The recipe for six-pack abs isn't all that complicated: crank out an abs workout, eat a nutrient-rich diet, and consume fewer late-night pizzas in a single sitting."The best way to avoid injury, whether in the gym, at home, or at the workplace, is by building a strong core". Want to do yoga better? Run faster? Squat heavier? Carry the shopping without struggling? It all begins with your core. Just like anything worth having, building a successful core doesn't happen overnight, it requires persistence and consistency both in and out of the gym. Ever heard the saying `abs are mad in the kitchen"? Well guess what, they truly are. Abs are something everybody wants, so I have put together what I believe is the perfect abs guide to build the best mid section possible.

This abs guide is composed of seven abdominal exercises carefully chosen to hit both the upper and lower ab muscles. Use them to get a ripped core.

The magnificent 7 Ab circuit.

3 rounds with 20 seconds rest between each exercise.

1. Sit up - 15-20 reps 2. Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise 15- 20 reps 3. Jackknife Situps 15-20 reps 4. Flat Bench Leg Pull in 15-20 reps 5. Toe Touchers 15- 20 reps 6. Crunches 15-20 reps 7. Reverse Crunch 15 - 20 reps

Rest for 1-2 Minutes between the rounds

This is a fairly advanced ab workout, so how you do it matters.

Beginners are better off performing just three out of the seven exercises for two sets each of as many reps as possible, with a minute of rest between sets. From there, build up your fitness and endurance by adding exercises and sets and cutting back on your rest periods.

A reasonable goal is to be able to do the seven exercises in a big circuit all at once, rest a minute or two, and repeat it two more times by the end of 12 weeks.

As you build up to that, feel free to break up the workout in different ways. For instance, I like to perform supersets like this:

Repeat 3 times:

Exercise 1 and 2,

rest 30 sec.

Exercise 3 and 4,

rest 30 sec.

Exercise 5 and 6,

rest 30 sec.

Exercise 7,

rest 60 sec.

Perform each set to momentary muscle failure, or until you can't easily do another rep.


Note that I haven't included any direct oblique work. In my experience, direct oblique work only leads to a wider waistline. Besides, obliques get enough stimulation from exercises like squats, deadlifts, and other full-body weight training.

When To Work Your Abs

For most people, performing this routine a minimum of three days per week will be plenty. An advanced bodybuilder could do it just about every day.



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