t . The turned-up stub-

ble of oats. Leic.

Oat-flxoht, 9. Chaff of oats. Ea9t.

Oat-meal, 9. A name for the roar-

ing boys.

Swagzer in my pot-mcals,

Do mad prank with

Eooring noys and oatmeaU.

Sun's Darlinff, 1,1.

Oats. (1) To 90w one'9 wild oat9,

to leave off the wild habits of


That now bee may bare fomu Ks mlie

oaUSf he may leare all company, and

become an honest man.

(2) When a horse falls npon hii

back, and rolls over, he is said

to earn a gallon of oat9,

Oavis, 9. The eaves. Ester.

Obabni, 9. A preparation of mead,

with the addition of spices.

With ipiced meadei, (wholaorae bat dear)

As meade o6anie, and meade chemak.

And the base quasse. by pesants drank.

Fimlyeo, or Bmme Mtieef.

Obbbd,«. a hairy caterpillar. Verb.

Obbiss ant, adj. {A.'N.) Obedient.

Obessb, 9. An old name of a game.

Obeysauncb, s. {A.'N.) Obedience.

Chaucer uses 0bey99kmg.

Obfuscate, adj. (La/.) Obscaied.

Obit, '«. (La/.) Funeral ceremonies.

Obitebs, 9. Small ornaments.

Objection, 9. An argument.

Oblatbation, 9. (Lat.) Bark-


Oble, 9. A sort of wafer cake of

fine flour, often sweetened with

honey ; the consecrated wafer.

Obligate, v. To oblige. Var. d.

Oblocution, 9. (Lat.) Inter-


Obbaid, v. To upbraid.

Obruted, part. p. (Lat.) Over-


Obs-akd-sols. An abbreviation

of the words obfectionee et soAt-

tione9, in the marginal notes of

books of controversial divinity.

Bale, Eranras, Sec explode, at avast

ocean of oh and mU, school diriniij ; a

labyrinth of intricable qneationa.

Burton's Anal., to Iks Mtmier, p. 70.

Obscenous, at^. Obscene.

0b8Cube,v. To disguise.

Obsec&ate, v. {Lat.) To implore.

Ob9ecration9, entreaties.

Obsequious, a4f> Belonging to


Obsequy, «. Obsequiousness.

Obsbbvancb, 9. {J.'N,) Bespect.

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Obubtant, s. a person who ob-

serves ; an obsequious attendant.

OBSBnvB, V. To obey; to pay re-

gard to.

0B8B8610N, 9. (Lot.) A besieging.

Obstacle, adj. Obstinate.

ObstinatioNi a. Obstinacy.

OBSTKiCTf part. p. (Lat) Bound.

Obstbopolous, adj. Obstreperous.

Obtbbct, v. (Lot.) To slander.

Oc, wi^. {J,-S.) But. See Ae.

OccAMT, «. A corruption of the

word alchemy. A compound

metal to imitate silver.

OccASB, 9, A fall.

lie lights in Lemnos, nor can Yolcan die

By tnia oeeau, being borne of heavenly

aeed. Gnai Brilaine'* Trage, 1609.

Occasionally, adv. On occasion;

if necessary. Leie.

Occasions, 8. Necessities of


Occident, *. {A..N.) The west.

OcciSB, V. {Lot.) To kill.

Occupant, $. A prostitute.

Occupy, v. (1) To use. Oeeupierf

a tradesman.

(2) Futuere.

OccuBBB, V. (Lai.) To meet.

Occurbbnts, ff. Incidents; qua-


OcBBN, V. {J.-N.) To break ; to


OcBiMY, If. A mixed metal. See

OCKAMY, J Oeeamy.

OciviTY, *. (Lat.) Sloth.

OcuB, 9. The cockchafer. Somera.

Odd, (1) a4/. Alone.

(2) adv. Lonely ; oat of the way.


(3) No odd9, of no consequence.

Odd'eome'9hortfy, a chance time,

not far off.

Odd-come-shobts,1 t. Odds and

ODDMENTS, j cuds; triflcs.

Odd-house, 1 «. A solitary house.

ODDLiNGS, j Leie.

Odd-m ABK, 9, That psrt of the

arable land which, in the cus-

tomary cultivation of a farm, is

applied to a particular crop.


Odds, \l) v. To fit; to make even.

(2)9. To alter. We9t.

(3) adv. The contrary to. Leie.

Oddy, (1) f. A snail. Oddy-doddy,

a river-snail. Ojefd.

(2) adj. Active; brisk. Oxfd.

Ode, 9, Woad.

OoEB, (1) adj. Other.

(2) eor^. Or.

Odebwobt, f . The plant dragance.

Odible, adj. (Lat.) Hateful.

OmovSf adj, lU-tasted ; ill-scented.


Odling, 9.

A thread-bare shark; one that never

wai a uldier, yet Iitcb upon lendings.

His profeuion is skeldering and mtliiv;

his bank Paul's, and his warehouse


B. Jotuon, Every M. out of his E.

Oomedod, 9. A scarecrow. Berk9.,

Odoraunt, adj. {A.-N.) Sweet-


Ods-pitikins, 9. A diminutive

adjuration, corrupted from God*9

pity, God'9 little pity. A num-

ber of old oaths were formed

thus with Od9, as Odsniggere,

Odebodikifu, &c.

Oeiliad, 9. {Fr. oeillade.) A

gUnce of the eye ; an ogle.

Amorous glances, smirking oeiUades.

Greene^ Ditput. betie. a Be and SJie


O'eblay, ff. A cloak. North.

Obbts, prep. In comparison of.


Oes, ff. Eyes. Ibth cent.

Op. This pr^. is used provincially

and familiarly in the senses of

at ; in, or on ; from ; out of, &c.

Ofcobn, ff. Offal com. Tu99er.

Opdawe, v. To recover.

Op-dbad, a4^'. (A.'S.) Afraid.

0-PEBBE, adv. Afar.

Off, (1) ff. The line from which

boys commence in a game of


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(2) Off ai kooJti, 4# the hooiif

out of temper, or unwell.

Ow-AT-siDB, ad;. A little disor-

dered in mind. North,

OwsKDB, V. To hurt.

Offbnsioun, 8. {A,'N.) Offence.

Offensious, adj. Offensive.

Off-hand, $. In Suffolk, a man

holding a second farm on which

he does not reside is said to farm

it off-hand.

Officb,«. The eaves. West.

Offlino, adv. Shufliingly. North"


Offebndb, *. (A.-N.) An offering.

Off-spring, r. Origin.

0FF-T00K,j9re/. t. Hit.

Of-lono, adv. For a long period.

OF-TAWEf part. p. Taken.

OvTBR, adv. Oftener. North.

Qf-walkbd, adj. {A.^S.) Fatigaed

with walking.

OoAtK, adv. Again.

OoAiNBAOHB, g. A oontradietlou.

Ogb, adv. Again.

^^:. \'4>' Own.

OoHK, pret. t. Ought.

OOLBS, *. Eyes. (Cant.)

Ogos, 9. Caves along the shore.


Oil, v. To oil his old wig, to make

him tipsy. North.

OiLT, adj. Smooth ; flattering.

OiNBif BNT, t. (A.'N.) Ointment.

OiNT, V. To anoint.

OKit, pret. pi. Ached.

Oke-cornb, t. An acorn.

Okb&e, (1) v. {A.'S.) To lend mo-

ney on usury. Okerer, an usurer.

(2) *. Usury.

Okbrs,!. (Lat.ocrea.) Rough hoots

for ploughmen. I6th cent.

Oky, adj. Sappy. North.

Old, adj. (1) Famous ; great ; ahua-

dant. Warw.

If a man were porter to hell-gate, be

vonld hare old turniDg the key.

Uaeb., ii,2.

I imagfao there la old tamingnaxoag them.

Itn^M, O. PL, T J 63.


Popular names

for the dcTil.

Here*t oU cbeatiog.

Soarimg «W, O. PL,Ti,lW.

(2) Cross ; angry. ^^^.



olo-scaatcb, ^

Old-coat-and-jb&kin,#. a game

at cards.

Old-colt, s. An old bean. Far. d.

Oldbward, adj^ Aged.

For vanne a man diawitli into oUacarJ,

Wei ofte his boues akcth.

WWum dt SUrOt^.

Old-filb, s. An old miaer.

Oldhambs, s. a sort of doth.

Old-killbd, adj. Squeamish sad

listless. North.

Old-land, s. Ground newly brokea

up after lying loiig nntilled.


Old-ling, «. Urine. Torksh.

Old-maid, s. (1) The k^wing.


(2) A large pincushion, steadied

vrithlead. Northampt.

Old-man, «. Southernwood.

Old-m an's-bbard, s. The clemsiis

trt7aZ6a,ortraTeller*8.joy. Norif^-


Old-man's-game, m. Astragals.

Old-milk, s. Skimmed milt


Old-pbo, a. Cheese made of oM

milk. North,

Old-sarah, \

old-sallt, j

Old-8Rewe, s. An old name of i


Old-shock, s. (probably from

A.'S, ae«occa, the fiend.) A goblin

said to haunt the highways i'>

the shape of a great dog or ca^t-


Old-sow, a. A wood-louse. East

Old-trot, a. An old woman ad-

dicted to gossiping.

Old-witoh, a. The cockchafer.


Olifavnt, a. (4,'N,) An elepbant.

[s. A hare. Var.d.

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Oi.ivs&,«. Ayau]]geel;anelver.


Olivebk, «. (A,'N.) An oHve tree.

Olit£r's«sci7ll, ff. A cbanber-


Ollakd, «. Land bndcen up from


Oli^xt, «. FaeL

O-LONKs, <uft^. Along.

Oltprance, «. Boisterous merri-

ment ; a romping mttch.

Oman, «. A woman.

OuAsOtprep, Among.

OxAST. Almost. Cvmd.

Ombbk, ff. (1) The shade. Lane.

(2) A hammer. Skrcp$h,

OMBBEr ff. A game at cards, of

Spanish origin.

Omb, ff. The steam or Taponr arising

from hot liquids. Dunehn, See


Omjo^l, prq9. Between ; among.

On BAT-FLooB, ff. The foQfth part-

ing or laming in the nether coal,

as it lies itf the mine. Stqg^,

Omkium-oathbbum, ff. Amlseel-

laoeoQs collection.

OsfPBBLOOT, ff. An obstacle, or

diiBcalty. Northampt.

Obipit&lody, V, To contradict.

Omt. See Oamy.

Ok, (1) prep. In.

(2) €t^. One.

lZ)prep. Of, Var.d.

(4) Often used for tm-, as a pre-


Onanb, adv. Anon.

Okbbab, v. To uncover, applied to

the opening of a quany. Wett.

OuBBAiD, V. To upbraid.

Onob, (1) ff. Zeal ; malice ; hatred.

(2) ff. {A.'8.) Breath.

{Z)p<nrt.p. Ordained. Yorkth.

Ondinb, v. To breathe. Pr, P.

Ok-dbbosb, ai». Back ; at a dis-

Onb, (1) a#. Singular. UU,

(2) ad9. iJ.'S.) Alone; singly.

OMx«AND-THivnri «• Aft ancient

aid fayorite game at eards,

the ssodem roa^ff'.ef -noir.

Onbd, (l)j9re/. t. Dwelt.

(2)pwi.p.(A.'S.) United.

Onbdkb, adv. Behind. ChetlL

Onehxdb, ff. {A.-S.) Unity.

Onxlote, ff. An oblation.

Onbmxntb, ff. A reconeiliaftioB.

0K£N0B,j?rffp. Against.

Oneness, s. Unity. Calendar t^

Scripture, 1575.

One-op-vs, ff. A prostitute.

Okxbate> «. (Lai.) To further.

OKOLLYtOdv. Lonely. North.

Ones, adv. (J.^S.) Once.

Onb-sheab-sheep, ff. A sheep

between one and two yean M»

Onpbnge, V, {J.'S.) To receive.

ON-FEBBOMEfOdip. (J,'S.) Afsroff.

ONemNOSfff. Proceedings. North,

Onhandb, o^is. In the hand; to

the will.

On-held, par/, p. Bowed down.

Onicle, ff. (if.-iV.) The onyx.

Onino, ff. (A.'S.) Uniting.

Onion, ff. A young child. Weit.

ONioN-PBNNiE8,ff. The name givcB

at Silchester to Roman coins

found there, and derived, accord-

ing to the legend, from a giaat

named Onion.

On-lentbe, a<ip. Afar.

Onlbpi. See AnlepL

Onliest, adv. Only. Chevh.

Onlioht, v. To alight. IfeH,

Onubb, adf. (^.-&) Alone.

Onlietbebe, ff. Idknesa.

On-lott, o^. Aloh.

Only, a4r- Single.

Take ny advice, no fnrther look.

This oiujf page ia worth the bode.

0 MS.:Pomt,ntkcmi.

Onntsb, atH. Slightly tipsy. North,

Onone, adv. Anon.

On-o-nbna, adv. Always. Lame,

Onsat, ff. An onset.

Onset, ff. A dweiling-house and

ont-bmldings. North. A single

fsrmhoQse is called aa omtead,

OMasmy, adj. Dwarfish. North,





On-stand, «. The rent paid by the

out-goiDg to the in-going tenant

of a farm for such land as the

other hu rightfully cropped be-

fore leaving it. North,

On-btkats, adv. Apart.

Okbwbrs, v. To answer.

On-thbndk, ad;. Abject.

Onti-tump, f. A molehill. Ghuc.

See Wont,

Oo, (1) adj. One.

(2) adv. Aye ; ever.

OoBiT, t. The lanra of the tiger-


OoD, «. Sea-weed. Kent,

OoN, «. An oven. North.

OonaBlb, adj. Unwieldy.

OoN-Boo, «. An egg laid before the

shell is formed. We$t.

OoNT, «. A want, or mole. We$i.

OoNTT» adj. Empty. Devon.

OoK, adj. Hoary ; aged.

QosB. 1 $. {A,-S.) Soft mud; the

owsE, Iblue day. Ooiyt soft,

woo8B,J said of ground.

OosBR, 9. A sort of mask for

frightening people. Dorset.

OosT, s. {A.-N.) A host, or army.

OoTR, adj. Mad. Pr. P.

OozLiNO, at^, (1) Mean-looking.


(2) Hairy. North.

Ope, 9. An opening. We9t.

Opb-land, 9. Land ploughed every

year. Stif.

Op£ir,(l)t. A large cavern. When

a vein is worked open to the day,

it is said to be open-east, A

miner's term.

(2^ atg. Mild, sud of the weather.

(3) adj. Not spayed, said of a

heifer or sow. Emt.

(4) Uncovered.

OPBN-Ens, 9. {A.»S.) An esriy

name for the medlar.

Open-tail, «. The medlar.

I muie ber Btomacke now m much •hould


To loath a medlar, being an opM-tet2f.

Jkuicit Scourge ^Ffflfy, 1611.

Opb&, 9. A bumper, or fall glass.


Opbramcb, «. Operation.

Operant, A^^'. OperatlTC.

Opb-tidb, It. The early spring,

OPEN-TIDE, J the time betvreen

Epiphany and Ash-Wednaday.

So laviab me-tyie canwth fasting Le&u.

Bdl, Sat^ b. ii, a. L

Opie, 9. {A.'N.) Opium.

Opinion, (1) t. Credit.

(2) V. To think. S^ff.

Oppilation, 9. {Lai.) An obstruc-


Opportunitt, 9. Character ; habit.


Oppose, v. To argue ; to questioB.

Oppesssk, v. {J.'N.) To ravish.

Oppre99ionf rape.

Optic, 9. A magnifying. gfUss.

Opunctlt, adv. Opportunely.

And yott shall march a whole day «&£

you come opunctlj^ to your miatnaa.

GreaWi Tu Qwf ».

On, {\)prep. Ere; before.

(2) conj. Than. "Rather or


Oa-A-ONE. Ever a one. South.

Oration, *. Uproar. Var. d.

Oratorie, 9. (A.-N.) A private


Orb, 9. A panel. Nominate MS.

Orc, \9. A marine animal, the

ORK, J nature of which seems not

well defined.

Now turn and view the wondera of tbe


Wliere Froteni herds, and Neptune's orks

do keep. B. Jons., Mtuq. qfNeftutu.

Orcel, ff. (A..N.) A small vase.

Ord, 9. {A.'S.) (1 ) A point or edge.

(2) Beginning. Ord and ende,

the beginning and end.

Oroain, v. To intend. Dev.

Order, 9. Disorder. Weet,

Ordered, adj. In orders.

Ordinal, 9. (Lat.) The ritual.

Ordinance, «. (1) AppareL Po&f.

(2) Fate. Shahe9p,

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(3) Orderly diapotitioD.

Obdinabu, 9. {A.»N.) An ordi-

Obdinabt, s. (Fr.) A public din-

ner, where each pays his share.

Oboinate, adj. (Lat) Regular;


Obe, «. (1) {J,-S,) Grace; favour.

(2^ A sort of fine wool.

(3) Sea-weed washed on shore.


Obbu., «. Red ochre. Mariham.

Obbstb, 9, (A.-S.) Trial by battle.

A term in early charters.

Obf, f. (if .-5.) Cattle.

Obfbays, 9, {A.'N,) Gold em-

broidered upon cloth or Yehet.

Obgament, 9. \yild maijorum.

Oboan al, 9, An organ of the body.

Obolb, t. An organ. \bth cent.

Obovlous, tuy. {A.'N,) Proud.

OrgufyU^ pride. OtyiUou9, in


Obikl, «. {J.'N,) A recess within

a building; a little waste room

next the hall in large houses and

monasteries, where particular

persons dined.

Obismt, *. {A.'N.) The east.

Obiginal, adj. Beloved. Line.

Obisb, v. To plane, or make smooth.


Obison, 9, (A.'N.) A prayer.

0BI80^-T, t. The horizon.

Obi88b, «. To make ready.

Obl, t. The alder-tree. 1Ve9t.

Oblino, 9. A stinted child. North.

Oblxnos, a. The teeth of a comb.

Oblogb, 9. {A.'N.) A dock. Or-

loger, one who keeps docka.

Obn, (1) V. (A,'S.) To run, or


(2) ttdj. Either. Somenet.

Obwacy, 9, {Lai.) Refined lan-


Obnart, 9. Ordinary. Var. d.

Obkatb, a^. (Lai.) Adorned.

Obmatbly, adv. Orderly.

Obxatubb, t. {Lat) Accomplish,


Tliys gaotlentn for the further omo-

tun and letting ftuth of hrs penon,

ongfat to be learned, to have knowledge

in touDget, and to be apte in the feates

of armes, for the defence of hia contrer.

JiuHlitcio» of a GattlevuiHt 1M8.

Obndbbn. See Amdem.

OKsn^prei. t. Run.

0 aweta leredr. vat they vaa wo^

Tho JheanibTCome mome.

For drede tho tue blodea drupen

Of iwote of hyM doun ome.

W. de Skoreham.

Obnble,«. Envy; spite.

Obpbd, o^f. (^.-5.) Bold; stout.

Doukes, kingei, and baronna.

Orpfd aqniera and ganouui.

Arikour and Merliu, p. 81.

Obphansib, 9. The condition of

being an orphan.

Kor can JBneai offsprings now of orphMtsU

W^rnerU Albions England^ 1606.

Orphabxon, 9. A sort of musical

instrument, shaped like a lute,

but strung with wire.

If I forget to praise our oaten pipes,

Such mode to the ninaea all procuring,

That some leam'd earea prefer'd it hare


Both OTpkaryon, rioU. Inte, bandore.

Harinff ton's Bpiffr., It, 91.

Obprion, «. A musical instrument^

said to have been invented in


Obfinb, 9. (1) Yellow arsenic.

(2) A plant, 9edum telephium.

Obb, 9. A ball of wood used in the

game of doddart.

Obsadt. See Ar9edine.

Obt, a. A scrap, or trifling frag-


Where shoold be have this gold? It ia

some poor fragment or alender ort of

Skaieip,, Ttmon qfAlh,, ir, S.

Let him hare time a beggar'a otU to crave.

Ih., Bap9 ofLuercct, &S1.

Tia but too good for you, unless you

were more thankful; many an honeat

k would be glad of your orts.


The CUtUi, 1662.





Do yon know, aay yon, tir, ud would

you put off your mubled ortSt your

offaU, uponme?

Oiway, '&Mm'9 FbrtwM, 1681.

Onvx., V. To long for. Jfeti,

Okvale, 9. The plant orpin.

Obtellb, *. The alder-tree. Pr.P.

OscHivE, 9. A bone-handled knife.

OsBY, 9. A sort of wine, mentioned

frequently in the writers of the

14th and 15th centuries.

08HBTK&, «. An oyster. MS. 1543.

Obxabd, 9. An osier-bed. Pakgr,

OsKiN, 9. An ozgang of land.

OsLANTB, adp. Aalant.

Osmond, «. A sort of iron.

OsNT, V. To forbode. We9t

^„\™^'U The sea eagle.


1 think hem be to Borne

As is the osprey to the liah, who tiikes it

By MTereignty of nature.

Shak€tp.t CorioUmMS, iv, 7.

Oss, V, (1) To attempt ; to begin ;

to offer. Var. d. In Shropshire a

new servant is said to 099 (pro-

mise) well.

(2) To make free with. There

is a Cheshire proverb, 099inff

comes to bossing (i . «., kissing.)

OsT, V. To attempt ; to offer. LHe.

See Oft.

OssxLL, adv. Perhaps. York9h.

0htadb,9. a sort of woollen cloth,

brought formerly from the


OsTATLB, 9. {A.'N.) An inn, or


OsTENTy«. {Lat.) An appearance ;

a prodigy.

OsTBBifENT, «. Furniture?

Levynge in the forseyd hows of charyte

serteyn bokye and ostynmUys.

Hoftmdatim SMutes cf StOrm Walden

Jlmsh0«9t9t 1400.

OsTBBY, 9, {A,'N.) An inn.

OsTHousB, 9. An inn. York9h,

OsTiLLBB, 9. An ostler.

OsniBGiBB, \9, {J.'N.) A fal-

O8TBIK0BB, J coBCT, especially a

keeper of goshawks and tercels.

Ostbich-bobus, «. Wafniroting.

OaTTLUBNT, ff. Furniture.

OsTTBB, 9. An oyster. Nom. MS,

Othb, «. To swear.

Othbb, com;. {A.'S.) Or; either.

Othebgatbs, ad9. Oibarways ;

sometimes oiherguige, and cor-

mpted into othergmeu.

If he had not been in drink, he weuU

hare tickled you otkergata than he did.

Skaketp., Twclftk JUfki, v, 1.

Pmn. I eo*d make o^AerwwmoBek with

them, if I were bot aaater of the 9WR

amonast them.

FUekuo^i Latft Kingdom, lilU.

OTHBB-iOMB, atg. Some othen.

Othbb-whbbb, ai7«. In some other


Otbbb-whilb, a<?9. Sometimes.

Ottbb, v. To utter. Ljfdg.

Otwo,a29. In two.

OucHB, 9, A clasp, or fibula; a


Of gyrdils and browehia, of ovtkit uJ


Pottya and pens and bolUs fbr the feet of

IVowell. M3. loMi.. 41Ck t «?

OucBEB, 9. A maker of o9idke9,

OwekerSf akynners, and cutlen.

Cock Lof^i^s B9U.

Odohbn, v. {J.'S,) To owe; to

own, or possess, pret t cmsiM-

It happe than, a marchaiuit nan

That he otufkt money to,

Of an officer that can enquire

What him was twet to do.


Know then I first a


Such undeserved graoe: next, that yoa

tho«g;ht me

The gwatest meede.

Cfreai BriUiius Tnift, 1809^

Ought, adj. Suitable. Ammst.

OnoHTB,«. Aught; anything.

Ouif BB, «. (1) The grayUog. Nvrtk.

(2){A.-N,) The shade. Oumai,

shaded with trees or bcdldiDgs.

OuNDB, 9. (A.-N.) (1) A evL

(2) Asortoflaee.

OuNoiKo, 9. {A-N,) TbeosttiBg

of cloth ia the shape of waves.

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Vf. The blackbird.

OvicDT, adj. Wavy, oorly, ai hair

laid in rolls.

OuNiN, 9» A weak spoilt boy.


OowasL, *. {A.-8.) The devil.

CuPHy s. A fairy. Shakup,

OuBN, adj. Ours. Var, diaL

OuKT, adj. Dirty; untidy. Line.

OuSB, (1) «. The liquor in a tan-

ner's vat.

(2) V. To bail water out of a boat,

or oat of one pond or ditch into

another. Ltnc.

Ol78EL, V


OnsBN, 9. Oxen. North.

OusKT, «. A few small cottages to-

gether. North.

Oust, v. To torn out. Var, d»

OuT-AND-oxTTi odv. Thoroughly.

OuTAS, «. (1) The octavea of any

feast of the chnrch. See Uta»,

(2) A tumult. Norn. MS.

OuT-BSAR, V. To bear one ont.


OvT'BOBiff part. p. Carried ont.

OvT-BT, ad9. A short distance from


OvT-CAST, «. Refuse of corn.

Out-catch, v. To overtdce. North.

OuT-CBPT, V. To except.

rrd play hnn 'gsliie a kniKht, or a good

Mtoira, or gentlaraan of any other

ooontie i' the Vineiomt. '^ OutcMt

Kent: for there tiiey landed all Kentfe-

men. S.JonsoHt Tale cfa IM.

OuTCOHS, 8. A going ont.

OuT-coMLiNO, 9. A Stranger.


OcT-coBNXB, 9. A sccTet comor.

OtTT-coTBD, par^ /». Expelled?

She, of tlie gods and goddesses before the

wanton noted.

Was of the gods and goddessaa for wan-

tonnesse out-eoUd.

Warner's AVbions England, 1 693.

OoT-CBT,«. Ananction, Ou$-^frier,

an auctioneer.

OvT^novm, part. p. Undone.

OvnuctfBy adv. Utterly.

OOTBK, (I) ai{r. Foreign. Ouiener,

a foreigner. Lmc.

(2) ad9. Out of doors. North.

OuTaKiMB, V. {J.'S.) To deliver.

OaTBB-coYBBiKO, 9, A cloak, or

hood. Stratford JUcord9, 1427.

OuT-FALL, 9. A quarrel. North.

OuT-FARiNO. Lying without. So-


OvTOANO, 9. A road. North,

OuT-Qo, V. To go faster than


OuT-HAWL, V. To clean ont. Sajf.

OuTHKES, 9. {Med.Lat.hute9ium.)


OuTHXB, adj. Either.

OuTHOLB, V. To resist.


Outing, «. (1) A feast given by an

apprentioe to his friends at the

end of his time. Line.

(2) Agmngont.

(3) An evaenation. North.

OvTLANDiBH, a£^. A term applied

to the inhabitants of that portion

of the border which was formerly

knowa by the name of the De-

bateable Land, a district which,

though churned by both England

and Scotland, could not be said

to beking to either country.

0uT-uBAP8,«. Excesses.

One ronnd more,

TW it be late, I'll venture to disooTer ye,

I do not like your mti-UMs.

nUUn, neCkaneeSfUn.

OuTLBB, 9. (1) An animal not

housed. North.

(2) Oot-standlng debt. York9.

OuT-LBsn, 9. The privilege of com-

mon for cattle. North.

OvT-LBsa, con;. Unlets. Yorh9h.

OuTNBB, 9. A stranger. North.

OvT-or,prtp. MTithout.

Neither can anything pleaiie God that

we do, if it be d«no mi/.o/ charity.



OlJT-PVT, 9. To put out.

OuTBAOB, t. {A.*N.) Violenoe.

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OuTRAiB, 1 V. {A.-N,) Toinjare;

OUTRAGE, J to destroy.

OuTRAKB, t. An out-ride, or ex-


OuTKANCB, f. {A,*N.) Confusion.


weeniug presumption.

It is strange outrecvidanee ! your liu>

moor too much redoundeth.

B. Joiuon, CyiUkia*s Ba.^ \, 2.

OuTBSLT, adv. (A,-N.) Utterly.

OuT-aiDEas, 9. (1) Officers em-

ployed by sheriffs to summon

persons to their courts.

(2) Men who ride well up with

the hounds.

(3) Highwaymen. Somerset.

OuT-BOPB, «. A public auction.


Odts, (1) «. Understanding ; sense.


(2) adv. At Yariance. Craven,

OuTSCHOKNE, V. {A.-S.) To pluck


OuTSETTBB,*. (1) A ratepayer wbo

does not reside in the parish

where he holds the property for

which he pays rates. Narf,

(2) An emigrant. Yorith.

OuT-SHivTs, «. Outskirts, or

suburbs of a towp. Eaet,

And poore ichollers and Booldiers wan-

der in backe lanea, and the imt'tkifiea

of the citie, with never a rag to their

backei. Nath's Pierce FenmUsie,li9i.

OuTSHOT, *. The projection of the

stories in a house one over the

other. North.

OuTSTDB, (1) adv. At the most.


(2) adj. Lonely; solitary; re-

tired. North.

Outstep, (1) eory. Unless.

(2) adj. Lonely. Dorset.

OuTBT&AY, V. To enlarge. ^ The

epistles streytnes suffryd not

lenger this to ben outstrayed"

WyeliffUe vereiom, i, 66, the

Latin of Jerome being evagari,


OuT.TAKB,(l) V. (A.-S.) To deliTer.

(2) part. p. Except.

And also I retygne al my knyghUy dyg-

nitie, mageaty, andcrowne, wyth all tM

lordnbyppea, powre, and tujifilcget to

the foresuyd kingcly dygnitie and crown

belonging, and al other lordahippes and

poasesyons to me iu any maner oTwyae

pertavnynge, what name and condiciOB

thei oe of. out-take the Inndea and poa>

sefsiona for me and mine obyte pur-

ehaaed and broughte.

JiutnmaU of ruignedian^ ofltUkard 11.

Out-taken, part. p. Taken out ;


Bot non of hem it myhte bere

Upon hys word to jeve answere,

Outaken on which was a knyht»

To hym was every thing so lybt. G^kct.

Outwale, t. Refuse. North.

Outward, s. An outside.

OuT-WELLE. V. To pour out.


OUT-WRIGHE, V. (A.'S.) To dls-


OuzB, 9. Mud. See Oose.

Oven-bird, e. The long-tailed


Otbnbo, adj. Shrivelled; sickly.


Over, (1) a^f. Upper.

{2) prep. {A.'S.) Above; beyond.

(3) adv. Too.

(4) adv. Compared with. Weat,

(5) aelj. Important. Exmoor.

(6) V. To get over. North.

OvERAiONB, ff. A gutter.

OvERANBNT, adv. Oppositc.

Overbids, v. To outlive.

OvBRBLOw, V, To blow hard.


OvERCATCH, V. To Overtake. Leie,

OvBB-CLovER, s. The name of a

boy's game. Oxf.

OvBR-CRAppiD, adj. Surfeited.


OvBBCRow, V. To crow over.

OvBB-DRBBP, V. To ovcrshadow ;

to drip over, said of a roof.

OvEBB, 9. (A.'S. ofer.) The shore.

OvBBBSTB, a^. {A.'S.) Uppermost.

OvBB-BYBD,/Mir/.j^. Ovciiooked.

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'Wherefore (deere Loril) dinemble, or


BeiuE aur-€ifd9^ we cennot is we list,

Faihioa onr aportt, our lores pure harrett

gather :

Bat why ehonld you desiit? diuemble

rather. Qreat BritatHet Troye, 1009.

Otsktacb, 9. To cheat. Somenet.

Oter-flowN| part, p. Intoxi-


Otkb-flush, «. Superfluity. East,

O VB&-FBST, part. p. CoYered with


Otkk-fbost, «. Hoar-lroftt. Leie.

OTSBGANOEUr «. One who escapes.

OvBROET, 9. (1) To overtake.

(2) To get over. Zete.

OTKBGiva, V. (1) To ferment.

<2) To thaw. Eatt.

OvBR-oo, V. (1) To pass over.

(2) To go away from. Leie,

Otbr-hand, ff. The upper-hand.

OvBRHBD, «. A cut given over the


OvBBHSRBE, odj. (.^.-5.) Su-


OvBRHBW, V, To overgrow and

overpower, as strong plants do

weaker ones. Noff,

Otbr-hib, v. To overtake. North,

OvBB-Hip, o. To hop over.

OvBR-H0FE| 9. {A,'S,) Sanguiue-


OysB-HousB-MBN, 8. Small wire


Otbbi8t-werke,«. The clerestory.

Otbr-krbp, s. Good living.

Overland, «. A house without

roof. Overkmd'farmj land with-

out a house to it. Devon.

OVERLAROELT, ttdv, Fully.

OvERLATBB, t. A picce of wood

on which the sieve is placed. A

mining term. Derb,

OvER-LBDE, V. To oppress. Lj^dg,

Over-lie, v. To oppress.

OvERLioHT, V, To alight. West,

Overling, s, A master; one placed

over others.

Over-live, V, To outlive.

OvBELOOK, 9. To bewitch.

Overly, (1) «4f. Superflcial; upper.

In all myche ae all the dementie end

elementariea be govemd br the Tertuee

and aftir the wTrchynr of tbe planetys

and Tertuez of the OPjfrif bodrei, under

the clerkyi of whom all tne bodyee

benethe ben mevyd and goveravd, re-

ceyryng by ther might owther lyfe or

dethe artyr theire dispoiicion.

Lanfrane, MS. lUh cent.

(2) adv. Superficially.

Thou doett thii otwUt, or o&ely for an

outward shewe. Baret, 1680.

Over-measure, e. One in twenty

given over and above in the sale

of com.

OvER-METH, 8. The part of the

article not used. It is employed

where a portion of lead has been

used for covering, and the over*

meth or remaining portion left.

OvitvMOU'Kt part. p. {A.-S.) Over-


Why werre and wrake in londe


. nger

The pour bath oefr.nMU.

Why werre and 1

Ana manalaugt ia e.

Why honger and den"

and derthe on ertlie


Fotm OH Edw. IT.

Over-peer, v. To overhang.

Over-qublle, v. {J.'S.) To


Over-right, aife. Opposite; across.


OvER-RUN, ». (1) To leave un-

finished. West.

(2) To run away from. let'e.

?rJL\' ^l''^ h' Toprojectover.


OvEBS, 9. The perpendicnlar edge,

usually covered with grass, on

the sides of salt-water rivers*


OvERSCAPB, V. To escape.



OvERSB, V. To overlook.

Overseen, (1) part. p. Deceived.


(2) adj. Tipsy.

Overseer, 9. A person appointed

in old wills to oversee their execa-


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OvWHT, 9» To ovonoBM*

OvsRSBOOT, V, To get dnuik.

OvBBSLBT, ff. The Untel of a


Otbsstocks, t. Upper itockiiigs;

an old name for breeches.

Thy tnper-ttocks, be they ebifflt with eilke

or fliaiekee,

Never become thee like a nether ^aire of

•toeks. B^smoofi Mfigncm.

Oybr-stort, «. The clerestory.

OvERSTRiKE, V. To overreach.

But here at thee for the flat ; I am lare

I moat have ofttntroken tbee there.

Howard, Man of Newmarktt, 1078.

OvBRSWiTCBBD, adj, An over-

twitched wifst a woman of easy


OvsRTAiLi&Stpttrt.p. Intoxicated.

OvBRTa, adj. {A.-N.) Open.

OVGRTHROWB, V, (^.-&) To fall


OVBRTHWART, (1) odv. (A.'S.)


(2) adj. Cross; contradictory;


(3) V. To wrangle.

(4) 9, Contradiction ; quarreling,

OVBR-TIlf BLICHB, ttdv. (A.-S») ToO


Otbr-weltbd, pare, p. Over-

turned. North,

Ovbrwbmblb, V, To overtnrn;

to overwhelm. Beds.

Oybr-whilb, odv. Sometimes ; at


Otvis, t. The eaves. Detfon.

OWfpren, Yon.

Owe, 9. To possess ; to own.

Owen, adj. {J.'S,) Own.

OwHERB, adv. (J,»S.) Anywhere.

Owl, (1) 9. A moth. Saaeex.

(2) 9. An old name of a game.

(3) ». Wool. iVor/A.

(4) V. To pry about. Weet

(5) To take owl, to be offended.

OwLBR, 8. (I) The alder. North.

(2) A smuggler. South.

OwLoutLBR, 9. To pry about.


Owi.'8-oROWN, a. Wood cudweed.


Owi.-TH»iMB,«. The miaaeLthrash.


OwLT, aefj. Tired; half stapid.

OwMAwnMB, 9. To swoon.

Own, «. To acknowledge.

Owned, adj. Fated; destiacd.


OwMTT, adj. Empty. &tm.

OwRfprep. Over. Cumb,

OwRMH, a^. Soft ; marriiy. Line,

OwsB, t. Anything. North.

OwTKDtpart.p, Pat out.

OwuNB, 8. An oven. Dewtm.

OwTTH, pree. t. Ought.

Oz-Bow, e. The bow of wood that

goes around the neck of an ox.

OxKT, adj. Of mature age. Gkae,

Oz*ETB, «. The larger titmouse.


Ox-rBET, ». (in a horse) is when tiie

horn of the hind-foot deavcs jut

in the very middle of the fore psit

of the hoof from theooronet to the

shoe: they are not common, hot

very troublesome, and often mske

a horse halt.

OxLip, e. The greater cowsh'pr

primUa elatior.

Ox-SKiN, 8. A hide of land.

OxTt part, p. Perplexed. IFWw.

Oxter, «. (AS.) The annpit


OxY, adj. Wet; soft; ooty. Seittk.

Otb, «. A grandchild. Nirth.

OriNOB, part. a. Yawning.

Oynone, 8, An onion.

Oys, f . Use ; custom.

Otbb, v. To use.

Oyster, t. An oyeter of veal is the

blade-bone dressed with the

meat on.

Oystbr-chbvit, 8.

To make o!rtter-ekeritt. Ttkt three

qnmrts of larce oyttera, wash Ihem f r«a

grit, Btrain their own liquor throng »

finnen cloth, and parboil them in it. uira

wash them in warm water, dry them il

a linneo rloth, and mince tMa vci^

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frntU, MUOB tk«m Tcry liicltUy nitli

salt, pepper, uid beaten cIuvm, nuce,

ciuiamon, and carraway seeds beaten, a

Utile handful of rauias of the aan, and

■ix or seren dates, atrew'd with a few

cnnHna, a little aocar, and half a pint

of white-wine, put tnese into small pans

with ernst, and well battered, oake

them gently, and serve them np on a

plate with siuar acraiicd on the ud.

lie Closel cf Rarities, 1706.

Otstkbly, ff. A kind of ^reen

plnm, which ripened in Aii8:ast.

0%i%, adj. Soft; muddy. See Oo9e»

P. To be p and q, to be of first

quality. To mindp*$ and g% to

be careful in behaviour.

Brine in a qnart of maligo, right trae ;

And Iooke,you rocne. uat ft he pe* and

kew. £M9tai&, Amm qf Harts, 1618.

p. JACKET, 9. An abbreriation of

pilot-jacket, now applied to a

peculiar kind of rough great*


Pa, #. {A,'S.) A peacock.

Pabular, adj. {Lat.) Belonging

to food.

Pacadiub, «. A collar to support

the band or gorget. See PiC'


Pacb, (1) V. To parse, in grammar.

(2) 9. To pass.

(3) «. A drove of aaies.

Pacb-bgos, 1 «. Hard boiled

pASOBB*BGOfii, j eggs, Stained va-

riow colours, distribated at


Pacbiobnt, «• Peace.

Pack, (1) s. An agreemcBt, or


It -WBfl fomd straight that this was a

groaae packs betwixt Saturninna and

Haritu. North*s Tlut. Uva, 459 B.

(2) f . A quantity or heap, applied

espeeiallyto animals.

(S) 8, A measure of coals, three

Winchester bushels.

(4) V, To truss, er fill up. North.

To bepaekmg, to go about one's


(5) «. A term £i reproach.

Pack-and-pbukt-hat, a. The

last day of a fiur, vrhen bargaina

are sold. Somgr9»

Packbb, 8, A person employed in

barreling herrings.

Packbt, 8. (1) A horse-pannel to

carry packs. Cheeh.

(2) A false report. Var. d,

PACK-OATB,a. Agate on apaek-way,

Pacrino-whitbb, 9, A sort of


Pack-mav, «. A pedUr, whose

bundle is populariy called a pack.

Packman-skail, 9, The wall snail.


Pack-momdat, 9. The Monday

after the 10th of October.

Pack-btafp, 9, A pedlar's staff.

We find a well-known phrase

vnitten sometimes, " As plain as


Pack-thbbad, 9. To tali pack'

thread, to use indeconnis lan-

guage well disguised.

Pack-thbbad-oang, 9. A gang

which vrill not hold long to-

gether. Line,

Packwaz,9. Paxwax.

Pack-way, ». A path for pack-

horses only. Eaet.

Packt, adj. Heavy with thick

clouds, portending a storm. Line.

Pacobi, «. A sort of wine.

Paction,!. (la/.) A combination;

an agreement.

Pad,(1)«. a footpath. iVbr/AM^/.

(2) V, To rob in the streets and

roads. Padder, a footpad.

(3) 9, The act of robbing.

"What, ladies, come a padding for hearta

here in your yizardsF . . . what, rob u»

of our hbertiee without one word ? not

80 mnch as, stand and deliver ?

SsdUy, thsMulberry Gonjm, 1668.

(4)«. To make a path by walking

on an untracked surface. Ea9t,

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<5) o. To go; to walk.

(6) #. A sort of saddle on which

market women ride.

(7) *. A pannier. Norf,

(8) 9. A certain quantity of wool.

(9) 9, A quire of blotting paper.

(10) 9, A fox's foot.

(\\) 9. A brewing tub. Devon.

(12) A pad in the etraw, some-

thing wrong.

Paddle, (1) v. To lead a child.

Paddling'String9, leading-strings.


(2) V. To toddle about. Ea»t.

(3) V, To trample. Norf.

(4) V. To abuse. Exmoor,

(5) 9. A spade for cleaning a

plough. Weet.

(6) V. To tipple. Exm.

Faddlb-statf, 9. A staff with a

spike at one end and spade at the

other, used by mole-catchers.

Paddock, «. {A.-S.pada.) A toad.

To turn paddock to haddock, to

spoil, to waste one's property. A

Norfolk phrase.

Paodock-chesv, 9. The asparagus.

Paddock-rud, 9. Frogs' spawn.


Paddock-stool, 9. A toadstool.


Paddow-pipk, 9. The plant Salo-

mon's seal.

Paddy, adj. Wormeaten. Kent,

Paddt-noddy, 9. Embarrassment.


Pad-foot, «. A goblin. York9h.

Padob, 9. A large kind of moth.


Padoe-owl, 9. The common owl.


Padgkt, 9. A small piece of tow,

for spreading ointment on to bind

round a wound. Northampt.

Pad-hack, 1«. A horse for car-

PAD-NAQ, j rying pads.

Pad- LAND, 9. A parish pound.


Pads-tool, 9. A toadstool. North,

Pad-thb-hoop, v. To walk. North.

Paduasot, 9. A tort of dtk.

Paffbldbn, 9. Baggi^ Oamb.

Pafflino, a4f> Trilling; ailly.


Pao, v. To carry pick-a-badc. Line.

Pagambnt, 9. A sort of frieze.

Paob, 9. A boy-serrant; applied

in East Anglia more especially to

a shepherd's or bricklayer's


Pagbncy, 9. A scaffold ; a stage.

Pagbtbpoos. The young of lizards

or frogs. Comw.

Blue bareliells, payl^» panaiet. calamiath.

Paid, (I) part. p. Pleased ; sa-


(2) part. p. Intoxicated.

(3) 9. A sore. Stqf.

Paik, v. To beat. North.

Paillbt, 9. {A.'N.) A couch.

Pain-balk, 9, An old instrument

of torture.

Painchbs, 9. Tripe. North.

Paincbkb-waogon, #. Incessant

labour. North.

Paine, v. {A.'N.) To endore pais.

And made him Co be done on a crwae.

for that he thoold imjfm thereon Ismge

or he dyed. Tke Festitml, foL Ivi, rKto.

Painb-mainb, 1 9. {ji.^N.)

PAINB-DB-M AtNB, J Fine bread.

Painfully, ailr. Laboriously.

Paining, #. Torture.

Paint-housb, t. A penthoose.

Two Angrie Worn. ffAh.^ 1599.

Paintice, 9. A penthouse. J>erky.

Pair, (1) v. To grow mouldy, as

cheese. WeMt.

(2) 9. A pack of cards. In Com-

widl it is used to signify a num-

ber of things, greater than two.

Pair qf9tair9^ a flight.

Paibb, v. (A.'N.) To impsir.

Pairing, 9. A marriage feast. Per.

Pair-of-wooo, 9. Timber to sup-

port the broken roof of a

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721 PAL

pAim«moTAL, #. Three cards of a

•ort; now oormpted into the

nnmetning wordprtoil

Pais*, v. To open a bolt or lock

by shoTing aa with a knife point.

PAisTcm, V. To moiBe up.

pArr, 9. The rat of a wheel

PArntuu, t. (A.'N,) Armour for

defending the horse's neck.

Patwukt, «. Saxifrage.

Paks, (1) V. To peep. S^foU.

(2) 9. A park.

Pal, 9. Two courses or rounds in

stocking knitting.

Palabras, 9. {Span.) Words. Pan-

COM palabra9, few words. Ex-

pressions often put in the mouths

even of persons low in life, by

our early dramatists.

Palace, 9. A storehouse. Detfon.

pALASTNS, adj. Belonging to a

palace. Chaue.

Palatinb» (1) adj. Belonging to

the court.

(2) #. A name for what was

otherwise called a sable tippet.

Ladiet^ Did,

Paxavbr, V, To flatter. Var, d,

Paxch, ». (1) To walk slowly.


(2) To mend dothes. Exmoor.

Palchin, «. A spear for spearing


Pals, (1) «. A small fortress.

(2) #. A stripe in heraldry.

(3) #. (J,-S.) A ditch, or trench.

(4) #. A boundary.

(5) #. An inclosnre for cattle.


(6) V. (J.'N.) To make pale; to

turn pale.

(7) V. To beat barley. Cke9h.

(8) To Ut^ the pale, to outstrip

one's income.

Paleis, 9, {J,»N.) A palace.

Palbstkal, adj. {Lat.) Athletic

Palbt, 9. llie head or sculL

Palbw, adj. (^..&) Pale.

Palimoman, 9. A fishmonger.


Palladb, t. A rich cloth. See


Pallat, 9. A sort of wine, synony-

mous with claret. *'Vin dairet.

Wine pailai, or claret wine."


Pall-coat, t. A short cloak with


Pallb,(1) 9, A sort of line doth, not

unfrequently mentioned in our

early writers, and used to cover

corpses, whence the modem ap-

plication of the word paU.

This twBjplU y-bordird abooft wm

With Mflf. ih« aumnteneiM of hn hond-

brade. Ckrm, nhdun., p. 04.

(2) V. To languish ; to turn pale.

Pallbd, adj. (1) Senseless from

excessive drinking. York9k,

(2) Turned pale. Dewm.

Pallbb, adj. Broad. Somereet,

Fallen, v. (A.-S.) To knock.

PALLBaTBB, 9. iA.'N.) A child's


Pall-hob8E» #. A horse which car-

ries a pannier.

Palliambnt, 9. A robe. Shakeep.

Palliabd, 9. {A.'N.) (1) A person

of base character; a whore-


(2) An old cant term for a class

of beggars. See the Fratemitye

of Vaeabond€9. }b7b.

Pallioneb, 9. Tents. Norikumi.

Pall-mall, 1 «. (Fr.) A game

PALLB-MAiLLE, J imported from

France in the time of James I.

It is thus described by Cotgrave,

"A game wherein a round box

bowle is with a mallet strucke

through a high arch of yron

(standing at either end of an ally

one) which he that can do at the

fewest blowes, or at the number

agreed on, winnes."

Palm, 9. (1) The broad part of a

full-grown deer's horn. Palmed-'

deer, a stag of full growth.

(2) The catkinsof the willow. The

word occurs in Palsgrave, 1530,

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Palmeb, ». (1) a wood-loose. "A

worme having a great many

feete." HotfybantTi Dictionaries


(2) A stick or rod.

Nor is it five monthi since I saw yon

stmt most nn^estically iu the hall, and

inveagle a third man at sixpenny in*

and-in, and by the help of a oinen men

chastise one poor topper or ^Imer;

where I have seen yoa most magnani-

monaly assist at the pumping of a

bawd, or the washing and trimming of

abaUy. SkadmeU, Tk$ Hi»mon»U,m\.

Palm-oba8b» «. The reed meadow

grass, poa aguatiea. Northampt,

Palmino-dice, 9, An old method

of cheating at dice.

Palm -PLAT, t. (Fr.Je»^e*paulme.)


Palped» ttdj. Darkened.

pALgTBB, t. A pilgrim's staff.

Palt, », (1) A blow. See Pelt.

(2) Refuse ; rabbish. Northampt.

Palter, », To hesitate; to pre-


Palteiilt, adj. Paltry. NertK

Thon lewd woman, can I answere thee

anything, thoa dealiug thus pauUerly

wiOi me. Ttremdtn Sngluh, IMl .

Paltook, 9. {ji.'NA A sort of

doublet or cloak descending to

the middle of the thigh.

Paltbimq, 9, Something worth-


Paltry, ». Rabbish ; refuse. Noff.

Paltbise. See Paviee,

Palt, t. A roll of bran given to

hounds. Pr,P,

Pam , t. The knave of dubs.

Pame, 9, The mantle thrown over

an infant before christening.


Pament, 9. A pavement.

Pammt, atg. Thick and gummy.


Pampe, v. To pamper. In Norfolk

they say, *«To live like old

Pamp^ i. «., to live penurioosly.

Pampiliom, «. (1) A sort of fur.

(2) A Qoal of dtttereiit colours,

worn by servants. HoVbfhamd,


Pampination, 9, Polling kavei

that grow too thick.

Pauple, «. (I) To indulge. ffeHk.

(2) To walk as if the feet were

tender. EaxU

Pan, (1) *. (^.-51) The skuU ; the


(2) 9. The piece of timber in a

house which lies on the top of

the po6ts,and supports the beams.

(3) 9, The hard earth befc>w that

which is moved by the plough.

(4) V. To unite; to agree; to fit.


ili\ 9. A tadpole. Samenet.

6) 9. A cant term for money.

(7) V. To bind firmly, as a bam

floor of day, any soil in a fidd,or

gravel for a road or foot path

which unites adhesivdy and

firmly. Norf,

Panable, a^f, Ukdy to agree.


Panache, «. (1) (A.-N.) The plume

on the top of a helmet.

(2) Any small tassel of ribbons.

Ladiee' Diet,

Panade, *. (A,'N,) A iort of two-

edged knife.

Panado, 9, A caudle of bread.

-Tb make^oMio after the best ftahien.

Take a qnart of spring-water, which

beinc hot on the fire, put into it ahoes

of fine bread, as thin as may be; the*

add half a pound of cnrrans, a qoaiter

of an onnee of mace, boil them well,

and then season them wilh roe»>w«iex

and fine sugar, and serve them «p.

Panatbt, 9, {A,^N,) The i

house for bread; wheaoe our


Item at supper-a messeof potagOb apcie

of mutton, and a nwmrde at onr aid

kechyn, a cast of chete brcde at ear

fttmatrftj and a galon of ale at ear

Wtrye : item at after supper a ckcte

loff and a mauMket at our aamifcy

barre, a galon of ale at oar Vnttrye

barre, and half a galon f>f wrne at owr

seller barre. MS.UM. riJI.

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-pAMAmT,#. A Storehouse for bread.

Pancakb-tukbdat, 9, Shrote-


Panch, t. Broken pieces of pottery.


Panchson, 9. (1) A pan. Var. d,

(2) An earthen bowl. North.

Pancrock, «. An earthen pan.


Pandbl, 9. A shrimp. Kent.

PANDEWAPr.f. Water and oatmeal

boiled together. North.

Pandorb, «. (ItaL pandura.) A

musical instrument, somewhat

resembling a late.

Pandovlob, «. A custard. Somer9.

Panb, 9. (1) A division ; a pannel.

(2) (jt.-N.) A hide or side of fur.

(3) The quantity of clay or brick

noggin between two studs. East.

TAVKDf tug. Striped.

Panbd-hobb, «. Breeches orna-

mented with cuts or openings in

the cloth, where other colours

were inserted in silk, and drawn


Our diieised fftthcn

Worried with the iciatica and aches,

BroQcht up yonr paned koae flnt. whieh

ladSesIanghtat. Muu.,(HdLam,u,\.

Panbl, «. An unchaste woman.


PANsa, «. Parsnips. Comw.

Pamo, v. To stuff. North.

Panhin, 9. A small pan. Ea9t.

Panick, 9. A coarse grain like


Pank, (1) V. To pant. D^voii.

(2) «. A minnow. See Pini.

Panyin, 9. A small pan ; a jar.


Pannaqx, 9. The mast of oak and

beech which swine feed on in the


Paknam, 9. A cant term for bread.

Pamniclb, 9. {Lai.) A membrane.

Tor why oUier like membrea» as daoes,

honys,' nystyUes, panniclu, ne skya,

and othir sneh, be not lowdyd be Yerrey

restorync, for the mater of hem was the

sccde of here parentis. MS. lUk «etU.

Pankibr-man, «. A servant in an

inn of court, who announced the


Pannikbll, 9. The crown of the

head. Spentet.

Pannikin, 9. Fretting. Sii^olk.

Pan-puddino, 9, A pudding baked

in a pan.

Pansbaro, 9. A bit of « broken

pan. Dor9et.

Fanshon, 9. An earthenware ves-

sel, wider at the top than at the

bottom. Line.

Vjm%y, 9. {Fr. penMie.) The viola


Pant, «. (1) A public fountain;

a cistern. North.

(2) A hollow declivity. We9t.

Pantablb, 9, A sort of high shoe,

or slipper; perhaps corrupted


I cry your matronshin mercie; becaiMe

your MUabkt be higher with oorke,

therefore voar feete most needs be

higher in the instep.

J4ffy, Smdimiom, Court Com., G 8 b.

Pantalonb, 9. (Ital.) A zany, or


Pantaloons, «. (Fr.) Breeches

and stockings all in one piece.

Pantab, 9. A dangerous disease in


Pantbr, 9. {A.'N.) A net, or snare.

Pantbrbr, 9. The keeper of thb


Pantilb, 9. A dissenter, more espe-

cially a quaker. Pantile'9hopf a


Pantlbr, 9. The servant who had

the care of the pantary, or of the


Panto, v. To set seriously about

anything. North.

Pantofle, 9. {Fr. pantoujle.) A

slipper. One page was considered

as attached to the pantq/le9, it

being his office to bring them

when wanted. Hence a dangler

upon women was called 9qwr9 of


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lean wait on

Carry yoi


As your page,

I your trencher, fill your wine,

pMitefies, and be aometimea

In aUhiunOity, to toach your feet

Then aha ahall broake

Thy pate with her red fOMkfie, and wreake

Her spight upon thee, that thon ahalt not


To qnake nor bite her fhit-entanriing

PtniHt, Satyrts> 1686.

And that yon can with fair becoming

grace, and modiah cringes, voneh your

gallantry 'gainst any tcmrt ^ tMspa»'

kfi* within the king^s dominion

Ihttftg, foci tum'd Critu» jre.

Pantox,». An idle fellow. Somera.

Pantron, t. A small earthen pan.


Papalin, «. A papist.

Papat, *. (A,-N.) The papacy.

Papdblb, «. A kind of sauce.

" Hares in pepdele," Forme qf

Cury, p. 21.

Papejat, It. a parrot; a tain

PAPiNJAT, J person.

Papblard, *. {J.-N.) A hypocrite.

Papblardib, ». Hypocrisy.

Papblotb, «. A sort of caudle.

Papbrn, a4^'. Made of paper, ffett

Papbr-picturb, «. A print. WegL

Pap-hbao, «. A woman's nipple.

Papish, t. A papist. Devon.

Paplbr, t. Milk-pottage. Somen.

Papmouth, «. An effeminate man.


PappBi r. To pamper.

Pap-wort, 9. The plant mercury.

Par, ». (1) A pen for beasts. Sa»L

(2) A small fish, conjectured to

be the young of salmon. North.

Paradisb-applb, *. A fruit, pro-

duced by grafting a pearmain on

a quince.

Parafpb, «. A paragraph.

Paraob, t. iJ.-N.) Parentage.

Paragon, (1) r. To excel greatly.


I am sure 'twas well for her she waa

so; for before that she went,in ptaragon

and pattens.

Skadwell, Ths HmmaritU, 1671.

Paraillb, t. (A.'N.) (1) ApptreL

(2) Men of rank.

Parais, 9. {A.'N.) Paradise.

Param ARROW, 9. A sow-gclder.


Parambnts, 9. {A.'N.) Famiture.

Par-amour, *. {A.'N.) LoTC;

gallantry. .

Paramour, t. {A.'N.) A lover.

Parantmph, 9. {Or.) A brides-


Onr marriate-bed.

Though poor and thin, wooid hare been

neatly drest

By mral MToiiysifb. dad in the best

wool their own flocks afforded.

CkamberUvn^t PAafomnds, !«».

PARAauiTO, 9. {Hal.) A perroqoet.

Paravaunt, adv. {Fr.) Before-

hand ; first.

Paraybkturb, ado.{A.^N.) Haply.

Parboil, v. To boil gently or


Parbrbak, v. To Tomit.

Parbrbakino, «(r. FretfiiL Sx*


Parcbit, It. (^.-M) Peieep.

PBRCBiT, J tion.

Parcbl, (1) 9. Part. It is joined

with different words in the uaa»

of partly t as pareel-fiU, partly

ffXt, pareel^poet, &c.

Or dumginff

His fttted-giU to massy ^m.

B. /OM., AldumiL

He*»pareM^taU$man,ptireM-pn€HjuA m

If you obsenre, he's parceU-poat too.


(2) A great deal Devon.

(3) (A.'N.) Parsley. North.

Parcbl-mblb, adv. {A.-S.) By


Parcbnbr, 9. One who has an

equal share in an inheritance.

Parchbmin, 9. (i>.) Parchment

Parchmbnt, 9. A sort of lace.

Parchmbntbr, 9. A maker of


Parclosb,! ». (1) (i^.-M) Apar-

PBRCLOS, J tition between two


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(2) A parlour.

Pardal, «. {Lat.) A leopard.

PxRDfe, \{A.^N. par Dieu.) A

PAKDT, J commoD oath.

Pardonkk, «. {A.'N.) One who

sold pardons and indulgences.

Parourablk. See Perdurable.

Pars, v. To impair.'

Parxl, «. Peril.

Parrls, v. To apparel.

Parxll, «. Whites of eggs, bay

salt, milk, and pump water, beat

together, and poured into a vessel

of wine to prevent its firetting.

Parbmrnts, 9, (1) Adornments,

aa clothes to a person, furniture

to a house, &c.

(2) The skin of deer, &c

(3) Pavements. North,

Parbntele, t. {ji.'K) Kindred.

Parbntrelinarib, a4;. {A.-N.)


Pares, v. {A,-S. paran.) (1) To


(2) To give a less quantity of

milk. Craven.

Parpat, ^exeL (A.-N.) By my

PARFBT, J faith !

Parvaitmbss, «. (^A.'N,) Perfec-


Parpet, adj. Perfect.

Parpourn, ». (A.-N,) To com-

plete ; to perform.

pARPURNisH, V. To fumish en-


Parobt, t. (Fr.) To roughcast a


Mftfoo, a pdrgetUr : a roughmason, or

he that trimmeth walla with roaghcaat.

Nomtncl, 1585.

Fifteen inoiqnea profeaae their bravery,

roand (after the uoly Alkaba in Mecca),

til'd witliimt, and pargttted with azure

■tonea resembliug turquoises; lined

within, and pure black poliaht marble.

Uerber^M TmeU, 16S8.

pARiBTART, «. The plant pellitory.

Holfyband, 1593.

Paringal, adj. {A.-N.) Equal.

Farino-spade, 9. A breast-plough.


Paris-ball, «. A tennis-ball. Pali.

Paris-candlb, «. A large sort of

wax candle.

Parisbbn, «. {A.'N.) A parish-


Parisbino, 9. A hamlet dependent

on a parish.

Parish-lamtbrn, 9. A popular

name for the moon.

Paris-work, e. A sort of jewel-


Paritor, t. An apparitor.

Park, «. (1) A sort of fishing net.

Holiyband, 1593.

(2) A field, or close. Devon.

Parkbn, 9. A cake composed of

oatmeal, carraway seeds, and

treacle. Ale and parken is a

common morning meal in the

North of England.

Parkbr, 9. The keeper of a park.

Parklevtys, 9. The plant agtmu


Parlante, v. To hold parley.

He craTcd parlie, u a man that were to

quietnes bent,

The place appointed, pvUmtes him in

■imple meaning meet.

Warmer*t JUimu EngUuid,U9i.

Parlb, 9. A parley.

To the one wee agreed, that either him-

selfe should talke with him, or wee

would if he were not too terrible : eyther

waa sufficient, and that following night

wee should summon him to a parli.

BowUutdt, SMreh/or Money, 1609.

Parlbmbnt, 9. iA.'N.) A meeting

for talk or consultation.

Parlby, 9. To argue. Yorkeh.

Parliament, 9. A kind of crisp

gingerbread. Northampt,

Parlisb, adj. (1) Perilous.

(2) Acute; shrewd. North.

Parlour, t. {A.^N) A room for

private conversation ; the com-

mon-room in religious houses

into which the religious with-

drew after dinner.

Parlous, adj. Perilous.

Parmacitt, 9. A corruption of

spermaceti. Shakeep,

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PAR 726


Parmisant, ». Some sort of liqnor.

The Switeer'i »toop of Rhenish, the

Italian's pamiUant, the Englishman •

healths, ftc. Decker, OuTt Homb.

They were dnink according to all the

roles of learned dmnketmess, as apsy-

freeze, crambo. parmuijU. ^ „ ^.

Decker, Seven Deadhf Stnt.

Paknbl, ». (Ital. petroneBa,) A

slat; aloosegirL

Paroch, *. A parish.

Parock, ». A meeting to take an

acconnt of rents and pannage in

the wealds of Kent.

Parode, 9. {Gr,) An adage.

Pakolist, ». A great talker.

Pa»ow, ». The rind of fruit.

Parpoint, ». {Fr, pierre-a-point.)

A thin wall, the stones of which

are placed on the edge. Oa©«i.

Parre, (1) V. {A.'S.) To inclose.

(2) ». A yonng leveret. Devon.

Parrbll, 9. iJ.'N.) A chimney-


Parrock, 9. (1) (^..S.) An in-

closure; cattle-stall.

(2) A little park.

Parrokbn,v. To inclose, or thrust

in. P. PL

Parbaob, *. An old game at cards.

Parse, 1, See Perw.


A fell fleet dogge that hunts my heart by

aarsee each-where found.

^ nramer'»AlbiotuEnfflmd,lhW.

ParseM, 9. Personal charms. Cumb.

V AM\h, 9. {A.-N.) Parsley.

Parson, ». A bUck beetle. Leie.

Parsoner, ». A parishioner.

Part, (1) *. To depart.

(2) ©. (A.'N.) To share.

(3) t. Some ; a little. North.

Partable, adj. Partaking.

Partaker, 9. An assistant.

Parted, tt4f. (1) Endowed with

parts, or abilities.

A youth of good hope ; well friended, well

parted. Autw. Hoe, O. P., iv, 314.

(2) Departed, or dead.

Partel, 9. A portion.

Partial, adj. Impartial.

Particular, ». A great friend.


Partie, *. (A.'N.) A part. Ptr^

ti9e, parts.

Partisan, *. {A.-N.) A sort of

pike, or lance.

Partless, (1) adj, Witbont part;

destitute. Barclay ^ 1570.

(2) adv. In part; partly. <&tf.

Partlette, t. A ruff or band for

the neck, worn by women.

As frontlettes. fyllcttes, mtA^/I**. and

bracelettes. /bur A. O. FL, i, 64.

One prorincc for her robe, her rail another,

BerparlUt this, her pantofle the t'tAhcr;

This l:er rich mantle, that her royall chain.

SfU. Duivri, in. 11, ^

Partlinos, adv. In part. DvarK

Partricr, ». A partridge.

Parturb, t. Departore.

Parturb, ». To confound. See


Party-cloth, ». Cloth of different


Party-coloured, «&*. Variegated-

Party-fellow, ». A copartner.

Parure, 9. {A.'N) An omameot.

Parvenke, 9. (if.-JV.) A pink.

Parvis, 9. The porch or portico of

a church. The parris at St.

Paul's wss a common place of

meeting for lawyers for comsnlts-


Parwhobble, (1) V. To tslk

quickly. We9t.

(2) *. A parley, or conference.

Par- YARD, «. The farmyard. &/

Pas, ». (A.-N.) A pace; afoot-pscc.

Pasch-eggs. See Pace'Eg99,

Pase, V, (1) To lift up. North,

(2) To ooze out. Dor9et,

(3) t. Easter.

Pash,9. (1) To beat with violence;

to crush.

(2) ». A fall of rain or snow,


(3) ». A great number. North.

(A) 9. Anything decayed. North.

(5) 9. Brains. C4etA.

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Paskey, adj, Atthmatic. We$i.

Paslino, adj.

Soreley I perodTe thafc lentenee of Flato

to be trne which sayeth that there it

nothingebetterin anye common wealthe,

titan that there should be alwayes one

or other excellent patUiice man, whote

life and vertne shonld placke forwarda

the will, diligence, laboure, and hope of

ail other. A§ekam't Toiopk.

pAfiif RT, *. A parsnipw WiU$.

Pass. (1) v. (A,-N,) Td exett; to


(2) 9. To go.

(3) ©. To die.

(4) «. To saceeed.

(5) V, To report ; to tell. Devon.

(6) V. To have regard for.

(7) 9. To toll the bell for a


(8) «. A beating. Comw.

(9) a. A frame aupporting stones

in forming an arch.

(10) Wett tojmt, rich, well to do.

Passado, 8. A fencing term.

Passaos, *. (1) {Fr. patte dix.)

An old game played with three

' dice.

(2) A ferry. Devon.

Passagbb, 8. In the toilet of the

latter end of the 17th century, a

term giten to a curled lock of

hair arranged on the forehead.

Ladiee' Diet.

PAsaAMBN, 8. {Fr.) A sort of lace

in fashion in the 15th century.

Passamezzo, 8. A slow dance,

often corrupted to passa-measure,

paasy-measnre, or passing-mea-


Pa8Sanob,«. a journey.

Thni paased they their fossance, and

wore out the weerie way with these

pleasant diacouraes and ptettie poiiea.

' Saiir'tNarbomu,lhBO.

Pass-bank, «. The bank at the

game of passage.

Passe, 8. Extent.

Passe-flamingo, t. A kind of


Dogfra, eati, and othen ; and in blrda,

as estrichea, vultives. cranes, and puM-

fiemngoeit whose feathers (eqnalliziog

the birds of paradise) are rich crimson

and pure white so amiably oommixed,

that above others it inticed my paina

to present it yoa.

ff«r6«rr« 2V«»*i#, 1M8.

PAasKNOBft, t. A passage-boat.

Passer, 8. A gimlet. Leic. See


Passing, adj. Exceeding. See


Passion, (1) t. Emotion of any

kind; sorrow.

(2) V. To feel or express passion.

pAssiONBR, 8. (Lat.) A book con-

taining the lives of saints.

Passionate, (1) adj. Pathetic.

(2) V. To express passion.

Pass-on, v. To adjudge.

Passt-mxabu&b. See Paeeameizo.

Past-all, atff. Uncontrollable.

Pastaoncb, 8. Pastime.

Paste, 8. (1) Hard preserves of


(2) False jewellery.

Pasteel, 8. (fV.) A perfuming ball.

Come, striplmg, follow me, I*le get some

fotUeU, and sti£Fen my whiskers, and so

go. ShadwU, Amorous BigolU^ 1690.

Pastbler, *| a. {A.'N.) A baker

pastxrbr, > of pastry ; a oonfec-

pabtlbr, J tioner.

Pastb-royal, 8. An article of con-


How to raske pattg-^oyiU in saucea.

^Uce sugar, the quantity of four ouncea,

very finely beaten and searced, and put

it into an ounce of cinnamon and ginger,

and a grain of musk, and so beat it into

paste with a little gum dragon steep'd in

rose-water ; and when you have beaten

it into paste in a stone mortar, then ronl

it thin, and print it with your moulders ;

then dry it before the fire, and when it

is dry, box it up and keep it all the year.

Trtu Oentlewmtm^s Delight, 1678.

Pastbthb, 8. A perfuming-ball.

Pasticuiip, 8, A shoemaker's balL


Pastorel, 8. {A.'N.) A shepherd.

Fastron, 8. (Fr.) A fetter for the

legs of unruly horses

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Pasturs, v. To feed.

Pastt, adj. Pale-looking.

Pat, (1) «. A hog-trough. Sunex,

(2) a4r. Pert ; litcly. York$h.

Patacoon, «. (Span, patae&n,) A

Spanish coin, worth 4«. Sd,

Pataoub, v. To fatigue. Abr/A-


Patand, s. {A.'N.) The lowett sill

of timber in a partition.

Patch, (1) 9, A fool.

The ideot, the m^A, the ihtTe, the booby.

The property, fit omlj to be beaten.

Ma»t.» New W.^ t, 1.

(2) t. An ill-natured, disobliging

person, used chiefly by young

girls towards each other. Suuex.

(3) 9, A cherry-stone. Dewm,

(A) 9. A child's clout We9i.

(5) V. To patch vpoii, to impute

blame. Ea9L

Patcb-pannel, a^. Shabby.

Patk, (1) «. A badger. Nor4h,

(2) adj. Sickly. Exmoor,

(3) 9. A boat. 14M cent.

Patenb-cut, adj. Tobacco cot up

and tied, for smoking. North.

Patbrero, 9. A chamber cannon.

Pateron, i «. (jFV.) a workman's

PATRON, J model or pattern.

Pathbrish, adj. Silly, applied to

sheep that have the disease called

** water on the brain." Sui9ex,

V ATHvriCAL, adj. Affected.

Patibnatb, adj. Patient. We9t,

Patience-dock, 9. Snakeweed,

polygonum bUtorta. North.

Patient, v. To tranquillise.

Patibntablb, 04/* Patient. Devon.

Patise, v. To splash in water.


Patre, v. To pray by repeating the

paternoster ; to mutter.

Patrico, 8. An old cant term

among beggars for a hedge priest

Patron, 9. {Fr.) A master. A

term used by jockeys with regard

to their employers ; formerly ap-

plied especially to sea-captains.

Pattblbare, «. An article of wo-

men's dreaa formerly made in


Patten, ». A plaister.

Pattens, s. StUts. Norf.

Patter, v. (1) To mutter. See


(2) To faU in haaty repeated


Pattern, s. A pittance. NorilL

Pattern, It. An Irish merry

patron, J making.

Patters, «. Broadsides dedicated

to religious subjects.

Pattick, 9. (1) A simpleton. Weei.

(2) AUttlejug. ff^eet.

Pattikbts, 9. The seed-Tessela of

the ash. Northampt.

Pattt-pan, «. An article of pastry.

To make eold batter pute for^«^-pcM;

or pasties. Take to erery peck of floor

five pounds of batter, the whites of six

egfs, and work it well together, wick

eold spring-water; yoa most bertov a

great deal of pains, and but little water,

or yoo put oat the miller's eyes 4 this

paste is good only for pcZ/jriMii and

pasty. Sometimes for tins paste, pot la

but right yolks of eggs, and bat two

wliites snd six pounds of batter.

The Queen's Royel Cooktry, 171S.

Pauk, V. To pant Weet.

Pauky, adj. Sly; pettish; con-

ceited and proud. North.

pAUKT-BAtt, 9. A bag for collecting

fragments from a wreck. Noff.

Paul, (1) v. To puzzle. Nortk.

(2) 9. A division of tenantry land

at Brighton, containing about the

eighth part of a tenantry acre.

(3) 9. A catch for preveating

a windlass, &c., from returning


Paulino, «. A coTering for a cart


Paultrino, part. «. Pilfecing.


Paume, 9. (1) (Fr.) The palm of

the hand.

(2) (Pr.) A tennis baU.

pAumsH, o^r*. Awkward in han-

dling things. So$ner9et.

Paunce, «. (1) A coat of 1

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Thnnrhe wnemce waA plat«t

He percede the maylez.

That the prowde pensella

In hit Dftwnehe lengez.

MorU Jrlkmrt.

(2) The viola tricolor.

Paunch-clout, *. Tripe

Pauncb-quts, «. A penon with a

large stomach. Soulh,

Paunbd. See Paned,

Paunsonx, «. A coat of mail ?

A pesaae and a immmjom,

And a pria girdule. Mori



awkwardly in

, "I ©.Togo

paupin, J walking. North.

Pausation, «. A pause. Deoon,

Pausb, v. To kick. North,

pAUSBK, adj. Calmer.

Paut, ». (1) {Fr.etpmttrer,) To

kick ; to heat. North,

(2) To walk heavily.

Pautch, v. To walk in mud.


Pautbnbb, 1 9, (1) {A.^N) A

PAUTMBR, \ vagabond ; a liber-

pawtbnbkb, J tine.

(2) {A,~N) A pnrse.

Payaox, 9. A toll for the liberty

of passing over the territory of


^pIvbn 1». (*«».|'«'4««)The

»Avfv >MnieofagraveSpanish




Paved, adj, Tomed hard. Ea9t,

Paves, a. The stall of a shop.

Pavilxb, 9. {A,'N.) A man cm-

ployed in pitching tents.

Pavisb, \9, (A,.N.) A sort of

PA vxis, / large shield. PMn9er,tL

soldier armed with a pavise.

Pavonb, *. (ItaL) A peacock. Spen9,

Pavt, 9, The hard peach.

Ofpitmett or hard peachea. I know none

good here but the Newington, nor will

tiiat eaaily hand till it ia full ripe.

iSttr W. Temple, on Gtur4eiiiiiff.

Paw, (1) adj. Naughty. An affected

word, fashionable in the latter

half of the 17th cent.

Kiaa jon! fj\ that*i a jmw word.

DoMnant, The Man't the Master, 1669.

O Betty, that's a Tery jvow thing, and

mnat not ao mach as be thought on.


Pshaw, wench and pimp, mw worda j I

know thon art an honest fellow.

Wyeheries, CouiUiy Wife, 1688.

(2) exel. Fie !

Pawk,v. (1) To throw about awk-

wardly. Suf,

(2) To do a thing secretly ; to

search for wreck. Notf,

Pawky, adj, (1) awkward.

(2) Artful; cunning.

Pawm, V, To trick in gaming.

At play, indeed, they will be too cun-

ning for you: even the ladiea think it

no crime to fMwm handsomely ; and for

drinking, yon may be match'd from

night to morning; field exercise also,aa

much as any where. In short, for a

man of no business, whose Ume hangs

heavy on hia hands, reconuneud me to


Jomnejf thorwgk England, 17SM.

Pawn, «. (1) {Fir, paon) A pea-


(2; The palm of the hand.

(3) A measure of one foot.

(4) Some place in London. *' You

must to the Paton to buy lawn."

We9tv>ard Hoe, 1607.

Pawncock, 9. A scarecrow. Somer,

Pawn-oroper, 9, A miserly fellow.

Pawt, v. To potter about. lAnc.

Pawts, 9, Flat boards fastened on

the feet to enable men to walk

safely on mud or ooze. Norf,

Pax-wax. See Faxwax,

Pat, (1)0. To make amends.

(2) V, To beat.

(3^ V. To satisf

(4) 9, Satisfaction.

(3) 9, To satisfy ; to please.

(5) V. To cover with pitch. There

is a proverb, *' The devil to pay,

and no pitch hot." A ship has

her bottom well paid,

Paybn, 9. (A,-N.) A pagan.

Payl, (1) 9. The band of a tub.

(2) V, To beat. Shrop9h,

Payling, 9, A beating shower.


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Patloun, 9, {A.'N,) A tent.

Paym AN| ». A sort of cheese-cake.

Patmbnt, *. Injury. Une,

Paynb, ». (1) {Fr.) Bread.

(2) A field, or plain.

(3) A coat of mail.

Pays, #. (1) {A.-N,) A country.

(2) Pitch.

Paysauncb, ». Pausing.

Payzb, r. {A.'N.) To raise with a

lever. Somerset.

Pba, (1) #. A peahen.

(2) V. To look with one eye.


(3) #. {Fr.poids.) A weight used

with the steelyard. ^oti/A.

pBA-BLurr, t. A tube through

which boys blow peas. Sujf.

Peach, v. To betray a secret j to

inform against.

Bis fetlier waa a roaring caTalier,

kpettcking rascal, that betray*d o«r fac-

tion. DuTfey, FM tmn*d Critick.

Pba-bsh, 9. Pease-stnbble. West.

P*^-«°°"'U, A simpleton,


Peak, (1) #. Lace. Var.d.

(2) t>. To pry. Norf.

{S)aty. Weak; languid. iVorM-


Pbakish, adj. Simple ; rude.

Once hunted he, nntill tbe chaae, longfaat-

ine, and the heate

Bid honae him in ^peaiUh graonge withia

a forest great.

Wamef^s AUtwu BngUmd, 1S92.

Peakrels, 9. The inhabitants of

the Peak.

Peal, (1) 9. An uproar. North.

(2) «. A batch of bread. Devon.

(3) V. To pour out. Gtouc.

Pea LB, V. To cool. York9h.

Pbalinq, «. A kind of apple.

Pban, v. To beat. Cumb.

Pbark, v. (1) To peep.

(2) To perch. Craven.

Pearl, 9. (1) Anything precious.

(2> The part of a deer's horn

above the burr.

Pearl-coated, adj. Curly fleeced.


Pearlins, t. Coarse bone-lace.

Pearmain, 9. (Fr. parmain.) A

kind of apple.

The pMmMtiw, which to Fnnoe long ere

to OS was kBowne,

Which careftill frut'rcra now have denitend

our owne. Z^raytonVPafyottton, aooglS.

Pbart, adj. Brisk; lively; wdl.

Pronounced in some parts jM^arf.

There was a triekate girle, I wot, albat

dad in gray,

As peart as bird, m linite ai Inmlt. as

freshe as flowen in May.

Wtmur't JWUm» BmgUad, ISM.

Pear-warden. See Warden,

Peas-and-sport. Grey peat boUed

in the shell, eaten with batter

and salt, and the company tkiow

the shells at each other.

Peas-blossom-damp, 9. A damp

in coal-pits.

Peascod, 9. The shell of pcaa.

Pbahe, (1) V. To appease.

(2) V. To issue from a piiDCtare

in the form of peaa. Somerset.

(3) 9. A pea. ^'^'i^^-

(4) V. To weigh. See Peise.

Pbasb-bolt, «. Pease- straw. JBavf.

Peasb-brusb, a. Pease-stobble.


Pease-hallows, a. Pease-straw.


Pbase-halh, 9. Pease-straw.

Pbase-porridob-tawny,«. DiftgT


Pbasbam, s. Pease-straw. South.

Pbasipovse, 9. Peas and beans

grown together as a crop. Gkme.

Peabon, 9. The pL of pea, hot

formerly used as tbe collective

or general name for pease.

Prick p€0S(m and beanea, if thy garden

he dry,

At change of the moone, and In beaatinill

akye. jtlmam0et,lBl^

Pea-swad, 9. A peascod. North.

Pbat, 9. A delicate person, usually

applied to a young female.

Of a little thing.

You are a pretty peat, indifferent fair too.

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Pkawch-wal, ». A sort of coal.


Pkbblb-bostbr, «. A nran em-

ployed in breaking stones. Staff,

Peccant, adj. {Lat.) Sinning.

If that thy right eye caue thee to trtni-

Then pal) it <mt, what member more or less

la peeamt in ihe body, itrike it detid :

£xcept» divines and doctors say. the head.

Om€»*s BfigrtoM, 1077.

PBSB }'• A. drinkiBg-cup.

Pkch, v. To pant. Ctini^.

Pkck, (1) V. To cat.

(2) », Meat ; victuali. Line.

(3) «. A large quantity. Var, d.

(4) ». To pitch.

(5) V. To stumble. ItwUh.

Pbckisb, adj. Hungry.

Peckled, adj. Speckled.

Jacob the patriarke, by the force of

imacinAtion, made peetUd lamba. laying

peckUd roddei before hit theep.


Pectoral, ». (1) {LaQ Armour

for the breast. See Peiirel,

(2) A priest's stole.

Peculiar, t. A mistress.

Pecunial, adj. {Lai.) Belonging

to money.

Pecunious, adj. Avaricious.

Pecurious, adj. Precise. Eoit.

Ped, s. a hamper without a lid, in

which fish are carried. Ea$t

Peoailb, a. {A.'N.) Footmen.

Pedant, «. A teacher of languages.

Peu.belly, ». A protuberant belly.


Pedder, 8. (1) A basket.

(2) A pedlar. Var. d.

Peddle, «. Employment. North.

Peddlb-backed, adj. Carrying a

pack on the back.

Pbdelion, ». (^.-JV.) The*ette*on«

Pedbr, «. A small farmer. Une.

Pbdesat, 9. A sort of cloth.

Pbdgel, v. (1) To pick and eat

corn in the fields. Northampt.

(2) To bargain. Nortkan^t.

Pedoblst, 9. A dealer. Leic.

PsDiBBBauANT, 9. {Lat.) A fol-


Pedlar'8-ba8kbt, 9, Ivy-leaTcd

snap-dragou, angio9permia eym-


Pedlar's-vrbnch, 9. The cant


1*11 ffive a Bchoolmaiter half a erown a

week, and teach me this pedUr^t-

FirMek. Soaring Girl, 0. PL, vi, 109.

pBDLAR'a*PAD, 9. A walkiDg-stick.


Pbdnambnb, adv. Lying in bed

head to feet. Comw.

Pednpalt, 9. The tomtit. Comw.

Pee, 9. To look with one eye ; to

squint. PM<f, blind with one eye.


Pbb-deb, 9. A young lad in a keel,

who attends to the rudder. North,

Peek, (1) 9. (Fr.) A grudge.

(2) V. To flatter ; to gain favour

by carrying gossip and tales.


(3) 9. A prong, or pitchfork.


Peeked, adj. Thin. Dor9et,

Peel, (1) v. To strip. Peeled, bald.

!2) 9. A square tower. North,

3) 9. A pillow, or bolster; a

cushion used in lace-making.


(4) 9. Noise; uproar. York9h.

(5) 9. (Fr. pelle.) A board with

a long handle, used by bakers to

put their bread into the oven.

Peel-bear, 9. A pillow-case. Jkv.

See PUwebere.

Pbbl-cloth, 9. A pillow-case. Dev,

Peel-crow. See Pilcrow.

Peeler, t. (1) A crow-bar. Kent.

(2) A London policeman, because

the police was established by Sir

Robert Peel.

Pbknging, adj. Pretful. North.

Peep, (1) «. A flock of chickens.

A canntry-man sent his sonne, with a

basket lull of chickens to his land- lady ;

and the swaine, to be Tory line, said.





Miftretie, my fkthar hath Miit yon here

a nett of pups.

Coplef9 Witt, fit*, und Ahom, 181 4.

(2) 0. To chirp ; to sqaeak. It

appears to be used in the autho-

rised version of the Bible, Isaiah

▼iii, 19» in the sense of to speak

from the stomach like ayentrilo-


I say cat his wezand, ipoil hii petping,

kimers, Tht Chances, 169S.

(3) «. An eye. Somenet.

PsKPER, «. (1) An egg.pie. Devon,

(2) A looking-glass.

Peepers, «. The eyes.

Peeps, «. The pips on cards.

Peept, adj. Sleepy.

Peer, (1) •. To peep. Peery, in-


(2^ V. To pour. Oxfd.

(3) 9. The minnow. Somers.

(4) adj. Tender; delicate. Line.

(5) w^. Poor. Cumb.

Pberk, V. To walk consequentially.


Pees, ». {A.-N.) Peace.

Pest, «. (1) A pit. Somertet.

(2) " A very narowe path wherby

the sheepe passe over into the

salt marshes to fede them at a

lowe water." The Newe Meia-

mof7iAom,1600. Marg.Noie,MS.

Pester. See Peter-tee-me.

Pebyish, adj. (1) Foolish ; trifling.

There never was any to peevisk to

imagine the moone either capable of

affection, or shape of a mistris.


(2) Piercing cold. North.

(3) Witty ; subtle. North.

Pee-wic, 9. To peak and pine.


Pbe-wit, 9. The lapwing.

Peezb, v. To ooze out ; said of a

cask that leaks. Sueees.

Pepf, v. To cough faintly. North,

Peg, (1) 9. To beat.

(2) r. To move briskly.

(3) 9. A leg.

(4) 9. A tooth«

PBG-A-LAirrBRN, t. The a^iSK^-


Pboaixs, It. Hawthorn hemes.


Pbo-pichbd, 9. A West country

game, played with sharp-poiBted


Peogens, «. Children's teelh.


Pbgot, «. ( 1 ) A slender poker, bent

at the end for raking the fire

together. Smf.

(2) The nettle-creeper. Xnc.

PBOOY-WHrTE, 1 t. The


cap. Northttnq>t.

Pbgma, 9. Mr. Todd is mistaken,

or there is another meaning to

this word ; he explains it as *' a

sort of moving machine in the

old pageants ;" but it means, as

appears from the following ex-

tract, the bill fixed ap at pageanu

to give some account of their


What presentments are towards, aad

who penn'd the fMyaiM. Wtioi^s Ttats.

Pbgo, 9. Mentula.

Pbo-tankard.«. a tankard marked

inside by graduated pegs for the

purpose, it is said, of dividing

the liquor into equal portions.

Pbg-trantum, 9. A romping girl.

Ea9t. Gone to Peg Trantmm'e,


Pbioh, v. To pant.

Peine, (1) a. (A.-N.) Torment;

pain ; penalty.

(2) V. To put to pain ; to torture.

Pbinthousb. See Painthtnue.

Pbirbn, v. To diminish ; to injure;

to impair.

Pbisauncb,«. Feasants. ATS*. ibAvl


Pbisb, (1) 9. (Pr.) A weight.

(2) V. To weigh down; to


Pbitrel, 9. A breastplate; the

strap that crosses the bieast of a


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PsKB, 9. (I) To pry aboat $ttPeaM,

(2) To project out.

Pbkish, lufr'. Ignorant; siUy.

Pbkkx, «. A pack. 15M eemi.

Pbl, t. {A.-N,) A poat at which a

knight woold exercisefor joiuting.

Pblch, a4f. Weak ; faint. North,

Pblobb, 9. To encamber. Cumd,

Pklbrin, t. (A,-'N,) A pilgrim.

Pbi^, t. Refase ; rubbish ; applied

eomroonly to money.

Michaell, where art thonf whtk'i beooae

of thee?

Hw tlie nine wenehes ttolne thee from


Or from their ooaTenatioB doet thoa See,

Slth thej are rich in icience not inpe^e T

Lumiu, 8amr§€ cfRMg, 1611.

Pblk, V. To beat. NortiL

Pbll, (1) t. {A,'N.) The skin of an

animal ; fur.

(2) V, To drive forth.

(3) 9. A broad, shallow piece of

water, larger than a pond, and

smaller than a lake. Skaex,

(4) V. To wash into pells or

pools, as water does when it

flows yery violently. TopeUmway

is to wash away the ground by

the force of water. Simex.

(5) «. An earthen vesseL Devon.

(6) #. A heavy shower. North,

PBLI.BB, 9. A peg, or pin.

Pbllbbb, \9, (A.'N.) Afurgar-

PBLLURB, j ment.

Pbllbs, 9, A sort of oats. Comw.

Pbllbt, #. (1) A buUet. PeUet^

ffwUf a sort of small cannon.

(2) Dong of sheep.

Pbll-wool, 9, Inferior wool cat

off after the sheep's death.

Pblotb, 9, A pellet.

^-«!fi ]•». Rain; sleet. North.


Pblsbt, {I) adj. Obstinate; cross;

mischievous. North.

(2) 9. A blow. Bed9.

Pblt, (1) o. To strike; to pat.

(2) 9, A blow with the fist. Eoit.

(3) 9, Rage ; passion. Var. d.

(4) V. To submit.

(5) 9. The body of a fowl killed

by a hawk* A term in falconry.

(6) «. The skin. North. Peltry,


7) 9. A miserly fellow.

^8) V, To be in a rage.

;9) 9. The act of plucking fea-

thers from geese when alive,

which is done in Lincolnshire

four times during spring and


(10) «. A game at cards played

by three people.

Pbltbr, (1) 9. To beat; to patter.


(2) 9. Anything large. Cumb.

Peltino, adj. (1) Angry.

(2) Paltry; worthless.

Pblt-rot, 9. A disease in sheep.


Pblury, 9, For.

Pelvbr, v. To pilfer. Leiff.

Pbn, (1) V. To shut up ; to confine.


And at fint thocke, breakes through th' iron


Of armed men, that had hie father pmi,

Whole iword by this emboweld the prood


Enceladna, and to hit daiei gave end.

Qreat BriUinti Trojfe^ 1609.

(2) 9. A cant word for a prison.

(3) 9, A dam to keep the water

before a mill.

(4) 9. A feather ; a quilL

(5) 9. A spigot. Somer9€t.

(6) 9, A barrel for making


(7)«. A sow's pudendum. iVor/A.

Pbnancb, 9. {A.'N.) Repentance.

Pbnancb«board, 9. The pillory.

Pbnant, 9. One doing pensnce.

Pbn-bauk, 9. A beggar's oatu


Pbn-bouk, 9. A small wooden pail

with a lid. Leie.

Pbncb, 9. The yellow rattle. North*


Pbnchb, 9. A dish in cookery.

For to make a jpenehe of eggei. Tak

water, and do it in a panne to the lyre.

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■nd lat yt letbei and after tak tggn,

and brek hem, and cast hem in ihe

water ; and after tak a cheae, and kerf

yt on fowr partina, and caat in the water ;

and whanne the cheae and the eggya ben

wol aodjn, tak hem owt of the water,

and waach hem in clene water, and tak

waatel breed, and temper yt wyth mylk

ofakow. And after do vt over the fyre:

and after foray yt wyth gyngever and

wyth comyn, and colowr yt wyth aafron,

and lye yt wyth eg^na; and oyle the

•ewe with boter; and kep wel the cheae

owt, and dreaae the aewe, and dvmo

egeya theron, alful : and kerf thy cheae

in lytyl achyma, ana do hem in the aewe

wyth eggya, and aerve yt forthe.

Pencils, v. To paint.

Penclkak, #. Ascribe. Calender

of Scripture, 1575.

Pbnd, (1) V. To lean.

(2) V. To depend ; to belong to.

(3) 9, Presaure ; strain. St^.

(4) «. A roof vavlted with

masonry, but not joined.

(5) o. To distress ; to be in need.

Batt, To run in a distressed way,

as, '* He came pendin* idong fit to

burst." Noff.

(6) 9, A case of necessity.


PxNDALL, «. A keystone.

PsNDANT, 9, (1) A carpenter's


(2) Any hanging ocnament.

Pkndant-pbath^rs, 9, The fea-

thers at the joints of a hawk's


Pbnoil, «. A pendulum. North.

pENDLB,a</v. Suddenly. ''He came

pendle upon him." Herrf,

Pbnolx-btonb, «. The upper coarse

in a stone-pit.

Pbndollt,«. a child's doll. Line.

Pbnouoam, 8. The penguin. SM-


Pbnblub8,s. Wooden boards.

Penfbathxbbd, adj. Shabby. Line,

Pbnible, a4r. (<<^**iV^} Painstaking ;


PsmiAN, 9. A writer; a derk.

Pbnnbd, 04;. Winged.

Pbnm BBy #. A c«se to bold pens.

Pbmnbt, Is. (J.'S, pemnm.) The

PXNNIN, J inclosed place where

oxen and otheranimalsareied and

watered; any tomporary place

erected to contain cattle. Somen.

Pbnnbyaib, «. A sort of fur.

PXNNIi.K88-BENCB, #. A pOpulST

term for a stato of poverty.

Pennino-timb, a BedUme. Ojfd.

Pbnnock,#. a small bridge over a

watercourse. Suaiex.

Pbnnt-xabth, 9. A stoney earth

full of round shells, found in the

fullers'-earth beds. NoriMnqU.

Pbnnt-fathbb, s. a pennriiNUi


AIaa» thia reconftrma wliat I said rather,

Coamua has evar been a pmrnj/^^ntiur.


Pennt-latticb-housb, a. Alow


Pbknt-m BABURB, «. Thc day above

the penny-stone.

Penny -POTS, #. Pimples on the

face of a drunken person.

PxNNT-PBJOK, s. An old nime of

a game.

Pbnnt-stonb, 9. (1) A tort of

coarse woollen cloth, used in the

17th cent., especially for liiiiB|8.

(2) The best iron ore. ShrqpA,

(3) The game of quoits playod

with stones.

Pbnnt-waotail, t. The waier-

wagtail. £a9t.

Pbnnywbed, 9. The plant rattle.

Pbnnt-whip, t. Very amall beer.


Pbmoncbl,«. {A,'N.) a baaner.

Set PensiL

Pens, «. (1) (^.-51) Pence.

(2) The long hair of deer.

Pbnsb, v. To be fretfnl. .fiatf .

Pbnsbt, a4f. Fretful ; dull.

Pbnsi, s. {A,'N.) Thought.

Pbn81l,«. a large blister. ^SsMert.

Pbnsil, 1 8. {A.-N.) A pan-

PBNBBLL, vdant, or omaiaental

PBNOMaBL, J flag.

pBNSiyBHBD,,#. Pensivcnew.

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PBy-«TocK, 9. A floodgtte to ft

millpond. South.

Pbn-swan, 9. The female twan, the

male being called a eob^npon,

PmfTt part* p» Appended.

Pbntacls, 9. A figure of three

intersecting triangles, used by


Pkntbd, adf. Belonged ; pertained.

PsNTKNnT, 9. A dungeon within

a jail.

pBN-TBRr8H| a. The mitieUthrush.


pBirrtcn, t. (I) The part of a roof

which projects over the wall ; a

shed over a door.

(2) A canvass blind to protect

stores outside a door from the

snn and rain.

PBKTiOLa, a. A covering.

Pbnvls, f. {Lut,) The scrotum.

Pbon, a. A barbed javelin.

PsonsN, a. Peers.

Pbpillbs, «. Water purslain.

Pbpinnbbt, f. The part of an

orchard where fruit-stones are

set for growing.

PBPLB,a.(i#..i^.) People. P€pU9h,

to fill with people.

Pbppbb^v. (1) To beat; to hit with

ahoti snowballs, &c. JBot/.

(2) To scold. Var,d,

(3) To overreach. Lme.

\a) To take peppir m the mom,

to be angry, or take offence.

B«caiue I oitertaiiied this fentlemiui

for my ueieat — he Uku ptpptr V tk*

MM, and aoenet it out npon my ancimt.

CJupm., Mmglkts, iii. p. 73.

Pbppebbd, fMir/. ji. Infected with

tue9 fftnerea,

Pbppbbbb, a. A grocer.

Pbppbbibob, a. The barbeny.


Pbppbbnbl, a. A lump, or swdling.

Haiaypp^nri iu hit head, u big u a

poUefa en.

PBPPBB-aauATTBB, 9. Suuffers.

PBP8B, V. To throw at. Yar, d.

Per, V, Liquid poro when it falls

stringy. Lane.

Pbbadvbntubb, 1 ado, {A.»N.)

PBB A u NTBB, J Perchancc

Pbbboii., v. To boU slowly. See


Nay, wife, (quoth be) thoa maiit be

wooder'd at,

Ym makiDK porredge of a perhoild cat.

BowUmda, Kmm ofHarU, 1618.

Pbbcabb, ado. Perchance.

Pbbcbivancb, a. Perception.

Pbbcbivb, 9. To understand.

Pbbcbl, a. A parcel.

PsBCEL-MBLB, adv, {A.-N,) Piece-


Pebcbb, a. A short sword.

Pebch, f. A measuring-rod.

Pebcbb, v. (1 ) To pierce.

(2) To perish.

Pbbchbmbb, f. A parchment,


Pbbcheb, f. A large wax candle,

called also a Paris candle.

Pbbcix>8b, a. A conclusion.

Bat looke for emoother matter in the

middeit, and moat emooth in the ptrchn

and wind-np of aU.

Ihnet Pmtkwig, ffitt.

Pbbcook, a. A kind of early apple.

Pbbd*, \oxeL{A.-N,) By God!

PBBDT, J truly 1

Pebdiclb» a. The eagle-stone.

Pebdon, a. A ptrdonum, or plea

by which land was claimed under

a gift special.

Pbbou, a. (/v.) A soldier sent on

a forlorn hope; a person in a

desperate state.

Pbbdvbable, a^. Everlasting.

Pbbdubb, v. To endure. Pordura-

bUity, endurance.

Pbbb, (1) f. {A..N.) A peer.

(2) ». {A,'N,) To appear.

Pbbeoal, adj. (A.-N.) Equal.

Pebbobine, a. A kind of falcon.

PBBB8INB, f. A gum.

Pbbfbct, a<(^'. Sure.

Pbbfit, a4f. Perfect.

Pbbpobcb, (1) 9. To force.

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(2) adv. Of necessity.

Pbeform, v. To complete.

Pbrfournb, 9. To complete ; to


Pbbgb, 9, (LaL) To go on.

Pbbiclb, «. (Lat.) A danger.

Pbeib, «. {A,'N,) A pear-tree.

Pbbilouslt, adv. Dangerously.

Period, v. To make to cease.

pRRiSH, «. (1) To destroy.

(2) To pain^ or injure. "

Perished, part. p. Starved with


Perite, adj. {Lai.) Skilful.

Periwinke, f . A periwig.

Per-jenete, If. {A.'N.) A


.Perk, (1) t. A perch. 5«Jf.

(2) 9. A park. Yorkth.

(SSadj. Proud; elated.

(4^ V. To adorn.

(5; 9. A wooden frame against

which sawn timber is set up to

dry. Ea9t.

(6) 9. To examine carefully.


(7) V. To prick up the ears.

Perkbrs, 9. Young rooks. North.

Perkin, 9. Water cider.

Perk-up, v. To lift the head dis-


Perkt, atg. Saucy. Weit.

Peeled, adj. Ornamented, espe-

cially with pearls.

Perlin, 1 f. The piece of timber

PURLIN, j which runs along under

the middle part of the spars of a


Perlous, adj. Perilous.

Perm ATAY, excL {A.-N.) By my

faith 1

Pern, (1) r. To pick and dress


(2) To prosper. Somert.

Pernel, 9. (1) The pimpernel.

(2) A weidc, sickly person. More.

Perpend, o. To consider atten-


Which stnrang erent, whiUt that I doo

perptnd and to minde caU,

My penne (in troCbc) ismdie tyrcsteatoT

my hand to falL SfaMw* Awfto, l»l.

Perpbndiclb, f. The plnmb line

of a quadrant.

Perpendiculars,*. The testicles.

Ccpiey'9 Wits, Pii9, and Faneiei,


Perpbnt, 9. A thin vrall, the stoso

of which are built on the edge.


Perfbntinb, 9. A porcupine.

Perpent-stone, 9. A large sUme

reaching through a wall.

Pbrpbtuana, 9. {Lai.) A glossj

cloth, called more usually ever-


Pbrplantbd, pari. p. Plssted


pBRauiRB, 9. To inquire into.

PBRRAyiTLB, 9. (from Lat. perm-

bulo.) Circumlocution. Craven.

Pbrr6, 9. {A.:N.) A dish is oM

cookery, made cliiefly of pesir

onions, and spices.

Pbrrib, «. (1) {A.^N.) Jewdi;

precious stones.

(2) A sudden storm ; a squall.

Pbrribrb, a. A military machise

for throwing large stones; ap-

plied, at a later period, to a sort

of mortar for throvring stone shot

Perry, a. A little cur dog. Norfk.

Pbrrt-dancers, a. The aorori

borealis. Ea9t.

Pers, a. (1) Ablueish-grayooloiir.

(2) A sort of cloth.

(3) Persia.

PERSAUNT,/»ar/. a. {J.-N.) Pierc



Perscrute, 9. {Lai.) To sesrcli


Perse, o. To pierce.

PKKdt,9.(A.'N.) Equality.

Perser, f. An auger.

PERSByBR, V. To persevere.

Pershall, 04;. Partial. Hegwooi,


Persil, a. {A.'N.) Panley.

pBR80N,a. {Lat.) Anactor; amssk.

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Tsmaov ABLE, adj. Penonally Tiai-


If J laied lorde ofWinehetterniednnto

the kvog that the kjng bit father, so

▼iflited with tickenesM. was not ^mt-

totuibU. HaU,Emr$ VI, ff 18.

PsssoNB, «. ApanoD.

PcaspBCTiTBy g, A reflecting-


Pbrspicil, ». An optic-glass. j4U

humazar, 1634.

PsRSTANOy V. To nnderstancL

Pbksuadb, f. Persuasion.

Pbrsuaobb8» ». (1) Pistols.

(2) Spars.

Pbrswat, 9. To mitigate.

Pbrt, adj. Delicate; subtle; of

good appearance. See PetarL

Fart at pear-monger t*d be.

If Molly were bat kind,

Cool aa a cacnmber would lee

The rest of womankind. OU Somg,

Pbrtb, 9. To part.

Pbrtelot, 9. The name of a hen.

Pbrtlt, ad9. (A,-N.) Openly.

Pbrtrichb, f. A partridge.

Pbrturbb, 9. To trouble.

Pbrtt, 9. Part.

Pbrur, 9, A sort of cap.

Pbru8b,9. To examine; tosnrref.

Pbrtinkb, 9. (A,'S.) The peri-


Pbsanb, 9, A gorget attached to

the helmet.

Pb8, f. and r. Perhaps a piece, and

to piece.

Ut gammer lat her down on her p«, and

DM me reach thj brechea.


Sat poyv *od patching of Hodg her

man*! briche. Ih.

pBSCHALiTB, 9, Pcue-straw.

pBBCoD-scALDiNOy 9. A menj-

making in summer Cfenings,

at which the company are treated

with green field peaa boiled in

the sheik. Yorkgh.

Pb5b,(1)#.(^.-M) Peace.

(2) V. To appease.

TK»%Sf9.pL Peas. SeePMSon.

Pbsiblb, «if. [J,'N.^ Peaceable.

Pbsiblbt£,«. (A,-N,) a calm.

Pb8k, «. A peach.

Pbsox, 9, (k.'N,) An instrument

used for weighing.

Pb88,«. a hassock. Si^f,

pBSBANTy a^. Heayy ?

She brought him bagi, 4. huaband[s] hdp'd


As arrant miien u the earth eontainea.

Which with their mojliag care and peaiuU


Had scraped thonaanda.

RowUmdt, Immt o/ClmUt, 1011.

PB88IPB, ». A sort of cup.

PB88Uir,«. Pease-haulm. Skrop9JL

They say, ** He's as proud aa

Pbstbrbd, part. p. Teazed; em-


Pbstbrmbmt, 9, Embarrassment


PisTiLBNT, a^. Exceeding.

Amongit the rest, ontfnClmt fine.

"" I beard no biner though then thine)

Walkt on before the reat

(His beard no biner though then thine)

I before the reat.

SuekUn^t Uragmtnla Jurea,

Pbbtlb, ». (1) A leg of an animal,

especially of a pig. Ape9tle-pi9f

a large standing pie containing a

whole gammon, and sometimes a

couple of fowif and a neat's


Tet I ean sat mj Gallio's dieting,

A pettU of a lark, or plofer** wmg.

Hall, Sat Jr, I.

Ton ehall as commonljr see Irgget of

men hang np, aa herewith na yon iball

find peiteU of porka, or lenea of reale.

H$aiyt Disc, ^a Ntm WwU, p. 161.

(2) The short staff of a con*


Pe8tlb-hbad, 9. A blockhead.

Pxt6, «. Pity. Peteo99, compas-


Pbtbr, (1) exeL A very common

oath, or imprecation, in the early

English writers; by St. Peter 1

(2) f. A sort of wine. See P«/cr-


(3) 9. A portmanteau, or doak


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PET 738


. ^4)f. Cowslips.

(5) «. A sort of cosmetic

Then her boxei of peeler, and pntches,

and all her ornamental knacks and

dressea she was wont erery day to waat

80 much time about.

Several j^seourset and Charaeters, 1889.

(6) Peter seems to have been a

familiar epithet applied to the

watermen, fishermen, and raa-

rinen of the Thames. GijU^.

(7) To go throvgh St. Peter^M

needle, to be severely corrected.

Pkt£B.boat, f . A boat built sharp

at each end. Suff.

p£TEEUMAN| 9, A familiar term for

a fisherman, from the occupation

of St. Peter.

Petbr-sbk-me, 1 f. (Said to be

PBTBR-SA-MBENE, la sailof's cor-

PETER-SBMiNE, | ruptionof Pc-

PBTBR, J droXimenes.)

A rich Malaga wine.

Peter-eee-ms shall wash thy nowl,

And Malligo glasses fox thee.

JtuUl., SpoM. Gipee^t iii, 1.

Peter's-tish, 9, The haddock.

Haddock has spots on either

side, which are said to be marks

of St. Peter's fingers, when he

caught that fish for the tribute.

Pbter's-staff, 9. A plant, the

tig>tu9 bardatiu, or great mul-


Peter-stones, «. A name given

by the country people to the

fossil pentacrinal vertebrse.


•Peth, «. (1) Crum of bread.


(2) A well; a pump. Weti.

. (3) A road up a steep hill.


Petbbr, v. To ran ; to ram ; to

do anything quickly or in a

hurry. North.

Petit, at(;. (A.-N) Little.

Petition, «. An adjuration. Eaet.

Petitory, adj. Supplicatory.

Pet-up, t . A hanging-lip. North.

Fetuxv, 9. The smallest pig in a

litter. Ea9t.

Petrel, ». See PeitreL

Pbtroll, 9. A chalky clay. Plorio.

Petronel, ». A gon fired from the


Petticoat, «. A man's waistcoat.

pETTiE8,f. Mean grammarschoUn.

Pettigrew, 1 . j.

If gentry, madame, might amTay ao great

a good to me.

From auncient king CadwaUader I hare

my pettigree.

Wamer't JUUms EngUaU, 1599.

Pettish, adj. Passionate.

Pettlb, {\)adj. Pettish; peevish.


(2) V. To trifle.

Pettoune, «. A spittoon. 11 th


Pettt, 9. A privy.

Petty-sessions, # . A sort of sts-

tute fair at which servants are

hired. Norf,

Petty-si N0LE8, «. A hawk's toes.

Petty-toes, ». The feet of a pig.

Peust, adj. Snug. North.

Pevrate, 9. {A.'N.) A aance


Pevy, 9. To pelt. Northan^t.

Pew, 9. A cow's udder. Gloue.

Pew-fbllow, 9. A person who sst

in the same pew at church; s


And makes her pew-fettoeD with other's

moan. Skakesp., Biek. Ill, it, 4.

PEWTNER,f. Apewterec W»t.

Pbyl, v. To weary.

Pbantasib, v. To fancy.

Pharisee, «. A fairy. Var.d.

Pharoah, 9. A strong ale.

Phber, 9. A companion. For


^«f«'l<'- To chastise; tobeat;

"^'^' f to humble.

FEIZE, J ""»""'^«

Phewterbr. See Fewterer.

Philander, v. {Gr.) To make


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Pbtlip, 9. A familiar appellation

for a sparrow, contracted to PAip.

Prillamot, «. The colour of a

dead leaf.

A pkillamot would set off yonr Atce »•

tremely. Durfey, J rirluous Wyt^lSSO.

Philosopher's-eoo, «. A medicine

for the pestilence.

Philosopher's-oame, «. A game

•omewhat resembling chess.

Phoebe, «. The name of an old


Phrase, «. A habit, or custom.


Phremst, a^. Hasty ; passionate.


Phunky, adj. Saturated with rain ;

a term applied to land. Warw,

Pht ! An exclamation of disgust.

Phtsnomt, 9. The Tisage; phy-


But for a man, the king and oomniander

of al earthly crvaturei, whose body is

pare, whose minde more nuumanimoiis,

to be dejected in spirit, pale in pkys-

moBUf, leaue in his limmes.

Man in the Moome, 1609.

PiACHB, f. A piazza; an arcade.

PiACLE, «. (la/.) A mortal crime.

PiAXOT, «. A magpie. North,

PicARo, If. {Span. piearo.) A

PICAROON, j rogue.

The arts of cocoqniamo and Gennania,

used by onr Spanish piekeroet (I mean,

filching, foisting, niming. jilting) we

defy. Spanish Gypsy, ii, 1.

BeoMf. Cndffeirdl why, yon cowardly

rascal, who should cudgel us P

Brmn. Who ? why, piecaroonSy sir— laod-

pirats, that are doubtleaa looking for

prize, as well as you.

Jhtrfey, A Firhumt Wtfs, 1680.

piccADBL, 1 a. (Fr.) A piece

picKADiLL, I set round the edge

piccARDiLyJ of a garment; the


The round hem or the several divisions

set together about the skirt of a gar-

ment or other thing; also, a kind of

■tiff collar, made in fashion of a band.

That Ikmons ordinary near St. James's

called Pickadilly took denomination

fW>m this, that one Hisgins a .tajlor,

who hnilt it, got most of his estate by

pkeadilUi, which in the last age were

much in fiuliion."

Blount, Glossograpkia, 1681.

This (hatter) is a coarse wearing;

Twill sit but scnr\'i)y upon tliis collar ;

But patience is as good as a French

piciadsL B. /• /v., PUffrim, ii, 2.

The next morning his man (in actu or

potrntia) enjoies his pickadels. His

landresse is then shrewdly troubled in

fitting him a ruffe, his perpetuall badge.

Overbviy's New Ckaneters, 161 6.

Atd among the rest, yellow sUrch, the

invention and foyl of jaundice com-

plexions, with great cut-work bands,

and piwadiUies (a thing that hath since

lost the name) crouded in, and flourished

among us, Mrs. Turner, being nomi-

noted to be the first contriver, nappily

in England, bnt the original came out

of France ; which fasliion and colour

did set off their lean sallow coun-

tenances. Wilson's Life (ff Janus Jy^WA.

PxccADBL, 1 «. {Fr.) The name

PICCADILLY, J of a game.

And their lands to coyn they distil ye.

And then with the money

Yon see how they run ye

To loose it ni piccadilly.

FUeinos's Epigram*.

PiccHB, (1) 9. To pick.

(2) f. A beehive. North,

PiccHBTTo, ». A game at cards.

''i™ }•• Ktch.


PicH BD, part, p. Fastened; situ-

ated. Gawayne.

PiciERB, ». {A.^N,) A hone's


Pick, (1) ». To lling; to throw.

(2) V, To go forth.

(3) V, To play at pitch-and-toss.


(4) f. An emetic. North,

(5> 9. k spike ; the sharp point

iu the centre of a buckler.

Take down ray buckler.

And sweep the cobwebs off, and grind th

pick on'i. B. /* Fl., Onpid's Bnengs, iv, 1 .

(6) f. A fork.

Undone, without redemption, he eats with

picks. B. /• A, Mens. Tho., i, 3.

(7) 9. A pitchfork. North.

(8) f. A diamond at cards.

Sometimes, a spade.

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(9) 9. To dress out finely. Picked,

smart in dress.

Til such a piekrd fellow, not t hnire

About hiB whole bulk, but it standi in

print Ckapnuui's JU FooU, 0. PI.. iv.lSS.

Certain quaint, pieit, and neat eompa-

niou8, attired— a la mode de FrHuce.

Greeru*i Ikf. of Cony-Caicking.

(10) «. A basket used for drawing

coals up out of a pit. Chegh.

ril) adj, Tbin; delicate. Line,

(12) 9. To glean corn a second

time. We§t.

(13) «. To worm out a secret.


(14) Pick a thank, to crouch for

a favour. Picks and hearU, red

spots on the body.

Pick-a-back. To ride piek-a-back,

to ride on the back and shoulders.

PiCKATRBB, ». The woodpecker.


PiCK-CHBB8B,». The titmouse.jESdt/.

PiCKEDBVANT. Scc Ptke-devont.

PiCKBBR, 0. {Span,) To rob, or pil-


PicKBONEfis, 8, Neat, spruce nice-

ness. See PicA.

Tbo mnch piekedmest is not manly.

Bm Jotuom, Discoieriet.

PiCKBN, V. To sharpen the points

of anything.

PiCKBK,«. A gipsy, or tramp, Sute,

PicKBT,a. A wooden stake to which

horses are tied when in camp.

PiCKiNO-BOLB, a. A hole in a bam

to receive the sheaves. North,

PiCKLB, (1) V. To pick.

(2) V. To glean a field a second

time. Eaet.

(3) V. To provide. North,

!4) a, A small quantity. North.

5) V. To eat squeamishly.

(6) 9. To soak wheat. West,

(7) 9. A hayfork. Somertet.

(8)<. A mischievous boy. Devon,

PiOKLB-HBBMNO, f. A mcrry-


PiCKLiNO,f. A sort of canvass used

for sieves, &c. Unc.

PiCK-PiB-owEB, a. A summerset.


PiCK-PocKBT, a. The ahepberd'i

purse. Northampt.

Pick-point, t. A child'a game.

PicK-puBSB, a. The plant spuncy.


PxcKSOMB, adj. Hungry. Smtoes,

PicK-THANK, ». A flatterer.

With pleaaing tales his lord's vnin can he


A flatterer, a piekthatdt, and a Ijer. Unifu,

PiCK-up, V, To vomit. YorkaK

PicoisB, f. {A,'N.) A pick-axe.

PicoRY, a. Piracy. Rawleigh, Fhna

the Spanish p%c6ro, a thiel

PiCT-HATCH. A notorious haunt of

prostitutes in ClerkenwelL

A fiekt-halck pair of pockcj linpinf kgi,

And goes like one that fees in ahacUes beta.

PicTREB, a, A ghost North.

PxcTUBB, 8, Figure ; a perfect pst*


PiDDLB, (1) V. Mlngere.

(2) V. To work in an ineflkteat

manner, doing little or nothing.


Sv, To eat daintily.

f. Asmall inclosed field. SsrAs.

PiDLiNO, adj. Paltry ; wretched.

ladjfB. Pigeons, poxl that's pM»f,

melancholy stnlT: hast any Tcaiso*,

child? Dutfrp.MamaftJ^Mterwmtdi^d.

PiB, (1) a. (A,'N.) A magpie.

(2) 7b make a pie, to combine in

order to make an advantageous

contract. North,

The Frendi partj ar« making (at the

term ia) a pjf« or pnictiae to welter ikis

Bcwe$ Cgrrey rfwtfi^ IMS-

(Z) a. The sum total.

IkS a. 'The Popish ordinaL

(5) a. The beam supporting the

gin for loading timber.

(6) a. A pit in the grouMl for

potatoes, or rather the heap if

earthand strtwthrvwn overtheak

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(7) 9. A receptacle for rape-seed


PiK. APPLB, «. A Ar-cone. Northamp.

Piece, t. (1) A prostitute.

(2) A cask of wine.

(3) A little while. North.

(4) A field, or indosure. Weit.

{b) A coin worth twenty-two


PiECE-oT-ENTiRE,«.A mcTry fellow.

PiEFiNCH, f . A chaffinch. Var. d.

PiBPiCKBD, adj. Piebald. Devon.


summary justice held at fairs.

PiEUST, adj. Comfortable. North-


PiB-wiPE, i. The lapwing. Eait.

Piffling, part, a. Engaged in tri-

fling occupations. Northampt.

PiFLE, V. (1) To pilfer. North.

(2) To be squeamish.

PiFLER, a. (A corruption otpipe"

filler.) A boy or girl employed

in a weaving factory to fill or

wind the thread on tiie pipe.

Pig, (1) «. Awoodlousc. Var.d.

(2) 9. A large lump of mucous

matter in the nose. Var. d.

(3) 9. Sixpence. A cant term.

(4) To pig together^ to sleep to-

gether in one bed. Pig eye9,

very small eyes.

PiGACB, 9. {A.'N.) An ornament

worn on the sleeve of a robe.

PioALL, f. The hawthorn berry.


PiG-CHEER,a. All edibles composed

of pork.

Pig-cote, t. A pigsty. We9t.

Pigeon-felt, a. The fieldfare.


Pigeon-holbs, a. A game like our

modem bagatelle.

Pigeon-pair, a. Twins, when boy

and girl.

Pigeons, a. Sharpers, who, during

the drawing of the lottery, waited

ready mounted near Guildhall,

and as soon as the first two or

three numbers were drawn, which

they received from a confederate

on a card, rode with them full

speed to some distant insurance

office, to insure the number.

PiooATORY, 9. Great trouble. £99^9.

PiGGiNS, 9. (1) Small wooden Tea-

sels, like half-barrels, with one

stave longer than the rest to

serve as a handle.

(2) The joists to which flooring

is fixed. Devon.

PiGOLE, 0. To root up potatoes

with the hand. Northampt.

PiGBT, (1) part. p. Pitched; placed.

(2) a. Pith ; strength.

(3) f . An inclosed piece of land.

PioHTLE, 9. A small inclosure be-

hind a cottage.

PiG-HULL, f. A pigsty. North.

PiG-iN, V. To crowd into a small

space. South.

PiG-iRON, a. A flat piece of iron,

interpused between the fire and

meat to retard the roasting.

PiGLE, a. The plant shortwort.

P1G-LEAYE8, a. The cotton thistle.


Pigling, adj. Trifling.

PiGNOL, f. {Fr.) The pine-apple.

Pig-nut, 9. An earth-nut.

PiG-POKER, f. A pig-driver.

PiG-scoNCB, a. A dull fellow.

P1G8CROW, a. A pigsty. Devon.

Pioa-HALES, a. Haws ; the fruit of

the hawthorn. Somereet.

PiG-SKiN, 9. A saddle.

Pi OS-LOOSE, 9. A pigsty. We9t>

PiGS-L0U8B,a. A woodlouse. Somtfra.

P1G8NIE, a. A term of endearment.

PiGS-FARSNip,a.Cowparsnip. We9t,

P10S-8NOUT, a. A kind of caterpillar.

P108-WHI8PBR, a. A low whisper.

PiG-TAiL, a. (1) A lesser candle,

put in to make up weight. Yorla.

(2) Goose-grass. Northampt.

PiG-TREE, a. A pigsty. North.

PiGwiDGEON, a. Anything small

and fairy-like.

PiGwiGOBN, a. A dwarf.

PiK, a. Pitch.

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TiK-AZv, 9. The ace of spades. We$L

PiKB, (1)9. To pick ; to scrape.

(2) f. A staff.

^3) 9, A turnpike. Far. d,

(4) «. A hayfork; a pickaxe.

(5) «. The top of a hill.

(6) f. The long points of the

shoes introduced into England

about 1384.

(7) ». A large haycock. Norih,

(8) V, To steal.

(9) 0. To peep.

(10) V, To run away. Pike-off,

begone. Notf.

CLV)v, To cleanse.

(12) «. A piece of ploughed land

running to a point at one end.

Northampt, «

PiKBo, adj. Pointed.

PiKX-DBVAKT, 9. The beard cut to

a sharp point in the middle, be-

low the chin.

PiKB-HARXEYS, «. (A.'N.) A plun-


PiKE-HOLB, a. A hole in the wall of

a barn to admit light.

PiKBL, f. A two-pronged hayfork.

PiKELEo, adj. Fine and small.

PiKBLKT, 9. A sort of thin circular

tea-cake. Var»d,

PiKB-PBNNY, f . A miser. Pr. P.

Piker, a. (1) A small fishing-boat.

(2) A tramp ; a gipsy. Su99.

Pikes, ». Short butts which fill up

the irregularity caused by hedges

not running parallel

Pike-staff, t. As plain or clear as

a pike-staff, is a very old phrase.

Ton make a doubts where til ii u plaine

M t pike att^e ; yott seeke a knot in a

bolnuh, in which it nerer tny at til.

Tertnee in BngUtk^ 1641.

Doct. Thna, mtdtm, I took two Idng-

domt for dit text, tnd divided them into

two geueral heads, wherein 1 thew'd at

*arge, mott effectually, and at clear at a

fitt att^T, that the kingdom! of this

world have no bnaineM to troable their

Boddlea about the kinxdomi in the other

world. The Bekeanal, 1718.

Pike-wall, a. A wall diverging to

a point.

PiK.nu>M,«. The point of an aBTiL

PiKT, f. A gipsy. Kent,

PiL, a. A heavy club. North,

Pilch, 1 a. (1) {A.-S. pjfleke.)

piLCHBR, J A scabbard.

(2) A warm outer garment, made

of skins of fiir. A jnlehe, or

leather coat, seems to have been

a common dress for a carman.

(3) A flannel wrapper for an in-

fant. Var.d.

PiLCH-FiM, a. A large pin. Norf.

PiLCROW, 1 a. A technical word

PTLCRAFTB, J for the mark of a

paragraph ; the mark ^3^

A letton bow to confer every tbibtct

with liit moneth, and how to find oal

hotwifery Teitet by ihtfilerom.


Pile, (1) a. A small tower. Aor6l.

(2)<. (£a/.) AjaveUn.

(3) a. The head of an arrow.

(4) a. A sort of poker, used by

bakers. See Peel,

(5) a. The obverse side of a coin.

See Cro99'and'Pile,

(6) 9, To break off the awns of

barley with an iron.

(7) a. A weight.

(8) a. "

A blade of grass. North.

(9) o. To welt a coat. Somenei.


Toar London metsore (friends) eooMS ibort

of this.

Bee'i three pili Telveta, Mttin. ttlDity,

A aoldier't pike *n the ell we meatare by.

BmoUmdat Kmaeea ofSjf.^K^tLi.

PiLB-Mow, a. A wooden hammer

used in fencing. Lane.

Piles, a. The awns of bailey. North'


PiLF, a. Grass and roots, raked to-

gether to be burnt. Carina.

PiLGER, a. A fish-spear. £a9t.

PiLORiM-SALVE, 9. Ab ointmeol

of swine*s grease, isinglaaa, &e.

PiLiBR, a. A place on the down%

consisting of tufts of long grait,

rushes, short furze, heath, &c,

interrupting their equable smooth

surface. Comia

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PiLTOL, f. Wild thyme.

PiLi., (1) V. To pillage.

The commont be hath fiVPi

With {rierous taxes, and quite lost thehr

hearU. Shaketp., Bich, 11, ii, 1.

(2) ». The husk of a not.

(3) «. To peel.

(4) «. A small creek. Herrf,

Even as a itiimou, or a pike, doth tcour

The creeks am pills in nven where they


Of smaller fishes and their feeble fry.

Siheiter't Du Bwta*.

(5) ». "Pytf of hempc, «/."


(6) 9, A sort of pitcher. South,

(7}«. The refuse of a hawk's


(8) «. A rock. Somenet.

Piix-coAL, «. A sort of peat. Weti,

FjhiMD, adj, (1) Bald; hare.

Tbeir (the ostriches) neckes are much

longer than rranes, and piUed, having

none or little feathers about them. Also

their less . . . vccpUUi and bare.


(2) **PyUed, acalled, tigneux:*


PiLLKB, (1) ». A robber.

(2) f. **PyUer to do justice,

estaehe." Pabgr.

PiLLBRDS, 9. Barley. Comw.

PiLLBT, *. A hide. Pr, P.

PlLLSWOBTH, f . A pillow.

PiLLiARD, #. {A.'N.) A sort of


PiLLicocK, «. (1) Mentula. A word

as old as the beginning of the

14th cent

T ne mai oo more of love done.

Mi tfi/ioe pisseth on mi scfaone.

(2) A term of endearment.

Pillion, f. (1) The head-dress of a


(2) A saddle on which a woman

rides behind a man.

PiLUWiNKES, 1 «. An old instru-

PTKKWiXKBS, J ment of torture.

PiijLowBSMi«. A pillow-case.

^'''"» \t. Dust Devon.


PiLi»R,a. Fine rain. Dewm,

PiLKAO, f. A fallow field. Sutas.

PiLT./Mir/./r. Placed|

PiLWB, *. (A,'S.) A pillow.

PiLWKBERE, «. A pillow-case.

Pma, ». To pry. Norik.

PiMBNT, «. A favorite drink in old

times, made as follows :

TkJce clowis, quibibus, maces, canel,

galyngale, and make powdir therof,

tempryn^ it with good wyne. and the

thrid party bony, and dense hem thorow

a clene klothe ; also thou mayest make

it with good ale. MS. eflitkcmU.

Ther was pimml and elar^

To heighe lordinges and to meyn^

jirthour and Merlm, p. 116.

PiMOKNBT, ». A small pimple. Notf.

Pimp, (1) v. To bind ; to coaple.

(2) «. A little fagot.

Pimping, <u{r. Little ; mean ; pitiful.

PiMPLB, «. The head. For. d.

Pin, (1)». a peg.

(2) «. The middle point of a batt,

to shoot at with arrows.

(3) f . The hip. Somerset,

(4) f. A leg.

(5) «. A disease in hawks.

(6) V. To do in baste. Lane.

(7) In a merry pin, a merry

humour. On the pin, watchfuL

PiN-AND-WBB, a. A sort of excres*

cence in the eye.

PiN-BASKBT, 9. Thcyoungcst child

of a family.

PiN-BOUKB, a. A sort of earthen


In pails, kits, dishes, basons, pinkouies,


Their scorched bososu merrily they basts.

PiN-CASB, «. A pincnshion. North.

Pinch, (I) v. To plait linen.

(2) s. The game of pitch-half-

penny. North.

PiNCR-BBCC, i. A miserly fellow.

PiNCHE, V. (A,»N.) To object; to

find fault. Chaucer.

PiNCHBM, 9. The torn-tit Bedi.





PiNCBBKi 9. The \9T^ titmonse.


PiNCBXRWio, «. An earwig. South.

PiNCKANiE, 9. A term of endear-


Pin-cloth, 1 ^^ pinafore. We9t

Pin COD, «. A pincushion. North.

Pincushion, «. The sweet scabloua.


PiND, (1) V. To impound an animal.

(2) a^. Mouldy ; tainted. West.

PiNDBR, «. The officer who had

the charge of the pound, and

whose duty it was to confine stray

animals in it.

PiN«, (1) «. {A,-S.) Pain; grief;


(2) r. To torture.

(3) ». To starve.

U) adj. Difficult. North.

(5) 9. The end. Somerset.

(6) 9. To utter a low wailing

noise ; said of an infant.

PiNBCE,<. Thebug. See Ptmese9.

Pin FALLOW, «. Winter fallow.


PtN-FBATBBR8,«. Incipient feathcrs

of birds. Northampt.

Pinfold, a. A pound for cattle.

Pino, ( 1) a. A sweet wine.

(2) V. To shove. West.

PiNGB, 9. To prick.

PiNOLB, (1) 9. To eat with little

appetite. Pingler^ a small eater.

(2) 9. To labour hard, without

much progress. North.

(3) 9. A small inclosure. North,

(4) 9. A clump of trees. Norths


PiVGMiDO, 9, A sort of wine.

PiNOOT, a. A small croft near a

house. Lone.

PiNOswio, 9. A scarecrow. Yorksh.

Pinozwill, a. A boil. Exmoor.

PiNiNo-BTO0L,f . i^A.-S,) Acucking-


Pinion, a. The skirt of a gown.

Pinions,*. Refuse wooL ^Meri.

Pink, (1) a^, SmaU.

(2) a. A minnow.

(3) 9. A small vessel with a

straight narrow stem.

Thit^'ncit, this painted fbitt^ tUa eocUe-


To hang her fights out, and defte ne,


A well known man of war.

B. %- Jl, WamatCs tr^%^

(4) 9. A pinch.

(5) 9. To peep slily ; to wink.


(6) 9. To stab.

(7) f. An old game at cards.

(8) 9. To adorn. Somerset.

(9) 9. To dye a pink colour.

(10) a. The chaffinch. Sowtertet.

PiNKANY, a. A term of endesr-


PiNKBNNT-jOHN, 9. Heaft's-esse.


PiNKBB, (I) a. A robber; amiBan.

(2) 9. To wink. South,

PiNKETY, a. The chaffinch. North-


PiNC-BTSD, adj. Small^yed.

Pinking, adj. Poorly. Dorset.

PiNKNEBDLB, 9. The plant shep-


PiNK-o*-MT-joHN, a. The pansy.


PiNKSTBRN, a. A very narrow boat

used on the Severn.

PiNK-up, 9. To blush.

PiNN, 9. To do a thing in haste or

eagerly. Lane.

PiNNACB, a. A sort of small vend.

PiNNB, 9. {A.'S.) To bolt a door.

PiNNKR, a. (1) A narrow piece of

cloth round a woman's gown neir

the neck ; a peculiar head-dress.

To Hide Park, where I have not been

ainee last year : where 1 aaw the ki»f

with hifl perriwig, but not altensd at all;

and mv lady Castiemaine in a oeach by

herself, in yellow laiin and a ^humt oa.

ftp$»*s Diaij-

(2) a. A pinmaker.

Thence to Sherbnm, dearly lored.

And for jiJiuMTf well i^rot-ed.





Thence to Aberford, wboM begimiing *

Came from baying drink mikpituung.

PiNKXT, 8. A small salad basket by

which sea-kale is sold.

Pinning,*. Low masonry support-

ing a frame of stud-work.

PiNNOCK, (1) «. The bedge-spar-


(2) a. A tunnel under a road to

carry off the water. Suitex.

(3) V. To pluck the quill feathers

from one wing of a bird to pre-

vent its flight.

PiNNOCKS, «. Fine clothes. Shropth.

PiNNOLD, 9. A little bridge. Sutsex.

PiNNONADS, a. A confection made

chiefly of almonds and pines.

PiNNOTBjIa. (A.'N,) thcround-

FTNOTB, J leaved vine.

PlN-PANNXERLT| odj, MlSCfly.

PiN-PATCHSS, a. Periwinkles. East,

PiN-PiLLOWy a. A pincushion.

PiNSONs, a. (1) Thin-soled shoes.

(2) A pair of pincers.

Pintado,!. (1)

Upon tbe cnrpeti were tpread fine

ccuoared pintado table cloathi, forty eUa

Rerheri'M TrateU, lfl38.


(2) (Span.) A guinea fowL


Tor tore ffntnlUt. Take lJnacbed^

and atarope amaie, and then temper it

with awete mylke, and than letbe theme

together, and than therof make a plaa-

ter, and ley to, and anoynte it vith the

joste of moieU til he be whole.




PiN-wiNO, a. The pinion of a fowl.


Piny, a. The peony.

PioL, f. A sort of lace used in the

15th cent.

PioNES, a. {J.'N.) The seeds of

the peony, formerly tised as a


PioT, 9. A magpie. Piottyt varie-

gated. North.


(3) V. To cry,

(4) f. A beer-cask. North.

(5) a. A charge of powder, or

Pip, (1) a. One of a number of

blossoms where flowers grow in

clusters upon one stem. Warw.

(2) f. Anger. Exmoor.

(3) 9. Tbe lues venerea. South.

To take offence. Exmoor.

A spot on cards, as the

seven of diamonds is said to have

seven pipt.

Pipe, (1) *. The windpipe.

(2) V. To wheeze.




(6) f. The cell of the queen bee

in a hive. West.

(7) a. A small ravine a4jacent to

a larger one. Chesh.

Pipbr, 9. An innkeeper. Devon.

PiPK&a, f. The lilac.

PiPB-sTOPPXL, 9. A tobacco-stop-

per. North.

PiPiN, 9. The windpipe.

Piping, a. The noise of bees when

preparing to swarm. North.

PiPioN, 9. A young crane.

PiPLK, V. To pipe.

PiPLiN, a. The poplar. Somerset.

PippsaiDOB, 9. The barberry tree.


Pippin, a. (1) A pipkin. Line.

(2)An earthen cream-pot. North.-


PipptN-pn, 9. An apple-pie ?

If there were (O !) an Helespont of creame

Between na (milk-white nuatria), I would


To yon. to ahew to both my love'a eztreame,

(Leander like), yea, dyre from brymm to


Bnt, mett I with a bntter'd mpvin-pis

Iloating upon 't ; that would I make my

boate. Jktv'ui, Scourge of FoUjf, 1611 .

PiQUERB, V. To skirmish.

Hearta may meet hearta, and aooli jMftMr«

the bouIb ;

But if they come no nearer than the evea,

I'or want of matter to maintain 'um, die.

The CkeaUy 1663.

PiRiE, a. {A,-N.) A pear tree.





1,.(^..5.?) A

■' fwiud.

itonn of




PiRL, 9. To spin ; to wind. Wett.

PiRLB, 9, A brook.

PiRLBD, a4f. Flat. JDcoon.

PiRLT, <u(/. Small and roand.


Pirn, t. (1) A weaver's loom.

PaUgr., 1530.

(2) A round piece of wood to

wind thread on.

(3) A stick for twisting on the

nose of refractory hones. North,

PiRNBD, a4f* Dried up; pined.


PiRTLB, V. To slaver.

PisKY, 9, A fairy. A variation of

pixy, Dewm,

PisNBT, 9, A slipper.

PiSPBR, V, To make mischiet


PissANNAT, 9. The sut Shropih,


candle in a pound, put in to

make up weight.

P1S8INO-WHILB, «. A very common

phrase among the writers of the

Elizabethan period for a short


I aball entreat yoor miitrete, Madam

£xpectation,if the be uaon^ these ladies,

to nave patience but a msnty-wkile.

B. /on., Magn. Lady, i, 7.

Bat to our bna'nest, I had not the

power u I vat ujing to keep from jan.

jonKer, lady, not ao much as a fitnng'


SkadwOL, SulUm Lovers, 1070.

PissMOTB, t. An ant. West.

PisTEL, 9. (1) (Lat.) An epistle.

Pieteiler, the person whose duty

it was to read or sing the epistle

in the church service.

(2) A wild disorderly fellow.

P18TER, V. To whisper. Esmoor,

Pistol, t. A swaggerer.

PiSTOLET, 9. (1) A Spanish coin.

(2) A small pistol.

Pit, 9. (1) A spot, or mark.

(2) A pond.

PrrATLB, 9. {A.^N.) Foot^oldien.


PiTAUNCB, 9. (A.'N.) A mess of


And edc in othervne also

Ful ofte tyme it (mUeih aoo,

Myn ere with a good mteiaaer

Is fedde (tf redynte of romaanee^

or Ydovne, and of Anadas,

Tliat vkiloBS verea in my eat.

fli0mr, MS. &IC Jm&t.

Pitch, (1) «. The height to which

a falcon soared, before she stooped

upon her prey.

(2) 9. The height of anything.

(3) 9. To fish with a boat and a

pitchin-net in a proper potition

acrou the current so that the

fish may be caught Sowenet.

i4) 9. Weight, or momentum.

5) V. To load hay or straw.

(6) ». The quantity tRken up on

ahay-fork. Weet.

(7) 9. An iron crow-bar far

making holes in the ground.

(8^ V. To pave roughly. Somtk.

(9) 9. To sit down.

10) «. A skin of fur.

11) Pitch and pay, to pay ready


Where strangers well may aeem to d«idl»

That pitch imdfojft or keep their day.

But who that want, shall ffnd it annt

So good for him. Tusstr, p. lis.

PiTCH-AND-HUSTLK, 9. The gllie

of chuck-farthing.

PiTCB-BARRXL, «. A jocular ten&

for a sailor. Jordan* 9 Trimi^

qf London, 1678.

PiTCHBD-AWATy odj. Bmadatcd.


PircHBD-MARKBT, 9. A maricct

where com is brought and sold by

the sack, not by the sample.

PtTCHBR, 9, (1) The man who

pitches com or hay up to the


(2) A fierce mastiff. YorUL

(3) A pollard willow. Weai,

PiTCHBB-MAN, 9. A hard drinker*

PiTCHBTSy 9, Broken crodBeiy.





Pitching, t. (1) PreciptatioD.


(2) The pavement.

Pitching- AXE, «. An axe for fel-

ling timber. Shropsh,

PiTCHiNG-PBNCE, f. Pence paid in

fairs and markets for every bag

of com.

PiTCHiNO-PRONO, f. A pitchfork.


PiTCBiK-NET, $, A large triangular

net attached to two poles, and

used with a boat, to catch salmon.


PiTCH-POLB, 9. To sell fof dottblc

what was given for it. Os/d,

PiTCH-up, 9. To stop. Wight.

PiT-couNTKB, f. A boy's game.

Pit6, i. {A.'N.) Pity.

FiTH,«. (l)(i#..iS.) Strength; force.

(2) Crum of bread. Devon.

PiTHBR, 9. To dig earth lightly.


Pithxst, a^. Pitiful. Dtwm.

FiTisANCtuiNT, adj. Pretty well.


Pitlx, a. A croft. Var. d.

Pitm an's-pinx, «. The name given

at Newcastle to the single pink.

PiTOus,a4;> Pitiful; compassionate;

exciting compassion.

Pit-stxad, «. The place where

there has been a pit. Cheih.

PriTKB, V. (1) To squeak. East.

(2) To make a low and shrill noise.

And when his ptttering itreanies are low

snd tiiin. R. Qr$en9t Bng. Pom,

(3) To grieve.

Pittkb-pattbr, 9. To beat inces-

aantly ; to palpitate. North.

PiTTRaR,9. To fidget about. West.

FiTTwvh,a4f. Compassionate.

Pxx, 9. To pick up apples after the

main crop is gathered. W§tt,

PixLiQuiD, a. A sort of oiL

Pixy, a. A fairy. Devon.

PixT-PUPF, 9. A broad species of


PiXT-»iN08, t. The fairy circlet.

PiXT. skats, a. The entangled kngts

in horses' manes.

PixT-STOOL, a. The tosdstool.

PizKf adj. Peevish. We$t.

Placard, a. (1) A sort of breast-


(2) A printed sheet, folded to

form a quarto book.

Placb, a. (1) A house, or resi-


(2) The greatest elevation which

a bird of prey attains in its flight.

(3) Inplace, in company, present.

TbcQ WM she fayre alone, when none was

faire in place. Spens^ F. Q., I, ii, 38.

Placb-housb, 9. A manor house ;

a gentleman's seat.

Not I indeed, dear, I hate London ; oor

place-house in the country it worth a

thousand oft; wou'd I were there KOixa.

Wyckeriey, Country W\fe^ 1688.

Placxnt, a. An amulet.

Placidious, ttdj. Placid.

PLACiNATioM,<.(il/e<f.£a/.) Atone-


Plack, a. (1) A portion, or piece.


(2) A piece of money, dumb.

(3) A plot of ground. Leic.

Pl ACKBT, a. (1 ) A woman's pocket.

(2) The slit in a gown or petti-


(3) A petticoat, or shift.

(4) Pudendum f.

Placket-rackbt, f. Mentula.


How ! I abhor this placket-iehtedUt^.

Eowardy Man of Newmarket, I678w

PjsADD^t pret. t. Pleaded.

Plage, a. (Lat.) The plague.

Plaoois, 9. Cowslips.

Plaguy, a<f9. Very.

Plain, (I) adj. Simple; clear.

(2) 9. To complain.

(3) a. Play; sport.

M)a. Afield.

(5) 9. An open space surrounded

by houses.

(6) adj. Moderately weU. Donet.

(7) a. A sort of flannel.

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Plain-dbalino, ». A game at


Plain-son 6, «. Simple melody.

Plaint, $, A complaint.

Plaistow, «. A play.ground.

Plait, t. A sort of small ship.

Planch, v. To pUsh hedges. Staff.

Planch Eo, adj. Boarded. Donet.

Planchkr, <. (1) (/v.) A board.

Bonrde, or f {aumA^. Contahidare. Etdoet.

Upon the eronnd doth lie

A hollow plameker.

I^hf, Unt§ MtUmorpk,

(2) A tjoarded floor. iVbi/.

(3) A plate.

Plane, t. The shaft of a crossbow.

Planet, (1) «. Climate. North.

(2) In planett, by planett, par-

tially, irregularly. North,

Planet-struck, adj. Paralytic

Planob, 9. {Lat,) To lament?

If thon prove not mj glories grave, nor I

pUmgt in my tonne.

Warner'* Attumt England, 169S.

Planish, ». (1) To cover with

things in confusion. Line.

(2) To beat sheet copper with

hammers till it is perfectlysmootb.

Plani$hmg tniUs are milli for

doing this by machinery.

Plant, (1) t. (Lat, planta,) The


(2) «. A stick, or cudgeL

(3) «. An aim. Middx.

!4) V, To hide, or conceal.

5) 9. A hoax, or cheat. A cant


Planta OB, t. Anything that is


Planting, ». A plantation. Eati.

Plasad, adj. In a fine condition.


Plash, (1) v. To interweave

branches of tree ; to cut and lay a


(2) f. A shallow pool.

Plashy, adj. Wet under foot.

Plat, (1) t. (^.-iNT.) Anything flat.

Platneu, flatness.

(2) «. Place; lituation. NortL

{S) «. A map, or pUn.

(4) 9. To spread Like plaister.

(5) a. A small bridge. Cheth.

Plat-blind, adf. Quite blind.

Plate, (1) a. A piece of silver

money ; often applied to illegal


(2) a. A covering for the fire at


(3) V. To rivet. North.

(4) «. The mould-board of a

plough. Noff.

Platb-bonb, a. The ahoulder-


Platb-band, a. The flat ribs of

beef. Northampt.

Platb-tbbnchbb, a. "A ptate*

trencher layde under the pot

upon the table to save the table-

cloth deane, batuJ* WUkak*

Dhtionary, 1634.

Plat-footbd, adj. Splay-footed.

Platform, a. (1) A groand-plao.

(2) The list of divisions in a

play, &C.

Platly, ado. Plainly.

Platnobb, a. A sort of clay. Stmih.

Platte, ©. (1) {A.-N.) To throw

down flat.

(2) To journey.

Platty, adj. Uneven, having bare

spots, as fields of com sometimes

have. States.

Plausivb, a4r> Planaible.

Plaw, (1) V. To parboiL Ea$t.

(2) a. A pool of water.

Play, (1) a. (A.-S.) Sport; game.

!2^ V. To take one'a pleasure.

3) a. A country wake. Samertet.

(4) a. A plash, or pool of water.

(5) V. To boil.

Plat-oall, a.

Give ymapl^hgatt u ttooK

And my huiy ber foole.

Jeadtmy ofCowtplmenU, a. d.

Play-in, «. To begin at onct.Soath.

Play-lomb, a. (A.^S.) A weapon.





Plat-pb£p, ». To offer the leait


Playtour, 9, {A.'N.) A pleader.

Pleach, v. To intertirine.

Plbacht, adj. Mellow ; powdery.


Plsan» «. A gossip. North*

Plkasauncs, «. {A,'N,) Delight.

Pleas AUNTE8, 1 «. A sort of lawn


Please, v. To satisfy. North.

Pleasuees, f . Ornaments fordress.

Plece, f. (1) A place, or spot.


(2) A small inclosure; a field.


(3) A parcel ; a small packet.

Pledob, v. To be a surety for


Plbdobt, e. A small plug. IAm,

PLEB,t. (J»~N.) Pleading ; dispute.

Plebnpie, t. A tell-tale. North,

Vi.nGBm,pr€t, t. Plucked.

Pleionen, V, To complain.

Plene, v. (A.'N.) To fiU.

Plbmbb, adj. {J..N,) FuU. Pie-

nerliehe, fully.

Plenn Y, 1 «. To complain fretfully.


PLENTBTRB,e. Plcoty.

Plbntbtousnbss, f. Abundance.

Plevy-tides, e. Full tides.

Plbs, «. A palace.

Plesaunce, 9. (A.'N.) Pleasure.

Plbsbey, 9. A flower-garden. Une.

Plesii«ge, a. A pleasure.

Pletb, 9. {A.'N,) To plead.

Plethan, tr. To plait. Comw.

Phvmt V. (A.'S.) To strike.

Pletine, 9, {A.^N.) An assurance,

or warranty.

Plez, 9. (Med. Lat,) A shield.

Pley-fbeb, f. (A.-S.) A play-


Pleyne, v. (A.'N.) (1) To com-


(2) To explain. Chauar,

Pleyt, pre9. t, Playeth.

Pliers, a. Pincers ; tweezers*

Plip, a. A plough. YorM.

Pliobtb, (1)9. {A,'S.) To engage;

to promise.

(2^ a. A promise.

(3) 9. To twist, or plait.

(4) 9. A fold, or plait.

(5) a. A piece of lawn.

{^)partp,(A.'S,) Plucked.

pLitf, (1) adj. Perpendicular.


(2) ». A plummet.

(3)«fr-. '

Stout and fat.

(4) 9. To swell; to increase in

bulk. Var.d.

(b)ail/\ Pliable, ^er^.

(6) V, To pounce upon.

Plish, v. To excoriate. North,

Plxte, 9. To plait.

Plith, a. {A,'S.) Injury.

Plock, a. A block for chopping

wood. Jfett,

(2) A small field. Herrf.

Plodoe, tr. To walk in water ; to

plunge. Northumb,

Ploo, v. To clog. Sui9ejt,

Ploghe, 9, Pleasure; game.

Ploeb, 9. To pluck.

Plomaile. See PlumaUe,

Plomb, a. A plummet.

Plook, a. A pimple. North,

Plop, v. To fall into water with


Ploshett, a. A swampy meadow.


Plot, f. (1) A plan, or map.

(2) (/l.-iV:) A patch.

Plote, v. To scald a pig. North.

Plottee, a. A contriver of dra-

matic plots.

Plouch, a. A pimple.

Plough-halb, a. The handle of a


Plough- IRON, a. A ploughshare.

Plough J A OS, a. Labourers who

beg on Plough-Monday. Line.

Plough-jogger, a. A ploughman.


Plouohiiell, a. A small wooden

hammer fixed to the plough.

Plougb-honday, a. The Monday

next after TweUth-day.

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Plough-paddle, «. An inttrument

used for cleansing the plough.

Plouoh-sock, «. A ploughshare.


Plough-staff, !#. The plough-


Plough -STUFF, «. Curved wood,

generally ash, for ploughs.

For of it they make many necesaarie

implements of husbandry, as ladders,

raylea, hop-poles, plow-tliiffet and han*

dies for manv tooles. besides ftrring.

l/ord€m*t Smnejfor'* Dialoffut.

Plouoh-swain, 9. A ploughboy.

Thus many a citizen well stor'd with gold.

Is glad to lye upon his mother mold.

His bed thv map of his mortality,

His curtaines clouds, and neay'n his


The russet •Imo-nMune, and the leathren


Through feare is growne unmanncrlT. un-

kinde. Taylor's Worku, 16S0.

Plouncs, «. To plunge or flounce

about ; to be confused.

Plout, «. (1) Along walking-stick.


(2) A plant. Somenet.

Ploutbr, V. To wade. North.

Plovbb, «. An old cant term for a


Plow, «. A ploughed field. Suff.

Vho-WDivOfpttrt. a. Wadingthrough

thick and thin. Northampt,

Plowe, 9, Play.

Plowlich-mondat, t. An old Nor-

folk name for Plough-Monday.

Ploy, t. A merry-meeting. North.

Pluck, (1) «. Courage; spirit.

Prethee give him a little ratabain, or

some cold poyson, to cool his fluck.

The Hffarmation, 1673.

(2) Adry phtek, a severe blow.

Pluck-buffet, «. A term in


Our kynte and Robyn rode togyder,

Forsoth as I you say,

And they shote ^ucke iuffet.

As they went oy the way.

BoSm Hood, UTi.

Plucking, t. The worsted plucked

from the machine while the wheel

is turning. North,

Plusrb, v. (A.»N.) Weeping.

Pluf, (1) «. A tin ferule through

whictt boys blow peas. Lme.

(2) 9. Flue, or down. Leie.

(3) o. To puff up, or sweU. Leie.

Plufe, 9. A plough. York9k.

Pluffy, a4f. (I) Porous; spongy;

soft. Devon.

(2) Fat ; corpulent. Leie.

Plug, «. A little person. £sfff.

Plugoy, tu^. Short, thick, and

sturdy. Norf.

Plum, atlf. (1) Perpendicular;

exact. Tojltphtm, to fit accu-

rately. // happem phtmmyt

opportunely, just as it should do.

(2) Very; exceedingly; quite.

h) Soft; light. We9t.

(4) Sensible; honest. North.

Plumailb, t. Plumage ; featben.

Plumakin, «. The magnum-bonum


Plum-broth, «. Plum-porridge.

Where the raeate is best, there he cos*

futee most, for his arguing is but tht

efficacy of his eating; good bits ke«

holds breedes good positions, and tbe

pope hee best concludes against, in

plmvihrolk. 09€riury*i CiaracUn.lSli.

Or chuse, and in thy uoquoCh mood

joyn with some sepamte oongretatioB,

and pray against ^auM'^rotk at uirist*

mas, in expectation of a giit on thetc


Howard, Man efNigmmmrket, IStS-

Plummy, ^J. Soft; mouldy. J>evon.

Plump, (1) «. A crowd or group of


(2)«. A flock of wild fowl.

(3) 9. A clump of trees. North.

(4) 9. A pump, or drmw-well.


(5) 9. A hard blow.

(6) adj. When the patba, after

rain, are almost dry, they are

said to be pimmpg that ia, the

earth has just moisture enough

to fill up aU the crerices and thus

make it plump. Kent.

(7) V. To plunge,

(8) 9. Bread broken or cut into a

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baiin, oTer which ult is strewed,

and water thrown orer it. Norf,

Plumpbndicvlab, Afr. Perpen-

dicular. Nmf.

Plumfbr, 9, A soft ball, which old

ladies who had lost their teeth

put in their mouths to plump

their cheeks out. Ladwf Diei.

Plum-porridob, t. Porridge with

plums in it, an old favorite dith

at Christmas.

Plump-patb, t. A stupid fellow.

Plum-pudding, t. A Northampton-

shire game at marbles.

PtuMPY, V. To chum. Comw,

Plum -TREK, «. Pudendum f. Afa-

riage qf WUt and Wudome, p. 1 6.

Plunge, «. (1) A deep pool. 5o-


(2) A difficulty.

OuiOQ Ely thought to hare pat Tettwode

to a great pUtnge, Ib^t Mttrtgn.

Plunoy, adj, {A.»N,) Rainy.

Plunket, «. A coarse woollen


pLVNKT,a<if. Short and thick. jESof^

Plunt, «. A walking-stick with a

large knob. GUme.

Plushes, t. The thin hoops that

hold a besom together. Wett

Ply, V, To bend; to comply.


Plybr, «. A street prostitute or


Plymouth-cloak, #. A stick, or


Beterring ■till the rmbleme ofasoal-

dier (his avord) and a FUmouth cloakt,

otherwiae call'd a battoone.

UMUnCi CMaraetmmi, Char. SO.

Po, #. (J,'S,) A peacock.

Poached, adj. IVodden into holes,

said of land.

PoACHiNO, ii4;* Swimpy. Devon,

PoACUTf adj. Wet and soft. South,

Poai>*milk, #. The Ifarst milk given

by oows after calving. Suuex,

PoABS-BLiND, tt^, Dim-slghted*

HoUyhmd, 1593.

PoAT, V. To kick« X'ctwB.

PoBs, t. Pottage. Craven,

PocHB, t. {A,»N.) A pocket.

PoCBBB, 9, A dish in ancient cook-

ery, consisting principally of eggs.

PocHiN, 9, A hedgehog. Somerset,

PocHiT, t. A pollard tree. Line.

PocK, V, To push. Somertet.

PocK-ARB,t. A pock mark. North.


PocBBT, «. (1) A measure of hops ;

or wool.

(2) A lump of bread.

PocKBT-CLocK, «. A watch.

PocK-FREDOBN, \adj. Marked by


PococK, 9. A peacock.

PoD. (1)#. Afoot. North.

(2) 9. A large protuberant belly.

Poddy, round in the belly.

(3) 9, The body of a cart. South.

(4) «. A young jack.

(5) V. To put down awkwardly.


(6) V. To go. Leie,

PoDAGBB,s.(^.-iV.) Goutinthefeet.

Bemers mentions this disease in

hawks as the podagre,

PoDART, #. A young sheep. lAne,

PoDBLLB, t. A puddle.

PoDDBR, t. (1) Beans, peas, vetches,

and such vegetables as have pods.


(2) The holder of the beans or

counters at cards. Leie,

PODDBR*GRATTEN, «. Podder Stub«

ble. Keni,

PoDDisH, 9. Porridge. Croiven.

PoDDLE, V, To wtlk totteringly,

like a child. Northampt,

PoDB, t. A tadpole.

PoDOB (1) 9, Porridge.

^2) 9, A pit; a cesspool. Kent.

hS V. To stir together. Eaet.

(4) t. A disease of rabbits. Leie.

PoDGEB, «. A pewter platter. West

PoD-THiSTLE, t. The curduui

aeouKe. Northampt,

PoD-WARB. See Podder.

PoB, #. A turkey. North.

PoFr, V. To run fast. Line.

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Poo, 9. A push. Someraet,

Pooh, «. A. poke, or sack.

PooRiM, t. A religions fanatic. EoiL

Poor, adj. Intoxicated.

P0HEA.D8, t. (1) Tadpoles.

(2) Musical notes.

PoicH, «. A hive to take hees in

after they have swarmed. Yorkth.

PoiONBTTiNO, 9. (Fr,) Patting

wrists to a sleeve.

Bearing witnesM of a certajme kinge of

Engiande, which caused hie doublets to

be halfe stocked wyth foreslevea of

velvet called in those dKympoigtuitinfft

of a doublette : whych (me semeth) was

a goodly example.

iHttUucum qfa GmtUmem, 1S68.

PoiONiET, t. (Fr,) A wristband.

PoiNAOo, 9, A poniard, or dagger.

PoiNAUNT, adj. {A.'N.) Sharp;


Poin£, t. A dwarfish person.

Point, (I) t. A tagged lace, used

in ancient dress. To trvu apoint,

to tie the laces which held the

breeches. To untru99 a point,

(Uvum esoneror^t

(2) 9, A deed of arms.

(3) V, To show, or explain ; ttf


(4) «. To paint, or portray.

(5) «. To appoint.

So both against the porfntei day

Themselres for spirits arme.

BowUmdi, KnaM qfChMt, 1611.

f 6) In good point, in good oon»

dition. Topoint, exactly.

A faithlesse Saraiin all arm*d to fomt.

PoiNT-DBViCB, \atS.Stadv, With

poiKT-DBTi8B,J the greatest ex-

actness ; precise, or nice to exoeu.

Thus for the nuptial hoar all fitted poini'

imu, JhrojftM, PofyoU., song IS.

When men (unmanly) now are garish, gay,

Trickt, spmoe, teite, quaint, nice, sofk, all

poiiU Mvtcf. Hue, Uontm, 1686.

PoiNTEL, «. (1) (J.'N,) A stylus,

or pendly for wnting.

Ihenne loked aftir sir Zakaiy



CiS A subtle argument.

(3) Chequer work in floon.

PoiNTiNO-STOCK, 9. A laugfabg-


PoiNTLBT, #. A small point, or pro*


P018E, #. (^.-M) Weight.

PoisoNFuix, a€{f. Very wicked.

Qwitf ttu, 9aerilegmf What saiat, thM

pmaoHfiM queane ?

Tertne* i'm BugHiik, 16ftL

PoisuBE, «. Weight.

Nor is this forced,

But the mere qnality andfMMnMvof eoodr

oesB. S.i'FLWUwUumiM.X^.

PoiT, (1) o. To push with the feet


(2) t. A poker. York9h.

(3) adj. Forward. &wf.

PoKB, (1) #. A bag, or sack. NviL

(2) #. A large long aleeve, in

fashion at the end of the Utk


!3) o. to thrust, or lean forward.

4) V, To gore. We9t,

(5)«. To ^ve an offence. Ntrih.

Oa) #. Scurf in the head. /Jne.

(7) #. A haycock. Devon.

^8)#. A finger-stall. Chwns.

(9) #. A cesspool. Kent.

PoKB-cABT, #. A miller's cart. JSnI.

Poked, a4f. Consumptive; aaidcf


PoKB-DAT, #. The day on whi^

labourers receive their alkma&ee

of corn. Sv^olk.



PoKE-pnooiNG, #. (1) A long pod-


(2) The long-tailed titmnse.

PoKB-8RAKJCtNB,#. The latl psg of

a litter. NortJL

PoKBT, «<{f. (1) Saney.

(2) VerysmalL


poKBB, /for iettifig the


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A itiffe about hti neck, not like • rnfflui,

but inch broad, with amall acta, aa if a

peece of a tobaceo-pipe had bcene hia

fcking^tlek, M€mmth4Mi»He,lW9.

Where are BTniff, and poker.


Tour mff mvat atand in print, and for

that pnrpoae cet pokinfi-tlick* with Aiir

long handles, Test ihey scorch vnur hand.

MiddUlom't Blurt Matter Comit,

PoKiT, t^. To fatten for pork. Leie,

PoLAiL»t. (A.'N.) Poultry.

PoLBEB, 9. A kind of early barley.

PoLDSB, 8. Marshy soil. Kent

PoLBAPs, 9. A leather strap be-

longing to some part of cart har-

ness. Var,d,

PoLB-HKAD, t. A tadpole.

PoLEiN. t. (A.-N,) (1) Poultry.

(2) A pulley.

(3) The point of piked shoes.

PoLB-PiECE,«. A woman's caul. Dev,

PoLER, t. A barber. Che9h,

PoL-BviL, t. An eruption on the

neck and ears of borses. We9t.

PoLB-woKK, 9, Tedious business.

PoLETNSi 9. The knee-pieces in ar-


PoL-OARMBNT8, «. Clotb for gar-

mentSy smooth on one side and

rough on the other, as velvet, and

similar materials.

PoLiFr, 9, (J,-N.) A pulley.

PoLissBB, t. A smock-frock. Dev.

Polk, «. A pool. See Putt.

PoLKB, V, To put.

Poll, (1) ». To rob ; to cheat.

Upon a tnne in Andvarpe a false poi

lynge felowe came unto a certeyne

prcate. that hadde hie parse haneynge

at Ilia gyrdell atrouttiiige onte mil of

money. TaU» aatd Quicie Antwer; n. d.

(2) «. The head. PoOt^e, a


(3) V. To cat the hair.

(4 > V. To cut down or lop a wood.

Pollard, «. (1) Clipped coin.

(2) A stag without horns.

(3) Bran, or coarse flour.

PoLi«AX, 9. (A.'S.) A heavy hal-

berd ; the axe used by butohen

to kill cattle; a pole-axe


PoLLDATT, t. Caavas, or coaite


PoLL-BTiL, #. A disease of the head.

The appoplexy, falling evill.

The head-ache, crampe or Inw,

PoU evUl, canker in the eye.

Or nicer in the noae.

Rowlitndt,Kiuae<tfCUtkbi, 16

PoLLBD-ovr,a4r. Intoxicated. Var,d,

PoLLBNOBR, 9, A pollard tree.

Poller, (1) *. A hen.roost. Nwrf,

(2) V. To beat water with a pole.

(3) «. A sort of dart.

(4) «. A pollard tree.

PoLLBTTES, 9. (A.-N. iox epauktte9)

Pieces of armour for the shoul-


PoLLiKG, «. Retaliation.

PoLLRUMPTious, €idj, Rcstive ; un-

ruly. Kent.

POLLTWIO,! . . , ,


PoLMAD, t. In a rage for fighting.


As now the honest printer hath bin kinde,

Bootea and storkins to our legs doth flode.

Carters, poUnum keele$, and roae ahooe-


Wliich somewhat xa two knares in fashion


Sowiamdi, ZMwt qfSp. and m,, IfilS.

PoLRON, t. Armour to cover the

neck and shoulders.

P0L8HEN, V. {A.'N.) To polish.

P0L8HRED, V. To lop a tree.

PoLT, ©. (1) To pelt.

rie gire the leave to rime me to death

or to polt me ail over with rotten egsa.

Flora* $ ra^aruv, 1870

(2) «. A hard blow. Var. d,

^3) 9. To cut, or shave. Som/tn*

(4) a4f. Saucy. Kent.

(5) t. A sort of rat-trap. JTcn/.

PoLTATE, t. A potato. Comw.

PoLT-»ooT, t. A dub-foot.

PoLTiNO-Luo, 9, A long slcuder

rod, used for beating apples off

the trees. Gbme,

PoMAOE, t. (1) (Lat.) Cyder.

(2) A pumice-stone.

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Pomandbh, t. A sort of perfame,

in form of a ball, worn about the


Fetch nty beat scented glores, my paitile

Skadwelly dmonm BiffoiUt 1690.

Pome, (1) r. To pelt. North,

(2) V. To pummel. Comto,

(3) a. A young rabbit. Devon.

(4) o. (fV.) To grow round, like

an apple.

PoMB-DORRYB, 1 $. (A.-N.) Adish

POMB-DORBTLB, J In old cookery.

For to make pomet-donyle, and other

thynges. Take the lire of pork niwe,

and Erynde it amale. Hedle it up with

poicder-fort, safron, and salt; and do

raiiona of coraiice. Make ballet thereof ;

and wete it wele in white of ayren, and

do it to seeth in boillyng water. Take

hem up, and put hem on a spyt ; rott

hem wel, and take parse! ygrunde, and

wryng it up with ayren and a plenty of

floer, and lat erne aboy te the spyt. And

if thou wilt, take, for panel, safron.

and serte it forth. l^miteofCitrjf.T^.Zl.

PoMBGARNADBft. (^.-iV.) A pome-


PoMBL, «. {A.-N.) A ball, or knob;

the top of the head.

PoicBLBB, adj. (Pr,) Spotted.

PoiiE-WATE», t. A kind of apple.

The wilding, oostard, tlten the wel-known

And sundry other flrnlts, of good, yetseve-

rail Uste,

That have their sundry names in sundry

oonntries ^c*t.

vrwftviCsTcUfoUiont Song 18.

PoinrBB, «. To steal. Leie.

PoMicB, t. The residue of apples

after the juice has been extracted.


PoMMADO, #. A particular mode of

vaulting on a horse.

Pommel, «. The ends projecting at

the back of a cart. Northampt.

PoMON, #. {A.^N.) The lungs,

PoMPAL, a4f* Pompous.

PoMPBD,/Mr/.^. Pampered.

PoMPiLLioK, t. {Fr.) An ointment

made of black poplar buds.

PoMPiON, «. {Fr.) A pumpkiB.

PoMPiRE, #. A kind of apple.

PoMPLB, V. To go unsteadily.

PoMBTEB, V. To doctor with salves

and slops. Weat.

PoN, «. A pond. Ponned, kept in

a pond.

The cittjzens, like pamed pikos, the kasere

feede the jrreate.

Warned » JOumt BngUmi, IS^

Pond-bat, «. A dam of earth

thrown across a pond, with a

convenient outlet of masonry f»r

the supply of water.

PoNCHONG, 9. A puncheon for

making holes in iron.

PoNENT, adj. {Ital.) Western.

PoNET. A term among gamblers in

betting, for £50. Hiding ike

poney, receiTing money in ad-

vance. Northampt.

PoNiBT. See PoignUt.

PoNT,v. To bruise, to indent. Wttt.

VosTitD, adj. Tainted ; stale, l^orse^

Poo, V. To pulL North.

Pooch, (1) t. A jug. South.

(2) V. To thrust out the lips sol-

lenly. Weit.

PoocHBL, V. To make mouths at a

person. Exmoor.

Poodle, a. The English Chsnnd.


PooDLER, a. The young coalfish.


Poor, (1) a. A haycock. IFett.

(2) a. The belly, or stomach.


(3) 9. A calTs stomach for rennet.


(4) «. To kick. Dewm,

(5) 9. A veil. Somer9.

(6) V. To put together. Simex.

PooR-NEBDLB, 9. The cocUe or

shepheid's-needle. Aiaaer.

PooLB, a. A measure of woik is


Poolings, a. The fiit from an ani-

mal's intestines. North,

Pools, #. The spaces on eadi side

of the threshing-floor of m baro.


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PooL-sFBAm, t. A reed. South,

PooLr, #. Urine. WeaL

PooMBR, t. Anything very large.


PooN, V. (1) To kick. North.

(2) To beat with the fist. 'Mil

glTe yoa a pootUng." Shropsh.

Poop, v. To cheat ; to cozen.

Poop-noddy, t. The game of love.

Poops, t. Gulps in drinking. North.

PooR-AND-RicH, «. Ad old lutine

of a game.

PooB-joHN, 8. Haik when dried

and salted. It was always beaten

before it was cooked.

I would not be of one [religioa] that tboiild

coDimund me

To feed upon poofs/oAii, when I see


ABd partridges on the table.

Uauing. EnegadOt \, 1.


eye. Norihampt,

P00R-MAN'8>WBATHBR.0LA88, #.

Pimpernel, anagalUt arveruif,


PooRLT, i^f. Rather unwell.

Poor, (l) #. A pullet. Chesh.

(2) t. A pool of water.

(d) V. To cry. Somertet.

PooTY, 9. The girdled snail-shell.


Pop, (1) «. A short space. Lane,

(2) V. To clang a whip. B€rk9.

Pof-abouts, «. Yeast dumplings.


Pop-OLOTE, 9, The fox-glove.


PoPB, (1) 9, Human excrement.

A term of contempt. " A p<^e of

a thing," something wortUess.

{2) V, Alyum exonerare.

(3) t. A mixed liquor. " Make a

bisltop with champagne instead

of port, and you have a pope."

Ojtford Niffhtagf. See Bi9hop.

(4)9, Mentula.

(5) 9, A wecTiL

(6) 9. The common red poppy.


Pope- JOAN, #. The name of a game

at cards.

FoPB-juLiua, 9, An old game at


PopXLOT, #. {A,'N.) A deeeiTer

PoPBRiN, ft. A sort of pear, first

FOPPBRiK, J brought from Pope-

ringen, in Flanders.

I requested him to ddII me

A Katharine pear, and had I not krak'd to


He would bare mistook and KiTea me a

WowuM Nntr Veud,

PoPBS-BTB, 9. A popular term for

the gland and fat round it in the

middle of a leg of mutton.

Popbs-hbad, t. A long-handled

broom for sweeping ceilings.

PoPBT, *. {A.'N.) A puppet.

Pop-ovN, «. Elder-wine. So/utK

Pop-HOLT, «. Hypocrisy.

PoPiLioN. See PompUion.

Popinjay, t. (A.-N.) A parrot.

PoPLAiN, t. The poplar. fFe9t.

PopLB, V. To hobble; to go poking

about. Exmoor,

PopLBR, t. Pottage. Dekker.

PoPLBT, 9. A term of endearment.

Popped, adj. Nicely dressed.

Popper, t. (I) A dagger. Chaucer.

(2) A pistoL

Poppet, t. A puppet ; an idol ; a

darling. Poppet is in some parts

used as the name for a horse in

a team, while darHng is the cor-

responding name for a mare.

PoppiLARY, 9. The poplar. Chuh.

PoppxN, t. A puppet. Eaet.

Popping, adj. Chattering; blab-

bing. We9t.

PoppLB, (1) The poplar tree. Ea9t.

(2) 9. A bubble.

(3) V. To bubble up. NortK

(4) V, To tumble about. Eaet.

(5) V. To talk nonsense. Norf,

(6) 9. Tares.

(7) f. {A.-S.) A pebble. Var, d.

Toffy, adj. Soft; tender. Norths


PopFY-Fiu., t. Opium. North*

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P0PUI.A&, adj. Vulgar ; common.

Populate, o. (Lat.) To fill with


PoR, t. A poker.

PoaAiLLB, 8. {^A,'N,) The poor


PouBBAOLB, 9. A kind of shark.

PoRCBL, t. {A,'N.) A young pig.

PoBCHiAN, t. A parochian.

Po&c-piscEi t. A porpoise.

PoRcupio, a. (ii.-.V.) A porcupine.

PoRB, (1) t. Power.

(2) V, To supply plentifully.


PoRED-MiLKi t. Milk that curdles

in boiling. Kent.

PoRET, a. (Fr,) A young onion.

PoRisHLYf a^. Weak-sighted.

PoRKBR, a. (1) A young hogfalted

for pork.

(2) A sword. ShadweU,

Pork LINO, a. A small pig. East.

PoRKT, at^. Fat ; plump. North,

PoRLBW8»a. Purlieus.

There wa> a companv of gentylmen in

Northmnptonihyre wliicfa went to hunte

for dere in the porlewa in the gollet be-

syde Stony Stratford; among which

srentylmen there waa one which \aA a

Welchman to hie aervante, a

archer. J C. Mery

PoRPBNTiNB, a. A porcupine.

PoRPiN, a. A hedgehog. Somerset.

PoRR, (1) V. To push. Comto.

(2) V. To cram with food. Somere.

(3) a. A plumber, or glazier.


Porr6, a. (A.'N.) A sort of pottage.

PoRRBYNB, a. {A.^N.) A dish miule

of plums.

For to make porrtifnt. Tak prunye

fayrist, wa«ch hem wel and dene, and

frot hem wel in lyre, for the jua be wel

y wronge ; and do it in a pot, and do

thereto wy t grea, and a party of aogur,

other houy, and mak hem to boyle to-

gedere; and mak yt thykke with flowr

of rye, other of waatet-bred ; and wan

it is eodyn, dreaae it into diaehia, and

atrew thereon powder, and aerre it forth.

ifarner, Antiq. Cul.^ p. 47.

PoRRiNOBR, a. A deep plate for


PoiiRiwiGOLB, a. A tadpole. North.

Port, (1) a. {A.'N.) Carriage;


(2) a. SUte ; attendance.

Thon ahalt be maater, Tranio, in my itead ;

Keep houae, and fort, and acrriiDta ai I

ahould. Skaketp., 1km. t/Skr^ 1, 1.

(3) o. To carry in a solemB

manner ; a military term.

Porting the ensiena of united two.

Both erowna and kingdoms, in their dUm

hand. B, Jcnt. E/nduL

(4) A carved piece of iron at

tached to the saddle or stirrup,

to carry the lance when held


Portage, a. A porthole.

PoRTAOUE, a. A Portuguese gold

coin, worth about £Z 12a.

PoRTANOB, a. Deportment.

PORTASSB, 1. A k..^.;....

P0RTEH0I8. r-^^"^"7-

Portcullis, a. A coin struck la

Elizabeth's reign with a port-

cullis on the reverse.

Portbcolibe, a. {A.-N.) A port-


Portbd, part. p. Supplied with


PoRTB-MOTB, a. (A.-S.) A muni-

cipal meeting, or court.

Porter, v. To portray. Paltg.

PoRTE-sALB, $. An Open sale of


PoRTLBT, a. A little port.

PoRTMANTLB, 9. A portmantcao.

I7th cent.

PoRTMANTUA, 9. A portmauteao.

Wlilch ahewcth that he ia the ante-

ambttlo of a gentlewonun, the coaie*

quent of a gentleman, the antecedent ei

a port'MotUuOf or a cU>ke->ba^: a

Ber\'ing-man. ifaa in M« Motmt, 1609.

PoRTPANE, a. {A.-N) The doth in

which bread was carried from the

pantry to the table.

Portraiture, a. A portrait.

PoRTSALUT, f . {A.-N.) Safe port

PoRTURE, a. {A.'N.) Beharioar.

Poa, a. (i^.-iV.) A pledge.

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Pom, (1) V. {A.-N.) To suppose j

to put as a supposition.

(2) s, A cold in the head.

Saatear de teste. A rhetime or honor

fiillijig downe into the noie, stoppinr

the noitrells, hurting the voice, and

causing a cough with a tinging in the

earet: tiie /kv^ or mnr.

Nommelator, 1686.

Thejtaj it is good for a eokl, for a jmw,

for rewms, for achrs, for dropsies, and

for all manner ot diseases proceeding of

miiyat humours.

Bieh, Hmcitu oftkt Age, 1614.

(3) t. A hoard of money. North.

PosiK, «. An examiner.

Posh, (1) «. A great quantity.


(2) V. To Tomit with violence.


PosNtT, t.> A small pot or skillet.

Poss, (1) 9. To dash about; to

splash; to push. North,

(2) 9. A waterfall. Yorkth:

PbssB, t. A number of people

(from potoe eomitatus),

PossxDK, V. To possess.

PossKss, V. To inform; to per-


PossEssioNKRS, 8, (1) Rightful


(2) Religious communities en-

dowed with lands.

PossBssiONiNG (forProcMStOfun^).

Going the bounds of a parish on

Holy Thursday. North.

PossKT, t. Wine or treacle boiled

with milk, a drink usually taken

before retiring to rest, and pre-

pired especially for a bridegroom.

It is his mornings draught when he

riaeth, his eonserves or cates when ha

luth well dined, his aftemoones nnn-

cioDs, and when he goeth to bedde lus

p9tHi aasonking hote.

Man in the Moone, 1009.

IabUy, for the pomi—wad truly that

nbe lawful, too. Lemon potset ia

ng — otrdaus pouet, benedictus—

and nckvoiset, comfortable.

Th« Cheats, 166S.

Couin Let, tboa hMk'st so pitifnUy, for

want of thy morning's poeset, that, o'

my ooaacieiice, I couU) cry for thee.

SoMft, The TuWH Skifte, 1671.

PoBSiNG, «. (^.jiotitMr.) An ae-

tion between thrusting and

knocking. Lane.

PossiBiLiTiu, t. A person's in-

come, or property.

PossT, 04;. Short and fat. North.

Post, t. (1) A courier, or special


(2) The door.post of a victual-

ler's shop, on which he chalked

up the debts of his customers.

Poore fooles that cards and ale-house ply.

Till all they get consumes thereby :

The TitleiB poatU all chalk'd with acorea.

And they tum'd beggers out of doores.

BowkttuU, KntaeqfEarU, 1618.

I eonld not chuse but feede thereon,

?['his is the truth, mine hoast)

et score it up. when God sends ooyne

I will discharge your poaat.

Bovlands, Knave ofCUibbe, 1611.

(3) Sherifh had formerly posts

before their doors, on which pro-

clamations, &c., were affixed.

Hence the phrase, to po9t a

person for refusing to fight a


(4) «. The stakes in gambling.

PosT-AMD-PAiB, t. Au old game at



built of uprights and cross pieces

of timber, not plastered over.

PosT-BiRD, «. The gray flycatcher.


P09TBS8, 9. A post. Notf.

PosT-HousB, 8. A post-office.'

PosTiK, 8. A pestle.

PosTissER, t. Pots. Berk8.

PosTLB, t. (1) An Apostle.

(2) A short commentary; a


PosT-PAST, 8. A sort of dessert.

PoBT-piN, 8. A small pin.

PosTfjRB, V. To strut. Wight.

PosTPosB, 9. (Lat.) To place


Pot, (1) «. A helmet, or small

scull cap I the scull.

(2) 8. A stick with a wicker

guard, for cudgel-playing.

d by boogie



(3) A wicker vessel to take fish.


(4) t. A bog's black-pudding

made with the blood aud grits

ungroond. Devon,

(b) V. To drink.

(6) V, To deceive.

PoT-APPLSB, t. A species of apple.

Mala pulmonea, Flin. stolidi tumenUa,

irKeviiiwia. Fotapples: puffins.


Potato. PIE. Potatoes, long after

their introduction into this coun-

try, were considered as great de-

licacies, and cooked in various

fanciful ways.

Let me beg your divenion, ladyj I'll

senre yon with what kinde of amour

you pleage» beaidea choice fricaciea.

gellica, potato'B,wa8hea, baths nocturnal

and diurnal, or anything.

Howard, Man qfNewmarktt, 1678.

A potatO'pye for supper.— Take three

pound of boiled and blanched potatoea,

and three nutmegs, and half an ounce

of cinamon beaten together, and three

ounces of sugar, season your potatoes,

and put them in your pie, then take

the marrow of three bones rouled in

yolks of eggs, and sliced lemon, and

large mace, and half a pound of butter,

six dates ouartcred, put this into your

pie, ai.d let it stand an hour in the

oven, then make a aharp caudle of

butter, sugar, veiguice aud white-wine.

put it in when you take your pie out of

the oven. Tnu Genilmat^i DeUgkl,l(yj6.

PoTATOE-BOOLB, $. A scsrccrow.

PoT«BoiLBB, 8, A houscholder.


PoT-CAKB, t. A Norfolk dumpling.

PoTCH, V, To poke ; to push.


POT-CLBP, I A ^^L u^«i,

POT-MLP. f *• ^ PO'-'"'°^-


PoT-DAT, t. It was the custom

formerly, even among very sub-

stanlial farmers, to cook only

three times a week, of which

Sunday was always one; these

days of periodical cookery were

called pot'dayBt and were the

days for receiving friends. Norf,


PoT-DUNo, t. Farmyard dimg.


PoTB, (1) V. To push with the

feet; to kick. North,

(2) V. To creep about moodily.

(3) 9. A piece of wood used by

thatchers to open the old thatch

in mending it, Os^d.

PoTECART, 9. An apothecBTy.

PoTED, parf, p. Plaited.

PoTB-HOLE.t. A small hole, through

which anything is pushed with a

stick; a confused place. Somen,

PoTBNT, #. (1) {A.^N,) A dob,

or staff.

(2) A potentate. ShaJteap,

Potential, adj. (A.-N,) PowecfoL


PoTEWS, a, A dish in andcBt


Potevfs. Take pottea of heibet lytd «f

half a quart, and fylle hem fulle of fan

of pomc'dorryea, other mike with thva.

hoiide, other in a moolde pottes of the

aelf fars. Put hem in water and Metk

nem up wel. And whan they bath

ynow^, breke the pottes of erbes, and da

the fars on the spyt, and roat hem wd.

And whan thei buih yrosted, cokir hem

as pome^lorryea. Make of htuU preves

guoe past; frye hem other n»t hemwd

in grece, and make thereof eerys to

pottes, and rolor it. And make runt

of gude past, and frye hem, and pat the

steles in the hole there the spyt • as, aad

color it with white other reae. andacrre

it forth. Farm* </ Cmrf, p. SL

PoT-ouN, t. A short wide gun, re-

sembling a mortar.

Daggs, handsoons, hakes, hagbossert,

culverins, slings,

PotfootUy aakirs, cannons, double aai

demie. Eeyvood't Spider and fUa, HM.

PoT-HANOLB, t. A pot-hook. JVMA.

PoTHBLONB, V. To dig in the esvth.

Pother, (1) v. To shake mbont

(2) t. A tumult.

PoTHERY, a^. Hot; close. Wett,

PoT-BNiGHT, 1 ^ dninkard.

POT-MA8TER, J «*'""««•

PoT-LADLE, t. A tadpole. E§»L

PoTs, s. The panniers of a pad*

saddle. H'e9t.



P0T-8ICK, adj. Tipsy.

P0T-8ITTEN, part. p. Burned to

the pot. North,

P0T-8TICK, 8. A 8Ufll

PoT-suoAR, t. Sugar for pastry.

PoT-suRi, adj. Confident.

PoTTBNf t. A stilt. Notf, See


PoTTSNGKR, t. A pofringer.

Potter, v. (1) To go about any-

thing in a slow and awkward

manner. A horse is said to pot'

ter, when he is tender in the feet,

and goes ill in consequence.

!2) To confuse. Yorksh,

3) To poke ; to stir. North,

PoTTLB-BELLisD, adj, Pot-bellicd.


P0T-WABBLER8, 1 t. Persons en-

P0T-WALLINBR8, \ titled to vote

POT-WALLOPERS, J for members

of {Murliament for the borough in

which they have boiled their


Pott, a^. Close ; confined. West,

Pou, 9, A pan, or platter. Lane,

PoucE, t. (1) {A,'N,) The pulse.

(2) Filth. Ptmcy, dirty. North,

Pouch, (1) v. To push. West,

(2) #. (^.-M) A pocket.

(3) V, To paunch an animal.

PouD, «. A boil, or ulcer. Suites,

PouDBR-POBT, 9, Pepper.

PouDBRiNG-TUB, t. (1) The tub

used for salting meat.

(2) The cradle or bed in which a

person a£fected with the luee

venerea was laid.

POUDXK-M ARCH ANT, 9, Pulycrized


POUDRB, (1) *. (J.-N.) Dust.

(2) 9, Pulverized spice; but when

used in cookery receipts by itself,

it usually signifies pepper.

(3) V. To salt meat.

PoVKE, #. (1) The devil.

(2) A blister pimple. North.

759 POU

PouL. Pant

PouLAiNs, t.(.^.-iV.) Pointed sheet.

PouLCHE, ». To poach.

PO0LDBR, f. (A.'N.) Powder.

PoDLT, (l)v. To kill poultry.

(2) t. A chicken.

PouLTER, 9, A dealer in poultry.

Pounce, (!) v. {A,'N,) To perfo-

rate; to cut glass or metal for

cups, &c. ; to ornament by cut-

ting. Pounced work was very

fashionable in cloth for dresses

in the fifteenth century.

A tlioit eoate garded and pounced after

the galiarde fashion. Sl^i, Oo9., toL 91.

(2) 9. A thump. Ea9t.

(3) t. A puncheon of iron.

(4)«. The pulse. Oe9ta Rom.

p. 318.

(5) 9, The claw of a hawk.

PouNCBT-Box, 9, A box perforated

with small holes, for carrying


PouNCiNGs,! t. Holes stamped in

POUNCES, J clothes, by way of


Pound, (1) *. A head of water.

(2) «. A cyder mill. Dev.

(3)9. To beat, or knock. Gloue.

PouNDOARNET. 9. A pomegranate.

PouND-MELB, adv, {J,',S.) By the


Pound-needle, t. The name of a


PouNDREL, 9. A popular term for

the head.


PouNsoNE, r. (J.^N) To punch.

PouPB, V. To make a noise with a


PouRCHACB, «. (A,'N.) To provide.

PouBD-MiLK, t. BeastUngs. Su99ex.

See Pood,

PouRBTT,*. (A.'N) Garlick. Herrf.

PouRisH, o. {J.-N.) To impoverish.


P0U8B, (1) V. To push.

i2) 9. Hazy atmosphere. Lane.

3) 9, Rubbish ; lumber. North,

PovsBMXNT, #; Refuse ; dirt. North*





P0V8BODDI, t. An ale possel, with

rom, sugar, nutmeg, and toasted

bread ; usually introiduced during

Christmas in Cumberland.

Pout, «. A young bird.

"X:;}- To pout.

VoYmRhYfOdv. Poorly.

PovERT, 9. (A.'N,) Poverty.

P0VBRTY«WEBD, #. Purple COW-

wheat, so named because it be-

tokens a poor soil. Wight,

VavEY, $, An owl. Ghuc

PoviCE, 9. A fungus of any kind.


PovRE, 1 #. (A.-N.) ?Qor.Povrete,

POYER, J poverty.

PovRisH, 9. To impoverish.

Pow, ». (1) The head. North.

(2) The prickleback. Somer9eL

(3) A long pole ; a fishing rod.


PowcHE, 9. A fish's crop.

Powder, t. Haste ; bustle. Cumb*

PowE, *. (A.'N.) A claw.

Power, (1) «. A great number.

Sntl. But if the ooiOorer be but well

paid, he'll take pains npon the ghost

and lay him, look ye, in the Red Sea—

and then he's laid for ever.

Gardu. Why, John, there mnat be a

power of spirits in that same Red Sea.

1 warrant ye they are as plentv hs fish.

n.*a Drummir.

(2) #. The fish gadu9 nUmUu9,

(3) at^. {A.'N.) Poor.

PowERATioN, t. A great quantity.


PowL,o. To poll. Powi^, a barber.

P0W8, 9, The pulse.

PowsB,.«. Pulse. Herrf.

P0W8EL8, t. Dirty rags. Chnh.

PowaBMB»T,«. , A miacbievooa per^

son. Lane.

Pow9Ex,aiff. Fat;decent.looking.


Pow8B,«. A blister.

P0W8OBDT, t. A Yorkshire pad-

dipg. See Pomeodi.

PowT, (1) o. To stir up. North.

(2) t. A havcock. KetU.

(3) «. A fish.

PowTLB, 9. (1) To come forth oat

of the earth. North.

(2) To work feebly. Nortkumh.

Pow>wow, ado. Flat on one's


Pox, 9. Any pustules; especially

the smallpox.

Pox-STONB, t. A hard gray stooe

found in Staffordshire.

Pot, «. A long boat>faook. Xmc

PoTNBT, #. A small bodkin.

PoTSEs, t. Posies.

POTTREL, 9. (A.'N.) A stiff StO-

macher of wood formerly worn by

women within their stays,aBSwer-

ing to the modern busk.

Practice,*. Artifice. Praeti9aiU,

a conspirator.

Practick, (1) adj. Practical

(2)«. Practice.

Praise, (1) «. Opinion. The old

writers spoke of good praise and

bad praise.

(2) o. To express pain. Doraet.

Prajant, adj. Swaggering; coa«

ceited. Wight.

Prancer, 9, A light womaa.

Pralimo, 9. Tying a bladder with

pease therein, or a tin, or soae

rattling thing, to the tail of s

dog, and setting him at liberty

with it. Ea9t.

Prane, 9. A prawn. Pahgr.

Prank, (1)9. To adom ; to deco-


(2^ V. To be subtle.

(3) a4f. Frolicksome.

Pranked, adj. Variegated. Hampih,

pRANKiN, adj. Proud. Craoem.

Prankle, (1) v. To prance.

(2) #. A pi:awn. Wight.

Pra8b,«. a small common. Cvnur.

Prat, 9, The buttock. Dekker.

Pratb-afacb, f . A talkative per-


Prattilt, adv. SofUy. North.

Prattlb-basket, «. Aprattlcr,

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Prave, a<f;. DepntTcd. PrwUy,


Pkay, (1) V. To driye all the cattle

into one herd on a moor. To

pray the moor, to search the

moor for lost cattle. SomeruL

See Prey,

(2) V. To lift op. Buff.

(3) t. Press; crowd.

PnATKL, «. {A,'N.) A little mea-


pRXAsx, 1 (1) «. A crowd. See

PRBACs, J Prete.

When their money was eoM, one of


theoi sayd : what ahall we do now ? By

my faith (quod another) if I mifffat come

where preaee of people were, I conlde

get Boneye inougb for na.

Tain and QuieJtt An»wert$.

(2) V. To press; to endeaTOor.

And ]>raieTB did mrtau befpre thy mercy-

Bat for all her wordea he wolde nat fo

awaye, bat atylle prmuA to come m.

So lonj^ they atode chvdinge, that the

good man came npon tbem, and aaked

them why they braoltd so.

2U«f ir Quwks Jiuwmm, n. 4,

Prbachmbnt, t. A sermon.

Prbambulation, t. A preamble.

pREASBR, 8. Rennet. Yorkeh,

Pbbcation, t. (Za/.) An inyoca*


pRBCEDBNT, t. (1) A prognostic.

(2) A rough draft of a writing.

Pbbcblle, v. To excel.

pBBCBPT, t. A warrant.

pKBGBssioNBBS, «. Candlcs used

in procession at Candlemas Day.

pRBCiB, adj. {A.'N.) Delicate.

pRBCisiAN, t. A Puritan.

Oliese men for all the world like «ar

preeuiant be,

WhOt for some croas or saiat they in the

windovs see,

"Will pluck down all the churoh.

Drafts ^olfolb*, song 6.

Pabde,«. Booty.

Predestine, ». (A.-N.) Predesti^


Predication, *. {Lai.) Preaching ;

" sermon.

Pbbedt, adv. With ease. Corttw.

pRBBN, V. To trim trees.

Preevb. SeePreve.

PRBBZB, V. Mingere. Norih,

pRBFB, s. A proof.

Prefixed, pari, p. Appointed.

" The prefixed hour." Skakeep.

pRBisB, V. (A,'Ii.) To appraise.

Prebe, (1) «. A prick.

(2; V. To ride quickly.

Prelationr, s. a placing one over .

or before others.

Prembdiate, v. To advocate a


Premial, adj. By way of reward.

I many penal statntes, Fnmto, saw,

But not oat pmual in all yonr law :

Laws penal, premial, support a state ;

This age hath lost the last, the ftrsfs fai

date. Omem's^ptyrmHu, 1677.

Prbmtb, e. (Lat, preemium.) A


The cytie of London, through his mere

graunt and premye.

Was Ant ptivyleged to have both neyer

and shryre.

Where before hys trroe it had but bay-

lyves onlye. Bml^t Kfnge Jokan^ p. m.

Prbmtour, «. A recompence.

Jesus is his lovers lewarde anil

3%« FetHvalt fot. cxziii, Terso.

PRBNOiD,j9aW.p, Pricked.

pRENE, «. An iron pan. Somereet,

pRENK, \adj. Pert Craven. See

PRONK, J Prank.

pRBNT, ad». Ill the first place.

Prbntis, «. An apprentice.

pREPARATE, adj. (Lot.) Prepared.

PRBPARE, t. Preparation. S^akeap.

Prepensed, part. p. Premedi-


Prbpositour, t. A monitor in a

school. Hermann, 1530.

Prepostbbatb, v. To make pre-


Pbbsande, a. A present.

Prescript, adj. Given in writing

" By whose preeer^t order, idl

was to be done.^'

Prbsb, (1) ». {J..N) A crowd.

(2) 0. To crowd ; to press.





(S) V. To hasten.

Prbseancb, t. {A.'N.) Priority of


Prbsbncb, «. Outward appearance.


P»B8BNT, (1) atg. Immediate.

(2) 9. A white spot on the finger-

nail fFeti,

P&B8BNTABIB, ixff. Present

PRESBNTBRBR, «. A proSlltUte.

Pkbsbntly, t. Immediately.

pRBSHER, at^. Precious. MS. dated


pRESSBB, 8. One who irons linen.

pRB8siNG-iR0N, ». An irott for

smoothing linen.

Pbbstb, (1) adj. {A,-N,) Ready.

Prettefyy readily.

(2) «. (A.-N.) A loan; money

paid in advance.

(3) adj. Neat ; proper.

(4) t. A sepulchral tumulus.


Pbbstioiatb, «. To enchant; to


Pretencb, t. A design.

pRBTBND, 9. (1) (^.-iV.) Toclaim.

(2) To intend.

(3) To forebode.

Prbtenbbd, part, p. Intended.

Prbtbrit, part. p. (Lot.) Passed.

pRBTEBiciT, V. (Lat.) To omit.

Prbto, 9. A loan.

Our great landlords bespake him with

lofty renU» with fines, and pretoeSy and

I know not what

B&toUuuU, Search for Money 1 1609.

pRETORY, 9. {Lat.prtBtwium.) The

high court

Prbttily, adv. Very.

Pit. VttM Mid, Howdee : for my Udy.

ship IS e'en at the last ipisp. I am to

be divorc'd within this hair hour. But

your proceeditiK*. brother? How did the

receive jou at nretf

Witt. O at fint, she was the FrettiUest

mad that e'er you saw. You your self

cannot devise to be so mad. as she was.

Browf* Nortkwn Lou,

Pretty, adj. Fine ; crafty.

Pretty-fbtb, 9, A moderate quan-

tity. Berk9.

PrbfblTi adv. Secretly.

Prbve, v. To prove.

Prevent, v. (Lot.) To anticipate;

to go before.

Prbvbntion, 9. Jurisdiction.

Prey, t. The herd of cattle driven

from the common pasture and

impounded : if any amonj; them

belong to persons in an adjoining

parish, a trifling sum is paid te

redeem them. Norf.

Pre YTH ENOW. I beg. Craven,

Prial, 9. Three cards of a sort

See Pair-royaL

Pricb, 9. {A.'N.) Value; esti-

mation ; a prize.

pRiCER, 9. One who regulated the

prices in a market

Prigh, 9. Weak liquor. NortJL

pRiCHELL, t. An instrument for

dressing flax. HoUybandy 1593.

Prick, (1) #. The peg in the centre

of a Urget, to hit which gave

the first prize in archery. It was

hence used frequently in a meU-

phorical sense to signify the

prize of anything, or soperior


(2) t. A goad.

(3) V. To goad ; to sting.

A fryer Uiat preached to the people on

a tvnie wolde otherwhyle cne cmt a

loude (as Uie maner of some foolcs b).

whiche bratenge dyd so move « wonan

that Btode nerynge his sermone that she

wcpte. He parcry\ing that, thought m

his mynde her couscience being prycJM

with his wordes had caused her to vcdcl


(4) 9. A skewer, often used as

the peculiar characteristic of


Gomus. KfULvtioL. Cormier, cornier, ear>

neillier. The wilde cherrie )rt?e: the

dog tree : the tree of the wood wba«f

bntehera make their pricki.


I next dwelt with a batcher, that hal


To live and thrive by mutton and by^rui^

Thus have I oft beene tossed to and froi.

From bad to worse, from niisenr to woe.

d by boogie




(5) 8. A point or dot

(6) 9, To wound.

(7) V. To ride hard. See Preke.

(8) 8, A term of endearment.

(9 > 9. To germinate.

(10) «. A period of time.

(11) 9, To trace a hare's foot-


(12) 9. To turn sour. We$t

(13) 9. To trace the footsteps of

a rabbit. Northampt,

PaiCKA8ou&, «. (A.'S,) A hard


PaicKER, #. (1) A light horseman.

(2) A bradawl.

(3) A loose woman.

Pricket, «. (1) A buck in his

second year.

(2) A wax taper.

pRiCK-BoxxoN, 8. Theholly. Line,

Prickings, «. The footsteps of a


Prickle, (1) «. A wicker basket.

(2) 9. To prick. North.

pRiCK-LousE, 8. An old nickname

for a tailor.

Prick-madam, ». Stonecrop.

pRiCKiiEDAiNTT,«. Afinical pcrsou.

Prick-nickle, 8, A dry hedge of

thorns to protect a newly planted

fence. Northampt.

PaicK-PENNY, t. An old gambling


Tblk of wit ; 111 play at pnek-pmny for

twenty ponnd, vith any one here.

ShadtotU, True Widow, 1679.

PRIGK-POBT, «. A timber framed

into the principal beam of a floor.

Pricks, t. A game like bowls.

Prick-shaft, 8. An arrow.

Wlio with her hellish ooonge, atont and


Abidoi th« brunt of many KpricUhafl shot.

TM/hr't Workes, 1680.

Pricktimbbr, 1 *. The spindle-

PRiCKwooD, J tree.

Pricksono, t. Music set down in


PRICK-WAMD, 8, A rod set up as a

mark in archery.

Pride, (1) ». The mud lamprey.


(2) Good condition, said of a


(3) Splendour. North.

(4) Lameness ; impediment.


Pridy, adj. Proud. Comw.

PRIB, t. Priyet.

(2) 9. To look inquisitively.

Ail nipper while, if they tnble together,

he peereth and frieth into the platten

to picke ont dainty morsels to content

her maw. Man in the Moone, 1609.

He pried in my face, tooke me hr the

hand, ledde me into his houae, placed

me in a chaire by the fire, and without

any interrogatories saluted me oour-

tedusiy. IHd.

PRiE-ORA88,t. Any common worth-

less grass. JUne.

Priest-ill, 8. The ague. D&90n,

Priest's-crown, 8. Dandelion.

Piss'-en-lit, dandelion'- priest's erowne:

awiucB snowt, monks head : dotrs teeth i

common cicorie. NomeiuUUort 1586.

Prieve. See Pre9e.

Prig, (1) t. A coxcomb. PriffgUh^


S.S. Well, I protest and tow, I am so

very fine I don't think my lord

mayor's son is finer.

Ch. He IS a scoundrel compared to

thee: there's ne'r a prlgg at court

outshines thee.

Shadwelh Squire o/Alsatia, 1688.

(2) 9. To Steal, originally a cant


(3) 9. To ride, no doubt from


(4) 8. A small pitcher. South.

(5) A brass skellet. York8h.

(6) 9. To higgle in price. North.

pRio-NAPPER, t. A horse-stealer.

Prigstrr, 8. A thief.

Pb iJRL,t. An implement for forcing

nails out of wood.

Prikblle, 9. To drive.

Prikebb, 8. A rider.

Prill, (l)s. A small stream. ^e«/.

(2) 9. To turn sour. De9on,

(3) 8. A child's whirligig.





PaiM, «. (I) Privet. Tuner.

(2) Fry of smelts. Ea»L

(3) A neat girl. Yoriik.

(4) The spindle- tree.

Primal, adj, (Lat.) OrigtnaL

pRiMA-YisTA, t. The game of


Peimb, (1) «. Six o'clock^ a.nu

(2) {Lai.) adj. First.

(3) adj. Excellent.

(4) V. To trim trees. Ea»t

{h\ 9. The footstep of a deer.

(6) adj. Eager ; maris appetens.

(7) t. A terra at primero.

pRiMv-cocK-BOT, t. A Dovice.

Primbd, adj. (1) Half intoxicated.


(2) Spotted from disease. SitJB^lk.

pRiMELT, adv. Very well. North.

Primer, adj. {A.-N.) First.

Primero, t. An old and once rery

popular game at cards.

pRiMEROLE, 9, {A,^N.) The prim-


Primetrmps, f. (A.-N.) Spring.

pRiMiNERY, 9. A difficulty. North.

Primp, v. To be formal. Cumb,

Prim-print, 9. Privet.

Primy, adj. Early.

Prin, (1) adj. Prim.

(2) 9. A pin. North.

Prinado, 9. A sharper.

Principal, «. (1) A heirloom.

(2) The best horse led before the

corpse of its owner.

(3) The comer post of a house;

a part of a roof.

princt<k:ocr, J '

I will tesch thee a leMon vorth the

hearing, proud frineoekt^ how gentUity

fint iprang ap.

Greene'* Qviffar im Vpet. C, B 4.

To teach many proud, ^ueoeke scholars,

that are puffed up m ith the opinion of

their learning, to pull downs the high

lailes of their lofty apiritt.

Coryut, Crud.

Vo dew re^rd of bloud, no care of kinde,

Could stay the fnct, this prineoxe was so

bhjide. htrheniU^t TniffiaUl Tola, 1567.

Princod, 9, A pincushion. Norik.

Pringlb, «. A amall silver Scotch

coin, about the value of a penny,

current in the north of Eoglaad.

Prinit. Take it. WiltM.

Prink, v. (1) To adorn; to be


(2) To be forward. North.

(3) To gaze upon. We9t.

(4) The barley is just prirnktHB

out of the ground; jus( makiag

its appearance.

Print, (1) 9. An impression ; aa

image ; a mould.

(2) t. Privet. Northampt.

(3) In print, with great ex-


But say he cannot wowe m prirnt, hat

loldior-like and pbiine.

mmer^e Alhums EngUni, 1591

To have his ruffea set in pnni, to picka

his teeth, and play with a punpet

(4) adj. Clear and bright. JTcn/.

Prior, «. The crosa-bar which

holds the doors of a bam.

Prise, (1) t. Emprise; a haiard-

ous attempt.

(2) 9, The note blown on the

death of a deer.

(3) ad^. Fine; good.

(4) 9. A lever. Var. d.

Prison, 9, (J.^N.) A prisoner.

Pristinatb, adj. Former ; ancient

pRiTCH, (1) V, To pierce, or make

holes. Ea9t.

(2)9. To withstand. We^,

(3) 9. A pointed inatnimeat of

any kind.

Pritchbl, 9, (1) An instrament

for making holes in the ground.


(2) The iron with which the

smith forms the holes in the


pRiTTLB, V. To chatter. Hence


Privado, V, (^n.) A piiyate


Private, «. Privacy; interest.

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Pbitb, adj. (A.'N.) Secret.

Pritbtbb, 9, Pmate affain; t


Pkitt-bytl, «. A diaeue of hawks.

Prxzall, 9. A prize.

Prize, v, (1) To force open with a


(2) To &TOiir an affected limb.


PmoANDBR, adv. Peradventure.


Probablr, ttdj. Capable of being


pROBAL, adj. Probable. Skakegp.

Procbrb, adj. (Lai.) Large.

Procbs, 9. A story, or relation;


Procbssionbr, 9. A book of the

service and directions for pro-


Prochane, adj. {Fr.) Near.

Proclivb, v. To be prone to.

Pkoct, 9. A large wooden prop.


Proctor, (1) «. One who acts for


(2) 8. A cant term for a beggar.

(3) V. To bully ; to swagger.

Prod, t. A goad. North.

Prodigal, adj. Proud. Herrf.

Proface, a. An exclamation equi-

valent to ** Much good may it do


The dinner*! half done before I say gnire.

And bid the old knight and )iib truest

preface. Wi»e Worn. ofHogtdon.

Before the second coane, the cardinall

came in booted and spurred, all sodainely

among them, and bad them preface.

Siow«'s JtuuUt.

Protbr, 9. A rabbit borrow.

pROFETS, 9. Buskins. Exmoor.

Proffer, v. To dodge one. Devon.

Profligate, v. (Lai.) To drive


Profund, v. (Lat.) To lavish.

Prog, «. A slang term for pro-


Pbogglb, v. To poke ; to prickle.


Proovb, (I) 0. To steal. SeePr^.

(2) 9. A goad. Norf.

(3) V. To try to find or obtain

anything ; to pry into holes.

pRORBMB, 9. (Lat.) A preface.

Proin, \v. To prune; to dress

PROIONB, J the feathers as birds do.

Proin BR, a. A pruner. Someraet.

Proining, «. Prying. Line.

Pronator, 1 ,. j^ ^or.

PROEBTOWR,/*' -* F*^"*-*^"*'

Proke, tr. (1) To entreat; to in-


(2) To stir, or poke about.

Proker, 9, A poker. Wane,

Prokino-spit, 9. A rapier.

Prolixious, adj. Prolix.

Prolle, v. To search ; to prowl ;

to rob.

Prolongbb, 9. (1) " For two pro-

longers and an extinguisher, 2d.**

Joumalf dated 1657. Probably,

a saveall.

(2) A mathematical instrument,

mentioned in 1688.

Promiscuously, adv. Accident-


pROMisB, V. To assure.

pROMiTTBD, part. p. (Lat.) Dis-


Prom ont, a. A promontory.

Promoter, a. (1) An informer.

(2) An aperient. Notf,

Promote, v. To promote.

Prone, adj. Changeable.

Prong, a. (1) A hayfork. South.

(2) A point. North.

Proof, 04;. Of an excellent quality;

applied to land. Warw.

Prooft, adj. Nutritious. South.

Prop, v. To assist. North.

Proper, (\)adj. (Ital) Belonging

to a particular person ; one's own.

Here have I caose in men just blame to


That in their proper praise too partial be.

Spent., F. q.. Ill, ii, 1.

Every womnn common ! w)mt sliall we

do with all the rroper women in Arca-

dia ? They shall be common too.

aiurley^t Jrcadi*.

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(2) adv. Very ; exceeding.

(3) V. To appropriate.

(4) adf. Handsome ; witty.

pROPBETiEs, 9. Dresses of actors

and machinery of the stage.

Pjblopbrty, *. A disguise.

Propicb, adj. (LaL) Propitious,

Pbopinb, (1) V, {Lat.) To drink


(2 ) 9, An excuse ; an atonement.

P&OPONBD, part, p, (Lat) Pro-


Propos, 9. {Fr.) A proposition.

pROPOUNDBR, 9. A monopollst.

Proprih, 9. Property ; possessions.

6o hethen, sche seyd, and up ariae^

Aud cum nammore in mi propris.

Gy of Warmk:

Propulsb, t>. {Lat:) To repulse.

Proscribb, ». To prescribe.

pRosPECTivB, ». A perspective


We flnde him turning over hit sUle

bookes, and poring in his proapeetivet

some-times gmveld in the gravell, some-

time sweat lUg and chafing to find

whether 'twere a burning feaver or no.

SotoUy't Search for ifoN^, 1609.

Prospbration, 9. Prosperity.

Pros8|«. Conversation ; talk. North.

Prossin, adj. Bold ; forward.

Protbnsb, «. Extension.

Protbr,«. a poker. Ea9t.


^n arcbe foole cannot force a lye for

bis pleasure, but in prothodmee wyll

faine a iclose to matntcine hii foolish

fantasie. fl««. Henry F, f. 41.

Protract, *. {Lat.) Delay.

Wherefore our Lord eommaunded death at

him to sboote bis dnrte.

Who straight, without protract of time,

eored him unto the barte.

SluhMt Bsa»pUa,Vi«\..

Protritb, adj. {Lat.) Frequented;

well known. ^-*^

The fourth most protriJ^mA nanifest

unto the world is tbei|P^conitiincie.

WriffkVs Fomony^tkt Minde, 1621.

Prou, *. See F/hwe. f

Wei bet mav/God to ovre prou

DyveiBe fotpes usy.

/ William de Shortkam.

ProuDp adj. (1) Valiant.

(2) Luxuriant. A'or^A.

(3) Full ; high. Line.

(4) Maris appetens. North.

(5) Swelling and inflamed, said

of the flesh. fTesf.

(6) Projecting; extending. We.

Proud-pbar, 9. A kind of par

mentioned hy Florio.

Proud-tailor, 9. The goldfindL

Prohler, 9. A thief.

pROYAND, 1«.(1) Provender; p«-

PROVANT, J vision.

(2) t. To supply with proviwm.

Sbould not only supply her inhabttatti

with plentiful purveyance of 8asteiui»«.

but proitant aud victoall moreover tks

monatrona army of atrenjcers.


(3) adj. Anything provided.

PROVANT-if ASTBR, 9. The officer

who provided apparel fbrsoWien-

Provbndb,«. (^.-.V.) A prebend;

a stipend.

Proviauncb,«.(^.-A^.) Provi»oa.

Provisour, 9. A purveyor.

Provobbm ENT, 9. Pfovocation.

Protdlob, v. {Lat.) To pubHsh.

Prow, 9. A small boat attending >

larger vessel.

Prowb, 9. {J.-N.) Honour ; profit.

Pbowbsse, *. {A.'N.) Integrity.

Pbowsb, 9. Prowess.

To countenance their wedding ftait ^

want nor knigbl nor prowtt. _

Wamef'a JUnoms £i^iamd, I^

Proxy, a^. Frolicsome. AaHA-


Pru. See Prowe.

pRUDGAN, ». Pert; prond.

Pruggb, 9. A partner; a doxy.

If hia pr%gg« aapire to ao mnch 8tD<^

or so great trust, as to brew to sdl fc<

will be sure to dhnke npall tlie gaiaa-

CHtui^s CU«r-Cbr.

Prunb-treb, 9. A plumtTMi

Prut, 9. An excUmatioa of coi-


Prute, t^. To wander ahout.

pRUTTEN, V. To be prond.

PuANT, a^. {A.'N.) Stinking.

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767 PUD

Pub, «. The poop of t vessel.

PuBBLB, adj. Plarop ; fat. North.

PuBLE, «. A pebble.

PucELLB, a. (Fr.) A maid.

Puck, (1) «. A hobgoblin.

{2) part. p. Picked. Wane.

PucKBR, a. (1) Confusion; per-

plexity; fright.

(2) An uneyen fold in an article

of dress.

PucKBBiDGB, «. A distemper in

calves, supposed by the vulgar to

be communicated to them by the

fern-owl or goat-sucker.

PocKBTs, «. Nests of caterpillars.


Puck-fist, *. (1) The puff-ball, or


(2) An empty boasting fellow.

PuCKLB, *. (I) A spirit, or ghost

From puci.

(2) A pimple. Salop.

PocK-NEBDLE, s. The geottdix pee-

ten. Nantpth.

Puck BEL, a. A fiend, or goblin.

PucKSY. #. A quagmire. Weat.

Pud, *. The fist. JFeat,

PuDOENiNG,s. The ancient offering

of an egg, a handful of salt, and

a bunch of matches, on the first

visit of a young child to the house

of a neighbour. North.

PuDDER, a. Confusion ; agitation.

PUDDEBINO-POLE, «. A polc for

stirring up.

Pu]>DiN6, a. A stuflfed cushion put

on B child's forehead when it

begins to walk.

PuDDiNO-BAO, a. The long-tailed


PuDDiNG-DiP, «. Sauce. Yorkah.


PtrDDiNO-OBASs, «. Penny royaL

Pudding-beaded, adj. Stupid.

PuDiHNG-HosB, «. Large wide


PiTDDiNO-HovsB, «. The belly.

Plying hit rictnals that an hover «t Iratt,

Like unto Woolner, that Mmo nvening

Hit pudding iouu at length began to


And he tooke leirare tome itmnge bet to

tell. Rowland*, Knave of Clubh$, 1611.

The eoojh that nightly breakes mv aleepe.

The crampe that makes me tumble :

The winde within my jmdtUngkoute,

That maket my xnta to rumble.

Bowlan4b, Kmna of Hurts, 1618.

PuDDiNO-PiB, a, A piece of meat

plunged in batter and bak^d in a

deep dish. In Kent, pudding-

pies are flat, like pastry-cooks'

cheese-cakes, made with a raised

crust, to hold a small quantity of

custard, with currants lightly

sprinkled on the surface. These

are perhaps the real ancient pud-


Did ever John of Leyden prophecy

Of sock an Anlichriit ai pudding-ffe.

FUieknr's Poem, p. 165.

Ah I how it tickles my Innn to think

how many mad rrolicks ve hare had, at

robbing of orchards, and stealing md-

ding-p^a. The CheaU, 1663.

AH. And thou had'tt any grace to make

thyself a forluue, thou woud*st court

this wench, she cannot in gratitude but

lore thee, prethee court her.

Lod. ril sell jwiiiN^-f»!«9 Arst.

Fiora*» Faffaries, 1670.

Puddino-poke, a. The long-tailed


PuDDiNG-PBiCK, a. The skewer

which fastened the pudding-bag.

PuDDiNG-BOPB, s. A cressct-light.

PuDDiN08,s. The intestines. North.

PuDDiNG.TiMB,». In pudding-time j

at the commencement of dinner,

for it was formerly the prevailing

custom to begin with pudding.

Fer temptu advents. Ton come in ptuU

^Mg'timei you come as well as may be.

Teremie in Bnglisk, 1641.

PuDDiNO-TOBACCO, a. A sort of

tobacco, mentioned in old writers.

Puddle, (1) a^j. Short and fat.


(2) «. To make an embankment

or pond water-tight by lining it

with very wet clay well trodden.


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(3) V. To tipple. Dewm.

(4) 9. A Bpud.

PuDDocK, «. (1) A small inclosure ;

a paddock. HamptK

(2) The kite. Northampt.

PoDOB, 9, (1) An owl. liie.

(2) A ditch. Une.

PuDOY, adj. (1) Muddy. Norths


(2) Short and sturdy.

Pub. (1) ». Pity.

(2) V, To chirp like birds.

i3) 9, An animal's udder. Wett.

4) V. To put into a pew in


Hce hath not leeno the iniides of a

eharch these serea yeares, nnlene with

devotion to pick a pocket, or pervert

some itoaest mnn's wife he would on

parp<»e be pued withall.

PuTPiN, «. A sort of apple. Rider,

Diet,, 1640.

PuFP-SToxB, 9. A porous stone

deposited by calcareous waters.


Puff-wings, «. A part of the dress

which sprang from the shoulders.

Puo, (1) «. A salmon in iu third


(2) #. A thrust. W€9t.

(3) «. A familiar name for a


r4) «. To eat. WiU9.

(5) «. A sort of loam. Sunex.

(6) o. To sweat. Warw,

(7) ». To pull. Wore,

(8) V, To ear. WiU9.

(9) *. A dirty person. Leie,

Puo-DRiNK,«. Water-cider. Wett.

PuooARD, 9. A thief.

PuoGEN, 1«. A gable-end.

puooiNG-BND, J Devon.

PuooiNSi 9. Refuse wheat. Warw.

PuooLB, V. To stir the fire. JKftex.

PuooT, ai^. (1) Damp; foggy.

(2) Dirty; nasty. Leie.

PuoiNBLLo. 9. (liaL) A puppet;

the prototype of Punch.

But I wat thinking, air, (supposing

tvoaring and ccrung be m ?try neee*..

lary to the atauding gorenuaeBt n^

weftare of a naiion) that a imall

insirument (about the stature of F^-

melio) might possiblj lie so eootnrd,

with two rows of stops; oue for aveir-

ing, aud another for cursing, thjkt ini|ki

upon all oceas'uns express^it self viik

as much discretion, propriety, iikI

elecance, as the very owner of tue litUe

tool should be nhle to dn himself.

SaeUrd's OistntUumM, \C

PuG-MiRB, 9. A quagmire. Deri.

PoGS, «. The integument or ciiiff

of small seeds. Northampt,

Puo-TOOTB, t. The eye-tooth.


PuisN^, 9. (Pr.) A small creatine.

Puissance, *. (A.-N.) Power.

Puke, (1) 9. A gray or dark coknr.

(2) V, To vomit.' Norih,

PuL, *. (i^..&) A pool.

PuLCHE, V, (i^.-iV.) To poliah.

PuLCHER, 9. St. Sepulchre.

Pulchritude, 9. (Lai.) Beauty.

PuLDRONS, *. {A,-N.) Armour' fbr

the shoulder and upper part of

the arm.

Pule, (1) v. (perhaps from Fr.

piaiUer.) To cry. Puier, a weak

puling person.

(2) 9. A pew. Lane.

PuLETTB, 9. {A.'N.) A chickea.

PuLFiN, 9. A fat hoy. JFe9t,

PuLiD, 9. A kite (the bird). Line.

PuLK, 9, (1) A dumptT persoa

Pulky, fa and short Ea9i.

(2) A coward. Line.

(3) A puddle, or shallow pool.

Nor/. See Pott.

PuLLAiLB, *. {A,'N.) Poaltrr.

PouliaiUer, a poulterer.


PUIXEN,/ '^ "*""/•

A false theefe

That came, like a fnlse foxe, my puHaM to

kill and mischeefe.

O^wmer Gnri^ O. FL, ii. ^

She can do prettr well in the pastrr, ssJ

knows humjni&en should br erxaw'i^

B.i-Fl^ Scornful Uig, t, ^

PuLLEN, 9. A small cmb. Nortk.

Puller, #. (i; A loft for poultry.


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(2) Put of the weaver*! web.

*' Props or stayet bearing up the

web : the jra/fert and hamesset."


pDLLBT-piBCxa, «. AnDOor for the


PuLL-oYBBft. A carriage-way over

the banks of the sea. Une,

PvLPATooN, 9, A sort of cako.

With a French troop of p^ptUoiu^

mackaroons, Id^thawi, gnod and


Nabhet's Mutroeomtu, 0. PL, iz. lU.

PuLL-ftBEO, «. The anmdo dtmax

(litendly/»oo/-reed). Somerset.

Polls, «. The chaff of poise. North.

PuLMBNT, «. {Lot,) A sort of pot-


Pulse, e. Pottage. Somereet.

PuLSKT, t. A poultice. North.

PuLsiDOB, 9, Palse.

PuLTBBS, 9, The men in mines who

convey the coal from the hewers.




PuLYiLio, 9. A sort of perfnme.

Bat tinoe you hare theae two puhilUo

boxea, these eaeence botteto, this pair of

mmk-cats here, I hope I may Tentore

to come yet nearer yon.

WfehtrUjfy Plmm-ieaier, 1677.

All forts of eMences, perfumes, fuhilioSt

s«'eeUban, perfnm'd boxes for yonr

hoods and glotes. all sorts of sweets for

your linneu, Portugal sweets to bum in

yonr chamber.

Shadwell, Bury Fair, 1689.

PULWBBB, 9. A pillow.

PuM, V. To thump. North,

PuMBLB-NosB, 9. A Urge orange.


PuMM ACB. See Pommaee.

PuM MXL, 9. To beat

PUMMBL-FOOTBD, Otg. Club-footed.


PuMMxL-TEBx, t. A whipplotree

for horses.

PruMBB, adj. Large. North*

PuM MT, adj. Pulpy.

Pump, v. To ask a variety of ques-

tions of a person, with a view to


draw all the inf ormatioii poidUe

from him.

PuMPioN, 9. A pumpkin.

PUM PLB-POOTBD, odg. Club-footod*


Pun, (1) •. To pound.

(2) 9. A small skUtet. JJne.

(3) 9. A child's pinafore. Jkmm*

(4) 9. A alow person. North-


Punch, (1) o^f. Short and fiit.


(2) V. To kick. Y9rk9h.

h) 9. A hard blow.

(4) V. To work hard. Oxfd.

(5) t. A kind of horse. Sv^.

PuNCH-OLOo, t. A clodhopper.


Punch ION, 9. (1) An upright tim-

ber in a partition ; a joist.

(2) A bodkin. North.

PuNCTBD, jNir/. p. (Lat.) Punc-


P unction, 9. {Lai.) A puncture.

Pond, 9. A pound. North,

PuNDBK, (1) 9. A mortar. York9h.

(2) t^. To balance evenly. Sa9t.

(3) V. To puzzle. fFe9tm.

(4) «. A cross bar attached to

the shafts of a cart, to keep the

body in a horizontal position

when loaded. Northampt.

PuNDLB, 9. A dirty slovenly girL


cross bar to which the horses are

fastened when they draw ploughs

or harrows. Noff.

PnNBAB,«. To read a book. South.

My famOy feeds well, and then they

sleep so soundly that punaa oannot

wake 'em.

DttPeuantt The Mm*t tkt UasUrt 1669.

PuNOy (1) t. A purse.

{2) part. p. Pushed. Ermoor.

PuNOAB, 9. A crab. Kent.

FvvQKDE, part. p. Pricked.

PuNOBLL,v. To poke. Northampt.

PuHGBByV. To spuoge upon. Weet*

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PiTNOLED, adj. ShriTelled. East,

P0NICB, V. {A,'N.) To punuh.

Punish, v. To give pain. Leic.

Punishment, ». Pain. WetL

PuNiTiON, *. Punishment.

PuNE, (1) ». A prostitute.

(2) Touch-wood. North.

PuNKT, (1) adj. Dirty. Derb.

(2)». A chimney-sweeper. Yoriah.

PuNSE, V. To punch. North.

Punt, tr. To push with force.

Punt, \adj. Neat; tidy. North-

vxjvTTf j an^t,

Punto, «. A term in fencing.

PuoT, *. A pole for propelling

barges. North.

Puppy, ». A puppet. Eatt.

Pub, (1) V. To kick. North.

(2) 9. A poker. Line.

(3) «. A male sheep one year old.

(4) 9. A boy. Dor9et.

Purblind, a^. Short or weak


Some purbHndt barber powled him, to

cut hiB haire lo unequally, and leare

one locke a qnarter-ofa'yara longer then

the other. Man i» ike Moone, 1609.

Purchase, 9. (I) Booty.

(2) Leverage ; a fulcrum.

PuRDT, (1) adj. Surly; proud. Ea9t.

(2) 9. A thickset fellow. North.

Pure, (I)tr. To purify.

(2) adj. Poor.

(3) adv. Werj.

U) adj. In

good health.

(5) 9. A cant term for a prosti-


PuRE-CABE, «. Animals, when well

fed , are said to be kept inpvre ca»e.

PuRELiNO, 9. A Puritan.

Purely, adv. Prettily ; perfectly ;


PuRFLB, (1)«. Ahem; gold tissue.

(2) V, . To ornament with trim-

mings ; to embroider.

Purgatory, t. The pit of a fire-

place. We9t.

PuRoiNo-PURL, 9. A slight relax-

ing medicine made from

root, coriander, senna, &c.

PuROY, ad). Proud; concdicd.


PuRiE, 9. (Fr.) A sort of pottage.

Puritan, 9. A cant tena for s


PuRKEY, 9. A species of wheat

Purl, (1) «. A drde made by the

motion of a fluid; an eddy.

(2) V. To run in circles or eddiei.

{Z)9. A border, or hem; a fringe.

(4)«. Watch, or guard. Cbmv.

(5) 9. Ale mixed with wormwood

and gin.

PuRLE, V. (perhaps from Fr. par-

filer.) (1) A term in knitting, im-

plying the act of inverting the

stitches to give the work adifferent

appearance in those parts. Nwf-

(2) To prowL

PuRLEY, (1) #. A purlieu.

(2) adj. Weak-sighted. WiUt.

PuRLicuE, 9. A flourish in writing.

Purlins, 9. Timbers which lie

inside the rafters to atrengtheo



Fwrl roytU^ or a euriona wuruiwooi viic

Tkke cyder and order it aa before di-

rected, but colour it not ; pat in • pUu

to 90 of right white or Rhenish wine:

then strip a pound of Boman vormvow

clean from the stalks; when it is veil

dryed, put it into a caaTas-bag, end by

a thread let it hang in the liquid to ihe

middle IS or l4 days ; and by tach •>

infusion it will gire it a pleasing colosr

and taste, so that it will add a eurwsa

flavour to sncfa wines as it shsU b<

mixed withal; but if you want wona-

wood-wine, and are in haste for it, p^

some chymical drops of spirit of worn*

wood, and 3 or 4 in a quart is snAdeBt,

striking or shsking the pot or boiti«i

that it may kindly mix.

Jceompluk'd RmaU Inttrmder, 171^

PuRN, 9. An instrument for hold-

ing a vicious horse by the note

whilst shoeing.

PuRPAiN, «. A napkin; a counter-


Purples, «. A species ol orchis.

See Ltmg-purpia.

PuRPREsTURB, 9. An eQCToacb-

ment on public property.





PmipRisB, «. (^.-iV.) An indotnre.

PuRPDRiNo, adj. Purple coloured.

PuRR-BARLBT, «. Wild barley.

PvmRBL-WAT, ». The boundary line

of a pariah.

Purse, v. To take purses ; to rob.

Purr, s. A species of wild swine

formerly common in the moun-

tain districts of the Isle of Man.

PuRSB-LBBCH, 9, An cxtortiouer.

FUse oounnilocirt (ooneealen of the law)

Tarn-co«t attoarneys, that with both haiidi


Sly peti foggers, wranglen at the bar.

Proud fttrse-Umehu, harpies of Weft

minster. SUoater's DubarUu,

PuRSR-NET, 9. A RCt dniwu to-

gether at the ends with a string,

used to catch rabbits by being

extended over their holes.

For thinke yee to catch flshe with an

nnbaited hooke, or take a whale with a

pmneneiy then may yee retoiune with a

oare hooke, and an emptie parse,

BovUuuU, Search for Monej/, 1609.

Purses, t. A popular name fdr

sparks which crack and separate

as they fly out of the fire.

PuRSLBM, #. Porcelain.

PuRST, part.p. Gone away.

PuRT, ». To pout; to sulk. We9t.

PuRT*,t. (^.-iV.) Purity.

PURTENANCE, #. (1) Au ap-


(2) An animal's intestines.

PuRTiNO-OLUMPOT, «. A sulky fel-

low. Dewm.

Purvey, v. {A.-N,) To provide.

Purveyance, «. (1) {A.~N,) Pro-


(2) Foresight.

PuRvii., V. To live by artful means.


PuRVTATTLBt t. A splashcd hedge.


PuR-wiooY, t. A tadpole. 89^»

Push, #. (1) A boiL

(2) An exclamation.

Pushers, t. Toung canary-birds

which can just fly but cannot

feed themselves.

PusB-piK, «. An old gambling game

vrith pins.

PusH-PLOUOR, «. A breast-plough.


PusKiLE, 9. A pustule.

PusKiTCHiN, «. A tale-teller. We9U

PusKY, adj. Wheezy. Somenet

Put, (1) s. a down.

Now thoa look'it like an heir indeed,

my hid: when thon cam'st np thoa

hadst the scurry phis of a meer coon*

try fut. Shadw«U,S^r9 qfJlsatia, 1088.

(2) 9. To push. North.

hS 9, An attempt Warw,

(4) 9. A game at cards.

(5) 9. (A,-S,) A pit, or cave.

(6} s. A mole-hill. Suff,

m V, To stumble. Norf.

(8) 9. A sort of cart which turns

up to discharge the load.

(9) V, To bring the coals from

the workings in a mine to the


(10) «. A stinking fellow. Devon.

PuTAiN, 9, {A,-N) A prostitute.

PUTAYLB, 9. (A,'N) Low pCOplC.

PuTCH, (1) 9. A pit; a puddle.


(2) V. To hand up with a pitch-

fork. Somer9et, Set Pitch.

PuTCHKiN, 9. A wicker bottle into

which the spigot is put in order

to strain off btex to cool. We9t.

PuTBRiB, *. (A.'N) Whoredom.

PuTBBRY, adj. (1) A term applied to

a sheep when it has water on

the brain. Su99ex.

(2) Hot. Warw.

PuTLocx, 1 9. Thehorizontal beams

PUTLOG, J of a scaffold.

PuTouR,«.(i#.-iV.) A whoremonger.

Put-pin. See Ptuhpin,

PuTRE, V. To cry. North.

Putter, «. A lever. Si^.

PuTTicR, «. A stoat, or weasel.


PUTTOCK, 9. (1) (A.~S.) A kite.

(2) A prostitute.

Puttock-candlb, 9 A small can-

dle put in to make weight. Kent.

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Pirr.vpoN, 9. To cajole; to deoeiTe.

PuxiB, s. A place on which you

easDot tread withont danger <ji

sinking into it Somerset.

Put, 1 «. A boatman's pole, foriced

POT, fat the end, with which he

pushes the boat along. Idne.

PuzzKL.! ». (Ital) A filthy drab;

PU8LB, J a prostitute.

Ko nor vet any droyle otptutelixi the

ooontry, Dut will carry a nosegay in her

hand. Stubbet, Anal. ofAhmut.

Some filthy queans, especially our jnu.

MUi Qt Pans, use this other theft.

Stepk. Apol. for Herod., 1607.

PuzzLK, «. A piece of wood fastened

to a dog's lower jaw, and used in

training it

PvzzuM, 8, (1) Poison. Puzzwurfui,

poisonous. Craven,

(2) Malice. North,

PwiNB-END, 1 #. Thesharppoint-

pwiNBN-END, J ed end of a house,

where the wall rises perpendicu-

larly from the foundation. So-


Ptbot, 8. The fourth part of a

bushel. Lywn£ Environa of

London, i, 616.

Ptclk, #. A small field. Ber/ks,

Pte. Father qf the Pye, the

chairman of a convivial meeting.


Ptkb, v. To move off.

Ptnandb, adj. PainfuL

Ptnb, 8. Punishment ; torture.

Ptonino, *. A military work of


Ptramid, ». Thespireofachnrch.

Ptbb, v. To pry.

Q. The mark in the college ac-

counts at Oxford for half a

farthing. See Cue.

Bather prar there be no fall of moner,

for thou wilt then go for a ff.

Qu, $. A cue. Shaie^., ed. 162S, Ibl.

QuAB, $. (1) (>f..&) A sort of

lamprey ; an eel-powt.

An unfledged bird.

Anything imperfect.

QuABBB, «. A qoagmnv.

Quack, «. To he noisy. fFett

QuAOKiNO-CHBAT, «. An old ctnt

term for a duck.

Quackle, «. To choke. Eaei.

QuAORs ALTER, BOW usoally abbre-

viated into gmaek.

The means they practis'd, not ridfcaloM


To stop the blood ; no oyls, nor 1


Of cheating gnaekmdvtr*, or mc

By them applied.

Ma$s., A Very Woman, fi, 3,

Quad, adj. {J.-S.) Bad; wicked.

QuADDLB, V. (1) To shrivel up.


(2) To boil gently. Noff.

QjjADDY, adj. Short and tbick.li^/.

QuADE, V. To spoil ; to break down.

QuADLiNO, M. A codling. iVbtg^

Quadrat, ai(^'. Arranged in tqoaret.

QuADRBLLs, 8. Square pieoet of

peat or turf. Staf.

Quadrille, «. A game at cardk.

QuAO, 8. A quagmire.

QuAGOE, V. (1) To quiver; to shake.

ShaU 1 be like the warpe ofbare doth, tint

To him a strutting panch may •««*«»

with fat? TraH&Uum itfPernms, iSs.

(2) To tickle ; to ezdte, or pxiek

on ; in venerem excitare.

QuAOGLE, 8. A tremulous mottoa.


QuAGOT, adj. Soft and tremalooa.

QuAiD, adj. Broken down; do-


Quail, (1) 9. To overpower.

'"^ V. To go wrong.

•. To yield; tofaU; to de*

crease ; to &int.

(4) V. To curdle ; to cottgidate.


(5) 8. A prostitute.

Here's Agamemnon— an bonot fidtow

enough, and one that lores gntuls.





QvAiL-M uTTONf «. Diieued mut-

ton. Line.

Quaint, adj. Neat; ingenioat.

Quaintneti, beauty.

QuAiNTB, V. To acqoaiBt.

QuAiRS, 9. {A,'N.) A quire; a

book. Books were written in

buidlet of eight leaves, or four

double leaves, which were after-

wards bound in a volume. Each

of these bundles, from the num-

ber of pieces, or double leaves, it

contained, was called in Latin

guatemio, the Anglo-Norman

and English form of which was

Qtjaisy, adj. Indigestible. North.

QuAiT, a. A quoit.

Quake, (1) v. To shake. ShaJtetp.

(2) a. (J.-S.) TrembUng.

QuAKBR-oBAsa, t. Quakiug grass.




QuALB, V. To kill. See Queife.

QvAUFT, •. To appease.

Quality, «. Profession.

QuALrrv-MAix, t. The gentry.


QuALMB, «. (J.*S.} Sickness ; pes-


QuAMP, adj. Still ; quiet. Obme.

QuANDABB, «. A strait; a quandary.

But after that his father did more

camestiT wge him, be brought him into

a gutaUare, that indeed hie knew not

whether he might better otjty shame or

lore. Terence i» JSi^Uth, 1 641.

QuANDOBUif, a. A polite speech.


QuANK, 9. To overpower. Wett.

Quant, «. (1) A pole used by

bargemen to push on their craft

in adverse or scanty winds. East.

(2) A walking stick. KaU.

QuAPPB, tr. Toquske.

QUAB, (1) «. A quarry. We$t.

(2) V. To coagulate. Somen.

QvABB, •. To cut into pieces.

QuABBL, i. See Quarrel.



And Bowe toridere that peee that to

10 broken with a velkeu ttireed and a

pureUedU. Meiieml MS^ 16M cent.

QuABiBB, ^8, A wax-candle, coQ-

auABioN.j sisting of a square

lump of wax with a wick in the


QuABKBN, •. To strangle.

QuABL, V. To quarrel. Somereet.

QuabbA, A^'. (itf.-M) Square.

QuABBBL,«. (J.'N.) (1) An arrow;

but more especially a square dart,

thrown from a cross-bow, or, on

a larger scale, from an engine.

(2) A square of glass.

The losange is a most beavtiftd figure,

and At for this pnrpoae, being in his

kind a qnadrangte rererst, with his

point upward like to a guarreUaf glasae.


Not a taTeni window in all the street

has a quarrel in it


(3) A quarry of stone.

A private combat.

QuARBBLous, adj. Quarrelsome.

QuARBiBR, M. A quarryman.

QuARROMBs, «. A cant term for

the body.

QuARRT, (1) a. Prey, or game. A

hawking term.

(2) 9. An arrow. See QuarreL

(3) adj. Fat ; corpulent.

(4) a. {Fr. quarreau.) A thin

square brick for paving the floors

of kitchens. Northan^t.

(5) a. A square of glass. See


Quart, «. (1) (iV.) A quarter.

(2) Three pounds of butter. Zeie.

QuARTBR, (1) a. A disturbance.

(2) a. A square panel.

(3) 9. An upright piece of timber

in a partition. Somereet,

(4) 9. To drive a carriage so as

to prevent the wheels going into

the ruts. Northampt.

Qu ABTBBA6B, 9. A quarter's wages,

or expenses.


QUI 774

QuAKTVK-cmowN, «. A eoin.

iDgot. fMTtor-^nwfWf, and K^eate rwnttj

Ofothar oojne in every roome did l;re.


irerr roome did Ive

'Tks NnM ktUmarfhon$, leOO.

QuAETBftBB, », A lodger. Dewm.

QuAmTBA-BVii., «. A disetie in

sheep. SotUh,

QuARTBK-rxcs, t. A conntenanoe

three parU averted.

QuAmTKAOK, «. (J,'N,) A quarter.

QuAmTsa-sLiNoa, «. Ropes or

chains used on shipboard in the

16th cent.

QuAmnn-STAVF, «. A staif used in

coinhat, held by the middle so as

to strike with either end.

QuABTLB, «. A quarter.

QvASR, a. (1) A pompion.

(2) A pod of young peas.

QuABiifODO-avNDAT, «. Thc fint

Sunday after Easter.

QuAST£,jMir/.ji. Smashed.

QcAT, (1) «. A pimple, or spot.

(2) a. A diminutive person.

O young qtuUl inoontinenoe is idsgned

in all cmfcores in the world.

DrnFt Lma Com, 16S8.

(3) •. To satiate. SomeneL

Bnt «•, to the liomaeh qtnUted with

^MHtMM^ all deUcstet seeme oueasie.

^4) «. To flatter. Dewm.

(5) «. To squat down. Ihnet,

?6) a. The sitting of a hare.

{iSprBt.L Quitted.

(8) To go to guatt alvum levare.

QuATCH, (1) V, To peach; to


(2) a^f. Flat. Shake^,

(3) a. A word. Berkt,

QnATnm-jACKs, a. The quarters

of the hour struck by the dock.


QuATHiNO, adv. In good con-


QuATRON, a. {A.'N,) A quartern.

QuAUOHT, V, To drink deeply.

QuATB, V. To shake ; to tremble.

QuAYB-Mi&B, a. A quagmire.

In nidst of which a mnddiefMwalrvwai,

Into the tame my hone did tall, and lay

Up to the bellie, which my fli;riit did stay.


cided. BoMt,

QvAviN-ooo, a. A quagmire. WUU,

QuAWK, V, To rumble internally

from wind. Zeic.

Quay, a. See Wkey,

QuATBD,jMir/.p. Subdued, denser.

QuB, a. A small piece of money,

estimated at half a farthing.

See Cue.

QoBACH, a. (1) A thicket.

In the nonage of the world, numldaid

had no other habitation than woods,

groTes, and bnahy queaekes.

EoweU, Lonimop^ p. 888.

(2) A plot of ground covered

with queachea. JSoa^.

Qdbacht, adj. Wet ; swampy.

QuBAL, V. To faint. Z>eo.

QuBAN, a. A woman ; a drab ; a


QuBAST, a^. (1) Squeamish ; ddi-


(2) Rather sick. BerH.

(3) Brief. Devon.

QuBATB, a. Peace ; quietneaa.

QuBATH, a. A plot of marshy


QuBcoRD, a. An old game aup>

posed to resemble shovel-board.

QuED, (1) adj. {A.-S.) Bad; wicked.

Quednett iniquity.

(2) «. An evil person,

QuEDB, a. (1) (A.'S.) BviL

(2) The devil.

(3) A bequest.

QuBDBR, V. To shiver.

QuEBi a. A female calf. NoriJL

QoBED, t. The cud.

QuEBGLB, V. To swing backwards

and forwards, crouching down

on the heels. Leie.

QuEEK, V. To squeese; to pindi.


QuBBL, V. (1) To extinguish. Late.

(2) To grow flabby. Devon.

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The pencil geranium, fferanium

gtriatum, Northampt,

QuBBN-BESS, 9. The queen of dubi.


QuBBN-CAKB, $. A Bmall heart-

shaped pound-cake. NorthampL

Quben's-oamb, «. A game at


Quebn's-oold, t. Part of the an-

cient revenue of the qneens of


Queen's - pincushion, «. The

flowers of the guelder-rose.

Queer, (1) adj» Bad; counterfeit

(2) V. To puzzle.

QuEBmauiST, «. A quiz. Herrf,

Qubbr-weoobs, i. Large buckles.


QuEBST, It. A wood-pigeon.

auBisT,/ Wft.

QuBBTB, V. To Tibrate. jBadr.

QuBiNT, la. Pudendum f. A word

auAiNT,/ not uncommonly used

in serious writers.

Triftrem hir bar that tide,

And on the qnen fel he

Next her naked aide,

That mani man mig^t y^ie,


Hir ptejftU aboven hir kne

Naked the knightes knewe.


QuEiNTANCB, ». Acquaintance.

QuBiNTB,(l)a4^'. (A.-N,) Strange;

curious; artful; neat. Quemtittt

cunning ; something neat.

(2) pari. p. Quenched.

Qvnrm, pret. t. Crept.

QuBK, V. To quack.

QuBLCH, ». A blow.

QusLLB, •. (A,-S.) To kill.

QusLLio, «. (^on.) A ruff for the


QUKLMB, 9. {J.-S,) To kilL

QuKLTBY, adj. Hot ; sultry. D«cr.

QuBMB, (1) V. {J.'S.) To please.

No man may lerve

Twey lordes to gwente.


(2) «. Pudendum f. A word at

• leMt as old as the 16th eent.

(3) V, To bequeath.


fueme a thing into aite'i

hand, to slip it into the hand


Quench, tr. To put in water.

QuBNOER, V, To conjure.

QuBNiNOBs, a. Quinces.

QuBNTLT, adv. Easily. Gawayne.

QuBRDLiNo, «. A kind of apple ; a


QuBBBLB, 8. (A.»li.) A complaint ;

a subject of dispute.

QuBRBaTBRfS. A choristcr.

QuBRK, (1) V. To moan; to grant.


(2) 8. A moulding. North,

(3)t. A quandary; trouble.

QuBRKEN, V, To choke.

QuBRN, a. {A.'S. eweom.) (1) A

hand milL

(2) Corn. Shrf>p%h,

QuERPo. See Ciirpo.

QuBsoMB, 1 o. To suffocate ; to

auBRsoM, J smother. Norf,

QuBST, (1) t. The sides of an ovea.

Pies are said to be quested when

their sides have been crushed

by each other, or so joined to

them as to be less baked. North.

(2) V. {A.'N.) To give tongue,

as a spaniel does when he cornea

on the scent of the game.

QuBSTUARY, adj. (Lot.) Profitable.

QuBTHB, (1) a. Harm. See Quade.

(2) V, To bequeath.

(3) V. (A.'S.) To declare.

(4) «. Cry; clamour.

QuBTOURB, 8, A scab, or swelling*

QuBYBR, <i4r. Lively. Wett.

QuEW, adj. Cold.

Qusr. See Qvy*

QuBzzEN, •. To suffocate with

noxious y^iour; to smother.


QuiB, a. A taunt

QuiBiBBS, a. Cttbebs.

QuiBLiN, V. To try to deeeive.

QuicB, a. A wood-pigeon. Ghme.

Quiche, Itr. iA,'S, euemn.) To

auBOH,/ more.





Quick, (1) adj. (^.-A) Alive.

(2) adj. Pregnant.

(3) m^, Slujp. Jhvom,

(4) $, The hawthorn plants set

for a hedge.

QuicK-BBAM, t. A small tree of the

ash speeies, remarkable for the

quickness of its growth. Sutter,

QuxcBBN, (1) V. To work with

yeast. North.

(2)«. Couch-grass. North.

(3) V. To coBoelve with child.

QuiCKBm,«. A quickset hedge. Wett.

QuicKLiNGs, $. Young insects.


QuicuiiBB,«. A quagmire. ZVwm.

Quicks, «. Couch-grass. Norf.

QuiCRSBTyt. The young plants for

a hedge.

Pare mosae and vaiiie branckM froni fruit


Set roaea, plant qmek$tt», when moone

doth decay. Almnnack, 1615.

QuicKWooD, t. Thotns. YorHh*

Quid, m. The cud.

QuiDDANT, «. {Lat. effdoMum.) A

jam or preserve made of quinces.

A term found in old cookery-


QuiDDBB,t. A tery old horse, which

lets the hay or grass fsll which

he has chewed, is called a pudder^

and the hay he drops ^«2».

Quiddity, a. A subtlety.

QuiDDLB, V. To suck, as a child

does his thumb. Northan^t.

QuiDLiNG, a. A codling apple.

QutBTUR, «. (la/.) (1) The official

discharge of an account.

(2) A finishing blow. (Cant.)

QuiFTiNo-POTs, «. Half gills. Lan^,

QuiL^a. The need on which the

weavers wind their heads for the


QuiLB, «. A hayeeck ready for

carrying; a heap of anything.

QuibKiN, 9. A ftog. Comw.

Quill, (1) ». The fold of a ruff,

which was plaited and quUled.

(2) V. To form fine Unen into

small round folds, it toadmts


(3)t. The stalk of a reed.

(4) «. The faucet of a baxitL


(5) In ike qmO, written.

QuiLLB&ft. An unfledged bird.

QuiLLBT, t. ( 1) A quibble ; a tiidc

In theae nice aliatp fniZIete of the \«i.

Good faith, I am no wiser than a iav.


So yoo, only by conceit, thinkc ridil;r<'

the operation of yonr Indian poddia^

having contrarie qnalities in it, a thiix

repni^ant to phUooaptay, atid vatkiBC

miracnlow mattenL n paitit above

nature. ITm in tk$ Uocmt, IM.

Who taking the opportnnitia of the

indgea carea^in many mattcn diitncted,

linUDK ana entailing canaci wtt

inaolnole qoirkea and yntfilt^ endewoi

by tons demnrrea to hnre controveniH

depending atiU, and by their intiicit

qneationa that of pnrpooe they Mit

in, bold off. and debiy iudgenMSits.

(2) A fuTow. North,

(3) A croft. Detfon. The nwi

. occurs in this sense in an set of

23 Hen. VIII, reUting to Nor-

folk and Suffolk.

QuitL-TURN, t. The instrument is

which a weaver's quill is turned.

"The spoling wheele, or jatf

turne." NomineL

QuiLLT, V. To harden ; to dry. Jke.

Quilt, (1) v. To beat. Var. d,

(2) p. To be fidgety. Somth.

(3) V. To swallow. Weat.

(4) adj. Almost worn out. WighL

QuiN, t. A species of apikenaid.

QuiNOB, a. The king's-evil.


lUce the qnincat and pot then into

boiling water nnparedi then kt tbot

boU very faat nneorored tlwft they muf

not coianr; and wben they are m?

tender, take them off and pod tbca^

and beat tbe pap very email witb ang«;

and then take raw cream, and mix «»

ittiU it be of fit thickneas to ent Kfcea

True QaUlemomMm^a Ddighi, \SiL

QuiMOH, (1) V. To sUr, toviaqe.

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(2) «. A twitch, or jerk of the


(3) 9. To make a noise.

QuiKET, «. (/V*.) A wedge. Gkme,

QuiNMY, adv. Not quite. Sa$t.

QuiNOLA, 9. {S^xm.) A term in

primero for a chief card, which

was of every suit, like pam at loo.

QviNSSf V. To carve a plorer.

Good maul him Hit not spend his idle

In tuuuing plorers, tnd in wintng qvafla.

Quintain, If. A board, &c., set

auiNTKL, J op to bo tilted at; an

old pastime.

QniMTaB,s. Atwo-year-oldtheep.

QniMTunB, «. Delivery; cure.

QniP, 8. A sharp retort.

QuiftBoiL£. See Ciitrdou^.

QuiRB-BiBO, 9. One lately oat of

prison, and seeking a place.

A cant term found in Dekker,

QniBB-cuFFiN, «. An old cant

term for a cfaorL

QuiRiaoN, «. {A.^N.) A complaint

Quirk, (1) «. A pane of glass in

form of a rhomb.

(2) V, To grant; to complain.


(3) «. The dock of a stocking.

(4) V. To question any one; to

draw him ont. Norikai^t.

QuiRKT, adj. Sportive. Xtne.

QuiBBRS, 9. Christmas mummers.

Derb, {A.-N.)

Qui8B8, s. (^.-iV'.) Armour for the


QuiSEY, adj, Dqected. North.

QuiSHiN, a. A cushion.

QuiST, 8. The ringdove, sometimes

called a woodqukt

QuiBTXR, 9. A bleacher. Ncmi'


QuiBTRON, a. (A.'N.) A beggar.

Quit, (1) t>. To remove.

(2) part. p. of Quite, Acquitted.

Quitch, v. To flinch ; to stir.

QoiTCH-ORABB, «. Dog'» grass.

Quitclaim, a^. Free from daim.'

Quits, (1) ». {a,'N.) To pay off,

or requite.

[2) V, To acquit.

3) a4j. (A.-N,) Free ; quiet

(4) a^. White.

QuiTBLicH, ad9, {A^.) Freely;

at liberty.

QuiTBMBNT, adv, Butircly.

Qurm-PATH, a. A dry and dean

footway or road. Norf,

Qdittbr, 9. Matter from a wound.

QuiTTBR-BONB, 9, A discBse ; pro-

perly a hard swelling on the

crown of a horse.

Ccoinie-Mab, uid mntttr-iMt.

There is a maner flshe that hightmvgill

which ia full quiter and iwift.

SartM. dsPnpr. Engl. 3V.. 158&

QuizzLB, V. To suffocate. Norf,

Quo. Quoth.

QuoB, (1) a. A bog. We9t,

(2) tr. To stir ; to move.

(3) V, To beat.

Quod, (1) (for Qucth.) Saya.

i2) a. A prison.

3) 9. To fish for eels with a num-

ber of worms strung on a thread

of worsted, and tied up in a

bunch. The worsted hanging in

the teeth of the eels, causea

them to be caught. Han^9h.

QuoDLiNG, a. A codling.

Quoiv, a. pi, piowe9» A. cap.

Ye citixent of London,

That vill have nllant wives,

Te never wonla be undone.

If you'd marry dames in oitohe».

Mowntfort, Qrenwiek Park, 1891.

QuoiL, a. (1) A tmnuh. See CknL

(2) A haycock. Leic,

QuoiLBRS, «. The breeching, or

that part of a cart-horse*s har-

ness, which is placed behind to

enable him to hold back the

cart, when going down hilL

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QuoiNX, «. Coin.

Sayes one to tother what quottu hast?

My famisht entrails groanes.

BowUindt, Knave qfCliiii$,ltil.

QvoXfpret.t. Quaked.

Quondam, 9. (Lai.) A person

formerly in office, equivalent to

the French ci-devant,

Tho king, (becaose he had served his

re him) wouir

dealh, but made him, as it were,

Sore him) would not put him to

t>uc made him, as it were, a

quondam. Laiimer, Serm., foL S6 b.

QuoNiAM, «. A sort of drinking


T%e drinke is sure to go, whether it be

out of can, quoniaMy or jourdan.

EetU/s IHse. of If tie World, p. 69.

QnoNs, «. A hand-mill for grinding

mustard-seed. Eant,

QuoNT. See Quant.

Quop, V. To throb. Var. d.

QuoRLB, 9. A spindle.

QuoT, a. An inflammatory pustule.


Quote, 9. To notice; to write


QuoTiDiALy adj. Daily.

Quoted, | part. p. Cloyed;

auoTT, V glutted. South, See

auoTTED, J Quat.

QuuMP, V. To quiet. 0^.

QuYLLEm. See QuUler.

0, sir, Tour chinne is but a mtyUer yet,

you will be most majesticalf when it is

full fledge. Lyljf*$ Mndymcn, t, 8.

QuY, «. Acow-calf.

QuTCB, i. The furze. Pr. Parv.

Ra, 9, (A.'S.) The roe-deer.

Raa6, 9. To snatch ; to take firom.

See Xace.

Raath,«. Heart; condition. Craven.

Rab, #. (1) A wooden beater to

bray and incorporate mortar.


(2) A sort of loam. Comw.

Rabate, •. To recover the fist

after the hand has been lowered;

a term in falconry.

Rabato, «. A band, or ruff (from

Fr. rabat.) See Re^to, the

more usual form of the word

among our old writers.

Rabbate, (1) V. To abate, or


(2) 8. Abatement.

Rabbbn, *. {J.'N.) Turnips.

Rabbeting, «. (1) The lapping

over of the edges of two boarda

fitting together, cut for that par-

pose with what is called a rabM^

plane. Properly, rebating.

(2) The groove in the stone-

work of a window to admit the


Rabbish, adj. (1) Rash.

(2) Extortionate.

Rabbit-it. A common exclama-

tion ; in its more complete form,

Od^rablnt'it ; and contracted

thence into DrabbU-it. See Ods.

Rabbit-suckeb, 9. A sucking

young rabbit.

I prefer an olde cony before a rsMff*

stMnr, and an ancient henne bcfon a

young chicken peeper.

Ljflg't JBiufymim, t. SL

Rabble, (l)v. To gabble. North,

(2) 8. A sort of rake.

Rabblement, 9. (1) Idle talk.


(2) Dregs, or refuse. Somert,

(3) The mob.

Rabble-rote, 9. A repetition of a

long roundabout story. Detom.

Rabinet, 1 «. a sort of smaU

babanet, j cannon.

Rabine, «. Rapine.

Rabit, f. (1) {A.'N.) A war-horse.

(2) A sort of drinking-Tesael

made of wood.

Strong beer in rahU and cbeatinc pony

cans. PrMeqfTorbkinJlUtlWf.

Rabonb, 9. A radish.

RABSHAKLB,t. A worthless fcUow.

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IUcB,(l)tr. Totear;totnttch.

(2) 9. To erase.

(3) t. The meeting of two tides.

(4] t. A small stream. Yorish,

The artificial cut to a water-mill.

(5) t. The peculiar flavour or

taste of wine, or the original dis-

position of anything.

I2iere eune not six days linoe from Hall

or nchouury, which shall spend itself

For my Uidy'i honour.

Gr. IM it or the right rae$ T

<h. Yes, master Greedy.

Mamngtr, Nno Witjf, i« 8.

(6) s. A great number.

(7) s. A thrust with a dagger.

(8) s. Rennet for cheese. North.

(9) s. A string. Devon.

(10) s. A calf s liver and lungs.

(11) s. A course in building.

(12) s. (^pan. rayx.) A pieoe of


Racbn, 9. A pothanger. Yorktk,

Racers, s. (I) A spedea of tares.

(2) Early peas.

Rach, 8. Rushes for thatching.

Rachb, (1) «. (A.'S.) A scenting


(2) V. To stretch.

(3) V. To catch.

Racxnb, 9. (/v.) A root.

Racing, s. Raking up old stories,

or rubbing old sorea. Wett.

Rack,(1)«. Light, thindouds; mist.

(2) V. To poor off liquor. *< To

straine wine through a sacke ; to

take away the strength of it : to

raeke it." NomencL In some

districts the word rack is still

used in the simple sense of to


(3) t. A trick, t trice. Wett.

(4) a. A rut in a road. Boat.

(5) t. The neck of mutton.

(6) 9. To care for. Raekkee, care-

less. North.

{7) 9. The pirt of i cross-bow in

iNrhich the gaffie moved.

(8) #. A horse's pace, between i

trot and an amble.

(9) 8. The cob-iron of a grate.

hO) V. To relate.

( U) 9. To exaggerate.

(12) s. A liquor made chiefly of

brandy, sugar, lemons, and


(13) V. To break up. Leie.

?14) «. A trout. Northumb.

(15) To work by rack qfeye, to

be guided by the eye in working,

without line or rule. To be ai

rack and numyer, to live ex-

pensively, or with heedless ex-


But while the Palatine was thus bvsQy

employ'd, nnd lay with all his sea-

horses, nnhridrd, ansadcU'd,a^ nut Mid

mtonger^ lecnre and careless of any thins

elae, hat of carrring on the great

work which he had begun.

Tk$ Fagam Frimet, IfiOa

Rackapblt, «. An idle scamp.


Rackbt, s. (1) A sort of net, used

in playing the game so called.

(2) «. A hard blow. Boat.

(3) a. A struggle. North.

(4)s. A bustle, or noise, ibnqwil.

Racking, a. Torture.

Rackino-crook, 8. A pot-hook.


Racklb, (1) adj. Rash.

(2) a^. Rude and unruly. North.

Rackte-deed, looteconduct. Cumd.

(3) Noisy talk. Weat.

Racklino, a. A diminutive pig.

Rackridbr, a. A small trout.


Racks, «. (1) The sides of a


(2) A kitchen fire-place. Saaex.

Rack-staff, «. A staff for adjust-

ing the mill-stones.

Rao, (1) pret. t. of rede. Coun-


(2) aty. Afraid.

Radcolb, a. A radish.

Raddlb, (1) «. A hurdle ; a lath.


(2) a. The side of a cart.

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(3) V. To weare. North,

(4)9. To do anything to excess.

(5) V. To banter. NortK

(6) To raddle the bonet, to give

a sound beating. Lane,

Raddlinos, *. (1) Money em-

ployed in bribing at elections.


(2) The windings of a walL


Raddlbs, \ «. Long green

RADDLINOS,/ sticks, used for

making a hedge, and which for

that purpose are wound or woven

between upright stakes driven

into the ground. SmteM.

Raddlb-man, 1 «. a person who

BUDDLB-MAN, J carrics ochre

about the coantry for sale, prin-

cipally for the purpose of mark-

ing sheep. Norf, See Ruddie.

Rade, e. (1) An animal's maw.

(2) The rail of a waggon.

Radboundb, t, A disease, appa-

rently a sort of boil. Piere PL

Radblt, adv. {J,»S,) Readily;


Radetorb, a. (A.'N.) Tapestry.

Radio, a. {A.'S,) A radish.

Radnbssb, a. Fear.

Rabbs, a. Cart-rails. North,

Rafb, (1) pret, t. of repe. Tore;


(2) adj. Weak, or foolish. S^.

Raff, (I) v. (Fr, rqfer,) To sweep,

or huddle together.

I and effects I thus

raf up


(2) a. Plunder. Kent.

(3) a. Abundance. North.

(4) V. To seize ; to rob.

(5) a. A confused heap.

(6) a. Refuse; rubbish; lowpeople.

{7) adj. Idle and dissolute. iVbr/A.

(8) a. A raft of timber. North.

Raffbrtort, a^;. Masterful. Line.

Raffisb, a^. JLow ; shabby.

Rafflb, (1)«. To live disorderly.

(2) 9. To stir the fire of sa


(3) V. To stir anything aboot


(i) V. To fidget about Line.

(5) a. A sort of fishing-net.

(6) a. Refuse. Leic.

Rafflbcoppin, a. A wild fellow.


Raffling, o^f. (1) Idle ; unthink-

ing. Noff.

(2) Loose ; worthless. Leie.

Raffs, a. Long coarse strain.


Raflb, v. {A.'N.) To play with


Rafort, a. A radish.

Raft, (1) 9. To irritate. Dortet.

(2) adj. A fusty smell. JUifinen,

staleness. Eaet.

HATT^tpret. t. of retw. Took.

Raftbb-ri DOING, a. A method d

ploughing used in Hampshire.

Rafty, ai(f.(l) Damp; cold; misty.


ra) Rancid ;fu«ty. Norf.

(3) Intemperate. South.

Raftols, a. A diah in anciest


BafyoU, Tnke iwyne lyvon. ud McA

hem veL Take brede. and grate it, ui

take jolkea of ayren and make hit lov*

plet and do thereto a Ivtolle of bii

canen lyche a dee, «heee gratyd, lai

whyte greee, pomdor^lonce, and d

gynger ; and vynde it to bailee as pets

aeapplea. Take the calie of the evrae;

and caat erere by bymietf thermae.

Make a cruet io a tnpe ; and lay Uw

bailee thereinne^and bake it; andvhia

they beeth ynov;, put thcrannealay*

of ayren, with poerdor fort and n^roB;

and eerre it forth. Fanuaf(kvytf.ft'

Rag, (1) a. A hard aort of rock.

<* Rowley-rag" is the bassltie

stone brought from Rowley in the

Co. of Stafford. ^«na.

(2) a. The catkins of the haid.


(3) a. Drizzling rain. NoHk.

U)v. (leLraega.) To abase.

(5) a. A herd of young oolta.

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(6) i, A cant term for a farthing.

(7) i. A flat whetstone for a

scythe, made of ragstone.

Ragabrash, «. Low idle people.


RAGAMumK, 1 «. A low

aAooAMDvriAN, J person; a


The cuUe is nnrj strong and lofty,

itranirtbened by so many rampien and

bulwarks, atored with so maiiy roring

eannoDs, as if Mars dwelt there, or that

it kept a Mammon of treaaure, having

in truth nothing but iron bullets,

armour, and miserable ragaamuffituu to

defend it H«rb«ri*s Tn»eU, 1638.

Ragk, (1) V, {A,'N.) To romp; to

pisy wantonly.

(2) «. A broken pan. Somer$.

Ragiman, «. A name for the devQ.


Raobous, adj. Furioas. North.

RAonis, «. (A.'N,) Wantonness.

Raggabash, «. A ragamuffin.

Tliey are the reriest laclt-latines. and

the most nn-alpbabetical faggaba»h€9y

that ever bred louse.

Di»e<n, qfaJfno World, p. 81.

Ragoalt, adj. Villanons. Yorith,

Ragged, atf;. Fall of fruit, said of

fruit trees.

Raoged-robin. «. (1) A popular

term for the keepers' followers

in the New Forest.

(2) A plant, the lyehnujIowucuU.

Ragoold, e. A villain. North,

Raggulbo, port, p. Sawed off.


Raohte, pret. t. Reached.

Ragman's-roll,! f. (1) An old

BAOiffAN-ROi.L, spopular game,

bagman, J in which a cer-

tain number of personal charac-

ters, good and bad, or of pro-

Terbe, &c., were written, with

seals or strings attached to each,

and, the roll being closed up,

one of the persons playing made

choice of a string, and was to

take to himself the character or

saying which, when the roll was

opened, he might have hit upon.

See my Jneedota Literaria.

(2) The term, adopted from this

game, was at times given to

documents of different sorts in

the form of a roU.

Ragoo, «. (Pr.rogout.) A highly

seasoned dish.

Rao-pibce, «. A large net

Rag-bim B, «. Hoar frost. Line,

Raobowtbbr, 9. To romp. Exm.

Raoster, v. To swagger; to bully.

Raowbbo, «. The plant ragwort,

oeneeio Jacobaa,

Rarvb, e. To tear. Yorkth.

Raid, (1) part.p. Arrayed; fur-


i2) s, A hostile incunion. North.

3) adv, Esrly. Kent.

Raike,9. To proceed. Morte AriK

Railb, e. To roll, or flow out.

See Reile,

Rail, (1) *. A part of the dress,

worn formerly round the neck of

women. The night-rail seems

to have been equivalent to a bed-


(2) V. To cover with network.

?3) e. To set ; to place.

(4) V. To wander abroad.

(5) f. A country wake. Var, d,

(6) •. -

To provoke to anger.

To talk over anything.


(7) V.


Raillon, *. (JFV-.) A sort of three-

edged dagger. OzeIPe Bah.

Raiiii(,9. To tyrannize over.

Rain, *. (1) A ridge. North.

(2 ) A measuring rod.

(3) A bound, or limit.

Raim.bird, i $. The woodpecker.

RAiN-rowL, J Var. d.

Rainbow-ridges, «. High-backed

ridges of land. Northampt.

Raise, (1) «. A raised mound, a

cairn of stones. North,

(2) s. A robbery. North.

(3) V, To expectorate much.

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Raiains, 9. Pieces under tbe end

of a beam in a walL

Rait» o. To soak timber, bemp, or

flax, to season it. North.

Raitch, «. k wbite line in a

borse*s face. Yorkth,

Raith, «. Weeds, straw, &c., in a

pool of water. Weti.

Rake, (1) o. To cover. *<To rake

up the fire," to prepare it for

keeping alight all night, which is

usually done by laying on a large

piece, always called the rakiiff

coal, and covering it over with

cinders or coal-slack. The term

rakt is also used to express the

act of clearing out the ashes from

the bars of the grate.

(2) V, To walk about or ramble.


(3) V. To start up suddenly.


(4) 0. To rouse up. Somertet,

(5) 9. To reach.

(6) V. To deviate from a perpen-

dicular line.

(7) «. Course ; a road.

(8) 9. To fly wide of the game;

a term in hawking.

(9) s. A rut, or crevice. North,

(10) «. A quarry, or mine.

(11) 0. To break on the shore

witb a long grating sound, said

of the sea.

(12) 9. To repeat a tale. Dur-

Rakbhbll, «. A dissolute fellow.

Rakel, adj. Rash ; hasty. RaieU

netHy hastiness.

Rakbntbis, 9, A manger.

Rakbr, If. A man em-

JACK-BAKBR, J ployed to dear

the streets of rubbish.

And that alio in the said wardmote,

you cauie to be efaoten certain other

honeat persona to be conitablea, and

BCaveDfccra, and a oommon beadle, and

a raktr to make clean the atreeta and

lanea of all your laid vard, according to

''•' ' — B yearly used in that behalf.


RAKK8-AN]>-BOANt, #. A bo/s


Rakbshamb, «. A man of Ioom

character. 17 th cent.

Rakb-stblb, 9. A rake handle.

Raket, v. To rove abouL

RAKBTijffB, «. A chain.

Rakierb, «. One who goea raking

about. Pier9PL

Rakino, adj. Violent 15/A eemL

Raks-jakes, «. Wild pranka.

Rallock, 9. To romp. NoriJL

Rally, (1)9. (Fr.nnifer.) To joke

a person, or make fun of him.

(2) «. A projecting ledge in a

waU. North.

Cys 9. A coarse sieve. JEEoa/.

(4) 9. A multitude. I>e»OH.

Ralph-8poonbr,«. a fooL Somik,

Ram, (1) adj. Fetid; pongeat.


(2) 9. To lose by throwing oat of

reach. Somer9et.

Ramaob, (1) a4f. (^..M) WiUL

Mamage^hawk, a wild or untanght

hawk. To have an

to taste of game.

(2^ 9. To run about wiKL

(3) 9. The wild long of birds.

When immelodioas viada hot i

And biidi on thee their roatoft did


Ravast, part. p. (Fr.) Gathered


Rambbbob, 9. (IV.) A aort of avift


Ramble, 9. To stagger. VTaai.

Rambooz, 9. A compound diink,

formerly used at Cambridge^ and

made of eggs, ale, wioe, and

sugar i or, in sommcr, of nilk,

wine, sugar, and rose-water.

Ramcaobd, oijr. Withered.

Ramb,9. (1) To stretch, as [

do when roused from sle^

(2) To pull up. North.

S To ramble. York9h.

To cry, or sob; to ask

anything repeatedly. Norik.

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(5) To plunder. Line,

Ramekin, It. {Fr.) A tort of

RAM BauiN, J cheesecake.

Ramell, «. Rubbish; especially

rubbish of masons and brick-


The Pictet ridding away the earth and

rmmell wherewith it was closed np.


Rambll-wooDi «. Copse-wood.

Rambnts, «. Shavings or chips.

Rames, «. (1) Dead stalks of pota-

toes, &c. ; the remains of a branch

when stripped of the leaves. Dew.

(2) A skeleton. Somentt.

Inriaible to aighte of man.

In mind they doe me lee,

As Hwere the rame$ of somme dead corps

Men use to pictor ne.

M8. JskmoU, No. 906.

Ramilb, «. (from Lat. ramuhu.)

Twigs ; underwood. Craven,

Ramillib, «. A tie wig. A word

in use in the time of George II.

Ram-hbaded, pari. p. Cuckolded.

Ramjollock, v. To shuffle cards.

UAULis,adJ, Clumsy. Northampi,

Rammakb, o. To behave riotously ;

to tear about. Line.

Rammed, adj. Excessive. Kent.

Rammel-chebsb, 9. Raw meaL


Ram MILT, adj. Rank ; talL

Rammish, adj. (1) Violent; nn-


(2) Rank;pnngent

Ramous, adj. {Fr.) Branchy.

Ramp, (1) v. To be rampant.

(2) 9. A highwayman.

(3) 9. To bend.

(4) tr. To grow luxuriantly.

(5)«. The slope between a higher

and a lower wall.

(6) V. To ramp and reave, to get by

fair or foul means. To ranqf up,

to exalt. To raw^ on, to thrive,

to grow fst.

Rampadgbon, «. A boisterous

fellow. NortK

Rampaob, v. To be riotous.

Rampallion, «. A riotous fellow.

Out upon them,

RoH^alUoms, I will keep myself safe enooi^

Out of their flnsert.


And bold rampallio* like, swear and drink

dnmk. Ifew Trick to Cheat tko 2>mL

Rampant, a4ff Lascivious.

Rampantous, a^. Overbearing


Rampb, (1) V. (jt.-N.) To cUmb.

(2) V. (^.-5.) To rush.

(3) $. A rampant, impudent

woman ; a harlot.

Nay, fVe on thee, thoa rawipi, thon ryg^

with all that take thy part.


Rampbr, (1) «. A turnpike road;

applied especially to roads on the

site of older Roman roads. Line.

(2)9. 7b romper a road, to make

it very convex. Norf.

Rampick, a^. A term applied to a

bough of a tree, which has lesser

branches standing out at its ex-


Rampino, a^. (1) Luxuriant in

growth ; coarse and large, applied

to lace, &c

(2) Eager; a crazy longing. Berke^

Ravpibb, (1) «. A rampart.

(2) V. To fortify with ramparts.

Rampish, a4^*. Rampant.

Ramps B, v. To climb. Somen.

Rampsino, adj. Tall ; lofty.

Ram&ackbtino, «. A riotous

country fite. Devon.

Ram-raise, v. To run backward in

order to take a good leap. North.

Rams-clawa, 1 9. Crowfoot.

nAMS.pooT, J Somereet.

Ramscuttlb, 9. A wild and loose


Ramshacklb, (1) V. To ransack.


(2) adj. Loose ; confused.

(3) V. To entangle. Norf.

Rau's-bo&m, 9. A sort of net to

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indote fiih that oone in with the

tide. Somentt.

Eambons, a. A kind of giriic,

ltAM-sTAO,«. A gelded ram. SmiIA.

Ram 8TAM, «4f. Wild. North,

Ramstongub, «. Ribwort.

Ran, «. (I) A uying.

i2) Violence ; open rapine.

3) The hank of a string. Weat

Rancb, «. A kind of marble.

Syhetter'M Dubartmi.

Rancb, «. A scratch with a claw.

Ranchkt, «. A sort of bread.

Rancon, «. A weapon resembling

a bill.

Rancountbb, «. (Fr.) A meeting.

Rand, (1) t. A long piece of beef

cut out between the flank and

the buttock.

They cane with chopping knives.

To eat me into uuuU. and nrloint, and lo

powder ne. B, /• FL, WUdg. Cktat, v» S.

(2) «. The seam of a shoe.

(3) «. A strip of leather ; a hank

of twine. EmL

(4) «. A margin, or border.

(5) «. Rushes on the edge of a

river. Notf.

(6) 9. To canvass for TOtes.


Randan, «« (1) An uproar. Ghue,

(2) The produce of a second

sifting of meal. Bait,

Randbm-tandbm, «. A tandem

with three horses.

Randino, (1) adv. Piecemeal.


(2) «. Riotous living. Somen,

Randle-balk, <. The cross piece

of wood in a chimney, on which

pothooks were hung. YorAsh.

See RaimeL

Random, (1) $, A straight line.


(2) 7b the at random, to live


When my eon grew to mam eatate, hee

had leave to live more at random iliimut

9VKndifiiU potesUis).

Temtet m SHgUtk, IMl.

Randok, a. (1) {jL'N.) Foiee; ib-


He rod to him with giwt inarfw.

And with If offrdai ia fanehooii

The prince a feide iu the frid.

Beta qfBamlomm^ p. 1S9.

(2) A long speech.


in a wild manner.

'.) Tostxay

Shall leave them firee to wmmim of ti^

wUl. FemM /• P^fr, O. PL, i, lit

Randt, (1) adj. Boisterous.

(2) adj. Maris appetens. North.

(3) «. A tinker; an itineraat

beggar. North.

(4) On the randf, living in de.


Randyboozb, a. An uproarios

feast. Northampt.

Rand Y-D andt, s. A vulgar qnand-

some woman. North.

Randyrovti a. A distmiiaBoe.


Ranb, adj. Coarse; applied t»

linen, &c. We$t.

Ranbs, 9. The skeleton of a bird.

Devon. See Ramet

Rang, adj. (A.-S.) Rebellious.

Rangb, (1) «. A sieve.

(2) ~ ■

(4) V. To cleanse bj washing.


Rangb-bbbad, 1 t. The second-

banoed-brbad, J best wheatea

bread. Fromraa^.asieve. "Bread

called chete breade, raunffei

hreadt or cribel bread. Ciharia

panis." HiUoet.

Rangbb, «. A rack for a chinney.


Ranglb, v. (1) To give gravel to

a hawk to bring her to a stomadu

(2) To move about in a ainooos

manner. Weet.

Ranish, ttdj. Ravenous. J[}epon.

Rank, (1) adv. Furiously ; violently.

The aeely man. fleeing him x^de so rsa^l;

And ayme at him, tell flat to gronnd ica

feare. i^ww^ ^. 4^ II» iu, C

2) V. To take a range with gnu.

3) 9. The shaft of a carriage. Def.





B, \9, The cross-

7K, j beam in a chim-

(2) adv. In a passion. Cheth.

(3) adj. Stroll)?.

(4) adj. Exce&sire.

(5) adj. Thick ; abundant.

(6\adJ. Close ; plentiful. Craven,

(7) adj. Wrong. Lane.

(8) «. A row of peas, &c. Wight.

Rannack, «. A bad fellow. North.

Rann£l, (1) «. A strumpet.

Slie knew lome rules of deeorara ; and

Hlthongh she were a lostte bounting

mnipe, Miuewhat like Galiemella or

M'liide MHrinn. yet was she not such a

roinisii rannell, or sucli a dissolute

frilliHii-flartes, as this wainscot-faced


GabritiHaney, Piercers Sttpereroff., 1600.

(2)r. To ruffle the hair. Yorkth.

(3) adj. Hungry; Toracious.




ney, on which pots are hung.


Rannioal, 9. A worthless fellow.

Rannt,«. The shrew-mouse. Suff.

Ranpick, adj. A tree beginning to

decay at the top from age, and

having bare dead branches in

consequence. Also called stag^

headed. See Rampick.

The aged roMpiek trunk, where plowmen

cast their seed. Drayton^ Polyotbiott, s. x.

Only the night^row sometimes you might


Cronking, to sit upon some ramtiek tree,

/ft., Mooncttif, p. 610.

Rant, v. To riot, or drink. North,

Rantan, v. To beat severely.


Ranter, (I) t. A large beer-jug.

(2) V. To pour liquor from a

large into a smaller vessel.

(3) V. {Fr. rentrer.) To dam.


(4) V. To patch a garment neatly.

Rantipike, i. An ass. Dorset.

Rantipolb, (1) ». A romping

child. IVeit.

(2) V. To make a great noise.

(3) 9, The pole or plank in the

childish game of see-saw. North'


Rant&eb, 9. The mountain ash.


Ranty, a4ir* Frisky ; wild. North.

j Rantv-tanty, adj. Very angry.

Rap, v. (1) To seize; to ravish.

(2) To boast. Devon.

I (3) To hazard. North.

(4) To exchange. Var. d.

(5) To rape and renne^ or nqf

and rend, to seize and plunder.

Rapb,(1)«. (^..&) Haste. JUtpely,


(2) adv. Rapidly ; hastily.

(3 ) 9. To steal ; to plunder.

(4) V. To ravish. Rap^ftd^ given

to violence, or lust.

(5) V. (A.-S.) To tske captive.

(6) V. To bind tightly. Devon.

(7) «. A division of a county.

(8) s. A heap of corn.

(9) *. A turnip.

nO) 9. To scratch. Somerset.

(11) ». (A.'S.) To prepare.

Rape. Twke half fyges, and half raisons,

pike hem, and waisshe hem in water,

skalde hem in wvne, bray hem in a mor-

tar, and draws hem tliurgh a straynor.

Cast hem in a pot, and therewith powdor

of peper, and oother good powdort.

Alay It np with floerof rys, and color it

with saadres. Salt it. and messe it

forth. fomu of Cuiy, p. 17.

Rapes, s. A sauce for fish.

For to make rapre. Tiik the cmstys of

wyt bred and reysons, and bray heut

wel in n morler ; and afler temper hem

np wyth wyn, and wryng hem thorw a

cloth, and do thereto cuiiel, that yt be

al colowryt of canel ; and do thereto hole

clowys, macys, and quibibz. The fysch

schal be Inrys other tenclus, tryiu, or

other nmiier fysch, so that yt be fresch,

and vrcl yfryedj and do yt in disckis,

and that rap6 upon, and serve yt forth.

WanuTt Antiq. ChI., p. 40.

Rapely, adv. {A.'S.) Quickly



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Raper, «. A rope-maker.

Rapid, ae(;. ( 1) Gay. Var, d.

(2) Severe. As *^ rapid pain."


Rapis, «. A dissolute low person.


Rappr, v. (ji.-S.) To hasten.

Rapper-dandies, «. Red bar-

berries. North.

Rapping, adj. Large.

Raps, «. (1) Games. Skropth,

News. Yorkfh.

) A disorderly, boasting person.


(4) The small intestines of a pig.


Rapscallion, «. A low, disorderly


Rapt, v. To ravish ; to carry off by


Rare, (1) t;. To roar. North.

(2) adj. Early. Devon.

(3) adj. Ready. Somerset,

(4) adj. Raw ; underdone.

(5) adj. Fine ; great. South,

Rarnino, a^f* Thin, said of cloth.


Ras ALGER, 9. The fume of mine-

rals. An alchemical term.

Rascal, *, (1) (A.-N.) A lean

beast ; a deer not fit to hunt or


Metaphore—M one ihonld in reproch

MY to a poore mnn, ihoa raakall knave,

where rtukall is properly the hunter's

terme given to young deere, leane and

oat of acason, and not to people.

Puttenk., p. 150.

(2) adj. Common; low. JSat-

eaylef low people, refuse.

Rascality, t. The lower orders.

Rascot, s. a scoundrel. Cumb,

Rase, (1) *. {A.-S.) Anger,

(2) V. To snarl.

(3) V. To scratch. Sufolk,

(4) V. To erase.

!5) 9. An erasure.

6)*. C^.-A'.) A channel of the


(7) *. A swift pace.

Rase-brainbd, a4;. Violent.

Rasen, 9. The piece of timber ia

timber buildings to which the

bottoms of the rafters are fis-


Rash, (1) v. To snatch, or seiie.

(2) V. To strike by a glancing

blow, applied particularly to the

stroke given by a boar.

{Z) V. To tear, or rend.

(4) «. A sort of inferior silk.

Slecrcleas lite )erkm mis. and it bad lieen

Velvet, but 'twaa now (lo much grooi»d

vaa seen)

Become tuff taffaty ; and our diildreailmll

See it phtin nuk aviiile, then nonghtati'l-


(h)odj. Hasty.

(6) adj. Brittle. Corrao.

(7) adj. Loosened with dryness.

Com is said to be ra»h when it

is so dry that it falls out with

handling. North.

Rashkd, adj. Burnt in cooIdDf.


Rasher, 9. (1) A box on the ear.


(2) A rush. North.

Rasing, «. (1) A shaving.

(2) A blubbering noise. North.

Raske, v. To puff and blow.

Rasour, 9. The sword-fish.

Rasp, (1) ». A raspberry.

(2) V. To belch. East,

(3) «. The steel of a tioder-box.

Rasper, ». (1) A hedge. (Cant.)

(2) An extraordinary leap taken

in hunting.

Raspis, t. (1) The raspberry.

(2) The name of a wine.

Rasssls, 9. The land-whin. &if.

Rassle, v. To stir the embers in

an oven with a pole. Ea9t,

Raster, t. A sort of cloth.

Rasty, adj. Rancid ; obscene. So-

mer9€t. See Rea9ty.

Rasure, 9. (A.-N.) A scratch ; &ji


Rat, pre9. t. Reads.

Ratapia, 9. A spirit distilled from

the kernels of aprioota.





Batch, (1) «. To spot, or ttreak.


(2) 9, A straight line. North.

(3) V. To pull or tear asunder.


(4) o. To tell falsehoods. Line.

(5) A subsoil of clay, mixed

with stone and gravel. Heref,

JRatchei, gravelly stone. Derb.

Batch BR, (1)#. {k,'N, rocher,) A

rock. Lane.

(2) adj. Rocky.

Batch IT- WHEEL, 9. A wheel with

curved teeth, for a pall or detent

to work io, to prevent its going


Batch ET8, «. Rat-holes. Leie.

Bate, {\) pari. p. Ratified.

(2) V. To chide. Line.

(3) adj. Rotten. Cumb.

(4} V. To season by exposing to

the weather. North. See Raii.

(.i) 9. To call away. Kent.

(6) V. To rule or govern. North'


Bate EN, «. A coarse woollen cloth.

Bathe, (1) adj. {J.-S.) Soon;

early ; eager ; anxious.

(2) V. To rede, or advise.

(3) adj. Savage ; hasty.

Bathblko, /lor^^. Fixed; rooted.

Bather, adj. Earlier ; former.

Bathe-ripb, adj. (1) Early ripe;


So it 18 BO lease ordinary that tbese

ruthg-ript wits prevent their own per-

fection. Hairs Quo Vadit.

(2) a. A species of early apple.


Batherlinos, adv. For the most

part. North.

Bathbrly, adv. Rather. York9h.

Bathes, «. A frame placed on a

cart or waggon for carrying hay,

&c. Craven.

Batbest, adj. Earliest.

Rath LIKE, adv. Speedily.

Ratified, /)ar/./». Scolded.

Ration, «. {Lat.) Reasoning.

Raton, ». (J.-N.) A rat.

Ratonbr, 9. A rat-catcher

Rats, 9. Fragments. North.

Ratten, «. A rat. North. See


Ratten-crook, 9. A long crook

reaching from the rannel-bauk to

the fire. North.

Rattick, 9. A sudden and confused

noise, as the falling of earthen-

ware. Nor/.

Rattle, (1) t^. To stutter; to have

a difficulty in speaking.

(2) V. To beat. North.

(3) 9. A babbler.

Rattle-baby, *. A forward chat-

tering child.

Rattle- bone, adj. Worn out ;

crazy. Sussex,

Rattle-heads, 9. A name jpven

sometimes to the Cavaliers.

Rattle-mouse, 9. An old name

for a bat.

Rattlepatb, 9. A giduy creature.

Rattletraps, «. Knick-knacks.

Rattock, 9. A great noise. Ea9t.

Raty, adj. Cold; tempestuous.


Rauoh,«. a tortuous course. We9t,

"RKVGnTf jfret. t. (I) Reached.

(2) Recked; cared.

Raughter, 9. A rafter.

Rauk, (1) 9. Smoke. Sussex.

(2) V. To mark ; to scratch. North.

Raul, v. To pull about; to ravel.


Raum, (I) V. {A.-S.) To shout, or

cry. Line.

(2) To sprawl. East.

(3) To stretch ; to grasp. North.

Raumbr, 9. A kind of fighting-cock.

Raun, 9. The roe of salmon pre-

pared as a bait. North.

Raunch, v. (1) To craunch. Devon.

(2) To wrench out.

Raunino-knife,9. a cleaver. TTet/.

Raunson, 9. {A.'N) Ransom.

Raut, v. To bellow. North.

Ravary, 9. A violent mad fit «)f

passion, attended with loud voci-

feration. Norf.

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Bavk, (1) 9, (^.-S.) To tear np.


(2) *. A rent.

(3) t>. To cry out.

Rave-boards. See Eave- boards.

Ratbl, v. To talk idly. North.

Ratbl-brcad, s. a middle sort of

bread. Kent.

Ravelled, adj. Confused.

Ravel- paper, s. NVhity-brown


Raven, v. To devour greedily.

Ravrner, It. {A.'N.) A plun-

RAVENOUR, j derer.

But tlioa wilt say, tliey will linve me

lioine being cast ;' but I tell thee, they

will maiDtain no raveuour.

Terence in Englnk^ 1641.

Raves, «. Frames of wood laid

over a waggon, so as to enable it

to carry a larger load of hay, &c.

Line. See Rathe$.

Rave-up, v. (1) To rake up in-

formation. Une.

(2) To explore.

Raveymb, a. Theft.

Ravine, (1) v. To take by force.

(2) 9. {A.-N.) Rapiue.

(3) adj. Ravenous.

(4) t. {A.'N.) Birds of prey.

Ravinour, «. A plunderer.

Ravisable, \adj. {A.»N.) Ra-


Ravishing, adj. (A.-N.) Rapid.

Ravisom E, adj. Rapacious. Suf.

Ravlin, s. The threads which

part from the warp when the

cloth is cut up, not being cut in

a line with the threads in the

wooffrazled. Norf,

Raw, ». A row.

Raw-buckb, «. A roe-buck. "The

raW'bueke is the first yeare a

kid." Retume from PamoMmu,


Raw-edged, adj. Not hemmed.


Raw-flesh, «. An old name of a


Raw-bead, t. (1) The cream

rising on the surface of milk

whicli has not been heated.

(2) A name for the devil.

Rawhede, 8. Rawness.

Rawinos, *. Aftermath. Tumr.

Still used in Norfolk to signiiy

rough grass to be mown, but

pronounced rowanM,

Rawk, «. ^list. Norlhampt.

RAWKY,a4f. Raw and cold. North.

Rawly, adj. UnskilfaL

Uaw-mousb, «. A bat. Somert.

Rawn, v. To eat ravenously. Wett.

Rawness, t. Rudeness.

Rawny, a^'. Meagre; having liltk

flesh ; tall and thin. Sennerg.

Rawp, 9. A hoarseness. Yorkth,

Raw-porridge, 9,

The liturgy of the church, tfaovfh ex-

tracted mnst of it out of tlie asercJ

text, ciiird by khd another kind «/

Alcliornn, by others ruw porrrd^^ W

Bom a peece fonjM m hell j who wo»Kl

have tiiimsht to hnre seen in Engkod

the churches shut and tlie shops open

upon Christmais day ?

ifowM* LettmA^'

Rax, V, To stretch oneself, as after

sleeping, ^orth,

Raxe, v. (A.'S.) To hawk befor:


Raxlb, v. To brenthe : to nourish.

Ray, (1) 9. {A.'N.) Striped cloth.

(2) 9. A slip of gold or siher


(3) *. Array ; order.

(4) 9. To dress. Somerset.

(5) V. To beray or defile Norths

(6)9.l{A.^N.) A king.

(7) t. A sort of dance.

(8) 9. Diarrhcea. Yorith,

(9) V. To erase.

(10) 9. (Fr.) A path, or track.

Rayed, />ar/.^. Strif>ed.

Rayen-sievk, 9. A sieve for cleans-

ing clover. Dorset.

Ray HI NO, part. a. Grinding.

RaYM BNT8, 9.

It was determined and agreed th«t the

rajfmenU should not go in procrssx^i

that year. Bottom Tnett JU^rd«» UM.

RaynE|«. Aery.

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Katkbclzs, ». A dUh in old


Raynecles Take swete norke, dates,

fi{q^ed, braied togeder, ana put therto h

fewe toikes of eyreii, and in the bnvinge

slay nit with a Ivtel brothe, anil cait

therio ponder or clowet, ponder of

pepnr, sngre. raiiynires of coinnre, and

ci>lonr lilt with eaffron, and medel al

logcdcr ; and then hille the ttuffure in

pHita ns uien niaken ruscliewes ; and

tiien take the brothe of cnpous sothcn

in herbcB, and let htt boylc, nnd colour

hit with SHffron, and then put in tlierto

the ra.yn/'ctef, and when thai byn bovU-d

tnke iioiii np, and lay three of' horn in a

diwh, nod poure brothe therto; and

take grated chew niedeiet with pouder

of giuver, and strewe above theron. and

scn-e hit forthe.

Warner, Anlxq. CuL, p. 81.

Raton, *. (1) {A,-N.) A ray.

(2) A streak.

RA.Y-VBLVBT, 9. Striped velvet.

Razb, «. A swinging fence in a

^ater-course. Devon,

Ra5w&, adv. Rather. MS., Ibih


Reach, (1) v. To give; as to reacA

any one a box on the ear.

(2) f. A straight space in a river

between one point and another.

(3) «. A white mark duwn a

horse's face.

Rback, v. To arrive ; to reach at.


Rbackbd, 9. To judge of; to guess.


Rbad, (1) «. Rennet. North,

(2) V. To comb the hair. North.

(3) V. To read the inwards, to

strip the fat from the intestines,

to vomit.

Rradkpt, v. {Lat.) To recover.

Readily, adv. Without hesitation.

The king readily denied either to allow

any trial offend or yet to licence him.

Boioei Corretpondenee, 1682.

Readship, «. Confidence; truth.


Heady, (1) v. To make ready.

(2) V. To assist. North,

(3) adj. Rid of. Essex,

(4) V. To comb the hair. North,

R B A D Y- polk, s, a rod placed across

a chimney to support the pot-


Reap, v. To ra?e1, or entangle.


Rbapb, V, To long for the accom-

plishment of a thing; to speak

continually on the same subject.


Reaks, «. Pranks. Cotgr,

Real, (1) adj. {A.-N.) RoyaL

(2) «. A Spanish coin, of the value

of sixpence.

R^alt£, ». {A.-N.) Royalty.

Ream, (1) s. Cream. Ream kUf

ream-mitg, a cream-pot. North.

That on is white lo milkes rem,

Thai other it red. m fer is Irni.

Artkour and Merlin, p. 55.

(2) To hold out the hand to re-

ceive anything. North.

(3) V. To stretch; to widen a


(4) Bread is said to reamj when

made of heated or melted corn.

Reamee, s. An implement used to

make a hole larger. Somerset.

Ream-penny, s, Peter-pence.


Re AN, (1) s. A gutter or water-

course; a furrow between the

ridges of ploughed land to take

off the water.

(2) 17. To droop the head. Suffolk.

(3) V. To eat ravenously. West.

Reap, s. A bundle of com laid

down by the reaper, to be ga-

thered into sheaves by the binder.

Reapino-hook, s. a sickle with a

smooth edge, not serrated.

Rear, (1) adj. {A.-S. hrere, raw.)

Underdone. A rere-tgg, was an

egg boiled slightly.

Alio take the inice of marigolda drunken

or euten with a rere egge. and nieale

made in frittert, doih the like.

Pathway to HeaUKt.h'^^

There we oomplaine of one rean roased.


Here meat worse cookt neremnkesui sickt

/far. £fiy., iv, 6.





(2) V, To raise ; to rise.

(3) V. To carve a goose.

(4) V, To mock. Devon,

(5) 9. To lay timber on the roof.


(6) V, To expectorate ; to vomit.

Rbard, *. Voice; fame. Jyenb.


Rbarino-bone, *. The hip-bone

of a hog.

Rbaring-fkast, 1 *. a feast given

REARING- ALE, J to the workmcn

when the roof is put on the house.

Rearino-mine, *. A vein of coal

descending perpendicularly in

the mine.

Rearlt, adv. Early.

Reart, r. To set right. Devon.

Rear-ward, *. The rear of an


Reasb, «. SeeiKeet.

Reason, «. A motto.

Rbast, V, To take offence. Line.

Rbastbd, a<$'. Weary. North.

Reasty, adj. (1) Rancid; applied

to bacon.

Lay flitchei a Mltin;,

Tliroairh folly too beastly

Muck bacon it nasty. Tusser.

(2) Restive. Sasi.

Reaume, *. {A.'N.) A realm.

Reave, v. To unroof; to blow the

thatch off. Norf.

Reawk, v. To idle in neighbours'

houses. Lane.

Rbawp, •. A hoarse cold. Lane.

Reawt, adv. Out of doors. Lane.

Reballino, *. A method of catch-

ing eels with earth-worms at-

tached to a ball of lead.

REBANDED,j7ar/.p. Adorned with


Rebard, «. Rhubarb.

Rebate, (1) v. To make blunt or


Might onr lore

Behats this sharpe edge of yoar bitter

wrath. Weakest goeth to the WaU, sign. L

(2) V. To recover.

Yea God . . . vith a plngne did rrosse

The Bnitons, that bad eU at least refaM

from their loaae.

Wanai's JOums Bu^Umi, 1391

(3)«. Discountallowedforprompt


Rbbato, 9. {Fr.) A tort of plaited

ruff which turned back on the

shoulders, and appears to have

been supported by wires or props.

Please tou to have, madame. a rvffe,

band, of a rebato . . . Gtre roe ny nkaio

of cttt-worke ed$:ed ; is not the vjcr

after the same sort as the other?

Wire supported it in iu shape.

I vould not have a bodkin or a cal^

A bracelet, necklace, or rebato trire,

"Sat any tiiincthat ever was caird hcr'a.

^ r«M» *., O. PL, via, S94.

This starch, and these rebating propo.

As t}iough ruffes were som« xattca

All this new pclfe now aold in abopa.

In value true not worth a louse.

Gosson*sPUasajU Qtnppa*. liM.

Her new rebato and a Mlingbaod,

And rinsa with sererall poesies od kir

- -^ mt Bzsiat'd, 16a&

Rebbit, V. To rivet. Yorkth,

Rebeck, «. {A.-N.) A sort of


Rebellbr, 9. A rebel.

Rebelling, «. Raveline8.^€3piraod.

Rebbsk, «. Arabesque.

Reboke, v. To belch, or cast npi

Rebound, «. At rebound, at once.

Recche, v. {A.'S.) To care for.

See Reck.

Recbite, a. A receptacle. See


Recbptary, adj. That which is


RBCEST,;Kir/.j». Withdrawn.

Rbcbtte, (1) 9. {A.^N.) A place of

refuge ; a fortress.

(2) V. To receive into a fortress;

to harbour.

Rech ASE, V. To call back, etpedally

hounds from a wrong scent.

Recheat, *. A farewell at partini:.

RecbauseDjJmW.ji. Heated again.






Careless, ne-





This mid, he flang liit nUkUue armet

And groTeling flat upon the crouDd he lay.

Mirr.for Mag.

Go to ; nj on ; lo 1 how gentle lambs

are led to thetlaaghtmnan's fold; how

8U0U rtekyUu yoaUi falleth in snare of

crafty dealing 1 Dycg Flay.

Negligentem eumfecii. Hee hath made

him reUkleue. TtrmceimBngUik, IMl.

Rrchbk, v. To reach.

Rechlbslt, adv. Carelessly.

Rbchlxssnbsse, a. Carelessness.

Recidiyate, 9. i^Lat,) To relapse.

Reck, (1) ». {A.-S, reean.) To care;

to calculate.

(2) «. A hand-basket. Somenei,

Reckak, 8. A pot-hook. North.

Reckby, «. A child's long coat.


Reckling, a. The smallest in a

brood of animals. North.

Reckon-ciiebak, s. a crook in*

the chimney to hang pots on.


Reclaim, 9.(1) To proclaim, ^aff.

(2) To tame, especially applied

to a hawk.

Rbclinatorix, a. A resting-place.

Rbclinb, V, To incline towards.

Recluse, v. (Lat.) To shut up.

Recolaob, a. {A.-N.) Wantonness.

Rbcoldb, v. (A.'N.) To recollect.

Rbcomfoktb, v. (A.'N.) To en-


Reconcilbmbnt, a. Misprision of


Reconubauncb, a. Acknowledg-


Record, (1)0. (^.-AT.) Testimony.

(2) V. To chatter like birds be-

fore they can sing; to practise

singing ; to repeat lessons.

Tlie nymph did earaeatly contest

Tfhether the birds or she recordeil beat.

Browm, Brit. Fast.

Records, r. (A.^N.) To remember.

RscoRDBRf a. A sort of flageolet.

Rbcour, 9. To recoTcr. See Jteeure.

Rbcovrbb, a. A repetition.

Recovbr, 9. To start a hare from

her cover.

Rbcoybrbr, a. A remedy. P. PL

Rbcraybd, adj. (A.-N.) Recreant.

Rbcrbandisb, a. {A.-N.) (1) De-

sertiun of one's allegiance.

(2) Cowardice.

Recreant, a. (A.'N.) One who

yields to his advefsary in combat.

Rbctb, 9. To ascribe.

Rbculb, (1) 9. {A.-N.) To faU

back ; to retreat.

(2) a. (Fr.) A pamphlet or book.

Rbcumbbntibus, a. A great blow.

Old Diet.

Rbcupbratb, 9. {Lat.) To recover.

Recoratitb, a. (Lat.) A remedy.

Rbcurb, (1) 9. {A..N.) To re-


(2) a. Recovery.

Rbcvrslbss, adj. Irrecoverable.

Red, 9. (1) To put in order; to

clean. North.

(2) To deprive ; to rid. East.

(3) To comb the hair with a

wide-toothed comb. Midi. C.

(4) To appease. Cumb. Redder,

one who separates combatanta.


Redact, (1 ) 9. To force backwards.

(2) part. p. (Lat.) Reduced.

Redar, a. A thatcher.

Redargue, 9. (Lat.) To refute.

Redarguation, refntation.

Red-backs, a. A local term for

cornbrash limestone. Northampt,

RBD-CAP,a. The goldfinch. North"


Rbd-coats, a. (1) Lobsters.

(2) Soldiers.

Red- corn-rose, a. The wild poppy.

Red-crab, a. The sea crayfish.

Redden, 9. (1) To cure herringa.

(2) To blush.

Redding, a. A species of apple.

Rbddlb. Ste Ruddle.

Reddour, a. (A.'N.) Strength;


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Rbddtxno-comb, «. A large tooth

comb, the teeth of which are wide

apart. Lane.

Redk, (1) {A.'S.) V. To ad?ise.

(2) t. Counsel ; advice.

(3) V. To explain.

(4) V. To tell ; to maintain.

(5) V, To spread abroad. We$t.

Rbobl, «. (A.-S.) A riddle.

Redbr, 9. An adviser.

Redbvablb, adj. Responsible.

Redgbr, ». A chain passing from

the rods of a waggon over the

horse's back. Kent.

Rso-GOWN, «. A peculiar eruption

of the skin in infants. Line.

Redie, v. To make ready.

RsDiriB, V. To rebuild.

Reding, $. Ruddle. Somertei.

Rbding-kinos, «. A class of feudal

retainers, called also rod-knights.

Redinos, «. Tidings.

Red-inkle, «. Red tape.

Rbd-knees, «. Water-pepper.

Red-lane, t. The throat.

Red-lattice, s. A lattice window,

painted red, the old distinction

of an ale-house. Red-lattice

phrases, ale-house language.

Vo, I am not Sir Jeffery Balardo : I am

not as well known by my wit, at an ale<

house by a red Ultiee.

MantoH's JnioH. ^ MelUda, act t.

Rbdlbs, adj. (A.-S.) Without coun.

sel or advice.

'Rei>l\j}, part. p. Twisted.

Red-mad, acff. Quite mad. Dark.

Red-mailke8, 9. The corn-poppy.

Redouts, v. {A.-N.) To dread i to


Red-battle, t. The plant louse-

wort (pedieularie).

Bbdresse, v. {A.'N.) To make

straight; to remedy ; to recover.

Red-row, «. The sute of barley

just before it is fit to cut. Notf.

Reds, s. Blushes ; red tinu. }Fe»t.

Red-sear, ». To crack under the

hammer between hot and cold,

aaid of iron in forging.

Rbd-sbanks, t. (1) An old popu-

lar name for the Scottish Higb*

landers and native Irish.

(2) The plant pernearia. North.

Redstreak, e. A kind of dder

apple ; the cider made from it

Red -tail, ». The redstart.

Rrdubbe, v. (/>.) To redress.

Rbdubber, 9. One who bouglit

stolen cloth and disguised it bf


Rbducr, \ v. (Lat.) To briof

REDUCT, J back.

Rbducement, 9. Reduction.

Red-water, t. See Blend-water.

Red-weed, «. The field poppj'


Red- WH OOP, «. The ballfiDcb.


Rbd-windb, «. The winds which

blast fruit.

Rbb, (1) «. A disease in hawks.

(2) V. To pass com through i

sieve for the purpose of cleansing

it from chaff and other refiist-


(3) 9. A river, or flood. •* All is

in a ree," that is, overiloved

with water. Essex.

Reban, 9. A gutter. Lane.

Rbbanobd, part. p. Discokmred;

in stripes. North.

Rbece, 8. A piece of wood fixed to

the side of the chep. Kent.

Rbech, a. (A.-S.) Smoke. Keeek^.


Rbbchy, adj. Rancid. Nortkampi.

Reed, (1) adj. Angry. Yorish.

(2) 9. Straw prepared for thatch-

ing. Reed-biUif, a bundle ol zeed.


(3) V. To thatch a house.

(4) «. A small wood. East.

(5) 9. A cow's fundament. Deri.

Rebd-blade, 9. The poa afnstics.


Rbbdbn, ai^. Made of reeds.

Rbrdification, 9. (Lat.) Be-


Reed-mace, c. The plant ^Airaai.





Rbbd-fit, #. A fen. Pr, P.

Keed-roll, 1 «. a thicket of

RBED-RONDi J recds on the edge

of a river, l^orf,

R£RD-8TAKB, «. A stakc io the

shippen to which aa ox is tied.


Rbef, •. (1) (^.-S.) The itch; any

eni pti ve disorder. Rttfy^ scabby.


(2) Dandriir. Cambridgesh.

Reek, (1) «. {A.-S. reean,) Smoke,

or vapour ; perspiration.

(2) «. A rick. Rcek'iime, the

time of stacking hay.

(3) V. To ooze out.

Pot estaimm^. A glnsse pot «o well

wrought that none ot the liquor can

reeke out : an eartlieu pot well glared.


(4) V. To reach.

(5) adj. Stormy. North,

(6)i. Lineage; family. Yorkth,

{7)v. To waste away. North,

(8) 8. A cant term for money.



Rkek-statal, 9, A rick-staddle.

Reels, t. Lines of feathers placed

across the open ridings in a

forest to keep the deer within

certain limits.

Reem, (1)9. To moan. North, See


(2) «. Hoarfrost.

(3) V. To tie fast. Somen,

Rbengb,*. a row; a series. Pr.P,

REBN-81ETB, 9, A very fine sieve.


RaBOK, «. A shriek. Lane.

Reef, v. To trail in the dirt. Wett.

Reeple, 9. A horizontal beam in

the roof of a coal-mine. We9t,

Rees, l«.(i^.-5.) Impetus ;Tiolence;

RES, J onslaught ; haste; an ex-


The! mnketh werre and wrake

In lond iher st-liuld be pees;

Tbei seliuld to the Holy Lond

To m&ke iher n reet.

Foem OH Tmea qf Bdw. II.

REBas, 9. A wave ol the sea.

Reesome, V, To put pease into

small heaps. Line.

RsB-a UPPER, 9. A second supper.

Lane, See Rere'9upper,

Rest, v. To smooth; to put in

order ; to comb. North.

Rebtle, v. To repair. North,

Rbevb,(1) V. To separate winnowed

corn from small seeds, wiih a


(2) V. To vrrinkle. Somen.

(3) 9. The female of the ruff.

(4) 9, A rope of onions. North'


(5) To reeve throvgh, to trans-


Reevkd, adj. Streaked with dirt,

applied to linen. Northampt,

Reezbd, adj. Rancid. North.

Ref, 9. {a -S.) Plunder.

Refect, adj. (Lat.) Recovered; fed.

Rbfeere, v. To revert.

Rkpellb, v. (Lat,) To refute.

Repfics, 9, Remnants. North,

Refigure, 9. To picture to the

imagination. Chaucer.

Reflairb, *. {A.'N.) Odour.

Refocillation, *. {Lat.) Resto-

ration by refreshment.

Reform, v. To repair.

Repormado, 9. ( Span.) An officer

who, for some disgrace, was de-

prived of his command, but re-

tained his rank.

Repourme, v. To renew, or remake.

Refrain, (l)».(^.-iV.) The bur-

den of a song.

(2) ». To restrain.

Rrfrbide, v. (A.'N.) To cool.

Refrbt, 1 9. The burden of a


Refri NGE, r. '1 o infringe. Paisgr.

Reftb, (1) pret, t, and part, p.

Took away ; robbed.

(2) 9. {/i.-S,) A crevice.

Refuge, (1) «. Refuse. Su99ex,

(2) V, To separate the inferior

sheep or lambs from a flock.


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Retusb, (1) 9. To deny.

(2) t. A refusal.

Refute, \$, (A^-N.) Refuge; tn

REruYT, /asylum.

Regal, «. A grooTe in Umber.


Rboalie, i. (A.'N.) Royalty ; sove-


Rboalos, 1. Sweetmeats of a aape-

rior description.

Rboals, «. A portable musical

instrument, made like an organ.

Regenerate, o. To degenerate.

Regiment, #.(^.-iV:) Government;

sovereign sway ; rule.

For, bat to honour thee

Is Ednrtrd plcat*d vith kingly remmenL

Edward 11. 0. PL, U, 819.

She thank'd the nymph, for her kinde

•uccoar lent^

Who strait tript to her wntry rtgxment.

Brown, Brit. Pati.

Rbole, f. {A.-N.) A rule.

Regnb, (1) ». {A,-N.) To reign.

(2) 9, A kingdom.

Regorge, v. (Fr.) To vomit.

Reg RACES, «. (A.-N,) Thanks.

Regrate, v. (A.'N.) To retail

wares. Regrater^ regratier, a

reUiler. Regratrie^ selling by


Regredtencb, «. {Lat.) Return.

Regrebt, a, A salutation ; a greet-

ing again.

Reuubrdon,9. (^.>^.) To reward.

Rehbte, V, (1) {A.'N. rehaiter,

reheter.) To encourage, or cheer ;

to revive ; to recover courage.

(2) To threaten ?

He mav bett threte hym.

And alIe*to rehete hym.

It ii abame you to bete hym;

Tlierfor» air, let be.

TomuUy Masteries, p. I9S.

Rbbbtour,«. Some sort of retainer

or household dependant.

Lord what stiward wer he that volde

ordeyne nene rehetonn to ete mennea

mete, and do heui harm ajena Criafes

ordenatuice. Wycliffc.

IlBiFFiN08,a. Robberies. SeeJ^eve.

Reioh, 9, The ray fish.

Rbike, (1) V. To reach. North.

(2 )«. A chaffinch. NomingleMS.

(3) V. To idle about.

Rbilb, 9. To roll.

Reimbask, 9. To return to the

form. A hunting term.

Rbin, (1) o. To bear the head in a

constrained posture. Etui,

(2) t. {A.'S. regen.) Rain.

Reinablb, adj. (A.-N.) Reason-


Reist,9. To be restive. Norfkumh,

Rbi8TBR8,1 «. German horse-

REiTERs.j soldiers.

Reits, a. Sea or river weed. Weti.

Rbjaggb, v. To reprove.

Rejoib, f». (A.'N.) To rejoice.

Rejolt, s. a shock.

Rejourn, v. To adjourn.

Re jumble, v. To roll about. Ltne,

Rekb. (1) V. (A.-S) To reckon.

(2) V. To enter.

Porter, a sede, let me in rtie.

B€9et qf HampUnm, p. 17.

(3) a. (A.'S.) Haste.

(4) V. To rake.

(5) a. A small bundle of hay.


Rekbnbn, ». (^..5.) To reckon.

Rekils, a. (A.-S.) Incense.

Rbkkb, V. (A.'S,) To care ; to reck.

Rblair, «. A fresh set of hounds.

Relate, v. (Lat,) To refer ; to carry i

to an account, or enter in a list.

Re LB, 9. To roll, to spread.

Release, 9. To take out of pawv. j

Releet, 9. The meeting of four j

roads in the same point. Ea»L

Relepb, 9. What is left ; refuse.

Relbnt, 9. (Fr, ralentir,) To relax,

or slacken ; to melt

But nothing might rel^M her hasty fli^t.

Thon art a pearl which nothing can rdtai.

But vinegar made of devoMou's toun.

DtnruM, WWsJVsr,

Rblbs, 9, Relish.

Relbsbn, 9. (A,'N.) To forgive.





BsLBVAiNTHss, t. (1) Remainders.

(2) RevcQue derived from fines,

&c., payable by a tenant on the

death of his ancestor.

RsLB?B, V. {A.'N.) To restore ; to


Rblick-sundat, t. The third

Sunday after Midsaramer day.

Religion, t. A scruple of con-


Religious, t. (^.-A"*.) A monk.

JUliffioutiUf the state of being

under religious toits, monk-


Rally, t. A coarse sieTe. EatL

Rklts, t. Sea-weed.

Relumk, 9. To light again.

Rely, v. To polish.

Reu, t. Cream. See Ream.

Remanent, t. A remainder.

Remblb, v. To remove. Line,

Reus, (1) v. (J.^S,) To cry, or

moan ; to roar.

(2) t. (.^..N.) A realm.

(3) e. {A.-S.) To make room.

(4) V, To froth.

Remediate, adj. Able to remedy.

Remedy, t. A play-day for school-


Rbmbmobacnce, t. Remembrance.

Rembnaunte, t. (A.'N,) Re-


Rkmenb, v. (1) To remind.

(2) To bring back.

Remercie, 9. (Fr.) To thank.

Remetic, t. A remedy. Warw.

Rem EVE, 9. To remove.

Remiss ails, «. {A.-N.) Leavings ;


Rem LA NT, t. Remainder.

Remlbt, 9. A remnant. Wett,

Rbmlin, #. A remnant. Craven,

Rem MAN, 9. To beat. Craven,

Rbmmand, 9. To disperse. North.

Remmon, v. To remove. Yorkeh.

Rem6rob, 9. (1) {Lat.) To rebuke.

(2) (A.'N.) To feel remorse; to

sting with remorse.

Remorse, ff. Compassion. Remorte-

Jul, compassionate.

Rbmucb, adj. Cross tempered.


Rbmub, v. {A.'N.) To remove.

Rbnable, adj. (1) Reasonable.

(2) Loquacious. North.

Renasshe, v. To jerk the head ?

Ren ATE, t. A species of apple ; the


In which respect toq mny phanfaiie

that you nov aee Xuperidum korku, if

not where Hercules founde the golden

applet ... yet where our honest patriot*

Richard Harrrs, fruiterer to king Uenrie

the 8, planteu, bv his great cosie and

rare indusirie, tLe sweet cherry, the

temperate pipyn, and the golden renate.

LaMbard«'sP*ra$nb. of Ztnt, laW.

The renatf which though first it from the

pippin cnnie,

Growue through his pureness nice, assumes

that curious name,

Upon the pippin stock, tlie pippin beeing

set. DrayUnCs PolyolbioHf soug 18.

RBNATED,^ar/.p. (Lat.y Renewed.

Rbnay, t. A renegade.

Rbnaye, v. {A,-N.) To refuse ; to


Rbnch, v. To rinse. North,

Rencky, adj. Boisterous.

Rencounter, p. (Fr,') To meet.

Render, v, (1) To melt down any

fat substance. The process of

making lard and candles is called

rendering. Line,

(2) To disperse. North.

(3) To confess.

(4) To give a finishing coat of

plaster lo a wall. Var. d,

Rendles, 8. Rennet for cheese.

Rene, (1)9. To rein ; to tie up.

(2) t. A water-course. See Rean,

Ren6, 9. To deny. Sec Rename.

Reneo, 9. To call a suit at cards.


Rbneoatb, i. {A.'N.) An apostate.

Renewing, «. Produce.

Ren eye, ^v.{A.'N.) To deny; to

RENEGE, J renounce; to abjure.

Reneyedt renegade.

Renge, (1) t. {A.'N.) A rank, or

row. Renffaile, ranks.

(2; 9. To set in order.





RBKOift, t. The Btept of a Udder.

RitxifiH. V. To prepare; to fur-

nish. Percy,

Rkn'k, 9, {A.'S,) A man; a knight.

A word used ciiiefl> in the metrical

romance j, and in popular poetry.

Rknky, adj. Rank. North,

Kknlessb, t. Rennet. PaUgr,

RsNNk, 0. (1) {A.'S.) To run.

(2) {A.-S.) To pull ; to snatch ;

to rend.

Rennino, (1) 9. Rennet.

(2) adj. Thin ; liquid. A term in

cookery, the contrary to ttanding,

or stiff.

Rbnnibh, adj. Passionate ; furious.


Renom£, adj. Renowned.

KENOvELANCB.t. {A.-N.) Rcncwal.

Rbnovbllk, «. To renew.

Rbntv, adj. Handsome; weiU

sliaped. North.

Ren VERSE, t>. (fr.) To reverse; to

turn over.

Re WE, V. To deny.

Rroukr, t?. To commend. North.

ViKP, \^\) part. p. Reaped. JEtsex,

(2) t. A lean horse.

Repairb, (1) 9. To resort; to re.


(2) 9. The haunt of a hare.

(3) 8. A carrier of sea-fish.

Repaise, v. {d.^N.) To appease.

Reparel, 9, Apparel.

RRPARELiEfO. To repair; to rebuild.

Repay, #. Repayment " For the

repay thereof." Copley'9 Wittt

Fits, and Fanciea, 1614.

Repb, 9. A handful of corn, Stc.

Repeal, lo. To recall; to call

REPEL, J again.

Refercutb, v. (Lat.) To strike


Repetb, 9. " Fote, or repete of a

dittye, or verse, whiche is often

repeted." Huioet.

Reprtort. adj, Disoliedient ; mas-

UTful. tine.

Rbpillb-stock, t. A staff for beat-

ing flax. I

Repleat, v. To fill ? I

He that rrvte^U ,

The migrbty miiTene, viiote lofty WAt t I

Til' impinali hear'n. whose fooUtooic is ,

the t'uce I

Of mnsue earth?

QncWec. FtaHfor Worw^t.

Replenish, t;. To rerive. Pmiagr. \

RsPLBT, 9, Repletion. 1

Repolonb, v. To gallop straight

' forwards and back again. I

Rkpon, t. Moving force. ,

Reposancb, t. Repose.

Rkpple, 9, A long staff. Che^L 1

Repressb, 9. Repressing.

Rkprevb, 1 V, {A,'N.) To r5-

repriefe, I prove. RrpreHng^m.

reprbbpb, J reproof.

RePrimb, v. To grumble.

Reprise, (1) 9. (A.-N,) Reproach;


(2) 9. (/>.) To take again ; to


Whom still he marked freshly to anxa

From th' nrth. anU from her vonib ncv

spirits to reprie*. Spau., F. Q., II, xi, M.

(3)«. Right of relief.

Reproof, 9. Confutation.

Rbpro OCR ABLE, odj. Lamentable.

'* Yet is the deih uf the soule . . .

much more reprouchable*' Cox*

ton* 9 Art of Dying WeiL

Rbprt, v. To reprieve.

Rkhuon, 9. (Lat. rfpugno.) To

resist ; to fight against.

Refunob, v. {Lot.) To goad ; to


Repurveakcb, t. Provision.

Reraob, 9. {A.'N.) Arrears.

Rerd, 9. Noise ; roar.

Rere, (1) V. (A.'S,) To raise.

(2 ) adj. Moderately flexible;^nn,

but not too hard, as applied to

meat, &c.

Rere-bankbt, 9. A second coarse

of dessert after dinner. Pdlagr.

Rrrbbracb, 9. {A.'N.) Armonr

for the back of the arm.




Berbbaakk, t. (A.'N.) Supposed

to be the projection put on the

crupper to prevent the horseman

being pushed over the horse's

tail by the thrust of a lance.

Rbbbdemain, «. (/v.) A back-

handed stroke.

And such a blow he lent him as he pait,

Upon hia •koulden, from the rereiemaiHe.


Rbeb.dors»«. Armourfor the back.

RerB'Dortour, t. A Jakes.

Reredossb, 1 a. (1) \a.'N.) An

RE&EDoSi J open fire-bearth,

nvithout grate.

Now hare we manie rhimniet, and yet

onr tendt;rtin}!S eomplaiiie of rbenniet,

catarhs, mid poaes ; ilieu hnd we none

bat rtredom*, aud our beads did never

ake. HarriwH,

(2) The screeu or tapestry be-

hind the altar.

Rebb.mou8B, It. (A.'S. hrere*

RBAR-MOUSB, J mti9f froiD hrerati,

to agitate.) A bat.

REBB-suprKu, t. (Fr.) A late sup-

per after the ordinary supper; a

second supper.

Rebtailb, t.

Then shalmei and ihakebatta aounded la

tlii; ayre,

But ahrilat of all, the trumpet of renowne.

And by and by, a loud rertaile he rurii^c;

The trayiie retyred as swilt as atarres don

shoot e

IVoiu whence they camc; and day be^n

to breake.

P<W«'5 Honor ofik$ Oarter, 1693.

Res. See Rees.

Resaive, V, To receive

Resaloar, t. Ratsbane.

Rbscous, t. (A.'N.) Rescue.

Rbsb, (I) t. A boast.

(2) V. To raise.

Resemblable, adj. Like.

Resbnt, ». (1) {Fr, reaentir,) To


"Verr hot— toultry hot, npon my honour

— phuo, my lady Whimscy— how does

Jour ladiship resent it ? I shall be most

orribly taiin'd.

dJurfes, A rurtuOHt Wife, 1660.

(2) To smell of.

Wbrrc doth the pleasant air re$eiU a

sweeter breath ?

Drayt. Pofyolb.f song xxy.

Resentment, a. Feeling; sensation.

That thaiik»g:ving whereby we should

express an ait< ci innate resentment of i^ur

obhgatiou to him.

Barrow, Serm. 6 on Prayer.

I beseech yon plense tu retire where wo

abali have a fitter plnce ami opportunity

more apt to express my gratrfui resent-

ments. ShadweU,'£ke:>coKrers,'i{iVl.

Reset, (\)v. To receive; to har-


(2) s. A place of refuge.

Rbsbyte, t. Receipt? To lie at

reteitf to lurk.

Wyth his owns weapon now warke lum

Borow 1

MTy t lytk at reseytt I Wit /• Seienes, p. 48.

Resh. adj. Fresh ; recent. Eatt

Rkshes, a. The wire-rush. Yorkth,

Resiancb, a. Residence. Hesiant,

resident. Resiant^ inhabitants.

Resione, adj, A term in htiming,

applied to a deer which had quite

left off growing.

Resile, v. {Lat.) To spring beck.

Resiluation, a. (Lat.) Ret rogres-


Rbsi STENT, adj. Opposed to.

Resmolle, a. An article of con-


Besmollf. Take nlmandes blanched,

aud drawe hem up with wuter, and aiye

it with floor of rys, aud do thereto

powdur of gynj;er sugar, nnd snltj and

loke It be nnX. siondvng. Mcsse it, and

serve it forth. Fot-me o/Cury, p. 19.

Rbsolittiok, a. Oonviction; assu-


Resolyb, V, (!) To dissolve.

I conld be couleut toresohe mysrlf into

teurea, to rid thee of i ronlile.


(2) To relax.

(3) To convince ; to ^atiskfy.

Resoun, a. (A,-N.) Discotirse.

Resourd, v. To spring up again.

lYo thens .... the lyfe resovrded, and

the stench is toumed" into swetnes.

Caxton's Goldsn Legend, Insent. t^'Crots.





R18PAS8, 8. (LaL raspit.) The

nspbeny, which word is a con-

traction of reipoit'lferry.

The vine of clierriei, and to these

The eooiinsc breeth of rnp«uf$.

HemcJt, p. 168.

Rrspi, t. The raspberry. Tusser.

Rbspbct, v. (LaL) To postpone.

Rmpkctivb, adj. Respectful; re-


Respbctlbss, adj. Regardless.

Rbspicb, t. (1) (^.-iV.) Respect.

(2) A sort of wine.

Rbspitb. 9. (j^.-iV.) To excuse.

Rbsflbkoe, v. To shine.

Rkspondb, «. {A.'N.) An answer ;

anything which answers to an*


Rbssaunt, f. An ogee-moulding.

Rbst, (I) «. The support for the

musket in the older period of the

use of (ire-arms.

(2) 9. To arrest.

(3W. To conclude opon inything.

(4) t. The wood on which the

plough-coulter is fixed.

(5) #. A wrest by which the

strings of musical instruments

are drawn up.

(6) To get up rest, to stand upon

one's cards. A phrase in the

game of primero.

Rkstauration, 9, (Lat,) Resto-


He promiteth restaumtion to a forbidden

aie liouse, M'ith an exchequer liceure to

reze the justirea ; whilst bee takes forty

shillings, three pound, or upward, for a

single subpoena, to defeiia the hquor

man, wlio incurres new charges by

trusting in the apparent conaenage.

Stepk^ms's Sssayt and Chofuten, 1015.

Rkstayb, t>. To stop.

Resthabbow, t. The mionii ar-^

Restitub, «. {Lat) To restore.

Rbsultancb, #. {Lat.) Rebound.

Resvbrie, «. (/y.) Madness;


Ret, (1)9. To soak in water. EomL

(2) t, A wart. Norf.

Rbtaliatxon, t. Repayment.

RsrcH, (I) V. To reach ; to ttretrh.

{2) Retching andrtamimg^ stretciw

ing out the arms and gaping on

first waking from a nap ukea

during the day in a chair. ITcrw.

Retchlbss. See Reekeieme.

Retcrup,#. Truth, corrupted from

rightship. "I am his heir, and

that's my retcht^" Sotmert.

RsTBNy t. (A.'N.) GanisoB; fol-


Syre Degrirauiit ys whom vent.

And afiyr hys rctm sent.

5ir /%/*»«««, T.OSQ

Rbtbnaukcb, s. Retinue.

Retennys, t. pL Retinues.

Rethebne-tounob, a. The plant

biigloss. MS. 15/A eeni.

Rethor, t. A rhetorician.

Retibb, «. (1) A retreat in war.

We did so charge that we did aooa infisrte

Tlieir faintrr/tre, which we did avift parser.

Until with open flight from field ihei flc«.

Mirr./or Ii^.,i^

(2) A place of retreat.

And unto Calais (to his strong rvfirr)

With speed betakes him.

DaniH, Cia. Wkn, wii. IS.

Rbtlock, t. The common char-

lock. Norf.

Rbtour, t. (A.'N.) Return; re-


Retratb, "It. (ItaL rUratto)

rbtraitt, j Look; cast of oouote^

nance; a portrait.

Rbtrayte, adj. Retired.

Some of tlieir hidnngs so obscure and

rttrajfUt as none but a priest or » dm*

outtid ever have seated 11 out.

Har$neU*t DeH, of P. Imp.

Rbtrikvx, t. An old sporting term

for the recovering of game once


We'll have a flight at Biortgagc^ attatnte,


And hard but we'll bring wax to tbere.'n«r*.

B. Je»., Sii^U q,'iV, iij, 1.

Rettb, V. To ascribe ; to impute.

Rbul, 9. To be unruly. NortJL

d by Google




RxuMB,t. (1) ((?r.) The tide. if5.


(2) A cold ; a rheoroatism.

Reuse, v. To commend highlv.


Reve, 1 (1) t. (A,-S.) Abailiff ; a

REEVE, J Steward, or overseer.

(2) V. To rob} to bereave; to

take from.

Revel (1) «. An anniversary feast

in commemoration of a church ;

a wake.

(2) V. To stray. Leie.

Revelour, «. A riotous liver.

Revelrib, t. Pleasure.

Revel-rou r, t. A boisterous revel ;

an unlawful assembly.

Revels, t. The broken threads cast

aside by women at their needle*

work. Hampth,

Revei..twinb,#. Afine twine. Weft,

Revenobmbnt, t. Revenge.

Reverb, v. To reverberate.

Reverb, t. A river.

RBVERdB, (1) r. {A,-N,) To over-


(2) t. The burden of a song. West,

Revbrsut, adj. Trimmed. Rolnon*$

Romanceft P- 1* >

Revert, «. {tat.) To turn back.

RKVESTE,par/.j9. Clothed.

Rkvestrt, t. The place in a church

where the priest revested himself

or put on the sacred garments. It

has been contracted into vet try,

Revette, v. To strike back or again.

Rbvillbd, part, p. Plaited, said of

linen, &C.

Revt, V, A term at cards ; to lay

above the stakes.

Raw, «. (1) A row. The usual form

of the word before the 17th


(2) The shady side of a street. Dev,

Rewalt, V, To surrender.

Reward, (1) t. {A,-N.) Regard;


^2) s, A present.

(3) V. To stand to one's reward^

to be dependent upon. Norih.

(3) t. A dessert, or course of fruit

or pastry.

Rbwden-h AT, s, A straw hat. West,

Rewb, v. (A,'S.) To pity ; to regret.

Rbwino, *. {A.-S.) Pity.

Rewlesse, adj. Without rule. Hey^

wood, 1556.

Rewly, «4f. Quiet; tranquil.

Rbxbn, (1) s. Rushes. West,

(2) V, To infect with a disorder.


Ret, v. To array ; to dress, or clean.

Retes, s. Dances. Chaucer,

Reybb, \v. (A.'S.) To make an

REYCE, j inroad or military expe-


Rezzlb, (1) 9. To wheeze. Norih,

(2) t. A weasel.

Rheum, s. Spleen ; caprice. RheU'

malic f choleric.

Rhime,9, To talk nonsense. Devon.

Rhime-royal, s. a form of verse

consisting of stanzas often lines.

Rhizome, s. The head or bunch of

oats. Chesh,

Rhodostaubotic, adj. (from Gr,

poSov and aravpoQ.) Rosy-


Tlie good old hermit that wai said to dwell

Here in the forest without trees, that bntlt

The cnstle in the air, where all the


Bhodaataurotie Vive.

B. Jont., Mnsq. of Tort. TsUs.

Rial, s. An English gold coin,

worth about fifteen shillings.

RiALLE, (1) adj. Royal.

(2) s. The mother of liquor.

RiALT^, t. Royalty.

RiAME, t. A framework, or skele-

ton. West. See Rames,

Rib, «. (1) A scraper or rasp for


(2) An implement for dressing


(3) Water-cress. East.

Ribanino, s. a border, or welt.

Ribaud, t. {A,^N,) Another name

for persons of the class of so-

ciety called also lechours ; a prn-

fligate low person. RUfOudrte^





low talk. RibMudour, a teller of

obscrne lales.

KiBArDRous, 1 adj. Obscene;


Rib- BASTE, V. To beat MTerely.

RiBBLR-RABBLB, t. (1) Disorderly


(2) Indecent tolk. North.

RiBBLB-Bow* t. An inTentorr; a


This witch a ribhU row rehrariei.

or wuny niunet in ncnrvj veriet

Collcm't Wortt,

RiBB, •• To rend. North,

KiBiBB, t. A musical instrument, a

sort of fiddle. Riiiite, a small


RiBTNBT, «. A chsffincb.

RiB-LiNB, 9. To keep along the


RiB-ROAST, 9. A severe lieating.

Ribs, t. Bindings in hedges. Kent,

RiBBKiN, 9, Some piece of leather

used or worn in flax-dressing.

RiCB, f. (1) A turning. wheel for


(2) Branches. See Ri9e,

(3) Pease-straw. Norf.

RicHE, (I) 9. {A.-S. ric) A


(2) V, To enrich; to become rich.

(3) V, To go ; to prepare, or dress.

RicHRLLB, t. Incense. Pr.P. See


RiCHBLY, adv, {A.'S.) Nohly.

RiCRESSB, #. {A.'N.) Wealth.

Rick, (1) #. An ankle. South,

(2) 9. To sprain a joint.

(3) V, To scold. iMne.

(4) 9, A rick, or stack.

RiCKLE, (1) «. A heap. North.

(2) t. The long line of grass,

barley, &c., formed by successive

deposits of the drag-rsike. Norf,

(3) V. To make a rattling noise.

RiCRNEST, 9, A rickjard. SofUh,

RicK.fiTBDDLB, 9. A woodcn frame

placed on stones, on which to

build ricks. South.

RiCKT, a<fo. Masterly. Ea9t,

RfD, (1) r. To finish, or complete.

(2) V. To interpose ; to part t«o

who are fighting. Lkhc.

(3) t. A hollow place in the

gravel where salmon depout

their roe. Aorf A.

(4) V, To clear away.

RiDDB, t;. To rescoe.

RiDDBNER, 9. To chntter. £«c.

RiDDBR, 9. A large sicYe. O^d.

Riddle, (1) v. To dam a hole.

(2) t. The ring to which the

neck-rope of an animal is ^tened

in a stable.

(3) t;. To reduce. Leie.


oatcakes. North,

Riddled, fior/. i?. Wrinkled.

RiDDLBR, 9, A dealer in wooL Lime.

Riddle-wall, t. A fence of split

sticks worked crosswise. Kemi,

Ride, (1) a. A saddle-horse. Norf,

(2) V, To plunder. North.

(3) V. Futuere.

(4) 9. To 1)6 carted for a bawd.

(5) 9, A small stream. Hmnt9.

(6) t. A haile-rod. The dump

of rodi risingout of the same root.

(7) 9, A part of a forest.

RiDBABLE, adj. PaasaUe witb


RrDELED,^«r/.jf. Plaited.

Ridels, "It. (^.iST.) Curtains;

RIDDELS, J bed-curtains.

Rider, t. (1) A moss-trooper.


(2) A traveller \Nho carries pat-

terns and samples as an agent to

obtain orders.

(3) A Dutch coin, worth about

27 shillings.

(4) Eight sheaves of com pat op

together for protection agaij>»i

the weather. Cheoh.

(5) A rock protruding into a


Rides, a. The iron binges on a gate,

by means of which the gate '»

hung on the hooks in the post

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RiDGE-BAND, t. That puft of the

harness which goes over the sad-

dle on a horse's back, to support

the shafts of the cart.

KiDQE-BONE, s. The weather-

boarding on the outside of

wooden hoases. South.

RiDGiL-BACK, 8. A back with a

ridge in the middle.

RiDOLiNO, f. A refuse sheep.

Riding, 9. (1) Any ceremonial pro-


(2) An encounter.

(3) An open road cut through a

wood. North.

(4) Ridmff of the witch, the


RiDiNO-HAG, 8. The nightmare.

RiDiNG-KMOT, s, A running knot.

Hiding - rhtmbs^ t. Couplet


Faire Leda raids our poelnr sometimea,

^ut Mith the cannot luce

rkimes ;

But saith the cannot IDce onr nding-

Affirming that the cadens falleth tweeter,

When as the vene is plac'd between the

meeter. Ear. Bpigr.t iii, 44.

Riding-stockings, 8, Worsted

stockings without feet, used in-

stead of gaiters.

R1DLB88, adj. Unavailing.

RiDLiNG, #. A riddle. North.

Ridotta, *. (//a/.) A ball.

Ridoub, adj. {Fr, raideur.) Great


Rids. The rids are out, t. e., the

sky is Tery bright at sunrise, or

snnset. Dorset,

Rib, (I) t. Pun.

(2) #. The raised border of a


(3) V. To sieve corn. North.

Rife, (1) adj. (^..& ryf.) Pre-

yalent; common. Rifelif, com-


(2 ) a4f. Ready ; quick at learn-

ing. Cwntb.

(3) 8. The act of plundering.

(4) adj. Infectious. North.

(5) V. (A.'S.) To thrust through.

(6) «. A salt- water pond. South.

3 F

(7) V, (J.'S.) To rip, or thrust


RiFFB, (1) t. (A..S. ruf.) A gar.


(2) t. {A.»S. hrif.) The beUy;

the bowels.

(3) adv. Speedily.

(4) V. To cut up.

RiFF-KAFF, ». (1) Rubbish ; refuse;

low people.

(2) Sport; fiin.

RiFLB, (1)9. To raffle.

(2) t. What is now called a bale,

affixed to the handle of a scythe,

for the purpose of collecting the

corn or grass into the swath.

Rifled, part. p. Ruffled in temper.


RiFLER, 8. (1) (A..S.) A plun-


(2) A hawk which seizes a bird

by the feathers instead of the


RiFLT, adv. Speedily.

Rirr, (1) V. To dig the ground

to plough.

(2) V, To turn up in lumps, said

of mould. Line.

(3) V. To belch.

(A) 8. A deft; a crevice.

(6) t. A pole.

RiFTBK, #. (1) A blow on the ribs.

(2) Rotten wood powdered.


Rig, (1) t. {A.'S. ricff.) The back.

(2) 8, A ridge or elevated part

in ground.

(3) t. A prostitute; a wanton.

Riffffish, wanton.

Immodett ruia, I Ovid's counsel utde.

WheUton^s CatlU of DeUffkt.

Or wanton riffg^ or letcher dittolnte.

Jkwia^t Samrgt o/FoUy

(4) t. A frolic.

(5) 8. A rib in a stocking. East

(6)r. To clothe. Var.d.

(7) V. To ride pick-a-back. North

(8} V. To make free with.

(9) V. To rumple. Oafd.

(10) V. To tumble about.

d by boogie




(11) V. To get through the fence

of a field. South.

(12) «. A strong blast of wind.


(13) t. A tiib for new dder.

(14W. A sheep having only one


RiGADOON, 8, An old French dance.

RiGATT, t. A small channel from a

stream made by rain. North.

Rigged, (1) part* p. Laid on its

back, as a sheep. North.

(2) adj. Musty; sour. Dor$et.

RiGOBN, 9. The ridge, especially of

a house. Riffffing-ttonei, slates.


RiGOBB, t. Lead half mdied.


RiGGOT, t. A gutter. Lane.

RiGGOT, \§. An animal half cas-

RiDGiL, j trated. See Rig.

Right, (1) adj. Good; true.

(2) adv. Rightly ; exactly.

(3) f . A rite, or ceremony ?

Yf the TOMse and the supper of the Lord

be al one thyng, the rightes, the lionwU,

the sacramente of Cbristei bodye and

blonde, and the supper of the Lord are

all oue til jiig.

A New DialopUt Loud., Ibon Day.

(4) V. To put in order. Eati.

(5) To do right, to pledge in a


Sighmff has made me something short-


I'll pledse ye at twice.

Tis well done» do me right.

ITirf. r«ir»,O.Pl.,vi,lW.

RiOHTB, «. To tear, or cut.

Rightes, adv. {A.-S.) Rightly.

Right-forth, adv. Direct.

Rightful, adj. (A.-S.) Just.

HiGHTLB, V. To set to rights. Line.

RighT'ON, adv. Downright; tIo-

leiitly ; positively. Right-out, di-

rectly, completely.

Right-sharp, adj. In one's senses.


Right-side, v. To set right.

RiGHTwisB, ady. {J.-S.) Righte-

RiGLBT, «. A thin, square piece

of wood.

Rigmarole, t. Confused and un-

connected talk; an unmeaning


RiGMCTTOK, 9. A wsoton WCBCh.

Devon. See Mutton.

RiGOL, g. {ItaL rigolo.) A circle.

About the mourning and eongealed fiarc.

Of that black bluod a watnr rigol enes.

RiooLAGB, «. Wantonness.

Rig-ruff, «. The dead skin co-

vering a scab or ulcer. Norik.

RiGSBT, g. A hoyden ; a wanton.


RiGWELTED, part. p. Thrown oo

the back.

RiEB, (1) ». {A..S.) A kingdom.

(2) 9. To govern ; to nile.

(3) adj. (A..N.) Rich.

RiKiLS, t. {A.'S. receltf ricyh.)


RiLB, V. (1) To vex. East.

(2) To stir up liquor and moYe

the sediment. East.

(3) See RoiL

(4) To climb. Smuex.

RiLLBT, t. A small stream; a


The water which in one pool hath nhi

Is not so sweet as rUieU erer gliding.

Brmm, Bni. F^at

RiLTs, t. The fruit of thebarbemr.

RiM, (1) 9. {A.-S. reoma.) The

peritonaeum, or membrane in-

closing the intestines.

(2) 9. {A.-S.) A crowd, or rabble.

(3) V. To remove. Gloue.

RiMBLB-RAMBLB, ai{f. NoBsensicaL

** Rimile-ramble talk.*' OsetTg


RiMB, 9. (1) (A.-S.) Margin, or


(2) (A.-S.) Hoar frost.

Rimer, t. A tool for enlargiog

screw-holes in metaL

RiMB-sTocK, a. A wooden calendar.

RiMBTBy V. To compose in rhyoke.





RiMOUR, t. A poet; a writer in


R I MPLS, 9, A wrinkle. East,

'RiuPLSDfparLp. Packered. EnBex,

UiMS, 9. Ttie Slaves of a ladder.


RiMTHE, 9. Room.

RiN. (1) ». To run.

(2) 9. (A.'S.) A small stream.

(3)#. Brine. Norf.

Rind, (1) V. To melt fat. Line.

(2) part. p. Frozen to death.


UiNDB, (1) 9. To destroy.

(2) 9. A thicket.

RiNDBL, 9. (1) (J.-S.) A small

rivulet ; a gutter.

(2) A sieve for corn. North,

RiNDLER, 9. Rennet. Leic.

RiNB, (1) V. {A.-S.) To touch.


( 2 ) «. Rind ; bark ; the skin.

RiNER, 9. (A.'S. rhinoHi to touch.)

A toucher; a term in the gaiufi of

quoits, when the quoit touciies

the peg or mark.

Ring, (1) v. To surround.

(2) 9. The circle round the

mouth of a cannon.

(3;#. {A..S.) To sound.

(4) t. A row. Kent.

RiNOB, t. (1) The trimming of a

cap, or of anv other part of dress.


(2) A row of plants.

(3) A large heap of underwood.

(4) Awater-tub. Kent.

RjNOEiNS, «. Coarse Hour. Ea9t.

RiNO-HBAD, 9. An engine for

stretching woollen cloth.

RiNOLE, 9. A small ring. Rinffled,

married. Ea9t.

Kino LEADER, t. The person who

opened a hall. Hoiiybemd, Diet.,


RiNOMAN, «. The third finger of

the left hand ; the ring-ftnger.

Rings, t. Pattens. North.

RiNO-TAW, 9. A game at marbles.

Ring-ths-jack. See Collar (2).

Ring-walk, t. A stag's track.

RiNisH, adj. Wild ; rude ; unruly.


Rink, 9. (1) A ring. Deri.

(2) A man. See Renk.

RiNKiN, 9. A fox. Suj^.

RiNNARS, 9. Runners.

RiNT, V. To rinse. North.

RioTE, 9. {A.-N.) (1) Adisturbance,

or tumult.

^2) A company of men.

(3) A term for a rabbit.

RiOTisB, 9. Gluttony.

Rip, (1) V. To plunder. North.

(2) 0. To chide. We9t,

(3) V. To be very violent. Ea9t.

(4) #. A disreputable woman.


(5) «. A lean animal.

(6) f. A basket for carrying fish.

(7) 9. A whetstone for a scythe.


(8) «. A piece of wicker-work on

which lines are coiled. Hartlepool.

(9) News; a current report. Cumd.

(10) ©. To reap. Kent.

Ripe, (1 j «. {Lot. ripa.) A bank.

(2) V. {A.'S. hrypan.) To ex-

amine strictly and thoroughly.

(Z) V. To inquire after. North.

(4) V. To ripen.

(5) V. To grow old.

(6) adj. Learned ; clever. Dewm.

(7) adj. Ready. Piers PL

(8) adj. Prepared. Northampt,

{^)adj. Prevalent. North.

(10) V. To cleanse. North.

(1 l)ty. To break up rough ground.


RiPB'UBN, 9. Reapers.

RiFiER, 9. A robber. Durh.

RiPLB, V. To utter falsehoods.


RippKR, \9. (I) A person who

RIPPAR, I brings fish from the

RipiER, J coast to sell in the in-


I can tend you speedier ndvertlsement

or her coDitancy, by the next rijner tluit

ridet that wav with mackrel.

WU. Tears, 0. PL. ri, 157-

d by boogie




(2) A pedlar ; a higgler. South.

Where now you're fain

To hire a rippir't marn.

B. ^ k., Nu^U GitU^ T, 1.

RiFPiKO, a^f. Great. Somen.

RippLB, (1) V. To clean flax.

HoweU, 1660.

(2) V. To Bcratch. North,

(3^ 9, A small coppice. Herrf.

(A) t. A particular manner of

ploughing, by laying the land

two furrows together. Norf.

RiauTLANT, adj\ Nimble; quick.

Ria, imperat. Arise !

Ris, I (1) t. {A,'S.) A branch ;

RISK, J branches ; bushes.

To the forest tha fare.

To htinte atte buk, and atte bare,

lo the herte, aud to the hare.

That breduB in the riu.

Sob9on*t Romanees, p. &8.

Bet lime-twigi aud rii«f, the fowles to

intrap }

Take hundreds of crowea in a net at a clap.

Almanack, 161o.

Rise, o. (1) To raise.

(2) To yield j to produce. Suff.

Riser, ». A pea-stick. Warw,

RiBH, (1) «. A rush.

Thout it avavle hem non;t a riuht.

Qower, ^S, Soc. Jntiq., 134^ f. 61.

(2) V. To gather rushes.

(3) «. A sickle.

(4) adv. Directly ; quickly. South,

RiBHEws, t. An article of confec-


Bgsknu offntyi. Take fygges and rai-

Bons. Pyke hen, and waisshe hem in

wyoe. Grynde hem with apples and

pecres ypared and ypiked clcne; do

tliereto Kode powdors, and hole spices.

Make btdles thereof. Frye in oyle. and

•ene hem forth. ¥orme qf Cury, p. 32.

RisHUNDRY, t. Loose com left in

the field, and become so dry as

to be rather brittle. Wight,

Rising, t. (1) Yeast. Eaat.

(2) A small abscess, or boil.


RisiNO-LARK, 8. The skylark.


Ri9P, (1) t. A branch, or twig.

(2) V, To make a noise. Norik,

Risps, t. The stems of dimbiog

plants generally; the fruit-bear-

ing stems of raspberries. EoMt.

RissB, /^ar^/». Risen.

Ri8T,#. (1) A rise. Norf:

(2) An advance of prices. Noff.

RisTB, (1)». To real.

(2) 8. Rust.

(3)^0f. t. Arose.

(4) V. To rend, or tear-

(5) adj. Furious ; fierce. Jorktk.

RiT, (l)/»r«. /. Rideth.

(2) V. To dry flax. KetU.

(3) V. To swsilow eagerly. North.

RiTHB, #. A small stream occa-

sioned by rain. South.

RiTHBNE, «. Frankincenae.

RiTHBS, t. Stalks of potatoes.


RiTLiNO,^. The youngest of a litter

of pigs.

RiTTB, 9. To tear ; to rend.

RiTTLE, V. To wheeze; to anore.


RiVAGE, ». {A.'N) Shore J a


RiVAiLE, t. {A.'N.) A landing-


Rival. #. An associate. ShaJtesp.

RiVAYB, V. {A.'N.) To bawk by

the river side ; to fish.

Bot now liym lyste noght pfaiye.

To hunt ne to rytaj^ ;

For nia^^dyne Uyldor. that maye.

His caru are calde.

MS. Lincobt, A, i, 17, f. IS2.

I salle never ryM^e,

Ne racchea nn-co«-pylIe,

At roo ne rayne dera

That rynnes appone exthe.

Ilorte jtrikstn.

RivE, (1) V. {A.'N.) To reach ; to

arrive at ; to land.

(2) ». {A.'N.) The sea-ahore.

(3) 8, A rake. Ihth cent.

(4) V. {A.'S,) To split asunder.

(5^ V. To eat greedily. North.

(6) adj. Amorous. Wight.

(7) V. To belch.

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KiTBLBD, part, p. Wrinkled.

** Biveld chteki."

RiYBLiN, adj, {A.'S.) Wrinkled.

RiVELiNO, 9. A rough shoe formerly

wora by the Scots.

RiTELLB, t. A rivulet.

RivEL-RAVBL, t. Nonsense.

And a great deal more of sach rivel-

raul, or which they know no more than

the man in the moon.

The High'Qtrman Looking-Glau, 1709.

RiTBN, adj. Cross-tempered. Line.

RiTERBT, ». A rivulet.

RivsaiNO, t. Hawking by the river


RiFBT, 8, The roe of a fish.

Rivets, «. Bearded wheat. EoiL

RiviNOS, 9. Refuse of com.

Rivo. An exclamation used in

Bacchanalian revelry.

Then there's my chnb, my epicure, Qoad-


That rabs his gnti, elapi his panned, and


Mito. MarshH*s What fou trills act iv.

Riz. 9. A reed. Exmoor.

Rixr, (1) etdj. {LaL rix09U9.)

Quarrelsome. We9t.

(2) 9. A half-castrated horse.


RizzBR, 9, A long slender pole,

commonly cleft or divided in two,

and used to confine the splints

in a building or faggots in a yard.

RizzLB, V. (I) To creep. Gloue,

(2) To roast slightly. Cumb,

RiTTLECHK, V, To govern.

Roach, 9. A rash on the skin.


Road, (1) t. An inroad ; an incur-


(2) V. To jostle one off the road

by riding or driving against him.


(3) 9. Way; manner. As 'Mook

this road,"

Ko ADED, 1 adJ, Streaked, as bacon,

BODY, J with alternate rows of

iat and lean. Northampt.

RoADLiNO, adj. Delirious. Comw,

Roadster, «. A horse fitted for the


Roaky, (l)a4^. Hazy; mistv.

(2) 9. Hoarse. N<irth,

(3) t. Mist ; smoke. Craven,

RoAN.f. A clump of whins. North"


RoAPY, adj. Viscous. South.

RoAKER, ». A broken-vrinded horse.

RoARiNO, adj. Quick. Var, d.

RoARiNO-BOYS, 9. A uamc which

began, in the latter end of Eliza-

beth's reign, to be given to the

riotous blades who went about

the streets raising disturbances.

And there in bowles of wine he onely joyea.

Consorted thus whores, fidlers, rortng-


But note him now, and leave him at the

best. Rovlandi, Knave of Hart*. 1613.

Wlien I perceyre so many roring-hoyr$,

and other idle jcallants, that liave neither

imployment in warm abroad, nor where-

with to mr.iutaine tliemselves at home,

why 8h<mld not I sny, there is like to

ensue many robberyes and pyracies.

Almaaaek, lftl5.

Rueh a noise, snch Binging, nay pray

heaven it were no worse, for they were

roaring-boys. The Reformation^ 1673.

RoARiNG-MEO,«. A large humming-


Roast, (1) v. To ridicule any one


(2) 7b rule theroa9t, to take the


Jhon, duke of BureoTn, which ruled the

rott, and governca both kvng Charles

the Frenche kynz, and his whole realnie.

UaU, 1548.

To 9meU qf the roa9t, to submit.

My sonldicrs were sluyne fast before mine

owne eyes.

Or forced to flie, yeelde, and smell of the

tost. Mirour for Magittrates,\^ .

Roaet^meat clothee, holiday


An account of Simon's wedding, and

how his wife Margery scolded him for

putting on his roast-meat eloatks the

very next roorninirurterhe was married.

Simple Simon's Misfortunes, 17th cent.

d by boogie




RoATiNO, adj. Coarse and rank.

Rob, t. Fruit jelly. Eatt,

RoBA, 9. {liaL) A prostitute ; more

usually bona roba.

RoBBLE, s. (1) An implement for

stirring dough in the oven. Wett,

(2) Frivolous talk. Zetc.

RoBBLY, adj. Faulty. A mining


RoB-DAvr, 9. Metheglin.

RoBBRD, 9. A chaffiuch.

RoBERDSMBN, If. Lawless

ROBERDKs- KNAVES, J vagabonds

in the fourteentli century, men-

tioned in the statutes of that

period and in Piers Ploughman.

Robert, 9. The herb stork-bill.

RoBBRYCH, 9, Rubric. Coff, My9t,

p. 277.

Robin. Robin'run-in-the-hedge

bindweed. Robin Hood9 hat-

bandf the common club moss.

Robin in the hose, the lychni9


Robin ET, *. (/>.) The cock of a


Robin -GooDFELLow's- LOUSE. «.

The cheslipfOr woodlouse.//t«/oe^


Robin-gray, t. A bonnet. North,

Robinhood, «. The red campion.


Robin*8-pincushzon, *. The ex-

crescences of moss-like fibres on

the younger branches of the dog-

rose. Northampt.

RoBLET, 9. A large chicken. Ea9t,

Robson-dyke, «. A pond in a vil-

lage. Line,

RocciLLO, 9, A cloak. "North.

Roche, #. (1) {A,.N.) A rock.

(2) A sort of wine, supposed to

be Rochelle.

(3) Refuse, gritty stone.

RocHBRE, 9. {A.'N.) A rock.

RocHESTER-EARTH, *. Saltpetre.

Rochet,*. (1) (^.-iV.) A woman's

outer dress. 15M cent.

(2) A little blue cloth cloak.


(3) The piper fish. "A rocket

or rouget." NonumeL

RoCHLis, 9. The rattle. Heref.

Rock, t. (1) A sort of distaff.

(2) A very hard cheese, made

from skimmed milk. Hannpek.

(3) A young hedgehog. Souurtet.

(4) A person half-witted is isid

to have had a roek too mach.

RocKEL, 9. A woman's ciosk.


Rocker, t. (I) The long handle of

a smith's bellows.

(2) A long wicker sieve. Bed9.

(3) A nurse.

Rocket, 9. (1) A cloak without s


(2) A row of holes made by

dibbles the whole length of die

stetch. Norf,

(3) A portion. Suff.

RocKiNO.PAN,«. A vessel used for

melting alum at Whitby. Yorkfk.

RocKLEO, adj. Rash and forward.


RocKSY, adj. Carious in the baii,

applied to trees. J>te.

Rocky, adj. Tipsy.

RoDDAif, t. A bed of sand resting

on the clay l)etteaih the peat, iti

the fens of Cambridgeshire.

RoDK, (1) #. {A.^S.) A compaay of


(2) «. A harbour for ships.

(3) 9. {A.^S.) The complexion-

(4) V. To spawn. Suff.

(5) 7b go to rode, to go out to

shoot wild-fowl as they pass over

head on the wing. Somer9et.

RoDKDf part. p. Lean mingled with

fat. We9t,

Rode- LAND, 9. Land newly brooght

into cultivation.

RoDE-NET, 9. A sort of oet for

catching birds.

Rods-gold, t. The marigold.

RoDY, adj. [a.'S.) Red ; ruddy.

Roe- DOB, 9, A young female hind.

RoBT, 9. Pasture ground. BerJti.

l^ovKfpret. t. Tore.

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RoroAM, ». The waist. Devon,

Rook, e. To tranip, b8 beggars, &c.

RoGBR, 9. {!) The shepherd's name

for the ram.

(2) A cant term for a rogue.

(3) Mentula. Urqtth, Rob.

(4) Roger of the buttery, h%QO%t.

RoGBRiAK, t. A name for a wig.

HaWi Satiret.

RoFFLiNG, aty. Disorderly. North-


RoGER*s-BLA8T,« A siidden motion

of the air, whirling up the dust

on a dry road in perfectly calm

weather. Norf.

RoGGANff. Arockiitg-stone. Craven,

"^l^-'-l'-C^-*) To shake.


RoGHE, adj. Rough.

UoGHTS, pret. t. otreck, {A.-S.)


RoGHTLB98B, odj. Cereless.

Rogue, (1) «. A professed beggar.

(2) V. To wander about as a

vagabond. Cotgr,

Rogub-house, 9. The house of

correction. North,

RoiGNOUs, adj. {A.'N) Scabby.

Roil, (1) V. To romp; to trouble,

or vex ; to perplex. North,

(2)«. To stroll about.

Maydcs mvxte vith men in cumpiiny,

Let'tiicn ill lolempne florkcs got* my/^.

Seneeart Temme Tragedies, 1581.

(3) «. An awkward hoyden.

(4) t. A Flemish horse.

RoiLiNG,^ar/. a. Fidgeting; climb-

ing about. Northampt,

Ron.y, «. To backbite. We9t,

RoisT, V, To bully ; to riot.

Roister, (1) v. To be rude; to

ramp about.

(2) «• A rioter ; a bully.

If he Bot reek0 what mfOaa roUten take

his part.

He weeldes anviaeW then the mace of

Siars m hand. MWr. for Mag., p. 484.

This ia the very rovster that pig'd and

bound me, air. The RrformatioHy 1673.

Roisterer, t. A swaggerer. North,

RorsTON-CRow, t. The hooded


RoiT, V. To walk about idly.

RoKB, (1) 9. {A.^S, reac) Mist;


(2) 0. To shake ; to roll.

(3) V, To cleanse armour by rolU

ing it in a barrel of sand.

(4) ». A vein of ore. North.

(5) 9, A scratch. York9h,

RoKBT, 9. A rochet.

RoKY, 1 adj. Misty ; cloudy.


Roll, v. To collect barley into

heaps ready for pitching into the

waggon. £a9t.

Rolls, (1) r. (A.-N,) To enrol.

(2) 9, A portion of the hair

brought in a large curl over the

forehead. 16M cent.

Roller, 9, A bundle of reed.

RoLLEY, 9, A sledge used in coal

mines. North,

Rollick, v. To romp about; to roll.

Rolliky, a4f. Uneven; rough.


Rollifokb,*. Coarse hempen cloth.


Roll-waggon, t.

Do not take it ill, I cannot make china

for you all, but I will have a rol'Wiffffom

for you ton, another time.

MyckerUy, Country Wife, 1688.

Roly-poly, *. (1) A game played

with a number of pins and a ball.

(2) A pudding made by spread-

ing preserves on a thin flat paste,

and then rolling it up length-

wise. It is mentioned in the

writings of Taylor the Water-


(3) A vulgar person. Uxie,

Rom AGE, (1) V. To set a ship to

rights; to dear the hold of


(2) 9, Tumult.

RouANCE, 9, The French language.

RoMAsiNG, adj. Romantic. Weei,

RoMAUNT, t. (^.-A^.) (1) A book

written in French.

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(2) A romance.

RoMB, V, To shiver with cold.

RoMBBL, t. A rambling noise; a


RoM-BousB, t. A cant term for

wine. Dekker,

RoMB, (1) V. To growl ; to roar.

See Reme.

(2)$. Place; office.

(3) a4;. (A,'S.) Spadoas.

(4) #. (^..S.) A space ; room.

(5) V. (A..S.) To walk about; to


ROMB-MORT, t. A cant term for a


RoMBNT, 19. To raise a false

ROMANT, J report; to exaggerate.


RoMKiN, 9, A drinking-cup.

RoMMLB, V. To whisper.

RoMMocK,9. To romp boisterously.


RoMNATit. A sort of Spanish wine.

RoMONGouR, 9. A scUer.

The zixie ic, hede the zotlineMe of the

thinge thet me wyle zelle, ase dotti the

romouffours of horse.

JyenhiU qflnw., p. 33.

RoMPSTAL, s. A rude girl. West.

RoMULiK, adv. Abundantly ; plen-


Ron, s. {A.'S.) Conversation.

RoNCB, V. To romp. North.

RoNCLBD, part. p. {A.^S.) Wrin-


RoNOBL, "It. (Fr.) A sonnet

ROUNDBL, j which cuds as it


RoNDURB, s. \Fr.) Roundness.

RoNB, (1) s. The roe of a fish.


(2) 9. To protect ; to console.

(3) pret. t. Rained. Chauc.

RoNBTTB, «. Circular.

RoNBz, «. Thickets; brushwood.

RoNOB, ©. (A.'N) To gnaw, West.

RoNGs, s. The bars of a ladder.

RoNK.RiPB, ttff. Quite ripe. Chesh.

RoNNER, s. A sort of coarse cloth.

RoMNiNGft. Rennet.

RoirroN, t. (1) {Fr. ropuur.) K

mangy, or scabby animal.

(2) A fat woman.

Roo, adj. Rough. Defpon.

Rood, 1 t. (A.-S.) The c«»s, or

RODB, I crucifix.

RooD-LiOHT, a. The candles bom-

ing before the rood.

Item, patd for the roie-lf^tK ^U J-^

MS. AccounU of St. Mf}\

RooDT, adj. Luxuriant in growth.


Roofing, t. The ridge-cap of

thatched roofs. Norf.

Rook, (1) s. A sharper, usually as-

sociated with gamblers. Hookerj,

a place of resort for rogues.

Begone, twk, they stiy far the at the

twelTe-penny ordinnry.

SkatheelK l>rM


Sneh wits as he. are, to a eonpaay of

reasonable men. like rods to the piac-

Bters, who only fill a room at the table.

but are so far from contribntiiig to the

vlay, that the^r only serve to spoil tte

fancy of tliose that do Nay, Uef

are us'd like rooh, too, snnb'd, elieck'J.

and abns'd ; yet the rogues will faanffon

WyckerUy, Gnmtfy Wtf*, 1<^

(2) V. To cheat.

Well, 111 go to Newmaricet. and nersr

have to do with a two-ie^g'd Jade more ,

I shall root, and go to twelre, Iciwhtf

will come on't

Skadwell TVm Widow, ICU

Z. Cheat. But you are a gamester.

Priffif. Ay. madam, but I ne^er pkj, 1

do but rod.

L. Cheat. Root.' what's that? dbtaX*

Priag. No, madam, I go to twelTe, aad

the better of the lay. /«.

(3) s. A crow-bar. Shrop^h.

(4) 9. To huddle together. We9t.

RooKBRT, t. (1) A disturbmtice ; a

scolding. Sofuth.

(2) A room with a window of

lath without glass. Norf.

(3) A nest of disreputable bouses.


RooL, V. To rumple. Nortk.

Room, s. (1 ) Place, or ofiice. ** F*-w?

roMTffi^a of lordly diguitie.*' Bsr*

elay*s Eclogue, 1570.

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(2) A box at a play.

Thejr [the eourtem»s] were to graced

that they sat on hitli alone by them-

■elf «, ia the best roome in all the play-

houM. Corgat, CmJitUs.

(3) DandrifT. S&menet.

Roomer, v. To go roomer^ to tack

about to gain the wind. Ao old

sea term.

RooMTH, t. Room ; space.

RooMTHT, adj. Roomy. Norihampt.

RooKB, t. Vermilion.

Roop,«. Hoarseness. Roopy, hoarse.

RoosELiNO, adj. Sloping down.


RoosBR, 9. A rouser. A man is

said to be a rooser who does any.

thing very well. Line.

Roost, «. To drive. Devon*

Roost-cock, 9. The common cock.


Root, s. (1) A rut. Gioue.

(2) The sum total.

Rootaob, t. Extirpation.

Rooter, t. A rough attack ; a rush-

ing noise. North.

Rootle, v. To root op. Bed9.

Rooty, at(f' Rank, said of plants.


RooYE, V. To dry meat in the

chimney. Gloue.

RoozE, 9. (1) To scatter. Comw.

(2) To commend. Lane.

RoozLB, V. To rouse violently. Leie.

Rop, pret. t. of repe. Reaped.

Rope, (1) «. A measure of twenty

feet. Devon.

(2) s. A bundle of twigs laid

across a gutter to serve in place

of a plank. Devon.

(3) t;. To tether a horse or

cow. Norf.

(4) 9. A dwarf. Somenei,

Roper, t. (1) A rope-maker.

(2) A rogue.

RopE-RiPE,a4f. Deserving hanging.

HoweU, 1660.

Ropery, t. Roguery ; anything de-

serving a rope.

Tlion art very pleasant, and full of tlty

roptrs. Tkr«t Ladiet of London.

Ropes, 9. {A.^S. roppa9.) The small


Rope-tricks, t. Tricks that may

lead to a rope ; roguery.

RoppB, 9. The entrails. j4yenb.

of Imp. See Rope9.

Ropy, adj. Thick and coagulaterl,

said of liquor. Lme. Bread is

ropy when a sort of second fer-

mentation takes place after


RoauELAUR, 9. A very short cloak,

fashionable in the earlier part of

the last century, and said to

derive its name from the Due de


RoRDE, 9. Sound ; noise.

RoRE, (1) 9. (Lot.) Dew.

(2) V. To barter, or merchandize.

(3) 9. Stir ; noise.

^°^^» \adj.{Lat.)J>e^Y.

RORID, J '* ^ ' ^

Rory-tory, adj. Showy; gay-co-

loured. Devon.

Rosary, 9. A rose-bush.

Rose, (1) s. The perforated top of

a pipe, as the spout of a water-


(2) *. The erysipelas.

(3) V. To praise.

(4) V. To drop out of the pod.


(5) 9. The fundament of a cat.


Rosea N, adj. Bearing roses ; red.

RosBE, 9. (Fr.) An article of con-


Bo*H. Take thyk mylk as tofore welled.

Cast thereto sugar, a gode porcion

pynes, dates, ymyuced, cane), and pov-

dor nrnger, and seeth it, and alye it

with noers of white rosis and floer of

rys. Cole it, salt it, and messe it forth,

it thou wilt, in stede of almannde mylke.

take iwete eremes of kyne.


Tm to make rotte. Tak the flowris of

rosys, and wascU hem wel in water, and

after bruy hem wel in a morter; and

than tak almoudys, and temper hem.





•nd Mtb hem ; tod tfter Uk fleich of

capons, or of hennys, and kac yt Binale,

mid ibMU bra^' hem wel io a morter, and

tlian do jt in the rose, io that the

firsch acorde vytii the mylk, and ao

that the mete be charchaunt ; and after

do yt to the fyre to boylc, and do thereto

Bu^r and aafron, that yt be wel

TC.Iow-rd. and rosy of Icrya and of the

t'oraeyde flowrya. and serve it forth

Wamer, Antiq. Cul., p. 43.

RosiLLKD.jvor/.^. Decayed. North.

RosBMARiNE, ». (/V.) Roseiuary.

RoSiEMART-STONBS, », A 80rt of

yellow stone found in the marl

in tome parts of Staffordshire.

Rosen, adj. (1) Rosv.

(2) Tbc;i/.ofro#i. Norf.

RosB-NOBLK, 9. A gold coiii worth

sixteen shillings.

RosBR, 1 9. {A,'N.) A rose-

R08IAR, J tree.

RosB-RYAL, 9. A gold coin formerly

worth thirty shillings.

Rosii., 9, Rosin.

RusiLLY, adj, Sandy and gritty,

like rosin, applied to soil. EtuL

RosiN-END, 9. A shoemaker's

thread. North,

RoaiNNBD, part, p. Intoxicated.


RosPK, V. To belch.

Ross, #. (1) A morass. Heref^

(2) Refuse of plants.

RossBL, 9. (1) To heat ; to roast.


(2) To kick severely. Shropsh.

Ross-LAND, 9, Heathy land. East,

RosT, (1) adj. Hot; fresh ; restive.

Applied to a horse. Leie,

(2) *. A hurry. Leie, Ro9ty,

ro99edj hasty.

Roster, 9, A gridiron. MS, 15M


RosTLB, V. To ripen. Lane,

Rot, 9, A party of six soldiers.

RoTB, (1) 9, (A.^N) A musical

instrument, somewhat resembling

the hurdy-gurdy.

(2) 9. (A.^S.) A root.

(3) 9. Writing; a record.

(4) V, (A..S.) To rot.

(5) *. Practice. P. PL By r9te,

by heart.

RoTEN, adj. Rotten.

RoTBT-TiMB. 9. The time of rat is

animals. P. PL

Rother, «. (I) A homed beast.

(2) (.4.-5.) A rudder.

(3) A sailor. Ibth cent,

(4) Strong manure, for fords;

planU. 16/A cent,

Rotour, 9. A player on the rote.

Rotten-roastbd, adj. Too mach

roasted ; overdone.

Florua did beat hit cook, and 'tntn to svra-,

BecHUse hit intxt was rottcH-roMlri lurrr

Peace, good sir, (qaoth the cook) need haih

no law,

Tia rolUH-ro$Ud^ 'cause 'twas ratten rav.

Wu*s Recremiiim*, 16al.



Rou, adj. Cold ; damp. Nortt,

Roughed, part, p. Wrinkled.


RouD, 9. A fish called by Yarreli

the red-eye. Norf.

RouDGB, 9. A coarse cloth.

Rou OB, V. To gnaw. Somerset,

RouGBT. See Roehet.

Rough, (1) adj. Luxuriant, said of

grass. North.

(2) 9, A copse. Shrt^h,

(3) V, To trump one's adTersarr's

card at whist.

Roughed, adj. Streaked, or apec>

kled. De9.

RouoH-LEAP, 9. The true leaf of a

plant, in distinction from iis

seed-leaves^ We9t.

RouGHNB88,«. Plenty; abundancc.


Rough-spun, adj. Unpolished.

RouKE. (1) V. (A.'S.) To lie dose.

(2) V. To wander.

(3) V. To be restless.

(4) 9. A great numl»er. Nerih,

Rovun, adj, {A.'S.) Roomy; wide.

RouNCB, V, To move hastily.


HouscKVAL, adj. Strong; large.

d by boogie




BouxciB, 1 *. (J.'N.) (1) Acom-

KOUNCT, J roon hackney borse ;

any hone.

(2) A Yuljcar woman.

Round, t. (1) A tort of dance.

(2) A circular turret. H'ilion.

(3) A troop of soldiers.

(4) Gentlemen of the rounds

soldiers appointed to inspect the

sentinels^ watches, &c.

(5) Plain speaking. Ox/d.

(6) A kind of target.

Round-about, 9. The boundary

hedge of a coppice. Northampt.

Round-dock, ». Tlie common mal-

low. Somenet.

Roundbl, 9, (1) A circle; any.

thing roand.

For, the henv'nt are not inixtly enterlnced,

Bat th' undermost by tk' upper be iiu>


Ami more or less tk«ir roundfls wider are,

it* from the center they be necr or far.

Sylvester's Dubartaa.

(2) A little round mat to place

under a plate.

(3) A round platter to senre

fruit, generally ornamented with

a motto.

(4) A roundelay, or catch.

(5) A round mark in the score

of a public house.

Charge it again, good Verret,

And make unready the horaeti thou

koow'tt how.

Chalk, and renew the rondels.


(6) The midriff. Somer9et.

RouNDELBT, t, A rundlct.

KouMD-FBOCK, 9. An uppcr gar-

ment, worn by rustical. Var. d,

RouNDOB, «. A great noise; a

▼iolent push. Northumb.

RouND-HousB, 9* The prison into

which the watchmen committed

offenders taken in the night.

RouNDLT, <ufv. Plainly; quickly;


RouMD-ROBiN, «. A small pancake.


RouND-aHAViNO, 9, A chiding.


RouND-TAO, 9, A child's game


Round-tilth, 9. The sowing of

land continuously without fal-

low. Kent.

RouNB, 1(1) 9. {A.'S, nmtan.)

round, J To whisper.

Two risen up in rape,

And rouned Ut^idervn,

And pieiffd thise peuy-worthes,

Apart by hemielve.

Piers PhuffhmoHt p. 97.

Bnt. being come to the mppint; place,

one of Kuiaiider's servuiits rounded in

his e«re. Pembr. Arcud., b. i, p. 15.

(2) 9, A whisper ; the sound of


Somer is comen with lore to tonne.

With blosinie and wiih brides roune.

Reliq. Juiiq., I, 241.

(3) V. To counsel, or consult.

RouNGE, (1) V. {A.'N.) To gnaw.

(2) «. A wheelbarrow.

RouNSEPiCK. See Rampick,

RouNT, 9n A sort of flesh colour in


RouN-TBBB, «. The mountain-ash.


Rour, 9. A public sale or auction.


RoupB, 9.[\) Outcry ; lamentation.

(2) A disease in fowls.

RouPT, adj. Hoarse. Susn.

Rous, 9. Boasting. North.

Rous-ABOUT, a^'. Unwieldy. We9t.

House, (I) «. A bumper, in drink.


(2) V. To flutter. A term in


(3) V. To turn out.

(4) 9. Noisy mirth. Devon.

RousEN, 9. A report. Devon.

RousET, 9. Rough grass not eaten

by cattle. Berk9.

Rousing, b4;. (1) Rough; shaggy.


(2) Great.

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I thoQglit it p)od, necessary, and mv

boandeii dntye, to acquay Dt« your sfMxi-

neaa with the nbhomiuable, wyckea and

detestable behavor of all these rototejf

ragged rebblement of rakehellea.

BarmoM's Caveat for Commm

CurtilorSf 1667.

Rout, 9. To hunt, or search. To

rout out.

Routs, (1) «. A company.

(2) V. To assemble in a company.

(3) «. A violent stir. Devon.

(4) V. To snore ; to roar or bel-

low, as animals ; to hollow.

He lyelh rouiing and snortinz all night

and all day. Terenee in Bn^isk, 1641.

(5) 9. To belch. Paltg.

(6) V. To break wind.

(7) «. Coarse grass. East.

Routed, part. p. If an animal

strays and is pounded, it remains,

when unclaimed, three sunsets

and three sunrisings in the pound

or pinfold ; afterwards it is taken

to the rout (ur green) yard,till the

owner can be found, and is then

said to be routed. Line.

RouTH, (1) adj. Rough.

(2^ ». Abundance. North.

RouTHB, t. (A.'S.) Compassion.

Rout-out, t. A Saturday pie.


RovK, (I) V. {A.'S.) To cleave.

(2) V. To shrug with the shoul-

ders; to stir up.

(3) 9. To shoot an arrow at an


(4) i. A manner of ploughing.


(5) a. (J.'S. hreof.) A scab. Suff,

(6) 9. To unravel. Leic.

RovBR, a. An archer.

Rovers, a. Arrows shot at an ele-

vation, generally at 45 degrees.

Row, (1) 9. A disturbance.

(2) 9. To look for. Heref.

(3) 9. To rake about. North.

(4) a. A hedge.

Rowans, a. The berries of the


Row-Dow, a. The sparrow. North-


RowoLE, 9. To move gently. Orfd.

Rowdy- DOW, «. A hubbub.

Rows, (1) adj. Rough; angry.

{2)pret.t. Rushed.

(3)9. To dawn. P. PL

(4) #. A ray.

RowELL, a. {J.-N.) The circular

wheel of a spur.

Row EN 8, a. Aft^r-grass. Su^.

RowRT, a. Withered grass. South.

RowL, a. A wake, or revel. Som.

RowLAND-Ho, a. A Cbrisimas


Some yoaths irill now a mumming go,

Some others plav at Bmciand-ko.

mther's Jnrenitu, IfiSl

RowNEY, adj. Uneven, applied to

cloth, having some threads

stouter than others. East.

R0WOR6IN, a. An organ. Nor-


RowTH, a. A root. Yorish.

RowTY, adj. Over-rank, said of

grass. North.

Row-up, 9. To devour. Cumh.

RowY, adj. Of uneven texture.

Row^jE, adj. Rough.

Rox, 9. To soften ; to decay. Itoxy,

decayed. Northampt.

RoxALL, 9. To wrestle. Wight.

RoxT, adj. Rotten, said of fruit


RoY, (1) a. (^.--y.) A king.

(2) 9. To swagger; to domineer:

to indulge in convivial mirth.


RoYALBT, a. A petty king.

By which (wo contentions, the Tutais

came to the crown; for these t«o

royaUU would never yield to one ano-

ther, nor so nnite their armies as

ioyutly to repress the TWrtars.

BelUm TariMnemm, 1654.

RoYALizE, 9. To make royal.

But now ret urnd, to royalitt hit fame,

Wfaoae mightie tboujchta at honours trtw

plieis aime. PeeU^t Eglogwe, 1569.

Royal, a. A gold piece worth fif>

teen shillings.





KoTALS, «. Taxes. Souih.

KoYNB, #. {A.'N.) A scab.

RoTNE-TRBBi 9. The mounlain-aah.


BoYNisH, adj. (1) (Fr.) Scabby ;


(2) Mean; base.

RoTSTER, «. An inventory. Yorksh,

KoTTHiR, V. To behave turbu-

leiitly. Yorksh.

BoziM, «. A quaint saying. We$t,

Hub, (1) «. Any uneTenneas of sur-

face ; an imperfection.

(2) ». A sand-stone for a scythe.

(3) V. To do work hastily.

(4) «. A slight reproof.

(5) », A smattering of anything.

KuBBACROcK, «. A slattcm. We$i,

RuBBAOB, 9. Rubbish.

KuBBBLL, «. (1) Refuse of mason's


(2) A sort of hard chalk. BerA9.

RuBBiR, «. (1) A limited number

of games by which the stakes

are reckoned, as a rubber at


(2) An implement for cleaning

the dress.

RuBBiNO-poLK, 8. The pole with

which the ashes are stirred over

an oven. Northanqtt,

BuBiVY, o. (Lat.) Tomakered«

Rubin, *. {A,'N,) A rnby.

KuBiona, adj. Rather red.

HuB-OFP, V. To sneak away ; to run

away with anything.

RuBOUB, 8. {A,'N.) Redness.

Kubrick, 9^ Red ochre.

KucK, ^1) 9. To crouch, or squat

down. North.

(2) V, To huddle together. CAeM.

(3) V. To gather together in


(4) «. A heap.

(5) 9. To go about gossiping.


(6) V. To crease linen.

(7) «. A plait; a wrinkle.

(8) V. To repent. Litie.

(9) 9. A small heifer. Somer9et.

(10) «. A rut in a road. Here/.

(11) «. The fabulous bird, called

more usually ro^Jk.

Rue RE R, V. To squat down. We9t.

RucKKT, 9, To rattle. Oxfd.

RucKiNO-HBN, 9. A hctt which

wants to sit. Line.

RucKLB, (1) V. To rumple.

(2) 9. A struggle. Kent.

(3) 9. To lie close together.


Ruckling, «. The least of a brood.

RucKSB, 9. A spit-stand, or rack.


RucKSTiR, V. To make a disturb-

ance. Warw.

Rue KY, 04/. Full of racks. Norf.

Ruction, «. An uproar; an insur-

rection. We9tm.

Run, (1) «. To polish by rubbing.


(2) 9. A reed. Somer9et.

(3) 9. Red. North.

(4)«. A species of fish.

RuDDE, 9. {A.'S.) The complexion.

See Rode.

Rudder, 9. (1) A coarse sieve.


(2) Copulation. Somenet.

RuDDERisH, aty. Hasty in temper.


RuDDLB, (1) 9. Red.

(2) 9. The red ochre with which

sheep are marked.

(3) V. To make a fence of split

sticks plaited. Kent.

RuDDLB-WATTLB, 9. A hnrdlc of

interwoven hasle rods. Kent.

Ruddock, *. (1) (^.-S.) The


(2) A kind of apple.

(3) Red ruddock9, gold coin.

Ruddocks, 9. The fibrous parts of

tallow which will not mdt.


RuDBSBY, 9. A rude person.

RuDOB, 9. A partridge. Corww,


kersey cloth.

RuDLB, 9. A beverage composed of

d by boogie




warm beer and gin, sugar, and

lemon peel.

Ruo-STAKB, 9. The stake to which

an ox is tied in his stall. Durham,

Rudy, adj. Rude. Susses.

Rue, (1) ». To sift corn. West

(2) s. A young goat. Somerset.

RuR.BABOAiN, s. A bad bargain.


RuEL.BONB, 1 «. A material used

REWRL-BONB, J in saddles, often

mentioned in the early metrical


RuBLLE, s. A wrinkle.


Take of the ruen of a hare, and hnTynge

fraied and consumed it in kote water,

l^ve it the woman to drynke in the

mornyiijre at her breakefaat.

The Secretes qf MaytUr AUn»,\li^.

Ruff, (1) s. A sort of frill.

(2) s. An old game at cards.


(3) V. To trump, at cards.

(4) V. A hawking term ; to hit

the prey without fixing it.

(b) s. A roof.

?6) s. The height, or extremity.

(7) adj. Rough.

RuFFATORY, s. A rough, boisterous


RuFFET, «. Furze. Dorset.

Ruffian, *. The devil. (Cant.)

RuFFiNEB, s. A ruffian. Norih.

Ruffle, (1) v. To draw into plaits.

(2) s. The turned-down top of a

boot, banging in a loose manner.

One of the rowelli of my silver spars,

catched liold of the rnffle of my boot.

B. Jon., Every Man out o/H., It, 6.

(3) V. To sWagger ; to bully,

(4) «. A bustle, or tumult.

RuFFLER, «. A bully.

Ruffmans, «. Wooda, or bushes.


RuFF-PBCK, s. Bacon. (Cant.)

RuFF-TREB, #. The roof-beam of a


RuFTEB-HooD, s. A plain leather

bood for a hawk when first drawn.

Rug, adj. Snug. Devon.

RuoB, V. [I) To wrinkle. Somen.

(2) To slide down; to sweep

awav quick' y. Detfon.

RuGOE, s. (J.'S.) The back.

RuGGLE,(l)r. To walk about with


(2) V. to play the hurdy-gurdy.

(3) s. A child's rattle. Deim.

RuGGY, adj. Rough.

RuGiN, 8. A sort of inferior lioeD.

RuiD, adj. Strong; rough.

Ruin, s. A pole of four falls stanH-

ing ; a woodman's tenu. At the

first fail, it is a plant or wicket;

at the second, a white pole; at

the third, a bUck pole; and at

the fourth, a ruin.

Ruinate, v. To ruin.

RuiSB, V. To dri?e away. Devon.

Rule, (1) s. Rough sport; tuiuult.

(2) V. To fall out, as grain that

is over-ripe. Somerset.

(3) V. To sit in strange postures.


(4) V. To barter. Devon.

Rule-stone, *. A carpenter's tool.

te, tliaii seyd the rtwU^Umet

Mayster hnfli many fone.

HallitDeWs Nitgm Poetiem, p. h.

Rult, adj. Rueful.

Rum, (1) adj. Odd ; queer.

(2) s. Old-fashioned rubbish.


RuM.BARGE,\«. Warm drink of

RUM-BOOZB, J any kind. Yorksk.

Rum blbmrnt, s. A rumbling noise-

Rumbullion, s. A great tumult.


Rumbur, «. A run before kaping-


RuMBUSTiCAL, ocfj- Boistcroos;


Rumbustious, adj. Obstreperous.

RuM-ouKE, «. A grotesque figuw-

Rum-fustian, *. A drink msde

with the yolks of twelve egg», a

quart of strong home-brewed

beer, a bottle of white wine,

half a pint of gin, a grated not-

d by Google




meg, the juice from the peel of a

lemon, a small quantity of cinna-

mon, and sugar sufficient to

sweeten it.

RuiiGDMPTious, adj. Sturdy in

opinion ; forward ; violent ; rash.

RuMMAOK, 9, Lumber. fVett.

KuMMEL, s. Fragments of bricks

and mortar.

RuMMBL-ouMTXor, 9. Scnsc ; wit.

RuMMEN, V. Tomovethiu^ out of

their places. YorJIah.

Rummer, «. A large strapping lass.


RuMMBT, 9. Dandriff. Comw.

Rummueton, v. To matter.

Rumney, 9. (A.'N.) Budge fur.

Rump-and-stump, adv. Entirely.

RuMPBD, adj. Rancid ; acrid.


Rumpkin, 9. (1) A large drinking-

glass. Norf.

(2) A fowl without tail.

Rumple, 9. A large debt, contracted

by little and little. Somer9et.

Rumpus, 9. An uproar.

RuMscuLLioN, 9. A bad, idle,

worthless fellow. Line.

RuMSTicH, 9. (Germ.) The game

of mawe.

Run, o. (1) To sew slightly; to

darn stockings.

(2) To risk anything.

(3) To suppose. North.

Runagate, sj A runaway.

RuNAWAT-CROP, 9. A poor crop.


Hunch, 9. Wild mustard, or radish.

Runch'ball9, dried charlock.


RuNOBL, «. (1) A circle. "The

circle or rundle about the apple

of the eye." NomencL Sec


(2) A hollow pollard tree. JFe9t.

(3) A young *tree.

(4) A moat with water .in it ; a

small stream.

Rune, 9. A water-coarse. We9t,

Rung, «. (1) The wooden ring of

a wheel upon which the hoop

fits. Line,

(2) A staflf. North.

(3) The step of a ladder.

RuNOE, 9. A long tub with two

bandies. Lane.

RuNGBL, 9. A stupid boy. Leic.

RuNORLiNG, adf. Restive. Leic.

RuNiSH, o^;. Fierce; violent.

RuNKLB, V. To wrinkle. North.

RuNNABLY, adv. Currently. Ea9t.

Runnel, «. (1) A small stream, ur

brook. See Rundel.

(2) Pollard wood. North.

Runner, 9. The upper millstone.

Running, 9. Rennet. JVest,

Runnxno-boy, 9. A jockey.

Running-bull, 9. A string of iron

fixed on a cross-bar in the front

of the harrow.

Running-fitter, 9. A fitter's


RuNNiNG-PoiTRAL, 9. A breast


Running-shoes, 9. Pumps.

RuNNULUS, 9. Rennet. Herff.

Run-out, v. To sprout. Devon.

RuNRio-LANDS, 9. Ridgcs lying

parallel in un inclosed lands, and

belonging to different persons.

Runt, 9. (1) An ox.

^2) A rough rude person.

r3 ) A dwarf.

(4) The stump of a tree; the

stem of a plant.

(5) The rump. North.

Runty, a//f. (1) Dwarfish. YorJtth.

(2) Rude; uncivil; cross. £a9t,

Rurals, 9. Country people.

RuRD, 9. Noise. See Reard.

Rurfin, 9. A ringleader. Somer9.

Ruse, v. (1) To extol.

(2) To slide down with a rustling

noise. Devon,

Rush, «. (1) A merry-making.


A patch of underwood.

A disease in cattle. North,

Rush-bearing, 9. The diy of a

church's dedication.

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Rtjsh-buckl«r,#. a swash-buckler.

RusHE, V. To dash down.

RusHBWES. Sec RiMhewt.

RusHiN, «. A tub of butter.

Rushing, «. RefresUment. North,

RusHT-MiLS, 8. A sportive imita-

tion of mills, made by the shep-

herds in running water, and com-

posed of rushes.

Hit sprinf should flow some otlier wayj no


Should it in wanton manner ere be feene

To writhe in knots, or ijive a gown of grccne

Ijnto their mcadowcs: nor be seeue to

Norynve the rushv-miU, that in his way

The shepherds made. Brown, BrU. Put,

Rd SINGS, 9. A boast.

Rusks, s. A root.

RuspicE, t. A sort of red wine.

RussBL, (1) V. To wrestle. Line.

(2) «. A kind of satin.

(3) ». An old name for the fox.

Russets, *. Clothes of k russet

colour; the holiday dress of a


And, for the better credit of the world.

In their fresh rutseU every one doth go.

Dnyt,, BeL, ix.

RusssTiKO, *. (1) Coarse cloth of

a dingy brown colour.

(2) One clothed in russet; a


(3) A species of apple.

Nor pippin, which we hold of kemell-fhuta

the king;

The apple orcndgc ; then the savory nuset-

ting. Drayton's FolffoUion, song 18.

RussoL,*. A reed. Ayenb, qf Inw,

Rust, (1) v. To roost.

(2) «. Mildew in wheat. Devon.

Rust-balls, t. Yellow lumps of

iron ore found among the chalk.


RusT-BuaN, *. The rcsthtrrow.


RusTicoAT, *. A clown.

RusTiLSR, #. (A,'N.) A raft.

Rusty, adj. (1) Filthy.

(2) Restive.

RusTY-ruBTT-DUSTr, i, Exces-

816 SAA

sively dirty; apparently a won!

invented by Taylor, the Water-


Rut. (1) V. To be maris appetens.

(2) V. To throw.

(3) 9. The dashing of waves.


(4) V. To keep « m/, to be

meddling. Kent.

RuTHE, #. {A.'S.) CompaasiOB-

Rutselb, v. (Dtt/cA.) To slide.

RuTTKN, (1) r. {A.'S.) To snore.

(2) *. The stick with which bat-

ter is beaten up. Yorkih.

RuTTBR,*. (1) A directory to in-

dicate the course of a YCSseL

My tables are not yet one quarter w^

tied of notes out of their table; whwa

because it is, as it were, a sea rutttr

diligently kept among them frost age to

age. of iu their ^^,^J»;^J^

(2) A German rider, or trooper;

a dashing gallant.

Ruttlb, v. To rattle,

RuTFLiNO, 9. A guigUng noise in

the throat. South.

Ruwet, 9. A horn, or trumpet.

RuzB, V. To extol. North,

RuzuRS, *. The sliding down ol

earth, &c. Dewm.

RuzzoM , 9. An ear of com. YorkA.

Rots, «. Rye.

Rts,«. a disease in hawks.

Ryelakds,«. a local term fw the

inferior ooUte. Northampt.

Rye-mouse, 9. A bat. Olmu^^

Rygb. 9. A fish, the ruffe? rw^e


Rym, v. To remove. Northampt.

Rynty, \exel. Stand off; by

rynt-ys, J your leave I Nortk,


Sa, (/v.) A large tub. See So.

Saao, 9. Urine. Dor9et.

Saan, adv. Since. North,

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SABATiirB8,«. (Fr.) (1) steel co-

verings for the feet.

(2) Slippers or eiogs.

Sabbkd, part. p. Saturated Su99,

Sablb, g. A sabre.

SABRASt ». Salve ; plaster.

Sachellb, t. {A.-N.) A small sack.

Sachkverbl, 9. The iron door to

the mouth of a stove.

Sack, (1) t. Sherry; any Spanish

white wine. Canary sad, a

Malaga sweet wine.

(2) A loose upper garment; a


(3) Sack and team road^ a horse

road. To get the »aei, to be dis-

charged from a place.

Sack-but, #. A bass trumpet.

Sack-cideb, «. A mixture of sack

and cider.

Sack-cbbam, «.

Cn»m called »aek-cretm. Wliilst three

pints of cream is boiling on the fire,

beat the yolka of eight or nine egga,

witli some sack, and put it into your

akillet, keeping it stimng till it come to

a curd, then run it through a strainer,

and tave yonr curd, being Revered from

your whey, season it with beaten cinna-

mon, ginger, nutmeg, sii^r, and rose-

water, 80 lay it in your dish, and etrow

on cinnamon and sugar.

Or only take a quart of cream and

set it on the ftre, and when it is boiled,

drop in two spoonfuls of sack, and stir

it well, so tnat you keep it from

curdiiog, then season it with sugar

and rosewater.

The Quee»*8 Soyal Cookay, 1713.

S acklb, o. To saunter abont. Line.

Sacklbss, adj. Faultless; simple;

quiet. North.

Sack-posset, «. A drink formerly

taken on the evening of the wed-


To make a saek-fouet. Take two quarts

of pure good cream, a quarter of a

pound of the best almonds, stamp them

m the cream and boil amber and musk

therein; then take a pint of sack in a

bttson, and set it on a chafing^ish tUl

it be blood warm ; then take the yolks

of twelve eggs, with four wlut«9, and

beat them very well together; and so

put the eggs into tlieMck, and make it


good and hot ; let the cream cool a little

before you put it into the sack; then

stir all together over the coals, till it be

as thick as you would have it ; if yon

take some amber and musk, and grind

it small with sugar, and strew it on the

top ot the nnssel, it will give it a most

delicate ana pleasant bist.

A True GgnlUwoman's Delight, lt>16.

Sackt-winb, $. '*Sackt wine or

wine strained through a bag:

hippocras." NomencL

Sack.whet,«. Wine-whey. Drt^on.

Sacrament, «. (Lat.) An oath.

Sacrarie, 9. {A.'N.) A holy


Sacre, (1) f>, {A.-N.) To con-


(2) 9. A consecration.

(3) «. The peregrine falcon, the

male of which was a 9acret. See

Saker. ,

Sacreab, 9. A receptacle for relics.

Sacrino, 9. Consecration ; sacra-

ment. Sacrmg-bellj the small

bell rung at dififerent parts of

the mass.

SAD,a4;'. (1) Serious; discreet. "A

traveller ! By my faith , you have

great reason to he tad." Shaketp.t

As You Like It. *' As solemn as

a traveller,'' was a proverbial

phrase. Sadfyt seriously. Sad^

neeSf seriousness.

Bather than for anything in it, which

ihould helpe good eadde studie.

Jeehanif p. 27.

(2) Dry; firm, said of bread.


(3) Heavy, solid, said of various

materials. North.

(4) Heavy; applied to bread

when the dough does not rise

properly. North.

(5) A dull dark colour. North.

Sad-bad, adj. Very ill. Notf.

Sadde, v. {A.'S.) To make serious

or steady.

Sadden, v. To harden ; to make

solid.. Ztne.

Saddle, v. To impute to. Var. d.

d by boogie




Saddle-back-crow, s. The Roys-

ton crow. Sutsex.

S ADD LB-BACKED, a4ir. Low backcd.


Saddlb-bars, s. The horizontal

iron bars of a window. North-


Saddlkd^ part, p. Overstocked.

Saddlk.tree, ». The wooden

arson of a saddle.

SADDUEDyjpar/. p. Settled; made


Sade, V, To satiate. West.

Sad-irons, 9. Smoothing irons.

Midi, C.

Sadness, $. Gravity ; seriousness.

Safe, (1) v. To secure, or make


(2) adj. Sure ; certain. Var, d.

(3) V. To assuage. Gawayne.

Safr-conduct, 8. A passport.

Safeguard, (1) 9. A large petti-

coat, worn over the other clothes,

to protect them from dirt ; the

riding-dress of ordinary females,

called a 9afe-9hirtt in some parts.

Make you rendy •treiglit,

And in that gown, which first you came to

town ill,

Your safeffuard, cloke, and your hood


Thna on a donble gfeldinff yon shall amble,

And my man Jaques shall be set before yon.


The men booted, the gentlewomen in

cloaks and $afegMard*.

Stage Dirfction, in Merty Det.,

0. PL. V, 264.

(2) V. To keep safe ; to protect.

And takinff thence a caliinet, some

Jewells ana rich jems, intreats that

wortliy frcntleman to titfegtuwd them,

till the danger was gone.

Herbert's Trtaeli, 1638.

Saffle, adj. Dull ; sad. Line.

Safflow, 9. Bastard saffron.

Saffo, 9. (Ital.) A catchpole.

Saft, #. Safety. North.

Sao, f 1) V. To decline in health.


{2) V. To subside. Kent.

(3) V. To crease.

(4) 9. A kind of reed ; a ledge.

(5) V. To bend,or oppress. North.

Saoathek, 9. A sort of vooUeo


Saob-crbaii, «.

To make tageerettm. Take a tfoxti of

cream, boil it well, then add a quarter

of a pint of the jnice of red sage, kalf u

mncfi rosewitter, and a qunrter of a

pound of sugar, and it wul be aa a-

cetlent dish. And thus you may use it

with any sweet herbs, wliich will render

it pleasant and healthful.

The Chset ^BaritUs, 1701

Sagbr, 9. A lawyer. Y<»rk9h.

Saog, v. To hang down, as op-

pressed with weight. Tosa^OR,

to walk heavily.

Tliis said, the aged street #MyV sadHr

on alone. Dngt. FeiyM^ in.

Sagoard, 9. The vessel in which

crockery is taken to the oven for

firing. Stqjff^.

Saohe, 9. Speech.

Saohetelb, v. {/I.'S.) To be re-


Saoination, *. (Lai.) Fatteninf.

Sao-ledob, 9. The diagonal cross-

bar of a gate. Ea9t.

Sahaoun, 9. A sort of sword.

I pray tell me, sir, inpiMse that with a

takaguH, or with a mpirr of Toledo, I

were pierced like a cullender.

DatenMt, Tk* Mm*s tk* Jfasier.ltf^-

Said, part. p. Wearied; quieted.


Saio, 9. A saw. Lane.

Saile, 9. (J.'N.) To assail.

Sailing-wark, 9. Canvass.

Saille, v. (J.'N.) To leap. Ssi-

lour9f dancers.

Sailor, 9. An insect, the canihartM


Sails, 9. A hawk's wings.

Sail-wound, j9ar/. ^. Twisted like

windmill sails. Bet^.

Saime, 9. (1 ) (^..5.) Lard ; fat

(2) A crack in crockery. Lac.

Saind, 9. A message. North,

Sainb, (1) 9. To sign with the

cross ; to bless.

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(2) part. p. Seen.

^8ant;}'-(^) The game of cent.

(2) A cincture, or girdle.

St. john's-wort, 1 „

»T. PBTBR'S-WORT, I •• «yPe"<»»-

Saint's-bell, 9. The small bell

which called to religious service.

Sairy, adj. Poor ; sorry. North.

Sake, (1) «. {A.-S.) Guilt; sin.

And ase he tholede that for oas,

Lcvedy, wytliouie sake,

Dcfende ou waniie we dede bethe.

That noe fende ous ne take.

W. de Shoreham.

(2) 8. (A.'S.) Contention,

(3) V. {A..S.) To kill.

(4) 9. Rea.5on ; cause. Devon,

(5) 9, A land-spring. W€9t.

Sakblbt, 9. A little sack.

Saker, «. (1) The peregrine falcon.

(2) A small sort of ordnance.

Sakeringe, «. The sacrament.

Salade, *. (A.'N.) (1) A sort of

helmet. SeeSalet.

(2) A salad.

Salamander, 9. A large poker;

an iron plate for culinary pur-


Salamon, 9. An old cant term for

the mass.

Salandine,«. (A.'N,) Calcedonv.

Sale, {\)9,{A.'N.) A hall.

(2) V. (A.'S.) To gladden; to


(3) 9. Part of the collar of a cart-

horse. Ea9i.

(4) 9. The willow. Somer9et

Salbbrous, adj, {Lat,) Coarse;


Salere, *. (A,-N.) A salt-seller.

Sales, «. The upright stakes of a


Salet, *. (^.-iV.) A light helmet ;

a skull-cap.

Salewb, v. {A.*N.) To salute.

Sale- WORTH, adj. Ready for sale.

Salfe, v. {A,'N.) To save.

Salghe, #. A willow.

Saliance, #. Sallying. Speru.

Salie, 9. To dance. See SaWe.

Sale, 9, The shorter part oi a flail.


Salle. Shall.

Sallet, 9. A salad.

Sallis, 9. Hog's lard. Glouc,

Sally, (1) #. The willow. JVe9t.

(2) V. (Fr.) To run from side to

side ; to pitch forward.

(3)«. A tottering situation. Su99»

(4) The pluffy part of a bell-rope.

Sally-withy, #. A willow. IVilU.

Salmr. v. To sing psalms.

Salmon-sprint, I «. A young

8ALMON-PELE, J salmon.

Salope, 9. {Fr.) A dirty sluttish


Salpe, 9. A species of fish.

Salpicon, 9. Stuffing, or farse-


Salse, «. Seasoning ; sance.

Sal8Er, 9. (Lat.) A salt-cellar.

Salstbr, «. A dealer in salt.

Sals UTTER, «. A kind of small

fish. We9t.

Salt, (1) «. (Lat 9altv».) A leap.

And friskine Inmlii

Mnke wanton tails aboul their dnr-suck'd

dams. Beti Jonton, Vuion ofDeUgkL

(2) 9, A salt-cellar.

(3) «. Pointed language ; wit.

(4) adj. Maris appetens.

Salt-cote, 9. A salt-pit.

Salt-eel, «. A game resembling

hide and find.

Salt-gem, «. A sort of crystal salt.

Saltimbanco, 9. {ItaL) A moun-


Salt-kit, *. A salt-box. North,

Salt-pie, «. A salt-box. North.

Salts, «. Marshes near the sea

overflowed by the tide. Su99ex.

Salt-weed, 9. The toad-rush. iSti^.

Salcb, 9. {A.'N) To salute.

Salutip, adj. Salutary.

Elixir here begynya the tretyt of phi-

losofarys that y* cald the bed tresure.

fyrst nude a water salul^f, and finnent

of vitreall red and salt peier a lyk quan-

tity. MS.,lMCe»t,

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Salvage, adj. Savage; cruel.

Salvb, v. (1) To save.

(2) To salve a matter, to make

up a quarrel.

Sam, V, (1) To collect together.


(2) To put in order. Lane.

(3) To skim. North.

(4) To curdle milk. North.

(5) To stand sam, to pay the

reckoning of several persons. To

stand samfor, to be surety.

Sam a RE. The skirt of a luantaa.

Sambocadb, 8.

Samhocade. Take and make a cruat in

a trapc, and take a cruddes, and wryng

out the whey^c, and drawe hem thut'ieh

a atynor, and put iix the styuor crustcs.

Do thereto sugar the tliriddu part and

aoncdel wliyic of ayren, and shake

tliereinne blomca of elien, aud bake it

up with curose, and mes»c it forth.

*^ JFbmujo/Cttry.p.SO.

Sambuke, s. {Lat. sambuca.) A

sort of harp.

Sam BUS, «. A saddle cloth.

Samcast, s. Two ridges ploughed

together. Cumb.

Samcloth, s. (1) a sampler.

(2) A sort of jacket.

Same, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Together.

In same, together.

(2) s. {A.'S.) Shame.

Samekill, conj. As long as.

Samel, flrf;. Gritty ; sandy. North.

Samelike, adv. Similarly. North.

Sami, adj. Soft ; watery. Bed/.

Samite, s. (1) {A.^N.) A rich silk,

often interwoven with gold or

silver thread.

Or waa ther any velvet cremesyn?

Or M'as tlier any samite or aatin ?


(2) A dress or rohe made of


In silken samite she vas light array'd,

Aud her fayrc locks were woven up in gold.

Spens., F. q., Ill, xii. 13.

Sammarox- CLOTH, s. A cloth

between flaxen and hempen.


Sammbn-bricks, t. Bricks iasaf-

ficiently burnt. East.

Sammodxtheb. Tell me how yoa

do. Norf.

Sammy, (1) adj. Clammy; dose;

heavy. Shropsh.

(2) s. A fool. Far. d.

SAUSUDfpart. p. Assembled to-


Sam-ope, adj. Half open. Devon.

Samplarie, s. An exemplar.

Samplabs, s. Young trees left for

standers in cutting down under-

wood. Oj/rf.

Sampleth, s. a sampler. North.

Sampson, s. A drink made of

brandy, cider, sugar, and a httk

water. Comw.

Sampson's-pillar, 1 f. An old

8amp80n's-po8T, f fashioncd

mousetrap which kills the mice

by letting a block of wood fsU

upon them.

Sam-sodden, adj. Sodden, said of

meat not dressed enough. Ihrset.

Sam-vodb, adj. Half sewed; half


Sanappe,! a hand-napkin.

8ANOPE, J "^

Sancebell. See Saint's-ML

Sancited, par/, f?. Ratified.

Sancome, «. A quagmire. }'orii*-

Sanctimony, s. (Lot.) Holiness.

Sand-blind, adj. Nearly blind.

Qui a courtc reue. That hath adiai •»*

ill eveaiglil: tluit seeUi aomcwhai by

day light, worse after the sun ntsnp.

and never a whit at night : mW Ui»l


Sxvi>B,part.p. Sent.

Sanded, adj. Short-sighted. A«r/A-

See Sand-dlind.

Sandel, 1,. a kind of fish; the

SANDING, Lj^eeorsole.


Sandener, s. Red ochre.

Sanders, s. Sandal wood.

Sandesman,*.(^.-5.) Amesteoger*

Sandeter, «. Scoria of glass.

Sandgate-rattlb, *. Suiuping

in dancing. North.





Sand-tot, «. A sand-hill. Somen,

Sandwebd, «. OommoD Bporrey.


Saxg, *. (1) (A.^N.) Blood.

(2) A song. North.

(3) A handful of corn Devon.

(4) Sffit^ if iif indeed it it.


Sakgarede, «. (A.^S,) A chantry.

To tbe Bepnlkyr lyght vi. liyvca of bcene

to prny ffor me iind oav wyffe in the

coDituon sangered. frill, dated 1&04.

§ANOA&EE, «. (1) Rack punch.

(2) A hard drinking bout.

§ANGiNARiB, 9. The plant milfoil.

SANOiNO-RATHca, 9. The large


Sanglant, adj, (Fr.) Sangoinary.

Sangre, t. (A.'S.) Singing.

S ANGU IN B, adj. Red com plexioned.

Sank, #. (1) {A.-N.) Blood.

(2) A large quantity. Cumb.

Sannock, t». To cry bitterly. Eatt,

3anny, v. To utter a wailing cry,

without apparent cause. Norf,

^Avs, prep. {Fr.) Without.

Santal, 9. A sand-eel.

Sap, (1) ». To drench. Sappy

drinking, excessive drinking.


(2) 9. To put a toast in liqaor.

(3) 9. Ale. Shejf.

(4) #. A silly fellow.

Safe, 9. Soap. 15M cent.

Sap-head, «. A blockhead.

Sapid, a4f. High, or putrid. Leie.

Sap-sculi^ (1) «. A fool. Craven,

(2) adj. Soft, like sap. Var. d.

Sapy, adj. (1) Beginning to be

tainted, as meat.

(2) Foolish.

(3) Sickly.

§AR, V. To earn ; to serve. WeeL

Sara DIN, 8. The sardine stone.

Sarce. «. (1) A small hair sieve.

(2) Vegetables. Eeeex.

Sarcbl, «. The pinion of a hawk's


S arcynesse. 9. ** A bruet of iorcy'

fFamer, p. A4,

Sard, v. Fntnere. A word much in

use in the 17th cent.

Sarb, adj. (1) Withered and dry.

See Sear.

(2) Tender ; rotten. Kent.

(3) Sore. North.

Sarb-baned, adj. Stingy ; nnkind.


Sarfit, 9. A table-cloth. Devon.

Sargent, 9. A sergeant.

Sargon, 9. The gilthead.

Sark, 9. (1) (A.'S.) A shirt; a


(2) A porridge-pot. York9h.

Sarkle, v. To rake; to harrow.

Sarlinish, 9. A sort of silk.

Sarn, 9. A sort of oath. Shropeh*

Sarnick, (1) adj. Inanimate.


(2) 9. A small quantity. St^folk,

Sarfe, 9. A girdle.

Sarpblbrb, 1 «. A coarse

8ARPLIAR, Y hempen pack-

SARP-CLOTH, J cloth.

Sarplar, 9. A pocket, or half a

sack of wool.

Sarra, v. (1) Tb serve. North,

(2) To acw. Yori9h.

Sarra9inb,«.A portculliSfOrfalling


Sarre, adj. {A.-S.) Sorer.

Sarrbliche, adv. {A.-N.) Closely;

close together.

Sars-a-minb. a gentle impreca-

tion. Ea9t.

Sarsbns, 9. Large bolder stones.


Sarsin, 9. A Saracen.

Sarsnbt, 9. A thin slight silk.

Sart, (1) adv. Softly. Devon.

(2) See A99art.

SARTiE.9f adv. Indeed. North.

Sartrtn, 9. A sort of hoe.

Sarver, 9. A scuttle for a stable.

Sasarara, 9. A sort of legal writ.

A corruption of certiorari.

Sashoons, 9. Leather worn under

the boot at the lower part of the


Sasin, 9. A reaping-hook. Devon,





Sasae, i, A lock in a river ; a flood-


Sassle, adj. Drowsy. Somerg.

Sate, adj. Soft. Dortet. SatepoU,

a Bimpleton.

Satbll, v. To settle.

Sater, 9. Saturday.

Sates, «. Quickset. Skropgh,

Satisptingly, adv. Giving satis-


Satinet, 9. A stuff between silk

and satin.

Satle, v. (I) To hang down; to

fall. Yori9h.

(2) To shackle ; to embarrass.

Sattane,«. a cardinal's rochet.

Sattbt, adj. Quiet ; settled. Lane.

Sattie, adj. Matted. Northumb.

Satty, 9. A sort of frigate.

Sat u rant, o^^'. Satiating.

Saturitie, 9. {Lat.) Satiety.

Who aeeiiig their aatMritie.

learner's Jliions EmgUnd, 1592.

Sauce, (1) v. To garnish ; to adorn.


(2) 9. Impertinence. Var. d.

(3) V. To box the ears. York9h.

(4) V. To abuse.

(5) #. Any vegetables eaten with

meat. Nwf.

Saucb-box, 9. (1) A saucy fellow.

(2) In the following passage it

seems to have a different meaning.

Whether the govemon of the oommon-

weolthhare suffered palmesten. fortune-

tellers, Btage-players, tawce-hox^^ en-

terladen, puppit players, loyterers,

vagabonds, lantt>leapers, and surh like

cozening make-shifU, to practise their

eogging tricks and roicish trades wilhin

the ctrcuite of his authoritie, and to

deceive the simple people with their

Tile forverie and palterie.

JVfwtoM, Tryall of a Man's owtu »elfe, 1693.

Sai7cb.jack, 9. An impudent


Saucelino, 9. A saucy fellow.

Savcb-maoamb, 9. A dish in

ancient cookery.

Savcy, adj. Untidy; dirty. fFest,

Sauf, adj. {A.^N.) Safe.

Sauft, a4f. Wet;Boaky. Nwtk

Saugh. ( 1 ) a. A trench, or channel.

See Sough.

Then Dalas and Cledangh

By Morgany do drive her tluoagli her

wBtry MM^i.

Drayton, Fcljfolk^ Samg if.

(2) pret. t. of 99. Saw.

(3) a. The sallow willow. NoHk.

Sauohtb, 9. Tranquility.

Sauohtne, 9. (J.-S,) To be paci-

fied ; to be reconciled.

Saul, (1) v. To beat. Yorisk.

(2) 9. The solid substance inside

a covered button. North.

Saulcery, 9. The department of

the sauces in the baronial hoose-


Sault, v. To assault.

Saum, v. To walk lazily, or

dreamily ; to repeat too often.

Saumbbr, 9. Armour for the


Saumple, 9. An example.

Sauncb-bbll, 9. The sacriag-belL

Saundrbs, 9. Sandal vrood.

Saun-fail, adv. {A.-N.) Without


Savss, pr^. (A.'N.) Without

Saunt, v. To vanish. North.

Saunter- WHBEL,a. A wheel which

works facewise from a spur-

wheel. We9t.

SAUR,a. Urine from the oow-boaie.


Saurin, a. Vinegar. Cmwtb.

Saur-pool, 9. A stinking paddle.

Sausbpleme, 9. A red spot or

scab on the face.

Saut, 9. Salt. North.

Saute, (1) v. (A.^N.) To assault.

(2) 9. An assault ; a leap.

(3) V. (A.'N.) To jump.

Sautbr, 9. The Psalter.

Sayashin,*. Salvation. Heywoodi


Savb, (1) 9. (Lat.) The herb sage.

(2) V. To house hay or cum.


Save-all, a. (1) An appendage to

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a candlestick for burning the ends

of candles.

(2) A child's pinafore. C&mw,

AVEGUARD^r A wardrobe. Devon.

AVELOY, «. A large sausage.

AVEMENT, t. (A.'N,) Safety ; pro-


Wn^t hope his here oXuaemeHt,

Kow time hit for to telle.

WiUtMn de Skonhau.

•AVERLT, adv. By saving.

•AVEROUS, adj, {A.'N.) Fragrant;


Iavete, 8. (A.'N.) Safety.

Iaviardb, «. A sort of jacket, in

use at the end of the 17th


Iavin-trbe, «. The Juniperut

sabina. Supposed to procure


And when I look

'o gather fniit, find uotliingbnt the tdti»-


'oo f reqnent in nunnei* orchards, and there


)y iiU conjecture, to destroy frtiit rather.

JUiddUt., GatM ofCheu, C I b.

FAVOUR, #. {A.'N.) Knowledge.

>AVOURBN, V. (A.'N.) To savour.

>AVouRous, adj. Sweet.

5 AW, #, {A.'S.) A saying.

Sawar, t.

I send unto yonr mastership closed in

this box the MWtur for the inditemcnt,

according to jour comnndmeiit, which

is retoriiHbile xv Trinitntis.

FlumploH Corretpcndence, p. 160.

Sawce, V. To make salt.

Sawcistrk, $. A sort of sausage.

Sawdb,!. (.(^.-A'.) Hire; pay.

3av7e, *. {A.'S.) Speech.

$AWOB, a. {A.'S.) The herb sage.

Sawgeat, a. A dish in cookery.

Satcgeat. Take pork, and seeth it wel,

and griude it smalc. and nicdte it with

ajren and brede ygrated; do thereto

pbwdor fort and saVron, with pTnes and

salt. Take and close iitnlie oalles in

foiles of sawge. Wete it wiih a bator

of ayren, and fry it. and serve it forth.


5awl, a. (1) (A.-S.) The souL

(2) Liquor ; drink. North.

Sawnbt, (1) a. A si lipid fellow.

(2) adj. Lucky. North.

(o) a. Liquor. York$h.

Sawsk, v. To carve a tench.

Sawsbrlino, a. A sausage.

Sawstirb, a. A sausage.

Sawtbr-crawn» a. A simpleton.

Saw.wurt, a. A plant, the ser^

ratula tinctoria.

Sax. a. (1) A knife. Line.

(2) A small sack or satchel.

Say. (I) A common abbreviation

of assay. To take the May, to

draw the knife along the belly of

the deer, near the brisket, enough

in length and depth to discover

how fat he is.

(2) In Suffolk, where cattle have

once broken into good pasture,

they are said to have got the tay

of it.

{3) pret. t. o{ 9e. Saw.

(4) V. To strain through a sieve.


(5) a. Speech ; song.

(6) a. An opinion. Var. d.

(7) a. Influence ; sway. North.

(8 ) a. A serge, or fine woollen


Say-mastbr, a. A master of assay,

who tries the value of metals in

the mint.

SAYSt part. p. Seen.

•Say-nay, a. A lamprey. Lane.

Say-so, a. A mere nominal ad-


Scab, a. (1) An ape; a baboon.

(2) A poor wretch.

ScABADo, a. The itch.

Scabbard, a. A scabby person.

Scabblb, v. To rough-dress stones.

ScABLiNBs, a. Chippings of stone.


Sc ABRIDGE, a. The scabious.

ScABY, €ulf. Stingy*. North,

Scad, (1) pret, t. Shed.

(2) a. A short shower. Somenet.

(3) a. A wild black plum. Sua,

(4) «. A carcase.





ScADDBT, jMrr/. ^. Sbaded.

ScADDLB, ( 1 ) adj. Thievish. Kent,

(2) adj. Wild; skittish; said of

young bones. North.

(3) ». Mischief. North.

(4) adj. Timid ; shy. Yorksh.

ScADE,^re/. t. Severed.

ScAFE, (1) 9. To wander about ; to

]ead a vagabond life. Line.

(2) adj. Wild. North.

ScAFF, «. A scarf. Tatham*s Royal

Oake, 1660.

ScAFFEL, «. A small spade used in

draining. St^olk.

ScAFFxiioNy «. Part of the capari-

sonment of a horse.

ScAFFLE, r. To scramble. Somers.

SCAFFLINO, '• (0 ^" ^^' Che$h,

(2) part. a. Working hard to

obtain a livelihood. Craven.

ScAO, 9. A trout.

ScAGB, V. To throw a stick. Yorkth.

ScAOGLE, (1) adj. Timid. North.

(2) V. To choak, or strangle. Leic.

ScAOGY, adj. Shaggy. Gloue.

ScAiT, V. To have diarrhoea. Dev.

ScAiTHFUL,a4^'. Given to breaking

pasture ; liable to be overrun by


ScALADo, «. A scaling of vralla.

One tide most excellently depicted his

OnDus tropiiyes ; no cost, no art left out

to do it to the life; their incampiiig

upon tlie shoare, their asuults, sea-

Utdoes, and entrance.

Herbert's Tnmts, 1688.

ScALARY, adv. By steps.

ScALBBGREs, «. Ilcrb Christopher.

MS. 15M cent.

Scald, (1) adj. Scabby, particu-

larly in the head.

(2) t. A disease on the skin of

tbe head ; scurf, or scabbiness.

(3) adj. Mean, shabby.

To be rerenged on this same seald^

scurvy, cogjfuijr companion, the host of

the garter. Skakesp., Mer. W. W., iii, 1.

(4) V. To infect with hiee «e-

(5) V. To scorch. Notf.

(6) 9. A scorched up patch ia a

barley field. East.

(7) V. To boil partially. Narth-


(7) a. A multitude. Eaai.

Scald*cream, $. Cream raised by

heat. Wett.

Scalding, adj. PartiaL Oxfd.

Scaldrag, ». One who boils nga.

Scale, (1) v. To spread ; to dis-

perse abroad ; to separate.

(2) V. To weigh as in scales; to

estimate aright.

(3)v. To beat. Yorkeh.

(4) 0. To bring down fmit from

trees by throwing at it. South.

(5) V. To change. Dorset.

(6) V. To stir the fire. North.

(7)«. A drinking-cup. Somert^.

(8) «. A steep hill. North.

ScALE-DisH, ». A milk-skimmer.


ScALE-iN, V. To plough in with a

shallow furrow, in order to boiy

stubble, &c. Norf.

Scales, «. The outer cuts of a

piece of timber with the bark,

not thick enough to be called

planks. Devon.

ScAL-FERN,«. Spleenwort.

ScALL, «. (1 ) {J.-S.) A skin disease

of the head, now termed a scald-

head. "A 9caU, impetigo."


(2) (^.-5.) A scale.

So ALL AGE, 8. A Uch-gate. Weit.

ScALLARD, a. A scald-head.

ScALLE, 9. {ji.'N.) A scab.

SCALLBNGB-OATB, 9. The lich*

gate. Hanyu.

ScALLEWORT, 4. An old uamc of a


ScALLioN, 9. (1) (^.-.V.) The

species of small onion called a


(2) A wild plant whidi tastes

like an onion. Zaiic.

ScALLioNs, 9. A beating. North.

Scallops, a. An awkward girL


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Scalps, «. The riods or refuse of

tuniips left in the fields by sheep.

Scaly. 04;. (1) Mean.

(2) Mischievous, thievish.

Scam, #. A stain. North.

ScAMBLB, (1) V. To scramble; to

shift. SeamiUng-deyg^ dajs in

Lent, when no regular meals

were provided, hut every one

shifted as he could.

(2) 9. To squander away.

(3) «. Dissipation ; profosion.

(4)9. To defeat; to balk. We9t.

(5) 9. To entangle; to throw

into confusion. Hamp$.

ScAMBLiNO, tidj, (1) Scattered;


(2) Sprawling. Herrf.

Sc AMBLER, #. A parasite.

ScAME, 9. To injure.

ScAMiNB, #. The scammony.

Scamp, t. A rascal.

3c AMPO, 9. To run in a hurry. Lime,

Scak, 9. To scold. Devon,

ScANDRET, $. A drankard. Wore,

Scant, (1) adj. Scarce; insuffi-


(2) adv. Scarcely, hardly.

(3) 8, Scantiness, want.

like the ant.

In plenty hoard for tune of mm/.


(4) 9. To limit

ScANTELouN, t. (1) A Carpenter's


(2) A scantling or pattern.

ScANTisH, adj. Scarce. North.

ScANTiTY, 9, Scarcity. Eaat,

ScANTLB, 9. To beoomo scanty, to

lessen in quantity. Drayton,

Scantling, Xt, A small portion or

8CANTL0N, J Sample of anything.

Scantlinos, #. Thin joists. Leie,

ScAP, 9. A snipe.

Scape, (1 ) 9. {A.-S,) To escape.

(2) 9, A misdemeanour.

(3) 9. A trick ; an evasion.

ScAPB-OALLOwg, t. Abadfellow.

ScAPE-oEACB, 9. A hair-braiucd


ScAPB-THRiFT, «. A thriftless


Scaplab, 9. A narrow piece of

cloth worn by monks over the

rest of their dress, reaching

almost to the feet.

Scapplb, 9. To rough-hew stones.


Soar, (1) 9. To frighten. Lime.

(2) «. A scarecrow.

(3) #. A shred, or pieee. North,

(4) adj. Exposed to. Su9»ex,

Scar, 1 «. (J.-S,) A cliff, or

8KAR, I precipice; a bare and

8KBRRE, J broken place on the

side of a mountain.

Scarab, «. (1) (Lat.) A beetle.

(2) A term of contempt

No, 3t)a Mimfte,

I'll thunder yoa to pieces.

Mvst a man of konoiiT wait yoor lei-

sure, you dog, and miM his neceeeary

diversion through the negligenee of

taeh a Mwrai.

Durfey.MttUmtliekU, 1682.

What's a ooBstable to a man of wor-

ship, a nan of drunken reeling warship ?

L worm t a Korab. Ih.

ScARBABB, 9, A scarecrow.

ScARBOT, «. A kind of beetle.

ScAR-BuooB, a, A bugbear.

Scarce, (1) «. A aieve.

(2) aS^, Stingy; sparing.

SoAR-cBow, 9, A figure set up in

the fields to frighten the crows.

SoARD,«. A shard. YorJuh,

Scare, CI) v. To spend. Suffolk,

(2) adj. Lean ; scantv. Ea9t.

(3)«fr*. Wild; shy. North,

(4) A cur to drive away pigs and

poultry. Noiif,

(5) /'9e fiot the oetare of him

I hold him in fear.

Scare-brake, #. A stick from a


ScARET, 9. The plant skirret.

Scarp, 9. To wear loose, like a


ScAR-PiRE, t. An alarm of fire.

ScARP-SKiN, 9, The epidermis.

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Scarified, pari, p. Frightened.

ScARL, 9, A bugbear.

ScARMOOK, «. A skirmish.

ScARMONY, f. A sort of spice.

ScARN, 9. Dung of cattle. Scam-

beet R dung-bee. North,

ScARNY-HouoHS, 9, A Uirty drab.


Scarped, part, p. Dried np;

parched. Line.

Scars B, v. To disperse.

ScARSTBB, 9, (A,'N.) Scarcity.

ScART, V, To scratch. North.

ScARTERs, 9, The dugs of a cow.


ScARYisH, adj. Clear. Devon,

ScARYWHiFF, odv. Askew. So-


Scat, (1) «. A passing shower.


(2) f. A blow. }Fe9t.

(3) V. To dash, or burst; to

slap. TFe9t.

(4) adj. Broken ; ruined. Comw.

(b) adj. Scared. E9iesp.

(6) exel. Get along! North.

(7) «. A continuance. Weft.

ScATCH, (I) #. A dry hedge.

(2) f. (Fr.) A horse's bit.

(3) 9. A stilt.

(4) V. To go upon stilts.

ScATCH.PAWBD, odj. Left-handed.


Scats, (1) t. Injury; diminution.

(2)v, To have diarrhoea. Obme.

(3) 9. A woman of loose cha-

racter. North.

Scathe, (1) 9. (A.-S.) Harm;

damage. Seath^ful, destructive.

(2) V. To damage, or injure.

ScATHBRBD, odj. Said of feet in-

grimed by water and small coals

getting into the shoes. Nor-


ScATLOB, 9, Loss; hurt; prejudice.


ScATTB, *. (1) (A,-S.) Money.

(2) A tax.

Scatters RAiNBD. iu2f. Giddy.


ScATTT, a4}. Showery. South.

ScAU, f. A fig. Norihumb.

ScAUBBRK, 9, A scabhard.

ScAUMY, odj. Glossy; shining


Scaup, t. (1) A thin soil. Yorkth.

(2) A scraggT person.

(3) The scalp; the head. YorUh.

ScAUPY, 9. A bare piece of giound.


ScAUT, (1) 9. The pole attached to

the axle of a waggon, and let

down to prevent its running

back while ascending a hill.

(2) 9. To push violently. fTet/.

ScAVBL, adj. Voracious. North.

ScAVEL-AN-GOw,*. Confused talk-

ing. Comw.

ScAVBRNicK, 9. A hare. Comm.

ScAViL0NBS,9. Pantaloons.

ScAW, 9, The elder tree. Comm.

ScBD, 9, The parting of the hair

on the bead. ** Hoc diserimen.

AngUce^ the 9eed of the hede.'*

Nominale MS.

ScBDB, V. To spill. Lane.

ScBLBROus, adj. {Lat.) Wicked.

ScBLLUM, 9. An old cant term for

a thief.

ScBNT, f. A descent. South.

ScHAOONS, 9. Young bees. Norths

ScB ALB, 9. {Lat.) A scale or ladder.

ScBEFT, 9. The auncel- weight.

ScHBLL, V. To overturn. Line.

ScHBLVOL, €tdj. Reasonable. Aftnk.


Scheme, 9. A pleasure party.

':".;»;}'• (^••^) A. uble-


Hit sekeppeth ;ef man dcythe.

And shiil finuu pnrgntone.

Sober, «. (i^.-5.«carti.) Thepabes.

••HsBC pubes, anffttett tekere.**

Nominale MS, See Share.

And make a piastre of eakmynte awl

beteyn y-poudnd and of poodir of

oomyn and of baief of k>rer and of ola

Of lover yunedlid togidera^ and al WBim





leie the pkitre on his feker, and an

otlu'te bittt'etie liis era hoole and hit

jerde. Medical MS. of the Xlth cent.

And let setten an horn on her 9cker

witboaten ony gersTiig;.


And therwith anoynte hir bothe bi-

hynde and bifore frum the navel down-

ward, and tlicn above leie the woUe of a

■cheep that is y-achore unwaische,

cither anoynte hir above the icker and

abonte the reynes with hoot hony.

Mtdical MS.,\^ik cent.

ScBiLDEN, V, To bring forth a

child. Schjfld, a child.

ScHiLDsa, 9. (1) Protector.

(2) The shoulder. Lane.

Schisms, «. Frivolotu excusei.


ScHOAT, #. A kneading trough.


ScBOCHB, V. To suspect.

ScBOFFE,/yr«/. <. Pushed.

With tiiat he stert app fro ys mete,

And Mckfiffg the bord into the IBore,

And caa|t a saerd and anon snore.

ScHOOD, 9. (A.-S). The hair of a

man's head.

School, (1) v.- To put back the

ears. Var. d.

(2) #. A shoal of fish. Line.

Schooling, 9, Education. Var. d.

ScBOOL-STiLEET, 9. The UDlyersity.


ScHORB, 9. A score.

ScBOUB., «. Battle; conflict.

ScBBBWABD, 9. A curst fellow.

ScHKOCGB, V. To press; to rub.


ScBUNCHB, V. To shove. "I

ghunched him away." Su99.

ScBTMs, t. Pieces, or shives.

Wamer'9 Jniiq. Ctd., p. 42.

ScBTV, 9. The womb. ** Haec ma-

trix, a 9ehyv that a schvld is con-

sevyd in." Nominaie MS.

ScfBNCB, 9. A scion ; a shoot.

Bejetton croissant an pied de Parbre,

waterahoots: yoane shoots or teuncet

that growe out of tlie rootes or sides of

the Btoeke, and pro?e not.

ScxBNT, adj. Learned.

Sciential, adj. Scientific,or teach-

ing knowledge.

SciMMiNOERft. Base money nibbed

over or cased with silver. Kent.

SciND, 9. To wash. Durham,

SciNDARizE, V. To break to pieces.

SciNK, 9, A lizard.

Scirtlb, adj. Hasty ; changeable.

^VJlll !»• A bowl for straimng

sc™ 'H^- ^«^'

ScxTTLE, adj. Skittish. Kent.

SciTTURN,*. A shrewd turn. Hant9.

ScLAT, (1) *. {A.-S.) A skte.

(2) V. To beat with Tiolence.


ScLATERB, V. To be negligent.

ScHLA V, 1 9. To claw ; to scratch.

SCLOW, J Comw.

SCLAUNDRB, f . (A.-N.) SUndcT.

ScLBBZT, adj. Having the threads

irregular, said of cloth. Devon.

ScoAD, V. To scatter loose earth,

as mole-hills, &c. Devon.

ScoANBs, «. Stones; pavement.


ScoAT, V. To stop a wheel.

ScoBT, 9. A chaffinch. York9h.

ScoCHON, 9. An escutcheon.

ScocKBR, *. (1) A rift in an oak

tree, especially weather-blasted

by lightning.

(2) A rent occasioned by water

soaking down into the body

of a pollard oak, and by a severe

frost following. Noff.

ScocKBRD, adj. Sappy, as timber.


ScoDEB, V. To whiz along.

Scoo, V. To brag. We9t.

ScoiL, 9. Rubbish ; the head of a

quarry before the strata appear.


ScoLAiB, V. To attend school.



ScoLE, 9. A scale. Pr. P.

Scollop, v. To notch. IFm/.

Scomber,*. The mackerel.




ScoMBRB, «. Ahumlepare,

ScoMB, 9. A mantle-shelf. Norths


ScoMB, 1 9. To skim. SeomowTf

8K0MTNB, J a skimmer.

SCOMFBTB, V. To dlMSomfit.

ScoMFiSH, o. To discomfit; to

stifle. North,

SooMTHBB, V. To scoFch Severely.


BcoMCB, (1) 9, A blockhoase, or

small fort.

(2)8. The head; the skulL

(3) 9. A lantern.

(4) 9. A sort of candlestick, with

a tin back, to be hung against the

waU. Norlh,

(5) 9, A screen. Cw/nh,

(6) 9. A seat at one side of the

fire-place in the old large open

chimney. North,

(7) V. To eat more than another.

(8) V, To impose a pecuniary

mulct OjFfd,

(9) v.To carry on good-humoured

raillery. North.

(10) 8, The pavement. Comw,

ScoK, t. A barley-meal cake.


ScoNB, a. Askreen. Cttmd,

ScooM, «. A yellow gelatinous sub-

stance found about the roots of

old trees, tremeita.

Scoop, a. (1) A wooden shovel for

taking up com; an instrument

for scooping.

(2) The neck and breast of mut-

ton cut as one joint. Devon.

ScoosB, V. To discourse with.


Scoot, a. A comer; an angular

portion of a field.

ScooTBB, a. A squirt. Boot,

Scop, 8. The head ; the scalp.

ScoPB, 8. A sort of basin with a

handle to lade water. Lane.

ScoPB-LAw, 9. A distance given to

one running a race. Doraot,

ScoppB,*. {A,^S.) (1) A scoop.

^2^ Alea^

ScoppBBtL, 8. A sort of small spin-

ning top for boys to set up be-

tween the middle finger and

thumb. 3f5. Z>»c/.. 1540.

SooRB, (1) a. A mark, or notch.

(2) V. To beat so as to mark the

skin. De9.

(3) «. An apple core. Gkme.


Twenty pounds weight.

4) a. Twenty yards.

(5) a. Tw


ScoBEL, 8. A squirreL Pr, P.

ScoBKB, 8. A scont ; a scourer.

Scoring, a. A term in NorMc

farming, for a method of pee-

venting the soil when moist from

turning up in whole glossy far-


ScoRK, 8. An apple core. ShrofA.

ScoRT-ABOUT, 9, Tb disturb; to

injure. Warm.

ScoRTB, a. Scorn.

Scoss, V. To barter; to exchange.

Scotch, v. (1) To ameree ; to fine.

(2) To cut slightly ; to minoe.

(8) To spare; to refmia. Norf.

For wben the^ oome to gtving imto kob

and neceanne uses, then they vi&

iticke at a pennie, andjcv/cft at agtoai^

aod ertry Uiiiig it too aiacfa.

(4) To Stop the wheel of a vehide

with a stone, &c

(5) To deduct.

(6) Out 4tfaU9Coteh,^ctany^.

Ididnot8eotch my mM; I told

him my full opinion.

ScoTCH-AND-EN6LiSH,t.The game

of prisoner's base. CVnuA.

Sc0T0B*coLL0P8, 9. A friean-


ScoTCH-riDDLB, 9, The itch.

ScoTCH-POo, I a. A sort of niftj

8COTCB-MI8T, J rain.

ScoTCB-Bop, a. The game of hop-



SooTCH.piNT, a. A quart. North.

ScoTB, (1) V. To plough up. Berrf*

(2) 8. A dragstaff. Qtomc





(3) a. A prop. Wight.

ScoTH, V. To clothe; to cover up.

ScoTouY, «. DizzincM in the


ScoTTEKiNO, 9, Bumiog a bmidle

of pease-straw at the end of har*

vest; a custom among boys.


ScoTTLE, 9. To cut raggedly. WtUg.

ScoTTLEs, 8. A boy*s game, pelting

with stubble. Suffolk.

ScouB, V, A rod used in thatching.


ScoucB, V. To stoop. Norihampt,

ScouL, 9. To burn fiercely ; to look

red, like fire. Devon,

Scovp, V, To leap at prey. Palagr.

ScoiTE^ (1) 9. A tumult. Somertet.

(2) #. A scourging.

(3) 9. To deepen the ditch,

and throw the soil against the

hedge. North.

(4) 9, A shallow, gravelly part of

a river. fVarw,

ScouBOK, V. To sweep with a be-

som. Kent.

Scou&iNO, 9. (1) A beating. North,

(2) A diarrhcea. Var. d.

(3) A difficult affair. Yorkah.

Scou RING-STICK, 9. A stick for

cleaning out a gun-barreL

ScouRSB, V. See Sco98.

Scout, (1) #. A high rock.

(2) 9. A cant term for a watch-


(3) 9. A college errand boy<


(4) #. A small division of land.


(5) V. To pelt. Northampt.

'>couTHEB, 9. An uproar. North,

.Scova, V. (1) To run fast. £a9t.

(2) To shove.

ScovEL, 9. A baker's maulkin.

ScoTSN, 9. The neck of lamb.


ScoTY, adj. Uneven; irregular.


Scovr, 9. The name of several fields

in Norfolk where formerly were

coppices. Probably the same

word as 9haw»

ScowDER, 9. A bustle. Seoufderedf

overheated with working. North.

ScoY, adj. Thin, poor, applied to

silks or stufifs. Comw.

ScRAB, (1) V. To claw; to scratch.

Hens 9crab a garden. Eaat.

(2) *. The crab-apple. North.

SCBABBED-BGGS, f. EggS boiled

hard, chopped, and mixed with a

seasoning of butter, salt, and

pepper. Used in Lent.

Scrabble, V. (1) To scratch. Line.

(2) V. To scramble. Somereet.

(3) V. To scrawl.

(4) «. To fumble.

(5; «. Thorns and briars. North'


ScRADOE, V. To trim and strengthen

a fen-bank. Eaat.

ScRAFFiscH, 9. The cray-fish.

ScRAFFLB, V. (1) To scrsmblo ; to

wrangle ; to shuffle.

(2) To be industrious.

Scrag, *. (1) A ghost. North.

(2) A lean person. Devon.

(3) A forked branch. Weat.

(4) Ofl'al. York9h.

(5) The neck of mutton, and

hence that of a man.

Scragged, part. p. Hanged.

ScRA06LE,9. To scramble. Donet.

ScRAGOLiNO, adj. Straggling.


Scraggy, adj. (1) Lean.

(2) Shaggy. Glow.

Scrail, 9. A lean miserable animal.


Sc RAILED, part. p. Beaten down

irregularly, as corn. Northampt.

ScRAiLs, 9. The cuttings of hedges.


ScRALL, V. To swarm.

And the rirer shall scral with frojrs.

Exodus, vitl. The river serauUd with

the ninltitude of frogs, instead uf fisU«i.

Wisdom^ XIX.

ScRAM, adj. (1) Awkward; dis-


d by Google




(2) Betrambed witb cold. We$t.

ScRAicB, V. To rake together with

the hands. Yorksk*

ScRAMUiSHy «. A Bcratch. Wett.

Scram p, v. To snatch at North.

Scran, «. (1) Victuals; food.

(2) A bag. watt,

Sc ranch, 9. (1) To crunch with

the teeth.

(2) To scratch deeply. East,

ScRANCHUMi #. Crisp gingerbread.


Scrannel, a4^'. Lean; slender.

Scran NY, adj. (1) Thin.

(2) Wild; distract. Northampt.

ScRANS, 8. Refuse. Dorset.

ScRANT, V. To scorch. Somerset.

Scrap, (I) s. A plan, or scheme.

(2) A place baited with chaff,

corn, &c., to catch sparrows.

ScRAP-CAKE, t. Taliow-melter's

refuse; greaves.

ScRApE-GOOD, §. A miser.

Scrapped, adj. Spoken of soil

which is cased or hardened on

the surface.

Scrapple, v. To grub about.


Scraps, s. The drr, husky and

skinny residuum of melted fat.

Tar. d. In Hampshire they are

made into puddings called Serap"


Scrapt, pari, p. Slightly frozen.


Scrase, \s. A surface wound.

8CRAZE, J Northampt.

ScRAT, (I) V. To scratch.

(2) 8. The itch. Sakp.

A hermaphrodite.

A miserly person. West.

A swaggerer.

(6) adj. Nearly worn out.

(7) t. A rack for pigs. Beds.

Scratch, t. The stone which forms

the stratum immediately under

the soil. Line.

Scratched, part, p. Slightly


ScRATCBiNoa, 8. The cellular rab-


(5) *.

stance of the omentum of a pig.

Midi C.

ScRATCH-WBBD, #. CliTers, ^ffini

aparine. Northampt.

ScRATS, 8. An old woman.

ScRATTLB, V. To scratch, as do-

mesiic fowls do.

ScRAUK, V. To scratch. Yorksh.

ScRAW, 8. The surface; the rind.

7b cut scraws. to cut torf.

ScRAWF, f. ReftLse. We9t.

ScRAWK, 9. To scream. Leh.

Scrawl, (i) v. To crawl; to stir.


(2) 8. Sort of crab. Line.

(3) V. To throw things about in

a confused and disorderly manner.

Scrawled com is com' that hat

been bent down and twisted

about by wind and rain. Haw^.

Scrawling, adj. Slight; mean.


S CRAWLY, adj. Thin, as con.


ScRAWM, «. To throw for a uenm-

ble. Leie.

ScRAWMY, adj. Awkwardly tsll;

ungainly. Line.

ScRAWN, V. (1) To clamber.


(2) To swallow. Northampt.

Scrawv'lin, adj. Poor and mean.


Screak, v. To creak.

ScREDB, 8. (^.-5.) Dresa.

Scree, (1) v. To shout. Line.

(2) 8. A precipice. Cumh.

(3) 8. A coarse sieve, or drainer.

Screech, #. (1) The swift. West.

(2) (A.-S. serie.) The missel-

thrush. Var. d.

(3) The screech-owl.

Screech-owl, «. The swift. Wtght.

Screechy, adj. A term applied to

land, when the serateh or rock

is covered with a very thin layer

of earth. Line.

Screed, (1) s.(A.-S.) A fragment

(2)8. A tear; a shred. Var. i.

(3) 8, Scrip. Dewnu

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(A) 8. Tbe border of • cap.

(5) 9. A slip of land. Line.

(6) part, p. Avoided. Dorset.

ScRSKOLB, V, To cower over the

embers of a fire. Devon.

Screen, 9. A high standing sieve

for cleansing corn. North.

Screes, 9. Pebbles. North.

ScRBBT, (1) adj. Flexible; supple.

(2) 8. Half a quarter of a sheet

of paper. Ea9t.

ScREBVB, V. To ran with corrupt

matter. Lane.

ScRBiK, 9. The dawn. North,

ScRESHiN,*. Discretion. Heywood,


ScRETB, adj. Slight ; limber

Screw, (1) «. A miser.

(2) 9. A prostitute.

(3) V. To have the belly-ache.

Screw-box, 9. A sort of shelUfish.

ScREWDT, V. To crowd. Bedf.

ScREWzER, 9. An unwelcome vi-

sitor. Northampt.

Scribble, v. To card wool. Devon.

ScRiBBLiNo-LARE, 9. The yellow-

hammer. Northampt.

Scribe, (1) v. To write; to mark.


(2) #. A thin meager animal.


Scride, v. To stride. Somer9et.

ScRXGG, V. To squeeze out.

Scriggins, 9. Apples left on a tree

after the ingathering. Giouc.

ScRiGGLB, V. (1) To writhe, or

struggle. Ea»t.

(2) To scrawl. Northampt.

ScRiGOT, adj. Scratchy. North- ^


ScRiKB, V. To scream.

Scrim, (1) v. To braise. Wight.

(2}#. A small bit of anything

edible. Northampt.

ScRiMBDy adj. Shrivelled up. Dev.

Sc RIMER, 9. (Fr.) A fencer.

ScwLiMUAGE, 9. (1) A skirmish.

(2) A dwarfish fellow. We9t,

Sc&iMMiTY, adj. Stingy. We9t.

SofliMp, 0« To pinch; to spare.

Defoe, ' Hist, of Union,' speaks

of " a 9erimpt quoram," i. e,,

a bare quorum, only just the


ScRiMPTioN. 9. A very small por-

tion. Noff.

ScRiNft. A small vein of ore. Derb,

ScRiNE, *. (if.-iV.) (1) A writing


(2) A cnpboard.

Scringe, v. To cringe ; to shrink.

ScRiNKT,/7/}r/.j9. Screwed. Comw,

ScRiNNY, ( 1) 9. To press or squeeze

together. Northampt.

{2) adj. Selfish; greedy.

ScRiNT, V. To scorch, or singe.


Scrip, 9. ( 1) A writing; a list.

(2) A little box.

ScRippAOE, 9. The contents of a


ScRiPTORT, *. (Lat. 9eriptorium.)

A writing desk.

Scripture, 9. (A.'N.) A writing;

a book.

ScRiT, 9. A writing ; a deed.

ScRiTCH, (1) 9. To shriek. Dev.

(2) 9. A thrash. See Screech.

ScRiTHE, V. To writhe.

SoRiTTicK, 9. A mite of money.

ScRiTB, V. (1) To describe; to


(2) To shriek. North.

(3) To emit purulent matter.

ScRivEiNE, 9. (A.-N.) a writer ; a


Scrivener, 9. A writing-master.

ScRiTiNO-iRUN, 9. An instrument

used for numbering trees for sale.

ScROBBLE, V. (1) To write in an

uncouth and unsightly manner ;

to make unmeaning marks with

a pen.

(2) To scramble. We9t.

ScROBT, abj. Poor and wretched.

ScROPP, *. Refuse of wood. Dor9.

Scrog, f . A stunted bush. Var. d,

ScROGGLiNGs, 9. Small worthless

apples left hanging on the trees

after the crop is gathered. Wore.





ScROGGT, atS. (1) Aboondm; in


(2) Twisted; itnnied. EoMt

ScROG-LBOs, t. Bandy legs. Norf.

ScRoos,!. Blackthorn.

ScROMB, 9. To walk awkwardly.


ScBooBT-GRASS, «. Scunry-gnut.


ScRooF, f . Dry scabs. Lane,

Scroop, v. To creak. South.

ScRooT, 9, A weakly child. North"


ScRouGB, (1) V. To sqaeeze in a


(2) 9. A great crash.

ScROW, (1) adj. Cross; surly.


(2)f. Uproar; confasion. Yorkth,

(3) 9, To work hard. North,

ScROWB, 8, A scroll ; especially a


ScRowL, V, To broil; to roast.


ScRow.ROW, 8. Ad uproar. North,

ScROYLB, #. A term of contempt;

a scrubby fellow.

Scrub, {V) 8, A mean fellow.

(2) 9. To get rid of. Deffom,

ScRUBBADO, 8, A cant term for

the itch.

ScRUBBBD, adj. Squalid ; shabby.

ScRucB, 8, A truce at play. Ea9t,

ScRUD, «. (A,^,) Apparel; cloth-


ScRuoDT, adj. Dwarfish. North,

ScRTJDB, V. To rub.

ScRUDOBy 8, A prostitute. D^poii.

ScRUDCBL, V. To sqaeeze throagh

a narrow aperture. Northamp,

ScRvrr,8. (1) Fuel of all sorts

collected on the edge of the

river Thames.

(2) The nape of the neck.

ScRuoGLB, V. To struggle.

Scrum p, (1 > o. To craanch« ^Dmer-


(2) «. To double up. Devon,

(3) adj. Crisp. South,

(4) «. A mean piece. Northmnp.

ScRVMPLB, 9. To rofBe. Lou.

Scrum PLiNO, a. A smaU shfireUed

apple. Hamp8,

ScRuimous, adj. Stingy. A^.

Scrunch, o. (1) To craunch.

(2 ) To crash with some sligbt

noise. South,

ScRUNCBLiy, 8. A small apple.


ScRUNOB,«. To shrink. Lde.

ScRUNT, 9. An overworn wig,

besom, &c. Lane.

ScRUNTY, adj. Stunted. Var. d.

Scrupulous, ocjr* DonbtfuL

ScRUSB, (1) 9, To squash; to


(2) 8. A trace. Ed8t,

ScRusH, 8, A club, or bandy.


ScRUTCHBLL, «. Refttse of wood.



through which dder is atrsiDcd.


Sort, 8, A flock of wild fowl

ScRTB, 9. To descry.

ScRTLB, 8, Conch-grass. Wett,

ScucB,«. An excuse.

Tet might thy sc9e*

Be justly nude, tlmt knew not of tkecriiRe

ScucB, «• A hanging-shell

Scud, (1) 8. A scab. Weet,

(2) 9, To spill. Devon,

(3) 8. A sudden shower.

(4) 8, A flock of larks. Oxfd.

{b\ 9. To dean with saliva.

. Yorkeh.

ScuDDiCK, a^. Of trifling Tslse.


Sous, 8, Shadow. DuHl

Scuff, (1)«. The back of the neck.


(2) 9. To walk shnfllioglr.

ScuFFiN, 9. An Implenieat ftf

scraping ashes in the oven.

Scuffle, (1) a. A garden hoe.


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2) t. A kind of Itrgt btrrow.

3) «. An oQter gaiment worn

)y children to keep their clothes

lean ; a pinafore or apron.

4) 9, To kick one's shoes about.

[b) #. A hurry. Leie.

UFFLEK, s. An implement re-

lembling a plough, used for

weeding turnip fields. Line.

UPFLIN08, 9, Refuse of wood.


UFTBB, V. To hurry and bustle.


UQ, (I) «. To hide one self.


(2) 9. A sheltered place; a

hiding place.

(3) t. A sqoirreL Hany^

(4) 9. The slope of a hill. YwlUh.

SVGOBET, 9. Secrecy. York9h.

cuLK,#. (1) {A.'S, tey/ctf.) An

impure person.

(2) A company of foxes.

^7 Baver^ciled ihMi tbovt nr itresmi

do iweeiK l>rqrl. Po^foU. Satig, xxn.

cuLp, V. (1) (!«/.) To engrave.

(2) To scold. Devon,

|cuLSH, 9. Rubbish ; trash. Kent.

'^VLvnwdva, tuf;, Sculking. line.

>cuif, (1) 9. To take the scnm off


(2) 9. To mow. Suf*

(aW. A low fellow.

(4) 9. To strike any one on the

^ mouth.

Scuif FI8HBD, part, /I. Smothered ;

suffocated. Norih.

acuiiBBR, j^^

^(2)i. Dung.

ScuiiifBB, (1) V. To daub. We9h

(2) t. Wonder. Somer99t.

(3) f. A fire-shoTel. York9h.

ScuN| 9. (1) To shun. Dewm.



f2) T& reproach publicly. Sonun,

3) To throw a stone. North.

ScuNNBB, 9. (l)To loathe. North.

(2) To notice. Northumb.

ScuNNiNQ, 9, A disease of the


ScuppiT, f. A sboyel of wood

edged with iron, used by marsh

men to throw water out of

ditches ; a wooden scoop used by

maltsters. "A 9euppat" Tuuer^

Sour, v. To move hastily. York9h*

ScuRB, V. To secure. South.

ScuKBiCK, 9. A little bit. Vcr. d.

ScuBBiBB, 9. A spy.

Her teunfm earn, quyklr tinine, de*

daring that the towue 6t Glocetter was

ftrme and fiut to duko Btcherd, king

Sdwaxdet brother.

FoUdort Vetyilt tnaul., p. 151.

ScuBRiFVNOB, V. (1) To lash

tightly. I>eo.

(2) Putuere. Dev.

Scurry, v. To go or pursue hastily.

ScuT, (1) 9. The tail of a hare or


(2) 9. A hare.

(3) atg. Short, as a garment, &e.

Scutch, (1) v. To strike ; to whip.


(2) 9. Coach graas. We9t.

(3) «. To cleanse flax. Wore.

ScuTCHBLL, 9. A loug dark passage.


ScuTCHBON, t. A key-stone of a


ScuTCBBTT, 9. The refuse of wood.


ScuTB, «. (1) A coin of the 15th

cent, worth half a noble.

(2) A gift; a reward. Dor9et.

ScuTLiN, 9. A small tart. Hcmip9.

ScuTTBR, V. (1) To suffer from

diarrhoea. North.

(2) To run about. North.

ScuTTLB, (1) V. To walk fast.


So tway he teuttUditV^ as neat joy as

if he bad foand the phiioiopner's stone.

0/iMf , SofMm't Forttm, 1681.





(2) «. A wooden platter.

(3) t. A piece of wood used in a

game like trap-ball. Chegh,

(4) 8, A shallow basket like a

bowl ; as a eoaUtcuttle,

(5) V, To skulk. Northamp.

Scuttles, 9. The hatches of a ship.

ScuTTuCK, 9. A little Mt. North'


ScuTTT, adj. Of short statnre.


ScuTTT-WRiN, *. The wren. We9t.

ScT, 9. A scythe. Cumb.

Sb, «. (J,-N.) A seat ; a see ; a

seat of gOTernment.

SsA-ADDBR, s. The pipe-fish.


Sbablb, adj. Visible.

Sba-bottlb, «. A species of sea-


Sba-cbow, «. A cormorant. South,

Sba-dbakb, 8. A kind of cormo-


Sba-hoo, 9. A porpoise.

Sbakt, fl^f. Boggy. Shrop9h,

Sbal, (1) #. A part of horse


(2) 9, Time ; season. Ea9t, He

keeps bad 9eal9, he stays out late.

See SeU,

(3) V, To fasten cattle in their

atalls. Cra9,

(4) f. A salt furnace.

(5) 9. The saUow. Yorinh.

Sbals, 1 #. {^.'S. 8al) The bowa

8ALB8| j of wood or metal that go

on the collar, called elsewhere

pam&9. Norf,

Sbaltb, 9. {A.JS,) Salt WUUam

de Shoreham,

Sbaltb, 8, {J.'S.) Salve.

And for nksefte lechecraft,

Aad for the goute tmlve.

fnUiam d« Shorthand,

Sbam, #. (1) (^.-5.) Fat; grease,

espedalty lard. North,

(2) A horse-load of wood.

(3) A stratum of coal. North,

(4) A quarter of an acre.

(5) A quarter of corn.

Ska-mell, 1 #. a small and com*

SEA-MEW, J mon species of guU.

Sbau-rent, (1) at^. Ragged.

(2) 9. To nnsew.

Seams, 9, Marks of smallpox.

Seam-set, 8. An implement nsed

by shoemakers for smoothing


Sean, (1) ado. Soon. North,

(2) 9, A sort of net.

Sea-nao, 8, A ship. JFettm,

Sea-pink, a. The plant thrift.


Sea-pyb, 8, The oyster catdier.


Sear, (1) «. The yellow between

the beak and the eyes of a hawk.

(2) 8. The tonchhole of a pistol.

(3) 8, Pudendum f. Liffhi of the

aeare, loose in character. T^kk

of the eeart immodest, wanton.

S^t that is fayre, Iiuty, and yonge,

And can eomon in termea vytk tjkA


And viiyll abyde whyaperynge in the eare,

Tliynke ye her tayle is not fy^kt ^ tig


C<mmm»» Seereterf mU Jntowtff, tJL

(4) a^, (^.-51) Dry; withered.

Search, (I) v. To penetrate.

(2) 8. A tent, or probe.

Searching, adj. Keen; pierdng.

Sbar-cloth, 8.

To make a $«ar-€lotk. Ttrgina vax.

sperma ceti, Venice turpentine, oyl et

white poppy, oyl of ben, oyl of avcel


Counieu (ifKenft Choice Mamiul, 167S.

SEAKKOfOdJ. Hardened ; unfeeling.

Sbarbe, v. To sift. Seareer, a fine


Seart, a4f. Worn ; thin. Dewnu

Sea-snail, «. A periwinkle. Kent.

Season, v. (1) To pounce on any-

thing, like a hawk.

(2) To copulate, said of cattle.

Eliot, 1559.

Seasonall, adj. Seasonable.

Seat, t. (1) The summit of a


(2) A nest of eggs. Lmc.

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SsAT-BODS, ». Hazel twigs. Shropi,

Seats, «. A gown. SomeneL

Ska-tsle, 9. A seal.

SsAYKS, 9. Rushes ; the pith of the

rushes dipped in grease, and used

as candles. North,

Ska*wabk, f. Sea-weed. North-

Sbawi<, s. Wet stuff. Lane.

SsAwsB, 9. To strike on the face.


Seawtbrtbd,*. a simpleton. Lane.

Sbbuet, ^9. The basket from

8IBLBT, j which the sower casts

his seed corn ; a seedleaf. North'


Sbblbt-cake, 9. A cake made for

the ploughmen at the end of

wheat sowing. Northampt.

Sbcatoub, 9. An executor.

Sbcham, pron. {A.-S.) Such a one.

Sbchb, v. (A.'S.) To seek ; to visit.

Sbck, 9. A sack.

Sbckbbly, adv. As nsuaL North.

Sbcbbt, 9. A term of contempt.


SBcoKj>y 9. The after-birth.

8eennda,meTnbranB alantoidem cingens,

X«pioy dcvT^pcoy. The afterbirth com-

mouly eaJled the tecond. Nomtncl.

Second-hand- WOMAN,*. A widow.

Sbcond-stabs, 9. Constellations.

Gttule, Maga9iromane€r9.

Seconds, 9. Second-rate flour.

Sbcreb, adj. (J.'N.) Secret

Secret,*. A shirt of mail formerly

worn concealed on occasions of


Secbet-house, 9. A country seat.

Sect, #. (1) (^..A'.) A suit.

(2) Sex.

(3) A small hammer for chipping


Sbcitbb, 9. An executor.

Secubb, adj. Sure; certain.

Sedle, v. To lull to sleep.

Sedockb, 9. The heUebortufittidui.

Sedow, 9. A fish, the aurata.

Seb, (1) 9. {A.-S.) The sea.

(2) «. To look on; to protect.

(3) prei. i. Saw.

(4) T0 99etl

the detil, to get tipsy.

Seech, s. A land-spring. Che9h.

Sbed-bibo, 9. The water-wagtaiL



SEED- lip,


SEKD-HOFPEB, >which sced-com

SEED-LEAF, is sowu. Var. d.


Sbbde, V. To produce seed.

Sebdness, f. Seed-time. York9h.

Sbedny, 9. Seed-time. Herrf.

Seeds, «. Land newly laid to grass.


Seedy, adj. Miserable-looking;

literally, run into seed.

SEEiNo-OLAas, 9. A looking-glass.


Sebe, (1) 9. To starch clothes.


(2) He » to 9eek, he is at a loss.

SBEKiNO-BAKE,f. A smsU-toothcd


Seel, (1) «. (A.'S.) Happiness;

good fortune.

(2) V. (Fr. eiUer.) To close the

eyelids partially or entirely, by

passing a fine thread through

them. Often used metaphori-


Mine eyet so more on ranity ihall feed,

But seeled up iiith death, shall hare their

deadly meed. Spent., F. Q., I, vii, 98.

(3) V. To wainscot.

(4^ f. A sieve. Lane.

(5)9. Time. '* I dont know much

of her, only just to give her the

9eel of the day." That is, " good

morning," or " good evening."

(fi) Seele and meabj a servant,

hiring himself, asks his master

"if he would stand 9eel9 and

med9," t. e., if he would promise

the usual times for rest and re-

freshment, as well as for the

commencement and cessation of

daily labour.

Seble,s. a canopy. See Cele. "The

king shall ride opyn heded undre

d by Google



a 9eeU of cloth of gold bftadekyn."

Rutland Papert, p. 5.

Skblbn, atfv. Seldom. Lane,

Sjbbls, 9. The wooden exterior of

the collar of a cart-harness.


Sebly, ««•. (1) (^..&) Simple;

. silly.

Bat I was never inch a swly afse

To tell my mother what good sport did

passe. Bawlandtt Knave ofSp.jrD, n A

(2) Weak in body. Lane.

Seem, v. To think ; imagine. Devon.

Seen, (1) t. {A.-N.) A cow's dug.


(2) adj. Skilled; experienoed.

It's a schoolmaster

Well teen in mnsic.

Shakeap., Tarn. ofSkr., i, S.

Sber,(1)*. An overlooker. Somers,

(2) adj. Sure. North.

(3) adj. Several ; divers. North,

(4) V. To assure. North,

Sebbging, s. Searching.

See-saw, t. A swing, formed by a

plank on a fulcrum.

Sbest-thou-mb, 9, An old name of

a game.

Seethe, v. (1) (A.-S.) To boiL

(2) To steep ; to infuse.

Sbe-tbe, «. Cloth worn till it is

threadbare. North,

Sbbyy-cap. 9, A cap made of

rnshes. Cwnh.

Sbfhte, adj. Serenth.

Sbq, (1) V. To totter.

(2}«. Ahard horny snbstance on

the heel or foot. Lane.

(5) 9. A castrated bulL North.




Sbob, , , .

(2) V. To besiege.

(3) 9, A Jakes ; a stool.

That ache have bo nede to go ofte to

i^9 ne to make water.


Sbovt, 9, (jL'N.^ A subject.

\ 9. A castrated bulL North.

\ 9. (A.-.8.) A man; a

^|*'J knight.

,\l) 9. {J.^N.) A seat


Sbooaed, 9. A sort of riding sv.

tout. West. See Sa/egnard.

Sboge, (1) V. {A.-S.) To say.

And his to Mgff*

Of holy thynge sixne-

(2)*. (^.-&) Sedge; the water

flower de luce. Still used in A«/.

Hid in the tegge*, Cut by the rivei's vAt.

Wtokut goes to Wall, sign. C 4bL

Then on his le^

Like fetters hang the nnder-growing «ys.

Broten€t BriL i*«it

(3) f . The hedge*sparrow. Z^ewii.

Seggon, 9. A poor labourer. 7iinfl>'.

Sbogrums, 9, Ragwort. Yorhgh.

Sbogy, adj. Hard, said of skia.


Seqhz, pret. t. Saw.

SEo-HEAD,f. A blockhead. Cravtn.

Sbgkitb, 9. A young person whs

is overgrown and greedy.

Segregate, v. {Lot.) To separate.

Sbgs, 9. Sedges. See Segge (2).

Skib, V, (I) {A.'S.) To say; ta


(2) V. To go; to anive.

Seifb, 9. See Sehe.

Sbigh, (1) 9. A sieve. Ltme,

(2) V. To sag; to hang haavilf.


Sbign, adj. Seven. Lane.

Sbignorib, 9. (A.-N.) Lordslup;


Sbilinob, «. Assailing;!

Sbindb, (^.-5.) Singed.

Seine, v. To sign.

Sbist,*. (1) (^.-iV.) a t

(2) {A.^N.) A girdle.

Seintuabib, 9, {A.'N.) A i


Sbinurib. SeeSe^Borw.

Seite, 9. Sight.

Sbit-house, 9. A dwelling-house.

Sbivb, f. A dwarf-msh. Cumh*

Seizin, 9, {A.^N.) Possesaioo.

Sbizlino, 9. A young carp,

Srke, at^. (A.'S.) Sick.

Sekbrb, (1) aty. Secure; I

(2) tF. To vecore.

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Sbkkb, «. To put in a tack.

Sbl, f. Self. North.

Sbladinb, #. Chalcedony.

Sblcouth, oifr*. (A.-S,) Strange;

wonderfol. SelkouthAede, the

quality of being wonderful.

Sbld, adj. Scarce.

Sblb, (1) f. (A.'S.) Time; season.

!2) adj, (A.'S.) Fortunate; happy.

3) t. A yoke for cattle.

Sblbn, 9. (A.'S.) To seal.

Selbbb, 8. A cellar.

Sblebbllb, «. A mask, or Yisor.

Sblf, adj. {A.'S.) Same.

SBi.p-HEALy 9, The pnmeUa wU^


SBLFi8H,a4/' Self-conceited. Heref.

Sklfly, ado. By one's self.

See we not hinging in the doudi Mch


So many leaa, ttill threatning down to


Sapported only by th' aire's agitation

{S^fiy too weak for the least waight'a

foiuidation)f Sylvester^t Dubartat.

Sblf-uned, a^. United to itself.

Sblf-wildness, 9. Obstinacy.

Sblion, 8. {A.'N.) A ridge of land,

or ground arising between two


Sblk, adj. (J.'S.) Snch.

Sbll, *. (Fr.) (1) A saddle.

(2) A cell.

(3) A failure ; a disappointment.

(4) A porpoise. Nor thumb,

SEI.LANDEB, 9. {Ft.) A dry scab on

a horse's knee.

%mLi^ETt, part, p. Sold. Line.

Sbllbngbb's-round,*. St. Leger's

round, a faTorite old dance. To

donee 5. JZ., fucuere.

Sellicb, 1 Ajf. {A.'S.) Happy;

SBLiCB, J pleasant.

Sbi.lt, adv. {A.'S.) Wonderfully.

Sikurly I telle the here,

Thouiha! hit bye fol setff dere.

Curtor UtmJ&.

Sblh, a. A gate rail. Northumb,

S^LSfpran, Self. Line,

Sbloubb, t. The canopy of a bed.

Selt, (1) f. Chance. Che8h.

(2) part. p. Sold. North,

Sblthb, 8. {A.'S.) Advantage;


The bisschop theae wordea aeth.

And both wordes of selthe.

WiUiam tU Skoriham.

Sei..tii£E8, adv. Seldom. Somer9et.

Sblyedob, t. (1) The edge or list

of oloth.

(2) The crust on the sides of a

loaf. Northampt.

(3) Joints or partings in the beds

of a quarry.

SELYiNi/^rofi. (A.'S.) Self; same.

Sblwtllt, adj. Self-willed. Pr.P.

Sblt, adj. (A.'S.) (1) Happy.

(2) Timid ; fearful.

(3) Simple ; harmless.

(4) Wretched.

Sbltble, adj. Comfortable.

Sblynes, 8.\a.'S.) Happiness.

Sem, (1) «. Needlework.

(2) V, To think. Deeoti. See


Semant, at^. Slender. North,

Sbmaneb,*. Glue or mortar. iVbr/A.

Sbmblablb, (1) adj. Like, re-


With theae and the temiUbU inor-

dinate practices.

HoUiuh., D€$er. ofScotly 6 S b. 1 a.

(2) 9. Likeness.

Sbmdlably, oJv. Like; in a similar


Sbmblande, (1) 9. {A.'N.) Ap-


(2) Behaviour.

Sbmblant, a4f> Like.

A third to him the atowt Calabriana reare,

Semblant to Uiese, througli all the world

were none. Great Brilaines Troye, 1009.

Semblatiye, adj. Resembling.

Semblaunt,! #. Likeness; sem*


Neither in word or covntenanoe mada

any semblaiU of liking or disliking the

"•——'>'- K$tolks*t Turks, page 868.

Sbmbland. Set Semblande*





Skmblidv, pret, /. {A.*S.) Aa-


Semblichs, adj. {A.-S.) Seemly.

Semen, v, (1) To seem ; to appear.

(2) (^.-5.) To look.

Sembkant, t. (A.-N.) Comelineu.

Sembndb, adv. Seemingly.

Semene, f . (A.'S,) Chance.

Thnse whelpos that barken on the lo


Withinne hvr moder body by semeiu.

Chron. f'Uodun, p. 36.

Sbmeslins, t. A kind of cake»

mixed with fruit. Northumb.

Called aemetUt in Lancashire.

Sbmicopb, s, a half cloak.

Seminary, s. A seminary priest,

or an Englishman educated as a

popish priest in a foreign se-


Concerning whom, therefore, we hare

thought fit to pabliih to all oar sabjeeu

this open declaration of our pleasure,

Im. Willing and commaodiog all man-

ner of jesuita, seminariu, and other

priesta whatsoerer, having ordination

from any authority bj the laws of this

realm prohibited, to take notice.

ITiUon't Life ofJamu /, 1653.

Sbminob, adj, {A,-S,) Resembling.

Sbmiboun, t. {A,'N.) A low tone.

Semlet, 9, A smelt.

Semment, adJ, Soft and silky.


Semmit, adj. Supple. North.

Semoted, part. p. {Lai.) Se-


Sbmpbter, 9. A sempstress. Hall.

Semt» a4;\ Brisk.

Sbmy-vif, adj. {A.-N.) Only half

alive. P. PL

S%v,{l)prep. Since. North.

(2) pre9. pi. They say.

(3) V. To say. Shropth.

Senage, «. Fines and payments

levied at the sene court.

Sbnby, 8. Sign ; appearance.

Sbnce, adv. Properly. South.

Senche, v. To offer or place before.

Sbncion, 9. (Lat.) Groundsel.

Send. To come Miuf, to go to

meet* Toffoto 9end, to accom-

pany any one part of the way

home. Herrf.

Sendal, 9. A kind of thin Cyprus

silk. See CendaL

Thy imock of silk both fine and whiter

With gold embroidered gorgeooaly.

Thy petticoat of tendall nghi

And this I bonght Uiee gladly.

Senb, 9. (1) An ecclesiastical courtt

for correcting neglect or omis.

sions of the Church Reeves, &c.

(2) 9. A citation to a sene court.

(3) r. To see. I9umbra9, 749.

(4) V. To say.

He is cum to aske iig. pooade;

Goo and fech it in a stounde.

The iothe that I mar sene.

MS. CanUth., Ff. t. 48, f. 63.

(4^ 9. An assembly of scholars.

(5) f. The wild nasturtium.

Tlilaspi, nasturtium tectorium. tfX^lvn-

senere sauvage. Wildfen^. JTowciirf.

Sbnbvb, V. To change, as a corpae

does ; to warp, like wood. CAesA.

Senfy, 9. Appearance ; likelihood.


Seno, t. Shelter; shade. YorkMh,

Sbngilly, adv. Continually. Morie


Sengleb, 9. A hawk's daws.

Sen-green, 9. The house-leek.

Senne, f. {A.'S.) Sin.

Sennet, | 9. A word chiefly oe-

8YNNBT, I curring in the atage

SIGNET, I directions of the old

GYNBT, J plays, and indicating a

particular set of notes on the

trumpet, or cornet, different from

a flourish.

Sbnnbt,«. Seven nights, or a wedc.


Sbnnbth, 9. Mustard-seed.

That roan ne fklle ine wanhope

A last without bote,

Al that he heth i$enoge4 her

With honden and »ith fo^e,

MoQlhe, nase, and eyjen, and with aif^

Eliuige brengeth hit to noujte.

WiUum de SitrwAam,

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>iK8K,(l)9. Tounderttand. WhU

(2) No aente, not good. Ea»t,

)EN8ED, adj. Possessed of one's

senses. *' Poor thing, she's hardly

ferued" Leie.

Iensefoll, adj. Having a meaning.

jad gave thee power (m mister) to impose

'it aense-fuU names auto the boast that


a watery regions; and the wandring


If forrcst people ; and the painted birds.

S^Ivater'4 Duiarttu.

iBNSBN, 9. To incense.

•BN'siNE, adv. Since then. Cumb,

iBNT, #. Assent.

BNTBNCB, «. Meaning.

ENTiNB, *. (!«/.) A kennel.

ENT-FULL, adj. Full of scent;


iENT-swKBTy o^f* Sweet-scented.

he ieut^iwMt ^ple, and astringent pear.

Sihesler'* DubarUu.

BNVT, «. (/V-. senev^) Mustard.


SBN5E, V«. A synod.


EP, f. (A.'S.) Sheep.

Ibpt, t. An inclosure hy railing.

BPTiCAL, adj. Causing putoe-


BpuLTUBB, 9. A gnve.

EauACBS, 9, {Lat') FoUowert.

BauBLB, «. (Lot*) Followers;


EauBNCS, 9. Snocession, regular


iEavENT, #. {Lat.) A follower.

EaussTBR, 9, Sequestration.

BR, adj. Sure ; safe.

BRB, (1) The same as &ar,q.T.

(2) adj. Several; many.

(3 ) «. The claw of a bird of prey.

BBBLOPES, \adv. (A.'S.) Seve-

8EBBI.BPK8, J rally; by themselves.

BUNB, (Fr-) The unwholesome

air or damp of the evening.

BRBW, «. A disease in horses.

BRBWB, M. iA.'S.) Sorrow.

BRBWBNBssB» «. Cursedness;


Tet hops thou vel, man, for al this,

That gode iyf vole the wessche.

Of trrewnesseke.

WilUam ie Shonktm.

Serpul, adj. Sorrowful.

Serge, s. ( 1) A wax taper ; a cierge.

(2) A sieve, or colander.

Sbbgbant, 9. (1) (.L-N. from the

Lai. 9ervien9.) One who serves ;

a soldier ; an attendant.

(2) A sheriff's officer.

Sbrib, f. {A.'N.) A series.

Sbrim, 9. Glue.

Seriously, adv. Seriatim; in


Sbrxs, 9. The skin about the legt

and feet of a hawk.

Sbrk. See Sark.

Sermon, v. To discourse.

Serone, 9. A barrel or package of


Serpelb, *. Wild thyme.

Serpentine, (1) adj. Pertaining

to the serpent; made of the


(2) «. A sort of cannon.

Serpentizb, 9. To wind along like

a serpent.

Sbrpet, «. A rush basket.

Serrb, v. (A.'N.) To join closely.

Serredt pressed together.

Serrt, adj. Idiotic ; mean. Line.

Sbrtes, adv. CerUinly.

Sertlb, v. To surprise. E99ex,

Serundel, 9. The eaves of a


Sbrvagb, *. {A.-N.) Bondage.

Servant, *. A lover; correspond*

ing to mistress, the lady loved.

Serve, r. (1) To deserve.

(2) To earn. We9t.

(3) To relieve a beggar. Deri.

(4) To impregnate. South.

Serveb, 9. Service.

Server,*. "Ledonnevr. A player

or 9erver: he that in playeng

casteth the ball." NomeneL

Service, s. (1) Allowance of food.

(2) The first stroke of a ball at

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SsftTics-TEES, ff. The aorb-tree.

Sbevino-mand, t. A wtiter.

_ _ B botUe.«le (onoth he), where iitf

Hast any nere at hand?

Tea, iir (aaid the) I pray' oome in.

Thus ihe was terriM-mand.

Ba»Umds, JbuM ^ ClmUt, 1011.

SBftyiou8,a4f. ObseqoioQB. Pr. P.

Sbrvoilr, $. The wild honeysackle.

Sb8, «. CetMtion.

Se8b, 9. (1) To cease; to canae to


(2) To seize.

(3) To give seizin to.

(4) To seat.

Sbskaa, ff. A small coin.

There was at that time forbidden eer-

taint other coynes called Mttkaris and

dodkins, with all Scottish monies.

Stowe'i London, 1599.

Sbsoubs, ff. Scissors; candle-


Snsa, ff. A kind of peat tnrC


Sbssino, ff. An assessment.

Sessions, ff. (I) Possessions.

(2) A difficult job. North.

Sbsslb, v. To change seats often.

Sbsst, 9. {Pr,) To cease.

Sbst, part, p. Ceased, ffejfwtod,


Sbstian, ff. A species of apple.

Sbstron, ff. A cistern.

StT, (I) part. p. Seated. Common

in the Elizabethan period.

^2^ V. To let; to hire.

?3> ff. A lease or grant.

i4^ V. To pUce to account.

(5 V. To settle; to bind.

(6)v. To protect; to accompany.


(7) ff. A jonng shoot of a plant.

(8) V. To push, or propel. Netpe.

(9) ff. A game at whist. Eatt.

(10) V. To win the game. Batt.

(11) ff. The portion of a potato

containing an eye. Northampt.

(12) part. p. Astounded. EOBt.

(13) ff. A gambrel. Yorkth.

(U) V. To stare at. Letc.

(15) ff. Disposal North

(16) ff. A place in a river wlwie

stationary nets are fixed. Nmf.

(17) 7b fffftf ^, to valoe. 7^

wet down, to rebuke. Thtettt,

to put a price on. To wet un, to

put yeast to wort 7b wet iy» to

be refractory, to oppose.

Sbtafoot, ff. A game pecnlisr in

the North of England, a sdiool-

boy mimickry of Border wsrteCi

the foray, the raid, the capture,

the release, and the pillage.


Skes, reiayn, dntea,

mannd rys, pomaaq

Kanel, and mUewale.

Went forth when May was in her pnot

To get sweet «ff|rKail. Dr^Lld^v.

Sbth, adv. (A.'S.) Since.

SrrBB, 9. (A.-S.) To boQ. See


Sbtbbn, adr. {A.-SJ) Since; af-


Set-hbogb, ff. A qnidoet. Eut*

Sbtillb, 1

8BTIL, Iff. (>#.-5.) Aseat


Sbtliko, ff. A sapling.

SBTNBsac, ff. A decree.

Sbts, ff. The plaits of mflh.

Sbt-stick, Iff. Thebarvhieli

8BTTBB-8TICK, J keeps parallel the

chain traces in a team, and pre-

venta them from chafing tbe

horses. Noff.

Sbttbb, ff. A long beach, wilh 1

back; a sofis.

SiTTBN-ON, a^. Short in growth.


Sbttbr, (1) «. To cat the de«-Up

of a cow or ox, in order to iascrt

a seton,and cause an isvse. Norik.

(2) ff. An accuser.

SsTTBR-oBAaa, Iff. The plant l)eaf'»-

aBTTBn-woRT, /foot, which is used

forsetons. Yorkwk.

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ScTTBK-ouT, t. An editor.

Sbttino, aiff. Western, as the

place of tbe setting. sun. ,

Conceh'd to great a pride,

In Serem on the eaat, Wyre on Uie Hitina

aide. Dra^L Polyotb., rii, p. 791.

Settiko-pin, ff. A dibble. Oloue.

Sbttino-stick, t. (1) A stick for

making the sets or plaits of


(2) A dibble.

Settlb, (1) «. A long seat with a

back. North, See SeiUie,

(2) V. To fail in price. Line.

Sbttlb-bbo, «. A folding bed.

SBTTLB-STONB8, «. Stoucs at the

edge of a guttei in a cow-hoose.


Sbttbgrisb, a. Setter-grass. No-

mm. MS.

Sbuob, t. A wet ditch ; a drain.

North. See Sough.

Sbumb, ad^. Se?en. Cumb.

Sburbmbnt, «. {J.'N.) Security.

Skurbt^, i. {A.^N.) Certainty.

Sbvantly, adv. Becomingly ; fitly.

SsTB, a4j' Seven.

Sbvb-nioht, 1 «. a week, now

BBYBN-NiOHT, J tontnctcd into

tenmght. It was the custom of

the Anglo-Saxons to reckon time

by nights, and not by days.

Sbven-tsar, t. A proverbial ex-

pression for a long time.

Sbvbrals, ». Portions of common

assigned for a term to particular


Sbvxrt, i. A compartment of a

vaulted ceiling.

Sew, (1) 9. To wipe the beak of

the hawk.

(2) part. p. Sowed. Line.

(3) V. To lament.

(4) V. To ooze out. Suff.

(5) 9. To drain land or a pond.

(6) a. A covered drain or wet


(7) a4f. A cow dry of milk. See


Sbwamt, ff. The plaice. Nortkumb.

,m9.(J.'N.) Pottage.

(2) ff. (A.-S.) To follow.

Savr., (1)


3^ 9. To make suit for.

4) V. To assay meat at table.

Sbwbll, ff. A scarecrow, used

especially to scare deer ; a bog-


Sbwen, ff. A fish of the salmon

tribe, caught in the Wye and

other Welih rivers.

Sbwent, atg. (1) Convenient ; fit.

(2) Even ; regular. Wett.

Sewer, a. (1) The officer who

placed the dishes on the table.

(2) A buck three years old.

Sewerelt a buck four years old.


Skwes, ff. {A.'N) Dishes of meat.

SawsTER, a. A sempstress. Pr, P.

Still used in Somertct.

Sextary, ff. A measure, generally

estimated at a pint and a half.

Sextb, adj. Sixth.

Sextrt, ff. The sacristy.

Set, ff. A skimming dish. We»t^

Seye, ff. (^.-5.) (1) To say.

(2) To see.

Seylb, tf. To sail.

Seyndb, /Mir/. /7. Boiled.

Seynourb, ff. {A.'N.) A lord*

Seynt, ff. (A,'N.) A girdle.

Seyntwarie, ff. A sanctuary.

Sbtfbr, ff. A drunkard. Cumb.

Shaad, ff. A meadow.

Shab, ff. (1) A scab. Shabby, or

thabbid, mangy, itchy.

(2) The itch in animals. Weit.

Shabbaroon, ff. A mean fellow.

Shab-off, 9. To slink off; to

abscond. North.

Shab-rao, ff. A beggarly fellow.

Shack, {!) v. To shake.

(2) ff. The grain left after glean-

ing ; fallen acorns.

(3) ff. To shed. Var. d.

!4S V. To wander about.

5) ff. A vagabond.

(6) ff. Liberty of winter pas-

turage, the lords of manors having

the privilege to feed their sheep





It pleasure upon their tenants'

lands during the six winter

months. Eui.

(7) t. Liberty for pigs to pick

up the corn shaken out in the

field. Norf.

Sbackatort, s. a hound.

No «JUri«<or|r comes neere him: ifhee

once get the startk hee'e jrone. and yon

gone toa The Wonitring Jew.

Shack-bag, s. A mendicant. Novf.

Shack-bolt, t. A shackle.

Shacked, a^. Shaggy. Wett

Shackslt, 9. To scatter, or shake

out. Devon.

Shackbt, «. A small load. North.

SHACK-roRK, t. A fork for shaking

straw off the bam floor. Yorkgh,

Shack-holb, 9. A hollow in the

ground which receives the sur-

face water. Crtnen,

Sbackino-timb, s. The season

when mast is ripe.

Shackle, (1) t. Stubble. Heref,

(2) f . An iron loop moving on a


(3) s. A twisted band of rushes

or straw. SomerttL

(4) », The wrist. North,

(5) V, Ftttuere.

Shacklb-hammbd, adj» Bow-


Shacklb-nbt, t. A flue net. North,

Shackles, «. Cow-chains. North,

Shackling, adj. Idle.

Shacklocks, t. Locks for fetters.

Shacky, adj. Shabby; ragged;

shaky. Notf. •

Sb AD, pret. /.(I) Excelled. Lane,

(2) Divided. Lane,

Shadbrid, «. A minnow.

Shaddrew, s.

And let me see yoa itrat it in the streett.

Display thv garniture, hat, carl'd tkaddreWt

With any Duly gamester in White-fryers.

Durfey, Fwd tum'd Critick,

Shade, (1) t. A shed.

(2) V. To shed. North.

(3) s. The parting of the hair on

the head. See Shed,

(4)«. A sheath. Shc/l

Shadbl, t. A water-gate.

Shadow,*. (1) (Lai.) An uninvited


(2) Abon-grace.

Sbadt, adj. Shy. Northan^t.

Shaff, t. Chair.

Shafplb, v. To shuffle, or walk

lame. Craven.

Shafflbs, t. A bungler. Yori^

Shaffling, adj. (1) Awkward in

person. North,

(2) Indolent.

Shaft, (1) t. (J.-S.) A creature;

anything created ; creation.

(2) An arrow ; a spear.

(3) The handle of anything.

(4) A maypole.

(5) A pit. North.

(6) A net for birds.

Shaftman, 1 1. {J.'S.) A mcs-

8HAFTMENT, > sure taken from

scHAmfOND, J the top of the ex-

tended thumb to the extremity

of the paUn, reckoned nt half a


The cantelle of the dere achdde

He kerfes in sondyre.

Into the Bcholdyre of the scfaaike

A tekt/imonde Large. Morte JrOmt.

the thnut mist her, and in a tree it


And entered in the same M.*ki^twum de^.

Sar. Antut^ xxxn^ GS.

Shag, (1) v. To shake ; to jog.

(2) t. A soit of doth used for


(3^ ». Rough hair. Detom,

(4) V. To make or be rongh.

(5) t. A slice of bread or cheese.


(6) V, To steal away. GUme,

i7) t. A cormorant. Souths

8) t. A blackguard. $t^.

ShaGapenter, t. A shoulder of

pork roasted, with the blade-bone

cut into it. Deifon,

Shagebush, t. (1) A hand-gun.

(2) A sackbttt.

Shag-foal, ». A name given to a

supposed ghost or spectre. Line,

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Shao-hat, «. A bat made yrtry

long in the down. North.

Shao-bao, \t. A ragged or beg-

SHAKS-BAO, J garly fellow ; a rag-

ged soldier. Shagt roff* and

bobtailj for wbat we now call

<« tag, rag, and bobUil." OzeV^t


Sbail, 9. (1) To walk crookedly, or

as if the bones were loose. ShaUer,

a cripple. See Shale,

(2) To wander about In a vagrant

manner ready to steal or poach.


Shake, (1) v. (^.-5.) To dance.

(2) V. Futaere. ** Latewut^ An-

glice a schakere.'' Nominale MS.

(3) t. A crack. North.

(4) «. A fissure in the earth.


(5) V. To brag.

(6) t. A rate; a qnick motion.

He went a great ehake; FU do it

in a thake.

(7) To ahake the elbow, to play

at dice. No great ehaJtee, not

good for much.

Shakb-bag, «. (1) A large game-


(2) A scamp. Line.

Shakbbucklbb, «. A bully.

Shakb-cap, «. A North country


Shakb-down, t. A temporary bed

on the floor.

Shaken, adj. Poor ; mean. North.

Shakbs, «. (1) A bad character.


(2) Condition ; bargain. South.

Shakb-timb, ». The season of


Shakb-up, i. A reprimand; a lec-

ture. Northan^t.

Sbak-tobkb, 9. A hay-fork.

Shakiv o, 9. The ague. North.

Sb AKiNG-NAUOHT, adj. Worthlcss.

Sbakimo-of-thb-sbbbts, 9. An

old popular country dance. The

phnue. To dance the ehaJdng"

qf*the^heet9f was often used by

our early dramatists in a licen-

tious sense.

Shakt, adj. Weak.

Shaldbb, (1) «. A sort of rush.

(2) 9. A kind of slate.

(3) V. To tumble down.

Shalb, (l)«. A busk. <* Nothing

hni ehalee." Almanaek, 1615.

Hii ooloare kepynge ever in oone by


Ana doth hia piplnet in the ickaU» bynde.


(2) «. Loose ore from a mine.


(3) V. To straddle in walking.

See Shall

(4) V. To slip or slide down.

(5) «. An earthen pan. Somereet.

Shalkb, t. (1) iA.'S.) A man ; a


(2) Chalk.

(3) Some part of armour.

Shall, t. A shoal. Devon.

Shallioo, at^. Scanty, applied to

dress. Doreet,

Sballoon, t. A sort of woollen


Shallop, t. A vessel with two


Shallow, «. (1) A fish ; the fin-

scale. Eaet.

(2) A measure, as *'a ehattow

of apples.*'

Shalb, (1) «. The tapestry of a


(2) r. To shriek. 5^.

Shaluib, t. A psaltery. Chaucer.

Shab, (1) 9. To humbug.

Why. I'm sure yoo jok'd upon me, and

tkamm'd me all night long Sham-

nung is telling you an inaipid dull We,

with a doll face, which the aliewag the

author only laugha at himielf ; and

making himaelf belieTe 'tie a good Jcat,

puta too iham only upon himself.


(2) t. Shame. North.

(3) V. To blush. North.

(4) 9. The cape of a cloak.

Sbabblb, 9. (1) To walk awk-.

wardlyand unsteadily.

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(2) To disperse. Eatf.

Shaublbs, 8. The wood frame of

a cart which hangs over a shaft-

horse. Midi, a

Sh AMKS-DBoc, «. Adeath of shame.

Sh AMEW, 9. An ornamented gown.

See Ckammer.

S HAMMOCK, V. To sham ; to trick.

Shammocks, 8. A bad-going horse.

Shamnbl, ». A masculine woman.


Sbampillions, ». Champignons.


Sbamrao, i. A shamrock.

Sham&oot, «. The shamrock.

And, for my cloathinf;. Id a m&ntle goe,

And feed on »ham-rooU as the Irish doe.

W^lktrs, Abuses Stript and WTkipt, 161S.

Sham-thatch, ». A temporary

thatching in case of rain. Leie.

Shams, «. Gaiters. Line.

Shan, (1) «. Shame; shamefaced-

(2) oiff. Bashful; confused. North.

(3) 04;. Wild. line.

(4) p. To turn out the toes. Yorith.

Shandbry-dan, i. A sort of small


Shandlichb, adj. (j^.-S.) Vile;


SHANDTfO^f. (1) Shabby; untidy.


(2) Gentle; mild. North.

(3) Wild; unsteady. Yorkth.

Shangt, 8. A riot. North.

Shank, «. (1) The upright part of

a candlestick.

f 2^ The tunnel of a chimney.

(3^ The spoke of a wheel. Dev.

(4) The projecting point of a

hill, joining it with the plain.


(5) TwUight;dosk. Var.d.

Shanka, «. (1) A sort of fur.

(2) Slates. Durham.

Shank'8-nao, adv. On foot.

SHANNT,a^. Wild; shame^faeed;

half-idiotic. Ea^t.

Shamtbgos, *. Half.bricks.

Shanty, adj. Smart ; showy.

\D) V.




Shapb, (1) 9. (A.'S.) To make;

to create.

(2) V. To make itaelf coDveaieat ;

to suit.

The prysUs of the Glide metynfe bvn

At thecrofl at thechapell dore, with ht>r

oroa uid baner, and in ther snrpboes ami

oonia, yef the vedir wol sekajtc.

Stratford MSS.,Ump.E,t

(3) t. (j4.-S. ge$eeapu.) Pudes-

dum f. Palsgrave explains/'Coant,

a womans thappe, eon." The

word is still used in this sense io


(4) t. A dress of disguise.

(5) V. To commence. North.

To tell a tale.

A mess ; a litter. Dcroa.

A picture. Devon.

Shapbs, t. A prude.

S RAPING. KNiPB,«. A shocmsker's


SuAVLY, adv. {A.'S.) Comely; be-


Shappeb, t. A maker ; a creator.

Shappbroon,! t. (/y.) A <4ape-

aHAPBRON, J ron, or hood.

Her thapperooius, her perriirigs and tiro,

Are reliqaea which this flatt*]7 madi «1-


Bebatoes, msike, her bnak and bnt-po>


At things to which mad mm mtut honasc

doe. Ttglor's Workts, 10l>.

Sbaps, t. Oats without the gnia-


Shakchb» 9. To teareh. MS.lhth


Shard, «. (1) A piece of brokei

potterr, or of stone.

(2) The shell of Isaeds; the

scales of an animaL

(3) A notch. Var.d.

(4) Agapinafeiioe;aRopeBiiC

in a wood.

(5) Com dung. North.

(6) To fkeathtard, to get tipif-


Sharb, (1) V. {A.^S.) To cat

(2) ». {A.'S.) The pobei of aasi.





See Seer. Share-bone, the os


(3) i. {J.-S,) Meniula.

(4) «. A Tile woman. Dewnu

(5) «. The sycamore. Weet.

(6) », A crop of grata. Somen.

(7) o. To ridicule any one. Line.

Sharbvil, t. A garden fork. Shrope.

Shars-wokt, a. The name of a


Sharob, v. Futuere. North.

Shar-grasb, «. Long coarse grass,

growing in marshy land. IJne.

Shar-hoo, «. A yearling sheep.


Shark, (1) v. To defraud; to

swindle. Shark-guU, eharker fOun

who preys on simpletons.

(2) «. A thief, or swindler.

(3) t. A notch. Gloue.

Sbarm, 9. To make a confused

bozzing or chatting noise.

Sbarn, e. Cow dnng. North.

Sharn-buo,«. a cockchafer. Smee.

Sharnbbudb, ff. A beetle.

Sharp, (1) adf. Cold; frosty.

i2) e. An old term for a sword.

3) a. A cart-shaft. Weet.

Sharplinos, t. A sort of nsils.

Sharps, t. Coarse floor.

Shashoonb, t. A sort of stiff lea-

thers tied ronnd the small of the

leg to make the boots look

smooth and in shape. Glome.

Shasor, ff. A wine-cooler.

Shatbrino, adj. Dashing.

Shatir, v. To chastise.

Shattbd, part. p. Bespattered.


Shattbr, (1) 9. To sprinkle. Kent.

(2) V. To scatter. Doreet.

(3) ff. A number, or quantity.


Shattbb^patb, ff. A giddy person.

Shattbrt, adj. Loose. Northamp.

Shaui^ (l)«4r. Shallow. Var.d.

(2) ff. A wooden shovel. Sueeex,

(3) ff. A small washxng-tnb,

without staTca. Kent.

(4) V. To wrangle. XtNc.

(b) 9. To cast the first teeth. Weet^

(6) ff. Salve for bruises. Devon.

Shauu, v. To trample upon.


Sbayb, ff. (I) A coppice. Kent.

(2) ff. A thin slice.

SHATR-GRAsa, ff. Equisctum.

Shaybldrr, ff. A vagabond.

Shavblino, ff. A jocular term for

a friar.

Shavbr, ff. A fellow, used in such

expressions' as : a eunning ehaver,

a ^y fellow ; a youn§ ehmoer, a


The swaggering mfflan, that doth violenoe


The nyeest nymphe will aerer scarce re-


The cutting skamr, that iweares wounds


Was never of the chastest nymphe with-

stood. Tha Newe Metamorphosu, 1000.

SHAYB8,ff. Shafts. Weet.

Shaw, (1) v. To scold sharply, ^efff .

(2) ff. A thicket, or small wood.

(3) V. To rub the skin off by


(4) ff. The leaves and stalks of

potatoes. North.

Shawb, 9. To show.

Shawm, la. A musical instrument

bhalm, I resembling a hautboy.

Shawntt, adj. Showy. Norf.

SHAW8,ff. Tops of turnips, &c. Lme.

Shat, ff. (1) A chaise.

(2) A light colour. Kent.

Shazzaabino, ff. An awkward

person. Devon.

Shbad, (1; 9. To slope uniformly.


(2) ff. A rough pole. Kent.

Sbbav, ff. A eheqf of pulleys is

several on one block.

Sbbal, (1) ff. A summer hut.

(2) V. To shell peas.

Shbar, (1) V. To reap. Var. d.

(2) ff. A crop of grass. Z>ff90ii.

(3) 9. To gnaw ; to tear with the


(4) ff. A sheath for scissors. Weet.

(5) ff. An eel-spear. Suee.

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SbkaeDiI ff. A fragment of pot-

SBBftD, J tery. See Shard.

Shbae-oeass, t, A kind of tedge,

or coane gnu.

Srkak-hoo, 1 «. a ahe«p after the

8BBAEINO, J first shearing. Af£i.C.

Shbabino-knifb, », A tool used

for shearing a roof. Yorkih.

Sbbabmak, jr. The man who shears

the woollen cloth in manufac-

taring it.

Shbar-watbb, «. The sea-mew.

Shbabt, adj. Covered with shear-


Shbat, t. (1) A young pig. South.

(2) The shad fish.

Sbbath, «. (1) The prepuce of an


^2) A salt water fountun.

(3) The part which connects the

spit and the beam in a plough.

Shbatb-qrasb, t. Equi$etum hie^

Sbbd, (1) «. To separate.

(2) «. The parting of the hair at

the head. See Seed.

(3) $. Difference. Lane,

(4) «. The ridge of a hill, from

which it separates, and slopes in

opposite directions.

(5^ V. To spill ; to pour.

(6) 9. Mingere. Dewm.

{7) t. The sheath of a knife. East.

(8) t. The handle of a pail. Detfon,

(9) ». A tub for cream. Line.

hO) 9. To excel. Lane.

(ll) part. p. Surprised. Yorksh.

Sbbdblb, i. A channel of water.

Shedbr, «. A female sheep. Line.

Sheboinos, «. Shaken com.

SbbblTi $. The chai&nch. North'


Sbbbn-nbt, «. A drag-net.

Sbbenstradb, «. Spatterdashes.


Sbbbp-bitbr, «. A thief.

A tepalehre to teaftsh and otheni in

pond>, moatet, and riyers; a sharp

»h«epe^i(gr, and a marveiloos mutten-

monger, a gorbellj fellow.

Man i» theUomu, 1609.

Vho ii fa this dowl* let ae see.

V^reala U op»] Oh« Mkam-htter^ art f*-^

here ? ShUwM, imrg Fmr. \kA,

Sbbbp-kiixino, t. Pennywort.

Shkbp-rack, «. The ttarilsf.


Sbbbp-baik, t. A aheep-walk.


Srbbp'8-btb, t. A wanton look.

Sbbkp's-foot, t. A hammer wi;k

a claw at the end.

Srbbp*8-8litb, «. Sheep's pastaic


Sbbrp-tbat,*. (1) A large hapdk.


(2) A trough for sheep.

Sbbbp-wabb, «. A festiral at tit

time of sheep- washing. North.

Sbebr, (1) adj. {A.^S.) Pure; aa-


(2) ad). Clear; transparent.

{y)adj. Sharp; cold. Giome.

(4) «. A sheath. Sowtert,

(5) adj. Brittle. East.

(6) adj. Odd; singular. NoHh.

(7) ado. Quick ; at once. Var. i.

(S) «. A fishing spear. Skgs^j:.

(9) V. To roll from one side to

the other.

(10) V. To steal off.

(11) adj. Bright red. Norf.

Sbbbr.hook» t. A grappUng-book

Sbbbb-tbursdat, «. Maundr


Sbbbt, v. To shoot down. See


Sbebtino, «. The water-Cdl of s

milUdam. Northa$npt.

Sbe-familiar, «. A kept mistres.

Sbbfb, t. A shive.

Sbbffb,& Thirty gads of steel.

Sbbkils, «. Ague; afitoftren-


Sbbld, (1) adj. Shallow.

(2) t. A shield.

(3) adj. Variegated.

Sbeld apple, «. The chaffinck.

NomeneL, 1585.

Sbkldbr, v. To shovel earth down

a bank to give it a greater slopei

d by Google




Sbvldhaks, t. A variegated kind

of wild duck.

Shbldrapb, «. The cormorant.

Shell, t. The hard homy part of

the neck of a hog maoufEictured

into brawn. JEatt,

Shkllbd, adj. Piebald. East,

Shkllet, a. A tort of bad tkte.


Sbbll-firb, t. The phosphores-

cence sometimes exhibited in

farm-yards, &c., from decayed

straw, &c., or touchwood. Kent,

Sbelly, (1) a. An ait in a river.


(2) adj. Slaty, said of stone.


Sheltron, a. A squadron or di-

vision of soldiers.

Sheltt, a. A Shetland pony. North.

Sbelys, 9. (1) To remove the sur-

face of land with a shovel. Suf.

(2) To tnm manure, &c., out of

a cart, by raising the fore part.


Shelyin6S,«. Additional top-sides

to a cart. North.

Sheukrb, V, (^.-5.) To glimmer.

Shenchb, 9. To pour out. Gower,

See SHnk.

Shende, V. (1) {A.'S.) To destroy ;

to niin ; to spoiL

(2) To defend ; to protect.

Our noble Queene Elizabeth in health and

honour eke.

Good Lord, preserre to Nestor's dayet,

that she thy tmthe may keepe.

From bloody Lands of forraine foes, good

Lord, her lave and $hend:

Graunt that at all assayes the may by thee

Btill be defend. StuiM B9amfU$,\f>Sl.

(3) To punish.

(4) To forbid.

Sbbndsbip, t. Ruin ; punishment.

Shenb, adj. (A.-S.) Bright.

Shekk, t. An implement for sktm«

mingthe cream off milk. Yorkih.

Shbnlon, a. A lad.

Shbnsbip, a. Confusion.

The leventh payne is open tketuMp or

■hune for syiuie. Ths FatmU,

StiittiT,{l)part,p. Blamed; scolded.

T had rather thoa shonldest be tkenl,-^

J'aime mienlz qne ta sois tancie.

Thou has not onW deserved to be ^Am/,

bnt also to be well beaten ;— Tu n'as pas

senlement deserr6 d'estre tanc^ mais

anssi d'estre bien frott^

(2) part, p. Ruined; punished.

(3) /yar/.;i. Confounded; abashed.

Sbbo, jTTon. (A.'S.) She.

Sbbpkn, a. See Shippen.

Sbbpherd, (I) a. The long-legged


(2) V. To superintend. Northamp.

Sbbpbbrd's-key, "I a. A popular

bbepberd's-racb, I game, con-

bbkphero's-rino, I sisting in

8BBPHERD*8-BnN, J threading a

sort of maze. Northampt.

Shbpherd's-lamp, a. The flnit star

that rises after sunset. Northamp,

Sbbpbbrd's-pouchbs, a. Clover


Sbepberd's-sun-dial, a. Scarlet

pimpernel. S^f.


Scarlet pimpernel. Northampt,

Sbeppbck, a. A hay-fork. Oloue.

Sbepstbr, a. A sheep-shearer.

Sbbpstbrt, a. A starling. North.

Sbbrded, adj. Scaled ^ covered

with a shell.

Sbbrb. (1) V. {A,-S.) To cut ; to


(2) a. Countenance ; mien.

(3) V. To run aground. An old

sea term.

Sbbrbwardb, a. A shrew.

Sbbrbwe, a. A sheriff. Lydg.

Sberiffbd, adJ, Ruddy, applied

to the sky. Line.

Sbbriff's-man, a. The seven-

coloured linnet.

Sbbrk, 9. (1) To shrug.

(2) To cheat. North.

Sbern, a. A vessel into which the

cream is taken up from the milk-

pans before it is made butter.


Sbbrby, 9. To sculk away.





Sbbskll, ff. GraveL

Shet, {I) prei. L Shat.

(2) prei. t. Slipped down.

(3) i. Running water. Devon.

Srst, 1 e. To mend; to join.

SHUT, J Norikampi.

Shbtar, t. An archer. Pr, P.

Shbtb. v. (1) {A.'S.) To shoot.

(2) To throw down. Var. d,

Shbtb, «. A division of a field.

Sbeu. An ioteijection of diaap-


Shbtb. See Skive,

Shbtbrb, 9. To shWer.

Shbwds, t. Husks of oats. North.

Shbwbr, a. A witness ; an example.

Shbwing, t. A warning.

Shibband, «. A shoestring. York$h.

Shicklbs, t. Thin crisp ginger-

bread. NorihampL

Shidb, (1) t. A thin board; a bil-

let of wood.

(2) 9. To shell peaa, &c

Sbidbr, (1) 9, To shiver.

(2) t. A scold.

Shibl, t. A shepherd's hut.

Sbibld-boarOi a. Part of a plough.


Shibld-bonBi a. Tha blade-bone.


Shtfb, t. The wheel of a pulley.

Shift, v, (1) (A.^S.) To move

about, or away.

^2) To remove one's dwelling.

(3) To ba changeable. North.

US To divide. Suneg.

(5) To deal cards.

(6) To change linen, or one'a


(7) To risk. Line.

SBirTBNXNo, t. A change of linen.

Sbiitbr, «. (1) A cozener.

TJn pipenr, on abuenr da geatt, nn

nffrontenr. Kt^fUr: amakethift: one

that by Ijes and deceits getteth gaine,

and by ill meaaea raketh money to-

gether. Nomenek, 1686.

(2) A superintendent. North.

Sbifting, (1) tuff* Changeable;


Item, he seoniM to be eonnted i i&^af

oom|mnion, for where he mcctet vtu

Rooci liquor and good mnipanY, he sd-

aome departa villingly aatill Pder

. Forerty puts him mat of'the doore.

Harry ITkiWt Himuir,}9»^.

(2) «. The partition of land sidods

coheirs, where gavelkind prevsili


SBirra, t. Parte of a farm allotted

for the reception of stock or

crops. Norf.

Sbifty, Afr. (1) Restleas. Leie.

(2) Cunning; artful. Osaeii.

Shiob, v. (J.'S.) To fling; to shy.

He come tehfffyngt BTene,

of hya folk was rye

I food nerere one sUyae.


was fyene,

one sUyae.

8ir DcgreMMl,^^

Sbioobd, adj. Beggared. North.

Shilboards, t. The boards or

projecting levers of an undenhot

water-wheel, by means of which

the water tuma the wheeL

Sbildb, 9. {A,'S.) To shield.

Shill, (1) a^. ShrilL

(2) V. To ahelL

Shilla, a. A stony beach. Chai^.

Shillin, a. Shelled oata. CVwtca.

Shillinchbr, ff. a shilling's worth.

Sbilly-bbally, a^. Irresolute.

Shilstokbb, Iff. Slates for

sBiLLiNO-STOiTBa, J roofiug. Dff.

Sbilt, (1) praa. t. Shields.

{2) part. p. Shielded.

Sbim, (1) a. Appearance; a shadow.


m a.' A bright white. Cheeh.

(3) a. The strake down the face

of a horae.

(4) ff. A horse-hoe for dealing

weeds between rows of beana or

hope. Keni,

(5) ff. The ignis fatuns. Aacr.

(6) It seems. WiUa.

Sbimblb, a^j. Looae. WoiL

Shimmbr, 9. To glitter; to glim-


Sbimfbr, (1) a. A small risingbaak

in the channel of a river. Smrr.

(2) V. To aimmer. EuL

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(3) «. To glitter. Su$$,

Shim-hham, t. Nonsense.

Shin, (1) «. To trump. North.

(2) SbaU. West,

Shinbaud,!. Armour for the shins.

SHiN'Dcm, V. To shiver in pieces.

Shinvls, «. The cleft stone out of

which sUtes are cot.

Shikdt, t. An nproar.

Shink, (1) i. Light; lustre.

(2)ad!9. Entirely; utterly. Somert.

Shinxk, «. A guinea. (Cant.)

SHiN-rBAST, «. A good fire. North,

Sbinglb, 9. To hammer iron. We9t*

Shinglbs, t. (1) Planks; thin

pieces of oak wood used as tiles

for roofs, steeples, &c

(2) The loose pebbles on the sea-


(3) A kind of emptioB of the


Shink, ff. A skimming-dish. Ihrb.

Shinlock, «. The plant rocket.

Shinnbr, t. A nether stocking.

NomeneL, 1585.

Shinnby, t. Another name for the

game of bandy.

Ship, «. (1) A censer..

(2) Sheep. Wttt.

(3) An ornamental piece of plate

formerly placed on the tables of

the rich, so named from its form.

(4) An old local name in the salt

works for the vessel into which

the brine was conveyed by troughs

firom the brine-pit.

Shipb, 9, A shovel for cntting turf.

Shiplbt, «. A small ship.

Shipman, «. (J»'S.) A mariner.

Sbipman's-card, t. The chart by

which aship'soourse was directed.

Shippbn, «. (i^.-5.) A stable, or

stall; a cow-house.

Shir, #. The cherry-tree. North.

Sbibb, (1) fuy. {A^S.) Clear;


(2) 4ug. Thin.

(y^adj. Clear, applied to an egg

that has not a tread in it. line,

ii)ad9. Immediately. North.

(5) 9. To pour off a liquor so at

to leave the sediment. Nortkumb.

Shirb-obar, i. A commodity

brought from any of the neigh-

bouring counties is called ahire*

gear, in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Shirb-man, «. A man not born in

Norfolk, Suffolk, or Essex. Eatt.

Shirb-wat,«. A bridle- way Swth.

Shirk, (1) v. To slink from any-


(2) ». A cheat. See Shark.

%niuxY,adj. DeceitfiiL South.

Shirl, {\)adj. Shnll.

. (2) V. To cut with shears. Yorkah.

(3) V, To romp rudely. Devon.

(4) 9. To slide. Northumb.

Sbirl-cock, 9. The missel-thrush.


Shirpb, 9. To utter a sort of con-

temptuotts hiss.

Shirrbvb, 9. (A.'S.) A sheriff.

Shirt, v. To cover.

Shirt-band, «. The wristband of

a shirt.

Shirv, a4f. Sharp and cutting,

applied to grass.

Shit, ;iar^j7. Shut.

Shitb8tick8,1 t. A miserly fel-

SHITBRAGfl, /low.

Shitfirb, 9. A bully.

Shitsac, 9. An oak-apple. WiU9.

Shittbl, a4f. {A.'S.) Inconstant ;


Shittbr, 9. To suffer from diar-

rhoea. North.

Shittilwikb, 9. A shuttlecock.

17a cent.

Shittlb, «. The bar of a dnor.

Shittlb-brainbd, adj. Thought-


Shittlbcock, ff. A ehaigeable, in-

constant person.

SHrrTLB-coMB-aBAW, Iff. An ex-

shittlbtidbb, j clamation

of contempt. North.

Shittlbcombs&itbs, ff. Idle sto-

ries; trifles. Cote9.

Shittlbs, ff. Buns given to chil-

dren. ButL


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Shitb, f. (1) A slice of bread, or

•ny other eatable.

(2) A small wedge. Eatt

Shiver, #. (I) A small slice.

(2) A splinter. Line.

(3) The wheel of a pulley.

SmvKB, #. The refuse of flax.

Shoao, ». Loose stones of tin

mixed with the earth, indicating

amine. Comw,

Shoad-stonb, ». A stone made

smooth by the action of water.

Shoaf, #. A sheaf of corn. Norf.

Shoard. To take a thoard, to

drink too much. Exmoor*

Shoat, 9. A young pig. Var. d.

Shock, (1) «. A head of rough hair.

(2) «. A rough-haired dog, pro-

perly spelt though.

Dear, delicate raadftin, I am your little

paraquit, your tparrow, your «*oc*, your

Come, eome, man, you muat e'en ftdl to

Tiaiting our wivea, eating at our tablcf,

drinking tea with our virtuous relationa

after dinner, dealing cards to em, read-

ing play* and gazeU to 'em, picking

fleaa out of their ihoeki for 'em, col-

lecting receipts, new songs, women,

pages, and footmen for 'em. _^, ,

"^ Wyeherley, (kmntty Wif» 1.

(3) t. Twelve sheaves of corn.

North, **A thocke of wheate,

meU tritici." WithaU' JHetiott-^

arie, 1608.

(4) «. The number of six dozen

of certain articles. Pill-boxes are

aold by the shock,

(5) V, To butt, like a ram.

(6) V. To sponge. Norf.

Shocker, «. A person of bad cba*

racter. Craifen.

Shockub, tr. To shake out of place.


SBOD,part,p, {l)(A,'S.) Covered;


(2) Shed. Dwon.

Shoddy, a. A manufactured article,

made from woollen rags. Notf.

8 BODS, (1) 9. To divide the hsir.

(2) part, p. Shod.


See Shoad,

(4) a. A shed. Norf.

Sbodbre, V, To quiver, to ihndder.

Shod-shovel, a. A wooden shovel,

shod at its extremity with iroa.

Shoe, (1) ;7ron. She.

(2) 2b tread the thoe aiwy, to

be unchaste. To tread ike thon

itraiffht, to be upright. To shoe

the cobter^ a peculiar movemesi

in sliding. To ehoe the gooeeAo

be tipsy. To throw oh old tkoe

after one, to give him lock.

Shoemakers'-stocks, t. TigH



variety of polyanthus which hu

one flower sheathed in aaother.


(2) A wild flower of the geaw

cypripedhant called, in E. Snisex,

pattens-and-cloga. South.

Shob-the-marx, t. The sane of

a Christmas game.

S^on, pret. t. (1) Pushed.

(2) Shaved.

Shoo, V. (1) To jog; to shake.

(2) To steal sway.

Shooglb, v. To jog.

SHpKE,jnv<. t. Shook.

Shokke, v. To rush.

Shold, luif. Shallow. Pr.T.

Sholb, A^. Shallow.

Sholobr, t. A soldier. SotUh.

Sholt, #, A shaggy dog; a cur.

Shome, a. (>#.-S.) Confusion.

Sbommakt, adj. Slovenly.

Shommocks, a. Shoes. Warw,

Shondb,(1)«.(^...S.) DisboBOur:


(2) V. (A.'S,) To shun.

Shone, (1) v. To shim.

(2) «. pt. Shoes.

Sbonk, aiff. Hearty; healthy. Wat*

Shonto, a. A donkey. Wight.

Shoo, a. A shovel. Lane.

Shoods, a. Oat-chaff. North.

Shoof-fork, a. A fork for pitdiiig

aheaves of corn into the waggoo

or into the stack. St^.

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Shook, (1) v. To sbrog. YorkiJL

(2) pari, p. Split.

Sbooi., (1) «. A shofel. North.

(2) 9. To saunter about. Sast.

(3) 9. To beg. Var. d, Shoc^ing^

going about begging liquor.


Shoolbr, «. A lazy fellow. Sun,

Shoon, «. The old plural of shoe.

^t% Shone.

SaooRB, 9. To shift for a living.


Shoot, (1) o. To suffer from diar-


(2) 8. A spout for rain-water.


(3^ 9. A young pig. South.

f4) «. The game of shovel-board.

5) «. A narrow steep lane. Wight.

(6) t. A woof. Devon.

(7) 9. To take the worst cattle

from the drove, to prevent them

from injnring the rest

i8) «. The crick in the neck.

9) 9. To contribute. Odd-fel-

lows 9ho9t sixpence or more each

to help a brother-member who

has suffered loss from fire or

some such cause.

(10) 7V)«Aoo//Atf;n7,tocheata

Undlord by leaving house or

lodging without paying rent. To

thoot congMUt, to shoot wide of

the mark. 5Aoo/ /Ae^H(^, a boy's

game. To ohoot the catf to vomit.

Shoothkbd, t. A shoemaker's

thread. HoUyband, 1593.

Sboott, ttdj. Coming up regularly

in the rows. Shropeh.

Shootbn, adj. A term applied to a

oolt or calf when parting with its

early teeth, and to trees potting

forth their leaves.

SBOFEf pret. t» Made; created.

Shore, (1) «& A score.

f2)pret.t. Cut; sheaved.

3) «. A'sewer.

(4) 9. to threaten. North.

(5) a. /A post used with hordles

in foljung sheep. Jhnei,

Shorb-post, $. A buttress.

Shorer, t. The pubes of a man.

Set Share.

Sborb-vp, 9. To prop up.

Shorino, ad9. Aslant. East.

Shorlino, ». (1) A shaveling; a


(2) A shearling, or sheep of the

first year's shearing. South.

(3) A sheep-skin, when the fleece

is off.

Sborrt, «. A short pole on which

hedgers carry faggots. Northamp.

Sbort, (1) adj. Peevish.

(2) adj. Light and crilp.

(3) adj. Small ; portable. Somere.

(4) adv. Wide of the mark, a

phrase in archery.

Sbortbkino, t. Anything put into

flour to make cakes short.

Sbort-bbblbd, adj. Unchaste.

Sborts, », Coarse dour ; refose of


Sbort-btart, 9. A species of apple.


Sbort-waistbd, adj. Angry; cross-


Sbosbinos, ado. Aslant. Eatt.

Sbot, (1) t. (^.-5.) A reckoning

at an inn.

^2) adj. Firm ; secure.

(3) 9. A handful of hemp. Kent.

(4) t. A young pig.

^5) 9. A kind of trout. We&t^

(6) 9. An angle of land.

(7) «. A stitch in the side.

(8) 9. (J.'S.) An arrow; any

missile hurled with a projective


Sbot-ancbor, ff. What the sailon

now call eheet'Onehor.

For a tittela or a canker,

Thys oyntment ia even Mhot-ekker.

.FburPVpO. PL,i,78.

Sbot-clog, 9. One who was tole-

rated because he paid the shot,

or reckoning, for the rest.

Well, if yon be oat, keep your distanee,

tod be not made a i '

ikot-ticg any i

B. Jon., Bm$ Man out rfS., v, 9.

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Shoteb, t. (1) (^.-5.) The yew-


(2) A small pinnaoe.

Shot-flaoon, t. The host's pot,

given when the guests have

drunk above a shilling's worth of

ale. Derb,

Shot.icb,«. a sheet of ice. Crtnen.

Shot-nbt, «. A mackerel net.


Shot-pot, i. One who spends so

much in the ale-house as to

entitle him to the tAot-Jfagon,


Shots, $. The refuse of cattle

taken out of a drove. Craven,

Shotbblb, Iff. Evening. A term

BHUTSELB, J uscd by gunners on

the Ouze (Norf.) for the time

when wild-fowl and crepuscular

birds shoot, scud, or fly.

Sbotshipb, ff. (A.'S,) A dob of

which each member pays a sub-

scription ; a guild.

Shottbn, adj. Sour; curdled.

SHOTTBN.HBaRINO,ff.(l) Agtttted

herring, dried for keeping.

(2) A lean person.

Shottubs, ff. Bars passing through

mortised holes in posts. Lme.

Shotts, ff. A species of small trout.


Shot-window, t. A projecting


Shouoh, ff. A shock*dog.

SHOVLDBm-CLAPPBK, ff. A bftlUff.

A gallant (as we tcanne them) who (aa

we aflerwardi understood) bad nar-

rowlie etcaped the hands of a thoul'


EowUft Seardi for Money, 1609.

Shovldbb-bpikb, ff. An iron spike

for supporting shelves against a

wall. Wett,

Shoulbbb, ff. The bird shoveller.

ShoupBjJMt/.ji. Shaped.

Shoufs, ff. The hips. North.

Shovrb, (1) ff. A conflict ; combat

(2) 0. To ride quick; to scour.

Shovt, ff. (1) A hilL YorMih.

(2) A small flat-hottomed boat


Shouthbr, ff. The shoulder.

Shovb, ». (1) To germinaU; to

shoot; to cast the first teeth.


(2) To put the loose com Into

heaps for the oonvenienee of

being taken up. Sun.

Shovblabd, ff. (1) A kind of dsck.

thcanoff efypeata. " Hcrenshoes,

ffAovelordeff, and byttemes." Pro-

clamaiion, 1569. "Peliecanns.

Pale, truble, poche, ii cochlesris

specie. A thooeiard: a sehofler."

NomeneLt 1585.

(2) A shoveL

Shovbl-boabd,! ^„^1^ e.


Shovbll, ff. The bird shoveller.

HoUykmdy 1593.

Show, v. To shove. Etut,

Showbl, ff. A blind for a cow's eye,

made of wood. SotUk,

Showbr, adj. Sure.

Show-h ACKLB, V. To be witting to

fight. Wight.

Showl, (1) ff. A sboveL

(2) adj. Short ; depressed.

SROw-oPF,tr. To begin.

Shows,*. Prints; pictures. JD«fOB>

Shraddb, ff. A coppice.

Sbraf-tidb, ff. Shrovetide.

Shrao, «. To geld.

Sbragbrs, ff. Coarse metal pots

in which wares are baked. Si^'

Shraos, (I) ff. R^ ; patches.

(2) ff. The ends of twigs or of

furze; clippings of live tecss.

Shrail, f. A light rail, or fenee.


Shrammbd, part. p. Benombed

with cold. Wast.

Shrap, ff. (1) A thuOcet. DffMii.

(2) A trap for birds.

Sbrapb, 9. (1) (i^..S.) To scrape.

(2) To scold. Aissnr.

Shravbl, ff. Diy faggot. St^.

Sbratbt, ff. A loose sttbsoil, be-

tween day and saad. Suom*

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Srekis (1) 9. To cut off the

smaller branches of a tree.

(2) V. To eut into shreds.

(3) «• To spread manure. Souih.

(4) «. A cant term for a tailor.

(6) V. To contrive. Northampt*

Shabdovb, «« A pecsoD who shreds


Shreds, (1) v. {A,-S.) To clothe.

(2) part. p. Clothed; covered up.

(3) V. To eut through.

Shred-pis, It. A mince-pie.

8HRiD-piE»j TuMser.

No matter for pIotDbwporridge, or thrid-

Or a whole oze offered in lacrifice

To Comas, not to Christ, &c.

SkeppartPg Ep%gram$, 1661.

Shrbbp, <i4r. Thin. Noff.

Shrbvb, «. A sheriff.

Shrbo, v. To lop trees. SomeneL

Shrbnre, 9. To pierce through.

Shrew, (1) r. (^.-5.) To curse.

(2) «. A wicked person.

(3) a. A scold.

(4) «. A screw. Somerset.

(5)«. The field mouse. North,

Shrbwd» adj. Malicious; cursed.


Shrxdb, V, To lop wood. See Shred.

Shrid-pie. See Shred-pie.

Shribvt, adj. Having threads

withdrawn. Sueteop.

Shrift, «. {A.-S.) Confession.

JSkrift'fader, a confessor.

«f the penon hare a prest

That is of clene Wr,

And a gode ahrvft-fader

To maydyn ana to wyf.

Foem <m 'Rmta ofBd. II.

Shriobt, (1) pret. t. (A.-S.)


(2) «. A shriek. Spenser.

Sbrire, (1) tf. To shriek.

(2) «. The lesser butcher-bird.

Shrill, v. To utter shrill sounds.

Shrimp, s. Anything very small.

S%rtm;»Atn, a very little bit. Norf.

SHRiMMED^or/./!. Chilled. Comw.

Shrine, $. (1) A charnel-house.

Holfyband, 1593.

(2) V. To enihrine ; to deify.

(3) V. To dry, as beans in a har-

vest field. Northampt.

Shrip, V. To chide. Keni.

Shrite, «. The mitseUthmsh.


Shrive, v. (1) {A.-S.) To confess.

Shrtver^ a confessor.

(2) To regard ; to praise.

(3) To prune. Kent.

Shrocelbd, adj. Withered. Kent.

Shrocrop, f. The shrew-mouse.


SwBOWfpret. t. Shrived.

Shroo, ». A person of low stature.


Shroos, «. Shrubs ; briars.

Shromp, «. A black worm found

in horse-dung. Var, d.

Shrood, v. To lop trees. Olouc.

SaROOKf pret. t. Shrieked.

Shroude, v. (1) To hide ; to con-

ceal ; to cover or shade over.

(2) To huddle together. Palsgr.

Sbboudes, t. (A.'S.) Clothes.

Shrough, t. Fragments of sticks,

cinders, &c ; refuse ; swe^ings.

Norf. SeeShruJf.

Shrove, «. To be merry.

Shrove-prentices, ». RniBanly

fellows, who at Shrovetide in-

vaded houses of ill-fame.

More eroell then akrooe-frenticat when


Dmni in a brothell house, are bid to pay.

DaKiuaU*sMadttgtucar, 1M8.

Shrovers, 8, Children who go

from house to house at Shrovetide

singing for cakes, which are

called ihrove-eakee.

Shrovt, adj. Shabby. Var. d.

Shrow, $. A shrew.

A quiet man (to wrath and anger slow)

Hatch'd with a queane (a most she-derill


That kept him in obedience with her fist

BowUuida, Ktuuca ofSp. ^ Z>., n. d.

Shrow ardly, otit;. Cursedly.

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SRmowDfl, (1) «. Places under

ground; vaults; dens of wild


(2) «. The tops or branches of

poUard trees. Norf,

(3) V. To cut or lop the branches

of pollards. Nmf*

Sbrowdt, adj. Weather with fre-

quent showers, causing people to

tkrowd^ or take shelter. Norf.

Shrub, (1) v. To ruin a person at

gambling. Somerset

(2) TbtAnt^adon/, to get along

tolerably well. ** How do you

manage this cold weather?"

** Well, 1 9krui about pretty com-


SHftVCK, pret, t Shrieked. Smf^.

Shrudde, pret, t. Clothed.

SBRnDDT,a4f. Grave; stem. North-


Shruff, s. Rubbish wood used for

fuel. Var,d.

Sbrump, o. To shrink. Wett.

Shrumfsbd, pttrt* p. Beaten, in

games. Dewm.

Sbruii p-8HouLDBRBn,a4ip. Hump,

backed. South,

SflRUPB, 9. To inclose.

Sbvck, (1) «. A husk, or pod.

(2) 9. To shake. Suetes,

Shtjckek, v. To shuffle. Devon.

Sbockisb, adj. Showery, change-

able, applied to weather. South.

Sbucklb, V, To chuckle. Fiorio.

Sbttcklbd, part. p. Beaten down

by hail or wind, applied to corn.

Sbuck-trot, «. A jog-trot. East.

Sbucky, adj. Deceitful. Line.

Sbuddb. (1) 9. To shed.

(2) t. A shed, or hovel.

Sbudder, v. To shiver.

Saurr, v. To push. Norf.

Shuo, (1) 9, To writhe the body;

to jog. Somereet.

(2) V. To shrug; to scratch. Sm/A.

(3) adj. Menacing. Devon.

(4 ) ». A slow jogging trot. Noff.

(5) «. A concussion. North.

(6) V. To shake violently. Norf.

SHVOOT-aBowr, t. A swing. North.

SsLVhDKH, pret. pL They should.

Shuldbrb, adj. Crairgv'.

Sbull-banb, «. The ahoolder

bone. North,

Sbulvb, t. A shovel. Eaai.

Sbun, v. To save. South.

^f y?' „ \v. To push. South.


Shuxdbr, t. SeandaL

Shunnisb, v. To treat unkindly.


Sbvnte, 9. (1) To shun.

(2) To push ; to move fron.

Hence the modem nilwayphrsse,

to ehunt off the line.

(3) To put off ; to delay.

(4) To slip down, as earth.


(5) To shy, or start. Warw.

SBi7PFARB,t. (>#..&) The Creator.

SnuFFiCK, t. A hay.fork. Gkme.

Shurbt, a. A shift. Dewm.

Shurl, v. To trim the neck-featliers

of a fighting-cock. NortM,

Sburnb, 9. ( 1) Cacare.

(2) To avoid ; to shun.

Giro onyoBs to Saynt Catlake.

And garWcke to S«ynt Cynmfce,

If ye wyll tkmnu the he«de i«ke;

xe ihaU have them at Quene hrtk.

Shurtt, V. To bustle about. Devon.

Sbdt, (1) «. A lock on a river.


(2) 9. The increase of a river

from rain, &c. Weet.

(3)9. To weld iron. Weet.

(4) t. A narrow street. Wieoi.

(5) V. To spend; to be extrnvR-

gant. North.

(6) V. To agree. Horse/.

(7) V. To do ; to manage. Jr49il.

(8) «. A shutter.

(9) To get ehut, to get rid ot

7b »hut t^t to stop. 7^ akut

out, to leave off ploughing. Bedt.

SHUTFUL,a4^'. Extravagant. North.

Shutber, 9. (1; To shiver. Xosc.

(2) To slide. Leic.

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Shttts, t. StOQi poles. Wano.

Sbuttancs, «. Riddance. North,


day in Pasftion Week.

Shuttkk, t. A fall of earth.


Shutting, jMr#. a. CoTering up.

SHUTTiNo-iN^t. The evening. Eatt,

HariDK spent a good part of tbe day in

this phce, in the nflernoon we began

to advance towards PorUmoath, wliicli

being but twelve miles distant from this

town, we easilr compast'd aboat the

Mkuttimg-in of ice day.

Bromg't TriOftU ooer England,

SHUTTLS,a4f. Slippery; uncertain.

Sbuttle-boabo, t. The game of

shuttlecock. North.


Sht, (1) 9. To start; to fling; to

aToid any one. Var. d.

(2)adj. Keen ; bold ; sharp. North.

(3)t. A light fence.

SiB, t. (A^S.) A relation ; a com-


SiBBB,(i;ff. Relationship; kindred.

(2) adj. (A.^S.) Related.

^««™k"'1'- The banns of

SiBiLATiON, «. (Lat.) A hissing.

SiBLATouR, t. (Lat.) One who

hisses. Ljfdff.

SiBLBss, t. Without kindred ; de-


SiBLBTT-CAKBs, t. Cakes made by

the farmers' wives in Bedford-

sMre after wheat-sowing, to send

as presents to their relations.

SiBMAN, ff. A relative.

SiBNEssB, t. Relationship.

SiBBBDB, «. (A.'S,) Kindred ; re-


SiccATB, adj. (Lat.) Dry.

SicB, f. (1) (ji.'S.) A gutter, or

drain. Somertet,

(2) A cant term for a sixpence.

Sigh, (1) adj. Such.

(2) s. A bad man. Dewm.

Sick, (1) t. A small stream, or rill.

(2) adj. In travail. North.

SicKE, V. To sigh ; to lament.

SiCKBR. See Siker.

SicK-FBATHBBS, «. The youug nn-

grown feathers in moulting. Dev.

SicKLB-MAN, «. A reaper.

SicLATODN, t. (A.'N. from tbe

Arabic.) A sort of rich stuff;

also, a dress made of Mciia/ott».

See Ciclatoun.

SicuR, a^. Sure ; secure.

SiD,/^0/. /. Saw. Wett.

SiDDBR, (1) adj. A.'S.) Wider.

(2) 9. A term applied to barley.

A little rain on the barley, after

it is cut, makes it sidder, or work

better in the cistern. Midi. C.

SiODow,1 a^r*. A term applied to

8IDDA, /peas which boil soft.

Ghuc. (Dim. of Meethe, to boil.)

SiOB, (!) adj. (A.'S. sid.) Long.

His berde was tide with myche hare.

On his heede liis hatt he bare.


Theyr cotes be so tyde, that they be

fayne to tucke them np when they ride,

as women do theyr kyrteis when they

go to the market.

Uttkerbert, Book ofHughandne.

We found not her face painted, her

haires hanging loose very nd$ down,

caretesly cast about her head.

Tntnee in BngU»h, 164].

(2) V. To decide : to coincide ;

to set aside. North.

(3) V. To Uke the part of another.

(4) V. To be equal with.

(5) V. To carve a haddock.

(6^ adj. Rough. Detoti.

(7) V. To put in order. Craven.

SiDB-BOARDS, t. The rails of a cart.

Side-box, t. A seed-lepe. South.

SiDB-coATs, t. The long coats worn

by young children.

How he played at blow point with

Jupiter, when he was in his nde-eoaU,

Ungna, 0. PI., r, 167.

SiDE-OABDBD, adj. With long

trimmings ?

Others that Qubs aad Spades appurell


Becanse they both are in side-garded coates.

To arme them two usurers, villanous rich.

Jtowlands, Kmm (^ Bartt, 1618.

d by boogie




SiDB-LAKDs, «. The headlands of a

ploughed field, where the ploagb

has been turned. South.

StDX-LANiELB, ff. Hopples for


Sidb-lay, 8. Afresh set of hounds

to be laid in on the scent. A

hunting term.

SiDB-LiKB, o^f . Such like. North,

SiDBLiNE, adv. In even rows. Dev.

Sideling, (1) adv. Slanting; side-


God bM thanked, bee hath the witte

yet to enter ridelinff, like a gentlewoman

with an bnge farthingall.

Mm m tht Moone, 1609.

(2) f . The slope of a hill. South.

SiDELiNOs, (1) adv. Sideways;


(2) ff. Balks between the ridges

of ploughed land.

Sidelong, v. To prerent an animal

from straying, by chaining a fore

and a hind foot together. Yorkth.

SiDEN, V. (A.'S.) To lengthen.

SiDENANDia, adv. On one side.

SiDBNED, adj. Crooked ; all on one

side. Leic,

SiDENESs, ff. Length. Pabgr.

SiDBR, ff. An orderly person. Lane.

SiDB-BHBAB, odv. On all sides.

SiDB-BLEByBs, ff. Hanging sleeTes.

Sidesmen, #. Assistants to church-


SiDB-WATEAB, ff. The beams form-

ing the angle of the roof. North,

SioxwAY,ff. Abye-way.

SiDXWiSB,aJ9. Breadthwise. North.

Sidooben, ff. A part of the dress

about the bosom.

Sidithbrom, ff. A creeping person.


SiDLB, 9. (1) To go sideways ; to

saunter. 7b go wUe^sidle, to

sidle along.

(2) To hang-to at the side of, or

about, a person, for the purpose

of saying something. South,

!3) To sit down gently. Devon.

4) To shrink ; to crouch.

SiDNESB, ff. Seed-time. Wett.

Sidy, adj. Moody ; surly- Smtg.

Sib, (1) v. To strain milk. Paltg.

{2)pret. t. Saw.

<3)ff. A drop. North,

(4) V. To stretch. Yorkah,

SiEOB, ff. (1) {ji.'N.) A seat; t

situation. See Sege.

(2) Rank, or estimation.

I fetch my life and being

From men of royal siege.


(3) Stool, or discharge of feces.

(4 ) A company of herons. When

a heron was driven from her sta-

tion, she was said to be put from

her ffte^'e.

SlELE, V. (fV.) To TBUlt.

Sibbin, ff. Yeast. Kent,

SiETHEB, 1 Akindofchifes.


SiBVER, ff. All the fish caught ia

one tide. Suseex.

SiFB, V, To sigh. Var. d,

SiFFLBMBNT, ff. {Fr.) WhistUng.

SiG, ff. Urine. South,

SioALDRY, (1) ff. Deceit ; tri(*ery;


(2) V. To charm, w conjure ; to


SioGB, V. {A.'S.) To say.

SioGBR, V. To leak. Comv.

Sigh, (1) pret. t. Saw.

(2) ff. {J.'S.) A drop.

(3) V. To become larger. North.

SioH-CLOUT, ff. A cloth fiir strais-

ing, See Sie.

Sight, (1) t. A great quantity.

Where ii io great a strensth of money.

L where i« «> hup© » *W« of ""9.^

If youth could know what an do enm,

SigkU of pennies youth toiMj j^^^

(2) pret. t. Sighed.

(3) ff. The opening in a hdinet

for the eyes.

SioHTLBas, adj. (1) InrisiUe.

(2) Unsightly.

SioHTB, 9. (1) Spectacles.

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(2) Eyes. Ssmerwei.

SiOBTSoun, adj. Sightly.

^iGBTTf adj. Glittering.

Sign, v. To intend. South.

SioNATioN, «. (La/.) SignificatioD.

SiONE, V, {A*'N.) To appoint.

SiGNinER, « (LaL) The zodiac

$i6NiFiAUNCB» t. \A.'N.) Signifi-


StoNiricATioN, «. Importance.

Sio-vioBizE, V. To bear rule.

SiONioRY, ». (1) GoTemment ; do-

minion; lordship.

(2) Seniority.

SioN.TREE, «. A beam in a roof.

SiGRiM, t. The houseleek.

Siu, (1) V. To sigh.

(2) t. A sigh. Warw.

(3) adj. Such.

(4) ff. A sick person. North,

SiKER, a4r. {A.'N.) Secure ;


SiKERE, V. {J.'S.) To assure.

SiKBRLTB, adv. Certainly.

SuERNBssE, f. Security.

SiKis, 8. A scythe.

SiLCs, s. A spoon ?

Take Teterjall iiij •uneii, nit oommen

preparat 3 uncis, and pat them in a

Bchell bothe orvr the fyre, and when it

J* hoit put to d nncis of marcnry. and

•tjr yt wt a tylt* to yt be ledvd ilkadella

upon the dreg and ynto the botum, that

it may not aicend vp ; then ts it fyxid,

and then pnt a li. upon xq li. of mar-

euiT, aaui it chaU be tanivd yn to lone

parfytt. , AS. 14/A cent.

SiLD, adv. Seldom. See Selde,

SiLOE, t. A shed.

SiLE, (1) f. A canopy of a bed, &c.

Siled, canopied.

(2) V. To drop ; to sink ; to strike

down ; to flow down ; to faint.

(3) V. To strain ; to skim. SiUt^'

dish, a milk-strainer. North.

(4) V, To boil gently. North.

(5) «. Sediment; filth; soil.


(6) V. To pour down with rain.


(7) 9, A tieve.

SiLGREBN, a. The houseleek. Weal,

SiLKEE, f. A comt-card. Somtr$et,

SiLK-aBAG, f. A sort of fine shag


Sill, s, (1) (^.-5.) A seat, or


(2) A step. Os^fd.

(3) A stratum of coal. Stajf,

{i\ The shaft of a carriage. iVor/A.

( 5) The youngof a herring. iVor/A.

SiLLB, 0. (1) To expand ; to swell.

''Ball ayOed or puffed onelye

wyth wynde. UtrUJ* Huloet,

(2) To give or sell ?

Than layde the byashop, ye may n/ttc

aweye your steple. why so, and plrase

TOUT lordship, sayd the man f Bycnnse

nit Btondeth vacant, said the bysshop.

Than sayde the man, we may well siflle

away another thin}re, that we have in

our chnrche. what is that, sayd the

bysshop. That is a pulpit, quod he, for

this vii. yere ther was no sermon made

theria. TuUs attd Quicke Jntwer*.

Siller, s. (I) Silver. North,

(2) A canopy.

Silly, adj. Sickly- North,

Silltbauk, f. A sillabub. Lino,

Silly-bold, tu{;» Impertinently


Silly-hew, t. A child's caul.


Silt, t. Sediment. To Mtf-tg?, to

obstruct a stream by the accu-

mulation of sand.

Silver-bush, «. The houseleek, or


SiLVER-CHAiN, s. Thc wMte la-


Silveb-orasb, a. Theeafatn«^«s/tt

variegata, Northampt,

SiLVERLiNGS, ff. Coins.

SiLTBR-WEBD,ff. The plant argen-

tine, poteniilla anterina,

SiLiNO, ff. Tapestry.

Sim, v. To seem ; to think. We$t,

Simathin, ff. Partiality. Devon,

SiMBLiNo-CAKESjff. Currsnt cakcs

eaten on Midlent Sunday. Lane.

SiME, ff. A frame of straw used for

setting pans on. North.

SiMiLLiTT, ff. A likeness. HalL

SiMiT, adj. Smooth. Craven,

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SniKix, «. A simpleton. South,

SiMLTN, t. A ftort of fine cake for

toasts. Somertet.

SiMMiT, adj. Smooth. North,

SiMNEL, t. (A.'N. timeneL) A sort

of cake, made of fine flour. In

Shropshire this name is given to

a large plam cake, with a thin

but very hard raised crust.

I'Q to thee a nvuuU bring,

'Gainst tboa go'st a mothering

Sodden bread, which be called timndt

or cracknels, be Terie nnwholraome.

BvXUi^ cited by Todd.

It is pretty generally knoim that our

good old town is famed for its bravrn,

cakes, and nrnnelt. A present of a

simnel was sent the other day to a

ffentleman in Herefordshire, who, nerer

Having seen one before, could make

nothing of it, and was puzzled at the

. hardness of the crust, so he ordered it

to be hoUed. Salopian Journal.

Simon, «. (1) A silly person ; an

idiot. Line.

(2) A cant term for sixpence.

SiifPBR-DE-cocKiT, t. Au affccted

female ; literally, a simpering co-


XJprisht as a candle ttandeth in a socket^

Stood she that day, so nmper'ds-cocket.

Hqfvood^ lAalogut.

Simper, v. To simmer. Etut.

SiMPSRT, V. To mince words af-

fectedly. Lane.

SiMPHONBR, f . A musician.

Simple, adj. (1) Mean ; worthless.

(2) Weakly; infirm. Shropth.

SiMPLBSSB, t. {A.'N.) Simplicity.

Simpson, t. Groundsel. Eatt,

SiMULACRB, ff. (Lot,) An image.

SiMULAR,<i4r'. (Lot.) Counterfeited.

SiN, (1) odv. Sincel

(2) V. To stand. Boot, This

word is used in a very peculiar

way in Norfolk, where they would

say. " Don't oin talking, but go to


SiNALO, ff. A signal.

SiND, V. (1) To empty out; to

quench thirst. North.

(2) To wash down; to rinse.

SiNDT, adj. Soft-spoken. Dcmk.

Sine, (1) v* To assign.

(2) adv. Afterwards.

(3) 9. To strain. North,

(A) V. To cease milking a cow.


SiNBWAYS, adv. Sundry ways.


SiNEWET, ff. Mustard seed.

SiNET, ff. The hladder-nut tree.

SiNOBL, ff. Shingle.

Arthour smot on ben nnn faOe,

So ou the wuA do the haile.


SiNGERiE, ff. (Fr.) An apish trick.

SiNOiNG-BONE, ff. The sharp bone

at the edge of the elbow; the

funny-hone. Northampt,

SiNGiNO-BREAD, ff. The cottse-

crated wafers in the Romish ser-


Stngino-hinnt, ff. A sort of rich

kneaded cake, with currants io iu

Single, (1) a^. Pure; disinter-

ested; sincere.*

(2)04;. Weak; siUy.

(3) ff. A handful of gleamngi

tied up. North.

(4) ff. An animal's tail.

(5) Sinffte beer, weak beer;

double beer, strong beer. See


S1NOLE-OUS8, ff. The orchis, ffett.

Single-money, ff. Small coins.

SiNGLERE, ff. A wild boar. See


Boyes in the snbarbis

Bourdene fnlle heghe

At a bare tynglert

That to the bente nrnnys.


Singlet, ff. (1) An unlined waist-

coat Derb.

(2) A waistcoat made of undyed

woollen. Lane,

Single-ten, ff. A tenth card.


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SiNOLBTON, t. A simpleton. We»t.

>iK6LE-woMAN, f. A profititute.


)iNG-soNOy 9. A drawling song.

Singular, o^/. (1) Choice; ex-


(2) Single; lonely. Norf.

>iNOULL, t. A horse-girth.

5INGULT, !,.(£«/.) A, igh.

81NGULr,J \ ^ O

Sinistral, o^r* Sinister.

5iN«.A.PACE,l cinque-paoe.


Sink-dirt, t. Gutter mud. Lane,

Sinker, t. A cesspool. Line,

Sinkers, t. Stockings without feet.


Sinking-paper, t. Blotting-paper.

SiNNETE, ». A sort of cloth.

§iNN0CK, 8. A long staff with a

spike at the end.

Si KNOW, t. A showily dressed wo-

man. Situwwed, gaily orna-


SiN-sTNE, adv. Since that time.


Sinter, t. A cincture.

SiPE, V. To ooze or drain out

slowly. North.

SippBT, f . A sop of bread to put in

sonp. Urq. Rab.

SippLE, V. To sip up.

SipREs. «. A bonnegrace. Florio.

Si-auis. {Lat,) Advertisements or

bills generally commenced thus

formerly, and were hence called

nquMtea. ** A ti^ttif , or publick

note, cry pubUe, ou cedule,"


They stand like the devil's si-quis at a

tavern or alehouse. Gr9€n*t Th Quofue.

My end is to paste ap a si-Quis.

Marttm'i What you mu, act iii.

Shall we now tame the mathematicks *

^EPOK? Where is AJphonsns, Aristar-

chus, £rchimide8, or some of the noble

professors? if this hold, it is time to

make the painters correct their tables,

and take the globe oat of the king

Ptoloinies hand, and there place a poore

ti^mis, each as forlome foneiners use to

have in Pauls Church.

HopUm*s Baculum QeodoBiiatm, 1614b

Sir, s. (1) {A.'N) The translatioii

of JomtiMtf.

(2) A gentleman. Shaknp.

Sirs, t. A breed, or sort, as a good

Hre of pigs, cabbages, &c. Boat.

Sir-harry, t. A close stooL Bnt.

SiR-JOHN, «. A priest.


SiRN,a4^'. Sorrowing. Northampt»

SiRoiNE, ff. A salve for wounds.

SiRPLE, V. To sip up.

SiRRAP, f. A hard blow. Devon,

SiR-REVERKNCB. A Corruption of the

phrase tave your reverence, said

as a kind of apology before the

utterance of anything that might

be considered objectionable in

speaking to a superior.

SiRVEGBff. Service.

I pray thee helpe me I were at es ;

Thou bought never so god nrveg§

In sted there thou hast bene.

MS. A$hmoU, \Uh ctnt.

Sis, f. (1) An abbreviation of the

name Cicely.

(2) {A,-N.) The cast of six upon

the die.

SisE, t. (1) A wax-taper.

(2) The assizes.

(3) A lesson, or task. North.

SiSERARA, ff. A bard blow. EoMt.

Siskin, s. The greenfinch.

SisouR, s. A person deputed to

hold assizes.

SiSB, (1> V. To hiss.

(2) ff. A great fat woman. Escm.

SissLE, ff. A thistle. Sutiex.

SisT, pre$. t. Thou seest.

Sister, ff. A sewster.

Sit, v. (1) To support ; to endure.

(2) To keep the night-court-


(3) To tit effffif to remain too

long a guest. To sit on, to burn

in the pan, said of milk.

(4) The moon fft^ff, t. c, it is

past the fulL Northampt.

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SiTCH, t. (A,'S. rich.) A small

water-course. See Sice, Siek.

Site, «. Shame; disgrace.

SiT-FAftT, ff. A sort of swelling on

a horse's back. Cotgrme.

SiTB, (1) adv. Since.

(2) f. A way ; journey

SiTHB, (1) f. {A,^S) Time.

(2) 0. To strain liquor.

(3) 9. To sigh. Etut.


fastened to a scythe to carry the

mowed barley clean into the



siTHENBS, y adv. (A,'S,) Since.


SiTHBRB, ff. Cyder.

Therfore ine wine me ne may.

Line nthntt ne inne perere.

William ie ShonJum.



SiTTANDfOJ;. Becoming; suitable.

SiTTEN-ON, adj. Short in stature.

Sittings, ff. Statute fairs for ser-

vants. North.

SiVBy (1) '• A sieve.

(2) V. To follow.

(3) s. A scythe. Stmth.

SivEDEs, ff. Refuse of bran.

Six. a cup of tix, a cup of beer

sold at six shillings a barrel,

temp. James I.

Six-LOVB, ff. A term in the game

of whist.

Six-o'cLocK, ff. The star of Beth-

lehem, which closes its petals

about that hour. Northampt.

Size, (1) ff. Formerly, a portion of

breaid or drink which scholars

in Cambridge received at the

buttery; now, anything had by

the students at dinner beyond

the usual commons.

(2^ ff. Assizes.

(3) a^. Six. Lane.

(4) ff. The third part of an


SiZBLY, o^f. Prond; coy. North.

SiZBR, ff. (1) A ttudent at Cam.

bridge, answering to the Oxford


(2) An assizer, or juror.

(3) A thin piece of brass with a

hole, for testing the roundness of

cast bullets.

Sizing, b. (1) Teast.

(2) Weaver's size. North.

SizLB, V. To saunter about. AbrfA.

SizT, adj. Sticky. South,

SizzBN, V. To hiss. North.

SizzLX, 9. (1) To make a noise

between a sigh and a hiss.

(2) To dry and shrivel up with

hissing. Suff.

(3) To burn. Enes.

Sizzup, (1) ff. A blow. North.

(2) V. To beat. North.

SxADDLE, (1) ff. Damage; injury.

(2) adj. Ravenous ; mischieTOU.

Sk ADDONS, ff. The eggs of beet.

SxADE, ff. {A.'S.) Harm ; miscfaiel


SxAFE, adj. Awkward. Lmc.

Skag, ff. An accidental bk>w; s

slight wound, or rent. SomemL

^f«^« 1 «• A crooked sword «

VLl^^' }. scimitar formerly used


SxAiN, ff. A scarf for the head.

S kales, ff. An old name of a gsne

which appears to have resembled


Skalle, Iff. a drinking cup, or

SKAYLE, J goblet.

SKANBY,a4r* Long; lanky. Donr*.

Skansback, adj. Having some

special mark of distinction. Yorkk

Skaene, ff. Terror.

Skasb, 9. To huny. Comsp.

Skatchbs, ff. Stilts.

Skathy, a^. Mischievous.

SKAVELL,ff. A sort of spade. Tatttr*

SxEAR, s. (1) Gravel, or pebbles.


(2) A dsgger.

Skbel, (1) ff. A milking p«3.


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(2)«. To shell. We$tm.

Skkelino, ) t. The inner part of

8KILLINO, ja ham, where the

slope of the roof comes. South,

Skkemish, adj. Squeamish. Wett.

Skebn, (1) #. {A.'S.) A sword-

(2) V. To squint. Leic,

Skeer, (1) «. To moye along

quickly, and slightly touching.

(2) V, To clear away.

(3) V, To mow lightly over.

(4) t. The place where cockles

are gathered. Cumb.

Skber-dbvii., t. The swift. Somen.

S&E£«iN68,t. Hay made from pas-

ture land. Weft.

Skbbt, adv, (A.-S,) Swiftly.

Skbbts, t. Long scoops used in

bleaching linen, and also to wet

ahips' sails with.

Skbo, ff. (1) A wild plum. Fhrio.

(2) A stump of a branch.

(3) A wooden peg.

(4) A rent in cloth. Here/.

Skboobb, a. A salmon-trout.

Skkkb, f. A contest.

And with tkeku and with fight,

The wayes loked wele ttplight.

Arlhemr and Merlin.

Skzkib, adj. Shy. Northumb*

ScBLDBRy V. To swindle.

Skslb, t. A reason. See SkiU.

Skblino, a. A slope attached to a

building. Ber1c9.

Skblk, v. To shrink, said of


Skei.1., «. A shell. North.

Sni.i^BOO0B, t. The head of the

stalls of cattle. North.

Skzluid, a4^. Twisted into a

curve. North.

SksllbkbDi adj. Warped. North,

9iLKLL.rr,$.(Fr.ooewUet.) A small

pot writh a handle. Lane.

Skbixvm, «. A scoundrel.

Skblly, (1) V. To squint. North.

(2) a4r- Thin and light. Line.

8kbi,p, (1) 8. A blow. North.

(2) V. To run quicklyt or in a

boondittg manner. Var. d.

(3) V. To leap awkwardly. Cheth.

(4) 9. To kick severely. Eeut.

Srelper, a. Anything large.

Skblpino, adj. LATge ; full.

Skblt, ff. A rumour. North.

Skexter, a. Order; condition.


Skelye, v. To incline. Line.

Skbmmbi., t. (A.-S.) A long form,

or stool. North.

Skbn, v. To squint. Lane.

Skeksmadam, a. A dish set on the

table only for show. Cumd.

Skbmt, v. To have the diarrhcea.


Skbntbr, ff. An animal which will

not fatten.

Skbp, a. (1) A basket made of

rushes or straw. Var, d.

(2) A wooden measure. lAne.

Skepb, ff. A fishing vessel. North.

Skbr, v. To slide, or skate. North.

Skbrb, (I) adj. {A.'S.) Clear;

free ; pure and unmixed.

^2^ t;. To escape from.

(3) V. To scare away.

Skerre, a. A cltir. See Sear.

Skekky, adj. Slaty, said of coals.


Skesb, V, To frisk about. Comw.

Skbt, (1) adv. Quickly; imme-


(2) ff. {A.'S,) A part ; a region.

Sketch, a. A latch. North,

Skbul, v. To look askant. Kent,

Skew, (1) adv. Aslope.

(2) V, To cast on one side.

(3) ,v. To slope the edge of a

stone; to chamfer. Cof^.

(4) ff. A sort of boat.

(5)». To throw violently. North,

(6) ff. An old cant term for a


(7) V, To toss up.

(8) s. A projection. Yorkth,

(9) adJ, Piebald. Che$h.

(10) ff. A bird's tail.

(11) ff. Thick drizzling rain of

short duration. Comw.

(12) «. To skewer. Somenet.





Skxw-bald, ae(f' Piebald.

Unrip he. and you thall finde

Og the great commiaurie, and vhicb ia


Th' apparatour npon his sk«w-bald borae.

CleaveUmPs O^raeUr, /-c.1647.

Sksw-boolish, a4^'. Skittish, said

of a horse. Line.

Sjcbwb, v. To fall away.

Skew-the-dbw, t. One who is


BK%w-WAUP,adv. Awry. Norih-


Skbw-whift, adv. Aslant. West.

Skbwt, adv. Askew. Sowtenet,

Sketl, 9. To overturn on one side.


Skbvl-bbast, «. The partition of


Skbtld, adj. Particoloured. York-


Skbtsb, v. To run away. Comw.

Skicb, 9. To frolic about ; to run

slilv. South. Skicer, a lamb

which kills itself by its excess in

activity. We$L

Skid, (1) r. To hook the wheel of

a waggon in descending a hill.

The implement used for this pur-

pose is called a Mkid-pan.

(2) f . A sledge, or timber-cart.

Skiddbt-cock, t. The water-rail


Skidbb, «. A skate. Northumb.

Skib, f. (^.-&) A cloud.

Skxbf, f. A wheel of steel used

instead of a coulter in some paru

of Lincolnshire.

Skibl, t. A beer-cooler. Wilts.

Skiff, (1) a^. Awkward; dis-

torted« fPet/.

(2) V. To shifl; to remove.


Skiff-dish, t. An implement used

by hatters for forcing down the

brims of a hat.

Skitfbb, t. A shallow tub. Lbte.

Skiff-bandbd, a4j, (1) Inexpert

with the hands ; unable to throw I

straight. North.

(2) Left-handed. Somers. \

Skiftb, (1) «. To change; toI^

move ; to shift.

The iiii. wylfe of the flofce

Seyd, owre ayra iVdeooke

FaynevoldI«ix/i(«. Forivtgi»U^

(2) V. {A.^S.) To ordain; to


(3) t. An appointment.

Skilb, (1) V. To separate. JDiri

(2) ff. An iron slice for skimioii>S

the fat off broth. North.

(3) t. Reason. See SkilL

Skill, (1) t. {A.'S.) Reason.

(2) «. To signily; to matter.

It skitt* not, whether I be kind to iRj

man living.

SlurUftQpmttttr, O. FL, ix.S&

(3) «. To know ; to nnderstsDd.

(4) 9. To hull oats. Detom.

Skillbt, s. a long-handled mettl


Skilluk, t. An outhouse; a pnt-

house ; a sort of pantry. Stmik.

Skilly, t. Water from boilicg

meat thickened with oatmeal.

Skiltt-boots, f. Half- boon.


Sktlyikos, s. The wooden fnnd

fixed on a cart to widen it.

Skim, 9. To mow.

SKiMBLB-scAifBLBfO^ir. Rambliog;


Rere'a a aweet deal of teUMe-MaaiU

stuff. Tajflor, Ik$er. ^m Wni^

SKiifB,(l)ff. Any of light. Yarhk.

(2) 9. To look at a person iass

underneath way, the head beios

held dovro. Lkie.

Skimmbb, 9. (1) To liriik or flatter

about. EoMt.

(2) To shine. Durh.

Skimminoton, «. A popular cere-

mony of punishing a man who

allows himself to be beaten by

his wife.

Skimpino, Afr. Scanty. Smth.

Skimps, t. The refuse of flsx.


Skimpy, aeff. Scanty. Leie.

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SuNCB, V. To give scant neatiire;

to be pinching. StmeMng, nar-

row-minded. Lme.

Skin-flinTi «. A miier.

SuNOY, atff. (1) Cold. S^ffoU.

(2) Stingy. Line.

Skink, (1) 9. {J.-S.) To poor ont

liquor ; to iUl the glass.

Uniill bee (Ute asleepe he skiHis and


And then lOce to a bore be winkei and

stinkes. :^lor's Workts, 1630.

(2) V. To serve liquor.

Such wine as Ganymede doth ikini to


When he iuTitea the ndi to feast with

him. SUrleg, Iwtpoit,, A, r, p. 67.

(3) f. Drink, liqaor.

(4) 9, To drink.

i5)«. To overtop.

6) IT.

To spy, or peer about.


(7) «. A popular term for the

poton latest at breakfast.

Skinkbr, t. (1) A cup-bearer.

'* Pocillator. The princes fjh'ni(«r,

fiUcup, or cnp-bear(r." Nomencl,

The Fhrygiaa tkinktr, with hia larish


Drowns not the fieUs with ihower after

shower. Sjfketter't Duhtartoi.

(2) A tapster, or drawer; one

who fetches liquor in a public


HsBg up all the poor hop-drinkers,

Ckifls ola Sjm, the king of Mnken.

B. Jem. Venn at the JpoUo.

And are dry and thirsty ever?

iVwiim BflfMly.

Skikkikg-pot, «. The vessel from

which the liquor is poured.

Ciraea, pot h Terser le TIB. Aeaaorjng

whereoQt wine is filled and powred:

a ikinkim^^t. Nomencl. 1685.

Snvurr, t. Thin skin. Florio.

Skinv sa, «• A dealer in skins.

Skiknt, adj. Lean ; miserly. South,

Skip, t. (1) A ship.

i2) A basket made of rushes.

3) A utensil for taking up yeast.


Skip-jack, t. (1) A dwarf; a pup-

pyish fellow.

(2) The merrythought of a fowl,

made into a little toy by a twisted

thread and small piece of stick.

Skip-kbnnbl, ff. A footboy.

Skippbb, f. (1) The master of a


(2) A cant term for a bam.

Skippbt, t. A wooden vessel for

lading water. Line.

Skippino-block, «. A block to

assist in mounting a horse. Norf.

Skir, (1) 1^. To graze, or touch

slightly ; to jerk. Somerget.

(2) oi^. Sharp. Stcsf . See Skeer.

Skikb, adj. Loose ; open. Lane.

Skiroaliako, f. A gay fellow.


Skirl, (1) v. To scream. North.

(2) V. To slide. Yorkth.

(3) e. To shrivel up. Bast.,

4) ff. Pebbles. North.

gKiRMB, V. To skirmish.

Skirr, v. To scour a country.

Skirrbt, #. The water-parsnip.

SciRRocK, #. A scrap; a trifle.


Skirt, v. To squui. Skirter, a

syringe. Somerset.

Skirting, t. (1) The diaphragm

of cattle. Somerset.

(2) A sort of half-ploughing,

preparatory to beat-burning.


Skirts, v. To sit tg^on one'f skirts,

to meditate revenge against him.

Skisb, v. To run fast. Wight.

Skibtb, v. To arrange ; to manage.

ScathyUe Soottlande by skyUe

And Wales of were

He wane at hys wiHe. Morte Arikure.

Skit, (1) v. To slide. Somers.

(2)ff. Diarrhcea in animals. X<iie.

St. A scud of rain. Devon.

a4f. Hasty.

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Skite, 1 v. Merdit a^ergere,

8KiTTKft, J Tor. d,

Skitlt, adj. Diminutive. Wut.

Skittir-boots, If. Half boots,

SKiTTERYAMPS, J laoed ill front.


Skitter-b&aikkd, udj. Thought-

less. North,

Skittbrino, a^. Flimsy. Defnn,

Skittbr-wit, «. A harebrained

fellow. Chesh,

Sktttle, 9. To hack. We$t.

Skittt, ff. The moor-hen. Swntrt,

Sbivb, 9. (1) To pare the thick

parts of hides before tanning.

Skivinff$f the parings of hides.

(2) To tarn up the eyes. Line.

SKiVBR,f. A skewer. SMver-tPoodf

dogwood. We$i,

Skiwinkin, adj. Awry. East,

SKizzLBf f. A large taw. Eoit.

Sklbirb, s. a curling iron.

Sklbm, v. To steal slyly. Heref.

SKI.ISTB, t. A flat instraraent for

spreading anything.

Skooobr, t. The leg of an old

stocking, used as a gaiter in

snow-time. Nurih.

Skool, t. The cry along tlie coast

when the herrings appear first

for the season.

Skopb, v. To loiter.

Skoppoloit, «. Romping and fro-

licking. Boat.

Skotb, t. A prop. Wight.

SK0TTBFBR8. t. {A.-S.) ArcheTS.

Diteoreris of •ehotte-mene

And skyrmjv a Ivttille,

SlcAvrw thiure tiotUftn^

And thdre akowtte wschet.

Mortt Jrihtre.

Skout, t. The auk. Northumi.

Skovb, «. A sheaf. We$t.

Skowbr,9. To be shackled.

Skotlbb, 8. An old game played

with pins.

SKonioBB, A{f. S^Mamish. Bak,

Skram, (1) V. To beunmb iritk

cold. Somtnet,

(2) adf. Benumbed; awkward.


Skraum, v. To grope about


Skrbd, v. To stride. Somerwet.

Skrbbd, 8. A border of dotbs.


Skreek, o. To creak. North.

Skrbbnob, v. To squeeze. North.

Skrent, 0. To scorch. West.

Skribr, «. A magician's attendant

Dr. Dee applies this term to the

person who looked for spiriu ia

his glass or holy stone.

Skrijcb, v. To shriek. North.

Skrilb, t. Small underwood. Sotdk.

Sbruntt, a4^*. Stunted. Crooa.

ScBUBSLBy «. The cracklin of port


Skry, a. A coarse sieve.

Skufb, t. A precipice. North.

Skulk, v. To stoop. Lhw.

Skull, s. A party.

A knarish tkmU of boyet and giifasM

pelt At him vith stonei.

And lavins on wiUi staTca and wkippei diA

breake both flesh and bonea.

Wamn's JOumt Ayka^ 1591

Srurf, 8. A trout.

Skummbb, (1) f. Foulness made

with a dirty liquid. SomtroeL

(2) V. To make fouL Smb.

Skut, v. To crouch down. Xmt.

Skutb, f. A small boet; a wherry.

Skuty, «jF. Smart; deen. Bott.

Sky, V, (1) To shy.

(2) To peep. Si^.

SmYBY,adJ. Shy; reluctant. YotUl

Skyb, «. (^.-&) A cloud.

Skyme, v. To squint. Line.

Slab, (1) adj. Adhesive; slabby.

(2) 8. {A.-S.) A wet place, or

puddle. North.

(3^ f. Foot pavement Line.

(4) f. The outer cut of a tfce

when sawn up into pltaka.

(5) 8. A naaott's boy ; a drudr*


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(6) f . The wryneclc North,

Slabbard, tu^. Sluggish; ilow;

tardy. Pr.P,

Slabbbb, v. (1) To dirty. West

(2) To aroear with spittle. Slab-

berinff-bidf a child's breast-doth.

(3) To eat greedily.

Slabbb&dboulliom, f. An old

term of coDtempt.

Slabby, adj. Sloppy.

Slacbn-bubh, ff. The black thorn,

or sloe-tree. Northampt.

Slacbb, v. To idle. YorlBh.

Slack, (1) (A.-S.) w^. Slow.

(2) adj. Low-spirited; lazy.

(3) tt^. Depressed, said of trade.

(4) a^. Underdone, said of

bread or meat. Siack-aven, one

which bakes slowly. Kent.

(5) 9. To put off; to procras-


(6) ff. A long pool in a streamy


(7) f. Low ground; a Talley.


(8) V. To cool in water. North.

(9) 9, Mingere. Wore,

(10) 9. To quench the thirst. Leic.

Slacken, p. To fall in price.

Slackbt, adj. Slim. Comw.

Slacktbacb, 1 f . a alattem.

slackumtbans, J Line.

Slackumtwist, f. A slattern.


Sladdbrt, a^\ Wet and dirty.


Slaob, (l)f. {A.^S.$Utd.) ATBllfly

or rarine.

Bowa throogli the deeper tHaia.

Drajft., Foljfolb., aong 14

And M(tyrB.that in a§d$i and gloomy dim-

bleedveU. Jd.,wagiL

(2) #. A dried water-course.


(3) f. A broad strip of green-

sward between two woods, gene-

rally in a valley. Northan^t.

(4) t. A sledge.

(5) V. To carry on a aledge; to

drag along.

Slaob-dowit, 9. To draw back

part of the mould into the inter-

furrow, with the plough drag,

ging, or iladmg upon its sidO'


Sladbbing-dkao, $. A small slid-

ing carriage, without wheels,

drawn by one horse. CAeiA.

Slab, f. A sloe. North.

Slabb, f . A sly look. Berii.

Slao, (1) t. Refuse or dross of

ores; stony coal.

(2) adj. Miry. Ft. P.

Slaobb, «. To slacken. West.

Slao, f. A sloe. Wettm.

Slaib, f. A bobbin.

Slaif, s. a shallow dish. North.

Slain, f. Smut in com. Cumb.

Slaint, 9. To bring forth young,

said of cows and mares. Kimt.

Slaib, v. To walk about idly or

slovenly. North.

Slaibg, f. Mud. Northumb.

Slairtbb, v. (1) To beat severely.


(2) To do slovenly or awk*

wardly. Far, d.

Slait, (1) «. To slake lime. Devon.

(2) f. A place to which one is

accustomed; properly, a sheep

ruD. Weit.

(3) 9. To accustom.

Slakk, (1) 9. (^.-5.) To desist;

to fail.

(2) V. To snbside; to quench.


(3) V. {A.^S.) To untie.

?4) 9. To smear. Var. d.

(5) 9. To Uck or slabber. Ztnc.

^6) atg. Soft, slushy. JDurh.

{7) 9. An accumulation of mud.


(8) ff. Very small coals. North.

(9) 9. To put out the toogua.


(10) ff. Leisure; opportunity.


(11) ff. A light stroke. North.

Slalb, adj. Violent; inflamed.



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Slam, (1) t. An old name of t



(2) A term at whitt, osed when

one party wini a game before the

other has gained a trick.

(3) V. To throw together vio-

lently; to fling down ; to beat.

(4) f. The side, as the t&im of a

hill. Donet.

(b) tuff. Tall and lean. North.

(6) a. A kind of masde. South,

(7) A peculiar mode of ringing

the bella. Northan^t.

(8) V. To do anything in a slo-

yenly manner. Leie,

Slam-bano, adv. With great tio*

lence. Wett.

Slamkin, 1 t. A female


Slamuack, v. To walk iloTenly,

to do awkwardly.

Slamming, adj. Big. W€9t.

Slampambbs, ff. To cot of the

$!ampambe$, or give the atem-

pamiei ; to circnmvent.

I wTtl cat him of the slampamits, I hold

him a crowne,

Whererer I meeie him.in covntrieor tomie.

NtwCtuUmt, O.V.,i,990.

The townwmen beinjr^ pinched at the

heart that one raacafl in such scorae-

ftall wiae should five them the tlam-

pnut not so mach vdens the slender-

nesae of the loise as the shameftihiease

of the foile. SUmiMmnei Inlumd,

SLAMTBA8H,f. AsUttenu Yorksh,

Slanb, «. Sloes. Dewm.

Slang, t. (1) A sort of ordnance.

^2) The cant language.

(3) A long slip of land. Var.d.

Slanoam, f. A loutish fellow.

Slank, (1) 9. A slope. Kent.

(2) adj. Slender. North.

(3)«. Sea-weed.

Slant, (1) v. To exaggerate.

North. ^^

(9) 9. To mock.

(S) f. A ily or indirect Joke.

Northamgtt. Bee Stent.

Slant, a. A slattern. Weet.

Slap, (1) tOv. Suddenly; preeipU

tately. SlapUmg, stup-dath, bcid-

long, violently.

(2) V. To spill liquor. Yorttk.

(3) V. To loll the tongue out.


(4) a. A gap. Somerwet.

Slap-dash, t. Rough-cast, in na-

sonry ; a coarse way of paiatiog

the walls of a room.

Slapb, (1) tu^. Slippery; soft


(2) V. To walk about the hooie

with dirty shoes. Ojtfd.

Slapb-facb, a. A fair-spoken by-

pocrite. Line.

Slafbl, a. A large piece. &m.

Slap-hoube, a. A scullery. Norti-


Slapping, (1) adj. Very large.

(2) Going a Oapfimg^ going to

gather cowslips. Noriham^t,

Slappt, a^. Imperfectly baked.


Slap-saucb, t. A parasite. "A

lickedish, a lickerish fellow, a

etapeawee.'* Abaieiicfa/or, 1586.

Slap-srobs, t. Shoea with k>ose


Slarb, (1) «. To smear. Sknf,

bedaubed, ^latf.

(2) a. A hint; an implied re-

proach. ZtNC.

Slart, (1) V. To aplaah; to be-

daub. Yorkeh.

(2) 9. To stain. Herrf,

(3) t. A quantity. Une,

Slash, (1) a. A gash. YoriA,

(2) V, To intertwine.

Slashing, a^. Wild; gay.

Slasbt, adj. Sloppy ; miiy. Sorik,

Slat, (1) v. To strike ; to slap; »

beat against with violence,

(2) a. A slap, or blow.

(3) V. To split ; to crack. ITof.

(4) V. To incite. North.

(5) a. A spot, or atain. YorUk.

(6) part. p. Dirtied; wetlcd.


(7) a. An iron heater for smooth

ing linen. Somerwet.

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(8) t. The flat step of a ladder.


(9) 9. To drip or mn down.

Midi, a

Slat-axb, «. A mattock with a

short axe at one end. JDev,

Slatch, t. A short gleam of fine


Slatchin, adj. Untidy. Cumb,

Slatb, (1)9. To bait an animal; to

set a dog at it.

(2) V. To be angry.

(3) V. To ridicule. For, d.

(4) f. An old cant term for a


(5^ $, A pod or husk. Hati^h,

(6) adj. Applied to a woman

when her petticoat falls below

her gown.

Slatb-ribs, t. The joint of beef

between the top-ribs and the

brisket ; the short ribs. MidL C,

Slatb-stgnbs, ff. Slates.

Slathbb, V, To slide. North.

Slats, t. (1) Dark blue ooze, left

by the ebb of the sea. S^f.

(2) Cross pieces used in hurdles.

MidL C.

SLATTsm, «. To waste ; to spill ; to

be negligent or sloTcnly.

Slattbbpovcb, 1 «. a boy's


'When they vera boyee at trmp, or tlUUUr-

They'd sweat. Oigf ten. FM. NoUt, p. 88.

Slattxbins, f. Relics. £a»e.

SLAmBY.adJ. Wet.

Slaty, adj, (1) Muddy.

(2) Incrusted inside, as a kettle

afber long use. Leic.

Slaughmbss, f. ( Germ,) A sabre.

Beitdee theie, we hare the fierce Bra^

' nandatronf Almaineawytfikmg

and cattyng 9langkmt$$t8,


Slavh, 9. To smear. Leic.

Slausb, v. To strain liquor.

Slaubtbb, t. To wander about


Slaybimb, "I #. {A.'N.) A pil-

BCLAVBtNB, J grim's mantle.

Slavbb, (1) 9. To slobber.

(2) ff. Saliva.

Slawbn, f. A large piece. 5iMSff.

Slawb, {A,'S,) peart, p. Slain.

Slat, (1 ) t . ** The elay of a weaver's

loomeharing teeth like a combe."

NomeneL The word is still used

in the north for the part of the

loom that is pulled by the hand

among the threads. AorM. There

are persons at Norwich who

call themselves treddle^and-elaym


who make some part of looms

for weavers.

(2) «. Coarse wooL Dewm.

(3) f . A lane or way cut through

a whin, broom, or other cover.

(4) f. Wood cut and laid in re*

gular rows, for tying up. 5&iy-

wattle, a sort of hurdle. Kent.

(5) adv. As wiUiogly. «< I would

tlay do it as not." Somertet,

Slay-window, t . A window with

a casement opening by turning

on hinges.

Slb, 9. {J.'S.) To slay.

Slba, 9. To wither or dry, applied

especially to com. Cheek.

Slbam, 9. To slumber. Lane.

Slbavb, v. To tear down. Herff.

Slbave-silk, 1 1. The soft fios-silk

SLBAVB, J used for weaving.

The bank with daffadmies dight.

With grass, like sUave. was matted.

^utst. qfCtfntkia, p. 68S.

Thoa idle, fanmaterial akein of sUheriUr.

Skakeep., Tro, ^ Crests v, 1.

Slbck, (1) V. To assuage; to


(2) V. To cool. North.

(3) V. To splash. Northampt.

(4) «. Small pit coal. Yorkeh.

(5) V. To make sleek. Paleffr.

Slbckino, t. Weak liquor. NortK

Slbdi (1) «. A sledge.

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(2) ». A sledge hammer.

(3) - -



(3) ». To walk lamely or hob-

bling. Yorkth.

Slkdb, 9. A valley. See Slade,

Slbdge, v. To ah'ifc off. DtcrA.

SLEDOERy 9» The lower atone in the

hopper of a mill.

Sledbr, adj, (A.-S.) Slippery.

Sled-trouob, t. A person sluggish

in his gait. Craven.

Slee, 8. A sloe-tree. North.

Sleech, (1) «. Mud, the deposit of

water, in the sea or river. See

Slud and Slush,

(2) V. To dip up water. North.

Slbsee, v. To make smooth. See


Sleeebr, 8. Ad implement of iron

for draining the skins taken from

a tanpit.

Sleeper,!. (1) A beam of wood sup-

porting something on the ground.

(2) The stump of a tree left in

the gpround. Noff.

(3) Grains of barley which do

not vegetate in malting. Shroptk,

(4) A rushlight. Notf.

Slbbp-sick, a4f.

Fond Epienre, thou rather slept'st. thy self,

When tiiou didat forge thee such a deep-

tick elf. SyhetUt^s DubarUa.

Sleep-wort, t. {Ger.) Lettuce.

Sleepy, adj. Tasteless ; insipid.

Slebr, (1) «. {A.^S.) A slayer.

(2) V. To swill or wash out. Leic.

Slbere, v. To give a leering look.

Slering feUow^ a cunning fellow.

To make thee dreame (if thou canst hear^,


Hiat fortnne fawnea on wiie-men, $Uent

on fools:

8hee »U$r«9 in scoxneb aith fooles no footing


On grooBd of Graee: but are like coddng


Ifow op a]oft> then straight orewlielm'd

bdowe. Jkmti, 8cwrg€<ffEoUy, 1611.

Sleeve, ». (1) {Fr. la manehe.)

A narrow channel of the sea,

especially that between Britain

and France. '* The t^^eve between

England and France,

Britannicw." Coles.

(2) o. To cleave. Narfh.

(3) f. The cuttle-fish (?^

Sleet, (1) adj. Oblique. Pr. P.

(2)f. Cow-dmig. Yorkth.

Slebve-rand, t. The cuff attached

to a sleeve ; also for the wristband

of a shirt : "poignet de la ehemiety

the t^eeoe-Aoiuf of a shirt." Cet-


A inr-coat of rrimaon ▼elmetr-the coller,

skirts, and derve-hands garnished vitk

ribbons of gold.

LUni^s CollectaMM, ir. SSS.

Sleeveless, adj. Futile, useleas.

Slbbzy. See SUuy.

Slkvt, part. p. Slashed. Somersti.

Slbided, adj. Raw, uutwiated« as


Sleigh, adj. (A.^S.) Cunning.

Sleight, (1) t. {A.-S.) Con-

trivance; the knack of doing


(2) adj. Sngooth.

SLEiNT,parf./). Slipped ; poshed.

Sleith, t. (A.'S.) Cunning ; con-

trivance ; a stratagem.

Slen, v. To slope. Somers.

Slench, (1) V. To hunt privateW,

as dogs do to steal food. Ncrtk

(2) 9. To cut only one aide of a

hedge. Chesh.

(3) V. To quench the thint.


(4) t. The part of a cow dose

to the brisket. WeH.

Slent, (1) 0. To slope; to slide.

(2) t. A gentle slope.

(3) f . A witticism or sarcasm.

And when Cleopatra found AntOBiai'

ieasts and sUmts to be bat groBie.

(4) V. To jest, or be sarcastic

One Protens, a pleasannt coneeittd

man, and that oooJd «irai finely. Ik.

(5) A deep paddle, or araaU pit


(6) V. To rend, or tear. Donet.

Slefb, v. To drag.

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Slspir, a4/* Slippery.

Sleplb, v. (A.'S,) To sleep gently.

Slbrb, v. To set on a dog.

Slbbrib, «. The sparerib. West,

Slbtch, v. To stop. Wight,

Si^BTB, V. To set a dog at anything.


Suemv, pret, t,pl They slided.

SI.BUTB, V, To shoot ; to let fly.


Slbuth, 1 1. The track of an

SLBCOH, V animal. Sleuih-houndf

SLUTH, J a bloodhound.

Slbuth, f. A herd of bears. Booke

qfHvaUing, 1586.

Slbuthb, t. [A.'S.) Sloth.

SusvE, V. {A.'S.) To cleave.

Slbw, (1) v. To turn round.

(2)v. To become drunk. Yorkah.

(3) 8. A sort of sieve.

Sjlbwbr, V, To give way.

Si.BTy 9, A weaver's reed. North,

Slibbeb, (1) adj. Slippery.

Now the mountebankB are os bnsie u

a pick pocket in a fair, in puttiae off

XhiaxMbhtr laucea. These arc a kind

of men who as if they went to law with

a disease, play booty wiih a aickneu,

torn a conaamptiou to nicu's nuraea,

and purge them worse than their bodici.

Po<>r Robin, 1696.

(2) V. To Blip or slide. North-


Sjlibbbb-slabber, aSlj, Very care-


Slicb, «. (1) A fire shovel. Wut,

(2) An implement for turning

meat in frying. Palagr.

SUCB-8BA» idj,

Tlie windiag ii\-en bordered all their banks

With sUeesea aiders, and green oeiars amal.

With trembling poplars, and with willows


And many trees beside, fit to be made

ITeweU* or Umber, or to serve for shade

Ssflvettet'g Dubwta$.

SucHBNy adj. Smooth. Lane,

Suck, (1) adj. Smooth; slippery.

(2) ii4f. Clear; entirely. W99t,

(3) «. Rabbit's down. East,

(4 ) V, To make sleek.

(5) V. To run away. Leie,

Slickbn, adj. Smooth. Lane,

Slickensidbb, t. A species of

mineral substance in mines in

Derbyshire which explodes easily.

Slicket, t. A thin slice. Berks.

SLiCKiNO-aTONE, 9, An implement

for sharpening scythel, made by

gluing sand or emery on both

sides of a fiat piece of wood. Leie,

Slickler, 9. Aa idler. Devon,

S'lio. An exclamation, or oath.

A purchase, well 'tis but flveyeares longer

And I shall hope to see a merrier world.

No body neare too I ^tid I ttie very thouKhts

EDuugh to make me man o'the suddain.

Be kisse her though.

Randolph's JminiaSt IMO-

Slidobn, part, p, of slide,

Slidder, (1)9. To slide.

(2) adj. Slippery.

(3) ff. A long piece of greensward

between two furlongs. North"


Slide, t. A sledge.

Slide-bott, 9, A dung sledge.


Slide-groat, f. The game of


Slidbrs, t. Beams supporting

shafts in mines. North,

Slier, v. To look silly with an evil

design. Glouc.

S*LiFE, 9, An exclamation.

Marshal de Tonneare beholding, these

are brave acts indeed, quo he. but at

this rate we shall never carry away the

Golden Fleece. *Sli/g, quo tlie palatine

to the marshal, what would yon hare

me to do, sir ? I kill'd 'em thrice, and

they woiild not die. Pt^an Prince, 1690.

Slift, t. (1) A slip. Suf,

(2) The fleshy part of a leg of

beef. £a9t,

(3) A scion of a plant, for pro-

pagation, not cut, but pulled off

at a joint. Norf,

Slipter, (1) v. To crack.

(2)f. A crevice. Lane.

Slight, (1) t. An artifice, or con«

trivance ; a device.

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And that, diitiird by magic tlhkU,

Shall raise anch artifirial spriiflits.

(2) t. A trifle. Weit.

(3) V. To iron lineiu

(4) V. To cast.

(5) r. Tb slake lime. Devon*

(6) 9. {Dutch, tl^ten, to wear.)

To wear. "You'll soon slight

up that thin coat." Norf. The

pret. t. is flat, and past p. sUtten.

(7) t. Wear and tear. JVbi/.

'Slight, «. An exclamation, con«

tracted from *' hj this light."

'Sliakt I I oonld so beat the rogut.

Sliohtt, adj. Slim. Eoit.

Slik, adj, {A.'S.) Sach.

Slike, (1) V. (J.-S.) To make


(2) a4f' Smooth ; sleek.

(3) V. To slide.

(4) V. To cleaTe,

Slikkbr, a4f> Smooth.

Slim, (1) adv. Sly; crafty; worth-

less. Var.d.

(2) «. A worthless fellow.

(3) V, To do work in a careless

or deceptive manner. Suu.

(4) To 9lim the teeth of the pigs,

hy giving them their meat too


(5) V. To slip or pass quickly.


Slimbeb, v. To lie at ease. Gloue.

Slime, (1) v. To muse without

dropping ; a term in falconry.

(2) 9, A water-course.

And alio ahall cleanse and keep clean

all, and all manner of ponds, puddles,

dams, apringa, locks, ninlels, becks,

water-gates, slimes, pusaieea, strait en-

tnncea, and dangerous quagmires.

Gitl» Orayorum.

Slimmt, adj. Of slight texture.


Slim8lackbt, adj. Very thin in

texture; flabby. East.

Slimsy, a^f*. Lazy ; dawdling. Suf,

Slinch, 9. To sneak off. Dnrh.

Sling, v. (1) To cast

(2) To move quickly.

(3) To bring forth young pre*

maturely. Sun.

Slingb, (I) t. A blow.

(2) V. To skulk about. North,

(3) V. To cringe. Northm^t.

Slinobk, t. One who steals, ft&i

from clothiers, materiab to be

worked up or finished.

Slingbt, 9. A slip of gronsi


Slikk, (I) a^. Slender. SmJT.

(2)t. A sneaking fellow. Abr^i

(3) t. A premature calf.

(4) 9. A patch of wet pasture.


Slin-pols, 9. A simpleton. Dto.

Slip, (I) s. A noose, espcdaOT

that in which greyhounds w«fe

held, before they were suffend

to start for game.

Even as a grewnd which hoatcrs bold is

Both strive to break the string, or alide tk

coUer. Hmr. OrL Fkt^ zxm. 10.

(2) V. To loose a greyhound from

the t/t>.

(3) 9. A sort of countaiUt


JSoM. What counterfeit did I giro jm ?

Mar. The slip, sir, the slip .- can you aol

conceive ? SkMknp^ Bam. #> JmL, i, 4

Certain slips, which are etnaiaftA

pieces of money, being bnase, uA

covered over with silver, which the

D people call slips.

Bob, Gnetu, Tketts fsiSmg ami, /«.

(4) 9. A narrow passage between

two buildings.

(5) 9. An outside oovering; i

sheath. A maker of sheaths (at

swords was called a stoord-sl^'

{6)9. Clay ready for the potter.

(7)9. To cast a foal preroaturdr.

?8) 9. A young pig. Contm.

(9) 9. A butterfly. Somenei,

Slipcoat-cbecsb, 9. A sort of

cheese mentioned at the ckise of

the 17th cent.

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Slipk, (I) 9. To take awiy the

akin or ontside covering.

(2)«. A slice; a Blip Norths


Slippkk, (1) adj. Slippery.

The mighty Volgu statciT limine.

In wintvr slider u the glnsse.

TmrhervUWt Epitapkes and SonnttUi, 1569.

(2) M. A skidpan. Wore.

Slippery-whelps, a. Drop damp-

lings. Suff.

Slippid, adj. Slender. Suuex,

Slippy, adv. Very quick.

Slip-shelibrs, 9. Ripe nuts, such

as easily leave iiie husk. Warw.

Slip-shoe, «. A loose shoe, or

slipper. Still in use in Norfolk.

Under this a pair of calico drawen,

reaching to their aiickles. with yellow

or red $lip-»koe», picked at the toe, and

plated on the aoal.

tuwM the



Slip-side, «. The left-hand side.


Slipstrino, a. A knave.

Slir, v. To slide. North.

Slirrup, v. To lap up i liqoid

noisily. Siut.

Slisse, 9. A large sledge, formerly

used in agriculture. North,

Slit, (1) ». {A.-S.) To cleave, or

cut through.

(2 )«. A part of the dress. SUi-

eoie, a coat open in the front.

The king was wondred out of witt,

And tdce the roeswnger hi the ^.

Artkour and Merlim, p. 54.

(3) «. Pudendum f. North,

(4) V. To thrust back i lock

without the key. Su$i.

Slits, a. The plant eidamum.

Slither, v. (1) To slide.

(2) To lounge about. Leie.

Slithering, adj. Slow; indolent;

slippery, in character. Line.

Slitin, adj. Wearied.

Slittery, a. Treacle boiled hard.

Slitb, (l)v, (A..S. iUfan.) To

fUce, or chip off; to split.

(2) a. A slip ; a chip.

(3) V. To slip down. Palggr.

(4) 9. To dress carelessly; to

have the dress rumpled. Cumi.

(5) V. To sneak ; to skulk. North,

Slive-andrew, a. An idle fellow.

S liven, par/. j0. Glided down.

Sliver, a. (1) A slice; a splinter.

(2) A wooden implement formerly

used for spinning yam.

(3) A slop worn by bankers or

navigators. Line.

(4) A lock of combed wool.

Slivbrly, adj. Deceitful. Line,

Slivino, (1) a. A blow.

(2) a. A slop worn bv hawkers.

(3) adj. Lazy; bad. North.

Slize, p. To look sly. Wilts.

Sloach, 9. To drink hard. North-,


Sloats, a. The track of a waggon.

Slob, a. The star-fish. North.

Slobber, a4f. Untidy ; wet. Weit,

Slobberer, a. (1) A slovenly

farmer. North.

(2) A jobbing tailor. Var. d.

Slobbery, atlj- Sloppy.

Slob-furrowino, a. A method

of ploughing. Norf.

Slock, (1) v. To induce; to entio6

servants from their places; to

steaL Wett.

(2) adj. Loose. 5iiaa.

Slocken, v. To shake; to quench ;

to suffocate in mud.

Slockbt, v. To pilfer. Berhi.

Slockino-stonb, a. A rich and

tempting stone of ore. Comto.

Slocksby, adj. Slovenly. Susf.

Sloc ester, (1) a. One that slocks

or entices away men's servants.

(2) V. To waste. Somen.

Slod, (l);;ra/. /. Slid.

(2) V. To wade through mire.


(3) a. A short cake baked before

the bread goes into the oven*

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Sloddbb, f. Wet mud, Wnt.

Slodb, (\)pret. t. Split; slipt.

(2) «. The track of ctrUwbeeU.


Slop7, V, To eat slovenly.

Sloo, r. To lag behind.

Slooa&dib, 9, (J,'S.) Sloth.

SLOooBm, V, To be slovenlj, or

negligent. Var.d,

Sloogbt,«. a sloven. Nortkem^L

Sloohb, 9, A bog; a slough.

Slomaz, a4r> Untidy. 7Fe«/.

Slombbbb,! 9. {A.-S,) To ilam-

SLOMBBy J ber.

Slommakin, m^. Slovenly ; untidy.

Slomourb, «. Slamber.

Slon, ae^. Sly. Cumb,

Slonb, (1) 9. {A,^S.) To slay.

(2) t. The sloe. Wett.

Slonobnb, /Mir/, ji. Cast.

Slonkb, «. (fZem.) To devour.

Sloo, 9. (1) A slough.

(2) The inner bony prominence

from the quick part of a cow's

horn, which bleeds when broken.


Slood, 9. A deep cart-rut. CAmA.

Sloom, 9. A gentle sleep.

Sloomy, aJg, Dull; slow; inactive.


Shoov, part, p. Slain.

Sloop, «. To change. WUt9,

Slop, (1) (A.'S.) t. An outer gar-

ment made of linen; a smock-

frock ; a night-gown.

(2) 9. A hnskin or summer boot,

fashionable in the 15th cent.

i3) 9, A pocket. Lane.

4) 9. To bend, or bevil. North,

(bS 9. To wet. Weot.

(6)f. The step of a gate (fr

ladder. North.

(7)«. Underwood. Ea9t.

Slops, r. To defraud. North,

SLOPBDfAfP* Rotten through damp,

applied to vegetables. Dor9et.

Slop-bosb. See Slcp9.

Biomnt o4f. Loose. Somenet.

Sloppbtt, «. A slut. Lane,

Slops, 9, Wide breeches.

A sleador «l0f dose oooelifd to ymr doeke.

Gmseoffue, stpL. >' b.

How foil of cholerhe it! yet k> Ioo^ m

thote hnge «ipp» smgge abont hiia. be

will be in lOBie rompttM.

Ma» m the Motme, 1009.

Slop-sblleb, 9, A dealer in old


Slobb, (1) 9. Dirt ; mud.

X2) 9. To grup. Lane,

Slobp, 9. To sob heavily ; to eat

in vulgar manner. North,

Slorbied, part, p. Bedaubed.


Slobbt, (1) 9. To danh, or toil.

(2) 9. The blind worm. Kemt,

Slot, (1) ». A fort.

(2^ 9, The clasp or bolt of a door.

(3) 9, The print of a deer's foot

on the ground.

(4) 9. To track. Hawtp9h,

(5) 9. A small quantity. North,

(6) 0, To slasli ; to subside.


(7) t. A young buUock. North,

(8) 9. Sticky clay. Lime,

(9) 9, A wide ditch. JDeoom,

(10) 9, A hollow tuck in adictt.


Slotch, 9, A sloven ; a downish


Slotb, 9, (1) The pit of the sto-


(2) The bar of a gate or ladder.

Slotbr, 9. To stab. Midx,

Sloth, t. A slough.

Slottbb, (1) t. FUth; liquor spih.

(2) 9. To bespatter with mud.

Slottisb, adj. Slovenly ; wicked.

Slottit,9. TowalksUpahod. WetL

Slouch, 9, (1) A lazy or faibberiy


(2) 9. To put the foot ia viater.


Sloudbino, adJ, Lontish. Deo,

Slouqb, (\)prot, t. Slew.

(2) 9, The cast skin of a saake,

or of any animaL

(3) a. The slime of snakes. Xmc-

(4) 9, A husk. North,

Sloum, 9. To slumber. rerM.

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^LOUNOt, t. An idler. North.

S LOUTH, f. A herd of bears.

HoY^, prei. t o{$Hve.

Sloybn, (l)part.p. Di^ed«

(2) 9, A kniTe.

Slovbn-wood, t. Southernwood.


Slow> (1) «. {J.'SJ) A doggard.

(2)a4f. DnU; blnnt.

Slow-back, t. A sluggard.

Tooke pleatore to heara these iiad snch

)tke notes, they went tboot with impu-

dent woroli to smother his Tertnes.

rajlinff at him as a slow-bwke and

coward. JmrnioMut MarcelUntUt 1609.

$LOWDT, s. A sloTen. Yoriih,

$LowB, (1)9. To slacken; to make


(2)9,{A,.S.) A moth.

SLowBN,pr»^ t.pL Tbej slew.

Slownbs, s. (J.'S,) Sloth.

Slow-worm, s. The blind-worm.

Slox, v. To pilfer. Wili$.

Slot, f. A sluggard?

flow tedious were a throe, a iJojr. a wanton,

orafoole. JFarmr^t Jib. Bngl.

A fourth in marriage doth him joyn,

With one that is most moustrons fine;

£zceedin^ brsTe from head to foot,

Bat mamed prores a slaw or slut.

Poor JEoMn. 17)9.

Slub, s. Loose mud. Su$9es.

Slubbbr, (1) «. To smear; to de-


(2) f. Any viscous substance.


(3) V. To do slovenly.

(4^ 9. To beat up.

(5) V. To dress wooL North.

Slubbbbdboullion, t. A paltry


Slubbbreb, s. a mischievous or

turbulent fellow. 15/A cent.

Slud, «. Mire.

SLUDDBR,tr. To eat slovenly. iVbrM.

Slukr, v. To slide. Deton,

Sluo, v. (1) To lay in bed late.

(2) To be negligent. Yorhth.

Sluo-a-bbd, «. A sluggard.

SLUooARDr-ooisB, t. The habit

of a sluggard. Wat.

Sluoqt, adj. Sluggish.

Slug-horn, s. A short excrescence

of horn hanging loose on a cow's


Sluo-houkds. See Sleuth,

Slumbrous,! .. g.

SLUMBRT, J •' *'*^r7'

Slump, (1) t. Mud, or boggy earth.

(2) V. To slip or sink into a bog ;

to fall in the dirt.

Slunk, «. An abortive ealt Eatt.

Slunkbn, EdJ. Shrivelled; lean.


Slur, (I) s. Thin mud. Eaot.

(2) 9. To slip a die out of the

box so as not to let it turn.

(3) 8. A slide. MidL C.

Slur-bow, t. A sort of bow for


Slurrup, v. To swallow greedily

and noisily. Noff.

Slurry, 9. (1) To smear. North.

(2) To do negligently.

Slurt, odj. Sluttish. North.

Slush, (1) s. ^et mud.

(2)r. TospUl. Var.d.

(3) «<&'. Wasteful. North.

(4) V. To wash with much water

without rubbing.

(5) 9. A drunkard. Newe.

(6) 9. Poor or diseased cattle.


Slush-bucket, «. A great drinker.

Slut-grate, «. Grating in the

hearth, through which the ashes

fall, leaving the cinders. Letc.

Slut, «. An apron. Lane.

Sluttbr, a4;. Sluttish.

Thence to Wij^n aliout supper.

To an hostess, none more ilnUer:

Buxom was she, yet to sec to,

Bhe'd be drunk for conipnny too.

Dnmken Barnabf.

Sluttt, a^. Dirty.

Sly-boots, s. A sly fellow.

Slydom, f. Cunning. Corwuf.

Slyghe, adj. Crafty ; sly.

Smack, (1) s. A slap.

(2) ado. Suddenly, or sharply.

(3) f. The mizen sail of a ship.





Smackba, tr. To kiss.

Smackerino, «. A desire.

Smack-smooth, adv. {!) Reck-


(2) Quietly; plessanlly.

Smalb, (1) a^. Small.

(2) «. A hare's form. EatL

Small, (1) «. The stock of a pillar.

<2) a4f. Young. North.

(3) adj. Poor ; weak.

Smallagb, s. Water parsley.

Small 0M8y t. Small quantities.


Smallt, adj. Very small.

Smaradge, f . A species of emerald.

Smarrt, 9. A woman's shift. Dort.

Smart, {I) adj. Hasty; swift. Leie.

(2) adj. Finely dressed.

(3) adj. Considerable.

i4) adj. In good health, ffertf.

5} V. To undergo ; to injure.

Smartish, a{p. Middling. BerH.

Smartlb, 9. To waste away.


Smartwbxo, t. The plant arsmart


Smasher, «. (I) A passer of coun-

terfeit coin.

(2) A pitman. North.

1 3) A small gooseberry pie.

(4) Anything very large.

(5) An employer who compels

his workmen to buy goods at a

tmck-shop. Noff.

Smatch, 9. A taste ; a flavour.

Smatter, v. To intermeddle. CoU§.

Smavitm, 9. To smear. Dortet.

Smay, p. To refuse. Shropth.

Smbaorb, a^. Lean. EoMt.

Smbath, «. (1) The smew {MoT'

gut albelhu).

(2) An extensive open level.


Smecbn, v. (j4.'S.) To taste.

Smbdbs, «. (j4.^S.) Flour.

Shbdmb, «. Meal. Durh.

Smbdum, 9. Dust. We9t.

Smbbch, 1


[9. A stench. Pevon.

Smbbch, 9. Dost or smoke ol>»

scuring the air. Var. d.

Smebgy, adj. In a state between

sweetness and taint.

Smbbtbr, 9. A scimitar Dekier.

Smeeth, (I) 9. To smooth. North,

(2) V. To rub with soot. North.

(3) 9. A level plain. Norf.

Smeke, «. To flatter.

Smekid, adj. Smoky.

Smell-feast, 9. A parasite.

Un patilio, an )4cqiiet» qvi rait lea lo-

pina. A parasite: a tmii^Mst: m, flat-

terer: a trencher-friend. NamemeUL

Smellino-chbts, 9. (1) An or-

chard, or garden. Dekker.

(2) A cant term for a nose.

SMBLL.BMocK,f. A gTcat weocher.

MaUerariat. Capitolino, mahcroiai,

Cic. yin<mfc«yi|c, Horn. 0i|A«^«v%c.

Yiwauco^iAac,Theocr. Home trap «do»-

n< ana femmea. One given to love ««•

men: ajstrtftaiodb. hvmemdmiar.

Smelt, 9. ( 1 ) A gull ; a simpleton.

(2) A cant name for a half-

guinea. See Meg.

(3) The sparling. North.

SMEL5EKE, adj. (J.-S.) Odorife-


Smere, (1) adff. Merrily?

At the furmeate bmche that he foad.

He Icp in. and orer he vond.

The he ves inne, nure he loo.

And ther of he hJidde Kome i-noo.

Baif. Jntiq^ ii, %X

(2)«. (^..&) Gf«ase.

Smbrewort, f . The herb mercorv.

Smeri, 9. A woman's shift. Be^.

Smbrte, (1) V. To smart.

(2) adj. and adv. Quick ; fast.

Smbte, \\)pret. t. Smote.

(2) 9. A blow.

Smeth, 9. An ointment for taking

away hair.

Smethb, a4r. {A.'S.) Smooth.

Smeth YM AN, f. (J.^S.) A smith.

Smbusb, 9, A hare's track.

Smicker, (1 ) adj. Amorous; smirk-

ing; fawning.

(2) V. To look amorously or


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No, no, I aee I can make Ioto long

enovgh before yon smL ker at me.

Da»enant, The Man's tlu Muter, 1«(».

Smickbt, «. A smock ; a woman's


Smiddt, «. A smithy.

Smiddy-oum, «. The refase of the

smiddy. North,

Smid-mxal, «. Coarse meal. ^ip«/m.

Smib, «. A small kind of fish.

"Apua^amiie." NomeneL ''In

Essex is a fysshe called a tmttf,

whyche, if he be longe kept, will

turne to water.'' Elyot.

Smii^b, {I) v. To ferment. North,

(2) «. (Perhaps from J.-S. tmy-

gehy a coney-hole). The small

gap in a fence made and used by

a hare or rabbit. Norf.

Smilt, «. The spleen of an ani-


Smirch, v. To smear. Herrf,

SuiuKf adj. Neat; trim.

Smit, (1) pret. t, Smiteth.

(2} a. A cut.

(3) 9, Infection. North,

(4) #. Recreation ; pastime.

(5) 9. To mark sheep.

(6) part. p. Marked ; adorned.


!7) 9. To mar ; to destroy. Deo.

8) M. A black spot. Lane.

Sm ITCH, a. Dirt ; smoke ; dost.


Smite, a. A very small portion.

Smitik,*. a scimitar. %ttSmeeter.

Smith K, ». (A.-S.) To forge.

Smithbn, 9. To scatter meal on

the board beforebakiog oat-cakes.


Smithbb, (1) a4^ Light; active }

Gavan wai tmjf Iker and tmert<^

Owte of his ateroppiu he aterto.

Jniurs ^drtksr, xlii, 10.

(2) 9. Light rain. Ea$t.

(3) V. To wear away, as iron

rubbing against iron. Northampt,

Smithbrs, «. Fragments.

Smitbbrt, 9. A smithy.

Smitbxs-coal, f. Mineral coal.

"Seacole: 9mithi9 cole: stone

cole." NomeneL

Smithum, 9, The dast or powder

of lead ore. Staffordeh.

Smits, f. Particles of soot. Craven,

Smittlb, 9. Infection. Craven.

Smittock, f . A very small particle.


Smitt, 9. The snuff of a candle.


Smock, ( 1) «. A woman's shift.

(2) «. To be addicted to women.

Smock-facbd, at^. Beardless.

Smock-mill, «. A windmill stand-

ing on wood alone. Eaet.

Smogb, v. To smear, or smndge.

Smokb, v. (1) To find out; to dis*

cover a secret.

The two free-booten, seeing ihemselres

tmoatd, told their third brother he

aeemd to be a gentleman and a boone

companion ; they pmyed him therefore

to lit downe wiih liieuce, and rithence

dinner was not yet ready, hee shonld

heareall. Detker's LMtkom* and Cai^


(2) To abuse. Devon.

(3) To beat severely. North,

Smokino-stick, 9. A firebrand.

Smolt, (1) (adj.) Mild.

(2) adj. Smooth and shining.


(3) f. The young of the salmon.

Smoob, v. (1) To smear. North,

(2) To smooth ; to pat. fFe9t,

Smoobk, v. To smear. Su99.

Smoot, (1) V. To pass through

with difficulty. North.

(2) 9. A narrow passage. Line.

Smootheby. f. An ointment for

extirpating hair.

Smoot-holb, 9. A hole in a fence

for hares or sheep. North,

Smooth-shan, 9. The smooth


Smopplb, adj. Crisp; brittle*


Smobb, (1) V. To smother.

(2) V. To swarm. Ea9t.

(3 9. A swarm, or crowd. Ea9t,

Smobtb, V. To eigoy one's self.





Suw.pret. t. {A.^S,) Rushed.

Smotch, 9. To blot; to defile.


Smotbrlich, adj\ Smutty.

Smothbb, (I) v. To smear, or

daub. Somerset

(2) 9. Smokiness.

Not long fire drinking was at their dtipoae,

But that the smell came to the Spaniard's


And he woald teach his hraine soma

ntotker too;

Tnaeh, Dntch, Italian, thej the like

would doe i

But th* English to disgrace tiiem aU did


His nose should smoke with any nose aliTe.

BowUutds, Knaves ofSp. ^D^n.d.

SifOTHER-ri.T, 9. The bean aphis.

Smotlt, adv. Pleasantly.

Smottbb, a^. Smug.

Smouch, (1) 9. A lond or coarse


(2) 9. A low hat. Vevtm.

(3) V. To smuggle. Smomeker,

1 smuggler. Norf.

Smouchbr, 9, A kiss. North.

Smoolt, adj. Sultry. Kent.

SuovBTKf pret. i. Smarted.

Sif0U8,«. A Jew. Stif,

Smousb, (1) 9. To fondle. Line,

(2) A bole in a hedge through

which game passes.

Smoytt, v. To work by-work, when

out of constant employment.

Smow, V, To smirk. North,

Smudob, (I) V, To be smeared.

^2) V. To stifle. North.

(3) 9. Smoke, or dose suffo-

cating air. North.

(4) 9. To laugh. Newc.

Smudgy, atf;. Close, or sultry. Line.

Smug, (1) «^'. Neat; trim.

Young nrles (he saith) his old>eold flesh

dotn choere,

And makes the sameto lookc most smooth

and twuigge.

DavUs, Seowgt <ifFolfy, 1811.

(2) V. To dress up neatly.

(3) «. A neat handy fellow.

(4) V. To steal playthings when

the game is out A boy's term.

Shvoolb, v. (1) To ]

(2) Futuere.

Smugness, a. Neatness.

I detest her hollow cherry cbe^ ; Ae

looks like an old coach 'new painted :

affecting an unseemly twtmguesst whilst

she is ready to drop in pieces.

iTfckerujf, f fain demltr, 1677.

Smult, adj. Demure-looking.


Smur, f. Drizzling rain. Ea9t.

Smush, (1) adj. Smart. Deri.

(2) V. To smoulder. Northumh.

Smut, a. A friable black earth, in-

dicating the presence of ooal

beneath. Staff.

Smut-balls, a. Puff-balls. North'


Smutch, (1) v. To bladcen.

Have yon mark'd hut the fall of the bdow.

Before the soil hath mnUyd it.

B. Jotu^ U»derm^ tl

r2)a. Dirt; stain.

(3) «. To bum without llane.

SMirrcHiN, a. Snuff. HoweO.

SuvTrY,adj. Obscene.

Snaar, Aff. Greedy. Cmmb.

Snabblb, v. (1) To plunder; to


(2) To eat greedily. Dortet.

Snacb, a. Snuff of a candle. Aser.

Snach, (1) a. A snare, or trap.

For which they did prepaie

snack, which did my fcct


(2) 9. To pierce.

Snack, (1) v. To snatch. NoHh,

(2^ a. A share.

(3) a. Provisions ; almch. Soatk.

(4) a. A dried fuagns. Ghne.

Snackbt, a. A saah-bolt

Skattlb, 9. (1) To cheat, or aled.

(2) To speak through the oote.


(3) To talk nonsense. iSti/.

(4) To saunter. Cmnb.

SNArrLBD, part. p. Beaten down

by wind or hail, applied to ripe

corn. Ea9t.

Snag, (l}a. The fruit of the ^-


A new found





(2) 9. To cat off the twigs and

small branches from a tree.

(3) «. A lump on a tree where a

branch has been cut off.

(4) s, {A.'S.) A snail. Sutter.

(5) t. A pot-handle. Derby.

(6) a. A tooth standing alone.


(7) a. A violent scold. SomerteL

(8) V. To tease incessantly. Wett.

(9) 9. To chide pettishly. Leie.

(10) t. A rent in clothes at right

angles, instead of longitudinaL


Snaoglb, 9. To nibble. Kent.

Snaoglb-tooth, t. A tooth stand-

ing out irregularly. Weti.

Shaggy, tu^. (1) Full of snags, or


(2) Snappish; cross-tempered.


SxAicH, #. A thief in the candle.


Snaii., (1) V. To walk slowly.

" Seeiug a widow anai/tn^ over

London Bridge." CopUy't Witt,

Fits, and FaneUt, 1614.

(2) t. A militarj engine, which

covered the assailants like a


SNAiL-Honir, t. A snail-shell.


SNAii.-HonNBD, a^. Having short

down-banging horaa. Nurf.

'Snaiia, Ard. A contraction of


SmaiUI what has thoo cot thereP a book?

Mantmtft Dr. Fmutus.


The Lady Honneywood's tnaiU^iMUer.

Take a quart of iheU'd-niailct, wash

them in salt ind water, then icalld

them in boyling water : then dittiU them

in a qmut of milk npon white nigar-

candy and a bianch oiipere mint.


Skakb, a. A term of reproach ; a

poor creature.

For those poors nakeg who feed on

lefwaioaa, a gUmpie thxovgh the key-

hole, or a light thmngh the grate, mast

be all their protpcrt.

Clilu4*i irkimxUs,p.VJ.

SVakb-bird, a. The wryneck.

Snakb-bpit, t. Cuckoo spittle. Suf,

Snakbs-stano, a. The dragon-fly.

Snap, (1) a. A bit.

(2) a. A small crisp piece of gin-

gerbread. North.

(3) a. A lad ; a serf ant. Yorkth,

(4) V. To do hastily. Eatt.

Smap-afplb, a. The long fir cone.


Snap-dbagon, a. (1) Abug^bear.

(2) A domestic amusement among

children in winter, by putting

raisins into a dish with brandy,

which is set fire to.

(3) A plant.

Snapb, (l)a. A woodcock. Somert.

(2) V. To wither; to pine awav.


(3) V. To chide; to check. North.

(4) 9. To snub. Line.

(5) a. A pert youth. North.

(6) a. A spring in arable ground*


Snaphancb, $. (1) A apring lock

to a gun.

(2) A gun.

Snapixo-polb, a. A strong fish-


SifAPLB,«. To nip like frost Wett.

Snappbb, (1) a. A woodpecker.

(2) V. To stumble.

(3) V. To crackle. Berit.

Snappino-tongs, a. The name of

a game at forfeits.

Snap-sack, a. A knapsack.

Snapsbn, a. Aspen. Wight.

Snapt, a^. Marshy. Dortet.

Sha&b, a. Tlie string stretched

tightly across the lower head of

a drum. Somerset.

Snarl, (1) a. A snare.

(2) V. To ensnare; to entangle;

to strangle. North.

Snarrb, v. To snarl.

Snarrel, a. A hard knot. Cwni,

Snabst, v. To scorn ; to defy. Smff.





Snaktlt, tub. Sharply.

SnaslinOi adj. Snappish ; snarling.


Snastb, (1) «. The snuff of a


(2) 9, To snuff a candle. Eoit.

Snasty, adj. Cross ; captious. Suff,

Snat, «. The burnt snuff of a can-

dle. North,

Snatch, (1) s. A kind of trap or

weel for fish.

(2) A hasp. Somenet.

Snatchet, 9. The fastening of a

window. ColcM,

Snatch-hooo, «. A boy's game,

mentioned in a statute of Ed-

ward III.

Snatch-pastt, f . A greedy fellow.

Snatchy, at(f. Irritable ; snappish.


Snathe, v. To prune. North.

Snatted, adj. Snub-nosed.

SNATTBas, f . An old name for cas-


Snattlb, v. To delay. York$h,

Svattock, #. A scrap, or frag-


Bat as for the letter to Toboio, it

crumbled into such miserable «iMi//oeA»»

that the devil could not piece it to-

gether. G^Um^Fat.Hotsf,

Snauoht, pret, t. Snatched.

Snatel, v. (1) To speak through

the nose. Craven.

(2) To stammer. Craeem.

Snaze, o. To prune. YorHh,

Sneak-bill, s. A miser.

Snbakbb, t. A small bowl of


Sneaking- budob, a. A cut-purse.

Snbaksbt, #• A poor-spirited


Snbap, v. (1) To browbeat; to


(2) To nip.

Sneck, (1) «. The latch of a door.

Sneek-dand, a string fastened to

the latch, passing through a hole

in tne door for the purpeae of

drawing it up from the outside.

(2) V. To Utcb a door. North.

(3) s. A piece of a field jutting

into another field. North.

Sneck-dbawn, adj. Stingy. North.

Snbcket, a. A latch, or snedE;

a string which draws up the latch.

Snbck-snarl, v. To entani^e.


Snbo, v. (1) To lop. North,

(2) To catch.

Snedder, adj. Slender. Dwrh.

Snee, «. (1) To sneeze. Somert.

(2) To abound. North.

^rJ!!f; l»- The handle of a

8NBAD, V .,,^K.


Sneer, v. To grin. Norf.

Sneeze, a. Snuff. Lame.

Sneezer, a. A hard blow. Smf.

Snebzswort, a. Hellebore.

Sneezing-powder, a. SnulL

Siuerinff^pawdgr is not mo

with the Irish, than ehmwiiij aicc (Vv

Arab and Indians call*d taofti aais

snparee) is with these saTam.

Hn*trfM nwmit.


Sneg, V. To gore. North,

Snekb, a. A cold in the hesd.


Snbll, (1) atg. Keen; pteraag.


f2) 9. To pierce, aa air, te.

3) «. The short thidL stid^irith

which boyi play at a game oiled

cat anddoff.

Snellb, adv. Quickly.

Sneb, V. To snort.

Snerb, V. To sneak off. Oxfd.

Snebplb, V, To shriTd. North.

Snkrt, v. To sneer at, Lbie.

Sneul, #. A sneaking fellow.

Sneuls, a. The interna] lining ^^

sheep's nostrils. North,

Snevzb, a. A noose. North,

Snevb, v. To sneak. Jtfemm.

Snetbr, at^. Smooth;


Snbtil, #. A anaiL North,

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(ifsw, pttt. L Snowed.

»ifxw-BKiN, «. A leathern apron.

>NiB, #. A reproach ; a snub.

Snibbb, v. To reproach; to rebuke.

Snibblb-nosb, t. A snotty nose.


Snick, #. A notch. Ntirth.

iMicKBBy (1) 9. To giggle; to

laugh in the sleeve.

At length he found them to mAekn and

smile upon each other, and began to mis-

trust something was the matter.

GruU BrittaaCs Rom^cmk*, 1718.

(2) 9. The low noise by which a

mare calls her foal. Ea»t,

(3) 9. A glandered horse.

Snickbb-snxb, «. A large clasp-

knife. Nwff*

Snicket, 9, A miieily fellow.


Snicklb, (1) 9. To tie a noose.

(2) 9, A slip-knot.

Snick-up, (I) v. To sneeze.

(2) 9, An Old phrase of contempt,

equivalent to go and be hanged !

If my miatress woold be mkd by him,

Sophos might go miek-up.

JTtV BtgmUd, Or. cfDr., ill, 848.

If they be not, let themjro snUhtm.

Two J»gr$ worn. t^Ai^i,

(3) t. A slight ailment. EomU

Skickt, «. A small field. Samereet.

Sniddlb, «. (1) Green rushes;

sedge. Noff.

(2) Long coarse grau. Wett.

Snidob, v. To hang on one. Lane.

Snikbtt, adj. Scornful. North,

Shift, (1) tr. To snuff up; to


(2)f. Sleet,or slight snow. Norih,

(3) a. A moment. Lane.

SNimBB, 9. To sneak, or shuffle.


SNimNQ-YALTB, #. Tbo Talve of

a steam-engine, so called from

the noise it makes.

Smio, (1) «. A small eeL North,

i2) tuff' Close and priTate. Devon.

3> 9. To chop off. Sonth.

(4) 9. To draw heavy substaBcet

without a sledge. North.

(5) 9. To sneak off. Northan^t.

Snioobk, 9. To sneer. Eaet.

Snioglk, (1) 9. To catch eels with

a bait on a needle tied to the end

of a string, which is pushed with

a short stick into any hole where

an eel may be supposed to lie.

(2) 9. To shuffle the hand for-

wards, a boy's term at marbles.


(3)«. A snail-shell. Northampt.

Snilb, 9. A snail. York9h.

Snip, a. A small piece. North.

Snipb, 9. (I) A sarcastic answer to

an impertinent question.

(2> A pendent icicle. Mid. C.

Snipb-knatb, «. A scamp.

Snipper, t. (1) A tailor. 17M


(2) A morsel.

Snippxb8,«. Large cutters for iron,

copper, &c.

SNiPPEK-sNAPPBRy adj. SoiaU, in-


Having ended his disconrse, this seem-

ins gentile tmfp^r-mtapptr yaniaht. lo

dia the rant of tlie nonsensicall ddnning

star-gaiers, and 1 left alone.

Foot BoHm'i Ftiiow, 1077.


A small bit. For. tf.



Snipft, a4f. Stingy. Var. d.

Snips, a. Shares. Var. d.

Snip-snap, a. (1) A rattle.

(2) Quarrelsomeness; snappish-


Snirl, 9. To shrivel up. North,

Snirp, 9. To wither; to pine. Cumb.

Snibrels, 9, The nostrils. Nor^

Snirt, «. A wheeze; a suppressed

laugh. North.

Snisbtt, a^. Saucy. Craven,

Snish, 9. Snaff. Gloue.

Snitcb, (1) 9. To confine by

tying up.

(2) To castrate. Line.

(3) To twitch. Somanet.

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Skitorsl, 9, (1) The piece of

wood by which the superfluous

oats are swept off the measore.

(2) A tool used in thatching.

Sk'itb, (1) s. {A.'S. tniia,) The


The witless woodcock, end his neighboar

That will be hir*d to pass on erery oicht

(2) V. (J.'S, tnyttm.) To blow

the nose.

Snitbr, v. To drift.

Snithe, (1) adj. Sharp, cold. iNTor/Jk.

(2) V. To abound. Line.

Snithing, adJ, Nipping; cutting.


Snitino-ibon, s, a pair of snuffers.

S KITTLE, If. A double knot in the

Sniddle, I form of a bow, which

will untie when one of its ends

is pulled. Norf.

Snitb, v. To swarm. "As thick

as they could «iiiv«." Northan^t.

Skitbl, 9. To whine. Var, d,

Snivelabd, «. One who speaks

through his nose.

Sniyelino-faost, #. A hoar-frost.


Snivel-nose, t. A niggard.

SNiVBLT-aLAyEKT, o^f. Sootty.


Snivino, adj. Raw, cold, and

sleety. Northampt,

Snivt, adj. (1) Niggardly. North,

(2) Raw and cold, with lime

frost Leie,

Snizy, adJ, Cold. Cumb.

Snoaoh, «. Tosnii&e. Var.d,

Snob, (1) v. To sob violently.

PniT, Mr. Leftwell, take comfort, don*t

tnoS 10, and be sntitry'd; yon are safe

enoQgh in the bonse.

Rnet, Tkt TnpnSkifts, 1871.

(2) «. A journeyman shoemaker.

(3) «. A vulgar person. Var, d,

(4) #. A university term for a


(5; #. Saoi. Somermi.

(6) a. The i9>pendage ta tin

beak of a turkey-cock. W«H.

Snock, «. A smart blow, Wett,

Snod, adj. Smooth; demure. North,

Snodobn, «. To smooth. YorUL

Snoff, #. The eye of an i^le.


Snoffek, «. A sweetheart S^

Snoo, (1) «. To shiver.

(2) adJ, Smooth; without beard,

applied to com. Snog-nM, malt

with few combs or tails.

Snoke, 9. To ferret out NortJL

Snoo, «. A noose. Norf.

Snood, «. (1) A fiUet or riband.

(2) A amall hair line used bj

fishermen. North.

Snook, «. (1) To lie htddea; to

sneak; to lie in wait North.

They know partly joa are ncrer oat of

the kitchio, prying np and down after

mj tail^Mooih'v in every hole;— «aiW

qneansl who thonld do ii hiU jo^

sunhr Dr. ITMs Bm4:fiee,»Qmdf.

(2) To smell; to follow by the


(3) To search oat Lime.

(4) To lean the head forward in


Snool, (1) «. A Boeaking, dishonest

fellow. North.

(2) 9. To smear by mbbisgwith

the nose and month. We$t.

Snooeb,«. a brief slumber. Vor.d.

Snoozlb, v. To nestle. Liite.

Snof, 9. To eat off; to browie.

Snokbb, t. A little comer of land.

Snobt.v. To langh loudly. YorUL

Snobteb, f. The wheatear. Doroet.

Snot, (1) t. A miserable feOow.

Sao^ as a term of contempt,

occurs in old playa. *' Fsiewdl,

father mo/." Northwm^ iht,


(2) 9. The snuff of a candle.


(3) a4f. Handsome. North.

Snotch, (1) V. To speak throngh

the nose. Woti*

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(2) t. A knot ; a notch. St^,

Smotbb-gob, t. The red part of a

turkey's bead. North,

Snottbr, v. To cry; to whine.


Snotteb-ci^ut, f. A poeket-

handkerchief. North.

Snoity, a^. Mean. Var, d.

Sn'oul, 9. (1) A small quantity.

(2) A thick piece. Berkt.

Snoup, «. A blow on the head.


Snout, v. To snnb. DortH,

Snoutband,«. (1) One who rudely

interrupts conversation.

(2) The iron round clog soles.

Snout-holb, a, A hole in a hedge

through which game passes.

Snow-ball, «. The Guelder rose.

Snow-banks, #. White fleecy

clouds. Ea»t.

Snow-bonxs, f . Bemnantsofsnow.


Snowl, 9, The head. Somer9et,

Sno wt-f airb, adj. Fair in feature ;


Snowt-wbabs, 9. Great wears on

a river.

Snowzb, v. To pry into. North*


SNOzr, adj. Comfortable ; improv-

ing in health. Leic.

Snub* (I) v. To rebuke; to treat

contemptuously. Var. d,

(2) t. A lump; a knot.

Snubbt, adj. Blunt.

Snuchb, «. A mean fellow. See


But in the ende (a right reward for sacb)

Tliis bribiog wretch was forced for to


A tripling boothe, moat like a clowne or

nntclu. North's Plut. (1579), p. 135, A.

Snuck, V. To smell. Norf.

Snuddlb, V, To nestle. North,

Snudoy, adf. Sulky ; glum. North*


Snudb, t. A fillet, or hair-lace.

Yaw, Jantlewoman, with the saffron

tnude, you ihall know that I am master


Tk4 Two Tmmtkire Imtn, 1640.


Snudob, (I) f. A miser; a mean

or sneaking fellow.

Thns your hatbandrye, nethlneke, is

more like the life of a covetoua tmudget

that ofte very evill prorei, then the

labour of a good hntbande, that kooweth

well what be doth.

M9kum*i Tomoph^ p. 6.

(2)v, To lie snug.

(3) V. To move about pensively;

to sneak about.

Snudoe-snowt, 9, A dirty fellow.

Snub, v. To turn up the nose with

contempt. North,

Snuff, (1) #. Anger. To take in

9nvff, to be angry, or take offence.

For I tell you true, / take it highly m

tntrf, to Iciirii how to entertain u:enUe<

folks of you, at these years, I* faith.

S. Jons. Foeiatter, u, 1.

And whereas if in stufffHnA distaste you

mav flinj; away from snch re infeeta, a

little patience and good words may do

your business, and send you away with

what you come for.

J Cap of Gray Hairs for a Green Head, 1688.

(2) To 9nuf ptpper, to take


I brought them in, because here are

some of other cities in the room, that

might SHitff pepper else.

City Night-cap, 0. PL, xi, S83.

Snuffkin, "I #. a smalt muff, for

8NUFTBIN, jcold wcsther.

Snuffling, adj. Sneaking.

Snvft, 9, (1) Smoking paper.


(2) The projecting filaments on

the top of a gooseberry, &e. Leic,

Snuftbb, v. To snort.

Snufty, a^. Quick to take offence.


SnvQt adj. Tight ; handsome. Lane,

Snuoolb, p. To nestle ; to press

close together. Eaet,

Snubl, (1) V. To talk through the


(2) f. A cold in the head. Sujjr.

(3) 9. A nostril. North.

(4) V, To swell. Bed9.

Snubp, v. To shrivlo up with

scorching or baming. Lane.




Snvbt, v. To snort.

Snush, (1) «. Snuff. Snuth-bos, a


(2)9. To bend. Northanqft,

Snuskin, s. a delicacy. Eatt.

Snuzzlb, p. To cuddle ; to hide the

face in one's bosom.

Sny, (1) r. To sneer at. Lane.

(2) «. A quantity. North.

(3) V. To stow together. North.

Snyb, 9. (Flem.) To cut.

Let falchion, polax, brance, or halbert try,

With FlemiD]^kmres either to steakc or


Tie meete thee naked to the rery ikin.

And stab with pen-knives CBsars wounds


BowUmdi, KnoM <(f CliMs, 1611.

Sntt, s. Sleet.

So, (1) i. {A.-N.) A tub.

Hwan he haTcde eten inow,

Ho kam to the wolle, water up draw.

And Aide the a michel to. Hav^lok, 9S8.

(2) 9. A large tub, holding from

twenty to thirty gallons, cairied

by two men on a pole. Lme^

(3) {A.-S.) As; so as.

Alias I thi loresnm eyjchen to

Loketh to man doth on his fo.

mr Orpkeo, ed. Laing.

(ASprtt.t. Saw.

(5) adj. Pregnant. GUmc.

(6) adv. Thereabouts. Fer. d.

Soak, (1) «. A land-spring. Wut.

(2)9. To bake thoroughly. &»/.

!3) 9. To become dry.

4) 9. To sit lazily over the fire.


Soaker, «. A drunkard. Var. d,

SoAKiNO-DOB, «. A barren doe.


SoAKT, a4f. Effeminate. Devon.

SoAL, «. (1) The .bottom of the

work in a mine. Somert.

(2) A dirty pond. Kent.

So AM, 9. (1) An iron trace used in

ploughing. North.

(2) A short rope for pulling the

tram in a coal mine. North.

(3) A horse-load. Weet.

8oAMY,a4f. Moist and warm.

Soap, s. A drop, or small qoantity

of liquid. Craven.

SoAP-TO, 9. To exchange. Orar«i.

Soars, #. A deer in its fourth ;ear.

Sob, 9. (1) To frighten. Ume.

(2) To suck op. Suf.

SoBBBD,/Nirf.]p. Soaked. ITanr.

SoBBLB, 9 To beat severely. North.

SoBRBSAULT,«. (Fr.) A summerset.

Sobrb-sawsb, s. a sauce for fish.

Sobrtsawte. Take raysoaa. grjnde hen

with crnstes of brcde, and dnve it op

with wrne. Bo thereto gode pofvclvn,

and Bslt, and seeth it Fry rocbet,

loorhes, sool, other oother gode ^•lL;

east the sewe above, and serre it fanh.


SoBRBTi, 9. (J.'N.) Sobriety;


SoocATB, 9. To put into a socket.

SoccHBTRB, 9. A woodloose. MS.

Ibth cent.

SocE, 9. Companions ; friends.

SociATioN, 9. (Lat.) Companios-


Sock, (1) «. {Fr.) A ploughshsre.

(2) f. The dninage of a farm-


(3) 9. Heavy rain. Eaet.

(4) 9. To throw. Northampt.

(5) 9. To strike i hard bkiw.


Sock, 1 «. A young animsl

socKLiNO, I raised by hand. Stat-

SocK-oiKB, 9. A ditch on the in-

side of a marsh embankment to

carry off the water which soab

through it. Noff.



SocKBTS,«. Pieces of plattt armoor

put on the side of the saddle si

toumamenta, through which the

legs were throat, that they might

protect the thighs.

SocKHBAD, t. A stupid fellow.


SocKiB, 9. A sloven. Nortkmmt.

SocKT, adj. Moist, applied to

ground. Ba9t,

SocouR, 9, (^..iV.) Succour.

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SoDBANK, f . A sort of mirage, seen

in fine calm weather on the coast

of Lincoln.

Sodden, /Mir/. /». Boiled.

SoDDER, p. To boil slowly. North,

SoDDY, adj. Sad ; heavy. North,

SoDKKYN, », A subdeacon.

SoDENE, 9. (A.'N.) A subdean.

SoDBN, adj. (A.-S.) Sudden.

SoDOSR, t. The shell-fish called a

whelk. Eatt,

Sods, s. (1) Small nails. Somers,

(2) A packsaddle of canvass

stuffed wiih straw. North.

Soft, adj, (1) Warm; moist, or


(2) Foolish ; weak. Var. d.

SoFTE, adv. {A.'S.) Gently ; easily.

Soften, v. To thaw. North.

SoFT-LAES, s. Bays formed by the

sea in the softer paru of the cliffs.


SoFTNBT, f. A simpleton. North.

SoG, 8. (1) A quagmire. Depon,

(2) A blow. Wett.

(3) A mass of earth. Leic.

Soger, (1) #. {Fr.) A soldier.

(2) A sea-insect which takes

possession of the shell of another

fish. Wight.

SooET, 9. {A.-N.) A subject,

SooGT, a^, (1) Wet; swampv.


(2) Full of flesh. Nortkumb.

SoGH, ». A slumber. Devon.

So-How, 1 ejTc/. A cry in hunt-

so-HOE, J ing the hare. «

SoiGMB, 9. {A.'N.) Care.

Soil, (1) 9. To assoiL

(2) V. To resolve a doubt.

(3) 9. To feed cattle with green

food. Var.d. Soiling ^ the last

fattening given to fowls.

(4) V, To strain milk or liquor.


(5) 9. The fry of the coal-fish.


(6) 9. A rafter. North,

(7) To take «ot/, to take water.

An old hunting term.

SoiLBT, Be quiet; gooffquicklr


SoiLURB, 9. Defilement.

SoiLTNBsa, 9. Filthiness. Paltgr.

So-iNs, adv. In such manner. Ea9t.

SoiTY, adj. Dirty ; dingy.

SojouR, 9. {A,-N) Abode.

Soke, (1) «. {A.-S.) A lordship, or


(2) V. (A..N.) To suck.

SOKEK, 9, (1) (A.^S.) A toll.

(2) A district held by socage.

SoKBR, f. Succour.

SoKEREL, 9, A child not yet


SoKBT, 9, The pointed end of a


With a mket of kene ttd,

Octiater in the scfaeld he gret

Kyng AUwrnder^ 4415.

Solace, «. A penalty, or fine. An

old printing-office terra.

SoLACious, ae{j. Affording recrea-


Solas, «. {A.-N,) Consolation;


^°"^"°; }#. (*«.) A wldier.

80LDADE, J ^ ^ '

Soldier, (1) «. The sea-tortoise.

(2) 9. The field-poppy. North-


(3) V. To bully. Ea9t.

(4) 9, The fish called also a Cur-


(5) 9. A beetle of a brownish red

colour. Norf.

Soldier-bandy, 9, The stickle-

back. Northampt,

Soldier-pink, «. The minnow.


Soldiers'-caps, f. The flowers of

the monkshood. Northampt,

Soldibr's-thigh, 9, An empty


Sole, (1) «. A collar of wood, put

round the neck of cattle.

(2) 9. The lowest part of any-


(3) 9. The bottom vein or lode

of amine.

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(A) f . The floor of an oven. Lmc.

(5) «. A pond. Kent,

(6) V. To pull or handle rudely ;

to pull one's ears. Devon.

(7) o. To assanlt. Soling, an

assault ; a beating. Norf,

(8) 9. A stake driven into ground

to fasten hurdles ta West.

SoLBiN, (1) adj. Single ; left alone.

(2) 9. A meal for one person.

(3) a^r. Sullen.

SoLEifPNE, adj. (A.'N.) Solemn.

SoLER, 1 #. (A.'N.) The upper

80LLAR, /room in i house; a


Hastily than went thai all.

And Slight him in the maydena hall,

In rhxmbcrs high, es n(^ht at hide.

And in toUn on ilka side.

Twaine and Gtueint 807.

SoLK, 9, The sill of a window.

Sole-tree, «. A piece of wood be-

longing to stuwces, to draw ore

up from the mine. Derb,

SoLFE, 9. To call over the notes of

a tune.

Ya, hi God; tha reddit. and so it ia wel


I so{fe and aingge after, and is me neTore

the ucrre ;

I horle at the notea. and heve hem al of

hcrre. Meliq. Antif^ i, S93.

Solicit, (1) #. Solicitation,

(2) V, To be solicitous.

Solid, adj. Serious. Var. d.

Solid, ^adv. Truly; indeed.

80LIDLT, J Leic*

SoLL.r. To pull by the ears. North.

SoLLERETs, 9, Part of the armour

of the feet.

SoLLOp, r. To lollop about Eatt,

SoLLY, 9, A tottering and unsafe

condition. Sia9,

SoLMAs-LOAF, 1 «. Bread given to

8oiiA8-CAKB,J the poor on All

Souls' Day. NortK

SoLNE, r. (^.-AC) To sing by note.

I have be preest and parson

Piissynge tliritty Hunter,

And yet can I neyther tolne ne aynce,

Nc semtes iyvea zede. Fi9nPL,^7iQ^

Soix)MOK8-8BAL, 9. A name of s


SoLOWBD, par/, p. Soiled.

SoLSBKLB, «. The sunflower.

SoLTCH, a. A heavy fall. Lane,

Solve, adj. Relieved from.

We retir'd fhun hoth

Onr fears and hopes. like private iorers lotk,

When 9ol9e frooi the observant spy, to be

Disturb'd by friends, for vant, or great'

nesa, free.

ChamierUiyn^s PktmmmUM. KS9.

SoLVEOB, 9. A term of reproach.


SoLWY, adj. {J.'N.) Sullied.

Soif DEL, 9. (A.'S.) Somewhat.

SoMBAT, 9, Something. We9l,

Somen, adv. {A..S.) Together.

Soil BR, 9. (A.-N.) A sum pter bone.

Cartes and tomtn oos betb binonc^

And aUe our folk is orerrome.

Arikaw mmd MttUm, p. IR

Soil ER-CASTLB, «. Awoodentovtf

on wheels, used in sieges.

SoMBRLAND, f. Grouud left faDow

all the summer. Kent.

SoMERS, 9. The rails of a cart

Somersault, «. A summerset

Something. Toffet9ometkm§»ini

onct to gain property.

My knowledf in phiaique and in ssti*>

nomy did encreaae^ and I began to ciai

to credit, and to get 9omtkim§ ahc*t mt.


SoMBWRBN, adv. Sometime^ Sm-

Somme, 9. (A,-N.) A sum.

Sommerbd, adj. Tart, applied to

ale,&c. }re9t.

SoMNOUR, «. A summoBcr; u


SoMONB, V. (A.-N.) To summoiL

SoMPNOLENCB, 9. {A.^N.) Dro*-


SoMPTBR-MAN,a. A sumpter-msB :

one who took care of the baggage-

The kinK'a tomfter-mmm . . . And bj the

advice of Robert Brskine the «mftf>

HUM waa returned to this scrvaat t^'

Jeam the m»nncr and time of tbe eatf?

price. B<npe9 Comgpomdgmee, UrS-

SoNAircB,t. Sound. Hefwooi^



SoNATLiB, adj. Loud sounding.

SoNciB, adj. Fortunate.

Sonde, «. (1) {A.-S.) A message ;

a mission.

(2) t. {A.-S.) Sand.

SoNDERLicm, adt. {A.^S,) Di-

verely; peculiarly.

Sonderiicke his man astoned

In hia owcne nicnde,

Wanne lie not never wannea lie oontlie,

Ke wider he achel wende.

William de Skoreham.

S0ND&1NE88, «. Diversity. PaUgr,

SoNE, (1) ado. {A.-S.) Soon.

(2) «. A son.

SoNOEWARiE, t. {A.-K) The sci-

ence of interpreting dreams.

S0N6LE, «. A handful of gleaned

com after it has been tied up.


To breve beer.-^lOonartera of raalte,

8 qnarteri of vheete, S quarters uf oatea,

40 pounde wcvght of hoppyi.— to make

60 barellys of sonml hetr; the hard of

aell coDteynent Si galonea, and the

bareil of beer S6 gaionea.

Anciemt CkronicU qflond/m.

SoNiZANCE, a^. Sounding. Petle.

SoNKBN,partf.|r. Sunk.

SoNN, 9. To think deeply. (Smb.

Sonne, «. {A.-S.) The sun. Sotmuh,

like the sun.

SoNTRosSy «. A term of reproach.


SooDLB, ». To go with reluctance.


SooK-LAND, t. Aggart4and. Ai»«.

SooL, ^ 9, Anything eaten with

sowL, V bread, such as butter,

80WEL, J cheese, Ac.

Kam ho nerere hom hand bare.

That he ne broncte bred and towl

Hatdok, 767.

SooM, ff. To drink long with a

sucking noise. Zrfc.

Soon, #. (l) Evening. Var. d

(2) An amulet. Comw.

800ND, V. To swoon. Cumb.

Sooner, f. A ghost. Donet.

Soop, t. (1) A sweep. North,

(2) A sup.

The skin of bacon.

s son

This month my fancy shall prerail.

To talce a ioop at the milkuale ;

And as the season, so my tlieam,

To sing: the praise of milk and rream.

From whence audi profit doth arise.

As far above inTenUon lies.

Poor "Robin, 1008.

SooPBRLOiT, «. Play time. South.

SooPLB, 9. The part of a flail

which strikes the corn. North.

SooR, «. Mud ; filth.



SooRT, 9. To punish. Somertet.

Soote, at(f» Sweet. See Sote.

SooTER, V. To court. Devon.

SooTBRKiN, «. A moon-calf. It

was pretended to be engendered

in Dutch women, by the foot-

stoves they were in the habit of

putting under their petticoats.

Sooth, t. (A.-S.) Truth.

Soothfast, adj. True.

Sooth LB, v. To walk lamely. MidL

Soo-TRB, 9. A stang for carrying a

90f or pail.

Sop, 9. (1) A hard blOW. Dewm.

(2) So/inu demnynj strengthen,

ing draughts or viands. Robton.

SoPB, t. (1) A small quantity; a

sup ; a hasty repast.

(2) A simpleton. Line,

SopBRB, 9. Supper.

SopHBMB, 9. {A.'N.) A sophism.

SoppE, 9. A collective body.

Sodanly in a 99pp9

Tliey sett in att onea.

Foynes faste att the fore breste

With fiawmande sirerdez.

Morte Jrtkure.

SoppBB, 9. Confusion. North.

Sops, «. (1) Small detached clouds

hanging about the sides of a

mountain. North,

(2) Tufts of green grass in the

hay. North.

SoPB-iN-wiNB, 9. (1) Pinks.

(2) A kind of apple stained red

in the inside. Norf,

SoR, t. (1) Sorrow.

(2) A wooden tub. Line.

SoRANCB, t. Soreness.

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SoKB-APPLB, t. The fruit of the


SouDious, adj, (Lai.) Filthy.

SoRDS, «. Filth ; fluid refuse. East

Sorb, (1) «. To soar.

(2) «. A flock of mallards.

lz)part.p, Grieycd.

(4) adj. Exceedingly. Var. d.

(5) adj. Vile ; sad. Var, d,

SoRB-AOE, 9. A hawk in her first

year was said to be in her wre-


If her downv »onag9 she but ruffe

So itrong a aove, may it be thought enoafrb.

q;iurlea, Fetutjbr Womui,

SoRB-HAWK, 9, (jFV.) A youug

hawk ; a term in falconry for a

hawk, between the time when

she is taken from the eyrie till

she has mew'd her feathers.

SoREGHB, 9. {A.'S.) Sorrow.

SoRBHON,! t. An uninvited visit

80RN, J from which one cannot

get rid.

SoRBLL, 9, A buck in its third year.

Sorely, adv. Surely. Norf.

SoRE-STiLL, adj. Implacable.

SoRQitB,,adj, More sorrowful. Line.

SoRMBT, 9, Soreness.

Sorowb, adj. Bad ; sorry. ^

SoRPORRED, part. p. Surfeited.

Sorrel, adj. Chestnut-coloured, as

applied to a horse.

Sorrow, «. Sorrel. South.

Sorry, s. A sort of pottage.

Sort, (1) t. (^.-N.) Chance; des-


(2)«. A lot; rank in life.

No, make a lottery,

And by device, let blockish Ajax draw

The *<»•< to fight with Hector.

Skakeap^ Tro. /■ Ont,, i, 8.

(3) 9. To choose.

(4) V. To suit, to fit

(5) 9. Manner.

They liv*d together in godlte torte,

Fortie five years with good reporte.

Epitaph at St. Mbans^ AJ). 1618.

(6) 9. A set, or company.

Some mile o' (his town, we wcte set ipai

By a sort of oouatry fcUowa.

^.JoM. XU«o/a2U,ii.l

(7) V. To approach ; to tend to-


(8) Of a 9ort, correspondiBg to.

Words of a sort, a quaneL

SoRTANCB,«. Suitableness; agree-


Sort'em-billyort'km, 9. A Lan-

cashire game.

SoRTiB, 9. (Fr.) " A little knot of

small ribbons between the bonnet

and pinner." Ladie9' Dict.^ 1694.

SoRTiLBOiE, {Fr.) Fortune-tellmg.

Sorting-cloths, t. A sort of

cloths, made in the Eastern coun-



SoRWB, t. (A.'S.) Sorrow.

Sory, adj, (1) {A.-S.) SorrowfuL

(2) Bad; poor.

SoRZLE, «. Any strange mixture.


SoRjE, s, (A.'S.) Sorrow.

SosH, 9. To dip or plunge suddenly

in flying. Northampt.

Sosft, (l) «. A reward for hoonds

when they haye taken their game.


(2) 9. Anything dirty or muddy;

a puddle. North.

(3) V. To go about in the dirt

(4) «. A mixed mess.

(5) V. To pour out. Somerset

(6) s. An awkward fellow.

(7) s. A heavy falL North.

(8) adv. Plump down. Line.

(9) V. To fall violently. Line.

(10) V. To press hard. Yorh^

(11; t>. To lap like a dog. North.

Soss-ABOUT, V. To mix liqww

about in a confused manner.




SossKDi part, p. Saturated. Lane.

SossLB, V. To make a slop. Snss.

SossLiNGs,«. Tea-leaves after ibey

have been infused. Northat^





Sorr, part, p. Made dirty.

SosTRKN,j9/. (J.-S.) Sisten.

Sot, t. {A.-N.) A fool.

SoTB, (1) aelj. (^..5.) Sweet.

(2) t. Soot.

(3) «. Salt. North,

SoTED, part, p. {A,'N,) Besotted.

SoTKLYCH, adv. Subtly; cunningly.

Sotelyek for sothe

Tfaei don tlie kyngs lieat ;

Whan ech man hath hit parte.

The kjngi hath the leet.

Focm <m TimiCt of Ei. II.

SoTH, adj. (J.-S.) True. Sother,


SoTHBiKD, A^*. Inveterate?

Bat IkiB medicines can helpe no solkbinde

•ore. Mirr./or Mag., p. 295.

SoTHB, 9. {A.'S.) Truth.

SoTBEN, /Mir/. /I. Boiled.

SoTHER, 9. To lodder. Heywoodt


SoTHERNB, adj. (A.'S.) Southern.

SoTHERT, adj. Sweet ; sav»ary.

And, aa I wene,

With 9otken baiicr theyr bodyet anoysted.


SoTBVASTNKSs, 9. (A.-S.) Truth.

S0TBNE88, t. {A.'S.) Truth.

S0TB-8AW, t. A true saying.

SoTiE. t. (A.-N.) Folly.

SoTiLB, (1) adj. Subtle.

(2) V. (A..N.) To apply one'g

cunning skilfully.

SoTiLTBBS, 9. Devices of pastry

placed on the table at feasts.

SoTBSi «• An auditor*s office.

SoTTE, «. A stoat. Somer9et.

SoTTEFEB, «. A drunkard. Devon,

SoTTBR, V. (1) (A.'S.) To boil

gently. Var d.

(2) To make a noise in boiling,

as a thick substance does. North,

SoTULAEB, 9. {Lat.) A sort of shoe.

Sot- WEED, t. Tobacco.

SoucH, V, To sow. Somer9et,

Sou CHE, V. {A.'N.) To suspect.


Soudan, SL A sultan.

SovDEDf part. p. (A.'N.) Consoli-

dated; fastened.

SouDE, 9. {A.'N.) Wages.

SouDLBTs, 9. Small bars of iron

used for holding or securing

glass in windows.

SouoH, (1) 8. {A,'S.) A murmur or

roaring ; a buzzing.

(2) 9. (Pronounced St{f.) An

underground drun. Midi C,

(3) t. A plough blade. Cheth.

(4) 9. {Fr. 9eau.) A brewing

tub. Line.

(5) 9. A subsiding or sinking in

the earth.

SouoHT-To. Solicited.

SouKB. {A..N.) To suck. Still in

use in the North of England.

tef a drope of blod by any cas

Falle upon the corporaa,

Sotpke nyt up anon ryjtl

And be aa sory aa ihuu myf t.

MS. Cotton. Claud., A. ii, f. ISO.



Soul, {\)v. {Fr, 9aouler,) To sa-

tisfy with food.

(2) 9. The black spongy part

adhering to the back of a fowl.

(3) V. To soil ; to stain.

(4) «. A moth, especially the

h€pialu9 humuU. York9h,

SouLAGB. See Soutage.

SouL-CNUL, 9. The passing belU

SouLDiB, 9. {A.'N.) Wages.

SouLB-HELB,«. Health of the sonl.

SouL8-TURNOi8, 9. Old French sil-

ver coins, of which ten made a


SouLiNOy (I) «. A boy's ceremony

in some districts of going about

hegging cakes on the eve of AU

Souls' Day, called SouUeahe9,

(2) part, a. Bathing : ducking


SouLMAS-DAT, 9. All Souls' Day.

SouL-siLYBR, t. The wages of %

retainer originally paid in fdod.

Sound, 9, A swoon.

Sounds, o. (1) To heal.

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(2) To tend to. "Tbya thing

sowndeth to a good parpose,

ce$ie eho$e teni a bonne Jin,"


SouNDBK, t. A herd of wild swine.

Soundless, adj. Bottomless, that

cannot be sounded.

SouNV, «. (A.'S.) Sound ; noise.

Soup, o. To soak. North,

SouPE, 9. {A.^N,) To sup.

SoupiNos, a. Spoonmeat. EoMt,

SouPLE, a^j' (A,'N.) Supple.

SouPLB-j ACK, «. ( 1 ) A vine-branch;

a tough stick. Warw,

(2) A cane. North,

Soupy, o^r*. Swampy; spongy.


Sour, (1) adj. Coarse, applied to

grass. JUnc,

(2) adj. Coarse; gross; applied

to animals. Leie.

(3) 9. Filth ; dirt.

(4 ) T\i be tied to the tour applet

tree, to have a bad husband.

Soua-AS-80UR, adj. Very sour.


^ovKD, adj, {Fr.) Deaf. North,

SouEOB, V, {A.-N.) To rise.

SouR-DOCK, «. Sorrel. For. d,

Sou&iNO, t, (1) A species of sour


(2) Vinegar. Weet,

(3) Dough left in the tub after

the oat-cakes are baked. North.

Sour-milk, «. Buttermilk. North,

SouR-MOLD. Yellow freckles in

the face.

SouRMONCiB, «. {A,'N.) Predomi-


Sours, «. (1) A rapid Mcent ; a

source of water.

(2) Onions. Derb,

SouR-aop, 9, An ill-natured per-

son. South,

SouRST, part, p. Drenched.

Souse, (1) «. The ear.

(2} 9, (/v.) Asman coin ; a ton.

(3) e. A blow. North,

(4) ad9. Down violently; dead.

(5) «. A dip in the water. Var. d.

(6) 9. To be diligent Somertet,

(7) «• A corbel, in architectare.

Souse-crown, «. A fooL Soittk,

Soutage, «. Bagging for hops.


SouTER, «. (A.'S.) A cobbler.

SouTKR-CROWN, », A simpktoD.


SouTHDENE,t. (^«-^.) A subdesB.

SouTWYCHE, «. A cormptioD of

Soutage ; a sort of coarse cloth

or bagging stuff for hops.

SovE, 9. Seven. Somertet.

SovENANCE, «.(/>*.) Remembrsnce.


SovERAiNE, ad), {A.-N.) Bioel-

Icnt Soveramljft above all.

SOVERETNE, 9. (A.-N.) (1) A

mayor, or provost.

(2) A husband.

SoviSTRT, 9, Sophistry.

If ye brinee in *onstry or boolEe4niiiBff.


SovRANTissE, t. A female son-


One Mened to bare pancd Stix, aad a-

triiie Plutot gate.

Saw Hecat new eanooiiad the mmwUm

of hell. r«fiMr'«^ttiaMAylfl«<15U.

Sow, t. (1) The head. Lame.

(2) My 90W*9 piggedjthtiamt of

an old game at cards, mentioaed

in Taylor's Motto, 1622.

SowDE,9. To solder.

SowDEARs, t. {A.»N,) Soldiers ;


SowDLB, 9, To creep. Deoan,

Sow-ORUNK, 9. Beastly drank.


SowDwoRT, 9, The colombine.

Sows, (1) «. An ancient wartike

engine for battering walls.

(2) 9. A term of reproach for a


(3) 9. (A.-S.) To sow.

(4) «. A wooidlouse.

(5) V. {Lot,) To sew.

(6) 9. A blow.

SowEL, V, See SooL

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SofWBKg, «. A Norlhumberland

dishy made of oatmeal, soaked in

water till it turns sour, aod boiled

with milk to a jelly.

Sowers, «. Bucks in their fourth


SovriDBipart.p. Strengthened.

SowiN, «. The thick paste with

which weaven stiffen their warps.


Sow-KiLirs, 9. Conical or oblong

heaps of broken lime, stone, and

coal, with fines eonstructed

through the heap, and closely

thatched over with sods. They

are burnt in fields before lime is

thrown on at manure. Durh.

SowL, (1) r. To pull about, espe-

cially by the ears.

(2) 9. A sull, or plough. Somer9.

(3) 9. To duck. Craven.

SowLE-oRovK, t. An old name for

the month of February. WiU9,

SowTLERS, 9. Wild oats.

SowjLT, adj. Sultry. Orfd,

SowMES, «. Iron traces used in

ploughing. North,

Sow-met, t. A young female pig.


Sow-MBTAL, t. The worst sort of



SowpeseheU. Take tlmonde mylk, and

dnw hit np thick with brotlie of beef,

and let hit boyle, and cast therto dowes,

maces, pynes, resjnges of corans, cinder

mynced, aud sugre ynoeh ; and fn the

■ettyn]^ downe pnt thereto a lytel

Tinegur, alaved with pouder of ginger,

and take freashe braune of a bore

sothen, and cut hit in gretc dices of the

lired, and cast into the milk, and stere

hit togeder, and look tlat hit be rcu-

uynge, and dresse hit up, and serve hit

fonbe. Wamci't Jnliq. Cul., p. 84.

SowRKD, 9. Sourness. (For 9our-


SowsB, 1 (1) *. The head, feet, and

sovctLt J ears of swine boiled and


(2) 9. To put meat in brawn for


(3) 9. An animal's paunch. Norf,

Sowsi-^RiKK, 9. Pickle.

I had rather hare an? plain and homely

entertainment, so it be fresh and whofo

some ; tluin a whole platter tvM of such

feasting prefNcea ; which with a little

new garnishing shall serve for Kaster,

Whitsontide, and all the holidays in the

year; for your nropoaitions are a tort

of diet, that will keep a long tiaM in

ttnote-Jrini : if they do but now and

then change the pickle, and take a new

text. Bachar^B ObtervtUiona, 1671.

SowsE-TVB, 9, A tub for pickling


SowsTBR, 9. A sempstress. North.

SoWT, 9. Rot in sheep. }Fe9t.

SowLHBR, r. To solder. North.

SoTLB, V. To g<} away. YorJInh.

SoYNB, «. (A.'N.) To excuse.

SoTORNE, V. To sojourn.

SoYT, 9. Sooth.

SoTTE, #. Suite ; company.

SozzLE, 9. A confused mixture.


Space, v. To measure by paces.


Spaceful, a^. E]rten8ive.

Space-leaser, 9. A respite.

Space, v. To speak. North.

Spact, adj. Docile ; apt ; clever ;


Spade, (I) «. A hart in its third


(2) V. To breast-plongh. Bevon.

(3) «. The congealed gum of the


Spaddle, (1) «. To make a dirt

or litter; to shuffle in walking.


(2) 9. A paddle. Somereet.

Spade. BONE, 1 «. The blade-bone.


Spadb-graft, 9. The depth to

which a spade will dig. Larte.

Spadiards, 9. The labourers with

the spade in the stannaries of


Spaoirical, adj. Chemical.

If you will hare them spagxrieaUy pre-

pared, look in Oswaidercrollius.

Burton's Aruit. Melon.





Spagnolbt, t. ** A ^agnoM, is a

gown with narrow sieves and

lead in them, to keep them down

ala spagnole" Dunton^M Ladies'


Spaie, «. A red deer in his third


Spainino, 9, Summer pasturage.

SpairBi I «. The opening in the

SPAYRB, V lower part of a gown,

8PAR&B, J beginning a little helow

the girdle ; whence the phrases,

at, or above, or below, the


Thaue the comlydie Icyng

Ccuitez in fewtyre,

"Witli a crewdle lannce

Cow-pez fttUe evene

Abowue the apayre a ipanne,

Emange the schortte rybbjs.

MorU JrtkMrt.

Spaits, t. Torrents of rain. North.

SPAKRhY, adv. Quickly. MorteAr,

Spake-net, «. A net for catching


Spalde, (1) 1. {A.-N, espaudle,)

The shoulder.

(2) V. To chip, or splinter. Morte

Arth. Spalding-Jtni/e, a knife for

splitting fish. North,

Spall, s. A splinter ; a chip.

Spalle, (1) «. A shoulder, ^ens,

(2) V, To break the ore into

small pieces for the purpose of

easily separating it from the rock.

A mining term.

Spalsky, adj. Brittle; snappy.


Spalt, (1) adj. Brittle; tender.

(2) adj. Decayed, applied to

timber. Sun,

(3) V, To split ; to chip.

(4^ adj. Careless; giddy; saucy;

clumsy. East,

Sk>ALTER, V, To split off. North-


Span, {X)pret, t. Sprang out.

They blew thrys, unconpnld hounds.

They reyacil tlie dere up that stooda

Su nere that rpan and sprent.


With a roke be brac his bered tbaa.

That the blod biiom out tfM*.


(2) V, To stretch apart. Wett.

(3) 9. To gripe. Cropen,

(4) 9. To fetter a horse. Kent.

(5) V, To put something to stop

a cart.

(6) «. The prong of a pitchfork.


(7) V, To wean. Norih.

Spancel. K.Aropctotieacow'i

SPANGLE. ^ hinder jegs.


SpaN'COuntbr, «. A boy's game,

often alluded to in old writers.

A.nd what I now pull ftball no aon

afflict me,

Thau if I play'd at ngn-eomiter.

Spande, «. A span.

Spans, 8.(1) A cow's teat. South.

(2) The first shoot of com.


Span-farthing, «• An old game

among boys.

Spang, (1) 0. To spring.

(2) V. To atUch horses, &c, to

a carriage.

(3) «. An off-shoot from a root


(4) «. A span in measure. Uae.

(5) t. A spangle, ^/eiu.

(6) V. To throw, or set in motion

violently. Line,

(7) V. To leap. Yorish,

Spanged, part, p. Variegated


Spangbl,«. a spaniel.

Span-gutter, •. A narrow brick

drain in a coal mine. Shrop$h.

Spang- WHCW, v. To kill a toad hj

throwing it up with a lever.


Spaniel. See Spancel.

Spank, (1) «. A hard slap.

(2) V. To move with speed.

Spanker-eel, «. The lamprey.


SpankebSi «. Gold coins. Deton'

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Spanking, a4^'. Large; fine.

Spanky, adj. Smart. Var, d,

Spakmeb, t. (1) The key by which

the wheel-lock of a gun was

wound up.

(2) A wrench. Northampt.

Span-new, adj. Quite new, like

cloth just taken from the tenters.

Spick and tpan new, fresh from

the spike> or tenter, and frames.

This tale was aie span-newe to brginne.

Ckauc.t Troil. and Cres., iii.

Am I not totally a tpan-new gallant,

yit for the clioicest eye P


SPANNIU9, «« A game at marbles.


Spannisbino, «. (A.'N. etpanir.)

The full blow of a flower. Eom,

of the Rose, 36^3.

Spar, (1) «. The bolt of a door.

(2) V. {J,-S,) To inquire. North.

rS) t. A rafter- North.

(4) 9. The pointed stick used to

secure the thatch on a roof. South.

(5) s. The covering of ore or me-

tal in a mine.

(6)v. To practise boxing. Sparring

appears to have been originally a

term in cock-fighting, the fencing

of a cock.

(7) i^-spar, in opposition-

Spakablbs, 1 «. Shoemakers'

SPABRowBiLs, j nails.

Sparadrap, «. Waxed linen.

Sparch, adj. Brittle. East.

Sparcle, «. A spark.

Spar-dust, «. Dust in wood pro-

duced by insects. Var. d.

Spare, (I) v. (A.-S.) To refrain.

(2) «. Moderation.

Then came np the wearing of lilkes and

velvets without all spurt: then en*

creased the artifidall skill of weaving

and embroderie, together with the

axriooB conning of cookerie.

Ammama MareeUiniu, 1609.

(3) adj. Divers ; severaL Gaw.

(4) adj. Slow. Wett.

Sparobf ACTION, 9. {Lat.) The act

of scattering.

Spar-hawk, «. {A.-S.) A sparrow-


Spar-hook, 9. A hook for cutting

spars. West.

Spark, (1) t. A gay fellow.

(2) 9. A diamond.

(3) V. To splash with dirt. North.

Sparke, v. {A.'S.) To glitter.

Sparked, adj. Speckled.

Sparkle, \v. To scatter, or dis-


8PERCLB, / perse ; to sprinkle.

The walls and casteil raced, and the

inhabitants sparekUd into otiicr cities.

Slaw's AmuUs, sign. 05.

Cassandra yet there saw I, how they


From pallis house, with ^erckUd trees

undone. Mirr.forMag.

Sparkling, part. a. The claying

between the spars to cover the

thatch of cottages. Norf.

Spakey, adj. Speckled.

Sparlie, adj. Peevish. Northumb.

Sparling, s. The smelt.

Sparlirb, «. The calf of the leg.

Sparple, v. To disperse.

Sparre, 1 v. (A.'S. sparran.) To

8PBRRE, J bolt a door.

The erle of Ormond suspecting that he

had bin betrnyd, fled to the chapitre

house, put too the dore, sparring it with

night and mayne. HoUnsMd, 1577>

Sparrow-ball, s. A hobnail; a

sparable. Old Diet.

Sparrow-beaks, s. The name

given in Northamptonshire to

fossil shark's teeth.

Sparrowfart, s. Break of day.


Sparbow-tonoub, s. Knot-grass.

^'*"*!}«. To scatter.


For, Israeli being lost, who shall ensue.

To render here to God devotions due?

What people sparsed on this earthly ball

From Indian shoare to wliere the sunne

doth foil. SgUestet^s Dubartas.

Spart, s. The dwarf rush. North.

Sparthb, «. {A.'S.) An axe; a


Sparticles, «. Spectacles. West,





Spartsr, «. The canopy or tester

of abed.

Belirre it. ladT, to whomtoever I

spenke it, that a happie woman is secne

in a white apron, ai often as in an

enibroider'd kirtlc; and hatli n« qniet

sleeps, and as contented vakiuj^s in a

bed of cloth, as under a sparver of

tissue. Uariug.^ Notes <m OrlandOt b. v.

Spat, ». (1) A blow. Kent.

(2) The cartilaginous substance

bv which an ovster adheres to its

shell. East.

(3) The spawn of oysters. OldDiet,

Spatch-cock, «. A hen just killed

and quickly broiled for any sudden


Spate, t. A small pond. Durh.

Spathe, «. The sheath of an ear of


Spatiate, «. (Lat) To wander


Spatler, t. (Lot. fpattdaJ) A

wooden spoon, or ladle.

Spatrify, V,

Bott. What have the rogues left my

pots, and ran avay, without paying

their reckoning ? I'll after 'em, cheating

villains, rogues, cut-purses ; rob a poor

woman, cheat tlte spittle and rob the

king of his excise ; a parcel of rustick,

clownish, pedniitical, high-shoo'd, plow-

Jobbing, cart-driving, pinch-back'd, para-

lytick, fnrobling, nunibling, bellowing,

yellowing, peas- picking, stink ing,mangy,

runagate, ill-begotten, ilLrontriv'd,

wry-uiouth'd, spatrifyiMg, dunghill-rak-

ing, costive, snorting, sweaty, farting,

whaw-drover does.

Dfi of Dr. Fau$hu» 1C97.

Spats, «. Gaiters. Cumb.

Spatter- DABHK8, "I. r.u—


Spattlb, (1)9. To spit.

(2) #. Saliva.

(3) «. An implement for beating

up thick liquids.

(4) «. A board used in turning

oat cakes.

Spattlino-poppt, «. A kiad of


Spaud, (1) s. The shoulder. See


(2)t>. Tocut up theground.iVora.

(3)v. To founder, at a ship.

Spaul, (1) 8. Spittle.

(2) 9. To spit.

Spaumdrb, «. A spandrel.

Spaut, t. A youth. NariJL

Spaut-bokb. See Spade-bone.

Spavb, v. To castrate. North.

Spaw, 9. The slit of a pen. Nortk.

Spawl, (1) s. A splinter, or chip.


(2) 9. To scale off. Somenet.

Spawls, «. Branches of a tree;

divisions. North.

Spat, v. To castrate.

Spbak-hoosb, «. The room in i

convent where the inmates were

allowed to speak with their


Spears, «. Poles for carrying hsv.

spbne, J

SpEANBD,jEiar/./i. Newly delivered.


Spear, (1) «. To ask. See ^pert.

(2) 8. A horse soldier.

(3) «; Abladeof grasa; a reed.


U)9. A bee's sting.

(5 ; 9. To germinate. South,

(6)«. A spire.

(7) Sold under iheqtear, nldbr

public auction.

Spbar-orass, t. Conch grass. 5af .

Spbar-stioks, t. Twisted sticks

used for thatching. Devon.

Spbart, a4f. Shooting up long and

slender. Northampi.

Spbcht, «. A woodpecker. Ao-

mencL See ^pe^Al.

SFECiALfOig. Excellent. Vtr.d.

Speciously, adv. Especially.


Speck, t. (1) Some kind of coarse


StnlTe thy gsU

With ^teett and barley pudding for digei-


Driok whig md aovre mitke.


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(2) The sole of a shoe.

(3) A spoke of a iivheel. North,

(4) A species of fish» the sole.


Speckbt» «, A door-latch.

Specking, 1 «. A larjce nail or

8PEKKN, J spike. Eiut.

Specks^ «. Plates of iron nailed

upon a plough. Yorkth.

Sped, (1) pret, t. Went.

(2) V. To speed. North,

(3) adj. Versed in.

Spedb, 9. {J.-N.) To despatch; to


Spbdbful, adj. Ready ; effectual.

SPKECHLB88, A4f. Using fcw words.

Speed, (1) v. To kill. Speeding-

placet the place wliere a wound

is mortal.

(2) «. A disease in yonng cattle.


(3) i. Fortune.

{4)8, Interest. "Yf thou prayc

ony thynge agaynst thyne owne

spede." The Fettival, foi. clxuix.

Sfsbkb, «. A spike.

Spebl, (i) v. To climb. North.

(2) 8. A spark of fire. Berks.

Speer, s. (1) A screen across the

lower end of a hall.

(2) A shelter in a house, made

between the door and fire to

keep off the wind.

C3) A chimney.pnst. North.

Speight, s. {A.-S.) The large

black woodpecker.

Rve, walking forth about the forrests,


Sp»hkt*, parrots, peacocks, estrich scat-

ter*!! feathers. Sylv. DHbarltu.

Spein, t. A shoot of a plant.

Spbkb, «. A spoke. Norths

Spel,«. {\){A.'S.) a history; a tale.

(2) Liberty. Craven. Relaxation.


Spelch, v. To bruise; to split.

Speldbb, (1) 9. To spell.

(2) «. A chip ; a splinter.

Spelk, (1) «. A slip of wood; a

very lean person. North,

(2) o. To set a broken bone.


Spell, i. (i) A chip, or splinter.

The spears in felt and randry peeees


As if they had been little sticks or cane.

Bar. Aruut.f xix, 61.

(2) A piece of paper rolled up

for lighting a pipe, &c.

(3) The transverse pieces of wood

at the bottom of a chair. Zt»c.

(4) The trap employed at the

game of nurspell. Line.

(5 ) A turn ; a job. Var, d.

Spell-bone, «. The small bone of

the leg.

Spelle, v. {A..S.) To talk; to

teach. Speliere, a speaker, ^el-

ling, a story.

Spellers, s. The top of the head

of a fallow deer.

Spkllycoat, s. A ghost. North.

Spblonk, s. {A.'N.) a cavern.

Spelt, ^1) s. A chip.

(2)9. To chip; to split.

Spelt-corn, s. Vetches. Devon.

Spbnce, 1 «. {A.'N.) A buttry; a

SPENS, J safe, or a cupboard for

provisions ; a pantry ; an eating-

room in a farmhouse.

Spend, (1) v. To consume; to use


(2) part. p. Fastened. Gawayne.

(3) «. A hog's skin. Dev.

(4) V. To hreak ground. Comm,

(5) V. To span with the hand.


(6) V. To produce abundantly.


(7) 0. Semen emittere.

Spending, s. (A.-S.) Money.

Spendino-cheesb,«. Cheese made

for home consumption. East.

Spendlow, s. Dead wood tied in

faggots for firing.

Spenb, 9. ( 1) To spend.

(2) To stop up.

Spengbd, e^J, Piedi as cattle.


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Spbnser, «. A dispenser of provi-


SvEirr, part p. Exhausted.

Spbr, (I) 9. To prop up.

(2) adj. Fragile.

Sperablk, adj, (Lat.) That may

be hoped.

Speraob, t. Asparagus. Ray,

Sperk, (1) V, (^.-5.) To ask ; to


(2) t. A spy.

To fasten.

. (A,'S.) A point.

A spire.

(6) «. A shoot.

(7) «. A sphere.

(8) t. Spirit.

Spkrel, «. A clasp.

Sperino, «. A fastening.

Sperket, 1 «. A wooden peg

8PERKEN, J slightly curved to

hang horses* harnessi &c., on.

Sperklb, i. The collar-bone.

Spbrme, «. (LaL) Seed.

SpERif, 8, A buttress.

Sperr, 9. To publish banns. Derb.

S PERSE, 9. To disperse. See Sparte.

Spert, 9. A sudden thought. Eait.

Spbrtb, s. Spirit.

Spertlb. See Sortie,

Spert-wtthib, «. An ozier. iVb-


Spertiter, 8. A keeper of sparrow-

hawks and musket-hawks. Ber^


Spetch, 0. To patch, Yori8h.

Spetchel-dike, 8, A dike made

of stones laid in horizontal rows

with a bed of thin turf between

each of them.

Spbtous, adj. (A.-N.) Spiteful.

Spew, 8, A fourth swarming of

bees. Northampt,

Spe wring, «. A boarded partition.


Spbxt, prt8. t. Speakest

Spial, 8. {A.'N.) A spy.

Spiccott, adj. Speckled. Somerg.

Spice, 8. (1) (A.^N.) Species;


(2) Sweetmeats, gingerbread,

and cakes. North,

(3) A slight aiuck of a disorder;

a small quantity.

(4) A small stick. North,

Spiced, adj. Scrupulons, applied

especially to the conscience.

And let spict'eomdeHet feUovs taJke tbeir


Mine owne's mine owne, to me it n I viil

BoKlmUi, JSJtagtt <^Sp. /■ D.

Spice-ktel, «. Broth with raising.


Spicbr, «. A grocer.

Spicbrt, «. (1) Spicea.

(2) The place wiiere apices were


Spick, 8.(1) A spike.

(2) A slice of bacon.

Spick-and-span-new. See Span.

Spicy-pizzer, «. A currant cake.


Spiddock, t. A spigot.

Spider-catcher, a. (l\ A mon-


(2) The spotted flycatcher.


Spier, «. A scout, or spy.

Spifp, a^. Dandified. Northaw^.

Spifflicate, v. To confound ; to


Spiooot-sucker, t. A tippler.

Spike, «. Layender. Var, d.

There groves the gilliflovie, the mjat, the


Both red and vhite, the bloe-nyid


The purple hyaeynth. the tpjfH to plesK

The scarlet dyde carnation hleediac t«t

Spike-and-dab, «. A wail of hur-

dle-work plastered oTer with

mortar. We8t,

Spikb-bit, «. A spike-passer


Spike-polb, <. A rafter. RVt/.

Spiking, 8. A large iiaiL North.

Spil, 8. A splinter. See SjpeiL

Spilcock, t. A whirligig.

Spile, (1) «. A peg for a band of

liquor ; a pile. Si^.

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(2) 0. To make a foundation in

soft ground by driving in spiles

or piles. East.

(3) s. A wooden wedge pointed

with iron, nsed in gravel pits,

qunrries, &c.y to remove large

quantities at once. Norf.

(4) V, To carve birds.

Spill, 8.{l) An attempt. Wett.

(2) A small gift. East

(3) A lot ; quantiiy. North,

(4) A stalk. Wett.

(5) The spindle of a spinning-


(6) A neat's tongue vrithout the

root. Devon,

Spille, v. {A.-S.) To destroy ; to

rain ; to waste.

He will finde out a poora and meane

marriage for you, rather tlien he will

■uffer yoa to be spilt by harlots.

Terence m Englitht 1641.

Spilling, «. Failure.

SpiLausRBNE,«. An old name of a

boy's game.

Spilth, «. That which is spilt.

Spilwood, 9. Refuse of wood from

the sawyers. South,

Spincoppb, a, A spider.

SpiNDEy 9, (But.) A pantry, or


Spindle, (1) «. The third swarm

of bees from the same hive.


(2) 9. The piece of iron which

supports the rest in a plough.


(3) Com tpindlet when it first

shoots up its pointed sheath.


(4) To make or spin crooked

$pindle9j to make her husband

cuckold, said of a woman.


Spindlb-rods, t. Iron railings.


Spikdliko, a^. Thin; slender;

applied to vegetation. Norths


Spins, s, (1) {Lat,) A thorn.

Tbon) that rotes at Uldaomer ben follfl


Titte undemethe ii hid a fhlle sharp epynr.

Ijfdffale'e Boehas, f. 17-

She leaves them all no more save one brood


Plac'st in Mednsaes forehead, and to shine

Like sttlphure, whose aspect infecta the


Parches the grasse, and blasts both rose

and epine. Great Britainee Truye^ 1609.

(2) The fat on the surface of a

joint of meat. Dev,

(3) An animal's hide.

(4) Green sward. Weet,

Spin BOY, adj. Muscular. Wight.

Spynee, t. (fV*.) An article of con-


Soynee. Take and make gode thyk

aliiinnd niyike. as tofore, and do therein

of fli>er of hawthorn ; and muke it as a

rose, and serre it forth.

Forme of Cury, p. 18.

Spinet, «. {Lat. apinetum) A small


SPINBTTBD,j9ar^/».'SHt, or opened.

For this there be two remedyes. one to

have a goose-qnill tpinetted and sewed

agiiinst the uockinge.

Aseh. Toxopk., p. 188.

Spinoabd, 9, A small sort of can-


Spinobl, 9, Fennel. Somereet,

Spink, 9, (I) The chaffinch

(2) A chink. Hampeh,

(3) A spark of fire. North,

SpiNKED,/iar/.j7. Spotted. York9,

Spinner, 9, A spider.

Spinney, «. (1) A thicket ; a small


(2) A brook. Buek9,

Spinnick, 9, A dwarf. Somereet,

Spinnino-dronb, 9, The cock-

chafer. Comw.

Spinnino-monet, 9, Sixpences.


Spinnino-turn, 9, A spinning-

wheel. 1Ve9t.

Spinny, adj. Thin ; slender.

Spinny-why, 9. A northern name

for the game of hide-and-seek.

Spion, 9. {Fr. e9pion.) A spy.

d by boogie





And as Assistants you have under you

The serjeant-m^jor, quarter-master, pro*


And captain of the spiotu.

Four PretUiee*, 0. PL, vi, 540.

Spiraclk, s. (1) A lofty sentence ;

a fine conceit.

(2) {LaL ipiracubim,) An air-


Spire, (1)9. To ask. See ^ere,

(2)1. A stake.

(3) 8, An ear of corn.

(4) t, A young tree. North.

Spiritual, adj. Angry. Hampth,

Spirity, adj. Spirited. North.

Spirt, «. A brief space of time.


Spirtle, v. To sprinkle.

Spirt-net, «. A sort of fishing-


Spiss, adj. {Lat.) Thick ; firm.

Spit, (1) t. Injury. Gawayne.

(2) 8. A cant term for a sword.

(3) 8. A spade depth in digging.

(4) 9. To lay eggs, applied to

insects. Weat.

(5) 8. Very slight rain.

(6^ V. To dig. Somer8.

(7; Spit and a stride, a very short

distance. North.

Spital, 8. A hospital. See Spittle.

Spit-boots, 8. Heavy leather gai-

ters. Cumb.

Spitch, 8. A spadefuL North*


Spitous, adj. Spiteful.

Spittard, 8. A hart of two years.

Spitter, 8. {}) A slight shower.

(2) An instrument for cutting up

weeds, &c. Wif8t.

(3) A spade. Hampsh.

Spitter-spatteb, 8. Nonsense.


Spittle, (1)«. A hospital; alazar-

house. Sprttte-seftnons, sermons

preached formerly at the Spittle.

Spittle whore, a. very common

whore, one w1k> frequented the

neighbourhood of the Spittle, or


(2) 8. A spade.

(3) 9. (Lat. spatula.) A board

used in turning oat cakes. Cracm.

r4) 8. A dirty fellow. East.

(5) adj. Spiteful. Somers.

Spittle-staff, s. A wooden staff

for stubbing thistles. Une.

Spittlzng, 8. When potatoes just

show themselves above ground,

the gardeners take their sjiades,

and loosen all the earth in the

furrows, taking out all the weeds.

This operation ia called apittU/tg-


Splack-nuck, 8. A raiser. Notf.

Splairgb, v. To splatter. N&rth'


Splaiting, t. An operation for-

merly performed on the shooklei

of a horse.

Splash, v (1) To beat down wal-

nuts with a pole. Norihaw^.

(2) To cut hedges. Craven.

(3) To make a hedge by nearly

severing the live wood at the

bottom, and then interweaving

it between the stakes, when u

shoots out in the spring, and

makes a thick fence. Kent.

Splat, (1) v. To split, or divide.

(2) 8. A row of pins aa sold m

the paper. Somerset.

(3) 8» The staves of a chair; the

flat steps of a ladder. North-


(4) t. A large spot. Dewm.

Splatch, 9. To paint the face.

Spla/ehy, painted, aaid of a

woman's hce.

Splat-footed, adj. Splay-footed.


Splatherdab,«. a woman who

goes from hoose to house retail-

ing news. Northampt.

Splathbrdash, 8. A wofoan who

dresses tawdrily. Narthawspt.

Splatter, v. (1) To spread oat

wide. Northern^,

(2) To splash about in the water.

Splavder, 0. To stretch out the

arms or feat. Yowksk,

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Splautch, v. To let « soft sub-

stance fall heayily. Northumb.

Splatin, 9. An eruptive blotch,


Splawed, jMT^/^.Spread oatiVoi/.

Splatb,i». {\){A.-N.) To display;

to unfold ; to spread oat.

f2) To castrate. JJnc,

SplatinOi adj. Slanting. Oxfd,

Spleen, «. Violent haste. Shaketp.

Splbekt, adj. Angry.

Splbndidious, adj, {Lot.) Splen-

did. Drayton,

Splewt, (1) t. A splinter, or chip.

(2) V. To cover with plates of

metal, or splents.

(3) «. A lath; any small thin

piece of wood.

(4) t. A sort of inferior coal.

(5J «. A disease in horses' legs,

caasing lameness. Norf,

Splents, 1 «. Plates in ancient

SPLINTS, J armour which lapped

over each other, and protected

the inside of the arm.

Splet, pret, t of tpHt:

Splette, v. To lay out flat.

Splinted, part. p. Supported.

Splirt, 9. To spurt out. North,

Split, v. To betray confidence.

Split-lift, «. A strip of leather

split in two, in shoemaking.


SpLITTER-SPLikTTBR, f. Splashy

dirt. North.

Splob, V. To split off pieces of wood.

Splotch, «. A splash. Bagt.

Splut, v. To make a fuss. Berks,

Spluttbb, v. To sputter.

Spoat, «. (A.'S.) Spittle. Lane.

Spoclb, 9, {A.'S,) The spole of a


Spofflv, V, To busy one's self

overmuch about a matter of

small consequence. Eaet,

Spoil, ». (1) To rob.

(2) To carve a hen.

Spokb, (1) 9, The bar of a lad-


(2) TojnUa9poheinone'9wheelf

to throw an impediment in one*s


Spokbn-chain, f. A long chain

fixed to the spoke of a waggon


SroKB-SHATE, 9, (1) A pUuc for

smoothing the inner parts of a

wheel. PaUgr.

(2) A bread-basket.

Spolb, t. (1) (Fr.) The shoulder.

(2) A small wheel in a spinning,


(3) A small reel. Leic.

Spolls, 9. Waste wood cut off in

making hurdles, &c. Ea9t,

Spon, 9, A wood-shaving.

Spondles, 9, The joints of the


Spone, 9. (J,'S.) A spoon.

Spong, (1) f. An irregular, pro-

jecting part of a field. Ea9t.

(2) 9. A boggy place. Norf.

(3) Hot 9ponff, a sudden power

of heat from the sun emerging

from a cloud. Ea9t,

(4) 17. To work clumsily. South,

Sponob, 9. One who imposed on

people by taking more than he

was entitled to. 17 th cent.

Spono-wateb, 9. A small stream.


Sponsible, at^. Responsible $ re*

spectable. Var. d.

Spoolino-whbel, 9, The spole of

a spinning-wheel.

Spoom, 1 r. To go right before the

spoon, J wind without any sail.

An old naval term.

Spoon, 9. The navel. York9h,

Spoon-puddinos. SeeDrop'dump'


Spobe, (1) «. A spur, or prick.

(2) pret, t. of 9pare.

(3) 9, A support to a post. Ea9t,

Spobob, V, {A.'N) (1) To clean,

or cleanse.

(2) To have the diarrhcea.

Sporne, (1) V. To strike the foot

against anything. Chancer.

(2) purt.p,$hMt\ fastened. Yorh9.


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Sport, v. To show ; to exhibit.

Sporyar, «. A spurrier, or spur-


Sposail, 8. An espousal.

Spotil, t. Spittle.

Spottle, (1) 9. To splash. West.

(2) 8. A schedale. Cumd.

Spotty, adv. In spots. Kent,

Spouch, adj. Sappy. SuJ^,

Spouncb, 9. To splash. Somerf,

Spouse, «. (A.-N.) To marry.

Spousebrkcrb, i. Adultery.

Spousbuedb, 8, The state of mar-


Spout. To put up the 8pout, to

pawn. In great 8pout, in high


Spoy, 8. A spring of medicinal

water; a spa. Norf,

Sprack, ad/. (1) Lively; alert;

brisk. n'€8t.

(2) Shrewd ; intelligent. North-


Sprackle, 0. To climb. North.

Sprag, (1) adj. Lively.

(2) 8. A young salmon. North.

(3) 9. To prop up. Shrop8h.

Spraged. j7ar/./7. Spotted. Devon.

Spraggles, 8. Knobs on wood, as

the knots on a stick, &c. fFe8t.

Spraid, (1) V. To sprinkle. JSa8t.

(2 ) part. p. Chopped vriih cold.


Sprainting, 8. The dung of the


Sprall, «. An old term for a carp.

Sprank, (I) adj. Clever. Wight.

(2) 8. A sprinkling. ITet/.

(3) 8. A crack in wood. Suf.

Spranker,«. A watering-pot. lFe8t.

Sprat. BARLEY, *. Barley with very

long beards; hordeum vuigare

of Linn.

Sprat-loon, «. The small gull.


Sprats, «. Small wood. Kennett.

Sprat- weather, ». A sea-side

phrase applied to the dark

weather, usual in November and

December, which is generally

supposed to be favorable for

catching sprats.

Sprawing,«. a sweetheart. WUit.

Sprawl, (1) v. To speak drawU


(2) 8. Movement. Somer8.

Sprawls,*. (A.'S.) Twigs. Var.d.

Sprawt, 9. To sprawl and kick ;

to spread out. Tar. d.

Spray, 8. {A.-S.) A branch, or twig.

Spreader, «. A stick to keep out

the traces from the horses' legs.


Spreath, adj. Nimble. WUi9.

Spreathed, oi^. Chopped with

cold. We8t.

Spreckled, adj. Speckled.

Spree, (1) «. A frolic Far.d,

(2) adj. Spruce; gay. />«».

Sprexnt, par/, p. Sprinkled.

SpREMBD,j9ar/.ji. Striped.

Sprbnt, (1) pret, t. of ^^rimgt.


\2) part. p. (A.-S.) Sprinkled.

[Z) part. p. Sprained.

'A) part. p. Shivered; split,

[5) 8. A spot, or stain. Yorkth,

[6) «. The steel spring on tb«

back of a clasp-knife. Nortkumk.

Sprentle, 0. To flutter.

Spret, «. (1) A spirit.

(2) A boatman's pole. See Sprii.

A kng tprete he bve in hande.

To itrenghe lirm in the water to stande.

US. \Uk cemL

Spretched, part. p. Cracked ; ap-

plied to eggs, just before the

chicken comes out. Line.

Sprig, ( 1 ) f . A nail without a head.

(2) 8. A lanky fellow. North.

(3) V. To turn off short. Dortet.

(4) 8. The rose of a watering-

can. Northampt.

SpRiGHT, 8. A short wooden arrow

discharged from a muakeL

Sprino, adj. Lively.

And be a miin nerer to ffia^d,

fef he scliel libbe to elde.

Be htm wel siker ther-to he achel.

And bii dethea dette tehlo.

d by Google




Spring, (I) «. A grove of trees.

VnleM it were

The nightingale, among the tliick-lcar'd


That 8118 alone in sorrow, and doth sing

Whole nights away in mourning.

FUtch.,Fa%tkf. Shfph., v, 1.

(2) 9. A young shoot of a treOk

(3) ». A youth.

(4) V. To warp. Norihampt.

(5) V. To moisten clothes pre-

vious to ironing.

(6) 9. A tune.

We will meet him,

And strike hira such new springi.

B. jf- Fl., PropkeUa*^ t, 8.

(7) V, To dawn.

(8) ». The dawn of day.

(9) «. A snare for hirds, &c.

(10) ©. To become active. North.

(1 1 ) V. To give token of calving.


(12) J 9pring of pork, the

lower part of the fore-quarter,

which is divided from the neck,

and has the leg and foot, without

the shoulder.

Sir, pray hand the tprinff <f parte to

me, pray advance the rump or beefe this

way, the chiue of bacon.

GayloH, Fat. Notes, p. 96.

Spkingal, It. (1) {A.-N.) An

8PRING0LD, J ancient military en-

gine for casting stones.

(2) A youth ; a stripling.

Amongat the rest, which in that space


Thtre came two epringale of full tender

yeares. Spenser, F. Q., V, v, 6.

Pray ye, maid, bid him welcome, and

make much of him, for, by my vay, he's

s good proper springold.

Wily Beguiled, Or. Dr., lii,S33.

Sprtnos, (1) 9. {ji.-S.) To sprinkle.

(2) 9, A trap for birds, made of


Springer, «. A lad. Ea9t,

Spring-garden, «. Agarden where

concealed springs were made to

spout jets of water upon the


Like a spring -garden^ shoot his scornful


Into their eyes durst rome to tread on him.

B. /■ iV., Four Plays in One, play 1st.

Springle, 9. (1) A rod used in

thatching. Skrop9h,

(2) A snare for birds. W€9t,

Sprinoow, adj. Nimble. Che9h.

Springy, adj. Elastic.

Sprinkb, (1) 9. To sprinkle.


(2) «. A flaw ; a crack. Ea9t,

Sprinkle, «. The brush used for

sprinkling holy-water.

Sprint, (1) ». A snare for birds.


(2) adj. Lively. Northampt.

Sprit, (1) r. To split.

(2) 9. To sprout. Che9h,

(3) «. A pole to push a boat for-

ward. Norf,

Sprite, (1) «. The woodpecker.


{2)adj, Quick; sharp. Northamp.

Sprittel, 9, A twig.

Sprittle, 9. (1) To sprinkle.

(2) To tingle. Leic,

Sprity, adj. Wine or beer, when

the mother floats about in it.


Sproil, 9. Liveliness. Devon.

Sprong, 9. (1) A stump. Su99.

(2) A prong. We9t.

Sprot, 9. A sprat. PaUgr,

Sprote, «. (1) A fragment.

(2) A pimple, or eruptive spot.

Sprottle, 9. To struggle when

rising from a fall. Northampt,

Sprouzb, 1 9. To stir or rouse up

8PRUZ, r fire.

Spruce, (1) 9. To make the crust

of bread brown by heating the

oven too much. B€d9,

(2) adj. Prussian.

Sprug-up, 9. To dress neatly. Sum.

Sprun, 9. The fore part of a hor&e's

hoof. North.

Sprung, 1 adj. Partially broken,

8PRUNK, J applied to a piece of

wood, or a spar. A ship's fore-





mast may be sprung, the shaft of

a cart tprunk. Nor/.

Sprunoe, v. To spurn. Line,

Spbunk, (1; t. A concubine?

With fryara and monkt, with their fine

I make my chiefest prey.

Bobin Hood, ti. IM.

(2) V. To crack, or split. Euex,


K apnmking glu9, this sprnnldnir it a

Butch wora, the first aa we hrar of that

lan^age that ever came in fiithion with

ladies, so that thev give as reason to

beheve, tiiey at last may tack about

from the French to the Dutch mode.

This signifies pruning by a pocket •glass,

or a glass to sprucifie by.

DunUm'i Laiiet^ Diet.

Uprunnt, (1) adj. Neat. Nwf,

(2)«. A sweetheart. Var.d.

JpRUNT, (1) part. p. Poisoned,

said of cattle. Surrey,

(2) t. A struggle, or sadden

spring after a leap. Var. d,

Spruntingt kicking playfully.

(3^ 9. A steep road. North*

(4 ) adj. Very active.

Spruntlt, adv. Sprucely.

Sprut, v. To jerk violently, as with

a spasm. Sussex.

Sprutfleo, part, p. Sprinkled

over. Leic.

Sprt, adj. {I) Nimble. Somerset,

(2) Chapped with cold. JFeet,

Spry- WOOD, t. Small wood.

Spuii,t. (1) A baby's hand. Somers.

(2) A dwarfish person. East,

r3) A small and worthless knife.

(A) A worn-out tooL Berks,

(5) A good legacy. West,

Spuddle, 9. To move about busily.


Spuddt, a^. Short and stumpy.


SpuDGEL,t. A small kind of trowel

or knife ; also, an instrument to

bale out water. South.

Spuolbk, v. To spread about with

a poker. Exmoor,

Spungee, a. One who drinks at the

expense of another.

Sfungt, adj. Stingy.

Spunk,*. (1) Spirit; mettle. Var.d,

S^uniy^ mettlesome.

(2) A spark; a match. North.

• (3) An excrescence on the tninks

of trees.

Sfxjst, part. p. Spumed. Sm^.

Spur, (1) v. To prop up. South,

(2) s, A short buttress.

(3) s. Leisure. West.

(4) t. The root of a tree. North.

(5) V. To spread manure. West.

Spur-oallt, adj. Extremely poor.


Spurge, v. (1) To emit yeast from

beer, when it is first turned;

used also metaphorically.

A moose on a tyme Telle into a bardie

of newe ale, that tpomrgiit aade m\xH

'tsU JZOHMMTSS, p. ¥Jb.

not come out GosU

The ipmrgmg of a deadmana eyea.

Percy's SeRfwt.

(2) To ceil with a thin coat of

morUr between the raften, with-

out laths. East.

Spurgbt. s. a peg to hang any-

thing on. North.

Spur-hunt, It. A dog which

SPUE-uouND, J finds and pots up


Spurk, 0. To rise briskly. East,

Spurling, s. (1) a rut of a whed.

(2) A slough. Northam^t,

Spurn, (1)9. To kick.

(2) s. An evil spirit. Dorwet.

(3) s. A piece of wood used to

strengthen a gatepost, ^tnc.

Spurn-point, t. An old name of a


Spurrier, t. A maker of spurs.

Spurring, t. A smelt. North.

Spurringb, t. (^.-5.) Banns of


Spurrow, V, To inquire. ITetfai.

Spur-royal, s, A gold coin, worth

about fifteen shillings.

Spurs, s. The small twigs oa the

trunk of a tree. East.





Spuwibe&s, t. Straight yonng fir


Spurtle, t. A small stick. North,

Spur-way, ». A bridleway. East,

Sputher, t. A squabble.

Spy, *. A pilot.

SauAB, (1) #. A long seat; a conch.


(2) V, To squeeze; to beat flat.


(3) t. Abird unfledged, or a young

animal before the hair appears.


SavAB-PiB, #. A pie made of mut-

ton, or bacon, apples, and onions.


SauACKSTT, 9, To make any disa-

greeable noise with the mouth.

" How Pincher tquaeketti about 1"


SauAD, t. (1) A company, an ab-

breviation of tquadron,

(2) Sloppy dirt.

SauADRON, t. A quadrangular


Squaged, par/, jv. Blotted.

SaUAOHTE, pret. t. Shook.

SauAfGE, V. To whip. Eatt.

SauAiLy V. To throw sticks at

cocks ; to fling or scatter about.

SquaUer, the stick thrown.


SacrAii.8, «. Ninepins. Somerset.

SauAiMODS, adj. Squeamish.

SauALL, «. A rogue, used as a term

of familiarity.

San ALLEY, t. A note of faultiness

in the making of cloth. Biount.

San ALLY, adj. Patchy, said of com

or turnips. Norf.

SauAMB, t. {Lat.) A scale.

SauANDBRKD, part. p. Dispersed.


SauAP, (1) t. A blow.

(2) V. To sit idly. Somerset.

SauARD, s. A tear, or rent. Comw.

SauARB, (1) w. To quarrel. Squorert

a quarreller. To be at square, to

be in a state of quarrelling.

(2) s. A quarreL

WMi VM this brode ipeech mldome bre edeth

Promos /* Out., ii« 4.

(3) V. To put one's self in an

attitude for boxing.

(4) adj. Honest; equitable.

(5) V, To swagger about. Devon.

(6) V. To stand aside. Yorksh.

(7) t. The front of the female

dress, near the bosom.

Between her braasts, tlie crael weapon


Her carions tqnare, emboss'd withirelling

gold. Fair/. Ta$8.j xii, 64.

(8) ^a squares, all right. To

break squares, to depait from an

accustomed order. To break no

squares, to give no offence, to

make no difference. To play

i^on the square, to play honestly.

To be t^on the square with, to

be even with.

Men mnst be knaves; 'tit in their own


Maukiod't dishonest ; if yon think it fair,

Amongst known cheats, to play upon the


You'll be undone.

Roehater*» Poemi,

They're in his bed chamber, here's her

health. Drink, you dog, that we may

be upon the tqvart with her.

Mountfort, Greemeich Park, 1691.

SauARB-DiCK, s. Honest dice.

SauARELY, adv. Roundly.

SauARBS, t. Broad iron hoops

holding coals in the baskets

when drawn up from the pits.


Sac ARKEN, V. To bum in roasting.


SauARY, adj. Short and fat. North.

SauASH, (1) ». To crush. Var. d.

And thus some of them halfe dead, as

being sqvathed with huve weightie

■tones, ur shot into the 'breast with

darts and arrowes, lay tumbling upon

the ground. Ammianiu Mc rcoU., 1609.

(2) V. To splash. East,

(3) s. The unripe pod of a pea.

SauAT, (1) V, To bruise; to slap


(2) V, To splash. North.

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(3) V, To compress ; to indent.


(4) adj. Flat. Kent,

(5) t. A short stout person. Line,

(6) t. A small separate vein

of ore.

(7) V. To make quiet. Var. d.

(8) V, To sooth a child. North-


SdUAT-BAT, *. A piece of wood with

a handle to block the wheel while

stopping on a hill. Sutaex,

SdUATCH, t. A narrow cleft.


Squattino-pills, *. Opiate or

quieting pills. Eatt.

SauAWK, 9. To squeak.

SdUAWKiNo-THBusH, t. The mis-

sel-thrush. Wight,

Squawp, t. A peevish child.

SdiiEAK, 9, To creak.

SdUEAK-TRRusH, t. The missel-

thrush. Northampt,

SciuEAL, (1) adj. Weak; infirm.


(2) 9. To squeak.

SauBAN, V. To fret, as the hog.

SdUEECH, ff. A thicket. See Q^each,

SdUELCH, (1) t. A fall.

(2) adv, A word expressive of

the sound made by a wet cloth

falling against anything. "It

went iqtlelch"

(3) V, To give a blow in the


Squelch-bub, t. An unfledged

bird ; an uneducated youth. Derb.

SdUELCH-ouTTBD, adj. Very fat.


SdUBLCHiNo, a4f. Awkward.


SdUBLER, #. {A.'N.) The officer of

tlie household who had the care

of the pots, &c The department

where tlfese vessels were kept and

cleaned was termed a uquelery,

whence no doubt the modern


SauBLSTRiNO, a^. Sultry. Exm,

Squblt, v. To thrash, or beat. Leic,

SauELTRiNG, adj. Sweltering.

SauBMouSi adj. Saucy. Lane.

SauBNCH, V. To quench.


SauiB, ff. A child's syringe. North-


SaniB-CBACK, adj. Cracking.

SauiDDLBD, part. p. Wheedled.


SduiDOB. V. To squeeze. Wight.

SauiDLBTfff. A small piece. Dortei.

SciuiGGLB, V. To shake about. Etoex.

SauiLBR. See Sgueler.

SduiLKER, ^v. To make a nin-

8WILKRR, J bling noise in the

stomach. Leie.

S QUILT, s. A mark caused by

disease. Shropth,

Squimblb-squamblb, ath. Scras-

blingly. Cotgr.

Squin, adj. Squinting.

SWINANCT,! j^ ,^^


Squinanct-berribs, 9. Blade


SQUiNCH,ff.(l) Asmall piece of pro-

jecting stonework at the top of

the angle of a tower.

(2) A crack in a floor. West.

(3) A quince. Devon,

Squ IN DER. V. To smoulder, or bun

faintly. Var.d.

SauiNB, V. To squint. AfidL C.

SauiNK, 9. To wink. Sujff^,

SauiMNT, (1) 9. To squmi.

(2) a^;. Narrow ; small.

(3) adj. Lean ; slender. East.

(4) V. To fret. HampsJk.

Squir, V, (1) To cast away with s


(2)'Towhirl roand. 5'tiaa«r.

Squire, (1) v. To wait or atteail


(2) 0. To escort a ladf.

The third miin souins her to a ^Ut.

which being eitdeu, and the vine oifrn.

and titken, for shr's no renmni ;•

refuse anytliing htm she le«Te« uo.

Detker's Lmmthorme mmJ ^jM£f

(3) V, To pimp. I

Digitized by V^OOQ IC




(4) t. A pander.

(5) t. {Fr. etquierre.) A square,

or a measure.

SauiRL-TAiL, 9. A kind of worm.

SaaiRM.r. To wriggle about. South,

Squi&rkl, #. A prostitute.

SauiSHY, adj. Sloppy. East,

Squit, adj. Small.

SduirTER, (1) «. Corrupt matter.

Buirt tquitleTt fiilthy language.

(2) t. Diarrhoea. Var, d,

(3) V. To squirt.

SauizzBN, V. To squeeze; to crum-

ple. Var.d,

(2) part. p. of to sjueege.

SauoACB, V. To exchange. Somen.



SauoB, (1) t. A long seat. See


(2) V, To throw sticks or stones

at a bird's nest and break the

eggs. Oxfd,

iZ) adj. Fat ; plump.

4) adv. With a crash. Su99.

SauoLK, 9, A draught of liquor.


SaooLSHi 9. The sound produced

by the fall of soft heavy bodies.

E99€x, See Squelch.

SauoT, V, To spot with dirt. Derb.

SauozzoN, part. p. Squeezed.


SauTwiNNiKBN, adv. Askew. East,

Sta, 9, State.

Stab, (1) v. To stitch the upper

leather of boots with an awl.

(2) 9. A hole in which the rabbit

secures her litter. Su99ex,

Stabbing, t. A method of cheating

by using a l)ox so contrived that

the dice would not turn in it.

Stabblb. (1) 9. To soil by walking

with dirty shoes. Hamp9h.

(2) s. Liquid dirt. lb.

Stable, v. To make firm; to


Stablkstand, ff. An ambush or

stand in the woods for hunters to

. watch wild beasts.

Stablib, t. A station of huntsmen.

Stablissb, v. {ji.-N.) To establish.

Stacia. a term of comparison used

in Norfolk, e. ^., that will do like

9taeiaf as drunk as stacia^ &c.

Stack,«.(1) A chimney-piece. fVest,

(2) Stone stairs outside a build-

ing. Glouc,

Stackkr, v. To stagger. North,

Stack-frame, t. The frame on

which wheat or other grain is

placed to form a rick. Leic.

Stack-tomb, ff. A table monument.


Stad, part, p. Put ; placed.

Staddlb, (1) ff. A support for a


(2) V. To cover. Weet,

(2) V. To prop up.

(4) ff. The stain left on metal

after the rust is removed. Weet,

(5) ff. A young tree.

(6) ff. Hay laid out in wide rows

from the small cocks. Leic,

Staddle-row, ff. A large row of

dried grass ready for carrying.


Staddow, ff. An instrument an-

ciently used by comb-makers.

Stade, ff. {A.'S.) A station for

ships; a landing place on the

shore. See St ait h,

Stadel, ff. The step of a ladder.


Stable, v. To cut woods so as to

leave young plants at certain dis-

tances to replenish them. These

young plants are called etadles,

Stabd, ff. A bank. Oxf, See Staith,

Stafe, ff. (A.'S. sieef.) The step or

spar of a chair, &c. Leic.

Staff, (1) ff. A stave, or stanza.

(2) ff. Some part of a knight's


(3) ff. A measure of nine feet. Dev,

(4) ff. A pair of fighting-cocks.


(5) 9. To turn to ridicule. Dev.

Staff-hedgb, ff. A hedge made of

stakes and underwood.





Staw-hibd, v. To have sheep

under the care of a shepherd.


STArr-HooKi s, A sharp hook with

a long handle to cat peas and

beans, and trim hedges. Wight.

Staffibr« 8. (Fr.) A lacqaey.

Stafflb, 0. To walk about irregu-

larly. North,

Staff-bush, 9. The round-headed


Staff-slino, 9, A sling formed

with a staff; a cleft stick to

throw with.

Staf-ful, ttdj. Quite full.

Stag, (1) #. A hart in its fifth


(2) t. A horse under three years

old. Cumb,

(3) t. A castrated bull.

(4^ t. A wren.

(5) 9. A cock turkey, killed for

eating in his second year. Ea»t,

(6) ». A gander. North, See


(7) «. A romping girl. Yorkth,

(8) V, To watch ; to keep a look

out. Northampt,

(9) #. A sting. Cumb,

Stag ART, t. A hart in its fourth


Stage, t. A floor, or story; a


Staggarth, 9, A stack-yard. lAue,

Staggkd, /Mir/, p. Bogged. Devon.

Staggbrino-bob, t. A very young

calf. Che9h.

Stagobrs, 9. (1) A disease in

horses and sheep.

(2) Any sUggering or agitating


(3) Old quick removed from one

hedge to another. Shrop9h,

(4) Stumps of wood left as bonn-

daries in woods and hedgerows.


Staggt- WARNER, t. A boy's game.

Staging, 9. Scaffolding ,Norf,

Stagnate, v. To astonish.

Stagne, *. (Lat.) A lake.

Stagon, 9, The male of the red

deer in its fourth year.

Staidlin, 9. Fart of a corn-stack

left standing. North.

STAih,9.(ji.-S.) A handle. Vtar.i.

Stain, o. (1) To paint. Somert,

(2) To ciceL

Stainch, #. A root resembling

liquorice. North,

Staincrils, 9, Door-posts. North,

Staith. t. (1) (^.-5. </«S.) An

embankment; a narrow road

leading over the bank of a river

to the waterside.

(2) A warehouse.

(3) A wharf. Norf.

Stake, (l) v. To shut up, or Cu-

ten. North.

(2) 9. The stitch in the side.

(3) t. A small anvil standing om

a broad iron foot.

(A) 9. Lot, or charge. Dewm.

(5) Stake and ether, a strong

mode of fencing, in distinctaon

to cock-hedge, which is made

without strong stakes. Stake

and rieej a wattled fence.

Stakb-bebtlb, 9. A club to drive

stakes in. South,

Stake-hang, t. A circular hedge

made of stakes, forced into the

seashore, and standing about six

feet above it, for catching sal-

mon, and other fish. Sotmera,

Staker, v. iA.-S.) To stagger.

Staking, «. Costiveness in cattle.


Stal-boat, t. A fishing-boaft.

Stalder, 9, A pile of wood ; the

stool on which casks aze plshced.

Stalb, (1) 9. A decoy; anything

used to entice or draw any one

on. 7b lie m t/oie, to lie in


{2)pret,t, Stole.

(3) t. A prostitute.

(4) t. The steps of a ladder.

This ilke laddre i« ehftritfi,

The ttaia code tiieHwis.


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(5) ». (A..S. stela.) The handle

of a rake, fork, &c. ; also the

stalk of a flower.

(6) «. Urine ; especially of horses.

(7) 9. Mingere.

(8) V. To render stale or flat ; to


(9) «. The confederate of a

thiel Tayhr.

(10) «. A hurdle. North.

(11) o. To hideaway. Somert,

STALB-BERR,t. Strong beer. Wight.

Stalrnoe, v. To compounc^ for

anything. North.

STALiNOEjt. Urine.

Stalk, (1) «. A company of fores-


(2) V, To use a stalking-horse.

(3) 9. The upright piece of a


(4) t. The leg of a bird. Cotgr.

(bS 9. A quill, or reed.

(6) V. To clog; to adhere.


Stalke, v. (A.'S.) To step slowly.

Stalker, t. (1) A fowler. North,

(2) A sort of fishing net.

Stalking, adj. Wet and miry.


Stalkino-coat, 9. A sort of coat

worn temp. Hen. VIII.

Stalkino-horse, t. A real or fic-

titious horse, by which a fowler

screens himself from the sight

of the game.

Stall, (1) 9. {AS.) Place; room.

(2) V. To forestall.

(3) V. To choke. Nortkumb.

(4) V. To satiate. North.

(5) v» To 9taU a debt, to forbear

it for a while.

(6) V. To make, or ordain.

(7) t. A covering for a sore


(8) t. A doorless pew in a


(9) 9. A temporary hut. North'


(10) V. To stick fast, as in mud.

(11) r. To fatten. PaUffr*

Stallage, 9, A wooden trough on

which casks are placed. Su99e».

Stalld, v. (1) To cloy, or satiate.


(2) To stick fast in a slough.

Stallino-kbk, 9. An old cant

name for a house for receiving

stolen goods.

Stallon, t. A slip from a plant.

Stalworth, a^f. {A.-S.) Stout;

strong; brave.

Stam, v. To confound. £a9t,

Stam-bano, adv. Plump down.


Stambrr, v. To stammer.

Stamel, 1 ». a sort of fine

stam MBLL, J worsted.

At last, knowinge the cause to be good,

I adventured to piece a scarlet roabe

with my eoarse stamMeU; and thou|^

my lines are farr short of the other m

elocution and ornate, still yet mine are

more in number thouzh lease in weight.

Tnlor's Suddaine Tum« qflbrtuu^»

Wkeele, 1631.

Staminb, 9. (A.'N.) Linsey-wooU

sey cloth.

Stammel, 9. (1) A bright red


(2) A great clumsy horse.

Stammer, v. To stagger. North

Stammering, adj. Doubtful.

Stammin, adj. WonderfuL Ea9t,

Stamp, (1) t. A tune.

(2) V. To thrash flax.

?3) V. To bruise in a mortar.

(4) t. A halfpenny.

(5) Put to 9tan^j put to press.

Wrote a greate boke of the saied fUie

and feined miracles and revelacions of

the sail! Elizabeth in a faire hand, redy

to bee a copie to the printer when tha

said boke should 1m: put to stampe.

HaUJIenry VllltSXl.

Stamp- CRAB, «. One who treads


Stampers, «. An old cant term for


Stampings, t. Holes in a horse's


Stamps, 9. A cant term for legs.

d by boogie




Stam-wood, ff. Roots of trees stub-

bed up for burning. South,

Stan, (1) t. A atone.

(2) «. A stick used by butchers

for keeping the belly and legs of

a slaughtered beast stretched


(3) 0. To reckon, or count.


Stanard, f. A stone-yard.

Stanbrods, 9. Pius for fastening


Stanch, *. A lock in a river or

canal, including the masonry and

gates, &c. Line.

Stanchil, «. (1) a bar.

(2) The stannel<hawk. North,

Stanchion, t. (J.-N.) A prop, or

support ; the bar of a window.

Stanch LESS, adj. Insatiable.

Stan CROP PE, s. The stonecrop,

sedum acre.

Stand,*. (I) The stickleback. S^f,

(2) A stall in a stable. North,

(3) A smaU pillar Uble. Norths


i4) A young unpolled tree. East,

5) To stand in, to cost. To

stand over, to remain unpaid.

To stand in hand, to concern,

to behove. To stand holes^ to

rest content as one happens to

be ; a Norfolk phrase.

Standard, «. (1) A large chest

(2) A large wax taper.

(3) A wooden frame.

(4) One who remains long in a


!5) A tree growing unsupported.

6) The upright bar of a window.

Standaxb, t. An ox-stall.

Stand-back-DAT, t. A day, among

a company of sheep-shearers, in

which some or all the company

have no employment. East.

Standblwblks, 1 s. Satyrion.

STANDCRORA88, j Gerord.

Standbr. #. A tree left standing

in a wood when those round it

are cut down.

Stand-fubthbr, s, a quarrd.


Standino-housb, t. A domestic


Si AN DING- PI kcb, s, a piece of

plate chiefly used for omainent

on the table.

Standikg-stool, s, a marhine

for children, otherwise called a


Stan DISH, s. An inkstand.

Stanb, (1) t. A stone.

(2) V. To sUad.

Hopping yon will «/«m my gnnd fktkcr,

as I hope you well he to ine, I (!•« roa-

mite you to the hanea of the alltuiche

God. IttUr of tit litk CcU.

Stanb ARD8, t. A heap of stones

on the bank of a river. Crattn.

Stane-files, s. Pasteboard cut ia

form of cards.

Stanpra, adj. Unwilling. Yorkdu

Stamg, (1) «. A wooden bar; the

pole on which anything is sus-


(2) t. The bar of a door.

(3) s. The shaft of a cart. Wcstm.

(4) «. An eel-spear. North,

(5) a. A rood of land. North.

(6)p.Tothrobvrithpain. NortL

Stangby, s. a Uilor. North,

Stanibl, \s. (A.,N.) a base

stannel, j kind of hawk.

Staniblrt, s. Base falconry.

My wish sitsll be for nil that puny, pen*

fea'ker'd ayry nf buzanlisni and «i«-

meUy. Ladtf jttimomjf, aiga. 1 4

Stank, (1) a. A tank, or recepUcle

for water ; a pond ; a wet ditch ;

a dam. Sianhin^, material for


(2) «. A disagreeable position.


(3) adj. Worn out; weak.

(4) s, A Slang.

(5) V. To moan ; lo sigh. Omh,

(6) V. To tread on. Comw.

(7 ) a. A piece of swampy growid.






Stakv ARCRB, 9. An old name for

the plant alisaunder.

Stannage, t. A stall.

Stannbl. See Stanieh

Stan STICKLE, t. The stickleback.


Stap, ». (1) a visit. Dewm,

(J) The stave of a tub. North,

Staple,!. (1) A post of a bed.

(2) A small sha/t of a coal-pit.

Stapler, s. Anything tending to

destroy the hopes of another.


Stap-8Hari>,9. a stop-gap. Somen.

Stare, (1) «. A starling.

(2) t. Sedge ; bent ; the grass in

the fens.

(3) ». To shine, or glitter. Pr. P.

li) V. To swagger.

(5) adj. Stiff; weary. North.

Stare-bason, «. An impudent-

looking fellow.

Starf, (l))9r«/. t, oisterve. Died.

(2) Starf take you, an impreca-

tion in Kent, from A.-S. eteorfa,

Staroand, adj. Starting.

Stark, (1) adj. {A.-S) Stout;


(2) adj. Stiff.

(3) adj. Hard ; difficult. Line.

(4) adv. Very ; exceedingly.

(5) adj. Covetous ; dear. Yorkth.

{6)v. To walk leisurely. Dorset.

(7) 8. A species of turnip. North.

Starkaraoeous, adj. Eager upon

anything. Leic. (Stark outra-


STARKBN,r. To tighten; to stiffen.


Starkbnbs,*. Firmness; strength.

Starking, ad;. Quick. North.

STARK-dTARiNG, adv. Exccssivcly.

Starkt, adj. Dry ; shrivelled up.


Starling, s. A martin. Lane.

Starn, t. (I) A bit. Lmc.

(2) A star. North.

Starnbl, «. The starling. Var. d,

Starrish, adj. Strong, as medi-

cine. North,

Starrt-gazy-pik, e. A pie made

of pilchards and leeks, the heads


the crust, as if they were looking

at the stars. Comw.

Star-slime, i e. A gelatinous

star-slubber, V substance, seen

star-slough, I in fields after

rain ; the zoocarp, tremella noe^


Start, (1) part. p. Moved. Oa^


(2) V. To begin anything.

(3) 9. A handle ; a tail. North.

Start-chains, «. Chains attached

to harrows to which the whipple-

trees are hooked. East.

^It^l^^* I #. A handle. See Siert.


Starting-hole, «. A hiding-place.

"A starting-hole, m^/e^ti^ium."


Startinos, t. Openings in a coal-


Startle, 9. To sparkle.

Startler, t. A great drinker. West.

Startly, adj. Liable to startle.

Start-up, s. An upstart.

Upon my life, hit marriage with that


That snuke this (rood queen corker'd in her

bosom. B. Bronte, Qu. 4" Cone., ii, 1.

Startups,*. (1) A sort of rustic

boots with high tops, or half-


He borrowed on the working dales hia

holie russets oft ;

And of the bacons fat to make hia startopt

blacke and soft.

Warner's Jlbions England, 1593.

Now hey ho for a wife, say some, and

hey ho with a wife say others, but how-

ever the case is, love, fire, and mony

cannot be long concealed, anu he who

hath store of the latter, tiiough formerly

he were but a merchant of eelsklna

or oranges, taken from hog-rulibinr,

cloath'd in sheeps-sattin, with clownish

ttartups, leather stockings, and caddies

garters, if he have store ot the white and

yellow meltie, he shall be a gentlemaa

In spight of fate. Foot Bobin, 1709

(2) Gaiters. Leic,





Starybd, adj. Very cold. Var, d.

Stary, v. To stir.

^ AT, (l) pari. p. Stopped. Dev.

(2) 9, {A.'N,) State ; estate.

Tha5 he torni to senne a^en

Tkorwe foDdyn^ of the feende.

That he may come to tlal ajeyn

Thorwe bare repentannce.

WiOuM de Skotekam.

State, t. (1) A canopy.

i2) A person of rank.

3) Fright; worry. Var.d,

Stated, part. p. Suited. Suffi

Statery, «. Merchandise.

Statesman, t. A small landholder.


Stath, «. A step of a ladder. Kent.

Stathe, *. {A.'S.) A landing-place

for merchandise ; a wharf. See


Statu EL, v. (J.-S.) To esUblish.

Station, «. The state of rest ; the

act of standing.

Stationer, «.

And this much nore He boldly say for her,

Whoso redeemea her from the gtaliotur,

(With whom she as a alavc is kept in bold,

And at his pleasure daily bought and sold)

I say, that man that doth her ransome pnv.

J^lor's Worka, 16Sb.

Statist, «. A statesman.

Statuminatb, v. {Lat.) To sup-

port, as with a prop.

I will ittitmmnMtt and nnderprop thee.

If they seom ub, let as acorn them.

B. Jons., New Inn, ii, 2.

Stature, t. A statue.

Statutes, b. Assemblages of farm-

ing serYsnts, for hiring.

Staud, part. p. Surfeited. See


Staule, t. A decoy. See State.

Staulkib, adj. Long-stalked.

Staum, #. A stem. Northan^t.

Staunch, t. A lock in a river.


Staunch B, 9. To satisfy.

Staunches, e. Damps in under-

ground works.

Staunch-hawk, *. A hawk well

entered for the game.

Staup, v. To lift the feet high in

walking. North.

Staups, t. Caik-staYea. Norihumk.

Stauter, v. To sugger. Lmt.

Stave, (I) #. A staff.

(2) s. The step of a ladder. East.

(3) V. To interpose with a staff

to stop the bear. An old tenn

in bear-baiting.

(4) t. A narrow bridge oYer a


(5) o. To throw, or break down.

(6) V. To cut a hedge. YorM.

Stayer, U) «• A hedgestake. Yoris.

(2) V. To totter. North.

(3) e. A spell in a ladder. Line.

Staybrwort, t. The plant stagger-


Staves- ACRE, e. (said to be a cor-

ruption of ttaphpt agria.) A

foreign species of larkspur, the

seeds of which were formerly im-

ported for medical uses, and were

in great repute for destroying Ike.

Look, how ranch tobacco we carry with

ns to expell cold, the like qnaniitie of

*taM»-aker we most provide to kill lies

in Uiat mgged coontrey.

STAYUiN,/Nir/.a. Lounging. Cwmi,

Staw, v. (1) To stay, or hinder.


(2) To be restive. Lane.

Stawb, pret. t. of eieigke. Aiout.

Heron Jhetns ttmee nppe bifore^

Al for to tcche ous st^fc.

VrUUam de Skmiak

Sr AWED, part. p. Placed. North.

Stawtbr, v. To reel ; to stumble.


Stay, (1) v. To support

(2) s. The stanchion of a window.

(3) e. A stop.

The moone who doth never eontmne at

a «<kqr, and therefore she absented her-

■elfe from those delights which I hope

will bee pennanent.

Ikf tor's Worht, IWk

(4) pret. t. Ascended.

(5) 9. A ladder. Line.

d by Google




Statkfaldhollis, t. Holes in a

wall used by workmen to erect

their scaffolding.

Stsad, (1) r A place.

(2) t. A farmhouse and the offices

belonging to it.

(3) V. To supply a place. Var, d.

Sieaded, supplied

(4) 9. To aid ; to support.

Stbadt, t. A stithy. NorthampL

Stbale, «. (1) A handle in form

of a staff. South.

(2) The stalk of an apple. Lme.

Steam, r. (1) To ascend.

(2) To send forth dust. South,

Stban, (1) t. A stone vessel, a

large upright jar of baked clay.

HoUyband, 1593.

(2^ 8. A cask, or yat.

(3) t. A box of stones used for

pressing cheese. Dorset.

(4) 9. To mend a road with

stones. South.

(5) V. To line a well, &c. with

stones or bricks. South.

Stbanino, t. A path across water

paved with small stones. West.

Steathing, «. A lath and plaster


Stsatsr, t. A superintendant of

a coal-pit. North.

Stkawp, s. All ; every part. Lane.

Steawt, adj. Proud. Lane.

Stka'^, jpret. t. Ascended.

Stbchb, s. The stitch in the side.

Steck, (1) «. A stopping place.

(2) ». To shut J to thrust. Crav.

Steddle, v. To support ; to malce

steady. lAne.

Steds, (1) t. {A.'S.) A place; a

spot. In his stede^ instead of

. him.

{2) part. p. Set; appointed.

Stedfast, s. The plant palma


Steoful, a€(;. Steadfast.

Stee, a. A ladder; a stile. North.

Stee-hopfing, s. Gossiping ; gad-

ding about. fFest.

Sr%ELY,adj. Hard; firm.

Steem, (1) a. Esteem.

(2) s. A flame of fire.

(3) V. To bespeak. North,

Steeming, s. a turn. Devon.

Steen, a. Spite; envy. Norf.

Steep, (1) v. To tilt a barrel. Det.

(2) V. To finish anything off.


(3) V. To trim a hedge. West.

(4) V. To make up a rick. North-


(5) «. Rennet. Lane.

Stbepers, s. The central branches,

cnt half through and laid length-

wise, in trimming hedges. ^e«/.

Steeping, adj. Soaking.

Steer, (1) t. An ox in its third

year. North.

(2) V. To frighten. Lane.

(3) V. To stun with noise; to

deafen. Var.d.

(4) adj. NtTf steep. Var. d.

Steeeish, adj. Young, as an ox.


Steert, (1) adj. Painful; sharp.


(2) t. A point ; a start.

Steeve, v. (1) To dry ; to stiffen.


(2) To stow wool by forcing it

in vrith screws.

Stefn, s. a noise. See Steven.

Steg, t. A gander. See Stag.

Steoh, pret. t. Ascended.

Steo-month, s. The month of

a woman's confinement; steg-

widow, a man whose wife is con-

fined. North. It is called in

Norf. gander-month.

Steil, v. To walk very slowly. Line.

Stbip, s. a dozen and a half.


Steit, conj. As well as. Northumb.

STEE,j7re/. /. Stuck.

Steke, v. To fasten with a stick,

Stekie, v. {J.-S.) To stick fast.

Stel, pret. t. Stole.

Stelch, t. (1) Stealth. Shropsh.

(2) A stilt ; a post. West.

(3) As much as a man can thatch





without moving his ladder.


Stele, ». (1) (^.-5. stela,) The

stem or stalk of anything; a


Cundelabri Bcapnt, Plinio. The ahanke

or tleU of lUe candlesUcke.

(2) A horse-hlock.

Stelendelichb, adv, {A.-S.) By


Stel-okrb, t. Armour.

Stbll, (1) t. A lodge, or fixed

place of ahode.

(2) V. To fix, or place in a per-

manent manner.

Mine eye hftth play'd the painter, and hath


Thy beauty's fonii in tabie of my heart.

Shot., Bofe qfLuer.t eonuet 24-

(3) «. A large open drain. Cumb,

(4) 9. A fold for cattle. North,

(5) «. A stand for barrels.


Stelleere, #. A steelyard.

Stbllify, o. To make into a star ;

to make glorious.

Nay, in our ninted kalendar is plae*d

By him who seeks to Hellify her name.

DrayLy Legend qfMtUUda.

Stbllino, 9, A shelter for cattle.


Stbllionate, 9. {Lai.) Fraudulent


Stblms, 1 9, Shoots from trees

STKMBLBS, J cut down, or under-

wood. Northampt,

Stklt, pret, t. Did steal. North,

Stem, ( 1 ) «. A period of time. fFe9t,

(2) «. A handle of a tool. Devon,

(3) V, To soak a leaky vessel.


(4) V, To walk through water.

Steme, 9. To evaporate.

Stem MI N, «. (1) The slay of a loom.

(2) A day's work. Comw,

Stemplbs, 9, Cross pieces put

into a frame of woodwork to

strengthen a shaft. A mining


Stencils, «. The posts of a dow.


Stknd, (1) 9. To extend; to rear.


(2) t. A stretcher. Lane,

Stenkrith, «. The rush of water

confined in a narrow chanad.


Stent. <. (1) An allotted portion.

(2) Right of pasturage. Norik,

Strnte, V, (A.'S.) To desisL

Stentinos, 9, Openings in a wall

in a coal-mine. North,

Steo, v. (A.'S.) To ascend.

Stbpb, adj. Deep.

Step-mother, 1

step-mother's- w. a hang.nail.


Step-mother, 9, The flower of the

violet. North.

Stbp-ovbr-tbash, v. To go beyond

the bounds of propriety. Somen.

Stbppino-stone, 9. A horse-block.


Stepplbs, ». A short flight of steps.


Stbbaclb, 1 «. A stage perform-

STARACLB, J ance ; a strange sight,

or prank. 7b p!ay one* 9 9teraele,

seema to have been nearly equiva-

lent to the phrase of out-Uerod-

ing Herod. *' I take onne. as one

dothe that playeth his »teraJteki

Je tenqte9te." Pal9gr.

Tbev hem r^oise to see and to be aayse.

And to seke aondry pil^remagee.

At Krete gaderynges to walken npoa tke


And at stwrodet to sitte on hi; h stagea,

If they be faire to shewe their visages.

Jfpendis to ITaUerMapea, p. S97-

What, Pamphagos, I praye thc^ ke

Goddes sake, why whtppot tlwa it

about, or playest thon tbr sUrmcUa oo

this faschion. Pahgr. Aeoteu/tu, IMO.

Stbrch, adj. (A.-S.) Hard ; toogh.

Stercory, t. (Lat,) Dung.

Sterb, (1) V. To stir.

(2) 9. To guide ; to rule.

(3) 9. A rudder.

(4) adj. Stout; strong.

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Steren, adj. (A,-S.) Crncl ; fierce;


Stbreskan, t. {A.-S.) A pilot.

Stkrk.trb, *. (A.-S,) A rudder.

Stkrk, adj. Stnmg; stark.

Stern, 9. (1) (A.-S.) A rudder.

(2) An animal's tail.

Sternage» t. The guidance.

Sterne, t. A star.

Sternemam, 8. A pilot.

Giibernntor, Cic. qni clHvum gubernat*

Kvfitpvi^nfft oiaxoarpo^oit Aesctiylo*

woSoxiw, Aiitiphoiiti, v4tH rivioxot

poetii-th, ut aori^ii a pud Ovid, ouuciorijf.

Gouverneur. The governour, director

or pilot of the ship : the stememan. or

stirrer. Nomenel.

Stkrre, t. (A.-S.) A star.

Stert, (1) t. {A.'S. tteorU) Tlie

stalk of fruit.

(2) B, The handle of anjrthing.

(3) ff. The point of anything.


(4) *. A leap. Pr, P,

(5) 9. A moment. Chaucer.

(6) V, To meet suddenly.

Stertle, (1) adj. Hasty.

(2) V. {A.^S.) To leap.

Stertlino-roil, 9. A wanton slut


StervEp t>. {A.'S. 9tearfan,) To


Stetch, 9. As much land as lies

between one furrow and another.

Sletchedup, ploughed into ridges.


Stetchblled, adj. Filled very full.


Stbtchil, t. A troublesome child.


Stevel, v. To stagger. North.

Stkvrn, (1) t. {A.~S.) Sound;

noise ; Toice.

(2) 9. A time fixed for perform-

ing an action. To 9et 9teven, to

appoint a time. At utuet t/erm,

a time not previously appointed.

First let us some masterye make

Among the woods so eren,

Yixie may chance to meet with Bobin Hood

Here att some uutett tteven.

Bobin Hood «md Gny ^ QUAorm. \

(3) t. To bespeak. York9h.

Stevenned, part. p. Party-co-


Stew, (1) «. A pool to preserve fish

for the table.

(2) 9. A brothel.

(3) *. A stove.

(4) «. A small closet; a hatter's

drying room.

(5) «. A cloud of vapour.

(6) t. Suspense ; fright. Var. d.

(7) V. To fret.

Stbwardly, a/f/. Managing. Devon.

Stewed-broth, t. Strong broth

boiled up with ndains, currants,

prunes, mace, &c.

Stewbs, t. A strumpet.

And shall Cassandra now be termed, in

common speechc, a glewes.

WkeUUnWM Promo* ir Cass.

Stby, 9. A ladder. See Stee.

Stbts, v. (I) (A.-S. Btigan.) To


(2) pret. t. Ascended.

ST.-HuoH'8-BONES,t. Shocmakers'


Stiant, *. The sty in the eye.

Pr. P. Still so called in Norf.

Stiborn, adj. Stubborn.

Stibillb, 9. A carpenter's tool.

Stich, «. (1) A sheaf. Devon.

(2) A small iuclosure. Comw.

Stichel, It. A term of re-

8TICHALL, J proach, apparently

implying want of manhood.

Barren, sHehel I that shall not serve thy

turn. Lady Alimony^ 1 4 b.

Stichel, v. To eat too much. North.

Sticblino, 9. A perch in its third


Stick, (1) 9. To go about gather-

ing sticks.

(2) 9. Twenty-five eels.

(3) 9. A strike among workmen.


Stick-and-lift. To be at 9tick

and li/tf to live from hand to

mouth. Line.

Stickino-pibcb, 9. The place in an





ftniraal's neck where the butcher

sticks it. North,

Sticking- PLACE, s. A fixed place.

SncKiNGs, #. (1) The last of a

cow*8 milk.

(2) The neck or throat of beef.


Sticklk, (1) 9. To act the part of

a stickier; to arbitrate.

There had been blood shed if I had not

ttickUi, The Ordinary, 0. PL, x, 271.

(2) V. To insist upon a thing


i3) t. Haste ; violence.

4) adj. St«ep. Devon,

(5) 9, A shallow in a river where

the water runs with violence;

the current below a waterfall.


(6) adj. Rapid ; violent.

(7) «. Fright; astonishment.


(8)». To tickle. Var,d,

Sticklb-back, ». The pricklebsck.

Stickle-butt, adv. Headlong.


Stickler, t. (1) A person who at-

tended upon combatants, in trials

of skill, to part them when they

had fought enough ; an umpire.

The dragon wing of night o'erapreada the


And ttickler-Rke the armiea separatei.


Anthony was himaelf in person a stick-

ler, to part the voung men when they

bad fought enoogh. North's FhU.

(2) A petty officer who cut wood

for the priory of Inichester

within the king's parks of Cla^

rendon. Blount,

Stickling, #. A stickleback.

Stick LT, adj. Prickly. North.

Sticks, a. Furniture. Cumb.

Stid, «. Place. See Stede.

Stidd^s, part, p. Stood. North.

Stiddy, «. (J.'S.) An anviL Far. d.

Stib, (1) V, {A,.S. Btigan.) To

The ayre ia so thycke aod heiy flf

moysture that the amoke any not

»tve up.

2>iM9 mud PamptTj Itt GonoL, eapiS?.

(2) t. (A,.S.) A lane.

Stifadre, «. A stepfather.

Stife, (1) adj. Obstinate. Nortk

(2) f. Suffocating vapour. Nor-


Stiff, (1) adj. Brave; proud.

(2) adj. Healthy ; lusty. North,

(3) adj. Wealthy. North.

(4) ad9. Firmly.

(5) adj. Pleased; fond of. Nortk

(6) t. A blacksmith's anviL Stif.

(7) 8. A Udder. Yorksh.

Stiffle, t. A disease in horses.

Stifle, v. To ruin. Notfi

Stiflbr, *. (1) a busybody. East.

(2) A stunning blow. Norf.

Stift, adj. Stifling.

Stigh-rope, s, a rope-ladder.

Stiohtele, 9. To esublish; to


Stiomatic, (1) ». A person who

has been Btigmatued, or burnt

with an iron, as an ignominious

punishment ; a base fellow ; a de-

formed person.

(2) a^. Disgraceful ; ignomi-


Stiomatical, a4f- Marked as with

a stigma; ugly. StiffmaticaUy,

disgracefully, deformedly.

It ia a moit dangeroua and sli§mali€d


CUpwuCi Blind j9«4f . ^ Ma-


Stihe, 9. A path, or lane,

Fogheles of herea and fttaehea of ae,

That forthgnne stiha of the ae.

US. Cote., r^tpas., J>,rn,t^

Stikb, \9, (Gr. orixoc). Avtise,

8TICH, J or stanza.

Stike, v. (^.-5.) To stick; to


Stike-pilb, t. The plant stofkV


Stikillicbb, ad9, {A.»S) Pierc-


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Stile, (I) s, A narrow path; a

xxMtd. YorkBh,

(2^ fr. To direct, as a g;an.

(3) 9. To iron clothes. Exmoor,

(4) t. The upright pott in a


Still, (1) «. A steep aacent ; a hill.

On cngtty rocks, or ateep7 HiU^ we see.

None mns more swift nor easier than he.

Brmm, Pmtt, I, ir.

(2) atff* Continnal ; constant.

(3) «. To distiL

Still-an-bnd, adv. CSommonly.

Stillatort, t. A place where dis-

tillations are performed ; a still.

Stillk, ado. Quietly; in a low


Stillkchb, ado, (^.-5.) Qoietly.

Stiller, t. (1) The inside of an

oven. HoUfband, 1593.

(2) A piece of wood carried over

a milkpail to balance it. Nwrth*

Stilling, «. A frame for barrels.


Still-kook, t. Th» housekeeper's


Still-bow, s. A %\j fellow. Fkrio.

Stilly, a<ftr. Quietly; noiselessly.

Stilt, «. (1) A plough-baniUe.


(2) A crutch. Etui.

Stilted, a^. Covered with dirt.


Stim , o. To ram down hard. Derh.

Stimblb, «. To make water. JVm/.

Stimb, t. A particle of light "Not

to see a time:* Siimey, dim-

sighted. North.

Stim KBBy «. A pieee of iron used

to ram down powder.

Stin, a. A groan* Yorksh.

Stinb, It. A aty in the eye.

8TiNA,J Line.

Stino, v. To thatch a stack. North.

Stinok, v. To repair thatched

buildings, with an implement

called a stinger. Northampt.

Stinobb, t. A sting. Wett*

Stinqo, a. Strong ale.


Thence to Gastile, I wai drawn in

To ail alehouse, near adjoining

To a chapel : I draiJc ttingo^

With a butcher. Dnmkm BtnuA^.

Stingy, adj. (1) Thin; weak; ap-

plied to the hair of an animal.


(2) Piercing cold. Noff.

(3) Cross; churlish.

Stinkard, s. A stinking fellow ; a

clown ; a miserly wretch.

Cap. What, he nay tome MtMtv4^ and

live in the country with rootes and

haoon, and not drinke a cup of tood

wine in a twelTf-monetli, norknowiiow

the yeare goes about, but by obaenra-

tion of husbandry. Mtumjftm, Fin$

CompatUoHt IVSA.

Stinkbrb, ». Bad ooaL

Stink-horn, s. A stinking fungus,

the/iAaJAit inqntdicug.

Stinkibub, a. (1) Gin.

Now the sun arrives at the troplck. and

vredicta long days and hot weather.

And yet some (and not without jiving

good reasons) say that a dram or right

good French brandy or ram will as

naturally cool a person in hot weather

as it will heat a person in cold weather ;

but I mtut own as for my own choice, a

little good strong beer when thirsty is

much more aereeable than any dram j

and therefore I cannot blame that man'

conduct, who having n>t a bottle of

ttmHbus bv him, invited his oeif hbonr

to take a dxam of it, and immediately

sent for a full pot of beer and scor'd it

to him in lieu of his dram. I cannot

think but the gin would have been wdl

soM, if he that receiv'd the benevolent

dram had been such a fool as to have

paid for the b«er. Poor Bohin, 17S4.

(2) A term of contempt, equiva-

lent to atiniard.

Stink-trap, a. A cover for the top

of a drain to prevent any offent.

sive smelL

Stinor, t. A strainer. Formo if


Stint, a. (1) A limited number of

cattle gaita in common pasture.


(2) Usual measure. Citmb.

Stintancb, a. Cessation.

Stintb, (1) p» IJ.'S.) To <





(2^ «. A check, or stop.

(3) t. The purr, or sea-ltrk.

Stintkd, adj. In foal. West.

Stintless, adj. Ceaseless.

StiolinGi part, a. Perishing from


Stipb, s, a steep ascent. Herrf,

Stipomk, t. "A kind of sweet

compoandliquordnink in some HI

places in London in the summer

time. Blotmt.

Stir, ». (1) A disturbance.

(2) A crowd. Norf.

(3; Very hard wood. Somert.

Stir-about, #. A pudding maide of

oatmeal and dripping*

Stirx, 9. (1) To stir ; to slip.

(2) To direct ; to steer.

Stirb-wort, t. Share-wort.

Stirr, t. {J.'S,) A heifer. North,

Stirkb, v. To be stiff with cold.

Stirop, «. A stirrup.

Stirpb, «. (Lat.) A race ; a family.

Stirbidgb, s. Commotion. Deton,

Stirring, «. (1) The second tilth.


(2) A bustle, or merry-making.


Stirrow,«. Hasty.pudding. Cheth,

Stirrup-cup, t. A parting cup

taken on horseback.

STiRRUP«H08B,t. Uose which wcre

attached to the breeches by


Stirrup-laddbr. t. A thatcher*s

short ladder holding to the roof

with spikes. Wett.

Stirrup-oil, 9. A good beating.

Stirrups, 9. A sort of boakint.


Stirrup-vbrsb, t. A parting verse.

^mr, pret. t. (J.'S.) Started.

Stirttelyb, adv. Immediately.

Stir-up-sundat, 9. The twenty-

fifth Sunday after Trinity, the

collect for which begins with

the words tftr tip.

Stttch, 9. (1) A contortion or gri-


(2) Apain in the aide. Pron^t.P.

(3) A bundle of ten sbeftves of

com set up together. Dttom.

(4) A narrow ridge of land.


(5) A tailor. Var.d.

(6) To go through 9titdk\ to

accomplish completely ; to go

thes whole length.

SnTCHBACK,*. Strong ale. Sba/i.

STrrcHwoRT, 9. The plant «/«&•


Stitb, ado. As soon. Yorloh. See


Stitb, (1) a^. {J.^S. oiid.) Strong,


{2)pr€t. t. Ascendeth.

(3) 9. An anviL

(4) 9. Carbonic aq^ gas. North.

!2) V. To employ an anviL

8) 9. A smithy.

Stitht, (4) adj. Hot; Btifiiag.


Stithom, 9. Bustle. JJme,

Stiyb, (1) adj. Stiff; strong.

(2) t. A brothel ; a stew.

(3) 9. To stifle. SHvimff is still

used in Worcestershire for stifling

or dose.

(4) #. A receptacle of straw used

at cock-fighting to keep the

birds warm.

(5)«. Tobakehaid. ffilL r<rw.

(6) V. (Fr. fltfvMT.) To keep

close and warm. Somuarw.

r7)«. Dust. Var.d.

(8) V. To walk with atatdiness.

(9) V. To puah with poles.

(10) V. To shiver with cold.


Stitbn, 9. Sternness. North.

SrrvBR, (1) t. A small Dutch coin.

CoBBa oentenaria, Festo, in tpnm b«ii

vtaa centiuM impendehatnr, pariah

tern enata. A rapper thai coat bal t

lYencU crowBe or fartie«<iwr».< taiinr

is two pence. Ifcmmttmi^r, lS8i^

(2) V. To start up. Peo,

(3) fr. To«tagger. ^

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(4) tr. To exert one's self vio-

lently. Sui$ex.

(5) V. To flatter. Kent.

(6)«. BrUtliDgoftliehair. Wut.

Stiyoctr, #. (1) a sort of bagpipe.

(2) (J,-N.) A player upon the


Stiwbn, partp. Blocked up with

snow, said of a road. Nor/,

SriTTi part p. Fixed.

Stoach, (1) t. A valet.

(2) «. To make an impression

on wet land, as oxen do. Sunes.

Stoak-holBi 9. The hole out of

which the fire in a furnace pro-

ceeds. Hobne.

Stoar, #. A deep-toned yoice.

Stob, t. A post; a short stake.


Stobball-plat, ff. A rustic game,

with balls, formerly practised in


Stoblb, ff. Stubble.

Stobwort, t. Wood sorreL Oer.

Stochb, ff. A stab. Yoriak,

Stock, (1) ff. A stocking.

(2) ff. The back or sides of a

■ grate. Var, d,

(3) ff. A root.

(4) V. To root up. Stock-axe, an

axe for grubbing up.

(5) V. To strike and wrench with

an axe having a flat end. We$t,

(6) 9. To peck, as a bird. Herrf,

(7) 0. To fix anything in the

ground, &c. Jk9.

{^)adj, Strongi muscular. Wight,

(9) ff. An udder. KeiU.

(10) Stock etui, motionless.

Stockado, ff. {ItaL) A thrust in


Stock-card, ff. A wooden imple-

ment for carding wool.

Stockbd, part, p, (1) Fat in the


(2^ Stopped hi grovrth. Leh,

(3) Stuck in the mud. Berke.

Stockbi., ff. An old pollard tree.

Stockbn, V, To Stop in growth


StocK'MILl, ff. A fulling-mill.


Stockport-coach, ff.(l} Theframe

of a chum. West.

(2) A horse vrith two women

riding sidewise upon it. North.

Stock-shbars, ff. Shears used by


Stock-slbbvb, ff. A sort of half-

sleeve, the upper part of which

was raised and full of gathers.

Stocky, adj. (1) Impudent; bold.


(2) Irritable and obstinate.


(3) Short and thick. Weit.

Stoddlb, ff. A weaver's tool.


Stodb, pret, t. Stood.

Stodb-mbrb, ff. {J,'S.) A mare in


Stodgb, (1) ff. Pottage, or spoon-

meat, bev.

(2) ff. Thick mud. South.

(3) v«* To stuff, or flU ; to squeeze

together. . Var. d.

Stodob-full, adj. Quite fnlL


Stodot, adj. Wet, said of ground.


Stoppado, ff. Stufllng. A term in


Stoogbrbl, ff. An old pollard.

Weet, See StockeL

Stoitino, j»ar/. a. The jumping of

pilchards above the surface of the

water. Eaet.

Stokb, (1) V. To stir the flra.

(2) ff. A yard in length.

{'&)part.p. Fastened; shut

Stokbr, ff. A man employed to

attend to the fire.

Stokbs, ff. Staves or dubs ?

Sir. flir, lir, constable^ watch, stoket

Hokett itokn ; muider I

OtwtiV, Soldm't Rrtme, 1C81.

Stokbt, atff. Sultry. North,

STou>BBo,ff. Stealth. Kfnt, ,

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BiUwgthi*tBnekji Martj/rologiA^ 1867.

Stole, (1) #. A stool.

(2) t. A weaver*8 instrnment.

(3) ff. A chest for packing robes.

(4) V, To swallow driok. Ninf.

Stolkt, adj. Miry. OUme.

SrounR, part, p. Stolen.

Stolpb, t. A stnlp, or post.

Stolst, «. To walk in the dirt

Stolt, adj. Stout Suuex.

Stolt» a4f\ Dirty. St^..

Stom, t. (1) The implement used

to keep the malt in the Tat.


(2) A large branch. Betff.

StomacBi (1) t. Pride; anger.

(2) V. To resent. Eatt,

(3) «. To pot up with.

STOMACfiFVL, a4f. Angry; stub-


Stom ACHY» ai{f. Proud ; irritable.

Stombbr, «. To confound. Shropah.

Stomblbo, part, p. Trodden into


Stompby, v. To walk ; to stump.

Stonaob» ». A heap of atones.

Stona8,s. An entire horse. Sb(^.

Stonchb, v. To stftp ; to stanch.

Stond, ff. (J.'S.) Station; si-

Stondb, V, (J.'S.) To stand.

8tonding» adj. Stiff. A term in

old confectionary. See i^eimii^.

Stondlb, ff. A bearing-tub. Ncirf.

Stomb-batch, ff. Hard day.


Stonb-bow, ff. A crossbow for

shooting stones.

A wicked mtjMtnte it like to thoM

That eiioot at binU^ ia pieoee vAUmi^

Ai with one eye their lerell they tttaine^

So toiher winoke at fhulta and ahoote at


Mowtandi, JDuwM qf^,tmdD,, a. d.

Stonb-brbak, ff. Saxifrage.

Stonb-chat, ff. The wheirtear.


Stonbc&op, ff. The seAiai tfCTff of


ST0NB.HATCH, ff. Thc rmg-plofcr.


Stone-hoksb, ff. A stallioii.

Stonbk, adJ, Made of stone. ITeif.

SipMBs, ff. (1) Testiculi.

Satiriaflis eometh of a greet boisiiwi

wyad timt feUith down into a maaBU

tlooHts and into hie terde, aad makith

the serde ariae. Mt£calMS^liUeat.

(2) Cannon bulls, haTing beea

formerly made of stone, were

frequently called tionea,

Stonb-bpitckil-dikb, ff. A nused

earthen dike, faced with stones.


Stokb-wbed, ff. Knot-grass. 8t^,

SrovQJif part, p, of fthtge, {J.-S.)


Stonobt, adj\ Hot,bli8teiiBg,sp-

plied to weather. Noff,

Stonify, v. To petrify.

Stoning, part, a. Ploughing so ai

to turn back the earth whidi has

been previoiuly turned. Nmik'


Stonk, ff. A shock of corn.

Stonnord, ff. Stonecrop.

SrovTf pres. t, Standoth.

Stonyb, 9. (A^S,) To astonish.

Stony-habo, ff. Com-gromwdL


Stood, part, p. Cropped sh«t


Stook, (1) ff. A shock of eon.

consisting of ten sheaves. Norlk

(2) ff. A stae under whidi water

is discharged. Somerwet,

(3) «. To stoop the head. Nortk

(4) ff. The renwins of a pillar of

coal after it has been liTen by a

board. Newe.

Stool, (1) p. To ramify, as con.

(2) V. To plough; to coltifate.


(9) ff. A dosler of stems ris&Bg

from one root. Northampt

Stooi^bau^ ff. An anoeot gime

at bally played by both seMS.

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ha. Ay, tnd at aUiol-htU too, sir; IVe

great lark at it

Wmrd. Why, cau yoa catch a ball well?

I$a. I bare cateh'd two m my lap atone

game. Mlddletcm*» Workt, ir, 697.

Grife, Can yoa not uae eserdae to atir

np your natural beat ?

Jen. Gri^, You let ma have exerciae

little eaongb ! Heav'a knowa.

Gripe. Can you not piny at abuttleoock,

or carry a handful upon occasion F

mek. I will play at tool-hall with the

maids, and that will stir up natural

heat ^MNM^op/MfSlOeO.

Tbe leaaou doea ao dirty iUl

Blind men can't play at ttoothaU.

Toor BoHn, 1766.

When a young wench aimpera like a

firmity-kettle on her aweetheart and

he imacka her utder the auot-gall;

when applea roast as they hang on tbe

trees, and men refuse tbe best of

liqoora to drink apring water; when all

women are pleaa'd, and poor men eas'd,

and women of tbe age of fourscore and

nineteen play at barley breidc Md stool-

ball. Foot Robin, im.

Stool-of-offics, 9. A close-stool.

Stools, t. Stumps of copse or

hedgewood cut down low. Far. d.

Stool-tbrras, v. To set tturfs two

and two, one against the other,

to be dried by tbe wind. West.

Stoon, ff. A stone.

Stoop, (1) t. A barreL N&rihumb.

(2) V. To tilt a cask. South.

IS) a. A post. Narik.

(4) V. To steep; to macerate.

f 5) 9. To pounce upon.

(6) a. A fall of water in a river.


Stoop, la. (Dutch.) A drinking

8TOUP, J cup, bowl, or flagon.

Harkn, I say, a ttoop of wine.

sUknp., Twelfth N.,^,B.

ilU 'a a new sUntpe.

Stoor, (1) r. To stir. Wett,

(2) 9. To rise in clouds. Yori$h.

(3) a. A sufficient quantitj of

yeast for a brewing. Ea»t.

iTOORBT, a. Warm beer and oat-

meal stirred np witb sugar. Abr/A.

Stooth, tr. To lath and plaster.


Stop, (i)v. To cover a hole.

(2) «. To thrust ; to place. North.

(3) t. A small well-bucket.

(4) «. To fasten a feather to the

wing of a hawk in place of a

broken one.

(5) ff. A hole in which the doe

rabbit deposits her litter and

secures them until they can run.


Stop-dice, s. A sort of false dice.

Paliffr., 1540.

Stopbm, ^or/.ji. {A.'S.) Stopped;


Stop-glat, ff. A make-shift.

STOFLsaa, a. A portable wooden

stopper for the mouth of an

oven. North.

Stoppb, (1) a. A bucket, or milk-


(2)0. To staff.

Stopping, a. Honey spoilt by lying

too long in the cells.

Stoppings, s. A barrier in the ex-

cavation to give direction to a

current of air in a coal mine.

Stopplb, a. (1) A stopper.

(2) Stubble. Dewm.

(3) The stalk of a pipe. Wett.

Stop-kods, t. The wattling of the

shafts of a mine. North.

Stop-ship, s. The remora.

STOp-SBORD,a. A stop-gap. 5bmer.

Stopwobt, ff. The herb Alieluja.

Stob, ff. Incense. Ayenb. t^f Imo.

Stobb, (1) a4f. {A,'S.) Strong;


(2) r. To stir.

'hS ff. Anything laid up for use.

M) ff. Value ; estimation.

(5) ff. Quantity.

(6) ff. A receptacle.

(7) pret. t. Stared. Northan^t.

Stobe-pios, ff. Pigs nearly full


Storial, adj. HistoricaL

Storie, ff. A history.

Stoeken, 0. (1) To stiffen. North,





(2) To gain strength. Cumb,

Storm, (1) «. A shower. fFUii.

(2) «. A long-continned firost.


(3) «. Snow. Leie.

(4) V. To scold.

Stokm-cock, ff. The missel thrash.


Stouyk, part, p. Dead.

Wy bestei beth i-4tone.

And why corae is lo dorc^

te that wyl abyde,

liyityn and te mow hera,


Poem on Timet ^Bi. 27.

Stort, 9, A falsehood. Var, d.

Stort-posts, t. The upright tim-

bers reaching from the top to

the bottom of a story in a build-

ing of carpenter's work.

Stot, (1) t. A kind of horse, per-

haps what we call a cob. Clutue.

(2) t. A young ox.

(3) 9. To rebound. North.

Stot AYR, v. To stumble; to


Stotch, V. To coTer ground with

footmarks, said of cattle. Kent.

Stotr, 9. To remain.

Anona to the foreat they fonnd.

There they MtoUd« a atound.

IkffrevMt, 2S6.

Stotrr, v. To stumble. North.

Stotbye, t. Stratagem.

Stothb, s. (1) A post or upright


(2) The slay of a weaver's loom.

Stot-tubsday, s. The firstTuesday

after the 27th of October.

Stotty, adj. Gritty. Weit.

Stoud, s. a young colt. Weft

Stouk, (1) 9. To raise steam. North.

(2) 9. A drinking-cup with a

handle. North.

(3) s. The handle of a paiL

Stoun, 9. To smart with pain.


Stound. (l)f. (^..&) A moment,

or short time.

In hevene y-bleatyd nrast he be

That herkeneth here a UohmU.


His legs eonld bear him bntalitffe a


(2) 9. To astonish.

(3) 9. To stun.

They «tapiihim in bis aaddk, make kn

His ateeda carl'd creat, ere he can wmx

hie head. Groai BriUittu 2V«yr, I6tt.

Many a Jlom^ay blow hath be tikea

on hia head, jret for a long time d^d be

beare them without reelinf .


(4) 9. To beat a drum. North,

(b) 9. To beat scYerelj. BuL

(6) 9. To long for.

(7) 9. To smart. North.

(8) 9. A wooden Tessel for smsll


Stounormblb, adj. (J.^S.) By

degrees; momentarily.

Stoupb, 9. (1) (jI.'S.) To stoop.

(2) To give up (cant^.

Stoufins, t. Holes made by the

feet of cattle. North.

Stovr, t. Dost. North.

Stourb, (1) (J.»S.) 9. BatUe;


Nor aeapt the Trqfan woond-ftte, ia this


Waa GaJathee beneatb nrinoe Heel«

alaine. Oreai Britcmts Tro^ 1009.

(2) 9. Time.

?3) adf. Stiff; inflexible. Eati.

(4) adj. Severe ; great

(5) 9. A sUke.

(6) t. The round of a ladder; {

the stave in the side of a waggos.

(7) t. Water.

(8) ff. Dust in motion. iVbrfl-


Stout, {I) adj. Tall. Somer9.

(2) adj. Strong ; powerfuL

(3) t. The gad.fly. WB9i,

(4) atg. Proud.

Stoutb, 9. To resist

Stovbn, ff. (1) A young shoot froB

the stump of a tree after it hss

been felled. North.

(2) A stumpy post. Northampi.

STovtKsmD,part.p. Split Yotifh,

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SroiVBf (1) {A,'N. €iio»er$,) t.

Fodder and pro? ision of all sorta

for cattle.

And naked hir a fal fair for.

And fond bin that night stover.

Tks Sn^n Saga, S<K)6.

And othenfrom their can are buiily abont

To draw oat Bedge and reed, for thatch

and «(oMr fit.

Dray/. PoljfoU., ioag xzv.

(2) t. Stubble ; the second growth

of clover. NorthampL

(3) 9. To bristle up ; to atilFen.


Stow, (1) t. {A.^S.) A place.

(2) 8, A place for putting things


(3) V. To confine cattle. Noif,

(4) 9. To hinder, or stop.

tiff anj man itom me this nyth,

I zal bym jeve a dedly wownde.

Covmtrjf MjfslerieSt p. S17.

f5) «. To lop trees. East,

6) V. To silence one (cant).

(7) «. To dry in an oven. Kent,

Stovtb, (1) t. A narrow passage.

i2) V. To cope with an enemy.

3) pret. t Stole.

Stowbr, f. (1) A boat-hook.

(2) A ilock of geese. York$h.

Stowsue,9. To inclose with stakes.

Stowk, t. A slanting piece of wood

supporting a poet. Northampt,

Stowlbs, «. Trunks of trees grub-

bed up and left. Qloue,

Stowlin, f. Alumpofmeat. Ztnc.

Stowtkr, v. To walk clumsily.

SnuL,*. Straw. Eatt,

Stbablbt, t. A long narrow piece.


Stbabbods, t. The wooden pins

used to fasten thatch to the roof

of a building.

Stback, t. A bar of iron.

Stbacklb-bbainbd^ #. Dissolute.


Stbacklinos, «. Fools. Lane.

SmukCT, part, p. Distracted.

Stbad» #. A leather gaiter for pro-

tection against thorns. Wett*

Stbaddlxbob, 9, A blackbeetle*


Straddlins, adv. Astride.

STRArB, V. To stray. Shropgh.

Straft, #. A scolding quarreL


Stragb, (1) 9. (Lat.) Slaughter.

(2) 9. To stray, said of cattle.

Straolb, 9. To stray.

Straight, (1) adv. Immediately.

(2) 9. A narrow alley.

(3) adj. Too tight. North.

Straiohtbr, t. A smoothing iron.


Straights, t. A sort of doth.

15th cent.

Straikb, t. The rim or iron tie of

awheel. Hampth.

Strail, 9. A bed doth. Pr. P.

Strain, (1)9. To flow.

(2) 9. Lineage. See Strene.

(3) 9. Futuere. "When he

9train9 that lady," Shakespeare.

Henry YIII, iv, 1. More com-

monly applied to cats. See


Strainb, 9. (1) To restrain. Oaw.

(2) To stretch oat.

Straint, «. Tension. %fen9.

Strait, 9. To puzzle. Ea9t.

Straitb, 9. To bind tight

Strakb, (1) 9. {J.'S.) To go.

(2)pret.i. Struck.

id) 9. The hoop of a cart wheeL

(4) 9. A slice; a streak.

(5) 9. A crevice in a floor; ami

in a road.

Strakb-nails, #. Large headed

nails. Florio.

Stralb, #. A sheep two yean old.


Stram, (1) 9. A sudden noiie.


(2) 9. To dash down ; to reeoil

with violence and noise. Dev.

Stram ALKiiro,jyr»/. Gadding and

loitering. Ea9i»

Stramash, 9. (1) To beat.

(2) To crack and break irrepara-

bly; to destroy. Norths

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Stkam AzouN, «. A direct descend-

ing cut of a aword.

Stramb, ». A streak. JTeii.

Straiciieb, t. A great lie.

Stbammbrlt, adj, UngainU. Kent,

Strammino, adj, Hoge. Wut.

Stramotb, t. A stalk of grass.


St&amp, 9. To trample. North,

STRAND, t. One of the twists of a

line of horsehair; a withered

stalk of grass. Suitex.

Strand-bead, $. An arrow-head.

Strandt, adJ, Restive. Strandy-

mtrett cross children. North,

Strange, (1) adj. Foreign; on-

. common; coy.

(2) V. {A.'N.) To estrange.

(3) V. To strengthen.

Gonfermynge hit a saerement,

And other that ve fonngeth ;

And wanne a man hit ondemui^ietli.

In aaula hit hine stnmgetk,

WiUiam dt Shorekam.

{i\ V. To wonder at North.

(5) A strange %ooman^ a pros-


Stranger t. A ^sitor. North,

Strangle, v. To weary.

Strangles, a. A disease in horses.

Stranole-tare, la. The wild


Stranoullion, 9. The strangury.

SfranguUM, glanden, yeUowot, wormes,

8mng would rne ground to none.

JKowEnuif, EnMt qf ChMi, leU.

Strap, (1) a. Cradit YorkA,

r2^ a. A bunch. iVbr/A.

(3) 9. To groom ahorse. North*


Strappado, a. An andent punish-

ment by drawing up the victim

to a height, and then suddenly

letting him fall half way with a

jerk, which broke his arms and

shook all his joiata out of joint.

lome Mid there were othen that dfered

o mller the Germain ftrofpadQ for hie

■kd, and to dannce in the aire.

BowUf* Search fir Mimtg, 1009.

Strapper, a. (1) An

assistant ; one not regnlariy eai-

ployed. West.

(2) A large person.

STRAPPLE,«.The tieof the braediei.

Strat, (in t. A blow. Somere,

(2) 9. To splash with mod. Dee.

(3) V. To dash to pieces. Wttt.

(4) «. To stop; to impede.


(5) a. To bring forth yooBg pre-

maturely. Cofvm.

Stratch, 9. To slake lime. Somen.

Strauoht, (1) a^f. Distracted;

crazed. Stratiffhneoge, madness

So as beinff noar ttrtmpki of miiide,de»*

perate. ana a Terie foole, he toeik, fcc-

Scot's INcepe. efWUdkgr,lB^

(2) part. p. Stretched.

Stravaioe, 9. To stroll. NoHM.

Straw, (1) a. To strew.

(2) To be in the otraw, to he

delivered of a child.

Strawbbrrt, a4f. Sour. Somers.

Straw-joiner, a. A thatcher.


Straw-m ote, a. A straw. Deo.

Stre, t. (A.'S.) Stnw.

^™;^';}.. Toatretcb.


Streakers, a. The iron rims of s

wheeL Craoen.

Stre A LB, s. (^.-&) An anw.


Stream, a. To pass along m a

train actively; to draw out st

length. Weot,

Streamers, a. (1) The aavon

borealis. North,

(2) Persons who woriL in temh

of stream tin.

Strbam-workb, a. Tln-woila ia

the lower places, where they

trace the Tdn of tin by ditcbei,

by which the men esny oif the

water that would break in sqpon

them. Cormo.

Strbatb, adf. Stray.

Strebert, a. {J.'S.) The staw-


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Stmxch, (1) #. The apace of one

striking of the rake.

(2) Streeeh-meagure, a measure

filled even to the top, yet so that

a stick may lie over it.

Stbbbk, (1) ff. A stratum of coal.


(2) V, To iron clothes. Eoii,

Streelt, a^. Lanky. St^.

STVLnyia>,pret, t. Strove. Corma.

Streikable, adj. Violent

Streiness, 9. A convulsion.

Strxinb, v. To constrain.

Streit, adj. Strict Sireit-treth,

short breath.

Streite, adv. (J.'S.) Narrowly.

Strxitbs, t. Beasts which have


Streke, (1) V. To erect

(2) adv. {J.~S.) Straight

(3) V. To strike ; to e;o rapidly.

(4) V. To scratch out

Strbmbs, ff. The sun's rays.

Strbn, Iff. {A.'N.) Race; pro-

BTRBNB, j geny ; descent

For the miabigeten ttraiy

Ottic y icbal now dolveo ben.

Artkntr and Ma-Ui^ p. 80.

And of that strtene shall An at length


Wamer*» AlhUm England, 1598.

Stbbnd, ff. (A.'S.) Race ; genera-

tion. See Siren.

Strbne, (1) ff. {ji.'N.) A New-

year's gift. Doriet.

(2) ff. A shoot of a tree. Line.

(3) V. To copulate, said of a dog.


Stbrnoth, (1) 9. (ji.'S.) To


(2) a. A fortress.

Strkmkillb, v. To sprinkle.

SxRKNTfV. To tear, or slit. Donei.

Strenthb, ff. Strength.

Strrpb, v. {A.'N.) To strip.

Strbbs, tr. To confine in narrow


Strkssb, ff. A distress.

Strbtch, (1) «• a strike to measure


(2) V. To walk dignified. Yorksh.

(3) ff. A plot of gronqd on which

weavers stretch their warps.


Strbtchbr, ff. The board in a boat

against which a rower places his


Strbt, ff. (1) (J.'S.) A road; a way.

(2) aeg. Deficient or short of.


Strbud, jyre/. /. Strided. North.

Strbut, v. To tear. Dor9.

Strbvill, ff. A three*pronged fork

for taking up hay. Devon.

Strbwmbnt, ff. Ornamentation.

Strxchell, ff. See Strickle (3).

Strickb, adv. {A.-S.) Direct.

STRxcKiNG-PLOueH, ff. A sort of

plough used in some parts of


Strickle, ff. (1) An implement

formerly used by plumbers.

(2) A whetstone for a scythe.


(3) A piece of wood used in

striking off an even measure of

com. Weei. Called a etrickleu

in Staff.

Stricklebao, ff. A general term

for a very small fish, minnows,

&c. as well as sticklebacks. Line.

Strictland, ff. An isthmus.

Striddle, v. To straddle; to walk

affectedly. North.

Stride. To eiride a lance, to be

transfixed by it.

Stride-wide, a. An old cant term

for ale.

Stridling, ff. Astride.

Strib, ff. A straw.

Strift, (1) ff. The death.atmggle.


(2) V. To give the death-struggle.

Strio, ff. The foot-stalk of a leaf,

or flower. South.

Strigment, ff. Ordure ; dirt.

Strike, (1) v. To go rapidly. See


(2) ff. An iron stanchel in a






(3) ff. A batheL Var, tL

Robert Webb of ShoUre oweCh me

iig.«. ii\).<(. lent hym in money for

mnkioff ix. tliyekg and a half of malt.

WiU cfJokM Coeki, of Stratford o» Awm,


(4) V. To Steal money.

The catting a pocket, or picking a pone,

U called Hnlnng.

Grimes Art qf ConeyctUck,

(5) V. To balance account!.

(6^ V. To stroke softly.

i7) 9. To make anything smooth.

8) «. To rebound. Pakgr.

(9) 9. To spread, or lay out flat.

(10) V. To anoint or rub gently.


(U) V, To tap a barrel.

(12) Flies gtriJte meat, when the

latter is fly-blown. Line,

(13) To strike hands, to shake

hands. Strike me luek, an old

phrase, in concluding a bargain,

and giving earnest upon it.

y. L. Gome, strike tM luck wi^emtai,

and draw Uie writings.

M. There's a God's-penny for thee.


Strike>block, «. A joiner's plane.

Strinbs, 9. The sides of a ladder.


Strikb-baulk, v. To plough one

furrow, and leave another. Kent.

Strikb-block, ff. A sort of plane,

used by joiners for short joints.

Strike in, v. To begin.

Striker, e. A wencher. A term

common in the early dramatists.

Strindb, ff. (1) Progeny. See


(2) Astride. Line,

Strinb, ff. A ditch. Shropsh.

String, (1) ff. Race, descent. Cumi.

See Stren,

(2) ff. A narrow vein of ore. North,

(3) To get in a string f to deceive.

Stringer, ff. (I) One who made

strings for bows.

(2) A wencher. B.andFlet.

SraiNGLiDGE, ff. The strangles in

liurses. Line.

Stringy, o^'. Cold; applied to die

weather. Suffolk,

SmiNKLB, (1) V. To sprinkle.

(2) ff. An aspersoir.

Strip, (1) ff. Destructaon.

(2) V. To go rapidly.

(3) V. To milk a cow dry. Nmf-

Strips, (I) 9. To beat. PoAyr.

(2) V. To thrash com.

(3) ff. A strain, or measure.

\aS ff. (la/.) Race; kindred.

(5^ ff. A woodman's knife. Umc.

(6) ff. A simpleton. Wiits.

Strippinos, Iff. The last milk

STRo AKiNOS, J drawu from a cov.


Stritch, ff. A strickle. We^.

Stritk, ff. The part of a field

where the plough turns. Lne.

Stritub, v. To stride the legs.

Strive, (l)ff. Strife.

(2) V. To rob a bird's nest. JSsft

Stroak, ff. Two pecks of com.


Strocal, ff. A sort of shovel oacd

by glass-makers. BlowiU.

IStrockb, ff. A sort of sweet cream.

Strod, ff. A forked branch of a

tree. Suutx,

Strode, jvTtf/. /. Threw. Iko,

Strop, pret. t. Strove.

Strooglb, v. (1) To stmg^


(2) To grumble. Palsgr.

Stroos, ff. Splatterdashes. Wight.

Stroil, ff. (1) Strength; agtUty.


(2) Couch-grau. We9t.

Stroke, (1) ff. A blast of a hon.

(2) ff. Quantity. Far. d.

(3) ff. A game; a proceeding.


(4) ff. Two pecks of com. Lant.

(5) V. To sooth, to flatter.

(6) To bear, or have stroke, to

bear sway, to have inflaence.

Strokb-bias, ff. An old Kentish


Strokbr, ff. A flatterer. B, Jonton.

Stroll, ff. A slip of land. Deo*





Strom, #. An implement to keep

the malt in the Tat. North,

Stbom£, 9. To walk with long

strides. Norf.

Stromm ELL, f. Straw. Dekier.

SmoNDB, t. The strand.

Stronbs, f. Tenants hound to

assist the lord in hunting and

taming the red deer on the

mountains to the forest. Cumb,

Stkong-dockbd, atff. Large and

stoutly made about the loins.


Stboo, v. To strain a liquid.

Strook, prei. t. Struck.

StrooMiS. a wicker malt-strainer»

used in brewing. Norihampt.

Stroop, (1) «. The gullet. Notf,

(2) 9. To bawl. East

Strootch. To drag the legs in

walking. Kent,

Strop, (1) t. A cord. Devon.

(2) 9. To milk a cow so as to

draw the last drops. Ltne.

Strops, «. A strap.

Strossbrs, s. Tight drawers.

Strotbbr, t. (1) A rudder.

Then Hanybald arose hjm vp to lese

both ship and sirothir,

TIU Hutory ofBerfn, 1151.

(2) A marsh. North.

Stroub, v. To destroy.

Stroungb, adj. Morose. North,

Stroupb, s. The windpipe.

Strout, (1) V, To strut.

(2) 9. To swell out.

(3) ff. A bustle ; a quarrel.

Strouter, t. Anything that pro-

jects. Somereet.

Strovb, 9. Uproar. Weet

Strow, (1) ff. Confosion. Comw.

(2) adj. Scattered.

Strotb, 9. To destroy.

Strub, 9. To rob. Devon,

Struck, (1) pari, p. Stricken.

(2) Struck all of a heap, ex-

cessively surprised, astounded.

Strud, ff. Roost. Tarlton, 1590.

Strugobd, adj. Chubby. Wett.

Strull, oifty. Well Noff,

Strum, (1) $. A prostitute.

(2) 9. To play music. Var, d.

Strumbl, ff. A long, dishevelled

head of hair. Nor/,

Strumpbt, 9. To debauch.

Strumphubhbr, ff.

He [a bawd] lirea at all distances and

postures, one while tapster or tobacco-

seller, otherwise Hrumpkiuker ; now

brother, then oosen, sometimes master

of the house ; yet all this while rogue,

< theefe, and pimpe.

LeiUo»*» Leasurett Char. 11

Strummuck, 9. To stray. St^f,

Strumplbs. 7b cock one*8 etrum"

piety to astonish him. Shropeh,

Strunchbon, ff. A verse of a song.


Strumt, (1) ff. A tail of an animal.


(2) s. Mentula. Middleton,

(3) 9. To cut short off. Strunty,

docked. Yorksh*

Struntt, adj. Sulky. Northampt.

Strushins, ff. Fragments. North.

Strushon, s. Waste. Lane,

Strut, (1) a. Contention.

(2^ ff. Stubbornness. North.

(3) 9. To brace. A carpenter's


(4) ff. A pole vrith a spike at the

end, attached to the shaft of a

cart, to be let down and hold the

weight from the horse's back

while standing vrith a heavy load.


(5) ff. A state of swelling, or

hardness. Leie,

Struttlb, ff. The stickleback.


Struyb,! 9. {A,'N,) To de-

STRYB, J stroy.

Stry, ff. {Lat,) A witch.

Stryance, ff. Wastefulness. East,

Stryb, 9. To stay ; to cure.

Strypul, a^. Wasteful Noif,

Stry-ooodly, adj. Wasteful; de-

structive. Eatt,

Stub, (l)ff. An old root, or stamp.

(2) ff. A prop. Eatt,


A sort of short nail

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(4) 9. A castrated bull. Heref,

(5) ff. A Urge sum of money.

(6) V. To ruin by extravagance.


(7) 9. To 9iub a horse in hunting

or a greyhound in coursing, is to

wound him by jumping on a stub

recently cut.

Stub-applb, t. The wild apple.


Stubberd, 9. A kind of apple.


Stubbo, adj. Thick ; short. Che9h,

Stubs, «. Stubble. NorihampL

Stvb-bhoot, 9, A shoot or scion

growing from the stump or stub.

Stuck, s. (1) The handle of an

earthen vessel. IVarw,

(2) A spike. We9t

(3) A slough. Norf.

(4) A shock of corn. Hertf,

Stucklb, ff. A heap of wheat.

StucklinGi ff. (1) A fritter.

(2) A small river tish. South.

Stucks, t. Iron pins put into the

upper part of the blocks of a

drag, to prevent the timber slip-

ping off. North,

Stud, «. (I) The upright in a lath

and plaster wall.

(2) A meditetion. W€9t

Studobbix, ff. A large stable.

Studdlbs, ff. Implements used by

weavers. fVe9im.

Stuodt, ff. An anvil, or stithy.


Studob, V, To walk with short

heavy steps. Norlhampt.

Studoy, adj. Thickset.

Studstaff, ff. A cross piece of

viood to prevent the traces of the

forehorses of a team from col*

lapsing. Norihampt.

Study, o. To astonish. North.

Stubholdbb, ff. A keeper of a


Item, thnt no shuJMder kepe no

woman withinne lii« ttust thnt liath

any MkeneMo of luvwuiige, but that

•beo be pnlte ont, vppon the pdac of

making a fine onto tlie Jord of a e^.

ReguUtimuoftkt SUttf, lUk caU.

Stubhousb, ff. A brothel.

Item, at the lete holde the 24 of ApnU,

the 80 yere of the reipie of Hear; ^

6, it was ordeyned that bo penoM

kepinge any couoone hmtell or stukoma

have or occupie any penonne for his

hoBtiller that before this time hath be a

ioukliour in tho partioi beyond the see.

Stuffimo-stick, ff. A atick for

poking the stuffing into ebatrs,

&c. Holme, 1688.

Stuffins, ff. Coarse flour. AeriA.

Stuffube, ff. Stuff. Pr, P,

Stufft, a4^'. Very fat.

Stufnbt, s. a skillet.

Stuogb, ff. A hog's trough. Pr. P,

Stuoobd, 1 a^. Hearty ; stout.

8TUOOY, J Devon.

Stuk, A{r. Short; dockedL Pr. P.

Stubs, ff. A sort of stucco.

Stulk-bolb, ff. A puddle. East.

Stull, ff. (1) A luncheon , a great

piece of bread, cheese, or other

victuals. £iffer.

(2) Timber placed in the backs

oflevels, and covered with boards

or small piles to support robbish.


Stulm , s. A conduit of water hi a


Stulp, ff. A short stout poet.

Stultch, ff. A stilt. mU9.

Stultitious, atg. Sulky ; iU4«oi*

pered. Leie,

Stum, ff. Strong new wine, used to

strengthen that which is weak.

Stum*d. strengthened.

l<et our wines, without miztiin or j<bb»

be ail fine.

B. Joui., Smlitjor the lk»., vfl, ».

Sometimea we have their tane hna-

hands, who nllop hither open their

tits, to tee their futhfal wirea pla^ a

game at ninepins, and be dmiiK with

Mtum'd wine.

Baptiurea in love have no mora i

in 'em tlian nmta m poetrr, om

tian ; 'tt> the WiMiof ion Umt i

Aret, and fume, and fly.


d by boogie




SrUlflf ATCHEK-PfBCB, «. Ad ITTe-

gular-aliaped piece of land. Suff.

Stummbr, v. To stumble. North,

Stump, (l)t. A post. Far.d,

(2)v. To knock the wickec down

by hand at cricket.

(3) s. A stoat. Han^th.

(4) V. To walk beavUy.

(5) «. A stupid feUow. North,

(6) 9. To pay cash. Stun^,

ready money.

(7) 9. To be reduced to poverty.

To be put to on^t ttumpMf to be

badly off. Stump and rumpt


Stum prooT, ». Adnb-foot.

Stumps, #. Legs. Var. d.

Stuncb, aJg, Short and atoat.


Stundk, «. A abort tpaoe of time.

See Stound,

Stunb, V. To empty. Stajg^.

Stunkxy, adj. Saturated with wet,

ao aa to be unfit for ploughing.


Stunnbd-poll, «. A thickhead ; a

dunce. Somenet.

Stunnish, v. To stnn. LannB,

Stummt, 9. To itun. North,

Stumt, (1) odj. Angry; obitinBte;

ralky. Lh^.

(2) 9. To make ft fiM^ of any one.

(3) 9. A tail. Leie

SruMTiaBi adj. (1) Duopy. North,

(2) Sullen ; ilUtempered.

Stufb,*. {Lot, 9ttq/a, tow, of which

it was made.) A cloth dipped in

healing liquor warm, and applied

to ft wound.

LesTe erjing, and 111 tell yoa ;

And get your plafaiRa, sad your wum


B.i'Il, lati't Prograt, i, 8.

SropBirDiovft, adj. Stupendous.

ShadweU, Bury Fair, 1689.

Stupid, adj. Obstinate. North,

Stuppin, t. A skillet. Kent,

SrupmATB, 9. (Lot,) To nvisb.

iS/iyrft/tofi, rape.

Stubbing, t. Disturbance.

Stubblb, 9. To disturb.

Sturdy, (1) «. {Fr, ettourdl) A

disease in sheep, by which the

brain is affected by water, when

they are unable to see clearly.


(2) adj. Sulky ; obstinate. North,

Stubb, (1) f. A steer. We9t.

{1\ adj. Rode; ilLIooking.

(3) t. Disturbance ; dust /)«9otK

Sturgbon, 9. A little broad-built

roan. Line,

Stubkbn, 9. To thrive. North,

Stubm, adj. Stern ; morose. Kent,

Stubrb, 9. {A.^-S.) To stir.

Stubbt, adj. Sturdy. South.

Sturt, t. (1) Disturbance; strife.


(2) Great wages. A miner's term.

Sturtbs, 9. Stirmps. Stfr Oaw,

Sturtlb, 9. To start at. De9.

STU8NBT,t. A skillet. Su99ex.

Stut, (1) 9. To stutter. Mar9ton,

(2) 9. A gnat. W99t.

Stuttlb-back,!. The prickleback.


Sty, (1) 9. {A.'S. 9tigan.) To


That was anbiUon, rath desire to ily.

And evaiy Imk thereof a itep of dinity.


(2) 9, A ladder. YorJt9h.

(3) 9, A pimple on the eyelid.

(4) 9. A lane or path.

Stt-bakbd, adj. Dirty. Line,

Styr, 9, A stitch.

Sua, a<f9. (^.-5.) So.

SuBDUcB, 9. {Lat.) To withdraw.

Subduembnt, 9. Defeat.

SuBBTH, ff. A sort of apoplexy.

Subpumigation, ff. {Lat.) Charm

by smoke.

SuBMi88,A{f. Submissive.

SuBNBCT, 9. (Lat.) To add to.

Subplantarib, adj. Supplanting.

SuBRUPB, adj. {Lot.) Reddish.

SuBSAiD,/Mir^/». Just mentioned.


SuBscBiBB, 9. To submit.

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SuBSKCUTED, ptort. p, {Lai,) Close


SuBsisTKR, ff. A poor prisoner.

Like a tuktuUr is a gown of mg^,

rent on the left shoulder, to sit singing

the ooanter-tenor by the cage in South-

warke. J[r»i-J3cr<'«l>r«a»M;lS92.

SuBSOLABT, adj, (Lat,) Earthly.

SuBTiLiT^, t. Subtilty.

SuBTiLTUSi ff. Representations of

castles, knights, ladies, beasts,

&c. raised in pastry.

SuBTLB, adj. Fine. Shaietp,

SuBUL0N,s.(^..M) A young hart.

SuccBSS, ff. That which follows.

SuccBssFULLT, odv. SuccesslTely.

SuccuLATiON, ff. Pruning of trees.

Suck. See Sock.

SucKBOTTLE, ff. A drunlurd.

SucKB, ff. Juice.

SucKBRs, ff. Sweetmeats. Suj^.

SucKBT, ff. A sucking-rabbit.

SucKKTs, ff. Dried sweet-meata, or


And, in some six daya' Jovrney, does

Ten pounds in nektU, and in Indian fnme.

Drayt. Moome^ p. 48S.

SucKimr, ff. (A,'N.) A aort of


Suckling, «. (1) The honeysuckle,


(2) White clover, trtfolmm mi-

miff. Ea»t.

SucK-PiNT, ff. A drunkard. Coig»

SucKBBL, ff. A sucking colt. A(if.

SucKSTONB, ff. The remora, or sea


SucKT, «u(f. Slightly tipsy.

Sucre, ff. {A,'N.) Sugar.

Suction, s. Malt liquor. Var, d,

SuDABT, ff. {Lat, wudarium,) A

napkin ; a kerchief.

SuDDBD,|Mr^/i. Meadows are said

to be mdded when cotered with

drift sand left by floods. ^«ff/.

Sudden, a^. Abrupt. StnUK

SuDDLE, «. To soil. NoriK

Sudekbnb, ff. {A,'N,) A sub.


Suds. To be in the sudi, to be


Sub, (1) 9. {A,^N.) To foltow.

(2)ff. A drain. Smgg. SeeSnyA

(3) V. To drain land. StM,

(4) «. (Fr,) To issue in smaU

quantities ; to exude. Eett.

SuBiNO, Ij'^'^'f* ^' A mnrmor-

8UGOING, V- ing melancholy sound.

BUFFING, J NortkampL

SuENT, adj. Even ; smooth; plain;

quiet. Wett

SuBRB, ff. (idL-iV.) A follower.

SuFF, V. To sob; to draw the

breath conyulsiyely. Dev.

Suffer, v. To be punished.

Suffering, ff. A sovereign. Lne.

SuFFBTBN, IT. To beat. Pr, P.

Sufficiency, ff. Ability.

SuFFiN, ff. Something, .fiioffl.

Suffisant, adj, (A,.NJ) SnfficieBt

SuFFisAUNCB, ff. SutBdcncy.

Suffrage, ff. Help.

SuFFRAUNT, odj. (^.-AT.) For-


SuFFRB, «. (1) To endure.

(2) To forbear.

SuFFRBNTiBfff. Sovereignty.

SuFFURATB, V, To Steal away.

SuG, (1) ff. (J.^S.) A species of biid.

•*Siff^, bryd, curHco." Pr, P.

(2) V. To soak. fFe$t.

SuGAR-BARLBT, ff. BariejngaT.


SuGAR-CAMDiAN, ff. Snguciiidy.


SuoARCHBST, ff. A loiid of tiee.

Hie Uacke alder tree: Mnetakeitto

be that which Is eoouttMilT called

fgerchut. Mtmnui



SuoAR-PLATB,ff. Sugar boiled aad

crystallized ; sagar-candy.**Adl|rr

platef9uewracnuiaiiM." Fr,P>

SuGAR-sTONB, ff. A kind of soft

clayey schist. Ctntm.

SuoBT, a4f. {A^N.) A aBbjiect.

SuoQB, V. To aay.

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Suggest, v. To tempt. Shdketp,

SuGOBSTioN, t. (1) Temptation,


(2) Crafty device.

SuiLKi adj. Such.

SuiLLAGB. See SuUage,

SuiN, t. (^..5.) Swine.

SuiRT, V. To break off the sharp

edge of a hewn stone. Northumb*

SiTisT, «. An egotist, ^iitciim,


A nan with more liberty mfgbt be

debtor to the Jew of Malta, tbta owa

for rnrtedea to this fchisraaticall tmtt,

that baites with lener faToun to

angle for greater.

B. WtdtloeVt ZooUmia,

Suiter, 1 «. The flat board laid

817ITBL, J over a newly made

cheese in the press. NortkampU

SuiT-joooER, 9. One who trades

in salts at court.

SuiTT, a^. (1) Uniform. Herrf,

(2) Suitable. Zne.

SuKBT, #. (1) A tea-kettle.

(2) A name given to a breeding

sow. Notf.

SuKKARDB, ff. A sweetmeat

SuKKBN, f. Moisture. Cumb.

Sulk. (1) V, {A,-N,) TosoiL

(2) a. SoU. Pr.P.

(3) Ye should.

SuLFBROUS, adj. Sultry. Var, d.

SuLiNG, s. A ploughland.

SuLL, 1 «. (^..5. niM.) A

suLLOW,/ plough. fFett.

SuLLAOB, «. Muck; filth. SouiJL

SuLLEVATB, V. To rsisc against.

SuLLiNOBS, a. Wet dirt or sand.


SuL-PADDi.B,«. Aplow-itaff. We9t,

$UL8H, (1) a. A spot, or stain.


(2) r. To dirty. lb.

»ULTREDOK, 9, A 008116 aprOB.


iuLTRiNO, a4/* Sultry.

luM, a. (ji-S.) Some.

UM A, «. A cup of blue and white

atone-ware. SraMrae/.

ScMMVD, part p. Full plumed. A

term in falconry.

Summer, r (1) A sumpter-horse.

(2) The chief beam of a floor.

(3) The part of a waggon which

supports the body. Stu9ex,

SuMMER>BARM, V. To fermcut.

SuMMBR-cocE, ff. A young salmon.


Summered, part p. Agisted, as

cattle ; well fed on grass. Sum'

mer-eat, to agist. North.

SuMMBR-voLDs, ff. Summer frec-

kles. Qioue.

Summer - ooobb, ff. Gossamer.


Summering, a. (1) A country

wake at Midsummer.

A riot or scolding match.

An ox one year old. North.

SuMMBRLAND, «. To lay a ground

fallow a year. Suj^.

SuMMER-LATBN./Mir/./). Summer

fallowed. Norf.

SuMMBR-BTiR, V. To till land in

summer. Craven.

SuMMBR-TiLLBD, part. p. Fal-


SuMMBR-voT, ff. Telbw freoklea

in the face. Weet.

Summing, a. Arithmetic Var. d.

SuMMisTBR, ff. One who abridges.

SuMMiTTB, V. To submit.




Great death and nnurreii unongtt baT>

"~ , seiiieanta, nmnen, geolrrt. cateli-

les, mformers, aiid the Lke: who

shall die to fut, that a man miiy seeke

a whole thyre, and scarce ftnde an

honest man of theyr profession.

AmanMk, 1811.

SuMMONiTioN, ff. A summoni.

SuMNiB, V. (A.'N.) To summon.

Sump, ff. (1) A hole sunk below the

levels of a mine to admit air.

(2) A heavy weight S^f.

(3) A dirty pond. Cnmb.

SuMPH, ff. A simpleton. North.

Sump-bole, #• A cesspool. Yorinh.

LQ suomiK.

lff.(^.-iV:) Anap.

^ I paritor.


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SvmPLK, adj. Pliant. Wett,

SuMPTER, «. (J.'N.) A hone which

carried provisions, or other ne-


SuM>up, V, To collect. Norths

SuMPT, 04;. Boggy ; watery. Far. d.

Sun, (1) 9. (A,'S,) Sin.

(2) In the sm, tipsy. To have

the eun in <me*$ eyee, to be too

tipsy to see clear.

SuN-AND>MOON, «. Thc ttame of sn

old child's game.

SuK-BiAM, ff. Gossamer. North,

SuNOBR, «. To expose to the sun

and wind. YarJteh.


knave of clubs.

SuKDBRLT, ad9. Alternately; pe-


SuK-Doos, 9. Parhelia, or mock-

suns. Norf.

SuN-PLowER, t. The oom-mari-

gold. Northampt,

SuNPVLB, at^. Sinful.

SUN-OATB-D0WN,«. SttOSCt. PiUiff.

SuNHouNO, t. A halo round the

sun. South. See Sun^0ff9.

Sunk, s. A pack-saddle stuffed

with straw. North.

SuNKET, (1) 9. A simpleton. Notf.

(2) ff. A dainty. Norf.

(3) V. To pamper. Ikut.

U) ff. Supper. Cumi.

(5) 9. A small quantity of food

given grudgingly. Notf.

SuN-SHiNBR, 9. The dark shining


SuN-Toni, €ug. Cracked by the sun.


SuPBKALTAAT, ff. (Lot.) Thc slab

over a stone altar.

SuPBRFiciALTiE, ff. Superfides.

SuPBRFLVB, 04^. Superiluous.

SuPBRNAcuLUM, ff. Au old drink*

ing term ; the turning up of the

bottom of the cup, to drop what

was left on the nail, and make

a peari with it; if it was too

much to stand on, he most drink

again for his penance.

SuPBRNB, (ug. Supreme.

SupERNODicAL, odj, IRxctsmv,


SuPERTASSB, Iff. "A certttne

SUPPORT ASSE, J device mnde of

wiers, crested for the purpose,

whipped over either with gold

thred, silver, or silke ; this ii to

bee applied ronnd about their

neckes, under the rafTe, apoo tbe

outside of the bande, tobearetp

the whole frame and bodie of

tbe ruffe from follyng or haBgyng

doune." Stubbe9,'lMb.

SupRRVisouR, ff. The overlooker


SuPERVivB, V. To look at.

SuPBRTizK, ff. A view.

SuPBTERfl, ff. Armour for thc fod

SuppRorrATB, V. To subdue.

Supper, (1) s. The aneker of i


(2) 7b ffef one *tff ffinper, ta

perform a feat which cannot be


SuppiNGs, ff. (1) Spoon-meat.

(2) Refuse of milk after thc

cheese is made. CAmA.

SuppLANTARiB, odj. Supplanting.

SuppLB, V. To render pliant

SuppLiB, V. (^.-iST.) To sup-


SuppoBLLB, V. Toaoppoil

SUPPORTAILB, ff. Support.

SUPPORTATION, ff. Support.

SuppoRTURB, ff. Support; pro-


SupposALL, ff. A supposition.

SopposB, (1) ff. A sitppoeition.

(2) V. To know. Shri^uk.

SuppoarroR, ff. A provoGativ& A

medical term.

SuppUTB, e. To impute. Orvylsa.

SuRANCB, ff. Asaurnnce ; safety.

SuR-ANTLBRB, ff. The bear-aatkfS

of a buck, or the royal of s

stag, the second branch.

SURBATE, \9.(IV.90ub&ttre.) 1V>

BURBBAT, J batter, or weary with


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ArioVarmnes at lengtli espred tbe

hone of his aovemigne lord had lost his

■liooes before, and that the stones had

furbated his hoofes.

PaUee ofPteat., vol. ii, B 8.

SuRBET, part. p. Weary with


Espye a trareller with feeteMtrie^

Whom they in eqnall pray hope to divide.

SuRBATRBi «. {J,'N.) A sort of


Subbed, v. To set coal edgways

on the fire, that it may bum with

greater force.

Surbotbd, part. p. (Fr.) Grazed

by constant rubbing ; battered.

SuRCEASK, 9. To ccBse ; to refrain.

I wil), for so perhaps you will nreeate

(quoth sbe) to wowe.

ITanm't Alkiont Bufflmi, 1B9S.

Surcingle, «. A girth used to keep

a horse-cloth on the horse's back.

SuRCLE, ff. A twig, or sprout.

SuRcoTE, a. {J.'N,) An over-ooat.

SuRCRBASE, «. Great increase.

SuRCRUE, «. A surplus.

SuRcuiDANT, adj. Arrogant.

Surd AUNT, part, a, {A.'N.)


Surdine, #. (Fr.) A contrivance

in a trumpet to make it sound

low. Ftorio.

Surdint, 9. The fish sardine.

Sure, (1) adj. Sour.

(2) V. (A.'N.) To assure.

Sure-crop, t. The shrew mouse.


SuREPEL,t. (-<^.-iV.) Acoverorcasc.

SuBBSBY, s. One who may be de-

pended upon.

SuRFANO,#. AsaWe.

Surfeit, (1) v. To be tired of.

Oh, fle I I turfeit of those ladies already.

Howard, BnglUh Momuiewr, 1674.

(2) 9. A cold. Craven,

SuRrELy 1 9. To wash the cheeks

auRFUL, J with sulphur water.

SuRFBT, $. Oflence ; fault.

SuRFLE, V. To ornament with em-

broidery; to plait.

Lamed; tired flf


SuRFooT, a4f.


Thence to Ferrybri^. sore wearied,

Sur/ool, but in spirit cheered.

Drunken BartuAy,

Surge, t. A quick motion. South.

SuROENRiB, 9. Surgery.

Subbed, v. To set a stone edge-

wise. Nortkumb.

SuRiNGER, 1,. A surgeon.

SURJONER,/ -"^ '""«"'»•

SuR.LE-FRONT, 9. A part of the


At last comes the tur-lesfrcmt, and then

madam is compleatly harnass'd for the

play, or the mysterious nielle.

Lady'9 Diet., 1665.

SuRLETTEs, 9. Part of andent

armour. See Sotteret9.

SuRuiT, 9. To surmise.

Surmount, 9. To surpass.

SuRNAPPE, 9. A tablecloth.

SuRPLis, 9. {A.'N.) A surplice.

SuRaUEDRIE, 9. {J.-N.) AlTO-

gance; presumption. Surquidou9,


SuRRE, s. A sore.

SuR-REiNED,/M»*/.j9. Overworked.

SuRREPT, 9. {Lat.) To invade


SuRRT, «. Syria.

SuRRTAL, 1«. The second pro-

8UR.R0TAL, J jection of a stag's


SuRS, t. Rising; source.


healed outwanily, but not in-


SuRSAULTED, fOTt. p. Over-


Betnrue my h.tai,nrsaulled with the fill

Of thousand great unrest and thousand

fearea. Snglani't Helicon, 1614.

SuRVEANCE, 9. {J.^N.) Supcrin*


SuRviEW, 9. To survey. Peele.

Survey, t. A sale, in which farms

are disposed of for three lives.


SusE, pron. She. Lane,

SuBUWATS, adv. Diagonally. M, C,

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SusKiN, t. A very small coin.

Suspect, (1)8. Suspicion.

(2) part p. Suspected.

SusPKCTABLB, odj. Liable to sus-


SuspECTiON, t. Suspicion.

SusPBNCBD, part. p. Relieved.

SusFiKE, 9. To sigh.

SuspovFSE, «. Suspicion.

Suss, (1) 8. Hog-wash. East

(2) An intcijcction, inviting dogs

or pigs to drink. Noff.

(3)». The dog-fish. Wight.

SussACK, «. A blow; a fall. Suff.

Sussex-pudding, 8. Boiled paste

without batter. South.

SussLE, 8. Noise; intenneddling.


SuSTBE, t. (A.'S.) A sister.

SuTE, (1) V. To clothe.

(2) t. Cunning; subtle. Staff*

(3) 8. Pursuit.

SuTELTi, «. Subtilty.

Sothely I trast so myclie to the tutelte

of thine undintandvDg, that be this

fewe with thy witte thow miutt come

to a grete warke. and thorough that

thow achalt have the name of a grete

lecfae. MS.lUhcent

SuTEEE, «. A suitor.

SuTHER, V. To sigh heavily.


S\rm,8.{J.'N.) A fool.

Sutter, *. {A.-S.) A shoemaker.

SuwB, V. (A.'S.) To foUow.

SwA, adv. {A.'S.) So.

Swab, (1) *. An awkward fellow.


(2) V. To splash. North.

Swabber, *. (1) One who sweeps

a ship.

(2) A kind of broom.

Swabbers, ». The ace and court

cards at whist.

Swabblb, v. (1) To squabble.


<2) To vibrate with a noise like

liquids in a bottle. Leie.

Svachr, 8. A tally, fixed to cloth

sent to dye, of which the owner

keeps the other pait. North,

930 SWA

Swachblr, adj>

I lent oat moch mony cm piate aD-!

jewetla this yere, and had many tjifrl:f

I^ven me. t bousht my «waci«iV svif u

this yer, and did the hangers with uhrr.

SvFACK, (1) #. A blow, a whack.

(2) 9. To throw with violence.


(3) adv. Violently.

SvFAD, 8. (1) A sUly feUow; a

country bumpkin.

Eren then, and looking Tery bigce» in caac

the boazitrd, who

Pid aweare that he wonld kOl and alay, I.

mary, wonld he doe.

If any swd besides himaeUe laice asdaa

owie did wowe.

Wama'i JUnomi Emfflmmi, la?;.

(2) A pod. North.

(3) A sword. Suffolk.

(4) A fish-basket. Uvaser.

Sw ADDER, «. A pedlar.

Swaddle, v. To beat.

SwADE,«. Old pasture. Nortkmaipt,

SwAFF, 8. As much grass as s

scvthe cuts at one stroke. H^me,


SwAFT, 8. Thirst. WUt8.

SwAO, (1) V. To hang looie and

heavy ; to swing about. Warm.

(2) ». A large quantity. Lew.

Swao-bbllt, 8. A loose heavr


SwAOE, (1) V. To assuage.

(2) V. To work iron into a parti-

cular form. Northampt.

(3> V. To move an v thing about.


(4) a. A notch in a bladcsmitb'i


(6) 8. A joiner's gauge. Hcau.

SwAOER, 8. A brotbcr-io-la«-

SwAOOERGOO, t. A dod, or bog ■


SwAOLE, 9. To swag.

Swaib, o. To swing like a penda-

lum. Somerset.

SwAiL, 9. To lounge from side to

side. Var. d.

SvAiMUS, a4r. SqueamislL Oimk.

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SwAiifs, t. (A.-S,) A herdsman, or

tenrant; a youth not yet an


Swain LIN 08, «. Young swains ?

Thence to Thynke, rich Thyms casket,

Where fiiir Fhvliis fillB her basket

With choice flowers, but these be ndn


I esteem no flowers nor iwatnlingt ;

In Bacchus yard, field, booth, or cottage,

I loTe nought like his cold pottage.

DrunJten Barnahy.

SwAisE, 9. To swing the arms in


SwAiTHB, «. The spectre of a dying

person. Cumb,

SwAKK, «. A pump-handle. East,

^^^A^LT.W'- Swelled.

SwALCH, 8. A pattern. YorkiK

Swale, (1) #. A vale.

(2) 8, A shady place. Var. d.

(3) «. A gentle rising in the

ground. Northampt,

(4) 8, A gutter in a candle.

(5) 9. To wither in the sun.


(6) 0. To singe, or scorch.

(7) tr. To split. Heref,

(8) adj. Bleak; windy. North,

(9) ff. A piece of wood going

from an upright shaft in an oat-

meal-mill to one of the wheels.

(10) 9. To grow thin.

SwALBR, 8. One who buys com

and converts it into meal before

he sells it again. Che8h,

SwAL«s, «. A whirlpool.

SwALLET, 8. Water which comes

upon miners unexpectedly.

SwALLOCKT, ac^. A term applied

to the appearance of clouds in

hot weather before a thunder-

-storm. Eatt,

SwALLOP, 8. A heavy lounging

walk. Nwf,

Swallow, ». (1) Agnlf, or abyss ;

a hollow in the earth.

(2) The throat.

I will lay thee the priee of the triming

» suite 01 doathes, that I hit my Freuch-

man at the first thrust, in the twHoWt

that he shall never eat avain.

Hotcard, BngUih MoHmieur, 1074.

S WALLOW-DAT, t. TllC 15th of

ApriL Var. d.

SwALLow-psAB, #. The service


SwALMB, (1) 9. To become sick.

(2) 8. Sickness. See Swame,

Sw ALTER, 9.

Slippes in in the sloppes

0-slante to the ginlylie,

Swollen upe su-yflly

With his swerde drawene.

MorU Jrtkwn.

SvALTisH, adj» Sultry.

SwAMBLE, 9. To faittt away.


SwAif E, 1 «. An attack of sick-

swEAME, J ness.

Swamp, adj. Lean; unthriving.


SvANE, 9. To soften ; to absorb.


SwANG, (1) t. A swamp. York8,

(2) 8. A fresh piece of green

swarth among arable. North,

(3) 9. To swing violently. EoMt.

SwANGE, 9. The groin ?

Swappcz in with the swerde.

That It the swinge brystedd,

Bothe the guttez and the gorre

Guschez owte at ones.

MorU Artkure.

SWANOB, 1 . .


SwAN6WAY8,aif9. ObUqucly. Norf.

Swank, (1) pret, t. of 8mnke.


(2) 9. To abate; to shrink. De9.

(3) 9. To give way, or sink.

(4) f. A low place in uneven

ground. Hamp8h,

(5) «. A dashing air. Northampt.

(6) 8. A bog. Sti88ex.

Swanking, (1) adj. Large. North,

(2) part. a. Gatiig and drinking

by parish officers at the expense

of the parish. Norwich.

SwANKUM, 9. To walk to and fro

in an idle and careless manner.



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Swanky, (1) adj. Boggy.

(2) adj. Swaggering. Wilis,

(3)f. A strapping fellow. North.

(4) 8. Weak beer. We»L

Sw AST, adj. Proper; steady. West.

Swap, (1) ». A blow.

(2) V. To cut wheat in a peculiar

way, to chop, not to reap it. Suss,

(3) adv. Quickly ; smartly. West.

(4) V. To exchange.

SwAPB, (1) s. A pump-handle.


(2) ». A bar to hang kettles OTcr

a fire.

(3) s. A fork for spreading

manure. North.

(4) ♦. A long oar used by keel-

men. Nnoe.

(5) V. To place aslant. North,

(6) V. To sweep. North.

SwAPBR, s. A switch used by

thatchers. See Sway.

Swapper, t. A great falsehood.


Swapping, adj. Large.

SWAPSON, ». A slattern. Warw.

SwARBLB, V. To swarm up a tree.

Sward, s. {J.-S.) Skin; the rind

of bacon. Sward-pork, bacon

cured in long flitches.

SwARB, (1) adj. True; sure.

(2) V. To answer,

(3) adj. Square.

Swarf, (1) v. To swoon. North,

(2) s. The grit worn away from

the grinding-stones used in grind-

ing cutlery wet. York.

SwARPT,a4f. Tawny. Lane.

Swarm, (1)». A large number.

(2) 9. To climb the trunk of a

tree, in which there are no side

branches for one to rest the

hands and feet on.

(3; V. To beat. South.

Swart, (1) adj. Black ; swarthy.

(2) V. To blacken; to become


(3) s. The black incrustation on

a kettle or pot. lieic,

(4) s. Sward.

SwARTH, t. (1) {J.'S.) Swaffd;

grass ; any outward covering.

(2) The spectre of a d} ing person.


(3) The indurated grease which

exudes from the axle of a wheeL


SwART-RUTTBR, «• A German


SwARVE, V. (1) To climb.

(2) To fill up ; to be choked up

with sediment. South,

SwARY, adj. Worthless. North,

Swash, (1) #. A torrent of water.

(2) ff. A crack or channel in the

sand made by the sea. Lime.

(3) V. To clash with swords in

fencing ; to swagger.

(4) s. A swaggerer.

?5) adj. Soft; quashy. North,

(6) s. Hog-wash. Devon,

SwASH-BOCKKT, s. (1) Thc recep-

tacle of washings d the scnllery.


(2) A slatternly woman.

Swash -BucKLBR, s. One who

makes a furious noise with sword

and buckler, to appal antagooisti;

a bravo, or swaggering rufBaa.

Their men are rery ruffians and «»ri>

htckUn, hftviog excecdinij: kNig btake

hjUre curled, and swords or otfcer

weaponi by their sides. Corfmi, Crd

SwABHBR, s. A bnlly.

Swashing, o^r*. Da&hing.

Swash WAY, f. A deep swampy

place in Ibj^ sands in the sea.

Swashy, adj. (1) Watery. North.

(2) Swaggering. Eaot.

Swasion, «. Persuasion.

Swat, (1) ». To swoon. Lane.

(2) V. To squat down. YorkA.

(3) V, To throw down forcihly.


(4) s. A blow ; a fall. NoHh,

(5) s. A quantity, line.

Swatch, (1)«. A row of barley, &e.


(2) s. A piece or shred cut off;

a sample. North,






(3) 9. To cut off ; to separate.


(4)0. To bind.

SwATC^EL, (1) «• A coarse, fat,

or loosely dressed feraale. Warw.

(2) V. To beat witb a twitch.


SwATCHELLBD, pott. p. Daggled ;

also oppressed from walking or

oyer-exertion. "I was welly

itoateheiied to death/^ said a

Stratford girl, after a dirty walk.


Swath, (1) t. A row of grass

mowed down. See Swarih,

With totting and raking, asd getting in oox,

GnuM lately in npolkt u meat for an ox.


Foeniitriga. Monceanx de foin par ordre.

The ntathe or ttrake of ]rra!>te, at it

lyeth mowue downe vitn the liitie.


(2) V. (A.-S, twi^an.) To wrap

a cbild in swathing clothes.

(3) t. That witb which a child

was swathed.

If or their first «imUI« become tbeir winding

■heett. Seyw., Golden Age.

(4) V. To bind com in sheaves.

Swath*bauk8, 9. The edges of

grass between the semicircular

cuttinp of the scythe, forish.

SwATH-BOND, s. A swaddling-band.

S WATHB, adj. CaliiH gentle. North,

SwATHBL, 9. A strong man.

SwATHBLB, V, To swsddle.

SwATHBR, 9. To faint. iSboien.

SwATHB-BAKiNCk The Operation

of hand -raking between the

swathes of barley or oats, to

collect on such swathes the loose

«talka or ears scattered in the

mowing. Ea9i.

SwATBiNO-cLOTHBS, t. Swaddllng

clothes for children.

SwATTB, pret, t. of Sweai,

SwATTBR, V, (1) To scatter; to


(2) To throw water about, as

ducks in drinking. YorJt9h,

SwATTLB, 9, (1) To diiuk like

ducks. North,

(2) To waste away. North.

SwATTOCK, 9. A hard fall. Norf.

S WAULING, a<Jf. Large; loose.


SwAUB, «. A swath of grass. Devon.

SwATB, 9. (1) To pass backward

and forward. Cumb.

(2) To swoon. Northampt.

Sway, (1) t>. To swing.

(2) «. To weigh ; to lean upon.


(Z)9. A balance. S^.

(4) 17. To feel giddy. Straying,

giddiness in the head. Leic.

(5) 9. A switch used by tbatchers.


SwATNB, *. (^.-SL) Noise.

SwAY-poLE, 9. A long pole fixed

at the top of a post as a pivot, by

which water is drawn from a well,

or coals from a pit Var. d.

SwBAK, (I) 9. To squeak.

(2) 9. A crane for the fire. Leic.

SwBAL, (1) 9. To melt. North.

(2) To 9W€al a hog, to bum off

the hair with lighted straw,

instead of scalding; the latter

plan is adopted when a hog is to

be made into pork; the other

when into bacon. Hamp9h.

SwBALTiB, adj. Sultry. "The

9wealtie sun.'' Wam8r^9 AUnom

England, 1592.

SwBAifB, 9. A sudden qualm of

sickness. SeeSioame.

A vaming tbia may be,

Against the sbthiU^MceaaMV of tlnnardye.

Mirr.jor Mag,

SwBAiffiSR, 0^, (1) Modest. North.

(2) Squeamish. Lane,

SwBAB, 9. An oath.

SwBABLE, t. An eye with a pecu-

liar cast.

Sweat, 9. To beat. Ea9i.

SwEAT-cLOTH, 9. A handkerchief


SwEB, V, To swoon. North.

SwECHT, 9. Force. North.

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SwBDDLB, V. To swell. North.

Swede, ff. A swarth. NortK

SwEB, (1) 9, A giiddmess in the

head. North,

(2) adv. Out of the perpendi-

cular. Northumb.

SwEBL, 8. (1) A nat made to turn

in the centre of a chair ; a swivel.


(2) A sudden burst of laughter.


SwBEM, V. To swoon. Somen.

Sweep, s. (1) An implement for

raising water. See StDtg^e.

A gr»t poste ud higb u set faste ; tiien

orer it cometh a longe bcame whicbe

renneth on a pynne, lo that the one

ende havy nge more poyae then the other,

canseth the Ivghter ende to ryse; with

such beere brewers in London dooe

drawe up water ; they call it a netepe.

ElsoU 1 W».

(2) An instmment used by turners

for making mouldings.

SwEEPLESS, t. An ignoramus.


Sweeps, «. The arms of a milL


SwEER, (1) «. The neck. See Smre.

(2) adj. Sure.

(3) adj. Unwilling. Northumb.

Sweet, adj. Perfumed.

SwEET-AND-TWENTT| t. A term of


In delay there lies no plenty,

Then come kias me, tweet and twentv.


SwBBT.BAO, #. A silk bag filled

with spices, &c., as a cosmetic.

Take of cubebs half a dram, clores one

scrapie, gith burnt one ounce and a

half, mace two scruples, pouder them

and put them into silk.

Comttiekt, 1660.

Ftrfnmar. All sorts of essences, per-

ftemes, polrilio'a, noeet-bags, perfnm'd

boxes for your hoods and gloves, all sorts

of sweets for your linnen, Portugal

sweets to burn in your chamber. What

d'yehu:k? What d*ye buy?

i?i»ry F«>, 1689.

SwEBT-BONBs, 9. A grislun of pork.




Sweet-fuel, «. Wood, or charcoal.

SwEETroL, adj. Full of sweets.

Sweeties, «. Sweetmeats.

Sweeting, «. (1) A kind of sweet


The sweetimg, for wbow sake the plow-

boyes oft make wane.

Lrofleit't Po/jpoOm, Mqg IS.

(2) A term of endearment.

SwEBT-uPS, t. An epicure.

SwEET-MA&T,ff. The badger. Yorki.

SwEBTNBB, «. (1) A cheat who

dropped a guinea, pretending to

find it when some one passed by,

and offering him half for being

present at the dtscovery, treated

him at a public house, and robbed


Guinea dropping or tveetmtif n n. paal.

try little cheat that waa reeonmended

to the world about thirt>- years ago by

a memorable gentleosan il»t kac since

had the misfortune to be taken off, I

mean hang'd, for a miademeaaoor aposi

the highway.

CousUiy GmlUmMH*$ Fad* MtasmL, 169f .

(2) One who bids at a sale merelT

to raise the price.

S WESTS, 8. The plant sweet-dcdj,

aeandix odorata. North.

SwBBT.SEO,t. The aeomtedBaiBt.


SwEBT-woRT, t. The deoodioB

from malt before that of the

hops is extracted. South.

SwEBTT, adj. Beautiful. Zoie.

SwREVBL-ETED, ot^. Cfoss-ejed.


SwEF, a. {J.'N.) A cry to check


SwEFNB, «. (itf.-&) A dream. See


SwEO, 1 «. To incline; to

swBiOH, J swing.

SwEGH, 9. (A.'SJ) A Tiolent no-


SwEiGHT, a. A quantitf. North.

SwELDEBSOMB, odj. Sultry. Eatt.

SwEX^B, (1) «. A iomour.





(2) V, To wash.

SWBLEWB, \ 9. {A,'S,) To IWll-


SwELK, J. The noise caused by the

revoWing of a barrel churn at the

time of the batter separating from

the milk. Etut.

SwsLKKR, 1 V. To wave about,

swiLXBR, J like water carried in

an open vessel. Leic.

SwELKiKO, adj. Sultry. Var, d.

Swell, v. To swallow. Somert,

SwELLE, adj, {A.jS.) Eager ; cou-


SwBL8H,«. AqnelchfOrfall. Wett,

SwELT, V, To soften or boil rice

before baking in a pudding.


SwELTB, 9, (1) (^.-S.) To faint ;

to die.

(2) To broil with heat. North.

SwrBLTEBBD, adj. Very hot ; in a

perspiration. Var.d,

SwBLTH, t. Mud and filth. .

SwELTRY, adj. Very sultry.

SwEME, 8. (1) (J.'S.) Sorrow.

(2) (rfif.-&} Giddiness; swimming.

SwENSiB, t. The quinsey.

SwrEPAGE, 9. The rough grass in a

meadow which cattle will not eat,

and which hat to be mown or

swept off.

SvEPB, t. (1) A whip.

(2) A baker's malkin. Pr. P.

(3) A crop of hay.

SwrBPB&LYE, adv. (A.^S.) Speedily.

SwBPiNG, 9. A whip ; a scourge.

SwTEBD, «. {J.'S.) A sword.

SwERB, adj. Heavy ; dull. Durh.

SwERLB,9. To twist about. North,

SvTERNBB, «. Sourness ; sadness.

SwETE-HOLLE, t. A pore in the


SwBTELICHB,lldl?.(i^.-5'.) SwCCtly.

SwBVBN, a. (J.'S.) (1) A dream.

(2) Sleep.

SwBviL, 9. The swingel of a flail.

SwET, 9. To weigh upon. Yoris,

SwBTB, V. (J.'S.) (1) To sound.

(2) To descend.

SwETN, a. Noise.

SwicB, 8. A lamprey.

SwiCHB, adj, {A.'S.) Such.

SwicHBN, 8, The plant groundsel.

SwiDDEN, V. To singe, or bum.


SwiDDBB, V. To hesitate. York*.

SwiDGE, (1) ». To ache. North.

(2) 8. A puddle of water. East.

Swift, (1) ». A newt.

(2) 8. A wooden frame for wind-

ing yarn, &c. North.

(3) 8. A stupid fellow. Oxfd.

(4) adj. Fast consuming, as awift

coal. Leic.

SviFTBR, a. Part of the tackling

that fastens a load of wood to

the waggon. South.

Swig, (1) 8. An old name of a

game at cards. Florio.

(2) V. To leak out. S^[|^.

(3) 8. Toast and ale. Northampt.

(4)9. To drink.

SwiooLB, p. (1) To drink greedily.


(2) To shake liquor in an inclosed

vessel. Norf.

SwiGMAN, 8. An old cant term for

a class of vagabonds.

SvriEB, (1) 9. (i^..S.) To deceive;

to betray.

(2) adj. Deceitful ; treacherous.

(3) V. {A.'S.) To ceaae.

(4) 8. A cave ; a den.

SwiBEDOMB, 9. (A.-S.) Treachcry.

SwiEBLB, a^. Deceitful ; bad.

SwiLB, (1) V. {A.'S.) To wash;

to swill.

(2) a. Hog's-wash.

SvnLBB, a^. Such.

SwiLKEB, V. To splash about; to

make a splashing noise. North.

Swill, a. (1) Hog's-wash.

(2) A washing tub with three


(3) The bladder of a fish.

(4) A round wicker basket, with

open top, to carry fish.

(5) A shade. South.

SwiLL-BowLi a. A drunkard.





SwiLLBR, t. One who washed the


SwiLLBT, 9. Growing turf set on

fire for manuring the land. Dev,

SwiLLiNO-LAND, J. A plough-Und.

A Kentish word, mentioned in a

letter dated Sept. 13th, 1723,

MS. Soc. Antiq., 202.

SviLLiNOs, «. Hog's-wash.

SwiLL-PLouoH, «. The youngest

child. Cotgr.

Swill-tub, s, A drunkard.

S wiLTER, «. To waste away. fFe$i,

Swim, v. To become giddy.


Tint on the wal was peynted a forette.

In which ther dweUed neyther mnn ne


With kiiotty knarry bareyn trees olde

Of stabbes icharpe and hidoos to byholde ;

In which ther nm a noyminl in a avouf h,

Ai it were a itorrae icbald berst every

Ckametr'* Cani. T^ 1961.

SwiMB, t. (1) (A.'S.) A swoon.

latiHe his logge he hrede that tyne.

And to the erthe he felle in twynu.

(2) A swimming or giddiness in

the head. Warvf,

SwiMBB, «. A hard blow. Devon,

SwiMMBB, t. A counterfeit old


SwiMT, adj. Giddy in the head.


SwiN, V. To cut aslant. North,

SwiNANCiE, t. .The quinsey.

SwiNCHB, «. (A.'S,) Labour.

SwiNOLB, t. A spindle. North.

SwiNE-BACKBo, odj. A term in


Foorthlye in eooliage or sheeringe,

whether highe or towe, whether tome-

what swym* backed (I must uae shooters

woordea) or sadle backed

Jtehamft Tnoplaha, 1&71, f. 47.

SwiNB-CABSE, «. Knotgrass. Gtr,


swiNE-CBUB, L Api«.8tye,

8WINB.EBNB, [ ^^ "^^


SwiNB-oRBUN, t. A pig's snoot.


SwiNB-PBKNiBB, s. A name given

by the country people at Little-

borough to old coins found in

the neighbourhood, because fre-

quently rooted np bT swine.

Stukeley'8 Itm. Cur., 1776.

SwiNB-piPB, «. The redwing.

SwiNB-8AMB,«.Hog's-lard. North.

Swinb's-fbathbe, 1 «. A sort

swetne's-featheb, / of small

spear, like a bayonet, affixed to

the top of the musket-rest.

SWINB*S-6BA88,«. KnotgTBSS. Gtr.


SwiNFOL, tt(jF. Sorrowful. Sigf.

Swing,' (1) «. Sway; power.

(2) 8. Scope ; room.

(3) 9. To shake; to mix.

SwiNo-DBTiLyt. The swift AVf A

SwiNGB, (1) V. To beat.

(2) V. To cut brambles. Sec,

from hedges. TVisser.

(3) 9, A leash for hounds. EoMt.

(4) «. To singe. For. d.

SwiNOB-BUCKLEB, «. A disfaing


SwiNGBL, (1) «. Part of B flaiL

(2) «. To cut weeds down. Eat.

SwiNGEN, adj. Bouncing.

SwiNOBB, «. (1) Anything large.

(2) A falsehood.

SWINGINO-STICK, t. A sti^ for

beating flax. Sec. Lane.

Swingle, (1) «. A swing. ITcsl.

(2) V. To knock flax or hemp, is

order to separate the outer cost-

ing from the fibre. Line.

Swingle-hand, i t.Awoodeoin-

awiNOLB-sTOCK, V stmment used

SWINGLE-HEAD, J foT dcaring of

hemp and flax from the large

broken stalks.

Swingle-tree, a. The bar that

swings at the heels of the horse

when drawing a faanrow.

SwiNKK. (1) V. (A.^S.) To labour.

(2) 9. Labour.

SwiXKY, a^. Flexible. Deo.

SwiNNBY, 9, Small beer. Newe.

SwiNMYiNO, t. Dizainesa. North*

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Swipe, (1) v. To drink off hastily.


(2) 8. A pomp-baodle. Ntnrf,

(3)*. A blow. Leie,

SwipBS» 8. Weak beer. Var. d.

SwippB,©. (i^.-5,) To move rapidly.

SwippER,a4f. Nimble. iVor/A.

SwippLB, t; The awixigle of a flaiL

Swippo, a4f, Sapple. Che8h.

SwiR, tr. To whirl about. Deton,

Swim, t. (1) (^..&) The neck.

The iwyen myn-bane

He iwappesin sondyre.

Morif Arthur.

(2) A hollow near the top of a


SwiRK, 9. A jerk. Suff,

SwiBL, (1) «. A whirliog motion.


(2) 9. To whirl with the wind.


SwiRT, 9. To squirt North.

SwiBTLB, V, To move about bois-

terously. Var. d.

SwisE, adv. {J.'&) Very. (For


Swish, (1) «. To dash. West.

(2) adv. Very quickly.

SWISH*8WA8H, 8. Slop.

Swish-tail, 8. A pheasant killed

before the Ist of October.

Switch, v. (1) To trim a hedge.


(2) To walk nimbly. North,

(3) To cheat. Line.

Switcher, s. (1) A small switch.


(2J A master who does not show

any fayours to his men beyond

paying their wages. Northan^t,

Switching, t.

raMt O MiitillTMl I viU ihew thee

Thousand placet since I saw thee,

In tlie bakehonse I had switeking.

In tbe tap-house, oook-thop, kitchfn ;

Tliis way. that way, each way shrank I,

IdtUe eat I, little dxank I.

Dnmkm Bamahy,

SwzT£, V. To eat. Wnt*

SwiTHB, adv. (1) (^.-5.) Imme-

diately ; quickly.

(2) (^.-5.) Very; extremely.

SwiTBBN, af^'. Scorched.

Moreover, in the rcry heate of the day,

1 will enuse her to gather stuhble, and

•0 1 will make her as twithen and blacke

as a coale. Terence in EngUth, 1641.

SwiTHBR, (1) 1^. To scorch. North.

(2) V. To blaze. Lwm.

(3) 8. Perspiration. Wore.

(4) V. To cast down. North.

(5) V. To fear.

(6) t. A fright. North.

(7) ». A quantity. Warw.

(8^t. A fainting fit. Northan^t,

(9) V. To sweal away. Xiac.

SwiTTBRKD, part, p. Flooded.


SwiTTLB, V. To hack. WiUt,

SwiVB, V. (1) Futuere.

A I seyde the pye, Vf Godve wylle.

How thou art nfjfud y scnalle telle.

S€9ifn Sages, 186^

(2) To cut wheat or beans with

a broad hook. Shrcpth.

SwiTEL, V. To go off obliquely.


SwiVBL-KTKo, adj. Squint-eyed.


SwiTBLLED, part. p. Shriyelled.


SwiYBLLT, adj. Giddy. Wipht.

SwivER, V. To qaiver. North'


SwiYET, 8, (A.'S.) A deep sleep.

SwizzEN, V. To singe. North.

SwizzLBy (1) V. To drink, or


(2) 8. Ale and beer mixed. JFiffhf,

Swob, v. (1) To run over, as

liquid from a vessel overfilled.


(2) To vibrate in the wind.


SwoBBBRs. See Swahhero,

SwoBBLE, V. To swagger.

SwoB-vuLL, adj. Brimful. East..

SwoD, 8. A bushel basket for

measuring fish. Suuex.

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SwoDOLK, 9. Futuere.

SwoGHEN, V. To swoon.

SwoKEL, adj. Deceitful.

SwoLB, V, To chain a cow in the

stall. Lane.

SwoLK, V. To be angry. Suuex.

SwoLL, V. To drench with water.


SwoNGB, pret. t. Beat.

SwoNOBNE, jMir/. p. Beaten.

SwoxKB, prei. i. Laboured.

Swoop, j. The stroke of a scythe.

Swoop-STAKBS, t. Sweepstakes.

SwooTE, adj. (A.'S.) Sweat.

SwooTH, 9. A fright. Leie.

Swop, (1) ». To swoop, or poance

upon. Narthampi,

(2) See Hwap.

SwopB, pret. t. Struck ; swept.

SwoppLB, 9. The swingle of a fiaiL

Swo&D, s. An npright bar with

holes for a pin, by which a dung-

put is set to any pitch.

SwoRDBR, 9. A game cock that

wounds its antagonist much.

SwoBD-sLiPER, \«. A maker of

swoRD-sLEXPBft, J swords.

SwoRE, 9. (A.'S.) An oath.

SwoRBD,«. {A.^S.) The neck.

Nicolas he smot in the sworedf

That he laide his hed in wed.

Kyng Jluatmder, 976.

SwoRLB, V. To snarl. Sti99.

SwosH, «. A sash. Suf.

Swot, v. To throw. Warw.

SwoTK,f. Sweat.

SwoTFLiNo,') lujf. Greasy from

8W0TTY, J perspiration. Ea9i.

SwouGHB, 1 «. (1) (A.'S.) Sound;

8WOGHB, J noise.

(2) (A.'S.) Swoon ; swoonmg.

(3) A sough, or bog.

(4) Quiet.

SwooND, V. To swoon.

SwowB, (1) 9. A noise. See


(2) V. To make a noise.

(3) V. (A.'S.) To swoon.

SwueoLB, V. To shake liquids.


SwuKBN, part. p. Deceived. See


SwuLLOCK, «. To broil with he&L


SwvKvr, pret. t. Whirled. Camh.

SwT, t. The plant glasswort.

Syk, pret. t. (A.'S!) Saw.

Syles, 9. The principal raflen of

a building. North,

Stllabb, 9. A syllable.

Sympathy-powdbr, 9.

I have tywpatiy-ptmdfr ahoat Bfi, if

you will give me your handlLerdMr

while the blood is wann, will eiue it


SedUy'rU MulbaTf Gtrdtm, 16A

Stnob, v. To sin.

Sypibs, t. Cloth of Cypmt.

Ta, (1) ». To take.

(2) It. Ta dew, it does. &s#.

Taa. (1) The one.

(2) 9. A toe. North.

Taal, V. To settle; to be reoon-

ciled to a situation. Oowik

Taant, ttdj. Disproportionately

taU. Kent.

Ta as, t. Wood split thin for making

baskets. Cumb.

Tab, 9. (1) The latchet of m shoe.

r2) The end of a lace. East.

(3) Children's hanging sleeves.


Tabard, 9. (A.-N.) A coat, or lest,

without sleeves, close before and

behind, and open at the sides.

In more recent times the name

has been restricted to a herald's


T ABBBR, V. To strike or tap qui^y,

as upon a tabour.

Tabby, 1 ». (/V.) A strong silk

TABIKB, J Stuif.

Taberiko, atig. Restless in Olneik


Tabbrk, t. (1) A tavern.

(2) A cellar. North.





(3) A penon who played the


Table, (1) «. A picture.

(2) 8, A tablcbook ; a record.

(3) V. To board ; to live at ano-

ther's table.

(4) V. To give entertainment.

(5) V. To receive the com-


Table-board, t. A table. Comw.

Table-boi>k, 8. A book with leaves

of wood, slate, or vellum, for re-

cording memoranda.

To prayte and dfipnyM one penon

upon cverj Bletglit occfttion is like writ-

inf and rnbbing ont in a tabU-booke.

Dome's Polgdoron. 16S1.

Tea, iir, and would hare prick'd aneh

an iniprrsftion of mine beaidea in her

table-book; heaven bless the gentle,

woman, she's a fair one.

ffowurd, Man qfNeumarket, 1678.

TABLE-DoiufAUKT. Scc Dormant,

Table-men, «. The pieces used

in playing at tables, or back-


Tablbr, 9. A penon who boards

others for hire.

Tablbre, 8. The game of tables.

Tables, 8. (1) The game of back-


(2) A table-book.

And therefore will he wipe his taibUi


And keep no tell-tale to his memory.

Tabn, «. A bit of bread and butter.


Tabourb, v. (J.-N.) To play on

the tabour.

Tabouret, t. (1) (Fr.) A low


(2) A pin-case.

Tabourine, t. {Fr.) A sort of


Tabrkt, 9. A little tabour.

Taces, 1 *. The skirts or coyer-

TACHC8. J ings to the pockets.

Tachb, (1) t {A,.N.) A clasp.

(2) V. To clasp; to tie.

(3) «. (Fr*) A spot, or blemish.

(4) ». (J,.N.) A quaKty, or dis-

position ; an enterprise,

(5) 17. To take a thief.

(6) 9. Arest used in drilling holes.


Tachie, adj. Corrupt.

With no lesse fnrie in a thronjr.

Away these taekie hnmnrs flung.

Wit Restored, 1658.

Tachino-end, "I*. The waxeii

tachbr's-end, i thread, with a

bristle at the end, used by shoe*

makers. North,

Xack, (l)t;. To attack.

(2) 8, A slight blow.

(3) «. To fasten to anything.

(4) V, To slap. We9t,

(5) «. A smack, or flavour.

(6) 9. A nasty taste. Stmex,

(7) 9, A trick at cards, Suff,

(8) 9, A sort of shelf.

(9) 9. A scythe handle. Ba9t,

(10) f. A lease ; a bargain. North,

(11) 9. To hire pasturage for

cattle. Heref,

(12) 9. Substance, said of the food

of cattle. A tough piece of meal

for human food is said to have

plenty of taek in it. Norf,

(13) a. Confidence. Che9h,

(14) t. A hook, or clasp.

(15) a. Timber at the bottom of

a river.

(16) 9, Bad ale. North.

(17) 9, A path, or cameway.


Tacker, 9, (1) A great falsehood.


(2) One who dresses cloth.

(3) Waxed thread used by shoe-

makers. Somer9.

Tackeb, «. To repair apparel.


Tackbt, 9, (1) A tack, or small

nail. North,

(2) Mentula. North,

Tackle, (1) t. Food; implements

of any kind.

(2) 9, A horse's harness. Var. d,

(3) 9. To Rttack.

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Tacklino, 9. Tackle; implements.

Tad, s. Eicrement. East,

Tadaoo-pib, 9, A pie made of

aJbortiTe pigs. Comw.

Tadde, f. A toad.

Taddlb.cockSi 9. The small cocks

into which hay is put by the

haymakers, before leaving their

day*8 labour, to protect it from

wet. Northampt

Tadb, v. To take. Shrop9h,

Tadous, adj. PeeYish ; fretful.

Taffaty, 9. Talfeta, a sort of thin


Hli hose and doublet smoother UiaD

a dye;

For, tliey plaine satten are, or Urfniie.

Jktpus, Scourgg offoUy, 1611.

Taffaty-tabts, t. Little pasties.

The paste was rolled thin, and ap-

ples placed in layers, strewed with

sugar, fenuel seeds, with lemon

peel cut small ; then iced in the

baking. Holme, 1688.

Taffkty, adj. Dainty ; nice. Wat.

Taffle, 9. To idle; to loiter.


Tawflhd, pari. p. Entangled. D9r9.

Taffy, «. Treacle thickened by


Tag, (1) 9. The rabble. Shaketp.

(2) s. A sheep of a year old.


(3) V. To cat off the dirty locks

round the tail of a sheep. South.

(4) 0. To comprehend.

h)v* To follow closely. Ea9t,

(6) 9. One who assists another

at work in a secondary character.


Tagoelt, 9, A loose character.


Taoille, v. To entangle.

Tag-lock, «. An entangled lock.

TAG-BAG,'t. A ragged beggar.

Taostbb, «. A virago; a vixen. D«r.

Tag-tail, #. A kind of worm.

Tahmy, adj. Stringy, untwisted,

as tow. Cumh,

tJLaT,part,p, (1) Given.

(2) Tangbt.

Taiglb, V. To linger about. Abrii*

Tail, (1) s. Slaagbter.

(2) «. To exchange animals, an

even number on each side.

(3) To keep the tail m the water,

to thrive. To flea the tail^ lo

get near the end of work.

Tail-band, s. A crupper. AVr/A.

Tail-cork, 1 9. The inferior

tail-ends, > portion of a dress-


fit for market.

Tailb, (1) 9. (A.'N,) To diTTe.

(2) V. (J,-N.) To cut to pieces.

(3) 9, (^.-AT.) A tally.

Taillagb, 9. (A.'N.) A tax. TaU-

lager, a tax-gatherer.

Tailobs-mbnsb, 9. A small portion

left by way of good mamicn.


Tailor's-tabd-band, 9. The three

stars in the belt of Orion. North.


Tailoubs, 9. A name of a dish in

ancient cookery.

Tail-piping, 9. Tying a tin can to

the tail of a dog.

Tail-shot, 9. Crepitus yentris.

Tail-shotbn, Is. a disease in the

TAiL-soKB, J tail of cattle.

Tail-top, 9. The swingle of a flail.

Tainct, 9. A kind of red spider.

Taint, (1) 9. A disease in hawks.

(2) o. A term at tilting, toinjare

a lance without breaking it. See


(3) J. A large protobennoe at

the top of a pollard tree.

(4) 9. A slattern. Eaat.

Tainteb, 9. A splint ; a tenter.

Taisb, v. (A.'N.) To aim.

And in his hond an arfahst hrHwi.

And therinne a qiurel tmuamd.

SetymSaget, 19:^

Taisbbs, 9. Taces» or armour for

the thighs.

Taistbil, «. ArascaL North,

Tait, (i; #. The top of a hiO.


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(2) 9. To play st see-stw. Dorg,

(3) 8. A lock of wool. North.

Tak«, (1) V, {A.-S.) To give; to

deliver to.

(2)' V, To bewitch. ** Taken, as

ehyldernes lymmes be by the

fayries,/«^." Pal$gr.

(3) 8, A naaae for the aciatica.


(4) ff. A sudden illness. Dcnei,

(5)©. To stack?

Mote but the toyling plow-nan, he is


He'i hedging, ditching, taking, reaping,


Goes to l^ UUe, and riies before day,

Ind all to have my company. hee'U aar.

TayUn'9 Woriu. 1630.

(6) 0. To contain.

(7) f. A leue. North,

(8) e. To leap. Shaiegp.

(9) V. To comprehend.

(10) To take one' 8 ea8e in one*8

inn, to enjoy oneself, as if at


The bemr Iras that haunted the

pakce of Penelope, would take ki$ ease

tn kU inue, mm well aa the peers of

Ithaca. Gre*tu*i Farew. to FoUjf.

To take out, to copy.

To lakt out other works, in a new samnler.

MiidUUm*» Wonun hew. Worn.

To take tent, to attend, to take

notice or care. To take t^, to

reprove. To take up a horee, to

make him gambol. To take along

with you, to make one under-

stand yon. To take one* 8 teeth

to anything, to set about it

heartily. To take after, to re-

semble. To take on, to simn^

late. 7*0 take up for any one, to

give surety. To take on, to asso-

ciate with. To take ojf, to imi-

tate. A take'Oway, an appe-

tite. To take up, to clear up,

said of the weather. To take

heart, to take courage. To take

a horee with the epure, to spur

him onwards. To take a man*8

wayt, to follow his example. To

UUta i0a/«r,to go rowing or saU-

ing on the water. To take-on, to

be affected with great sorrow.

Takb-all, 8. An old game at dice.

Takbl, «. (A.'S.) An arrow.

Taken, (1) pret. t. Took. We$t.

(2) Taken work, a piece of hus-

bandry work, not done by the

day. Eaet.

Takbnk, V, To declare ; to show.

Takbb, 8. A purveyor.

Taking, ( 1 ) adj. Pleasing ; capti-


(2) adj. Infections.

(3)«. Asore; anattackofiUnesa.


(4) 8. A dilemma.

Talbot, «. A large hunting dog.

Talbotats, 8. A sauce for hares

and rabbits. There is a receipt

for "conynges in turbature,"

in Warner, p. 78, which is per-

haps only a corruption of the

same word.

Haris in ialhotaps, schnl be hewe in

S»bbetbrs, and sodyn with al the blod.

yme ored, piper, and ale. and grynd

togedere, and temper it with theaelve

broth, and boyle it, and salt it, and

serve it forth. Ifamer, Jnt. Cul., p. 88.

Talbot, t. A sort of jug for drink.


B. Wliere shall we meet at nicht ? M, At

Lambs, with fldles and a taUtoy.

Durfey, Madam FickU, 1681

Tale, (1) 9. To tell tales $ to re-


(2) t. {A.'S,) Number; an ac-

count, or reckoning. To give

no tale, to make no account of.

(3) V, To become settled in a

place. North.

(4) To tell a tale, to turn any

mntter to one's pro6t or advan-


Talb-fisb, 8, In counting white

herrings at Yarmouth, two tale'

fieh are thrown aside after each

score, so that a hundred white

herrings consists of a hundred

and thirty-two, t. e., six scoze and

twelve taU-fleh.





Talekob, t. A longing.

Talbnt, 8. (1) {A.~N.) Dcaire;


(2) A lock of hair.

(3) A talon.

Talenter, «. A hawk.

Tale-pie, #. A tell-tale. North.

Tale WORT, $. Wild borage. Ger,

Talghe, «. Tallow.

Talishe, a^;. Fabulous. PaUgr.,


Tall, adj. (1) Valiant; bold; fine.

I am the heaitiett knare of all,

(Stoat-hearted knaves an counted teZQ

To take a purse, or make a fray.

Tit we that swa^rgcr it awav.

Rowland's Kna»* (^Uarti^ 1613.

(2) Obsequious.

Tallet, ». A hayloft. Wett, Any

upper room with a lath window

instead of glau. £4111/.

Tallichb, adv. Boldly.

Tall-men, «. Dice so loaded as to

come up with high numbers.

Tallow-catch. See KeecK

Tall- WOOD, ». (iPr. iailU,) Wood

cut for billets.

Tally, (1) t>. To reckon.

(2) $. In counting any articles

which are sold by the hundred,

one is thrown out after each

hundred; it is called the taUy,

(3) 9. A term in playing ball,

when the number of aces on both

sides is equal. North,

(4) 8. A company of voters at an

election. Somertet,

C5) adv. Stoutly ; boldly.

(6) adv. Decently ; elegantly.


I have a world of bnainesi to do this

afternoon; I must not Tuil tattying in

the evening, at my lady Datdiesset,

ahe'U never for^ve me if I do.

Boyle, M youfnd it, 1703.

(8) t. A sort of small ship.

Talmb, v. To lose the power of


Rttr fadnr nere-liande can ialiM,

Soche a B«'enie hys harte can swalme.

Le Boiu FUtraict ofJtowu, 769.

Talshidb, t. Wood cut for bOlcCs.

" One ponnd of white Hg^hta, tea

taUhideg, eight faggotta." Ord.

and Reg., p. 162.

Talt. part. p. Told ; counted.

There was UU many imnrkMUi

Of riche aendel and sirUtooii.

Xfiy Ati»tmnder, I3S4.

Talvacb,! t. A sort of shield,

TALVAS, J bent on each tide, aid

rising in the middle.

Tamara, «. A compound of spicea.

Tame, v. (1) To broach liquor.

(2) To cut, or diTide. Wett,

Tame-ooose, 9. A foolish fellow.

Tamer, «. A team of horses. Sarf.

Tamin b, f . A sort of woollen doth.

Tamlin, 9. A miner's tooL Cormt.

Tammy, (1) j. A sort of stuff.

(2) adj. Glutinous. Cwmh.

Tampik, 9. A long pellet.

Tampino-iron, t. A tool used far

beating down the earthy snb-

stance in the charge used for

blasting. Comw.

Tan, (1) V. {A.-S.) To entice.

{2) part, p. Taken.

(3) «. A twig, or small twiteih.


(4) V. To dan.

(5) V. To beat. Var. d.

Tanacles, 9. Pincers oaed lior


Tanbabb, 1 V. To beat ; to atnif -

TANBASTB, J gle. Deo.

Tancel, v. To beat. Derh.

TANCBBTE,t.(if.-Ar.) Atruiseiipl.

Tan-day, t. The second day of s

fair ; a day after b fair ; b lair ior

fun. JFe9t,

Tanb. (1) «. The one.

{2) part. p. Taken.

TAN-FLAWiNO,parf. «. The taking

the bark off the oak tree. Acsaexl

Tanq, (l)s. The tongue of a bo^le,

&c. Ba9t.

(2) 9. A sting. North.

Thy flames, O Cupid, (tkofa(h ihm jajf^i


Feels neither Umg of grief, nor fiean &*


Of JMiooB dottbto.) QnmW J

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(3) •. The part of a knife or fork

which passes into the haft. West

(4)f. The prone of a fork. North,

(5) V. To tie. Someraet

(6) J. A bad taste, or flavour.

(7)9. To sound, as a bell. Var,d,

(8) 8, Sea.weed. North.

Tanging-nadder, t. The large


Tanglb, (1) «. To entangle. Paltgr.

(2) #. Sea-weed. North,

Tanglesome, adj. Discontented ;


Tangling, aJf. Slovenly. North,

Tangs, s. You are in pretty tangt,

L e., in a pretty pickle. Noff.

Tank, (1) ». Wild parsnip. Oer.

(2) V, To knock hard. Leie.

(3) s, A blow.

(4) t. A hat round at the top,

bat ascending like a sugar-lot^.

Holme, 1688.

(5) «. An idle amusement. West.

Tankard-bbarbr, 8. One who

fetched water from conduits for

the use of the citizens.

Tamkard-turnip, «. The long-

rooted turnip.

Tankbrous, adj. Fretful. East,

Tanniun, j. a Dutch woman.

TAi«a, «. Pricklebacks. Sujff^.

Tanst, \s, a dish common in

TANZT, J the seventeenth century.

How to make a very good /aiui«. Take

15 eggs, and 6 of the whites ; beat them

▼ery veil •, then put in aorae sugar, and

a litle sack ; beat them again, and put

about a pint or a little more of cream ;

then beat them again ; then put in the

juice of apinage or of primrose leaves to

make it green . Then put in some more

snicar, if it be not sweet enough ; then

beat it anin a little, and so let it sUnd

till yoQ frj it, when the first course is

in. Then tij it with a little sweet

butter. It must be stirred and fryed very

tender. When it is fryed enough, then

put it in a dish, and strew some sugar

upon it. and serve it in.

ji Tnu OentUwomoH't Delight, 1676.

Tamtablbt, t. A sort of tart, in

which the fmit is not covered

with a cnutybut fancifully tricked

out with slender shreds of pastry.


Tantablin, s, a sort of tart.

Taylor, 1630.

Tantadlik, 8. (I) An apple-

dumpling. Heref,

(2) A cow-plat, or human ordure.

Tantara, s. a confused noise.

Tantarabobs, 8, The devil. Vev.

Tantarrow, 8, A pic made of

meat and apples. Northampt.

Tantbr, 9, To quarrel. North.

Tantickle, 8, The prickleback.


Tantivy, s. (1) A violent gallop.

(2) A term for an ecclesiastic

frequently moving from one living

or see to another.

Tantlb, 9. (1) To trifle ; to walk

about gently ; to attend. North,

(2) To feed with care ; to pet.

TantlinOi 8, One who reckons on

a pleasure he cannot obtain.

Tantont-pto. See Anthony-pig.

Tantrel, f. An idle person. North,

Tantrums, t. Affected airs; fits of


Tap, {\)s. The spigot of a barrel.

(2) 9, To open a tree round about

the root.

(3) 9, To change money. North.

(4) 9, To sole shoes. West,

(5) 9. To make a noise like that

of a rabbit at rutting time.

Tap ART, ad9. Of the one part.

Tape, s, A mole. South.

Taper, s. A tapster. 16M cent.

Taper-bit, s, A joiner's tool, for

the making of a small hole wider.

Tapbrib, 8. Tapers.

Tapbt, If. A hanging cloth of

TAPiTE, >any kind, as tapestry,

tappet, J the cloth for a sumpter-

horse, &c

Tap-house, 8, A tavern.

Tapille, 8, A taper. Lydg,

Tapinaob, 8, {A,'N,) Secret skulk-


Tapised, \part,p, {A.-N,) Hid-

TAPiSHED, J den.

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Tapisbk, 1 1. (i^.^iV.) Amakerof

TAPicBR, J Upestry.

Tap- LASH, \«. Dregs of liquor;

TAP-LAP, J bad beer.

His garments stnnke most sweetly of lus


IWd vith the lap4a»k of strong ale and


Wliich from his sUv'riDK chnps doth oft

decline. TkyUti'9 Worke$, 1630.

Taplky, adv. Early in the rooming.


Tapliko, «. The strong doable

leather made fast to the end of

each piece of a flaiL

Tap-ooze, "I #. The wicker

TAP- WHISK, J strainer placed over

the mouth df the tap in a mash-

vat when brewing. NorihampL

Tapper, ». An innkeeper. North.

Tappis, v. {A.'N.) To lie close to

the ground, said of game. EatL

Tappt, 17. To hide, or skulk.

Tappy-lappt, adv. As hard as

you can go. Var. d.

Taps, 9. The round pipes or cells

made in a beehive for the qneen-


Tap-shacklbd, part. p. Intoxi-


Tapste&b, t. A woman who kept

a tavern, or who had charge of

the tap.

Tapvll, 9. A part of ancient ar-

mour, conjectured to be the pro-

jecting edge of the cuirass.

Tap-wa&b, 9. Straw or basket,

work put vrithin the tap-hole in

a straining vessel.

Taraob, 1«. Character; fli-


In ercrjr part the Umge is the same,

Liche ms fader of manerii

manerit and of

US, Digbf, S32 (Ibtk cmL)

Fnite and apples take their terra^^

Where they first grem*— of the same tre.

IjfdgtUe's Boeku.

Tab-barbl, a. A combustible mis-

sile used in warfare.

Tarblb, a4f. Tolerable. We9i.

Tabbox, t. (I) Appears from

Jordan's Triumphs of Undoa,

1678, to be a jocular tern for a

sliepherd. From the tar-bos they

carried for the purpose of aDoiat-

ing sores in sheep.

(2) A term of coatempt.

Tarolb,^. To entangle. Don.

Tardrt, adf. Bawdy; indeoeBt.


Tasik, adj. Brisk ; eager. Btrrf,

Tarefitch, t. The wild vetch.


Targb, (1) a. (if-M) Aakidd.

(2) V. {A.^N.) To dday.

(3) a. Delay.

Target-men, t. Men armed will


Scntati . . .. Araes de boudiesm. The

abiddbearers, or targtlmem. K9m€K^

Tar-g&asb, t. >^ild vetcb. SlaJ.

Taeib, v. To provoke ; to beinj.

Tarier, a. A terrier. Foliyr.

Tarkt, adj. Dark.

Tarlbther, 9. A term of eontempt

Tab-marl, t. String sntoratcd ia

tar. jLoic.

TAnMiNGER, a. A comaption of


Tauctt, a. A turnip. Bmat.

Takn. (1) a. A lake. North.

(2) m^. Twttoti iU-matBred.


Tarnb, (I) a. A wendi.

{2)pret. t. Tore.

Tarnel, a^. Much; equal. Suaik.

Tarocks,?. Asortofplaying-<vi&

See TWretfrtof-TWini^Aa.

Tarots, a. Cards with printed or

dotted backs. ''Will yvm pliy

at ubles, at dyce, at taaroU. aad

chesse?" French A^kmUtJ

Tarb, 9. To vex.

TARRA-DiDDLEDf^rr/. t. fmposed

upon ; bewildered. VTatL

Tarkant, 9. A crabbed fdbv.


Tarrassb, 9. A terrace.

Tarrb. To tarre m, to set on.

applied espednlly to aettang on s


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And, liVe a dog that is comiwira to fight,

Suatcb at hia matter that doth tarre him cm.

Shaketp., K. John, It, 1.

TAKHK-r, V. To tarry. Notth,

Tabuance, 9, Delay ; abode.

niere*! no del^ at all or tttrriance.

Termce in Sngluh, 1641.

Tar-ropb, *. Rope-yarn. Norf.

Tarse, «. (J.-S. teors,) Meutula.

Tarsel. See Tereei.

Tarst, <uf0. First.

^^flih^ I*. Tartarus, or hell.


Tartar, «. A person. North.

Tartarbt,«. The passenger-hawk.

Tartarian, «. A thief.

Tartarin, 9. A sort of silk.

Ta&teb, 9. A dish in ancient


Tariee. Take pork jsode, bewe it and

bray it) do thereto ayren, ralBoos,

sugar, and powdor of gynger, powdor-

douce, and smalle briddea there among,

and white grece. Take pruoea, safron,

and nit, and make a crnst in a trape,

and do the fart thereinne; and bake it

wel, and serve it forth.


Tabt-stuff, 9, A confection of


To a dozen pound of pronee take half a

dozen of Maligo raisins, wash and pick

them clean, and put them into a pot of

water i set them over the fire Ull aU these

are like pnlp, and stir them often lest

they ham to; then take them off, and

let tbem be rubbed tlirongh a hair sive

hard with your hands, by little and

little, till all be throngh: then season

them to your tasto with searced gineer.

Ttm GenUewoman*9 Delight, 1676.


Tar-tbtches, 9. Tares. South,

Tarvy.i;. To struggle; to get free.


Tas, #. (^-A^) A mow of corn.


''k A SB, pres, t. Takes.

Taseb, 9. {A,'N.) A clasp, or fibula.

Tasbi^l, ». A teazel.

Tash, (^l) adj, Froward. Dunelm,

(2) V. To bespatter. North.

Task, (l;t. Atax.

Wliiclie noyed the peple, for tluii had

payed a lytelle before a gret taskg, and

the XT. pute of every manncs jraod, fcc.

Warkworih*s ChronieU,

(2) 0. To occupy fully. Shaieip*

Tasked, part, p. In full work.


Taskbr, 9. A thrasher ; a reaper.

Tasks, «. Flax on the distaff.

Task- WORK, 9. Work by the piece.

Taspe, v. To beat ; to palpitate,

Tassaker, 9. A goblet.

Tassb, (1) *. (A.^N.) A heap.

(2) V. To splash ; to dirty. North.

(3^ 9. A cup ; a dish. Vta^. d.

Tassel, «. (1) The male gos-


(2) A simpleton. North,

Tassel-bur, 9. A thistle.

Tasselbt, 9. A small tassel.

Tassbs, 9. Armour for the thighs.

Tassbt, 9. An ill-behayed woman.


Tasst, 9. (1) A simpleton. North.

(2) A mischievous child. Craven.

Tabt, pret.t. Felt.

Taste, v. (1) To smell. North.

(2) To touch ; to feel.

Taster, 9. {!) A servant who

tasted liquors before his master

drank them, to try if they were


Faith, earthly devils in humane habits,

whereof some sit on your pillows when

you sleene, wait on your tasters when

you drinlce, dresse ladies heads when

they attire them, perfume courtoours

when they trim them, and become

panders if you hire them.

Lodff^s mts Misene,UW.

(2) A small cup to taste wine.

Tastrill, 9. A cunning rogue.


Tat, (1) con;. That. Lane.

(2) V. To touch gently. Hant9.

(3) V. To entangle. North.

Tatarwagobs, 9. Rags.

And with graie clothis nat ftill dene.

But fretUdfuU ot teUarwaggrs.

Somaunt of the Hose, 7211.


Tatch, 9. {A.'N.) A buckle.





Bonde on igraphe de femmet. kUtek^

barkle, or cUtpe of nlver or pM to

fitften OHM ganneat on tbe afaoukier.

Tatchin-bnd, *. Cobblen'-cnd.


Tate, (1) v. To tilt over. Wnt.

(2) ». A small lock of hair, wool,

&C. North,

Tatel, v. To stammer.

T^^-;}.. A potato.

Tath. {1)/w«. t Taketh.

(2) ». The luxuriant grass grow-

ing about the dnng of cattle.

(3) V. To manure land by pas-

turing cattle on it.

Tatheb,o. To lay oat work. Shropt.

TATHY-OBASg, «. Coarsc grass.


Tats, «. A cant term for false dice.

Tatter, (1) v. To chatter ; to scold.

(2) adj. Peevish. Kent,

(3) 9. To make a fool of. Middx,

\A) V, To stir actively. Eatt.

Tattbrbr, 9, A female scold. Norf,

TATTEaDBMALLiON, 9, A ragged


Tattbrwallops, 9, Ragged clothes

fluttering behind. North,

Taty, adj, SuiUble. North,

Taubasb, 9, Unruly behaviour.


Tauort,». (1) Arustic necklace ; "a

kind of necklace worn by country


Of which the niadi and the blew nereides


•Tiiein tandries for their necks, when sport-

ing in the lake. Drojft^ Polyolb., song ii.

(2) Kne lace.

I came from the exchange, where I saw

a flock of English ladies buying Utudry

trim'd eloves.

Motoard, SngUik Mounnnw^ 1674.

Taught, adJ, Tight,

Tauohtb, pret. t, of take. Deli-

vered up.

Taukb, 9, The plant daueu9 asi-

Taum, (1) 9. A fishing-line. YoriA

(2) V, To faint ; to faU gently to

sleep. North.

(3) V, To vanish. Lane.

Taunt, (1) *. A certain quantity.

(2) aty. Lofty, f^^ht.

(3)9. Toteaze. £a*t.

Tauntle, v. To toss the head. £# «£.

Tave, v. (1) To kick, or fidgci

about ; to rage. For. d.

(2) To work up plaster. Omil.

Tavell, 9, " An instrument for a

sylke woman to worke with."


Tavern, 9, A cellar. YorHh,

Tavern BR, 9, The keeper of a


Taverngakg, 9, FyequeDting of


Tavort, 9, Half a bushel. Smter.

Taw, (1)9. To pull hnen or aav

woven fabric in a wrong direction

and out of shape. Leie,

(2) V. To twist, or eotaagk.


(3) 9, To tie. Somertei.

(4) 9, A whip. North.

(5) 9, A large marble.

Taw-bess. 9, A slattern. North,

Tawe, (1) 9. To Ijeat and dress

leather with alum ; a process n>cd

with white leather, instead ai


(2) V. To harden, or make tov^b.

( 3) 9. To rub into for the purpose

of softening.

(4) 9. To torment

And to holpen «7mnie!n of this mesc^ '.

firste sere boter andv^n tosidcr aiBt t\

warm let it lisrfteii to the 'nodir, » i

sotth hondle the modir and term kr

witli wyn a good whiles to aake the

modir neiach. MediaU MS^ lUh ce^*

(5) *. {A.-S.) Tow.

Tawer, *. (I) A leather-dresser.

(2) A maker of husbandry har-

ness. NorthawKpt,

(3) Aftergrass. DoroeL,

Tawl, 9, To stroke, €

smooth. W^t,

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Tawlin 63, 9, The mark from which

boys shoot in commencing a game

at marbles. South.

Taw-maker, t. The person who,

in weaving, works flowers and

other figures in the work.

Tawnt, (I) t. A bullfinch. Somen.

(2) adj. Very small. Norf.

Taws, «. A piece of tanned leather.


Tawst, adj. Said of clover or hay,

when it hangs heavily and in

tangled masses on the fork. Line.

Taxagb, «. Taxation.

Tay, V. To lake. Crav.

Taye, v. To manure land.

Taylakd, 9. A term of reproach.

Taysed, prei. L Driven ; harassed.


Tazz, 9. A rough, untidy head of

hair. Leie.

Tazzlbd, part. p. Entangled.


Tazzy, 9. A mischievous child.


T*, (1) v.{A.'S.) To go; to draw


(2) V. (A.-S.) To pull; to tug.

lZ)prep. To. Yorkth.

Tea. (1) The one. North.

(2) adv. Too ; likewise. YorJt9h.

(3) 0. To take tea. ^ar. d.

Tbacht. See Techy.

Tbapb, 9. (Lat. tada.) A torch.

TKADittadJ. Tired; peevish. North.

Tba6, s. An article of head-dress.

Ail ye that love, or who pretends,

Come listen to my sonnet ;

Blnck-ba;E^ or vizards, who have friends.

Or EDselith Uags or bonnets.


Teaglb, 9. A crane for lifting

goods. North.

Teak, 9. A whitlow. Somereet.

TsAKEas, 9. Runnings of watery

matter from a sore. Norihumb.

Teakbttlb- BROTH, 9. Bread, but-

ter, pepper, and salt, with boiling

water. Northampt,

Tea LIE, 9. A tailor. Lane,

Tbaii, (1) 9. A beast of burthen.

Baret, 1580.

(2) a^\ Empty. Yorksh.

(3) *. A litter of pigs. Kent.

(4) *. A brood of ducks. Norf,

(5) 9. An ox-chain passing from

yoke to yoke. North,

(6) 9. A taodem.

Team-bands, «. Chains attached

to a barrow.

Tbamer, {\) 9. A team of five

horses. Teamerman, a driver of

a teamer. Norf.

(2) V. To pour out copiously. Eatt.

Tbamful, adj. Brimful. North.

Tbant. It is not. Var. d.

Tbap, 9. {}) A peak. Somere.

(2) A tup, or ram. North.

Tear, v. (1) To go fast.

(2) To break, or crack. West.

(3) To smear, or spread. Leie.

(4) To tear the cat, to rant and

behave with violence.

Tearing, a(^'. Great; rough; blus-

tering. Far.d.

Tbarn, (1) 9. The sea-swallow.

(2) 9. A tarn, or mountain lake.

(3) 9. To liken. Yorkeh,

(4) They were. Lane.

Tbart, adj. Sharp ; painful. Weet.

Tear-the-moor, «. To get roar-

ingly drank.

TEARY,a4f. (1) Weak and thin, ap-

plied to plants. Doreet,

(2) Sickly. Leie.

Teaser, «. A kind of hound.

^^1^'ffj 1 flrf> Peevish; cross-

Teata. Too much. North.

Tbath, 9. The dung of sheep. Norf,

Tbathy, adj. Peevish. York9h,

Tea-tree, 9. The iyeium EurO'

p<fum. Noff.

Tbaty-wad,«. Aangar-teat.

Teaw, 0. To pull; to work hard.


Teawse, v. To pull about. Lane,

Tbchb, v. (1) (^.-5.) To teach.

(2) To give, or intruat to.

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^■«"^' 1 adj. Fretful; pecTiBh;

Tbctlt, fl4^'. Secretly; covertly.

Tbd, r. (1) To spread hay.

(2) To torn flax on the ground.

(3^ To bam wood-flres. Line,

(4} To be ordered to do a thing.


Tbddkr. See Tether. Live within

thy tedder^ liye within thy


Tbdt, adj. Tedious. North.

Tbe, ». (1) To go. See Te.

(2) To tie. North.

Tee-draw, e. A place of resort


Tee-fail, s. A method of building

in penthouse form. Korthumb.

Tbb-hbb, e. Laughter.

Tbbrolb, 9. The passi^^ through

which the bees pass in and out

of ahiye. East.

Tbbht, «. A lock of wool or flax.


Tbekb, 9. An insect ; a tick.

Bieiniu. Mouche de chien. A tteke,

or doi-Ueke. Nowtendator.

Tbbl, v. (1) To give. Dewm.

(2) To place in a leaning position

against a vrall. Wilte.

(3) To sow and harrow in seed.


(4) To set a trap. Devon,

(5) To bury. Comw.

Teem, v. (1) To have the heart to

do a thing.

Ah, aaid he, th<m hut confessed and

bewrayed all: I conld teeme it to rend

theeinpeecet: with that the was afraid,

and wound away, and in>t her into eon>.

panie. Gijford 's DM. om Witcka, 1608.

(2) To bring forth young. North,

(3) To empty.

(4) To unload a cart Yoriih.

Teeming, Ajf. Abounding.

Teen, (l)r. (^.-& /tJim.) To

light, or kindle.

And such eommandins awthat nerei naae

Struck in the Tulgar breasts, ii tet%*d a


Whiting^s Eut. <^ JUimf t BeOmmM, 16S&

(2)9. To shut; to change; to

hedge a field. fFett,

(3)<uif. Angry.

Teend, v. To light. See Teem.

Tbbnb, (1) i. {A.'S. teoma,) Grief;


(2) V. {J.^S, tion.) To allot, or


Teenage,! ». The longer wood for

TEENET, J hedging.

Teen-lathe, «. A tithe-bara.


Teeny, atg.il) Peevish. Lame.

(2) Very small. North,

Teer, (1) 9, (A,'S.) Tar; testa;


(2) V, To spread over.

(3) The dust from com wheo

ground. Pr. P,

(4) V. To daub with day. North.

Teer-waU, a clay wall.

(5) 9. To plaster between rafters.


Tee-ring, 9, Tbe ring on the shaft

of a waggon or cart, through

which the tee of the thiU-horse

is put.

Tebrt, adj. (1) Smeary; adhesire.


(2) Paint; weak. Sameratt.

Tees, «. The chains fixed to tbe

sales or hames of the thilLhorse.


Tbbty, adj. Fretful. North.

Teffigiks, 9. Efligies.

Teg, 9, A sheep, or doe, la its

second year.

TE6B,pfv/./. Went.

Tkohell-stanb, a. (J.^S.) A tSe.

Tbil, v. {J.'S.) To obtain.

Tbilb, 9. (Lai.) The linden tree.

Teine, 9. A narrow, thin plate td


Tbinten, V, (/f.'N.) To die.

Teisb, (1) a. (Fr.) A toise, or


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949 TEN

(2) V, To pull to pieces with the


TiiTB, adj. {A..S.) Qaick*

Teithb, *. Tithe.

Tejus, ffcfc. Very; as, i^ good,

iejustlom. Su$tes.

Trk, s. a slight touch.

Tekkn, 9. {A.'S.) To betoken; to


TiKTi., adj. Ticklish.

Telart, adj. (Lai.) Pertaiaing to


Telde, (1) V. (^.-5.) To biuld; to


(2) #. A habitation ; a tent.

(3) V, To cover.

^:^";,,OE,}*-(^-^-) Deceit.

Telerb, «. A fine linen cloth, for-

merly worn by hiclies as head-


Tell, ». To talk. Somen.

Tellabillb, adj. Speakable.

Tellk, (I) v. {A.^S.) To count.

(2) tr. To remember. Var. d.

(3) V. To recognise.

(4)17. To eat hastily. Dev.

(5) •. A teal.

Telled. Told. Var. d.

Teller, «. A tree which has been

cut down, and afterwards sends

up shoots.

An ash UUer from wkick the bark has

been gnawed by teeth in a place nearly

as large as the palm of the hand.

Tima, Not. 20th. 1848.

Telling- RIPE, o^P. I^pe to be told.

For one may be dissembled, the other

not— but my Jealousies can be no longer

dts«embled.atid they are telling-ripe.

WyeherUy, Country Wlfe.neS.

Tell- POST, t. A direction post.


Telly, #• A stalk of grass, &c.


Telt. (^.-5.) Set up; erected.

See Telde.

TcMR, (1) «. {J.-S.) Race; pro*


OxvktoM hadda sonea two,

Fairer no myghte on groande go.

Darie the kyng was heore erne,

or his suster was that leme.

Alitaunder, I. 8S50.

(2) V. (A..S.) To beget.

(3) 9. To make emptv.

(4) *. {A.-S.) A team'.

(5^ «. A theme.

(6) ». To emit vapour. SomerteL

Temerarious, adj. (Lai.) Bold;


Sir.be not so tmeraritnu ; he is one of the

nobless, and his nature's vindicative m

honour's cause.

SMad¥>€% Bury Fair, 1889.

Tbmeratbd, part. p. (Lai.) Vio-


Tem NEST, adj. Most contemned.

Temorously, adv. (Lat.) Rashly.

Temped, adj. Intimidated.

Temper, «. Heat and moisture as

productive of vegetation.

Tempestititv, *. (Lat.) Oppor-

tune season.

Tbmple-mold, 9. A pattern mould

used by masons.

Temples,*. Suves used by weavers

for stretching out their cloth.

Templet, *. A model. North.

Templies, 8. An ornament for the

temples, set with jewels, preva-

lent among ladies of quality,

temp. Hen. VI.

Tempre, v. (1) To mix together;

to mingle.

(2) To rule.

Temps, *. (.-^..iV.) Time.

Tempt, v. To attempt. South,

Temptatiods, adj. Tempting.

Temption, 9. Temptation.

Temse, 9. A sieve. North.

Temse-loaf, \9. Bread made of

TEMSE-BREAO, J fine flour.

Temsino-chamber, 9. Tht sifting

room. North.

Temtious, a^f'. Tempting. We9t.

Ten, adv. Then. Ea9t.

Ten-bones, 9. (1) An ancient

boy's game.

(2) The fingers.

Tbnce, 9* Cause of dispute.





Tkncu-wbed, 9. The potamogeton

natanst Lin. Eatt,

T%itB, {I) part. p, {A,'S.) Spoilt.

(2) t7. To wait ftt table. Sast

(3) 9. To watch. North,

Tendablb, adj. Attentive.

Tends, (1) t. A tenth ; tithe.

(2) V. (A.-N.) To offer; to

stretch forth.

Tender, (1) «. The person who

attendi the fire in a oialt^kiln.


(2) 9. A waiter at a public table.

(3J adj. Sharp, applied to the

wind ; a sharp east wind is said

to l)e " very tender." Hamp9h.

Tendbbings, 9. The testicles of a

deer. Cotgr.

Tendbr-parnell, a^. A tender


Tbndron, t. (Jr.) A stalk of a


Tenb. (I) 9.{A.-S.) Grief; anger;


(2) ». To grieve; to injure.

(3)*. Spite. Noff.

(4) *. Attention.

(5) V. To suffer loss. Lane.

\^) adj. Difficult; perilous.

Teneblb-wednbsdat, a. The

Wednesday before Easter. The

three nights before Easter were

termed in Latin tenebra, and in

English ienebres and tenebles.

Tenebrous, adj. {Lat.) Dark.

Tbnefie, v. {Lat.) To make thin.

Tbnbful, adj. Injurious.

Tbnel, t. A sort of basket. Pr. P.

Tenbnt, 9. Opinion.

Tbneslib, adv. Angrily.

Tbngbd, ;;ar/. ;y. Stung. Yorkah.

Teniente, 9. (S^an.) A lieutenant.

Tennel, v. To die away, as trees.


Ten-pins, 9. An old game.

Ten-poundino,«. a sort of punish-

ment practised amongst harvest-

men in St^ffolk,

Tbn-sigbt, adv. Ten times. We9t»

Tent, (1) ». Intent; design.

(2) tr. To attend to ; to prevent

To take tent, to take heed. /

cannot tent, I have no time.

(3) 9. Attention. North.

(4) part. p. Ruined ; attainted.

(5) V. To seareh as a wonnd;

from tent, a roll of lint employed

in examining or pnnfying a deep


(6) 9. A kind of alicant wiae,

though not so good as pure ali-

cant; also used as a general

name for all red wines from


I dnnk l€iU with Kr. Hartmaa. It it

a very sweet and a Inadoaa wise, Tcry

cordial aa I lappoae.

WanFs MS. Dimry,\m2.

(7) 9. A piece of iron whieb

kept up the cock of a gua-Iock.

(8) 9. Mentula.

(9) V. To frighten. Yorkth,

Tbntagb, 9. A camp ; a collectioa

of tents.

Tbntation,«. (A.'N.) TempUtion.

Tent-bob, 9. A small red s|Hder.

Tentb, 9. To content.

Tbnter, 9. (1) A machine for

stretching cIoih,used bv clothiers,


(2) A vratcher; a collector of

tolls. North.

(3) One who tents cows, &&


Tbntbrbbllt, 9, A term of re-

proach. 7\iyfor, 1630.

Tenthbdbl. Tenth part. IFifi.


Tentiginous, o^f. (£«/.} Stiff;


One more to pat too in mind of tkcinK

Ton are pamper'a^witk your wbdc Ri-

chard a day ; I shall red«ee yoa «• %

sprat, n^e. Are yoo iemiioimgm ? h« '

Tbntivb, atg. Attentive.

Ter, 9. Violent anger. North.

TBRAT0U>OT,«.((rr.) The pncoce

of using inflated language.

Tercel, 9. (A.^N) The mtit of

the goshawk*

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Tercian, «. BightT-four gallons.

Terb, (1) v. To injure; to irritate.

(2) adj. Tedious.

(3) adv. Hastily.

(4) V. To inter. Terementf an


TEnmr, adj. Tapering. Skropih.

Teribr, «. An irritating or quarrel-

some fellow.

TeriNi «. {A.'N.) A kind of sing-


And tlimstilt, teriru, and mavise,

Tliut somrin for to winne hvni prise.

Chaucer, BamawU of Base, 665.

Teri^erie-whiskin, «. Jargon;

nonsense. Beaum. 8f Fl.

Termagant, \9. An old name for

tervaoant, j a Saracen deity, re-

presented as of a violent temper.

Termers, «. Persons who visited

the metropolis only at term-time,

and chiefly to live by inirigues or

tricks. Called also term-iroUert,

Termes, 9. Times for work.

T ERMINE, «. Termination.

Tsrminbd, part, p. Determined ;


Terne, 9. A tbmst in fencing.

Terr, v. To uncover. North.

Terra, «. A turf. Exmoor,

Tbrraoe, 9. (Lat.) Barth. An aU

chymical term.

Tsrrb,9. (1) To provoke; to stir

up. See Tarre.

(2) {Lat.) To strike or throw to

the ground.

Loe heere hit ga^ Oie terr'd his glove),

thou inow^at the Tictora meede.

JFamer's Albiotu Bngland, 1 69S.

Terrbmotb, 9, {Fr,) An earth-


Terrene, adj. {Lat.) Earthly.

Terrestre, adj. Earthly.

Terrestrial-triumphs, «. An old

name for a sort of playing-cards.

Terrvt, 9. The ring on the saddle

through which the gig-reins pass.


Terrible, adv. Excessively.

Terrick, 9, A trifle. Depots

Terribr,«. Atortofauger. ^ToimUL

TERRirr, V. To tease ; to irritate.

Var. d. In Norfolk a flea terrifU9

a child, and a person is terrified

with the toothache.

TBRRiT,t. A clump of trees. RTanff.

Tersb, 9, A vessel containing nine

gallons, ^bmenc/., 1585.

Tertaoatb, 9. A buckler.

Tervbb, V, To struggle and tum-

ble. Exm.

Tbse, 9. To teasel wooL

Tebino, «. A ringworm.

TBaMONAGB,«.(^.-JV.} Testimony;


Adam bereth wrtnease and tismonage.

Tk« ComplaynU qftkeA tkat bm U


Tbssel, 9. Condition, said of land.

Teste, *. (^.-iV.) The head.

Testbr, 9. {J.-N.) (1) The fixed

top and head parts of a bedstead.

(2) A piece of iron armour which

covered the head of a horse.

Testerne,"^ 9. A term applied to a

testorn, I coin, worth, under

TESTON, r Henry VIII,a shilling,

tester, J but, under Elizabeth,

sixpence; derived from te9tef

the old French for a head, from

having a head stamped on it.

Takes up single taiotu upon oaths till

dooms-day, fails under executions of

three sliilUnn, and enters into ftve.groat

bonds. jB. Joiu., Eterp M. out <^ H.

Ities, at some tables, are as good as tutenu.

CohUr'i Prophecy.

Tarlton, seeing himself so over-reacht,

greatly commended the beggers wit,

and withall, inrecompence thereof, gave

him a tea»ter. TtLrUonU JaU, 1611.

Testif, adj. {A.^N.) Headstrong.

Testification, «. Testimony.

Testorn, a4/. Testy.

Testy, «. A witness.

Tet, 9. Cow-dung.

Tbtch, 9. (A.-N.) A blemish.

Tetchy, adj. (1) Touchy ; irritablf .

(2) Diflicult to work, applied to

land. Ea9t.

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Tbtik^uii.tawtbk, «. A seeicw.


Tbthdk, adj. Ill-tempered. TVnroe-

iey Mysi.

Tbthbr, (1) V. To marry. Wttrw.

(2) 9. A cord or chain to tie an

animal at pastiire to a stake called

% tether-9take. Kent,

Tbthkr.devil, <. The woody


Tbthingb, s. Tidings.

TsTiNB, 9. To writhe about.

TwmiCKiAs, adj. Sour; gloomy.

TiTRiroL, ». Trefoil.

Tbtrinb, Ajr- (^'0 FouL

Tbtta. Shall we ? Dewnu

Tbtteb^bkrries, 9, Briony.

Tbttsbs, 9. Small ulcers or pirn-

pies. Btrk9,

Tettbrwort, ». Celidony.

Tbtty, (1)*. A teat.

(2) a^. Peerish.

Tbugh, (1) adj. Tough. North.

(2) V. To labour. Craven.

Tbuk, «. The redshank. E99ex.

tvir, (1) V. To tow.

(2) 9. The rope by which a boat

is towed.

(3) V. To pull, or tear about ; to

tumble; to beat; to tease. Var. d.

If yoa had been here, I voold have ao

tct^d that spawn of a aempatren.

Bagetuerqflt Cartku £owr5.l673.

(4) V. To be actively employed ;

to toil. Var.d.

(5) 9. To mix together. North.

(6) adj. Tender; sickly. Wight.

(7) 9. A quantity. We9t.

(8) 9. A hempen string. Somtn.

(9) V. To taw leather.

Tbwbl, t. (1) A pipe, or funneL

(2) The fundament.

(3) A Uil. DmtA

Tbwfbt, 9. The lapwing. North,

Tbwkb, 9. A material of which

purses were made. Pabgr.

Tbwlt, adj. Qualmish; in iU-

healtb. Eaoi.

Tbw-taw, o. To beat hemp.

Tewtbr, 9. An implement for

breaking flax. C%ec&.

Text,*. Truth.

Textuel, a^. Ready at citing


Tbyl, 9, Scorn.

Tbtlbt, #. The Knden tree.

TOia. ^cXvpau TOkt Ibe lii»d« tt

tqfUt tree. Ktmtad.

Tbtsb, 9. To poise an arrow far


Tha, (1) ad9. (J.^S.) Then.

(2)atS. Those.

Thac, adv. That. fnU9.

Thackb, (1) V. (J'S.) To thwwA ;

to thump ; to beat ; to pat.

(2) a. (if.-5.) Thatch. Theet

and mortar, with all ose'^


A Leicestershire phrase.

(3) V. To thatch.

True mirtii we may ei^oy in tkaeHd itall

Nor hoping higher rise, nor feannf tov^

fall. Bttmmjnm Pmrwaumt, Iftifi

Thackbe,*. Athatcher.

Tbackkailes, a. Wooden ^as

used in thatching.

Thack-pricks, a. P^s for sear-

ing thatch.

Tback-sparrow, «. The boiac

sparrow. Leie.

Thack-tiles, a. Roof-tQes.

Thaogt, adj. Thidc and mistr.

Thagh, con;. (J-S.) Thoogfa.

Thame, a. A thumb. Lame.

Tham PT, adj. Damp. Onamem.

Than, (1) adv. Then.

(2)t. Aden.

Thamder. adv. Yonder. fFanv.

Thandon, a. A term in aodest

cookery for a kind of soup.

Thang-nau., a. An angnail.


Thankworth, oiIp. ThankwwtbT.

Thanmb, adv. (j.^) Then.

Thany, adj. Damp. Cranett.

THAPBa,a. Gooseberries. Notf.

TaAS^prm. Them. Camk.

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TBAKBOR0U6H, s, A constable.

Tbar-cakb, t, (1) A heavy, un-

raised cake. Craven.

(2) A cake made of oatmeal, un-

leavened, mixed with butter and

treacle, and baked on the hearth.


Tharb, pres. L (A.-S.) It be-

hovea ; needs.

Tharf, (1) *. (A,'S,) Need.

(2) adj. Stiff or shy; slow and

heavy ; unleavened, said of bread.


Tharfk,«. a company.

Tharflt, adv. Deliberately.


Tharky, adj. Dark. South.

Tharmes, s. {A.'S.) The in-


Tharn, v. To mock. Dev.

Tharne, v. (A.-S.) To yearn ; to

want ; to be deprived of.

Tharnen, a4j' Made of thorn.


Tharns, s. See Tharmet.

TaAtLKY^adj. Dark. Suff.

Tharst, adj. Daring.

Thart, (1)jw«. t. {A.-S.) Needs.

(2) A contraction of thou art.

And thonre that water i-wessAe thart

Of thyne aeniiet here

William de Skonkam.

Tharwe, 9. A throw, or moment.

Thasbr, 9. A thatcher.

THAT,j!M-on. It. Ea9t.

That-at-dannat, 9. The devil.


Thatch-oallows, 9. A rogue.

Thatbns, adv. That manner.

That.there, 9. A London rider.


Thau, eonj. Though.

Thauf, con;. Though. Somen.

Thave, v. {A.'S.) To give; to


Tbavbl, t. A pot-stick. North.

Thaxtbr, 9. A thatcher.

The, (1) V. (A.-S.) To thrive.

(2) 9. (A.'S.) The thigh.

(3) «. Tea ; the name it usually

went by till towards the middle

of the 18th cent.

Variotu drinks are also made of the

leaves and stalks of plants ; the prin-

cipal whereof is made of the leaves of

the, or tea ^ and a conuterfeit thereof

of our English betony, but far inferior

to it. Worlidge on Cider, 1678.

(4) adj. This. Here/.

THEABsa, 9. Gooseberries. Noff.

Thead, 9. A strainer placed over

the hole at the bottom of a

mash-tub. Ea9t.

Theak, v. To thatch. North.

Thbal, 9. A plank ; a joist. Leic.

Thean, adj. Damp. Weetm.

Treat, aty. Firm ; close ; said of

barrels which do not run. North,

Theave, 9. An ewe of a year old.

£99ex. A sheep of three years

old. North.

Thec, adj. That. Wight.

Thecche, v. (A.-S.) To thatch.

Thb-dat, adv. To-day. North.

Thedb, t. (1) (A..S.) People;

country. See Theode,

(2) A brewer's implement J'ailt^.

See Thead.

Thedom, 9. {A.'S.) Prosperity.

Thebzam, adj. These. Someraet.

Tuefely, adv. {A.'S.) Like a


Thegither. adv. Together. North.

Thei, conj. {A.'S.) Though.

Theinb, (1) ». (A.-S.) A servant.

(2) adv. Thence.

Thekb, 9. Thatch.

Thbm, adj. Those. Var. d.

Thbmel, 9. A thimble. '*Savenedel

and threde and /A^me/of lether."


Then CHE, v. To think.

Thene, v.{l) To thrive. See Tike.

(2) {A.-S.) To reach.

Thenke, v. (1) {A.-S.) To think.

(2) To seem. Whence the mo-

dern phrase me-thinks.

Thbnnbs, adv. {A.-S.) Thence*

Thbooe, 9. {A.'S,) People*

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TREorLiCHB, ado. (^.-5.) Like a


Thbofthe, t. {ji.'S.) Theft.

Theology, «. A theoIog;ian.

Theorbo, «. {Ital.) A sort of late.

Thborique, «. Theory.

Tbepbs, 9. Gooseberries. See


Ther, (I) adv. There; where.

(2)pron. Those. North,

Therbaways, adv. Thereabouts.

THERBi^fCB, adv. From that place.


Thbrf-breed, s, {A.'S.) UnleR'

Tened bread.

With tkaf'bretd and letaa wilde,

Whiche that groreih in the filde.

Cmrtor Mundi, MS.

Therlb, a^. Gaunt; ilUfed. Devon.

Therm E8. See Tharma,

Therst. Durst.

Thbrtrurf, adv. There-through.

ThbruppEi adv. Thereupon.

Ther^bn, adv. There*against.

THESKLr,>;r(m. Itself. Ea»t.

TuESTER, ttdj, (A.^S.) Dark.

For it it alle tketter thing,

Nil Ich make therof no tehine.

Jrtkour mnd MerlU, p. 64.

Thetchbs, t. Vetches. Ojtfd,

Thethbn, adv. (A.^S.) Thence.

Thethorne, *. {A.'S. \>tfe\>om,)

Probably the buckthorn. Pr. P.

Theugrten, pret. t. pL They


With him he 8erT*d and watcht and waited


To keep the ^rim wolfe from Eloaes gate -.

And for their miBtresee themghten these

two twiiines

They mooghten nerer take too mickle

painea. Ftik'* Sglogiu, 1569.

Tbevb, 9. A brush. Pr. P.

Thew, (1) f. {A.^S.) Manners;

moral quality.

(2) 9. The punishment of the


{Z)pret. t. Thawed. Far. d.

Thewb,*. (1) {A.'S.) A bondsman.

(2) {A.^S.) Suiijection.

(3) A sinew, or perhaps a thigh.

Shakesp., 2 Hen. IV, id, 2.

Thbwbo, adj. (1) Mannered; edu-


(2) Towardly. North.

They, (1) e. The thigh.

(2) prom. Those, f'ar.d.

The5, adv. Though.

Thibel,». (1) A dibble, or setting-

stick. North.

(2) A stick or wooden spoon for

stirring porridge, &c. North.

Thic, adj. This ; that. Weal.

Thick, (1) «• A thicket, or dose


Ko other aenice, satyr, bat thy vatrh

Abuut thcM tkUk», Itat karmkaa pao|ile


Mischief or sad miarhanee


(2) o^'. Plentiful. Var.d.

(3) adj. Very intimate.

(4) adj. Stupid ; obstinate. Somih.

Thick-bill, e. The bullfinch. Lane,

TnicntD, part. p. Thid^ened.

Thickbb, adj. This. Devon.

Thickbmky, a^. That. Somere.

Thick-bnd, 9. The greater part;

as <«the thieh^end of a mile."


Thick-hots, 9. Water-porridre.


Tbicklistbd, adj. Short-winded.


Thick-set, adj. Strong.

Thick-hpinnino, «. Bad oonduct.


TniDKn, adv. (A..S.) Thither.

Thibp, t. An iniperfeetion in the

wick of a candle.

Thiogb, v. To beg. North.

Thigh, v. (1) To carve a pigeon.

(2) To cower down.

Thiht, adj. Tight; compact.

Thikpold, otfv. Very frequent.

Thilkb, o^p. {A.'S.) That.

Tell me, good Pi«a. 1 pray thee tell it lae.

What UHY tkiUc JoUie twniue or thm-

kerdbe> FmU^s £flotmt,lie».





Tbill, «. (1) (ji.'S.) k cart-shaft.

Thill-hone, the shaft-horse.

(2) The surface upon which the

tram runs in a coal mine. Newe.

TniLLEA, f. The thill-horse.

Thill-hanks, r. The leather

thongs fastened into the hames

of the collar of the thiller.

Thiltuos, 9. Chains attached to

the collar of the shaft-horse.

Thimble, t. The ring of a gate-

hook oil which the gate tarns.

Midi, a

Thimmbl, 9, A thimble. ?iorth.

Thin, v. To mn thin, to seek re-

lease from a bad bargain.

Thin DEB, adv. Yonder. Eoit.

Thino-donb, 9. An old name of a


Thingdm-thangum, t. A trivial

name for some article of dress.

Are her cloaths rich ?— Oh, sir, all gold

and silver ; with a deep point thtngum-

Huutgum over her ahouidera.

Otvm^, Tlu Mluistt 1684.

Think, *. Thing.

Thin KB, v. {J..S.) To seem.

Thinnb, adj. Slender.

Thinny, v. To whine. Devon.

TaiKSTH, pre9. t. Thinks.

Thib, v. To frighten; to strike

dead. Exm.

Thibd, «. Thread.

Thikd-bobouqh, 9. A constable.

Thibdbndblb, t. (1) A third


(2) A measure containing eighty-

four gallons.

Hit holdia a gode thnfiendeitt

¥al of wyne every niele.

MS., 15M cent.

(3) A measure of three pints.


Tbibd-fathbb, 9. A great-grand-


Third-leo, 9, A staff.

Thiretblle, 9, The plant small-


Thirlabillx, adj. Penetrable.

Thirlagb, ». The service by which

tenants were bound to take thei

corn to the lord's mill.

Thirlb, (IJ ©. {A,-S.^ To pierce

through; to bore.

(2) t. (^.-5.) A hole.

{Z)adj, Lean; meagre ; gaunt. Z>«t^.

Thirstle,«. The thrush. Dev.

Thirsty, adj. Eager ; sharp.

Thirtoter, adj. Perverse. South.

This an, adj. This. North.

Thise, ^ron. (J.-S.) These.

Thisness, adv. In this way. Norf.

Thissbn, adv. In this manner.

Thissum, adj. This. We9t.

Thistlb-cbown, 9. A gold coin

worth about four shillings.

Tbistlb-pinch, It. The gold-


Thistle-hemp, 9. A kind of early


Thiteb, 9. (1) A dung-cart JUnc.

(2) An idiot. North.

Thivbl. See ThibeL

Thixille, 9. An axe.

Tho, (1) adj. (A.-S.) The; those.

(2) adv. (A.-S.) Then; when.

Thodden, adj. Sodden. North.

Thods, 9. Gusts of wind. North.

Tbof, eonj. Though.

Thofpeb, conj. Because. S^ff^.

Thoft, t. Thought. Dev.

Thoft-fellow, 9. A fellow-oars-


Thoise, 9. The tusk of a hoar.

Thoke, 9. A fish opened and


Thokish, adj. Slothful. Eatt

Tholb, (1) V. (A.'S.) To bear; to


(2) V. To sUy; to remain. North.

(3) V. To afford; to give freely.


(4) 9. The dome of a vaulted


Trolbmodb, adj. (A.-S.) Patient ;

forbearing. Tholemodne9, pa-


Tholes, \9. The pins against

tholb-pins, j which the oars

bear in rowing.

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Thollk, s.




A cart-pin. Pabjpr,,


The thumb.

Than, qnod th« marchaut, I pny the

let me ee tliy tkombe ; and Wnen the

mylaer abewyd hys tJkombe, the mar-

chant aayd I can not perceyre that thy

tkotithe 18 eylt, hat it is aa all other

mens tkombcs be.

Tales and Qmcte Annoereg.

ThombllB'Taa, s. The great toe.

TflONE, (1) adv, {A.'S.) Then.

(2) adj» Damp, moist, generally

applied to corn. Var. d.

(3)/Mir/.p. Thawed. Line.

Thonbr-flonb, 9. {A.'S.) A thun-


Thono, 9. To rope, or stretch out

into viscous threads. 7%on^,


Thonkb, (1) 9. To thank.

(2) t. Favour.

Thonnbre, v. To thunder.

Thonwanob, *. {A.'S,) The tem-


Thony, fl^f. Damp. North.

. Thor, adj. These. North.

Thorb, ait>. There.

Thorh-rbchb, v. {A.'S,) To reach


Thorn's-bolb, t. The stem of a

thorn, without the branches.


Thorn-treb, 9. The medlar.

TeoRonaH, {I) prep. Through.

(2) 9. An interfurrow between

two ridges.

Thorough. oo-nimblb. 9. Loose-

ness ; diarrhoea. OzeU.

Thorough-polb, ». The pole in a

waggon connecting the fore axle

mth the hinder.

Thorough-shot, If. A spavin

THOROUGH -piy, J which shows

itself on both sides of a horse's


Thorow-stonb, t. A flat grave-


Thorpe, «. {A,»S,) A village.

Thorps-men, 9. (J.'S.) Villageri.

^*'\prep. {J.-S.) Through.


Thorub, 1


Trorughlikb, adv. Thoroughly.

Thoste, s. Dung. Gbntc,

Thought, (1) 9. Sorrow ; sadness.

Thouffht/ul, sorrowful, anxkwi.

(2) 9. Opinion. North.

(3) t. A rower's seat iu a boat

Thousandelb,«. a thousand times.

Thowb, ado. Though.

Thowghts, «. Pieces of matted

wool, hanging down in lengths

of about four inches. Lmc.

Thowthysttlle, s Sowtfaistle.


TnovrrrNB. To address a man as

thou, instead of yon. ** T^ftov-

tyne or sevne thow to a mane,

tuo," Pr.P.

Thraa, adj. Bold.

Thrackbd, part. p. Packed fall;

stowed with care. Northaa^t.

TuKKVEtpret. t. Thrived.

Thrag, v. To fell timber, &a

Thraobs, 9. Busy matters.

Thrail, t. A ilaiL Midi C

THRA1.AOE, t. Perplexity. Lme.

Thralle, (1) 9. A slave, or bonds-


(2) a4/. Hard ; cruel.

(3) 9, Severity ; cruelty.

(4) ». A barrel-stand. Jfarw.

(5) 9. A short space of time.

Tbraly, oifv. Cruelly.

TuRAMP-wrrH, 9. A sliding noose

to fasten up cows. Cheih.

Thrang, v. To be busy. North.

Thrange, (1) V. To' crowd: to

press together.

{2)pret.t. Thrust.

Thrap, v. To crowd. £Mex.

Thrapplb. See J^hropple.

Thrashle, 9. A flail.

Thratb, pret. t. (A.-S.) Urged.

Tbratlb, v. To speak with a hol-

low rattling voice. HoMnmAcod.^


Tbrattb, 9. To threaten.

Thrattles, •. Sheep's dung in

pellets. EMt.

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Thuate, (1)#. (A,»S. thraf.) Twelve

or twenty-four sheaves of corn,

now more cominoiilj called a

ihockf eicept in the northern

counties, where the old word re-

mains, though applied to twelve

instead of twenty-four. An in-

definite number of anything.

He sends forth tkraves of ballads to the sale.

HaU, Sat. iv, 6.

(2)pret. t. Thrived.

(3)v. To urge. Unc.

Thraw, (1) *. A twist.

(2) V. To twist.

(3) V. To turn wood. AVf A.

(4) V. To argue wannly and

loudly. Lane.

Thraw-hoos, ». A rude instru-

ment for making coarse hay

ropes. North.

Tbrawl, «. A barrel-stand. Line.

Thrawn, a. A chiding. Durham.

THREAD-AND-THROif. Au expres-

sion borrowed from weaving, the

thread being the substance of

the warp, the thrum the small

tuft beyond, where it is tied.

Hence, metaphorically, the good

and bad together.

Thoa who wilt not lo\-e, doe this,

Learne of me what woman is.

Something made of tkred and tkrumme,

A meers botch of all and some. Herrici.

Threadxn, adj. Made of thread.

Thread- MT-NEBDLE, $. A com-

mon game among children.

Threape, r. (I) To urge. LAne.

(2) To beat. North.

(3) To cozen, or cheat. Lane.

Threap-oboui7D,«. Disputed land.


Threat, v. To threaten.

Threavk, a. See Thrate.

Of pansy, pink, and primrose lenres,

liottt Cttrioualy laid on in Ikreaveg.

Dragt., Mute's Blyi.

Thbechb, «. To pinch. Palsgr,

Thredeoai., adj. Unsettled, ap-

plied to weather. Eagi,

TuRBDLB, V. To thread.

Three-farthings, a. A very thin

coin of stiver. Shaketp.

Thrbe-faceb-umder-a-hood, 9,


Thrbe-fold, «. The buck-bean.



9. A trivial term for a very small


Threb-iibns-sono, 9. A song for

three voices.

Three-outs, *. When three per-

sons called for liquor generally

considered only sufficient for two,

and had a glass which would di-

vide it into three equal portions,

they were said to drink three


Three-pile, a. The finest velvet.

Three-piled, refined. See Pile.

Three-shear, a. A sheep of two

or three years, which has been

thrice shorn.

Threesome, adj. Treble. North.

THRBE-sauARB, odj. Triangular.

Three-square-sheep, a. A four-

year sheep.

Three-threads, a. Half common

ale, mixed with stale and double


Three-tbebs, 9. The gallows, from

its ancient form.

Threnb, 9. (Gr.) A lamentation.

Threo, adj. {J,^S.) Three.

Threp, a. {A.'S.) Torture,

Thrbpb,«. (1) To speak; to shout.

(2) To maintain a thing in con-

tradiction to another. Still used

in Lincolnshire. *' I threpe a

mater upon one, I beare one in

hande that he hath doone or said

a thing amysse." Palegr.

Threphel, 9. A flail. Lane.

Threppb, 0. To rush.

Threps, 9. Threepence. Var. d.

Thresher, a. A duster of furniture.

Threshfod, a. A threshold. York9.

Threste, v. {ji.'S.) To thrust.

Threswold, a. (if.-5.) A thresh-


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Trrbt, pret t. Threatened.

Thrbtb, e. {A.^S.) To threaten.

THB.BTTT, a4^'. Thirty.

THRicB.cocK,t. The misael-thm&h.


Thbichb, 9. To thrust or press

down. Lane.

Thriddb, adj, (A,'S.) Third.

Thridde-half, «. Two and a half.

Thritty wynter and tkridde-half yer,

Havy woned in londe her.

Huromng of Hell.

Thrtddbn, adj. Of thread.

Tbridobndblb, 9, A third part

Thridk, », A thread.

Thrie, (1) t. {A,-S.) Affliction;


(2) adj. (^.-5.) Thrice.

Thrift, «. (1) The sea-pink.

(2) Scurf on a horse. Var.d.

(3) Growing pains. Lane.

Tbrift-box, 9. An earthen hox

for saving money.

Thrilb, t7. (A.'S,) To pierce


Thrill, 9. A hole. See Tkirle.

Thrilly, a4^'. Thrilling. Norih.

Thrimmbl, 0. To gripe; to pull

out. North,

Tbrimmer, 1 9. To handle ; to fin.

THRiMME, jger a longtime. Lone.

Thrin, adj. Three. Thritrf'aide,


Thringb,9.(1) (.^.-5.) To throng ;

to press.

(2) {A.-S.) To thrust

(3) To rumble.

THRiN0ED,;7ar/.p. Covered over.

Thrip, v. To beat North,

Thripfa, V, To cudgel. Che9h,

Th ripple, v. To lalraur hard.

Th RIPPLES, 9. The rails of a wag-

gon. Che9h,

Thrips, 9, A worm which perfo-

rates wood.

Thristy, at^. Thirsty.

Thro, adj. {A.-S.) Eager; earnest;

bold. See Thraa,

Throat-band, s. The coupling

which keeps the haroes together.


Throat-flap, s. The liall in the

throat called, populariv, Adam's


Tbroat-latch, 1 a. The thong of

throat-bap, j the bridle which

passes under the horse's throat.

Tbroat-wokt, 9, The foxglove.

T brock, 9. The wood on nhich

the plough-blade is fixed.

Tbroddbn, \adj. Fat; thri\in|.

tbroddlb, J North.

Tbrodden, p. TothriTB; to grow.

A^orM .

Tbroff, 9, Froth. Leic,

Throb, «. (A.-S.) A trough,

Throly, adv. Earnestly.

THROM.prc;^. From. Shrtguh,

Thromb, 9. A company of people.

Whilea thou were in oar tktrtmt,

Vo were we never orercome.

Artkomr tati MtrTu

Tbrong, (1) t. To crowd.

(2 ) «. A press of business. North.

(3) adj. Busy. North,

Tbrohqz, part. p. Thrust dovo.

Thrope, •. {A.'S,) A village. Srt


Tbropple, (1) V, To throule.


(2) 9. The windpipe.

Tbrosbbl, 9. The threshold. Sk/.

Tbrossbn, j}ar/.j0. Thrust. Norti^

Tbrostbl, I

tbrustlb. It. The thrush.

tbrosttl-cock, J

Ttie ny^tyngale, the tkrottylnk*.

The pop^ay, the joly Uveroke.

Tbrouoh, (1) 9. A Stone troog^i.

or coffin. Still used in the North

for a flat gravestone. See Thruf.

The thridde day be aroa ajeja

Of the tkrout tner nten hiakc lerdri

William deSkonUA

(2) prep. From. North.

(3) To be tkromgh vnth, to cod*

plete a bargain.

Througb-stitcb, 9. Completely.

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Cut. Tliere'a m deril for yon; bat.

Captain, did yov hear her ipeak o'

poison, and whether it were stron^p

enoc^h F

U^or. No, but I love to strike home,

when I do a business, I'm for tkrovgk-

ttich; Vm. thratii^h pac'd, wbut a pox

should a man staud mincing P

CowUg't Cutmr of CoUpum SI., 1663.

Throullid, part. p. Pierced;


Throushot, *. (1^ A rabbit-hole

under ground through a bank.

(2) A spendthrift.

Tbrow, (1) *. (^.-5.) A space of


(2) «. A thoroughfare. South.

(3) V. To work at the tin roine«.

Throws, (1) v. To turn wood for


{2) a. A turner's lathe.

Thrower, t. A knife for cleaving


Throw-in, v. To pay a forfeit.


Throwly, adv. Thoroughly. Xorth.

Thrown, part. p. Disappointed.


Throwster, s. One who throws

or winds thread.

Thrubchandlkr, t.

Then take they did that lodly boome.

And under tkrubchandUr closed was hee.

Gawayne, p. 280.

Thrcck, 9. The piece of wood that

goes through the beam of a

plough, at the end of which the

suck or share is fastened. Chesh.

Tbrufp, {l)prep. Through. North.

(2) ». A flat tombstone. North.

Thruff, \adj. Loose; spongy;

THRUFT, J brittle, Northampt,

Thruul, v. To pierce.

Thrum, (1) ». The extremity of a

weaver's warp; a small thread.


(2) V. To cover with small tufts

like thrums.

3ut on green carpets thntmd with mossie


Trenfting the round skirts of his winding


llie streams milde murmur, as it gently


His hcuithy limbs in quiet 8lum1>er liii^hKS.

Sjflvester't Dubariut.

(3) V. Futuere. Florio,

(4) V. To beat. Suf.

(5) 9. To purr, as a cat. East.

(6) adj. Green and vigorous,

applied to herbage. Olouc.

(7) adj. Sullen ; bearish; blunt.


(8) «. A bundle of twigs through

which the liquor percolates from

a mash-tub.

(9) V. To knit. Tkrum-eap, a

knit cap. A thrummed hat, one

made of coarse woollen cluth.


Th RUMBLE, V. To handle awk-


Thrum-chinned, adj. Rough-


Thrummeld, part, p. Stunted in

growth. North.

Thrummy, adj. Fat. Yorksh.

Thrump, v. (1) To gossip. North.

(2) To thrive ; to swell. North-


Thrums, ». Threepence. Grose.

Thrunob, adj. Much displeased.


Thrunk, fl^f. Busy. Thmnk-unfe,

a fussy woman. Lane.

Thrunty, adj. Healthy. North.

Thrusfield, s. a thrush. Shropsh.

Thrushes, s. A disease in horses.

Thrush-lice, *. The millcpes.


Thruste, t. {A..S.) Thirst.

Th rusty, adj. Thirsty. North.

Thrut, *. The length of the throw

of a stone; a fall in wrestling.


Thrutch, v. To thrust. Chenh.

Thrutchinos, *. The last-pressed

whey in making cheese. Lane.

TuKV^,prep. Through.

Thrynge, s. A throng.

Ihryjt, {I) part. p. Given.

(2)pret.t. Threw.

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Thvck, j^ron. That. Wilts.

Thud, 9. The sound of a heavy

blow ; the blow itaelf. North.

Thus, 9. {A.-S. theon.) A slave.

THCLOED,^Mr/./r. Endured. Gaw.

Thum, r. To beat.

Thumb, 9. The moasehunt, the

smallest of the weasel tribe.


Thcm B-BANO, «. The band for a

trass of bay.

Thumb-bit, t. (1) A piece of meat

eaten on breaud.

(2) A thurab-piece.

Thumb-snack, 9. A pecnliar sort

of latch to a door.

Thummel-tbb, «. The great toe.

Thump, 9. A sort of hard cheese.

Noff. See Bang,

Thumping, ad;. Large. Far, d.

Thumpkin, 9. A bumpkin. Orfd.

Thumplb, 9. To fumble. North,

Thunchk, p. (A.'S.) To seem.

Thundbr-bolt, 9. (1) The corn

poppy. West.

(2) The fossil beleronite. Var. d.

Trundbr-pick, «. Pyrites. Sujf.

Thundbr^tonb, 9. The water-

worn grpsam. North.

Thunder-thump, 9. To stun with


Thunk, 9. A lace of white leather.


THVKTfprep. ThroMgh.

Thurghfarb, v. {J.'S.) To pass


Thurible, 9. {Lat.) A censer.

Thuripication, 9. Baming in-


Thurindalb, 9. A pewter flagon

holding about three pints. Wilts.

See Thriddendtle.

Thurk, a(^*. Dark. Norf.

Thurl, *. (1) A hole.

(2) A long adit in a coal-pit.

Thurror, t. {A.-S.) A ship's


Thurrouob, 8. \ furrow. Leic.

TauBRUCK, a. (1) A dxaiB.


(2) A heap of dirt or mad.


Thursb, la. (^..&) A giant; a

thyrsb, j spectre.

Thursb-lousk, a. The wood-louse.

Thor8*hou8b, a. A hoUow vault

in a rock that serrca for a dwell-

ing-house to a poor famd;.


Thurstlew, atg. (A.'&.) Tbintr.

Thurt, (1) adv, Acrosa. South.'

(2) 9. An Ol-tempered feUov.


Trurtb, a. (A.'S.) Keed. See


Thurtifbr, adj. Unruly. Wiltt.

Thurtlb,p. To contradict. Scmun.

Thurtovbr, adv. Vcrr cantzarr.


Thurt-saw, a. A cnMs-cot sav.


Thus, ado. So. North,

Thus-oatbs, adv. (A.^) In this


Thus8in«, adv. In this wmy. Esoa.

Thussock. See TWsocir. '

Thwack, (1) o. To over-lilL

(2) s, A large piece.

Thwaite, s. Assart land.

Thwanob, a. (1) A shoeJatcfaet.

(2) A large piece. North.

Tbwarle, adj. Tight. Gmo.

Thwartb, v. To quarrel.

Thwetn, v. {A,'S.) To prosper.


Thwitb, v. To notch; to spbL

Thwitten^cut. North,

Thwitbl, a. (A.'S.) A knife.

Thwittle, 9. To clap, or make a


Thy, adv. (^.-5.) Ther^bre.

THY2LB,a. Aoooper'aadxe. North.

TiAL, s. A tie.

Tib, s. (1) The extreme end of a

cart. East.

(2) The fundament. NortJk.

(3) The flap of the car. Lme.

(4) A calf.

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(5^ The ace of trumpi in the

game of gleek.

(6) Tib of the builery, a goose.

TiBBET, «. The overhanging peak

of the bonnet. Line,

Tib-cat, «. A femala cat. Yorigh,

TiBBRT, », A name for a cat.

Tick, v. To entice.

TicHE&,«. A sheaf of corn. South.

TicHiNG, 9. Setting up turves to

dry. Det.

Tick, (1) ». To toy.

(2) adj. Loving; fond. WeiL

(3) 9. Credit.

I confess my tiei is not good, and I

never desire to game for nuve tJian I

haTe aboat me.

Sedlty, The MnlUrry Gardta, 1668.

(4) «. A slight touch.

Ticket, «. A tradesman's bill. 7b

run 0* the ticket^ to run in debt.


TicKETiNos, «. Weekly sales of

ore. Derb*

Tickle, (1) adj. Unsteady ; totter-

ing; inconstant.

A matter dangerous to hit state, and

tickle to this crown.

Bowei Corretpondeuce, 1583.

(2) 9. To excite.

TicKLB-BRAiN, 9. A lort of liquof.

TicKLE-Ms-auicKLT, f. An old


TicKLE-MY-FANCT, 9. The pansy.

TiCKLK-piTCBBR, f. A draokard.

TiCKLBB, «. (1 ) Anything puzzling.

(2) A smart animal; a shrewd

fellow. Wight.

(3) An iron pin used hy brewers

to take a bung out of a cask.

T1CK1.K-TOBT, 9. A sword or dag-


Ticklish, oJ^'. Uncertain.

TicKLY, adj. Ticklish.

TicKNKT, 8, Earthenware. North-


Tick-tack, 9. (1) {Fr.) A sort of

backgammon, a game frequently

alliided to in the 17th cent.

(2) A moment. Yorkeh.

TiD, (1) adv. Promptly.

{2) adj. Childish; silly. West.

(3) f. A cow's httdder. York9h.

{A\ 9. A small hay cock. Line.

(5) adj. Fond. Leie.

TiDDB, pret, t. Happened.

TiDOBK, a<f9. Sooner. We9t.

TiDDiDOLL, 9. An over-dressed

woman. Suff.

TioDY, 9. The four of trumps at


Tide, (1) 9. (J.'S.) Time; sea-


(2) V. To happen.

(3) 9. Tidings.

(4) 9. Tithe. Kent.

TiDEFUL, adj. {A.-S.) Seasonable.

TiDIE, "



The titmouse.

Tlie cuckooe br the swallow (when tlio

swallow was nis page)

Did send the owle a sucking monso, a tjfdie

for the age.

ranwr** Atbums BngUmi, 1592.

TiDLE, V. (1) To rear tenderly.

ndivng, a pet animal. Weet.

A tidJImg^ an orphan lamb.


(2) To fidget about. Seiuih.

TiDLiN-TOP, 9. The summit. Eoet.

TioLiwiNK, «. A beer-shop. Weet.,

TiDN. It is not. Somereet.

Tidy, (\)adj. {A.*S.) Neat; clever.

(2) adj. Honest; well-disposed.


(3^ adj. Considerable. East.

(4) 9, A pinafore. North,

(5) 8. A workbag. Var. d.

(6) 9. A small common. Var. d.

Tie, (1) 9. {A.'S.) A casket; a

small box.

(2) V. To fasten.

(3) 9. The tick of a bed. Somere.

(4) 9. A foot-race. Kent.

(5) V. To match ; to equal.

TiEDt part. p. Compelled. North.

TiE-Doo, «. A bandog.

TiED-up, adj. Costive^ atid of



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TxENS, *. Poles behind the cribs in

a stall for cows. »>*/.

Tier, (I)* A bitter liquor.

(2) adv. Moreover. Cumb.

Tiering, *. Coarse haW-ccaing.


Tiers, *. Pieces of iron with which

carUwheels are sometimes shod,

which answer the same purpose

as a hoop. Line.

Tie-top, «. A garland. North.

Tie-wig, j. A Ramillie wig, in

which the curls were partly tied


TiPE, V. To dress.

Tiff, (1) s. A draught of liquor.

(2)«. Small beer.

That to shall quickly follow, if

It can be rais'd from stTonz or tife.

Brom^t Songt. i66l.

(3) e. To deck out ; to dress.

(4) «. To be offended.

(5) s. A huff, or pet; slight


(6) V. To excite. Somen.

(7) V. To fall headlong. YoriM.

Tiffany, *. (1) A portable sieve.

(2) A sort of gauze.

Tiffity-taffety-girls, *. Strum-

pets, so called from their dress.

TiFFLE, f>. (1) To be busy about a

small matter.

(2) To wrangle or dispute aharply.


TiFFLES, *. Light downy particles.

TiFFY, adj. Touchy. Sun.

TiFFY-TAFFY, *. (1) A silly triflcr.


(2) A difficult piece of work.

TiFLB, V. (I) To stir; to disorder

by tumbling a thing about. North.

(2) To creep about. Notf. A

poor old woman said, '* she did

not like to be on her club, when

she was well enough to go tiftm


TiFLED, adu Broken above the

loins, said of a horse. North.

TivT, (1) t. A small draught of

liquor ; a abort fit of doing my-


(2) «. Condition ; order. North.

(3) *. A fit of anger.

(4) V. To irritate. Line.

(5) V. To adjust- North.

(6) 9. A small boat. North.

Tig, *. (1) A slap of salutation.

(2) The last blow in sparring.

(3) A child's game.

(4) A drinking pot with handles.


(5) The call home of the herd of

pigs or of a pig.

TiooY-HOOS, r Millepedes. North-




Tight, (1) part. p. Promised.

{2)pret. t. Pitched; fixed.

(3) 9. To clean ; to put in order.

♦« To tight one's self up," is to

dress or put on dean dotbet.


(4) V. To ascertain the wdght of

a thing by liftiag it. W€9L

(5) adj. Smart; thriving. East.

(6) adj. Stingy. " He is a very

tight fellow."

(7) adv. Quickly. See Tite.

(8) adj. Prompt ; active ; alert.

(9) adj. Furnished with.

Tighter, «. **A tighter of ships.**

Os9lf9 Rob.

Tiortish, adj. In good health.

TtGBT-LOCK,«. Coarse sedge. Eaet.

Tightly, ado. Smartly ; promptly.

Tike, 9. (1) A dog of a common

kind ; a term of contempt. StiH

in use in the North.

Tyket too they had of all aorta. iMndefs,

Can, ipaniels, water-does, and land-do^a.

(2) A small buUock.

(3) An old horse. North.

(4) Com. North.

Tih, {\) prep. To.

(2) 9. Manure. North.

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TiLBURT, «. A cant term for liz-


TiLD, 9. To tilt. East

Tilde, pari. p. Turned ; moved.

TiLDBRf a, A wedge-shaped imple-

ment interposed between a cask

and the waU behind to tilt it


TiLB, V. (1) (A.'S.) To cure,

(2) To set a trap. West,

TiLKSHAROE, J. A piecc of tile.

TiLB-sTONE, 9. A tile.

TiLET-TREB, 9. The linden.

TiUBR, 9. {A.'S,) A husbandman.

Tiling, «. A hedge-sparrow. Cumb.

TiLL,(l)flrf». Than. We9i.

■ (2) *. A drawer.

(3) 9, Money. NortkampL

(4) ». To prop up.

(5) V. To entice. Norihampt,

(6) adj. Tame ; gentle. Keni.

(7) V, To come; t6 bring. Detf.

TiLL-DowN, 9. A zest, or relish.


TiLLB, V. {A.'S,) To obtain.

Tiller, (1) 9. The stalk of a cross-


(2) 9. The cross or T handle of

a pit saw which the man above

holds, and directs the saw in the

chalked line.

(3) V. To germinate. North.

(4) a. A sapling. Kent.

Tillers, a. The young shoots of

wheat in the spring. Hamp9h.

TiLLET, a. (Fr.) A cloth wrapper.

• PaUifr. See ToileL

TlLLE-THAKKER, 9, A tiler.

TiLLiB-YALLiB, 9, Nousensc ;


Tilling, a. Crop, or produce.


Tills, a. Pulse ; lentils. Var. d.

TiLLY-wiLLY,(l)a<^. Thin; slight.

(2) a. Cloth made of worsted

and cotton. Northampt.

TiLMAN, a. A farm-labourer.

TiLSENT, 9. Tinsel.

TiL8TBRE,a. A magician.

Tilt, (1) a. A forge. YorJUh.

(2) a. Violence. North.

(3) On the Hit, on the saddle hj

the thigh.

(4) V. To totter. Exmoor,

TiLTBR, a. (1) Order. Suff.

\2) A cant term for a sword.

Tilth, a. (1) The produce of agri-


(2) A tilting yard.

TiLTisH, adj. Addicted to kicking,

said of a horse.

TiLTURB, a. Cultivation.

TiLTY, adj. Touchy. We9t.

TiMARRANY, a. Two poor things.


Timber, (1) v. {A.-S.) To build.

[2) 9. Build ; strength.

(3) 9. To build a nest.

US 9.

Forty skins of fur.

(5) a. A timbrel.

(6) a. A crest.

(7) a. Provisions.

(8) a. A kind of worm.

(9) To timber afire, to supply it

with wood. To timber^eart, to

fetch timber vnth a team.

TiMBER-DiSHBs,a. Woodcu trcnch-

ers. Detfon.

Timber - leatbs, a. Wooden


TiMBERN, adj. Wooden. Devon.

TiMBERsoME,! odj. (I) Timo-


(2) Tedious.

Timber-taster, a. A person who

examines timber.

Timbre, (1) v. {A.-S. timbrian.)

To build.

(2) a. (A.'N.) A basb.

Timbrell, a. A pillory.

TiMDOODLE, a. A simpleton.


Time, (I) v. To call ; to summon.

(2) a. A theme.

(3) a. Tune.

(4) To give the time of the day,

to salute.

Nothing remaines, but that I tar

Good monow, thaCa the lime o* th* dajf.


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Tf If BLESS, adf>. Untimely.

Times, «. Hours.

Timings,*. Grounds of beer. jE>ii/.

TiMMsa, V. To thile; to idle.

TiMMT, tU^, Timid; fretftO. Wat,

TiMOROOs, ^'{\) Hard to please;


(2) Terrible.

TiMP, 9. The plaee at the bottom

of an iron furnace through which

the metal issues.

TiM-SARAH, 9, A sledge touching

the ground iu front, with wheels


TiM-wHisKT. a. A light one-horse

chaise without a head. South.

Tin, (1)». Money.

{2) prep. Tin. Che9h,

TiNCT, 9, Tincture. Shaknp*

TiNDK, (1) V. To kindle,

(2) J. A horn.

TiNOLES. a. Fires made by children

in Derbyshhre on All Souls


Tine, (1) v. (J.-S.) To lose; to

perish ; to cause to perish.

(2) «. A brief space of time.

(3) r. To inclose. North.

(4) 9. To hedge; to mend a

hedge. We9t.

(5) V. (^..&) To light a candle,

(6) 9. The wild vetch.

(7) 9. A forfeit, or pleSlge. North.

(8) 9. The prong of a fork; the

spike of any implement.

(9) «. To dress an egg.

TiNESTOCES, a. The crooked han-

dles upon the pole of a scythe.


Ting, (1) v. To sting. North.

(2) V. To beat.

h) V. To gird ; to bind. We9t.

(4) 9. The girth which secures

the panniers of a packsaddle.


(5) V. To tplft. North.

(6) V. To ring a bell. *

(7) V. To chide scTcrely. £r-

(8) a. A prong fork. Devon.

(9) V. To make bees* whea

swarming, alight by bealiDg a

warming-pan with a key.

Tinge, a. A sma.1 red Insect. laae.

TiNOER, a. A great lie. Devon.

TiNGUNG,a<$. Sharp. Var.d.

TiNG-TAKG,a. The saints-belL

Ting- WORM, a. A venomous warn

which bites cattle under the

tongue. GUme.

TiNiNO, a. (1) Dead wood used ia

tiniug or repairing a hedge.


(2) A newly inclosed gnMUid.


Tine, v. To tinkle.

Tinkle, v. To strike a UgkL


Tinkler, a. A tinker.

TiNNBT.i a. Dead wood. See

TINTH, J Ihunff.

TiNO, a. A contraction of " anght

I know.'' Devon.

TiNSBD-BALL, 9. A chlld's bsll

wrought with worsted of varioas

colours. To tUue a hali^ to work

such a covering upon it. >oriiA.

TiNSEix, 9. Fire-wood.

TiNSET, a. A water-can. Oxfd.

TiNsiN, a. A sort of satin.

Tint, (1) part, p. of tine. Lost;


(2) a. Half a buahel of corn.

(3) a. A gobUn. North.

(4) 7Ya/ /or /on/, tit for tat.

TiNTAMAR, a. (Fr.) A great noise.

TijrntD, part. p. Lost; ne^ected.


TiNTBRNBLL, 9. The name of aa

old dance.

TiNTT, adj. Tinted. Northam^.

Tint, a. {Lot. tinea.) AmoUi.

Tip. (1) a. A smart blow.

(2) V. To overturn. fTeaf.

(3) a. A donation, for. dL

(4) a. A draught of liquor. JT^tf.

(5) a. The extremity of aayUuBg

long or pointed.

(6) 9. To adjust the top of a


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TiF-CAT» t. A common boy's game.

Tip-CHEKSB, 8, A boy*8 game.

TiPE, (1)«. A globe.

(2) J. A trap for rabbits, &c.


(3) V, To toss with the hand.


(4) o. To pour liquor from one

vessel into another. Norths

TiPER.DOWN, 8. Strong drink.


TiPE-sTicK, «. A pieee of wood

which keeps the body of a cart

in its place. Line.

TiPLE, V. To sell ale or beer. 7?p-

2er, the person who sold it. Bob-

ton Records f 16/A cent

Tipped, ^ar/. p. Headed.

TipPERD, part. p. Badly dressed.


Tippet. To turn tippet^ to make a

complete change.

Tipple, (I) *. Liquor.

(2) V. To turn over; to tumble.

Tippler, 9. A tumbler.

Tippling, *. Haymaking. Norf,

TipPLiNo-BOUSE, 4. A l^eer-shop.

Tippt, (1) adj. Smart. Var, d.

(2) «. The brim of a cap or bon-

net. North,

Tips, «. (1) Irons for the soles of


(2) Small faggots. Suff.

Tip-TEBRERS, «. Christmas mum-

mers. Hampsh,

TiPTOON, t. Tiptoes.

Tip-top, "la. (1) Quite at the

TIP-OF-TOP, J top.

And that it this, ye spiders in lip of top

Or in top sides of windows copweos shnU

make. Eeywood^a Spider and FUe,lbb6.

(2) The best of anything.

TiRANDiE, "1,. Tyranny.

TIRANTRIE, J -'*•*"»/•

Ti&ANT, adj. Special; extraordi-

nary, n'ett,

TiRASOK, 8. Some kind of wild

fowl. Urguh., Rob.

TiRDBLBf 8. Sheep's dung. *< Dunge

of goates or shepe called tirdeb.

Ru8du8." Huloet.

Tire, (1) v. To attire; to dress;

to make ready.

(2) 8. A general term for the


(3) r. {J.-N.) To pluck ; to feed

upon ; said of birds of prey.

(4) 8, A tier.

(5) 8. The iron band of a wheeL


Tireling, adj. Tired. •

TiREMAN, 8. A dealer in orna-

mental clothing.

TiRET, 8. A leather strap for

hawks, hounds, &c.

Tirewoman, a. A milliner.

TiRFE, a. The tuck of a cap, &a

TiRiNO-BOT, a. The boy employed

to stir the colour in printing

cloth. Lane.

TiRL, V. To put in motion ; to turn

over. North.

TiRLiNs, a. Small pebbles, or coals.


TiRPKiL, a. Trouble; baseness.

TiRWBiT,a. The lapwing.

TisAN, 8. {Fr.j Barley-water.

TiscAN, 8. A handful of corn tied

up as a sheaf by a gleaner. Ckirma.

TiSB, V. To entice.

Ti8EDAT,r. Tuesday. MorteJrth,

Tiss, V. To hiss. Somerset.

TissicK, a. (phthisis.) A tickling

cough. £ast.

Tissue, a. {A.»N.) A riband.

TisTT-TOSTY, adj. Swaggering.

TiT, (1) pres. /.*Tideth ; happens.

For me thon hast thi liif forson ;

Of the no tit me never help non.


(2) a. A small horse.

(3) a. A proud or smart girl.

Var. d. A light tit^ a strumpet.

Cut. Undoubtedly they had a hand in't;

we shall be brought to swear against

them, Worm.

Worm. I'l swear what I heard, and

what I heard not, but I'l hang 'em. I

I see I shall be revenged o' that proud

tit ; but it grieves me for the eolonel.

Cowley's Cutler qf CoUnum Strut, Itfii,





(4) t. (^.-5.) A teat.

(5) J. A morsel. Somert.

(6) V, To hit lightly. North.

(7) a. A dam in a river.

TiT-BiT, a, A delicate morseL

TiTB, (1) adv. Soon.

(2^ prea. t. of tid^. Happeneth.

(3) t. A fountain of water. Gloue.

(A) V. To put in order. North.

(5) a. Weight. Somera.

TiTKLERB, a. A tattler.

TiTBaiN6» a. {A.'S.) Conrtship.

Tit-fa oooTs, j. Small faggots.

Tit-fall, a. A bird- trap made of

four bricks. Northampt.

TiTH, (\)adj. Tight

(2) V. To be the tythet or one

tenth part of.

Her sorrowes did not titk her joy, when

he had nven content.

Wamti't AUioHt Buglmd, 15W.

TiTHANDB, \ ^ TM5««i

TITHINGE.;'- ^'^'''^'

TiTHiNO, a. A company of mag-


TiTiMALB, a. The plant euphorbia.

TiTiviL, "1 t. A worthless

TiTiviLLUs, J knave; a demon.

TiTLBRBSi a. Hounds. Gaw.

Titling, a. The hedge-sparrow.

TiTMOSBy a. Pudendum f. ReUg.

Antiq., ii, 28.

Titter, (1) adv. Sooner; earlier.

North. See Tita.

(2) V. To tremble; to seesaw.


(3) a. A pimple. Norf.

Tittebavating, adj. Tiresome;

teazing. Boat.

Tittbrs, a. A kind of weed.

Titter-totter, (1) v. To va-


(2) 9. Seesaw.

Titter-worm, a. A collection of

pimples on the skin. Norf.

Tittery-whoppbt, J. Pudendum f.

Tittiyatb, v. To dress up.

Tittle, {I) v. To tickle. Var. d,

(2) V. To bring up by hand.

3) a. The mark on dice.

Tittle-ggose, «. A tattling fooL


Tittup, a. (1) A canter, f'ar.d.

(2) A falsehood. Northampt.

Titty, (1) a. {A.-S.) The bnut

(2) adj. Small ; dirainutiTe.

(3) t. A cat. North,

(4) a. Sister. Cumi.

Trmr- mouse, a. A titmouse.


TiTULATioN, a. (Lai.) A tickling ;


Play with hii nose, and dap his dterkai,

and laa^h till her vboJe fimora vna

■liook with tiMaium.

JOmtfey, TkeFamd Hmsbamd, 1635.

TiYt prep. To. North.

TiYER, a. {A.-&. teafor.) A com-

position of tar and red ochre,

used to colour and preserve boards

exposed to the weather, or to

mark sheep. Var. d,

TivY, adv. Quickly.

TiXHiL, a, A needle.

TizzT, a. A cant term for six-


TifT, (1) pret. /. Made; d«l;


(2) Tied.

To, (1) prep. Until.

(2) adv. Almost. Hertf.

(3)proii. Thou. North.

(4) part. p. Shnt; pot to.


(5) p. To fatigue. Yorkah.

(6) pret. t. Took.

(7) Contr. of tohaeco.

(8) T%e to aide, the right haad

side. 7b and again, from time to


Hee hath no hat-band, nor girfflc, ther

lie in troaUe for two cannet; nowM

aetteth bia hat on the toe aUr. aad

eonimeth railing in like a shippe la a

tempcstuona tide.

MiM m the JfMM, 1M9L

ToAD-BiT, a. A disease in cattle.


ToAD-BATBR, a. A parasite.

Toad-flax, a. The plant Hnaria.

ToAO-iN-A-HOLB, c A picce of

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beef baked in the middle of a

•dish of batter.

Toad-paddock, t. A toadstool.


ToAD-pipBSt 9, Horse-tail.

Toad's-cap, 1

toadVhat, >t. A toadstool.

toad's-mbat, J

ToAD-8KBPy «. Fungiia on old


ToAD-spFT, 9. Cuckoo-spittle.

ToADT, (I) 9. To flatter for gain.

(2) adj. Hateful. Wc9t,

(3) adj. Quiet and gentle (a

corruption of iowardly), Leic,

ToAK, p. To soak. Somer9et.

ToARE, 9. Grassandrubbishoncom-

land after the corn is reaped ; or

the long sour grass in pasture

fields. Kent.

ToATLT, adj. Quiet; manageable.


ToB, V. To pitch. Bed9.

ToBiT, 9. A measure of four gallons.


To-BRBKB, V. To break to pieces.

ToBY-TROT, 9. A simplc fellow.


Toe H SB, 9» A tether. Noff.

Tod, (1) «. A fox.

(2) 9. A bush; the head of a


(3) 9. The bottom of a tree left

in the ground. Nor/.

(4) 9. The upright stake of a


(5)9. A disease in rabbits. We9t.

(6) 9. To tooth sickles. Norf.

(7) *. Two stone of wool.

(8) 9. Dung. Line.

Toddlb, 9. To walk with short

steps like a child.

Toddy, at(;. (1) Very small. North.

(2) Weighty. Northampt.

Todblinob, 9. A little toad.

Todob. See Stodge.

ToD-LOWRBY, 9, A bugbcar. JJne.

ToPET, 9. Half a busheL Kent.

Toffy, 9. Taflfy.

ToPLiOBT, 9. {A.^S.) A refuge.


adv. Before.



The whiche thyiisre wm not se to f one.

LydgaU, MS. A$kmU, 39. f. 66.

To-FRuacBB, V. To dash to pieces.

The moDstroat king that rescoletie to

flyinfT people cride.

Who, lying nil tofnushed thus.

Wtanuf's AUnoHM EngUmd, 1693.

ToFT, 9. Open ground ; a plain ; a


Too» V. To jog on. GUmc.

Too-BBLLiBD, adj. Very stout.


ToGE, 9. A toga. Shakeep.

To-OKiNBs, jir^. Against.

Ther was non erl in Inglond

That lo-ffeineg him dunt itoud.

(?y of Witrwiie.

TooBTHBR, adv. All of you. Norf,

ToooERY, 9. Worn-out clothes.

To-oiNDB, V. To reduce to pieces.

Tooif AN, 9. A cant term for a


TcoBYNDB, V. To grind to pieces.

Toil, «. (1) The piece of armour

buckled to the tasset, and hang-

ing oTer the cuishes.

(2) An inclosure into which game

was driven.

TOILE, V. (A.'S.) To tug.

ToiLOva, a<^'. Laborious.

ToivKt part. p. Shut. Lane.

ToiT, (1) V. To fall over. North.

r2)«. A settle. Somereet.

(3) f. A cushion, or hassock.


(4) adj. Stiff; proud. Weet.

ToiTisH, adj. Snappish. Comw.

ToKB, V. To glean apples. Somere.

Token, (1) v. To betroth. Comuf.

(2) 9. A fooL Wat9h.

ToKBNiNo, 9. Intelligence of a


ToBiN, 9. (fV.) An alarm-bell.

ToKNE, 9. A token.

ToLDBR-up, V. To dress out Line.

ToLDRUM, «. Finery. Leie.

ToLB, (1) 9. To draw; to entice.





(2) IF. To tempt ; to cosz. Ncrf.

J 3) V, To tear in pieces.

4) «. A weapon.

(5) «. A mass of large trees. Sun,

ToLBDOt '• A sword » or dagger,

so named from the place where

they were made.

ToLXBATE, V. To domineer. Eaat,

ToLKB, «. A man ; a knight.

Toll, ». A clump of trees. Sun.

ToLLATiON, «. {Lat.) Abduction.

Toll-bar, ». A turnpike.

Toll-booth, 8, Atown-halL North,

ToLL-BOT, 9, Cheap goods. Dorset.

ToLLENt 9. To measure out, or


ToLLEB, $, A toU-gatherer.

ToLLXTRTtt. (^.-M) Magic

To-LOOKER,«. A spectator. Deoom,

ToL-PiN, 9, A pin belonging to a


ToLSERT, a. A cant term for a


ToLSBT, f. The place where tolls

were taken.

ToLTfV. Tostrike one's head ^^nst

anything. Nortkampt,

Toilet, s. {Fr,) A lady's napkin.

A toilet is a little doth which ladies

vae for what purpose they tfaiok ftt^

and is by some corruptly called a <ioy-

light, LadUa^ Did.

ToLTBR, 9. (1) To struggle about.

(2) To move heavily and clum-

sily. Nortlumipt,

Toif,'s. (1) A close-stool. SomerHt.

(2) The knave of trumps at gleek.

ToMBESTBRB, «. (A,-S.) A female


ToM-GONT, s. A simpleton.

ToM-cuLLy «. The fish miller's-


Tome, (1) «(/. Empty.

(2^ s. Time.

(3) 9. Heartburn; flushings.


To faint. North.

To go towards. Somers.

A hair-line for fishing.

To-mEDEs, ud9. In the midst

ToMXNTous, adj. {Lai.) WooUt.

ToMBRBL, «. A tumbreL

ToM-PARTHiNG, 9. A simpletoii.

Tommy, «. (1) A simpleton. Norik

(2) A small spade. North.

(3) Provisions. Fmr.d,

Tommy-bar, s. The ruff. North.

ToMMY-LOACH, 9. The loach.

Tom-noddy, s. (1) A fool.

(2) The puffin. Northmmb.

ToH-MOirp,«. The titmouse. Skrept.

ToM-op.BEDLAM, 9. A man who

was allowed to go about beggiog

on the plea of being insane.

Ste Bedlamiie.

To-MOMTH, 9. This month. Imc.

ToMOR, 9. Some kind of bird.

The peihcaa and the pomm^y.

The tomor and the tortil trv.


ToM-PiN, 9. A very lai^ pin.

ToM-POKBR, 9. A word perhaps

connected with Pndc The bug-

bear of naughty children, snp-

posed to inhabit dark plices.


ToMRiG, 9. A tomboy. Gbmt.

But in the plays which haTebeeawnte

of late, there is no aaeh thin^as perfed

eharacter, but the two chief person are

most commonly a swearing, dradimg.

whoring ruffian for a lorer, and an iB>

pndent Ul.bred tomrig for a i

and these are theftne people of the pbj.

Skad»«a,SiiU€nLtm«n, 1910, htL

Where is this harlotry, this issiMdeit

hagS^S^ this rambling tcmuigff O »

Jasper, Vm glad to see Toa here, did

you not see my Ti)*d graiuiehild coaum

hither jnst now?

Wyekerlt$, Couutrf Wifa, 1686.

ToM-TAiLOR, 9. The harry-loBg-


Tov-TiLBR,«. A henpecked hos-


ToM.TiT» «. (1) The titmouse. Pm-.d.

(2) The wren. Norf.

ToM-TODDT, 9. A tadpole. Cmnm.

Tom -TOE, 9. The great toe.

ToM-TOMMY, 9. A «ort of pk>qghk

Sec Jkm&li'Tanu

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ToBf-TRTF-AND-oo, f. Threcpcncc.

ToM-TROT, 9, A sweetmeat for chil-

dren, made of sugar, batter, and


Ton, (1) The one.

{2)preLU Taken.

(3) «. The tunny fish ? MiddUton.

(4) 9. To mash ale.

(5) 9. A spinning-wheel. Emn.

ToNDBR, $. Tinder.

ToKE, 8. pi. Toes.

ToNKL, 9. A sort of fowling-net.

Ton-end, adv. Upright. North.

Tongue, (1) 9. A bee's sting.

(2) V. To talk immoderately.


(3) 9. A nnall sole. Var. d.

ToNGTTS-BANO, V. To scold heartily.


ToNouB-FAD, 9. A talkative person.

ToNOUE-TREB, 9. The pole of a


ToNouE-WALK, 9. To abuse. Far.d.

ToNOUEY, adj. Layish of tongue.


ToNKETiOd^.Shortandstumpy. Deo.

ToNMBLB, 9. A large tab.

Tonne, 9. (A.-N.) A tun; a barreL

Tonne-grety large as a tun.

ToNNiROOD,«.The bullfinch. North.

ToNowRB, 9. A funnel. Pr. P.

Called in Norfolk AiunneL

T0N8B, V. To trim up. North.

ToNsiLB-KEDOB, «. A hedge cut

neat and smooth.

Tony, 9. A simpleton.

Bather tlian wear thia gown, and earrr

green bags nil thy life, and be pointed at

for a t<mjf. WyckerUyt Plain^denkrtWTl .

Too, 9. A toe.

ToooLE, 9. A tooth. Cra»€n.

Took, part, p. Blighted, said of

vegetation affected by heat or

frost. Northampt.

Tool, 9. A hollow wooden spade

shod with iron. Line,

Tools, «. Farming utensils. We9t.

TooLY, adj. Tender ; sickly. South.

Toom, (1) adj. Empty. North.

(2) 9. Unoccupied space or room.

(3) o. To take wool off the cards.

Toomino, 9. Aching in the eyes.


Toon, a4;. (1) The one.

(2) Too. Ea9t.

Toop, V. To tip. Northampt.

TooR, {1)9. The toe. Somer9e,.

(2) Tother. Devon.

TooRCAN, V. To be doubtful or he-

siute on what one will do. North.

TooRB, adj. DifiScult.

Toot, (l) v. To pry inquisitiTely.

(2) V. To apply. Craven.

(3) V. To try ; to endeavour. Dev.

(4) 9. To whine, or cry. IVeH,

(5) V. To shoot up, as plants.


(6) V. To blow a horn.

(7)#. The total. Sujf.

(8) 9. The devil.

Tooth, 9. Maintenance. North.

Tooth- AN D-B6G, 9. A corruption

of tutenag, an alloy, or mixed

metal. Line.

TooTH-AND-NAiL, odv. In eamest.

Tooth-hod, «. Good pasturage.


Toot- HORN, 9. Anything long and

taper. Somer9et.

Tooth .^OAP, *. An old name for a

sort of tooth-powder.

Toothsome, adj. Palatable.

Toothwort, 9. SbevherdU-purse.

Toothy, adj. (1 ) Largely furnished

with teeth.

(2) Peevish. South.

TooTiNo-noLB, 9. A small aperture

for peeping. See Toting- hole.

Tootle, v. To try the notes in an

under tone, as a singing-bird

before beginning the full song.


Tootlbdum-fattiok, *. A fool.


Too-too, adv. Exceedingly. A

phrase the real meaning of which

was first pointed out by Mr. Halli.

well, in a communication to the

Shakespeare Society's Papers,

vol. i, p. 39.

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ToozLv, V. To pull about roughly.


Top, (1) «. The head.

(2) V, To take the head of any-


(3) adj. Capital. Var. d.

(4) $. Coal in the pit, ready for

removal by wedges or powder.

(5) ». To wrestle.

(6) p. To top offi to empty at one


Its no haiiions offence (beleeve me) for

ft young man to hunt harlots, ta tap off

ft csjine roundly. Ter. m Bnglitk^ 1641.

Top-AND-scouROE| «. The game

of whip-top.

TopASiON, ». Topaz.

Top-CASTLBs, 9. Ledgiugs round

the mast-heads in ancient ships

of war.

ToP-PULL, adj. Quite full.

Toping, adj. Excellent. We9t.

TopiN'YERE, 9. A paramour.

Top-LATCH, 9. The thong of the

seels of a horse's collar.

ToPLE89| adj. Supreme, having no

top or superior.

Who did betwixt them hoise

Shrill tttuuit to a topleu height.

Ckapmdm*8 Iliad.

ToPMAN, 9, A merchant vessel.

ToppE,pr^. Above.

This we bezechith top^ alle thins:, thet

thin holy name, thet is thi ipioae los,

tlii kiiaulechiiige, thi beleave. by y-oon-

fermed inc ous. Ajfcnk, (^Inwjft^ p. S2.

Topper, «. One who excels.

ToppicE, V. To hide, or take

shelter. See TappU.

Like a ranger,

May tcppice where he likes.

Topping, (I) #. A crest. " A top-

pvnge, einru9, coma, erUta,*

MS, G1099,

(2) 9. A curl, or tuft of hair.

(3^ adj. Excellent ; substantial.

(4) 9, A mode of cheating at dice.

ToppiNOLT, adv. In good health.


ToppiNG-poT, #. An allotraiiee of

beer given in harvest time, vbea

a mow was filled to the very top.

Toppings, «. (1) A lady's head-


Ill Ut her topfim^s in the dost, tome

on't wW will ; she may be as hakl u

you, for ought I know, father, when her

topptHffS zrt aS.

Dur/ejf^ Marrutpe-haier maitk'L

(2) The second skimming of

milk. Norf.

TopPiTS, 9. Refuse of hemp.

Topple, (1) «. A crest, or tuft.

(2) t>. To tumble. Sheep, or

other farming live stock, wbeo

they sell for double their cost,

are said to be toppled oiwr.

Toppler, «. A tumbler ; an aatie.


Tops, «. A part of the dress.

Sir. all tliat I said of your top* was. ilit

ther made such a rushing noise as ria

walked, that my mistrras could ikx box

one word of the tore I made io her.

Howard, BngUtk Mimmnau, 1674

Top-sawyer, «. A leading penoa.

ToPSiDE-TURVT, #. Topsy^torvy.

Tops-man, 9. The principal under

a bailiff.

Top-iTP, V. To finish off.

Tor, «. A hill.

ToRBLB, «. Trouble.

Torch -HERB, «. A plant. ** Ter-

bascum. Bouillon. Wodtblade;

loongwoort; torch-hearbe" AV


Tore, j. The long old grass whicfc

remains in pasture during the

winter. South.

Tores,«. Ornamental wooden knobi

on old-fsshioned chain and cra-


ToRBTB, 9. (A.-N,) A rinj.

ToRF, 9. Chaff raked off the cora

after threshing. Keni.

ToRPBL, 9. To fall ; to deeline la

health ; to die. North.

ToRPiTCH, 9. Wild vetch. JTesf.

See Tare-Jitch.

ToRKBLARE, «. A quaiTcix)me nua.

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-To&KEss, V, To alter a house, &c.

ToRKWBD, «. An instrument for

holding a vicioas horse by the


To&MKNT, #. (1) {A,'NJ) A tempest.

(2) A fly-trap.

Bay a trap, a monte trap,

A torment for the fleas I

The hangman works but half the daj;

He lives too much at ease.

The Comwum Cries qf Londam^ lud.

ToRMBNTiNO, 8, Sub-ploDghing,

or sub-hoeing. Devon,

ToRMiT, a. A turnip. North.

Torn, «. A spinning-wheel. Exm,

TORNAY, ». (J,-N.) To tilt.

ToRNAYBEZ. Tums ; wheels. Ga-


Torn-down, a£^'. Rough and riot-

ous. Line*

ToRNB, (1) r. {A.'S.) To turn.

(2) adj. Angry.

ToRPENT, adj. Torpid. Iforv.

ToRRiDiDDLB, aty. Bewildered.


ToRRiL, 9. A worthless woman, or


Tort, (1) t. (A.-N.) Wrong.

(2) «. A tart.

(3) #. A wax candle.

h) adj. Sparkling. West.

(5) adj. Large ; fat. Gloue.

Tortious, adj. Injurious.

ToRTivE, adj. Twisted.

ToRTOB, f. (1) A turtle.

(2) A tortoise. Norf.

Tortuous, adj. Winding.

ToRTYL, a4^'. Twisted.

ToRViD, adj. {Lat.) Stern-looking ;


Tory, a. An Irish robber.

ToRY-RORY, adj. Wildly.

TosARD, s. A sort of firewood.

Alio, if any freeman of this city, use to

retort into the coantriea near to this

dty, and there to ingross and buy up

much billet, talwood, fag^t, to$ard, or

other firewood, and convey the same

by water nnto this city, and' there lay it

npon their wharfs ana other places, and

10 keep it till they may sell it at high

Aod excossive prices.


TosB, 1 V. To pull, or pluck; to

TOZB, J pull or draw out wool, &c.

Yet thfre must be a consideration in

these also ; for many of them which lacke

the use of their feete, with their hands

may pick wool, and sow ptrments, or tote

ckam. Korlhbtvoke on Dicing, 1577.

To8H,a. A tusk ; a projecting tooth.

TosiER, a. A basket-maker. South.

To-soNDRB. V. To split to pieces.

To-SPRBOB, 9. To scatter abroad.

Toss, a. The mow or \yay of a barn

into which the corn is put for


Toss ELL, a. A tuft.

TossiCATBD, \part.p.(\) Drunk.

TOSTicATED, J (2) odv. Perplcxcd.

Toss-PLUMB, a. A swaggerer.

Toss-POT, a. A drunkard.

To8SY-TAiL,<u/9. Topsv-turvy. Dev.

TosTBE, a. A dish made with toasted

bread. Forme ^Oury, p. 18.

TosT-YRN, a. A toasting-iron.

Tot, a. (1) A simpleton.

(2) A term of endearment.

(3) Anything very small. East.

(4) A bush, or tuft, or small hill.

(5) Asmalldrinking-cup. Midl.C.

ToTALD, part. p. Killed, or injured

in an irretrievable manner. East,

ToTB, (l)t». (>^-5.) To observe;

to peep. See Toot.

Derocion stondvth fer withowt

At the lyppys dure, and totelh ynne.

MS. Cantab., iXii, S8,t.2B.

(2) V. To bulge out. Somen.

(3) adj. Fat ; large. Gloue.

(4) a. The whole. Var. d.

(5) a. A boy's game, resembling

leapfrog. Norf.

ToTEHiLL, a. An eminence.

ToTELER, a. A whisperer.

ToTBSANB,1a. {A.'N.) All-heal,

TUTSAN, J the Hypericum andro^


ToTEY, adj. Irritable. North.

T<yTBEK.adJ. (1) The other. Tother-

day, the day before yesterday.


(2) a. Slime ; spawn. Leic. To^

thery, viscous, slimy.





ToTHKRBMM Y, 9. The oihcrs. Weft

ToTiNO-ROLE, «. A loophole.

They within the dtie peroeyved well

this toljfnff-hcie, and Uyed a pece of

ordyiMttiMW directly against tlie wyn.

dowe. HiUl, Henry VI, i, 23.

ToTLB, «. A sluggard. We9t,

Tot-o'er-8ea8, 9, The golden-

crested wren.

To-ToaN, purt, p. Tom to pieces.

ToT-auoT, «. A general dispensa-


ToTT, V. To note.

Totted, (1) adj. Drunken.

And yon scliall here a totted frere.

MS. AshmoU, 61. Uth cent.

(2) Excited.

Tottered, part. p. Tattered.

ToTTER-ORASS, 9. Quakc-grftss.


ToTTBR*piE,j. A high-raised apple-


ToTTLB. (1) V, To toddle.

{2)adJ, Idle; slow.

ToTTY, adj. (1) (^.-5.) Dizzy.

(2) Little. Sufolk,

ToTTY-LAND, «. High land. Su99,

Tou, 9. Snares for game. Ea9L

Touch, (I) «. A cunning trick.

(2) 9. A habit, or action.

(3) 9, Occasion. We9t

(4) ». A touchstone.

(5) 9. An old name for a kind of

hard black gianite. SiarUhuni,

p. 31. The term was also ap-

plied to marble.

(6) 9. To infect, or stain.

Touch-box, 9. The box in which

soldiers with matchlocks carried

lighted tinder.

Touched, part. p. Disordered in


Toucher, 9. A trifle.

Toufpa, 9. A shed in a farm


TouoE, 0. To tug.

TouTH, 9. The beam of a plough.

Tougher, 9. A dowry.

TouoHT, (1) adj. Tight.

(2) r. Td tighten. Nin/.

TouoBY, 9, A coarse sweetmeat

composed of hrown sugar and

treacle, said to be named fron

its toughness. See Thffjf.

TouKBx, V, {A.SJ) To dfc.

Tour, 9, (A.^N.) (1) A tower.

(2) A part of the coiffure.

A tour is an artificial dms of hair, fint

ioTented by some ladies that bad lort

their own hair, an^borrowed of othfn

to corer their ahame ; but aiace it a

biooght into a fashion. LmJii^ JHeL

TouRN, 9. A spinning-whed. Erm,

^^.iT' l«- (^-^O Thcsheriri


TouRT, t^. To decay. Sttff.

TousB, (1) V. To pull abovt T*

tou9e and jnouae, to poll about


He told me none bnt uanfhtr woaa

sat there, whom tbry toms'dttmimetfl

bnt I won'd hare venlur'd for all thtt

WyeherUf, Caumlry JTtfr. im

In feates of annes and life's dnad de^ov


I Unu* to gains me fame and repvtatioB.

All that I strive for is to comprehend

Honour; to honoar all iny labows teal

Ford'* Homer TriumfkaMl, l&C

(2^ «. A slight blow. £0*^79:

(3) «. A disturbance. /)ort.

TousBLED, adj. Having tassels.

TousER, \9. (1) A person wbs

TOwzER, J pulls others about.

Bat let him loose amon^ my kitcEe='

ftimiture, my maids* nercr was aecs

so tarmagant a to»a€r.


(2) The five at the game of


(3) A coarse apron. Deroa.

Tout, (1) ». The posteriors.

(2) adj. Full

For etothes ne for hows hyre

He ne esreth nowt.

Bat whan he cometh to tin mete

He msketh his wombe tow/


Po«moii Timei^ELIl

(3) V. To solicit costom.

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(4) v. To follow or be followed.


(5) 9. Atannel across a road. Line.

TovKT, 1 ». (^..5.) (1) A half-

TOFET, J bushel; a measure of four

gallons. See ToHt.

(2) A measure of two gallons.


Tow, 1(1) adj. Tough; diffi-

Towj, J cult.

. (2) adj. Pleasant. Dewm.

(3) 9. {A.'S.) Tools, or apparatus.


TOWAILK, 9. (A.'N.) A towcL

Tow AN, 9. A sand hill. Dev.

Toward, adj. Forthcoming.

Tow Av.iiE%f prep. {A.'S.) Towards.

Towardly, <nf>. D<nngwell.

Tow.BLOWBN, 9. A blowu hciu

ring. Sttff.

TowsLft. (1) The fundament. See


(2) A stick. Var.d. In Norfolk,

a man who has been eudgelled is

aaid to have been rubbed down

with a blackthorn towel

TowBN, ( 1) part. p. Fatigued.

(2) V. To tame. Norihumb.

Tower, 9. (1) Cuiled hair on the


(2; The high head-dress worn

by ladies early in the last

century. See Tour.

TowOHBR, 9. A dower. Cumb.

ToWGHT, 9. A rope-yam for tying

tacks. North.

TowxETTS, 9. Flaps of armour

hanging from the tasses on the


TowLiXG, V. Whipping hocses up

and down at a fair.

ToWK, 9. (1) A Yillage. Var. d.

(2) The court, or farmyard. Dev.

Csdled a town-place in Cornwall.

Town-gate, 9. The high road

through a town.

Town-routing, jyar/. a. Gossiping.


T0WN-8ON6, 9. *'A towne-sange>

comedia:* MS. GI099.

Tow PIN, 9. A piu belonging to a


To-WRBTB, V. To attack.

Tow-row, (1) 9. Money paid by

porters to persons who undertake

to find them work. Ea9t.

(2) V. To clean out dirty and

disorderly places. Northampt.

TowRus, adj. Eager.

T0W8CONEY, 9. A term of con-


A north conntry fellow waitin^for some

bod;|r m the office, by chance stood

■taring and jcaping near the old towt-

coney's seat, who looking at the country

tike aa he wsi loiterini; about, calPd to

him Tom. The Infernal Wanderer, 1702.

T0W6BR, 9. A coarse apron worn

by maid-servants at work. Dev.

TowT, V. To rumple ; to put out of

order. Var.d.

TowTY, adj. Ill-tempered.

Towzb&y-gano, 9. A gang of un-

- substan tial linendrapers, who car-

ried on business for a few wecka

in different places, and disap-

peared as soon as their credit

failed. The term was common

in London in 1848.

ToxE, 9. A tusk.

Toy, 9. A whim, or fancy.

To-YBAR, V. This year.

TozE. See Tose and Tou9e.

TozY, adj. Soft. To2ine99, soft-


Tprot, 9. An exclamation of con-


Trace, (1) a. A path ; a track.

(2) V. To walk.

(3) p. To go one by one. Leic.

(4) 9. A sledge ; a small cart.

Tract, (1) 9. (Lat.) Delay.

(2) V. To track.

Trade, {\)pret. t Trod.

(2) a. A road ; a rut in a road,


(3) a. Habit; conduct.

(4) 9. Rubbish. Dewm,

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(5) *. A fuss. " To make a trade

about any one." Northampt.

(6) 8. Household goods ; lumber.


Trafer, s. a searcher.

Trapfick, (1) a. Passage of people.

(2) 9. Lumber.

Traffikg-dish, j. a bowl for

straining milk.

Traoettbs,<. Juggliog tricks. See


Traie, e. {A,'N.) To betray.

Traik, v. To sicken ; to die. North,

Trails, (1) ». Trellis work.

(2) 8, A trayle, or trame, airma,

aegmmium.** MS, Gloat,

(3) r. To drag. Torrent of Port,

(4) V, To hunt by track or scent.

(5) V, To loiter. North,

(6) ». To carry hay or corn. Line.

(7) *. The train of a gown.

(8) a. A sort of sledge ur cart.

(9) a. A portion ; a fragment.

Trailebastons, *. (i^.-iV.) Riotous

persons who infested tbe country

in the 14th century.

T«Aii.T0N08, l,. xdattern.

trail-tripes, J

Traily, adv. Slovenly. Cw/nb,

Train, (\)a. Stratagem ; treachery.

The bed, the bonrde. tliey dreed in doubt,

with train to be opprettt,

T¥ben fortune frownes. their power moat

yeelde, as wier unto the wrest.

EaWs Fufubria Flore, 1661.

And more perchance, by treason and by


To munler us they secretly content.

Faitf., Tauo, i, 86.

(2) adj. acver ; apt. Yorkah,

(3) V. To harbour, said of a wolf.

Trainal, a, (A.-N.) A drag-net

Traipse, v. To creep along.

Traise, (1) «. The traces of a horse.

"A travse for horse or trayl,

trahayMS, Gloaa.

Traiste, (1) *. Dregs.

(2) V, To trust. Traiatelyt safely ;


Trait, J. The coarser meal. Comw,

Traitkrib, a. Treachery.

Traitie, a, (/v.) A treatise; a ^


Tralillt, a, A term of endear-


Tralucent. 1 ,. TfRMlucent.

tralucing,/ ■' *'«»»«««^

Tram, a. (1) A train.

(2) A sledge on four wheels,

used in coal mines. North.

(3) A bench for a tab- Herrf.

Tramb, a, (1) Treachery. Lme,

(2) A fragment.

Trammel, a, (1) A mill hopper.

(2) A sort of fuwling-net.

(3) An iron hook to hang ket-

tles over a fire.

(4) A contrivance used for teach-

ing a horse to move the l^a on

the same side together.

Tramp, (1) v. To trample. West.

(2) a. A journey on foot.

(3) a, A beggar.

(4) a. Gin and water. 5m/A.

Tramper,*. a travelling meehROie.

Tramplbr, a, A lawyer.

Trance, a„ A tedious journey.


Trans, (1) a. A device; a knot.

(2) V. (A.^N.) To delay, or loiter.

Tranoame, a, A toy.

Bnt go, thon trtmgmita^ and carry lack

tlioae tranowmes which thoa hast stela

or purloin d.

Wgekirlqf, FlaUdemUr, 1677.

Tranolb, a. Luck; way. ^^Let

them go and take their ofm

trangle," Leie,

Trangrain, a, A strange thing.

Old Diet.

Tramnell,v. (.^,-iV.) Tottammel

for larks.

Also they use (by wav of prevcBtmi) ts

biude trannelUn for larkes, tliat thtj

shall destroy no partridges. . . . Bat

the biuding of troMnrlUrt in this sort,

seemeth rather to do hart than good,

in that it doth inable or tdente the use

of tranntUimg in the night time, wbcn^

by maoy partridges are sceretlT taken

a£d killed.

DaUon't CwuCry Jmttiua, 1630

TRANLiNO,a. A perch one year old.





Trans AM, 9. The lintel of a door.

TAAN8CRIT, f. {A,'N.) A tran-



change elements.

TiL\N8FisTiCATB, V. To picrce


Trans rasT, v. {Lat,) To pass the


Transhape, 9, TraDsformation.


Trans HAND, 9, A method of cy-

pher, where consonants were

used instead of the vowels.

Translator, t . A cobbler.

Transmogrify, 9. To transform.

A-Ti ay* 1 know I am tratttmoarapky'd j

but 1 am yonr very brother, ^ ed.

Skad»*U, Squire of Jlsalia, 1688.

Transmus, V. {A,'N.) To trans-


Transnaturb, v. To change the


It vas his uaoall Idnd of oath, (O Sathonist

most vile)

Wherewith he did his loring God pollute

and eke defyle;

Um dooth, you see, irtmsnaturt UB. and

bringeth lu to wracke

Yea, iDJiko a netamorphoaia of na behinde

our backe. Stubbed ExampU9,\h%\.

Tran-shxit, v. To change.

Transumb, v. To transcribe.

Transumpt, f. (1) A transcript.

(2) The lintel of a door.

Trant, «. A trick, or stratagem.

Trantbr, 9. A carrier.

Trantbrt, f. Money arising from


Traxtt, a^, Precocioos.

Trap, (1) v* To dress in trappings.

(2) V. To pinch. North,

(3) 9. A foot-bridge. Beds.

(4) 9. A short hill. Somer9,

(5) 0. To tramp as with pattens.

(6) «. An old worn-out animaU

(7) «. A small cart.

(8) Vp to trapi very cunning.

Trap-ball, 9. A well-known game.

Trap-bittle, «. A bat used at


Trap-dish, t. A perforated dish

through which new milk is strained

to relieve it of hairs. Norf.

Traps, (1) «. A platter, or dish.

(2) V, To trail. Var. d.

(3) A young man paying attention

to a young woman is said in Nor-

folk to trape hit wing at her, a

metaphor taken from the habits

of the turkey-cock.

Trapbs, (1) f. A slattern.

(2) V. To wander about. Trape-

ting^ slow ; listless. North.

Trappan, «. A snare.

Trappers, 9, Trappings.

Traps, t. Goods ; eflfects.

Trapstick, 9, (1) The cross-bar

confining the body of a cart to

the shafts.

(2) A nickname for a man or

woman with small and cylin-

drical legs, Somertet,

(3) Mentula.

Trasbninos, 9. The crossings and

doublings before the hounds.

Trash, (1)«. Money.

(2) f . The cuttings of trees.

(3) f. Nails for nailing up ta-

pestry, &c.

(4)f. Ewes which did not produce

or rear a lamb. Eatt,

(5) t». To fatigue. North.

(6) V. To place a heavy collar

round the neck of a hound, to

restrain his pace.

(7) V. To restrain; to retard.

(8)f. A trifle.

Trash-bao, f. A worthless person.


Trash bd, part. p. Betrayed.

Trash If iRB, 9. A slattern. North,

Trat, f. (1) A treatise.

(2) A loitering boy. Wett.

Tratb. See Crate,

Trattlb. v. To talk idly.

Trattlbs, 9. The dung of sheep,

hares, &c.

Trau, *. A tree. Jyenb. oflnw.

Traunba, «. A tedious journey.


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TKAUNWATf «. A Strange stoiy. •


Trausbs, 9. Hose, or breeches.

Travails, v. (J.-N,) To labour*

Travb, (1) f. {A,'N.) A frame into

which farriers pot unruly horBes.

*• A trave to sho horse in,/(WTa-

iorium." MS. Glo$t.

(2) In the trave, harnessed. Eatt.

(3) 9. Ti) set up shocks of corn.

(4) V. To stride along. North.

Tratbrs, 9. A dispute.

Trayersaunt, adj, Unpropitious.

Traverse, (1) «. A moveable

screen, or low curtain.

(2) 9. A closet l>ehind a screen.

(3) f . A cross road. Line,

(4) V, {A.'N.) To transgress.

(5) o. Tu digress in speaking.

(6) 9. Thwarting contrivance.

TsiAYi&Ti part, p." Bewildered.

And that when that tliey were travyrt.

And of herbarow, were abayst.

He wole them wysee and r^e.

MS. AshmoU 61, XT. Cent.

Travis, 1 «. A place adjoining

TRAVERSE, Va blacksmith's shop

TRA WE, J where horses are

shod. Var,cL

Tray, «. (1) A hood for mortar.

(2) A large hurdle. Vor.d,

Trayerb, 9, A long boat.

Trayfolb, 9. A knot, or device.

Traytory, f. Treachery.

Tray-trip, t. A game at dice.

Tre, 9, A tree.

Trbachbr, 9. A traitor.

Trbaglb. See Triaele. P9or'mm^9-^

treacle, garlic EnglUh^trettde,


TRBACLB.BALL, c. Tretcie boiled


Trbaclb-buttbr-carb, 9, Oat-

cake spread over with butter and

treacle. North.

Trbaclb-vtao, 9. Weak beer in

which treacle is a principal in-

gredient 1f^e9t,

Treadle, 9. The foot- board at-

tached to a wheel.

Treaf, aiy. Peevish; frowird. ^


Treague, 9, A truce. Speiu.

Treatably, adv. Intelligibly.

Treatise, t. A treaty.

Treaty, «. Disquisition.

Trebuchbt, 9. A cucking-stool.

Trbchaukt, at^. Pliant.

Treche, v. To cheat.

Trbchourb, 9, (1) {ji^'N.) A


(2) {A.'N.) A woman's oniBBtkent

for the head.

Trbddle. «. (1) The dung of a

hare. Souih.

(2) The step of a stair, &c ** A

tredrlle of the lammya, as^

podium." MS. GI099.

(Z) The germ of an egg.

(4) A cant term for a prostitiifcc.

Tredbn, v. (A.-S.) To tread.

Trbdurb, f . A sort of candle.

Tredure. Take brede. and grate it;

make a line of niwe ayreon, and d»

thereto nf nran and powder-doaee, *aA

lye it up with gode broth, and mUke ii

as a cawdel, and do thereto • tftd

TOJOBB. Farmt cfCmry, pL C

Tree, a. (1) Wood ; timber.

(2) A staff, or stick.

(3) A spade handle. JFeti.

(4) A butcher's gambriL Smf.

TRBE-0008B, 9. The Solas goose.

Trbbrsin, oife. Three weeks since.


Trebn, (1) 9.pL Trees.

(2) a<^'. Wooden.

Treenwarb, 9. Earthen ves8d&.

Trbb-relbbt, \9. The nseetiM;

tbrbb-rblebt, ) of three roads ;

that is, one impinging on 1

not crossing. Roedawhiehi

or in other words, where ioat

meet, are called a fburey ket —


Trkobtour, 9. (I) (^.-M) A


(2) A cheat.

Treiaitb, 9. A treaty.

Trbib, a. (A,-S.) Vezatioii.

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T&BjrnsD. Marked ; adorned.


TaxLAWNT, «. A name for a weak

mess of barley meal, water, and


Trsnch, (1) V. {A.'N.) To cut, or

canre. TVencAan/, cutting; sharp.

(2) «. A hone's bit.

TnBNCHBPAiNa, f. {A,'N.) The

oiBcer who cut bread at the royal


T&ENCBsn, «. A wooden platter.

Treneheringt eating. 7V«RcA«r.

man^ a good eater. Trencher^

squire, trencher-friend, trtneher-

yfjf, a parasite.


cloak worn formerly by appren-

tices and servants.

Trbnchmobb, f . An old boisterous


Trend, (1) v. To bend round.

(2) t. A stream. Devon,

Tkbndlb, {l)v. To rolL

(2) t. A hoop. " Cyrcle beynge

ronnde lyke a trendie, after the

sorte as an adder lyeth. ^nra"


i3) 9. The beam of a spindle.

4) *. A brewer's cooler. We$t

T&bnkbt, 9, Acordwainer's knife.


Trbnltno, a^. Twinkling.

Trbnnb, a4i* Wooden.

Trbnnlb, 1 «. A wooden pin

TRBB-NAiL, J uscd in ship-buUd-

ing. South,

Tkeht, pret. t, (I) Seized.

(2) Lay down.

He vent and trtnt his bed opoo.

So man tliat ii «o higon.

Op q^JForwUv, p. 7.

Trxpbtt, «. A blow.

Trbsawntx, «. A passage in a


Trbsourb, «. (1) (J^N,) Tnasoie.

(2) A tress of hair.

Trbbsb, «. A clasp.

Trbssbl, #. A trestle.

TRJUtuRB,«. Curly hair.

Trbbt, (1) ac{f. Trusty.

(2) 9. A large stool. Lane.

Trbstlbs, f. The dung of sheep,

hares, &c. 5i»f.

Trbtablb, adj, {A.-N») Tractable.

Tbbtb, (1) V, (A,'N.) To treat.

S2) f . A row ; an array.

3) f . A plaster.

Trbtbb, «. A treaty.

Trbtis, (1) «. A treaty.

(2) adj. Slender and well-pro-


Trbtourb, 9. A traitor.

Trbwb, (1) 9. (A.-N,) A truce.

(2)a4r. True; faithful.

Trewbts, 9, Pattens. Svtffblk,

Trbtoobbt, 9, An old game at


Triaclb, (from Or, ^lypiard.) A

medicine to counteract poison ; a

remedy ; an antidote.

Triaclb-sbllbr, a. A quack.

Triade, triadenr. cliarlatiii. A iriat^

idler, or a pbysidan that sads about

the eonatiy. Nomenclat,

Trial-touch, a. A proof? Per-

haps there is an allusion in the

following passage to the practice

of tottchiDg for the king's eviL

Tor I have had the trialhtoueh before,

And am lo knowne, I ahall be tride no

Trianolb-wats, oijf. Cross-cor-

nered. Northampt,

Tribbbt-door, a. A half-door.

Tribbt, a. (1) A boy's game )ike

trap-ball. Lane.

(2) A toasting-iron. Weet. Warm

09 a tribet, very warm.

Tributb, 9. A system of piece-

work in mines is called tribute'


Tricb, (1) v.(A.'S.) To thrust; to

trip up. IHceiinff, tripping up.

(2) 9. A small bit.

Trichur, «. {A.'N,) A traitor; a

treacherous man.

Trick, (1) adf. Elegant; neat

(2) «. To deck oat. TricJHfiffM,

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ornamenta of dress. TVicJtmmt^t


(3) f . Peculiarity of character.

Tricker,!. a trigger.

TaicEET, «. (1) A game at cards,

resembling loo.

(2) The game of bandy-wicket.

Trickle, v. To roll. East.

Trickling, *. The small in-


Tricklt, odr. Neatly.

Tricksy, adj. (1) Neat ; elegant.

(2) Frolicsome.

Trick-track, t. (Fr.) An old

game, similar to backgammon.

I oTeraee at triek-traei, dealt myielf

ten at ombre, and all through my

passion for your dear self.

SkadwM,Tnu Widow,im.

Triculatb, v. To adorn; to finish

off. Eatt

Tridob, v. To tradge ; to labour.

Tridls, 9. A weaver's treddle.

Tridlins, 9. The dung of sheep.


Thik, (1) adj. (A.^N.) Choice.

^2^ V. To draw out.

(3) 9. To rush in.

Tribtb, 9. A company.

Tri-fallow, v. To till ground the

third time.

Trifs, f . A trifle.

Triflbd-corn, 9. Com which has

fallen down in single ears mixed

with standing com.

Trio, (1) adj. Neat ; trim.

(2) V. To dress out fine.

(Z) «&'. Full.

i4) adj. Active ; dever. Devon.

f 5) adj. Sound and firm. Donet,

(6) adj. Tight; trae. North.

(7) adj. WeU in health. We9t.

(S) V. To fill one's belly. North.

(9) 9. A mark at ninepins.

(10) 9. To make a mark to stand

at in playing at ninepins.

Bat iriffpe him eloae, for Will can win,

Noir marke him, downe goes oomerpiiB.

Mem JfinuUs^ltS^.

(11) V. To place a stone behind

a wheel to prevent its sUppag

back. Suat.

(12) 9. To prop or hold up.

(13) V. To stumble; to trip op.

(14) V. To trot gently. EoMt.

(15) «. A narrow path. Wane.

(16) «. A small gutter. S^roptA.

(17) V. To take a secret walk.


Triobn, 9. A skidpan.

Trigert-matb, 9. A gallant

Trio-ball, «. A hospitable house.


Trigimatb, «. An intimate friend.


Trig-mbat, 9. Shell-fiah pi^ed

up at low water. Comm.

Trigon,*. a triangle.

Trili., (1) «. To roll ; to tricUe


{2)v. TotwirL

(3) «. A cant term for tbe anus.

Trillibub, 9. Anything tcifiii^

The term is now applied only to


Trim, v. (1) To scold; to beat


(2) To poise a boat.

Trimlb, V. To tremble.

Trimmbl, «. A salting tub. De9.

Trimming, adj. Great fFeai.

Trimplb, v. To walk unsteadOy.


Trim*tram, a. A trifle.

Trin,«. The flat tub which receives

the dder from the press. H^mi.

Trincums, 9. Trinkets.

Trimdlb, a. A wheeL Dark.

Trindlbs, «. ( 1) The dnng of goats.

(2) Felloes of a wheel. Narih,

Trinb, (1)^'. Triple.

(2) «. A trio ; a coigaactioii of

several things.

And therefore rightly aay ws call thsae

(Fire, aire^ and water) hot hen^am cob-


Tttr, never sun, oor mooii, nor stars i^}oy

The love of thcw, hfut only by the w%y^

As paaainr hy : vbereu inerasantiy.

The Insty hea?^ with earth doth ooaspaBy .

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This yew is nsher'd in with a notable

eonjnncUon of roast-beef, reniion pasty,

plumb-padding, be. be. A friendly /rtiM

of plnmb-cakea. roast geese, wood-cocks,

partridget, qnaies, larks, and other

dainty eaUbles. Poor Robin, 17S9.

(3) V. To follow in a train.

(4) 9, Thirteen fellies. Twenty.

fife ipokes.

(5) V. To hang. (Cant.)

Trinbdado, 9, A tort of wine.

Trinitt-okass, t. An old name

for the plant heartsease.

T&iNKf a. An old implement for

catching flsh.

Trinkst, f. (1) A porringer.

(2) A topsail.

Trinkle, v. (1) To trickle.

(2) To endeaTour to turn the

opinion of another by onfair

means. Etut

(3) To eavesdrop.

Trinnbl, «. Goats' dung.

Trip, «. (1) An arch over a


(2) New soft cheese made of

milk. Eatt.

(3) Race; &mily. Crao,

(4) A flock, or herd.

(5) To fetch trip, to go back-

wards in order to jamp the for*


Trip, 1 «. A game peculiar

TRiP-sncK, Vto the North of

TRip-TRAP, J England.

Tripb-chbbk, «. A fat face.

Triplb, «. One of three. Shaketp,

Trip-madam, a. A species of «e-

dum, called also prici-madam.

Trippbt, a. A quarter of a pound.


TRiP-aKiN, «. (1) A piece of leather

worn by spinners with the rock,

on the ligbt-hand aide of the

petticoat, on which the spindle

pUys, and the yam is pressed by

the hiaod of the spinner. Noff,

(2) The skinny part of roasted

meat. Norf,

Trmb, v. To pull up.

Tbissodrb, «. A woman's tresses.

A Mssovre of a wonanes hedde, einHtt'

nu$, eieitunu, trica. trieatura.

MS. Vocab.

Tristb, (1) V. To trust.

(2^ f . Trust ; confidence.

(3) a. A station in hunting, called

also a triater,

(4) f. A cattle-market. NortK

(5) a. A windlass.

(6) f. A trestle.

Tristbscb, f. {A.-N.) Sadness.

Tristful, adj. Sorrowful

I hare seen e*ne as meiry a man ai

yoorself, sir Frederick, bronght to stand

with folded arms, and with a imiful

look tell a moamral tale to a lady.

Btkerege, Comical Baen(fO,lW9.

Tristilt, adv. Securely.

TAiwrirmf adj. {Lat.) Sad.

Triumpb, a. (1) A public show.

(2) (Fr,) A trump at cards.

Triumphal, a. A song of triumph.

Man, if triumpJidU heere be in request,

Then let them channt them, that can chsnnt

them best. PeeWt ^Ic^m, 1589.

TRiTANT,a. A truant. Northan^t.

Trivbt, a. A stand for a kettle

over a fire. Northampt,

Triyial, adj. Initiatory, in allusion

to the /rtimim, or first three

sciences taught in the schools.

Whose deep-seene skill

Hath three times constmed either Flacens


And thrice rehears'd them in his ttinul

floor. Hoik SatirM, iv, 6.

Trivioant, atff. Termagant.

Troachbr, a. A dealer in smug-

gled goods.

Troant, a. A simpleton. Exm.

Troat, v. To bellow, as a buck.

Trochb, v. {A,-N.) To branch.

Troehing$, the small branches al

the top of a stag's horn.

Trod, la. {A,-S,) A footpath;

TRODB, J a track ; a step.

Trofelttb, oiff. Ornamented with

knots. Gawayne,

Trooh, a. A tree.

Trojan, a. A boon companion.

Trokb, (I) V. To £sll short

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!2) 9. To truck, or barter. North,

3) t. A square piece of wood at

the top of a mast to receive the


Troll* v. To trundle ; to rolL To

iroU about, to lead the life of a


TnoLLiN, o. (A,'S,) To drag.

Troll-madam » 1 ». (/V. trou

TROL-MT-DAMES, J modome.) A

game borrowed from the French

in the 16th century, and now

called trunJti.

Trollop, t. (1) A slattern.

(2) A string of horses. Line.

Trolly, «. (1) A low cart

(2) A lazy slut Northampi,

Trolltba«8, «. Tripe ; the intes-


Trollt-lollt, t. Coarse laoe.

Trolubbrr, t. A common labourer.

Tromb, f. {A,'S,) A company.

Trompb, «. (l; {A.'N,) A trumpet.

(2) A shin, or shank.

Trompour,«. a trumpeter.

Troncbbon,*. (1) {A.*N.) Afrag-


(2) A club, or ttaff.

(3) A scab.

Tronb, «. (1) {A.-N,) A throne.

(2) A wooden post.

3) A rid

ridge of hay. We*t>

Tronrs, ff. Steelyards. Var, d,

Trook, v. To give way to. Leie,

Tropb,«. a long disagreeable waSc


Tropbrt, #. The first words of a

psalm, &c.

TR088ER8, «. Close drawers; tnm-


Trot, t . A contemptaons tenn for

an old woman.

Asnnuice to be wedded to the old deformed

trot. Wamer'* jmont tiiffUmd,lt9SL

' Trotbtalb, «. Something trifling.

Troth, «. A band, or 6>mpany.

Trotblbss, a^. Untrue.

With other wonden, tedious if not irotk-

km to ledta. JFom. dU, Bngl^lWSL

TROTFiR-nB, «. A round ipple-

pie with quinces in it.

Trottbrs. See Tnmt9.

Trottlbs, 9. Sbeep*8 dnng. Lmc.

TtLOv, f. A small cart, or drag;


Trouaob, «. (A.'N.) Tribute.

Trouble, (1) ». A woman's tiavaiL


(2) adj. (A,'N.) Gloony.

(3) t. An imperfectioB. ITes^.

Troub, t. (A,'N.) A hole.

Trough, «. A stone coIBd. See

Tkroffh, and Tkrt^,

Trounce, v. To beat.

Troukcb-holb, «. A game at ban.

Trounch, v. To tramp in the muL


Trounchbn, tr. To eanre an «L

Trou8B,9. To trim hedginga. Fatrjd,

Trout, v. (1) To eoagoUte.

(2) To roar.

Trouthhbdb, a. (^#.-5.) TraCk.

Trouts, \9. Cords taken off

TROTTBRS, J the wfaej when it is

boiled. North.

Trovbl, «. A mill-atRam.

Trow, t . A troogh.

Trowandisb, 9. (A.'N.) Bagi^g.

Trowanb, «. A truant.

Trowcan, «. A small dish.

Trowb, V. Tobeiieve.

Trow-mothbr, #. AnpvladHMK


Trows, 9. A sort of bo«t, «nd en

the Tyne for sahMn flshiiig.

Trowsbs, 9. The close diBMi

imder the hose.

Troxt, «|r* ftoUcsome. Xcfir.

Trot-town, 9. A proviaeial ■■me»

sometimes given to a Ittbyinth,

or mase, formed of banks cf esrth.

Tbe villagers in Norfolk sagr tbsl

Troy was a town which hftd bet

one gate, and that it was aaoes-

sary to go thnragh evsry atieet

to get to the aiarket-plaoe. Tbey

call a garden laid «Bit spiiail/ a


TRVA0B|f. FmHj.

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Tkvan DISS, «. Idleness.

Trub, s. a slot Devon,

Trubaouli/T, 9, A short, dirty,

ragged fellow, accustomed to

p«rlbriii the most menial offices.


Truss, t . Tnifles.

Truchm AN, 9. An interpreter.

Truck, (1) «. To exchange.

(2) V. A cow is said to truck

when her milk fiuls. North,

(3) V, Tobate,ordiminiah. Derb.

(4) «. An old game, like billiards.

^5) «. Rubbish. East.

(6>». Bad language. North,

{7) 9, A low carriage.

Trucklb, (1) «. A pulley.

f 2J V. To roll. We9t,

(3) «. A coracle. Heref,

Truckt, adj. Cheating. Yorixh.

Trudob, v. To go.

I will be trudging into the eonntrey. and

then 1 will tarry. Ter. m EngL^ 1641.

A slut.

Trud-mouldt, "I


Trubllb, «. Labour; sweat.

Trvvf, 9, A trout, (krmo.

Trvflx, f , A trifle.

T&uo,«. (1) A sort of wooden bas-

ket. SU99.

(2) Two thirds of a bushel of


Trugob, 1 f. A trull; a prostitute.

TRUO, J Truggmg-htmae^ot trug^

ging'piaett a brothel.

One of ihoM boues of good hospiiallity

whereonto peraoos KMit, coiumnnly

eilled a trugging-komMt or to be plain,

» vhore-bouse.

R. Grcauft ThenetfiUwg out, jrc.

T&uLL, V. (1) To trundle.

(2) To underdrain. Suntx.

T&uif B, «. (if .-5.) A company. See


Trump, (1) 9. A trumpeter.

(2) 9. An old game at cards,

resembling whist.

(3) V, To boast; to lie. North.

Tbumpbi V, To sound a trumpet.

Trunoh, adj. Short and thick. East,

Trundlb, 9, (1) The small entrails

of a calf.

(2) Anything globular. Abr/A.

(3) A path, or course. *' Take

your own trundle.'* Northampt,

Trundlb-tail, 9. A curly-tailed


Trundlimo-chbat, «• A coach.


Trunk, «. (1) A tube.

(2) A place to keep fish.

(3) An under -ground drain.


(4) A trump at cards. North,

(5) A blockhead.

Trunkbt, a. A game resembling


Trunk-hosb, a. Large breeches,

stuffed with hair, wool, &c.

Trunks, «. (1) A game, called alio


(2) IroB boops, with a bag net

attached, used to catch craliand

lobsters. Hartlepool.

Trunk-way, 9. A water channel

of wood over a ditch, and under

a road. Norf.

Trunk-wbam, a. A fiddle.

T&UNLiN, ff. A large coal. North.

Trunnbl, 9. A wheel. Craven,

TRUNTLBMBNT,a. Trumpery. North,

Trush, (1) a. A hassock. Kent.

(2) V. To run about in the dirt.


(3) To tru9h about, to litter.

Truslb, v. To wrap up ; to get


Truss, (1) «. To pack up; to make


(2) f. Baggage.

(3) V. To tie the points of hose.

(4) «. A game like leap*lrog.

(5)«. A bunch of flowers growing

on one footstalk. Var. d.

(6) ff. A padded jacket worn

under the armour.

Trussbl, 9. (1) A bundle.

"A barrel-stand. Kent,

A trestle. Norf,

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Tkusbino-baskbt, 1«. a basket

TB,u88iNO-coFFEa, J for Convey-

ing large parcels of goods. "A

irtutynge c^fyr, eUteOa." MS.


Trcssing-bbd, «. A travelling bed.

Trut, a. Stercus.

Trutht, adj. Veracious. East.

Try, (1) «. A corn-screen.

(2) a. A club tipped witb iron.

(3) V. To melt down by fire for

the purpose of purifying, usually

applied to melting the suet of

hogs or other animals. Norf, It

is applied especially to boiling

down whale's blubber.

(4) How do you try ? How do

you do ? WetU

Trtalyt^s, «. Three benefices


Trtsti, adj. Trusty.

Tu, V. To work hard. North,

Tuarn, f. The place in an iron

farnace which receives the metal


Tub, *. (1) The gurnet. Cornw,

(2) The top of a malt-kiln. Et9ex,

(3) A taie of a tub, a foolish

story. «A tale of a tub." Aima-

nack, 1615.

TuBBAN, «. A clod, ornw,

TuBBER, «. A cooper. North.

TiTBBLB, f. A mattock. Devon.

TuBLB, f. Earthenware. Weit.

Tu-BRUOGB, a. A drawbridge.

Tuck, (1) a. A rapier.

(2) V. To eat.

(3) V. To pinch severely. Det.

(4) 9. To chuck. Comw.

(5) V. To touch. Somertet.

{fi)i, A slap. Dewm.

(7) «. To smart with pain.


(8) «. A pinafore. Eeut

(9) a. Stomach; appetite. South.

TuoKaD-UP, part, p. Offended.


TucKJBR, a. A fuller. We$t.

Tdckbt, 8. A slight flourish on a


Tucking, a. A bag to cany beans

when setting them. Gtoue»

Tucks, a. Iron pins in the frame

of a timber-tug.

TucK8HRU.s, a. Tasks. Susaeat.

Tub, v. To rumple. North,

TuBL, a. (1) The fundament. See


(2) A vexatious meddling. North.

TuBN, V. To go.

Tuff, (1) a. A tasael.

(2) a. A lock of wooL

(3) a. A turban.

(4) V. To spit, as a cat.

TuFFOLD, a. A small oathonse.


TuFT-HUKTBR, a. A hanger-OR to

persons of quality.

TuFT-MocKAno, a. A mixed atoff,

to imitate velvet.

TuFT-TAFFATT, 9. Taffaty tolled,

or left with a nap on it.

Tuo, (1) a. A difficult undertaUBg.


(2) F. To rob. North.

(3) a. A timber-carriage. Aitwur.

Tuo-iRON,a. An iron on the ahidta

of a waggon to hitch the traoea


TuGMUTTON, a. A great glutton.

TuiGBT, part. p. Twitched o£

TvL, prep. To. North.

TuLiB, V. {A.'S.) To till

TuLKE, a. A man, or knight,

TuLKTy a. A turkey. Suf.

TuLLB, V. {A,'S.) To allure.

TuLLY, a. A little wretch. Ometu

TuLSURBLiKE, tug. Red in the


TuLY, a. (1 ) {A.'N.) Asaken stuff of

a r«d or scarlet colour, used some-

times for carpets and tapestry.

**X tule tapit, tyst over the flef

Syr Gaw.f p. 23. " Tapyies tyrt to

the wo5e, of tuly and tars.** li^

p. 33.

(2) 7Wy is given as an oid

Norfolk name for a oat.

TuM, V. ( 1) To card wool for thie

first time.

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(2) To mix wool of different


TuMBssTBRB, «. (A.-S.) A cUuicer.

TuMBLS, V. {A.'S.) To dance.

TuMBLB-cAR, «. A cart drawn by

a single horse.

Tuif BLBR, f. (1) A dancer.

(2) A dog formerly used for

taking rabbits.

(3) A tumbriL Ea$t.

(4) The six at the game of gleek.


rod in an oatmeal-inill, lying

under the floor. Eatt.

TuMBRBL, f. (1) A cacking-stool.

(2) A dung.cart. fVe$t.

(3) A square moveable manger.


TuMMALS, «. A heap. Devon.

Tump, a. A hillock. Tumpyt uneven.

TuMVLS, «. pi. {Lat. iumulut.)

Heaps, as tumult of money.


Tdn, (1) ff. A town.

(2) a, A barrel.

(3) V, To brew.

(4) V. To fill casks when wasted

by fermentation. Norf.

(5) «. A stalking-horse for par-


(6) a. The upper part of a chim-

ney. West.

(7) a. A small cup.

TcNDBK, «. Tinder.

Tun-dish, «. A wooden funnel.


Tuns, a. Order ; temper.

Tunhoof, «. Ground ivy. Pr. P,

TuMK, •/ A sharp blow. North'


TuNMERB,«. The line of procession

in perambulating the bounds of

a pariah. Nor/,

TuNNBOAR, «. A funnel. Weti.

TuNNSL, a. A funnel ; a drain.



ToNNBii. Either. Devon.

TuNNiF, a. Ground-ivy. East,

Tdnnino-disHi I. (1) A funnel.

(2) A wooden dish used in dairies.


Tun NY-BACK, a. The thorn^back.


TuNwoNOB, a. {A.-S,) The tem-

ples. See Thonwange,

Tup. (1) a. A ram.

(2) V. To bow to a person before

drinking. Lane.

(3)r. To butt.

TuRAP, a. A turnip. "The very

boys throw turap tops at one."

Dittracted State, 1641.

TuRBB, a. A squadron.

TuRBBRY, a. A boggy ground.

TuRBOLT, a. A turbot.

Turcot, a. (Fr. turcou, in ItaL

toriieoUo.) The wryneck.

TuRcuLONY, a. An old name of a


TuRBiLB, a. (A.'N) A turret

Turf, (1) a. Peat moss. Lane,

(2) a. Cakes for firing, made

from the refuse of oak bark.


(3) V. To a4inst the snrfoce of

sown turf.

(4) a. The edge of a cap, or of a

hood or sleeve, which waa turned


TuRFBORATBB, $, A ploughmau.

TuROY, a. White magic.

Turin, a. The nose of the bellows.

TuRKBia, (1) a. The turquoise.

(2) adj, Ia,-N.) Turkish.

TuRKBY-BiRD, $, The wryneck.

Suff- See TItreo/, of which thia

appears to be a corruption.

Turk's-cap, a. Monkshood. Norths


TuRK*s-HXAD, a. A long-handled

brush for sweeping ceilings and


Turlins, a. Coals of a moderate

size. North,

TuRMXNTiSB, la. {A,'N.) Tor-

TURM BNTRiB, J mcut ; torturc.

TURMOITBER, V. To toil. Letc,

Turn, (1) v. To curdle. North,

(2) a. Year, or time.

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(3) «. The sherifTs court

(4) 9. An act of industry. Weti,

ib) f. A spinning-wheel. Devon.

6) To turn the head^ to tend in

sickness, to attend to.

Turn-about, t . A sort of revolving

swing, used at fairs.

TuRNAMENT, f. (1) Change.

(2) A revolving engine.

TuRMRACK, 9. A coward.

TuRNBucKLX, «. A smsll iron in-

strument of a very simple con-

struction, used in cottages for

fastening back shutters to the

walls, &c.

TuBNBULL, adj, "Whorish. From

7W^^«/^«/ree^ formerly a noted

resort for courtesans.

Thin^ proffered and enrie to eome by,

dimiiiian thenuehee in reputation and

price : for how ftill of pangs and dotage

18 a vayling lorer, for it may bee some

browne Bessie f But let a oeantie fall

a weeping, overpreased with the licke

pasaion. ahe iavonia in our thoughts

aomething turnML

JMmt^t Pofydfinm» 16S1.

TuRNRD-CARD, 9, A trump card.

TuRNKORxcB^tf. A Spiral staircase.

TuRNiR, 9. A tournament.

Turning, «. (1) A plait in linen.

(2) A repartee.

TuRNiNG-TRER, «. The gallows.

Turnover, «. (1) A sort of apple


(2) Ad excuse for not doing any-


(3) A term among printers, ap-

plied to an apprentice who has

been indentured from one master

to another.

TuRN-PAT, 9. The crested pigeon.

TuRN-piKX, #. (1) A turnstile.

(2) A lock in a canal.

Turnsole, 9,(1) The sunflower.

(2) A dish in cookery, so called

from the flower with which it

was coloured. fFamer, Ant CW.,

p. 84.

TuRN-STRiNO, 9, A String oftwistcd

gut, used in spinning.

A lineoln-

tenn ior a


shire game.

TuRpiN, «. A etnt


TuRR, ». (1) To wmrble. aa a lark.

(2) To butt, aa a ram.

TuRTERS, #. The first gxtherers of

grapes in vintage. Holfybmid,


TuRTURE,a.(Ia/.) A ainglDg shep-


TuRTEX, V. To struggle. &cm,

TusB, (1) f. A tusk. AbrM.

(2) ». Thewingofaplooghshaie^


(3)v. To draw a heavy vdght.


Tusk, 9, A tuft of hair.

TuBKiN, «. (1) An old dish in


r2) A sort of doth.

(3) A carter, or plougfaman.

TuasEL, V. To bend.

TusSET, 9, A low drunkard.

TussicATBD, /Mir/. j». Tomeiited.

Tussle, v. To strog^e.

Tussock, «. (1) A tangled knot or


(2) A tuft of coarse grass.

Tut, (1) f. A very geaeral tenn

applied in Lincolnshire to any

fancied supernatural appearance.

Children are frightened by beag

told of TbiM 7W; and persons

in a state of panic, or onreaaoa-

able trepidation, are said to be


(2^ V, To pull; to tear. Demom.

(3) «. A hassodL. Comtp.

(4) «. A sort of stobbaU nJar.

(5) To it. Eatt.

TuTHBRAM, «. The others. TFeti,

TuTiviLLUS, f . An old name of a


TuTLKSHip, 9. Care ; custody.

TuT-MOUTHXD, ttdj. Having the

lower jaw projecting beyond the


TuT-NOsx, a. A snub-nose.

Tuts, t. A term at stool-baU.





ToTSON, «. The plant Aypericumf

or St. John's wort. Eati.

TuT-suB, f. A hassock. Somen.

TnTTER, (1) «. Trouble. Ea$t.

(2) V. To stutter. Somert,

TuTTiMo, 9. A party for tea-drink-

ing« dancing, &c.

TuTTLE, (1) V. To tell tales. North,

(2) s. An ill-tempered man. Lane.

TuTTLB-Box, a. An instrument used

by ploughmen for keeping their

horses a little apart.

TuTTT, (I) adj. Sullen; touchy.

Midi, a

(2) 9. A nosegay; a flower. Weit.

TuTTY-MOiLB, 9. A root of aflowcr.


TuT-woRK, 9. Work done by the

piece. ff^e9t,

Tv%, 9. A knot of wool or hair.


TuzziMUzzY, (1) a^. Sough ; dis-

hevelled. East.

(2) 9. A nosegay.

TwACHEL, f . The dew-worm. Ea9t.

TwACHTLLBff. Pudeudumf. ReHq.

Jntiq.f ii, 28.

TwACK, V. To change frequently.


Twaddle, t . Idle talk.

TwAGE, V. To pinch. North.

TwAiLB, 9. A net ; a towel.

TwAiNB, adj. {J.'S.) Two.

TwAiT, f. Assart land.

TwALB, f. A mattock.

TwALL, 9. A whim. Sujff^.

TwALT, adj. Vexed ; cross. Skrcp*


TwAM, V. To swoon. North.

TwAVQt 9. (1) A falsehood. We9t.

(2) A sharp taste.

(3) A sudden pang; a qnick

pull. North.

TwANODiLLows, «. The sounds of

A flddle.

Plew'd with the hxmng^Uom of poor

Crowdero in » country lair.

TwAKOBT, 9. A tailor. North.

TwAMGLBi V. To entanfle. Ea9t.

TwANGUNG, ttdf. (1) Jingling;


(2) Small ; weak. North.

TwANK, V. To give a smart slap.


TwANKiNO, atg. (1) Big. North,

(2) Complaining. Doraet.

TwARCiNGB, f. Crookedness.

TwARLT, ai^. Peevish. Che9h.

TwAT, 9. Pudendum f.

TwATB, (1) ». A game played by

throwing shells or pebbles at a

mark. South.

(2) V. To make a noise as deer

at rutting time.

TwATTLB, (1) ». To talk idly.

Twatile'ba9hett an idle chatterer.

(2)«. A dwarf.

(3) V. To make much of. North,

TwAYE, «4r. Two.

TwBAO, 9. Perplexity.

TwEAGBRs, 9. Tbc hoops of a


Tweak, (1) 9. A prostitute.

Thence to Bautree, at I came there.

From the hus!ie« near the lane, there

Ruih'd a ttoeak in gesture lanting,

With a leering eye^ and wanton.

Drunken Barnaijf.

(2> ff. A whoremonger.

(3) V. To snatch hastily; to

pinch. Leic.

(4) 9. Irritable impatience.


TwBASOMB, 9. Two in company.


Twee. 7b be in a iwee^ to be over-

come with fright or vexation.


TwEBDLB, V. To tvrist. Devon.

TwEBR. See Twire.

TwEERS, *. (/v. tuyere.) The bel-

lows at an iron furnace.

TwELL, 9. Twelve.

Twelve-holes, 9. An old game.


TwEY, adj. (A.'S.) Two.



TwiBiL, 9. An implement like a





pickaxe, with flat terminationa,

one horizontal, the other per-

pendicular. Herrf,

TwiCHiLD, adj. Doting. <' She's

quite iwyehiUd^* qoite doting.

And when Uum ihalt mm twwekiUe, die


Carefttll and kinde (reUgioosly) to thee.

Dtrnts, Securg* of fbtfy.

TwiCK, f . A sadden jerk. fFett.

TwicROOKS, ». Small crooks for

lengthening the trammels on

which the pot-hooks are hang.


Twiddle, (1) 9. To trifle; to be

busy about nothing.

At for her tyngyng. pypyn^, tnd fVdlyng,

What unihryftynea thenn is twyihfngf

Serche the uirernea, and ye chall here cleere

Such bawdry as bestes wold spue to heere.

Play of Wit and Seimc€, p. 18.

(2) V. To touch lightly.

(3) 9. A small pimple. Norf,

TwiEs, €uiv. Twice.

TwiFALLow. See TrifaOow,

TwiFiLS, ». Two-folds.

Twig, (1) v. To beat.

(2) V, To do energetically.

(3) adj. Brisk; active. Cam*


(4) V. To understand one's mean-

ing or intention.

(5) 9. To reproTe sharply. Nwf,

TwiooBN, a4r« Made of twigs.

TwiooER, «. A wencher.

TwiGGiTOP, «. The top of a tree.


TwiOHT, (1) V. To reproach.

(2) part. p. (J..S.) Pulled;


(3)f». To bind.

(4) adv. Directly.

TwiGLB, 9. (1) To wriggle.

(2) Putuere.

TwiKiN, «. Two apples growing

together. Yorkah,

TwiKXE, V. To walk awkwardly.


TwiLADB, 9. To load, unlade the

load, then return for a second

and take ap the first load, which

is done on hilly or broken

ground. Dorwet,

Twi-LiORT, f. A doth wrapper.

See THUet.

And Bov the look*d for tune approadwi


And yonVe a thouaand irrcnl thiaga to


Pine twi-lukts, blanketa, and the Lotd

knowa wbai.

To keep the child peiiiapalie nerer goL

The FifteeH ComJbrU ^Mmtrimomf, 1701

Twill, (1) prtp. Until. Eawt.

(2) 9. A spool for winding jam.

(3) 9. A quill, or reed. Norths

Twillt, o. To turn rerersedlj.


TwiLT, (1) 9. A quilt. Var. tL

(2) V. To beat. Ea9t.

TwiLTBR, V. To spin thread on-

evenly. North.

TwiLT, atg. Restless; tiresome.


Twin, v. (1) To separate into two.


(2) To bring forth twins, aaid of

ewes. Notf.

TwiNCK,1». A twinkling; an

TwiNK, J instant.

And black fro head to foote, yea hone and


As black aa night^bnt in Atwimdtmc thovht

A chaungd at onre hia habite and ua

ateeds. Ped^sHomoroftJuGtrUr^itL

A twin.



Twine, o. (1) To whine. YoritL

(2) To entwine, f^ar.d,

(3) To pine away. North.

Twinge, (1) «. An earwig. Nerih*

(2^ 9. A sharp pain.

(3) e. To afflict.

TwiNOLB, 9. To twist round any-

thing. Northampt,

TwiNK,«. A chaffinch. Somiertti.

Twinkle, v. To tinkle.

TwiN|<iN6, 9. A twin.

TwiNNA. It will not. Weot.

TwiNNE, V. (1) To divide; to


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rhat nerer tvymtetk onte of thv pretence,

But in heren abjdeth ay with the.

L^dgaU^ MS. Soe. Jntiq.

(2) To twine.

TmMNwr, c. {A.'S.) To coaple


TwriN^NT, r. To rob a cask before

it is tapped. Easi.

Tti^iks, f. An agricultural instm-

ment used for taking up weeds.

TWINTE, «. A jot.

TwiNTxa, «. A two-year-old beast

(two winters). North,

TwiNTtB, V, To hew, or chip. Line,

TwiNY, adj. (1) Tiny ; smalL

Arise. O, sleeper ; 0 arise and eee,

There's not a tvmjf thred 'twixt death and

thee. QtuarUt, Ftut for Wormes,

(2) Fretful. Var.d.

TwiRB, V. (1) To peep; to pry.

(2) To twinkle ; to glance.

TwiRiK, *. A pair of pincers.

TwiRipa, adj. Imperfectly ripe.

TwiRL-POO, *. (1) A whirlpool.


(2) A walk, or ramble. North-

amp L

TwisK, #. " Twi8ke9 of downy or

woolly stuffe covering their

noses.'' Coryafi Cmditiei, 1611.

TwisBBL, #. A double fruit ; two

of a sort growing together.

As from a tree ire sundry times espy

A twisttl grow by nature's subtle nii|;ht.

And, being two, for cause they grow so nigh.

¥or one are ta'en, and so anpear in

Bight. ISirhernle,

Twist, (1) ». The fourchure.

Typhon makes play. Jhore catcht him by

the Iwistt

Heaves him aloft, and in his armes he

brings him

To a high rocke, and in the sea he flings

him. Oreat Brittunss JVosft, 1609.

(2) V. To lop a tree.

(3) a. A twig.

(4) 9. A good appetite. Var, d,

iwisTE, ». {A,'S,) To pull hard.

Twisted, o^^. Cross; perverse.


Twister, v. To turn about. Suf.

TwisTLE, f. The part of a tree

where the branches divide from

the stock. fVett,

Twit, (1) t. An acute angle.

(2) 9. A fit of ill-temper. Boat.

(3) f . Anything entangled. North.

(A) t. The noise made by an owL

(5) V. To reproach.

(6) Twit com twat^ idle talk.

TwiTQH, (1) V. To touch. Weii.

(2) V, To tie tightly. North.

(3) f . An instrument for holding

a vicious horse.

(4) V. To gather twitch or couch-

grass. Eatt. C.

TwiTCH-BALLocK, *. Thc laTgc


TwiTCH-BELL, #. The earwig.


TwiTCHB-BOx, *. A corruption of

touch-box, the box of tinder at

which the match was lighted, in

the use of the match-lock gun.

I sayde so. indeede he is but a tame ruffian,

Tbat can swere by his flaake and tmeke-box,

and God's precious lady,

And yet will be beaten with a faggot stick.

Damon ^ Pitkiag, O.Tl., i, 816.

TwiTCHBL (1) *. A childish old

man. Che$h. See Twichild,

(2) f. A narrow alley. North.

(3) V. To caatrate. North.

Twitch BR, *. A blow. North.

TwiTCHERS, 9. Small pincers.

Twitch-grass, f. Couch-grass.

TwircnY J adj. (1) Uncertain. Ea9t.

(2) Irritable. Northampt.

TwiTTEN, *. A narrow alley. Sutt.

Twitter, (1) t. A fit of laughter.

(2) a. The chirping of birds.


(3) V. To tremble. Var. d.

(4) o. To spin unevenly.

(5) adj. Uneasy. Craven.

(6) f. The tether of cattle. Lane.

(7) #. A fragment. North,

TwtTTER-BONB, i. An excrescence

on a horse's hoof.

TwiTTBR-LIOHTi «. TwUight.

d by boogie



TwiTTLB, IT. To prate.

TwiTTLB-TWATTLE, f . Idle talk.

TwiTTT, a4f. Cross. Eatt,

TwiTBTE, 9. A carpenter'i tooL

te, je, lajd Um twy9«te,

Thnrfl I trow be fro ][ow fette.

To kepe my mayster in his pride.


TwizzLB, (1) o. To handle roughly.

(2) V. To twist ; to twirl. Far. d,

(3) 8. A round-about. ** There

be so many turns and imtztet/*


Two-bill, t. A slat-axe. Dev,

Two-BOWBD-CHAiB, ff. An arm-

chair. We9i.

Two-MEAL-cHEBSB,«. Chcese made

of equal quantities of old and new

milk. GUme.

TwoNNBB, 9, One or the other.


TwoRB, V. To see. Dekker, 1620.

TwoTHREB, 9. A large quantity.


TwYBiTTLB, 9. A UuTge mallet.


TwYB, adv. Twice.

TwYVALLY, ». To puzzle. Gkfue.

TwTViLL, f. A flail. Norihampt,

Ttbubn-blossoii, f. A young


Ttbuiw-check, «. A rope.

Tyburnb-tippet, 1 «. a hal-


Another doiely pickiug locket,

Never regarding bang-man's feare,

Till ISikurnftimMV he wcare.

Bowlamdt, Kmm qfUaris, 161S.

And the bishop for atandinK so tUfDy

Sthe matter, and beareing up the order

our mother the holy church, was made

a cardinall at Callice, and thither the

biahop of Rome sent him a cardinallet

hatte. He should have had a Ttbume

Uppit, a halfepenny linlter, and all such

proud prelates. Laiiwter'* Strmoiu.

Ttdyprb. ff. A kind of bird.

I lay, quod the tgiMfre, ve Kentish men.

We maye not gyve tlie crowe a pen.

The Parliammt (^Byrda, n. d.

TE, ff. (1) A place where three

roads meet.

(2) A very small oommon.

(3) A feather bed. Den.

Ttkb, ff. (1) A sheep-tick. WetL

(2) The tick of a mattress.

A mattefinaaker: an npholitcr: be

that soveth tykes, and lUleth then with

feathen. ** "

(3) A fellow. See TUte.

Medea diarmed JBsmi yoaat BattwsMedn


Did worke no lease a cuer upon tkie -nit

unveldie fyfa. WanuJU.MHgl^ IMS.

Tylthb, ff. A place for tUting in.

Moat wisely ndiaut are those asea, tha*

back their armed stredes.

In beaten patha. or boarded IfUkm, te

break tiMir staff4ike lecda.

TYMORfff. A kind of bird, called in

another MS. of this poem a

tomor. See T\nnor,

The pellycan and the popyngay.

The hmor and the tuitnlle tre««.

Tynt, ff. An old measure of lime»

containing two pecks.

Typh-whbat, ff. Com, like rye.

Typoun, ff. A pattern.

Tyran, ff. (J,'N.) A tyrant.

Tyre, «. (fV.) The discharge of a


, ff. A garland. North.

Tyup, ff. The last basket of eoal

sent out of the pit at the end <tf

the year. North.


Ubbbrinb, v. To bear op; to sop-


Ubbly-brbdb, ff. Sacrameiul


Ubbrous, adf, {Lat.) FndtfoL

Uche, a^. {J.-S.) Bach.

Upplbes, ff. Bargemen not in coa-

atant employ. EaH.

Uo, (1) V. To feelarepagBBBCete.


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(2) «. A surfeit. Nwthimb.

IJoos, V, (A.'S,) To feel repog-

nance to ; to be terrified.

Ugbtbntidb, 8. The momiDg.

Ugly, (1) adj. {A.-S.) Frightful.

f2) «. An abuse ; a beating. Eat I,

3) a^, IlUtempeied. North-


VGLTsom, (i<{p. FrigfatfiiL

UosoMB, adj. Horrible; disgusting.

Vllbt, «. An owl. Lame,

XJi.ui.ATE, V. To howL

Troopes of iftckalU ... til the while

nhUatina and in offenaite noises bnrkiag

and ecchoiag out their lacriledge.

BtrterCt Tmls, 16S8.

Umbx, ]prep' (A.S.) About;

UMBBN, ^around. Used very

UM, J commonly in composi-

tion with Terbs.

UiffBB-cLAPPB, 9, To embnce.

Umbb-grippb, v. To seize hold of.

Umbbl, ff. An umbrella.

Umbb-lappb, v. To surround; to


Thus an I wiapped

And in woe umhtUipped,

Snch love hath me trapped,

WitlKmt anr cure.

GM/mMnyi ijftwme a Loter and

a Ji^9, n. d.

VuBKK^M. (1) (J.'N.) Shade. Ckeih.

(2) The gmyling.

Umbs-tbinkb, o. To remember;

to recollect.

Umblbb, 9. A deer's entnils.

Umbbaid, «. Strife.

XJmbbbide, v. To upbraid.

Umbbbl, f. (A.-N.) A lattice.

TJm BEST, V. To censure ; to abuse.

UiiBBiBBB, 1 M. {A.'K) The moTe-

VM BKB, J able Tisor of a helmet,

which Bhaded the face; the


Ukiuxt, #.

Tour lerront and uai/Vvf ; of tiewth,

father, I am he.


Umoano, «. Circuit.

UiioiFB, V. To surround.

UiOAPPB, tr. Tocnlbld.

Umsettb, 9. To surround.

Umstbid, adv. Astride. North,

Umps, adv. Certainly. Stag.

Umthinkb, o. To recollect.

UiiwHiLE, adv. Sometimes ; once.

Unaccountable, adj. Remark*

- able. Northampt.

Unbatbd, adj. Sharp.

Unbat, v. To set open. Chamhar*

layne, 1659.

Umbatnb, adj. (1) {A.^S.) Dis«


(2) Inconvenient. North.

Unbbbb, adj. Impatient. North.

UNBENB,a^'. Rugged ; impassable.


Unbebbly, a^. (A.-S.) Weakly.

Unbethink, V. To recollect. North.

Unbiddable, adj. Unadviuble.


Unbinoe, •. To dry up ; to shrink

through heat. Leie.

Unbooib, v. To quit the body.

Unboun, v. To undress. North.

Unbbasx, V, To carve a msJlard.

Unbuxum , aiiy. Disobedient.

Af (lyna my gret goodnes,

Tmii ehewyn me vmhustaimet.

And I graont ham foretifnes.


Uncallow, v. To remove the upper

stratum of earth in order to come

to the bed of gravel, chalk, or

other substance. Noff.

Uncanny, adj. Careless. North.

Uncb, 9. (1) (Lat.) A claw.

(2) An ounce.

Unchancib, adj. Unlucky.

Whilst he did uphold utuhatuu Heories

Uncle, (1) «. A cant term for a


(2) V. To cheat; to deceive.


Uncleabbd, part, p. Unpaid,

applied to an account.

Unclub, V, To unravel ; to undo.

If I shonld pay yon for't at tia eaEtoU'd,

It would imchu me quite.

OuJtttp., TimM qfAth., i, 1.





Unco, (1) adj. Strange. North,

(2) adv. Very.

UncomBi 9, An ulceroQB swelliDg.

Uncoii MON| adv. Very.

XJnconnand, adj. {A.-S.) Igpiortnt.

UNCORSKDfjMir/./). Parted from the


Uncothb, «. News. North.

Vncovs, adj. Melancholy. Kent.

Uncouth, adj. {A.-S.) (1) Un-

known; uncommon.

(2) Strange ; perplexing.

I am lurprised with an wwouM fear.

TU. Anir.y ii, 4.

All deane diamajd to see so iciuwkM sight.


rS) Unbecoming.

(4) Elegant; not vulgar.

Uncustomed, adj. Smuggled.


Undedelt, of^'. (i#.-&) Immortal.

Undblich, adv. {A.-S.) Mani-


Undeniable, adj. (1) Good. Cheth.

(2) Very bad. St^. " I have got

a most undeniable cold.'*

Undepartably, adv. Inseparably.

Under, e. An under-ground drain.


Undbrbbar, v. To support.

Under-butter, 9. Butter made of

second skimmings of milk. Suf.

UNDBRCREEPiNO,o4f.Mean; sneak-

ing. Somer9et.

Undbr-deck, It. The tub into

UNDER-BACK, J which thc wort

runs from the mash-tub.

Under-drawinq, 9. A ceiling.


Undbrfind, V. To understand.


Undervonoe, v. (1) To undertake ;

to receive ; to catch.

(2) To guard from beneath.

Th« walles— have towrea upon them

aixteenej mounts unieifomging and

enflauckinK them, two of old, now three.

NmV9 LaUtH Sli^.

Undkrgbtb, v. {A.-S.) To under-


Undergo, v. (A.-S.) To aappbnt

Underground, i. The anemooe.


Under-grup, 9. An ander-dnin.


Undbrjoin,v. To subjoin. Wye&ffe.

Underlay, v. (1) To place under.

(2) To tread down.

(3) To incline from the perpen-

dicular. Derb.

Underlings, t. An inferior; one


Underlonte, v. To condescend.

Underlout, v. To be aabject to.

Underly, adj. Poor; inferior.

Undermele, «. (1) The afternoOB.

(2) An afternoon meaL

Undermindeo, adj. UnderbaBd.


Undermindino, t. Subomatkm.

Undermine, tr. To supplant Norf.

Undermost, t. Thc lowest. JVor A

Undern, 9. By the Saxon division

of the day, undem tide appem

to have been about 9 o'dock in

the morning, the time our ances-

tors took their principal meaL

In that ooontree and in SthioM aal

in many other oontreea, the folk ivfsa^

alle naked in ryreres and watrea, aica

and wommen togedre, fro mmitne d

the day. title it be paaned the noon.

Jf omi^mie, ed. 1839, ^ lA

Then the qnene dame lieraodyi,

Toke with hyr Iad6a off grete phec^

And went in a imdenm tyde»

To pier hyre in an horcberd stde.


An hnsboande man went lAtohiiitf-

deyn, or vyneyearde, at prime, tsi

ayen tttundrtn or mydday.

liW ArffMfir, e£t. Puis, 14^

UNDER-NBAN,j9r9i. Undcnntk.


Underniub, v. To reoerre; to

take up.

Underset, v. To prop up.

Undershonb, 9. {A.-S.) Patteas.

Under-song, t. The burdea of s


Undebspoeb, «. To prop op.

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Undbr-spur-leathbu, t. A snb-

lenrient person.

A design was publicklv set on foot, to

dissolve the Catholic cnorch into num-

berless clans and clubs ; and to degrade

liriests into meer tenders, or unJ^r-

tpurUtUkers to those cUns and clubs.

/. Joknttm, Vnbl. Saertf., Pref.

Undbrstand,9. To hear. Yori$h,

Undbbtakk, v. To receiTe.

Undbbtakbr, t. (1) A plagiarist.

(2) A projector.

Umdertimb, t. Evening. Spenter,

Undbrwork, «. To undermine.

Undoff, 9. To undress. North'


Undrbohb, Aff. Without sorrow.

Undur, 9, Undem.

Vnb, adj. Even. North,

Unxathilt, adjs Unwieldy. Notf,

Unbate, v. To thaw. Dev.

UvRMPT, V. To empty ; to unload.


UNsauAL, adf. Unjust.

Unbtxn, adj, Un^.

Untacbablb, a^. Unreasonable.


Unfairb, A^*. Ugly.

Untamous, adj. Unknown.

Unfzncbd, a4^'. Unprotected.

For hardly had the Tartan set foot in

their boats, but the Chinesea ran all

away, as sheep use to do when they see

the wolf, leaving the whole shore

wtfnetd to their landing.

JTsUhm Tarttuiam, 1654.

UNFsmx, (ufr. Feeble.

Unfkst, ». To untie. Norf,

UNFrrrLBD, adj. Restless. Leie,

Unfilbo, aiff, Undefiled.

UMFRBMBDr odj. Unkind. North,

VNTUI.L, a4f. Immature.

Firme in 6od*s troeth, gentell, a faithfoll


Well learned and langoagedt natniep


Gftve eomelia shape, which made tu^M


Seace in hia flofure in Paris towne he dyed :

Learince with childe behind his wofuil


In foren land, ovprett with heapes of

grief 0. t9rm ^ 8acknU$, MS.

Unoaivb, (1) Q^n Incon?enieBt.

(2) 9, Inconvenience.

(3) adj. Awkward.

Unoivb, 9. To begin to thaw.


Unolad, adj. Sorry.

Unoodb, adj. Bad.

Ungodly, adj. Squeamish. North,

Ungracious, atf;. Unfortunate.

Ungrathlt, adv. Improperly.

UnoundBi adj. Ungrateful.

Unhap, t. Misfortune.

Hope is hard jer hap is foo ;

Hap wile helpen jer hope is froo:

l/nAop at neae is werdes wo,

God sonde him hap tat wolde wel do f


Unhappy, a({f. Mischievous.

Unhardblbd, J7ar/.j7. Dispersed.

Unbbcklbd, adj. Disordered.

Unhblb, (1) V. To uncover.

(2) 9. Misfortune.

UNHEPPBN,a^*. Clumsy ; indecent.


Unhbrty, a4^*. Timid.

Unhillb, V. To uncover.

No man shall take his father's wife, nor

unktiUe hys father's coverlnge.

Tfndaies Bible, Dtut. zxli.

Unrombd, adj. Awkward; un-

likely. Cumb,

Union, 9. (Lat.) A fine pearl.

Unitb, 9. The name of a gold coin

worth about twenty shillings.

Unjoint, v. To carve a curlew.

Unkard,! a^f. (I) Dreary; soli-

VNKBD, J tary.

(2) Awkward; ugly; inconve-


Unked. adj. Bad.looking; beto-

kening bad weather. Stui.

Unkbk, atff. Unopened.

Unkbnt, adj. Unknown.

Unkid, atf;* Dull ; lonely. Beri$.

Unkind, adj. Lonely. North.

Unkindb, adj. {A.'S.) Unnatural.

Unknowing, adj. Unknown.


At Warwicke the knot was knytt asayne,

Unhtowvna to many a man in this Tonde.






UmnvowN, m^,


Ukkud, tug. Unknown.

Uni.acb,9.(1) Tonngitten,orna-


(2) Tocntn]!.

Unlawe, 9. Iiqiistiee.

Unlbad, It. (1) Areptfle; ave-

UNLKKD. J nomons crettnre, ta a


(2) A sly, ivicked mnn, wbo

creept aboat doing mischief.

Unlickbd, Ajr* Unpolished.

Vkuwtt, mdf. Unwieldy. Depom.

Unlovb, 9. To eetie loving.

Unlust, t. (1) Dislike.

(2) Idleness.

Unmannkd, part, p, A tenn in

ialoonry, npplied to a hawk that

is not yet tamed, or made fiuniliar

with man.

UNMutciruLLT, ado. Very. WaL

UNitioBTPULNsas, a. Wetkening.

mmmSiufuhLMu ol ttaXmm,

Unmiohtt, A|r. Unable.

Unnait, a^. Useless; impro-


Unnb, 9. To give, eonaent, wish


Unnbath, prtp. Beneath. iSi»-

iBflam'd vitk fact, tluy bnke oat into

And^nit wmmik the ewtk a tnsick

itife. MS. PMMf, «f«|k Chmiml.

UNNaa, ado. Unnethe; scarcely.

Unkbthb, ado. {A.^) Scarcely.

Ukvock, o. To let go an arrow

from the bow.

UNNOTBFirL, adj. Unprofitable.

UiffouaNs, Acjf. Unadorned.

Nov Mc •momrmt patteCli awcy fiTafiire,

That fooiy fougthe in kis ■oon conquerid.


UKPBBracT, #4^. Imperfect.

UNPrroua, aJg. OrneL

Ukplavbitb, ai^. Not applauding;

Tia like bell ^

Why mdi mmfUmmw* eyea are hmUwky

toni*d OB him.

St«i«V^ IVv. ^ OiM^ii, 1

UifPLBA8BD,^par#.^. Unpaid.

Unplitb, v. To m^fold.

Unplukob, ado. Unexpectedly.


Ukpowbb, t. Helplestness. Jhr-


Unpbopbb, a^. Not oonfined to


Unbao, atg. Imprudent ; rsah.

Unbat, v. To ondreaa. Soaun.

Unbbadt, adj. Undressed. Tt

make umreadf, to undress.

Why I ha^yoaareBotgoiagtated

I see yoaarenotyetavvM.

Omfm., Mams. JtOfut, art v.

Xatar JaM^ wraadb, in Ua «ilU»9.

gaztadcH. 1^»Mmd$^M«ndttk

A yo—t gfrth awnB. who waa ■ kr

chamber, msBM Immtf wmrmda.


Ukbbclaimbd, M^. wad.

UNBscuBiNe, m^ laentiMeL

Unbbdb, a4f. Unadfiaed.

UNBB80NABLB, fl^F- ^^

Unbsbt, t.

UwBiD, adj. DisQideityt ntidT.


Ukbipb, adg. {A.-S.) Hanb;


Ukbioht. t. (w^.^) Wrong.

UNmOyt. Trouble.

Unbaugbtb, ado. At strife.

Unsawnbt, a4r. Ua&ftaaifc


Unbcbivf, v. To pat in mind si


Umsblb, t. {A.-S.) UnhappinfW

Vnoelift anhappy.

UNSBMiMAm'Dy pmi.p. Depnvcd

of seminal enet^; asade n

enoQch. Shahmp.

UN8BBir, a4r. Invisible.

UirsBKaBD, a4^. StBmed

ble. Eaat.

UicaBTB, a^. Unwitable.

d by Google

JNS 998


O Jhera, fore the reetel alio,

That aytfl] and gal thai brojt the to.

That drenke hit was utu^te.

MS. Le§Md$,BodLlAb.

llNgHUT, V, To op^n.

UN8iDm,a4f. In confusion. Nwtk,

Unskbrb, v. To discover.

Unslyk,4U^'. UnskilfuL

UN8MiRCHu>,a<(7. Not blackened';


Unsnbck, v. To unlatch. North.

Uk80lbmpnb» a^. Uncelebrated.

Unsoutbkly, ado. Unhandy.


Unspere, v. To anholt.

Umapoilb, V, To despoil.

Unstbtss, 9. To draw the strings

of a hawk's hood, to be in

readiness to puU off.

Umsuitt, «4^'. Irregular. W§»L

Unswbab,9. To perjure. i)ray/m.

Untamo, v. To untie. Somen.

Umtappicb, 0. To come out of

concealment, a hunting term.

Untbntbd, part p. Unappeased;

not put into a way of cure, as a

wound is when a sui'geon has put

a tent into it.

Th' uMtenM wooDdiDgs of a father's


PSeroe every leiise aboat the*.

Untbbmed, 04/. Interminable.

Untbanc, *. The contrary to


Unthaw, ». To thaw. WiUtK

Umthbwb, i. 111 manners.

Unthbift, *. PitMiigality.

Untid, adj, {A.'S,) Unseasonable.

Until, jMXp. To*

UNTiif B, t. Unseasonable time.

UmriMBLT, Aff. Inopportune. A

common use of the word in the

writers of the Elizabethan


Untoothsoiie, (ujf. UnpalataUe.

Untoward, A|^ Wild.

Untrimmed, a4f. In a state of


Untalusd, a4i» Inestimablai

UKWAB.T,ii4f. Unexpected.


Unwblde, adj. Unwieldy.

Unwexb, v. To decrease.

Unwinb, 9. {A.^S.) Want of joy,

Unwisdomb, 1. Folly.

Unwit, 9, Ignorance.

Unwittilt, flrfr. Unwisely.

Unwrain, r. To unfold.

Unwrastb, adj. Wicked.

Unwry, adj. Uncovered.

Unye, 9. To unite.

UoN, V. To run. Somenei.

Vp, (\) prfp. (A.-S.) Upon.

(2) V. To arise. JFett.

Upa2et, adv. In perfection. JErm.

Updlock,«. a horse-block. Gloue.

Upbrade, 9. To rise on the sto-

mach, as food which does not

agree. Craven.

Upbraid. See Abraid.

Upcast, (I) «. To reprove. North.

(2) 9. The ventilating shaft of

a mine out of which the air

passes after having circulated

through the mine; the passage

by which the air goes into the

mine is called the doumeaet.

Updaals, adv. Up the valley or

dale. Craven.

Vvn^prep. (A.'S.) Upon.

Uphand-sledob, 9. A large iron

hammer raised with both hands.

Uphbadeo. a4;. (1) Having the

horns nearly straight.

(2) lU-tempered. North.

Uphold, v. To nudntain, or asae-

vente. North.

Upland, t. (1) High land. North.

(2) The country, distinguished

from the neighbourhood of towns.

Uflanders, 9. Country people.

Uplandi8b« adj. (1) Countrified,

or the uptmdUtke nan, that eawe the

kynce. —An upUuuKs$k« mao noaryathed

in the wtwdea, came od a tyme to the

citie, whanne all thestretea were full of

people. TalM ntd qmdte Jnswen.

(2) Outlandish.

NataraU meat will not suffice him, he

feedeth artificially : native appareli vill

not content him. he flieth for itplaudifh

'"'■' — Mm in the Mootu, 1609.

d by boogie




Uf-hst, atf;. Having fall meuure.


Uppen, v. To disclose. Ea$L

Uppbrbst, a^. Highest

Uppeiuhatch, v. To undentand.


Uppbrlkt, 9. (a eomiption of ^pou-

letie.) A shoulder-knot. Notf.

Uppbbmo&b, adj. Higher up.

Uppbr-stock8,1«. Breeches; ne-

oyBR-STocKSy j therstocks being


Tbj wpper-tioelta, be they ituft with iilk

or nocks,

Never become thee like a nether pair of

stocki. Eefwood's Efi%gram$.

Uppbb-stort, t. The head.

Upping, t. A crisis. North.

Ufpino^block, 1 «. A horse-

uppiNo-sTocK, J block«

UppiNOSyt. Perquisites. Somen.

Uppish, adj. Arrogant ; pettish.

Uprapb, v. {A,-S.) To start up.

Upright, (1) a^. Straight.

(2) adv. Entirely. EoMt.

Upright-man, i. The cant term

for the chief of a crew of beggars.

Uprisb, (1) t. {A.^S.) Resurrec-


(2)«. To church women. Corww.

UprisinGi f . The rising from bed.

Upriste, t. Besurrection.

Upsb-dutcr, 1 9. Old terms for

upsB-BNOLiSH, \ stiong alcs pe-

YTPSB-pRBBSB, J cttliar to these

respectiye countries. To b€tgne->

duteht to be drunk. C^we-

Jireeie is the more common ex-


Tellowet there are that fbUowe mee,

vho in deepe bowlea ahall drowne the

Bntehman, and make bim lie under the

table. At hit owne weapon of upHt'

frfme will they dare him, and beat him

with wine-pota till he be dead droake.

Jkkktr'g Ikad IWm, 1607.

This reliant jmI-ImkA, that upon his kneea

Has dmnke a thousand pottles ugut-Jretn,

Sueh pickled phrases he had ^ in store,

As were nnknowne unto the times of jore.

J^lor't Work9$, 1«80.

I was no aoener landed there, Vo^er

company and my selfe went to a Data

drinking-scboole, and having ifi^ms'i

toure pota of boDoe been as jdwr as

gold. fl.

Upset, t. An obstniciioD. Ems.

Upshot, 1. Result.

Upsides, ado. On an equal or so-

* perior footing. '' To be f^tUa

with a person," is to do some-

thing that shall be equifaloit or

superior to what he has done to


UpsiTTiNG.f. Achiistening. Erau

Upskippe, 1. An upstart.

Heare mens sutee your selfe. I rttpat

yoa in Gods behalf c, and pot it set ts

the hearingof these relTci coatcs, tbm

fntlnppe*. How aman can scarce taw«e

tnem nmn an axmcieat knight of ^


Up-so-doun, oifv. Upside down.

For the lauys of this loud ben lad a wniBC

BMh'^tenq^eraU and spiritiia]. I tcD ]«

Upspring, «. An upstart.

Upstands, 9. Marks for local

boundaries. Kent.

Upstarino, adj. Presmnii^. ^.

Upstarts, t. Puddles nMde by

horses in soft ground. iSssf.

Upstir, t. Disturbance. Samiend.

Upstroke, t. Conclusion. North.

Upstyemoe, 9. Ascension*

Thus for grete wonder tliat the kvtr

aongeUes had of hts [Chnat's] imglfm^e.

1*4 Iiaiiwai,lSlSj^ij^


sales 5 per cent, is genenllr re-

quired on the amoont of par-

chase, and this sum is stated to

be for uptaek and feUm§ — ie.

for taking up and felling the

trees: as this, however, is the

end of the business, so the ex-

pression iqttaek and fi^U^ is

used for the end of any mnttcf or

thing : thus it is used for laboor-

ing men who have been css-

d by Google




ployed on a job requiring tome

weeks for its execution to calcu-

kte how much each will have to

receive at the yptaek and felling ;

and hence alao, if a person is near

dying, he or she will be said to

be coming to the vptack and

felUng, Line,

Uptack, (1) «. A nonpareil.

(2) 9. To understand. Ni»rth.

UPTAILS-AIiL, t. (1) Riotous OOU-


(2) An old name of a game at


Now men at cards and diee do play

Their money and their time sway.

At paaaage, hasard, put, and diee.

With Irish inckrtnek, moat at thrice,

At trey-trip, doublets, dianght, and chess,

There money mns with carelcMuess;

At noddy, nonum, and mischance,

Thus they do make their money dance ;

Boif, slam, whisk, «qi«fat{», sent, new-^at,

With other games that I know not;

At loadam, cribbage, and all-fours,

Tliey waste away their precious hoars s

Maw, whip-her-Jenny, poor and rich.

With other fruitless pastimes, which

I knofw not, nor yet care to know,

Because from them no goodness flow.

They're better far, who at this time

Innte the poor to sup or dine,

Filling their bellies with good cheer.

Adding a little good sttonir beer.


Up-to, a£Q. (1) Able to; capable

of. '* I don't think I am «p to

taking a long walk." WuU

(2) Ready for ; aware of.

TJpwA&D, 1. Height.

Urchin, t. (1) A hedgehog.

(2) A fairy.

(3) The ash key.

UB.Ky «. (1) Use; custom ; practice

Uredf fortunate.

They eame unto a heath

Besides the way, a desert where

Ko traveU was m wt.

TurhtnUUfM TngieaU Taki, 1587.

I^eaving a signe undoubted where he stood,

IHII time he were dispoide to put in we

That mawe devise, his quiet to procure. Jh.

Haw loves, not lannees, eame in wre,

Wanm'9 Alkum Bngltutd, 1598.

He that a gradoos wife doth find,

Whose life puts vertue chtefe in vr€.

One of the right good huswife kind,

Th^ man may well himselfe assure.

DOoneg'M Strang* HuUma, IWJ.

Small game ^— howeTcr, 'tis better than

idleness.— A man would pick straws,

rather than not keep his hand in Mre.

Tkt Cheat*, 166S.

Tes, a man drinks often with a fool, as

he tosses with a marker, only to keep

his hand in ure.

Wyehtriey, CamUrjf Wife, 1888.

(2) (^.-5.) Destiny.

(3) An ewer.

(4) An udder. North,

Urok, 9. To retch. WtMi.

Urqefvl, adj. Urgent.

Urinch-milk, f. Whey.

Urine, (1) v, Mingere.

(2) 9, A net for taking hawks.

Urith, t. The bindings of a hedge.

Urlkb, a4if. Stunted; shrivelled

with cold. UrUng, a dwaif.


Urles, t. Tares.

Urnb, 9. To run.

Knightes nm, and leredis also^

Damisels sexti and mo.

SW Orpkes, ed Lt^, 51.

Urrt, 9. The blue day found aboTe


Urybr, adj. Upper. Craven,

USfjmm. We; our. Var.d.

Usage, t. Experience.

Usance, t. (A.-N.) Usage.

Use, t. Interest, or money.

UsB-POLBs, t. Poles selected in

cutting down underwood, those

which are larger than hop.poles,

and fit for the use of carpenters.


Users, t. An usurer.

UsctuEBAUOH, 9, The Irish liquor

now called whiskey.

To make right utque^au^kt according to

the receipt of that which was made for

the king^s use when he was in Ireland.

Take ten gallons of a good brandy-spirit,

made from strong-beer and some new

malt, anniseeds one pound, cloves two

ounces, nutmeics, giug«7 and carraway

seeds, each four ounces; distil them





into proof-ipirit, teeordmr to "Ij. •«

tlre^dV Uirected for proofspmU. Thw

done, add to the tiauid pwt Spanish

liqnorish. nusins of the tan strnMi), of

ttch two pounds well braiaed : dat«

■toned, and Uie white skin taken off,

four ounces; dnnamon the like qnan-

tity J keep them loot days in a close

vesseJ, wdl stopM; and at the end oT

three days, aJd three ^fTVM cf musk

and amtiergreece disaolr'd, and dnlofied

witli llTe poands of Mens mgar; sUr

them well at times ten days, and s^arn

the liquid part thitmgh a flannel fixed

on a siere, or any other onnvenieut

place ; fine it down with whitca of eggs,

and flour. Some there aie that only

draw it off the lees into other casks,

that keep it when fine. And Uina, as

you woaid hare it richer, or weaker,

yon may take better or worse spirits, or

moc« or less of the ingredienU, thonsh

the way of making and ordering is the

nme. TktWmftoGtiWeM^in^

UsTiLM BNT, f. {A.-N.) Farniturc

VTfprep. Oat.

Utas, «. The ocUtcs of a festival.

Utcht,;ww. I. Stmenet

Uten, «^. {A.'S.) Without; fo-


Uthagb, •. (1) The chaffinch.

(2) Thewhinchat. SkntpgA.

Utic, 9. The whinchaU Leie,

UT&Aoa, *. {A,'N.) Excess.

Uttkr, «&*. Outward; exterior.

VTTKajMCK,9.{A.'N.) ExtremHT.

UmKLT, adv. Bnlirely.

Uttbbiiob.b» adj. Additional.

"Wthouten uitermore help."

Utt&b, v. To pnUiflh.

UvBLB,t. BtII.

UzxLB^a. Ablackblid. YbrltA.

Vaccart, #. (Lai.) (1) A oow-

paatnre. Lane,

(2) A daily.

Tacobs, v. To fieteh.

Tho JliesB wes to hcDe 7-gan

I\Brte poeekt thenne hys.

Ant brinccn hem to paraya.

Vadb, ». (1) To fide.

In the fnU moone they are in hot

atrtngth, decaidnK in the wane, and la

the conninetion doo utterlie wither and

aBJ«. Seofs Dae. </ WUeK »- •

(2) To faiL *' Vadiag of valer.'

Foxe*9 Martyr*,

VAOr, adj. Damp ; mnsty. Dep.

Vao. (1) «. Toff for focL D<«.

(2) •. To beat; towfaadc WaO.

Vaoabond, v. To wander.

Vacation, *. (Lot.) The act of


Vagaunt, 9. A vagrant.

Vaob, (1) V. To wander aboot.

(2) •. A journey.

Vaii,, (1) 9. Progreaa. Samik,

(2) «if. Empty. Somenet.

Yailb, ». To avaiL

He saide me, witUioatcn fcilte;

That thou me ooniheat heipe and anii^

And bringen me of wa

^ JCK 9^19,81

Sone,aUtlfeegod« tho« dalte far me. hyt


Fw .3 that was fabdr «tj«^ ndM

fonde y full wde. if £ CaMte*. U. iw Sd.

Vails, t. Gifts to servanta.

VAiRa,(l)*.(if.-i^.) Asortoffnr,

supposed to be that of a species

of weaseL

(2) adv. (A.'N,) Truly.

Val,«. a simpleton.

Valbncs, v. To oruuneni with


Valbntia, a. a tin maehine wwd

for lifting beer, wine. Akc, oat si

the bnnf^ote of a cask, by pfc»-

ing the thumb on aamall hole at

top. Sn^.

VaUAKCB, 1 y^j^


And with stiffe force, ihaldat Ui MOitaB


Tb let him weet his dooghtie MJicMor.

BothjoynedMlMnmrwitfa i


Vaudwy, f . Value, Skakt^p.

VALLAirr, a^. Worth.

Vauoom,*. Value; siift. A'arCA

Digitized by VjOOQ IC




Valley, it. To rock

Valum ENT, 9. Value. Sta^,

Vallions, 9. The vtlance of t bed.

Yallor, «« A large wooden diah

nied in dairiea. Skm.

Vallow, 9, A press for cheese.

His iword forth drew.

And him with equal valew coanterraylcL

Spetu., F. Q^ II. vC 29.

(2) Amoant, both in measure

and quaatity. **The vakie of

3 feet deep.*' Wane.

Valvkb,*. Valoe; worth.

More worth than gold a tboiuand timM in

valmre. Mirr.for Mag., p. 280.

Yambiiace, If. Arroonr for the

▼antbracb, j front of the arm.

Vamp, v. To patch up.

Vampbk, v. To swagger. North,

Vamplatb, 9. A guard for the

hmnd at the end of a tilting lance.

Vamplbts,«. Short gaiters. South.

Vampt, 9. The bottoms of hose

eoTering the foot.

Vam UBB, t. See AvoHtmttre.

Yahcb-boof, f . The garret. Norf.

Yakob, V, To receive ; to earn ; to

take. See Fange.

For jef thon vangeat thane cristeiidom.

And for than bileft clene.

Wimam de Shortham.

Vakischbd, part, p. Made Tain.

Vant, a. (A.-.N,) The van.

Vantb, t. A trap for birds. Somer9,

Vantbrie, 9. (A.'N,) Boasting.

Vapour, v. To swagger.

Vakdab, 9. Talk. York9h.

Varb, 9, A species of weaseL


Variant, <uS. Changeable.

Varib, V, To change.

VARiBTr,a. A rarity. Che9K

Varmbr, 9. A large hawk. WHfhi,

Varkish, V, To grow fat. Xetc.

Vabry, V, To contend.

VARTnrBLL, *. The eye into which

the crook of a gate goes when it

is hong. Une.

Yart, f. A Tariation. Shdkeip.

Yasbt, V, To comb; to curry.


Yassalaob, t. {A.'N,) Yalour.

Vast, 1 t. A waste, or desert-

▼AaxACiE, J ed space.

What lidlan desert, Indian wastaeie.

Claudint Nero, 1607.

Yastiditt, f. Immensity.

A restraint

TbroQgh all the world's «a«<iii(y yon had.

To a detennin'd toope.

Shakesp., Meat, for Meat., iii, 1.

Yasturb, t. Yastness.

What can one drop of poysoa hanaa the


Whose hngie vatiuree can digeat the iU?

£dw. Ill, 1596.

Vasty, adj. Vast.

Vat, 9. The bed of a cider press.

YAUDEEiir, f. A sort of doth.

Act 4, Hen, VIII.

Yaulting-houbb, t. A brotheL


Yavnt, «. A pancake made with

marrow, plums, and eggs.



Yaunt-wardb, f. The van-goard.

Yauter, 9, A dancer.

Vavasour, *. {A,'N,) A sort of

inferior gentry.

Yaw, (1) f. The van.

Jhove the Psrthemians in the «•» doth


Tong Archas with th' Arcadiana leadea the

reare. Qreate BrUaiiut Trofa, 1609.

(2) a^. Glad.

Yaward, 9, The van.

Yawth, f. A bank prepared for

manure. Somer9et,

Vat, 9. To prosper. South,

Yattb, ff. To take.

Yazb, v. To flutter about. JFe9t.

YBAauB, 9, (1) A freak. Somerg.

(2) A teazing child. VeaUng,

peevish. Dev,

Ybcise, 9, (Lat,) The bladder.

Yectioal, 9, (Lat.) Tithe.

Yeering, f. A furrow. Gioue*

d by boogie




Ve«m, f. ToQngpigs. Cormo.

Vbok« 9. A run before leaping.

VEorr* ad}. (Lat vtfelmt). LiTdy.

Vkoctitb, f. A vegeuble.

VniLUC, «. (^.-AT.) An old

Vbkkb, t. An old hag. CiUmccr.

\mhATKD,prttp.(Ut,) VaUed.

Vkle, t. A TeiL

Vbliaed, t. {A.'N,) An old man.

Vbll, t. The salted stomach of a

calf, used for making cheese ; a

membrane. Somen.

Ybluno, f. Ploughing turf for


Vbltivbb, t. The fieldfare. Bfrk»,

Vblurb, ». (Ft.) Velvet.

VBLVBT-FLowBRy f. An did name

for the pansy.

Vbltet-bbad, f. The incipient

horns of a stag.

Vblvbt-jackbt, t. Part of the

distinctive dress of a prince's or

nobleman's stewtrd.

Vblvbt-tips. See Vehti^heatL

Vbnaio, V, To revoke. Wett,

Vbndablb, adj. For sale.

Vbndaob. #. (A.-N.) Vintage

Venbrxous, adj. Lascivious.

Lyoni (which luiudlT tteale beefe out

of the wmter when uiiM are here, fire

or a lirhted match only acaiiDg them),

dromioariet, antilopea, apes, bahooni

{tmerunu ooea), sebm, woItoi, foxes,

laekalla, dona, catt, and others.

EerheHU TrmeU, 1688.

Venbrt, 1. {A.'N.) Hunting.

Venetians, t. A fashion of hose

or breeches imported from


And bronght thtee yardi of velvet and three


To make mimImm downs below the nrtera.

RvingL, Bj^lgr., JB. i, Sa

The »ffi«/tas» hose they reckfui beneath

the knee to the gvterynge place of the

legge beneathe the knee, where they

are tied finelywith silke pointei, or some

such like, and laid on aJao with rowes

! of hiee or gardes, as the other before.

SliAbe$, JtuU. ^Jkuset.

Yenbribn, a<if. Venez«aL

Vbnoe, v. (A,»N.) To revenge.

Venoeable, o^F- RevengefoL

VBNiEO,a<9. Mouldy. ITctf.

Venime, t. (A.'N,) Poison.

Venison, «. The brawn of a ii3d


Vennb, f. (^..&) Mud. SeeFai.

Vbnnel, f. A gutter, or siiL


Vbnnt, ttip. Rather. Herrf.

Venom, (1) ». To (

Agretednnm. . . wmjFwofthepeBpk

■0 with her brethynge. _^

Fatnal^ foL, zcvm, teaa

(2) «<$. Jyry; hard. MidL C

(3) t. A gathering in the fiqger.


VENauESTE, par/. j9. Vanquidied.

Vent, (1) 9. (£tf/.) To sumIL

(2) t. (^Hm.) An inn.

(3) «. An opening in a ganneoL

(4) 9. A place where sefecslneds

meet. ^iits.

Venter-point, t. A name of aa

old game.

Vent-hole, t. The buttoD-hoIa at

the wrist of a shirt. SomeroeL

Vbntill, i. An adventure; lock.

Now sejat Juljan a bone i

rigrymes know ftiU wd

loadec I wrU abyde.

Vbntosb, f. {A.'N.) A


VENTOsrrfi, t. (A,*N.) The colie.

Ventouse, 9. {A.'N,) To ea^ a

medical term.

Ventoy, •. {A.-N.) A Ian.

Venture, t. The merdiBB&e

which a speculator risked in a


Venu, ». {A.^N.) A leap.

Venue, «. A thnist in fencing.

VBO,a4f. Few. WeeL

Ver, 9. (1) A man i a knight.

(2) {Ut) The spring.

Verament, odv. (A.-y.) Tnlj.

Veratb, a4f. {A.^N.) Tnie.

Verd, *. {A,-N.) Green.

Verde, t. A Florentine wina*

As p^grymes know ftiU wete.

loadec I wyll abyde.


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VsRDiif. Opinion. Somerg,

Vbksitk, f. (A,'N.) A verdict.

Verdvoo, f. (Span,) A hangman.

Vbrdukb,*. Tapestry.

Verdurous, a^f^ Green.

Vbrel,«. (1) A small hoop. North.

(2) A ferule.

Vergk, *. (1) (A.-N.) A rod.

And in bis hind a royall tUnderd iMre,

'Wherein S. Geoi^ wai drawne and limnda

in golde,

Under the vent as tytle to the booke

"Was writ; Knighto of the order of 8.

George. Ftel^s Honor of the Qorter,


(2) Green.

(3) t. The projecting slates or

tiles overhanging the gable of a


Vbrgkr, t. {A,'N,) A garden ; an


Vbrit6, #. {A,^N.) Truth.

Vbrlorb, adj. Forlorn.

Vbrmailk, a4f. (^^.-M) Red.

For aocbe another, as I geiie,

Afome ne was, ne more vermmU;

I was abawed for menrrile.


Vbbmilbd, adj. Adorned.

Vern, t. A partner in a mine.

Vbrnaob, t. (A.'N.) A sort of

white wine.

VBRauBRB,!. An old game.

Verrb,(1)«. (^..iSr.) Crystal glass.

In alle the ertba y-balowid and y-holde.

In a doaet more dere than vem or glaa.

Zfd^mto, MS. Soc. Jmtiq., 134^ f. 14.

(2) 9. The fur called vaire.

(3) V. To conceal.

(4) *. (A.^N.) Wool

Vbrrbt, adj. (A.-N,) True.

Verrid, jrret. t. Feared ?

j£i-th aakith erth, and erth hir aatwerid,

Whi erth baUd ertb, and erth erth venid;

Brth hath erth, and erth erth tenth ;

£rtlL geeth on erth, and erth erth berritb.

SeUq. JmHf., ii S16.

VBR0B-coLOURaD,a4^'. Variegated.

Vsrbbr,«. a writer of verses.

Vbrsbt, 9. A little verse.

VsRT, (1) adj. (A.M) Green.

(2)t. The green bushes in a forest,

under which the deer resorted.

Vbrtu, f . Efficacy.

Vervbls, t. The silver rings at the

ends of the jesses of a hawk.

Vbryisb, 9. A coarse cloth.

Vbry-much, adv. With great


Vbsb, 9. (1) To drive away ; to fly.

(2) To run up and down. Gloue.

Vbssx, f. A vetch.

Vbssbl, 9. (1) The eighth part of

a sheet of paper.

(2) A pail, or bucket. E9ies.

Vessblembnt, 9. Plate.

Vbssbs, 9. A sort of worsted.

Vbssbt, 9. A sort of cloth formerly

made in Suffolk.

Vbstbr, f. {Fr.fe9tu.) A pin or

wire to point out the letters to

children, when learning to read.


Vbbtiary, 9. A wardrobe.

Vet, v. To go a courting. Dev,

Vetty, adj. Suitable. Dev.

Vetusb, adj. (A.^N.) Old.

Veykr, f. {A.-N.) A fish.pond.

See Vivere.

Vbw, t. The yew. North.

Vbwtbr, f . A keeper of hounds.

ViAOB, 9. A voyage.

ViANDBR, f. An eater. "The

pryour of Totness was a good

viander," i, e., had a large appe-

tite. Mona»t%e Letter9, p. 118.

ViANDRB, f. (A.-N.) Sustenance.

VicARY, 9. (Lat.) A vicar.

VicB, 9. (1) The buffoon in a play.

Light and laieirioiii poems, whieh are

commoulT more oommodiontly nttered

by tbete onflons or view in playea, then

by any other penon.

PuUmkam, ii, 9, p. 69.

(2) A spiral ttahr.

(3; A theatrical machine.

£xostra,Cie.cyin^jc\i)/ia,JfioaTpa. It*.

ehina lignea, qua qiue imoa gemator

aut flout, Tersatione rotamm apectato-

ribns oatendnntnr. A vice or gin of

wood, wherewith sncli things u are

d by boogie




done within oat of Bight, are shewed to

the beholden by the turain; about of

whedes. Nommd,

(4) A screw.

(5) The eock of a Tesiel.

(6) The iUt. SomerMt

Victualler, t. A tavern keeper.

ViB, (1) *, (^.-M) Life.

(2) V, To wager.

He twore, m before hce had done, that

there he left him, and uw him not

since : she vied and rened othes to the

oontraiT that it was not so.

hmlaff Searek/or Money, 1909.

Sv. To turn out well. WetL

i. The game of prisoners'

base. Dewm.

ViBWLYy \adj. Pleasing to the

TiEWsoBiB, J sight. North.

Vio, r. To rub gently. WetL

YiLANiEy 9, Wickedness.

ViLD, adj. Vile.

Vilet£, t. Baseness.

HoTiBcnrteis ne Willi be,

Ne eon I nout oo vUU.


Abjectio^ abjectitots, fte. g. wiUteet low

estate, baeeaes of oovage. JBljfoi, 1669.

Vilipend, v. (la/.) To think ill of.

ViLLiACO, 9. {Ital.) A rascaL

ViLOua, adj. Horrible.

ViKB, (1) 9. To find. Somer9et.

(2) f. Any trailing frait-bearing

plant which runs over the ground,

unless supported, as cucumbers,

melons, &c. Norf.

ViME-DRA, V, To flatter, or decdve

people with fine words. We9t.

ViNB-GBACE, t. A dish composed

of pork, wine, &c.

ViNBLOM B, t. A sort of spice.

ViNE-PBNCiL, 9. A blacklead pencil.

ViNERous, a^. Difficult to please.


ViNBTTBs, 9. Branches.

ViNEWEO, adj. Mouldy. Wnt,

ViNNBD, adf. Humoursome; af-

fected. Somer9t

ViNiiY,«. A scolding bout. We9t.

ViKOLBNT, adj. (lat.) Full of wine,

VwiTAiNB, ado. {A.'N.) Speedily.

VlOL-DB-6AMBO, f. A MX-Stllllged


VrpBR, 9. A fibre. For. d.

VippE, 9. The fir-tree.

ViRB, 9. (/v.) To turn about.

ViRBLAT, 9. (fV.) A sort of rondesB,

composed in short lines of seven

or eight syllables.

ViRENT, aeg. Green ; floorishinf .

Virginal, (1) t. A sort of spinoet.

(2)ad'tr. Maidenly. Shak,


eardmu benedictuB.

ViROOLEN8B» 9. {Pr.) A Usd of


ViRiD, adj, {Lot.) Green.

ViRK, V. To tease. Dewnu

ViRNB, 9. To inclose.

Vis, f. {A.'N.) Countenanoe.

Visage, v. To face a thing.

Vise, #. (J.^N) Aim.

VisoY, 9. A pick aad batehet ii

one tool. Comw.

VisNoif Y, 1. Countenance.

ViT, 9. To dress meat. iSm.

VlTAILLB, 9. (-^.-JV.) l^Ctuals.

ViTLBR, t. A taYeni«keeper.

ViTTRE, *. A whim. IFetl.

ViTTY, adj. Decent; handaoiae.


VivARY, «. A warren or park ftr


VivELicBB, adv. UTely.

ViYBRE, 9s (^.-M) A fish pond.

ViVERS, t. Provisiona.

Vixen, t. The female of n fox,

Vlber, «. A flea. Somerwei.

Vlbysse, 1. Flesh.

Vlonke, ai{jf. {J.~S.) Rkh.

Vlother, «. Nonsense. PPVaf.

Vly-peckrd, aSg. Low.U?ed. ZHet.

VoAKY, adj. Unwashed. Applied

to wool. We9t.

Vocables, a. Words.

Ten KToatcs he g«Te Urn fcr Mi fee;

And he to conjure goes,

With charaeten, and wawlfri;

ABd divers antique shoves.

JtaplcH^ Xmm ^ Cfaii^ UU

VocALB|t. Asoond.

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YocATK, V. To idle aboat. We$t

Yogs, adj. Strong. Somertei,

VocYALL, adj. By word of month.

" Confessyon voeyaU.** The

PeMiitaly fol. dzxxiiii, Yeiso.

VooE, V. (1) To winder.

(2) To vex.

VoiDE, (1) 9. To make empty.

(2) 9. To depart.

(3) 9, The last course at table.

Voider, t, (1) A basket for carry-

ing oat the relics of a meal ; a

butler's tray.

(2) A clothes basket. Comw,

YoiJ>LT, adt. Uselessly ; in Tain.

** Beware that thoa bare not that

name voydly** The Feeiival,

foL clvii, verso.

YoisDiB, 8, {J.'N,) Stratagem.

Yoix, t. {A.'N,) A voice.

Yoke, v. To make an effort to

▼omit. North.

YoKT,A&*. (1) Moist.

(2) Cheerful. North,

YoL, adj. Full.

Y01.A6E, <MJ;. {A,-N) Light.

YoLD-SHORB, «. A folding Stake for

supporting hurdles. WUte,

Y01.ET, (/v.) On the voley, random.

YoLUNTARiE, f. (1) A flourish

before playing.

(2) A volunteer.

YoLUNTfi, *. (A.-N) Will.

YoLUPERE, g, A kerchief; a

woman's cap.

Thy ehekea are lyke a pece of t pom-

granate within thy vohipers.

BalUtUi 4ff Sotomm, chap, vi, in

Cratuner's Bibia,

Y0MI8CMENT, f. (A,.N) The act

of vomiting.

YooB, (1) V, To warrant. South.

(2) 1. A furrow.

YoRBisBN, 9, (A.-S.) A parable.

Yore, adv. Forth. Exmoor,

Yore-right, adj. Rude. Weet.

YoucHKK, V, (A.'N.) To vouch.

Vouehen'Safet to vouchsafe.

Y0U8E, adj. Strong. IVeet.

Y0U88U&B, t. (A,'N,) A vault.

YouTB, adj. (A.'N.) Coantenance.

Vowel. #. The afterbirth of a cow.


V0WE8S, «. A nun.

VoTA«B, 9, (A,'N.) A journey by

land or water.

Vrail, t. A flail. South.

VRAMP-SHAKEMy odf. DistOltcd.


Vraped, o^f* Drawn tight. Devon.

Vrbach, adv. Violently. Devon.

Vrozzt, 9. A nice thing. Devon.

Vuo, 1 To strike; to elbow.

▼ULCH, j Somereet.

VuLOATE, adj. (Lai.) Made public.

VuMp, V. To thump. Devon.

\vKOtpart.p. Received. Devon.

VuRRiD-BRiD, 9. Houschold brcsd

made of meal from which the

bran has not been taken. Devon.

\vvTL9\>'VPtpart.p. Wrapped op^


Vice, 9. (A.'N.^ Countenance.

ViNCE, t. (Lat.) To conquer.

ViRB, t. (A.'N.) An arrow for a



Wa, a^v. Yes. Craven.

Waag, 9. A lever. Yorkeh.

Wab, 9. Gabble. Devon.

Wabble, v. (I) To reel ; to shake.


(2) To do awkwardly.

(3) To boil fast.

Wabbler, 9. A boiled leg of


Wache, 1. A flock of birds.

Wacken, adj. (1) (A.'S.) Watch-


(2) Spirited ; wanton. North.

Wackbr, 9. One easily awakened.


Wackersome, a^. Wakeful.


Wacnb, v. (A.'S.) To awaken.

Wad, 9. (1) A way» or beaten trade

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(2) The edge of grass, hty* or

stabble left higher than other

parts in mowing a field between

each mower's work. EoMt.

(3) A bundle ; a wisp of straw.

(4) A small heap of hay. Berk$.

(5) A forfeit. North.

(6) {A.-S.) Woad. Wadder, one

who grows woad.

(6) Blacklead. Cumb.

(7) A large quantity. Norths


(8) A mark to guide men in

ploughing. Une.

WADDKNf adj. Supple. North.

Waodlb, (1) V. To roll about.

(2)9. To fold or entwine. Devon.

(3) «. The wane of the moon.


Wadolvs, m, a cock's gills.

Waddock,*. a large piece. Skrapi.

Wade, (1) ». {A.-S.) To go ; to slip;

to vanish. See Vade.

(2) V. To bathe.

(3) t. A ford.

^f«oir 1*. A large loose bun-

WADOET, V^^ Northampt.


Wadjock, i. A small quantity.


Wadlbb-wifv, 9, A woman who

keeps a registerolBce for servants.


Wadmal, t. A coarse woollen

cloth. Norf.

Wafek-iron, 9. A toasting-iron.

NomeneL, 1585.

Wafke-woman, 1 «. a woman who

WAFEBBR, J sold s particular

kind of cakes, mentioned as a per-

son often employed in amorous


Twai BO set meeting,

Certainly* for then wm no waftr-wmtm

with her

These three days, on niyknowIedKe.

B. i-FLJFomm Baier, ii, 1.

Wafek-fbint, f . A wafer mould.

Waff, (1) 9, To puff up in boiling.


(2) 9. A slight attack of flloen.

(3) 9. A faint nauseous ssielL


(4) t. A ghost North.

(5) V. To bark gently. Qtmh.

Wafflb,«. (1) To fluctuate. North,

(2) To swallow with dUficulty.


(3) To bark incessantly.

Wafflbb, t. (1) The green sand-

piper. North.

(2) A weakly person. Cmmi.

Waffles, 9. An idler.

Wafft, adj. Insipid. Line.

Wafbestbbb, 9. (A.'SJ) A maker

of wafers for the sacrament

Wafron, t. A vapour.

Waft, (1) v. To beckon with the


Bat soft, who wafts ns yonder?

Siaiap., Cam, ^ Srr^ i, 1.

(2)f. A puff.

? 3} 9. A lock of hair.

(4) 9. A barrel. Someroet.

Waftbbs, f. Swords made for

striking with the fUt ot the


Waftaob, f. Passage by water.


Waftubb, f . Signal ; motion.

But with an angry waftmr* of your hand

Gare aisn for me to leave yoa.


Wag, v. (1) To go; to stir.

The more ahee wte vnmored, like tk


Whom waTCt do beat, bat w^ not fromliii

place. TitrUrviU^sTmgi€maTaUi,l98i.

I will not waa without yoo.

WycktrUy, Cammtrjf ITiflt, 168&

(2) To chatter.

Waob, (1) ». To hire.

(2) 9. Wages ; reward.

h) V. To bribe.

(4) V. To be pledge for.

(bS t. A pledge.

(6) 9. To contend.

Wag-fbathee, f. A silly swag-


Waoob, 9. iJ.'S.) To move.

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Waggle, v. To waddle.

Waohb, 9. A wall. See Wawe.

Waging, t. A fox's dnng.

Wag-lsg, ». A kind of fly. " A

▼enemous flie like a beetle, and

hartfoll to cattell : a longe legge:

a wag-ieg" NomencL

Waomoirk, s. a quagmire. Spent.

WA08TEBT, •. {A,'S,) The tit-

mouse ; or, perhaps, the wagtail

Wagtail, t. A prostitute.

Wao-w ANTON, «. Quaking grass.

Waifpe, v. To move, especially

before the wind.

Waile,#. WeaL

Waily, adj. Oppressed with woe.


Waimb, f . A defect ; a rent. Si^.

Waimbnte, v. {A.'S.) To lament.

Wain, (1) «, A sort of waggon.

(2) ». To fetch.

(3) i. An ox-cart without side-

rails. Gioue.

Wainb, 9. To mo?e; to go; to

shake or wag.

Wain-man, #. A driver of a wain

or waggon.

No carrier with any hone» nor wag-

goner, carter, nor mdne^man, with any

waraon, cart, or waine, nor any drorer

with any cattell, shall trarell upon Uie

Sunday, npon paine that everie person

M ol»nding shall forfeit xxj. lor

everie such offence.

JkdUm** CoimireyJutHet, 1690.

Wain-load, t. A fother of lead.

Waint, ^4;. Quaint. North.

Wmnttyt very welL Cumb,

Waib, (1) •- A dam on a river,

or weir; the pool of water made

by it.

The byaahop of the temple let make a


) washe in


:oL d. recto.

(2) IT. To expend. North.

(3) 9. Timber for building.

Waise, 9. A wisp of straw.

Waist, 9. A girdle.

Waistcoatbbb, «. A low pros-


Tet he with late ill nsaee

Would forward, and had bin worse treated.

Had not a female wasteoateert

Came up.

Mn^t WaXk thrmgh Ltmdon, 1690.

Waister, t. A cudgel. "Cowgell,

or short stycke or way9ter to

throwe at one. LibriOa:* Huhet.

Wait, (1) a^. Bold; active,

(2) 9. The hautboy.

(3) 9. An ambuscade.

(4) V. To blame. Yorkth.

lb) part. p. Expended. Cumb,

Waite, (1) V. {A.-N.) To watch.

(2) t. A watchman.

(3) V. To know.

Waith, 9. The apparition of a

dying person. North.

Waithe, a^. Languid. Wight,

Waits, «. Musicians.

Waytet on the walle gan blowe,

Knyghtis assemled on a rowe.

Torr$iU of Portugal,^. 4S.

Wait-tebblb, t. A sort of bag-


Wak, v. (A.'S.) To languish.

Waee, (1) V. (A.'S.) To watch.

(2) V. To revel.

(3) 9. Hay placed in large rolls for

carrying. We9t.

(4) 9. A country fair.

Wakerifb, adj. Wide awake.

Wakes, t. Rows of green damp


Wakker, aef;. Easily awakened.


Walawat. Alas ! The usual in-

terjection of sorrow.

Welcome be ye, my sorerein^

The cause of my joyfulle peine!

For the while ye were away,

Hyn herte seyd noght but walmtay.


Walch, adj. Waterish. North,

Walde, (1) f. (A,'S.) Dominion.

(2) Would.

Walding, a4i- Active. Dtarh.

Wale, (1) *. (^.-S.) Death;


(2) ». (A.'S) Prosperity.

r3) V, To seek. Gawayne,

(4) V. To choose. North*





(5) adj. Excellent; ehoioe. North,

(6) ». A whirlpool.

(7) V. To strike.

(8) t. That with which one

itrikeB; t rod.

(9) t. The ridge of threads in

cloth ; texture.

(10) $. A swelling. Kent,

(11) 9. The front of a horse-


(12) V. To woo. Yorkth,

Walk, (1) v. To wag.

(2) t. Uninclosed land; sheep

pasture. Etui.

(3) t. A ilock of snipes.

U) In Norfolk certain country

fairs are called wattt—they are

always held on Old Michaelmas-

day, and are never called


Walkkk, 9. A fuller.

Walkino-suppbr, •. A supper at

which one dish was sent round

the table, at which every person

carved for himself.

Walk-mill, ». A fulling miU.


Walknb. See WeObne,

Wall, (1) *. A spring of water.


(2) 9. A wave. North.

(3) 9. The stem of a rick.

( 4) V, To pave the roads of a mine

frith stone.

(5) Laid by the wall, dead but

not buried. Oo by the wail,

strong ale.

Wallaob, t. A confused bundle.


WALLAMitBRiN6,/7arf.a. Wailing.


Wall-bird, 9. The spotted fly-


Wallb, 9, (A,-S,) To boil; to


Wall-bybd, adj. Having eyes with

too much white.

^w^lov,s l».The^ther.of8

Wallock, v. To walk slovenly.


Wallop, (1) v. To bubble a^


(2)0. To waddle. Someroet.

(3) V, To be slovenly. Lme.

{4)v. To beat. Var.d,

(5) o. To tumble over. Sii(fbOL

(6) V, To wrap up. EaoL

(7) 9, A lump.

Wallops, v. To gallop.

Wallopino, adj. Great.

Wallow, (1) v. To walk awk-


How he jraffetk and fakwetb Uke a

■hort-^rioded hackney: nam he ap-

pmacheth waUovimg like a woau vrth

childe. Ma»mtk€Motme,lfai.

(2) V, To fade away. SioMerKf.

(3) atg. .Insipid. North.

(4) 9. The alder. ^Sb^iA.

Wallowish, o^f. Naoaeous.

Ai Qnwdo(Mn« to any true eoneeit ai

alattish morsels, or woiloivuA potiou ta


09trhmq^9 Ckmr. 22, ^« Am*.

Wall-plat, t. The flycatcber.

Wallsprino, t. Wet land. JTec/.

Wall-tilbs, «. Bricks. North,

Wall-tooth, s, a large double-


Wallt. (1) esoL Alas! YoriA,

See Walaway.

(2) 9. To indulge. North,

Walmb, (1) o. (.^..&) To boa; to

bubble up.

(2) f. A bubble.

Walt, (l)jwv/. t. Thr«w.

(2) part. p. of walde. Go-


(3) V. To totter ; to ovectkio*.


Waltbp, part, p. Laid, as conL

Waltbr. See Welter.

Walter, 1 v. (l)Tor6aaiidtwist

woltbe, j about on the ground*

as corn laid by the vrind wmI

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rain ; or as one who it rolled in

the mire. Nwf.

(2) To be greatly fatigued. Mr.

Walts, v. To wallow. Devon.

Wambais, t. A body-garment

quilted with wool.

'Wamblb, v. (1) To roll about ; to

boil up.

(2) To waddle.

WAifa, t. The belly. Wametow€,h


'Wahlokbs, t. Unwashed wool.

'Wamvle, V, To blindfold the eyes.

Wan, (1) t. A rod, or wand.

(2) pre/. t,(A.'S.) Went.

Wanchanct, adj, Unlueky. North.

Wamd, (1) t. Lamentation;


(2) V. To span.

!3) V. To inclose with poles.

4) t. Mentula. Dwrh.

Wands, t. A pole, or dnb; a


Wandbp, a9* Made of wieker,

as a wand^ basket or wanded

chair. North.

Wanpls, adj. Pliant North.

Wandlt, adv. Gently. Ctimd.

Wanorbiib, t. Tribulation.

Wanprkthb, t. Trooble.

Wandy, adj. Long and flexible.

Wans, (1) t. A dwelling, or wone ;


Than spekes that wyete inwaiu,

Hum Ukie onre gade meae ilane.

J». iMwodh A. i. 17, f. 188.

(2) adj. (J.-S.) Deficient

(3) «. An inequality in a board.

Wano, t. (1) Ia.^S.) a cheek-


(2) A slap in the face. Leie,

(3) A field.

WANOBD,jMir/.j9. Tired. Deo.

WANOsm, 9. (1) {ji.^S.) A pillow.

(2) A blow. Somertet.

Wanobrt, a^. Flabby. Dev.

Wanolb, 9. To totter. Cheoh.

Wakolin«, oi^. Weak; unsafe,

applied to a horse» LHe,

Wano-tooth, t. A grinder. North.

Wanhopb, t. (i^.-6'.) Despair.

Wan IB, V. To fade ; to wane.

Waning, por^ a.

A wtmn^ ((arment that matleth in

going, tpectally when ihe bndye is

mored or abaken. Vcmtncl.

Wanion, t. A curse.

Wank, t. A yiolent blow. Leie.

Wankb, (1) adj. Prosperous.

(2) pret. t. Winked- i

Wanklb, adj, (1) Unstable.

(2) Flabby; pliant; ticklish.

(3) Weakly. Var.d.

Wanklino, adj. Weakly. Var. d.

Wanlacb, t. 7b drive the wantaee,

to driye the deer to a stand.

Wannb, {I) adj. (A..S.) Wan; pale.

(2) pret. t. Arrived.

Wannbl, 9. A tired gait.

Wansomb, adj. (A,-S.) Inefficient

Wansonb, v. To decrease ; to want

Wanst, a4;. Sickly. Suff.

Want, t. (1) (A..S,) A mole.

The 9tt$U or the mole ii a creature sf

strange effect, as the philosopher oon-

crires, who beinie pat into the neast of

any bird can never bring forth her

yoong ; as also the water wherein she

IS decocted, being rubbed npon any

thing, AA. that was biacke, immediaiely

changetti it into white.

Tkt Pkihtopher^s Btmfutt, 168S.

(2) Absence. " In your want I

will put on your jealousy.'' Shir*

ley'e Witty Fair One, i, 1.

(3) A mental imbecility. North.

li) A defect in a board.

(5} A cross-road. Eeeer.

Wanti-tuiip,«. A mole-hill. Glouo*

Wanton, aeff. Petted; delicate.

Ton are too wanton, voni estes trop

mignard. Rvnek SekooUmaa(er,ltliS.

Wantowb, adj. Profligate.

Wantrust, t. Mistrust.

Wantwit, t. A simpleton.

Wantt, t. A leather tie ; a rope

for tying anything.

W an w BARD, 8. A profligate. North,

Want, a^. Spoilt by wet

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Wancb, 9. To pine, or wither away.


Wap, (1) V. To beat.

(2)«. A blow; a fall.

(3) r. Futuere. (Cant.)

(4) adv. Smartly ; violently.

(5) V, To yelp like a dog. Somen.

(6) V. To wrap up.

(7) t. A bundle of straw. North.

(8) V, To flutter, as the wings.

Wapk, (1) adj. Pale. Ettex,

(2)v, (ji,-S.) To stupefy.

Wappen, r. Futuere.

Wappbr, (1) v. To flutter. Somen.

(2)8. Anything large.

Wappbbed, adj. Fatigued ; restless.


Wappeb-bybo, adj. Goggle-eyed.


Wappb&-jaw, t. A wry month.


Wappbt, t. A yelping cur. Norf.

Wappino, adj. Large.

Waps,*. (1) (A.'S.) A wasp.

(2) A large truss of straw. North.

Wapsb, 9. To wash. Sustes.

"War, (1) adj. Aware; wary.

(2} adj. Worse.

(3) V. To spend. North.

(4) s. The knob of a tree.

Wabble, "] s. Hard swelling

wa&blbt, I in the backs of

war-bbbtlb, I cows, caused by a

WARNLBS, J maggot. Var.d.

Warbot, t. A black beetle

Warbrbdb, t. A worm; a grub.

Warch, «. Pain. Xane. Set fFerie.

Warck-brattlb, adj. Fond of

work. Lane.

Ward, (I) s. A guard.

(2^ V. To take care of.

(3) aeff' Good keeping.

(i) 8. A wardrobe.

(5) t. Hardness of the skin. Eaet.

(6)t. The world. North.

(7) t. A sort of coarse cloth.

Wardbcorps, t. (A.'N.) A body-


Warde, v. To join together. Eaet.

Warobin, $. A guard, or watchman.

Wardbm OTE, «. A meeting of tbe


Warden, t. A aort of large peir

used for baking.

Wardbn-handbd, a^. Left-

handed. Northampt,

Warder, t. A truncheon, or staff.

Warderbbb, t. A badger's dang.

War-dich, t. An entrenchment.

Wardourib, «. The office or juris-

diction of warder.

And if there be ooe nick in the tovM,

I pray aay nothing.of it, least tkry hev*

in; of it, beinjr witliin tbe Meardamrit,

should fly npon it. Jrch^olog%a,J3xX!^

Wardrobb, «. A privy.

Wardropb, t. A noae-drop.

Ware, (1) a^. Aware.

(2) adj. Wary ; prudent.

(3) V. To expend labour or

money. North.

(4) t. Goods. Weet.

(5) 9. Business.

(6) 9. Grain. Cumb.

(7) cofi;. Whether. Bern,

?8) 9. Sea-weed. Durham.

(9) t. A weir, or dam.

Warblbss, adj. Incantiooa.

Warencb, «. Madder.

Warbntm BNT, t. {Let.) AgarvMSt.

Warbscbb, 0. {A.'N.) To care.

Warb-wabsbl, «. A stem of sea-


Warianglb, t. The great slirxke

or butcher-bird. See Whrm^.

Warib, v. (A.-S.) To cmne.

Wariiient, 9. Care ;c«iitioo. ^was.

Warishe, v. {A.'N.) To atore.

Warishbd, part. p. Raoovend

from sickness. Owaea.

Warison, t. (1) (^.-A:) a gift;

a reward.

(2) The stomach and ita coa-

tents. Cumb.

Ware, t.(^..&) Ache; paia. North.

Wark-brattu, at^. Loviag to

work. Lane.

Warlarb, 9. A stammerer.

Warlaw, 9. (A.'S.) A aorcerer.

Warlock, t. A wizard. Ntirik,

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Waklok, (I) 8. Mustard,

(2) a^. Wary.

(3) t. A fetterlock.

Warly, adj.{\) Warily.

(2) Warlike.

Warmship, t. Warmth. Var. d.

Warmbtorb, t. Provisions laid

by till wanted. North.

Warn, t^. To warrant. North.

Warndy, v. To warrant. South.

Warns, v. (1) To deny ; to refuse.

(2) To fortify.

Warnkk, t. (1) A warrener.

(2) A mongrel cur.

Warnsstors, v. To store.

Warniss, v. (J.-N.) To store.

Warky. I dare say. Devon.

Warp, (1) r. To weave.

(2) V. To lay eggs. North.

(3) tr. To cast a foal. South. An

abortive lamb. SuJ^.

(4) t. Land between the sea-

banks and sea.

(5) 9. The deposit of the river

Trent after a flood.

(6) 8, Four of an^y kind of fish,

especially herrings.

(7) t. The stream of salt water

from the brine pits. Worceit.

Wabpb, pret. t. Cast.

Warpino-pbnnt, t. A sum of

money yarying according to the

length of the thread, generally in

the proportion of one shilling for

a score yards, paid by the spin-

ner to the weaver on laying the

warp, as it was called ; in return

for this, the weaver provided tea

and cakes. North.

"Wakps, t. Distinct pieces of

ploughed land separated by the

furrows. Kent.

'Warrant, t. The bottom of a


'Wa&bantizr, t. A warrant.

'Wabrayb» 1 V. To wage war


Bui alter Ninoi , warlike Behii tomie,

The earth with unknowne armoar did

warrt^tn SOmm, Mmf. qf Turki, B S.

Warrb, adj. Wary ; aware.

Warrbd, par/. j9. Spent. Craven.

Wauirn, 8.(1) A plot.

(2) A large number; perhaps,

figuratively, from a rabbit-war-

ren. •* A warren of people went

to the fair." Line.

Warrsn-hbad,«. a dam across a

river. Northumb.

Warriablb, aeg. Fit for war.

Warridgb, t. The withers of a

horse. Crimen.

Warrinbr, t. The keeper of a


Wauioke, v. {J.'S.) To gird.

Warry, v. To curse. Lane.

Wa&sbn, v. To grow worse. North,

Warslk, v. To wrestle. North.

Wabslbt, s. Not much. Eteex.

Warstbad, t. A ford over a river ;

a shoar. North.

Wart, v. (1) To plough land oyer-

thwart. East.

(2) To overturn. Cheih.

Warth, *. (1) A ford. North.

(2) A flat meadow by a stream.


Wartle, v. To wrangle. North"


War-whino. Beware. fFeet.

Wary-brxed, f. The worms in


W ASK f adj. Cross-tempered. West.

Waselx, v. {J.'S.) To become


Wash, t. (1) Ten strikes of


(2) A division of underwood cut

down for sale. Northampt.

(3) A narrow track through a

wood. East.

Washamouth, «. A blab. Exm.

Washbouohs, t. The straggling

boughs of a tree. St^.

Wabhbrbw, t. Oatmeal reduced

to a jelly. Dev. See Flummery.

Wash-dish, 8. The water-wagtail.


Washer, s. A sort of kersey cloth.

Washes, t. (1) The seashore. Noif.

d by boogie




(2) In the fens, large spaces

left at inteiTals between the

river-banks, for floods to ex-

pand in, are called washes,

Wash-holb, «. A sink.

Washmaid, f. A washerwoman.

Washman, t. A beggar who so-

licited charity with sham sores

or fractures. (Cant.)

Wask, t. A large wooden beetle.


Waskino, t. A beating. Norf.

Waspish, a^. Irritable. East.

Wassel, t. A weakly person.


Wasser, t.

Tlie honible huge wbalei did there

appeare ;

Tlie wm$9er that makct marryneit fo

feare. Tk$ JVmm MeUmorpkosit, 1000.

WABSBT-ifAN, t. A scarecrow.


Wast, *. (^.-A) The belly.

Waste, (1) t. Consumption. North.

(2) V. To abate. Essex.

(3) s. The body of a ship.

(4) 9. To cudgel. East.

Wastbablb, adj. Wastefnl. So^

Wastel, Sf {A.'N.) The fineat

bread ; a cake.

Wabtbr, t. (1) A cudgel. See


A man and wife strore cant who shooUl be


And hayinjf chang'd between them

bonihold tpeechea.

The man in wrath hiooght forth a psfr of

And iwore that these ihonid prove who

wore the breeches. £er. J$^.,i,16.

(2) A thief in a candle.

(3) A damaged article.

Wasteyn, s. {ji.'N.) A desert.

Wa8tino,«. a consumption. JVer/ik.

Wastlb, (1)«. a twig. Northumb.

(2) 9. To wander. Her^.

Wastour, s. {J.'N.) A thief; a


Wabtuu.^ a. A profligate. WesL

Wastrels, «. (1) Bricks, china,

&c, spoilt in making.

(2) Inclosed places. Oid DM.

Wastt, adf. Consumptive. Leie.

Wat, (1) «. A familiar term among

sportsmen for a hare. On the

old market-cross at WatUm,

Norf., the name of the town was

expressed by a rebus, a hare and

a tun.

The man whose vacant mind pr^Mrai hia

for the aportk

The finder oendeth ont, to aeek the Biahk

Which craeeeth in each field each tekn^

every fiat,

Till he thit pretty beaat upom the fcra

hath found. Dri§L PolgoA^ aong usi

(2) t. A sort of spectra] flame,

supposed to be seen by piisouen

before their trial, if destined to

be hanged. Bucks.

(3) pres. t. otwite. Knows,

(4) adv. Certainly. North.

Watchbt, ttJF. Pale blue.

Shee, in a wttekei weed, with wamk a

carions wave.

Which aa a prineeUc gift fnalt Amphilxte

gave. Drqrteit, FpiffolK^m, wamg t

Watcbino, «. A debauch.

Watchiko-candlb,«. The candle

used at the watching of a corpse.

Flor. Why ihonld I twine my anna tp

cablea, tit np all night like a wmseUM*

em^^anddittUmyb ' '

eye-lidaf Your brqUier tovea mia, aa^

I love your brother : and whcrs (hcM

two conaent, I woold fain ace a tfasd


Watch-wbbs, s. The name of a

boy's game in the North.

Watvr, s. AwaAerinK-plaee. Lme.

Watbr-blob, «. The marsli ottii'

gold. Northsampt.

Watbr-brash, «. Water on the


Watbr-castbr, «. A peraoB whs

judged of diseases by the viae.

Water-chains, t. Chains attached

to horses' bita. North.

Watrb-cbaw,«. The water otl

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WATER-CRorr, t. A glanjugfor

water. Leic.

Water- DOGS. See Mart^B-taiU.

Watbr-furrow, 9. A gutter, or

open drain.

Watbroall, t. A secondary rain-


Watbr-oatb, $, A floodgate.

Watbr-orass, 9. Water-cresses.

Watbr.hen, t. The moorhen.

Watbr-icle8,«. Stalactites. North.

Watbr-lao, "I *. a water-car-


Water-poukb, t. A water-biister.

W^ATBR-PUDOB,«. A puddle. North"


Water.rannt,#. The short-tailed

field mouse. Norf,

Water-shackkn, adj. Saturated

with water. Yorkth.

WATBR-aHUT, «. A floodgate.

Watbr-slain, a^'. Saturated with

water. East,

Watfjusparrow, t. The reed


WATER-8PRIN6B, 8. A flOW of SR-

liva. Norf,

Watbr-sprizzlb, t. A disease in

ducklings. Notf.

WATBR-8WAX.L0W, #. The wRtcr-


Watbr-6Wolz^d, adj. Saturated.

Water-takino, 9. A pond from

which water is taken to supply

a house that has no pump. Norf,

Watbrwall, *. A waterfall.

Watbb-wbal, f . A blister.

Water-wrblp, 9, A plain dump-

ling, which, instead of becoming

light, has boiled heavy. Ba9L

Water-wort, t. Maiden-hair.

Wath, *. A ford. Nortfi.

Wathb, f. (1) (^.-S.) Injury;

evU. Wathefyf severely.

Now take hede what I the mynoe^

tef a wyf hare done a synne,

8vcbe penaunce thou gyvehyre thenne,

i'liat hvre husbonde may not kenne.

I>este for the penaunce sake,

Wo and wUhthe bytwene hem wake.

MS. CoU^ C/aw^Aai,f.U7.


I rede thou mende it with ikHle^

Ifor iMiMcf walkes wyde.


(2) (^.-5.) Game; prey.

(3) (A.-S.) A straying.

Wattle, (1) *. A hurdle.

(2) V. To intertwine faazle, ftc

(3) V. To tile a roof. North.

Wattlb-and-dab, t. A building

with close hurdle-work plastered

over with clay and chopped straw.


Wattlb-jaw, *. A long jaw.

Wattles, t. Loose hanging flesh,

applied to cocks, turkey-cocks,


Waudon, adj. Supple. Northumb,

Wacf, atff. Tasteless. York9h.

Wauoh-mill, 9. A fulling-mill;

a corruption of Walk-milL

Waulcr, adj. Insipid. North,

Waupb, *. The turnspit dog.

Waure, 9. Sea-wrack. Kent,

Waut, ff. To overturn. Lane.

Wauve, V, To cover. Hertf.

Wave, (l)pret. t. Wove.

(2) V. To wander.

(3) V. To hesitate.

Waver, 9. A pond.

Waters, t. Young timberlings

left standing in a fallen wood.


l7aHB,}'-(^-^-) ^'^•^»-

Wawarde, t. The vanguard.

Wawe, (1) t. Woe.

{2)9.(A.-S.) A wave.

(3) V. To wag.

Wawks, 9. Corners of the mus-


Wawl, v. To cry out, applied

especially to a cat; to wail.

Many people in theae dayea, cannot

breake hia ahinnea, have hie noae

bleede, loee a game at cards, heare a

dogge howle, or a cat wawle, but in-

atantly they will runne to the calcu-

lator. Melton, Attrologatter, 1630.

Wawnish, adj. Nauseous.

Waxe, v. {A.»$.) To grow; to


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Wazbn.kkbnbl, t. An enltrged

gltnd in the neck. Pakgr.

Wat. In ike im^. at home, near

tt bend. Vmr. d.

Way-bit, t. (1) A trifling intermc

diate meal, originating probably

from being eaten while walking

or working. SomerweL

(2) A Utile bit. North.

Wat-brkdb, t. (J.-S.) Plantain.

Wat-goobb, t. An annual feast

tmong printen. It appears to

have been formerly a practice

peculiar to Coyentry, where it was

usual in the large manofactories

of ribbons and watches, as well

as amongst the silk dyers, at the

season of the year when they

commenced the use of candles,

to haTC what was called a ««y-

^ooft, when all the persons of

the establishment were accus-

tomed to go a short distance into

the country and partake of an

entertainment provided for the

occasion at the chai^ge of their

employers: and this practice

uniformly preceded the working

by candle-light.

Wat-6BA88, 8. Knot-grass.

Wayjolt, 8. See-saw. Berh.

Watment, 1 Lamentation.

WAYMBNTINO, J """'="»***""•

Watnb, v. To strike ; to raise.

Wat-wtnd, f. The wild coutoI-

▼ulus. Northampt,

Way-wort,!. Pimpernel.

Wazb, t. A cushion or buudle of

straw placed under the crown of

the head, to relieye it from a


Wba-bit, t. A little bit. Yortt.

For 'tit (to tpe«k in a funfliar style)

k York-tkire ie«a-M lon^ than a mile.

Ii$Mp Songs, tL d.

Wbad, adj. Very angry. Norik,

See Wode.

Wbah, adj. Sony for. North.

Wbaken, v. To soak in water.

WsAKLiiro, a. A weak creature.

When nam a wntfimg one, a Awrfe :fe • r.

Wbakt, AJF. Moist. North,

Wbai., (1) «. A wicker basket to

catch eels.

(2) V. To choose. Lane.

Wbald, «. A forest.

Wbaxisb, «Sf- Squesmish. Jkv.

WBANBL,f. An animal just weaned.

Wbab, 9. (1) To cool the pot.


(2) To lay out money. AorfA.

Wbaro, 9. To bathe. Be4f:

Wbabish, odj. (1) Weak; afaraak

up ; diminutiTe.

(2) Unsavory ; insipid.

Wbabt, aijp. Troubleaome.

Wbasand, a. {A.-S.) Ttie throat.

Wbat, V. To loose.

Wbath, odj. PUant Wig^kt.

Wbathbbbd, adj. Experienced.

Wbatbeb-gau., la. A secood-

weathkb-head, J BIT TBinbow.


Weatheb-wind, 8. Bindweed.

Wbatin, t. Urine. Cumb.

Wbattoh, 9. To bark. Lame.

Wbazbl, a. A fool. Eagi.

Web, 8. (I) (^.-&) A weaver.

(2) A sword-blade.

(3) The omentum. Noff.

(4) A sheet of lead.

WBBBE,e. To weave. « Clothe nat

webbed or woven, beyng npoa

the lombe, whych the huswives

call a warpe or webbe. S/aaiai.''


Webster, a. A vreaver. North,

Wed, a. (^.-5.) A pledge.

Wbodb, (1) 9. To pledge; to lay

a wager.

(2) part. p. Wedded.

Wbddb.fbb, 8. A wager.

WBDBiN6BR,a. A guest at B wcd-


Wedb, (1) a. (^..5.) AppareL

(2) e. To become mad.

(3)t. Madness.

Wbderxnob, a. Fine weither;





temperature. "That God sende

suche wederynge that they may

growe." Festival, fol. cxciv. v**.

Wbdob, *. A pledge.

Wbdhod, 8. The state of marriage.

WsDLocKy 9. A wife.

He watches

For qnarrelling wedlocks.

Boaring Girl.

But to lie with one's brother's wedlock,

O my dear Uerode, tis rile and uncom-

mon lust ! JUarstOH's Pararitaster.

Wbdman, 8, A husband.

Wbds-and-porpbits, t. The game

of forfeits. fFarw.

Wedsbtte, v. To put iu pledge.

To licence to mortgage or wedaeti, as

they term it, any lands.

Bowes Correspondence, 1583.

Wedwede, *. Widowhood.

"Web, (1) *. Woe; sorrow.

(2) adj. Small; diminutive.

Weean, 8. A quean. North.

\Veed,(1)«. (A.'S.w/eda.) Dress.

(2) 8. A heavy weight. Devon.

(3) V. To bathe. Leic.

Weedy, adj. IlUgrown.

Week, (1) v. To squeak. Ea8t.

(2) 8. The side of the mouth.


(3) In by the week, imprisoned.

Captus est. He is taken ; he is in the

■oare; he is in for a bird ; he is in by

the weeke. Terence in English, 1641 .

Weel, t. (1) A basket to catch

fish. See fFeaL

A weele : a wicker net^ wherewith fishes

being once entred, there is no way for

them to e^t out : a bow net. Nomencl.

There plenty is of roches, bleakes, or eeles,

Which fishermen catche in their nets and

weles. News MeUmorpkosis, 1600.

(2) A whirlpool. North.

Ween, v. To whimper. Dev.

Webpbrs, t. Mourners.

Wbepino -CROSS. To return by

weeping croee, a punning phrase

for deeply lamentiog an under-


He that goes out with often losse.

At last comes home bv wfeping crojtse.

HoweWs Sngf. Prov., P 8 b.

The ?agan king of Calicut take short,

That would have past him; with no little


Sending him hoAe amin by weeping cross.

Fanshaw, Lusiad, x. 64.

As for our diving now and then into a

gentlemans pocket, it is part of our

profession, for if it was not for a little

01 the buttock and file, and buttock and

twang, the interpretation ot which

terms you may see in the canting dic-

tionary, we would have but sorry liveli-

hoods, and tho we sometimes come oft

by weeping cross for it, yet being light

fingered, u as habitual to as, ss honey to

a bear doctor.

The Skopkeeper^s Wife, 1706.

The weather still is raw and bad,

And food and rayment must be had,

And that will cost silver and gold.

Or we may hungry be and cold :

Therefore in time money provide.

To buy such things against that tyde;

For to want meat is very sad.

And lack of cloaths is ev'n as bad.

The lawyers harvest, term, is o'er,

Which to their purses brought good store.

But many clients, to their loss,

Do return home by weeping cross.

Poor Bobin,m6.

W£EPiNQ-uPE,a4;. Kipe for weep-


The king was weeping-ripe for a good word.

SJukesp., hates L L., t. S.

Wbbpino-tea&s, t. Excessive sor-

row. *< I found poor Betty all

in weeping teare." Norf,

Werp-irish, v. To yell.

Weept, adj. Abounding with

springs. Somerset.

Weer, (1) a^. Ghastly. Eaet.

(2) V. To oppose ; to guard off.


Websel, 8. The windpipe.

West, (1) adj. Nimble. North.

(2) V. To rain slightly. North.

Webtpot, 8. A sausage. Somer8.

Wee- wow, adj* Wrong ; in an un-

settled state. West,

Webze, (1) t. A wisp. Newc.

(2) V. To ooze.

Weezblino,! adj. Careless;

wizzLiNO, J thoughtless; giddy.


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Wbkzwai, t. A bridle. Somen.

Wefdb, If. An altar. Jyenb.

WYBFDE, J qf Inwii.

Weff, V, To snarl. North.

Weffe, v. To weave^

Weffxng, 9, Sweepings of the

street. Northampt,

Weft, {l)preL /. Waved.

(2) t. A waif.

(3) «. A loss.

{4) part. p. Woven. NoHh.

(5) t. The ground of a wig.

(6) 8, A signal by waving a flag.

'* She gave three vrfls with her

ancient" ^6. C'mioe. SeeJVaft.

Wbooe, t. (1) {A,.S.) A pledge.

(2) t. A wedge.

Weght, (1) adj. Bold.

(2) t. An article like a sieve, bat

without holes in the bottom,

usually made of sheep>skin.

Wehee, V, To neigh.

Weigh, «. A lever.

WEIGH-BAI.K, «. The beam of a

pair of scales. Yorkf.

Weigh-jolt, «. A seesaw. Wilts.

Weighket, adj. Clammy. Yorkth.

Weight, g. (1) A machine for


(2) A many. North.

Weir, t. (1) A dam in a liver.

(2) A pool.


) Seap wreck; sea-weed. JVbrM-


Wbitb, v. (J.'S.) To forsake; to


Wbkb, (1) V. {A.'S.) To grow


(2) t. A wick.

For ftrete the wexe bttokeneth his xnanhede,

The v<k« his soule, the fire his godhede.

Lgdgatc, MS. Soe. Anliq. IH f- 29.

Wbkbt, 9. A wicket.

Wblawille, adj. Wild. Oaw.

Wela-wynnb, adj. Well joyous.


Welch, *. A failure. Yorksh,

Welch-ambassador,*. A cuckoo.

Welch-hook, 9. A two-edged axe.

And nrore the devil his line lie,

upon the cross of a Vetch- koot"


As tall a man as evrx siraner.

With WeUe-kook, or Ion; £^g«r.

B. jMt^ Ma»pu w Hon. <f ir4>£«.n, 49.

Wblch-parslet, 9. Hemp; a


Wblchman's-hosb. 7*0 tun h

a WelchmaH9 h09e, to turn it

any way to serve one's purpose.

The Uws we did interpret, and atalalcsof

tlie land.

Not truly by the text, bat newly by i


And words that were most pLaine, vita

they by ns were skan'd.

We turned by oonstmction to a Wdfi-

man't hoic' Mur.for Mmg^ p. ^^

Wblchnut, 9. A walnut,

Welcome- HOMB-HUSBAMDfS: Cy-

press spurge.

Welde, f». (1) {A,'S.) To govers;

to wield.

In that tjne, certaynly.

Dyed the kynx of Bongaxr*

And was ocryed y-w¥S ;

He had no heyre'hTslonaes to fnU*^

But a doghtyr of rg yeryi eide»~

Unr name Helyne ys.


(2) To carry ; to bear.

I took him up and woond him ia BKae


And Yielding him unto my prirmte teat,

There kid him down, and dew'd him with

my tears. The Spmuk IWy*^,!, 1-

(3) To possess.

Welder, t . A ruler.

Weldy, a4;. (I) {J..S.) Active.

(2) Troublesome.

On wee goe, but still no midwife eoaH

be found to deliver na of oor traruk;

many daies labour we eat of. but s^J

(like Hidioes lieade) more came in tbe

placei, as toelMy and invendbli aa t'^

other. BowUg'sSearek/»rMmef,l^i.

Wele, (1) adj. Wdl.

(2) 9. (^..&) Wealth; p*^


Weleful, adj, Happy.

WBLBWBDy^or/.^. (^..&) Dried


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I^SLVWILIT, 1 aeff' Propitious;

WBLEWAJLLT, J 'wcU-wishing.


"Wklkb, (1) ». To decrease, or to

wane like the moon.

When raddy Phcebus 'gim to weli in weit.

^cHi., F. q., 1, i. 23.

(2) V. To wither; to dry up,

(4 ) V. To soak, roll, and macerate

in a fluid. Norf.

(5) V, To gire a sound heating.


(6) V. To mark with protuher-


Her wMei face with woefnl tears be-

sprent. Sackt. Induction, p. 257.

(7) 9. To darken; to ohscure.

{^)prei.L Walked.

WblkinOi adj. Big and awkward.


Well, (1) r. To bobhle up.

(2) t. A surface spring. York,

(3) 8. A vent-hole iu a rick or

mow. A' oi/,

Wkllandek, mterj. Alas. North,

WiLL-DOiNG, «. A henefit. Detf.

Well-drao, t. A three-pronged

drag to hringthe bucket up when

it falls in. I«te.

Welle, (l)r. ToboU.

(2)». To flow.

(3) V. To rage; to be hot.

(4) t. A grassy plain; sward.


Welled, j9ar/. p. Coagulated.

Well-head, t. A fountain; a


Wkll-nioh. Almost. Var. d,

Well-puddino, t. A pudding made

like pie-crust, and boiled with

butter in the middle.

Welle, It. The under parts of a

WALE8, J waggon.

Well-seen, adj. Expert

Well-8oss£. Well-a-day! Devon.

Welly, (l)«|p. Well nigh. iVorM.

(2)». To pity. Gn^e.

Welme, f. (^.-5.) A bubble.

Welowb, r. (1) To wither ; to rot,

(2) To fade.

Botes, leljes, and ilonres witLont

veUmynge. Tk* Festhalt fol. ezlii, v^*.

Welsh, adj. Insipid. North.

Welsomb, adj. Wild.

Welt, v. (1) To totter. Yorkth.

(2) V. To overturn. North.

(3) To beat. Var. d.

(4) To soak. Ea»i.

'WELTE,pret.i.{l){A.^S.) Wielded;


(2) Rolled ; overturned.

Welter, r. To tumble or roll

about ; to throw into confusion ;

to overthrow. Still preserved in

Norf. under the forms walior or


A servant . . . .had told him for certain

that his master and others woold very

shortly loeUfr this court.

Bowes CorrMfHmdtnet, I68S.

Albeit the dnke be departed in person,

yet he hath left behind lum a strong

oarty, willing to toelter the court for hia

Dcnefit, if there may opportunity serre

therennto. lb.

Which breedetb some fear of a new

wellerina of ooort, if this eoofie holfl

on a while. Ih. 1688.

Weltrful, adj. Fruitful.

Welwilly. See WelewUfy.

Welwb, v. To wallow.

Weii, ». (1) The belly. North.

{2) A blemish. Eatt. Wemle^

without spot.

Weumbd, pari. p. (J^S.) Cor-


Wen, s. a wand, or rod. A^.

Wence, 9. The centre of oron-

roads. Kent.

Wenche, 9. A young woman,

formerly used generally in a good


Wendb, (1) r. (A.-S.) To go.

(2) V. To change.

(3) V. {A.^S.) To think; to

suppose ; to guess

Wenb, (1) t. (^-5.) To think; to


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(2) t. A doubt

Tliise xg . wist, withonten vene^

Alle the maner of the ouene.

MS. BowUhsoh, C. 86.

Wbner. Fairer. Gawayne.

Wbxgables, 9. Vegetables. East.

Wknhus, t. A wain-house or wag-

gon-lodge. Sussex.

Wbnnkl, 9. A newly weaned calf.

Wbnt, {I) pari. p. Gone.

(2)preLt. Vanished. fVeit

(3) s. A passage ; a crossway.

(4) t. A furlong.

(5) V, To turn back.

(6) V, To turn acid. Notf.

(7) pari, p. Done ; fulfilled.

(S) pari. p. Thought,

By the cradell that she there fande.

She had wmt it had bene hir husbande,

She Ivfc UD the dothet uith her hande,

And faide ner downe by the clarke.

Tkt Mjflner of Jbyngdon, n. d.

(9) f . A teasel. Gloue.

"Wentle, v. To turn over.

Weoke, prei. t {A.-S.) Were.

Wep, j?r«/. /. {A.-S.) Wept.

Wepblt, adj, {A.'S.) Causing


Wbpenb, (1) t. {A.'S.) A weapon.

(2) *. (a,-S.) Mentula.

Wbpit, t. Weak drink.

Good dryuke he loryd better than he did


Men CHlIed hym maister John-with-the-


Hereby men may well nndentonde and


That in soolys he had taken dcgr6.


Wepmon, t. (A.'S.) A man.

Wbppbnbd, adj. {A.-S.) Armed.

Wbr, adj. Aware.

Ich wee xrel fair,

8urh Bcbeltou be ;

Tor Codes love, be «er by me.


Wbbc, *. Work.

Leve dame, if eni derc

Bedeth the that love wnv,

Ich rede thitt thou gniunte his bone.

And bi-com his leimon sone.


Webchb, (1) V. (A.'S.) To woA.

(2) adj. Watery ; insipid. North.

Wbrcok, 9. A pheasant.

Wbrdrobb, 9. A badger's ordure.

Webb, (1 ) t. Doubt ; uncertainty.

(2) V. To defend.

?3) 9. War.

(i)v.iA..S.) Towetr.

(5) 9. A pond or pool. North,

WER£LT,a^9. Slily.

Wbr-hbdltngb, 9. A oommaoder

in war.

Wbrie, v. (1) To protect

(2) To curse.

Wbrino, t. A protection.

Wbrkb. *. (1) (^.-5.) WoA.

(2) (A.'S.) Ache ; pain.

Wbrlaughb, <• A wizard. See


Werly, adj. {A.'S.) Worldly.

Wernb, «. To deny ; to refuse; to


And as myehe as he bath of feyraie«e.

As myehe heo hath of vonfaip and 90d>

For heo locmyf A here love to no moa

Heo hdpeth and socouretk ns ichon.

Wbrpe, «. To throw.

Wbrrayb, «. To make war.

Werre» *. (A.'N.) War.

W™;' \adj. Worse.

WERRE8TB) j ''

Werricking, adj. Fretful; pee-

vish. Norihampi.

Werry, V. To bring forth yoimg.


Weschb, v. To wash.

Wbsb, «. (A.'S.) To ooze out

And bade me bame me welle aboote,

Whene hit wolde other vater orwtM,

And sone after, nithoatyn doute.

Than shold I have lysens to irtT ia essa

MS, CaUkb^'Ef.i,^

WB8BL8, 9. A dish in old cookeiy.

Wbst-coontry-p ARSON, 9. The

hake. Su99.

West, 9. A red pustule about the


Wk'stly, adj. Giddy. Norf.

Wbstrbn, 9. To tend to the west

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Wbstril, «. A short cudgel.

Westy, adj. Giddy; confused.


Wet-board, «. A shoemaker's

cutting-out board.

W£T-BOARj)9, s. Boards sliding in


Wetchet, adj. Wet through.


Wetb. v. (1) {J,.S.) To know.

(2) To think.

Wetbwold, f . A wittol.

Wet- GOOSE, t. A simpleton.

Wkt-hand, «. A drunkard. iVbr/A.

Wethb, adj. (irf.-5.) Mild.

Wbtherhog, 8. A male hog. Line.

Wethbrly, adv. Violently. Ejcm.

Wethewindb, t. Woodbine.

Wet-my-foot, t. The qualL


^Veutbr, v. To stagger. Lane.

Weve, t». (1) To raise.

(2) To prevent, or put off.

Weved, *. {A.'S.) An altar.

Wever, f. A river. Cheth.

Weyerb, v. To waver.

And thi bileiFe of JIimu Crist

His Doa al weterinde.

William de Shoreham,

Wbtbt, «. A spider. Somert,

Wewerpow, 8. A dam across a

ditch to keep up the water.


Wkwte, v. To whistle. Eaai.

Wbw-wow, ». To wring and twist

in an intricate manner. Norf,

Wexe, «. To grow ; to wax.

Weybreds, 8. Warts. £a8t.

Wbye, (1) *. A way.

(2)». Togo.

Bote hi arijt i-cristned be,

Fram heveiie evere hi weyetk.

WilUam de Shorthorn.

(3) V. To weigh ; to carry.

Weyey. Yes, yes. North.

Wbyperb, 8. {J.-S,) A traveller.

Weymbnt, 8. Lamentation. See


Wezzlino, adj. Thoughtless. Line.

Wbzzon, «. The windpipe. Craven.

Whack, (1) v. To beat.

(2) 8. A heavy fall.

(3) 8. Quantum suffieit of strong

drink. '* He was not right drunk,

but had got his whack."

Whacker, (1) «. A large thing.

(2) V. To tremble. North.

Whackkr-obrse, 8. The plant


Whacking, adj. Big.

Whain, (1) V. To coax. North.

(2) adj. Strange. North.

Whaint, €idj. Quaint. Wfuzintite,


Whake, v. To tremble. Lane.

Whale, v. To beat. North.

Whalb*8- bone, 8. The bone of the

walrus, used as ivory.

Whalm, 9. To cover over. TVarta.

Wham,*. (1) A bog. North. Wha^

mire^ a quagmire. Yorksh.

(2) Home.

Titan prcyde the ryche man Abraham

That he wide sende Lazare or sum other

whAM. MS. Marl. 1701, f. 44.

Whaiib, 8.

Whamp, *. (1) a wasp. North.

(2) A child. Warw.

Whanb, v. To stroke; to coax.


Whang, (I) 8. A thong.

His meal-poke hang about his necl:.

Into a leathern wkaiig^

Well fasten'd to a broad bade,

What was both stark and Strang.

Bobin Hood, i,9R.

(2) 17. To beat.

(3) t. A blow. North,

(4) V. To throw violently. Line.

(5) V. To pull along with ease

and rapidity. Leie.

(6) 8. Anything large. York8h.

Whangby, «. Hard cheese. North,

Whank, 8. A large lump. North,

Whanter, v. To flatter. North.

Whantle, v. To fondle. Cumb.

Whap, v. To vanish suddenly.


Whappe, v. To wrap up.

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Whappbt, (1) t. A blow OB the

ear. Devon.

(2) The prick-eared cur.

Whapplb-wat, t. A bridle^way.


Whaps, v. To put in hastily.


Wharf-stead, §. A ford ia a


Wharlb, t. A small wheel on a


Wh able-knot, t. A hard knot.


Wharliko, t. Inability to pro-

nounce the letter R.

Vot ht from hence ii Carleton, of

which we were told, that most persons

that are bora there, whether it be by a

pecuhar property of the soU, or of the

water, or else by some other secret

operation of nature, have an Ul favoared,

nntunabie, and harsh msnner of speech,

fetching their words with very much

ado, deep from out of the throat, with a

certain kind of wAor/ify, the letter &

being very irksome and tronblewHue

to them to pronounce.

BrowH*8 Trapeti over Bngltmd.

Wharl-knot, t. Ahard knot. Lane.

Wharf, v. To tease. Noff.

Wharre, 9. Crabs. Cheth.

Wharrow, 8. The wbarle of a


WHART,pr«p. Across. Sv^.

Wharti^e, v. To tease. Forby.

What, (1) «. Something.

{2)iniefi. Lo!

Whatb, o^p. Quickly.

Whatbeyn, "I adj. What kind

whatkynnes, j of,

What-nosbd, t. Red-nosed from

drinking. Nmf.

WHATSOMEimR. Whatcvcr.

Whattbn, a^. What kind of.

What-w AY, *. A guide-post. Her^,

Whau, adv. Why. North.

Whauf, t. (1) A knot. North.

(2) The larger curlew. North.

Whavb, v. (I) To turn pottery

when drying. Stqg^,

(2) To cover over. North.

Whay-worms, ». (1) Whims.

(2) Pimples.

Whazlb, v. To wheeze;. North,

Whbady, a^/*- Tedious. Var.d.

Wheal, t. (1) A htisler.

(2) A flake, or layer. Northampl.

Whbam, adj. Snug; veiy dose.


Wbeaiily, cA^. DeedtfttUy. Law.

Whbamow, adj. Nimble. Derby.

Wheax, (1) «. A sfflali quantity.

(2) v. To coax. iVbr^A.

(3) «. A worthless woman. North.

Wbbant, ad;. Quaint. Lame.

Wheat-plum, a. The bastard Or-

leans plum. Line.

Wheatsble, t. The season of sow-

ing wheat.

Wheaze, t. A poif. Craven.

Whbckbr, v. To neigh. Somert.

Whedder, 9. To tremble. Norik.

WuBDBN, 8. A fool. Weat^

Wheb, 8. A heifer. Yarksh.

Wheek, V. To squeak. North.

Wheel, «. (1) A mill. YoHtsk.

(2) A whirlpool Lane.

Wheel-pit, «. A whirlpooL Yvriih.

Wheel8pi7n,«. Strong ooaiMysn.


Wheel-spur, s. The inner high

ridge on the side of « wheel-rat.


Whbelswabt, 8. Tellow sludge

formed by grinding on a wet


Wbebn-cat, «. A fenale ort.

Wbblb, t. A blister.

Whelk, 8. (1) Agister; tliemilL

of a stripe.

(2) A blow. North.

(3) A quantity. YoHkah.

Whelk BR, 8. A blow. Cmmib.

Wrelkino, iu§f. Big. North.

Whelm, (1) v. To cover anything

by turning down some vessel over

it. "Whebn that basin overthose

atrawbemes." fFarw.

<2) V. (A.-8.) To depress.

(3) t. Half a hoUow tree hid

with its hollow side upwards, fur

a drain. Norf.

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Whblver, t. A. great straw hat.

Whemb, V, To please.

When-as, adv. When.

Whennbs, adv. (i^.-5.) Whence.

Whexnt, v. Make haste ; be nim-


Whbnntmeob, 8, Trinkets. Glouc,

AVhent, adj. Terrible. North,

Whbny, V, To make a bow.

Whbre, (1) adv. Whereas.

(2)t. War. MS. dated' U70.

Whereas, adv. Where.

Wherk, v. To breathe with diffi-

culty. North.

Whbrne, t. The wharle of a spin-


Wherr» adj. Very sour. Lane.

Whbrrbt, {I) t. A box on the

ear. Eatt.

(2) V. To tease; to torment.

Wherril» v. To complain. Line.

Whbrrt, (1) 4. A wherry is on

the Thames a light rowing boat,

but on the East-Norfolk and

Eaat-Suffolk rivers it is a large

sailing boat, carrying from 15 to

35 tons of merchandise.

(2) 9. A liquor made from the

pulp of crab-apples after the ver-

juice is pressed out.

(3) V. To laugh immoderately.


Whbbt, t. Joy.

W^HBRVE, t. A joint. Somerset.

Whbt, v. (1) To cut wHh a knife.

(2) To sharpen a knife, &c.

(3) To scratch, or rub. North.

(4) To gnash the teeth.

Whetrbn, adv. Whence.

Whether, adv. At all events. Crav.

Whbthbbs, adv. In doubt. Crav.

Whetino-oornb, s. Pudendum f.

Reliq. Ant., ii, 28.

Whbtkin, a. The harvest snpper.


WRETi.BBDNEa, J. The vertebrtt

of the back.

Whbttlb, v. To eut. North.

Whew, v. To whistle. North.

Wheweb, t. The hea widgeon.

Whbwfaced, adj. Pale. Zinc.

Whewtle,». a soft whistle. Cwnb.

Whewts, *. Irregular tufts of grass*

Whibibblb, 8. A wh^im. Eaai.

Whiblin, *. (1) A eunuch.

God*8 my life, he's a very mamlrake ;

or else (God bless us) one of these

whibUns, and tbal's worse.


(2) A sword.

Come, sir, letgo^ournAiMm jmattMA

his ncordfrom Atm].

R. Brome, Lowesiei Cowrie r, 1.

Whichb, t. A chest.

Whichbn, (!) V. To quicken.

(2) V. Tochoak. North.

(3) 8. The mountain-ash. Crav,

Whicker, v. To neigh. West,

Wh]ckbt,v. To give thicket for

whaeJkett to give as good as you


Whick-flaw, t. A whitlow. North.

Wricks, «. Couch-grass; thonia.


Whid, 8. A quarrel. East.

Whioder, v. To tremble. NortK

Whiddb, t. A word. Dehker,

Whie, 8. A young heifer.

Whibw, v. To go rapidly. North,

Whibwbr, adj. Shrewd. KenU,

Whiff, «. A glimpse. North.

Whiffle, v. (1) To flutter; to

hesitate ; to talk idly.

(2) To shift, as the wind.

Whifflbr, a. (1) One who gpea

at the head of a procession to

dear the way, particularly in the

corporation .of Norwich.

(2) A young freeman, who at-

tended the companies of London

on Lord Mayor's day.

(3) A smoker of tobacco.

Whiffle-wbafflb, a. l^onsenae.


Whiffling, adj. Uncertain. Unc.

Whig, a. Buttermilk.

With green eheese, cloated eream, with

flawns and custards stor*d.

Whig, cyder, and with whey, I domineer a

kurd. DrayUmt Muse^ JSlyt. Nifmph, t.

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Brawn bread, vki^, bacon, curds, and mQke

were set Iniu on the horde.

Wofner's JUions England, 1692.

6weete growte, or jokig, hit bottle bad aa

much aa it mii^ht hold. Ibid.

Of whig and whey we hare good store.

And keep eood pease- straw fire;

And now and then g:ood barley cakes,

Aa better daya require.

JKing Alfred and ike Shepherd.

While, (l)pr<p. Unta. Yorksh.

{2)s.{A.-S.) Time.

Whilk, (1) adj. Who; which.

(2) 9. To complain ; to mutter.


(3) ». To yelp.

Whilkin, adv. Whether. York$h.

Whilom, adv. (A.-S.) Formerly.

Whilsum, adj. Doubtful.

Whilt, *. An idler. North,

Whim, «. (1) A round Uble or

other machine turning on a


(2) The brow of a hill. Dorset,

Whim BERRY,*. The bilberry. Far. d.

Whimlino, adj. Childish ; weakly.

Whimlen, 1 t. a conceited wo-

WHiMLiNO, /man.

Marry, before I could procure my pro-

perties, alarm came that aome of the

wkivUeiu had too much.

B. JoMt., Masque of Love Beet.

Go, whimling, and fetch two or three

gratine loaves out of the kitchin to make

dngeruread of. Tis such an untoward

tixing ! B. ir Fi., Coxcomb, Act iv.

Whimly, adv. Silently. North,

Whimper, i;. To tell tales. North.

Whims, «. A windlass. Yorkth,

Whimsey, s, a whim.

Tbe good man quickly did agree,

Ami jeer'd him with his whiwueys

Prar, if yon come again, (juoth '



not down my cliimney.



The WOeh TraaeUer, iSmo, n. d.

Those are judged the best, that direct

the course of their hfe according to Jua-

tice and eauity, and not tlie peculiar

vhinuies or tlieir ovn natural fancy ;

and constantly persevere therein, with-

out so much as the appearance of chancre

or variation. The Sage Senator, p. 187.

Whim-whams, t. Trinkets ; trifles.

Kay not that way.

They*]) pull ye all to pieces for your viw-


Your garters, and TOur gloves.

B. i- H. Night Watter, Act L

Whin, ». (1) Furze, ffhineow, a

furze-bush. Var. d.

(2) Restharrow, ononit arveiuu


Whinach, v. To soh. /fest,

Whinder, 9, The wild duck.

Whindlb, r. To whine.

Whinoe, v. To whine. North,

Whinoel, v. To whine. Leie.

Whinger, *. A large sword. Suff,

See Whinyard*

Whink, «. (1) A spark of fire.


^^2) A sharp cry. North.

Whinnel, v. To whine. Gloue,

Whinkkr-nebbed, adj. Thin-

nosed. North,

Whinnock, t. (1) A milk.paiL


(2) The smallest pig in a litter.


Whinny, «. (1) To neigh.

(2) To whimper, as a child.

Whinstonb, *. The toad-stooe.


Whin YARD, t. A tword.

But stay a while, uniesse my whinHurd fsil

Or is iuchanted, I'le cut off th' iutail.


Whip, (1) r. To move or lift op

rapidly or suddenly.

(2) 8, A loose cord runnins

through a pulley.

(3) V, To do slily.

(4) 8. Tbe upper twig of a vine.

(5) To whip the eat, to get

drunk. Florio, To be parsimo-

nious. East.

Whtp-crop, 8. The plant white-


Whip-her-jenny, a. An old game

at cards.

Whip- JACK, a. A beggar who pre-

tended to be a distressed sidlor.






Whippbr, t. A lusty wencher.

WHiPPsa-SNAPPER, (1) •• Ail in-

significant fellow.

(2) a(^. Active; nimble. West,

Wbippinolt, adv. Hastily.

Whippet, (1) t. A dog bred be-

tween a greyhound and spaniel.

(2) t. A short petticoat. East.

(3) V. To jamp about.

Whipplb.tr£b, t. The bar on

which the traces of a dragging

hone are hooked.

Whips-fa OOT8, 8. Faggots made of

tips of woop cut off in hurdle-


Whipstbr, 8. A bleacher. North,

Whipstock, It. The handle of a

WHIP8TALK, J whip ; a whip.

Bcffgan fear him more thsn the jnitice,

mud 08 much u the v^p-slock.

EarU'* Microe., p. 60, ed. Bliss.

Bought von a whistle iwd Aiohip-ttalk too,

To be reveuged on their villainies.

Span. Troff., 0. PI., iii, 180.

Whipswhilv, t. A short period

of time. Somer8et,

Whir, v. To whiz.

Whirken, v. To choak. Colgr.

Whirl-bark, t. A butter-chorn.


Whirlbat, 8. The iron ring thrown

at the game of quoits.

Whirl-bone, «. (1) The kneepan.


(2) The thigh bone, which fas-

tens into the socket of the hip.


Whirl-bouk, 8, A churn worked

by turning round. Stafford.

Whible, (1) t. A round piece of

wood, put on the spindle of a

spinning-wheel. Bailey.

(2) V. To idle about.

Whirlicotb, t. An open car, or


Of old time coatchei were not knowne

in this island, but chariots or wkirlicoteSt

and they onely used of princes or great

estates, siich as had iheir rix>traen sbout

Stow'i LoHd.,lh99.

Whirlioio, t. A carriage.

Whirliooo, t. A turnstile. JVe8t.


There was a conntrey fellow drinking

more than ordinary, and finding his

head to be lighter than his heels, tltought

it high time to quit his company, lie

paid his rrckoninz with an intent to

get home ir he could, and having gotten

a whirligiffoustiean in his noddle, which

made it tiirn round.

Great BriUuu Hontfctmb*, 1718.

Whirlino-plat, *. A whirlpooL

Even as a stone cast into a plaine even

still water, will make the water move a

great space, yet, \i there be any whirlinff'

flat in the water, the moving ceaaeiU

when it cometh at the whirling-plat.

Whirliwoo,«. Anything that turns

round quickly. Lane.

Whirl-pit, 8. A whirlpool.

Down sunk thev like a falling stone^

By raging whirlpit3 overthrown.

Sandy*, Paraph, of Bxoi.Tf.

Whirl-tb-woo, t. Buttermilk.


Whirly-huff. %tt Roger* 8-Bta8t,

Whisk, (1) t. The game of whist.

(2) 8, An impertinent fellow.

(3) V. To switch. North.

(4) V. To do anything hastily.


(5) t. A sort of tippet ; an old

ornament for women's necks.

(6) 8. A machine for winnowing.

WHiSKBD,/rar/.j9. Cheated.

Hark ye, Mr. Frenchlove, I believe yon

and I are whisk' t with n couple of wives.

Howard, BnglUh Mounsieur, 1674.

Whisker, (\) 8. A switch.

(2) adj. Cleaner. Yorish.

(3) "The dam of that was a

whUker" a phrase used when m

great falsehood was uttered.

Wbisket, «. (1) A basket; a


(2) A small parcel. Norf.

(3) A small stick. Berke.

Whisk-fblt, adj. Light of car*

riage ; indecent. Laiic.

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Whiskin, 9. A Aallow driuking-


Thence to HAjwood taking fli|^t^

Mine hostess gave me brawn at nighta;

But, what's that anto the nistterr

nikiskin sorted with my nature:

To brave Bacclms no gift qnicker

Than meat changed to strong tiqaor.

J>rtMi€H Bammbjf.

Pa. ¥are yoa well, sir. Good Foist. I

shall make a wkiskin of yoa now, and

for nothing too. 1 have been a little

bold with my msster's name in this an-

swer; the knowledge of which be is not

guilty of. Brorn^t Northern Laos.

Whisking, adj. Great. Var. d.

Whiskish, adj. Frisky.

"Whisk-telt, ad^. Lecheroos.


Whisky, (1) *. A sort of gig,

(2) adj. Lecherous.

Whispering-pudding, s. A pud-

ding in which the plums are

very close together. Northang^t.

Whiss, V. To whistle.

Whist, at^. Silent.

When all were lekist, king Edward thos


Hail wiiidsore where I some times tooke


To hawke and hunt, and baeke the proud-

FeOtTt B<nm- qf the GarUr, 1b93.

Keepe the wkiskt^ and thou shalt beare

it the sooner. Ttremce i» BiigU»k,\^\.

Whibtea, V. To whisper.

Whistbr-clisteh, 9, A blow.


Whister-poop, 9, A back-haitded


Whister-snivbt, #. A hard blow.

W bister-twister, 9. A severe

blow. We9i.

Whistle, «. The throat.

Whistlejacket, 9, SmUll beer.


Whistler, a. The green plover.


W^histnesb, 9. Silence.

WTdttnetie Itad taken possession of the

woods; stilnes made aboad in the

fleldes, and darkeues domineered in

the zodiacke ; no light.

Mm in tkt Moom^l'm,

Whit, adv. Quiek.

Whit-and-oub, a. Tillage rainic.


Whitchbft, a. Canning. AbrfA.

Whitk, (1) 9. To requite. AarM.

(2) adj. {A..S.) Specioos.

(3) V. To cut. NoriiL

White -BAOK, a. The white poplar.

Notf. Sometimes, bitch.

WHrrE-BOTHEN, 9. The Large diisy.

WHrrB-BOT, a. A term of endesr-

ment to a favorite.

I know, quoth L I am his mUieits,

and will not be gulled.

The Devill's Whiit Boya, or a BTixtarc

of Mahciotts lialignanta, with a Bot-

tomlesse Sack-full of Knavei^, roper?,

Prelacy, be. tUk,\M.

WsiTB-CROPs. a. Com, the stnw

of which is white, in eontra-

distinction to that of peas sad

beans. South.

White-it ! hUerj. The deuee take

it! North.

White-flaw, a. A whitlow.

White-frost, a. Uoar-frait.

WHiTE-GOLDE8,a. The laigc daiij.

Whitb-heft, a. Deception. *

White-herring, a. A fresh her-

ring. Ea9t.

White-house, a. A dairy. Wilts.

White-light, a. A candle. JJae.

White-uterbo, a^*. Ciywardly.

Whitb-ii ERCURT, 9. Aisenic Liae.

WHiTB-MOTn>H,a. Atbrosh. in^a.

WHrrB-NBB, a. A rook. AorfA

White-pot, a. A dish foracriy

much in favour in DevDoshiic.

What doth in summer-time more «oal.

Than clouted cream or |oa8berT74i0etf

Vext by our muse it mi||ht be mosacr^i

The praises of cheese-cake and cnataid;

Jack-puddiDg could not make w lai^

End he not a custard to qualle ;

Fan-cakes and fritters with the rast.

And DcTon-thire wkUo-poU with the beit

Peer SoHm, tUL

To make a wkitt^. T^e apiat anda

half of cream, a quarter of a ponnd of

sugar, a little rose-water, a few chMs

shced, a few raisins of the sm. aa or

I aeven eggs, and a hUle laige mmtot, s

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sliced pippin, or lemon, cut sippet

fashion for your dishes you bake in, and

dip them in sack, or rose-water.

J True 6entUu><man*s Delight, 1676.

To make an excellent whitejpot. Blanch

half a pound of sweet-almonds, moke

them into a paste well beaten, put to it

two quarts of milk, and boll them to-

Eilier; then add a spoonful and an

If of rire flower ; ana when these are

jwil'd well, strain out the liquid part

into two quarts of nev.milk, stirring it;

and add sugar to sweeten it as vou

please, and a little saffron strain'd into

a quarter of a pint of white-wine, viz.

the wine wherein it has been soaked,

and with this beat up a dozen yolks

of eggs, and bake it.

ITaytogetWeaUh, 1714.

White-puddino, *. A sausage

made of the entrails and liver.


Whitb-ricb, a. Tlie ivhlte-beam.

White. WITCH, 8, A beneficent


Whitb-wali,, a. The spotted fly-

catcher. Northampt SeeWode-


Whitr-wino, a. The chaffinch.


Writk-wood, a. The lime-tree.

Whither, t;. To whiz. North,

Whither-away, adv. To what


Abide, fellow, what is that, I pray tbee?

y»hither-mway carries Uiou the chtlde.

Terence in Engliek, 1641.

Whithbreb, a. A strong man.


Whitino-mop» a. (1) A young


They will swim you their measures,

like whtti$tg-mopa, as if their feet were

fiuns. B. ^ Fl. Lat^s Cure, ii, 2.

(2) A fair lass.

I have a stomach, and could content


With this pretty vokiting-mop.

Maanng^ OuarditM, ir, S.

Whitings, a. White puddings.

Whitlbd, adj. Intoxicated.

¥or they pass hundred gyants strong, with

drinking tehitled well.

Amongst their cups from words to blowes

and worser dealings fell.

y^amer'i Jlbum England, 169S.

Porus, well vhtlled with nertar (for

there was no wine in those daiis), walk-

ing in Jupiter's garden, in a bowre

met with Penia. Burlon'e Anat. MeUm.

Whitlino, a. The bull-trout in its

first year. North.

Whitneck, a. The weasel. Cornw.

Whit&tbr, a. (1) A whitesmith.


(2) A bleacher of linen.

Carrr it among the wkilgtere in Datchet

mead, and there empty it in the muddy

ditch, close by the Thames' side.

Shakesp., Merry W. r.,iii,8.

T6 midwives, chimney-sweepers, beadles,


To seampstars, laundresses, and gossips


To drummers, draimen. pyretes, drawers,


To trumpets, wkiUUn, ratcatchers, and


To hang-men, side men, to chnrchwardci».

cryers. Taylor' $ Workes, 3630.

Whit-tawbb, a. (1) A tanner of

white leather.

(2) A collar- maker. North.

Whittbn, a. The wayfaring tree.

Whittbr, IT. To lament. Line.

Whitterick, a. (1) A young

partridge. North.

(2) A weasel. Line.

Whitterish, adj. Faded, applied

to clothes. Northampt.

Whittbry, adj. Sickly lookine.


Whittle, (1) a. A small clasp-


A penny vhittU^

Tliat will neither cut stick nor vittle.

Wanoickshire saying.

(2) a. A blanket, used as a


(3) V. To reduce by cutting.

(4) a. A knot.

(5) V. To tie.

(6^ V. To wash. Oxfd.

(7) a. A sort of basket.

(8) tf. To flog lightly. Berks.

Whittle, 1 a. A garment he-

wn i dole, I tween a sheet and a

blanket. Suss. A shawl. For. d.





Whittt-trkb, «. The mounfcain-

ash. West,

Whit- WOOD, *. The Ume-tree.


"Whiver, v. To hover. We$t,

Whivbl, v. To hover. Donet,

Whiz-bird, s. A bastard.

Whiz ZEN, 9. To whine. North,

Whizzeb, 8, A falsehood. Norths

Whizzlb, v. To get slily. North.

Whocke, v. To tremble.

Wholb-footbd, adj. Very heavy

footed ; very intimate. Norf.

Wholt, 8. A mischievous fellow.


Whommle, o. To turn over.

Whook, v. To shake. Chesh.

Whoop, v. To cry out.

Whoop-hidb, «. The game of hide

and seek.

Whoopbr, v. To shout. Vortet.

Whoot, 8. The note of the owl.

The starres stared upon me, beaites

looked wistly after me, battes flew

aboot mine eares, and the owle whooUd

over mine head « no plov.men whistling

alongst the fallowes.


Whop, o. To put suddenly. North.

Whopstraw, 8. A country bump-


Whorecop, «. A bastard.

What, where be these whorta^ f

I promis you keepe a goodly coyle;

I serve the hogs, I seeke heenes nest,

I moile and toyle I

Manage qf Wtit md Wudmu,lVJ9.

Whorb's-biro, 8. A term of re-


Whorle, v. To rumble.

Whort, 8. A small blackberry.

Whosh, v. To quiet.

Whotybl, 8. An iron for boring

holes. Lane,

Whowiskin, 8, A black drink-

ing pot.

Whozzbnbo, part. p. Wrinkled.


Whreak, v. To whine. Yori8h.

Whrinb, adj. Sour. North.

Whripb, tr. To whine. North.

Whulb, o. To howl. Suff.

Whuke. 8. A few. Nor thumb.

WiiussEL, 8 A whistle.

Whdte, r. To whistle.

The fryer set his fist to his month.

And whtited whnes three :

Half a hnndred good band-dogi

Came running orer the lee.


Whuz, v. To turn rapidly, ss t

top ; to whuz round.

M'HirrHER, V. To flutter. North.

Why, 8. A heifer. North. See Qtof.

Why-bibblb, 8. A whiiisey. Norf.

Wi, (1) 8. (^..S.) A man.

(2) 8. Sorrow.

li)pret. With. Ea8t.

Wibble,«. The weevil. Northag^.

WxBLiMo's-wiTCH, #. The foQC of


WiBROw, 8. The plantain. CAetl.

WiccHB, (1) 8. (J.-S.) A witch.

fFichenOf witches.

(2) V. To bewitch.

WiCH, (1) 8. A salt-woTk. Wetl.

(2) 8. A small dairy-house. Astf.

(3) adj. Alive. North.

WicHDOME, #. Witchcraft.

WicH-ELM, 8. The broad-leaved


Wick,*. (1) (J.-S.) Abay^oriman

port. Yorkth.

(2) A corner. North.

WiCKB, (1) adj. Wicked,

(2) 8. Wickedness.

WicKEN-TREE, 1 «. The mooBiaii-

wicKT, J ash.

Wicker, v. To castrate a ram.


Wicks, «. Couch-grass. Line.

Wicket,*. Pudendum f. IdMeoi/-

WiDDERSFUL, adv» Striving esr-


WiDDERSHiNS, odv. From right to

left. A direction contrary to the

course of the sun.

WiDDEY, *. A band of osier-rods.

WiDDLE, (1) V. To frcL North.

(2) 8. A small pustule. Stt8L

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(3) V. To move loosely about.


(4) A young dock. Norf,

WiDERWiKE, #. {ji.-S.) An enemy.

WiDE-WRBRE, adv. Widely; ex-


Widgeon, «. A simpleton.

WiDow's-LUST, *. The horse-


WiDRED, adj. yithered.

Widue, s. (J.-S.) a widow.

WiEOH, s. A wedge or lever.

VfiERDKf9,(A..S.) Fate; destiny.

WiEST, adj. Ugly. West.

Wip, *. (A,'S^ A woman.

WiFFLE, V. To be uncertain. EoiL

WiFFLER, 9. A turncoat. Lane,

WiFF, 9. A withy. Kent.

WiFHODE. 9. Womanhood; the

condition of being a wife.

WiFLB, *. A sort of axe.

WiFLBR, 9. A huckster.

WiFLES, adj. {A.»S.) Unmarried.

WiFLY, adj. Ia.'S.) Becoming a


WiFMAN, *. A female.

A wi/man of lo much myjtli.

So wonder a whelwryjtfi,

Sey I nevere with sy^th,

Solh forte leyn.

BeUq. AnAq., ii, 8.

Wio, 9. A small cake. Cotffr.

WiGGBN-EAR, 9. An carwig. Leie,

WiGOER, adj. Strong. North.

WiGoiN, 9. The mountain-ash.


WiGGLB, V. To stagger.

WiGGLB-WAOGLBi V. To wriggle.


Wight, (1) •. {A,'S.) A creature.

{2) adj, {A.'S.) Active; coura-


(3) 9. A small space of time.

A weight.


Wwkt ys wyffkt, jyfjX leyd to blnke,

And aoote ys Bwettere aftur byiternefliie.

MS. CoHlai.. Yt\ i. 6, f. 136.

(6) «. A witch.

Wigbtnbssb, #. Power.

(4) ,. A

(5) 0*'.

Wioutt, adf. Strong. iVbr/A.

WiKE,f. (1) A week.

(2; A dwelling.

WiKEs, 9. (1) The comers of th0

mouth. North.

(2) Temporary marks. York9h,

WiKKEDLOEEST,ffr(^'. Most wickcdly.

WiRNES, 9. Wickedness.

WicH, 9. {I) Sediment of liqnor.

(2) A strainer used in brewing.


Wild-cat, 9. The polecat. Lane.

WlLOBCOLES, 9. Colcwort.

WiLDERNE, 9. A wildemess.

Wilderness, «. Wildness.

WiLD-FiRB, 9. (1) The erysipelas.

^2^ Greek fire.

(3) In passing over swampy

moorlands in Autumn, the wheels

of carts, or the shoes of travellers,

are often seen to glimmer as if

beset with thousands of luminous

sparkles, or even sheets of flame.

This is occasioned by breaking in

upon the decayed vegetable in-

gredients underneath the surface,

which teem with phosphorescent

matter visible only in the dark,

and when thus excited. This

phenomenon is called Wild-fire.

Wilding, 9. The crab-apple.

WiLD-MARE,«. (1) The nightmare.

(2) See-saw.

WiLD-MARB, 1 t. The spring-halt,

wiLD-HiNCH, I which causes a

wiLD-HiTCH, J horse to catch up

his leg suddenly, as though there

were a hitch in it. Craoen,

W1LDNB88, 9. Cruelty.

WiLD-SAYAOBR, 9. The plant


WiLD-SFTNNAOB, 9. GooSCfoot.

WiLECOAT, 9. A vest for a child.

WiLF, 9. A willow. North.

WiLOHE, *. (A.'S.) A willow.

WiLGiL, 9. An hermaphrodite.

Old Diet.

WiLKY, 9. A frog, or toad.

Will, (1)*. Passion ; desire. JFe9t.

(2) 9. A sea-gull. South.





"WiLL-A-wix, 9» An owl. Norf.

WiLLBMENT, s. A sickly-Iooking


XViLLBRN, adj. Peevish.

WiLLEY, *. (1) A child's night-

gown. Cumi.

(2) A withy. Norlh.

Willow, (1) ». The willow wm

a sign of sorrow.

Lady. A. So that for his take

I quitted all the rest.

Fm. And left them irt/2owey/

Lady A. Every man of 'em.

DKf/ey, Aol twnCdi CriHek.

(2) 7b wear the wiUow, to occupy

the last place or seat.

Willy, (1) adj {A.-S.) Favorable.

(2) «. A large wicker basket.


(3) •. A bull. JFight.

Willy-bebk, s. a plantation of


WiLN. For willeny pi. of witte.

WiLNE, ». (A.-S.) To will ; to wish.

WiLo, #. A willow.

Wildcat, t. The polecat. Lane.

WiLSOM, adj. (1) Wilful ; doubtful.

(2) (for unldtome.) Dreary.

(3) Pat and indolent. East.

Wilt, (1) s. A kind of sedge. East.

(2) V. To wither. Var. rf.

WiM, o. To winnow. Stmth.

Wimble, (1) «. An auger.

(2) V. To bore a hole.

(3) adj. Nimble.

Wimble-bent, a. A tall species of


WiMB, 9. To go softly; to steal

secretly along. Line.

WiMBBLiNO, D. To linger. North,

WiMMiNo-DvsT, 9. Chaff. Somers.

WiMMON, 8. sinff. and pi. (^.-5.)

A woman.

To lovien he begon

On wedded wintimm,

Therof he hevede wronc.

MS. Diffby 86.

WiMOTE, s. The marshmallow.

Wimple, 1 «. A cape or tippet

wiMPLOT, J covering the neck and


He telle jou, that on her head ihe hath

a reil, and on her chine a vimpliit. anA

at her feet a talbot ; great en»fei of

honour; bnt would fain hare her u> be

a wife of Warren enrl of Surrey.

Jtmnuy thrvugk BmgLuU, 17U.

WiM-BHEET, 8. A doth foi wiUBOW-

ing com. Wett.

WiM-woM, adj. Cirenitoos. Lite.

Win, (1) 8. Wine.

(2) t. (A..N.) A friend.

(3) 8. Will. North.

(4) V. To dry hay. North,

(5) 8. A vane.

(6) 8. A cant term for a penny.

WiNAFLAT,/MW>/. p. On ooe side.


WiNARD, fl. The redwing. Comt.

Winch, v. To wind up with a

windlass. Paiagr.

WiNCHE, V. To kick.

Wi N'CHESTER-GOOSB, 1 s. A nsme

wiNCHESTER-pioBON, J for s Sy-

philitic bubo. 16/A ettU.

WiNCH-wBLL, 8. (1) A Whirlpool.

(2) A deep well. Glow.

WiND,(l)o. To wind np; to finish;

to complete.

(2) 8. A winch.

(3) V. To winnow. Dewn.

(4) V. To fallow land.

(5) 8. The dotterel. South.

(6) V. To talk loud. North.

WiND-BiBBBR, 8. A hawk. Ktni.

WiNDE, V. (1) {A.'S.) To go. See


To the porter he gan seye,

Wynd in fellow, 1 the prav.

And thy lord than tylle.

Torrent of Portugal^ p. ST.

(2) To bring in.

Winded, /^or^ p. Dry, from having

been exposed to the wind. Crovo.

WiND-BGO, 8. An egg with m soft

skin instead of a shell.

Winder, (1) 8. A fan. North.

(2)8. A woman who hasthecliRrge

of a corpse before borial. Norf^

(3) V. To winnow. North.

Winders, s. Fragments.

WiNDBWB, 9. To winnow.

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WiND-FANNXBy «. The kestKl.


WiND-FLowsR, t. The wood ane-

mone. Nortkampt,


WINDIMO.BLADS, 1 1. A Boaehme

wiNoiMO-sTou, V for winding

wiNDLB, J yftrn.

Windlass, •• (I) SnbtleW.

(2) Abend.

WiNDLB, 9, (1) The straw of wfld

grass. North,

(2) A basket. Lime.

(3) A boshel. North.

(4) The redwing. Wnt.

(5) Drifting snow. Ume,

WiNOLBs, 9. Blades on which to

wind yam. North,

WiNDLBSTBSB, 9. (A.S.) Crcsted

dog's-tail grass. North.

WiNDovBB, fl. The kestreL JKoy.

WiNOOw-CLOTBB. See fFtm-9heet.

WixoowE, •. To dwindle ; to di-

Hia z. inrffB begin lier ttle,

And teyd, I have one of the ioali^

Wm Wfndowd Mray.

ForBHgUm MS.

WiNDOv-nnpna^t. Asnrveyorof


WiNDmov, 9. Cora or hay, set up

so as to protect it against the


Wind-shacks, 9. Cracks in wood

caused by the wind. Crtmm.

WiND8HAKBN,a4f. Wcskly. Somth,

WiKDSPiLL, fl. A kind of grey-


WixDSccKBB, fl. The kestrel.

WiHDT, atff. TalkatiTe; noisy.

North. JFmdp^waUet9, one who


Wins, a. The wind. Somen.

WiNBSoun, fl. A species of large


WiNK-TRBS, fl. A vine. Noif.

WiNBWB, V. To winnow.

Wing, v. To carve a quaiL

WiNGB, V. To shrivel. Norf,

WxNOBE, V. To ramble about Line.


WiMOBBT, at(f. Oozing. Cormo.

WiNOLB, V. To heckle hemp.

WiNGT, mdj. Having the character

of wings.

Aod with cholee dMere^ in golden diihct


And thne two deyee at leist we then did


Now faire eoathwindes onr mntn saflt did

tend. r»ryii;iyFieefv,168S.

Wink, a. (1) A periwinkle.

(2) A winch. Weot.

WiNK-A-piPBs, 1 A. A term of con-

wiNK-A-puss, J tempt

WiNKBRSfA. Eyes.

WiNKLB, adj. Feeble. Yori9h.

WiNLY, (I) adj, {A.'S.) Pleasant;


(2) adv. Quietly. North.

WiNNA. WiU not North.

WiNNB, (1) 9. (A.'S,) To go.

(2) V. {A.'S.) To gain ; to reach.

(3) A. (^..5.) Joy.

(4^ A. Furze. MS, Nommak.

(5) 9. To carve.

(6) «. To work. North.

WiNNiCK, (1) V. To firet. JBstf.

(2) fl. A suppressed cry. jEwear.

WiNNOL-wBATHsn, A. Ilie stormy

weather common in the begin-

ning of March, so called finom

St Winwaloe, a British saint,

whose anniversary falls on the

third of that month. Norf.

WiNNT, V. (1) To dry up. Line*

(2) To be fnghtened. Cumh.

(Z) To neigh. We9t.

Winsome, a4^, (J.'S.) Gay.

WiNT, {l)pret. t. Dwindled away.

Uoorldea bliaw ne kit non thiowi^

Hit wUU and went awei anm}

The lengore that hie hit i-cnowe,

The lane ich finde prii theron.

(2) ff. To harrow twice over.

WiNTBB, fl. An implement huag

on a grate to warm anything.

WiNTBK-CKACK, fl. A sort of bvU


WiNTIR-OEICKXT, #• A tsilor.

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WiS'TBB-HXDOE, 9, A clotheS-


WiNTERiDOB, f. Fodder for cattle

in winter.

WnaTKR-iLio, tr. To fallow land in

winter, far. d.

W1NTER-8TSRTED, adj. Perished

by winter.

Stella hath refesed me,

Astniphell, that bo well served.

In this pleasant spring must see,

While in pride flowers be preserved,

Himselfe only vtnUr-tterrei.

Bnglmff$ HtUam» 1(14.

WiNTLB-XNO, s. The end of a shoe-

maker's thread. Wight,

WiNTLiN0,fl4r. Small. "The weeds

are so wintiing,*' Wanoickah,

WiN-TRa, *. The vine.

WiNWE, *. (J,'S.) Winnowing.

WiNY-piNY, adj. Fretful.

Wipe, {!)$. The lapwing.

(2)9. A rebuke.

And at hit departure from the ooanen

« ne hum


justice) the Lord Treasurer gare him a

table (where be humbW acknowledged

r ana " • •

his majesties mei

1 their lordships

«qM, for snfFerintr his coachman to ride

bare before him in the streets; which

fault he strove to cover, br telling his

lordship, his coachman did it for hia

own ease.— JTitemV Jtmua 1, 166S.

(3) V, To strike. East

(4) 7b wfpe ofM'a no$e, to cheat.

To wipe ofM't eye, to kill a bird

a fellow-sportsman has missed.

WiPBB, «. A toweL In slang, a


Wipes, t. Fence of brushwood.


WippET, 9, A little child. East,

WiRDLB, V. To work slowly. North,

WtitB-DRikw, V. To lead by the

Wims-THORN, «. The yew. North.

WiRKB, V. To work; to do; to


WiRRANOLB, 9, The gTcat butcher-

bird. PeakrfDerb^.

W1K8LB, V. To exchange. North,

WiBSoif , «. Foul pus. YotikSh.

WiMTB, 9, The writt

WiRTCH, V, Ta ache. North, See


WiRT-sPRiNGs,!. Hangnails. Uk.

WiBWiWLE, \ 9, (^.-5., iwr, HJF-

WTWiwLE, J tie, and wfei, w

adder.) The i^tpephae rkm-

noides, or sea-buckthorn.

Wise, (1) *. (A,'S,) Manner.

(2)o. To show; to let off.

(3) 9. A stalk. Lane,

Wise-man, #. A ms^dan.

WisE-MO&E, *. A wiseacre. Jks-^

WisENB, V. To shrireL

WisHE,i»r«/. /. of ufosehe, Wsihei

WisHFVL, adj. Anxious. North.

WisHiNET, f . A pincushion. North.

WiSHLT, adp. Earnestly. Noff.

I saw you look vMfy on me.

WiSHNBss, a^. Melancholy. Z^

Wi8HT.WA8HT,a4^'. WeakjsicUj.

WisK, 9, To moTC rapidly.

WiSKBRS, fl. Striplings.

And when yoong msken, fit for wk%

In no good sort will spend the diy.

But be prophane, more then a TaiH

Intending nought but to be gay.

Gcuom*9 FUummt ^niff^ 1^

WisLOKEB, adj, (A.-S.) M«e


WiSLY, ad9, (J.-S.) Truly.

WisoMES, t. Tops of tumipt, ^

Wisp, (I) 9. A seton.

(2) 9. A stye in the eye. Wtst,

(3) 9, A disease in boUocb

hooft. South,

(4) V, To rumple. Ea9t,

(5) 9. A flock of snipes.

WissB, (I) ». (A,^S.) To teach.

(2) V. To suppose.

(3) ado. (^.-&) Certaialy.

WissBBB, «. A teacher.

WisT,i»r«/. /. (^.-5.) Knew.

WiSTBR, 9, A view. Ea9L

WisTBT, ». A8paoousplaoe.X««-

WisTLT, odb. Earnestly.

Wit, 9. (1) Sense.

(2) Yellow henbane.

WiTALDRT, a. Folly.

WiTAKDLT,a4f.(^..&) Kaawiaily-

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WrrcH, s. A small candle added to

make np weight. North,


wiTCH-uAZBLi \9. Mouatain ash.


WiTCHiFT, V. To bewitch. Wett.

WiTCH-EiDDSN, odj, Haviog the


WiTCRAFT, *. Wit; logic.

WiTB, V. (1) {A.'S.) To know.

That mu like mon bi me wits,

DO Bit

L JXgbf, 86.

for mai I iioulher gange ne site.

(2) (^.-5.) To reproach ; to twit.

Syr, leydfl Syr Maxrok, vfte not me,

YoK grcte moone ache made for the,

Aa ache had lovyd no moo.


(3) To depart; to go out.

(4) (^.-5.) To keep ; to hinder.

WiTEWoao, *. {A,'S.) A covenant.

With, (1) #. A twig, especially of

willow. For. J.

Voe weart tbon Fhoelma chaat although

thou wor'st a willow withe.

Wanur'i Album Bn0Umd,lB9i.

(2) prep. {J,'S.) By.

WiTHAiL, prfp. With.

WiTHD&AWT, 8. A chest of drawers.


Stick. Var.d.

WrrHEB, (1) prep. (J.-S.) Oppo-

aite to.

(2)8, A stoot fellow. York8h.

(3) ». To throw down with vio-

lence. North,

WrrBBBGUBsa, adj. Different. Som.

See Othergat§8,

WiTHBBiNG, (1) 8, The secoud floor

of a maU-honse.

(2) atff. Stent. Chah.

WiTHB&LT, ado. Hastily; vio-

lently. Dev.

WiTBBRBHiNBs, odv. In B direc-

tion contrary to the course of the

sun. Su8iex, See Widder8Mnt.

WrpHBBWiNB, a. <i^.-^.} An enemy.

WiTH-HAULT, pret. /. Withheld.


WiTHXNFOBTH, odj. Internally.

For onlv contrycyon wythu^th may

auffyce in auche a caae.

Caxt., Art cfD^ng WeU, fol. A. iii recto.

WiTHouTFOBTH, odJ, Extcmally.

WiTHNAY, ». To deny ; to resist.

WiTHOLDB, 9. {A,'S,) To restrain.

WiTHouTBN, i^rqo. Without.

WiTHSAVB, V. To vouchsafe. Bar-

clay, 1570.

WiTHSAYE, V. To deny.

WiTHSiTTB, 9. To Withstand.

WiTH-SKAPB, 9. To escape.

WiTH-TAKB, ». To withdraw.



Thia dragoon hadde a long taile.

That waa withlker-kooked saun faile.

ArtAour and iterUu, p. 210.

WiTB-TBi, co»i;. On condition


WiTHWiND, 8, Wild convolvulus.

WiTBY, ». A willow. Var. d,

WiTBT-CBAOOBD, odj. Said of a

horse whose neck is loose and

pliant. North.

WiTiNOB, a. Knowledge. North.

WiTLBTBBB, 8. A tough tcudou in


WiTNB, V. To blame ; to rebuke.

Least worthily I mongbten witned bee,

I welcome him with aliephenta ooantry

glee. FmI^s Bglogue, 1&89.

WiTNBSFULLY, adv. Evidently.

WiTNBSB, *. A godmother.

Wits, fits, and fancibs. A pro-

verbial phrasCi applied in various


Except Ton aeaaon your aviaoes with

lome light paaaagea, with wits, fits, md

fitneies, like ballada and bablea to re-

freah the eapacitiea of yonr anditoon.

VoMghtaCs GoUUn FUeee, i, p. IS.

He has wit, I can teU yon ; and breaks

aa many good jeata aa all the wits, fits,

and fandes about the town; «»d hw

trained up manv young gentlemen, both

ana to div


divera parte beyond the

/sNorthsm Lm.

WiT-SBACK, t. A shaky bog. North*

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WiTTB, 9. To beqaeath.

WirniNLY, adv. Knowingly. Ctmb.

WiTTBR, (I) V. To fret. North.

(2) V. To be infonned.

(3) s. A mark.

WiTTBBiMG, (1) 9. A hint. Norih.

(2) adj. Tedious. Leie.

WiTTBBLY, adv. Truly.

WiTTBBB, f. Fngmenta. Ojfd.

WiTTOL, 8. A patient cuckold.

Witty, (1) «4f. [A.-S.) Wise.

(2)8. Mountain ash. Shropah,

VftTY, adj. In fault.

WivBL-ifiNDBD, at^. Fickle; ca-

pricious. BerkMh.

WiYEBB, 8. {A.'S.) A serpent.

WivvBB, V. To quiver. Kent.

WiznEt part p. Informed.

They flocke in plompi this pQgrim fdtt

to vew.

And to be wdt what canse her thither

drew. Go4fire9ofBMlUrign€,U94u

WizLBS, t. Tops of Tegetables.

WizzBN, e. To wither, or shrivel.

WizzLB, V. To obtain slily.

WizzLB-PATio, adj. Thoughtless ;

giddy. Narthampt.

Wlappb, v. To wrap up.

Wlatpbr, 8. One who speaks in-

distinctly. Jyenb, qflnwit.

WLATPUL,ai{r.(i^.*5.} Disgusting;


Wlatinob,«. Loathing.

Wlatsom B, (u(^*. Loatlttome.

Wix)NKB, (1) adJ, Fair.

(2)8. A fair or handsome person.

(3) 8. Splendour; wealth.

Wo, (I) adj. Sorrowful.

(2) 8. A check. Var. d.

Woal, v. *' A word used by seamen

for fiutning or tyingtheirboates.''

The Newe Metamorpha8i8, 1600,

MS. marg. note,

WoAYB, 1». To turn over. "Put

WAAVB, J the apples on the floor

and woa»e a pan, or a dish, or a

tub over them." JSItcvmA.

WoBBLB, V. To reel about


WoBBLB-JADB, o^. Bidcety. Smth ^

WoBLBT, fl. The handle of a bay-


WocK, «. Ab oak. fTov/. |

WocKS, 9. The dubs in caids,wlddi

resemble oak leaves. Sbmct*.

WocKBB, 9. Moisture. 4yca^ ^


WoD, fl. An ox.

WoDAKB, fl. The woodpecker.

WoDB, (1) 0^. (A,^S.) Mad.

(2) fl. A wood.

(3) pret. t. (for yode.) Went

WoDBBBD, fl. (A.'SJ) Madnen.

W0DBWA1.B, fl. (A.-S.) The goldea

oriole, a species of thrush, arieha


WoDBWB, fl. (A.^) A widow.

W0DBWHI8TBL, fl. Hemlock.

WoDOB, fl. A lump, or quaotity.


WoD-LOD, Ifl. A customary pay-

Tvoo-LBD, j ment from one pnish

to another for tnteroommomag.

WoD-aoNOs, fl. Woodmen's songs.

WoDwos, fl. Wild men ; moBSten.


WoBP, fl. (A,'S.) Sonow. See



Thou ihalt, mon, hendea in «Mp;

Of hottie, of horn, of chiU, of wiv^

8eli mon, tak therafkoeB.

WoMTAAT. AnintexjectioBofooB-

doknce. Uom,

WOYAJLB, fl. (A.'S.) SofTOW.

WoooiN, fl. A narrow passage be>

tween two hoosea. Ybria*. Plro-

bably from woghe^ a vralL

WooHB, (1) fl. (A^S.) A wan.

(2) fl. (A.'S,) Wrong; bam.

(3) A^'. Bent.

WoKB, «. To throb wHh pans.

WoKBN, e. To suffocate. NmHu

WoKBY, a^. Sappy. Jharh.

WoLBooB, fl. The millepedeBi

Wou>,j»v<. /. Would.

WoLDB,fl. A wood.

WoLDBB, V. To roll up. SuL

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Wolf, 9, (1) A bit for a restive


(2) A sort of fishing-net.

(3) A disease in the legs.

(4) A fence across a ditch, to pre-

vent cattle passing into another

field. East

(5) A brick archway for water

to pass through. In the oonrt

rolls of Romford manor are pre-

sentments for repairing ioahen.

Wolf-head, t. (A.'S.) An outlaw.

W0L8TED, a. Worsted.

WoLWARDE, adv. Without linen

next the body. "To go voA

warde,** was a common penance.

WoifBB.cLouTB8,a. {A,-S.) Tripes.

Womb-pipe, s. The entrance of

the vagina.

Wommel, 8. An auger. North.

Won. Will. SomeneL

WoNDE, (1) V. (ji.'S.) To refrain;

to desist through fear.

{2)pret.t Dwelt.

lS)preti. Went.

He smote the dore with by« hoade,

Tbat opvn hyt wmde.

its. Cantab., rt. a, ZS,t.in.

WoKDBR, (1) adj. Wonderful.

And thai they repentyd hem wnuUr lore

That erer they maden ateyn hurr bate

oir ftrylF. Cknm. ViloduH, p. 83.

Off krog Arthour a wmder caM,

frenoes, herkyne how it wai.


(2) 9. The afternoon. Staff,

WoNOERLT, adv, Wonderfolly.

Wonders, odr. Exceedingly. "Than

was Kynge Herode wonders

wroth." /(pt/., foL Ixxv, verso.

** A wonders ryche man." FoLx,

WoNE, (1) ». (^.-5.) To dwelL

(2) 9, A dwelling.

Tlie firoiityB thei wer amelyd all

With all maner dyvene ameU ;

Therein he saw wvde wmys.

And all wer full or presyoe stonyt.

MS. AskmaU, 61, xv cent

(3) 9, {A.'S,) Manner; custom.

(4) s. Qnantity ; plenty ; a heap.

Tea, my lorde life and deare.

Boated fishe and honnye iu feare,

Theirof we have (rood wmn«.


adv. Accustomed ; wont.



WoNo, *." (1) {A,-S.) The cheek.

See Wang.

(2) Low land. Lmc,

(3) A meadow ; a grove.

WoNiEN, 17. {A.'S.) To dwell

M'oNiNO, s. A dwelling.

WoNifiL-CHEESE. Scc Bang.

VfostfEy part. p. Accustomed.

Wont, (1) *. A mole.

(2) V. To yoke animals. Ojfd.

VfosTVj}, part. p. Turned, as milk.


WoNT-HEAYB, «. A mole-hlll.

Wont-snap, s. A mole-trap.

Wood, (1) a<&'. Mad; wUd.

(2) f. A quantity.

Woodcock, *. A silly fellow.

WooDDLE,9. To muffle. Northampt.

Wooden, adj. Mad.

WooDENL Y, adv. Awkwardly. Yorks.

Woodhace, t.'The woodpecker.

WooDHEDE, s. (A.-S.) Madness.

WooDLicH, adv. Madly.

Woodman, s. (1) A forester; a


(2) A wencher.

(3) A carpenter. Verb.

Woodman's-beard, s. MarestaiL

Wood-march, a. Saniele. Ger.

Wood. MARE, s. (A.»S.) The echo.

WooDNEP, s. The plant Ameos.


WooD-NOGOiN, 9. A half-timbered

house. Kent.

W00DNE8S, s. Madness.

Woodpecker, s. " A broker who

staked at the gaming-tables at

ordinaries articles against an ex-

orbitant value in money." Dek-

Iter's Lanihome and Candle-light t


Wood-sere, s. (1) The season of

felling wood.

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Ibe hvtbuidiiuii will tetch u that if

pcue be sowen in the increBse of the

moone. they wiU never leave blooming,

for vhich caoie tbej are eowen only in

the waine; and if wood be cat after the

vunne decline from va till he come to

the equinoctial (which time they call

woodsert) it will never grow acaine.

JSTtfyioN, Def. <f Astrology y leOS.

(2) Decayed or hollow pollards.


WooosoAR, s. Cuckoo-spittle.

WooD80WEB,«. Wood-sonrd.

Woods PACK, \s. The wood-

wooDSPRiTK, j pecker. Ba»t,

WooDSPiTS, 9, The woodpecker.


WooD-WAU>, s. The keeper of a


WooDWEx, t. Dyer's broom. North,

WooFBT, 8. A simpleton. Ea$t.

WooiNO^ANDLE, «. A night light.

Wool- bbd, a. A kind of caterpillar.

Old Diet.

WooL.BLAOK, s, Thc plant Tcrha-




WooLFxsT, 9. A term of reproach.

Ont, you aoot'd gurnet, yon woolfisti

begone, I lay, and bid the playera

despatch, and come away quickly.

ProL to Wilg Btg. Or. Dr., ui, p. 9M.


veUa a ripedulare, to let ones

witsgoe a woolgathering." Florio,

Tu fu, opud te Mi tit. Let not your

wita bee a wooUiftttJuring.

Ttrcnct in BngUth. 1641.

WooL-PACKs, a. Light doada.


WoopBS-DALB, a. The vale of

weeping or sorrow; a man's


Woos, a. Vaponr.

WoosoM, a. An advowson.

WoosTBR, a. A lover. Crmen.

WooT. Wilt thou. Weat.

WooDLT, a. The weeviL North'


Wop, (1) a. (^.-5.) Weeping.

(2)ff. Abuidleofstraw. Vm'.i,

(3) e. To produce an abortive

lamb. Noitf,

(A) a. A waap. Sxwl

(5) a. A &n for com. Laic.

Wop-BTBo, ai{r. Goggle-ejed.

WopNE, a. Urine. Pr, P.

WoRBrrTBN, adf. Pierced by the

larvsB of beetlea ; said of growiag

timber. Eaat.

WORCHB, V. To woik.

Word, (1) a. The world.

'2) a. Talk;fisme.

[3) r. To wrangle. Eaat.

[4) a. A motto.

WoRDiNO-HOOK, a. A dnng-rsks.


WoRDLB, a. The world. A com-

mon form in English of the 14th


For thourt thy crouche and paaqm

Thyi wordtt thou for-bont teat


Host g^rius queue, revnvng yn hevcM^

3tere of the le. of aUe tbu ronW lady.


WoRDLBS, adj, {A,'S.) Speechlett.

VfoREf pret. t. pL Were.

Tho atod Harelok ala a lov«

Aboven that ther inne •


WoRGisH, adf\ ni tasted. 0am.

Work, v. (1) To suppurate. Weat.

(2) To banter.

WoRKBRiTTLB, odj. Inclined to

work; industrious. Wmv.


made wine. *' Wbriefolkm sana,

or hand-labourers vnne; hoas-

holde wine." NomeneL

WoRK-wisB, ad9» Wockioaiifike.


World, a. A great quantity.

WoRLDBS, ado. (^..5.) WorldlT.

Worm, a. (1) {A.-S.) A aopent;

any venomoua vermin.

For underneath thia bed at ta^

llie fellow tliai did dig,

Turnde up a toade. a loathMoe sii^t.

A wormt exceeding big.

Digitized by V^OOQ IC




The toade wu ofa monstnrai growtli;

Then erery man could tell

And jaiffi the cause of that mlBhap

Which both thoM friendt befell.

Theu could they aay. the renomd wanu

Had belchd hia poyson oat

TurbemlWs TragicaU JMes, 1S87.

(2) A corkscrew. Kent,

(3) A poor wretch.

WoRMLiNO, «. A small worm.

Worm-puts, $. Worm hillocks.


VToRif-sTALL, 8. Dirt thrown up

by worms. LHe.

"WoENiL, *. The larva of the gadfly

which breed under the skin of


WoRowB, V. To choke.

WoRRA, s. A small nut or pinion,

with grooves and a hole in the

centre, through which the end of

a round stick may be thrust, at-

tached to a spinning-wheel.


WoRRB, adj. (J,'S,) Worse.

MToRRY, V, To choke. Norih,

'Worse, v. To grow worse.

WoR8L«,«. (1) To wrestle. Norih,

(2) To recover.

WoRSTow. Wert thou.

Wort, s, A vegetable ; espcciallj

a cabbage.


WoRTHE, (1) 9. (^..&) To be; to


(2) 8, The subjunctive mood,

pret t., and future of the verb.

"Neltou." qaod the wolf. *' thin on,

leh am aftngret awithe aore;

Ich wot to-ni;t ich toortke ded«

Bote thou do m« loume reed."

That he leorlke on a stede ;

In hya wev Cryat fayme aped 1

Xorremt o/Foriiffal, p. 86.


A nook of land.



Were love also londdrei aa he it ftuttkene,

Jilt were the worUdoktU thin^ in werlde

wtstt, ich ven& MS, JHpijf 86.

(3) adj.

(4)8, \

^* I a4;. Most worthy.


WoRTWALX, «. A hangnail.

Wos, 8, A Idnd of corn.

WosBiRD, 8, A wasp. WilU*

WoscHB, V, To wash.

WosE, (1) *. (^.-5.) Mud; filth;


(2) V. To OOM.

WosBRB, pron. Whosoever.

WosT, pree. t 2 p, (A.-S.) Thou


WosTus, 8, The oast-house, where

hops are dried. Kent,

WoTOHAT, *. An orchard. North.

WoTE, V. {A.'S,) To know. See


WoTHB, *. (1) Harm ; wrong.

(2) (^.-5.) Eloquence.

Wou, (1) t. Harm ; error.

He loreth me and ich him wel,

Oure love ia alto trewe aa atel,

Withhouien mm. MS.lAghy,9A.

(2) 8, Weak liquor. North.

(3) adv. How.

WouoH, 8. A wall. Lane,

WouK, V. To yelp. Northampt.

WouLDBR, 8, A bandage. Ea8t.

WouLTERXD, part, p. Fatigued.

Sec WeUer.

WouNDY, adv. Very. Var. d.

Vfovsy adj. Glad?

'Withinne the walte wet on hoot.

The wox wet thider iwithe wous ;

For be ihohute hia hounger aqueache,

Other mid mete, other mid drunche.

BeUq. Antiq., ii, 972.

WouiH, 8. Wrong; harm.

WowB, (1) *. (^.-5'.) A wall

(2) r. {A.'S.) To woo. Wowere,

a wooer.

WowKB, 8, A week.

WowL, r. To howl.

Wrack, *. (1) Wreck.

{Ti Torture.

(3) Brunt ; consequences. We8t.

Wraib, V, {A.'S.) To betray; to


Wrain, part, p. (^.-5.) Dis-


Wraith. 8, (1) An apparition of a

dying man. Northumb,

d by boogie




(2) The ibaft of a cart Omen,

Wkakb, «. Dettnictum;niiii.

Wkali., e. To wawL

Wramp, s. a sprain. Cumb,

Wbanodomb, f. Wrong.

WaANQLANDs» «. Low stompy

trees growing oa monntainoiis

grounds. North,

Wkakoouslt, tub, Wrongftdly.


Wranklb, v. To fester, caosiDg

painful inflammation.

Wrap, v. (1) To wngj vp, to com-


An with rach good terras and promises

we wrapped irp the natter with |Ood


Bowes Conupondenee, 1688.

(2) Wrapped ^ with, pleased


Wrask, adj. Brisk; bold.

Wraslt, v. To wrestle. Somertet*

Wrabt, (1) ttjp. Stem; loud.


(2) s. A mosleal instmment like

a cittern.

(3) $. A shrew. North,

Wrastle, 0. (1) To parch, or dry

up. East,

(2) To spread out in roots. Glome,

(3) To wrestle.

'WrastlinG'PGlb, «. A pole to

spread fire about the OTcn, or to

beat walnuts from the trees.


Wrat, t. A wart. North.

Wratch, v. To stretch. Sun,

Wrath, $. Severe weather.

Wraths, v. {J.^S.) To anger; to

become angry.

Wraw, atff. Peevish.

Wrawbn, 9. To shout

Wrawl, v. To quarrel ; to brawL

Wrax, v. To stretch the body in

yawning. North,

WKAXw.v,part,p, Grown out of

order; straggling. Kent,

Wraxlb, v. To wrestle. Dev.

Wratb, v. To betray ; to discover.

The worke wnfts the man, eeeme he

never w Ane. Mitt. Mtig^ p. 82.

Wratward, mdj. Peevish.

Wrbak, (1) a. Revenge.

(2) 8. A cough. Wettm,

(3) 9. To be angry. North.

Wrbasbl, 9. The weaseL iVorf A

Wreath. «. (1) A oesseUlight

(2) The swelling caused by a

blow. North.

Wrbcchb, v. To reck, or csre.

Wbbche, a. (1) Wrath ; anger.

(2) {A.^.) Revenge.

Wrbck, $. (I) Dead roots and

stalks. Notf.

(2) Abundance. North.

Wred, fl. Rubbish. Northmk.

Wrbe, V. To insinuate something

to the disadvantage of another.


Wrbbdbn, a^. Peevish. Omh.

Wrbest, #. A moveable fneee of

timber on the side of a ploagh.


VfBXjiLfpart.p. Covered.

Wreint, adv. Awiy.

Wreke, fl. Sea-weed. NommMk


Wrekik-oove, fl. The turtledove.

WRENCBE,lfl. {J,.S) A straU-

WRBNKE, J gem; fraud.

Wrbnock, Ifl. The smsOest of

WRETCHOCK, J E brood of iovis.

Wrest, a. A twist.

Wrbt, fl. A wart. Norf,

Wnvn,part.p. Written.

Wrethb,«. (1) (^..5L) To twist.

(2) To injure.

Ken and wemen dwelled he ameeg.

jyt wrttk^d he nerer mm with wroef.

That was hys owne honowre.


Wrettb, fl. The teat of the bresst.

Wrick, a. A sprain. Berheh.

WaicKEN, atff. Miserable. Lme.

Wride, v. To spread. We$t.

Wrib, •. (1) To discover; to be-


(2) (^.-A) To cover.

Wrioole, (1) fl. A small winding


(2) V. To twist.





WaiooLBs, s. Sand eels. Norf.

Wright, *. (^.-51) A workman,

especially in wood ; a carpenter.

Wrightrt, $. A Wright's busi-


Wrimpls, «. (1) To crumple.

(2) To card wool.

Wrinb, (1) V. To cover over.

(2) «. A wrinkle. Somerset,

Wrinch, a. A contriYance of a

piece of cord put through a

hole in a staff, by means of

which it is twisted sharply upon

the nose or ear of a horse, to

keep it quiet during an opera-


Wring, (1) t. A cider-press. Wrhtff-

hoHte, the house where eider is


(2) V, To trouble. Dortet.

Wringer, «. An oppressor; an


Wringlb, (1) t. A wrinkle.

(2) 9. To crack.

Wringle-straws, t. Long grass.

Writ, e. A writing.

Writh, 9, The stalk of a plant.

Writhe, (1) v. To turn ; to twist.

(2) t. Anger.

(3) 9. The baud of a faggot.


(4) V, To cover up.

(5) 04;.

A twisted


Writh-hurdlb, 9.


Writhlbd, od/. Withered.

Writing-lark, a. The yellow-

hammer, 80 called from the marks

on its egg. Camd. 4* Hert9.

Writing-table, a. A table-book.

Write, v. To rub.

Wrizzlbd, a^. Wrinkled.

Wro, 9. (A.-S.) A corner.

I have a pott of galons fonre

StaudyDg in a vn.

MS. JskmoU, 61, X? cent.

Wrobblb, r. To wrap up. Heref,

WR0CKLED,/Nir/.j9. Wrinkled. Susi*

Wrogge, 9.

The wrecehe buethe notking ne rind,

Bote cold water, and hoanger him biud ;

To colde KiBtninse he was i-bede,

Wroggoi fiaveth liia dou i-knode.

ROiq. Jntiq., ii, 377.

VlROKEfpret. t, of wreke. Avenged.

Wrong, (1) a^. Crooked.

(2) 9, A large bough. Sv^.

Wrongous, a^. Wrong.

Wrote, «. To grub up the ground.

Wroth, adj. Angry. Wrothefy,


Wrotherbelb, a. Ill condition.

Wrovghtb, pret L of werie.


Wrox, 9. To begin to decay. Warw,

Wruckb, r. To throw up.

Wry, 9. (1) To turn aside.

(2) To rake up a fire. Eaet.

(3) To cover close. Norf.

WnDDBR,9. To roar sullenly.

WuDDLB, V. To cut. North,

Wulb, v. To cry. Sim.

WuLLARD, 9. An owL Shropsh.

WuLLOw, t. The alder. Shrqp9h.

WuNsoM B, (uff. (1) Smart ; trimly

dressed; lively. North.

(2) Twisted; ill-natured. Lane.

WuRT, 9. The canker-worm.

WusBARD, 9. A bad fellow. Berhe.

Wu8K, 9, A sudden gust. Noti9.

Wusset, 9, A scarecrow. WUt9h.

Wyah, adv. Yes. North.

Wy-draught, a. A drain.

Wye, a. {A.-S.) A man.

Wylib-caat, 9. A flannel vest.


VfYLTt pret. t. Escaped. Gaw.

Wymyngbede, a. Womanhood.

fFilliam de Shoreham.

WYRWYNE.r. To suffocate.

Wyvbrb, a. (A.-S.) A serpent.

Wyzlbs, 9. Stalks of potatoea,

turnips, &c. Lanc»

d by Google





Ya. (^.-5.) Yea.

Yaap, V. To cry, or Itment North,

See Yap,

Y ABLBS, adv. Perhaps. North, See


Yack, (1) V. To snatch. Lane*

(2) 9. The oak. Far. rf.

Yaddlb, «. Drainings from a dung-


lAr,pret. t. (^.-5.) Gbtc.

Yafflb, (I) V. To take hy stealth.

(2) 8. An armful. Comw,

(3) V. To eat. (CaDt.)

(4) fl. The woodpecker. Var, d,

Yainb, 9. To halloo. Gaw,

Yaits, 9. Oats. Cumb.

Yakb, o. To force. l^orifctA.

Yal, 9. The whole.

Yalb, (1) V, To cry. 5i4^.

(2\pret,t, Yelled.

(3) ». A small quantity. Norf,

Yalowe, 1 (U^. Yellow, jo/otp-wtij/y

TALV, I the jaundice. MSAbth

5 altb, J cent.

YALTf pret.t. Yielded.

Yam, ». To cat heartily. North,

Yammbb, «. (1) To lament; to

sorrow, lamyrly, lamentably.


(2) To desire eagerly. Lane,

(3) To grumble. North,

(4) To scold. Xtffc.

Yammbt, f. An emmet. We9t.

Yan, adj. One. North,

Yanb, 0) *• To yawn.

(2) 9. The breath. North,

Yangle, (I) V. To wrangle.

(2) 9. To tether a hone, by

fastening a fore leg and a hind leg

together. Norf,

(3) 9, A yoke for an animal.

Yank, v. To squeal, as a child in

pain. Leic,

Yanks, #. Leggings worn b? sgri«

cultural labourers.

Yaksbl, 9, One's self. North,

Yantbl. See YenUt,

Yap, (1) V, To yelp.

(2) 9, A small dog; a cor.

(3) adv. Ready; apt. NoHk,

Yapb, V, To gossip. San.

Yappt, adj. Irritable. North,

Yar, (1) adj. Sour.

(2) adj. Aghast. Sat9,

(3) V, To snarl. Zinc.

(4) 9, The earth. Oopm.

Yard, «. The garden of aeottige

or other small house. East,

Yabb, (1) adj, {A,.S.) Resdy.

(2) adj. Quick ; nimble.

{Vjodj, Covetous; greedr. North.

(4) adj. Brackish. North,

(5)«. A fold behind a house.

(6) 9, A fish-lock.

Yabblt, adv. Adroitly.

Yabk, (1) 9. To strike. North,

(2) «. A stroke ; a jerk.

(3; V. To kick.

(4) 9. To take away. Somm,

(5) 9. To prepare. North,

(6) <wjr. Shrewd. "He'sjwr*

enoogh." Shrop9h,

Yarke, 9. To make ready.

Yarmb, (1) 9. To scream.

The fende bTsane to erye and jantf.

Bot he mysnte do hym naokyn harne.


(2) 9, A diagreeable notM. Une,

(3) 9. To scold. Ea9t,

Yarmouth-capon, 9, A red-her-


Yarnb, 9. To yearn after.

Yar-nut, 9, The pig-nut. Line,

Yarrbl, 9, A weed. Saff,

Yarrinolb, If. A wooden im-

yarwinqlb,/ plement formerij

in use among housewives for

winding yam into dews or balls.

Yarrish, a^j. Having a rough or

tart taste. See Yar.

Yarrowat, «. Yarrow. Noif,

Yarum, 9, Milk. (Cant)

Yart, adj. Sharp ; stirring. Ke9t,





Taspik, «. As roach as ean be

taken up in the hands joined to-

gether. Old Diet.

Tat, s, a heifer. North.

Tats-stoop, 8, A gate-post. North.

Taud, «. A jade ; a horse. North.

Taunux, «. A silly fool. Line.

Taup, r. (1) To be hungry. North,

(2) To shriek; to talk loudly.


Tavill, t. A common. Devon.

Taw, v. To roll from one side to

the other.

Tawl, 8. A vessel carrying some-

times from 15 to 20 men, used

by the beachmen on the coast

of Norfolk to carry anchors to

vessels in distress.

Tawlb, v. To howl. See WawL

Most men love money now ai well at at

other times; the Jinglini; of which is

more harmonious in the ears of most

folks, than the rorinicof lions, the howl-

ing of wolves, the braying of aises, the

hisiing of serpents, Uie barking of dogs,

the snreaminx of owls, the jfawlinf of

cats, the croaking of ravens, the screek-

ing of peacocks, Uie shouting of ninnies,

or the Unghing of fools.— J^oor Bobin,


Tawn, v. To howl. Craven.

Tawnby, 1


Tawnbt-box, t. A donkey. Derb.

Tawnish, adj. Gapish. Kent,

T AWSB, 8, A Torkshire boys' game.

YcHAN, 8, {A.'S.) Each one.

TcHELB, 8, An icicle.

Ydolastrb, 8. An idolater.

Yb. (I) adv, (A,-S.) Tea.

(2) *. An eye.

Yban, V, To throw. Devon.

Ybano-bt-to, adv. Before noon.


Ybapin, ». To hiccough. North.

Ybab-dat, a. An anniversary.

YBABDED,/>ar/.o. Buried.

YBABOX.T, adv. Very. North.

Ybabling, 8. A beast one year old.

Yeabn, v. To vex.

[8. AfooL Line.

Tbabnb, V, To give tongue, a term

applied to hounds.

Tbabning, 8, The liquor of the

rennet, used in producing curds.


Teabnbtful, adj. Earnest Lane.

Tbaselt, adv. Feebly.

Which two persuasions though they be

in very dede lyes, as I trust in God to

■hew them, yet though they were true

did but ygauly prove your intention.

Tbasino, 8. The eaves of a house.


Tbathbb, 8. A flexible twig used

for binding hedges. North. See

Ether and JSdder.

Tbavbling, t. Evening. Exm.

Tbatt, adj. Wet and moist. Exm.

Tbd, 8. A way where one collier

only can work at a time.

Teddlb, v. To earn. Cheeh. See


YnE,pret, t, (A.-S.) Went

5EDBBLT, adv. Promptly. Gaw,

Teekb, 8. The itch. Yorkeh.

jBEifE, V. To give suck to.

Tebni>bb,«. (Perhaps a corruption

oitmdem.) The forenoon. North.

Tbbpb, adj. {A,-S.) Alert

Tbbpson. See Yaepin,

Tebrt, a^. Angry. North,

Ybevil, 8. A dungfork. Weet.

TBP,t. A gift

Teftb, 8. (A,.S.) A gift.

Teob, 8, A wedge.

jEOE, «• (1) To go ; to jog on.

This mon hereth me nout, tkah ich to him


Ichot the cherl is def, the del hym to-


Thah ich 5«j« upon heth nulle nout hye,

The lostlMO liulde con nout o lawe.


(2) To ask.

5BKB, (1) «. The cuckoo.

(2)v. To itch. 5«^(y«i^e» the itch.

Telben, 1 «. a portion of straw

TBLVBN, jlaid for the thatcher.

Northan^t, See Yelau

d by boogie




Ykld, «. Eld; age.

Yblde, v. (i^.-5.) To yidd.

Ybldbr, Afv. Better; rather. NortK.

Ybldbock, «. The yellow-hammer.


Yelb-hgusb, «. A brewing-house.

Yblf, s, a dungfork. ChetJi.

Yblb, (I) *. A yolk.

(2) V. To knead clay with straw

or stubble, to prepare it for

dauber's work. Noff,

Yell, adj. Barren ; giving no milk.

Ybllot, «. The jaundice. Herrf.

Ybllow-bottlb, s. The com mari-

gold. Kent.

Ybllow-bots, i. Guineas.

ni bring yoa some yeUom-hogt, you lade

yon, u aoou u 1 hare recdrd ^em,

■hall I ? Bo^U^Jm vw find it, 1708.

Ybllgw-cbaitb, «. The lesser

spearwort, rsiitiiiett/itt./f(mimii/!8.


Ybllo w-hombsb, b. The chaffinch.


Ybllownbss, a. Jealousy.

Yblix>w-nob, «. The yellow-ham-

mer. Leie.

Yellows, «. (1) The jaundice.

^2) Jealousy.

(3) A disorder in horses.

(4) Dyers' weed. Midi C.

Yellow-blippkrs, a. Very young


Yellow-tail. s. a sort of earth-

worm. ToptelL

Ybllow-yowlbt, \ a. Theyel-

tellow-towrino, j low - ham-

mer. North,

Yblm, 1(1) a. A portion of straw,

HBLif , J as much as can be con-

Teniently carried under the arm.


(2) V, To lay straw in convenient

quantities for the tbatcher. lb.

Yblpb, 1 v. (A.'S.) To boast; to

jELPB, J brag. Uipyng, pomp, os-

tentation, bragging.

Telfeb, t. (I) A whelp.

(2) One who makes a shouting

or cry in the manner of a dog.

Yblpikoalb, a. The woodpecker.


Ybltb, il)pre9. t. Tieldeth.

(2) a. A young sow. North.

Ybican, a. (A.'S.) A feudal re-

tainer of a rank next below a

squire ; a person of middling


Ybmb. (1) V. (A.-S.) To guide, or

govern ; to take care of.

Ant to Moysea, the holy vhyt.

The hevede the lave to ^fwu ryht;

Ant to mony other holy noOp —

Ho then ich telle coa.

Harromag ^EOL^ p. IS.

(2) a. Care; attention.

(3) a. {A.-S.) An unde.

YBMMBLL,a. Aftermath. Gkme.

Yen, a./)/. (^.-5.) Eyes.

Ybnb, v. (1) To yawn.

(2) To give birth to, said of


Tooitms aoUtariis oribu abotus m-

ferunt: thunder dotk sake ibe^e

beinge alone to $*iu befoce tbeir Ume.

M^'s DieL 1669.

f 3) To lay an egg.

(4) To give op to.

(5) {A.-S.') To enter into.

Ybkmbd, ftret. t. Threw. Deron.

Yeo, a. An ewe. Enm.

Yeomath, a. Aftermath. IFiOail.

Ybonb, v. To yawn.

Yeovb, v. To give. The word is

employed in leases even at the

present day.

Yboybrt, adj. Hungry. Nortkumi.

Yep, adj. Prompt.

Yeppt, 9. To chirp like birds. Wett.

YBP8iNTLE,a. Twohandfula. Lame.

Yerd, }•• (^) ^ fox-earth. Cumi.

(2) A rod.

(3} Mentula.

In a nanniu ^erdt ther ben dyrem

(sreraunoet; to myche itoDdniK. tbnt ia

clepidiatinaaia. Medical Mi.\Uk€emL

Ybbb, a. {A.^.) A year.





Yerk, v. (1) To kick ; to jerk.

(2) Fntuere. OU Diet.

YsRLS, f. Ad earl. This fonn is

▼ery common ia MSS. of the time

of Henry VIH.

Ykrnb, (1) «. To ran.

(2) V. (^.-^.) To desire eagerly.

(3^ adv. Eagerly; quickly.

(4) 8, Iron.

(5) *. Yarn.

Sqnyre, I bare non other cause,

I raere the by Seynt Eustase I

7ore alle the terne that I may ipynne,

To spend at ale ha thinkea no syiine I

MS. A»kmoU, 61.

(6) «. A heron. Che$h.

YnLKWvis, adj. Melancholy.

But, oh moaicke, ai in joyltdl tones, thy

mery notes I did borrow.

So now lend mee thy fgm/uU tunes, to

alter my k»tow.

2>««»/-PJ/Jk,,0.Pl..i, W6.

Ybrnin, I. Rennet. Yorkth,

Ybrnino, t. Activity.

YERRBi>,;7re/. /. Swore. Dw<m.

Yerrino, adj. Noisy; yelling.

Yerriwio, a. An earwig. West.

Ybr-whilb, adv. Formerly.

The birda that ehannted it y«r-»hiU

Era they heard of Corin's jniile.

Tbrtn, a. Iron. " Alonge bare of

yeryn alonge the chymny." MS.

inventory t I6th cent.

Tbs, a. An earthworm. Dorset,

Ybsk. See Yex.

Yk8T, s.(J..S.ffest.) Froth. Yesty,

Irothy, frivoloas.

Knowledge with him is idle, if it itrain

Abore the oompais of his yesfy bram.


Yk^tr, s. a gest, or history.

Tbstmus, s. a htndfuL Lane.

Ybstrbbn, s. Last night. NortJL

Y*TE, (1) V. To get

(2) a. A gate. North. See Yat.

jKTE, V. (1) To eat.

(2) (A^&ffeoian.) To cast metal


Tbth-hdunds, a. Headless dogs,

pretended to be the spiriU of

nnbaptised children, and sup.

posed to ramble among the

woods at night, making wailing

noises. Devon.

Ybtling, f. A small iron boiler.


Ybt-ner, adv. Not nearly. Suss.

Ybts, s. Oats. Far. d.

YvTTUs, adv. Yet. Midi. C.

Ybutib, 1 a. The whinchat. North'

EUTiB, Jampt.

Ybvb, v. (A.-S,) To give.

Yewbr, s. a cow's udder. North,

^;^"' . \s. Hot embers. Errn.

TEWlf 0R8, J

Ybw-oamb, f. A frolic; a yule-


Ybwkino, adj. Pnny.

Ybwlt, adv.

Thence to Worton, being lighted

I was solemnly invited

By a captain's wife most fooly.

Though, I think, she nerer knew me.

Ybwthor, a. A bad smelL

Ybx, v. (A.'S.) To hiccough. Yejp^

yexingt the hiccough.

Yfbrb, adv. Together.

Yi, adv. Yea. Derh.

Yield, adj. Barren, applied to

cows. North,

YiFTE, V, To give.

YiLDB, a. (1) Tribute.

(2) (^.-5.) Patience.

YiLP, V. To chirp. North,

YiLT, a. A female pig. Beds, See


Yip, «. To chirp.

YippBRfA^'. Brisk. North,

YiRN, V. To run. Var, d,

Yi8E,a. Ice.

fisKB, V. {A.'8.) To sob.

Ylkoon, f. Each one.

Yltohb, adj. Alike.

XuuA.ntprep. {A.'S,) Among.

Ynbwb, adv. Enough.

Ynojlicbb, adv. Sufficiently.

YoAK, f. Two pails of milk.

YocKEN, V. To gargle. North,

YoDB,pref. /. {A.»S,) Went.

YoELS, t. Jewels. MS. dated 1520.





ToKB, (1) t. The hiccough. West.

See Yex,

(2) r. To itch.

(3) «. A pair of o$en.

(4) f. One of the two parts of

the working day. Kent.

ToKB-FBLLOW, «. A husband or


ToKBL, «« A country bumpkin.

YoKBT, adj. Tawney. Devon.

YoKLE, f. An icicle.

YoKLBT, 8. An old name in Kent

for a little farm or manor.

%OKYHGK, part. a. Itching.

YoKY-wooL, 8, Unwashed wool.


YoLDZ, pret. t. Yielded.

YoLD-RiNO, 8. The yellow-hammer.


YoLB, V. To yell.

50LB, f . Christmas ; ynle.

Yolk, #. (1) The state or condition

of wool, after being shorn from

the sheep, and before it is washed.


(2) The grease of wool. Norths


YoLT, t. A newt. Gloue.

vOMERB, V. To lament ; to moan.

Xov,pron. That. Var. d.

YoND, adj. Furious ; savage. Spene.

YoNDBRLT, oi^. Reserved. YorieJi.

YoNB, 04^'. Yon.

YoNSTB, f. Favour ; affection.

** The very yotute and good wyl

that I here to yon ward." Cax*

ton's Reynard the Foxe.

YovTf prep. Beyond. North.

YooN, f . An oven. Var. d.

YopBB, f. A bare-courser.

Thoa art so earnest still to folloir

fopertf that make so much haste to

derofnr a simple hare.

Howttrdt Man qfNnmatM, 1678.

YoppuL, 8. Unnecessary talk. South.

fOKK, 8, {J.'S.) Mercy. See


Oft-sythes echo tygkyd sore.

And stilly sdiq laye^ Lord* thy j orv.

YoRKPENCB, s. A copper couage

of the reign of Henry VL

YoRNBM, adj. Made of yam.

A paire of yoTMii stockee

To keepe the oold away,

Wiihia his bootee the Russie veaies.

nuienill^s Bpitapket mi

Smmitlu, IBW.

YoRP, 9. To talk boistenrasly.

Xetc. See Yatqt.

YosKB, V. To hiccongh.

josljng Cometh in maay maneris,

either whiJes of excess of etrng. dther

of drynkyug, that makith the stonae


Tks Fomr Emmoitn qfMmn, IfS. x? Ceat.

YoT, V. To unite closely. Dorset.

YoTB, V. To pour in ; to water, or

soak. West.

YouOH, f. An ewe. Notf.

Your, v. To sleep. A term is


YouL, "» r. To yell; to baik ex-

YOWL, J ccssivdy. Notf.

YouLRiNO, 8. The yellow-hammer.

YouNKBR, 8. A youth.

YotJT, V. To yell. Yorksh.

YouTHLY, adv. Youthful

YovB,j»re/, i. Given.

Yow, V. To reap, gmtheriog the

com under the arm. Devon.

YowBR, 8. An udder. Craven.

YoWER- JOINT, 8. A joint near the

thigh of the horse, opposite the

hock. Craven,

YowLBY, 8. The yellow-hammer.


Yowp,». To yelp. West.

YowsTBR, V. To fester. North.

YowT, V. To yelp. MidL C.

fOXB, 8. The hiccough.

YoYSTBR, V. To frolic; to langb.


Yrnb, 8. Iron.

Yron, s. a heron.

Yronharo, «. Knapweed.

YsBLs, f. {A.-S.) Ashes.

YsoPByS. Hyssop.

d by Google




Ythez, f. {A.'S,) Waves. Morte


Yu, t. Yule.

YucK, 9. (1) To snatcli or drag

. with great force. Line.

(2) To itch. Line.

(3) To rub ; to tcratch ; to prick.


(4) To jerk ; to beat. Line.

YucKBL, B. A woodpecker. Wilts.

Yu-ooADS, 8. Christmas playthings.


YuKE, V. To itch. North.

YuLB, (1) 9. (A,.S.) Christmas.

Yule of August, Lammas-day,

the first of August.

(2) V. To coo, as a pigeon.

YuLE-TiDB, 8. Christmas*time«

YuifMsas, s. Embers. Devon,

YuBB, s. An udder. North.

YuT, V. To gurgle. North,

;tnob, v. To go.


Za,v. To try. West.

Zam, (1) adj. Cold. Dev.

(2) V. To parboil. Zamsoddent

parboiled. West.

Zanotot, «. A sand-hill. Somers.

Zat, (1) adj. Soft. Somers.

(2) s. Salt. West.

adj. Indolent ; idle.

Soft; silly. So-



Zatexfarb, a^.

tners. ,

Zawp, s. a blow. Somers.

Zenvy, s. {A.'N.) Wild mustard.


Zenzibir, f. (i^.-iV.) Gin";r.

Zctutjfbyr and synamon at erery tyde.

JHghjf Mysteri«9t p. 77.

Zasa, s. (1) A pile of sieves in a

bam. Exm.

(2) A compartment ota thresh*

ing floor for the wheat threshed,

but not winnowed.

ZiLTER, s. A salting tub. Somers,

Zleare, v. To slide. Somers.

ZoAT, adj. Silly. Wight.

ZocK, s. A blow. West.

Zoo, (1) V. To doze. Dev.

(2) t. Moist land. Somers.

Zoo-«oo, f. The wood-pigeon.


ZoTY, s. A fool. South.

ZowERswoppED, a4r. ni-natured.


ZowL, s. A plough. iSrm. See SuU.

ZucHsa, «. Stumps of trees.

ZwAiL, V. To swing the arms.


ZwiR, V. To turn. West.

ZwooDER, s. A drowsy and stupid

state of body or mind. Somers.

Zwop, adv. With a noise.


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