|Front of Index Card/Colony |5 – Colony is drawn or traced on the front of the card. Properly labeled with correct spelling. Color coded according to location |

|(5 Points) |(New England, Middle, or Southern) |

|Location (5 Points) |5 – The proper location is listed on the back of the card. Location should include whether it is a New England, Middle, or Southern |

| |colony. Absolute/specific location is not required. |

|Economy (5 Points) |5 – At least three (minimum) economic activities are listed on the back of the card for each colony. |

|Founder (5 Points) |5 – The correct founder(s) is listed on the back of the card for each colony. |

|Reason For Creation |5 – The correct reason for each colony being created is listed on the back of the card. This portion should be specific according to |

|(5 Points) |the information discussed in class. |

|Webpage Evaluation |5 – Student chose one of their internet resources used to complete the project and successfully evaluated the credibility of the site |

|(5 Points) |used on the evaluation sheet provided. |

|One Paragraph Essay |5 – Student chose one of the 13 colonies they would lived in during this time period and provided sufficient evidence as to why they |

|(5 Points) |colony would be a desirable place to live. |

The total amount of points available for this project will be 35. Therefore, if a student earns all a 35 out of 35 possible points, then that will translate to a 100% on the project.


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