Full text of "The Times News (Idaho Newspaper) 1966-10-30"

Full text of "The Times News (Idaho Newspaper) 1966-10-30"

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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

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* @licend The above is the entire license notice

* for the JavaScript code in this page.


window.__realDefine = customElements.define.bind(customElements);

customElements.define = function() {

try {

return window.__realDefine.apply(this, arguments);

} catch (e) {




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Full text of "The Times News (Idaho Newspaper) 1966-10-30"

See other formats

51 Idaho HlBtoi'lcai Soaj'a.ty \\> ! '

- - Gontiriued. Fair

Through Monday

- The- Magic Vallejr Newspaper Dedicated, to Serving and Promoting tlio Grpwth ot^Nlne Irrigated Idaho Couiltlea

Sunday Edition

- Alore Newf - '

More Sfiirtt

, JEomi/jcComlcf

- " fiatura Section

VOL. 02, NO;, 197



By Malaysians

KUALA LUMPOr; Malaysia (AP)'— President John-

son arrived here Sunday ;Qnd- cofigratulated' Malaysia

' ■ for building-^'a -free -and-prospering_.CQuntryside^'tfiat

\ can rellpve the poverty and apathy upon-which com-'

munism thrive s." A crowd of 'itiore than 20,000 flag-,

waving Jvjajflysiaiis-'cliddr-ccl Viim and Mrs, -Johnson as

, . . they steppedout of their presidential, jet Jo be welcomed

by Malaysia's iting. and que en. A. few hours before' his

errivaI:-police-tQQk_4own_a _ ', '



Big Assault

U.S. 4th Intanlry' Divislfin wl

stood human wave assaults

North' Vietnamese- ■ regular

large banner saying

cbpie, murderer Johnson",

from the main gate of the

University of Malaya. John-

. |Son would have seen-tiic-

banner, which . was on his 14-

- -mile-route fromlRe alrportiinto

the heart ot'thc >Ialayslan capi-

tal. About 20 students walcticd

as police removed, the , banner,

but thcre were net incidents.

lifMSt mlnority-^s-ejipoMd-ehftrging— through — juhgh

^-td-Jhe President'^ visit. '^atui

day night, a band of Chinese

■ ■ - • demonstrators-to re-y o wn - po le a

^ and set firo to- American flags

^1 c7n:tcd_alorig.;annam_r6ad . for

Johnson's^ sit: :

In an arrlval sjicedi, Johnson

recalled thii-'long war against

Communist .guerrillas In Ma-

laya, saying "you valiantly ;iub-

-dued a Communist insurgency

In your nation."

"Your achievement In this

respect,'! believe, has the great-

eit significance for our struggle

_ i in -Viet Nam iioday," -.-ha^de-

clilred. "You have jhown that

mftilary action can stop Com-

munist aggression and ■ that

while the aggression Is -being

, j._alopped_.-7^veil^morfc strongly

whei " ' -- . -

Johnson and^Lady Bird In a red-

carpet_ ceremony at SubaiwJ^a:

tlonal Aitport,

elephant, grass hear the Cambo-

dian border Pri^'y. night and


The-tighting was the'divTjftjn s

f irsl~rnaiDr ac tio n onhe^ c

An Americnh sjMkesman fflfitf

U.S- casualties wi:rc-,light over-

all an^ moderate for one ot-the

companies' Involved in the bhttle

230 miles north of Saigon,

American casualties at first had

been described as moderalfe,

indicating the companies In-

volved were heavily mauled.

The infantry men were helped

by B52 bombers from Guam aniJ

by other planes.

Fighting died , down Sunday.

There was no contact reported

from the battle sector near the

Elel_DJereng special ' forces —

tightiitB and that U.S troops had

captured two Communist soI<


T.F. Man Injured

A-Twin Falls man was in critical condition in a Boise

hos pital S aturday-night after he was hitin-the faceiby

a~cliarge. ofblVUshot in a hunting accident shortly,after

noon northeast of 'ilazclton. Willia'm'Kcrmit Wolf, G3,

■ Route 3, was hunting with' nine other men .about . 16i^

miles west and 3'^ miles north of Rupert-when the aq:

cident , occurred. Dr. Harry F. Brumbach-Jr., Twin

Falls, a member of the party, said the. 10 men had ar-

raiiged to meet ^t this par-'

ticular spot for the opening

of the pheasant season at

noon Sa t tirday, and had ar-

' ranged' themselves' Ground

, - the field.— Atnoon-Q-number-.

of - thftm- Btartod -movlng-tlirough

, the ■ field, several phcnsnnL-i

were flushed and shot and were

being picked Aip when aomcono

yelled that somebody had hccn<

^ahot. Dr. Qrumbach related.

t)r. Drumbach nnd Dr. Ben E.

- ■ Kntz, Twin Falls, also a-fncm-

her of the parly,' were called

nnd did what they could for

V/nlf nt the iicene.

■ Dr,_Priinibnch nnld fur ns

he could determine no one nc-

lunlly saw Ibp iiccldcnt occur.

■ Jib said Wolf was. In some lules,

mnsliy obscured' nt th5 lime,

nnd it Is not known whether hu

trlprxnt, or Just what linppcndd.

oniccrs were notified and the

Paul Rescue Sqund sent an nm-


Ui'MnBic Valley Mumorinl Hos.

pitnl where lir was trentcd. Bo-


H'fi.t transtcrrcd tn (Jio Unha

liuapltal lato .Saturday nflcrmion.

Thousands, in



An earthquake Just before onwn

crumpled v/lIagQ. clH^clltngs in

tobacco-growing central Greece

Saturday' and sent thousands of

persona, fleeing Ihclr linraes in

nightclolhlng. N^ttlonal police In

Athens reported one person Was

killed and 23 others wera in.


.- OfflvlaH placed the epicenter

t)f the enrthciunkc ns being near

Agrlnlon, 'about IGO miles nnrlh^

w(!,sl ' of Athens. A flO-tool

hrkigo NpnnnIng two lakes mat

Agrininn collap.ied na five farm-

ers criMsed It In a truck, llicy

were rescued but were crllicnllv



. AU.IT.NTOWN, Ph. (Ap)


Jet (ilrplnfin Tide SatunUiy,

took him 100 yearq to iln It,

A visit with frientis in Twin Falls epdcd.in n^ar tragedy Saturday night for a

Nanipa pilot and his compaiiimi. -The piIdtrR'Qbett„Q:Malley, -Z8, and his passeng-

gen-Hary NettletonVSOrMurphy, es'cgped jetious-rinrury when their single 'engine

aluyaft crashed while attempting to talte off from the Gary Turner rjisidciwe where

they hod been visiting. M rs. Turner told the Times-News Sa ^uijdqy night th'atHhe

duo had landed in a barren "■ ^ ' ~ — ' ■ —

field adjacent to their home

seven miles east of Twm

Falls nt about noon for a

visit.' TWin Falls Coilnty

Sheriff s -deputies-investigating

icu.crash said O'lviallcy was

.ttpmprmg to take off-from the

reld at .about 8 p.m. but the

ground proved too soft and the

^caft-waa-uiiBbie-to-Betitit o the'

The IS^Brrtcronca which was

riglnally northbound, crossed

Stnte-Highwayr 25 and stopped

■in-tfio^buiiuwplnJinhft other

side of the roadway, facing east

Officers-estimated - daniBge-to

the aircraft at betweca J500 and

$600. . -

Both Miss Neltleton . Ani

0 Malley were-.taken to Magic

Valley Memorial Hospftal where

they were treatetTIOr injuries.

O Mallcy Incurred a

tj^ e. t l i'J'd, nfflrPM H flld-

Keuleton complained of minor

shoulder Injuries.-

Pictui'es oL

Moon Taken. -

-contmllcd'faiirh'uf'irtlmbcr sale SlaSH ll ttiiUs HOfUi'AI'l-'alrlleld. 'itic bura fs-j)art-.ot'tk pro-

gram to decrease fire, danger In the area and prepare for reforestation. (Times-News photb)

■ * * * it * * . * . * * * -ft '

Smokey Bear Gould Well Be Pjroud of


th of Eaii^field^r.=:3mMiy


Forest- Servicg . pe/sonncl plus

two specially trained fira -dci^t

got — logQllior — Thursday— night

about H nil jcs . norili of 'Fair-

field to light a forest fire, and

Smokey tiw Bear would haVCi

been piroud.

The fire was part of a very

carefully planned program to

eliminate extreme fire haiard

areas by controlled ' burning, to

prepare . for reforestation by

plantlnsf better ijuaiity, more

marketable trees which Would


dogs owned fc

b^ij^ white Austral Ian. shcp:

flvd, is .irained-.m carry- fusees;

the fife '- -tipped sticks used t o

ignite, fires. During IKeTiurn iTe

carfied. them .along'fire lines to

men pinpointed at special sites

time, nnd to relievo dwarf miu

llfiloe Infccttd plants- Controlled

burns "afe'bclng^cartlfld'out hy

forcst'^servlcis • throuBliout.^flig

nation's- forests this fall,

Pnrtlclpatinji w.e r s Tiistrlct

Ranger Gary Smllhfiy, Who wpa

in (;ha''rBO of tho burn; Rex

O'Ncil,; hurnlng crow; Eddie

Kelloy, spotter, andnJohn Vna-

ten, mobile pumiiei-, nil person-

nel at Iho Fairfield Ranger

District; Bryant ..Christen'

sen, burning craw, and Ray Ntl

\*ert, miyino pumper, both

Shtikc Cftck -Ranccr District;

Reed ChristCnscn, firo boss, unit

Darrcll .; Smith, burninp cfCW,

iKilh Twin Fnlls Ranger Din-

Irlct, and' I,eo Presley, '^chnln

saw npcrnlor, Ketchum' Ranger

District, . .


Forest suiwrvlsOr, and Mrs, Av-

crill Canflcid, resource clerk,


burn, '

Two npeclnlly trained fire

T.F. Beer Parlor Straw Vote Finds

Sales Tax, Andrus, Harding oil Top

By 0. J. siwmi

Tlm«*-NawB pily F.<lllflr -

, Piilrons In Twin Fnlis beer parlors Ifrldny

nifiht voted utrongly In tnvor of the sales lax,

,f,uva Ralph Harding n narrow tnargln ovbr

.Son. Ixin Jordan and sli'nwcd Cecil Andriin

leading n cinso raco over Philip Jungcrt for,

— (tov<»morr-^th-Don-(i(tmiioI(ion-«nd-Pefry-

Swlflhcr l>(illllnR Jt out for thin! spol.

llican arc Iho rcsiills of n ''Hcer'Pnrlor

Straw Vnlo" coniliiclod' by tho Tlmes-Nowff

bntwrnn H nntl 10 p.ni, Friday nliiht In 01

liars and ticer-noliing onliibliNhmonlH,

lliero wore 3M persons who mnrkcd '

linlldlN. 11)0 (Ally showed ilalcs tax, I7K

yos (S9,3 per cent), U7 no HM per conl)i

ltnvct|ior, Andnis 01 (10.8 per cohl),

Jungeft-fl!) (Ifl.3 per cent),- flnmueIson:1lZ~'~

<ZD.O per cent) nnd Rwhlier II (lO.I.por

ccnth nenntnr. llardlnR IDS (Bl.t,par

cent), Jordnn IIS (47.1 per cent).

The lypo of p()Il v^^\n cNpeclally chosen by

tho Times-News to- cnntacr n flngemont nf

thn Vnlor population prolmhiy not roprcsenl-

C(l ndequalcly In oilier public oplnltm^


Tl|a (Imo nolec'tcd -t lo lo 10 p.m. Friday—

wi|s consldorml ihs bcnt^llmii lo riincli n

trim cross-scciinn of' rxirsoni^ trgquenting

bars find liciir eilnbllsfimonls. .Six Tiiiion-

Nnwfl Btnrf mombom bccnn tho poll in dlffor-

ont nrons nlnuillnneotiNly,

tipaolal itraw void tifltlDla Wcro print-

ed, nllornnling namen'ln the top spols, id

Ulat there would ba tw rolloctlon ot posl*

tian protcronce,

..I'lSruoiu-cantactad woro-aiikod . only, to

mnrk lliulr'prefcrenccs and return the hul';

lots; Ihey were not asked .Ut nlntn lliolr

chnlcrs, nor • Were they given any olhor

InntruclionN, . '

All of tlifl :iU tinrllcipnnln did.fiot vojo

bU thrcg portions jif tho

■Wper/ioHi voUd Win Ifnr governor

and Bonatur, Iml iloled no prcftronce on

Ihe notes laj, I'ive of (hc»D Jili voted for

Andrus fnr goVQrnor nnil one for Jungort;

four of Iho six favored Harding '(or

'flcnalor, 1

Keven porsonfi volcd nnly on tho sales lax,

qunstloii, six. of llmm voting no,

Twelve jwrsonn had no nrAfofcnco In tho

nenalorlnl rnco, fmir markW^i preferenci?

for Rovernor l>mribr6o volcd only foKthb

(tnvornor race — iwo (or Andrus and ono for

jungort. .

Tlii]ro was no altempt made 'la doief' '

mine whether those who parllclpalcd

wore rcghlercd voters. No BOloo(lon of

fiarllclpnnis was nltemnlod — all patrons

a all Sl.gstabllihmenls were invllcfl to

mark ballota, .

. 'llio "Ilcer Pnrlitr .Straw Vole" naiurnlly

will fihow only hnw l^'rldny night pntmns of

Ihosn establislimenls are likely to marlc.thfllr

bnlUils, No nnn shnuld cnnntruQ It to Ira in-

dicallvo nf tiublfc opinion Ronernliy, or tlis

pnihalilo (iiitconio iif (ho Nov. fl olocllon,

lt.wu«.«(iniplcicly-im!ifitnntlfln, bill rend-

ern might find lha renults Intoroallng, never-'

Uiolofls, ' ;


! 0'Nc|l were used|on the burn 'area.

mrWiliky; u yicy,

. an:u-bunn;J iluii i i u t- yal i

field, wa3,fl 3D'Jicro slosh in the

FulrfieW'BtinEor Districr-ot-the

Sawtooth' Natlona|_ Forest. A

sru!iK^s~a"ir~a'r<ia filled ~ willi

pulls, diseased trees, dead

See SMOKEY BEAR, Pg. 8, C" 4

Two M^iyDie iii^

Separate Accidents

. Two automobile accidents Friday cinimed tho lives

oj two men, boosting Magic Valley's traffic death count

to 40 for the yehrV'Thii first accident occurrcd.at about

r0:15 ■aIiTi."^ilppr6ylTTihteIy-29--mlleB weBt of .Rogorson on

the"^hreo Creek Road. Idaho Stote PolIce said n l'0G4,

Jeep Wagoneer driven by Louis J. Avnnzlno, ^G, Reno,

Nov., ■ apparently, went out of control when going

oround_ii alFarp curve in_thQ rOqdway nntL-roMed over

threiS times. Both'Avanzlno ''^^

and 'his companion, 'Vclma

Cox, 41, Reno, were* thrown

from the vehicle. Tho' two

wore hunting In the nrca at

the time of itio accident. .

Officers said the vohlcio ap-

nnrenlly was traveling *on fast

io ncRotiaio the curve, went off

Iho shoulder ami back onto tho

niad bofo 'ro rolling.

llio ncc|i!i^nt~wii3"d[S?irver"Sa Jlcw-mlnnrliy-Em

by another party traveling along '"J;^. '« ''"''j.

The 30th

And ^OIh traf-

fic death.1 of

lDG6'ln Mngio

Valley occur-,

red Oct. 20 as

Iho result

accirtilnis In

Twlru Fnll

an<l Ovryheo


A . Idaho

1066 228

1965./. -.235"'

"M'aglo Valloy '





WQre Inkeri 1iy. private ijni

and Iho Injured

, , private (jnr Into

llnlllstcr where Ihw Were trans-

lorrcd to nn ambiilanca.

[loth wero iKkcn to Magin Val-

ley "Meniilrlnl Iliispllal whom

Mi:. Avnniino died at ahniit;3M3

a.m. .Snlurday. Minn Cox was

listed In ,800(1 cmidilion nt tho

honpitul lain Saturday night. She

Is being treated (or nullllptft


InvonllRntkm Is conliiiuing Into

Ihq agcidant. i

A flurloy tuafi lost his llfif tirtrt

a ltU|Mirt man was seriously

Jurert In" the' iiecoi)d muiiiip

which occurred nt about 7 p.m.

Friday onq mile norlh of Kim-

borly at Red Cap Oimor.

Twin ' Falls -County-- ahorlfT*

ilepiKlos IdniiiKled llio clead man

Sea I'ATAUnUS, I'g. 1, Cal l

Erhard Asks

For Higher

Tax Levies ~

Power Commission

Aide to Speak Here

John A; Carver-vJr.; promlpfent Jdalioan now serving

on th^ Federal Power Commission, -will be the main

Sppnlf»> r nf th(* nn niinl_Tfiyiflpii^-gl,,|>- P ;|,. m.(^ftn

dmner-meeting. -The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m.

Nov: 14 at the Holiday Inn Bantjue^oom; RayLlncoIn, ■

staterepxesentative.Avill-serveas n^ty.o f ceremo ples.— ; —

i'arm-eityiWeeli was firsrobservrdnz years ago In an " i '~

effort to further -better- understanding- between ruralj—

MOSCOW (AP> — A camera

eye aboard an unmanned Soviet

satellito clicked off pictures of

the moon from lunar orbit Sat-

urday i-apparcntly-^to — ^help

chog^ a site for Japdlng men

on the moon.

picturciL. were the first

cariir:rfoin""'in'^rbitrirg" Soviet

moon probe, duplicating

^imilarSvmerican leat In Au-

giik.-'. .,-


pcarcd sharp:Btld cleat;. on_!Mp^

cow television less thati an hour

after the announcement that the

spacecraft, i,uiia 12, was photo-

gcaphfng-themoon:— r-T' -

Luna 11 is the third -Soviet

satellite 'to orbit the moon this

yearmunano, flfo 'first man'

made moon satellite, took no

pictures. Luna 11 ■ apparently

tried .to transmit picture aignals

wlthoiit success. Britain's Jod-


I .

BONN. Germany (AP)

Chiincelior Uidwig , Krhanl'i


oiked- Salur-

ilny-for hlghor taxes to . keep

West — Gcrniany-B— promlHOit«*to

buy arnifl In iJio United Stfilcs,

llin ,.gnvcrnmoiit nought Ini

crcancd levies on tobacco, II-

qu()r, gasoline and plliur oil

[iroducia, Ihcro may also bo

Inarcfliicd tax (or aome big


Wboiher it cnuld muster tHo

pn'rllhriionlary ma)oriiy to put

thin through was (ap from clear.

RUlnor Rariet, ■ liundoNtng

leadcr-of the Christian Demo-

cratic parly, said ho and' Er-

hard wouki Irv.

"l1m piirly, llar/el added, has

a mandate In [un llin govern-

muni until innD.

JlanL..Ob»e^lQry .

ufi' scrambled picture ..signals

from It In Augujl, - ' •

Moscow television HTiQHEtd..two

plclurcs^^of , thS' Hioon's flurfat:e

taken by Luna" 12; Mofin craters

andllEbfahd darlMi roas-ot-tha

luriar terrain wero clearly visi-

ble on both.

The official , announcement

said the closbst Luna U comes

to iho^m'oon Is 58 miles, Ittf ftfr

oint in.W miles. America's

,unat Orbllor 1, the first satcl'

lite lo- pliolograph ihe moon

from lunar orbit, flow closer, to

within 39 miles; In August. ,

Tho United Slates announced

that Lunar Orblter I crashed on

command Into the biic|t side of

the moon fialurday lo keep its

radio signals from . Interfering

with a :new Ahierican mopn


apparently was taking pic-

tures at tho time America i;nde(l

Iho lunar orblter .flight hut Iho

.Soviet announcement said nolh-

Ing al)OUf pholngranhing the

crash, ' •


ROr^K,' (AP) — The two So-

clalint parties In the Italian gov-

ernment gave final :rntHicntjon

Saturday night lo Ihclr merger

nnd on Sunday will proclalni

iitemsolvcs reunited again after

10. yean.-: - ' j •,

Tim unified SoclnllHli repre-

sent Ihe lirsl now, polcntlully

elfecliye, political force ' to

emerge on Ihn Italinn Bctno

(ilnco World War IL

apd urban^reasraccordingr

to George Hartley, program -

chairpiaD^; JTi£:o cca6i_on.rl^^ '

intended to provide an op-

portunity* for the, develop-' "

ment qf more effective relation- ;

ships between the.tWb'a'rfeaSi; ha

added. \

Carver feervcd as' ifndef'siEC-

retary of the infcriotluntil Sept.

13, when -hie^Mr^^inted by '

President LynxlQn..John5on to

the FederalPotf.cr-Commission:

Previously.'Tie had been ap-

pointed Assistant. Secretary of. '

thQ-JntflriQr^-hy.PrPtldfnt John

P. Kgnm-dytn lOni , ]] f n III U IIIl l - ,

thej .under secretary's po sition ■

^rr^)ecr-30rl96< i=" —


France May^

Carver holds an AX degrea ■■■■

1M7* '^^'"setown University In

He served as Assistant' At^ '


years, and' was In private law

practice In Boise from ID-IS la

1957 af ter holding that.pQ sltlpn-

-^T ,„ ■— County-^

agents -office;, -also will apealt

during the meeting. Gcnn- ad-


Toward U.N.


(AP) — Some diplomats at die

United' Nations predicted- Satur-

day that Frahcc soon would

make, a bfg voluntary contribu-

tion to help remove the U:N,

peacekeeping deflciL that she

helped create by nonpayme

■di s p u te d O f w .


They, said tho ._

{irobably would bo. announced a

cw,..dayfl. af ter.-ihaiJ^l-jmtlon

'ily ' ■ -■

."!'"mhIy..Pfl3sed a K^^^^^^

ondors/ng tna costcuitJ/ig rec-

ommendalions of a spodaT com-

mlllce on U.Nj flnantics set up

on a proposal from Franco,

That .resolution — drafted hy

Franco and sponsored ' by 68

WcslJ;tn, .nQnaligncd and C^om-

munlit countries — Is- now be-

fore, tho a3^cmbly.'B budgetary

committee. Tho ..informants,

connected wllh that-committeo,

forecast that It would bo recom-

mended by tho commllleo Mon.

day and adopttd by tho nsscm.

biy Wednesday,

Unconfirmed Hpcculatloii -was

Ihiit— ihft-TFrcnch— conn-lhntlon

Would amount to about $17 mil.

lion, Tho total deficit Is csilmai.

ed to lie between f30 million and

ISO mlltloh. *

Tlie United Nations rnn up the

deficit mainly, bccausef Frnncp

and several ,Commiuilst coiuv

tries; Incliidlng^lho.' Soviet Un-

ion, refused to pay some or all

nt the-asselismenlfl tho assembly

levied on U.N. members to fi-

nance poncekoeping oporal^hs'.

They, stilt contend [hat lha

assembly tias no right lo levy

stifb ' asscflsmenin

grounds that' thn U.N, charier

gives tlie .Security Council soli

IM)wor to' start and finance ac-

tions to keep Ihe ponco.

r- ,t v, i T t - Ua^l^ tn-

FalJs dbtdct-undtfrUSiMfci. ■ ','.

"ly-fl'-Waho-.-BJji^ffsIon ecfvlco.- ,

Kiwanis members wift be ask- - .'

cd to-hostrrarifi-fflmily-fnc'ndj":7'~

at the meeting, - Hartley^'Sajd.-' "

Tickets for.thfe event Will brw.'

served for membor3-6r>tfiis KI--

wanis Club until Tiiriday. at

which timo other eireice^cluhi —

ln:^the-area -'wni;;Bo cdntacted d

and in.vllcd to parlMpato on a 1

no-host, basis. 'After/ Nov. 7,- If ■.

there ■ are- any remaining tick-

tatlon wlit,hD.qxt(aid-_

eti.^an^kvltatlo.. .

'"A"if'hi ooi^An^er^on.'.'felwnn'la

president, . will preside at the

meeting. Invocation will be giv

cn -by Bert Urflon.-JdahO'StBtft-

Key-"A\vard5 will bo presented:--

to-^H-wlnner9-fn-otlio> buslnesi, .

Gas War

Is Qverin ■

Twin Falls ^^^^ '^

Tho four-mOnlh old gafi war ' '

1 Twin Falls Is ovor, -gan ila-

Li'PiL.WCr-'' ""d managers re-

ptimd ^alurdiiy,',,wlth prl« In. .

creases ofslx to se'Von cents.


however, have rtijt cliangfcd thoir

prico.1 lo 'any degree and .con-

Hnuo to offer regular and su-

preme gasoline at lower prices

than Ifjclr cornfSeKlors, A range

cenlerlng at 2fD cents for regu-

lar nnd 27.0 cents for aupronio

Is tho mofit widely seen price

at these cslabllshmonts.

Resular: acrl^lcc stalio.ia aio

offering' rcKuinr Rnsollne at ■«

standard price of 31,0 cents and

supreme nt 3fl.O ccnt.i. Oasollnn-

at many of ihesa mtlonri wait, T

down to tl7,0-conts Bnd.33,0 cqnls

for roautar and flUpa-tpo during

Onii 'pilint III iha foui' inonih-long.- - t "

~is War, Mml slatlons iiuoted

1,0 ixM 33.(1.

Station owrfnrs and managnni,

Set DM WA'ft, Pg,..Z. Cgj ^ ' ■■

Prices Are $30 Lower at Annual Bull Sale

Fll.l'.lt — A lOMl of IHl bulls

brought IHO.IGO for^-an (ivoraiio

of 3443 Saturday at the :t7tli an-

nual itaiijie Dufl Snln sjwnsDrvd

by tlifl .ulohn Catllomen'a As-

flocluilon nt thn Twin Falls Coun-

ty- l-'airgroiinda, -

Prices wore down .hbouf $30

Ibis year, according lo Robert

Hondo rl liter, ,lliilno, secroUiry.

Ho sold 20 grade A bulla nver-

aged mi\ 71 A hulls avoragcd

%ii2M\ >C2 B plus hulls aver-

aged 1170.11, and 10 II bulla nV-

eriified 93111,12,

. Klhg FmmlHe, "n J-year-old

lurelired Horctord liiill owned by

;)rnon Zolllnsor;! Molio. waa

named , i^rnnd campion during

lid Ri .„ . -- _

ludglng Friday, lie wnii pur-

ctmactr,' by Richard Gravoa,

by RI

(loodlng^ for f l,i;i9,

""Tlic" resurVo cliampinn, a yoar-

llns,,ni[R ProiiitpQ.(il<|, .owned

by Jrvln Hurtoti ana lonl, Rlgby.

waf^ pilrclinNcd by Jack Pierce,'

Malta, for IH25, ■ '

Results by BmdOB' Hilling the

consignor, buyer and price i"»id,

rospecllvely, ore: ■

^- A DulU ,'

-Albert Wollkl*!, Meridian; At^

don UurlUen, Corral, HWi

Wolfklol, Chimney Crcok Ranch.

Corrult. iM;. iamen Cahlll.and

.Sons, Wclipri Baker lirothera,

Clayton, W73; Traits, Inc.Wej*-

eri Jnnios Cahltl, Welser, >97n;

Angus Ulham, Tctonia, W, 0.

Alton, Hanson, (350, <and Angus

l,clham, Tolonla; 'Ray Piishult,

Marslng, t7BQ'> '

Lilham, Pusliflll. JIXW; Roth-

well . libroford Ranch, Area;

Oeorgfl Loitanpo, Clayton," HMj

Rnlhwoll Hereford Ranch; Chn^,

loi V, Ward,-Mutta, |iO0; Fai^

roll Danlots, Malad 'City:- Bint

nnnlets, Malnd. ITU, 'rom'^E.

Shaw, Caldwell; ' Dltck Ranch

nnd Kcnriv Dlick,' RonnrHon,

inuu, and .Shsw, Rolland Patrick,

RuRerson, (375,

Dlalne Curtis nnd Sons. Du^

ley; Dltck Ranch and Kenny

Illlck, Rogerion, (330! "■'■■'"i

Curlla -and f^nn,- Raymonrf-Diit-

tor; ginnncn, (013; Dlalnn Curtis

and Sons, Sam Moutor, Jor-

P)no._S7aii; .JrvlQ^Ilarrop.aiid

Sons, Rlgbyi' Warner Mlichill,

Jlgga, Nov., (GOO^and Irvln liar-

rop and flons John Plorce,'Mal-

ta, 1773;'

D. Jay Harper, 'Malla, Bakor

Bri)tliora;",ClHyion, (375; JehlQU

Brothers, Montpellor, Ruiioll

Anderson, MBckay,.(6O0; Wayno

iNauBle and Son, Nampa, ChON

,Ieii Wood worth. American Falls,

UlTlii - Ernest Olson and Sons,

Hyde park, Utah, Shewniaker

Broiherr, Tncrr- Klfflborly. lOOO,

and Marlln Sorensen, Eallna,

XlUbt Pud Pavli. Malad. $470.

Royal Jen.Hon and SonSi'MaUi"" "

Cliy; Salmon River Calllemen's

Association, Twin FallB, M50; .

Jcnaen and Sons; Salmon River ' -

Catttemcn'H Association, 1300;

Jenaon and Sons, Salmon River


Wallaci»--irAyca, Rockland; Sal-.,

mon River Catltomon'B Aasocia*

tlan^.UDO. and. William Shupo. •

Ilamer; Shcwmpker Drotlwn,

Klmberty, (073. i

A lillnui

Reuben Ward, Elba: George ■

Luianxo, CloVtun, I17B; Zoltin':-

?or Unilhcrp, Malla; Myron

nnen, Malad, 1120: ZoUIngar.

Brolhcrs. 'Vlclor NoWn, .Twin'

Palls,. (330; . . Hebcr . Zollinger.: : . . .

MaHa. K. R. Kolwy, nurloy,

WS; ZnKlntter, Nelsnn, «370, ancf

Zollinger. .W lLtae.r-MttchclL__

JlBBH. Nev„ $430,' .

Zollinger, Joo Randt ' Carlln, , , .

8e« FRlCCS; Faaa I. CoL

. . Sunday, Oct. ^P, 1966 ; '

. 2 Twin Falls Times-News

Resijtlts of


'.Elaji Noted •• ,

JEROME — Joromc Dupli-

iatci BrldEC club met Saturdny

ijt tfip Elks- club' for'Vmilo-

■ wccnxparly With 13 tables In

play- ,

tioilh and south winnci's 'Wore

Jil Mrs-Ui'F._Bruct aiid^Mrs. W.

• C. Kays* firsC-Mrs. L. M.,Holl

• - sVnopsis

Pleasant fall v/cnthcr continues 'In the Inlcrmountaln Region

and. vcryrlittlt change pxpcclcd in'lheTnexi few days. The only

threat of precipitation will occur near the Canadian border far

north in the next U hours.

Tcmpcratul'ci-wtll average aboveuormal-throufih' Monday with

illfi ht jln ytime rnnline_;thc firsfo f ^hc wee k w ith max in^^ums

generally] rangiftg- froiii 557tinJ5;

Meeks, 4hlrd;-Mrs. J. C. McMli-

~ lin and- Mrs. M, A. -Gucrry,

fourth, dhd Mrs. H. M. Pfoctor

and Mrs:' S. McCoy and A. V.

Willlrfm<i: aHd Wrs. F., F. Jom

6Cn, tledjlor fitth and sixth.

'East pnd west winners -wero

Mrs. M.Mogg and Mrs. M. J.

-iWcaver, nrs(; Mrs. H. .V. Cook

and Mrs.f H. E. Burgess, scc-

~ond:-Mr'i..W. H. Swopfr and Mrs'.

R. W. Wood, third; .MrsrBrL.'

Gnau anUvMrs, F. G. Higglns,

'fourth, andi'Mrs. .M. D. Hart-

ruft and; Mrs: A^,_rrant2,

fifth. ■ t V ■ ■

Tifd fdi high overall score

were the"yIret-two-viniiccs_in

the divisiofel,'

' . Guests' wlfre Mrs. Lou Jones

and- Mrs. An tiiWfidS worth .^Good.

land, Kans.lQfV urtlt wlnnei

games' will M played in the

-Twin. Falls WWCA at 8 p,m;

ThurMay.- . It

^Magic Valley


— - .l^JBUHL — Funeral- Bervices- for

' Georse I„ Loyne will bo_con-

. • ducted at 4 p;m. Monday In the

VT- Buhl First Christian Chur c h by

~lRev,.Delniar M,;ialtey. Masoiv

fc rites will be conducted . by

■Buhl Lodge-No^rrAll-IodBolmni^-

members arc asfccd to meet at

"3 p.m. at, the Buhl Masonic

Temple, Friends may , call at

the Albertson-Dickard Funeral

Home from 1 until 6 p.m. Sun-

lay-and .until ■3:■aJnL- MQ &dai^

Final ritesjvilU»-Theitl-Atnhe

-BuhrCemetery. -

■ JEROME — Funeral services

for Richard Edward Fisher will

Be. conducted at 2 p.m. Monday

In St. Paul's Lutheran Church


rpii'-will hft held at Aberdeg p,

Weather, Temperatures |Ex-Resident

except Csmos Prnlric Vil JJUl ley ■

,t S p.m'. Saturday ea _ , " .

Dies at Age 89

MAGiC VALLEY — Continued fair through

lew high clouds. High tn 6O3, low 20 to 30, cxcei

high '55 to 65, low 20 to. 25. Temperature at I p.m'. Saturday

at T. F. Weather Bureau with 31 per cent humidity. Barometer

at 5 p.m. Saturday 3(|.4S. _ ■ . - ! .

and'SOs- , .

The protcctivo high pressuro^both. at thij surface -and hlotl

will weaken slightly during the next'24-hdurs but will rebuild by

Monday and continue as an cfreclivo block to all Pacific 'storms

In ihu nuxt fuiv-Tlays; —

BURLE.Y — Mrs. Mary White,

sei Miller, B9, former Burlcy

resident, died Friday nf ■ the

home'DfTi"daugh(er-tn Encino,

Calif.. ot,a sliorl -illness.

Mrs, Miller was bor;i I>cc. 24;

JlUhc_wcck With maximums


Highest temperature' last 12 hours, lowest temperature last 18

hours, precipilalion for 24 hours, , —

- ■ - 'Sinilon ' MoJt Mlo. i^cp.

— J^zl?-

ern Nebraska, where- she aTtehd.

cd school, at Indlolo-, Neb., and

the Orleans Methodist College.

Nobrafikaj, — ,,

ftfffiiving her , Icnchcr'a cc

Miller taught

assistants are sikud [b meet

at the school cafeteria at 2 p.m.

Monday to - receive Halloween

treats for their rooms.

Machlnlst'i' Mate Fireman

Lynn R. Potthast, son of Mr.

and Mrs. William H.- Potthfist,

259 Third Ave. lC, -'has been

Rlfldnated ^/rom thc BnsIc En-

listed 'ISubmarinc School' Class,

Groton, Conn.

"^Saturday high, 98 at

Lllll* llmlc —

Saturday low. 12 at Parshallt^N. D.

Parker,j\rir._ L__. '-._,_ ,

T!?: . ' ': Alaska, Hawaii and Canada

Highest''- temperature last 12 hou rs, low est temperatures last

■a houcs. precIp itation~for"24 hours: 7~ ■-■ — —

^- — — ... .TT=-Wi...Q^ ... f,f„x. Min. Tcp.-

tificate. Mrs; .._

Nebraska until 1839 when she

moved' to north Idaho. She at-

lended'lhe University of Idaho

ahaLt'tught sctunl in thht area,

m6vmg.^o Bu:lcy_ in JQM.

She was active' In' ionimuniiy

affairs, was a local artist ond

helped with several-art exhibits.

She as a. charter member of

Ihc B u r I ey .First .Methodist

Churchy _^ ,

She was married 'to Johli W.

Miller on Dec. 2, 1899. at Provo,

Utah: HCTdled in July, 1947.

Surviving" are one son, . Ed.

ward' H. Miller, Burley; jbvc

daughters, 'Mrs. Ann, M^yWil-

llams, Burley, and "Mrs,/^Rulb

M. House, , giyO^Mty^^ft^!' 1(

grandchildren, ' ariif& is', great-


preceded her In-deathT - —

Funeral sej;vice3 will be con-

iiffi-rt nt, in n yn Wprinr»gHny-lr

the Burley Methodist Church by

Rev.. Paul Ludloii'. Final rllea

will be in the Pleasant View

Cemetery. Friends may call at

frtc^lioch^— Funeral — Home

Future Const ructi on Work

All MioXlce44)y Hig li way \if\e.

Tuesday/ afternoon and evening

andj Wednesday prior- lo -'serv-

iccs.~"' ■

Twin FaDslsfews in Brief ] Cmiailmeni

Of Training


Llcehsed Proctleal Nur^a will

meet at ,7:30 p.m. Th^HS^ttV in

)hc Magic Valley' Meiinorial Hos-

pital auditorium. Dr. James

tnylor. College of Southern Ida-

ho president; will spe^.

World Community Day of the

United Churchwomcn will be ob-

served at Pr esbyteriaji Church

!\t 2 p:Th. Frirjny.

BERKELEY, 'CaTif, (AP) -

Stokfily CarmichacI, leader of

tiio Student Non-Violent Coprdi-

naling CommSltcc, was cheered

wildly by '14,000 mostly white

students Saturday when. he de-

cried -U.S. ittvolvement in - Viet

_ B7 70 - -^



" Hospital

NORTHERN IDAHO — Parfly.oioudy Sunday through-Monday.

Cooler, Sunday nighf. High in SOs, low in 20s. ■

S. D. A> memoriarwceath has ,

" ;iablished. lor ihfe chuMh jy^^igic Valley Meiituiial

' -_^en

alwr fund. Donations may be

■ left at the church. Friends may

ca ll at t he Hove chapel Su nday

s and Monday until hooiu ■- ■- .

TWIN FALLS — Funeral ser-


^Mrs. Mickey. L . Colledge,J1rs.|i, |,|

Duane UudleyrMra. Alien LlIIPtL'i'.v^'

stedt, Frank J. Haynes; Leonard

Lee Majors, Mrs. Terry Grove,

Mrs. Jorn'Hollon, Jeanna Mc-

wlirte'held at lO'BTm, JVednes-

day' in Whiie'Morluary Chapel;

with Rev. iavold Ro bertson of-

^ llltarv ^ravcsl

rites wllUbo^-cot)ducte(

set 'Memdriaf Park. ,

TWIN FALLS^Funerat" ser-

vices 'for Mrs." Ethel Harrison

will be held ^t 11 a.m. Tuesday

at the Episcopal Church of the

Ascension , with' Rev. Wgrren

Howell -otdcIatlngr-Ealt rffes

will be in^TwIn Falls Cemetery.

The ■ family sijggesls memorials

to the, memorial fund of the

Church_Qf ^the Ascijialaii.

"Trlend^ may call at Whilft-Mor-

Linn and trank .MacArini

Twin Jails: Rlchard-Blflckhu m.

Boise; Rocky Mor'lensen, 'R


■ Mr sr- J i- A llen-Woodhouta, ..Oa

ley; Joseph . DeGIorgio, Mur-

taugh; Mrs. Earr Reed, Buhl;

Velma _Cq)C,_Reno, Nov., and

Dan"" RadiiribvichT^IkorNcv.

^ . Dismissed

Mrs. James £. WoKf. Richard

Bevan, Mrs.tJavId Gardlepy and

daughter,' Gregory Owen, EI-

mar Messner, Mrs. ■Gene'' Kin-

c'heloe and son„-and Mrs. Gary

Forsyth and-eon. all Twin Falls;

I rene C . Goodwin, Burley^ Mrs.


- ■ — R.

— GOODING^Gfa'vesIdo flciylces

for -PhllUp j: Xruzfch wWbS

held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at

Elmwood Cemetery with Ken-

neth M cK i n n e y offidnting.

Friends may call ot Thompson

Chapel. The cortege will leave

Ihc'chapcrat Hl;ift-a-.m, Tues-

day, The family requests no

flower.i. —

BUIir^l^nntTaf -services for

Mrs. Alice Edna llellman, (19,

will be held iit 2 p.m. Tuesday

, nt the-Albcrtson-Dlckord Funer-

al Chnpcr. l-'inai rites will he

in Ihp Buhl Cemetery. Friends

may call until fl p.m. Mnnday,

TWIN PALLS — Funeral scr

I— vioo»l(or-Chnrloii E. Ciriovs-Will

be cnmlucled at 2 i^.m, Tucidav

lit ttin I'lrst I'reshytnrinn Clnirc'

' ' H'liV. Hnbert HarvL-y. Lhi

riloR will Ihi held in Suiiffcl Me-

mnrinl-l'nrK. Tim family hiir-

Haskill, Mrs.^Lloyd' Funk and

Carl D. Young, all- Burley, and

Jack Conrad, Roberts.



Kurn, Boise; Mrs. Lennlo

,hroz; -Filer; Mrs. Dale Slnne,

Bliss; James Jones, Frultland;

Kevin !.ott and Carl Lotl. both

Buhl; Nellie Caster. Kimborlvi

Mary' Pratt. Qlcnns Ferry; Vir

Chriatcnsen, Ontario, Ore.

Leonard Alvey, Jackpot, Nev.

and Mike Landrcth, Wells, Nov.

' Births

Dauflhtors Woro both to Mr,

nnd Nlra.. Jim HoKon, Mr, n^id

Mrs. Allen Llljcstcdt nnd

and Mrs. , Duiinb Dudley,

Twin Falls, and Mr. and Mrs,

Earl Read, Ruhl.-; Sons woro

born to Mr. and Mrs. Mickey

I., Colledgo nnd Mr. and Mrs.

Terry Groves, nil Twin l-'alls.


Xarsen, Richard Lancaster, lilrs,

Merle Higgins, Mrs. Jim Grave;

nnri Hmip htpr, ni l purlev, an d

Kenny Weeks, Mra."^"JOe Thonfiiv

son nnd'Paul Beeler, all Paul.

.—. Birt hs ,

Daughters were born to Mt

and Mrs. Donald Yaunt, Burley,

and Mr; and Mrt. Robert Cran-

er, Oakley.

Minidoka Memorial


Virginia Sparks. Rupert.

-T=r ' DIsmbsed

Jklra.— W « H e r-Mfttkay "arTd


gcsia memorials to ihfi Presby-

, Ififinn Meiilftrlnl Fund and car

1x1 liilt lit tlio church oKIco or

lh(j, While Mn'rtu'ary, '

Bimi.F.Y — Funeral ncrvlccn

' (or Mrs. Mary Whitesel Miller

^'WlII be conducii'd nt 10 . n.m,

-WednnndBy at (he Buriry Meih.

txiirit Church hy Rov. Paul Lud-

-'- -^■lmvr-l'innl--rll<7~wlil be , in the

I'teasnnl "VlflW Cftineint-y,

l'"rlcndi may ciill ni the Mr.Cili-

loch I'uiiniijO Homo Tiicwliiy nf.

(iTiKMrn nittl tmntliifi ami mill

„^lmii ftt Bi:rv [cca-W f.dBBailBy.

BdRl.HY'O- FiincrnI nervlcoi.

for Mr.i. Elsie K. Clark will ho

niiuhiclud nt 3 p.m. Tuesday In

■ llm Joxcph Piiyni! Miminrliil

Clinpitl tiy Unv, John Plekcrull,

Mniil rlirn will bn in the ]>lcan-

imt VIrw Crn»e|(iry, Frleniln

may mil a{ (ho Payne Mcirdmry

Mpndoy nlternmn nnd evening

nnd Tucnday prior to narviccs.

-.j-jj, . f(iiiiltj--iinBRcntH''rnntiihu.

tlonh to llin Prcfibylprian

■ Churrh, Thry' may bo led nt

... . . .Iho .church. uilicii t>f tlio murlu-

. . "ry,

CAM I.fil'OUl) — Funnriil ner-

viccn for (illbort Earl Conrad

wllUm hutd nt JO n,m. Tucsdny

nl the Casiifllord Method I m

.Church. I'InnI rites- wi II -IHiWif

Ih64lulil Comelery. Friends may

call 111 (ho AllKirtnon-Dlckard

Funeral ChapoL Buhl, until H

■p.m. Monday. Thn family bur-

,'gnits memorhtlfl to the Mellio-

- ■ . dint Church nr the Henrt Fund

niid may ,l>a loft nt the mCr-

1 lusry.

(ii(?o"(IinK ^Icniorinl

Admit (cd

Mrf^. Hamid, Hake and Jose

Al'.aa, luith (loodlnR.


Olah . Graves nnd Margarettn

Reams, both Gnodlng.


Price Revolt

Is Spreading

NKW YOltK (AIM — Thn

))0ij»i'wjf(^ ri'Vi))! iifijiljisl Hnllll!



-GOODlNlrt-TRllIlp J. Kru-

lich, 72, formerly from Pine-

l urst. died. Friday af ternoon at

Idaho State-^bercurosIs~Ho^

tal of a. long illness.

He was bomiMay 1, 1894, In

Austria 'and came to the United

States as' ■a''--yoLlng man and

worked as' a miner In Northern

Idaho for many years. In_J048

■ was married: He has been

Gooding-since-^BS S. M r . K r u;

zich was a member Ot Jehovah


Mrs. Donald 'Yjunt, Guy Has-

SHOSHONE— District ftlghway

enfilneei' B. E. SessiQns, .an-

nounces future construction

projects for this acea.-

Construction will. Include 'that

portion of In(erstate from Cot-

tcrell 10. the Utah line. Comple-

.tion of this project will add ap-

proximately 45 mifea of. inter-

state highway to .the state sys-

tem. This is Qf particular im-

portance to residents of -south

central Idaho, Sessions said.

Present plans. call for eight

contracts^ distributed as follows:

Interstate 80N-4C2)232, Cotterell-

Sublett, L C. inclusive, with sec-

tion A for grading and Section

B for sEcuctures.

■'jn'tor;^nte_eON-4{3)248 from

Sublett I. C. (Excl.)-Juniper

I:-G^(IncI.).JSection A grading

and Section EL struclure:

ither-^^ntrttctd— wilLjnclude

Interstate 80N-4(4)2G6, Juniper

I.j:._CExci:)-U[all_L(n_e, ScotJoji

A grading and Section B struc-'


:)--imcrsiaie !iDN-4(S):

and. surfacing, -section A - uot

terell-Sweetier- Canyon Summit,

nnd Section B Sweetzer Canyon

Summit to Utah line,

... is ' c'bntemplate'd that sec-

tio'h from Cottcrein5"th"6 Sweei.

zer Canyon .Interchange will be

a two lane construction, the

north-bound lanes, which will be

used for both dlrections^^of tra"

vel. Thff remainder, .from Sweet-

ZCL Canyon-ilntercjiange-to-the

on the Job an hour earlier In

orderto have, the, travelways in

iroper condition for mornidg

raffltL Instead of the usual

'eight to llyc" ' working 'days,

these ' crewi'* will be working

from 7 a.m. to 3:30 "p.m. with'

a half-hour lunch period. When

conditfortsr warrant theso crews

will work longer hours, on ar

overtifnc basis. '

The traveling public Is cau-

tioned to watch for these creWs

and use ev^ty safety precaution

when passing, or meeting main-

tenance equipment. _

Motpcists are dsked not to fol-

low too closely behind—moving

equipment, or -^lop-loo-i\ear-be'

hind any piece of equipmenfi

thaU'Jiss stopped. "Defensive

driving 6n the part .of all , con-

cerned' can materially reduce

traffic-hazards Jn all seasons,

but particularly- duringTlncIer

ment weathci"," Sessions said. ■

He.concluded, "It is the aim

if the Department to ihaintain

our highways in as safe a con-

dition as possil"

cooperation -of- the public in" this


Utah line will be of loui^-iane

divided construction. ., ■

DcsiRii of this sectio n of road-

way- IS ncanng complelion and

Right - of- Way is being -pur-


Project F-2351C7), the rerout-

ing of US 26 easterly from Good-

■ing to Shoshone has been adver-

tised and bids will -be^opened

Nov. 22. This section of roadway

Survivors Include his widow,

Mrs. Naomi Kruzich, Moscow,

one-daughter, Mrs. Joe Clayton;

Kcndrick and one step -. son

Louis Colombo, Plnehurst

held at 10:30. a.m: Tuesday nt

-ElmwQ(5d Cemete ry with, Ken-

neth -McKlfmey^f f,I tl A t i rig:

l^jcnds may "call at Thompson

.d Cho^l. The . 'cortege will leave next spring, inc scneauie cans j,

- 'thB-^chaptrJl 10:13 a.m. 'lafii- fpi-eomplMioft--lnOnn' w nrl^ing ^

family, requests, no


Maii746, Dies

(Of Wounds .


sen . and sftn nnd Garth Bakti .

lill Rupert; Theoda Allen, Hey-

burn, and Arleno Kowttt, Declo.

St. Benedict's, Jerome !


Mrs. Merlin Fiscus and- Mrs.

Hazel Roberts,- both Jerome,

nnd Gary Moore nnd William

Bolton, both .Dietrich, -

_ " DJscu.ssed

Rex Johnson and Rny Hogg,

both Hagcrman, nnd Mrx.~Mnu<

rico Armltago and son, Gooding.


A daughter wiis tmrn tn Mr,

nnd Mrs. Verlin Fiscua, Jerome,

' CA'STCEFORD— Gilbert


of ..Castlcford I'riaay at-

CE Grieve,

(hu na

tloi '

111 ft fi'W piaiTi Ihrre woro

slgnn ot iwiiru foulern fniiil iJro-


Some nnki'd tho hmisewlve

muiit Willi thi'tii and dIsciiHS tho

probluiiin, ' OiliorH dlHcontinuud

tiuiiio^ J nnd ulveawnyn lliut

iiiuncwivca-suu) IxHinied prices,

A.fow aUjrclici:pctfl_a'ont cplfco

nnd doughnuin lo the pickets

Dutiida tholr, doors.

An. AnaoclatciL. Press .fluryr.y

nliowed liouncwjln uniiips ndlvo

in miiro than n iloiiui qlntvi

Tho mml of the womon Is to

l)rlnK ((own (ho prirn of food,

nnd tho Nhw York City fnarkuli

iteparttiirnt snyn -, connuiiirr

prcHSuro hnlped cut lho prlr(\ of

n pound of huttnr up to eight

cents in (ha Inst .two weeks.

Throe dolrloS 'lii Alhiiquorquo,

N.M., cut milk prices a to X

ronln u gallon, thcii'iinnOuni'ed

layoffn-ot-dullvoryntan and din.

i^t^fl|i(>di,,jB(lver(I«l"a 10 BftVP

Twiy Falls,

Dies at Aj^c 80

Charles E.' Grinvo. 8(

Borah Ave. W.. Twin Fnlls, died

.Smwrdny iilglil «( Miinh VnllL-y

Momoriiil Honpltnt n long lil-

■'horn June i, 1888. at Plank-

ingtoM, S. D., tin was a elmr-

ter inembi'r ot ihe Knoll (iraiiuo

nmt-hail'livi'd In- the Knull dln-

trict, tor 42 yearn.' llo vfnn grad-

uated from Nebraskn Central

colk'gu in inil. y

-T-Mrt— Oi'lova-lwlonrto*!—!'*— Ilia.

I'lrnt .i'reNhyturiaii church nml

\vni\ a former membor ilf tho

RDnslon of the church, lie \yu'.

on llio Boy .Scout Council for

many yi-ars ami n iiionilier ol

.0 Idaho OutiliHirn Anyioclatloii,

On. Juno, 11, 1013, hu married

MflblP It, JdJbnrM, In Alien,

Neh; Sho died July' ft, 18(15.

Survivors Inrhidn one dnugh-

tcrj Mrs;- Mary Hlten -Kmlgera,

I'ortlnnd:,. throo lirolhorn. Wll

Ham (Irievn, l-'ik'r; John (irluvo,

'lAvIn FallN, nnu - Fr^nk (irlovo,

Vnllo)(i^ Calir.: three' nlnloi;s,

Mrs. I'enrl Knyfmnii Qnd Mm.

Ixsvl Slnnon, both 'IVIn 1-nlls,

and Mrs,, l^iifirfO K(T*;nl»n, Rttp-

Id City, nnd two grnndchlldron.

(''uiiornl servii^es will bo con-

ducted nt 2 p.m, Tuesday nt Jho

I-'irHt I'ronbylcrhin Church hy

Hov. Robert iinrvcy. Lniit r)ton

will be held hi Sunsot Memorial

family sugBrHii mc'

I tho- I'ronhytrrlnn

Fund nnd tail no left

nt tho church odica or Hit;

Whit* Mortuary,

west . _

tcrnoon ot apparent s,elf-lnflictcd

gunshot wounds, '

Tlie doctor signing tlie death

certificate was not available for


Twin Fails County Coroner, Dr,

Luther Tlinmpson, said ho -un-

derntond the wound;!-, were sult-


Mr. Conrad was born Nov, 0,

1017. ai CatUcIortHlo-atlomlcd

Castlcford,,' sell no Is rtnd tho At-

bltrn Stal"(L_W(ftmaUdujul._-H(;

hlarried Helen Steigorwillt*-on-

Juno 3, 1041, nt Pnycto.

.Following their mnrriaj;e, the

ci'uinlo moved tu-- llawihorne,

(f„ until Suplemlmr, 1018,

when thay movt'ii to, their farm

west* nf CaMtliitord. "

the' Mnlliodlst Church niiil tlic

Ca,stiolurd Men's Club,

Surviving, besides hh Widow,

aru out) son, John. Franklin Con-

nul, Castlcford; his fatliTir, \l

Conrnd, I'iier; two brolhers,

Edward Conrad anil I.ec Olhi

Conrad, Imtlt Bold, and one sin.

tor, Mrs. Marnhiill (Bene) John.

son, Flltr.

I'unonil srrvlres will ho held

nt 10 a.m. Tuesday nt the Castle-

lord Mcliiodist Church. I'"lnnl

ho In the Buhl Come.

(cry. . , _ _ 1

I'rionds may call nt' llw Al-

liotmoivDIckiird runorul (Jinpo),

Buhl, unlll 8 p.m., Mondny.

The family siiiu'filn mcirifir-


the lluurup'und and may t)u |ett

at llltfluortuary'.

will ito 11010 I

tnrk. X,\w fa

tn^irlnls lo

Muiitorlal <FUi

'Mi^. Theron W.. . .

Ward, 52, was found deadln her

honie at 688 Ljiiwood Blvd. Sat-

urday afteJn pon b y her h usband.

IS a complete rerouting troin

the, junction of JUS 26 ahd.SH 45

ffrTK5"nnR5splial .■lirUOOdiriE

to a reloihing with the old high-

way 5.4 miles West of Shoshone.

Thls"wlll"be"a "decided'lniprove-

ment over the old route, both

from safety , and travel 'time

AvilL-bo points nf view. .Segjilops

Work will begin insufficient

time to permit thejns^lallatlon of

irrigation^and drainage -struc-

tures before they are., needed

next spring. The, schedule calls

days, which.should see th? road

ready for use. In the fall of 1867.

The' spedai "malhicmaiicc trew

is presently engaged In widen-

,ing nnd buildirteup the- roadway

shoulders on'^S S3A between

Darlington and ' Mackay, in

preparation for-a future mainte-

nance contract!

Scislons said theyagain ciiu-


life snow and ii^ areas, will be

Ihe Elevcnnr~Jijdicial DrsfncT

Judge.- '

Dr. Lu'l]ief"-ThompSiin, 'T'Mn

■Ralls County, coroner, said Mr.?.

WaT<Ldled sometime between'll

a.m. and noon, but her body was

not discovered until about 2. p.m.-

h en.- her husba n ^l -returned

Gas War

(Continued From 'Page One)

In the area contend that gas

wars-briclnnte when-one- or-two

sinilons lower prices 'to (fomncte

with -coin -ope rated establish-

ments. ' _

'llie end hf n war, however,

.,. sitemhigly unexplained. -Sev-

erai-opl:rator.i, sniti they raised

prices l)ecauso (hey received

suuli orders from tiiQir niippllern,

(Jther o]>erntors, not s^ll^lecl tc

price restrictions frftm'tno na-

lloiml' companies, nald they re-

:uniud lo regular prices because

of tinanclal reasons,

I'rnnchlscd stntlnns rrceive a

. mill subsidy fj;orti_ Jh^-nnj

tioiial coinpniiJt^'s during city'

wide gas wars .bin several op-

erators said (Ills aid is'not

dryly sulllclent.

lings am, held regularly

between' opornlors involve<l In

wars In efforls ..to bring

prit'un bade to normal, .Some op-

vnilors nnid theni meetings were

respoiisiljlu for Um Informal dec-

tnrntlfin nr "pence."

Hoacllnn to jho nrmlslici)' Is

vftrled.nnd rangos Uoin'disnn-

polnlmcnt on t|in part of Twin

Falls housewives and other

ecnnomy-ronscloun gas hiivi

rirlicf on fiiii part of slnlio'n own'

(ifs? ifiaiiagcrn ami o|wrjjlors.

Road to Kemain

Open All Wintei_


PARK (AP) - One Toad will

hn kept ojKn In Yellowillonn Nli.

iimVftl I'fifk 'nii wintri-. '■;

Park Supt, JolinvMcLaiighiln

nnnouni'od it Is the (iiirdlner-to<

Cmtkfl'rnnn via' Miimmnih.

MuIjiiiKAlIn said thn Maiiioth

o(Mhor IiTii will i)rovl<lo itcciin

modatliiiis thmuKhoiit ilio winte

Ho naid all oilier roiidn in llm

pnrk will lin i:liHi-d when deep

Knows »nl 111 hiier this year.


By 'Hie Assoelsted Protii

A Mnrahing fnriiiworkor and

'0 American l-'nils ircn-agci

•fD thrown from rolling tai

nnd killed Saiiinliiv, iji'hiKlng

ilratll toll fur fdiiho ti-nftic

lilrnlM III nix in 24 hours. '

rl^am-nndthe universal dratt

liinCk power"- nflvociitt'',

addressing. a capacity' crowd In

the outdoor Greek Theater .on

the Un(versity ot California Ber-

keley cflmp'ufi. said the'only w^y

■ wnr jn VM ffnm Is

^en Today

Frank Mogensen .cofnmenting

about auto mishap '. , . E, H,

Ragiand 'visltmg with friends

, ; . Alfrtd R.- RiecherSi.Mnlta,

talfng about politics . . i- Mrs.

MafJon Wheeler talking an tele-

phone , , . Robert Henderlindcr

listening lo bids "&t bull ,sale

. . . Geofge -Hartley discussing

Kiwanis group dinner. '. .lOrsoti

Zollinger displaying lagq bull

. Richard Crayes displaying

;ilo' .'VMii-'^hirf^Ucn-drivIng—

blue . automobile -.' .-. .H^'CharleS

iln.tlop-tlii ,

for young Americans to say

hell with tlie draft."

Arid'l am saying, "Tb ,heil

with the draft," he shOutcd. —

iRoar|ng approval, the stUr

dcnts .rose from thoir seats in a

Handing, o.vation.^ _

Forty poiicomen were on hand

_'or' Carmicliflef's appearanaij

but there were no incidents.

*" Carmichael's trip to Califor-

niU wa's delaytd by a Selective

Service physical examination In

New York. Followhig the exam,

he said publicly that he- would

refuse to serve jn Jhe armed

forces if drafted.


didate Ronald Reagan had lU

a. wire tO Carmichaei asking

him to cancel his trip.

Reagan challenged

Jones talking , about phea.sant

hunting .' . . ' Stanley , Moore ,

driving along Eastland . Drive

. ;' . Mrs. JacK Nielsen enjoying

day away from work . . . Paijln

r.^hU K-iml,nrlv, tn TNvtn F.-ilN

William Theisen getting

nto car . . . Doe Dally watch-

ing television . . . William Klein,

Ketclium, visiting., with friends

in Twin Fails '. . - And over-

heard: "Today Is o^e of the'

gbotT-'ord . days yOu'il be yearn-

ing for when you get old." ~

Illness Takes

Mis. Clark

BURLEY— Mrs-. Elsie K,

Clarli, 59, died Friday at Mini-

do}(a__Memorial Hospital of a

long illness, — —

, Mrs. Clark was born May 9,-

K (1907, nt Menno, S: D. She was

Demo*-nii>cricd to Capt. Glenn C. Clark.-

cratic "Gov, Edmund G. Brown,jHe preceded her-in death. ,

seeking' a third term as gover- Mrs. Clark-was a former dep-'

no"rr~"lo'notn-'ln=the__request.luty city treasurer at Riverside,

Broivn said he dopJored "Ca rn))--" Cnlif.—She^mDved (o .Durley in

chad's' ,appenranO!},- but-left thcjiasO-Whcfc-she Wasr employed..

„.^„„. administration -of- the. universi- at the Pru den CiaL Credit Associy

Itcirtlie ty^ft-Frec-F'orumUo.jchoQljffluaLioi

" ' " cors, - ■ . '

Mi's. Theron"


Dead in Home


(Continiied From Page One)

a.i..GIenn.R:rHigli7^4, and the

injured map as Rocky S. Mort-

ensen,-19. Mortenseri .was listed

n .fair condition at Magic V^I-

ey Mcmorial llospital late Sat-

■ i^..'night with head injuries

ime. she was found in' her bed^


and lacerations.

Officers sa^d^I^nlCclde'nt"oc-

curred when' pn cBstbqund 1986


High, attempted' to -negotiate the-

corner, swerved ■■ Into ■ ihe left

lane of traffic and sideswipcd o

truck.. _ ■ ■

Driver of -the n'orthlibund

truck, Earl VahRanken. -31,

Twip Falls, .told officers he s(iw

""■ iports- "-^

« Dr. Thompson said an.autop-

sy was held Saturday afternoon,


able until late Sunday.

Friends of Mrs. Ward said she

was born July 19, I9I4. Sho WasI;

graduflted-from— tho^niversity

of Idaho where she was a' mem-

ber of,,the_Kappa_Kapp_aJjam-

ma -sorority;


Officers s^Id tjis sports cai

struck-the-lcftTfront-fcnder of

the truck' flnd'Jftiftit .under- it,"

iccopiogjout the triick's under-

carria g e: The ' car then came

out and stoppecTiirUib rigP^"^^

of traffic^'. — r- — — ' '

■- The tisp of the spoi;t3 car-con-

vcrtib!e~wi^s" sheared off "dur-

ing tho-eeeldenfrofflcers sald-

.Thicvlctim was thrown from

Mr. and-Mrs-'Wiird resided in

Jerome from-obout 1948 until „„a ih.w-,.

ihe y m n vr ri t n Tw i n F al l n y i \m tha vahlcle,. biit , Mditcnsi

was sworn Into olfice as the -mained in the Basscnner

Eleventh Judicial "Judge.

T~Mfs.-Wafd"w'as rcportddly. flc^

tlvo in 'many civic qrganlia-

tlons while she lived in the Jer-

ome area.

Survivjng-_ besides, -her — hus^

band, are one, son, Capt. Terry

Wardi Berlin, Germanv; one

slslor,~Mrs. Louis' (Virginia)

Booth, •Sbcridanr'Wyo:-.~flnd Vet

mother, 'Mrs. ftls Gascolgnc,

also Sheridan. >

Funeral services' are pending.



Pelting- speeding lines hcfqre

Twin .Falls Justice of the PetiL-e

Al Robinson were Kelly Thorn-

liFon,. 32,.FairtieM, $20; -Mclvin

Dixon, IB, 711, J2l; Mor.shall

j\d«ms, 38, Pocntello, $15; -Jose


ol Dniley, 18, Murlnugli,' Jl5;

Ricliard .MU(!cerl..ja.__3aa.;2nd

Ave. N., S21: Newell Bingham,

■15, Jerome, (12; Mnrvin Smith,

32, Oakley. Sl.l; Barhari'

Reedor, 23. Burley, JIO; Claudo

Hendorson, -(1, Pocaiello, J2(l,

and William- Dluke, Ilcyburn,

(2.1. .. ■

-Others fined by- Jndge-Rnbln-

son wore Eldo Nield, 28, filler,

SIO, failure to stop for n flashing

railroad nignni; Itiehnrd Lens,

nil, Burley, (100, .driving on a

Huapemleif license, and Delmar

Stephnns, 23. Buhl, (200 and II-

ttns'o HUN[)endcd for 30 days,

reckless driving,

■■Mlahiiel Wilding, 18. 174 Polk

St„ nml Jewell .Crnveii, 74,' Paul,

were each -lineir SIO by Judge

Roliinhon for 'slop algn viola-



nUENQS AlllliS, . Argentina

(APV ~ Tills city's Bubwaj/ fnro

is bol^iu rained from 2,8 to 4

xc.nlti cffeclivo Sunday. "

HDDSrtO 'BE MOVEff"""'

$250 ' ■

I niit 1*' I N aii' houf. No

lOCATID AT 41'4 IhJ iimiT

lAiT. IN TWIN miy ,

PHONE: 733-3376.

also, worked, at ..the Bureau i

Land Management office in -.

Burley. She was a member of

the Burley Prcsby'terJah Church.- - ',

Surviving are one brother,'

ArtSilf Schorzman, BTiriey, 'and " ^

three ^siste«. . Mrs.. Martha ^Sny-

der, K-upcrt; Mrs. - Edna

Franch, Sctulveda, Calif., and

Mrs. Hilda Ramsack,- Moses*

Lake, Wash'. ■ , . '

— Ftmeral-^rvices-wlll-he-con— — ^

ducted at 3 p.m. Tuesday in- .

the Jfweph Payne Memorial .

rh n p e y bv Rev- John Pick erell.

^ . tt ppr oa i

julled to Jhe: right of the- road

in aii aUcmpt- to avoid the coi-

mained in the passenger, seat!

when the 'car came to rest

feet-west of-lhe;^atioUmpacL

' Both were taken lo - Magic

Valley Memorial Hospital where

Mf. High was proi\ounccd dead

on*TiTrlval, Two passengers In

the truck were not injured.

Mr.- High-was born Jan.- 14,


icen attending the University of

Oklahoma betoro-moving-to the

Burley area where he was em-


Friends may call ni the Payne

Mortuary Monday. afternoon and

ev'enihg and until time of scr\-- . .

ices TuesdaySJiTh'c family sug-

gests "fiiemoriais to the churclL-

memorial fund. They- may be

left at the morttinry. Final rites

will be in the Pleasant View

"Cemetery. ' ' '

. Woman Hurt^

■ POLAND, -N.Y. {AP} - A .

flaming JetT-fightcr crashed Into

two house trailers Saturday and

, critically burn ed a ypung pre;; -, ,

naht -WOMaiLln out! of ■ thL'"aw«ti-

ings, state police reported. The

pilot-ejected - .

tAn. ilbcrta^ Eaton,-ltlt-wi>e--^

lived in a. trailer cOurC beside

RoutC' 28nrt;ar this community

token to


was five months pregnant nnd

was blowfi IS -feet from the

building by the blast.

and Mrs. Arthus pigfi. Norman,

OUlii., and a brother and slstc^,

iKilh Portland, flre. . . . ' !

■funeral services will be held




'-BlDDmlngPtant. Specials



PLQV^I" 'OH AiroCCitflONl



111 Bih SI. S•ut^ 711-0490


LONIWN (AIM '— I'liroign

Minister Eiiunabiiro Shllnn of

Japan arrived here Saturday' lor

latb with Prlmn Mliii^liir.^llur>

old Wilson nnd I'orolg^i Secrc

lary Uourgo Brown, '

1 f





1 1 965 because we liad tiie sales, tax,



II, l>, Iniiliilmcli, Clialimnn, TWIn rallt Tqiiiil/ i


Rasldenta ilealrlnft tho Snnitnllon Co. to ploK up

tlifilr lenvaa miiDt plnco tliain In tioKon, bABltotn or

-cnntninoi'r.-nntnhff Coi'wni'Tiicirttip.rti mp pn

roHulor QnrbnHO pick-iip (Iny.

Afl le'rivofl that nro raUod nnd qn iho curb-

InsL In fronl of tho roaldQnco& will bo p|cl<-

od up by iho city tfucko. , . ■ '



★ -k -k.^.-k -iK. A,. .*, * > .

^ . Sunday, Oct. 30, -■ Twin Fallt Tlmos-Nawt . 3

LJc_Ia Vt_.^:._it ...•Vc— 7^ .'^7t~;.^

, . . Wthfr issues infteclma You

Before- you vole jojr Idaho's jnost important office / United States Senator . . . you^hould compare the

records of the candidates on issues of importance to you-;^^^ to Idaho. Here's where they stand:


Voted seven times in the Senate against

education bills worth nearl> L$TO' mil-

liqn o-year to Idah.o sch ools. As Gpver-

atglowirlda hu^ l wo^ tcqehCT

colleges . , . tried to abolish teacherTe-

tij'ement . . advocqted deep cuts in

school budget!




'In ^taie Legislature . . .and In four years

in Congress ... he vigorously supported

every constructive education measure.

- As U.S. Senatorhe vyill continue tgiv/ork

^^^for programs 'tp insure qualify^edotiF""

^MiSTiiTldaho,^.. provided th^re qre^

_|tringsjaltqche,d qs t6 whaTrrrorhovy

we'tedchr 1



' Voted In U.S. Senate against medical

insurance for the dgea^:... denying^

help to 65,000 retirees iri Idaho. Also

otetH^o^n-modesfT^ er cent-in--

creose in benefits for aged, widows

Snd depeiident children. ^™

In Congress he strongly backed dn im-

_ proved So cial Seturity program

including- medical b e n e f it s for tho-


plan.tQ increase benefits ; . . at the"

-lo wesl^ebsHo-the^ taxpayers, —



The only public^of^iiiql in ffie'Pdcific


water to the Southwest. Oh April 17,

1:964, he told the Senate- IhfeHor Conir-

mittee hoi favored q. study "on a plan

foltransfer from the Columbia a sub-

stpntidl'qudntity of water . . . to benefi-

cial use in^he arid Southwest." ^

:, ''^Wil|- contiriue -td^igh^ any-^cKemft .tP -.

divert Northvvest wpter. Will continue

fio worl< lor stepped^'up programs to |.

Sii I ly^develop Jdaha!slAwdteu!eso^ —

. . . through project^ of all sizes . for

upstream storage and multiple use- of

; ouc-rivers.-We-need our water^for-irrir

gation, navigation,., power generation

and recreation. '


Voted- against the programs which

helped start new industries .... and

bring new payrolls . . . to Idaho., Vot-

ed "against programs to re. train . . . and .

re-employ the jobless ... so the/* could




In Congress, he voted for economic de-

velopment and job training programs ■

. . qnd consistently worked ford coop-

eration between private (enterprise . ...

local leadership . . . dnd state and fed-

eral governments . . .I0 help new firmis


This is the >vdy to strengthen Idaho's

economy! • ' '

A vote for Rqiph Harding is a vote to improve our education . . . preserve and deVelop our water . .. .

bring dignity- and security to our senior, citizens ... plrovide lb Wpcost power to gl| Idaho develop nevv

Industries & morejpayrolls . . . give our , farmers, noiiners and lumbermen d vigorous voice in the U.S. Senate.


' . \ Paid Pblltlcbl odvortlQOTiiont:>lQrd|ng For Senator fcommlttoa/ Lynn BVoodhood/Chal^ - ■

Y f f f f ¥ f ¥ V. V if f f f' r t: H >l f y H <k <f n Y ¥ f t ■>( V V_

Sun'ddy, Oct. so; 1966.,

' 4 Twin FalU'-Tlmes-Nawi

A MnaolMtUoB ol T'i, I

TtmM ..UblUli*!! U ItOf

HUbllibtd >Ib 1*01.

PatilUbrd dillr ind Snndi* mt IID B*caTi<l Btrwt .Wtat,

Twin r«lli.,.l^»t«>. inOl bj Ihi TlMW-K«w.,rut-"-'-i"





WASHINGTON — There la no rcDdily discern-

ible cause lor Qlnrm In (he report of a citizen's

group urging ttmt Communist China be admitted

to the United Nations under a "Two-Ciiina" plan

which would keep Chiang Kal-


Should the plan ever eventuate,

W P~ m lg ht 1 iav e'tti~p "t ' a 24'hm


u iKond.cIui man matter April i, KlH,

:* in Twin. Talli, Idaho 11301,' uodtr t^f .

-*'i-~-«ALB THOMrflON

. CompoiiDI Roam Uanag


o{ Hanh t, 1IT>.

AU nolle** T«iolr*a br law or by or

■ ai:a'i.'',«i&.v &'nv^

Etc ID-IOS Idabo Cod*.


inl(r--Oa4 moalh, II. '

Br Canlir

nUu. IV.OBi on* vmt, (ll.OD.

Bt Malt— rirabU In.Bdruc*. OTl-ld* IdabjiiigJlif

tl.11 1 ibl** moatbi. tfi.OOt

, iiMt

I I'aU^and* Elko

M. laoDtbi, tl.Itt

iii'monliii. t»M: oniVar. IIB.OO.

— flfneIil-CltT-md-C5onW M*w*ii*r*r —

Utmbar of Arfdll Dnrrau ot C^eiiliLHftB. A iii>;l»t*a Pi

'guard on Rockefeller Ccntcr'lcst

Machaul ltTiff to-Poking:in"tho

darit or night, but we can think

'about that tomorrow,

1 In the first place. It. remains

highly unlikely thaf Red, China

noutdgo along with tho'plot.tAt

I lli i 5 i Mltii i g Ma a and lib c o l lcc

tion of. confidence men and'ctll-

'Aniir*<r -Tnitf pyTscft httvc stood lirmly OH Ihclf

demand for all or nothing.^Peking- want? the

1-lghts allotted to "China"- Jfi the UN Charier,

the expulsion of the Nationalist , regime, with-

druVal of Ihc U.N. resolution .condemning^. Red

Chinese aggression In Korea, ^ondemnatiori' of

the U.S.' and expulsion of American "puppets,"

in_assorted governments ,of.tl|e_,wo.rldL^.

Too Much Ehiotion

."You can prove anything with figyres,''

' -EQga the old. saW that must occiir to

I ' ^■_ldalio vo l e r s u a I hey^near-^lectiorf^ayr

'Anyone could be "forgiven for admitting

to a degree! of confusion. Opponents of the

■., sales4ax have^had a profusion of "statis-

. tics ainied at'pcjjving-the-saies-tax-is

.^—^unnecessfiryTanQ a*burden. On' the other

— -hand,-tht3gft,Javoring_the sales. tEUt.hav.e

■ poured out aridthier set of statistJts de-

^— ^signed^o-prbve just the-opposite. What

' figures shou ld-be-beliBved^


■fact that about 40 tier cent' of Idaho's

generaJ. fund revenue in the present bl-

—Ennium comes from 'the sales tax. And

no one has, come up, with the claim that

Idaho can get aion^ without that 40 per

cent. So it woiild seom^flat the question

to be decided by Idaho voters Is whether

they^want-to finance a big hunk of their

.state government through the almost un-

noticeable — if dist asteful — sales tax or

throug h other "taxes. , itamely. .the income

, or Iproperty taxes. ' - ■

. ,\A1I the figures designed to prove sorhe-

thing or o^her about the-sales-tax^canbe.

traced to- too muCh einotion. Opponenfg"

-.of._theisaIes tax' get all up in the olr

igainsMh o taj t- ^n -' th e-bas ia uf- AUiue uf

it WONT HAPPEN — Peking, of course, has

about as much chance of achieving these ends

a? Lyndon Johiis6n has ot being elected gover-

nor of Mississippi. In a showdown, the U.S. prob-

ably couldn't keep Red China out of the tl.N.,

whfch is run theso-idajus by a clutch of weanling

Afro-Asian regimes represented by characters In


even the-Sovlet Unloh.would not be comfortable

with Poking sitting 'on the Security Council.

More significantly, it probably doesn't matter

lyuio^v^who-sits. in th e. U.N. Jhls opportu ulslU:

collectfen-flf-Trnfruckeii iiog_catdier9 and sec-

ond-story operatives would not suller any-con-

siderable loss ot prestige If it' awarded a mem-

bcrshlp to Ihc Cosa Nostrarlfhas becoma noth-

Ing more (ban .a combination debating- socfety,

with -afternoon tea, and. headquarters -'Tor- the

distribution of relief funds by organizations such

as UNESCO and-UNICEF._Not since Dag Hai^i-

lii a rskjoid^ai^day-has^he— tf i N : - a ttemptetP-any-

thing more significant than making a necktie

mandatory in the delegates' lounge. ' ■

Moreover, It Is now practical to seek some

means whereby yeklng may bo admitted ,to. the

club. Pressure for its admission has grown to

the point where ,thB U.S. cffdrtJo.keep.the Mao-

ist gang In exile Is headed fo^.^vcntual defeat.

The "neutralists," the buslness-asrusual boys

and the muscle-flexing emerging countries have

tlie votes to do lis in. '

[yOT LIKE JOINING CHURCH — The citizen's

panfilr^cadod-by former Treasury Under Sec-

retary RoBert.V. Roosa, has advanced the thijoi^

that U.N. membership might moderate the bel

licose excesses ot the Peking gang. Thirls like

saying ttiat a Bomb-throwing jinarchist can be

Teformed_avernight by admission**ttl*tl\e Union

League Club. ffilfadmisSion.of Jtcd China might

' — -;ts- n d v fl n tages^tl w Q u I d "h t! "~p l ac etLJa. "

their figures; ,StippQrter5_of the /^sales^tax

are equally upset over the same~figures,

. which Bre termed distortions o^ ,o^ltright

l^ies._Ilual|J?Qii.s down to thp-same- old

thing— people,see, ..just- what they want to

r^seer-nothirig more.

A good example of the whole campaign


Meridian News-Times iacuepted an ad-

~ mittee a nd then prjaeefled to tear the ad

npnrt-pfjllnrlnll y. Perhap V thf Mprjd itin

paper-vias fuUUUng ii^ obligation to the

■ pflbtlc. it said, "N o one protes ts the ri ght

T— 6f-the~Anti-Sal"e3Tax Committee to fight

for repeal ot the'sales tax, if thht Is their

wish. But every person in Idaho'can p^'o^


■ to mislead the public?' That sort of pro-

cedure by . "opponents . 6(- the 'sales tax is

-backfiring; no one likes to 'be .misled.

— TKe-tactics-of using dlstorted~6r infiTs"-^

, leading statistics to prove .something re-

sult from too much emotional Involve;^

fnentvThe Meridian paper pblnted out

(he advertisement to whiclj It objected

---.pegged Idaho school support at less than

word^ditional-iB-capltali?ed _to , tsif pose

the distortion. The full amount o^ educrt-

tion support Irom-tho aalea tax Is almost

doublo tliat figure, i .

Asked the Meridian paper; "How did

the Anti-Sfllea Tax' Committee como up

- with its dlshoneBt-ond misloadfng figures?

It was easy. They simply ignprcd such

matters as $6i^ million that goes to our

collcgcii and universities . . . $1.0 million

for vocational trhlnjng, rescnrch and ex-

' tension service from the University of

; Idiilio . . . $1,6 miUlonTor the tonchurs'

retirement fund . . '.'$2.D' million to pay

' the school districts' share of Social Sqciir-

ity. (Incidentally, thoso Inst two flgure.i,

totaling $4.5 million, formerly camo fropi

-local. properly taxes)." "

' In a cnsQ liko this one 'involving the

Bales tax, some private firm should "pro-

vUIo figure's about reviSnUo and whcro it

RpoB. Then both nidos of the issue should

- dcbalo ttib relatlvo merits and \iHa the

' same slntlstlcs. If this proccduro hud

- been used in tlio snlos -tax dobiitc, it's

bccornlng clear tlio, flppon6nts'Wiiiild liitvu

bcen 'rotluced to one Item, mimoly, Uuiy

don't like' the sales tax. Hopefully, II'h

tifiro to stay bocntiso It's mii^h li-ss ills-

, ' tn slGfuI lind m ti c li jph?) njj^^t) mlnii. .Ui i

olhcr OixfS. ■■■■ , , ' ;

spot wliere the \t'orld could keep a closer eye on

Its tantrums, and we might be able "to place

some pretty good spies in the relict and cultural

organizallDns-whlclLbuy their wayjnto-member

countrl^ with dougn. ■ ■ . :.

There Is als6 this: Only by a clear-cut Invita-

tion to Peking to Join up can we put an end to

the yapping withlrt tho U.N. to recognize the

reality of its cxlstchcc-and of the 700 niilHon

peoplp) it- represents.- If- thes e peopl e aro to re-

miiint-isolateil, (lie 'rL'LUrd'BlrouKiinniw'iiiar'tlnn'

responsibility Is .Peking's, not the world's. -

the Senate called to o rder min-

~T'ot "Shflts ;HoterWeTlim'Hnean utus-after-Franklln^Dnioose-

gstdes, -Thii"tJ:Hronlv~thlnta~it~knaw3~w hat it's illegar.tillJll

Rfid China's attitude is toward U. N, memb er-

shlp. It^seems 'nevcr to-have occurred -to iKe

world organization to asic what that attitude is,

cither by letter or by dispatching a delegation to

Poking.— Tlils-npproach;- ot-course7~h asTi n cblg

disadvantage In the atmosphere .of International

diplomacy. It sniacks<too much ot Korso' senseT

View^ of Others


"ly a curious coincidence Piiiidetit^hnson'

fannounccment last week of plans to'grapjije with

the -hiflation dcmmr-came on the- same day'—

and'lhus largely overshadowed — Ji similar i

nouhccment Dy'.our good neighbor- to the north.

But Candda's plaif has some striking diffircnces.

Finance Minister Mitchell ShJirp, who an-

nniini-Pfi i h" plqit- ^ll tf 'no t say _ th e gpvern ment

■would, ask Jor rccommDndallDns' 'on now' 't& cCl'

spending, nor did he say the-covefhmcnt would

try to temper the. "Impact" .oT its flpcn^Jng^He

not' only flatly alnlftd that the government was

going to spend lejs moncy;-ho also said where,

Moreover, ho seemed less oblivious to political

consequences. The entire mcdlcaro prfl^rnT".

for cxumplei ■will be postponed a year to July,

lOSa,' despite the howls that will predictably re-

sult. , ■ ■■

The current plan, furlhfTrmore, Isn't Canada'

flu)! attempt to curb .Inflation with flscal.poUcy.

it nOw the dnnRors some time ago. In tlio spring

It tried lncrciisln|f Income taxen, cutting tho de-

prcL'latinn allowance and taking other, steps to

flluw capital HpTthdliiR, If some of Ihoso move;

sound familiar, It Is worth noting that Ihey.ti

nut a dlsnp|H)lntmunt. Thus the prcHcnt am

Mr-.- .Sharp didn't rule out furtlior unplci

Rtops,'HUch us aiKithur lax Increiise, lint ho i

It-clenr that If llM i;i)vurnnient hoped to porn

people to npciid Irss money, It was gohiR to hitvti

to put politics iixitlu and .lut an cxamplu In'it

.own npiindlng.

That's an example nnt only fur Cnnridlans.ibut

possibly alio fnr another liirKii North Amnrltnn

fiovcrnmenl Ihiil wo-«an think of, — Walt .Slreuf



Idaho PiiIIh rvnldunt.i.aru jmi Incllii'ed to thltlk

nf thnlr city Jis having auy racial priiblum!

but It lias'ii fitw from tlina tn time. ■

Miiy(ir S. F.ddln PcdcrsWi Iiiih brought a com-

mon tleniio.-itppi'ouch .to the prnbiein. liowuver.

IIS hafi creatrO a "local lltllo , labor iionrd," nn



6f (lie six conHtllulloiuil nnmndmcnts

.id Ijc prcHcntfid l<i Iilnlui volers Niiv. R,

tluiru'n Hiiu tlmt lias real mcanin); if Idii-

, hoiins nro ever fia\nn to end lh» nnientt-

mi^jil nliihtmnro. Thai's S.J.R. No. 1 Irnm

Itiu ncconii. sjicclnl SitsHlon of tho :ifllti

KOHHion Of Ihc'.J.fiJilNlntiirii. It would nlvi:

nnlhoriiy to amtmd the Idaho Cunslltii-

lloii'by nbro thiin ono mibjoct at a, time.

.. In other. words, tho nmondmonl.iff noodud

beforo Idaho elm cope wilh cnnstltutionill

revision,--. I - -. '

,'.,i;fl(> other nmohdmentn ihin year cniV

corn ti^iiKcrH that should novor come lie-

fore' (ho olcctornto. They should bn legls-

',Intivo problems, nolhlaj! inbrti. It's Hilly

to keep a ConstiluOon tluit r(i(|tilr(!ri a vni»

of the people to amend It Whenever soinu

littio technicality arises, I( Idahnnns are

fed up will) tiio process, thiiy can force

action by turning thumbs dt^wn on nvory-

tlilng except a chiuigu (hat might lie ris

qillred.to revise (ho whole Co ngtlttil loii,

-Thitt olianoo-comea-NoTTBr "

"Whllo.our problei)in In Ihh iireii havQ been

rcliitlvely minor, 'we hnva hiiil prohleinn , . .

Wn Jirti iitlnnpllniE. and 1 lielliive, niirctrirdhig, In

fiolvlng the Indivlilfial cases on an Indlvliluiil ba-

nin itH.lliey arlsi'," yxplalncd thi- mayiir rcci .

In ]uHt tlui piiNt it'W months, fur cKaniplu, two

Neiirou.i, wilh collcfitt ili'Krci!N, Imyo heoii'dunli'd

IkiiiuIli^ ot thnlr cholcn' by laiittlonls. llolh oh:

tiiliu'tl Ihn hiiunliiit lit fli;st, but, landlords, uik

loarnlnK thtit'thny word. Ncuroi's, <|ukrkly\wll

drew tho (iffer, Koni" Imrln'ra chmn their. dimrii

to Ni'iiroi'H iind..liidlanN, One Community ClicHt

contrllnillon, liiwiir than the pnivloun yi-nr and

from a local ctu|)loyiiui group, cxiiliilncd ihi

lowur contribution, becaune thry objcincil to the

HnlvatUin Army feuding the Indlanu, Idaho' Palli

<loeN have lis prvjiidlCeN.

• But Ihuy are fow/unil lio|wlullyi nome -Intrlll-

genuoinml hrnthcrliood can Im hheil on the:

wheu'tlioy nrlitii.

It Is Intiirendilg to imint out, however, that the

Idaho I'alh PrineilNionnl IlasBhall club,.whluh

nlwayn |wn a rurnplement ot Negroes nnd Puerto

Kli-aiiH im It, nlwnyfl llndn warniheiirted 'iii cepl-

nni^o. Neiiroi^s have not linind nny problems in

lining. housed or fed or being received wheruvoi

they go,

It Huonia In bnscbnll, the only real question In

—"how do ytiu hnt and flpld?" It makes no dlt-

fiiri-ni'o wlmi thn rolor, but lliey had better hat

-ivIILhu ylBlU'il uti iillfllioii;:'»[nim'fl juid-vut'iif,

Iddliu I'aili i'oit-ltegUlar.

Helping Harvest StrawBert'ies

A single Incident reveals Lyn-

don .Johris(itrfl"polWcol"charac-

tejc as sharply as any I can call

To'mind. It hariust happened,

hiif ^* wgj .burlrd_undec— the


Jbhnion stump-

inp in As ia. '


son left Wash-

ington,' and whlje

m 6 9 1 .reporters

were -ybusy re-

rnr^lnff thi' rnT-



4>ofc-Shot9> -^'^ — — ^

Can this^be topped? IJtilled

a^doe (deer) at 6:45 p.m. Octr

24 on- Rock Creek below-the ski

lift, Jusi three mlputcs before


Hilfeliunt. ^' ■

■ D.. W. Everett


FirsCNeiy Deal— now completed

—I often~"had— the--feej]ng of

cutting a way through a thickctr

of memories- peopled by near-

' ^ntghosts. But what I

to question your InteErity, but

from one hour -after- -sunset to'

"nnQ l>Pforp-<innrliP -Thft his^wn^th-^rf^tfiefr

duck hunting rcgulaUonf specify 1

jun5eLjia-Qct^4-came . .nt-5i4L

p.m. If ihat's the ofticial time

of sunset. Pot Shqte 'would .sug-

gest you shot your deer .four

minutes later than you' should

havcUIowcvcr^don^t^ta ko^t-oh

tho Jprnl ,Wc-don*t think* any-

■'one' J going tq arrest you:


.renfltlo ' Australian Shepherd

pup 3'. or 4' months old; phone

733-30M. ...

Two fcrfialo pups 3^ months old

re the offspring ot a small

black and- whito-moihcr and a

father . that-'.s o.cro3,i of Sam-


phono -733-7085.


. , When I get up oij n cold

mofphg 1 sometImcs,/ylnh I

were fair- <-rj-t -.i ji.i_j

had flow



Opinions on

World News

.„ _ ley RAYMOND lyibtEY— ^

■In writing a history- of IhoTJiTr. RooseveU~SOUghr,~by the"



velt finished his inaugural ad<


N. Garner, who had just taken .

A , great .an d awesome stiU -

ncss prevallea In a siricKen.and,

appointment, of Virginia's -al-

rei^y aging Sen. Claude Swan-

son a"s~secrctary-oflthe~Navy,

to achieve Iwo things. 'UHe was

to permit Key Pittma n,. a stal-




zledazzic of that


event, a simple',

baTG'iy notice- tiBmr Goldinier

able'- announcement. was put up

on the bulletin board of the

While House Pressroom, It said:

"President Johnson has sus-

tained Gov, Manuel F, L, Guer-

rero In disapproval of Guam

Legislature bill number 279 . : .'*'

What did Hr' mean?. Plenty.

Bill 279' States that "no person

shall be denied the opportunity

to obtain or retains'employment

because of norf-membershlp in

a labor organization." In short,

a . rlght-tn-wnrk l aw. It had beer

Eassed by IheJeg^Lslature, vetoed

y the governor and then passed

again over' the governor's veto

by more than-two-tSifdsTSr^he

TTcmbers'Df (ho Guam Legisla-

lurc. "

The bill represented, beyond

a sh'ado'w^o'f a doubt." the" over-

whelming- will- ot- the people of

Guam. But by a quirk of the

-law-establishing Gtiam-as a self-

goycrning territory of the.United

-Sintea;ithp: ■ Pre.sfderi 't is piven

' the authority to sustain or ove.r-

rule such legislative .action.

Look what, this single action

says about Lyndon Johnsoij,'

First, there is the heavy-mind-

ed manner In which he au'ppres-


people of Guam. - ' -

The'veto had been-on-Hs-desk

since last July. He .could have

a£i£d,'-in^ug03t,dr_ Scpte[pt>er.

Or tany tim'e" In October. But ha

waited until the last minute, un-

til he was as fully protected as ■

possible by the overwhelming

activity-0f,hl3. Asian junkct..u.,_

Thgr c. for' cvp rvone-.'whD caret "

lo ro61("; Is'Mr.TOhnson thc'ma's-

ter po litical manipulator. .

" " Xookmg at ini; contcnLo tTiU

action you sec him as a poljtlcal .

autocrat ^^llh his kingly dlsrc-

gard for thc\will'Of the" pco'plo

and. his lordly insistence on hav-

liiit hlii,.vvav. alwavJ and In every


On, the one hand he says he " -

favors increased selt-determlna-

Uqri for alt U.S. • possessions,

making him popular In tho.sc

territories. On the other hand;

knowing, there arc more volej,^

controlled by labor than there

are In. the terrltoribS[ hc.ljnji,

vowed to these . ,laboVri?a4crSj, .

that he will destroy' the 13 stale

laws which [lermit people to

work whethcr or not they pro

members of unions.

Tfie mere taa that the people

of Guam' wanted such a law.

could scarcely bother Lyndon'


regarding freedom in the terri-

tories give' his conscience so

much as a twinge when com-

parcd-to— his overridhig- drive ,

for political ■ power.

ThMS, down lUo^dralti gl the ■:

people of Guam and ItlLiIhe , fine

word-s - about -freedom^- Rolltlcal

independence and--sel/-deierm('-

natlon. And up on the. While •

House bulletin board goes-Lyn-

don Johnson's casual, backhand-,

ed slap-at-all-the' fine-words of -

TrSFdom-whlch-mariftd-his-lri — —

umphal tour through Asia wherd

he preached mightily of the vir-

tues' of self-determination.'.. ■ ,

, Self-deterinlnallon, with his. '

pcimissipn, of course. Freedom,

Sojong-as it^doesn't.disturb hii

p]M57H3W'If0HI!?WIs'intist'scc"m ■

to-the-men-wlto-fly-thc -B.52s- '.

based in..Guam to bomb Viet



CAP Religion Writer) , ;

stands;6ut clearly, from .allJhs,^j,rt:Bupporler, to move up- to

rest of those days. For I saw . , ., ,

■• - ■■ ■■ ■ the chairmanship Di the Foreign

■-_NEW_YORK ■ (AP) — "The'

reformed cliurch Is-always re-


This was tho motto ot the 15th

century -Protestant Reforma-

ReIatiDn5-Cominitteer"Thc=oritcr <lotn-and-B»-churches-^arked ■ v ar ied " ti ppo r tUn ltlel

was to place the custody of his

beloved' Navy_,witFa "completely

its 4-19th anniversary this week-

'imfl,"-'K''n' wprf iUffprjng-^ntH.

frightened country. Thice years

of depression had cul'minate'd in

tho closing of the baftks. And

tho business before Coiigreis In


date. the-Prcsldcnl's order clos-

Jog the banks and to'priivlde

' TElHhe banks' reopening. It was


opening, of Congross.jiOi signifi-


A- minor Incident fs memo-

rable. For , on that .day, after

the vice president called the.

Senate to order, the venorahlc

Rcntleman from' Virginia, Carter'

Gl niMf-rose~<ront— li Is— «wU— ain"


perhaps had:* Mr.. .RoostveU

known thurhls declslOrTwtfuKl

tUdes,- as to.' jj^jst^^what _tfiey

^hoUl?be- d t? iug ab o ut - it - unv rr-


ICQ , in Uio Senate a man_wb'o

over tho years \l'ould, always

, , with discECtion and courtesy.

Ine ss befo re Congress In oppose his favorite poUdes,-hc

!trto-cDiiTc;ivns^o-vaii-|^^gl,t havi;' h-csinErca-iircreni'ff

the Vacancy fffliii Virginia. iFor

the new schaior 'proved himself

as the years passed a resolute

warrior -for- fiscal respgnsibiliiy

and a valiant opponent of grow-

ing federal" po\vcr.

Tho strength nnd Influence of

Byrd grew until, as. chairman

of the-powertui Senate. Finance

CommlttcOj-he was the lending

American expoiicfit of .fiouni

<lifentrTcltcy=anri-Tir-tlie - cqtr'

,K(ittit|i)i)al bnlnniio ot powers

between states and Hib federal,





- _ -, -iront— liL

otfered "tho cfcdentlnli

admitted to membcrBhl[Mll'*lW

Senate, ajnan -Who''Tn|nR6.1filBht

havo been Ma soii;


wnjllarry I'lood Dyrd. Tho np-

poimilTtinNwt.. the junior senator

ily .VlrBlnih'.H governor cumc. In-

terestingly enouRh, because of

a decision by Mr. Hoosovcll,

HIANGKOK, 'ihallaiut (AP) -

President JohUMin's vhit dniir

all/.es Thallalid'a grim riic

auainNt lime. '

Thnllnml and' the Unite

States together are trying to

moko niuKlinum mo of what

thiio.tliey Htlll.hnvu liflnsulato

this ' country 'of 31). million

against n threat lit Cnmniunlsi

"pcople{^M war," while ihu pro-

cess of nntlon-hulldlng goe.i for-


llie throat of "|ienplti'[i war"

nceinn real unounh, H Is the an-

nounced' Intention of Iti-d Chlnii

to support one In the hlyle ot

Viet Num. A Thnl-liingiMini!

Cotnmiinl'it hnnidninl hint

nuinlh called Viet Nam "n nhln-

lug exanipio for uie."

\<iiw In Bangkok, :doubt the

Ihrent In, tlwi liwimvevlMwd

northiinsi, ''noting a nhiirp rhii

tills year In gticrrlllii iicllvliy. In

lllOd there has been an aveiii||e

of Ifl or moru '. n.HfNisHliiiilliinH

each monlli an -thn Coiiinuiiilnh

try to got control nf nn area,

liowover nmiill, that could he

the nucleus ot a "llberattd


Military ' men say gunrrllla

attacks nro. better orjianl/cd

thcno days, riuurrlllas In , Ihn

iiorlheasi oiierato In hands of up

to no, ihany are propaganda

tcnrnN wlilcli riwoop Into vll-

lagei, lerluro peannnli and In-

tlmlitatp or punish ofllclah. Thti

technlcjuo Is remlnlscrnl of, the

Viet Cong III the liilo IMOn,

Tho HOVernHient ' h trying to

f^sliilillfiti llnlth bi'lweirn villages

And Utkngktih, F.tiHntimlf- m\\\

initial iueaaui:ca-hclpj>u_cfluit

to uulld aiji Allan domucrau^,

thP MTt which hcalns-at villaac


'I'lu-re 1.1 often more democra-

cy ut that lovcl than nt thu na-

tional one, whern a rather licne-

volent ' military dlointornhlp

pi-oml!!^s a conMltulItin and rep-

resentativo . i|ovarnmcnt ' but ii|-

varlahly iiislNts that, the" Ihreat

to thu nation makes tho time


Alieinpts are made' to betl<

luiMi 1— RovommftntiTr— Tft hw— Ji

■RiwommMitfTT— « mt»-

comen, Incrcnso authority

liiral li-ailern. 'riiiims of Thiil

li^chnli'lnns fan nut over a'*'WldR

area tor training programs .i'i|-l<

glniilinl- by tho -Thiih them-

srlveit, Thill money for tho pro'

(trams f(iniils a U.R, coiitrlbu'

lion, AnierlcHiis nnd Thali re-

imrt H iiilnlnuim'of itorniptlon In

lliunti itrtnui»»«; 'wlh M\n\\\

thero Ik mimu,

Maiiy juenN'futil the Impili

an expldslvit m;oniinijc itevcUm-

mi'nt radlnllng fro'in llanglioK.

Kven the porllinast, though It

riMiialnn i|i;f(poralely ptwr, tetU

nlimp of thin,

Thah ~ and. Americans

ilnny Hint ll,.S, npeiiding by llself

generated tho. pionpenty, l^cii-

noinli;''ald has bet-n ntlatlvuly

lil(Kl(;nt 1)1 rolatlon (o a gross

national prottuct clnia to U bll-

lUni, (iraniN ,lii 111(14, mostly In

techulcnl niil, were down to SI3

mllllim, 'Mm -ItXIII tlgurn of S<13

million rolluctn loncorii over (lie

northeiirit. ,

'Iho i;.K. milltarytproflrani —

construction of bases anil con-

contrnlloii of 37,l)0fl .froopi In

tlilft CHimwy — linn \it\in luTHtiy

ponllncd^tii- lliu uiulerdQucl()|)cd


I'phangc," some ^ urge,

othars-ineletr-^re serve.'.'

Thft'Rev, Dr. Charles's.- An-

derson, a church nlstorian -of

Luther Theological Seminary,

St Paiil, Minn., says these two

directly-Opposing views are at

work ainong ' contemporary

Christians, bblh Protestants -and

Romaii Catholics.

' Some Christians, he. jays,

maintain tha'r^they~have7"the

truth and tlie^ correct interprqfi-

tion 'of It, and "what we need,

therefore, Is not reform but a

return to thg solid bedrock upon

which our fathers stood," ,

Others maintain that the

church "must always be InJhe

' Moreover, Sen. Byrd nt-ull

timM -stood -■ (or- - nomething

grcaior than himself. Ho repre-

sented nll'thi; fine IraditiunS so

cherished by the groat state of

Virginia, lip maintained organ=^

ized political authority In his

sliite, and thnuii'iriil.'i liifluentio

tliai'stnte met il,H problems of

growth with enlightened resimn-

slbillly. In a nalioii In which so

many stales have become mere

flefdpmn of a federal bureau-

cracy, Virginia maintained llf-

Bovorelgnty arid its cnpnclty to

speak for Itself.

Back in ID41 Sen, flyrj, deep-

ly concerned about the growth

of bureaucracy and nf lijiprov-

Ident spending, secured tho cre-

ation of the Joint Committee On

Rc<luctlon of Non - Esnonllnl

Federal Hxpondllures, of which

ho was chairman.' It was a trib-

ute to iho confidc'nco in Him in

(ho .Senate that twice when Re-

nnbllcans controlled tho' Sonnt?

Iio was retained In that chair-

manship, r«10nth after month his

committee provided Mho recont

.aUlftjQftf' '


ilwr of federal employes,

TJio (radltlnns which Byrd

representee^ wore Wllsonlnn. But

far back before President Wll-

wni— and even beyond the Con-

feiftl racy— the roots were In .the

prhn^lples for which groat Vli

ulnlann fought betofe' the Itcvi

lullon. 'Wtio[iViir. vlHtiB willlamS'

liurg nnd Is moved hy the re-

inliulorH. there ot Wylho, Wash-

InRtnn, Jetferson, Madlntin, Mon-

rot) iiml (icorfiD Mawul slioiihl

remind hhiiHelf lhat nearly two

ooiitiirlei |Btor Harry Byrd sttrnd

firmly fo^f^r) fnlth of those men.

Ills memory In witll tliuni li\ a

groat tradlth

If wo took for im explanation

ot Byrd'n Inntlng Influciirn wo

muni find the nnnwer In' hln

uhnracter, In 'a tributd to nyrd,

this wnn said; . ' |f

"Insiiei nro eternally dnbat-

nlilo; but character Is not. Har-

ry Byrd syinlmlltes a vanlMt-

Ing or* nf public mon who niood

In t|i{i end. In nWarencns that

lliejr true nnd iillliiinie rcnpon'

nlbUlty^ was to cotinl ry


' 'If congregations are stailc

and.']mm()blle In spiritual life or

IftToutwanl service to mankind,

the cliurch' wllhbe-lrrelcvant,:itp~

ttris' Urban-oriented culture and

unable to .grasp i{s many and

Dr. Ande^son^ fai a new book. ■


Now," -Issued by American Lu-^

uieran . Augsburg ' PublishiiiK

House, says there tstlll "is mum

derstandlng Christian, truth and

about'''mcans of conveying It'

He says that Roman Cattioll-

cism has b^pome J'willlrfg to

llgtcn_nnd learn" f riam oth e rs. ,

'prfVCOflfRif-rotorin "iitn-chiinging ond-^mall:

ndTis-a-ro3ult-is-':'moving4nto7:r— :

(lie. modern^ world:"-TWsr-ho^"

says, should 'Molt Protestants

loose from their -concrete tics

to_tha,pasL^^- ■ ' .■

They dlso "jnust listen' and

learn'' from othcrs^t^ Jia adds, ■ ~''

The Reformation, In which-

many Christians broke from

the Roman' Catholic church, re-

,iultcd In more than 250 Prot-,

cstant denominations, large


Thin doesn't mean ajloring

the "basic incs^tge," hO adds,

hut rcncwln'g.aJJdyj]amlQ_rela'

tlonship" -ot Christ, and people

Iri'the VrcsenC flfio, ~~

Ai pari of the, ob-servance, ot

Reformation, Sunday" this

weekend," the' Lutheran Church

Tn-America Issued a manifesto'

to bo read In each of lts-fl.2ia


Ihere Is. -danger Ihnt our

con'grcgoilons njny linvc ■ lost

touch Willi, [bo central dynamics

gfWr society," the document


. ||;a:r\i.rj:ri-r!vr,-r.vi'y:;«ixr:i ,

Capital 'Quotes

. c,'c;iwni.w..u.-f-':r.';r,'::-,'Oi"tj

By Tho Ansoclatcd Press

"Our morality does nut per-

mit us to punish for lllnejis. We

do not impose punishment for

Involuntary conduct, whether

tho lack ot volition ronults from

'Insanity,' addiction to 1

tics, or. from otlior lllnci .

Justice Al]D,J^riaN,t, dissenting

from Ihd .Supremo Court's rofiia-'

al (6 hoar n caso olmed at ond-


alcoholism nn n crlmg rntli

than a dlneasol

'Wlioro nctTcsshry.'wo shall

defend freedom; whora posslblo,-

Wo nhnll work with the Efint to

build a liiNtln|! peace," — I'renl-

ilen^ Johnsnn. In a foreign policy

niwecli nn Europe before tliu Na-

tfniinli Confrronco • of -I^illiorlnl

Writers, ■

"I assume jhln Is nn cxeci

live funcllon only, I <liin't (lee

why wu In thn litglnl^ilve branch

should ex|)ect to go along." —

Son. fleorflo D, Aiken, R-Vt. In

OKi)lahil|iH why luj did n»t ijilnk

Jolinson will or nliould talie u

congresNlonal delegation with

him to tho Manila cnnforcnco

Viet Nam.

"The i(Ib*t' dospleablo nnd

loothnnma' nractlco Involvoa

ninll order nouses who repnrlrd-

Most Protestants, hnwoyor,

are members-- of the m a i n

branches of tho Rcformalim—

Loherans, Presbyterians, Epls-


tlonallsts? 'Othcr"large"ci)nmiu-;' '

nions,- MelhodLs'ls and Disciples

(Christians), arose afterward. ■ — ■

All of them espoused the main

tenets of iKo Reformation,

which was touched off when Ihn- -

Gcrinnn ' Catholic theologian,

Martin Luther, on Oct. 31, Unit

posed his 05. theses for 'debate.

"Tlio church had not acted

officially on the points In quen-

ilqn and. HO they \Vcro open to

debate," Dr. Anderson polnLs'

out. But the list was reprlnlrd.

circulated, and stirred a the-

ological storm that shook hlv


Among the Reformation prln-

^ Clplcn;

'■■itltlcatlon by. faith alone.*

ItrriNr tiicniiit IhnI iiinn'4'-

Thls phrase means that man's \

inner character In.jtiUJltyf -ond

(bat ho. cannot Jusilly'- hlii sal-

vation — acceptance by (ioti— '

tbrouflh his own works, hut only

by trust In God's grace— loving

forglvcncsn. , ''

Novertliolcni, Luther '^mphn-

Hlicd '^orkn, tog, An l)0 put l(>

"Qood works , do nnt iii ahe fl'

gomi "w^rh

■Only the Scriptures,' This

was the RotormalTDn teaching

that tho Bible alono was tho '

controlling rilln of belief and ac-

tion, taking prece'tlniicn over rt'-

deslantlrnl luailcr.1, trailltluiis

or coiini'lls,

—Tlio prleiiltuKHl ot all Imllnv-

ers. Vhln is tho view ihpl t^hrls-

thin la^'men, nn well as ordalnrd

clergy, am oblliiaicd tn mlnlnier

U) jitfiers and obki another.' Siild

l.uther;. "'Ihoso whom wo call.

frlestn ,nrfi minfnlurs "selected

rom our.'fnKlBt l;),nct In our

name, nnd .their- pt|e'''liP"d Is-

our ministry." ' \

' Numoroiis, other concepts ilnd

nppmaches— o b a « r v I n g . tho ,

Uiril's iiupper both wlUi bread,

and wine, popular .distribution'

nf thn Bllitft, worship In vornac-

liliir langungen — also

ly employ. cNtremcly deceptive ntlmuhited by the Retorniatlon,

technhiuei to riell liiniiranco to

parents or other rclntlonti of

recently drafted military per-

sonnel."— .Son. Warren 0, Mng-

nusnn, D-Wnnh., chairman of

It "unleashed nplrltunl force

and jirllK^lplon" nUjl >to bo

worked out oven hi rrnleslanl-

ism. nays the itcv, Or, F.rlrh

|E1. llnlnt/.oii. 6f the., I.iithuraii

tho .Senate Commerco Commit- Church - Mln:i^)url Synod's

itet!i, cnllinn lor linll ot corlalnpiprlniiliold iiemln»ry. And It "Is*

l!l!Li<l|iiracllca-.bii_somo-^mnll.orUcriatlml(t£dlv.Billl,Bpcal(lng a word _

Jliuuranca companies, . |to Uonio." |.

C ofC Aides

E^e Office


RUPERT— Of riclals of the'Ru-

pc'rt' and Hcybum Chamber of

.-■Ccmimcrc(!"stated Friday that

^tho y-4irc- not-IntcresLcd_ln_:thC

^political aspects lot ;the Blle^a-

tions made by' Fred Garrett. dl-

^loymcntr— regarding -conBoliua-

tion of the Burlcy nnd Rupefl

Department of Employment ' of-

ficos„' Th"cy '.saW'tlicy do wflril ST

to Bet the 'irccord straight on

— Ihcs


Chamber officials said they

took exception on Garret's 'stale-

' mentr "That full informiitlon

concerning' the plans for con-

structing a consolidated office,

the selection of the site aTtd'all

. oth^r rtatlcrs concerning the of-

lice have freely been, given lo

the Chamber of Commerce.". '

On. Janj_21,' 1965, GarrClt JJ^

pcare'd at a'Tcgurar'meetiiTp-o^

the Rupert Chamber ^.-Com-

merce after Havlhg 'Jii

auestcd. At that time he said

tnat the Federal government

was requesting that the Rupert

aiid Burley offices of the depart-

' ment be con solidated and that

it Rupert "did not approve, fiiere

would probably not be a budget

. lor- the- RXipert office. On Feb:

, 4. 1965.- the- directors of .the Ru-

pert Chamber of Commerce yot-

. ed tO'Cpoperafe in~(he proposed

consolidation with the proposed

location 6f the office to be on

Highway 24 between Rupert and

,. Burley. . '

Cooperation was offered In

finding a location In this arda.

_,NothiBg-jnorc_.waSi.heard until

'a letter w as-SCnt-to-GaFrctt-aia

May 5.-1965,-and on f^ay 7.1B6S,

the following Information was

received by the Rupert Cham,-

' .ber of Commerce: "No definite

progress has , been made ■ with

respect to the relocation of the

— Rupert. aad-Buriey^ififlces^We.

Tia ve h oweve r. h ag some discu s-

sions ^Ilh the representatives of

the U. S. Department of Labor.

~qnd^"they-ha vr!ro C|nratffer.cool

— lo-aHocallon on hIghway-24,'' fn

tho vicinity of ".the Interstate

. Junction, although this has not

■ reached a point of final decision,

No final ^committment will be

— madejioweverj without further

• discussloii^nd^a full explana-

tion of all possibilitles^in-tije

-lhnt-JHipmv!il -ffiW^nf h--

— obtnirfed-on-the-origlnal-slte-i

It was discussed."

No further rnformatton was re-


White Ci-o>vd


move to keep more pUois nnd

other-officeri available for duty

In Viet Nam and elsewhere, the

Alr-Force-annouijccd -Sotu Way

a' "?harp" curtailment-, o^* atl-

vanc M .training for officers .

-.Officials sald,Jhc move ^.

line with an Air Force program

aimed at gettlnR more fliers !},nd

other needed oliicers out of desk

Jobs anti into combat.

MANGLED-IUGJniDGET wblcb'Carrled a 24-ycar-old Burley I scnger,. Rocky Mortcnscn, . IS^^W^ Injured- In the collision,

man to his death' Frlday.nlght lfe,s,ln the' roadway neat- Kin^ The car struck a truck on a curvo: north' at Kimberly on High-

berly.— Kllled-was'-Gl8nn-Hlah,-drlv<f-jfJhe-vchtcle^Hliupag^|-Way-3(L^ — : '- - _L.l! - -

ceivcd by- the Chambers of Com- ■

mcrcd. Jan. 20. ■ 19E6, an an-|'

nounccment appeared In the

county liaper that the land had

been' purchased. The deed was

ligncd on Dec. 31, ISG5_and filed

m Jon. t.7j^ l|l||p

The director o^'the department

of Employment stated in the

foregoing letter that-tho-U.-S,

Eteparlment of Labor_was "rath-

rnnl" In the locntlon s on

Highway 2-1, however, a letteF

from Samuel Mcrrick_, Special

Assistant for Legislative Affairs

of.'the U. S. Department of La-

bor dated- Aorir 28,- 19E6, stated,''

"In April. J965, the Idaho Agc;icy

■It-is-located adjacent to a new

shopping center . and other com-

mercial businesses. It has -100

foot frontage - oii We s t Fifth

Street North, which is a county

road that carries cons iderable

tfafficTlfls also located"wIthin

9 blfltk_ot Highway ?7..For-thc

above reasons ■ we concurred

ffiblt^thcJdaho Agency'^ choice

of localjon Jor the cew- Burley,

Rupcrfolflce:" ~


bine the local offic- ' Rupert

and^Burlcy ,*^vhiclr .■ ,■ ■ onfy - sue

miles apart, and lo construct a

hewTorrice building ih'3ur)6y^(>

housp a single office -to-Ecrve

the total area. The original site

for the new office mentioned^ In

Dclmar Hollinger's telegram

was not obtained because of a

misunderstanding as to the size

of the lot. Susequently li larger

,sltc in the same ciltf^WocirwaB


From- the infprmation-submit-

ted ' by the Idaho Agency, the

present site seems satisfactory.

rHimibxr^f f lcIatrK!ive~fa lied

to find the adjacent -shopping

center or plans fgr'such a de-

velopment and we cannot recon-

cile Highway 24 as being in the

same , City block with the loca-


At a 'rnccting with - GnYrctt

May" 27.""13CB,-~atie"ndfd ~by

County (iommis sion& fs. City of

RupcrfXpuncir'-Tnemfaors, - ■ afid

the Rupert and Heybum Cham-

bers of Commerce, Garrett stat-

ed he' would take full responsi-

bility for the site location.

Both the Heyburn and Rupert

Chambors of Commerce approv-'

ed the consolidation 6t .the ■ of-

fices -and several pieces of land

wqrc offered In the townsite of

the laJipri crtmpSiiiALJhis'raeet-

ing'TJarrctt-was apkcd how, non-

agriculture placements in.Mint-

doka county, south of the inter-

state'- high mv ca n be, credited

^ -„.^-iO.Y can I

ta the. . Burley o lilce.

Officials -of the HeybL...

Rupert_Chamb'(!Vs .of-Com'merte

stated that the location of'the

Departmcnt-of— Employment of-

fice Is Inaccessible and^.-unde-

sirablCi that the price paid for

the*' land and the buildings is

exorbitant and we plan to coq'

tintte all efforts to get a Labor

lacement office in Rupert or

tlt_lllorgij^ptr!my-iocatC5J area.

Heybutiuindlalong.the. fourJan(_

highway, between Rupert and




During the meeting on MayJ A • '

27^1966, Garrett gave a-copy o(,-i\OnHC

the statistical- summary of both] .M ■ , -™ . .

Rupert" and Burley- offices and -/^i- --.^>£»TP-T--

it is on file In the Rupert Cham- JUmUHCU. 1»

b er o f Commerce office. It

showed that irTlSSSTlupert had

24,398 _A'griculturfi- placements

and durley 3.872. Rupert^ had 517

non-ag placemeatST and' Burley

3^72_..._: ^. . .

~ At that' time Qa'rrett did. not

wcmloir-anythttiB~nbour— ABr^

cultural placements made by



BOISE — Formation of an ag-

ricultural advisory councll^to

seek solutions toTdaho farmers'

iroblems-was propose d Friday l

ly State Sen. Don Samuels^n,

Republican candidate for gov^


Speaking at a_meeting of (ht

Boise Exchange Club," Samuel*

son said, "I believe' such a coun-

cil, composed of live -working


most helpful to the' agricultural

industry^iwhlcli'lsTlje^iatgfisr in-"

dustry In Idaho.

'Saittuelson said, '"The fanner

too long has been thd sCSpfr-

goat lor the federal govem-

itient. He_ .needs help. I believe

a council such,'as I propose will

be a rfieans for the state to'help

our agriculturists protect' iheir

interests " ' ' ' • . '

S amu elson said th'e^agrlcultur-

al-eouncil, could seek advlcernnd

counscr'^rom . other agencies.

The Air Force.ial though meet-

ing its requimnpnts m Vict

Nam. Is .known. to'havjisBjiou;

shortages of pilots" cliowhcre.

■MSfFTMnTiOTT-nfficcrartii- - -

been ordered out of "desk joSs

nnd Into cockpits In the ' pttst


The advance d-tralHinL

schools, which are musis for

career .officers seckiRg ad-

voncement, still ''will* j>raduate

more thaji 1^000. men a' yonr;

ofticlals - taidlTUut^hoir - enroll-

mcnLi.wfll be chopped like this:

--ThCTjTTinnth-squadi d ii u ffr

lege tor- lieutenant colonels,

from 500 lo 150 next July. .

'-AH the schools ^perate at

Maxwell Air Force Baso, Mont-

gomery. Ala:, and together_

make tfp >vhat Is called, the Air'

University:". , ^ '

such as the State WatCr Ue-

sources Board and the Univer-

sity' of ldaho extension service.

■ "Also,"' Samifelson said, "The

counoll-woutd wotk wlth^arm-i

organizations to formulate

firograms which would be-help^

ul.to those who work.the lands.'.',

'One of th'e'alms of tlic coun-

....r ^Sam ueison said, "should

be the removal of the "unrealis-

tic limitation of 160 jicres placed

on desert„land entries, -It also

^ould woj-k towards placing

more land under Irrigation."

Samuelson said, "Farmers

have been mistreated by' the

LBJ Administration." and the

time has coi^jvior the "slate" to

help its own:

--"'It musbnot-ha-forgoUeri-that

directly oV liidirectly, farming

In jdaltoHs "respon'sfble for -75

per cent of, all cash' transactions,

Wc.must do aH'fte can lo as-

sure lhat the farmer -recolves a

biggcr-^are of .the consumer

dollar." ' .

cou'rsc' for lleulcnnnts and

vounger captains, from 750 'to

225.Jn January. - ■

~,The 9-mbnth air command

and s(nff. college for senior cntv

Sunday, Ocf,130^ 1966 -•

Twin Fa|lr-Tirnes-Nowj; , , .Q*.



Dopartmcnts' ol ' '■ Labor an3

Henllb; Education, and 'Welfare

announced approval Saturday of ■

a project to train 15 persons nt

Caldwell, Idaho. The federal

t. ..,111 ^•»n.rihnti' rii'.

tains and majors, fropi'220 lo 06 777; (jnd the state ,will provide

in July."" ■■' - . »;000-. • . ' •




_Wno_evar haar.d^

of snowjand



733.3VS9 :


r;»-Homes ■

• Wbrehouses

, gest.qOr.an'ts ■; -'' ^

•"Commercial ^buildingsi.




Your Mouse and Pesf Problems'


"•"Guaranteed l estrlts-r

•(World's largest pest

control company

Free -Termits Inspection-

. Call G. W. WARNER, your

TERMINIX representative

f33-2943^ -

'*-.'*-7jk. * ★ ★ .;★ . ★ ★ ★ ★ •★ * ★ ★ ★ ★.. ★ ★ T*n . ★ ★

This Ad Sponsored ByTwjn Falls Business Men and Others

Who Do YOU-Wm* to Wettck You

Tax Dollars , . . ^^^^


„_^_™-.^,-^-~0»— — — _____

^ . v BIG DON?




Keep Feeding Them . . . They Get Hungrier. The Big Spenders Jhirilt They Know

How to Spend Your Money Better Than'' You Do! • .

' " ■ ■ , • . ■( " ■ . ■ • '








•"-K "-^'*gig Qon" aomuelson !■ tho Qniy fcondldate for Qbvornor Thipklna and F'lahtlng for thtj hofaottaii Mah " '.' . tha Idaho 'laxpoyc t^. '' t J lg Udn " ifl^fl lao 'o tma y ' toi^a v g ■on 'V tim-'9ttf>r-(^ — ^

.nnd pQO LllW. o^ IntoKrlly and Sincerity). "Big Don" la More Than a Match tor tho'BIg Spohdoral 1






The REPUBLICAN Candidate!

■yt This 'Ad' Sponsofed. By Twin Falls""Busine^s Men and Others' ■

Who Will Vote For'^gles Tax and Don' Samuelson ' ^'

★ ★ ' -k -k iey;4e-' ic -k -k ★ ★ " ★-i*r ★' k A-

P;iltl P06 /\tlv. I>y T. P. Co. Ropubllcan ' ..,

Coiilrot, Comm,, C. Lunto,' Ctim. ■ )^ .

-A — A— A — A— A—A- ★ ★

I^::: Sunday^_OcL;30.;1966 !

- 6 Twin. Falls TlmOt-New»

Claiins Lite of

Dr.Too^soh ^

. DURtEY — Dr. GtforeC H.


•■^IcY^SnliSfttTTciI SiilurtiavTllorn-

' ; at CaawtTMcmorlgt-Ho'spt-


taV ol Q long Illness,

: He) was bom Sept. 14, 1888,

Irt'Rlchmondrlitah.-He was ed-

ucjned In the Smithfidd. Utah,

public s c b 0 o Is. and ottcndcd

Brigham Young University In

-togai " ' -


BOISE -(AP) — ■ Stocks . ol

wheat on tofrms and In commcr-

ciiil stOrano in Idaho Oct l_wiis

37,505,000 busheli — down 20 per

cent from the dafc a year a£a,

iho * U. S. /tfiricplture Depart-

hicnt said today. '

Tlio department's crop report

inn service for Idaho said M per.

Cent-— ""fl,^'iO,000"lnisIit!tS~=^r

t he whe at on ha nd thiy year wds

Dcpree at , Loyola University,

Chicago. Following his gradua-

tion, he pracHced in ChicaRo and

ijiRan before moving to Oakley

■■ InlOH. ■

. : He moved- to Burler .ln; 191.6

and practiced there until his ro-

tircment In lOGI. .

■■ He married Ella Matthews

1^1^ E.eb. '24.. 1920. 'In the Salt Lake


, '■ .- ,He was a veteran o( World

War T, a' member of the Ameri-

can l^egioD? Rdtary Intcrnation-

■al and the Biirlcy Elks Lodgc-

- .-Ho ..^has served as n ■member

ol the Durley City'CouhcII and

was a high priest In tiio LDS

Churcli. ■ ■

Survivors include hia widow,

• :^Jurlcv;- four sons, Tom M. Tool-

—Lii oq_^ma3_Ka^.l'Georce JE^

Toolson, Garden Grove," CaliQ

WJiliam E. Toolson; Chicago,

' and James R. Toolson^ San

Dicgor'Callf:; " one"-daugIitHr,

Mrs. Rulon (Margaret) Garden,-

■cr, Bwieman,!Mont.: four brojh-

■ ers.- Dr.- J. G. Toolson,--Twin

Falls ;:K crna|-B.-ToQ|5Qn,- S mith-

■ -field; Stlltman~Toolson, Sacra-'

mcrilO; Calif., and Grant Tool-

Jrom NorljrTailHtur"



Soli and water conservation dls-

trict supervisors from all 54 Ida-

.rf) . lMipci;li:^ '

Lavcrn T, Smith, _^erome, and

23 grandchildren, -

Puhcral seiVices will be con-

ducted, at 1 p'.m. Tuesday in the

BurlgjLEIrst Ward LDS Chapel

— '-^tth Biship Ralph Rasmussen


—bc-ia^tliOiBloastiat View Ccmo-

' "tcry.; Friends, may calL aL the

"Payne. Mortdary Moritfai' after-

noori and evening and'Tuesday

until .tlmp^f scrvlccj.

Ti6' aistni

Caldwell Nov. 10-18 for their an-

nual convention.


BOISE (AP) — The U.S. For-

Mt-ServiceisnsklnB- land

drawal for ZO.ciimp grounds and

historical sites In the Clearwa-

ter National Forest In "North"I(la-

ho, the "U. S. Bureau-of-'Land

Management, said today, , '

Several largo campgrounds

rc proposed Including On>

grando and Tom' Deal Park de-

velopment, said .Ofval Hadley,

manager of the BLM officcin

Boise. --5

A. SmoklKg Place Historical

Site and -Lolo Pass Jnformalion

site also arc ptoposed for de-

velopmcnt. Hadley said.


BOISE (API - City del

cry. Service of BoLse has been

authorized iq mcrcasc rates by

10 cents on shipments U((dcr len

0und.s'to Xs.xi on shmAicnis of

,000 pounds, the' Idano Public

Utilities Commission announced

today, . .

The commission said the sei

vicmcsrtricd~it~hnfl~not— poised

rates Binca IfliS-whilo-oporai

casts went up 'substantialtyr


^IDAHOt FAU^ctAP) - The

recDrd-"lC3-day conSlnicHon shut-

down- at i.the Nad'onat-- Reactor

Testing Station- took a signifi-

cant turn Saturday *as union of-

ficlals confir med that-union a nd


BOISE (AP) - The Federal

Housing Adminisiraiion said

Friday It has rcjccicd bids for

th e ■ iJUic"ha3 e-T uf— t lig . ■ iOO - unH

Boise Hills Village-Apartment

project . ' ■

.. The FHA obtaiwd the hous-

ing project.' on the jioriheri]

edge of. Boise through A moii-

gngq foreclosure. A spokesman

said the top-bld/of S225.111 was

only about half /the amouni the

FHA Invested in the pro-

jccL - .

• . 'loss NOTED


t6bcr frosts brought an csimfat-

ed loss to Upper bnakc River

Valley's' potato crop oi w

Hop, Davie Espim Biai;kfoot,

executive secretary of ihe Po-

rala Growers of Idaho Inc.. said


Esplln. who represent

of Idaho's- potato producers, said

tlie cold weaihor -damages var-

ied from 2 to 60 per cent. vtit>t}~%

(he average figured at 20-S5 pet

cent loss.

conlniciora ' Kad approved a ff

, nal proposal. ~ ,

ibnr-NampEii-^ne-elEter,— MrSr — A-sptacesmonJoc-theJoulhMst

Idaho puilding and Trades Coun-

cil, representatives for the sfcv-

en Crafts involved in the pro-

tracted dispute, said, the propos-

al was advanced by the unions

this week and was. accepted and

supported— by .- the— contractors.


prSmsal was' "declined ty union

aria contractor ' representative's

while it was under study by the

AEa ■

BOISI: (AP)^ov^6f»rf^

Smylie ■ aflnouhced " Friday his

reappolntmcnt-pLCarey- H ^ N lic -

on.— Boise, To i the Idaho Code

Commission. iTie appolnlineni

will be effective from Dec 1,

ms, to Dec-l, 19^.


Twill Ealls Civic Symphony

Opens 8^ Year mMv^

•^^^^ — TT tG T win F u li i ■ C j j 'l c ' Syi ii -


7,8-.p,m." Nov;:.22rnV0Leaty Juh-I

■.ior High School, auditoriumr^ -

■ D<^ ""Slaughter l^' conductor,

4nd. Barton Fnmk, cellist, Will

,be^ guest artist.

For tilt! past eight years.^eac

Tuesday evening has - found '

dedicated group of muslciai

ipr High Schools.

Ronald__Koroed, Inslruinental

music Instructor iri'the-Jcro'me

lubllc schools, plays claritict,

lis son Llai plays Frciich horn,

ai)d his daughter, Janet, oboe.'

Mrs. "Vernon Smith plays viola,

ondlicr son Briice, French horn.

As in former years, a cross

section of Magic Valley ia-rep-

Itlgerttiy ■ rehearslng-lirtiie mnsi r Csemed, w tir- p i avefa c oming'

-T»tnl*"nr Itio Twin Pnllo Hioh < ' t -_ . nfTi-i t^.-i__ f-i—*"

.- •ierwltie"or, the Twin Falls Hi_

. , School. All tirno and talent

:.r::^donated_by.; Uicsc-pcople,_wbo

, . pluy for the (heer-lovc of doing

■ It,- Slaughtar, pOlhls'out.

That it has bfeco'me a family


■by .the (act that there are two

' husband and wife teams among

th? members, a. father ■ whQse

— Bon 8nd-daughter-biith.play„iind

n , m other whpse son plays. '

"^TMrBrPcl'St aughte r p lays-vltf

Jfa. Mrs. Larr " ' * "

^/irso plays viol

, ,band, bassoon; They^are the in-

. ") ^rumcntal music instructors at

inf Jerome, Buhl, Filer, .Kim-

:rly;-HanscnrBnrley and Tvrin


' Mrs. H ejlma n,


. Barton Frank la currently as-

sociate professor o! mUslc and

conductor of the symphony at

T^/ashinglon State University,

Pullman. Prior to- this he was

solo-TCllist of~'thT!-"Hew Or-

leatvs Philljarmonic, and spent


pearanc cs across the counti

A natlvc;p(-i'hlladelphla

a pupil ^f"'GreBor Platlgorslq',

FraAK. began hl^ career at the:

ago of ,19. For fftur years he

was principal cellbt nf the Van-

couver Symphony, and following

In Twin Falls

. .nUHL '— Mrs. Alice Edna

lleiltftattrea. Buhl, died Friday

nf 'a short illne.ss .while visiting

, lit the hotno of a friend In Ty/i^

Falls. I ■ '

Mrs. Hcilman was bom April

12, .1R07, In Marble, Ark.

rnmo to Idaho from Arkansas

In August, 1Q25. She was mar-:

rjcd to M. G. Hcllninn, on Jan,

IH, J327, In Buhl, llioy firmed

ill - Iho Cnstleford and Buhl

. area. ■

. Surviving .beside her-tiusband,

nrii two 'nklers,- Mrs, W^tijjp

.Sienhc-nH liijd Mrs. lliiltio Ilmitio,

Imtli Ilulil, nnil three brothers,

Curl HdWiird, Gojilin, Mo., MIk'i

, llowjird, ,Sprlnr,ilnI(i, Ark., nnii

Ilriicii llijwiinl, 1.01111 Ilencli,

CiilK, Twii, lirothiirs prcniilcd

"her In' (Jonih. ■■■ ■ —

. I'unrnll Kiirvlccfi w|ll h" l"'Id

. nt 2 [i.m'. Tiifiiilnv rit Ihn Al-

Ixiruim - DIckurd Cliapvl. Final

- rK.'ii wiirno Ih (111) Ituhl Ccm-

i-li;ry. I-rlciHh miiy call until

fi p.iii, Miindiiy.

Science Slmlents



Aii|n'')Ji I mutely mil fi e v (

mill I'li'Jitli f;riiifii O'l.niry .liiiilnr

Ill|tli Ktiiilcnl'i, iicrdnijiiiiilrd I:

llnrlr Iniitrurlor, .liilin rimiliii

liKiH'd llm Am(il|[iii(inlnl -.Sngi

Ctj, pliiiit l''rl(l!iy mid will run

■ pc|i> In nn Hiiiiy rnnlrnt lie-

iiiTlhliiit tl»'lr"(iKp(irl«ni;(:H.

Cliiiltini ritiitiHl tliiii ihit jiidgi

(if thd t'SMuy rnnlpsi wouM ]>mti

Ihclr ilccliiIiHi'i Oil rrnillvn ni-'

jH'cIn (it thd piipwr nild.Iack o(


IJi'ildllnnfpr the ciaay In Frl-


' thit i^rlrn for llin tojt essay

tn nn electric jwjicDm pnpiwr

(liumted by Ilutlrdy's,.,

' 2 COWS Kii.i.ini

FAIIti'llil.D-'rwd llliick 'An-

mil I'liwn Itcliinnlnit In Mm. Vio-

let iLuNnwdtl woni kittrd when

iiirurk by n car driven by JatiKm

Keudy. .I'ho nrcliloiit linpiMinud

IK nliiht on-tl. fi. lIlfiliwii'H nn

(nint iif Palrfjuld In rniiit of (ho

LriNflwoll fnrm, llio Hccily vc-

Jilclo.wan (lomollfllinl hy tlS^ |m<

pnrt, hut Kcedy csnnpcd injury.

moTltt Paul Cux hivosUiiuIud,

^n3AHa.:FAtLS=(AP)^ Idaho

Falls' •^fill'bOffc'' host- city.„W

the Idaho State Parent-Teachers

Association ctmvention at the

Civic Auilitoriiim Friday through

Saturday, Nov. 3-5.

•Theme of the convention will

^XJ "Focus on Families." ' ..


SALMON (AP)— H a rfl 1 d E.

Rpfd. LflPiina Reach. Callf-

dicd Friday mornlnHjn .a hos-

pital here- of a stroke incurred

Septr-30-whil9-elk-hunting. ■■ —

"Reed was flown to- the'Salm"on

hospital from his hunting camp

ijar Paradise Meadow near

lead of the Selway River

Idaho County. ^

A doctor in the four-member

hunting p arty accompan ied

Salmo n nhpnrd n h"Q |r

copter which had., been diSRatch-

ed from. Mlssoula._Mflnt_Ec!5d,

never reggincd constnousness.


of the faculty string quartet,

and Instruct9r at tho Sun Valley

Music -C»m p-co ch-yoa r-eInG«- 1 to

beginning. IIo has made several

appearances' In Twin Falls at

the recitals given by mctnbcrs

of tho Sun. Valley Music Camp

faculty.' "'" ■ y ■ - •

nns fine .'cotlccllon of

rare -cellos. Including a Stradi-

various, which he uses for his

concerts. He will piny "Conccr-

by Ijilo, willj orchestral ac-

companlrDent. .

.Sclectlonfi by the"* orchestra

will Include "Sy "

'Concerto Grb.wo" for two

violins and string orchestra by

Vlvn.ldl.. ( .

The dtivo fur patron nipmber-

slilpi Is now under way. I'erKons

pruvloiinty holding these will be

given nn (ipportimity to', renew

them •hetwecn* Nov, 1 and 1.1,

TlniM(i Inttiri'.iled lit becoifilng

riatrhns may rnir7.1Mf|(io for-lur-

'ler Inforiiiiiliiiu; Guiicral .iid-

.l»H[tin lacM-tH will bn avnll-

ilii al the i'linil music" fiorei

ond nt the dtinr the night of the




Si^est Naming Gp^^^ ^

By'Tlii) Ass6cIiUcirT«M "|T''I''l'Vs party candfdatbs' were

Democratic apd Rcpublicanitled down by "political debts,

capdidatcs for governor Fridayloid tin cans,, feuds and bail

suggested the appointment otln,emorlcs. The young people

two counc 3 — one on tTflffiCi - , „ . „ii -"^

safety and another for agrlcul- Impatient with all thls.-

ture. , ' Idaho's candidates [or the

Democratic State 1 Sen. Cecil Senate continued to blast each

AndxusLEOiiUuLjvDulaiappolntjijitliiui-^JiriilQy, ns_. Democrat


cil. fin Irafflc , safety", tn r cHiircl^int ' hiid -VQtnil. ngninst ImprnvcT-

_ • .._..^,..._„ ijjgjjjg .minimum wage

la w and -tliorcby'*J.'lflnorcd-tlie

'needs of Idaho^s sugar beet. In-,


Hai'ditig Is running against

'Tiie Western Sugar Beet As-

. jiatiop ^aid_llils measure, was. .

vitar'to help curtail unfair com-

petition from cane sugar proces-

sors in the/ deep South,'' Hard-

charged. . .

Jordafi clailncd - Harding

"doesn't know the real reason


-Jordan said the fault -was not

wUh-th(i-farmcrs oc2\vitlilmer-

chant;,. but the blaiiie .should bev

ilaced ','on' the Denjocratiir rub-

jcrstamp Congress forinflation-

ary spending to which my op- Z

P<Wcntxontribi)ted' his full share

while ■TiT'onigc.'''- ~

ircalesf energy In mytcampalgn

>y -far hjls come from

young.'' . '"^ - - ;

"A-job. a bright future,

chance to take pride in, .theii_^

state -^"*all .fh'eseL IhirigT mean

more to thcm'Jhan blind loyalty

) labels.." ^

The Pqcatello publisher said

MAKING COLLECnON CONTAINERS for tho UnKed NafJons ChIldrcn'«:Fiiikt drive (o be

hgid Monday evening are from left, Duane Wiedenhelt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wledert

teft, nhff Jane Bradley, daughter or_Mr^fii»d_Mrs*_JQl)n ■Bradle]?._jniey_are, ttmang ^0-

■■youths~wh6- ■WUl ■ cohducrthe aimiial drive on Halloween night In Twin Falls.' (Tlmcs-

Ncws^photo)' ' •

3Eoullis iirTwin Falls"txj~^

Collect for UMCEF Monday,

medical sup plies ar e distributed

About 2 0D youth s In TivijvFalls

wilt join yo ung peoplc~ln other

HagicVilllcy lownsTlrid across

the nation -Monday- evening- in

trick or treating for the United

Nat ions ".Children's fund.

Mrs! Ma'cvin'. -.Molyneux, .._of

the YWCA, said young people

caii be Identified by the UNICEF

collection cartons which ' are

shaped like half-pint nillk- con-

tainers. UNICEF received the

Nobel Peace prize ■ In 19115 In

rpcoEnitinn -of -nearl y- 20- Vears

by U. N. pc rso nncl In tIie~p2F

ucipaiiner-countrlesr^ :

- In Twia-FaUt-flicmbers-otiUie

of life-saving wbrk In more than

100 countries. '. '

■Moncy-rec6ivea ffom lheTial:

lowcen -drive Is sjretched. be-

cause .surplus. governmiJnt sup-

plies are used, and food and

Kiippa Y and Tri Y. girls chibs

of the YWCA, will participate

in the drive as well as tho

Methi^dlst Youth Fellowship, led

by Mr. and . Mrs. Vernon E;

Smith, and a group from" 1he

Trinity Sonthem Baptist church"

under tho dlrectiort of Martha

Miller. ■ : -

The Church .ot the Brethren

Winners Noted

■Twin Falk-.7npllir Dunllcate

Bridge ' Club ■

Yost Tells

About Sales


-feOISE . (AP) iust wJicro

docs Idaho sales tax money- go?

Max Yost, executive director

of the Associated Tax[|aycrs of

Idaho, tried to answer that

question today. He snid a mis-

understanding persists among

ie ^i g j [| »iyu rs.-ihiifTrtiyrtnnT

Jn 1

first, and Rev. Dr. Robert Har-;

vey and Keith Evans and Mr.

antl~hlr5~^ 3 nck— M uss T' t tc dftu r

second aiid third.

Ea.st and west winners, were

r. and Mrs, jl e nrv Pn^y ers,

first; Mrs. J, A. Mllrany and

:ma~WiHia" ms; -- .s eco nd,

and Mr. 'and Mrs. Kenneth Kail,

third.- ' '


get what they pay bacl^

services. ^

sales tax revenue goes to re-

place or reduce other major

taxes — Including lIio etimlnnt-

cd state property tax,' the re-

duced' income t^ nnd.dlslrlhu-

tlon or'42'A percent of state

liquor proiyi' to local govern-


The other 52 per cent— about

J30 million for two yoar.i if c.n-

tlmatcs-nre'corrcct — goes into

the stQto general fund where it

fymphnny'No, S'"- Is lumped together with income

(Rerormnllon) by MendclsBohn; tax and other major .revenues,

"Spanish Dance" by Do Fallo+ .-Thc $13S mllHon Kencriil fund

- ■ ■ " ... . . -boosted by the sale.i lax mon-

ey distributes }02,7. miillnn

to education, about SI2 millUin

to mihllc welfiire and nl)oul tl2

million to nubile health. .

Tho rcmninlng (18 million gen-

crnl fund innney goes tjr n va-

riety of other statu programs,

'liin only miles tax motley that

doei' iioLcuino hitck In tlio ri>rm

ol KorvlccH, acconllnit ti)"Yi).i,l'«

figures, Is $1 million appropri-

ated 10 tho statu' tax coiliiclor

to odinlnlstcr the anlCs lax for

Iho blennluni.












DR. NO .i.." 9,'10

GOLDriNGfiR .... 7i30


vaccine to protect '20-- chlldrfiri'

from-tuberculosis ; -she-said7i —

In' other Magid Valley com-

ifiunllics, bicluding Buhl, Castle-

ford, and- Jerome, 'jouths from

ch'itrch Eroups-and Future



young people also "will panlcf

pate and some Boy Scout troops

.in-^v/jn - Falls.- — . -

Noting how much a few cents

..ill provide,-) Mrs,: Molyneux

said one penny wfil .mean six

glasses of irillk for.. hungry

youngst('rj[ distributed from

American food surplus, A nickel

buy3-.pe[iiclliin_tb. cure two vic-

tlmfi.nT^.i w.T-an-uglv crippjinp

tropical 'disease, .and --a dime

night- wer(i-North-iind--S{imh7 P,">vides _antibiotics-to-Bavo-a


child-from Jilindiiess-from- tra-


One quarter donated to -the

UNICEF drive means'^ en,ouEh

~ Taii< to Your Tenchor

■Boforo You Buy a



-(Uino«jE33-7365 fo( Appointment





""rex. •■ ■ MM


USE TinTes+iews want ads




; SPEAKS on KMVT (Channel 11) rv

SUH0AY,-0CT0BER~3D '. 1 1i43-<i.m.'— ) tiSS-<.i

^MONDAY, 0CT0DEa'31 .'fl-i : 1(35 p:i

9i5 5 p.m:


SUNDAY,. FtOVEMSiR 6 1I'i4S a.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 • ■ V • lOilS o.


— . — ' pn- pni. An nv "p.- w ._^JiiMi?FB r ' - ^

■ ; ■ T ODAY — ,

.C^nHnutd front 1i30

SlaiiK Ii3a-4ij5-ai30

KdI. a>0S.^i30-9iSS

. ANOTIJER BIG TREAT... NOV. 9' and 10

For. the first time on the giant screen

. in blazing TECHNICOLOR!'











. . ita^g and exc[ting . . .A but)bly,.v,

'fantastic quality yoi^ won't-tiiid

. tell you is it is quite a trip!"

- -noslByCfowltiBf, N.Y.TImel

"Highest .pTaise! This is a fantastic

■creation, .i thrills and suspense!'





OPEN 111 5 CljmAIN li30


1i30 3.15 SM fitS 9ilO'



"Ehorjnously entertaining! Should ,

sweep the Oscar field for

special effects!"

Slophcn M, tiaqiisl Wolch, tdniond D'ltilDn,' Donald rioAsnncD, Ailliur O'Connoii, Wiliinin

inyHi (loiilloiil anil Mlhur Konnody.Pfoducail by^oiil 0«vld,DiioclD(l tiy RIclwd ricl3diDi,r>ciiDn|iliiy iiy

" •''^^ llnijy Kiolnor, Wflplollffli bf Onvld lluncon, Itosod on n aloiy by Olio KIdiiiojiI ond Jay IohIs lliihy,

Huilcbyl,ooniiidltosonmim,CI(iiimiiSco[?a,&)bf byDoLuM _ ■ ,



Por Till. Show ,

Chlld'sOi, Adiflli $I.SO. .



Sales Tax

Twcnly-ffve CoIlcBe qXlSoulh-

cFn Idaho students. have formod

a, branch .of-the CommUiea of

On^ Thoupapd, slatewido cam-

pus-based organization working

_..fOr~rctefiHon-of-Idaho'g- sales

2,000 Years Needed to Destroy Government Record Daily


congressional sutKommittee

says It one government record

was burned each second, It

would iake 2.000 years ,10 de-

stroy them .all, . ■ ■

. Gove[ntpenl paperwork - co ats

The' fitudenb' will cOHlflCnll

. - — voters, oil CSI campU5_Ja de-

. lcrmine_whethetHfey''aWreg-

■ ^litered .and" ((Tnirge - ffiSm " to

' vole for the sales tax»' ■Accord-

intr tn Tlpi 'Hnvden. Twin Falls,

chairman of the Ipcal- group.

Hayden stated that he feels

-, ■ - "therComrhlttee-ot One -Thou-

sand Is^an effective way for stu-

denls from our inmpus, and all

the Idaho campuses, to show

their interest in government, a^d

better education Jn Idaho.''-

_ Th_e__4lude_nt3 feel that the

, sales, tax is the best immi^diate

source of.' revenue for educa-

~- nlonr^ha^aded.

Olfer officers'^or the CSI com-

mittee are Robin Spofford, vot-

er, /egistratioft director; Robert

Moore, meniDCrshtp direclor,

and Gary Gage, publicity di-

_ rect or. .



Digs i n4^;F .

Mrs. Ethel . Harrison, 85, dlcS

at Hazel Del Manor Friday aft;

' ernoon of a long illness.

She was born Jan. 30, 1881, at

'Lond on. England. She_was a

mcmtier 6r~fh"e Cbiirch of 'the

Ascension of Twin-Falls' artd had

jcsidcd in Twin Falls since 1909,

' ln March,'1903,"she was married

to Thomas A. UurrKon in Bris-

tol,' EnRlandrand-they-comft-to

"~ iKc" United "Stfltfertogetheri-M'""

- Harrison died in 1920; •

— -Surviying- n re'thrdB ilaDBhEers;

Mrs. Marguerite .Conant and

. Mrs., Stanley Crom, both Twin

Falls, and -Mrs. Mary Keefer,

New Orleans. La,; one brother,

W. Temple Brooks, " Vancouver,

Wash.;. one.-Kister, Mrs. W. J.

. Kimmings;.. .Norfplk,. England,

six grandchildren and 10 gr£nt


- Ftmc r ali ier v ice s wlll

committee added . In a -reiWl

this week oniU study of the sit-

uatkin. It also came "up with

thcsd stajigCring sutistlcs:

■It lakes I5"^blllfon- copies. ol

■Some 125,000 ■ employes

spefia most of " their work da;-

tucking documents into 25 mil

Ijon cubic feet of files.'Jhe exec-

utive offices alone, have two tbll-


Sl.S billion ' annually writing

fibout one billion letters. The

panel sftld $100 million, to {200


year by writing sbortcr, more

concise letters.

Computers threaten to Intensi-

fy the paptirwork blizzard, the

committee said. One \cqmputer

can chum out a stack of records

20 feet tiigh' each day) it 'added,

and with the government's 1,GOO

computers ■ working weekly

shifts — holidays off —" this

stack can be 1.3 miles -hlgh ln a


"Understanding and con.trol of

thfs new paperwork iriTlue'nce.Js

urgent," the-'commlitee said of


. The government could lighten

its- paperwork- load, _thc .report

said, if agencies WUUltT simply

throw away, some of the dlrec

lives ~r those memos, .iostruc-

jision T»

_atjr^m. Tuesday at the


with Rey. -Warren Howell offl-

ctatiiigt Last.. rites will be In

Twin Falls Cemetery. .The fam-.

■ ily suggests memorials to the

- r nemorlal furid -of' the Church" of

at White Moffuary uptu'oV


^ Dies at 7&

In HospitaF

- BURLEY. — James Drum-

mond Hogeag, 7fl,' prominent


day at Cassia .'Memorial Hospi-

tal of a short illnessr, V

- - -He_Wfls_born Jan. 1B;;1BEK1 at

_ Salt Uke CIty.~ln Ws chlldhood

. he lived at Providence,' Utah,

,_-.aii)l'^at'{th?^ga*a{>,14 he Joined

h[s father and an' older brother

-.■in-^tuh^maBB.jnd taddl ery-thop

tlon8,-and„cp?ii;n]unlcaWna ,. In-lit said, are, kept in- valuable filciments in .the waslcbaskcl, iti

Marine Corps eliminated 18,<02[ ,"There ai

side the gove>nmfrrtt->f 'TthichUpacfl,:..^ . ladded. "much paperwork cftnL_Not to be lopsided, the report directives and (he Federal Avia- work pdvlngs,

... . _ 1. ..1.. , . -..-.jjgjj^^ Here, industry halted some "iOccess stories." tloii Agency reduced Its flies by said.

fill up 2.6 million pagos^a' year.f ,''lf an organiratibn'will take be - -avoided.. Here, industry Ihaited some "iOccess storH!s."ltloii Ager-.j

Too many of these dIrccHves,lthe ylsk" of -tossing some docu-lseems mcye daring than gov-|A'niang them, ■ the Navy andjS.S' million pages.

re -hopes of papei'

gs," the committed*

Magic y^ll^

WENDELL — Mcmbervof the

Magic Valley Gem CiuB met

TTTursdiiy at the Wendell City

Hall ,to elect ^jtOcers fqr the

conjfog.year, ■ '

Elected were Jerry Baltzer,

Twin Falls, president; T>c.e-Ains'

worth. Twin Falls, vjce

nt RlgRs. Mr,, Hoggan .worked

in simitar shop.< In Driggs and

Tremonlon, Utah. He came to

' Hurley . in 1 020 f rom Tremon ton

where fTe owned and opelrntetl

the HoRgan I-eathcr and Canvni

' Shop, Ho married Agnes Mario

Cnrdon on May 5, 1009 In the

. ■ Logon !J5S temple. He fulfilled

a mission for the IDS. church

■from JDOa to IDIl and served lb

numcroua canacitlei In the

church until hin'.dcath.

, He a.^ bishop ofv the Diirley

■ccond ward, counselor In the

stake presidency and was stako

prcildcnt from IQII to 1947. Mr.

Hnttgan was active. In business

and civic atfalrn and Served as

a member pf tlio iichool board

and was a member of the Bur-

, Icy Clinmber "of Commerce and

liitrlcy Rotary Club,

Survivors include .fila widow,

three sons, Driitllthond .C. Ilog-

gan, njirlcy, James C, Hoggan,

I'reslort and' Gcnrgo <Rol)ori}

Hoggnll Rupert; six daughters,

loin HORgnn, Hurley, Mrs, Rnb-

. *i rt (Mu rgarcet) Coleman , For -

"-^rraml^W'TMJf-.'M'iK- JfliirtHTp;

(Cloo) Rose. .Twin Falls, Mrs.

Don (Frnncci) Rich, .Salt Uke

. City, Mrs. Alvin (Georglnl '"

\ Iiir, llqiMO. Mn, liownril \nu-

* rie) Dny, Puerto Rico and Mrs,

■I)nlt)nrt (rvlhrlii) Ciosch, Denver,

Colo,; two fitslers, I\trs, Edith

\ Dnil, Pdcatello, and Mrs. Iva

■ Hurt, Ttftcnn, Arfz,; 22 grand-

— jiiilidjiiuflDa-iQiu'-^atR.atjtiaaa:

children, .

Fiinnriil sarvlces will ho cnx\-

ducted nt I p.m. Tuesday In

Hurley l.DS, ninlie homo with

UUhop Robert Sagors of(lclnt liig.

1.ast rlirs will he In I'lenRniit

VIow Cometry, Friend^ may roll

ni fvicCullnuch Funeral flnnia

Monitijy and Tuonday until tlnio

nf Bcrvtcns,

Executive Talks

To Bliss Scouts

■ULLSS^— Kufirne (JnuKli,-Je-

rnmc, illslrlcl .Scout executive,

talked to Bliss Culi Scout mom-

born llntrsdny'allernnnn, nt an

(irganlzatlnnol meeting and Hni-

Jnween party. OouHh fexplnlncd

\\\ti procHlurri o( ninrling n

' Cub Scout nnck, ,

tvfrn, ' Huuolf 'Inchanncn and

, Mrs, AlvIn Hill ijre den moth'

prs fof punk 102, dnii-l, and the

(irmip will mem each Tluirildoy

nfliTnoon at Ilia hi: hoi nflur

nrluinl, '


convention or lire tunnel Vhlch carried

:apj them off and prevented a spread to

oi Fir which Gurrounded the bum tirta.

' THE BIGG&8T -BUZE' encountered '^Thursdoy night Kt tiie

controlled burn H inHes north of Fairfield on the-Sawtooth

Nation^ Foreit, jiu In a drow In the. csRtcm cbnier-of-the^

30 acits bamed- Surrounding the bum qr^ were fire tracks

Smokey Bear G ould Well Be Pr oud of

GbntMled tlurn North of Fairfield

(Cohtlnged From Page One)

brush , and '

timber sale cutting^. This slash

becomes Under' dry in early f&ll

and any spark can' set off a

wild fire, that might be ivicon-


The.30-flcie area, located oh a

ibAh -. facjng.. slope -near the

top of a ridge. Is surrounded by

heavy. staWds-^ot^ Douglas^ (ir

Trfscs: The .area' was logged in

1357 before specific require-

ments were made on conditions

of the slash. Ieft~by lumber

companies. ' , .

Plans began on- this burn" two

years ago- .-by -Sawtooth Forest

officials. Diseased and worth-

less trees were cut last year [o

allowithem ,.t'o..cure or age so

lhey"\vould- bum property. The

area was studied .'intensively for

two months before the burn to

measure the wood's Jnosilurfi,

telaHV6-humidilii m ^mW,

particularly winds. The contour

oHhe-4and-was:::studie(t;for the

best ignition pdiritr-to'start the


bufnlnS^opc W'as covercd-with

CO ii^vgiadualIy~^owin's

dimmer. • ' ■

Shortly before 4 p.m. ThursdaylblaiQ had'bumed dowif to'well-

throwers and fusees. The crest

of-the ridge wks set first. A

chain saw was used to cut up

logs In "hot spot" areas.-RadIo

Communication was maintained

between ^burning boss, firing

l>033,.-bunilng-'and-pumper cfewa

throughout the bum.

._Buminff:-was_stnried::f Irst^t

the crest; then at the sides of

the slightly rectangular area,

and'flnaijy the mtSst' dangerous

part. -tbe drawlocnted near the

eastern center ot^o area.

Thqt slopes "on i either side of

.je depression were set, fordng

the two lines ot fire to draw

into each othercreating a'funncl

on.^e fire, called a cohvection.

The -convection' fiinrielcd the

sparks from the fire high enoufth

upipto the alr to cool them be-

fnrfl-the'y f ^iiM ' Trfflft lifl ih'

stands of timber , jurroundinj

can plant seed, collected froni

■higlicr qualitj' trees and get bet-


By Seeding the ashes, the for-

est 'service can get a. 10 to 15-

year jump on new growth Which

otherwise wpuld very.,, slowly

and naturaliy - reseed .Itscif. A


member of the burning

rew described- the fire-In the

A regu larly scheduled burn Igidraw as\ being last, hot and

thom'ugl i.L If t h e"fire~is-alipwed

to burn for' a long wJilie, the

soil could -be damaged from the

intense heat.

Tiie last of the fires were Bet


pate.the eveningjnoislures and

lower lejiilJeratures.

.Fuel or' Wood moisture slicks

were installed in' July to be read

perjwllcally^bcfore-thtr^umlogj anh-e-Vety^Wtonrofnhc-bunt

Rn^idQni- wealhcF>«ccadinK3 ol

wind, temperature, and relative

Sept. 18. feather on the stie

was checked every daj" for fiv(i

days prior to the burning. Rain-

fall was checked at- the licorby

,<;nMit^r Creek rain-gauge. .SpoL

,at6S«"faileir ,inost oI the etfict

areas were r educed to small

flrerTw^Tgl'SwIhg coais,

By .8 p'."ni .-Thursday the main

forcaSts were /iblalned from the

weather bureau in Bois^'for the

bum- urea—-'- — ■-- —

Smlthcy, burning boss, said

r c'cfu f r c d winds must be less

than ten rfilles an hour with .di-

rection con^lanl, preferably up

the canyon. Fuel moisture ^of

■nine per cent. or more was need-


"Controllcd fires suchTiS this

one are oflen used, to_lraln new

men 'In firefighling techniques.

By- lighting the fires and study-'

ing "its patterns and directions,

the .jnen^nre.-"^bl p ^l o . ; . ;) t:edic

more closely, the behavior o

wild fire.

After the main burn, a tvyo-

man spot fire ^searrh-cn^nva*

maintained to control any. small

fires created outside . the fire

lincs.'.A-.four-man crew will pa-

trol the area and mop-up on the

bum until.it is declared out by

District Ranger Smithey.

Seeding ,of the. burned.. area

is plannedvfor next 'week. ' -■

The Douglas Fir 'and Pine

£gria. will hf placed^ in the pa IjM

U to 20 feet wide, B]Km here in *^now traces at the twttom

of (he picture. These prevented the fire from spreading .to.

nearby 'stnnds~o( Douglas Fir. Thci-buhi wlll-dccrease the

fire danger for (he area, (Tlmes^^^ws photo) _ -

of Wariiwich Hot Springs on' Lit-

tle Smokey Creels; Shak^jGreek

Ranger— District, _J3cek- Creek,-

ly 161) years to grow from seed

to marketable limber. Seeding

eight "miles ea3t' of Paradise;

Pinto Creek. H miles northeast

of Feathcr'viile; Twin Fails Ran-

ger District, south' and west of

Roc k Creek Ranger St ation, artd

tMtT^aHEflr'DlsfftCl, SUblfilt

east'of Malta.

Christcnsc'n, commenting .,'on


of thejlre. Ashes will provi3e


rain after the fire will form-a

crust on the ashes and protect

the seeds. THe seeds will work

.down-ln-IhG nulritioned-soii 'pro-

viding food for th(;,CDming young

trees. ' .

By spring, according to tim-

ber and fire siptf officer. Reed

Chrlst'bnsen, tto.rbum will be

price of planting small , trees.

A year from now, forest sci

Ice' crows will plant small trees

Ja' those areas - whic^ will not

grow. from seed.s. _

7"jpie-cost~of- lU g bum Thm-sd'ay

jiighl Wiis' ap'proximalcly 16 to

I10.an acre. Money for this type

oI.limbcH stand inlprovement

2Trd~rerea5e weeding comes

from timl[pi*~saies on the Saw-

tooth Nali onal Forest. .Other

timber salif money~gocB~'to- the

U, S. Treasury lor schools and

roads.-— "il"-- ■ "" "Y^ --

Approximately H,2 . milUon

worth of, lumber and li^iber

.products, were prodMCClT last

year by the Sawtooth National

Ff)T<>-\t-.- Ap prnyimateWjl(LjTlit:

lion J)oard ' ' " ' " '


Rather than let iho bur;i re-

s^cd-i t-B e 1 f, the forest service

trolled fiurns, said that many

time hunlers seciHg~Ihe""Con-

trolled fire .think the danger, of

wild fire is ho longer a problem

an*3 sometimes' leave campfires ■


smokes. He added that the '

Ore danger is still very real and

that if people are not sure

•whether a- blaze is a controlled

bur.n- to contact their nearest

District Ranger. ■ . '

As- one of the burning crew

put il,.when discussing the bum,

"It is a good tool."



grossed Sh.B million (or me;

_ _ thrce-months-ended-Septr30ran—

Control burning for approxi- increase of 10.5 per cent over'

maiely 800^ acres of Sawloolh the sariie quarter 'in lfl65, the ■

Nalional Forest land Is-^ planned state Gaming CornmissEon said

for-.this-fall.-UBuaJly-35-toHOrSaturday... ■" - - .- —

acres are burned. .at one time.l '. — ^ — Li^i '■ 1_

This fall .controlled burnings

are scheduled in the "following

.ranger - districts and" 'areas:

Ketchum Ranger District, Ba-j

coWi-ed~by^in;se5~iaid"'wecds kcrremki— If-jnifes— northr^fJ

Kelchum; FaJrnqld Ranger Dls


10. miles wesLof Couch Summit;

Williams Creek, two miles south


On AnytKTn&^6f Vqlue..





II died by

1 win be

;d Jordan

lion 111 the

ir Bcliouls.

:ilnn of In-


St. Jordan

Li imlnie,

id^t'of pos-

near' the

a River to

inscn, Re-

'.]ccM\in in


k'nilve 'lull



id positive


idc stale


t'Mho IQG5

[It- jpilon-

from 25 to an per cent. 'Rain-

fdil prior lo- lho-hum..Jiad to

be at, Jca^V f>n" '"ch, At the

lime of the burn, two inches of

moisture had fallen, humidity

wns— 27-~per cent.- temperaturc-

nbout 50 degrees and winds were

f;nugcd at nhnul two miles 'hn

iQur. ! '..^ ... .

■ Prlor'io-thc- hurnlre. IB i" 20

feet wide triiclnr fire JIncs had

been cleared nrtiuiyl^tho bum

area. Traces of snow were evi-

dent on Ihe.Hp ilni.'.'i,

To cnmbnl any possible "spdt-

tlng'Oof fire oiilsldo tho fire

lines, n t,OOI)-Rallon pumper, a

'I'ncidc NJnrini! pump. 1 " "

dirtur,- jfour dicscl bunici ,

back" - pncK lilimps ami two

chain iiawn were on hand for

Immediate fjrt; llRhtinR. Seven

radios kepr burning boss .Smith-

ey in touch with the burn1|iR

crows. Hqulpmnil wns furnish-

ed hy (ho f'nirlleld DInlrict.

Two air InnlUTH and n hell-

nplor lr.pm I'win Fails stood b'


Hclntorecmenlfi. from nllier ran

gcr Blnl|ons nnd dhtricts were

nvnilnblo b/ radio Iriim' the

))iirn. ■ ■

sen's position bad prcvnikd Ida-

ho would have liht $3 inlUinn in

federal nid. " - '





, — oitnnlcliii)( elnini!! fwrmi-

— vrrifyiiift ciWcraKc

-pAyiiiRvlniim \ ■ . •

■«^-iiuyuctinf{ rxlcn*ivr rorrrsjKimlrnrc

— ronlcrriuft jvlifi tlie iwllcyiiolilcr (oil coin*

puny time) I- - ' , . ,

. .'. yon ('i>ul<l l)c P'lylni^ at imicU »s SI,.'')O0* a tnrinlti'

li) siiliii ici nloiic to .uimniistrr your uiiiiiitiiiy'a licnllli-

tnVc t;iivrViiKr. . ' - .

Muybn thli 1» w)iy your r.osla Brcin liiw — you'ic

'•• iKi'iiQjuid. olbcc »nili;r, "T ul rtnilnmnit mora

do mr iimk. .-^.lu.l ..11(1 irai.Ml why dullni-ryr- .

.Ii.llar ~ IlliK^ C'^M c.r liiiilin i-iATi-.m,- U llir iiinM < i.iii-

njrir, 'rc-alinlic anirriioiioiiiit .11 buy in the lirfillli-ciie

iicUl. ■

Tiike nil iuiiilylit-nl liiiik i;il ->'oiir 'llCHllli-cai c

covrriigr i>ii(! nro-wliai ii's irnlly tiiMint; ymil -Tlicii

ivlk 10 11 iiuilr^iiiiinal Iriiii'i HIik^'Cmim'.'


'fl.BOOcriiiparvlsor imd tlifee girls. Sinntl



I Aftoriiey



laiTyttii fc snyiiiK ralr

With Dlun Orofli ..r l<litti», nll'lliln ovnlirnd In' re-

niiivrd, A ntNfl nr'cxiiRiliy liikiullrn all itiliiiliiinlnilliiii. .

- I'Voin itir lime yniir rinplnycn pirSPnti hii HI119 Cionij.

Iclrntiriciiljoi) oiinl li> the linnjiiiitt, all ilftiuh, I'ronl vcnili-

ciiljiiii ul (iivcjfliiR III piiyinrtit for scivigc , arc liniidlrd

hy IIIhc, Cross ilitcet with the iimvldcts of llic sci vicr,

riinecl leas.' Dill evfch II II fDfllllhlf

pnillliiiu of one puiBiin, Ihnl lliitn iliniili)

ho spnrit on your buslnoas - not Insurnrico .

work. , , . , '

When you need Blue Cross, mtliiiig lusf will 'diK




Ton omco 110x711111, Diiiu.'iiiiiiLu unit

Prices Ai'e


■^Continued From Pnge Ono)

Nov., J400; Albert Wolfkicl, Mcr-

itllon; Raymond Butlor, Hansen,

$470; Woffklel. James Smiley,

Dceth, Nev., SSOO; Wolfkicl. Wal;

' ter Schoddc. Burleyr 55p0; Di W.

— - W - ft -g-o-g- r , / .. Nampa, "' ... Wa iU)E

Schoddc, WOO; Jnmcs, Cnhill and

■ Sflfls,; WciF;er!--Doan Anderson,

Mackay, $725, and Caliil] ond

So ns, Dewa yne Word, Almo,

» <Bj?^ ~ -'~

■ Sclh. Burstcdt, Cliallis; Mark

. Clark, Teton City, MSQ; Bur-

stcdt, Tindajl and Sons. Grasfi-

■ . mere, $420: Burstcdt, Honry

■ Schoddc. Heyburn, $485; Bur'-

.^'"sliiar,'Showmnker Brothers. Ino.

■ , Kimberly. $410, and Bur-Ocdt,

Myron' Jones. Malad. S410. '

.■ , Dec Williams, Malad; Ralnh

Hillman, Rexburg." $550; Wl

Itams, Doiiglas Mahoney and

Ciirlis-Mahoncy,- Albloh, $570;

■ JohnTechIck and KoraTcchick,

Arco; Salmon River Caltlcmcn's

Assbciallon. Twin Falls, $450;

Russell Daniels and Sons. Malad

■ City; Raymond Buller. Hansen.

$700;-Mrs.^ay Daniels, Malad

City; V. E. tJcymanT^Albionr

$440; Mrs. Daniels, Anderson

Ranches. Mackay, $500, and Rex

Daniels, 'Malad. City; Walter

■■"■Schodaff; BurWy, t420.- ■ /

R. J. Harper and Sons, Malta

TindQll and Sons. Grassmerc,

5410; Harper and Sons. Tindall'

_ and. Sons, S-)00; Harper , -antT

Sons, Rulon Christchson,' Ruby

■^Valley, Nev.. $380; fiouglas Har-

per. Malta; W.T. Williams, Inc.,

Twin FaUs, $430: Ray G. Tib.

bitls, Moore; - Albert Pclley,

Packer Says. Food Biggest rU^^^^^^^''

Bargain in America Today

the U S. Govcrnmqnl eslimn'tcs age nt bslanl poliitoes priced

Two Members

that Amcricacis will spend

cents Out o[. every dollar of Iti-

comfl afier taxes to 'buy their

food. ..stale.-* ■ C. Blaine IJIjort-

quLsl. president and;g.G n e r a 1

manager of Western Slates Meal

Packers ARsocli(lion.

TiljpHmii'it -mid Ihls is .n, |jp-

crease from 26 cenlM in 1D47.

"Europeans-' on. the other hand,

he said.-musL .spend. from„30 to

50 ccnis of each dollar of in-;

at 35 (

i for a pound pack-'

Are Inducted

food costs have .ri.^en Jil the pay for tiie convenience (if prc-,-^^ cascf of candy were sold and

' paniculJtrli;; pared, tnods. Who is^^oing-.-ltiWrnicd ilie liale Very success-..

■'--^arEiie.wlili.ihem aboutUls^ Not^fll- "e thanked the members.

I! BFitr it is mirrair l(rchu?fic?''"l'n-Enld-thrcim

ihis 'service charRc' aRnirist the'''*"'' c'fprcisod his apprcclalTon

[flchWciarTWOOrFarrctl-'Danlfllii =^IdJitIlaJiuyi

Malad City; Baker*"^ Brothers,

Clayton, $440; Tom Shaw, Catd-

well: C harles' pendle.tpn,,.Shi>-

shone. fSSOrandTJale-Thomas;

- Malad City; Anderson Ranches,

"Mackay, $510r - " ■* '

Thomas, Salmon Rtver Cat-

■ flem^n's -Association," Twin

-^Fall3.- $520 ; ' Blaino-CurUs-nnd

, Sons, Hiirrey~Albert- Pellcy,

Richfield, $450; Curtis and Sons,

Ralph Hillman, Rexburg. $G00;

A. G. Willie and Son, Holbrook;

Baker Brothers,-- Clayton, $440;

Willie and son. Rulon Christen-

sen'. Ruby, Valley. Nev., $420;

D. Jay Harper. Malta;*'W. T.

Williams, Inc-Twin Fallsr«50.

and Jensen Brothers, Montpel-

. -lor; Arden- Lntiritzcn. Corral,


Wayne Naugle and Eon, .Nam-

-'__ca._Ruloh_Chrrstensen,". Ruby

KING PROMISE, <a 2-ycar-oId Herefont'li&II. named grand

champion of 'the 27th Annual Range Bu^l Sale Saturday In.FlIer,

5I,I2S, top price, at. thff salel^Formcr owner <

Zolllngox Brothers Ranch, Malta, displays the grand chani-

plon ilrophy. Mr. and Mrs; -Graves own the Double" Dlamojld

Herefo rd-Ranch in-Good!ng7^no hundred cighty'-one bulla wcro

'-*■'-■ IKT'sfllerTnwes^NcwsrphDtD) — ' ■ ; --^-^

_5on.-JilldeiSQll_i?anc[ies. Iilnvfe:

■ -ay-, $625; Ernest Ol^en and Sons.

Hyde Park, Utah; Tindal'

Son, Grassmerc. $390; .

and Son.s. John Pierce, Malta,

$430; William Fallls,- Malad:

Howell and Sons, Malad; H. A.

SchlcwerAlbiDnr$400,-and- How-

ell and Sons, Tindall and SohS^

Grassmerc, $430.^- — — " j

Howell and Soiis. Xce Math-

ers, Kimbbrly. $490; Hpwell and

Sons,- Charlor, Pendleton.. ^ShO:


Sons. Malad City; Tindall and

Grassnicre. $410^ A. M.

Barker and Sons, Elba; Chim-

ney Creek Ranch t^Corr9l,,.J4J)Q;

Jay F. Pearson, Moore;' John

Pierce. Malta, $400. and" Wal-

lace . Hayes, Rockland; Calvin

Bennett, Thatcher, 'S4U0<

■ Orvillcr Thdmpson estate,

Downey; Joe Ra nd, -Carlin.

Nov., $410; Blaine Curtis and

Sons, Barley; RoJIandiJa trick,

Rogcrson, $510;-.-Clco- Harrop,

i nr^fiwy uny m u i i d ' B Mlirr-H aiv

- ■ " ' iandsnf:

Joe Randt Carlin. Nov., $360:

DouglasrHarper. Malta; Haiti

Bailey, Carlin. $350; Ray. Tib-

bitta, Woore; Ray CoIyer."Bnj-

noau, $340; : Tibbittfi." ' Colycrj

$36(1, pnd Farrcll Daniels, Ma-

la d;._RexDani els. JWalad^Sm .JSchnell. Wi^er: _Viclor_Nelson.

-T-om— Shawr-CaldWcHr-^lrs^arin Falls.

Charlotte . Link. Hansen, $410:

Dale Thomas. Maladi Lew Morv

gan, Malad, $430; C. L hansefi;

S t a n ley;_Tindall_ and Sops,

Grassmerc, $350; Max H. An-

derson, Temonton, Utah^ p.

Grant, Ogdcn, $275; AndCrson,

_. '.Klnsey, Kimberly, $290,

and Anderson, Cajl Schoessler,

Gannelt, $400. .i.^! ..

Reins llercford ■fianch,:jirtuit-

land; Lloyd Whiinoh, American

,_ _.. Falls, $380;_.A.jiG.^Wiills-,and by;-Joo-Pierette,-Carlin;-Nev.,

iM^rr-HaiHfioitT — Holbroo k ; - Lew M or-eanr S38Q "and. - $ 350:- ■ H ei b -Richard;

" """" ■^eorn cl l L c h] - ' .....

lis, Tindall and Son, $400. .

Falll^ Tindall and Son, $410;

Marlin Sorensen. Salina, Utah;

John Darram, Castlefofd, $380;

■ "SorensertrGlennrBcrrymon-Bui'-

-fleyr4380;rGorensenr-Vlotor-NaI Hadla;

■ son. Twin Falls,'^ $360; Little "

Cove Ranch, Almo; Dwayne

■■Ward, Almo, $120; Sorensen,

VTSi'dall and Son, $400; Liltle

fiove Ranchj- Glenn Bc rryman,

Burlcyr.$5oo,"" ana~tlitJc Govt

Ranch,- Garnet Kid,' Burley,

$420. . ■.■ .

Star Valley Hereford Ranch,

Thayne. Wyo.; Ralph Steele,

Idaho Falls, $485; Star, Valley

Hereford Ranch, Leo Taihors,

Kimberly, $420;. Star Valiev

Hereford Ranch, Charles Ward,

Malta, $400; Star Valley Here-

•-tffnI- RH TTchr - Wnmoi'-MlwhflU,

B Pius

Hcber Zollinger, Malta > Glenn

ingcr. Curt Strickland, Bruneau,

$390; Alvtn .Hadley. Montour;

Joe "Rand, Carlin. Nov., $360,

and Madley, Joe PJereltie, Car-


Nev,, $360; Dee Williams, - Mqt

lad; Rby Adams, Malta, $335;

Ti''il'lTsV"TtlC7, "Weiser; Curt

Strfckland, Bruncaii, $330; Grant

..v.... , Udy. Rockland; Joe Peirctte,

ina-tlltltr-eovir CaniiirNcv:rS39Or-$380-and-$370;

~ ■ a"nd Udy. Rulon ChristensCn,

Ruby Valley, Nov., $390.

Udy, G-. Grant, Ogden, $340 arid

$360:-Udy.- Cbristehsen, -.5400:

Angus Lctham, Tctonla; "llenrj

Schoddc, Heyburn.'^OOf RuKscl

Daniels and Sons. Malad; Hale

Bnfloy, CarJIn, Nev.,, $.750; Dan-

' ' nnd^Sons". Tindall and Sons,

$360; Pearson. Roy^lnk,J3ood-

ing. $370. and Wallace.- Hayes,

Rockland: W._ L. Klnsey. Kim-

berly. -J360.~" ~"~ —

Hayfls. D. N. Ranch. Inc.. In-

$410 and $^10: " Philip

Wendell; Rajph Hillman, Rex-

burg. $44(); D. Jay.Harper. Mal-

ta; W. E. Kinsey,. Kimberly,

$350;. and Jensen., ^Brothers,

Montpelier;i' Lloyd W-hltno'h,

American "FalIs,:S330.

Ernest OIsen-Tind Sons. Hyde

Park, Utah; Paul Reed, Jerpme.

$320; Ltllle Cove Ranch, Almo;

■■' " Kinsey, Kimberly, $350,


Thompson estate; Downey: D.

U, Ranch. Inc.. Inkom. $370:

Cleo Harrop, Lorenzo; Thomas

Roth, ThQTJitDn^. .$650} Harrop.

Hale Bailey, "Carlin. Nev,. $385-;

Harcop, Tindall and Sons, Grass-

mcre.'$350;, GeorEc-Larscn and

Maxinc Larscn, Glenns. Ferry;

James Bohn, Hagcrman; $340,

and Larsen. Richard Anderson,

Glehns Ferry, $400. . '

Jerry Dansie"^ and -Sops, R/g-

Jay Pearson. Moore: C. Grant

Ogdcn, $285; G eo r g e .Willis.

Glenjis Ferry:, Gaiicn Manzonie

Ely. $320; Willif. Joe Plorettc

Carlin, Nov.. $340. and George

Larscn and Maxino itO^seft

Glenns Ferry. C. Grant-.Ogden,

$330.--^ ^—7- '— ^



The Rev. "Dominique Georges

Pire, winner of the 1958 Nobel

Peace Prize for his refugee

work, conferred in New Delhi

Saturday with Prime Minister

Indira- Gandhi. onTfiis-plans to

impnave living .standards In 19

impoverfshcd Wllages in South

India: ' " '

in Russia and Peru, the co^t is

56. cents.

He added, whilu It Is true that

United Slates, and

since 1963. Iho Tacts are that

income is rising fnslcr and^food

is today — in rcl.itloti to in-

come — the greatest bargain it

has ever been in recorded his*

tory. ...

Inslcad.of pIckclJng the .stores

demanding cheaper pri^clf for

food. Liljcnqulst said, the Amer-

ican housewives should be Com-

mending the farmerr the "pro-

cessors and the" distrubutors for

their reiparltable ■ efficiency

which is such ail ■ important^ fa c-

tol^ln the great miracle that

enables tHtm to bring food to

the tables at such a 'remark-

ably low cost.

Meat pricesf'today. are nboiit

the samo as they'wtirc In 1947

to 1949. he staled. If food had

nspn J/i price like television sets,

automobiles., housing and 'most

other things that consumers buy,-

food prices would be "niore than

double . present price levels.

In a . recent article oii food


secretary ol the Colorado Cat-

tle Feeders Association SD,I d

■Let s follow a young- lady push-

ing the shopping cart through

the ciieckout stand at the supep


Her food purchases Included

two four-oupce packages of sHc-

ed-ham at-55 .centp pcr.pack-

age anf^- a pound- package of

sliced bacon-at 97 cents, as \vcll

as a pound of-sliced bologna at

ilnto Lions Glub ' .

She ciiuld haw bouglii7iairba-| i-e^ .MTitiie was. spoii^brc'd (>y '

con for 69 cenf; per pound andn","^'" Slimp. and James

chunk slvlc bnloRua for 49 cents! '^*'''^*^" "i^' RlJE^'"''.- "^^"^^

per pound. Whole raw potiUoc'ii^'^P'a*"'^*' ihe"mifteror a mem-

- r|lwr nnrl lii[;li|iglirpil l\]n hi'^i"''y

'aifdTGl'CCirtrtJ n vun ftu Htiit^iy'i r


and S36d. ^ ' ■

Mark Clark, Teton Cit^; Rol-

land Patrick. Rogcrson, $450;

Barr S. Jacobs and Son,' Coun-

cil rHUgh-Hoopes.IlIgby. 1500;

Jacobs and Son, RuldnvChriaten-

.scn. Ruby Valley, Nev.7'$458;

Jacob.s and Son, W. T. Williams,

Inc., Twin Falls,'$!)0O. ond Jac-

obs aiid Son. Ramseyer Cattle

Co., Filer,. $500..-.- :

H. P, Evans, Nampa; TIndnll

and Sons, <Grassmcrc, $380; Ev-

ans, Marr'elln Perkins, Jerome',

iMLJi-'ii-;' )owc|l an d Sons,


Jones, Almo; $330; Richards

ftaiich, Tindall and Sons, Grass-

mere. $340, and Dean ' Saniiets,

Monteview;- Mrsr-, Peter Linli,

Hansen, $500. ' " "

B Bulls ^

.John Tecfiick-and^ora Tech-

ick, Arco; .0. Grant, Ogden, $285

and $250; J. L. Udy, Rockland;

Grant, $340; Udy, Ralpli Hillman,

" "^iy::Jol^

1'he lieliiian..pne st hgpes To

get — his — ".Islind-^of-— P«ace'

project 'sfarted -next . year. H'

has $1 million 'with -which to

work, '.


RuMcll Daniels and Sons, Ma

laj; J. E. Baker, Filer,/$3330;

Douglas Harper. (Malta; C

Grant, _Ogdcn,_H10 ;_Ray_-IUt

bitW, Moor^; Charles Pendleton.

ShiJshone, $295,_ and Farrell

Daniels. Malad; CI^'^Grant, Og--

den,. ,$275. •

C, L. Hansen and C. M. Han-

sen, Stanley; .Gaiicn Manionte,

Ely, $330; C. L. Hansen, Stan-

ley; Jeo Pierctle, Carlin, Nev.

$340; Hansens.-Alnnzonie, $390;

Star Valley Hereford , Ranch,

Thayne, Wyo:; Glenn ' Nelso n,



"But this shopper

irpar'ts are all

\ol i.ioni.sr

and hcrl

villing to Ifiillowecn t

chairman of the

ndy sa!_e, reported

cost of food purcha;_

"\*'Indirectly, and soiiictimos

vcsy pointedly, tlic farmer has

been charged- with tlie increase

in -cost "of food.- The unfairness

of this is tragic, Food -costs

have risen less .since igi7-49

than most other Iiem.^' in the

cost ■ of - living lndc.x'. But the

farm'er gets ;ione of.Ihe increase

in cost for the food.he produces.

In fact; ho rccMves seven per

cent loss—for thrf— farmT^food

afkct basket' than hp did in

1947-19. . .

.'-"Only 4.3' per cent of the

cckly pay check is spent for

mcat^ while slightly in excess

of 18.3 per- cent of our dispos-

able income went fpr food In

19G5. Wc spent 24 per cent of

our disposable income tor food

In J930 and 22 per cent In 1910.

In ■1947rfood- took-20-pencnt

of our ' fake-hom e .. pay. Just

where docs your'fDOtTBoUarTp?

"A recent report by the Na-

tional Commissign on Food Mar-

kc^irig. .gives some clues. This

report. Indicates] 63 per cent of

the-consumcr'.s rood dollar went

for' the marketing bill and the

remaining 32 pel* cent, was lor

the famMvaluiriinthe productsi

- "The- tiuth ot+the-matlcr^b

simply th'iit the 'Ai^crican con-


to the people vyhp purchased the,

candy. ■ - — . ,

Guests at the . luncheon" In-

cluded Ftoyd'Evans, Boise,- and-

Hardon Young and S." A, (Sy)

Kolman, both Twin Falls.

sunior today has the greatest ■

.selection of high quality food '. ■

■'loms at^her. tiisposall and they

ire costing' hpr^ the .Jsmallest.

iharc of jheo^dupQefitto. Income

than-cv-cr-beforjii'-^-^— '

"How abouL admitting that wo

have been "*whlpping tbe""«rcing- • .

boy' and'QisKour refined tastes

and 'the filesire for additional

services have been responsible-

for at least sonic of the j^ncrease ' ^

In, the size of the total OJiAiKr ^

supermarket tape?" ■ ^^-y — ■

Liljenquist- said - food prices -

havo-incKased,- but- not -as -much- ;

as mdst other products, "nor as

r.TpiHl y n'i rpniiimpr Irim mPS,

. .If -retail prices -'are_driven — -

down by picketing,, he said, prof-

its in the food - Industry . will

further diminish thereby reduc-

ing-ffgricultural production;" ~

causing scarcity and higher ^

prices later on. [■ ; 1

"Yes, food fs "a Wrgain today ,■

^ther-greatest-bargain ^ It -has

ever 'ljccn',""-he concluded.

Pairf i_eld Demo

Center to Open

FAIRFIELD — Democratic

Headquarters wlll bc Opened at

2 p,In. Sunday- with an - open

housc^'In the Koonce build,ing

tha t was the fprmer_ locker

nlant...oc coWing lo'Joseph

Carter, District, 22 Democratic

chairman:--Al t- ' aJUiily-uua :i-di3;

trict candidates are 'expected to

be present. William Dee,

GrangeviUe, will- be a special

gueSL ■ V"^- - ■

' Thp public Is Itjvited to attend

ai\d refreshments will- be sorvcd

by the Democralic Women's



wllh- comfort loundl

caiontlroly new


Super Power Hearing with ;a|l

In oar aid for most power, tb-'


= ^— SEE OR-CAll.







■- motlng Idaho's pragrosslvo legislative ond tHX.ro-

■f&rm program, ,\ --- „....-....-

♦.Senator. Swlsharl is a five-term I^wrriokai- who

knows theleducattonat,. 'business,. lQ,bor,-arid eco-

~ 'nomicjaroalems In Idaho. : . ; / ' . ',. . — ~-

* Senator Swishor l3 running because the people

have askoq hlm.lHo-ls-o-Builder; the man with^^ -

Ideas. Ho'hps tal<dn his stand.


Swlthar farlOovernor Hoadquartera, Box 1022,

^ --twin Fill*., 733-4519 —

Opbn Man.'itibrQitgh Gat, 10 a.m. to 5:30 pitn.

''rf i'r""*'""' i^*™^!"", Ff< 'funnily Trfii'" -

JicRs' Nev $i30 and $430; H. lels; Maind; L. Daniels, Malnd7Kfntn3r^."^T \Va f d' ' i(na*'Sa'rflTvPTimiTlsf"' J31U; " ''TlTW^ .

P'Evans Nampav Victor Ncl- J360. - ' — Elba, J410; Jay F. Puar.soh, Evans, Nampi|; Gailen Manio-

siin. Twin Falls, $4Q0; H- R. J. Harper and Sons, Malta; Moore; John Varnin, Gooding, nie. Ely. S300.' • ■ -





lb. bag^

i59 505 E4 9

lb. bag,

Diamond Brand foncy, \


Fro^h, Just nrrlved-

wo orderod direct'




bag/^. .


Cut Green Beans

finest quality — nearest thing to'

treah picked.

case of\

24 cans

4.29 ,


From USDA Choice








JHoMoween Special. '^^F'^jiW^'


Sundny drjd Monday

10 Twin Fiilli TItne s-Nawi Sundoy, uci. Ju, 1W

IVin Falls. Gouhty Voters Urgedi to

RegisteFand CastBallots-dii-Nov. 8'*"

with the rcglstrtlion deadllnellnsl gcnernl election, also

a lew days n w a y. Twin Falls sllll registered. , ^„ ^

"~COunly rccordcrHartild Lancns- RcEistrors (orTwin FnlUCoun-

■ - irgcd all qualified electors ty In comlrijssjopc^.district one;

to rcgislcf and vole In tlie Nov>

8 election, ■ f ■

Lancaster s n1 d. "Everyone

shotfld make n spccini effort to

vote in the forihcomir\g elec-

tion." '"

. 'To be qualified tp vote", Un-

be 21. years old, n resident ot|

Idaho for six, months, a resident

of the county for 30 days, a

United Slates cliiieri, and must,


Ail voters - required to. regis-

ter, must do so by D p.m. Nov.

S.- Lancaster said> ■

Lancaster also inserted -that

Anyone who has moved from

..one precinct .'to another must

either transfer their rcgislfation

or re-reglsfer in ihe new -prc-

' cinct,

He also said, anyone voting in

the last general election or In

August's primary already is

registe red for the November

— election; ~

are Mrs. H. W, Lehman, ^01

Main St., Buhl No. 1; Mrs. Al-


No. 2; Mrs. Henry Bodig, Route

2. Quh'l No. 3; Loul.ic Ambrose,

705 i3th Ave. N., BUhi, No. 4;

Mrs. Ed Von Ostran. 221'llth

Ave. N., Buhl No. 5; Mae£ary,;

TTTTTirAvc, N.,-Buhl No.'.fl.'and

Givd^t'. ISO Jefferson St., T\^In

Falls No. 6.- '

- Mrs. RjiAr_peic3kl. 241 Buchan-

an St.,flwin Falls No. .7; Mrs."

Gale Kftlinger. 1036 Blue Ukes

Blvd., Twin Fails No. Q; Mrs.

DoTOthy-Mingoj— 216- Ash -Si„

Twin Falls No. ll;" "Mfs. Eiii.

ma Spence, G53 3rd Ave.- W.,

Twin -Fnlls- No. M. and Mrs,

Lloyd- LcClair.. Cottage Motel,

■ However, voters falling to cast

their ballot in the' last-general

election ai)d .who did not regis-

ter for the primary will bo re-

Siilrcd to register before the

ettdiine.- Lancaster continued

"by sayinp people missing the


_ in Falls No. 15,

Mrs. Mary Stansbiiry. 2J3

Mrs' wiiHam L.-'ParncH, 618 Borah Ave^ W.. Twin Falls No.

Popiar St., Duhl No. -7.

Mrs, Edgar Meyer. Route 1,

Clover; Mrs, Merle Brown, Deep.

Creek; MrrfAV. S. Stewart' Lu-

Mr.i, Lcola Phillips.

Castlcford; .Mfs. Frank Lorairi,

130 Main St.. Filer No. l;,.MrB.'

Max Henry, 211 5th St., Filer

No. 2; Mrs. Harry Hammcr-

quist, TOTYaklma St., Filer No..

3: Mrs. Jake Tolk, Maroa; Mrs.

Enrl E. Haroldsen. 853 Fairway

Drive. Twin Palis. No. 22. and

Mis. Lloyd C. ;yiHchell, Wendell

Drive North. Twin Fails. No. 25.

Registrars- in ^commissioner

district two" are H", Freida

McBcth,-345 Sth-AvTT.-'E., TwJn

Falls No. I; Mrs. H. U Wurst,

242 3rd Avc.-Nr Twin Falls [Jg. 2;

Mrs. Heldn Swartlcy, 221 8th

Ave. E..^Twiii Fai^ No.. 3;

Myrtle ■ AndeT^

. "435'3rd~Ave:

E., Twin Fails No, A ; Mrs. Cecil

Gault, 612 4lh, Avj. N;, Twin

primary ,'''but who voted in ■ thclFalls No., 5. and. Mrs. Kenneth

Andrus, Harding Pickedr~^

B y Geiii Political Writers


the election, Idaha poliUcal"wri-

ters are almost unanimous- In

', picking' three^ 'DemQcrals and

one Republican i^s the probable

'wirtners In the Gem state's

top political contests^ .

Th?y say. Democrats Cecil D.

—^Andrus for govenior.-Ralph-Har-

■^jllng, foe. United States senator

and Rep.-' Complon I. White Iq

the First District-Und . Republi-

can Rep. Gcorgo Hansen in the

second will be ejected In the

Nov. 6 balloting.

-They say the sales tax-f III be

_j:..8Uslained and Republicans will

'retain control, ot both hoiues of

the legblatuKf;

But as they dif three weeks

earlier,, the writers — > repre-

^"sentiilR evcry"&eographfcal"area

-jscoRdaRjj ^ say. they afenXcom-

pletciy conffdeht -the election


now predicting.

SeIe(:lIoii.of Harding ovcr Sen.

Len B. Jordan, the Republican

incumbent, for United- States

. Senator Is reversal of the

- -■writerB- position threft- weeks

They made noj:hanges, ex-

_{: cpt.la-thelc ipeHantflRe-llRureB,

— lirQl'«"^iSlher"racei.

■ Andrus ^gained "not quite two

percentage points In the race for

govefiior wnlch all tho writers

oay will , bo close. Republican

Don WrSamnelson-ltJst^even

Perrv — Swisher~galned foor

poinu and' Independent Philip

W.' Jungert gained a fraction. .

, An announced write - in can-

didate, Don' I. Walker of Bqise

was given a fraction of one pen

cent of tljc votes.

Tho percentagfl figurcs'rfere:

Andrus--38.4,"Samuelson "29:4.

Swisher 24.1, Jungert *.7J,' and

Walker .9.

The writers were 'unanimous In

sayfng the sales tax will win.

The onff wriler who tabbed it a

loser three weeks itgb now thinks

it \ylil pass with a whopping 19

per ccnt.oMlii Votes, tiie. aver-

age of the seven writers was

57.5' per lent

rs. Tom Merry. 446 Ad^

ams Si„ Twin Fall"! No. 17;

Mrs. Anna Smith. 351' Polk St.,

Twin -Falls No, 18; Mm. Poior

F. Sandci Twin Foltf-Wo. 21.

ond Mrs. Bert Knofel, Tliomcli.

Registrars in commissioner

district three arc Mrs, Oliver

_ Anderson, 1305 Heyburn Ave.,

Twin Falls No. B; Mrs. Grant

Gillette, 1616 Poplar Ave., Twiil

Fail.-; Na.aOL-Mci.J>on_W.allace,

Route 1, Kimbc'rly, Twin Falls

m.'IT; Mrs. lU: W. Noble, GS5

Park gl., TwTn Falls No. 13;

Mrs. RusHl Miller,-5![i( Spruce

Twin-Falls No; -19; Mrs;

0.-WJdcaer,-^65 Elizabeth

Blvd.,-. Twin. Fails No. 20, -and


■green -^rlye.Tjvm' Falls No, 23.

Mrs. "AFraHam^ Amos. -11054

Highv^cit LancyT\vin Falls I^o.

24; MrsT Carl/S.-"BOyd,- Allen-

dale; Mrs, li^iossie McGregor,

Berger; Betty Mayo^-HoUister;

Mrs. Pear] Berry, Rogerson;

Mrs. Bcnjice Simmons^ >Han-

sen; Mrs Jili]iejCralg^3. Main

St.iJJ.,-Kimberly-No.- li-Mrs;

Floyd . Pollard. 317 Center St.

E., KimberJy No. 3; Mrs. Flor-


Backs Swisher


Tho Power County Press

Lh'at. endorsed independent

—caiidldote Pejry, Swi s her-for.:.

governor. .

...-.Tlie weeklj[_jicwspaper

"flhid Swisbcf "htiB""'a keen..

-ImaginatiVt^, -critical mind.

He is sOnsitlve-ta„Idaho's

needi. "In education, for in-

dustrialization, h transpor-


The newspaper Cjled

Swisher's 1 ca de r s.h i p-in -

ndoptjon of the sales tax and

said " he has no' political

debts or party compromises.,

behind, his candidacy. The.

Press said Swisher had

demonstrated a ■ sympathy

for Power County'«"'prab^"''




"S. ■ A." (Sy)""KoIman, Twin

Falls attorney.''and. Democratic

candidate" for pro_secuting * at-

torney; issued a statement Sat-

urday crlticiilng ,hls opponent


of the state attorney gcnerdl and

acting stale finance comihls-

slonei; ot "slip, slldp.and duck",

whenever demands ure.made for

Investigation of Idaho Savings

"and -LouL.^soclatlon.



Boost Demos

phrey came to Iowa today to

protect a Jewel In tho ]£ID4 victo-

ry crown and he told farmers:

"I'm liot ■hero to 'ifcll you you

nevtSr had it so good"— b.ut

-With- a .war : on. President

'Johnson does ' not want Dcm'o-

erotic campaigners to use the

phrase, "You never had it so


Humphrey dldti't, but' ho

asked Iowa farmers "lo look


"Check your salc.i sllps^for

■ 1900 nnd lOOfl And then decldo

.. for vnur.^oir whlt'h political pai

ty has best rcprcsenteif ynur

mteresls over the past few

('cars," be snld In o speech

nrcpa red ila r nn inuig (ith nia:

• 'frlc't Democratic rdlly . at the

Shornlon-Warrldr hotel,

loiva . was one of the prize

■ itrcQsurc.H for llmDemocruts iwo

Vfli^ r B anil when It^rovcrsod Its

cnngresSional^'ilileg'iniorl from

Rcpiiblicnn to Deinix-ratlc

-Scvbrnl Great Society Is.iun

were (lecldcd by Jess tiinn five

votes. Thus whelhcr Inwn re-

verts lo lis Kcpubllcaii Irndl'

linns or retains some of lis new

Democratic faces In Cntigress li

' of concern to ihe ndmliiislrn-


Humphrey, cnmpnlgnlng licrn

■ ' nnvclflcnlly for Iton. Stanley

drelgg, asked' the farinorfl' lo

notice Ilia Increase In thn price

for tliolr 'products alnce the end

ot ihn Hhenhowcr admlnlatra-

- - '»1ft,

Ellerf— Starry— Murtaughi

Mrs. Eugen* Stally. 6W Al-

turas Drive. Twin Falls.«No. 26.

Lancaster said anyone having

questions should call his office.


percentflga points. Indepcndeiff "TCoiman-sUted-ihat-hls-oppon.

eiit. . In a statement released

last week, downgraded "politi-

cians and well wishers" who arc

clapiorlng for an easy soiutio'n

of, the Idaho Savings and Loan


("By politicians," Kolman

tinucd,"," I can only assume that

— ' " "inent fs referring to

SwishCrJ ReprBifnndck, W h

have long cried out for a com-

plete, jpd thorough Investiga-

tion Into the nffsira D(,:the ns-

soclatlon. , ' '

Kolman went on lo' nay that

his opponent was willing -I ft; cfl-

opcrnte with (he- -Ada County,

prosecutor, who Is seeking tlitr

services of n, private investiga-

tor, who would ho employed to

investigate '^he assncintion; tho

investinnlor to ho "n profes-

sional In tho field ot corporate


Kolm'an continued In this re-

gard, "Nnlhing could I« more

absurd and q greater waste 'of

Coi']nty prosecutor nskco and

nhlalned nn omcrRcncv nltncn-

tlon of. tlO.OIfO of taxpayers

money to hiro nn Investigator

ahen^ across thn.ptrcct..ln Hi q

~ ■ • hufkliir-



Will Be From Larger Cities

B^.JIM^ADAMS IRodcri. R-Ada. "I don't-think

TJOISE^'(AP)-— ■-Art least a oullook-on-the-part-i

thlrd-or' the-lfl67 Idaho leglsia; tors.' -~ — ■

tors will" be, from the state's! They're too close to the farms

largest cities -as- a result of re- to-forgeUthat-Idabo's-oconomlc

apportionment and'.tpere Is no health Is tied to Its agricultural

way for rural voters to cut that I development, he paid,

marg^ In the Nov. 8 cleQlio,n3.|: Many legislators who servo

;:But"rjevtfar'JegisIato'rsJwEos[nc .ci[y;or,counlry.j5astItu-

lispcjlo be 'back oOubt that ru- encles could bring some 'sharp

ral~ interests — ' Jn a predo'ml- urban-rural fightS' under the rc-

tiantly rural state like Idaho — apportionment plan adopted by

need ■ fear a legislature" that the lBfi5 LeglsiaWrc,- Rodcn

gives tnc.numbers advoiitagc to said,

Comment Is ^

Given on


BOISE-1'wo leading Republi-

cans Friday said they accepted

the endorsement given by Rob-

erf E. Smylie to the entire GOP

ticket as also an endorsement

tO'lho galns Idaho has raadeun-

"der Republican leadership dur-

ing the past 12 years. ,

John 0. McMurray,- chairnipn

of tho State Republican Central

Ctfihoiitlee. and State'Sen. Don

Samuelson, candidate er-

nor, in a Joint statement said,

"We believe that when Gov.


vote the entire Republican tick-

et from' toji to bottom, as he

^irtg-tof^o , that - h e-ex!

Alixious to



dent Johnson, with many miles

yet to log -on his'AAin tour, flp-

wara anxious . to- take to the

lustbigs soon after his return to

the United States s)ext Wednes-

day.'. £ ■ _

-vThe-White -House- Is 'saying

nothing about, . the President's

ca'rripaTgn. plans'.- " but Johnson

himsfiUJa. dropping hints about

What hc will do in the week be-

fore the Nov. 6 election.


Brisbane,— Australia,— audience

he had visited four Australian

cities In which'halt of that coun-

try's population Hves, He added

that he. had been' in 30 0( the

Uni ted S tates this ycac_andjliU

ha d. n oLraacho(i4valt-o(-thtt-U.S,


publican candidates amL-that

they would continue ttic stale'b

forward' movement."

McMurray and - Samuelsbn

said,. "Gov. Sipylic has been a

strong ^d fearless leader end

his dcdicatiod' to Idaho h^s

_^roUg hi— aboul.-advancement3

' some citizens didn't believe pos-

sible. ■ . ,

"Tho Republican candidates

are pledged to "continue this

progress and to go forward

within the taxpayers' ability- to

finance ■ programs and serv-

ices." . ■ /

Andrus Leads


'Nearly 500 history and gov-

, ernmcnt students at. Poca-

Associated Pr ess Writer I we've ever seen -a' strictly urbanr tello'a High School favored

' ■the-part-of-I^sllli' "TjSnBWaU Cecil Andrus for

f;overnor and -Ralph Hard-

ng for the U. S. Senate, biit

_votedl - - b verwhclinlngly--fQii_

incumbent Republican Con-

gressman George Hansen,

over pciiibcrat -At -W. tUiH)

Brunt in'"a ,atra,v* -poll -this-

weefc-^hc-salcs^ax "was-

also A heavy fav.orjte.

Of the 485 vote-t cast, An-

dru.s^\TOlk*^IO, Slate Sen.

;B«riirowisher was given

189. Republican* State Sen.

Don Samueison got 76. and

pro - gambling Independent

Philip Jungert got 10. '

, a good maqj

s - will be bacl


' For oile thing,

rural Incumbents . _..

and their experience will' give

them .an advantage ove; tho

newcomers from the cities.

Of the 196 candidates for the

105 seats at stake. 85 ore incum-


For another. Idaho does "not

have the-sharp division. between

city business and industrial in-

tcrcsts-on one side andJarmcra

Under pressure from 'the U. S,

Supreme Court's -"one man one

vote" ruling, the legislature di-

vided Idaho Into 35 equally' pop-

ulated districts each to-elect one

Senator and two Reprcstihta-


The population is In the cities,

of course, and .the plan left

some tcin districts — for elec-

tion of 30 y the 105 legislators—

almost completely'' within "city

I the other that metropolitan iJolsc^loftC;

states have,

"in Idaho," says Sen. William


Msts^taiicl';-^ r


' By The Associated Press

.Repi;bllcan gubernatorial can-

didate Don Samueison said Sat-

urday he would use the prestige

of thergOVerrior's, office to con-

tinue his fight against anti-gun


Whether the plan simply gives

city domination — gets its test

No. 8 when all 35 Senators and

70 Representatives; in the new

legislat ure are c le'ctedT

-Th'fe- 25 other districts cov^i;

the sparse farm and ■ timber

lands, small .cities and suburbs

■— and they're the ones' likely \p

send back the. bulk of experi-

enced' legislators.

The dctermlriation of small

counties to keep their legislative

representation undcrliGS"^ num-

ber of contests — notably the

campaign -of incumbent— Sen:

" I've bee n. a-spor t3mttn_aht


'"So, 1 have some homework

I do when I get home," he said.

There have . been re p o rts-

J'ohnson will 'cnmpalgn for

Democrats in California. I|ii-


and Oregon-^among ■' other

states. v- .V

But Sen, Wayne Morse, a cri-

tic of Johnson's Viet Nam poli-

cies, doesn't, think Johnson'-I

i-Islt to his home state of Oregon

will help Morse's fellow Demi "

crnts. -

If he< does (visit Oregon)'

GOP Leader ^

Says Harding-

win Gtitjobi

Charles A. tunle. Twin Falls

X^unly-Republican cha^Irman, is-'

sued— the— following— statement

Saturday: '"

"Many personjs-haya-been

wondering jvhat job President

Johnson would have .for Ralph

Harding^ when -he ~l3-defeated

.. ■_ .1 _ .. .j^a^"

iTmCTnT «"und ' twi rcr Mon»;-iioI4-JiW4ayr-ih«rPM»hi

:ho-moflt-p«>m(nent-les!fl!«torfr bli^vULhcl p dm ( ffOli-Gofc

in Idaho - Slato Sens, Mary Mark 0,) Hatfield."

Brook.s. Rep|-Blainc. and. Perry

Former Vice President Ricii-

ard M. Nixon renewed Frida'

his prediction Republicans wll.

pick up a net gain of W Scats'ln

tho House,, three in the .Senate

and'VOn In-stn'tc ieiislnturei

In Alhuquertjuc. N.M,, Nixon

urged election ofmor'o Republi-

cans, saying), this will keep the

govepment.- from doing more

and frtflfe anil "■ ' -

and loss. Later, m imi. .iniiin,

Ark,, Nixon said tlie SDlh Con-

,grcns failed^ in-- three major,

fields— peace' nrlcei and crime

,— which lio nald are tho major

Isau es In the .current campaign!

outdoor enthusiast all my life.'

Sli'muelsoh *sald, ."and believe

that politics .ends whon.j'ou have

a fishing' pole or "a guii for

hunting" in. your hands.

Slate' Republican Chairntnn

John 0. McMurraJ-i^'ofi-JEipIse


gubernatorial candidate noml .

atcd~4)y public vole. He de-

scribed Independent P e r r.y

Swlsherand Democrat Cecil An-

drus as "deserters from Ih'eir

own parties."

■State Democratic,, Chairman

E. J. Waters challenged Samuel-

5on-lo_meel_Andrua In"a.,lele-

FHA.ioX'llstlll open, ■specula-

tion has ItTiTat he will get the

FHA job vacated by Mr. Han-

'Max tried to run for gover-

nor but ran Into Sen. Church and

-Rnlph^HimllnE-insTP utl. ~ A pp4r-

cntly they. needed a job opening

to protect Ralph's future.-

"Getting him tho job from the

Preside(it should'be no probliJm

since he has been campaigning

as the kind' pf errand boy the

Prcsideilt wants to'kecp in poli-

tics. HardinJ; already owes the

President many votes for mak-

TUB iHA-WnnniBRton-lDbrtntiinbli

lor trio past two years,'

"Wllh this FlIA obligation j5

tho President, Mr, Harding

wouldn't have a free vote for

years tb come.

"Ho has already voted for, or

supported, .Qvery .wild .spending

spreo that President Johnson

cnutd think up, but with this

new Job obligation, hff cj

rcniiy be called Rubber Stl


"With n Senate full of the

Prcaiilenl'a boys like Ralph

Hnrcllng, wo will have nn chance

to atop this Inflation whlgh has

' been created liy^ wild "govern-

ment spending,"

^'isIon debate so .the_vo[ers _CBi

Assess the Republican - candl

date's views and capabilities.

In other campaigns :

. — The "Educators for {Dem-

ocratTlalph)"Hardlng"for 'Sena-

tor Corhmittee" distributed cop-

ies of a' purported telegram fropi

the-Na'tlonal-Education Associa-

tion disclaiming. endorsement ot

^incumbent Republican.- Sen. Len

B. Jordan's stand on any educa-

tion-measure ; ■ ; r

— Idoho AFtrCiO' President

Darrell'Dorman termed -."ridicu-

lous" tho claim of Barry. CTold-

water in his nationally syndi-

cated- column~that^th6~UnIted


^ 64>/2 PER CENT

Capitol huiklliig, the hitorney

general's department, with sev-

eral' full-llmo and wdl-piild

(Itlorneyfl on Its staff, refuses to

take nny ntllon In tills matter

"And Ihis," Kolninn slaloil,

"my opponnnt agrees' with anil

is willing to cooporote .In.

"While my opponent does not

l>cllove ttiaro Is n cure-all for

the problems of lilnho .'Ai^lni

and Loan, 1 preicr to loiinw ii

nplnliiri, of - Sen. Mary llrooUs,

whi) fech Uinfa" lllllo nood old-

fannloncirivoVk and npplii'iillon

of Ihn jirlnrlples of lioneniy' will

(f imin hi),"

Money • ^orpontorn ' 1 . Motorlols

Frea EatlmatAi • All av^llabto

for your REftflpDELINQ ... NEEDS '


..... 6c »q. ft.'

4x6x%" Premium ■




301 3nd Sr. S. PhoM 733-3214



. Canie from families with less .

. . fhtin $6,000 yearly intoltie. '




'Famlllos oornlns Iodb thnn $6,000 yonrly.

pny thti bulk of our Incomo taxoat a

Tho SALES TAX cliBtrlbiilosi'ttVo tnx lond

oqultobly otnops ALL,,.. Htsq' or,amoll,h

'INfiloi:!!! ratufniMiaied on iHn'yoor 1965 . ; , Thn

■Jatiii Cofporallon (it Sun Valloy prild $125,127.00 In,

SALES TAX.atonol) . ^ ' ■ '



< >cf, M, (1>lv.; foiyilKl IduIlD Ct>ll1llll1l», '

. . M. 0. ln>it*tli.i<li, (Ixiltiniiti, Twin Inlli Coiinl/


ing influence for Harding's elec-


' F ouf of them • arel In

stronc rural , vote - in JJlainc and

Lincoln ' counties In the Aug. 2

prljnary to .upset Sen, Rodney

Hansen, R-MInidoka. for the

nomination. She' -hopes for an-


Idaho's smallest .cOunty^ -

Clark with about 915 persons -

will lose Its legislative rcprc-

,Ecntation by default. It has no

legislative candidates this year.

"The 1B67 Legislature's party

makeup Is anybody's guess. Pb-

Htlcal writers , figure Republi-

cans will control bo^h'tho Hoj^se

and Senate — but other experts

think tiie Dcmocrats-may.get

the Senate..

Rodcn hop6^ Republicans can

get a 1S-IS ipargin In* the Senate

and "casy^dominance^n— the

Hoiise.. House Mlnoflly Leader

Dafrcll Manning, D-Bannock,


ghi in ..the S«natc .ahd^ a. 35-35

split ill* the. House with posslhle

Etemocratlc control.

-Whatever effect reapportlon-

ment -has "on future legialatlvc

makciip,' It 'has an Immediate

and ironic Ctfecti

The realignment"' guarantee

tetmsPrihe "IhcurfiberHs who


Slammed by"

Re p. Hanse n

HAILEY — Congressmn

George Hansen said Friday In

Hallcy thc-f^ts Indicate Secre-

tary of Agriculture Orvillo Frcq-.

man ha^ engaged in ,a steady

war on the Income gf the MJierl-

'"'i farmer. . ' " ,

_ . 'The' record -13 replete. .with

ac tions l]y the secretary desig n-

cd to either reduce^priccs farni-

ers receive or to frighten them

into the ' agriculture depart-

ment's strangling programs as

discloscdi'reconlly by Frank M.

LcRoux, a ■ former agriculture

department— official," Hansen

aid. ' ' -T

-Ho said-last-wintcr- Freepian

Group Okays .

Proposal to;

Sponsor Bill

DOISE (AP) — The Lcgisla-

..ve Council's Committee' on .

Juint-RuiesJirlday-approvcd^a— ...

recommendation to allow-mem-.

bcrs of eilher"hou,'!e"tO"CO-spon-" . "

sor' bills In the Idaho Leglsln- ,


• If ndoptcd by-the- full Wjuncil'i- -

-and then by tho 1BG7 Legisla-

ture — 'the bill wqjild chpnae

situations . where a bill cduld

;>as3 one house, but would lay

idle in the other because 6t a

lack of interest. ' -

The ■ Rules Committee's rec- ■

ommtmdalions for tho full coun<

cil's ■ mid-NovcmbQr meeting

were put Into final' form In the

Friday meeting.

: Other, major changes adopted,

in tlie committee'^ recommen-

dations: , ■ ■

— A "consent calendar," to

be used ior passage of non-ccii-

trovcrslai: legislation by -refer-

ence to bill numbers only,

^— A decrease in lhe-number — -

of standing cominlltces In the

Senate from 15 to 6 and from 17

to 7-Jrf the House.' A legislator

could belong to only one com- •■

mitlce. " '-^ "-

— Requirement for each

house to automatically resolve

iuelf into a-Commlttee" of the"

Whole aft e r tho s econd rea ding

ot each bill — which woiildT>c

the only time the bill, could . bo

amended. ■

ket to depress prices and.he had

conspired wflh' defense eccre-

tnry McNainara to-forcft-porlt —

prices down by drastlcajly cur- .

tailing defense dcpartment^gork. ■

Mary-Brooksr-R'BlaineT-againat dumped-CCG-^m-on' the mnf lp u r ch ttses. —

Orntf(<r Npwinnn, n — Rupert

Democrat, f i'

Mrs. Brooks uVged a'nJ^got a


BECAUSE he Has pledgetJ

immediato investigation

intO-the los3 by share- _


holders of Idaho

. Savings and Lo^n.-

he^ has pledged to

protect MagicValley

.rosidODts frorfi unscrup-

ulous door-to-door





VIGOROUS ~ we say_j:

Vote for "Sy"







T he Tfmes-Ne w F'Fias g daily ne t - paid circulation of

over 70,000 readers. It is read by 84% ot tfie tdrrv

iljes in T\A^h Falls County gnd. two out of every three

households in the entire eight counti(es cwipri^ing.

Magic: Valley. ; ■ ' ' ■

Ifl Order to Help Uo Help You . ! „ Plonso Obs^.vo the FoIlDWlng,


If you wnnt your fld to run


' ■ Copy muBt bo tii our

cofflco before Snturdny noon.

If you-want your t6 r'un


Copy muBt bo In our offico

before Monday noon.

If you wont your lad to run


Copy muBt bo In otjr office

bofore.B:30 Mohdhy.

If you wnnt your ad to run


CopyrhilBt be In dariifflcift '

before 5i30 TuasQay.



Copy muBt bo In dur offici(^^

boforq 5!30 Wg^efldny^ ^.

If you wont your ad to run


Copy must bo In our office

boforo Thursday a\ 5:30 p,m.

' Sungny, Clcl.30, 1966 Twin Fglll .Tlmel-Nnwt H

Chamber at

Rupert Holds

Regular Meet

RUPERH-Buslncss nt Uie Ru-

pert Chombcr of Commerce

meeting Tliursday-noon Included

plans for the annual dinner hon'

nrlngj anfibufa'UlIidlniiE-itftrmeiJ

TTiflfTouncement of the Heybum


High School hoinccomlilg report,

nnd a report -on-^o- EasUJrn

Idaho 'Chamber -of Commerce

meeting. -

William- HayneS;'; chairman

the outstanding farmer' affair,

announced judging was complet-

■ ed Thursday aftcrnoori .and the

winner of the title of Oulslond-

Ing Farmer of thc Year will be

announced pt the annual dinner

"set for 7(30 p.m., Thursday, at

{ho Catholic. Parish -Hall,.

The Heybum turkey shoot will

be held N0V.-19 Jit -.Ihe-Juninr.

high school gymnasuim,

Program chairman _D o n a 1 d

D ! c k g 6 n Ititroduce'd.Mirilco'a

student body president, Grace

Kraus. Miss Kraus prtd 'Evelyn

Delllston^ a . member of the

Jioniecoming . committee, .'"an-

nounced pluis for homecoming

activities Nov.. II. High school

■ students^re selling Jiomecom-

' ing~buttbn3 ttThelp Talsc fiinds

for thp affair and' local mer-

chants were asked^for their sup;

■ port.



ROI^ERT — Mlnico'. 'H\'k\\

School's homecoming activities

. wllCget underway nov. 10 with

■a "burning of'the bobcat." Mln-

ico and Durley," traditional rl-

vals,* will iTieet oh the football

. fleld^In.the irig_game

at 2 p.m." Nov, II,

Freshmen find senior students

have teamed up-ln competition

with sophomorcs"^nd juniors to

.see-whlch-group_caii_collect the

largest pile of rubbishjpr the

I "burning.'/^ — - —

\ A highlight at the pep,

bly at ir a:m^. on^-NoVi 11 at

the' high ' school will be ' when

members of. the football team

' elect- tRo" hohiecomlng queen;

who wul appear on the quceri's

float in the parade"* set for nooii

' _ Jn. downtown -Rupect — ^. — ^rr—

. Also, to be featured at the pep

'■^ assembly, wUr be Thomas Nlch-

• ols, 8 .member of- the senior

class and always very active in

athletlte, who was injured In a

dynamite accident this Summer.

Nlcholsi-^wUlrpreSent the..teani

- with a ipoclqlfpotball to be'used

at the gafneTaler that day. -

Conclusion of homecoming nc-

— tlvIties-will-bG-a-danco-that-eve-

nlng at the high -school -gymna-

' slum,, with the Chancelors tc

■ furnish miiiic.

Fifteen Student PraeTical Nur-

ses . weic capped during- cere-

monies F^day -night, signifying

successful cornpletion-of^a-scv- . . - . ,

"en-week probationary T>ertod- Ja nonnc-TorhcHl.

their training.

■The prgram la conducted un-

acr -IHc-flUsplccsrof - thB^College

of Southern— idaho-and-ehtatla

■a year of extensive , training,

Mrs: Marilyn Blackburn Is in-

structor for the group.

-Capped at tho conclusloa of

tho ijrogram at Magic Vallej)

Memorial Hospitdl-; were -Mrs.


Mrs. AlEtta Carter, Mrs. Velta

Cleverly, Vera Ellison, Mrs.

Edythe- Frazicr.' Mrs. Frieda

Jpy Gist, Mrs. Marion Hasl«;tt,

Death Claims

Ci A.G6re,


. Funeral services'' for C. ■ A,

(Bud). Gore, 67, former Twin

Falls Buto dealer, were— held

Friday .In Aptos, Cailf. He died

. Wcdnciidsy of a short illnesi,

' Hrflwiaa bom A ug. 10, 181

T' CaiifftrnmnirimTritra'Jtmilr

Wagner in July 20, 1917, in Cal-

ifornia. Ho. moved to Salt UHc

in 1037 and became sales man-

ago . at Capitol Chevrolet. He

moved to Pocniello In 10-15 an<l

0 p.e n e d-tho-Ooro Motor Com-

pany as'A Nasli denier.

He moved to Twin Falls li

1 JO-17 nnd was the . DeSolo-Ply-

mnulh. dealer until 1050. ^e

moved' to Jerome. In 105Q and

operated the flore Motor Co. Ho

retired and-movcd to Cqilfornia

in^MO.^ . - ■,

Ho wan flie-Qrganii'.or nnd fli,it

president of the Exchange Club

in ,'rwln Falls; a 33rd degree

Mason aiid president of the lo-

cal Shrlnera Club'. He was nc-

tlvc In the Twin Falls Chamber

(if Commerce, nnd on the board

of dtrccior.'i fpr ihc-niuc'lJike.'i

Country Club. Hn Was n mom-

her of Iho KIki Cluh, a velei

ADJUSTING JCAP on Vera Ellison. Buhl, on* oM5 student

practical nurses capped Friday night. Is -Mrs. Joan Hazen.

AN, director ol nursing at IVIagIc Valley Memorial Hospital.

15 Silent NiU'ses Are '

Capped Duririg Ceremony

Helen Joa, Mrs. Lydia Johnson,

Mrs. Jane Lyon, Mrs. Gloria

Ochsncf, Mfg. Ella Rose Partln,

Mrs.- Mory-Qu^lls anf Mrs, 1^

James Rosenbaum, assistant

fldmlnlstratof nt-rtho-^hospltal

presided aX the_ meetin g- with.

■" s. Nell Wheeler as guest

speaker,^ Mrs. Jean JIaien, RN,

director "of riursinn service, pre-

sented, the- caps. A vocal group

from the Mennonlte Church,

Floyd Miller,. MaHorlc Miller^



- Hie_cci:cmQDX_^ol, fc^lowed

by a reception attended by fam-

ily and friends of tho 15 women.

North Side Communities

Donate to Pxigmire Memorial

SHOSHONE — Members of

North Side Commuhitles voted-a

fund of t5Q tow ard the .S moky

i'ugmlrc • [viemij)rl!il :ui-. HUtjiu

Springs Recreation area when

they met a'l the Mountilin View

lanes Thiirsday night. N^^^

Warren- Barry and E. C.

Woods, bolh-Twin-Falls,-ivci

at the meeting and explained

Eilans lo promote-a M{tgic Val-

e'y airport project.

Hio North Side group Is pres-


the Magic Reservoir road nnd

will call their November meet-

ing af 8 p.m.' Nov. 17 at -the

court houso here to discuss -the

matter. County commissioners

in the respective couiitjes .in-

.v o l ve d- f)re-l o - b »- tnv lteg-aloBg

with- all interested persons -and

tho government agendas

volved. -t-

Report oh.proposed roadsf rom

Kimama to --Carey _8nd 'Min-

idoka to Arco was- given. ,

'r~and~'Hey bnTir~C hai

bers 'are working on-'the

to Arco andjhe Paul and

ley "Chambers are .working on

tho'one"lb .Carey.


the, meetlngT'

" AltN:^mm.unltIes^dn"'the north

side-exfcept Halley were- repre-

sented. \ ^ • ^



Telephone pioneers through-

out IdnhoVrc f^elebraUng'. fhc

nrganliatinn^s 55th nnnlverKory

Wednesday by wearing special

idcnillicatlon badges and spon-

Boring' events to Identify tnelr

code of fellowshlpJ^-Jnyalty nnd

service, L. C. VoMi/itwIn Falls

telephone mnnafjcfan^innivificd

Salurdjjy. , 7.. ....

The |clephone--pioncer group

h comprised of . lelsphiinc cm-

ploytes'WIth 21 Qt mofc yoaiif

of company service; 'nnd ts J,ha

largest frnicrnal ordalnzallon in

tho United SInHa. .v>l'^' ,

I .IstedVftmwK-^hfr^il^itriw-

lalhlng Mioki^fnr.lhQ


' -Burley Police Blotter

Peter G. Snow, M, 607 W. 21st

St.. Burley, driving east dn 13th

Street, was blinded by the sun

at'.S:30 a.m/ Monday and failed

ta see a car traveling norttf-on

Miller Avenue, driven- by Mrs,

Wlhpn S. Dayley^ 51, Route 2,

Burley. The two cars collided

nt thc'Jhtersectfnn, (heh'struck

two legally parked autos l>ctnng-

In IT m RnhRrl ff., Biawnt-Jjani

ant, and Robert Dchner,

iilind, uyenlnS.ios. tor , life needy,

snonsornhfp of ficiw(Ji)}(,._ wrap-


1 work^Illi.ncllVO

of tlio Amurlctin LcgL... „ „ ,

— Sui-vivlnfi-tirftn-Tfloftwt-ft ifoBr -membertpVoMl— coiwludiU,

Mnj. Jiim<!s OorCn WnihlnRlon, . — r-7'i ,j,. ' ■ . —

>iii>,,i xiiiu,, ■•••iihlnRlon,

i dniightcr.^Mrs. Robcil

(Nancy) H^o, Cliljo. Ciilli,; a

sliiicr. Mrs. Cienrge', (Helen)

.SImklnii, Ul Srrundo, Calif., and

■ fiov'en prnndcIijUlron,

■ Mnnl rites worn hold nt Gold-

0)1 Onto NntlnnnI Comolcry, Snn

—Uruno, Cnllt,

grnms nro l

. nc ol bsjndngcfi arjd'flSfiliilnnco

at l)lnml drivcj. " i, . i

Re|lred mkjphOnc cmnlnyos

«ro oapccinlly7 active in-llio or-

ganization and

_ , NEGJlO-EUaiiD: —


Dr. nicliard Uenmon Martin

wuB elECled Saturday (i:cond

nulfrnnnn hlshnp' of the -I/mg

Island Upl^copiii diocese— Iho

second Nug""" liplicoprii hishtip

In Iho' United Slates,





In'^^Monday's Times-News!

News of



Looking on. from Icft;-are Mra.Xydia Jolinson and-Mrs. Alotta

Carter, both Twin Falls. James Rosenbaum assistant adminls^

trator at the hoapltal. Vas In charge. (Tlmes-Newa photo) ,

Bids Sought *

For Aerial ,

Land Seeding

"SHOSHONE^^Ids-are .being

sought by the Bureau of' Land

Management.-Departnient of the


helicopter ' aircraft of about 3,.

400-acres.of Jntcrm.cdiate wheat-

grass on government owned

land in Blalne'county. ThB local

BLM office made the announce-

ment. ',' ' *

■^^The- seeding- will; be "done-K

*0)iabllltate-the-Bellevue- fire

larea, and 20 days are allowed

in whTcti to complete the proj-

.t: — ■ ■ ■

Bids tor Invitation i959 will b^!

opened at 1 pirn. Monday ,at this

BLM's Service Center,.7lO N. E.

Holladay St. (P. O. Box 3B61),

Portland, pre... 97208.

Contractors are urged to cx-

■nine the project Bile. To ac-

commodate them, a guided in-

spectiofitour of the"ftrea wlllTSi

-Veterans tO'Get

.Questionnaires *

tlngomc questionnaires will be

included in ■Veterans Admini."!-

tralion p!insii>a checks . for No-

vembcr. ■ ■ ' .

"toryn E. Kopan; Director- of

the Boise "VA Center, said

ciplents of VA pensions are re-

quired— to— return— the— (ncO;ne

questionnaire before Jan. 31.

1967. in order- for their pensions

to be continued.-Pensions-vary

according-lo -tho-amountof- In-

come a veteran^has from other'

sources. Kopan said.

Tho questionnaires -also will

go- to-parents- ot-deccased- vet-

erans who are receiving, de-

pendency and Indemnity com-

pensation. Kopan added. ^



at Vi Price I

Mr Reg.

Low price

conducted by a BLM representa-

tive. The district manager of the

bureau here will furnish- Infor-

mation rclatlngjo the work.

The service center In Portland

wilt provide similar details. Tho

government asks small business

concerns only to enter bids,





-•-STYLE wIlMhs

15.00 lotion' . . .


' Gonuino .Impprted

Fronch Perfume


,' WINcVie'STER 6RJ?EiyilNGT0j!?

.410 Gous^ 2'/i7 ?1 QO '-.U GouBS $0 00' '

J.45 voluo ....... I.7CK 3.35 volu«,,..„.^XZi_

I— r^20-Gaug» — • $0-C0 — Gqquo b .- V \ Mk

— - 3.20 valijo » ...7. .'4.37 3.70 valu» . . :. . . Ml


Belt Type. Reg. 39t; . . .



89c Value . .


h* only coilego In Twin Fallt wlth the,Franchl«e

■ "-\ for the famoui Pivot Point Sy«t«m.

Mr. Juan's CoHerge

of Hair Design





•-'SIZE 1472-17

SIZE 29-40





Net At Pltmnd



-r^. ^fonrUvrfiirBUlt ^—

Yon are ppjoyed by a BUHl Law Flrni '

1. if elected, do you Intend to move the Propocgtor'o

-offiee-*o-^hl? —-^ ; —l—u, —l^ — -

-2.- U^not,-do you Intend to commute taTwIn I^ott* evor/"


3. Will you or wlH the toxpoyera pay the travql, phone,

end ottier expens&s Incurred whlfe comitiutlnil? '

4. Con yoVi,worft full time In both Buhl and Twin Falls?

5. If you ^nnot, to which office will you owe. gf-eater


6. If elecfod will you refilgn your Buhl "duties"?,

y^-Orlmlnftl-actlulfaf-l a-nn t roqtr|9^«d to'aiQQ a.m. to SlOO

p.m. weekdays. On nlghta pnd weekends, how wlOtfu nieoTr

demands from law enforcement officials and the public

promptly? i - ,

: ' 8. Do you Intend t*retnln 3 Deputy Prooecutdra ijt $3, -

600;00 each per year?

In the MEANTIME, we support S. A. (Sy) Kol-

man f6r Prosecuting Attorney/thQ cdhdidate

who will give us economy plus ability, i

,1 . ^ ■ " ■

Lloyd J. ,Vyn|kor — Dom.* Joaa L. Rnlnbolt — Rop.

Lolnnd W. Btirnos — Rop. . Tommy Walker Dom.. , ,

MIko Young — Dern, ,W. Craig .Qrayblll ■ — Rop.!: '

N^ rol. AtW,, ]lia Commir[«« of 9,000 (J»> f<ulnl>oll, £«ciitii(v) ' . . >

Men's Winter Jackets

• Knit Collars and Cuffs "

• Shell i65% Dacron/ 35% Cottbn

Wa}<^r,Repellent; • Dark Colors


.■. Th a.i ' ctlon-fiiw<»

-f »vorlf#'- for- the - entlro-

famlly, Roll tho dico

and build tho winning







Makes Choco-

late Flavored

■Candy Tempt:

TellcTous - ,7

9.00 Value



OUIJA talking board

nit taUtng boord gWei'vou

fertalnmant you hov«, n«v«r •)(•

porion'rtdi'-lt-dfowi. th'a ":two

peopl'o uling It Into cloi* com*,

pantonihlp and y<«avtl . about

ifiB iTv^ fsaliiiO'^Qf iiy^tlviEODrllot.'

latjoril -Unqueitloppbly lh« moit

faicTriallno anlflrlalnnttnl* fot'

modarn psoplo and modern Ilf«i






Of Non-Vofei s Respected

■ Editor, Ttfrtes-Nows:

— ^Thc-lMLren^H!; of -Twin Falls

' was" 20,833, Qnly BG6 persons

voted, in ihft liiM city- clc<:ti—

■ Shauld the dcjircs nnd riRht?

tho non voters 'ro unrespcctcd?

■ Blundors nl City Hull remnln

hushed, ns the' followjng facts


A previous cHy monnflcr left

prior lo 0 grand jury ipvcstlE''-

tion.' Voting for mavors \vould

prevent appointed city manrif;-

' crs goiDg free of piiblii scru-


Our SL7O0.CI00 four-year-old

■ KCwaSG fiystcm has never been

adequate. Wc stjil.dwe'ji;'145,000

on tho sewer. Additional federal

■funds of S25^.S8£I obtained this

year are'peedcd. . .■. ,

Complete audits ot city books

a c not made. A CPA having no

• association past or present with

city hall should he crigaged.

' The S2;5DO;DOO water bond"rep^

rcsenUKUas-suflicicat to com-

plete entire water Byslem Is in'

■ 3d5,0()0 have been approved.

— This-total3-H,8(15,00(UindJWC_sill!

will be short: , ,

' Blue Lakes water' and filter

plant wells are equal quallly:

Pumping costs of wells are only

one-lilth of pumping Blue Lakes.

: -ThB-wcU.? are, not . now pumped

. Vf

to capacity. Blue ■■Lnkts."wal?r

shows traces of . contamination

now. The Blut Ukcs project

ihould bo nbanaoned before-ri-

diculous water rnles drive ppp-

•ple'away fi;ofn the city, Wntcr

■,hOrtagES have been proven fic-


Tlio city owned no water rights

at Blue Lakes prior to bond dlcc-

tjon as represented.

'."TVithout bids,' the d6fi pound

was taken ^rotn one veterinary

hospital' receiving approximate-

ly $100 montifly, an'd given lo

another for $500 monthly.

A-t29,900 truck-mounted Jiack-

le, requiring two operators,

should not have been purchased

No Pbiitics

No. Fdrum ielteri (Jealing'

with any canaidalo or issue

I " tha Nov. 8 election will

~be nccopteiPfor publication'

In nnxt Sunday'siwwr. -

. ,This Is In accordairae.wilh

Candidate "Sets Riscord

Straight" After Charges

Editoi;. Ttmes-NeWs:

Bccau.se of an attack upon "

In the Public Korum by Mrs.

■H lon"R-sta(Kllng^mes-News *

policy. , \

when a S9.500 tractoV'unit with

one operator will pulwork It,

Turmoil and dishnrnVony exist

in the police department.

The councllmen make deci-

sipns for themselves when ni^

Influenced by a .speciijlisl. Coun-

cjlmen, however, should come

from all city areas,


- (Twin-Falls)

, _. _ Imported wool. Dulles to protect

Emma-Relfer. Rupert. I am sy-< doijicslic producers have b^n

Analysis of Tax Form .


Editor. Times-News: .

The' people of Idaho have


tho pros and cons of the soles

ta x. Thg issue will s.oon be do-

■aha~rthItik^1HjMin=of-^iit nhvlmi-ilv^tti^it IfMh e-aales-tax

are IhanW"! for lhat, .

. I won't quote dny statistics,

but -I would like lo give my

analysis of the. situation, as I

SCO it.

Mail Repudiates Claims on*

Sen. Jordan's Yotirig Record

Editor, Times-News;

During the current campaign

Idahoans have been subjected

to an -unprecedented amount of

unfair campaigning by -Mr.

_ - Ralphrspardlng.— He— has—beon

spewlnife '"forth oil sorts of un-

■ -^oundeorcharges a^bout Senator

— Jordan— The-fo!lo^ing-are*Ju3t^

- 8 fewcxamples:— — ~'- ~

He charged that 'Scnutor Jor-

■ ■. dan voted against the Wild Riv-

ers bill — an absolute falsity.

Later, he wa.-i forced to, admit

■ the untruth ot this charge. .

- He charged that Senator. Jor-

dan w n i ''l iiypwnTTn" ILynn

Crondall .Dam, This , Is absurd'

■.since' Senator-Jordan was the

one who first proposed construc-

tion of Lynn Crandalt. - ,

He charged that,.Scnator, Jori

dan voted: , Pgalnst .i'Hanpowor

tJevelopmcnt and Training legis-

__l?tfon. This. i5 untrue, Senator

Jordan .voted for this legisla-

tion .(S. 97+) pn Morch-ig. 13S5.

" He charged, that Senator Jor-

"~tI5nrv6t'M against Health-Pio^ ■

Tcssloas. Educational y\sslstancc

leglslttimn— This— i!r-blatartlly

" ■raise. Senalop Jordan voted for

■ this legislation (H.R. 12 lh"13G3

and H.R; 3Hl in 19155).

He charged that Seaatcr Jor-

■ dan was "soft" on .the exporta-

tion of Idaho water — a com-

plete falsification; Senator Jor-

dan has. been a leader in ad-

vancroB prdjects to ulilizo Ida-

ho's water so that it will be safe

« irom diversion efforts by other

. states.

chairmen- did not even know of

the ad until It appeared In ttv

paper. Was Harding hiding b(

hind others in carding out* ' '

unfair campaign practices?

rvit 'all— certainly— makes /one

wonder, just who Is pTactfcing

tho^^blg lie." ' '



Man St^tesmews on Nov. 8

looting on4]dabo^Sales^Fa?r—

a -similaf^ expose' (lii the Times-,

NeWs) of Harding's highly gucs-

'tlonable tactics, a full-page ad

was placed In that paper. T5.e

ad charged that Times - News

. editor. Lowell, blck, and 1

were using flic "big lie" tecli-

-niquo- (for- -cxposlng-Hardins's

tacilci), The 'ad was purported-

I ly placed by tho chairmen of

the Dcmncrfld^ Centra} Com-

mitteen in Magic Valley. ,

Howcvor,.i«vO'r^l^ then*

ting the record straight.

Would living here more than

■10 years and paying (axes all of

one's life Qualify me for' the

title- of resident? For a briijf

few years, after my first hus-

band's tragic death In .Hager-

man Valley, I was married to

Sen. C. Waylond Brook.^ of Illi-

nois. I , returned shorlly' after

his death -to my family in Mul-

doon and Rupert, ittmy -ranch

and where my roots have al-

ways been.

■ I'm very protid of my record

ond also the reconl of my fa-

the r, the late U.S. Sen . John

Thomas. He was" irstru?iien(aT7

with others; .In^jjulldlng the

■American Falls'Dam. ■ ,

ln,lMa*-ha had -Dr. Mead.

'|IKon : commissioner- of- reclama-

tion, come to Idaho to.jitart the

Even the most conserratlve

candidate rDnnlng for govern or l5V^'^>'f^t?f' _

ItTm4orie-(n,-rccord-a^aayin#^i'«fl«^VDam andJhs-J,^Wr

tliat tho presOnt slate budget

cannot b^-rednccdr-Ihis means.

surveys that led (o the-btiildilTE' tal campaign.

r. . ,i.„ T„i.. vi.et'j st ick to theTcal issues;

M?s. Ri " "

is voted out the sahftfTIlTiount-o!

tax will have, to be put "Some-

where else. We are, therefore,

not voting -against a tax, .but

ag,a|nst a form of tax., .

My question^ then, to those'

who plan_ to vole against the

sales tax. Is "where would ^ you

like lo httvejhe new- tax put?,''

* The last legislature Tgado

quite an exhaustive" study' of

taxation-before decidlbg .on a

sales . tax I_am_s,ure=-th8-iiew

legislature will bo open to sug-

gosUans-on alternatives lor the

sales tax," if It is voted out:

Not- one of .the opponents of

the sales tax that i have heai'd

have offered any alternative.

To criticiie is cajy, .but unfor-

tunately not very constructive'.


jCTvtin Falls) ■

Editor. Times-News:

Your "orily chapce" editorial

of Oct. 13- would 'Indicate that

the -voters are in a rebellious

mood in regard to the sales tax.

1 thihk you are right, and that

there.-wiH-be' n lorge-antl-s^es

tax vole. However, ypur edito-

rial in my opinion- will not

£hanEB_8/iy v oters mind- o n

election day. ■ "

Y ou state that SlS million a re

needed ahnually, 1 want lo call

your hltcntion to llie fact that

only million has been al-

locaWd )o the genera! fund from

the aatek tax or onIy,Sl4.6G mil-

lion perl annum. Forward Idaho,

Max iYisl and the -Anti-Sales

Tax-Eommtliee are In'' agree*

menC with this figure. I can

ly think,.. that. ,yoiCare""cpn*'

fusing thb voters when yp'u talk

abontja Imosslve property tax.

On Sept, 11, after I h'fecl -inade ^'"/"t'' knowUiai

tho-Idnhi constitution prohibits

mort-4hon 10 nillls to ho levied

on projpcrty.

Natural growth;'J5,7 millions

have bemi-budficled to the gen-'

eral flin^ Jrom the Income tax,

and ■jnoal taxes are running

n h 0 a d/ of budget, schedule,

enough to produce 0 or 10 mil-

lion dollara.exlrn for-Tttntc:(iS0i

snrrjluf^- ovci^aml- nljovc the

budgciuor tho bionnlum.

— ]parl(ion,-the nulhorltlea

School Official Urges Sales

. Tax Retention in Election I-

Edllor; Times-News:

It has bt^cn my privilege nnd

. pleasure lo servo as iruHtco for

— IwTff: Falls .SchooLDhtilcLifQ-

411 since lOGD, In lalo. lOOS 1.

was named cbolrmnn of Iht

IwurO;'. , /

As I Jinve ohsorved tho growth

ot ihhlHchnnl district nnd tho

monlh-lo-Tiiontli operations,

(im- Impressed with tho results

■ nth\ovi'd for ihn amount of ipon-

fellies, and nUicr educational In-


/ 'faxes are never popular and

ihfun-ivhn tp^ii^h ntiri juljnlnlatjx J; " ""i '

In' tho flchools nro kceifly con- pallii scl

'oKiwiided. Tlin n'.r canila ?!35,B'lfl,'H 'This himlly nuKcefils

" 1D^IcrtCl!rTnlhr^^vlIi^th^l:H

any more of the tax load than

thoy are preneiilly Itcarlitg.

I di) not bclluvo many iMsnplo

are ihlnklnR lliat Nchonl costs

in Idaho cnn properly and

^ensllily ho rpdiircd, The goijdH

and nervicen ncliooli liavo '

FaltH School Dlnlrlcl Is no( only

Iho lowest !ln Twin Ifalls Coun-

ty, hut one of Iho Inwsl In

Idulio 'and tho Piiclllc , North'


llicro was'imw hopo and (in-

rOiirai;onnrn( for 'Iwin Fnlh

pOinols' N-^iirniaho'-lOOfi l.c([lal»-

(Uiio enacted a sales lax lo pro-

\yldo much m'cctcd fundn ■ for

Idaho public schools, Ihh imivcr-


For Harding Is

, .Said li^'audulent

Kdllor, Tlinrn-Nown:

If ynu readeirs' nllll aren't con-

vinced of Ralpti'Ilnrdlng'ft com-

ploio dlsrciiard for thn truth, 1

finRgoBt ynu lake a close look

nt onn ot'lih hllllioardn,

It nays "IIAR1>IN0-A vIri

WiTriper for ldnht)-U;S; 3i

iil«>r— .Democrnt,"

No plnco doDN \\ nny ho In

candldnin, or running fur Iho

U,.';, Sonnin, lln plainly ninlon

I lin |i a M.S. fienalor,

Now Ralph HnrdltiK han novor

hm\ clejited or even nppolntcd

■ lo Ilia u,K, Scniilo,, ,'io I claim

llmi thoBti hllllmnrds ' mnko

Ralph Ilnrdlng Bi>|lty of fraiidu'

lent HilvorlliilnK. . .

Ilul llicil llifd Is lynldiil -ftf

KftI )h Hnrillnu's (^ampHlgn, I


■ /

/ "


Bcloiis of tile' lax bllo

arles and Wages, In tho most

recent year nf record school

employes of District -111 niono

had federal nnd ntato Incomo

loxes withliclil from their nalar-

and wagct In an amdunt of

^wcrcd, making li dlfflcu|t'|p

sia^ ill' bu.siness In competltioli

from foreign 'imports, ^j... '

•■ Any range operation In Idailo

is faced with tho fact that 60

per cent of tho grating lands

are Owned by federal or jilate

govornmcAt, Payment of graz-

ing fees > and taxe^ is an -ini-

portant 'source , of revenue for

county, stale find federal agcn-

"^TIiCJ^ecrTrrcrcotlected from

both -DemocralB and Republi-

can's. The-^oroflt-^rvlce and

the Bureau of Ijind, Manage-

menl are absolulSly Indlspcns-

able~ln~any' range operatlotirwtr

have— cooperated' ■and- worked

closely -with - Ihem tor many

year,'!. They have a treihendous

responsibility and their functions

certainly don't belong in a polity

er Teton Projeet,

The Wool Incentive Plan was

urEC.'l_by_ lhe_'gbvernment_be-

sau3e;;^vooRs---irH^hori--supi "

In time "orTialionnl - emergcncyi.

woo! is a strategic commodity.

Wc don't produce, enough wool

in the U.S. for our own needs.

Payments are not made out of'

;,* * * *

[■cirerTTlic "que.siron reidiy

Is, Who is better qualified to

represent .^nd holp develop_lhe.

counties of Dlajno, Lincoln and

T^miOOka?^tel'9-lot-Uie- people

decide Nav.-8.



Twin Falls Mari,Comes to

Aid of-Independent PartjL

Editor, Times-News: lis no more thdn sheep following

Reference Is made to Mr. the "bell leader." Tho "plain

Douglas D. Kramer's letter In voter", has very little to say

the ■ TlmeS-News (Oct, 16). en-, about whom the "bigboyj" norn-

tllled "Independents RappetJ.by

Two-party Advocate."



Woman Believes

Editor, -Times-News:

Halloween- Is- near and agalt)

pur little cHildren oT.U.S.A. are

being asktd to boB.'fo« nennics^

lor Ur^l_CIiF.;..This imoticy goes

first lo the governments receiv-

ing thj,s aid. . . ,

Castro received' 2S jeeps at

one lime and 50 or so at another

plus medical pupplies according

to "UNESCO, Roport."- This

doesn't readi like ""miik for

mothers and^lablcs," to me. '

. .TWhy_should United Stales ?hil.

dren beg for money for UNICEF

and not the olher.U>(, nations?

Regressivity Is Jfeyrlo Sales^

Jesus said ]\6 .pVayed not for


the world but' for those'thi,.

,had_jgiyciLJilin._whIdi_are the

lost sheep' of the hous'e of Is-

rael containing [2 tribes of peo-

plesi'Wo cannot serve tyto mas-

ters,* God and ma.rhmon, i

This keep.^ Israel under bond.,

age and«nol thn Canaanltes. The

Canaqnlles hovt) never b'eep:yrti

dcr_ liondagG -tti_.any_man -and

they told Jesus so. And still we

cry because, of the ■bondage and

Jielpiamtinually thosB who -keep


Tax Question^ Assei'ts Man

Editor,' Times:News: " jducing n new lax problem for

.:lt'seOms-,tbat,tho-re8rcssivily the . welfare needs of the state

of.thc«ales tax. has bcei.pur- fid counties. If Ihese families

posfly overlooked by the^ big cannot make. II, ((uc lo the In-

sales tax proponents in their ai^'creascd, lax _load_ on (hem

gutqcnts for the salcs'tax. This

& the key-to the whole- tax ques-

Don. .■ : ■'^''^^l'^,^

—Do tho low- income • people,

those with' incomes 'below {15,-

000,- wish -to plclc up the lab for

those over this amount? If they I

d9, not/ they should vole against / ■/ ■ " \

Ihe sales tax. It is that simple. inPoY nnnHinrf^—

According to thciflGG Bermnn' r'^' \JV""«1«6

famflie^ have- Incomes $3,000 jWoma^Pleads

less and these do not gel in-

com.5 lax or head relief:. there-

fore they have 100 per cent In-

crease "In^^aJT load"due .lb "the'

sales tax. This amounts to. food

out of their moiiths, clothes off

their backs and' medicine that

they must do without, in order

l.-!to pay the sales tax.-Yei those

ih the S15,DO0 and over bracket

families^et n rebate on I ncom e

tax-thBt-ihcy--do -flot-necdHir

orfler to survive,

'courage a .populatio n growth;

and political leaders have used

public statements that our ter-

minal obligations, in the eVent

that the sales tax Is repealed,

will be approximately 14 million

dollars. This Is definitely no

emergenCyi ■ ^

The Idaho .legislatures have

not been as niggardly in their

nMropliations-as- many- like to

c{B.m. T^Beryed'Tn the Idaho

legislatiire in 194ff, on the Edu -

cation committee, wpcn only

about *8 millions was allocated

for the puhlic schools, "Through,

the years eaih sfission of the

legislature has consistently add-

ed' generously- to this amount

until now,', the 19G5 session ap-

propriated Ti57,l-mllllon for this

purpqsc, and in addition there

was H milljQns in tho endow-

ment fund, making a total of


sclioolsr''THls Is not peanuts,

The public school fund has been

Increased, much faster than In-

come. (152 per cenl)-or populnJ'

Hon '(30.3 per cent).

Voters should repeal the sales

tax Novr S,- thereby' forcing tho

jicxt legislature to wrlt« ^ ,R..t p x

bill ultahlc, NoLone that

faTses salaries, and then reduces

tho income tax so lhat thcsti

pepple -won'l-hnve -to-pny-for

Iho raise. R In wrong ih prin-

ciple, and Idaho should not tsven

C9nslder "going forward" on.Ihp

backs of poor famiUcs, pension-

"(n^ awl-elderly people general-



• (Gooding)

Mr, Kramer -is dqild' wrong

(n several, respects; an Indepen-,

dents control- the election by"

candidate, whether he Is a. Dem-

ocrat or Republican, and:.e9n-

tributes money to the piirly that

offers the mo.st efficient caodi-

4ates. _ .Ij.^' ■" "-

Tri Kome'-'sTates tho." Indepen-

dents— control— the— eleteion- '

switching to the party which

fers- the -most qualified j:andi-

dates.^We have all seen individ-

uals. swhch parties whcti it was

to their advantage. ,

An independent, as far as pol-

itics is cqncerned, is for honest,

cfflclenrgovemment, with spe-

clal privileges to'nbhe; whereas

party 'loyalty is secondary to

goo d~gnyemmen t. ' ■ - -

Pnrty-loyalty, iri-my ■]adgiTient,

to-professional polit leal ^bosses'-

Inaie, but they musf Have hfs,


Let's take o.qulck look at the

last P/csidcntiai eJectionr-Whcn

Goldwate'r was nominated, 'there

was a, great exodus of loyal Re-

publicahs; now we see an influx

orihese turncoat "-old guards.'-

In 1912 Theodore. Roosevelt bolt-

ed the RepubliciTrf' parly and

rart for president as a-Progres-

sive.- thus assuring the election


,UNICEF received ih'e Nobel


and Martin- L, " Kiftk-in-IBG5.-

ril bet Nobel turned over in his

gravel_ '

Bible reference ;_Se^ond_Chr.

19,2; John 17;9; James 4:4;

Luke 16;!3: Mat, 15:24; John

2r:16,- and Ps. 139:20-22. ■ ■ ,

■In -this, -a Cliristian nation,


Father, says to do. And, lo me.

feeding the world Is i n ot q uji)

obligation— especially By'^^lngj

our. little children b?g;


. (Twin Falls) ^

however thtf sales lax discour-

ages this. These large famlfies

con irib utcifli ore_to_the_cc(niomy_

and the. general tax -structure

because they spend so ■ much

more - In -■ proportion -to'— small

fa milies a nd singles. With th^

sales tax-ihey must fijAnd less

in order to survive. ■ -'-

.In thi}^ lowest-iocoDie bracket

it seems the"saies"tax~is~pro^

Writer Poses

Questions Over

Water JProjects

ning for governor of Idaho as a

"second fiddler" for Smylle as

an independent. He has the

blessing of the disgruntled Re-

publicans nnd Is endorsed by

tho Jdaho Statesman and the

Idaho StateTdurQaI,"bec[mse the"

"Id^ho proprietors" don't want

Samuclson, for.he is too strong



— — — — (Twin-Falls)— —


Reader Believes Harding

Islndelited to Outsiders

procure do not show signs of

hecnming cheo|wr,

Tho sales lax volo on Nov,

dorscd It for Bovc'rnl years past,

llio patch nnd scratch syHlem

nf rovcnuo ralsing wnn lending

Idaho down the road to third'

rale school aystoms. , 'I

Ijit's retain tim salea tax' nnd

assuro Iho best nfhnoln ponslhlo

for Ihe public Hcliool children

iiittf Ttrid-Trai^dldcr-Tfniih^-wIfiv^lil'

go nn to colleges nnif unlvcr-

nitlci. Yon can't' do belter hy

tho future clllrims ot this ntato

than nsKure them of goml qual-

ity education.

.—El-MKIC ,1, mMMF.R

(Twin' Fiills)

Editor, TJmc.^-Ne'w.^)

Columnist Holmes Alexander

icenlly noted the-political ma-

chlnations oftho. Council for a

nvHbVo WP'rTdTobscrvriig fh'nt

It picl(s|out ambitious hi; unwary

or 'unconiclonable ' candidates

who accept money Irt'return for

^fblHrse'a support (or such moas-

ures as iinllatoral Americanjdls;


Red Chlnii.

It Is now common knowledge

that Ralph Harding Is heavily

Indebted to the CLW for help In

financing .hfs campaign-for tho

Senate! -

It ls'tiortofi lnto (or Harding

to remrn'nil money ho has re-

ceived fr om the council, r opudl-

ot'i It.i alms ond reTusp to ac-

cept any moro money from 41,

This Is no.t a surprising sug-

gestion, '•■ ■

Sen, Quenlln Burdlck of North

Dnitnta returned SIG.DQO to tho

Council when he learnod lb«

prico'.which ho was expccled to

Brvlcca In return for t lio

contrlbijjToiis, Ho preforrcd fo

preflSrvo his personal Jnlcsrily,

Tho CLW Is concentrating lis

dollars nn tllo Western Slates,



DuPonf 501 Nylon

Complatoly Installed' on our

hoQvlost foQtn r'ubbnr padding; ■-


5q. YJ.

n6,mon6y down '

^few^^ BROWN'S

where it believes more can he

obtained for every campaign dol-

lar. It Is clear the Council has

the Idaho Senate sc at sq uarely


Ha'rdlng's depcndehcy-on the

CWL dales' back at least to his

urisucccssfuhiracc for rcclcptlqn

to the 'Secotia~T)lKtrlct-Ct)ngrcs-

Editor, Times-News:

politician's "or whUP

CTe" . „. „. _

Now -Perry Swisher " Is' run- wffrpolillcal stripe arfe promis-

ing that Idaho's walec will be

used to irrigato Idaho land.

Depending.on who one listens

5, there' are going to Ue any-

where from 150,000 to 490,000

acres_or,land .in_sbuthern! Idaho

added to the present irrigated

area in the very near future.

But a horrifying thought

curs to me, antj I haven't seen

tho-slightcBt- reference-to -this iii

any newspapers; or heard any

thing about/ it In any, of 'the

politicians' fulminations. Whi

all this water is being applied

this new land, and all the ne{-

essary storage upstream is be-

ihg filled during the spring run-

off season wKsiJlEolngJo turn

all those' shiny new turtfncs"

down in Hells Canyon?

Surely some of tho polillclans

must be-having-mlxed emotions'

obout this in private, mixed

emotions being defined as what

a man feels as he watches his

mother-in-law drive his ■ new

Cadillac over a cliff.

ciaar thai the counbll feel

they get their money's worth

wllh Mr. Harding.

Thls 'iwould ■^ertAlnly^lcnveti

Idaho wlth^iut any consideration

whofiover-Jho interests of iho

slato and" those of the council

And pursuing this train m


ihiT'resuJting gap In generatli


soil) by BPA. power?

Hian thTs7~ rr'

Your silence has spoken all

too well, Mr, Harding. It is sllll

not too into to rcpudlato thin

Aroupf. Tills ninipio step would

help to prove you arc nnt among

Iho company ctf the ainhlllous,

Iho unwary and Iho uncimsclon-

alllfl_wliaJliaJUlWJQ-dC pendent,

nn nnd so ttchnUlcn lo tho Coun-

cil for a Llvbnhlc World.


^ ^(Tw a Tails) .

, Total 3 Bedroom?


Larao Kitchen |

Full Bnsoment for Exponalon '

Fenced. Ynrd


■^T9 yourTs*nb"ib*iow° 50 nnn

B Mm Gl.l. Rote. Totnl Price /|UUU


FRANK (.'BOOTH. ''<.

1701 AWIion Avi. Ibit'

733-5974 ^ri






Let's Keep^ales

Id aho has been t rvluR to en-

Editor, Times-News^

• Reccniiy in Ihe Public Forunv

I'ye bCcn reading about Idaho's-

schools being worsL They say

fdalio schools rate very low. ' I —

agree, ' ■ . _

•In rating and comparison to

other states' this rnay be "xlghl., —

Yes, , we are for the sales tax

in our family,, but I believe that

cveti-Jjcf ore^^lhe saies^iinr came,

our teachers and" school" boards

were and are dedicated to our


i-my-childrcn's teach-

ers spend- their, own money on

their students and give up their

eyen(ng-lime for-sielt-oncs-that—

need tut'pring.

—Teachers _ are »pt)o'rly . ixt'd. _ 1

feel they need many timeSwWhat

they ■gel, so Ict's-keep the-sales—



(Goodlng>i:r r , :'-~jr

It you handle 'Ihe- finances^t^your home

oroffice:. . : you need this machine!







□ All new! Alt electric □ Prints total, sub-total.

□ Strong- stain I ess

steel construction

□ (viultiplies &

subtracts - —



credit bal ^ja.

,□ Precis loft^raf ted ■ . —

□ l^anyfeatures^foundonly

In higher priced machines


21 a Main No;, Twin Falls

To My Friends





From James' H. Benharh



attorney's office is indispensable, to I

effective low enforcement.' ^" ■

For thqt reason J most, earnestly solicit

, ybuf vote . ■ ■ ■

For Michael (Mikd Felton


} Tharik You

' James H. jBenham

Sundoy, Oct.'30, 1964-

Twin Fflllj TImos-Nawi 13


Sen . Brooks' Federal-Aid- — [Sunday- Editorial


Charg e Against Hardiiig Is.:

Refuted by Hagerriian Man

AViiter'a Letter


.From Rupert

Editor, Tiirits-Newa: . ^ [tor auddenlv overcomes, her dis- |^ ^!|^^^^|^5^^ : ■ Editor. TImes-Newa: ■ I '"whcn he wn.n governor u. , . ..-.„,.. ,

Wh)t.doMn't-lll.lne-Couniy.lllkes ol (ed<Ial,«ld. Edte, Ttaes.Nev.st , „ J,-Ho1mes.ln liPs er-ildaho his testimooy beiore the -,' Hiri ?„1 n, M

Sute Sen. Mnry Broolis usethe For instnnce,.sho rccenljv had' .™, 7, . i"'™^'^ .u Ucic 6ct. 23. mnsfbe under the Federal Power Commission did p"''" "< ■>.""' >'(hlch

Mmo standard of lodgment lot REA Kstallcd io her Muldoon tdiloriol last Sunday with these ^^cngc Ida- more to destroy the snimon and .l»

.11 fedaral programs? , irhnch. Dirty old .REAI 'And the ""rds: ■''"'"'I" "o'"" »' hoan has a vary, poor memory steelhcad .lih li the Snalie-.ond

Why does aha use a dIKerent recent letter' In yonr paottr. °,™- persuasions .could slightest idea ot ^

standird when, they adect her, tipm a. Rtiperl resident, detail- 5*""'',, 'ro';,,l»=,"»i"Pl' »"'': what is' going on politically,

-from— when- they don't altect'lng her ulllijatlon-i>t-tlll!'peo-l°W-""rP"hlle-oJ lce^^<^lho^l^•.--](J^^^^^ ^,^1,.

her? , . ■ Iple's land fdr- gr.ilng.,and her MJ« ^ecn M'^^^^^^^^ 'ing made zero progress on the „. ™, „„

She reminds me of notorlou.sly willingness to accept a 20.000 ""'^..'"'J^e fcnndny .paper ^ j^l^j , , , - . -eneratorff GnrtnL--rt- f ClAlf

cons.,;..tlv, Beverly Hills, the wool subsidy, is, shocking. ^ r;a"nffie°\trtfe™d' '^i 'ei^S I"' In CoVrcss. Srn'g'yjta'le^'l'e'solti'ngTS 0^ JOr felClt

richest commulii y to the na: Is this integrity such as »e,|?v.""S|d,tc", "odi^™i i^l^'esc prolectf .were, only, on, lions of kilowatt hoorj going 10 Editor. TimC5:Ncws: •

Ion, »helv In spite ol.ltspollt- expect from'; puhhc ^ervan ; IhgJ candidate .s^o^^^^^ !■ I ^^^^ ^^^^ statements is-

' i'rn'mS-'a t-'toSncC'Sti'on 'S" .r.^orAr'^ktlpii'S "fS^K'^PeSS; ".tr^.rUhc.''""''' °' ''"'Lt^r rSnt^;"^ if'X' SSarnS'ly^frJ^mpS

.bout,u,lng,g^v„nme., .money hook, ,^^^^^^^^

you re miriin,,, i m nuin u, m „„„„^,,.^ „...u„,., „f-.u^ ''™ -'.'""VL-ioiirrp?; Rnnrri. hU ftciinn-s thprp McMurray (Rcpubllcam- Stale

upon Ralph Harding by lltclimc xif service to_[hfi_CQim-_^_

siucjiiJnB-.fo(mi!r-Congrcs»man-try"Itl Sevmr^paciticB. ■

Ilnrdings sujiporicrs. , Hrs.-Floronce Holf [s a gootf '

Hc^rcfcrred. to forme/ Air aid Idahonn from Horse Shoe

i'orco Secretary EiiEcnc ■ 2«ck- Bend. In fact; her brother -In-'

on. Mrs. riorcnce Hotf and Jess law, Mr. Ted Hotf; wa.s Gov.

mt^J'id^to " °™ """iWoman Wonders

'^'■aJt',d"ffie'"ig'!K Jordan Ever

man In Idaho.

.And throuj

Peak dam,

nil in an insulting, ...

stnuatlng. ■ smearinn mannir,

Ralph Harding can be pmud of

these supporters.

Eucenc Ziickcrl served' as scc=

fetary of (he Air Force longer

lhan nny other Ajr Force Secre-

tary in nlsiorV.-^Jcss Larscn. the

president ol the Air' "Force As-

sociaiinn, who was rcccntlv.n

guest in JJurlgy. has rendei '

Robert E., Smylie";! campaign ■

marlagcr. " • '

. The tact that Mr. Liujte (s try-

ing to £menr these pQOpIc for the

slnlplc tcasori thai .IRcy are

supporters of Ralph Harding -

shows how far down In .the mud

clie Rcpuhllcans are witling to

crawl In this campaign.


, (Rupert) ■

■ for urban rentwat.

' "Similarly, if the progrlim ben-

efits Mary Brooks and the Flat

Top-£heep outfit, then-otir sena-

I'm hurling, I'm for it,


>■ ■ ^ . ,-(Suti- Valley)

oftensiv^.o The a"lhor.{ of" thc k^o-JJ^ „T pVa^' cH'=°"^«^ '^"'^ ^l'']^'^^.

Writer Gives Reasoris-f 0f ~

^Opposing Idaho Sales Tax

. This adverll.scmcnt was

c^a 'candidate the Times-News

.gailtor. Tlmes.News; |elther tad malhem.tloians, for |',"ffii,,"„reVenraUle°d*to

-V-Tha-hoatod-d«balelahoI«-tb.!lt if-evldenl-that-lhe.-tal-bur- t„na-hirton™e,V.^^^^^^^

merits (oVjtnd against the sales den will shift towards those thcv °™ „^°"™'"„'\,^!£';

' ■-- ■■ ._ . .. — — I ROBERT A. JOnNSON

fTw in Palish

ndvcrtisemcnt. but if said about'

a member oT^my farnily, or

yours. I would say they were

offensive in llie first degree.

, Vn ur pflLtfirial Hi d sny nil c np-

diddtcs shculd be d:nicd public |

offices because." they were 6f-

and Reps. _Gracie. Ptosf and

Ralph Harding had \vorketf very,

hard on that project. However,

when Sen. Dworshak passed

away and Gov. SmyMc appointed

Jordan to till th; Vacancy.

disrupted their work to .such an chdThimn), James t. Jones (Iho

extent that the President was [Senator'a one-time employe),

forced to remove him. (be Senator's staff, and many

Ijitcr when appointed to ^!ic '

. tax is degenerating into a'battle claim to represqnl, or they rcal-

oL-CiuoUons^ttither. tban_staying ly don't bavfe^ the_" interest of

-— with-a-preclse-analyib-6l^thfiluicir-cDnstituenCs~at-Jicarl

tacts. >^It Is generally agreed that

Arguments ngafnst .sales tajclScarth fs a product" of soci

can. stand on--!ils own- merils^nd those ._whO-po.ssess it U

without resorting ■W^'brrck-bats, larger degree should thuslyf . l "Tv > • T*

against an industry of vital, cco^jjj^_proportionately-1niicr 7VlTri-l Jp,nillP,l?aTlR=T^l?r\

nomical imporiance"td1h!s,flraantt;-i^^«r.i,^^ ^'^^ V-*-*^^-^^ "-T

— On-tho. other^hand - It- Is-cvi-

dent that a vigorous drive i^

■ waged to make, anti-sales " tax

"synonymous with antl^du'callon.

■ssoctatti " '"

burden of the <!oSt for 'mainlain-


tax with the necessiiy for grod

"educatlohls merely fl plump

tempt to bvpass the real I5su6,

namely: a basic method for tax-

ation." .■

Political, shenanigans such as

'a call for a special legislature to

-romovcpales tax from orescrjo-.

— tion-drugs"just before election ij

clear admittflnce_tn_tlii

or individu al dcpcDding-LflrLJth.

Just nature of sa\^ tax. Wcom-

prehensihle is the stand of la-

■ bor leaders on this Issue by

supporting' sales taic They are

cia! security Is .forced to expose

.eSsentlally^his-Cntire^drrtinss to.

a sales lax, or bcller named,

purchase tax, while the .well-tcj-'

do usually-find onlv a'relativtly

small portion of' their earnings

cxDosed to such^ taxation, -

This Is. .where I believe the

basic, .inadequacy .of .the sales

tax lies. If the people vote for

s a i l ' . '; , lax ' they ■ L -e itai i i l y — dc '

serve it. . ■


. , , ^win Falls)

othe^-pcople connected with his

Senate he not only voted atftiiisi canrpaipn efforts. ' Docs ihe r.

Burns Creek but su,-sested we ever spea^ for hirfisclf?

nnr of his first acts was to voic Olhcr slates take water from^ ■ Apparpplly .Lpnaior Jordan

one .Of h,s f.rst acts was to, vole j he:^?.:!<j"„"i^ajht-ra^cu« he^ U

iainst^the/ Burns Crfck- proj-

amMigning as a'great

But when the name oT the " J" J"^"*?- J!5 "\n&t mtm

ptDicc[_wa3_.chanBed_lo_Xyn l^°

Crandall, he supported it. hul'- A ,feood many people here In,

thai seems to" be Len Jordan's Idaho_ have ,,nqr forgotten that

Man Is Ci'itical of Johnson

dtrcs not reflect ■ this- conceptr 'jiJ-'jirM Johnson swept^lhe

since . the generaL-jvage camer'^ounlry iinder the assumptii



and his cohorts ridiculed Gold'


jiavc us in war in a year. i

'Considerable less than- a year

ago wo found'out ho\V much-hls

civil rights promises wcrd worth.

markefTand' competewiththose

union workers who. are drawing

J3.50 per bour and up.

■ I t t n is' 15-iBirOgT n pci CT tir

probably wish they could iorgct

Jl. The yovng votem are the.

only ones who will not remcm-i

ber -whaC -has-happc ned-ln-the


rRoss Parker -


lows on the floor of the United

Stales Senate,' thatjif remain-

ing, silent and falling^ to speak

o.n-any- issues. — — ' : ^—

' It seems that all. he doerf H

vote no.'jCvcn when that nega-

tive vote Is dctriniopt'il to the

i n to ro s(p-o f ^ho-£0^e^ W dah 0^

His votes (igain!it> medicare, aid

to- schools, social sccucily In-

creases, and evtn apain-st the

tcSt~ban-treaty arej;prime - cx-

amp!es-of-his negative-attitude.


■ (Ketchum)

of life," I ijcrSonally thl ^

sliould try- something clse^ - t -'

Ralph Harding went in office

under .,lh6 assumption that.'>he

would get the Burjis Cfeok Proj-

ect "fhniugh, and protect Idaho

. The. powers that be have sctl" riphts- Whp"n <t wns rpr

back lettiorlabor unions strike I ^'-S!''^- When lt_ was cer-

T^nf L ^ ■ ^ n 11 , tal" that he was not doing any.

n ■« 1 1^/" ^'""^ i"" " 1?' ' "^^d asked -whv he had no?

any ralie^m pay would result m

ReliefFrom Sales Tax Not

Realized, Area Woman Says


■ ""^Te're are' some"" brief facts

which are based, on personal ex:

"perience^ Judg e thepi as you

ECcTfit; "

— There are two oco pie involved,

___we— havfi-Eolch i I dron v1

■ fiome. .At the time.lha sales tax

was enacted we w era led to be-

^ lieve thaf it would lowcf'biTr

■ property taxea.and Btajccincome

taxr-- -■ - - - '

Imap.ine our ;mrprj!-e. . thin,

'->* ^■'^fC )^ rcceived^ur 196G pron-

-, erty- awiossmcnl, and found it

was up almost one-fourth ^ovor

the previous ycarl It was ac'

-jcomponled by a note which 'saldi

In part, "You wilt note, Increases

In assessed valuinion' on your

properly .'. . It Is not our ■In-

tent io Increa.^e' ^axcs, only to

equallie them."

whatever'^ the Intent, all we

know is that tbey were increased

Involved,' we had;-bee.n.xtjarflcd i

by a larce mnrRtn.

■ Second, In fHing our Stale" In'

corns Tn.f for th.e year 19!i5 we

were .'allowed !i^S20 credit- for

the'two"of"UB; the same'amount


a r 3' s C "iiij he co. 'i t o f li v ing:

At- the ?ame time there was a

bill i n committee 'on . tlic^i nini-

mum wage law. It was finally

agreed lo 'raise the wage to

Sl.-JO now. then in 19G8.16 %LW.

Just rcccnlly Johnso^i^ has

recomfnended-raising social se-

■eurit y B t o . 10 i jci LL - nt.' ' A i iJl i L

this ;is in .l9G8. In the mean^

time' those under minimum

?'.age law and ihoso . under scr-^

ial securi.ly;have lo"Ro to the

thing dnd asked -why he had not

Jtc p t his prflmise3,. " - h e— TjpHad:


But._we have-kE.pt a-close rec-

ord of slates sales tax paid by

us-In 1S6G, ontj^ 1 must add that

wo .Ilved-^very .conservatively,

yet rt th; rnd of th5 first nine

months wo had pnid out S'l.fli in

tax! Remember. lha( is tor two

people only.

By the end of ifils year, after

Christmas Shopping, thl-. amount

will no doubt reach SIOi). Sup-

pose wc vere a family of four-

or.slx-^r elghll —

These fads speak f(ft~thciji'

selves. I


(Gooding) ■ ■

ailor, Ttmes-Kews:

Over the past several months, [publican Party: 1. Limited fed-

1 have" had numerous voters tell , oral authority, (keeping as much'

trie that they are confused, about government andj-csponslbility as

who lo vote for In the u-icomlng possible at the stale and local

November general elcciion. |levdsl 2. Respect, for the- Con-

They 'say they not know stitution. 3. A firm belief , in the

' Writer B elie ves Sales Tax

Wrong, Should Be Defeated

' Editor, Tlmes-Newa: "

As indicated In my letter of

July .2^; IDGq. lo th?' Foruip, U

Is unthinkable to speak in terms

of $,l].000,0(H).4^urlit income as

.. tills. wQ> ild piea n;nn . Inthix of

over 21,OM,000 visitor days per

year to yield .luch an Income

from tlio sales lax each two

■ years,

An our (ourfst season Is only

approximately four monllii_per

year. Ihln would mearFfiTnCfl"

-Llhnn 1fil,fmf| .ut.i[njr,n per ^l^y ]]f

our tourist season.

Our editor spiaks in his Tues-

day, Oct, 25. IDOQ, editorial nf

addillonal cxeniptloni and rllm-

> Inatlon of the oieo tax plus ex-

erpptlon of ■ prescription drugs

from sales tax.

Research >i>howR- thai an av-

erage of approximately one-hnlf

pound, per -week" per person „„ ^,

woii M hf "f] "xl r'-mr.ly.ficnerflus

figure of olco usage. This would

not allow for farmer? who make

Ihcir own, butler.

On 'ihls bnal.t, .only Jl,fl20,

rcducllonin our tax load would


As the '*j_KJ_C<'11*''"^ mli'i-

New House for

"School Aide Is

Concern of Man

Editor, Tlmrs-Nows;

Why worry about Bnlca.tfK

when wo rob the taxpayers at

the rate of 1131,()00-plUB for

ninnilonn for our high murliy-

nuipka. If I remember rlgbl, ihe

,#intlemBn In occupy (bin palace

•ft n' school hlHlibrow. *

■jttnnntin . credfied to dru)!!

medlcai/tiuppllcs wniild amount

to sIlRtilly over (1,000,000 per

year.'' pllminntjun of prescrip-

tion drugs only would reduce

this nmount driisljcnlly,

So tluiny iialf-truttis and

of-cnnl**?!! sinteiuenls have Iicen

made In regard Vlhn nalcs tax

Now hn couKi nave Ihe tafinay-


the janitor live fn the hascmcnl.

And nf cournn, living In the base,

inent' of n oajnce, he /ihould

pay Ihn taxjlaVera.real wcll for

nui:h n^prlvllrgfl,

It J romnmber rlglit, the foun'

der of ADA, thn Americans

•tifTin/'OMlroylng Amorlcn, Mr,

lluinpbroy nino llio Veep nf

Ainorirn, li Rellliig or linn got

n pnlat^fl for hlninolf, Tliat

nhnuld bo Weep,

.lust lot (hn gnhllnnnn ln,Can(i

llliin<;B finlih icedlnn lha world

niul putting' over his crachpot

Ideas at tim InKpnyern eximnso

mid wo will all iMt taM; into

real jxivoriy,

The (Irnnl .Society will ha the

Ernvea nf nuchnrn.

Wnko up, A m e r I fc n n i. We

btivcn't, gnl tnuch llmo to put,

our .AinorlcM back on llo feet.

It's down; but not quite out,

Il'n your enunlry, name nn' It

In mine. Vole right, Conintunlntn

nro nnd 'always will )io our.en*


' MORTON' R. nRArn"

. (KlnilM jly)

ttmr-nn r un i K t r m i n tin' i ii r Titrr

nus claims out for themscUcs.

In ihe taco i)f these mls-siain-

nicnts.^our only allorniillvc Is

lo vote out the sales lax^-aptl If

our .leitlslators ',si!c nn f)tli6r nV

ternatlyo, Ihey can then ro-lu'

Blato It in n correct ^oFm.| '

Nn nno has ever heard of a

loglslnture reducing Ihe face of

a blank clicch, '



'This Same "Hffl-d!nf[-is" stumps;

ing the country, downgrading

cvGry Republican candidate in

the state. It really looks silly'

for him to throw slones'at any-"

' - --jjuldnit-bo- "

liable Jhan he was while in of-



(Jerome) --

*' ft - ft

Confused Yoters-Adyised to

ote tor i'^vtj Pliilpsophy ^

Ipolilicai philosophy of the 'Re-

the candidates -nor .what they

stand for, especially for the gov-


I a.sk these people to look to

their basic political beliefs^' and

to become . confused or

caught Up Irt" the many "side"

and/or non - partisan -Issut^T

which really have little or notu-

ing to do with tlif^ basic politicnl

philosophy of either parly in lliA,

general election.

if_lhcy_bdliiy(ijn_-thc basic


free enterprise systefn-4.- Mon-

etary responsibility, and 5. Faith

in the individual, his liberty and

his righls; then I hoy should vote

the Republican ticket, for all

the .Republican candidates be-

licvp 'slrongly In these basic


It you -vole ior a candidate

who does not agree, with your

philosophy, allhougli ynii, may

like him personally, you are

■Mini; .iiKnlnsLlyauc-prindpba,

P^op'erty Owners'

Burden Eased! by ^

Ta^, Writer Sa5F"







Wli-ii ii to."M 10 Ima ;.F»K'i|>.

.ion.; on., --.irlH, .rf

Uir>t' T.UI ir»;<*ir» 'nr>";"i|Uili'ly


Ing- the sales ti

mo that. one very l.nortrlnnl an-

gle (las nol licen fully bfouKhl

out. .Nnrnelv. that there ari)

thnusnniH'oT people who pay no

taxtts- . at all In maintain costs


Some of the.scjtrc .people who

have Inrfso _s(iyinj[s acciiilntfl,

but own no "roiil , eslnic.. There

ti\o i^lsn ibo.i^ands who are la-

borers nnd oibcrs-on salary wtin

contribute nolhloR- lnwnrtfc,(;iiv-

ernment operational costs, since

ihey.loo own no reiil esl


and vacationer who vi '"

These people cjtpccl i

nnd nro' ijri:u?iloin('il lo pnyitifi

Ibnt-lype of tax In Ibnir Ipivols.

.-.True ibero ilrn nnnio lnu(|iillleji

In the nnlc.i tax, Most of Iheso

have t)c?n di:ic.ifir<rd. Thl-y

ho corrected, UI'h keiip thn

sales tax ami tiilie a Ulllo nf

thn btirden off the projwrty iiwif-

cr nnd nialnlaln our Hclmols,

ARNOl^.I) n. MOl.I.ANI)

CD^iUiulIri) r'-

jpy voting /or party principals

instead of minor Issuos or "por-

snnalides." you 'can depend -on

iiiinij' for what you believe lis

Ihe most sound nnd"beiieflcial

Edvcrnmcni. .Ic'fidershlp.Jor our

Country and compiunlty,


— (I^ln I-alls)










■Loya,wus. our"I6p' ^folum^ saleVrriarr in ttie tiew car de-

pa^^ment dudng October. Thrtjugh his ability and our

other sales personneLNow Fords and.A-1 Used Cqrs ortd

I rucks are" apid In volume. This means thdt you,' the buy-

er, get the best deal possible. Loyd ii-known-lo_his-CuSr

timers gs a ^olesman epqer to give Immediate and.

courteous .attention, and Ihe best deal first. He doesn't

want to lose a sale,.and neilher.do.wc.No gaggling. —

no fusi - — just lots of soloi made doing business in <

straight-forward rnanner. ' . ' -r—




P,0. Box 428-

Twln Fallf, Idaho

Without obligation I would' liko Information on .a

Now Ford Car-P , TrJck, □ * ' A-1 U sed Car Q

A-1 Uiod Truck □


. fHONE .

It's the.bright\finijh, IhtrfeAf fihUb for

walls dnt^. woddworlc in tilcheni, baths,

— play roomi^an y— |busy" rooms. Wqn_det-.

'fully easy lo apply-lhcre's no palnly odor,

and it, dries .to a smooth, semi-

glois finish that takes many iu'£-





JOE ROE, auctlonoor wUh iriany yeori experience In the oucllon huslnoii,

lelllno-wookly on tho larger market ialo»-of -louthbrn ond: oailcrn |dollo;i on ■

ounianding ludgo of all typoi of caltio and hor jcj,. , , '.

LlillIj:iflQQ^|VLWmi£RSCQQN...nKpadrftVrd niirlloiinnr mlllng At^U-lomw^

niqikot toloi wnoUy In oaitorn idnlio and nortliorn Ultih,

JOHN HURT, oVpcfioncod ouclionaor idling all lypoi oKlofm ond morchondUe

■ inlcv ■

' IIAIlViiY'C. IVCRSON, oxperloncod nucllonbor, lolling. oil l/poi of au;tion inlei

(or Iho pnit 20 ynnra, jpnclnllrlng In inlling focil nitnlo, dtjliy.jyil'ilo rind oon'»'"f *

ftirm ifiloi;'Ownofdnd manager of IVERSON REAUY GREAT WESTERN AUC-


EI//IER nnd OfiPHA MEYER, f^kiV.mUf^hloi. Elinnr wni incralnry and lalni

. niciiiaoor, of. Ilio IdaliQ. Aiigui Calllif'A' i iQclatlQn fo r 4 yntirm, p mn^ . u/iih-i umiyj —

iniTf'C'nCSKP.lirlftnCOniorKllia ,ancl,tjookkpopin(i; Orphn.W\oyei.li.an.QUlitaiidlno- ..

bookkoefltir willi fuoriy yoof* aiporloncfl In clorMna "Hd cciihioiing on all typoi

of oucllon .»alos, ' -v . '

Wo ifitn\iU (idly equipped luncli wngon, loading chwio, cnlllo 'niimbnii, '

■ record rnrdi (or dairy fntllo, Wn hcintlln all typni of nur.tlon stiloi - - rotil oitfiln.J.

'gntinrnl form inloi, 'dairy ouclloni; oilaltii, liankrunky nnd moichandlso inlns.'

Wo do thn hoil |ob of ndvortlilng Cvnlloblo al llm loail.roifto Itio ninn having

Ihcufilo. Wn handle all delalli lucli ni booking llio inlo, litiving the lilllt prinlod

■ ond diilflliljled; nowipdpor, tadlo ond TV' ndvorllilno. If you ar6 uliinnlng on

linvlng on oucllon mlo, |uM call nny of ihn following mjinhnn,

■ JOB ROE — 536-2036, WondoH,' Idaho) H, D,. (SPOONY! WITHERSPOON, —

670-8523, Hiybum, Idaho .

■ JOHN HURT — 436.3;7p, Ruport, Idaho, or HARVRY C. IVERSON — 934-4354;

Gooding, Idaho, /' ;

ELMER MEYER — 934-47Br, Cbodfno, Idahd,

oldoit nctlvo roBlatorod nnd bondod niictlotr aorvlco In tho'^

I State of Idaho.


■otnowhot^ffiriomoono nlmottt every day.


■yoar rodmj with Ibtjc- lovely and

■osy-to-kecp-Iovcly cnamclsl

Come in — aik to see the lovely

colon. - *






-Tfio flreorasr heat Ion

occufi through the c^lll(ig , I

-'iEind occounts In largo ;

meaiure for incrtaied

fuel bHli.lniuldtlon of the

• The celling of on ~

I' avtrase hom*

I can be Iniuloled

' . for oi llitie at...

ceiling It easy and low In

coit.'Call u> nowl I



'25' pi-'.




•g-roR-oiNuiNi yviiKrconi

i:j Tho extra raqm fol' eaiy

j / living will be appreciated

j ."^for mfinY yean to come.

.Seo ui now to ihow yo.u

•^low eaiy it ii. ■ ■ '


"--Thaf'iTlohtl ■^^psMohoy-DflWh7«nd a,

— preitfnt-mortoogo-on-'^our-homo-

doei not interfere with financing on

tiieio,ternip. .


North Si^e Lumber

& Mercantile Co.



Sqiuce of CWpaign Fniiijs

For Harding Is Questioned

lEdilor, Times-Neiyn:

Prior to an cleciion, wc, .Ihe

■.- people, cxpcfft the vnrious can-,

didates lo communicnie. wilh"us

in person, on radio. and..tele;

vision, through' the press, by

hullctins nnU'letiel-s. .

■ This is to permit us to judce

■ their pcrsonnliiy. character.

■ philosophy, plans of action nnil

- Ability, so that we may choose

. the onetwho.wtll best rcproeent

us. The' candidates respond and

the expense Is great.

In Idaho a candidpte for U.S.

Kcnator must spend a minimum

of -(50,000. Ideally, tlie money

— fihmild-comeJirom-lhe_pe.QRlc

the candidate Beckfl to rcpre-

Mnt, in tlie form of many, small

. contributions to the candidate

' or bis political party and from

funj-raisins— functinns. In.JJllL

. mannner we obligate the can-

didate ttTall .lb6 people, not to

n few or special interest groups.

Sen. Jordan's maximum budg;

et is 5M,000. A testimonial din-

n„u_|nZBolga raised nbouLLaO-

-pcr- ceDtt:^tlie..remalhder comes'

from many small, contributors

hfs par,Ly_or. personally.

Mr. Harding slated he already

has spent lihout JGO.OOO, and may

cjtteed .$100,000. . Unfortunately,,

a rund-raising dinner hosted by

Hoss.CarlwriBht (Dan Blocker)

resulted in a. net loss. Denio-

cralic funds and smtill contri-

butions reasonably could equal,

possibly^ dowhie. those , of Sen.

Jordan. ■

This leaveif the Ereafer"^rtion

of -Harding's funds unaccounted

for. Some come (rnm "Harding

for Senator— District of ■Colum-

bia Conynillee," some from the

Couneil-for-a-Uveable-Wor!dr ■

neither fddho Ihlercsts,

Docs the Jemnin^r come

from big labor's COPE, or from

supporters Kirwan of Ohio, or


• The total expended Ls not as

impgrtam^s the source.: Ask

yoursclfAo whom would each

of these men be obligated?



Results, of Poll .

Of-Earmers Is .

Noted by Woman

Editor, Times-News:

The Novembex "Farm Jour-

lal'l ~cOntflins^a~poil~of ~13.000


thousand-of-lhetr-"6aHot3" were

.selected at. random and donlain

Ihe farmers' opiniops' of Presl-

dcot tlnhp s<drfln 9frtils poUcy" at

Sales Tax Benefits Other

Causes, Not Just Schools

—Editor, -Times-News:

"The sales tax is not just an

•education tax as we have" been

told. In Twin Falls county about


schools and 75 per cent is used

. . in Qtbnr. wayg. - Are-ihES£^Olher

— uses-desirablb-or.nreJhcy_dclrl-

■ -mental to the development of


•Reading- the foregoing In a

■l^onim' letter.. I thought of ser-

vices which taxes pay.

(ice^thnt^one .should lose Rli

home'bccause of inability to pay

annual taxes' In case of_poor

health, unemployment, death of

■breadwinncrj or business re-

verse? ■

TheJ10.per person rqfund al

lowe d On stiite^ riicpme ' iaJc re-

paid most of sales tax.paid on

food and medicines. Example:

Allowing J25 .pcr person .for

food, family of four pays J3 per

month-tan, or J3S.per year. -This

cemeteries, libraries,- street s,

fire .Drgteclioh and police protec-

tionr There, are educational la-

ciIltles,.H)lementary,. secondary.

coHegp.Jeralrarid a school {or

the mentnlly1fahdicapped'(Nam'


■ What nhnnt^ihltiUiwilth-WAj-

farc; aid to dependent children,

hospitals, orpli&nages and hos-

pitals for protective care of the

' mentally 111 fBlackfddt and Oro-

' fino)? " Regulatory, services of

our govermnent are' .paid for by

taxes. So are Jallsri^niCentlary,

_ and _the_ corrective- schoorat St.'

Anthony, _ . - - -


*pcnd 521 per month.'for jneiJL

ernes to pay $4 annual salei tax.

■=Rte taX refund of $40 reimburs-

es the family for tax paid on

food and medicjne.

Remember the cosmetic tax?

The lefllher goods tn.x? tuxury

-lftx?^QW-m»ett-e B3i er i tir nu st

BKencIes, home extension help,

. hlghvvoy. districts, conservation,

' public lands (forests) etc'

to^yJor these'' tette^fe'

criminatory taxes — Invent«y

;ijl!x, punitive against business,

-or property tax, punltfva against

homeowners? (I know a woman

In. Btilte County who refused to

paint her house or-plgnf a lawn

becaiuo_sha_dldn-t— want— her

—property-tax raised.) Is It Jus-

be ' ;or the ' retailer who posts

prices, collects the tax, with the

stralght-across three per cent

sales tax.

It- the lales'tax is femoved,

wouldn't burden fall ori proper-

ty owne.ra? Ten years ago I vis-

ited -in'a homfin Portland, Ore.,

market valiie, $12,000, 'nnnUBl

property- ' "

easier to pay ta^.'ln

pennies as one goes along. This

way" the entire populacd pays

for^-beneflts—whlch-tho— entire

community cnloya'-'TTiero fa no"

Santa Claus; 'only Santa's help-


(Buhl) ..




Forum Rules

■~ Letters ate llmited to per-

sonal opinions on mdttcrs of

public controversy. . ■ .

■ Letters muatrtcomply wiyi -

the laws of libel and:slandcr

and mustr be tn jopd' taite.

No pseudonyms or- pen

nBmei are permitted; all let-

ters must bo signed wlth.thn

true name and addfess of the


LensUi' er letters will ba

limited to 30Q words. Longer

letters wljl be returned to

tHU^TTltera. . - - ■

GOP Motives

Are Examined by

Rupert Woman

Editor, .Tinjes-NewB:


On Viet Nam: 5^1 per cent said

hit harder, 38 per cent said cjse

off and get out soon.

On inflation: 87 per ccnt'said

cutTeffePaf spending;-

On- fa;'m programs: 63 per

.cent fayoreiL no supports and

no controls, 27-pcr-cent -favored

some supports and fewer con-


as at present.

On how Preslde'nt Johnson Is

doing: 63 pel- cent' said "poor,

28^ per c^ent said 'fair, 7. per

pent .saTd good, 2 per cent said

excellent. '

Oh how Secretary Freeman is

doing: 6S per cent said poor,

23 per cent said fair, 6 per cent

said goo(J. 3 per cent sajd ex-

-cellent:' '

These,- results .appear to Say

that the; farmer knows what he

wants, and- that ' the present

trend toward more Inflation atid

government controls is not 'it.

Perhaps this etection 'will give

everyone the chance to express

• ' ^pinion-and-let^B-hopeHl

Tarmers aren't the only wise

ones in the country (pun not

intended )r


(Twin Falls)

I'm proud^Tm not a member thtrsfy eye' (he states of the

of^lhe Republican party. 'Anyone

that, would put his name behind

an advertisement such as the

one that appcaret) in the Times-

News Suiiflas' is utterly de-

praved- or' s5es.-hl3.-j»W9r slip-

piiifi. ■ - -■ .

For a- fine family man like

Ralph Harding, a church niem-

ber in good "standing,- to be at-

(Sckcain such a manner makes

mo question the ddveijtisilrg'

motives. . . \

The voters should btwarc of

Len Jordan. (or every name be-

hind .that terrible ad uslid the

proverb "whose bread T eat., his

song,I-Blng.'.' V -

Honorable voters will vote for

Harding, finding they cannot cat

dir.ty-bread-or sinfHinwdy snngs-;


(R'upSrt) '

Sen. Jordan's Water Plan Is

Idaho's ABsw.er,' Writer Say&

.southwest have been j;astLng to-

ward the Snake River.' Two ihaj

iajr 'Approaches have' developed

to this proble;n.'

We can sit down and demand

that not one drop of. water from

The narthwcsrwaietshcd finds its

way south. Wc would- be pferr

feclly within our rights to do

so, but 'we live in a real world

and .the resulu of this approach

;ire apt to be nil.

Tblgjnalicr is going to. be" de-

cided in.lhe-comtftiltees and on

t^e-^l6ors^f ConBreasTTheT-c^

alitics are that -the southwest

far outnumbers the Columbia

watershed In sheer voting

strength in Congress. We must

match their, strength of vote

wlth~strength"or"'wit5r ~'

The .alte?nativc involves (o-

cjising'the thirsty eye elsewhere.

It _r.equires .i plan.wUlLforc-

Ight^'and cobrage. Sen. Len

Jordan is the only man In Con-

gress to develop a plan to pro-

tect" our water.

The Jordan pifin Insists that

the only water'Whlch:.wjll- leave

the area must be taken atthe

mdulh of the Columbia I<iver

Just as^it enters the Sfa. This

plan-ihifls the hot light at-

tention from (Stir Snake' Jtlver

't the bottom of the Columbia.

The only water which could be

taken would have already been

available to eyery posslbfe user

along the-Columbla-walershed.

Every user or potential" user

of the Snake River vf\\\ hnve-his

right "to as much water as he

needs now or in the future.

Only, after ,we halve alLhad

our~fill-will-tha-resIduary be


Down, Ai-ea Reader Asks


I'Want to know wJiy^theJdaho.

lnt:orfie_tax is_down. for 1966 as

compared to the same period in

Both periods- have- Ihr.

same rate of withholding, 1

checked my own.

"Thiirsaflie amount was with-

held in July, August and Sep-

tember of 1965 as is being with-

held ■iaJ9[i.6,-Anil this nn'ihV

same amount of salary for both

periods when .it iS loudly pro-

claimed that the sales tax is

helping 'to increase' wa'gS^nd

^alqrics all'over the stale:

And^ .unemp loyment is not

worse" th'aiTjgBs.'- - ■ "

That is according to lhe pco^

pic wh6/ch>im they know, iike

Swisher, Andrus and Smylic.

The sales tax' has Increased the

take Jiome pay of workers. It

will follow that" it "also increas-

es i the amount 'dt incOmi

. . ._. _ _. __jrc the InCOmL'

tax ta£ej)y lha state of Idaho,

should-be-morc^ not less. ;'

,-I.wIsh someone could.eip]aln.

th'isto me. peeping in mind thai

the-' lax rate is the same for

both periods, and that the salts


at le'ast some of the wage earn-

1 would like, to rei

the Times-News editor 'that the

reason the sales lax take is up,

is due l64he higher cost of liv-

ing, and not ' the huge .Influx

of tourists. Every time living


one must pay for sales tax.

I wish that every voter would

keep this in mind when Ihcy go

to the voting booths this next

TiB^th. If the sales tax Is not

oei cs ted-this-t imer-I-<Joubt-=-that-

'i .wi.lLeyer. again.be.contested.

Th'e '.pre-sales tax poll showed

about ,57 per cen^. agamst it.

Ngw we are led to believe that

it is wanted by the -people. ' I

have.not changed toward it. We

can Belter finance our schools

|nrtl]ly [hnh-nf^nny nthtr ImiM,

I ^m a home owner, a wage

eai'n^r and have two ohildi'en ib

high school. _i _ ■


. (Shoshone)




Oppn Friday 'Til 9 P.M.


249 Main Ave. E. . Twin Falls




available for our southern neigh-


Under ' the • Jordan plan, no

Idaho .water-user can possjbly

be harttied;"he can only bene-

fit by having ihe attention of

the-soulhwest- turned - to-other

sources, of no potential harm.

Len Jordan is to be congratu-

lated for this realislic, far-

reaching planning. , "

The issue In the fortHcomlng

campaign Is one of reality or

fantasy.' The fantastic,— brash

novice who is-seeklng to replace i

the senator has run a campaign

based upon vicious lies ^nd In-, .

ucndoB in -an- attempt to infiir.

that Ihe Jordan plan docs not

protect Idaho water. -


• (Twin Falls) " .



State Represente^^^^


„ pisti:icL23-— .Tjflda_l!^aJJs_County — Republican

-Their record is one of dediciated

and successful service^





WE Y ARC RC d ncaEC^ feflcBMREI









A paid political ddvertisiament


An Open Letter froni

l\Jha new Cheyy pickup looks so good you could call it a 2-door^

' . (You could also call it the toughest Chevy pickup ever built!)

nowprolcctnU'cclmcIn] njtnlnnt


brine jrbu more dnrAbllUr*

working eane, fcomfortflml IUif«-

ty. Chtik tint now all-ntcelr

SIrkup boi, for riAtnple. New;

till iloublo-WAll flldc panclH nnil

InllKito keep 7oiir lonil from

ItMlng lla mark on OIirvjt'h; .

Rood looko. And now tnemurcd "

likVA licfn liken lo hclW keep

' oat ntBt imd c«to>Ioi^. jJko tlio

oo«-plcca wheclbouBlngi iiat''

Inside, Ilio color-kcyiid rn^

lookti and ioHh like n.plcniinnf

filacn lo work. There nre a hum" ■ ,

tcr of;ien'nnfgtjjcnturea, (oo:

aji cncrKr-nIiHorWnft nlccrinn

wlicfll nnd a iliml niaitlcr cjiin-

ilcr hrnko nynlcnvj to nnnio two;

Anil hero H another (iiing tlie

new (;iicTr. pirkiip'n Rot Kolng

.for jrou: it riileti licKcr than

iiomo cnra. Choono from 2fi

I'lcciflido anil Ntcpoidfl modcia '

now at jour Clicnolclf dctlct'a.

; Tr y this hrartd n m hreed of pichtp at your Chemld deaUr'a^


' 113 Moln Avfniia Wtit ^ , Twin. Fti\ii " ' Piian* 733-303S


ol 0'

>ndWlJ"";; „; clip,

i"^'- " '(' win

. So'-" '



Has Feeling .

Of Coirtfort

NEW YORK (AP) - A niorc

comfortable feeling prevailed, in

Wall Street ■ today qs the slock

_mar!tct ' racked up Its . third

\ s'lralglit wcekIy~lhiTaflcc.

nWcil ,- kiiowii stock . market

commentators were quoted ai

saying tliut there, ts' n more

cheerful economic -environment

that .most people" bblicvc the

worst is over and that belter

quality _-inveslmcnt ■ issues jre

more In dcniancT than" '—


. A 'returri (o basic investment

value la the street seemed to

"^bc"iri 'tlitf. "iiiakinS " a's-buyers

-picked up many of the top qual-

' Ity ipxls; utilities and rails.

The Dow Jones Inchistrial av-

•-erngb ro«3 20.CG lo^BOTJfi.

The Associated Press pver'

--age-of 60 stocks adyanccd J.3

to 293.6.- ■ "■

For both^lveragcs it was the

best advance since the week

ended. Opt. 15. _

''toe th'tf.Dow, It.'was 'a r?-r

bound of- 55,25 fpjm the closing

'- low or 7«,32-inade.0cl: 7. This

— snapback was about as predict

ted by technical analysts^ho

now belicv<\ th&;lpn^Lo^ "

if It will hold. and provide the

springboard for another rally.

If the low -survives such a lest^

I analysts believe, the market

Will linve formed a fairly trust-

worthy base.



-lastweelti'Or-l,582-iflsues traded

1.055 advanced and <M declined,

The advance gathered mo ■

mcntum'as the week progressed

reaching its greatest strength.

onr'Thursdaxjiand ■ tapcringroff

■on 'Friday wlien The market

ended iniied. Thfre were more

■ gainers tlian losers but the av-

erages and indexes gave a con-

tradictory vftrdlct.'v-

' dn "MbiiSiiy: jvilh- ProsWenl

Johnson on his Asian trip and

disorderly protests In Manila

against U.S. policy in Vict Nam,

the market could oply monage

an irregular advance. Aerospace

Issues were weak,

> ■ Buying spread out to a broad-

-• ^f-* nf nljip Thlp^

Week's Most Active Stocks


NEW YORK- (AP)— Ycariy.Jifah-Iow. weekly sales, high.' (ow.

closing prke-and petjchange of the 20' moit active -Stocks for


NEW YORK -(AP)— Yearly high-low^- weekly sales, high, tow.

closing prTceS-nnd net change of the 10 most active American

Exchange stocks for tlje week ' —

, IS Thursday.

. U.S. Steel rose A'^. and Beth-

iehem i points during. the trad-

ing_ week. . General' Motors

■ wound up itflth d net gain of

at 73 desbiU>-fl,drop In new car

sales ■Mn;ai^Oclober and a de-

.-■cline,jn(fflW thifd quarter prof-

Mlinicipals Jed a general bond

-market r^lly last week-foUowed

It was the largest "weekly ad-

■i vance for the municipal mar^

■ kct since early September. ^

Some seasoned nn^ rec<;r^

~DEW York (APT"^^roinf

the nation's ■bIggest~corpom'

tions to. the comer supcrniarket,

there were disquieting business

signs this week.

_The jjue?Uofi:_Ha3„yiQ __bujf-

ncss boom rcaclicd a peak?

wave -of rosy company

earnings figures and dividend

increases pushed ;(!ie slotk mar-

ket up. But several, industrial

giants reported lowe^ profits,^

'U.S'. -Steel' C6rp.7'the Tia'tron's

largest steel produccr,'raiscd Its

quarterly dividend, although it

reported th;\t Its earnings for

the past, three • months were

down 14 per cent.

Five- pf the nine steel compa-

nies reported profit-dropf.

Slocks' -High

. 353.500; "


Low- —

53 East Air L"

4054 AM T & T .

" Pan, Ant. » 332.700

Allis ChalT..'..."3n,000

Fair Cam 305,«O .1

Gulf W Ind 285,100

US Steel 268.600 40

Polaroid 251,300 IWA

Gen Mot '24S.O00 13,]^

Itex Crirp ...... 245,200

n% Chrysler ..' 243,500


56^4 •




16% Comw Oil ....

' 40 Schlmbg

125W Xerox Corp

-.-ITiijSperry Rnndvl

30 Doug Airl--...-.

. Phil Rdg ...^

26 Beth Stl




' 219.300

215,700 365


— 0 ' 35U

193,300 __,

183:300 32V

Paintings of ^

Former Almo


• AUrfO — Darwin Taylor, son

of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor,

AlmQ, has had a premiere snow-

ing of his oil paintings at Aaron

Brothers gallery in Palm

Springs,' Uillf., 'reports Mrs.

EmilB.~Berriardi,'"Fller, his "sis-

ter. , _ _ ■ ;

-Taylor, who has lived in Twin

Falls and Castleford.' Is a World

War I(" -veteran and 'took iip

painting^about 10 years .ago, his

sister— said; — " , ,

He b termed a."dramatlc real-

ist" and is'itoied for his desert

5Ctnej'iind moon-sea canvasses.

He attended Raft River High

School ana~Westem Stata'UnI-'

2234 n% ~

■30 ~3454'"Ui

3414 37% -i- 2i^.verslly.;CunnIsCin. Colo.

27^ -31'^ +4^


% ti^-Gt Am Ind ..

' ^0-, Alloys Uri ...

% ■ Silicon Traa

^4 , 57, Syntex Cp ..

I €QVi Solltron D ..

1^4 4 Un Control .

'}lr 31%'TWA Wt ...

l'A,-\-15i -Can-So J?ct_.

t>7--J«-— Nat-Videw.^1 17

Sbd W ASlin ... 71,



... 207.000

... 157.500

... 124.400-

... i;4,300

... 123,900

.;. 117.60(1 38 '


'117,300 Zllflf-

- ,900 22

High Low Close Net

^ 314


Farmer to

Be Named.

RUPERT — ■ The -outstanding

farmer in Minidoka ' Countv will

be named_at 7: 30 p.m. T hurs-

(3ay at a dinner meeting at the

Catholic Parish Hall In Rupert,

aqcotdinE— to.-ofuciala=flt=lhe

Disquieting Signs Seen in

ML^p^8_ofJLJ^. Busiiress

Al ma samK -rime; General

Motors Corp.. the world's .-.big-

gest" nianufacturer, said its net

inconic for the Jquarter, was

barely one-third of what It was

a year ago and its lowest since


.Chrysler and FoVd Motor Co.

aiso reported A sharp drop In

profits. :.

— B^t— thg..com p a ni(i3.jired}cl

better, timiss, — ' - 1 - . ::::z

'The-year ahead should.prove

to be another year of good busi-

ness Jpr the automobile industry


Standard Oil Co. of New j'er-

■(ey?-»-~wor)dwido oil company;

Burlington 'Industries fnc.,' the

largest domestic producer of

tesille.-, pro(IucL'>, and Borden

C o., q larg e food _px' Kl""ee'', oil

checked in with record 196G

earnings. ■ . V ' ..,.1 ' ,

Automobile s'alcs. iigyevcf.

down and steel production

eased again; The steel industry

began to lay off more-men as

the demajxd for steel slipped.

The- biggest businessmen of

nil, the' members-al-the- BuEi.

ness CoiincII,..indicated.they_ejt-

pect.the economy -to slow down

next year— not a recession, just

a slowdown. <

They foresee a difficult' year

with a tax increase, big, labor

luuitrac^settle'ments and a prof-

it squeeze. ""

Pierre D. RInfret,- an econo-

mist who hfu advised President

Johason- in .the past, was

gloo.mler. He look issue, with

what he called ''Washinglon''s

politically inspired ■ economic

fnrfrasts." nhd prcdicte<l.»-dflf-

Jiunday, ucr. ao, IwIrrFSltrTmTBs-N8W» 15

S^les Tax Inequities ^

Questioned by -Writer

teditor,- Timcs-NewsL

-With-ali the-publlclty -being

:lven inequities posed by the

mnrgarme tax ana the sales tax

on drugs; why is not publicSt-

tcntion being directed to the

discrimination against the'canol

companies 'at Jerome' and Twin

Falls; and no doubt thcrc,arc

others In the state In the same

category. ' _

While performing a service

(that-or~wator-dcllvcry)- identi-

cal t(S'tb&t performed J)y Irriga-

tion districts. . tfKse companies

are belng dlscripilnatcd against

In'tliat tliey' miist collecfa sales

tdx on. water, maintenance'

charges, whereas the irrigation

districts qrc exempt.

Certalnly-'it is doubtful that

the Legislature- Intended such

intcrprctailba .of .the law. when

the sales tax was Imiiosed, yet

'when a hearing was' held In

Boiso in March, I96fi. Floyd

West, tax collector for Idifho.

decreed ^at the cause ybf ttio

^orlh" Side " Canal Co., was

without merit. An appeal has

been made, but no opinion is-

-•titA, ■ '. _ . . ■

It Is this typo of dlscrlmili'a.

lion which makes the saltis tax

it.«lf .so .repugnant to many'

cltiicns, rihd. .certainly many

farmers will say "iio'*_ oii Nov.

8, unless there. is-evldence that

such discrimination In applica-

tloiT of the law will be rectlfl£d.


(Jerome) .

Voters' Group Head Urges

Passage\oi Amendment; ,

Editor, Times-News; ■

■ The need Jor ojmpIetCTCvls-

Ion of our „ldabo constitution is

so aptly illustrated for tho vot-

ers in this ■* election which i^asKs

fo^ tl)eir- consideration of six

f ■ * 'V * '

COPE FunctiSa Def eridted

By Labor Coimcil President

Rtipcrt'Ctiamber uf'CoiiimeA:e;

hfloSBftffWOne organiiiation.

Thp sixth annual event , will

igain have businessmen as

hosts to farmers who belong to

county farm' DtgShiiatlons.

Candidates for the title in-

clude Reuben Wcbir,-Hcybum,

iponsored — by — th»T— Minidoka


funds ctei'help their campalgns,

-^t-hQ^-Como-to-my-atiarifton In^kiding-Aobort-jS-Smylie-as

Countv F orm Bureau ; Richard

Schonk,* pupert, . Pifneer

Grange; John Christ," Rupert,

sponsoried by the. Rupert

Grange; I^rnn Coon of. FSnl;

with -tht-Paul- .-GrangeTis-his

sponsor; LEd_TdpIi£f_HazeItQn,

Emerson Grange; Ernie Stitt,

Heybum, Minidoka County Beet

Growers Association, and-"Wii-

bur Cook, .sponsored ■ by the

MiriitJokar'T-Caunty ■."National

Farmers Orgonization.'

Judging was' com pie led Thurs-

day by Richard^ Westendorf,

Delmar'HoIlinger.'Wayne May,

Robert Billiard, William Hiyties

and. isjunty agents Vance Smith

and LaMont Smith. Other mem-

bers of the .Chamber of Com-

■ a ar ic u ltwiat-i-eommittee-

as president of 'the Twlq Falls

Central- Labor Council that a

great many questionable . re^

marks have .been said and writ-

ten obout the part COPE (Com-

mittee on Political -EducatiDn)

plays .In our political life,

— I-wish~to- remInd -the -public

ithat COPE- money comes froin

voluntary donations ot-^^jtzi^j;

person for the express 'purpose

of helping those, . candidates

\vhom working men and women

feci will-do the-best job.

_In ■past_yeats_-niQnyj!ldaho

candidates have r'ecelvni COPE

Fallout Units


In Lincoln

SHOSHONE— Fallout shelters

are bclpg . sought by Civil De-

fense directors, according to

Keid.Ncwfiy, couniy oiiicer.; •

Newby-fiald though there jire

some availabliirareas for shel-

tcr Ig liniioln County, more are

necked. ' '

Anyone -knowing irf any.-shcl-

te'r—jnceting the requirements

are asked-tO-ccnlapt.Ncwby by

writing Box 578; -Shoshone; or

calling him-at 886-24qi-or-886-:

well as C^i] Andnis and Ralph

Harding. John F, Kennedy Was

also a recipient ot-COPE funds.

It would sciem -that only those

candidates not. receiylng COPE

funds find fault. Wlien the Re-

publlctms' were recipients, noth-

ing was. said;- but_nqw wlicn

various " candidates -haven't

merited th*t ' support, the ■ atr

; tacks' againlt "big labor money"

from candidate^ and' their sup-

porters "


.-' It mfgh.Lbe_Inleresting_to.noto

that , t& Federal , government

has proposed- much ttie same

thing by allowing an ^^Btne tax

deduction of fl to be'<-glvcn

to. the .party, of your_ choice,


(T-SIh Falls)

consti(uli6nal , amendment'^.

The- League- of-Women Vole*ps

of Idaho have workedj 'effec-

tively for constitutional revision*,

and for the establishment of the

Constitutional Revisory Commis-

sion established by the last ses-

sion of the Legislature.; _( —

We ijow- urge the support-ot

theoiwrs for SJR No. 7 in the

tOrthcoi^ing election.

SJR No. 7 would amend our

Constitution to allow further

amcji.(l]ng of the Constitution liy


a time. At present, only

amendment dealing with one

part of (I subject can be present-

ed at' a tljoje, as evidenced by

the two amendments on* the 1966

ballot "dealing "with , corporations.

Passage of SIR No. 7 would

make it possible for systematic

and complete .-revision, Amend-^

ments proposed after passage of

SJR No. 7 would come frotfi;the

const ItuUonol revisory com-

numcroiis -.a-njlLmissIon, be presented to the

Legisiatum-for -thelrmpprftvii;

and !then to .the .voters.

This is the, only way we can

hope for satisfactory; revision

of our prffsenl Stat? cSi^(njtion.


. -.(President,- *

League of Women Voters,

Twin Falls)

* ■ * L-Mf;' *

People Should Be Taxgd on

to Pay yiW oman Says

''orum E^ttef liy

GOP Officialise:;^

''layed by Writer

Editor, -Times-News: - • . - - ■ , -

Recently you printed n letter

from Mrs. Fred Ccnarnisa, a

Republican Centra^ ComnJlleo

vitc chairman, atlackihg Ralph

Hardtng for his courifgc In ex-

posing the voting record of Sen-'''^

ator' Len Jordan.

'l^m not surprised "that Mrs. ^

Cenamisa Is biased In favor of

hcr-tandidato't-After all,- that's ..'

her-right..-But she-oertalnly- Is^

litled to imply, as she did, '

that Ralph Harding distorted tho

focts on JOrdon's- record,


that Jordan voted against. the ''•

Test Ban Treaty 'when the' rec-

ord shows that's wliat he did? "

.What's the distortion In saylnR

Jordan-, voted against the bill ■

extendin g __wool_. subsldy_pay;

nenfs when the record, shows ...

that's what he did?

What*# the distorilon In say- '

ig Jordan voted against the

-Elementary and Secondary Ed-'

■ucation .Act of' IM-^rnhe Higher

■Education"Mron063ni"rt(r6lhei' —

school bilLs; when the record

showsithqt's what he did?

What's the distortion in saying '

Jordan has advocated diversldtr

of our water to the souihwest,

when the- record shows Xthht's

what ho did? . . . . ' ..

. Mrs. Cenarrusa may'-'be un--

happy because Ralph Harding

Is exposing Len Jordan's record. '

But she ought not to indulge In -

name-calling bccajise that only

shows-JiowJow-theJRepu'bUcans —

arc willing to go to keep the

truth from-the pcople-of Idaho" "


(Burley) ' ,

"TtfitUVETAT POST- ■ - *

TO.KYO TAP)-;-- U; "Alexis '

Johnson, new U.S. Ambassador "

to Jap^n, arrived to^y to take'

up his. post. Ht;rcplace3 Edwin

0. Rclschaueritwho tetumed to •

the United States (o.-resuma "

academic worla at Harvard Uni- .,■

versity. ^

initttdowntifm fn 1967.

And for the firat time, a Fed-

eral .-.Reserve • BogKi member,

Dewey Daaner^ndlcaf^ that

doubts about the e(!pnOTffIc out-

look might be tempering the

board's" views tin economTc re-


are Robert Caldwell and-Roger

Dean. ■ "

"Candldales "were Judged on- a

point basis which included~gcn-

eral- farm" practlcfcs, conserva-

tion practices, care and ade-

quacy, ot machinery," -care of

livestock, buildings-'and general

__Ust spring; Daane argued and care of

_,_.._..=-^. .^^ increase to'S'"'^^- Community -activity

corporate Issues rose alsQ.



Slaughter steers; Confirmed

515. Mostly choice 1,000-J,265 lbs.

23.Oft-24.00, only confifmcd sales

at 24.00.so[d early in the wfeek;

couple-Joads good. 1,150-1.200 lb,

Holstejns 22.25-22.35( latter price


. Sloughter, heifers; Confirmed

330. Mostly' cfiolce 805-9G0 lbs,

■ 31 ,00-23.00. bulk 22.50 ; load m ix-

~^'d good aiid'duircolffiOlfisCSrOO '


Sheen:' Confirmed 3.300.^N e'ar

2,400 choice, few prime, 107^11.

* 000 choice B2^3-lb. ewoTeplace-

mcht lambs Z'iiOU per cwt.

slaughter steers steady (o 25

lower, decline, mainly on choice

tujd prime heifers, fully steady

under good demand; cqws 1.00^

1.50/ lower; -bills steady;- foodClr

c attle and calves steady.. .

llogs -id.'lOO. compared 49,69;

Inst week nnd 41,086 year ago;

bartows iftntLeilta "slefldy to 50

owtr with most atn;llnG~wclgljls

jyer 250 Jlw; sows 10 per cent,

mostly 15 lower with weights m- '

• . PGDEM ■ _

- -pGDEN . (Al') ~ (U.SDA) -

Cattle for week 1,81(1, compared


L-ycar agoUiilnilyx

. tnr steers or hellers to provide

[rend; limited snlvs txith cla.n.^es

dfcndy to J.") lower; Increased of-

fering nlaitghtcr coVb In good de-

mand early, mo.illy )ile|t(|y; la-

ter trading slow, Sfl-l,Oa lower;

— f ul l-<]«olin»-«n-cju)iutc-iuuUcul.

dcr 350 11^ .-jcarco and not l^Hy

tested; for fifth >eck hog jirlces

weaker despite 25 per cent small-

fir' "receipts; following -lower

Itcndn midweek, prices strcngth-

xjn o ;io d o n f lo jc;.^aipplyJargclyJU

' 200-270 lb b arrows jnd git's-

strbngly^or a "tax I

rotrMn"--Uiftif'feconDflT}.-'-- TKOi

week'he said the <luestion"of a

tax^ Increase would be put off

until January.


ab'put the course of the-domestic

economy and the war in Viet

Nam. - - ■ "~

But he added: "We hear lots

of recpssioh talk, but wc don't

see It yet In the figures. "

'i'He 3ohnson adm hilstration

has rejected tax increase pro-

posals' for months,, saying "it

needed more Informatioji, that

it wanted lo see how much mon-

ey Congress appropriated..

As It turned, out. Congress vot*

ed less money than- expected.

That eased a llttfe of the prcs-

re for a t ax Incren-qCfbut- l^ ft

'tnnh'Cr lactors— the war and

the general economic okjtloolc

Some slowing down of this rise

tn-th e co3 ^o f Ihlug wan fui e i;a!it

by professional eoonomlsts In a

Ttiport W (he business Council.

Editor. Times-News;

I think Vernon Ravensc'roft.ls

lOO per cent 'right on the "sales

tax" Issue and I want to thank

him for Jils good -work.

The right to tax is ttie power

to destroy; - ^

The just government taxes.its

were also considered.

Featured speaker at the din-

ner will be Sherman^B.-Bolvini

as.?ista nt to the manager_or op-

cri irons, idalia 'jOpe ra tions - Of-

fice of the Atomic ?

mission. He 'Will discuss- "The

Use of. the Atom-, to Preserve

Food and Desalt Water."

For Hang(^ri


HANSEK — 'J6hn Roiwr was

la Euest. speakcf.'at tnc-PTA

meeting' held Thursday night at

the-^cHDolhotlSer-Hc— useil-the

book,' "Sales Tax ~ Idaho at tlie

Crossroads," as his source of In-

. „ WV !ilaii|;hlpr hyll* s\pni\y In .111

lower; moat ullllty nnd-commer-

cial near sleudy; (ccdor slocri

and feeder calves 25.50 lower,

feeder heifers scarce,

Sheep 1,.175, ciinipared 1.0.^0

lart week und 1,510 year ngo;

—Hlflught Pf .lambs ' a bout , nteiidy

but volume Insulficlent for ac-

. ciirnio' tosi; slnnjihliT gwcs

■fllPndy to 50 lilgiicr; ./cl-Ult

'lambs nletyly lo 25 hlRhcr; sup-

ply. Included 300 nliniRlikT Inmbn

loo ' nlnuKhter owes, remainder

mostly feeder lumhs.

■Hogs — no ru|K)rt.


DnNVRR'(AI') - (USI)A) -

Ctmipitnid Willi Irtht w<;i,'k'

closo; emtio — nhuiihtcr stair

and heifers 19'SP tiiwitr, except

aoMq Hleerti half nf clioli

Hluuily lu ntrongi nlautihler m

fltcndy hut- Dot tented woll nflcr

MiMnrav; hardly emiugh bulls of-

fcrnd tor accurnio iwt; lecdor

nti-ora 700 Itii nmt doWn wc

to mostly fid (nwcr,. ■ (icnv(er

wcluhln nlrnng to 60 hlMlior,

feeder lielfem titrnnR to 50 liigh

er; tituor nnil liclfcr ciilvos un-

1 clinnRr-d, J,

Sbi!i!ii,— .Slniifjlitnr Iambi 50

lower; rwos sternly to 29 higher:

. fcrdor.lumhi ll-SQ lower. . '

llojii — Burrows and gilts 25-

no tilgliur; niiws ni) liiwpr.

.5heijp""7:3D0 compli'rcd E.DDO

lafit week 5,300 year ago; Irnd-

ing modfcralely active; wooled

slaughlor lambs SO lower; shorn

siltughlcr Inmbs steady to 25

lower,, otlicr classes steady; sup-

pl y prniind 4fl per r'-n^ mnnl«d

Tliey indicated price Inflation

would continue,- but not at

runaway rate. , .

"The big question mark Is Ihe

level- of expenditures for Viet

ti»m-Md-tii^.fouM'iHy-ot .tax

rate Increases lo Aunport those

Tnn)CinilHire3;"~6aId Wllllam M.

Datlen. J.C.-jPcam:y.-Co.„ inc.

chairman. - -

'Our crtnsultanls belfeve that

culling llie government's non-

defense expenditures h « l>ettcr


per cent ewes;

W^t cent feefler^ambs,

, CH I CAG6'^/u'r^Fo[iowi ng

mo/ the hog, '



rouriifiyrecfttprii 33,1100. vlniml

ly siiinn m week ii)(0 bul 10 iwr

rout HnialldC (linn yu«r ngo;

niaiighter Mean apiirDxlmiitiily

35'por cont, liolfnrn per cent,

cows 11 por rem, fcrilurrt 3R pci

._4jitiitj-)ui|{u_)>urutfnlt|Hu-tittllui'it "h-tmi.tf — ■ — <

(X cliolcu gradd with nroiiml fqw limdn of .ctiojcA ,l,47n-l,&50

pur cent prlmoi (juntutlonn nn llis a4;29-7'l,7n; iuInciI KfKHram'

nircnni lieof at liiwiint Invel choico 000-1,300 Jbi 34,00-24.35;

slncQ laat July; clualiiii prlcc>lj(oad 23.711-24.23.


IJog.?; nnrrowa and gilts sold

stuaay lo 75 cents -towqr, most-

ly steady to 60 cents lower.

Harrows and gilh .— moat I-

1 100-215 lbs 31,50-11.00, 116

liend 13.00. S3 head '11.10 and

llil head 22,15, compurfcd with

, lop of 15.00 a year ago.

Mixed 1-3 190-240 lbs il.00-2li0;

2.10.250 lbs 20.75-3l,15; 2-.V 230-

250 Ib.i 10.60-21:00; ISO-IHO' lbs

19.7.5-10.50; 2)10-310 lbs 19.50-


.Sows — mixed 1-3, 35O-4O0 Ibi

lfl.75-IO.5n; 400-500 lbs 17.75-

19.00; 2-3 600-(IOO lh,i 17.00-lH.OO.

^Shecp! Ciiiil^red with lh(

nfiwIouN ' I'rldny, ■iaughtoi

Inmhs iiotd nicady. ,

Wo(ilc<l Hliiuglitcr Inmbs. -

chiilcn and prima 00-109 lbs

11.50-23,00; clinico 80-105 lbs

13.50-24.60; mixed good and

choloo' aa.00-33.GO:; good 11.00'


Slniighter itcom woro'BlBady

lo 35 cents lower, with wolghtn

over l,l(>a Iba ino.itly 33 cent-i

.Slaiighler steers '-^ prima 1,.

100-I,4(>D lbs IS.OO-ia.riO, nearly

11) londi nt 16,6tl im Mnndny hut

Into only nmt Inad over 10,00 nf

16,13; huh choree and prlmo 1,

inO-1,475 llm 25,15-26,00, ' mostly

25.76 nifd down lute, earlier sev-

eral l6Rds nf higU choice and

tiVliiin 1.45U-1.4H0 lbai23.6D.2e.O0;


crca.sQ." he told the Uusiness


Archie K, Davlo, fctlring

presMftiit of the American

Rankers Assnclntion.'said a de-

cision to cut nondcfcnso spend-

ing could result In further

griiwih- ':OlL-.ln(!alinnflryr. prci.


Tho IJihIoms Council ^ chair,

man, W. H. Murphy, blamed the

over-all economy, wllh \\^ rising

cost pressures, for "

suiwrmurkct boycotli

"Thn retailer Is not the Rullty

parly." said Mumhy, wno Is

Campbell Soup Co. president.

VNellbfir h The food pmccssor The unlturms unit couipi

itw?iri»y ■panyrTntrRtmtyTnirrrmsrflrnmirj-jmo: , .•jimlB

er-nll economy, llic ilnllS' Ifif'TfllsIng llio fui

either stalo or federal govern-

ment and that the remaining 30

per cent Is the only taxqbic

amount.. Ho stated .that sales tax

had helped to retain the bcstvunl^

vetrlty teachepi, and that the

Btato fi pitercsifng more How

than ever before.

He noted tliat. eight per cent

of tho tax is' brought In by tour-

ist trade; He raised the ques-

tion, ''If you' don't keep li, what

will you have?" There are now

41 stales that have sales taxes.

lie IlluHirai etl lii.i^ tiilk with

iiifncitJ]ajiiiiaUQn._i:i:rtnlnljL_fls lie llluHirai e<| hl.^^ tnlk w th n

a first .sten. than a inv in. duirt..sluiwinH-Mih(tru-41u)~iuiu>tt

i^rpHKf^ " \\r* ttfilH Ti...,J..m-- „ ir. .1.... jniA.I .l.Mt 1..

Specifications include aTlftiJft; ;

ing made of concrete with con*'

Crete floors and basement, any

root or, potato cellar that is

covered wilh two or three feet

oLdirti^jlpy dry open mine w

dry cave within short walklpg

distance oT-a highway or road.

Newhy said Idaho has shelter

for 201,000 people, hut needs

enoiifi b rnnpi fnr .sas. OOfl m ore,

— The-progrannidaptcdTfoi^thc

Civil Derens6..ag{!acy includes

finding fallout shelter if at all

possible tor everyone in the

county. This Is done by the,

Corps of Engineers.

They are also to allocate res-

idents to shcller, usually to lhe

shelter nearest their home.-.dc-

lermlne where count y and clly

governments "Will .operate tiurinjf

and dftcr a nuclear ottack. dc

tcrmlne if there is. a lack- of

.|i«l l«p-f of^people-i n-tlta t-t)ouK^

It city and 'where there. iS a

lack, advLse the people that they

will have to go to their homes

and protect tliemsclves In the

best part. of lliclr liomes.'

Every family In tho county

is- to7bc - advised - by -means of

njnps ami wriltcn Insinicllona

what shelter thoy should go to

In tho event of n nuclear at-

tack on the United Slates. _

TIfcy should ako advise Itjcnl

officials in wrlllng of what to

do In the event of a nuclear at-

tack and hnw .lp guide people to


convenient for. them to- pay;. .

'BBIJi^Tor the amount"" necessary;

to nm the government- efficient-^

ly-'-- ^. —

McDevitt-*Baid-theTabllity to

pay was ouLof date, obsolete,

today. If it Is, -then God pity us

tomorrow. " ■ -

This -"sales tax" we have Is a

vicious tax, n shameful tax: As


thb burdefi of taxation from the

higher income people to the al-

ready overloaded backs of the

lorgG families^ the -young fam-

ilies, war widows, the oldr^tbc

crippled and blind, 'clC.

They must pay tttrce per cent

on food, clothing, and medicine.

As r Ifave sUted it's a-shame-

ful Ux. If Idaho has to take the

brcadsfimirtjie'old, the unfor-

tunnlcjCaJiD don't get a bl~

subsidy from WashlnSbn, D.C.,

and the young famlli^ who are

having a^rd time now, buying

shoes and 'milk, then we are in

a d ic kens -of a mesa,

owners expect young -people

respect and protect their prop-

erty. Respect comes wliere it is

due. mb: fights in this /unde-

clai^ vrttr anyway",. and"T7hose

war is iti?-.^ .; •


- , .'Tllagerman);- .

are used. Ho iflsii rtoied that In-

come nnd properly .taxes have

been lowered nllhoiigh tho re-

livaUintlon may Imvo raised

them to inme Individuals.

A film, -"Snles Tax — Yes or

Ki>," was uliown, which alrassed

tile.- imnmvemenLi- made in

Bchooli ttm)ugh the iiso of the

sates taX' income, cifwcially Ih

vocational nch<Hils thniugh pur.

.. chaie of better luid tnoru ciiulp-

for .spreading mcnt for tralnlni,>:

TI18 Pl'A decided to hold some

fund-rulslng 'programs lo help

purcluiSR idotbalt unlformn for

Iho^nveiith and elghlh grades,,

Tho uniforms and c<iulpin cnt will

ro<lernf fiimls, iinilcr contract

Iwtweciv Ihe .Stntp of Idaho and

Iho Department, of_Dcfonae,

Ncwby uriiii;


IgTRep orted ag-


Editor, Tlmcs-News:

Thosp of us who live In the

Magic Vi\lley, have, known 'long

l>cfore I,en Jordan became &

U.S. Scnalor..lh«t ho^hai always

had nn anll-educatlon attitude,

dan wns governor, nf Idaho, ho

rccoiiimcnded that .the Jcglsta-

turo nboUsh^tho. teachers retire-

ment Rystcm, by completely

eliminating appropriations for

this program.

'As governor, ho closed the

[j^n- I««nlwt»-lraln|np.iirhnn1<i ^[ [fi;f\]


News of Record


Shcrlll'sOKlM ■

Rex KoUK-d, M/iiItJoka, wnn

cited for failure to yield tho rljtbt

of. way i\ftcr his car colllilod wllh

^n nuio operated by Munio I.

Gago, Dietrich,, at an JntcracC'

Hon on fitatc- Hlahway 24 one-

fourlh mllo somliwcal of Sho-

shone. ICofocd said he could not

see tlio Gago car Iwcauso of Itus

llio ilver-nll economy. Ilic

food store Is a hnndy gont fnt-

Itm'liuuscwlfa, but Ihe housewife

Is wrong."

Tlio president of Iho National

Asiuclntlon ' nf Food Chains,

(lordon F. lllnom, - suggested

|lial ibo gdvenimenl piil greater

emphasis on Inureaslng '

sitppllu's and culling coats.

"A pofllllvo prugrnm to boost

fiHKl supplies wpuld bo the iniMt

anti-lnnatloMryi medicine tlutt

could now be administered by

tho govcrnmcnl," said Dloom,

ircnldent of Hlm Farms Foods

Jo. Ill Ihuiton,


lIoM' Ttif'TAlsIng llio funds wore

discussed. - - - -

If there Is enough Intercut

shown liy adults, a class for

ndult ino<)crn math will be held

for tliem. :■

A pancake ijupper will be tu'li

ilnrting id 0:30. and ending li

);WI p.m. Nov, n, ,,

llio filurih grudn nxlm won Ilie

room count, l-luyd Slni'igor gave

the liivocallojl.

It wan announced the Htatn

PTA convonlloii will bo held

Nov. 3-3 nt Idaho Fnltii, Mm,

Ted Crockett will ntlcnd .as n

dulugulo, ■'

Roy Woods, .Sho.ihone, wtii di-

ed for dnmk driving after ho wai

Involyiid In ft Iwo-c^ir collision on


Police Court

CIcoriitn Christ. .W. Itiipf rt, U.

an expired driver's ilccnio.

Twin Falls Markets

nnrl«r ;


Okt> it

Mipiail ntaln .,

Holt Whil* Whtu

Curn (IB.U^r ,

(Two C««lori


Wh»l I|,«l



(■\\iAc» iiuichori, ino-no iii

Mllllt Sows .

linnvr nnw fi],H

U.ft," Hfl, TS- ,.V.i.,'.;i. p.l

UJL Ho, It. t MilAi

.. JOni .uBotsc. ouirtcill

(Uallvirait lo r«i«lt«r In tKiiniu) ll'lriiu

. . 11 RANI

■JJsiniill llBil* ,.i.j^<

.-yhfcn^mur <lethanded-~or;-

fine teachers wero lost to ,tho

Magic Valley area, and to all of

Idaho by this act of Jordan'^? .

An United States Senator, Lc'n

Jordan's record Is equally black.

He voted against tho elen^pntary

and Secondary Education Act

to-provkl^ fodoral financial. as-

sistance to nclinol dlstricls to

improve Iho quality of their ed-

ucation. This bill nasscd the .Sen-

ate on April 9, W, by k vote

of '73 to 18, but ngt wllh Un

Jordan's help, for . ho voted

"lo," I ' ' ■ .

We could not afford l^en Jor

dan AS governor, and ive cannot

iitRnnrmrnrrtr affoTtt-Wm-ns-nenai


Sberlll^s Dtotter

Can driven by Jamei F.

Cook*, 20, Kuocrt, and llrvce M,

Chugg, 27, llupert, collided on

Illfihway 24 at 300 Norih, Cook

was traveling soulh on Highway

2i When CInigg utartflfl^to pass

him as Cook made ■ leftHnpi.

'27,500,000.00 :

THE SALES TAX made possibie an INCREASE

of $27,500,000 for Idaho Education. Our

public schools and universities need and

can justify this additional revenue,


^ THE SAtES TAX"^^^'^ ~

I'll, Col. ii.t*,, rorttuid Idnlto Cotiitnlliai,

Writer Defenfls^

Rolebf eOPE

In Political Race

Editor. 'Times-News:

I have Just read a full page

ad in thfi Timcs-NQWS Sunday

edition, Oct. 23, 19GG. over (he

slgnntUFfl of-B, ,J,,,jIglmf;ij„and


-Tho-ad-favors- Sen'. Jordan- In

the -Bcnalorial race. Also two

organlinitions— arc— named — as

backers of Ralph Harding.

One,, of the organizations '1

knirt-.nolhlng about. The other,

"Ihe Committee on Political Edu-

iinlinn, COPE, Is composed of

the working-peo'ple-ln our state

and nation. "There Is/nothlng un-

^lethanded— or-arfvcrso -in the

workings of ,COPE, as Inferred

by Mf;, Holmes nnd his folldw-

Rftlpli Jlnrdlng was endorsed

V CO^E, IrTnn honest effort lo

lilaliriyic^Jjcst representation

for all of Idaho. Mr. Holmes

Ing of tho word democracy.*

As a member anlzed la-

bor-and COPE, and ,a cIllKen of

Idaho, I nm' happy my -name Is

not on such muddy printing as

that .In question.


- — ' - • (Hcyburn) '





Sales listed Here

Oct. J9



Aclv*fil.*m.nti 0<t, I7 and 38

Autilsn..r.i W^rt, nt.n. Wall.

. . , and M«,Mniiiiih


-'AdvmiiM«ntrOtl.~aa jiwl-^ff

■ " ■ ■ Mamn — »—


AilMrllMnwnli N«v. It 3

Auclleniiri lirl* Moilm


Adr»rlli4mtnU OtI, 31 and Nav, I

rAudlDMarii W«it, ElUrt, -Woll

and M«»«(iinlih

Nov. 3 .


AdytrllxnuU^tJ. 31 and Nsv, I

Awttltniini Kanld KJoai

Pfd.jM Dvlfik ■ '

RO'Bm SniNOHAM . ,

Adv*rlltMn«nli N*v,<] and X

Auftl*fM*ni W*rf, l\Un, Woll '

■ «i>d MMMnmlth

Nov. 5


Advartlitmnli N«v. 3 14

AutlltnMni Wart, llbn, Woll


1000 CalveWTeBh

High Country Stock

MONDAY, OaOBER 31, if irk





■ SJH541"-

Custer Count y ■

LIVESTOCK iuskeiingush:


Willard, Turner

Pace 3243 Romp

<)yer Boise Team

■ BUHL— Fullbfick GeorRe Willard and sophomore half-

back Dan Turner tore Bishop Kciry ip-shreds Friday

niEhfcA the unranked Buhl Indians coasted into a o2-lo

- .-.viStory. over the sixth-rated Knights. Wil ard, a,.sraall

M5-tullback, and .Turner,. 155, pyed an Indian attack

tHal~nevi?r- went outside]

tackle. Kelly struck -for its

two ' touchdowns ()n long

. „jJuy3-oItec-pasB-interccp4.

lions. Tho first came onn I't-

"yard counter sprint by JirfrKIni'

met and the second on a ST-yard

. pass from Ysura to Dave Dixby.

The only other. -Knight threat

camc^n-the -third-quanerona

first down at tfie Buhl llirco-bul

- tha"lndmns-stopped .them.

Buhi took the opening kickoff

and, overcoming thrcC pcnalHes,

■ drove G5.y?itis. Turner got Into

j;*, ;y.'.'rti f ffrid-idne on , h fo grth. and

.... oITCplay- nnd also ran (or the

extra, point.

— — ~A -pass-interception .early in

the Second- quarter gave Kelly

the bail o$Jhc Buhl 24-yard-lirie.

'On the (trst play Kimmcl coun-

tercil for the score. The point

-'-^ after attempt failed.

After on exchange of. punts

Buhl drqvo 50 yards largely on

. the running of " Willard to the

Kelly 16-ynrd line. The"n Duane

Unricker hit tall ehudceullings

■ 'in the end zone fdl- the touch-

\, -down and the same combination

, got the PAT. '

Early In the second hoi* bad

.' pitch on an option' set Buhl up

'■-won the 39-yani line. Willard hit

'"^ for eight before Turner. roai;ed

_^f.-tackle-foc-30 yards- to the

on'e."IIe followed up with the

TD. ,

I ■ In the fourth Buhl quict-ttlcked

Bishop Kelly Into a hole and it

paid oil when the Knights, In

pimt formatiqii, got a ba"S pass

froni- t. -eii t er . - " Puii le i ' P o uE 3a -

Jak jried to run It oiit but fum-

.bled' at the 25 ^. Wiyard grobbec

■the- loose' bali,-on-tbe -27-anc

returned" It to the ■ 18. Willard

crunchedtto^ first, do.wn at the^

three and-Uniicker sneaked In

'from' the "one twp plays later,'

Kelly's last score came "aftcr

' an interception by Ysufa at mid-

-^di. He.hit Bob Even .on two

, first down on Buhl's 37, .then

■ turned -to Bjxby who was all

alone at the Indian 15 for the

■ touchdown , bonife,: Jo"hn Tietjen

converted. — '


Senators Rip


_GO_ODING — Larry Adiynson

romped for five touchdowns.-*)ne

on a. pass 'Friday night as

Gooding shutout Kimberly <7-0

in a Big Eight Conference ^ame.

Adamson picTTed up two.Kim-

bcrlv fumbles and ran them In-

to the- end-ZQOC,^35_yard3.\m

the first one. aficl 87 yards on

tho second. also had an 80-

yard punt return,

Adamson "scored first ,on an

eight-yard . end ■ sweep and fol-

lowed shortly with his long punt

return lO' give the Senators a

12-0 Icad.arlhfi end of-theJlrst


-Adamson's 35-yard-fumbIo-rai

turn opened ^up the second-quar-

ier.TCoUng for Gooding and Bart

Q uesnclL-pluogod— in~f ro m — .tha

one to make it 24-0 at" the half,

in-.the third WJrdt^yponS ^

passed to AdamsohTor 10 yards

and a touchdowm!nd~AtlamsDn

scored on the second tumble.

Bob Redfern swept left_endjn

thfi Toiirth for 12 yar9s and fCeii-

ny Krahn booted a 15-yard field

goal. Joe Hollificld kickedT-the

extra pq.ints on the - last two


Bama Downs

Bulldogs for

Sixth in Row_,



Q u i 31 - 7 W i n

©ver Navy


T^rry Hanratty turned 'on the

Notre Dame ground-power whfen

Jim Seymour s absence crippled

his air orm' Saturday ahd led

the top-ranked Ifi.^ to their


-W ith live minutes l eU-iguhl

^.replied-with-a-60-vnrd march;

Turner getting the big chunk In

a 23-yard sprint. With I':03 left,

-..-Turner whc^eled into the end

- -lono-fron^the-six . ■- i-


Four Interceptions, three of

them "by linebacker JoTin- Per-

glnfi, helped Notre--Dame--lhj'ot-

llejlje Navy_offense. The mid-

d(cs-Tlid-1]rcalr the~lrIsh three^

gariie^shuloul^ IrinB^Jien^Mm

Bcrgncr blocked BoB Gladieux*

punt and recovered for a fourth

period score. '

Hanratty • sneaked over for

BU Athletes to

Test Olympic •

Training Site


-(AP) ThiT=-«jOOWo(it— high

Sierra Nevada resort' communi-

ty Is beingconsidcredfor lise as

-.n. tmining and.^:ondlHonlng-Bile

for the 10(18 U,S. Olympifijrack


. Stanford and Idaho State unl-

• veraltlcs oro to send athletes

hero next month- In a pilot pro-

'ijram;- said Walt "LItUc, city

,(Urcc(9r of parks nnd TCcrcailon

Wednesday. . *■

Little said South Ijike Tnhoc

Is at an elevation compoi:')hlo

with flmt of Mcxlco,'Ciiy. thq 7.

.IQO-foot high site of_ tho ■"

olympica." " - - - -

t"woT4otfc~Damo lUs-awd-Lar-

ry ConJar and Glaidieux each

scored once,

Azzaro, i whoso ^2-yard

ficld'goal was the onjy score of

the first period, added the extra


With both the 6-foot-l Sey-

mour and Paul Snow, his; nor-

mal replacement,. unable to play

becftus^-of — i n j u r los p — Ha n rat ly

was far from the possing ma:

vcl of -early season. He- con


two intercepted In the first hiilt,

— Tllo— 1 rls h ^a— f Quritmichdo wn

favorite, struggled i through

erratic first half in which their

offense produced only 102 yard;


However, thrtt big Itnp, Icd'by

b-H Kevin llaroy imd those

strong linebackers, threw back

tho only Navy threat when the

Irlflti held for downs oiftholr 29,

stopping ft first-^poriod ' Navy


NEClCnED on' tbe~BldeIIne7~Burley's7MoiTUS Gimjiell-Is brought 'down'at the end of an end"

sweep by -an-unldentlfled plaek foot tackier durin g action Friday. Burley wo n. the game 40-34

on a touchdown In the last two minutes to protect Its Eastcm' Idaho Conference lead, iiimes-.

Newa.photo)^^ C . " . — • - — — . — y

inday, Oct. 30, 1966

Brums Stick %X^^ Take

28-13 Dedsi6n0Yer Pocatello

■P OC A TEL L O (A P) — T he-^TwHrrygll iJ ■Bninitj,- Uijl ifga potent grm

„ 28rl3 victory over the Pocatello. Indians Fridayjiight. The, Bruiris, now 6t2 for

the -sekson, -took the lead early in thfe first periodwhen Jay UlridlT picked off ^^i^JPiifiTi S|*itP

Indian pass and dashed 40. yards for a'tou(;hd.9wn. Dou|jJFlint"added the extra point ^ ti-illl kjidlc;

witlO:jDUe.fiJrLthe first^ quartej-. Pocatello got on the scoreboard the first time

Lead, but Rally

Unbeaten Alabama used three

touchdow[l> passes "-by senior

quarterback Wayne- Trimble, a

second stungcr* most of. .the

ycar-.-to-bcat- M iRsisslppr-Sta te

27-14 lir a boutheastern Confer-

ence footbatl'baltle Saturday.

Trimble hit end Ray Pe^ins

with n 2fl-yard scoring" pass in

the second quarter, connected

with jcrrv Duncan on a tackle

eligible pass in-tKc'fourth'peri-

od, then found Perkins again for

a j7-yard scoring pas"s." "■""" |

fitcve Davis boomed field

Bpals of 3>5 tand-31 yards and

klpked three- extra pomts as' the

defending national champions

kept their record unblemished

wlth-thclr-fiixlh- consecutive - win

of the season.- , ,' ,

tato-drova-rfor— «T-toijohdown

In the-fourth peridd'after defen-

sive halfbatk Bill Kaiser Inter-

cepled a Tidc^pais and added

an other with seCOrids left ln'the

game, ."X^"""''

The Bulldogs first sdme was

on a three-yard run byHving-

baclc-Jrentiss Calhoun.

-men- wiin-throo-,Keconds--Icft

Jn the game, quarterback Z)on

Saget -threw an 11-yard scoring

passt to Calhoun. ■

To 40-34 Victory

BURLEY-^EIghth-t ^nked Burley t ur ned" d famble into

a^ouchdown-jusrmTnutes a'fter a great goariine stand

Friday afternoon ,(o nip a determined tipset bid. by the

Bladkfoot Broncos 40-34, The victory, which'saw Black-

foot aliAost puU it out with a 2I-point point Blitz in five .

miniites, kept 'Hurley atop "T^ T. ; r-

the Eastei/n Idaho Confei

ence stanaings and gave

the Bobca-ls their -sixth

straight win since bcin^ wjil'

loped by Buhl.

Fullback Gordon Hanks^ get-

ting a key bloct fijom .Molrus

Gunnell, scored the decTsfvc

^ucjidowrLon_a_W^Ekside sweep

Tech Strikes


with 1:^0 left. Moments earli

the Bobcats.' with the help of a

five^yroTTienally, slopped the

Broncos on a first down situa-

tion ainhe Burley one-yard line;

'.-Thp,^obcats_nioved, in_front

20-G.-in-the-. first half.-Hanki

scored, on short Burley plunges

twice and Guhnell got the othef

on an 11-yard burst. Blackfoot's

only answer was a 74-yard pass

from Greg Smith to Floyd Rowc.

Blackfoot turned n fumble Into

touchdown as the second half


three.. _But JJu'rley seemed to

blow the game open when Hanks

ca(>ped'a "arive froiVi two yards

out and four plays-later Gunnell

.sprinted 44 yards on a punt re-

turn to make it 33-13.

_0n_ihe_f]r5t_play_after - Gun- .

n(^r.s run, however, BlacSTooT

DURH^Mt N.p. fAPl


_ fl'ecti raced to

first hallTle'ad over fumbling

Duke aijd-went on to crush the

Blue Devils 48-7 Saturday be-,

hind the running and passing of

reserve quarterback Larry


There was little doubt about

thfr-outcome after Tecli, eighth

ranked, rammed GO.yards for.a


' scored fror

'Good, fillilig In for Injured

Kim King, had runs of 15 and 11

yards in the scoring drive. Then

in the fourth period, he raccd'37

yards for a touchdown as the

Yellow Jackets turned the game

into a rout^


To Win 19-12


FILER— Filer slopped Glennii

Ferry on the one-yard line with,

a second left in the game Fri-

day night to come'nway with n

IB-12 Big Eight Conference vie-


Vecry slnrlcd oil tjic

'scoring- when Jtlck Portcrlwcnt

in. from-ono— yard -ouU-lh-- tho

[frs^ i^uarlcr, hul'Tiler came

track" in" the secon d .an

yard run l>y Kon"Wynit-|n-thc-

second. ■ ■ r...,,,^

Both teams' again scored In

tho third with Cecil- Nice run-

ning five yards for Filer and

Porter going in froni" tho one

tor the Pilots.

NlCo scored again for Ihe Wild'

Triarf when tailback Eric

Sandquist plunged over


Indians-had-marched-GO -yards

down the field ,in 13 plays. The

PAT, was good by "Roger Garner

to.tlo things up at 7-7,

The Bruins came right bock

and scored on a 61-yard sweep

by John Warner. Warner found

a strong wall of blockers in

scampering to paydjjt down the

sidelines, ^


after to clve Twin Falls (i 14-7

lead wltlV 5:17 left In the first


wilh Wyait sneaking Ifi Iho


Kalt Kiver ZI

IlGai!S=l?ast— =


FIRTH — Magic Valley Con-

ference champion Raft River

paid a. short visit to l^irth Fri-

day niglit niid returned to Malta

with a 53-7 victory and a 7-J

-ha 1 f b II 0 k— IJ 1 0 k — Jn h nsoiv- e 1 c c iVlt

ficdir^ho crpwil-wlien ho took a

swinp pass from quarterback

Von Weils- and, .raced -68. yards

for another touphdown, ■Flint

added the PAT lo make It 21-7.

Earlv in tile fourth, quarter

Twin FalH nddetl Itw last score

cats In tlic fourth from the tiVo 'nfior gaining possession of the

hall In -one of the iTmst' uni(|i

pliiy.H ever .fecn on tho Indjaits'

field. ■ ,-

With Pncntpllo on.oftcnHe, ihn

.Indiana* ce nior m qvc d iho hal l

"t!llRhll>'"l>en)re -snapping ll nml


rnn Inimcdiiflely pounced on ll.

Officlnls ruled Ihnt |t belonged

U) tho' Bruins. "

-Foill- plays Inter Johnst

■hroUo - liMiso' and rompcil to

22-yard' touchdown. I-llnl i:(

varied, . ■

Pocntslln got., 11.1 ollipr s.coro

goiiKiillunipt and run It buck &0

yards In the llruin^' 30<yard llm

Weill - coniirteied .only' fo'i

pnNneH all niglil for thn Brulnr

who had been, iiipci^li'd lo r\\n\

Htriing ill Ihin depi\rlniiMil.- ,1)

Twill FiiH.i oul-giilned Ihe In

diann In lotiil ynrdn wllti.SlJI);

23S for Poky.

SIIOWINO OFF HIS trophy moMo U Avon Smith of Ruporl, pictured' wllh htii non Art,

Smilh Bot Ihe rpDOio on Iha third day of ihoir hunt lail wook, using « 7mn) MniinDr, . .Hmllh

■hot Iho. largo animal nboul a ball tnlU from tho road, itia wn piani to mount iho «niiori<'

..(Tlmea-Nawi.pholo) ■ ,

record for the

Rana Tracy was hlg man tor

llic -Trojans,, scorlijg. four-touch,

downs running and passlnR far

nnotj)iTr\thrce. Ray

ffiir-ortty— o ih ep-n < »ii e luj o w ni — n-

seven-yaru. run in uic necond

fluarleri^ — - — ■

Tracy scored .Imth flrst-quar-

r touchdowns on runs' bf 20

and 12 yard.s. Jones scored first

in the second quarter with Tracy

following wilhin-22-yard tlnich-

down run and a' 2.'i-xard pass

play to 'Jeff Brlggs lo make llie

score .13-0 nt the half.

Flrih scored early In

fiHirih, but Iho Trojans. ■ I

rinhubuck-wllli-rriicy -pns:iing

to Ilriggs again for .10 yards,


Ihcn pussliig 12 yaril.s to Rodney

liiulow lo wrap up llm mitliiH.

(AP)— Tom Sherman,' switched

-f rciii— defejise_tD_tiun rte rback


touchdowns Saturday and led

Penn Slate to a surprisingly

eaoy^.33-J5,j{iaDry over Califor-

nia, _ " ■ - ■

Sherman plunged- over from

le- one-yard line twlcd and.rjin

two' and 12 yards for the^olher

touchdowns ntt"cr" the' woj-k of

fuIlbatk^Dan Lucyk set the Gnl-

up— for — the — kill:


s larted. Its torrid strnnk. -Rnndy'

Bird sliced off tncklp^ v>-^r M

right and sprinted 60 ydrds. The

Broncos came back \^th an on-

sides kick and recovered on the

Burley 45. They stayed Inside

tindJiammered to the two before

Smith sneaked home. Just 1:43

■laier,^ Blackfoot toOk'-thfi 'leaa.

Smith intjiccepted a Burley pass

at his own 41-yard line. .On the

n ext' play Rowe wept 'hp HIs-

in[:o-on--a- counterf Ted Grin-

pell converted-ojl three- to- send

the Brnnc ns on top .14-3.'1.

Altdm Pac^s,

Oaldej Ovei-'

Hansen 27-6

^ OAKLE,Y_ ::::lNeil . AItOm_rC-

turned two punts for touchdpwns

and scor-ed . another on a 25-_

yard ruirTYlday to lead Onkiey

lo. a 27-6 victory over Hansen

in- a- Magic Valley Conference

game. ' -

Alipro' returned a-^liint 28yardfi' '

for 'six points in the first and

Rulon Tolmail booted the extra

-point, Later in the first quarter

Nick .Mays went over from' . the

two: The halftini<^"score stood at

13-0. ,

Hansen scored early In the


Ferris Freestone. Shortly after

tl\al ''Altdm returned a punt 58

yards and-Tolman added tho

extra p6inl. '

Altom wrapped up the scoring

late In the fourth wilh his 25-


added the Conversion.

Palmer Has Big ,

Lead in Tourney

BRISBANE. -Australia (AP)

— Arnold Palmer, millionaire,

golfer from Lairobe, Pa., shot a

record eighl-under-par 6G Satur-

day and pulled seven strokes

after 54 holes Jnjhe.Australlail


,:.,A,.fumbla exchange gave

Blackfoot its change to put the

game away. GHnhell nailed

down, a Qiimiell' fumble at*.thE

50-yard Jine ahd withJtowe and

Bird accounting- fopJ 'the yard-

age moved' in eight plays to

firBt-^down-o'nr^thfcrBudey-oti "

iv-camo-4hQ^p6na]ty-and-ll . .

Bphca^^efense took over "on the

one four plays later. -

G(!nnell almost pulled 'It out

seconds later when he broke

loose onji buckjateral play and

, JOimrayetthcrsayingrtackle:

The Bohcats m ov-Cd -lo/ihg

■Painrcr now has llrtd.Cbnsec- —

utlve rounds of 67-70—66 tor 203 -

over .the 6,p50-yard ,Royal

Queensland course' whcre par Is

3(MS=^74r Kel '-^Nagle, vetei^n -

Australian traveling pro, is sec- ' ■

pnd at 210.' He had 'a 71 In the

thi rd- round.. Th e f inal , J 8 holes

Lucyk, who -started the seasop

as a third-stringer, slashed for

13.1-yards.— — ,--

Penn State trailed hrleily In

Ihe second quarter after Callfi^r-

j |ntn had - m atchcd-a - l.inns^-TD

and led 7-Q on a succeslitui con-


q'uickiy" wilh an "RO.yar(J driVe

on 13 plays, climaxed, by Sher-,

man's two-yard run for^ the

score. State never trailed again.

Sherman scored the first. four

Penn .Stale touchdowns, .three

on short yardage runs,"

Morttana State'

Thumps Ranked

North Pak^ta"

tiilAND COKKS, N.l). (AP)

I""'""!! Stnli!, till!

rmUfd ciillciio

iiiin'onlnl liilllb

>t' fivi! iciurlulowrii i

ll roiirlli - nirikiHl Ni

.Sn . 21 .Siuiirilny. '

Slulii /iilor i: 0 p I

lyCl*' -• ■

111 Cor

I'll I

I lumhicr

Pistons Defeat

Bullets Jp;{-!)7

I>EirUOIT-(Ai') — 'llm n

tnilt Pldliini rimied lo -lluil

third nlrnlitht vic.tnry Siilurdiiy

iiight niulfinuvHl ovor Itio .fllil)

murk for l1i« firnl lime In nIk

yiNirn an t|i,uy whiiipcil tlio liiu)-

Ipnh nJlltlnilirii flulN;ls. jOLJI? In

II Nullonul UuHkulliiill AnuocIii.

Iloh. Haiiio. i , '

Tho vlrtiiry navo nclnill n

record of 4'3 lor thr fummiii

whilo Bnllhnoro foil to 1-7. < -

lidlo r^llliifi "nirnl 211 'iKilnl:

In pace hIk I'hloiia who Hviucd

In fli'iil>io (IlloreN.

' After Ilnlllnioro li)o|{ n nlne>

iHilnl Iliad In the rarly Holnji


morn 14-2 and inirr 1 1-1 to move

In front 4D-43 nt haUlliue,

Knvln I.(nmtiory, .with

folnM, and (Jui .lohnniin, wUli

I, lapi>cd Iho loMcrii.



I llm flrsi, (|iinrl(ir, llm(i


Slips-Ptist —

Pirates 13-12

CASTLEFORD - Willi Cnsllc-

ford trailing I2-X Short Grhlim

iianficd his way Into tho end

/lino from 10 yards out In the

iinfd (juirrrerTrTdny-hiRnrmid

Ihe Wolves (iindo ll stand for a

13-ll victory over Hagormnn.

liiiKefm'uh liiok ItST' U-7 -od'

vantngo on passef| ffom Rf>y

Upp. 'ifni first one *i Overly

covered 70 yards In the flrtil

(lunrlcrUnd thn second lo tlreg

(■HHton went 30 yards in Iho noe^

ond quarter.

Camli'forit si'orod Just nfiei.

llm Plrutes'^ flrnl tally wilh

lliiry Wiiliely passing, lo Koliy

Mufphiiy for 30 yHrdn;'"Marv|n

Ka<!rc|inr rnn 'for tliii oxirn

IVlllll, ' ,

> In Iho Ihnrd quarter p :

yard piinii play from Whliely

Kncrchar net tho bnll on tho 10

whcro Orl|iim ran It in,

"Blacliroot 2^n)erorr5unnell was

nil \v,ilh a five-yard lo.ss 'and a


knocked. down by Smith. ■

Blackfoot appeared to .have

tho "gamo wilh 2:30 remaining

but on the first play ihe Brones

fumbled. ..Ron .Barry' taking Ihe

hail out- of (he air- arid"'running

four yards lo ihe 18,,Gunnell-and

Hanks swept Tor a first down in

two plays before Hanks, got the

:«iclnry , nn-lho - thlrd-Bwoop, — -


Ricks 38-20


REXBURG, Idaho (AP) -The

Boise Rronqos won the Inler-

mountgin Intercollegiate Athletic

Conference fonibali champion-

alilp.Snlurdny by defenling Ricks

College ,38-20,

'■ wa's^lcki first conference

of the year and RoLse';

foiirlh straight win. «

Bol.'ie scored 24 points In .the

first half— ^IneludlnB-lwo'tiMieh-

downs madn within 12 seconds

of each other: .


.10 yarrls for the ,flr.tl loucll-

(luwn wllh. one minute 22 sen-

nnds left, In Urn first half. Ricks

fumbled Iho following kickof( on

tlto one-yard line and' Pat Wil-

liams, fullback, plunged nvei

for the second touchdown wllhln

12 flccfmds.



On* vylio will tako an ttUcrail In my bui(|i«ii. Ha

muil !)• marrlad, proforatily 25 to 55, bondablo, pr«-

forably church affillatod qnd laUi oMparloticad, Th*

mart who'qunil'loi'can ottrn a provan 4-flaU>'* month-

_ly lnc_om«;:_Mi»l bo projiorod to^itart__lmmodJataly.

THli lob dooirwiltt'ionio of Iha mViiVwofflod mdlarlrir

In Iha world. Sand your qubllflcalloni and phono

No. la Box H, Tlmat-Nawi.




. 0>,I>nil Seld Iw Mijor C«iitncton ini





Sat, NOV. 12th


''at former JOHNSON YARD





(IJ CUCIID b.C:.(ll ih\ d'-G; ■nd'

(I) CAT. 0-9 -llh ]} Unll tfi S S DoiN.


(lltUCllDU.M; (4) CM. OM-lO't.


C«, Ni. 14; ())-CAT. Ha, 12'i.




unii loiDA, in CMC ornii, '

< to' Degm, ailh Oiilih»


SCOOrMDDIlfM«<hl lO-I,


INUIinATIOSAL Mgdt| SI fi*>\^tn,

OTHER EQUirMENTi Ciiifili: M*4<l

rJleO, Compttllon RdIIki. SKmpiImI

C«<ir|pjdi V.IOI! ind Ctdiiipldi MiilfF

.^in^ia-TeiMbULRMk. Cmtiiiit-riHlir

n-lJOOfl f«iiVr(4/fIllK'i'J'B1m,'p'u'mt



Sinlni Duilniii ind Induilry Ike* IIIO

III lo.RoitmoH ■im.^fli soioo


!!°1|IAIm''H0w''(« Mc

lln./on. .|'aJ!iI<

ilhODlj Dl'iii yau iixii

1 InilrbiMan, Ir** nafl'

' iJotmgllfn i

I oliUsrylni

,r NORTHWEST SCHOOLS,' Motal Trolnino

I bi|<l.'NO-llO, N. W. aill Av*., ratltmil V, 0|id

Colorado State

Ends Long Skein,

Upsets Wyoming

FORT COLLINS^ Colp. (AP) - A fired up Colorado

. State /Universityjbolball team upset 10th ranRed Uni-

versity of Wyoming 12-10 Saturdayr Colorado State

. Rams broke a ItL-year^losinS-Slieih to the W yonilng

Cowboys; who entered the-gome wlth-a-frO record:' Thf

~' ' Rams score*t)n- two. fleli

Ij-Wlh )n(ll»UB»l-»»rlt», Xm RnS'

J, 411; Hlih Knich'tiin fmt, Semi-

it Di|<> <>1; tllih. hiDdlup Itim iimt,

FIntllci, MS; Kith hindlcap titra

-In ptU, ITfll: lllih ■

■I. Bowilni

DowJcr at Ihi monlh: Vlribili prlai

owltr at ih« -wttlii Pt i iy.Ctrry.

y«Tiir-SiIe»,-— Hr"ltl"-t*'W*tatrt~

~ridniii'i Tiuni; t-t; Mifla Bnrt tpui

:lRi-Lin«i Suck Bar, 1-1. . .

Kllh tMlTliliuil lino. EKvt Vub). lilt

)IUh Indltlduil Hdci, Eten Witka. Ht]

lllih iciiich Itin iimt. Tolinui Tiuii..

CO, ISl: tllcb handlciB Utm wttM,

ton Dillleii. IMS: lllih hudlup t— ..

It ni inirmin~n»ni:-co.rTilir~ltHii~

1' htKi, Iflmtn Trwu. Co-,


"FTTA N K K U K 'J', ' Germany ■

(AP)— Karl Mlldenberger, Eu-

ropean heavyweight. Iwxiw

champion, said Frlday'--W .

doubted a proposed .nontltls

■ ht with, FIoyd_ Patterson

mid talto^ place,

Tigers Swamp

Minico Willi



Fallsifu HbBck Ken- JbbnSon

Scored twice' in the jirBt'six

minutes -^I -p'ay^. ■ the Ti-

gers ccleboitcd bomecomlng by

swamping Minico'9 Spartans Sl-

11 Friday nigbt. - ■

The -Tigers, plnylngsat home

for the first time since Sept. 9.

— took- the-lopening kicl«iH__iiii JocitsotLihi

goals and a- touchdown in

the last haU after trailing

7-0 in the first two quarters.

ALl-CYan kickcd'^a. 33-yard

fieiy-igoal in the third quarter

and^one for 2l in the lourlh; Col-

oradi}. State's first touchdown

came on a trick pidy, a lateral

in ' the third, quarter which

caaght Wyoming tIaTmoted. " ■

Bob V/olfe; quarterback

bounced the ball on the ground

to Larry tJackspn, -halfback,

standing, oh the Wyoming «.

Jackson then passed lo tight end

and cb-cnptaln Tom Pnck who

was standing in the end zone.

• their 32 and in sevcn.piays scor-

ed- ar Johnson plunged ovet

- from the two. A 4J-yard pass

.— .(rom-quarlerbncl('_Rocer, Cook

"■"to^Johnson gavonhe^Tlgers-the

ball on the Miniccr two.

Minico took. .the ensuing kick'

off and two 'plays later Lacy

— larolimek4jLm h 1 e a with..the

spiilted Tigers recovering .on

the Spartan 33.

and CO - captain Tom Pack who

was standing in the end lone.

Lcvaq's kick was blocked and

the score was 9-7 with 2:3i) leftr

—Wyoming -scored' '

period when Ed Froohlich fhter-

cepted a pas's by John ^Hender-

son on the Wyomfn'g 37 and re-

lurried to his own iO. 'Wyoming

moved -in-jbuplaysito-ih e- nliia

Jphnson- grfiund but three on

' the "ground ana

— David Mnson fired a scorinB

istrike to Johnson on n 30-yard

pass. Both conversion attempts

were blocked biit4he Tigers had

- laken a quick 12-0 lead with Gi21

nnrraiiiing in the first quarter.

MinIco" appeared to have re-

gajined- their stride In the sec-

-( f|n>t-qiLai^Br,-wlifln-4hBy-- drftW

75 yards In 15 plays for-.their'

first touchdow% Bruising fuil-

hack.Arlo; Decker, who carried

(he balh.Sei'en times and o'so

receivffa one pass for 11 knifed

o(r.lacklejor_the_touchdown. ■

However. .Decker was nailed

short of the goaWino hi the

extra point.

the touch 9 own.

Wyoming drove In the fourth


Rfrii's' five but was forced' to. go

for a field goal on a fourth and

goal situation to put, Wyoming

ahead. 10-9r^-' '


Posts 1 2tl A



Win in Row


pdsser, -held under a' tight re-

straint to the. last half mile, ea-

sily pasted his 11th 'straight vic-

tory Saturday as he won'the two

-miles— of— the— ^0,500^— Jocksy-

Club Gold Cup at Aai^educt and

boosted his bank roll tg Sl.llS,


long journey was ortly 1%

lengths over .the Hasty Hou;e

Farm's A rgcii line-bred Nlarkos.

It was another one-half length

_ back, to tfifeCGreentrqe Stable';

Igan State.-the!- nation's No. •IJOiHara. . .


-subdue-stubborn— Horthwcslernii6aI.6tart-8s-a-3-yflar-old-viilI-b&

22 to O.'for the Spartans' fifth

straight Big Jen victory and

seventh of theif und^eflted sea.


Although Michigan State could

' t score more than drie touch-

myany.QVCjL^ri;'"" o^i-


wcjtyn to only sbc rushing


^^,;:3^Ichlgaii_Stflte!a versatile 'at-

_tack proauced^onlFtwo-lmpres'

sive scoring drives. One come

the first time the Spartans had

; the ball" ahd . they rolled 71

yards on 11 playa with; Clint

"Jones scooting nine , yards

around end .for. the touchdown^

The pecond. Spartan touch-

■■^down came on fiillback Bob

" Apisa's one-yard plunbfl ■ after

(iuarterbnck Jimmy ,Raye's 31'

yard-pn/ia- iQucnd Gene Wash-

.-. Ingnin thai cumc on the third

iplay af^cr Dana Woodrihg's

mere 12-ynr(f punt Onljnrcachtrd

Norlhwestern's 34.

I The. .Spartnns._Hnally , camc

alive again midway In the final

— TTjuaftcrrsmnahinfi-tH-yftrds-lii 17

filays for a touchdown on Wasti-'

ngton's end lone grab of h nine-

yard Rllyc pass, .

. Tlio deepest Wildcat penetra-

tions were to Michigan Slnte'j

2a' In the first period nnd to the

■33 la. the third period, '''-^

: JHusker s H old


35-0 Victory

STANFORD, Collf.' (AP) —

Don Martin's third field goal of

jtJio Bflcrnonn" wllh 13 seconds

TeftiSnlurdnv broiifllit Iho WOHh-

Inglbn Huskies n 21- 20 vlginry

— nver the fitnnford-f ndinnsi

■jMarllh'a'lalcntcd-toa'Bont the

- - <fiH)lbnll between th* uprinhls on

a 21-VBrd kick nnd provliifid tlio

deciding point fni" Iho Husklea

^ ' n second wlrfiiKhl week. '

. ■ ' His earlier -tl\rc6 - pointers

ogainst tho Imlliina went 22 aiid

■ 35 yards. The Junior from Red-

Innnd, Wnsh„ added a conver-

alon, . ' , -

Stanford went ahead lO-lO In

Iho PftCldc— fl Conference tmtlto

wllh JuBt four mlnlitcs romaln-

.'Ing when Jack Hoot plunged

; over from Iho one, copping a 00-

,y«rd'|drlvo. Hut, tho Indians' try

tor a two-point convernlnn failed

when qunrtorlinck Gcno Wnslv

* Inglnn was thrown tor « loss.

Hawks Rally to

Nip Los Angeles

' "■ LOUIS (AP)

.. I, (lllhm in at

allinii y.nliim uimly, Hp'trMd tno

IlriilKci, (lllhiit in "t ccnior (i

allinii y.nliim uimly, Hp'irH'il tl

Si; i,Ouls llawkn n iiimiu-froinl

Ill-hind IIO-IOO NallonnI Iliiihet

ball Association victory over UvQ

Lns Angutcs UkorM Saturday.

Jlrldgcs ni:orcd 10 pilnis In

In lh(i fourth perlmt lo give .St,

ni:orcd 10

l.ouis a lOR-lol' lead, which I.rn

at Santa Anlia bee. 31, was*

Qlocked on a windy day in 3:25

1-5, fat off the American record

91.3:19 1-5 set by Kclso-iri win-

ning the final of his five Gold

Cups in im. - '

-With-onty-whi and place bet-

ng. Buckpasser returned $2.60

ra-j2:20 ai ihTnruUfanairig

choice of the crowd of. 47,545 to

earn first money -of--J71,815,


{3,20 to place,

Miami Knoi^ks



MIAMI. Fla, . (AP)-Th8 ' Mi-

ami Hurricanes parlayed a

mighty dcfcnfie nnd the hulliih

running of Doug McGee into a

10-7 .yiclory FrTdny„ nlg|)t over


beaten Southern Catlfomli.

. -Intwo-smashes-from'^ihe^rfr'

[an 15,-McOce was across (or

fourth period touchjloWh that

gave tho Hurricanes Iheir sec-

ond win in three games .over an

undefefltcd power. >

They Infliclcd the first defeat

V'GfiorBMmWVeeks ago.

Miami ilonk a 3-0 lead li

second period on a 2R-yard.fleld

paUby-Ray^Hnrrh but-fcllrbc*

ilnd Just before hnlftlmo when

Southern California scgred on '

Numerinis iicorlng npporlunl-

5s wcro Vmited by tho Hurfl-

cnnes. Tlicy moved twlcd lo.th

""mjan six and once to ' the 1

nu gained only three poln

from tho combined effort,


Played WiUi

Hurl Hands


Mafikor iJinco Alworth (I the

Sun Dlcgo Chargers iflttnj^ Jias

been conqldorod about the Mat

pass receiver In tlis Amorlcot)

Poothnll Ixague.

Ho mav also he tho'outHlest,

Alworin revealed Thursday

he plnyn^l Ihn first half of (he

season wllh two broKeii hiinds^

iJurlng ihli lime, ho caught ~

naHsr.1 for TiIH .yanis And si

li.utohilnwnf, tho nighent number

of calchos In tho AI'L, ,

He kept svcrel thn tiict h« had

hi(lrtlno frno[urcs In cacti hand

Wllkuns [luddcd wllh two fri'i

throw* luat.l»of()ro the buiior. .

, . Tlin Ijikitru helil a narrow 107-

' IIHI lead ns the ganii! entered Iln . ., , .._

.final hiiniilu liul Joe Caldwnll'nol lo rnveni Jiln ln{urlos,

filoin llin ball iinil ,fi-d Uridges "We'll nee what kind of foot-

for tha deciding bpskut. . Iboll player 1 am." lib said.

hecaufl) "llio other loam might

tt-y, lo hurt' you or they ndglr

play a defense. other Innn 1 11

onf) wo hoped they would,"

Alwnrib was Injured , In Ihe

Aug-, 10 nxliiblMonjiamo against

llio Kansas City Chlefa, but '

that llino. "

[mried as «

hlrli he a

Ilefnre Iho f|rst gaiiio of Ihe

riiKular soason, Alworlh was un-

ahlu 1 111 Ntmka tho . hoiid of

wrllor nt ihii' Clinrgnr Irnlnlng

ciiiiip. Ho' asked sjmrhwrilers

Barney, Welch

Provide Punch

Ji^284: ^ictprr

^ f- . ■ By.O^RRY HOVEV'

' _TImesTNcw3 SpCrU Editor -. - ^7:,..^

BOISE — Quartcyb'ack 'Mike Barnes picked Idalios

•defense apart with pas^s and Claxton^Welch chipped -

in with -tnrT^** prpnt rii p njn f r Rntiirdnv nflpmflnn tn piVf -

thir-University of Oregoa. Ducks a 28-7 victory over

punChless University, of Idaho. Barnes' passing riddled

T— ' — Idaho's pass secondary,


i"Wo just had a great -week of

practice. We were right ot( two

iine games even it we lost them.

■T ihouplit — I k new we were

§oing to win ifiTs' one,

ejected S te've

~ M usscau S a tur-

day after, watch-

ing his Vandals

take a 2^7 ,■.

thumping from

the Oregon


which went- into the game

as the 10th best in the na-

tion. By the time the young

sophombre from M.edfor^,

Ore, was done. Idaho's sec-

ondary was a shnmblc and re-

serve qyarlerback.'i TomTrovatn

aiid later Mike Dtundage moved

■ ~ ■ ■ theJifiOd. Idaho .

Onion ItAt


Coach Mus-

s e a u spe n l

about 15. min-

■' '.ules after the

' • pfimf " ' "-'^

standing Idly or " HoW

- -sitting on a trUnk In the middle

pf.' a silent- Vandil .dressing

___rDom._NorDn6T5 poker - —

Did OrcEOn do anything .he

■ hadn't expected.

"Yes. They scored 28"i»lnts.

I. didn't thlnH -they'd score that

many," he countered. "But they

didnn usQ anything they hadn't

used In the* piist— except they

— ^threw-ftrlittle-blt-more-than'Wtf

expected. But '■offensively and

__delciiakcly— ihey— lrIed_iiolhlng

new," . -^.'-..^

A journalist obviously from

' the Oregon side of the flqld

=^slied Iflialfback Claxto n Welch.

Who was the main running threat

of the Ducks, had. been a sur-

prise to the Vandals. ,

"Heck, no," said Musseau.

"Wo knew what Welch could do.

' We*ricd io; recruit him."

^— ^ly-Mothep— comer-^sslGiant

' Coach Johrt, Smith said

v nevr - v/e l rad"'tu - get _. ,

. scoreboard' because this Is a

good club and we knew It could

score." -

. This could have been the rea-

son, that Idaho spurned field

goal attempts twice -iin' fourth

down in the first half. The Van-

with "a kick "in" the llrsfqunrtcr

when faced with a fourth and

.. fivo-at the Duck 14. With two

■ . seconds left In the halt they had

_ , ^ bility:^-

Tnove-the balj cxcent when it

came time to score. The Vandajs

finally broke' the shutoUt on a

pass reception run by All-

_ ~ McDonald — but

that was the only, thine "Idaho

had to 'show tor five dirtercnt

opportuflltlcJ: ; — ^

' Oregon_ou[gaIned Idaho 260

139 jmd in pas-sing 193 to 144,

.. -n h e g aitie

through- the first half, trailing

7-0( but OrcKon '.domlnated the

second ,_Jialf, scoring three

times and owning, the football

almost all the timef

"Idaho's touchdown came un-

(fcr the generafllng of Caldwel[

sophomore-StcvB^arman iiRhe

fourth quarter after a 'jeering

crowd 01 about 10,000 demanded

senior i^uartcrback John- For-

u i i h . he . ' . rep la ce d. n ie-4uckle!)y

Forurla. after -BL-Wobbly start;

was the victim of poor pass re-

ceiving In the second quarter.

Three dlrcpLhJta. wer^j^oppcd.

by Idaho receivers deep in Ore-

gon territory. when Eoruria took

tho-Vandnl3. to. -a-tvin g-touch^

down Just before halftlme.

-TaghtfTf L Ui H i th i! fir st' t hrt ia t o l

thC' game, moving* lo the -Ore-

gdn' 14-yafd line before being

stopped on a fourth-down fum-

ble. Oregon took the ball at the

Mu-acle Gels


Editor Post

NEW YORK— Leonard A. Mlr-

aclBf-aE^rLwritct Tand--editor=nf

Bend, Ore., haVrbecn named d

fgll-limc field editor for Ouldobr

Life, according to nn'annourice-

ment from the magazine's New

York offipc.

Miracle, an assocrtftc editor


New York, loft^in 1964 to-seltlo

down as a frec'-Ianoo writer on

H small callltranchlat the edge

of the Deschutc National Forqsl

near Bend. There hc'wrolq sev-

eral articles and books ori the

oiiVdoors. Two of 'his books,

■The Complete- Book qf Camp;

Ing" and "The Sportsman'?

Cnmpjng Guide," wcKe publish-

ed by the Outdoor "-Life Bqok

Club and dlstrlhutCltt'by Harper

artd-.R0Hi.~ ^ ^- r..

WiidcsSs Never ^

OGDEN, Utah (AP) — Homecdmingm Wcbcr State

Collegoivas a (:pn)pl^^te success, as the Wildcats. isteated

Idaho State/16^7 in a Big Sky-conference-footbair-game

Saturday ifternoon. Weber nevcTr trailed in the game

iK'Phil-Tiidi ctL BaiUiijeU.;li[- u -T lnr-3mi e5 .|i u!,ii lui 3 6^

yards arid a touchdown =

Meld Position

Miracl!*- makes (lis debut A

a field editor in the November

issue with a^story called "Bird

Huntoi:'js--Shan'gri-la." nbnut a



— MlracIc-is-H^ native of Twm

Falls^ Idaho, and was graduated

ffom Buhl High School. Uo re-

ceived a degree at Lin/leld Col-

lege. McMinnvillo, Ore., a n d his

master's degree fn Jburnnr

University, of Oregon. He. was

a rriembpr of the U.S. 'Forcat

Service at Challisi ldaho,..and a

coach an d " teacher aC,Crook

Cuuniy- High School m Prine-'

ville, Oregon; He'cafhe to Out-

door Life Originally after a

period df wrillngrfor Iho-Idaho

Sportsman.. His first wrlllhg ex-


""BOOM ENOUGH FpR A TRUCK and Coloradifs tailback William Harris takes advantage of

it for six yards through Oklahoma's Ibte Saturday )n Moulder. Colorado's driving ground at-'

tackiiroved to bo just enqo^. for -a 24-21 victory. -


Ground Game.

;6 oneE&

- (AP) -4 : o lrt .


Over Lobos by 27-0

■'^AT.T LAKE City (AP) — Jack GeKrke's first half

pp.5^g1e d >Ptah to a 27-0 f ootbaUjdctoiy::py^r^he'^ ^

vei^ity^ ot"'Nev/ lUexico-iiat'urtlayJ ■ ihe win kept Utah

in the running' for the W-est>ern Athletrd Conference tit)e,

The Utes have won-.two-and-losfone in "WAC playT They

s till must meet ...Arizona ~

tate and Brlgham Young

University^ New Mexico is

out of contention with "a 0-4

Cchrke;" a jumoniuartcrbacl

from Salt Lake City, threw two

touchdown passes and'TTin-ovor

n third TD In the second pcriodr


half because 'of bruised, ribs.

New MexiCo'iT ^ o p h o'm o r e

quarterback, Rick Beitler ot Dur-

ango, Colo., directed a Lobo at-

radr»— ftim — repeatedly — went


defense bu^ cou|d never- (luile

gefactoSs' the goal, New Mexico

aimed nf the loft side because

Utah was weakened by ttje loss

of ton defcn.ilvc linebacker Pat

McKlssIck, who tore Home knee

ligaments against. Arizona last

wee k. • _

Tlio closesf~Ncw Mexico


Miracle describes_a hunt with

Joo Van Wormeri also of Bend,

and. Steve Hcrrqtt and Boh Hoff-

ia?ter, both of Twin. Falls,

whIcli~[!((?T]uartct-cnjoyed-two Humble-

days of fast and plentiful chuk-

,ar shoofnig in*Hclls Canyon. The

author calls the canyon a para-

dlso of bird' shooting.

nridway _tl>rouEh the-first

quarter! The_extra' point

attempt by .Joe' Bldckovich

was wide. With three min-

utes remaining in the first quar-

ter. £IockovicH booted ri 27-yard

field goal. , ' ■ ■ .

Both' teams played'lo a stand-

still in, the second quarter and

Wcbcr took a ntne point lead in-

to tlie dressing-room at the-half;

In-thcjhird qiwrtcr,.Jorics.was

b"uniped as he attempted a pass

and Milt '.Htckford gathered- in

the looser ball and rambled. 34

ya rds— for-^- Jdaho— State-6— only

^icuchdown.-Thc cxtra'point kick

' by Lowell Van Ormaa^was good.

On the ensuing_kictioff, Henry

OweffsTunibW and^IJaho 'Stale

recovered on the Wt jter 2^ yard

linerTtni~defense held on three

rusnuig attempts by the Uengals

I'yBTtHield-goa 1-a tt«mj

Was v^dc. , . '

Late ■ In 'the third quarter,

Weber Slate defensive .captain

Bill Schmidt recovered ii Bengal

! ~ori— the da ho - 30 - ya rd

line. ■ . , ■-

' Luthcr-WhlCe sco(ed In flnnf

TD on a 13-yard "run early ii'

the fourth quyter. "Blockovlci

lONE. Ore.. (API- Ever

hoar .of ■ a .football team

^icoring 21 points^fore giv-

ing up tbc"ball?' " ; ". "

It happpncd ' in .ir hign

school game In this small . , .

eastern Oregon' town.'. 4(

■lone,' taking the- opening .-

drive against" Uma'pine. On

the next kifkdff, a strong

■wind caught the. ball , after.

iL li.id s ailed 15 .y p rds. Thi

ball fluttered bock- to lof>e,

which marched for an'otliqr'


SnmC—thing on. the next '

kickoff. . ; ^

Umapine finally got Ibe

ball, .with— the score 21-0, -

lone won 49-^0,-—;"

booted die extra point la close

the -scorin g.- ----- -


win against one loss for Weber.

Idaho State stands at 1-3 in con-

ference play. :

Bengal quarterback Bill In-

gram~ivas 'Injurcd~lale in "the'"

rest' of .'the game. He was taken

from tlio field on a sireicticr lo

an ambulance.

Hospital officials said Satur-

day nlgbt . Ingram was In salis.-

faclory. - condition— and - had.-""

skull, ifracture. or broken bones,

lliey- said .he -would-be kept in

the hospital overnight for obser-



rado countered Oklahoma's long"

distance 'touchdown strikes with

a' bone-crunching gmundr attack

18-ond4enHorrth(r-tmri:haowrtr Saturdfty4|rBiF^EhtrftJ6^b5«,

^ftcr passing almost exclusively

carly,J^he Ducks turned. to .ihe


passes.to'Stcve Bunker to carry

to a -fir.st-down at the Vandal

21 yard Ijne. Barnes elected to

- -- - run on a pass-run option ajid

a^chance for-anothep-although- darted-crailly thrOugh-the^Van-

Edie Hlnton's 93-yard piyit

return and Jim Jacson's 80-yard

.dash-thtou ghjcft tacklii.Jtu:^^ ]

■ ' Oregon was on tap 7-0 by that

.-■-Ihiic. . ,

The -overrldln^thlng Iri the

game was the Impatience of the

Idaho''parti.san crowd. It howled

t\)^f> Emmctt' senior was unable ■ - -

' to get the Vandals Inlo itho end

-2onq. Forurla had a shaky

Btart but he was the -victim of

dal secondary until being bit at

the one-yard lino. He fumbled

Into- the end rone where Tom

Woolen" fell on the balf.' .

Ju st before - hnlf tl mo^I^hn.

_ Mi's !nlfli'CI!plloh~R"aV6~IdflhO''

the ball on fts owii 14-ynrd line

and a minute and 20 seconds to

work with It. rnrurla^-qulckly

cifich a ball In the nccond j^uar

tcr. ; J^-: --?

In tne first qunrter-nn Idnly

man got behind ,the-dctcgsc-Uut

rorurln offcrJh6t him..The. In-

tcndcd'recwtver .■returned to. the

bench . complaining bitterly —

'"vyhnt's the use flfcettlng In

Ihti clear. Ho nevcc hits you,"

It" was the same man who

dropped a cinch touchdown pass

just iKjfort the half ended I'or-

urla hit on Ihreo, passes na, pret-

tily as you Qould ask during that

brisk (frivn and all thrfio were

flat dropped. . ■ ■ - .

"They had no excuses, nti rea-

mins,'' Coach Mujiienu n a I d

Inter, "lliey Just dropped thi


""^sopitnninrn ■■sicv6"~n"n rm mi

. mnved Idaho and used his bend.

Iln turned, his hack coniplotaly

on tliOHO two receivers— particu-

larly after nno dmppcd one of

his 20-ynrdRrs— and" ivc'm'- tn

Hay Mcuonald, Tim lJivens,and

doo McCnlhim for completions

tlint nutCid tho Idaho touchdown.

Tlio defeat left Idahq looking

nt .Son Jo.io Slate next Week for

Its Inst hope of knocking Oft n

Jnajnr collego thid year, It's tho

oui-d>-wft6li-tn-«-^^rtl'- lh»-Vfl n*

dali have had tho opportunity. '

finn JnsQ Is favored and nhonld

lin hfnvlly. Hut Coach Muflspnu

continues to hoiw ni!al"fl- hoim.

'This Is thn finest foiitbnil

tenm the llnlviTsily nt Idaho has

ever lind or evi'r will hnvc' 11

wilt nc'Jnr huvii -llio buyn with

tlin piittintlnl of Ituino hoyn, Dut

Wn cnn''t win. Moraln ii no pmh

l«rn. Spirit .la., KtH)d, Thorn'

BomolhlnH. bi ■ " "

— whni-H-UUl—

guided tho Vandn|s out' mldf leld

/ receivers bccnn i"!" , , , ^ - ,

ill. Still thi^A'an- III"' end zone for Jho" Win-

but then hi:

dropping the bnll. Still th»A'nn<

dnh gnined the 20-yard lino be-

fore being sfoppcd on .fourth

down.—T — -r— — ~, — —


I'ANAt^A (AlM-Dr,

hlr.Scn of Cnlcultn nlnrted

liU oeoaii to 4)ccn^^ swim

lhri)i|«h the Pnniinin Cnniil

finlurdny, bllle<l n« a one-

ton fihlp.

Dr, Ken Is .attonipllng to

nwim from thn Alhintln nldo

of ihu iHlhmiia to tho I'ncltia


When lio onlcrcil the Clnt*

tin I/ichs, "Dr. pon wns

charged nt llm' ratn fnr a

onn-liin nhip In biillant. U

c<|nl lilm 73 contil.

!ahoma-touch"iIoWns .sent. Col 0 ra-

do reeling, .but each 'time, tlie

Buffaloes regrouped under the

generalship of ' quarterback Dan

KelljClor" e qualizin g scores .

Tho big break for Colorado

me car^.ln tlio fourth, quarter

when Oklahoma ' center Chuck

Williamson ,passed

Id of nunter Torn _

r[n 'mwp nnii ,,t;nli>rndo's

Dick Anderson recovered on the


.Threo- 'plnys .later Wilmer

LOOKS,' wuo .scored from

two earlier, charged nln'ff yards

nlng scorfS with 13 mlnTilcs left.

■ Nelllicrtcnm llirentenud .tcrl-

ously tho rest of the

.Jdoho opened thn second half

with n grcnl goal, linn stand,

Oregon driving tn tho first down

nt tho ll-ynrd line whore tho

Vandals held. Idaho had a first

down killed by a penalty and

plintcd out In tifo ■15-yard..llne.

On' tho second piny Wclch-nwept

right In nM Ihrcndcd tho side-

lines for yards. .

■ On piny after tho _ ensuing

KIckoft, Boh roskott- -cflvcrcd an

Idfiho fumble at ■ the ^n-ynrd

llile, A fumbld resulted In a IS-

vnrd loss but on third and

Onrnes fired n first-down pnNfll'

10 WncirhTiTra-vnnrtnn2^TnyiT

plays Inlcr Kent Oroto ncorcd

nn a draw play. ■ \ ,,

..Onrmnn tli(m..tonk,.'<ho. Van-

dals downfil^ld rapidly with Mc-

Oonnld running well apd plrk-

"ing ntf n,pns!i. Hut nt tho, Ore.

gon in things got Htlcity..-nnd n

fourth-down iSIuiign left (ho Vnn-

dnls nhmit two inches p]m,i ot n

first down.

Orngnn klrkrd nut ot trouble

Init roHiilneil the b nlLflccgnda

later, nn a pass inlorcopllori by

'Tim Temple iil thn Ouck 20-ynrd

lino. By this tlnin Trovnto wns

nt thn conlrots nnd tho Duciis

moved brlHkly down the field In

eight to Ifl-ynrdj hitcs hotoro

Denny Shulnr went In from thn

two, ■ ■

Idaho Rt'nrtcd lis scoring drive

with nnCen minulci to piny. Gar-

mnn opnnnd up with twp pnssos,

worth' 1(1 yards, to T|m t,nvnns

nnd cnmo bnck with a l(t-yardor


thn Oreitflii 33, ■ Plersnll hit

nil CJarmnn

fnr five anil

tor eight more, On

thn M-yard line, (inrmnn'riliipfd

jii fitinrt pnsB over llin middle tn

McDonald. The onllrn llnlvor-

iliy of OraH"n .Innin nfrmpd to

lilt ihn big miln but hn shrugged

ihuiit oft and sciired alnndii

lip im A tremondnun dlipiny <

power. , I

In Reality Ends

Successor Bid

lAUnil, Md, (AP) - ^nr'r

.usnor. on thn tlirt^shald of llm

juvnnlln colt thriinn ,Sntiirdii)

wns lioaten a nccK hy In Itpnf

ty In n rholn finish ot tho )ia7,-

100 rImllcD J'ulurlty.

Here are ..the hunting hours

r migratory waterfowl, for the

166 season for counties of Leih-

hlr~Custcrr"BtittB; — Camas;

Blaine, Gooding. "Lincoln, Mini-

doka, Jerome, Twin .Falls, nnd


-^^c-mornlng- hour,i-mark-the

opani ng— foF--t>olh— duoks-r-and

gccse. The afternoon hours

mark the end of goose. shooting

hut ducks may lie hunted for

an nddltlonnl 30 minutes.

Ai'kansas Is

Easy Winner

Oyer Aggies


'API — Arkansas scored thn

'irsl^ three times it had, the fool-

hnll tftider tho guldnncn'of .lolin

Brilti'nuni. gavo n glillorliig

demonslrnllon ot detenfie, then


Hurt to crush Ti-xns A nnd M 3-1-0

.Snlurdny night as David Dkkcy

scored lour .tmichdownn,

Tlui Arhiilisns vliiiiry

.Siiutliern Melhndlst tlie only lui-

heatcn l.nntn In tlm Suuthwiisl

CDnferenrn rncn nnd brought n

tin tor ^erond tintwciiii Ihu Iti

nirlincks nnd'thu AggU's,

Sniiihnrn Methodist bent Tex

ns 13-12 .S'iiturdny tn tnk<

undUputcd lead nl 3-1), Ark

nnd Texnii A nnd M cncli huvo n

3-1 -rrcord,

Dlchity, a red nliirl from

I'nirsllnii, T(')(.„mnklnK iih first

start, sriired twicn on one-ynrd

phmges and twice nn four-yard


to scoring wns In Oio fflurth-4)ci

locf behind tho'passlqg tif'senlor

quarterback Doug llcndricks.

But ncpr tho goal line Ilendrlch.s

wns thrown for n 2S-ynrd loss,

nnd Ulnit took oVer.

lis was tho first nliutout for

thii Lobos ninco Uitih did It in


Vandals' Fiosh

Falls to'TVCC

ONTAUIO, Orn-(AI>) — Hie

University of Idnlin freshmen

Vandals loIluwed—Lfui — Idutii

Barry Hits 57,

Warriors Win


nnrry~(1iimpcd~tn-Tfi7— polntij

innlclilng his pro nii-eor, high,

UH the finn I'rnnrlsro Wnrrl'irs

rallli-d In thn .fourth qunrtnr tor

n 127-lin NnllonnI llriskotl>iill

AsHiKilnllon Victory nvcr

{.■Inclnnnll Hoynis fJiiturilny


lliirry, NBA Hooklf-ot'lhr-

Yriir lust niiiifiini, fitagcd Ibe

KrenlnMt nne-mnn \m;"rinK nlmw

in CInclnnntI (Inrdrins nincn Wilt

Chnnilmrlnlii iH)iire(| hi-lin juiliilr

in I'Phriiiiry, '

Viinliy liitlny In losing to nn

Orirgon' team— ns they dropped

dcclslnii to (ho Treanurd

Valley Communliy College Chii'

knrs, I

111 tho Salurdiiy night contest,

Chultnr tnimilt-k Jim Hvenfion

test \vnn over.

Thn Vundnli trmh did hnvn

good ' fourth irarlod, though.

quiirtcrl)|u:k Slevn Olson

tlij^HW fur iwn tnucltilownsi— :

Coyotes Thump


' WAl.IJV.WALU (AP) ~ Qol

Irgn ot Idaho nconut Hi first

Nnnl(wortt Contnroiirn ' footbnll

victnry/of Ihn nrnNon ,Snturdny,

ilowntrtK-Tvlnlm-Whilm an- 02-10,

Dni/ Pntorsinif wlio niiida.2H0

yardil tdiiii nffminn lor Whlii

niKijied- tho ncoring with a nit'

yard toiic^uhiwa run in thn first

qimrloi'!'. ,■> ■

Csiif I qiinrljirtinck |.nir 'I'roKol

ibrA tourhilown pnnnoi'in tho

flrnt nnd nrrOnd <|iinrlers nnd

plunged I ovnr from lliren yards

out for I nolher lliuchilown In tho


could haVo cllnclii'il ;lhe /wo-

year-old ll|lo-lor colts , wllh

vlcltiry, „ \ ,

Hncing more I than a iiilln.tt

Ihn tirnt limn,' In Itoniuy rii

th^ I'titurlty!! I X-10 mllcn i

1H3 i-i.


lillmnii; tally In thn iiiifd.t^"'

I'ft Jton WiiHiiIngton rnti\tlio m-

suing kichoff buck HO yu»ls for

n TI), Wlillnmn ncored In Jho

fourth wliun Jlni llnrrn l|ilor-

A:opiiiil A iHiSR and run 1)0 yurds

with It. \

I. , .,, iiJ' "iin ji>n, II ., Tiin Bill

I. n ... M> 1:11, Jmi. '11 ,, mi t:H

I. I ... jllt J(,i, U ...Ml -lilt

I, It ,. Till Itll Jun, II .. TllT lill


Breeze Past '

Moulana ,34-{l

l-I.A(if.TAI'r, Arlr. (AP) -

Nnrll|iirn Arkonn ■ Unlvnrslty,

cntcldng Montana oft balance

ntliir a hectic plnpn trip; criiih-

cd thn nrlr.rllos'',lfB Saturday

night In. pcorhlg (hoir flflli

fllrnlglit football [victory,


Monlanmln nrrluod nt tjaino

limi'.iiujJ llio" iiiiiKonttironcfl hni"

tin \tW'ill»MiVW Ms minutes,

Thn l.umbnrjacits built a H-0

hnltlimo li^nd, hitting for two

<)uli;k louehdowiji wlllilii Ihn

tirnt tour ntlnutori nt llifl'soeond

quarter. ■ ■ 1

Mim/nnn raughl 'Dnlloh Kim-

hlfl,, NAtI halfhvch,^ In Ids end

nmo nfler Kind ln\ had tumhlod

tlin tinll. 'Hien tnreo iiilnitinn

later, thn (irlz/lln


Willi " ciid nWT Strtiuss Hcorlng

on n aV7nrd-poa« from John


I'OR PAST sni.l.lNf





- .9.:B.il.ince ■ -.- O Adjust-- 'A Rop.uk front

d -^T-'. front v/hcols-.- ^;br.ikos wheel bo.irincs

4 $ ^llM wl

I ^^^^^H ^^^r ^^^^^ 'AmeiiCLiii

■■^^flV Pnrts cxtr<i

^^mi^^ needed

Drive in toda y fnr FAST SERVir.Fl

e'lJ Bi


for your old battery

rogard/oss of cotid/Von '

whan you*bi|y'tf powor-

pockod Firostono Extra-Life

or-DoIco pC-12 bottory

or Doico EnorglTor.. ,

Pheasant Hunters Find

Early Success^ib

Normal Season Looms

. Northern Mtilildoka-CDunty^provlded-lts expected plethora or birds Saturday and

tlie rest of Magic Valley ^rodo its coattails into respectable sucQess for.opetiing day

ofthe pheasant sea son. The Idaho Fish.and Game Department checlcing station

"fignres sHowed'ljnntc rs avc ifgge d-nrblrij -D ei. n mii b atrb iologist-Charlea -Blake -noted

i t was misleading.. The. putnpland area North of Paul a nd Rupert yielded 1;5 birds

'per'mari.' In other; areas the


OregQW state Mps

Washington State

success wa^'down although

North Gooding County, and

Hunt Projects held up at

about" one bird each. The

bi(t disappolntmcjit ' was south

PULLMAI^, V^ash.-. (AP) — Hard-charging fullback-

Pete Pifcr scored lour touchdowns as Oregon State

. pverpowercd defenseless Washington. State 41-13 in* a

-—^-Pacific— 8— conference -.^oolba 11 -game •'-here- -Saturday,

'ithey b'eat_u_5_every_way_a_fopttinll teanLcanJjeJirats:

ch," said Washington State

■ - Coach -Bert_ClaEk.;:B.eaver,

/ ^quarttrbirck PauHB'rOthers

'■accounted. Tar two' more

—z—Oregoji— ^ate-rScprefr^nH

nn a ■ H-yard pass play, .th

^ other on a ohc-yard (Jash.bcfofo

.... rcseryci tiaok -over the O'SU jof-

fi^n'gp p.Trly in thp firsf hRlf

The . Beavers scofCiT tho ..first

.'—lioiictlmEsJhey hatLthe-ball and

were forced' to. punt only onco

In the first hglf. *.

'OSU Wiarfhcd 71 yards Wflh

. Ihc Opening JcJckoff,^scorrnB on

Pifer's "33-yaVd 'run Svilh' "less

- thnn-.threa-niinutes :goher- — -

.Washington Stale bounced

btfck — ■ temporarily — when

halfback Glen Shaw took' the ball

on a rever s e nn d -scra rnbled his

--- why 58 yards for a touchdown.

■ He was hit by OSUV Charlie

Olds at the Beaver 20, but shook

" loose, nnd'staggercd int6 the end


the brightest spot in an other--

— ~wt5!{rdisrnnl~^Dugar*1irst-haltr

.With Piter, the wilrkho rsc.

UrcROn ataie ~*~


Edge Auburn

GAJNESVILLe!^ Fla. (AI*) -

Sieve, Spurrier kicked a ^0-yard

rield'goal in the^loslng minutes

Saturday- ■ and gave , seventh-

■ranked': Florida a breathtaking

''^ZLV{£tCiy over Aufanrnr • - -

Ftarldar7-.0, lycnt ahcad;in.thc

first minutcjbut j^atcr had to

battle froni behind

homecoming fans.

"Sp\irricr'. .drove

touthdowns before the tnd of the

first period. PIfer scored on a

one-yard plunge after Don Sum^

_j)icrs;^yard_run set the sUec,

and Brotners-"h7t"'Gary~Hoiiser

, on a, 13-yard pass play aflerjlie

. fleaycrs . intercepted^^— pass,

thrown by. WStJ. quarterback

'Hank Grenda. Brothers scored

with less than five minutes gone

'-in. thf -TPPotiH pp riiK}. carry inf;

divpd to .87 birds pcr'inan. The

composite for tlie dav^ was i?9 2

hunters with SGfi blr(rsT~BuFlf

will be. a .sub par year.

."Overall we'd have to say Ihe

s ea so n is running riEht .on_6ur

earlier prediction," Blaiie said.

"The excellent success at Mini'

doka brought up the, average

somctliing cdrnjlarable to . last

vear. feiit-Sunday-thc birds^will

Btrhard e rTto f ind^nd^h q=su(

cess should fall to about what _

was jast yean — .86' birds per

man". We're sbrry it's* not bct-

jelore GQ;000

le Gators


burn 20 with bis passes and then

kiciicd the winning fielfl goal

with 2:1"2 left (« play. .

Spurrier conxpiia^27,.or. 40

passos-for 259 yarflsTpassed for

^mrHpuchilQjv n . and sneaked a

yard^for "anothtfrl His^ passing

set up the ntheV two on short

■ fuHb a cte- G fftltamjifc*

A case of trespassing is ex-

peeled to arise out of, an In-

cident-occurring in-thci-North-

Minidftka area. A lan'Sowiier,

with -the department cooperat-

fn^, \s expected to sien- s

'complaint Ti.t!ninst..two unl dcntl-

fied men.. This came after spe-

cial ~ noli Cc s ~tha 1^ many-' I and ■

— I n - i h

. arci were re-

quiring .written trespass permis-

ion t his ■year.


Keel and Larry SmUh,

Two of Auburn^ scores cnme

on an flD-yard kicRotf return b% ,

fullhttck Larry Ellis and when

lihebackiir Gusty -Yearout- stole

the ball from' Florida's Tom

■PhrisUan-ancI r an firVards. _

Allrcd, who lives three

miles west of Twin Falls, re-

ported a; pheasanjjl^jJi^fl bV

hunlers In a" field across, tlii

rqad frpm hi.': home, flCw Into l

five by. eight plate-glass window

' ;nd-^hattercdHt:-"Thf5-polnt5

ID another reason why hunters

should Sla v nwnv from farm

homes , and huildinga," Allrcd

said: *

Blake Tiotcd .many hunters're-

porled a scarcity of birds and

added (he reason Is the good

harvest weather farmers are

the baltover ffom.HiBpnn Thpn,

_^wJUi I'rseconds remaining In the

Trojans Hit

first' naif, ■■pirer~(IIvcd"-acrDss

from three yards out. The Bea-

.^ifft-iiad driven from their own


lo .move the ball on the fourth



Valle y 20-12

■pifci:^ i 5-foot-ldr n-l-pound

-Uenior -Irom Ridgecrc sL-Ca lifcT

' Bcored hia fourth'- touchdown

with about 10 and one-half min-

utes remaining In the third

■period: OSU had started on (fie

Washington State '40 and five

_play5lIater.had_the-balI_Dn the

—Cougars'— one. /PIfer- 6cored-on

the ncxf pl'ay.


trV Frifl qy_nieht^and_Denny_ fn™-"-,^=„'» i.»

Jacobsen took the ball in' the

remaining J3 yards to assure

Wendell a 20-12 Big Eight -Con-

fcrencc victory over Valley.

The' Trojans had taken a 13-

■ in the-sccond .quarter on


-Aga inGtr-tho-Beavcr-rcserves,

Washingtim State managed' an-

other score early in the final

period, -GrpHda hit' end ,Dou|


34 yards to set up an 11-yard

' touchdown pass to Shaw.-

South Africa

Challe nges^

For Golf Gup

MF"""" ~" — "~"




' — Qf_J.WQ:uadcc-pnc_20a_by.

en|oving._ .

t mve t u rcmmn b Gr-thg'

season is opening a week later

and the harvesting is goinu of

at a better than normal cllif,'

he. said.- ".That meansr^ln-soma

areas there's no cover for thfi



,hrnTrfl„n wav ffrr tfCTrd

This in- particularly _true

that disappointing area .south _


tinued. "About the od1.v cover

left -rOre-somo- fields of ^tnnd-

fliHy Colo nhd-Oava Symons

-sent, South., Africa a: strolte

ahead of Australia, i

United Slatcn clung .tenaciously

to third, Saturday In the third

round of the Elscnliower Trophy

Golf .Tournament, .

The two sub-pfir rounds plus

tS by Jpnaljian Fniirio Rave the

' Soiitii Africdn team a .icoro of

21S for vllm day and a three-

round ttita>-«f 0S7. The fadhin

'Au-islci. Wlin a H by Phil Ulll-

' , ings. fell buck froni iheir hiR

'lend of the flrsl'lwn days In (ifiH,

The Unlli'd Station was next at

— flflfl-nnd-miRht-havr-dnspft-thc

flip ''Vt'H moro with a little Iil-I-

ler luck on the puiihig iircrns.

Dcuno , Iloman of lii'lhesihi,

Md. and Downfng Gray of 'Prn-

^Hflcnla. I'la. each mIuH. 73 wlillu

Itnn Cerrudii of am RaliK'l,

cmif., ' anil nftI)'"Mllr"i)lir"rtr''ihff

University of Florida checked In

Wllh 74s. ' . '

Under ,tlm toilrnamrnl fprninl

four plnycTN coninelo tor rnch

team but only the .Ihrcs

nCoroa cininl. ' ..

— ui3cfcnmnauj:li"'"pl"P Uritnli

(lulfcrpil rsi!tbiu;l[ wliTir-ltn

number onir ace. Mikr llmiiil-

lark, nuffured a l)t\iik ln)ury iin

the fnuT^ itc biit'i()lii|ti;eil hh

- way ihrojigh thn round for a '/II.

..Scot Ronnlu .Shado fiiNliloiied a

71 for Ihe dofenduri nnd Ofu'ilim

Cmh a in. Ilul iirUaln r<iiiitd

llBPlf In fourth plnec ifi fidn, ninu

iholn out. nf flrsl place.

passes trom

ly-DenniS-for 19 y ards .and from

Adamson-to-J acoteottrti itfl-f a kfl:

punt for' G6" yards. Jacobson

bQOtcd thq conversion on, the

second touchdown.


a drive to the Wendell l?..but

nn illegal priacedu re- penalty and

the, clock stopptsl. the. Vikings

at llie 14 and the halftime score

stood- at I3-"

Valley' started chlppiijB fwny

at the lead, early in'the third

((uaricr-wlicn Ron-Cllno. Inter-

cepted a Trojan nass nnd put

It on the Wendell five. -Two

plays later Ted'Jilnck passed

fo Bcrnic Sehaittr.'rfycc.ihc miil-,^

die-for-llie toiicli(low.n.-Tho-t6c^

tra point tty was'blrickwL..'.

A short 'tlnic •"t'^r """fdl

Schwarr Intercepted ' nmilhei

Trojan pass at the Wendell J4.

Five play.s and a clipping pen-

alty afinlnst Valley Inlor,' Ulacjt

passed lo Dale Perkins fpr the

touchdown, Wendell again block-

ed the kick. ■

Seconds Inter Adffms broke

away on Ills big run'aml .lacoh'

.son ended the Hcoring wllli hii

kick aflcr -the- lou(!lid(iwn.

Neither team ttirealencd after


farmers " can't let hu'iiters


lot of the crop. I talked to some

custom' harvesters arid they-rj;-

port seelnE a Jot of birds, all id

tJlC-Corn. Thai's where they have

,u w« ho because lis the only cover

T3£ck"f6 Kcl7 '6"-"

ResulLi.of tha ch^cklng^'sta:

tloiW . Tlm :lw dc: , - , . , , -


huntcrs-with-158 birds 'for 33S

hours hunted and a .69 Pirdper

lan averagD.

Dietrich- ^^^120^hlmtep!,---102

birds, (No hours reported) "and

.85 birds pef man. v . '

North Gooding — ..IH huntcr.%

IJ8 birds Is 358 hours and I. "

birds per mail.

' Minidoka County.— 2.S7 hunl^

era with 390 birds for 958 hours

and I.5-bird9 per mpni

■ Hunt project. H3 hunler,'',

]4fi birds for .385 hbur.i and " "

birds per man. ' , , .'-

Clear. Lakes (.Soulh of Wendell

andrJ*K>i3t)--— -a Hhnnlcrs— 31

birds 'for. 214 hourB-nnd-.r

birds pec.jnhn,. '

AFL Chi<3J: ^

Probes Ijito

NEW YORK (AP) — Prcul-

dent rt Mill Woodward..- or the

Anicricrm Fimlhall hlsagiin said

Salurdiiv ni^ht llio league hdn:

vrsHi-ailng rumnrn thnt somoMif

llaJiii!i[iirH_htivn bet on game



St^iy Unbeaten

Pllil-ADRLPlllA (AP) - 'Ihd

. PhilndQlphla 7norn thn'shf^d tlm

■ Boston Celllcs'lM-fll! RAluriliiy

ninht lo remain nnilufcalcd in

llm National llnHkettmll Ansic

clivLlnn wllh flvn nlrnliiht vicln-

It'wnn llin Cettlon' tirsC Ions In

Ihn .young ncunoii after winning

four straight under pliiycr-

CoJlcJi l)/IJ;ltiinflo!l.

' A Convention Hall orowd of

11.014. larni*n[ over to ncn n

7l1orH lioiiiR name, wiilched I'hll-

ndelphhi grab a 115-44 halttlnio

ndvnntnge anil llum break ojKin

tha hnll gnmo wllh a 30'iKiliit

Udrd por(ud.

Tip-iiil' ' i i n^v rilic

Uliincir llml niiyllilnB

lliippctiini!," J

Woodward roiitirnied a ro|^

rljOit rt^porl hv Will M»;D;ilioii[!h

in .Shndiiy'a ^)(in|on (itobo lluil

Dili lini||U(! Is invoNtlKnllng ru-

mors that aroso-liecnusn hooklen

were rnfmllng lo accept lioli

line AliL liajne-i.

Woodwiird-tiaid nurh rrfiisnis

bjf.:biirikU;n. wiTii-iiol unpruee.


uMin the Kamei worn nuNiwct.

'I'liii (ilolio Nlory Buid five

tiMiuH. none of tliein Involving

..le Iloston Patrlols; wern iiiiin-

Honed. 'Iliroii irivolvnd onn triam

and 'tvyo Inyolv^d ^anoihitr, j the

'piil'lor 'ri'iilil.' ' ^ * ■

"We're conNlantly clu'cklug,"

WiHidward'Naid.' "litit u» In niiw

I nobody Involved.

I'UMon (0 Iki nliirmeil

ijt this |)oln(,"


■YAKIMA (AP) — B»li t.ovt)ll,

Evurutl'll O lodl-a <innrtorhank

from Pori Aiigciles, iiiuired two

toiiclulowiiK and iianacd (iir ,

[hlrT'Siiliirdiiy an ilia 'i'rojun

dowmul Yakima 27-7 In a .liinlor

Collego Conforcnca f^tothall


''ootball Scores

l> Kdl,Jl

iiKiii anjoot,

y 40. iiixi

Hill. II, M.illinn ;

Uurnh 11. (T,p1(,| ](

I". lIUhlinA I

IB.- M.tiinUIn I


fii.i- iV


■Urit. HI, U„t 1

lui. «»;>Vil|fi,rfil..

»ilh in, Y.U U

loxa Ui), IniUuK I*

Mln.i...,IU II, lib\„ m.l. 7

AUr1il>.., It). I. II, lloilhRHlit

T>ii"» 1». ClncliiniU I) ■

<'<,li,r*<lc 11. OhUlioin. II

'fxh ty tuiMt nix*

I'll, n«iiih r*i'<ir'iii'.t

■T«1 na HUI* », VIrili

• A tnA H 0

Miuixirpi IT, rnit n

lli».>li>n 41, Tuniii* (

Arizonarix) Stay^ ^

In Title Racie

— T,UGSONr-Ariz.- (AP) — Ben Vaverty itlclted: a:22-yard —

fourth-quarter lield Eonl Saturday night to keep Br'igham

Youn^'in the riihnlnE for the Western Athletic Confer-

ence crown with a 16-14 victory oyer ^rlzona.,_Arizona

ad come froiii,behincl when tjuarterback Mark Reed hit

EritZ; Jjirecnleo— with—tivb _

tou.chdown jjasses, 'the sec-

ond coming on tne first ptay

in-tfie".fintih'''period: " Rccd

■connected oii 15 of S'l passes

for th^26& yards. . ^

The Brfgham Young defense*

.stopped Arizona Inches from the

goal lino in -Ihe-lbird -period and

again on the Wildcats'

fourth-period . drive.

Ray Horaesley recovered Vir-

^il Carter 's fumblc-for Arizona

on its own 31-yard. line. On the

next. play Bobby-Roberts intcr-

qepted Reed's pass. on' the 39

and ran It to the th'rcc.-t^rier

scored with 10:01 left In the first


FOUR LIMITS OF PHEASANTS~«re .dlsplayeil-by-foor-Idaho^hunterB-on openlng day-ot-the

Gcastinrln the Hunt area'. Standing from left are Cart Hardwick, Bllsa, and Dick Hawkins of

BalsezzKncgJing arc Larr y Pennington of Jerome an d Gary Hawkins of Twin FJills. It took

the faur aboiit lwo~tiours^to~fllir(TihH!s^eW9"photo) ■ ■ r ' '

S ilyer Creek Limited to Flies


Ole Miss Tips

Fjimbling „ '

. _ . . _. playa Iq go

yards on .its other' touchdown

drive. Carter^ pii^scd or ran on

II plays for 60 yards. He flnish-

cd-tho-d ri vo~w i th -a-fou r-y a rd ,

fourth-Iown j>ass.to Phil Odle ih

" end zone. , ■ ■ ' .

Irona— moved— 74-yard,r^on-

plays" In the-sccond peribd

with Reed passing to Jim G^cth

for 33; Tim I>e\Van for 32 and

hilting-Greenleo in ths end zone

fro tn_nine_y a rds_ou [;_Do hl.W i I-

helm klckcd-tho-firet of two con-.

Versions^— , .. > — , ...

Arizona's fourth-auarlcr score

was set u p, y/ith eight plays that


Mississippi struck' tor 10. points '

In the first quarter^^jijid added

nnnih rr to n' r hdown. In "t h e - final «

pcrlo^ tor a,. 17-0 Southeastern

Conference victory over fum-

bling Louisiana , State here Sat-

urday pight.

The victory gave blB Miss a iS-

2 recor d -and k ept thg.-Rcbeij' ■

liopes fillve lor a, lOlh consecu-

tSRTeB ST-yardsT

- Wilholm tried a 41,yard field


flrst'.tim^ArizonaTiad the ball.

BVU used weight plays to put

.Laverty In position.. for_iii3.

game ^nnin g-field-goa|: —

Won't See

Pro Action

live bid lo a poA-season bowL

LSU is 3-3-1. • ' _

LSU abandoned Its -usual off-


start and pa.ssed on 'its'-very

first down. But tho change In

Taclics didn't "do irfuch good.

LSU fumbled fivfi tflncs.....

\L It was only thff second sbulout

for LSU since Charlie McClen-

don became, head coach in I9S2.

The Jthcr- ivag- Rdrainlstercd.-_4

C^alif. (AP)

:i"he Rose iJowf*apprrently-|s

out" as the site of the so-called

super -bow.l pQst-~S[aiSQ ir_cliflm-

year ago by Ole Miss.

Early in the" first period Ole _■

Miss quarterback Bruce Newell"

hirfulibacte-Bob^y-Vade-wIth a

short pass and the 305-pqund

junior-gallopcd-75_yarda_for_ « -_

Touchdown: — " '

Just before the' period ended.

^u^^Ceyc^-bool^-a- 35-^rd

season — to put the Rebels In

front 10-0.-; — .7.-"':---." " . '

Ml<>). scldud anULhlif-lfiucH:

down in the fourth period when.

Newcll -found sophomore cpd —

Hank Shows all by himself on

the I.Sirsix. Show.i "caught th«'

pass and crossed the goal lino \

standbg up for t he 32- y ard-pla y, -; — - -

pionship game . between the Na-

tional and American proFcssion-

al fo otba lt leaguB teams in Jan-

uary. ' ■' ". ■

The Pasadena Chamber - of

Co mmer ce, .wJiich wa» thej)ffl-

pja] orgaiilzqtion backing the

game, wit hd rew, lis, support In

HSBes Nip

Stanford in

an" cxecutiy*.- session" Friday, — h.^-i^i/vu »

^Pasadena^MIaml^l^Houslon rlnnV defi

aftd seve]-a) - other cjtles had

; Seconds ^


Eighth .- ranked Webraaica

strapped Miss.oun with a^tcna-

been bidding for the .'superibowl 3rD-B.ig-ElghtHootball-vIctory-

apci^Fdered an increase in the nuinber p.f .Strcams and reservoirs to be managed

as- ^ear -aro ii'n'a-^fis heriesuJr he' lflG7 "Beason will r un trdm June 3-to Oct. 31, except


Meeting in its regulac qua^terly-isessionr-thfl commission also closeja the Nortti

Fork of the Clearwatpr Riv-

er from the entrance to the

fishwayf aclIitie3j,^eIow "the

Dworshalc Pam construc-

tion .site. .Iq_,300' feet dov^n-

.stream. , ,

That' was aii emergency clo-

sure which will begin Nov. 1 and

run iiritij.;'further notice.

.. Refiulationa set by..lho'com-

mtsfll^Qn — . except for the Clear-

water cfosufo — witl not be-

Conio offoclive until the first of

'car, and lilQS r egulBlioil^

UCLA Rolls to 38-13

Wiu Oyer Air Force^

LOS__ANGELES (AP) -/Quarterbaclt- Gary Deban

.threw oho touchdown 'pnstf-.and' riln' for two mof-c as

UCLA ran its unbeaten st'ri'nR jo seven Saturday niRht

with £1 .18'J3 victory over Air Farce. Playing "b'clorc'^4,'

654 in Memorial Coliseum, Uie third ranked Br;Uirts ran


. . ..

from tlie-FiilconB-nnd hold

onlya-14^0 lead'Eit the half:.

Sophomore quarlcrhtick

Sieve Turner, nn 18-year-ol(f

irprlsc froni Evanston, 111,, who^

started and pjayed most of the

game, actually'Ruidcd the Cadets

lo a 10-7 lend in the second qmr-


But the most elcclrjlyliig pint-

of Ihn game, which put UCiA

In front .10 stay, was » 71-jtard

runhack of a pnsrr lnlert:eptliiiv

by Sandv Grcf-n, a 171 - .pound

' ilof. 'ihe return put ihii bull

Wood Rivei'

I Raps Indians,

Taltjps Crown

, SHOSHONE — Wood River'

WolVpTlrle.i wrapped up a dreai

;(OIl^inn ' Trlday night, dropping

.Shoshone 39-0 .to cement Iho lUg

Elfflit Cnnrvrchw championship

ilnd R O-O^scason.

Coacli Blll nowman'.t chnrgi


wiMit (iifiT yCTtr, « I//(Jl gJtmo wild Mtir-

iQUlih. Jielng canceled due; to

exluhslvo' Injuries lo the Devils.

Danny Hell got Wood River

(irehonrd In ihn 'flrnl

on !

plays later. Hehiin went (ivei

[nun ihu Iwo, ■ ■,< .'

'.Jl'ho loiio Air Torco touchdown

came "ii a screen pass from

Tiirner In Ihe vhltors' r,hfcf ru'

(TclmTTiiii Kiiliuiu, .wKtrfinmy

threo tacklurs on a 33 • yard


jriiD Falcons' Dick Hall klr>pd

field Ronli from tn nnd 21 yardi'

out, 7Iie tiillfr came In thn Ihird

peflod nnd moved tho Cinl*ti

' lilt,, il.ff 'ciiiiir-. tnilllni


tJCl-V, however, m-iirrd

'pcihitn 111 llur,finnl half, Int'liiiling

33-yaril hiirJit for n touch.

down hy.P4el I-'iirr, -«>

Tho Air I'nrtii marrhed In llie

Waniiiit mliniti-n from tlndr vwi\

10 lo thn liruln M, hnl the i

hid Ihitut - cnllaiiacd ..when. Tlljl

HHefid-lntrrwiplotl |t ~i>itnrt'ln-lho

onil ir.onn anil ran U out 03

yards. ,

liy llih llnir, llCt.A had hub

nlltuleil (jcrly nnd„thn' rCscrvci

put mi n IJfyitrd drive,' Ird liy

Norm ■ Dow, who nconul a 13

yard run wllh aIk sei'ondi re

iiinhilng, ,

II, was IJCI-A'n neventii vie

'(ho I'nIt'oiis nro 3-1.



;iI'OKANR-(AP) Thn jfiaat-

(Ifi nwiietl pon'i Kii'iOlt imimiliiml

Can^dliin Invader leejack

Bcorn a nose victory .Saturdiiyiii

tha (oktuied raco at riaytalr.

Tirhe c(fcp!j¥o_(mlll T)Tcn'

Regular Chinook sqimon

sons were cslnbllslied for 1007

h'rldny, and will end llie cmer-

f/iTiTi'lBr wlicFni'p reirnnTi"'(ijn'iIilo

In the .Shoshone end 7oiio.. "^"^

In Ihfl flif[:ond perliHl I.nuli

Hurat scored on n dO-vnrd

Iniriit amr minutes laier lliir.il

lioiihod up, with I.loyd lirmlHhaw

I n flO-yaril piiHi pliiy.

Mijffit opened thn third qiiar-

f-lirorlnn on ii njy YjUll flTlll'

heforo Kirhy (Jwons went m

,fr<iiM tho 10,2 On the lanl pliiy

of tho game llurnt nhook lotiso

and 'rambled DO yards. ,

Owens rouverlcd on three oT

llw t'H|icbdowjjo.\ ' ,'

Adios, Vic Stuns


imtivhr by 1%

' 111 li>a tl0,0()()

at. 1 lolly wood

IN(II.EWOI), Calif. (AP)

Adlon Vic, nn olil nemenlfi, upml

iiil|;hty iiri't Hantivh '

jiMiKihi Saturday

liri'vlcw pru^n at.

l'nri(,""mnrmfl;'Ttin - Cniffornin

diihiJl of J,hu wi'flrtrt' h(lpin-1n Ihn

iieNt-lii laiil liarnenq raco of'li'


Ihn ddfeiit wan only the tlflli

In (17 raires for l-yi-nr-old Mmt.

anil Adloi Vi(\ who def(taled

lilm Ihrt'n ihifCH hiKt year, now

holds four «[ (henii Ciirdliion

Hay in thq only other liorno to

lieat^llm.ClinillplL'". Ho dlil il

In-'.Mtiy 20.V ■ — -

Time wan 3-!l, 'ffin rrowd

of 23,1Hli wan Ilfli largeiil evnr l»

nllend a hnnioNi rucn In Callfor'

.niK. .

game between the champions of

the two top professional leagues,

tentatively set for Jan. 8.

^Pasaderia- made It - clear.-It

does jiot^want-rto-cndangep-ithe

prestige of what it considers the

outatandln R tollege bowl - game

of'the'Tcar, andJndf ed" TKe ol d-

est in tfie .country, 'With an In-

vasion of professional football.

Official.^ of the Athletic Asso-

ciation of Western Universities


have a. contract for IHo annual

New- Ycar'i Day poss Bowl

Game, made It clear thev did

not .like tho professional en-

croachment. - ■' .

'Contractual terms which

might have evolved also pre;

!i(;nted,a proliTcm TSEtWimvUhc

college and' proposed profes-

sional fields, mainly fnvoiving

rich television conlracts.

before' a record "Memorial Stadl<

im crowd pt..65j095.

JDig-JCgi onally telev ised t^m*

husker -victory ran Nebraska's


";amc3..and fortified, tho Husker




Cross Country

years.' Limits, tho

commission wnld, rpmain two

per calendar yeai

Silver Creek In south-cenlrfll

Idaho ha» hecn limited lo fly.

flHlilnn from Iho riclil-of-way

fence at lilrkpatrlck DrldBCto

fJrovc Creek about one and ono-

fmlf miles -upstream during tlie

lllfi7 trout season.

The' commission adopted „

rogulaliun-«lla^lf|ftja^-flOMl'^«A^ Htflll-al

which will allow. spCar ffnhing

for hullfro8.i — an well as the

UHo of bowi and arrows — wllh

the current limit of 12 In poa-

sosshm. J J •_ • ...... . |

^ftTlliST^li'an'go will make ll

iinneceKsary to record nlurgeon

on Ihn 1007 nnlmon and fjtenl-

hcad periiiU card. Tho limit for

(iiurgi'on will remain one ti/t\\

per day or In ("'■''sesslop, arid

nol niofn than liVo fifth per cal.

endnr year, Flah Icnglli miltit

ho -gnviter.lliaii 30 hr.nnd Icfln

■■ n n 111

OGDEN,(AP) — Idaho State's

undefeated cross country team

woa a three-way meet Frlda;

with Iloger I^nxfield of ISi

Jjyjdlng^he .way In J0;21 over b

fouf-hillc coijriiO/>

In scoring fora Big Sky Con-

ference -'croHfi country, contest

Idaho Stale defeated Weber

.Slnlo* 23-32. The low acore wins.

Among all Ihreo teams it was

ISU ^8, Weber Stale 39. and

Another. cliiinRn ftiirtlo.ie Sul-

phur Creek — a Salmon Hlvttr

trihuuiry — to Chinook salmon

fifihluH In 10(17, ,.-=■-''•..

Ricks Has Cross

Country Vi^;toi'y

ttliXnUUti, Idaho,. (AP) ■

nick."! , C ollnpu. nillnnm Junior

lollcgo doroniliiig cliniiiplo'ri 'ln

Tonii country, downctl Monlarin

^tuifl of Qoxcninn 21.-10 In com-

petition .SHlurday, ■

Till) winning limn nf IS;33,D

11 lyrneil In by Uicka' Dayton

Conway- nf^I;n!i'jl*ntmns; -Callfr

.Srconcf- wm Craig Andui

Mo^laiia . Slain at 15:111. .

Kicks meets yjeiwr State At

Oiiihin next .Saturday before go-

ing lo tills year's national chain-

ptimnhlpn in Pcnsacoln, I'll,

Nov. ll. , ■


r.AS cKuclis, N, r^i. (Ap)

Shirley Kngloliorn nf Cnldwoll,

Idaho, was tied lor necond place,

-Saturday alter llin necoifd round

o[ the f.I'tlA.Ui Crucci Upon

,Ciolt Tourniment


mil touffon halow '(or rt ii»n

Int lalbn, Set Imw gaiy'll \t'lo

am liy . our .llnip1lll*(l' horn* I'uil/

..iUIumI.'C""''"'!* iIiIi ""y wayl NO

ClASStS, NOtlME'WASIfD oolno to

<l from iilioall WrKi (or FRIC l*t'

1 ond 55 pog* daitrlfilly* bqokl*!,


/ tirribilii>«i inv;

AMFRIfAN SCIIOOl, r<itlflc Cofjil

ilvlilon I.F,.ll

777 \h. Vim St. lo| A(iq«l<i.

Colif. 9D03D . :

Wissdiirlflts own title hopes

Jolted by a 10-10 tie with Iowa

Stale last week, was left with a '

W-l-marlc^for- tho- season— 2-1-1^ —

In. the loop.

. A pair of louchdowiia .btejich

of the second and llilrd quarters

)Ut tho gamo out of rpftrfi gfthw I .

Ngcrg and Husker.. coact i Bob

Devoney turned the oameTv&rr'~-

to second stringers for a one-

touchdown final period assault



• • * tjcffw porformmn

and extra iiualllymak§



Oulitandlno Schwinn qualify

Itiiouohout ond faaturing Ih* pof^

ulor S-ipetd Spilnl dirollltur*

llglilwfllaht ityl/ng, and front and

rta(handbiakit.[>roplnforahd '



Key and bike shop

330<4th^ve. W. . 733-0010

Wanted For Potato Warehouse

Now until Juno, 1967, and' Steady,

SpE (don't cull)



"^ 20 T W l ft 'fgilrTlmes'News SunddyrOeMOr-1966—



, SUNDA^T5ctoB5r M^^orii

■ . 'Vo(lay,"Tftmi4iFS^ a'*person Jioled

■ ■ more for the speed wllh which

_____ypu'.Iorni_close 'attachments to

others "than for your emotional

, independence." This docs not _

- — meanThoweverriIiar=.ernotJ(jnal ^0)

^ndepondence is not yours; it

1 ■ means only that, although you

' '• can get along very-well on your

own, you prefer not 16 and" witl

go out of, your way to turn

strangers into- acquaintances,

BcquQintanaes Inlo" friends. The

22p:rAvoidTFCatfhB3tteMlKIS "Dl.

the family iis..l}iough they. were

your doVoted slavcil Consider

each person's individual prefer

enter.' ~ — —

CAPRICORN (Dec. Z3-3an.

__, -.^^-Take-the-gentle-approach

if you woiitd-flnd yoUr way into

the consciousness of children.

It will be worth it,

"Ts'i'bur' Rfiy 18 BUCCCSs-


One who would prefer to be

- himself than to-sce-others-hurt

■ in any way, you will ■ suffer

much to keep ill news ,or evjl

deeds ■ from upsetting others'

lives or injuring otherfi' feel-

ings. Such a trait is rull?*Bp-

_prfidaiedUiy_thQse— whtL-are

Bware of itk nevertheless you

snoliM practice some restraint

In this qtiarttfii-It is not neces-

, sarily R^sood thing that people

— be-rkepf-from-facing-life's-big

or little difficulties,

-J — Exccqdingly_fcnd ol children,

and: they of you, you will na

doub£ ffnd life without a family'

of your owft somewhat short on

happiness. Yet suth may be

ydur-lot, for it may be that you

' -Will Jicvec marry. Your general


a dtfgrcolHlttit-'^wiU keep you

- from-evcr airifeling out the one


be most concemedi-

■ To 'find what "is In store ■ for

^yon-tomorrovrselcct your'birth-

day and .read the corresponding

^paragraph. Let your^^blrthday

mrdaily-guider : '

' Monday, October 31

cconrio ( O ct ,

- Assert yourself today.' Play up

your talents (or all you'i:e jvorth

—and they'll soon secrii worth

. something to othcrsi

• JSAGnTARIUS (Nov. . 23:Dec:

AQUARIUS (Jan; 21-Feb., 19)

- Make a rCal effort to impress

others with your refinement and

intcUigeiice; This is no day fof

deVnonstratlng bravado.

PISCES (Feb. 2»'Marc;h 21)-

A day for practicality/ Don't bo,

talked inlp comml£UnB"?yolifSeIf

to an untried mCthod-or opera-

tion. ■■ ■ '

ARIES (March 22-A(lril 20)

An. exciting' day for the Aries

who; nas time _to take part In

unexpected e vents tha t crop up

TiHhe aft*fn"<S6H~hW£.s^

.TAUftUS (April 21-May 21) —

Apathy on your part is sure to

spoil your chances for advance-

ment^In-tho-near— future^L "

youiCenthuslasm showl


Regardless of how you may feel

about it, you would be wise to

quash any todiptation to b« rude

to your worst enemy today;

CANCEr (Juno 22-JuIy23)

A day which may afford m6re

distractions - than-you- can-rea-

sonably co^)e with. Give In to

temptation ■ and\sociaIiie -a- bit,

tEO-(Julr2'l'Augr^3)-— Take

care not to take your Ul mood

out on others. Much to lose .to-

day— through- the —venting— of

spleen, - - ' ''

_VIRGO (Aug, 24-Sept_^ 23)

Ifae jr ^' yuu r jd gg list! c — vicw^F

otfiers andlhey will keep theirs

of you. Don't try to Jgrcr the



.William "B. Summers, 88; 238

Adams St. N.. died of a heart

attack' In Krengel's, H«dwarc

store"lflie-Friday afternoon.' -■-

He wasTjorn March 9, 1878- Iri

Chicago and c'amo 'to Idaho In

1935.vHe lived tn California for

■ISty'ears between 1935 and-lhe

present, '

- Mr. -ioiVimori- was-ai-rellrcd

jcrvice station operator, a" life

member of the Veterans _of_ For-

eign Wars, a Spanlsh-Amtjrlcan

War Veteran and .served with

■Theodore Roosevelt In the Phil-

ippines: . ■ ■ ■ ' '

He married Cora B, -Herring

on, June 9. 190G, Jn St. JosepTi,

-M u. Hf wjs a i i i ei n ber-ofMhe

Baptist Church.

^Surviving', besides his widow,

are-:three-3onsrWil!Iam B,> Sum-

m'eTs Jr., LaMar, Mo.; Kenneth

Summers, Anderson, Calif.; and

Eugene -Summers, Klmberly; a

daughter, Mrs. Ruby . Bohrn,

Twin Falls, 14 grandchildren and

nipe-^reat-grandchildren.- —

Funeral services wilT^hcld

at 10 a.m. Wednesday In .White

Mortuary Chapel, . with Rey.

IjvQ id Rob ertso n offic iating.

Concluding jnllltary graveside

xitEs .wilhbe ^onducted at Sunset ]

Menwrlnt Hark. , ,

LIBRA (Sept. ■24.pct. 23)

You' can improve your .business

or professional standing through

the . application of your talents

in the right direction.

News of Record


I Police Court

-~Flncd''for-bqinS7jJnmk Iri a

public place were Felipe More-

no, -40. Ubor Camp, $25; .Bert

lea lcyr4 & , ~no'a d drcssrJ25rand

Clarence Wormbaker, 60,

Madrln St., 535, .


^^Wendejl^ustico Court-


defective equlpmentp Jean An-

Attondall, tS , o K -p-l- K - d

driver's license; Leslie Novak,

Wendell,' $10, defective equip-

ment. Benito G; Topez, Minido-

ka, SlSrtruck parKed at night on

h i gh way^w l.tho u Cflaws r;

Nil timer needeiL^^

Clothes never need

"5 minutes more "

Runs only while clothes are^ wet ...Shuts it^ell

offautomM cally, ..Never overdries, underdries


K<Tf| HiH-*|.|Ii»t» DiTir— Fill

'diletvour dDlhti In ■ ckda of heiL

CyfflTM-'ili fibrici,,C[lleiJ(ii to

I Dictnik Cntnl-Ka tktr Mtdiin

UolituTHtntlttvi tiiiriu till tor

Imohturi n ciotfiu' tumtil*, ihut clj

4 titirnn mnijlili for ill fittkt-

Choon Jroin ntuflir.-Hiih 'n.Wtir,-


. init'uw iitindid miirti*--Mq<< -

Uit xm icijllo finlih jliMtetl

. cablnatnrnnMOtinjiniitilnit i

fut Conphta dr}tr wuiuttd fx '


■ S

Slim wrt (MtHli-Bl iq. 111. iitri (Iwr ipKi. flni miih

f»yol.l/.i ditfon IIM llllif-ff»h ilr .yiti^ (h Iii'i ,"j

*\ijnvi tiw iicomii-Sifil/ dwr *nil ttiliit

rrttth-flnirfrii-porritiirininiprnnih^lnllilor 1^^^^^

Wi (Old tipK l»-St(on| Ktluilibl* Imtinf lin-fluihlj.

Dulltfor tho family with a lot of

living and a lot of laundry to do


- ' ; ^ j---F©R OVER 31 YEARS ■ - ■ • —





_ on of Ma n^ytoventioTis

-r- Twenty-five yeqj^s ago neni

■TJop; 7 Twltt Falls -suflorcd ita



Robert Harney has a ■calf you

never have to feed. All ' you

have to do— once in awhile, that

■ t— i§ Jo^rcchflrgc jhe b ;mcj; l gg.

Tlie unique mechfliilcalNnn!-

i^al, which the local Analobsa

dealer caH.-; Clarabclle, the Cal-

ibrated Cair, is tho ttr^t one in

the 'Pacific Northwest. It <was

manufocturcd at Brcnhani, Tex.

by tiiejl. and^M^Wdnufaglpring

It was only last year that the

setup became foolproof.

Harney bought the' animal be-

cause, .he said, "it saves wear

and tear on real animals which

were (romerly used in various

stages of horse training-'"

Jirst casualty of World Wor' II.

T That man ws, Louis Allen

Adamson, son,of J^r. and Mrs. J.

W. Adamsoi^i^ho-was working

— on -WakV1s!and-as- a-civilian: —

, When the Japanese ■ returned

from their strike at .Pearl Har-

bor they strafjd Wake Island

lamson received a heel

this time to bomb the Istfta.

Adflrtison- and 48 marines were

killed, ■

The Adamspna not only lost,

a son, but it seems that tho

world lost 'a productive (nven-

tive brain^iOuis-Adamson^ad

been Inventing, "things".* fof

nearly as long as his parents

cart' remember.

At the age oE fl or 7, Lou|!i

pidslvo and sent the plahs to the

government. Ho got hi^ first

patent at .the ago of 14. ' "

He invented an oxygen la^c

whiclnomo authorities say has

never yet 'been — equaled and


lehe torch' obsolete. The lance

electrically hedts the melal for

cutting anil thus eliminates, the

stop-and-go process of the torch.

electric welder need only to add

a tank of oxygen (along with

the lance) to mako possible any

type of cutting or piecing."

In 1938 he invented a ■ qbm^

bined elect ric-raior-ahd- tooths

brush.- Now~th6-el9ctFlc— tooth- faut-sl

Ills Is gypGcti!lly~i ru e w i)

tmlning horses fqr participation

In calf cutting events," he said.

"It got so that the cajf would

get tired and would Just stand

there*looklng at the horse. This

lcrt.nQlhinBjor_the. horse _to_do

bi;ush is common in' Americaji

homcsl but at this time It was'

as revolutionary as the Idea- of

tclevisiqa,^ for commonplace



Now, with Clarofoellc, all has I

changed.-^With -her, * batteriesl

charge d she is ready I

TmymmG~She' Is controiie'a"ijy|"

remote radio ond 1 can , be a

half-a-miie-away-and^she~s'tili ~

will work - . • .

"She can go forward or hoc k-

ward. 'con turn In 'afly direction,

can-whirl.- In-fact-sho-can^do _

about anything a real calfcan

do with the cxcepliDn of eating

and losing weight.""

Harney said that some horses

show a.Httla,fear of.the-scoot- "

Ing .imaginative animal,- .which _

resembles a Hereford calf, but

that thdy s'dOn ■ get used to it

ond treat It as though ~lt were '


. Rig^t now it is being U!;ed In

lhfi_training.o£_BDDmcrlBritches^ _

.the i9G5 national 'champion 3<

CilAI.LI.S-Tlio historic Yail.

kco F6rk of the Salmon River

Is (joii'S lo bo preserved for tho


, — <;nW brniiRlit 1 hor f irsHicttli

^ iwn\s nl Iliinanica anil Custer

Tijiliiy, Donanxa nnd, Custer,

what Is left, nt Ihcm, aro do-


'n\B,'rt)lorful ,ihiiseum which


wife, Rdnn, have developed In

llm old' iinu-riKini nchool house

ai Cintcr ciintiilns n rollctlion

i)f iK'ins from ilia pant from Ihd

Yanlico rork,,,'. . ' ■

— 'IVi-prtvicfvo-tlio-museurTi-and

111 i:oiitentii nnil tho other' hlii<

—toric plucQit In tho- Yankoo

I'lirk, lliu U.ti. I'ores^ Sorvlnfl

lins luirclmsud t)io Custer fVluno'

uin Iniiii Ihn Mc(i»wiis,

n, yf. Carlson, Chnllls Nn-

fiiinal Forest nupervlsor, nn^

niiiuiccd tluit tliu foritBl ■ nerv-

Ice plum lo maintain tlio Yan-

I'ork iHicauTO nf Its ' Uv

eil lutilrcKt an rl tourlHl

n 7,000 .{MirRons hnvo been

vlnltlnii lliu old luiiseuiii each

year in reconl years,

'■ ■ im. ■■• ■


and Aitcnii: ntlraCtlouH of nut-

fliaiidlnK Iniero.'lt to ilm I'orutit


(I'nil liiller-iliiv niinInK ornH iu'

cludci tlio Jihost towns of Biv-

'niin/n< nnd Cuater.

, "Nearly foruulton '.ccmotcrlcs.

nilnii liulldlMKN and nliipplnH

|ilj|i:e» lint tim area. Tlia. decay*

Inn ritnicliireK nf the olit Ynnkeo

I'orh Dnm tostlflcn to Iho hlfthly

ih)Volii|iiMl urn of 11)11 panl. nnd

the . niUNeum ' iit . Cnnlor brlngfl

niiicji (it tlin iiicn'n hhliiry In-

tlmntdy lo tlio vlNlllnK public."

t.'iirlsuii Nulil <li(i fiircHl Norvlra

|)|iit),i to rtiHliiro tho old iichool-

ninialnlnit the muNeui

nliiclnii mnterialit In It wlilcli

. ]t:nd Ihenmnlvon to n niusn)im

tyi»o nrnniiiomnnl.

I'lanii uyontimlly call for nn

rnllrnly new mimciim to lie built

at Cualor, Ai Ilia flrpl mop, In

AHillUR n\if|) MfGOWN, Mr*. McOnwn and fl, W. Carlson, Challlv National rorost iuih

ervlsor, ntt plctitrpll oulslde Ihe McOown illdlorlcdl MuNoum. at tho oli] town of Cuslor, on

YnnkoB Fork. Tlfii RovoTnmBiit haa iwrchawd (ho muaeum from Iho McGowns, who OHlahtlih-

cd It lo Uw eld.KhooUiouiQ In Ui« ISSO'i. (Timei^ewi photo)

OLD TOWN OF Custer wiir*V«c

plcturo waa taken hi Iho IRflO'a. I"

Hoo la IbU vltw m now |oti«. lln

Qlarmcd' over tRF

EMm o-to-bo-go--

to hell.

TTit mpral lone or our world

la not BomelhlnS" "wortlJ crow-

Infl about:" Thlnklng^pooplo-«re


|g a reunion at the home-of Mra. .Eva WIIIB;~lelt;

trenisrubttraiidmottt^r. Seated besIdfHwmrerfronrleftrMrs;-

E. gtMSWi. Concrete/ WpaKTMrflTXynnrGiKidriianrMrsrJoInri

_^ * - * ■ * * *


^ The'arfclasscs of HAGERMAN-HIgh-School-aro,being_taughL

In an uniisual mannecthls year through the use of an Amplified

Telephone Conference Circuit. Ann Moore, art Instructor of the

Bchool, Is using this media to alb* her students (o participate in

, an-art seminar conducted by. Michael .Clarke, art instructor of

L,_th8-Vlrgin Valley high i Wihi nl. M esqult e. Nev. Like most sma ll

hfefi'Bch^yHr'WnR '^rmnn is not of suff i p jen t size , to/'— "-■

ly and hpr 4-m""th-<iId daughtcri . Jon| Lypn K e nnedy , all

J i'alls. Jensen Is a-retlred tprcst ranger fro'm Minidoka and

. _jia-Countfc8-MrsrWHHs,-83rfs-a:ploi>«f^n!sfdent ol.TwIn

-FalisrCTOilng-ttf-lhe-arca la-about-Utti / ' ' I '

1 Is not 0

) j ustify.



Haunt Tot^n .


ABERFAN, Walts. ^(AP) —

The ghosts of children will for-

ever haunt the steep, grimy

stl^cts of Aberfan.

Wore-than-a-week- afte^^the

the employihent of a fiiiltimt! a rt lnstructo£.^nd tKe boarj of

• -. it would greatlyl

r^or-fits— gardcir-prodtn

study, if the school participated

■ in such a program with an In-

• ■..(Fbnif^tnr ^ho _ii a- professional

BTtut.QS welt-as Koldlng a" Mas-

__ter's degree in. art. '

■ ^lT)8'«Jucs«j3'bcW£ofierea-to

- " Students In grades seven through

twelve f^i:^o_4!oui'la weeki

-VVIsuaTBiaterlalslor the lessons

-■recent weeWy'to the partici-

pating schools. Each WeBnesday

' — Sferao6rird~finrcrenc(rcalHs

plkced by the Nevada school to

- the "other participating schools,

and Clark pr esents his lesson.

~ Studehls nlay ask -(luestioft*

over the twirway feature of the

amplified sp(^a«^phone as the

'. lesson progresses. This allows

aq immediate reply to any prob- ■„ . .«

— ^^thrsiudwifihayvenDitffltcrr parents-of-a :Bon-bornrOct:^18i

which has won prizes for years

aMhe county iQir, brought In

pumpkins to the school.

■': MrsrMcrlc sioddardrJnstruc-

tar.'said the pumpkins served

as sUmuJa tlon-tdr-speech-in-the

kindergarten dass,.jhejiad_the.

children rdrflw faces and . enun-

ciate sounds assDcIatcd~.wIth- the

cheery, yelfow. ■seasonal vege-

tables which -always spdl Hal-


"We just dropped what we

,,.re doing and na'd 'a "piimpkln

party," sno^added., ■ _ . '-- . ■■■


Weekly lessons are sent to Prof.

Clark for gradine. During the

year,- he will vblt .each school mrs.

'tO-^ve-Malataww-aad^cenooBi- City;

■ llie" the program.

-"T-wratenf States , Small Sdiools

Project is paying the costs, of

— produclngjthe descriptive ma-

— .terial»jn_lliOofnE5f~*'>°f*^f

' dlldes, and transparencies, used

In the courso,-as well as paying

travel expense .for Clark.

_3T» " M ounteln. . S tates Tele-

ihoiie "Co." is SOifpiyhtK'**!!'

'Speaker - Phq.no Equipment.

Fltturu plans call for tiie pos-

'. BibiB a'ddition of television . to

the syHtcm to allow the-BtudeJt

to see the. demonstrations as

-well as hear the- dlscussloni.—

The program Is being spon-

Bored Jointly by the Ford' Foun-

dations' Western 'States Small

,-, , Schools Project and Title I of

the Elementary and Seqondary

Education Act of ]£I65,

At the end of thq school year,

■ "pelected atudenta and- their jirt

f rojacls ttre iiivlted to attend a

Ino arts festival held at' Virgin

Valley high school, when 'fnroo

\ days will do spcn^Jicarlng vislu

Ing lectu;:crs, and seeing art ex-

, Whiter: '

. r- , :Tne ."sjietker - phone" will bn

titlllEed In other classcs to aid

In bringing into the cluimroom

' resource persons from wIthIA

»' G^lng county, Magic Valley

and Mhe entire United States,

wllliout the need for travel. '

Vislllnp; the first cfans ncsston

: — Avar«-*-Mrin — Dor(ilUu-.^holdon,

nfato depurlnicnt nl F-ilncMlon

Title 1 rcprcscnlntivo, and Rob-

"crt Wnnd, arts and crntis niip-

crvlKor for 'the DoIho School

. District,

Grandparents; are Mr-

jTlO F aslo r ' SphI ccntcL —

[■W 1 rTFA-IXS wiiN Klvcu-a boont

mcontly by a man who ijpcclnl-

irxin In doing nice Ihliun tor

■«th'Dr7>conl0. T. (PclcJitroed,

Wiio Is Known ' throughout the



■, To corriplqtol

your party 'fwrt . . .

■ . Coir uo todoyi

Your Own . .'.


PHONE 733^9000

Fr lclay ^ 6 t~ tli e slimy b l a c k i

luge this . Welsh coal, mine vjl-

lage of 6,000 Is' numb' over- the

"61 almOsl 'M yoi

Nearly !i ' ' '

_ ifstcrs:

_ . . . , . whole, generation

was' crushed and buried when

two million tons of undermined

atldTaln-soaked- sludge .crashed

down on Pantglas Junior ScHooT

from-the grea t-he ap- of- rn enao :

ing.-slag-that-bnllt~lip through

the. years apace with the cfjal

oulp^t'0^^he-vHlaK e-n>^n e . - ■ ■

.- Now<niartyvpa'n:nts of victims

are saylfi^They Will move from

Aberfanr-WhatHs-Ief t- of-the

school is being demolished.

The new school Is. being built

on the.flat'fioor 'Of-the valley

twn mtlpn flway fnr~tKc remain-


•The Merthyr Vale coal

that- provided 'the- man-made

mountain at Aiicrfan will gd oti


-In— awareness— thfl t— each— time

Ihey look backm the.Moy Roaii

they will. ren;ieniber tho voices

of -children singing

screaming. " ' ■

The vilTage must live with Its

horror. .'

Peopfe'will worship again In

the squartj— almost ugly —

Bethonia-chapel- where- manyof

the small, mangled bodies lay

all week before burjnl. ' • -

The Welsh hyrti'ns, .'always

somber and emotional, wili.car-i

ry— extra— sorrow— whenever-^


The Church ftjid Delingi^ency

Ity by various . church Individ-

uals and church 'groups In the

past. It-can-be Eald-lHloos.

Itr —I n th e niUi.i e , ' - " Storm— Ek- PI<

any are ask*

ing, and rightljf

so,' what is the

church doing

about it? Others I

arc* asking..


ly- lo,blfliiJO- for-

s downward

trend?" Some

are even 'bQld

enough, to come Bew««li.rti;kniberf

out- and- say 'that ttieichurch is

partly resp5)islble for the moral

condition of- our world.

church hdsdonc much good and

people rigmly expect this from

(he church,- JJowevcfi^ many

^oplc- are Kfarrng the 'church

making -statements contrary: to

what the church should be mak-

, So as this minister sees 'tt,

morat deilnqueficy of our


Sex,^" the Ihairmon, a Metho-

dist cl e rgy m ai^ ph adThlna "say :

"We hope our report will do

something to- help correct tlie

distorted imago of the church as

consisting 6t sexless saints sit-

ting In judgment oh the pas-


m6riiIs.^To my toiowledgc, the

church is not » full of : sexless

saints. Qul|e the ' contrary.

The "sexless saints" have found

thp 'highest _fulfillment-In-rigla

sex relations — husband and

wife, and- self discipline, .

This' btiok, -"Sex and Moral-

ity''. refuses to' condemn sbxual

intercourse outside of marriage.

It also approves' birth cofit^t

advice. for the. unwed. All this

comes from a church commit-

,. ;He^tatements that have-bcen

made, by Individuals and church

TnCmbcr uf_,thii" cuiigrcEtntOir

looks at I the .wooden ' pews that

served as mortuary, benches for


pearlng in recent editions-whieh

hnvc_a bparing ori'the thought

ofmoral delinquency — church

inspired.' Hero are s ome of th e

graphic .captions. ■'SKSTnr~Ej(^

pe'cted Over.Churqh .Bpoks

Sex", "Chartgei Sex, Abortion

LaWs, Pike Urges", ."Cautious

Favor Greets Sex' Report- in

England." This last Article is

rclaled'to- the one listed first.

"Then comes j news release

datejined Bol6e,-Idaho,-by-Jim

Adams, Associated Press Writ-

er, ' captioned, . "Idaho Notes

Rising Rate of Illegitimacy."

liie question that can be a^ked,


inythinK W dti wiUi, tlie piuvluua'

oncSi "na answer li simple —

probably) not, but viewing it as

It is difficult to Ihlnk of Aber-

fan ever being a normal village

agt^in. ~

- ■ When-the-nojsy-paraB^ie rt'alla


tmctQa.-aolice.c arj. trucks arid

ambulances — have gone; when

the nrmyof civil defense work-


troops, miners and journalists

have departed." then V^berfan










441 Mliln.Ava, foil— PhUi 733-0313 — Mimbir Snolta Rlvir - Valliy Eliilrlcol Ann,


'hUt 733-0212 — Member Snake Rlvtr -Vdltv fiJtilrlcal

menti concerning moral-

Why'milst the church advo-

cate the same thing Paul con-

demns-.- in Romans — 1:31:32.


27, 2a-32, ,

-Plkcra Bishbp-fn-the-Unitcd

States, ' would allow homo-

sexuality between, "consenting

adults." This would make con-

senting, iniiture adutis a law un-

inoniselves- ,1 disregarding


ed city ivhcre, all sorts of moral

evil and wickedness was going

on ■^--including homosexuality.

God scat, an alomTc'bomb-from

heaven and-destroyed It.

Now a mere man, a clcrgy-

maa a( 'that, says -it is 0. K.

for'tonse'nting adults. I'm sure

This loosening of moral stand-

ards is all part of a new wave

of morality called, "The New

tee. This sort of thing Is also Morality", which -has as

philosophy "do-it-yourself

advocated in the United States.

Single women c[in get birth oo'n-

tror pUls' without trouble.

' .The above-mentioned" report

lireci-;i«suli-ofr6om» bas-y£t-lo_be_flcpeplcd._A_nMys

release -stated that-rcacUon.to.it

wa^-.Vcautiou^^y-^a»orablt:" - Of

course 'this repo'rt inayjiot_bc

wholly endorsed by the British

'ITCiesTlilF Council-of-t^rc h esr- J n-fact , - a condemna-lhis:

news-teleaie- dated-October 25,

190s -In thc^Salt Uke Tribune

confirms this opinion.

The Archbishop /Of, Vork?"as-

sail ed"! tsTissumpHoirthat-there

could b4 one set of rates for

the Ctlurch members and anoth-

er for those outside." Others

assailed it by saying, "It falls

to take a firm position on the

issues,!' and" called It ."do-it-

yourself morality."-- . ..l^.

It_l3 not a. qi^sllon of. re\

jectlag or accepting this report.

As I see it. It is a question

of.' why a, church organization

committee -should even attempt

tcuclrcuniy eilt_the^plain_tcacn-

IilK Df tlie"SCrlptures on moral

the" .

• the

[long— with— othep-flft- Mountr-and-other-passBgci-toq churth-clalrns-as^its-hoadr-and- iJS^-Ti;

... . I 1. iil^ t.^.. A I. I ILJ-.;..... irnn t7»

numerous to mention here.


Slated by Lions

Club -members made plans for

a' donkey basketball game af

Richfield next January when '

"ictJTuesday flight' for. _

ant uaie, '.^^rl—

Arrangem ents' arc made 70): a

an. 14 enEng6menr^wlth"^the'^

Crosby Donkey Ball Co. ' .q^

Charles Bultcane is a new

membcr-6f-the-club.-LlRt]t bulb

sales are continuing this, week


tnry—Theo—B— Brush— was*-1n~

Htructed ' t»-c o n t a'c t Doctors

Rose and Parker, Jerome, 'M

regard to purchase of glasses

for 'needy children.

allty." iln other -words- a moral

standard that an ' individual

wants to -set without regard for

God's.. slandar d-;. ^ ' '

-So -we-Jiave-nn-increase .of

evil and sin. of evei? kind anil

typc-Llt^a the I dea of doing_what

is right Hh our owii' eyes. God

Let's look at the church as it

upholds, liquor drinking. Several

major denominations openly ad;

vacate drin king. Of co urse.^ they


Could WE"

lay at the feet of these groups,

many of the over. 3,000,000 al-

coholics" who began drinking in

mode'ratlon and couldn't leave

it olone?

ThejBible leaches ii5''lo ab-

stain, yrom all appearance of

evjjj^ As ' this minister sees ~lt.

church should advocate the

morality and Codduct that the

Scriptures plainly teach. The

churph has no reason to go' outr

slde .o (^,tl ) fl pi ljtfl to f j nd ill

moral teaching. -The church

must fulfill Its obligation to God

and Jesus. .Christ, whom the

"pinner meetrri^ "at^the Pheo?i.

God to lend us into right moraK-

standards and a right i:elolIon-

ship to Him. The church has no

right to cater to men's whims '

and desires in the area of mor-


As This minister sees It, mtich '

of the wickedness of. "our -world

can be laid al (he door of the

rurch-becftusf-ahe^has-deparl —

cd-from God's standard. Paul-

condemned .^Isniel this way, "for

■they being ignpra nt nf " Oori ';< '

rlghtcou-i nfis s and going about

to establlsir^neir own ^righteous- - .

ness, have' not submitted them- '

selves unto the Hghteousness of -

God." Romans 10:1 The church;'

has not Bubmitted- herself' unto

the righteousness of God. Thcre-

in lies the difficulty.

, Now the liberals will .howl

about this article. They always

do when' their doctrines are hejd-

up. in their trtie light an3 put .:

against the Infallible Truth.

However, It is still true that,

"Righteousness exalteth - a- na-

tion but SIN is a -reproach' to

any people.'! I would rather be

on God's side th.an-oii' the side -

of the. liberals Who stand In

f r u s t Tal -i't i ' n -an d co n fusion:—

Where do you stand?

preayh,- teach, and advocate the


Keying your family, sn^artly, clothed is less of a worry-

TOth^permanen^prefls fabrics. A requirement for wrinkle-

free laundehng of the new miracle clcfthing is a modern'

dryer. The new flameless electrics have special, low-tem-

.perature cycles to aid 'in the re-setting orthe permanent

press^Thbyrff ^reat for your other laundering, too.

There's no, fading duet, diift or weather-wear. You'll

w;Drlc iasteivfl.nd better with a flameless electric dryer I



Just in time to beat winter wash-

day pntblems, dealers throuflfhont our -

area are featuring electric dryer spe-

cials. See yoiJr favorite dealcir soon!




Early Drive^It-Yourself-Business

Was Profitable for J.J. Winterholer

•.LOSING HUNTING CAMI* la easy, but finding H "Bfin 1» 1>""I " not Imposilblo for ■ con-


trip, and what (o do aboutlit.by those who cannot. find their »»y-back Iq camp, a re discu ssed

and fishes for recreation. (Fish and Game Department photo)

* * * * - — * — ■-*- *

)6n't Get Cwx^xv.o>^,

Is First Basic Rule for Suryival

==™=f'~^lOIijE"'— 'If*Wtlia^I)r*ha^dMAiHo Idaho , plants

'. to add anything new on the

. theme of lost hunters.

Nor is it ne£cssaiy. There' Is

, always a chance OT" ■getting

turned around In the woods, of

^yandering away from camp, of

. tracking a deer or- elk over a

ridge into a different watershed,

of getting caught by darkness,

lofjc or storm. Carelessness, "in-

. _ experience" and panic do the

rest. IV

A h unter who cannot find- his

way liackxto camp. wori't"*siay care^

that con be eaten are-"apples'

from' the HawffitJrrto^ltuSh, ■ber-

ries, callalL waterct-ess, blue

camasr-tfi'3"6^ -and-'nettles —

with a spot of evcrBreen needle

tea to top It off. Camas roots

■;ave the Ner PerCe Indians

loth bread and^p^lato. _.

One. of the main risfts t'o-a

nan or woman lost In the back

;(™itry^is cxhausuonr. it comes

from much; ainjlf sj" wandering,

— ■' injuries, prevenljng self-

/ S(

Ipst-for long- If -he remembers

.nomS-fiLUw things hc-has-read

or seen on the screen- about

what to' do.

For example, a , teen-aged

Bolsa- skier' .was Tound in good

physical condition, two days af-

, ter he became lost In a storm

at Bogus.iBasIn several : "

ago north of town. He sal

owed his cptnffirt..lf_nQthlj.|lfei

to^n - articlju he had tcad Ir

^.--tJis' newspaper a week earlier,

/ 'telling what to do If lost. — '

— r- ^.The-Idaho-Fish-and Game De-

/partmcnli now' Is "cUstributlng

some 50,000 pocket-sized leaf-

lets that bring together numcr-

■ ous survival tips. It-p-inossage

Is a 8lmple_.onet Anyonis can

. - 'gct-Iost;t7~^^t-A-smnrt:Jiun[et

• knows how not to stay lost.

. _The^departmcnt_ftl3D_hai a 32

minute, color-and-sound movie

that Is-nvailable for group show-

Ingfl. Called "The Lost Hunterf"

It ' tells a story about hunter

mistakes In the mountains —

h ow he gpi.^ loqf. ^(hipfiS lie, rnust

do to survive. It was filmed 1ft


' Although popular with adult

' audiences. It In used exiennlvely

In gun shfety leaching' and Boy

Scrtut work.

— J^one of iho .pojntT made In

the public Information leaflet,

movie film and- Qccaslonal arti-

cle are new'ldeas for survival.

Rut they ore basic for lost

/ hunters. One Idea is that adults

Another Is- alcohol. It_causes

the, pores to open up. This-may

mpkc aiperson Itcl better, but

he courts freezing. to deaUi. A

^oi>er hunter will-wake . iip be-

fore freezing to death" no ni'atler

how cold it may be.

The department's Information

leaflet makes th e " following

points far lost hunters:

a sensible. plan.

Sit down and thtnk'-things

Conserve en?rgy. -Do-not

Do not travel ab night wiUwUt. ,

a good flnshlight"'

~ — stcrs-when-lnsrimho

. ^i p^" jp|J^J i!j*"" '''' panic Bit

Food and even water are not

as important A!) popularly >(Up-

poscd. -Siirvlvnl wKtiout food Is


(lependlng nn physical acUvlly,

A' person can llvo for 10 days

■" without water before dehydra-


.^now Is a friend rnlher ihnn

enemy nt.,miinklnd when alone

With the- elci)iAnt.i: 'ilio cold

flakes ' arc (he ^est Insulating

. material known"

■ Stay pi)l. especially during

itorms or at night, Hoard ener-

gy and don't panic.

. If It' moves — oat II, Tlie

Rrenter the distance from clvl-

lUatlon, tho more food that cap

L. Iio found, thn morp iineducatirt

the fish are, "the more plentiful

1l|a smnll game.



Would vol

|il>ic.[l lllli Ilini

bollovo 117

■ .r'tsir'fsii

■N«wi wont mil

CUtVfiOltl 19.10 J lon, -^-ijit

Iriinimliilnn, 2tp*f<\ nfh, f

l>*il, %295. riioni 733<nnO().

1|« rnlltil'fuxrfftlf -to conc*li hi

Qol' in collii ill! rruch wni iDlct,

you'll t)*l|<v« lt.J{.ya</ liy vtani


6)30 a,m.' lo 5|30 p,m..

Monday thrau^gh Friday'

Stay "tut on the highest

ground In the vicinity, fvlany

hcrblc attcmpU of an epic "hike

out'.' have ended in -tragiftly.

.Searchers have^an easier time

finding a lost fiunicr It they do

not hove lo_chttse,h|m .all..ov.cr

the back' country.

■ 3. Keep a (ire burning at all

times. .Have several signal fires

ready to light It aircraft fly

over^JJse green , boughs on' hot

coals to- make the most smoke.

"47roIlowlnn a-slrcam'ls'good

when ,tr«vclinB Is necessary.

Usually walking Is easier' fairly

high on ont of the slopes than

down along ihe bank In the

thickets of brush, flearing Is

easier away from tho noise of

the bahhllng brook, and land-

marks can be secfi belter by

observer who Is high enough tn

look out.

5. Cross country hikers do bst<

ter on il-compans rouio from"


Uayo a trail that can be

followed. Make tracks In soft or

broken twigs or branches, blad-

es pn trees, scraps of .clothing.

Hoard food, matcher


I,I.Kcn fnr-sjgtiats. Be sure

Whence ihcy come. Always ,Hlop

In Iho open. Kollow signalled or

called Instructions (rtim search.

Brs..Do not camp In crefck or

canyon bottoms, near rocks o;

yndcr trees, '

0. When a Inst^,li]lm^^ flrjrti

his way. batk to camp, get the

won! to all search parties at

It wa s real ly some business.

[iinlrlve""Ii'- yuurSDlf s(;tupH

which-J. J. Winterholer started

that first year he came to Twin

Falls. ■ ■' -I ■ ' .

The 'U Ford Model T cars and

trubks which cdmOosed — the

'fleet" were a sight' lo behold

in thelC'day. But their day did

TOt-teistfifla.^ lojig^aa =it^3hould

have because the depression set

in. People once more decided to


It was bafck In 1922 when Wm-

Icrholer came to Twm Falls

from Pqpatcilo where he -had

lived four"yenrs after leaving

* iiB~^j(hood-~hbme__in_JflE]inj

>1o., and serving In .'World

War I. ■ ■

Actually it all started back In

Jgplin- where he was born' on

t^ov. 21. 1B9G. Ho went through

grade and high school the re and

liked and-ploye"dT)aseball.

.''Rrobably. not a ^er^'^'^flQi

game," the Twin Falls biismess-

man told the Times-News, "but

it' was funi""-^^— ■

Out of high school and with

war clouds getting thicker. he

took a job in one bank and


cd again to still another.. .

■ ' "It was just a case of ^ejtji^

higher salary In. each' case' am

you" know Jiow Important that

''—Winterholer smiled.

'.nhsting in the 5J^a;~«orps.

(World War I) he served state-

side, most of his_fluty being in

Mississippi."' Bui duty;jn the

states was. not without danger.

During.'ihe great. flu epidemic,

of. that time his outHt of GOO

men lost 66 to the disease. It

was"a 'casualty ra[e~or better

than. 10 per cent. ,


he came west and landed in

once. Including sheriff and con-

servation 'officer.

There arc steps that 'must be

made soon If a person does not

return-lo-camp. Soifie of these

are listed in the leaflet avail-

able from the Idaho Fish and

Game Department; - Among

these are -that all biit one of

the. available and quailffcd per-

sons". should start a planned

search at once, out remember

that one person always mujt go

for help and notify iHe proper


Requests, for help. _ _^

search should be made- to the

Idaho-pIsh and Game Depart-

ment, th6'^ nearest Mountain

Search and '-Resc&e-^nit, .the

srTForest Service, the Bu-

yocai6ii& to Visit

, .|)-McCrackcn. Like'

the man who came to dinner,

that visit lasted over four years


a tire snd-vulcahizing business,

worked-for- Ihe Oregon Short

Line Ray^road and for Jesse

Chase 'IjPlhe Ford Agency in


After that he moved -to Twin

Falls with the then novel drive-

it-yourself Idea. rented pas-

senger cars and trucks— all ot

them Fords— but wh en Itie

trol,- the- county -sheriff ,- andany

other qualified organizations in

There always Is the possibili-

ty that a hunter may be hurt

rather than .lost. Thus-flfstald



Rome Jargon

Is Confusing

'_RQME..(AP) — Tlie.shoeman

was caught lifting a 'chlchCfi

flipper, and ended up In maU

bath at the dark house after

catllo feeding,

If tliat's aTlllle hard to follow.

It means that ft plckpocllot'siole

(in Italian's wallet and was

111 a cell al the prison nfiei

rough third-dogrce queHllOnlng.

■ -1t';i-atl part of ihlevM' largon

which has been compiled In a

dictlonarv of Italian. underworld

slang. The Ministry of Interior

fot it oul-wllh the help of a'nu

or the aid of police, ..

When a man Is "vestlto" — f

fully dressed — It means' he'

carrying n'gun.*'.'Un'uccfllIo nol

cespuglkt^! — ■a-Wrd-tn-ihc-tiuHlT

— Is a fugitive TO Ihfc Inm.

The Idea nt the dictionary Is

to help police flgU're out what

tho thieves; IrlcKslers, kidnap-

ers, yeggs and smuggler s are

imfiTifg-'flbmitreniirm ITIS own

WIcim, wficfi llicy are cjvcrheard

or qucfllloncd,

TIio pickpocket ~ "''oeman

— calls tho pocket a rasper and

the wallet a slipper or a' maca-


■Hio bandit who goft.i out "ves-

lltn" calls his pistol a joker anc*

his holdup victim' a vinccnt, Aj

JInllan vlncon( Is a chlCHon. '

"If It's Wood - We'll Make It"













Phon* 326-3122


Phona 3i6-53<4B

two men are-sUlI associated In

this.jv?nture. '

In 'what"" Winterholer termed

his "younger da^s'!- he was


el- In Idaho. He laid out lite orig-

inal Tif In Falls -Municipal Golf

Course and lhen,^m'lB«.~lie lie-

ciyne a charter member of Ihe

Blue Lakes Co\mtiv Club' and

'w a s-i n -charge-cfH ayl ii g out t lniT

course, constructing the original

club house and other like proj-

ects. . <

■'ThoSB*-were the -ddys," he

laughed. "R took three years ot

my donalesJ-^.time-and^ ll~was

hard work but It w^s worth" it,"

Golfing fctlvliles took a lot ot

his lime, but he still found morb

for other projects. For instance,

he was financltil chairman- when

Ihe money was raised lo build

the American Legion hall "and

In the 1920's and I93a's he-was

active In liromoting boxing and

wrestling fxjuis which bSncflttcd

Ihlf LCgioirTtrmsuryr-Ho-waBr-in

addition, general chairman for

two stale conventions for the

American Leglory That was In

the days when a Legion confab

was a big thing — and lively.

Sunday, Oct. 30, 1946

twin Fallt rimes-Nevm ., 23



^esider the ■■ Lcgion,'_.bc has

been active in'ChfllTl^cr of Com-

w o t k-^he... w" as . ' a b o ar d-

membar when the toll was' tak-

en off the structure that is, now

Ihe Perrlno Memorial Bridge),

and is a member of the Elks

tunhei-'" ' '


prcssfott- brolce hp had lo give

up the passenger cars because,

like he pointed out previously;

the- people .le.n rncd to walk

ago in^-The^twieksrwere- rented

mn-il)y fnr hniiling pr"Hi

1332 he got, Into It. with both

feet." He~waalalsq in the slor-

aga-bdsJBCSSpcxplflining that In

th6s(Mlays-you had-lo be-in pr<|^

U y j ivcry thlng-,to m ake- "

I often think ot those Model

T's." Winterholer said. "It 1 _

: — . " lit-^^er^fiides-in-^ocatelh

all-shined-up-and-.runhlng .right-

they vioiild be worth a-million^",

■It was just before the advent

of the depression that he

niiarricd. His wife is the former


married in Twin FallS' in 1925.

The coal business' attracted

Winterholer as the.. depression

deepened with the r^ult that In

it^MO-hc-went- inti

the paper supply ■ business

with Emmelt Hood, who now rc-


War II eli'niinated'supply sourc-

,.es>ajjc^^c business had lo close.

, For the next few jlears he re-

mained in the ■back*ound'in the

iruck!nK~and storflge business

and tFrenrinTS-OfTt^'Wdnt-llito

partnershi p with Ar mpur Ander-

son and"estabTRTiea/ IKe J3em

State' Paper Co, "A branch wai

dpened In Pocatello in 1955. T^t

id~B~formef~ KiWiJnfs in e m berr

Together, with his wife, he Is

an honorary ■ member ot the

Ojy) Social Club in'TwIn Falls

ancl is one- of slxjiharter ipcm-

bers of tho organiuillon still IIV-

'"B. , .'

He and" His wife "are parents

of four children.- They are Mrs.

W. "D. (Ann) Livingston, Twin

Falls;'- Mrs. O'Dell "(Mary)

QIack, Frankfort, Germany;

Mrs. Eddie (Jean) Allison and

J. J. Winterholer Jr., both, of

Twin- -Falls. Winterholer Junior

isjissQcIttted i n-lhe'..Gem- Stdte


(Continued From P«se 21)

erator on the remote X controL<ii, .

rndib didn't. We foynd that out '

In a hurry, when the calf ended

up with a damaged nose. H

happened when I didn't reverse

controls soon enough. Tho me- ^ "

chanical calt Just kept. going.

"1: guess it was a case of the' ■

animal not having any fedr of-

a fence or of getting hurt.

Come to .think of it,- this attri- \

bute Js what makes it so use- ~

ful/'-Hamcy sajdi ,. , \

¥anlcee-FoFk— i—


Is Schedftled

"iConllnued Froin"Piigo~2iy ^

A t Custer, the road -will ba- .

wI3ened lo handle t|y)-tp_crea5cd

tourist traffic and narking areas

arid picnic facilities are plan-

ncd." Overnight camping facil-

iniernoicr ro-

slde'at; 1B98 Filer Avenue East,

He and Anderson were guests

of honor on Oct. 15 when, em-

ployes of the firm hosted a par-

lyht the;Rogerson Hotel Round-


year Winterholer and Anderson

had been, .In business.. There

Were more-than 75 people* pres-

ent at Jthe observance.


ix'iit jA a loresLgamp^

ground a mile further upstream.

In the Custer area, the 'first

service plans to mark with

signs the location.s of alMhe old

historic buildings of the com-

Tnunlty '"ivhi'ch f^jr the most

pari have disappeared.

Tljo development of_lhe pro-

grSbfi is expected to take a

period of years.' '■

McGown began' collecting tho

tt^rnsTbrrtheTnuseum'at-the old

school house in the 1950s and

today some 752 separate pieces

re on display,

:AIiei':4he::dlsco«ery-:bt:goId In'

from the. mines-ln'the-areai It —

operated . untiM901. ■■' ^

In 1910. the Sunbeam Dani

was construcfcd on thCi£ftlinoar.. .

River near thif moulh of-thb.^

Yankee. Fork to provide power . ^ ^

"(or .iHeTGoiaeiir^nbeam-Mine-:^ — :

on Jordan Creek, a Yankee Fork

tfibuliiry, Init the venturo was ^

short-lived. .



Her dobt^-bneJ- her-ears- are

always open "to any.."

p,roblems)7l5rg or small, of

qtiy 'c[tizen, bus.inessmah or

' .working- rngn dlike.

Her fine work and years-

o|..expe?rehcVds^ our

County Treasurer ' .merit your

continued support.


NOVEMBER 8, 1966

Democratic Ticket

Pnici PolltlenI Adv, by thn Commltloo lo Ro'Eloct Ruth K. Jonos.

Twin Fjllulimei-Newy Sunday. Oct. JQ. 1 966


Foi' Jordan'*, :

car Plaii^

AMMAN. Jordan (AP) "^Jor-

dan s King Hussein is trying lo

steer -his country through Arab

political, and economic probtcma

the "way he steers his racing

cars — by putting his- foot down

and staring ahead to the finish


■The -economic finlsh-Hne— Isj"

1B7Z. when Jordan 'ixopcs to

complete a seven-year develop

mcnt program and stand on its

own financial feel, with a mini'

mum of U.S. aid. The political

finishing line Is nowhere In

ight. .

Hussein Is currenUy Jockcd In'

yet anolhcr political rcud wldi

socialist Arab- neighbors, nola-

bly avria and Egypt..

Syria and Gamal Abdcl

rjasser s tgypi dCHDUncc-Hus-

Selns conservative pro-Western

regime. They accused Jordan of

fllolting a revolution; against

svna. Cairo Hadio beams^pro-

firSnis^urgingTalestlnlans. wfio

make up tivo-thirds of jordan s

population, to overthrow

■witgr r

. Husselji haj given ircfuge^lo-a

band-«uf lebel Syiiuii uftlCCft.

He denies the charge of consplp

lnt;-a gains^jrin. bi)t Prime

-THE OFFICIAL MEDAL of the Pan American Exposition

V- held in ISDl ln Buffalo, N.Y., was struck In silver, copper and

Tiras^- ThlsJ mctlol, In new condition. Is worl h about }8 nl

-pt^sent-day^collector value;-(Tlmes-Ncws-phot6) ■

^ - T ha-Tuitt mn ' w l ^itiw ^ hjnlr

■ Dean' Mason for- a merchant's

■ tokcMnwrWalls-CS^H-Grocery

of Tmn Falls.r-an d M rs-Gran-

'•ville Allen for a simHarTokeh

' from H.' S. B6als General Mer-

chandise store of^ Hansen, Ida^

Our first/question this week

Gfunu. from Mrs. W. R.- L.,

Tv)\n Fal\8, Idaho. She ■wi^cs;

"1 have a. large coin, orjvKat

'~~.looKs~like~a~corn7 T~tKIh "k Uls

p robably-coppo^.— On- one - side

It says Pan-American Exposi-

tion. Buffalo.- N.Y.V.S.A. and

May 1-Nov. 1-MDSDI. Tliere are

two countries pictured on this

fllde-and-tho-lcUers- q^P. On

the othei" side, is a man stand-

ing on an ciigic, wllh his arm

\ln the'alr. What can you tell me

about thls? Is It perhaps a -"'-"

coin of some kind!"

Answer: "Sorry— It Isn't

You havo an nfflclnl mcdnl of

the 'Pan American Exposillon;

held In -Buffalo, Now „Yorir In

. lEIDl. llic .show was' originally

'.chartered In 1B97, and- planned

for 18D9, hut tlio Spanish Amer-

ican War |nlcrvcneil-:*and In-

deed, almost .caused' abandon-

ment of Iho whole idea, ,nnd. It

• wiiN ""flnhlly ■ hcld 'In -moirThe

' __expofi[Ilon cnyj-red over 350 acres

and »ne" slruciufo has survived

lo lho'prcs('iil..lt now Serve!

a library for the Buffalo Ills-

' lorlcal .Society: —

President William McKlnley

was ,.Nhot d(i\^n In the Temillc

of Music nt thii JJsiwiMlion, Sept,

li, lUOI. and he died .Septrniboi

'. • Hill, 'Mm iiiPdnl you liavo-'^see

ill uslr allon)^wa u — A I f itit b I

inrdiil of ihls lixpositlnn-

was HiriK'k In silver, c,op|)ci hhw

' hrnKs. 'lr Vnur iiie(ml I* Jn now

i:onditlon,.'lt.l.H wurULflboul.H.QO

nl prcsmt (lay colloclor vnlue,

.'W(i rctrlvnl a Idler ■ Ihls

week, Willi n"slip|W)s«l Confcdei

Bin nule In l(, iisliiiiit for iiifor-

m'liljiin nnil vtiluV, Inun w 'INvlii

I'nIlH reader, The note wnn n

'. rnunlcrfeli, and \\w fiiurlh which

has hern Hcht iif In the post,

IWlI-IHOIllllH.- , i

I'or (lie past cliilil or Icn

ypiirs a crcat iiiuiiy nf Ihi^se

imtrs liren diMriliiiled hy

iia|li)iii|l ijimcrriis, jjuiely lor ml-

vrrlisliig, 'I'hey.-nrn ilcfinlloly

falir.i; and printed on lumli'rn

pajMir by (liu olf-ni^l mclliod of

ri'priiihicliim/ '

llenulnr'Oonlcderiili' ciirrrn

, Is' 'haiid-slRned, In Inh, niul .

picture of tlin Hlgnaliirc does

not even reseinlilo Ihu orlt;iii<ii<

Minister Wasfi Tell threatened

blast open Jordan's- fn]n(itir

wlth ianks-if ayria trlcd-to clcse

the border. "

The l^ing' contends that Nasser

Is "an injslrument -of :ioviet poli-

cy,- in a Communist bid for

leadership in the Arab world.

Despite the clamor of propa-

ganda, few Middle East obsc^V:

crs expe ct the f eud to go beyond

t he u a t .waiLO f ; n e rvjes-bc two a n-

"revolutionary" Arab - stales

and siich moderate leaders as

Husscio-and-KingJEaisal of-Sau-

dl Arabia.

shrugging pfl the current cri-

sis, beyond expressing appre-

hension over Soviet pepe'iralion

4n-th»-Middl»-Eaatr- T u k eep a

tlg^t grip on the 'steering wheel,

his rcglmtf'_lhisjyf:ar.has_arrcst'

ed between 110 and 150 ceil

lers accused of Conspiring

against -Jordan.

government's main con-

ippear&-lo be economic: —

-With-almost no -resources

ccfpt the holy sites of the Bible

which auracrtouHsIs-=^includ-

ing -l.OOO Americans every

month — 'Jordan's budget relies

heavily on U.S. aid with small

jjMljjbut'Qgsjfpm - Britain. "T his

Sweet Tootli

Is Nurtured

In VietNiim


Pentagon has- made It ottlcial:

Thft American" fighting nian in

Vict (Nam has a sweet tooth'.

He'd particularly like for

Chrislmas some homemade

cake, candy and cookies. ,

'A-spc'ciaT reminder sald'lhal,

despite the curtailment, of spe- ,'

dal Christmas airlifts tHIs year,

there still Is plenty of trans-

portation available to get the

gifts overseas. ~ - i

Officials urgtfa" would-be''

Christmas ^ift senders -^o meet

the post office deadlines of Nov.'

10. for regular jwstagc .and. Dec.

10 for'-'alrmail. ' And, Quoting ,

from' a recent USO survey, they


aren't sure what to send this,

year: ■

•The American "lighting man

ill — haa-Va — sweetMootn — antl :

hdmqmade cake, candy- and

cookies are a greatly 'appreciat-

ed touch of home,"

Otficr highly valued' gifts In-

clude photographs of family and -■

e lrl fri ends. CM rrent . magwincs, , ,

and paperback books, and smaJl

personal Ite^s juch as lollpt'*

kits and-wa^cis,_the_Pcntagon —

GUISEPPI BLINKS bb eerie red lights Ibrough a IradllJonal

Jaclco-tantcm face In antlelpallon of the one night In the year

thai belongs to him. TcU :)ampTcs. left, contemplate Iho-pianks

and pranksters that make their appearance tomorrow "night.


-T^ Gast-BalloMfoE^-=T^

lussein-giveiMhe-lmpression— RTOTTTfjOMERYr Ala. (AP)

How do you know who is

segregalionisi?" asks Negi

leader John Nl.\on.. "Ncgroi

"mighl havc nccn voting lor.se-

grcgationists andJtu Klux.Klan:

ncrsTill'thcsc years and liever

know it."

The Birmingham dcnlist-who

Jicads_lhc National Assacialioii

(or ihe Advancement of Colored

Gulseppl began fals life *s » 7S-pouDif pumpkin. In the Ileldrol'

David -BJornson. For the last week or so he had bcenrgreeting

customers at (he Twin Falls -Feed and Ice Co. ^jmes-Ncwtf


., i, , iiKiys aiiuKKit: brought enact-

segregalionlst Image hSBaut,^t of the federal vtJtlng rights

come ^ven more-diffisull said |,1|| last year. Now. the Justice

Lewis bera™--(our,^yMro, Department says there arc al-

:mh^-_rft nf n Rnmiin . rfilhulic ^,;^J^^ ^iO.m Nugiu vuiuiy 1 1 1 lili!

offense." -^-^ — - — ' ■ — — A"vlctory^fDrlWi=srWallace,

^ In -most_ AIa.bama counlie.sj£o__aimost-ceruin!y-wou!d send

Negroes have voted- f01~man y | Kc " r=-=-' T I \ if;hanH rnmpniV nlnp

years:-in-olhersrfew-wcre-abl<rb[Sro5r\^h^^ in IQG8 as a

t o rcfilster- umll a massive civil


two years a^ftf'^'*^*'*^'

Wallace has .said he

women's group were Jmrred

IrQm_a_tca at the governgr's

mansion. White dclcga^ to a

meeting of the Dlocesari Council

of Catholic Women were admit-


'Ncilher Wallace nor his wife

-People in Alabama 'saidMiis or- was there. ahd.'ncilher had said

Bamjaljon-is-trylng-lft^efi bvcry anylhing-publicly-abbut-lho-mcj^

registered Negro lo- vote on dcnl.-But the Catholic Week, the

Nov.-8rbul— we-arc_jioi_inlllic,_ofEJcJal^hurch jubl^ in

business' of trying. to. tell'thcm Ajabama,"""said the gdvcrnor

how 10 vote." '■ ' ■ ' '.'apologized for any, unwitting

Thus the NAACP', hgs steered ^ " ' "

dear-of,an endorsement in the

well may" .run.



cem'nver Christmas mall dead-

lines, stemmed from the disclo-

sure last week'>that the Air

Force has .told Its units to ,sl9p

nyinR civilian gifts to _Vjet Nam

for American i

Vietna mcs'e.

lis and ho me les s

A directive lo.:lhat effect also

ruled out-the special Air Nat i on i-

I al Guard Christmas atrliffs tnat

delivered hundreds, of- tons of

I'vcry. cakes and gotKlics lo Vict Nam

I Ihird partv

By ^;ontrast, there arc. more

than l';00O;O00 white names on

Ihc^voljng lists, ■ -

fr opinion polls accurately

mcasurev the sentiment of the

voters, Mfs:~Wallace Is heavilyl

fayorod-to-wlii no matter how ties,

the Negroes vote. A recent poll . : —

by'the Monlgomery Advertiser _

gave her a-po.ssibIe' 70 pertccnt FOR FAST SELLING RESULTS

of the total vole.- . " USE TIMES-NEWS, WANT ADS

'give us (the conservative cle-


can vote 'for." In campaign

speeches, for his wife, 'he has

ruled out as unacceptable all of

ihe'Repftblican and Demodraiic

lcii'ders.l,"whil have been men-

lioncd'as prcsidchlial possibili

is. £li[;'~o"ifly'. country excep Tyier fgc[!~fn pgPvetnorAietw<3on=.GQV,

■^Ve nad one woman mail us

such a notetand tell us it had

been in her family for .many,

rtany years— which was an- Im-

possibility, 'fllncc th"e~pa"per"was

modem. We print this messogc

M,a^word_.o/ wjiminE-lQ-any- JinQlhec_$5 million ' next' vear.

Nam which.gctsniutrlghrl „

support- from Ihe United Stales.

The am'ount'has been gradually

reduced from $45 million to

slighterly under $30 million a


To p'rplest n proposed: cut of

of you who might be cohrcm-

platin^ 'the, purchase, of such

material. , >

AlfOT-4o not buy ^cl^d' pieces

from strangers. A g reat many


G.dJaJheJast=f^ve^ear9,— most

of them' cotAlng fronr EasfGer^

many; Make sure you know

what you arc buying. The Com-

munist countries, 'arc increas-

ingly counterfeiting tho-Bcarce

United Slates coin.s— and doing

" very good [ob of it.

Question' from .Mrs,

Shoshone, -Idaho:'' "1 'have a Ipt

of French money which my sop

brought back from the last war.

Is' this money of much value.

I win list it for you If you

think It is worlh whilt*'

Answer: No— very lltlle of Ihe

lalo FrenchThnney has any col

Finance Minister Izzcddln Mufti

Tccently-was quotcd*-as^aylnB

Jordan waa-prepared^toTiccept

aid 'Irom any 'soutce"; Including

Ihe'Communi st bloc ii.

Jeorge Wnlf^"ce's ' wife;

Icqn, and Republican -Ctingrcs.i-

nijn- James, D. Martin. And,

sai3''Nixon, "we are not con-

corned with a third party,", an

obvious reference' ■ to Dr. Carl

Robinson,' an indepcndenfcandi-

daie for governor.

Rufus Lewis, president of the

Alabama Negro Demor

cratic - Conference, says..." We' re

trying to Ret Negroes- to vote the


Icclor^va I ue~at'"H! 1, ..except

the' casT' of. a coUcclor ■ who

wants to keep current coins in

a foreign collection;. In fact,

French money Isn't worth much

in value any way~ynu"lodk at

il.'The present world hank value

■for. the "franc", _,whlch is '

French- main nioneiary; unit, .

somewhere In the neighborhood

t\t two thousnndlhs, ^,002) of a

oent. It takes a t;arl6ad rit-lhom

to buy an Bll-dnV sucKci'.

(Questions on coins and cur-

rency should he^scnt to The

Monty : flnx," 'C O ' the' TimeS-

News, Twin Falls, Iflaho)

In trie governor's race it's cx-

Timcly-tltrtlcutc:" ■

Lewis; a wcll-lo-do Montgom-

ery businessman, says he be-

lieves Negroes will ' support

inosl Democrats on the ballot,

bur-^wc jusrdon't know what

they might do" In choosing be-

tween Mrs) Wallngc-lhcDcmo-

crallc nominee, and Martin,

Ttltf '-feeling among N^

groes," ' 'UfewLs 5^13^— 'is that

thev haven't much choice,

Martin, a conservative who Is

/itfiAng his first Icrrfi' In Con-

'gitss, also Is A segregationist.

. Trying: Jo (;onvmco* Negroes

that they should support Mrs;

Wallace ' despite her husband'.i

Call yaur,lqca|..

_.OBB(it 733.7371






Larry Cirnc of the Bestway

Building Centor Is avallnblo

to help you with al! your

building plans or probloma.

Let iarry Help You with

,i ROOFING ' -


• 'carports.











Your best buy is...

263 Addlsdh Ave;




AsirExtensipn— r


(AP) — The U.N. SccuHl^' ,

Council recommended unani-

mously Friday .that the five-

year- term of Secretary -Genera I

If Than t be extended until the

enti of thc'current General A.-!- _

sc'mbly session late In Decem- -

Ucr. Thanl's term, pxplrcs "^"Jf

Thursday.- - - Ja -

Vardis |Fisher saysi: ^

Persohaf l^espohsibility off

Highest Vedue liT'the ^


Derrroci^ic: System: Vote ffor



"^Tho word* "MadUon ATiraua"

nofr mean that area la "■"'^■*f *<

'ol pluih otflgci .wher* vxpertt In.

J promotion mill

lor- a price build

m market for (uiy-

-IUUbK -viideV the

It r_ ■ J r 0 m'

'curcr' l or rtie tt-

mallMn, toTwlh.

le» ■crc«|!M In

New Mexico

ffeit. Tor a price

they nrnka a

hero oC a mu

who tremhlM »t"JiJk pwif.ihidow.

on acfreii oC a worniti With an JQ

o^*^0, and preildentlal limber d

nnyono named Kennedy, "ITift com-,


I^bdlaon Avonun ntnr .tiai Itoberf

Kennedy headed itrtlght toe the

Whito ilouie. Enmigli monex' and

cnouKti Aladlfon ' kn(nrtK>]r coold

put MTrthner Snenl theni, or tv^p

you oj: me.- - ■ ■ . .

Thli matter ot ImiKtt-bQlldAiir li

luch a frlghtfut cuVia In thUi coun-

try that a plain houMt man, 11 ha

nrna toe publlo -Dttloe, U almoat

hoojod off lh» Kett*. Tdko^laJ*

Sen. Pon SamuellonMa tha prim-

ary campolga you leord It eveiy-

where: "yeah, he might bw »i good

teller, but' my God did you m«

him oa TVV' What <b tnoet people

now expect ot candbUtee on TVT

A feller aa aUck; % wUit)*, hU

hair gllstenlnc wllhr nuke oU. fall

fncQ mado pp by a imfeaalonal so

that lie belt Mturea iriU bt «•

■ggerated and Ita woret ibadoire^t

manloura faU flaxen, put hbn la a

im allk lult tmm Hone Konf,

tcflch him how to amlle at tha right

nioiTicnt ana tunc «n hwv with-

out saying a damn thing, and you

havD A Flpuh^ man, you liava t

winnah. ■ -

Hoet Amerieou havo ttttn m

tralawaahed la itU thai niigeA

ttamtir Ab« Uooobi wooUa'lr

9iuA A chaawMay. Afkr «b«

wnoeth pertennanoo tt n Book»>

flmjOe nd all flis iM wcciaJtr

SamdelMii..I«l_U«_ MnicW«,

VtAak to uy otber oudUato, 1U»

Tear or oar Kor, itbwl wfaen

■ yva tma tKf fbML

It Uia t>eopIa vho know lilin but

like Urn that .well I'd aay ha muit

have tt lot . good atnH In him.

.nils-mtKflSr^^eoplo era k^«o-

cuatomed to tiraggen that moi^ of

them think that a peraoa must be

tti^ld Ifbe Isn't Uofflnx hia bom.

Modesty Ilka honesty vc&t out o<

fuhloii yean agth A» I ilze him up

Samuclion li a modeat man, an

honest man; and an able num. He

doesn't Rcem'^iMellcvo that state

govvnunent should bnltate the Fed-

eroL-KOvammattj; .'kad 'fist .bigger

meet of tte peeple wodU atare

W Aba en TV oUl vojr t» cos

ooether/'THf Ood, ytbf don't

Ibey da ■KneOioc about . UmT

Ha Jeokfl-.Uka tie pa^ eoma In

tnot t6o hlDel" It tboy tamA

him ever 'to Om jvofealooal

noko-up ft* and tts' Hadlna

gajn Wfio* veoll ha then look

JlkeT SometUiir loa bortlbla to

think of. VoB'U Jwt ban to lake

-Abo-ma-bo Ja-ar-fet TBoraiilt i^i— - j — .

who doen't bavo a balr ■■ 'Mff W^t«^'WIwt^,tiltro li-no need

nut a< plaoe or an b<fMillmptika'

la bla.wfosla beoalUullj ^med'

frame.' ' - ,

Obe vobn inQ/bavB to take tXr.

Samuelioa ai baii or DDt Rt all,

He's not gobg to tako the 'Mjullioa

Avenue treatment for anyone. Thli

TOter llkee ai ho. li. Tbli voter li


making In , thia oduoirv lor lha

mUlloni >rho can't lopk at a face

oo-TV and lee whil'e behind. It.

John ,Kenn«ly li typical- o( the

linage. Breathleit vlth. reretvnce

a recent l^ma layi that almost 300

booKi-Jiive nw bten publlihed

about him and tlie "glcrvr of his

martyidoro." Peopta arb .pret^

well off IhdP nuU wtio CBll;hhn a

martyr. A martyr, the' dictionary


for hla rellgloa. A second deflnltlon

•ayif bo U one wt» dlM lor his

OTlnclplei. Kenned/ didn't do

either. ^

', If tfattfaeboabeoenMfavenwr

mhI !■ A*l,ltHra VKoboWy won't

be m MBfto brU|« named tor

Mm. n Mil *>« win li» • Kireal

Mtmiik for.bte oBd ■uUr..lla

for It. Ho doesn't seem la thbk

that taxes have to rise faster than

Ihe economic ijowth. In ahixt, fas

doesn't belleira ia Socialism.

He'a ogalnat mbolanoed bod*

-|»(«,-a-nipidly »ttfiii-Wal^-'

tlonal debt nqw appreodtef^Iis

fJorn bundred ,bUlloaa; he'a'


U nbbtof all of n bnl Ibo poor

and Uio oid meat of oil t and be'a'

ofidnat the -preralUnx phlloeopby

that It la aQ rigbt for bolti cernrs-

TnMit and peopla lo wftoA beyeod

their meona. Jl.wMmda' awfollr

•U-faahloMd;...difean*t .nr H_lf.^

but moro and. more toten ban

eonred on nlopUI'lbal gUUer «a

TV, and on tanib« bock fa a

way of Ufa that' mokea pwaenol

-netenalblllly^lbR blgheal ralM

tn Um dontftoroUo

pnbably wDB't b« phetegnpiM

by the BtoleamaB oa; naoy m

dlU er t«ai tboea day, or

•pead a Ihtrd o( Mit^

Idoka , tmmiim. • far ^.prawnl;

Ams IHoYilaihig Urn M m bai<>^

■eed 'OBd a dat eogbl te t» took

In (IM nkrar. Oa ft* Beiiablloaa

-lUkel thla man woa elected tbm

Umea tmn m ooaail(y that la tren

wtwfaatagty.lDcciweraUo.^ m

mm pcwteot, irtileli pgnnallr

torn Penaranlloifln Vma*'

eoly OM Tota waa oaat tor

. .This column-b/-VardIa.nihar/ Idaho'e ou||landIng tiulhor, ttppeared In tha, BuM Heraldf

Eaileu^'ldaho Former, Idaho Follij Jorama North 'S|d« NlWij Hallay Timtij Mnc9ln Counly Joumol, ;

Shoihon*) Ofloding County LeadoTf Goodlna*-" '' * ' '


■ ■ flaMU«lMn'/ar aoremop Oommiltea.Dr;A. P. Sneildnnjfllialmian "

PRESENTINtTTHE "OCDfeST CB'e^*"^^ophy lo "Mrs. An* bM to.have traveled from New York City lii order'tb receive

derson from New York" (Gene Goodwin) Is Walter Mildon,- the trophy^t Inside reports lodloiled "sbe" ma^ have driven

' ^''masterDf ceremDnlcs djirlng the Citizen Band Radio operators' ' « much shorter distance to be In attendance. (Tlnics-N^wi>

' potluek supper «t Knull Orange Hall. "Mrs. Anderson" was photo) ■ . - ; - — ■ - : - ^ —

■tf Sundoy, Oct. 30, 1966

— TWO-BOISB-CmZENf'Band-RBdHr'Ciperatdrs were present^JOrle Henderson and Rod Brownrboth Bolsc. Brown Is-tI*edltor

at a recent Informal '-gathorhg o( tho clan" at Knull Gran}{Br3i(ithe Treasure Valley CB (lews' and Miss HcndcrsdB Is t'

"-" " ■ ■"■ — - ^- .t--.-- geneniT

*' * * *

Twin Falls Times-News 25 ^- (Sparky) Tucker, Twin Falls, left, visits wlttTMar- genfcral typist lor tho paper. <Tlmes*ews photo) .

■ : : ==■ **.**• * .* *« * - * ' * * * A * * *

ANaWERING A CALL from her husband, Mrs. Gene tAtup Uemimslrates (he case of opor-

'allng a Citizen Hand Radio. The base unit Is located In the kitchen at the sharp residence and

-bu.pniven.tQ_bo_a,|tre^tluscL(0 t>>(iM ImoI farmers. The cards seen In (he bacKSFDUOd Bra

ones that have been- exchanged with other radio operators. (Times-News photo)

nit.M.ONn-RATINO the use of r pickup (ruck Clll»n Rand Radio Is Gene Sharp, as h*

paitscs from- harveslInD bcels long cnDuafi to call hU wife (o order needed machinery parts.

Tlie radio Is .ufied by Sharp on many siicti occosloni when be llnds 1( necessary to oMaIn needed

pari* fran^ Iowa. (Tlmco-Nowi ^lo) ' ' , ^. .

I. Hull, all Twin .Falls. More than 100 persons from IhroU'Sl^dlit Magic Valley

It 1i it ft ^ *


Wonlcn's Page lldlln'r

Idcnllfying tuccs with voices can be i\ most Intcr-

CBtlnB nnil deceiving pnstime, nnil for mnity Kucsts

nt aiecont BOL'inl tlifs wnsva tlcllKlitful expurlunco '

anii'^ rtiWltnlifift' ovenlilg: . - .

Allhoufih ninny ){uestf( were old ncqiinlntiinceH, tho .

volco».pf otliors were the only UicntifyinR fiicinr. On

tho surface thoy hayo only mb tie — the Cltl7.on

Dnnd Radio bcIs tlint nro fast . bccomliiK more

popular tliiin loloplionc's amonj; Iho "nctlvu" set.

Mnny "CQ'ors" linvo found that extroniely close

tlus.~aro soon formed among tlio bperalorii iind

friendships .ni l) qulcltly cempnted. .

Moro thiin' 100 peroonS, n|I' ' Intercsiech In ttio

Citizen Hand Radios, held a 'potlucit .nupimr .,nnd

social at Knn|l GrnngfT Hnll tnr-Ttrffiiiilnt ■ now

. " CB'ora" with more cxporlencod operators, as well

as lo provide an opportimity for "old tlniertt" lo

rohqw lontjfilandlng frlendiitilps. \ i

Unlqim rinmo tnRs wore prescnliid lo all giiesis as

thoy entered 'tho IieiII. Tlio HiimQ\iaK^< "»i<l>' I'V

Mm/, Gene Sluiip. rcfiomlilcd ri srnnll hand rjidln

' niicropliono and t'oiisleil (ho call numbei ii iit eiicl)

- oprirator prlhiod neatly under tlie'natiio.

Waller Mildon, 'I'win Falls, wan master of cere-

monies for tlie event' and aNslsted In dlstrltiiiting

prizes |ind awfirds. Special ontcrlainnnml was pro-

-ncnfcd by n-mnfiiclnni Marlon-Hiimmondj Mrtt, .K II.'

Sharp, wlin gave two readliiKfl, and James Morrison

wlio sang, ,

Among llio special (jiiefilH nt ttio event worn ttioso '

attending from Holso, MnrJorlo Ilenderfum and '

Hod Ilrown, along with some of tlio nioreexperli-neod

local npnrnlorfl, Kussolt Wilson, Uivy Moon, Lewis

Hull nnci Italpti Goodwin. Brown Is tho editor nt

the Troasiiro Valley CB News nnd Miss llendersim Is

tho general typist for iho paper.

llavo yini ever wondered' wliy ho niiiny auto,

mobllos, pickup trucjts and trucks have such odil

humbors and lottorfl displayed on the roar window?

Well any 1 1 mo ynu aoo nnmbcrfl simllnr lo KI'C

nllcndcd^lhe social, which. was held (o acquaint new "CB'ers" with mor«'

experienced operators, ns well as to provide nn opportunity for "old timers'*'

lo 'rcnew long-fltandhig friendships. (Times-News pbpto) - '

* * - ..It * * * ' • * * * ■ * _

AMONG T11E YOUNGl'.R SllT altlllaled with (he CKlun Dand Radloa are, tram left; JlMph

Molyncux, Ka|lfy Morrldon,, Douglas Kiilm and .Sonny Sawyer, Alter discussing the mechanics of

2083, KLC 0033 or KFG 2104, tt will Identify tho.owa- tht> 'radio opera'don, tho conveFsallon tMmed lo more hiulo dlKUsalon, thi poUuck"iupp«

. (CoflUnuea on Pijia n) which featured fooda ot all descrlpllooi. (Times 'Nowa photo)

■"^^ ■ Sunday, Oct. 30, 1965

Valley Radio

' Operators Host

rFamny Stfcigl

'{Conlhmed From >tge J3)

flf of a< CItlien Band Radio 1

and the numbers represent hi

cnll letters.

— ■■ TheCitlicnvBana'Radi

signed to aid tho^arrner or busi

nessman wlth hljfwork, it « vast

RFOwlng trend in Magic Valley.

- The farrnerwho Kas a machinery

-^-*TttAaown"In 'theTleld'SiinpIy

picks up the "mike" and calls

his wife to fetch tho needed rfr

pail's, enabling the faniifir to

continue work In t^ie field .while

■waiting Jor'the spare parts.

Manjuif -lhe Jpcal-h tfs]neasea

have such radios' wnt^ make

their service much faster to the

cus!dmer>nd Jess expenslve-fdr

the-company- iJhnecessary trips

- back to the office can often be

eliminated hy a quick call on

\ht radio to get a price estimate

f or check on an Item in stock.

A'base unit hns-rcCently been

■ installodat the Twin FdllsClInlc,

■,wlth several of the 'doctors af-

filiated with the clinic, Dr. El-

wood T. Reesr Dr. Josepli~Wr

- Marshall. Dr.DavId' A. Mc-

Cluaky, Dr. Gei^ge W. Warner

and Dr. John C. Day,' having

— — citl2eiLb8nd^~rIidlos.,£Q5^cr.'

' Rcncy c ases thcsb jadlos-could

'. prove InvaluaEle r — ■ " r

A common characteristic

.many oHho "CB'ers" -Is the


JjJ ^lpijnBFr.V PQ flSywyP-fa ' - n nw tf > hurnm a . l irad-Mt-a-wlMlag-aWitil-^ v aa t, a diMntlBf^

to Mre, H.-Shaip,-She-and her husband, Filer, demonstrate the mecfaanlcf o( one tracehil

way to "talie-s Ivi ^Wiypiir leet." Mr. and Mia. Sbai p vn jsfitaAitt*_tA th» .gnmjnalfilUaa--

rprft. ttiBy^Tf tiang w -^iih^thflr- -Band I^adl^openrtPT^ynmepNewa photBT

- ."opirators. These, cards, all dif-

ferent in design and , makeup,

Itst^the Operator's call Inters,

i ' their names and those^pf their

fam illeg, and thelf addresses.

One oi the unlfque - -prlies

awarded during the social was

■ a-cake maderand decorated by


resembled a radio, complete


and microphone, and was award-

ed to James Helmet. A radio,

dorialed by (Hlfed Automotive,

I was presenletil: to Mrs. Jerry

Moore. '

Other prlie winners • Include

Glenn Samuelson, Carol Smith,

. Janice Samuelson, Linda Smith,

Kathy' Sharp, Kevin ' Skinner,

Dwlaht Tucker. Mark McCul-

lough, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hels-

-Icy,-MFG,-DonBld McBride,' Mr.

and Mrs. iRoy Cook, Mr, and

Mrs. v.- L. (Sparky) Tucker,'

Mrs.,Thomas tucaa, Mrs. Gene

Giodwln, Larry .Breeding, Mrs.

j_Jo«DeanJlilIer Jlrs. Norman

— -■ Sklnnerr ^H^Ias Kulm, Josefdi

Molyneiat, . DoVflj-. ^tickle, Mrt


Jerry Moore, Lewis Hull, Mrs.

' Charlie. Stickle, Edward. Skin-

ner,- Richard Rees; Mrs. Jerry

Mooit, Mrs. Gene Sharp,. Roy

Helmef," ^ James Helmer awl

Pm iald Samuelson.^ -


^'event include McVcy's 'Inc., M.

H. lUng Co., Sav-Mor Driig

Store, Trolinger Pharmacy,

Magic Bowl, Music Box, Kren-

Bel's Hardwa re^-lEennv Wise

unig Store, Van's Department

Store.-The Styllstr Hughes Store,

Bowladrome, Ace. Printing, Stor-

_ ling Jewelry- Co., -^-Jensen's

Jewelers, Tanner Jewelers, Sav-

. ,0n JJpigs;. .CIosL-Book Store,

Moon'B Rock Shop. Prlcti'Ifard-



In Shoshone


Al pha Epsllon Chapter. Beta

_ „ Tnf, hosted « Mother-

Daughter banquet and Hallo-

ween party at 4he home of Mrs,

John George, 'Slroahone'.

Co-hostesaes 'were membcrs of

the social committee^ Mrs.' E'd

Churchman, c h,'a I r m a n, Mrs.

Horold Greenawalt .and Mrs.

Phillip thoman,

Dinner -- was served buffet-

style and the dining tables, cov-

(red ' With orange cloths, were

centered with large- decorated

Jack-o-Iantcms. At each place

were sacks of Candy, il'mllo-

wcfiaJftvor; and. for each daugh-

ter, a port black cat mask, made

by the social .committee. The

dining area was decorated with

black cats and skeletons.'

Mrsr R.'G7"Neher Cntertalnc"d

the .group after dinner with a

showing of slides of her recent

trip .to ,Europc,_whIch included

scenes of several cities in Italy,

France and of London, England.

Bcjptist-Circle '


FILER— Mrs. James Webster

presented the devotional se^Ice,

"John the Beloved," to Ann Jud-


.£aptl8t--ChuFchr-Mrsr-61ett- ~

jrj.ef buslheaajneeting-was:held,

dfiflng' which Mrs. John George

was aanicd Valentino of the

Year.. Plana wers, discussed pa

visit the Air Force train in Wen-

dell^ with the date to be set


- ThB-nexncgula~r^meelln"g""ls

Tuesday at tho home of Mrs.

J. B. "niDmason,

garden she had phoUgraphed

Rver.A. period of years.

Mrs. Glenn Nelson; presIiLenL

eohductjd, th(f busirifess "meeting

and Mrs. TtK);3\toh gave the'iec-

' retary-treasurer'tfT-tfliort;

The cltib was invited to attend


Ish gave the' prayer and Mrs.

Raymond Rythwford jctti the

closing thought. '

M e m b e r s cut out 'dresaes

.which wiil'be sent- to the.Con80

for the Wiseman project. Helen

Jervii Circle .has-dohated* Its

monthly collections to hfd in the

project. . '

A salad ^uppcr was served

preceding" the nteedng. Each

member brought a favorite sal-

ad and' Mr3r~Pnul ' Patterson;

hostess, served roys^and dessert.

Mrs. Edv^ard. Andrews Is host-

ess for the next meeting., Mrs.

Everett Andrews is In charge of

the devotional service.

Q ardeir

bo held Deceipber 1 and 2 at

the. Rogerson Motor Inn -Round-


Refreshments -were served by

the hostess; The table was dec-

orated In a Halloween motif.

Mrsr~C"raig Rousseau was


The next meeting la Nov. J7

at the home of Mrs. Eldrcd:


LocalrFIower "

Club Officers

Are Electeid ■

illtaving itii*.flniflrtflinhnpnt~H --©f f(ce^y:fDnHff^0fl/ term were

waro'Co., Magic Valley Grow-

ers, -Gem -Stato -Trophlea-and

Larry and Bob's, HaTClton


Flower Club met at the honie

of Mrs. Pete niornton. ^

Mrs. Aj'E,"Harper "wareleo-

led presldentf'Mrs.-Lyle Schnlt-

ker, vice president and-prograni

chairman, and MH,_„WlTliam

Lanling, secretary-treasurer and

sunshine " chalnnan. Mrs. Max

Crotheralai reporter.- — —- —

The new officers will begin

their term In February. .

-r-Mrs.-HBrpcr showed .colored

s^ilJea tl Iris and views of her

rChrtstmanhow to




JOO (Jeslnu from which to-

chooM. Prices .to ault .your

budget — Quaronteed work-

maaalilpi. . . '

Are PreseRted


"SfloSHONE — iTpeclal awards


presented to-^rls eamlng' them

at the LDS MIA meeting. •

Mrs. Wesley Monson,- counsel-

r, explained What the girls

have done to earn the awards.

Mrs. Harrell .Thome, . 'VWMIA

presIdeHmrfeserited the awaVds

and congratulated the girls,

pionna_ -Davis- recalved the

worker bee- -award;— Oeanine

Cope, Lorinda Dllle and Becky

Gon^m, hb.nor' bee;' .Gcanlne

Cope,. Mia Jay.va,WAid;..'Rulh

Grjggs, Junior Laureate, and

Gayle Gr)ggs, Laureate. *

. Jill Thorno. wto la at college,

received the Laureate "award.

Cindy. Trammel-aang-a- special

Jiumber-fof-thfl-opcnlng exer-

cises of MIA.

Work was fieguR on !the .spe-

cial stake.family night entertain-

ment, "Balloons," to tjo present-

ed' the latter- parf,^ Novpmber.

Mrs. Dean Evans, drama and

dancd director; Mr3.r...,'Elv4

Knowles, speech director, and

Mrs. D. S. Hiatt, mualc'dlrectorr

— 4ro..asfIgnln'g:^rti-«nd-dIreat-

Ing, Iha local youth (ot-i-thtfi

event. — ■ *

Scouts rehearsed singing, un-

de r direction (jf-^MrlL. "


for the lB5fl-67 term.

Is .Unit Leader

FILER — Ctrffeen .Bingham

as elected president of Girls'

League of the FileT High Schtol

W?3hne Lujz is vice presl-

dent;' Jan Grdves, secretary;

Susan Flcenor,' ttcasurer, and

Linda. Wright, reporter. Class

representatives include Belly

Greene, senior; DonnaJcnton,

Junior; Wllma Dobbs, afipho-.

hiorerand cnrlstliie'Grlffrfresh-




"Allen, for social " presfehta tlon

thia^weekr" — ; ',

Final plans were made' for the


CSC Moon' Cookie Bake to be held

during. MIA Wednesday., night.

DeLen. Steers and th^yputh mis-

sionary committee are in charge

of th? cookie bake party. Gitia


and the boys judge them,


• Acceasorlaa

•. Table Bervlfc*

• WeddlDK Books

• Napkins

.__^»_Btb]eo_.^ .





All Floor Models ^ |H AA

---^And-Pernonstralors-— ^^-^---^^■--■^^-S^'^

Must Go. Prices ^

Slashed As Much As . M' OFF




.. • WAS NOW


PFAFF ZIGZAG DESK MPHEtj..' .. .89.50 69,50.

KENMORE DESK MODEL -i^*..: 59.50 ■ 39,50

FREE WESTINeHOUSE CONSOLE (C."!^. . . 2?,50C 19.50


ATLAS PORTABLE 34.95 24.95



■ Come Early For Best Selection


121 MAIN AVE. NORTH ! 733-3344


. TWIN FAlli

Next.wbok prlcoB go back up ogalnl You'll savo $4 to$13 'Qn your,nQW. winter coot — yot

Dvon nt rogulnr pricoa, thoso coots nrb nmozjng buyal You'll ape bonutlfully foahlonod

conto hoopod high with lovoly fura. SInco It's early In tho aoofion, our.jaeloptlon ]r atlll

rroah And plonllfull Tho only limit Is pn tjmo. ,You'vo Jue.t thlo wook tochooao-itrftibutoui ■

coot ond anvQ In tho bnrgolnl Potltoi'' and mjaaoa' alzoa, ...

Rich chock coal. of wooj-rnyon-tiylon* blond, with

plump nah'tral Kll fax. coHc^, Milium" Insulqtodi

0-M. ..v..r/v;..........v.;;_r-::->sr

All wool lioutio with Intoa nofdi Miawl collnr

nolurol nilph, ilyloi for.pofiro mluoi 552 '

,11 wool boucia with flaltnrino collar of noli/ral

mink, wllh now yoko bodu datailina, Mliias'

" iiifti-rrrr;: :~. . . . . isa

All wool boucio lovlihad with noturol mink

riiuihroom collar. Naw loltl/ flalred lilbouDitff,

Miiioi' lUot p •

inhy'ot 'origin o\ h\poi\*A tun..


.Society Has^ - :

W ork 'MeetiD O-

■ DECLO — "HomEmakinE, " Put

SpatUo ii\ Your McWs" was the

■ .Ics3on"prcsonleil'by-!it(;!i.-I>*nton

Darrington ot tho nlHlay, work

meetlnE of tho Dccio LDS Relief


' I Prayers 'Were filven- byMrs,

Earl Darrington nnd Mrs. Ray-

mond Hess.^-Jfltisic was under

Hurst and-WrtfJ' Norninn Hurst.

A former DccIo resident, Mrs.

.'TVaNao "Gilletf Clark. sp61te""tif

■ her travfcb i n Europe. Mrs;

, .^larh, who hay unlit' recently re-

sided in R(^c, Italy, ^aS -visited

several European cptntries and

told ol the dilfere^t customs and

food s. -'i _ ^

During the afternoon, mem-

" bers -painted plaques-and-(]ui|t^

- ed- ■ . '

Jhc annuaLR^Ucl-SaciatiuUtk

ner and bazadr wllf be -hpfd Nov.

11 at the Decio -LDS/Cultural

Halt. «J " ■ 7

Mrs. Douglai Roos was cfiair-

man of the luncheon cammlilcc,

assisted by Mfs. Earl Hurst,

Mrs/ Earl /Darrington, Mrs.

Wayne J;,owis Jr., Mrs. Fannie

Taijner/. Mrs. Mike Matthews,

— Mrsy-'Robait-StcvcnrTitulrMrs:

• Lpwrence: Thompson.

MODEUNG FASHIONS similar to (hose to bo shown at a

rortbcoming Women of the Moose. Fashion show ore, from left,

Judv McGinnls, Sherl Vlnctfnt add Rcnce Slewart. Thd' fashion

shonTls^Mt-Jor 7:30'p.nirTruesday" ot tho Twin r;all9 Moose

IVtagic Valley-FovOrites

- .. W«k'r1l«irp» Wlnnir -


3S0 1. 'Am-iB, ,i»[5mi

Sunday, Oct. 30, 1^66

honey;^ Chocolate Pla

■ Plte SHELL

I'cup flburi sifted with lect-

, SpgOl] Balt__ ... ' \

Cup tiHortening

3 tablespoons butter

3-3 tablespoons cold rnQk

_Mix- above ingredienl'a -in-oi

der^ven..Roil and place In pli

pan and 4)rick*-gcnerausly. Pr(SS|

ono-fourtfucup silvered- almonrfs

Into ~pic shell. Bake In a hot

oven, moo' degrees, for 10 to 12

minutes. - — : :


Melt one cup semi - sweet

chocolate bits In top of B double

1 TlL«-Niw» trill x*1

Ut least Iwo Jiours. Garhlsh with

whipped cream wid slivered pi-

monds, | i

1 ■■ ■

Pizzq Dinner; -

Party Held

RICHFIELD - The Girls'

MUigljfi^piiza dinner and slum-

ber party' was attended by 35

of the recreation^ conirnlltee; ~'

Kay Jcnsdn, cleah^p, and-^

Carolyn .Pdwcll, Janet-Morgan.'

Pamela Appcll, Maria Hiatt,

Dcftnna Bchr-"and~Ca'|'Icri e''

Stevens, food dcpaEtmcnt heads.

Ttie next- league ev^nt'* I,s 'the

SadiO'Hawkins Day, observonce

set for ntiday.

Swainston, Mrs. Keith Swain-

Stem and Mrs. Grant Flnvel.


tonerrAdS t^o eXjouTaid. and four. mmhers^Mrs^V^

unm nlKe^i^a^tl^^

slde&^oXpsn.'Remaua-from heat.

Blend In one - halt cuji Vour

cream -and beat-unlil-lijiQpth.-

Set aside. . \

Beat egg whites with onS^

fourth teaspoon salt until :3tifl,

but not dry. Add very slowly,

one-third cup honey(_beating un^

tU mixture. sta ndidh-slltLpeaka-l

I -cKT^ ^hOcolatc_,sour' ', cream I



B eattity --^

From the early '^tweoUes.

bcdllmo massage .__wlth a

vitalizing night creanT Ts'

Woal for flofiening traces of

-surf arrswirtnyncsrtrija tiny

.Jlnes: Apply Olay vitaliiing

night. cream to checks, fore-

head, and throat-and-cQiyc-.iE-

-into^lhp 'skip with I'i^hl; up-

ward moulding strokes, 'then

.rcmovfe with a' tissue.'^Such

care will '. cncouraga com-

plexion -lovciin ess-.-- -


Pashion i>h6w.

.§et Tuesday ,

An all cotton fashlotj. show,

featuring 1968 fabrits and pat-

terns for round-thfrcldck wear,,

will be presented by the Women

of' tlre'Moose af7:30 p.m. Tues-

day flt tho Twin Fails Moose


The "Cavakade. of Cottons"

collcctionj_s_a_ looo-scrvice-of.

feredTy^^he National Cotton

Couricll and "McCall's patterns to

emphasize t h e versatility ot

home sewing. It 'rcpxe^ents the

■season's-trends -in ^color-fabric

and sijhouetle. Cottons and pat-

tern<'-are gcneraUiLas^ll^iblei ot

local department stores.

The wardrobe Includes casual

clothes, tailored suit.s and coats,



. Straight" and skinny— it's th»

quicttle dres3\you need fot Jh£

lively life, you lead. Low-curved^

•yoke, aido pocket,s aw all new-

- for-lt)6 7 notes.- C hoQaa^-cntlon,

rayon, wqpi. ■ ■ .

, . Printed pattern, 9308: Misses!

_«izesJO. 12. H. IG. 18. Size 14

- takes J^fi ■ynrds-30-inCnr-r-^

Fifty cents in coins for each

"'"pattcrif-^add T5 cents for each

.pattern for .- first-class- mailing

and special handling. Send to

—Marian-Martin, Times - News,

335 Pattern Dept., 232 West Jfith

.,5C.^New.ynrX'^X-^''Ptl^ Rrini .

name, address vfflth-iip, aire Bnd

stylo number.

EjtclusivRl Now! We're" JiYflUd

to tell you that ours Is the oijly

fnll-\vlnlor- pnitqra catfliog to

■ bring you over 125 top designs

plus (rco pttttorn cinipon for any

style in cataliig. Send fiO cents,

AAr^s. KuperJs


WENDELL — Mrs., Myron Ku-

jier was elected priRident of the

Hobby Club at tKo/mecU —

theCiVIc Club Rooms. Mrs.

Kispr, retiring presIdent.^Wss in

Other' of fice^s elected Include

I'r*,— KaonardT'Flemlng, -vicC

pre-iidenti^nd Mrs, Som Schuy-

lefr-tecfetary-trcasu Tpr,

- The-^vork-proiect-for.uie m6€t-

Ir^ was, wall plaques.

.Mrs.-. Mason Moore Is hostess


bTsm't th'p""Civit~Cn)b

Mrs. Kisor will give tho^ demon'

stratlon.' ' T',. - - . .



' in a




1. Il's Inloroafltio,

..dianified,. .


2. Itpuli "Donuty"

In llio llvoi of


B.noty li Am«fl«.'. fmnrl. tntaol nn.l fn.(..|.Q,owlnir In

(luiKf. It niraii nimoit llmliliii D|ipnririmltlDi' In n vvl'U

VilrlBly ol goml |in|,lno ['oilllDni,

flmiiily CiilliirB Imlnlno K* ili. la/ lo, pfofaninrinl iiifcen

In llili viil, lnri<riiill[>tr, (flgnlflail iiikI '*w<i(>llno n'ofool"",

. nBuurj- Am hni iippl'l^lna-ioliJni.wlili liiuiitv itnJiwI

Um.imnn» lint* IWnii.l ni„n/ iiHvo luumilul ilinpi of

I AT III \i>\\\m\ iliQW vou wluil your (ulur« 'con In. Coma In

(iikI ibi "\\tm\i In MoHna," Hitn'i tin nlillynrlnn, if

<oii(i«. W» liiiva ji Uw iclinliiiililpi iivi>lliil>l* |nf Niw.mUr



\ nc f H









Rippletone Afglicin Kit

Ttiia-kit contnina -iiifrinlont '[iiirb virain ■ vvoot

.Vftrn to Unit nn fiTphnn nf opproxlmfttflly '^fixtifl

Inclioa blocKocI alio, Cottinlnto Inotructlona in-

clcdod. CoinoB in zipporeu plnntlo bag for utor-

"SI. Gny '10 OO

honibr^ tnnojii . ^ t .1 X.T7

Mrs. Apclorson is a fully, qualified knininp In-

strijctor and Ih.G l,D. Is proud that we may offqr

her services to you^al absolutely no cost. Let..

. Mrs.-AndersoivgiVG' you- iip3-(3nd-' hints orrlrn-

provlng your knitting or to teach knitting *o



llmid iirints of (Untlndlon from our SOlh Hiatc, 6i(rB(/(if/ with '

MlilfiCUB lilootm in ovanf/v, f/rccn and black, on tone on tone

lined Dacron voile. Ii\)r coHual^weai^, j^.Jfw trtmjraytm^ P«w'i .„

' iSM itfiiped with tailored lilotitte, 19 M. For hyidpp or tc^H ...

the lined nblft dreiia.(hcltcdt if uou like) 29M^ For at-homc en^

tertalninff-rr^ttiii^Oraitounitarc^^ mlsBca

itlzea'now at the Parlft, In downtown Twin Falh.

Charge or tauawair

AMONG THE'GUESTS atteading the Sophomore Untt G!rb'-

Leasue Fatfae^Da□^ter Baniiuet at the IXvIn.jfalls High


. and her fattaer,

Girls' League


For Fathers

TTie Sophomore Unit of Girls'

.League held its annual Father-

Daughter Banquet at, the Twin

Falls High School Careteria.

- with- approxImntely-JM-fathers

and daughters attending.

— P'BtMP'd. - *'r''"^qtnm'f "t Jn-

Other committees Include In-

mil tee. K eily Car-

jicnter; centcrpicco committee,

JanQ Bradley and' Miss BIrkby;

tabig decorations, , Miss Mot-

tem, Mreiite Florence, and o(-

iicers and central plannhig' com-

mlttee; record*, player, Connie

JonCs; coat' committee^ Barbara

Bustdr;-Cecll WalliCe and Deb-

hie .Tnhnsnn; clean-up,, If-annn

' eluded a mixer game, directed

Katg anJ M i ss F l orence ;_re;

reshmenls, Jftrs. fiiiiar Sande"

by Stephanie; Emberton; .the HI Mrs. Eldon Stokes and Mrs. Beh,

Fl Quartet jvith_SherrI Holder,

Debbie Johnson, Kathy Chrls-

: ' tehsdn and Leat]ne Katz; nccom-

_ paiiied .by Jolcfha Nussbaum;

.t -dances .by. Carol^Ciw, Sherrl

■Helder, Janice Urson, Janls

•rr-;n3Tottfiiil^nif^PcblMrrBradfoTd; -r^sSs^

"^^adliig,— Wharis a"Tather?"H:"^

by Sherrl Helder; talk on pui

, poses ot Girls'. LeaEue by

■ "" ■■ " ■ Lei

Special guests Included 'George

Steudaher, principal; Mrs.- Hen-

ry Powers, Girls' League cbair-

n3?ni,^ri_(hvcaJBUi3— Girls:

' i-cboramatoiiJIrs^Chad

_n[fi Mflrtinson.' Girls'


president; recognition of daas,

with prlres' going to E. J Mor-

gan, father with most daughters,

and Qll Carpenter, .father with

youn^' da.ughisrL-Jri'JUte to

dads by Cecil ' WaliBcer«nd re-

sponse from dads by Morgan:

— Tbcprizo for-the most-orlglnal

redge; for th* prettl£st.to Jawt ,

Daugherty, ana the _?unnIest~to the topic stody.

- Unda-Coiner_Judge8:!or_-the

— — boxe»-were-Robert.Jimener:sna

rD^ -rBIll-Jones,

Officers for the sophomore

unit are" Christine' Sande, presl-

— d«nt;-Tlsh- Blikhy,_.vlce_ presi-

dent; "Maggie Florence, secre-

tary, and Teresa StokeSi treas-

urer. The cehlral planning com-

— mltteo— l(icludcs_DanIellc---0-r

Brien, Mary Ann. Morgan, Sue

■ 'yilcox, Stephanle~ Emberton, Su-

At Unit Meet

Mrs. Walter, Senlten, Buhl, re-

viewed the book "The Lite ol

Mrs' Marcus TVhIlman," by Opal

S. Allen, at ihe October meet-

ing . of United Presbyterian

Churcji TVomcn. j;'

Browning, senior unit adviser,

and Mrs. Ralph Hann, sopho-

more unit adviser.

Peace Guild -r

AAembers Meet ■

FILER— Mrs. Eddls Lammers

presented the devotional lesson

"On-reformatlon to Peace Guild

Vfllllam' Voder was hi charge cf

MrsrMarvIn Ruhter and Mi;3;

Ttc uben"7TJerman""reported oh

calls made to 111 mombcrs of .'tbe.

congregation. Mrs; .Walter Muel-

ler and- Mrs. .James Pitchford

^ro on the vlsWiig committee lor

tlie coming 'monlh-

. Plans were' made for a ^Oclal


Mrs. Pitchford -served refresh-


Janet DaaRherly, and tht> fonnlett to Unda CoIper.-;:^TlmCs --

News photo) '■ '■ '■ ~V ^


Reviews Book

'I"he book begins with the wcd-


Iii^,anowy New England and

descrili^their Journey \yesf by

stage,," railroad over the . AI-

legha^Ies, canal frorn Pittsburgh

to 'Cincinnati, river boat to St.

Louis, where their historic trip

by wagon train to found a mls-

Sltfii~iiih5ng tBe~In'arans fcd T^

tiegarn ; "

In her diary Narclasa _WhIt-

an tells of passing American

Falls and, describes ..Thousand

Springs. The mission which the

Whitmans establis'hed near

WaIIa,;Walla"i3 preserved as a

national^-i-^onument and is a

mcmorlal-^o their rourageous

mission-'ttnd tragic death Nov.

29, in an Indiiiwiprising.

Al bertino -DeiSjjjijfifity

■SSTier devoTlgriar service,

a ', cotnposltlon' 'miBen— by a

coUsln of Dc. ; Whitman's , and

given_inJthg-church at 'Scfda

-Elnora Christopher announced

World Community pay to be

held in the Presbyterian" Church

Nov. 4. Mrs: Clyde Koontz osk-"

tfd thc-mcml*ere to i*ear their

rosea' for remembrance, gt the

KING HILL — Tho Annual

Christmas Festival will be held

Nov. H at ihe Glenns Ferry City

Hall, according, to Mary Lou

Ruby, extension home econoiJtHJ

agent. The festival is spoawed

,by tho local extension clubs In



gifts, wrappings and

least one or two decaonstra-

lions on Chrlsfmas Ideas, dec-



Tho tentative schoclule- in-

cludes, 9ji.m."set.iip display;

9:30 a.m. registration, with Mrs.


a-.m;- -pro gra iii7~ d cmonstratlon3

and entertainment, Mrs. Glenn.

Larso n, ch airman ,, and noon a

sacit~lunch wil^5e served, _wfth

(ho King Hill Home Improve-

ment Club furnishing_the bev-


CItibs or other organizations

are welcome to set up their dis-

plays and give demonstrations

if .lhcy,desire_tQ_do so.

Novembcrjirh'ank Of ferln^meet-

Ing.of.thc assoclalion.

Tea was served by a commit-

tee "of two'- from -Circle^ No^ 7,


Rayttiond Harris.'^Mrs. Eiigene

Stacey and "Mrs. Clifford 'Evans

prcsided at the lca "table, which

wils cenleired^wllh an arrange-

ment of aut(imn-4eBV0E' and yel-

low tapers, ■

Primrose Rebekah Lodge No,

ATTnuai Holiday-f i^^fye^gg

Festival Set- " -

rcsentatlveS-to-tha " RebekalrAs^

sembly will make their reports.

All visiting- Rebekahs are wel-

come. — . .' . -~-

SteveflsTHenagar' Business Col-

Iege._Shf!_U-cmplbycd-i ia-Sait

Lake City. . ^

Brandl -Is atte'^nllfng the Unl-

yersit y of Utah. Salt Uke City.

•HANSfeN*-Lai?wah Club wiU

meet at^2 p ni/TiipsjIny nt-tlv- —

of Mrs. . Thomas Steel-

*M^S^Roger Thomas,

guest spciike?>^ill review a


A Nov. 25 Wedding 13 .planned

: the, Kimberly Lutheran

Chur ch. •" ^

hobbycraiiecs Llub wij

at 10 a.m. Wei^nesday ai

Harry Barry Park Recreation

Building. ■ Members, making

grapo -"-clusters 'are "asked^to

brli^^-J]jiir own wire and. egg

cartons„AlHho3B_f(ttendlng are

asKed to^ jiring a

Tho " TMiL-EMIs. GardeteGIub

will-meet at 3 p.m. Wednesday

at ^iRc- YWCA-,-.:Clubroom D.


program, "Under. Glass,

members are urged-.to attend.

Guests are welcome.

the - Baptist Church Women's

Mission Society sent.thres White

Cross boxes-.thls mohthi. One

went -to the Indian Mission at

Phoenix, Ariz., and the '-others

to~*lhe ". Rev. Charles Moore,

_ Uanaguar-Nicaragua;-'a"ria"Dbr-

_ othy Wiseman and Doris Wise-.

iniui,i-Congo: ■ - - -

^Mr^. John ' Conway was In

charEe_^:ihe_prbgrani on ml5-

B totF^work-^n— la rge r— cities.^t

the United States. -

Mrs.. Howard Adklns was hos-

tess.- ■

- Prizes_GjyeD.

"HAGERMAN — Members fltj

MIA hasted a Halloween jyicty,

witlL cost lyn B prizes_ goii^~lo

tJouglas. Butler, Carma~^ray,

Hanna Akers and Debra Lar-


The group met at the church,


invocation. They jvere lakeri to

the Tod-.Andrus . rahchrwhere

the'teachers-had-made.a haunt-

ed house. ' -' — ^/r ■-.

Rox Spaqkman gave the bene-

diction. ■..

more comfort and

control^thahi :

your present girdle .

your money b?ick


rinylot Lycra ClnllM Imvo holiMn power llmt won't wnit>*

out , ; . coiiihliicit wlllnhti kind ofamifiirl yuu'vn nlwnyi ■

-"wantedrTii»t'rwhy nir>'"ici('fjirafii"iifi'rt""j(iii'ii"rtii y o


to yourtctf, juit tfy any of tlirse loilnyi

■A, "Doiihle Dloniniuli'* pnncli of Lycra for doiihla

cnntiol ill iho itnmncli : , . in tho walit , , , hliii . .

pliii (Iniililq Lyrrs imncli In linck la curve you

iinliirnll)' (or tcidny'i fmlilnni. ^'7'"

B. "Doiililo 'I"* pnnrti of Lycra for

«inl(|iis iIoiiIjIo cojitrui Iti^lie walit ... In

baok.ii^n thn hipi . . . IIiIhIii . . ■

Al(iiiiucIi-.uciiiililnod will) ilia ilioer ciiiiifort yoii'va

nlwnyi wnnlcil-

.... X-

C. IWkuUi I'luylrt miiilo with Lynn Glnllo,

cvmhIiiliiK (lirnt hnlil-ln jwwjr wllh lolt,

cool conifiirt niiil II||hti>Dit,

I'rlroi fiuiu 90.03 mul iii>, HUtii XS, R, M, I„

(XI,,SUri fl.OOiiuiio.)

If yim don't PBrtft thnt ymir llnytrji Lycra

<:irillo Blvn you more cwmfiirt nml

control liiin yniir pininit Rinlln, jntt

Miiil It In I'layttTi, Duyrr, UnluWBtn-

♦rllli n lUlrii .nlri iHd-bi,,! they'll ttfnml

yoiir f\ilt iHirchato iirii-e.

,CtMrenl« poJr for a llmlth llmt r>i\i]i ...

iaKMoitvantaitio! Utoilayl

V\/liite Cross

Boxes Are Sent


—Members— of-


Nothing could loolc^ heavenly os Mist Hlu Fee* '

Tint, the slightdriight of color tiiat orfjtMani t61»«

your.Qwn precious skinXight^ nediunvor .(Uric 3.50.

"^Fronrour caiAulfrcoIIectfon of MIu Ritx Cotmetici

for daring aMli'ngsri'SOtp 3^0.



Cha's. of the Ritz .


Vdlley Retired.

Teachers Host

^luncheon Meet

McmbcrS^ and gudsls attended

potluck luncheon held by the"

Sauthccntral—Idaho Retired

Teachers Association

'Meat Cookery^-' Coletta Uoyd,

Lesson. Given Slater Wetrin

Home Cerennony

home oPMrs. MahEn J. Ncu-

mann. % i

The.-lunclnfoir* was~Scrvocl~aT

quartet tables which were cov-

ered with luncheon diothff from

varloiu-citioG-'Statos and prov-

inee3::t:throuRhout-^he— Uni ted

States and Canada.

Four gvckts 5itcnded..^(rDm

Boise. Mrs. Glenwood Robinson,

first 3(ice - president of IRTA:

Robinson. Mary Zink and Mrs.

Al ice B rcnnan. past ■■ president

IKl X^QXh e r members ani

giiesrs aitonded_iFD'm_Goodlns.

WenaclOerotne. Filer. Oakley

and T^vin Falir;^

After the luncheon.^ review of

A Touch of Greatness ■ by Har-

old E. Kohrt~Ws presented by

Mrs. Rogcc-Av. TRomas, former


-Vivian-KHflgg-^esided at the

FILER— Mrt. 'Alfred Thecnei

and Mrs. Howard Mills presen-

ted a lesson on mcni cookery to

SjTlnga Club members at the

homo of Mrs; Loren Drake;

Mrs. R aymond Thomas w as :co-

hostess. - , ■ .

. .Mrs. Thc encr. Mrs . JosepJi

KrcpciR nn"d Mrs. C 1 i n,t o n

Dougherty reported gn a recent

state hcmc-exlcnslon convention

they attended. Members. were


tinn of Ghri.stmas ideas to' be

presc nicd bv club.s_in_tho_arca

Nov. 7 .n the VWCA. Twin Falls.

Registratioo-jallirfaegiir-Tit 11

a.m. ". — ' — r

Mrs. t^jrcnMUffUy hr hostess

for thenext meeting, assisted

;Ey/Mrs. PcinTXsiniferiror/i Husii

and Marie Webb will present a

lesson on Christmas Idean.

' REPRESEPH'A'nVE ol the Twointleth ^Century Club, from left, Mrs. Roy Nicholson, Mrs.

■F. Cr-ShertebcrgCMnd Mrs. Hugh-'PhlUlps;.entmlne-several of The Mayfair Shop fashions

!^lha^»sU13ejshowTrat a dub fashion show and luncheon at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the HolldSy

' Inn/Tlieme fqr the event is "Fashion Platform," 1966.' Mrs. Nieholson Is the narrator and Mrs.

_Bobert^ntoh Is pianist. Mrs. Lloyd Walker Is the soloist. A p atriotic theme _of red, whila

— arid-^^bloe wlU bp carried ont-ln ■ thft table-decorotlons planned^^wMrs. Ceorgo Collier.- (Times-

News photo)

:Methodist WSCS j^^^Sed'

- Hos-General - __

^OdoBerTOset —

■*.The ganeral October meeting

of- tho—Woman's . Society— of

Christian Service was held In

the Methodist Church Fireplace

Roonr Mrs. Edgaf .Schmidt

a nd Mrs. Roy J csser were-lead-

~r-5fs~nnha-^nei rrom circle'


The topic of the program was

"The United Nations." Mrs.-


_ Mrs. Russell Poller, presented

- — speclal-musl'c^Mcmberi-of-Cir---

f—'.cle No. 7 \u:rc, ho.stesse3.

Members of Circle No. 1 met

Bt-therl'O'n'J-of-Mrs Bernard-

Darker'. Mr,i. Doris Knoedlcr

presented tlia program on the'

Methodist Community centers

and dcnconcBsea.

Circle No, 1 canvened at the

homo of Mrs. B* F. VIcb. The

program wtii presented by Mrs.

"VFrnnk -KolIOBR. ' ■■

Mm. J. E. While was hostcfs

- ,''tor._-nicinhr.T?..n' Clrdo No. 3,

„.Y'V"'' ^'"^ •'i^i^^ih Dull as "co-

•hniilcss. Mrs, All Parish nresoril-

ed the doyoliojlnl tiervlco-nnd

prograni. \

Circlo Noi 4 met nt the home

. of Mrs. W. W. Powell. Tlie prt>-

, . gram 'wai presented by Mrs,

W, N. Modlln and Mrs, Stella

Wflinmnn rend the devotional


Members of Circlo ^o, S met

•t-lhd-homo or_Mra...NQOnnil

^ . 1 the program con-

cerning her recent trip to ihe

Holy Land.._ . . . . ,

CSS ;for members of Circle No, ,

B, with Mrs. Eva "Spencer as

co-hostcss. Mrs. Clyde' Ewlngj

gave the deyoljoiial servico and

the prdgram.""

_Circle_No,_7_conve.ned_,at_ the



of the program. /

Mrs. Rdbcrt.Wilis' was hostess

for— members-of— Circle— No.i-8,

Mrs. Edgar Schmidt was in


Nye was Soloist. Mrs. Robert

Gustafson was co-hostess.

— Mi-mhiT^ nt Clrrlf N n H m P-t

at the home of I^Jps. Orrln Ful-

ler. Co-hostess wag. Mrs. Ted

Matsuda. Mrs. Fuller gave the

devotional service, and Dr. Hnr-

Id Nye was guest speaker.

Tliti^Wosiijynn-Servico Guild

mctr.HLtJic home. of Mrs. Aimce

Bryan, Mrs, James Vandenhark

was in irhargc of the program.


Mr-1- Terry Sulllvim presented

spccfAl music.


KING HILl^Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Cox . wgre , ;host.s i

birthjjay anniversary, dinner in

honor— of-Mrs.— Cox's— mother i

Mrs. Warren Brown, Boise, at

their new home, Koulh ol King



homes in IdAho. according to

rcquirpmcnl of^NRTA-AARf. In-

The next regular meeting is

the third, Friday .in 'Mauch -in

business session Vhere a leport

of the national conveiittori of Re-

tired ■fe^efs-held at-Minneap-

oUs waff, read frjiw Mrs. Gallic

Steinbuck, Blackfoot, representa-

tive for area No. 8. Greetings

were Tead from Bertha Mayer,

statcpi^ijlontj. and^^^CnOOlV^

Ethel Percy Andrus. foUhdrf^ u e its were Mrs. fmbgenc

president of NRTA.j ITxjHeath, Beverly Richardson and

■ - ■ "^siijgivi


A no-host dinner was hold Jiy

members "^f'tlic Union Pacific

A report Drt'acai;ejltc,djiur")iIngiyDritella-Jlargrav

Colottn Lloyd, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. C. C.^ Lloyd. Hager -,

man ; -and-Jef /ry-D.'~SIinerrs6iTl

of Mr. and Mra. V. H. Slater;'

San Pablo, Calif,,' werc-imUcdl

' " " !a_acpt:Jn:n!


grandmother, Mrs. Bessie Lin-

coln, Twin Falls.

The doub]a,ring ceremony was

perfprnicd-al noon- iiy-Revr-Rob-

ert Gibbon. The' bride, escorted

by. he r_ father, wore a plao green

silk gown accented with a iacc

Insert on .the bodice., Her short

veil of white lace was held by

tjlver clasp. She wore a cor-

sag6 of white carnations.""" —

~WF. kn"ff~Mrs. ROBcmiaterr

brother and sister-in-law of the

bridegroonv, were best man and

itfon of honor. i

liimedlately after the

monJTilhe couple was feted at

" reception. The -bride's table

£ovcrcd-wlll»4aGe^ntit-«in" ]

Suri{i"qy,.Oct. ^0, 1^66 • -Twin Falls'Umes-ljawt l-j2,9

THE DEKyvWa.FOji ^


Js.grcaler than the- supply nolionolly. Wo are getting

oor share — more than we have over hodf-Wo ore

—nliocated-ODr' sliafo^ffoTrr'each carloacI"~6f ^^finilfT


come lo us ..CQch week-- We- invilo you In to seo




— color-tv-is-ourVspeciaLty!^—

. i ,Not a sidcliiio. We have the finesI-*ldchntcidlTs''

ihd equipmont- fo -assure our customers _the -fipest

lered With . a two-tlenjd wedding

cake.ddcorated with roses ana

miniature;;^wedding— bell9r--Tal!

white tapers ^flanking the catce

completed the setting.

The cake was cut and serv^il

byMrs. R. E. Kelso and punch

and coffee were servei by-Mrs.

.Ciifc4JliBhflr£L-WIIcQX,_cousiasa)Llhc |

bridegroom. Gdests vmn: regis-

tered- by I^ana Lloya, sIsteL'of

the bridq, .— P^—



,-B»Bly rountJed . .

ifio new too shape on


throat flatters (he

' foot. Available on








.'rw-v BULBS



.noto MATCMco MAiEi ron ihm ahq Mtn


^ and Its B ird

TRAIM CAll . , . vInyMlnid,

(of cnimOKt oncl' ovar .nlglil ,

(liriOniKi 19,30

HATyNITI . , , (Imihlii

JUMflO rutlMAN .

. 3f,ao

. All

7£_ WW;'"''

' fij'iV'''"'>'"'i'ii»«




Marts JR







mm ma mum dm siCf -wos


' » Member of /the Federal Res.erve System


, cona apeikert ind Jli' speaker (or tl\rlllino high

fidelity tound. -^r ■^-.„;,.- -. '

ZENITH-Ub gutlily OOm Ib bsloie l/ie nmt goes on*

- . ----IHLKIUfW — .fAOOIl 940W^_

. rErSP'""*'''"^ 469.95-

Gtnuirif vtnttxs AND ttitciiiAiDwbaosotios, .

I, liudl /t'aninney


i4awAMPLirienRii'i nmiii^uia ,

- ■ Oytlsmilaiivara KOwi"'

plfllily liantliloiliail Uir Intl.

yiatm iip, Braalirraliabimy.

' r5un<)ay; Oct.-30r-l W&

3d Twin Falls Times-Newi

■ Miss Fi^oehlich •

"TsBfi^ebf " r

, . Terry Butler


troehlich, daughter ofcMr. and

"-MrrBlairo"Ff6ehlieh;"nnd Terry

Key -Butler, son ° t Mr. and

l^fs. Raymond Mllcrrfitl'Hm'

' ' Ben.~ were ■ united In marriage

, ^t-"a[tornoon-ritofl Ocl.-3 at the

-- —'Kliribcrly- Christ ian. Chu rch.

Rev. Howard Larsen officiat-

ed at the double ring ceremony,

■ pcdcstal-boskots-containlng

_ivhile gladioli and largO' (Jeach-

colored chrysanthegfiiiDs accent-

' ed with a deeper toned peach

ribbon; ,and_wli1t6:candelahra

of 'Hlhled ■ spiral peach-colored

tapers were placed at each, side

of the chancel. j^.

The' bride) escortiHr^.,.her

(pther,-- wDra a floor-length,

empire slyled go wn"of;peau de

30ie, fa^loned with a Chantilfy

lace bodice and'bell-shaped lace

sleeves. It was fastened fit the

KiplrmitTThnwirah d-waS accent -

cd with a floor-lonath double


mother yfashloned the- irf\n.

~Hcr~lllastoirTrelh-l)eld- h}f~*

headband or scalloped lace,

waa'fashioned by the bride.

Her Jewelry . was a. atftrilng

heart-shaped pendant necklace,

a gift froVn the bridegroom. "

^ho carried tt bouqubt of

white Jtarburst pompons cen-

tered ■%ith-^rlna_jD3M_Ji,n:

circled with -green velvet leitvft


stteamers. ',

. Kathy Frochlich, sfsler of the

bride, was maid of nonor. Mrs.

Raymond Strolberg. college

roommate of the bride, was

bridesmaid.- 'R«?i6- Butler, sis-

tor of the brl4egroom, and Don-

na Froehllch." cousin of the

bride,, were ffln dlellghtera.' Dob-

elle CurzonV-PBCaxello,' cousimif

the bride, was flower, girl. She

carrIed"Ti"~whUe-basket— filled

with coral and white rose petals;


bridegroom, was best man. Ush-

ers were Olen Wright, Dean

Froehllch,- cousin of tho -brldo,


bridegroom. '

MrirDouglas Gee. slslcr'-or^

the bridf,' was organist,, with

l, DSvld Mead as soloist.

by h

The guests.

' The reception Wais held In tjie

church dining Jiall. The bride's

laUe was ' centered, with ' the

three-tiered -cake, separated

cqlonades, trimmed'wllh orange

flowers dnd green leaves, and

topped with two' satin wedding

bells cdKcd .with-sced— pearls

and-nestfeHn-net and Lilies of

the~Valley''oft-a heart-shaped

pedestal— The-satin-clolh-wlth

ati-organdy -floor-length -ove^

skirt was accented at the center


bon bow. The- cake,' on a round,

mirror, was flanked by double

"crystal cand el abraT --' -s^

Mrs.- Joseph— Froehllch— Jr;r

'aunt-ot-the brMc,.and-Mrs.-WJld:


cake, Mrs, Thomas "Proctor,

served punch, and Mrs.'-Calvlo

GDo Mr iun t of the brldecroom,

"and'TCay ■ Ihlcr poured cotice.

Gifts weep arranged by Dinnc

Cooper ana Soijdra S^chwacgler,

Pocalello, collie friends of the

iiride, Maigar'eL Covey, Salt

Lake Cto, "cousin of. the "ft-ldc,

and Lou. Ann Cillen. -'Bruce

Covey, coiisln of tho hdi


iiiDcareri r? ~^

Others- assisting with tho-'re^

ceptlon were Mrs, Jack Wright,

Mrsr-La hny-Wobienr-Mrsi - Gene

yiVlker.ond Mrs.- David ■Hmris-

Tne touple^took 'a "wedding

tfip-to-Jackso'n-HoIe, Wyo., and

Yello>vstone National Park, '

After'the rehearsal, tho bride-

groom's parents entertained' the

members of tho wedding parly

a£-a lunchcdn at the church.

— The -bride -w^s honored-ftt-a

pre-nuptlal shower given by

Christ;^- Crockett— and Suaan


Day?Jea Skated

By Buhl Unit

. BUHL-^FInal plans were made

|j_ v.- fot^thfl annual Guest Day Tea


when the regular' meeting was

lield-at tho Odd Fellows Temple.


Mrs._PearrMcCormic|( as host^

esses for tie dessert luncheon,

iHalloween^motif _was usCd

for table decorations".

""Mrs^A. G;- Biswell.^Qshone,

chapter president, ' appointed

commitlee.members'forjhe tea.

Mrs. Lee IShaver,- is' general

chairman, assisted by Mrs:

Harry Stewart, Margaret Ann

Stewart,. Mrs, E. A. Owens,

Mrs. "Lloyd Loos,, Mrs. Lena

Harger and Mrs. Floyd Hard-

RosenbaumvzBt Ihe - Crockett

home^ . _■■

Guests attended from ,Cali-

fo rn ia 7- Utah— J^ca tc i 1 0 ;— Id a ho

Falls, Boise and several Magic



Mrs,- Ellis Woodruff' and Mrs;

Biswcll are in chargd' of the

■program; the decorations- and

thc-gifts: -

The tea will be held at 2 p.m.

Nov.__15 __at_the_,Odd Jellows

Temple. Guests will bo invited

by the mcmbersl .

"' As o' i^gUlar meeting "win not

be held tho day of the tea. plans

wore made for -■the annuar

(^istmas— party— and-gift-cx-

change set for Dec. 13. Officers

will be elected.'

Tit was rep6Hed~1fiar"Hrs.

Bertha TUlcy has ■■ returned

home from^ brief sipy in the

hospital. ' '

- Hospital and . nursing home

calls" were reported', 31 home- '

calls made, and 27 c ards , sen t. '

One member attended a luneral,

four furnished food for bereaved ■

tainlHe i and on e a ent-llowera; — ■

^Mrs^ Elmer Latham report-

ed— tnat one cheer- card had

been sent slnc^the last meeting,

—Miss — Stewart- thanked— the •

members f^ir the cards sent her

^nd_the.gift she received at the

time, of her" accident. Mrs. Roy

Lively thanked Oiejnembers for

all their cai^sjap^iilla--. ' ■ -^r^

Pinochle, winners were Mrs.

Woodruff. Mrs. D, W, Ruwa-

and Mrs. .Owens. Wlioople win-

ners were Mrs.^t66s;' 'Hfts.. '

Harger and Mrsi 'Ivcly.



^ Honors Worthy

. Grand Matron ■

HAILEY — Belhanj Qhapter

.No.^2J,-OnIer''or'Easfe'rn' Star,

honored Mrs, Eisie-Latheif, Pot-

y gra~nd matron ol


;e^1icr:official-vi3llr— ^

— Other distinguished- guests In-

. eluded Oyal_Caskey,_ MacUayi

worthy grand' patron; Mrs.

Gertrude Weber, Nei'^ Perce.

__grand Ruth; Mrs^dMildred MOl*-'

ton,' Lewlston, grand marshal;

-Mrs.' Mabel -Caskcy, Mackay,

"p-aiid' — warder:^ Mrs— Lilljan

Barton, Wendell, grand trcas-.

ure'r and ■ past crarfd matron;

' Mrs. Grace Johnson, , Twin

Falls; Mrs. Helen Lcavitt, Gene-

see: '^rB^^^ttOlT^eiil

Bejlevue, past grand, matron,

and W, C. Skinner.:.Pocptell6,

pasfferand patrUn. : -

Attending from Rupert, Twin

Falls Chapter Nd, 29 nnd Magic

Chapter -No; 82, Albion, Biirley,

Hagerman, Challls and-, Biinl

were ten worthy matrons- and

patrons, IJ grand chapter com-

mittcfl members and appoinlees

and two grand' representatives.

Mr. and Mrs. tytnolie (jrecr.

RupCrt, Tparcnts of Mrs; Donald

Ramseyrworthy matron of Be-

thany Chapter, were given a

special-greeting,-:' '

-During the "evening,. Mrs;

Ramsey waamamed-grand page

and .-Paul ■ Braggi-worthy-patron

of Bethany Chapleri' was.na'miid

asTiistant sentinel.

The theme of Mrs, .Lathen)s

tallc was "Friendship.

— Mrs,-Leontrt-KnlB![it,^mMtlck

ale-hjatron, presented the cefe*

mony honoring Mfs. Lathen. at

tlie'close of -which: BliC present-'

cd hrir^'vase from herself and

a gift from th? chapter,"

Mrs. Schaefer presented the

tribute to Mra. Caskey and^she

and- Theodore Broyles, associat-

ed patron of Bethany Chaptfjr,

sent ed li l m - a. g i tt - f rotn-the.

thv Ynalron-and money from

Mrfl.rRarogey . Mr. tnd Mrs,

Oreer-wore fjowera given" them

Tiy Mrs. Knight. ^

"iprior" to the" me'ctin'g~"a~han-

quctwas served by mfcmbcrs of

Halle'V Bethel No. 30, Intern^

ti6nal Orde'r of Job'i, Daughters,

under the supervision of their

guardian, Mrs, Halbert Hatch.

Mrs, Ramsey decorated the

the chapter.

Mr3..Frank,Gelskey- was solo-

ist. . . ,.-'

-Thfi . . ceremony'.- of ^ Initiation

was presented for 6ns candidate

who was„ presented. -with^an

OES white Blbla by tha worthy


Flowers worn by-Mrs, Lathen,

Mr. and Mrs. -Cas)(ey and Mr.

and Mrs.' Bragg were gijts from.

flowers in the five colors of the

guests nt tlie Cortimunlty Baptist

Church' annex,^ Decorations plan-'

"oed by Mrs. ^arhsey, highllfiht.

ed an ot>en Bible resting near a

flve-ti(pcttel candelabra, pink

and white petunias In star vases

and star-centerEd nut-cups com-

■jilarV Uth flf 1H6 dflnclnR tloltsr

on'i the pro gram-was-^ ressed-in

a different s_t,ti'r- color. '*

-; Mary blSonriell," honoured

queen,, presented Mrs. Lathen


Jeannle Savelberg sang atid

Wsrilyh-Stapletbn-gijyj! n musi-

cal reading,' accomnanicd by

Susan Johnson. Gajl {Ramsey

played a oiano solo. '

Past Matrons nf ^fcth'at

Chapter hosted a - luncheon' for

officer s 'and their distinguished

pietcd the decor.


Grand - Chapter - apppintee, prcr

sented Mrs. Lathen ji gift for

her ".Share With OtKers" proj-

Mirz-'rom- their Pflst.-.lMattoas:

Club. -y, ■ :

After the luncheon;- the group

went to the Masonic Temple for

a .school of instruction condiict-

td by Mr^ jt henJV)r off Igei


. _^'Bas, Nev. There they

WIIpiaitTpart in the natfonal

Fot November ■

The 19M "Mftktfvlt 'VourBeir

With Wool" contest will be held

Saturday in Gooding. All are*

womcnjind glrla are- invited -to,


wr .ceni rwool, waftlo-

tional contest will win an ail-ex-

pcnse-pald trip ^ England,

Franco ."Snd- Germany,

Beverly Hansten, Gd6dln^,

won the trip to Europe as the

natloniUjvinner In the:senior di-

vision last year. ,,.-' ' ■'■

Ages for the contest : UnLBS

H>uwill-bfl-^twarded-tollowBr-aafa-deb- 1 0- to - I 3 . - ,d t3f

Ihe-winner of the adult dlvlslonTltrict-cohtest ohiy; junior, H to

Ths'^Juritor and-senior- winners 16." Benior,--17-to-21,- and: adult.

will , receive - an expense^pald

trip to the state tautest In Poca-

telloj where they w ill compete

In '.thOtate^'styla "revue. .

Many-othCr valuable prltes

21-fnd anyr tge over,- district

contest only, ^ub-debs may

make a a^npla wool iklrt''lf they

do not' want to mako a dresT,

suit or colt They can either

will be awarded to contoslanta/buy-Dr make the blouse, and it

|n the district-contest; flo™iot have to bo wool. ,

tiers drthe state contestl Ensembles cannot beientered

will win an all-cxpens^paldJrJplthla year-If a contestant^viihes

Twin Fills ■Time^New^ ' 3X

to make -a dress and coat, or a

suit - and coat,' each garment '

must be entered sepaiately. A

contestant may enter more than

one wool dress, suit or -co'bt If '

she chooses.

"There are' ho' construction or"'

P?^U?rn_ rules, _for , the _cpnlest. :.

Gonable durability and'icndrit-

peif - to an. attract(ve- finished..,

product may be used, however,- ^

the fabric must be 100-per cent-

American wool, loomed In the

U .S .A .

!For further Information, con- -

tact Mrs. 'John Faulkner," Routo

2, Gooding, or the' home c;ilcn-

sloii .agent, or local merchant

who handles wool fabric'





■ . r: Up^tq " i ; r jj fflig. COUPON is worth ; _ „

/■cjfh "


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■ «475 OR MORE













$175 OR MORE

\\%, 0)110

Kciirhoro Auto ,2-Cyclo Dry«r

<iiit.dryir tlm'

Mini*, 3 tycli

Iblllly (a % n

Hira'i • low inil dryir tlmt't ilmpU, ji a%. mmxw

durnliU. "Oiy to op«ml«, 2 cycUt pliii 3. S /J] W

< tioKf llinir gUa lltillblllly In Oiy moil loadi. ^^''^CU'i:^. /a

loatl-A'Door. fiullir (loM lyKllih. , ^'ly'


V on Stars Eciy Poymanl Plan


[\- 'n- It;-

I I!










. «37S .OR. MORE

Coldspat RcfritjeiatDi

Willi 1,S t>il,)e fooH.rQ.f/imMjf..,, ,'.„.- , ■. .

ir, Iwo full, triiyi, Tw« full wUllli

lUfll lli.ly.l , I . on. o,l|u""l'l.. I'oi- ^l^j^il^,')

(.liiln llitlil, lni»tlnf (or Ioiiq III. nml j] J; r '

•city irl.nnlnoi Biili.r tomcnilm.',! ' t^.j r-rj /'■

ond.o, .t«pg..- ■ ■ trj mii'* r-


wild COIII'ftll



' 19-i|i. Portable

SuoflQ |i>C(i| (•mplliHi piovfiUi ynii wl

clmir ftWwt. TlOltd ial«1/ illlaM iiiliir

(innoylito glnia, Aiilnmiillc giilit cmili

Ifiducai picliiia (liirrtr. I'lditlc cnlilr

c<iM»i In b*la* colo(. '


•n lant* Ibi)I raymtnl flan


SotlBfoctlon Cluarnnfopd or Your Monoy Buck

403 MAIN AVE. W.


PHONE 733.0821



CoMspot ClIes^


|lniii>.|ri>Mr rnrmrlly Qlvai ymi lli*

■B|lvn""il|tt ol iiip* Nl iAm*n-

Um: llniiily UiW) m IiqIh, ihvoI Inr

Liilty (00.1 llaini, (.ii|l«iy,>ii ili.Nii'

Otounil (nort.



And No Poymtnli

'III Ftb, 1, 1967


Tup«„ W»d„ Thur«., Snt, 9:30 o.m. to 6 p.m.

Mon„ FrI., B:30 a,tn. to 0 p,m.


hi;^ ...

■), II .

■ ' (/'.;<:


t57B OR MORE '







»776 OR MORE.



• Got <iti 'you con for your hoalino

Hollar, 'Aik Smit to In.WII lliii 75,.

' 000 flTU lurntico.unll,

• Sonri nrrorrnm iflflBDItng" cotfillltani '

lo visit your jJpi*''7iTitf ptall yoitf

■ -« syitom HiX-^jKo coit onn on. olilt


• CtJitoni Imtullollon, all cold ipoti

■ - elltltlnatnrj?



,^ .ori.oti l»iy f.ym.r,! fUn


on Sears jEaty Payment Plan

1 i!niiTr«;rrfl-vvr.ipw*s34-5im~pamrscTrc,n

Konmoro Canisfcr Cltsrahor

* rninpUti Willi rmiililnnXnn ojg.bota finni ,

Inal, 3 wddiJl nitd A'll, lioif,

* diilll.pii' ln(> linndli .(nnUi ll iDiy ta'tnuy

, (till llalilwilulit cidinit

* lA-lool (Old wropi around , (Ifnni*! uiii

dkpowbla popit duti bagi. Call far Itnt,

l»jm riTni. i ii i <r i nl iii « l»llliuiiMi«

MatJiosr. or Dox SpruKjs.

purlng tlilJ inle you poy lha low, JjlJ

low prico ol only $1(9 for elthor mot- ■

troii or boK iprlngt. So* lliti and our

.. . 'i. ._ jj, HO MOMIY DOWN M)

wmpUt* lln* of qualHy bedding. lam |aiy ff<^%m

Top Honors ^'

JEROME — At ' the rcgglar

mi*ctmg of' the S[. Benedict's

Hospital Guild \t ' was nn-

jTiounccd that the giiild scrffp-

V book,j prepared by Mrs. I-, w;

ba^bcrg and Mrs^oyJ l-jcc-

--- hnrt.wng intlrlnc/- fnr-lha-

Hospital Gyil3^

Sc^pbbolcWi nsU

tourth timj


Idaho As.^ociation' of Hospc

Auxiliaries hcl(] reccnlly at Sun


Yearbooks'\vi;rc distributed to,

the members , and /l _was an-

nounced^ that. the, annual .MiHil:

bcrship Tea will be held Nov. Jl

in thellin|ng room or ilic tiursing.

home; Members were ur^td to!

bring "gutisl's who would be 'in-

terested in volunteer wrtrk ill

tlio .hospital and nur.'^ine home.

Mrs.- r'. C. Matson bavk the


graders in the" nilrsing home and

^' -'^ BRILUANTLY COLORED pAILETTES were Intricately designed by couturier Michael Ntn

' varese for these -late-day dresses. "Painted Desert," modeled at left by Sue Barton, and "Poussi

Cafe," shown bf modeljguo. Dean. They'w among those shown to (be ErossjBt^thaj^aUfjmla^

— ftuhlon Creators display. (AP -wfrepboto) . ^ - ■ , ■ " (

Slates Luncheon


Newcomers Ciyb will hold Its

■Wednesday at the Holiday Inn,

Elks B ridge

■V^'inners Named

— The-ElKs Bridge group met at

the Elks Lodge, with seven ta-

bles in^play. , - -

Winner! lor -^omen Include


i jor twtt' pa-

Mts. J. T.-4lick~ets and Mrs.

; Sanhcrg, gift shop com-

mitlce rncmbefS7-and-MrarR-G7

Mats'on, ot ihc cart commitlce,

discussed articles lo he placed

in the Gift- Shop for Christm as.

.~71'r(jitT cake j;^nd - candies

sale; fit- the-prcsent time were

displayed. -

~ Jiislcri^ .~lluc !ne~rcpDrlcd~on

nre" JuntofTblunlcGrs, displjyiitg

ironr worn "by^tinrdgTrls^nt

work. There are t wo eroupa

'MrsT'Blanchdrd' ' '■


Ndomi Circle

DECLO — Mrs. Wiima Bln'n-

chard was fleeted to serve a':

chairman of the Naumi Circle o( ■

the United Presbyterian Wom-

:n's' Union Jor 1367^hen.meni-

iers mijfat" the lirinIC ot Mrs; .

TJeva Dniton. Co-hostess "was

Mrs.' Blanchard.

PREPARING the St. Benedict's Hospital Guild scrapbook are Mrs.' Boyd Freeman andMUr -Lcanard, ^wiM IJ^'^'f'^ ">

-W S nnherg T ho-scrapbQok-WQn-^I^Bl-plac^e-In-slatewldeTCOmpet^^^OI1-at-^he-racfln^^I^t^o^ officers -Icfr the orpjniza-

nual convention ol -Idaho Association of Hospital Auxiliaries i

fourth year the (wo women have proved to be a winning teaW


I at Sun Valley, This is the

2 sewing committee was njh-''

cd to look into the matter of

uniforms for them.

aisler Lucille explained the

possibility oT-estoblishing an-in-

formalfon booth. and sfKcial ser-

vice for out-patients coming in

for radiological (reatnicnls and

X-ray, which would function on

Tuesday -a'nd Friday mornings.

iMr5.-Ed Johnson, chairm'an of

the' longjerm care .unit, report-

work in the beaut? parlor

J. T. Roberts, Mrs. A. R. Bird.jn i.1 I m to

Mrs.. Maurice iVol/c and Mrs. eJ 067061 NO.^t J.

H. Turner.; Mrs C. Near Thom-I wENDELL. - Member'sVpf

ason. Mrs, William Ust and Wendell Bethel -Wov 12. Inter-

Mrs. Robert Thackeray w 1 1 l.^ational Order of Job's. Da ugh-

committ er, [ters, w ere hosts for a "My^tcnL

Wo^jrrat~the-iongztenn:j: r ■ '■ ■ " ' ^^.^^—^




■ , . , , ., .i>(lom»!^i)arly— at— ific^QSonH.

unit volunteers wdL be handled ye m pit!. The theme of the event

by Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Harold , he -"Roaring TwentiesV

•Robbins and Mrs. Raymond As- ^nd moms (ind daiTghters drcSs-

scndrup. while the Junior Volun- cd in the costumes of the era. '

leers are under tht^ dircclion of , , m„_ .Earl Neilson was crown-

Mrs. F J. Supple and Mrs W l-]ed queen of the .mystery, moms

Imm A. Peters. Mrs HQ.r6ld|by sam Bungum; Bethel No. 12

Klaas was assigned to keep ric- jobie dad. Her costume- wds

ords Q] iViG Vomnleer hours and t.;,i.,7,j

-WiftHv-antLjiKkfrt ifPtt mlr^itionaliords Q| iViG Volunteer hours and Uudgej ■as-'beini"the-niost aulh-

help be soliciled-Jrortl ■ among card Tiles. ' rgniic-by-the-juogesr _

■^tcr Lucltlc in-tK&rge ori Jane Hanson, honored quetmT "Arp Dlcirt IRQPri

scholarships. The tray favors] welcomed the many. , sideliners ^ l^ioj-uoocu

Clyde' Good and "TO rt . ' c o m mittee members arc*Mrs.-R. suit-

Robert Thackeray .rc rwrle d. .gg Lyons SmitlT'aliT'Mfs*: WnjiamjFrith

the state convention, anT'^rs. Last.

■FIo"ssJe*^eII"Wa3:iHtr.oduce*i;^ ^arftfedr'lb Ihe-GIfl^SIiopTom.

Mrs. Elaine Hall, first; Mrs.

ert Brackett and Mrs. Anna'

Hollowaj', An evening meeting

IS set for 7:30 p.m. at the home

of Mrs. Ernest Hasselblad'. Of-

ferings will te taken at an

meetings" and-wilI-p)-for mis-

sions. ■

A a yonf .. .d ealtltiR tc a n i p o rt aj

A— prpgi- — . .,

Martha's Beauty Salonjjn hair

styles-nndwign, with Slub mod-

" els showing several bf the latest

styles. Guesjs will.be. tredted to

-a vIeVing - of two. fashions

■ Jumbhed.by Anne's Casuals.

Last monlh :foshions were

— farnlghetrby^he^Paris^C-orrhal?

■ styles by Connie's Coiffuies nnd

shoes frofti Williams Shoes.

Anyone whrf has not previous-

ly lieen conlno(ed for the lunch-

. eon can obtain rescrvalinna by

calling Mrs. Waller Thomns.

733-3669, of Mrs. Jack Smith,


" ~Oiher~Kpwcomc'rr~Club— ac-

tivities Jor -Ul[i„.ycar Include

league bowUnS at 9:30 a.m. nl

■ thq Magic Bowl, wUKfreo baby-

..alltloB acrvlcc' provlilejl. '^Aliy-

. one Interested In howling should

conlact Mrs. August Averell,


'Bridfjo nnd pinochle will lie

played at 8 p.m. Nov. 10 pi the

, . TCTC^hi i 'li^lnr . Mri ,. nnn ,

-GIlircB is in chnraa.ol bFldflt

I5_=plannca _ ny p,^. ^^^^^^^ thlFdrWinnersIfor

LartwrrHnllrfirst; Lewis

"iftdT'itnaTTieifRobe rls,

Sen al



The group meets the second

and fourth Wednesdays of each

mofOh. The next play is set for

Nov. 9 at the Elks Lodge. All

Elk members and LJdlesDt^lks

are invited to attend.

Day of Pcayer

Scheduled by


The. Baptist Wpnutfi-Day-ot-

Prayer will bo observed Nov. 7

with the theme, "Mbu Cries,

God Answers."

Thero will be three meellngs

and qny-onc nf these can Ikj nl-

tended or all three, llio morn-

ing lueulings are set for 0:30

a.m. at the homes of Mm. Rot>-

lion to the motjilng meeting is

asked to call Mrs. Robert Sie-

ves or be at'the church no"latcr

than 9:i5 a.m. Nursery care

will be provided '.during the

morning meetings.

Families are urged to par-

ticipate in this Day of Prayer

aside from ■ the planned pro-

suim, '

a gulst. ., , .

•Standing,.' •commlUi^e' assign-

nicntff Were announced by' Mrs.

Good, Jhcy includtai the, meip-

bership' committee,' Mr'S^CfA-k ,

Heissi-Mrs. Mary -Mflnn.^ra JiC^

Y. Williamsonr Mrs.-John-Sears?

Mrs. -Johnson, Mrs^S. P. Rlch-

ter and Mfs. Leon Fcider, and

program commitlee, Mrs. Aloys

Hoi and Mrs. Good-

Others announced verj, t^f.

nominatlng-commiltee,^ Mrs. L".

W. Sanbbrg. Mrs.' T^larlt Heiss

and Mrs. J.eon-Tippclt;-fIn'ance

committet, Mrs.-Dwight McGill;

Mrs. Frank Titus. Mrs; F^.

Supple, Mri. Ernest Coupe, Mrs.

Harold Klaas ffnd Mrs — Ea^l

Itlec are Mrs.- J. T._ RickctLs,

!rs, L. W. Sanbcrg 'and . Mrs.

telvin Ncwlan. '

Appointed to tlie hospital

■grounds, committee Jjire Mrs.

Harry Morris, Mrs; Biicnoj Cal-

ient mI=Ml^Pnnilc-TitiiiHt1rsf

Cailen, Mrs. Morris nnd Mr^

Titus were also named to th?

c i a 1 Christmas decorating

commitlee. -■■ -

.Selreshments were seiVcd^In

the Snack Bar by Mrsi 'C. Neal

Thomason and MrS: Edna Burks."

ifitroduced MJr's. Harry

past' honored .queen and

EI^ent^yOHljao U-Ohn-WetUas-

socKie guardian; Mrs. Fred

Maltz, Mrs. Allan Hanson and

Susan Cooper, past honored

queens; Mrs. R. Jv Marlow, Mrs.-

E. E-. Parr, Mrs. Earl Nielsen

and Mrs. Sam Bung um. - past

gOanH ansTundBuni

=Mli!.'l^HilnSQn.^ann pt)nce'

official visit ol^ the grand .guar-

dian is set for "Nov. 16; the

practice meetings for 2 p.m.

Sunday-and Nov. fl. and the pro-

ficency test for new members

for the-next meeting.' Orders for

the sale of Christmas wreaths

Greenawnlt. and cart committee,

Mrs. -MolvIn Nowlanand- Mrs.

R.-C._Matsc>n; ^ . ,

. The scrapbook will agsIiTbe

complled-by-Mrs. Frceman and

Mrs. Sanbcrg, and publicity will

be handled .by Mr«*iimtiesg.iuul

Mrs. Robert Thackeray.

Calling will be done by Mrs.

John Scars, Mrs. Grace- Hopsor


Mrs', Neva Dallon, secretar>

Mrs. Richard Kerbs, treas-


Mr-i. J. B. Gocttsche. chair-

.. ijn.r-gave Ihe devotional scr- '

vice and- prayer. nnd rt;ad "Holy

Spiril. Truth Divine." - ' ,

Mrs. Dale Brooks prcscnied

the second part of Ihc lesson on' ■

v iProlcKianliftm,— - ■

'SlT'lt wa's' 'announced by Mr-:.

Goctlsche lhal members will

mc er;ai the koqie of .Mrs, pob'-"

^rr=^5iniplqt=^i-nursHtty;:3lor-v,a. ■. r

^^uilling bee. t • " . ■

A frport on the general luncti--'

eon meeting was given by Mrs.

Kerbs. She stated that a nomi-

nating copimilleC^ composed of

Mrs. Raymond Johnson,' Mrs.-—

William Morgam and, Mrs. Jones ■

" lard, ^will I serve to -Select

"The O l .

Ninetjes.," read hy Elaine

Ambrose, hbrarian.

Refreshments n'bre sen'ed by

Bonnie Sue Trour^on, Janet HIg-

genbolham, Nancy Bunn, Robyn

Frith. Connie Wike. Yruis Ydar-

raga, Esther Hanson,' Elaine Amr

broserT— Peggy— Morgan— £athy

Gilbert, Cymhia Merkle, Sherry

Roe, Anna Schrcnk. Marcia Mci-

stad, Mary Slringfellow, Jolene

Vaughn and Marie Paylom ■

The tables wero'direclcd In a

Halloween moiil by Miss paylon,

Miss Schrcnk nnd Miss Meistad.

* V

Meat Reefpes

lion tor the coming, year." ,

Mrs. '"enfford-Smton-repdl'rtd

thafinsf^^s^aliicd from-lhe-

rummage sale. _

mem ber, M rs. Jake •




Bookmobile Schedule .

■" Hovenifaerra^


Dietrich 9:30

Painter . ■,

Servie* -Center .-. 11:00

Eden .1:45

Hazolton 2:55


Poul 9;00

. FILER -^-Town)and Country

Club' menibcts /discussed fa-

yflCilfc-jnfi^itfCcipes— at— the'

meeting at lhc'^\hon)e, of Mrs.

Kalbfloisch^tind a lesson

on methods of meat ■odokcrv'

■was given by ' Mrs.- Richard

Tucker.and Mrs. Jack Pierce..

Mrs. Olio" S'chlange "was a

testrMrsrKiilfaflnisrh nnd MrgrJ

Bfown served refresh-


hostess for the November meel-

Hoyburn 1U:4.V

.Hanien .'. 1:30

■Kimberly 2:45


"fGrtl. 9:30


West Point .,

Fails City ^


Acequin . ■ .

. 10;30

J, :30

. . 3:30


■And Mrs, Jnmcs Fine,- pinochle.

Itphting InslrucllonN will' be

given nl Yrp.m. Nov. fl nt Ilia

hnmnjif Mr». Fllierl l.ulir. 072

Cindy Drive, Mrs. Jiij:k»«n in

knitting chalrniii'n.

The purponn of the Newcom-

er« Cliih li to wHcomn «ll ncw-

romeri m Twin I'nlls, mnka

them feel nt hrtmcupnil he' help-

-iiirin- . ,.

further InformiUlon conrcrnlng

(ho Newcomers Club nnd ,. Itn

activities , can contact Mrs. Don-

ald Pfoffcrlc, ISl-JfiJft;' Mrs. L,

n. HInton, 7,13-5110, or Mrs.

.Smith, 7.1J-04'13,

Tliq nexf i>onrrt ■merllnR Is set

for Nov, 29 nt llio hunio of Mr«,

Robert Smilb, Wendell Drive.

J 1450 KG

' your rdtllo dial


SiO!) nm It) I'NAIin

»,00 mn ftWAI"ANn HlOP

9,0!l nin 1m iOIi I'VNt lllOW

. , 9i30 m 10 I'HAUH

10, ?! n/n MKIAt'OIIB t,

II noon HnilV IIOIIinilBf* ■

Lfll prii lAHUr riARWICK

4,0(1 pin Untl AI1HA^A^

A, 00 |im JUtllAI) MIINN R\rOm

. A, 1^1 M'oiiitt! m srtjHn

fti'Jft ppTi WrAlMtR

A. 30 pm inr jnr I'VNr siiow

;..10 (.m fiOIOOl HI. lilts

B, nn pm dftiiLR m\y

V.no p,n lim ADAMSOH

lion cim M('N ail'


All yio( lona, hom« or nwoy, follow

llti Twin Fnlla lliuint «n ili* fnolbnll

vol(« •! lli».Mogle Vnll*/ , , , Ulf

rortlo,. ' ■ <■



' lPM/lSr-3t61

_ Catch Glenn's easy, warm style In this ■

"live'! jMrformaitre from the hungiy I.' Featured In this

new album are "Rose," "The Music of the World A Turnin',"

"The Things Men Do" and others.

NEW on RCA Victor .

Res. 3.7B


SPECIAL 2.98 end 3.98



331 MAIN AVE, . EAST I ' Coi\v«nUnl parking (it raar of . itora,


new sfer//'ng


Sm t90 on a 36-pc. S«rvics^tor 8

with Cheit, Reaular Price |347.50.


'SiVi (7S ofi a 54-pc. Service fo^ 12

wUh Cheit,, Reaular Prjce $516.

Tahe advanlega of iHs ipacial

Inlroductot^iavinai on-Reed & '

j< Darlon'i diillnaiihlicd "EnRlUh ' ^

^' "Tfovinclnr iloflinR ,'S.-and enloy ^

•loaancc liiiplittl'b^ Cnatl^li

' _.nianor-houw.llvlnflrJlila Rentle : "

^ciotl-frnmcd (fDSl[in cnplurei Haht

Willi every curva and nai iionner

I llnflt that area dellaht to hold

v prottiict ot the tlneit

'iter'ling craft imanihlp,, '








Exclusively at




CanltmporaiY colon In marvolqut ihodoi, Tho looh li

, (omplotod by a now throo-quortor lonflth ileev*. And

to maho It (ontomporary in ovary ifnio of Iho word,

thil itiirt It PERMA'IRON whicti meani that It li BORN


. ■ I Whilo, B|uo; Pink, Vollow

SIxoi 10 to 16

> Many new frilly styles in solids and

floral prints by Lady Arrow just arrived.


Was Man oi Jllany Inyentions, Ideas

(Continued From Pnge 21)

at the Twin "Falls High, School

he developed what he called a

"radio brain." He began this

Invention to enable his mother

— r-ta tum^fbe radio -aroiuihe- down

when thc'ttlophonc rang and to.

turn it up when she hd'd finish^

her conversation,

_Xhe-^ratiil!-was.. a_co n stai

delight to his brothers and sis-

_y teTB iof It would operate outs^iK

tfie' house nnd' cau^e-rtli^ radio

to' react. In a socralngly my-

sterious manner -to the people

Inside.' ■

Adomson wag graduated from


of 16 ana went to the old Uni-

versity of . Idaho, Southern

Branch.-nt Pocatelto for hli first


ing degree.

^ The 30'b were bad yeafs lor

Is Moving Force, Friendly

HAVANA ^IKtWhafs Fidel

Castro like? IMk

"Well, Ifs likens," says a

young Conimunlst, ''He's (orev-

e r t tiac hiti H iiu t ug TiRh t way tn

„- „ ^ things.

' ''He la inspiring to every-

one," sayj a young rbmaic ad-


-A straw poll In" any area of the

counfry is sure to come up with

— approximately., the sainc cor

r-irrrr^jgptfon of the prime minister'

I, main characleristit;:. /teacher

; — ::; — an d ej i a mple^topHthe-m assCTr"

Whatever else his enemies

.may—lhinkzpf Llilmphe

country's-movrng force,

^^ VfithouLhta. constant p ioddlnii.

_;^^-^'f;a Joling.-lnstructtnB-:a nt pGctur-

Tng, ttUngs.bog aciwn._i_"

'±_ \t irjnpHw— whlrli Isn't often

i_ _— thcr5JttO''E-len^^f words hut

little'''action from. othW^party


A new. - departed diplomat

known for his biting analyses of

Cuba's ,top figures once_dc-

scrlbed Cnstrb as""tKa[ great

..: .-T^aiesman, - pitchmanr-prcachor,

-' — teacher," a c t o r,'- Comnjunlst

theoretician" and*-fathec tlgutc

all rolled up Into one lndera(iEa-

ble,. thoroughly (jnexpIalnaBle


. Cnstro isjh forceful, articular

sWakcr, a great persuader and

^ .phrase maker, a joy' for Cuba's

' " slogan-happy Communists, '

He revtils In crowds.

. M.: . _ .-y>.t ,n^>,w>n-4f n nTim--tfT'^ nlrf-a

crowd for five to' seven hours.

As the "maximum leader" to

"has the' government-controlled

press— in*

. , pers, magazines; rgdlo and tefe.

' vision report his 'every move,

They vie to see who can present

the most euphoric accounts of

■■ his actlorfs, words and deci-


,As an Instructor he seems to

. ■ havtf no equal,

H e can po" on for hours about

arBflclaLinseminai ,. _ .

a favorite projeot — or" his

itrUggle against Socialist bu-

^ teaucracy.

— Whatever he goes' — and he

. - " l^ieems to_be In one'part of'the

■'. • country one day and at the op-

" "posite end oHhe island the ncXt

— . he "orients" the masses.

"Orients" Is a favorite word in

■ 'J the. Communist dictioi

country doctor make periodic

trips ' through that mountain


• After exhausting^ evcryon(t.Io

— ... ... premier

Ularpartyrtne bearded premier

finally hoj^lnto Hs 'Uamniotk,

clothed in his' Ttabitukl olive-


green army fatigue unirarni*>fl^ !

taking off only his hea\'y*«™~*'

bat-bog]p.''Hc..co[itinues his

ture betore dropping off tfiTSlTep

after midnight. , .

Castro'demoastrates dcep In-

terest in the welfare' of the

CO unt ry "s-ca mpca inos- " t h e' so-

cial and economic conditions^

Ipaky roofs, medical da^t!, ade-

q uate— roads .-^-proper— diet— and

.schoo llna forthgtr chtldrett.

a young' person trying- to get

an -education. When tim'. came

for'Adamson to beglnthlnking

of enrolling for his second year

at the school the money, for his

tUtlion-Geomed-to-be-^non-exls- ~


However, Just. a day or so be-

fore the opening of the fall Jermr '

(SS^ame-Jnto— the_hQUSChaId z

through the- sale of.somp 100

shoats and .Adamson was off on

another step- In hWeducatlon^

Fifty-eight dollars' didn't c3n-

slitute much of a fortune even

ifl" those black days, so he walk-

editq.Pocatello from Twin Falls

In order to conserve his small


Adamson got his engineering

degree In- three years. He mar-

ried Wioifrod "King* from Klm-

i berlv and In rtnrll ftf ""V ^i""-


~He"l3~i qrHnEht:Hna~eorl on iitn3t ratetf;=^i

his Inspection fours, bouncing ■natmcefl-'that-

overymounta i n - roa dsHn-a-ieep; 635-Monro«rrSt., is a recipient

ca_rryhiB^ his campaign for

greater productlo^l^lnto the hills

of Cuba's back country.

This solldkbullt, 40-year-oId

grim-vlsageo^lGro of the mis-

cs;'* as newspapers" call him," is

.in^his-elemfent^whlle- thus Pn--

gaged — his fatigtie^cap-pulled

tigntly down to' hts eyes and cL-

■dasped firmly In his mouth,

e Is accused of many

.wrongs, but no one accuses him

of , being a white-collar, desk-

bound executive.

sbury Fbiir

Shop Neanby Safeway

ond Lo ok Ho w Yojijgva

-Save On Coffee ' i



2;|b"rBilB- 1.29

Early Week Values!

Mr Wiggle

Quaker Oats K^:

"Fancy Waff lesj




Cold Water All

'^'Save On Delergent

Liquid Detergerit ,

tine day he's ing thai

lace of a mountain to tell a cot^

fee grower how ' far apart to

'plant his. trees and what fertiliz-

- Instructs- his subordlnatcB

' how to prepare malanga slew

It's a potato-like vegetable

for their supper.

'Later, tie strolls In the dark-

Bake Shop

ness to a little school where he

outlines agrlculturcirprojects

Dress Flats & Casuals

Womon|s and Toons

• Cover Girl * Jantzon • Miss America

In New Foil Colors

Sizes 5 to 10



Out W The Oven & Over The Counter To You


2 (0. 59<

Tasty Tarl lemon Filling Topped With .

High ToasItkJ Mountains of Mering'uo

Date Nut, Loaf"

^ GlanI


-Bot t ir

Lilt Milk V/aye

Homo Permanent



First Aid Spray


' Can


Cut- Up fry CIS

Manor House (jrade A ~~

Pan-Ready — 2 to 3 Pounds lb. ]



Steak Meat

Sliced Bacon w£


Mon'i O" DOO^


LIttIo Boys' — HI Pnl


1/100 Mon'i 6" SHOE ' 0 00 •U'

1'i;77^RioT-ll;95-TT-^ NOW— 7,7-7. —

SIzo BV, to 12. 12%' to 4

REQ,TO?9.9S .



Size 3V2 to 6 : ^Wm ^t%f^

"Shoes for the

Entire Famllf




^rQjr=€round CHucIfbS

Ring Crab Legs cS-d

Florida Pink

Marsh '


."Medium Size

6 for 45*

Diced Dates

California lO^z,

Walflorf Brond cup


Yellow Onions

l/,S, Nj.,V


— frlcei EtfflEllvQ Tfldgy Tlirbuoh WadnMday, .



■ Sunday rOctrSQH P44

- 34— TwiiyFoHs-Tlmet-Netfn

Ohio Election


Rliodes' Plans


Gov/ James A. Rhodes wins re-

_ -r. election by tho.raar'gln-ObiQRc:

publicans think he the vie-

tDry_-COuUJ thrust hlift-^urthor

into the national 'poliucai mvim,

■ he proftsse j to snun^ ^

Republican leaders, feafing

- that overcon(i[Jencc might kft^

voters home'.'^o.ij^t like to dis-

I cuss Rhodes' prospects lor pub-

■licotion. But they say prWatcly

thaf^e'-raay-eurpass'the 555,000-

' vote- plurality he . amassed in

■' iPfn, 1^^'" — Bu hprnn l nr ial


,-^',;.tai]s -for congressional gains.

/ Etamocrats' led by State Sen,

. Fcazler Reams, Jr. as the nomi-

nee for governor, claim > a

stretch drivc^ aided by. national

figures wilt produce a surprise

- at the' polls.' ■

"Ewmocnits 16oir"forwirrd

J Nov. 8 . with victo ry in .their

— e^es rfcontfa'rj'" ttr~allT-liro6-

■nostlcatlons,^'— says— Eugene

O'Grady.— dlrector---of__.tn9


-. ,Vlcc~~-President-jP ubertT

5iumphrcy.-wh6 spoke recently

in Cleveland and Cgjuinbusrwltt

r' return for appearaijces In south-

western Ohio, O'Grady said,-

Sen. Robert F. " Kennedy ol

Neiv'York and President- John-

son. already have compaigned- In

' OhioJor Democratic candidates;

Last EtfpTtTBeiffgTMaae^^

For Puerto l{icaTrFreedoni ,r

.Democrats gained^ (our con-

~ gross ionalifiMts - whcn-Johnson

carried Ohio in the 1964 -pres-

idential tlcCUtmrbvit. trail RCf

publicans .14-10 In ^"Ck-

cye delegation. .Redlstrictlng

and elimination. of_an at-Iorgc

seot cloud prospects this year

but both parties claim they're

certain to gain.

The most cjosely watched

V4et'Nain Fighting. MaiL

Makes Plea to Students

A 19-year-ald Twin Falb youth,

serving as a private first class

In Da Nang. South Viet Nam,

ifl-cpmeback attempt xirrtJUglrTr"iettcr~r£

by Robert A. ■'Taft Jr„ son of the

- lata "M r. Republican" againjt

man Democrat, In ClncInnatE

Tile principal lssu« has been

Gllliar)'3,Jctensir"6f "UiT Great

'Society, which Tatt calls "the

great spcndiety,"

Tflft gavo' up Ohio's at-Iarge

scat - In CongrC5s-two-ycars.agQ

■to — run - against Sen. Stephen

-Vonng^jind was defeated, but

backers are confident ha'U teat

:GilHgfin, ,-^7- ■ . • -

tohpsoi^. Visited OhloTiTTiWp

home,- has awakened College of,

frmit''""' fi^if^n BtiiHi-nli fn thp

dest)crate..^bJiJ-SLniPiSj need of

South' Vietnamese Bombing vlc-

tlrtis. . . —

Friends bf the young soldier,

Mike McGurdy, son of Mr. and

Mrs. E. M. McCurdy, 1347 Ij^-

dale Drive, are trying to estab-

lish a drive for bUmkels, sheets

aiid"oiarbUt'gD(id;T:loIhInS-to be

sent to South VJet Nam war-torji

families. >

"McCurdy wrote, "Last week 1

visited a hospital in Da Nang

with the civn"^ffnlr5 officer "from

-gepSiRodney M. ^Love of Day- ^i:'"^ ,T m i A?r™tt

lETn and Walter HTMoeller o£ the. lat Mwhe Alrciatt

Lam:aster, 'l»th locked In, toss-

up races with Republican oppo-


IN A LETtER to buddies at borne, Pfc. Mike McCurdy,

above, described fiaspl(al> conditions In Da Nang, SculIi.^Vict.

Nam. McCurdy, son of Mr. and Mrtf. E. M. McCurdy, 1347

Lawndale' DrlVe, Twin Falb, urged College of Southern Jdaho

students to , send sheets, blamcets and old 'clothes' to bombing

slcilmffthere.- '

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)

- The small knot of Puerto Rf-

sceklng.>full Independence

their prosperous -island a'ro

encouraging draft evasion as a

ppular issuevarotind which to

keep their movement alive.

■ fv^ even smaller band of

Marxists has joined them.

It could be^hcif last major

effort, r-;^,; -

Puerto - Tllcb Ms -a uni(

commonwealth -- status. T

giifps-the Island's products free

access to the U.S. .market,, but

federal tatxcs do not apply here,

Some 'Want to change Jhls to

make Puerto Rloo fully ln3S

ndent. Others foresee- the is-

' as the.6)sfstater-


of independence advocates

: their movement Is virtu-

ally oh Its deathbed; — r— ,

One of these, Manuel Maldo-

nadoi Denis, political science

professor' at the •UniversllV of

Puerto Rico, says of the collapse

of the Independent movement:

somewhere in the future,

although not the near future, I

bellc;ve." — ^ — "

Arrested lor.rcfuslng to report

for Induction, six youths wcrc;

released through a legal techni-

cality. Autborltltrs'^icr they

would be summoned agalrt.'l^Ive

of the youths were members of


wlll-taKd iriorC'lhan the present

ly available- Issues (o revive an

appetite . for independence

among Puerto RIcans. ^

Siifipr Caught

In Drain^Causes

ROCHDALE. England' (AP)

■ From the depths of a curb-

side drain came a song from

Offenbach's operetta "Orpheus

in the Undorworld."-

T)ie"sln(*Dr was Wasyl Kwy-

aswarkj, 52, a laborer. '

H(i_told_thc-Jpollcemen who

Voting Data


For tincohr

Maldonado Denis repr'csents

onervlew— of-thc— mjny-faceted

movement that through lack of


as.;?, political part y. '-T~T "~"

Tlie currently" most noisily

active s egment Is the pro-'inde-

pendenca moVcme"nt — "MPI —

which "splintered away In.'lB59

when the parent People's Inde-'

pendent'Party — PIP — faced a

crushing electoral defeat.

PIP got less than five per -cent

of t he tot a l vote In 19G0 .and lost

SHOSHONE — Lincoln county

Votcrs-nrc-reminded-that If-thoy

moved to another precinct

since ■ the last '"cleclion," they

musf register' in the —

cinct by 0 p.m. Nov, !

Regiyration places are Sho-

shone Precinct nIi. 1, south of

the river; Farmers Ma_ritet; Sho-

shDijii-PrecInct -No.''2, north* "dt

students at tsi wrfuld be- deeply

appreciated, I ^ijssiiro-yOu;

— i-i-am-sufg-th'at the students

or CSI will null together to help

these peopfe by gatfierlng -as Tirged-a-mgre

Tj - shells ' a rposslble."" —


>v CSI class and^tudcnt body

ifficers to Initiate pl ans f or a

possible drive.

its franchise as a party.

- vjhe Socialist . — Marxist-

League wast an inevitable ad-

junct. Recently Jn- the city of

Ponco, Juan Antonio .Corretjer,

Socialist; League .leader, urged

Puerto RIcnn youths to resist

the draft "with weapons."

The MPI has- not gone this far

1 advocating draft evasion.

J;i4iming el ections were useless

under , "colonial pressures,''

MPI leaders,, in UuiUIng PIP

iporous and dra-"

heard his serenade he had bi

celebrating and had no Idea how

he got Into the drain. He.also

bad-no Idea how-to get out.

.Three polic'emeri tried easliig

him back to the sidewalk. Wa-

syl, -stuck fost,. kept on singing,

The fire brigade arrivedithen

squad from the^ municipal

drains department with' picks,

shovels and a pneuhiatlc drill to

jip iVp'thp pawHiPnl,

the river, and portions of North

Sho.i)hone,-M ike's Cold Storage;

Ndtth" SHbshono Precinct No. 3,

A^-Sandy-Tir-Mrsr Clif-

ford-Stutiman.residenc'iJs: Rich-

field.- RrecincT'NO: ■ ■l;n!e'"imTioh"

Hardware-, Dietrich Precinct 1 crnor.-

No.-5,-rMrsr_" Homer Anderson

rosidoncG, and— Kimama -Pre-

cinct No. G, Mrs. Riicy Mathe-

son residence.

Polling places are American

Legion Hall, Shoshone" Precinct

No. IV Lincoln School, Shoshone

Precinct—No^; WDQd_Jlivcr.

Wasyl k(Spt on slfiging..-.

Finally the police heavc'd and

up popped Wasyl.

—'-'Whatever- happens I., always

sing," he said. "It's no good

being miserable. And If I hadn't

been singing ho one 'ivould have

found mc inpre.'*

.The police" took hi

Eilal for treatment foi^-txposurc

ut deciaed no^t to file a charge

against ntmr'


Would Favor


MOSCOW, Idnbo (AP) - A

single board of regents lor all

Idaho ^Institutions of *, higher

Ipaming might be practical If

the state constitution were re-

vised, University of Idaho Presi-

dent Dr. Ernest Har'tung said


In "reply to .a qucii?rDr..Har-

tung said. "I would favor con-

solidation ' of Idaho's system of

higher education If tertaHt con-

stitutional p'ltBimi^rouia"- be re-


.j-Hartung's comment came af-

ter a legisIatO|>^iropOBed that all

of rdaho's institutions of higher

IramlTiB- ■



I'he f owcr County Press Thurs-



3.wouTd oppose a sys-

tem which wodld give -the slilC-

onc form , of lay government

board olil^de the purview— of-

the constitution.'LlU Lsald.

"At present," said Dr. Har-

tung, "there I.1 no need for' a

chancellor because tlie pro-

grams of the state schools are

not large enough nor divcrso

enough to require one.

"However, within flve.ycars of

operation under a single lay

,I)Oard,_. Idaho -would— need — or

chancellor," ' ■ .


BOISE (AP) — November was

procloimcd march against mus-

cular dystrophy month In Idaho

by_Gov. Ro{)crt E. Smylld Fri-


mrolidatcd— 1

1 single board.

direction of

-Harlung .said the University of

Idaho board of r_egent3 is prS-

vided for-in the st&te, constitu-

tion but neither Idaho State Uni-

versity nor- Lewis-Clark Normal

Is Included under the constitu-

tional provision.

"Thi^Status of Boise'- College

also should be clarified befo

any sweep i ng rnvk i n n

gun." he said. "I 'certainly

would be loath fo give up the

,cortstltutl6nal status of 'the re-



on sun', do IF tfubt, illirriond*,

"iTdloir" W«»clm;-typ»wril«it, »lik,

•■(fiI1<i. t^l(, TV, muilckl ImtTV-

m^nit. ,(hiln'- »w>, cimitii. bln-

otoltrt, Upt ntotith, *rth>ry,

-ind^V otb« iMm of (((lua.


Center Grange Hall, north SH6-

shone Precinct No.-*3r Richfield

lOOF Hall. Richfield Preclna

4; Dletrich-Gracige Hall, Die-

trich Precinct 5, and Darwrn

Nelbaur tenant house, Kimama

Precinct No. 6,-

IW6 FOftD GAlAXfE 500

4 door Hardtop "loaded"

w/ith all tho extras incjud-

"ing— factory— air-conditionr

■ing/-9,000' miles. $^


eiiue was producef]iy,4il£0"M

64.6 per fenLwaiiproducedljy INCOME

TAXa year'earlier!




# P etnnyswi aie

Here anct There

— mtB 41E«tl*'*a

BCItTlDNlTtdl ISTuiUih

IZEilft hotplcw

. ISVixIcollJ ■ 4B EipMlulltor

Ji/i^edi, - ' fllSoBlhini.

18 HiKtiUiia icotnl - <

lymph lUnd plttur"^^

openbind Mlumn

ehiiuieli ■87B«noriUb.)

27WiUhth»ia- INtKlarailflyen

orniment i, ?&tl*i1or

SOUnrumed " covering

n Pin nt 1 thf* . ..a uift gift'.

Plinllni 4 Udumlng baad

.ImpUmcQt . mitcriil

Anivw r la Prtvlout Vmtii

unjiHTsnTfEi — niiiufir"

', »7 Aurtfl ton bird! 'fl Giuriiitr

■ Trilntncki

■ Wllhln («)mb."~-

10 Tidy



community.. .


53 Auumed nioii

54 Etientiil itiag


,-20 Coriucn


nlckntnii .

SIlQdlu tMt

Sa PaiUlBinx to -

41 Fenia]* benM

ilTooata tolnil

miUn) _

47 Drop oi *r*

— (lulrt


— 33

-CapUln Eaa; -




otJ vBPy

.•They tHm very friendlyi but their llttli get-tegoth8r»,

^= raally-slow-up-thft-g amttr- — — : — -






HOW SMom r

Rcit' Morimn, M.D.


V, , ^^^^^

**Ff6m now oA when you go for a sp'ace walk, you mako

■are.'tho ipacB hasn't Just boon ijvoppedl".

t'^et't put'thit on a busineialike baslt-^what would I"

' ybQ bh'args'lfo ba a good boy and go to btd?"


TRUMPS CAN . South played out the hand

BREAK BA DLY n lowly bm had nff my, to avoid-.

""Whfcn 'you, K6T(1 ' cigHi trumps tho Toss of three more tricks. Ha

fh your hand and dummy you complained about his bqd luck

nro entitled to assume that the but he had no real right to

enemy's five .trumps will divide, comploin. i

. South should have iludied the

k.n,| r f'^'fu jl y before.- pi ay 1 ng

AOS ,to the second Crrckrm could

If 104 - - ' count ten IrJck) If :tnimptfbrok«

^AJOoa but '.ho could also tqks soma

4i A 10 0 3 — proehutioofHn case they happen* "

WEST EAST , cd to brcpk 4-1.


LiM,w«,i«waHTO;t>pirtAA^ J^^t^^J,


MAKfiAWVoeAL WCKOBffP-*- Ui*?^"'*^,

■(HEMH&tNSlSTlDOMWttmSa 7-v ^■>,



♦ 104 ,

♦ KQO •

♦.7B4S f




♦ 8" .


Weii North Eatl Sonib

Pnsa 2 ♦ Tom 3 V

Paw 4V Pom Pasa


t. 6jpenIh2'Icad^4K '


I 3-2. ^ley will do that about M

cent of the lime,

If they upllt 4-1 as' they dn

.28 per cent o(-tho tlnio or 5-0 as

happens occnNlonnllyt and 'Ihe

Bdverso npllt' lends to itofeat nf

your conlrncl. you may bo eti-

(illed to complain a Irlfla nltotrt

bad luck,

.Soutli woil the ctuh tend wllh

dummy's nrq. nnd played a

irnrill npnde, Itant stuck th the

nine nnd wns allowed m hold the

trluk. llion ha played hit (ilntilf-

ttiti liump, Sflulli won. cualml

his Bco ot Apndus. ruffed hin

Inst Bpade Itv dummy, ruffed n

eliih and played n high trump,

pliant filmwcd'out.

BugvDnnnr ■ '


to ruff a club at trick two and

Icad'n npnde, Hut would win

,ond lead a trump. South would

4vln.'tnko (he ace of apadea, ruff

a flpnde.TUtf another club In hit

nwn,hand nnd then "go after

trumps. -

They niUl wouldn't break but

-It— wmildn't— hurt— floulhr-Hfl —

would make Ms last trunip by

rufting dummy's last club. Of

cournD this play 'wouldn't have

worked If West held only three

clubs but It represented an extra

chance (hnt W's well'Worth tak*

inn. '


- ■ - ■ - ■ ■, a* ■

4 «> Dbit, PdiB 7 ^

Yutt, South, ^D1d:

4Kqjff7f(l 4t «7I

'What ilo 7uU,dD nowT ,

A— lUu, i:W« ' proRiba as

dtfcnilve Irlaka at jtl wfato

7<>n open Ihrea iiwtlMb' bit jrtM '

biVBlho aeo 9f Itoaila.


I^nt npnni the blcldlnf with

tltrce ipQilcB. You, Sotith, hold:

4KS VKE «Anqjiai4ax

What dii ^uu dol ,..

(Answer Neit Iiiui)-

STOP -iwcr

mxS^ I TID06HT J -tLD >bU











■."ANt> lHi5"LD0Ka LIKE


WJN ANY -xmrn



I mm -rtHj r, - ■ -

whV,'->wre wetTi-tribdio walk


U. ■«XmS ABOUT ■nifl SAMQOtm.D A* Riff B/

., well / vai irAiffi flcwcniiHa



Meed a Gbrpienter, Cement W<>rk;tV, Repciir?--Qieck Oliick Action Services!

Sunday, Oqt. 30, 1966' | Ba>ury Suloni • ■

33 Twin Falls' Times-Nows coM^^i-iUiTii^Bcnui^ i'^.lZ

Help Wantod-Mila

Lott «nd Found

I T33'lGtl. Evening appoint-


Middle I'olk. Modetrv molcl nnu

.. c»(*^Eller-«nd-Dorolh ^W»Uon,

ParaoinU-SpaslaLMoticni. 9

— m-.^ii? c * CUT V cpnvir'P


jJlgnmeni. Bmkei, Ehoeki. MuHleri

I Main Enit ^ 713 8113


riDnpfoyemcnl, Center ■

' iiurifnti of all BBCi. V

-^riDnproyemCn! t- e nter cun help

^V»ludenti ot airigciT-Wi-MVB-prP;

*" ■ gram I TonBlna from pra-ienool

TcaSIRtmnmi gtnul a It-eihicattoo i

-P-hCOe 733-30S2 o r TM.12Q2.

LIMITED memboriMlps-avnllablB

■ Twflr Fnlli llealUi Club. Stcnm

■■bathi,-itio«fDri, ""cl" , equip,

mcni. Tired? Dirty? Flabby? Cleor

tin — R»la«— JjelJa-»liape. ™

— — gnt~tf iry«T~733-flZ»>-« twIW —

WHEEU cjialri, cmclilOB '~

icnl, crulchei. walkerj lor rei

.ale. Klngibury""* Pharmacy;

Main EaiL Phono 733-8371^

.weeltrFilo apptleation al 1313 8lh

AyenuB±£niL .

SINGLE Senior edultJ 6S and _ . .

meet new triendi of your owT»

' choice. Write Box S31, 'K|fflberly.

■ PRIVATE Deiicllvor Aiiorneyi n

.vice*. InveillBatloni. Pklurei'i

oord lnn,-Btrlctly-contldetit!aln7i

HAVE FUNI Leanno iquare-di-.. - - .

Claiiei every Tueiday at DAV

]Ia!1N>^(«n»'-,Bnd -Hurlion. 9:30

Recorded hlUHJS-=

Avenue Horlh. 733-7001.

WOULD LiK.il itntiBer-anil-florr*

apondr 'with lady In h" * '

.- Box B7I. Twin Palli.

SEWING MochlnB repalri, renu.

and lalei. Singer sewing Center,

120 Main Nonh. 733-3344.

CqWPLETE leBal lervlte. llO.t--,

£(Uid free to U M C Motor Club

membara. -Phone TO3-63S9.

— LosE-WElGHT-ief»iy-wim-:Des>A-

, Diet Tnblen. Only Sit at Penriy



RELIABLE child care. Uroe fcnc

. ynrd, luncrvUed play. Hour, d

-- «eek. 733-6509^ '

Employmont Agandoi' 17

Help Wantsd--Femi|B 18


Why not add those exlrai In your '

JUe »iich nii.n .nevL-wnrdrob c il-

couplQ ot nlghli out each week

«] u t-conun U»l wil—



Every feline needs Dcellne. C=ll

ui and see If we're not purr-fe.ct

— foi— y cnjr^733.72J3,— fJMMJ r~*i^

BZ32. Klmberly or 543-4147. Buhl.

Help Wanted-Mals

19 Farm Work Wenfd^- -




ln"i . ._

arid lor Trained

natori. New men hired dally by

packed outdoor work . . . Keep

prcicnt Job until ready to iwltch.

Company car and expeniei ui.

"illy lurnlihed. WE. CAN SHOW



.Jim Lllllbrtdgo— 733-6303 after 9

23 Homai for Salv

~'MLS" ~,



Call Vern Pal

Duhl. 343-il

nlns hay

miu >..u>ci .•-iiiiiiiiM mill DaUnB.

Mnnlrc liaulinii nriit ^excavating,

■Ptinne'-35H-44!il). Jerome.

.and iwathlng. It. L. Sorenion. 733-


Journeyman maintenance ; elec--

trlclani tor underground work.

Steady ycar-rQund_cnipltiymcnt^

without lay-off*. Forty hour week

- '— - Good wngei.

- E xoell enL^^Jie B| Ih, :--.nn d

■penilonr mcailon and holiday

te.nl. Call or write. Personnel

portment. Sunihlne Mining.

Company, P.O. Box 1080. KeP

loBB. Idaho. Telephone 7BM2a7.


MAN WANTED on social -secilrlty

or_rollrcd,— with- (armlno know-

ledge. Light work; 733-3357.

EXl'EHliiRCliD~dei m truck -drlV;

REMODELINC/, new conilrucllon

-Wtthen-cablnoti— Farm-building*.

■■Jinnnclng . available. Phone 7J3.



Clothes. - dolL - -.-

clothes., nlleratloni

Holp-Male an d^Fameld 20


ve experience and reference!*.



Year . Around

Exce^ent year i

Free Irallor park available at

operation! or relocate to Battli

Mountain. .

For Interview write or contMt;'

Plant Superintendent .

■ Harold r' ' '■



Men wanted -

companies nay top salariei^



Evelvn Wilson .

320 Shoshone Street East 733-9H]


(1.) Part tlme"^!

Twn iliva - "

:neral office, '

and typing. (2.) Ext

retary and receptionist.'. Good

typing neceiiary. Dictaphone and

-■— ■-■-^phono manner. (3,J'Lin}]f-

Home weekends. (S.) As-

bookkeeper ^ Age 22-30.

receivable and sale!

journal, (0.) Experienced -secre-

taries and general oUIce girts

always needed,


(1.) Manhgerlat position for

Northwest- nrt!n-.--Ago-8**». Must

have sales background. Position

.entails — I ravel — In — nelghboilng-


2S-35. Must be wllllna worker.

(3.) Combination i_nle»._Bnd ser-


undcr, Sntnry plus con

'(^y'Sale'rjotrforiocal conccrn.-

Maolc V^Hey area*. Home eveiy

night. (S.i Jlookkceper and office

JSrOM TRUCKING: and form

work. DIUT'liau] spuds: Haul huy.

i^irs? Clark. flSt-tOII,


J cures are listed below

AtUflfiiivBi-a ■

' 50 Homei for Sale ^

~'MLS" • ~ ■


- ■ ■ nnH -tloo

d. FHA, '

ellBhtful living room and

Blowini Ilivplate, basement, and

Sarage. Good locnilpn. Price re-

dced Jo_ J9^.- ^ ■ 'Ji^o ' =

Outstanding home neat. Wusiilnii-

ton School. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths,

-family— roomj-l-tirclJlBcc»r"and


try Charmin'a bHck 'homVwl'ih''4■'

5,^!19?I!l*' J..P".^'"- 'oulb' room.



Canftns. laWns. farm ncrcages

Ford tractor mounted roto-Uller

Kenneth L. Davis. 733-.2930.


Gardens, lawns, farm acreage*

Ford tractor mounted roto-tUTcr.



wants employment In, good line

dealerslilp. Write Joseph E.

Radlke, v. 0. -Box 1S3, Callente.

WANTED: Ironing! to do -.1

home. Phone 733-7IE6. IMS 3


....NTED; Ironings to do -lnL_my

— ;h ome?- Pic k-u p-nnd-del I »«ry-« er--

vice' Phone 733-P631

yourself thi fun and must.

For pest coptrol call u!. Gem

Spraying Service. 733-43 W.

FAINTING Interior and axterloi

mil n>n>nn T^l.^filB


CHARNflNO 3 bedroimv home,

110,600. NEAT 1 bedroom, HI.--




633 Blue Lake! North 733-5338"

J. W.'Mcisersmlth, Bkr. 733-4J4G

R, G. MessersmltM. Mgr. 733-0069

Jim Meisersmlth, Auc. 331-3138

Herman Gentry" 733-57BS-

Lou Thorson 733-3101

JRONINGS to do In my home. Phon,c

733.0314. . ., ■ .

B uitn^u Jpparlunll lei



Gambles authorised dealerihlp la



I In Athton. Idaho. III-

..' Owner forces it'

ilstandlns' hardware

I location . <


-,- .- 'iTghting ani

tile door make this a stotD

which you can be proud to own.

-TSel I— qunti tjr— ti ardwnre,' nppl i; —

n-iint. auto parts and ac-

Parilal .financing nvalt-

- qunlllled buyer. No ex-

sary. Wo'lvlll ns-

you -In all phases

.ol. itorfl-opErat)on.,Por_Iull_dei

tflllsyvwrite or call Dob Wilcox.

Box IJlL-IiKin FnUs. Idaho.

potlence 'pec


205 2nd Street I&it


Dial 733-407S (anyl|me]

-xnn-Hojti tiiniti'". 73figlO"

' you'll Vote

■ FOR- this

i;50u.'CtimplBin pity

Ors, 1 year old, Ctcnn 3 bed-

rooms,' IM baths, bulll-ln nppll-

.ances and TV, cnriiol'jd living

room, drapes stay. A real pack-

age nl fl2,5O0.


■ 733-MI8

Karl C. I-'reeman 733-4351

.Dan E. Mltton 733-I0G5

" ■ convcnilonnl loans.


right. Snorincc. Trade tor any-

thmg ns down payment. 353 '3rd

Avenuo East. Phone-733-5357.


COMMERCIAL' properllei

BY OWNER:. 2 bedroom, baiamenc:

Si'ACIOUS- 3 .bedrooms, 2 baths,

■ close-in. 110,500. Ace Really 73^

' 3217. Ednn Irish 733-0882.

e home when you leg Inslda

I bedrooms, l baths, new car- '

304 PHiRUE: 2-bcdroom, excalient

.uindltlon. - Carport. tIS.OOO. Will

H i. H ackney Agency, 733-455B.

Out of Town Homoi

SHARP 3 bedroom brick, finish-

ed baiemcni with 4th bedroom,


ATIHACTIVE 3 bedroom brick

and^franie,' — carpeted. — North--

NEAT 3 bedroom,

Main highway, Just outside Hur-

ley, clly limits, rrnine house..

Uvlfift room 1^x20'^, cnrpowil.'

has 4 bedrooms, all newly panel-

ed and palnteiTwIth bulll-ln Cos.

ct> In eacii roomi -jill 'large.

"DouLlo Harn"Se', "hair frnishcd"

briCk and block bulldlns, 32x3a'

with fircplacv, Jidjolns garage,'

Outside entrance In dining


875 Filar Ave. • 731-1B8B


■ Strtei.

• — Id

NEWLY painted modern 3 bed:

home. Full basement, double ga-

-IraBe. HariBy-JJMnrsfa'BUB. Bum.

"MLS" :--

HOUSE beautiful"

Two bedrooms with one In 'I

Three bedrooms, new carpeting,

family, rQDIlL,-fenced Ih back

yard. Has ei'tryunng. JIB.SOO:


E. W. McROBERTS 733-6013



_ ; ^j-bedroom, drnpcs,

rtio, fenced, 2 blocks from school,

years old ."good "condition; rta-

!onabIe down payment, assume

Gl loan, loao Sherry Lanp. 733-

Farmi for Sal^-..

"mls" ■ . ■ , V ■;

■■^ , - 320-ACRES

101 share* casal water plus we'll

JuimfllnB.7S'.' ..O0Qd Bll- mqdern 3,

.bedroom home and ouibplldlngs.T

This would make a sood-catifa'

ranch, m.ooa with terms or will

trade ror home m tio.i»a price


Pull shares tl water, -fair Im-

provement*, ' year round live

.iln>4m.-prl«*d--at W 1,000 -.-wittt

good terms. ' .

'lOfl-ACRE'l ,

400 shares ot water. Real nice 3-

bedroom all modern home. Good

oulbulldlngir 173,000 with terms.


■ REALTY . ■ ■-

•10 Blue Lake* Blvd. No. 733-9311

--mohn Bishop, Realtor ,

Hartey Mather* Lec Mathers

—733-6473 <■ : 4U>9342

Me pber.MuKlple .Listing


Two mo3em homes located -B

miles from Twin Falls. Extra

nice dairy barn and corrals.

Only »33,tf00._Smftll-downi-pay—

"'32 lofa.and''AcreasB


■ -1 ACRE ^

IN buri:ey

\ targirFflwiiy?

Wa nt IQ Ketsp fl Horse?


netl. Can be utilized -

. Mission water heal-

er, -Good water .well>IrrlanUon

rights. Large shade trdes.'shrubs,

flowers established: .good lawn.

Fenced on 2 sides. Shown by

appointment' only, 1D18 West IGth

',. Dr. Robert E. Bock, Bur-

.LL'houso on comer lot Jn Hi-..

' Priced- reasonn'blc. Older

to be sold. Call 423-5340,


it in i' f orSilB~

ONLY- J2.20 per ACRE


$11 00 Total, Price ■

Good-Harmlnnd -

JllO Down, 533 Per Month

Free .Colored Brochure

600 acre* of good farmland

where vegetables, rice, wheat,

corn, fruit*, and most anvlhlni

Jlanted thrives. Annual rain fall

S Inches. Temperatures range

from.n low of .50 degree* to- a

hiBh of B3 'degrecf. Pioneer*

" wnrlH nrr pn—

from all over tt

I3l companies In t

-''■TB factories t

Wo have 730

each to sell. They

cated 400 mile Strom tho_capltol

of.-BmiirEo"ut!r"Amerlca. Each

farm- has --been .'/(UJV ■ mrveyed.-

atakud and reglstDred. Mineral

rights Included. All of jiur titles


FOR SALE: 2 lots — 1150. -;

.J'alli.— Comatsry. .. Fsrpstual-

_pa1d. Phone 733-7008 .

BuiIneitProperty, -

MLS ' ' =~


In Twin Falls. Excellent brk

dupliii In good location.. llO.OOi

Frnme dupTux; each side has iw

badroom*. Good location. IM.eoi

down payment o

anything of value In tradt^


iDUSouth. Lincoln— -Jarom


no Improvements, close-

0. Also, good 89. pgw


111 So. Lincoln. Jerome 334-4B00

Leon Stocktori, Realtor "314-5180*

Ed Stockton . 314-4180

—Tiiio AUKEa — :

Cloie lo Jerome. New home.

Only 143,000 with 38% down.



Phode 334-4381

.' Evenings

-Glenn Jdckson 314-32SS

Albert Lancaster B3S-31S4

EXCELLENT Bunnell Opportun-

ity -for someone who* wanu lo

work. Can be handled tor |10.-

000. Cash and . aa*y_Jflnii» on

— balanc*;— Hiva^uyor for tood

farm In Twin Fall* area.


13S.B iharej .Twin Falls water.

Very good home. A . real good

buy htJSlppO., Call. ^ ■ ^

"^KT? BARNES 423-5659


: Row Cr^p Stock c

b In allon - 1 s I — Scg re'eatlo n watt r

-North s Ida.. .Trado^Clty- property.


875'FJIer '


-Youf"bu»!n"eir"*oirclwd^KHd hin'

died very carefully. Licensed In

Utah and Idaho since. 1915. -

FBI I fTIBOHlHi fir 'a~Iiod»» inci~

' Illy. Th? Land Office of tdlho,

'0718 or 328-4405, Flier, eve-


.KImberly 433-3189

Evenings . .

-Ron Taylor 42i-540S*

Bvrle Carr 733*ffl8

MOson Smith - ^ 73 3-5677-

itommerclal properly , .


Fcldtman Realtor* 733-1888


Brti mids. Lots

.._ . ... _ Tl fit Uli'eity

f Duhl/ Excellent lor commercial .

s or- Ltborai- term* .-"Call- 438-4(102

bulldlnir, suitable for shop or stor-

age, healed with -bUi fed stoker

bolter. P,I.C., 305 Sth A.venua

■JIOME-WITH - approximately 2,100

square feet. 900 block Blue Lake*

_Narth^33.1t7f .^-Wrl ta-Sox-S-lO,"-

' 1 Tlmes-Nsw*. .

Vacallon Property

CHOlCB cabln sltei in Swiss .Villa.

' Sumrfier and winter playground of '

■Idaho.— Wrlto - 428 - Hafn ■ Avenue-

North,; Twin Falls; 733-07ia.'

Olher Real Eitate



Anythlng/ttom 33" tot to-w5o

acre ranch, or-- a BOOd homa .

from 13300. to Wm. A lot of

good buys .to choose from. Why

not call me tor an appolatnKnt — ■-

to *ee what yifa, want


Fhoat 837-4731 " -. ; ,

Apartmonti-Furnlih'ed 70

NICELY - furnished, carpeted.

BACHELOR OR couple. Ground

noor. Nice furniture. Warm. Util-

ities furnished, close-in. Reason-

-able^733-3533,' •

DR(>M modem mobile home.

her-Jand- utilities fumlshedi

1. -a-rooht-apariment-foneftir"

WANTED: Stud«m to share apart-

. ment and expenses. Contact Clar-

„.ence Grubaujh, Route 3,_Paul,_



ipariment. 2 bedrooms, outside en-

trance. utllUle* lurnlihed. Phone

-733-0100. . . -.^

-Use TheseThone .

Numbers ^REE of


^.No matlcr where you live

i n these areas, you can ^


News free of charge, . ■

-l(-you live fn-^! ^Dlal

\ Biihl, -Castleford ....543-1648

■ Wentiell, Gooding,

[hurg^rieii^ ftres.^tc, lor Insur-

ance CDihpanlts. Keep present

■Job-untll- fAady. to switch. .Com-

Locol and NniTonul nluccmenl in-

.ilslnntc. Write . .NOW for

ne, permanent job.

"■m —



reElit^tlon leo charged

Crcsi'cnl Rim, ..

343.7B70. Boise, Idnh

Apartment 203,

TnierrHoItlsrer—— '

Rogerson 31Q-5375

— Hurley, Rupert, '

Dcclo, Paul,

Norlantl v......... -578-2552

. Tlie.best wnv to Kcil don't

Bccds l8 with Wiint Ads.


PHONE 733-01131





To sell line of. Irrlgollon equip

.in|cp^t^nQW.-a |r^nilv^t;sinhll| ljejl

Waihlngton, Cnsio"! "oroSonl

Nevada and Utah. Wo^ilit-caU on

dealers' and mnnnge Norili-Wcst

opetnlloni,,. (nmi new foetory

-branch, nnw being Onenad In

Twin Falls. Olva rotnpleie per-


You ma^_bo one ot the 3 key n

train distributors in. the .Magic Vn'l^

ley area. lIlBh income potential

iinr monagement mlnih-'d nenni^.

r Interview apnolnli



Id JflO per week to your Inc"

servicing a Wntklns Route i

^2'z4 ' late cvcninBi or wrTle

WashlnBlon Street -North.


lei manng.

'OMEN! Train for mn-

imont. Wrilo for full

Nnrlhweil Krhnhls.

I Box r-i. c-n Times;


■■■ 0 73^!;€"~

Farm Work Wanted

BP.ST LMTLI!" grotwry sti

mculs In MnglB^VnllBy— ,1

eoinpetlllnn, no .Sundava.

fill -opiiuriunhj'-f


-Wilts Box rs c-o'timi




TWO GOOD milk "routes 1

irucks. Take one or both.

,. iicnl Building. Sevcn-

-Nowly -F-I n 1 1 h 0 d .Apacimeni*

£lBhr Down Town. Completely

Equipped. AU newly carpeted,

Natural Oas Heat. Apartmente

alwnvs tinted. Yearly Oros*;

»6,000 plui>. ...

, A Fine Investment


ihowlng p

Giving CI

;cnt:eilibaclt' yird; colored bath

Wure*. In Mornlngsldo District.

Eelig Bros. Run.

pany, 41 W. South Street. In-

Indiana. Telephone

R. J. Schwcndiman

COUNTRY living. "New brick

I)lnal1'|n.-]4CII', double EariiBC;

- indows, »10,

e Rf nllrt*733>3il7r •

shed; — flrouod. . ,

porch anil utility . steraBe

Located at 178 Van Buren. A rea

baranln at 17200 with terms. Volci

Bulldtrsf Supply, 733-3371.

Gondlng, pcrfnct cat-

3JD acre*, cultivated,

. . . rights, new 3 bedroom

homo with built In 'kitchen. Alto

nis. and' outbuildings.

I, deep BOllj^very yro-

:r wheat 'plnnUdi-lols.

me "bii c^ THKEII roomi..,tu,

1 flrcplnce ulllftlcr _.

i<l!._jj5:ot)O^IIO..'!_'"'i'!'''--— ''■%'3nd .Avenue North. .733- —


le- North. 73M731, '

«uailaUe-ln-B.ll.l5^ _

TliD today tor deta..

Fnclory Iteprcsenintive. I

30, C'O Times-Nows. .

*nd a method, of llntinclnR.-MQun-


9 also n

180 a

.. Pten

: farm

I sce u


Chevron station. Highway ' 30,

M J r t a u B h. Small [iivcstmcni.

-I'liona U.-L. :UouBlaiB,..733054l

- ?M-37li>.

Y OWNER; Nice 3

Attached Barnae, cnrpoieii iivin

room, birch kitchen. Buy out eiju

iSm "l ItTl "-^"w en u B l!a » .- ^'33^7736.' '

WO bedrooms, third ticdrooni

bmemcnl, fins furnace, double g

nue North




230 Main Ave, North 733-885S

.n. J. Schwendlman 733>7I00

C. Hurley Williams 733-0330

Not Member of Multiple Listing

"MLS" LIST your fartn .

with us. Wo specialize

only farm* and ranches.

connections with- over 300 office* .N

In California, Utah, Colorado,-

and Arltonn, whq-.supply-u* with'

■ buyer* and property to trade. This

. Is an extra good denl for larger

unit*... Call., us— today,--- 733*1404,

_J(Di:ky JJounla ln'«eallyi-Kvenln(»r

NICE Small apartment. .Elderly

-^ns only, li ' —


100 ACRES. 113 share* north *ldo

canal-'water' plu* 100" Irrigation

well, HerrlnB Done milk barn. and

dairy equipment. 3 bedroom homvr

IJa.lSw 1D% down, Will con*lder

good homo a* psri of down-pay-

ment. Wendell Realty,! >-a30-ii1t.

1 BEDROOMS, water and lanlta-

tlon furnished. Gal heat. .Adults.

- NnTte»,"733-04<5; ;

WILL ihure comtoriahle 1 bedroom

apartment with worklnB mnn, 140

- month. 733.Bfl3n after 0;O0 p.m. ,

, tlLooo; 110,000 (iuwn

'Br.Rflalty. tt43r4no3,-lluhl

lEAL Uiiate I'rublemi

...ir- uuslneii, Leu US tnke_,„,

worry oul of advartlalniii-shiiwlni

and closing for you. Gem Slate

Henlty, 733-53]0: , ■ . . ' ' '

For Sale liy Widow Owner

320 ACRE. FARM. ■

303- acres- of-Unlt i'A"- Snaka

Hlver water now In row crop and

hay, balanca In pusluro. iCorralt

tor- 100-h«ad-«f -ruederi.'-Blaee

mostly fenced. Beautiful almost,

now brick home. Two machine

WE HAVE an out of stale "buyer' for

.1(0 to 320 acres Irrigated land In

Manic Valley, prefer* 1 homes,

feed corrals' and aooil Icncc), Con-

iBct 'ui- today, lla U n sorioui

capable buyer. Rocky Mountain

Realty, 733-|.tQa, "

351 ACRE9,-iifl- marei^purd -waier

1)5,000, 19,000 down, Other nrop-

erlle* lor sate or trade. Rowa-lllalt^

^DISTINCTIVE iwo bedroom Oold .

'ledBllion all eleclric apart-

lent), Colored appllincet, laun-

1 BEDROOM, Bath, Adult*, No pels.

14H Austin Avenue,

A'parlm "e"rili^_UnfurnliHp'd:-~71 .




■ AD


tor ._.


Eastern t>l*'i()'* leading service

department desires experienced

Money to loan

-I rf;,.*'

ilahc). I'Mi

Mutic Leii

107 Wesi Mall

•MlJi" TIIUEi: bedrooms, (nniily

room, dnuhiB Barajto, fntl- h.seC

men , J bnlhs, ftlM. PIIA terms,

MnHld Valley lieally, Phflna 73,V

romo County. I mile to now In-

lerslnte Hlihway and^ Inter-

'MLS" BO acres, comfortabl

good soli, plenty of water. Owner

wishes to retire, 13a,po0.00, Oim

""I'y. "3- —


D'M CO TImos-NiHi


Ifyntl wntityoiirn(1talt[)|)eari



P.ni, Mmitnyf



I received by SiD


t by Bioo


cnlvDd liy BiOO



: -"SKCTION' ■

■Ail ads 10 a(ii.';Ar in III* Tlmei

. Iktti nuiidn^ I lassiried nonUi

, must ha (nrcivvd liefnn

5:00 p.m.


Phono 7,'!.'?-0n.31

"Jiiil nny Chnrgo 11"

Pliono 733-0011

Aik lor ClaRHlllcil


' Call — 733-fi724 '


Ve rnnn Ol andn r lluhl, fll3 '4373 f

BE(11NHEI(!i ijlnnn


coriUim lei-


<IIMANI{^T Inilila t.nundiy . ..

^iild vninlliiii'Hiispllnltialliin, Ago

!h33. Truy Nnilonm Lnunilry.



Inttrnatlonal 3 Bultom Plow

Jinn I'alrkk ' 7.13. 143B'


By Marty Linki



Income ^


deiiinnil every whpra, llonuty Cul-

ture jilfefs you mlira oiu-iirlunl-

lias. .fur. parsiinal . aiid .financial

'il L^AUTY lAiililS. JVCADFJrf Y -


- painless a* possible fAr ynu to soli

^ li'i] 11^"''' l'"V» '"^4^«r" RMlly ,

i ACRIl ON Falls Ayenua' liast"wlih

a year n1d_houie. 3 btdroomi

linsemeni, (Iroplaca, carport, .

yaMo.^^ carpel. Nlcs view, 115,800.



davolnilod, 185,000 with terms,


601 fio. Llhooln, Jaronva -3)4-4118

Rodney Pauls, Ilroker 833.0574

itnh Pence 733-3070

I'OK ALL' your needs In filocit

~ Ranches nnd farms, _call_jDram*

Itaalty and Insurance, 324-43»8,

es bedroom anarimant

ex, wall to wall carpet,

nge and refrigerator,

vuBD oilposal, carport with

irgD siorag^i area, Cali J33'JB01.

'iDyij 733-8400, evenings and Sun-

day*, for In lormail o n,/' .

stoker lical, Reainwibl*. Inquire

after BiOO p,m, weekdavsi anylima


ind , bnrn. Tnka

i'oit Personal, non mu lips one 7

i-flcn real) eilala larvlce list wl

l.lnyd Kiihorion Agency,' 230 Ma

' "i\y

ranches axcliislvcly. Row t

.farms from 40 lo Boo ncrasi ci

rnnclltl! lu 2aou liooil.. David ...

Lull, limfcor, 733.H7ia, Hvanlngs

Waller Kaslor, 3]d-4i03. Ths Land

Ollura i)f_Idnjiii,


100 Irrlgaiflii, good Improvementr

Hliickmen's Really, DOO Houih Lli.

fiiln, Jeioine, 314-48431 cvenlnia,

Rodney I'auls, BI5-MT4: . .iTob

' 73,vn070,

Othir Instructio n

ninplDto your hlvh *

i)'ll>loniii" awarded, HmVu'i

naynienls, Ainerican Hclioo

_lDt(l._Holio, IdatiO;

flomai for Sals

'MpJ^\_l llBnilrtoVt TiloJirn Imni;

^V'"'^/!"-^ '"'''"' o'r '73T''4878r"


■— iia In I'ller, Irtihn for one

In Knlls, writti Box ll-l.

W ACHE/l for s'ala nV,ir|MlA,J)n.homo

In Buhl, Northeast^'IoEilllon, nu


selling. Phone lllay* "

_ 7 00 1 -

"Ny:H'' Pi|ii;BT In I'arr

ioH.'^ ACltHfi. larga. '1

■ «prlna..nsBr llshTnj I

Ace Realty. 733-3117.

i GROUND PLOOh 4 room apaTt.

' i'alli. Iteal, water,

furnished. 411-BM3.


X'. f '

1 l><,lrn




'I hli II A n

Lands, T33.iaTa, kut

FJl'-W'TiniCK' VoniliUrS



n living inoip a

Kalal*. a^4-4<

f \ lifiirnom' lii

, Ifloon dnwri

Parmer's. Really, i43-4e30, lluhl

llnigh Asitfrnlrug, .hrnlter ,

"M'i.!i" oiTii'fiN,'! ifinmV" - '3ii

ncies, 114 Ifilgnled, Gliod older

3 hfldmiim home, Hood leims anil

iirlmit Ki *nu.' iM.ooa, Cal (iiflh-

^lloaliy m-im. V o I nxkiaf. 4311

'■40OI, Paul. ' .

Io(i"'7;qFf(!i; ■■'VHP 'row crop labd

Well Incaled and priced nl ,iinr

. 135,0011. Handi> Ilonlly, 401 Hiiuli

Lincoln, Juioint; 314-]nT7 dn/'n


Rail Eiltte Jf qr Trada - . 53 ;

7'i'.rioi'o"'' ^" tiilidtcn, ,,v>-

lUfTtii APAHTMilttJl'ti, Lovely slu^

d|n ^partmDhl. ,.NIcsly decoralsd,

Quie fctpeclahla liiilldlng, Jdia

location. A dults, IlBBk, 7J3-BHI,

Rieii, n>edr'n'nms."rlas heat; waiaF

' 3r!l"AV


,, .raiii^ll 0,000 eiiuIrvl^WtlTj^nVSnnsi cltiio In. WnlorTiFit<

J.iiedroom refrliar- 'sniiluiliin lumlalied, Call avalilngs X,

Carpeted, drnnad, .'T^.y"™. „ I.

1.-^ -i, ■ HK lAl.La,room., .f lt«unii (loor. 1 or .

SID In <.>..>.»....i., .

- Ln lha Maglo Vallny nren,

or home In Twin I'alls, Write J, A,

Martin, 'Apanment U, ,310 Kiiiilh

Miller Bond, Hcollsdnla, ArlnMia,

. tariin linlh, sIMIni

p>ill(> anil varpnrt, (I

- on nil slr«ei with r

and shiewnlh. Call 733.'.inDI il

-~ T.U.fl4iia or 713.1200 avsnl

•ml llunda^i.

p'oiiTt^'ini wui^Mo: V iriili-irsiiR

ramllv ninm, on tnmB Inl, 1 yents

"111, ■(14,600, tUnl---"


lp[ a and AerMfli


. iffiOO DOWN

f(»w ihtea bsdinnm hnrna 1

nil haieineiit, two baths, wal

wall carpst, liulll-ln ranin

oven, iWalejt on oil aliani t


flmiiirT^fnS'Tti iiomo, ■h'SlI^

fully cnrpTtsd. lenostf 'yllVd, Itx.

.callnM lornilon, «14 li.l Mar ■■ ■

or dial T33.|8ln,'


lUl ACltUU 1 inlla Boulh. IK mllsi

of soiiiU umk. HIco 4 bad.

"> I a. "/ada A .Inlry barn,

■ aoiid out ''t1i|lldliig*.'

r » yonr s, in -jm. ,

0. I'encert yarA! isi liir.'

Jsirsisoni 7»'Ib31 altar

NAI.E or Irada, B' room

0 for llallay or B*l1*vua nrnn>

iir my cqiiliy for laria (rail.

"' 1 mum.


_ir 11 yonr s, 7jii '7in8, ,

liio-ACHnS, 'rinse m^'Womlln/""!

hoinei, raiiga tlahl, all gond pro,

diivilva land. Wt,iK)fl with aond

Ijirins, Iveisiin itenlly, a34-]35(,

3 ACIlllH (loin In, 110,800.


AM Blue Lakts NoMh 733.n3na

J. W, Messertmith, likr, 733-43ia

It, D' Measersmllli Mir 'jll.OOBD

Jim Messeti^iiih, Auu, ail-Blsn-

Harman (leniry 7J3.STH5

Main ,iAvBniiil'°Jfoiiili',

Main niiulh hemre k

Cl.ltAll rooiny molina

mom, ullllly room. .Utlll


" " if,',!

. (leniry

t. iiH Thorsnn

(Wn ■lirtliVIiBinM"

Valley, Aliumlfcnc -

„,ida for house. Twin, I'alls -

7^1"a;3t 733.R3DI, 73)<B740,

fenoed yard, garage, lleasunalil

down (uiynienL assume tl.I. Inan

73.V00flVafl ef ij ao (i.m.

"Mnx Taffy ileep oyer tonight, Mom? It's hor

fAthor** night to work on blUit"


pnltil*, Vhona iit-slilo, IIbs4IIoi

ijreil,'"'731 iiill.

npo tfii jVo6, miWHrS'liiliooin

Inra tit Inlnr-fllnln LlsMng Hervke,

Cnjil ^Ichmitt Bn3 MiitfUy, Ul-OBl,

iHwtj' V^near T win I ' a l U. f^^A

si'i'J'<f,''*I!io!ol».' /ten Veal"*,"' 111'

', Aimnnanca iii wnlir, r

lefixa,' Lartn I alil*

inouern hum* and good DUIbuii

Inn. YOU ihiiiild sea Ihls with 1...

■rowing crdps, Nee u* fur prina

and iBima. llondlhi iteallv, John

lldinliornuiih. D34-4UI| II0I1 I.^on,

'MlTfi'^(i"}i luTTii irrT*i5l^

BDUlhildo row otop farm. I'or fi"

ler Inrnrmallnn call Taylor, Ai<

cy, Kimbatly, 4U>Bllt, 7

View)' nnrlhensl Incallni

dnwni exoallant larina on

"-'tltV Mountain He

inrni*, 733-0085,

rrala Avar ^


Houioi-Purnlihail . ... .73

til wall carpel and dranea, M'i

' imiiil^a tin


xim. .Utlllilal fur-

■ 170,. 7^3-.

fiM A £,'1: l^Sie .hIuKIJTSF

. No pets. Itefei'




water furnlihid,




flmirrnR" piis-Uiitoimriifius

ii'oiMn lor counle.

had rooms,

•m-r, carpnri,

H1c« vIiw. Vi,

MODUnN t)ns-bedtoiim liousn, an* 1.

.furnace, aulomailu wasKer nnit

I JPhoi^e l^W-llM,

RENT Extra Bed, Folding Chairs; IQOI Items. SEE Quick Action ServicSF


Now Js thfe Time t& Buy q New or Used Gar Best^

38 Twin Falli Tijnoi-Nawa Sunday, Oct.'3Q,,]966










■57 CHEVROLET 4-<lnnr S2!15

'55 MONZA 4-da()r Scilnn. l ike new SlSilS

■'■64 RAMDLER Wagon .■.;....i:'"'-"'''"-;;-.v ^'"^^

■•62"tAbiLaC"SSIa"n .TTT. .: . . . ... 77:717. ... . . .hn-.v.-.-SiM-

■65 .VOLKSWAGEN S-tlnor

'64 CHEVROLET Impala cnvipe S14ilS_

'63 OLDSMOBILE CiUlnss cd upg . SIM.''

'62 MONZA Coupe , t---- SiS-''

'63 CHEVROLET Sedan .> ^^^^

'*'62DOaGE 8S0 SG9r..

',60 CORVAIR Coupe 1305

'64'gALCbN 4-doar .FiKiij-a. .. : y, . . . .

'63 VOLKSWAGEN Slaimn wagon

— ?6I-DUIClC-Inu i ao-coupe

Your Futui-e Dxhdng


JLau. W:ilL.Be .



In one of- llicsc choice unils. Come in' today and Ids' talk

trade! You'll like llic 'woy wc do business. ^ . _ ^

^ enRlnc. 'iiiiloiiiullc truhsmli- ,

CHiiVJlOLUT >cU:in. Vfl Vn-

(lion, power ilccrlnB. rndio.



.■...■.-$liil5 .


'S7 rORD-1-door ilallun wub-

un, Vfl cDRlnc, iiulomnlic

ironimliilun. rnillo.. hcnlcr,

J Brccn nnU while cxierlur.

mulcliliiB Icalhcr Inlcilor.


'G3 Doner Diirl- C.T. 3-cInor

- Wiri!lDp.-IlU(;>i«L-Mal»,..bli-

TjO ctiMlriD. Stick ihttl. rn.

\Vrltc I


y nlr conUlllonlnii.

icrlor,'' i IWni

hiukui. ItuUlo,

ovculLlVC. It u ilU

'63 RAMDLKn 770 I-iJoor tl

. lop Vfl j;nalnc. o

■ ilccrlna. 11,000 n c 1 1

miles, can't be toltl f

■■05 MEIlCUny Monlertfy

^0 Own One Of These :Cafs


'Ocnutiful Autumn Runt exterior with Beige padded

rooF. Automatic head lamp control, twilight sentlnul,

iKjw -promlum'-wlUte'-wall-tiros'r-vory low mileage and

air Confliiioning. This prestige car Is in showroom


, ■ . . . ONLY ?5795

19GG PONTIAC Bonneville Convertible

. 'Looks just like. ne w. bcauUtnl Arctic White fini sh

■•' wtTtm tntannpTTi'ucHet, seats, fully powered and ready

to E^vc you the prido o( owning'tlie very best.

. _ • ' ' ....'.ONLY $3495

19firCApILLAC^(jdan,DeVilIc ,

'This luxury car is solixl Whiiovwith beautiful Blue

-Interior, new premium while wall .tir^s artd air con-

ditioning' of course, a local new car trado-ih that looks

^licw in ewcry respect. Is it lime to step up? Don't

miss this. one. .V . ■

■ ONLY $4995

1965 GADILlAG Coupe DeVille



.IflGS IMPALA Sport Coupe

Now Only $2495

'1965 IMPALA 'Moiir Sedan

Now Only $2395

1966 IMPALA . 4-dodr Hardtop, low miles

Now Only $2795 •

'This car will please the most discriminaUng buyer.

;_J;r-toor-lia»-«ll-the-Iusury-r ...

19G4 PONTIAC 4-door. Sharp '

J^ow Only $2195

.1963 IMPALA_SpDr.t__Coupe„, -

Now Only $1695

1964 FORD Fairlane

Now_Only $1195 /.

' 19G5 RAMBLER WaRon ■

-N-aWrOniy $189B ^

■62 CORVAIR Station wagon •

,'64 MO TOA'Coupe ^. ■ -^.^y^, -.L:,.- _

-■60 RAMBLER American coupe" ^ ^-■'^


■64 STUDEfiAKER pickup. SHSS

'63 .CHEVROLET i^-lon ■. j. ...... 11095

mlaslan,' pourcr itcerlnn anil

Srnkci, ■

17.'-- ■

) Actual t

prestige cors.' Fully-powered- and ^ilr conditioned for

your comfort. Sec it today, you will be proud you-'did.


7"\^61 CHEVROLErlnnirrr

[ '61^CHEVR0 LET C

•Si ritUNDERBIRD Landau,

" .iranimlisloft, full

□uoktl scfllj, fort

. cnnclltlonlni:. 'dec-'

in-uDd-wlnduvfBT '

ni..*». rt^-'J^A fc^'-W.

'■anitftil'io we-fe (old.

) DODtlC DART i-doot wnr-

on. a .,cyUniltr. 1 . »pucJ,

1 1 n n il n r tl iranimliilon.

Very cicun and (harp. ,



19G3 OLDS 98 Luxury. Sedan Hardtop

'Power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, radio

and healer, new rubber, beautiful White exterior with

' Turquois e irHcriQLjilrliii Must-see Ihia one-tit-ap--

prccintc the-cotnlltiotl7~"

'1962 MERCURY Coupd. Sharp

_____.Now_Only-$795- -

1959 FORD'Station Wagon, Sharp

Now Only-$695 -

1963 CHEVY II 4-door --

— — Nt)\^^Onlrf950r7-T^

"UNLY $2095

;6S-C0RVA1R' Monin Cbupcfl

'57 CHEVROLET i^-lOn

•SS CHEVRpiET "/i-ton rTTTTTr. . . . . . . J295


'Contact us for additional equipment- on these alxive. N5rlhertu-

pacific's Largest Variety Dealer. . One Sto p Shoppiiig Ccnicr


-iEO .RICE'S / ■


'6J OLDSMOdILE tS 4 -'door

/iinllon wuRon. va cnainc,

-K nuioniaiic irnnsmlsilDn. dd-

'CO PONTIAC noonevlllo 2-door

■IccrlnR. brokel. raillp^ lica-

ter, while cxierlor, rfd In.

BOKNEVIiXr' ■ It dopr.HaJJtop-'.

1961 FORD Station Wagon

Now Only $795

1961 OLDS 4-door

Now Only $995

'BO CHirVROLET 4-door icdnn.

Vfl-cnRlnD, nulomailc Iran*.

mliJloo. rndlo. heutcr,

.Slinrp btnch flnlili.

,. J693

'6? Cfl^VnfiLET Impnfa 4-|)oor

■ »edan. Radio, hcalir, Ailo-

tnallc trnnkmlislon, power

. alccrlnR. Very cienn.

Now Now Jl2M


2 year warranty" on' OK cars. Easy'lerms, liberal trade-ii

Open Evenings and Sundays

■ Mablla Momei


_1 60' 3.3EDROOM_

' KITr. .■

Front~kltchenr"A1askian- in-


'63 OLDS^IODILE F-BS ^-door

Vil coRlncnuloinatlc irnns-

mlailon, --rndio, hcnicj;..- 4

new llrci Now (1300

-'CJ-VOLKSWAGEN Indoor w!-

dan. Radio, -healer, blue

flnUh. Special. ./-Now tO^O

'SO DcSOTO 4-door ledan.'. V8

enRlne, nutomatic iranimli-

ilonr power ilenrlng and

brnkci. A very nice, dean

car Now TOO

■■(U'MTl'MOUTH 4-door M«lon'

, wagon. -3S3' VS enilne, lu-

lotnnilc iraniniliilort, pow-

er stccrlnR and brake). 30.-

000 ncluni mllei. itllt '20,000

left on factory 'wnrranly.

'60 IMPEJIIAL 2.door hardtop.

va cnRlne, aulqjnallc tran»-.

" ' minion, poWcr steering and

brnkci, - rad)»-fte(«er.

-No«r-..r J.-.. ."77. JIDJO

Loaded with ' cqiflpmcnt, including air . conditioning.

Originarprice HS69 - -

J,.-- ; - , . " ONLY 13620

CATAtlNA'^aTdtop'Coupe ~ — •

Only 3,100 miles jand like new. Hydramatic and- power"


. • -ONLY- $2985"

XEMPEST Custom Convertible ' .

4,300 miles and. loaded. with extras.

. ... — NOW-$278g-

1964 VOLKSWAGEN, Sharp

Now Only $1295




Now'Only $995

sulation, overslie JurniiiiBr-

.:slDrm.- windows- throughDUt^J


pKlely' furnished. Delivered

.. and seWip Including wrought

iron %teps. Jacks and all

— hoolt- up i, - ■



L (0) (0) K




Paru and Supnilei. Tiio ned and


- Magic Valley

Mobile Homes

mllci wait IMwav 30 73]-ni4l

_.1IIM TItAVlILQ 47*1 w

im Mlll!il'A'l'i:S KM

'l«M1MlltAT I.AIUl'SVUia






'B( DODGEi 4.door. 330 6-cyl-

. Indcr Now SHOD

'39 RORDlfoTdor.-VS,.iI]uidard '

trnn&mlsilnn. and It rum.


~ - PICKUPS - ■

*5S rORD V8. 4-ip«tdrlon| 14-'^-. '64 SCOUT 4-wlfcel drlvi. Full

ton. Exlj^a good. ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■



>- white' with beautiful Plum c)cpended 'Mlrrt)T(hide In-

terior.. It's loaded with equipment and the buy of llie

" year. Was J43TO.

-: "■ NOW $3493

. — EpAl-Th(»-p;f-Wprif'P-P-i--iflp-1VrHkpa — -

1956 BUICK

" Now.Only -$395 ■

1956 MERCURY Station Wagon

Now Only $295 .

• 1958 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan

=^1^mig::Q51ic$29 5-

-^a4-CUST0M —



'63 DODGE 1-lon. '318' V8 tn-

flnc. I'lried irunimliilDn,

0' ilock ruck.




inoo iviiiii Willi rniiipnr, .1-

■ necit, ovcntrlVR, roihI luliber.


-'(irKl.OAD.STAR ifion

"iWll ifniiliiira


. INTlIRNAriONAI., Iiic,

Yniir lHri:HHA1l(lHAI. Iiilc

ind ll|il>l

.liRlc Va(



Tim lin usr ii"iT>rriiTi^» ii

Id m>|ily. lli'ii, Kitiiii .VH iiiiXiJi.

It "s, 'mi ,"l'/«lil« a'hin 'liI!"h!'H'i"Ml

uihiMKiii, %m. m\ riiiivMiin

triiiik. Mmit tiir inillluii iinllnin,

|1» ilHvi. mill If.

Aiii^i I'lim, -m-


Clniv'aorr-.'ir iiwi i;.i;m 'iiihiiiiir,'*;

•Mieil • I i'KiU.liin, iiiiiliinttlcMi.

M" l|'|l'*i I 1 l yllndfi rnMliii',

iiurm tliriKiiihiiut! IMIKl', '."|>lii"in

ni4 Din:) iDfurn 7i:i<l n m, (it nflri-

> -S.«l-p,m.-ln ovrnlnit., - .-

(•.liLxitiiii.R ti-ii^rjiii i.'iMv "4-

■ nrail liniKiiitiiltih, ]iii>i|>n>lli>n,

wl'ila'''')'i'. '' ' l;"" a"/' „''[""

nirj'*l™(cirB"7%"'«,'i'n,''n'i 'Jrirr" t-M

[1,111, In «vaii1ii(H. • ^

iJtliViini.ur iuriH. a tvlfiutVi . an.

llim. i'ljiead li.in>ml<i|tm, ^.^frtl

■axla, iKiwer laka (iff, \m illmv

filial, . .U-iiyllndar riiHltin, ll'iMnnil

Irariimlilliiti, J'ipoail mln lliiiiinl

rhnviiilnl Ciiiniinny, Ittipnii,

Jjoll^n^M^^l<7/, ,;T,,i|I„, -.-iiin;iii

iiUikiin. . Piiwar alaailnx, ' li ahn,

fcuiDnlailc trnniMiliiiim,'-- nutttii

.,..1,..., ,;n|,, llnl.il «!„,, 7il(),i[l

nyliin llret. Vl:1■A^^ll, ;iJii'

■ ■la, J.'lii)iiB <"-«ntj_Khnhnrl|'.

allTAiliS a lO Blinla wKeti; witirllrT't

■nil lubai', Tlrai pimr, n iiiiul

JIDOh la ID.i>ly lllaa ami ilibr<>, Al

for Ija Tall A»li> I'arli, 7.1S'i^llll,

riTrfTAiirnbiirwiiifa":! rq." pi,- fci

. i'p. 4-wli<al ililve. I'liiiiia fl!l7-477'l,

Ido, ( all i.i,i-ttnt tin

r ril-KiB ■v«nln|i.

'.(i-l |N'n:imATIONAl.

I nl''"lhl> 'am 'Tniltrv ' A'iViir'f II

illilr,^ Jijirrt'it^ ^|uiii»tiilBBtuil,^^^J

'(ir) INTEimATIONXl.

■ \mi.)

•%\ INTiatNATIONAl. ,

1(1 1110 III sthrrli'i. nl'i liialii't,

IIDMII •■URtiir Ai|I,.'.id, WtVt.tl

iiiullliirv, lulr, ilnKlx'Jd

lllra. iV nm irnil wjlh


II litu 'linilin, nlr liinkai/'n'-w

Hiilillh'i l^"lllM''>*™ 'mk >'. /'''""

'Wl I'OKD 2-liin

and rlinola, t-ipunil, 1.

H, naw lllri, ■ .


■'10 I'OUn I'l/.ion

nil,' ■llVrRluiK Vfl.


Intoriiational, Tnc;-

aoUlh Avenue WrHl' 7.11-«(l(l

Al'TliU HOlllLS.

I'rio l»itlermin VSH-HIM

Iliiil Timnloy 7,11-1(141

601 ,^1aln. Avenue East

BoT) Fiilton. 733-5913 ■

Dell Tfrnpson .

UUDlili lITDi G. I. .carao carrier

pickup wllh winch, 4. wheel drive,

1400. 10U3 Cliovrnlet tnipnln SS,

whlK, 1(1.000 mlleii S2S00. Gall

UrliiB-i, Til 7th Avr.nus Uaii, Jcr-

KAMllLljlt lOSU while 4.ilnor aBilun

In extToltcnt condltlnn. Worih tlie

money. Will accept bank pay.

minti wllh good credit rating.


lb- Nelson

... 73^|4^5a- -


- '■ 733^1823

.:. 733-0053

Nuvv 0iil^43 j )5


-Now Only $495

1962 RAMBLER 2 -dQQl^daa .

Lno niCiv-Mcn-OR CO., ooodini.

CHEVRDLET lOU panel 4'ipcei..

- H7Bi— lOSfl-Chevrolef— 2.dDni^«ian'

dari)^,'1115. I<I4S Tord ilMon Hal

' 404 Weit and. Jerome.

IIUICK mt l.a .Snbia

Now Only $495



195S CHEVROLET Station Wagon

' Now Only $295 . "


Now Only $595



,-r^Hiiy Ynnr (Jaifa^ —



1964 CHEVROLET LWB-.^-spccd

Now..Only J1495

196'l CIIEVROEET LWB Porfcr Glide

' — —

Bqb Reese's Dodge City

Konny Moon

SOO niock 2n(l Sp. — Jflo Diitliir

'1965 VOLKS : $1495

2 difl)r flcdnn, 4-specil, rndio, only 13,000

. nctiinl nillc.s. ■.


• Imbiiln ^■^llw^;'hnrl1lnn


190(1. EORD

nnlii\lii mil) 4.il<i'ir hnriliiip. Iio

nil* fully n^iulp(»-i| with I'oiv

'"''choice $2795

TyAs'sjiS}""""' NOW jiiios

to other l.'iirs to tJhiiDno hrom

DitiVF. A i.rrii.i;

, .SAVK A 1.1)1'


MOTOJt CO., lire.

Clirynliir - I)iKlne - I'lymniith

Diirl - Vnlliiiit .1111(1 l>()(lf(fl


nnn main sTnrET

., * (itrtnlliiH ,k ;



— R4ano-


2-dnnr scdnn, ■l-.ipccti, imjliir. Iian cniii-

. ,1 Pli'io overliniil. /

-Nuw Only .UVJJi)

-m\ CHEVROLET l-lon. Shiiip. ■

NowOnly S1795

10C5 CHEVROLET i/J-ton; 3-spcoti/




KlijHii't, IdnhQ ....'.mim.


piiwri, nil >>ind|ll(inlllK, lUi'Mli'iit

iiiiiilllliiii, Can iin lom nl Nlirr-

w,iiiil'> Npiitia Canlrj, Lynwiunl

Miii|i|>l|iK rniiter, _/ ,

MlltVKOI.hr Wr wlifTr- aiipar

' " i|^>^ir linrdli>p,_lllHrl( vliivl


liilmliii. VH anal _

tliiii. liiiniiiiiNlnta. JICIi 'Dili Ava.

nil 'tl)Al^^l^^in^l |lca|i ainllmi

>{\i.m\ hull)


Alji; by iiwinti, lixlt Coji

ij/mnli! Klili'ilnrl'y""' '



Amrili;nn rliKi i;uu|ia/ Ka.iio,

ni<iil> vnidllVB, vflilta wall

llirii, two loiin piilnl





loiii oi.n.SMoniLK

aiiliiiiinlli', pnwer (irtni'lni, Iw^r!

mill', iMiwcr virniii

imlni, Wlilla wall I



19ti;J VOLKS . .( ii;il95

2-dnnr sedan, 4-apccd, very nhnrp.

IflOO VOIJiS $795

2-dni)r ncdnn, 4-Biwcd, rndio, white walla,

very clean,

■ 59(13 RAMBLER : $U95

CluHfilc -tiiloor Bfdan, O-cylliidep innlnr

< , hn>i coinplnto -nvprliniil, nmiiilnril Irnils-

lulMhton, cxccjillonitliy (;lciin,

1903 CHEV ,$1495'

llolAlr <-Aam HCdnn. Vfl mntnr. Power

(Jlldn irnnftiiiiJinlon, power atcorlnR, 27,000 ,



l965'C llEVROLl j1' i/,-to n . Shn'l

Now Only $105

1959 FORD :.-

11)57 UIWC .

l-liiii. Iluni whnrl) VH, 4'i|iatid,

•link laili, liMiil SliiiMii


" RIOM ^ '


• ■ ■ .II-KOMI-; .

Jno«iit(\l, i.hi«ijjn Plinn a

Ulik l.nw»''L'^iI jnk''(,'|*e,,'||jll"|'|

niitlic iniiininlAnion,



.$495 '•

CHINIIDt.M liiiiiireii, ii>7

■UlhiiilMil KnmMer I

I'niilf null MliildnU Cn

(13(1,1, > I


( all 7

IIHVIIOt.lM' Inn3 Inipiiln Mum

ftpiiFt inu|hfl |-J,'Jlll, Cull 'cn.iniil

Ii{)lili iiwfi, .will i iin»lil«i ^"i(idVri

olilar ml. flinna 7.1.1. IM7.

— :

1958 DcSOTO ,Tu8t ,$250

A-(lrtnr linritliip -Brilnii, ; Vfl. nmomntic"

(rniinmlHuion, ixiw^r nl(|criiiR and lirnhcn. <

1955 CHEV " $12J>

ltcIAlr.2-doiir nfdnn, l)-cy|liidDr innlnr,

I Power (IlldQ Irnimmlnriluii,

Get The New 1967 Volkswagen

Eoi' $51 DOWN nnd %Wi PER IWONTH

IH^' Miiln Hiiioh .I'lffliie. 7,1301)11

Don I'ildrcdijn ,Iiiol( f.'iix Woody Tiirloy

1963 C1IEVR0I.E1' i/j-lon, 4.spccd, nice

■ Now Only $1495- . ^

1952. CHEVROLET VS.M-.ipecd, Swh

Now Only $895

lb65 EL CAMINO, flno OwilcV

Now Only i|!1895 ^ '

1964 FORD 1^-101), 4-.spceil, Slliu'p

Now Only $lfi95

1959 CHEVROLET ?4-lon, 4.»pood

.Npw Ojily $295'. - ^ -

W'iil CHEVROLET Mn'ii '

Now Only, $'205

'- On "

Now Only $195

1041) FORD Mon will) SIncIt Rack

Now .Only .$295

1960 CHEVROLET J-ton wllh A-1 best bod, J-npooil

Now Only $795

, lOSJ FORD 2-ton wllll A-1 \m\ bed, 2-biichi1

, ' ' Now Only . $805 ■

■ lOOO CHEVROLET IIIr '6', 2-B|iccd, 2.1im

Now Only ,$1095,


SAI.nSI^RNt.^ IIOMI! PlIONHS; 1)111 SIniidloy, 73J-II)«1

Charles llatclt, 733.0017] Druiio Cnuiihuy, 731.KK011 Leon-

hard I'licher, 731'l:0l. i






' 2<)0 Sunday, dcr^30<J^&— Jtwinj^ll^-TimortJewi

Let Union Motors

1963 BUICK Electra 225 4-door Sedan

.-. Fully- loadcd^

E.O.M. PR.ICE$1485

1964 OLDS 88--l^(ioof, Sedan

Qnt- nwnc^r, n ™ rnr lrn(lf;-tn~f

E.0;M. price $1490

1965 BUICK LeSabre -1-doOr Sedan

" Fully powered; "Mus t see thi s fine nuto -


1951' DODGE Pickup ^ •

ViLwith-jlock-rack.- ■ — 1. . i — , —

E.O.M. PRICE $125 .

195^8 LINCOLN " .

' fuily equipped^. Real sharp. One owner.

■ Must fiCC. - , ' ■ ■ ■

, EAM. PRICE $4^9^

-I960 MERCURY Monterey 4-door Sedan.

EuilyLcquippptl, nll.vinyl.lntpriorJ>lustjee.j!l

Take's Eood look at your present car. ,'lf It won't withstand the winter beating that eVery car must take — Come In Today and.

Id's trade for an A-1 .Completely recondllioned, thoroughly checked and winterized A-l car. ' . . "


2 Winter Tread Snow -Tires , ' ,

EO.M. PRICE $2180::"

.19G4 Mercury Montereyl-door \\

, .. - Real razor sharp. " ' ^


I, PRICE $485^

-. I960jMERCURY MoSr Sedan

vs. automatic transmission; real clean,

one o\yner.



V8, 4-speed, long box.

I960 PONTIAC 4-aoor Hardtop

V8, automatic transmission, pdwcr 'steer-,

' ing, all vlnyi interior. Extra sharp.






"Fully powered. Runs good.'


'"""Tfte" Easiest- Place In The World^" Buy A Car

, . ,70t.MAlM.-EAST — 733-7700





Drive a llttla and gave a lot

Abbie S.ez

During^this Union Motors / .>> -

BEAT winter! WOmY^'MlM-


'65 FORD

nnlRxtg SOO.^THere'l " loti ot


"■STTOHU |,,,,.,.,.._Jlt3r;:

Long wheel bnie pickup.

Stylcilde kax.'4-tpeed. Local

. cjii pwnej-. Very Shnrpl


J-UKU J149t)

Gplaxle SOO tordor. VS, •uio-

mullc trnnimliiJon, ttowtt

iteerlnB. 'ol' of f'-"

■pollen Condlllon.

. Cutiom fordor,

■ u t am a I < c tr

— gjeBminir *nue-nniih;

»63 RAMBLER ,7, $995 '

Clnnlc'tdDor. Siantjord wlih

•52 FORD ........ $395 .

-wllh— »toek-r«ck.->V8-'-

injimt, 4'ipeeil tranimluRm,.- •

•11 iie;l bpdy. ■

•58 DODGE.. ...... $895 "■

a-toni_ new rebuilt enalne,

1 ong— wheel- baie, - cab n d..." ■

■^5-FORP .-Tt2295^

"•""Miiindng, VB, -^.ipeed. Iflti of ■

extrai includlAS, the GT.


.■i>8 PLYMOUTH . . $275

4-door lifttlon waion. VS

englnB, pu»b' biiHon „drlvfl.

■64 FORD $2395.

"• — ' — i-ipeod, front

. _jmj)T*l_.. ... .

Ury. equipped Including pow-

-~ window! and air condU

"* scluiil Wllaf.__

"*65 voLks- .rrTTT

Floorsh^ft. bucket ■<

wheel %ubi,

Ilcre'i ons tr

to,the high p

'•W'FORD ,

■6t)"F0RD . . . .,. ..._$.695_j

Kalrlone, fordor. llere'i a

lolcoa— Ranch e ro_-

You-n --flengnninuitTeilni

the perfect condll(on.

'52 FORD $1095

GhlKxle tordor. VS crulic6i

mntlci- radio, faetofy air con.

dlilonlng. Il'i Ilka new Inildt

, fori

... . p^kup fhtn leit

Ihli A-1 dual purpose


station wagon In tip top con-y

dltlon and you'd rMlly ex-

-^'^>-|"-r"v- '""'■« for. thli



Owner Irade-ln on new IE

c ma'cxcellent condition

•56 INTR'L^ $695 -^.—

•r-our top buy on o low -^V

4-wheel_drlyo pickup.— ■

•63 XHEVROtET-r $r495^^

Slyleildp plrhiip Tturw'. flnn

^omplnety^Dnmia , wUh all- —

,^th« extrai. T»*i drive today,

r^Tt7-:$"ii95 — —

) FORD $695

CalaxlB fordor. VS. over-

diU«, radKi, wMtB viallUre*.

__In-Up;-top - con dltlon. ;



,- $1295

-cn. VB en|lne wllh itandarit

(WCtllEll"J^uyT^ll ll-0 ]H -tO''~

day (or economy.

•66 bIjI^K ."..■.■.,.!'$3395

■ wTeel»!'ireVvy'Xrtv*'ihrQu"gi»-

WU ■dOQE3iarilCon.-T'il*—

luxury . equipped . car wai

traded In ■




¥ Gooding ¥ -

". SUNDAY l'0,-.6-.

4966 Medel Glose-out^

room condlUan,




Wa' ara buying gnod clean

r*..DuiLiircir ■

Irucki and can or* t

Call ^33-5179

,'Rock' Creck'RoatI at Hansen

- Wnfioneor


Red interior, ,V8 enclne. undercoat, ' radio,

neat liclLs, liack-iip lights, deluxe wheel .

coven, aulomm'ic transmission, Jelaway

tranHmlsslon, 'while wa ll tlrrj,, : ■

iiig£^j--^~v^ur-Pric(r5Zfll2?12=TCUr Price $2(112.4J

- I9Gf) OLDSMODILE Dynnmic 88

Holiday Sedan. Green Ocean Mist exterior

with matching interior, undercoat,' tinted

windshield, sent hells, padded dash rtnd

visors, radio, poivcr braked, power stecdng,

deluxe slccrinfi wlicci, dcluxo-inlcrior, back.'

^-^---ISBrBliJTCK: VYii^UOAT 4-door Hardtop ■

Undercoat. Super Turbino transmission',- powor'stcering, power, brake.s, Sonomotlc

-.radio, safety accc.ssory group, tinted windshield, oversize while wall tiros, safety

bells, back-up liRhts, padded dash and visors, beautiful Arctic While exicrlor with

contrasting Blue ihlerior. ^ '

.^LQUR PRIGE' J328l3,54r-:-r^^^T '

_ ■ — GhooSe from 7 —



■ All with very low mileage and all carry -new car Warranty' .

196G OLDSMOBILE-^^-door

_ 19Gfi OLDSMOBILE Je lstar_

-Xelobrily -Scdan-Gold-Slorra Mist-Gxlcrlor

wllh matchinR Inlwor, undercoat, (inlc^

windshield, Jciaway nulomnllc transmls-

nlnn, powe r sleerlnG.' whcf-f*TttBr r'"Tff'^'^' —

' " -bnuK-up llgliis, padded dash anj


3 — FALCON J'oriQis

visors, deluxe rndio,

■ Our Prico^J273I,S2-^Your PrJcB j279l,5I

I9C6 OLDSMOBILE Delia 88 '

Holiilny. . Goldtn Hclgo, radio, seat bollfl,

power -steCflng, power brakes, deluxe In-

..tcrior,- wlillu-vvull-llroK, :t)a(;k-'u|» ■HKhls,-tlnt-'

cd glasH. i>owor sonli piidded dash and

— i '•'■ y nt^ ■ — ■--




-CUSTOM 500—



Tliu Saru&l Pla^:c ---mHtfftffl e " .Valley tb buy - ,-an A - 1 C&V '- o^ Ti- uck-

New Car Department H8 J.nA Avonuo East 733-Dllll —-Used Cbp Deportment I5() 3rd Aveniin EHSt "733-1019"

LDnnr, powtr iteerlng. power

brakei, 4'Wli«e1 drive. Can h*

■■■n at Man Moiori,.Twln Padi.

Our Price $309I.01-Your Pr|co $.1002.04 Our Price t3283.87-Your- Price J.12S3,H7



Tfour Chryiltr, riymooth, C1MC


Volhiwoiieni or Fnlconi — ««. ^,^.A\

iini Irncliiri, ralrlinira

Volkiwoiieni or I'nlconi ■

B .*r>;10,14| llnniiitn,

CASH I'Olt all can and irucka-

tnakei and .all moileli. pltcn

Aulo-Wrocklng.'Wait im Itlway

7».a4gi. Acruii rront Caia Ti

Inrjn I'nul,^ m-mi. ■

Ton MXUiiJ IMS liiidtnn (:n\i|iB In

■lornuB 3!l yrnri. I'.Kiellanl ntlgl-

nnl I'ondllinn, Itiini annft, Phnna

OTB.Tnni nr ine at im Normal

■ CimvHoijiT, im liSIXirT^

mMlr" trnnSmiiilon, '"nifwar' «i"fT

Ing and lirnksa... (iooil condllloi

Mu«i iKcrlfir e v n n.un.

■ leaii. irnimnilMlii'i, riii. uili Mar'

■ i:iiry,_7.ri-n!ini ■li(ir_n;rM;

KiTiU-AC ToT*. Uimd' fiMiilIil^iTi

iTlNCol.N cnfrnNirNtAi. inflTriiv-

' ^ ffv arcdinry. Well cared (or. m-

(LIM, KetrtiuMi.

.-fi7T43A_l[)fl3J!QNTiAC_i:dQDr„lmrdtnp ^„

P-.'iOA 1 0(10 FORD ''"Irliin n f">->i»r.

3-<l(il)r liardlop ..........

C7-1U mi FALCON Sinllon Wanon

fi7-4.'iA lOM nUlCK .Skylark 0 pasBenger wagon

C7-3A lilSH PLYMOirril ^(loor .,.

C7-4GD 1003 PONTIAG Tempest

fi7-20» 1051 DODOK 3-door

(i7-33A3 10G3 VALIANT 4-<loor ,^

,,C7-23A im I'ONTIAC'Grand Prlif

'67-2^ Iflfll PONTIAC Ornnd Prix 4 -speed

flR-IDflC lono CHEVROLRT Vlt, Mnwlnrd

n74!n . liHiS.pOHTIAC, Donnovlllo„<-door

0(1-%., 10ri4 nUICK a-door tmrdlop'rfT

- 07-(iA 10(14 OLUSMOIill.E-: Uhnr' ,

OMOA 111(13 lUJICK Itlvlera :

ti7-I(lA 10115 MEITCURY Pnrklanc, nir conditioning .

flfl-iriflC 1005 CCIMF-T A-tltHir !il«tlni\ wbrhh

P-OOA 10(12 OLDSMOnn.F. OB HolI.Uiy Hnlan

flfl-227A lOfl.1 OLD.SMOmi.E ,Sp()it Kcdan ,.,

(lfl-22flA'lD(i2 PONTIAC ,S'lftr Chief ncdnu

_fl(l-123C 1001 INTl-ltNATIONAI. .Scont 1

I'-fil iDfls"pr.VMouTirFuryni 3-<iii(ir';..;..."..':.



. $ 3or.

. »170.'i .

. ViWt !

, S'4ll.'i

, J m

. i m

. i2m


. 12(1(1,'!" ■

. s mr\


. iim

. s'jiior>

. til 0.1

. yim-

. ium

. $1(105

. Sin!i.i

: $240.1 '

$ 2H7

$ 2113



% m



$ m".


$ m '




' tl5HII



.$ m .



'Iliern l\ always

B J^nrgnln'-ln

lo|1ay-a Wont Adi

Ank tor Clnnslllrrt

PHONE 733-0031

DON'T I'OltCiFT - Wo hnvo moved! 'Sllll 2 liictillonn, In

(orvo yo|i iHsllor. 712 Ainin Aypmio .Soidli and I'jisl 6 Piiliiln,

Abbie Uriguen


■ Where the ONLY Deula Ave GOOD Deals' *, ' '

KAI.Ii.SMP.N; 'lluht ItDprosontallvei Kelly Miiuk. B43-^03li >

Jorome Itopraiuiiilollve: Winn Ellis, 324-4(120; Twin I'nlln

Koprononlnllvo) - Joo ANtuniulii, 733-377flf ' llnrrV llnnn- ■

/ord, 733-2BI!J.


Ask for Ciassiried'"





- Is




'Of New 19(10 Fords and Executive Cor*

Thesn cam carry (iO.OOO mllo —'24 month factory warronty.

.SHU n koihI flelectlon of ;ierles, colors hnd body styles.

...Priced At DEALER'S COST-

' llure are s

'fiO T-niRD

l.tLlMlfiKM, 4'(K sntilMa, iviX

piiwor InfUldlng .nli-.-uundi-

jlonliiK, ^tarllnhiH irai ^ witli

iilii.'*(a*raoVii]iD, llnind I'laii,

New'prl'co (5fiH0,53

flAI.Il PHICK $4(503


Tiidnr linrdlop, ;inii VS en.

yall II

nerliig. tndl(i,

, -lu, iTiilail wlL,.- -

lilluy Brmi[l: wIiBol cnwti.

Luliel t'rirn $34.1:)

.SAI.K IMtlCP. $37211

NEW 'flfl cu.sroM

Ron furdiir aadan, m VH er

, Pi'i

i^l'i'j,' llnloi'l 'will"

I'rli';t!''$323«.4fl ,




t'ovflnr *trtn«. ifto'hMwpowtT

tyllndor anilna, whlla wall

llrei. raillo, irelillia iiat belli,

(Inieil winiltliklit. wheek (nv


nn liaw '(in Muilang hardlnp

.I'ciiipD USli VS oiiBliie, 4.ipead

IranimlKlon, w Ti 1 1 • wall

lliai, liitmlor ilacor. group

power aleerlni, railjo,

Ijiliid Prlcn $3139.49

■ SALE PRICE (3,5S5 ^


Ilarirlinrif Cuilom. S cyJInder

riiNliia, daUiaa aaal balli,

llnKd wlndihlald, whail ciiv.

. ijibcl Price $33niI,B7' '

.SALK PRICn 12120

i"|i"m" wiv



Also Solection of

, USED cars'- 'VRKMr^NDOUSiSAVmoS,


See! Gary Towln^ Gerald Dyson, Jolinnle Boytr





• Fnlly equipped.

1004 RAMDI.ER V8 7io'i,,,


^■(l(Ml^ nedlill, ^

ll)03-RAl(lDLER 4.door Soilnn .,

.............. $ 999

1062 RAMpi,nR Ciislom 4;climr.

"f. NOW, $.005

mi OLDsHlCMoor ScJnn , . . . .


I'litly eciulppi'd.

1901 I'LYMOUTll Fury V8 ...

viT..... ...... t 095


lOStt IM-YMOUTil rury vT iT.T

^. SPECIAL t 205

4-door sodun,



To Choose From


Used Cars & Trucks

Olflco Phone, 733-7303

Truck l.ono West, 'Twin Pnlls . .


- 733-0501 733-1U8



-J . ...

' Hat Change Is Way to Lose El6ctibn. inVietNam


woman wanls lo be n scrminr

she should wear the same hat,

hnvC'^lenty of money, and noi

fall forllwt "w(iman-s place is

irt tho hrirrte" gag.

SdSsrfycth Mnurine D. Ntubcr-

■ gcr, who. ought to^knnw. She's

been -In Ihc Sonato six years,

one of only Iw- ■"^ "

world of 98 men.

— itant-fciiiinifiir

berger^ rcliring

own decision.

But she'han raised her soft,

low-keyed voice on more tlyin

one occasion. Shi; has iieon an

outspokcp foe br cigarctlcs and

excessive cnmpaign spfniling^

and once aort-ptcd eviction from

— her-apartment raihcr 'lhnn give

■up her cat. Muffc[. .

- At 59, .Mrs. NeuljergEr loolc!

■ 10 years ■younger. A Democrat

—from— Port fand,— drcl-amLJi.

ily iwo women itt a -footing -or-mousy."-

i men. "I'm nni a mil- can't go lo thCOthci

former suite Icgrsjalo/,- she .wj.^

• elected Lo.tho Sc(iatc in 195frto^

fill the. post vacaictl" by llie

^n,tt, nf hpr .tiii-il7.Tp d. Hichard

- ' ^-V lOfri, s"- -■

world of poHlics, Irilo "bnckf ifeht-

Ing and grubbing. ' Before -she

put? her name on tho ballot, she

encounlera pnijudlcc and people

lying, .'A woman's place is in

the home.' ' - -

She has to walk iTvory tight

wire in clsnductlng her cam-

paign. She can't bo too^ gussy-

aus'y.-' AIsO, she

Other extreme —

bctlige'r^nl, "coarse, nasty.

A', JVhy aren't more wom'en

running for public -office?

A,- I'm disappolnlcd they

aren't:. For one thing, it's. the

war. W^tmen are cspfclally sen-

sitive ■ lo war."- Ttiey^rec Jicre

(Sen. J."-Wi]liamy Fulbrlght,

(Sen. Wayne) Morse; (Defense

Secretary , Robert' S.) McNa-

itiara" and the President himself

tinable to .bring it to a conclu-

sion, to 'negotiate a' peace, or

even do anything towards a con-

1.. Ncuberger. Ii

, ricd Boston psychiatrist

Pliilip' Solomon!

" Hc.re arc so;ne"rencctl0j)s-^on

being a womaivand a senator:

Q. When you announced yo^ir

decision noT w^ sci^k I'e-omcilon.

■you said y'6u''didri'r-jvanl'*'lo be

beholde'ti/ to .some groups for

campaign money." Is money

with strings attached a prob-


A. -Everything comes-back-to

money. Every liberal Northern

mtnr whn hni' strong OOIMsl-

tnicllvc soliillorr

'I'hey think, 'My gosh. These

people are more experienced

than I am and I'd be just a little

li c e : ' iv t iig y '

ladylike and .most arc sort of

seltrdetjrccatlng. ■

Q. What kind of reaction do

you receive from >vomeij' consli'

^. Some of the meanest, most

nit-picking' opjiosition ".comes

from women. They're jealous of

you. f've had this' happen'.

Q. Do you have any rfdvlce for

an aSpinng woman politician?

A. One piece" Tof- advice" I'll

never forget, though I didn't

on a.,bluB and whlto checked.sult

with a cam'atlori'on the lapel. 1

didn't ■ consciously.. jQst kdep

Wearing It, but people began to

Identify mo with U. One daj"

n)uch later, my niece was'Iool

Ing at an qld scrapbook and

said, .'That's" that famous suit.'

I didn't realize till then 'what a

good thing I'd'doni

Q. What are the most' satis-

fying and discauraging aspects

of your term?

A.' There's a great "deal of sat-

Isfactlon when you accomplish


. But I don't parliculiu-ly- like

acclaim — publicity, being sin-

;lcd' out. .When I go some place,

ike to have my car fixed, I nov-

r jay .^m" Sen, Ncubcrger. I

always say Mrs, Neubergcr.

(Although mqrrled again, the

senator kept, the name Neubcr-

ger for politics.) ...


cy& JO, mu ch, I. love quiet — ti

be on my Own, to work In m;

garden.- I also, like to know If

■ peoplg 7 Hk e - me- b eeause-ym-

or because I'm a senator,

don't want my shoemaker or

jcwplor-to-kowtow to me.

There's plenty of^ilscourf _

days.' Sometimes, down in "the

depths-of-dSpairr-I— go-home

apd- think it Isn't worth .It,-Then

■a couple "daysHaSpr_you get tre-

'mendous support' o

passed and you forget.

q. Is there a letdown knowing

you're leaving the Senate?

" ■"A~I~don't7WBnt anybody-to

'She didfl t do her work Be-

: munUt-goala-gtn-bt- ieljtved

through coexisting with .the

West. A third Vtficc— North Vict


nid— tries to slay ncutrari>e;

tween tho giants.

In Eastern' Europe there I.i

rainbow ' of. ofpcrlmcniatlon

with varieties of Marxism, some

Involving - capitalist-style Intfen-

llves, private land. ownership. In

Asia, the rigid 'economic con-

trols and super-patriotism of

Peking arc not ccl\oed In Hanoi

or Pyongyang. Tho S^vjel Union

has liberalized its own brand of


Though -it Is widely believed

thnrCoinmunlst China pull; " '

peopl*. VIot Nam war sgits

Its mobd down to the ground.

-Jrhe — ntmosphcEC^-flt— "

seems markedly different.

Ho Chi Minh makes no claim;

to international supremacy for

TOKtO (AP)-Slx Wastern

allies with more than 3133,000

men fight boslde tho Republic of

Viet Nam. Why do the Vict Cong

and Communist North Viet Natn

dcpond~inmost,. solely on theii

own men?

Hardly a week pa'ssos without

„ call from jho Communist

ca m t^-for' grca lor- a hbI Blanco -to

the comrades In Viet Norn: | j^ings U>t North Vict Nam and

Tied China has been saying for ^^^^ ^i^^ ^ f ^ard to

I year It- is prepared to make ■ -

maximum sacrifices'

the Vietnamese. By Peking's

account, volunteers are stand-

ing by -only awaiting word from

come byT

Peking undcrilab^ sees the

Viet Nam war as a vehicle justi-

fying 'it.1 claims that people's

is the surest -weapon In f

M^.Vv ^Ki ruMUfc war is the surest -weajwn in the

North VlcfNams Ho Chi Mlnh Communist armbry. Ifthe Co/i-

to march.

The same line Is echoed, more

weakly, from Moscow, which

has-sent-tcchnicians lo North

Viet Nam.

. Fighting men. It is sUld, arc

ready to go from Pyongyang,

Buchar est, ; Budaf )C.^t:_PiaEue.

IJlqn Bator. Havana, Warsaw,

Sofia and EasJ Bcrlin.

North Korean PrcmJ?r Kim JI

ek lo- all

munists of Viet, Nam win,

will , trumpet lhiH,,JHao

lung's lhought"has"trhimphcd

once more.- China Is caught up


tlonallsm. It talks tough, chal-

Sung -apj

Communist nations

unyyy^-aconce to Viet Nam. At

tho same time he puts his finger;

on tho malaise that aborts such,



In _VleUNam,-he.-said~In effect,

bocauE& communism no longer

is the monolithic blot It was in

Stalin's day. ■ I

Thanks to a monumental

^uarrcrbetween'-the Communist

partloB-of^Chlna and-the Soviet


union7the-old-|n(<nTimDnanirat ^(VMJieusEn car-prospecT:

ike_wIth_RlsinEt!Lyi!!c( " ■ - ■ ■ -



) world, browbeats Its

hi) theories.. iTiough RS'S-rev^'

(.utlonaiy he is older and as cx-

irlenccd- as Mao, he docs not

tlqrvM enemy tni though ths

Chinese now wear 'workers,',

clothes, Ho has no desire'to'sco

(:Qmmuhrsm, surpasses all oth^

■ rs.

China Ls Viet Nam's tradl-

irlhiB-brand-ot them-mflr(3li--ln-agaIn,-evon-a3-

frlends. History' has taught Ho

iHat Chinese hands do not easily

let go of what>th6y grasp.










Special courses irf BcCourttlng. Secretarlal-bool<keeplng e^periance with busi-

ness, government, schools.

Directly familiar wTfh both farm and city problerris. Rosldont of Twin Fiails

Binco 1945. — ■

r Seek Your Support For A Full Time Treasurer.

|iii(le.Ht-wovkin« membci-R of the Senate, hen Jordan devotes-

lixteeiiUioiirs ■jt-Uiy -worJlink.-fo>' Itliil'o- ahd the Nation. His

nd - votm^^p*W«Ht:t^^

ernmentai operations/ and iiis aounu polUlcal

philosophy, keep^him-in demand for speaking


ili?ilTmt»i«^H'd ciiierr . iiV public sefvicc liaa

K'cl niul iiclniinitioii (if niiiiiV nutlnniil Icadoi'M,

'-Miimi itv-Li;udci__Kv'i!rt;ll U^rkHon, fot mcr

Hktmrd Nixwii.iind .Scii. Gortion AIMt.(H-

As~fi member of tho~5en.itb Intfirlor CommittQe,

iidil thL' 'Piiiilic I^iiiiil Review CommiHOion, J^cn

Jordan contiiuitia .to 'put Jritf wealth of "on tlie

Kroimd'' exp6i-ieiicc to'woi*k,-^n riatiii-al. re.ioiircq.

pioblomH. ■ lliH. iintirinK effortn for tlie Libljy

n'»>l-n..»..'.i:h..l/ .l.iniu, »nw iinrlpc rnii-ilrnritjlf^p,

Juive Ijct'ii iipjtlaiulfii by botli political parties.

Senator Len Jei^dan ^ an

. LcTi Jortlan sc'rveB our c |>untny^j]n)jjm:ycBji.(?__we))..

^ has oai^ned the. confidence pf men oir both sitlea of the

■ Senate 'aiaJe,..for they-havc-Ieai'nod that Jordan meetB

'X^ffs reiponaihilitiet in h manner llhat'all Americans can

respect. He has earned the coiiifidencc of Idaho for his

constant efforts to iidvancc our growing industry and

- etonQm^ ^ J,.


'Usuall y. the fir st s giuitor on tlie job when

' the doors of the Senate oi'i'ice buildili^i' ti[\m dl T.ao a.m. . . 'v

' and_amoiiglthe last t o leav e at ni ght . . . Senator Lcn Jorda n

jiiembers of^both parties, he hfia-dOTionstrated' his ability to rep-

-i:eseat-Idaho-withriT>atu rifeyv~\'^^Q'»'^Bd'''^^fgftt< ^XiJ "~ ' ' — '-- — -

In flpite of a bmy schedule, Scntitor

---JiJCdan nlWAya takesitime'to-encouragc

youiur people -mid 'to licrp develop «

ffrowing love oC country and freedom.

Lcn Joi-dan cnjoyB n warm, pei'Honal fncnd-

Hlllp witti the former PrcKideiU- DwitfliJ, b-i-

seiihowcr under ^vhom Jordmi served a«

Chairman' of -the Uniled Slates BCcHon or..

the Inlernntioinil Joint CommiwionTtJ.S.-.

Canada) mid iifi director of a HUrvoy ieam "

Hent to A full a nlH tan tS investlRutc and,

report. ou Hie rcclnmatioii potential of that,

country. ■ , . v- ' ■ ■

J . -Lcri Jordan's ■ noflUIqn on=:8io Space Commlttoo

Ib an important aBHiirnmoiit, Here' ho ctiats with

BBtromiuts Edward White and Vlrftll (Gub) Gria-

:fiom after tholrnhlBtorlc flight anil Wlilto a. cele-

brated "valk In Hpace."j5 —

effectiye Yoice

Lcii Jordan Iius 'ajwiiya believed Hint his-pi-iiiiaiy duty

iB..to rcpi-csent Idiiho'H intci-«nt3. in Wasliington .

not Waalungton's jntcresta in Idaho. Oura if) a growing

Btjitc, but fltill fur sliOrt oC its potential. Lcn Jordan

Viwkn for nonpd and »on»il)io fedcjral moa-iurcs that will

help, onr ntatc reach its full dovclopmont. Ho hjis nuide

grciit progrcBS. But, beyond our local needs, Len Jordan ■

■ 'A ... ., '

serves our larger interests as AmoricanSf We want a

■ healthy and growing America. Wb- want an_ATnoriCtt_._

strong and free'. We wanl an America at peaeo. So"

does Senator Lcn Jordan/who has become a respected

voice. on the national, scene becauac he Uiinlis BtrnigbC,.

ho flpcalts liiB mind, 1,10 bucks his words with hard vvji'lc...


-^Len Jordan recently made^tfii? short statement

of conviction : "The basic responsibility- o^ any

man in. public office is just_thi5: to make every

effort tQ. represent as truly^as he can the' people,

who put himjihere. Government's role as I see,

it is to act ii^esponsivepaEtnership witfi citizens

in furtherance of each man's aiin-^fpr personal

Belf-resp.e"ct~I"am 'persuadfel3-th'at^i3blie-6ff

^hgirld' tit r Uieir Uiiiikliig ' u ut- t o-the-conaensus-of— ;

-ihe goveming^ but to the- consent of-the-govemed.!?

.J^iiiiatiX'en Jordan-believes in, he fights for. He has .

-had-the-eourag^fp-say-^noif-to-ifedera!-legislation —

that, while high-aounding an3 sugar-coate^, would^ •

in^oae further control and restrictions on all'or;

X,en Jordan knows Idaho, He is at hojne in the

great Sawtooth Range~as'well'^~'^i^e miles of

fili'inlandy which; otrcc-were-desi

on -Baldy Mountain where there is great sluing j

at home among the sheepherde rs'on the move f r.Qm

oire^jasture "arid "altitude to", another ;/'ar home

watching, witife^ sharp eye a log drive on the

:^=Gleai^aJ;er— Rivefcor-1;he^fi Coeu r

-d'-A-l pTi p and T,jit.t,Ie Redfish Lake; in silver.- lead,

ljl!'a"ridlbther mine^^j^ slreets^;store6,,anilbug-

iness houses firom Blackfoot, Pocatello and Twin

■"~Falls ■to-<3aldv9eHH^i'ange\4He-and-^onnei^^

tiorltles on water resourc.ea, Len Jordan

vater rights. >Here- he looks at_Lucky_


~ some of our citizens^^iNo matter, what the area-

— ^:-.-education,— agi'iculture— mining;-lumbering,_

. business, labor, etc. ; . -. Len Jordan will continue—

"^to"fight'for legislation that .ke^pa maximum con- -

' trol.at the local and state levels. ;

I4en Jordan k nows' the problems of a farm hand

as well as those, of a busInessmanporTancherT—


<)r-aeholar,-or-G<^<>ynQi^iij/etQran. -Hfl ifi or.Jhai

This is Idaho [. , . "one of the most diversif ied^d

decentralized^^ all states^.-. . aild Len Jordan

\& divfir ' tjifitiU..ti|(>iigh^u> go Willi a M: — \ — '—

Len Jordj^n has oljvayB recognized tho invaluable contribution to

Idaho's ecbhoiny of a good-highway system; Two achievements of

his admims1:ratfi5lV''hs Governor were the establishment of the

-Highway-Department-and-itie-Pish^nd-GaniG-DfliinTtment" Oir^

professional merit basis, thus taking thehri out of political patron-

age. ; ' •■

0 fcdorni lands, which ohnbtos

ch' otiierwf&o would bo lost to-

^?tors. .

y^en tt comes to conservation problems, Len Jordan goes to

'|«fnw the problem cotlati,' discusses the matter with thoso

. \ JUtvolved, then takes direct action to resolve it, < ■ -

Len Jordan knows, tho vaWtf or iin\edu{i'atIon. On ,

his oWh from the age of^J5, ^b-QVibrkcd his way''

-thrauith.tha-lInlvoraity._of tmSffonTncquIring n Phi

Beta Knppa key on the w^iy. During his term as .

Governor, state laid to'^prlifipp' and secondary ■

flchools was; Increased by fifty porHJcnt. .Subatnn-.

tial Increases were granted for higher cduiatljitn and ,

tcacl)era', retirement was granted- funds .to' restore

Its integrity and make it actuarlly sound. \ .

" Lcii Jordan workfl;dlllBontty to protect ldaho'sirWat^r and to Insure Itfl

use on Idah6 land. The' record Is cl^car on thin vital issue . J^^p

Jordan has always fought^ for Icglalatton that will oQsuro' the u^e

of upstream water by upstream statesL ' '




, ■ . VA .

■ ijiodjii=l4i<rfincBt^TivC"rican- ll^ition

^,„_ a' sCory of energetic,^successful

n(:comp!iRhmcnriiT"e*fefy phase of his

life. His *(l»icalion was . iblcrrtipted

by service in WorlAAV.ar I;,, He enlisted and watf^jom-

missio'iied an --in'f 'i^tit[-y -ifpntul Itfutfn.nnl Hpi^eir:

worked h; "

iiy tliroiiKli col lege with jH U:t=time-campH!

Ifonbrs-, (lid graduate" study in economics, i Hard-hit

financially-in Ihe-midst^of-Uio-depressioil^of-tlie-lflSO's,

he "overcame adversity his- characteristic way . . .

by fatniE the problem, squarely and'Ulking direct'

action. He carved' a rimch nJ)me~for- hj3_fami]y_Jn.

the Hell's Cany_on_wiIdornes8rbiiiltrit^llllo a profitable-

()I)enn.ion''and sold it after ten years of unrelenting

cffortr The chronicle of the Jordan family lifcon the

ranch was written by'Jordan'.s wife,- Grace E. Jordan,

and becaiyie a bcst-s51Ier.

After becoming: -ir sttcccsKful iiirmcr and ranclier, Lon

Jordan hcqqircd an auto dealership and a farm equip-

ment -firm at^jSrangeyjlie, "operatcd'iln insurance and

feal~estate-,bugi ncss and _T nanaeed— gi4Hn— inid bt-'CiT

'^orage-pro ces inhgr'- - - ~ , ,

irr^S^G.XtSltriOrdfln-moyedriiito "IdaHo-pubH

as a^tate Legislator from Idaho County. Then followed

hiH.excellentadministfttion'as Governor, service to the

nation under President Eisenhower, and appoiiitment.

to the U.S. Senate tfi_aucceed-the-late"Senat6r "Henry C.

ITnir^TT^aQg : -' II I- N ovcmher-of-that-^eftr,— the-

clected Len Jordan.to fill the unexpired


— 3^ie-activc Jordai

'Pii^{^ Pli|yi^'^?^ '''l^ together for-a photo on the occnsion .

1 njs sfale hcadnuarters lor his tjucccsstul irbverifor=~

of the opening w

-ship-cnrnpaigii-1n-l050rLeft~to rltOUzso)rSloverMrs.'Gvac(rJDrdan^.

J-"^ Tire - fen Jordan ranclf-'-Home Uelow Helld Uflhyilli— lot-eigin-year

- — ^the-Kirkwood Bar-iii-the Snake-River-was aecesBible-oi^y-by-foofc- or

^horseback"-over-^-namuLtauLwhich_wound up1;iie cra ggy ca nyon wall,

■ab6vc-the-river.. Jordan^operfltedJhe:rflnch_{QrJeit y&xsr

Jordan sorvod duriuR. WorlcT iVnr I-ns

un irtfanliy lieuUinaiit. Hls/kon, Joseph.

,..iti R gradiintc! of the Unilod.Statea. Mili-

tary Acivitomy'arWcflFTfillit'

Itutichinp: on tlio Snako River spread wan n

jTunilly. affair. Gnice, ft former iimtructor at

the Ujitversily of Oregon," coiijUicled a nehool

for tbo clilldron at tlio kiluhon Uil)lc for uiglit

yeuia^ ,. ' ,

j.LoiuJoi.-daU id ntiU fls much

at hoiiiu iif^trido a K^od Idaho

lionu) iiH ho is on the floor oC

tlic United Sluloa Sonato. ,

Len Jordan helped his., author ' wlfo

Grace celebrate che publication of her

book "Homo Below. Hella Canyon" by'

! cutting- a huge cake mndo nfl nn ovor-

I bI/o replica of the book tvhich'tclln the

I fitory of their life oil the isolated Klrk*"

t wo(jd Bar ranch on. the" Snnkc Tllyei'.

[Mrs. Jorditn- has .nincc uutl)orod th'rc«

I othor publiuhc'd works. . , . . '

Geriend D.wighl D. EJsenliowBr launched 'his

first campnign for Iho' presidency in''.19t>2, '

nt, the Western OovcrnorH' 'Conference at

which Lon Jf)rdnn, then Governor of Idaho, .

served an lio«t.- They arc sjiown above at

' the Capitol steps rally whore over 20,000

..Iduhoans. cheered Ike. __' .' _' .

'Lcn ^Iordftn was unnntmously nominated in 1902

by tlie Idaho State Itopublicaii Central Commit-

^tee for the unexpired United gtntOH-3(!liato;ferm"

, of the late Senator Henry Dwdrshak. Appointed

Scnnlor by tlovonior Smyllo, ho waa . on the

job" for I'llftho within a matter of hours. Above,

taking the" oath of office from Senator Carl

Haydcn dfAi'iiionn, Senate President Pro Tern.

PAGE eight/

Advert iH emeu t

What others say about


"Senfitof Lett Jordan^s faithjul service ^^^ the pub-

lid offices lie has held at man-^ levels has nghtfully

earned for' him' the est ee in and gratittide- of the

citi&eris of his state'CT^V^g the eight years of my

- ^residency, I. Mahly_vpl\ied_^ oth'J^ and

i irc uu ' iLSU. . ■■' ' ' ■ : '

'':or-the-eaf£e-of-M<tfi^>--an€lr- th e- naiim t M ^ . . . „

critical period, of American history, .1 hope the citi-

z enmi of. his state will re-el(^t Len Jordan. do the

Senate of the U nited Utates itiJddff?^-

!Ijri/=.-^U.— = ::^=^Pwi'ghtrD.-Eisenhower

. "In recollection, 1- recall the jfreat diid ''^ '


ator Len Jordan of Idaho. As a former Governor' of

that greaiMaie,_asJhe_CM

SecUonraf-tlts^Vint Commis,sioiii, and, as a^Vnitedl^.

States Senatqr He gave^unstintingly of Kis^taUnis'

energies and time to bring this project to it^ present

stage. " • .■' ' ':"•]-_ ' . . ' \

— ^f / c kneU rfrom first-Htiiid knowledge wllat Libby

would mem J-o IdaJio a long' the KootenaUand he

worked- sttennously- and, unremittingly for many.

years to bring abou t Libby Bsm*s..<ffpp roval^ '" '..

■ "We owe Senator' Len Jordan nvucnfor what he'

has.done^artd ive appreciate m0e than we can say liis^^

g^^eat and. distinctive contribjition to. this project:'" ■

—Senator Mike Mansfield,. Senate Majority Leader- ;

Senator Jordan's


Senator Len B, Jordan .'"Born, Mt, Pleasant, Utah. Served

as 2nd Lijeutenant, U.S. Army Infantry, 1918. Graduated,

' University of Oregon, p.A., busintss administration, 1923.

Gi'iiduate study ih economics. University of Oregon, 1923-

24, Member Phi Beta Kappa, national honoyai^, scholastic

"sodety, , ..IJf.ncher, wheat farmer,; businc38man.r"'Member,,.,

■ Idaho House of Representatives, 1947^9. Governor of Idaho,

■ 1961-55. Chairman, If.S. Section, Iiiternational JoinV Com-

mission! 1965-67.. Member, In ternational Develo pment, Adi- ,

— visor/TJOaru, 191)5^69. Appointed to U.SrSenato. August,

^02, to replace late Son. Henry Dworshak. Elected to com-,

Xplete unexpired term. Nov., 1962. Member Tntorior and

Insular Affairs Committce-r-Jointi Economic Committee —

: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee , Public Land

Law .Koviow Comhiifaioh; ■ . '• ~

Rfl'Elcct^Soimlor Jordan CommItloi)/wm. S. Campboll, Ciialrimm'

rancher,, a farmer, a State' legiilalor, Goimwrvf

Idaho, international adviser and negotiutor^jm water

problems and tjjiost recently as a member of the Sen-

ate Interior-Committee. HeAa cdihniing forward a

lifetimej>pioork -for7^inprehensive. water conserva-

-~ tton a.nd dejielppment -for Idaho and the Nation,'

• His method. is itimo'st thorbugKness, ratioml argu-

ment dn^^ statesman-like avoidance . of damaging

worthy iiidter p>:ojedts by alloiving' them to fall prey

'". to partisan political bickering. Senator- Jor^i has

been stead fastjn his insistence th)it the basin of

— origiii-nmst-hmerftrst-cdU=onnh'^me^^

-. own water. Be has established the shortsightedness

of schemes of -ivater distribution which merely rob

Peter to pay, Paul." ' ^ . , -

. ^ —Senato>-- Everett Dirksen , ScnateJImodtvJLcaddF"

^ "/ have the greatest admiration for Len Jordan

and am confident thai the people of Idaho will cxef-

, die their excellent judriment and send him' back to

the Senate with a smashing victory iiylOOO and thus

. make a truly valuable contribution to the best mtec-

ests of the nation." , ■ , •

— — Senator Margaret Chase Smith

^ . "It's absurd for anyone to infer Senator Jordan

, w not protecting our ,paier righ ts. He's had some


■ , . — N. V. Sharp, DemQcrat, Former 'Chairman ■

• ' Snake River Committee Nine

"Senator Len Jordan, a iuccessful t<Aho rancher,

.prmably has a better understanding of shceiimcn's

problems than any othen' membe'r of Congress." '

—K--K. (Bill) SiddoWay,. President

... I , Idnlio Woolgrpwora Assn, .

SUNDAy. OCTOBER 30. 1966




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